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Session 11. 1918. NE W ZEAL A N D

EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. [In continuation of E.-9, 1917.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

TWELFTH REPOET OF THE TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION BOARD For the Year ended 31st December, 1917. The Hon. the Minister of Education. Sir,— Wellington, 28th March, 1918. The Board has to submit the following report for the year ended the 31st December, 1917: — The Board. —The usual quarterly meetings of the Board were held in February, May, August, and November. During the year Dr. F. Fitchett resigned his seat on the Board on his retirement from the Public Service, and Mr. R. Triggs was appointed by the GovernorGeneral in Council to fill the vacancy. Mr. W. L. Dunn was appointed Secretary to the Board, vice Mr. F. K. de Castro, who retired from the Public Service on superannuation. Contributors. —The number of contributors increased from 4,653 at the end of 1916 to 4,792 at the end of 1917, an increase of 139. Table A shows the contributors arranged according to percentage of contribution, together with the number admitted and left during the year. Retiring and other Allowances. —Allowances amounting to £5,049 9s. were granted during the year. The total annual rate payable at the end of the year was £47,478 15s. Twenty-five allowances were discontinued by death, and eleven from other causes —viz., one .widow's allowance ceased on her remarriage, seven children attained the age of fourteen years, and the allowances of three annuitants retired as medically unfit were cancelled on the ground that the annuitants had recovered sufficiently to re-enter the teaching service. The number of deaths amongst annuitants shows a considerable increase over the average number for previous years. In 1916 the number was only eleven, as compared with twenty-five in 1917. Income. —The total income for the year was £93,752, made up as follows :—- -£ Members'ordinary contributions .. .. .. 58,070 Government subsidy .. . . .". ..17,000 Interest from Public Trustee .. .. .. 18,289 Interest on arrears of contributions .. .. . . 211 Contributions transferred from other funds . . . . 182 Total for year .. .. .. £93,752

I—E. 9.



It will be seen, on reference to the balance-sheet, that considerable amounts of contributions and interest were outstanding at the end of the year, the figures being £2,452 10s. lid. and £864 18s. sd. respectively. That these sums are so large is due to the fact that many of the contributors who failed to join in 1906, and who were admitted in 1913 under section 5 of the amending Act of 1912, have not yet paid up the full amount of arrears due from the Ist January, 1906, payment of which was a condition of their admission. The regulations allow them to pay the arrears by annual or monthly instalments. Of outstandings on the 31st December, 1916, the sums of £964 3s. lid. contributions and £124 16s. interest were paid off in 1917. Expenditure. —The allowances paid to contributors who have retired and to dependants of deceased contributors and annuitants amounted to £45,122 3s. 5d., an increase of £3,120 14s. 7d. over the amount for 1916. . A considerable number of annuitants were temporarily re-employed during the year, and in many cases their allowances were reduced in accordance with the provisions of section 14 (2) of the Act. The amount thus saved to the fund in 1917 was approximately £1,286. Refunds of contributions on voluntary retirement from the Education service amounted to £5,185 9s. lid., the refunds to personal representatives of deceased contributors amounted to £2,850 35., while contributions amounting to £87 ss. 2d. were transferred, to other superannuation funds. Administration Expenses. —These amounted to £555 15s. sd. Included in this sum is an item of £250, being the amount charged by the Education Department for clerical, assistance. No part of the salary of the Secretary of the Board is, however, included in that item, the whole of his salary, in terms of the Act, being a charge on the Consolidated Fund. Net Revenue. —The total for the year was £39,067, as compared with £40,756 in 1916, a decrease of £1,689. Accumulated Funds. —These amounted at the end of the year to £420,225 6s. Government Subsidy. —The Government subsidy of £17,000 was received during the first quarter of the year. The total subsidies paid by the Government since the inception of the fund amount to £118,000. Investment of the Fund. —The fund has been receiving interest on daily balances in the hands of the Public Trustee of 4j per cent, on the first £6,000 and 4| per cent, on the remainder. The rates are the maximum allowed by the Public Trust Office Act for moneys in the Common Fund of that office. As stated last year, the Board is of opinion that a higher rate of interest could be earned by special investment of the Teachers' Superannuation Fund moneys, and it is hoped to conclude an arrangement with the Public Trustee in this connection which will secure for the fund the current rates of interest. It must be noted, however, that in 1917 the fund received from the Public Trustee a bonus of £1,544 ss. 7d., being 10 per cent, of the interest earned by the fund during the period Ist April, 1916, to 31st March, 1917, this bonus being paid under recent legislative provision authorizing the distribution pro rata among the estates in the Common Fund of the Public Trust Office of a certain portion of the profits of that office. This raised the rate of interest to approximately 4-63 per cent. Actuarial Investigation. —The Actuary, in his report of his investigation of the fund for the years 1911, 1912, and 1913, recommended that the Government's annual subsidy should be increased from £17,000 to £33,000. Owing to the war conditions, however, the Government could not see its way to pay the increased subsidy. The report of the Actuary on his investigation of the fund for the years 1914, 1915, and 1916 has now been received, in which he recommends that the subsidy should be £43,000, but for the reason stated the Government has again decided that it cannot at present provide an increased subsidy. It may be noted that the annual subsidy is fixed by statute, and any alteration in the amount requires legislation. The Actuary in his last report (E.-9A, 1917) suggests an alternative course (in one or other of two forms) of fixing the subsidy automatically on the basis of the annual contributions of members, with or without, as the case might be, an annual payment for the creation of a slinking fund sufficient to extinguish the accumulated deficiency in. seventy-five years. The alternative course (in either form) would avoid any delay or uncertainty consequent on the



obligation to have recourse to legislation periodically, but it is open to the objection that it would entail a heavier demand on the public funds in the earlier years, a factor which prevented its being favourably considered by the Government under present conditions. The matter will be brought before the Government for further consideration when opportunity offers. Contributors on Active Service. —The number of contributors who joined the Expeditionary Force up to the end of 1917 was 483. Of this number sixty-three have been killed in action or died of wounds or disease, while forty have returned to New Zealand and have resumed the duties of their previous positions. Thirtyone of the deaths occurred in 1917, Of the deceased contributors fifty-five were unmarried, and their contributions to the fund (together with the amounts paid by the Government on their behalf up to the date of their decease), amounting to £2,494 Os. Id., were refunded to their respective estates. One contributor was survived by a widow and three children under the age of fourteen years, two contributors by a widow and one child under the age of fourteen years, and five by widows only, to each of whom the usual allowance was granted. As previously intimated, the Government has undertaken to pay the contributions of members during the period they are members of the Expeditionary Force. The amount thus paid by the Government in 1917 amounted to £3,865 Os. 5d., making a total since the beginning of the war of £7,938 18s. 3d. Retirements under extended Provisions of Act. —It was intimated in last year's report that after much consideration the Board had adopted a different policy in regard to retirements under the extended provisions of section 12 of the Public Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908. The schedules of deductions from allowances in such cases hitherto adopted by the Board were ascertained to be actuarially unsound, and the schedules were accordingly cancelled. Each application is now considered on its merits. Under the amended practice the Board ascertains the full actuarial deduction in each case — i.e., it ascertains what deduction should lie made from the allowance to compensate the fund for the benefit received by the contributor by early retirement. If the application is granted the allowance is awarded subject to the full actuarial deduction, except that if in the opinion of the Board special circumstances exist which render the retirement desirable the Board may reduce the deduction. In all cases, however, the deductions will be substantially heavier than those hitherto imposed. All retirements under this section of the Act, and the conditions on which such retirements may be granted, are subject to the approval of the Minister of Education. During the past year only four retirements were approved under the above conditions, as compared with eight in 1916 and nine in 1915. Pupil-teachers. —Judging from the number of inquiries made recently as to whether pupil-teachers are eligible to become contributors to the fund it does not appear to be known generally among the teaching profession that pupil-teachers may elect to become contributors to the fund under the provisions of section 23 of the Public Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908. Several Education Boards bring the matter under the notice of their pupil-teachers when the latter are appointed, with the result that many of them join the fund. In the majority of education districts, however, no pupil-teachers become members of the fund until such time as they are compelled to do so on receiving permanent appointments as teachers after becoming certificated. The question as to whether the right of these young teachers to join the fund should be continued is one requiring serious consideration. Their admission at such an early age (usually sixteen, seventeen, or eighteen years) imposes a very heavy liability on the fund, for in their early years as pupil-teachers and trainingcollege students they pay contributions on very small salaries, but count the period so spent as full time for superannuation purposes. When it is remembered that male contributors have a legal right to retire on superannuation after forty years' service, and female contributors after thirty years' service, it is apparent that if they retire at the age of fifty-six, fifty-seven, or fifty-eight (in the case of men), and at the age of forty-six, forty-seven, or forty-eight (in the case of women), the fund will in most cases be required to provide their allowances for a very considerable number of years. The Board has already had to grant allowances to women of forty-five years of age. The question will no doubt have to be seriously considered as to whether a minimum age, say of twenty or twenty-one years, should not be a condition of eligibility for membership.


Unclaimed Contributions. —It seems extraordinary that the fund should hold such, a large sum as £610 on account of persons who have ceased to be contributors to the fund. The names of the persons entitled to the money have been repeatedly advertised in the Journal of Education, but without any response in the majority of cases. One ex-contributor is entitled to an amount of just over £100. General. —War conditions have affected the fund in several ways which are worthy of notice. The net increase in the number of contributors during the year was only 139, as compared with 175 in 1916 and 252 in 1915. The numbers of new contributors admitted in the last three years were 398, 428, and 522 in 1917, 1916, and 1915 respectively. The falling-off is primarily due to the decrease in the number of teachers' certificates granted by the Education Department. In 1915 373 certificates were granted, as compared with only 290 in 1917. It is probably further accounted for by the fact that a great many appointments to public schools are, during the war, of a temporary character only. It is not compulsory for a certificated teacher on his first appointment to a public school to become a contributor to the fund if he is appointed to a temporary position, and, although legislative provision has been made for such teachers during the currency of the war to elect to become contributors, very few of them apparently avail themselves of the opportunity. It may be noted that by regulations under the Statute Law Amendment Act, 1917, any certificated teacher may be permanently appointed to any position in a public school while he is on active service, and if this is his first permanent appointment he must then become a contributor to the fund. The fact that he is unable to take up the duties of his position does not affect the matter, for his appointment may date from a time fixed by the Education Board. This provision is of considerable advantage to young teachers leaving the training colleges for military service. Were it not for some such provision many of them would not be eligible to become contributors until they had received permanent appointments on their return to teaching duties, and their position in regard to length of service for superannuation purposes would then compare very unfavourably with that of their fellow students who were ineligible or unfit for military service and who received appointments on completion of their training-college courses. The allowances granted during the year to contributors amounted to £4,716 95., as compared with £6,449 Bs. in 1916, a decrease of £1,732 19s. Although section 29 of the War Legislation Act, 1917, provides that during the currency of the war no allowance may be granted to a contributor unless his retirement has been approved by the Minister of Education, the large decrease was not due to this restrictive legislation, seeing that the Act referred to was not passed until the 31st October, 1917. Education Boards had prior to the passing of this legislation asked teachers eligible to retire on superannuation to remain in the service, and many of them, actuated by patriotic motives, did so. Practically the only retirements were those of teachers whose health had to a certain degree become impaired. Any contributor who is retained in the service by virtue of the provision referred to may elect to cease his contributions to the fund, and if he does so his allowance will be calculated, when his retirement actually takes place, as at the date on which he ceased his contributions. It might, have been expected from the reduction in the amount of allowances granted, and from the unusually large number of allowances which lapsed during the year by death or expiry (thirty-nine allowances amounting to £2,242 95., as compared with twenty-one allowances amounting to £1,083 3s. in 1916) that there would have been an increase in the net revenue over that of 1916. As stated above, however, the net revenue for 1917 compared with that of 1916 shows a decrease of £1,689, which is no doubt accounted for by the increase in the amount which was refundable in the case of deceased contributors and to the falling-off in the number of new contributors. Statistics. —The statements and accounts prescribed by regulations under the Act, together with other additional statements, are attached hereto. I have, &c, J. A. Hanan, Chairman.





A. (i.) Number of Contributors on the 31st December, 1917, arranged according to Percentage of Contribution.

(ii.) Number of Contributors under Part IX, Education Act, 1908 (included in above Figures).

B. Total Number of Contributors who have joined and left the Fund since its Establishment (1st January, 1906, to 31st December, 1917).

C. Table showing Progress of Fund since its Inception (1st January, 1906).

5 per Cent. M. P. 6 per Cent. M. F. 7l Cei ler it. 8 per Cent. M. P. 9 per .Cent. CenT | ™*. M. P. M. P. Total. M. P. M. P. Slumbers at 31st December, 1916 iVritten off in 1916, but entitled to be roinstatod Slow contributors entered during 1,041 1,881 1 262 332 258 249 204 141 137 64 72 12 1,974 2,679 1 4,653 1 57 263 !) 21 10 11 6 6 5 4 2 1 89 306 395 year transfers from other funds 2 2 2 lumbers loft during year 1,110 54 2,145 118 271 4 353 12 268 5 260 21 210 13 147 11 142 4 68 6 74 9 13 2 2,065 89 2,986 170 5,051 259 lumbers at end of year 1,046 2,027 267 341 203 239 197 13b 138 62 65 1,976 2,816 4,792 1 I

lumbers at 31st Decembor, 1916 5 5 6 8 9 12 6 7, 9 7 5 1 40 40 80 [umbers left during year I .. 1 1 1 1 2 "umbers at ond of year .. 5 5 6 8 9 12 j 6 ej 8 7 5 1 39 39 78

Numbor. Annual Annual Bate of Contributions. M. p. Total. Salar ySalary. 'otal entered (including net increases in salary and contributions) 'otal discontinued 2,773 4,431 ,431 £ 1 7,204 1,382,729 £ 86,160 797 1,615 ,615 5 2,412 412,715 27,746 Total existing at 31st December, 1917 1,976 2,816 4,792 970,014 58,414

Year ended 31st Mareii, 1907. year oi ided 31st December, I 31st Si 1915. Iccein ibcr, 1916. 1917. _ Years 1906-1917. 1909. 1912. Total number of contributors Total amount of contributions Interest received Subsidy from Government Number of allowances payable Total amount paid on account of retiring arid other allowances Total amount of contributions refunded and transferred Accumulated fund 2,182 £32,320 £864 £5,000 84 £3,147 3,152 £35,122 £4,751 £7,000 216 £8,754 3,641 £40,130 £8,433 £7,000 376 £21,313 4,444 £52,71.6 £13,603 £17,000 555 £37,376 4,653 £56,038 j £16,721 £17,000 611 £42,001 4,792 £58,070 £18,289 £17,000 636 £45,122 £514,095 £105,347 £118,000 £259,959 £260 £1,776 £4,912 £7,921 £7,402 £9,007 £55,103 £34,734 £120,409 £214,298 £340,582 £381,158 £420,225



ACCOUNTS AND STATEMENTS AS PRESCRIBED BY REGULATIONS, IN TERMS OF SECTION 37 OP THE PUBLIC SERVICE CLASSIFICATION AND SUPERANNUATION AMENDMENT ACT, 1908. 1. (A.) REVENUE ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st December, 1917. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance, 31st December, 1916 .. 381,158 1 6 By Retiring and other allowances .. 45,122 3 5 Contributions of members .. .. 58,070 2 4 Contributions refunded— £ s. d. Government subsidy .. .. 17,000 0 0 On voluntary retirement 5,185 9 11 Interest— On death of contributor 2,850 3 0 Ordinary — Public £ s. d. On lapse of membership 883 16 6 Trustee .. 16,744 17 1 • 8,919 9 5 Bonus —Public Trustee 1,544 5_ 7 Contributions transferred to other funds 87 5 2 On arrears of oon- Administration expenses— £ s. d. tributions .. 210 12 3 Clerioal assistance .. 250 0 0 18,499 14 11 Commission, G.P.O. .. 146 14 7 Contributions transferred from other Medical fees .. .. 31 10 0 funds .. .. .. .. 182 0 8 Travelling-expenses of Board members .. 79 0 10 Office expenses .. 48 10 0 555 15 5 Balanoe, 31st December, 1917 .. 420,225 6 0 £474,909 19 5 £474,909 19 5 (B.) BALANCE-SHEET as at 31st December, 1917. Liabilities. £ s. d. Assets. £ s. d. Fund as per Revenue Account .. 420,225 6 0 Amount in hands of £ s. d. Retiring and other allowances due and Public Trustee .. 416,006 9 7 unpaid.. .. .. .. 615 9 5 Plus amount in Refunds of contributions on death of transit.. .. 1,000 0 0 contributor duo and unpaid .. 1,119 16 8 417,006 9 7 Administration expenses due and un- Amount in bands of paid— £ s. d. G.P.0... .. 4,875 13 6 Clerical assistance .. 250 0 0 Less vouchers in Commission, G.P.O. .. 146 5 8 course of payment 4,641 7 10 Medical fees .. .. 4 4 0 234 5 8 Travelling - expenses of Contributions of members-Board-members .. 8 2 4 In transit .. 2,538 9 4 Office expenses .. 10 0 Due and outstanding 2,452 10 11 r 409 12 0 4,991 0 3 Unclaimed contributions .. .. 610 13 2 Interest on arrears of contributions Contributions overpaid and paid in accrued and outstanding .. .. 864 18 5 error .. .. .. .. 115 16 8 £423,096 13 11 £423,096 13 11 W. L. Dunn, Education Department, Secretary, Teachers' Superannuation Board. Wellington, 28th March, 1918. Audited and found correct.—R. J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.—29/7/18.

2. STATEMENT of CONTRIBUTORS, showing Annual Rates of Salaries and Contributions as at the 31st December, 1917.

Number. Annual Bate of Salary. Annual Bate of Contributions. M. P. Total. kmtributors at 31st December, 1916 ... Vritten off in 1916, but entitled to be reinstated few contributors entered during the year ended 31st December, 1917 'ransfers from other funds during the 1,974 2,679 1 4,653 1 £ s. d. 926,706 5 5 190 0 0 £ a. d. 56,208 7 11 9 10 0 89 306 395 51,842 0 0 2,854 8 8 2 2 690 0 0 34 10 0 year let increase in salaries and contributions during the year 36,261 13 0 2,107 0 9 Totals 2,065 2,986 5,051 1,015,689 18 5 61,213 17 4 lontributions discontinued during the year ended 31st December, 1917, by resignation, &c. Totals at 31st December, 1917 89 170 259 45,676 0 0 2,799 15 3 1,976 2,816 4,792 970,013 18 5 58,414 2 1



3. PARTICULARS of CONTRIBUTIONS discontinued and Allowances granted and Refunds of Contributions made during the Year ended 31st December, 1917.

N Cor umbei ltribu : of ;ors. Annual Bat Withi ;e at Date of drawal. Benefits. How discontinued. M. P. i o Salary. Contributions, Allowances: 0tl T ?»£ . , T , I ments (nonAnnual Bate. N > reournng). By death before allowance entered upon— (a.) Contributions paid to personal representatives (6.) Leaving widow or child* By voluntary retirement By lapsed membership By transfer to other funds By allowances granted on retirement— (a.) Ordinary (b.) Medically unfit (c.) Extended provisions (d.) Part IX, Education Act, 1908: Ordinary .. 25 10 32 7 1 6 2 108 25 2 31 12 140 32 3 £ 5,905 3,493 21,686 4,261 445 s. d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 £ s. d. 306 11 0 237 9 10 1,227 10 10 220 19 0 22 5 0 £ s. 217 0 d. £ s. d. 1,614 10 7 01,134 1 10 . 5,184 19 11 825 4 0 87 5 2 4 5 4 21 5 25 10 4 5,770 2,426 1,410 0 0 0 0 0 0 458 12 0 180 19 7 121 12 0 2,955 11 1,113 11 543 7 oi .. 0 0 1 1 2 280 0 0 I 23 16 01 104 0 o| Totals 89 170 259 45,676 0 0 2,799 15 3 4,933 9 08,846 1 6 * Seven widows and seven chili contributions. Five widows and two amounting to £116. The total allowan the refunds of contributions heroin s annuitant. dren chili ices £ ihowi were Iren oi ;ran tec i, the grar dece duri] itcd allowances 'ased annuitant) ng the year the! of £100 17s. 3i i, and three wii 5 were also gran ceforo amounted d. was refunded dows were granted refunds of ted allowances during the year to £5,049 9s. In addition to 1 to the widow of a deceased sum



4. STATEMENT of RETIRING-ALLOWANCES (including Allowances to Widows and Children) for the Year ended 31st December, 1917.

(2.) (3.) Details of Column (2). (10 Total Allowances. Betiring-allowances. Allowances to Particulars. Ordinary (Age or Service). Extended Provisions. Medically unfit. Widows. Children. Number. j __. M. F. ! | Annual Bate Number. M. ! P. Annual Bate. Number. M. P. Annual Bate. Number. Annual Bate. Number. Annual Bate. M. P. Nui iber. Annual Bate. M. P. Allowances as at 31st December, 1916 Allowances granted during the year at retirement or decease of contributor Allowances granted during the year to widows and children of deceased annuitants Total ... Allowances discontinued during the year*t Allowances existing at end of yeart ... 260 351 16 39 £ s. 611 44,671 15 55 4,933 9 d. 0* 0 120 5 195 22 £ s. 26,872 14 3,059 11 d. ! £ 0*; 63 3 9,411 0 ! 4 ... 543 i s. d. 8 0* 40 7 0 5 i 34 5 £ s. d. 5,91110 0* 1,11311 0 1 87 7 5 £ s. 1,579 3 126 0 d. 0 0 37 2 32 5 £ 897 91 s. 0 0 d. 0 0 1 6 7 j 116 0 0 90 0 0 1 1 26 0 0 277 396 22 17 673 49,721 39 i 2,242 4 9 0 0 125 12 217 6 I 29,932 5 1,388 15 0 67 3 9,954 15 0 2 ... 253 12 0 0 45 3 39 2 7,025 1 393 2 0 99 5 1.795 3 90 0 0 40 38 0 5 4 1,014 117 0 0 0 0 ! ' : 255 255 379 634 47,478 15 0 113 211 28,543 10 0 65 3 9,701 3 0 | 42 37 6,631 19 0 94 1,705 3 0 35 34 897 0 0 I I Particulars of Alloivances discontinued during the Year. 10 7 25 1,850 19 14 391 10 0 0 6 j 1,388 15 0 2 ... 253 12 0 1 2 I How discontinued — By death By expiry 15 7 12 1 154 12 1 238 10 0 0 3 2 54 36 0 0 0 ... 0 5 "i\ 117 0 Total ... 22 17 39 2,242 9 0 12 6 | 1,388 15 0 2 ! ... 253 12 0 3 2 393 2 0 5 90 0 0 5 4 j 117 0 Progress of Allowance. since Establishment of Fund to the 31st Di xember, 1917. Total granted Total discontinued 363 467 830 57,295 108 88 j 196 9,816 3 8 0 0 174 61 228 34,546 4 0 67: 3 9,954 15 0 17 j 6,002 14 0 2 j ... 253 12 0 211 |28,543 10 0 65 3 9,701 3 0 I [ 60 46 8,930 18 9 2,298 1 0 2 0 115 21 2,083 3 378 0 0 0 62 75 1,781 0 27 ! 41 884 0 0 0 Total existing 255 634 ; 47,478 15 0 113 42 i 37 16,631 19 0 94 1,705 3 0 35 34 897 0 0 * The rates as at the 31st December, 1916, have been adjusted on account of corrections in the rates of allowances then in force, as follows: Ordinary (age or service), increased by £2 Is.; exti >y 6s.; medically unfit, increased by £4 3s.; total allowances, net increase £5 18s. t Pull details are given in Beturn No. 5 (a) and (6). mded provisions, decreasei



5. FURTHER DETAILS OF ALLOWANCES, (a.) Allowances discontinued during the Year :—

(i.) Return of Retiring-allowances discontinued during the Year 1st January to 31st December, 1917, and Date from which Allowances became payable to the Widows and Children.

(ii.) Return of Widows and Children who during the Year 1st January to 31st December, 1917, ceased to be entitled to Benefits.

2—E. 9.

Annuitant. How discontinued. Annual Bate of Lapsed Betiringallowanoes. Date from which (a) Retiring - allowance discontinued, and (b) Payment of Benefits to Widow and Children began. Refund of Contributions. Aot under which Allowance granted. 13, Education Act, 1908; A, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908; TJ, Superannuation Amendment Aot, 1912. Amoore, Albert H. .. Barton, James Bowler, Frederick H.* Oheokley, Martha, Mrs. Cooke, Montague P.* Crosby, Eleanor E. T.* Dodds, James N. .. Hooper, Jane D. Home, Ellon J. Kir by, James H. .. Longmoro, Prances McDonald, Kenneth McLennan, Duncan* Nicliolls, Alfred O'Donoghue, Denis Paterson, Elizabeth S.* Bitchie, Christina, Mrs. Salmond, William Scott, Samuel M. .. Simpson, Margaret E., Mrs. .. Smith, John Stewart, Alexander Stewart, Washington S. Ward, William Wood, John Death Expiry'- .. Death .. Expiryt • • „ t • • Death .. £ s. d. 52 0 0 52 0 0 81 4 0 109 12 0 102 10 0 54 16 0 154 9 0 129 12 0 92 1 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 97 1 0 56 6 0 114 16 0 57 11 0 52 0 0 138 7 0 69 12 0 52 0 0 79 0 0 88 fi 0 55 10 0 52 0 0 138 16 0 (a.) July 9 Jan. 1 Aug. 19 Juno 1 April 30 Feb. 23 Juno 15 Feb. 8 Juno 17 Jan. 10 May 27 Sept. 11 March 3 July 25 Juno 29 May 22 March 17 7 Jan. 14 Sept. 22 Jan. 3 June 10 April 30 March 2 July 1.1 (b.) July 10 March 4 July 26 £ s. d. 100 17 3 E E A A A A A A A E E E A E A A E U A BJ E E E E A >> • • March 8 July 12 Total 2,035 9 0 100 17 3 * Be tired on grounds of lodical unfit] icss for further dul I t Considered fi' , to re-enter service.

Name. „ T ., A , „ , , Date of Termination Widow or Annual Rate of of Payment ot Child. Allowance. M&nw». Bemarks. Bastings, Edgara Browne, Ellen, Mrs. Dunnett, Elizabeth, Mrs... Druning, Dorothy B. A. Ellis, Elizabeth, Mrs. Ferguson, Elizabeth, Mrs. Hutchinson, Margaret G., Mis. McCullough, Elsie L. Wacky, Wallace A. Marshall, Gertrude E. Miller, Marjorie L. Dsmers, Harry N. Paul, Frederick A. T. Walsh, Harold G. Child .. Widow.. Child .'.' Widow.. £ 13 18 18 13 18 18 18 March 30 October 17 June 14 December 9 November 16 December 10 January 1 Attained age of 14 years. Deceased. Remarried. Attained age of 14 years. Deceased. >> Remarried. >> • • Child .. )» ■ ■ 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 October 5 April 21 January 9 February 25 August 15 March 21 January 29 Attained age of 14 years. JJ * * )) ■ • )) • • JJ • • Total .. 207



(b.) Allowances existing (except where otherwise shown) at the End of the Year :—

(i.) Allowances granted to Contributors (ordinary retirement).

Act under whioh Allowance granted. Annual Bate of ! Allowanoe. B, Education Act,|190K; A, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Name. Occupation. Men. Amos, Edward W. Anderson, John* ... Ballance, Alfred C. Bannerman, Edward Binnie, Archibald Blair, James Blair, Robert Bonnin, John L. ... Boyd, Donald Brown, Charles C. Budd, George W. E. Bullock, Samuel ... Burgoyne, Henry W. Burns, Andrew Campbell, James B. I.* Comerford, William H. Cooke, Charles J. Corbet, William ... Cowles, Edward ... Cronin, Bartholomew Culverhouse, George Cusack, James Dale, Joseph Daly, Michael F. ... Dawe, James A. ... Dempsey, Hector* Dunbar, James* ... Easther, Henry A. Everiss, Andrew ... Everiss, George ... Ferguson, William Field, John L. Fisher, Esau Fitzgerald, William S. Flux, George Geissler, Herman W. Gerring, Albert ... Glenny, Joseph ... Goldsbury, Alfred Gover, Frederick ... Goyen, Peter Gray, George Green, Richard E. Gribble, Charles ... Grundy, William T.* Hamilton, Hugh R. W. Hart, Edwin T. ... Haslam, Francis W. C. Hassing, George M. Hill, Henry Hill, John'D. C. ... Hogwood, Robert Horan, Thomas ... Howard, Charles C. Hubbard, Charles C. Hughson, William Ingpen, Edward L. Jefferson, Alfred ... Johnston, Robert... Jones, Thomas A. Kilburn, Joseph ... King, Walter J. ... La Prelle, John J. Lock, Charles H. W. Lothian, John, Rev. Caretaker, Canterbury College Teacher, Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ South Canterbury Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board Secretary, Nelson College Board Teacher, Otago Education Board it a Truant Officer, Southland Education Board Teacher, Native school... „ North Canterbury Education Board // // Native school... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... Native school... Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ South Canterbury Education Board „ Nelson Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Southland Education Board Janitor, Timaru High School Board Teacher, Auckland Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board Inspector, Education Department Lecturer, Otago University Truant Inspector, Wanganui Education Board Teacher, North Canterbury Education Board „ Marlborough Education Board ... „ Otago Education Board „ Southland Education Board £ s. 40 12 170 12 96 5 52 0 103 9 52 0 108 9 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 63 11 129 1 81 16 135 3 180 5 124 6 52 0 52 0 81 7 106 8 245 17 53 19 94 11 64 2 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 251 7 217 1 52 0 52 0 52 0 107 1 52 0 278 16 97 1 114 19 52 0 253 16 73 6 232 10 242 10 52 0 379 0 208 16 116 7 52 0 68 8 65 14 52 0 52 0 39 2 52 0 52 0 52 0 124 4 52 0 156 11 52 0 u A A E E E A E E E E E E E E A A A A A A E E A A A U A A b) E E E A A E E E A E A U A E A A A U E A A A E E A E E U E E E A E A E Inspector, Otago Education Board Teacher, Wellington Education Board „ Native school ... „ Auckland Education Board a it ... „ Wanganui Education Board „ Wellington Education Board Inspector, Otago Education Board Lecturer, Lincoln Agricultural College Teacher, Nelson Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Native school... „ Auckland Education Board Professor, Canterbury College Teacher, Southland Education Board Inspector, Education Department Teacher, Wanganui Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Native school... „ Marlborough Education Board ... „ Native school... Janitor, Otago High School Board Teacher, Wanganui Education Board „ Otago University ... ... „ Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Auckland Education Board ,, Wanganui Education Board „ Auckland-Education Board * Allowi tnces granted during the period from 1st January to 31st Decembi ir, 1917,



(i.) Allowances granted to Contributors (ordinary retirement) —continued.

Name. Occupation. Annual Rato of Allowance. Aot under whioh Allowance granted. B, Education Act, 1908; A, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908 ; U, Superannuation Amendment Ace, 1912. Men —continued. Lyon, Christopher A., Rev.... Lyttle, John Mabbett, Arthur ... Macandrew, William McGavin, John ... Macky, John McNicoll, David A. Maddison, John ... Mathias, Vincent W. Matthews, Ernest W. D. ... Menzies, Edward M. Menzies, George ... Millington, Edward W. Moores, Peter Mossman, Edwin... Mulhern, John Mulligan, Thomas Murdoch, James ... Murray, David Murray, George W. Murray, James B. Orr, James O'Shea, Jeremiah... Overton, William R. Paterson, William A. Porritt, Thomas, Rev. Pryde, Patrick G.... Reid, James Reid, John Robertson, James Schmidt, Peter E. Scott, John L. Short, Arthur Sloman, John F. ... Smith, Aaron Y. ... Soundy, Richard ... Stenhouse, John ... Stevens, Joseph E. Stott, Alexander ... Walker, Thomas A. Teacher, Native school ... „ Southland Education Board „ Auckland Education Board Southland Education Board „ Native school ... Accountant, Auckland Education Board ... Teacher, Otago Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board Inspector of Reserves, Canterbury College... Teacher, Native school ... „ Wanganui Education Board „ Otago Education Board Auckland Education Board „ Wanganui Education Board „ Native school... North Canterbury Education Board Southland Education Board Otago Education Board „ Auckland Education Board £ s. 52 0 52 0 52 0 172 0 52 0 147 5 188 10 52 0 97 16 52 0 52 0 52* 0 '88 14 52 0 160 11 52 0 52 0 52 0 172 11 129 7 84 10 126 12 52 0 52 0 125 10 52 0 277 1 89 1 103 15 79 14 52 0 205 13 96 13 87 8 106 7 215 4 230 2 118 5 93 11 204 6 E E E A E A A E A E E E A E A E E E A A A A E E A E A EA A E A A E A A A A A A „ Southland Education Board Nelson Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Wellington Education Board Secretary, Otago Education Board Teacher, „ a it '" ''' „ Auckland Education Board Architect, North Canterbury Education Board Teacher, Auckland Education Board a a • • • „ Auckland Grammar School Board „ Southland Education Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... Otago Education Board Ward, Joseph Webber, Edmund White, David R. ... Whyte, John Wilding, Charles B. Woods, George E. Yeats, Duncan M. Young, Henry, Rev. „ Southland Education Board Assistant Inspector of Industrial Schools, Education Department Teacher, Marlborough Education Board ... „ Southland Education Board Principal, Dunedin Training College Teacher, Otago Education Board Native school... 52 0 236 7 350 0 55 2 52 0 52 0 213 19 52 0 E A A E E E A E „ Wellington Education Board „ Native school... Women. Alexander, Helen... Allan, Mary K. ... Alvos, Margaret W. Anderson, Annie G. Anderson, Barbara C. Anderson, Elizabeth, Mrs.... Anderson, Helen ... Andrews, Helen B. Baker-Gabb, Mary, Mrs. ... Bannister, Matilda E. Barton, Annie, Mrs. Batchelor, Bessie... Batten, Annie E. B. Beattie, Jane, Mrs. Birkett, Emma, Mrs. Total (113 men) 11,761 16 A A A A E E A E A A E A E E E Teacher, Otago High School „ Otago Education Board „ Otago Boys' and Girls' High School Board „ Otago Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Native school... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... 139 14 92 1 114 16 100 12 52 0 52 0 103 13 52 0 104 18 85 4 52 0 94 9 52 0 52 0 52 0 „ Wellington Education Board a a • • • • • • „ Auckland Education Board „ Grey Education Board „ Westland Education Board „ Native school... „ Taranaki Education Board



(i.) Allowances granted to Contributors (ordinary retirement) —continued.

Act under which Allowance granted. Name. Occupation. Annual Rate of Allowance. E.Education Act,1908; A, Superannuation Amend m e n t Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Women —continued. Birss, Helen L.* ... Blades, Bithiah ... Blair, Jessie, Mrs. Blyth, Sarah F. R. Bond, Jane A. Bott, Amelia Branting, Ellen T., Mrs. ... Bright, Aiinee D. Broderick, Jessie S., Mrs. ... Brown, Charlotte M., Mrs. Brown, Jessie C. ... Brown, Mary E., Mrs.* Bullock, Julia W. .'.. Bunting, Elizabeth* Burns, Jessie A.*... Cairns, Jessie Caldwell, Margaret, Mrs. ... Campbell, Jane ... Carr, Jane H. W., Mrs. Carrick, Marie, Mrs. Cato, Eva P. Gaughley, Christina J. Chatwin, Georgina E. Christie, Catherine W. Coad, Emma M. ... Coghill, Margaret Coneys, Jessie T Cooke, Jean L. Co wens, Janet, Mrs. Davis, Elizabeth ... Dement, Mary A.... Dewar, Janet Dewhirst, Eliza E. Duncan, Kate* Durose, Florence M.* Evans, Alice Evans, Eliza H. ... Faulks, Flora Finlayson, Jessie M. M., Mrs. Fleming, Janet Fly, Lois M., Mrs. Forsyth, Agnes ... Foster, Frances, Mrs. Fowler, Jane B. ... Fowler, Lillian E.* Fowler, Lillias A. Foy, Mary R. Fraser, Johanna ... Fraser, Mary I. ... French, Agnes S.... Fyfe, Harriet, Mrs. Galloway, Helen ... Gard'ner, Elizabeth A. Geissler, Ida P., Mrs. Gillanders, Eliza M., Mrs.... Gillibrand, Margaret E. Glanville, Gertrude M.* Goulding, Jane E. Gower, Nanette ... Grant, Catherine D. Haeusler, Emily M. L., Mrs. Haig, Catherine ... Hall, Mary Hamilton, Annis E.* Hamilton, Martha* Hardie, Mary Teacher, Southland Education Board „ Auckland Grammar School Board „ Otago Education Board „ Wanganui Education Board „ Nelson Education Board „ Otago Education Board Manager, Te Oranga Home, Christchurch... Teacher, Wellington Education Board „ Native school... „ ,, ... ... <... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Canterbury Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board Auckland Education Board „ Plawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Wellington Education Board „ Caversham Industrial School „ Auckland Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Nelson Education Board „ South Canterbury Education Board „ Taranaki Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Canterbury Education Board „ Taranaki Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Auckland Education Board £ a. 129 1 71 7 79 10 52 0 111 14 58 19 41 14 74 13 54 5 18 3 108 6 119 18 52 0 71 3 96 1 52 0 77 10 86 17 11 13 52 0 110 9 110 17 123 18 52 0 96 19 89 13 52 0 87 10 74 15 75 15 52 0 78 11 56 18 108 11 105 7 52 0 82 7 70 17 71 15 A A A E A A A A A A A A E A A E A A E E A A A E A A E A A A E A A A A E A A A „ Otago Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ South Canterbury Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Thames High School ... „ Taranaki Education Board Principal, Wanganui Girls' College Teacher, Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Nelson Education Board Matron, Christchurch Technical College Board Teacher, Native school... „ Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board ., Wellington Education Board „ New Plymouth High School „ Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board ... „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Taranaki Education Board „ Southland Education Board 52 0 52 0 63 11 19 18 94 5 104 4 91 16 52 0 80 5 267 3 114 0 15 2 66 3 87 15 11 10 66 15 105 19 121 4 52 0 52 0 112 2 52 0 104 3 115 2 52 0 153 9 97 8 E E A A A A A E A A A A A A A A A A E E A E A A E A A a n — • Alio' ■ances granted during the period from 1st January to 31st Deoe: iber, 1917.



(i.) Allowances granted to Contributors (ordinary retirement) —continued.

Aot under whioh Allowance granted. Name. Occupation. Annual Bate of Allowance. E,Education Act, 1908; A, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908; TJ, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Women —continued. Harrison, Elizabeth M.* ... Harrison, Nellie ... Haughton, Sophia E. J. Helyer, Elizabeth Henderson, Christina K. ... Henderson, Jessie Heney, Annie, Mrs. Henry, Margaret... Hiatt, Fanny C. ... Hopper, MaryE. ... Huie, Marjory S. ... Hutchens, Emmeline Irvine, Lucy M., Mrs. Jackson, Rosabell, Mrs. Jackson, Sarah E. James, Sarah B., Mrs. Johnson, Susan H. Johnston, Tristiana E. N. ... Jordan, Mary E., Mrs. Joyce, Lucy J. Judkins, Anne, Mrs. Keesing, Kate Kells, Isabella F. R. Kemple, Frances M. Kitching, Lucy H. Kitchingman, Eliza Langford, Marg. H., Mrs. ... Latimer, Ella, Mrs. Lawson, Mary K. Leaman, Frances E., Mrs. ... Loighton, Lucy J. Lightband, Sarah J., Mrs. ... Lindsay, Jean G., Mrs. Lissaman, Martha H. Litchfield, Mary E., Mrs. ... Little, Caroline E.* Little, Edith J. E. Lovatt, Mary, Mrs. McCarthy, Mary A. R. Macdonald, Isabella McEwan, Mary ... McGavin, Jessie, Mrs. Mcintosh, Janet ... Mclntyre, Isabella Mackay, Christina F. Mackay, Ida O., Mrs. McKensde, Christina Macky, Mary A. F., Mrs. ... McLaren, Mary ... McLauchlan, Mary Marchbanks, Davinia V. Matheson, Fanny C. R. Maxwell, Elizabeth L., Mrs. Mellish, Marion A. Menzies, Margaret Metherell, Rosa M. Mills, Jessie G. ... Mills, Mary W. ... Milne, Robertina M. M., Mrs. Moller, Louisa A Murrish, Charlotte Nicholson, Maud ... Nixon, Elizabeth A. Page, Margaret ... Pascoe, Ada Paterson, Jane Peake, Sarah N. ... Teacher, Otago Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Christchurch Girls' High School... „ Otago Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Native school... „ Wellington Education Board Manager, Industrial School Teacher, Auckland Education Board Native school... Wellington Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Native school ... Auckland Education Board </ // • • * „ Grey Education Board ... Nelson Education Board North Canterbury Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Wellington Technical School Caretaker, Christchurch Girls' High School Teacher, Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ South Canterbury Education Board Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Auckland Education Board Otago Education Board „ Otago High School „ Auckland Education Board „ South Canterbury Education Board „ Wanganui Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Native school ... „ Otago Education Board „ South Canterbury Education Board £ a. 83 1 94 5 52 0 157 19 123 17 63 12 52 0 52 0 66 2 80 18 56 19 108 15 52 0 131 2 120 15 99 19 52 0 109 10 108 1 93 13 70 2 86 2 62 13 103 13 82 13 52 0 125 4 52 0 100 0 52 0 87 16 82 19 52 0 52 0 52 0 146 7 95 2 50 19 93 10 94 19 110 7 52 0 80 1 90 8 52 0 52 0 108 11 95 19 83 5 104 12 94 10 143 15 101 4 87 16 101 7 52 0 57 16 97 0 28 12 52 0 62 12 81 10 88 1 101 6 87 19 52 0 52 0 « A A E A A A E E A A A A E A A A E A A A A A A A A E A E A. E A A E E E A A A A A A E A A E E A A A A A A A A A E A A A E A A A A A E E „ Wostland Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Wellington Education Board a tt " * „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Otago Education Board „ Wanganui Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board it a Otago Education Board // tt * " „ Wellington Education Board „ Nelson Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Marlborough Education Board * Allowi inces granted during the period from 1st January to 31st December, 1917.



(i.) Allowances granted to Contributors (ordinary retirement) —continued.

Name. Occupation. Annual Bate of Allowance. Act under which Allowance granted. E, Education Act, 1908; A, Superannuation Amend m e u t Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Women —continued. Pearson, Agnes A. Pearson, Mia O.*... Phillips, Leonora M. Phillips, Mary, Mrs. Plummer, Mary, Mrs. Quinn, Elizabeth C. Quinton, Ellen H.* Roberts, Georgina* Roberts, Mary A.... Robertson, Blanche, Mrs. ... Rooney, Christina Rosie, Wilhelmina J. Rothenberg, Hannah Rowley, Elizabeth M. Maud H. Ryan, Arabella C. Satchell, Edith E. Sayers, Mary A., Mrs. Scale, Charlotte F., Mrs.* ... Sinclair, Elizabeth Smart, Marion, Mrs. Smith, Isabel* Snodgrass, Margaret T., Mrs. Sotheran, Jane Spence, Mary L. ... Stephens, Mary M. Stevens, Dora S. ... Stevens, Emma M. Stewart,.Helen T., Mrs. ... Stewart, Jessie Stoddart, Frances Strachan, Mary A.* Stuart-Forbes, Emma L. ... Taylor, Elizabeth* Taylor, Mary Tennent, Margaret I. Thompson, Mary A. E.* ... Thomson, Annie ... Tosswill, Ellen M., Mrs. ... Tregear, Mary C. ... Trcgoning, Mary ... Truscott, Kate, Mrs. Tulley, Catherine M. Turnbull, Isabella Ussher, Martha J.* Wakelin, Ellen A. Walker, Mary M. Wallace, Eliza G. Watt, Margaret, Mrs. Webb, Frances E., Mrs. ... Wilding, Mary, Mrs. Wilkinson, Catherine, Mrs. Williams, Alice L. Williams, Mary* ... Williams, Mary A., Mrs. ... Willis, Effie, Mrs. Wilson, Mary R., Mrs. Wimperis, Frances M. Woodford, Kate S. Woodward, Laura Wraytt, Christina, Mrs. Wright, Jessie K, Mrs. Wright, Lydia Teacher, South Canterbury Education Board „ Canterbury Education Board „ South Canterbury Education Board Auckland Education Board. „ „ ... ... n if • - - ••• Nelson Education Board „ Canterbury Education Board Clerk, Nelson Education Board ... Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... a a • • ■ • • • „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Wellington Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Nelson College North Canterbury Education Board Visiting Officer, Education Department Teacher, Auckland Education Board a if • ■ • Hawke's Bay Education Board ... Southland Education Board „ Grey Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ „ ... ... South Canterbury Education Board „ Industrial school „ Nelson Education Board Taranaki Education Board „ Wellington Education Board Canterbury Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Native school ... „ Canterbury Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board Auckland Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Wellington Education Board Cookery Instructress, Wellington Education Board ... Teacher, Otago Education Board „ Auckland Grammar School „ Otago Education Board „ Nelson Education Board „ Native school ... „ Canterbury Education Board „ Taranaki Education Board „ Wellington Education Board £ a. 73 3 86 18 89 8 52 0 52 0 90 17 98 0 86 0 52 0 76 4 52 0 117 4 87 3 58 7 96 1 103 12 52 0 52 0 118 6 92 15 97 8 88 2 32 6 76 12 76 0 82 9 52 0 86 12 16 15 52 0 52 0 120 8 100 16 93 11 52 0 52 0 97 18 95 17 88 6 52 0 78 4 81 15 86 8 89 7 99 5 52 0 69 19 135 5 67 11 67 16 10 7 76 2 80 10 104 13 53 9 92 12 92 8 52 0 73 14 52 0 52 0 88 8 126 8 A A A E E A A A E A E A A A A A E E A A A A A A A A E A E E E A A A E E A A A E A A A A A E A A A A A A A A A A A E A E E A A „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Southland Education Board Otago Girls' High School „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board Southland Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board Total (211 women) 16,781 14 Grand total (324) 28,543 10 inces granted during tho period from 1st January to 31st Docomb( * Alio* r ancos >r, 1917.



(ii.) Allowances granted to Contributors under extended Provisions of Act.

Name. Occupation. Act under which Allowance granted. Annual Rate of E - Education Aot, 1908; ... A, Superannuation Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Men. Aldred, Frederick S. Allard, Charles Anderson, Andrew Blackett, George* Bolton, Edwin C. .. Booth, Frederick Boswell, Edwin B. B.* Brown, Frederick D. Bryant, James T. .. Bull, John G. H. .. Burns, Trevethan Carrington, George W. Clemance, Philip H. Edridge, Edward Evans, Albert H. .. Fisher, John Gates, Thomas A. .. Gilford, Arthur John Gill, Thomas H.* .. Goulding, Richard T. Gray, John A. Greaves, Joseph Green, William Grierson, James Hankin, Frederick S. M. Hanna, John Teacher, Otagn Education Board Treasurer, North Canterbury Education Board Teacher, Wellington Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Nelson Education Board Professor, Auckland University College Teacher, Otago Education Board .. ,, Hawke's Bay Education Board ,, North Canterbury Education Board ,, Otago Education Board .. ,, Native school ,, Nelson Education Board ,, Wanganui Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board ,, North Canterbury Education Board ,, Nelson Education Board Inspector of Secondary Schools Teacher, Hawke's Bay Education Board ,, Otago Education Board .. ,, South Canterbury Education Board ,, Auckland Education Board £ s. 204 5 192 7 118 1 1.12 1 72 3 106 5 117 19 194 3 115 17 164 16 140 2 125 18 78 2 106 18 97 17 131 16 147 16 130 13 211 12 118 0 111 14 106 0 104 19 174 5 127 3 165 4 A A A A A A A U, A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Harbidge, James Harre, John Hendry, James Hogben, George Holmes, Robert B. Hughes, Thomas Humphreys, Joseph W. Jeffery, James Jones, David W.* Kelly, John T. Law, Henry Lawrence, Basil K. S. Lee, Clement W. .. Macandrew, Colin McFarlane, Henry Menzies, John Millar, William Monteath, Thomas Morgan, Richard .. Ncill, John Inspector, ,, Teacher, Wanganui Education Board Physical Instructor, Otago Education. Board and Otago High School Board Teacher, North Canterbury Education Board ,, Wanganui Education Board Inspector, Southland Education Board Director of Education Teacher, Hawke's Bay Education Board Inspector, North Canterbury Education. Board Teacher, Marlborough Education Board ,, Otago Education Board .. ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Otago Education Board .. ,, Native school .. ,, Christchurch Boys' High School .. ,, Wellington Education Board Secretary, Otago High School Teacher, Wellington Education Board ,, South Canterbury Education. Board „ Southland Education Board 98 18 106 4 308 17 459 14 144 0 214 1 98 2 148 14 101 15 122 16 92 11 212 11 129 5 82 5 79 18 107 10 104 17 99 6 62 1 310 2 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Officer, John Patrick, John H. .. Peart, Frederick B. Petrie, Donald Pridham, Ernest Reid, George B. .. Simmers, George A. Smith, John A. Stewart, Ralph D... Tomlinson, Thomas E. Thomas, Algernon P. W. Turkington, Samuel Watson, Clement Watson, John Wild, Herbert A. .. Williamson, Alexander W. .. Williamson, John Worley, William F. Young, Andrew )> j> .... ,, Taranaki Education Board Secretary, Southland Education. Board and Southland High School Teacher, Southland Education Board ,, Otago Education Board .. ,, Nelson Education Board Inspector, Auckland Education. Board Teacher, New Plymouth High School ,, Auckland Education Board ,, Dannevirke High School Inspector, Hawke's Bay Education Board .. ,, Auckland Education Board Teacher, South Canterbury Education Board Professor, Auckland University College .. ... Teacher, Taranaki Education Board „ Wellington Education Board ,, North Canterbury Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Wellington. Education Board „ Otago Education Board ... „ Nelson Education Board .. ,, Southland Education Board 116 15 122 14 134 8 325 17 201 15 102 11 210 9 222 16 213 17 68 7 189 6 98 4 229 18 118 19 80 10 127 4 94 14 146 7 146 2 A A A A A A A A A A U, A A A A A A A A A Total (65 men) 9,509 16 » Alio 'ances granted during the period from 1st January to 31st Deoember, 1917.



(ii.) Allowances granted to Contributors under extended Provisions of Act —continued.

(iii.) Allowances granted to Contributors medically unfit for Further Duty.

Name. Occupation. Act under which Allowance granted. Annual Rate of E,Education Act,1908; All own nee A. Superannuation Allowance. A m e n d me nt Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Women. loleman, Annie E., Mrs. lanna, Sarah F., Mrs. 'ettit, Barbara M., Mrs. Teacher, Nelson Education Board .. ,, Wanganui Education Board ,, Nelson Education Board .. £ s. 31 0 93 12 66 15 A A'. . A Total (3 women) 191 7 Grand total (68) 9,701 3

Name. Annual Rate of Allowance. Act under which Allowance granted Occupation. E, Education Act, 1908 A, Superannuation Amendme n t Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amondment Act, 1912. Men. Baragwanath, John Burnard, John D. Bussell, Henry ... Charles, Robert Clark, George B. Cooper, Charles Dalby, John S. ... Downey, Michael Draffin, William H. Elmsly, Frederick Feist, Adolph M. Goodeve, Henry E. Grant, Henry A. Hames, Luther Harrison, Thomas C. Hawkes, Richard N. N. ... Hockin, Harry* Honore, Jacob Kerr, Charles K. Kysh, Frederick W.* Lorking, Walter H. Lowe, Francis E. McClure, William D. ... McDonald, William* McLennan, Duncan*t ... Marr, Thomas M. Mason, Herbert Matheson, Dugald May, Thomas L. Mayo, Egbert J. Mehaffey, John Petrie, George ... Pilkington, John J. Quarterinain, George Rice, John H. ... Scott, Edward A. Smith, Edward... Way good, James E. White, George H. Wilkinson, Henry R. Wilson, Tom Woodham, Herbert Wykes, Frederick R.* Teacher, South Canterbury Education Board „ Otago Education Board ... „ North Canterbury Education Board i, • Otago Education Board ... „ Auckland Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Native school „ Auckland Education Board it a . • • „ Wellington Education Board „ South Canterbury Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board ... „ South Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Wanganui Education Board „ Otago Education Board ... „ • Auckland Education Board £ s. 52 0 80 11 52 0 48 8 122 13 114 5 52 0 52 0 135 2 113 6 98 2 110 3 124 10 122 11 52 0 52 0 184 9 115 9 97 15 134 17 52 0 145 9 90 9 224 5 97 1 52 0 75 3 95 7 116 6 114 14 113 9 139 11 111 17 123 1 92 2 221 9 52 0 109 17 129 12 132 1 168 8 111 18 81 1 E A E A A A E E A A A A A A E E A A A A E A A A A E A A A A A A A A A A E A A A A A A a a . * * „ Hawke's Bay Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Wellington Boys'College ... „ Auckland Education Board „ Nelson Education Board ... „ Southland Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Canterbury Education Board „ Taranaki Education Board Inspector, Grey Education Board ... Teacher, North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ . Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board „ Native school Total (43 men)... Less Duncan McLennan 4,562 16 97 1 Total (42 men) ... 4,465 15 * Allowances ;ranted during the period from 1st January to 31st December, 1917. f Deceased 3rd March, 1917.



(iii.) Allowances granted to Contributors medically unfit for Further Duty —continued.

3— E. 9.

Name. .. ,. Annual Bate of Occupation. Allowance. Annual Bate of Allowance. Act under which Allowance granted. B, Education Act, 1908; A, Superannuation Amend in cut Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. i Women. Albert, Sarah E. Alexander, Elizabeth M."' : Angove, Hilda A.* Armstrong, Christina M. :: Austin, Christina, Mrs. ... Black, Hilda Bland, Eliza J., Mrs. Boulcott, Henrietta Chapman, Lucy Charles, Mary Jane Cromb, Grace C, Mrs. ... Dillon, Violet E., Mrs. ... Ecclesfield, Isabel Evans, Fanny* Galpin, Rachel, Mrs. Gilbert, Elizabeth A. J., Mrs. Grant, Elsie D. Hamilton, Janet A. Hill, Charlotte J. Jackson, Mary B. Kelly, Elizabeth Lavery, Catherine Lavery, Mary S. Lea, Mary E. ... Levert, Minnie L. McKay, Elizabeth McKenzie, Ida B. McKeown, Emily M. McLean, Elizabeth Paul, Susan B.... ... Peat, Janet H.... ... Ray, Josephine... ... Reed, Amelia D.* ... Scott, Elizabeth A. ... Stewart, Agnes G. ... Sweetman, Isabella, Mrs. Thomson, Ellen £ s. Teacher, Otago High School Board ... ... 52 0 „ Nelson Education Board ... ... ... 70 0 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 57 7 „ Canterbury Education Board ' ... ... 60 8 „ Grey Education Board ... ... ... 77 0 „ Nelson Education Board ... ... ... 40 17 „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 52 0 no n 52 0 „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 37 10 „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 60 10 „ Marlborough Education Board ... ... 70 15 Wellington Girls' College ... ... ... 63 12 „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 109 5 „ Grey Education Board ... ... ... 428 „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 35 14 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 85 19 „ . Southland Education Board ... ... 45 17 „ Canterbury Education Board ... ... 52 0 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 65 2 £ s. 52 0 70 0 57 7 60 8 77 0 40 17 52 0 52 0 52 0 37 10 60 10 70 15 63 12 109 5 42 8 35 14 85 19 45 17 52 0 65 2 86 6 57 10 27 3 52 0 56 17 52 0 54 5 26 5 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 94 18 67 12 92 10 36 7 72 17 E A A A A A E E E A A A A A A A A A E A A A A E A E A A E E E E A A A A A 86 6 „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 57 10 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 27 3 „ Southland Education Board ... ... 52 0 Native school ... ... ... ... 56 17 „ Otago Education Board ... ... ... 52 0 „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 54 5 „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 26 5 „ South Canterbury Education Board ..-. 52 0 „ Otago Education Board ... ... ... 52 0 Wanganui Education Board . ... '...' 52 0 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 94 18 „ Wellington Education Board ... 67 12 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 92 10 „ Grey Education Board ... ... ... 36 7 „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 72 17 Total (37 women) ... ... 2,166 4 * All Grand total (79) ... ... 6,63119 >wances granted during the period from 1st January to 81st December, 1917.


(iv.) Allowances granted to Widows of Deceased Contributors and Annuitants.


Widows. Occupation of Deceased Contributor. Act under which Allowance granted. Annual Bate of E, Education Act, 1908; ah„„, „„ A > Superannuation Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Algie, Alice V. E., Mrs. ... Amoore, Harriett M., Mrs* Appleby, Hannah, Mrs. Bannerman, Marg., Mrs. ... Barnett, Laura, Mrs. Bedford, Fanny E., Mrs. ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board „ Taranaki Education Board „ Otago Education Board it a ... Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Native school ... „ Marlborough Education Board ... Inspector, Education Department Teacher, Taranaki Education Board a a • • • i, Otago Education Board Clerk, Canterbury College Board... Teacher, Native school ... „ Wanganui Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Native school ... „ Taranaki Education Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ South Canterbury Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board // tt • " „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... Inspector, Auckland Education Board Teacher, Marlborough High School „ Taranaki Education Board a it - * ■ „ Native school ... „ Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board Principal, School of Art, Otago ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board Caretaker, Auckland University College Teacher, Native school ... „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Marlborough Education Board ... „ Southland Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Southland Education Board Clerk, North Canterbury Education Board Teacher, Otago Education Board £ s. 18 0 A 18 0 E 18 0 E 18 0 E 18 0 A 18 0 E 1 5 4 f h 18 0 E 18 0 A 18 0 E 18 0 E 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 E 18 0 A 18 0 E 18 0 E 18 0 E 18 0 E 18 0 E 18 0 E 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 E 18 0 A 18 0 E 18 0 E 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 E 18 0 E 18 0 E 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 E 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 E 18 0 E 18 0 E 18 0 A 18 0 E 18 0 E Bennett, Mary R., Mrs. Berry, Alice M., Mrs. Bowler, Alice, Mrs.* Bramley, Charlotte, Mrs. ... Broughton, Esther, Mrs. ... Brownlee, Lilian G., Mrs. ... Burns, Ruby M., Mrs. Butcher, Elizabeth M., Mrs. Campbell, Catherine, Mrs.... Closs, Jane, Mrs.... Crummy, Sarah, Mrs. Danaher, Mary, Mrs. Dawson, Annie, Mrs. Duncan, Jane, Mrs. Duthie, Grace, Mrs. Evans, Margaret A. T., Mrs. Fannin, Martha, Mrs. Foster, Frances, Mrs. Gillman, Emma, Mrs. Glanville, Theresa, Mrs. Gloy, Margaret, Mrs. Goodwin, Zillah, Mrs. Goulding, Vera F., Mrs. Gow, Annie, Mrs. Grant, Annie E., Mrs. Greenwood, Margaret, Mrs. Hardy, Katherine M., Mrs. Hogwood, Mary E. A., Mrs. Hutton, Helen B., Mrs. Johns, Caroline M., Mrs.* ... Johnston, Margaret, Mrs.*... Judkins, Anne, Mrs. Kerr, Catherine S., Mrs. Ladley, Ada, Mrs. Lea, Mary R., Mrs. Lee, Rosina E., Mrs. Lindsay, Lillias, Mrs. Look, Bertha R., Mrs. Maber, Grace M., Mrs. Macan, Agnes, Mrs. Macbeth, Helen G., Mrs. McClelland, Elizabeth J., Mrs. McCullough, Kate, Mrs. Mcintosh, Emily, Mrs. McKinnon, Grace, Mrs. Macky, Ethel J., Mrs. Marsden, Vera, Mrs. * McLennan, Edith E., Mrs.* Marshall, Louisa J., Mrs. ... Mason, Margaret H. R., Mrs. Mehaffey, Violet A., Mrs. ... Miller, Ellen M., Mrs. Miller, Margaret A., Mrs. ... Moore, Phoebe J., Mrs. Morgan, Gertrude, Mrs. Nicholls, Rose A. M., Mrs.* Osborn, Ethel, Mrs. Parry, Kate, Mrs. „ Otago High School Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Southland High School Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Auckland Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Auckland Education Board » a ... Otago Education Board „ • Wellington Education Board „ Canterbury Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 K 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 E 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 E 18 0 A 18 0 A 18 0 E 18 0 A 18 0 A moes granted during the period from 1st January to 31st Deceml iber, 1917. • Allowi


E.— 9

(iv.) Allowances granted to Widows of Deceased Contributors and Annuitants —continued.

(v.) Allowances granted to Children of Deceased Contributors and Annuitants.

Widows. Occupation of Deceased Contributor. Annual Bate of Allowance. Act under whicn Allowance granted. E, Education Act, 1908; A, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. V I Peacock, Ivy C. C, Mrs. ... Peterson, Elizabeth S., Mrs. Pole, Alice, Mrs. Potts, Rosamond, Mrs. Rice, Emilv, Mrs. Robbie, Ed'ith E., Mrs.* ... Rockel, Annie L., Mrs. Salmond, Jane, -Mrs.* Selby, Emma, Mrs. Shand, Annie, Mrs. Small, Elizabeth, Mrs. Smith, Mary A., Mrs. Somerville, Fannie, Mrs. ... Stewart, Frances, Mrs. Talbot, Olivia A., Mrs.* ... Taylor, Margaret, Mrs. Tegner, Clara, Mrs. Templer, Amelia A. M. A., Mrs. Teacher, North Canterbury Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Taranaki Education Board Secretary, Auckland Education Board Teacher, Wanganui Education Board Professor, Otago University Teacher, Southland Education Board Professor, Otago University Teacher, Auckland Education Board „ Christchurch Boys' High School... „ Auckland Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Canterbury Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Wanganui Education Board „ Taranaki Education Board £ s. 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 A E E E A A A A E U A A A A A E E A Thomas, Mary E., Mrs. Thompson, Annie E., Mrs. Tobin, Laura, Mrs. Trevithick, Annie L., Mrs.... Turner, Ann, Mrs.* Turner, Gertrude K, Mrs. ... Vereker-Bindon, Lila, Mrs. Vos, Lavinia, Mrs. Walter, Rosa A., Mrs. Watt, Elizabeth, Mrs. Wood, Jessie, Mrs.* a it ... ... „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Native school ... „ Auckland Grammar School Board „ Otago Education Board „ Auckland Grammar School Board „ Wanganui Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Native school ... „ Auckland Education Board „ Canterbury Education Board 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 18 0 j 18 0 1 ( 7 19 J A A E A A A A A E E A Young, Mary A., Mrs. „ Otago Education Board I B * Allowi Total (94) ... 1,705 3 mces granted during .he period from 1st January to 31st Deoemt ier, 1917.

Name. Occupation of Deceased Contributor. Act uuder which Allowance granted. Annual Rate of H, Education Aot, M08; .,, A, Superannuation Allowance. Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912. Boys. Algie, Donald C. ... Appleby, Graham B. Appleby, Raymond L. C. ... Brownlee, John K. Burns, Hector S. ... Burns. Ross S. Dale, John H. Evans, Harry M. ... Evans, Colin M. ... Evans, Jack Gazzard, Thomas H. Goulding, Mervin R. Gow, Donald H. A. {jreenwood, Milton G. Teacher, Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board a a ''' ,, Marlborough Education Board ... Inspector, Education Department it it ' v Teacher, Native school ... „ Taranaki Education Board » it ' • ■ a it „ Southland Education Board „ Marlborough High School „ Taranaki Education Board „ Native school ... £ 13 A 13 E 13 E 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 E A E E A A A A A A A A A A E * Alio ■ances gianted during the period from 1st January to 31st Decei ber, 1917.

E.— 9.

(v.) Allowances granted to Children of Deceased Contributors and Annuitants —continued.

Approximate Coat of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (1,400 copies), £30.

By Authority : Marcus F. Macks, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9lS.

Price 9d.]


Name. I Occupation of Deceased Contributor. Annual Rate of Allowance. Act under which Allowance granted. E.EducationAct. 1908; A, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908; U, Superannuation Amendment Act" 1912. Boys —continued. Jackson, Rohan ... Kelly, Felix P.* Kelly, Gerald P.*... Lea, Cecil W. McKinnon, Hugh L. McKinnon, John C. McLennan, Ian ... Miller, Alexander S. Paul, Eric H. Rockel, Alex. A. ... Sigley, Harry S. ... Smith, Edward H. Turner, Eric H. K. Turner, Francis J. Turner, Geoffrey R. Warren, Horace V. Watson, John A. Williamson, Jack Williamson, Kenneth Williamson, Leslie Williamson, Ronald Teacher, Christchurch Boys' High School „ Education Department ... „ Southland Education Board „ Southland High School Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Auckland Education Board „ Native school ... „ Wanganui Education Board „ Native school ... „ Christchurch Boys' High School.... „ Auckland Grammar School a it ■ ■ ■ ... „ Auckland Education Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... .... „ Otago Education Board a a ....... a a ... ... £ 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 £ 13 13 13 L8 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 L3 A A A A E E A A A A E A A A A A A A A A Total (35 boys) 455 455 Girls. Barnett, Kate J. ... Barnett, Laura Bastings, Ida C. ... Beattie, Eleanor* ... . ... Beattie, Janet C. F. G. C.*... Brownlee, Gwendolen A. ... Burns, Marie K. ... Burnside, Helen M.* Clarkson, Mary L. Goulding, Vera J. S. ... Goulding, Jeanne H. Hutchinson, Kathleen M. B. Kelly, Miriam M.* Lea, Eva C. Look, Gwendoline McCullough, Frieda M. McLennan, Jean*... Macky, Marjorie E. Mehaffey, Marjory D. Mehaffey, Mary E. M. Miller, Elizabeth A. Miller, Margaret 0. Osborn, Mavis E.... Paul, Ruth Peacock, Winsome F. Rockel, Iris M. ... Sigley, Hazel M. ... Sigley, Ethel G. ... Talbot, Mary L.* Thomas, Olive M. Vereker-Bindon, Enid B. ... Walsh, Evalyn F. Warren, Eva E. ... Watson, Margaret A. Teacher, Otago Education Board // a ....... it a ••• ■ - • „ Canterbury Education Board it it • • • -.. „ Marlborough Education Board ... Inspector, Education Department Teacher, Wanganui Education Board „ Marlborough High School a it ... • • ■ „ Southland Education Board „ Education Department ... „ Southland Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Otago High School Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Auckland Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ „ ... ... „ Auckland Education Board North Canterbury Education Board „ Native school ... „ North Canterbury Education Board Wanganui Education Board „ Native school ... „ Canterbury Education Board „ Taranaki Education Board „ Wanganui Education Board „ Auckland Education Board it a • * • „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... ... 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 A A A • A A A A A E A A E. A A E A A A A A E E A ' A A A E E A A A E A A a Total (34 girls)... ... 442 442 Grand total (69) 897 897 | t ■ * Allowa tnees granted uuring tne period from 1st January to 31st Decern I ber, 1917. er, 1917.

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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. [In continuation of E.-9, 1917.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1918 Session I-II, E-09

Word Count

EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. [In continuation of E.-9, 1917.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1918 Session I-II, E-09

EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. [In continuation of E.-9, 1917.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1918 Session I-II, E-09

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