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B.—l [Pt. ll]



B.—l [Pt. ll].

CONTE N T S. PAOB, AUDITOR-GENERAL'S REPORT .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 GENERAL BALANCE-SHEET :— Cash Accounts .. .. .. .. . . . . . ~ .. 9 Summary of Balances .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. II Accounts relating to the Public Debt .. .. . . .. .. ..12 DETAIL STATEMENT OF REVENUE:— Ordinary and Territorial REVENUE.. .. .. . . .. . .17 Miscellaneous Ordinary Revenue .. .. .. .. .. . .. . 18 DISBURSEMENTS IN RESPECT OF INTEREST AND SINKING FUND .. . . .20 DISBURSEMENTS UNDER SPECIAL ACTS .. .. .. .. . . .33 IMPRESTS OP THE CONSOLIDATED FUND OUTSTANDING .. . . . .37 LOCAL BODIES' ACCOUNTS:— Revenue from Fees, Fines, etc. .. ~. .. .. .. .. .. . 38 Endowments of Land .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .39 Golditelds Revenue .. .. .. .. .. .. ..'■'.. . 39 Gold Duty .. .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . 40 Counties Separate Account .. .. .. .. , . .. . .. . 40 Advance Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . 41 DEPOSIT ACCO UNTS :— Balance-sheet .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .42 Education Reserves Amendment Act, 1914 .. .. .. .. .. . .43 Land Act, 1908, Mining Districts Land Occupation Deposit Account.. .. . . 43 Receipts and Disbursements under the Trustee Act, 1908 .. .. .. . .44 IMPRESTS OF THE PUBLIC WORKS FUND OUTSTANDING! .. .. .. .. .40 SINKING FUNDS:— Receipts and Disbursements of the Sinking Funds ~ .. . . ... . . . 4(1 Sinking Funds accrued .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .47 TABLE OF THE PUBLIC DEBT ON THE 31st MARCH, 1919 .. .. .. . . 48



B.—l [Pt. II!.


REPORT OF THE CONTROLLER AND AUDITOR - GENERAL AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 84, SUBSECTION (2), OF THE PUBLIC REVENUES ACT, 1910. I have the tumour to transmit to Parliament the statement of the revenue and expenditure of the Public Account for the financial year ended 31st March, 1919, and to report as follows : Accounts. The Treasury statement has been compared with the various relative hooks and documents and found to be in accordance therewith : and the returns enumerated immediately hereunder, disclosing tin' operations of the various public accounts for the financial year under review, have also been duly audited, certified to, and submitted to Parliament, as the law directs : - Abstraot of the Public Account. Civil List Account. Appropriation Account. Unauthorized Expenditure Account. Accounts outside Public Account. As required by section 86 of the Public Revenues Act, 1910, the several accounts as named below have been examined and certified to. and will be laid before Parliament by the respective Departments concerned : Post Office Account. State Advances, Government Insurance. State Coal. Public Trust. Superannuation Funds. State Fire Insurance. National Provident Fund. Imperfect Vouchees. In order to comply with the requirements of section 69 of the Public Revenues Act, 1910, the Minister of Finance gave authority which enabled the Audit Office to pass certain claims without production of supporting vouchers in the following circumstances : (I) That receipts were not obtained ; (2) that it was not possible to obtain them ; (3) that they were lost and could not be replaced. The claims referred to total £13,479 16s. lid. and are detailed in a schedule attached hereto. Particulars are also given in a schedule attached of vouchers produoed for payment, which were defective for want of a. certificate or other document which ought to have accompanied them, but were passed by the Audit Office under section 70 of the Public Revenues Act, 1910. War Expenditure. The audit of war expenditure has been continued on the lines narrated in my last report, and with most satisfactory results, and the very large amounts dealt with will be found recorded elsewhere. War Loans. In this very important branch of war activity the Audit Department bore its full share of the extra work and responsibility involved in checking the lodgments, issuing the bonds, and verifying the entries in the stock ledgers. Up to 31st March. 1919, a total sum of £68,460,040 was raised for war purposes, involving the issue of more than 68,000 bonds and the checking of many thousands of entries in the stock ledger. War Pensions. An ever-increasing number of vouchers for war pensions has had to be dealt with monthly. At the end of the financial year there were 27,127 pensioners, and the total payment of war pensions up to 31st March, 1919, was £1,908,838.

B.—l [Pt. ll|.


Imperial Government Supplies Department. As is well known, the operations of this Department have been oontinued]by desire of the Imperial Government, and the conditions pertaining to audit are the same as existed last year. The sums involved have been so often published in various directions as to require no repetition by me. Reserve Fund Securities. Owing to emergency conditions resulting from excessive commitments for land in relation to the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, the Audit Office was consulted by Government as to making financial provision till Parliament met, and I was able to suggest certain statutory means of coping with the situation, one of such means being the utilization of £800,000 of Reserve Fund securities created for such or similar purposes, refund, of course, to be made at the first opportunity, so that the same emergency safeguard shall be maintained. The necessary statutory authority to make good the amount has now been obtained. Local Authorities. The comparatively recent amendments in local-body legislation more clearly defining responsibilities, rights, and limitations of local bodies have had a marked effect in improved practice, and also in better understanding with the Audit Office. There, is, however, yet large scope for improvement, and with, the object of aiding in realizing this 1 called together tin- Audit Inspectors of the Dominion for a conference in March last. At this conference various problems of local-body administration and audit were discussed, and suggestions made for solving them, and also for removing sundry anomalies from the respective statutes. The recommendations of the conference were duly placed before the Minister of Internal Affairs (Hon. G. W. Russell), whose general approval they received, he further promising to provide powers to have them put into practice. Stores Audit. Now that the war strain has been eased I am collecting data to enable me to form some definite idea of what staff and corresponding provision will be requisite to enable the audit of Stores Accounts to be effectively dealt with, and I am arranging for a conference of responsible stores officers with myself at an early date, which will, I hope, put me in the position of being able in my next report to Parliament to state that the system is in full working-order. Departmental Accounts. Every effort is now being made to bring the audit of these accounts well in hand, and, as the rapid process of demobilization is setting free from military service a considerable number of experienced members of my staff, 1 have reason to believe the next report may declare all audits well up to date. Staff. My comments of last year on the cheerful and valuable aid given to me by my staff under the abnormal conditions which existed until comparatively recently also hold good for the year now under review, and I take this opportunity of again publicly expressing my thanks to the officers who have so effectively and consistently assisted me through another arduous year. Robert J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General. Audit Office, Wellington, 3rd September, 1919.

B.—l [Pt. ll].


Schedule of Imperfect Vouchers passed by Audit Office under Authority by Section 69, Public Revenues Act, 1916.

I. Receipts not obtained. 2. Impossible to obtain reoeipts. 3. .Receipts lost and could not be replaoed. Particulars. Amount. Total. Name. A t/ri culture, / itfluxlrie*, itint Commerce Department. Dalgety and Co. Maston, A. Murdock. .1. r>. .. Jewell, \V. Rauwai Co-oporative Dairy Company Allen. E. Shirtbliffe, A. .. Clifton, E. Hotel expenses, valuing experimental farm Expenses Cheese Conference Expenses travelling with Board of Trade.. Taxi-hire in America ; gratuities, s.s. " Niagara " Salary, officer with N.Z. Expeditionary Force Sleeping-berth. Standard Footwear Conference £ s. d. I 8 lb 0 -, 1 17 IS I) I 3 16 (i I 2 17 0 I 11 6 0 1 7 18 7 1 I 17 4 1 7 7 3 1 3 7 1 1 I 3 6 £ s. d. lib 0 3 Griffith, J. A. .. Ilanunill. W. J. . . Rhodes, ('. Cooper, E\ l-'i'iivvirk. . Lieut.-I 'oliinel Chisholm, P., Lieutenant Frostiok, .1. A. .. Kirkcaldic nnd Stains Chisholm, P., Lieutenant .. Ryan, W. ('. (iillies, A. W. .. Ullathorne. Hartridge, and Co. Lawry, R. A. R., Lieutenant UUathorne, Hartridge, and Co. Savage, B, F. ('. Boyd. Dr. J. R. .. Wemyss and Co. Ullatnorne, Hartridge, and Co. India Office (per Bank of England).. Ullathorne, Hartridge, and Co. Court, 8. W. Bcale, J. B., Captain Keir, J., and Co. MoLaughlin, W.. Corpora) May, H., Lanoe-Corporal Cunningham, VV. H.. Lieut.-Colonel Willis. I., Sister .. Duggan, J., Lieutenant .. Johnstone, C. Wemyss, R. Myers, 15., Lieut.-Colonel Defence Department. Slotor-hire and sleeping-berth Travelling-expenses, National Efficiency Board Expenses of messenger. London Green - groceries for N.Z. Expeditionary Force Porterage, &c, National Efficiency Board. . Cables re military hospital supplies Vegetables, Convalescent Home. Brighton Travelling-expenses Travelling-expenses; launch-hire Equipment for N.Z. Expeditionary corce. . Refund of amount paid for postage-stamps, Se. Material for N.Z. Expeditionary Force boot re paii-Motor-car conveying epidemic patients Expenses, Sydney, in charge of patients .. Insurance on cotton-duck .. War risk on heel-tips and nails for N.Z. Expeditionary Force equipment Expenses incurred in connection with N.Z. t raiispurf s Insurance for equipment, N.Z. Expeditionary Force Car-hire, Medical Board Taxi-hire Freight Expenses searching for deserters Expenses of piei | net. ('nliin Transport expenses Luggage, London Travelling-expenses Insurance on duck for denims .. Fond supplied to patients travelling Wall i in I )evonport War-risk insurance on cotton-duck Dragging car out of sand Amounts advanced to N.Z. Expeditionary l-'nree Transport in Egypt Allotment warrants Refund of advance for pay of transport crew Allotments and allowances of N.Z. Expeditionary Force sunk pn s.s. " Andania " by \ enemy action Painting and washing on " Mokoin " (receipt lost on s.s. " Andania ") Water for H.M.N.Z. s.s. "Marama." (receipts lost on s.s. " Andania ") Oil for H.M.N.Z. s.s. " Marama " (receipts lost on s.s. " Andania ") Coal for "Ulimaroa " (receipts lost on s.s. " Andania ") Coal for " Maheno " (reoeipts lost on s.s. " Andania ") Clothing order I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I .1 I I I I I 2 2 I 0 18 '.I I 25 13 10 I 0 8 <l I (i 6 6 1 1 13 6 1 5 12 (I 1 I 111 (i I 0 1.5 9 I I 12 6 I 243 •'! 9 I 2 14 (i 1 228 13 I I 15 10 0 I 5 2 0 1 50 15 0 1 42 0 0 I 2,Kill (i I I I 115 IS 7 I (I 7 Ii 1 I 7 ('» I 3 9 o . I 10 0 1 L00 I I 111 4 I 1 I 7 Ii 1 0 10 0 1 3 o 0 2 113 s o 2 I 1 (I 2 63 14 0 2 0 15 0 2 22 3 2 3 22 17 8 3 7 12 I) 3 6 4 o 3 2 0 9 3 26 13 I ,'i 834 13 5 3 126 7 0 3 ill!) 6 3 26 II 6 3 3,460 7 ii 3 452 5 0 3 I io 0 VVcmvss and Co. Jack, J. W. Indian Government 2 2 2 Egyptian Railways Tost Offloe Account, 3 3 3 3 3 ,'! Perry and Sons . . High Commissioner's Imprest Account, 15/1/18 (!asey, J. 3 Bethell, Gwyn, and (!o. 3 Vickers and Sons 3 Mann, George, and Co. 3 3 Controller of Accounts, G.P.O., Wellington 3


8.-l IPt. II

Schedule of Imperfect Vouchers passed by Audit Office, etc. -continued.

Name. Particulars. Ainoimt. Total. Defence Department —continued. Commercial Cable Company .. Cables to Wellington (receipts lost on s.s. 3 " Andania ") Vacuum Oil Company .. .. Kerosene (receipts lost on s.s. " Andania ") 3 Meddings, W. H. .. Advance to troops H.M.N.Z.T. 70 (receipts 3 lost on " Mongolia ") Johnstone, W. .. .. .. Travelling-expenses .. .. .. 3 Corliss, P. S. .. .. . . Salary .. .. .. 3 Tegnor, E. .. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 3 II.M. Board of Trade .. .. Meat for " Ulimaron " .. .. 3 £ s. d. £ s. d 104 4 4 (I I 1 0 857 3 0 13 14 (I 12 13 10 II 17 2 704 17 1.0 10,728 (I 3 Education Department. Pryor, E. A. .. .. . . | Travelling-expenses, dressing, &c. .. I 1 | 1 18 3 ! 118 3 Internal Affairs Department. Maclaurin, J. S. .. .. .. Travelling-expenses, car-hire .. .. 1 Furby, F. W. .. .. . . Travelling-expenses, hotel .. . . 2 Beck, J. A. .. .. .. Salary .. .. .. ..2 Barnes, F. C. .. .. .. I ,, .. .. .. .. 3 Beswick and 21 others .. .. I Superannuation (vouchers lost on s.s. : 3 " Andania ") I ligh Commissioner's Imprest Account Miscellaneous expenditures, for which the ' 3 vouchers were lost on s.s. " Andania " 14 5 II I Itl 0 6 5 10 7 12 I) 353 3 6 1 ,555 8 2 1,938 5 5 Legislative Department. N'gata, A. T., Hon. .. .. Expenses coming to session—buggy .. 1 Fisher, J., Hon. .. .. Motor-hire .'. .. .. ..I Ngata, A. T., Hon. .. .. Coach fare (epidemic adjournment) .. I 7 10 0 II 18 0 !) 12 (I 18 (I (I 7 10 0 0 18 0 !) 12 (I Labour Department. Triggs, .1. R. (doceased) . . .. | Salary .. .. .. ..]..) 41 13 4 | 41 13 4 Lands and Deeds Department. Johnston, W. .. .. .. | Excess on luggage .. .. .. | - 1 | 0 8 (> [ II 8 (i Land for Settlements Department. Batty,,!. .. .. .. | Hotel and othor expenses .. ..Ill 3 14 Ii | 3 14 6 Marine and Inspection of Machinery Department. Johnston, S. N. . . .. .. I Travelling-expenses .. .. ...Ill Bollans, J. .. .. .. Motor-car .. .. .. ..12 2 10 0 0 7 0 2 17 6 Mental Hospitals Department. Galloway, J. M. .. .. Motor-hire .. .. .. .. 1 Weeks, T. E. . . .. . . Salary .. .. .. .. 1 Clrilman, R. J. .. .. . . „ , . . .. .. 1 Cascmoro, A. . . .. „ .. .. . . .. 1 Hodgson, R. G., and others .. Salaries . . .. ., .. 3 Gribben, L. H., Lieutenant . . „ .. . . .. .. 3 King, Dr. F. T. .. .. . . Wages . . .. . . .. 3 I 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 6 5 4 2 5 18 1 4 3 I 145 6 3 26 17 11 6 14 0 4 4 6 5 4 2 5 18 1 4 3 I 145 6 3 26 17 11 6 14 0 198 8 0 Mines Department. Dixon, — . . .. .. Expenses, Coal-miners' Conference .. 1 Dawgray, J. .. .. „ ,, .. 1 Arbucklo, J. .. .. ,, „ .. 1 O'Brien, J. .. .. „ „ .. 1 Bromilau, W. . . .. .. ,, „ . . I Coppersmith, 11. ■ .. .. ,, ,, .. 1 Me Bride, J. . . . . „ „ .. 1 . Hall, W. .. .. .. Wages, J. Fitzpatrick .. .. .. 1 (Jrey Valley Central Committee, Car-hire, occasion coal strike .. .. 1 Runanga Judc, J. .. .. .. Hotel expenses ; drilling demonstration . . I Norcott, T. .. .. . . „ „ .. 1 Smale, F. E. .. .. .. Salary .. .. .. 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 17 0 8 17 0 7 3 6 5 2 6 7 17 0 7 17 0 8 17 0 1 3 3 49 7 (I (i 10 0 16 0 0 5 7 7 7 17 0 8 17 0 7 3 (i 5 2 6 7 17 0 7 17 0 8 17 0 1 :s :s 40 7 (I 1 1 3 (i 10 0 16 0 0 5 7 7 131 18 10 Native Department. Turei, P. .. .. .. | Travelling-expenses, buggy-hiro, &c. .. | 1 4 5 0 | 4 5 0 Public Health Department. Henley, E. A. W. .. . . Travelling-expenses, car-hire .. .. 1 Orr, S. Robertson, Rev. .. .. Amounts paid on account of epidemic .. 1 2 0 0 20 0 0 22 0 6

B.—l TPt. ll].


Schedule of Imperfect Vouchers passed by Audit Office, etc. — continued.

Schedule of Vouchers passed under Section 70 of the Public Revenues Act, 1910 (defective in respect to Certificate or other Particulars).

Name. Particulars. Amount. Total. Public Works Department. Ngata, A. T., Hon. .. . . [ Expenses of furnishing Advisory Commit- | tee, Wellington £ s. d. £ s. d. 3 | 2 2 0 J 2 2 0 Railway Department. Blackball Coal Company (Limited) . . Amount due advances in Egypt Wilkinson, A. G. .. .. (tab-hire Dawson, W. M. .. .. ,. Transfer expenses Barr, John .. .. ..- ! Relieving Pria, F. A. ;. .. 1 ' 284 11 0 1 0 6 6 1 7 10 0 1 0 15 6 1 1 12 6 294 16 0 Stamp Duties Department. Haigh, J. S. B. .. .. .. | Salary .. .. .. 3 | 2 15 7 | 2 15 7 Tourist and Health Resorts Depttrlmeitl. Barr, J. H. .. .. .. Petty cash Cunningham, C. G. .. .. Salary .. .. .. .. j Parmenter, S. (deceased) .. .. „ .. .. .. I Total .. I 2 2 17 0 3 7 10 0 3 12 0 I) 22 7 (I £13,470 16 11

Name. I Particulars. Amount. Total. Defence Department. lidland Railway Company, London Warrants missing, transport, N.Z. Expeditionary Force iale.J.l. B.,|Major[(deoeased) .. Medical examination, N.Z. Expeditionary Force (particulars not available as to ailments) £ s. d. £ s. d. 25 4 11 LOO 17 6 — 126 2 5 Total .. £126 2 5


B.—l TPt. TT



2—B. 1 [Pt. II

Balances on 31st March, 1918. Transactions, 1918-1919. Balances on 31st March, 1919. I I X _ J I I i Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. L J i I i CONSOLIDATED FUND :— £ s. d. £ s. d. Ordinary Revenue Account.. .. .. .. .. .. .. i 11,560,787 12 2 State Forests Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,174 16 10 State Coal-mines Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 113,217 17 9 Scenery Preservation Account .. .. .. .. •■ .. 3,189 16 2 Accounts of Local Bodies .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12,766 0 1 Deposits Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,113,890 11 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 18,673,599 5 7 22.352.372 3 5 .. 15,239,560 10 0 43.205 1 0 44,429 9 8 .. -2,399 5 6 268,699 1 7 275,836 19 9 .. 120,355 15 11 3,588 17 1 832 9 6 .. 433 8 7 57,459 14 3 55,551 11 10 .. 10,857 17 8 37,806,189 10 2 36,759,409 10 6 .. 3,067,110 11 5 PUBLIC WORKS FUND .. .. .. .. .. .. 295,539 17 4 1,207,920 18 5 1,098,579 12 8 186,198 11 7 RAILWAYS IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATION ACT 1914 ACCOUNT .. .. 13,163 6 6 79,375 0 11 70,000 0 0 .. 3,788 5 7 WAIHOU AND OHINEMURI RIVERS IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNT .. j .. 41,281 16 3 j 31,151 10 6 2,680 6 2 .. 12,813 11 11 ELECTRIC SUPPLY ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 36,482 1 6 69,213 13 9 69,419 18 6 .. 36.6S8 6 3 CHEVIOT ESTATE ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 119,842 19 1 LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 81,223 11 0 NATIVE L.AND SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. 43,027 5 9 NATIONAL ENDOWMENT ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 108,824 5 5 8.866 2 6 21,366 10 .. 132,342 17 7 1,085,860 5 3 1,204,899 1 11 .. 200,262 7 8 240,979 3 0 286,529 17 8 .. 88,578 0 5 115,063 8 0 119,078 14 7 .. 112,839 12 0 LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT:— Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account.. .. .. .. 3,597 17 3 59,336 9 1 66,586 9 5 .. 10,847 17 7 CONVERSION ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,737 17 6 HAURAKI PLAINS SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 1,365 2 0 RANGITAIKI LAND DRAINAGE ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 4,269 16 2 502 14 8 .. .. 7,235 2 10 31,250 2 4 | 40,474 4 8 .. 10,589 4 4 29,024 3 4 29,133 9 10 .. 4,379 2 S WORKERS' DWELLINGS ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 64,533 9 10 LOANS REDEMPTION ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 105 11 11 MINING ADVANCES ACCOUNT ..' .. .. .. .. .. 5,798 12 4 KAURI-GUM INDUSTRY ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 20,931 0 3 20,384 9 2 .. 84,917 19 0 2,740,520 15 6 2,740,515 0 0 .. 99 16 5 1,097 10 0 573 19 2 .. 5,275 1 6 34,346 5 8 16,803 13 10 .. 3,388 8 5 FRUIT-PRESERVING INDUSTRY ADVANCES ACCOUNT .. .. .. 6,258 0 8 DISCHARGED SOLDIERS SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. 31,434 0 3 SWAMP LAND DRAINAGE ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 5,388 6 11 14,490 0 0 12,314 18 8 .. 4,082 19 4 583,110 16 1 771,443 18 7 .. 219,767 2 9 24,124 13 7 25,000 0 0 .. 6,263 13 4 COLD-STORAGE ADVANCES ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 2,500 0 0 WAIMARINO BUSH-FIRE RELIEF ACCOUNT WAR EXPENSES ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,149,402 5 8 REMITTANCES FROM LONDON ACCOUNT .. 82,500 0 0 , 80,000 0 0 51,949 18 0 | 75,000 0 0 .. 23,050 2 0 21,591,697 2 9 I 22,422,120 15 3 .. 7.979,825 18 2 27,698,172 5 0 ' 27,698,172 5 0 REMITTANCES TO LONDON ACCOUNT BANK OF NEW ZEALAND ACTS 1903 AND 1913 ACCOUNT .. .. .. 875,000 0 0 6,000,000 0 0 6,000,000 0 0 875,000 0 0 RESERVE FUND ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 800,000 0 0 800,000 0 0 NEW ZEALAND CONSOLS ACCOUNT.. .. .. .. .. .. 475,991 14 0 SILVER AND BRONZE COIN ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 27,761 17 0 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. | .. 26,026,490 8 8 1 475,991 14 0 124,602 18 3 186,844 17 0 .. 90,003 15 9 118,757.897 6 3 122,546.353 17 9 .. 29,814,947 0 2 118,757.897 6 3 122,546.353 17 9 29,814,947 0 2

B.—l [Pt. II




! ~~ ~ ~ " 'I Balances on 31st March, 1918. Transactions. 1918-1919. Balances on 31st March, 1919. ! i !_ Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. PUBLIC ACCOUNT :— Bank of New Zealand in the Dominion Bank of New Zealand in London I _ _ J _ _[ J __ £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. 7,734,020 13 9 .. 72,440,211 15 11 74,184,737 12 6 5.989,494 17 2 59,922 15 11 73,756,485 9 9 73,599,815 4 9 96,747 9 1 ADVANCE ACCOUNTS:— Consolidated Fund, — Ordinary Revenue Account Investment Account Deposits Account Investment Account . Public Works Fund Investment Account Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account Investment Account Cheviot Estate Account Investment AccountLand for Settlements Account Investment Account Workers' Dwellings Account Investment Account Wab Expenses Account Investment AccountBank of New Zealand Acts 1903 and 1913 Account Investment Account Imperial Government Pensions Account Miscellaneous Imprests Foreign Imprest Account On Account op other Governments Conversion Account —Stock Agents EST^ Accc 8,770,380 S 4 .. 15,735,936 9 2 12,484,787 14 2 12,021,529 3 4 1,459,794 5 5 .. 259,337 10 0 247,794 5 5 1,471,337 10 0 99,137 10 0 99.137 10 0 MENT j 30,000 0 0 .. .. 25,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 .. 23,000 0 0 .. 123,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 I 50,000 0 0 25,000 0 0 .. 30,000 0 0 .. 55,000 0 0 3,221,054 3 4 .. 15,309,666 11 1 ' 13,185,503 2 6 5,345,217 11 11 ount 875,000 0 0 .. .. .. 875,000 0 0 2,406 9 8; .. 55,722 19 1 51,849 13 2 6,279 15 7 825,462 5 7 .. 69,156,115 5 5 69,751,160 10 1 | 230,417 0 11 ! 1,751,418 3 0 .. I 13,926,276 19 6 13,418,008 0 2 . 2.259,687 2 4. 14,230 10 5 .. 64,728 14 9 20,366 5 9 58,592 19 5 J 1,654 11 1 .. 500 0 0 502 14 S 1,651 16 5 NEW ZEALAND CONSOLS ACCOUNT :— Bank of New Zealand NEW ZEALAND CONSOLS ACCOUNT INVESTMENT ACCOUNT .. j 6 14 0 .. .. .. 6 14 0 475,985 0 0 .. .. .. 475,985 0 0 .. ' 800,000 0 0 .. .. .. 800,000 0 0 RESERVE FUND ACCOUNT INVESTMENT ACCOUNT Totals _ I 26,086,413 4 7 59,922 15 11 260,907.119 4 8 257,118,662 13 2 29,814,947 0 2 I J I . !_

B.—l [Pt. IT




. I Dr. £ s. d. Cr Public Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,086,242 6 3 Consolidated Fund Consolidated Fund: — Public Works Fund .. Ordinary Revenue Account Investment Account .. .. .. 12,021,529 3 4 , Railways Improvement Authorization Act 1914 Account Deposits Account Investment Account .. .. .. 1,471,337 10 0 i Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account.. Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account Investment Electric Supply Account Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,000 0 0 Cheviot Estate AccountCheviot Estate Account Investment Account .. .. .. 123,000 0 0 Land for Settlements Account Workers' Dwellings Account Investment Account .. .. .. 55,000 0 0 Native Land Settlement Account War Expenses Account Investment Account .. .. .. .. 5,345,217 11 11 Land for Settlements Account: — Bank of New Zealand Acts 1903 and 1913 Account Investment Account 875,000 0 0 Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account Dominion and Foreign Advances .. .. .. .. .. 2.556,628 14 8 National Endowment Account New Zealand Consols Account :— Conversion Account Bank of New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 14 0 Hauraki Plains Settlement Account Investment Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 475,985 0 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account Reserve Fund Investment Account .. .. .. .. .. SOO.OOO 0 0 Workers' Dwellings Account Loans Redemption Account Mining Advances Account Waimarino Bush-fire Relief Account War Expenses Account Kauri-gum Industry Account Fruit-preserving Industry Advances Account Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account Swamp Land Drainage Account Bank of New Zealand Acts 1903 and 1913 Account .. Reserve Fund Account New Zealand Consols Account Silver and Bronze Coin Account £ s. d. .. 18,440,717 9 1 186,198 11 7 3,788 5 7 12,813 11 11 36,688 6 3 132,342 17 7 200,262 7 8 88,578 0 5 10,847 17 7 112,839 12 0 7,235 2 10 10,589 4 4 4,379 2 8 84,917 19 0 99 16 5 5,275 1 6 23,050 2 0 .. 7,979,825 18 2 3,388 8 5 4,082 19 4 219,767 2 9 6,263 13 4 875,000 0 0 800,000 0 0 475,991 14 0 90,003 15 9 Total .. .. .. .. .. £29,814,947 0 2 Total .. .. £29,814,947 0 2

B.— l IPt. 111.




Balances on 31st March, 1918. Transactions, 1918-1919. Balances on 31st March, 1919. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ p. d. £ s. d. UBLIC DEBT ACCOUNT:— New Zealand Loans Act. 1908 — Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act. 1896 .. .. 200.000 0 0 .. .. .. 200.000 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1900 .. .. 94,200 0 0 .. .. .. 94,200 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act. 1901 .. .. 104,500 0 0 .. 61,600 0 0 61.600 0 0 104.500 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act. 1902 .. .. 218.000 0 0.. .. .. 218.000 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement. Act. 1903 .. 537,315 0 0 .. .. .. 537,315 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1904 .. .. 565,500 0 0 .. .. .. 565,500 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1905 .. .. 209.500 0 0 .. .. .. 209,500 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act. 1906 .. .. 930.900 0 0 .. 79,100 0 0 79.100 0 0 930,900 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1907 .. .. 867,200 0 0 .. .. .. 867,200 0 C Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1908 .. .. .. 50,000 0 0 .. .. .. 50,000 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1910 .. .. .. 191,010 2 0 .. .. 191.010 2 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1911 .. .. .. 99,000 0 0 .. .. .. 99,000 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act. 1912 .. .. .. 186,500 0 0! .. .. .. 186,500 0 0 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act. 1914 .. .. .. 2,650,000 0 0 .. .. .. 2,650,000 0 0 Aid to Water-power Works Act, 1910 .. .. .. .. .. 374,000 0 0 .. 190.000 0 0 165.000 0 0 399.000 0 0 Appropriation Act, 1912 (Irrigation and Water-supply) .. .. .. 15,000 0 0 .. .. .. 15,000 0 0 Appropriation Act, 1917 (Section 22, Cold-storage Advances) .. .. .. .. 50,000 0 0 .. 50.000 0 0 Appropriation A it, 1918 (Section 33, Waimarino Bush-fire Relief) .. .. .. 75.000 0 0 .. 75,000 0 0 Coal-mines Act. 1908 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 150.000 0 0 .. 10,000 0 0 10.000 0 0 150,000 0 0 Coal-mines Act, 1908 (Appropriation Act, 1912) .. .. .. .. 25,000 0 0 .. .. .. 25.000 0 0 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act. 1915, and Amendment Act, 1916 (Section 7) 100,000 0 0.. .. .. 100.000 0 0 Discharged rioldiers Settlement Act, 1915, and Finance Act, 1917 (Section 82) i 20.000 0 0 .. 340,000 0 0 .. 360,000 0 0 District Railwavs Purchasing Acts. 1885. 1886 .. .. .. .. [ 40,000 0 0 .. .. .. 40,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1909 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 46,901 0 0 .. .. .. 46,901 0 0 Finance Act. 1915 (Section 10-5) .. .. .. .. .. 2,005,030 0 0.. .. .. 2,005,030 0 0 Finance Act. 1915 (Section 106) .. .. .. .. .. 2,123,000 0 0.. .. .. 2,123,000 0 0 Finance Act. 1916 (Section 35. War) .. .. .. .. .. 14.123.600 0 0 .. 236.842 2 1 301.050 0 0 14,059,392 2 1 Finance Act, 1916 (Section 35, Warl—Appropriation Act, 1917 (Section 27) 17.900 0 0 .. . .. 17,900 0 0 Finance Act, 1916 (Section 49, Public Works) .. .. .. .. 850,000 0 0 .. .. .. 850,000 0 0 Finance Aot, 1916 (Section 50. State Forests) .. .. .. .. 36,000 0 0 .. 6,900 0 0 .. 42,900 0 0 Finance Act, 1917 (Section 77. Public Works) .. .. .. .. .. .. 725.000 0 0 .. 725.000 0 0 Finance Act, 1918 (War Expenses) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9,125,800 0 0 .. 9,125.800 0 0 Finance Act. 1918 (No. 2)— Section 29 (Public Works) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 200,000 0 0 .. 200,000 0 0 Section 30 (Cold-storage Advances) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 .. 2,000 0 0 Section 31 (Discharged Soldiers Settlement) .. .. .. .. .. .. 400.000 0 0 .. 400,000 0 0 Section 32 (State Forests) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15,000 0 0 .. 15.000 0 0 Fruit-preserving Industry Act, 1913, and Finance Act, 1917 (Section 80) .. 40,700 0 0j .. 9,500 0 0 .. 50,200 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. 26,870,756 2 0 .. 11,526.742 2 I 616,750 0 0 37,780.748 4 1 11,526.742 2 t 616,750 0 0 37,780.748 4 1

B — 1 [Pt. ll]


PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19 18 19 1!).


I I Balances on 31st March, 1918. Transactions, 1918-1919. Balances on 31st March, 1919. Dr. Cr. £ s. ci. £ s. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. '26,870,756 2 0 Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. _]_ d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 11,526,742 2 1 616,750 0 0 37,730,748 4 1 PUBLIC DEBT ACCOUNT— continued. Government Railways Act, 1908 — Railways Improvements Authorization Acts, 1904 and 1907 .. .. 229,800 0 0 Finance Act, 1909 .. .. .. .. .. .. - 58,400 0 0 Government Railwavs Amendment Act, 1910 .. .. .. 167,530 0 0 Hauraki Plains Amendment Acts, 1913 and 1914 .. .. .. 20.000 0 0 Hauraki Plains Amendment Act, 1913, and AppropriationAet, 1918 (Section 43)1 Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Acts, 1903, 1905. 1907, and 1910 .. 306.680 0 0 Irrigation and Water-supply Act, 1913 .. .. .. .. .. 100,000 0 0, Kauri-gum Industry Amendment Act, 1914 .. .. .. .. 47,000 0 0 Lands Improvement and Native Lands Acquisition Act, 1894 .. .. 400,000 0 0 Land for Settlements Act, 1908 .. " .. .. .. .. 2,117,047 15 6 Land Laws Amendment Act, 1913 .. .. .. .. .. 1,084,350 0 0 Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908 — Government Loans to Local Bodies Act, 1886 .. .. .. 250,300 0 0 Local Bodies' Loans Act. 1908 .. .. .. .. .. 1,901,000 0 0 Maori Land Settlement Act, 1905. and Amendment Act, 1907 232,975 0 0 Mining Amendment Act, 1913.. .. .. .. .. .. 11,500 0 0 Native Land Amendment Act. 1913 ., .. .. .. .. 965,200 0 0 Native Land Purchases Act, 1892 .. .. .. .. .. 125,000 0 0 Naval Defence Act, 1909 .. .. .. .. .. .. 963,131 6 3 New Zealand Consols Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. .. 475,99114 0 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 .. .. .. .. .. 13,000 0 0 Consolidated Stock Act, 1884 .. .. .. .. .. 744,700 0 0 Defence and Other Purposes Loan Act, 1870 .. .. .. 100,000 0 0 General Purposes Loan Act, 1873 .. .. ... .. .. 60,700 0 0 Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870 .. .. .. 27,900 0 0 New Zealand Inscribed Stock .. .. .. .. .. 71,223.81115 6 New Zealand Loan Act, 1863 .. .. .. ... .. 2,500 0 0 New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1909 — Land for Settlements Branch .. .. .. .. .. 435,000 0 0 Native Land Settlement Branch .. .. .. .. .. 546,100 0 0 Guaranteed Mining Advances Branch .. .. .. .. 5,000 0 6 229,800 0 0 58,400 0 0 52,560 0 0 i 52,560 0 0 167,530 0 0 33,000 0 0 ! 14,000 0 0 39,000 0 0 6,000 0 0 .. 6,000 0 0 105,190 0 0 105,190 0 0 306,680 0 0' 35,000 0 0 35,000 0 0 : 100,000 0 0 47,000 0 0 400,000 0 0 400 0 0 400 0 0 I 2,117,047 15 6 I 550,000 0 0 .. j 1,634,350 0 0 250,300 0 0 50,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 1,901.000 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 232,975 0 0 11,500 0 0 175,000 0 0 .. 1,140,200 0 0 125,000 0 0 963,131 6 3 475,991 14 0 13,000 0 0 194,200 0 0 194,200 0 0 744,700 0 0 100,000 0 0 5,200 0 0 5,200 0 0 60,700 0 0 27,900 0 0 9,536,395 0 0 23,600 0 0 80,736,606 15 6 2,500 0 0 435,000 0 0 80,000 0 0 80,000 0 0 546,100 0 0 5,000 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. .. 109,485,373 13 3 | 22,349,887 2 1 1,177,100 0 0 130,658,160 15 4 22,349,887 2 1 1,177,100 0 0 130,658,160 15 4 i

8.-l IPt. II




Balances on 31st March, 1918. Dr. Cr. Transactions, 1918-1919. Balances on 31st March, 1919. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Ci i j _ i : . I I I £ s. d. £ s. t Brought forward.. .. .. .- .. ..109,485,373 13 3 d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. c 22,349,887 2 1 1,177,100 0 0 130,658,160 15 4 d. PUBLIC DEBT ACCOUNT— continued. New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act. 1909 — continued. Local Authorities Branch — Hauraki Plains Settlement Account .. .. .. .. 95,000 0 0 I Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account .. .. 217,740 0 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account .. .. .. .. 40,000 0 0 New Zealand State-guaranteed Advauces Acts, 1909 and 1910 — Land for Settlements Branch .. .. .. .. .. 1,523,931 0 0 Native Land Settlement Branch .. .. .. .. .. 80,000 0 0 Post and Telegraph Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. .. .. 200,000 0 0 Public Revenues Aet, 1910—Reserve Fund Securities Act, 1907 .. .. 800,000 0 0 Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1914 (Section 8. War Expenses). 2,067,410 19 0 and Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1915 (No. 2), (Section 9) Public Revenues Amendment Act. 1915 (Section 5, W r ar Expenses), and 10,036,073 4 7 Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1915 (No. 2), (Section 2) Public Works Act. 1908— Paeroa-Waihi Railway Act, 1903 .. .. .. .. .. 86 ,250 0 0 Waikaka Branch Railway Act, 1905 .. .. .. .. j 53,476 0 0 Railways Improvements Authorization Act, 1914 .. .. .'. 458,000 0 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913 .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act. 1913, and Amendment Act, 1914 45,000 0 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, and Finance Act. 1917 (Section 81) Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act. 1913. and Appropriation Act. 1918 (Section 44) Scenery Preservation Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. -.. 89,000 0 0 State Advances Act, 1913 — Advances to Settlers Branch .. .. .. .. .. 573,200 0 0 • Advances to Workers Branch .. .. .. ' .. .. 50.000 0 0 Advances to Local Authorities Branch .. .. .. .. 200,000 0 0 Swamp Drainage Act, 1915 .. .. .. .. .. .. 16,000 0 0 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910 .. .. .. 100,000 00 War Purposes Loan Act, 1917, and War Purposes Loan Aet, 1917 (No. 2) .. 10,869,700 0 0 Wellington-Manawatu Railwav Purchase Act, 1908 .. .. .. 499,700 0 0. 10,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 95,000 0 0 33,000 0 0 33,000 0 0 217,740 0 0 5,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 40,000 0 0 360.265 0 0 ! 361,265 0 0 1,522,931 0 0 80.000 0 0 j 200,000 0 0 800.000 0 0 2,067,410 19 0 873,668 8 5 710,000 0 0 10,199,741 13 0 86,250 0 0 53,476 0 0 70,000 0 0 .. 528,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 10.000 0 0 45,000 0 0 20,000 0 0 .. 20.000 0 0 5,000 0 0 .. 5,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 . 30,000 0 0 89,000 0 0 573,200 0 0 50,000 0 0 200.000 0 0 25,000 0 0 j .. 41.000 0 0 100,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 100.000 0 0| 3.436.550 0 0: .. 14,306,250 0 0 499,700 0 0 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. 137,595,854 16 10 27,328,370 10 6 | 2,522,615 0 0 27,328,370 10 6 2,522,615 0 0 162,401,610 7 4 162,401,610 7 4 I I I


B.—l rp T . TT



Balances on 31st March. 1918. Transactions. 1918-1919. Balances on 31st March, 1919. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. i I " I i I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. DEBENTURES ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 50,859,380 6 4 1,789,015 0 0 10,411,715 0 0 .. 59,482,080 6 4 j =| _ _ MEMORANDUM OF SECURITY ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 15,208,421 1 0 710,000 0 0 7,710,510 10 6 .. 22,208,93111 6 INSCRIBED STOCK ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 71,223,811 15 6 23,600 0 0 9,636,595 0 0 .. 80,836,806 15 6 INSCRIBED STOCK ACCOUNT (CONSOLS ACCOUNT).. | .. 475,99114 0 .. .. .. 475,99114 0 SCRIP ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 412,500 0 0.. .. .. 412,500 0 0 412,500 0 0 j MORTGAGE SECURITY ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. 40,000 0 0 .. .. .. 40,000 0 0 ;- DEBENTURES SALES ACCOUNT:— Ordinary Revenue Account Investment Account, — Aid to Water-power Works Act, 1910 .. .. .. .. 30,000 0 0 .. 30,000 0 0 Appropriation Act, 1917 (Section 22, Cold-storage Advances) .. .. 23,250 0 0 .. .. 23,250 0 0 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act. 1915, and Finance Act, 1917 (Section 82) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 40,01X1 0 0 .. .. 40,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1916 (Section 50, State Forests) .. .. .. .. .. 5,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), (Section 29, Aid to Public Works) .. i .. .. 0 0 .. 100,000 0 0 Fruit - preserving Industry Act, 1913, and Finance Act, 1917 j (Section 80) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,000 0 0 .. .. .. 6,000 0 0 Native Land Amendment Act, 1913 .. .. .. .. 55,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 .. 105,000 0 0 New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909-10 (Land for Settlements Branch) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 .. 1,000 0 0 Public Works Act, 1908, and Paeroa-Waihi Railway Act, 1903 .. .. .. 86,250 0 0 .. 86,250 0 0 Railways Improvement Authorization Act, 1914 .. .. .. 25,000 0 0 .. 2-5,000 0 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, and Finance Act, 1917 (Section 81) .. .. .. '.. .. _.. 10.000 0 0.. .. .. 10,000 0 0 Swamp Drainage Act, 1915 .. .. .. . .. 5,000 0 0 .. .. .. 5,000 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. 194,250 0 0 .. 242,250 0 0 .. 436,500 0 0 242,250 0 0 436,500 0 0

B.—l TPt. II




Balances on 31st March, 1918. Transactions, 1918-1919. Balances on 31st March, 1919. I ! Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. - Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 194,250 0 0 .. 242,250 0 0 .. 436,500 0 0 DEBENTURES SALES ACCOUNT- continued Deposits Account Investment Account — Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), (Section 29, Aid to Public Works) .. .. .. 60,000 0 0 .. 60,000 0 0 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account Investment Account, — New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1909 — Land for Settlements Branch . .. .. .. .. 30,000 0 0 .. .. 25,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 Cheviot Estate Account Investment Account, — Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1911 .. .. 50,000 0 0 .. .. .. 50,000 0 0 Appropriation Act. 1917 (Section 22. Cold-storage Advances) .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 .. 500 0 0 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), (Section 30, Cold-storage Advances) .. .. .. 7,500 0 0 .. 7,500 0 0 New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1909 — Land for Settlements Branch .. .. .. .. .. 30,000 0 0 .. 15,000 0 0 .. 45,000 0 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Acts, 1913 and 1914 .. .. 5,000 0 0 .. .. .. 5,000 0 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, and Finance' Act. 1917 (Section 81) .. .. .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 Hauraki Plains Amendment Act, 1913 .. .. .. .. 5,000 0 0.. .. .. 5,000 0 0 Workers' Dwellings Account Investment Account. — Aid to Water-nower Works Act, 1910 .. .. .. .. 20,000 0 0 .. .. .. 20,000 0 0 Appropriation Act, 1917 (Section 22, Cold-storage Advances) .. .. .. .. 20,000 0 0 .. 20,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1916 (Section 50, State Forests) .. .. .. 2,100 0 0.. .. .. 2,100 0 0 Land for Settlements Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. .. 1,700 0 0 .. .. .. 1,700 0 0 Maori Land Settlement Act, 1905 .. .. .. .. .. 1,200 0 0 '.. .. .. 1,200 0 0 New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1909 — Land for Settlements Branch .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10,000 0 0 .. 10,000 0 0 War Expenses Account Investment Account, — Finance Act, 1916 (Section 49, Public Works) .. .. .. 150,000 0 0 .. .. .. 150,000 0 0 Finance Act, 1917 (Section 77, Public W r orks) ... .. .. 125,000 0 0 .. .. .. 125,000 0 0 Total .. .. .. .. ... .. 624,250 0 0 .. 355,250 0 0 25,000 0 0| 954,500 0 0 624,250 0 0 355,250 0 0 25,000 0 0 954,500 0 0 INSCRIBED STOCK SALES ACCOUNT— Deposits Account Investment Account,— New Zealand Inscribed Stcck Aet, 1917 .. .. .. .. .. .. 100,200 0 0 .. 100,200 0 0 100,200 0 0 100,200 0 0 " 1 1 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I .. 100,200 0 0 I .. I 100,200 0 0 100,200 0 0 100,200 0 0 p. SUMMARY OF BALANCES OF PUBLIC DEBT ACCOUNTS ON 31st MARCH, 1919. SICES OF PUBLIC DEBT ACCOUNTS ON 31st MARCH, 1919. i i Balances Dr. £ s. d. Balances Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balances Cr. £ s. d. [ Public' Debt Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 162,401,610 7 4 Debentures Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 59,482,080 6 4 Debentures Sales Account .. .. .. .. .. 954,500 0 0 i Memorandum of Security Account .. .. .. .. .. 22,208,931 11 6 Inscribed Stock Sales Account .. .-. '.. 100,200 0 0 Inscribed Stock Account .. ..- .. .. .. .. 81,312,798 9 6 Scrip Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 412,500 0 0 -\TrmTG4GF StcTURTTV AnrTlTITd'l' AC\ Of\f\ n o 162,401,610 7 4 Debentures Account 954,500 0 0 i Memorandum of Security Account .. 100,200 0 0 Inscribed Stock AccountScrip Account Mortgage Security Account I 163,456,310 7 4 Total 59,482,080 6 4 22,208,931 11 6 81,312,798 9 6 412,500 0 0 40,000 0 0 163,456,310 7 4 I mortgage security Account .. .. . .. .. 40,000 0 0 Total .. .. .. .. .. 163,456,310 7 4 Total .. .. .. .. .. 163,456,310 7 4 " !_ I


B.—l [Pt. ll].



3—B. 1 [Pi. 111.

Keceints. Ket'unds. Net Kevenue. ORDINARY REVENUE:— Customs £ s. d. 3,830,694 16 2 £ s. d. 13 9 0 £ s. d. 3,830,681 7 2 Stamp and Death Duties j2,144,923 6 7 20,151 4 2 2,124,772 2 5 Postal and Telegraph 1,904,813 13 8 2 5 0 1,964,811 8 8 Land-tax 1,529,858 12 6 17,165 12 0 1,512,693 0 6 Income-tax 6,361,843 13 10 142,507 16 6 6,219,335 17 4 Beer Duty 273,347 17 1 13 12 10 273,334 4 3 Railways 15,228,962 5 6 253,517 2 4 4,975,445 3 2 Registration and other Fees :— Aliens Act, 1908 Animals Protection Act, 1908 Arms Act, 1908 Births, Deaths, and Marriages By-laws Act, 1910 Cinematograph-film Censorship Act, 1916 Crown Grant Fees Customs Law Act, 1913 Dairy Industry Act, 1908 .. .. .. Distillation Act, 1908 Eduoation Act, 1914 Explosives and Dangerous Goods Act, 1908 Factories Act, 1908 Finanoe Act, 1915 (Part III) Fisheries Act, 1908 Friondly Societies Act, 1909 Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1909 Immigration Restriction Act, 1908 Incorporated Societies Act, 1908 .. Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1908 Inspection of Machinery Act 1908 Amendment Act, 1910 Labour Disputes Investigation Act, 1913 Licensing Act, 1908 Margarine Act, 1908 Medical Aot, 1908 Midwives Act, 1908 Mining Act, 1908 Native Land Act, 1909 Native Land Court Fees New Zealand Consols Act, 1908 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 Nurses Registration Act, 1908 Orchard and Garden Diseases Act, 1908 Orchard-tax Act, 1916 Plumbers Registration Act, 1912 .. Servants' Registry Offices Act, 1908 Shorthand Reporters Act, 1908 Slaughtering and Inspectiou Act, 1908 Stock Act, 1908 Timber Export Act, 1908 Timber-floating Act, 1908 Tobacco Act, 1908 Tramways Act 1908 Amendmont Act, 1911 Unclaimed Moneys Act, 1908 Valuation of Land Act, 1908 Weights and Measures Act, 1908 98 12 0 0 3 0 87 0 0 12,724 12 6 47 5 0 1,159 13 7 878 16 5 8,081 3 8 1,140 5 0 124 0 0 10 0 606 12 6 3,024 18 6 1,498 6 1 7,825 7 6 98 16 0 119 10 0 8,225 4 6 83 11 0 193 0 8 11,867 6 6 1 10 0 139 0 0 3 0 0 15 6 0 5,547 16 0 49 19 6 1,969 0 0 2,835 9 11 0 5 0 134 0 0 259 0 0 484 0 0 2,670 4 8 194 6 1 31 15 0 2 2 0 14,962 11 8 1,026 1-2 9 15 0 7 86 0 0 416 10 0 117 0 0 759 6 6 22,169 11 0 643 11 0 8 0 2 1 2 0 88 9 4 4 15 0 "l 17 9 20 0 0 35 4 6 0 15 0 17 17 6 98 12 0 0 3 0 87 0 0 12,716 12 4 47 5 0 1,159 13 7 877 14 5 8,592 14 4 1,135 10 0 124 0 0 1 0 0 606 12 6 3,024 18 6 1,490 8 4 7,825 7 6 78 16 0 119 10 0 8,190 0 0 82 16 0 193 6 8 11,849 9 0 1 10 0 139 0 0 3 0 0 15 0 0 5,547 16 0 49 19 6 1,968 0 0 2,835 9 11 0 5 0 134 0 0 259 0 0 484 0 0 2,066 3 3 194 -6 1 31 5 0 2 2 0 14,962 11 3 844 10 3 15 0 7 86 0 0 416 10 0 117 0 0 752 17 7 22,122 5 1 643 11 0 'i o o 004 1 5 182 2 6 6 8 11 47 5 11 Marine :— Pilotage Rates and Harbour Fees Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908 Rents of Foreshores, Royalty, &c. 113,018 7 8 1,025 0 0 111,993 7 8 993 13 3 33,570 12 5 713 18 7 1 8 0 130 13 0 992 5 3 33,439 19 5 718 18 7 35,283 4 3 Miscellaneous (dotails on separate statement) 132 1 0 35,151 3 3 989,760 7 3 43,091 18 3 946,668 9 0 Totals of Ordinary Revenue '22,472,506 4 6 477,620 1 1 21,994,886 3 5 TERRITORIAL REVENUE :— Rents from Leases Royalties .. .. .. Miscellaneous 181,892 14 11 10,183 5 0 12,087 7 11 556 0 7 15 0 0 858 7 8 181,336 14 4 10,108 r, 0 11,229 0 3 Totals of Territorial Revenue 204,163 7 10 1,429 8 3 202,733 19 7 NATIONAL ENDOWMENT REVENUE 108,824 5 5 22,785,493 17 9 108,824 5 5 Grand Totals 479,049 9 4 !22,306,414 8 5

B.—l [Pt. ll]




Interest on Public Moneys:— On credit balances of — The Public Account, Wellington The New Zealand Public Account, London The Foreign Imprest Account, London Tho Receiver-General's Deposit Account, Wellington .. £ s. d. 19,636 9 7 10,339 14 9 705 18 0 111 4 7 £ s. d. £ s. d. 30,793 6 11 On account of investments made in respect of the— Deposits Account, .. Local Bodies' Loans Act 1908 Sinking Fund Account .. New Zealand Consols Account Ordinary Revenue Account.. Reserve Fund Account State Advances Act, 1913 War Expenses Account .. .. .. .. War and Defence Loans Sinking Fund Acoount Workers' Dwellings Acoount 2,631 11 8 35,182 8 7 17,834 2 11 317,705 13 4 32,117 6 3 6,043 1 8 221,152 8 10 8,478 8 0 1,358 1 9 Less amount wrongly credited for year ended 31st March, 1918, re investments from following accounts— Cheviot Estate Acoount .. .. £100 0 0 Land for Settlements Account .. 5,756 11 7 642,503 3 0 5,850 11 7 Dividend on £500,000 preference shares, Bank of New Zealand, for one year, in terms of the Bank of New Zealand Act, 1903 Dividend on £250,000 preference shares, Bank of New Zealand, for one year, in terms of the Bank of New Zealand Act, 1913 .. Bonus of 3 per cent, on Bank of Now Zealand preference shares On account of advances for cattle On account of advances for grass-seed On purchase-money, Invercargill Drill Hall On account of advances of interest to Publio Trustee under the Land for Settlements Finance Act, 1909, section 13, re the following estates — Angland and Moana Vale Eiffelton 636,646 11 5 50,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 7,500 0 0 20 17 6 40 17 11 15 0 0 39 13 7 3 5 1 42 18 8 On account of Post Offico Accounts of— No. 18962, Bernard Cain No. 10/1441, H. Chignell .. 2 0 0 5 13 4 7 13 4 690 13 0 3,048 0 0 On advance to Kairuru Marble Quarry.. On debentures under the Hutt Road Act, 1915 Under the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908, and Amendment Aot, 1913— On new loans On amount advanced for construction of water-race (Benmore) Fractions of interest, Bank of England 99,206 19 0 7 6 0 122 15 1 858,142 18 10 Rents, etc. :— Rents of buildings Storage of powder 4,837 16 5 1,393 8 0 6,230 19 5 Water-race Receipts : — Mount Ida Waimea-Kumara 781 2 10 883 17 9 1,665 0 7 Under the Public Revenues Act, 1910:— Unclaimed moneys— Courts of Law Trust Customs deposits .. Goldfields deposits Intestate estates Land-revenue deposits Marine deposits Gaolers' deposits Miscellaneous deposits 481 7 7 20 17 4 68 12 1 2,779 15 10 63 11 1 19 18 3 15 3 8 582 15 4 4,032 1 2 Receipts under Section 7, Tourist and Health Resorts Control Act, 1908 32,681 13 10 Carried forward 902,752 13 10


B.—l [Pt. ll]



£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 902,752 13 10 Brought forward Ieceipts under Section 76 of the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908 37,577 11 10 Itate Advances Act, 1913:— Sinking funds repaid 3,025 16 1 Vater-power License Revenue 1,362 16 4 tlSCELLANEOUS :— Analysis fees Conscience-money Examination fees under the Shorthand Reporters Act, 1900 Fees authorizing King's Counsel to appear against the Crown Fine for breach of auctioneer's lioense Fines imposed under the Defence Act, 1909 Forfeited deposits of parliamentary candidates Goldfields revenue accrued during the year where the Act is not in operation— Fiord County Sounds County 103 18 3 49 0 0 i 4 0 3 3 0 2 0 0 81 1 6 40 0 0 12 5 0 10 8 0 22 13 0 4 3 6 633 12 6 3 5 0 7 8 0 38 10 10 95 0 0 Office fees Passport fees PatientB'Register Prize-money won by Public Works Department's horses Redemption fees on loose articloB in Bhips' holds Rent of Mokau Ferry Repayment of advances to holders of village-homestead leases Sale of office furniture, &c.— Customs Department Post and Telegraph Department Valuation Department 120 15 0 'I 0 0 2 0 0 21 0 0 Sale of forfeited liquor Sale of obsolete storesDefence Department Education Department Lands and Survey Department Prisons Department Public Works Department 12 19 9 137 8 7 0 3 0 70 15 5 15 0 10 27 0 0 20 15 4 242 7 7 Sale of old buildings— Shed, Auckland Cottage, Westport Courthouse. Balclutha Cottage, Kumara Courthouse, Kumara Iron shed, Auckland Smithy, Thames Cottage, Frankton Building, Wanganui Building, Orepuki Rifle Range 4 0 0 23 14 0 25 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 20 0 0 18 0 0 5 0 0 Sales — Old uniforms (Defence) Sacks, &c... Opossum-skim Bench and trough Fencing Wreck of " Southern Isle ".. Unclaimed good6 (Customs) 112 4 0 1,021 10 3 81 9 3 143 17 1 5 0 0 10 0 0 87 2 7 8 11 4 Surplus cash at railway-stations, &c. Storage of wool by Defence Department Tolls collected at Nine-mile Ferry Various small amounts 1,357 10 6 31 18 11 115 2 6 180 0 11 10 19 1 Less amount received by Defenoe Department for sale of cloth wrongly credited for year ended 31sb March, 1918 3,306 13 5 1,357 2 6 1,949 10 11 Total £946,668 9 0

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STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) for INTEREST and SINKING FUND for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1919.

£ s. d. £ s. d. INTEREST AND SINKING FUND. £ s. d. THE NEW ZEALAND LOANS ACT, 1908. Tun Grhymouth Harbour Board Act, 1884: — Interest — On £100,000 at 4 per cent., 1 yoar to 1 March, 1919 4,000 0 0 The District Railways Purchasing Acts, 1885-86:—■ Interest — On £40,000 at 4 por cent, 1 year to 1 January, 1919 1,600 0 0 The Native Land Purchase Act, 1892: — Interest— On £125,000 at 4 por cent., I year to 31 October, 1918 .. 5,000 0 0 The Lands Improvement and Native Lands Acquisition Act, 1894:— Interest — On £400,000 at 4 por cent., I year to 3J March, 1919 16,000 0 0 The Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Acts, 1905, 1907, and 1910:— Interest — On £100,000 at 3£ per cent., J yoar to 1 May, 1918 .. , On £129,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to I November, 1918.. On £100,000 at 4 por oent., J year to 1 November, 1918 On £5,190 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 31 December, 1918 On £17,300 at 4 por cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1919 .. On £55,190 at 4 per 1 year to 1 February, 1919 .. 1,750 0 0 5,160 0 0 2,000 0 0 207 12 0 692 0 0 2,207 12 0 12,017 4 0 The Maori Land Settlement Acts, 1905 and 1907:— Interest — On £50,000 at 3} per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1919 .. : On £25,650 at 4 por cent., £ year to 1 July, 1918 On £8,325 at 4 per cent., 151 days to I July, 1918 On £1,200 at 4 per cent., 95 days to 1 July, 1918 On £200 at 4 por cent., 37 days to 1 July, 1918 On £147,800 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1919 .. On £1,200 at 4 per cent., \ year to 1 January, 1919 .. On £34,175 at 4 per cent., \ year to 1 January, 1919 .. j I,750 0 0 513 0 0 137 15 2 12 9 10 0 16 3 5,912 0 0 24 0 0 683 10 0 9,033 11 3 The Coal-mines Act, 1908:— Intorest — On £10,000 at 3£ per cent., \ year to 1 April, 1918 On £135,000 at 3f per cent., 1 year to 1 October, 1918 .. i On £30,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 October, 1918 .. On £10,000 at 4 per cent., | year to 1 October, 1918 .. 175 0 0 5,062 10 0 1,200 0 0 200 0 0 Less — Amount recovered from State Coal-mines Account 6,637 10 0 6,637 10 0 The Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1908: — Advances to Settlers Branch, — Interest — On £185,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 December, 1918 .. On £57,900 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1919 .. ! On £100,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 March,"l9I9 — 7,400 0 0 2,316 0 0 4,000 0 0 : Less — Amount recovered from State Advances Office .. 13,716 0 0 13,716 0 0 Advances to Workers Branch, — Interest — On £25,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 December, 1918 On £5,000 at 4 per cont., I yoar to I January, 1919 1,000 0 0 200 0 0 1,000 0 0 200 0 0 Less — Amount recovered from State Advances Office 1,200 0 0 1,200 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. 47,650 15 3


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DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST and SINKING FUND— continued.

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 47,650 16 3 Brought forward INTEREST AND SINKING FUND-continned. THE NEW ZEALAND LOANS ACT, 1908. I'liE New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1909 :— Land for Settlements Branch, — Interest— On £25,000 at 3J per cent., 1 year to 1 Octobor, 1918 .. On £1.5,000 at 3| per cent., 158 days to 1 April, 1918 .. On £15,000 at 3J per cent., 24 days to 1 April, 1918 On £455,000 at 3| per cent., 1 year to 1 October, 1918 .. On £15,000 at 3f per cent., 123 days to 1 October, 1918 .. On £15,000 at 3 J per cent., 60 days to 1 October, 1918 875 0 0 . 244 3 3 37 1 9 17,062 10 0 189 0 9 j 92 4 3 i Less— Amount recovered from Land for Sottloments Account 1 18,500 0 0 18,500 0 0 Nativo Land Settlement Branch, — Intorest — On £381,600 at per cent., 1 yoar to 1 October, 1918 .. On £54,500 at 3J per cent., 1 year to 1 October, 1918 .. On £110,000 at 4 per cont.. 1 year to 1 October, 1918 .. 13,356 0 0 2,043 15 0 4,400 0 0 Less — Amount recovered from Native Land Settlement Account 19,799 15 0 19,799 15 0 Guaranteed Mining Advances Branch, — Interest— On £5,000 at 3$ per cent., 1 year to 1 October, 1918 187 10 0 Less— Amount recovered from Mining Advances Account 187 10 0 Local Authorities Branch, — Interest— On £200,515 at 3J per cont., 1 year to 1 October, 1918 .. On £95,425 at 3§ per cent., 1 year to 1 October, 1918 On £56,800 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 Octobor, 1918 .. 7,018 0 0 3,578 8 10 2,272 0 0 Less — Amount recovered from — Hauraki Plains Settlement Account Land for Settlements Account— Opening up Crown lands for settlement 12,868 9 4 3,437 10 0 11,418 9 4 7,980 19 4 1,450 0 0 The New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909 AND 1910 :— Advancos to Settlers Branch, — Interest— On £750,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 23 Octobor, 1918 .. On £205,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 December, 1918 .. On £43,793 I5s. at 4 per cent., 1 year to I February, 1919.. On £1,762,626 5s. 3d. at 4i per cont., 1 year to 1 December, 1918 30,000 0 0. 8,200 0 0 1,751 15 0 79,318 3 8 Less— Amount received from State Advances Office 119,269 18 8 119,269 18 10 Cr. 0 0 2 Advances to Workers Branch, — Intorest — On £205,000 at 3| per cent., I year to 1 January, 1919 .. On £7,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 October, 1918 On £750,406 5s. at 4 per cont.. 1 year to 1 February, 1919 On £328,282 16s. 6d. at 4 1 per cent., J year to 1 June, 1918 On £328,282 J.6s. 6d, at 4J- per cent., J yoar to 1. December, 1918 7,175 0 0 280 0 0 30,016 5 0 7,386 7 4 7,386 7 3 Less — Amount recovered from State Advances Office 52,243 19 7 52,243 19 6 0 0 I Carried forward 49,1.00 15 2

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DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST and SINKING FUND— continued.

Brought forward £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 49,100 15 2 INTEREST AND SINKING FUND -continued. THE NEW ZEALAND LOANS ACT, 1908. The New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909 and 1910 — continued. Land for Settlements Branch, — Intorest — On £99,000 at 3£ per cent., 1 year to 1 October, 1918 .. On £73,700 at 3i por cont., 1 yoar to 31 October, 1918 .. On £8,000 at 3j- por cent., 1 year to 1 November, 1918.. On £64,850 at 3 1 per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1919 .. On £15,300 at 3| per cent., 1 yoar to 1 November, 1.918.. On £12,350 at 3| per cent., 1 yoar to 1 January, 1919 On £21,500 at 3f per cent., 1 year to 1 February, 1919 .. On £500 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 January, 1910 .. On £700 at 4 por cent., J year to 1 January, 1918 . . On £100 at 4 per cent., | year to I March, 1918 On £30,600 at 4 per cent., I yoar to 1 November, 1918.. On £95,000 at 4. por cont., 1 yoar to 1 October, 1.918 .. On £741,066 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 31 October, 1918 .. On £71,465 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1919 .. On £29,000 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 January, 1919 . . On £261,300 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 February, 1919 .. On £29,900 at 4 por cent., i year to 1 March, 1919 3,465 0 0 2,579 10 0 280 0 0 2,269 15 0 573 15 0 463 2 6 806 5 0 10 0 0 1.4 0 0 2 0 0 1,224 0 0 3,800 0 0 29,642 12 8 2,858 12 0 580 0 0 10,452 0 0 598 0 0 Less— Amount recovored from Land for Settlements Account .. 59,618 12 2 59,618 12 2 Native Land Settlement Branch, — Intorest — On £80,000 at 3f por cent., 1 year to 1 October, 1918 3,000 0 0 Less — Amount recovered from Native Land Settlement Account 3,000 0 0 The State Advances Act, 1913 : — Advances to Settlers Branch, — Intorest — On £573,200 at 4 per cent., I year to J. Docombor, 1918 .. 22,928 0 0 Less— Amount recovered from Stato Advances Office 22,928 0 0 Advancos to Workors Branch, — Interest — On £50,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 December, 1918 .. 2,000 0 0 Less — Amount recovered from Stato Advances Office 2,000 0 0 Local Authorities Branch, —■ Interest— On £200,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 December, 1918 .. 8,000 0 0 Loss — Amount recovered from State Advancos Office 8,000 0 0 The Government Railways Act, 1908: — The Railways Improvement Authorization Acts, 1904-7, — Interest — On £157,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 31. December, 1918 .. On £67,500 at 4 por cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1919 On £5,300 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 February, 1919 6,280 0 0 2,700 0 0 212 0 0 I 9,192 0 0 The Finance Act, 1909,— Interest — On £1,000 at 4 per cent., \ year to 1 August, 1918 On £50,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 31 December, 1918 On £7,400 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 February, 1919 20 0 0 2,000 0 0 296 0 0 2,316 0 0 The Government Railways Amendment Act, 1910 :— Interest— On £15,000 at 3|- por cent., 1 vear to 1 January, 1919 On £200 at 4 per cent., 1.51 days to 1 July, 1918 On £98,980 at 4 per cent,, 1 year to 1 January, 1919 On £200 at 4 per cent., \ year to 1 January, 1919 On £53,350 at 4 per cent., I year to 1 February, 1919 502 10 0 3 6 2 3,959 4 0 4 0 0 2,134 0 0 6,663 0 2 Carried forward 67,271 15 4


B.—l [Pt. ll]


DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST and SINKING FUND— continued.

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 67,271 15 4 Brought forward INTEREST AND SINKING FUND continved. THE NEW ZEALAND LOANS ACT, 1908. The Harbours Act, .1908, and the Greymouth Harbour Board Loans Consolidation Act, 1910, and Amendment Act, 1910: — Interest — On £260,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1919 10,400 0 0 The Land for Settlements Act, 1908 :— Interest — On £200 at 4 per cent., \ year to I January, 1917 .. On £200 at 4 per cent., |- yoar to 1 July, 1917 On £900 at 4 per cent., |- yoar to 1 January, 1918 .. On £12,700 at 4 per cont., !, year to 1 July, 1918 On £2,400 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 August, 1918 .. On £2,500 at 4 per cent., {- year to I August, 1918 .. On £40,000 at 4 per cont., -J year to 15 September, 1918 On £400 at 4 per cent., 1 vear to 30 September, 1918 On £133,800 at 4 por cent., 1 year to 1 October, 1918 .. On £65,000 at 4 por cent., 1 year to I. November, 1918 On £1,231,335 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1919 .. On £472,885 at 4 percent., 1 year to 1 February, 1919.. On £1.0,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to I March, 1.9.19 .. On £37,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 15 March, 1.919 .. On £400 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 31 March, 1919 .. On £500 at 4| per cent., £ year to 1 January, 1918 .. On £37,777 15s. (id. at 4£ per cent., | year to 1 June, 1918 On £2,400 at 4J per cent., $ year to 1 July, 1918 On £22,800 at 4 per cent., 151 days to I July, 1918 .. On £1,700 at 4 per cent., 95 days to J July, 1918 .. On £200 at 4 per cent., 37 days to 1 July, 1918 .. On £4,100 at 4J per cent., 1 year to 1 November, 1918 On £37,777 15s. (id. at 4J per cont., \ year to I December, 19.18 On £26,100 at 4| per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1.919 .. On £200 at 4 per cent., 159 days to 1 January, 1919 On £33,850 at 4| per cent,, 1 year to 1 Fobruary, 19.19.. On £1,200 at 4£ per cent., \ year to 1 February, 1919.. 4 0 0 4 0 0 18 0 0 254 o 0 90 0 0 50 0 0 800 t) 0 16 0 0 5,352 0 0 a,600 o o 49,253 8 0 18,915 8 0 400 0 0 1,480 0 0 16 0 0 11 5 0 850 0 J 54 0 0 377 5 10 17 14 0 0 Ki 2 184 10 0 850 0 0 1,174 III 0 3 9 8 1,523 5 0 27 0 0 84,332 11 9 Less— Amount recovered from Land for Settlements Account.. 84,332 11 9 The Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908 :— The Government Loans to Local Bodies Act, 1886, — Interest— On £15,800 at H per cent., 1 year to 1 March, 1919 On £234,500 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 March, 1919 I 553 0 0 9,380 0 0 9,933 0 0 The Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908 :— Interest— On £50,000 at 3} per cent., i year to 1 June, 1918 On £25,000 at 3.j per cent., I year to 1 March, 1919 .. On £50,000 at 4" per cent., | year to I December, 1918 On £790 000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1919 .. On £1,036,000 at 4 per cent.. 1 year to 1 March, 1919 .. Sinking fund— Amount paid to Public Trustee under section 10 of the Local Bodies' Loans Act Amendment Aet, 1908 875 0 o 875 0 0 I,000 0 0 31,600 o o 41,440 (I 0 - 75,790 0 0 598 1.5 0 76,388 15 0 The New Zealand Consols Act, 1908 : — InterestOn £6,520 at 3| per cent., 1 year to 1 Fobruary, 1919 .. On £6,200 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 August, 1918 On £1,100 at 4 per cent., J-year to 1 August, 1918 Less income-tax 22 0 t) 6 12 0 228 4 0 248 0 0 On £9,870 at 4 per cent., J year to 1 August, 1918 On £451,546 14s. at 4 percent., 1 year to 1 February, 1919.. 15 8 0 197 8 0 18,061 17 4 18,750 17 4 The Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 (Colonial Issue) :— Interest — On £13,000 at 3| per cent., 1 yoar to 15 October, 1918 .. 487 10 0 Carried forward .. .. 183,231 17 8

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DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST and SINKING FUND— continued.

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 183,231 17 8 Brought forward INTEREST AND SINKING FUND -continued. THE NEW ZEALAND LOANS ACT, 1908. The Defence and other Purposes Loan Act, 1870 :— Interest— On £75,000 at 8$ per cent., 1 year to 15 October, 1918 .. On £25,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1919 2,812 10 0 1,000 0 0 The Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870 :— Interest—■ On £20,900 at 3$ per cent., 1 year to 15 October, 1918 .. On £7,000 at 4J per cent., 1 year to 15 October, 1918 3,812 10 0 783 15 0 31.5 0 0 1,098 15 0 The General Purposes Loan Act, 1873 :— Intorest — On £6,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 15 October, 1.91.8 .. On £54,700 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 28 November, 1918.. 2,428 0 0 240 0 0 2,188 0 0 The New Zealand Consolidated Stock Act, 1877 (London Issue) :— Interest —■ On £9,659,980 Is. Id. at 3 per cent., J year to 1 Octobei-,1918 On £17,568,932 at 3£ per cent., 1 year to 30 December, 1918 On £30,100,402 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 30 Ootober.1918.. 144,899 14 0 614,912 12 4 1,204,016 1 6 63,828 7 10 Less — Interest received from Cheviot Estate Account — On £253,318 from 1 January, 1918, to 31 December, 1918 [nterest received from Land for Settlements Account in respect of inscribed stock created for conversion— On 3-per-cent. stock .. .. £2,074 18 10 On 3i-per-cent. stock .. .. 35,192 0 8 On 4-per-cent. stock .. .. 950 1110 8,866 2 6 38,21.7 11 4 Interest received from State Advances Office — On £2,900,000 at 3 per cent., 1 year to 31 March, 1919 .. .. ' .. £89,700 0 0 On £1,032,365 at 3 \ per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1919 .. .. .. 36,132 15 4 On £238,717 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 November, 1918 .. .. 9,548 13 8 Recoupment of interest on stock inscribed for purposes of Native Land Settlement Account Recoupment of interest on stock inscribed for purposes of State Coal-mines Account 135,381 9 0 149 4 0 35 5 10 182,649 13 2 The New Zealand Consolidated Stock Act, 1877 (London Issue, 1943-1963) :— Interest — On £10,884,628 at 4 per cont., 1 yoar to 1 February, 1919 .. Less— Interest received from Stato Advancos Offico on £2,834,521, 1 year to 1 February, 1919 Recoupment of interest on stock inscribed for purposes of State Coal-mines Account Recoupment of interest on stock inscribed for purposes of Native Land Settlement Account Interest received from the Land for Settlements Account in respect of inscribed stock created for conversion 113,380 16 8 435,385 2 4 1,781,178 14 8 2,066 13 4 10,200 0 0 34,346 0 8 1159,993 10 8 The New Zealand Consolidated Stook Act, 1884 (Colonial Issue) : — Interest — On £84,500 at 3| per cent., I year to 31 December, 1918 .. On £194,200 at 8f per cent., 1 year to 1 February, 1919 On £301,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 31 December, 1918 .. On £165,000 at 4 per cent., I yoar to 1 January, 1919 2,957 10 0 7,282 10 0 12,040 0 0 6,600 0 0 275,391 11 8 28,880 0 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1896 :— Interest — On £200,000 at 3| per cont., 1 year to 15 February, 1918.. 7,000 0 0 Carried forward 2,283,021 9 0


B. -1 [Pt. ll]

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1918-19 19.

DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST and SINKING FUND— continued.

4-B. 1 [Pt. ll].

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ 2,283,021 s. d. 9 0 Brought forward INTEREST AND SINKING FUND-continued. THE NEW ZEALAND LOANS ACT, 1908. The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1900 :— Interest- — On £450 at 4 per cent., I year to 1 May, 1918 On £91,300 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 November, 1918 .. On £2,500 at 4J per cent., 1 year to 1 November, 1918 .. On £400 at 4 L por cent., J year to I November. 191 8 .. 9 0 0 3,052 0 0 I 12 10 0 9 (I 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1901 : — Interest— On £2,500 at 3J per cent., I. year to I December, 1918 .. On £8,100 at 3-f per cent., 1 year to 1 December, 1918 .. On £61,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 December, 1918 .. On £32,900 at 4 per cent., I year to 1 December, 1918 .. 3,782 10 0 " 87 10 0 303 15 0 2,440 0 0 1,316 0 0 4,147 5 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1902 : — Interest — < >n £300 at 4 per cent., -J year to I December, 1.917 .. On £217,100 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 December, 1918 .. 6 0 0 8,1184 0 0 8,690 0 0 The Aid to Public Woiucs and Land Settlement Act, 1903 :— InterestOn £3,00(1 at 4 per cent., i year to 1. July, 1918 On £1,400 at 4 percent., I year to 1 August, 1918 On £1.000 at 4 per cent., J- year to 1 August, 1918 On £170,390 at 4 per cent., 1 year to I January, 1919 . . On £305,600 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 Fobruary, 1919 .. On £800 at 4-J per cent., \ year to 1 January, 1,918 On £1,300 at 4J per cent., \ year to 1 July, 1918 On £53,925 at 4J per cont., 1 year to 1 January, 1919 60 0 0 56 0 0 20 0 0 6,815 12 0 12,224 0 0 18 0 0 29 5 0 2,426 12 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1904 :— Interest — On £565,500 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 February, 1919 .. 21,649 9 6 22,620 0 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1905 : — Intorest— On £1,500 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 July, 1918 On £200 at 4 per cent., \ year to 1 July, 1918 On £207,100 at 4 per cent., I year to I January, 1919 lid 0 0 4 0 0 8,284 0 (I lid 0 0 8,348 0 0 4 0 0 8,284 0 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1.906 :— Interest — On £661,750 at 3| per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1919 .. On £8,650 at 3-J per cont., 1 year to 1 January, 1919 .. On £300 at 4 per cent., \ year to I January, 1918 .. On £200 at 4 per cent., i year to I July, 1918 On £360,400 at 4 per cent., 1 year to I January, 1919 .. 19,661 5 o 19,661 5 0 324 7 6 6 0 (I 4 0 0 14,416 0 0 324 7 6 6 0 (I 4 0 0 14,416 0 0 34,411 12 6 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1907 : — Interest — On £200,000 at 3| per cent., 1 year to I January, 1919 .. On £40 000 at 4 per cent., J year to 1 July, 1918 On £666,900 at 4 percent., I year to 1 January, 1910 .. 7,000 0 0 800 0 II 26,676 0 0 Less — Refund of portion of Bank Order No. IV of 12 April. 1918. for £10,000, not required .. 34,476 0 0 34,476 0 0 800 0 0 800 0 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1908 :— Interest — On £50,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 October, 1918 33,676 0 0 2,000 II 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1910 : — Interest— On £191.010 2s. at 4| per cent., 1 year to 1 December, 1918 8,595 9 0 Carried forward 2.430,941 15 0

B.—l [Pt. II



DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST and SINKING FUND— continued.

I £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,430,941 15 0 £ s. d. Brought forward INTEREST AND SINKING FUND-continued. THE NEW ZEALAND LOANS ACT, 1908. Tn e Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1911 :— Interest— On £50,000 at 3J per cent., 1 year to 1 December, 1918 .. On £50,000 at 3| per cent., 1 year to 1 December, 1918 .. On 149,000 at 3f per cent., I year to 1 January, 1919 1,750 0 0 1,875 0 0 1,837 10 0 5,462 10 0 Tun Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1912 :— I nterest — On £175,300 at 3| per cent., 1 year to 15 October, 1918 .. On £11.200 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 15 October, 1918 .. 6,573 15 0 448 0 0 7,021 15 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1914 : — I nterest — On £45,000 at 4 per cent., 167 days to 1. May, 1918 On £2.445,000 at, 4 per cent., I year'to 1 November, 1918 On £45,100 at 4 por cent., | year to 1 November, 1.918 On £59,900 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 31 December, 1918 On £100,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 February, 1919 .. 825 7 10 97,800 0 0 902 0 (I 2,396 0 0 4,000 0 0 105,923 7 10 The Post and Telegraph Act, 1908: — Interest— On £200,000 at 4 per cent., 1 yoar to 1 January, 1919 8,000 0 0 The Public Works Act, 1908 :— The Paeroa-Waihi Railway Act, 1903, — Interest— On £86,250 at 3 per cent., 1 year to 31 March, 1919 2,587 10 0 The Waikaka Branch Railway Act, 1904, — Interest — On £53,476 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 November, 1918 2,139 0 8 The Scenery Preservation Act, 1908: — Interest — On £30,000 at 31 per cent., J year to 1 May, 1918 On £20,000 at 3J per cent., 1 year to I November, 1918 On £39,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to I November, 1918 On £30,000 at 4 per cent., | year to I November, 1918 .. 525 0 0 750 0 0 I,560 0 0 600 0 0 3,435 0 0 The Fruit-i-reservinc Industry Act, 1913: — Interest — On £35,700 at 4 per cent., I year to 1 October, 1918 1,428 0 0 The Eruit-i'reservinu Industry Act, 1913, and Finance Act, 1917 (Section 80):— Interest— On £5,000 at 4 per cent., (iO days to 1 April, 1918 On £11,000 at 4 per cent., .V year to I October, 1918 On £6,000 at 4 per cent., l(il days to 1 October, 1918 On £6,(00 at 4 per cent., 7 days to 1 April, 1918 32 17 6 220 o o 00 8 2 4 12 0 323 17 8 The Wellinoton-Manawatu Railway Purchase Act, 1908:— Interest— On £499,700 at 4 per cent., 1. year to 1 March, 1919 19.988 0- 0 The Finance Act, 1915 (Section 105): — New Zealand Loans Amendment Act, 1915, — Interest — On 11,495 at 4| per cent., 244 days to 15 Juno, 191(1.. On £2,215 at 4| per cent., I year to 15 June, 1917 On £5,485 at 4| por cent., J year to 15 June, 1917 .. On £96,635 at 41 per cent., \ year to 15 June, 1918 .. On £1,897,895 at 41 per cent,, 1 year to 15 December, 1918 8 On £.1,390 at i| per cent., \ year to 15 December, 1918 Income-tax deducted from dividends .. 4, 85, 44 18 8 99 13 Ii 123 8 3 4,355 Ii 6 85,405 10 0 257 1 3 6 4 11 4 c I: ,3i" ,41 o.--14 18 8 99 13 (i 23 8 .'1 155 6 (i 05 10 (1 57 1 3 6 4 11 Less — Amount of coupons lost and charged to Unauthorized 90,292 3 1 I I 5 0 90,280 18 1 Carried forward 2,677,531 14 3


B.—l [Pt. II


DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST and SINKING FUND-continued.

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 2,077,53] 14 3 £ s. d. INTEREST AND SINKING FUND -continued. THE NEW ZEALAND LOANS ACT, 1908. The Finance Act, 1915 (Section 106): — Now Zealand Loans Amendment Act, 1.915, — Interest — On £12,600 at 4£ percent., 4 year to 1 April, 1918 .. 283 10 0 On £100 at 4| per cent., 4 year to .I May, 1918- .. 2 5 0 On £204,300 at i\ per cent., 1 year to I Juno, 1918 .. 9,193 10 0 On £1,000 at 4J per cent., 4 year to .1 June, 1918 .. 22 10 0 On £555 at i\ per cent., J year to 15 June, 1918 .. 12 9 9 On £800 at 4J per cent., 1 year to 1 July, 1918 ... 36 0 0 On £24,850 at 41 per cent., J year to 1 July, 1918 .. j 559 2 6 On £700 at 44 per cent., 1 year to 1 August, 1918 .. ! 31 10 0 On £2,800 at 4} per cent., 4 year to 1 September, 1918. . 03 0 0 On £71,700 at 44 per cent., 1 year to 1 October, 1918 .. 3,220 10 0 On £6,900 at 4| per cent., I year to 15 Octobor, 1918 .. 310 10 0 On £12,600 at 44 percent., 4 year to 15 October, 1918 .. 283 10 0 On £169,900 at 4{ per cent., 1 year to 1 November, 1918.. 7,645 10 0 On £71,800 at 44 por cent., 1. year to 1 December, 1918 .. 3,231 0 0 On £34,500 at 44 percent., 4 year to 15 December, 1918 782 2 0 On £100,000 at 44 per cent., 1 year to 31 December, 1918 ' 4,500 0 0 On £978,650 at 44 per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1919 .. j 44,039 5 0 On £355,100 at 4| per cent., 1 yoar to I February, 1919 .. 15,979 10 0 On £600 at 44 per cent., 4 year to I February, 1919 .. 13 10 0 On £4,300 at 4| per cent,, 1 year to 1 March, 1919 .. 193 10 0 On £127,500 at 44 per cent., 1 year to 31 March, 1919 .. 5,737 10 0 ~* 96,146 4 3 Less — Amount recovered from Land for Settlements Account .. 32,514 15 0 Amount recovered from Mining Advances Account .. 450 0 0 Amount recovered from Stato Advancos Account .. i 450 0 0 . 33,414 15 0 02,731 9 3 Tins Finance Act, 1916 (Section 35) : — Now Zealand Loans Act, 1908, and Amendment Act, 1915, — InterestOn £13,000 at £1 7s. 8d. per £100 on instalments to 1st March, 1917 .. .. .. .. .. .. 199 4 9 On £11, 4£ per cent., I year to 1 September, 1917 .. 495 0 0 On £337,200 at 44 per cent., | year to 1 September, 1917 .. 7,587 0 0 On £6,580,550 at 4J per cent., 1 year to 1 March, 1918 . . .. 296,124 15 0 On £1,572,900 at 4* per cent., | year to I. September, 1918 .. 35,390 5 (I On £1,1.20,000 at 4J por cent., 1 year to 1 October, 1918 . . .. 44,800 0 0 On £2,242,800 at 4|-per cent., 1 year to 1 March, 1.91.9 , . | .. 50,463 0 0 On £4,736,842 2s. Id. at 5 percent., 1 year to 30 September, 1.918 .. .. .. .. .. .. | .. 236,842 2 0 i 671,901 6 9 The Finance Act, 1916 (Section 35), and Appbgpbiation Act, 1917 (Section 27):— Interest — On £17,900 at 4 percent., I year to I March, 1.91.9 .. .. .. 805 10 0 I The Finance Act, 1916 (Section 49), New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, and Amendment Act, 1915 :— Interest — On £200,000 at 4 per cent., I. day to 1 February, 1.918 ..j .. 21 18 I On £150,000 at 4 percent., 126 days to 1 August, 1.918 .. .. 2,071 4 8 On £850,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to I Fobruary, 1919 .. .. 31,000 0 0 On £150,000 at 4 per cent., 4 year to 1, February, 1919 .. .. 3,000 0 0 1 39,093 3 0 The Finance Act, 1916 (Section 50), New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, and Amendment Act, 1915 : — Interest — | On £35,000 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 August, 1918 .. 700 0 0 On £6,900 at 4 per cent., 68 days to 1 August, 1918 .. 51 8 5 On £2,100 at 4 per cent., .126 days to I August, 1918 .. ' 28 19 II On £5,000 at 4 per cont., 107 days to 1 August, 1.918 .. 58 12 7 On £41,900 at 4 per oent., 4 year to 1 February, 1919 .. 838 0 0 On £7,1.00 at 4 per cent., 4 year to I. February, 1919 .. 142 0 0 On £1,000 at 4| per cent., 1 year to 1 Fobruary, 1919 .. 42 10 0 j . -i ],801 10 11 Less — Amount recovered from State Forests Account .. . , Y .. 1,861 10 11 I Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. 3,452,063 3 3 3,452,063 3 3

B.—l [Pt. ll].


DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST and SINKING FUND— continued.


Brought forward INTEREST AND SINKING FU ND— continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 3,452,063 3 3 THE NEW ZEALAND LOANS ACT, 1908. Th e Finance Act, 191.7 (Section 77) (Aid to Public Works) :— Interest— On £250,000 at 4 per cent., 68 days to 1 August, 1918 . . On £100,000 at 4 per cent., 87 days to 1 August, 1918 .. (In £125,000 at 4 por cent., 120 days to I August, 1918 . . On £475,000 at 4 per cent., 4 year to 1 February, 1919 . . On £75,00') at 4 por cent., 42 days to 1 February, 1919 . . On £300,000 at 4 per cent., 136 days to 1 February, 1.919. . I ,863 0 0 953 8 4 1,725 18 II 9,500 0 0 345 3 9 4,471 4 7 18,858 15 7 The Finance Act, 1918 (Section 10): — Interest— On £500 000 at 4.1 per cent., 4 year to 15 November, 1918 On £44,3110 at 4| per cent., \ year to 15 November, 1918 On £75,000 at 44 percent., 17*8 days to 15 November, 1918 On £150,000 at 4.', percent., 160 days to 15 November, 1918 On £50,000 at 44 percent., 130 days to 15 November, 1918 On £15,000 at 41 per cent., 99 days to 15 November, 1918 On £15,000 at 4.! por cent., 71 days to 15 November, 1918 On £12,000 at 4i per cent., 37 days Io 15 November, 1918 On £33,350 at 4.1 per cent., 75 days to 15 November, 1918 On £503,000 at 4" per cent., 4 year to 1 December, 1918 . . On £500,000 at 4 per cent., 173 days to I June, 1918 (tn £500,0(10 at 4 por cent., 106 days to I June, 1918 On £500,000 at 4 per cent., 6 days to I June, 1918 I I,250 0 0 996 15 o I,645 17 6 2,958 18 0 801 7 3 183 1 7 131 (i O 54 II 9 308 7 5 10.000 0 0 9,479 7 6 5,808 3 6 328 15 0 43.946 13 6 The Finance Act, 1918 (I'art III):— 1nterest — On £3,300,000 at 5 per cent., 118 days to 30 September, 1918 53,342 9 4 The Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Section 32 (State Forests): Interest On £15,000 at 4 per cent., 43 days to 1st February, 1919.. 70 13 8 The Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), Section 30, Cold-storage Advances Account: - InterestOn £2,000 at 4 per cent., 70 days to I March, 1919 On £7,500 at 4 per cont., 30 days to I March, 191.9 15 (i 10 24 13 I The Finance Act, 1918 (Section 31), New Zealand Loans Aot, 1908, and Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915: — Interest — On £100,000 at 4 per cont., 70 days to 1. March, 1919 On £100,000 at 4 por cent., 32 days to I. March, 1919 39 19 II 767 2 5 350 13 7 I ,117 16 0 The Finance Act, 1909: intorest — On £46,901 at 4 per cent., 1 year to I February, 1919 The Naval Defence Act, 1909 :— Interest — On £963,131 6s. 3d. at 44 per cent., 1 year to 1 December, 1918 Sinking Fund On £1,795,167 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 31 March, 1919 . . 1,876 0 10 43,340 18 0 115,147 18 0 71,807 0 0 The Public Debt Extinction Act, 1910:— Sinking Fund— Payable under Public Debt Extinction Act, 1910 143,301 0 0 The Irrigation and Water-supply Act, 1913:— Intorest— On £100,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 October, 1918 4,000 0 0 Carried forward 1.3,833,704 10 1


B.—l rPT. II

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19 18-19 19.

DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST and SINKING FUND— continued.

£ s. d. £ 3. d. £ s. d. Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 3,833,764 10 I INTEREST AND SINKING FUND-ontinued. THE NEW ZEALAND LOANS ACT, 1908. a : '-"' - ■ Phe Public Revenues Act, 1910 : — The Reserve Fund Securities Act, 1907, — Interest — On £800,000 at 4 percent., 1 year to I February, 1919 .. .. .. 32,000 0 0 The Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1914 (Section 8, War Expenses) : — J nterest — On £1,168,421 Is. at 3.1 per cent., 1 year to 30 September, 1918 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 40,894 14 8 On £898,989 18s. at 44 per cent., .', year to 1 June, 1918 .. .. 20,227 5 Ii On £898,989 18s. at 44 percent.,.', y'carto 1 December, 1918 .. 20,227 5 5 1 81,349 5 7 The Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1915 (Section 5, War Expenses) : — Interest— On £390,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 November, 1918.. .. 15,600 0 0 On £1,703,750 at 4 per cent., I year to 1 Fobruary, 1919 . . . . 68,150 0 0 On £3,232,323 4s. 4d. at 4' percent., J year to 1 June, 1918 .. 72,727 5 4; On £3,232,323 4s. 4d. at 41 per cent., .J year to 1 December, 1918 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 72,727 5 5 On £4,873,668 8s. 5d. at 5 per cent., 1 year to 30 Soptembor, 1918 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 243,683 8 6 1 472,887 19 3 The Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1915 (No. 2), Section 5: — Sinking FundOn £46,185,234 at 1 per cont., 1 year to 31 March, 1919 .. .. .. 461,852 0 0 The Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910 :— Interest — On £100,000 at 3-J- per cent., £ year to I August, 1918. .. .. 1,750 0 0 On £100,000 at 4 per cent., 4 year to I February, 1919 .. .. 2,000 0 0 Less— 3,750 0 0 Amount recovered from the Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account .. .. .. .. ... 3,750 0 0 s_ p I The Aid to Water-power Works Act, 1910:— Interest— On £50,000 at 3J por cent., 1 year to 1 November, 1918 .. 1,875 0 0 On £324,000 at 4 per cent., I year to 1 November, 1918 . . 12,960 0 0 On £50,000 at 4 per cent., 4 year to 1 November, 1918 .. I .000 0 0 On £50,000 at 4 per cont., 50 days to 1 November, 1918 180 5 II 16,021 5 II Less— Amount recovered from Electric Supply Account .. .. 39,343 3 I •- — Or. 23,321 I 7 2 The Appropriation Act, 1912 (Irrigation and Water-supply Account) : — . Interest— On £10,000 at 3| per cent., 1 year to 1 November, 1918 .. .. 375 0 0 On £5,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 November, 1918 .. .. 200 0 0 575 I.) 0 The Appropriation Act, 1917 (Section 22) : Cold-storage Advances Account:— Interest — On £3,250 at 4 per cent., J year to 1 September, 1918 .. . . 65 0 0 On £20,000 at 4 per cent., 181 days to 1 September, 1918 .. 396 14 3 On £20,000 at 4 por cent., 148 days to 1 September, 1918 .. 324 7 8 On £10,000 at 4 per cent., 118 days to 1 September, 1918 .. 129 (i 3 On £20,000 at 4 per cent., 99 days to 1 September, 1918 .. 216 19 9 On £3,250 at 4 per cent., 6 days to I March, 1918 .. .. 2 2 8 On £73,250 at 4 per cent., 4 year to 1 March, 1919 .. .. I ,405 0 0 On £500 at 4 per cent., 133 days to 1 March, 1919 .. .. 7 5 9 On £7,500 at 4 per cent., 130 days to 1 March, 1919 .. .. 10617 0 On £7,500 at 4 per cent., 93 days to 1 March, 1919 .. .. 76 8 9 On £5,000 at 4 per cent., 85 days to I March, 1919 .. .. 46 11 6 2,836 13 7 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. 4,861,943 11 4

B.—l IPt. II



DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST and SINKING FUND— continued.

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d, Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 4,861,943 11 4 INTEREST AND SINKING FUND-continued. THE NEW ZEALAND LOANS ACT, 1908. The Land Laws Amendment Act, 1913: — Interest— On £300 at 4 per cent., 4 year to 1 February, 1918.. .. 0 0 0 On £15,000 at 4 per cent.. 137 days to 1 April, 1918 .. .. 225 4 0 On £15,000 at 4 per cent., 70 day's to 1 April, 1918 .. .. 124 18 7 On £28,900 at 4 per cent., 4 year to 1 July, 1918 .. .. 578 0 0 On £900 at 4 per cent., 4 year to 1 August, 19.18 .. .. 18 0 0 On £178,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to I October, 1918 .. .. 7,120 0 0 On £30,000 at 4 per cent., 4 year to 1 October, 1918 .. .. 600 0 0 On £120,000 at 4 per cent., 95 days to 1 October, 1918 .. .. 1,249 6 3 On £20,000 at 4 per cent., 31 days to I October, 1918 .. .. 07 18 10 On £100,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to I December. 1918.. .. 4,000 0 0 On £10.500 at 4 per cent., I year to 31 December, 1918 .. 420 0 0 Ou £10,500 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1919 .. .. 420 0 0 On £8,000 at 4 per cent., I year to 22 January, 1919 .. .. 320 0 0 On £167,450 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 February, 1919 . . .. (i,098 0 0 On £244,800 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 March, 1919 .. .. 9,792 0 0 On £28,100 at 4 per cent., 4 year to 1 January, 1919 .. .. 562 0 0 On £20.000 at 4 per cent., f year to 31 March, 1919 .. .. 800 0 0 On ,£19,1.00 at 4] per cent., 1. year to 30 September, I!)I 8 .. 811 15 0 On £15,000 at 4] per cent., 1 year to 31 January, 1919 .. .. 637 10 0 On £15,000 at 44 per cent., 1 year to 29 September, 1918 .. 675 0 0 On £196,000 at 4| per cent., 1 year to 30 September, 1918 .. 8,820 0 0 On '£10,000 at 4|. per cent., 1 year to 30 December. 1918 .. 450 0 0 On £10,200 at 4\ por cent., 1 'year to 1 March, 1919 .. .. 459 0 0 On £2,000 at 44 por cent., \ year to 29 March, 1919 .. .. 45 0 0 On £20,000 at 5 per cent., 1 year to 26 March, 1919 .. .. 1,000 0 0 On £2,000 at 5 per cent., 4 yoar to 26 March, 1919 .. .. 50 0 0 Loss— 45,949 12 8 Amount recovered from Land for Settlements Account .. ,. 45,949 12 8 Tiie Native Land Amendment .Act, 1913 : — Interest — On £25,000 at 4 por cent., 137 days to .1. April, 191.8 .. - 375 li 10 On £25,000 at 4 por cent., 123 days to 1 April, 1918 .. 336 19 8 On £25,000 at 4 per cent., 38 days to I April, 1918 .. 104 2 2 On £30,000 at 4 por cent., 7 days to 1 April, 1918 .. 23 0 3 On £883,500 at 4 por cent., 1 year to 1 Octobor, 191.8 .. ' 35,340 0 0 On £105,000 at 4 per cent., 4 year to 1 October, 1918 .. 2,100 0 0 On £50,000 at 4 por cent., 168 days to 1 October, 1918 920 10 11 On £25,000 at 4 per cent., 59 days to I October, 1918.. 161 12 10 I On £20,000 at 4| per cent., I year to 1 October, 1918 .. 850 0 0 On £2,400 at 44 per cent... I year to 1 October, 1918 .. 108 0 0 On £3,000 at 44 per cent., I year to 5 December, 1918 ' 135 0 0 On £4,800 at 4| per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1919 .. 216 0 0 On £1,500 at 44 por cent., 1 yoar to 20 January, 1919 67 10 0 40,738 2 8 Loss — Amount recovored from Native Land Settlement Account .. 40,738 2 8 The Hauraki Plains Amendment Acts, 1913 and 1914:— Intorest— On £5,000 at 4 por cont., 87 days to 1 August, 1918 .. 47 13 5 On £5,000 at 4 per cont., 40 days to I August, 1918 .. 2118 4 On £25,000 at 4 per cent., I year to 1 February, 1919 .. 1,000 0 0 On £10,000 at 4 por cent., 4 year to 1 February, 1919 .. 200 0 0 On £5,000 at 4 per cent., 182 days to 1 February, 1919 .. 99 14 6 On £4,000 at 4 per cent., 45 days to 1 February, 1919 .. 19 14 6 On £6,000 at 4 per cent., 43 days to 1. February, 1919 .. 28 5 5 1.417 li 2 47 13 5 21 18 4 1,000 0 0 200 0 0 99 14 6 19 14 6 28 5 5 1,417 6 2 ■ 1,41/ 0 z Loss — Amount recovered from Hauraki Plains Settlement Account .. 1,417 (i 2 1,417 (i 2 1 The Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913 :— Interest— On £10,000 at 4 por cont., 1 yoar to 1 March, 1919 .. .. ... 400 0 0 400 0 0 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. 4,862,343 11 4 4,862,343 11 4

11—1 IPt. II


DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST and SINKING FUND— continued.


£ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. 4,862,343 11 4 Brought forward INTEREST AND SINKING FUND-™-*"'^-THE NEW ZEALAND LOANS ACT, 1908. The Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Acts. 1913 and 1914:— Interest - On £50.000 at 4 per cent., I year to I March, 1919 2,000 0 0 The Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act. 1913. and Finance Act, 1917 (Section 81): — Interest — On £10,000 at 4 per cent.. 118 days to I September, 1918 t)u £5,000 at 4 per cent., 15 days to I September, 1918.. On £10,000 at 4 per cent., 6 days to I September, 1918 . . On £20.000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to I March. 1919 On £15.000 at 4 per cent., 4 year to I March, 1919 On £5,000 at 4 per cent., 82 days to 1 March. 1919 129 6 3 8 4 4 (ill 6 800 0 0 300 0 0 44 18 7 1,289 0 8 The Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, and AiM'Roi'Ri.vrioN Act, 1918 (SECTION 44): — Interest On £5,000 at 4 per cent.. 71 days to I March. 1919 38 18 1 The Mining Amendment Act, 1913 : — Interest— On £11,500 at 4 per cent., 1 year to I November, 1918 .. 460 0 0 Less — Amount recovered from .Mining Advances Account 460 0 0 The Kauri-gum Industry Amendment Act, 1914: — Interest — On £47,000 at 4 per cent., I year to I November. 1918 . . 1,880 0 0 Cr. 3,799 1 0 Less— Amount received from Kauri-gum Industry Account 5,679 I 0 The Railwavs Improvement Authorization Act, 1914 :— [nterest— On £25,000 at 4 per cent. 129 days to I August, 1918 .. On £25,000 at 4 per cent., 87 days to 1 August, 1918 On £458,000 at 4 per cent., I year to 1 February, 1919 . . On £50,000 at 4 per cent., 4 year to 1 February, 1919 On £25,000 at 4 per cent., 154 days to 1 Fobruary, 1919 353 8 (i 238 7 I 13,320 0 0 I ,000 0 0 421 18 4 The Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915 : — Interest — On £26,000 at 4 per cent., I year to I March, 1919 20,333 13 II 1,040 0 0 The Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915, and Amendment Act, 1916: — Interest — On £74,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year tn I March, 1919 .. ■ 2,960 0 0 The Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act. 1915, and Finance Act, 1917 (Section 82): — Interest — On £20,000 at 4 per cent., 160 days to 1 September, 1918 On £10,000 at 4 per cent., 118 days to I September, 1918 On £20,000 at 4 per cent.. 99 day's to 1 September, 1918 On £20,000 at 4 per cent., 65 days to I September, 1918 On £20,000 at 4 per cent., 37 days to I September, 1918 On £30,000 at 4 por cent., 29 days to I September, 1918 On £50,000 at 4 per cent.. 15 days to 1 September, 1918 On £40,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to I March, 1919 On £170,000 at 4 per cont., .J- year to 1 March, I'll!) On £50.000 at 4 per cent.. 177 days to 1st March, 1919 . . On £50.000 at 4 per cent., 143 days to 1st March, 1919 . . On £99,000 at 4 per cent., 133 days to 1st March, 1919 . . 350 13 8 129 6 3 216 19 9 142 9 3 81 I II 95 0 10 82 3 9 1,600 0 0 3,400 0 0 969 17 2 783 I I 2 1,311 15 8 9,163 5 5 Carried forward < 4,895,369 8 5

B.—l |Pt. 11l



DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST and SINKING FUND— continued.

Brought forward £ s. d. £ s. d. ; £ s. d. |4, 895,369 8 5 INTEREST AND SINKING FUND- continued. THE NEW ZEALAND LOANS ACT. 1908. The Swamp Drainage Act, 1915: — Interest— On £5,000 at 4 por cont., 58 days to I May, 1918 On £16,000 at 4 per cent., I year to 1 November, 1918 . . On £5,000 at 4 per cent., .1 year to 1 November, 1918 . . On £5,000 at 4 per cent., 160 days to I November, 1918 On £.3,000 at 4 per cent., 126 days to 1 November, 191 8 31 15 7 640 0 0 100 0 (I 87 13 5 (i!) 0 9 928 9 9 The New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917: Interest— ()n £300 at 3 per cent., accrued to 15 November, 1918 On £1,000 at Q per cent., accrued to 5 April, 1918 .. On £8.920,675 at \\ per cont., accrued to 15 May, 1918 On £1,300 at 4| per cent,, aocrued to 17 May, 1918 On £7.607,915 at i\ per ocnt., accrued to 15 November, 1918 < In £200 at 44 per cent., accrued to 12 December, 1918 On £10,700 at 4J per cent., accrued to 7 February, I 919 On £741,560 at 5 per cent., accrued to 15 November, 1918 On £212.000 at Q por cent., \ year to 1 March. 1918 .. On £8,893.925 at 4i per cent., | year to 15 November, 1918 0 13 4 26 7 8 216,965 13 9 0 6 4 145,856 7 3 0 13 4 107 13 6 20,565 18 9 4,770 0 (I 200,113 6 3 The War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 :— Interest— On £3,762,050 at 4 \ per cent., accrued to 15 May, 1918 On £4.455,255 at 44 percent., accrued to 15November. 1918 On £1,530,000 at 5 per cent., 4 yoar to 31 March, 1918 .. On £3,300,000 at 5 por cent., 125 days to 31 March, 1918 On £3,185,300 at 4J per cent., { year to 15 May, 191 8 .. On £2.849,550 at 4.J per cent., 4 year to 15 November, 1918 — 588,407 0 2 80,267 13 6 8,3,017 10 I 38,250 (I (I 56,506 17 0 71,669 5 0 64,114 17 6 The War Purposes Loan Act, 1917, and Finance Act, 1917 (Section 68):— Interest — On £1.515,247 at 5 per cont., aocrued to 15 May. 1918 .. On £2,300 at 5 per cont., accrued to 15 November, 1918 On £1,438,600 at 5 per cent., | year to 15 November, 1918 1 393,826 3 I 51,517 18 0 80 (I 5 35,8;10 0 0 1 87,487 18 5 The War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 (Section 2), and War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 (No. 2): — InterestOn £1,530,000 at 5 per cent., 4 year to 30 September, 1918 On £3.300,000 at 5 per cent., 4 year to 30 September, 1918 38,250 0 0 82,500 0 0 Total Interest and Sinking Fund .. 120,750 0 0 £6,086,768 19 10


B.—l [Pt. ll].


STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1919, under SPECIAL ACTS of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY.

s—B. 1 [Pt.-lIJ.

The Appropriation Acts :— The Local Bodies' Finance and Powers Aot, 1885,— Payment of subsidies £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 140,308 19 4 The Appropriation Act, 1918:— Section 28,— Motor-car hire oonveying Hon. W. C. F. Carncross from Wellington to Eltham on occasion of family bereavement 30 0 0 The Auckland University College Act, 1882 :— Grant for year to 31 March, 1918 4,000 0 0 The Civil Service Act, 1908: — Allowances Compensation on Death or Retirement, — Justice Department— Bishop, H. W., Stipendiary Magistrate Land and Deeds Department— Gorman, A. P., Chief Clerk Lands and Survey Department— Thompson, F. A., Commissioner of Crown Lauds .. Postal and Telegraph Department— Jaokson, R., Lineman .. Mouat, R. W., Clerk Oldham, F. St. J., Clerk Ramsay, A., Senior Clerk Waters, F. V., Assistant Secretary 2,037 13 8 438 5 0 865 8 4 28,332 18 0 378 15 11 318 10 11 628 8 2 587 6 2 1,378 6 3 6,632 14 5 The Defence Act, 1909:— Pensions 34,965 12 5 3,430 16 11 The Education Acts, 1908 and 1914 :— Education Boards, — Public Primary Schools— Subsidies Technioal Instruction, — Subsidies National Scholarships,— Grants Secondary Schools, — Subsidies 4,617 11 6 1,673 8 0 13,129 16 2 721 18 9 Less amount credited 20,142 14 5 1 0 0 The Education Reserves Amendment Act, 1913: — Section 3, — G. Hunter, compensation for value of improvements, Porangahau Crown Grant District 20,141 14 5 20 10 3 The Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2) :— Section 8 .. 1,617 17 6 The Fire Brigades Act, 1908 :— Section 21, — Contributions 1,554 9 4 The Greymouth Harbour Board Act, 1884:— Section 7, — Net profits arising from the Groymouth-Brunner Railway, from 2 Maroh, 1918, to 9 February, 1919 6,449 19 11 The High Commissioner Act, 1908 :— Mackenzie, Hon. Sir T., salary, 1 October, 1917, to 31 December, 1918 2,500 0 0 The Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1909, and Amendment Acts, 1910 and 1913: — Subsidies 268,272 4 10 The Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1908:Section 65, — Judge of the Arbitration Court— Stringer, T. W., salary, 1 April, 1918, to 31 Maroh, 1919 Section 74, — Members of the Arbitration Court— MoCullough, J. A., salary, 1 April, 1918, to 31 March, 1919 Scott, W., salary, 1 April, 1918, to 31 March, 1919 1,800 0 0 500 0 0 500 0 0 1,000 0 0 The Judicature Act, 1908 :— Pension, — Prendergast, Sir J., 1 April, 1918, to 31 March, 1919 Denniston, Sir J. E., 5 August, 1918, to 28 February, 1919 .. 2,800 0 0 1,133 6 0 687 1 11 1,820 7 11 Carried forward 487,912 12 10

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£ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 487,912 12 10 Brought forward The Judicature Amendment Act, 1913:— The Judges,— The Chief Justioe— Sir R. Stout, K.C.M.G., salary, 1 April, 1918, to 28 February, 1919 The Puisne Judges— Chapman, F. R., salary, 1 April, 1918, to 31 March, 1919 .. .. .. .. Cooper, T., salary, 1 April, 1918, to 28 February, 1919.. Edwards, Sir W. B., salary, 1 April, 1918, to 31 March, 1919 Hosking, J. H., salary, 1 April, 1918, to 31 Maroh, 1919 Sim, W. A., salary, 1 April, 1918, to 31 March, 1919 .. Herdman, A. L., salary, 1 April, 1918, to 31 March, 1919 1,800 0 0 1,650 0 0 1,833 6 8 1,800 0 0 1,800 0 0 1,800 0 0 1,800 0 0 10,650 0 0 The Land Act, 1908:— Amount paid over to Receivers of Land Revenue, Local Bodies' Doposit Accounts, for payment to local authorities in respect of rentB, royalties, &o. National Endowment Residue, — For Education purposes For Old-age Pensions .. 46,576 6 7 12,483 6 76,176 19 9 32,647 5 8 108,824 5 5 The Legislature Act, 1908:— Members of the Legislative Council Members of the House of Representatives 6,638 12 11 19,653 7 2 155,400 12 Salaries, 1 April, 1918, to 31 March, 1919 — Legislative Council House of Representatives 26,292 0 1 1,750 0 0 2,400 0 0 4,150 0 0 The Land Settlement Finance Act, 1909:— Section 13, — Deficiency in interest due — 15 December, 1918— Eiffelton Land Settlement Association 3 Ootober, 1918Melvilie Downs Land Settlement Association 29 November, 1918— Glencairn Land Settlement Association 9 December, 1918— Moana Vale Land Settlement Association 329 11 8 ,442 0 1 136 9 2 645 17 7 179 6 4 1 QUI d Q Less recoveries on account of previous years— Angland Settlement Eiffelton Settlement Moana Vale 40 14 10 52 17 5 69 2 2 350 6 0 1,291 4 9 1,291 4 9 513 0 5 The Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1913:— Section 70, subsections (3) and (4), — Amount payable to the State Advances Office 778 4 4 552 4 0 The Magistrates' Courts Amendment Act, 1913: — Salaries of Magistrates 22,242 18 11 The Marlborough High School Act, 1899 :— Grant for the year 1918-1919 400 0 0 The Miner's Phthisis Act, 1915: — Pensions 8,852 0 8 The Municipal Corporations Act, 1908:— Section 73, — Subsidies 23,215 2 7 The National Provident Fund Act, 1910:— Section 25 .. The Finanoe Act, 1916,— Maternity allowances (section 18) Maternity allowances for friendly societies 10,164 13 6 27,807 8 6 3,898 15 0 13,744 0 0 The Native Land Amendment Act, and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1917: — Section 7, subsection (6), — Expenses, Mangatu Commission.. 595 16 7 Carried forward 770,682 7 2

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£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 770,682 7 2 Brought forward The Nelson Harbour Act, 1905 :— Seotion 6,— Compensation in lieu of rents and profits of the lands excluded from endowments from 1 October, 1917, to 30 September, 1918 500 0 0 The New Plymouth Harbour Board Endowment Act, 1874: — 25 per cent, of amount derived from land sales, rents, &c, to 31 Deoember, 1918 .. .. 6,296 10 5 The New Zealand Institute Act, 1908:— Grant for the year 1918-19 500 0 0 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908: — The New Zealand Consolidated Stook Act, 1877, — Amount paid Bank of England for year ended 31 October, 1918, for management 23,243 8 9 The Publio Debts Sinking Funds Act, 1868,— Salary of Secretary .. 1 April, 1918, to 31 Mar., 1919 Fee for auditing of accounts for the year 50 0 0 2 2 0 52 2 0 23,295 10 9 The New Zealand University Act, 1908 :— Grant for the year 1918-19 3,000 0 0 The New Zealand University Amendment Act, 1914 :— University National Scholarships University Bursaries .. .. .. .. ... National Research Scholarships Grants, — Auokland University College Victoria University College Canterbury College University of Otago 2,656 4 1 5,305 18 9 160 11 9 5,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 26,152 3 11 17,000 0 0 University Colleges— Subsidies .. .. .. 1,029 9 4 The OrcHard-tax Act, 1916 :— Seotion 4, — Advanoes 1,794 6 11 The Pensions Act, 1913 :— Old-age Pensions, — Pensions paid for the year 1918-19 Less charged to National Endowment Residue 741,983 3 3 32,647 5 8 709,335 17 7 Military Pensions, — Pensions paid for the year 1918-19 Widows' Pensions, — Pensions paid for the year 1918-19 50,510 10 7 80,669 18 1 810,516 6 3 The Public Revenues Act, 1910: — Seotion 6, — Salary— Controller and Auditor-General— Collins, R. J. .. 1 April, 1918, to 31 Mar., 1919 1,000 0 0 1,358 3 11 Sections 16, 29, and 90,— Deposits refunded 358 3 11 The Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1912 : — Section 5, — Annual contribution for reinstating public buildings destroyed by fire 10,000 0 0 Tftli Public Service Act, 191?: — Salaries, — Robertson, D... .. 1 April, 1918, to 31 Mar., 1919 Thomson, A. D. .. 1 „ to 31 „ 1,300 0 0 1,000 0 0 2,300 0 0 Carried forward 1,686,395 9 4

B.—l [Pt. 111.




; £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,686,395 9 4 Brought forward £ s. d. The Public Service Act, 1912, and Appropriation Act, 1918 (Section 22, Subsection (5)): — Salary, Acting Assistant Publio Service Commissioner, J. J. Esson , 250 0 0 The Public Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Acts, 1908, 1909, and 1912, and Appropriation Act (Sections 25 and 26): — Annual contribution to the Public Service Superannuation Fund Annual contribution to the Teaohers' Superannuation Fund Annual contribution to Government Railways Superannuation Fund 86,000 0 ■ 0 i 43,000 0 0 j 1 25,000 0 0 — i 154,000 0 0 154,000 0 0 The Rabbit Nuisance Act, 1908 :— Section 60, — Subsidies — East Coast Rabbit Board Hawke's Bay Rabbit Board Hurunui Rabbit Board 3,278 17 5 1,540 15 4 1,625 10 7 j 6,445 3 4 The Reserves and other Lands Disposal and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1913 :— Annuity under section 96, — Colonel T. W. Porter 150 0 0 The Reserves and other Lands Disposal and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1916 :— Section 67,— Compensation paid to Mrs. Ann Noble for loss of orohard .. 78 0 0 The Schaefer, McGuire, and Others Pension| Act, 1872: — McGuire, E. .. ., 1 April, 1918, to 31 December, 1918 13 14 6 The Slaughtering and Inspection Act, 1908 (Section 59), and Amendment Act, 1910:— Compensation paid to owners for oondemned stook 10,887 2 10 The Stock Act, 1908: — Seotion 45, — Compensation for stook destroyed on account of disease 9,098 18 0 The Valuation oe Land Act, 1908, — Seotion 33,— Purohase of lands 3,410 0 0 The Victoria College Act, 1905 :— Grant for the year 1918-19 4,000 0 0 The Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910 (Section 17 (d) ), and Amendment Act, 1912, and Appropriation Act, 1916 (Section 27) : — Contribution towards interest and sinking fund in terms of sections 17 and 27 280 13 5 The Walsh and Others Pensions Act, 1869:— Hewett, E. A. .. ..1 April, 1918, to 31 March, 1919 50 0 0 The Westport Harbour Board Act, 1884 :— Net profits arising from the Westport-Ngakawau Coalfield Railway and Wharf, to 1 February, 1919 28,848 10 11 The War Pensions Act, 1915 :— Pensions and allowances 1,199,544 7 8 War Risk Insurance Act, 1914 :— Premiums received under polioies for insurance on cargoes |Cr. 39 9 5 Total £3,103,412 10 7

B.—l [Pt. Ll]



STATEMENT of IMPRESTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND OUTSTANDING on the 31st March, 1919, showing the SERVICES for which they were issued.

Consolidated Fund : — Ordinary Revenue: — Interest and Sinking Fund, — Now Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1902 Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1905 Finance Act, 1915 (New Zealand Loans Amendment Act, 1915), Section 105 Government Railways Act, 1908, Finance Act, 1909 Land for Settlements Act, 1908 Land Laws Amendment Act, 1913 .. New Zealand Consols Act, 1908 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 Finance Act, 1917, Section 68 £ s. d. 30 0 0 11.7 5 0 32 0 0 1,700 9 11 20 0 0 1,460 5 0 6,042 7 6 647 8 2 .. 2,990 16 2 .. 1,606 10 0 2,771 4 7 Class IV. Working Railways Department,— Vote 13—Working Railways 212 13 5 Class VTI. Justice Department,— Vote 21 —Supreme Court Vote 22—Bankruptcy Vote 24 —Criminal Prosecutions .. .. Vote 28—Prisons .. .. .. ... .. Vote 30 —Police Department 367 4 3 32 16 10 1,922 8 0 3 13 9 85 14 2 Class IX. Department of Internal Affairs, — Vote 38—Department of Internal Affairs (Head Office) Vote 41—Audit Department Vote 46—-Dominion Laboratory Vote 48 —Public Service Commissioner's Office.. Vote 49 —Miscellaneous Services 10 15 6 32 4 10 33 10 8 300 0 0 225 0 0 Class X. Montal Hospitals, Public Health, Hospitals and Charitable Aid Departments, — Vote 50—Mental Hospitals Vote 51 —Public Health, Hospitals and Charitable Aid 29 15 0 .. 19,596 12 2 Class XI. Tourist Department,— Vote 52 —Tourists .. 1,352 14 11 Class XII. Defence Department,— Vote 53—Adjutant-General's Branch Vote 55—Quartormaster-Oeneral's Branch 18 3 9 .. 12,384 2 10 Class XIII. Customs, Marine and Harbours, and Inspection of Machinery Departments,— Vote 56 —Customs Offices and Services Vote 58—Marine, Harbours, and Inspection of Maohinery Vote 59—-Government Steamers '. . 4 17 10 3 13 762 2 10 Class XV. Department of Lands and Survey, — Vote 62 —-Department of Lands and Survey Vote 63 —Miscellaneous Sorvioes 777 6 0 52 0 9 Class XVII. Department of Agriculture, Industries, and Commerce, — Vote 66—-Agriculture, Industries, and Commerce 3,841 12 9 Class XVIII. Education Department,— Vote 68 —Elementary Education 0 2 4 General Imprest 94 19 9 Imperial Pensions Account .. 6,279 15 7 Advances on account of other Governments Aooount, — British Guiana British Military Occupation of Samoa .. .. .. Commonwealth Government.. Canadian Government Ceylon Cook Islands Federated Malay States Fiji Gilbert and Ellice Islands Hong Kong Imperial Government Mauritius .. Niue Island Straits Settlements Victorian Government 16 1 7 632 1 3 .. 12,076 10 7 638 18 10 217 6 6 359 13 4 36 7 9 41 5 0 40 16 0 ... 18 16 1 .. 43,766 8 0 ..-■■■ 205 1 4 287 17 4 108 9 0 147 6 10 Imperial Pensions .. 2,844 11 10 Advances on account of other Governments .. 4,230 16 8 Unauthorized 1,100 0 0 General Sorvioes Aooount .. 135,955 4 10 £268,671 8 3

8.--1 [Pt. ll].


PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19 18-19 19.


Balances on 31 March, 1918. Receipts. Payments and Transfers. Balances on 31 March, 1919. REVENUE FROM FEES, FINES, ETC. £ s. d. 10 8 0 £ s. d. 25 10 0 20 0 0 10 10 0 30 10 0 £ s. d. 26 11 0 10 6 0 29 11 0 31 0 0 £ s. d. 9 7 0 9 14 0 0 4 0 0 10 0 5 0 0 Counties :— Bay of Islands Cheviot Hokianga Kaikoura Waimea Whakatane 19 5 0 1 0 0 5 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 30' 0 0 Boroughs:— Opotiki Whakatane 55 13 0 96 10 0 127 8 0 24 15 0 0 10 0 20 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 30 10 0 40 0 0 Town Boards:— Kawakawa 20 10 0 50 0 0 70 10 0 9 8 0 9 8 0 Acclimatization Societies :— Ashburton Auckland Bay of Islands Buller Canterbury East Coast Feilding and District Grey Distriot Hawera Hawke's Bay Hobson Lako District Mangonui-Whangaroa Marlborough Nelson Opotiki Otago Rotorua South Canterbury Southland j Stratford I Taranaki Tauranga I Waimarino Waitaki-Waimate — Waitaki Branch Wanganui .. .. Wellington Westland Whangarei 14 2 0 02 0 2 12 6 20 10 0 1 19 0 02 0 29 17 0 913 14 6 194 0 6 15 12 0 107 4 0 103 7 0 28 5 6 53 6 0 65 6 6 191 2 6 295 8 6 13 18 0 130 13 0 70 4 0 155 17 6 80 12 6 269 19 0 55 11 6 9 17 6 80 3 6 48 15 0 75 19 0 160 13 0 42 18 0 29 17 0 900 4 6 194 0 6 15 12 0 107 4 0 103 7 0 28 5 6 53 8 0 65 6 6 191 14 6 295 8 6 13 18 0 130 13 0 67 5 6 130 5 0 79 8 6 270 18 6 55 11 6 9 17 0 80 3 6 48 15 0 76 1 0 157 14 6 42 18 0 27 12 0 20 6 2 18 6 46 2 6 14 0 0 19 6 2*18 6 20 5 0 1 19 6 90 4 6 120 18 0 1,165 8 0 33 11 6 250 11 6 90 4 6 120 18 0 1,166 18 0 35 11 0 250 11 6 18 15 0 4,812 0 6 102 10 6 61 12 0 4,852 19 0 Town of Rotorua 452 6 9 1,321 8 0 1,269 5 0 504 9 9 Total Revenue from Fees, Fines, etc. 599 9 9 ...... I 6,320 17 0 6,288 11 6 631 15 3

|Pt. ll].




Balances on 31 March, 1918. Receipts. Payments and Transfers. Balances on 31 March, 1919. ENDOWMENTS OF LAND. "ounties :— Awakino East Taupo Kawhia Manukau Rotorua Sounds Tauranga Thames West Taupo Whangamomona £ s. d. £ s. d, 38 19 1 81 5 6 98 16 7 24 14 0 298 18 6 1,601 7 7 0 6 11 6 18 0 1,337 9 5 88 5 9 £ s. d. 38 19 1 74 0 4 98 16 7 24 14 0 293 18 6 1,805 14 7 £ s. d. 75 2 123 12 2 46 18 10 327 19 2 46 11 11 6'l8 0 1,446 1 8 69'17 6 143 5 9 178 9 9 55 0 0 3,789 2 9 390 19 5 608 0 10 3,572 1 4 Harbour Board:— Greymouth 0 0 6 0 0 6 'slands :— Great Barrier Kermadec 7 6 11 15 15 11 7 6 11 15 15 11 23 2 10 Total Endowments of Land 23 2 10 3,595 4 8 3,812 6 1 390 19 5 608 0 10 GOLDFIELDS REVENUE. Counties ; — Ashburton Bay of Islands Bruoe Buller Clutha Collingwood Coromandel Fiord Great Barrier Island Grey Inangahua Karamea Lake Maniototo Marlborough Murohison Ohinemuri Pahiatua Piako Sounds Southland Stewart Island Taieri .. Takaka ... Tauranga Thames Tuapeka Vincent Waihemo Waikouaiti Waimea Waitaki Wallace Westland Whangarei 0 15 0 2 16 0 4 0 0 0 5 0 115 6 0 255'19 1 180 8 11 0 10 0 82 3 7 14 15 6 2.i.'l4 6 134 14 7 18 13 6 5 12 0 12 7 9 4 3 11 27 19 1 176 3 9 1.19 15 9 12 15 0 1 11 0 39 19 6 199 6 10 0 5 0 0 15 0 2 16 0 4 0 0 0 5 0 115 6 0 255 19 1 180 8 11 0 10 0 82 3 7 14 15 6 2.i.'l4 6 0 10 0 1 10 0 54 9 0 130 4 2 10 0 347 13 2 134 16 9 12 5 0 21 13 9 1,921 1 3 1,825 9 5 391 9 9 416 8 4 156 0 9 1*7 14 9 1,294 3 6 2 10 0 335 12 3 10 8 0 210 4 6 18 7 6 48 18 1 36 18 6 18 19 10 695 8 0 545 0 1 630 15 10 136 3 2 19 17 0 52 11 0 26 15 0 173 5 9 1,265 13 8 180 12 3 0-10 0 2 5 0 57 5 0 125 7 2 100 462 6 2 134 16 9 12 5 0 21 13 9 2,046 11 7 1,845 19 7 426 2 11 392 6 1 156 0 9 120 12 1 1,139 10 10 8 17 0 0 5 0 0 13 0 130 8 9 159 18 9 0 10 0 47 10 5 38 17 9 28 17 2 154 12 8 2 10 0 0 2 0 134 14 7 18 13 6 5 12 0 12 7 9 4 3 11 27 19 1 176 3 9 1.19 15 9 335 10 3 10 8 0 344 1 7 37 1 0 53 6 1 49 4 3 22 18 9 613 17 2 506 10 2 724 8 7 246 1 5 19 17 0 51 8 6 28 5 0 211 7 0 1,436 17 3 156 9 0 017 6 14 0 0 2 0 0 5 0 81 5 10 06 9 0 82 11 0 9 17 6 12 15 0 1 11 0 39 19 6 199 6 10 0 5 0 13 17 6 0 1 0 1 18 3 28 8 3 24 8 3 . Carried forward .. 1,432 1 3 11,244 5 0 11,792 3 8 884 2 7 l_ »


B.—l [Pt. II



Balances on 31 March, 1918. Receipts. Payments AND Transfers. Balances on GOLDFIELDS REVENUE— continued. 31 March, 1919. Brought forward £ s. d. 1,432 1 3 £ s. d. 11,244 5 0 £ s. d. 11,792 3 8 £ s. d. 884 2 7 Boroughs:— Alexandra Cromwell llokitika Kumara Naseby Ross Roxburgh Te Aroha Thames Waihi 3 2 (i 0 5 0 2 0 0 0 18 0 31' 3 0 15 17 10 5 5 0 10 0 0 10 9 0 10 0 263 8 9 0 5 0 1,270 7 8 120 17 8 1,929 13 1 19 0 4 5 5 0 7 15 0 10 2 0 10 0 277 2 3 0 5 0 4 5 0 1 0 0 17 9 6 0 5 0 468 15 3 12 15 5 309 12 3 801 12 5 108 2 3 1,620 0 10 37 3 6 Road Board — Pelorus 3,627 4 0 2,850 0 1 814 7 5 0 10 0 0 10 0 High School Commissioners: — Thames 77 2 5 68 6 8 8 15 9 Harbour Boards :— Greymouth Westport li' 0 0 1 16 0 282 7 6 1 14 0 276 4 11 0 2 0 20 2 7 14 0 0 284 3 6 277 18 11 20 4 7 Cromwell Athen^um 5 0 0 5 0 0 Native Accounts :— Coromandel Ohinemuri Te Aroha Thames West Wanganui 245 9 9 93 19 7 29 4 5 369 17 7 76 12 0 21 1 0 1 0 0 15 7 11 0 16 6 251 2 10 94 8 1 29 4 5 530 15 9 76 12 0 232 15 3 71 17 1 815 3 4 254 16 8 88 1 6 981 18 1 Suspense Account:— Auokland Distriot Goldfields 5,201 0 1 4,174 10 9 6,152 6 4 3,223 4 6 Less transfers within accounts .. 7,499 8 2 19,667 11 11 6,152 6 4 21,228 17 2 6,152 6 4 5,938 2 11 Total Goldfields Revenue 7,499 8 2 13,515 5 7 15,076 10 10 5,938 2 11 GOLD DUTY. Counties :— Coromandel Great Barrier Island Ohinemuri Piako Thames 13 11 0 13 11 0 6' 1 0 28 10 8 2,810 0 6 2 13 4 45 14 6 2,838 11 2 2 13 4 45 14 6 0 10 0 10 Boroughs :— Paeroa Thames Waihi 28 11 8 2,871 19 4 2,900 10 0 996' 9 6 491 0 0 79 6 2 11,497 14 11 491 0 0 79 6 2 11,990 14 5 503'10 0 996 9 6 12,068 1 1 12,561 0 7 503 10 0 Unknown Account 279 5 4 356 19 9 125 0 8 511 4 5 Less transfers within accounts .. 1,304 6 6 15,297 0 2 507 0 8 15,586 11 3 507 0 8 1,014 15 5 Total Gold Duty 1,304 6 6 14,789 19 6 15,079 10 7 1,014 15 5 COUNTIES SEPARATE ACCOUNT. Ashley Marlborough Peninsula 44 16 8 34 15 0 1 19 6 44 16 8 18 19 9 1 19 6 156 0 9 17116 0 Total Counties Separate Account 81 11 2 156 0 9 171 16 0 65 15 11


B.—l [Pt. ll]



6—B. 1 [Pt. ll].

Balances on 31 March, 1918. Receipts. Payments AND Transfers. Balances on 31 March, 1919. ADVANCE ACCOUNT. Counties :— Bay of Islands Cheviot Hokianga Cr. Cr. £ s. d. 0 12 0 118 0 £ s. d. 14 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 . £ s. d. 1 3 0 0 6 0 1 18 0 Cr. Cr. Cr. £ s. d. 0 13 0 0 6 0 0 13 0 Cr. 2 10 0 2 9 0 3 7 0 Cr. 1 12 0 Borough :— Opotiki 4 0 1 4 0 1 Town Boards :— Kawakawa Mangapapa Tuakau Cr. 0 12 0 Or. 1 0 0 Dr. 38 11 10 3811 10 0 12 0 Cr. 10 0 Dr. 36 19 10 38 11 10 0 12 0 Cr. 10 0 Road Board:— Mangaorongo Dr. 6 5 5 0 15 0 Dr. 7 0 5 Harbour Boards :—. Greymouth Opunake Tauranga Westport Dr. 26 1 3 Dr. 485 6 2 Or. 85 15 9 333 - 8 8 20.000 0 0 226 10 5 Dr. 226 10 5 Dr. 26 1 3 Dr. 151 17 6 Cr. 85 15 9 20,OOO' 0 0 Dr. 425 11 8 20,333 8 8 20,220 10 5 Dr. 318 13 5 Drainage Commissioners :— Taieri Land Dr. 64 14 8 Dr. 04 14 8 Total Advance Account Dr. 531 1 7 20,378 9 7 20,235 4 6 Dr. 387 10 6

B.—l [Pt. ll].




Accounts. Balances on 81 March, 1918. RKoun'Ts. Payments and Transfers. Balances ON 31 March, 1919. Butter-fat Adjustment .. Butter Prices Equalization Education Reserves Amendment Act, 1914,— Primary-education Endowments — Section 2 (Rents) .. Section 3 (Sales) Secondary-eduoation Endowments: Section 2 (Rents) — Auckland Provincial District Taranaki Provincial District.. Wellington Provincial District Hawke's Bay Provincial District Nelson Provincial District Marlborough Provincial District Westland Provincial District Otago Provincial District Secondary-education Endowments: Section 3 (Sales) — Auckland Provincial District Emigrants' Deposits Fisheries Act, 1908 General Assembly Library Fund Gold Duty Suspense Greymouth Harbour Board Act, 1884 : Special Coal-rate Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1909 Imperial Government Butter-supply Imperial Government Canned - rabbi-s Supply Imperial Government Cheese-supply Imperial Government Condensed - milkSupply Imperial Government Corned-moats Supply Imperial Government Frozen - rabbits Supply Imperial Government Glaxo-supply Imperial Government Hides-supply Imperial Government Jam-supply Imperial Government Meat-supply Imperial Government Soheelite-supply Imperial Government Supplies Branch Suspense Imperial Government Wool-supply Imperial Government Wool-supply (Pells).. Kitchener Memorial Scholarships Land Transfer Act, 1908 Land Act, 1908 — Mining Districts Land Occupation Maori Land Settlement Act, 1905 Miscellaneous Money-order Settlement.. Native Land Act, 1878 (No. 2) .. Nelson Rifle Prize Fund Nelson Rifle Prize Fund Investment New Zealand Expeditionary Force Relief Fund .. .. Now Zealand University Endowment,— Westland Ngatirahiri Compensation North Island Experimental Dairy School .. Public Trust Office Remittance Railways Receiver-General's Deposit Released Sinking Funds Suspense Retail Butter Business State Advances Office Taranaki Scholarships Endowment Tauranga Educational Endowmont Reserves Act, 1896 Thermal Springs Districts Act, 1910 Trustee Act, 1908 Unclaimed New Zealand Bonds Westport Harbour Board Act, 1884: Special Coal-rate £ s. d. 3,971 2 1 £ a. d. 3,563 19 2 76,596 7 7 £ s. d. 4,336 18 1 £ a. d3,198 3 2 76,596 7 7 1,308 1 3 82,794 10 10 74 5 2 82,794 10 10 987 7 4 394 19 1 518 17 7 298 13 2 961 16 11 664 17 8 61 13 0 42 5 2 229 3 10 310 0 8 1,672 18 4 1,078 6 7 1,993 8 4 1,637 6 6 362 16 11 117 13 6 467 8 I 1 ,045 4 2 1,605 8 6 1,021 14 4 2,096 3 7 1,647 (i 4 385 .15 6 118 7 6 440 4 9 1,020 0 8 586 7 5 355 5 5 859 1 8 654 17 10 41 14 5 41 11 2 256 7 2 335 4 7 13 1 2 10 0 0 10 13 4 18 1 2 10 0 0 10 18 4 1,753 7 8 50 0 0 1,747 8 1 50' 0 0 1,753 7 8 ' 1,747 8 1 20,082 1 6 20,082 1 6 145 2 4 372,528 12 8 97 12 9 3,559,769 18 6 77 6 6 3,531,497 3 6 165 8 7 400,801 7 8 44 15 6 335,779 1 1 29,650 0 0 5,200,426 10 8 29,385 9 8 5,499,448 13 10 309 5 10 36,756 17 11 396 17 8 7,884 9 0 82,390 2 9 7,884 9 0 82,390 2 9 396 17 8 17,323 13 0 24,187 18 9 13,514 15 7 0 8 9 251,351 10 1 3,422 14 0 07,800 0 0 390,016 0 0 138,681 7 8 2,929 5 0 10,210,000 0 0 33,000 0 0 81,844 13 9 412,384 2 3 115,445 3 10 3,278 19 3 1,81.9 16 6 36,750 19 5 2,929 13 9 442,284 6 5 1,077 0 10 10,019,067 3 8 35,345 13 2 1,049,968 4 1 361 10 9 1,261 1 0 5 0 0 47,240 1 0 15,445,000 0 0 1,505 0 0 401 4 0 46,888 14 5 10,315,215 8 0 1,866 10 9 351 7 1 179,752 16 1 1,662* 5 0 5 0 0 10,864 11 7 468 0 8 381.844 15 1 103,515 19 10 58 0 0 1,133 8 0 Dr. 1,000 0 0 1,549 16 8 944,550 16 0 278,457 19 8 756 4 7 37 7 4 856,904 15 11 305,091 8 10 11,658 3 8 430 13 4 469,490 15 2 76,882 10 8 58 0 0 1,165 8 0 Dr. 1,000 0 0 32' 0 0 255 18 0 154 3 4 410 1 4 330 1 2 17 10 4 5,495 16 5 22,637 15 8 26,000 0 0 2,146 7 0 4,941 15 8 1,409,794 5 5 312 11 3 5 10 0 159 10 0 103,968 4 0 3,050 0 0 79,43712 2 335 11 2 17 16 4 5,655 6 5 47,168 7 (i 3,050 0 0 26,000 0 0 2,140 7 0 837 5 11 1,162,000 0 0 299 11 8 34,150-' 5 10 626' 0 3 38,260 15 7 247,794 5 5 638 19 10 137 2 0 9,971 18 8 5,520 14 4 900 0 0 27 5 0 149 7 0 47 11 1 270 0 9 164 7 0 9,851 4 11 5,568 5 5 900 0 0 28,013 13 9 2,481 16 7 30,495 10. 4 Totals 14,113,890 11 1 130,759,409 10 6 37,806,189 10 2 3,067,110 11 5


B.—l [Pt. li]




Primary Education : — Section 2, — Payments to Education Boards Refunds, &c. £ s. d. 82,792 10 10 2 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 82,794 10 10 83,781 18 2 Section 3, — Purchases 987 7 4 Secondary Education :— Seotion 2, — Payments to Secondary Schools 8,312 15 0 £92,094 13 8

£ s. d. £ a. d. 16 16 0 0 18 9 33 18 6 14 0 64 16 7 25 9 11 28 11 2 2 10 3 145 9 9 58 10 1 1 1 5 .326 38 2 7 96 5 6 147 19 5 44 10 9 31 0 4 1 12 6 4 7 6 5 8 4 4 8 9 Buller County Council .. Collingwood County Council Coromandel County Counoil Inangahua County Council Grey County Council Lake County Council Maniototo County Council Murohison County Council Ohinemuri County Council Southland County Council Taieri County Counoil .. Tauranga County Counoil Thames County Council.. Tuapeka County Counoil Vincent County Council.. Waitaki County Counoil.. Wallaoe County Council.. Westland County Council Whangarei County Council Waihi Borough Council .. Pelorus Road Board £756 4 7

B.—l rp T . II



STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS under the Trustee Act, 1908, to 31st March, 1919, with Particulars of the BALANCE at CREDIT in the DEPOSIT ACCOUNT on that Date. (Published in Terms of Section 72 of the Trustee Act, 1908.)

RECEIPTS. DISBURSEMENTS. 1918. April 1 1919. March 31 Balance on 31st March, 1918 £ s. d. £ s. d. 5,520 14 4 1919. March 31 Balances on 31st March, 1919,— £ s. d. £ s. d. Estate of Susan Smallwood .. .. .. 93 10 0 Sarah Jane White .. .. .. 354 16 8 J. Matheson and H. Gracie .. .. 414 3 3 Mary McKay .. .. .. .. 43 3 10 William Tattley .. .. .. 45 1 5 Barthia Wilkie .. .. .. 287 11 1 Robert Miller .. .. .. .. 22 4 7 Paora Parau and W. R. Miller .. .. 23 0 0 Francis Humphreys Heighway .. .. 46 12 5 „ George Moore .. .. .. .. 2,414 0 0 Richard Galway .. .. .. 836 13 9 B. E. McCredie .. .. .. 145 6 6 E.W.Alexander .. .. .. 649 7 8 R. Chalmers .. .. .. .. 47 11 1 Moanatairi Extended Gold-mining Company .. 16 7 8 The Direct Supply Company (Limited), Auckland, in liquidation .. .. .. .. 33 5 10 Wellington-Manawatu Railway Company (Limited) 95 9 8 ! — 5,568 5 5 £ s. d. In the estate of R. Chalmers ._-. - 47 11 1 Total .. £5,568 5 5 Total .. .. .. .. .. £5,568 5 5

8.-l [Pt II!.



STATEMENT of IMPRESTS of the PUBLIC WORKS FUND OUTSTANDING on the 31st Makch, 1919, showing the SERVICES for which they were issued. ~"~ Public Works Fund :— Class XXI. Public Buildings,— £ s. d. Vote 90—Postal and Telegraph . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 9 10 0 Class XX VII. Telegraph Extension, — Vote 105—Telegraph Extension .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 28,091 2 2 Class XXXI. Plant, Material, and Stores, — Vote 110—Plant, Material, and Stores .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 138 1 11 £28,838 14 1 The Treasury, Wellington, 30th August, 1919.

G. F. C. Campbell, Secretary to the Treasury. j. .). Esson, Accountant to the Treasury, Examined and found correct. Robekt J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General. Audit Office, Wellington, 3rd September, 1919.

B.—l [Pt. 111.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19 18-19 19.



RECEIPTS. £ a. d. £ s. d. : £ s. d. THE WAR LOANS SINKING FUND :— Balance on 1st April, 1918 375,733 16 11 Amount due to Sinking Fund under soctiou 5 of the Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1915 (No. 2), on £46,185,234 3s. 7d. 461,852 0 0 Interest on Investments 25,925 6 10 £863,511 2 9 THE LOCAL BODIES' LOANS ACT, 1908:Balance on 1st April, 1918 799,000 12 0 Interest on Investments .. 35,182 8 7 £834,783 0 7 THE WAR AND DEFENCE LOANS 8INKING FUNDS ACCOUNT:— Balance on 1st April, 1918 192,690 12 7 Interest on Investments 8,478 8 0 £201,169 0 7 THE NAVAL DEFENCE ACT SINKING FUND:Balance on 1st April, 1918 519,221 1 6 Contribution to Sinking Fund at 4 per cent, on £1,795,167 17s. lid., one year to 31st March, 1918 l l 71,807 0 0 Interest on Investments 23,493 3 5 £614,521 4 11


B.—l [Pt. II


FUNDS during the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1919.

DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ £ a. d. £ s. d. s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. " THE WAR LOANS SINKING FUND :— 863,511 2 9 Balance on 31st March, 1919 868,511 2 9 £863,511 2 9 THE LOCAL BODIES' LOANS ACT, 1908 :— £863,511 2 9 Treasury,— Amount paid in accordance with section 12 of the Public Debt Extinction Act, 1910 35,182 8 7 35,182 8 7 Balance on 31st March, 1919 799,600 1.2 0 £834,783 0 7 799,600 1.2 0 £834,783 0 7 THE WAR AND DEFENCE LOANS SINKING FUNDS ACCOUNT:— Treasury,— Amount paid in accordance with section 12 of the Public Debt Extinction Act, 1910 8,478 8 0 8,478 8 0 Balance on 31st March, 1919 192,690 12. 7 £201,169 0 7 £201,169 0 7 192,690 12. 7 THE NAVAL DEFENCE ACT SINKING FUND:— Balance on 31st March, 1919 614,521 4 11 614,521 4 11 £614,521 4 11 £614,521 4 11 STATEMENT of SINKING FUNDS AGGEUED to the 31st Maech, each LOAN. 1919, , iii respect of Under Acts :— Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908 The War and Defenoe Loans Naval Defenoe Act, 1909 The Public Revenues Amendment Aot, 1915 (No. 2), (War Loans) £ a. d. 799,600 12 0 192,690 12 7 614,521 4 11 863,511 2 9 £2,470,323 12 3

B.—l [Pt. TI


The PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March, 1919.


Doe Date. Sinking Funds. Net Indebtedness. Annual Charge. Authorizing Act. Amount outstanding. I Rate. imount. When payable. Remarks. Int. I S.P. Amount. i I 15 Aug., 1921 1 1 May, 1919 - 1 May, 1921 ( 1 May, 1921 ( 1 Jan., 1921 \ 1 Dec, 1921 ( 1 Dec, 1923 j 1 Dec, 1919 | 1 Dec, 1922 1 Jan., 1921 1 Jan., 1921 1 Feb., 1921 4 1 Jan., 1922 j 1 Jan., 1923 1 Feb., 1924 \ 1 Jan., 1926 1 Aug., 1923 £ £ °b 200,000 3J 1,000 4 90,300 4 2,900 H 32,900 4 10,000 4 61,600 4 j 30,400 4 ! 187,600 , 4 157,990 ! 4 30,225 ; 4J 25,100 4 1-2,900 4 2,500 4 283,600 4 25,000 4J 565, 500 4 j % £ 7,000 15 Feb. and 15 Aug. * Loan may be paid off at any time on six months' 40 1 May „ 1 Nov. notice being given. 3.612 1 May „ 1 Nov. 131 j 1 Mav ,. 1 Nov. 1,316 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 400 1 June „ 1 Dec. 2,464 1 June „ 1 Dec. 1,216 1 June „ 1 Dec. 7,504 1 June ,. 1 Dec. 6,320 1 Jan. „ 1 July. ; 1,360 1 Jan. „ 1 July. ; 1,004 i 1 Feb „ 1 Aug. . 516 j 1 Jan. . 1 July. 100 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 11,344 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. f Loan may be paid off at any 1,125 1 Jan. „ 1 July. time on six months' notice 22,620 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. being given. I _ . __ ..._._ New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1896 £ £ inn nr\f\ 200,000 £ 200,000* i» Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, -: 1900 I Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, j 1901 j i Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aet, J 1902 1 1,000 | 90,300 I 94,200 2,900 ) 32,900 ) 10,000 l 104,500 61,600 j 157,990 30,225 25,100 12,900 I 537,315 2,500 283,600f 25,000 . ~C£ son } I I 94,200 104,500 218,000 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, J 1903 j ' 537,315 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1904 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1905 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1906 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, I 190T Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1908 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1910 (Issued to cover expenses of raising £189, 100 : loan) ■ A id to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, I 1911 565,500 209,500 5,000 ) 500,000 | 346,800 j Mau i MU o 79,100 ) 200 200,000 I 167,000 f 867 > 200 500,000 1 ) 565,500 209,500 930,900 867,200 1 Jan., 1921 ( 1 Jan., 1921 ' 1 Jan., 1922 1 1 Jan., 1922 1 1 Jan., 1924 j 1 Jan., 1920 J 1 Jan., 1922 1 1 Jan., 1922 ( 1 Jan., 1923 1 April, 1921 (■ 1 Dec, 1945 1 Dec, 1945 ( 1 Jan., 1920 J 31 Mar., 1920 (31 Mar., 1920 209,500 4 5,000 4 500,000 3* 346,800 i 79,100 4 200 4 200,000 3J 167,000 4 500,000 4 50,000 4 1- 191,010 4J 49,000 3| 50,000 3J 50,000 3| I 4,117,125 8,380 1 Jan. . 1 July. | 200 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 17,500 ; 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 13,872 \ 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 3,164 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 8 ! 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 7,000 1 Jan. » 1 July. 6,680 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 20,000 1 Jan. „ 1 Julv. 2,000 i 1 April „ 1 Oct. 8,595 1 June , 1 Dec. { Repayable at the option of I the Government on or after 1,837 I Jan. . 1 July. December 1925 by 1,750 Uune . 1 Dec. givmg three months notice n op- : , T it-, in the Gazette. l,87o 1 June , 1 Dec. 160,933 50,000 50,000 | 189,100 j 191,010+ 149,000 1,910 191 ' 010 J - i ) 49,000 50,000 L 149,000 50,000 Carried forward 4,117,125 4,117,125

B.—l [Pt. ll]


The PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March, 1919— continued.

7—B. 1 [Pt. ll].


Amount outstanding. I Dub Date. Sinking Fundb. Annual Charge. Acthobizing Act. INDEBTEUNE8S. Rate. Khmarks. Int. j S.F. Amount. When payable. . Brought forward .. .. Aid to Public WorkB and Land Settlement Aot, ( 1912 | Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1914 i Aid to Water-power Works Act, 1910 .. -? ' Appropriation Act, 1912 (Irrigation and Water- I supply Account) ( Appropriation Act, 1917 (Cold-storage Advanoes I Account) ( Appropriation Act, 1918, section 33 (Waimarino Bush-fire Relief Account) £ 11,200 I 175,300 j 625,000 1,100,000 220,000 59,900 i 500,000 45,100 I 100,000 I 50,000 \ 50,000 14,000 30,000 55,000 I 10,000 I 215,000 25,000 ' 10,000 I 5,000 I 73,250 I 20,500 j . * 4,117,125 I 1Q c ™ J15 April, 1920 186,500 U5 4 ril ; l920 1 Nov., 1919 1 May, 1920 INov., 1920 p 2,650,000 J 81 Dee., 1920 1 May, 1921 1 j 1 Nov., 1922 ! \ 1 Feb., 1923 \ , IMay, 1919 INov., 1919 1 May, 1920 - 449 000 A 1Not - 1920 I "y. 000 11 IMay, 1921 1 May, 1922 1 May, 1923 ' IMay, 1924 | 15,000 1 Nov., 1919 £ 4,117,125 £ \ ] £ 4,117,125 11,200 175,300 625,000 1,100,000 220,000 59,900 500,000 45,100 100,000 50,000 50,000 14,000 30,000 55,000 10,000 215,000 25,000 10,000 5,000 73,250 20,500 75,000 % % £ 160,933 448 6,574 25,000 44,000 8,800 2,396 20,000 1,804 4,000 2,000 1,875 560 1,200 2,200 400 8,600 1,000 375 200 2,930 820 3,000 186,500 2,650,000 4 3| 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3| 4 4 4 4 15 April and 15 Oct. 15 April . 15 Oot. 1 Ma f 1 Nov. 1 May „ 1 Nov. 1 May . 1 Nov. 30 June „ 31 Dec. 1 May , 1 Nov. 1 May . 1 Nov. 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. 1 May , 1 Nov. 1 May „ 1 Nov. 1 May . 1 Nov. 1 May „ 1 Nov. 1 May , 1 Nov. 1 May „ 1 Nov. 1 May „ 1 Nov. 1 May „ 1 Nov. 1 May , 1 Nov. 1 May . 1 Nov. 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 1 Mar. . 1 Sept. 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. I qo 7fi0 f 1 Mar., 1923 ) 93 '' 50 jl lMar.,1924 75,000 ' 1 Mar., 1924 j Coal-mines Act, 1908 .. .. Coal-mines Act, 1908 (Appropriation Act, 1912) .. i Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915, and] Amendment Act, 1916 (section 7) \ Discharged Soldiers Si ttlement Act, 1915, and I Finance Act, 1917 (section 82) District Railways Purchasing Acts, 1885-86 Finance Act, 1909 .. .. .. Finance Act, 1915, section 105 .. J 110,000 30,000 10,000 36,000 64,000 20,000 190,000 - 190,000 1,095,360 > 332,385 86,240 I 16,930 474,115 J : I 1 April, 1919 - 150,000 J 1 April, 1921 | 1 April, 1923 25,000 1 April, 1919 100,000 i - 1 *■*•££ 1 1 Mar., 1922 ( 1 Mar., 1922 400,000 J 1 Mar., 1923 { 1 Mar., 1924 40,000 l July, 1919 46,901 ; 1 Aug ,1920 (15 Dec, 1920 ' 15 Dec, 1925 I 2,005,030* J 15 Dec, 1930 15 Dec, 1935 ) U5 Dec, 1940 J - 110,000 30,000 10,000 25,000 36,000 64,000 20,000 190,000 190,000 40,000 46,901 i 3| 4 4 3| 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4,125 1,200 400 937 1,440 2,560 800 7,600 7,600 1,600 1,876 1 April „ 1 Oct. 1 April „ 1 Oct. 1 April , 1 Oct. 1 April . 1 Oct. 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 1 Mar. , 1 Sept. 1 Mar. . 1 Sept. 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. , 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 1 Jan. . 1 July. ! 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. j 2,005,030*1 H 90,226 15 June . 15 Dec. , * £5,030 issued * £5,030 issued| to cover expenses ofjraiBing £2,000,000 loan. i| to cover expenses of.rais loan. Bing £2,000,000 ; 10,353,306 419,479 loan. Carried forward 10,353,306 '■- ' I I

B.—l TPt. II


The PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March, 1919— continued.

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1918-19 19.

Authorizing Act. Amount outstanding. Due Date. Sinking Funds. Indebted- R t NESS. Int. I S.F. Annual Charge. Kkmarks. Amount. When payable. I £ £ 10,353,306 £ £ : % 30,353,306 j .. 100,000 4$ 45,875 4j 17,200 4J 300 4| 4,000 4 J 23,325 I 4J 11,200 4J 5,200 4 J 800 44 1,000 ; 4} 1,600 4j 178,600 4 J 127,500 4J 71,700 : 44 19,500 I 4| 153,800 4* 276,600 ! 44 500 4| 917,500 44 160,000 44 6,800 44 1,120,000 4 1,149,550 44 5,589,200 44 355,000 44 ■205,000 44 265,000 44 100,000 44 115,000 44 85,000 4| 24,000 44 60,000 44 40,000 44 24,700 44 % 1 % £ 419,479 4,500 30 June and 31 Dec. 2,064 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 774 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. 14 1 Mar. . 1 Sept. 180 1 May . 1 Nov. 1,050 Uan. . 1 Julv. 504 1 May . 1 Nov. 234 1 Jan. , 1 July. 36 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 45 1 May „ 1 Nov. 72 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 8,037 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. 5,738 31 Mar. „ 30 Sept. 3,226 1 April „ I Oct. 877 j 15 Anril . 15 Oct. 6,921 1 May . INov. 12,447 I 1 June „ 1 Dec. 22 30 June „ 30 Dec. 41.288 Uan. „ 1 July. 7,200 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. . 306 1 Mar. . 1 Sept. | 44,800 1 April „ 1 Oct. 51,730 1 Mir. . 1 Sept. 251,514 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 15,975 , 1 Mar. . 1 Sept. 9,225 i 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 11,925 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 4,500 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 5,175 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept, 3,825 1 Mar. , 1 Sept. 1,080 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 2,700 1 Mar. . 1 Sept. 1,800 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 1,111 1 Mar. . 1 Sept. 140,594f 'Proceeds of war-loan certifi900 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. cates invested in war bonds. 675 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 675 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. f Sinking fund 1 per cent. 1,350 1 Mar. . 1 Sept. : payable on £14,059,392 for 630 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 1919-20. 675 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 810 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 720 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 900 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 450 1 Mar. . 1 Sept. 769 1 Mar. . 1 Sept. i 236,842 31 Mar. „ 30 Sept. {Memorandum of security issued to Imperial i or,c o«, Government dated 1,3 ° 6 ' 364 26th March, 1917. Brought forward • • 100,000 45,875 17,200 300 4,000 23,325 11,200 5,200 800 1,000 1,600 178,600 127,500 71,700 19,500 153,800 276,600 500 917,500 160,000 6,S00 1,120,000 1,149,550 5,589,200 f355,000 205,000 265,000 100,000 115,000 85,000 24,000 60,000 40.000 24,700 f31 Dec, 1920 1 Jan., 1921 1 Feb., 1921 1 Mar., 1921 1 May, 1921 1 Jan., 1926 1 May, 1926 1 Jan., 1931 1 Jan., 1936 1 May, 1936 - 1 Jan., 1941 I 1 Feb., 1941 I 31 Mar., 190 i 1 April,1941 I 15 April,1941 IMay, 1941 1 June, 1941 30 June, 1941 1 July, 1941 | 1 Aug., 1941 I 1 Sep., 1941 | lApril,1922 1 Sep., 1941 1 Sep., 1930 22 Aug.,1921 31 Aug.,1921 I 9 Sep.,1921 30 Sep., 1921 31 Oct., 11:21 30Nov.,1921 31 Dec, 192 1 31 Jan., 1922 , 28 Feb., 1922 j 1 Mar.,1922 " " " ■• •• Finance Act, 1915, section 106 •• .. "' 2,123, 000| •• - I I •• " -• •• 'inance Aot, 1916, section 35 (War Expenses).. 14,059,392) "> „,, " 20,000 15,000 15,000 80,000 14,000 ! 15,000 18,000 16.000 20,000 10,000 17,100 4,500,0003; 236, S4g^ 6 Mar.,1922 9 Mar.,1922 19 Mar.,1922 j 11 April,1922 19 April,1922 3 May, 1922 18 May, 1922 5 June, 1922 21 June, 1922 11 July, 1922 4 Aug., 1922 •• - 20,000 44 15,000 44 15,000 4| 30,000 44 14,000 44 15,000 44 18,000 44 16,000 4| 20,000 4| 10,000 44 17,100 4A 1 (Issued to cover expenses of raising £4,500,000 loan) Carried forward 26,535,698 •• I 4,736,849 5 ■■ 26,535,698

8.-l [Pt. H]


The PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March, 1919— continued.


Net Indebted- tj»»„ NESS. Bate - Int. S.F. Annual Charge. Authorizing Act. Amount outstanding. Due Date. Sinking Funds. Remarks. When payable. r Amount. When payable. j £ £ 26,535,698 jg £ % 26,535,698 ° % £ 1,306,364 1 Mar. and 1 Sept. 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. * Prooeeds of war-loan certificates invested in war 1 Mar. , 1 Sept. bonds. 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. f Sinking fund 1 per cent. 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. payable on £17,900 for 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. 1919-20. 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 1 June „ 1 Deo. 31 Mar. , 30 Sept. J Memorandum of security 15 May „ 15 Nov. issued to Imperial Govern15 May „ 15 Nov. ment dated 4th June, 1918. 15 May „ 15 Nov. § Proceeds of war-loan cer- | 15 May „ 15 Nov. tifioates invested in war 15 May „ 15 Nov. bonds. 15 May „ 15 Nov. 15 May „ 15 Nov. Brought forward Finanoe Act, 1916, seotion 35 (War Expenses)— | Appropriation Act, 1917, section 27 .. J 7,900*1 \( 4 Aug., 1922 8 ' 000, ■ 17,900 g 6Sept.,1922 2,000* [ 2 Oct., 1922 300,000 ) 1 Aug., 1921 350.000 - 1,000,000 - lAug., 1922 350.000 j I 1 Feb., 1923 10,000 \ ( 1 Aug., 1921 1,000 I lFeb., 1922 25,000 I- 50,000 -' 1 Aug., 1922 2,100 I j 1 Feb., 1923 11,900 ) I 1 Aug., 1923 475,000 I „p 0 00f) f 1 Feb., 1923 375,000 J- 850 ' 000 \ 1 Feb., 1924 1,500,000 1 i f 1 June, 1923 6,600,000* 500,000S 6 May, 1923 44,300§ 15 May, 1923 75,000§ 21 May, 1923 150,000§ 8 June, 1923 50,000§ 8 July, 1923 15,000, 8 Aug., 1923 33,350§ 1 Sept., 1923 , i-9.125.800 p '[ 7,900 ; 44 8,000 44 2,000 I 44 300,000 4 350,000 j 4 350,000 ! 4 10,000 4 1,000 1 4J 25,000 4 2,100 4 11,900 4 475,000 4 375,000 ! 4 1 (i 5 44 44 p9.125. 800 J. i 355 360 179f 90 12,000 14,000 14,000 400 42 1,000 84 476 19,000 15,000 ! 60,000 330,000 j 22,500 1,993 ' 3,375 j 6,750 I 2,250 675 1,501 91,258 675 540 765 2,601 45 450 225 1,501 315 I Finance Act, 1916— | Section 49 (Public Works) .. 1 Section 50 (State Forests) .. .. -j i Finance Aot, 1917, section 77 (Aid to Public j Works) j Finance Act, 1918, section 10 .. : [-9,1^0, BUU l-j 15,000S 5 Sept., 1923 12,000*; 9 Oct., 1923 17,000§ 9 Nov., 1923 57,800§ 1 15 Nov., 1923 1,000§ ! 19 Dec, 1923 10,000i 17 Jan., 1924 '5,000§ • 20Feb., 1924 33,350§ 1 Mar., 1924 7,000§ J 115Mar., 1924 9,125,800 .. 4J 44 J 1*4 9,125,800 li HSinking fund 1 per cent. 15 May and 15 Nov. payable on £9,125,800 for 15 May „ 15 Nov. 1919-20. 15 May „ 15 Nov. 15 May „ 15 Nov. l'5 May . 15 Nov. 15 May „ 15 Nov. 15 May . 15 Nov. 15 May , 15 Nov. 15 May . 15 Nov. I I I I I Carried forward J 37,579,398 37,579,398 •• 37,579.398 I .. 37,579.398 1,910,769

B.—l [Pt. ll].


The PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March, 1919— continued.


Amount outstanding. Dub Date. Annual Charge. Authorizing Act. Sinking Funds. Bate. Int. | S.F. | Amount. i When payable. Remarks Indebtedness. i . - £ £ : 37,579, 398 £ £ 37,579,398 % % £ 1,910,769 Brought forward Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2)— Section 29 (Public Works) Section 30 (Cold-storage Advances Account) .. Seotion 31, and Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915 Seotion 32, and Finance Act, 1916, section 30 (State Forests) 360,000 9,500 400,000 1 Feb., 1924 1 Mar., 1924 1 Mar 192 " 360,000 9,500 | 400,000 4 4 4 14,400 i lFeb. and 1 Aug. 380 ! 1 Mar. , 1 Sept. 16,000 ■ 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 15,000 V 1 Feb., 1924 15,000 4 600 1 Feb., „ 1 Aug. Fruit-preserving Industry Act, 1913 — Finance Act, 1917, section 80 .: Government Railways Act, 1908 — Railways Improvements Authorization Acts, \ 1904-7 Government Railways Act, 1908 — ( Finance Act, 1909 .. .. .. j Government Railways Amendment Aot, 1910 •! Hauraki Plains Amendment Acts, 1913 and 1914 ] Hauraki Plains Amendment Act, 1913, and Appropriation Aot, 1918 (section 43) 18,400 6,500 10,800 17,000 3,500 140,000 2,000 67,500 3,300 17,000 50,000 7,000 1,400 4,980 5,000 53,350 51,640 52,580 11,000 19,000 14,000 [ 56,200 I 229,800 | 58,400 , 1 April, 1920 1 April, 1921 . 1 April, 1922 1 April, 1923 1 April, 1924 130 June, 1920 lAug., 1920 J Uan., 1922 I 1 Feb., 1922 1,30 June, 1922 (30 June, 1920 J 1 Feb., 1922 j 1 Feb., 1923 , 1 Jan., 1920 1 Jan., 1920 J 1 Feb., 1922 1 Jan., 1923 \ 1 Jan., 1924 ( 1 Feb , 1920 -j 1 Aug., 1923 I 1 Feb., 1924 1 Aug., 1923 - " - - " - " - 18,400 6,500 ! 10,800 17,000 3,500 140,000 2,000 67,500 3,300 17,000 50,000 7,000 1,400 4,980 5,000 53,350 51,640 52,560 11,000 19,000 14,000 6,000 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 736 1 April . 1 Oct. 260 1 April „ 1 Oct. 432 1 April „ 1 Oct. 680 1 April „ 1 Oct. 140 1 April „ 1 Oct. 5,600 30 June . 31 Deo. 80 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 2,700 1 Jan. . 1 July. 132 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 680 30 June „ 31 Dec. 2,000 30 June . 31 Dec. 280 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 56 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. 199 ! 1 Jan. . 1 July. 187 ! 1 Jan. . 1 July. 2,134 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. 2,066 ! 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 2.102 : Uan. . 1 July. 440 1 Feb. , 1 Aug. 760 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. 560 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. 240 ; 1 Feb. , 1 Aug. " I 167,530 - - [ 44,000 I - 6,000 " Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Aots, 1903.1905,1907, and 1910 Irrigation and Water-supply Act, 1913 • • 2,000 127,000 17,300 55,190 100,000 5,190 40,100 24,900 35,000 - 306,680 ; 1 May, 1919 1 May, 1920 1 Jan., 1922 1 1 Feb., 1922 1 May, 1923 \ 30 June, 1923 lOct., 1919 - lOct., 1920 lOct., 1923 - 2,000 127,000 17,300 55,190 100,000 5,190 40,100 24,900 35,000 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 80 1 May . 1 Nov. 5,080 IMay . INov. 692 1 Jan. . 1 July. 2,208 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 4,000 IMay . INov. 208 30 June . 31 Dec. 1,604 1 April „ 1 Oct. 996 1 April . 1 Oct. 1,400 1 April „ 1 Oct. j- 100,000 39,332,508 •• - Carried forward 39,332,508 1,980,881 I


B.—l [Pt. II


The PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March, 1919— continued.

Annual Charge. Authorizing Act. Sinking a- et Amount outstanding. Doe Date Funds. Indebted- ., NESS ; Int. I Sinking Funds. Net Indebtedness ite. S.F. _ Amount. Whin payable. Remarks Kate. Int. j S.F. Amount. Wb«n payable. Brought forward J I lnt - I £ £ £ £ j % 39,332,508 .. ■• 39,332,508 ' .. ( 14,000 ) ' (INov., 1919 .. 14,000 4 18,000 :|- 47,000 -, INov., 1920 .. 18,000. 4 { 15,000 J ( IMay, 1921 .. 15,000 | 4 i- .. 400,000 30 Sept., 1920 .. 400,000 ! 4 % J J i £ 1,980,881 560 , 1 May and 1 Nov. 720 ■ 1 May . 1 Nov. 600 1 May . 1 Nov. 16,000 31 Mar. . 30 Sept. ' Kauri-gum Industry Amendment Act, 1914 Lands Improvement and Native Lands Acquisi tion Aot, 1894 : „. _' . Land for Settlements Act, 1908 f 220,015 "| flFeb.,1920 .. 220,015 4 10,000 : 1 Mar., 1920 .. 10,000 4 85,500 1 Aug., 1920 .. 85,500 4 385,110 Uan., 1921 .. 385,110 4 28,600 Uan., 1921 .. 28,600 44 8,270 . 1 Feb., 1921 I .. 8,270 4 33,550 I lFeb., 1921 I .. 33,550 44 62,000 1 April.19211 .. 62,000 4 39,000 I IMay. 1921 .. 39,000 4 4,100! 1 May, 1921 I .. 4,100 4J 800 , 30Sept.,1921 .. 800 4 703,800 r-<M la >'48 -i 1 T an-j 199,0, .. 703,800 4 20,000. Uan., 1922 .. 20,000 4 162,400 1 Feb., 1922 .. 162,400 4 11,800 1 April, 1922 .. 11,800 4 161,225 : Uan., 1923 .. 161,225 4 40,000 1 April, 1923 .. 40,000 4 26,000 1 May, 1923 .. 26,000 4 1,500 Uan., 1924 .. 1,500 4 77,000 15 Mar., 1925 .. 77,000 4 300 1 Feb., 1926 .. 300 44 ! * 37 4«' « i 1 Dec, 1945 .. 37,778 4£ 108,000 ] > lApril,1919 .. 108,000 4 39.400 I 1 Jan., 1920: .. 39,400 4 163,850 1 Feb., 1920 .. 163,850 4 10,000 31 Mar., 1920' .. 10,000 4 15,000 lApril,1920 .. 15,000 4 15,000 31 July, 1920; .. 15,000. 4J 45,000 1 Oct., 1920; .. 45,000 4 4,500 }-1,579, 150 - 1 Feb., 1921: .. 4,500: 4 19,100 30Mar.,1921 .. 19,100; 4410,000; 31 Mar., 1921 j .. 10,0u0 4 I 43,477,406 .. .. ! 42,328,106 1 8,801 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. 400 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 3,420 lFeb. „ 1 Aug. 15,404 Uan. „ 1 July. 1,287 U*n. „ Uuly. 331 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. 1,510 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. 2,480 1 April „ 1 Oct. 1,560 1 May „ 1 Nov. 184 1 May „ 1 Nov. 32 31 Mar. . 30 Sept. 28,152 1 Jan. „ Uuly. 800 1 Aoril „ 1 Oct. 6,496 : 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 472 j 1 April „ 1 Oct. 6,449 I 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 1,600 1 April . 1 Oct. 1,040 1 May „ 1 Nov. 60 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 3,080 15 Mar. „ 15 Sept. 14 I Feb. , 1 Aug. 1,700 1 June „ 1 Dec. 4,320 1 April . 1 Oct. 1,576 Uan. . Uuly 6,554 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 400 31 Mar. „ 30 Sept. 600 1 April . 1 Oct. 638 31 Jan. , 31 July. 1,800 1 April . 1 Oct. 180 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 812 30 Mar. „ 30 Sept. 400 31 Mar. „ 30 Sept. 2,101,313 * Repayable at the option of the Government on or after 1st December, 1925, by giving three months' notice in London Gazette. (Issued to cover expenses of raising £37,400 loan) Land Laws Amendment Act, 1913 .. -{ Carried forward

B.—l [Pt. ll].



The PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March, 1919— continued.

Sinking Funds. Net Indebted- „ ness. baib. Int. I S.F. I Annual Charge. I I Authorizing Ac --. Amount outstanding. Due Date. Amount. When payable. Remabks. .. I £ 2,101,313 420 30 June and 31 Dec. 320 22 Jan. . 22 July. 9,792 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 1,000 1 April » 1 Oct. 4,000 1 June . 1 Dec. 6,200 1 April . 1 Oct. 7,470 30 Mar. . 30 Sept. 1,350 31 Mar. , 30 Sept. 16,400 1 April . 1 Oct. 450 30 June . 30 Dec. 459 1 Mar. . 1 Sept. 1,000 26 Mar. .. 26 Sept. 675 29 Mar. „ 29 Sept. Brought forward Land Laws Amendment Aot, 1913 — continued. £ 10,500 8,000 244,800 25,000 100.000 155,000 166,000 30,000 410,000 10,000 10,200 20.000 15,000 £ :3,477, 406 30 June, 1921 22 July, 1921 1 Mar., 1922 1 Oct., 1922 1 Dec, 1922 1 April, 1923 30 Mar., 1924 31 Mar., 1924 1 April, 1924 : 30 Dec, 1923 1 Sept., 1926 " 26 Mar., 1927 1,29 Mar., 1927 £ " " £ 42,328,106 10,500 8,000 244,800 25,000 100,000 155,000 166,000 30,000 410,000 10,000 10,200 20,000 15,000 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 44 4 4J 4i 5 44 % " - I t Land Laws Amendment Act, 1913, and Finance Act, 1916 (section 41) .. y 55,200 J iLocal Bodies' Loans Act, 1908 — r Government Loans to Local Bodies Act, 1886 j 15,800 234,500 250,000 790,000 25,000 370,000 416,000 50,000 1,000 145,000 38,175 | 250,300 1 Sept., 1919 f 15,800 | 234,500 250,000 790,000 25,000 370,000 416,000 50,000 1,000 145,000 38,175 50,000 7,000 4.500 98,500 250,000 160,000 2,400 275,000 1,500 100.000 20,000 2,400 50,000 155,000 125,000 2,400 3,000 4 4 4 34 4 4 4 4 4 4 34 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 44 4 44 4i 4 4 4 44 44 553 1 Mar. . 1 Sept. 9,380 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 10,000 1 Mar. , 1 Sept. 31,600 Uan. . Uuly. 875 1 Mar. . 1 Sept. 14,800 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 16,640 1 Mar. . 1 Sept. 2,000 1 June „ 1 Dec. _ .. . \ Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908 .. .. ■{ Maori Land Settlement Act, 1905 .. j Maori Land Settlement Aot Amendment Aot, 1907 Mining Amendment Act, 1913 .. r 7,000 4,500 98,500 250,000 160,000 2,400 275,000 1,500 100,000 20,000 2,400 50,000 155,000 125,000 2,400 3,000 -1,901,000 | 184,175 50,000 \ 11,500 -1,245,200 J 47,174,781 {1 Mar., 1920 1 Jan., 1921 1 Mar., 1921 1 Mar., 1921 1 Mar., 1923 1 June, 1923 1 Jan., 1918 1 Jan., 1921 1 Jan., 1923 1 Jan., 1921 I 1 May, 1919 j 1 May, 1920 ( 1 April, 1919 1 April, 1920 1 Oct., 1920 1 Jan., 1921 1 April. 1921 20 Jan., 1922 1 April, 1922 " 1 April, 1922 1 Oct., 1922 1 Oct., 1922 1 April, 1923 1 April, 1924 1 Jan., 1926 [5 Dec, 1937 .. 5,800 Uan. and 1 July. 1,527 1 Jan. „ Uuly. 1,750 Uan. „ 1 July. 280 1 May . 1 Nov. 180 1 May . 1 Nov. 3,940 1 April . 1 Oct. 10,000 1 April . 1 Oct. 6,400 1 April „ 1 Oct 108 1 Jan. „ 1 July 11,000 1 April „ 1 Oct. 68 I 20 Jan. . 20 July. 4,000 1 April . 1 Oct. 850 1 April „ 1 Oct. 108 1 April . 1 Oct. 2,000 1 April „ 1 Oct. 6,200 1 April . 1 Oct. 5,000 1 April . 1 Oct. 108 1 Jan. . 1 July. 135 5 June . 5 Dec. Outstanding, 31 Maroh, 1911 Native Land Amendment Aot, 1913 .. ; Carried forward ■• 47,174,781 2,296,151 ••

B.—l [Pt. ll].


The PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March, 1919— continued.


Authorizing Act. Amount outstanding. Due Date. Sinking Funds. Indebted u . Int. I S.F. ! Annual Charge. Remarks. Amount. j__ When payable. Brought forward Native Land Purchases Act, 1892 Naval Defence Act, 1909* .. .. .. I (Issued to cover expenses of raising £953,500 loan) i I £ £ 47,174,781 : 125,000 31 Oct., 1922 j 953,500 ) j 1 Dec, 1945f \ \ 963,131-: ( 9,631 j li 1 Dec, 1945+ 469!l47 I 475,992 j 1 Feb., 1925 [ £ £ 47,174,781 125,000 953,500 ; 9,631 I 6,845 \ 469,147 /o 4 i 44 j % 4 r £ 2,296,151 j 5,000 ! 30 April and 31 Oct. 42,907 j Uune „ 1 Dec. 71,807 ! .. 'Sinking fund 4 per cent. 433 i 1 June and 1 Dec. payable on £1,795,167 for 1919-20. 240 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. fRepayable at the option of 18,766 ! 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. the Government, on or after 1st December, 1925, 487 ; 15 April „ 15 Oct. by giving three months' 12,040 ! 30 June „ 31 Dec. notice in London Gazette. 2,958 i 30 June „ 31 Dec. 6,600 j 1 Jan. . 1 July. 7,768 ] 1 Feu. „ 1 Aug. 2,812 15 April „ 15 Oct. 1,000 I 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 2,188 I 28 May „ 28 Nov. 32 j 15 April „ 15 Oct. 208 I 15 April . 15 Oct. 784 I 15 April „ 15 Oct. 315 ! 15 April . 15 Oct. 1,195,064 I 1 May . 1 Nov. 578,780; 1 Jan. „ 1 July. {Does not include £223,795 : 200,099: 1 April „ 1 Oct. 4-per-cent. (1929),£1,032,365 ' 362,804: 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 34 - per - cent., £2,990,000: 3 per-cent., and £1,814,521 ' 100,440 15 May „ 15 Nov. 4-per-oent. (1963) stock trana84 ' 15 May „ 15 Nov. ferred to the State Advances' 541,893 : 15 May „ 15 Nov. Office. 37,033 15 May „ 15 Nov. 43,938 15 May „ 15 Nov. § Sinking fund 1 per cent. 186,835 15 May „ 15 Nov. payable on £18,683,545 for 113,523 15 May „ 15 Nov. 1919-20. 2,285 15 May „ 15 Nov. 5,453 15 May „ 15 Nov. : I £2,607 was credited to Consolidated Fund during 1915-16, and is held to meet the debentures outstanding 875 1 April and 1 Oct. when presented. 17,625 1 April „ 1 Oct. j New Zealand Consols Act, 1908.. .. j 44 34 i 4 ; ; New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — Consolidated Loan Act, 1867.. 13,000 15 April, 1920 301,000 . j 31 Dec, 1919 84,500 ... „„ 31 Deo., 1919 lesioOO I 744 ' 700 Uan., 1921 194,200 J { 1 Feb.. 1921 235} 54,700 n I 28 Nov., 1919 800 (. 60,700 fflS Oct., 1920 5,200 ) ; (15 Oct., 1923 20,900 1 |15April,1920 7,000 J Jl ' w (15April,1920 29,876,607 1 Nov., 1929 16,536,567 I AO ,«.,*., f J Uan., 1910 6,669,980 i 1 April,1945 9,070,107 ) { 1 Feb., 1963 2,232,000 1 ,15 Nov., 1938 2,810 15 Nov., 1938 12,042,075 ; 15 Nov., 1938 740,660 15 Nov., 1927 976,400 .'15 Nov., 1938 h.8,683,545 \\ 2,522,730 1 j 15 Nov., 1938 45,700 : 15 Nov., 1927 121,170 15 Nov., 1938 2,500 15 July, 1914 25,000 1 .„p nnn j f 1 Oct., 1948 470,000 j * ao ' uuu ;{ 1 April, 1949 131,019,510 I l_ 1 13,000 301,000 j 84,500 165,000 191,200 75,000 25,000 54,700 800 5,200 20,900 7,000 29,876,607 16,536,567 6,669,980 9,070,107 2,232,000 2,810 j 12,042,075 740,660 976,400 j 2,522,730 45.700 121,170 2,50011 25,000 470,000 2,500 131,017,010 31 4 ; 4 4 ! 3f ! 4 4 4 4 3| 4 3 4 Consolidated Stock Act, 1884 .. -j I Defence and other Purposes Loan Aot, 1870 \ General Purposes Loan Aot, 1873 I Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870 I New Zealand Consolidated Inscribed Stock J New Zealand Inscribed Stook Act, 1917 — Finance Act, 1916, section 35 War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 .. t War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 (available for Death Duties) 44 * 3 5 44 ' 44 5 44 1§ Finance Act, 1918, section 10 .. \ Finance Act, 1918, section 10 (available for Death Duties) New Zealand Loan Aot, 1863 New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Aot, 1909— Land for Settlements Branch 34 3f Carried forward 5,859,227 5,859,227

B.—i rp T . II



The PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March, 1919— continued.

Authorizing Act. Amount outstanding. Due Date. Sinking ■ Funds. Indebted- k NESS. Int. I S.F. Annual Chakge. Amount. When payable. Bemarks. £ £ 131,019,510 £ 2,500 £ 131,017,010 % % £ 5,859,227 3,200 1 April and 1 Oct. 700 1 April . 1 Oct. 12,656 1 April . 1 Oct. 2,044 1 April . 1 Oct. 1,200 1 April . 1 Oct. 187 1 April „ 1 Oct. 400 1 April . 1 Oct. 1,750 1 April . 1 Oct 350 1 April „ 1 Oct. 937 1 April „ 1 Oct. 1,320 1 April '. 1 Oct. 3,920 1 April . 1 Oct. 123 1 April „ 1 Oct. 2,266 1 April „ 1 Oct. 352 1 April „ 1 Oct. 200 1 April „ 1 Oct. 875 1 April . 1 Oct. 375 1 April . 1 Oct. Brought forward New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1909 — continued. Native Land Settlement Branch 30,000 20,000 361,600 54,500 30,000 L 546,100 ■• 1 April, 1923 1 Oct., 1947 1 Oct., 1948 1 April, 1949 1 April, 1949 1 April, 1949 " 80,000 20,000 j 361,600 | 54,500 | 30,000 ! 5,000 4 34 34 3i 4 3| Guaranteed Mining Advances Branoh.. Loeal Authorities Branch — 5,000 " I Hauraki Plains Settlement Account.. -v Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account .. j New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909-10— f Land for Settlements Branch 10,000 50,000 10,000 25,000 33,000 112,000 3,515 60,425 8,800 5,000 25,000 10,000 I 95,000 I [■ 217,740 / 1 April, 1923 J 1 Oct., 1947 j 1 Oct., 1948 { 1 April, 1949 I 1 April, 1923 1 April, 1948 - 1 Oct., 1948 1 April, 1949 1 April, 1949 ( 1 April, 1923 \ 1 Oct., 1948 ( 1 April, 1949 " " ' . . I 10,000 50,000 ] 10,000 j 25,000 ! 33,000 112,000 3,515 60,425 i 8,800 5,000 25,000 j 10,000 i 4 34 34 3| 4 34 34 3| 4 4 34 3| " [ 40,000 • • 500 100 22,500 30,000 15,300 6,000 39,500 741,066 73,700 24,000 33,000 210,000 99,000 8,600 147,965 72,700 [-1,523,931 J f Uan., 1919 lFeb., 1919 1 April, 1919 IMay, 1919 IMay, 1919 1 Mar., 1920 1 April, 1922 31 Oct., 1922 " 31 Oct., 1922 1Mb., 1923 1 April, 1923 lAug., 1923 lOct., 1923 INov., 1923 1 Jan., 1924 lFeb., 1924 - - " I I 500 100 22,500 30,000 15,300 6,000 39,500 . 741,066 73,700 24,000 33,000 210,000 99,000 8,600 147,965 72,700 ! 4 4 4 4 3| 4 4 4 34 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ' 900 1 April and 1 Oct. 1,200 IMay . INov. 574 1 May „ 1 Nov. 240 1 Mar. . 1 Sept. 1,580 1 April . 1 Oct. 29,643 30 April „ 31 Oct. 2,579 I 30 April „ 31 Oot. 960 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 1,320 1 April „ 1 Oct. 8,400 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 3,960 1 April . 1 Oct. 344 1 May „ 1 Nov. 5,919 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 2,908 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug -5,952,609 Outstanding, 31 March, 1919. Outstanding, 31 March, 1919. Carried forward 133,447,281 •• 2,500 133,444,781


B.—l [Px. II!.

B—B. 1 [Pt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1918-19 19.

The PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March, 1919— continued.

Annual Charge. Authorizing Act. Amount outstanding. Due Date. Sinking Funds. Net Indebtedness. : Kate. ■I Eemarks. Amount. When payable. Int. | S F. Brought forward New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909-10 — continued. Native Land Settlement Branch .. | Post and Telegraph Act, 1908 Public Revenues Act, 1910 (Reserve Fund Securities Act, 1907) Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1914, section 8 (War Expenses) — War Purposes Loan Act, 1917, section 6 Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1915 (No. 2), fection 9—. (Issued to covtr expenses of raising £890,000 loan) Finance Act, 1918, section 17 Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1915 (No. 2), section 9 — (Issued to cover expenses of raising £1,110,000 loan) Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1915, section 5 (War Expenses) — /! Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1915 (No. 2), I section 2 J (Issued to cover expenses of raising "l £3,200,000 loan) (Issued to cover expenses of raising \ £3,110,000 loan) Public Works Act, 1908— Paeroa- Waihi Railway Act, 1903 .. .. 1 Waikaka. Branch Railway Act, 1905 ., ... I Railwavs Improvements Authorization Act, 1914 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913 Carried forward .. .. .. £ £ £ £ [ o/ oi |l33,447,281 .. 2,500 133,444,781 j .. ! .. 50,000 11 mmn jl April, 1919 .. 50,000 3| 30,000 [ &u > uuu | 1 April, 1949 .. 30,000 3| 200,000 1 July, 1920 .. 200,000; 4 . .. 800,000: .1 Aug., 1922 .. 800,000 4 890,000* * , 1 Dec, 1945 .. i 11 898,990 44 I 8,990' 1 Dec, 1945 \ 2,067,411 i,no,ooot \ 1,168,421 ! 34 58,421+i/ .. -. j 1,700,000 \ (-1 Feb., 1921 .. 1,700,000 j 4 3,750 M 1 Feb., 1922 .. 3,750 ! 4 390,000,, IMay, 1921 .. 390,000: 4 3,200,000*' .10,199,742 , 1 Dec, 1945 .. 1 „ „, ™ ., 32,323': I 1 Dec. 1945 .. f d,AW,3** 4 2 1,600,000§ , .. .. 1,600,000 5 3,110,000i 1 .. .. I o om eco k ! 163;669§' V ... .. [3,273,669 5 j 86,250 31Mar., 1924 .. 86,250 4 53,476 1 May, 1920 : ..' 53,476! 4 140,000 i ,- 1 Aug., 1920 .. 140,000: 4 240,000 I 1 Feb., 1921 .. 240,000 ! 4 8,000 : i. n ! 1 Aug., 1921 .. 8,000 4 | .. 70,000 " 00d ' uuu 1 1 Feb., 1922 .. 70,000 4 75,000 i j 1 Feb., 1923 .. 75,000 4 20,000 J \1 Feb., 1924 .. 20,000 1 4 I .. 10,000; 1 Mar., 1924 .. 10,000 j 4 I .. 147,497,160 1 .. 2,500 147,494,660 j .. .. £ i 5,952,609 1,875 1 April and 1 Oct. 1,125 1 April „ 1 Oct. 8,000 Uan. „ Uuly. 32,000 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. f 40,454 1 June „ 1 Dec. 40,895 31 Mar. „ 30 Sept. -j 122,671 j 68.000 1 Feb. and 1 Aug. 150 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 15,600 1 May „ 1 Nov. 145,455 1 June „ 1 Dec. 80,000 31 Mar. „ 30 Sept. !. 163,683 | 31 Mar. „ 30 Sept. 1 Repayable at the option of the Government on or after 1st December, 1925, by giving three months' notice in the London Gazette. f Memorandum of security dated 2nd January, 1918. J Sinking fundi per cent, payable on £12,267,153 for 1919-20. § Memorandum of security dated 31st March, 1916. 3,450 31 Mar. „ 30 Sept. 2,139 1 May „ 1 Nov. 5,600 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 9,600 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 320 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. 2,800 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. 3,000 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. S00 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 400 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 6,700,626

E.—l [Px. 111.


PUBI 'i I ('- ACCOUNTS. 1918-19 19., ,

The PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March, 1919— continued.

amount outstanding. Due Date. Sinking Funds. Indebtedness. Annual Charge Remarks. Authorizing Act. Rate. Int. S.F. Amount. When payable. .. Brought forward f Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Acts, 1913-14 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, and Finance Act, 1917 (section 81) Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act. 1913, and Appropriation Act. 1918 (section 44) Scenery Preservation Act, 1908 Swamp Drainage Act, 1915 .. .. -' State -Advances Act, 1913 — Advances to Settlers Branch.. Advances to Workers Branoh Advances to Local Authorities Branch Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Aet, 1910 I i War Purposes Loan Act, 1917, and War Purposes Loan Act, 1917 (No. 2)— Finance Act, 1917, seotion 68 Carried forward £ £ 147,497,160 12,000 I (1 Sept., 1919 19,000 - n ,,__ ' 1 Sept., 1920 17,000 : bU ' UUU 1 1Mb., 1921 2,000 jj ( IMar., 1922 10.000 I) ( IMar., 1922 25,000 \\ 40,000 | IMar., 1923 5,000 I (IMar., 1924 5,000 IMar., 1924 20,000 | l 1 May, 1919 19,000 I IMay, 1919 5,000 L 89,000 i 1 May, 1920 15,000 , INov., 1921 30,000 j 11 May, 1923 . 11,000 f 1 May, 1921 5 ' 000 I Afi nnn I 1 Ma y> 1922 15,000 | «>> uuu h i May, 1923 15,000 J 1(1 May, 1924 573,200 1 June, 1919 50,000 1 June, 1919 200,000 Uune, 1919 100,000 1 Aug., 1923 6,170,150 ] f 15 Nov., 1938 4,830,000* 31,500t 1 Sept.,1922 l,000,000f 11 Sept.,1922 9,500+ 2 Oct.. 1922 300,000f ' 11 Oct., 1922 60,000f 16 Oct., 1922 10,000+ ! ! 27 Oct., 1922 f-14,306,250 U 10,000+ j 7 Nov., 1922 10,000+ 13 Nov., 1922 30,000f 3 Dec, 1922 5,000+ 7 Feb.. 1923 33,300f IMar., 1923 5,000f 5 Mar., 1923 250,000+ 24 Apr.. 1923 1,551,800 j L15 Nov., 1927 jl62,956,610 £ £ ° ' 147,494,660 .. 12,000 4 19,000 4 17,000 4 2,000 : 4 , 10,000 4 I , 25,000 4 : 5,000 4 5,000 4 20,000 3f 19,000 : 4 5,000 4 15,000 4 30,000 4 11.000 4 5,000 4 15,000 4 15,000 4 573,200 4 50,000 | 4 200,000 ' 4 100,000 ; 4 44 44 44 44 44 14,306,250-J j | \- I ! 44 44 44 44 44 4i 44 2,500 |l62,954,110 /o i; - ■ j 6,700,626 : 480 1 Mar. and 1 Sept. 760 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 6S0 1 liar. „ 1 Sept. 80 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 400 I 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 1,000 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 200 1 Mar. . 1 Sept. 200 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 750 1 May . 1 Nov. .760 1 Mav „ 1 Nov. 200 ' 1 May . 1 Nov. 600 1 Mav . 1 Nov. 1,200 1 May „ 1 Nov. 440 : 1 May „ 1 Nov. 200 1 Mav „ 1 Nov. 600 1 May „ 1 Nov. 600 1 May „ 1 Nov. 22,928 1 June „ 1 Dec. 2,000 | 1 Juue , 1 Deo. 8,000 Uune „ 1 Dec 4,000 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. ' 277,657 15 May . 15 Nov. 241,500 31 Mar. „ 30 Sept. * Memorandum of security 1,417 15 May „ 15 Nov. issued to Imperial Govern45,000 15 May ,. 15 Nov. ment dated 1st September, 427 15 May „ 15 Nov. 1917. 13,500 15 May „ 15 Nov. f Proceeds of war -loan cer 2,700 15 May „ 15 Nov. tifioates invested in war 450 15 May „ 15 Nov. : bonds. 143,063 {Sinking fund 1 per cent. 450 ! 15 Mav „ 15 Nov. payable on £14,306,250 for 450 ' 15 May . 15 Nov. 1919-20. 1.350 15 May „ 15 Nov. 225 15 May „ 15 Nov. 1,498 15 May „ 15 Nov. 225 15 May „ 15 Nov. 11,250 15 May „ 15 Nov. L 77,590 15 May „ 15 Nov. 7,565,456 j i : [

B.—l [Pt. ll].


The PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March, 1919— continued.


Authorizing Act Amocmt Outstanding. Due Date. Sinking Funds. Net Indebted- r ness. KArf - Int, I S.F. Annual Charge. Amount. When Payable. i Ke marks. i I ! Brought forward .. .. Wellington-Manawatu Railway Purchase Act, 1908 Publio Debt Extinction Act, 1910 Less Sinking Fund in respeot of— Government Loans to Local Bodies Acts War and Defence Loans ... Public Debt Extinction Act, 1910 Naval Defence Act, 1909 Land for Settlements Native-land Settlement Guaranteed Mining Advances .. • Section 26 (5) (a), State Advances Act, 1913 War Loans State Advances Debt (table attached) Totals £ £ 162,956,610 499,700 163,456,310 12,619,950 176,076,260 1 Mar., 1921 £ £ % 2,500 162,954,110 499,700 4 2,500 163.453,810 799,601 192,691 1,446,118 614,521 788,590 11,877 696 6,497 863,511 I 4,724,202 J 4,724,202 4,726,702 158,729,608 1,224,354* 11,395,596 ; .. 5,951,056 170,125,204 .. % £ 7,565,456 19.988 140,076 7,725,520 469,964 8,195,484 1 Mar. and 1 Sept. Pavable on £91,000,000 for 1919-20. •Includes £354,082 held by the Public Trustee under section 26 (3) (a), State Advances Act, 1913.

B.—l [Pt. ll].


PUBLIC ACCOUNT 8, 1918-1919

Particulars of the Public Debt transferred to the State Advances Office, and Loans raised by or on behalf of that office for which the dominion is indirectly liable, as at 31st March, 1919.

p, . Annual Charge. Amount outstanding. Due Date. Indebtedness. Rate.: Amount. When payable. | : I 1_ RAISED BY TREASURY AND TRANSFERRED. ADVANCES TO SETTLERS BRANCH. The Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1894. Extension, 1901. £ £ £ % £ 80,000 5 June, 1920 80,000 I 4 3,200 ' 1 June and 1 December. ' 80,000 The Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1908. 105,000 1 June, 1920 | 105,000 4 4,200 1 June and 1 December. 100,000 1 March, 1921 100,000 4 4,000 1 March and 1 September. 45,000 1 July., 1922 45,000 4 1,800 1 January and I Inly. 12,900 1 January, 1924 12,900 4 516 1 January and 1 July. 262,900 The New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909-10. 205,000 1 December, 1921 205,000 | 4 8,200 1 June and 1 December. 2,094* 1 February, 1922 2,094 i 4 84 1 February and 1 August. 750,000 23 October, 1922 750,000 4 30,000 23 April and 23 October. 41,700 1 August, 1923 41,700 4 1,668 1 February and 1 August l,745,000t 1 December, 1945 1,745,000 4J 78,525 1 June and I December. 17,626*f 1 December, 1945 17,626 4| 793 j 1 June and 1 December. 2,761,420 • | The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — N.Z. Consolidated Inscribed Slock. 166,910 1 November, 1929 ! 166.910 I 4 6,676 1 May and 1 November. 881,848 1 January, 1940 881,848 ! 3£ i 30,865 1 January and 1 July. 2,990,000 1 April, 1945 2,990,000 3 89,700 1 April and I October. 1,171,188 1 February, 1968 1,171,188 4 j 46,847 I February and I August. 5,209,946 8,314,266 ADVANCES TO WORKKRS BRANCH The Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1908 (Part 111). -Workers. 25,000 1 June, 1; 20 25,000 4 J,000 1 June and 1 December. 5,000 1 July, 1922 5,000 4 200 1 January and 1 July. 30,000 The New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909-10. 406* 1 February, 1922 406 4 16 1 February aud 1 August 7,000 1 October, 1922 7,000 4 280 1 April and 1 October. 750,000 1 August, 1923 ! 750,000 I 30,000 I February and 1 August 205.000 1 January, 1924 ] 205,000 4 8,200 1 January and 1 July. 325.0001 1 December, 1945 : 325,000 4£ 14,625 ; 1 June and 1 December. 3,283*t 1 December, 1945 3,283 4J- 148 i 1 June and 1 December. 1,290,689 i The Finance Act, 1915 (Section 106). 10,000 I 1 July, 1941 10,000 I 4 \ 450 ! 1 January and 1 July. 10,000 ! The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 —N.Z. Consolidated Inscribed Stock. 52,743 1 November, 1929 52,743 4 2,110 1 May and 1 November. 147,184 1 January, 1940 147,184 3£ 5,151 1 January and 1 July. 155,000 1 February, 1963 ! 155,000 4 6,200 1 February and 1 August. 354,927 • 1,685,616 9,999.882 Carried forward. tl • Issued to cover expenses of raising loans. t Repayable at the option of the Government on or after ihe 1st December, 1925, by giving three months' notice in the London Gazette.


B.—l [Pt. ll].


Particulars of the Public Debt transferred to the State Advances Office, and Loans raised by or on behalf of that office for which the dominion is indirectly liable, as at 31st March, 1919 — continued.

By Authority : Marcus V. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9l9.

9—B. 1 [Pt. ll].

Amount outstanding. Due Date. Net Indebtedness. R ate . Amount. Annual Charge. When payable. RAISED BY TREASURY AND TRANSFERRED— continued. £ 9,999,882 Brought forward. LOCAL AUTHORITIES BRANCH. The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — N.Z. Consolidated Inscribed Stock. £ £ % £ 4,142 1 November, 1929 4,142 4 166 1 Mav and I November. 3,333 1 January, 1940 3,333 3i I 117 1 January and 1 July. 488,333 1 February, 1963 | 488,333 4 | 19,533 1 February and 1 August495,808 495,808 Total £10,495,690 (Transferred from Treasury.) RAISED BY SUPERINTENDENT. The New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1909. (Advances to Settlers.). 100,000 1 October, 1948 100,000 , 3| 3,500 1 April and 1 October. 37,000 1 April, 1949 37,000 j 3| j 1,387 i 1 April and 1 October. 137,000 (Advances to Workers.) 325,000 1 October, 1948 I 325,000: 3J 11,375 j 1 April and 1 October. 100,000 1 April, 1949 ; 100,000 3| | 3,750 i 1 April and 1 October. 425,000 (Local Authorities Branch.) 400,000 1 April, 1947 400,000 3J 14,000 1 April and 1 October. 425,000 1 October, 1947 425,000 j 3i 14,875 1 April and 1 October. 100,000 1 April, 1948 100,000 \ 3| i 3,500 j 1 April and 1 October. 361,485 1 October, 1948 361,485 j 3| 12,652 1 April and 1 October. 575 1 April, 1949 575 3| 22 1 April and 1 October. 275,000 1 April, 1949 ! 275,000 ! 3J 9,625 1 April and 1 October. 200 1 April, 1949 200 I 4 8 1 April and 1 October. 1,562,260 Total £2,124,260 Superintendent's Debentures. Total £12,619,950 State Advances debt.

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