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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 70 of the Pensions Act, 1913.

The Commissioner oi? Pensions to the Hon. the Minister op Pensions. Sir, — Pensions Department, Wellington, 31st July, 1920. I have the honour to furnish herewith, for the information of Parliament, the report of the Department relating to war, old-age, widows', military (Maori War), and miners' pensions for the year ended 31st March, 1920. The following summaries show at a glance the position at the close of the year : —

Pensions in Force and Annual Value at 31st March, 1920.

Gross Payments, Year 1919-20.

Cost per head of European population, £2 6s. 9d.

PENSION LEGISLATION. During the year legislation was embodied in the Finance Act, 1919, amending certain of the provisions relating to war, widows' (civil), and miners' pensions, providing for pensions in respect of the death and disablement of police officers, and extending the benefits of the War Pensions Acts to persons already in receipt of pensions payable in respect of service in the Boer War.

Number of Pensions. „ f „ . Allowances T . , Avora S e Pension - Statutory , ... Total Pensions. Aot 1917 Pensions. Statutory. Total. Par .. ild-age ■/idows' lilitary liners' 34,571 19,993 3,444 939 415 ~T~ I £ £ £ £ £ 1,869,366 .. 1,869,366 54 54 471,826 259,909 731,735 23 36 185,968 .. 185,968 54 "54 33,804 9,490 43,294 36 46 23,543 .. 23,543 56 56 Totals .. 59,362 2,584,507 269,399 ,2,853,906 i

Statutory Pensions. T ° tal PensioM> War .. Old-age Widows' Military (Maori War) Miners' Totals .. £ £ £ 1,812,419 .. 1,812,419 475,869 257,099 732,968 136,815 .. 136,815 34,973 10,112 45,085 16,652 .. 16,652 2,476,728 267,211 2,743,939



The War Pensions Amendment extended the rights of wives of disabled soldiers married in New Zealand to those married outside of New Zealand during the soldier's service, and to others married in New Zealand who, in the opinion of the War Pensions Board, should be regarded as deserving cases. The restriction in regard to further pension rights on the death of the soldier appearing in the 1917 Act, however, applies to these. The civil widows' pension was increased to 7s. 6d. a week for the widow with children with an additional 7s. 6d. a week for each child. A limitation, however, was imposed that the income (including pension) of the pensioner must not exceed £1 ss. a week with 10s. a week added for each child. This had the immediate effect of increasing the annual appropriations under this particular head by approximately £70,000 per annum. The ten years' residence in New Zealand required in respect of children born out of New Zealand was reduced to three years, with the proviso that the father had died in New Zealand. The pension payable under the Miner's Phthisis Act, 1915, was increased in the case of the married man from £1 a week to £1 10s. a week, and in the case of the single man from 15s. a week to £1 a week. Further, the provision limiting the period of payment for widows' pension to two years was repealed and a pension during widowhood was established. The effect of these increases was an immediate addition to the annual appropriations of, in round figures, £8,000 per annum. In regard to the pensions payable in respect of the death and disablement of police officers, the total number of applications lodged, under this head to date is nine. Of these four have been granted and five rejected, the annual charge being £331. WAR PENSIONS. Total Claims lodged to Date. From ■ Prom Soldiers. Dependants. From Ist September, 1915, to 31st March, 1916 .. .. 798 681 Year 1916-17 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,958 2,017 Year 1917-18 .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,148 3,754 Year 1918-19 .. .. .. .. .. .. 14,749 5,292 Year 1919-20 .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,493 3,990 Totals .. .. .. .. ..39,146 15,734 Officers. Men. Total. Total casualties by death (including missing) to 31st March, 1920 .. .. .. 16,781 Total discharges from Forces to 31st March, 1920 .. .. .. 4,354 76,448 80,802 Gross Annual Value of all Pensions granted to Date. .j Annual Average Value. Pension. £ £ From Ist September, 1915, to 31st March, 1916.. 1,214 56,488 46 Year 1916-17 .. .. .. ..5,316 285,707 53 Year 1917-18 .. .. .. .. 10,587 780,057 73 Year 1918-19 .. .. .. ..16,954 1,167,081 68 Year 1919-20 .. .. .. .. 15,183 872,627 57 49,254 £3,161,960 £64 Note.—The number of pensions granted as shown herein does not include children's pensions, the values of which, however, form part of the pensions payable to parents (or guardians), and are included in the annual values total.

Summary of Annual Liability at 31st March, 1920.

Including the 3,765 children, tho average of the grand total 38,336 pensions in force on the 31st March, 1920, is £49 per annum.

Class of Pension. Number. Annual Value. Average Pension. Soldiers (permanent) Soldiers (temporary) Dependants (temporary) . . iVidows of soldiers )ther dependants of deceased soldiers 2,130 23,144 1,517 2,075 5,705 £ 126,510 1,223,342 88,473* 238,693f 192,347 £ 59 53 58 115 34 Totals 34,571 1,869,366 I.869.366 54 * Including the pensions of 1,452 children. ■f Including ;lie pensions of 2,31.3 children.



Return showing Number of Children in Receipt of Pensions as at 31st March, 1920, grouped in Families.

There are 681 widows of soldiers in receipt of pensions who have no children. Summary of Payments, 1919-20. £ £ Paid through Post Office £.1,773,624 (less outstandings £174) .. .. .. 1,773,450 Less payments on account of — Commonwealth pensions .. .. . .. .. 18,478 Canadian pensions .. . . . . . . .. .. 1,920 South African pensions .. .. .. .. .. 19 Imperial Government to dependants of munition workers . . .. 35 Police officers.. . . .. . . . . .. .. 14 Boer War veterans . . . . . . . . .. .. 84 20,550 1,752,900 Paid by High Commissioner in London .. .. .. .. .. .. 58,4.47 Paid by Dominion of Canada .. . . . . .. . . . . .. 474 Other foreign payments . . . . .. . . .. .. .. 258 Lump sum payments .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 340 £1,812,419 Note.- Payments made; by Commonwealth Government are not included in these figures, as the actual accounts had not come to hand at the end of the year. Summary of Total Actual Payments to 31st March, 1920. £ From Ist September, 1915, to 31st March, 191.6 .. .. .. .13,910 Year 1916-17 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 180,389 Year 1917-18 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 515,445 Year 1918-19 .. .. •.-. .. 1,199,755 Year 1919-20 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,812,419 £3,721,918

Pensions payable outside New Zealand as at 31st March, 1920.

Number of Children in Family. Disabled Soldiers. Deceased Soldiers. Number. Total Children. Number. Total Children. 7 6 5 A 2 5 19 39 97 218 430 14 30 95 156 291 436 430 4 11 16 62 136 318 847 28 66 80 248 408 636 847 1 Totals 1,452 2,313

Soli liers. Wives of Soldiers. Dei Depei idants. Permanent. Temporary. Temporary. I Widows. Other Dependants. Annual Liability. ireat Britain Australia )ther countries 67 24 7 225 231 30 32 14 1 208 67 17 646 152 22 £ 60,267 25,9.12 3,267 Totals 98 486 47* 292f 820 89,446 I * Children of these, 34. t Children of these, 23:



OLD-AGE PENSIONS. European. Maori. Total. Pensions in force at 31st March, 1919 .. .. .. 19,099 773 19,872 New pensions granted, 1919-20 .. .. .. .. 2,161 128 2,289 Deaths during 1919-20 .. .. .. .. 1,704 941 „ IftH Cancellations, 1919-20.. .. .. .. .. 358 12) ' Net increase .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 121 Pensions in force at 31st March, 1920 .. .. ..19,198 795 19,993 Year 1919-20. Total European population at 31st March, 1920 .. .. .. .. .. 1,174,139 Total European pensioners, 65 and over, at 31st March, 1920.. .. .. .. 16,690 Female European pensioners, 60 to 64, at 31st March, 1920 .. .. .. .. 2,508 Percentage of European pensioners to total European population .. .. .. 1-6 New claims lodged .. .. .. . . .. .. , . .. 3 029 New claims rejected .. . . ~ .. .. .. .. . . 634 Annual liability at 31st March, 1920 (statutory pension) .. .. .. .. £471,826 Annual liability at 31st March, 1920 (including allowance under Finance Act, 1917) . . £731,735 Average pension (statutory) . . .. .. .. .. . . .. £23 12s. Average pension (total) . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . . £36 12 S . Gross expenditure for year (statutory pension) .. . . .. . . .. £475 ; 869 Gross expenditure for year (including allowance under Finance Act, 1917) . . .. £732,968 Decrease on figures of previous year ... .. .. .. .. .. £10,095 Cost per head of European population . . .. .. .. .. . . 12s. 6d. Credit from National Endowment .. .. .. .. .. .. £33,851 Refunds paid to Public Account .. .. .. .. . . .. .. £645 Number of pensioners in homes and hospitals .. .. .. . . . . 864 Amount paid to controlling authorities of these .. .. . . . . .. £34,578 Number of pensioners in mental hospitals .. .. .. .. .. .. 79 Amount paid to Mental Hospitals Department on account of these . . . . .. £2,970 Absolutely forfeited instalments .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £3 301 Instalments forfeited and subsequently paid .. .. .. . . . . £5 151 Total claims lodged to date .. .. .. .. .. 09,275 Total claims established .. . . .. . . .. . . 54,062 Total deaths .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 27,078 Total cancellations .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,991 Grand total paid since 1898 .. .. .. .. .. £7,928,788 Total credit from National Endowment .. .. .. .. £269,020 WIDOWS' PENSIONS. European. Maori. Total. Pensions in force at 31st March, 1919 .. .. .. .. 3,152 59 3,211 New pensions granted, 1919-20 .. .. .. .. 671 96 767 Cancellations during 1919-20 .. .. .. 522 12 534 Net increase .. .. .. .. .. .. 233 Pensions in force at 31st March, 1920 .. .. .. ..3,301 143 3,444 Total children in receipt of pensions at 31st March, 1920.. .. .. .. .. 8 314 Year 1919-20. New claims lodged . . .. .. .. .. .. ~ .. 934 New claims rejected . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . . 177 Annual liability at close of year .. .. .. .. .. , . .. £185 968 Average pension .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . . £54 Gross expenditure for year .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ £136,815 Increase on figures of previous year . . . . . . . . . . .. £55 963 Cost per head of European population . . .. . . .. .. .. 2s. 4d. Refunds paid to Public Account .. . . . . .. .. , . . . £76 Absolutely forfeited instalments .. .. . . .. . . . . ~ £1 709 Instalments forfeited and subsequently paid .. .. . . . . .. £\ 778 Average of total family of pensioners .. . . ~ . . . . . , 3.6 Average of family under fourteen years . . .. .. .. .. .. 2-4 Total claims lodged to date .. . . . . . . . , 6,993 Total claims established .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,817 Total number of children benefited .. .. .. ~ 14,350 Total deaths .. .. . . .. .. .. .. 100 Total guardians appointed . . .. . . .. . . 53 Total cancellations .. . . .. .. .. .. 2,326 Grand total paid to date .. .. .. .. .. .. £432,686



Total Number of Children on whose Account Pension granted. Number of Children Pensioners, under Fourteen. 1911-12 .. .. .. .. .. .. 791 1,923 1912-13 .. .. .. .. .. .. 657 1,604 1913-14 '.. .. .. .. .. .. 421 1,090 1914-15 .. .. .. .. .. ..458 1,158 1915-16 .. .. .. .. .. .. 444 1,180 1916-17 .. .. .. .. .. .. 421 1,075 1917-18 .. .. .. .. .. .. 509 1,198 1918-19 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,349 3,252 1919-20 .. .. .. .. .. .. 767 1,870 Totals .. .. .. .. 5,817 14,350 MILITARY PENSIONS. European. Maori. Total. Pensions in force at 31st March, 1919 .. .. .. ..787 253 1,040 Deaths during 1919-20 .. .. .. .. 77 29 106 New pensions granted, 1919-20 .. .. .. ..1 4 5 Net decrease .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 101 Pensions in force at 31st March, 1920 .. .. .. .. 711 228 939 Year 1919-20. New claims lodged .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 Number of pensioners previously in receipt of old-age pensions .. .. .. .. 213 Number of pensioners not in receipt of war bonus .. .. .. .. .. 209 Annual liability at close of year (statutory pension) .. .. .. .. .. £33,804 Annual liability at close of year (including allowance under Finance Act, 1917) .. .. £43,294 Average pension (statutory) .. .. .. .. .. .. ... £36 Average pension (total) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £46 Gross expenditure for year (statutory pension) .. .. .. .. .. £34,973 Gross expenditure for year (including allowance under Finance Act, 1917) . . .. £45,085 Cost per head of European population .. .. .. .. .. .. 9d. Decrease on figures of previous year . . .. .. . . .. .. £5,403 Pensioners in homes and hospitals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 39 Amount paid to controlling authorities of these .. .. .. .. .. £2,065 Absolutely forfeited instalments .. . . .. .. .. .. .. £588 Instalments forfeited and subsequently paid .. .. .. .. .. .. £264 Total claims lodged to date .. .. .. .. .. 1,874 Total claims established .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,69.1 Total deaths .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 750 Total cancellations .. .. .. . . .. .. 2 Grand total paid to date .. .. .. .. .. .. £320,998 MINERS' PENSIONS. Total Pensions in force at 31st March, 1919 .. . . . . .. .. .. 240 New pensions granted, 1919-20 . . . . .. . . . . 237 Deaths during 1919-20 .. .. .. .. .. 23 | Cancellations, 1919-20.. .. .. .. .. .. 39 J b2 Net increase .. .. .. .. .. .. 175 Pensions in force at 31st March, 1920 .. .. .. .. .. .. 415 Year 1919-20. New claims lodged .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 243 New claims rejected .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . . 8 Annual liability at close of year .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £23,543 Average pension .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . £56 15s. Gross expenditure for year .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £16,652 Increase on figures of previous year .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £3,376 Cost per head of European population . . .. .. .. .. .. jj&d. Credit to vote from gold duty .. .. .. . . .. . . . . £3,965 Absolutely forfeited instalments .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £135 Instalments forfeited and subsequently paid ... .. .. ( . . . . . £132 Total claims lodged to date .. .. .. .. .. 769 Total claims established .. .. .. . . .. . . 683 Total, claims rejected .. .. .. .. .. .. 66 Total deaths .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 133 Total cancellations .. .. .. .. .. .. 135 Total amount paid to date .. .. .. .. . . £52,778 Total credit from gold duty .. ... .. . . . . £19,784 Total amount paid on account of funeral expenses .. .. .. £1,209



Number of Pensions at each Rate at 31st March, 1920. Annual Value. £ 130 at £78 per annum .. .. .. .. .. .. 10,140 67 at £52 per annum .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,484 218 at £45 10s. per annum . . .. .. .. .. .. §^9,919 415 £23,543 Ages (in Groups) of Pensioners at 31st March, 1920. Miners. Miners' Widows. 20-30 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..2 31-40 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..9 19 41-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 31 51 51-60 .. .. .. ..50 71 61-70 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..74 50 71-75 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..25 6 Over 76 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..23 4 214 201 415 COST OF ADMINISTRATION. £ Salaries .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 23,345 Contribution to Post Office .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..6,488 Grant to Mrs. J. Williamson on account of death of husband as member of crew of minesweeper " Simplon" .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 200 Honoraria of members of War Pensions Board .. . . .. .. . . 1,135 Light, firing, and water .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. 125 Medical fees (war pensions) .. .. .. .. .. .. 14,684 Office fittings and requisites, including printing and stationery .. .. .. .. 3,763 Postage, telegrams, and rent of boxes .. .. . . ~ .. .. 2,923 Proportion of rent of High Commissioner's Office, London .. .. .. .. 200 Proportion of salaries, High Commissioner's Staff .. .. .. . . . . 32 Telephones .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 92 Travelling-expenses . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. 1,333 Overtime .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. 820 Advertising .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. 34 Allowances to officers .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 60 Cartage .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. 42 Sundry payments .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 66 £55,342 Number of officers on staff at 31st March, 1920 .. .. .. .. .. 172 Percentage of cost of administration to total expenditure for year (£2,743,939) .. .. 2-02



Table I.—Number of War Pensions in Force at each Rate on 31st march, 1920.


Rate (nearest £1). Soldiers (Permanent). 1 Soldiers (Temporary). Wivos and Parents (on Account of Disablement). T On Accoui Widows (including Children's Pensions). t of Death. Parents and ,othor Dependants. I £ £ 301-312 .. 278-300 .. 251-275 .. 241-250 .. 231-240 .. 221-230 .. 211-220 .. 201-210 .. 191-200 .. 181-190 .. 171-180 .. 161-170 .. 151-160 .. 141-150 .. 131-140 .. 121-130 .. 111-120 .. 101-110 .. 96-100 .. 90- 95 .. 88 84 83 82 81 80 78 72 71 67 65 62 58 55 52 48 45 44 41 40 39 32 31 29 26 20 19 18 15 13 12 11 10 8 6 11 33 2 i 70 5 52 22 5 334 5 233 21 13 9 98 2 25 4 455 35 1 8 3 198 1 4 18 19 2,290 3 217 3,012 1 2 506 7 5,745 6 1 5 1 29 1 3 43 9 88 22 6 6 3 267 i 9 24 1 104 5 274 4 24 2 6 16 6 20 19 4 62 22 112 8 85 203 14 67 444 62 17 1 9 10 37 38 523 4 9 6 3 1 4 4 152 1 '7 1 62 42 29 2 400 I 5 6 40 42 1,520 10 6 5 1 226 44 6 353 15 28 5,424 1 5,646 1 21 239 17 13 222 59 41 194 3,283 14 36 7 5 42 4 1 9 2 1 15 1 i 6 32 2 J 1 1 Totals 2,130 23,144 1,517 2,075 5,705



GENERAL. Table II.—Pensions granted, Deaths, and Cancellations in each Year, with Number in Force and Annual Variation.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (800 copies), £14.

Authority : Marcus F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.—l92o.

Price 6d.]

A 7 ear ending 31st March. Numbor of Pensions granted. Deaths. Cancella- In Force at , tions. End of Year. Urease. Decrease. 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 7,487 4,699 2,227 1,694 1,391 1,063 1,210 .. | 2,075 2,031 1,740 2,113 2,304 2,399 2,318 2,072 3,320 3,158 2,268 1,823 2,146 2,235 2,289 Old-age. 38 786 815 935 1,064 928 890 1,038 1,097 1,189 1,112 1,169 1,423 1,469 1,569 1,479 1,582 1,539 1,610 1,535 2,013 1,798 6 7,443 71 11,285 3,842 292 12,406 1,120 388 12,776 371 622 12,481 .. 295 690 11,926 .. 555 476 11,770 .. 156 225 1.2,582 812 259 13,257 675 239 13,569 312 174 14,396 827 211 15,320 924 276 16,020 700 220 16,649 629 643 16,509 .. 140 300 18,050 1,541 274 19,352 1,302 277 19,804 452 320 19,697 .. 107 348 19,960 263 310 1.9,872 .. 88 370 19,993 121 Totals 54,062 54,062 27,078 | 27,078 | 6,991 6,991 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 791 657 421 458 444 421 509 1,349 767 791 657 421 458 444 421 509 1,349 767 Widows'. 3 1 2 4 2 6 11 18 Widows'. 3 788 129 1,313 525 193 1,540 227 208 1,788 248 338 1,890 102 285 2,024 134 335 2,192 168 319 3,211 1,019 516 3,444 233 3 129 193 208 338 285 335 319 516 788 1,313 1,540 1,788 1,890 2,024 2,192 3,211 3,444 3 1 2 4 2 6 11 18 525 227 248 102 134 168 1,019 233 Totals 5,817 5,817 47 47 2,326 .. 1 2,326 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 577 747 256 60 10 24 12 5 577 747 256 60 10 24 12 5 Military. 9' 74 108 124 101 103 125 106 Military. 9' 74 108 124 101 103 125 106 568 1 1,240 672 1,388 148 1 1,323 .. 65 1,232 .. 91 1,153 .. 79 1,040 .. 113 939 .. 101 1 1 568 1,240 1,388 1,323 1,232 1,153 1,040 939 672 148 65 91 79 113 101 Totals 1,691 1,691 750 750 2 2 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 120 153 91 82 237 120 153 91 82 237 Miners'. 35 34 41 23 Miners'. 120 238 118 25 270 32 71 240 .. 30 39 415 175 120 238 270 240 415 35 34 41 23 118 32 25 71 39 175 30 Totals 683 683 133 133 135 I 135 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1,214 5,316 10,587 16,954 15,183 1,214 5,316 10,587 16,954 15,183 War. 1 44 86 531 291 War. 1 44 86 531 291 22 1,191 1,294 5,169 3,978 1,173 14,497 9,328 3,493 27,427 12,930 8,738 34,571 7,1.44 22 1,294 1,173 3,493 8,738 1,191 5,169 14,497 27,427 34,571 3,978 9,328 12,930 7,144 Totals 49,254 49,254 953 953 14,720 14,720 G. Commisi C. Fache, doner of Pe: isions.

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Bibliographic details

TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PENSIONS DEPARTMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1920., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1920 Session I, H-18

Word Count

TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PENSIONS DEPARTMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1920. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1920 Session I, H-18

TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PENSIONS DEPARTMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1920. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1920 Session I, H-18

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