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Session 11. 1918. NEW ZEALAND.


Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency

INDEX OF RETURNS. Accidents in connection with machinery— I'age Certificates of survey— Page Fatal .. .. .. .. 82 Sailing-vessels .. .. .. 44 Non-fatal .. .. .. 78 Steamers and oil-engine vessels .. .. 35 Accidents to seamen .. .. .. . . 54 Colonial pilots, licenses issued to.. .. ..31 Accidents to waterside workers 66 Convictions of seamen 64 Deceased seamen, estates of .. .. . . 46 Adjusters of compasses, licensed.. .. ..31 Estates of deceased seamen, sums to credit of .. 46 " Amokura," list of boys who have served on .. 45 Examination of masters, mates, and engineers— Boilers (land) and machinery inspected .. ..71 Number of candidates .. .. ..31 Casualties to shipping .. 53 Expenditure of Department 22 . Fees, &c, received . . .. .. .. 25 Certificates of competency— Fishing-vessels registered and licensed .. .. 24 Electric-tram drivers .. .. .. 77 Lig * lt dues collected .. .. .. .25 Engine-drivers— Lighthouses, descriptive return of .. .. 34 Extra first class .. .. .. 72 Lighthouses—Cost of erection .. .. .. 25 first class .. .. .. .. 72 Lighthouses—Cost of maintenance .. ..24 Second class .. .. .. .. 73 Notices to mariners issued .. .. .. 68 Locomotive .. .. .. 75 Orders in Council issued .. .. .. 69 Locomotive and traction .. .. 74 Owners of boilers and engines, and class of driver Traction 76 required .. .. " 83 Marine—Masters, mates, and engineers .. 27 Seamen engaged and discharged .. .. .. 26 Steam winding .. .. .. 76 Seamen, amounts paid to sick and disabled .. 59 Certificates of exemption from examination—Third- 7« sse } s registered in Dominion 32 class marine engineers 31 re -«! at of "' h P or * **;• • • 32 ~,.„, , . _, . , . „. , __ Vessels registered, number and tonnage Of .. 32 Certificates of service—Engine-drivers, first class .. 72 : Vegaols (Ml! , aged in homo and foreign trade> and Certificates of service and competency —Stationary, number of hands employed .. .. ..33 winding, loco., &c., engine drivers .. 72 < Wrecks and casualties to shipping .. ..47

My Lord, — Marine Department, Wellington, 10th October, 1918. 1 do myself the honour to transmit herewith, for Your Excellency's information, the report of the Marine Department of the Dominion for the financial year ended the 31st March last. I have, &c, Thomas M. Wilfoed, Minister of Marine. His Excellency the Right Hon. the Earl of Liverpool, G.C.M.G., M.V.0., Governor-General of New Zealand.

I—H. 15



The Secretary, Marine Department, to the Hon. the Minister op Marine. Sir,— Marine Department, Wellington, 31st July, 1918, I have the honour to make the following report on the work of tin's Department during the year ended the 31st March last. Head Office. The difficulty experienced last year owing to the absenoe of officers at the front has been felt more acutely during the past year in consequence of other officers going. Four officers—viz,, J. C. O'Leary, J. Butler, D. N. Lawrence, and G. H. Weir —have been wounded, the lastmentioned having lost a hand. Messrs. Butler and O'Leary have recovered and have returned to the front. Mr. Lawrence has been discharged and resumed duty in the Department, and Mr. Weir is expected back in the Dominion at an early date. Mercantile Murine Offices. The work of the various offices have been carried out very satisfactorily. In addition to the ordinary duties services have been performed for the Defence Department, principally in connection with the crews of transports and hospital ships. The officers have willingly carried out these duties without any additional remuneration. In the Wellington and Auckland offices the Defence Department has supplied military noncommissioned officers to see that the military papers of seamen who are engaged for ships are in order, and that the men are not evading the requirements of the military law. In order to assist in procuring seamen for ships a Seaman Inspector has been appointed at each of the ports of Wellington and Auckland, whose duties are — (a.) To keep a register of persons desiring to be entered as seamen or apprentices on board ships at the port; and (6.) To supply seamen and apprentices to be entered on board ships at the port. Captain A. Barr was appointed at Wellington and Captain C. B. Daniel at Auckland. The former has since resigned, and steps are now being taken to appoint a successor. The appointment of these officers has been of great benefit to vessels wanting men. In a good many cases the Department has withheld the discharges of seamen who have deserted from or failed to join their ships. Whilst the discharges are withheld the men are unable to join other vessels. A good many cases have occurred in which men who have shipped in the Dominion on steamers trading to the west coast of the United States have deserted on arrival at American ports. Owing to the Chief Clerk of the Department being on military service, Captain H. T. W. Wilcox, Assistant Superintendent of Mercantile Marine at Lyttelton, has come into the Head Office to perform his duties, and Captain J. W. Burgess, one of the Wellington Surveyors of Ships, has taken up the duties of Assistant Superintendent and Surveyor of Ships at Lyttelton. Appended is a statement showing the number of seamen engaged and discharged at the various ports in the Dominion during the year, and the fees received for engagements and discharges. The number engaged was 18,577, and the number discharged 17,872. The fees received amounted to £2,122 Is. 6d, During the previous year the engagements were 21,300 and the discharges 20,500, and the amount of fees £2,483 2s. 6d. The transactions at the four principal ports were— Engagements. Discharges. « " , Auckland ... ... ... 5,72!) 5,560 739 14 o' Wellington ... ... ... 6,991 6,349 844 5 0 Lyttelton ... ... .... 1,411 1.352 196 8 0 Dunedin and Port Chalmers ... 2,781 3.062 140 4 0 During the previous year they were— Auckland ... ... ... 5,425 5,294 715 17 0 Wellington ... ... ... 7,485 6,946 918 II 6 Lyttelton ... ... ... 1,805 1,798 257 18 6 Dunedin and Port Chalmers ... 4,0-15 4,227 261 15 0 No fees have been charged for engagements and discharges on transports and hospital ships. Proceedings for breaches of the law in regard to seamen were taken by the Department in the following case with the result stated: A. Dryden, master of the s.s. " Arahura," for taking a seaman to sea without entering into an agreement with him, convicted, but no fine imposed. In the case of the appeal of the assistant manager of the Northern Steamship Company against his conviction for engaging seamen, referred to in my last year's report, the conviction was upheld. Masters, Mates, and Engineers. During the year 317 candidates passed their examinations and 94 failed. Of those who passed, 171) were masters, males, and engineers of seagoing ships, 27 were masters and engineers of steamships plying within restricted limits, 27 were engineers of seagoing motor-propelled boats, and 93 were engineers of such boats plying within restricted limits. The difficulty of getting properly certificated second, mates for sailing and auxiliary-powered ships lias continued, and appears likely to continue while the war lasts. There has also been a, difficulty in getting certificated men for some of the small launches, especially in the north, owing to the absence of certificated men at the front. Captain William Whiteford, one of the Department's Examiners, who was sent to Great Britain to study the methods adopted in the Board of Trade examinations and the system by which



they are co-ordinated, has returned to the Dominion after having had practical experience of the examination work in Great Britain. Since bis return he has spent some time with the Examiner at Auckland in connection with the changes in the examinations which will shortly be brought into operation in accordance with fresh rules which have been issued by the Board of Trade. This Department asked the Board of Trade to agree to the changes in the examination work heing deferred until the end of the war, but it did not see its way to sanction this, and it is proposed to bring them into operation on the Ist October next. When the new examinations come into force it is intended to hold examinations for foreigngoing masters and mates once a month at Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin, instead of once a. week as hitherto, which will be following the practice in Great Britain. The following is the report of Captain H. S. Blackburnc, Chief Examiner of Masters and Mates :— The work on the whole has been carried out by the Examiners at the four principal ports in a satisfactory manner. Owing to the depletion of officers on account of the war the number of examinations held in New Zealand during the last year have again been small, and only about 20 per cent, greater than the number held on the year previous, when examinations were considerably fewer than for several previous years before the war. The number of failures in the examinations amounted to 41 per cent. Many of these, however, pass at second or third attempt within a few weeks of first trial. " The greatest number of examinations were held this year in Wellington, especially of candidates for the higher grades of certificate. " Captain William Whiteford, who went to England last year to study the new methods and system of examination to be brought into force this year, returned to the Dominion in March last, after visiting some of the shipbuilding-yards and examination-rooms in the United Kingdom, and spending a considerable time with Principal and Deputy Examiners of Masters and Mates in London. " The new Regulations for Examination for Masters and Mates having just come to hand from the Board of Trade, it has been decided to bring the new methods and system of examination into force on the Ist October, 1918. Several new subjects arc then to be brought into the examinaliou for foreign-going candidates of all grades, including meteorology, shipbuilding, stability, elementary science, astronomy, and essay-writing. "As the mark system, with a very liberal allowance for mistakes, is then to be brought in for all grades of the examination, it is expected that after the war, when candidates can get the opportunity to study, there will be fewer failures than before. " Some additions were made to our examinations on the Ist September, 1917, all foreigngoing and home-trade candidates being required to attain a, minimum speed of eight words a minute in semaphore signalling, and five words a minute in Morse Hashing and flag-waving. " The chart-work problems have also been added to for the junior grade certificates of both foreign-going and home-trade candidates, and, in lieu of the definitions which candidates for second mate, foreign-going, were previously required to do, foreign-going candidates are now required to draw a figure and give an explanation of problem worked. " One candidate only for the extra-master examination was examined and passed this year (Mr. Leonard Robertson, the master of the Queenstown Government steamers). "No candidate for second mate, home trade, has ever presented himself for examination. I would suggest that in our new regulations the service for second mate, home trade, be three instead of four years. " The above-mentioned examinations do not include the examinations for sight test, of which there were thirty, twenty-six passing successfully and four failing to pass the test." A. statement showing the names of persons to whom certificates of competency have been issued during the year, and the grades of the certificates, is appended. Three prosecutions have taken place during the year for breaches of the law regarding certificated officers. In each case a conviction was obtained and a penalty imposed. Registration of Shipping. Returns are appended showing the vessels registered in the Dominion on the 31st December last. There were on that dale on the register 184 sailing-vessels of 22,404 registered tonnage, and 376 steamers of 65,092 tonnage. The numbers at flic end of the previous year were 190 sailing-vessels of 21,853 registered tonnage, and 390 steamers of 70,442 tonnage. The number of seamen and boys employed on board was 3,562. as compared with 3,520 at the end of 1916. Survey of Ships. Certificates have been issued to 246 steamers, 404 oil-engine vessels, and 66 sailing-vessels, as compared with 271 steamers, 465 oil-engine vessels, and 75 sailing-vessels in the previous year. Details as to alterations and repairs to vessels will be found in the appended report of the Chief Surveyor. lii addition to the inspection of cargo gear which is made by the Surveyors at the annual surveys of vessels, there are special Surveyors at Auckland and Wellington whose duty it is to examine such gear and to supervise the loading and discharge of ships. The question having been raised as to whether further action is necessary for the prevention of accidents to waterside workers, a Commission, composed of the Minister of Marine, the Hon. T M. Wilford as Chairman, two representatives of the waterside workers (Messrs. Glover and Roberts), one representative of Harbour Boards (Mr. J. Marchbanks), and one representative of



shipowners (Captain McArthur), was set up to inquire into and to report as to what is necessary, and evidence was taken by the Commission at Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton. Dunedin, and Port Chalmers. The recommendations of the Commission are attached hereto. Attached is a return of vessels to which certificates have been issued. Proceedings were taken by the Department for breaches of the law in connection with the survey of ships: The master of launch "Leone," for carrying passengers without a certificate — convicted and ordered to pay costs; the master of s.s. " Kotiti," for carrying more passengers than allowed by the vessel's certificate—fined £6 and costs (on appeal the conviction was upheld); the master of launch " Phyllis," for running without a certificate for the boat—fined ss. and costs; the master of launch " Konini," for carrying passengers without a certificate for the boat—convicted and ordered to pay costs; for running launch " Wahora " without the necessary life-saving appliances, and also for running without a survey certificate—fines of £5 and costs for the first-mentioned offence and £2 and costs for the second; for running a launch without a survey certificate the owner was fined .£1 and costs; for running ketch " Result" without a survey certificate —fined f()s. and costs; for carrying more passengers in s.s. " Nikau " than allowed by the vessel's certificate—fined 10s. and costs; for running launch " Tuhua " in coasting trade without the boat having a certificate for that trade —fined 10s. and costs; for running scow " Pakihi " without a certificate for the vessel—fined £5 and costs. Deceased Seamen's Estates. The estates of twenty-seven seamen have been dealt with. The amount received was £531 3s. 6d., and the amount paid to relatives and other claimants was £409 19s. Id. The sum of £1 4s. 6d., which had remained unclaimed for over six years, was paid into the Public Account. Appended is a return of the estates. Wrecks and Casualties. During the year eighty-one inquiries were held, seventy-four of them being preliminary inquiries and seven Magisterial inquiries. The appended returns show the casualties and an analysis thereof. Those on or near the coasts of the Dominion were 71, of 39,864 tons register, as compared with 50, of 25,484 tons register, in the previous year. The number of lives lost was one, as compared with fourteen in the previous year. Notices to Mariners. A return of the Notices to Mariners relating to New Zealand is appended. In addition to these a large number of outside notices have been published by the Department. Government Steamers. S.S. " Sinemoa." —This vessel has continued the work of conveying oil, gas, stores, coal, and provisions to lighthouses, and of overhauling, cleaning, and painting coastal and harbour buoys, and the erection and painting of beacons. This work has been carried out in a very satisfactory manner. A thorough examination of the vessel has been made, which showed that with care she will be able to safely carry on her work for some time yet. She has had a thorough chipping and cleaning out inside. In addition to the ordinary lighthouse work she has conveyed the material for three new dwellinghouses to Puysegur Point Lighthouse, and has also conveyed material to Dog Island for building a new lighthouse-tower. S.S. " Amokura." —The training of boys for the sea on this vessel has continued during the year. There has been no difficulty in getting boys —in fact, a number have had to wait a good while for vacancies on board. The Department has had to appeal for some of the Instructors who were called up for military service, owing to its being found impossible to get other qualified and suitable men. In each case the Military Appeal Board adjourned the appeal sine die. Employment for the boys in other vessels has been found on their completing their training. As is usual, the vessel spent last winter in Wellington Harbour, and the boys attended Technical School classes in the ship's schoolroom on Thorndon Quay. The general behaviour of the boys has been good. During the year the vessel visited the outlying islands to search for castaways, but none were found. The necessary material and appliances for installing wireless on the "Amokura" has been obtained, and the work of installation will be put in hand shortly. Appended is a return of the boys who have served in the vessel during the year. S.S. "Rama." —This vessel, formerly H.M.S. "Torch," has been given to the Dominion by the Imperial Government, and has been placed under the control of this Department. She is at present moored ysx the stream in Wellington Harbour. S.S. " Tutauekai." —As this vessel is no longer required for cable work she has been transferred from the Post and Telegraph Department to this Department, and it is the intention of the Minister for Marine to obtain reports immediately as to what would be the cost of making the vessel fit for carrying cargo and what amount she would carry if altered. Lighthouses. The erection of a tower for an automatic light on Flat Rock, in the Ilauraki Gulf, has been commenced, but owing to exceptionally bad weather the progress has been slow. The site is on a rock which can only be worked when the sea is not rough. Soon after the erection was started a very heavy sea washed away the concrete which had been put down and also the casing in which it had been placed.



The erection of a new tower for Dog Island Lighthouse is now in progress. This is necessary owing to the mortar in the present stone tower perishing. The new tower is being built in ferroconcrete round the present structure. Three new houses for the keepers have been erected at Puysegur Point to replace the old houses, which have become decayed. New houses are being built at Tiritiri, as the present ones are becoming uninhabitable. An incandescent light has been installed at Mokohinou Lighthouse, and a new cowl fitted on the tower. A new crane has been obtained to replace one washed away during a heavy gale ai Cuvier Island. An incandescent light has been installed at East Cape; a revolving cowl has been erected on the tower and an incandescent apparatus installed at Portland Island. An earthquake having shifted the apparatus at Castle Point, and damaged the chimney and roof of the principal keeper's house, the necessary repairs have been effected. The revolving machine at Cape Palliser has been overhauled and put in order. The fog-signal at Pencarrow Head has been overhauled and put in order. An Aga light has been installed at Jackson's Head in place of the Pintsch-gas light which was there; and an incandescent light has been installed in Moeraki Lighthouse. One lightkeeper has been transferred to another Department, one has retired on superannuation, and seven have resigned during the year. Twelve positions are filled by temporary keepers owing to permanent keepers not being obtainable. Some returned soldiers have been appointed to the service, but the life does not appear to suit them, as most of them do not stashing. Seven keepers have joined the military forces. Owing to the depletion of the service the Department has had to appeal against keepers called up in the ballot being taken for military service, anil in each case the Military Appeal Boards have adjourned the cases sine die, subject to the men remaining in the service. Owing to the depletion of the office staff, caused by several officers being at the front, I have only been able to inspect the lighthouses at Castle Point, Portland Island, East Cape, Cuvier Island, Ponui Passage, Tiritiri, Mokohinou, Chickens, Cape Brett, Cape Maria van Diemen, and Kaipara. These stations were found to be in good order. Captain ,1. Bollons, of the s.s. " Hinemoa," who is also Inspector of Lighthouses, has inspected the lighthouses during the vessel's periodical visits with oil and stores. Appended is a report by the Marine Engineer on the works dealt with by him during the year. The amount of light dues collected was £28,141 4s. lid., as compared with £32,790 13s. 9d. during the previous year. Harbours. The buoys and beacons in the harbours under the control of the Department have been overhauled and painted under the direction of Captain Bollons, of the s.s. " Hinemoa." This has also been done in the case of the coastal buoys and beacons. A beacon has been made for the Brothers Rock in the Bay of Islands, and it will shortly be erected. Groynes constructed on the Waikato River by the River Board having proved to be injurious to navigation, the Department has called upon the Board to remove a portion of them. A large number of plans of works to be carried out by Harbour Boards have been submitted to the Department and approved by the Governor-General in Council, in accordance with the requirements of the Harbours Act, 1908. A return of these Orders in Council and of the Orders approving of plans of works constructed by other local bodies and persons is appended. The sum of £907 3s. 4d. was collected for pilotage and port charges in respect of harbours under the control of the Department, as compared with £1,100 15s. lOd. during the previous year. A return of the amounts collected at the various ports, and also the amounts collected at ports under the control of Harbour Boards, is appended. Fisheries. The picking and sale of northern oysters by the Department was continued last season, the season being open from the Ist May until the 31st October. The quantity picked and sold was 10.357 sacks, which realized £6,890, and gave a net profit of £1,071 9s. Bd., a portion of which was expended in replanting depleted* areas. Of the quantity mentioned 875 sacks were disposed of in parcels of about five dozen at Is. and in parcels of about sixteen dozen at 3s. 6d. Of the quantity sold, 7,917 sacks were sold in Auckland,, 305 at Russell, 3 at Hokianga, 445 at New Plymouth, 9 at Wanganui, 378 at Gisborne, 106 at Napier, 8 at Hokitika, 28 at Greymouth, 29 at Westport, 127 at Wellington, and 8 at Christchurch. The balance, 119 sacks, which was received during the hot weather at the end of the season, arrived at the depot in an unsaleable condition and was bedded down. The price charged per sack at Auckland was 13s. 6d. Replanting of depleted areas has been carried out in Whangaroa Harbour, and some Foveaux Strait oysters have been planted off the south coast of Cook Strait between White Bluff and the Awatere River. Further planting in this area will be undertaken shortly. In the Bay of Islands oysters attached to loose stones near high-water mark, where the oysters never grow to full size, have been moved down to near low-water mark, as it has been found that when this is done the oysters soon grow to full marketable size. The oysters taken in. Foveaux Strait last season were 1,333,520 dozen, valued at £12,548, of which 49,900 dozen, valued at £338, were exported to Australia, the export being low owing to the absence of regular steamers from the Bluff. Quinnat-salmon ova were again collected in order to continue the stocking of the Hokitika River and commence the stocking of the Wairau and Clutha Rivers. 1,525,000 eyed ova were obtained, of which 25,000 were sent to Tasmania, 1,485,000 fry were obtained, and these were liberated in equal quantities in the rivers mentioned.



As previous years had shown that very large numbers of salmon went up the Waitaki and Rangitata Rivers it was decided to allow anglers to fish for them in those rivers last season, and the Department made arrangements to net the fish outside the rivers, but, unfortunately, owing to the weather being bad and the rivers being frequently flooded and fewer fish going up, both the angling and netting proved a failure. A. report by Mr. L. F. Ayson, Chief Inspector of Fisheries, on the fisheries of the Dominion is appended, as is also a return of registered fishing-boats licensed at the various ports during the year ended the 31st December, 1917. The following proceedings have been taken for breaches of the Fisheries Act, viz. : Master of trawler " Muriel," for trawling within prohibited limits—fined £5 and costs (vessel, which was forfeited for the offence, was returned on payment of £100); N. Fagan, for illegally taking oysters—fined £3 and costs; Mrs. Wrigley, for illegally taking oysters —convicted and ordered to pay costs; P. Garea, for being in possession of oysters in close season —fined £2 and costs; W. Pateman and F. Kendall, each fined 10s. and ordered to pay 7s. costs, and C. Weston, convicted and ordered to pay 7s. costs, for using unlicensed fishing-boats; S. Lee, for illegally taking oysters —fined £5 and costs; H. Hayward, M. Hayward, ami ,j. Duffy, for stalling—each fined £1. and costs (forfeited nets were returned on payment of £5). Meteorological and Weather Office. The following is the report of the Rev. Mr. Bates, Director of the Meteorological Office: — " There has been no change in the office during the past year, and Mr. Athol Stretton is still ■.villi the Forces in France. " The usual routine of forecasting and climatological work has been carried out, and annual and monthly statistics published as formerly; but it is desirable to embody the results of previous years in a single publication. " There have been one or two rather serious breaks in the records at our chief stations, and some of the rainfall observations have been irregular on account of the exigencies of the war. The value of these records greatly depends upon their continuity, and as our observers are nearlj* all voluntary it is desirable that some form of recognition should be made by the presentation of books or instruments to faithful volunteers. " The majority of our records are naturally in more settled districts near the coast, but w© need more inland records, especially at high-level places near the sources of the chief rivers. This would enable us to get observations of snow conditions on the mountains, upon which so much depends for irrigation, floods, &c. " Inspection of stations has been curtailed on account of expense and shortage of staff. On account of the difficulty of obtaining new instruments the utmost care has been exercised over issues in the place of broken and old instruments. " New climatological stations have been established at Trentham and Featherston Military Camps at the request of Surgeon-General Henderson, and satisfactory results have been obtained. A new station has also been established at Kisselton, Lake Coleridge, in connection with the electrical water-power scheme; and another station also at Brightwater, near Nelson. " Wireless reports have been received regularly from Chatham Islands, and the information has been cabled daily to Australia with other information from New Zealand. " The most unusual feature observed in the weather through the year has been the large number of ex-tropical disturbances, which have brought heavy rainfall in the northern parts of New Zealand, while westerly disturbances have been less frequent." Inspection of Machinery. A full report by the Chief Inspector on the work connected with the inspections during the year is appended. I have, &c, George Allport, Secretary. The Hon. the Minister of Marine, Wellington. The Chief Inspector of Fisheries to the Secretary, Marine Department. Sir,— Wellington, 26th July, 1918. I have the honour to present the following report on the fisheries for the year ended 31st March, 1918. During the year I visited the following fishing ports and stations, viz. : Riverton, Bluff, Nugget, Bay, Port Chalmers, Moeraki, Oamaru, Timaru, Lyttelton, Kaiapoi, Picton, Marlborough Sounds, Cook Strait, Napier, Hauraki Gulf. Great Barrier, Whangarci, Bay of Islands, and Kaipara. I assisted with the erection of a salmon-hatchery at Pembroke for the purpose of stocking the Molyneux with salmon. As sufficient skilled assistance was not available I again assisted with the collection of salmon-eggs at the Dobson River, and 1 also personally liberated the salmon-fry hatched out at the Kokotahi, Maori Creek (Wairau), and Pembroke Hatcheries. From the information contained in the reports supplied by the Inspectors of Fisheries it would seem that generally fish have been plentiful on the fishing-grounds, and that the shortage of fish at times was principally due to unfavourable weather conditions preventing fishermen from working. A continuation of strong easterly winds along the east coast greatly interfered with fishing during the end of summer and through the autumn months. Fishermen lost a great deal of time, and the markets were short of fish.



The great increase in the price and short supply at the present time of coal, benzene, lubri-cating-oil, nets, netting-twine, hooks and lines, and all other necessaries connected with the fishing trade conies very hard on fishermen, and is having a far-reaching effect on their earnings and also on the fish-supply for market throughout the Dominion. 1 believe it is correct to say that, with the exception of one or two instances, there has been little or no increase in the price which fishermen get for their fish since the war began. The result is that, with the high rate of wages offering at other employment, a number of men have given up fishing and taken to other work where they can earn more money and have a regular income. The position with regard to the supply of nets, netting-twine, and all other necessaries connected with the fishing trade has become so serious thai I would, recommend that immediate steps should lie taken by the Government to assist in securing the necessary supplies. I include in this report a summary of the information contained in the annual reports received from the Collectors of Customs and Inspectors of Fisheries at the various fishing-ports; also tables showing the number of fishing-boats licensed during the year, the number of fishermen employed, &c, and approximately the total quantity and value of fish caught and marketed. The following is a summary of the information supplied by Collectors of Customs and Inspectors of Fisheries in their reports for the year : — Eokianga. —The market fish taken at this port are principally mullet, schnapper, flounder, and kahawai. These have been fairly plentiful during the year. Russell. —With the exception of flounder-market fish have been plentiful; fishermen report mullet and schnapper as being more plentiful than they have been for a good many years. The principal market for fish is Whangarei and inland towns and settlements. Whales have been plentiful, and a very good season has been experienced at the Whangamumu whaling-station. The sport of angling for kingfish and swordfish has become famous, and the number of sportsmen from England, Australia, and from all parts of the Dominion is increasing every year. Whangarei. —Fish of all kinds have been plentiful, but the number of fishermen has decreased during the last two years, and the supply for local requirements is now principally obtained from Bay of Islands. Kaipara. —The catch for the year has been very small compared with former years. The low price given to fishermen for their fish, the high price of benzene, nets, &c., and having to compete with the trawlers working from Auckland has made fishing an unprofitable occupation for those engaged in it at Kaipara. Auckland. —The return supplied for the present year shows a very large increase in the quantity and also in the value of fish marketed in comparison to the previous year. With the exoeption of flounder and mullet all the other market fish have been plentiful. The number of hook-and-line boats fishing has shown a considerable increase during the year. Thames.— The fish usually caught by the net and hook-and-line fishermen in the Thames Gulf have been plentiful, and more fish was brought, in at times than the fishermen could dispose of. Fishermen complain of the difficulty of finding a market for all they can catch. Tauranga. —During the year practically no fish have been caught for the Auckland market, fishing being confined to what is required to supply Tauranga and district. The extensive fishinggrounds in the Bay of Plenty are capable of great development, as very large supplies of schnapper, tarakihi, trevalli, and hapuku can be taken either by trawling or by lining. Gisborne. —There has been no scarcity of fish, but owing to the bad weather on the east coast, combined with the high price of petrol, there has not been the activity in the fishing industry as in former years. Napier. —The year, on the whole, has been a bad one for the steam trawlers as well as for the small-boat men. The principal reasons given are scarcity of fish, high cost of materials, and difficulty of getting a supply of coal and also labour, and the prevailing easterly weather prevented the small boats working outside or hauling on the western beach. Wanganui. —All kinds of fish have been plantiful, but on account of so many men having gone away on active service there are not as many engaged in fishing as forfnerly. Foxton. —The year has been about an average one as regards the quantity of flounder and schnapper taken. The run of whitebait was about the average of the seasons. Wellington District. —There has been a considerable falling-off in the number of boats engaged in fishing during the year, seventy-five being licensed, as against for 1917. Good catches of hapuku and hake have been made in Cook Strait when weather conditions were favourable, but a continuation of easterly winds during the summer and autumn very much hampered fishing operations all round the coast, and resulted in a short supply for market from the local fishmg-grounds. Pictcm. —The quantity of market fish taken has been about the average of the two previous seasons. The whaling season was a successful one for those engaged in the industry in the Sounds and Cook Strait. Wairau. —On account of a plentiful supply of fish and easy facilities for shipping to the Wellington market the fishing industry is in a thriving condition. Nelson. —The catches during the past year have not been up to the catches of the previous year. It is considered that the reason why the fishing industry does not show better development is due to unsuitable marketing conditions and the want of proper cool storage for fish at Port Nelson. Westport. —The season has been a good one as far as the large fish usually caught—viz., hapuku, schnapper, and flounder—are concerned, but the run of whitebait was exceptionally poor. Greymouth. —The whitebait season was a very poor one. The catch of other fish was about the average of other seasons. The fishing is chiefly done between January and April.



Hokitika. —The catch of whitebait hist season is said to be the poorest for a good many years. The catch of other fish was also poor. /uiikoiira. —Strong easterly winds during the summer and autumn hindered fishing operations. Fish have been plentiful and good catches made whenever weather conditions were favourable. Raiigiora. —A good catch of whitebait for the season is reported; other fish fairly plentiful. Kaiapoi. —Very good catches of whitebait were made during the season, the value of the catch for the season being estimated at £2,000. Flounder and kahawai have been fairly plentiful in the estuary. New Brighton.—'We Inspector reports that only whitebait fishing was carried on during the year, and the run of these fish was rather poor. Lyttelton. —During the year there has been a decrease in quantity of the fish caught. The cause of the decrease on the previous year's catch is said to be owing to the scarcity of all kinds of fish, and to some of the fishing-boats having left the port and gone to Tiinaru. The Inspector reports that fish are landed in a cleanly manner, and forwarded by rail to Christchurch market with the least possible delay. Akaroa. —Fish have been fairly plentiful during the year, and whenever weather conditions were favourable good catches were made. SoutJibridge (Lake Ellesmere ). —The catch of flounder and herring for the year has been rather poor. This is principally due to the outlet being blocked during most of the time when the fish would run in from the sea. Timaru. —There has been a considerable increase both in the quantity and value of the fish brought in during the year. A freezing and ice-making plant for fish has been erected by Messrs. Ferron and Co., wholesale fish-merchants, of Christchurch. This will enable fishermen to forward their fish to market at all seasons without risk of loss. During the year an exclusive license for a natural oyster-bed has been granted. A certain amount of prospecting has been done, but the returns so far have not been encouraging to the holder of the license. Oamaru. —Generally speaking fish have been plentiful during the year, but the industry has been handicapped by inconvenient transport facilities and high cost of benzene and other necessaries, and during the year an unusual number of days have been lost by fishermen owing to the strong easterly winds which prevailed, and which brought up heavy seas along the coast. Moera/ci. —Fish have been plentiful, and good catches have been made whenever the weather conditions were favourable. Otago District. —With the exception of the first four months of the season the past year has been a very unsatisfactory one for fishermen. The weather conditions during the latter part of the year were very unfavourable, fishermen only being able to get out at intervals, and on several occasions not a boat could get out for a week at a time. The Dunedin market has on very few occasions been oversupplied with fish—generally the supply during the year has been irregular and insufficient. For a considerable time fish were scarce on the trawling-grounds. Taking the year on the whole the seine fishermen have done fairly well. The Nugget Bay fishermen have had a poor season, and a number of them have given up fishing and taken to other employment. Invercargill. —The catches of fish during the year have been about equal to other seasons. Flounder have been fairly plentiful. The Inspector reports the wholesale destruction of immature flounder by " week-end " parties who frequent the New River Estuary. Owing to the high wages offered at other employment a number of fishermen have-given up fishing, and this has caused a considerable falling-off in the supply of fish for the local market. Bluff. —Fish have been plentiful and the season generally has been a good one. Oysters have been plentiful and in splendid condition. Owing to the continued irregularity of the intercolonial steamer service there has been a decrease in the export of fish and oysters. Stewart Island. —During the past year fishing has been fairly good. The only fish the merchants will take are blue cod and groper (hapuku), and consequently these arc the only fish caught by fishermen. Chatham Islands. —The local Inspector reports that the fishing industry is in a flourishing condition, and the fishermen seem satisfied with the rate of remuneration they receive for their labour. There are three fish-freezing establishments, and the steamer " Himitangi," owned by the Chatham Island Fishing Company, runs regularly to the islands, taking down mails and stores for the settlers and fishermen, and bringing back fish, produce, and stock. Rock-oyster Beds. The total quantity of oysters marketed last season was 10,357 sacks. Of this quantity 4,108 sacks were taken from the Bay of Islands beds, 3,569 from the. beds in the Hauraki Gulf, 2,167 from Kaipara, 510 from the Great Barrier beds, and 3 sacks were picked at Hokianga. The Government oyster-depot has been shifted from the Railway Wharf to a site beside the Municipal Fish Market. The beds at Bay of Islands have made satisfactory improvement during the last two or three years. There has been a fair fixing of spat, last season on the beds in Pourerua, Ti Mongonui, and part of Kerikeri, but the fixing on the rest of the beds in the bay has been poor. The beds on the Hauraki Gulf are in good condition, but the fixing of spat on most of them last season has also been poor. On the Mahurangi, Kawau, and Whangarei beds there was a very good fixing, and in consequence the yield of oysters from them should in three or four years be greatly increased. The replanted beds on the Coromandel coast and islands in the Thames Gulf are improving very satisfactorily. A great amount of valuable work in improving the beds by removing high-water oyster-rock to medium-low and half-tide was carried out at Bay of Islands during the summer



months. A start was also made to plant beds in Whangaroa Harbour. A. scow-load of about 50 tons of oyster-rock was taken from the Bay of Islands and successfully planted by Inspector Flinn in three of the most sheltered bays in the harbour. On account of the increasing demand for oysters it is most important that the work of planting new beds and extending and improving the present beds by removing high-water oyster-rock to and below mid-tide level, and filling in blank spaces on the beds with rock, should be persevered with year by year. Planting Foveaux Strait Oysters in Cook Strait. A commencement was mWe during the year with, planting in Cook Strait oysters taken from the Foveaux Strait beds. Sixty sacks of roughly cultched oysters Were supplied by one of the Bluff oyster firms. Ihey were taken across in the s.s. " Wair'au "to the south side of Cook Strait, where they wore planted on suitable bottom in 10 to 14 fathoms between White Bluff and the mouth of the Awatere River. It is advisable that this work should be continued for several years. Quinnat Salmon. At the Hakataramea Hatchery last season (1917) 1,437,000 salmon-eggs were collected, and 100,000 were taken at the Dobson River, making a total of 1,537,000 collected for the season, producing 1,525,000 eyed eggs. These were disposed of as follows: 25,000 were supplied to the Tasmanian Government; 500,000 were sent to th© West Coast, to continue the work of stocking the Hokitika River; 500,000 to the hatchery at Maori Creek, to begin stocking the Wairau River (Marlborough); and 500,000 to Pembroke, to begin stocking the Molyneux River. The eggs hatched out well, and from the 500,000 sent to each 495,000 fry were hatched out and liberated in the tributaries of each river. An exceptionally large run of salmon came up the Waitaki and Rangitata Rivers last season. The first fish were observed in the Waitaki in January, when a few were caught. The largest runs, however, took place through February, March, and April, when they were taken freely by anglers. Over 700 were netted at Hakataramea during the spawning season, and 95 at the Dobson River. The average weight of the fish was fully 16 lb. From the information collected by the Department it would seem that about 400 salmon were caught by anglers from all parts of the Waitaki, and about 368 from the Rangitata. The average weight of the fish was stated to be about 16 lb. On account of the steady increase of salmon and the very large run which came up the rivers last season the Department decided to legalize the taking of salmon by anglers, and also to carry out some experimental fishing for them at sea for market. The run of salmon this season, however, proved very disappointing —very few were taken by anglers, and the experimental salmon fishing by the Department was a failure. Very few salmon came up the Waitaki or other rivers this spawning season (1918). The fish caught were not more than half the average size they were other seasons, and generally they were in poor condition. The small average size of the fish compared with other seasons and their poor condition would seem, to point to a scarcity this season of their natural feed in the ocean. American authorities who have made a special study of the life habits of this salmon state that, very little is known of its life from the time it enters the sea in the early stages of its life until it returns to the rivers in prime condition and sexually mature. Any scarcity in the salmon's ocean food may only be temporary, and is probably due to the food migrations of sprats, pilchard, herrings, and other fishes which they usually feed on. Development of the Fisheries. With regard to the development of and also the assistance to the fisheries which are required, I have, with some additions, to repeat what was stated in my last year's report, viz. : — In this time of stress the Government is required to give every possible assistance in increasing the supply, and also cheapening the necessaries of life for the people of the Dominion. The fisheries are capable of producing a very large supply of a necessary food, and special attention and assistance should be given to the industry at the present time. As with the development of all other industries, a certain amount of money must be provided by the Government, and every encouragement should bo given the fishermen and others already employed in connection with the industry. I think the Government should encourage and assist the Municipal Councils of the principal cities in the erection of suitable fish-markets, and in the adoption of a system of distribution of fish from these markets, and in supplying inland towns and country districts with a regular supply of fresh and cured fish. For the purpose of assisting the present fishermen, and encouraging more fishermen to engage in fishing, T would respectfully make the following recommendations : — (1.) That the Government advance money to fishermen for the purchase of suitable boats and fishing outfit. (2.) The insurance of fishermen's boats by the State Fire Insurance Office. (3.) The erection of fish-chilling and ice-making plants in outlying parts of the coast, so as to prevent the loss of fish during warm weather and ensure all fish reaching market in a perfectly fresh condition.

2—H. 15.,



(4.) Encourage fishermen to go in for purse-seining by a practical demonstration of the use of this net on the various fishing-grounds around the coast. By this method fish can be taken in very large quantities and at small cost in comparison to trawling. (5.) Giving a bonus on fish canned and cured for export, and also on the production of fertilizer manufactured from fish-offal and unmarketable fish, and for the manufacture of potash and other products from kelp and seaweed. (6.) That the Government take immediate steps to provide the necessary supplies of benzene, lubricating-oil, nets, netting-twine, hooks, lines, &c., which are required by those engaged in the fishing industry. I have, &C, L. F. Ayson, Chief Inspector of Fisheries.

Table showing the Number of Steam Trawlers, Oil-engine Trawlers, and other Vessels employed in Line and Net Fishing, with the Number of Fishermen employed, and approximately the Total Number of Persons engaged in the Fishing Industry at each Port for the Year ending 31st March, 1918.

Compi led from t. he returns given in t lie Kstrict nspectors reports. Name of Port. Steam Trawlers. Oil-engine Trawlers. Line- and Net-fishing Vess jls. Number of Fishermen employed. Persons Employed in various ways in connection with the Industry. Total Number of Persons employed. Russell Hokianga Whangarei Kaipara Auckland Thames 35 15 5 22 130 70 20 L0 40 247 50 12 5 12032 15 40 6 530 777 Tauranga Gisborne Napier Wanganui Foxton Wellington Pieton Blenheim Nelson Westport Greymouth Hokitika Kaikoura .. ... Lyttelton, Sumner, Akaroa, Southbridge, Kaiapoi, Styx, Rangiora, and New Brighton Timaru Oamaru and Moeraki Dunedin and Port Chalmers .. Inveroargill Bluff Stewart Island ' Chatham Islands 2 9 9 3 20 21 35 5 9 75 19 6 59 20 56 92 9 10 152 50 9 20 20 15 88* 15 184 6 18 9 20 62 110 18 10 287 50 12 40 20 15 100 1.5 184 2 1 135 6 3 20 1 2 1 8 2 8 9 1 6 118 12* 4 19 1 8 13 29 69 23 53 29 14 32 42 129 50 115 60 32 8 40 42 210 50 115 68 55 2 2 18] 4 8 23 Totals 35 57 828 1,587 920 2,507 Whitebait fis) ling.



Table showing the Various Kinds of Fish caught, and approximately the Total Quantities and Value of Fish landed, at the different Fishing Ports for the Year ended 31st March, 1918.


(Compiled from the figures given in the District Inspectors' reports for the year.) Name of Tort. Kinds of Fish caught. Total Weight. Cwt. Russell .. .. Mullet, sohnapper, crayfish, kahawai, kingfish, garfish, tarakihi.. 2,300 llokianga .. .. Mullet, sohnapper, kahawai, flounder .. .. .. Not su Whangarei .. .. Schnapper, mullet, hapuku, trevalli, kahawai, flounder .. 3,000 Kaipara .. .. Mullet, sohnapper, flounder .. .. .. .. 5,600 Auckland .. .. Sohnapper, mulct, flounder, crayfish, gurnard, trevalli, John- 114,480 dory, kahawai, tarakihi, hapuku, rock-cod, buttcrfish. kingfish, bairaoouta, garfish Tauranga .. .. Sohnapper, hapuku, mullet, trevalli, kahawai, garfish, flounder Not su Oisbornc .. .. Schnapper, tarakihi, gurnard, flounder, sole, crayfish.. .. 4,470 Napier .. ... Flounder, sole, sohnapper, gurnard, blue cod, red cod, mullet, 22,500 butterfish, hapuku, mold, trumpeter, ling, barraeouta, kingfish, trevalli, warehou, crayfish Wanganui .. ... Schnapper, bluo cod, hapuku, flounder, mullet, kahawai .. 230 Foxton .. .. Flounder, mullet, schnapper, whitebait .. .. .. Not su Wellington .. .. Hapuku, hake, schnapper, tarakihi, kahawai, trumpeter, blue , 17,200 cod, red cod, flounder, sole, warehou, butterfish, horse-mackerel Picton .. .. Hapuku, blue cod, herring, flounder, butterfish .. .. 2,000 Blenheim .. .. Sole, tarakihi, red cod, ling, flounder, moki, warehou, herring, ! 700 kahawai, schnapper, garfish, crayfish, hapuku, rock-cod, blue j cod, butterfish, whitebait Nelson .. .. Blue cod, hapuku, flounder, gurnard, herring, kahawai, garfish, | 276J moki, crayfish Westport .. .. Hapuku, schnapper, blue cod, kahawai, sole, herring, flounder, j 981 whitebait, crayfish (65 sacks crayfish) Ureymouth .. .. Sole, groper, flounder, schnapper, skate, ling, herring, red cod, | 128| whitebait (1,000 pints whitebait) Hokitika .. .. Whitebait, herring, flounder, kahawai .. Whitebait 1104; Other fish ' 50 Kaikoura .. .. Hapuku, trumpeter, moki, ling, blue cod, sole, flounder .. ; 4,000 Rangiora .. .. Whitebait, flounder, herring .. .. Whitebait : 56J Other fish . 2 Kaiapoi .. .. Whitebait, flounder, kahawai .. .. Whitebait 357A Other fish , 75 Total Value. £ r. d. 2,050 0 0 pplied. 2.000 0 0 3,260 0 0 39,305 0 0 pplied. 5,224 0 0 14,143 JO 6 617 13 4 pplied. 15,300 0 0 1,700 0 0 800 0 0 281 0 0 1,648 0 0 327 5 0 878 0 0 60 0 0 4,200 0 0 62!) 12 0 J1 6 0 2,000 0 0 120 0 0 pplied. 1,400 0 0 12,250 0 0 New Brighton .. Whitebait .. .. .. .. .. .. j Not su Southbridge .. .. Flounder, herring, red cod .. .. .. .. j 300 Lyttelton .. .. (»roper, ling, red cod, conger-eel, flounder, sole, trevalli, herring, 12,400 garfish, butterfish, moki, eel, whitebait, shrimp Akaroa .. .. Groper, blue cod, trevalli, moki, butterfish, flounder, sole, cray- 2,280 fish, ling 't'imaru .. .. Groper. sole, flounder, brill, barraeouta, kingfish, gurnard, ling, 7,200 red cod 1,892 0 0 7,200 0 0 Oamaru .. .. Groper, red cod, blue cod, moki, warehou, barraeouta, ling .. 6,389 Mocraki .. .. Groper, red cod, blue ood, moki, barraojuta, ling (crayfish, 2,640 345 macks £140) Dune din and Port Gr per, kingfish, ling, barraeouta, blue cod, red cod, moki, 37,200 Chalmers trumpeter, bream, tarakihi, trevalli, mullet, garfish, elephantfish, kahawai, flounder, sole, brill Invercargill .. .. Blue cod, red cod, groper, flounder .. .. ,. 660J Bluff .. .. Blue cod, red cod, groper, flounder, sole, moki, trevalli .. 5,911 Stewart Island .. Blue cod, groper, buttcrfish, moki.. .. .. .. 5,389.J Chatham Islands .. Blue cod, hapuku .. .. .. .. .. 5.954J 3,425 0 0 2,040 0 0 31,611 0 0 900 0 0 8,571. 0 0 6,116 8 II 5,216 0 3 Totals .. .. ..• .. .. .. .. .. 264,841} 264,841 J 175,176 16 0

Number of Whaling-station. Whales taken. Species. Yield of Oil. (Quantity of Bonedust or Fertilizer produced. Total Value. Whangauiumu... ... 52 Marlborough Sounds and q» Cook Strait Kaikoura ... ... 9 I I Humpback 36 humpback 1 right whale 6 humpback 3 right whale TonH. 240 40 tons bonedust a s. d. 5,040 0 0 j 203 (. 6 ° I 5,609 0 0 1 ton whalebone 1,440 0 0 400 0 0 Totals ... ... 98 98 503 12,489 0 0

ii.-i 5



Return showing the Total Quantity and Value of Fish Imported into and Exported from New Zealand during the Year ended 31st December, 1917.


The Marine Engineer, to the Secretary, Marine Department. Sir,— Wellington, 28th May, 1918. 1 have the honour to report as follows upon the various works dealt with during the year ended 31st March, 1918:— Hokianga.: Kohukohu Reclamation. —A plan and description were prepared in connection with the vesting of a portion of the reclamation in the Railway Department. Bay of Islands: I'aihia Wharf. — This wharf was completed last year, but, recent heavy gales, coupled with an extraordinary high tide, have seriously damaged the structure, and extensive repairs will be required. Ruakaka River. —A small sum has been expended in removing logs from this stream. Whangateau Harbour. —Sundry reports and estimates have been supplied in connection with a proposed wharf at Ti Point. Matakana River. —A report was prepared in connection with an extensive slip. Kaipara: Kaihu Creek. —A report was prepared regarding an encroachment, by this river in the vicinity of Dargaville. Kaipara River. —Eecommendations were made regarding a lighting system and characteristic for a beacon light in the river, also in connection with erosion near Helensville. Great Barrier Island, Waiheke, &c. —Arrangements have been made to prevent injury to oyster-beds through the construction of roads along foreshores and otherwise.

Locality. Disposed of In Dominion. Exported. Total Number. Total Value 'oveaux Strait Sacks. 24,420 Sacks. Sacks. 720 25,140 £ s. d. 12,548 0 0 Rock-oysters. iay of Islands lauraki Gulf and Great Barrier [aipara lokianga 4,109 4,079 2,167 3 10,357 6,890 0 0 Total ... 19,438 0 0

HI IH IMPORTED. Quantity. Value. i . * Anchovies, salted (in bulk) Oysters, fresh ... Other fish, fresh or frozen Pish, preserved in tins Fish, smoked, dried, pickled, and salted ... 5 cwt. Nil 13 cwt. 2,671,5431b. 271 cwt. £21 Nil. £29 £103,815 £954

New Zealand Produce. Not New Zealand Produoe. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. \nehovies, salted (in bulk) ... Dysters, fresh Dther fish, fresh or frozen Fish, preserved in tins Pish, smoked, dried, pickled, and salted Nil 30,900doz. 11,784 cwt. 56,2191b. 84 cwt. Nil £244 £19,633 £3,980 £205 Nil Nil Nil 172,8531b. 3 cwt. £6 Nil. Nil. £7,538 £37



Flat Rock Beacon. —ln connection with the proposal to establish an automatic acetylene light on Flat Rock, off Kawau island, a tender has been accepted for the manufacture of the iron surmount to carry the lantern, and the construction of the concrete pedestal is in hand. This hitter work is proving very arduous and difficult. Very little time can be spent on the rock, as it is only workable in fine weather, while the finished work often suffers serious damage through heavy seas. Maori Rock Beacon. —A survey has been made and estimates prepared in connection with the proposal to erect a pole beacon on this rock, which is in the vicinity of Kawau Island. Wade River. —Sundry reports and estimates have been supplied in connection with improvements at the turning-basin. Tiritiri Lighthouse. —Steps are being taken to proceed with the erection of the two cottages for which materials were obtained some time ago. Auckland: D'Urville Rock Beacon. —Arrangements are being made to erect a pole beacon on this rock to replace one which has been destroyed. Auckland: Albert Park Observatory. —Some minor repairs and improvements have been carried out. Cuvier Island Lighthouse. —The fog-signal apparatus has been overhauled, and a new crane is being obtained for use in connection with the landing. Waitakaruru. —Some snags have been removed from the fairway, and a leading-light and breastwork have been erected. Thames. —A report was prepared in connection with the proposed extension of the limits of the Port of Thames. Tauranga. —At the request of the Harbour Board the Department has erected a dolphin light at The Narrows. Sundry reports and rough estimates have been prepared in connection with dredging proposals. Maketu Harbour. —Copies of sundry plans and reports relating to the Tumu Outfall have been supplied for the information of those concerned. Whakatane. —A plan and description of the proposed harbour-limits were supplied, also sundry reports in connection with the harbour-improvement works. Waikato River. —ln connection with, the erection of the new bridge at Ngaruawahia suitable provision was made for lights to facilitate navigation. Reports and estimates were supplied in connection with repairs and additions to Port Waikato Wharf, also with regard to rocks and shoals at various places. Gisborne. —A brief report was prepared in connection with the proposed harbour improvements. Portland, Island .Lighthouse. —A revolving cowl similar to those supplied to other lighthouses has been provided for the purpose of improving the ventilation of the tower. Wairoa. —The marine survey of the Wairoa roadstead, mentioned in my last report, has been completed and notices issued. A report has been supplied in connection with damage sustained by the training-walls at the river-entrance. Castle Point Lighthouse. —The roofs of the cottages, which had beoome very leaky, have been repaired. Marakopa River. —Proposals, with estimates, have been submitted in connection with proposed leading-beacons at this place. Mokau River. —Various matters have been attended to in connection with a large scheme of channel-improvement which will be carried out by the Mokau Harbour Board at an early date. Wa/nganui. —Reports have been supplied in connection with foreshore accretions at Castlecliff and the closing of a road at the same place. Waikanae River. —A. report was prepared with reference to some erosion that has occurred near the mouth of the river. Titahi Bay. —Rough estimates were supplied in connection with a proposal to make Titahi Bay the terminus of a Cook Strait ferry service. Island Bay. —A proposal to construct a fish-landing and cool storage was reported upon, with estimates. Ohiro Bay. —The removal of shingle from beaches in this vicinity has been the subject of various reports. Pencarrow Lighthouse. —Further trouble has been experienced with the fog-signal gear, and steps have been taken to overcome the difficulties. Marine Yard. Fipitea. —A derrick crane for handling heavy stores has been purchased and is now being fitted up. Admiralty Bay. —Reports have been supplied in connection with a proposed new wharf. Jackson's Head, Lighthouse. —The use of Pintsch gas was discontinued, and an acetylene-gas apparatus was temporarily installed until after the war, when the old apparatus will be removed. Elmslie Bay, French, Pass. —Plans, specifications, and estimates were prepared for a new wharf at this place. D'Urville Island. —Reports and estimates were furnished in connection with a proposed wharf at Ohana Bay. Stephen Island Lighthouse. —The landing-crane has been brought to Wellington foi repairs, and arrangements arc being made to raise the concrete pedestal slightly to place the crane above the reach of the waves. Waikawa Bay (Current Basin). —A report was prepared in connection with repairs to the wharf. Nelson Jjighihouse. —Two rooms attached to the tower have been dismantled and the matwrial sold.



Motueka. —Various soundings and observations are being made in connection with projected harbour improvements. haramea. —Numerous surveys and reports have been made regarding transfer of marine leases, erosion at Otumahana overflow, extension of training-wall, Ac. Sundry minor improvements to the wharf and tramway are in hand. Little Wanganui. —Minor repairs to the wharf have been carried out. Cape Foidwind Lighthouse. —A ventilating-cowl similar to those at other lighthouses has been manufactured and will be erected shortly. II estport. —Inspections have been made and reports prepared in connection with sea-enoroaoh-nieul to leeward of the eastern breakwater and erosion at Orowaiti overflow. Lake Kanieri. —A question of compensation arising out of the construction of a weir at flic lake-outlet has been adjusted. Hokitika. —A report and recommendation were submitted with regard to some damage sustained by the south training-wall. Okanto. —The question of repairs to protective works at this place was investigated and reported upon. Okuru. —Steps have been taken to repair the jetty, which had been damaged by floods. Kaikoura. —A recommendation was made regarding the control of the foreshore opposite the town. Pigeon Bay. —A report was prepared in connection with the removal of sand from the beach at Holmes Bay. Akaroa Lighthouse. —A ventilating-cowl has been manufactured similar to those which have been'found necessary elsewhere. Moeraki Lighthouse. —A similar cowl is being provided for this lighthouse. Dog Island Lighthouse. —Complete plans have been prepared for the strengthening of the lighthouse-tower, and an officer will proceed to the island within the next few days to take charge of the work. Fuysegur Point Lighthouse. —All materials for the two new cottages have been transported to the site, and the erection of the buildings is well in hand. Considerable difficulties have been experienced in this matter owing to the inaccessibility of the place. General. —Little new work has been put in hand during the year, in view of the scarcity and high cost of material and labour. The same causes have operated in the case of local authorities' and private works. The proposals submitted for approval have been dealt with as indicated below. Wharves. —Hokianga: Te Tio Wharf, Mangamuka Creek, approved for temporary use; Orira River, two private wharves approved. Tutukaka : Site for wharf approved. Kaipara : Pukehuia Cream-wharf, Northern Wairoa River, approved. Auckland: East Tamaki, private jetty approved; North Head Defence Wharf, plans recorded; Lincoln Creek Bridge landing approved. Port Charles: Wharf approved subject, to amendments. Waihou River: Ngahina Wharf extensions approved. Waikato River: Mercer, Waikato Shipping Company's wharf approved. Whakatanc : Freezing-works wharf approved; Whale Island loading-jetty under consideration. Raglan: Protective works at Launch Wharf approved. Island Bay: Diving-pier approved. Pelorus Sound: Te Rawa, private wharf approved. Westport : Crane Wharf extension approved. Chatham Islands: Waitangi West, jetty and freezing-works site approved. Te Waewae Bay : Mussel Beach, wharf and breakwater approved. Reclamations. —Whangarei : Reclamation for freezing-works site approved, subject to legislation being passed. Boat-sheds, Skids, dec. —Picton : Boat-slip approved. Kaikoura : Boat-slip approved. Foreshore Leases. —Auckland:, special arrangements made re use of Flying School lease. Pelorus Sound: Hulwer, woolshed-site approved. Avon River: Application for large area for saltworks referred to Lyttelton Harbour Board. Bridges. —Whangarei : Guiding-wings at opening span of railway-bridge approved. Kaipara : Site for bridge over Northern Wairoa River at Dargaville approved, subject to conditions re opening span. Auckland : Wairau ('reek Footbridge, Takapuna, approved. Harbour-works. —Kaipara : Breastwork to increase depth of water at Helensville Wharf approved. Gisborne : Deflecting groynes approved. Miscellaneous. —Doubtless Bay : Whakaiitu River, tide-gate approved; Rangiawhia Peninsula, removal of stone from foreshore approved conditionally. Whangaroa : Wairakan Stream, timber - biionis approved. Whangarei : Suggestions made re Harbour Hoard Vesting Bill; Waihoihoi River, timber-booms approved. Kaipara: Dargaville sewage outfall site, recommended. Great Barrier Island : Tryphena, foreshore road approved. Orewa River : Telegraph-line crossing approved. Auckland: Little Shoal Hay, sea-wall approved; Karainurainu Island, boundaries of leases defined. Waihou River: Kopu Ferry approved. Tauranga : Removal of road-metal from Signal Hill approved. Wanganui : Castlecliff, closing of Wharf Street approved. Wellington : Sinclair Head, removal of stones from foreshore approved; Island Bay, removal of shingle approved, subject to limitations. West Haven : Private tramway-crossing arranged for. Westport: Dredge " Eileen Ward," navigating bridge approved. Lake Ellesrnere : Netting limits approved, and plan and schedule prepared defining same. Timaru : Oyster-bed, exclusive license approved. Green Island, &c. : Removal of guano and erection of jetties at Green Island, White Island, and Taieri Island approved. Titiroa Stream : Lock-gate approved. Invercargill : Removal of shells from foreshore near Clifton Railway-station approved. R. W. Holmes, The Secretary, Marine Department. Marine Engineer.



The Chief Inspector of Machinery and the Chief Surveyor of Ships to the Secretary of the Marine and Inspection of Machinery Department. Sir,— Head Office, Customhouse Buildings, Wellington, sth August, 1918. I have the honour to submit herewith the annual report of the operations of the Inspectors of Machinery and the Surveyors of Ships during the twelve months which ended on the .'list March, 1918. The work of the Department has made satisfactory progress during the year. All districts have been inspected as far as possible, but at, the end of the year there was still much inspecting to do. The war conditions have made for the introduction of labour-saving machinery, and whenever it could be procured it has been installed. Flax-milling has been notably busy during the year, and the freezing-works have kept abreast of all requirements in their new storage accommodation and added products. A great, many inventors out of pure patriotism have submitted to the Department during the year suggestions for the solution of the submarine problem. Several of them were of a, very ingenious nature. It has been interesting to read through their specifications and to peruse their plans. The question of better subdivision of ships has also been raised. Several of the suggestions have been well thought out. A good deal of time has been spent by myself and other Surveyors in work connected with Admiralty requirements and with troopship equipment. Whenever the services of Surveyors have been asked for to cope with such work they were readily given up to meet the emergency. A very special survey was made of the late gunboat " Torch," which was given up by the Admiralty to the New Zealand Government. Two Surveyors of Ships were engaged on this work for several weeks, and a rough plan was made out, with suggested alterations to make her suitable for lighthouse work to replace the s.s. " Hinemoa." She is of steel construction, and is sheathed with wood under water and for some feet above the usual draught-level. An officer has been placed in the North Auckland district during the year, and his advent there is much, appreciated by steam-users all over that large and scattered district. He has been stationed at Whangarei as a centre. 1 had the pleasure of visiting several of the districts during the year, and met a great many engineers, shipowners, and steam-users on my way. The machinery installed and the provision made for a great extension of the plant at, a dried-milk factory near Hamilton which I visited was most interesting and instructive, and showed clearly the possibilities of scientific and up-to-date methods. The dairying industry has an unlimited future before it. Great credit is due to those who have acted as pioneers in such an industry, for in the initial stages they risked much to perfect these new methods of milk-treatment. My Inspectors at Hamilton have gladly given their practical assistance when asked regarding suitable materials in connection with some of these new factory installations in their district. There was no boiler-explosion during the year, which is a very gratifying record. 1 can bear testimony to the zeal and to the work done by all the staff, very often during very trying conditions, in all districts. Annual Survey of Steamships and Auxiliary-powered. Vessels. The survey of all vessels is nearly up to date. The piecemeal surveys to meet the requirements of shipowners have been acceded to as far as possible, but it has been found on occasions impossible to comply in all cases. Several vessels have been recommissioned and made suitable for sea service. This has added to the work of supervision considerably. Several coal-hulks are amongst this number; one in Lyttelton is now being fitted up as a steamship, and she is having the machinery which has been salved from a stranded steamer fitted on board. All the several details and plans were agreed to with some modification, and the discussions have been of an interesting and satisfactory nature throughout. In some cases it was difficult to get the required scantlings, and this difficulty had to be got over and the strengths maintained by other means. The total number of surveys of steamships and of auxiliary-powered vessels was 697. Two vessels were built in the Dominion during the year. One is a steamer and is named "Tiroa"; the other is the " Koau," an oil-engine-propelled vessel. Particulars of these two vessels are given below. Plans and specifications have been submitted for three other vessels, and two of these vessels have been completed since the end of the financial year. The third vessel is to be of considerable size for a .New-Zealand-built vessel. She will be constructed of the best of New Zealand and Australian timbers, and will be of 700 to 800 tons. The following are the particulars of the s.s. " Tiroa " and the o.e.v. " Koau " : — S.S. " Tiroa." —This vessel is employed in the cargo trade within the Gisborne extended river limits. Her length is 111*2 ft., breadth 23*3 ft., depth 9 ft., and gross tonnage 184 and register tonnage 93. The hull is diagonally built, principally of kauri, and is'sheathed with totara. The propelling-engines have two cylinders, 13 in. and 28 in. diameters, with a stroke of 18 in. They were made locally. The boiler is of the multitubular marine typo, and was imported. O.E.V. "Koau." —This vessel is employed in the Napier extended river limits, and has insulated spaces for the carriage of frozen meat. The hull has two diagonal skins and one of longitudinal planking. The planking, beams, keelsons, floors, and stringers are of kauri, and the keel and rudder-stock of hardwood. The dimensions of the vessel are —Length, 87*7 ft.; beam, 22 ft.; depth, 9*5 ft. The gross and register tonnage are 144 and 77 respectively. The vessel'is propelled by two sets of oil-engines of a total brake horse-power of 170. Fifty-three vessels had new propeller-shafts fitted, fourteen had new propellers, one had a new propeller-boss, and five new propeller-blades. Nineteen vessels had new engines fitted, and two had new main boilers. A new donkey-boiler was fitted in one vessel, and the pressure of the donkey-boiler was reduced in another. The pressure of one vessel's main boiler was also reduced. The main steam-pipes were renewed in two vessels, and the crank-shafts were renewed in six vessels. Four sailing-vessels and one steam-vessel were converted into oil-engine vessels.



Of the vessels surveyed in New Zealand for the first time only two are seagoing vessels. They are the s.s. " Kakapo " and the s.s. " Simplon," and both these steamers have had considerable service elsewhere. A considerable number of the vessels surveyed have been extensively repaired, and particulars of the repairs made to some of the vessels are given below :— S.S. "Elsie." —The following renewals were made to the hull of this vessel: The keel, two sister keelsons, 12 ft. of keelson under the boiler, garboard strakes, all worm-eaten planks, and the forward bulkhead. The bunkers were also renewed throughout. The boiler and engines were taken out of the vessel for overhaul. A sheatliing-patch and compensating-ring were renewed, and several leaky joints caulked before the boiler was placed on board. The H.P. cylinder of the engine was bored out, and now piston-rings were fitted. A new door was fitted to the surface oondonser. S.S. " Freetrader." —The hull of this vessel was practically renewed. Most of the iron frames were fitted with backing-pieces. The hull planking was renewed with kauri. About one-third of the iron decking was renewed. A new stem was fitted, and new ceilings in the hold. A new coaming and new hatches were fitted at the after hatchway, and the hold-pillars were renewed. The vessel has two rudders, and both of these were renewed. New accommodation and conveniences were fitted up for the crew. The engines received a general overhaul. The stern-wheel was reconstructed, and all the feathering gear and floats were renewed. The boiler was fitted with four new stay-tubes, and afterwards tested by hydraulic pressure. S.S. "John Townley."—A new main boiler has been placed on board this vessel. A new boiler-casing, new funnel, new boiler-stool, and stokehold plates have been fitted. A new blowdown cock on the ship's side, two new bilge-pipes, and a new main steam-pipe were also fitted. The brass liners on the tail shafts, the lignum-vitae bushes in both brackets, and the port propellerboss were renewed. O.E.V. " Kohi." —The hull of this vessel has been strengthened by fitting four 1 in. bolts through the keel to the deck, and also by fitting six pairs of braces of 5 in. by 5 in. kauri, about 10 ft. long, from the side of the vessel to the deck. Two liners were fitted to the starboard propeller-shaft. Both propelling-engines were stripped right down to the bed-plate and thoroughly overhauled. S.S. " Moana." —This vessel was laid up for extensive repairs for two months. Numerous renewals were made to the structural parts of the hull, such as floor-plates, intercostals, reverse frames, stringers, and web frames. A great deal of plating was renewed in the bunkers, deckplating, bulkheads, casings, &c. Hatchways and deck-beams were also repaired. The boilers received a thorough overhaul, and in five combustion-chambers some of the lower plates were renewed. The plain tubes were renewed in both ends of four furnaces, and thirty-eight plain tubes were renewed in another furnace; 162 stay-tubes, 226 screwed stays in the combustionohambers, and 148 rivets were also renewed. Three patches were fitted on various plates. A new bottom was fitted in the starboard furnace of the donkey-boiler, and a small patch round the bottom stay. The whole of the crank-shaft was lifted out, bolted together, and trued up in the lathe. All shafting was lined up. All main bearings were lifted out and remetalled, and bored out with boring-bar in place. All eccentric sheaves were trued up in the lathe and the straps remetalled. A new chamber was fitted to the H.P. piston-valve casing, and new rings to the piston-valve. Dredge " Faritutu." —The following repairs were made to the machinery- Both H.P. and M.P. piston-rods and both M.P. slide-valve spindles were cut, and new bodies were welded on. New rings were fitted in both H.P. piston-valves. A new valve was fitted in the port bilge-pump. The cylinder of the starboard circulating-pump was bored out and new piston-rings were fitted. A new bend was put in the auxiliary steam-pipes. The steering-gear chains were annealed and defective portions renewed. All dredging gear, winches, and windlass were thoroughly overhauled. On the hull two plates at the forward end of the bucket-well and several rivets were renewed. Two sheathing-plates, each 2ft. 8 in. by 9 in. by in., were fitted to the bottom of the hopper. The after cross-beam at the top of the hopper was renewed. S.S. "Pelican." —The boiler of this vessel was repaired by renewing the bottom of the port combustion-chamber and a portion of the bottom plate in the back end at the same locality. The boiler was tested by hydraulic pressure to one and a half times the working-pressure and found quite tight. New stern-bushes were fitted to both tail-shafts-. The lifeboat was refastened at the stern and at the gunwale, and a new fire-hose, long enough to reach any part, of the vessel, was placed on board. S.S. " Pilot." —This vessel received a good overhaul. The keelson under the boiler, extending from the engine-bed to the forward bulkhead, was renewed. On the starboard side eighteen frames, 15ft. of deck stringer, and 18ft. of covering-board were renewed; on the port side twelve frames, 15 ft. of deck stringer, 10 ft. of covering-board, and 14 ft. of bilge-stringer were renewed. New ceiling was fitted in the bunkers and under the boiler. In the hull amidships 56 fi*. of planking was renewed; also two deck-beams, two wooden knees, and two iron knees. New curlings were fitted round the engine-room and stokehold, and ten ledge-pieces also fitted. The hull was refastened and caulked where necessary. A new deck-house was erected. The boiler was lifted out of the vessel, the landings on the bottom were caulked, and a patch was fitted at the mouth of the furnace. New timber was fitted under the boiler-seats, and the boiler was replaced with the firing end in the engine-room instead of forward as formerly. A new funnel was also installed. S.S. "Te Anau." —No. 3 hatch coaming has been raised to a height, of 3 ft. 6 in. to form a girder, and connected to the engine-casing. Continuous girders have been fitted from the after end of No. 3 hatch to the transom at a distance of 7 ft. on each side of the centre-line. Fourteen additional pillars have been fitted on the girders, and the old pillars, which were pre-



viously in one row in the centre, were fitted to the girders on the port and starboard sides. The rudder was lifted and the top pintle was welded up to the original size. A|- in. plate was fitted under the bottom pintle, and two stopper-plates were fitted to the rudder. The main engines were overhauled, and the main boilers repaired in several places. Repairs were also made to the steering-gear engine. The main and auxiliary steam-pipes were tested by hydraulic pressure to double the working-pressure. The tail-shaft was condemned and a new one fitted. S.S. " Tui." —Almost the whole of the starboard side of the hull and about one-third of the port side, from the keel to the water-line, was renewed. The worm-eaten portion of the sternpost was cut, out, and a new piece was let in and firmly bolted. A new piece was also let into the stem. A new rudder complete was fitted. The hull was sheathed with totara from the keel to the waterline. Most of the steering-chains were renewed. The engines were taken up on deck and thoroughly examined. Ten tubes in the boiler were renewed. The spare tail-shaft was fitted, and a new tail-shaft was made and placed on board. The stern-bush was renewed. S.S. " Waiotahi." —s ft. of sheathing over the keel-plate aft and 8 ft. of slipper aft were renewed; about 4ft. of fourteen frames in the after hold was also renewed. The boiler was lifted and the cradle was shifted forward one floor, and new stop and wedge pieces were fitted to take the weight of the after end of the boiler. Eight strap-plates were riveted to the floorplates and passed up through the bed-plate of the engine. Extra bolts were, fitted in the reverse bars and floors under the engines. New bushes were fitted on the rudder-pintles, and several pieces of the steering-chains were renewed. Of the propelling machinery, .both H.P. piston-rods and piston-valves were renewed. Both circulating-pumps were bored out, and the buckets were altered to suit rope-packing. The starboard air-pump and the water end of the general donkey were also bored out. The patch on the bottom of the main boiler was caulked all round, and one rivet in the patch was renewed. A new internal blow-down pipe was fitted, and a new seat, in the main stop-valve. The spare tail-shafts were fitted, and the bushes in the brackets and lignum-vitee in the stern-tubes were renewed. ,S'.,S'. " Waireka." —About 13 ft. of plating on the port side and about 42 ft. on the starboard side were renewed on the hull amidships. All dents in the hull-plating were straightened, and all loose and broken rivets were renewed. The'bottom end of the sheathing-plate on the rudder were renewed. Survey of Ships for Seaworthiness. The number of special surveys of ships for seaworthiness totals twenty-eight. Most of the accidents were due to collisions, either with other vessels or with wharves or other objects. Fire and boiler-deterioration each accounted for five surveys. Other causes of accidents were due to grounding, breakages in engine-room, and loss of propeller-blades. One vessel only broke her tail-shaft. Government Vessels. The number of Government-owned vessels surveyed during the year totals seventeen. They are as follows : S.S. " Amokura," s.s. " Ben Lomond," o.e.v. " Defence Launch A," s.s. " Earnslaw," s.s. "Hauraki," s.s. "Hinemoa," o.e.v. " Huia," o.e.v. " Irini," s.s. " Janie Seddon," o.e.v. " Mororo," p.s. "Mountaineer," o.e.v. "Patiti," o.e.v. " P.W.D.," o.e.v. " Reremoana," s.s. " Tawera," and s.s. " Tutanekai." Additional Steamers and Auxiliary -'/wire red Vessels surveyed for the First Time. There were forty-nine vessels surveyed during the year for the first time. With the exception of two all these vessels ply within restricted limits. Sailing-vessels. There were seventy-nine sailing-vessels surveyed during the year, and of this number four had not been surveyed in New Zealand before. The repairs and alterations of any consequence which were made to five of these vessels are as follows :— Scow " Cathkil'." —This vessel has been reconstructed from a hold scow to a deck scow. The hatchway has been removed, heavy ironbark deck-beams fitted, and a new deck laid. Heavy wooden stifieners were fitted to the side of the centre-board casing. Schooner " Hero." —The donkey-boiler of tin's vessel was repaired. The firebox was taken out, and the bottom portion in line with the firebars was out out and a new portion was fitted. The firebox was replaced, and all new rivets put into the fire-hole ring and the bottom circumferential seam. Four vertical stays in the crowns were renewed, and two sludge-holes were compensated. The try-cocks and water-gauge mountings were renewed, and the steam-pressure gauge was tested. The boiler was tested by. hydraulic pressure to one and a half times the workingpressure. A new mainmast was fitted to the vessel, and all rigging was overhauled. Barquentine " lima." —Some of the outside plating of this vessel's hull was sheathed, and two new plates were fitted on the rudder. The plating on the lower portion of the collision bulkhead was renewed. Repairs were also made to the centre keelson, the ordinary frames and reverse frames, deck-beams, and stringers. Seven new diagonal tie-plates were fitted under the deckhouse, and stringer plates 103 ft. long and tie-plates were fitted on each side of the deck. A considerable amount of sheathing was put on the bulwarks, and the bulwark stanchions were repaired. Two new hawse-pipes were fitted. The steering gear, cables and anchors, windlass, and cable-com-pressors were overhauled. The vessel was fitted with new rigging throughout. The fore, main, and mizen lower masts were taken out and repaired and restepped. New fore, main, and mizen topmasts, new main gaff, new foreyard, fore upper and lower topsail-yards were fitted, and a full suit of sails placed on board. The jibboom was shortened by 8 ft. One hand force-pump and 100 ft. of in. canvas fire-hose, with connections and nozzles, were placed on board. The boats were overhauled, and the boat-tanks tested.

3—H. 15.



Barque " Rothesay Bay." —The hull of this vessel was thoroughly overhauled, chipped, and painted inside and out. On the hull outside four plates were renewed on each side of the bow; one plate on each side aft below the water-line was renewed, and a plate in the same locality but above the water-line was sheathed; and about 50 ft. of plating was renewed on other parts of the hull-plating. Inside the hull the first two 'tween-deek beams abaft the mainmast were partially renewed; five frames on both sides of the vessel were reinforced with new reverse anglebars, 3 in. by 3 in. by fin., approximately 8 ft. long each; four frames at floors amidships were reinforced with reverse angle-bars, 3 in. by 3 in. by Jin. —two were each 20 ft. long, one. was 9 ft. long, and another 4 ft. 6 in. long; in the fore peak one frame on each side was renewed for 6 ft. from the floor, and three others on each side were reinforced; the keelson was strengthened for 6 ft. 6 in. from the bulkhead by 4 in. by 4 in. by J in. angle-bars; four vertical stiffening-anglos on the bulkhead were renewed; six hold-pillars were refastened. A new footstep and a new middle pintle for the rudder were fitted; the rudder-blade was repaired, and widened 4 in. with plates and wood tilling. This was the first survey made of this vessel in the Dominion. " Wanderer." —Fittings for the carrying of cattle were erected on the deck of this vessel. A ballast-tank was fitted and tested with water-pressure. The vessel has been newly re-rigged and new masts have been fitted, and in this respect she is practically a new vessel throughout. Explosive Permits. There were ninety-seven permits issued at the Port of Wellington for the carriage of explosives on ships. Marine Engineers' Examinations. Examinations for certificates of competency were held at the following places throughout the Dominion, viz. : Auckland,* Wellington,* Christchurch,* Dunedin,* Invercargill,* Hamilton,* Greymouth,* Timaru,* Napier,* Nelson,* Tauranga, Queenstown, Hokianga,* Russell, Rawene, Whitianga, Whangaroa, Awanui,* Whangarei,* Waihi, Whakatane, Thames, Half-moon Bay, Raglan, Picton,* Te Kopuru,* Wanganui,* and Westport. The total number of applicants who sat for examination amounted to 269; of this number 233 passed their examination successfully and 36 failed. Examinations were held for the following grades during the year : First-class marine engineer, second-class marine engineer, third-class marine engineer, river engineer for steam-vessels, marine engine-driver, first-class marine engineer for auxiliary-powered vessels, second-class marine engineer for auxiliary-powered vessels, and river engineer for auxiliary-powered vessels. During the year a great many new examination-papers were worked out at the Head Office and sent out to District Offices. These questions cover a lot of new ground, and are up-to-date and similar to those in use in Great Britain. A marine engineer must now have a wide range of knowledge in naval architecture, steam boiler and engine construction, freezing, electric lighting, hydraulics, pumping appliances, fire-extinguishing apparatus, steam steering, and other appliances too numerous to mention. In fact, quite 75 per cent, of the value of the ship comes under his supervision, and the successful and economical running of a ship depends more on the engineer every day. How well the marine engineer has risen to the occasion during the war, and iiumbers of New Zealand trained and educated engineers have risen to places of great trust both .n the fleet and its numerous adjuncts. Examinations of Jiand, Engineers and Land Engine-drivers. Examinations were held at all the principal centres throughout, the Dominion. Special examinations were also held at, man}' places to suit the convenience of various applicants. The full list of places where examinations were held is as follows : Auckland,* Bannockburn, Blenheim,* Carterton, Christchurch,* Cromwell, Dunedin,* Greymouth,* Hamilton,* Hawera,* Inglewood,* Invercargill,* Kaponga, Karamea, Kohukohu, Levin, Mangouui, Masterton, Napier,* Nelson,* New Plymouth,* Oamaru, Opotiki, Opouriao, Palmerston North,* Papatowai, Picton, Puponga, Stratford,* Thames,* Timaru,* Waihi, Waipukurau, Wairoa, Wanganui,* Wellington,* Westport, and Whangarei.* The examinations held were for extra first-class engineers, first-class engine-drivers, secondclass engine-drivers, winding-engine drivers (steam), locomotive- and traction-engine drivers, locomotive-engine drivers, and traction-engine drivers. Reciprocal certificates were issued to applicants from other States as follows: England, 1; New South Wales, 1; Transvaal, 1 ; Victoria, 5. The total who sat for these examinations were 399; of this number 72 failed. Examinations of Electric-tram Drivers. Examinations for this certificate were held at Auckland,* Christchurch,* Dunedin,* Invercargill,* Napier,* New Plymouth,* Wanganui,* and Wellington.* The number who sat, for examination totalled 152; of this number 13 failed. A great many new examination questions were completed for the first-class engine-driver's examination in the Head Office, and at each periodical examination throughout, the year new papers were set. These papers are more difficult, and are practical questions and useful for such men in their daily duties. Board of Examiners. The Board of Examiners, consisting of the Chief Inspector of Machinery of the Marine and Inspection of Machinery Department, the Inspecting Engineer of the Mines Department, and the Electrical Engineer of the Public Works Department, with Mr. J. G. Macpherson as Secretary, sat in Wellington on eight days to issue certificates to candidates, and for other business with which the Board deals.

* Places at which examinations have been held more than once during the year.



Inspection of Gas-, Oil-, Water-, and Electric-driven Machinery, including Lifts. These appliances have increased greatly again during the year, and quite a number of the oil-engines have been locally manufactured. The total number of inspections made amount to 14,154, being an increase of 1,749 inspections this year. At the end of the year there were several hundreds of these inspections still overdue. I have not the staff to cope with these increases. Fencing and Guarding Machinery. There were 1,629 notices to guard machinery given during the year. There were several reported accidents with machinery during the year, some of them proving fatal. It is a difficult matter to provide for the guarding of all machinery in motion, and some judgment and care must at all times be exercised by the attendant. Suitable clothing should be worn, especially by women, who have been largely employed in factories to take the place of men since the war started. An account of these accidents is reported on in an appended return. Boilers inspected. During the year 7,034 boilers were inspected, or nearly a hundred more than last year. There were 948 defects discovered, and of this number 14 were very dangerous; 587 notices were issued to repair boilers. No difficulty has been experienced in getting owners to make the necessary repairs to their boiler plants, which shows that they do not object to the advice of practical men. As a matter of fact they are glad to see our officers each year to get advice on many points. All dairy-factory boilers have, so far as was possible, been inspected in the off season. The seasons seem to lengthen and the number of factories to be inspected increase each year, and it is therefore difficult to suit all owners. New Boilers inspected. The new boilers inspected have been of various sizes. Boilermakers are finding it increasingly difficult to work to their standardized drawings because they have so little choice in the thicknesses of plates for the shells of boilers. In some cases it has been found necessary to use thinner plates for boiler-shells than would ordinarily have been used, and in order to obtain the required working-pressure for such plates a higher class of longitudinal seam has been fitted. In endeavouring to increase the strength of the joint designers have proposed a wider pitch of the rivets, in some cases wider than is considered prudent. Too wide a pitch is not conducive to good caulking; it allows the plate to spring between the rivets. The necessity for stronger joints has brought about a decrease in the number of lap joints for longitudinal seams. The extra expense involved in the making of a double butt strap joint is more than compensated for by its superiority over the lap joint. Whilst necessity has compelled a closer attention to the stresses in the cylindrical shell of the boiler, it is to be regretted that the same study is not made of those parts of the boiler which require to bo stayed. The ends of a boiler are often unnecessarily weakened through the stays being irregularly distributed. Stays should be arranged in squares or nearly so, and they should not, without a very good reason, be placed closer to the edges of the plates than the distance between them. The competition between local and outside firms will probably become very keen after the war, and the electric motor must displace the steam-engine in some instances. It is therefore imperative that material should not be wasted. The best boiler always has some excess material, but it is placed at the parts subject to the greatest deterioration. No reports have been received regarding bad workmanship in the new boilers. Our New-Zealand-made boilers are excellent in this respect. When the hydraulic test was being applied to an imported boiler it was noticed that one of the ends, which was a dished one, was bulging. An examination showed that the end plate was considerably under the specified thickness as shown on the drawing. Further investigation led to the discovery of a similar error in some other boilers which were being installed at the same time. The ends have now been suitably strengthened. During the year 150 new boilers were inspected : of this number 88 were made in the Dominion and 62 were imported. The following table gives the districts to which the new boilers have gone, the horse-power, and whether made in the Dominion or imported :—

Lo< ial. Impi irted. To ial. Distriot. Number. Horsepower. Number. Horsepower. Number. Horsepower. Auckland North Auckland ... Auckland South Canterbury ... Hawke's Bay Nelson Nelson South Otago Southland ... Taranaki Wellington North Wellington . . Westland 5 19 2 15 5 1 1 9 3 9 8 8 .3 52 162A 18 37,V 29' 4 14 62* 11 179* 36 184* 17 3 10 15 2 3 6 4 5 10 4 44 400 206 5 15 15 23* 17* 278* 10* 8 29 17 17 8 1 1 15 7 14 18 12 3 96 562* 224" 42* 44 4 14 77* 84* 197 314* 195" 17 Totals ... 88 807 J62 1,015 150 1,8221 I



Districts and Inspectors. Several changes have taken place with regard to Inspectors during the .year. Alexander Bethune, Senior Inspector of Machinery at Christchurch, retired on superannuation. Mr. Bcthune was a very courteous and popular officer, and had gained the esteem of the owners of shipping and of all the engineers and steam-users in his district. Mr. Hood was promoted and transferred from the Nelson District to fill Mr. Bethune's position at Christchurch. Mr. Grant was transferred from Invercargill to fill Mr. Hood's position at Nelson. Mr. Cooper, of Dunedin District, was transferred to fill Mr. Grant's place at Invercargill. Mr. Hendry and Mr. Johnston were appointed permanent Inspectors during the year, and Mr. Scott and Mr. Anderson temporary Inspectors to fill the places of Messrs. Knowles and Healy, who have gone to Great Britain to join the Navy. A. new district was made in the north of Auckland, with headquarters at. Whangarei, and will be known as the Auckland North District. Mr. Bell, from the Auckland Office, was appointed to have charge of .it. I have, &c, Robert Duncan, Chief Inspector of Machinery, Chief Surveyor of Ships; Chief Examiner of Marine Engineers, Land Engineers, Stationaryengine Drivers, and Electric-tram Drivers. The Secretary, Marine and Inspection of Machinery Department.

APPENDIX. KESOLUTfONS SUBMITTED TO ANIJ CONSIDERED BY THE WATERSIDE ACCIDENTS COMMISSION. 1. That it is desirable that the inspection of all running-gear and all subsidiary appliances used for discharging and unloading cargo and coal from or into ships, hulks, store-ships, or lighters, or handling it on wharves, be regularly made by a qualified officer appointed bj the Marine Department, and that the necessary amendments be made in the Harbours Act and Shipping and Seamen Act to give effect to such inspection. 2. That it is necessary and important that the present regulations of Harbour Boards be revised and consolidated. 3. That the inspection of all machinery (as distinguished from running-gear) used for loading and discharging ships, hulks, lighters, or store-ships, and for handling it on shore, be undertaken by an Inspector of Machinery appointed by the Marine Department, and that the necessary legislation be placed upon the statute-book to give effect to this recommendation. 4. That at the annual inspection of ships surveyed in New Zealand ship's winches shall be opened up, dismantled, inspected, and put in thoroughly good working-order. 5. That when coal is being discharged by-baskets by means of a bull-rope on to a stage for loading directly into carts or other vehicles such stage shall be not less than 3 ft. 6 in. in width and shall be firm. 6. That when a T iron is used for working a hull-rope the T iron shall be securely bolted to the hatch-coaming. The Tof such iron shall not be less than 3 in. in diameter. 7. That provision be made for shackling bridles to the ends of thwartship hatch-beams to enable such beams to be shipped and unshipped—this provision it being agreed will minimize accidents which may occur through men being required to "go out" on beams for shipping or unshipping the same. 8. Lanyards on fore-and-afters. That where fore and aft hatch-beams are used lanyards and bridles of sufficient length shall be always available and fit for use, and shall be used for the purpose of enabling such beams, or any of them, to be shipped and unshipped from deck. !). That all timber fore and after hatch-beams be shod with iron to minimize wear and to ensure safety. 10. That on all lighters or launches engaged in roadstead harbours sufficient life-saving appliances, in good order, shall be carried at all times to enable all men on board to be furnished with same in case of peril. This regulation to apply to hulks when being moved from Port Chalmers to Dunedin. I I. That on all lighters and launches working in roadstead harbours a supply of blue lights shall be carried to enable signals to be made if necessary. .12. Hooks for coal-baskets : It being unanimously agreed that a new kind of hook for coalbaskets is necessary, this Commission recommends that a hook be provided to safeguard the possibility of accidents through baskets becoming unhooked. 13. That a table be issued by the Marine Department giving the recommended working-loads of chain, and the working-loads of wire, manila, and flax ropes, of lanyards on cargo-iieUi, and of hooks if possible. 1-f. That a regulation be provided requiring all ropemakers in New Zealand to guarantee by certificate attached thereto the breaking-strain of any rope manufactured for sale or sold, with a penalty in such regulation for any breach thereof. 15. Lighting : That all ships and hulks which load or unload cargo at night-time shall be required to use electric lights wherever the same can be obtained, and that where Harbour Boards



have electric current available they shall provide connecting-plugs where necessary, to which movable clusters can be attached; and generally that, electric light shall always be provided where possible. 16. That this Commission recommends that Dr. Maclaurin be asked to draft regulations regarding the fumigation of vessels in order to minimize the risk of accident to those, engaged in waterside work. 17. That when a vessel is in dry dock or on patent slip on no account shall the propeller be turned until after the foreman in charge has notified the engineer that men working on planks or in vessel are clear of the propeller. 18. That a gangway-plank to the dock-head of staging on ship's side shall in every case have a. set of stanchions and a handrail attachable to one side of the plank. 19. That all discharge-pipes and latrines, &c, on board ship be locked while men are working on stages. 20. That in cases where boilers are being cleaned the stop-valve of the working-boiler shall in every case be locked down during such work. 21. That when cleaning boilers men shall not be required to work therein at a, temperature of more than 100 degrees. 22. That a competent officer of the Marine Department shall decide the deck load to be carried on lighters and the position which such deck load shall occupy on lighters. 23. That an officer of the Marine Department shall be appointed to decide, when required so to do, what space below shall be left clear for men loading or discharging lighters. 24. That the Inspector of Gear shall decide, when any dispute arises, the number of gangs to work in a hold. 25. That a regulation be prepared providing that the Inspector of Gear shall in every case decide whether a man is unfit to work through the influence of liquor, and such Inspector shall be entitled to send such may away from the work if so satisfied, the union undertaking to support such a regulation. The above twenty-five recommendations were unanimously agreed to by Captain MeArthur for the shipping companies, J. Marchbanks for the Harbour Boards, and Messrs. .1. Glover and Roberts for the Waterside Workers' Union. 22nd July, 1918. Thomas M. Wiljfohd. 26. That when cargo is being loaded or discharged from a ship's hold for a particular port or ports, the Inspector shall, in the event of a, dispute arising, decide whether the method of such loading or discharging is safe for the working of the same. 27. That ships' bunkers while being worked shall be lighted with electric light wherever current is available. Chas. MoAItTHUR. J. Mahciibanks. L. Glover. J ass. Roberts. A. That when coal is being discharged from ships or hulks by means of trams, stout planks of uniform thickness and of a total width of 30 in. shall be provided and securely fixed alongside the tram-line; or, in the alternative, stout planks of uniform thickness and of a total width oi' 24 in., with stanchions and a life-line on side, shall be provided. B. That on all ships registered in New Zealand, and in all hulks whether registered in New Zealand or not, all hatch landings on coamings or beams shall be not less than 2|- in. in width. C. That in the selection of men to act as Inspectors of Gear (head), experience and fitness for the position shall be the tests for appointment. D. Insanitary condition of ships' holds : That in any port where there is a Port Health Officer such officer shall, when complaint is made to him by men engaged in working in a hold that such hold is insanitary, order such steps to be taken as he may deem necessary to clean such hold, and the owners of the ship concerned shall be compelled to see that the course prescribed by him is carried out to his satisfaction. Where there is no Port Health Officer, then the Marine Department shall appoint some person to act in place of such Port Health Officer. E. That, the Inspector of Gear shall be allowed in his absolute discretion, and in the interest of the safety of those working below deck, to stop, for such time as he thinks necessary, " chipping " at any particular place he may think fit, so that orders being given may be clearly heard below. F. That while men are working on the side of a ship in dock or on slip it shall be the duty of the owner of such dock or slip to have on deck a man whose duty it shall be to prevent ropes fastened to the deck being interfered with, or anything being thrown over the side so as to endanger those working on the side; and when men are working on the side of a ship on other occasions the same duty and obligation shall be imposed on the ship. G. That, the Inspector of Machinery draft a regulation with reference to the question of sludge-hole doors of steam boilers being taken off or left on while boilers are being cleaned. H. That an extra man be employed in each stokehold during the time in port when men are engaged cleaning the inside of boilers or in tank-ends of furnaces to safeguard the possibility of accidents. I. Where, in loading or unloading a ship, any obstruction prevents the bull-rope man being in full, clear, and continuous view of the winchmen, an extra man shall be employed who shall be in full view of both winchmaii and bull-rope man, and whose sole duty shall be to communicate signals from winchman to bull-rope man and vice versa. The above recommendations were decided upon by me after hearing the opinions of the members of the Commission. They are not unanimous decisions. 22nd July, 1918. Thomas M. Wilpord.




Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine and Inspection of Machinery Department during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1918.

Nature of Expenditure. Details. Totals. Grand Totals. Head Office : Salaries of staff Harbours :— Grcyinouth,— Salary of Engineer Hokianga,— Salaries of staff Repairing launch .. Stores and contingencies £ s. d. £ s. d. 3,799 8 6 £ s. d. 480 0 0 529 2 9 15 9 3 89 11 5 634 3 5 Kaipara,— Salaries of staff Lighting beacons in Helensvillp River Repairing launch Rcpcijrmg and attending buoys .. Stores and contingencies Wellington,— Salary of storcman 734 14 1 4 0 0 14 4 0 5 0 0 346 10 5 1,104 S fi 220 0 0 Pieton, — Salary Stores anil contingencies 260 0 0 27 0 1 287 0 1 Ngunguru,— Salary Contingencies Napier,— Salary Marokopa,— Salary Timber and freights Tongaporutu,— Salary Stores and contingencies Mokau, — Salary Awakino, — Salary Stores and contingencies Waitapu, — Salary Stores and contingencies , Puponga,— Stores and contingencies ('oiling wood, — Salary Removing snags, &o. Stores and contingencies Karamea, — Salary Shifting beacons, &c. Stores and contingencies Ropairs to signal staff Little Wanganui, — Piloting vessels Stores .. Hokitika, — Salary Gas and contingencies Repairs Okarito, — Salary Stores and contingencies 25 0 0 15 8 3 20 0 0 2 14 0 15 0 0 0 4 0 10 0 0 9 7 0 25 0 0 82 10 0 15 4 0 20 0 0 19 7 0 40 8 3 50 0 0 22 14 0 107 1.0 0 15 2 0 70 0 0 7 14 6 12 16 0 90 10 6 145 0 0 11 5 0 67 7 11 12 12 0 236 4 11 13 0 0 18 17 7 3.1. 17 7 20 0 0 10 12 0 0 7 6 30 19 6 100 0 0 15 1 6 115 I 6 60 0 0 Okuru, — Salary Waikawa, — Salary Anglem Point, — Salary .. .. Stores and contingencies 10 0 0 25 0 0 12 5 2 37 5 2 25 0 0 143 19 0 Supervision of beaches, Hauraki Gulf.. General contingencies Lighthouses :— Salaries Oil, stores, and contingencies Keepers' travelling-expenses New cylinders, Chicken Island New dwellings, Puysegur 10,135 9 0 7,665 5 10 294 6 I) 246 Hi 4 2,934 0 5 21,276 4 10 Meteorological Office : — Salaries Cleaning offices .. .. - .. Extra clerical assistance Inspection of stations J'ostage, telegrams, rent of boxes 1,109 16 8 25 18 0 80 15 2 35 10 5 1,336 2 7



Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine and Inspection of Machinery Department, etc. — continued.

Nature of Expenditure. Details. Totals. errand Totals. Meteorological Office— continued. Printing and stationery Rent, office equipment, &c. Repairs to instrument, and purchase of Telephones Weather messages by wireless Contingencies £ s. d. 64 16 9 140 1 II 36 4 (i 41 1.0 0 100 0 0 63 12 8 £ s. d. £ 8. d. 3,094 8 8 Mercantile Marino Offices :— Salaries Cleaning offices Ofnco equipment and rent .. .. Maintaining launch for Wellington Surveyors Telephones .. .. ... Travelling allowances and expenses Contingencies Extra clerical assistance 6,610 5 7 10 I 3 187 I I 35 4 9 121 3 8 175 19 9 4 7 1 446 3 0 Inspection of machinery and survey of ships : — Salaries Advertising, books, and periodicals Collection of inspection fees .. .. ... Rent, cleaning offices, &o. .. . . .. Telephones Travelling allowances and expenses Contingencies 7.590 (i 2 11,589 3 2 43 3 6 150 0 0 102 14 2 128 14 4 3,706 17 10 64 3 5 15,784 16 5 Protection of fish and oysters :— Salaries Benzine, oil, stores, &o. Casual labour Collection and distribution of brown-trout ova Hakataramea Salmon-hatchery Grant for maintenance of fish-hatchery at Portobello Picking and sale of oysters Planting oysters .. .. Stocking rivers with salmon Subsidy to Portobello Fish-hatchery for research work (£1. for£l) Travelling allowances and expenses Contingencies Bonuses and gratuities Compassionate allowance (Mrs. Anderton) 1,756 1 11 412 11 5 133 9 0 14 5 3 65 4 9 500 0 0 5,654 9 11 212 16 1 882 14 6 10 0 0 366 18 4 654 14 6 40 8 0 280 0 0 10,983 13 8 Government steamers:— S.s. " Hinemoa " Training-ship " Amokura " .. Installation of wireless, Training-ship " Amokura " ' Steamer " Rama " .. 9,998 6 6 9,113 3 7 675 0 0 275 19 1 66,325 13 8 20,062 9 2 Miscellaneous services : — Administration of the Shipping and Seamen Act and inquiries into shipping casualties Waitapu leading-lights Carriage and freight Checking overcrowding on steamers Contribution to New Zealand Sailors' Room, England .. Piako River leading-lights Expenses connected with examinations Extra clerical assistance Fog-signals, cartridges, and maintenance ... .. Gas and fuel for offices Audit fees Office equipment Postage, telegrams, rent of boxos .. .. Preparation of tide-tables Printing and stationery Relief of distressed seamen Allowance to officer under Public Service Regulations .. Charts, books, &c. River-protection works, Waikanae Superannuation of R. C. Hunter, injured on " Tutanekai " Survey of unseaworthy ships Irrecoverable fees, A. E. V. .. .. .. .. Telephones Travelling allowances and expenses .. .. Contingencies Prosecutions under Shipping, Harbours, and Fisheries Acts War bonus to officers Remission of foreshore-rent Repairing shed, Grove Wharf Repairing wharf, Russell 'II 408 16 3 82 10 0 42 4 6 355 9 2 26 17 0 35 4 6 310 I 0 1,209 19 2 426 9 10 16 7 0 150 0 0 82 9 7 866 8 5 550 0 0 298 2 6 1 7 0 139 1 3 80 4 10 40 0 0 90 0 0 9 19 6 3 0 0 73 5 7 24 18 2 128 3 4 67 0 2 1,988 Hi 7 I 0 0 10 0 I) 105 14 7 Credits .. .. .. 7.623 9 II 703 II 7 6,800 18 4 Grand total 93,248 1 2



Return showing Total Cost of Maintenance of the New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1918.

Return showing Number of Fishing-boats registered and licensed at each Port during the Year ended 31st December, 1917.

Oil consumed. Name of Lighthouse. (Jape Maria van Dieman (Jape Brett Moko Hinou Tiritiri Cuvier Island East Capo .. .. .. Portland Island .. .. Castlepoint .. .. . . Cape Palliser . . . . ,. Pencarrow Head . . .. Cape Egmont , . .. .. ... Manukau Head . . .. Kaipara Head .. . . .. Brothers French Pass Stephens Island Tm-y Channel Cape Campbell.. Godloy Head Akaroa Head Jack's Point Moeraki Taiaroa Head Cape Saunders Nugget Point Waipapapa Point Dog Island Centre Island Puysegur Point Cape Foulwind Kahurangi Point Farewell Spit Somos Island Hokitika Stores Salaries. and Gallons. Value. j Contingencies. £ s. (I. £ s. d. ; £ s. d. 412 2 I. 713 53 9 6 ■ 160 3 7 334 6 10 ! 719 53 18 6 173 9 9 392 12 2 873 65 9 6 155 II 10 28!) 18 5 646 48 !) 0 96 1 5 365 8 I 699 52 8 6 148 2 10 301 13 II 895 67 2 6 56 0 0 396 11 10 701 52 11 6 128 16 I 450 0 0 599 44 18 6 («)195 4 6 312 18 4 544 40 16 0 47 7 3 222 10 0 662 49 13 0 (6)186 2 4 296 ,12 6 755 56 12 6 95 1 II 254 4 8 911 68 6 6 (c)I21 10 8 283 7 4 .553* 41 9 (i 45 3 0 389 14 7 596 44 14 0 301 14 7 157 3 4 181 13 13 6 18 13 3 427 8 5 755 54 12 (i 97 13 11 100 0 0 167* 12 10 0 0 7 3 279 8 3 662 63 13 0 62 3 10 249 5 9 821 61 II 6 95 5 7 233 7 5 539 40 8 6 ((0218 7 3 183 0 8 326 24 9 0 7 12 1 299 7 6 638 47 17 0 (e)206 0 10 295 15 4 592* 44 8 0 79 7 8 299 13 4 ! 033 47 9 6 108 13 3 397 12 8 756 .56 14 0 70 (i 9 303 18 4 636 47 14 0 81 12 8 334 15 10 714* 53 11 0 07 8 1 424 12 5 732 54 18 0 87 15 5 346 17 771 57 16 6 (/)285 6 II 291 5 0 815 61 2 6 (r/)212 11 4 377 8 7 743 55 14 (i 136 4 9 422 1 4 729 54 13 (i 144 5 0 1.75 8 3 870* 05 5 0 219 18 8 20 0 0 Gas 10 3 0 0 16 6 Totats. £ s. il. 625 15 2 561 15 1 613 13 6 434 8 10 565 19 5 424 16 5 577 19 5 690 3 0 401 1 7 458 5 4 448 6 11 444 I 10 369 19 10 736 3 2 189 10 1 579 14 10 112 17 9 405 5 1 406 2 10 492 3 2 215 7 9 553 5 4 419 11 0 4,55 16 1 524 13 5 433 5 0 455 14 11 507 5 10 089 5 0 564 18 10 569 7 10 020 19 10 460 11 11 39 19 6 Totals .. .. .. 10 1.0,320 0 9 9,320 0 9 .. 1,068 4 0 4,120 0 9 1,668 4 0 4.120 0 9 16,108 5 6 * |l„r„IH„ («) Includes £26 3s. 4il. lor repairs. (6) I (d) Includes £100 15s. for revolving cowl, ((?) Ii (J) Includes £107 for revolving cowl. * Paraffin * Paraffin oil Includes £9 12s. tor grazing horse. tr\ includes £12 [noludes £108 5s. for revolving cowl. (/) Inchtdes £?5 oil >r repairs fo road, or new horse. (/i) Includes £9 12s, b) Includes £1.08 5! for grazing horse. ;. for revolving cowl. <C\ Includes £12 f< (f) Includes £;»5 fi

l Port. Number registered. Number licensed. Port. Number registered. Number licensed Auckland Bluff .. Chatham Islands Dunedin gisborne greymouth Hokianga Hokitika [nvercargill Kaipara lyttelton Napier kelson 205 57 17 83 19 11 25 2 29 96 136 54 06 203 57 17 83 19 11 25 2 29 96 136 54 66 Brought forward .. New Plymouth Oamaru Picton Russell Tauranga Thames Timaru Wairau Wanganui Wellington Westport 800 83 29 19 44 22 43 23 8 19 | 72 18 798 33 29 19 44 22 43 23 8 19 72 18 Carried forward 798 Totals 1,130 1,128 800 _ _!



4—H. 15.

Return showing the Cost of Erection of the New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses.

Return showing the Fees, etc., received under the Shipping and Seamen Acts, the Merchant Shipping Act, the Harbours Acts, the Fisheries Acts, the Inspection of Machinery Acts, and the Tramways Acts during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1918.

Return showing the Amount of Light Dues collected during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1918.

Name of Lighthouse. Cost of Erection. Pencarrow Head Nelson Tiritiri Mana Island* Taiaroa Head Godloy 1 Cead Dog Island Farewell Spit Nugget Point Cape Campbell Manukau Head Cape Foulwind Brothers Portland Island Moeraki Centre Island Puysegur Point Capo Maria van Diemen Akaroa Head Capo Saunders Cape Egmontf Mokohinou Waipapapa Point Ponui Passage:[ Kaipara Head French I 'ass Ouvier Island .. Stephen Island Capo Palliscr East Cape Kahurangi Point Jack's Point Cape Brett Castle Point Chicken Island Channol Islet Karori Rock Okuri Point Cost of telegraph-cable to Tiritiri Miscellaneous and unallocated £ s. d. 0,422 0 4 2,824 8 9 5,747 7 2 5,513 0 1 4,923 14 11 4,705 16 4 10,480 12 8 0,139 11 8 0,597 3 7 5,619 2 G 4,975 2 4 6,955 9 1 6,241 0 0 6,554 14 5 4,288 13 2 5,785 19 0 9,958 19 5 7,028 14 8 7,1.50 fi 5 0,066 6 3 3,353 17 11 8,186 5 0 5,969 18 11 5,571 8 0 1,427 17 5 7,400 16 11 9,349 9 11 6,243 16 1 7,594 8 8 9,528 1 1 1,204 10 9 11,237 3 5 9,703 16 10 1,149 3 4 1,227 7 8 4,570 6 1 448 18 0 1,085 19 6 1,322 2 2 Total .. 220,559 10 5 ! Light discontinued; moved to Cape Egmc I Cost of iron tower, lantern, and apparat moved from Mana Island, is not included in t 1 Built by Provincial Government of A nown in Marine Department. nit. :,us, which were robliis. .uckland; cost not

Nature of lieceipts. Amount. Shipping and Seamon Acts :— Fees for engagement and discharge of seamen, and sale of forms Surveys of steamers and sailing-vessels .. Measurement of ships.. Examination of masters, mates, and engineers Light dues Sundry receipts Fines and forfeitures .. Merchant Shipping Act Harbours Acts ;— Pilotage, port charges, &o. Foreshore rents, and sundry receipts Fisheries Acts: — Sale of oysters Sale of salmon and other fish Sundry receipts Inspection of Machinery Acts: — Inspection of boilers and machinery Examination of engine-drivers Tramways Acts :— Examination of electric-tram drivers £ s. d, 2,747 1 0 2,840 5 0 33 3 3 354 15 0 28,141 4 11 92 10 0 1,881 1 10 127 6 0 907 3 4 928 0 fi 6,890 10 0 168 15 10 273 9 0 11,881 12 C, 420 15 0 154 10 0 Total 57,792 10 2

Port. Amount collected. Auckland Onehunga Ihames .. Coromandel Whitianga Whangarei Russell Whangaroa Mangonui Whangape Hokianga fauranga.. Kaipara .. 3-isborne Napier New Plymouth and Waitara Patea Wanganui Wellington Wairau Picton Nelson Westport Greymouth Hokitika Lyttelton limara £ a. d. 11,984 3 8 129 18 0 68 7 0 9 8 3 8 5 9 289 10 3 31 14 2 8 10 3 0 3 6 Oil 21 13 9 62 4 5 42 5 7 630 6 5 788 6 1 528 15 0 16 14 7 464 19 9 0,587 13 5 11 12 9 280 8 8 377 13 0 358 10 9 293 0 4 2 13 4 2,916 17 9 362 2 11 91 10 6 1,108 15 11 663 3 9 1 8 4 Oamaru Dunedin Bluff and Inveroargill Riverton Total 28,141 4 11

H, 15

Return showing the Number of Seamen engaged and discharged in the Foreign and Intercolonial Trade, the Home Trade, and within Restricted Limits respectively, together with the Amount of Fees received for the same, during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1918.


Port. Engagements and Disci Foreign and Intercolonii » g tc Fees « g g fldu received. - S^ CCC © SCO as targes in d Trade. Engagements and Discharges in Home Trade. U ffl ffl S-ifflQJD « g cr Fees ffl g 53 Fees - 3 H received. received. •300 5 _.CC a: Engagements and Discharges in Restricted Limits. i _;..__. ... _____ . u to to ■ „ •_, ffl :c J 3 J Fe . eS _ ■ E 3 .3 Fe^S - c3 cc received. h :j received. ' S5 j S Total Engagements. hQ 335 S A - 33 S5 i Fees received. . fl ST Total Discharges. Fees received. o - __ fl Z'Ji "A Grand Totals. Fees received. Fees received. £ si d. £ s. d. Auckland .. .. 1,836 131 3 6 11,801 129 14 0 3,085 Dunedin and Port Chalmers 2,240 33 4 6 12,452 26 4 0 541 Greymouth .. .. 19 1 8 6 j 10 0 15 0 107 Hokianga .. .... .. .. .. 6 Hokitika .. .... .. .. .. 9 Invercargill .. .. | 70 5 5 0 62 4 -5 0 13 Kaipara .. .. 4060 2030 24 Lyttelton .. .. 260 19 1 0 189 13 14 6 1,151 Napier .. .. 2 : 0 3 0 6 090 355 Nelson .. .. .. .. .. .. 411 New Plymouth .. .. 5076 3 046 61 Oamaru .. .. 3046 2030 5 Onehunga .. .. 4060 5076 411 Patea .. .... .. .. .. 11 Picton .. .... .. .. .. 13 Poverty Bay .. .... .. 1016 44 Tauranga .. .. 2 030 1016 Thames Timaru .. .. 46 3 9 0 48 3 12 0 17 Wairau . . .... . . . . .. 75 Waitara Wanganui .. .. 32 2 6 6 4*060 139 Welhngton .. .. 3,203 184 7 6 2,735 167 9 0 3,788 Westport .. .. 56 4 4 0 53 j 3 19 6 89 Whangarei .. .. 2 030 21030 8 Whangaroa Whangaparapara .... £ s. d. £ s. d. i £ s. d. £ s. d. 191 9 6 2.962 187 19 6 377 ! 21 14 6 376 21 11 6 37 19 6 010 42 16 0 8 0 6 91 6 7 6 070 5 076 0 16 0 10 0 17 6 0 19 61 4 060 0 19 0 15 0 11 6 79 2 6 1.163 84 10 0 19 9 0 369 19 1 6 53 j 3 4 6 63 4 2 6 25 6 6 372 23 4 6 3 19 6 59 3 16 6 0 7 6, 3046.. 26 19 0 398 26 2 6 .. .. .. .3 0 8 0 10 16.. 0 19 6 10 0 15 0 .. ... 2 13 6 56 3 1 0 . . 2 0 3 0.. 1016.. 15 6 26 1 19 0 3 5 6 49 2 16 6 5,298 2,781 126 6 9 83 28 1,411 410 411 66 8 415 11 13 44 9 63 75 £ s. d. £ s. d. ; 344 7 6 5,139 339 5 0 10,437 71 4 0 3,062 \ 69 0 0 ! 5,843 9 9 0 101 7 2 6 227 070 5 076 11 0 16 0 10 0 17 6 19 6 4 6 66 4 11 0 149 15 0 17 0 14 6 45 98 3 6 1,352 ■ 98 4 6 2,763 22 16 6 438 23 13 0 848 25 6 6 372 23 4 6 783 4 7 0 62 4 10 128 0 12 0 5 0 7 6 13 27 5 6 403 26 10 0 818 0 8 6 1 0 16 1 12 0 19 6 10 0 15 0 23 2 13 6 57 I 3 2 6 ' 101 030 3: 046: 5 1 | 0 1 6 ! 1 4 14 6 74 5 11 0 i 137 3 5 6 49 2 16 6 124 £ s. d. 683 12 6 140 4 0 16 11 6 0 14 6 1 13 6 10 15 6 1 19 6 196 8 0 46 9 6 48 II 0 8 8 0 0 19 6 53 15 6 0 10 0 1 14 6 5 16 0 0 7 6 0 1 6 10 5 6 6 2 0 8 12 6 158 10 2 6 248 10 6 3,614 243 IS 0 .. .. 6 13 0 69 5 3 0 0 10 6 10 0 13 6 171 0,991 145 10 10 19 0 162 10 8 6 333 432 18 0 6,349 I 411 7 0 113,340 10 17 0 1 122 i 9 2 6- 267 0 13 6 12 I 0 16 6 22 21 7 6 844 5 0 19 19 6 1 10 0 Totals.. .. 2 8 7,376 35112 0 |l0,363 J668 14 6 10,057 664 19 6| 430 j 24 19 0 439 25 14 0 18,577 1,079 16 0 17;S7:2 1,042 5 6 [36,449 2,122 1



Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1918.

Name of Person. Hank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. «o. Leonard Robertson George MoKenzie Smart .. Robert McKinnon Kano Charles Christopher Bullock Herbert Clarksi White .. Evorard John McClellan Reginald Joseph Webb Francis Wallace Collins Percy Harold King Alfred Frederick Inman David Washington Nicholas Henry Alexander Anderson Arthur Sutherland Gibson Georgo William Godfrey Robert Blair Denniston Arthur William Coles Harold Donald Jamos John Smith William Robert Percy .lames Gaby Cyril Campbell Waters George David Fraser Cecil Sharpo Donald MacKonzio Ernost Colin Nolson Ernest Cyril Young Francis Edward Frame Charles Burgess David Norman MoLeish James Douglas Boll Emery Jackson Edwin Havoloek Willson Frank Harrison Retter Richard Martin William Fisher Bong Douglas Merlin Chapman .. Frederick John Allen William John Bcrryman Kenneth Gordon Don Honry Wilson Dunlop Thomas Walter Inkstor Douglas David Tyer Allan Ernest Rawlins Thomas Robertson Herbert William Cadwallader Albert George Baggett Robertson Roid Jams Williamson Leonard William Crowe .lames Hinc Miller Percy Alfred Miles Richard Adam Jamos Nixon Harry Martin MoGeaohie John Felix Maisey Color Eva Trevithick Poter McLachlan William Henry Jenkins Arthur James Poarco Frederick William Francis Green .. Jamos Hay Henderson John Georgeson Robert Berryman Oscar Green Thomas Brown William Robort Williams Richard Adam Jamos Nixon Extra master .. Foreign trade Master .. .. „ ,, • ■ ' ' I *' „ ,, • ■ • • HH „ (steam) .. „ ,, j, • • ,' ,, ,, • • »» ,, „ • • »» • • ,, „ • • ,» ,t ,» * • i* First mate .. „ „ (steam) .. | „ Only mato (steam) .. ,, Second mate .. „ ,, (steam) ,, 20/3/18 16/5/17 8/6/17 11/6/17 7/11/17 17/12/17 30/1/18 20/3/18 2/4/17 30/0/17 7/11/17 17/12/17 7/1/18 30/1/18 18/4/17 8/0/17 20/7/17 20/7/17 17/12/17 17/12/17 7/1/18 1/5/17 16/5/17 11/6/17 20/7/17 8/11/17 30/1/J 8 7/2/18 2/4/17 1/5/17 10/8/17 5/9/17 7/1/18 1/5/17 30/6/17 19/9/17 21/9/17 5/10/17 15/10/17 8/11/17 29/11/17 17/12/17 20/2/18 20/2/18 7/3/18 11/6/17 30/6/17 19/9/17 8/11/17 7/3/18 16/4/17 17/5/17 11/6/17 30/6/17 10/8/17 5/9/17 5/9/17 21/9/17 8/11/17 17/12/17 17/12/17 6/2/18 7/3/18 7/3/18 25/3/18 30/4/17 1304 1219 1285 1174 1256 1182 1299 1212 1190 1194 1223 1234 1298 1197 1239 1240 1241 1257 1244 1205 1297 1283 1255 1147 1260 1201 1207 1300 1281 1282 1287 1288 1296 1284 1286 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1301 1302 1303 5800 5773 5844 5792 5852 5837 5838 5839 5840 5841 5842 5843 5845 5846 5847 5848 5849 5850 5851 5853 80 " ■ ,, | Master .. . . Home trade " '' '' j I » Mate .. .. „ ,, . • • • »» Master .. .. Fishing-boat or cargovessel under 25 tons registor .. Ditto Jamos Holt Stanley Upham Johnson William MacDonald 11/6/17 5/9/17 11/6/17 81 82 5 „ .. .. Sailing-vessel in harbours or rivers ,, .. .. Rivor stoamor Joseph John Multhus Hugh McEwen Frederick William Green Wallace George Sulcliffe ,. Henry Trout Wilfred Samuel Marshall Thomas Jamos Eaddy Edwin Charlos Shepherd Richard Frederick Evans. . Donald MoKenzie Poter Wilson ,, • • • • 5» ,, • • • • l» 2/4/17 1/5/17 11/6/17 20/7/17 20/7/17 3/10/17 8/10/17 17/12/17 17/12/17 17/12/17 17/12/17 3713 3714 3715 3716 3717 3718 3719 3720 3721 3722 3723 ,, • • • • I, ,, ■ • • • ,, II * * ' ' " ,, • . »,



Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1918 — continued.

Name of Porson. Rank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Ccter Reid Eric Howard Tarlton Robert Henry Faulkner .. Georgo Frederick Christopher Faulkner Horace Harwood . . ".. Donald McBoan Joseph Victor King John Keith Lyndsay Woebling Harold George Isaac Arthur Gordon Albert Rutherford Douglas Hector Joseph Turner Charles Edward Lawless Clement Cauty Richardson George Watson Eraser .. Gordon Louis Ansenne Herbert John Allen Knewstufi Rawdon Somcrville Rutherford Hiram St. Clair Woodley Charles Tennant.. James Charles Gray William Edward Joseph Greaney .. John Joseph Flaherty Robert James Herbert Sheppard .. J ames William McGill Richard Randolph Bnimlcy Cyril Lionel Alphonsus Mitchell Henry Alexander McGregor William MoCullough Hammerton St. George Pendook Tucker Henry Thomas Moody Philip Thornioroft Middelditch William Henry Hodgson Harold Pike Bernard James Rasmusscn James Edward O'Shea Gilbert Marcellus Monaghan Edwin Alexander McDonald John Thomas Gibson Kenneth MaoDonald Andrew Jack Herbert Raymond AngolJ Fredoriek Hugh Jamicson Peter MoNicol Albert Edward Hassall Robert Watson Graham Wakefield O'Connor Robert Edward Graham . . • ., Fossey Harry Tackab'erry. . John Wright William Norman Martin .. Walter Robert Neilson Hugh Irvine Crawford Archie Douglas Wilson George Blakeway Read Victor Tainui Standring .. .. ' Maitland George Marriott Roper . . Allan Frederick Spierling Llewellyn Wynn Williams Alfred Irvine Senior John Samuel Gibbons Ernest Arthur Harold George William Charles Debenham Andrew Semple Hugh Parker Alexander Robert Aitken.. Harold Simmonds Alfred James Dungey Colin McClay Harper Sidney Charles Maslin John Reginald Armstrong Frederick Martin Ashby Palmer William Neilson Wedderspoon William Henry Chaplin Harold Winstone Hazlehurst William Bruce Fordyce Albert James Rison Geoffrey Claude Holly John Cruickshanks Reginald Alan Gaythorne Hardy .. John Herbert MoPhee Andrew Kenneth Liddell Neill Joseph Wails Master Foreign trado 30/1/18 30/1/18 2/2/18 2/2/18 7/3/18 8/6/17 5/7/17 10/8/17 10/8/17 5/9/17 3/10/17 20/11/17 17/12/17 17/12/17 25/3/18 25/3/1 S 25/3/18 1/5/17 8/6/17 8/6/17 2/7/17 2/7/17 20/7/17 10/8/17 10/8/17 10/8/17 10/8/17 10/8/17 19/9/17 5/10/17 12/10/17 13/11/17 5/12/17 17/12/17 17/1/18 17/1/18 21/1/18 2/4/17 2/4/17 1/5/17 1/5/17 1/5/17 1/5/17 1/5/17 17/5/17 .17/5/17 17/5/17 17/5/17 17/5/17 17/5/17 17/5/17 17/5/17 17/5/17 17/5/17 17/5/17 8/6/17 11/6/17 11/6/17 11/0/17 8/0/17 7/6/17 20/6/17 20/6/17 20/6/17 20/6/17 20/6/17 6/8/17 10/8/17 10/8/17 5/9/17 10/9/17 10/9/17 10/9/17 10/9/17 10/9/17 13/9/17 21/9/17 5/10/17 5/10/17 8/10/17 12/10/17 8/11/17 17/12/17 3724 3725 ■ 3726 3727 3728 1181 1970a 1979 1237 1980 1487 1998 1230 1509 1529 1501 1421 1135 1970 1773 1519 1671 1567 1287 17,55 1784 1759 1819 1668 1738 1715 1807 1778 1783 1536 1695 1805 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1950 1957 J 958 1959 1960 1901 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 lst-elass engineer . . ,, • • ,i • ■ 2nd-elass engineer . . ,, • ■ ,, • * ,, • • n * ■ i, • • n • • ,, ,, • ■ ,i • ■ i» * • ,, ■ ■ 3rd-class engineer .. II * • ,, . • i» • ■ ii • * ii * • ii • • ii • ■ ii • • II ' • ii ■ • ii • • ii ■ • ii • • ii • • I! • ■ II • • II • ■ I, • ■ II * ■ II • ' II ' • II • * II ■ • II • " II * * ,, * ' II • ' II " ' I, * H II • •



Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1918 -continued.

Name of Person. ilank. Class of Certillcate. Date of Issue. No. William Monzari Mall hew Blair .. William Morrison Dowdall Jones .. James Burgess William Charles Cook Walter George 'Ross Clifford Roy Smith George Reiehardt West John Barry William Henry Jordan James Stoddart Thomas Humphrey Kemp Fred Erie Cox Edgar Norman Osborn Lawrence Martin Knudson Ernest Bennett Smith James Burton Holmes Cuthbert John Frederick Ncwsome John Turner Percy Randall Scott Francis Roy Purdom Haworth Hilary Mountfort Karl Fraser < lliarlcs I lope (lowmau Arthur George Stuart William George Fraser Michael Pierce Butler James Archer Charles Christie Palmer .. Robert Smith .lack Charles Stubbs Christopher Leek Peroy Palmer ,lames John llogan Cecil Houston Hector Vaughan Johnston Walter Rankin Peters John Samuel Gibbons Arthur Roland Johnson Calmer, Otto Spry Frederick Truby King Gaw Harold Winstono Hazlehurst William Henry Stewart George Blakeway Read Charles Frederick Shaw .. Llewelyn Mostyn Parry Edwin Phillips Joseph John Henry Jenkin John Walter Glennie Henry Edward Borridge .. ((wen James Threlfo Charles Christie Palmer Bertram Huntor Charles Hope Cournan Nieeoloss Henry Georgo Munro Hans Valdemar Nielsen Pal.ri.ok Morris Frederick Charlos Bunyard John Robertson Wilson George Smith Kenneth McCaskill Mclntyro James Odward Carr Phillip Bradley William Whittingham Herbert Henry Curry Frederick Leonard Donaldson George Arnold William Henry Muir Thomas Guy Robert Brocas Wyatt Watting Williams Robert Lambie Samuel Joseph Beeby Sidney Frederick Finch Frederick Jamos Lake Gordon Georgo Malcolm Osborno .. Roy Harvoy Paddison Poter Horbort James Flinn Toiki Hiroti Stanloy Waldemar Hanson Walter Barrott ■lohn William Noble Percy Thomas Meenan George Stacoy Fuller 3rd-class Engineer .. Engineer .. lst-olass oil engineer Foreign trade River trade ii Seagoing .. 17/12/17 1995 17/12/17 1996 17/12/17 1997 17/12/17 1998 17/12/17 | 1999 17/12/17 : 2000 17/12/17 | 2001 17/12/17 2002 17/12/17 : 2003 17/1/18 2004 17/1/18 2005 17/1/18 2006 30/1/18 2007 6/2/18 2008 5/2/18 2009 5/2/18 2010 5/2/18 2011 0/2/18 201.2 20/2/18 2013 25/3/18 : 2014 25/3/18 2015 25/3/18 2016 25/3/18 2017 2/4/17 ; 2268 1/5/17 ! 2269 1.7/5/17 : 2270 17/5/17 2271 7/6/17 2272 20/7/17 2273 10/8/17 2274 10/9/17 2275 10/9/17 2270 17/12/17 2277 17/1/18 : 2278 25/3/18 '. 2279 20/7/18 282 20/7/17 ' 283 20/7/17 280 20/7/17 281 10/8/17 2 17/12/17 293 17/12/17 294 17/1/18 290 5/2/18 298 17/5/17 275 17/5/17 ■ 270 8/6/17 277 11/0/17 278 30/0/17 279 20/7/17 284 20/7/17 2S5 20/7/17 286 20/7/17 287 10/8/17 2S.S 10/9/17 289 13/9/17 290 2/10/17 291 17/12/17 292 17/1/18 295 21/1/18 297 6/2/18 299 25/3/18 300 2/4/17 710 17/5/17 711 17/5/17 712 17/5/17 713 17/5/17 714 17/5/17 , 715 17/5/17 710 17/5/17 . 717 17/5/17 718 17/5/17 719 17/5/17 720 11/0/17 721 8/0/17 722 8/0/17 723 8/0/17 724 11/6/17 725 7/6/17 726 7/6/17 727 2/7/17 728 2/7/17 729 3/7/17 730 2nd-olass oil engineer River oil engineer .. Restricted limits


Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1918— continued.


Namo of Person. Rank. Rank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Richard Charlotou Joseph Hawkey Bunt Peroy Devino William Alexander Shoebridge George Henry Wyatt Tony Antunovick Henry Francis Christensen Allan Roderick Rowlands. . James William Goer Frederick Charles Buuvard Douglas Jamos Knowles . . William Stevenson Frederick Charles Norton .. .Tamos Christie Knowles . . George Wallace Barker Edward Charles Lonnam .. Edwin John Woodcock Michael James Ready Richard Arthur Northwood Donald Fisk Herbert Wiawera Hitohon Peter Andrew Smith John Gordon Virc Satherley Robert Groig George Willi;!in fattison .. Walter Stanhope Sherwill. . Alfred Burling Arthur Joseph Symons Thomas Reid Bernard Joseph Lander Jukes Robert Thomas Bruce Maokie William Henry Edmonds Colin Dick Murray Arthur Walter Francis Wilfred Fletcher Noal Noel Georgo Shakespoar . . Charles Kemp Stephen, Stanley Rout William Douglas Ayson .. Edith Maud Sankoy Henry Bryan Konny Alexander Fraser Leon Curtis William Robert Hardie John Alexander Smith Reginald Pile Roderick John McGregor . . George Dent Nieol William Francis Nicholson George Henry McKenzie .. Harry Nolson Hawker Roy Forrester John Macdonald.. James Henry Cossgrove .. Thomas Charlos Bradshaw James Augustus Thomson Edward Ferdinand Walker Oliver Stanley Gascoiuo .. William Hastie Dean Albert Henry Lewis Smith Harold Arthur Graham .. John Allen Onion Frederick Munro Herbert Foster Stephen Matutinovieh Ernest Arnott Nichol Hutu Joseph Tu Mihaora Lawson Harold Edgar Willshiro Forrest John George Lacey Charlos Whiting Alfred Harold Georgo Shaw River Oil Engineer . . ii ',', '■'■ I Restricted limits 3/7/17 24/7/17 20/7/17 20/7/17 20/7/17 31/7/17 1/8/17 0/8/17 10/8/17 10/8/17 10/8/17 5/9/17 4/9/17 5/9/17 Ii) 9/17 10/9/17 10/9/17 10/9/17 10/9/17 10/9/17 10/9/17 10/9/17 10/9/18 10/9/17 10/9/17 10/9/17 2/10/17 5/10/17 5/10/17 5/10/17 26/10/17 26/10/17 8/11/17 17/12/17 29/11/17 17/12/17 17/12/17 17/12/17 17/12/17 17/12/17 17/12/17 17/12/17 17/12/17 17/12/17 17/12/17 17/12/17 7/1/18 17/1/18 17/1/18 21/1/18 17/1/18 21/1/18 17/1/18 17/1/18 17/1/18 17/1/18 5/2/18 6/2/18 26/2/18 26/2/18 25/3/18 25/3/18 25/3/18 25/3/18 25/3/18 25/3/18 25/3/18 25/3/18 25/3/18 25/3/18 25/3/18 25/3/18 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 710 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 750 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 760 707 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 779a 780 780a 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800


Return showing the Number of Masters', Mates', and Engineers' Examinations in New Zealand during the Year ended 31st March, 1918, showing the Number of Successful and Unsuccessful Candidates.

Return of Certificates of Exemption from Examination as Third-class Engineers issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1918.

Return of Licenses as Colonial Pilots issued in pursuance of Section 190 of the Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908, during the Year ended 31st March, 1918.

Return of Licensed Adjusters of Compasses in New Zealand.


Auckland. Wcl I llington. Lj , i n-j \ 13 03 Tn 03 ,33 03 03 '3 ' O o3 h | B PH ■ttelton. Dunedi in. Oth i er Places. 'otali Class of Certificate, irj x rj 03 q •' X 03 03 X I 03 03 03 ,-H I H-h 03 o3 o3 O oi PH h I fH PH Foreign-going masters and II ' 13 24 19 mates Home-trade masters and 0 7 13 12 mates River-steamer masters .. 7 I 8 4 Master, fishing-boat or cargo- 3 .. 3 vessel under 25 tons rogistor Master, sailing-vessel, plying .. in harbours and rivers Seagoing engineers (steam) 32 1.1 \ 43 22 River-steamer enginoors .. (i 1 7 4 Marine-engine drivers .. .. .. ' .. Seagoing engineers (mo- 10 3 '13 3 chanical power other than steam) Rivor engineers (mechanical 29 1 30 4 power other than steam) Totals .. 104 37 141 OS 17 30 10 5 17 2 4 .. .. .. 1 I ° ' 7a 'o3 ' O h I Es ■I 14 I I 2 i V, "3 33 03 m ; Xl 1/1 -r, 03 I 03 Ph h 5 10 '/ o H 15 •6 03 Ol 03 PH 3 1 aJ 'a H I HH 03 O h | H| I 4 ; I io 03 03 to oj PH 45 20 14 4 1 13 33 '3 44 12 2 ~A O 1 & 89 32 16 4 I 8 30 I ii 4 .. 8 2 18 17 5 22 14 2 .. 14 I 3 101 12 20 2 127 14 '.'. "z '3 3 2 i 3 9 i io 27 5 32 4 3 98 35 3 57 2 59 93 3 90 30 0 41 24 16 80 5 91 I .1 |317 91'411 40 l_

Date of Issue. April 13, 1917 February 19, 1918 Name. .. Thomas Albert Carr. .. James Edward Carr, .. Claude Reginald Hibbard. Date of Issue. February 19, 1918 March 12, Name. .. ; Arthur Hugh Henry. .. John Tutanekai Bollons. Name.

?°- ° f j D.ito of Issue, jicense. Niilllo of Licensee. Port of Residence. Date of Expiry of License. 43 Oot. 29, 1917 47 Oot. 30, „ 49 Jan, 19, 50 Aprd 14, 1918 81 Sept. 1, 1917 Felix Black Richard Edward Smith William Andrew Smith William John McLean Tate Georgo Lambert .. Wellington Auokland Wellington Oct. 8, 1918. Oct. 30, „ Jan. 19, 1919. April 14, „ Aug. 31, 1918.

Date of Issue. Name of Licensee. Address. April 9, 1S90 Msy 15, „ 5, „ April 27, 1897 July 27, , Sept. 1, , Aug. 18, 1898 April 26, 1899 June 26, 1900 July 27, , Nov. 27, „ Mar. 27, 1903 Oct. 19, „ Nov. 1, 1906 Feb. 6, 1907 22, 1909 May 28, „ Oct. 23, „ June 19, 191.1 Nov. 10, „ 3, 1913 27, 1914 Feb. 10, 1915 Frederick Macbeth Robert Strang Georgo Urquhart Thomson Frederick William Cox Robert Hatchwell Arthur G. Gilford Herbert John Richardson Robert Heddelston Novillo Charles Frederick Sundstrum John Adamson Thomas Basire George Samuel Hooper John McLennon McKenzie .. Frederick Pryce Evans David Todd Norman Maojonald Charles Cornelius Plunket Robort Crawford Frederic George Cooper Major William Solloway Lane Cesar Anthony Ooloona John Jonathan Elven Richard Chamberlain Harbord Dunedin. Nelson. Lyttelton. Wellington. Dunedin. Auckland. Port Chalmers. Wellington. Dunedin. Bluff. Auckland. Wellington. Totara North. Cbristchurcb. Bluff."


Table showing the Number and Tonnage of Sailing and Steam Vessels which remained upon the Register of the Dominion of New Zealand on the 31st December, 1916; of those added to and deducted from the register during the Year 1917; and of those remaining on the register on the 31st December, 1917.

Table showing the Number and Tonnage of the Registered Vessels (distinguishing Sailing from Steam) which belonged to each of the Ports of New Zealand on the 31st December, 1917.


Sailing-vessels. Steam-vessels. Totals. Vessels. .,. (5ross x Net Iiinnage. lonnage. Vrual. Gr0SS Net \essus. TonnaR(!i Tonnage. Vessels. Gross Net Tonnage. Tonnage. Upon the Register on the 31st December, 1910 390 124,833 70,442 580 148,497 92,295 190 23,664 21,853 390 124,833 Added to the Register,— Vessels registered for the first time —■ Built at ports in British possessions abroad Purchased from foreigners Vessels transferred from ports in British possessions abroad Vessels registered de novo.. Tonnago added without re-registra-tion ' I 120 89 3 220 109 3 1 220 109 120 89 220 120 2 2 902 151 823 118 2 4 202 295 93 110 4 6 1,104 916 446 228 1,104 446 116 99 10 11 132 i 110 132 Total added 1,289 1,129 9 733 323 It 2,022 1,452 Deducted from the Register,— Vessels wrecked or otherwise lost .. Vessels broken up, decayed, &c. Vessels converted into hulks, &c. .. Vessels transferred to ports in the United Kingdom Vessels transferred to ports in British possessions Vessels registered de novo.. Tonnage deducted without re-regis-tration Sold to foreigners Other vessels 3 1 1 80 27 54 122 277 75 24 49 122 193 9 2 I 2 4 1 1,050 46 14 4,210 492 30 6 2,542 12 3 2 2 5 5 1,130 73 68 4,210 507 54 55 2,542 1 4 4,220 131 2,312 85 4,342 408 ■ 2,434 27S 10 90 "l 3 9 184 19 48 146 12 25 184 40 144 140 31 1 21 "l9 I 4 Total deducted II 597 578 23 9,883 5,673 34 10,480 6,251 Remaining on the Register on the 31st December, 1917 87,496 184 24,356 22,404 376 115,683 65,092 560 140,039

Sailing-vessels. Steam-vessels. Totals. Ports. ,. - Gross Net Vesse s. n. t. Tonnage, tonnage. Vessels Gross Net vessels. Tonnag( ._ Tonnagei Vessels. Gross Tonnage. Net Tonnage. Auckland. . Napier Wellington Nelson 1 yyttelton .. Timaru Dunodin .. Inveroargill 126 4 18 7 12 1 19 2 8,667 266 3,161 189 3,713 733 7,255 372 7,417 253 2..S86 152 3,615 690 7,047 344 197 30 39 15 17 1 65 12 23,051 3,887 11,426 2,797 5,066 942 67,252 1,262 12,031 2,282 5,791 1,320 2,304 488 40,224 592 323 34 52 22 29 2 84 14 31,718 1.153 14,587 2,986 8,779 1,675 74,507 1,034 19,448 2,535 8,677 1,472 5,979 1,178 47,271 936 Totals 184 24,356 22,404 376 115,683 65,032 560 140,039 87,496



Table showing for the Year 1917 the Number and Tonnage of Registered Vessels (exclusive of River Steamers) of the Dominion of New Zealand which were employed wholly in the Home Trade, partly in the Home and partly in the Foreign Trade, and wholly in the Foreign Trade, respectively; and the Number of Men and Boys (exclusive of Masters) employed thereon.

5—H. 15.

Under 50 Tons. 50 Tons and 100 Tons and 200 Tons and 300 Tons and 400 Tons and 500 Tons and 600 Tons and 700 Tons and under 100. under 200. under 300. under 400. under 500. under 600. j under 700. under 800. 800 Tons and 1,000 Tons and 1,200 Tons and 1,500 Tona and 2,000Tons and under 1,000. under 1,200. under 1,500. under 2,000. under 3,000. ! CO 32 m to I 00 [ >> >* r-. -*. r^ o c o o c 03 CQ CQ j CQ CQ -» c jn E-c "-Etai C 00 Baa I ■ S g S 3 g I S giSglSgi > H i r=>|j- _=> H S!>H S>,H !>;> Totals, I. r « I > c f- s > _ c c I _5 5 —' "So 3 - H o C OH c $ E «J S C S > H O CQ i \ 1 c CC 1 C in = I g . s H S > rt IB ca •a C IT. s > CO o c CQ "J "_ s > CO o CQ C rt c Class of Vessels. o rt s _co > o CO rt V > 32 m v > o o CQ c re V s 1 » V o r^ (O cu > «_ CQ c s o 01 o o o In the Home (Coastal) Trade only — Sailing Steam Totals Partly in the Home and partly in the Foreign Trade — Sailing Steam 64 107 171 2 I 1,447. 2,380 3,827! 44 44 105 388 493 8 9 2 2 251,877 8r 4 67 3.837 494 34 925.7 I 4575 38 2 190 14 2 2 04 12 1 4 3°4| 26 ! 3 i | 3 238, 18J 3 1 93 6 1 4; 331 24 4 roo 6,349,625 45 55i| 4.934 5,485! 2461 199 446 I 14 8 20 .26 — I 217 12 2,962 13 3,179 I " " 225 4 225 4 I 1.485 1,485 1 ! •• ! J68 68 - '8 8 "I __ 3.66o 3,66o 182! 182 " " •• 4 4 " 2,062 2,062 •• 59 59 1 1 2 — " 69O 63O 1,320 ! '< 1,29a 1 40 41 28 6 6 "I I 4.373 4.373 719 158 158 19 ~ 3 ;•• 2 : 2 836 1,792 2,628 ! 1,852 1,852 73 73 48 48 1 1 h 2 - " 2! 1,190 1,194 2,384 •• 2,243 I 4 26 3° 58 2 2 - '(, 2,622 2,622 7,716 •■ „z - II: — 156 '5:8,580 ' 188 •• I I 2 •• 2,137 : 2,137 4.230 77 I 77 16S 97 249 346: 1 22 6,808 34.o68 i»_a 40,876^ j 1.773! 25,697' 2,53i 21: 2,32: 6, 66< Totals H M 445 - H 2S ! I H H ~ : — 5|8,58o 1 3 88 21 — 22 " - •• 2 1,293 I 719 19 2 2 2,243 5? 6 7,716 156 188 2 4.230 168 30 27.470 73' - — - ! ! — In the Foreign Trade only — Sailing Steam I 286 8 1 1,380 1,258 4.304i 4.329, 8,633. Totals 2 — 2 23 23 8 8 3 1 4| 523; 118 641 23 12 H 35 •• •• I 286 14 3.465: 8 1 233 5 3°9, ' 3°9 9 * - I I 411 411 _30 3° •• .. •• ■■ I 663I 663| I 23 j 23 •• " 2 1,568 1,56! 16 •• 16 ■■ 2 - 2 I1.763 !.763 75 75 •• 1 1 2,6 3 8j 19 47 i 66 58,580 '• • I— •• •• : I •■ ••! " .. 9 .. 20 9; 20: 29. ■' •• •1 - - _ Grand totals 3,938 6,571 1 > 794 4.071' 2,062 3,276 [6,66( '193 6,243 4,627 18S 6,367 245 396! 76,979 176 518! 100 :503 77 212 59 92 rg6! ii :c 12,976; 1333 3.56:



Descriptive Return of New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses.

Namo of Lighthouse. Order of Apparatus. {Description. Period of Revolving Light. Colour of Light. Tower Dwellings built of built of Dato first lighted. I 1 i Cape Maria van | Diemen 1st order dioptric Revolving Fixed .. 1' Whito .. .. | Red, to show over \ Columbia Reef J White ■ Timber Timber Iron .. „ Timber Timber Mar. 24, 1879. Cape Brott Mokohinou Chicken Island (Marotiri) Tiritiri .. 1st ordor dioptric Group flashing 1st „ Flashing Acetone-acetylene (unwatohed) 2nd order dioptric Fixed .. * 10" .ffl. wi. Stone T,.„,Iron .. Stone Iron .. Feb. 21, 1910. Juno 18, 1883. April 28,1913. Iron .. Whito, with red arc over Flat Rock .. Timber Timber Jan. 1,1865. Channel Island .. Ponui Passage Acetone-acetylene Flashing (unwatohed) 5th order dioptrio (fa1 ffl. U0" eel. 1 ¥ a. I If eel. 30" 10" 30" I White .. White and rod White Timber Timber Iron .. „ Timber Timber Feb. 11, 1915. July 29, 1871. Cuvior Island Bast Capo Portland Island \ 1st „ Revolving 2nd „ Flashing 2nd „ Revolving Fixod .. Rod, to show over) Bull Rook ) White .. Timber Iron .. Iron .. Sept. 22,1889. Aug. 9, 1900. Timber Feb. 10, 1878. Castle Point Cape Palliser Pencarrow Head.. Capo Fgmont Manukau Head .. Kaipara Head .. Brothors 2nd ordor dioptric Group flashing 2nd „ Revolving 2nd „ Fixed .. 2nd „ „ .. 3rd „ „ 2nd „ Flashing 2nd Fixed .. t t Iron .. Timber Jan. 12, 1913. Oct. 27, 1897. Jan. 1, 1859. Aug. 1, 1881. Sept. 1, 1874. Dec. 1, 1884. iff' 10" Red, to show over \ Cook Rock ) White Timber Iron .. Sept. 24, 1877. Capo Campboll .. Godley Head Akaroa Head Jack's Point Moeraki Taiaroa Head 2nd order dioptric Revolving 2nd „ Fixed .. 2nd „ ■ Flashing 4th „ Fixed .. 3rd „ „ .. 3rd „ „ .. l' Iron .. Stone Timber Iron .. Timber Stone & timber Timber Stone Timber Stone Stone Timber Stono Aug. 1, 1870. April 1, 1865. Jan. 1, 1880. July 1, 1904. April 22, 1878. Jan. 2, 1865. io" Stono Stone Timber Timber Iron .. Stone Red '.'. '.'. Timber Stone & 111" ,-v, liHir Cape Saundors .. Nuggot Point Waipapapa Point Dog Island 2nd „ Revolving 1st „ Fixed .. 2nd „ Flashing 1st order eatadiop- Revolving trio 1st order dioptric Fixed .. v White timber Timber Timber Timber Jan. 1, 1880. July 4, 1870. Jan. 1, 1884. Aug. 1, 1865. io" 30" Stone Timber „ Stone Stone Stone Centre Island White, with red arcs over inshore dangers White Timber Timber Timber Timber Sept. 16,1878. Puysegur Point .. Capo Foulwind .. Kaburangi Point.. 1st „ Flashing 2nd „ Revolving 2nd „ Fixed .. 10" 30" Mar. 1, 1879. Sept. 1, 1876. Nov. 30, 1903. White, with red seetor to show over Stewart Breaker Whito, with red arc over Spit end Whito, with red are to mark limit of anchorage Red and white, with white light on beacon Whito Iron .. Iron .. Farewell Spit 2nd ,, Revolving V June 17, 1870. Nelson 4th „ Fixod .. Aug. 4, 1862. Fronoh Pass 0th . , ... Oct. 1, 1884. Stephen Island .. 1st „ Group flashing Aoetone-iicetylene Flashing (unwatohed) Jan. 29, 1894. Karori Rock i" fl - 8J"eol. White, with red arc over Luna Rock and Tom's Rock Whito, with red aro over Beef Barrel Rooks Concrete Iron Concrete Oct. 20, 1915. Okuri Point i"fl. 8" eol. Iron .. June 24, 1916. 'o ocondfl. f Plashing * Two flashes in quick succession evei swice every half-minuto, with interval of th: ry half-mini reo seconds ite. jeti \ Throo white flashes ovo: Lshes. •y forty-li .een fli


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued in New Zealand during the Year ended 31st March, 1918.


Name of Vessel. u 01 in 33 « in a o H SCO'S £ a! u O ID si* SaS ■ = £2 % o P K S , 'B 3 -g " .38 a° Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller, Class of Certificate. I\Iin be in Ci qi ca litnui er of lg CI. rew . uires irriec a' IS a j I Ed ul foflowasses of Law reto he i 1. I £ Remarks. ci <o V a: 82 12 3 6 33 4 29 111 4 2 Sorow Admiral.. Advanoe Adventure Ahiki Ahuriri Ailoma Akaroa Albatross (A'kland) Albatross (Ham'ltn) Albatross (Hoki'nga) Alert Alert (Wanganui) Alexander Alexander Alice Alice (Hokianga).. All Black (Tairoa) All Black (No. 2).. Almora Antioco Anzao Aotea Apanui Aparima Arahura Arapawa Arawa Ark Ark (Pukenui) Aroha Arurnai Atua Aupouri Aureola Aurore Awahou Awanui Ayr Baden Powell Baroona Beldame Bell Bird Bell Bird Benares Ben Lomond Billy .. Blenheim Blue Bird Bouito .. Breeze Breta Tui Brit Brit (Thames) Britannia (Bluff).. Britannia (A'kland) Britannic Britty Bruce Bulli .. Calm Callie Canopus Capel Centaur Chelmsford Clansman Claymore Clematis Clio Clutha .. 50 8 2 35 17 15 28 37i 8 4 6 15 72 15 12 6 17 24 24 34 6 33 28 284 I 145 47 5 5 24 16 10 8 55 5 8 74 20 14 30 24 20 15 4 5 15 9 50 5 10 84 40 16 7 24 40 7 16 5 24 550 35 280 10 32 25 99 54 12 6 24 Compound Non-oondensing Oil-engine River limits 94 Compound Oil-engine Compound Twin-screw Sorew Home trade .. River limits.. i 1 Oil-engine 5 185 4 4 1 4 4 i 4 157 135 3,684 772 128 2 3 3 6 6 2 220 1 3 151 5 5 72 79 4 52 2 2 33 5 85 1 2 286 36 6 2 10 108 3 2 1 29 523 5 835 3 6 79 379 119 3 6 96 Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. River limits .. 4 3 201 2,843 1,093 289 Compound Triple-expansion Homo trade ,. Foreign trade Home trado .. 4 13 7 -1 2 9 6 2 Twin-scrow 3 3 3 3 Screw River limits .. Oil-ongino 395 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. Riverlimbs ., 5 3 398 Compound Oil-engino Twin-scrow Sorew Home trado .. River limits .. "i 8 201 149 Compound Home trade .. *2 2 2 *2 Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine River limits .. Compound 204 Compound Oil-engine Home trado .. River limits .. 2 2 414 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Home trade .. 4 'k Twin-screw Screw Non-condensing Oil-ongino Paddle .. Screw Home trade .. River limits .. Fishing vessel. 706 1,101 Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-ongine Home trado .. River limits .. Home trade .. 5 6 3 3 2 8 03 547 347 Compound Twin-sorew Screw Home trade .. 2 5 4 1 3 3 Triple-expansion Oil-engine River limits .. Compound Scern-whool paddle Ditto Screw Clyde Cobar (Wellington) Cobar (Tryphena) Comet Condor 69 4 6 188 40 40 12 5 24 Compound Oil-engine Compound Screw each end * Surv 3yed twice.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


Name of Vessel. CD Hi _ M 09 a o H r= CO U 9 « 9 a. Sis • -H O 03.2 P. Ei4 K„5; a m S 1 9-_ usl OofflO rHH u CD it O . Pi to © 8 If n o> •a a s 1 J a Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Mini: bei ing Cri qui car imui ir of g Clt rew ] lires irriec 11 N foil isse iftW to I L, low>s of , re1 be p <D CD 31 d 5 a CD G E n E 1 a I h EH to r-> CD to a CU O Conella .. Coquette Corinna.. Countess Cowan Curlew Cygnet (Lyttelton) Dairymaid Daisy Daphne (Hokianga) Daphno (Auckland) Dauntless Dawn (Mangonui) Dawn (Auckland) Defender Despatoh Dione 'Doak .. Doris (Napier) Doris (Pioton) Doris (Russell) .. Dorset Dovey Dredge 350 Duchess.. Duco Dunedin Eagle Earnslaw Echo Echo Eclipse .. Edina Eileen .. Elsie (Auckland).. Elsie (French Pass) Elsie (Thames) .. "Elsie (Wellington) Elsie Evans Elspie Elswick Emma Emerald Emily Endeavour Erin Erskine Ethel W. Eureka (Hokianga) Eureka (Te Kopuru) Eva Eveline Excelsior Express Fanny Farina Ferro (Auckland .. Ferro (Queenstown) Fiona Fire Float Flora (Dunedin) .. Flora (TotaraN.) Foam Freetrader 812 57 30 6 66 2 6 2 100 8 8 14 109 24 2 3 4 2 3 41 2 488 137 2 125 138 155 98 2 2 4 6 24 3 4 22 6 2 4 4 4 5 54 4 10 141 28 24 10 43 0 20 6 55 16 8 36 36 20 7 8 20 4 12 32 5 117 81 5 500 70 80 103 6 8 12 30 30 5 15 11 20 5 12 8 12 25 30 84 35 18 10 8 20 8 24 25 30 16 30 7 ih 14 180 3 10 50 1,039 180 140 177 263 105 60 631 1,053 Oilengine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Screw Twin-screw Screw Twin-scrow Sorew Twin-screw Screw Twin-screw Paddle .. Twin-sorow Sorew Rivor limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Homo trade .. Rivor limits .. Homo trade .. Rivor limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. 6 2 1 *2 "i "i 1 "2 "5 ' i "2 3 2 2 "2 2 2 1 3 " •3 2 2 8 :; Fishing-vessel. Twin-sorow Screw Homo trado .. River limits .. i Wrecked. Compound Oil-engine « Non-condensing Compound Oil-engine Home trado .. River limits .. "2 90 4 3 2 5 29 36 55 6 6 3 2 95 139 Non-oondensing Oil-engine Compound Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. 1 2 2 i 2 Fishing-vessel. Oil-engine River limits .. .. 838 2 3 94 1,006 Compound Oil-engine Foreign trade River limits .. ii 3 "2 3 Non-oondensing Stern-wheel paddle Screw Gael Gannet Geisha Gilda Gisborne Pilotlaunch Gladsome Glenelg Glenlee Goshawk Greyhound Hairini 55 10 4 5 5 20 12 12 12 12 111 Compound Home trade .. River limits .. 2 2 Oil-engine Twin-sorew a • • 3 150 5 122 83 6 5 75 10 28 00 25 2£>2 Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Sorew Home trade .. River limits .. i 3 Home trade .. River limits .. 2 * Survi >yed twice.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


Name of Vessel. u © to (D to p o FH rH-CH cd a o o <o »S£ a>.- a. :;i K aia |8|§ 3-_ *33 ° MO rH. © I. am !p MS •o a 3 * .38 13! *H a o M Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Mini bei inf Or qu cai linum N ir of fol R Classe -ew Law lires to Tried. low39 Of v re- > be .Iter 11 arks. 03 03 co p '- 3 CD 2 1 5 H 50 Hr OJ GO A oj U C3 Hananui II Hapai Harmony Harriet Hauiti Hauraki Hawera Himitangi Hina Hinomoa Hinewai Hirero Hobsonvillo Houto Huia (Wellington) Huia (Auckland).. Huia (Wellington) Huia (Lake Rotom ah an a) Ida Ika Imperial Iona Irene Irini Isa Isabel Isabella de Fraine Isobel Ivy Jane (Auckland) .. J.D.O. .. Joan Justin John John Anderson John Kennedy Jumbo Kaeo Kahika Kahu (Napier) Kahu (Auckland) Kaimaka Kaipatiki Kaitangata Kaitoa Kaituna (A'k'and) Kaituna (Dunedin) Kaiuma Kakapo Kamona Kanieri (Auckland) Kanieri (L. Kanieri) Kapiti Kapua Kapuni .. "Karaka Karamu.. Karma Karora Karoro Karu Kate Kauri Kauriroa Kawau (Devonport Steam-ferry Co.) Kawau (Northern S.S. Co.) Kelvena.. Kelvin Kennedy Kestrel 3 7 3 12 4 4 3 5 76 6 8 22 38 134 36 4 4 146 516 96 25 11 23 1,219 118 6 1,246 2 949 904 115 2 114 12 96 10 452 3 6 3 197 44 364 2 3 82 9 92 149 2 282 5 20 23 84 69 199 "2I 58 154 6 8 32 34 31 45 20 150 10 16 15 45 25 47 2 4 7 20 12 25 12 15 5 5 60 6 30 35 28 14 90 20 12 32 60 98 40 40 24 9 200 65 10 200 44 90 117 20 4 35 294 192 117 680 121 185 Triple-oxpaneion Oil-engine Compound Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engine Compound . .. Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Screw Twin-screw Sorew Twin-screw Screw Twin-sorew Sorew Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. River limits .. a Homo trade .. Foreign trade Home trade .. Foreign trade River limits .. Home trade .. Foreign trade River limits .. Home trado .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. 2 2 4 2 5 2 2 -I 2 i 4 3 2 8 2 3 2 .. 2 Dredge. Launch. 702 235 Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. 4 5 2 1 3 2 Twin-screw River limits .. 1,025 298 988 Compound . .. Triple-oxpansion Compound Oil-engine .. Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Screw Twin-screw Screw Foreign trade Home trade .. River limits .. Foreign trade River limits .. Foreign trade 7 4 7 3 3 2 s 3 732 796 162 6 0 4 3 3 2 2 3 209 Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Triple-expansion Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. 4 1 2 2 30 22 102 28 30 8 27 5 306 5 15 190 a ... 745 Oil-engine River limits .. Foreign trade River limits .. 5 3 119 Compound Non-oondensing Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Home trade .. River limits .. Foreign trade River limits .. 4 2 1,830 2 37 1,153 8 3 2 3 HH • ■ 53 20 96 Home trade .. 1 4 2 131 159 7 7 38 43 174 Oil-engine Compound Twin-sorew Screw each end Screw River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. 4 2 Kia Ora Kina Kini Kinohaku 7 5 702 6 8 10 135 8 702 Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Foreign trade River limits .. (. 3 * Surveyed twice.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


Name of Vessel. £ in 'so 03 H ,-,rr_.<*H fi a u 0 Q »sg 1 fl ° 0.3 ft gffi W a o 3 II •? ■S^aS. a HH.H33 ° ofqo u CD o . <i>p °a wS J s .38 8° Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. IVIlniiimi ber of ing Clf Grew 1 quires carried followISSOB Of Iiaw reto be 1 [, Remarks. rSl € CO El, 1 g a S fl 50 a CO 03 a a Kirita Kiritona Kittawa.. Kiwi Koan Kohi Koi Kokiri (Wellington) Kokiri (Russell) .. "Komata.. Kopu Koroi (Auckland) Koroi (Hokianga) "Kotare Kotiti Koutunui Kowhai Kurow Lady Eva Lady Moira La Mascotte La Reine Lassie Laurel Lily Linda Lion (Pelorus S'nd) Lion (Hokianga) .. Lizette Lone Star Lorna Loyalty Lyttelton (Ly'ton) Magio Maheno Mabino Mahoo .. Mahua Mahurangi Maidi Majestic Makere Mako (Port Fitzroy) Mako (Napier) Makuini Mana (Lyttelton) 'Mana (Wellington) Manaia Mangakura Manuka Manukau Manukotuku Manurere Manuwai Manuwai Maori (Auckland) Maori (Dunedin).. Maori (Picton) .. Maori (Riverton).. Maori (Taupo) Mapourika Marama Maranui Mararoa (Dunedin) Mararoa (Rotorua) Margaret Maribel Maritano Marokopa Maroro Mary Mary Ellen Masootte (W'g'nui) Mascotte (Mercer) Matakokiri Matarere 76 20 55 719 4 1,244 18 3 79 42 98 404 1,564 30 2 4 6 3 3 3 3 2 3 21 4 4 24 88 58 3,318 6 14 353 95 12 3 3 4 247 4 51 77 630 6 3 4 3 71 701 30 150 120 28 170 60 32 135 10 260 13 9* 7 20 14 26 128 333 120 5 10 20 0 10 4 9 5 5 20 10 ' 35 133 00 000 5 56 28 80 11 7 4 12 65 18 90 25 104 9 64 30 16 34 30 50 28 5,600 8 5 5 130 1,500 5 530 6 12 16 14 32 8 7 8 6 5 9 2 723 741 1,253 138 88 126 503 1,023 '78 6,188 Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-ongine Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Non-oondensing Quadruple-exp'n. Oil-engine Compound Triple-expansion Compound Oil-ongine Turbine Oil-engine Compound Twin-screw Screw Twin-sorew Screw Paddle .. Screw Twin-screw Sorew Twin-screw Screw Twin-screw Screw River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Foreign trado River limits .. Foreign trade River limits .. Home trade .. Foreign trade Home trade .. Rivor limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. Foreign trade River limits .. Homo trade .. River limits .. 2 6 i 6 '8 2 2 2 5 8 1 i 2 12 i 6 2 1 2 3 6 i 18 3 3 *3 :.! 9 8 3 8 Fishing-vessel. Oil-engine 413 Triple-expansion Oilengine Compound Home trado .. River limits .. 4 3 1,224 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Pa'ddlo .! Screw Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. "2 7 2 3 2 3 River limits .. Launch. 94 15 5 1,445 6 3 2 718 3,952 4 1,381 2 2 6 6 6 5 5 10 Quadruple-exp'n. Non-condensing Oil-engine Stern-wheel Sorew Turbine Oil-engine Triple-scrow Screw Homo trade .. River limits .. *8 15 9 3 1,248 4,252 Triple-expansion Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. Foreign trade River limits ..' Home trade .. River limits .. 7 13 8 12 ■2 6 3 3 3,027 Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine *8 9 6 3 Twin-screw Screw Home-trade .. River limits .. f Home trade .. River limits .. i "s Compound ■•1 * Surveyi id twice.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


Name of Vessel. 5-i 5 a: M CD (2 m fl o rHI^tJ 03 2 O ■f S>H &03 g • rj O co .3 ft lilt a o3_L _. rH.N oomo S2 43 s. w It 9§ S3 totfl ■9° Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Minimum Numbor of following Classes of Crew Law requires to be carried. Remarks □ a r5S fl fi! § cd 8 E 5 2 a H i CD I o Matariki (Lytt'lton) Matariki (Tuakau) Matea Matuku Maudie II Maui (Dredge) .. Mavis (Dunedin).. Mavis (Onehunga) Mavis (Stewart Is.) Mavora Mawhera (Dredge) •May (Awanui) .. May (Wanganui).. May Howard M.C. .. Media .. Melville.. Mere Mere Merita Merlin (Foxton) .. Merlin (Picton) .. Mermaid (Adm'lty Bay) Mermaid (Wairoa) Midlothian (BPn'm) Milly Minerva Miro Mizpah Moa Moana (Dunedin) Moana (Picton) .. Moana (Tryphena) Moata Moerangi Mona Monica (Moana) .. Monica II (Ly'lton) Monowai Morning Light .. Mororo Mountaineer Muriel (Napier) .. Muriel Murihiku (Dredge) Muritai Nada Namu Natone Naumai (Auokland) Naumai (Kawhia) Nautilus Navua Nellie (Auokland) Nellie (Wanganui) Nellie Mason Neptune New Zealand Ngahere Ngakuta Ngapuhi Ngaru Ngatea Ngatiawa Ngatoro.. Ngoiro 10 6 5 4 20 80 10 6 5 10 168 4 4 45 6 10 10 3 8 4 5 10 Oil-engine Screw River limits .. 25: 565 Non-condonsing Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-sorew Screw Home trade .. River limitn .. "i "3 292 2 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-scraw Sorew 35 3 4 4 Homo trade .. Rivor limits .. "2 3 4 3 4 Non-condensing Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine 3 5 5 20 3 4 10 30 14 4 20 4 372 8 44 . 5 16 5 12 20 290 100 5 50 18 16 70 5 6 5 24 12 9 6 220 8 10 15 14 14 118 248 160 6 14 55 118 52 Compound Oil-engine 2,415 4 2 3 5 2 3 29 2,137 92 2 60 22 4 369 3 1 2 50 29 5 6 1,813 3 4 14 4 4 556 944 299 3 6 220 584 139 3,757 Tripe-expansion Oil-engine Foreign trade River limits .. 10 9 *6 3 " • •I 2,615 Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Home traoe .. io 2 'e 'e 8 River limits .. iie Compound Paddle .. Screw 1 't\ 522 Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. '4 3 Compound Oil-engine 1,937 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twiu-sorevv Screw Twin-sorew Screw Foreign trade River limits .. 9 '& '3 8 •• 745 1,236 721 Non-oondensing Triple-expansion Home trade .. Foreign trade Home trado .. River limits .. - : i 6 5 8 3 8 Twin-screw Screw 2 8 413 753 Oil-engine Non-condensing Triplo-expanaion Twin-screw Screw Screw each end Screw Home trade .. 5 5 S 8 River limits .. Niagara.. Nieola .. Nikau Nile Nimrod Nita (Nelson Nita (Raglan) Nora Niven Norma Northumberland.. 4 4 98 18 3 0 3 66 5 3 14 10 55 12 12 10 5 35 20 10 274 Oil-engine Compound Oil-engino Twin-screw Screw Homo crale .. River limits .. 2 1 '3 1 187 Tripio-expansion Oil-engine Home trade .. River limits .. 2 "2 * Surve; 'ed twice.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


Name of Venue], u CD HI '5c to « CO a o rl "33*33! £fl° " ii ftSg i.aa °§«« Bao« flK.S 00 a Sa OofflO * o . ftm I* K 03 ■si -g S .28 IO <w fl O M Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Minimut ber of ing Cli Crew 1 quires carried followisses of Law reto be 1 1. Until ark «. a 03 Ol in a Ol a CD U 0Q f-\ to a a EH 09 In Ol 08 9 31 HH a Nydia Ocean Gilt *Oei Ohura Oleo Olivene Omana (Auokland) Omana „ Omokoroa Oneroa Onewa Ongarue Opaia Oparau Opawa Opoutia Oranga Orepuki Orewa .. Oropi Osprey (Auckland) Osprey (Raglan) .. Otunui Paloona.. Parenga Paritutu (Drodgo) Paroto Pateena Patiti Pauline Pearl Pearl Kaspor Peerless Pelican Peregrine 1 3 5 34 5 4 49 3 6 29 31 9 5 5 64 4 226 37 12 138 1 12 1,735 4 233 57 550 4 8 7 25 20 18 14 10 15 15 15 45 23 5 18 5 16 78 17 16 70 4 75 443 0 90 120 250 15 1\ 14 22 26 57 52 '84 407 Oil-engine Condensing Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Screw Twin-sorew Screw Rivor limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. 2 4 i 3 Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Paddle .. Screw 2,195 048 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Twin-sorow Foreign trade Rivor limits .. Home trade .. !) 2 6 9 3 3 1,973 Sorew River limits .. 6 3 .3 3 2 25 4 1 162 Sorew Twin-scrow Screw eaoh end Twin-screw Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. i 256 Triple-expansion 1 3 Pet Petrel (Auckland) Petrel (Pioton) .. "Phyllis (Te Kopuru) Phyllis (Hokitika) Phyllis (Russell) .. Pihinga.. Pilot (Auckland) .. Pilot (Dunedin) .. Pilot Pioneer Pitoitoi Pleiades Pluoky Pohacua Pono Presto Pretoria.. Prinoess P.W.D... Pukeore Pupuke 6 6 3 5 1 4 3 5 5 27 1 34 3 29 749 30 15 20 2 3 15 5 18 12 15 4 20 12 40 128 52 3 8 5 10 7 50 Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Sorew 259 717 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Home trade .. i 6 3 3 Twin-screw Screw River limits .. 1 5 2 4 68 Compound ., Sorew eaoh end Twin-screw Purau Putiki Queen Queen of Beauty.. Queen of tho South Rainbow Rakino Rakiura Rangi Rangiora Rarawa Rauparaha Redwing Rogal Regulus Relianoe Reo Rere Reremoana 33 168 2 4 121 4 3 13 5 3 460 14 5 2 232 44 6 4 14 30 60 6 16 40 18 8 10 8 7 140 44 12 10 150 12 32 5 50 321 176 Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound , .. Oil-engine Screw Homo trade .. Rivor limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Homo trade .. "i 4 "l 3 2 Fishing-vessel. 1,104 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-screw Sorew Home trade .. River limits .. 6 3 2 3 694 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. River limits .. ~4 3 * Surveyed twice.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.

(J—R. 15.


I ' ■ n o „ ® "PI 3^2. 3^-3 °oBO h CD o . (_, m r_ g I* K 03 03 (Hj "3 1 SiS Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. [Mini | bel \ inf Or qu cai imur ir of % Cl( *ew ] lireB Tried n followisses of Daw reto be Name of Vessel. u 03 E "do 03 a o H CIubh of Certificate. Ben] arks. 03 03 sa ci a J OQ U to a a i to 0) oo a 3J U C5 Revenge Rhodesian Rialto Rimu Rimu Ripple Rita Riverton Roko Ronaki (Huntly) .. Ronaki (Auckland) Rosa Rosamond Rose (Kaiapoi) .. Rose (Tangiteroria) Rose (Ngunguru) Rose (Whangarei) Rotoiti Rotokohu Rotongaro Rotorua No. 1 Ruahine Ruawai Ruby Ruru (Auokland).. Ruru (Napier) Ruruhau Sambo Samson Savaii Soarboro SeajBreeze Seamew Sea Queen I Seoret Settler .. ♦Shamrock Shamrock Leaf .. Sierra Silver Bell Silver Cloud Simplon Sir William Wallace Sneaker Sokol Sonoma (Hokianga) Sonoma (Rotorua) Sparrowhawk 14 7 16 16 95 80 10 8 12 8 5 10 90 15 10 4 10 80 8 24 If 12 52 8 10 50 12 40 16 16 10 10 6 25 10 18 120 20 16 7 10 75 20 5 10 10 4 32 Oil-engine Sorew River limits .. H • • 145 187 .516 270 Triple-expansion Twin-Borew Screw Home trade .. 4 4 8 2 Oil-engine River limits .. 5 3 4 *4 4 462 4 3 14 4 5 11 4 441 Compound Oil-engine Home trade .. River limits .. 5 k Compound Oil-engine 5 177 3 14 62 10 5 4 10 5 4 2 10 4 6 60 6 5 2 3 70 30 6 7 4 2 98 213 (34 Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Condensing Oil-engine Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. 2 2 Fishing-veBsel Fishing-vessel Twin-sorew Screw Home trade .. River limits .. 2 Compound Home trade .. River limits .. 2 Oil-engine Compound Sorew eaoh end Sorew River limits .. Special Speedy Spray Sterling (Auokland) Sterling (Hokianga) St. George Storm Stranger Sybil (Tauranga).. Sybil](Hokianga).. Sylvia •Tahawai Taheke Tahuna Tainui Tainui (Kohanga) Tai Nui Talune Tanfield Lea Taniwha Tapuwae Tarawera Tarewai.. Tasman Tauri Tawera (Auokland) Tawera (Auokland) Tawera (L. Te Anau) Te Anau 5 3 2 4 3 2 186 4 6 1 4 9 16 5 8 28 12 8 70 12 30 5 9 14 12 276 Oil-engine a • • Compound Oil-engine Homo trado .. River limits .. 4 3 •• 312 59 2 5 1,370 3 191 4 1,241 11 87 6 44 11 24 6 30 255 12 40 15 250 11 45 16 40 11 25 250 146 1,592 Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Condensing Compound Oil-engine Twin-sorew Sorow Home trade .". River limits .. Foreign trade River limits .. 2 *8 "2 o 8 1,404 191 Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. *8 2 6 2 3 Non-oondensing Compound 957 1,162 Foreign trade 6 J3 2 J! ♦Surveyed twice.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


Name of Vossel. 03 m 'S3 OH C O. Eh * a ° E-= a u O _. <D P. St I -H O ■p.- a £ 2=i 3& 03 £ ca Kio» 3 a.a a ? 1,, °° 5JS <o fl I*!.! e?Bo v [s o . ft a. 05 .5 °fl" as ->a OH oj .Stfl "OHM a o Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Minimum Number of following Classes of Crew Daw requires to be carried. Keniarke. fl B S% a m in E to § I B H E to 09 to Im o Te Aroha Te Awhina Te Kooti Tempest Te Pioneer Tepua Terawhiti Teriruka Te Teko Te Toa To Whaka (Dredge) Te Wharu Te Wiremu Thelma The Minorva The Pines Theresa Ward Thistle (Kaiapoi).. Thistle (Moana) .. •Thistle (Wellingt'n) Thomas King Tiki Tikitere.. Tiroa Tofua .. Togo Toiler Toitoi Tongariro Torea Tot Tuatea Tuatu Tui (Auckland) .. Tui (Rawene) Tuirangi Tukua .. Tutanekai Uira Ulimaroa Undine Uta "Ventura.. Vera Vesper •Victory (Auckland) Victory (Helensv'le) Victory (Hokianga) Viking Viola .. Waiharoa Waihora Wai-iti .. Waikana Waikare "Wa,ikato Waima Waimario (A'kland) Waimario (W'gton) Waimea Wainui (Akaroa).. Wainui (Picton) .. Waioma Waione Wai-ora.. Waiora Waiotahi Waipu Waipuna Wairau Waireka (Dunedin) Waireka (Russell) Waireka (Wanganui) Wairere Wairoa (Auckland) Wairoa (Nelson) .. 57 87 85 99 5 10 18 1.0 99 6 120 70 45 7 14 5 14 2 95 5 4 90 16 420 Oil-engino Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-screw Home trade .. 2 2 Screw River limits .. 3 2 1 8 251 8 102 56 8 141 8 4' 8 20! 41 l 1 77 70 10 3 93 2,034 846 Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-forew Screw Twin-screw Screw Home trade . . River limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. a . • 4 *2 8 *2 .3 it 476 Home trade .. River limits .. l 3 Compound Twin-screw Screw 8 31 345 14 134 18 8 00 16 8 60 G4 5 22 28 8 3 . 506 10 50 7 16 32 80 14 8 34 15 25 410 47 200 4 ' 10 20 4K 20 100 10 5 12 80. 15 75 50 50 7 20 49 5 45 70 Oil-engine 3,431 Triple-expansion Compound Twin-screw Foreign trade River limits .. il 9 *6 3 1.5 5 9 24 6 4 20 .20 2 72 0 2 4 2,980 5 23 3 4 20 17 4 8 5 3 5 2,993 5 67 1 6 6 I 159 I 53 207 5 2 4 48 8 Screw Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Twin-scrow Screw " Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. .'River limits .. i 5,410 Non-condensing Triple-expan sion Oil-engine Twin-serew Screw Foreign trade River limits .. ii 15 9 "s Twin-screw Home trado .. River limits .. i Screw 1,778 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Foreign trado River limits .. hi 6 3 .3 Twin-screw Screw (496 Compound Non-condensing Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-scrow Paddle .. Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. River limits .. -I 3 ! .. Compound Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw 107 76 2 59 72 8 5 351 236 Compound Twin-sorew Home trade .. "i 2 3 2 140 Oil-engine Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Screw Rivor limits .. Home trade .. River limits .. Twin-screw Screw 2 2 41 49 48 25 40 10 134 Non-condensing Compound Paddle .. Screw Home trado .. 2 2 ••I 2 li a .. * Surve; 'od twice.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


Name of Veeael. I w "Kb 6 rJ o H Ur a^ <D q O * *S O to ag* • a 9 a 3 ft uh 1 I " a S ° 8 £ oi 2 ill gj<»fl 9_« OoCQO u to t* o . • s _« n o> Ihi ° CO — S'» ■afl o Nature of liugioes. NatUre of Propeller. 01*BB Of Ccrtiilicate. Minimum Number of following Classes of Crew Law requires to be carried. Remarks a 01 © m § » 1 a 1 1 g a § E £ o, Wairua Wairuna Waitangi Waitata Waitemata (Auckland) Waitemata (London) ' Waitohi Waitomo Waiuku Wakapai Wakatere (A'kl'nd) Wakatere (Raglan) Wakatu Wallaoe Wanaka : Wanderer Waterlily Waverley Weka (Napior) .. Wetere Whakarapa Whakarire (Dredge) Whakarongotai .. Whangape Whanui Wild Rose Willochra Will Watch Wootton Young Bungaree.. Zephyr .. 2,530 32 9. 70 390 60 4 150 2,071 Oil-engine Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engine Screw River limits .. Foreign trade Home trade .. River limits .. 10 9 3 3 v. 18 Twin-screw 3,459 258 2,389 Compound Sorew Foreign trade 11 3 3 9 18 2,719 49 10 372 200 10 140 5 30 50 280 1,604 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Twin-scrow Screw Paddle .. Screw River limits .. foreign trade River limits .. 10 0 3 3 176 4 95 60 1,572 23 29 93 53 41 2 449 2 1,900 3 3 4,531 48 90 2 4 20 25 20 22 5 120 10 280 5 7 626 45 33 35 7 134 1,235 92 80 Oil-engine Compound Non-condensing Triple-expansion Oil-ongino Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-ongine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-sorew Screw Home trade .. River limits .. Foreign trade Home trade .. River limits .. 3I 1 1 2 2 3 Fishing-vessel. 642 Twin-screw Screw Homo trade .. River limits .. foreign trade River limits .. 5 3 1,147 8 3 2 3 4,128 132 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Twin-sorew Screw Foreign trade 1 tome trade .. 15 2 2 1 12 2 2 6 3 Oil-engine Rivor limits .. I •• nveycd twice. * Si


Return of Sailing-vessels surveyed during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1918, with Particulars of Tonnage, etc.


Tons Measurement. Class of Certificate. Minimum Number of Seamen required by Law to be carried. Name of Vessel. Gross. Register. Able Ordinary *$£Z Seamen. Soamon. 3™° Agnes Martin Alert Alma Altair Antiope .. -Aratapu Awanui Clio Combine Dandy Deveron Dominion Edna Elsie Mary Esme Iflthel Wells Gannet Haore Hazel Repton Herald Houto Huia Huon Belle Ida lima Irene Jane Gilford Katie S. .. Kitty Fraser Kiwi Lady of the Lake .. Laura Lily (NelBon) Lily (Lyttelton) .. Lyman D. Foster.. Maid of Italy Maggie May Moa Moonah Ngaru Nor'west Oban Onerahi Pahiki Ranger Rangi Raupo Rewa *Rira Rona Rothesay Bay Saucy Kate ♦Soot Seagull Sunderland Talisman The Lee Thistle Vindox Violet Waikonini Wanganui Ysabel .. 41 141 62 63 1,508 123 92 81 56 105 26 38 22 130 33 33 25 127 149 83 142 28 43 29 345 37 34 34 47 22 22 364 16 84 862 15 27 44 127 107 73 29 39 47 25 65 99 710 7 117 694 762 41 26 95 24 94 23 27 41 24 68 352 149 41 98 23 57 1,380 106 85 81 24 82 26 25 22 99 20 19 25 99 142 73 78 20 43 25 308 30 20 20 25 20 19 326 16 84 782 15 20 44 99 97 66 18 24 25 20 64 86 683 7 95 610 699 25 18 25 20 68 19 23 23 20 23 309 149 Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits Foreign trade Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits Foreign trade Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits Foreign trade Restricted limits Home trade .. Foreign trade Restricted limits 2 2 1 2 10 4 .2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 4 2 2 1 2 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 2 8 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 8 1 2 8 8 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 6 4 i 2 i 1 i i i i 1 i i 3 1 1 1 1 i 1 2 Home trade .. Foreign trade Home trade .. 1 1 1 Restricted limits Home trade .. 1 1 1 Foreign trade Restricted limits Foreign trade 2 1 1 1 ~2 2 Home trade .. a .. Restricted limits Home trade ... Restricted limits Home trade .. Foreign trade i i l * Surveyed twice.


List of Boys who have served on the Training-ship "Amokura" during the Year ended 31st March, 1918.


Name. Date of Joining, Date of Discharge. Occupation taken up ou Discharge. Thomson, C. W. Lowry, H. P. Cook, J. W. Bax, J. H. Hotter, (1.1'. Smith, C. R. i nny, A. B. Hughson, R. II. Raven, W. A. Hughson, J.C.J. Morrison, H. McD. .. Kerr, Jamos Commerer, G. R. Smith, P. S. Martin, H. C. Monk, R. K. Jensen, C. L. H. Wells, H. C. Johnson, N. R. Eyles, M. J. Rodda, L. J. McKenzie, A. J. Pringle, V. R. Meehan, N. P. J. . . Sellars, L. S. W. Subritsky, W. A. Stubbing, F. F. Worth, H. H. Eskriggo, 11. L. Finlayson, T. T. Godfrey, Rex Priar, V. T. Longuet, V. A. Cameron, G. G. Fauchelle, L. P. Irvine, A. L. R. Park, Thomas Whitlow, E. A. Mathieson, J. Sowtor, E. W. Barclay, W. A. Thomson, G. Biown, 0. H. L. Uoublcday, E. W. . . Carter, A. E. Horc, J. I. Parker, K. W. Robertson, F. N. B. Derrick, G. W. Amos, A. M. Barnett, C. W. Clements, J. E. Duoker, R. D. Mack, L. A. McCallum, G. A. McLennan, H. W. .. Robb, C. T. Thompson, D. Kayo, J. E. O'Callaghan, W. Benson, 11. R. Gibson, F. W. Ayers, R. H. Meatyard, E. G. K.. . Fitzwilliam, E. G.. .. Todd, W. G. S. Adams, W. E. Bertie, O. J. Ward, S. B. McGregor, D. W. .. Hawkins, L. I. Fillingham, L. R. .. McKay, J. F. Hiokey, R. C. Bull, E. R. Bradley, W. R. Ham, C. E. Shanks, .1. A. Hall, A. F. Duncan, H. C. Hancox, J. E. Hobaon, A. Oranoh, H. J. Renner, F. J. UTph, F. C. Kidson, J. W. Tombs, A. Ogden, C. E. Sherman, G. L. 1/6/15 23/7/15 21/9/15 21/9/15 21/9/15 24/9/15 28/9/15 13/1.0/15 12/10/15 24/1/10 26/1/16 25/1/16 25/1/1.6 25/1/16 25/1/16 25/1/16 26/1/16 25/1/16 26/1/16 14/6/16 14/6/16 15/6/16 15/6/16 15/6/16 15/6/16 15/6/16 15/6/10 16/0/10 16/6/10 17/6/16 15/8/16 14/8/16 15/8/16 15/8/16 15/8/16 15/8/16 15/8/16 19/8/16 23/10/16 23/10/16 24/10/10 24/10/16 24/10/16 24/10/10 23/10/10 24/10/16 27/10/16 24/10/16 10/6/17 11/6/17 11/6/17 11/6/17 11/6/17 11/6/17 11/6/17 11/6/17 11/6/17 11/6/1.7 20/0/17 4/7/17 1/8/17 1/8/17 1/8/17 1/8/17 1/8/17 1/8/17 1/8/17 2/8/17 6/8/17 19/10/17 23/10/17 23/10/17 23/10/17 23/10/17 23/10/17 24/10/17 30/10/17 1/11/17 1/11/17 7/3/18 7/3/18 7/3/18 7/3/18 7/3/18 7/3/18 8/3/18 10/3/18 11/3/18 11/3/18 4/5/17 21/5/17 30/5/17 31/5/17 1/0/17 1/0/17 26/5/177/6/17 5/6/17 17/9/17 11/8/17 3/9/17 21/8/17 11/8/17 11/8/17 29/8/17 16/8/17 7/8/17 4/10/17 2/3/18 Joined s.s."" Arahura" as O.S. „ s.s. " Kokiri" as O.S. „ s.s. "Kamo" as'O.S. ,, s.s. "Kahika" as O.S. ,, s.s. " Kaitoa " as O.S. „ s.s. "Wiuimora" as O.S. ,, s.s. "Moana" as O.S. „ s.s. "Corinna" as O.S. s.s. "Komata" as O.S. „ s.s. "Kini." „ s.s. " Waipori" as O.S. ,, s.s. "Mapourika" as O.S. „ s.s. "Wimmera" as O.S. „ s.s. " Kini" as O.S. „ s.s. "Waipori" as O.S. ,, s.s. "Ngatoro" as O.S. ,, s.s. "Nikau" as O.S. ,, s.s. "Kamo" as O.S. ,, s.s. "Monowai" as O.S „ s.s. "Kittawa" as O.S Still on board. Joined s.s. "Komata" as O.S. ,, s.s. "Kamo" as O.S. „ s.s. " Kamo " as O.S. „ s.s. "Kamona" as O.S. „ s.s. " Kini" as O.S. „ s.s. " Kini" as O.S. ,, s.s. "Kamo" as O.S. „ s.s. "Karu" as O.S. „ s.s. "Ngatiawa" as O.S. Still on board. 14/1/18 15/12/17 15/12/17 23/2/18 6/12/17 6/12/17 25/2/18 28/2/18 29/1/18 11/10/17 Purchased discharge. Still on board. ,» f. ,» ,» ,, », ,5 ,) ,, )* »■ HH ,, ,! ,:



Return of Estates of Deceased Seamen received and administered in pursuance of the Provisions of the Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908, during the Year ended 31st March, 1918.

Return showing Amounts received prior to Ist April, 1917, standing to Credit of Estates of Deceased Seamen, and for which Claims have not been proved. £ s. d. • £ s. d. Benjamin, W., late A.8., " Waiotahi " .. 6 5 6 Matheson, D., late A.8., " Kahu ".. .. 17 3 6 Bodoo X. Ellie Bux, Lascar, late of " Aparima "10 810 Mays, J. J., late A.8., " Ngaru ".. .. 419 6 Collins, C, late steward, " Waitomo " .. 2 7 1 Mcßoberts, David, late A.8., " Waihora " .. 6 3 6 Doran, G., late trimmer, " Waihora " .. 18 8 7 Muller, J., late fireman, "Arahura " .. 26 15 0 Espada, E., late fireman, " Maunganui " .. 214 10 O'Sullivan, P., late trimmer, " Navua " .. 218 3 Gale, E., late A.8., " Penguin " .. ..547 Owen, B. H., late A.8., " Waihemo " .. 32 14 3 Glancy, W., late A.8., " Titania ".. .. 2 9 2 Parry, R., late A.8., " Koromiko " .. 115 6 Harvey, C, late steward, " Mapourika " .. 414 8 Powell, R., late cook, " Karori " .. .. 10 311 Hedges, E., late A.8., " Kairaki ".. .. 15 4 Rawlins, A. W., boy, " Storm " .. 512 5 Hilditch, H. C, late fireman, " Ngahero ".. 6 3 5 Sluice, G., late cook, " Kurow " .. 0 7 6 Hollis, W., late A.8., " Kairaki " .. .. 15 4 Smith, A., late A.8., " Kairaki " .. .. 717 11 Hunter, J., late fireman, " Stormbird " .. 1 611 Wareiin, F., late A.8., " Koromiko " .. 212 10 Kennedy, W., late A.8., " Moa " .. .. 13 2 Wadsworth, S., late A.8., " Eva ".. .. 215 4 Knudson, E., late 2nd mate, " Kairaki " .. 15 19 2 Ward, J., late fireman, !' Penguin " .. 718 7 Kyle, R., late fireman, " Stormbird " .. 16 1 Wassell. R., lato A.8., " Elsie Mary " .. 0 7 6 Larson, Jacob, late A.8., " Houto " ..528 Woightman, A., late cook, " Moana " .. 395 Lindsay, J., late A.8., " Wanderer " .. 10 8 West, John, late A.8., " Greyhound " .. 117 4 Make-atu, A., late cook, " Ngatiawa" .. 2 3 0 Williams, J., late cook, " Regulus" .. 317 0 Mason, E., lato of " Maori " .. .. 111 6

Name of Seaman. Balance to Credit of a,,,„■,„, the Estate Amount on 31st March, received. 1917. Amount paid. Balance to Credit of the Estate on 31st March, 1918. T. Lawler J. Larsen Caleb Anderson K. Knight Robert Wallace .. ' .. Albert Abel A. Mason Poter Peterson John Gourley James T. Allan Henry Simpson A. Devere Thomas Grubb M. Donnelly F. J. Black James D. Hastie William C. Oliver Thomas Suttie William Hancock Edward Lockyer Henry W. Wood T. Bustin Charles Geige George Pevreal Puleiki (Niue Native) . . J. McLauchlan Jamos Johnston £ s. d. £ s. d. 0 17 5 5 4 4 10 14 8 0 5 0 7 8 1 0 17 0 0 14 6 0 7 3 16 18 0 0 1 I 0 2 10 II 8 14 0 7 7 3 15 16 5 7 10 7 15 12 2 5 12 8 13 16 3 47 17 2 266 16 8 5 12 0 97 18 0 t) 12 7 0 5 4 11 17 4 13 7 I 3 10 10 17 8 3 14 8 8 16 4 £ s. d. 0 17 5 5 4 4 £ s. d. 10 14 8 0 5 0 7 8 1 0 17 0 1 I 9 17 9 0 2 10 11 8 14 0 7 7 3 15 16 5 7 10 7 15 12 2 5 12 8 13 16 3 47 17 2 260 10 8 5 12 6 25 19 6 71 18 6 0 17 11 ii i? 4 13 7 1 3 io 10 1 7 8 3 14 8 8 16 4 51 10 8 531 3 6 409 19 1 172 15 1


NEW ZEALAND Wreck Chart.



Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department from the 1st April, 1917, to the 31st March, 1918.


Date of ! Vessel's Name, Age, Casualty, i and Class. Bi! J S Number of Nature of Number of LiveB lost. Place where Casualty occurred. " Wind. •__? I Date of '. vessel's jsame, Age, ,, i<r 2= ' Casualty.! and Class. »' g>a j p ttsB( n n L sL° 9 „!f n Cargo. Casualty. 1 of jiveB lost. Place where _ Casualty occurred. -. 1 Finding of Court of Inquiry. Name of Master D H.£t c - ; Force. Name of Master ' : — »o I Passen»f3H * gers. Cargo. Casualty. «B I * gers. ar 8"' _*»i_ii,y. i 1U8U. A I i_ tion. 1917. Mar. 3 Mountaineer, p.s., Ferry-boat 66 8 .. .. Fire; damage, £300 38 years „ 12 Talune, s.s., 27 Schooner 1,370 ' 56 15 General Stranded; damyears age, £400 April 6 Flora, s.s., 35 years Schooner 818 40 .. Fruit .. Struck wharf; trifling damage „ 16 Eagle, p.s., 31 Ferry-boat 138 ! 4 30 .. Struck wharf; triyears fling damage „ 18 Wootton, s.s., 17 Schooner 90 11 .. Motor- Collision; damage, 1 years cars , £100 I „ 18 Queen of the South,' Schooner 121 12 .. General j Collision; no dam- f s.s., 40 years age ! J May 6 Progress, s.s., 34 Dredge 112 .. .. .. Foundered; damyears age, £1,000 ,, 16 ! Tuirangi, s.s., 8 Cutter .. 72 8 25 .. j Struck wharf; no years damage ,, 27 Waikonini, scow, Schooner 23 5 .. Shingle Stranded; trifling 16 years damage June — Wairuna, s.s., 14 Schooner 2,530 43 .. General Sunk; total loss years ,, .2 J. D. 0., s.s., 24 Dredge 87 5 '.. .. Damaged plate; years trifling 6 Kotare, s.s., 13 Ketch.. 79 10 .. .. Stranded years ,, 11 Eunice, o.e.v., 15 Schooner 129 9 .. Chaff .. Damaged gear; years £150 „ 12 Laura, 28 years .. Barquen- 326 .. .. Granite- Loss of life tine blocks and oats „ 14 Kowhai, s.s., 7 Schooner 483 19 .. Coal .. Struck wharf; years slight damage I 1 Wharf, Queenstown .. Egeria Channel, Nukualofa King's Wharf, Auckland ' Ferry Wharf, Auckland Wharf, Welhngton .. Carey's Bay, Port Chalmers Tokatoka Wharf, X. Wairoa Waiara, Hauraki Gulf In vicinity of Kermadecs Port Ahnriri Waikawa Off Cape Egmont 16 days out from Melbourne to Auckland Gladstone Pier, Lyttelton Whilst lying at the wharf the vessel was found J. Kennedy, to be on fire. No damage to hull or engines S.E. Fr. breeze When entering Egeria Channel vessel struck J. Morrison, an uncharted pinnacle rock, and damaged her plates and frame Calm .. When berthing bumped against one of the L. C. Adkins. piles and damaged a plate N. Light .. i Bumped into the wharf when berthing .. T. A. Lynch. (| The " Queen of the South " was backing out ~) j t sen from the wharf when a squall struck her S. Moderate- and caused her to bump into the " Wootton," J-™ , r 5 r j trc j en damaging the latter's stanchions, bulwarks, ' and decking N.E. Gale .. Vessel was moored undergoing repairs, and was partially dismantled. No one was on board, and during the gale she filled and sank S.W. Strong .. Vessel ran into the wharf on a dark night .. Thomas Ross. W. Gale .. The vessel's anchor-chain parted, and she was J. J. Doyle, driven on to the beach Sunk by enemy raider .. .. .. H. C. Saunders. Vessel was found to be sinking, and when F. W. Green, pumped out a hole was found on the port bow, which is supposed to have been made when letting go or heaving up the anchor S.E. Light .. Vessel was moored at wharf, and on the tide D. Hanning. falling she settled amidships on some obstruction, which caused fracture of the keelson S.E. Gale .. Heavy seas damaged the bulwarks, stanchions, R. Sproule. and davits, and carried away a lifeboat S.E. Gale .. A heavy sea came on board and washed C- John Johnson. Gibson, an O.S., overboard. Everything possible was done to save him, but no boat could have lived in the sea that was running Calm .. When berthing, the order " full astern " was E. C. Vellenogiven, but the engines failed to act, and the weth. vessel struck one of the piles with the crown of the anchor, and damaged the hawse-pipe and one of the plates



Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department, etc.— continued.

Date of Casualty. Vessel's Name, Age, and Class. Rig. _ a nui 33 O 03 VCH r. iber of Nature of Number of Lives lost. Place where Casualty occurred. Wind. 0 - | Finding of Court of Inquiry. Name of Master. Passengers. Cargo. Casualty. 1917. June 14 (about) June 17 „ 25 „ 30 „ 30 July 18 „ 19 „ 20 „ 27 Kaituna, s.s., 13 Schooner 1,246 years Tasman, s.s., 14 : Schooner 87 years Nikau, s.s., 8 j'ears Schooner 98 Baroona, s.s., 13 Schooner 55 vears Osprey, p.s., 30 Ferry-boatj 138 years Moehau, scow, 35 Schooner 23 years Cygnet, s.s., 30years Schooner 66 Koromiko, s.s., 10 Schooner 1,541 years " Ruapehu, s.s., 17 Schooner 5,740 years m 26 26 14 14 15 15 ! 9 3 3 : 9 3 3 10 36 72 .. ! General 3 .. I 30 I ! J Shingle Wool .. General Loss of propellerblades ; damage, £1.50 Fire ; damage, £60 ; i Loss of propeller ; damage, £150 Collision; slight damage to each vessel Capsized; damage, £100 Broken shaft Accident to machinerv; damage, £1,000 Fire; damage, £1,100 i 1 1 I ) I Off Napier .. .. W.N.W. Gale .. When steaming against heavy sea two blades of the propeller were lost At wharf, Auckland .. .. .. , Fire occurred under the main boiler ; cause unknow-n French Pass .. .. Calm .. ! The port engines commenced to race, and it was found the propeller had dropped off Hobson Wharf, Auck- .. Calm .. The vessels collided when rounding the wharf, land the sheds obscuring the viewThames Gulf .. N.N.W. Light .. Was caught in a whirlwind, capsized, and foundered. Since refloated and dismantled for use as a barge Near Godley Head .. .. Calm .. : Shaft broke between thrust-collars Lat. 34° 2' S., long. S.W. Gale .. i The main bearing-covers of the crank-shafts 167° 19' E. carried away, and the shaft was slightly bent Lat. 13° 12' S., long. ; E. Moderate ; Fire was discovered in the port bunker, which 116° 57' W. spread to the insulation and cargo in No. 3 hold. The coal was kept saturated with water until the vessel reached Auckland, when the seat of the fire was located and it was put out. Spontaneous combustion s presumed to have been the cause ' | The vessels came into collision when proceeding to their respective berths at the inner . j wharves, Welhngton Harbour. The Court . . . Wellington Harbour .. .. Calm <j found that the collision was caused by the negligent navigation of the s.s. " Terawhiti," and her master was ordered to pay the cost of the inquiry, £24 17s. Off Chelsea, Auckland .. .. Vessel capsized at her anchorage ; no one on Harbour board. Probably caused by the heavy sea that was running Bar, Wanganui River S.E. Gale .. i When crossing the bar the vessel struck, and failed to answer her helm, and it was found the rudder had been damaged, the rudderhead driven up, and that the vessel was making water. She w-as taken in tow- bythe lighter " Thistle," but foundered whilst being towed. The master was exonerated from any blame W. Martin. C. Faulkner. R. J. Hay. (James Holt. IF. T. Wendin. J. E. I. Johansen. A. J. Murray. J. Ryan. A. AV. McKellar. Aug. 7 12 9 4 General Coal .. 2 Frozen meat Collision; damage, £450 1 I W. E. Wahl strom. R. J. Fowler. Inveroargill, s.s., Schooner 123 32 years 7 Terawhiti, s.s., 10 Schooner 47 years Collision; no damage 7 ' 8 Ida, 33 years .. Ketch .. 25 Dorset, o.e.v., 34 Barge .. 41 years Foundered ; damage, £10 Foundered; total loss D. Bertie.



7—H. 15

Aug. 14 Hobsonville, o.e.v., Schooner 23 23 j-ears .ug. Schooner 23 Scl 23 I 2 i Drain- Stranded ; trifling pipes damage General Struck wharf; slight damage .. . Stranded ; total loss Phos- Stranded; slight phates damage General Stranded; total loss General Fire; damage, £15,000 General Foundered ; total loss Tar .. Stranded; total j loss Maloney Reef, Hauraki S.E. Gulf Dunedin .. .. S.S.W. ' Bar, Kuru River .. S.W. I Entrance, Bluff Har- E. bornGreymouth Bar .. E. Lat. 29° 23' S., long. 133° 13' W., and at Auckland 11 miles off Cape Fare- N. well Entrance, Wanganui S.E. River Strong.. The vessei stranded on the reef on a falling W. J. McMai tide, but floated off on the rise. The cause of the stranding was the strong S.E. wind, and might have been avoided had the master been on deck Light .. When vessel was swinging to get clear of Jas. Robinsi wharf her rudder struck a pile and was slightly damaged Fresh Stranded when crossing the bar, through error I. Vasta. breeze of judgment on part of signalman Moderate When entering the harbour the vessel grounded A. C. Reid. on a sand-bank, but was towed off on the rising tide, apparently undamaged Light .. The stranding of the vessel was wholly due E. A. Cox. to the parting of the steering-gear, the stretching-screw of the starboard steeringrod being defective, and parting whilst the vessel was crossing the bar. No blame could be attached to the master or any officer of the ship Fire originated in coal in starboard 'tween- G. T. Deith. deck bunker on 12th September, and was supposed to have been extinguished, but it broke out again after the vessel's arrival at Auckland on 22nd September, and was not got under before much damage was done — the vessel to the extent of £15,000 and the cargo £40,000. Fire supposed to have been caused by spontaneous combustion Light .. A terrific explosion took place in the after J. Jack, part of No. 1 lower fore hold of 'tween decks, which rent open the starboard side of the vessel abaft the fore hatch, and she immediately took a heavy list to starboard and sank within half an hour after the explosion took place. The Court was of opinion that the explosion was internal, and was due to the placing of a quantity of high explosive substance in the after hold, and that such act was deliberate and done with the intention of destroying the vessel and her crew. An enemy- mine-field has since been discovered in the vicinity, and in all probability the loss of the vessel was caused by her striking a mine Moderate When crossing the bar the vessel suddenly A. J. Holm, swerved and struck the south mole, thereafter drifting on to the south beach. The Court found that the sheering of the vessel was due to some fault in the steering not disclosed in the evidence, but for which the master must be held responsible, and he was ordered to pay- £20 towards the cost of the inquiry W. J. McManus anui „ 23 Kahika, s.s., 15 Schooner I 516 years Schooner . 516 Jas. Robinson. 19 „ 25 Jane, aux., 21 vears Cutter .. j 22 Sept. I Toromea, s.s., 12 Schooner \ 2,703 Cutter .. 22 I. Vasta. 4 Schooner 2,703 49 A. C. Reid. years „ 3 j Opouri, s.s., 6 3-ears Schooner j 218 Schooner i 218 17 E. A. Cox. ! \ G. T. Deith. ' Sept. 12 Westmoreland, s.s., Schooner 6,099 and 24 new 85 . • Sept. 18 Port Kembla, s.s., Schooner 2,990 7 years lept. 18 59 J. Jack. I 1 ,» 26 Eunice, aux., 15 years Schooner 129 10 I ! 1 J


Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department, etc.— continued.


Date oi Vessel's Name, Age. ' Casualty. I and Class. Rig. >- <a Number of ! Jo I Passen- | «H g | gers. Cargo. Nature of Casualty. j Number of Lives lost. Jf ves -St. Place oc^r2 SOatty — j ■ Findin § of Court of In< * Qiry ' Name 0f MaSter * Direction. Force. Place where Caa occurred. Wind. 'St. Direction. £ orce. Direction. Force. I l,i ' _l 1917. Sep. 28to Conarao, s.s., 14 Schooner 2,726 51 Oct. 26 vears Oct. 12 lhumata, s.s., 6 Schooner 680 24 years „ 18 Waireka, s.s., 7 Ferry-boat 72 5 years Nov. 2 Waitangi, s.s., 5 Schooner 31 6 years „ 14 I Zealandic, s.s., 6 Schooner , 5,172 87 years I „ 16 Inga, s.s., 13 years Schooner i 570 19 " „ 26 Laurel Whalen, I Schooner 1,049 16 aux., 1 year „ 26 Nikau, s.s., 8 years i Schooner 98 : 16 5 Oil .. Boiler defect; damage, £210 General Fire; damage, £100 .. _ . ... Stranded ; trifling damage . Stranded ; no damage General , Fire ; no damage Coal . . Stranded ; no damage Wheat .. Damaged rudder, ore. ; damage, £70 Loss of propellerblades Coal .. Stranded; total loss At sea .. .. .. .. During voyage from New York to Auckland | R. C. D. M. a small crack developed in the boiler Heddle. 2milesN.N.E. ofCaville' S.S.W. .. Fire occurred in fore hold; cause unknown, R. Matheson. Island but probably due to some explosive substance being purposely put into the vessel. Cargo considerably damaged Portobello, Otago Har- S.W. Heavy Vessel was struck by a heavy squall, and J. M. Eadie. bour squalls stranded on a sandy beach. She was hedged off at high water Otago Harbour .. S.W. Light .. Steering-gear jammed, and vessel grounded M. J. Haron a sand-bank, but floated off on rising tide greaves. Picton Wharf .. .. .. Coal in lower cross-bunker became heated, and A. E. Jackson. fire was discovered, but was extinguished in a few hours. Presumed spontaneous combustion Wanganui Bar .. E. Moderate Vessel grounded near south mole, but was J. H. Bull. towed off without damage Tasman Sea .. S.E. ] Gales .. When west of Wilson's Promontory a heavy H. Docherty. gale was encountered which split the sails; and when off Three Kings the wheel-ropes parted and the rudder was damaged : Between Nelson and .. .. Probably struck some floating object .. RJ. Hay. Motueka Torrent Bay, Nelson.. S. Light .. The vessel was proceeding from Puponga to Thos. Reeves. Motueka, when the wind changed, and she put into Torrent Bay for shelter, but when entering the bay she struck a rock and sank Clark's Creek, One- .. .. Vessel at moorings, and no one on board; cause J. C. Mclnnes. hunga of fire unknown Manukau Heads .. S.W. Strong.. When entering the heads the vessel stranded George Page. on the middle bank. The accident occurred through the beacons becoming suddenlyobscured by mist j Lat. 37' 3' S., long. E.S.E. j Gale .. The vessel encountered very heavy weather, '< J. Mcintosh. 163° 28' E. and was struck by a heavy sea on star- j board side, starting a number of .stanchions Wellington Harbour .. N.W. Light .. Fire was discovered in bunkers ; cause un- J. Buchanan. known : No. 6 Wharf, Lyttelton S. Moderate Vessel had discharged a cargo of oil and was J. -J. Bennett. loading with ballast, when an explosion took place and fire broke out in the hold. The I ballast with which the vessel was being loaded consisted of rock and clay, and a spark may have been struck by the falling stones which ignited oil-vapour and caused the fire Dec. 5 Kesult, 46 years.. Ketch .. 23 2 „ 6 Nautilus, o.e. v., 14 Launch 6 years ,, 8 Victory, aux., 14 Ketch .. 17 3 years ,, 10 Laura, 29 3-ears . . Barquen- 326 11 tine ,, 14 Boorara, s.s., 4 Schooner 4,083 59 vears „ 14 Amy Turner, 41 Barquen- 901 8 years tine Fire ; total loss .. i ; I Stranded; damage, £75 General Strained; damage, £700 General Fire ; no damage ■ . Ballast.. Fire .. ' "



Dec. 20 Wakatu, s.s., 38 Schooner 95 I 12 years Himitangi, s.s., 19 Schooner 149 : 16 years Ngahere, s.s., 10 Schooner 556 | 9 y-ears Port Hacking, s.s., [ Schooner 4,025 ' 60 17 y-ears Echo, aux., 12 Schooner 99 9 years Young Bungaree, Schooner 2 s.s., 35 years Simplon, s.s., 20 Schooner \ 69 10 years Huanui, aux., 8 Schooner j 59 5 years Putiki, s.s., 13 Schooner j 164 16 years Maori, t.s.s., 11 Schooner ■ 1,433 95 years Tainui, s.s., 9 years Schooner 6,297 160 Muriel, s.s., 11 Schooner 16 6 years Opawa, s.s., 30 Schooner 64 9 years Maritana, o.e.v., Ketch .. 6 3 31 years Hina, s.s., 57 years Cutter .. 47 7 Lily, 27 years .. Ketch .. 16 2 Wakatere, p.s., 22 Ferry-boat 32 | 29 years Riva, 11 years .. Ketch .. 93 j 7 General Collision: no damage Collision : no dam- I age j Coal . . Stranded ; no damage General Loss of rudder, &c; damage, £32,774 .. I General Fire ; slight damage Collision; trifling "1 damage Collision ; no dam- j : age Timber Dismasted : damage, £200 General Collision with wharf ; damage, £200 400 General Loss of propellerblades 6 General Fire ; no damage Loss of propeller ; I damage, £53 4 General Stranded ; no damage Stranded; total loss General Collision; trifling Timber damage to each ) General Accident to ma- ! chinery; damage, £150 Super- Leaking phosphates ., „ ,,., . r _.. , ,.- t. T . ,, f When approaching the wharf the " HimiWharf, LytfaJtoa -VE. Light I r '.t h - f M the stem of the I Harbour j ., ,. IhompOff Sinclair Head .. .. Calm .. Touched on the reef in foggy weather .. H. Dillner. Lat. 11° 7' S., long, j S.E. Gales .. In avoiding collision with a sailing-vessel the S. S. Cottell. 101" 44' W., and 31 c " Port Hacking " struck a shoal off C'hesa14' S.. 150 27' W. pcake Bay, U.S.A., but continued her voyage. When 1,600 miles out from the Panama Canal the rudder broke off, and she put into Callao for repairs, when it was found that tho .stern-frame and rudder-post were carried away. Temporary repairs were effected, and the vessel proceeded on her voyage, but, meeting w-ith heavy weather, the rudder again carried away. After further repairs she reached Auckland on 12th March, and was docked for complete repair Port Almriri .. .. ' Calm .. The fire was apparently caused by ignition of B. M. Carpenter. fumes from benzine cargo f Thos. Scott. Fitzroy Wharf, Auck- .. Calm .. When the trawler " Simplon " was berthing < land Harbour she bumped into the " Young Bungaree " Frelland. Lat. 41 = 23' S., long. S.E. Strong.. The vessel was labouring heavily, and the C.Anderson. 174 20' E. foremast carried away I No. 4 Wharf, Lyttelton .. Calm .. When approaching wharf the vessel refused A. Robertson. to answer her helm, and struck the wharf heavily Off Pencarrow Head.. N.W. Light .. Blades of centre propeller were thrown off .. W. Manning. Off Banks Peninsula.. N. Light .. Fire was discovered in No. 4 hold at 3.30 R. A. Kelly. a.m., but was extinguished by 12.30 p.m. Cause of fire unknown, but incendiarism is suspected Hauraki Gulf .. E. Fresh The tail-shaft broke and the propeller dropped R. Nixon. breeze off Bar, Wairau River .. I E. Light .. Caused by the leading beacons being obscured W. Nicholas. by smoke from bush-fires Off entrance, Croixelles .. Calm .. Struck a submerged rock whilst engaged fish- R. J. Ricketts. ing, and sank . „. .- . Q „, ,. u ( The vessels met at a narrow bend in the A. E. Burt. Aorere River,-Nelson S.W. Light | river and a slight collision occnrred W. Westrupp. No. 4 Jetty, Auckland E.N.E. Light .. The low-pressure valve-cover blew off, carry- Win, Sullivan. Harbour ing away part of the valve-chest | Lat. 33 c 28' S., long, i W. Gale .. Caulking squeezed out through vessel labour- Wm. Champion. 103 c 31' E. ing in heavy weather „ 20 „ 23 1917-18. Dec. to Feb. 1918. Jan. 11 » 14 „ 14 ,. 19 „ 23 „ 28 „ 28 „ 31 Feb. 5 „ 13 „ 13 b 13 „ 14 „ 15



Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department, etc.— continued.

Date of Vessel's Name, Age, Casualty. and class - Rig .- to | g 1 Number of 35 g gers. j Cargo. Nature of Casualty. Number of Lives lost. Place where Casualty occurred. Wind. Finding of Court of Inquiry. : Name of Master. Direction. Force. - I " 1918. Feb. 16 Tainui, s.s., 15 years „ 22 Huia, s.s., 40 years Mar. 3 i Kennedy, s.s., 53 y-ears „ 6 Kiritona, aux., 9 years „ 15 Kapua, 6 years .. 19 Bulli, s.s., 13 years „ 19 Ngatoro, s.s., 8 years 19 Lena Gladys, 8 years „ 19 Onerahi, 6 years Schooner , 60 8 Schooner 69 3 Schooner 131 15 Ketch .. 75 9 Ketch ... 18 4 Launch 29 .. Schooner 583 22 Ketch .. 24 Ketch .. 25 Ketch .. 42 Ketch .. 22 4 Schooner 87 14 Ketch .. 85 5 20 Benzine Timber General Coal . . I Loss of propeller.. Explosion; no damage Stranded ; no damage Fire ; trifling damage Stranded; slight damage Stranded; damage, £75 Steam - pipe cracked Stranded; slight damage Stranded; slight damage Stranded; damage, £400 Foundered ; total loss Stranded ; damage, £25 General damage, £200 4 miles S. of Wanganui W. Moderate The propeller struck some object and broke off Heads Wharf, Wellington Har- W. i Light .. Fumes ignited and caused explosion in No. 2 bour hold Entrance, Motueka Har- S.E. Strong.. Vessel ran on a sand-bank but floated off on bour discharge of cargo Napier Harbour .. S.E. Light .. ' Benzine-fumes ignited by naked lamp carried by chief engineer Bark Bay Reef, Tas- .. Calm .. The stranding was due to carelessness on the man Bay part of the man who was in charge at the time, and who was unqualified. She was towed into Tonga Bay by s.s. " Hina," and beached Auckland Harbour .. E. Strong .. The vessel broke from her moorings, and was driven against some punts 2 miles N. of Westport S.W. Gale .. The main steam-pipe cracked owing to heavy straining Auckland Harbour .. E. Gale .. Vessel dragged her anchors and bumped into timber-booms Auckland Harbour .. E. Gale .. Vessel dragged her anchors and bumped into timber-booms Auckland Harbour .. E. Gale .. Dragged her anchors and bumped up against a punt ashore, her stern being carried away Queen Charlotte Sound .. Calm . . Struck some floating object, probably a log ; filled and sank Whakatane Heads .. E. Light .. When coming through the heads the tide caught the vessel on the port bow and carried her on to the rocks, damaging her forefoot 7 miles E. of Point E.S.E. Gale .. Owing to loss of rudder, caused by heavy Rodney, Hauraki seas, the vessel became unmanageable, and Gulf sails and rigging were damaged D. Bonner. J. W. Crotty. A. J. Henry. C. Perriam. P. Johnson. A. T. Dowell. F. Kasper. S. Satre. A. E. Ragg. J. E. T r e g er then. C. Faulkner. W. J. Paine. „ 19 Huon Belle, 54 years „ 26 Elsie, s.s., 11 years ,, 27 Tasman, s.s., 14 y-ears ,, 28 Coronation, 16 years



Summary of Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1918.

Casualties on or near the Coasts of the Dominion. Casualties outside the Dominion. Nature of Casualty. St teamers ■s. Sailing-vessels. Total within Dominion. St teamers. Sailii ng-ve sssels. Total outside ftuoml Dominion. Casual of Casualties reported. of .Hies rep< >orted. Steamers. Steamers. Sailing-vessels. —h— r- — 3T £3 o CO • CD <E ■ -n DC • ' m _' l_ ■ — _" tD . D0 .^ O _> G £ £ O© O tc - o CD O m to 2 I | II E- J n_, EG i O 'Ji Zi<? CO cd C _. O to 0*3 aS °— O to Ox £ O to ow I.? § x& k* > & r-1 33 3 o Eh 32 O _ Strandings — Total wrecks Partial loss Slight damage No damage 4 I 3 5 5 375 | .. 125 ; .. 2,908 1,352 1 1 3 23 .. 5 I 42 .. 4 67 .. 8 5 132 .. 22 398 167 2,975 1,352 1 1,370 .. 1 1,370i 1,370 •• 5 ! 5 8 ! 398 I .. 1,537 I .. 2,975 1,352 6,262 I .. 63 | .. 160 I .. .. : .. .. ... i .. i Total strandings 17 i 4,760 » 4,892 I .. 1 I 1,370 .. 1 I 1,370 1,370 I - 23 Foundered — Total loss Partial loss i 2 63 .. 112 .. " 2 .— 2 48] 3 48 .. 5 63 .. 160 i I .. .. I .. .. " i " : 2 j 3 l Total foundered ! 223 3 175 2 5 ! 223 i .. 213 407 332 •• " Collisions — Partial loss Slight damage No damage : 2 6 4 213 407 332 .. .. .. 6 213 407 332 • • •• 2 6 4 .... j .. .. .. - ■■ ! Total collisions.. 952 | .. } | j i i 1 [ I i i ! ~i7| 12 12 952 ■• ■■ FiresTotal loss Partial loss Slight damage No damage . i _ j " ! 6 ; 13,579 174 I 15,552 29,311 1 4 2 3 6 I .. 6,932 j .. 174 | .. 15,552 22,664 1 1 901 .. 5 2 3 901 .. 11 6 7,833 174 15,552 "l 5,746 V. 1 5,746 5,746 .. .. •■ I i 1 I 6 I 2 j 3 i Total fires 10 1 23,565 1 5,746 .. 1 ; 5,746 5,746 : 12 • • — ! Miscellaneous, including damage by heavy seas to hull and cargo, loss of masts, sails, &c, and breakdown of machinery 20 J 10,147 j .. 1 -J 85} .. 211 10,232 j .. 7 11,300 .. I 7 11,300 28 21,532 | I I I I I I Total casualties to shipping 62 9 18,416 .. j 9 18,416 1 326 38,698 1,166 71 ! 39,864 _^_!_ .. 80 58,280 Loss of life only 1 9 18,416 1 326 1 .. 326 1 ■ 1 | 1 326 1 Total number of casualties reported 62 38,698 1,166 71 39,864 1 10 |18,742 8l| 58,606 ) 1


Return of Accidents to Seamen and Others on board Ship reported to the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1918.


Date of Accident. Name of Vessel and Port of Registry. Name of Person injured. Nature of Injury: Fatal or otherwise. Place where Accident occurred. Particulars as to Accident and its Cause, and Verdict of Jury where Coroner's Inquest held. 1916. Dec. 12 , Tainui, London 1917. " Feb. 2 Maori, London ,, 2 : Waihora, London .. „ 2 j Southern Cross. London ,, 12 Moeraki, London .. ,, 25 i Rosamond, Dunedin Mar. 3 Maori, London ,, 3 Ngatiawa, Auckland „ 3 j Waipu, Auckland .. ,, 3 Wakatere, Auckland ,, 7 Wairoa, Auckland.. ,, 15 Kahu, Napier ,, 17 Rakanoa, Dunedin „ 18 Moana, London „ 23 i Waiotahi, Auckland „ 20 Putiki, Wellington ,, 23 I Mapourika, Dunedin „ 19 Manuka, London . . „ 22 ' Wakatu, Wellington ,, 27 I Manuka, London .. „ 30 ■ Maori, London Apl. 4 Pateena, Dunedin . . „ 17 Makura, London .. ,, 4 , Manaia, Auckland.. „ 11 Maori, London ,, 16 | Maori, London ,, 15 ! Rosamond, Dunedin „ 24 j Paloona, Dunedin.. May 5 Kaituna, Dunedin.. ,, 10 Kaeo, Auckland .. ,, 5 ! Pateena, Dunedin. . ,, 15 Kamo, Dunedin .. ,, 4 j Komata, Dunedin.. „ 5 | Moeraki, London .. ,, 10 I Mararoa, Dunedin.. „ 23 Mararoa, Dunedin.. ,, 12 Ngatoro, Wellington „ 8 Mapourika, Dunedin „ 29 Kowhai, Dunedin .. „ 25 | Himitangi, Wellington „ 12 | Kahu, Napier „ 18 i Kotonui, Auckland ,, 8 Manaia, Auckland.. ,, 10 I Manaia, Auckland.. „ 9 \ Mako, Napier .. G. Olsson, A.B. .. .. j Kay r anagh, —, trimmer .. I Smith, B., fireman Wilson, W. W., 3rd engineer .. [ McKenzie, D., trimmer .. I McDonald, X., fireman Lopez, M., fireman .. St. Clair, J., A.B. Morman, L. S., fireman .. j Angus, G.. O.S. Carmichael, A., greaser Travis, A., purser .. j Murray, W., fireman King, C., boyCross, J., A.B. .. Fittes, C, A.B. .. .. ! O'Connor, J., greaser Thompson, W., trimmer .. Larsen, C. S., mate Grant, J., fireman .. ! Nixon, A., trimmer .. ; W T hitecross, A., 3rd cook .. .. j Treacher, H., trimmer Marsden, W., greaser Morrigan, N., A.B. Carter, A., fireman .. j Joyce, J., A.B. Bailey, W. F., doctor .. ; Redmond, F., cook .. I Owler, J., cook .. .. I Pollard, J., trimmer ... ] Johanson, A., fireman .. I McLean, J. A., A.B. Hartnell, R., trimmer Powell, H., fireman .. ! Newell, R., fireman McGregor, J., A.B. .. i Austin, H., cook .. ; Perry, F. C, A.B. Johnstone. D., A.B. .. Vanderfech, W., A.B. .. Quirk, W., A.B. Robinson, E., A.B. Cook, F., fireman .. | Fleetyvood, H., cook Concussion Scalded Burnt face Scalded Injured knee Injured foot Burnt arm Injured hand .. j Injured finger Ricked back .. I Injured fingers Injured arm Injured testicles .. j Fractured arm and ribs Burnt arm .. .. I Injured shoulder .. ! Broken arm Injured back .. : Injured knee .. j Injured leg.. .. i Strained back Injured finger . . ; Injured foot .. ; Injured knee .. I Injured arm and wrist .. ' Injured back .. j Injured shoulder .. ! Injured foot Injured hand Concussion of brain .. Injured ribs Sprained wrist .. I Strained back .. j Strained back .. I Burnt hand Strained shoulder .. j Injured knee .. ' Strained back Sprained knee Injured band Injured finger .. j Injured thumb .. | Fractured ribs .. : Injured foot .. i Cut thumb Hobart At sea At sea Auckland At sea .. [ At sea .. ' Lyttelton Auckland At sea .. I At sea At sea .. i Tokomaru BayAuckland At sea At sea Wanganui Greymouth .. At sea Kaikoura At sea At sea At sea At sea At sea Lyttelton At sea Greymouth .. Rarotonga .. At sea At sea At sea At sea Westport At sea At sea At sea Napier Nelson Greymouth .. .. Lyttelton .. Tauranga At sea At sea At sea ... At sea Fell on deck. Slipped while carrying boiling water. Fires blew out. Steam-valve blew out. Fell in bunkers. .. I Fell down companion-way. .. j While cleaning tubes. .. I While discharging cargo. While greasing engines. Fell in alleyway. Fingers caught in machinery-. Fell between ship and wharf. .. Fell off plank. Fell doyvn fore hold. Fell on winch. While yvorking on ship. While at boat drill. Fell in stokehold. Struck by sling of cargo. Fell in stokehold. While trimming coal. Lid of a chest fell on finger. Struck foot in engine-room. While working in engine-room. While yvorking winch. Slipped and fell in stokehold. Slipped on deck. Foot caught betyveen launch and ship. Lid of box fell on hand. Struck by boom. While dumping ashes. .. | Slipped on deck. .. I While working gangway. .. j While yvorking coal. .. j While w-orking fires. .. | Slipped in stokehold. .. | Struck by mooring-chain. .. j While lifting meat. .. j Fell down hatchway. Caught in winch. Bundle of plates fell on finger. Thumb caught in rigging. .. | Slipped on deck. .. i Slipped in stokehold. .. i While chopping bones.



May 21 ; Oneroa, Auckland.. „ 20 ! Arahura, Dunedin.. „ 25 Greyhound, Auckland „ 28 Te Anau, Dunedin ,, 27 ' Manaia, Auckland.. ,, 28 ! Te Anau, Dunedin „ 28 Te Anau, Dunedin „ 19: Kaiapoi, Dunedin.. „ 29 I Maori, Dunedin June 3 Mararoa, Dunedin.. ,, 1 Maori, London ,, 3 Te Anau, Dunedin ,, 11 Karamu, Dunedin.. „ 28 j Kennedy, Nelson .. ,, 21 : Te Anau, Dunedin ,, 17 Waitangi, Auckland „ 27 Flora, Hobart „ 1 Alert, Auckland .. ,, 8 Maui, Auckland .. „ 17 Moeraki, London .. ,, 14 Paloona, Dunedin.. July 7 Daphne, Auckland „ 26 Wootton, Lyttelton ,, 2 Karamu, Dunedin,. ,, 2 Canopus, Dunedin.. ,, 16 Talune, Hobart „ 5 Herald (scow), Auckland „ 30 Flora, Hobart- „ 27 Kia Ora, Southampton „ 31 Kini, Dunedin „ 27 Maori, London ,, 14 Opawa, Wellington ,, 16 Kauri, Dunedin ,, 24 : Waverly, Welhngton „ 19 Kennedy, Wellington ,, 20 Mararoa, Dunedin. . „ 23 Breeze, Lyttelton .. „ 28 Mararoa, Dunedin.. ,, 6 Moana, Dunedin .. ,, 20 Kaitangata, Dunedin ,, 25 Westralia, Melbourne Aug. 28 Kini, Dunedin ,, 8 Kowhai, Dunedin .. ,, 6 Mapourika, Dunedin ,, 29 Kaitoa, Nelson ,, 28 Opouri, Lyttelton .. ,, 25 : Monowai, Dunedin ,, 17 Mapourika, Dunedin „ 7 Defender, Sydney .. „ 10 Ngapuhi, Auckland ,, 27 Daphne, Auckland ,, 28 Greyhound, Auckland Langdon, —, A.B. .. I Hucker, H., trimmer .. | Rata, P., A.B. Donnelly, M., fireman Hopkins, J., 2nd mate Young, W., greaser McDonald, A., greaser Hurley, J., fireman Sowden, P., 3rd cook Fuller, R., steyvard Elton, W-, fireman Gilray, A., trimmer Brennan, J., A.B. .. ! Rankin, J., cook and steward .. I Houghton, R., 3rd engineer .. [ Nicholas, C, Cook .. ; Staladi, M. C, fireman Granman, G., A.B. Bremer, A. H., cook Williams, P., 5th engineer.. Gunn, R., 3rd engineer .. Driffill, C, A.B. .. .. Whalen, G., A.B. Botting, C, 3rd engineer .. Innes, J., fireman Turner, i ., donkeyman .. Sarin, J., A.B. .. i Longley, A. G., fireman .. I Hoffman, F.. trimmer .. Miles, T., cook .. .. Bone, A., O.S. .. .. Smith, J., A.B. Dunn, J., fireman .. McPherson. D., A. B. .. Brien, P., A. B. .. .. Newell, —, fireman Ulrich, W., 3rd engineer .. .. Hargen, W., A.B. Kerwan, F. Z., butcher .. Walsh, W., O.S. .. .. | Glantry, P., trimmer CuchuveUi, —, A.B. Sands, C, fireman Murray, T., scullion .. Retter, G. P., mate Mahomet Ali, cook Haylor, W., steyvard Denham, H., fireman .. i Peterson, F. L., chief engineer Lowe, J., chief steward .. | Anham, J., fireman .. | Anderson, C, A.B. Injured knee Cut toe Bruised face Fatally burnt Sprained ankle Burns Burns .. Cut head Injured arm Injured hand Injured leg Burnt arm Injured back Injured back Burnt face and arm .. Bruised shoulder Ricked back Fractured arm Fractured arm Injured fingers Injured knee Injured thumb Injured head Contusion of eye Crushed finger Injured testicles Injured back Strained back Broken neck (fatal) .. Scalded eye Injured finger Injured back Injured ribs Ricked back Bruised back and ribs Injured knee Burnt face and arm . . Crushed finger .. I Injured leg.. Injured finger Injured knee Cut hand .. Scalded Injured hip.. Injured shoulder Burnt arm Sprained ankle Burnt face and hands Poisoned finger Severe shaking Injured foot Bruised ribs .. I Auckland .. .. While yvorking cargo. Napier .. .. By broken glass through explosion of gasohni Hokianga Bar .. Fell on deck. Napier .. .. Through fire in forecastle. Oneraki .. .. While unloading cargo. Napier .. ... By fire on ship. Napier .. .. I By fire on ship. At sea .. .. | Fall in stokehold. Lyttelton .. .. j Fell down ladder yvhile carrying meat. Lyttelton .. .. Case fell on hand. At sea .. .. While yvorking fires. Napier .. .. By fire in forecastle. .. At sea .. .. Struck and knocked down by- heavy sea. .. At sea .. .. Fell on deck. Auckland .. .. While yvorking in engine-room. At sea .. .. Fell on deck. At sea .. .. Fell in bathroom. At sea .. .. While lowering centreboard. Gisborne .. .. While getting coal for galley. At sea .. .. While working in engine-room. .. At sea .. .. While working in engine-room. .. I Chelsea .. .. Thumb jammed in chain-sling. .. j Lyttelton .. .. Kicked by beast when discharging cattle. .. I At sea .. .. While working in engine-room. At sea .. .. While closing skylight. .. I At sea .. .. While slicing fires. .. : At sea .. .. While working on ship. .. ; Auckland .. .. While lifting machinery. .. I Lyttelton, No. 7 Jetty Fell off gangway while boarding vessel. .. i At sea .. .. While working in galley. .. 1 Lyttelton .. .. Finger pierced yvith wire. .. I Wellington .. .. Fell against, hatch. Wellington .. .. Fell on deck. Wellington .. .. Fell on deck. Welhngton .. .. Fell down hold. Wellington .. .. Slipped while attending ventilators. Wellington .. .. Through explosion. Wellington .. .. While lowering derrick. .. : At sea .. .. Block of ice fell on leg. .. ; Auckland .. .. While shifting beam. At sea .. .. While working in stokehold. .. j Westport .. .. Hand cut with chisel. At sea .. .. Scalded yvith steam from boilers. Wellington .. .. Fell on deck. Motueka .. .. While loading cargo. .. j Lyttelton .. .. Burnt in galley. Auckland .. .. Slipped on gangway. .. . At sea .. .. While working in stokehold. Wellington .. .. While working in engine-room. .. ; Auckland .. .. Fell down lazarette hatch. At sea .. .. Fell while carrying coal. Auckland .. .. Fell yvhile boarding ship.


Return of Accidents to Seamen and Others on board Ship reported to the Marine Department, etc.— continued.


Date of Accident. Name of Vessel and Port of Registry. Name of Person injured. Naure of Injury; Fatal or otherwise. Place where Accident occurred. Particulars as to Occident and its Cause, and Verdict of Jury where Coroner's Inquest held. 1917. | Aug. 7 Maori, London „ 14 Maori, London ,, 20 Hurunui, London .. ,, 9 Kapua (scow), Auckland Sept. 1 Kaitangata, Dunedin ,, 4 Mararoa, Dunedin.. ,, 11 : Mapourika, Dunedin ,, 1 Mararoa, Dunedin.. „ 1 Kennedy, Nelson .. ,, 8 Monowai, Dunedin ,, 20 Maori, London ,, 1 ; Kakapo, Dunedin .. „ 19 I Kittawa, Dunedin.. „ 12 Tarawera, Dunedin „ 14 Rarawa, Auckland „ 22 Dandy (scow), Auckland ,, 18 Clio (scow), Auckland „ 28 Zelandic, Liverpool ,, 13 Maori, London „ 3 Baden PoweU, Auckland Oct. 2 Kamo, Dunedin „ 6 | Karori, Dunedin .. ,, 6 ! Waimarie, Auckland „ 10 ; Te Anau, Dunedin.. „ 10 ' Tahiti, London ,, 24 I Kamo, Dunedin ,, 1 I Huia, Wellington .. ,, 10 Kini, Dunedin „ 19 Canopus, Dunedin.. „ 17 Ruapehu, London.. 3 Fairburn (O.E.V.), Auckland „ 31 Gael, Auckland .. ,, 10 Wanaka, Dunedin.. ,, 31 Rosamond, Dunedin ,, 2 Mapourika, Dunedin „ 26 Rakanoa, Dunedin Nov. 11 Moeraki, London .. ,, 2 Apanui, Auckland.. ,, 15 Opayva, WeUington „ 15 Cygnet, Lyttelton .. ,, 15 Maori, London „ 23 Mapourika, Dunedin ,, 16 Alert (scow), Auckland ,, 14 Waimarie, Auckland ,, 11 Taniwha, Auckland „ 22 Aupouri, Auckland Ritchie, Mrs., stewardess .. Yarrow, R., butcher McPherson, A., fireman Hansen, A., A.B... .. Olson, G., A.B. McLure, J., fireman Slip, R. G., fireman .. Warcup, J., A.B. Strong, C., fireman Maiden, S., fireman Downes, H., stew-ard Smith, T., fireman Edgeworth, R., donkeyman Robertson, T., cook Ramsay, G., fireman .. Omholdt, K., A.B. .. Kneller, W., A.B. Brown, F. A., steward Archer, J. T., steward .. Golder, H., A.B. .. .. BickneU, S., A.B.. . .. Sutherland, A. T., O.S. .'. Muir, C, fireman.. .. Freland, J., A.B... Bremen, J., fireman Hurley, J., fireman .. Parker, W., A.B... St. Clair, —, donkeyman .. .. Nilson, E., A.B. .. .. Shee, A..A.B. .. .. McDonald, D., A. B. Sowman, C, A.B. Haughey, J., cook Laughlan, J., O.S. Greenshields, T., trimmer .. Orme, W., greaser Quinn, D., scullion Breen, J., A.B. Guev, W., fireman .. Black, F. J., cook Spencer, H., trimmer Binns, C. E., assistant steward Swanson, H., A.B. Wangford, W., fireman Briggs, L., winch boy Robinson, E., A.B. Sprained wrist Injured groin Injured head Drowned ; fatal Injured head Injured thigh Strained back Severe shaking Jarred thumb Injured foot Septic elboyv Fractured ribs Broken w-rist Injured knee Injured back Cut hand Bruised knee Injured knee Rupture Injured hand Injured head Sprained ankle Crushed finger Bruised knee Injured shoulder Crushed thumb Strained leg Injured fingers Crushed finger Bullet wound in thigh Injured eye Fractured thumb Injured leg Broken and festered finger Injured knee Injured yvrist Injured hand Injured head Injured finger Fractured ribs Injured shoulder Sprained ankle Injured wrist Strained back Lacerated hands Fractured rib At sea At sea Wellington .. Ketu Bay Wellington .. At sea Nelson Wellington .. At sea At sea .. ; Wellington .. .. At sea .. i Lyttelton At sea .. I Neyv Plymouth .. i Ngunguru .. i Auckland Auckland .. i Lyttelton Auckland .. : Wellington .. At sea Kopu Napier .. i Dunedin .. ; Westport .. | Wellington .. .. ] Auckland Westport .. : Welhngton .. Auckland Auckland At sea At sea At sea .. At sea Wellington .. Auckland At sea At sea Lyttelton At sea Auckland .. I At sea .. | Auckland Auckland Fell down companionyvay. Fell doyy-n ladder. Fell off gangway. Fell oy-erboard and yvas drowned. ., Struck head on gangyvay. Struck on right leg. While yvorking in hold. .. | While at boat-drill. While on watch. While working in engine-room. Fell w-hile carrying stores. Fell in stokehold. .. | Fell from ladder. .. | Fell on bunker manhole. .. I Slipped on deck. Hand cut with wire rope. Struck yvith bag of lime. While carrying case. Ruptured yvhile carrying luggage. Injured hand yvhile at boat-drill. While working cargo. FeU from bridge-deck. .. I Finger caught between quadrant and starting-gear. While mooring ship. Fell in stokehold. .. j Thumb caught in winch. While working cargo. Fingers caught in feed pump. Hatch fell on finger. Owing to boy playing yvith revolver. .. I Struck with chain sling. .. | Jammed yy-ith anchor fall. Slipped on deck. .. | Broken whilst at work. .. ' Slipped in stokehold. While oiling pump. .. | Injury received while opening port. Struck on head with sling of timber. Finger caught in engine. Knocked doyvn by- sea. Fell in forecastle. Fell on deck. C-aused by scratch. .. ' While discharging ashes. Caused by ragged wire rope. .. I Fell off end of yvharf.



B—H. 15.

Nov. 10 i Orepuki, Lyttelton ;, 13 Orepuki, Lyttelton „ 18 Waitomo, London ,, 7 Corinna, Launoeston ,, 23 Karamea, Southampton „ 10 i Manaia, Auckland.. „ 29 Waipori, Dunedin .. Dec. 1 : Navua, London „ 16 Kaituna, Dunedin.. „ 2 Talune, Dunedin .. „ 25 Arahura, Dunedin.. „ 23 Arahura, Dunedin.. ,, 18 Kotiti, Auckland .. „ 12 Niagara, London .. ,, 27 Te Dunedin „ 13 Moeraki, London .. „ 20 Huia, Wellington .. „ 13 Wakatu, Wellington ,, 24 Karu, Dunedin „ 15 Ripple, Napier „ 14 Maori, London „ 17 Hororata, London.. 1918 Jan. 10 | Himitangi, Wellington „ 18 | Te Anau, Dunedin „ 1 Ngatoro, Wellington „ 10 Monoyvai, Dunedin „ 17 Koromiko, Dunedin „ 5 j Ripple, Napier „ 22 I Maori, Dunedin „ 26 ! Flora, Hobart „ 25 Regulus, Nelson .. „ 1 Waimea, Nelson .. „ 24 Wakatere, Auckland Feb. 6 Pateena, Dunedin .. „ 4 Maori, London ,, 2 Monowai, Dunedin „ 2 I Echo, Napier ,, 2 Hayviti, Auckland .. ,, 2 Ngatiawa, Auckland ,, 6 Manaia, Auckland.. „ 15 j Rangi (scow), Dunedin „ 23 : Kiatia, Auckland .. „ 16 Taniwah, Auckland „ 15 | Flora, Hobart „ 20 ; Aupoure, Auckland „ 15 ! Whangape, Dunedin „ 19 Endeavour, Auckland „ 7 : Maori, London „ 16 Kowhai, Dunedin .. „ 20 ; .kokiri, Dunedin .. „ 24 j Maori, London Nielsen, G, A.B. .. .. Hughes, T., A.B. Branekee, W., A.B. .. I Beattie. J., fireman .. Vidler, W. T., boatswain .. Howe, F., fireman Burns, R., ftreman Mayers, W., fireman Tomlinson, —, A.B. Martin, P., fireman Cousins, J., 3rd cook .. Bartlett. F, A.B. .. Perrot, D., A.B. .. Hurley, H. W., 3rd mate .. Stanley-, —, fireman RUey, C, fireman Messenger, H., A.B. .. ; Hansen, A., A.B. .. i Peder; en, P., fireman .. . .. I Klemets, A., A.B. .. I Keys, L. G., steward Francy, R., fireman .. Walen, L., A.B. Cowan, J., A.B. .. .. GiUander, L., A.B. Kilworth, L., trimmer Carmichael, J. S., steward Jackson, H., cook WilUams, T., trimmer .. Coates, J. C, A.B. .. Berry, A. H., A.B. Britton, J., steward Wiseman, G., A.B. Galland, F., trimmer Keys, L. G., steward Jackson, G., fireman .. Berling, 0., A.B... • .. Watts, W., A.B. Harrison, G., boy .. Robertson, G., O.S. Hansen, G, A.B... .. White, W., A.B. Hungerford, B., boy Cleary, G, 3rd engineer .. : Sussex, G., greaser .. j Middleton, M., A.B. .. j Lynne, A., A.B. Layburice, R., fireman .. i Carter, A., fireman .. : Connelly, T., fireman Henderson, R., cook .. i Broken ribs .. j Fractured collarbone .. i Injured foot .. I Broken ankle Injured hip Body strained Ricked back .. | Burnt arm Bruised leg Injured leg Cut hand Injured back .. | Injured thigh .. 1 Injured hand .. i Injured back .. I Injured wrist .. ! Injured foot Broken rib Crushed toe Broken finger Strained Injured knee Injured ankle Injured back Sprained ankle Scalded Injured fingers .. j Injured leg .. : Injured foot .. I Cut hand .. Sprained ankle Fractured leg Strained wrist (right) Injured thumb Strained .. [ Ricked back .. | Ricked hip .. i Bruised leg .. ; Injured groin .. I Crushed finger Broken arm (right) .. .. j Injured hand .. I Poisoned hand .. i Strained .. j Bruised foot .. I Bruised shoulder .. : Injured knee .. ! Injured back .. | Strained back .. ! Strained back Poisoned hand Greymouth .. At sea At sea At sea Oamaru At sea Westport At sea At sea At sea At sea At sea Auckland At sea .. ; At sea .. At sea .. ! Wellington .. Kaikoura Wellington .. .. ' Napier .. At sea .. I Auckland .. : Chatham Islands Wellington .. Pigeon Bay .. .. ; Wellington .. Lyttelton At sea At sea Auckland Nelson At sea At sea At sea At sea At sea .. : Napier .. ! Auckland .. ] Auckland .. At sea Auckland Auckland Auckland At sea At sea .. At sea .. ; At sea .. [ At sea .. | At sea .. j Westport .. I At sea Hit by yvire guy. FeU on deck. FeU on deck. Slipped on deck. While working cargo. While lifting skylight. While attending to fires. Caused by fires blowing back. Slipped on deck. Fell in stokehold. .. | While cutting meat. .. ■ | FeU down ladder. .. | While loading cargo. .. j SUpped on bridge. .. ' Fell in stokehold. .. : While working in stokehold. While working cargo. .. j Fell off hatch. While working at engines. .. | While working cargo. .. i While carrying luggage. .. | FeU on deck. .. i While working cargo. While yvorking cargo. .. | Slipped on gangway. .. I W T hile carrying bucket of water. .. j FeU, cutting fingers. Fell when leaving galley. .. | Wliile cleaning boiler tubes. .. I While working cargo. While on duty. SUpped on deck yvhile leaving gaUey. .. I While discharging baUast. While working engine- pump. While carrying luggage. .. j While working in stokehold. .. ! WMle working cargo. .. j While working winch. FeU down bunker when coaling ship. .. I While clearing decks. Slipped on iron girder yvhile carrying wood. While working cargo. While cleaning brass. While yvorking on winch. .. ! While yvorking in stokehold. Fell on deck. Fell down ladder. Fell down ladder. While discharging ashes. While working in stokehold. Hand injured while cutting meat.



Return of Accidents to Seamen and Others on board Ship reported to the Marine Department, etc.— continued.

„ . J Date of Accident. - Name of Vessel and Port of Registry. Name of Person injured. Nature of Injury: Fatal or otherwise. Place where Accident occurred. Particulars as to Accident and its Cause, and Verdict of Jury where Coroner's Inquest held. 1918. Feb. 9 4 ,. 21 9 Mar. 10 „ 16 7 „ 10 „ 2 „ 11 „ 22 „ 13 „ 14 ,, 24 „ 23 3 „ 16 5 „ 27 „ 31 Tofua, London Kini, Dunedin Pelican, Auckland.. Tofua, London Kahika, Dunedin .. Arahura, Dunedin.. Oupoure, Auckland Manuka, London Mana, Wellington .. Komata, Dunedin.. Kaitoa, Nelson Himitangi, WeUington Rarawa, Auokland Aupouri, Auckland Kaitangata, Dunedin Ngatiawa, Auckland Monowai, Dunedin Kahika, Dunedin .. Kakapo, Dunedin Kahu, Napier Coleman, W., A.B. .. .. Injured hand Burgeman, C, A.B. .. .. Crushed finger Davies, G, A.B. .. .. .. Injured hand Hornbrook, E., greaser .. .. Injured hand DriscoU, J., donkeyman .. .. Injured finger .. Clark, J., A.B. .. .. .. Twisted back Caplin, S., boy .. .. .. Injured hand Clark, J., trimmer .. .. Strained back Howard, J., A.B. .. .. Injured leg and body Humphries, J., A.B. .. .. Thumb smashed Wilson, J., fireman .. .. Strained shoulder and side Borman, S., fireman ... .. Injured hand Meiklejohn, N., assistant steward .. Injured head and face Pearce, W., fireman .. .. Injured hand .. Kennedy, A., A.B. .. .. Hip-joint injured Vasey, G. J., fireman .. .. Strained back Horris, T., fireman .. .. i Injured back Slater, W., A.B. .. .. ... Crushed finger Cowan, H., cook .. .. I Body scalded Johansson, 0., A.B. .. ...I Strained stomach I - .. I Dunedin .. i Westport .. t Bay .. j At sea .. j At sea .. At sea .. i Auckland .. At sea .. | WeUington .. .. ! WeUington .. .. ! WeUington .. .. | At sea .. I At sea .. I At sea .. j At sea .. j Auckland .. j Dunedin .. | Dunedin . . j At sea .. At sea While working cargo. .. Finger caught between rope and winch barrel. .. j Result of jar. .. ] Three fingers (1st, 2nd, and 3rd), right hand, severed; jammed in eccentric strap. .. I Third finger, right hand, cut off yvhile feeling engines. .. i While working cargo. .. i Hand jammed in saloon-door. .. I While trimming coal in hold. While going up bridge-ladder handrail broke. While removing hatch fore and after. .. : While working in stokehold. .. I While feeling bottom end of engines. .. ] Saloon -skylight feU while being cleaned. Hand burned yvhile cleaning fires. Fell down fore peak hatch. .. | While at work. .. i SUpped on crosshead. .. i Ash shoot fell on finger. Working in gaUey. .. '> Lifting bag of coal.



Return showing amounts paid to sick and Disabled Seamen under Section 6 of the Shipping and Seamen Amendment Act, 1911, for the Year ended 31st March, 1918.

Name of Seaman. Nime of Vessel. Nature of Injury or Illness. Amount paid in Wages, Maintenance, &c. Fitles, C. Nixon, A. Whitccross, A. Kavanagh, P. McKenzie, D. Carrol, H. Findlay, R. Putkonen, W. Olsen, G. Shorwin, S. W. . . Lopez, M. Cairns, W. A. Thompson, W. Larsen, G. S. Fuller, G. R. Boys, E. Watts, H. Wilson, W. W. St. Clair, Y. Morman, T. L. Linton, G. Gilmour, J. Lindberg, R. Whitley, G. Bernsee, C. Cross, J. Knox, H. Carmichael, A. . . Whiting, T. Troaoher, H. Armour, P. McDonald, N. Murray, W. Sinclair, J. Gloy, C. Travis, A. Marsden, W. Bowden, J. McLeod, M. Redmond, V. Owler, J. Brindley, L. Hansen, J. Carter, A. Doyle, (). Charming, I'. Gilray, A. Joyce, J. Killman, E. Thompson, W. Pollard, J. Johanson, A. McLean, J. A. Hartnell, R, Grant, J. Allen, J. O'Sullivan, M. .. Me Innes, A. Morrison, N. Sansoy, J. Fittis, C. Geo, (1. S. Fitzpatrick, P. Olsen, W. Smith, R. J. Powell, H. Newell, R. Doherty, G. Nixon, A. Berry, A. H. Fothcringham, — McGregor, J. Karvonan, C. Austin. II. Wilson, A. G. Bailey, W. F. .. Dovonport, T. Bass, W. Perry, F. R. Berg, G. Fuller, R. Elton, W. Putiki Maori Pateena Maori Mooraki Tutanekai Himitangi Port Victor Tainui Orepuki Maori Mararoa Manuka Wakatu Manuka Maori Arahura Southern Cross Ngatiawa Waipu Rimu Flora Rarawa Taniwah Orapawa Waiotahi Talune Wairoa Whangape Makaura Cathket Rosamond Rakanoa Rarawa Waimate Calm Manaia Kauri Kittawa Kaituna Kaeo Arawa Queen of tho South Maori Corinthic Alexander Maori Rosamond Ngahuta Tutanekai Pateena Kamo Komata Moeraki Manuka Tutanekai •. Mararoa Moeraki Maori Nikau Putiki Te Anau Waihora Mararoa Mararoa. Mararoa Mararoa Mararoa Maori Kaitoa Komata Ngatoro Karu Mapourika Manuka Paloona Maori Kamo Kowhai Port Hardy Mararoa Maori Injured shoulder Strained back .. Injured fingers .. SoeJded Injured knee Cardiac Boils Appendicitis Concussion Appendicitis Burnt arm Heat rash Injured back Injured knee Gastritis Influenza Abscess on log .. Scaldod Injured hand Crushod fingers .. Poisoned hand .. Gastritis Catarrh Abscess on leg .. Injured bead Burnt arm Sprained anklo .. Injured fingers .. Appendicitis Injured foot Paralytic stroke Injured foot Injured testicles Pneumonia Pleurisy Broken arm (right) Injured knoo Pneumonia Appendicitis Injured hand Brain concussion Hernia Inflamed ear Injured back Pneumonia Rheumatism Dysentery Injured shoulder Influenza Carbuncle behind eye Injured ribs Sprained wrist .. Strained back .. Strained back .. Injured leg Decease! I Influenza Sciatica Injured arm and hand Rheumatism Injured shoulder Erysipelas Pleurisy Neurasthenia Rheumatism Burnt hand Strained shoulder Catarrh Pleurisy Poisoned hand .. Lumbago Injured knoo Injured back Strained back .. Catarrh Injured foot Abscess on hip .. Pains in back .. Sprained knee .. Abscess in groin Injured hand Injured leg £ s. di 4 5 2 12 14 5 10 0 0 4 1 18 2 36 14 2 25 4 0 26 13 6 10 19 2 28 0 0 ■13 9 7 22 0 0 12 16 6 16 5 0 23 2 5 20 0 0 14 I 4 10 12 0 39 2 H 7 7 3 10 15 4 21 5 4 22 0 0 9 5 10 0 15 7 11 I 8 11 14 4 8 o s 33 I 3 30 0 5 4 17 0 32 12 7 40 12 1 34 13 10 8 14 0 4 1 O 14 9 0 14 3 3 20 19 0 12 14 4 9 18 4 10 II 10 19 2 0 39 12 8 20 6 0 • 15 10 (I 39 I 10 12 14 2 12 10 1 34 3 3 12 0 0 I I 3 9 10 3 10 II 3 4 11 3 9 22 0 0 19 15 0 12 15 9 30 0 9 19 18 0 24 13 10 26 17 1 II 15 0 7 4 (i 8 7 9 9 5 2 17 6 6 10 3 0 11 18 2 9 10 0 22 15 0 10 9 10 .. 11 1 6 12 16 3 11 14 0 22 10 0 17 0 0 10 0 0 22 11 10 18 12 10 38 11 0 10 10 0 18 0 8



Return showing Amounts paid to Sick and Disabled Seamen— continued.

Name of Seaman. Name of Vessel. Nature of Injury or Illness. Amount paid in Wages, Maintenance, dci Graham, T. Stewart, J. Carle, W. Bryant, J, W. . . Mair, I). Richardson, VV. Johnstone, D. Lane, F. Evans, R. Pearoe, W. Vandorspcck, W. Kirk, W. Robinson, G. Cook, F. Fleetwood, H. .. Langdon, T, Loveridge, A. Fitzpalrick, L. . . Smith, B. Hucker, II. Santos, J. Lincoln, P. Sinclair, G. II Rata, P. Gilray, A. Lowe, J. Donnelly, M. MoClure, J. Duffce, G. Fraser, J, Smith, ('. Denham, II. Bren man, .T Poulsen, P. Ren I, II. Wallen. L. Cargill, K. Rankin, .1. Waft, H. Munro, A. ... Kirbv, T. Hopkins, J. I'nderdown, G. . . Rout, G. Hon liton, R Nicholas. C. Staladi, M. C. DriffiU, C. Granman, C Smith, J, Bremer, A. II. .. 1 libbon, -I. Finch, C. Parker, 3. Ii. Willinms, C. A. .. Wishart, H P.. Whalen, C. Botting, C Innes, .1. CuchuveUi. S. McConochie, A. .. Young, W. Maedonald, Turner, W Jack, G. Sarin, .1. Woodthorp, J. Anderson, A. Sands, C. Ripple Kauri Manuka Waitomo Komata Pateena Himitangi Paparoa Te Anau Ngapuhi Kahu Kotonui Manaia Manaia Mako (Incroa Apanui .. Rarawa Waihora Arahura Waimate Kanieri Makura Greyhound To Anau Ngapuhi To Anau Mararoa Paparoa Mararoa Kumara Maori Karamu Moana Pateena Kahiki Maori Kennedy Nikau Himitangi Athenic Manaia Manaia Kanieri Te Anau Waitangi Flora Daphne Alert Rosamond Maui Zealandia Kini Canopus Nikau Kakapo Wootton Karamu Canopus Kini Remuera To Anau To Anau Talune Waipori Herald (scow) Rosamond Talune Kowhai Flora Waitomo Maori •. Maori Opawa Paloona Kauri Wavorley Queen of the South Kennedy Moana Pateena Mapourika Kamo Bronchitis Appendicitis Influenza Stomach pains Piles Measles Injured hand Pleurisy Pleurisy Gastritis Injured finger Injured thumb Fractured ribs Injured foot Cut thumb Injured knee Rheumatism Abdominal pains Burnt face Cut foot Hernia Nasal hemorrhage Inflamod eyes Bruised face Burnt arm Pleurisy Serious burns Dyspepsia Diabetes Dyspepsia Poisoned thumb Pains in back Injured back Gallstones Inflamed gland Pains in stomach Inflamed neck Injured, back Laryngitis .. Neuritis Diphtheria Sprained anklo Rheumatism Ricked sido Burnt face and arm Bruised shoulder Injured back Injured thump Fractured arm Rheumatism Fractured arm Abscess in cheek Abscess under arm Quinsy Tonsilitis Appendicitis Injured head Contused leg Crushed linger Cut hand Gastric ulcers Injured by fire Inj ured by fire Injured testicles Nephritis Injured backPoisoned finger Rheumatism Scalded shoulder Strained back Gastritis Influenza Injured finger .. Injured back Injured knoo Injured ribs Rickod back Influenza Bruised head and ribs Fractured arm Influenza Injured hip Influenza '.'. i •' I £ s. d. 50 1 1 35 9 7 22 0 0 7 If 6 21 18 7 30 10 I 11 15 2 10 7 6 36 II 8 IJ 3 0 7 18 3 12 19 10 13 6 11 12 4 0 21 2 0 9 16 1. 20 12 5 10 9 4 21 17 0 11 16 5 8 9 6 6 15 4 24 9 4 17 18 3 15 13 6 11 15 0 32 14 2 7 19 5 19 3 0 12 17 0 7 0 0 14 11 3 13 18 4 24 4 0 9 9 11 10 4 0 18 15 9 15 17 10 23 0 8 10 13 10 4 10 0 14 19 1 8 1 5 14 18 9 14 18 6 14 17 10 14 0 5 8 12 I 19 3 5 13 9 4 24 15 0 22 19 5 18 12 8 12 7 4 13 10 4 23 9 8 11 18 3 26 0 0 19 9 6 14 18 9 19 10 3 74 16 9 74 18 9 14 17 10 12 8 2 22 13 1 14 15 7 20 10 6 12 11 8 22 2 3 18 5 0 30 4 8 7 6 11 12 9 9 8 14 0 12 1 0 9 8 7 18 6 9 19 15 9 24 15 0 12 3 4 11 7 7 12 6 11 Longley, A. G. Robertson, 3. Cartel-, A. Bono, A. Smith, J. Gunn, K. Dunn, J. McPherson, 1). .. Gustafsson, B. .. Brien, P. King, C. Suttio, J. Murray, T. Dooloy, J.


Return showing Amounts paid to Sick and Disabled Seamen— continued.


Name of Seaman. Name of Vessel. Nature of Injury or Illness. Amount paid in Wages, Maintenance, Ac. Miles, T. Woolf, (1. Gillard, F. Williams, P. Ladbury, M. O'Connor, J. Finlay, R. Hurley, J. Vasta, L. Retter, G. P. Ross, I). Sowden, P. Newell, R. Ali Mahomet Rankin, I). Olson, G. McLure, J. Fberhardt, G. Ambrose, P. Barry, R. Sti}.,' R. .1. Ullrich, W. Brown, G. F. Warcup, J. Strong, C. Slaylor, W. Resit, .1. Hargin, W. Kirwan, F. Z. Moss, A. Denham, H. Smith, L. G. Peterson, F. L. .. Smith, G. A. Grant, A. Lowe, J. Iloaro, .1. McDonald, L. Angus, G. MeCormack, M. .. Anderson, 0. -Maiden, S. Solderman, J. Warne, IT, Stewart, J. Walsh, W. Singleton, M. Curtis, (!. Me Pike. (!. Anham, .1. Daw, B. Carroll, II. Lapez, M. Smith, T. McKenzie, A. Ritchie, Mrs. Reardon, W. Fdgeworth, R. XV. Sutherland, A. T. Glantoy, P. Kelly, P. Rhodes, L. Walker, ,1. Whelan, J. BickneU, S. Alexander, G. Downes, H. Devalve. .1. Culmer, J. Robertson, T. Kyle, J. Moir, L. Ramsay, G. Vile, H. Omholdt, K. Byson, T. Kneller, W. Larson, K. Muir, C. Puleika, — Evans, W. MeCormack, M. .. Freland, J. Kini Wairau .. Mokoia .. Moeraki .. Ngahuta .. Mapourika Ngahoro . . Kaiapoi . . Alexander Kaitoa .. Maori Maori Mararoa .. Opouri .. Kaituna .. Kaitangata Mararoa .. Rakanoa Kana Paloona .. Mapourika Breeze Athenio .. Mararoa .. Kennedy Monowai . . Kaituna . . Mararoa .. Moana Maori Mapourika Kini Defender Whangape Rarawa .. Ngapuhi .. Kaitangata Clansman Wakatere Claymore Greyhound Monowai Te Teko .. Akaroa .. Kauri Kaitangata Flora Arahura .. Rarawa .. Daphne .. Koi Kittawa . . Kini Kakapo .. Kakapo .. Maori Canopus . . Kittawa .. Kini Westralia Kakapo .. Maori Mararoa . . Maori Kamo Maori Maori Kamo Kanieri .. Tarawera Mako Taniwha . . Rarawa .. Kittawa .. Dandy (scow) Rarawa .. Clio (schooner) Clansman Waimarie Awanui .. Kanieri .. Claymore Te Anau .. Scalded eye ;. Lumbago Pains in back Injured fingers .. Pleurisy Broken arm Lumbago Cut head Lumbago Injured shoulder Gastric catarrh .. Contused arm .. Injured knee Burnt arm Rheumatism Injured head Injured thigh Appendicitis Debility Appendicitis Strained back .. .,~ Burnt faco and arm Abscess in thigh Severe shaking .. Jarred thumb .. Sprained ankle .. Influenza Crushed finger .. Injured eyo . . Piles Burnt face and hands Scarlet fever Poisoned finger .. Malarial fever General debility.. Bruised body Swollen foot Rheumatism Ricked back Body strained .. Injured ribs Injured foot Septic arm Severe chill Ulcerated throat Injured fingers .. Gastritis Acute eozema .. Inflamed hand . . Injured too Tonsilitis Ruptured artery Burnt hand Fractured ribs . . Bleeding piles .. Sprained wrist . . Lumbago Broken rib Sprained ankle .. Injured kneo Neuralgia Pains in stomach Pains in back Pains inside Injured knee Influenza Septic elbow Sicknoss with retching Pleurisy Injured knoo Lumbago Poorness of blood Strained back .. Cut hand Catarrh Bruised kneo Injured knee Tonsilitis Crushed hand .. Pneumonia .. Whitlow Hernia Bruised knee £ s. d. 12 7 4 10 19 10 9 1.0 8 50 4 9 32 17 11 31 15 7 13 6 3 35 12 6 29 19 3 17 9 10 23 10 0 51 3 0 26 19 9 13 14 1 13 13 10 8 16 0 11 15 8 58 3 9 14 14 0 1)7 0 10 4 10 55 2 3 14 16 0 9 6 8 9 7 4 15 5 5 10 0 6 29 6 2 15 2 0 35 6 5 10 19 0 34 13 10 32 7 7 17 11 0 9 5 8 14 5 3 13 0 6 48 5 0 39 9 4 9 17 3 12 3 6 12 10 4 10 9 8 15 10 11 12 4 11 31 8 1 23 6 8 25 16 1 16 11 11 8 12 5 14 16 9 58 18 7 38 13 4 19 18 8 18 2 8 23 4 3 66 13 6 16 15 9 7 13 1 46 6 11 13 18 5 8 0 4 18 5 3 22 11 11 12 11 0 19 1 0 10 16 5 12 9 6 28 1 9 9 19 1 7 8 7 12 2 6 12 17 0 14 1 1 6 18 0 20 7 6 10 2 11 9 1 10 9 11 2 12 2 11 15 14 2 18 16 9 18 18 3



Return showing Amounts paid to Sick and Disabled Seamen— continued.

Name of Seaman. Name of Vessel. Nature of Injury or Illness. Amount paid in Wages, Maintenance, &c. w - Wishart, I). Rothery, ,1. Barber, P. G. .lones, ,1.0. Roy, R. Ritchie, R. Heleiki, Tongo Breen, .1. Burke, H. Heleiki, Robertson, T, St. Clair, .1. Dennis, .1. Hilt, B. Saul, A. Ting Ah Ling Brown, F. A. . . Quinn, 1). Archer, J. T. Hurley, J. Kristainsen, — Nilsen, C. Golder, H. Parker, W. Yarrow, R. Moore, F. G. Martin, W. Kums, A. Broman, .1. Swanson, H. Wangford, W. . . McDonald, 1). .. Baxter, A. Mayers, W. Briggs, L. Yates, 0. Robinson, E. Sowman, C. Tomlinson, — McPherson, A. . . Cramer, A. Gray, W. Black, F. J. Shee, A. Spencer, 11. Binns, 0. E. Fraser, J. Nilson, E. Burns, R. Bullock, C. C. .. Boston, T. Thompson, J. Johanson, 0. Riley, C. Holmor, E. Invnrity, A. Paul, J. M. Messenger, H. Davis, T. Wigert, G. Hansen, A. Burns, .1. Wilson, J, Stark, J. Ramshaw, J. Branoherd, W. .. Pedersen, P. Walen, Z. Thomasson, J. Elements, A. Conway, J. Gordon, D. Haughey, J. Smith, H. Tapps, F. Cousins, G. Bartlett; F. ' .. Muir, C. Blackwood, W. . . Huikuta, T. Burnett, S. Perrott, D. Hurley, H. W Baden Powell Whangape Talune Kauri Kaitangata Waipu Manaia Opanui Awanui Awanui Waitomo Kini Waipu Ngapuhi Monowai . . Cyrema Zealandic Moeraki Maori Kamo Pateena Magic Baden Powell Huia Maori Koromiko Mararoa Kakapo Tahiti Alert Waimarie Fairburn Talune Navua Taniwha Rarawa Apouri Gael Kaituna Huriuui Zealandic Opawa Cygnet Ruapehu Maori Mapourika Mararoa Conopus Waipori Corinna Maori Kahiki Poherua Moeraki .. Kennedy Maori Maori Huia Huia Karu Wakatu Maori Waihora Maori Kittawa Waitomo Karu Himitangi Maori Ripple Whangape Rarawa Wanaka Makura Waiotahi Arahura Arahura Waimarie Kanerie Manaia Clansman Kotiti Niagara .. Catarrh Pleurisy Influenza Gastritis Boils .. Pneumonia Pleurisy Injured head Pneumonia Pneumonia Haemorrhoids . . .. Crushed Angers Lumbago Sovcro strain Injured shin Septic jaw Injured knee Injured hand Rupture Crushed thumb Conjestion of lungs Bronchial cold Injured hand Strained leg Injured groin Appendicitis Appendicitis Rheumatism Injured shoulder Injured wrist Sprained back Injured eye Eczema Burnt arm Lacerated hand Septic finger Fractured rib Fractured thumb Bruised leg Injured bead Gathered finger Injured linger Fractured ribs Bullet wound in thigh Injured shoulder and hip. . Sprained ankle Stomach trouble Crushed linger Ricked back Tonsilitis Cellulitis Bronchial catarrh Rheumatic gout.. Injured wrist Sprained finger Infected eye Sore throat Injured foot ('rani) is Appendicitis Broken ribs Gastritis Neuritis Poisoned hand .. Gastritis Injured foot Crushed too Injured ankle Lumbago Broken finger Septic finger Goneral debility. . Injured shinbone Neuralgia Septic hand . . Cut hand Injured back Strained back Injured hand Pleurisy Severe cold Inj urod thigh Injured knoo £ s. d. 9 6 4 20 12 8 20 18 0 23 4 9 11 II 7 30 I 1 Hi I II 12 9 4 29 0 7 0 17 4 5 17 0 33 18 6 25 10 I 19 5 0 21 3 II 48 12 0 8 13 0 7 14 0 32 7 8 20 8 2 18 4 4 10 11 0 9 9 4 15 3 1 50 9 4 43 18 8 25 14 8 40 4 0 18 11 0 10 12 9 13 2 1 37 18 0 12 18 7 11 16 1 16 6 10 8 13 10 20 14 7 31 19 2 9 8 11 25 17 0 19 10 0 8 5 6 19 0 8 13 13 0 10 16 3 10 17 11 34 5 5 39 15 1 19 0 2 10 17 10 13 17 2 13 8 1 10 19 9 10 15 10 18 2 2 30 2 8 15 17 9 11 7 I 12 15 6 28 I 8 20 0 1 10 16 2 9 16 0 7 0 11 8 4 4 22 1 6 20 19 7 9 3 0 15 8 2 20 8 9 11 9 0 20 17 I 20 1 8 18 0 0 0 15 7 6 6 11 13 11 9 13 11 1 94 6 8 40 11 11 9 12 11 23 4 8 12 15 8



Return showing Amounts paid to Sick and Disabled Seamen— continued.

Name of Seaman. Name of Vessel. Nature of Injury or Illness. Amount paid in Wages, Maintenance, &c. I _i_ Martin,'P. Crosby, F. L. Watchpole, — Neilson, 0. Cutting, G. Hughes, T. Saunders, J. Dobenilale, ('. Pornisky, F Elliott, A. Stanley, D. J. Creel Ion, J. Chorry, W. H. Howe, F. Anderson, T. R. . . Oakes, J. C. Watts, W. Brooker, T. Wyllie, J. Briggs, L. Robertson, C. Berry, A. H. Vidler, W. T. Battle, J. Berling, O. Carmichael, .1. Preaohey, E. Shadbolt, A. Williams, T. Austin, E. Garland, F. Greenshields, T. .. Francis, H. Cowan, .1. Brien, P. Orme, W. MoKenzie, F. Day, H. Oillanders, L. Martin, H. Kilworth, L. Hood, J. L. Aymes, C. Cochrane, J. Turnor, E. Sweet, R. Cameron, H. Keys, T. G. Jackson, G. White, W. Clark, J. Francy, R. Hungerford, B. .. Cleary, C. Sussex, S. S. Caplin, S. Middleton, M. Lynne, A. Wilson, C. Storm, G. Bartlett, F. Laybourne, It. E. Wiels, P. McLaughlan, C. .. Carter, A. Cartior, E. W. Connolly, T. Humphreys, J. Williams,'P. D. .. Curtis, E. Campbell, R. Kelly, F. Henderson, R. Lowe, J. Buckley, M. Ootterall, H. Coleman, M. Talune*.. Kini Ngatoro Orepuki Monowai Corinna Poherua Poherua Te Anau Flora Waihora Flora Waihora Manaia Flora Aupouri Hauiti Rimu Essex Arahura Manaia Regulus Karamoa Corinna Echo Koromiko Maori Maori Maori Australmoad Pateona Mapourika Kahika Te Anau Hawera Rakanoa.. Puteki Mararoa Ngatoro Kia Ora Monowai Kamo Maori Maori Mararoa Maori Tarawera Maori Monowai Kiatia Awahau Hororata Taniwha Flora Flora Aupori Whangape Endeavour Ngatiawa Taniwha Arahura Maori Maori Hawera Kowhai .. Kaituna Kokiri Port Melbourne Mararoa Mararoa Maori Kaituna Maori Kahu Kaitoa Manuka Tofua Injured leg .. f" P*.. Hernia .. W .. Bronohitie asthn>.i*||£§jf.. Broken ribs ..■.; | .. Rheumatism W . . pP Fractured collarbone Gastritis Septic hand Measles Measles Cut olbow Pleurisy Malaria fever Strained stomach Appendicitis Cut hand Injured log Strained back Phthisis Strained back Crushed finger Sprained ankle Injured hip Broken ankle Ricked hip Injured finger Gastritis Rheumatism Injured foot Malarial fover Injured thumb .. Interior pains Crushed back and ribs Influenza Injured wrist Poisoned finger Poisoned finger Sore throat Sprained ankle Bad eyes Scalded Injured finger Poisoned arm Influenza Pharangitis Influenza .. Tonsilitis Strained groin Ricked back Injured hand Injured back Injured knoo Poisoned hand Strained stomach Bruised foot Injured hand .. Bruised shoulder . . . Injured knee Cold in kidneys Inflamed tonsils.. Hremorrhago Injured back Influenza Hernia Strained back Pains inward Sprained back Valvular disease Severe pains Erythema After-effects of operation. . Nervous breakdown Poisoned hand Heart attack .. Inflamed oyo Pains in stomach Injured knoo £f s."Td. 27 15J7 47J0J 0 10 5 4 25 HP 2 I8f4 II 27 10 0 10 18 8 12 10 0 18 18 4 10 12 4 23 15 8 12 9 0 12 2 3 50 13 2 77 19 3 15 10 4 12 15 0 20 8 10 13 7 6 5 19 2 5 19 6 18 18 1 33 3 11 60 6 6 9 2 6 7 4 0 0 10 4 11 9 6 17 5 3 17 11 0 9 14 0 39 5 4 10 18 6 16 6 8 10 10 0 02 5 8 22 13 7 10 8 8 18 12 4 3 9 0 24 0 1 20 0 0 25 3 6 14 8 9 12 1 I 112 0 12 19 10 10 11. 4 13 5 10 7 13 5 12 11 0 21 16 6 5 3 2 29 0 6 18 8 3 7 2 0 10 17 5 11 11 7 7 16 10 9 8 0 43 2 5 15 6 9 10 7 5 53 15 11 15 12 7 24 15 5 10 18 0 14 7 0 30 0 II 28 10 9 18 !) 3 17 9 3 7 15 14 19 2 5 9 13 0 7 15 3 17 15 6 7,832 16 4 Total


Return of Convictions of Seamen, etc., for Offences against the Provisions of the Shipping and Seamen Act, under Proceedings taken by Masters and Others, reported to the Marine Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1918.


Name of Person. Position held. Ship. Particulars of Offence, &c. Date of Conviction. Penalty imposed. T. W. Gool J. Toro .. J. Hedges .. A.B. .. Boatswain Antiope Kumara Desertion Absent without leave Disobeying lawful commands Desertion Disobeying lawful commands Desertion Disobeying lawful commands Theft Seditious strike charges Absent without leave Desertion and making false declaration Desertion Absent without leave Desertion Assault Absent without leave Desertion Assault Desertion Absent without leave 26/3/17 To pay £2 18s. costs. 26/3/17 15/6/17 Forty-eight hours' imprisonment, and be placed on board shi] before sailing. 29/5/17 To pay 10s. and costs. 29/5/17 29/5/17 29/5/17 1/6/17 Fined 10s., and be placed on board ship before sailing. 8/3/17 Fined. 8/3/17 16/5/17 Fined £2 or fourteen days' imprisonment. 16/5/17 Fined £1 or fourteen days' imprisonment. 19/5/17 Fined £1 or sey T en days* imprisonment. 24/5/17 One month's imprisonment. 17/7/17 Fined £6 and costs £1 10s. 17/7/17 Fined £2 and costs £1 10s. 17/7/17 17/7/17 17/7/17 17/7/17 17/7/17 17/7/17 25/9/17 Fined tyvo days' pay. 3/8/17 Fourteen days' imprisonment, and to be placed on board ship. 10/10/17 11/10/17 Ordered to pay- costs. 11/10/17 23/10/17 Ordered to pay 7s. costs. 23/10/17 ! 24/10/17 I One months' imprisonment. 6/11/17 Two months' imprisonment. 15/11/17 ! Six weeks' imprisonment. 26/9/17 : Fined two days' pay. 16/11/17 : Fourteen days' imprisonment. 30/11/17 | Fined two days' pay. 30/11/17 I Fined £1 or tyvo day-s' hard labour. 30/11/17 I „ „ 4/12/17 ! One month's imprisonment. 11/12/17 Fourteen days' imprisonment. 11/12/17 One months' imprisonment. 8/2/18 Fined tw-o days' pay. 8/2/18 8/2/18 A. Elgen E. Kane G. Karlsen D. Vanderhurst . . G. McKenna T. Farley E. Smith J.Allen.. J. Davies T. Kene E. White J. Mathews R. Hand W. Major W. M. Green C. McLean P. Titshall W. Sime G. Anscombe G. Pevreal J. GaUagher T. Wainwright J. Higgins J. Davis P. Russell G. Davis G. Outram J. Ferguson R. Bucldey G. Pevreal J. Patterson J. Canavan M. Maloney A. Marshall E. C. Smith N. Kurokawa P. McPhiUips G. Robinson J. Sage R. Taylor .. | A.B. .. Fireman '. . A.B.' .. Fireman .. Cook .. Fireman .. A.B. .. .. Cook .. .. A.B. .. Fireman .. A.B.' .. Fireman Trimmer Fireman Whakatane Kaikoura Leitrim Port Napier Wnakatane .. Tahiti .. Ngakuta " Westmorland .. ! Wallsend .. Inga .. Orari .. Tofua .. .. Cullala.. Houto .. Remuera .. | Karamea Rimutaka .. j Kumara .. : Mahia .. Ruahine



9—H. 15.

J. O'Neil W. J. Budd C. Fowler Ji W. Pratt S. Fosse S. Jenkins J. Holcome D. Powell P. Legg W. Kilroy R. Hall.. W. Lee .. .. W. Brady A. Rennie D. McLeod W. Fickling J. W. Halcome .. W. Fickling H. Anderson C. .Anderson W. Fickling " " I Fireman Trimmer Apprentice Trimmer A.B. .. Cook .. A.B. .. Fireman Steward Greaser A.B. .. Cabin-boy AB. .. " Ayrshire Port Pirie Essex .. Arawa Amy Turner Arawa Armagh Arawa Kia Ora Arawa Runic .. Fairburn Manurewa Amy Turner .. I Broaching cargo .. | Desertion Absent without leave Desertion Absent without leave Desertion Absent without leave Wilful disobedience Absent without leave 27/2/18 Three months imprisonment. 27/2/18 Fined £5. 2/3/18 To be placed on board ship. 2/3/18 5/3/18 Fourteen days' imprisonment. 11/3/18 Fourteen days' imprisonment. 16/3/18 To be placed on board ship. 14/3/18 Fourteen days' imprisonment. 19/3/18 Convicted and discharged. 21/3/18 Seven davs' imprisonment. 21/3/18 26/3/18 Convicted and discharged. 27/3/18 One month s imprisonment. 8/1/18 Convicted and discharged. 7/2/18 Fourteen days' imprisonment, and to be placed on board ship. 18/3/18 Fined two days' pay or forty-eight hours' imprisonment. 18/3/18 Fourteen days' imprisonment. 19/3/18 Fined two days' pay or seven days' imprisonment. 19/3/18 19/3/18 19/3/18 : Fourteen days' imprisonment. .. Disobeying lawful commands



Return of Accidents to Waterside Workers reported to the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1918.

Date. Name of Person injured. Nature of Injury : Fatal or otherwise. ace where Accii occurred. lent Particulars as to Ac< ident and its Cause, and Verdict of Jury if Inquest held. 1917. April 2 J. Robin 7 J. H. PhilUps „ 15 F. Blackhouse 21 F. G. Cox .. „ 25 A. CampbeU May 3 W. Wilkie .. 10 E. Dunn „ 19 J. J. Loader.. 21 S. Seabrook .. 21 L. Brackler .. 29 H. Coe June 1 J. Stitt „ 7 E. Crawshaw „ 8 A. Gardiner .. 8 R. Grounds .. ,, 12 L. Layvrence.. July 1 i W. Lewis „ 2 0. Lambert .. 7 J. H. Scott .. 18 J. Hobson .. 18 C. J. McGregor ,, 18 James Duff .. ,- 19 Joseph King 19 W. Halifax .. Aug. 9 W. Kurth .. „ 17 G. Johnstone 27 W. J. Cattle 28 D. Taylor .. Sept. 4 H. Spear .. „ 24 S. Simms 28 j M. Tobin .. Oct. 1 C. Tucker .. 23 | W. Walker .. Nov. 2 ; F. Silk 2 W. Pickworth „ 5 G. Duncan .. „ 5 P. Drinnan .. 8 W. Hodgson 19 F. QuinteU .. „ 21 J. C. Fanini „ 22 J. Savers 30 A. Ealham .. Dec. 1 W. Miner .. „ 4 P. Drumm .. „ 6 0. Johnson .. 18 H. McHaffie Fractured pelvis Bruised ankle Injured back Fractured skuU (fatal) Broken ankle Contusion of elbow .. Cut finger Crushed fingers Sprained ankle Lacerated hand Injured shoulder Injured leg Hernia (strained) Injured leg Bruised knee and leg Dislocated shoulder .. Injured toe Injured finger Bruised hand .. ; Scalp wound Injured shoulder Crushed foot Injured ankle Injured finger .. | Internal injury Injured ankle Bruised body .. , Injured finger .. : Injured foot .. : Injured groin Crushed leg Injured foot .. I Sprained ankle Broken coUar-bone .. Injured foot Injured hand Broken leg Injured head Injured eye Injured arm Injured finger Injured finger Injured head Injured leg Fatal injuries Injured shoulder Auckland Auckland S.s. " Zealandia," WeUington S.s. " Ionic," Port Chalmers S.s. " Turakina," Welhngton Wanganui Wharf S.s. " Kurow," Timaru No. 7 Jetty, Lyttelton Glasgow Wharf, WeUington No. 2 Jetty, Lyttelton King's Wharf, Wellington .. Gladstone Pier, Lyttelton .. Onehunga Gladstone Pier, Lyttelton .. S.s. " Wairuna," Dunedin .. Railway Wharf, Welhngton Kings Wharf, Wellington .. Jervois Quay, Wellington .. S.s. " Canopus," Timaru S.s. " Ruahine," Auckland .. S.s. " Ruahine," Auckland .. S.s. " Ruahine," Auckland .. Onehunga Wharf Onehunga Wharf Railway Wharf. Wanganui .. Railway Wharf. Welhngton No. 2 Wharf, Lyttelton S.s. " Kamo," Auckland S.s. " Niagara," Auckland .. S.s. " Westmorland," Auckland S.s. " Westmorland," Auckland S.s. " Westmorland," Auckland Bluff Wharf Queen's Wharf, Wellington S.s. " Rimutaka," Dunedin S.s. " Rimutaka," Dunedin S.s. " Victoria," Dunedin .. Hobson Street Wharf, Auckland King's Wharf, Auckland No. 6 Jetty, Lyttelton Queen's Wharf, Wellington.. No. 6 Jetty, Lyttelton King's Wharf, Auckland S.s. " Victoria," Dunedin .. No. 6 Jetty, Lyttelton S.s. " Wimmera," Dunedin Plank fell on his back. Hatch fell on his ankle. Struck with case of cheese. Fell down hold. Slipped on vessel's deck while carrying bale of cargo. Struck by truck of cargo. While unloading cargo. While receiving cargo. Fell from stack of wool. Caught by wool-hook. Struck by piece of coal. Struck by piece of timber. While lifting mail-case. Struck by piece of timber. While working cargo. Struck by motor-lorry. Ladder feU on toe. Struck by case falling out of shng. While unloading cargo. Struck by falling timber yvhile in hold. Struck by falling timber while in hold. Struck by falling timber while in hold. Fell off railway truck. FeU on wharf. Knocked out of railyvay truck. Jammed between mooring-post and sling of timber. Knocked out of wagon. Finger caught in bull-rope. Foot jammed between two bales of wool. Struck by beam in hold. Barrel rolled on leg. Piece of iron fell on foot. Struck by sUng of cargo Struck by coal-basket. Nail ran into foot. Hand torn by nail. Sack of sugar fell on leg. Struck on head by sling of timber. Struck on eye by piece of timber. Arm caught in door of truck. FeU on wharf. Finger caught in sling. Struck on head with a hook. Cask fell on leg. Knocked out of railway truck. FeU down hold.



Dec 21 24 „ 28 30 31 1918. Jan. 12 14 23 Feb. 11 13 16 16 22 22 Mar. 4 15 20 25 26 L. Parlby .. T. Thompson W. Lumb .. S. MarshaU .. R. Lynch Injured toes Injured hand Injured hand Injured thigh Bruised heel Queen s Wharf, Auckland .. S.s. " Sydic," Dunedin S.s. " Sydic," Dunedin No. 7 Jetty, Ly-ttelton Queen's Wharf, Auckland .. Box of butter feU on foot. Hand lacerated w-ith barb-wire. Hand lacerated with barb-wire. FeU out of railway truck. Struck by bale of hay. H. Dickson .. H. Priestly .. 0. Christin .. L. Brown W. James J. Frost R. Little G. Smith J. Way H. McKinnon J. Pearson .. J. James G. Lowe C. Paul .. Broken ribs Broken toe Injured ankle Injured chest Injured toe Injured ankle Fractured femur Fractured ribs Broken ribs Bruised bodyInjured ankle Injured arm and hand Injured head Bruised body S.s. " Flora," Auckland S.s. " Sucvic," Wellington .. S.s. " Calm," Welhngton S.s. " Hurunui," Auckland S.s. " Waitomo," Lyttelton S.s. " Arahura," Auckland .. S.s. " Kaitangata," Auckland S.s. " Kaiapoi," Lyttelton .. Nelson Wharf S.s. " Canopus," Auckland .. S.s. " Port Hacking," Auckland S.s. " Maunganui," WeUington S.s. " Navua," Auckland S.s. " Breeze," Dunedin Fell down hold. Bar of lead fell on foot. Beam fell on ankle. FeU down hold. Toe crushed with sacks. Bale of paper fell on ankle. Struck by basket of coal. Struck by sling of cargo. Fell off truck. Fell yvhile at work. Case fell on ankle. Struck by falling cases. Struck by sack of wheat. Caught betyveen hatch-combings.



Return showing the Notices to Mariners relating to Matters within the Dominion issued by the Marine Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1918.

Port or Place. Subject of Notice. Auckland Harbour Bluff Harbour .. Hauraki Gulf Hokianga Harbour Kaipara Harbour ,, • - Kawhia Harbour Manukau Harbour Napier Harbour New Plymouth Harbour.. New Zealand Coast Patea Harbour Pelorus Sound Piako River Picton H arbour Poverty Bay Rod Mercury Island Tokomaru Bay Tauranga Harbour Wairoa Harbour Wanganui Harbour Wellington Harbour Westport Harbour Whangarei Harbour Whitianga Harbour Waikato River Dredger " Hapai." .. j Beacons replaced on the Motuihi Reef and Brown's Island Reef, Fog-signal, yvestcrn tido-defioctor. .. '■ Erection of beacons off St. Mary's Bay. .. . Beacon off Brown's Island knocked down. Beacon off Brown's Island re-erected. .. ; Beacons off St. Mary's Bay—amendment of notice re bearings. Prohibited anchorage for defence purposes. Lights on Central Wharf, Commercial Harbour. Lights shown on Central Wharf. .. ;' Beacon north-east of Kohimarama Wharf knocked down. Beacon north-oast of Kohimarama Wharf re-erected. Dredger " Hapai " —position of moorings. Position of dredgers moored at Freeman's Bay Reclamation. Substitution of beacons for buoys in Rangitoto and Brown's Island channels. Dredge-moorings. .. : Maori Rock beacon disappeared. Bearings of Main Channel for Hokianga Bar. Hokianga River entrance —Bar changes. .. j Entrance to South Branch towards llelensville. . .■ I Shelly Beach buoy sunk". Signal-station at North Head under repair. Repairs to signal-station completed. Kawhia Bar beacons. Shoaling west of Puponga Point. Tide signals at Port Napier. Light exhibited on Auckland Rook Buoy. Auckland Rock light-buoy replaced. Lights exhibited by New Zealand iron-ore Smelting Company. Depth of Ranfurly Bank, off East Cape. Tables for azimuths, great-circle sailing, and reduction to the meridian — Errata. Light exhibited by Messrs. Buchanan and Co., near Greymouth. Derelict in Pacific Ocean. Derelict in Pacific Ocean. Examinations of masters and mates—Instruction re books, &c. " New Zealand Nautical Almanac and Time-tables for 1918," and Supplement, &c, " Ncyv Zealand Pilot." Examination of masters and mates—Notice to candidates. Fire danger through electric hand-torch. Extension of western mole and eastern breakwater. Oko Rock beacon and Kainoki Rock buoy. Bridge at Ngatea completed. Lights on Bai[way Wharf. Gisborne Harbour leading-lights. Gisborne roadstead—Dredge-moorings laid at harbour entrance. Gisborne roadstead—Removal of light-buoy marking Temoana Rock. Gisborne roadstead —Light-bouy marking Temoana Rock to bo reinstated. Rock shoal south-east of island. Waima Cove considerably silted up. Hikutu Rock buoy changed. Hikutu Rock buoy replaced. Harbour light. Erection of dolphin and light at tho north end of Stellar Passage. Wairoa roadstead survey. Caution to mariners re cutting too closely round end of molePosition of dredger. Lights on Seatoun and Karaka Bay Wharves. Position of dredger " Erskine." Mooring-buoy placed cast of Portland Cement Company's wharf. Light on Mercury Bay wharf. Re-erection of beacons at rivor entrance, and direction for vessels entering. Erosion of cliff at North Head—Position of beacons.



Return showing the Orders in Council which have been issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1918.

Date of Order. Purpose of Order. 1917. April 2 Alters representation of certain oombined districts on the Auckland Harbour Board and appoints principal authorities. Approves plans M.D. 4771 and 4760 of a canal which the "Birkenhead and Northcote Gas Company (Limited) proposes to construct to its property in Little Shoal Bay, Northcote, Auckland Harbour, and authorizes the company to construct such canal. Consents to the Motueka Harbour Board leasing for a period of twonty-one years to Dr. Valentine Herbert Barr, of Nelson, a portion of the foreshore known as Moutcro Inlet, estimated to contain 1 rood 20 porches. Revokes Order in Council licensing G. B. Watson to occupy foreshore at Pakawau as a site for tram-line. Revokes Ordor in Council licensing G. B. Watson to occupy foreshore at Wost Wanganui Inlet as a site for tram-line. Approves plans M.D. 4750 and 4084 of a bridge which the Gisborne Borough Council proposes to construct over the Taruheru River, and licenses the occupation of such land as necessary. Approves plans M.D. 4759 and M.D. 4769 of a boat-shed yvhich H. T, Gillies proposes to erect on tho foreshore of Tamaki River, Hauraki Gulf. Licenses H. T. Gillies to use and occupy a part of the foreshore and land below low-water mark of Tamaki Rivor as a site for a boat-shed for a period of fourteen years. Approves plan M.D, 4753, and authorizes the Akaroa Borough Council to construct a concrete retamingwall, subject to the condition that it is built of a batter of I in 8, that it is carried down at least 1 ft. into good solid foundation, and that there is a sot off of 0 in. Approves plan M.D. 4768 of a launch-slip which T. S. Joyce proposes to construct at Motu Arabi Islet. Licenses T. S. <Toyco to use and occupy a part of the foreshore and land below low-water mark at Motu Arabi islet, near Paihia, Bay of Islands, as a site for a launch-slip, for a period of fourteen years. Revokes Order in Council licensing Messrs. F. A. Rich and S. Jeffreys to use and occupy foreshore and land below low-water mark at Tukituki Bay as a site for a wharf. Approves plan M.D. 4704 of an arch bridge which the Waikato County Council proposes to construct over the Waikato River at Horotiu, and authorizes the construction in accordance with such plan. Licenses William Richard Lawrence to use and occupy a part of the foreshore and land below low-water mark at Totara North, Whangaroa Harbour, as a site for a wharf, for a period of fourteen years. Approves plan marked M.D. 4701 of a wharf which F. Waller and E. G. Eliott propose to erect at East Tamaki, Auckland, subject to the condition that the caps shall be Klin, by 8 in. Licenses Frederick Waller and Edward Glenivet Eliott to use and occupy a part of the foreshore and land below low-water mark at East Tamaki, Auckland Harbour, as a site for a wharf, for a period of fourteen years. Vests part oi the foreshore at Plimmerton and Paekakariki in tho Hutt County Council for a period of twenty-ono years. Amends scalo of dues for the use of Waitapu Wharf Approves plan M.D. 4702 of a boat-slip which J. A. Johnston proposes to erect on the foreshore at Kaikoura. Licenses J. A. Johnston to use and occupy a part of tho foreshore at Kaikoura as a sito for a boat-slip, for a period of fourteen years. Approves plan M.D, 4775 of a lock which tho Southland County Council proposes to construct across the Titiroa Stream at north-eastern corner of Section 9, Block VII, Toetoes Survey District, and authorizes tho County Council to carry out the work. Fixes dues for tho use of tho wharf at Port Fitzroy, Great Barrier Island. Makes regulations under the War Regulations re the control of shipping. Alters regulations for perch-fishing in the Wellington AccUmatization District. Approves plan M.D. 4747 of a wharf and breakwater which tho Marlborough Timber Company proposes to erect at Mussel Beach, To Waowao Bay, Southland. Licenses the Marlborough Timber Company to use and occupy a part of the foreshore and laud below low-water mark at Mussel Beach, To Waowae Bay, Southland, as a sito for a wharf and breakwater, for a period of fourteen years. Makes regulation for the protection of life on ships. Approves plan M.D, 4799 of timber-booms on the Waihoihoi Stream for Christopher McKay. Licenses Christopher McKay to occupy a site for timber-booms on the Waihoihoi Stream for a period of fourteen years. Licenses Loyland-O'Brien limber Company (Limited) to use and occupy a part of the foreshoro and land below low-water mark of Wharekawa Rivor as a site for timber-booms, for a period of five years. Approves plan M.D. 4802 of a wharf which tho Whakatano Harbour Board proposes to erect at the freezing-works, about three miles from the entrance to Whakatano River. Revokes Order in Council licensing Mrs. Eliza Wallon to use and occupy a part of the foreshore of Taipa River, Mangonui Harbour, as a site for a storehouse. Approves plan M.D. 4093 for a reclamation between Haha Creek and the railway-line at Kioreroa, Whangarei. Makes a special ordor authorizing the Whangarei Harbour Board to reclaim land between Ilaha Creek and the railway-line at Kioreroa, Whangarei Harbour. Fixes dues for the use of the wharf at Ponui Island, Hauraki Gulf. Vests management of tho Mapua Wharf, Waimea River, in Nelson Harbour Board. Revokes Ordor in Council licensing Frank Rattenbury to use and occupy a part of the foreshoro and land below low-water mark of Tongaporutu River, Taranaki, as a site for a wharf. Licenses Richard O'Donnell, son., to use and occupy a part of the foreshore and land bolow low-water mark of Tongaporutu River, Taranaki, as a site for a wharf, and makes regulations and prescribes dues for the use of same, for a period of seven years. Vests the management of a building, Kaipara, in trustees, for a period of fourteen years. Amends regulations for trout, carp, and perch fishing in Waimarino district. Approves extension of Elmslie Bay Wharf at French Pass, which is to be carried out by Messrs. Wallace Thomas Webber, Andrew Hegarty, and Allan John Woodman, trustees of the wharf; also licenses occupation of necessary tidal land for the extension. Amends general Harbour Regulations re watches to be kept on ships within any harbour. Licenses the Whangarei Freezing Company to occupy a part of the land between high- and low-water marks in the Whangarei Harbour, and to reclaim such land, as shown on plan M.D. 4801. 17 17 „ ' 17 17 26 May 2 2 « 8 8 8 15 15 15 15 23 28 J una 5 >• 5 ,, 5 11 II July 2 2 >) 2 9 9 9 16 10 10 10 23 23 30 30 yy Lug. 30 30 13 13 20



Return showing the Orders in Council issued, etc. — continued.

Date of Order. Purpose of Order. Sept. 917 lug. 25 25 25 3 10 10 Approves plan M.D. 4772 of landing-stago for a ferry which the Thames County Council proposes to construct on the Waihou Rivor at Kopu, and authorizes the Council to construct these works, subject to the condition that a light is kept burning every night from sunset to sunrise on one of the guiding-posts at each side of the rivor. Approves plan M.D. 4825 of "a wharf which the Whakatano Harbour Board proposes to construct at the freezing-works, about three miles from the entrance to Whakatano River, and authorizes the Board to construct the wharf in accordance with this plan instead of in accordance with plan M.D. 4802, which was approved by the Governor-General in Council on the 16th July, 1917. Prohibits trawling in a portion of Whangarei Bay. Revokes Order in Council licensing the Leyland-O'Brien Timber Company (Limited) to use and occupy a part of the foreshore and land below low-water mark at the junction of Owai Creek and Karetu River, Bay of Islands, as a site for a timber-boom. Approves plan M.D. 4826 of a wharf which William MeCraith proposes to erect at Pukohuia, Wairoa River, Kaipara Harbour. Licenses William MeCraith to use and occupy a part of the foreshore and land below low-water mark at Pukohuia, Wairoa River, Kaipara Harbour, as a site for a wharf, for a period of fourteen years. Prohibits trawling in Bon Accord Harbour, Kawau Island, and Port Fitzroy and Port Abercrombic Harbours, Great Barrier Island. Licenses George Russell Fellows to occupy a part of the foreshore of Manukau Harbour, as shown on plan M.D. 4081, for a further period of two years, for tho purpose, of extracting gold from the ironsand thereon. Licenses George Chamberlin to use and occupy a part of the foreshore, Ponui Island, Hauraki Gulf, as a sito for a wharf, for a further period of fourteen years from 24th August, 1917. Makes regulations for the taking of salmon and trout, also proclaims Waitaki and Rangitata Rivers to be salmon rivers. Empowers any acclimatization society, with the approval of the Minister, to prohibit the. use of torches for eel-fishing in any rivor in its district. Alters tho regulations for trout and perch fishing in the Wellington Acclimatization District. Vests the management of the Pigeon Bay Wharf in the Pigeon Bay Road Board for a period of fourteen 17 17 yy 17 21 21 24 24 Oct. 24 24 1 1 8 8 years. Approves plan M.D. 4832 of a diving-pier which the Wellington City Council proposes to orect at Island Bay, Wellington, and authorizes the Council to carry out the work in accordance with the said plan. Prescribes rates and dues for the use of Messrs. Andrewes and Sons' wharf at Opononi, Hokianga Harbour. Makes regulations under the Fisheries Act, 1908, for trout-fishing in the South Canterbury Acclimatization District. Makes regulations under the Fisheries Act, 1908, for trout-fishing in the Opotiki Acclimatization District. Amends regulations for trout-fishing in the Auckland Acclimatization District. Revokes Order in Council licensing Messrs. Stratford, Goss, and 'ferment to use and occupy a part of the foreshore and land below low-water mark of the Karamea River, as a site for a wharf. Approves plans marked M.D. 4795 and M.D. 4764 of a wharf and shed which tho Waikato Shipping Company proposes to erect on the foreshore of the Waikato River at Mercer. Licenses the Waikato Shipping Company to use and occupy a part of the foreshore and land below lowwater mark of the Waikato River at Mercer, as a site for a wharf and shed, for a period of fourteen 15 15 23 years. Approves plan M.D. 4842 of timber-booms which Georgo Campbell, Robert Campbell, and William Campbell propose to erect on the foreshore of Wairakau Creek. Licenses Georgo Campbell, Robert Campbell, and William Campbell to use and occupy a part of the foreshoro and land below low-water mark of the Wairakau Creek, as a site for timber-booms, for a period of fourteen years. Approves plan M.D. 4822 of a footbridge which the Castor-oil Bay Land Company (Limited) proposes to erect over the Wairau Creek between the Takapuna Borough and the Waitemata County, and authorizes the company to construct the bridge in accordance with the plans. Amends regulations for the examination of locomotive and traction-engine drivers. Approves plans M.D. 4728 and 4742 showing tho site of the proposed slipway which Messrs. L. A. Walsh, V. G Walsh, and Reuben Arthur Dexter propose to construct on the foreshoro and land below lowwater mark at Kohimarama, for use in connection with an aviation school. Licenses Messrs. L. A. Walsh, V. C. Walsh, and R. A. Dexter to use and occupy a part of the foreshore and land below low-water mark at Kohimarama as a site for a slipway and aviation school, such license to be in force during the currency of the present war or until the 31st May, 1922, whichever terminates first. Amends regulations for trout-fishing in the Auckland Acclimatization District. Defines the limits of Whakatano Harbour. Approves plan marked M.D. 4858 of a shod which Arthur Sylvester Turner proposes to erect on the foreshoro at Bulwer, Pelorus Sound. Licenses Arthur Sylvester Turner to use and occupy a part of the foreshore at Bulwer, Pelorus Sound, as a site for a shed, for a period of fourteen years. Revokes Order in Council licensing Thomas Hartley and Son to use and occupy a part of the foreshore and land below low-water mark in the Waima River, Hokianga, as a site for timber-booms. Approves plan M.D. 4847 of a wharf which the Hokianga County Council proposes to construct at To Teo, Hokianga. Licenses the Hokianga County Council to use and occupy a part of the foreshore and land below lowwater mark at Te Teo, on the Mangamuka Creek, in Hokianga Harbour, as a site for a wharf, for a period of fourteen years. Makes regulations governing life-saving appliances for ships. Approves plan M.D. 4875 of an extension of the new coal-loading crane wharf at Westport, shown in red on plan. Approves plan M.D. 4872 of groynes which the Gisborne Harbour Board proposes to construct for the purpose of obtaining greater scour and maintaining increase of depth at the town berthages. Revokes Order in Council licensing the Seaford Coal Company (Limited) to use and occupy a part of the foreshore at Pakawau as a site for a tramway. Revokes Order in Council licensing the Seaford Coal Company (Limited) to use and occupy a part of the foreshore of Golden Bay as a site for a wharf. Revokes Order in Council licensing the Seaford Coal Company (Limited) to use and occupy a part of the foreshore at Pakawau as a sito for a wharf. 23 23 Nov. 5 12 12 ,» 12 15 19 19 20 Dec. 3 3 10 11 11 11 11 11



Return showing the Orders in Council issued, etc. — continued.

Return showing the Number of Land Boilers and Machinery inspected during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1918.

Machinery. Class. Number. Hydraulic lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 303 Gas-lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... 21 Oil-lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 Electric lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... 559 Steam-lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 15 Gas, hydraulic, and electric-motor hoists ... ... ... ... 609 Water-engines, water and electric motors, and water-wheels ... ... 3,881 Peltons ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 280 Turbines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 113 Gas-engines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,374 Oil-engines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6,994 Steam machinery ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 Total ... ... ... ... ... 147154

Date of Order. Purpose of Order. 1917. Dec. 11 11 18 1918. Jan. 14 Makes regulations for the proteotion of life and property on ships. Makes additional rules as to life-saving appliances for ships. Prohibits fishing for trout in a portion of Lake Wakatipu. 30 30 Feb. 4 II Mar. 11 II H 11 11 Revokes Order in Council licensing the Upper Waikawa Sawmilling Company to use and occupy a part of the foreshore and land below low-water mark of the Waikawa, River as a site for a wharf. Approves plan marked M.D. 4870 in lieu of plan M.D. 4872 of groynes which the Gisborne Harbour Board proposes to construct for the purpose of obtaining greater scour and maintaining increases of depth at the town berthages. Makes regulations for netting in Lake Ellesmere. Makes regulations for netting and taking trout in Lake Hawea, Otago Acclimatization District. Revokes Ordor in Council licensing J. J, Brokensha to use and occupy a part of the foreshore of Mullet Bay as a site for a tram-line. Approves plan of landing for Waitemata County Council below Taikata Creek Bridge, Auckland Harbour. Licenses Waitemata County Council to occupy foreshore at Taikata Creek, Auckland Harbour, as a site for a landing. Revokes Order in Council licensing Richard O'Donnell, sen., to use and occupy a part of the foreshoro and land below low-water mark of Tongaporutu River as a site for a wharf. Vests management of wharf at Tongaporutu in Leslie James Rattenbury and Thomas Benjamin Waters, as trustees for the inhabitants of the district, for a period of seven years. Approves plan of tide-gate which Messrs. Brookes Bros, and Chuck propose to erect over Whakatu River, Mangonui, and authorizes construction of same. Approves plans of wharves which Donald Banks McTntyrc and Fred Lees propose to erect on the foreshore of Orira Creek, Hokianga. Licenses Donald Banks Mclntyre and Fred Lees to use and occupy a part of the foreshoro and land below low-water mark of Orira Crock, Hokianga, as a site for a wharf. Approves plans of wharf and freezing plant for Henry Burnett Jones at Hurakia Beach, Waitangi West Bay, Chatham Islands. Licenses Henry Burnett Jones to occupy foreshore at Hurakia Beach, Waitangi West Bay, Chatham Islands, as a sito for a wharf and freezing plant. Amends rules as to life-saving appliances for ships. Revokes Order in Council licensing F. W. Sanderson to use and occupy a part of tho foreshore of Whangaroa Harbour as a site for a boat-shed. Appoints day for election for members of Tauranga Harbour Board and day and place for first meeting, and appoints Principal Authority for combined district of Makctu and Te Puke Ridings of Tauranga County and of Te Puke Town District. 11 11 11 11 19 19 28

Oli \ers. Class. Not exoeeding Exceeding 5 but k »„.= „„„„ not exceeding 5 Horse-power. 1Q Horse .power. Exoeeding 10 Horse-power. Total. Itationary ... 'ortable Totals 2,568 162 2,730 810 1,050 2,045 399 5,423 1,611 1,860 2,444 7,034



Return showing the Number op Service and Competency Certificates issued to Stationary, Winding, Locomotive and Traction, and Traction Engine Drivers, and to Electric-tram Drivers during the Financial Year ended 31 st March, 1918. Class. Number. Steam stationary— • Service —First class .. .. .. .. ... 12 Competency— Extra first, class engineer .. .. . . .. . . 2 First class .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 Second class .. .. .. .. ~ 165 Steam winding, competency .. . . .. .10 Locomotive and traction, competency .. .. .. . . 119 Locomotive, competency .. .. . . .. . . . . 4 Traction, competency .. .. .. .. .. 60 Electric tram, competency . . . . . . . . . . ~ 130 542

Return of Engineers to whom Extra First-class Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1917, to the 31st March, 1918.

Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from the 1st April, 1917, to the 31st March, 1918.

Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1917, to the 31st March, 1918.

Name of Person. j Name of Person. Date of „ Issue. "°- 1917. .. : Sept. 10 99 Scott, James Arthur Robinson 1918. Feb. 25 100 Wishart, Robert Martin

Name of Person. Date of N Issue. "°' Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. Binns, Harold Charles Cook, Charles Albert 1917. Sept. 10 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Sept. 10 1757 1760 Lewis, John James McLintock, John 1917. Sopt. 10 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Sept. 10 1751 1761 Gibson, Gilbert Greenwood, John .. Hunter, Edward Kennedy, Lewis Edward May 21 Sept. 10 1755 1758 1750 1753 Paltridge, Walter Richard Ross, Archibald Louis Turton, Edward Wilson, James Loudon 1756 1752 1754 1759 Nov. 26

Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. Andrews, Bertrand Harding Austin, Charles Eardley Ball, Edward 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Nov. 25 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Sept. 10 Nov. 26 Sopt. 10 1854 1844 1856 Reach, William Thomas Richards, Walter Henry Richardson, Boyd Bonnie Robinson, Alfred Ernest Rowlands, Horace Edward .. Shakespeare, Henry Smith, Ernest Bennett Smith, John Digby.. Smith, Robert Stephens, John William Stevenson, Thomas 1917. May 21 Sept. 10 Nov. 26 May 21 Sept. 10 Nov. 26 Sept. 10 1824 1828 1848 1822 1833 1849 1837 1831 1840 1830 1843 Board, Sydney Frederick Bradley, Edward Campbell, Hugh Leslie Coleman, Sydney John Daniel, Frank Medhurst Goodall, George Jamioson, Harry Mariet May 21 1829 1852 1835 1830 1826 1823 1842 Nov. 26 Sept. 10 Nov. 26 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Nov. 26 Sept. 10 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Nov. 26 Nov. 26 1918. ' Feb. 25 1917. Nov. 26 Taylor, James Philip 1859 Knowlson, Arthur Leech 1855 Topliss, Thomas Troweek, William Pryor 1845 1827 Koppert, Harry Logan, Andrew Mackie, Leslie Stewart Maslen, William Jamos McSweeney, James Parkes, William .. May 21 Sept. 10 1846 1847 1821 1832 1834 1850 Turner, Georgo Frederick Wallace, George William Walsh, Peter . . Wilson, Gilbert Thomas Wilson, Samuel John Furley Wood, Georgo 1860 1851 1838 1.841 1825 1853 Pinkerton, Walter Vincent .. Nov. 26 1918. Feb. 25 1917. May 21 1857 May 21 Nov. 26 1918. Fob. 25 Plummer, Stephen Thomas .. 1820 Wylam, John 1858



Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1917, to the 31st March, 1918.

10— H. 15.

Name of Person. '■ Date of N Issue. No - Adams, David Noble .. Allum, Frederick William Andrew, Bertrand'Harding Archer, Rupert John Archibald, William Brownrigg Baggarley, Harold Arthur 1917. May 21 Nov. 26 May 21 Sept. 10 4543 4656 4546 4625 4630 4567 Baigcnt, Maurice William Beere, Edwin D'Arey Bell, Albert George May 21 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Sept. 10 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Nov. 26 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Sept. 10. 4704 4584 4696 Benson, Robert 4677 Brown, Edwin Malcolm 4711 Brown, William John Kenneth Burlitt, Christopher William James . . Burrell, Arthur William Butcher, John Edward 4613 4594 4626 4550 Cameron, Henry Athol Roy May 21 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Nov. 26 4683 Cameron, John Cantwell, Duncan Hepburn .. Cartwright, Alfred George May 21 1918. Feb. 25 1917. May 21 Sept. 10 4647 4673 4545 Challis, Alfred James 4689 Christensen, David Christensen, Mourils William Cocks, George Goliath Julius Coghlan, John Joseph Collinson, George Richard Cooper, Bertram Edward Cooper, John Charles Corlott, Stophen Lawson Coxhead, William John Crosby, Samuel John Curtis, Arnold Dempsey, Thomas .. .. Dovey, John Dryden, William Duggan, Walter May 21 Nov. 26 Sept. 10 May 21 Sept. 10 May 21 Sept. 10 Nov. 26 4561 4583 4591 4562 4659 4637 4572 4589 4574 4599 4648 4658 4600 4654 4627 Sept. 10 Nov. 26 Sept. 10 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Sept. 10 Duncan, George Edward Wellington .. 4688 Duncan, Thomas Elia, Kiriakos 4620 4607 Eng, Georgo Andreas Evans, William Absalom Evans, William James Falknor, Ernest Ferris, Henry James Foreman, William Forward, Frank Hugh 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Sept. 10 May 21 Nov. 26 Sept. 10 4686 4619 4536 4649 4580 4638 4610 Fosbrooke, Dudley Yate Gatfield, James 1918. Feb. 25 4699 4684 Gibson, Alexander Cameron 1917. Nov. 26 1918. Feb. 25 4657 Gilby, George Smith Gill, Francis 4703 4700 Gilligan, Frank Goodlcy, Joseph Goss, William, jun. Graham, Alexander Gray, Geoffrey Gray, Henry Frederick 1917. Nov. 26 Sept. 10 Nov. 26 May 21 Sept. 10 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Sept. 10 May 21 Sept. 10 May 21 Sept. 10 4660 4008 4676 4568 4581 4691 Gray, William Albert Grundy, John Hadlcy, Charles Hall, William Edward John Hammond, Archibald Arthur Hanley, Thomas Ernest Harrison, Charles John 4578 4547 4586 4557 4601 4635 j 4579

Name of Person. Date of v Issue. JN0 ' Hart, Albert Louis Harvey, Richard Charles Has lorn, Charles Hayward, Arthur John Herbert, Arthur William 1.917. May 21 Sept. 10 May 21 Sept. 10 1918. Feb. 25 4548 4569 4621 4549 4634 Hill, Edmund Charles Hill, James 4707 4712 Hinds, Frederick Stanloy Hipkins, Sidney Hampton .. Hodson, John Holloway, Lemuel Hopwood, Thomas Hornby, James 1917. Nov. 26 Sept. 10 May 21 Sept. 10 Nov. 26 4399 4032 4544 4602 4655 4665 Horroy, William 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Sept. 10 4687 Howe, Edwin Moanaroa Hughes, Stephen Edward Hurst, Frederick Lawrence .. Illingworth, Arthur 4611 4609 4633 4593 Jamieson, Alexander James .. Jesen, Mads William Charles 1918. Feb. 25 4701 4697 Jcssen, Richard William Jones, Arthur Evans Jones, Leslie John Francis .. Keig, Ernest Larsen, Edwin Ernest 1917. May 21 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Sept. 10 Nov. 26 May 21 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Sopt. 10 4520 4708 4603 4645 4570 Lea, Victor John 4714 Mansfield, James Matheson, Neil Meharry, David Kennedy Melbom, Erie Peter May 21 4604 4615 4564 4565 Moffitt, George Sutton 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Nov. 26 4693 Moller, Jacob Rand nip Motley, Joseph McAuslin, John McBurnoy, Herbert 4664 4662 4646 4643 McDowall, Robert West McFarlane, Walter.. 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Sept. 10 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Sept. 10 Nov. 26 4709 4622 Mcllvride, Lewis 4679 McKendry, Hugh McKernan, John McLeod, Donald Neill, Richard Nelson, Walter Scott Newman, Joseph Nicol, John Hector.. Norton, William John May 21 Sept. 10 4595 4640 4642 4653 4551 4614 4617 4592 Ord, Stephen Charles O'Shea, John 1918. Feb. 25 4690 4702 Parker, George Pascoe, Charles Edward Pasfield, Harold Norman Peppercll, Norman Claude .. Phillips, William John Poultor, Frederick Thomas .. Quarter, Thomas Hunter Raeburn, Robert Read, William Rhiml, Frank Richards, George Rigden, James Henry Roberts, Edward Athol Alexander 1917. May 21 Nov. 26 Sept. 10 May 21 Sept. 10 May 21 4552 4661 4628 4555 4582 4553 4506 4623 4590 4618 4636 4606 4629 Sept. 10 >» Robertson, Archibald 1918. Fob. 25 1917. Sept. 10 4705 Roper, James Warrone 4577



Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1917, to the 31st March, 1918-continued.

Return of Locomotive- and Traction-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1917, to the 31st March, 1918.

Name of Person. Date of No Issue. Ross, Albert Thomas Schwictors, Alexander Victor Scott, Alexander Sell, Arthur Edward Sharpe, John Thomas Shea, William John Shepherd, Alfred Hullen Sime, John Edward Sinclair, Edward Smith, Albert John Smith, Thomas Martin Stewart, James Stobba, Francis Stokes, Thomas David Sutherland, William, jun. Syron, Michael 1917. May 21 4575 Nov. 26 4663 May 21 4560 1918. Feb. 25 4694 4695 1917. Sept. 10 4585 .1918. Feb. 25 4692 1917. Sept. 10 4631 May 21 4559 Sept. 10 4598 Nov. 26 ! 4666 Sept. 10 4597 Nov. 26 4650 May 21 4554 Sept. 10 4624 4587 1918. Feb. 25 4706 1917. Sept. 10 4616 1918. Feb. 25 4680 1917. Sept,. 10 I 4612 Taylor, Edgar Taylor, James Philip Taylor, John Toasdale, Henry Atkinson ..

Name of Person. Date of ' ,, Issue. ft0 - Tighe, William Terence Triokett, John Ronksloy Tucker, William Turton, Arthur Urwin, Thomas Charles Von Ziarno, Carl Franz Richardt Walters, William John Ward, Albert Pender Waswo, William Henry Watkins, Thomas McMillan . . Wearn, William Luke Wheeler, Sidney Joseph White, Thomas Edwin 1918. Feb. 25 4685 1917. Nov. 26 4644 1918. Feb. 25 I 4713 4698 1917. Nov. 26 i 4641 ! 4674 ! 4651 Sept. 10 I 4576 ! 4596 May 21 ! 4556 Nov. 26 I 4652 4675 May 21 4573 1918. Feb. 25 4678 1917. Sept, 10 4588 1918. Feb. 25 • 4682 ; 4681 1917. Sept. 10 4005 May 21 4558 Whitehead, Leslie llcwson .. Williams, Alfred .. Williams, James Gill Wilson, Donovan William Burton VVisncski, Louis Young, William

Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. Allan, Arthur .. .. • Andrews, James Ardern, Samuel Vincent Howard 1917. Sept. 10 3296 3278 3381 Barrett, Thomas .. Nov. 26 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Nov. 26 3385 Becker, John Bidmoad, Jonathan St. George 3365 3378 Black, George Alexander Boyd, William Philip Butler, William George Butson, Arthur Butterfield, Alfred Feilding .. 1918. Feb. 25 3417 3414 3400 3387 3419 Campbell, Kenneth Oliver .. Campbell, Valentine Henry . . 1917. May 21 Sept. 10 1918. Feb. 25 3258 3276 Carroll, Robert Catteriok, James George Chamberlain, William 3393 3418 3411 Clarke, Claude Hamilton Clifford, James Gunn Clinch, Andrew Stephen Collins, Edward Constable, Charles Leslie .1917. Nov. 26 1918. Feb. 25 191.7. Sept. 10 Nov. 26 Sept. 10 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Nov. 26 Mav 21 3367 3409 3299 3354 3281 Cooke, Arthur William 3390 Cox, Edward George Craies, James Edward 3356 3252

Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. Cunningham, Andrew 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Nov. 26 Sept 10 3412 Dalziel, William McDonald .. Danks, Peter Duncan, Robert William 3377 3290 3270 Eustace, Percival Henry Farland, William Sommerville Feary, Percy Reuben Finnic, Albert John Fisher, George Ashley Vincent Fitzsimons, Patrick Francis . . Forrest, James William Dowling Eraser, Wilfred John 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Sept. 10 May 21 Sept. 10 May 21 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Nov. 26 Sept. 10 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Sept. 10 May 21 Nov. 26 May 21 1918. Feb. 21 3397 3280 3265 3300 3251 3395 3366 3352 Frye, James Alfred 3407 Gamby, Sibley Everest Gamman, Arthur Frederick . . Gough, Henry Gunn, Thomas 3354 3259 3374 3254 Gwynn, Walter Halford, Richard Henry 3384 3413 Hall, Albert Francis 1917. May 21 1918. Feb. 25 3253 flardwick, William Barclay . . Harris, William John 3405 3398 Hausohild, Henry ion. May 21 3264



Return of Locomotive- and Traction-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1917, to the 31st March, 1918 — continued.

Return of Locomotive-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1917, to the 31st March, 1918.

Name of Person. Oate of Issue. No. Iloaloy, Viotor Joseph Hibbs, John I9IS. Feb. 25 3406 3392 Hickcy, James Erin Patrick liopkirk, William James Hutt, George Arthur 1917. Nov. 26 3362 3357 3379 Jamieson, Harry Mariet Jardine, Peter 1918. Feb. 25 3403 3408 Johnston, Alexander Cleveland Johnston, George Thomas .. Johnston, Leslie Ivor Johnston. Malcolm Johnston, William Henry 1917. Sept. 10 3284 3277 3292 3369 3371 Nov. 26 Jones, James Charles Jones, Reginald Herbert Joseph, John David Barnes 1918. Feb. 25 1917. May 21 1918. Feb. 21 1917. May 21 1918. Fob. 25 1917. Sept. 10 3399 3266 3401 Kane, James 3257 Kelly, Henry William 3394 Kenning, Thomas Henry Lake, Frederick James 3291 3271 Lcathwick, John 1918. Feb, 25 1917. Nov. 26 3390 Leslie, William James Lucas, Cecil Osborne Manners, John Hedley Sept. 10 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Nov. 26 Sept. 10 3363 3360 3295 Manning, Arthur Henry 3389 Martis, Benjamin Lawronce . . Mathoson, John Thomas Meaehen, Thomas 3373 3274 3294 Millard, William Owen 1918. Fob. 25 1917. May 21 3391 Milne, John Morton, Henry Luttrell McArthur, James Nov. 26 1918. Fob. 21 1917. Nov. 26 3208 3250 3380 McDonald, Archibald Edward 3415 McKay, Alexander 3364

Name of Person. Date of „ Issue. wo - McLaren, James Robert McQuillan, Gladwyn Newton, Henry Ogilvie, William Thomas Owen, Henry Alfred Parkes, William Paterson, William Pettit, Herbert Piper, Frederick William Plowright, Edward William . . Polkinghornc, Richard Ramsay, Robert James Rees, Frederick Tyndall Riordan, Timothy James 1917. Nov. 26 3372 3368 3267 3273 3382 3376 3369 3287 3297 3288 3285 3293 3260 3258 May 21 Sept. 10 Nov. 26 ft Sept. 10 »! »> ») Robins, Henry May 21 Nov. 26 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Sept. 10 3410 Sandford, James Henry Scott, Francis William 3283 3273 Shaw, George Shaw, Josiah Alexander Sleeman, Edward James Smart, James Walter 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Sept. 10 Nov. 26 1918. Feb. 25 1917. May 21 Sept. 10 Nov. 26 May 21 3386 3282 3355 3420 Smith, Lewis Windermere .. Smith, William Spencc Stehr, Basil Ashby Wolfe .. Stewart, Andrew John Stuart, John Shields Taege, Hermann Frederick .. Thorn, John Turkington, Robert James . . Underwood, Arthur Sept, 10 May 21 Nov. 26 May 21 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Nov. 26 Sept. 10 3262 3279 3375 3256 3255 3280 3269 3383 3261 Volt/., David Grant 3402 Walshe, William Patrick Watkins, George Thomas Wcllings, George Whelan, Francis Joseph Williams, Llewellyn Nov. 26 Sept. 10 1918. Feb. 25 1917. May 21 1918. Feb. 25 3376 3275 3298 3361 3289 Willan, Thomas George 3388 Wilson, William 3263 Young, James Andrew 3416

Name of Person. doctor, Dempster Smith tfcDowoll, Roy Date of Issue. 1918. .. Feb. 25 No. 5 6

Name of Person. Date of w „ Issue. I No - Sharman, Jonathan Stephen Trickett, John Ronksloy 1917. .. May 21 4 1918. .. Feb. 25 7


Return of Traction-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1917, to the 31st March, 1918.

Return of Winding (Steam) Engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1917, to the 31st March, 1918.


Name of Person. Date of „ issue. ""• Ash, William 1917. Sept. 10 1918. Feb. 25 115 Bak, Jacob Andersen Batchelor, John Michael 161 158 Bowker, Vernon Branch, Robert Christopher . . Burnett, Percy Casper Cartwright, William George .. Crawford, Herbert Crooks, Thomas Francis 1917. Nov. 20 135 124 106 134 103 123 May 21 Nov. 26 May 21 Sept. 10 1918. Fob. 25 Eggleton, Leslie William Finn, Patrick Fisher, Robert Martin 153 159 143 Fullerton, Edwin Samuel Garvey, Michael Gascoyno, Arthur 1917. May 21 Sept. 10 May 21 1918. Feb. 25 104 119 101 Gillon, Robert Gordon, William 160 149 Grammer, Stephen Jocelyn .. Grant, Robert .. Gwatkin, Frederick Verc 1917. Nov. 26 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Nov. 26 1918. Feb. 21 1917. Nov. 26 Sept. 10 1918. Feb. 25 139 155 127 Ham, Robert Henry 142 Hay, William Charles Hill, Albert Edward 133 1.18 Hood, Tiomas Hornal, William Alexander . . Ker, Thomas William 1.52 148 147 Knight, Edward Frank Kn wles, George Albert Luscombe, Philip Henry 1917. Nov. 26 129 124 120 Sept. 10

Name of Person. Data of Issue. No. Madden, Edward William 1917. Sept. 10 1918. Feb. 25 121 Matthews, Harding Parsons .. Mawer, Edward Albert Meller, Andrew Millar, Henry James 1.45 157 144 163 Millar, Richard George Moorhead, David Samuel MoElwee, Robert John McKee, Bernard O'Keefe, John Alfonsus Patterson, John 1917. May 21 Sept. 10 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Sept. 10 Muy 21 Nov. 26 191.8. Feb. 25 1917. Sept. 10 Nov. 26 Sept. 10 106 113 151 116 109 131 Piloher, Norman 162 Poole, Edward Reid, William Rollo, James Arkle Russell, Frederick Hugh Savin, Albert Smith, David John Stark, Kenneth George Stratford, George Rowland . . Sullivan, Michael Joseph Thomson, Frederick Cecil Thornton, Percy Tomlin, Victor Charles Sellman Nov'. 2 I 112 128 114 1.10 136 140 137 III 117 138 122 126 Sept. 10 Nov. 26 Sept. 10 Nov. 26 191.8. Feb. 25 Tozer, Arthur Vose, Thomas William Francis 150 154 Walker, George Henry West, Charles Frederick Wilson, George 1917. Nov. 26 130 141 132 Winsley, George 1918. Feb. 26 1917. May 21 140 Wright, James Frederick 108

Name of Person Date of Issue. No. Blair, Alexander Thomas 1918. Feb. 25 1917. May 21 553 Cadman, Joseph, iun. Clarkson, William Crowley, Cornelius Michael .. Sept. 10. 1918. Feb. 25 547 546 549 Deianey, Francis Joseph 554

Name of Person. Date of Issue. l No. I Falconer, John Alexander .. Flintoff, Walter Rutherford. . 1917. Sept. 10 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Nov. 26 550 555 Keefe, John Patrick Senior, Reginald Thomas Treweek, William Pryor 552 551 548 Sept. 10

H.— ls.

Return of Electric-tram Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1917, to the 31st March, 1918.


Name of Tenon. Date of N „ Adcock, Alexander Anderson, Alexander Anderson, Joseph Henry Andrewartha, Stanley 1917. Nov. 27 1918. Feb. 25 1917. Sept. 28 May 21 1918. Feb. 18 1917. May 21 Nov. 27 May 21 703 722 685 662 Baker, Charles Arthur 722 Ball, Isaac Parker Barber, William Henry Benn, Sidney Bingham, Charles Henry Blackburn, Richard 656 691 661 623 696 Bloor, Edward Wiscell Nov. 26 1918. Feb. 25 191.7. May 21 732 Bowling, Alban Brickie, William 'Alexander . . Bryan, John Charles Bull, Arthur Burton, Percy Robert Cade, George Nov! 27 624 669 717 704 721 652 Carruthers, Arthur Berrill Carruthers, Joseph Carruthers, William Agnow .. Charters, Walter Herbert Christie, Andrew Francis Jolly May 21 1918. Feb. 18 1.91.7. Nov. 27 May 21 Sept. 28 Nov. 27 1918. Feb. 18 733 705 625 672 702 Clarke, Arthur William Clarke, Norman Frank 728 ■ 731 Clarke, Walter Arthur Collecutt, Thomas Henry Collins, Denis 1917. May 21 640 660 673 Cottingham, Harold Joseph . . Couper, Frederick John Courtney, William Charles . . Sept. 28 1918. Feb. 18 1917. Nov. 27 May 21 1918. Feb. 18 1917. Nov. 27 747 706 647 Croll, Edward Drummond .. 734 Crooks, James Davidson, William Browis .. 718 700 Davies, David Llewellyn 1918. Feb. 18 1917. May 21 725 Oelaney, John Francis Dowie, Walter Arundel Duggan, Charles Lewis Sept. 28 1918. Feb. 18 1917. May 21 632 641 686 i Eagle, Hamlet 736 Englert, John Diedrich McMullin Everest, Henry John Fenney, Thomas Henry Flint, John Edwin Fowlor, William Thorp Franklin, Leonard Alexander Nov! 27 625 644 707 708 651 653 May 21 Garfath, Arthur Francis Garth, Victor Leopold 1918. Feb. 18 729 736 Ginn, Alfred Henry Gooch, George James Goro, St. John 1.917. Sept. 28 688 674 627 Graham, Vernon Aylwin Hardman, Ernest Harliwieh, Frank Thomas .. Harris, John William Hart, William Jamos Harvey, William Henry Herrett, William Herrick, George Montgomery Holland, Frederick William .. Hunter, Samuel May 21 1918. Feb. 18 1917. May 21 Nov. 27 May 21 Nov. 27 May 21 737 663 719 664 709 657 645 648 684 699 Hurley, Thomas John Jennings, Albert Kulsch, Charles Erno Laverty, Thomas .. Sept, 28 Nov. 27 1918. Feb. 18 1917. Nov. 27 Sept. 28 May 21 1918. Feb. 18 1917. May 21 1918. Feb. 18 738 714 687 633 Le Sueur, William Stitt Jenkens 748 Liddell, John Oliver 668 I I Lowson, Frederick Joseph .. 753 [

Name of Peraon. Date of H „ Issue. ™°- Mills, Charles William Moody, Percival Henry Moore, George Henry Morgan, John Henry 1918. Feb. 18 1917. May 21 Nov. 27 1918. Feb. 18 1917. May 21 Sept. 28 1918. Fob. 18 1917. May 21 7.39 642 692 740 Morris, Herbert Arthur Morris, Solomon 634 675 Morse, Arthur Edwin 741 Muir, John .. .. Mulholland, Charles 628 655 Mullen, Arthur Blundcn Midler, Norman Victor 1918. Feb. 18 1917. Nov. 27 1918. Feb. 18 751 701 MoAdam, James Andrew McCarthy, Jerry 742 726 MeChie, Harold Francis McKenzic, Robert James McNaughton, Albert Brian Norton, John Ogilvio, Andrew Otton, Charles Sydney Parks, John Parsons, Edward 1917. May 21 635 665 643 695 658 638 646 659 Nov. 27 May 21 Payne, Albert Edward Payne, Edward William James 1918. Feb. 18 1917. Nov. 27 1918. Feb. 18 754 693 Payne, Leonard Norman .. Perry, John 752 730 Phillipson, Thomas James Phillpot, John Peek Preston, Harry Ramsay, Robert Nicol 1917. Sept. 28 Nov. 27 670 698 710 676 Roilly, William Bernard Rich, Gerald Rupert Robb, Hugh Edward Parker Robertson, William Archibald Sutherland Ross, Robort Dugald Sept. 28 1.918. Fob. 18 1917. Sept. 28 Nov. 27 May 21 Nov. 27 1918. Feb. 18 743 683 690 654 715 Savidgc, Marshall Whitehorn Scott, William Crisp 744 724 Scrgent, Ernest Walter Shaw, Thomas Shilcock, John Henry Siddall, Julian Vivian Silver, William Claude Smith, Arthur Alexander Smith, Sidney Charles Spackman, Rupert Howard Steer, Cyril Roy Stone, Charles Edwin Fairburn 1917. Nov. 27 694 711 639 650 667 677 636 671 678 629 May 21 Sept. 28 May 21 Sept. 28 Sturt, William Ewart Tansoy, Edwin Charles Thompson, Archibald James Thomson, Arthur Onslow Thomson, Peter Henry Tomes, Albert William May 21 1918. Feb. 18 1917. May 21 1918. Feb. 18 1917. May 21 Sept. 28 1918. Feb. 18 1917. Nov. 27 Sept. 28 Nov. 27 726 666 745 630 679 749 Tunnell. William George Vernon, William Archibald Walker. John Weinberg, John Alfred Wells, Harry James 712 680 716 713 720 Whatson, Errol Wilfred Whyte, Alfred Henry Wilcox, William Percy 1918. Fob. 18 1917. Sept. 28 May 21 W1918. Feb. 18 11917. May 21 Sept, 28 750 689 631 Williams, Frederick 746 Wilson, Stanley Walter Bean Young, James Barkly Young, William Henry 637 681 682



Return of Non-fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1918.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date of Accident. Nature of Injury. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. Andersons Limited, Christchureh Stewart Timber, Glass, and Hardware Company (Limited), Wellington Beattie, Coster, and Co. (Limited), Mataura A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin Lathe Planing .. Pump Lathe Tin-making ! I .. I G. Reed ; 24 years WiUiam Stewart : 44 years .. | John Bolger ; 32 years .. [ Chris Boddy-: 16 years Mabel Church ; 19 years 19/4/17 Finger injured .. Reed got his finger between the work he was turning and the tool. 20/4/17 Hand injured .. When planing a piece of timber Stewart aUowed his left hand to come into contact with the knives of the machine. 23/4/17 Arm injured .-. While oihng the machinery Bolger's arm was caught by it and vras broken. 27/4/17 Finger injured .. Boddy w-as boring out a coUar in a lathe ; he inadvertently sot the third finger of his right hand jammed. 12/5/17 Fingers injured .. Two of her fingers were caught by moving machine and were cut. Irvine and Stevenson (St. George Company (Limited)), Dunedin A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin Golden Bay- Cement-works (Limited), Tarakohe Haydoek and Spragg, Auckland. Sprue-cutting Conveyor-gear Poyver hack-saw Circular saw Wrapping Milling .. .. • WiUiam Buchanan ; 35 years .. : John Grooby-; 54 years .. W. T. Stewart,: 19 years James Shepherd : 51 years Annie Sampson ; 16 years ..IN. Blakeyvay ; 16 years 12/5/17 Finger injured .. Buchanan got the middle finger of his right hand jammed in the machine. 20/5/17 Arm injured .. Grooby was oihng the machinery when his coat-sleeve was caught in the cog-wheels ; his arm was drawn in and was bruised and lacerated. 21/5/17 Finger injured .. The frame of the saw slipped whilst he was settling metal in the machine : it cut the end off the forefinger of his right hand. 21/5/17 Finger injured .. Shepherd's first finger of his right hand came into contact with the saw and was cut. 24/5/17 Finger injured .. In taking off a smaU knife from the machine Sampson accidentally started it, yvhen the forefinger of her right hand yy-as injured. 29/5/17 Arm injured .. Through inattention Blakeway got his left arm cut by the machine. James Speight and Co. (Limited), Dunedin Aulsebrook and Co., Christchureh Canterbury Engineering Company, Christchureh Bassett and Co. (Limited), Wanganui .. Aulsebrook and Co., Christchureh Cossens and Black (Limited), Dunedin.. Brownlee Limited, Kilbirnie David Scott, Stirling Buzzer Fat-press.. Drilling .. Planing .. Oil-engine Icing Lathe Elevator Lathe H. Munro ; 15 years C. Haultain : 54 years J. R. Simmons ; 27 years William Donaldson ; 28 years David Scott ; 57 years A. W. Knight ; 54 years Ro3 T Congalton ; 15 years J. H. W. Phelan ; 27 years . . W. M. McLaren ; 16 years 1/6/17 Finger injured- .. Munro's first finger of his right hand came into contact with a cutter of the machine. 2/6/17 Finger injured .. Haultain was cleaning out the press while the rollers were in motion, when the second finger of his left hand was crushed by them. 9/6/17 Arm injured .. When yvorking at the machine the sleeve of Simmons's overaU was caught on the head of the set-screws in socket: his left arm was twisted round the spindle and yvas fractured. 12/6/17 Leg injured .. Donaldson yvas planing a piece of timber when it was thrown back by the saw; it struck him and caused the fracture of his left leg. 14, 6/17 Ribs and foot injured While engaged oihng the bearing Scott's foot was caught by the shaft: he yvas thrown down, when a rib was broken and his foot bruised. 25/6/17 Fingers injured .. Whilst the machine was in motion Knight's first and second fingers of right hand were caught between the feed-plates and were badly squeezed. 25/6/17 Thumb injured .. Through inattention Congalton got his right thumb crushed in the gearing-yvheel of the lathe. 26/6/17 Thumb lost .. Whilst the elevator was in motion Phelan threw- a rope over it; the rope was caught by a cog-wheel, and in endeavouring to pull it off he lost his right thumb. 26/6/17 Body injured .. McLaren's clothing yvas caught in the carrier of the lathe ; he was drawn in against the face-plate and had his face bruised and his shoulder-blade injured. Aulsebrook and Co., Christchureh A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited), Dunedin WelUngton Technical Education Board, WeUington



J. E. Hendriksen, WeUington .. Wood-working .. Thomas Thompson; 44 years Orwell Creek Sawmill (Limited), Oryvell Sawmill .. .. James Pearcy ; 25 years Creek Auckland City Council, Auckland .. Triple-expansion en- . A. Wyllie ; 48 years gine W. Purcell; 39 years H. Pearson ; 39 years W. Oram ; 40 years The Windsor Manufacturing Company Grinders .. .. B. Tisorieri : 15 years (Limited), WeUington Leyland and O'Brien Timber Company-, Circular saw .. W.J.Wilson; 18 years Auckland C. W. Gibbs, Dunedin .. .. Circular saw .. C. W. Gibbs; 53 years Thomas Borthwick and Sons (Limited), Shafting .. .. WiUiam Hoyvard : 16 vears .. Belfast Mrs. S. Frew, North-east Valley .. I Hydro-extractor .. A. E. Skinner; 32 years Brown Barrett (Limited), Auckland .. Grinder .. .. E. Corrigan; 16 years Aulsebrook and Co., Christchureh .. Card-box staying .. ! Ethel Lawrence ; 21 years Woolston Tanneries (Limited), Woolston ' Lift .. .. G. H. Broyvn ; 32 years N.Z. Refrigerating Company (Limited), Corlise engine .. W. J. Morton ; 29 years Pukeuri Booth, Macdonald and Co., Sydenham Lathe .. A. W T alker; 19 years Phoenix Company (Limited), Dunedin.. Caramel cutting .. William Coard ; 14 years Phoenix Company (Limited), Dunedin. . Dough-mixer .. j Alexander Bryant ; 15 years .. W. D. Anderson, Methven .. .. Chaffcutting .. i A. Morrison; 41 years Lyttelton Times Company (Limited), Printing .. .. George HiUmer; 15 years Christchureh Aulsebrook and Co., Christchureh .. Paper-cutting .. James Menelaus ; 32 y-ears Wilson's Portland Cement Company (Li- Grinding and crushing; William Brentnall; 44 years .. mited), Warkworth Phoenix Company (Limited), Dunedin.. Tin-folding .. i A. G. Wilson ; 14 years William Black, Waihao Downs .. Chaffcutter .. William Black; 50 y-ears .. : 27/6/17 i Fingers injured .. I Thompson's fingers came in contact with the knives of the machine. 7/7/17 ; Body injured .. ( Pearcy was oiUng a bearing on the shaft yvhen his coat yvas caught by a fastener; he was carried round the shaft between a pulley K3 SH and a bearing, and had his body bruised and squeezed. 13/7/17 Body- and face injured One of the engines coupled to a generator was running hot, and yvas about to be shut down when an explosion occurred in the crank-chamber; the force of the explosion bleyv the cover off the lubricating-oil chamber, with the result that a large quantity of boiling oil yvas discharged upyvards ; the oil struck the top portion of the engine, and, descending in a shoyver, inflicted severe injuries on the four men yvho were engaged near the machinery-, burning their faces, arms, and body. 24/7/17 ' Finger injured .. Wliile feeding machine Tisorieri allowed the forefinger of his right hand to be caught in the rollers. 25/7/17 ' Finger injured .. When taking away- battens from the saw the first finger of Wilson's right hand came in contact with it. 26/7/17 ; Thumb injured .. Gibbs was sawing a piece of timber and accidentally allowed the thumb of his left hand to come in contact with saw. 3/8/17 Body injured .. While engaged oiling bearings the ladder on which Howard yvas standing slipped, and he fell about 12 ft. and bruised his body and sprained his wrist. 16/8/17 Arm injured .. : Skinner was stopping the machine when his foot slipped off the brake ; his right arm struck the rey-olving cage and w-as broken between the wrist and the elbow. 20/8/17 Finger injured .. When working at the machine Corrigan accidentally got his right hand caught between two cog-wheels. 23/8/17 Finger injured .. Lawrence got the second finger of her left hand cut and crushed yy-hile working at the machine. 4/9/17 ' Leg injured .. Brown yvas wheeling a truck of leather across the cage of the lift when the cage dropped down ; he fell to the floor below and fractured his left leg. 6/9/17 Finger injured .. When feeling around the bearing of the engine to see that it yvas all right Morton accidentaUy T put the middle finger of his right hand into the fork of the trip-gear and got a finger taken off at the second joint. 13/9/17 Fingers injured .. While closing door of the tool-locker Walker placed his hand under a guard and his hand was caught in the gearing. 17/9/17 Fingers injured .. Coard accidentally misplaced his right hand and it was caught in the machine and had several of his fingers injured. 20/9/17 Wrist injured .. : Bryant was placing dough in the machine when his left hand yvas caught by the rollers and crushed. 24/9/17 Arm injured .. When feeding machine Morrison inadvertently got his left hand in the rollers and had his arm taken off at the elboyv. 25/9/17 Thumb injured .. HiUmer had his thumb crushed through being caught between the lever and the roller of the inking-machine. 16/10/17 Finger injured .. Menelaus started the machine while the middle finger of his right hand was in the way of the knife and had point cut off. 17/10/17 Finger injured .. Brentnall yvas testing the heat of the bearings of the engine when his finger came into contact with the crank and was fractured. 30/10/17 Thumb injured .. Wilson got his thumb jammed in the machine. 30/10/17 Fingers injured .. When oiling bevel cog-yvheels in motion Black accidentally got three of his fingers caught in them and had the tops taken off.


Return of Non-fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery, etc.— continued.


Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date of Accident. Nature of Injury. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. _l Colonial Sugar-refining Company (Li- Driving-gear mited), Auckland G. Ehrke; 32 years .. 31/10/17 Fingers injured Ehrke was filling an oil-cup near the spur-yvheels when he inadvertently placed his right hand on the wheels and had two fingers crushed. While engaged drilling the sleeve of coat was caught in the machine ; his right arm was drawn in and bruised. Anderson inadvertently put his left hand between the arm of a wheel and the guard and had his wrist severely crushed. Gates had his arm fractured through hay-ing it caught by the belt of the machine. Griggs was adjusting the belting on a small pulley, while in motion, yvith a piece of rope ; it somehow got entangled on the pulley and drew him on to it; he was carried round shafting several times and had his arm badly smashed and a leg injured. When putting belt on pulley a stud in the shaft-collar caught Stuart's shirt and dreyv him on to the shaft; he was taken round by it and received injuries to his back and his leg. Holgate was adjusting the gripper when he accidentally got his right arm caught in it and had it crushed. Vaughan slipped and his right hand came in contact yvith the saw, and he had it cut. When attempting to work machine McPhail placed her right hand under the die ; the machine started and took off the top of one of her fingers. Forbes' s fingers were drawn in to the rollers and were squeezed. Clarke was putting a belt on a moving pulley when it overlapped and broke ; the end of the belt was caught by the shaft, and the end of it with the fasteners on it struck him on the head and inflicted tyvo scalp-wounds. Pedlar's left hand slipped while he was planing a piece of timber ; it came into contact with the kniy-es of the machine and had four fingers severed. Through inattention Welsh had his arm crushed against the floor and cage. Alexander allowed the first finger of his left hand to come into contact with the endless knife, losing tip of finger. When reaching her machine the first and second fingers of Sorensen's left hand were caught in the wheel and the tips taken off. Through Thornton misplacing her right hand the wire stitch pierced the point of the forefinger and took the nail off. Kotara slipped yvhen working the machine ; his foot yvas caught by the cogs, causing injury to his heel. When working at saw Beaver accidentaUy drew- his hand across the saw and had his thumb cut. While working machine Irvine accidentally got her finger crushed by part of it. A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin . . Drilling .. Chris Boddy; 17 years .. 5/11/17 Arm injured Roes and Glendining (Limited), Dunedin Carding .. .." John Anderson ; 50 years .. < /Tl/17 Wrist injured Kearsley Wool Scouring Company (Li- Woo! scouring mited), Onehunga Robert Holt and Sons, Napier .. Sawmill . . .. | H. Gates ; 20 years .. .. 7/11.17 Arm injured Jack Griggs; 16 years .. 12/11/17 Arm and leg injured . Back and leg injured • ' H. N. Stuart, 20 years .. 15/11/17 Murray Creek Gold-mining Company, : Ore crushing .. I Reefton J. Wilkie and Co., Dunedin .. .. Varnishing .. -j John Holgate ; 46 years .. 24/11/17 Arm injured Woolston Tanneries (Limited), Christ- Circular saw church Murray's Limited, Underwood .. [ Automatic press .. WiUiam Vaughan ; 30 years .. 26/11/17 Emily McPhail; 16 years .. I 26 11 17 Hand injured Finger injured i Aulsebrook and Co., Christchureh . . Staying Wilson's Portland Cement Company (Li- Crushing and grinding mited), Warkworth , _ Jean Forbes; 15 years .. 27/11/17 Ernest Clarke ; 30 years .. 28 11/17 Fingers injured Head injured George Poole and Sons, Invereargill .. Planing .. R. Pedlar; 17 years. . .. 30/11/ 17 Fingers lost C. H. Furness (Limited), Auckland . . Electric lift WiUiam Walsh ; 16 years .. j 4/12/17 Arm injured Ross and Glendining (Limited), Dunedin Cloth-cutting H. Alexander; 35 years .. 8/12/17 Finger injured Alexander Harvey 7 and Sons (Limited), Cannister trimmer.. Auckland Myrtle Sorenson ; 17 years .. 14/12/17 Fingers injured Phoenix Company (Limited), Dunedin . . Wire stitching Amy Thornton; 32 years .. 9/1/18 Finger injured Waihou Valley Dairy- Company, Te Aroha Dried milk West H. Grange, Newmarket .. .. Crosscut saw Paul Kotara ; 20 years .. 15/1/18 V. Beaver; 25 years .. 21/1/18 Foot injured Thumb injured Phcenix Company (Limited), Dunedin .. j Slotting Myrtle Irvine ; 16 years .. 29/1/18 Finger injured



11— H. 15

Waitemata Saw-mill Company. Auckland I Crosscut saw W. J. Pooley ; 63 years Head injured Pooley- yvas adjusting a belt-guide under the saw-bench when he raised his head too high ; it yvas struck by the set-nut on the coUar on the end of the shaft, inflicting a scalp-wound. Nicholson's right hand came into contact with the saw, severely cutting it. A cast-iron pulley broke, and one of the pieces struck Shields on the ankle and broke it. Wharton was cutting fireyvood when his left hand sUpped and, coming into contact with the sayv, had two fingers and the thumb injured. Beaumont, out of curiosity, drew himseff up on the door to look over the top to watch the cage descending ; he was struck by the top bar of the cage, inflicting scalp-wounds and slight injury to skull. The index finger of Grose's right hand yvas caught in the machine and cut. Thorn placed his left hand behind the saw to catch hold of a piece of wood, when the first and second fingers came into contact with it. While putting belt on a pulley Miller's left hand was caught between the belt and the pulley and was severed above wrist. Beardsley through negligence place his first finger under the knife while he yvas operating the press, and had it cut off at the second joint. Cameron accidentally placed his left arm on saw, and had two fingers cut off and his arm lacerated. McLeod was wearing a gkree yvhich was caught by the feed rollers; his right hand was drawn in and severed at the wrist. Instead of going underneath the machine at the proper place, BaUantyne put his right arm through the frame and had it caught between two pinions and crushed. Through George placing the first finger of her left hand too far into the machine she had it pierced. When sawing a piece of timber Gibson's fingers came into contact with the saw, causing injury to three of them. McKay was altering the speed of the machine, and used his hand instead of a piece of wood to shift the belt on to another puUey ; his arm was caught by the puUey and severely bruised. Neyv Zealand Refrigerating Company (Limited), Wanganui Brook Bros., Evans FlatCircular saw Flax-mill. . J. Nicholson ; 39 years 1/2/18 Hand injured Thomas Shields ; 50 years 2/2/18 .Ankle injured Wharton Bros., Auckland Crosscut saw A. Wharton ; 47 years 4/2/18 Fingers injured Drapery and General Importing Company (Limited), Christchureh Goods lift . ■ V. Beaumont; 14 years 18/2/18 Head injured Aulsebrook and Co., Christchureh Wire-stitching .. ■ E. W. Grose : 15 years 19/2/18 Finger injured D.S.C. and Cousins and Cousins (Limited), Auckland Circular saw J. A. Thorn ; 15 years 22/2/18 Fingers injured Windsor Manufacturing Company (Limited), Wellington Skelton, Frostick, and Co. (Limited), Christchureh Power-bench Knife-press R. MiUer ; 48 years .. 26/2/18 Hand lost L. Beardsley ; 19 years 26/2/18 Finger injured Cook and Cook, Petone Circular sawD. Cameron ; 18 years 28/2/18 Fingers and arm injured Hand lost Edmond Ryan, Waitahuna Chaffcutter Robert McLeod ; 50 years 6/3/18 New Zealand Paper Mills (Limited), Dunedin Paper-cutting j A. Ballantyne ; 24 years 12/3/18 Arm injured Skelton, Frostick, and Co. (Limited), Christchureh Scoular and Chisholm (Limited), Dunedin ( Eyelet-puncher Circular saw -Annie George ; 20 years 15/3/18 Finger injured John Gibson ; 17 years 19/3/18 Fingers injured New Zealand Refrigerating Company (Limited), Wanganui Wool-drj'ing J. McKay ; 18 years 20/3/18 Arm injured



Return of Fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1918.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. . Name and Age of Person injured. >.amc and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. . Name and Age of Person injured. icc'dert Cause of Accident and Remarks. Date of Accident. l_ Ward, Clemenie, and Sanderson, Karaka Creek.. Berdan driven by Pelton W. J. Ward ; 44 years w-heel Parker- Lamb Timber Company (Limited), Auck- Sawmill .. .. W.J.Thomas; 23 vears.. land Waihi-Paeroa Gold-extraction Company (Limited), Friction-winch .. Peter Lynch ; 39 years Paeroa Tolaga Co-operative Dairy Company (Limited), Butter-worker .. L. Rangiuia; 19 years Tolaga BayMrs. E. F. Bloomfield, Winton .. .. Flax-mill .. .. J. J. Miller ; 43 years William Henry Hayman, Willowbridge .. Circular saw .. .. Wilham Henry Hayman ; 46 years Aulsebrook and Co., Christchureh .. .. Chocolate -mixer .. H. G. Parsons; 45 years Onehunga Sawmilling Company (Limited), One- Drag-saw .. .. A. R. Bartlett ; 33 years.. hunga Maekay Woodruff, Otangihaku .. .. Milking plant.. .. Ronald Evans ; 3 years .. Glen Oroua Co-operative Dairy Company (Li- Shafting .. .. W. J. Robertson ; 17 years mited). Glen Oroua. 18/4/17 Ward was changing tho belt when it caught his foot and pulled him on to the shaft; he was carried round until machinery was stopped; he then fell about 10 ft. to the ground, his right foot was badlymangled, and his hip was broken. He cbed about two hours later. 19/6/17 Thomas was repairing the sayvdust-creeper and adjusting a chain with the machine in motion; he was caught by it and thrown round the shaft face first; he received severe injuries consisting of a compound fracture and dislocation of both feet, wounds and abrasions on other parts of his body. He died six days after the accident. 11/9/17 While Lynch was working the winch, by some means his clothing was caught by the revolving shaft; he was rapidly drawn into the moving parts of the winch; his skull was crushed, his arm fractured, and had severe bruises on body, which caused his death. 17/9/17 Rangiuia was working at the churn and he slipped ; in trying to save himself he placed his hand on the rollers and was drawn into the machine; he received severe injuries to his arm, and he died two days after the accident. 5/10/17 Miller was repairing a belt when he was caught by the shafting;' it. wound Miller with it around the shafting; he was carried round the shaft and had severe injuries to the right leg, which was torn off, his back was broken, and his head fractured. He died twenty minutes after the accident. 30/10/17 Hayman was reheving a feeder at the saw-bench when a piece of timber feU on the saw; it flew back and struck him on the forehead and caused instantaneous death. 1/11/17 It seems that Parsons had been trying to empty the machine whilst in motion; his sleeve was caught in it, drawing his arm in, and he received such injuries to his shoulder and his head that his death occurred eight days after. 17/12/17 Bartlett was sawing a piece of timber which was warped; it accidentaUy caught the back of the saw and was torn off and flung backwards ; it struck deceased in the abdomen, causing such injuries that he died next day. 18/12/17 The child was in charge of a nurse-girl and was told to go out; he strayed away from the girl and must have come in contact with the revolving shaft: his pinafore became entangled in it and he was wound round; his head struck the floor causing his death. 25/1/18 Robertson was holding a loose belt which was used to drive a separator when by some means his right arm was caught in it and he was carried round the shafting ; his neck yvas broken, his right shoulder fractured, and his ankles were crushed to a pulp.



Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. ' n ., icriinj.™ »i Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of Transferred Purposes for which Bad. ' Swf™ ij,tS__T Class of Driver required. Boilers: and also showing where Slse of Cylinders 'iBoUeri Kngine in Incnas. are now amended. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Adams, H. H. .. .. .. .. I Tapu „ .. .. .. .. Thames .. Bond, H. .. .. .. Devonport East Coast Co-operative Freezing Company .. Whakatane Hokianga Co-operative Dairy Company .. Motukaraka Joyce, A. E. .. .. .. Matarana Kauri Timber Company . . .. .. Waiotu .. Kitchen and Switzer . . .. .. Victoria VaUey Langlands and Co. (Limited) .. .. Nihotapu Dam Maungaturoto Co-operative Dairy Company .. Ranganui ■ Messrs. Lapwood Bros. .. .. .. Tuakau .. New Zealand Dairy Association (Limited) .. Pukekohe ,, ,, .. Clevedon.. Ringrose, T. .. .. .. .. Mareretu.. Smeed, W. A. .. .. .. .. Tuakau .. Steel Construction Company .. .. Freeman's Bay Tauranga Rimu Company (Limited) .. Tauranga Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Company .. Westfield Waihi Borough Council .. .. .. Waihi District Waikato Co-operative Dairy Company (Limited) Tuakau .. Waimana Dairy Company . . .. . . Waimana WaUer and Banks . . .. .. Franklin .. Watkins Bros. (Limited) .. .. .. Kakahi .. Westfield Freezing Company .. Westfield.. Wilson's Cement Company.. .. .. Warkworth .. ! Dredge .. 20 j 8 and 13 .. .. First .. .. .. j Late Armstrong Gold-dredging Company. .. : .. 20 | 9 and 16 .. .. „ .. .. .. I Late New May Queen Gold-mining Company. .. | SawmiU .. • .. 23 I 12 .. .. Second .. .. Late Bond Bros. .. [Steaming.. .. 95-2 i 19J and 34 .. First.. .. .. j Additional. 95-2 i 19J and 34 .. „ .. .. 95-2 ; 19J and 34 .. „ .. Butter -factory 30 j lo| .. .. Second .. .. I Sawmill .. .. 26 j 10 .. .. „ .. .. Late W. A. O'Brien. .. „ .. .. 52 16 .. .. First .. .. .. Late King Bros. .. „ .. .. 25 10 .. .. Second .. .. Late G. Thomas. .. j Steaming.. .. 27 Two 94, .. „ .. .. Late New Zealand Railways, F. 503. .. ,, . . .. 16 Two 8J .. .. „ .. .. Requirements of Act. .. ! Hauling .. .. 7-4 Two 7 . . .. Locomotive and traction ■ Late M. McLennan. .. j Dairy factory .. 25 Nil .. .. Second .. .. I Additional. .. I Flax-mill.. .. 24 I Two 9 . . .. „ .. .. j Late K. Entwhistle, Tuakau. . . ! Butter-factory .. 42 ; 12 and 19 .. First .. .. .. ] Size of cylinders amended. .. ! Dairy factory .. 60 Nil .. .. Second .. .. ! Late Campbell and Ehrenfried Company (Li mited). Butter-faotory 27 10 .. .. „ .. .. Requirements of Act. .. | Flax-miU.. " ,. 22 j 10 .. .. „ .. .. I Late J. W. Levesey. . . I General .. .. 6:8 .. .. Traction .. .. j Late J. H. Ferguson. Steaming .. 64 I 14 .. .. Second ,. .. I Late Bagnall Bros. .. j Log-hauling .. 20 Two 8J .. .. „ .. Additional. 29 Two 8J .. .. „ .. .. | Soapworks .. 54 10 .. .. ,, .. .. I „ Road-roUer .. 5 9 and . . .. Locomotive and traction : Late Newmarket Borough Council. .. : Butter-factory . . 32 j Nil . . .. Second .. .. I Late Walter Steel. .. I Dairy purposes .. 19:6 .. .. ,, .. .. Additional. .. i General .. .. 6 8 .. . . Traction .. .. j Late F. WaUer and Sons. Sawmill .. .. 21 , 12 .. .. Second .. .. j Late R. 0. Clark. Hauling .. .. 7| Two 7 .. . . Locomotive .. .. Late New Zealand Powell Wood Process Company. Cement-works . . 26-3 ' Nil .. Second .. . . Additional. AUCKLAND NORTH DISTRICT. Kauri Timber Company .. .. .. j Ngatipo .. Leyland-O'Brien Timber Company . . .. Kaingaroa Rangiora Timber Company .. .. Kohukohu Whangarei Borough Council .. .. Lake Ohia Whangarei Freezing Company .. .. Reotahi . . Whangarei Timber Company .. .. Whangarei .. j Hauling .. .. 12 Two 7J .. .. Locomotive and traction Late Whakamarama Land and Timber Company, 8J Two 61 ..... .. „ . . .. 9 Two 6£ . . .. „ Late R. P. Gibbins (Limited). .. | Flax-mill.. .. 12 7 and 11J .. Second .. .. Requirements of Act. | Freezing-works .. 32 16 and 29 .. First Sawmill .. .. 14 9 and 12J . . „ .. .. Late J. Wilkinson. ... „ .. .. 20 9 and 12J .. I „ AUCKLAND SOUTH DISTRICT. Carlson, A. .. .. .. .. Owhango.. Conder, J. H. .. .. .. .. | Matamata SawmiU .. .. j 14 12 .. .. I First .. .. .. Size of cyhnders amended. ..:„;. .. 12 11 .. .. ! „ Chaffcutting .. 5 5J and 8 . . .. : Traction .. .. Late Eynor and Conder.


H.- 15

Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Name of Owner. ! j Where Boiler used. HorsePurnoses fo- which used power Diameter of Cylinders of purposes ro. wruch used. of j Engine in Inches. Boiler. Class of DriTer required. Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of Transferred Boilers; and also showing where Size of CyUnde-rs are now amended. Ellis and Burnand .. .. .. Manunui .. ,, .... .. Mangapuhi Hamilton Borough Council.. .. .. Frankton Hunter, C. .. .. .. .. Waimihi Hyne, R. J. .. . . .. .. Waitoa Lees and Hedley .. .. .. .. Tahuna Manson and Clark .. .. .. Ta.umarunui New Zealand Dairy Association (Limited) . . Orini ,, ,, .. Frankton Junction ,. ,, .. j Matangi .. „ „ .. Gordonton „ ,, . . Matangi .. „ ,, . . Matamata AUCKLAND SOUTH DISTRICT— continued. Sawmill .. .. | 88-4 Three 12 .. First .. .. .. . Additional. ., ,. .. 65 Two 14f .. .. ,, .. .. [ Size of cy-linders amended... .. i 50 Two 14| .. .. „ .. .. .. | 51 Two 14}.. .. „ .. Electric light .. 56 12 and 22 .. ,, .. .. Late Frankton Borough Council. SawmiU .. .. 25 : 14 .. .. Second .. .. ! Late Pukuweka Sawmilling Company. Flax-mill.. .. 40 i 14J .. .. First .. .. .. Late Liggins and Smith. 25 ; 11 .. .. | Second .. .. Late J. W. Hedley. Sawmill .. .. 8 6J and 11 J .. I Traction _.. .. I Late D. Vowless and Co. (Limited). Cheese-factory .. 35 : 6 .. . . Second .. ..' Late T. Rathbone. Dairy factory .. 86 11 .. .. ,, .. .. Late Northern Timber Company (Limited). Dry-milk factory .. 65 9 .. . . ,, .. .. Size of cyhnders amended. Cheese-factory . . 20 6J .. . . „ .. .. Late Waihou Valley Farmers' Dairy Company. Dry-milk factory .. 50 9 .. .. ,, .. .. j Late New Zealand Packing Company (Limited). ,, . . 50 13 .. . . ., .. . . I Size of cy-linders amended. 84 13 .. .. 40 13 .. ■• „ Butter -factory . . 25 9 .. .. ,, .. . . I Requirements of Act. Glaxo-factory .. 25 9 .. .. ,, .. .. Late J. Nathan and Co. Freezing .. .. 88 9, 14J, and 9 . . First .. .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Brickworks .. 12 Two 7 and 10 .. Second .. .. Requirements of Act. ,, ,, . . Matangi .. .Neyv Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Bacon Frankton Junction Company New Zealand Government Public Works De- Matieri partment Ditto .. .. .. ;. Pukemiro Collieries (Limited) .. .. Pukemiro Roe, A. W. .. .. '. '. ■■ .. Mamaku Rosevear, E. G. .. .. .. .. Ohura Rotorua Pumice Company (Limited) . . Rotorua Rotorua Timber Company .. .. .. Oturoa .'. ._ ... 15 „ „ Coal-mining .. 74 I 12 and 17 .. First .. .. .. Additional. Hauhng .. .. 23 i 12 .. . . Second .. . . Size of cyhnders amended. SawmiU .. .. 14 Two 8f .. .. ,, .. .. Late Matieri Sawmill Company, Pumice-works . . 16 9 .. „ .. . . Late J. W. Levesey. Sawmill .. .. 12 11 .. .. First.. .. .. Late J. P. KeUy. 12 11 .. „ .. Hauhng .. . . 17 Two 11 .. . . Locomotive .'. .. Size of cylinders amended. Pumping.. .. 72 16 and 20 .'. First .. .. .. ,, „ .. 72 „ ..!„'.. Glaxo-factory .. 57 j 8 .. .. Second ' „ . .. 57 j 8 -:. .. | .. .. „ '45 8 Sawmill .. .. 25 j 18 .. .'. First .. .. .. Requirements of Act. . ' ' Taringamotu SawmiU Company (Limited) . . Taringamotu Taupiri Coal-mines (Limited) .. .. Huntly Waihou Valley Dairy Company (Limited) .. Te Aroha West Waimiha SayvmiU Company (Limited) .. Waimiha.. Addington Iron RoUer MiUs (Limited) .. 1 Addington CANTERBURY DISTRICT. ,, „ .. Hazeldean Road .. Canterbury By-Products Company (Limited). . Belfast Canterbury Refrigerating Company (Limited). . Christchureh .. Ironworks .. 15 j 16 and 26 .. First . . .. .. Late J. Austen and Son. ,, .. 50 16, 26, and 14 .. „ .. .. Late Glenmore Brick Company. ,, ......' 16 | ,, v: 33.- .. ,, ... . .,.--., , .. Late Lyttelton Harbour Board,. . i . v ... , Heating .. .. 30 8, 12}, 7, and 11 .. .... .. .. Late Brown. .„__. _ Manure-works ... 15 9J and 16 .. ., .. .. .... Late Christchureh Frozen Meat Company. ..15 „ ..



Canterbury Refrigerating Company (Limited).. Christchureh Elliott, G. W. .. .'. .'.' .. Rangiora.. Grimyvood, F. .. ■'■.--. .. .. • Kaikoura Matthews, J. J. .. .. .. { Rangiora.. MiUs, John .. .. .. .'. Waikuku. . Mount Torlesse Coal Company .. .. Avoca New Zealand Glue Company (Limited) . . Woolston Sumner Borough Council . . .. . . Sumner .. Sunnyside Mental Hospital .. . . Sunnyside Ward and Co. (Limited) . . .. .. Christchureh Westport Coal Company (Limited) . . .. Hulk " Darra " Woolston Tanneries (Limited) .. .. Woolston Wratt, Charles .. .. .. .. Waddington Wright, Wilham .. .. .. .. i Bexley .. .. Freezing.. .. 30 10 and 7, 8 and 14.. First . . .. I „ . . .. 70 I 9 and 14|; 25, 10, „ .: " and 17 ; 8 and 14 General . . .. 8 9 .. .. Traction .'. „ .. 7 5} and 9 .. .. „ .. Threshing .. 8 9 .. ' General . . . . 8 I 6i and 10 Coal-mining . , 79 : 9 and 14 .. .. First .. .. j Glueworks .. 50 Nil .. .. Second Road-roller .. 6 6 and 9f .. .. Traction . . Heating . . .. 30 Two 12, six 4, two 3 First .. Brewery . . .. 25 6 .. .. Second . . Hoisting . . .. 18 Eight 6, two 5J .. First .. .. | Heating . . .. 16 ' 12, 21, and two 8 . . „ .. .. ! General .. .. 8:9 7/16 .. .. Traction ..I 6 I 8 .. ..I .. ; Late Christchureh Frozen Meat Company. .. | Late E. Hall. Late Manson and Clark. .. ■ Late Robert Reid. h ',' . . j Late Morriss. - h .. I Late Bonanza Coal Company. Late Wardell Bros. Late Heathcote County Council. Size of cylinders amended. .. : Late Smith. .. i Size of cylinders amended. Late Claridge and Smith. .. i Late Allen Bros. HAWKE'S BAY DISTRICT. Bowring, R. D. i. .. .. j Takapau.. Crawford, H. .. .. .. .. Haveloek North Gisborne Borough Council .. .. .. Gisborne .. Harris, H. .. .. .. .. ] Ongaonga Maharahara Co-operative Cheese Company .. j Maharahara McLeod Sawmilling Company • .. .. Matawai .. Motuhora Stone Quarries Company .. . . Gisborne North British and Hayvke's Bay Freezing Com- Napier .. j General .. .. 7 i 8£ .. . . Traction .. Threshing, &c. 6 8 .. I Electric power .. 107 14, 20|-, and 30 . . First .. . . I „ 107 „ ..!„.. . . i SayvmiU .. .. 14 7 17/32 and 12 .. „ .. .. i Cheese-factorv .. 20 5J .. .. Second .. | SawmiU .. .. 12 11 .. I „ .. .. 33 Two 9f .. Hauling .. .. 6 5 .. . . Locomotive Freezing .. .. 95 18 and 28 , . First .. Late Bowring and Cattermore. .. Late T. Pilcher. Late New Zealand Crown Mines Gold-i Company. .. Ditto. Requirements of Act. Late A. McLeod. Late Gisborne Borough Council. Size of cylinders amended. lilie pany Robertshayv, W. .. .. .. .. Tikokino.. The Velio Company .. .. .. Tomoana.. Withers, John .. .. .. .. Wairoa .. Bridge-building .. 8 6-| and 11J .. Traction Rennetmaking ., 32 9 .. .. Second General .. .. 6 8J .. .. | Traction Late H. Carlson. Late J. E. Smith. Requirements of Act. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. Dominion Consolidated Development Company Deep Creek (Limited) Drake, Frank .. .. .. .. Tuamarina Snovrden, P. W. . . .. .. .. District .. Stratford and O'Dyer .. .. .. Mahakipawa .. I Air-compressor .. 36 14 .. .. Second General .. .. ('5A and 9 .. .. Traction 8 6fandll .. Threshing .. 8 9 .. | Late L. S. Humphries. .. j Late Drake and Monson. Requirements of Act. . . | Late V. Dobson. NELSON DISTRICT. Baigent, L. and J. .. .. . . Takaka .. Grant, WiUiam .. .. .. .. Rockville Griffen and Sons (Limited).. .. .. Nelson Griffith, H. .. .. .. .. Wangapeka Mason, John I. .. .. .. Puramahoi Robertson, Frank.. .. .. .. ,, Waimea County Council .. .. .. Waimea .. SayvmiU .. .. 12 I 7 and 11 J .. Second 40 9J Confectionery .. 25 Nil .. .. ., .. Sawmill . . * .. 12 Two 8£ . '.'. 12 Two 9-gy .. .. Flax-mill.. .. 14 Hauling .. .. 7 I 7f and 11 .. Traction .. i Late H. Baigent. . . : Late C. L Grant. .. I Late J. M. Croucher. .. 1 Late Griffiths Bros. .. Late A. D. Bird. Late Page and Whelham. Size of cylinders amended. Murray Creek Gold-mining Company .. Reefton .. New Zealand Sugar of Milkand Casein Company (Limited) Ditto NELSON SOUTH DISTRICT. .. | Mining .. .. 49 Two 14 .. .. First .. 1 Sugar-of -milk factory 54 Nil .. .. Second 54 .. .. | Late Karaka Gold-mining Company. .. ! Late Goldfields Gold-dredging Company.


Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers — continued.


Xame of Owner. Where Boiler used. Horsei Pnrnosea for which mud P° wer Diameter of Cylinders of | purposes for wMcn nsea. o{ Engine in Inches. Boiler. Class of Driver required. Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of Transferred Boilers ; and also showing where Size of Cylinders are now amended. NELSON SOUTH DISTRICT— continued. Ogilvie and Co. .. .. .. .. | Gladstone Oxnam, E. D. .. .. .. .. ' Where required Stuart and Chapman .. .. .. Mikonui .. Hauling .. .. | 14 Two 7 .. .. j Locomotive 6 6| and 10 .. Traction ,, .. .. 16 Two 8 Locomotive .. i Additional. .. | Size of cyhnders amended. .. j Requirements of Act. OTAGO DISTRICT. Arthur Bros. .. .. .. .. I Ida VaUey Boyle, E. H. .. .. .. .. District .. Bruce Railway and Coal Company .. .. Waronui .. Hinahina SawmiU Company .. .. i Hinahina Hogg and Co. .. .. .. .. Dunedin .. Hopwood, T. .. .. .. .. Eveline .. Jubilee Coal Company .. .. .. Abbotsford Lauriston Timber Company .. .. Tahakopa Mackenzie, D. .. .. .. .. Tuapeka Mouth MeSkimming, P., and Sons. . .. .. Benhar .. Ness, T., and Son. . .. .. .. Kaikorai VaUey Oamaru WooUen Company (Limited) . . Oamaru .. New Zealand Coal and Oil Company .. Kaitangata Petrie, G. .. .. .. .. Romahapa Ruddenklau, G. .. .. .. .. District .. Sharpe, A. .. .. .. .. Tawanui .. Stewart, R. T. .. .. .. .. District .. Tait's No. 2 Mill .. .. .. ... Makoreta '' i General .. .. 3} 6* .. .. Traction Threshing ..89 Hauhng .. .. 56 Two 8|, two 11, 11 First .. and 7 Sawmill .. .. 16 8 and 13 .. .. „ .. 63 10-fe .. .. Second Steaming .. 16 8 .. .. „ Hauhng 39 Two 9} .. . . „ .. ,, .. .. 23 Two 9} .. Locomotive Sawmill .. .. 27 16 .. .. ; First Flax-miU.. .. 20 1LJ .. .. Second Pipemaking .. 16 7} and 11$ . . ,, Fellmongery .. 16 6 and 9J .. .. „ Heating .. .. 45 13 and 23 .. First Hauling .. .. 40 Two 264 .. ..!„.. Flax-miU.. .. 14 Two 8| .. .. Second Threshing .. 9J: 6| and 104. .. Traction Sawmill .. .. 16 ; Two 10 .. .. ! Second Dredging .. 20 7-| and 14 .. I First Flax-miU.. .. | 8 .. .. (Traction .. j Late A. Arthur. .. I Late H. Simpson. Size of cylinders amended. Late Upper Waikawa SawmiU Company. Size of cyhnders amended. .. | Late Milligan and Bond. Late Kohinoor Dredging Party. Late New Zealand Railways, " D " 47. Size of cyhnders amended. Late A. Thomson. Size of cyhnders amended. Late Dunedin Drainage Board. Late Wood Bros. (Limited). I.ate New Zealand Colliers Railway and Oil Syndicate. Late Crooks, White, and Watson. .. | Late A. Hall. Late Hayes and Co. .. I Late Golden Gate Gold-dredging Company. .. I Late A. Thomson. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. Bannockburn Coal-mining Company (Limited) Bannoekbum Brown Bros. .. .. .. .. Mill Road Butler, James .. .. .. ... Winton .. Caird Bros. .. .. .. Waimumu CampbeU Bros. .. .. .. .. Fortification Coaldale Coal Company (Limited) .. .. I Nightcaps Crooks, John . . .. .. .. j Wairio Henry, Francis .. .. .. .. Waikiwi .. Invercargill Borough Corporation .. .. Waterworks ,, .. .. InvercargiU Jarvis, H. .. .. .. .. New River Kaputai Gold-dredging Syndicate .. .. Waikaia .. Kay, David .. .. .. .. Mataura .. King and Nicol .. .. .. .. District .. Marlborough Timber Company .. .. Port Craig Coal-mining .. j 20 I 10 .. .. Second 20 10 Steaming .. 20 i Nil .. .. „ Flax-miU.. .. 14 | Two 8>j .. 16 7 and 11 .. .. „ .- 10 : 10 .. 14 Two 8£ .. .. „ Hauhng . . .. 20 i Two 6 .. .. „ 8 | 6J and 10J .. j Traction Flax-miU.. .. 12 7} and 114 .. j Second Pumping.. .. 20 Two 12 .. .. ! First .. 20 I Two 12 .. ..!„.. Flax-miU.. .. 16 j Two 91, .. .. Second Gold-dredging .. 20 8 and 13 .. .. j One 1st and two 2nd General .. .. 8 9J .. .. j Traction „ .. .. 6 8 .. .. | Steam-crane .. 8 Two 9 .. .. I Locomotive SawmiU .. 73 17| .. .. ; First .. .. I Change of ownership. Late Wairio Railway and Coal Company Late Wright, Stephenson, and Co. Late Orcadian Gold-dredging Company. Late Thomas Steel. Late Charles Templeton. Late L. A. Neiderer. Late Fred Evans. Late Holmes, Pascoe, and King. Late J. E. Waters and Co. ... Late Wright, Stephenson, and Co. (Limited Late Seifert, Weiderer, and Co. (Limited). Late Kingsland Bros, and Anderson. Requirements of Act. Late J. and H. Bridgeman. Late Cairnmuir Coal Company. Requirements of Act.



Marlborough Timber Company .. .. I Port Craig .. I Hauling .. Native Sawmilling Company .. .. j Wakapatu .. Sawmill .. New Zealand Sugar of Milk and Casein Company Edendale .. j Hauling .. „ „ .. : Steaming.. Nichol Bros. .. .. .. .. Ruapuke Island .. Flax-mill.. Ohai Railway Board .. .. .. Wairio .. .. Hauling .. Pascoe Bros, and Bryant .. .. .. Tokanui .. .. Flax-mill.. Pascoe, Charles E. .. .. .. Waikawa Valley .. „ Patterson and Kelly .. .. .. Oware .. .. Sawmill .. Patterson, G. B. .. .. .. .. Whiterig .. .. Coal-mining Patterson, John .. .. .. .. District .. .. Chaffoutting Steel, Thomas .. .. .. .. j South Hillend .. Flax-mill.. 8 ; Two 9 .. 14 ! Two 8£ .. 8 ! 9 50 ; Nil 56 i „ 16 ! 7 and 11 .. 25 ! Two 10 .. 13 Two 7J .. 14 Two 8£ .. 12 Two8f .. 20 8 and 13 .. 16 Two 6 .. 4J 6J 14 Two 8 .. .. I Locomotive .. .. Late Cairnmuir Coal Company, Southland. ' .. I Second .. .. Late Broad, Small, and Co. Traction .. .. I Additional. Second .. .. Late Confederated Goldfields of New Zealand (Limited). .. Ditto. „ .. ... Late J. A. Anderson. Locomotive .. .. Late Wairio Railway and Coal Company. .. j Second .. . . Late King and Nichol. .. | „ .. . . Late Bates and Arnold, jun. .. ! First .. .. . . Late Wyndham Timber Company (Limited). .. i Second .. ■. Late Ed. Charles. .. I Traction .. . . [ Late Angus Patterson. .. I Second .. .. | Late D. and A. McKenzie (Limited). TARANAKI DISTRICT. Andrew Bros. .. .. .. .. i Okato .. .. Threshing, &c. Borthwick, Thomas, and Sons .. .. i Mokoia .. .. Freezing .. Cape Egmont Dairy Company .. .. Pungarehu .. Dairy-factory Castlecliff Railway Company .. .. Wanganui .. Hauling .. Egmont Brewery .. .. .. . . i New Plymouth .. Brewery .. Eltham Co-operative Dairy Company .. j Mata .. .. Cheese-factory Hawera Co-operative Dairy Company .. ! Fraser Road .. „ ,, ,, . . I Haw T era .. .. Dairy Inglewood Co-operative Bacon Company . . Inglewood .. Bacon-factory Joll, T. L., Co-operative Dairy . . .. | Okaiawa .. .. Cheese-factory Kaimata Dairy Company .. .. .. Kaimata . . .. Dairy factory Kaponga Dairy Company .. .. .. Kaponga .. „ Kaupokonui Co-operative Dairy Company .. Waikura . . .. Cheese-factory Lepperton Dairy Company.. .. ... Lepperton .. Dairy factory Meremere Co-operative Dairy Company . . Ohangai . . .. Cheese-factory New Zealand Caesin Company .. .. Aramoho.. .. Casein- works Pulley, C. F. .. .. .. . . Breakwater .. , Crane Speirs, A. .. .. .. .. Awakino .. ' Flax-mill.. Taranaki Farmers' Meat Company .. .. j New Plymouth .. ; Freezing-works .. ! 5-6 I 5 and 8J .. .. | 85 I 18 and 32 27-9! 10 26 j Two 10 .. 22 Nil 20 : 8i 20 : 8 30-8 ! 8J 25 Nil 17 8 25 : 8 41 I Nil 25 | 9 20-9 j 9 50 ' 8 25 | 9 5 Two 6 .. 6 Two 6 .. 8 Two 7J .. 12 7 and 11 .. 28 I Two 8, one 7 •• 28 i Locomotive and traction i Late B. and F. Andrews. First .. .. ■. I Size of cylinders amended. Second .. •. '■ „ Locomotive .. .. „ Second .. .. Additional. .. .. Size of cylinders amended. „ .. .. j Additional. „ , .. .. j Late Inglewood Oil Boring Company. „ .. . . j Late Cape Egmont Co-operative Dairy Company. „ .. .. Additional. ,, .. .. I Size of cylinders amended. „ .. .. ; Additional. „ .. .. Size of cylinders amended. ,. Late West Coast Refrigerating Company. .. ; Locomotive and traction ! Requirements of Act. .. [ Second .. .. ,, .. I ,, .. ... Size of cylinders amended. TTMARTJ DISRTICT. Bennett and Walls .. .. .. I Tinwald .. .. General .. Church, E. G. .. ... .. .. Ashburton Copland, William .. .. .. .. j Tinwald .. ... „ Greaves, J. .. .. .. .. j Timaru .. .. „ Gudsell Bros. .. .. .. .. , Winchester .. „ Lane Bros. .. .. .. .. j Waimate.. .. ,, McLean, John .. .. .. .. j Otaio .. .. ,, Moore McKay .. .. .. .. j Methven .. .. I „ New Zealand Refrigerating Company .. ' Timaru .. .. Freezing .. Oliver, J. W. .. . . .. .. Green Street .. General .. Ruddenklau, H. .. .. .. Waimate.. .. „ Smith Bros. .. .. .. .. Ashburton .. Sawmill .. Thompson, Robert .. .. .. Tinwald .. .. General .. Timaru Borough Corporation .. .. Timaru .. .. „ Tozer, A. .. .. .. .. Pleasant Point Tozer, F. .. .. .. .. Levels .. .. | '6:8 9 I 6£ and 11 6 ! 6 and 10 .. 8 | 9A8 9 6 j 8f 8 i 6f and 11J 8 ; 9J 83 16 and 29 8 94, 8 8J 32 11 8 6| and 10J 8 ; 6Jand 11 9 6| and 11J 8 i 9 9 ! 6Jand 11 Traction .. .. j Late T. Wilson. .. ] Late A. E. Church. „ .. .. Late T. Wilson. ,, .. .. l Late T. Lister. „ . .. .. | Late Alexander Gudsell. „ .. .. : Late Gudsell Bros. „ .. . . Late Quinn Bros. „ .. .. Late F. A. Shields. First .. .. .. Late Christchurch Meat Company. Traction. .. .. j Late Thompson Bros. „ .. .. ! Late Cumming Bros. Second .. .. Late J. Smith and Son. Traction '.. .. Late T. Wilson. „ .. .. | Late S. Gibson. ,, .. .. ! Late Sheppard Bros. ,, .. .. ! Late A. Johnson. ,, .. .. Late G. Bennison.



Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Approximate Cost of Paper. — Preparation, not given ; printing (1,050 copies, Including ohart), £1S

Authority: Maeotts P. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9lB.

Price Is. !)d.]

Xame of Owner. Where Boiler used. HorsePnrnnses for which used P ower Diameter of Cylinders of rurposes tor wnicn usea. Qf Engine in Inches. Boiler. Class of Driver required Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of Transferred Boilers; and also showing where Size of Cylinders are now amended. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Bourke, J. M. .. .. .. .. Petone .. .. | Wool-washing .. 20 7 and 11 .. .. Second .. .. Late J. Mcllroy. Broyvnlee, A. (Limited) .. .. .. Featherston .. SayvmiU .. .. 20 ! 10 .. .. „ .. .. Late State Coal-mines. Cook and Cook .. .. .. .. Petone .. .. Woodwork .. 26 10J and 8 and 13 .. First .. .. .. Late J. Cook. Featherston Co-operative Dairy Company .. Featherston .. Dairy .. .. 22 10 .. .. Second .. .. j Additional. Hutt River Shingle Company .. .. Helling .. .. ! Stone-crushing .. 20 11 and 14} .. First .. .. ... Late Pitcaithly and Co. Makapai Flax-mining Company .. .. Hakerua .. .. Flax-miU.. .. 32 12 and 20 .. ,, .. .. Requirements of Act. Maurieeville Lime Company .. .. MauriceviUe .. i Lime-crushing .. 50 18 .. .. ,, .. . . Late Premier .Manufacturing Company. Neyv Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Bacon and Ngahauranga .. Steaming .. 50 Nil .. .. Second .. ' .. Late William Dimock and Co. Meat-packing Company (Limited) Neyv Zealand Government Defence Department Featherston Camp.. Rolling .. .. 4 Two 4| .. .. Traction .. .. I Requirements of Act. Taucher, John .. .. .. ... Masterton .. Hauhng .. .. 5 4J and 7J .. Locomotive and traction j Late Hatriek and Co. Wall and Jensen .. .. .. .. Shannon.. .. Sawmill .. .. 12 11 and 7 .. .. Second .. .. Late A. L. Seifert. Wellington City Council .. .. .. Wellington .. Power-house .. 65 17, 24J, and 27£ .. First .. .. .. Additional. Wellington Farmers' Meat Company .. Waingawa .. Freezing .. .. 120 . 191. and 34 .. „ .. .. .. ., „ .. .. 129 19| and 34 ..,,.. „ .. Hauhng .. .. 23 Two 94; .. .. Locomotive . . .. Size of cylinders amended. Wellington Gas Company .. .. .. Wellington .. Wagon .. .. 6 Two 5} .. .. Locomotive and traction Requirements of Act. WELLINGTON NORTH DISTRICT. Dewe and Sporle .. .. .. .. Feilding .. .. I Wool-works .. 39 12 .. .. Second .. .. i Additional. Feilding Borough Council . . .. .. ,, .. .. | Road-roUer .. 4 4 and 6} .. .. Traction .. .. I Additional. Feilding Farmers' Freezing Company .. Aorangi .. .. j Meat-works .. 68-4 8 and 12 .. .. First .. .. .. j Late Oroua and West Coast Mining and Prospecting Company?. Gamman and Co. . . .. .. .. Ohakune.. .. SayvmiU .. .. 45 20f .. .. „ .. .. Size of cylinders amended. „ .. .. .. „ .. .. „ .. .. 20 lland20| .. „ .. .. Requirements of Act. Goldfinch and Co.. . .. .. .. „ .. .. „ •• .. 25 10 .. .. Second .. .. Late Solhtt Bros. Nathan, Joseph, and Co. .. .. .. Bunnythorpe .. Dried-milk factory 45 Nil .. .. ,, .. .. Requirements of ActNew- Zealand Government Public Works Depart- Ohakune .. Stone-crushing .. 16 Tyvo 9J .. .. „ .. .. „ ment Grata Sawmilling Company .. .. Horopito.. .. Log-hauling .. 13 Tyvo 9 .. .. „ .. .. Late F. J. Carter. ,, .. .. .. ., .. SayvmiU .. .. 16 ,, .. .. „ .. .. ,, Wanganui Sash and Door Company (Limited).. Karioi .. .. ,, .. .. 35 < 14 .. .. „ .. .. | Late Waikopiro Sayvmilling Company. WESTLAND DISTRICT. Blackyvater North Gold-mining Company .. Waiuta .. ..,■,] SawmiU .. .. 10 Two 14 .. .. Winding .. .. Late Prohibition Gold-mining Company. „ •■ ..,„■-.. ..16 Two 8|- .. .. Second .. .. Late Consolidated Goldfields of Neyv Zealand (Limited). Kanieri SayvmiU Company .. .. .. Kanieri . . .. „ .. .. 12 „ .. .. „ .. .. Late Maleock. Lake Brunner SawmiU Company .. .. Bell Hill .. .. Hauling . . .. 10 Two 8 .. .. Locomotive .. .. Requirements of Act. McLean, D., and Sons .. .. .. Whererrequired .. Tractor .. .. 7 5 and 8J .. .. Traction .. .. Late Greenstone Mining Company. Ogilvie and Co. .. .. .. I Gladstone .. Hauhng .. .. 9| Two 7 .. .. Locomotive .. .. Leased from Barber Bros. Point Elizabeth Mining Company .. .. Brunner .. .. Mining .. .. 60 Two 8J and two 5.. Second .. .. Late State Mine Company. Te Kinga Land and Timber Company . . * Te Kinga .. Sawmill . . .. 48 16 .. .. First .. .. .. Late Stratford and Blair. Topliss Bros. .. .. .. .. Greymouth . . Butter-Factory .. 20 12| .. .. Second .. .. Late Poynton and Hamilton. Westland Sawmill Company .. .. Cameron's .. Locomotive .. 14 Tyvo 7 .. Locomotive .. .. Late Midland SayvmiU Company. 10 16 12 10 7 60 48 20 14

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MARINE DEPARTMENT. ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1917-18., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1918 Session I-II, H-15

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MARINE DEPARTMENT. ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1917-18. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1918 Session I-II, H-15

MARINE DEPARTMENT. ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1917-18. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1918 Session I-II, H-15

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