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EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.—6, 1919.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of Bis Excellency.

CONTENTS. Page Page 1. Extract from the Forty-third Annual Report of 4. Detailed Tables— continued. the Minister of Eduoation. (8.-l) .. .. 2 District High Schools— continued. L3. Subjects taken by Pupils in Seoondary Departments of District High Sohools 28 2. Report of the Inspeotors of Secondary Schools .. 11 L4. staff, Classification, &c, in Detail .. 29 Secondary Schools and District High Schools, — 3. District High Schools :— L5 - National Scholarships .. .. 31 Extracts from Roports of Eduoation Boards, Inspeotors of Schools, Directors of Manual g Statements of Accounts of Governing Bodies Instruction, &c... .. .. ..12 of Secondary Schools:— Whangarei High School Board .. 31 Auckland Grammar Sohools Board .. ~ 32 4. Detailed Tables, etc. :— Hamilton High School Board .. 33 c j q*u™u Thames High School Board .. .. 34 Secondary Schools,- New Hynl0 * uth High Sohools Board | [ 3g Personnel of Staffs of Seoondary Schools .. 15 Wanganui Girls' College Board .. .. 36 Kl. Roll, Average Attendance, and Pees of Wanganui Collegiate School Board .. ..37 Seoondary Schools .. .. .. 17 Palmeraton North High School Board .. 38 K2. Years of Attendance of Pupils .. 18 Gisborne High School Board .. .. 39 K3. Staffs of Secondary Sohools, Teachers' Napier High Schools Board .. .. 40 Salaries and Incidental Expenses .. 19 Dannevirke High School Board .. .. 41 K4. Holders of Scholarships and Free Places 20 Wellington College and Girls' High School K5. Pupils boarding away from home .. 21 Board .. .. .. .. ..42 K6. Receipts of Secondary Schools .. 22 Marlborough High School Board .. ..42 K7. Payments of Secondary Schools .. 23 Nelson College Board .. .. .. 43 KB. Balances and other Monetary Assets and Greymouth High School Board .. .. 44 Liabilities .. .. .. 24 Hokitika High School Board .. .. 45 K9. Distribution of Reserves Revenue .. 25 Rangiora High School Board .. .. 45 KlO. Lower Departments .. ..25 Christ's College Grammar School Board .. 46 Kll. List of Secondary Sohools, incorporated Canterbury College Board— or endowed .. .. ..25 Christchnroh Boys'High School .. ..47 Kl2. Number taking various Subjects of In- Chrietchureh Girls' High Sohool .. .. 48 struotion .. .. .. ..26 Ashburton High School Board .. ..49 Kl3. Classes approved under Regulations for Akaroa High School Board .. .. .. 49 Manual Instruction .. ..27 Timaru High Sohool Board.. .. ..50 Waimate High School Board .. 51 District High Schools,— Waitaki High Schools Board .. .. 52 LI. Attendance, Staffs, &c. .. ..27 Otago High Schools Board .. .. .52 L2. School Attendance at Secondary Depart- Gore High School Board .. .. .. 53 ments of District High Schools .. 28 Southland High Sohools Board .. ..51

I—B. 6.

E l .—6

SECONDARY EDUCATION. 1. EXTRACT FROM THE FORTY-THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION. Number of Schools. (Table Kl.) Schools affording education of a secondary nature are established in every centre of any importance in the Dominion, and are of the following types: Secondary schools, technical high schools, district high schools, private secondary schools, and Maori secondary schools. The majority of the district high schools are in the country centres, the secondary schools and technical high schools being in the larger towns and cities. The secondary schools, which are under the control of twenty-seven separate controlling authorities, may be classed as follows : — (a.) Endowed secondary schools included in the Ninth Schedule to the Education Act, 1914 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 32 (b.) Secondary schools without endowments established in the manner provided by section 88 of the Education Act, 1914 .. .. .. .. 4 (c.) Endowed secondary schools within the meaning of the Act, but not included above . . .. . . . . .. .. .. 2 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. ..38 Of the thirty-eight secondary schools, twelve are for boys, twelve for girls, and ten are mixed schools. Four of the schools under (a) are not in operation— namely, Akaroa, Greymouth, Hokitika, and Waimate. At these places secondary education is carried on in the secondary departments of district high schools, to which the High School Boards supply some financial assistance. The number of district high schools in 1919 was sixty, technical high schools nine, Maori secondary schools ten, and private secondary schools registered under the Education Act, 1914, twenty-one, making a total of one hundred and thirtyfour schools affording secondary education. One secondary department of a district high school was converted into a technical high school, and one secondary department of a district high school was disestablished during the year. Roll and Attendance. (Tables Kl, K2, LI, and L2.) The total number of pupils attending the thirty-four secondary schools included under (a), (b), and (c) above at the end of 1918 and 1919 respectively was — , 1918. , , 1919. , Boys. Girls. Totals. Boys. Girls. Totals. Roll (exclusive of lower departments).. 4,621 3,763 8,384 5,054 4,014 9,068 Number in lower departments .. 397 268 665 392 294 686 Totals .. .. .. 5,018 4,031 9,049 5,446 4,308 9,754 - The roll number, excluding the lower departments, shows an increase in 1919 of 8-1 per cent, over the roll for the previous year, the number of boys being 433 more and the number of girls 251 more. The number of first-year , pupils was 359 more than in 1918. The following are some of the figures in. connection with the roll and attendance of schools in which secondary education is given : — (a.) Secondary Schools (Lower Departments excluded). Number on the roll at the end of 1919 .. .. .. ..9,068 Average attendance for the year 1919 .. ',*, .. .. .. 9,082 Number of new entrants, 1919 .. ... .. .. .. 4,342 Number of these who left the public primary schools in 1918 .. .. 3,728 Number of first-year pupils .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,695 Number of second-year pupils .. .. .. .. .. 2,522 ' Number of third-year pupils .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,527 Number of fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-year pupils .. .. .. 1,324 (b.) Secondary Departments of District High Schools. Number on roll at end of 1919 .. .. .. .. .. 2,159 Mean of average weekly roll Boys, 1,195 ; girls, 1,307: total .. .. 2,502 Average attendance .. .. .. . . .. .. .. 2, 275 Number of new entrants from public primary schools .. .. .. 1,458 Number of first-year pupils .. .. .. .. .. ..1,123^ • Number of second-year pupils .. .. .. .. ..' 622 1 Number of third-year pupils .. .. .. .. .. .. 402 J




(a.) Technical High Schools. Number on roll at end of 1919 : Boys, 1,438 ; girls, 1,488 : total .. .... 2,926 (d.) Registered Private Secondary Schools. Number on roll at end of 1919 : Boys, 595 ; girls, 902 : total .. .. 1,497 Average attendance, 1919 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,409 J Number between twelve and fifteen years of age .. .. .. 554 | [Number over fifteen years of age .. .. .. .. .. 942) Number of teachers : Male, 30 ; female, 48 : total .. .. .. 78 (e.) Secondary Schools for Maoris. Number on roll at end of 1919 .. .. .. .. .. 434 Average attendance, 1919 .. .. . . .. .. .. 405 The total number of children, therefore, receiving secondary education in 1919 was 16,427, showing an increase of 8 per cent, over the corresponding figure for the previous year, and an increase of nearly 50 per cent, over the figure of five years ago. Of 10,639 children who left the primary schools having passed S6 in 1918, 1,458 entered the secondary departments of district high schools, 3,735 secondary schools, and 1,521 technical high schools ; hence a total of 6,714 children, or 63 per cent, of those who left the primary schools having passed S6, in 1918, or 44 per cent, of the whole number that left school in that year, entered upon an education of a secondary nature at one of the types of school mentioned. In addition to those enumerated, 2,687 children proceeded from the primary schools to evening technical classes. Of these 1,798 had passed. Sβ and 889 had not done so. The average length of stay of boys at secondary schools (group (a) above) is two years and ten months, and of girls two years and eight months. The following figures show the percentage of children leaving the secondary schools at the stages indicated : —- Boys. Girls. (a.) Percentage leaving at end of first year or during second year 23 26 (b.) ~ second „ third „ 23 25 (c.) „ third „ fourth „ ..19 20 (d.) „ fourth „ fifth „ .. 23 20 (e.) ~ fifth ~ sixth „ .. 9 6 (/.) Percentage remaining at end of sixth year .. .. .. 3 3 The most regrettable fact apparent from the above figures is that one-quarter of the pupils entering secondary schools remain for only one year's tuition. As the curricula of secondary schools are framed with the view of at least a two-years course being taken, the instruction received by these pupils can be of little value. It is further noted that nearly another 25 per cent, of the pupils leave at the end of the second year, at the termination of their junior free places. In order that the greatest possible benefit may be obtained from this short period of secondary education, secondary schools, as a rule, now provide courses suitable for pupils leaving school at this stage. No appreciable increase in the average length of stay at secondary schools appears to have taken place during recent years, the larger numbers remaining for a longer period being merely in proportion to the increased roll numbers. Curriculum of Secondary Schools and District High Schools. (Tables Kl2 and L3.) Although there are no departmental regulations directly governing the curriculum of secondary schools, the regulations defining the subjects of instruction to be taught to free-place holders and the prescribed syllabuses of the various public examinations to a large extent control the character of the courses of work undertaken. Instruction must be provided for junior-free-place holders in English, history and civics, arithmetic, mathematics, a branch of science, and in two additional subjects which may be one or two foreign languages, science subjects, or some such subject as commercial work, woodwork, drawing, &c. The study of home science is compulsory for every girl holding a junior free place. In addition to the general or professional course, commercial, agricultural, and domestic courses are provided at most secondary schools. General courses designed for pupils remaining at school for a limited period and not following an academic career are also provided —the study of Latin and frequently of French, also, especially in the case of girls, of mathematics being excluded from these courses. From, an examination of the numbers of secondary-school pupils studying various subjects, it appears that Latin is now taken by only 55 per cent, of the boys and by 37 per cent, of the girls, while French is taken by 88 per cent, of the boys and by 94 per cent, of the girls. 719 boys, or 15 per cent., take agriculture as a subject,



and 158, or 3 per cent., take dairy-work. Book-keeping and commercial work are taken by 35 per' cent, of the boys and by 20 per cent, of the girls. 64 per cent, of the girls were studying home science in 1919, while such subjects as needlework, cookery, home nursing, and laundry-work were taken by large numbers. The fact that some of the subjects mentioned are studied during only a portion of the time spent by a pupil at the secondary school results in a smaller percentage appearing to study such subjects than is actually the case. Courses bearing more or less on rural pursuits are taken in many district high schools, 69 per cent, of the boys and 32 per cent, of the girls studying agricultural science, 24 per cent, of the pupils taking dairy-work, 55 per cent, of the boys learning woodwork, and 52 per cent, of the girls cookery or needlework. Latin is taken by only 31 per cent, of the pupils, and French by 53 per cent. Commercial work is taken by 25 per cent, of the pupils. The task of providing courses for pupils desiring tuition in subjects of a more or less directly practical and vocational nature, and also for pupils wishing to follow a more academic course, constitutes the peculiar difficulty of district high schools where the number of pupils and the staffs are comparatively small. Hostels foe Pupils of Secondary Schools. (Table K.5.) The fact of large immbers of children having to live away from home while attending the secondary schools is making the provision of hostels where the pupils can be properly cared for and supervised increasingly necessary. A number of controlling authorities have recently established or enlarged hostels in connection with their schools, the Government assisting, where necessary, with substantial monetary grants. Of thirty-four schools twenty-six now have hostels attached to them providing accommodation for a total of 1,201 boys and 341 girls attending the secondary departments and for 248 lower-department pupils. In addition to these pupils, 841 are returned as boarding either in private establishments approved by the Principals of the schools or in entirely independent homes. To make satisfactory provision for these pupils and for others who are prevented by the boarding difficulty from attending school, or who are forced to make long railway journeys every day, new or enlarged hostels are required in many instances. The controlling authorities and the Government are giving attention to the matter, whieh, it is hoped, will gradually be satisfactorily dealt with. Free Secondary Education. (Table K4.) Free places are divided into two classes —junior and senior—both being tenable at secondary schools and district high schools, or, under somewhat different conditions, at technical schools. Generally speaking, junior free places are tenable for two years, with a possible extension in certain cases to three years. In the case of their being held at district high schools they are tenable to the age of seventeen. The means of qualification are — (1.) For entrance to secondary schools and district high schools— (a) Special examinations for Junior National Scholarships, (b) the certificate of proficiency. (2.) For entrance to technical high schools the means of qualification named in (1), or the certificate of competency in S6, with a special endorsement of merit in handwork and elementary science, which for the purposes of technical schools is deemed to be equivalent to a certificate of proficiency. (3.) For entrance to technical classes other than technical high schools the means of qualification named in (1) or (2), or , , under special conditions applicable to industrial courses only, a recommendation by the Inspector of Schools if a pupil is over fourteen years and has been in regular attendance at a public school up to a date not more than six months prior to the date of admission to the technical classes. Senior free places are tenable at secondary schools, district high schools, and technical high schools up to the age of nineteen, and at technical classes other than technical high schools for three or in some cases four years. The means of qualification for senior free places are the Intermediate or other equivalent examinations.



or the recommendation of the Principal or Director of the school or classes attended based on the school records and examination results, or the recommendation of an Inspector of secondary schools, or, in the case of district high schools, of the senior Inspector of the district, or in part on such a recommendation and in part on the results of a special examination. The provision for qualification for senior free places on the recommendation of the Principals of secondary schools is becoming increasingly applicable, the number receiving senior free places in this manner in 1919 being 1,793 ; the number represents about two thirds of the total number of senior free places awarded. In addition two pupils were granted partial exemption from examination, being required to submit to a test in English or arithmetic only. The following are some of the figures for 1918 and 1919 in regard to free places in secondary schools : — 1918. 1919. Number of secondary schools giving free, tuition 32 32 Roll number (if these schools .. .. .. 7,871 8,536 Number of free-place holders at end of year .. 6,966 7,657 Average number of free-place holders during year .. 7,177 8,006 Free-place liolders as a percentage of roll number . . 91 per cent. 94 per cent. Total annual payment by Government for free places £85,422 £111,062 In order to arrive at the total number of pupils in New Zealand receiving free secondary instruction, it will be necessary, however, to include also 104 holders of scholarships or exhibitions carrying free instruction not otherwise enumerated, which are granted by the secondary schools included above or by endowed secondary schools not coming under the conditions for free places, 2,015 free-place holders at district high schools, 90 Maori pupils receiving free education in Maori secondary schools, and 2,754 holders of free places in technical high schools. Consequently, there were approximately 12,620 pupils receiving free secondary education in the Dominion, exclusive of those holders of free places in technical schools (mostly evening students), who, while not taking full-day courses, were nevertheless receiving free educaton of secondary grade. The following table gives a summary of the various secondary free places in 1918 and 1919 for which payment was made by the Government: — Feee Places in December, 1918 and 1919. (i.) Secondary schools — , 1918. , r- 1919. > Boys. (iirls. Total. Boys. Girls. . Total. (a.) Junior free pupils .. 2,r>03 2,405 4,908 2,793 2.573 5,366 (b.) Senior free pupils .. 1,081 977 2,058 1,187 1,104 2,291 Totals .. .. 3,584 3,382 6,966 3,980 3,677 7,657 (ii.) District high schools— (a.) Junior free pupils .. 876 977 1,853 849 859 1,708 (6.) Senior free pupils .. 103 167 270 116 191 307 Totals .. .. 979 1,144 2,123 965 1,050 2,015 (iii.) Maori secondary schools .. 45 58 103 42 48 90 (iv.) Technical high schools . 1,162 1,342 2,504 1,351 L,403 2,754 Grand totals .. 5,770 5,920 .11,696 6,338 6,178 12,516 Scholarships held at Secondary Schools and District High Schools. (Sec also Tables K4 and L5.) National Scholarships. Junior and Senior National Scholarships, in the proportion of nine to five, are awarded by the Government on the results of annual examinations, the junior examination being of a standard somewhat higher than that of the certificate of proficiency, and the senior examination being of a standard comparable with the standard of the Public Service Entrance Examination. Scholarships are awarded to all candidates reaching a certain standard, the standard of award being determined so as approximately to provide one scholarship for every 500 children in attendance at all public schools. In the case of pupils from sole-teacher schools— i.e., schools with an average attendance of under thirty-six —the standard of award is made 10 per cent, lower than the general standard. The standard of qualification fixed Eor the 1919 examinations was 64 per cent, for junior scholarships (general standard) and G2 per cent, for senior scholarships.



The results of the examination were as follows : 217 candidates qualified for Junior National Scholarships, as compared with 214 in 1918, of which number 6 were pupils of sole-teacher schools, and 86 were pupils of secondary schools. The number of successful candidates from sole-teachers schools was again lower than in the previous year, and, as has been stated before, represents too small a proportion of the number of scholarships being won by pupils of small schools. The number of successful candidates from secondary schools, on the other hand, was greater than previously. The number of candidates qualifying for Senior National Scholarships was 122 ; of which number 6 qualified on the alternative programme provided specially to suit the needs of those taking a rural or domestic course. Junior and Senior National Scholarships are tenable at secondary schools and district high schools, each for three years, provided that the total tenure of the two scholarships in the case of one person must not exceed five years. In addition to tuition fees, the holder receives £5 per annum if a junior scholar, or £10 per annum if a senior scholar, with a further sum of £35 per annum in each case if obliged to live away from home. The figures below indicate the number and the value of scholarships current in December, 1918, and December, 1919, respectively. The number of scholarshipholders is, of course, included in the number of free-place holders shown in the preceding section. Number of scholarship-holders— 1918. 1019. Boys .. .. .. .. .. .. 486 481 Girls .. .. .. .. .. .. 310 285 Totals .. .. .. .. 796 766 Number receiving boarding-allowance (included in the above total) .. .. .. .. .. .. 239 221 Number receiving travelling-allowance (similarly included) .. 47 42 Number held at public secondary schools .. .. .. 687 661 Number held at other registered secondary schools .. .. 23 23 Number held at district high schools .. .. .. 86 82 Total annual rate of payment .. .. .. .. £13,130 £12,913 Private Scholarships. Private scholarships are derived from funds provided at certain schools by private donors, by bequest or otherwise. The number of foundation and private scholarships in the last term of 1919 was 150. Of the holders fifty-one were also Government free pupils under the regulations. The total annual value of the scholarships in cash was £1,547. In addition, free tuition was given by the schools to holders of foundation and private scholarships to the value of £470, the value of the Government free places already mentioned not being included in this amount. War Bursaries for Soldiers' Dependants. Regulations which came into force in January, 1918, provided for the award of bursaries to dependants of killed or disabled members of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force. To qualify for a war bursary a child must be eligible for — (a.) Free education at technical classes ; or (6.) A free place at a secondary school, district high school, or technical high school; or (c.) A University or educational bursary at a University college. A bursary entitles the holder to an allowance, in addition to free tuition, of £l 10s. or £3 per annum in the case of those qualified under (a), £5 for those under (&), or £10 for those under (c). Lodging-allowance is also paid to bursars who are obliged to live away from home to attend school, at the rate of £15 per annum under (a) and £30 under (6) and (c) ; travelling-allowances varying from £5 to £10 per annum are also made when travelling is necessary. During 1919 the number of bursaries held at secondary schools was thirty-five, as compared with twenty-seven in 1918, the expenditure thereon being £524. Secondary-school Certificates. Three classes of certificates may be issued to free-place holders taking a secondary course of instruction. The intermediate certificate may be granted to junior-free-place holders who have satisfactorily completed under certain conditions a two-years course at a secondary school, district high school, or technical high



school, and who in general are qualified in attainment to receive a senior free place. The lower leaving-certificate may be issued to pupils who have satisfactorily completed a three-years course of secondary instruction, including not less than one year of a senior course in which the standard of work is sufficiently advanced in character to meet the requirements of the examination for a teacher's certificate of Class D, or of the Matriculation Examination. Likewise the higher leavingcertificate may be granted to pupils having satisfactorily completed at least a fouryears course of secondary instruction and having satisfied the requirements of the lower leaving-certificate, and, in addition, having completed to good advantage and under certain conditions a further secondary course of not less than one year. Staffs of Secondary Schools. (Table K3.) The number of teachers on the staffs of secondary schools, excluding lower departments, was for the last three years as follows : — , 1917. i, , 1918. 1 , 1919. , Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Tola). Males. Females. Total. Regular staff .. ..174 175 349 175 195 370 186 195 381 Part time .. ..37 43 80 42 43 85 74 74 The staffs of Wanganui Collegiate and Christ's College Grammar Schools, totalling twenty-nine teachers, have been excluded from the figures for 1919 ; the number of male teachers in 1919 was thus forty more than in the previous year, the number of women teachers remaining the same. The return to duty of teachers who had been on active service accounts for the unusual increase in the number of men teachers, the positions of many of whom had been held temporarily by women. Included in the regular staff for 1919 are thirty-two Principals and 349 assistant teachers. The average number of pupils per full-time assistant was twenty-four, the number ranging in the various schools from twenty-one to twenty-nine; including the Principals, the average number of pupils per teacher was twenty-two. The head teacher of a district high school generally takes some part in the secondary instruction, and now receives in addition to his ordinary salary the sum of £30 per annum if the average attendance of the secondary department does not exceed 120, and £50 per annum if it. does exceed that number. In 1919 there were in the secondary departments of district high schools 105 special secondary assistants —thirty-four men and seventy-one women-—the increase in the number of male assistants being thirteen, and the women assistants being one less in number than in the previous year. The average number of pupils per assistant teacher was twenty-one, as compared with twenty-four in the previous year. Salaries and Status of Secondary-school Teachers. (Table K3.) The total annual amount of salaries of teachers in secondary schools (excluding Wanganui. Collegiate and Christ's College Grammar Schools) as at the rate payable in December, 1919, was £126,694, as compared with £95,137 in 1918. The value of residences and of board and residence provided in a large number of cases is not included in this figure. The cost of the salaries works out at £14*8 per head of the average attendance, ranging in the various schools from £11-8 to £19-5. The cost in boys' schools was £15-4 per head, in girls' schools £13-6 per head, and in mixed schools, £15-9 per head. The following figures indicate the average rates of salary prevailing n 1914, 1918, and 1919. The exc'usion of the two schools referred to above (where the salaries are high) from the 1919 figures places that year at a slight disadvantage in the comparison. Average Salaries of Full-time Teachers in Secondary Schools , —1914.- , 1918. , , 1919. , M. F, All. M. F. All. M. F. All. £ £ £ £££ £££ Principals .. .. 524 397 482 615 434 568 647 509 596 Assistants .. ..248 163 211 300 201 246 332 252 290 Whole staff .. .. 283 183 241 340 215 274 366 268 316 The value of residences, or of board and residence, where provided, is entirely excluded from these figures. The average salaries of Principals, and of male Principals especially, would be considerably higher if allowance were made for these



perquisites. The average salary of assistants would also be affected, although to a less extent, if the value of board and residence were included. The substantial increase in the average salaries for 191!) over those for li> 1S is the result of the application of the Department's regulations prescribing minimum average salaries in each, school of £320 and £250 for qualified men and women assistants respectively, and also prescribing fixed minimum salaries for the Principals and first assistants of schools of various grades. Since 1914 the average salary of male Principals has increased by £123, or 23-5 per cent., and the average salary of women Principals by £112, or 28-3 per cent. The average salary of male assistants has increased by £84, or 33*8 per cent., since 1914 ; of female assistants by £89, or 54-6 per cent.; and of both combined by £79, or 37-5 per cent. The regulations referred to apply only to teachers who are graduates or hold a teacher's certificate, and the average salaries of such assistants are higher than those quoted, being--male assistants, £348 ; female assistants, £256. Of 16(5 male assistants, the salaries of 109 are between £150 and £350, and of 183 women assistants the salaries of 110 are between £150 and £250, and of 157 between £150 and £300. It appears, especially in the case of women teachers, that junior teachers have benefited more from the new regulations than have senior teachers, the difference in salary between teachers just entering the profession and those with long service and experience not being sufficiently marked. A scheme for grading secondary-school teachers, and for providing a more definite scale of salaries, is at present under consideration. In the secondary departments of district high schools salaries are paid in accordance with a general scale. The average salaries (excluding war bonus) paid to secondary assistants in 1918 and 1919 were as follows : — 1918. 1919. Male assistants .. .. .. .. .. .. 263 298 Female assistants . . .. .. .. .. .. 218 268 All secondary assistants .. .. .. .. .. 228 278 The total annual rate of salaries paid to teachers in secondary departments of district high schools, including the special payments to head teachers, was £30,980, as against £23,037 for 1918. The large increase in the total expenditure on salaries and also in the average salaries is the result of the application of the revised scale of salaries for public-school teachers that came into operation in 1919. The following table shows the position of secondary-school teachers with regard to University examination status and teachers' certificate qualifications :

Status of Secondary Teachers (Regular Staff only), December, 1919.

It will be observed that there is a larger proportion of uncertificated teachers among the male assistants of secondary schools than among the women assistants. The percentage of all. uncertificated assistants is, however, less than it was in 1918, the effect of the war upon the male staff until that time having been to increase the proportion of uncertificated teachers. Thirty-four per cent, of the assistants, in addition to being University graduates, hold teachers' certificates ; the number who have attended a training-college is, however, small, and the necessity is recognized of making better provision for the training of secondary-school teachers,

Graduates, also Holders of Teacher's Certificate. Gradua incluc First C ttcs not led in /Olumn. Hoi. of Ten Certii on ders 1 teller's ficate Uncertificated. Totals. . I " r< | Ph 83 rQ a 3 6 60 8 o rH Ph IH a 6 § Fh Ph 6 60 -H S iP "rH -2 § 3 S3 60 «J J -§ s 3 P a Ph I Secondary sohools Principals Men assistants Women assistants All assistants Secondiiry departments of district high sohools — All assistants 19 59 52 32 68 37 120 34 12 60 78 138 38 36 43 40 1 22 15 37 3 13 8 11 32 22 54 19 12 ±5 ,32 100 160 LOO 183 i LOO 34!) ' LOO 57 54 1 1 39 37 8 8 105 100



Finances of Secondary Schools. (See also tables K6-KB.) The income of secondary schools is derived from the following sources : — (i.) Rents from special reserves allocated, to them by statute : (ii.) Statutory grant given in lieu of special reserves (in one case) : (iii.) Interest upon moneys derived from the sale of reserves and invested in accordance with the Education Reserves Act: (iv.) Tncome from the secondary-school reserves controlled by the Land Boards divided among the secondary schools in the several land districts in proportion to the number of pupils in average attendance, lower departments excluded : (v.) Government payments—(a) Annual grant, statutory capitation upon free pupils under the Amendment Act; (/;) subsidies on voluntary contributions ; (c) capitation for manual-instruction classes : (vi.) Special Government grants for buildings and apparatus : (vii.) Tuition fees of pupils : (viii.) Boarding-fees of pupils : (ix.) Miscellaneous sources, such as interest on moneys (other than those obtained by the sale of reserves), donations, and income from special endowments (for scholarships, prizes, &c), rent of premises, &c. The revenue derived from the sources (i) to (iv) is the income derived from endowments, and the " net .annual income derived from endowments " is the average of this revenue for the three preceding years, less the expenditure upon the endowments and investments, upon buildings approved by the Minister, and less mortgage and other charges. By the Education Amendment Act of 1919 the capitation payment on account of free pupils has been increased to £15 (except in the case of a girls' school with separate endowments, when it is £14), and in addition a grant of £500 per annum is made to each boys' or mixed school and of £400 per annum to each girls' school. The Board's net annual income from endowments is deducted from the total sum thus payable to it. It is intended that a sum equal to the total of £15 per free pupil, the annual grant, and the tuition fees of paying pupils should be expended upon the salaries of the teachers and the incidental expenses of the schools. The following is a summary of the receipts and payments of all secondary schools (lower departments included, Wanganui Collegiate and Christ's College Grammar Schools excluded) for the year 1919 : — Summary of the Statements of Receipts and Payments foe the Year 1919 furnished by the Governing Bodies of Secondary Schools. (Wanganui Collegiate and Christ's College Grammar Schools not included.) Receipts. Payments. Endowments —■ £ s. d. £ s. d. Sales and mortgage-money repaid .. 7,044 15 0 Endowments (including proportion of Lands vested in High School Boards .. 44,201. 0 7 office expenses) .. .. .. 11,731 9 11 Secondary-education reserves .. 7,209 7 7 I Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 122,510 14 9 Interest on moneys invested.. .. 1,042 10 0 [ Incidental expenses of secondary departGovernment grants—■ ments — Grants for buildings, sites, rent, appa- Office expenses and salaries (excluding ratus, &c, and subsidies .. .. 23,347 9 5 endowments) .. .. .. 3,564 14 10 Capitation for free places (including Printing, stationery, and advertising .. 2,472 17 5 annual grant) .. .. .. 114,858 411 Cleaning, heating, lighting, and care of Capitation for manual instruction .. 2,825 9 7 school -grounds .. .. 9,300 2 G School fees .. .. .. .. 11,096 4 0 Material, examinations, prizes, games, Lower Department Account .. .. 4,008 9 3 and other incidentals .. .. 3,295 17 1 Hostels Account .. .. .. 43,289 11 7 ] Manual instruction (excluding buildings, Loans, interest, &c. .. .. .. 579 1 8 I &c.) .. .. .. .. 1,803 19 6 Technical Classes Account .. .. 2,841 18 2 Sites, buildings, furniture, apparatus, Voluntary contributions, income from taxes, &c... .. .. .. 53,989 12 8 property not reserves, refunds, and Lower Department Account .. .. 4,448 12 2 sundries .. .. .. .. 8,754 12 5 Hostels Account .. .. .. 41,985 3 3 Investments, loans repaid, and interest.. 6,916 10 11 Technical Classes Account .. .. 2,855 Iβ 0 Scholarships, advances to pupils, and miscellaneous .. .. .. 3,690 1 9 £273,258 14 2 £268,577 13 8 The receipts for the year exceeded the payments by £4,684, while the payments included an investment of £1,000, and repayment of loans and interest thereon amounting to over £5,000. The payments on account of salaries (secondary departments only) were £122,511, as compared with £99,482 in the previous year ; and on account of incidentals (comprising administration, caretaking, school material, &c), £18,640,

2—E. 6.

E.— 6


compared with £16,064 in 1918. The receipts for capitation show a corresponding large increase of £32,341 compared with the previous year. The payments on account of buildings, sites, and equipment, amounting to £53,990, were much greater than in recent years, owing to extensive building operations taking place in connection with several schools and the hostels attached to them. It will be observed that the direct Government grants towards this expenditure amounted to £23,347, the Government's expenditure on this account for the year ending March, 1920, being £42,948, as compared with £5,057 in the year 1918-19. The total receipts on account of lower departments exceeded the payments, but in one or two instances these departments were not self-supporting, and controlling authorities are warned of the illegality of such a position, and of their possible liability to make good any shortage. The combined Hostels Accounts show an excess of receipts over payments of £1,304. As several of the hostels are only in an initial stage, and there have been considerable payments on account of furniture, utensils, &c, larger profits from these establishments may be looked for in the future, although the object of their establishment is not profit-making, but the provision of good accommodation for country pupils at as reasonable a figure as possible. Taking into account the monetary assets and liabilities of twenty of the twenty-two Boards of public secondary schools in operation (the returns from two Boards being outstanding), it appears that the total debit balance at the end of 1919 was £58,543, eleven Boards having a debit and nine a credit balance. The debit balances are for the most part due to loans raised or overdrafts incurred on account of the erection of necessary buildings ; one school alone is responsible for a debit of £29,000 on account of recent large purchases of land, and another school for over £14,000 in connection with extensive building operations. The following is a summary of the monetary assets and liabilities at the end of the year :— Monetary Assets. £ Liabilities. £ Bank balances .. .. .. 32,975 Overdrafts and loans .. .. 63,494 Other assets .. .. .. 26,947 Other liabilities .. .. .. 54,972 £59,922 £118,466 Debit balance .. .. £58,544 It should be pointed out that the Boards' assets in the way of buildings and sites are not included in these figures ; otherwise all Boards would show large credit balances. Lower Departments of Secondary Schools. (Table IQ0.) The Education Act as amended in 1919 provides that pupils who have not obtained at least a certificate of competency in the subjects of Standard VI of the public-school syllabus may be admitted to a lower department of a secondary school if they are taught in a separate building or class-room and if no part of the cost of their instruction or of the maintenance of the department is met out of the income from the school's endowments or out of any moneys granted by the Government. Previous to the Amendment Act of 1919 pupils could enter the secondary school on passing Standard V ; it is now necessary for them to be provided for in the lower department until they pass Standard VI. There were lower departments in fourteen secondary schools in 1919, the total number of pupils being 686 —392 boys and 294 girls, and the total number of teachers twentyfive. The great majority of the pupils are classified in the upper standards, and as more than a third of them board at the school hostels, it appears that these departments are largely used by country residents who can afford to send their children away to obtain their primary education. The tuition fees charged range from £7 10s. to £13 10s. per annum, and the boarding-fees from £36 to £51 per annum.



2. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE INSPECTORS OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Sib,— Wellington, nth July, 1920. Work of this Year. Our work wus seriously interfered with Inst year by the ooal shortage in the winter, which compelled us to spend an inordinate number of days travelling in slow trains. During the earlier part of the year all the secondary schools of the North Island, with the exception of Wellington Girls' College, were inspected, an average of from three to four days being spent in each school by both Inspectors. During this visit Principals were kept posted on all details, teachers were conferred with individually and in groups, and the inspection usually concluded with a general discussion with the whole staff, in which we were pleased to see junior teachers occasionally taking part. Sonic of the larger technical high schools and district high schools were also visited, the latter in company with the Senior District Inspectors. In every case our report contained n complete commentary on all that we saw, and it appears unnecessary to cover again ground that has in this way been already satisfactorily traversed. During the latter part of the year all secondary schools were visited with a view to the award of senior free places without formal external examinations and of lower and higher leaving-certifi-cates. Certain forms, especially those composed of second-year pupils, were tested by means of written and oral work. As a result of these tests, after consultation with Principals, senior free places were awarded under clause 7 (r) to over fifteen hundred pupils. A large number of leavingcertilicates of both grades were also issued on our recommendation, Tun Training of Teachers. Our last report stressed the need of a general reorganization now that the war is over. A special matter that seems to call for immediate attention is the training of secondary-school teachers in pedagogy. The persons who desire to take up secondary teaching are usually young graduates, fresh from the University and quite untrained in teaching methods. Under the instruction of skilled teachers their latent powers would rapidly develop; under the present system they are either thrown entirely on their own resources, or at best have to depend upon such practical help as can be given by a Principal who is usually busied with matters of general organization and the like, or upon the hints and suggestions of the Inspectors at the time of their short and infrequent inspection visits. Although we are anxious to help young teachers to the best of our ability, although we devote a considerable proportion of our time in each school to them, and although, we find most of them keenly anxious to profit by our visit, yet we confess we cannot do much for them during a short inspection visit that occurs only once every two years. Teachers have, in fact, to gain their experience in many schools mainly at the expense of their pupils. The result is perhaps not quite as bad as might be expected, for an appreciable number of these young graduates are " born teachers " to whom right methods come by a kind of instinct, and nearly all of them are earnest students, whose academic training has made them specially quick to appreciate and adopt right lines of work. Nevertheless, even to persons of this mental calibre, and perhaps specially to such, a short course of observation in a good school and of practice teaching under expert supervision and direction would undoubtedly be of great value. We again affirm the opinion expressed two years ago that there is urgent call for co-operation between training colleges, University colleges, and secondary schools in the main centres. We venture to say that a unique opportunity now presents itself in Christchurch. Canterbury College has just engaged a Professor of Education; the Canterbury College Board of Governors, alone among the governing bodies of University colleges, has control of the local high schools, and has at least two of its members on the Board of Advice of the Training College. It seems to be plainly indicated that the Christchurch High Schools should be made practising and observational schools for secondary teachers, and that University college, high school, and training college should be associated for the purpose. Such a scheme would involve a special staffing of the high schools named and the provision of bursaries of some kind. The additional expense, however, need not be great, and would surely yield a handsome return. Agricultural SciiiNon in Secondary Schools. In June the then Hon. Minister of Education summoned a conference to discuss the question of agricultural education. The conference was attended by about twenty delegates, including selected Inspectors of primary schools and teachers of agriculture in secondary schools, together with representatives of Lincoln College, the University of New Zealand, the Agricultural Department, and the Education Department. During the sessions, which extended over three days, a general discussion was held, and sub-committees, appointed for the purpose, submitted reports cm the teaching of agricultural science in the primary schools, the secondary schools, and in the University colleges. Some of the suggestions contained in these reports have been incorporated in the revised syllabus for primary schools. With regard to secondary, schools and the University there were manifested such sharp differences of opinion as to the possibility of satisfactory courses being devised that no definite action has yet resulted. The Director of Education in his capacity as member of the University Senate has represented to that body the advisability of putting the subject on the sj'llabus for the B.A. degree, and a sub-committee is preparing a draft prescription accordingly. It is hoped that the matter will receive at the hands of the Senate the careful attention which its great importance demands, and that we shall soon have in at least one of the affiliated colleges a Lecturer in Agriculture, whose work will be chiefly in connection with trainingcollege students and young teachers in secondary schools. If these facilities for the study of the subject are denied, we feel compelled, with the greatest reluctance, to advise the Principals of secondary schools to delete agriculture from the syllabus of instruction.



The Education Department is meanwhile attempting to make some provision at Weraroa for the training of young men in agricultural science. It is questionable, however, whether a supply of teachers will eventually come from this source, and further reference to this project seems to lie outside the scope of our report. The position as far as secondary schools is concerned is si ill substantially the same as thai recorded in the annual report for 1917. Some few schools— aotably those at Whangarei, Hamilton, New Plymouth, Palmers!on North. Nelson, Rangiofa, Ashburton, Timaru, and Waifcaki—still kept the subject on the syllabus during 1919, and made an honest attempt to provide a sound course of .scientific instruction. They were, however, hampered in varying degrees by the popular demand that instruction in the subject should even in the earlier stages run along specialized or vocational rather than educational lines, by the mistaken desire for large experimental areas, by the consequent inordinate proportion of time taken by the pupils in routine field operations. by the lack of trained touchers in the subject, by the failure of the University or the Education Department to make any satisfactory provision for the training of such teachers, and by the discouragement that awaits bright pupils who, having taken agriculture to the standard of Matriculation or University Entrance Scholarship Examination, find themselves compelled to drop the subject on entering the University, if they are aiming at the usual arts degree. Conference ok Suniok Cadet Officers. In September, a conference of representative secondary-school Cadet officers was summoned in Wellington by the Defence Department. The conference, which lasted two days, was presided over by the Senior Inspector, and some of the sessions were attended by Major-General Robin, Brigadier-General Richardson, and other officers of the Permanent Staff. Various matters affecting the welfare of Senior Cadets attached to secondary schools were fully discussed. The most definite and valuable result was the agreement of the Defence Department to the long-standing request that in the case of school units the military year should be made to coincide with the school year. .Matters relative to maintenance grants, issue and replacement of equipment, physical drill, school barracks, and many others were freely discussed, and it was agreed that the conference had been a very valuable one in removing some of the causes of friction between officials of the Defence and Education Departments* Phywkjai, Drill foe Girls, We have from lime to lime drawn attention to the supreme importance of tin , sound physical (raining of girls in secondary schools. It is therefore pleasing to be able to stale that year by year more stress is being laid on this branch of school work. Not only are games in nearly every case properly organized and supervised by teachers; not only do selected teachers attend courses in physical exercise and qualify themselves to supervise school drill, but in a number of the larger schools a woman with special qualifications is now engaged and devotes all or nearly all of her time to supervision of games and drill, makes periodical inspection of girls, records minor physical defects, and, where possible, applies remedial treatment. The same teacher sometimes gives instruction in swimming, life-saving, hygiene, and first aid. Such a teacher is manifestly a most valuable addition to the stall of a girls' school. Conclusion. We have found Principals and assistants alike ready to afford us all possible assistance, and prepared to discuss fully all points raised by us. it is only by means of such frank and ready co-operation that inspection visits can be made really helpful. T. R. Cresswell, i j to f Seoondary 8 ,, 1100k . E. J. Pake, ) ' The Director of Education, Wellington.

3. DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOLS.—EXTRACTS FROM REPORTS OF INSPECTORS OF SCHOOLS, EDUCATION BOARDS, DIRECTORS OF MANUAL INSTRUCTION, ETC. AUCKLAND. Extract from the Report ok the Education Board, Foii some time past the Board has been impressed with the necessity of improving the tuition in the district high schools, and last year obtained full reports from the Senior Inspector of Schools and Inspectors McLeod and Piicailhly upon each school. The Hoard obtained the permission of the Department for these officers to specially report upon the district high schools this year. In this way the Board will become conversant with the condition of these schools in detail, and, with the advice of the Inspectors mentioned, be able to effect a remedy. During the year the Department authorized the establishment of high schools at Te Awamutu and Whakatane. These schools were opened early this year. The rural course was taken by the pupils at the following district high schools: Aratapu, Coromandel, Pukekohe, Huntly, Te Knit i, Taumarunui, Cambridge, Malamaia, Rotorua, Waihi, Paeroa, and Tauranga. Eacli of these schools was visited regularly by an instructor in agriculture, who assisted in the science instruction. The course of work has been modified to suit the staffing conditions better and to enhance the value of the instruction given. The science equipment at the district high school is being steadily improved, and there are now science-rooms fully equipped for the teaching of agriculture and domestic science at most of the district high schools. In March the senior boys from all districl high schools were taken to Ruakura Government Farm of Instruction for a week's instruction in agriculture and dairy science in charge of the Board's instructors.



TARANAKI. Extract from the Report of the Education Board. Stratford District Ilii/Ii School. —Despite the changes in the school Etaff, the work of tin: Stratford District High School's secondary department retains a satisfactory efficiency. The school now provides, in addition to the ordinary literary studies, full courses of training , in domestic and rural science and in commercial work. For these subjects special instructors, in addition to the ordinary staff, arc employed. 'I , he whole of the work of the school has a bias towards agriculture, and that important subject is taken as a study in every class. WANGANUI. Extract from the Repobt of the Inspectors of Schools. During the year the district high schools suffered greatly through changes in the teaching staff. It is a thousand pities more young teachers do not prepare for secondary-school teaching; but so long as they avoid science during their University course so long will they be of little service in the district high schools. We do not remember a time when teachers of the type we require were so scarce. From this cause our district high schools are languishing : the largest; department, which a few years ago had more than eighty pupils on the roll, has now about half that number; three of the smaller departments have a desperate struggle for existence, and disestablishment is threatening. In two instances the departments are prospering) and in these cases the staff has been permanent and the instruction regular and efficient. We do not think the failure of the smaller departments is to be taken as indicating that there is little demand for secondary education in the country districts. We ascribe the failure to lack of efficient teaching and to lack of continuity in the instruction. The Board's special vocational courses in animal husbandry and in shearing were well attended by pupils from the Wanganui Technical College and the district high schools. HAWKE'S BAY. Extract from the Report of the Inspectors of Schools. The following table shows the roll number at the end of the year in the district high schools :— Boys. Qirls. Total. Hastings ... ... ... ... ... 11l 20 39 Waipawa ... ... ... ... ... 23 20 43 Woodville ... ... ... 16 16 32 58 56 114 Towards the end of the year the Department decided to establish a district high school at Waipukurau. This is preparatory to providing a technical high school for that part of Hawke's Bay. Plans of buildings have been submitted to the Department. Meanwhile secondary work will be commenced under temporary conditions. In course of time, with proper application of such endowments as the Howard bequest, this school should rival the Agricultural College of Hawkesbury, in New South Wales. Of the works in these divisions generally it may be remarked that in studies bearing on vocation, such as agricultural science and dairy science, there appears to us to have been great progress in education during recent years—progress more marked than at any other stage of primary or secondary work, infant-room teaching possibly excepted. Arrangements are in hand to extend the facilities for a commercial education at Hastings, at which centre there is a .movement to disestablish the district high school with a view to instituting a technical high school. Extract from Report of Education Board. As in previous years, the first- and second-year pupils of the secondary departments of the district high schools took the rural course. The aim of the course is to provide a good general education in secondary subjects, and also to prepare the pupils for the Public Service Entrance Examination. The science work has been continued for the third and fourth year, thus enabling pupils to take science for their Matriculation Examination. The following table shows the numbers on the rolls of the various schools at the end of the years 1918 and 1919 respectively : —

The average attendance of pupils in the secondare' departments for the year was as follows : Hastings, 40; Waipawa, 50; Woodville, 34: total, 124.

School. ('lass. Roll at End of 1919. Roll at End of 1918. Hastings Rural —Senior Junior Matriculation Rural—Senior Junior Matriculation Rural —Senior Junior Matriculation 18 17 4 12 22 9 10 14 8 te 26 5 12 22 4 9 19 4 faipawa f oodvillo Rural course totals Matriculation totals 93 21 104 13 Grand totals 114 117



Extract from the Report of the Supervisor of Manual and Technical Instruction. The rural oourse, which in reality is the general course of instruction jjrovided in the district high schools, is in operation at Hastings, Waipawa, and Woodville. The aim of the course is to provide a good general education in secondary subjects and also to prepare (he pupils for Public Service Entrance Examination. A feature of this course is scientific work, which for nine years has been taken by the Board's instructor. Excellent work has been done in the practical scientific subjects taken. The science work lias been continued for the third and fourth year, thus enabling pupils to take science for their Matriculation Examination. The pupils in attendance at the rural course at each centre during the year were —Hastings, 39; Waipawa, 54; Woodville, ;S1 : total, 124. In order to meet the changing conditions of the time, the rural course should now be so modified as to permit of additional lime being devoted to domestic-science work. More systematic instruction should also be provided in commercial subjects. WELLINGTON. Extract fiioji the Report of the Inspectors (if Schools. Eight district high schools, with a roll of 305, were in operation during the year, and in live of These the Department's full rural course was taken, the remaining three being exempt under clause 1) of the Free Place Regulations. The establishment of secondary schools proper at Masterton and in the Hutt Valle\—sites having already been purchased —will probably eliminate all but two at least of these schools. In addition to meeting the requirements of the rural course, highly creditable results were obtained at the public examinations, as the following figures show: Full matriculation, 10; partial. I ; Public Service Entrance, I(i ; Senior National Scholarship, 7. In the Public Service Entrance Examination a, Petoue District High. Seliool candidate headed the list for the Dominion. Extract from the Report ok the Education Hoamt. The average attendances for the year ID I!) were—Carterton, 40; Eketahuna, 42; (ireytown, 14; Hutt, 35; Levin, 33; Masterton,' 40; I'ahiatua, 2.'!; Petone, 40 : total, 323. The secondary department of the Normal School was closed on the 30th June, 1919. (It is worthy of note that the Rhodes Scholar, l!)20, was a former pupil of the Masterton District High School.) NELSON. Extract from Report ok [nbpeotors of Schools. The yearly average attendance of tlie secondary classes at the four district high schools was : Westport,' LOT; Motueka, 25; Reefton, 18; Takaka, 14, The number on the roll, which constantly tends to decrease during the year, was at its close LOO, 22, 17, and 13 respectively. Schemes of work for the higher forms are based upon the requirements of the Public Service Entrance, Teachers' Certificate, or Matriculation Examinations. French, algebra, and geometry, with, as an alternative, book-keeping or a fuller commercial course, were taken in all schools. and Latin as well in two of them. All have had to carry on during the year under some disadvantages, mainly through the difficulty of obtaining capable teachers. Motueka was for a time short-staffed, no competent assistant being available, and no manual instruction in woodwork or cookery has been given at Motueka and Takaka, or to the boys al Reefton. At Westport the large number attending has led to the appointment of an additional (a fourth) teacher and the hiring of another class-room. The four rooms are widely dispersed and not well adapted to the purpose, so that difficulties in the way of supervision and organization are produced. Extract from run Report ok the Education Board. The secondary department of the Westport District High School, with a roll number of 120, urgently requires extra accommodation, which it is now hoped will be available shortly by the erection of the technical high school in the Buller district. The Board is pleased that the establishment of this school has been authorized. The amalgamation of the secondary department and the technical school will prove of very real benefit to the district. The attendance at the secondary departments at Motueka and Reefton is quite satisfactory, but at Takaka the continued poor attendance in the secondary department is disappointing and the school is not supported as it should be. Difficulties of staffing have interfered with the regular working of some of the secondary departments, and it is obvious that in order to attract suitable teachers the status of the schools will have to be improved and better salaries provided for the teachers. CANTERBURY. Extract from the Report ok Inspectors of Schools. The returns from district high schools showed 650 secondary pupils on the roll. With some of these the struggle for existence has continued for a long time, but we understand it has now been decided to close two of them. Excellent railway facilities should make it quite an easymatter for the pupils in these districts to attend at a, centre where there is a high school. Among the district high schools, West Christchurch and Wainiate hold a high place both with regard to numbers and excellence of work. Hokitika, Greymouth, Geraldine, and Temuka very closely approach the above schools, and in their respective centres are catering in an efficient manner for secondary requirements. The work in all the schools is most creditable to the teachers. The successes at matriculation and departmental examinations bear out, the favourable opinions formed at inspection visits. The attention to detail and the general neatness of work give a pleasing impression of the thoroughness of the methods employed.



OTAGO. Extract from the Report op the Inspectors op Schools. These schools continue to discharge their functions well by providing courses of instruction in elementary agriculture, domestic and elementary science, and such other courses as meet the requirements of the public examinations. While the educative value of the work is high, the course of instruction is practical, and we confidently expect that the applicable knowledge gained in these schools will have a marked effect through the adoption of rational processes and elimination of waste. As in former years, the pupils of these schools have acquitted themselves well in the Matriculation and Public Service Examinations, am] we should like to see the communities more appreciative of the educational advantages that are presented by these institutions. Extract from the Report of the Education Board. The average attendances in the secondary departments of these schools were: Balclutha, 61; Normal, 5'2; Lawrence, 34; Tokomairiro, 2-'i; Port Chalmers, 22; Alexandra, 22; Tapanui, 21; Mosgiel, 17; Palmerston, 15: total, 267—being a decrease of 40 from the previous year. The full agricultural science course was taken at all the district high schools except Alexandra. At the latter place, owing to want of facilities, a partial course only was followed, but it is hoped that next year the full course will be available, the Department having sanctioned a grant for the erection of the necessary woodwork, cookery, and science rooms.

4. DETAILED TABLES, ETC. [Note. —Reports of High School Boards not printed for 1919.] PERSONNEL OF STAFFS OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS AS AT 31st DECEMBER, 1919. Whangarei High School. —Messrs. R. Lupton; H. E. G. Smith; W. A. Given, M.A.; H. A. Quinn, M.A.; J. E. Shimmin: Miss E. Campbell, M.A. ; Mrs. E. Holloway, M.A.; Miss D. McKonzie, B.A. Auckland Boys , Grammar School. —Messrs. J. W. Tibbs, M.A. ; J. Drummond, M.A. ; H. J. D. Malion, B.A. ; E. Caradus, B,A. ;J. K. Davis, M.A. ; F. W. Gamble, M.A.; A. W. Short, 8.A.; P. A. Dohcrty, A.N.Z.T.A. ;J.L. I. Ncwhook ;A. R. Gatland, 8.A.; K. J. Bellow, M.A.; H. F. Brock, M.A.; W. Caradus, M.Sc.; G. S. Coldham, M.A.; I). A. Watt, 8.A.; W. J. Bishop, B.A. ;L. J. O'Oonncll, 8.A.; L, Matheson, M.A. ;C. R. Jones; J. A. Asher, 8.A.; H. C. Bourne, M.A. :J. H. Harvey; E. E. Bilkey; N. A. Winter, B.A. ;H. Wallace ;P. 0. Veale; P. A. S. Stein; J. W. Bennett; R. G. C. 'McNab, B.A.:' Misses M. E. Freeman; M. 0, Terry, M.Sc; E. G. B, Lynch, M.A.; E. 0. MoOuUooh, M.A.; I). Holmden, M.A. Part-time—Miss M. W. Alves. Auckland Girls' Grammar School. —Misses B. Butler, B.Sc. ; W. Pickcn, M.A. ; M. A. Dive; F. E, Macdonald, 8.A.; J. Uhlmann; K. V. Edgerley, M.A.; l>. M. Little; N. I. Maclean, M.A.; B. S. Maodiarmid, 8.A.; (!. F. Hull, M.A.; B. Bell, M.A.; A. C. Tizard, M.A.; V. L. Nutsford ; A. Haslctt, 8.A.: Mrs. S. Heap : Misses B. Jackson; M. Macdonald, 8.A.; P. Jull; 0. Horton, M.A. ;G. McMillan, 8.A.; M. Yardloy, M.A. Part-time —Misses L. V. Bruce; E. M. Baker: Mrs. I. Colo. Epsom Girls' Grammar School. —Misses A. C. Morrison, M.A.; H. Kirkbride, M.A.; L. Matches; M. McLean, 8.A.; E. M. B. Lynch, M.A.; M. Barnett, 8.A.; B. Battersby, M.Sc; B. Brendel, M.A.; J. Rudall, B.Sc. in H.Sc. ; C. Dwyer, 8.A.; M. Egerton, M.A.; M. Fisher, 8.A.; W. E. Sutton, B.A. Part-time—Misses G. Hutton ; L. V. Bruce ; E. M. Baker : Mrs. M. M. Boult. Hamilton High School. —Messrs. E. Wilson, M.A. ; W. Fraser, M.A. ; R. H. Inder; J. G. Patterson; E. Watkin, 8.A.; R. R. Macgregor; R. Maiks: Misses E. 0. Collins, 8.A.; 0. Or. Harrison, B.A. ; R. E. Rowlandson, B.A. ; D. Tompkins, M.A.; G. M. Wyatt; J. M. Brosnan, M.A. Thames High School. —Messrs. R. E. Rudman, M.A., B.Sc. ; W. H. Hoult, M.A. ; J. L. Pressing ; H. H. Marshall, 8.A.: Missea'K Haselden, M.A.; E. Wilcox ;H. B. A. Blaokkcr, B.A. New Plymouth Boys' High School. —Messrs. W. H. Moyos, M.A., B.Sc. ; R. H. Rockel, M.A. ; A. R. Ryder, M.A., B.Sc; 0. G. BottriU, M.A.; A. W. Diprose, 8.A.; N. D. Day : Miss J. MoLeod, M.A.: Messrs. H. E. Glover ;W. G. Wilkic ; H. L. Calder. Lower Department—Miss K. Campbell: Mr. D. Sexton. Part-time —Messrs. C. H. Wynyard; A. M. Bradbury ;J. W. Connell; F. J. Eggleton. New Plymouth Girls' High School. —Misses J. R. Barr, M.A. ; G. A. Drew, M.A. ; D. V. Burrow, B.Sc : P. M. Clark, M.A. ; J. Smith, 8.A.; M. Lennon. Lower Department —Miss F. N. Fairbrother. Part-time —Mr. A. M. Bradbury : Miss I. Kirkby. Wanqanui Girls' College.— Misses C. M. Cruiekshank, M.A. ; S. E. Gifford, M.A. ; J. R. Currie, M.A. ; A. Blennerhassett, 8.A.; L. Beckingeale, B.A. ;C.C. H. Rockel, M.A.; 0. J. Gruar, 8.A.; M. A. Borrie, 8.A., B.Sc ; M. H. Treadwell, 8.A.: Mrs. S. A. E. Redwood: Misses J. Cherrett; E. Paton; D. Finn ; R. Jarvis. Lower Department Miss B. Craig. Part-time —Mr. D. Seaward : Miss E. J. Inkster : Madame E. Briggs : Miss V. B. Price. Wanganui Collegiate School. —Messrs. P. Marshall, M.A., D.Sc. ;J. E. Bannister, M.A. ;J. Allen, 8.A.: Rev. C. Price, M.A.: Messrs. F. H. Latham, 8.A.; G. F. McGrath, M.A. ;A.H. R. Amess, M.A. ; F. L. Peck; C. H. Campbell; R. A.W. Sutherland, M.Sc.; D. E. Thornton; 0. P. Worley, M.A., M.So. ;A. A. McLaohlan ; G. H. L. Bernan. Part-time—Mrs. J. Ramsay : Miss V. Price. Wdlington College.— -Messrs. J. P. Firth, B.A. ; A. Heine, B.A. ; A. 0. Gifford, M.A. ;T. Brodie, 8.A.; F. M. Renner, MA • H. B. Tomlinson, M.A. ; (). W. Williams, M.A.; J. . Lomas, B.A. ; W. Alexander, M.A., LL.B. ; J. Hall, 8.A., B.Sc ; H. A. Smithson, M.A. ; W. F. C. Balham ; J. N. Millard, 8.A.; G. W. Moricc, M.A.; A. E. Caddick, M.A.; H. T. M. Fathers; J. R. Cuddie, M.A.; R. H Biggar, M.A. ; W. V. Jones ; E. J. D. Hercus, M.A., B.Sc. ;W. H. Stevens; C. Taylor, 8.A.; F. Joplin, 8.A.; E Thornton; T. E. Beard; R. D. Thompson, M.A. Wellington Girls' College.— Misses M. J. McLean, M.A. ; A. M. Batham, B.A. ; E. A. Newman, M.A.; R. M. Collins, B.A. ; E. M. Rainforth, M.A. ; E. M. Hind, M.A. ; D. N. Allan, M.A. ; B. Muller, M.A. ; H. R. Ward; J. M. Robertson, M.A. ; E. M. Duff, M.A. ; H. J. Addington, M.A. ;F. E. Kershaw, M.A.; N. Coad, M.A.; M. Kennedy, M.A. ; E.'t. Crawford, 8.A.; M. K. Wilson: Mis. C. Wood, M.A.: Misses F. J. W. Hodges, M.A.; Pigott, B.Sc.'; Marshall, B.Sc : Shields, M.A.; Marchant; Smith; Fenton. Lowor Department—Misses E. McDiarmid; F. E.'Ross, M.A.; Ballinger; L. Kershaw. Part-time —Mrs. Hamerton; Madame Bendall: Misses R. Smith; BlenkhomiMr. L. F. Watkins: Misses Medley; Grant; March banks; Wood; Rennie.



Palmerston North High School. —Moasrs. J. Murray, M.A. ; J. A. Colqulioun, M.Sc. ; W. P. Anderson, M.A.; G. S. Strack, M.A.; J. A. Hodges; N. A. Foden, B.A. ;H. W. Eerr : Misses A. F. Ironside, M.A. ;M. J. Macaulay, M.A.; X>. C. Hunt, B.A. ;0. M. Heine, B.A. ;L. T. Oldridge, M.A.; E. Billons, B.A. ;L. Sheat, M.A.; G. de Lambert. Part-time —Messrs. G. H. Elliott; F. D. Opie: Miss E. Henry: Mrs. M. Woolf: Mr. W. Stephenson, Dannevirke High School. —Messrs. J. M. Summers, M.A. ; F. Heaton, M.A., B.Sc. : Mrs. W. M. Grey; Misses E. M. Bollingor, M.A. ; N. K. Chapman: Mr. H. K. Sumpter. Napier Boys' High School. —Messrs. W. A. Armour, M.A., M.Sc. ; N. B. Jacobsen, M.Sc.; W. Kerr, M.A. ; H. H. Ward, B.A. ; E. S. West, M.A.; C. J. Bagley; It. B. Hardy. Lower Department—Messrs. F. Q. Barnby; J, Rich. Part-time —Mr. F. Sehierning. Napier Girls' High School—Misses V. M. Greig, M.A., B.Sc. ; C. R. Kirk, B.A. ; A. M. Anderson ; J. (). Gillies; M. C. Mullay; S. J. Robinson, M.A. Lower Department—Misses <). M. Hewett; P. Duncan Part-time —Miss W. S. Fraser : Mrs. P. Hawkins ; Miss J. Mitchell. Gisborne High School Messrs. F. Foote, 8.A., B.Sc. ; F. J. Wilkes, M.A. : Miss J. Knapp, 8.A.: Messrs. P. 0. Edmonson, B.A. ; G. T. Maunder, M.Sc. ; \V. G. Harwood, 8.A.; W. P. Dunphy, 8.A.: Misses ,1. Sandall; ('. R. Walker; J. M. Chaffey. Lower Department- -Misses A.M. Ingram; E. M. Angland. Part-time—Miss M. Gordon; Mr. ('. I' , . Brown. Marlboroagh High School— Dr. J. Innes, M.A., LL.D. ; Messrs. H, Robson, M.A. ; C .T. R. Price: Misses E. M. Men, M.A. ;E. A. Harvey, B.A. ; E. M. Pigott, M.A.; R. M. Innes, B.A. Part-time —Mr. B. L. Hoare. Nelson Boys' College.— Messrs. H. L. Fowler, M.A. ; G. H. Broad, B.A. ; V. L. Tuck, B.Sc.; J. G. McKay, B.A. ; 11. P. Kidson, M.A. ;J. W. Bird, M.A. ; R. G. A. Sawell, B.A. ;T. J. Morrow, M.A.; ,1. Dash; A. G. Thompson. Lower Department—Mr. L. Ching. Part-time —Mr. A. Robertson. Nelson Girls' College. —Misses M. Lorimer, M.A. ; M. McEachen, M.A. ; A. Eastwood, M.A. ; N. G. Isaac, M.A. ; M. Garland, M.A. ;R. Ray, M.A.; R. Kursfccn, B.A. ; C. Maeindoe, M.A.; G. O'Brien; M. O'Haro Smith. Lower Department—Mrs. K. Moynihan. Ghristchurch Boys' High School. —Messrs. 0. E. Bovan Brown, M.A. ; R. M. Laing, M.A., B.Sc. ; G. Lancaster, M.A.; A. Morton ; R. J. Thompson, B.A. ; J. R. Montgomery, M.A. ; W. M. Stewart, M.A.; H. V. Rowe, M.A. ; Mrs. M. Rhodes, M.A.: Mr. D. Arnott, M.A.: Miss F. J. Macalister, M.A.; Messrs. S. P. MoCallum ; J. H. E. Shroder, 8.A.; It. de B. Adamson, B.Sc.; R. de R. Worker; W. H. Gourlay. Part-time—Monsieur Malaquin : Messrs. T. W. Cane, M.A.; W. Hoar. Ghristchurch Girls' High School— Misses M. V. Gibson, M.A. ; K. Grieson, M.A. ;E. M. Mclntosh, M.A. ; F. Sheard, M.A., B.Sc. ; L. Bing, B.A. ; G. Greenstreet, B.A. ; E. B. Baxter, M.A. ; M. E. Sims, M.A. ; H. P. Leversedge, M.A. ; E. D. Graham, M.A. ; A. J. McKee ; D. Bone ; E. R. Edwards, 8.A.; A. I. Wilson, M.A.; N. Wagstaff, M.A.; E. Kidston. M.A.; M.Watson. Lower Department—Miss M. Hansen. Part-time —Misses J. Black, M us. B.; J. S. Berkeley; H. Smith : Captain F. Farthing: Misses E. M. Burns ; McNie: Mrs. V. Milner: Miss E. Willis. Christ's College Grammar School Messrs. G. E. Blanch, M.A., B.Sc. ; A. E. Flower, M.A., M.Sc. ; E. G. Hogg, M.A., F.R.H.A. ; J. Monteath, B.A. ; I-:. Jenkins, B.A. ; P. M. Bainos, B.A. ; H. Hudson, B.A. : Rev. F. G. Brittain, M:.A. : Mossrs. A. L. Rowe; J. F. D. White, 8.A.; R. H. O'Donol Davis; R. H. Kvans, M.A.; H. Fell, 8.A.; J. G. Denniston, 8.A.: Rev. S. Parr, M.A. Lower Department—Messrs. G. H. Merton, 8.A.; E. IT. Severne,B.A.; Miss Stewart. Part-time—Captain I' , . Farthing! Messrs. A. .1. Merton; .1. M. Madden; W. Bridge; N. M. Richmond. Rangiora High School —Messrs. J. E. Strachan, M.A. ; A. J. Fergnson, M.A.; G. C. Beattie, M.Se.; A. Lookhart : Misses M. I). Turner, 8.A.; A. Stringer. Part-time—Mr. G. Gibbs-Jordan. Ashburlon High School Messrs. W. F. Watters, 8.A.; J. Stewart, M.A. ;H. H. Allan, M.A.; H. Bolshaw : Misses M. F. Arnott, B.A. ; C. Z. Stovenson, B.A. ; K. A. McKeage; D. MoClurg, Lower Department—Miss V. Humphreys. Timaru Boys' High School—Messrs. W. Thomas, M.A. ; A. G. Tait, B.A. ;E. A. Coekroft; C. Malthus, M.A.; C. S. Hind; D. Komshed, 8.A.; R. B. Wicks ;W. M. Horwell; P. S. Cabot. Lower Department—Misses A. Aimers :E. Hooper. Part-time—Messrs. W. Green ; H. Mayo ; G. Hartc; J. Brown, B.Sc. Timaru Girh' High Sdmol—Misses B. M. Watt, M.A. ; E. A. King, M.A. ; A. M. Aitkon, B.Sc. ; M. S. Watt, B.A. ; M. W. Watson, 8.A.; C. C. Hardcastle, M.A. Part-time—Misses M. Stuart; Couper: Mr. W. Green. Waitalci Boys' High School— Mossrs. F. Milner, M.A. ; M. K. McCulloch, M.A. ; D. S. Chisholm, M.A.; W. M. Uttley, M.A. ;H. Rands, M.A., B.Sc.; H. D. Tait, 8.A.; P. W. Hargreaves; C. G. May; F. A. Crimp: Misses H, Woodhouse, M.A.; C. Copeland, B.A. Lower Department—Miss E. G. do Lambert; Mr. H. Hall. Part-time—Miss M. McCaw. Waitahi Girls' High School. —Misses C. Ferguson, M.A. ; A. M. Budd, M.A. ; D. M. Stewart, B.A. ; E. E. Vickery, 8.A.; L. A. Richardson; G. Brooke ;M. Allan. Part-time —Miss M. McCaw. Otago Boys' High School— Mossrs. W. J. Morrell, M.A. ;F. H. Campbell, M.A.; J. Williams, B.Sc.; W. J. Martyn, M.A.; 'J. Reid, 8.A.; A. Watt, M.A.; J. Pow ; C. M. Littlojnhn, M.A., B.Se.; A. K. Anderson, M.A.; G. S. Thomson, B.Sc.; 0. J. Bcgg, 8.A.; M. G. Mclnnes, 8.A.; H. Drees, B.A; A. J. Gillman ;G. M. Robertson, 8.A.: Misses V. B. Dobic, 8.A.; M. W. Betts, M.Sc. Part-time—Messrs. W. L Phillips; D. G. Mowat. Otago Girls' High School— Misses F. M. Allan, M.A. ; F. Campbell, M.A. ; M. N. Gollatly, M.A. ; L. A. N. Downcs, ' B.A. : Mrs. B. Kerr, M.A.; Misses L. S. Morton, B.A. ; H. K. Dalrymple, B.A. ; J. B. Reid, 8.A.; C. Hogg, M.A.; E. J. Cornish, B.Sc. ;E. M. Bruce, 8.A.; J. H. Smith, 8.A.; E. D. Blackie; L. N. Dallaston, 8.A.; E. E. Anderson, M.A. Part-time —Miss M. S. MoLeod : Mr. S. Wolf; Miss H. Alexander, 8.A.; Mr. J. Johnson, M.A. Gore High School Messrs. J. Hunter, M.A. ; J. H. Murdoch, M.A., 8.C0m.; W. L. Walton; S. B. Dunn: Misses M. J. Kennedy; M. L. Smith, M.A.; It. J. H. Douglas. Part-time —Mr. J. McGregor. Southland Boys' High School— Mossrs. T. D. Poarce, M.A. ; J. P. Dakin, B.A. ; J. S. McGrath, B.A. ; M. Alexander, M.Sc. ; J. G. Anderson, M.Sc.: J. B. Mawson, M.A. ;J. Flannery; J. L. Cameron; Miss J. R. Maekay. Parttime —Messrs J. Pago; J. W. Dickson. Southland Girls' High School —Misses M. H. M. King, M.A. ; M. Samuel, M.Se. ; M. M. Wilson, M.A.; A. Watt, B.A. ; A. L Louden, M.A. ; L. Fyfe, M.A. ; S. Burt, M.A. ; P. Harrington, 8.A.; M.A. Steele; L. Lawson. Part time —Messrs. J. Page ; J. Dickson ; C. Gray: Mosdames E. T. Hodgson; D. Taylor: Miss Wilkio.


TABLE K1.—Roll (Classified according to Ages), Average Attendance, and Fees of Secondary Schools (exclusive of Lower Departments), as in December, 1919.

3—E. 6.


TABLE Kl.—Roll (Classified according to Lowe !ORDT nq to Aoes), AvEBAGE Attendance, and Fees op Secondary iScii Lower Departmionts), as in December, 1919. 1 Agks), A 1 CR J>EL'ARTT iVKRAOE M10 NTS), : Attendano as in Deck 3E, and Fees of ember, 1919. ? Secondar IY SCI y Schools (exclusive oe I &§ -SSchools. §■§ o» <IS ,0 ■4 a 9 'ir -H OS 9 »■ U ?£ e * 12 to 15 15 to 18 Over IS Totals, all _> „ Years. Years. Years. Ages. SS -g Years. ■s a , | * B. G B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. CO Is" s r. Under 12 Years. B. G 12 to 15 Years. B. G. 16 to 18 Ove Years. Yei B. G. B. or 18 Total sars. Ag G. Ii. lis, all ges. a. I Annual Kates ol Is, all Fees. 108. For Board, , For exclusive Tuition. of **. Tuition. to io. u n. u. v. ct. u. u. is. u. A. Endowed Schools i hools included in the Ninth Schedule to the, Education Act, 1914. included in 1 the Ni: inth Schedule e to the Education n Act, 1911. (. £ s. d. £ s. d. 77 8 8 0 40 0 0 .. 13 10 0 491 13 10 0 284 13 10 0 Whangarei High School .. .. 160 169 Auckland Boys' Grammar School .. 822 803 Auckland Girls' Grammar School .. 488 491 Auckland (Epsom) Girls' Grammar 283 284 School Thames High School .. .. 152 150 Now Plymouth Boys' High School .. 233 230 New Plymouth Girls' High School.. 122 126 Wanganui Girls' Collego .. .. 194 200 Gisborne High School .. .. 209 206 Napier Boys' High School .. 157 156 Napier Girls' High School .. 110 107 Wellington Boys' College .. .. 572 588 Wellington Girls' Colloge .. .. 528 504 Marlborough High School .. 150 140 Nelson Boys' College .. .. 223 238 Nelson Girls' College .. .. 186 193 Christchurch Boys' High School .. 375 383 Christchurch Girls' High School .. 404 425 Rangiora High School .. .. 103 106 Ashburton High School .. .. 158 161 Timaru Boys' High School .. 212 21.7 Timaru Girls' High School .. 145 151 Waitaki Boys' High School .. 280 284 Waitaki Girls' High School .. 120 121 Otago Boys' High School.. .. 455 442 Otago Girls' High School .. .. 349 344 Southland Boys' High School .. 224 193 Southland Girls' High School .. 218 224 169 180 .... 27 28 63 46 2 3 92 77 803 ) .... 243 .. 520 .. 40 .. 803 .. 491 1,721 103 .. 350 .. 38 .. 491 284 J ( 105 .. 176 .. 3 .. 284 9 180 I) I ■ 1,721 1 J 3 188 3 \ 373 3 216 3 228 .} *»{ I \ 1,208 i ) 159 !) m i i 404 5 439 3 114 I 189 [} :!89 { 1} 446 { I } 89 ° , 1} 488 { . J 27 28 . 243 .. . .. 103 . .. 105 24 22 78 .. . .. 37 . .. 43 52 29 50 .. . .. 38 . 280 .. . .. 206 28 27 82 .. . .. 65 119 .. . .. 149 25 28 34 38 55 .. . .. 48 68 .. . .. 30 143 .. . .. 97 73 .. . .. 78 i 63 46 2 520 .. 40 5 .. 350 .. 5 .. 176 .. 2 58 43 2 134 .. 18 7 .. 82 .. 5 .. 141 .. i 72 49 2 96 .. 10 3 .. 65 .. 290 .. 12 1 .. 281 .. 7 33 48 2 138 .. 18 ■> .. .122 .. 241 .. 23 J .. 263 .. 3 21 31 .. i 40 44 2 147 .. 15 3 .. 92 .. 198 .. 18 ) .. 81 .. 279 .. 20 1 .. 225 .. 113 .. 7 i .. 135 .. 2 3 92 3 .. 803 38 .. 3 .. I 1 84 }, .. 230 7 .. 1.6 .. 2l 2 126 )' .. 156 4 .. i .. 588 17 .. I, 2 63 1 .. 238 6 .. I .. 383 13 .. 1 46 i 3 76 5 .. 217 11 .. 1 .. 284 10 .. ) .. 442 22 .. 1 .. 193 11 .. 38 3 2 77 3 .. 491 284 1 66 ) .. 126 200 i 80 107 3 .. 504 3 77 3 .. 193 3 .. 425 5 80 3 85 1 .. 151 t .. 121 2 .. 344 3 .. 224 150 188 .... 24 22 58 43 2 1 84 66 230 I „-,(•••• 78 .. 134 .. 18 .. 230 126 ) sli .\ 37 .. 82 .. 7 .. 126 200 216 43 .. 141 .. ! 1.6 .. 200 206 228 .... 52 29 72 49 2 2 126 80 156 | f .. .. 50 .. 96 .. 10 .. 156 .. 107 ) 38 .. 65 .. 4 .. 107 588 ) . „. ( .. .. 286 .. 290 .. 12 .. 588 .. 504 i L ' M »{ 206 .. 281 .. ' 17 .. 504 140 159 .... 28 27 33 48 2 2 63 77 288 ) ... f .. .. 82 .. 138 .. 18 .. 238 .. 193 j *'*), 65 .. 122 .. 6 .. 193 383 404 .... 119 .. 241 .. 23 .. 383 .. 425 430 140 .. 263 .. 13 .. 425 106 114 .... 25 28 21 31 .. 1 46 60 161 189 .... 34 38 40 44 2 3 76 85 217 ) , aQ (•.... 55 .. 147 .. 15 .. 217 .. 151 ) ,i8y l 48 .. 92 .. ! 11 .. 151 284 } iM < .... 68 .. 198 .. 18, .. 284 .. 121 S I 30 .. 81 .. 10 .. 121 442 | sqo ( .. .. 143 .. 279 .. 20! .. 442 344 ) \ 97 .. 225 .. 22 .. 344 193 \ , ftft f ... .. 73 .. 113 .. 7 .. 193 .. 224 ) * 88 ,_ 78 .. 135 .. 11 .. 224 7,636 8,385 .. ..1,387 1,1712,4432,274 191 1704,0213,61.5 "7 16 2 4 1 'l7 2 6 13 1 3 66 9 0 0 7 10 0 42 0 0 126 7 10 0 42 2 0 200 13 10 0 45 0 0 80 9 0 0 45 0 0 9 9 0 45 0 0 107 9 9 0 45 0 0 •• 11 17 9 46 10 0 504 11 17 0 48 0 0 77 11 8 0 .. 12 0 0 51 0 0 103 12 0 0 51 0 t) .. 10 10 0 45 0 0 425 12 12 0 60 9 9 0 32 3 0 85 9 9 0 42 0 0 9 0 0 40 0 0 151 9 0 0 45 0 0 9 0 0 54 0 0 121 9 0 0 .. 10 0 0 344 10 0 0 .. 10 0 0 224 10 0 0 ii 'io 22 ii Totals .. .. 7,632 7,636 3 8,385 "l " . 1,387 1,171 12,4432,274 191 I 1704,021 170 13,015 3,615 __i B. Secondary Schools established blished in the manner provided by Section 88 of the Education Act, 11 321 363 .... 56 48 116 101 .. .. I 172 149 319 383 .... 56 39 127 82 9 6 192 127 114 128 .... 25 17 38 28 2 4 65 49 146 166 .... 26 27 38 43 8 4 72 74 •d in the mi tanner p. provided by S lection 88 of the , Education .t Act, li ils esla ilishea in the mi mm >,r p. 'ovideex i by S Education ./ ct, U 114. Hamilton High School .. .. 322 321 Palmerston North High School .. 328 319 Dannevirke High School .. .. 116 114 Gore High School .. .. 142 146 322 328 110 142 321 319 114 146 1 363 ) 383 1 128 i 166 363 383 128 166 56 48 56 39 25 17 26 27 56 56 25 26 48 39 17 27 i 116 101 .. ) 127 82 9 ( 38 28 2 1 38 43 8 .. I 172 ) 6 192 2 4 65 i 4 72 .. | 172 6 192 4 65 4 72 14 501 1844,5221 I 149 ! 127 > 49 ! 74 149 127J 491 74 10 0 01 45 0 0 10 0 0: 44 2 0 10 0 0 46 2 0 10 0 0 Totals .. .. 908 900 900 1,040 .... 163 131 310 254 19 14 501 399 ) 1,040 163 131 163 131 1 319 254 19 ) 14 501 I 399 90! 900 1,040 254 399 Totals, A and B .. 8,540 8,530 8,536 8,530 9,425 .. .. 1,5501,3022,7622,528 210 1844,522i4,014 > 9,425 1,5501,302 1,550 ,1,302 !2,7622,528 210 2,528 ) 184 4,522 ! 1,01 I 1,01 I , .___ 1.__| C. Endowed Secondary S Schools with kin the r, meaning of ti the Act, but not it ncluded aboi icluded aboi we. 15 0 01 70 10 0 20 0 0 55 0 0 \eanin Ml it >e. Wanganui Collegiate School .. 231 230 Christ's College Grammar School .. 311 302 Totals .. .. 542 532 Grand totals for 1919.. 9,0829,068 Grand totals for 1918.. 8,200 8,384 I I "_v 39 .. 98 .. 137 .. 1,687 1,302; 1,0161,343: 39 98 169 .. 22 176 .. 28 345 .. 50 ;3,1072,528 260 2,755 2,245 249 22 28 ! .. 230 I .. 302 1 .. 532 1 1845,054 < 1744,621! 230 302 ) .. 1 > :4,014 3,763 3—E. 6.


Table K2.—Classification of Pupils on the Roll in Secondary Schools in 1919, according to Years of Attendance (exclusive of Lower Departments).

From these figures the following results relating to the number of years pupils remain at the secondary schools are obtained : — Boys. Girls. Percentage leaving at end of Ist year or during 2nd year ... 22-9 25'7 2nd „ 3rd „ ... 23-0 250 3rd „ 4th „ ... 19-0 205 4th „ sth „ ... 23-1 19-7 sth „ 6fch „ ... 8-8 6-4 Percentage remaining at end of 6th year ... .. ... 3-2 2-7 1000 1000 The average length of stay of the boys is 2-85 years or 2 years 10 months, and of the girls is 2-69 years or 2 years 8 months.


Schools. First Year. Boys. Girls. Second Year. I Third Boys. Girls. Boys. 'ear. Fourth Ycar.l Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Fifth Year. Sixth Year. Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. ■Orl %& IH O OH rirls. A. Enc, Whangarei High School .. Auckland Boys' Grammar School Auckland Girls' Grammar School Auckland (Epsom) Girls' Grammar School Thames High Sohool New Plymouth Boys' High Sohool Now Plymouth Girls' High Sohool Wanganui Girls' College.. Gisborne High School Napier Boys' High School Napier Cirls' High School Wellington Boys' College Wellington Girls' College Marlborough High School Nelson Boys' Collego Nelson Girls' Collego Christchurch Boys' High School Christchurch Girls' High Sohool Rangiora High School .. Ashburton High School .. Timaru Boys' High School Timaru Cirls' High School Waitaki Boys' High Sohool Waitaki Girls' High Sohool Otago Boys' High School Otago Girls' High School Southland Boys' High School Southland Girls' High Sohool dowed School, 42 35 315 .. 188 T35 40 80 106 .. 52 0" 65 4C 07 .. 52 245 .. 2H 39 3S 79 .. 77 147 .. 173 21 32 35 3t 83 .. ! .. 60 111 47 I 173 . . L3E 79 . . 7S iwed j! 42 315 40 106 65 07 245 39 79 Schools included in 35 29 23 227 T88 .. 130 135 .. 74 i 35 28 17 i .. 45 .. 52 .. 37 09 . . 57 40 34 29 30 .. 53 .. 28 i .. 175 .. 219 .. 137 i 38 14 24 1 inclui 29 227 28 45 34 36 175 i4 69 the Ninth Si 14 7 144 .. ' .. 91 68 12 10 35 .. 25 35 < 15 6 29 .. 11 109 .. 85 7 10 40 .. 36 68 .. chedule to the 6 II 100 .. 61 7 4 4 28 .. 9 27 10 4 10 .. 9 45 .. .. 43 2 5 37 .. .. 15 40 .. 3 Educ 1 14 "l 1 8 12 "l 13 ■ation Act, 19 1 .. 3 16 .. 9 1 .. 7 .. 1 1 5 .. 2 12 .. ition - 1 10 H4. 5 1 8 5 92 77 803 .. 491 284 84 06 230 .. 1.20 200 120 80 156 .. 107 588 .. 504 63 77 238 .. 193 383 .. 169 803 491 284 1.50 230 120 200 206 156 107 588 504 140 238 193 383 i .. 69 .. 77 . . 54 "9 5 "2 147 ■ .. 115 .. U5 12 173 .. 133 .. 74 34 11 .. 425 425 21 35 83 iii 32 18 14 38 22 25 i r.n ; .. 59 .. 60 .. 40 68 .. 47 .. 35 18 22 59 68 4 6 16 10 40 .. 27 51 . . ; .. 21 68 .. 70 38 .. 2 0 3 II 24 .. 16 33 .. 14 51 .. . . 36 25 .. 1 io 17 2 .. I .. 1 8 .. 4 i 46 60 70 85 217 .. 151 284 .. 121 442 .. 344 193 .. 100 161 217 151 284 121 442 344 193 i 73 1 .. 128 .. 135 .. 91 128 in 4 .. 3 12 .. '79 i . . 45 .. 45 ti 78 .. 62 ! .. 42 35 5 .. 2 224 224 Totals 1,047 1,504 1,647 1,5041,1121,Oioj 1,112 680 634 432 347 T22 95 28 25 4,0213,015 7,636 __| J , B. Secondary Schi sols establish tablished in the ma xnner providi ed by Sectim n 88 o if the Educat tion A el, 1914. wis est Hamilton High School .. Palmerston North High Sohool Dannevirke High School Gore High School 74 74 80 00 34 23 30 31 74 80 74 02 451 00 53 32 23 19 15 31 16 20 188J 150 112 1,692 1,2621,122 11 12 28 18 15 12 23 10 TO 7 0 .. 6 1 i 172 149 192 127 65 49 72 74 1 321 319 114 : 140 34 30 6 6 14 12 5 3 8 10 1 3 1 .. 1 1 l Totals 218 188 218 59 48 51 35 21 14 2 2 501 399 900 Totals A and B .. 1,8651,692 1,865 739 082 483 382 143 109 30 27 4,522 4,014 : 8,530 C. Endowen d Secondary I Secon vulary Schools with in the meant ing of the At t not includei ■d abov >e el, but Wanganui Collegiate Sohool Christ's Collego Grammar School I 59 . . 79 .. 59 79 67 .. .. 71 .. 41 .. 65 . . 38 .. 54 .. 17 24 8 230 .. 302 .. 230 302 9 Totals 138 .. 138 i .. T38 .. 106 .. 100 92 .. 41 17 17 532 .. 532 Grand totals for 1919 Grand totals for 1918 2,003 1,692 1,8261,51C 2,003 1,826 ; 1,092 1,4001,122 11,5101,277 1,140 ■ 182 123 -18 1,092 1,510 I 845 682 I 837 635 845 837 ! 575 382 i 473 320 184 158 109 47 134 50 47 50 27 24 5,0544,014 4,6213,763 433 251 4,014 3,703 9,008 8,384 684 Difference 177 182 177 I 8 47 8 ' 102 62 26 251 182 25 -3



Table K3.—Staffs and Salaries and Incidental Expenses of Secondary Schools ad in December, 1919 (Lower Departments excluded).

£ Regular. H £ § J Number of Teachers. , HLH _ £ is Regi Sts liar -a 3 iff. £ S J! fi : Il I go 5S j §B , Pi a Salaries of Full-time Assistants at End of Y'ear. £150-£200. £201-£250. £251-£300. £301-£350. £351-£400. £401-£450. £451-£500. £501-£550. "S ■ - *s - © O Ch O I O V — Salaries of Full-time Assistants at End of Year. "si ** a o as - II (O = — — I I 1— I il 3 - C -j: = = 1 - r ™ Schools. Oj s a a" -~ S S EH Auckland Boys' Grammar School 822 29 5 1 New Plymouth Boys' High School 233 10 T .. Napier Boys' High School .. 157 7 .. T Wellington Bovs' College .. 572 26 .. Nelson Bovs' College .. .. 223 10 .. 4 Christchurch Bovs' High School 375 16 .. 4 Timaru Bovs' High School .. 212 9 .. 4 Waitaki Bovs' High School .. * 280 9 2 1 Otago High School .. 455 15 2 2 Southland Boys' High School 224 8 1 2 30 8 5 23 9 T3 8 8 10 8 4 3 2 3 1 3 T 3 1 T 241 21 22 22 22 23 24 25 27 25 25 23 20 23 25 25 26 28 28 2 s 1,000 *650 550 *600 f675 800 650 *566 -i-735 1-550 A. Boy 3 .. 1 5 10 2 3 1 .. 1 .. .. i .. 5 .. .. 1 .. 4\ 1 8 1 .. 2 .. .. 1 .. Ill 1 3 .. .. 1 .. 1 A. Boys' Schools. £ £ 5j 10 .. 10 11 .. 2 .. 1 .. 33 343 230 3 lj 1 .. 2 .. 1 10 363 300 2 .. 2| .. ... 6 365 .. 5 .. 8 .. 71 .. 4 .. 1 25 354 .. 4| 4| 9 §338 .. 8 .. 2 .. 21 .. 2 15 319 .. 2 .. 2 .. T 8 330 .. 1 T T 2 .. 2 .. 1 TO 375 260 T 3 T 4 .. 2 .. 2 .. 3 16 358 241 T I 2 .. 2 .. 1 8 363 280 7 35 4 33 .. 25i .. 13 . . 6 .. 1 .. 140 348 248 •• 2l 2 7 2l 2 2 2 2 £ 343 363 365 354 §338 319 330 375 358 363 £ 230| 300 £ £ 330 230 308 300 §3T6i .. 351 .. §324' .. 305 .. 311 .. 323, 260 358 241 341 280 £ 11.380 3,725 2,445 9,378 3,587 5,380 3.135 3,823 6,228 3,220 £ £ 105 11,485 535 4,260 90 2,535 60 9,438 60 3,647 758 6,138 356 3,491 36 3,859 275 6,503 187 3,407 £ £ 14-0 1-5 18-7 2-4 16-1 1-9 T6-5 2-0 T6-4 2-4 T6-4 3-8 16-5 1-8 13-8 2-1 14-3 1-8 15-2 1-8 T T 260 241 280 Totals .. ..3,553 139 IT 19 19 128 22 24 25 6,776 i 348 248 331 248 52,301 j ; 2,462-54,763 T5-4 I 1 1 1I 1 Auckland Girls' Grammar School 488j .. 22 3 Epsom Girls' Grammar School . . 283 : .. 13 4 New Plymouth Girls' High School 122 . . 6 2 Wanganui Girls' College .. 194 .. 9 .. Napier Girls' High School .. 110 .. 0 3 Wellington Girls' College .. 528 .. 25 IT Nelson Girls' College .. .. 186 .. 9 4 Christchurch Girls' High School 404 .. 17 8 Timaru Girls' High School .. 145. .. 6 3 Waitaki Girls' High School .. 120 .. 6 T Otago Girls' High School .. 3491 .. 15 .. Southland Girls' High School .. 218 .. 10 5| Totals .. .. 3,147 .. 144 44 3 17; 5 4 13 .. 2 6 .. 9 .. 3 4 2 11 21 4 4 8 1 8 14 3 3 6 .. 1 5 1 14 1 5 10 .. 22 23 22 ! 24 20 24 22| 24 18; 22 21 22 21 23 24 25 24 29 20J 24 23 25 22 24 22 24 600 500 *425 *600 400 650 *450 550 485 425 525 500j 3| 3 2 3 2 5 4 3 •• '• I -• B. Girls' Schools. 11 .. 3i .. I 3 .. 1 21 .. 256j 6 .. 2 .. 1 .. .. 12 .. 243 .. .. 2 .. 1 .. .. S 5 .. §257; 1 .. 3.. 1 .. ..! 8 .. 244 1 .. 1 .. 1 5 .. 247! 6 .. 7' .. 5 .. I 24 .. 275 3.. .. I .. I 8 .. §222 7 .. 4 .. T .. 1 16 .. 254 2 .. 2 .. T 5 .. 276 4.. ..j.. T 5 .. 243 7 .. 4 .. 2| .. T 14 .. 267| 5 .. 2 .. T 9 .. 2,50 53 .. 3o! .. 19 .. 4 132 .. 257 1 •• I I 256 j 243 §257: 244 1 247 275 §222 254 276 243 267; 2.50 1 1 J 251 243 .. §257 244 240 260 ■ - §218 247 276 248 263 250 5,870 3,410 1,710 2.554 1,600 6,895; 2,200 ; 4,500 1,865 1,660 4,210 2,750 2561 6,126 410' 3,820 63 1,773 .. ! 2,554 '' 182; 1,782. 768 7,663 il 140 2,340 I 652 5,152 i 113 1,978 ii 110 1,770 i 400 4,610 I I 427 3,177 . 12-6 1-5 I 13-T T-5 14-5 2-4 :i 13-2 2-9 16-2 ; T-9 II 14-5 ; 2-0 1! 11-8 2-4 12-8 ! 1-8 I 13-6 I 1-8 I 14-7 2-1 I 13-2 ( 1-8 ' 14-6 1-8 .... 1 -• 44J 127 17 6,110 26 257 252; 39,224 3,521 42,745! T3-6 I I Whangarei High School .. 160 5 3 2 Thames High School .. .. 152 4 3 .. Hamilton High School .. 322 7 6 .. Palmerston North High School .. 328 7 8 5 Gisborne High School .. .. 209' 6 4 .. Dannevirke High School .. 116 3 3 1 Marlborough High School .. 150 3 4 1 Rangiora High School .. 103 4 2 1 Ashb .rton High School .. 158 4 4 .. Gore High School .. .. 142 4 3 1 3 3 6 8 4 3 4 2 4 3 2 71 1 5 2 10 3 5 15 .. 8 2 1 5 1 1 6 1 1 5 1 -.6 2 1 6 T 20 22 25 22 21 19 21 17 20 20 23 25 27 23 23 23 25 21 23 24 II 550 600 ; 652 *650 f565 •mo tooO 550 627 •■ •• 1 . . •• •• 1 . . . . ■ .. T 9 1 T C. Mixed Schools. 2 .. T 4 I 7 3T0 250 2 2 1 .. .. T 6 320 250 2 1 4 3 T .. 1 12 390 266 5 3 2 T 1 .. .. 1 1 .. T4 §348 259 i 3 .. .. 2 .. .. 1 1 9 §322 §285 2 . . 1 .. .. T 5 400 260 1 .. 1 .. 1 1 6 480 254 T 1 T T .. T 5 350 250 3 .. 1 2 7 358 260 2 1 T T .. I 6 325 255 23 8. T3 12 2 4 1 5 .. 2 .. 1 . . 77 :i+7 257 S3 43 47 45 21 29 5 18 .. 8 .. 2 .. 349 348 256 • 1 320 307 370 §348 §322 320 365 320 358 325 250 2,580 2431 2,250 266i 4,538 253 4,767 §250 3,260 '260 1,985 254 2,455 250 2,010 247 2,615 250 2,300 282 75 15 48 6 2,580 16-1 2,250 14-8 4,538 T4-1 I 5,049 15-4 3,335 T6-0 2,000 T7-2 2,503 16-7 2,0T0 T9-5 2,615 16-6 2,306 T6-2 1-8 2-3 1-5 1-8 1-9 2-0 1-9 1-9 2-0 2-3 T .... Totals .. .. 1,840 47j 40 11 21 24 6,179 1 5 23 i 1 336 253 28,760 420 40 11 7:i T4 29,186 15-9 ' ! Grand totals .. .. 8,540| 186| 195 74 186 195 74 32S 53 22 24 19,065 9 27 12 S3 5 332 252 120285 0,409126694 14-8 2-0 ♦Resides at boa arding-establishment. f Residence provided. § Exclu nding value of board and residence provided for some of the asssisants.


TABLE K4. —Number of Pupils holding Free Places and Scholarships in Secondary Schools during the Last Teem, 1919.


Junior. Boys. GirlB. ! (2.) (8.) Number of Holders of Free Places. Senior. Totals. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. Boys. Girls. Total. (4.) (5.) (6.) (7.) (8.) (9.) (10.) CD -H En r?S o oj O rO-S SiS ft 8 SCrf Si 1 i a 'Set. -p J a *l o p Eh Scholai holdi is -a 9 to g IIS '2T3 P (13.) rshipsre. o 2 s 2« o S 1. (14.) ' 1H ~ •go" EH»| &H W £ Pi £-38 .-3 go g-BCJ Ph ( 15.) Schooi. (i.) (ID (12.) A. Endowec 1 Schools included in i the Ninth Schedule to the Educat: Hon Act, 1914. Whangarei High School Au ckland Grammar Schools Thames High School .. New Plymouth High Schools Napier High Sohools .. Gisborne High Sohool.. Wanganui Girls' College Wellington Colleges .. Marlborough High School Nelson Colleges Rangiora High School Christchurch Boys' High School Christchurch Cirls' High School Ashburton High Sohool Timaru High Schools .. Waitaki High Schools.. Otago High Schools .. Southland High Sohools 08 508 50 118 18 456 964 238 16 34 86 66 152 270 ! 508 746 726 1,472 £ 155 2,720-958 7 . . 1,541 23,841-025 104 2 2 68 136 49 11.7 15 68 204 57 13 | 28 83 02 145 32 j 89 193 100 293 158 2,752-333 9 .. 2 303 5,221-87 22 .. 2 94 88 374 53 65 159 43 57 145 28 92 92 357 731 150 01 114 7 22 65 137 87 224 10 38 116 67 183 45 45 .. 137 137 125 275 524 482 1,000 12 19 00 73 133 237 3,987-433 20 .. 192 400 15 .. 140 1,236-910 10 .. 1,043 10,901-012 67 1 146 2,356-07 I .. 120 30 230 124 250 09 41 71 3 230 96 53 122 195 177 372 9 12 33 50 83 96 326 .. 326 374 5,1389 -97 5 51 .. 94 1,831-625 4 .. 334 4,740-237 35 3 1 "l 301 301 1.01 101 . . 402 402 404 5,633-408 33 2 40 113 130 285 118 03 109 17 88 201 09 80 210 67 211 490 130 143 261 63 18 35 03 81 144 47 116 182 135 317 38 105 197 118 315 122 252 415 333 748 74 ! 137 181 217 398 155 2,472-37 14 .. 6 322 3,730-300 32 1 326 4,130-258 30 .. 794 9,546-095 75 1 430 5,554-658 42 .. 6 B. Secondary / School Is established in the r manner provided by Section 88 of i the Education Act, 1914. Hamilton High School Palmerston North High Sohool Dannevirke High School Gore High School 121 119 42 44 101 222 32 83 202 48 32 74 12 51 95 | 25 31. 63 153 i 132 285 34 82 T67 : 117 284 11 23 54 ! 43 97 21 46 69 [ 72 141 301 4,869-758 24 .. 307 4,977-125 20 .. 106 1,988-583 6 .. 144 2,500-362 4 .. ( Wanganui Collegiate Sohool Christ's College Grammar Sohool I Endo, wed Sclwols within ti he meaning of the Act, but not inc eluded above. 2,573 5,366 1,187 1,1042,2913,980 3,677 7,657 ..4 18 . .. .. ..03 8,006 111,061-637 085 77 27 Totals 2,793


TABLE K5. —Pupils boarding away from Home to attend Secondary Schools and Lower Departments THEREOF.


Sohools. Boarding at Boarding at Establishments School Hostels. approved by Principal. Secondary Departments. Boai prlvi rding itcly. Total. 1 3d o o5 Q-oH orintn HH Boys. Girls, j Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. I Girls. Whangarei High School Auckland Grammar School Auckland Girls' Grammar School Auckland (Epsom) Girls' Grammar School Hamilton High School Thames High School Now Plymouth Boys' High School New Plymouth Girls' High School Wanganui Girls' College Wanganui Collegiate School Palmerston North High School .. Wellington Boys' Collego Wellington Girls' College Dannevirke High School Napier Boys' High School Napier Girls' High School Gisborne High School .. Marlborough High School Nelson Boys' College Nelson Girls' College Rangiora High Sohool Christchurch Boys' High School Christchurch Girls' High School Christ's College Grammar School Ashburton High School Timaru Boys' High School Timaru Girls' High School Waitaki Boys' High School Waitaki Girls' High School Otago Boys' High School Otago Girls' High School Gore High School Southland Boys' High School Southland Girls' High School 22 120 187 37 60 26 00 32 22 43 106 "7 32 18 20 19 4 T6 T5 2 36 10 100 25 4 15 25 4 4 3 13 7 14 57 37 20 4 10 18 6 8 3 18 32 120 44 4 T20 187 56 85 30 04 35 13 102 14 73 52 42 4 55 106 18 43 6 40 21 18 39 8 18 5 15 16 68 95 '59 8 7 66 8 i6 9 9 30 11 9 41 28 28 56 103 25 75 18 "2 3 3 9 165 28 78 27 6 26 28 9 37 22 211 22 22 233 22 49 7 15 26 18 64 33 18 33 12 15 12 48 25, 35 60 Totals 1,201 341 78 129 291 349 1,570 819 248



TABLE K6.—Receipts of Secondary Schools for the Year 1919.

Secondary-school Boards. Sales. Income from Income from Reserves Secondary- interest vested in education imeiesi. Boards. Reserves. From Endowments. From Government. Grants for n*±M-*i~ Buildings, : Laprcatiou capitation School Fees. Sites, Rent, F ° p n , for Apparatus, J„„\„£°~ Manual &c, and A i™ C i u ," "S Instruction. Subsidies. Annual <* rant) - From Government. Hostels Account. Loans Technical and Classes Interest. Account. Voluntary Contributions, Lower Income from Departments Property not Account. Keserves, Refunds, and Sundries. Totals. I Whangarei High School Auckland Grammar Schools Thames High School Hamilton High School New Plymouth High Schools Wanganui Girls' College Palmerston North High School . . Napier High Schools Gisborne High School Dannevirke High School Wellington Colleges Marlborough High School Nelson Colleges Rangiora High School Christchurch Boys' High School .. Christchurch Girls' High School .. Ashburton High School.. Timaru High Schools Waitaki High Schools Otago High Schools Gore High School Southland High Schools £ s. d.[ 30 5 0 7,564 TO 0 £ s. d. 27T T5 9 6.7T8 T5 4 828 T5 7 47 0 0 2,052 2 4 1,125 T8 6 523 T5 0 3,741 8 3 8,222 10 3 400 0 0 921 15 0 T39 T9 0 0,900 6 4 527 11 2 1,087 2 0 2,639 17 9 1,699 1 2 2,992 10 9 £ s. d. £ s. d.: £ s. d. 131 14 9 .. 1,000 0 0 1,109 4 7 199 0 0: 2,800 0 0 109 4 10 .. 700 0 0 207 T8 7 .. 343 0 0 6,4T1 2 4 373 3 7 521 8 0 .. 2,720 0 0 768 5 8 163 5 0 605 14 10 16 15 0 346 0 0 354 T3 I 1,543 0 7 16 8 9 7 10 49 11 2 235 12 0 245 12 6 530 0 0 Operative Schools. £ s. d.i £ s. d. 2,910 2 6 52 5 9 24,701 12 6' 2,780 13 4 47 3 6 5,102 1 11 171 15 0 5,065 2 10 86 1 3 1,300 9 5! 140 T4 10 5,454 18 0 236 2 0 4,323 16 6 141 1 3 93 16 6 2,022 15 0 34 2 6 11,448 5 9 346 18 9 2,354 9 T 41 7 6 4,967 9 8 210 13 1 1,892 14 2 83 12 0 4,731 19 3 93 3 6 6,280 18 271 8 4 2,696 4 2 3,925 7 9 272 8 6 4,040 2 4 T50 T5 0 TO, 369 5 8 202 2 6 2,663 6 3, TOO 2 4 5,827 7 2 49 15 0 £ s. d. 156 16 0 T,5T8 15 0 45 10 0 393 16 8 482 14 2 1,804 8 9 453 19 2 337 7 10 267 0 0 224 0 0 1,156 16 1 83 4 0 1,654 3 8 64 19 0 601 2 0 228 18 0 111 6 0 418 19 4 981 0 0 409 15 0 71 6 8 230 6 8 £ s. d. 806 16 0[ 988 0 10 10,5,57 11 6 6,997 2 4 1,797 3 1 5,217 3 6 5,363 5 3 £ s. d. £ s. d. .. .. 45 0 0 2,070 3 3 T3 5 0 .45 0 0 200 0 0 546 17 TT 52 Tl 2 31 8 2 67 17 6 £ s. d.. 925 7 9 497 10 TT 890 16 TT 761 TO 0 552 T3 2 169 II 6 145 19 0 470 0 0 195 0 0 £ s. d. 39 10 11 219 11 9 93 10 0 71 5 4 2,094 17 9 168 3 4 138 5 0 2,379 19 3 44 3 0 38 10 0 124 18 10 16 1 6 16 12 11 285 4 4 58 10 6 169 3 5 156 0 0 174 16 0 1,105 6 11 444 14 11 651 5 11 256 11 10 £ s. d. 5,369 1 8 37,297 4 2 4,604 17 3 7,324 18 4 27,674 19 11 12,452 11 8 13,391 19 0 14,745 10 11 11,239 12 10 2,687 5 7 31,028 3 2 2,944 13 3 19,006 8 4 3,660 11 0 13,700 11 9 7,783 5 5 6,613 10 8 9,951 9 4 8.398 10 8 17,887 11 6 4,779 11 6 9,436 10 2 350 0 Oi 9,874 9 6 447 4 1 1,240 15 6 22 3 6 89 3 5 15 19 9 2,349 2 0 2,050 0 0 227 5 3 469 2 8 .. 3,000 0 0 96 15 0 .. 1,053 0 10 254 5 10 .. -• •• •• 143 14 6 205 2 4 2,613 1 4 ■- ■• Totals 17,944 15 0 43,453 6 0 7,057 0 5 730 4 8 23,347 9 5 1114,858 4 11 2,825 9 7. 11,696 4 Oj 43,289 11 7 579 1 8| 2,841 18 2 4,608 9 3 8,747 3 5 271,978 18 1 Greymouth High School Hokitika High School Akaroa High School Waimate High School 126 1 4 30 0 0 297 10 3 354 3 0 152 7 2 71 17 71 52 0 Oj Non-operativi Schools. 7 9 0 197 18 11 234 7 2 297 10 3 549 19 9 188 7 9; I Totals 807 14 7 152 7 21 312 5 4 7 9 0 1,279 16 1 Grand totals 7,944 15 0 44,201 0 7 7,209 7 7 1,042 10 0 23,347 9 5 114,858 4 11 4,608 9 3, 8,754 12 5 273,258 14 9 2,825 9 7 11,696 4 0 43,289 11 ' 579 1 - 2,841 18 2



TABLE K7.—Payments of Secondary Schools for the Year 1919.

Incidental Expenses of Secondary Departments. lecondary Departments. _ . Secondary School Boards. Endowments Teachers' (including Salaries Proportion and of Allowances, Office Secondary Expenses). Departments. Office Printing, Ernies Stationery, and Salaries. Aaverljismg ™ . Manual ™' n » Material, Instruction jneaung, Examinations, (excluding r;,5,t-„„ Prizes, Buildings, Lighting, GarneS) ana &c .). ana nfehpr Care of School- Inc S, grounds. Sites, Buildings, Furniture, Apparatus, Taxes, &c. Hostels Account. Investments. Loans repaid, and Interest. Technical Classes Account. Scholarships, r „„. Advances Lower . Departments p„ n ii=i Account. l*£a - Miscellaneous. Totals. ■ £ s. d. Whangarei High School .. 166 2 10 Auckland Grammar Schools .. 3,477 11 8 Thames High School .. .. 89 10 11 Hamilton High School.. New Plymouth High Schools . . 458 IT 6 Wanganui Girls' College Palmerston North High School Napier High Schools .. .. 13 1 6 Gisborne High School .. 65 9 10 Dannevirke High School Wellington Colleges .. .. 5,930 19 11 Marlborough High School Nelson Colleges .. .. 116 6 10 Rangiora High School .. 6 0 0 Christchurch B03-S' High School 574 0 3 Christchurch Girls' High School 57 9 3 Ashburton High School .. 56 17 4 Timaru High Schools . . 153 16 3 Waitaki High Schools .. 107 11 4 Otago High Schools .. .. 201 6 0 Gore High School Southland High Schools .. 196 17 8 i £ s. d. 2,632 11 8 21,018 T6 4 2,031 10 0 3,857 17 10 5,197 4 8 4,179 16 10 4,752 14 4 4,150 5 6 2,724 8 0 1,835 19 4 16,037 7 4 2,363 6 8 6,129 T6 1 1,891 8 10 6,313 18 11 5,245 6 3 2,588 18 10 4,975 3 8 5,313 16 3 11,098 10 6 2,478 10 0 5,376 15 3 £ s. d. 120 0 8 279 16 8 84 1 8 160 7 0 162 12 5 T87 2 9 T13 18 7 123 3 1 177 9 0 31 18 6 274 19 3 89 T9 0 374 9 5 41 2 8 207 3 7 131 3 9 45 15 6 123 3 11 217 5 0 445 0 10 91 12 3 82 9 4 £ s. d. 60 13 1 334 15 8 19 4 0 31 12 3 104 17 TO 22 15 0 107 9 7 26 18 11 31 11 0 49 12 4 319 19 4 34 2 6 223 2 0 46 11 6 323 0 10 148 17 8 51 2 6 79 16 2 81 10 0 279 11 9 29 15 9 59 17 9 £ s. d. 88 14 7 1,336 3 8 252 15 0 186 11 6 404 16 11 263 4 4 320 T5 9 294 4 5 149 0 0 80 12 4 1,432 2 0 167 5 1 407 18 0 78 4 10 674 3 3 417 9 3 267 0 6 408 7 4 651 8 0 775 6 7 196 12 3 453 6 11 Operative Schools. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 56 1 9 54 7 9 1,216 2 1 712 0 TT 1 .. ; 9,296 11 2 83 4 0 178 16 3 847 16 9 157 3 5 .. 743 5 0 214 7 7 48 18 8 10,126 14 S 158 7 6 105 19 0 1 277 5 2 149 7 5 126 10 4 ; 3,422 11 11 77 14 4 1 47 13 5 1,263 9 11 63 14 3 ; 12 3 1 965 2 2 97 14 6 1 .. 187 8 6 403 6 4 122 15 7 5,262 11 5 14 1 3 31 11 6 170 12 8 116 10 7 16 18 0 727 14 9 50 0 9 100 7 11 348 3 5 322 9 5 116 2 10 1,937 11 0 95 19 6 433 11 2 1,000 18 0 20 3 6 54 18 6 3,017 16 8 77 6 4 229 9 11 1 3,075 4 5 5 13 7 1 .. 1,542 0 1 81 16 8 . 112 16 9 6,366 8 6 72 0 4 10 18 10 1,636 9 11 266 13 2 .. 446 19 6 £ s. d. i £ s. d. 945 0 10 435 4 9 i 740 13 7 1,222 18 8 9,828 2 6 592 10 0 6,536 10 1 1,550 6 2 2,114 12 11 5 13 9 4,843 0 10 I 0 2 0 5,939 12 IT 906 12 6 3T 3 6 55 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 815 7 8 279 2 0 2,094 11 10 912 8 11 633 0 9 11 10 0 1 667 8 11 £ s. d. 21 19 3 136 14 10 68 16 0 108 14 1 82 5 0 153 9 6 108 13 0 1,048 13 3 5 18 0 6 0 0 143 15 0 37 1 6 297 10 3 64 19 0 298 6 5 206 11 6 43 4 5 170 14 8 65 13 5 152 0 5 £ s. d. 5,367 14 t 37,027 15 8 4,396 8 2 6,468 9 S 28,036 9 £ 13,713 18 4 13,316 19 8 12,800 16 I 11,674 1 6 2,331 19 C 30,650 5 1 2,908 0 2 17,737 7 4 3,602 17 9 13,730 6 4 7.993 2 8 6,695 6 7 9,853 19 4 8,228 12 6 19,516 5 3 4,663 3 1 7,064 12 7 8,579 T TO 200 0 0 445 T7 5 2 TO 6 1,530 5 3 T,433 4 7 82 2 8 317 3 0 560 16 8 547 19 7 527 10 11 173 13 8 56 10 0 175 15 10 243 14 10 3 7 3 I 147 3 9 181 13 0 Totals .. .. 11,671 13 T 11,671 13 1 122,194 3 1 3,564 14 10 '2,472 17 5 9,306 2 6 3,295 17 1 1,803 19 6 '53,878 17 8 41,985 3 3 J6,916 TO TT 2,837 6 6 4,448 12 2 3,402 12 6 1267,778 10 Grevmouth High School Hokitika High School .. 27 0 0 Akaroa High School.. .. 7 7 0 Waimate High School .. 25 9 10 27 0 0 7 7 0 25 9 10 84 TT 8 1 232 0 0 Non-operative Schools. 55 19 6 \ 54 15 6 18 10 0 11 9 9 126 7 0 155 12 6 179 0 IT T33 14 0 486 7 TO ■■ Totals .. .. 59 16 10 59 16 10 316 11 8 110 15 0 18 10 0 293 9 3 799 2 Grand totals .. 11,731 9 11 122,510 14 9 13,564 14 10 2,472 17 5 9,306 2 6 3,295 17 1 1,803 19 6 53,989 12 8 41,985 3 3 J6,916 10 11 2,855 16 6 4,448 12 2 3,696 1 9 268,577 13 11,731 9 11 I I I I


TABLE K8.—Balances and other Monetary Assets and Liabilities of Secondary Schools as at 31st December, 1919.


Secondary Schools. I ... Balance, 1st Janui 1919. Monetary Assets. Liabilities. Balance, 31st December, 1919. Bank Balances and . Investments. Other Assets. Total. Overdrafts and Loans. Other Liabilities. Total. Operative Schools. Whangarei High School Auckland Grammar School Thames High School Hamilton High School New Plymouth High School .. Wanganui Girls' College Palmerston North High School Napier High Schools Gisborne High School Dannevirke High School Wellington Colleges Marlborough High School Nelson Colleges Rangiora High School Christchurch Boys' High School Christchurch Girls' High School Ashburton High School Timaru High Schools Waitaki High Schools Otago High Schools Gore High School Southland High Schools £ s. d. Cr. 320 7 4 Dr. 661 4 8 Dr. 5,295 18 10 Or. 816 16 5 Dr. 15,066 11 0 Or. 147 13 4 Dr. 2,190 9 2 Or. 4,297 3 2 Dr. 6,726 6 5 Dr. 407 3 8 Cr. 2,330 15 5 Or. 41 3 0 Or. 651 19 7 Dr. 564 13 7 Dr. 24,491 0 6 Or. 1,217 12 0 Dr. 5,793 4 11 Dr. 2,856 12 6 Cr. 981 14 3 Cr. 1,964 19 5 Cr. 367 8 9 Cr. 6,697 8 9 £ s. d. 343 16 0 5,000 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,276 19 3 431 11 2 963 3 2 6,393 16 3 84 15 6 6,799 2 4 464 11 1 4,679 12 7 1,377 1 10 772 10 2 1,534 2 8 1,065 11 11 208 16 10 7,841 12 11 £ s. d. £ s. d. 189 16 0 533 12 0 1,312 10 2 6,312 10 2 734 10 6 2,234 10 6 251 19 2 1,528 18 5 2,543 12 I 2,975 3 3 3,991 16 7 4,954 19 9 7,369 12 9 | 7,369 12 9 482 5 0 6,876 1 3 1,213 7 3 1,298 2 9 130 3 5 130 3 5 1,628 0 1 8,427 2 5 118 4 10 ! 582 15 IT 1,917 3 4 6,596 15 11 426 8 3 426 8 3 267 6 10 267 6 10 6,290 16 5 7,667 18 3 640 10 7 640 10 7 1,040 3 1 1,812 13 3 559 14 0 2,093 16 8 419 11 6 1,485 3 5 225 5 2 434 2 0 814 3 6 8,655 16 5 £ s. d. 15 12 TO 7,283 18 3 6,667 13 4 11,737 10 0 426 10 2 6,893 15 0 26 3 9 1,000 0 0 500 0 0 4,000 0 0 290 7 5 14,899 9 10 685 19 4 5,985 0 9 4,082 0 2 £ s. d. 46 14 10 395 3 11 114 17 6 1,079 10 1 5,640 2 8 4,168 1 6 10,648 4 7 1,037 12 1 450 8 10 200 0 0 79 9 7 12 TO 0 100 0 0 1,289 6 2 14,394 15 0 6,150 0 2 473 15 0 8,401 5 3 2,069 13 7 1,007 0 6 505 15 1 955 5 2 £ s. d. 62 7 8 7,679 2 2 6,782 10 10 1,079 10 1 17,377 12 8 4,168 1 6 11,074 14 9 1,037 12 1 7,344 3 10 226 3 9 1,079 9 7 512 10 0 4,100 0 0 1,579 13 7 29,294 4 10 6,835 19 6 6,458 15 9 12,483 5 5 2,069 13 7 1,007 0 6 505 15 I 955 5 2 £ s. d. Or. 471 4 4 Dr. 1,366 12 0 Dr. 4,548 0 4 Cr. 449 8 4 Dr. 14,402 9 5 Cr. 786 18 3 Dr. 3,705 2 0 Cr. 5,838 9 2 Dr. 6,046 1 1 Dr. 96 0 4 Or. 7,347 12 TO Or. 70 5 11 Cr. 2,496 15 11 Dr. 1,153 5 4 Dr. 29,026 18 0 Or. 831 18 9 Dr. 5,818 5 2 Dr. 10,670 12 2 Or. 24 3 1 Or. 478 2 11 Dr. 71 13 1 Or. 7,700 11 3 Totals Dr. 44,218 3 10 40,737 3 8 32,567 0 6 73,304 4 2 I 64,494 0 TO | 59,219 IT 6 123,713 12 4 Dr. 50,409 8 2 Greymouth High School Hokitika High School Akaroa High School Waimate High School Cr. Cr. Or. Or. 1,306 13 5 1,577 18 7 958 13 7 3,136 6 5 I 1,504 12 4 1,613 4 10 1,122 9 10 3,199 18 4 Non-operative Schools. I 1,504 12 4 34 Tl 8 1,647 16 6 I 1,122 9 10 3,199 18 4 Cr. Cr. Cr. Cr. 1,504 12 4 1,647 16 6 1,122 9 TO 3,180 2 4 19 16 0 19 16 0 Totals Or. 6,979 12 0 7,440 5 4 34 11 8 7,474 17 0 19 16 0 19 16 0 Cr. 7,455 1 0 Grand totals Dr. 37,238 11 10 32,601 12 2 80,779 1 2 Dr. 42,954 7 2 48,177 9 0 64,494 0 10 59,239 7 6 123,733 8 4


TABLE K9. —Showing Distribution of Reserves Revenue to Secondary Schools for the Year 1919.

TABLE K10.—Lower Departments of Secondary Schools, 1919.—Average Attendance, Roll, Classification, and Staff.

TABLE K11. —List of Secondary Schools incorporated or endowed.

4—E. 6.


Provincial District. Revenue received. Distribution of Revenge. Secondary Schools receiving Payments Amount paid to oacll School. Auckland Taranaki Wellington .. Hawke's Bay.. M. s. rl. 1,707 17 10 1,037 10 0 2,530 13 8 1,786 0 9 49 11 2 116 9 0 306 19 10 1,059 11 2 Whangarei High School Auckland Boys' and Girls' Grammar Schools .. Thames High School Hamilton High School New Plymouth High Schools Wellington Boys' Collego Wellington Girls' College Wanganui Girls' College Palmerston North High Sohool Gisborne High School Napier High Schools Dannevirke High School Marlborough High School Nelson Colleges Greymouth High School .. Hokitika High School Waitaki High Schools Otago Boys' and Girls' High Schools Southland Boys' and GirU' High Schools Gore High School & s. d. 143 9 1 1,214 6 5 119 11 0 230 11 4 1.037 10 0 799 13 10 799 13 10 387 3 11 544 2 1 626 17 11 787 12 11 371 9 11 49 11 2 116 9 0 156 11 a 150 8 7 232 1 0 475 14 9 254 5 10 97 9 7 Marlborough Nelson Westland Otago Total 8,594 13 11 | Total „ .. 8,594 13 11

r> Ol -H R( Nun: 191 .. ,11 iber, 19. Olasi ilfloatli m aconi riling to Standards. S. 4. S. 5. S. 6. Num Tcai on £ iber of cliers Staff. School. - Class ;Girls. F - S. 2. S. 1. S. 3. I'Totala. Boys. M. F. New Plymouth Boys' High School New Plymouth Girls' High School Wanganui Girls' College Gisborne High School Napier Boys' High School Napier Girls' High School Wellington Girls' College Nelson Boys' College Nelson Girls' College Christchurch Girls' High School Ashburton High School Timaru Boys' High School Waitaki Boys' High School 81 33 34 75 50 52 01 28 40 18 18 44 22 95 1 34 44 2 28 10 3 8 8 2 7 8 7 12 6 3 3 4 8 4 3 8 3 13 8 II 26 13 6 15 4 9 2 I III 5 31 7 10 20 13 13 13 0 7 0 4 i 9 ; 13 25 12 21 20 31 14 18 18 9 3 8 95 34 44 85 55 53 (iO 32 49 21 19 53 25 1 1 I 2 57 55 3 2 32 53 '.'. 64 7 5 9 "2 4 18 53 25 49 21 1 0 3 i 0 7 1 9 4 2 1 1 2 Totals Christ's College, Christchurch .. 502 46 .337 294 19 '294 ! 19 25 51 76 123 158 179 631 55 5 o 17 55 15 16 24 1 1 ' 25 51 91 139 IS2 Grand totals 008 > 1 179 J586_ 7 _18

Name. Act of Incorporation or Institution. Remarks. •Whangarei High School 1878, No. 63, Local .. Act may be repealed by Gazette notice under Act of 1885, No. 30. ♦Auckland Grammar School •Auckland Girls' Grammar School •Hamilton High School •Thames High School .. •New Plymouth High School •Wanganui Girls' College Wanganui Collegiate School 1899, No. 11, Local. 1906, No. 18, Local. 1908, No. 52, section 94. 1878, No. 54, Local. 1889, No. 2, Local. 1878, No. 42, Local. [Nil] Endowment, Rog. I, fol. 52. See also D.-16, 1866, p. 9. •Palmerston North High School § Wellington College and Girls' High School •Dannevirke High School •Napier High Schools .. •Gisborne High School •Marlborough High School •Nelson College 1904, No. 20, section 88. 1887, No. 17, Local. 1904, No. 20, section 88. 1882, No. 11, Local. 1885, No. 8, Local. 1899, No. 27, Local. 1858, No. 38, and 1882, No. 15, Local. 1883, No. 21, Local .. 1883, No. 7, Local .. 1881, No. 15, Local. 1878, No. 30, Local .. [Nil] Not in operation. Not in operation. Greymouth High School Hokitika High School •Rangiora High School tChristchurch Boys' High School tChristchurch Girls' High School Under management of Canterbury College. Under management of Canterbury College, Endowment, Gazette, 1878, Vol. i, p. 131. A department of Christ's College, Canterbury. Christ's College Grammar School Akaroa High School ♦Ashburton High School •Timaru High School .. Waimate High School •Waitaki High Schools.. •Otago Boys' and Girls' High Schools "Gore High School •Southland Boys' and Girls' High Schools Canterbury Ordinance, 1855 1881, No. 16, Local .. 1878, No. 49, Local. 1878, No. 26, Local. 1883, No. 19, Local .. 1878, No. 18, Local. 1877, No. 52, Local. 1904, No. 20, section 88 1877, No, 82, Local. Not in operation. Not in operation. scheme of control see New Zealand Qazntte. Xo. 01,1910, 1 For scheme of control hoc New Zealand Gn § For scheme of.control see New Zealand (lunette £ izi'Mh No. 85, 1915. Jo. 88, 1920. I For



TABLE Kl2.—Number and Percentage of Pupils taking the various Subjects of Instruction in Secondary Schools.

School. S Hit — o I Is — o oo -a rA ti O It Is ah d H to '3 ao.S 5 •— - Sr o o •s © Q 3 So 5 =; ■ S3 a 'So OrH - - rM at HI =3 B. G. B. G. B. G. B. ! G. | B. j G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. — — i— r G. B. G. j B. I G. B. G. B. G. B. I G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. j G. B. G. Whangarei High School .. 92 77 29 19 79; 74 92 77 25 ; 92 40 .. .. 60 53 .... 86 .. Auckland Boys'Grammar School 803 .. 702 .. 800! .. 803 .. 77 i .. 88 i .. ..! .. .. 90 .. Auckland Girls'Grammar School .. 491 .. 299 .. 487 ..491 .. 248j 203 .. ' .. .. Auckland (Epsom) Girls' Grammar .. 284 .. 154 .. 283 .. 284 .. 88 41 284 .. .. .. .. .. School Thames High School .. .. 84 66 35 10 76 49 84 43 84 14 84 14 '. ..........;. 49 56 8 17 .. .. Hamilton High School .. .. 170 150 57 63 144 150 176 150 T76 .. T76 .. 32 321 ..132 .. 69 04 69 64 T08 .. New Plymouth Bovs' High School 230 .. 97.. 230 .. i 230 .. I 230 .. 230 46 ..I 46 .. T33 .. New Plymouth Girls' High School .. 160 .. 42 .. 126 1 .. 123 64 .. 41 .. 4li .. ..| Wanganui Girls' College .. . . 200 .. 37 .. 186 .. 107 I • • I - • 40 .. 18 .. .. Palmerston North High School .. 192,127 43 - 21 118 105 192 127 163 01 42 1271 32i .J 32 .. 87 82| 56 63 .. .. Gisborne High School .. .. 126J 80 . 42 26 97 67i 126 80| 123 36 .. 37 73j 22 1 .. .. .. 70i 40 22 40 50 Napier Boys' High School .. 156! .. 901 .. 135 .. 156 .. 156, .. 150 j 15 .. 15 .. 55 Napier Girls' High School .. .. ! 107 .. 32 .. I 104 .. 61 441 .. I Dannevirke High School .. 65i 49 24 19 48 32 63 47 65 49 , ! 33' 27 16 Wellington Bovs'College .. 588 .. 388, .. 553 .. 588 ..588 .. 588 ., .: .. .. I -.. 171 Wellington Girls' College .. .. 529 .. j 231 .. ,525 .. 525 306 .. .. .. 195, Ill Marlborough High School .. 79 87 31 32 38 80 79 87 08 79 87 ........ 40 45 50 22 35 .. Nelson Boys'College .. .. '263 .. 121 .. 235 .. 263 .. 202 .. 73 [29 28 114 Nelson Girls'College .. .. .. 193 .. ; 20 .. 153 .. 122 .. 26 .. 26 .. 27 .. 70 .. 70 Rangiora High School .. .. 40 60 1 3 22 60 46 60 46' 00 46 .. 24 .. 29 25 5 25 .... Christchurch Boys' High School.. 383 .. 240 .. 380J .. 383 .. 378 .. 258 70 60 . . Christchurch Girls' High School.. .. 425 .. 204 .. 419 .. 394 115 .. 84 .. 86 90 .. 65 .. .. Ashburton High School .. 70 85 39 49 30 57 58 78 45 43 43 78 18 7 78 54 .. 19 .. 32 28 5 9 55 .. Timaru Boys' High School .. 217 :. 65 .. 162 .. 217 .. 217 .. 217 200 92 Timaru Girls' High School .. .. 166 .. 32 .. 167 .. 157 37 . . 33 .. .. Waitaki Boys' High School .. 284 .. 116 .. 217 .. 217 .. 183 .. 284 .. 67 .. 67 67 108 67 .. Waitaki Girls' High School .. .. 138 .. 3 .. 127 .. 89 .. 19 .. 22 .. 16 ...... 7 ! Otago Bovs' High School .. 520 .. 325 .. 518 .. 520 .. 520 .. 520 181 Otago Girls' High School .. .. 410 .. 196 .. 402 .. 399 1 .. 83 .. 83 .. 396 .. 8 ..! 109 ..110 .. .. Gore High School .. .. 85 77 11 12 54 38 .85 77 68 12 60 12 22,27 Southland Boys' High School .. 193 .. 79 .. 191 193 .. 193 47 Southland Girls' High School .. .. 260 .. 50 .. 260 .. 245,1 .. 55 .. 50 .. 60 1 8 .. 16 .. .. Totals .. .. 4658 42212535 1557 4127 39514378 3823 4301794 2946 310190 1382 96 203 ..1005 719 40:168 .. 1617836 l 187 495426 .. Percentages .. ..100 100 55 37 88 94 94 91 92 19 63 7 4J 2 5 .. 24 1 15 1 I 3 .. 35! 20 4 12 9 .. •• I .. I „l _J .. 92j 77 .. 803i .. .... 462 .... 284 29 84| 66 42 176 150 .. 230 .. .... 160 .... 180 .. 183 123 40 1261 80 .. 156 73 .. 86 .. 62 48 .. 588 .. 35 .. 500 .. 79 87 .. 232 94 .. 193 .. 46! 60 .. 369] .. 222 .. 370 72 44 30 .. 217 .. 24) .. 162 ..284 .. .. .. 134 . . 520 .. .... 346 .. 85 77 .. 193 .. .... 255 6314569 3930: 15 98 93 92| 747 1 " 2 230 03 51 27 •• I 3 200 77! .. 317 .. ! 6 .. -...-.. ... .. ,1 .. .. 1T4 .. ! 40 .. 20, .. .. .. .. .. 43 .. 17 .. 272 .. 1 .2 .. 149 .. •I " ! H--i •• . . _ .. . 491 .. 402 117 '.'. - 50 i 34 150 89 180 .. 199 .. 127 .. 15 72 .. .. 60 106 39 37 .. .. 132 ..377 ! .'. 143 .. '.'. .. ! TI9 '.'. 70 ...... '.'. 60 24 .. 164 .. 342 .. 200 .. '.'. '.'. 10 72 157 47 119 :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: 182 ..250 j .. 2690 ..J1385 ..1169 ..202 ..72 24 .. 64 .J 33 .. 25 .. 5 .. 2 1 ..- .. 462 1 13 314 201 .. - .. ..I .. . 284 90 '.'. .. .. - I ; 51 .. 186 240 -. 1639 .. 39 .. • • -- •212


TABLE K13.—Classes approved under Regulations for Manual Instruction for Year ending 31st December, 1919.

TABLE L1.—District High Schools: Number, Attendance, Staffs, Salaries in Secondary Departments, 1919.


Sub; jects of Instrut In j ! 14 is ition, and each Sub; Numfc act. i rt icr of Clai ;ses Recel Ipts. Expel iditure. Secondary School. hJ. a ■a cn 1 2 o s a '/! o 5 5} a. s I V a "8 a s *£ 11 Ii 11 H ■a a .S-3 ap •>) fl III a Hi 3r* 3 *. 41 rt © Q <« . a M«ro fl r^ai IS t* a *-H hS S '-3 kf a-T-j oj^i c3 & a. 14 a f a & a -HH HI 1 ■ Io" Pi cio a ■«! a . of . ©«S Sim 5 fl S s a-lrf H w a 'g» g.S n .9 fcb II fa •S3 S o H Whangarei High Sohool Hamilton High School Thames High Sohool New Plymouth Boys' High School New Plymouth Girls' High School Wanganui Girls' College Palmorston North High School Wellington Boys' College Wellington Girls' College Napier Boys' High School Napier Girls' High School Dannevirke High School.. Gisborne High School Marlborough High School Nelson Girls' College Nelson Boys' College Christchurch Girls' High Sohool . . Christohurch Boys' High Sohool .. Rangiora High School Ashburton High School Timaru Girls' High School Timaru Boys' High School Waitaki Girls' High Sohool Waitaki Boys' High Sohool Otago Girls' High Sohool Otago Boys' High Sohool Southland Girls' High School Gore High Sohool 5 4 1 15 i 71 225 49 85 58 100 181 238 207 77 95 52 135 07 170 85 314 103 114 230 72 141 14 154 101 149 147 120 £ £ 54 £ ::! i; - ■ 2 2 13 5 4 7 11 7 5 6 9 6 5 21 2 3 12 10 10 17 45 27 14 10 9 11 11 11 7 21 10 3 II 6 3 5 9 8 15 12 9 5 1 3 4 3 2 I 2 5 25 7 15 14 28 32 45 45 17 17 13 20 13 20 19 48 18 18 32 9 18 5 15 17 17 28 16 208 300 179 | 49 106 12 l 123 j 48 12 32 ' 17 272 120 27 2 I 4 10 22 •> 3 3 433 110 100 55 87 .. j '(5 9 3 3 I .. 2 4 4 5 74 3 8 t- 229 I 19 3 3 P.) 8 113 9 6 .. ; 3 3 1 25 II Totals, 1919 .. 45 118 34 327 17 41 582 3 626 724 1,804 525 Totals, 1918 .. 35 87 31 298 18 33 502 2,729 401 1,408 1,465

Ni Education Hoard. <£ »d -0 CM pC-I i imber of Secondary Departments grouped according to Average Attendance. 01 Ol" 0> . 01,-; * ■ ?.0 9FS Sfg 8F§ »S S? Sf| p T t , S2, SS S3 S<A S2, fei Sg Total. >™ 5S >5 r-S *3 >i£ t> <] < *r, *$* <** <-* <o N Average As8isti Attendance, 1019.* M _ limber autToi F. of toners. Average .Number of Pupils per Assistant Teacher, Statutory Annual Rate of Halary as in December, 1919. Total. L I I £ s. d. 5,740 0 0 1,595 0 0 2,305 O 0 1,755 0 0 4,455 0 0 1,940 0 0 9,135 0 0 4,055 0 0 Auckland .. .. 3 Taranaki Wanganui .. .. 3 Hawke's Bay Wellington .. 1 Nelson .. .. 2 Canterbury .. 7 Otago .. .. 2 3 3 1 2 7 2 5 | 5 1 J 2 3 1 ; 5 1 .. 3 ! 4 4 j 3 •• i •• i •• l I .. .. i : s 13 I (i 3 8 4 10 9 397 8 178 1 143 4 124 3 327 3 164 1 089 1 I 207 3 II 5 4 3 12 0 20 10 19 0 8 0 15 7 31 13 21 30 24 21 22 23 22 21 .. i .. Totals, 1919 .. 18 18 I 15 j 22 21 1 ! .. , 22 30,980 0 0 1 00 2,289 34 71 105 Totals, 1918 .. 20 15 ! 21 3 ! 1 1 1 I 62 20 2,323 21 . 93 20 I 23,037 10 0 I number Lot the rs in this ti moan of tl * This column differs fn of attendance for the mean of totals of all secondary deparfcmo: •s froi n of I ftmeii 111 till! COllllI) the four qua its taken togi in of average atte: titers of each sec< other. ■inliitic ondar ;c in Tabic L2 y department for the re taken Be] sason th paratuli iat the i f, and n able are the totals he gross quarterly


TABLE L2.—School Attendance at Secondary Departments of District High Schools for 1919.

TABLE L3.—Number of Pupils in Secondary Departments of District High Schools taking various Subjects, 1919.


Roll K unbers. Average Attendance for Mean of Average Weekly Roll Whole Year (Mean of of Four Quarters, 1919. Average Attendance of Four Quarters). Average Attendance as Percentage of the Mean of Average Weekly Roll of Four Quarters. 1919. Education Districts. l'upils at 31st, Dec, 1918. Tupils at 31st Dec., 1919, Buys. Girls. Total. Buys. Girls. Total. Auckland. . Taranaki Wanganui Hawke's Bay Wellington Nelson Canterbury Otago 391 194 142 119 340 159 032 271 365 182 ; 134 114 283 163 650 208 207 242 449 ' 178 218 396 109 100 209 ! 98 88 1 186 83 79 162 ■ 75 68 I 143 08 64 132 I 64 60 124 158 179 337 148 168 316 72 104 176 ' 67 97 164 377 376 753 344 I 340 684 121 103 284 110 , 152 262 88-2 89-0 88-3 93-9 93-9 93-2 90-8 92-3 Totals for 1919 2,159 1,195 1,307 2,502 j 1,084' 1,191 2,275 90-9 Totals for 1918 2,254 2,254 1,138 1,312 2,450 | 1,052 j 1,183 j 2,235 91-2 Difforoneo .. 52 I 32 -95 57 -5 8 40 -0-3 ■ I

Auckland. Taranaki. Subjects. B. G. B. G. Wanganui. Nelson. Otago. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. G. B. Q. B. G, Tub tls. Pi cenl ir;age. B. G. B. G. 1. I English and arithmetic .. 100 211 97 85 History and geography .. 157 i'07 89 85 Latin .. .. .. 10 7 52 36 French .. .. 127 161 85 61 Mathematics .. .. 157 210 85J 01 Surveying and mensuration Chemistry and physios .. 146 196 77, 61 Botany .. .. 44 35 81 .. Agricultural science .. 154 52 79 6' Dairy work .. . . 94 89 45 49 Physiology and zoology .. 22 35 .. Hygiene .. Domestic science .. .. 142 .. .. Needlework anil cookery .. .. 103 .. 20 Woodwork and metalwork 74 .. 49, .. Laundry-work .. 20 Bookikeeping and eommcr- 28 36 12 24 cial work Shorthand and typewriting .. .. 12 24 Drawing .. .. 3 10 .... Total number of pupils.. 160 211 97 85 70 00 58 56 133 151. 61 9o| 325 316 111 16 76| 60 58 56 133 151 61 89j 325 316 111 16 3 .. 46 48 60 52 21 35' 121 74 41 6 40 36 16 11 44 87 16 25 146 175 51 6 75 60 58 56 133 143 45 01 284 229 111 16 20 65 48 34 31 119 94 23 41 169 30 89 14 .. .. 13, 16 40 9 23 40 91 96 82 10 00 .. 34| 34 83 7 .. .. j 195 92 90 11 .. .. 34i 34 16 .. . 3 9: 83 68 .. .. .. .. 10 3 91 .. 10 .. .. 50 .. .. 16 75 21 24 40 114 .. I 12 .. 16 l .. 166 .. 46 .. I 29 .. 107 .. 24 .. 156 .. 1C 57 .. 34 .. 100 .. 20 .. 170 .. 53 .. 46 76 1 46 38 10 4 27 60 25 40 103 107 5 .. 00 00 36 60 '48 56 50 48 11 56 31 16 34 34 157 157 66 66 157 140 108 114 1,021 1,010 354 524 948 20 722 301 701 275 25 77 1,126 1,121 318 622 977 1)47 310 360 249 70 274 344 591 i 100 99 35 51 93 1 71 29 69 27 2 8 100 100 28 55 87 57 28 32 22 0 24 31 52 50 12 46 'io 29 11 8 100 40 38 'io 557 55 250 152 i 369 i l '25 is 33 4 io! 7 4 .. .. 3 31 13 23 59 114 4 39 38 .. .. 58 .. 9 ll 35 53 20 i 1 70 00 58 56 133 15.1 61 90 325 310 .1.1.1 If 4 38 3 58 1 2 1 29 98 104 1 198 ! : 131 I I 10 16 18 12 211 00 58 56 133 157 1,021 1,126 100 100


TABLE L4.—Staffs and Average Attendance of Secondary Departments of District High Schools, 1919.


Note.—In tho column Secondary Department. Three normal schools, al regulations for training colli for " Poi [though n isition on Staff," (5), "H" moans Head of a School, and "D" lot district high schools, have secondary departments in accor Assistant in the lance with the eges. School. srsS Hi Staff. Statutory Annual Rate of Salary at End of Year. Name of Teacher. Academic Status and Classification. Position on Staff. Grading. 1919. CM ! < 2 .> (8) (5) (8) (7) d) Auckland— Aratapu 28 Orabbe, Norman J. Gavey, Annie L. .. Campbell, Robert .. Meredith, CharJos .. Elliot, James Hurdsfield, Edgar C. Braithwaite, James H. Hatoly, Janet P. .. Moore-Jones, Herbert J. Chappell, William .. Ross, Nellie Hamilton, Robert J. Cornes, J. S. Flavell, Dennis R... Johnson, Henry G. Heward, Gladys II. Lowins, William .. MoHardie, Winifred E. Tanner, Thomas B Casey, Ellen 0. Richardson, Alfred E. B. Walker, William R. C. Taylor, Fanny J. .. Hiil, William Power, Edward A. Wilton, Elizabeth I. Hames, Clarice E... Carnacha, Robert .. Pemberton, Thomas N. French, Edna D. .. Murdoch, Albert .. Shrewsbury, Elsie .. C c c c c D c c D B B.A., Ii M.A.,B.Sc.,A D I) B M.A., B B.Sc, B B.A., B I) M.A., B C B.A., B B.A., B £ s. d. 30 0 0 310 0 0 30 0 0 330 0 0 30 0 0 255 0 0 30 0 0 235 0 0 30 0 0 345 0 0 275 0 0 30 0 0 200 0 0 30 0 0 305 0 0 265 0 0 30 0 0 275 0 0 30 0 0 285 0 0 245 0 0 30 0 0 315 0 0 210 0 0 30 0 0 305 0 0 230 0 0 30 0 0 285 0 0 245 0 0 Cambridge Coromandel Huntly 23 I 18 i 7 H. I). H. I). H. D. H. I). H. D. D. H. D. H. D. D. H. D. H. I). I). H. D. D. H. D. I). H. D. D. H. D. 49 48 28 53 48 88 21 96 46 45 75 19 Mata Mata 26 paeroa 27 Pukekohe, Rotorua Taumarunui 48 20 34 57 53 69 38 00 30 73 75 13 40 Tauranga 57 Te Kuiti 40 D B.A., B Lie. 0 c I! C M.A., A 29 66 Waihi 50 31 77 82 26 16 Normal 13 Taranaki— Stratford 405 0 0 178 Tyrer, Florence A. R. Bowler, Frederick Sage, Constance M. Colquhoun, Mary H. Gernhoefer, Amy M. Dunn, Jessie S. Cathie, Winifred A. C B.A., B M.A., A. B C M.A., A M.A., A H. D. I). 1). D. D. D. 10 45 68 65 85 100 50 0 0 350 0 0 295 0 0 285 0 0 200 0 0 170 0 0 245 0 0 Wanganui— Bull's 15 44 Gray, Joseph H. .. Robson, Bertha Richardson, Henry H. Thompson, Henry James Daniell, Myra D. .. Ironmonger, Edwin L. McNiven, Jessie .. de Berry, Leonard F. Thomas, William W. Hird, William E. .. Lehndorf, Chloe R. Thurston, James F. Hall, Percy H. .. Clemance, Herbert J. D C B.A., B H. 1). H. D. D. H. I). II. D. H. D. II. I). D. 33 77 14 30 0 0 235 0 0 30 0 0 270 0 0 225 0 0 30 0 (I 210 0 0 30 0 0 340 0 0 30 0 0 245 0 0 30 0 0 325 0 0 275 0 0 Feilding Hunterville .. 12 B.Sc, B. D C M.A., B B.A., B M.A., B B.A., B C I) c 86 26 Marton Patea 27 12 11 54 29 77 17 07 75 Taihape 33 Hawke's Buy— Hastings 40 Pegler, Leonard F. Ross, Kenneth Hodgson, Ruth J. . . Smith, William (iii) Heron, Albert J. .. Smith, Fanny L. .. Stevenson, Andrew Tooman, Elizabeth Kerr, Victor B.A., B M.A., B B B.A., 11 B B.A., B C B.A., B H. I). I). H. D. D. H. 1). I). 13 64 47 23 30 0 (I 335 0 I) 280 0 0 30 0 0 295 0 0 235 0 0 30 (I I) ' 310 0 0 210 0 0 Waipawa 50 Woodville 34 8 57 Wellington— Carterton 40 Oowles, Jabez A. .. Haddrell, Olive V.. . Park, Jean G. Foss, Reginald J. .. Lazarus, Frances .. Frayne, Leonora, J. Davics, William C. Junker, Dorothy F. E. Tamblyn, Joseph .. Myers, Phoebe McKay, Sophia, A. F. C. Melntyre, James .. Rockel, Cecil F. .. Jackson, William H. Bee, John G. Brown, Alexandra M. Sutherland, Olive R. Ross, Hilda Chatwin, George W. North, Esther M. .. B.A., B. M.A., B D B C M.A., B D B.A., B. M.A., Ii B.A., B C D B D M.A., A B.A., D M.A., A B.A., B C B.A., B H. I). I). H. D. 1). H. D. H. D. D. H. D. H. D. D. D. D. H. D. 16 63 79 20 50 67 20 72 29 41 86 25 05 10 45 64 74 79 20 76 30 0 0 285 0 0 235 0 0 30 0 0 310 0 0 245 0 0 30 0 0 265 0 0 30 0 0 305 0 0 235 0 0 30 0 0 335 0 0 50 0 0 340 0 0 285 0 0 245 0 0 210 0 0 30 0 0 275 0 0 Eketahuna, 44 Grey town 15 Hutt 35 Levin 34 Masterton 90 Pahiatua 23


TABLE L4. —Staffs and Average Attendance of Secondary Departments of District High Schools— continued.


School. (1) <D '3 OH d fl-H (2) Name of Teacher. Staff. Academic Status and Classification. (4) Position Grading, on Staff. 1919. (5) (6) Statutory Annual Rates of Salary at End of Year. _0H 17) Wellington— continued. Petone 40 Haslam, Charles N. Lynskey, James H. Denham, Fanny R. (Mrs.) .. B.A., II B.A., B M.A., B H. 13 D. 41 D. 02 £ s. d. 50 0 0 340 0 0 265 0 0 Nelson— Motueka 25 < triffin, Thomas J... Neilson, Isabella Rum hold, William A. Hopkirk, Susan M. Fair, George 0. . . Bruce, Violet Harkncss, James ll. Dale, Margaret .1. .. Sharp, P. V. Woods, Edith M. .. Snodgrass, Sadie M. B.A., B M.A., A C B.A., li C H. 8 I). H. 14 I). 74 11. 50 1). II. 4 I). 62 D. I). 83 D. 30 0 0 205 0 0 30 0 0 305 0 0 30 0 0 22(1 0 0 50 0 0 325 0 0 280 0 0 235 0 0 170 0 0 Reefton 18 Takaka Lower 14 Wostnort 107 B.A., li M.A., li Canterbury— Akaroa 12 ii C Christchurch West Darfiold Geraldine Greymouth .. Hokitika .. Kaiapoi 213 13 29 09 01 15 12 213 13 29 69 01 15 14 Hall, Charles Farney, Violet ('. .. Waller. Francis I). Clark, Sidney A. Barrel!, Arthur F. Mayor, Arthur .1. . . Finlayson, Annie ('. Reese, Marion (ii) Marriott, Gladys E. Mavnc. Ilelga M. Vallance, Nellie M. Ellis, Leonard R. . . Charman, Frederick R. Collins, Charles F.. . Farnie, Dorothy C. Wilson, .lames F. Scott, Walter R. .. Struthers, Susan Ii. I Kempthorne, Gladys E. i foster, William A. liruuton, John Niven, James Laycock, I rem- L. . . Douds, Thomas Grace, Eleanor A. .. Wilson, Henry L. . . Reynolds, Mary C. Mackie, Howard J. Mottram, Benjamin R. Clarke, Robert B. .. Moyle, Mary A. Aschman, Christopher T. Irwin, James (Williams, Florence, W. A. .. ( Osborn, Mabel E. .. Watson, Lancelot Best. Isabel W. .. Wickes, Arthur J... Marwick, John Walker. Joseph W. A. Wills, Kathleen P. Methven, James Mills. Mary M. Simpson, Anne Bain, Andrew Luing, Thomas M. M. Olliver, Margaret F. L. Dyer, Henrietta E. Thomas, Stanley H. C M.A., A B.A., B B.A., 11 M.A., A M.A., ii M.A., A li.A., B B.A., B C c E C M.A., li C Lie. B C I) M.A., li M.A.,M.Sc.,A ii B C li M.A., 11 C I) li B.A., li C H.A., A B.A., B B.A., 11 C B c M.A., A C li.A., li li.A., li M.A.Lic. 15 B.A., B B.A., B M.A.,M.Sc.,A B.A., B C II. 30 !>. 53 H. 7 I). 27 D. 50 I). 52 I). 52 I). 55 I). 71 I). 01 1). 72 H. 50 I). II. 20 1). 50 II. 38 I). I). 70 D. 77 Sub. 84 H. 16 I). 57 I). 73 II. II D. 02 H. 35 I). 71 H. 73 I). 104 II. 15 I). 09 II. 7 D. 24 I). 59 Sub. 53 11. -10 I). 63 II. 20 1). 59 H. 2!) I). 58 H. 10 I). I). 72 II. 7 D. 49 I). 57 1) 67 D. 101 30 0 0 290 0 0 50 0 (I 400 0 0 370 0 0 290 0 0 290 0 0 280 0 0 245 0 0 240 0 0 230 0 0 30 0 0 220 0 0 30 0 0 310 0 0 30 0 0 290 0 0 255 0 0 190 0 0 [310 0 OJ 30 0 0 290 0 0 255 0 0 30 0 0 305 0 0 30 0 0 285 0 0 30 0 0 270 0 0 30 0 (I 295 0 0 Kaikoura Town 14 Lincoln 10 10 Lyttelton 19 19 Normal 37 37 330 0 0 290 0 0 [240 0 0] 30 0 0 275 0 (I 30 0 0 340 0 0 30 0 0 310 0 0 30 0 0 270 0 0 245 0 0 50 0 I) 310 0 0 280 0 0 195 0 0 200 0 0 Oxford East .. 14 14 Pleasant Point 27 27 Sotithbridge .. 27 27 Tena-uka 36 36 Waimate 93 93 Otago— Alexandra 22 Balolutha Lawrence Mosgiel Normal 01 34 17 52 22 01 34 17 52 McLean, Alexander McCorkindale, Elizabeth L... Nicolson, John McN. r?aterson, Janet Dunn, Annie Matheson, Norman M. Harrison, Wilkinson L. Hotting, Robert W. S. Crnwshaw, Linda J. Jack, James A. Bressey, Florence F. McElrea, William Stewart. ('halies A. Kenyon, Helen McG. Rutherford, John R. Hale, Lily G. Booth, George F. Sinclair, Agnes Mackie, William W. Aitken, Janet W. Graham, Walter B. Clapperton, Catherine C Ii C M.A., li B.A., II I) M.A., A C li li M.A., A B.E., H M.A., A B.A., B M.A., A B.A., B li.A., B C C M.A., D C B.A., B II. 34 I). 53 11. 7 I). 46 I). 86 D. 94 11. 43 1). (il I). 71 II. 40 I). 41 II. 0 D. 11 I). (il II. 9 I). 04 II. 19 !). 04 II. 27 I). 72 II. 7 I). 68 .10 0 0 310 0 0 30 0 0 310 0 0 235 0 0 180 0 0 30 0 0 305 0 0 265 0 0 30 0 0 315 0 0 Palmerston . . Port Chalmers 15 22 15 22 420 0 0 285 0 0 30 0 0 295 0 0 30 0 0 305 0 0 30 0 0 305 0 0 30 0 0 285 0 0 Tapanui 21 21 Tokomairiro 23 23 £30,980 0 0


Table L5. —Number of National Scholarships held in 1919.


WHANGAKEI HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Yeah ended 31st December, 1919. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account:-— £ s, d. Endowments Income Account:— £ s. d. Current inoome from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. JO 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 271 15 9 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 5 0 (I Revenue from sceondary-edueation re- Insurance and rates .. .. .. 6 2 10 serves .. .. .. .. 131 14 9 Kubdivisional survey of en dowment .. ]45 0 0 Transfer to Now Buildings and Sites Account .. .. .. .. 237 7 8 £403 10 6 £403 10 f> New Buildings and Sites Account :■ — New Buildings and Situs Account :■ — Balance of Government grants for school- Purchase of sites .. .. .. 500 0 0 site, recreation-room, and lighting Recreation-room at hostel .. .. 5(58 5 8 hostel •• •• •■ •• 1,000 0 0 Lighting boarding-school .. .. i)3 12 0 Transfer from Endowment Income Ac- Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. 75 10 0 count .. .. .. .. 237 7 8 £1,237 7 8 £1,237 7 8 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account:— Boarding-fees .. .. .. 806 16 0 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 15 0 0 Balance 31st December, 1919 .. .. 138 410 Provisions .. .. .. .. 480 8 7 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 70 4 11 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 228 1 8 Furniture, utensils, &o. .. .. 134 15 4 Insurance, rates, &o. .. .. .. 16 10 4 £945 0 10 £945 0 10 Technical Instruction Account :— Technical Instruction Account:— Total receipts . . .. .. 52 5 9 Total payments .. .. 54 7 9 Balance, 3lsl December, 1919 .. .. 2 2 0 £54 7 9 £54 7 9 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :■ — count : — Balance, 31st December, 1918 .. ... 326 16 0 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 2,632 11 8 Government capitation for free places Incidental expenses .. .. .. 331 10 1 (including annual grant, £350) .. 2,910 2 6 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 110 0 School fees .. .. •• •■ 156 16 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 14 8 6 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Rates and taxes .. .. .. 8 16 0 poses (not new buildings) .. .. 6 10 Rent, school-grounds .. .. .. 27 10 0 Kerr Scholarship .. .. .. 28 9 11 School furniture .. .. .. 3 9 5 Contractor's deposit .. .. .. 5 0 0 Contractor's deposit .. '.'.' .. 5 0 0 Sundries .. . . .. .. 519 3 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. .. 393 0 0 £3,433 5 5 £3,433 5 5


Education District. Number Total Number held in i receiving December, 1919. I Boardingallowance .! (included j in Total Hoys. ] Girls. Total. Number). Number , receiving Number ' °S. Number Travelling- held at "A'w held at allowance Public ... ~ i District (included Secondary S.tjrod High in Total Schools. 'X?"X y Schools Number). Schools. Auckland Taranaki Wanganui FTawko's Bay Wellington Nelson Canterbury Otago .. Southland Total 145 77 222 64 18 10 28 13 20 21 47 19 33 12 45 13 41 23 64 11 18 25 43 17 83 00 143 30 95 35 130 31 22 22 44 17 481 285 766 221 23 210 6 6 1 23 .. 5 39 1 7 4 39 .. 6 5 54 5 5 42 .. 1 8 113 1 29 97 10 23 1 44 42 001 23 82 481 285 706 221



Statement of Monetary Assets and Liabilities as at ,31st December, 1919 Liabilities. £ h. d. Assets. £ s. d. Sundry oreditors :■ — («ovorn merit capitation due .. .. 16 13 4 Printing and advertising .. .. IS Ml 0 fees due .. .. 23 Hi 0 Law-costs .. .. .. .. 10 II 0 Boarding-fees due .. .. .. 01 12 ll Lighting .. ... .. .. 4IKB Outstanding rents .. .. .. 57 14 8 Water rates .. .. .. .. 3 16 8 Balance, current account .. .. 343 16 0 Boardinghouee .. .. .. 2 5 7 Sundries . . . . . . . . 6 3 11 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 10 12 0 Un|iresented cheques .. .. .. 5 010 £02 7 8 £533 12 0 : .—.TasTiTJir-a W. A. Caeruth, Chairman. J. McKinnon, Secretary. The Audit Office, having examined the balance-sheet and accompanying accounts required by law to be audited, hereby certifies the same to be correct.—R. .1. Colunk, Controller and Auditor-General.

AUCKLAND GRAMMAR SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1919. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. j Endowments Income Account : — £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries . . .. 492 10 0 Board .. .. ■• 0,718 15 4 Proportion of offloe expenses .. .. 52 14 2 Revenue from secondary - education re- Repairs .. .. .. .. 1,968 14 6 serves .. .. .. 1,108 4 7 Insurance .. .. .. .. 94 12 0 Interest on moneys derived from endow- Bates •• •• •• 808 14 3 meiits .. •• 109 (I 0 Interest on mortgages .. .. 91 5 0 Sale of old buildings .. .. 30 5 0 Transfers to other accounts— New Building Aooount .. .. 3,750 12 8 General Account (for maintenance of buildings) .. .. .. 737 15 7 £8,057 4 11 £8,057 4 11 Endowments Capital Account:— , Endowments Capital AoooTTNT :— Balance, 31st December, 1918 .. 5,000 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. 5,000 0 0 £5,000 0 0 £5,000 0 0 New Buildinos and Situs Account :— New Buildings and Sites Account : — Government grants for new buildings, &o.— Balance, 31st December, 1918 .. .. 5,251 14 0 Epsom Bohool .. 2,8(10 0 o '■ New buildings .. .. .. 7,503 13 4 Sale of stone .. 119 II 9 Furniture and apparatus .. .. 971 19 3 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- [hterest on overdraft .. .. 343 1!) <) count .. .. .. .. 3,750 12 8 I Balance, 3lst December. 1919 .. ..7,401 1 11 £14,131 0 4 £14,131 0 4 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account: — count: — Government capitation for free places ..24,701 12 0 j Balance, 31st December. 1918 .. .. 1,190 10 8 School fees .. .. .. 1,518 15 0 I Teaohers' salaries and allowances ..21.018 10 ■) Voluntary contributions for general pur- Incidental expenses .. .. ..2,662 16 11 |)oses (not new buildings) —Library .. 20 0 0 , Maintenance of buildings . . 039 8 7 War bursaries .. .. •• 80 0 0 Insurances .. .. .. .. 98 7 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Library .. .. .. .. 10 2 (i count .. .. 737 15 7 Hire of tents, £37 Is. Kid.; sundry. £9 10s. 6d. .. .. . . 40 12 4 Maintenance of old Grammar School building .. .. .. .. 23 3 0 War bursaries .. .. .. 80 o 0 Balance. 31st December. 1919 . . . . I ,281 l<) 9 £27,058 3 1 I £27,058 3 1 Examined and found correct,- R. J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.



Statement of Monetary Assets and Liabilities as at 31st December, 1919. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d> Loan, Diocesan Pension Board .. .. 1,000 0 0 I Auckland City Council debentures .. 5,000 0 0 Private loan .. .. .. .. 500 o o Government capitation due .. .- 228 I 8 Sundry creditors— ! Secondary school fees due .. . . 206 8 0 Mac'ky Trust .. .. .. 28 30 I Outstanding rents .. .. .. 878 () li Williamson Trust . . . . . . 272 17 2 ('cult.motors' deposits . . .. .. 94 3 9 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 5,15!) 17 2 [Jnpresented cheques .. .. .. (i 24 I I £7,1i79 2 2 £6,312 10 2 A. P. W. Thomas, Chairman. W. WALLACE Kino, Secretary.

HAMILTON HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement ov Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1918. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account:— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account:— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Transfer to New Building Account .. 254 is 7 Hoard .. .. .. .. 47 0 0 Revenue from secondary-education reserves .. . . ' . . . . 207 18 7 £254 18 7 £254 18 7 Nkw Buildings and .Situs Account:— Nn\v Buri/iuNds and Situs Account:— Government grants for— Science fittings and furniture .. .. 272 2 1 Desks .. .. .. .. 75 0 0 Boys' hostel .. .. .. L8 18 2 Science fittings .. .. .. 268 0 0 Playing-fields .. .. .. 380 0 0 Transfers from — Endowments Income Account .. 254 18 7 Secondary Department General Account .. .. .. .. 68 1 8 £666 0 3 £066 0 3 Hostels Account:— Hostels Account :— Boarding-fees .. .. .. 986 18 8 Provisions .. .. .. 471 18 1 Discounts refunded .. .. .. 12 2 Fuel, light, &o, .. .. .. 51 Ii) 10 Transfer from Secondary Department Salaries and wages ... .. .. 105 II 0 General Account .. .. .. 234 17 10 Furniture, utensils, &.<•. .. .. 254 0 0 Repairs to buildings .. .. .. 49 18 3 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. .. 21 II o Rent .. .. .. .. 208 0 0 £1,222 18 8 £1,222 18 8 ——- Secondary Department General — Secondary Dbpabtment General Account:— Account: — Teaohers'salaries and allowances .. 3,857 17 10 Balance, 31st December, 1918 .. .. 420 10 8 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 535 14 2 Government capitation for free places .. 5,102 111 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 35 o o Government capitation for classes for Maintenance of buildings .. .. 00 13 11 manual instruction .. .. 171 15 0 Elates and taxes .. .. .. 10 10 10 School fees .. . ... .. 393 l(i S Auckland Education Board .. .. 2!) 411 Refunds .. ■■ •• II! 17 Ml Amount refunded .. .. .. 112 0 War bursaries .. .. .. 46 6 0 Donation, Technical School .. .. 10 0 0 Refunds .. .. .. .. 112 0 Refund sohool fees .. .. .. 23 6 8 Transfers to other accounts— Girls' Hostel Account .. .. 234 17 10 New Buildings Account . . . . 08 I 8 Balance. 31st December, 1919 ~ .. 1,276 1!) 3 £0,15!) 9 7 £6,150 !) 7

5—E. 6.



Statement of Monetary Assets and Liabilities as at 31st December, 1919 Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ 3. d. SalaricH . . . . .. .. (SB5 10 9 Government capitation due . . . . 185 2 0 School Account . . . . . . 106 15 1 Secondary-school fees due .. .. 33 6 8 Girls'Hostel Account .. .. .. 101 15 10 Boarding-fees due .. .. .. 28 10 0 Capitation overpaid . . .. .. 42 510 Outstanding vents . . . . . . 5 0 0 Auckland Eduoation Board — Instructors' Cash at bank .. .. .. .. 1 ,270 I!) 3 fees .. . . . . . . 131 17 7 War bursaries . . .. .. .. 115 0 £1,079 10 1 £1,528 18 5 Geo. Edgecumbe, Chairman. R. English, Seoretary.

THAMES HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1019. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account : —■ £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 68 15 0 Board .. .. .. .. 781 0 0 Management expenses .. .. 20 15 11 Revenue from Secondary Eduoation Re- Transfers to—■ serves .. ..' .. .. 109 410 New Building Account .. .. 789 811 Goldflelde revenue .. .. .. 47 9 I General Account .. .. .. 59 o 7 £938 o 5 £938 o 5 Nkw Buildings and Situs Account :— New Buildings and Sites Account:— Government grant for site .. .. 700 0 0 Purchase of sites and improvements .. 822 0 1 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Principal of loans repaid .. .. 336 12 4 count .. .. . . .. 789 <S 1 1 Interest on loans for buildings .. 310 10 G £1,489 8 11 £1,489 8 11 Trust Account :— Trust Account :■ — Balance, 31st December, 1918 .. .. 49 8 3 Balanoe, 31st December, 1919 .. .. 51 5 0 Interest .. .. . . .. 116 9 £51 5 0 £51 5 I) Secondary Department General Ac- SECONDARY Department General Account :— count : — Balance, 31st December, 1918 .. .. 351 13 4 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 2.031 10 0 Government capitation for free places .. 2,780 13 4 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 439 4 8 Government capitation for classes for Maintenance (including material) of classes manual instruction .. .. 47 3 6 for manual instruction ~ .. 178 Iβ 3 School fees .. ■• .. •• 45 lo (i Maintenance of buildings .. .. 2 16 0 Refunds .. .. ... .. 67 10 0 Rates and taxes, &c. . . .. . . 23 0 8 Kent . . . . . . . . 26 0 0 Interest on overdraft . . .. . . 73 4 9 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Conveyance of scholars from distance .. 58 15 0 count . . . . . . .. 59 0 7 Board of scholars .. .. . . 10 I 0 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. .. 560 2 5 £3,377 10 !) £3,377 1(1 9 Statement of Monetary Assets and Liabilities as at 31st December, 1919. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Loans .. •• •■ .. 5,727 15 9 Investments on loan pr mortgage .. .. 1,500 o o Law-costs, Miller and Son .. .. 114 17 (i Government capitation due .. 96 13 4 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 939 17 7 Secondary-school tees due ... .. 10 12 0 Outstanding rents .. .. .. 004 15 2 Outstanding interest .. .. .. 22 10 0 Balance, Adams Memorial Prize Account .. 51 5 0 £6,782 10 10 £2,285 15 0 E. N. Miller, Chairman. Jar. Kerni'ck, Secretary.


NEW PLYMOUTH HIGH SCHOOLS BOAED. General Statement of Accounts fob the Year ended 31st December, 1919. Heceiplx. Payment s. Endowments Income Account:— £ s, d. Endowments Income Account: — £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Reserves inspection, £7 lOs.; law, £1 Is. (id. 8 11 (i Board .. . . . . 970 17 8 Transfer to— Revenue from secondary - education re- New Building Aocount .. .. 1,328 2 i) serves .. .. .. .. 1,081 4 8 Endowments Capital Acoount . . 450 () 0 Balance . . .. . . 265 8 1 £2,052 2 4 £2,052 2 4 Endowments Capital Account :— Endowments Capital Account :— Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Investment of moneys received from sales 450 0 0 count .. .. .. .. 450 0 0 £450 0 0 £450 0 0 New Buildings and Sites Account :— New Buildings and Sites Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1918 .. .. 736 17 8 Buildings .. .. .. .. 9,127 13 7 Government girants for buildings .. 6,411 2 4 Furniture .. .. .. .. 564 8 4 Voluntary contributions for new build- Maintenance and repairs' .. .. L46 10 11 ings, &0. .. .. .. .. 1,969 12 0 Laboratory .. .. .. .. II!) 1(5 0 Transfers from other accounts — Elates, rent, and insuranoe .. .. 168 5 10 Hostels Account .. .. .. 271! !• II Principal of loans repaid .. .. 262 10 0 Endowments Account .. .. 1,328 2 9 Interest on loans for buildings .. 330 0 0 £10,719 4 8 £10,719 4 8 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1918 .. .. 56 3 0 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 543 15 8 School fees .. .. .. .. 1)25 7 9 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 271 12 0 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. . . 166 3 1 £981 10 9 £981 10 9 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Boarding-fees .. .. .. 8,485 7 9 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 285 0 0 Refunds of advanoes to boarders .. 2,004 3 9 Provisions .. .. .. .. 3,500 3 6 Contractors'deposits .. .. .. 8 0 0 Fuel, light, &c. .. .. .. 564 18 3 Salaries and wages .. .. . . 1 ,448 0 4 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 613 19 11 Repairs to buildings .. . . . . 168 (i 5 Insurance, rates, &c. . . .. . . 857 3 4 Advances to boarders . . . . 2,332 19 I Contractors' deposits . . . . . . 6 0 0 Law, £7 2s. 9d. ; live-stock, £44 Bs. lid. 51 11 8 Transfers— Secondary Department .. . . 455 19 1 New Buildings Account .. .. 273 9 11 £10,557 11 0 £10,557 11 6 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count : — Government capitation for free places .. 5,065 2 10 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 5,197 4 8 Government capitation for classes for Incidental expenses .. .. . . 886 14 9 manual instruction .. .. .. 86 1 3 Maintenance of classes for manual instruoSchool fees .. .. .. 482 14 2 lion .. . . .. .. 48 18 8 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Donations expended .. .. .. 48 15 0 poses (not now buildings) (includes in- Bursary .. .. . . .. 33 10 0 terest from Bequest Account) .. 91 15 9 Bursary .. .. . . .. 33 10 0 Transfer from Hostels Account .. 455 19 1 £6,215 3 1 £6,215 3 1 Bequests Trust Account :— Bequests Trust Account : — Balance, 31st December, 1918 .. .. 76 15 0 Interest withdrawn for purposes of bequest 4 15 9 Interest received . . .. .. 3 0 9 Balance at New Plymouth Savings-bank 75 0 0 £79 15 9 £79 15 9




Statement of Monetary Assets and Liabilities as at 31d December, 1919. Liabilities, £ s. d. i Assets. £ s. d. Un presented cheques .. .. .. 95 i) !) Balance, Bank of New Zealand .. .. 527 011 Deposits on.oontraots .. .. .. 10 o o Balance, New Plymouth Savings-bank— Deposits by parents (boys') .. .. :il 3 8 Trust Account " .. .. .. 75 0 0 Sundry creditors — Advances to pupils— Boys .. .. .. .. 830 13 5 Boys .. .. .. 422 Hi 0 Girls .. .. .. . . 68. 7 7 Girls .. . . .. . . 84 8 (i Capitation overpaid .. .. .. 1,588 210 Boarding-fees— Balances on contracts — Boys .. .. .. . . 106 17 7 Boys'boarding (approximate) .. .. 2,050 18 0 Girls Boys' school—Architect . . 37 (i 0 School fees — Strandon shelters . . . . . . 728 10 8 Hoys . . . . . . . . 51 7 10 Public Trustee—Mortgage .. ..11,737 10 0 Girls .. .. .. .. 29 5 0 Purchase, additional school-site .. .. 300 0 0 Seoondary reserves rents, Deoember quarter 102 10 2 Bequests— Deposit re purchase " Montosa" .. 10 0 0 Bendall .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Defence Department . . .. .. 30 1.0 0 White .. .. .. .. 25 0 0 Government grants .. .. .. 1,700 0 0 £17,548 2 5 £3,145 13 0 I;. ('. Sladden, Chairman. E. LASH, Secretary. WANGANUI GIRLS' COLLEGE BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, L919. Receipts. Payment*. Endowments Income Account: — ,1 h. d. Endowment Income Account :— £ a. d. Balanoe, 31st December, 1918 .. .. 1,522 1 6 Advance on mortgage .. .. 1,000 0 0 Current income from reserves vested in Balance .. .. .. .. 2,021 3 7 Board .. .. .. .. 1,125 18 6 Revenue from secondary - education reserves .. .. ' .. .. 373 3 7 £3,021 3 7 £3,021 3 7 New Buildings and Situs Account: — New Buildings and Situs Account: — Interest .. .. .. .. 30 0 0 Balanoe, 31st December, 1918 .. .. 961 7 8 Balance, 31st December, J 9l<) .. .. 1,055 0 10 Legal expenses .. .. .. 28 7 0 Rates . . . . . . . . 45 0 0 Interest on loans for site . . .. 50 0 2 £1,085 0 10 £1,085 0 10 Loweb Department Account: — Lowee Department Account: — Balance, 31st Deoember, 1918 .. .. 135 5 0 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. . 173 0 0 School fees .. .. .. .. 471 11 5 [noidental expenses .. .. .. 106 2 0 Stationery fees .. ..1!) 12 0 Balance, 3lst December, 1919 .. .. 353 13 11 Use of batlw . . . . . . 0 7 0 £032 15 11 £032 15 11 Hostels Account: — Hostels Account: — Balance, 31st Deoember, 1918 .. .. 1.521 4 6 Proportion of offioe expenses .. .. 140 0 0 Boarding-fees .. .. .. 4,932 19 8 Provisions .. .. .. .. 2,283 1 1 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 1,876 13 8 Fuel, light, &o. .. .. .. 448 3 (i (Ihurch sittings .. .. .. 59 4 0 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 1,065 13 9 Use of piano .. .. .. 128 5 0 Furniture, utensils, &c. . . .. 277 0 4 Repairs to buildings .. .. . . 169 13 0 Insurance, rates, &c. . . .. .. 60 16 11 Advances to boarders .. .. 1,933 5 0 Lodging teachers . . .. .. 79 2 (i Church sittings .. .. .. 39 16 0 Miscellaneous . . .. . . 39 18 0 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. .. 1,98116 9 £8,518 (i 10 £8,518 6 10 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— COUNT :— Balance, 31st December, 1918 .. .. 7 (i (i Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 4,179 16 10 Government capitation for free places .. 1,300 9 5 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 031 9 7 Government capitation for classes for Maintenance of classes for manual inmanual instruction.. .. .. 140 14 10 struction .. .. .. .. 105 19 0 School fees .. .. .. .. 1,804 8 0 Maintenance of buildings and new furniVoluntary contributions for general pur- ture (£1 10s.) .. .. .. 100 0 2 poses .. .. .. .. 2 2 0 Kates and taxes .. .. .. 7 5 0 Refunds .. .. .. .. 415 7 Music, £04 15s. Bd. ; refunds, £21 9s. 4d. 80 5 0 Interest .. . . . . . . 15 0 0 Fire insurance, £18; accident insurance, Music sold, £8 16s. od. ; use of baths, £1 18s. .. .. .. .. 19 18 0 £36 2s. 6d. .. .. .. 44 19 0 Valuation fee, £21; rent of site, £41; Stationery, £97 2s. od. ; rent of site, £4.. 101 2 6 bank charges, 10s. .. .. .. 02 10 0 Material sold, 10s. ; cheques unpaid, £14 Advance on mortgage in anticipation of 14e. .. .. .. .. 15 4 0 subsidy, £500; unclassified, 15s. od. .. 500 15 0 Uverbanked .. .. .. 0 0 3 Cheques unpaid .. .. .. 14 14 0 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. ..2,338 10 3 £5,774 13 1 £5,774 13 1


Statement of Monetary Assets and Liabilities as at 31st December, 1919. Liabilities. £ s. d. | Assets. £ s. d. Unpresented oheques .. .. .. 195 13 10 ; Bank balance .. .. .. .. 1,158 17 0 Sundry creditors .. . . . . 181 611 Manual and technical capitation .. .. 166 4 0 Balance due on new site .. .. 3,856 19 7 Free-place capitation .. .. .. 97 19 5 Rent of house accrued . . . . . . 24 15 0 .Subsidy on bequest .. . . . . 500 0 0 Interest accrued .. .. .. 105 0 0 Outstanding fees ~ .. .. 616 15 4 Advances to pupils .. .. .. 1,010 2 1. Secondary reserves revenue .'. .. 48 11 9 Interest accrued .. .. .. 37 10 0 Amount on mortgage . . . . . . 1,500 0 0 Cheques unpaid . . .. .. 14 14 0 £4,363 15 4 £5,150 13 7 W. J. ('akson, Secretary. WANGANU] COLLEGIATE SCHOOL BOAED. Ghnbbal Statement of Accounts foe this Yeah ended 81st Deoembeb, 1919. Receipts. I 'ai/niGiUs. Genukal Account :— £ s<. d. General Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 81st December, 1918 .. .. 115 9 4 Balance, 31st December, 1918, at bank .. 3,702 3 7 Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 200 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 3,029 13 8 Proportion of office expenses .■ .. 71 3 4 Loan moneys received .. .■ 6,850 0 0 Rates and insurance .. .. .. 122 911 Sundry creditors .. .. .. 165 17 11 Surveys .. .. .. .. 96 18 3 Debit balance at bank .. .. 1,370 13 5 Legal expenses .. .. .. 66 l<) 0 Transfer from Hostels Acoount .. 1,902 12 6 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 23 10 0 Interest . . .. . . 362 17 9 New buildings . . .. .. 4,493 8 4 Roading estate .. .. .. 1,045 13 6 Cash on hand . . .. .. 36 11 10 Transfer to School Account .. .. 3,812 14 4 £14,034 6 10 £14,034 6 10 Hostels Acjoount :— Hostels Account :— Boarding-fees .. .. .. 13,467 12 6 Proportion of offioe expenses .. .. 304 16 1 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 2,923 19 1J Provisions .. .. .. .. -1,223 0 5 Fuel, light, &c. . . . . . . 500 0 4 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 3,773 1 9 Furniture, utensils, &e. .. . . 530 11 4 Repairs to buildings . . .. .. 140 1.4 7 Insurance, rates, &c. . . . . . . 326 15 4 Advances to boarders .. .. 3,100 0 1 Interest .. .. .. .. 1,590 0 0 Transfer to General Account .. .. 1,902 12 6 £16,891 12 5 £16,391 12 5 School Account :— School Account :— School fees .. .. .. ■• 1,050 17 6 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 5,081 9 0 Refunds .. .. .. .. 382 0 0 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 1,992 13 7 School prizes endowment income .. 29 11 4 Maintenance (including material) of classes Transfer from General Account .. 3,812 14 4 for manual-instruction workshop .. 42 0 0 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 255 0 0 Books, &c, for sale to pupils, and other temporary advances . . .. 382 0 0 Maintenance of buildings .. . . 56 13 11 Rates and taxes .. . . . . 5 6 8 Interest .. .. . . . . 1,060 0 0 £8,875 3 2 £8,875 3 2 Statement of Monetary Assets and Liabilities us at ,'ilst December, 1919. Liabilities. SI s. d. I Assets. £ s. d. Interest on loans accrued .. .. 810 LI 8 Koch due .. .. .. .. 1,220 17 9 L oans — Outstanding rents .. .. .. 572 12 3 A.M.1 , . Society .. .. .. 58,450 0 0 Sundries .. .. .. .. 46 14 3 Loans at oall .. •■ ■■ 3,400 0 0 Steward's stores .. .. .. 350 0 0 Owing on contracts for buildings in progress 17,732 0 0 [ Boys extras paid, but not charged .. 974 9 4 Owing on contracts for roads .. .. 1,008 10 0 j Stock of Agricultural Science Department. . 436 0 0 Sundry school funds .. .. . . 615 3 2 Cash on hand . . .. .. .. 36 11 10 House accounts .. .. . . 332 11 4 Sundries .. .. .. .. 121 11 0 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 1,237 7 9 Unpresented cheques . . . . . . 133 5 8 £83,841 0 7 £3,637 5 5 J. P. Williamson, Secretary.




PALMERBTON NORTH HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts foe the Yeae ended ,' j >lst December, 1919. Receipts* Payments, Endowments Income Account:—■ £ s, d. Endowments [noome Account: — £ s. d, Revenue from Secondary Education Re- College House Purohase Account .. 300 (I o serves .. .. .. .. 521 8 0 Maintenance, rates, insurance, interest ..; 121 7 4 Balance .. .. .. -vJiMOO 0 8 £521 HO £521 8 0 Nkw Buildings and Sites Account: — New Buildings and Situs Account:— Government grant for Girls'High Sohool 2,720 () 0 On aooount oontraot, Girls'High School 2,300 0 0 Balanoe, 31st December, 1919 .. .. 134 16 0 Architect's fees and expenses .. .. 424 10 o Clerk of works .. .. .. 130 0 0 £2,854 Iβ 0 £2,854 Iβ 0 Hostels Account:— Hostels Account:— Boardingrfees .. .. .. 1,561 12 7 Provisions .. .. .. . 2 2 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 235 10 0 Fuel, light, &o, .. .. .. 122 4 4 Balanoe, 31st December, 1919 .. .. 317 010 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 423 I!) 8 Furniture, utensils, &o. .. .. 280 0 0 Repairs to buildings .. .. .. 52 17 5 Insurance, tates, &o. .. .. .. !i l<) I Advances to boarders .. .. 240 II !) [nterest .. .. .. 242 18 0 C2.1l I 12 11 £2,114 12 II Technical Instruction Account:— Technical Instruction Account:— Total reoeipts .. .. ..2,070 3 3 Balanoe, 31st December, 1918 .. .. 270 7 8 Balanoe, 31st December, 1919 .. .. 300 Iti 3 Total payments .. .. .. 2,094 II 10 £2,370 19 6 £2,370 19 0 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :—■ count :—■ Government oapitation for free plaoes ■. 5,454 is o Balanoe, 31st Deoember, 1918.. .. 340 !) 5 Government capitation for classes Eor Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 4,752 14 4 manual instruction .. .. 230 2 0 Incidental expenses .. .. •■ 001 11 4 School fees .. .. .. .. 453 I!) 2 Maintenance (inoluding material) of classes Voluntary contributions for general pur- for manual instruction .. .. 120 10 I poses • • • • • • • • 2 0 0 Scholarships and bursaries . . . . 0 0 0 Manson Fund . . .. .. 0 0 0 Maintenance of buildings .. . . 103 0 9 Proceeds agricultural plots .. .. 16 18 10 Taxes and insurance .. .. .. 12 12 10 Sundry reoeipts .. .. .. lo 12 2 t Interest on ovqrdraf 1 .. •• 5 13 '.I Scholarships for holders .. .. 92 10 0 ' Buildings and furniture ■• •■ 30 15 o Piano Fund, Girls'High School .. 10 4 0 Scholarships to holders .. .. 1)2 10 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Technical classes .. .. .. 2 7 0 count .. .. .. 121 7 4 Medals .. .. .. .. 7 10 <> Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. .. 226 11 3 £0,404 12 0 t0,404 12 0 Statement of Monetary Atsaets and Liabilities as at 3hl December, 1919. Liabilities, £ s. d. | Assets. £ s. d. Unpaid purchase-money for sites, &c. .. 2,300 0 0 I Fixed deposits, Manson bequest .• .. 100 o o Owing on contracts for buildings.. .. 8,200 0 0 Refunds from pupils due .. .. 59 5 9 Sundry creditors .. •■ •• 138 <) 7 Boarding-fees due •■ •• .. 30 7 0 Girls'High School Piano Fund .. .. 10 4 0 Balanoe, Government grant, Girls' High LJupresented cheques .. .. .. 575 18 0 Sohool .. .. .. .. 7,280 0 0 Balance, current account .. .. 14!) 7 10 £11,224 2 7 £7,019 0 7 W. J. Dukwaed, Chairman. William Hunter, Secretary.



GISBORNE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement or Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1919. Receipts. Payments. "Endowments Income Account:— £ e. d. Endowments Income Account:— £ s. d. Balanoe, 31st December, 1918.. .. 3,067 17 7 Proportion of office expenses .■ .. <i() 4 10 Current Inoome from reserves vested in Legal expenses .. .. .. 5 5 0 Board .. .. .. .. 3,741 8 3 Transfers to other aooounts — Revenue from secondary-education re- New Building Aocount '.. .. 1,911 10 0 serves .. .. •• •• 605 14 10 General Aocount .. .. .. 5,455 211 Interest on moneys derived from endow- Balance' .. .. .. .. 5!)0 12 II tnents .. .. .. . • 16 15 0 £8,031 15 8 £B,OS] 15 s New "Buildings and Sites Account :— New Buildings and Sites Account :— Refund of etamp duty .. .. 18 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1918 .. .. 771. 10 0 Transfers from— Purohase of sites .. .. .. 000 0 0 Endowments Income Aeconnt . . I ,1)1 1 10 0 Principal of loans repaid .. . . 476 7 6 Technical Aocount .. .. .. 346 0 0 Interest on loans for buildings .. .. 427 12 0 £2,275 10 0 £2,275 10 0 Lower Department Account :— • Lower Department Account:— Balance, 31st December, 1018 .. 78 1 1 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 360 0 o Sohool feee .. .. .. ... 7(il 10 0 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 151 (i 8 Bates,"insurance, &o, .. .. 121 14 1 Balance, 31st December, 101!) .. .. 206 10 4 £B:S9 11 1 £83!) II I Hostels Account -.— Hostels Account :■ — Boarding-fees .. .. ..4,681 3 6 Balance, 31st December, 1918 .. .. 145 0 I Refunds of advances to boarders .. 676 7 4 Proportion of office expenses . . .. 00 410 Compensation and doctor's fee.. .. 3 (i 0 Provisions, fuel, light, salaries and wages, Sale of piano-case ■ ■ • ■ . ■ I 10 0 insurance, rates . . . . .. 4,157 12 11 Refunds ■ • • ■ ■ ■ • ■ 0 115 Furniture, utensils, &c. .. .. 465 6 5 Refund . . .. . . .. 0 7 0 Repairs to buildings . . .. . . 70 12 7 Balance, 31st Deoember, 1919 .. .. 721 7 9 Additions and alterations .. .. 371 15 9 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 6 15 9 Advances to boarders .. .. 800 13 8 Refunds (lunch fee, £2 12s. Bd.j £2 55.; £1 13s. (jd.) .. .. .. 0 11 0 £(i.084 13 0 £6,084 13 0 Technical Instruction Account: — Technical Instruct]ox Account:— Government grant, sale of interest in Transfer to New Buildings and Sites technical buildings . . .. .. 346 0 0 Account .. . . . . .. 346 0 0 £346 0 0 £346 0 0 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count :— Government capitation for classes for Balance, 31st December, 1918 .. .. 2,310 4 5 manual instruction.. .. .. 93 16 6 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 2,724 8 0 Sohool fees .. .. .. .. 267 0 0 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 421 14 3 War bursary .. .. .. 5 0 0 Maintenance of classes for manual inSale stationery .. .. .. 9 5 0 stniction .. .. .. .. 12 3 1 Refund overpaid wages .. .. 018 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 287 18 10 Sale of boiler .. .. .. II 0 O Hates and taxes .. .. .. 77 3 4 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- [nteresi on overdraft .. .. 2 12 6 count .. .. .. .. 5,455 2 11 War bursary .. .. .. 5 0 0 Overpaid wage* . . . . . . 0 18 0 £5,842 2 5 £5,842 2 5 Examined and found correct: R. J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General. Statement of Monetary Assets and Liabilities as at 31st December, 1919. Liabilities. £ s. d. | Assets. £ s. d. Government Life Insurance Department- Government capitation due .. .. 136 4 3 First loan .. .. .. .. 1,364 10 0 Refunds from pupils due .. .. 265 12 7 Second loan .. .. .. 2,129 5 0 Boarding-fees due .. .. .. 20 15 0 Private loan .. .. .. .. 2,200 0 0 Lower flepartment fees due ■■ .. 19 0 0 Unpaid purchase-money for sites, &c. .. 1 ,200 0 0 Outstanding rents (endowments) . . 766 11 2 Sundry creditors— Outstanding rent (Section 170) . . .. (i 4 3 For right of way .. .. .. 95 0 0 Balance, ourrent account .. .. 84 15 6 Outstanding accounts . . . . 258 6 9 Overpaid rent .. .. .. 17 10 0 Credits on boarders'accounts .. .. 5 19 11 Balance of overpaid oapitation, 1917—18 .. 73 12 2 £7,344 3 10 £1,298 2 9 J. W. Nolan, for Chairman. J. H. Bull, Secretary.



NAPIER HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. (ieneral Statement of Accounts for thr Yeab ended 31st December, 1919. Receipts. Pai/m,ents. Endowments Income Account:— £ s. d. | Endowments Income Account: — £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries ... .. lo l<( o Board .. .. .. .. 523 15 0 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 2 110 Revenue from secondary-education re- Transfers to other aooounts , — serves .. .. .. .. 768 r> 8 j New Buildings Account .. .. 828 12 8 [ntereet on moneys derived from endow- Genera] Account .. .. 813 II c> mellis .. .. .. 103 5 0 £1,455 r> 8 £1,455 5 8 New Buildtnor and Sttes Account ;— New Buildings and Sites Account— Rent of reserve (new site) •• -. 1- 0 0 Purchase of sites (rent) .. .. IST 10 0 Donations towards new Memorial College +1 5 0 Additions lo buildings, hostels, &c. . . 438 lit !) Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Furniture, &c. ■ .. .. .. 184 0 o count .. .. .. .. 828 12 8 Aiohteots' fees .. .. .. 21 18 0 Memorial College (advertising, plans, &e.) 72 8 0 Equipment—Manual instruction . . 2(5 12 11 £881 17 8 £881 17 8 Lower Department Account:—■ Lower Department Account:— Balance, 31st December, Ii)l8 .. .. 584 14 5 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 713 0 4 School fees .. .. .. .. 881 12 11 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 199 8 7 Technical fees .. .. .. 9 4 0 Balanoe, 31st December, 1919 .. 563 2 5 tl , 175 II 4 fC\ ,475 11 4 Hostels Account :— Hoxtki.x Account:— Balanoe, 31st December, Mils.. .. 250 () 0 Proportion of office'expenses and salaries II!) 1 (i Boarding-fees .. .. .. 5,191 I! 0 Provisions, tut., girls' boardinghouse adMedical fees and expenses . . . . 26 0 0 ministration . . . . . . I ,480 0 0 House governess .. .. .. 110 (I 0 Furniture, utensils, &o. .. .. 360 19 0 Repairs to buildings .. .. .. 132 410 Boarding-fees .. .. .. 2,388 9 4 Laundry fees .. .. .. 234 13 11 Medical fees and expenses .. .. 27 3 3 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. .. 024 2 8 £5,407 3 f> £5,407 3 (i Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department (Ikneral Account :— count : — Balance, 31st December, 1918 .. .. *814 7 0 j Teachers'salaries and allowances ..4,150 5 (i Government capitation for free places .. 4,323 Lβ 0 j Incidental expenses .. .. .. 522 0 9 Government capitation for classes for Maintenance of classes for manual inmanual instruction .. .. 141 1 3 struction .. .. .. .. 47 13 5 School fees .. .. .. .. 337 710 Refund tuition fee .. .. .. 14 0 Allowance (restricted train-service) .. 015 0 Maintenance and repairs of buildings .. 163 15 10 Interest, General Account and Improve- Bates,£so2s. lid.; insurance,£losls. 3d, 155 4 2 ments Account . . .. . . 49 7 0 Interest on overdraft . . . . 0 2 0 Income from property nol reserves .. 1,102 12 0 Manual instruction —Apparatus .. 02 12 3 Technical fees '.. .. .. 15 9 2 Tylee Memorial —Special prize .. 9 15 0 Sales (badges) .. .. .. 13 2 (i Purchase- -Badges .. .. .. SOU Stationery, games, &o. .. •• 1,124 8 7 Allowance — Restricted train-service •• 015 0 Tylee Memorial (special prize) .. .. 10 10 0 Stationery, games, &c. .. .. 1,028 18 4 Contractor's deposit .. .. .. 10 0 0 Balance, 31st December. 1910 .. . .f2,400 11 2 Clerk of Court (summons fees) .. 0 10 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 613 11 0 £8,r>50 18 4 £8,556 IS 4 * Including balance, £239 15a,, Stationery and Games Account. f Including balance, £208 17s. od., Stationery and Games Account. Examined and found oorreot. —R. J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.



Statement of Monetary Assets and Liabilities as at 31st December, 1919. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ S. d. Liability in respect of Improvements Account 117 2 (> Investments on loan or mortgage .. 2,800 0 o Owing on contracts for buildings.. .. 480 2 (i Government capitation due — Contractor's deposit .. .. .. 10 0 o Free plftoea .. .. .. .. 139 13 9 Girls' Boardinghouse Administration Ac- Manual .. .. .'. .. 171 18 0 count .. .. .. .. 55 11 2 Fees due, stationery, games, &c. .. .. 313 8 Sundry accounts unpaid . . , . 320 2 f> Boarding-fees due .. . . .. 39 7 6 Amount owing on account— Lower department fees duo . . . . 7 0 0 Boarding-fees .. .. .. 49 0 7 Outstanding rents .. .. .. 5 2 0 Music fees and books .. .. .. 4 7 3 Reserves and endowments due .. .. 115 111 I Church fees .. .. .. .. 019 6 Post Offloe Savings-bank— Games fees .. .. . . . . 0 6 1 General Account .. . . .. 1 ,475 7 9 Qnpresented cheques .. .. .. 51 17 4 Improvements Account .. .. II" 2 r> dash on hand .. .. .. 157 O 6 Balance, ourrent accouni .. .. 1,899 2 10 £1 ,002 !) 5 £6,930 IK 7 W. DiNwrmnE, Chairman. W. L. Dunn, Secretary. DANNEVIRKE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. Q-bnebal Statement of Accounts for the Yeae ended 31st December, 1919. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :—■ £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :—■ Revenue from secondary -education ro- Transfers to— £ s. d. serves .. .. .. .. 354 13 1 New Building Account .. .. 12 0 0 General Account .. . . . . ,'S42 13 1 £354 13 1 £354 13 1 New Buildings and Sites Account:— New Buildings and Sites Account:— Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Interest on site .. .. .. 12 0 0 oount .. .. .. 12 0 0 £12 0 0 £12 0 0 Technical Instruction Account:— Technical Instruction" Account:— Total reoeiptp—Fees, £810s.; lead;£4lss. 13 5 0 Total payments .. .. .. II 10 0 Balanoe, 31st December, 1919 .. .. 115 0 £13 5 0 £13 5 0 Sboondaby Department General Ac- Secondary Departmbnt General Account :—■ count : —■ Government capitation for free places Balance, 31st December, 1918 .. .. 381 10 10 (including annual grant, £433 (w. 8d.).. 2,022 15 0 Teachers' salaries and aJJowanoes .. 1,835 19 4 Government capitation for classes for Incidental expenses .. .. .. 25!) 17 8 manual instruction .. .. 34 2 (i Maintenance of buildings .. .. 98 12 9 School fees .. .. .. 224 0 0 Interest on overdraft .. .. .. 19 3 6 Range .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 Insurance and rates .. .. .. 17 10 7 Paddock—Rent .. .. .. 21 0 0 Apparatus .. .. .. .. 56 3 2 Eduoation Board —Cleaning .. .. 7 10 0 Furniture .. .. .. .. 14 16 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Telephone .. .. .. .. (i 0 0 count .. .. .. .. 342 13 1 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. .. 27 19 3 £2,689 19 10 £2,089 19 10 Statement of Monetary Assets and Liabilities as at 31st December, 1919. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets, £ 9. d. Unpaid purchase-money for sites, &,<:. .. 200 0 0 Government capitation due .. .. 130 3 5 Unpresented cheques .. .. .. 147 5 5 Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 15 12 10 Cash on hand .. .. .. .. 114 Balance, ourrent account .. .. 104 7 (i £347 5 5 £251 5 1 T. H. G. Lloyd, Chairman. A. W. Soundy, Secretary.

6—E. 6.



WELLINGTON COLLEGE AND GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement op Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, ] 919. Receipts. Payments. Kndowmknts Income Account: — £ s. d. Endowments Income Account: — £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested is Proportion of ollice salaries .. .. 211 Hi 7 Board .. .. .. .. 8,222 10 3 Proportion of offioe expenses .. .. 78 II! 4 Revenue from secondary-education re- Repairs, insurance, legal expenses, valuaserves .. .. .. .. 1,543 0 7 Uon fees, &c. .. .. .. 1,140 10 0 Interest on moneys derived from endow- Transfers to other accounts— ments .. .. .. .. Hi 8 0 New Buildings Account .. .. 1,170 12 1 General Account .. .. .. 7,180 7 7 £9,781 l<) 7 £9,781 19 7 Endowments Capital Account: — Endowments Capital Account: — Moneys derived from sale of endowments Envestmeni of moneys received from sales 4,500 o o (capital value of improvements) .. 7,564 10 0 Transfers to Buildings Aocourit (section 18, Reserves Ad, L908) .. .. 8,000 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. 84 10 0 £7,664 10 0 £7,504 10 0 New Buildings and Sites Account:— New Buildings and Sites Account: — Transfers from — Purchase of sites .. .. .. 2,343 13 o Endowments Capital Acoount .. 3,000 0 0 Buildings and additions .. .. 1,095 Iβ 8 Endowments Inoome Account .. 1,170 12 1 Furniture and apparatus .. .. (i7(i 2 .5 Interest, on loans for buildings .. .. 66 0 0 £4,170 12 1 £4,170 12 1 Lower Department Account: — Lower Department Account: — Sohoolfees .. .. .. .. r>s2 13 2 Balance, 31st December, 1918 .. .. 139 (i 7 Balance, 31st December, 1919.. .. 254 2 4 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 532 13 5 [noidental expenses .. .. .. 134 15 (i £806 15 6 £806 15 (i Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count : — Balance, 31st December, 1918 .. .. 2,5(10 10 10 Teachers'salaries and allowances ..10,037 7 4 Government capitation for free places .. 11.448 5 9 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 2,430 0 11 Government capitation for classes for Maintenance (including material) of classes manual instruction .. .. 340 18 9 for manual instruction .. .. 122 15 7 Sohoolfees .. .. •• •• 1,150 16 1 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 15 0 0 Refunds .. .. .. .. 91 0 10 .Maintenance of buildings and furniture Interest .. .. .. .. 45 o 0 and apparatus .. .. .. 530 17 c> War bursaries .. .. .. 18 15 0 Bates, taxes, and insurance .. .. (ill 910 Library donations .. .. .. 13 Iβ (i War bursaries .. .. .. 28 15 0 Government subsidy on donations .. 015 (i Grant to boardinghouse .. .. 100 0 o Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. .. 2,988 14 8 count .. .. .. .. 7, 1 80 7 7 £22,868 8 10 £22,808 (i 10 Statement oj Monetary Assets and Liabilities at 31st December, 1919. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Loan .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Fixed deposits. . .. .. .. 5,000 0 0 Sundry creditors— On open account .. 79 9 7 Government capitation due .. .. 818 11 10 CJnpresented cheques .. .. .. 700 1 4 Secondary-school fees due .. .. 209 18 5 Lower department fees due .. .. 8 10 0 Outstanding rents .. .. .. 530 19 10 Cash on hand .. .. .. .. 28 3 1 Balance, current account .. .. 2,471 0 7 £1,779 10 11 £9,127 3 ~9 W. F. Ward, Chairman. G. F. Judd, pro Secretary. MARLBOROUGH HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1919. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account:— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account:— £ s . d. lie venue from secondary-education Pβ- Transfer to General Account .. .. 49 11 2 serves .. .. .. • ■ 49 11 2 £49 11 2 £49 11 2 Secondary Department General Ac Secondary "Department General Account: — count: — Halance, 31st December, 1918.. .. 427 18 0 . Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 2,303 0 8 Government capitation for free places Incidental expenses .. .. .. 308 710 (including annual grant, £500) .. 2,354 9 1 Maintenance (including matcrial) of classes Government capitation for classes for for manual instruction .. .. :!1 11 (i manual instruction .. .. 41 7 0 Scholarships.. .. .. .. 10 0 0 School fees .. .. .. .. B.'! 4 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 149 4 j Interest .. .. .. .. 0 12 0 Kates and taxes .. .. .. 21 8 7 Sale of goods .. .. .. 0 18 0 Noswort hy bequest- Interest .. .. 22 10 0 Interest on Young Scholarship Bequest. . 10 0 0 Building contractor's deposit .. 41 1 (i Statutory grant .. .. .. 400 0 0 Balance, 3lsl December, 1919.. .. 404 11 I Building contractor's dspo! it . . 4 110 Transfer from TCndowmcnt Income Account .. .. .. .. 49 11 2 £3,372 11 I! £3,372 11 3 Examined and found correct.—R. J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.



Statement of Monetary Assets and Liabilities as at 31st December, 1919. Liabilities. £ B. d. Asset*. £ s. d. Nosworthy bequest for Wrigley Scholarship 500 0 0 Government capitation due .. .. 114 410 Young Scholarship bequest .. .. 200 0 0 Secondary school fees due . . . . 4 0 0 Owing for desks ' .. .. .. 12 10 0 War bonds, Young bequest .. .. 200 0 0 Unpresented cheques .. .. .. 10 0 0 Balance, Post Office Savings-bank .. 17 11 7 Balance, current account .. .. 450 I!) 0 £722 10 0 £792 15 II E. 11. Penny, Chairman. J. C. Logan, Secretary NELSON COLLEGE BOARD. General Statement of Accounts foe the Year ended 81st Deoembee, 1919 Endowment Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payment*. £ s. d. Rents .. .. .. •• 921 15 0 Kates and taxes .. .. .. 0 9 7 Interest .. .. .. .. 245 12 0 Insurances .. .. .. .. 4 IS 2 Revenue from secondary-education reserves 23S 12 0 Printing and advertising .. .. 0 0 0 Stationery . . . . .. . . 0 8 (i Governors'and auditors'fees .. .. 17 6 8 Secretary .. .. . . . . 43 11 0 Office rent .. .. .. .. 12 10 O Offloe cleaning and gas . . .. .. 9 9 8 Telephone .. .. .. .. 5 0 0 Interest on overdraft . . .. . . 7 3 3 Bank charge .. . . .. .. 0 10 0 ; Petty cash, postages, and sundiics .. 9 0 0 £1,402 19 6 £110 (j 10 Hoys' College. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Boarding-fees .. .. .. •■ 6,301 4 (i House expenses ..' .. .. 5,7!)7 811 Tuition fees '.. .. .. .. 879 14 8 Tuition expenses .. .. .. 3,875 1(1 1 Government capitation-— Stationery .. . . .. .. 63 1 8 :i Free places .. .. .. .. 2,031 10 7 Printing and advertising .. .. 101 15 10 Manual instruction .. .. .. 82 1 IS Gas .. .. .. .. .. 118 i:i 7 Government grant .. .. .. 28.'! (i 7 Rates and taxes .. .. .. 20 10 8 Government grant —Barracks .. .. 30 0 0 Repairs .. .. .. .. 297 12 2 Insurance paid .. .. .. 14 II 3 Secretary .. .. .. .. 191 5 8 Governors'and auditors'fees .. .. 52 (i 8 Scholarships— Endowed .. . . .. .. 70 O 0 Foundation . . . . .. .. 10 0. 0 Simmons prize (£5, £5) . . . . .. 10 0 0 Andrew memorial prize (£5, £5) .. .. 10 0 0 Houlker memorial prize (£5, £5 25.) .. 10 2 0 Law-costs • ■ ■ • . • • • 2 2 0 Insurances .. .. .. . . 56 1 0 Grounds .. .. .. .. 72 14 4 Interest on mortgage .. .. .. 200 o 0 Telephone .. .. .. .. 10 3 7 Sports .. . . .. .. 10 0 0 Cadets . . .. .. .. 22 10 0 Office rent, £0 5.;. ; cleaning, £3 53. .. 910 0 Fire appliances .. .. .. 16 16 0 Refund fees .. . . .. .. 3 (i 8 Woodwork class . . . . .. 9 4 0 Agriculture class . . .. . . 7 14 0 Scientific and chemical apparatus and chemicals . . .. .. . . 58 9 2 Petty cash, postages, and sundries .. 23 0 0 £10,222 14 10 £11,137 7 1 Girls' College. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. £ s. d. Boarding-fees .. .. •• •• 3,573 5 0 House expenses .. .. .. 2,999 Hi 8 Tuition fees .. .. .. 774 9 0 Tuition expenses .. .. .. 2,004 0 0 Government capitation— Stationery . . . . . . .. 20 5 7 Free places .. .. .. •■ 2,335 13 1 Printing and advertising .. .. 74 10 I Manual instruction .. .. .. 128 11 10 Gas .. .. .. .. .. 109 (i 4 Government grant .. .. 216 13 5 Rates and taxes .. .. .. 410 0 Refund .. .. .. . ■ 2 18 Repairs .. .. .. .. 148 311 Secretary . . . . . . 191 5 8 Governors' and auditors' fees . . .. 52 (i 8 Scholarships— Endowed .. .. .. 4<i 13 4 Foundation . . . . .. .. 22 (i 8 Barnieoat prize .. .. .. I! 0 0 Law-costs .. . . .. .. 010 2 Insurances .. .. .. .. 38 15 0 Telephone . . . . .. .. 5 0 0 Office rent, £0 ss. ; cleaning, £3 ss. .. 9 10 0 Refund fees .. .. .. .. 216 8 Fire appliances .. .. .. 11 13 4 Grounds .. .. .. .. 49 510 Petty cash, postages, and sundries .. 21 0 0 £7,030 14 0 £6,414 15 11



Capital Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Payments. Land sold .. .. .. .. 350 0 0 Furniture — £ s. d. Caeh, Post Office Savings-bank, 31st Decenv Boys'College .. .. .. 54 2 I ber, 1018 .. .. .. .. I,COO 0 0 Girls'College .. .. .. 14 15 5 Bank overdraft, 31st Deoember, 1918 .. 553 IS U Cash, Post Office Savings-bank, 31st December, 1919 .. .. .. .. 1,064 10 0 Cash, Bank of New Zealand, £665 2k. 7d. ; less unpresented cheques, £14 7b. 6d, .. 650 15 1 £1,350 0 0 £2,387 18 6 £20,006 8 4 £20,0CX) 8 4 Statement of Loans on Mortgage Account as at 31st December, 1919. A. Mortgages owing to Nelson College. £ s. d. I £ s. d. Balanoe outstanding at 31st December, 1918 1,950 0 0 Balanoe outstanding at 31st December, 1919 1,950 0 o £1,950 0 0 £1,950 (i (i ! 15. MOBT.GA.GUIS OWI-NG BY NILSOK COLLEGE, £ S. d. £ s. (I. Balance outstanding at 31et December, 1918 1,000 0 0 Balanoe outstanding at 31st Dec-ember, 1919 4,000 0 0 £4,000 0 0 £4,000 0 0 The Audit Office having examined the balance sheet and accompanying accounts required by law to be audited hereby certifies the same to be correct, subject to the exception that there is no authority of law for the grant of £25 ss. to the College Magazine.- —11. J. Collins, Controller and AuditorGeneral. Statement of Monetary Assets and Liabilities as at 31st December, 1919. Assets. £ s. d. Liabilities. £ s. d. Mortgage securities .. .. .. 1,950 0 o Mortgage on oollege .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 Rents due .. .• ■• •■ 390 5 0 Governors'fees .. .. .. 100 0 0 Interest due .. .. •• ■• 33 0 0 Unpresented. oheques .. .. .. 14 7 0 Fees duo .. .. .. . • 090 210 Capitation, free pupils .. .. •• 351 19 11 Advances to boarders .. .. .. 386 8 10 Advances to boarders (arrears) .. . • 65 (i 9 Cash at Post Office Savings-bank .. 1,064 10 O Wai' loan . . . . . . . . I ,1)00 0 0 Cash at Bank of New Zealand .. .. 665 2 7 £(5,596 15 11 £4,114 7 (i "R. Catley, Secretary. GEBYMOUTH HIGH SCHOOL BOARD (High School not in operation.) Genebal Statement ot Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1919. Receipts. £ s. d. ; Payments. £ s. d Balance in hand at beginning of year .. 1,387 (i 9 | Canterbury Education Board .. .. 80 o o Endowments— Bank charges .. .. .. .. o 10 O Revenue from secondary-education re- Clerical assistance .. . . .. 0 10 0 serves .. .. .. .. 158 13 5 Balance at end of year .. .. .. 1,521 19 10 Interest on money derived from endowments .. .. .. .. 34 15 0 Interest, Post Offloe Savings-bank .. 22 4 8 £1 ,<>O2 19 10 £1,602 19 10 Statement of Monetary Assets and Inabilities as at 31st December, 1919 Assets. £ s. d. Liabilities. £ s. d. Greymouth Borough debentures .. .. 700 0 0 Audit fees .. .. .. .. 213 4 Bank balance .. • • • • • • 37 3 11 Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 784 15 11 £1,521 19 10 £2 13 4 W. R. Kettle, Chairman. Examined and found correct. —R. J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.



lIOKITIKA HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. (High School not in operation.) General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1919. Utri'ipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account: — £ s. d. , Endowments Income Account: — £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1918 . . .. 157 18 7 Proportion of office salaries .. .. 25 0 0 Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office expenses . . . . 2 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 30 0 0 Transfer to Secondary Department GeneRevenue from secondary-education re- ral Account .. .-. .. 152 011 serves .. . . ' .. .. 152 7 2 Balance .. . . . . 213 410 Interest on moneys derived from endowments .. .. .. . . 52 0 0 £392 5 9 £392 5 9 Endowments Capital Account :— Endowments Capital Account :— Balance, 31st December, 1918 .. .. 1,400 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. .. 1,400 0 0 £1,400 0 0 £1,400 0 0 General Account :— General Account :— Transfer from Endowment Income Ac- Teachers' salaries and allowances . . 84 11 8 count .. .. .. .. 152 0 11 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 11 9 9 Maintenance of buildings .. . . 16 4 0 Kates and taxes .. .. . . 39 15 (i £152 0 11 £152 0 11 Statement of Monetary Assets and Liabilities as at 31st December, 1919. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. Fixed deposits . . .. .. I ,400 0 0 Outstanding rents . . . . ~ 34 11. S Nil. Balance, current account .. .. 213 410 £1,647 16 6 H. L. Michel, Chairman. Daphne Lloyd, Secretary. RANGIORA HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. Ceneral Statement of Accounts for the Year en dud 31st December, 1919, Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account:— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account:'— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of travelling - expenses of Board .. .. .. .. 139 19 ti Board members .. .. .. 6 0 0 Transfer to General Account . . . . 133 19 6 £139 19 6 £139 19 6 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Boarding-fees .. .. .. 447 4 1 Provisions .. . . .. .. 173 16 0 Euel, light, &o. .. .. .. 18 9 7 Salaries and wages .. .. . . 99 8 4 Repairs to buildings .. .. .. 8 11 0 Insurance, rates, &c. . . .. . . 45 0 0 Advances to boarders .. . . 31 12 6 Petty cash for matron .. .. 69 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1919 . . .. 16 8 £447 4 1 £447 4 1 Technical Instruction Account :• — Technical Instruction Account :— Total receipts .. .. .. 546 17 11 Total payments .. .. .. 527 10 11 Balance, 31st December, 1919 . . .. 19 7 0 £546 17 11 £546 17 J1 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :■ —■ count :■ — Government capitation for free places .. 1,892 14 2 Balance, 31st December, 1918 .. .. 83 II 11 Government capitation for classes for Teachers' salaries and allowances ~ 1,891 8 10 manual instruction .. . . 83 12 0 Incidental expenses .. . . .. 215 19 9 School fees .. .. .. .. 04 19 0 Maintenance .. .. .. 100 7 11 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Maintenance of buildings . . .. 178 0 5 poses .. .. .. .. 52 17 6 Rates and taxes .. .. .. 16 6 2 Contractors' deposits, new buildings . . 100 0 0 Interest on overdraft . . • .. . . 210 6 Refund insurance company .. .. 3 0 0 Dishonoured cheque .. .. .. 50 0 0 General .. .. .. .. 13 0 9 Refunds .. .. .. .. 14 19 0 Borrowed from building society . . 200 0 0 Agricultural plots .. .. .. 153 16 10 Agricultural Account .. .. 116 6 1 Transfer from Endowment Account . . 133 19 6 Balanoe, 31st December, 1919 .. .. 46 12 4 £2,707 I 4 £2,707 1 4

E.— 6


Statement of Monetary Assets and Liabilities as at 31st December, 1919, Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Salaries .. . . . . . . 10 8 0 Government capitation due .. .. 420 8 3 Interest on loans . . . . .. 22 10 0 ! Loans from building society .. .. 200 0 0 Unpaid purchase-money for sites, &e. . . 900 0 0 Girls' Hostel Furnishing Account . . 347 8 2 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 25 18 8 Unpresentcd cheques .. -.. .. 04 8 9 £1,579 13 7 £420 8 3 W. A. Banks, Chairman, W. J. Young, Secretary. CI MUST'S COLLEGE GRAMMAR SCHOOL BOARD (Jenekal Statement of Accounts fou the Year ended 31st Decembee, 1919. Meceipts. Payments, Hostels Account :— £ s. d. Hostels Account;— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1918 .. .. 285 12 4 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 198 14 4 Boarding-fees .. .. .. B,(i. r )i) 12 (i Provisions .. .. .. .. ;i,558 4 4 Refunds of advances to boarders .. 3,393 5 9 Fuel, light, &o. .. .. .. 505 15 5 Salaries and wages . . .. .. 1,821 1 (i Furniture, utensils, &o. .. .. 996 7 2 Repairs to buildings . . . . .. 282 0 5 Advances to boarders .. .. 3,952 17 11 Telephones, £34 7s. Bd. ; water, £33 13s. 9d. ; sundries, £115 J(is. Bd. .. 183 18 1 Balance, 3Lst December, 1919 . . . . 839 5 5 £12,338 10 7 £12,338 10 7 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department Genjskal Account : — count : — Balance, 31st December, 1918 .. .. 2,200 2 4 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 7,571 15 10 School fees .. .. .. .. 6,778 3 7 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 1,887 8 2 Interest and rents .. .. .. 2,117 18 7 Maintenance of classes for manual inCapitation for boardinghouse now taken struction .. .. .. .. 42 Hi 0 over . . . • • • • • 18 0 0 Scholarships and bursaries . . .. 940 5 7 Subscription to Games Fund .. .. 499 14 9 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 222 Iβ 10 Sundries .. .. .. .. 2 2 7 Kates and taxes .. .. .. 12 17 0 Scholarship trust funds .. .. 940 5 7 Interest on overdraft and rent .. 457 12 5 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. .. 1,350 111 Board's contributions to pensions .. 319 13 0 Insurance . . .. .. .. 100 10 8 Expenses, election of Fellows .. . . 31 0 3 Sundry expenses .. .. .. 128 10 7 Transfer to Buildings Account .. 2,251 2 0 £13,960 9 4 £13,966 9 4 Statement of Monetary Assets and Liabilities as at 31st December, 1919. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Mortgage .. .. •• •• 1,250 0 0 Investments on loan or mortgage-— Trust.. .. . ■ ■• ■• 2,200 0 0 Moneys derived from sale of reserves .. 11,758 Hi 7 Owing on contracts for buildings .. 7,875 0 8 Other moneys .. .. .. 543 010 Bank overdraft . . ■ • • • 510 10 0 Secondary-school fees due .. .. 45 9 8 Refunds from pupils due . . .. 622 2 9 Boarding-fees due . . .. .. 52 5 10 Outstanding rents .. .. .. 11 11 0 Outstanding interest . . .. . . 0 5 0 £11,686 3 2 £13.033 11 8 K B. Weisis, Bursar.



CHRISTCHURCH BOYS' HIGH SCHOOL (CANTERBURY COLLEGE BOARD). General Statement of Accounts for the Yeab ended 31st December, 1919. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries and expenses 384 110 Board .. .. .. .. 0,900 6 4 Proportion of travelling-expenses of Board members .. .. .. .. 8192 Legal expenses, £22 Is. ; sale of leases, advertising, commission, &c., £132 3s. ; clearing gorse, fences, drains, &c, £20 15s. 3d. .. .. .. ISO 19 3 Transfers to other accounts— New Buildings Account .. ..2,678 10 5 General Account .. .. .. 3,358 5 11 Hostel Account .. .. 289 9 9 £6,900 0 4 £0,900 (i 4 New Buildings and Sites Account :— New Buildings and Sites Account :— Interest on Buildings Sinking Fund .. 52 11 2 Balance, 31st December, 1918 . . .. 1,809 15 3 Transfer'from Endowments Income Ac- Purchase of site (Opawa), deposit .. 880 10 0 count .. .. .. .. 2,078 10 5 Wooden building (provisional accommoBalance, 3lsf December. 1919 . . .. 1,899 910 dation) .. .. .. .. 403 8 2 Test borings for foundations (Riccarton site) .. .. .. .. 4 13 0 Interest on loans for buildings and sites. . 1,412 5 0 £4,630 11 5 £4,630 11 5 Hostels Account :— Hostels Account :— Boarding-fees .. .. .. 1,240 15 6 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 10 10 6 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Provisions .. .. .. .. 488 13 9 count .. .. .. . . 89 9 9 Fuel, light, &c. (including laundrying, £96 15s. 5d.) .. .. .". 251 10 3 Salaries and wages .. .. .. 580 11 6 Furniture, utensils, <fee. .. .. 160 10 9 Library books .. .. .. 10 9 0 Repairs to buildings .. . . .. 6 4 6 Insurance, rates, &c. .. .. .. 21 2 6 £1 ,530 5 3 £1 ,530 5 3 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count :— Government capitation for free places .. 4,731 19 3 Teaohers' salaries and allowances .. 0,313 18 11 Government capitation for classes for Incidental expenses .. .. .. 1,520 17 1 manual instruction .. .. 93 3 0 Maintenance of classes for manual inGovernment grant for furniture, fittings, struction .. .. .. .. 116 210 and apparatus . . .. .. 22 3 0 Bursaries . . .. . . .. 39 16 8 School fees .. .. .. .. 601 2 0 Maintenance of buildings—Desks, forms, Government war bursaries .. .. 57 10 0 cupboards, repairs, cfec. .. .. 404 18 5 Sale of material (woodwork class) .. 10 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. 44 1 5 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Interest on overdraft . . .. 20 19 7 count .. .. .. .. 3,358 5 11 Books for school library .. .. 20 8 8 Rent of additional playground. . .. 80 0 0 Grant to cadet corps .. .. .. 75 0 0 Grant to cadet band for instruments . . 50 0 0 Grant towards war number of magazine 50 0 0 Sundries .. .. . . .. 5 111 Government war bursaries .. .. 57 10 0 £8,865 4 8 £8,865 4 8 Statement of Monetary Assets and Liabilities as at 31st December, 1919. Liabilities. £ s. d. ; Assets. £ s. d. Loan from National Insurance Company .. 13,000 (I 0 | Government capitation due— Unpaid purchase-money for sites, &c. — Free places .. .. .. .. 133 17 9 Riccarton site .. .. .. 9,464 15 0 Technical classes .. .. .. 86 4 6 Opawasite .. .. .. .. 4,930 0 Q Secondary-school fees due .. .. 7 6 8 Bank overdraft .. .. ~ 1,899 910 Outstanding rents .. .. .. 31 (i 4 Government grant for apparatus, &c. .. 8 11 7 £29,294 4 10 £267 6 10 H. D. Aoland, Chairman, D. A Stringer, Registrar



CHRISTCHURCH GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL (CANTERBURY COLLEGE BOARD). General Statement of Accounts fob toe Yeah, ended 31st December,, 1919. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account:—■ £ s. d. Rwdowments Income Account:—■ £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries and-expenses 48 17 10 Board .. .. .. .. 527 II 2 Proportion of travelling-expenses of Board Interest on moneys derived from endow- members .. .. .. .. 7 10 7 meiits .. .. .. .. 89 3 5 Legal expenses, 6s. Bd.; printing schedule of reserves, 14s. 2d. . . . . I 0 1(1 Transfers to other accounts— New Buildings Account .. .. 31 8 2 General Account . . .. .. 527 17 2 £010 14 7 ; £010 14 7 Endowments Capital Account:— Entdowmrnts Capital Account: — Balance, 31st December, 191.8.. .. 1,015 13 4 Balance .. .. ... .. 4,668 5 0 Buildings and Sites Account—Transfer to cover cost of properties purchased from October, 1916, to July, 1919, £3,069 Bs. 4d. ; less payment, in 1919, principal of loan repaid, £10 10s, Bd. .. .. 3,052 11 8 £4,668 5 0 £4,068 5 0 New Buildings and Sites Account:— \ New Buildings and Sites Account:— Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Purchase, of sites (deposits) .. .. 150 0J 0 count .. .. .. .. 31 8 2 Endowments Capital Account-—Transfer Balance,'3lst December, 1919 . . .. 3.219 8 4 to cover purchase of properties since October, 1916 .. .. 11 8 Principal of loan repaid .. . . 16 16 8 Interest on loan (Avonside property) . . 31 8 2 £3,250 10 6 £3,250 10 0 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :• — School fees .. .. .. .. 109 11 0 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 139 11 0 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. .. 4 2 2 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 34 2 2 £173 13 8 £173 13 8 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :—■ count: — Balance, 31st December, 1918 .. .. 2 13 11 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 5,245 0 3 Government capitation for free places .. 6,280 I 8 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 793 10 2 Government capitation for classes for Maintenance of classes for manual inmanual instruction .. .. 271 8 4 struction .. .. .. .. 433 11 2 Government grant for furniture, fittings, Scholarships and bursaries (exhibitions) 45 10 8 and apparatus .. .. .. 15 19 9 Maintenance of buildings (alterations and School fees .. .. .. 228 1.8 0 repairs) .. .. .. .. 502 18 II Government war bursaries .. .. 10 2 6 Rates and taxes .. .. .. 54 15 10 Proceeds from cooking class .. .. 159 011 Interest on overdraft .. .. .. 33 17 10 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Books for school library .. .. 21 5 8 count .. .. .. 527 17 2 Furniture and fittings ' .. .. 233 3 3 Balance, 31st December, 1919.. .. 07 12 8 Expenses of winter entertainment .. I 15 (I Grants to recognized school boardinghouses (rent, £103 os. Bd. ; telephones, £13 9s. lOd. ; Sre-extinguishers, £10 15s. 2d.) .. .. .. 127 11 8 Government war bursaries .. .. 10 2 0 £7,503 14 11 £7,503 14 11 Statement of Monetary Assets and Liabilities as at 31st December, 1919. Liabilities. Assets. Loan from State Advances (Avonside pro- £ s. d. Government capitation due- — £ s. d. perty) .. .. .. .. 685 19 4 Free places .. .. .. .. 72 0 0 Unpaid purchase-money for sites, &c.— Technical classes .. .. .. 136 13 7 Avonside .. .. .. .. 1,950 0 0 Secondary-school fees due .. .. 5 5 tl Merivalc .. .. .. .. 2,200 0 0 Sundry debtors— Merivalc .. .. .. .. 1,050 0 0 Amount receivable from Government toGovernment capitation overpaid (Acoount, wards purchase of sites — 1918) .. .. .. .. 350 0 2 Avonside .. .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 Merivalc .. .. .. .. 3,950 0 (I Government grant for apparatus, &c. .. 126 17 10 Balance, current account .. .. 1,377 1 10 £6,835 19 0 £7,007 18 3 H. D. Acland, Chairman. D. A. Stringer, Registrar.



ASTTBURTON HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1919. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :■ —■ £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :• —■ £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 20 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 1,087 2 0 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 18 17 10 Interest on overdraft .. ..' .. 317 3 0 Valuation reserves, £6 (is. ; water-race, £7; sundries, £4 13s. 6d. .. .. 17 19 (i Transfers to — New Buildings Account .. .. 520 010 General Account .. .. .. 184 0 10 £1,087 2 0 £1,087 2 0 New Buildings and Sites Account :—■ New Buildtnqs and Sites Account :— Government grants for— Balance, 31st December, 11)18.. .. 6,000 0 0 Girls'hostel .. .. .. 2,225 0 0 Purchase of sites, hostel .. . . 2,215 7 (i Laboratory fittings.. .. .. 74 2 0 Additions, hostel, £162 Bs. Bd. ; improve - Voluntary contributions for new build- ments, grounds, £64 os. 3d. .. .. 220 811 ings, &c. .. .. .. .. 5 0 0 Furniture, hostel .. . . .. 158 4 3 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Furniture and fittings, £114 12s. ; appaoount .. .. .. .. 529 010 ratus, laboratory, £87 Is. 7d. .. 201 13 7 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. . . 5,966 1I 5 £8,799 14 3 £8,799 14 3 Lower Department Account :— Lower Department Account :—■ Schoolfees .. .. .. .. 145 19 0 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 132 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. . . 29 Iβ 10 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 43 15 10 £175 15 10 £175 15 10 Technical Instruction Account :— Technical Instruction Account :— Total receipts .. .. .. 67 17 6 Total payments .. .. .. Sβ 10 0 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. .. 117 6 £67 17 6 £67 17 6 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count :— Balance, 31st December, 1918 .. .. 96 15 2 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 2,588 18 10 Government capitation for free places and Incidental expenses .. .. .. 384 2 0 classes for manual instruction .. 2,096 4 2 Maintenance (including material) of classes Subsidies on voluntary contributions for for manual instruction .. .. 54 18 6 general purposes (not new buildings) 50 0 0 Scholarships and bursaries •• .. 17 10 0 School foes .. .. .. .. 11l 6 0 Maintenance of buildings and grounds .. 188 15 10 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Rates and taxes .. .. . . 29 6 7 poses (not new building's) .. .. 133 10 0 Boarding-fcos during railway restrictions 12 16 0 Bursary .. .. .. .. 17 10 0 Telephones .. "... .. 10 15 1 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Bank charge, 10s. ; audit, £1 13s. 4d. .. 2 3 4 count .. .. .. 184 0 10 £3,289 0 2 £3,289 6 2 Statement of Monetary Assets and Liabilities as at ,31st December, 1919. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Sundry creditors .. .. .. 473 15 0 Government capitation due .. .. 192 0 7 Bank overdraft .. .. .. 6,000 0 0 Fees due .. .. .. .. 73 10 0 Unpresentcd cheques . . .. .. 147 10 0 Sundry debtors.— Government subsidy on voluntary contribution .. ' .. .. .. 100 0 0 Grant, additions, Girls' hostel.. .. 275 0 0 Balance, current account .. .. 162 9 3 £6,621 5 0 £802 19 10 Joshua Tucker, Chairman. H. L. Seldon, Secretary. AKAROA HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. (High School not in operation.) General Statement of Accounts for the Yhar knijkij 31st Dncemher, 1919. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :—■ £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1918 .. .. 958 13 7 Honorarium—Secretary .. .. 7 7 0 Current income from reserves vested in Education Board .. .. .. 100 0 0 Board .. .. .. 297 10 3 Dux medal, £3 12s. 6d. ; cleaning, fuel, two years, £20 ; stamps, 13s. 4d. ; audit fee, 6s. Bd.; letter-book, 4s. 6d. ; bank charges, 10s. ; cheque-book, 4s. ; post-cards, 16s. .. .. .. 20 7 0 Balance .. .. .. .. 1,122 910 £1,256 3 10 £1,256 3 10

7—E. 6.



Statement of Monetary Assets and Liabilities as at 31st December, 1919. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. dWarjbonds .. .. .. .. 800 0 0 Fixed deposits.. .. .. .. 150 0 0 Nil. Balance, current account .. .. 172 9 10 £1,122 9 10 John Bruce, Chairman. G. W. Thomas, Secretary. Examined and found correct. —R J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General, TIMARU HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. General Statement of Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1919. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :■ — £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 50 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 2,639 17 9 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 35 19 0 Proportion of travelling-expenses of Board members .. .. .. .. 12 15 0 Advertising, £1 10s. ; steward of reserves, £50 ; sundries, £3 12s. 3d. .. .. 55 2 3 Transfers to— New Building Account .. .. 732 1 2 General Account ... .. .. 177 16 10 Balance .. .. .-. .. 1,576 3 0 £2,639 17 9 £2,639 17 9 New Buildings and Sites Acccvnt :— New Buildings and Sites Account :—■ Government grants for— Section, Girls' School, repurchased .. . 51 10 7 New site, Buchanan Street .. .. 1,050 0 0 Payments on account of new buildings Now buildings .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 (architect, £50; boys' school, £600; Transfers from— girls' school, £850) ..' .. . . 1 ,500 0 0 Endowment Income Account .. 732 1. 2 Purchase-money new site Buchanan Street 1,075 12 0 Secondary Department General Account 51 10 7 Science apparatus, £19 6s. 3d.; desks, Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. .. 500 0 0 cupboards, and blackboards, £96175. 6d. 116 ,'! 9 Hot - water service, janitor's cottage, £23 3s. ; lawn-mower, £6 ss. .. 29 8 0 Principal of loans repaid .. .. 357 8 2 Interest on loans for buildings .. .. 203 8 6 £3,333 11 9 £3,333 11 9 Lower Department Account :— Lowek Department Account :— Balance, 3lst December, 1918 .. .. 120 10 1 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 362 0 0 School fees . . .. .. .. 470 0 0 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 22 18 4 Desks and tables .. .. .. 5 18 0 Rates, insurance, &c. .. .. 1 14 8 Bank charge .. .. .. 0 10 0 On account cost building, £75 ; interest, £12 17s. lid. .. .. .. 87 17 11 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. .. 109 11 2 £590 10 1 £590 10 1 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count :—■ Balance, 31st December, 1918 .. .. 1,145 0 2 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 4,975 3 8 Government capitation for free places Incidental expenses .. ... . . 688 13 i) (including annual grant, £900) .. 3,925 7 9 Maintenance (including material) of classes Government capitation for classes for for manual instruction .. .. 229 911 manual instruction, £197 Bs. 6d. ; wool- Scholarships and bursaries . . .. 100 0 0 sorting fees, £75 .. .. .. 272 8 6 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 52 14 5 School foes .. .. .. .. 418 19 4 Rates and taxes and insurance .. 125 2 5 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Repairs to mowers, £8 19s. 4d. ; sundries, poses (not new buildings) .. .. 86 5 0 £8 13s. 7d. .. .. .. 17 12 11 Cost of wreath .. .. .. 110 Telephones, £17 ss. ; horse-feed, £10 13s. 27)8 0 War bursaries .. .. .. 3 15 0 Rent, boardinghouse, £124 12a. 6d. ; Repayment of cost of improvements .. 83 1 5 0 sundries, £9 7s. .. .. .. 133 10 6 Transfer from Endowment Income Ac- Library, £12 Is. 9d. ; war bursaries, £3 15s. 15 16 9 count .. .. .. .. 177 16 10 Transfer to New Buildings and Sites Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. .. 303 13 4 Account .. .. .. .. 51 10 7 £6,418 1 11 £6,418 1 11



Statement of Monetary Assets and Liabilities as at 31st December, 1919. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Loan from Government Life Insurance Government capitation due .. .. r>ls4 5 3 Department .. .. .. 4,082 0 2 Secondary-school foes due .. .. 76 10 0 Owing on contracts for buildings.. .. 8,208 12 0 Outstanding rents .. .. .. 42!) 710 Sundry accounts .. .. .. 102 13 3 Balance, current account .. .. 772 10 2 £12,483 5 5 £1,812 13 3 Lower Department. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. School foes owing .. .. .. Sβ 13 4 £ s. d. Balance at bank .. .. 129 17 6 Plus lodgment not credited .. 13 6 8 Nil. 143 4 2 Less cheques outstanding .. 33 13 0 — 109 11 2 £160 4 G John L. Gillies, Yioe-Chairman. A. C. Maktin, Secretary. Examined and found cim'ect. — R. J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General. WAIMATE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. (Secondary school not in operation.) GuNKRAL Statement of Accounts tor the Yeak ended 31st Deoembek, 1919. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :—■ £ B. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ e. d. Balance, 31st December, 1918 .. .. 3,130 (> 5 Pro portion of office salaries .. .. 20 0 0 Current income from reserves vested in Technical-school subsidy .. .. 10 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 354 3 0 Wool-classing fees .. .. .. 810 0 Interest on moneys derived from endow- Petty expenses .. . . .. 10 0 ments .. . . . . .. 188 7 9 Audit, 13s. 4d. ; trees, borough freehold, Refund rent .. . . 0 5 0 £2 4s. ; insurance, £2 12s. (id. .. 5 810 Refund insurance .. .. .. 14 0 Rent .. .. .. .. 11 0 0 Three secondhand typewriters .. .. 6 0 0 Bank charge .. . . .. 010 0 Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 232 0 0 Scholarships, £116 ss. ; prizes, £11 ss. 6d. 127 10 6 Books, &c. .. .. .. .. f> 14 0 Examination fees .. .. .. 414 6 Three typewriters .. . . .. 54 15 6 Examination, advertisements, and paper 5 3 6 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. ..3,199 18 4 £3,686 6 2 £3,686 6 2 Statement of Monetary Assets and Liabilities as at 31st December, 1919. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Prizes .. .. .. .. 14 7 (I Mortgages .. .. .. .. 2,500 0 0 School stationery .. .. .. 2 9 0 Sundry debtors — Rent .. .. .. .. 3 0 0 Wai- loan .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Post Office Savings-bank .. .. 11119 Balance on current account .. .. 88 10 7 £19 10 0 £3,199 18 4 S. I. Fitch, Chairman. J. Crawshaw, Secretary.

B—E. 6.



WAITAKi HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement of Accounts fob the Yioar ended 31st December, 11)19. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account:— £ 8. d. Endowments Income Account:— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries ■• •• 75 I) 0 Board .. .. .. .. 1,099 1 2 Proportion of office expenses .. .. li in 4 Revenue from secondary-education re- Proportion of travelling - expenses of serves .. .. .. .. 227 5 3 Board members .. . • • • silo Banger and legal expenses .. .. 17 2 0 Transfer to New Buildings Account .. 1,410 4 7 Balance .. .. .. .. 408 10 (i £1,920 6 5 £1,926 0 5 Niow Buildings and Sites Account : New Buildings and Sites Account:— Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Purchase of sites .. .. •■ 192 10 0 count .. .. .. .. 1,410 4 7 Additions, equipment for recognized classes, new dormitory, and outhouses 1,217 14 7 £1,410 4 7 £1,410 4 7 Lower Department Account:— Lower Department Account: — School fees .. .. .. .. lit") 0 0 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 191 3 7 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. .. 48 14 10 Incidental expenses .. .. 52 II :i £241! 14 10 £243 14 10 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account: — COUNT: — Balance, 31st December, 1918 . i .. I ~'i(i4 4 7 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 5,313 10 3 Government capitation for free places .. 4,040 2 4 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 955 l(i 7 Government capitation for classes for Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 28 13 5 manual instruction .. .. 150 15 0 Maintenance of buildings .• .. 9!) 7 2 School fees .. .. .. .. 981 0 0 Elates and taxes .. .. .. 32 8 4 Interest on scholarships .. .. 28 18 5 Refund of fees .. .. .. 80 0 0 Produce sold .. .. .. 5 10 <) Telephone, Girls'School .. ..' 7 0 0 Refunds .. .. .. .. 1,(170 18 (i Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. .. 1,174 7 I £7,041 810 • £7,041 8 10 Statement of Monetary Assets and Liabilities as al 31st December, I'M , .). Liabilities. £ 9, d Assets. £ s. d. Salaries adjustments . . . . .. 1)2 14 7 ] Government capitation due .. .. 292 4 3 Unpaid purohase-money for sites, &C. .. 1,557 10 O Lower department fees due .. .. 19 0 0 Owing on contracts for buildings .. 150 0 0 Outstanding rents .. .. .. 248 i) i) Indent, science equipment .. .. 200 0 0 Balance, ourrent aooount .. .. 1,534 2 8 Sundry accounts .. .. .. 12090 £2,089 L3 7 £2,093 IC. 8 J. M. Bkown, Chairman. A. A. MclviNNON, Secretary. OTAGO lIKMI SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement ok Accounts foe the Year ended 31st December, 1919. Receipts. Payment*. Endowments Income Account:—■ £ s. d. Endowments [nooms Account:— £ t. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. Kili 13 4 Hoard .. .. .. .. 2,992 lo 9 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 32 12 8 Revenue from secondary-education re- Proportion of travelling-expenses of Board .serves .. .. .. .. 409 2 8 members .. ■ .. .. .. 2 0 0 Transfers to New Buildings Account .. . . 818 15 4 General Account .. .. .. 2,043 12 1 £3,401 13 5 £3,4(51 13 5 New Buildings and Sites Account:— New Buildings and Sites Account:— Balance, 31st December, 1918.. .. 372 18 4 New buildings, additions, furniture, appaGovernment grant or olass-rooms, Otago ratue, &o. — Boys' I liuli School .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 Lavatories, Hoys'School .. .. 868 it 3 Transfer from Endowments Income Ac- Shelter-shed. armoury, &0., Boys' School 2,431 13 9 count .. .. .. .. 816 15 4 Class-rooms, Hoys'School .. .. 2,399 10 0 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. .. 1,946 15 4 Additions, (Jills' , School .. .. 233 8 9 Interest on overdraft .. .. 3 7 3 £5,030 9 0 £5,930 9 0 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account :— count : —■ Balance, 31st December, 1918 .. .. 2,321 7 4 Teachers'salaries and allowances ..11,098 10 (i Government capitation for free places .. 10,389 5 8 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 1,581. 15 10 Government capitation for classes for Maintenance of classes for manual inmanual instruction .. .. 202 2 0 struetion .. .. .. .. 112 Hi 9 School fees .. .. . . .. 409 15 0 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 715 0 Typewriting, singing, and stationery Maintenance of buildings . . . . 433 0 9 charges .. .. .. .. 287 710 Refunds of school fees .. .. 013 4 Board of pupils .. .. .. 2 2 1 Board of pupils .. .. .. 2 2 1 Rectory ground-rent ... .. .. 72 0 0 Rectory, ground rent.. .. .. 72 0 0 War bursaries .. .. .. 71 5 0 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. .. 3,012 7 3 Dalrymple prize .. .. .. 0 0 0 G. H. Stewart prize .. .. .. 0 0 0 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 2,643 12 1 £10,390 17 0 £10,390 17 0



Statement of Monetary Annals and Liabilities as at 3ht December, 1919. Liabilities. £ S. d. Assets. £ s. d. Salaries .. .. •■ ■■ 8 9 4 Government capitation due (manual olasses) 385 12 7 Free place capitation overpaid .. .■ 803 I (i Outstanding rents .. . • 13 18 11 War bursaries .. .. . . . . 20 0 0 Education Department (war bursaries) .. 20 0 0 Sundry creditors — Balance, current account (No. 1 Account) 1,971 9 2 'Dunedin Technical College (manual classes) 54 0 0 Janitors' salaries . . . . . ■ 20 0 0 Stationery . . . . .. .. l>9 10 2 Grounds .. .. .. .. 18 JO (i Repair's to buildings . . .. . . 4 9 0 Advertising . . . . . . . • 9 0 0 Bank overdraft (No. 2 Account) .. .. ' 895 0 8 Unpresentcd cheques .. ..10 16 7 £1,912 17 9 £2,891 0 8 R. Fulton, Chairman. C. R. McLean, Secretary. Examined and found correct. —R. J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General. GORE HIGH SCHOOL BOARD. Gknkual Statement of Accounts fob the Y.ioak ended 31st Deoembek, 1919. Receipts. Payments. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Revenue from secondary-education re- Transfer to General Account .. .. 96 15 0 serves .. .. .. .. 96 15 0 £96 15 0 £96 15 0 New Btjildincs and Sites Account :— New Buildings and Sites Account :— Government grants for hostel site .. 1,000 0 0 .Purchase of sites (on account) .. .. 1,500 0 0 Voluntary contributions for hostel site .. 549 11 0 Petty expenses collecting donations .. 24 11 8 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. .. 24 19 4 £1,549 11 0 £1,549 11 0 Technical Instruction Account: — Technical Instruction Account:— Total receipts . . . . 143 14 6 Balance, 31st December, 1918 .. .. 28 5 2 Balance, 31st December, 1919 . . .. 31 14 5 Total payments . . .. .. 147 3 9 £175 8 11 £175 8 11 Secondary Department General Ao- Secondary Department General Account — count: — Balance, 31st December, 1.918 .. .. 154 16 0 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 2,432 15 0 Government capitation for free places . . 2,663 (i 3 Incidental expenses .. .. .. 390 0 7 Government capitation for classes for Maintenance of classes for manual manual instruction .. .. 100 2 4 instruction .. .. .. 10 18 10 Government grant for maintenance of Maintenance of buildings .. .. 27 9 9 buildings .. .. .. . . 53 0 1.0 New equipment .. .. .. 84 8 6 Subsidies on voluntary contributions for Teachers' Superannuation Fund .. 34 2 5 general purposes (not new buildings) .. 35 0 0 Southland Education Board (cookery and School fees . . . . .. .. 716 8 woodwork classes) .. . . .. 45 15 0 Voluntary contributions for general pur- Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. .. 215 11 11 poses (not new buildings) .. . . 30 0 0 Refunds .. .. .. • • 212 6 Teachers' Superannuation Fund 34 2 5 Transfer from Endowments Income Account .. .. .. .. 96 15 0 £3,241 2 0 £3,241 2 0 Statement of Monetary Assets and Liabilities as at 31st December, 1919. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d Interest on loans (hostel-site) .. .. 17 0 0 Government capitation due, free places .. 45 10 5 Unpaid purchase-money for hostel-site, &c. 450 0 0 Government capitation due, technical classes 79 14 9 Sundry creditors — Promised donations towards hostel-site .. 100 0 0 Advertising and printing .. . . 20 7 0 Balance, current account .. .. 208 16 10 Wool-classing teacher . . .. 7 9 4 Sanitary account .. .. .. 1 17 9 Locks, hinges, &c, for gates . . . . 116 Rent, playground .. . . .. 6 10 0 Material .. .. . . .. 19 6 £505 15 1 £434 2 0 Alexander Simpson, Chairman. Andrew Martin, Secretary.



SOUTHLAND HIGH SCHOOLS BOARD. General Statement or Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1919, Receipts, Payments, Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Endowments Income Account :— £ s. d. Current income from reserves vested in Proportion of office salaries .. .. 50 0 0 Board .. .. .. .. 2,613 1 4 Proportion of office expenses .. .. 33 (i 8 Revenue from secondary-education re- Miscellaneous (inspection and legal) . . 113 11 0 serves .. .. .. ..-254 510 Valuation (Holland's lease) ( .. .. 1,400 0 0 Valuation (Holland's lease) .. .. 1,400 0 0 Balance .. .. .. .. 2,670 9 0 £4,267 7 2 £4,267 7 2 Secondary Department General Ac- Secondary Department General Account : — count: — Balance, 31st December, 1918 .. .. 5,469 15 4 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 5,376 15 3 Government capitation for free places Incidental expenses .. .. . . 870 11 2 (including annual grant, £900) .. 5,827 7 2 Scholarships and bursaries .. .. 35 0 0 Government capitation for classes for ' Maintenance of buildings . . .. 356 10 10 manual instruction .. .. 49 15 (t Rates and taxes, £57 7s. Bd. ; rent, £32_155. 90 2 8 School fees .. .. .. .. 230 (i 8 Museum Board, £20; refund fees," £3 Refunds . . . . . . . . 43 13 6 15s. 7d. .. .. .. .. 23 15 7 Interest .. .. .. . . 205 2 4 Petty cash, £10; Physical Instructor, War bursary .. .. .. 26 5 0 Technical College, £75; library, £29 Technical College (Physical Instructor), 13s. sd. .. .. .. .. 114 13 5 £150; petty cash, £10 .. .. 160 0 0 Balance, 31st December, 1919 .. ..5,171 3 5 Salary £4 3s. 4d. ; gymnasium (rent), £22 10a. .. .. .. .. 26 13 4 £12,038 18 4 £12,038 18 4 Statement of Monetary Assets awl Liabilities as at 31st Deeember, 1919. Liabilities. £ a. d. Assets. £ s. d. Salaries (arrears), 1919 .. .. .. 935 7 5 l!'ixed deposits .. .. .. 3,964 0 0 Material .. .. .. .. 19 17 9 Secondary-school fees due .. .. 713 4 Unpresented cheques .. .. .. 17 9 6 Outstanding rents .. .. . . 797 15 2 War bursary .. .. .. .. 8!50 Balance, current account .. .. 3,895 2 5 £972 14 8 ! £8,673 5 11 R. A. Anderson, Chairman. F. G. Stevenson, Secretary.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given; printing (i)SU copies), £85.

Authority : Marcus F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.—l92o.

Price Is. 3d.]

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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.—6, 1919.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1920 Session I, E-06

Word Count

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.—6, 1919.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1920 Session I, E-06

EDUCATION: SECONDARY EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.—6, 1919.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1920 Session I, E-06

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