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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 70 of the Pensions Act, 1913.

Tins Commissioner of Pensions to the Hon. the Minister of Pensions. Sir, Pensions Department, Wellington, 30th August, 1919. I have the honour to furnish herewith, for the information of Parliament, the report of the Department relating to war, old-age, widows', military (Maori War), and miners' pensions for the year ended 31st March, 1919. The following summaries show at a glance the position at the close of the year : —

Pensions in Force and Annual Value at 31st March, 1919.

Gross Payments, Year 1918-19.

Number of Pensions. 27,427 19,872 3,211 1.040 240 a . , , Allowances Statutory . ■»■ T , » under Einance 1'ens.ons. Act;ini7 . £ £ 1,615,827 473,574 258,336 65,860 46,758 37,440 10.374 10,120 2,483 Total Pensions. £ 1,615,827 731,910 112,618 47,814 12,603 Average I Statutory. £ 59 23 20 36 42 'ension. Total. £ 59 36 35 45 52 War .. Old-age Widows' Military Miners' Totals .. 51,790 2.202.821 317.951 i 2,520,772

I Statutory Pensions. Allowances under Finance Act, 1917. Total Pensions. I £ War .. .. .. .. .. 1,199,755 Old-age 482,458 Widows' .. •.. .. .. 44,715 Military .. .. .. .. 39,455 Miners' 10,721 £ 260,605 36,058 11,033 2,555 £ 1,199,755 743,063 80,773 50,488 13,276 Totals 1,777,104 310,251 2,087,355 Cost per head of European population, £1 17s. Id. Cost


WAR PENSIONS. Total Claims lodged to Date. Prom From Soldiers. Dependants. From Ist September, 1915, to 31st March, 1916 .. .. 798 681 Year 1916-17 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3.958 2,017 Year 1917-18 . . .. ~ .. .. .. 8,148 3,754 Year 1918-19 .. .. .. .. .. .. 14,749 5,292 Totals .. .. .. .. .. 27,653 11,744 Officers, Men. Total. Total casualties by death (including missing) to 31st March, 1919 .. 773 15,840 16,613 Total discharges from Forces to 31st March, 1919 .. ~ ..1,517 34.020 35.537 Cross Annual Value of all Pensions granted to Date, m- a i\' i Average No. Annual Value. -~ . = Pension. £ £ From Ist September, 1915, to 31st March, 1916 I .214 56,488 46 Year 1916-17 .. .. .. .. 5.316 285,707 53 Year 1917-18 .. .. ~ ..10,587 780,057 73 Year 1918-19 .. .. .. .. 16,954 1,167,081 68 Totals .. .. .. 34,071* £2,289,333 £67 * The number of pensions granted as shown herein does not include children's pensions, the values of which, however, form part of the pensions payable to parents (or guardians), and are included in the annual values total.

Summary of Annual Liability at 31st March, 1919.

Return showing Number of Children in Receipt of Pensions as at 31st March, 1919, grouped in Families.


Class of Pension. Number. Annual Value. Average Pension. £ £ Soldiers (permanent) Soldiers (temporary) Dependants (temporary) Widows of soldiers Other dependants of disabled soldiers 1,316 69,669 52 18,329 1,097,303 59 1.076 55,940* 51 1,970 233,4511 118 4,736 159.464 33 Totals 27.427 1,615.827 59 * Including the pensions of 1,240 children. f Including the pensions of 2,200 children. Including the 3,449 children, the average of the grand to 31st March, 191.9, is £52 per annum. bal of 30,876 pensions in force on the

Number of Children in Family. Disable Number. Disabled Soldiers. ed Soldiers. Total Children. Deceased Soldiers. Number. Total Children. o 7 6 5 2 6 29 t~. 1 2 6 29 51 85 156 274 14 36 145 204 255 312 274 14 36 1.45 204 255 312 274 2 3 13 20 62 130 301 754 16 21 78 100 248 390 602 754 4 51 3 2 1 85 156 274 Totals .. 1,240 2,209 There are 685 widows of soldiers in receipt % of pensions 'ho have no oh hildren.



Summary of Payments, 1918-19. £ £ Paid through Post Office £1,174,614 (less outstandings £24) .. .. .. 1,174,590 Less payments on account of Commonwealth pensions .. .. 14,316 Less payments on account of Canadian pensions .. .. .. 636 Less payments on account of Imperial Government to dependants of munition workers .. .. . . .. .. .. . . 183 15,135 1,159,455 I'aidby High Commissioner in London .. .. .. .. .. .. 28,623 Other foreign payments . . . . .. . . .. .. .. 295 Paid by Commonwealth Government .. .. .. .. .. .. 10,870 Paid by Dominion of Canada .. . . .. .. . . . . .. 192 Lump sums paid .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .', 20.) Allotments paid after casualty (subsequently charged to war pensions) .. .. 120 £1,199,755 Summary of Total Actual Payments to 31st March, 1919. £ From Ist September, L 91.5, to 31st March, 1916 .. .. .. 13,910 Year 1916-17 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 180,389 Year 1917-18 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 515.445 Year 1918-19 .. .. ~ .. .. .. .. 1,199,755 £1,909,499 OLD-AGE PENSIONS. Furopean, Maori. Total. Pensions in force at 31st March, 1918 .. .. ..19,187 773 19,960 Deaths during 1918-19 .. .. .. .. .1,886 127 I „ ~„., Cancellations, 1918-19.. .. .. .. ~ 297 13] ' New pensions granted, 1918-19.. .. .. .. 2,095 140 2,235 Net decrease .. .. .. . < .. .. .. 88 Pensions in force at 31st March, 1919 .. .. .. 19,099 773 19,872 Year 1918-19. Total European population at 31st March, 1919 .. .. .. .. .. 1,124,630 Total European pensioners, 65 and over, at 31st March, 1919 .. . . .. 16,685 Female European pensioners, 60 to 64, at 31st March, 1919 ~ .. .. .. 2,414 Percentage of European pensioners to total European population .. .. •• L 6 New claims lodged .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,774 New claims rejected . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . 601 Annual liability at 31st March, 1919 (statutory pension) .. .. .. .. £473.574 Annual liability at 31st March, 1919 (including allowance under Finance Act, 1917) .. £731 ,910 Average pension (statutory) . . .. . . .. . . . . .. £23 Average pension (total) . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. £36 Gross expenditure for year (statutory pension) .. .. .. .. •• £482,458 Cross expenditure for year (including allowance under Finance Act, 1917) .. .. £743,063 Increase on figures of previous year .. .. .. .. .. .. £99,886 Cost per head of European population . . .. .. .. .. .. 13s. 3d. Credit from National Endowment .. .. .. .. .. ■• £32,647 Refunds paid to Public Account .. .. .. .. i, .. .. £1,060 Number of pensioners in homes and hospitals .. ... .. .. •• 874 Amount paid to controlling authorities of these .. .. .. .. •■ £31,432 Number of pensioners in mental hospitals . . .. . . .. .. .. 83 Amount, paid to Mental Hospitals Department on account of these .. .. .. £3,554 Absolutely forfeited instalments .. .. .. .. .. .. •• £2,997 Instalments forfeited and subsequently paid .. .. .. .. ~ £4,281 Total claims lodged to date .. .. .. .. .. 66.246 Total claims established .. .. .. .. .. .. 51.773 Total deaths .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25,280 Total cancellations .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,621 Grand total paid since 1898 .. .. .. .. ..£7,195,820 Total credit from National Endowment .. .. .. .. £235,168 WIDOWS' PENSIONS. European. Maori. Total. Pensions in force at 31st March, 1918 .. .. .. 2,143 49 2,192 New pensions granted, 1918-19 .. .. .. .. 1.332 17 1,349 Cancellations during 1918-19 .. .. .. ..323 7 330 Net increase .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,019 Pensions in force at 31st March, 1919 .. ..3,152 59 3,211 Total children in receipt of pensions sit 31st March, 1919 .. .. .. 7,793



WIDOWS' PENSIONS continued Year 1918-19. New claims lodged ' .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. 1 ,597 New claims rejected .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 142 Annual liability at close of year (statutory pension) .. .. .. .. .. £65,860 Annual liability at close of year (including allowance under Finance Act, 1917 . . .. £112.618 Average pension (statutory) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £20 Average pension (total) .. . . .. . . . . . . ,". . . £35 Cross expenditure for year (statutory pension) .. .. .. .. .. £44,715 Gross expenditure for year (including allowance under Finance Act, 1917) . . .. £80,773 Increase on figures of previous year .. .. .. .. .. .. £22,821 Cost per head of Furopean population . . .. ■ . . . . .. .. Is. sd. Refunds paid to Public Account .. .. .-. .. .. .. .. £102 Absolutely forfeited instalments .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £406 Instalments forfeited and subsequently paid .. .. .. .. .. £739 Average of total family of pensioners .. . . . . .. .. .. 3-4 Average of family under fourteen .. .. .. . . .. . . .. 2-4 Total claims lodged to date .. .. .. .. .. 6,059 Total claims established .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,050 Total number of children benefited .. .. .. .. 12,480 Total deaths .. . . .. .. .. . . .. 73 Total guardians appointed .. .. .. .. .. 44 Total cancellations .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,810 Grand total paid to date .. .. .. .. .. .. £295,871 Total Number of Children on whose Account Pension granted. Number of Children Pensioners, under Fourteen. 1911-12 .. .. .. .. .. .. 791 1,923 1912-13 .. .. .. .. .. .. 657 1,604 1913-14 .. .. .. .. .. .. 421 1,090 1914-15 .. .. .. .. .. .. 458 1,158 1915-16 .. .. .. .. .. .. 444 1,180 1916-17 .. .. .. .. .. .. 421 1,075 1917-18 .. .. .. .. .. ..509 1,198 1918-19 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,349 3,252 Totals .. .. .. .. .. 5,050 12,480 Note. —The influenza epidemic which ravaged the Dominion towards the end of the calendar year is responsible for a greatly increased expenditure in widows' pensions. During the last four months of the financial year the number of claims lodged and pensions granted totalled 1,046 and 963 respectively, the numbers for the corresponding period of the previous year being 200 and 185. MILITARY PENSIONS. Furopean. Maori. Total. Pensions in force at 31st March, 1918 .. ..875 278 1,153 Deaths during 1918-19 .. .. .. .. .. 90 35 125 New pensions granted, 1918-19 .. .. .. 2 10 12 Net decrease .. .. .. .. .... .. 113 Pensions in force at 31st March, 1919 .. .. .. ..787 253 1,040 Year 1918-19. New claims lodged .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 Number of pensioners previously in receipt of old-age pensions .. .. .. .. 249 Number of pensioners not in receipt of war bonus .. .. . . .. .. 242 Annual ttability at close 'of year (statutory pension) .. .. .. .. .. £37,440 Annual liability at close of year (including allowance under Finance Act, 1917) . . .. £47,814 Average pension (statutory) .. . . . . .. . . .. .. £36 Average pension (total) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £45 Gross expenditure for year (statutory pension) .. .. .. .. .. £39,455 Cross expenditure for year (including allowance under Finance Act, 1917) .. .. £50,488 Cost per head of Furopean population .. .. .. .. .. .. lid. Decrease on figures of previous year . . .. . . . . . . .. £246 Pensioners in homes and hospitals . . . . .. . . .. . . .. 41. Amount paid to controlling authorities of these .. .. .. .. .. £2,358 Absolutely forfeited instalments .. .. .. .. . . . . . . £320 Installments forfeited and subsequently paid . . .. . . . . .. .. £94 Total claims lodged to date .. .. .. .. .. 1,868 Total claims established .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,686 Total deaths .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 644 Total cancellations . . .. .. . . . . .. 2 Grand total paid to date .. .. .. .. .. .. £275,913


MINERS' PENSIONS. Total. Pensions in force at 31st March, 1918 .. .. .. .. . . .. 270 Deaths during'l9lB-19 .. .. .. .. .. 41] Cancellations, 1918-19. . .. .. .. .. .. 71 i New pensions granted, 1918-19.. .. .. .. .. .. 82 Net decrease . . . . .. .. .. .. .. 30 Pensions in force at 31st March, 1919 .. .. .. .. .. .. 240 Year 1918-19. New claims lodged . . . . .. .. . . .. .. .. 99 New claims rejected .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 Number of pensioners not in receipt of war bonus .. .. . . . . .. 49 Annual liability at close of year (statutory pension) . . . . . . . . .. £10,120 Annual liability at close of year (including allowance under Finance Act, 1917) .. .. £12,603 Average pension (statutory) .. .. . . .. .. . . . . £42 Average pension (total) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £52 Cross expenditure for year (statutory pension) .. .. .. .. .. £10,721 Cross expenditure for year (including allowance under Finance Act, 1917) .. . . £13,276 Increase on figures of previous year .. .. .... .. .. £1 Cost per head of European population .. . . . . .. .. . . 2fd. Credit to vote from gold duty .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £4,416 Absolutely forfeited instalments . . .. . . . . . . .. . . £95 Instalments forfeited and subsequently paid . . .. .. .. .. .. £94 Refunds paid to Public Account . . .. .. .. . . . . .. £10 Total claims lodged to date . . .. .. . . .. 526 Total claims established .. .. .. . . .. .. 446 Total claims rejected .. .. .. .. .. .. 58 Total deaths .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 110 Total cancellations .. . . . . . . .. . . 96 Total amount paid to date.. .. . . .. .. .. £36,126 Total credit from gold duty .. .. .. .. .. £15,819 Total amount paid on account of funeral expenses .. .. .. £1,034 Number of Pensions at each Rate granted since Commencement. Annual Value. £ 179 at £52 per annum .. .. .., .. .. .. 9,308 88 at £39 per annum .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,432 178 at £32 10s. per annum .. .. .. .. .. 5,785 lat £50 per annum .. .. .. .. .. .. 50 446 £18,575 Ages (in Groups) of Pensioners at 31st March, 1919. Miners. Widows. 31-40 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..3 7 41-50 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..24 23 51-60 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 33 29 61-70 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..53 20 71-75 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..22 3 Over 76 . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 20 3 155 85 240 COST OF ADMINISTRATION. £ Salaries .. .. .. .. .. •• 13,512 Contribution to Post Office .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..5,000 Fees for certificates of age . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 6 Honoraria of members of War Pensions Board .. .. .. ..' .. 523 Interpreters' fees .. .. .. .. .. .. . • • • • • 1 Light, firing, and water . . . . . . . . . . . . .. • • 91 Medical fees .. .. .. 7,047 Office requisites ... ■ ■ .. • • • • • ■ • • • • • • 236 Postage and telegrams ... .. .. .. .. .. •• •■ 2,450 Printing and stationery .. .. .. .. ■• •• •■ •• 1,860 Telephones .. .. .. .. ■ • • • • • ■ ■ • • 82 Travelling-expenses . . .. . . .. . . .. • ■ • • 830 Contingencies . . . . . . • ■ . . ■ ■ • • • ■ • • 891 Allowances to officers temporarily performing higher duties . . . . .. . . 140 Proportion of rent of High Commissioner's Office, London .. .. .. .. 200 War bonus .. .. .. .. • ■ . • • • • ■ • ■ 1,168 £34,037 Number of officers on staff at 31st March, 1919 .. .. .. .. .. 175 Percentage of cost of administration to total expenditure for year (£2,087,355) .. .. 1-63



ROLL OF HONOUR. List of Officers with Expeditionary Force. Morgan, G. 0., killed in action (Gallipoli), 11th May, .1915. Roberts.en, A. W., killed in action (France), 22nd June, 1916. Mcßride, D. J., killed in action (France), 7th June, 1917. Keddell, P. A., wounded (France), 2nd October, 1916. Fortune, C. A., wounded (France), 19.18. Hodge, L. K. (invalided), 1919. Murphy, B. E. Dunn, C. Parfitt, A. H. Harris, H. Fulton, E. W. McEldowney, E. J. (did not leave New Zealand). Smythe, R. P. . McKinnon, L. (did not leave New Zealand). Smith, H. D, McLean, W. H. (did not leave New Zealand) Waters, B. F. Boyes, J. H. (did not leave New Zealand). Cunningham, P.


Table I .—Number of War Pensions in Force at each Rate on 31st March, 1919.


Wives and Parents on Account of Disablement. On Account t of Death. Rate (nearest £1). Soldiers (Permanent). Soldiers (Temporary). Widows (including Children's Pensions). Parents and other Dependants. I I __[ ! "£ T~ 301-312 .. 278-300 .. 251-275 .. 241-250 .. 231-240 .. 221-230 .. 211-220 .. 201-210 .. 191-200 .. 181-190 .. 171-180 .. 161-170 .. 151-160 .. .141-150 .. 131-140 .. 121-130 .. 111-120 .. 101-110 .. 96-100 .. 90-95 .. 88 84 83 82 81 80 78 72 71 68 67 65 58 55 52 48 45 44 41 40 39 32 31 29 26 20 19 18 15 13 12 and under 6 2 i 141 19 9 4 139 2 ! 1 1 1 3 2 8 1 1 7 12 997 4 175 1 I 3 10 1 1 16 12 38 14 19 3 4 3 9 14 7 21 18 4 59 24 110 8 75 205 14 66 437 62 1.3 2 7 8 34 40 529 2 3 5 2 1 4 6 122 130 16 12 7,110 117 5 65 19 1 345 1 555 6 1 3,787 2 3 2 33 89 1 49 20 1 342 1 4 5 30 35 1,282 8 1 7 6 149 11 15 28 22 3 1 i 1 179 25 4 2,830 2 1 216 18 27 261 7 15 2,799 1 10 9 205 137 2,717 8 33 6 7 29 12 46 9 3 8 1 32 1 Totals 1,316 18,329 1,076 1,970 4,736


Table II.—Dissection of War Pensions cancelled, Year 1918-19.

Table III.—Dissection of Rejected War-pension Claims (Soldiers), Year 1918-19.

Table IV.—Dissection of Rejected War-pension Claims (Dependants), Year 1918-19.


Table II. —Dissection of War Pensions cancelled, Year 1918-19. if War Pensions 0 ANCELLED, Year 1918-19. Defendants' Pensions. Dependants' Pensions. .uepenuams lensnjns. Reason for Cancellation. Soldiers' Pensions. On Account of Dis- 0n rf E Soldiers' Pensions. On Account of Dis- 0n A t f Dea) ,, ablement. ablement. 411 2,200 25 18 102 1.128 I 9 Pensioner dead .. .. .. 411 18 102 Soldier no lpnger incapacitated .. 2,200 1.128 Soldier re-enlisted ...... 25 I Soldier since dead . . . . . . . . 9 Surrendered . . . . .. 1 No application for renewal .. .. 119 4 No longer dependant .... .. 10 8 No longer required .. .. 159 II Not collecting ...... 12 2 2 Conviction for crime .... 5 . . 5 Child of age .. .. .. .. .. 3 Remarried .. .. .. . . . . 23 Soldier alive .. .. .. .. .. 8 Pension duplication .... .. .. 3 Habits ........ 5 I 1 119 159 12 5 4 10 8 II 2 2 5 3 23 8 3 I 5 Totals .. .. 2,937 1,184 154 , . ; 2,937 1 ,184 154 ___ 4,275 The number of previously cancelled pensions reinstated during the year was 251. Table III. —Dissection of Rejected War-pension Claims (Soldiers), Year 1918-19. Reason for Rejection. I Oversea Cases. j Now Zealand Cases. Totals. Demobilized Not under Act Re-enlisted Withdrawn by applicant Not discharged from Forces Deceased since claim lodged No incapacity from military service ■• 59 1 1 13 11 7 554 6 1 92 65 I 1 13 12 7 646 Totals 646 646 9!) 745 Table IV.—Dissection of Rejected War-pension Clati TS), Y fUAE t 1918-19. :s (De ■i<; rDA . . I Reason for Rejection. in £ o 1 p. 2 a a e & IE 5 o 3 ■5 tr 2 S fa V O fa I so -. p { B - a ** . 3 a S>" -<! P [fi 48 i 4) £ % rH 5, a I Income and property No evidence of dependency Death of soldier not due to service Disability of soldier not due to service Soldier not incapacitated Section 15 of 1916 Act (habits) .. No contract to marry Soldier not a member of New Zealand Forces Soldier not discharged ... Withdrawn by applicant Applicant deceased .. .. Soldier prisoner of war .. 24 126 7 I 15 19 127 3 i ~2 .. I 71 3 1 .. 6 (10 1 3! i i 50 331 22 35 203 3 75 34 185 ii • -I .. .. i 3 i 1 i '•I ••! ■• i i 72 I "I •• I 5 i 14 i 1 : ••! •• I "I ''| 6 1 1 43 23 3 i "i '.'. i ' 'I Totals . . 311 15 108 154 o 2 9 3 i 68 4 i i 2 770

Table II.—Dissection of War Pensions cancelled, Year 1918-19. if War Pensions 0 ANCELLED, Year 1918-19. Defendants' Pensions. Dependants' Pensions. .uepenuams lensnjns. Reason for Cancellation. Soldiers' Pensions. On Account of Dis- 0n rf E Soldiers' Pensions. On Account of Dis- 0n A t f Dea) ,, ablement. ablement. 411 2,200 25 18 102 1.128 I 9 Pensioner dead .. .. .. 411 18 102 Soldier no lpnger incapacitated .. 2,200 1.128 Soldier re-enlisted ...... 25 I Soldier since dead . . . . . . . . 9 Surrendered . . . . .. 1 No application for renewal .. .. 119 4 No longer dependant .... .. 10 8 No longer required .. .. 159 II Not collecting ...... 12 2 2 Conviction for crime .... 5 . . 5 Child of age .. .. .. .. .. 3 Remarried .. .. .. . . . . 23 Soldier alive .. .. .. .. .. 8 Pension duplication .... .. .. 3 Habits ........ 5 I 1 119 159 12 5 4 10 8 II 2 2 5 3 23 8 3 I 5 Totals .. .. 2,937 1,184 154 , . ; 2,937 1 ,184 154 ___ 4,275 The number of previously cancelled pensions reinstated during the year was 251. Table III.—Dissection of Rejected War-pension Claims (Soldiers), Year 1918-19. Reason for Rejection. I Oversea Cases. j Now Zealand Cases. Totals. Demobilized Not under Act Re-enlisted Withdrawn by applicant Not discharged from Forces Deceased since claim lodged No incapacity from military service ■• 59 1 1 13 11 7 554 6 1 92 65 I 1 13 12 7 646 Totals 646 646 9!) 745 Table IV.—Dissection of Rejected War-pension Clati TS), Y fUAE t 1918-19. :s (De ■i<; rDA . . I Reason for Rejection. in £ o 1 p. 2 a a e & IE 5 o 3 ■5 tr 2 S fa V O fa I so -. p { B - a ** . 3 a S>" -<! P [fi 48 i 4) £ % rH 5, a I Income and property No evidence of dependency Death of soldier not due to service Disability of soldier not due to service Soldier not incapacitated Section 15 of 1916 Act (habits) .. No contract to marry Soldier not a member of New Zealand Forces Soldier not discharged ... Withdrawn by applicant Applicant deceased .. .. Soldier prisoner of war .. 24 126 7 I 15 19 127 3 i ~2 .. I 71 3 1 .. 6 (10 1 3! i i 50 331 22 35 203 3 75 34 185 ii • -I .. .. i 3 i 1 i '•I ••! ■• i i 72 I "I •• I 5 i 14 i 1 : ••! •• I "I ''| 6 1 1 43 23 3 i "i '.'. i ' 'I Totals . . 311 15 108 154 o 2 9 3 i 68 4 i i 2 770

Table II.—Dissection of War Pensions cancelled, Year 1918-19. if War Pensions 0 ANCELLED, Year 1918-19. Defendants' Pensions. Dependants' Pensions. .uepenuams lensnjns. Reason for Cancellation. Soldiers' Pensions. On Account of Dis- 0n rf E Soldiers' Pensions. On Account of Dis- 0n A t f Dea) ,, ablement. ablement. 411 2,200 25 18 102 1.128 I 9 Pensioner dead .. .. .. 411 18 102 Soldier no lpnger incapacitated .. 2,200 1.128 Soldier re-enlisted ...... 25 I Soldier since dead . . . . . . . . 9 Surrendered . . . . .. 1 No application for renewal .. .. 119 4 No longer dependant .... .. 10 8 No longer required .. .. 159 II Not collecting ...... 12 2 2 Conviction for crime .... 5 . . 5 Child of age .. .. .. .. .. 3 Remarried .. .. .. . . . . 23 Soldier alive .. .. .. .. .. 8 Pension duplication .... .. .. 3 Habits ........ 5 I 1 119 159 12 5 4 10 8 II 2 2 5 3 23 8 3 I 5 Totals .. .. 2,937 1,184 154 , . ; 2,937 1 ,184 154 ___ 4,275 The number of previously cancelled pensions reinstated during the year was 251. Table III.—Dissection of Rejected War-pension Claims (Soldiers), Year 1918-19. Reason for Rejection. I Oversea Cases. j Now Zealand Cases. Totals. Demobilized Not under Act Re-enlisted Withdrawn by applicant Not discharged from Forces Deceased since claim lodged No incapacity from military service ■• 59 1 1 13 11 7 554 6 1 92 65 I 1 13 12 7 646 Totals 646 646 9!) 745 Table IV.—Dissection of Rejected War-pension Clati TS), Y fUAE t 1918-19. :s (De ■i<; rDA . . I Reason for Rejection. in £ o 1 p. 2 a a e & IE 5 o 3 ■5 tr 2 S fa V O fa I so -. p { B - a ** . 3 a S>" -<! P [fi 48 i 4) £ % rH 5, a I Income and property No evidence of dependency Death of soldier not due to service Disability of soldier not due to service Soldier not incapacitated Section 15 of 1916 Act (habits) .. No contract to marry Soldier not a member of New Zealand Forces Soldier not discharged ... Withdrawn by applicant Applicant deceased .. .. Soldier prisoner of war .. 24 126 7 I 15 19 127 3 i ~2 .. I 71 3 1 .. 6 (10 1 3! i i 50 331 22 35 203 3 75 34 185 ii • -I .. .. i 3 i 1 i '•I ••! ■• i i 72 I "I •• I 5 i 14 i 1 : ••! •• I "I ''| 6 1 1 43 23 3 i "i '.'. i ' 'I Totals . . 311 15 108 154 o 2 9 3 i 68 4 i i 2 770


GENERAL. Table V.—Pensions granted, Deaths, and Cancellations in each Year, with Number in Force and Annual Variation.

Approximaf Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given; printing (1.250 copies), £111.

Authority : Marcus F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington. —1919

Price 6d.\


Year ending 31st March. Number of Pensions Deaths, granted. I Cancella- In Force at tions. End of Year. I Increase. Decrease. 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 .191.7 1918 1919 7,487 38 4,699 786 2,227 815 1,694 935 1,391 1,064 1,063 928 1,210 890 2,075 1,038 2,031 1,097 .. | 1,740 1,189 2,113 1,112 2,304 1,169 2,399 1,423 2,318 1,469 2,072 1,569 3,320 1,479 3,158 1,582 2,268 1,539 1,823 1,610 2,146 1,535 2,235 2,013 Old-age. 7,487 38 4,699 786 2,227 815 1,694 935 1,391 1,064 1,063 928 1,210 890 2,075 1,038 2,031 1,097 .. ' 1,740 1,189 .. ! 2,113 1,112 2,304 1,169 2,399 1,423 2,318 1,469 2,072 1,569 3,320 1,479 3,158 1,582 2,268 1,539 1,823 1,610 2,146 1,535 2,235 2,013 6 j 7,443 71 11,285 292 12,406 388 12,776 622 12,481 690 11,926 476 11,770 225 12,582 259 13,257 239 13,569 174 14,396 211 15,320 276 16,020 220 16,649 643 16,509 300 18,050 274 19,352 277 .19,804 320 1.9,697 348 19,960 310 19,872 6 7,443 71 11,285 292 12,406 388 12,776 622 12,481 690 11,926 476 11,770 225 12,582 259 13,257 239 13,569 174 14,396 211 15,320 276 16,020 220 16,649 643 16,509 300 18,050 274 19,352 277 .19,804 320 1.9,697 348 19,960 310 19,872 3,842 1,120 371 812 675 312 827 921 700 629 295 555 156 1 10 1,541 1,302 452 107 263 88 Totals Totals 51,773 25,280 rrr ■ 7 i 51,773 25,280 6,621 i 6,621 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 Widows'. 791 657 3 421 1 458 2 444 4 421 2 509 6 1,349 11 Widows'. 3 788 129 1,313 193 1,540 208 1,788 338 1,890 285 2,024 335 2,192 319 3,211 3 788 129 1,313 193 1,540 208 1,788 338 1,890 285 2,024 335 2,192 319 3,211 791 657 3 421 1 458 2 444 4 421 2 509 6 1,349 11 525 227 248 102 134 168 1,019 Totals 5,050 29 5,050 29 1,810 1,810 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 Military. 577 9 747 74 256 108 60 124 10 101 24 103 12 125 577 747 256 60 10 24 12 Military. 9 74 108 124 101 103 125 568 ! 1 1,240 1,388 I 1,323 1,232 1,153 1,040 1 568 1,240 1,388 1,323 1,232 1,153 1,040 672 148 65 91 79 113 I Totals 1,686 644 njr • ' 644 "i 2 2 1916 1917 1918 1919 Miners'. ..I 120 153 35 91 34 82 41 Miners'. 120 238 25 270 71 240 "25 71 120 238 270 240 11.8 32 35 34 41 30 Totals 446 110 110 96 96 1916 1917 1918 1919 Totals War. .. , 1,214 1 .. : 5,316 44 .. ; 10,587 86 16,954 531 .. 34,071 662 War. 1 44 86 531 22 , 1,191 1,291 5,1.69 1.173 14,497 3.493 27,427 5,982 22 , 1,191 1,291 5,1.69 1.173 14,497 3.493 27,427 5,982 3,978 9,328 12,930 662 G. Commiss C. Fache, inner of Pensions.

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TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PENSIONS DEPARTMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1919., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1919 Session I, H-18

Word Count

TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PENSIONS DEPARTMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1919. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1919 Session I, H-18

TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PENSIONS DEPARTMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1919. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1919 Session I, H-18

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