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Session 11. 1918. NEW ZEALAND


Laid on the Table of the House of Representatives by Leave

Native Department, Wellington, Ist July, 1918. The Hon. the Native Minister. I have the honour to submit the annual report on the work of the Native Land Courts, Maori Land Boards, and the Native Land Purchase. Board for the year ended 31st March, 1918. ANNUAL REPORT. Native Land Court and Native Appellate Court. The Native Land Court held 128 sittings during the year, the total number of rases notified for hearing being 17,693. The titles to 1,892 acres of customary lands were investigated during the year. Native Freehold Land. -1,247 partition orders, affecting 238,673 acres, have been made, while 8,308 other orders affecting Native, lands have been made. The. Native Appellate Court held five sittings during the year, the total number of cases scheduled being seventy. Revenue. —The revenue received by way of Court fees during the year amounted to £5,081 6s. Id. Details will be found in Table A attached hereto. Maori Land Boards. Vested Lands. —The area of land vested in and administered by the various Maori Land Boards totals 937.517 acres. Alienations of vested lands during the year consist of three leases, affecting 1,450 acres, and thirteen transfers, affecting 862 acres. Native Freehold Lands. —During the year the Boards have approved 566 leases, comprising 134,219 acres, and have confirmed 1,139 transfers (apart from sales to the Crown), affecting 119,236 acres. Forty-six mortgages, affecting 26,896 acres, were confirmed by the Boards. The total receipts of the Boards for the year amounted to £409,712 6s. Bd., and the disbursements to £380,163 ,3s. 3d. The total funds held at credit by the. various Boards on the 31st March, 1918, was £477,501 18s. 3d. Of this sum £338,795 6s. 9d." was placed on deposit with the Public Trustee in separate accounts in the names of the respective. Boards, the interest accruing thereon at the usual office rate being payable to the Natives entitled in terms of subsection (5) of section 35 of the Native. Land Amendment Act, 1913. The balance, £138,706 lis. 6d., represents the amount at credit for current account of the respective Boards. The revenue received by the Boards amounted to £7,602 2s. 2d., £3,048 Is. 6d. being received by way of fees and £4,654 Is. Bd. for commission. Details of the operations of the various Boards will be found in Table B. I— G. 9.

G.— 9


Native-land Purchase. During the year ninety-five blocks, comprising 91,627 acres, were proclaimed Crown land: 143,445 acres were purchased during the year, including purchases in blocks partly acquired, as compared with 143,528 acres acquired during last year. Negotiations are in progress at present in respect of approximately 913,176 acres 1 rood 9 perches. During the eight years that have elapsed since the passing of the Native Land Act, 1909, the, sum of £1,577,007 19s. 6d. has been expended through the Land Purchase Board in the, purchase of Native lands for settlement. The total area of Native land alienated by way of sale during the same period is approximately 2,016,044 acres, and of this total, some 809,005 acres have been acquired on behalf of the Crown. In the Urewera Reserve, which comprises thirty-six blocks, containing 656,000 acres, negotiations have been in progress in respect of twenty-three blocks, containing 437,719 acres, and up to the 31st March last a total area of 248,108 acres had been purchased, or more than one-half ; 64,603 acres being purchased during the past year. Arrangements are being made to commence purchasing in the remaining blocks. Preparations also being made to negotiate for the purchase of a number of blocks in the Taupo district, and prohibitions against alienation by private persons have been issued. Details of the operations for the year will be found in Table C. Departmental. The total expenditure for the year was £26,324, including the sum of £2,081 on account of the Native Land Settlement vote, as against £26,281. for the previous year. The revenue received from all sources amounted to £12,712 16s. 3d. During the year sixteen applicants for Native licenses sat for examination, and of these seven were successful in obtaining first-grade licenses, and six were granted second-grade licenses. The staffs of the various offices have worked well during the year, and have done their best to cope with the, extra work thrown upon them owing to the number of officers on military service. C. B. Jordan, Under-Secretary.



TABLE A.—NATIVE LAND COURTS. Return of Business and Fees tor the Year unoed 31st March, 1918. Native Land Court. Number of sittings .. .. .. .. .. .. 128 Number of cases notified .. .. .. .. .. 17,693 Number of cases for which orders were made .. .. . . 5,950 Number of cases dismissed .. .. .. .. .. 2,682 Number of cases adjourned sine die, .. .. .. .. 8,685 Number of partitions made .. .. . . . . . . 1,247 Area affected (acres) .. .. .. .. .. 238,673 Number of investigations of title . . . . .. . . 10 Area affected (acres) .. .. .. .. .. 1,892 Number of succession orders made .. .. .. .. 4,764 Number of other orders made .. .. .. .. .. 3,309 Native Appellate Court. Number of sittings . . .. .. . . .. .. 5 Number of cases notified .. .. .. .. • • 70 Native Land Court decisions varied . . . . .. .. 12 Native Land Court decisions affirmed .. .. .. .. 7 Native Land Court decisions referred back to Native Land Court .. 5 Native Land Court decisions annulled . . .. .. . . 1 Appeals dismissed or withdrawn .. . . .. .. 28 Appeals adjourned sine die . . . . . . .. .. 5 Applications under section 208 ordered .. ... .. .. 3 Applications under section 208 dismissed . . . . .. 5 Applications under section 208 adjourned sine die . . . . 1 Court Fees. £ a. d. Fees received .. .. .. .. •• •• 5,081 6 1 Fees outstanding for period .. .. .. .. • • 14.1 1 0

TABLE B. MAORI LAND BOARDS. Areas of Native Land vested in and administered by Maori Land Boards.

Board. As at 31st Maroh, 1917. Vested during Year. As at 31st March, 1918. Lands subject lo 'art XIV of the Nat; ive Land Act, 1.909. Ikaroa Aotea Tairawhiti Waiariki Waikato-Maniapoto Tokerau A. R. P. 16,304 0 12 14,345 0 28 2,824 3 36 18,710 1 4 197,637 3 3 74,949 1 38 a. it. r. *20,907 l 16 A. It. P. 16,304 0 12 14,345 0 28 2,824 3 36 18,710 1 4 197,637 3 3 54,042 0 22 324,771 3 1 *20,907 1 16 308,864 I 25 *; Revested in Native owik invested in Native owners. Lands subject to 'art XV of the Natit 'art XV of the Native Land Act, 1909. Ikaroa Aotea Tairawhiti Waiariki Waikato-Maniapoto Tokerau .. 1,742 1 34 193,885 2 26 54,337 0 1,7 14,551 2 28 538 0 0 85,039 2 16 1,742 1 34 193,885 2 26 54,337 0 1,7 14,551 2 28 538 0 0 85,039 2 16 1.742 193,885 54,337 14,551 538 85,039 1 34 2 26 0 17 2 28 0 0 2 16 350,094 2 1 350,094 2 1



TABLE B.—MAORI LAND BOARDS— continued. Areas of Native Land vested in and administered by Maori Land Boards — continued.

Vested Lands: How disposed of.

,, . As at 31st March, ., , , , . r As at March, Board. ,,.. - Vested during Year. ,,., s Lauds subject to Part XVI of the Native Laud Act, I'M!). Ikaroa .. .. .. .. 7,835 2 0 .. 7,835 2 0 Aotea .. .. .. Tairawhiti .. .. .. 118,977 1 39 .. 118,977 1 39 Waiariki .. .. .. .. 86,604 133 .. 86,604 133 Waikato-Maniapoto Tokcrau .. .. .. .. 381 0 0 .. 381 0 0 I _ ;___ 213,798 1 32 .. 213,798 1 32 "] , Lauds subject under Special Enactment, 'uuclmcnl. Ikaroa .. .. .. .. 817 3 22 . . 817 3 22 Aotea .. .. .. .. 1.461 14 0 2 0 1,461 3 4 Tairawhiti .. .. .. 1,138 3 22 .. 1,138 3 22 Waiariki .. .. .. .. 7,374 0 3 .. 7,371 0 3 Waikato-Maniapoto .. .. 1,653 2 2 .. 1,653 2 2 Tokerau .. .. .. .. 57,313 I 0 .. 57,313 1 0 0 2 0 817 3 22 1,461 3 4 1,138 3 22 7,371 0 3 1,653 2 2 57,313 1 0 i i - 69,758 3 13 0 2 0 69,759 1 13 0 2 0 69,759 1 13 _ • \_ i i

Board. | Num. ! ber. As at 31st March, Num- |Y ., 1917. | ber. j During Year. Num- j As at 31st March, ber. j 1918. Subject lo Part XIV. — By way of Lease. Ikaroa Aotea Tairawhiti Waiariki .. Waikato-Maniapoto Tokcrau 13 4 78 4 A. 14. J P. A. u. p. 2,079 2 32 2,577 3 0.. 36.966 0 24 2,315 1 39 A. B. P. 13 2,079 2 32 4 2,577 3 0 78 36.966 0 24 4 2,315 1 39 99 43,939 0 15 i 99 43,939 0 15 Subject to Part X 'IV. — By way of Sale. Ikaroa Aotea Tairawhiti Waiariki 4 13,725 2 12 7 6,680 3 39 9 1,127 3 7 3 2,586 0 0 ( 78 59,095 0 26 ( I 13,900 0 0 8 15,787 2 22 4 7 9 3 13,725 2 12 6,680 3 39 1,127 3 7 .. 2,586 0 0 En f\t\K /\ Ctn O ! 4 13,725 2 12 7 6,680 3 39 9 1,127 3 7 3 2,586 0 0 3 1,450 1 10 81 60,545 1 36 1 13,900 0 0 8 15,787 2 22 Waikato-Maniapoto ( l 78 I 59,095 0 26 3 13,900 0 0 Tokerau 8 110 15,787 2 22 112,903 0 26 3 110 112,903 0 26 3 1,450 1 10 113 114,353 1 36 Subject lo Part X Subject to Part XV.—Bi i 1 V. — By way of Lease. Ikaroa Aotea Tairawhit Waiariki Waikato-Maniapoto Tokerau . . 10 1,472 2 34 204 167,615 2 3 106 35,248 2 9 3 350 0 0 128 63,345 1 30 10 204 106 3 128 1,472 2 34 167,615 2 3 35,248 2 9 350 0 0 63,345 1 30 10 1,472 2 34 204 167,615 2 3 106 35.248 2 9 3 350 0 0 128 63,345 1 30 451 268,032 0 36 451 268,032 0 36



TABLE B.—MAORI LAND BOARDS -continued. Vested Lands: How disposed of— continued.

Native Freehold Lands: How disposed of.

■„ . Num- As at 31st March, Board - ber. 1917. Number. During Year. - -j Num- As at 31st March, ber. 1918. Subject to Part XV.—E % y 'y way of Sale. A. E. P. a. u. P. A. R. P. Ikaroa Aotea Tairawhiti .. 6 18,035 2 32 Waiariki Waikato-Maniapoto Tokerau .. .. 1 4 3 5 7 18,040 1 37 I 6 18,035 2 32 1 4 3 5 7 18,040 1 37 Subject to Part XVI,—. 'y way of Lease. Ikaroa .. .. 15 5,867 0 25 I .. Aotea . . .... Tairawhiti .. 67 18,767 2 13 13 Waiariki .. .... Waikato-Maniapoto 530 522 1 32 Tokerau .. .... 612 25,157 0 30 13 15 67 5,867 0 25 | .. 18,767 2 13 13 862 0 13 15 80 5,867 0 25 19,629 2 26 530 522 I 32 ■ 530 522 1 32 612 25,157 0 30 13 862 0 13 625 26,019 1 3 Subject lo Special Enactment. Ikaroa .. .. 4 260 0 34 Aotea .. .. 1 50 0 0 Tairawhiti .... Waiariki .. .. 94 7,374 0 3 .. Waikato-Maniapoto Tokerau .. .. 7 57,306 0 0 Subject lo Special Em 4 260 0 34 1 50 0 0 'itment. — By way of Lease. 4 1 260 0 34 50 0 0 94 | 7,374 0 3 ■ 94 7,374 0 3 7 : 57,306 0 0 7 57,306 0 0 106 64,990 0 37 106 64,990 0 37 Subject lo Special Enactment . — By way of Sale. Ikaroa .. .. 27 109 0 30 Aotea .. .. 25 109 3 6 Tairawhiti .. 1 3 0 0.. Waiariki .. .... Waikato-Maniapoto Tokerau .. .. j 1 13 0.. 27 25 1 109 109 3 0 30 3 6 0 0 1 1 3 0 54 223 2 36 54 223 2 36

u , Num- As at 31st March, Num- n „ , Num- ! As at 31st March, Board ' ber. 1917. ber. During Year. be] . 1!)|8 Leased by Owners and approved by Board. A. R. P. A. H. P. A. E. P. Ikaroa .. ..,1,013 237,524 3 21 9.1 5,310 2 6 1,104 242,835 127 Aotea .. .. ! 953 354,797 3 38! 101 12,373 1 9 1,054 367,171 1 7 Tairawhiti ... 642 181,272 2 10 47 6,525 110 689 187,797 3 20 Waiariki .. .. 385 201.910 1 10 28 6,573 0 25 413 208,483 135 Waikato-Maniapoto 1,891 j 747,119 3 24 158 13,624 0 25 2,049 760,744 0 9 Tokerau .. .. 3341 118,506 138 20 6,580 1 39 354 125,086 3 37 5,218 1,841,132 0 21 445 50,986 3 34 5,663 1,892,119 0 15



TABLE B.—MAORI LAND BOARD— continued. Native Freehold Lands: How disposed o f— continued.

Board. Board. Num- As at 31st March, i Num- ! ber. ] 1917. ber. During Year. Number. As at 31st Mftroh, 1918. Ikaroa Aotea Tairawhiti Waiariki Waikato-Maniapoto Tokerau Ikaroa Aotea Tairawhiti Waiariki Waikato-Maniapoto ! Tokerau Sold by Owners and confii 1,463 ! 86,829 0 6 77 654 84,535 1 20 149 737 33,183 2 36 | 105 583 39,454 2 35 : 143 2,791 ! 308,013 3 31 311 : 1,452 147,467 0 30 203 rmed by Board. 3,519 0 17 18,841 2 19 5,224 2 28 3,661 2 33 24.597 0 13 19,717 0 15 1,540 803 842 726 3.102 1,655 90,348 0 23 103,376 3 39 38,408 1 24 43,116 1 28 332.611 0 4 167,184 1 5 i 7,680 699,483 3 38 f 988 75,561 1 5 75,561 1 5 8,668 775,045 1 3 i 8,668 775,045 1 3 i , Ikaroa .. Aotea Tairawhiti Waiariki . . Waikato-Maniapoto Tokerau Mortgaged by Owners and co. 64 11,587 1 11 5 88- 19,937 2 32 16 33 16,768 3 24 7 12 403 3 13 I 22 , 10,439 0 22 7 13 1,974 2 25 I 10 rnfirmed by Board. 2,161 3 4 1,668 3 22 .17,325 2 29 151 0 0 842 1 I I 4,684 3 29 rnfirmed by Board. 2,161 3 4 69 13.749 0 15 1,668 3 22 104 21,606 2 14 .17,325 2 29 40 34.094 2 13 151 0 0 13 554 3 13 842 1 11 29 11,281 1 33 4,684 3 29 23 6,659 2 14 ■ i | 69 104 40 13 29 23 i | 13.749 0 15 21,606 2 14 34.094 2 13 554 3 13 11,281 1 33 6,659 2 14 232 61,111 2 7 46 46 26,834 2 15 278 26,834 2 15 278 ! 87,946 0 22 Dealt with under Part VIII. — Sokl to tlie Crown. Ikaroa .. .. | Aotea .. .. | Tairawhiti .. ] Waiariki Waikato-Maniapoto Tokerau .. A. R. I'. 15 94,307 0 0 8 14,598 0 35 4 l 19,691 0 0 28 84,451 0 17 JI 18,394 3 18 10 : 8,430 0 10 A. H. I'. 15 2 22,491 0 0 10 1 i 380 0 0 5 5 5.088 0 22 33 .. 11 I 62 I 9 11 A. 94,307 37,089 20,071 89.539 18,394 8,492 it. p. 0 0 0 35 0 0 0 39 3 18 1 19 76 ; 239,872 1 0 9 28,021 I 31 85 267,893 2 31 kail with tinder Part XVIII. — Sold lo Private Indivi 'duals. Ikaroa, Aotea Tairawhiti Waiariki Waikato-Maniapoto Tokerau 59 18,858 3 39 2 j 168 0 30 56 26,717 2 39 i I 25 0 0 54 13,211 3 21 ! 5 656 0 10 159 ; 52,451 0 23 30 8,645 2 3 220 147,820 2 23 36 9.757 1 35 214 106,065 1 28 43 17,223 3 19 61 57 59 189 256 257 19,027 26.742 13,867 61,096 157,578 123,289 0 29 2 39 3 31 2 26 0 1,8 1 7 762 365,125 3 13 117 36,476 0 17 36,476 0 17 879 879 401,601 3 30 Dealt with under Part X VIII. — Leased. Ikaroa Aotea Tairawhiti Waiariki Waikato-Maniapoto Tokerau 36 36 111 196 112 57 9,586 1 30 2 29,830 3 27 2 45,357 2 20 27 128,173 3 6 47 80,471 0 3, 15 55,847 3 13 4 109 0 25 681 0 0 13,420 3 37 63,634 3 3 2,978 2 20 1,523 2 4 38 I 38 138 ' 243 127 61 9,695 30,511 58,778 191,808 83,449 57,371 2 15 3 27 2 17 2 9 2 23 1 17 548 349,267 2 19 97 82,348 0 9 645 431,615 2 28 Dealt with u: der Part XVIII.—Vestin ng in Board under Part XI V. Ikaroa .. .. 2 Aotea .. .. 6 Tairawhiti .. 1 Waiariki Waikato-Maniapoto Tokerau 1,128 0 0 | .. 7,119 0 0! .. 2 0 0 .. 2 6 1 1,128 7,119 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 I' 8,249 0 0 8,249 0



TABLE B.—MAORI LAND BOARDS— continued. Native Freehold Lands: How disposed of— continued.

Vested Lands under the Native Townships Act.

Surveys requisitioned by Maori Land Boards under Section 396, Native Land Act, 1909.

South Island Alienations.

,,„„.,, Num- As at 31st March, Num- , ... ,. Board. bM l91 . | ber j During Year; Num- As at 31st March, j ber. 1918. Dealt with under Part, XVIII. — Vesting in Board under I >a,rt XVI. Ikaroa .. .. 1 1,300 0 0.. Aotea . . .... Tairawhiti .. 20 10.101 2 34 Waiariki .. .... Waikato-Maniapoto Tokerau .. .... ( 1 1,300 0 0 20 10,101 2 34 21 11.101 2 34 21 11,401 2 34

Board. Number. As at 31st March, 1917. Number. During Year. Num- As at 31st March, i ber. 1,918. Sold. Ikaroa Aotea Tairawhiti Waiariki Waikato-Maniapoto Tokerau 2 17 1 62 A. 14. P. 2 2 37 108 1 5 350 3 13 75 0 1 A. 2 108 350 14. P. 2 37 1 5 3 13 8 A. R. 3 3 P. A. R. P, 2 2 2 37 17 108 1 5 1 350 3 13 9 70 78 3 10 75 o 1 82 536 3 16 8 3 3 9 90 540 2 25 Le eased. Ikaroa Aotea Tairawhiti Waiariki Waikato-Maniapoto Tokerau 42 142 60 37 347 584 2 36 j 3 38 ■ 1 26 42 142 60 37 347 584 2 36 3 38 1 26 530 522 1 32 530 522 1 32 774 1,492 2 12 774 1,492 2 12 l_

l> j NumBoard - j ber. As at 31st March, Num1917. ber. During Year. Number. As at 31st March, 1918. A. E. P. \. 14. P. A. R. I" Ikaroa Aotea Tairawhiti .. 8 Waiariki .. .. j Waikato-Maniapoto 330 Tokerau .. ..177 7,536 2 15 8 7,536 2 15 161,859 68.588 0 38 1 4 330 177 161,859 0 38 68,588 1 4 515 237,984 0 17 515 237,984 0 17

Board. Num- As at 31st March, ber. 1917. A. R. P. 100 14,104 0 7 96 8,707 0 8 6 822 0 5 Number. 24 34 2 During Year. I »™J" A. R. P. 884 0 16 124 7,198 1 35 130 61 3 23 i 8 As at 31st March, 19! 8. A. R. P. 14,988 0 23 15,905 2 3 883 3 28 Leased Sold Mortgaged



TABLE B.—MAORI LAND BOARD— continued. Summary. Twelve Months' Operations-1st April, 1917, to 31st March, 1918.

Summary of Totals.

i Board Part of Act, Leased. Sold. Mortgaged. [ Ikaroa By owners Part XVIII (private) A. r. p. 5.310 2 6 109 0 25 A. R. P. 3.519 0 17 168 0 30 A. R. p. 2.161 3 4 Totals 5.419 2 31 3.687 1 7 2,161 3 4 Aotea By owners Part XVIIT (private) ,, (Crown). . 12.373 1 9 681 0 0 18.841 2 19 25 0 0 22,491 0 0 I.668 3 22 Tairawhiti Totals Part XVI By owners Part XVIII (private) ,, (Crown). . 13.054 1 9 862 0 13 6,525 I 10 13.420 3 37 41.357 2 19 5.224 2 28 656 0 10 380 0 0 1.668 3 22 17.325 2 29 Waiariki Totals By owners Part XVHI (Crown).. ,, (private) 6.573 0 25 20,808 I 20 6.260 2 38 3,661 2 33 5.088 0 22 8.645 2 3 17.325 2 29 151 0 0 6,3,634 3 3 Waikato-Man iapoto Totals Townships Part XIV By owners . . Part XVIII (private) 70.207 3 28 17.395 I 18 3 3 9 1,450 1 10 24.597 0 13 9.757 1 35 15] 0 0 ! 13.624 0 25 2.978 2 20 812 1 11 Tokerau Totals Bv owners Part XVIT1 (private) (Crown).. 16,602 6.580 1.523 3 1 39 2 4 5 19.717 17.223 62 34,354 2 0 15 3 19 1 9 8 842 1 II 4.684 3 29 South Island Totals By owners 8.104 0 3 37.003 I 3 4.684 3 29 884 0 16 7.198 1 35 61 3 23

Board. Leased. Sold. Mortgaged. Ikaroa Aotea, Tairawhiti Waiariki Waikato-Maniapoto . . Tokerau .. South Island A. R. P. 5.119 2 31 13.051 I 9 20.808 1 20 70.207 3 28 16.602 3 5 8.101 0 3 884 0 16 A. R. 1'. 3,687 1 7 41.357 2 19 6.260 2 38 17.395 1 18 34.354 2 8 37.003 1 3 7,198 I 35 I . A. R. P. 2.161 3 1 1.668 3 22 17.325 2 29 151 0 0 842 III 4.684 3 29 61 3 23 Totals . . .. 135,081 0 32 117,258 1 8 26.896 I. 38 North Island South Island .. 134.197 0 16 884 0 L6 140.059 3 13 7,198 1 35 26.834 2 15 61 3 23 Totals . . .. 135.081 0 32 117.258 1 8 26.896 1 38


G.— 9

TABLE C.—NATIVE LAND PURCHASE. Blocks purchased and declared Crown Land.

2—G. 9.

Block. Area. Gazetted. Block. Area. Gazetted. Ahuaturanga No. 1 .. No. 2 .. No. 3 .. No. 4 .. No. 5 Aorangi B No. ]a (part) „ *B No. lo B No. Id 2b No. 2 Arapawanui No. 2 Aroha (Te), Block IX, Sec. 17a 1 Block IX, See. 17a 3 Block IX, See. 17b (part) Block TX, See. 17b (balance) Awa-o-Totara (part) Awaotukorako No. 2b . . Hauturu East E No. 2, Sec. 2b .. E No. 2, Sec. 2c .. ENo. 2, Sec. 21) .. Hauturu West No. 1, See. 2u 2 Hereheretau 2a 2 Heruatureia (part) Heruiwi 4c Horahia-Opou 3b No. 2 Iwituaroa Reserve Kahotea West 1A In Kaitoki No. Ia „ No. Ib (part) No. lo Kaiwaka No. I No. 2a Karae (To) No. 1 (part) No. 2a Kaupokonui Grant 3030, W.C.S.R., Sec. 71, Block VI, Waimate, S.D. Kinohaku West Ia 3b .. 0 No. 2 E lie No. 2 G Ia 2 G No. Ia 2, Lots 1 and 2 S 1b 4 S I b 5 Kopua Is No. 2b No. 1 Kuta (Te) (part) Mairo (Te) No. 3a No. 3c Manaia 107, Sub. 2a 2.. „ 107, Subs. 2b 1 and 4 and 5b 1 107, Sub. 2b 2.. Manawaangiangi Mangangarara No. 2b .. No. 3 .. Mangamaire B No. 3 .. B No. 4 (part) B No. 5 .. B No. 6 .. B No. 7 .. B No. 8 .. B No. 9 .. B No. 10 .. B No. II .. B No. 12 .. B No. 14 .. B No. 15.. B No. 16.. Mangaorapa lc „ 3a Mangaharei No. 2a Mangareia B, Sec. 5 .. Mangaroa No. 1 Mangatainoka 1 a No. 1 East Ia No. 1 West .. „ J No. 4f 2a (part) J No. 4f 2b J No. 4p 2c J No. 4f No. 3 (part) a. r. p. 202 0 0 202 0 0 202 0 0 202 0 0 202 0 0 120 0 0 414 0 0 236 2 26 100 0 0 3,838 0 36 21 0 0 21 2 13 10 0 0 41 2 13 23/1/13 23/1/13 23/1/13 23/1/13 23/1/13 11/1/17 31/8/16 1/3/17 11/2/15 10/1/18 4/11/15 13/1/16 4/11/15 15/2/17 Mangatainoka, J No. 4f No. 4 .. Mangatoro Ia No. 3a .. Ia No. 3b .. Mangawhero 3c No. 1 .. Manginangina Native Reserve .. Maraetakaroro-Kapiti No. 2b 2 .. Matarau No. 5a Matamata North No. In No. 2a Maungakaretu 4b 5 Maungatapu B No. Ia. . Manutahi No. 2b 1 Mimi S.D., Block 10 .. Te Miro A .. Mohaka No. 5a No. 37 No. 52o Motukaraka West B .. Ngamoe Ia 1 lC 1 Id 1 IB 1 3b 3a 3b 7a „ 3b 8a 4b I Ngatihaua Sale No. 1, W.C.S.R. Ngatihaupoto No. 2a (part) 3948 Ngatihaupoto, See. 3, Block III, Grant 3948 (97), W.C.S.R. Ngatihaupoto, part Sec. 19, Block II, Grant 3948 (89a), W.C.S.R. Ngatihaupoto, Sec. 123, Subs. 1 to 5, Block I, Grant 3948 (3a), W.C.S.R. Ngatikahumato Sale No. 1, W.C.S.R. Ngatirahiri Grant 5250 No. 2c No. 2 Ngatitamarongo Sale No. 1, W.C.S.R. Ngatitara Sale No. 1, W.C.S.R. .. Ngatitu Sale No. 1, W.C.S.R. .. Ngawaro, Sec. 24a, Block XV, Otainewainuku S.D. Ngawhakatutu No. 1 .. Oamaru 2b 1 2b, Sec. 3 2b No. 7 No. 3b „ No. 4b No. 5b No. 7b Okato Grant 3839, W.C.S.R., Sec. 2, Block I Okotuku No. 406, Lot 57b No. 406, Lot 59b No. 406, Lot 63b Omahaki A .. B .. Omaunu Ia .. IB 1 ,, 1b2b Onewhero, Lot 78b, No. I Lot 78b, No. 2 Lot 78 b, No. 3 Orete N (part) Otainewainuku S.D., Sec. 7, Block XV Otamakapua 1h No. I.. 1h2 1h3 1h4 1h5 1h 6 IjIa .. 1.1 IB Ij lo l.i Id 1j2 „ In, Nos. I and 3 .. Otawhao A 1 b A. R. P. 143 3 Hi 373 0 0 373 0 0 165 0 0 200 0 0 171 0 39 156 1 33 23 0 0 902 1 18 217 0 0 292 3 33 38 1 12 250 0 0 1,064 0 0 215 0 0 330 0 0 794 0 0 775 0 0 523 3 26 331 1 11 85 2 28 568 0 11 15 I 20 17 1 8 112 2 140 2 20 216 2 6 8 2 6 234 2 0 15/2/17 21/3/18 21/3/18 4/3/15 11/3/15 25/3/15 28/3/18 23/8/17 24/1/18 22/8/12 2/12/15 28/3/18 12/1/11 12/7/17 30/3/16 25/1/17 1/3/17 11/2/15 28/3/18 28/3/18 28/3/18 28/3/18 28/3/18 28/3/18 28/3/18 28/3/18 7/12/16 29/3/17 13/4/16 16,195 0 0 0 2 18 173 2 14 298 2 11 86 0 0 445 1 5 675 1 13 3,990 0 0 2,195 0 0 107 2 4 1,623 0 0 326 2 3 15 2 38 183 I 13 97 2 24 183 ! 8 8,748 0 0 5,735 0 0 4,851 0 0 1,179 0 0 21 0 0 4/11/15 30/8/17 16/11/16 5/10/16 8/2/17 2/9/15 14/3/18 24/7/13 15/6/16 25/3/15 18/10/17 30/3/16 30/3/16 4/12/13 8/10/14 4/12/1.3 21/12/11 21/12/1.1 24/2/16 7/2/18 24/1/18 219 0 0 31/8/16 1 1 0 19/10/16 3,277 0 1 1/12/16 60 0 0 22/11/17 198 1 9 209 0 0 778 0 0 66 1 0 919 1 0 26/8/15 25/3/15 25/3/15 23/12/13 25/3/15 3,443 3 27 6,164 1 21 230 0 0 100 0 0 1/12/16 1/12/16 7/12/16 11/2/15 108 1 23 296 0 20 460 0 0 1,31.5 0 0 13 1 21 10 1 16 19 2 31 27 1 34 23/12/13 27/3/13 25/2/15 4/1,1/15 11/3/15 24/6/15 11/10/17 31/5/17 643 0 0 664 I 5 1,399 3 0 189 3 7 744 0 0 1,857 0 0 3,063 0 0 1,645 0 0 127 0 0 28/3/18 4/12/13 11/3/15 25/3/15 9/3/11 9/3/11 29/11/17 18/6/14 25/5/16 13 1 1.2 12,070 0 0 1,913 2 0 4,614 0 0 560 0 0 582 I 18 1,260 0 0 380 0 0 980 0 0 1,310 0 0 400 0 0 410 0 0 410 0 0 820 0 0 420 0 0 240 0 0 696 0 0 4,312 0 0 310 1 6 144 0 27 284 3 38 225 1 15 449 1 5 1,422 2 35 19 2 30 50 0 0 50 0 0 121 2 1 11/10/17 30/3/11 11/3/15 30/3/16 28/1/15 2/9/15 4/12/13 4/11/15 4/12/13 4/12/13 4/12/13 4/12/13 4/12/13 8/7/15 4/12/13 11/3/15 4/12/13 25/11/15 7/12/16 28/3/18 10/2/16 28/3/18 11/4/12 11/4/12 20/9/17 21/12/11 21/12/11 15/2/17 16 0 0 16 0 0 16 0 0 10,967 0 0 4,743 0 0 796 0 0 222 2 26 1,086 3 0 40 3 0 65 0 32 89 2 24 1 2 12 60 0 0 23/1/13 23/1/13 31/10/12 9/11/11 9/11/11 24/2/16 24/2/16 27/1/16 16/11/16 16/1.1/16 16/11/16 22/11/17 25/2/15 373 1 2 165 1 30 494 1 6 143 1 1 107 1 30 179 0 10 141 1 14 141 1 13 141 1 13 141 1 13 848 0 0 66 0 0 125 0 0 4/3/15 21/12/11 25/3/15 4/12/13 4/3/15 21/12/11 8/10/14 4/12/13 21/12/11 21/12/11 4/12/13 21/11/12 4/12/13



TABLE C.—NATIVE LAND PURCHASE— continued. Blocks purchased and declared Crown Land — continued.

Block. Area. Gazetted. Block. Area. Gazetted. Otawhao A lo. „ A 4, Subs. 4 and 5a .. ,, A 4, Sub. 6 (part) A 4, Sub. 7 .. A 5a „ A 5c A 5d A5e A 5f A5g A5h A Si A5j A 5k A 5l ,, A 5m „ A 5n A5o A 6a A 6b A 6o 1 A 6o 2 A 6d 2 A 6k A 6f 1 Otorohanga Native Township— Lots 1, 5, 7 to 16, Block V, Lots 1 to 7, Block VI Lots 8 and 9, Block XII Lot 14, Block XVI Lots 1 to 7, II and 12, Block XT I Otorohanga 4b 2b 4 „ * 4b 2b, Sec. 5 T No. 2c (part) J, Sec. 2, Block XIV Orakoi No. I a 1 and Subs. ,, Sec. 5 (Battery Reserve) Orahiri No. 2c, Sec. 2 .. Orahiri G No. I, or Lots 4-5, Otorohanga Native Township Oruamata-Kaimanawa No. It Owhaoko A East A No. 1b B East C No. 6 D 1 (part) (part) I) No. 7 D 6, Sub. 2 .. Paengaroa No. 2 (part) Paeroa South A 2 ,, East 4b 1B 1 Pahiatua No. 2 Pakarae 2b 1 Parahirahi B No. 1 Parihoro No. lc Parihaka No. 5a No. 8 No. 1,4a No. 16 No. 18 No. 23 No. 29a No. 40 No. 41a Pirongia West No. I, Sec. 2e 2 .. „ No. 1, Sec. 2f Ia (part) Pirongia Parish, Lots 369 and 355 Pokohu A No. I „ A No. 2b 2 Porangahau 1 a 3b 2 ,, Ib 3b Ib .. „ 1B 4a, See. 3 „ 1 B No. 4b Ib4i« I b 4f 1 .. I is 4 k 2 .. , I I! 4(1 , 1 u 4h „ IB No. 41 . . „ 1b4k A. It. P. 70 0 0 100 0 0 157 2 33 742 0 33 113 1 13 III 1 13 180 0 0 94 0 0 75 0 0 220 0 0 154 0 0 118 0 0 126 0 0 179 0 0 110 0 0 225 0 0 42 0 0 680 0 0 196 0 0 150 0 0 304 0 0 304 0 0 526 0 35 175 0 0 32 2 8 8 0 20 0 3 39 0 0 29 3 0 10 71 1 35 61 3 25 2 2 0 0 1 35 480 0 3 7 2 12 10 3 26 0 2 19 7/12/16 10/4/13 10/4/13 10/4/13 21/12/11 21/12/11 21/12/11 21/12/11 21/12/11 10/4/13 21/12/11 10/4/13 21/12/1) 21/12/11 21/12/11 10/4/13 21/12/11 21/12/11 21/12/11 10/4/13 21/12/11 21/12/11 10/2/16 10/4/13 29/3/17 3/8/16 3/8/16 3/8/16 3/8/16 5/7/17 15/3/17 20/9/17 16/3/16 17/5/17 30/3/16 4/11/15 8/6/16 Porangahau Ib 4l Pouwhakarua No. Ia . . No. 1b . . No. lc .. Puia (Te) Native Township Pukenina A, Sec. 1 (part) A, Sec. 2 .. A, Sec. 3 Pukeuha C No. 2 b Purahotangihia Purapurako whitia Puru (Te) Native Township Putero Ia 1 b 2 ii . . „ 1b3 .. „ Al .. „ A 2 .. „ A3 „ A 4 .. „ A 5 .. „ A 6 .. „ A 7 .. „ A 8 .. „ A 9 .. „ A 10 .. Raetihi 5b No. 3 „ 4b Block (part) Rangitoto A No. 17a A No. 17b . . A No. 22b .. A No. 25b A No. 26b A No. 29b A No. 59 .. A No. 61b „ A No. 65b .. B .. Rangitoto-Tuhua No. 6b 25, Sec. 3b .. 25, Sec. 4b .. 26c .. 26e2 30b .. 35b No. 2 35i,Sec.3B,No.2 35k 2a 35k No. 2b .. 35k 2c 38a No. 1 38a No. 2 38a No. 3 38a No. 4 38a No. 5 38a No. 6 38a No. 7a .. 38a No. 7b .. 38b No. 1 38c No. Ia .. 38c No. 1b 38c No. lo .. 38c No. 2a .. 38c No. 2c .. 38c No. 2d .. 38c No. 2e .. 38c No. 3a .. 38c No. 3b .. 38c No. 4a .. 38c No. 4c .. 38c No. 5 41 .. 50 .. 53 .. 61 e .. 61i? 2a G1.F No. 3a „ 61 q, Sec. 3 61j, Sec. 1 61l, Sec. 2 .. 75b .. 76b No. 2 76b No. 9 A. R. P. 680 0 0 382 0 0 316 2 26 123 2 0 350 3 13 980 0 0 920 0 0 100 0 0 189 2 0 20,300 0 0 40 0 0 23 3 37 650 3 4 651 2 25 651 0 29 664 3 0 664 2 36 664 2 36 664 2 36 664 2 36 662 0 35 1,324 1 30 662 0 35 662 0 35 662 0 35 404 3 12 1,250 0 0 336 0 0 507 0 0 23 2 0 616 2 29 569 0 23 3,645 0 10 581 0 0 94 3 33 118 2 20 5,720 0 0 96 3 0 431 .1 31 161 3 2 619 2 0 1,308 2 14 556 0 0 472 1 10 1,450 2 0 180 2 22 240 3 15 1,445 0 15 160 0 10 2,057 2 0 213 2 0 946 0 37 1,21,0 2 32 982 2 20 77 2 22 271 2 39 162 2 18 264 0 23 552 1 39 225 1 18 303 0 6 11,5 0 26 133 ,1 10 151 2 3 527 0 0 515 0 0 528 0 0 315 0 0 461 0 0 557 0 0 6,230 0 0 2,055 0 0 2,402 3 35 515 2 10 454 0 0 772 1 1 79 3 30 719 3 0 6,142 0 0 397 0 0 158 1 3 29/3/17 21/1.2/11 11/3/15 21/12/11 15/2/12 29/2/12 •29/2/12 29/2/12 1/3/17 4/11/16 21/12/11 3/1.0/12 21/9/16 30/3/16 30/3/16 30/3/16 4/10/17 30/3/16 30/3/16 30/3/J6 30/3/16 21/9/16 30/3/16 30/3/10 30/3/16 3/8/16 4/5/11 24/2/16 24/2/16 25/3/15 11/1/17 11/1/17 1/12/16 11/3/15 11/3/15 25/5/16 4/12/13 28/9/16 4/12/13 4/12/13 2/8/17 6/6/12 19/6/13 10/5/17 3/8/16 31/8/16 22/11/17 8/6/16 11/10/17 2/11/16 15/6/16 18/11/15 20/8/15 11/10/17 20/9/17 31/5/17 15/6/16 11/10/17 3/8/16 11/1/17 29/11/17 31/8/16 31/8/16 3/8/16 31/8/16 29/11/17 15/6/16 3/8/16 4/10/17 3/8/16 26/6/1.3 3/8/16 29/11/17 24/2/16 21/3/18 14/3/18 14/3/18 21/2/18 28/3/12 24/2/16 21/9/16 3,583 0 0 16,640 0 0 583 0 0 5,851 0 0 2,026 0 0 3,934 2 0 8,574 2 0 1,375 0 0 I ,000 0 0 1,403 0 0 1,891 1 0 392 3 32 17 0 0 150 2 0 84 I 4 98 1 2 196 3 23 32 0 16 101 2 12 49 3 34 25 1 36 54 0 0 215 0 5 166 0 0 130 0 0 150 0 30 11/2/15 22/11/17 22/11/17 22/11/17 3/5/17 10/1/18 14/3/18 11/12/13 25/5/16 9/11/11 10/1/18 21/12/11 25/5/10 4/3/15 31/5/17 22/11/17 26/10/16 21/2/18 22/11/17 26/10/10 22/11/17 29/11/17 26/10/16 29/3/17 25/3/15 4/12/13 170 0 0 3,256 0 0 2,726 3 13 1,313 1 0 338 0 2 275 3 36 1,445 0 0 1,145 0 0 349 0 0 349 0 0 375 0 0 I,080 0 0 553 0 0 766 0 0 13/7/10 4/11/15 4/11/15 24/10/12 29/3/17 29/3/17 11/3/15 4/12/13 4/12/13 4/12/13 4/12/13 4/12/13 11/3/15 4/12/13



TABLE C.—NATIVE LAND PURCHASE— continued. Blocks purchased and declared Crown Lands — continued.

Blocks acquired, but not proclaimed.

Bloek. Area. Gazetted. Block. Area. Gazetted. Rangitoto-Tuhua 79o 2n 79d No. 2 79i! Rape (Te) E .. ¥ .. G .. Rawbitiroa A No. 3 .. Rotomahana-Parekarangi 2d 2e2 .. „ 3a Ia 3a Ib „ 3a 2a 6e2b „ (ill 2 B ,, Ol 2b 4 6r 2b Runanga No. Ib Tahoraiti lo .. „ Id, Soc. 3 .. „ 1e .. la 2 „ Ik, Sec. 4 .. 2a 5 „ 2a, Sec. 19a 2a No. 20 .. 2a No. 21 .. 2a No. 22 .. ,, 2a, Sec. 24b Tahuroa If .. Takaputahi Taumarunui Township, Blocks I and II A. r. p. 505 1 26 454 0 16 363 2 18 55 2 0 114 2 16 113 2 27 0 2 13 447 1 6 1,018 0 12 775 2 19 2,509 2 11 763 2 16 56 2 0 272 0 0 21 0 0 886 0 0 8,330 0 0 83 0 0 30 2 17 248 0 0 82 1 0 173 0 13 82 3 0 28 1 0 619 0 19 231 3 0 188 0 0 128 2 23 549 I 36 32,857 0 0 4 3 31 28/3/18 28/3/18 24/2/16 24/2/16 16/9/15 22/2/17 14/9/16 4/11/15 4/11/15 11/2/15 4/11/15 12/7/17 11/2/15 11/2/15 11/2/15 11/2/15 11/1/12 4/12/13 22/7/15 21/12/11 4/12/13 25/3/1.5 27/11/13 2/9/15 3/4/13 3/4/13 3/4/13 7/12/16 30/8/17 18/4/12 9/12/15 Waihou A3.. B 1 .. B2 .. B 3 .. Waikopiro B No. 15 Waikouaiti Native Reserve Waimanu IA .. Ib .. Id .. IF Waimarama 3a 6b Block, Sec. Ia Waimarino B No. 3b No. 1 B No. 3b No. 2a „ B No. 3b No. 2b .. Waiorua-Kapiti No. 5, Sec. 2 b No. 50 Waipa Parish, Lot 69 .. „ Lot 73o No. 2 Waipaoa 5n Waipiro 2p .. 2j .. 2x .. ,, 6 (part) Waitakaruru No. 5b (part) Waitangi 2a 1. 2b 1 Waitara (Upper) No. 1, Sec. 13 . . Waitckaha 4a 5a Waitutuma .. Ia 1 Ia 3d „ Ia 3e Ia 7 Ib Waiwhakaata 3_ No. 4f Whakaihuwaka C No. 4 C No. 7 Whakatomotomo 5d .. Whangaparaoa No. Ib (part) Wharawhara No. 4 Whangamata 4d 3 Wharoponga Ia 2a 3a Wharepuhunga No. 0 .. No. 18f No. 19 No. 20 ,, Native Reserve Whareraurakau No. 2 .. No. 3b No. 5 .. Whawhakanga A No. 1 A No. 2 Whirinaki No. 1, Sec. 4b, No. I a Whitiatara Whitikau 2b 2 3a No. 2 3a 4 A. R. P. 743 0 0 346 0 0 239 0 0 115 0 0 226 2 0 82 0 15 100 0 0 300 0 0 1,203 3 26 421 0 36 55 3 26 392 3 26 675 0 0 6,915 0 o 70 0 0 2 0 0 100 0 0 57 3 14 16,785 0 0 9 3 5 10 0 0 10 0 0 223 0 0 5,553 1 15 11 2 31 131 1 0 75 0 0 65 0 37 292 0 12 5,213 2 0 2,692 0 0 520 0 0 520 0 0 6,328 0 0 200 0 0 144 1 36 1,171 0 0 683 2 36 32 0 0 150 0 0 189 1 27 246 0 0 63 2 38 15 0 25 140 3 26 1,628 0 0 7,086 1 0 4,500 0 0 7,556 0 0 3,769 2 10 1,111 1 0 848 0 0 936 1 16 262 1 20 524 2 0 1,533 3 33 1,370 0 0 199 0 0 367 0 0 530 0 0 19/6/13 19/6/13 19/6/13 19/6/13 25/5/16 28/3/18 2/8/17 2/8/17 2/8/17 2/8/17 24/1/18 24/6/15 2/12/15 11/3/15 22/4/15 25/3/15 17/12/14 4/11/15 11/9/13 11/4/18 24/1/18 24/1/18 29/2/12 21/12/11 28/3/18 28/3/18 17/9/14 28/3/18 28/3/18 22/4/15 21/9/16 11/10/17 11/10/17 22/4/15 22/4/15 25/3/15 7/6/17 15/3/17 22/7/15 22/3/17 10/5/17 11/4/18 28/3/18 28/3/18 28/3/18 9/9/15 22/11/17 30/8/17 26/10/16 18/10/17 9/12/15 9/12/15 9/12/15 2/9/15 4/3/15 17/12/14 23/6/11 9/11/11 4/3/15 9/11/11 Taumarunui N.T. Extension No. 1, Blocks I to V Taumatamahoe 2b No. 2b (parts) „ 2b 2b 2 „ 2b 2b 3 2b 2b 11 2b 2b 12 ,, 2b 2b 15b 2b 2b 17 2b 2b 18 Tawhititinui Grant, Sec. 81, Block I, Opunake S.D., W.C.S.R. Timahanga No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 Tiratu, Sec. 3 (part Manawatu 4d) Tuararangaia Ib (part) 2b Tokaroa No Ia No. 2a No. 3a „ No. 4a No. 4b l Tokitaka Sale No. 1, W.C.S.R. .. Tutaekuri lo No. 2 „ lo 5a „ lo 5b Jo 11a lol4 13 2 6 15/6/16 712 0 0 1,541 I 7 1,144 1 30 759 J, 31. 1,133 0 0 501 I 8 1,663 1 31 3,172 3 24 13 0 0 17/9/14 23/11/16 22/11/17 23/12/13 4/4/12 7/9/16 30/3/16 11/11/15 8/6/16 7,700 0 0 4,956 0 0 862 0 0 1,760 0 0 3,900 0 0 5,727 .1 29 1,619 0 0 793 0 0 121 0 20 135 1 24 6 2 31 17 0 0 11 1 4 293 0 14 1,377 2 0 702 1 3 1,077 2 37 249 2 32 744 1 0 22/2/12 4/12/13 17/4/13 26/8/15 22/2/12 10/2/16 14/10/15 8/2/17 28/3/18 28/3/18 28/3/18 30/3/16 28/3/18 1/12/16 11/4/18 11/4/18 24/1/18 24/1/18 11/4/18 Total area 485,807 0 18

Block. Area. llemarks. Block. Area. Remarks. Te Aroha, Block IX, Sec. 17d, No. 1 (balance) Hurakia No. 3 .. No. 6 .. No. 8 .. Matakaoa (part) Matarau 5a Otamauri Blocks (parts) .. a. e. p. 32 I 18 363 0 0 1,116 0 0 41 0 0 380 0 0 14 3 15 594 3 0 Otorohanga T No. 2o (part) Rangitoto A 38, Lot 2 Te Puna, Lot 154d A. R. P. 2 2 0 700 0 0 263 0 0 See sec. 8, Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1914. 'total area 3,507 1 33 See sec. 36, Reserves, &c, Disposal Act, 1915.


TABLE C.—NATIVE LAND PURCHASE— continued. Blocks partly acquired and under Negotiation.


Block. I I Area acquired. Area outstanding. Block. Area acquired. Area outstanding. liarataunga East Ib Hereheretau No. 2 B No. 2 Hoewaka 150, Lots 2c and 2d Hurakia No. 1 No. 2 .. No. 3 .. No. 4 .. No. 5 .. No. 6 No. 7 .. No. 9 Kahotea East Kahotea West lc .. Id .. 2 Kahuwora B 2b 0 B No. 2b 7c .. B 2b 7d Katipeka-a-Haumia No. I .. No. 2 .. Kawhia No. 107, Subs. 4 and 5b 2 Kawhia No. 107, Subs. 4 and 5b 3 Kenepuru 2a B 1 .. Mangaorapa 2b 2c .. Mangaroa 2 4 Mangatoro No. Ia 3d No. Ia 3l Maractakaroro-Kapiti 2b 1 Mata South Matamata North No. 1 No. Ib .. Matarau 5d 5e 5q 5h „ 5l „ 5m 5ii 5p „ 5r Mohaka 36 „ No. 55d Ngamoe 4b 2 4b 3 4b 5 4b 6 4b 8 4b 9 Ngatikahuiuate Grant 3937 Ngawhakatutu 3 .. Nuhaka 2f 2a Oamaru 2 B 2 2b 4 2b 5 2b 6 Omaiuiu in 3 Onewhero 78 u, See. 4 „ 78b, Soc. 5 ,, No. 1 Reserve .. Orakci 4a 3b No. 1 .. „ If and 3f Otawhao A 1h 1 .. A 1h 2 .. Pakuratahi Paora-Aneti No. 5 No. 6 No. 8 Parihaka No. 2 .. No. 12 .. No. 19 .. No. 31 .. No. 39 .. No. 43 .. Pikaungaehe Pokotakina A A. R. P. 197 2 0 4,237 0 11 67 2 0 15 3 28 2,111 3 10 1,231 I 0 363 (I 0 1,045 I 17 245 O 0 976 0 0 342 O 0 2,318 2 II 330 0 0 127 0 0 010 0 0 102 0 0 32 I) 5 03 3 29 31 3 4 89 3 II 9 2 9 4 2 7 A. R. P. 118 2 0 3,512 3 29 2,634 3 14 10 3 31 29 0 30 313 3 0 86 2 23 3 0 0 140 0 0 32 0 0 171 I, 29 42 2 15 125 0 19 30 0 0 90 1 20 32 0 5 127 1 23 79 2 36 624 0 29 220 2 15 4 0 3 Porangahau 1b 4a Poroporo Pouwhakarua 1 lo .. Pukekura East No. 3 No. 4b „ No. 6b No. 7 Pukekura West B Puketi Putere All „ B I I! I Lb 4 Rangatira-Kapiti No. 4, Sec. 4 Rangitoto-Tuhua No. 9 No. 30n 3o No. 38b 2 No. 38c 2 is No. 38o 4b „ No. 66 u . . Rawhitiroa B No. 2 Rcinga (Te) Rotomahana-Parekarangi Oi. 2b 3 Tahora 2a 3 2b 2b 2 .. Taihaere No. 6 .. Tangihanga Tapatu and Waitangirua . . Tatara-o-te-Rauhina Tauhara North No. I Taumatamahoe 2n 2 it I 2n 2B 4 .. 2b 2n 5 .. 2b2b8 .. 2b 2b 9 . . 2b 2b 10 . . No. 0 No. 13 Tutaekuri Ia In 10 4a .. lc 4n .. 10 4c .. lo 6 .. Ic 7 .. lo 11b.. lc 15 .. lc 16 .. lc 18a lc 18b Tutira Uniukainiata Ia 2b 3d 2o .. Wahine-Rukuwai 2 Waimarino 5b 7 .. Waiorua-Kapiti 5, Sec. 1b2 Waipa No. 73c Ib „ 74b 2a Waipaoa 5a 5c Waipiro No. Ia .. No. 3a 4j 2 „ No. 4a .. No. Ib .. „ No. 4b No. 3c .. „ No. 5c .. No. Id .. No. 4e .. No. 4a 1 .. No. 4a 2 .. No. 2k .. No. 2y .. Whakaihuwaka C No. 5 C No. 8 . . C No. 13d .. C No. 13f .. C No. 13g .. C No. 13h .. Whangamata No. 4b 2 Wharawhara 5 .. A. R. P. 7 2 30 452 3 I 50 2 20 149 1 13 17 2 21 37 I 15 28 0 0 1.28 0 24 26 2 23 32 0 0 2,511 0 10 438 0 0 48 o o 353 2 0 11,921 I II 321 2 0 2,452 3 8 95 3 35 403 0 30 233 2 18 2 0 11 928 3 0 8 0 0 A. R. P. 1,014 0 0 10,144 0 39 169 3 14 93 1 14 I!) 2 19 74 2 32 28 0 11 278 3 25 119 I 17 798 3 25 803 0 39 113 2 37 207 2 14 16 2 30 418 2 29 601 2 0 9 1 34 1 0 0 3 3 30 2,511 I 22 3 0 17 2,408 1 0 5 0 0 18 3 14 24 2 15 3,217 2 32 502 2 0 14 1 38 1,071 2 2 3,248 3 0 1,794 0 0 870 0 22 697 1 35 336 1 37 695 2 34 694 1 37 469 3 19 173 3 31 137 0 26 105 2 I 851 2 15 168 3 15 30 3 8 386 1 0 37 2 32 337 2 20 77 3 0 71 1 32 358 3 0 84 2 30 29 1 13 46 3 23 13,232 2 39 2 0 0 12 0 30 331 I I) 235 1 32 17 1 31 4 2 30 2,045 0 0 49 0 0 371 2 23 499 3 32 425 2 16 2,357 3 5 1,093 2 5 220 0 29 1,991 3 18 3,540 0 0 1,194 3 4 431 0 2 1,711 1 3 152 0 12 91 1 4 24 3 0 141 0 28 12 0 0 12 0 0 22 0 0 28 0 0 244 3 34 379 1 4 1 2 19 912 2 28 910 1 19 90 0 0 128 0 0 248 2 26 342 2 5 21.6 I 4 3 I 0 17 I 0 137 2 0 17 3 5 33 2 0 11 0 17 35 2 10 24 0 10 2 2 0 13 0 0 2 2 0 14 2 3 7 3 8 19 1 0 28 1 4 06 0 32 8 3 32 4 0 22 22 2 30 15 0 10 19 2 3 422 0 0 334 1 15 478 1 38 284 2 31 142 I 23 160 0 0 98 1 18 78 0 39 146 2 32 12 3 2 8 3 17 12 3 8 20 1 39 17 1 34 52 1 38 2,845 3 0 5 3 0 13 1 20 83 1 13 40 0 0 15 0 0 7 1 24 102 1 0 82 3 0 93 1 0 394 2 10 24 0 0 10 0 29 162 3 12 164 2 21 35 3 22 185 2 28 124 1 14 684 I 35 108 0 22 171 3 0 1,028 1 20 475 2 0 17 0 0 11 2 0 3 2 38 29 0 0 17 3 I) 2 2 0 4 0 0 1 2 0 35 1 0 22 0 32 249 I 22 72 3 28 57 0 22 29 0 0 9 2 0 22 2 22 35 2 0 0,822 I 20 1,168 0 0 226 0 0 189 3 7 379 2 14 545 2 18 177 2 14 36 0 34 9 2 9 48 3 24 20 0 14 37 1 7 3 0 32 13 2 26 34 3 28 34 3 38 912 1 0 122 0 20 21 2 2 6 2 27 106 0 0 16 0 28 41 3 35 214 2 14 44 3 23 85 2 0 113 1 5 187 0 0 4,907 1 8 1,112 0 0 50 3 I 3,744 0 0 5,151 I I) 3,960 0 0 523 3 18 083 3 10 585 0 (I 1,043 2 11 1,384 2 0 745 0 0 950 2 0 41 I 1 3.1.0 2 0 091 0 0 344 0 0 39 0 32 488 2 20 318 3 22 28 1 20 395 1 0 243 I 16 10 0 0 13 3 0 4 3 20 26 1 24 7,057 1 I 55 0 0 1 3 10 0 3 0 404 0 36 1 3 14 112 1 10 675 0 0 32 0 0 28 1 7 97 2 38 0 1 24 992 0 35 32 3 35 177 2 11 774 0 22 500 0 0 122 2 20 244 2 5 266 0 30 111) 3 28 7 2 28 246 0 0 626 3 3 6 0 0 12 0 0 18 0 0 4 0 0 45 3 30 189 2 23



TABLE C.—NATIVE LAND PURCHASE— continued. Blocks partly acquired and under Negotiation— continued.

Blocks under Negotiation.

Block. Area acquired. Area outstanding. Block. Area acquired. Area outstanding. iVharopuhunga No. 8 No. 10 No. 15 No. 16 No. 17 rVharoriiurakau 3a 4 A. R. P. 669 2 33 1,226 3 25 1,672 2 0 8,146 3 37 8,484 3 16 143 2 13 13 0 0 A. R. P. 359 1 7 788 0 15 538 2 0 7,853 0 3 1,681 0 24 119 2 27 104 0 0 Urowera Blocks.— continued. Purenga (To) Te Ranga-a-Ruanuku Ruatoki South Tanoatua Tarapounamu-Matawhero Tauranga Tauwharemanuka 3 4 .. 5 6 . . 7 .. 8 .. 9 . . Tuahu (Te) Waikarewhenua Waipotiki (Te) Wairiko (Te) Whaiti (To) 1 . . Whaite (To) 2 .. A. R. P. 2,864 0 0 8,528 (I 0 2,141 0 0 7,957 0 0 22,749 0 0 36,153 0 0 4,232 0 0 278 0 0 1,236 0 0 1,024 3 0 1,937 0 0 477 0 0 13,719 0 0 4,670 0 0 9,849 0 0 5,130 0 0 1,096 0 0 26,648 0 0 21,931 0 0 A. R. P. 2,816 0 0 6,472 0 0 3,879 0 0 9,243 0 0 43,788 0 0 3,167 0 0 1,620 3 8 198 0 25 212 1 11 979 0 14 443 3 8 395 3 33 7,104 0 0 1,630 (I 0 2,651 0 0 3,070 0 0 1,144 0 0 18,400 0 0 4,361 0 0 Total area 105,692 3 29 103,194 2 30 jrewora Blocks— Hikurangi-Horomanga Karioi Maractahia Mautigapohatu .. Omahuru Otairi Otara . . Paraeroa Paraeroa B Paraoanui North Paraoanui South Parekohe Poroporo (Te) .. 17,524 0 0 1,357 0 0 3,642 0 0 14,355 0 (I 5,248 0 0 5,282 0 0 2,315 0 0 4,563 0 0 71 0 0 2,970 0 0 4,992 0 0 11,773 0 0 1,397 0 0 37,650 0 0 1,063 0 0 1,870 0 0 14,107 0 0 1,172 0 0 1,628 0 0 465 0 0 5,841 0 0 339 0 0 430 0 0 518 0 0 9,187 0 0 1,074 0 0 Total area 248,108 3 0 186,919 0 19 Q rand total aroa 353,801 2 29 290,113 8 9

Block. Area. Remarks. Block. Area. Remarks. Aorangi B Ia (part) A. R. P. 675 1 8 Alienations prohibited. 417 2 8 | Ditto. 120 1 0 20,000 0 0' 19,300 0 0 2,069 0 0 40,000 (I 0 13,000 0 0 13,000 0 0 268 0 25 9 0 29 499 1 4 „ 204 0 12 409 0 17 110 0 0 280 0 0 63 3 0 63 3 0 63 3 0 207 1 4 781 1 12 164 2 36 5 0 3 13 0 0 29 0 2 17 1 2 39 0 38 11 3 38 23 3 36 23 3 36 760 0 23 Marangairoa lo 4 A. R. P. 1,935 0 0 Alienations prohibited. Ditto. BlB .. Awaiti (Te) lc .. Hautu No. 1 .. „ No. 2 .. „ No. 3 .. „ No. 4 .. „ No. 5 .. „ No. 6 Hcreherctau B No. 1 B No. 3 B No. 5 B No. 6 B No. 7 lliiiewhaki West, or No. 2 Kahuwera B No. 2 b, Sec. 1 B No. 2b, Sec. 2 B No. 2b, Sec. 3 B No. 2b, Sec. 4 B No. 2b, Soc. 5 B No. 2b, See. 7a „ B No. 2b, Sec. 7b Karewa West (Karewa Isl'd) Katere 3a „ 3b Kawhia R No. 2 b, Soc. 1.. R No. 2b, Sec. 2.. Kenepuru 2a B No. 2 3a .. 4a .. Kopua Is 2b 2b Manaia No. 107, Subs. 4 and 5b 2 Manaia No. 107, Subs. 4 and 5b 3 Mangatoro Ia 3b „ Ia 3c Mangatainoka J No. 4r No. 3 (part) Manutahi Id Marangairoa Ia (part being whole block, excluding 40-acre portion leased to R. H. Tawhiri) Marangairoa lo i lo2 lo3 lc 5 lc6 lc 7 Matahiia No. 1 .. Matamata North No. I a .. No. In .. No. lc .. No. Id.. No. 2b .. No. 2c .. No. 2d .. No. 2e .. No. 2v .. No. 2a .. No. 2h .. No. 2.i .. No. 2k .. No. 2l .. Matarau No. 5b „ No. 5k Mohaka No. 1 .. No. 2 .. No. 3 .. „ No. 5b. . No. 0 .. No. 7 .. No. 8 .. No. 9b.. No. 9c. No. 12.. No. 13a No. 13c No. 1 No. 13c No. 2 No. 13d No. 14.. No. 15.. No. 17.. No. 18.. No. 19b „ No. 22.. No. 23.. No. 24.. No. 25.. No. 26.. No. 27.. No. 28.. 592 0 (I 2,685 0 0 1,300 0 0 1,148 0 0 91 2 20 613 0 0 206 I 0 111 3 0 158 3 0 70 3 0 45 0 30 45 0 30 45 0 30 56 2 24 56 2 24 10 0 0 47 1 0 57 0 4 11 0 0 26 0 0 232 0 0 418 0 0 112 0 0 323 0 0 251 0 0 180 0 0 1,006 0 0 164 0 0 162 0 0 1,122 0 0 1,192 0 0 1,133 2 0 53 2 0 3 0 0 218 0 0 353 0 0 4 3 35 39 0 0 466 0 0 39 0 0 31 2 0 303 0 0 21 0 0 26 3 30 12 2 29 224 0 0 373 0 0 373 0 0 120 1 18 „ 29 3 20 6,170 0 0 600 0 0 003 0 0 285 0 0



TABLE C.—NATIVE LAND PURCHASE— continued. Blocks under Negotiation— continued.

Block. Area. Remarks. Block. Area. Eemarks. Mohaka No. 29.. A. R. P. 48 0 0 Alienations prohibited. Ditto. Otawhao A No. 4 No. 2. . A. R. P. 277 3 31 Alienations prohibited. Ditto. No. 30.. No. 31B No. 33 No. 34.. No. 35.. No. 38.. No. 39.. No. 40b No. 41.. No. 42.. No. 43 No. 44.. No. 45.. No. 46.. No. 47.. No. 48a No. 48b No. 48c No. 48d No. 48e No. 49.. No. 50 No. 51a No. 51b No. 51c No. 52a „ No. 54b „ No. 55b „ No. 55c „ No. 55e Motumauri Island, being part of Rotoiti No. 1 Motuohiwa island, or Ta-hekc-Papakainga No. 12 Mototapu Island (near Okere Falls) Ngamoe No. In.. No. 3b 4 No. 3b 5 No. 3b 6 „ No. 4a. . ,, No. 4b 4 No. 4b 7 Ngatitamatera Reserve B No. 2 Ngatitamatera Reserve Ib (otherwise known as Te. Aroha, Block III, Sec. In) Ngawhakatutu No. 2 Ohuanga Okataina, parts 3, 5, 6b, 7, and 8 Onewhero, Lot 23b Lot 55 Lot 58a No. 1 Lot 58a No. 2 Lot 58b No. 2 Lot 58c Lot 58e Lot 78a „ Native Reserve Orakoi Ia 2 „ 3a and 3a 2 East.. Otawhao A No. Id A No. G A No. 2c A No. 2d A No. 3 No. 45a A No. 3 No. 45b A No. 3 No. 46a A No. 3 No. 47 A No. 3 No. 49a A No. 3 No. 51a A No. 3 No. 51b 1 A No. 3No.51b2 A No. 3 No. 55a A No. 3 No. 64b A No. 3 No. 64a 188 0 35 113 0 0 293 0 0 9 2 2 755 0 0 47 0 0 429 0 0 730 0 0 26 0 0 5 0 0 844 0 0 11 1 3 541 0 0 25 0 0 5 0 0 22 2 20 29 2 16 0 J 33 24 3 30 31 I 28 143 0 0 35 0 0 37 0 0 27 3 0 18 2 0 844 0 0 398 0 0 89 2 25 149 1 14 67 2 37 0 2 0 I 0 0 498 I 23 9 0 0 9 0 0 48 3 38 24 0 0 15 3 10 2 0 17 377 2 23 A No. 4 No. 3.. „ A No. 5b A No. On 1 A No. 7 A No. 9 No. I a A No. 9 No. Ib A No. 9 No. 2a A No. 9 No. 2b Otorohanga 4b 2 u 3 „ 4b 2b 6 Owhaoko I) 6 No. I Pakiri No. I .. Paora-Aneti IA 1 b .. 2 .. " 3 .'. 4 .. 7 .. 9 .. 10 .. 11 .. 12 .. 13 .. 14 .. 15 Parahirahi A No. 3a 1 A No. 3a 2 A No. 3b I . . A No. 3b 2 A No. 3b 3 . . A No. 3b 4 Parihaka A B .. C D .. E No. I.. No. 3.. No. 6.. No. 7.. No. II B No. lie No. 15b No. 17 No. 20 No. 21 No. 22 No. 24 (part) .. No. 25 No. 26 No. 27 No. 28 No. 30a No. 30b No. 32 No. 34 No. 37 No. 38 No. 41 (part) .. No. 42 No. 49 No. 50 No. 52 Pateko Island, being part of Paohinahina No. 2 Puhangateuru 3b 2 Pukehina M No. 1 M No. 2 M No. 3 Pukekura East No. 1B Pukekura West C No. I. . C No. 2a C No. 2b C No. 2o Putere Ib 2a .. 12b Rahui C No. 1.. „ C No. 2 .. 277 3 31 106 1 35 86 0 38 99 3 8 II 0 0 83 0 0 22 0 0 222 0 0 13 3 0 338 0 12 5,724 0 0 0,588 0 0 31. 0 31 34 0 35 50 0 0 22 2 34 16 2 35 35 0 18 150 0 0 4 0 0 33 1 5 50 0 0 15 1 10 13 3 20 97 0 20 75 3 0 75 3 0 15 0 24 15 0 24 18 3 30 25 1 0 103 1 5 36 2 35 120 0 9 105 0 0 35 0 0 22 0 0 220 3 33 142 2 21 160 1 10 100 0 0 345 2 7 204 1 0 61 1 28 99 3 0 58 3 14 94 0 10 62 2 18 94 0 33 169 3 10 71 1 24 36 I 28 94 3 29 97 2 0 130 0 5 124 2 17 189 2 20 154 0 14 49 2 18 214 2 0 217 0 0 196 2 16 183 3 13 1 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 8,574 0 0 199 3 0 315 0 6 90 0 27 57 3 37 543 3 34 275 1 21 170 0 0 49 0 0 008 0 0 9 0 0 14 0 30 230 3 20 70 0 0 39 3 35 40 0 10 12 2 35 25 1 35 8 3 27 18 3 14 7 0 37 9 0 13 23 3 15 23 3 15 7 1 16 12 3 24 7 3 37 70 3 13 084 0 0 602 2 3 300 1 18 232 2 17 52 2 33 43 0 0 47 3 37 46 0 0 1,300 1 28 550 0 0 46 2 22 75 2 26



TABLE C.—NATIVE LAND PURCHASE— continued. Blocks under Negotiation— continued.

Block. Area. Eemarks. Block. Area. Eemarks. Rahui C No. 3 .. .. I „ C No. 4 . . „ 0 No. 5 .. „ C No. 0 .. „ C No. 7 .. „ C No. 8 .. „ C No. 9 . . I) No. 2.. Rahui I) No. 3.. „ I) No. 6.. D No. 7.. Rakautatahi Ib 2a 1b2b I b 2c „ I u 2d 1 b 2k I b 2e I n 2(1 Rangi kohua 4n No. 3 Rangitoto A 7a A 7b A 8b No. 1 A 8b No. 2 .. Rangitoto-Tuhua 3a 3b 1 .. 3b 2 .. 3c 3d 3e 35hNo.2b Rangitoto-Tuhua 35i — No. I a No. Ib 2 No. 2b No. 3b 1 b No. 2c Rangitoto-Tuhua 36a — Section Ia Ib .. 2a I . . 2a 2 .. 2b . . 2c 1 .. 2o 2 .. Rangitoto-Tuhua 30b, Sec. 2 37b .. 54A2 .. 54b 54c „ 54d, See. 1 54d, Sec. 2 54D,Sec. 3 54e .. 57b 2 .. 0If2b2 (part) 61.i No. 3 Rotoiti Island Rotoiti (Te), parts of Nos. I to 7 Rotoiti 3k ,, 3m „ 3n „ 3t Rotoiti (Te) 3v .. Rotomahana-Parekangi— 6A 2 4b (part) 6a 2 5b (part) 6a 2 6b Taheke (Te) No. 2 (part) and Pauhina-Manupirua Taheke-Papakainga (Te) 3. 4, 0 Tahora 2b 2b 1.. Taihaere No. 1, being Sub. 1 of Section 7 Taihaere No. 2, being Sub. 2 of Section 7 Taihaere No. 3, being Sub. 3 of Section 7 A. R. P. 9 2 2 4 3 1 43 2 16 78 2 18 9 0 0 20 I 34 It 0 19 18 I 25 23 3 15 21 0 0 17 1 25 202 2 22 107 0 20 107 0 20 107 0 20 107 0 20 107 0 20 189 1 10 1,191 2 1,0 426 2 26 901 1 14 90 0 0 194 2 11 453 2 0 194 2 16 778 1 24 923 0 0 1,214 3 0 I ,295 3 0 737 2 8 300 2 37 527 2 29 440 0 0 747 I 20 304 I 0 2,941 0 0 3,319 0 0 365 0 0 3,307 0 0 987 3 0 1,518 0 0 11,438 0 0 1,166 0 17 3,184 1 33 914 0 0 531 3 0 41 3 18 159 0 0 217 0 0 184 2 0 207 0 0 480 0 0 505 3 28 Alienations prohibited. Ditto Taihaere No. 4, being Sub. 4 of Section 7 Taihaere No. 5a, being part Sub. 5 of Section 7 Taihaere No. 5b, being part Sub. 5 of Section 7 Taihaere No. 6, being Sub. 7 of Section 7 Takapuwahia H No. 4 .. Taumatamahoe 2b 2b — No. 7 No. 15a No. 10 No. 19a No. 19b No. 19c No. 1 9d No. 20 Tihioinanono Tokaanu B Tutaekuri lc 1 .. lc 8 .. lc 9 . . lc 10 lc 12 lo 13 lo 17 lc 19 Umukaimata 1 a 2b 3b „ 1 a 2b 3c .. 1 a 2b 3d No. 2 (part) Waerenga West Waikouaiti, Sec. 14, Block XII Waikouaiti 46a. . 65 .. Waimanu No. Ib No. la No. 2a No. 2b Waimarino 5a 4 5b 2 Waimarino Reserve A — No. 1 No. 3 No. 5 No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 No. 11 No. 13a No. 13b No. 13c Waipa, Lot 72a* „ 72b No. 1 „ 73b No. I .. „ 73c No. 1 „ 73c, Sec. 3 .. „ 74a.. „ 74b No. 1 .. „ „ 74b, Sec. 2b .. Waipapa Waipatukahu-Tapu lA .. IB .. Waipiro No. 1 Sub. No. 2 Sub. No. 3 Sub. No. 4 Sub. No. 5a.. ,, No. 5b. . „ No. 5c Waipoua 2a No. Ib 2a No. 10 2a No. Id 2a No. 2 2a No. 3a 2a No. 3b 2b No. 1 2b, Sec. 2b No. 1 A. R. P. 150 0 2 25 0 I 35 0 0 05 0 39 214 0 0 1,570 1 12 I,105 1 5 127 2 10 40 0 0 30 I 36 149 2 0 07 2 37 100 0 0 2,958 0 0 3,370 0 0 919 0 0 554 2 0 47 3 9 00 2 15 524 2 0 1,043 0 0 10 1 15 6 0 0 325 3 17 164 2 0 384 2 23 1,240 0 0 19 3 7 9 1 33 26 0 0 70 3 14 24 3 4 450 0 0 96 0 0 425 3 9 1,583 0 30 Alienations pro hibited. Ditto. ,, 159 2 0 2 2 0 2,941. 0 0 319 1 20 998 1 4 778 0 21 586 1 11 849 0 12 ,. >t 050 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 125 0 0 270 0 0 130 0 0 350 0 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 275 0 0 29 0 0 30 I 0 1,9 2 17 78 1 30 39 1 4 46 3 15 93 2 36 257 2 13 10,340 0 0 15 2 0 2 3 32 7 3 18 8,825 2 20 2,503 1 8 3,149 0 0 9,900 0 0 146 0 0 114 0 0 2,700 0 0 204 1 30 203 1 19 204 1 0 1,216 1 0 402 0 0 985 0 0 20 0 0 405 3 0 6,346 0 0 0,200 0 0 6,897 0 0 228 0 0 25 0 0 1,614 0 0 85 0 0 175 0 0 30 0 0



TABLE C.—NATIVE LAND PURCHASE— continued. Blocks under Negotiation— continued.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (750 copies), £15 10s.

Authority : Marcus V. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9lB.

Price 6d-]

Block. Area. Eemarks. Block. Area. Eemarks. Waipoua 2b, Sec. 2b No. 2 A. P. R. 100 0 0 Alienations prohibited. Ditto. HauturaWost No. 1, See. 2c No. 1, Sec. 2d „ No. 1, Sec. 2e No. 1, See. 2f No. 1, Sec. 2o No. 2, See. Ib Heruiwi 4a 2b .. Hoeotainui South No. 1 u 4 Kenepuru 5a 2b No. 2 . . Koheroa Parish, Lot 39b Manaia Nos. In and 2b, Sec. 2e 2 Mangahauini 6c Matakaoa (part) Okakewai Otawhao A 4 No. 1 (part) Pohokura No. 13 Poripori No. 1 .. No. 2 .. Pouakani A No. In A No. 2b Rangitoto-Tuhua 35e (part) Ran hi ne Rawhitiroa B No. I 0 .. Rotomahana-Parekarangi 0i. 2n 1 Oi, 2n 2 6l 2b 5 Ruafoki No. 1 Sub. No. 2 Sub. No. 3 Sub. Taheke No. 3 .. Tarawera Tatara-o-Kina Taurewa East 4 Tauri 3b and 3c Timahanga No. 1 Tuatini Native Township Tutukau West B Tutukau East B Nos. 1 and 2 Waihaha 3e 3e 16c No 3.. Waihou A No. 8b Waiohau Ia, Soc. 11 Ia, Sec. 12 Ia, Sec. 13 Waitangi Whakamarama No. 1 Whangaingatakupu 2c .. 2n 2.. Wharetoto No. 2 A. R. P. 113 0 20 160 I 2 47 0 22 50 2 10 84 3 15 317 3 12 I , 007 0 0 576 2 37 21 0 0 140 0 0 3,427 0 0 2b, Sec. 2b No. 3 2b, Sec. 2b No. 4 2b, Sec. 2b No. 5 2b, Sec. 2b No. 6 2b No. 3a 2b No. 3b 1 .. 2b No. 3b 2 .. „ 2b No. 3c 2b No. 3d I 2b No. 3d 2 2b No. 3e 2c Wairau Waitakaruru 1B 2 Waitekaha No. 3 Whakaihuwaka C No. 1 .. C No. 3 .. C No. 0 .. C No. 9 .. C No. 10 C No. 11 0 No. 13b 0 No. 13c C No. 13e (! No. 13i Whakaki No. 2.. Whangamata 4b 1 4c Wharawhara No. 2 No. 3 Wharekahika 18m Wharepuhunga 18 Whitianga 2b No. 1 „ 2b No. 2 2b No. 3 2b No. 4 2b No. 5 2b No. 6 2b No. 7 2b No. 8 2b No. 9 2b No. 10 .. 2b No. 11 .. 2b No. 12 .. 2b No. 13 .. 2b No. 14 .. „ 2b No. 16a .. 2b No. 16b .. Hauturu East E No. 2, Sec. 2a Hauturu West No. 1 A, Sec.2B No. 1, Sec. 2b 1,405 0 0 224 3 I) 221 3 (I 337 0 0 1,217 0 o 317 0 0 900 0 0 1,217 0 0 202 2 20 897 I 20 816 0 0 22 2 0 298 0 0 351 0 I) 36 3 29 2,619 2 0 88 2 0 1,123 3 38 493 3 37 1,152 0 12 179 2 0 50 0 0 17 0 0 12 0 (I 15,088 2 10 1,328 2 26 214 0 0 168 1 8 252 2 7 505 3 5 93 0 14 8,455 1 0 94 3 12 154 3 0 240 2 30 185 0 0 142 1 0 198 2 0 431 0 0 817 0 0 358 0 0 193 0 0 73 1 0 246 0 0 444 2 6 183 1 38 134 2 31 6,245 I 9 344 I 7 1 0 33 380 0 0 I ,504 0 0 178 0 20 8,267 3 18 3,000 (I 0 2,700 0 0 394 0 0 350 0 0 1,822 0 0 661 0 32 2 0 12 3 1 20 89 0 0 7 0 0 184 0 0 8,735 II 0 5,910 0 0 0,800 0 0 2,919 O 0 87,000 0 0 6,300 0 0 14,557 0 0 3,056 0 0 2,577 0 0 ,, 2,065' 0 0 868 0 0 ,> 35,589 0 0 147 0 0 763 2 4 1,133 2 6 945 0 27 390 0 0 3,330 0 0 155 2 0 70 3 2 7,949 0 0 >» 486 3 32 47 0 22 Total area .. I 023,002 2 0 * Since iroclaimed Crown lands.

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