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EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. [In continuation of E.-9, 1918.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

THIRTEENTH REPORT OF THE TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION BOARD For the Yeae ended 31st December, 1918. The Hon. the Minister of Education. Sir,- Wellington, 31st March, 1919. The Board has to submit the following report for the year ended the 31st December, 1918 :— The Board. —The usual quarterly meetings of the Board were held in February, May, August, and November. All members elected to represent contributors retired by effluxion of time after the February meeting of the Board. Only two nominations were received for two contributors to represent the South Island members of the fund — namely, Messrs. W. Davidson and J. E. Purchase —and these gentlemen were declared duly elected. For the election of two contributors k> represent the North Island members only one nomination was received —viz., that of Mr. A. Erskine, who was declared duly elected. To fill the extraordinary vacancy thus arising two nominations were received, and Mr. H. G. Cousins was elected. Mr. W. Davidson resigned after the May meeting of the Board, and Mr. 0. D. Flamank was elected unopposed to fill the vacancy. Contributors. —The number of contributors increased from 4,792 at the end of 1917 to 4,894 at the end of 1918, an increase of 102. The number of male contributors fell from 1,976 at the end of 1917 to 1,955 at the end of 1918, a result due to war conditions. Table A shows the contributors arranged according to percentage of contribution, together with the number admitted and left during the year. Retiring and other A llowances. —Allowances amounting to £4,571 ss. were granted during the year, compared with £5,049 9s. in 1917. The decrease is due to the effect of war legislation restricting retirements. The number of applications for retirement in 1919 (the restrictive legislation having been repealed) is very considerable. The total annual rate of all allowances payable at the end of the year was £51,033 11s.

I—E. 9.



Ten allowances were discontinued by death, and fifteen from other causes— viz., the allowance of two widows ceased on remarriage; eleven children attained the age of fourteen years; the allowance of one annuitant was cancelled on the ground that she was considered sufficiently recovered to re-enter the Education service; and the allowance of one annuitant, who had retired as medically unfit, lapsed on her re-entering the Education service. The number of allowances granted to widows and children was high compared with previous years. Twenty widows and forty-one children were granted allowances, compared with twelve and nine respectively in 1917. The large increase is due almost entirely to deaths arising out of the late influenza epidemic. Income. —The total income for the year was £99,976, made up as follows :— £ Members' ordinary contributions ... ... 60,160 Government subsidy ... ... ... ... 17,000 Interest on investments ... ... ... 22,514 Interest on arrears of contributions ... ... 152 Contributions transferred from other funds ... 150 Total for year ... ... ...£99,976 Expenditure. —The allowances paid to contributors who have retired and to dependants of deceased contributors and annuitants amounted to £48,354 ss. 5d., an increase of £3,232 2s. over the amount for 1917. Refunds of contributions on voluntary retirement from the Education service amounted to £6,560 2s. 5d., an increase of £1,374 12s. 6d. over the amount for 1917. The number of refunds granted increased from 140 in 1917 to 167 in 1918. The refunds to personal representatives of deceased contributors amounted to £5,436 ss. Id., an increase over the amount for 1917 of £2,586 2s. Id. The increase is due to the increase in the number of deaths amongst contributors who were members of the Expeditionary Force, and to deaths amongst other contributors arising during the influenza epidemic. Administration Expenses. —These amounted to £676 12s. Bd. Included in this sum is an item of £250 charged by the Education Department for clerical assistance. No part of the salary of the Secretary to the Board is, however, included in the item, the whole of his salary, in terms of the Act, being a charge on the Consolidated Fund. Net Revenue. —-The total for the year was £37,830, compared with £39,067 in 1917 and £40,756 in 1916. The decrease is due to the heavy payments on account of refunds of contributions. Government Subsidy. —The Government subsidy of £17,000 was received during the first quarter of the year. The total subsidies paid by the Government since the inception of the fund amount to £135,000. The Actuary in his last report recommended a subsidy of £43,000 for 1917, 1918, and 1919. Owing to war conditions the Government could not see its way to increase the subsidy for 1917 and 1918, but the Board notes with satisfaction the payment of subsidy of £43,000 for 1919. Investment of the Fund. —During the year the Board, with the consent of the Government, came to a very satisfactory arrangement with the Public Trustee for investment of the fund. On the Ist July, 1918, an allocation was made vro rata from the Public Trust Common Fund investments to the total amount of the Superannuation Fund on that date. The Superannuation Fund receives the interest on the investments so allocated, instead of the flat rate of interest payable on moneys in the Common Fund of the Public Trust Office. All moneys belonging to the fund now available for investment are invested' at current rates of interest. The Public Trustee charges 2-| per cent, on the interest collected for his services in connection with the fund. After allowing for this



commission the average, rate of interest received on the 31st December last was approximately 5-2 per cent., which compares very favourably with the rate of about 4-67 per cent, previously received by the Board. The total investments at the different rates of interest on the 31st December, 1918, were :At per cent., £59,600; at 5 per cent., £26,161; at per cent., £38,460; at 5-*- per cent., £322,200 : total, £446,421. The amount held by the Public Trustee uninvested was £2,003. Unclaimed Contributions. —ln last report the comment was made that it was extraordinary that the fund should hold such a large sum as £610 unclaimed by persons who have ceased to be contributors to the fund. Some of this amount has since been claimed, but other amounts added during the year raise the total unclaimed to £1,161. Contributors on A dive Service, —Of contributors who have joined the Expeditionary Force, thirty-four were killed in action or died from wounds or sickness in 1918. This brings up the total number of deaths of contributors who have been on active service to ninety-seven. As previously intimated, the Government has undertaken to pay the contributions of members during the period they are members of the Expeditionary Force. The amount paid in 1918 was £3,833 12s. Bd., making a total during the war of £11,772 10s. lid. Statistics. —The statements and accounts prescribed by regulations under the Act, together with other additional statements, are attached hereto. I have, &c, J. A. Hanan, Chairman.

E.— 9



A. (i.) Number of Contributors on the 31st December, 1918, arranged according to Percentage of Contribution.

(ii.) Number of Contributors under Part IX, Education Act, 1908 (included in above Figures).

B. Total Number of Contributors who have joined and left the Fund since its Establishment (1st January, 1906, to 31st December, 1918).

C. Table showing Progress of Fund since its Inception (1st January, 1906).

5l Ce M. per :nt. i F. 6l Cei I M. ier 7 per 8 per 9 per nt. Cent. Cent. Cent. F. M. F. M. : F. M. F. 10 per i Cent. _ M. F. j M. 65 11 1,976 2 . . 87 Totals. F. Total. lumbers at 31at December, 1917 tfew contributors entered during year I'ransfors from other funds 1,046 61 1,107 65 2,027 292 2,319 151 267 13 280 12 341 16 357 23 2 270 12 263 r> 239 14 253 16 202 9 197 5 136 1381 62 5 1 4 141 1SO| 66 9 6 7 132 133 59 I i 65 2 67 6 j .. 2 67 11 I 2,065 0 2 j MO 61 9 : 1,955 2,816 4,792 331 418 2 3,147 5,212 208 318 lumbers loft during year at end of year 1,042 2,108 268 334 258 237 193 6] 2,939 4,894

I I ! Numbers at 31st December, 1917 5 5 6 8 9: 12 6 (i 8 7 f> 1 39 39 78 lumbers left during year 1 .... 3j .. 1 .] 6 M i i , lumbers at end of year .. 5 5 5 8 9 lo! 6 5j 7 7 j 5 1 37 36 73

Numbor. Annual Rate of Contribution . Annual Salary. M. F. Total. 'otal entered (including net increases in salary and contributions) 'otal discontinued 2,862 4,762 7,624 & 1,458,395 £ 90,330 907 1,823 2,730 468,834 31,131 Total existing at 31st December, 1918 1,955 2,939 4,894 989,561 59,199

Year ei ided 31st December, Years 1906-1918. Year ended 31st March, 1907. 1909. 1912. 1915. 1917. 1918. Total number of contributors Total amount of contributions Interest received Subsidy from Government Number of allowances payable Total amount paid on account of retiring and other allowances Total amount of contributions refunded and transferred Accumulated fund 2,182 £32,320 £864 £5,000 84 £3,147 3,152 £35,122 £4,751 £7,000 216 £8,754 3,641 £40,130 £8,433 £7,000 376 £21,313 4,444 £52,716 £13,603 £17,000 555 £37,376 4,792 £58,070 £18,289 £17,000 636 £45,122 4,894 £60,160 £22,666 £17,000 698 48,354 £574,255 £128,013 £135,000 £308,313 £260 £1,776 £4,912 £7,921 £9,007 £13,115 £68,218 £34,734 £120,409 £214,298 £340,582 £420,225 £458,056




' 1. (A.) EBVBNUE ACCOUNT foe the Yeae ended 31st December, 1918. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balanoe, 31st Deoember, 1917 .. 420,225 6 0 By Retiring and other allowanoes .. 48,354 5 5 Contributions of members .. .. 60,160 711 Contributions refunded— £ s. d. Government subsidy .. .. 17,000 0 0 On voluntary retirement 6,560 2 5 Interest— On death of contributor 5,436 5 1 £ s. d. On lapse of membership 1,091 3 9 From Publio Trustee 22,514 0 8 13,087 11 3 On arrears of oon- Contributions transferred to other funds 27 0 1 tributions .. 152 0 8 Administration expenses— £ s. d. . 22,666 1 4 Commission, G.P.O. .. 153 7 8 Contributions transferred from other Commission, Publio funds .. .. .. .. 149 9 9 Trustee .. .. 105 5 9 Office expenses .. 49 1 7 Travelling - expenses of Board members .. 82 2 8 Clerioal assistance .. 250 0 0 Medioal fees .. .. 36 15 0 676 12 8 Balanoe, 31st December, 1918 .. 458,055 15 7 £520,201 5 0 £520,201 5 0 (B.) BALANCE-SHEET as at 31st Deoembeb, 1918. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Fund as per Revenue Account .. .. 458,055 15 7 £ s. d. Retiring and other allowances due and Cash in hands of G.P.0... 5,393 5 3 unpaid .. .. .. .. 628 211 Less vouchers in course Refunds of contributions on death of of payment .. 3,273 17 8 contributor due and unpaid .. 3,261 3 6 2,119 7 7 Administration expenses due and un- Cash in hand for payment of travellingpaid—■ £ s. d. expenses of Board members .. .. 11 17 2 Clerical assistance .. 250 0 0 Amount held by Publio Trustee — Medioal fees .. .. 18 18 0 Invested .. .. 446,420 17 4 Commission, G.P.O. .. 82 1 7 Uninvested .. 2,003 5 6 Commission, Publio -448,424 2 10 Trustee .. .. 80 14 8 Contributions of members— Travelling-expenses of In transit.. .. 2,434 14 8 Board members .. 10 6 4 Due and outstanding 2,338 11 3 Office expenses .. 26 11 6 4,773 511 468 12 1 Interest on investments — Unclaimed contributions .. .. 1,160 16 10 Due and outstanding 1,930 11 0 Contributions overpaid and paid in error.. 232 13 1 Accrued, but not due 5,641 5 4 7,571 16 4 Interest on arrears of contributions due and outstanding.. .. .. .. 906 14 2 £463,807 4 0 £463,807 4 0 W. L. Dunn, Education Department, Secretary, Teachers' Superannuation Board. Wellington, 31st March, 1919.

2. STATEMENT of CONTRIBUTORS, showing Annual Rates of Salaries and Contributions as at the 31st December, 1918.

Number. Annual Bate of Salary. Annual Bate of Contributions. M. P. j Total. lontributors at 31st December, 1917 ... lew contributors entered during the year ended 31st December, 1918 'ransfers from other funds during the 1,976 87 2,816 331 4,792 418 £ s. d. 970,013 18 5 51,633 18 0 £ s. d. 58,414 2 1 2,755 7 2 2 2 427 0 0 29 17 10 year let increase in salaries and contributions during the year 23,605 2 4 1,384 6 0 Totals 2,065 3,147 5,212 1,045,679 18 9 62,583 13 1 iontributions discontinued during the year ended 31st December, 1918, by resignation, &c. Totals at 31st December, 1918 110 208 318 56,118 10 0 3,384 17 6 1,955 2,939 4,894 989,561 8 9 59,198 15 7



3. PARTICULARS of CONTRIBUTIONS discontinued and Allowances granted and Refunds of Contributions made during the Year ended 31st December, 1918.

Number of Contributors. How discontinued. M. F. 3 I Annual Bate at Date of Withdrawal. Salary. Contributions, Benefits. Allowances: Annual Bate. Other Payments (iion reourring). By death before allowance entered upon— (a.) Contributions paid to per- 29 8 37 sonal representatives (b.) Leaving widow or child* 25 5 30 By voluntary retirement .. 37 130 J 67 By lapsed membership .. ' 6 49 55 By transfer to other funds .. .. 1 1 By allowances granted on retirement— (a.) Ordinary .. .. 6 11 17 (b.) Medically unfit .. 4 1 5 (c.) Extended provisions .. 3 .. 3 (d.) Part IX, Education Aot, 1908: Ordinary .. I .. 3 3 29 25 37 6 8 '5 130 49 1 37 30 J 67 55 1 £ s. d. 7,010 0 o' 9,100 10 0 26,136 0 0 6,743 10 0 95 0 0 £ s. d. 383 0 0 595 0 6 1,476 8 7 370 7 6 4 15 0 £ 8. d. 785 0 0 : •• £ s. d. 2,282 5 9 3,284 15 2 6,545 16 11 1,163 16 9 27 0 1 6 4 3 II 1 17 5 3 4,212 10 0 1,555 0 0 810 0 0 344 13 4 104 7 0 73 2 0 2,394 12 0 702 3 0 425 10 0 •■ I 3 3 456 0 0 I 33 3 7 156 0 0 Totals .. ..110 208 318 no 208 318 56,118 10 0 3,384 17 6 4,463 I 5 0 13,303 14 8 * Fourteen widows and forty-one childr granted refunds of contributions. Six widoi amounting to £108. The total allowances gi widow received under Part IX of the Edueat •en (! TO of rantc ;ion i 23 bo; deeea id dur: lot, 1! ya, 18 girls) wen .sed annuitants ing the year thei 908, a refund of granted allowances, and elevei pere also granted allowances di jfore amounted to £4,571 5s. I :ontril;utions amounting to £272 n widows were aring the year "n addition one ! 16s. 2d.


4. STATEMENT of RETIRING-ALLOWANCES (including Allowances to Widows and Children) for the Year ended 31st December, 1918.


(3.) Details of Column (2). (1-) (2.) Total Allowances. Retiring-allowances. Allowances to Particulars. Children. Ordinary (Age or Service). Extended Provisions. Medically unfit. Widows. Number. M. I F. £ Annual Rate. Number. M. P. Annual Rate. Number. Number. Annual Rate. Annual Rate. ] M. S F. M. F. Number. Number. Annual Rate. ; M. ' F. Annual Rate. Allowances as at 31st December, 1917 Allowances granted during the year at retirement or decease of contributor Allowances granted during the year to widows and children of deceased annuitants Total ... Allowances discontinued during the year*t Allowances existing at end of yearf ... 255 35 £ 634 47,481 83 4,463 s. d. 3 0 5 0 • 113 211 6 14 & s. d. 28,543 10 0 2,550 12 0 65 3 £ s. d. 3 9,701 3 0 425 10 0 42 4 37 1 £ s. d. 6,634 7 0 702 3 0 94 1-1 £ 8. 1,705 3 252 0 a. j 0 35 0 23 34 18 £ s. a. 897 0 0 533 0 0 379 48 6 6 108 0 0 6 108 0 0 ... ... 3 10,126 13 0 J 290 15 433 10 723 52,052 8 25 ! 1,018 17 0 0 119 225 6 2 31,094 610 2 6 0 68 0 ... 46 1 38 2 7,336 10 21111 0 0 114 3 2,065 3 54 0 0 0 58 8 52 3 , 1,430 0 0 143 0 0 ; 423 698 51,033 11 0 3 10,126 13 0 45 36 7,12419 0 J 111 2,011 3 0 50 49 1,287 0 0 275 113 223 30,483 16 0 68 I Particulars of Allowances discontinued during the Year. How discontinued — By death By expiry 3 7 10 15 6 j 2 610 6 0 I 1 ... i 111 13 2 99 18 0 I 0 1 1 18 36 0 0 0 ... 0 8 7 8 739 19 278 18 0 0 3 \ 143 0 0 ... 1 2 211 11 o! 2 54 0 0 8 3 I 143 0 0 Total ... 15 10 25 1,018 17 0 6 j 2 610 6 0 Progress of Allowi nee, since Establishment of Fund to the 31st Di ■cember, 1918. Total granted Total discontinued 398 521 919 61,868 16 123 98 221 10,835 5 0 0 180 67 242 37,096 16 19 6,613 0 0 0 70 ! 3 10,380 5 2 j ... 253 12 0 0 64 47 9,634 12 0 19 11 !2,509 13 0 135 24 2,443 3 432 0 0 0 I I 85 I 93 2,314 0 35 J 44 1,027 0 0 0 Total existing 275 1423 698 51,033 11 0 113 223 130,483 16 0 68 3 110,126 13 0 45 36 17,124 19 0 111 2,011 3 0 50 I 49 1,287 0 0 1 * The rates as at the 31st December, 1917, have been adjusted on account of Return No. 5 (a) and (b). :orrections in the rates of allowances then in force, as folio . ■s: medically unfit, increased by £2 8s. t Full details are given ii



5. FURTHER DETAILS OF ALLOWANCES, (a.) Allowances discontinued during the Year :—

(i.) Return of Retiring-allowances discontinued during the Year 1st January to 31st December, 1918, and Date from which Allowances became payable to the Widows and Children.

(ii.) Return of Widows and Children who during the Year 1st January to 31st December, 1918, ceased to be entitled to Benefits.

Annuitant. Plow discontinued. Annual Rate of Lapsed Retiringallowances. Date .from which (a) Retiring - allowance dis- R , a f continued, and (ft) Payment of Benefits to OontnbuWidow and Children tlons - began. Aot under which Allowance granted. E, Education Act, 1908; A, Superannuation Amendmont Act, 1908; U, Superannuati on Amendment Act, 1912. Comerford, William H. Cooke, Charles J. Corbot, William Forayth, Agnes (ialp'in, Mrs. Rachel * -f Gribbie, Charles Hogwood, Robert Lavery, Catherine * J Lyttle, John Tennent, Margaret I. Woodham, Herbert* Death .. Expiry . . Death £ s. d. 63 11 0 129 1 0 81 16 0 63 11 0 42 8 0 52 0 0 I Hi 7 0 57 10 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 111 13 0 (a.) (6.) £ s. d, Jan. 14 Jan. IS June 14 June 15 •27 „ 28 Oct. 9 Nov. 22 Aug. 15 Sept. 1 Sept. 2 March 12 Jan. 26 Jan. 27 Oct. 19 March 31 April 1 A A A A A E A A E E A Expiry . . Death .. y> • • Total 821 17 0 * Retired on grounds of mec re-entei'ed service. iical unfitness Eor further duty. "f Considered fit to re-ent :vr service. J Permanently

Name. ™-« Annual Bate of Child. Allowance. Allowance. Remarks. Barnett, Laura Crummy, Sarah Evans, Harry M. Gazzard, Thomas H. Lea, Cecil W. .. Look, Gwendoline Mehaffey, Marjory D. Miller, Alexander S. Parry, Kate Peacock, Ivy C. C, Mis. .. Sigley, Harry S. Turner, Francis J. Warren, Horace V. Williamson, Kenneth £ Child .. 13 Widow.. 18 Child .. 13 „ .. 13 „ ■• 13 „ • ■ 13 „ . .. 13 ., •■ 13 Widow.. 18 „ .. 18 Child .. 13 „ •• 13 „ •• 33 „ .. 13 I February 12 January 1 February 2 October 16 April 9 July 13 .June 19 ., 29 December 9 March 7 April 10 January 12 May 28 Attained age of 14 years Remarried. Attained age of 14 years. j> ) J J) )J a Remarried. Deceased. Attained age of 14 years. 3) }•> J) Total .. 197



(&.) Allowances existing (except where otherwise shown) at the End of the Year 1918:—

(i.) Allowances granted to Contributors (ordinary retirement).

2—E. 9.

Act under which Allowance granted. Name. Occupation. Annual Rate of Allowanoe. B.Education Act, 1908; A, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1008; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Men. Amos, Edward W. Anderson, John ... Ballance, Alfred C. Bannerman, Edward Beechey, James M.* Binnie, Archibald Blair, James Blair, Eobert Bonnin, John L. ... Boyd, Donald Brown, Charles C. Budd, George W. E. Bullock, Samuel ... Burgoyne, Henry W. Burns, Andrew Campbell, James B. I. Cowles, Edward ... Cronin, Bartholomew Culverhouse, George Cusack, James Dale, Joseph Daly, Michael P. ... Dawe, James A. ... Dempsey, Hector Dunbar, James Easther, Henry A. Everiss, Andrew ... Everiss, George ... Ferguson, William Field, John L. Fisher, Esau Fitzgerald, William S. Flux, George Geissler, Herman W. Gerring, Albert Glenny, Joseph Goldsbury, Alfred Gover, Frederick ... Goyen, Peter Gray, George Green, Richard E. Grundy, William T. Hamilton, Hugh E. W. ... Hart, Edwin T. ... Haslain, Francis W. C. Hassing, George M. Hill, Alfred E.* Hill, Henry Hill, John'D. C. ... Horan, Thomas ... Howard, Charles C. Hubbard, Charles C. Hughson, William Ingpen, Edward L. Jefferson, Alfred ... Johnston, Eobert ... Jones, Thomas A. Just, Emile U.* ... Kilburn, Joseph ... King, Walter J. ... La Prelle, John J. Lock, Charles H. W. Lothian, John, Rev. Lyon, Christopher A., Rev.... Mabbett, Arthur ... Caretaker, Canterbury College Teacher, Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ South Canterbury Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board Secretary, Nelson College Board Teacher, Otago Education Board // // • • • Truant Officer, Southland Education Board Teacher, Native school... „ North Canterbury Education Board n '/ „ Native school... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Nelson Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Southland Education Board Janitor, Timaru High School Board Teacher, Auckland Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board Inspector, Education Department Lecturer, Otago University Truant Inspector, Wanganui Education Board Teacher, North Canterbury Education Board „ Marlborough Education Board ... „ Otago Education Board „ Southland Education Board w if ' ' • Inspector, Otago Education Board Teacher, Wellington Education Board „ Native school ... „ Auckland Education Board £ s. 40 12 170 12 96 5 52 0 166 13 103 9 52 0 108 9 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 52- 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 135 3 180 5 124 6 52 0 52 0 81 7 106 8 245 17 53 19 94 11 64 2 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 251 7 217 1 52 0 52 0 52 0 107 1 52 0 278 16 97 1 114 19 253 16 73 6 232 10 242 10 52 0 127 14 379 0 208 16 52 0 68 8 65 14 52 0 52 0 39 2 52 0 52 0 271 3 52 0 124 4 52 0 156 11 52 0 52 0 52 0 U A A E A B E A E B E E E E E E A A A E E A A A U A A E E E E A A E E E A E A U A A A A U E A A A E E A E E U E E A E A E A E E E „ Wanganui Education Board „ Wellington Education Board Inspector, Otago Education Board Lecturer, Lincoln Agricultural College Teacher, Nelson Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Native school... „ Auckland Education Board Professor, Canterbury College Teacher, Southland Education Board „ Auckland Education Board Inspector, Education Department Teacher, Wanganui Education Board „ Native school... „ Marlborough Education Board ... „ Native school... Janitor, Otago High School Board Teacher, Wanganui Education Board „ Otago University „ Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Canterbury Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Auckland Education Board „ Wanganui Education Board Auckland Education Board „ Native school ... „ Auckland Education Board * Allow; inces granted during the period from 1st January to 31st Decemb ir, 1918.



(i.) Allowances granted to Contributors (ordinary retirement) —continued.

Name. Occupation. Act under whioh Allowance granted. Annual Rate of B, Education Act, 1908; Allowance. A ' Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908 ; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Men —continued. Macandrew, William McGavin, John ... Macky, John McNicoll, David A. Maddison, John ... Mathias, Vincent W. Matthews, Ernest W. D. ... Menzies, Edward M. Menzies, George ... Millington, Edward W. Moores, Peter Mossman, Edwin... Mulhern, John Muller, Nicolaus L. P. :|; Mulligan, Thomas Murdoch, James ... Murray, David Murray, George W. Murray, James B. Orr, James O'Shea, Jeremiah... Overton, William B. Paterson, William A. Porritt, Thomas, Eev. Pryde, Patrick G.... Eeid, James Eeid, John Eobertson, James Schmidt, Peter E. Scott, John L. Short, Arthur Sloman, John P. ... Smith, Aaron Y. ... Soundy, Eichard ... Stenhouse, John ... Stevens, Joseph E. Stott, Alexander ... Veysey, John T.* Walker, Thomas A. Teacher, Southland Education Board „ Native school ... Accountant, Auckland Education Board ... Teacher, Otago Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board Inspector of Eeserves, Canterbury College... Teacher, Native school ... „ Wanganui Education Board „ Otago Education Board ... „ Auckland Education Board 1/ a ... „ Wanganui Education Board „ Native school... „ Canterbury Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Auckland Education Board a it • • • ... „ Southland Education Board „ Nelson Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Wellington Education Board Secretary, Otago Education Board Teacher, „ £ s. 172 0 52 0 147 5 188 10 52 0 97 16 52 0 52 0 52 0 88 14 52 0 160 11 52 0 121 4 52 0 52 0 172 11 129 7 84 10 126 12 52 0 52 0 125 10 52 0 277 1 89 1 103 15 79 14 52 0 205 13 96 13 87 8 106 7 215 4 230 2 118 5 93 11 180 0 204 6 A E A A E A E E E A E A E A E E A A A A E E A E A E A A E A A E A A A A A A A */ it • • • • * • „ Auckland Education Board Architect, North Canterbury Education Board Teacher, Auckland Education Board n a • • • „ Auckland Grammar School Board „ Southland Education Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Otago Education Board Ward, Joseph Watson, Francis E.* Webber, Edmund White, David E. ... Whyte, John Wilding, Charles B. Woods, George E. Yeats, Duncan M. Young, Henry, Eev. it a ••• „ Southland Education Board „ Nelson Education Board Assistant Inspector of Industrial Schools, Education Department Teacher, Marlborough Education Board ... „ Wanganui Education Board „ Southland Education Board Principal, Duncdin Training College Teacher, Otago Education Board „ Native school... 52 0 281 16 236 7 350 0 55 2 52 0 52 0 213 19 52 0 E A A A E E E A E „ Wellington Education Board „ Native school... Women. Alexander, Helen... Allan, Mary K. ... Alves, Margaret W. Anderson, Annie C. Anderson, Barbara C. Anderson, Elizabeth, Mrs.... Anderson, Helen ... Andrews, Helen B. Baker-Gabb, Mary, Mrs. ... Bannister, Matilda E. Barton, Annie, Mrs. Batchelor, Bessie ... Batten, Annie E. B. Beattie, Jane, Mrs. Birkett, Emma, Mrs. Total (113 men) 12,415 11 Teacher, Otago High School „ Otago Education Board „ Otago Boys' and Girls' High School Board „ Otago Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Native school... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... 139 14 92 1 114 16 100 12 52 0 52 0 103 13 52 0 104 18 85 4 52 0 94 9 52 0 52 0 52 0 A A A A E E A E A A E A E E E „ Wellington Education Board a it • • • ... „ Auckland Education Board „ Grey Education Board „ Westland Education Board „ Native school... „ Taranaki Education Board * Allowi tnoes ;ranted durinj the ieriod from 1st Januar to 31st Decembi !r, 1918.



(i.) Allowances granted to Contributors (ordinary retirement) —continued.

Act under which Allowance granted. Name. Oocupation. Annual Bate of Allowance. E,Education Act, 1908: A, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Women —continued. Birss, Helen L. ... Blades, Bithiah ... Blair, Jessie, Mrs. Blyth, Sarah F. E. Bond, Jane Bott, Amelia Branting, Ellen T., Mrs. ... Bright, Aime'e D. Broderick, Jessie S., Mrs. ... Brown, Charlotte M., Mrs. Brown, Jessie C. ... Brown, Mary E., Mrs. Bullock, Julia W. Bunting, Elizabeth Burns, Jessie A. ... Cairns, Jessie Oaldwell, Margaret, Mrs. ... Campbell, Jane ... Carr, Jane H. W., Mrs. ... Carrick, Marie, Mrs. Cato, Eva P. Caughley, Christina J. Chatwin, Georgina E. Christie, Catherine W. Coad, Emma M. ... Coghill, Margaret Coneys, Jessie T.... Cooke, Jean L. Cowens, Janet, Mrs. Davis, Elizabeth ... Dement, Mary A Dewar, Janet Dewhirst, Eliza E. Duncan, Kate Durose, Florence M. Evans, Alice Evans, Eliza H. ... Faulks, Flora Finlayson, Jessie M. M., Mrs. Fleming, Janet ... Fly, Lois M., Mrs. Foster, Frances, Mrs. Fowler, Jane B. ... Fowler, Lillian E. Fowler, Lillias A. *... Foy, Mary E. Eraser, Johanna ... Fraser, Mary I. ... French, Agnes S.... Fyfe, Harriet, Mrs. Galloway, Helen ... Gard'ner, Elizabeth A. Geissler, Ida P., Mrs. Gillanders, Eliza M., Mrs.... Gillibrand, Margaret E. Glanville, Gertrude M. Goulding, Jane E. Gower, Nanette ... Grant, Catherine D. Greenslade, Mary G.* Haeusler, Emily M. L., Mrs. Haig, Catherine ... Hall, Mary Hamerton, Annis E. Hamilton, Martha Hardie, Mary Teacher, Southland Education Board „ Auckland Grammar School Board „ Otago Education Board „ Wanganui Education Board „ Nelson Education Board „ Otago Education Board Manager, Te Oranga Home, Christchurch... Teacher, Wellington Education Board „ Native school... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Canterbury Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Wellington Education Board „ Caversham Industrial School Auckland Education Board It !/ • • * „ Wellington Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Nelson Education Board „ South Canterbury Education Board „ Taranaki Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Canterbury Education Board „ Taranaki Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Auckland Education Board £ s. 129 1 71 7 79 10 52 0 111 14 58 19 41 14 74 13 54 5 18 3 108 6 119 18 52 0 71 3 96 1 52 0 77 10 86 17 11 13 52 0 110 9 110 17 123 18 52 0 96 19 89 13 52 0 87 10 74 15 75 15 52 0 78 11 56 18 108 11 105 7 52 0 82 7 70 17 71 15 A A A E A A A A A A A A E A A B A A E E A A A E A A E A A A E A A A A E A A A „ Otago Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ South Canterbury Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Oiago Education Board „ Thames High School ... „ Taranaki Education Board Principal, Wanganui Girls' College Teacher, Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Nelson Education Board Matron, Christchurch Technical College Board Teacher, Native school... „ Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board ,, Wellington Education Board „ New Plymouth High School „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Taranaki Education Board „ Southland Education Board 52 0 52 0 19 18 94 5 104 4 91 16 52 0 80 5 267 3 114 0 15 2 66 3 87 15 11 10 66 15 105 19 121 4 52 0 52 0 112 2 68 16 52 0 104 3 115 2 52 0 153 9 97 8 E E A A A A E A A A A A A A A A A E E A A E A A E A A • Alia ■anees ;ranted durini the teriod from 1st Januar to 31st Deoember, 1918.



(i.) Allowances granted to Contributors (ordinary retirement) —continued.

Act under whioh Allowance granted. Name. ,. Annua Oooupation. .jj Annual Rate of Allowance. E,Education Act, 1008; A, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Women —continued. Harrison, Elizabeth M. Harrison, Nellie ... Haughton, Sophia B. J. Helyer, Elizabeth Henderson, Christina K. ... Henderson, Jessie Henderson, Margaret, Mrs.* Heney, Annie, Mrs. Henry, Margaret... Hiatt, Fanny C. ... Hogg, Susan ,,, Hopper, Mary E.... Huie, Marjory S. ... Hutchens, Emmeline Irvine, Lucy M., Mrs. Jackson, Eosabell, Mrs. Jackson, Sarah E. James, Sarah B., Mrs. Johnson, Susan H. Johnson, Margaret, Mrs.* ... Johnston, Tristiana E. N. ... Jordan, Mary E., Mrs. Joyce, Lucy J. Judkins, Anne, Mrs. Keesing, Kate Kells, Isabella F. B. Kemple, Frances M. Kitching, Lucy H. Kitchingman, Eliza Langford, Marg. II., Mrs. ... Latimer, Ella, Mrs. Lawson, Mary K. Leainan, Frances E., Mrs. ... Leigh ton, Lucy J. Lightband, Sarah J., Mrs. ... Lindsay, Jean G., Mrs. Lissaman, Martha H. Litchfield, Mary E., Mrs. ... Little, Caroline E. Little, Edith J. E. Lovatt, Mary, Mrs. McCallum, Maria M.* McCarthy, Mary A. E. Macdonald, Isabella McEwan, Mary ... McGavin, Jessie, Mrs. Mclntosh, Janet ... Mclntyre, Isabella Mackay, Christina F. Mackay, Ida 0., Mrs. McKenzie, Christina Macky, Mary A. F., Mrs. ... McLaren, Mary ... McLauchlan, Mary Marchbanks, Davinia V. Martin, Annie* Matheson, Fanny C. E. Maxwell, Elizabeth L., Mrs. Mellish, Marion A. Menzies, Margaret Metherell, Eosa M. Mills, Jessie G. Mills, Mary W. ... Milne, Eobertina M. M., Mrs. Moller, Louisa A— Morrison, Mary J.* Munro, Isabella* ... £ \ Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 8; „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 9? k< OS „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 15 r Christchurch Girls' High School... ... 12! „ Otago Education Board ... ... 6J „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 5! „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 5i „ „ ... ... o. „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 6( „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 16( „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 8( „ Otago Education Board ... ... 5( „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 10f „ Native school ... ... ... ... 5' ,, Wellington Education Board ... ... 13; Manager, Industrial School ... ... ... 12( Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 9S „ Native school... ... ... ... 5' Janitor, Auckland University College ... ... 11 Teacher, Wellington Education Board ... ... 1(K ins 10 „ Southland Education Board ... ... 91 „ Native school ... ... ... ... 7( „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 8( c< 65 „ Grey Education Board ... ... ... 10; „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 85 „ North Canterbury Education Board ... bi „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 12' „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 55 „ Wellington Technical School ... ... 10( Caretaker, Christchurch Girls' High School ... 55 Teacher, Wellington Education Board ... ... Q r t „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 85 „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 55 „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 51 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 55 „ Otago Education Board ... ... 14( Otago High School ... ... ... 91 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 5( „ Otago Education Board... ... ... 8] „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 9c Wanganui Education Board ... ... 94 „ Otago Education Board ... ... IK „ Native school ... ... ... ... 55 „ Otago Education Board ... ... 8( „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 9C £ s. 83 1 94 5 52 0 157 19 123 17 63 12 52 0 52 0 52 0 66 2 160 0 80 18 56 19 108 15 52 0 131 2 120 15 99 19 52 0 17 16 109 10 108 1 93 13 70 2 86 2 62 13 103 13 82 13 52 0 125 4 52 0 100 0 52 0 87 16 82 19 52 0 52 0 52 0 146 7 95 2 50 19 81 0 93 10 94 19 110 7 52 0 80 1 90 8 52 0 52 0 108 11 95 19 83 5 104 12 94 10 133 13 143 15 101 4 87 16 ' 101 7 52 0 57 16 97 0 28 12 52 0 104 1 202 11 A A E A A A E E E A AA A A E A E A E U A A A A A A A A E A E A E A A E E E A A A A A A A E A A E E A A A A A A A A A A E A A A E A A 55 „ Westland Education Board ... ... 55 „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 10f „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 9t „ Otago Education Board ... ... 8c „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 104 94 „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 13c „ Hawke's Bav Education Board ... ... 14c „ Otago Education Board ... ... 101 „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 87 „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 101 55 „ Otago Education Board ... ... 57 97 „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 26 „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 52 „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 104 „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 202 • Allows nices granted during the period from 1st January to 31st December, 1918.



(i.) Allowances granted to Contributors (ordinary retirement) —continued.

Name. Act under which Allowance granted Oocupation. Annual Rate of Allowance. nnual Rate o Allowanoe. of E, Education Act, A, Superannuation Amendment Act' 1908; U, Superannuation Amendnienf Act, 1912. Women —continued. Murrish, Charlotte Nicholson, Maud ... Nixon, Elizabeth A. Page, Margaret ... Pascoe, Ada Paterson, Jane Peake, Sarah N. ... Pearson, Agnes A. ... Pearson, Mia O. ... Petrie, Flora G.* ... Phillips, Leonora M. Phillips, Mary, Mrs. Plummer, Mary, Mrs. Quinn, Elizabeth C. Quinton, Ellen H. Ban well, Annie P.* Eoberts, Georgina Eoberts, Mary A.... Eobertson, Blanche, Mrs. ... Rooney, Christina Rosie, Wilhelmina J. Eothenberg, Hannah Rowley, Elizabeth M. Eyder, Maud H. ... Eyan, Arabella C. Satchell, Edith E. Sauill, Harriet* ... Saunders, Ann* ... Sayers, Mary A., Mrs. Scale, Charlotte F., Mrs. ... Sinclair, Elizabeth Smart, Marion, Mrs. Smith, Isabel Snodgrass, Margaret T., Mrs. Sotheran, Jane Spence, Mary L. ... Stephens, Mary M. Stevens, Dora S. ... Stevens, Emma M. Stewart, Helen T., Mrs. ... Stewart, Jessie Stoddart, Frances Strachan, Mary A. Stuart-Forbes, Emma L. ... Taylor, Elizabeth Taylor, Mary Thompson, Mary A. E. Thomson, Annie ... Tosswill, Ellen M., Mrs. ... Tregear, Mary C. ... Tregoning, Mary... Truscott, Kate, Mrs. Tulley, Catherine M. Turnbull, Elizabeth* Turnbull, Isabella Ussher, Martha J. Wakelin, Ellen A. Walker, Mary M. Wallace, Eliza G. Watt, Margaret, Mrs. Webb, Frances E., Mrs. Whibley, Agnes E., Mrs.* .. Wilding, Mary, Mrs. Wilkinson, Catherine, Mrs. Williams, Alice L. Williams, Mary ... Williams, Mary A., Mrs. ... Willis, Effie, Mrs. Teacher, Auckland Education Board it u • • • • • * n a • • • „ Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Marlborough Education Board „ South Canterbury Education Board „ Canterbury Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ South Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board it ii • • • • • • it a •' • ''' „ Nelson Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Canterbury Education Board Clerk, Nelson Education Board ... Teacher, Otago Education Board a it • • • „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Wellington Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Nelson College „ Canterbury Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board Visiting Officer, Education Department Teacher, Auckland Education Board „ Hawke!s Bay Education Board ... Southland Education Board „ Grey Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board it a • • • „ Otago Education Board „ South Canterbury Education Board „ Industrial school ... ... ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... i „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Canterbury Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board ...I „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ...', „ Otago Education Board Wellington Education Board ... ... Cookery Instructress, Wellington Education Board ... Teacher, Otago Education Board „ Auckland Grammar School „ Otago Education Board „ Nelson Education Board „ Wellington Education Board .. ... „ Native school ... „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... „ Taranaki Education Board „ Wellington Education Board .... ... „ „ North Canterbury Education Board £ s. 62 12 81 10 88 1 101 6 87 19 52 0 52 0 73 3 36 18 133 12 89 8 52 0 52 0 90 17 98 0 125 17 86 0 52 0 76 4 52 0 117 4 87 3 58 7 96 1 103 12 52 0 117 11 52 0 52 0 118 6 92 15 97 8 88 2 32 6 76 12 76 0 82 9 52 0 86 12 16 15 52 0 52 0 120 8 100 16 93 11 52 0 97 18 95 17 88 6 52 0 78 4 81 15 86 8 101 5 89 7 99 5 52 0 69 19 135 5 67 11 67 16 52 0 10 7 76 2 80 10 104 13 53 9 92 12 [ [ A A A A A E E A A A A E E A A A A E A E A A A A A E A E E A A A A A A A A E A E E E A A A E A A A E A A A A A A E A A A A E A A A A A A *AlIor ances granted during the period from 1st January to 31st December, 1918.



(i.) Allowances granted to Contributors (ordinary retirement) —continued.

(ii.) Allowances granted to Contributors under extended Provisions of Act.

Name. Occupation. Annual Rate of Allowance. Act under which AUowanoe granted. E. Education Act, 1908; A, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1!U2. Women —continued, 'ilson, Mary E., Mrs. imperis, Frances M. 'oodford, Kate S. oodward, Laura raytt, Christina, Mrs. right, Jessie K., Mrs. right, Lydia Teacher, Southland -Education Board „ Otago Girls' High School „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board £ s. 92 8 52 0 73 14 52 0 52 0 88 8 126 8 A E A E E A A Total (223 women) 18,068 5 Grand total (336) 30,483 16

Namo. Occupation. Act under which Allowance granted. Annual Rate of E Education Act, 1908; . 1, _„ A, Superannuation Allowance). Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Men. Aldrcd, Frederick S. .. Teacher, Otago Education Board Allard, Charles .. .. Treasurer, North Canterbury Education Board Anderson, Andrew.. .. Teacher, Wellington Education Board Blaokett, George .. .. „ Auckland Education Board Bolton, Edwin C. .. .. „ Hawke's Bay Education Board Booth, Frederick .. .. „ Auckland Education Board BoHwell, Edwin B. B. .. „ Nelson Education Board Brown, Frederick D. .. Professor, Auckland University College Bryant, James T. .. .. Teacher, Otago Education Board Bull, John G. H. .. .. „ Hawke's Bay Education Board Burlinson, George M.* .. Manager, Boys' Training Farm, Education Department Burns, Trevethan .. .. Teacher, North Canterbury Education Board Carrington, George W. .. ,, Otago Education Board Clemance, Philip H. .. ,, Native school Edridge, Edward .. .. ,, Nelson Education Board Evans, Albert H. .. .. „ Wanganui Education Board Fisher, John .. .. „ Auckland Education Board Gates, Thomas A. .. .. „ North Canterbury Education Board Gifford, Arthur John .. ,, Nelson Education Board Gill, Thomas H. .. Inspector of Secondary Schools Goulding, Richard T. .. Teacher, Hawko's Bay Education Board Gray, John A. .. .. ,, Otago Education Board Greaves, Joseph .. .. ,, South Canterbury Education Board Green, William .. .. ,, Auckland Education Board Grierson, James .. .. | Inspector, ,, Hankin, Frederick S. M. .. Teacher, Wanganui Education Board Hanna, John .. .. Physical Instructor, Otago Education Board and Otago High School Board Harbidge, James .. .. Teacher, North Canterbury Education Board Harre, John .. .. ,, Wanganui Education Board Hendry, James .. .. Inspector, Southland Education Board Hoddinott, Frederick W.* .. Teacher, Southland Education Board Hogben, George .. .. Director of Education Holmes, Robert B. .. Teacher, Hawke's Bay Education Board Hughes, Thomas .. .. Inspector, North Canterbury Education Board Humphreys, Joseph W. .. Teacher, Marlborough Education Board Jeffery, James .. .. ,, Otago Education Board Jones, David W. .. .. ,, Auckland Education Board Kelly, John T. .. .. ,, Otago Education Board Law, Henry .. .. ,, Native school Lawrence, Basil K. S. .. ,, Christchurch Boys' High School Lee, Clement W. .. .. ,, Wellington Education Board Macandrew, Colin .. .. Secretary, Otago High School McFarlane, Henry .. .. Teacher, Wellington Education Board Menzies, John .. .. „ South Canterbury Education Board £ s. 204 5 192 7 118 1 112 1 72 3 106 5 117 19 194 3 115 17 164 16 140 3 140 2 125 18 78 2 106 18 97 17 131 16 147 16 130 13 211 12 118 0 111 14 106 0 104 19 174 5 127 3 165 4 A A A A A A A U, A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 98 18 106 4 308 17 104 7 459 14 144 0 214 1 98 2 148 14 101 15 122 16 92 11 212 11 129 5 82 5 79 18 107 10 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ♦ Allcr 'ances granted during the period from 1st January to 31st Deoember, 1918.



(ii.) Allowances granted to Contributors under extended Provisions of Act —continued.

(iii.) Allowances granted to Contributors medically unfit for Further Duty.

Act under which Allowance granted, Name. Occupation. Annual Rate of Allowance. E, Education Act,l?08 A, Superannuation Amendment Act 1908; U, Superaunu ation Amendment Act, 1912. Men —continued. Millar, William .. .. Teacher, Southland Education Board Monteath, Thomas .. „ „ ... Morgan, Richard .. .. „ Taranaki Education Board Neill, John .. .. Secretary, Southland Education Board and Southland High School Officer, John .. .. Teacher, Southland Education Board Patrick, John H. .. .. „ Otago Education Board Peart, Frederick B, .. „ Nelson Education Board Petrie, Donald .. .. Inspector, Auckland Education Board Pridham, Ernest .. .. Teacher, New Plymouth High School Reid, George B. .. ,, Auckland Education Board Simmers, George A. .. ,, Dannevirke High School Smith, John A. .. .. Inspector, Hawke's Bay Education Board Stewart, Ralph D... .. ,, Auckland Education Board Thomas, Algernon P. W. .. Professor, Auckland University College Tomlinson, Thomas E. .. Teacher, South Canterbury Education Board Turkington, Samuel .. Teacher, Taranaki Education Board Twose, Richard J. H.* .. „ Canterbury Education Board Watson, Clement .. .. ,, Wellington Education Board Watson, John .. .. North Canterbury Education Board Wild, Herbert A. .. .. ,, Southland Education Board Williamson, Alexander W. .. „ Wellington Education Board Williamson, John . . .. ,, Otago Education Board Worley, William F. .. „ Nelson Education Board. Young, Andrew .. .. ,, Southland Education Board £ 8. 104 17 99 6 62 1 310 2 116 15 122 14 134 8 325 17 201 15 102 11 210 9 222 16 213 17 189 6 68 7 98 4 181 0 229 18 118 19 80 10 127 4 94 14 146 7 146 2 A A A A A A A A A A A A A U, A A A A A A A A A A A Total (68 men) 9,935 6 Women. Coleman, Annie E., Mrs. .. Teacher, Nelson Education Board Hanna, Sarah F., Mrs. .. ,, Wanganui Education Board Pettit, Barbara M., Mrs. .. ,, Nelson Education Board 31 0 93 12 66 15 A A A Total (3 women) 191 7 Grand total (71) 10,126 13 * Allowances granted during the period from 1st January to 31st Deceml ier, 1918.

Act under which Allowance granted. Name. Occupation. Annual Kate of Allowance. B, Education Act, 190fi A, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Men. Baragwanath, John Browne, Montague H.* ... Burnard, John D. Bussell, Henry ... Charles, Bobert Clark, George B. Cooper, Charles Dalby, John S. ... Darby, Edward J.* Downey, Michael Draffin, William H. Elmsly, Frederick Feist, Adolph M. Goodeve, Henry E. Grant, Henry A. Hames, Luther Harrison, Thomas C. Hawkes, Eichard N. N. ... Hockin, Harry Teacher, South Canterbury Education Board Inspector, Technical Education, Education Department Teacher, Otago Education Board ... „ North Canterbury Education Board // it • ■ • „ Otago Education Board ... „ Auckland Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Native school „ Auckland Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ South Canterbury Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ South Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board & s. 52 0 267 7 80 11 52 0 48 8 122 13 114 5 52 0 106 2 52 0 135 2 113 6 98 2 110 3 124 10 122 11 52 0 52 0 184 9 E A A B A A A E A E A A A A A A E E A • Allowances granted during the period from 1st January to 31st December, 1918.



(iii.) Allowances granted to Contributors medically unfit for Further Duty —continued.

Name. Occupation. Annual Rato of Allowance. Act under which Allowance granted. E, Education Act, 1908; A, Superannuation Amendment Act, 11)08; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Mew—continued. Honore, Jacob Kennedy, John S. :,! Kerr, Charles K. Kysh, Frederick W Lorking, Walter H. Lowe, Francis E. McClure, William D. McDonald, William Marr, Thomas M. Mason, Herbert Matheson, Dugald May, Thomas L. Mayo, Egbert J. Mehaffey, John Perry, Arthur M. !|! Petrie, George ... Pilkington, John J. Quartermain, George Bice, John H. ... Scott, Edward A. Smith, Edward... Waygood, James E. White, George H. Wilkinson, Henry B. Wilson, Tom Wykes, Frederick B. Teacher, Wanganui Education Board „ Canterbury Education Board „ Otago Education Board ... „ Auckland Education Board it it it a „ Hawke's Bay Education Board „ Otago Education Board ... „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Wellington Boys' College... „ Auckland Education Board „ Nelson Education Board ... „ Southland Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Canterbury Education Board „ Taranaki Education Board Inspector, Grey Education Board ... Teacher, North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board North Canterbury Education Board „ Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Native school £ s. 115 9 144 13 97 15 134 17 52 0 145 9 90 9 224 5 52 0 75 3 95 7 116 6 114 14 113 9 128 7 139 11 111 17 123 1 92 2 221 9 52 0 109 17 129 12 132 1 168 8 81 1 A A A A E A A A E A A A A A A A A A A A B A A A A A Women. Alexander, Elizabeth M. Angove, Hilda A. Armstrong, Christina M. Austin, Christina, Mrs. ... Black, Hilda ... Bland, Eliza J., Mrs. Boulcott, Henrietta Brigden, Sarah E., Mrs. ... Chapman, Lucy Charles, Mary Jane Cromb, Grace C, Mrs. ... Dempsey, Hectorine E.* Dillon, Violet E., Mrs. ... Ecclesfield, Isabel Evans, Fanny ... j Gilbert, Elizabeth A. J., Mrs. Grant, Elsie D. Hamilton, Janet A. Hill, Charlotte J. Jackson, Mary B. Kelly, Elizabeth Lavery, Mary S. Lea, Mary E. ... Levert, Minnie L. McKay, Elizabeth McKenzie, Ida B. McKeown, Emily M. McLean, Elizabeth Paul, Susan B.... Peat, Janet H.... Bay, Josephine... Beed, Amelia D. Scott, Elizabeth A. Stewart, Agnes G. Swootman, Isabella, Mrs. Thomson, Ellen Total (45 men) ... 5,000 11 A A A A A E E B E A A A A A A A Teacher, Nelson Education Board ... „ Auckland Education Board „ Canterbury Education Board „ Grey Education Board „ Nelson Education Board ... „ Wellington Education Board 70 0 57 7 60 8 77 0 40 17 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 39 18 60 10 55 14 70 15 63 12 109 5 35 14 „ Otago High School Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Taranaki Education Board it a '" „ Marlborough Education Board „ Wellington Girls' College ... Wellington Education Board „ Wanganui Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Native school „ Otago Education Board ... „ South Canterbury Education Board „ Wellington Education Board South Canterbury Education Board „ Otago Education Board ... „ Wanganui Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Wanganui Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board Grey Education'Board „ Wanganui Education Board 85 19 45 17 52 0 65 2 86 6 27 3 52 0 56 17 52 0 54 5 26 5 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 94 18 67 12 92 0 36 7 72 17 A A E A A A E A E A A E E E i<; A A A A A Total (36 women) 2,124 8 Grand total (81) 7,124 19 *A11< iwances 'ranted durini the period from 1st January to 31st December, 1918.



(iv.) Allowances granted to Widows of Deceased Contributors and Annuitants.

3—B. 9.

Widows. Oooupatiou of Deceased Contributor. Annual Rate of Allowance. Act under which Allowance granted. E, Education Act, 1908; A, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Algie, Alice V. E., Mrs. Amoore, Harriett M., Mrs... Appleby, Hannah, Mrs. Baillie, Anne W., Mrs.* ... Bannerman, Marg., Mrs. ... Barnefct, Laura, Mrs. Bedford, Ellen, Mrs.* Bedford, Fanny B., Mrs. ... Bennett, Mary E., Mrs. Berry, Alice M., Mrs. Bowler, Alice, Mrs. Bramley, Charlotte, Mrs. ... Brennand, Eleanor W., Mrs.* Broughton, Esther, Mrs. ... Brownlee, Lilian G., Mrs. ... Burns, Euby M., Mrs. Butcher, Elizabeth M., Mrs. Campbell, Catherine, Mrs J Clark, Martha, Mrs.* Closs, Jane, Mrs Comerford, Sarah J., Mrs.* Cooke, Alice, Mrs.* Corbet, Hughina M., Mrs.* Curry, Mabel, Mrs.* Danaher, Mary, Mrs. Dawson, Annie, Mrs. Duncan, Jane, Mrs. Duthie, Grace, Mrs. Evans., Margaret A. T., Mrs. Paiinin, Martha, Mrs. Foster, Prances, Mrs. Gilbert, Annie, Mrs.* Gillmau, Emma, Mrs. Glanville, Theresa, Mrs. Gloy, Margaret, Mrs. Goodwin, Zillah, Mrs. Goulding, Vera F,, Mrs. ... Gow, Annie, Mrs. Grant, Annie E., Mrs. Greenwood, Margaret, Mrs. Harding, Agnes R., Mrs.* ... Hardy, Katherine M., Mrs. Hoaley, Constance E., Mrs.* Hogwood, Margaret S. M., Mrs.* Hogwood, Mary E. A., Mrs. Hutton, Helen B., Mrs. Jenkins, Juliet R., Mrs.* ... Johns, Caroline M., Mrs. ... Johnston, Margaret, Mrs. ... Judkins, Anne, Mrs. Kerr, Catherine S., Mrs. Ladley, Ada, Mrs. Lea, Mary B., Mrs. Lee, Rosina E., Mrs. Lindsay, Lillias, Mrs. Look, Bertha E., Mrs. Lyttle, Catherine E., Mrs.* Maber, Grace M., Mrs. Macan, Agnes, Mrs. Macbeth, Helen G., Mrs. .. McChesney, Ethel M., Mrs.* Teacher, Auckland Education Board „ Taranaki Education Board „ Otago Education Board ... Instructor, Southland Technical School ... Teacher, Otago Education Board Professor, Otago University Teacher, Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Grammar School „ Native «chool ... „ Marlborough Education Board Inspector, Education Department j Teacher, Taranaki Education Board // rr ' • ' • • • „ Southland Education Board . „ Otago Education Board „ Native school ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ South Canterbury Education Board „ Wanganui Education Board „ Native school ... „ Wanganui Education Board „ Southland Education Board ... ... „ Native school ... ... ... .... „ Taranaki Education Board ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ South Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board £ s. 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 j 18 0 5 4 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 2 E A E A U E E E A E A E A A E A E E A A A A E E E E A A A A E A E E A A E E A E A A „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... Inspector, Auckland Education Board Teacher, Marlborough High School „ Taranaki Education Board ... ' ... if it • • • • ■ • „ Native school ... „ Wellington Education Board Teacher, Wellington Education Board Instructor, Otago Education Board Teacher, Auckland Education Board Principal, School of Art, Otago ... .... Teacher, Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board Caretaker, Auckland University College ... Teacher, Native school ... „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Marlborough Education Board ... „ Southland Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Southland -Education Board Clerk, North Canterbury Education Board Teacher, Auckland Education Board 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 A A A A A A E A A A E E E E A E A * Allows moes granted during tho period from 1st January to 31st Decembi ir, 1918.



(iv.) Allowances granted to Widows of Deceased Contributors and Annuitants —continued.

Widows. Occupation of Deceased Contributor. All Act under which Allowance granted. Aiiiuiul T?ot« nf H, Education Act, 1908; Ail A- Superannuation Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. ] McClelland, Elizabeth J., Mrs. McCullough, Kate, Mrs. Mclntosh, Emily, Mrs. McKinnon, Grace, Mrs. Macky, Ethel J., Mrs. Marsden, Vera, Mrs. McLennan, Edith E., Mrs. Marshall, Louisa J., Mrs. ... Mason, Margaret H. R., Mrs. Mehaffey, Violet A., Mrs. ... Miller, Ellen M., Mrs. Miller, Margaret A., Mrs. ... Moore, Phcebe J., Mrs. Morgan, Gertrude, Mrs. Nioholls, Rose A. M., Mrs. O'Connor, Jean T., Mrs.* ... Opie, Bertha E., Mrs.* Osborn, Ethel, Mrs. Peterson, Elizabeth S., Mrs. Pole, Alice, Mrs. Potts, Rosamond, Mrs. Rice, Emily, Mrs. Robbie, Edith E., Mrs. Rockel, Annie L., Mrs. Salmond, Jane, Mrs. Selby, Emma, Mrs. Shand, Annie, Mrs. Small, Elizabeth, Mrs. Smith, Mary A., Mrs. Somerville, Fannie, Mrs. ... Stewart, Frances, Mrs. Talbot, Olivia A., Mrs. Taylor, Margaret, Mrs. Tegner, Clara, Mrs. Templer, Amelia A. M. A., Mrs. Thomas, Mary E., Mrs. ... Thompson, Annie E., Mrs. Thompson, Fanny E., Mrs." Tobin, Laura, Mrs. Trevithick, Annie L., Mrs.... Turner, Ann, Mrs. Turner, Gertrude K., Mrs... Vereker-Bindon, Lila, Mrs. Vos, Lavinia, Mrs. Wade, Mary, Mrs." Walter, Rosa A., Mrs. Watt, Elizabeth, Mrs. Wood, Jessie, Mrs. Woodham, Louisa, Mrs.* ... £ Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 18 [ £ s. 18 0 E „ Otago High School Board ... ... 18 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 Southland High School Board ... ... 18 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 18 „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 18 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 18 „ Southland Education Board ... ... .18 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 1 U 18 „ Otago Education Board ... ... 18 „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 18 „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 18 i a 18 1 O 18 „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 18 „ Southland Education Board ... ... 18 „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 18 „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 18 Secretary, Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 Teacher, Wanganui Education Board ... ... 18 1 Q 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 B 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 - E 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 E 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 E 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 E 18 0 E 18 0 E 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 E 18 0 U 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 E 18 0 E 18 0 A 18 Professor, Otago University ... ... ... 18 Teacher, Southland Education Board ... ... 18 Professor, Otago University ... ... ... 18 Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 „ Chrisfcchurch Boys' High School... ... 18 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 18 „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 18 „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 18 „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 18 „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 18 18 „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 18 „ Native school ... ... ... ... 18 -1 r> 18 „ Auckland Grammar School Board ... 18 „ Otago Education Board ... ... 18 „ Auckland Grammar School Board ... 18 „ Wanganui Education Board ... 18 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 „ Otago Education Board... ... ... .18 „ Native school ... ... ... ... 18 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 18 „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 18 „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 18 / 1 O 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 E 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 E 18 0 E 18 0 A 18 0 A 1 7 19 I E Young, Mary A., Mrs. / 1 Q „ Otago Education Board ... ... | • Allov Total (111) ... ... ... 2,011 2,011 3 'ances granted during the period from 1st January to 31st Deoember, 1918.


(v.) Allowances granted to Children of Deceased Contributors and Annuitants.


Name. Occupation of Deceased Contributor. ° f Act under wbioh Allowance granted. B, Education Act, 1908; A, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Boys. Algie, Donald C. ... Appleby, Graham B. Appleby, Baymond L. C. ... Bedford, Lloyd G.* Bedford, John D.* Brownlee, John K. Burns, Hector S. ... Burns, Boss S. Clark, John K.'H.* Clark, William J. H.Crowe, Neville IS,* Curry, Boy G. :|! Dale, John H. Evans, Colin M. ... Evans, Jack Gilbert, Daniel A.* Goulding, Mervin B. Gow, Donald H. A. Greenwood, Milton G. Harding, Frank J.* Jackson, Eohan ... Keane, Guthbert P.* Keane, Verdun J.* Kelly, Felix P. ... Kelly, Gerald P. ... MeChesney, Eobert I.* McGregor, Eobert A,* McKinnon, Hugh L. McKinnon, John C. McLennan, Ian ... Malcolm, Eobert J.* Malcolm, John A. M.* Newick, Clifford W. H.* ... Opie, Charles M.* Paul, Eric H. Eobertson, Noel A.* Eobertson, Douglas B.* Eockel, Alex. A. ... Smith, Edward H. Stewart, Eodger 0.* Stewart, Stanley G.* Thomas, Norman H.* Thompson, Garnett G.* Turner, Eric H. K. Turner, Geoffrey E. Wade, Eobert H.* Watson, John A. Williamson, Jack Williamson, Leslie Williamson, Eonald £, Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 13 „ Otago Education Board ... ... 13 13 Professor, Otago University ... ... ... 13 13 Teacher, Marlborough Education Board ... ... 13 Inspector, Education Department ... ... 13 13 Teacher, Southland Education Board ... ... 13 13 Secretary, Auckland Education Board ... ... 13 Teacher, Wanganui Education Board ... ... 13 „ Native school ... ... ... ... 13 „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 13 13 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 13 „ Marlborough High School ... ... 13 „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 13 „ Native school ... ... ... ... 13 „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 13 Christchurch Boys' High School ... 13 „ Hawke's Bay Education Board .... ... 13 13 „ Education Department ... ... ... 13 13 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 13 „ Otago Education Board... ... ... 13 Southland High School Board ... ... 13 13 „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 13 Wellington Education Board ... ... 13 13 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 13 „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 13 „ Native school ... ... ... ... 13 „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 13 „ Wanganui Technical School ... ... 13 „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 13 „ Christchurch Boys' High School... ... 13 Inspector, Education Department ... ... 13 13 Teacher, Native school... ... ... ... 13 13 „ Auckland Grammar School ... 13 13 „ Otago Education Board ... ... 13 „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 13 „ Otago Education Board ... ... 13 u ii ... ... 13 13 £ 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 A E E U U A A A E E A A A A A A A A E A A A A A A A A E E A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Girls. Barnett, Kate J. ... Barry, Moira N.*... Bastings, Ida 0. ... Beattie, Eleanor ... Beattie, Janet 0. F. G. C. ... Bedford, Ella* ... Bedford, Margaret H.* Brennand, Gwendolyn M.* Brown, Tamar E. C* Brownlee, Gwendolen A. ... Total (50 boys) ... ... 650 Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 13 „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 13 „ Otago Education Board ... ... 13 „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 13 13 Professor, Otago University ... ... ... 13 13 Teacher, Auckland Grammar School ... ... 13 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 13 „ Marlborough Education Board ... ... 13 650 13 13 18 18 18 13 13 18 13 13 A A A A A U U A A A * Allo\ wanoes granted during the period from 1st January to 31st December, 1918. ranoes granted during the period from 1st January to 31st Decei iber, 1918.



(v.) Allowances granted to Children of Deceased Contributors and Annuitants —continued.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (i,S7scopios), £30.

By Authority : Marcus F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington. —1919.

Price, 9d.

Name. Occupation of Deceased Contributor. Act under which Allowance granted. Annual Rahi n< B.EducationAct, 1908; Annual Kate of A _ Supel . annuation ' Allowance . Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Girls —continued. Burns, Marie K. ... Burnside, Helen M. Clark, Agnes M. H. ;:; Glarkson, Mary L. Curry, Joan* Gilbert, Kathleen A.* Goulding, Vera J. S. Goulding, Jeanne H. Hutchinson, Kathleen M. B. Keane, Patricia M,* Kelly, Mairin M. Lea, Bna C. McChesney, Millicent E. :|: ... McChesney, Stella D.* McCullough, Frieda M. McLennan, Jean ... Macky, Marjorie E. Mehaffey, Mary E. M. Miller, Elizabeth A. Miller, Margaret 0. Opie, Florence L. 5,! Opie, Betty W. !]: ... Opie, Margaret 0. V.* Osborn, Mavis E.... Paul, Euth Peacock, Winsome F. Eobertson, May I. !|: Bockel, Iris M. Rohan, Marjorie D.* Sigley, Hazel M. ... Sigley, Ethel G. ... Stewart, Alwyn E.* Talbot, Mary L. ... Thomas, Elsie E.* Thomas, Olive M. Vereker-Bindon, Enid B. ... Walsh, Evalyn F. Warren, Eva E. ... Watson, Margaret A. rli lai ,1 , ft >ai Iva , "\ ,3 ioi: •at aii tC iey <'•>' ig] bH| via 'I I liz hit ire tty ■rg M ; th \\ a, cis la az bb Al leu El 01 Bii ivi M s —continued. ,rie K. ... Helen M. ies M. H.* Mary L. .n* athleen A.* Vera J. S. Jeanne H. n, Kathleen L tricia M,* irin M. 0. y, Millicent E y, Stella D.* ;h, Frieda M. , Jean ... irjorie E. Mary E. M. zabeth A. irgaret 0. ance L.' l! yW.* ... *aret 0. V. ,; avis E.... L Vinsome F. May I.* sM. ... irjorie D. ,|: zel M. ... ielG. ... lwyn E.* iry L. ... ilsie E.* •live M. ndon, Enid E alyn F. va E. ... largaret A. M. B. 3.* ... 3. '.'.'. Inspector, Education Department a it •** Teacher, Southland Education Board „ Wanganui Education Board Auckland Education Board „ Marlborough High School Southland Education Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Education Department ... „ Southland Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Otago High School Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Auckland Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Auckland Education Board */ if • . • „ Canterbury Education Board » a •. • V II „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Native school ... „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Wanganui Education Board „ Auckland Grammar School „ Native school ... // v • • • • • • • • • Inspector, Education Department Teacher, Canterbury Education Board „ Native School... „ Taranaki Education Board „ Wanganui Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... i 13 A 13 A 13 E 13 E 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 E 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 E 13 E 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 A 18 A 13 E 13 E 13 A 13 : A 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 E 13 A 13 A Total (49 girls)... 637 637 Grand total (99) ... .1,287 1,287 • Alley Jioes granted during the period from 1st January to 31st Deoembi >r, 1918.

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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. [In continuation of E.-9, 1918.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1919 Session I, E-09

Word Count

EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. [In continuation of E.-9, 1918.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1919 Session I, E-09

EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. [In continuation of E.-9, 1918.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1919 Session I, E-09

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