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H— 19w



.Return to an Order of the House of Representatives dated the 28th August, 1917. Ordered, "That there be laid before this House a return showing what decorations, orders, or medals have been issued to our Military Forces, combatant or non-combatant, from the declaration of war to date, as follows : (I) The orders or medals issued to commissioned officers as per rank, non-commissioned officers, soldiers, officers doing noncombatant service, and to the (Staff doing non-combatant service for services at the various fronts ; (2) the decorations, medals, or orders issued to offioers and Staff, for service in the Dominion as per rank and for same period."- (Hon. Mr. BUDDO.) Memorandum. The accompanying return shows— (I.) The orders, decorations, and medals conferred upon or awarded to officers, non-com-missioned officers, and. men of the New Zealand Expeditionary Forces for service at the various fronts from the declaration of war to the I sth August, 1.917, and of which advice has been received. (Note- The names of officers and non-commissioned officers of the New Zealand .Permanent Forces are indicated by an asterisk.) (2.) Orders, decorations, and medals conferred upon or awarded to officers and Staff for service in the Dominion from the declaration of war to the 15th August, 1917. (Note.- The names of officers of the New Zealand Staff Corps are indicated by an asterisk.) Where an officer has been mentioned in despatches on more than one occasion, the number of times he has been so mentioned is shown in parenthesis after his name in the "Remarks " column. Information as to whether the honours, decorations, and medals were granted for combatant or non-combatant service is not available.

Orders, Decorations, and Medals conferred upon or awarded to Officers, Non-commis-sioned Officers, and Men of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force for Service at the various Fronts from Date of Declaration of War to the 15th August, 1917, and of which advice has been received.

I—H. 19w.

NOTE.—The names of Officers and N.C.O.'s of the New Zealand Permanent Forces an ew '.' 111(1 indicated by an asterisk, K. Name. Bunk. Order, Decoration, or Medal. Remarks. Godley, Sir A. .1., Major-General, temp. Lieut.- K.C.B. ; Legion of Honour K.C.M.G. General (Croix de Commandeur) ; Order of White Eagle, 2nd Class (with swords) 'Chaytor, E. W. C. .. Colonel, temp. Major-General C.B.; C.M.G. ; Order of White Eagle, 3rd Class (with swords) Russell, Sir A. II. .. Colonel, temp. Major-General EC.C.M.G. ; C.B. ; Order of Danilo, 2nd Class Johnston, (i. N. .. C o 1 o n e 1, temp. Brigadier- D.S.O. ; Legion of Honour General (Croix d'Offioer) ; Brevet Lieut. -Colonel Braithwaite, W. G., Lieut.-Colonel, temp. Brig.- C.M.fl. ; Order of White Eagle, D.S.O. General 3rd Class (with swords) I Mentioned in despatches (6.) Mentioned in despatches (2). Mentioned in despatches (4). Mentioned in despatches (4). Mentioned in despatches (4).



Orders, Decorations, and Medals conferred upon or awarded to Officers, Non-commis-sioned Officers, and Men of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, etc.—continued.

Name. Rank. Order, Decoration, or Medal. Remarks. *lliehardson. G. S. .. Lieut.-Colonel, temp, lirig.General * Brown C. II. .1. .. j Lieut.-Colonel. temp. Brig. General Hart, II. .. .. Lieut.-Colonel, temp. Brig.General Fulton, 11. T., D.S.O. Major, Brevet Lieut.-Colonel. temp. Brigadier-General Johnston; I''. E. .. Major, temp. Brigadier-General C.B. : C.M.C. : Legion of Honour (('mix de Chevalier) D.S.o. .. D.S.O. .. Mentioned in despatches (2). Mentioned in despatches (2). Kilted in action. Mentioned in despatches (2). C.M.C. .. Mentioned in despatches. ♦Logan, R. . . .. Colonel .. McGavin, I). .1. .. Colonel .. Pa ikes. VV. II. .. ■ Colonel liegg, CM. . . Colonel Collins, lion. W. 10. . . Colonel ('. li. : Order- of Karageorge. 3rd Class (wit h swor-ds) C.P.. D.S.O. .. C.M.C. .. C.M.C. .. C.M.C. .. Mentioned in despatches (3). Killed iii action. Esson. J, .1. . . Colonel Luxford, J. A. . . Reverend Allen, ll. 0. .. Lieut.-Colonel Aeland, H. T. .. Lieut.-Colonel ♦Alderman, W. W. .. Lieut.-Colonel Austin, W. S. . . Lieut.-Colonel Charters, A. li. .. Lieut.-Colonel Cook, C. F. I). .. Lieut.-Colonel Cunningham, VV. II... Lieut.-Colonel C.M.G. .. C.M.C. .. D.S.O. .. C.M.C. .. C.M.G. .. D.S.O. .. C.M.C. .. D.S.O. .. D.S.O. ; Order- of St. Stanislas, 3rd Class (with swords) D.S.O. .. C.M.C .. C.B. : D.S.O. C.M.C. .. D.S.O. .. D.S.O. .. D.S.O. .. C.M.G. .. C.M.G. .. D.S.O. .. C.M.C. ; D.S.O. .. C.M.C. ; D.S.O. ; Order of While Eagle, 4th Class (with swords) D.S.O. .. D.S.O. .. C.M.C. .. D.S.O. .. C.M.C. .. C.M.C. ; D.S.O. C.M.C. ; D.S.O. D.S.O. .. D.S.O.: M.C: Croix de (luerre C.M.C. ; D.S.O. .. D.S.O. .. .. .. C.M.C. .. C.M.C : D.S.O. : Legion of Honour (Croix de (Ihevalier) D.S.O. ; Order of White Eagle, 4th < 'lass (with swords) : Brex ,'t Lieut.-Colonel Legion of Honour (Croix de (ihevalier) Mentioned in despatches (2). For service on hospital ships, Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches (2). Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches (li). Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches (•">!. Fa I la, N. S. .. Lieut.-Colonel Fcnwick, P. ('. .. Lieut.-Colonel Findlay, J... .. Lieut.-Colonel Fitzherbert, N. .. Lieut.-Colonel ♦Gard'ner, M. M. .. Lieut.-Colonel Grigor, R. It. .. Lieut.-('olonel Herbert. A. H. .. Lieut.-Colonel ♦Hughes, J, G., D.S.O. Lieut.-Colonel Hutchen. .1. VV. .. Lieut.-Colonel ♦King, G. A. .. Lieut.-Colonel Mackesy, C. K. R. .. Lieut.-Colonel Meldrum, W. .. Lieut.-Colonel Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches (2). Mentioned in despatches (2). Mentioned in despatches (2). .Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches (:i). Mentioned in despatches (2). Mentioned in despatches (3). I ♦Melvill, ('. W. .. ■ Lieut.-Colonel Murray, D. N. W. .. Lieut.-Colonel Myers, B. .. .. Lieut.-Colonel O'Neill, E. .1. .. Lieut.-Colonel Plugge, A. .. .. Lieut.-Colonel Smith, G. S. .. Lieut.-Colonel ♦Standish, I. T. .. Lieut.-Colonel Stewart, A. E. .. Lieut.-Colonel Stewart, H. .. Lieut.-Colonel Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches (2). Mentioned in despatches (2). Mentioned in despatches (:>). Mentioned in despatches. .Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches (2). ♦Symon, F. . . .. Lieut.-Colonel Winter-Evaris, A. .. Lieut.-Colonel Wylie, I). S. .. Lieut.-Colonel Young, R. . . . . Lieut.-Colonel Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches (li). Pridham, G. R. .. Brevet Lieut.-Colonel Mentioned in despatches (2). Livesay, R. O'H. .. Brevet Major, temp. Lieut.Colonel, Brevet Lieut.Colonel Hamilton, N. C, .. Major, temp. Lieut.-Colonel Melxenzic, A. G. .. Major, temp. Lieut.-Colonel Mitchell, G. .. | Major, temp. Lieut.-Colonel Mentioned in despatches. D.S.O. .. D.S.O. .. Order of Karageorge. 4th Class (with swords) Brevet Lieut.-Colonel D.S.O. .. Brevet Lieut.-Colonel D.S.O. .. D.S.O. .. M.C. D.S.O. D.S.O. Order of Danilo. 4th Class . . M.C. M.C. M.C. D.S.O. M.C. I).SO. .. Mentioned in despatches (4). Mentioned in despatches. Pinwill, W. R. . . Major, temp. Lieut.-Colonel ♦Powlcs, C. G. . . Major, temp. Lieut.-Colonel Reid, fl. G. . . Major, temp. Lieut.-Colonel Roaohe, J. G. • ■ Major, temp, Lieut.-Colonel Sykes. F. li. . . Major, temp. Iieut.-Colonel Aeland, L. C D. . . Major Acton-Adams. P. M. Major ♦Avery, H. E. . . Major Barolay, G. . ■ MajorBishop, W. G. A. . . Major lilackett, G. R. . . Major * Blair. D. li. .. Major Buck, P. II. .. Major- .. Cowles, ,1. It. . . Major Critehley - Salinonsou. Major A. C. li. Daltry, fl. J. . . Major Digby-Smith, A. . . Major Mentioned in despatches (2). Mentioned in despatches (3). Mentioned in despatches ('!). Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned injdespatohes (2). Mentioned in despatches (2). Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches (2). Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. D.S.O. .. D.S.O. .. Mentioned in despatches. /



Orders, Decorations, and Medals conferred upon or awarded to Officers, Non-commis-sioned Officers, and Men of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, etc — continued.

Name. Hank. Order, Decoration, or Medal. Remarks. *Duigan, J, E. . . Major Edwards, H. M. . . Major Guthrie, R. N. . . Major Hardie, R. D. .. Major Hargcst, J.. . .. Major „ Hastings, N. E. .. Major D.S.O. .. D.S.O. ; Brevet, Major M.C. D.S.O. .. M.C. D.S.O. ; Legion of Honour (Croix (hi (Ihevalier) D.S.O. M.C. D.S.O. D.S.O. D.S.O. .. M.C. Order of White Eagle. 5th Class (with swords) D.S.O. .. M.C. D.S.O. .. M.C. M.C. M.C. M.C. ; Croix de Guerre D.S.O. .. D.S.O. .. M.C. D.S.O D.S.O. .. D.S.O. .. D.S.O. .. D.S.O. M.C. D.S.O. .. D.S.O. .. M.C. Legion of Honour (Croix do Chevalier) D.S.O. .. M.C. M.C. D.S.O. .. M.C. M.C. M.C. M.C. .. M.C. ; Croix de Guerre D.S.O M.C. M.C. .., M.C. M.C. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Hastings, W. .11. . . | Major ♦Henderson, P. li. .. j Major Hurst, fl. C. .. Major flutton, G, F. .. Major ♦Lampen. P. 11. . . Major Leeming, C. V. . . Major Mabin, P. B. .. Major .. • Mentioned in despatches (li). Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches (2). Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. McGilp, C. .. .. Major McQuarrie, R. S. . . Major Pow, J. . . .. Major Powley, A. .1. .. Major ♦Richardson, fl. McK.W. Major ♦Richmond, ,1. M. . . Major ♦Rose, J. M. .. Major Saunders, -I. L. .. Major Saxby, C. G. . . . Major Shera, L. M. . . Major ♦Smytho, R. B. .. Major Sommerville, J. A. .. Major Stout, T. D. M. . . Major Studholme, J. . . Major Tempcrley, A. C. . . Major ♦Thorns, N. W. B. B. Major ♦Turnbull, W. MoG. .. Major Waite, F. . . .. Major ♦Wallingford, J. A. .. Major Whitehorne, H. S. . . Major Mentioned in despatches (2). Mentioned in despatches. Died of wounds. Mentioned in despatches (2). Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches (3). Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches (3). Mentioned in despatches (2). Mentioned in despatches (2). Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. ♦Whyte, J. H, . . Major ♦Wood, P. A. .. Major Wray, W. G. .. Major Wyman, R. .. Major Williams, 0. W. .. Major (temp.) Addison, A. S. . . Captain Aitken, W. . . Captain Avey, G. A. . . Captain Barrowclough, H. E. Captain, ♦Beck, W. T. . . Captain. ♦Bremner, D. E. .. Captain .. Crawford, J. G. .. Captain Dailey, G. C. . . Captain ♦Daniel, G. E. .. Captain Mentioned in despatches (3), Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Killed in action. Davidson, 0. J. H. .. Captain .. Dobson, D... .. Captain Dore, P. . . Reverend Dove, W. W. .. Captain Eastwood, T. R. .. Captain Falconer, A. S. .. Captain Parr, T. .. . . Captain Ferguson, P. H. .. Captain Finn, B. S.. . . .. Captain. Free, C. W. .. Captain Greene, A. . . .. Chaplain Harding, E. A. .. Captain llarley, K. S. ■ . Captain Harper, R. P. .. Captain Herbert, flon. A. N. I. Captain . . H. M. Holland, G. H. .. I Captai n . . liorwood, A. E. . . Captain. Houchen, C. . . Reverend Hubbard, A. C. .. Captain. Inglis, L. M. . . Captain Jardine, L. H. . . Captain Johnson, W. H. . . Captain Kettle, D. . . . . Captain Knight, C. L. . . Captain McKinnon, H E. . . Captain Merton, J. L. C. . . Captain Mewett, J. E. H. . . Captain ♦Miles, R. .. . . Captain Morgan, P. H. E. .. Captain Morpeth, R. N. .. Captain Morrison, M. J. Captain M.C. M.C. M.C. M.C. M.C. M.C. M.C. Brevet, -Major D.S.O. .. M.C. M.C. M.C. M.C.: D.C.M. M.C. Order of White Eagle, 5th Class (with swords) M.C. M.C. M.C. M.C. M.C. M.C. .. M.C M.C. M.C M.C. M.C M.C. M.C. M.C. M.C. M.C. . . Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches (2). Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. A



Orders, Decorations, and Medals conferred upon or awarded to Officers, Non-commis-sioned Officers, and Men of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, etc. — continued.

Name. Rank. Order, Decoration, or Medal. Remarks. Nelson, A. D. Newman, C. N. . . Oakey, A. N. Orbell, R. G. S. Prior-, N. H. ♦Purely, R. G. Rhodes, A. T. G. Captain . . Captain . . (iaptain . . Captain . . Captain . . Captain . . Captain .. Reverend Reverend Captain .. Captain . . Captain . . Captain . . Captain Captain . . Captain . , Captain . . Captain . . Captain". . .. M.C Croix de Guerre . . M.C. . . M.C. . . M.C. . . M.C. . . Order of White Eagle, 5th Class (with swords) . . M.C. . . M.C. .. D.S.O. .. .. M.C. . . M.C. . . . . M.C. .. D.S.O. .. . . M.C. .. M.C. . . M.C. .. M.C. . . M.C. Mentioned in despatches (2). Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Richards, F. It. Parr, S. Rogers, V. . . Sandham, G. Selby, E. F. Short, A. V. Starnes, P. Stewart, J. G. Stitt, A. D.. . Turnbull, P. K. Turner, P. M. ♦Turner, J. L. li. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in (lespatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Twistieton, P. M. Urquhart, M. Wainohu, H. W. Captain . . Captain . . Reverend Captain . . Captain . . Captain . . Captain . . Captain . . Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lioutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lioutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lioutenant Lieutenant lieutenant Lieutenant Lioutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lioutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lioutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant .. i M.C. . . I Order of Danilo, 5th Class . . .. I Order of White Eagle, 5th ('lass (with swords) .. I M.C. . . ' M.C. . . M.C. . . i Order of White Eagle, 5th Class (with swords) ; M.C. . . M.C. .. M.C. . . M.C. . . -M.C. . . M.C. .. : M.C. . . ! M.C. .. M.C. .. M.C. . . M.C. .. . . ! M.C. .. ! M.C. .. M.C. .. M.C. .. M.C. .. M.C. .. D.C.M. .. .. M.C. .. M.C. .. M.C. .. M.C. .. M.C. . . M.C. . . M.C. . . M.C. .. M.C. .. M.C. .. Military Medal; Cross of Karageorge, 2nd Class (with swords) ■ .. M.C. .. M.C. .. M.C. .. M.C. .. M.C. .. M.C. .. D.C.M. .. .. M.C. . . M.C. ' .. M.C. .. M.C. . . M.C. .. M.C. .. M.C. . . M.C. .. M.C. .. M.C. . . Military Medal; M.C. . . M.C. . . D.C.M. .. Mentioned in despatches. Killed in action, Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in (lespatches. Watson, W. Whitmore, P. N. Whyte. H. H. Wilder, A. S. Mentioned in despatches. Wrightson, R. W. .. Bowler, D. C. Bristol, I. A. Butler, Hon. R. T. II. P. Closey, S. J. E. Collyns, G. S. Dittmer, G. Earl, F. J. R. Ellis, P. J. .. Freed, E. V. Geddes, W. M. Gray, W. P. Greenish, P. E. Harrison, C. Herriok, A. 1). . . i Hiroti, T. . . lbbotson, W. ♦Kibblewhite, E. H. T. McDowell, A. L. Macky, N. L. McPherson, 11. Manning, L. J. Manson, A. J. M. Masscy, P. G. Mathias, G. Mawson, J. li. Melles, A. G. ♦Moore, J. J. Mentioned in despatches. ■• ; Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches, Killed in action. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Natusch, S... Palmos, B. . . Potvino, H. A. Preston, A. H. Reeves, E. P. J. Riddiford, R. E. W. . . Salmon, C. W. Saxon, K. R. J. Senior, C. H. A. Simmonds, H. Stainton, W. fl. Stallard, F. J. W. .. Swan. G. Tracey, W. P. Walker, M. R. Widdowson, S. H. W. Wigley, A. J. Wood, R. Abernethy, R. C. A Alexander, G. D. Mentioned in despatches. Killed in action. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Died of wounds. Ashby, P. C. Barton, J. M. 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant . . M.C. . . M.C.


H.- 19w

Orders, Decorations, and Medals conferred upon or awarded to Officers, Non-commis-sioned Officers, and Men of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, etc. — continued.

Name. Rank. Order, .Decoration, or Medal. Remarks. Bongard, J. R. Boswell, C. Brathwaite, J. L. Brothers, W. P. Oarmichaei L. S. Catehpole, J. H. Chilcott, C. W. Clanoy, W. S. Clarke, M. .. Cooper, A. C. ('raven, L. A. Crawford, E. H. Edwards, C. J. K. Footo, H. A. Galloway, M. S. Garland', H. G. de P. Gillespie, C. T. Gray, W. A. Guthrie, S. G. flally, C. .. Harper, G. 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant, 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant . . 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant, 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant M.C. M.C. M.C. Military Medal M.C. M.C. M.C. Military Medal Military Medal M.C. ' .. M.C. Military Medal D.C.M.' Military Medal M.C. M.C. M.C. M.C. ... M.C. M.C. D.C.M. .. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Died of wounds. Harrison, W. G. Henderson, A. G. Hicks, W. J. Johnstone, A. B. Kember, R. H. Kennedy, I). Lewer, E. . . McDonald, S. G. Mclsaac, A. R. McKenzie, F. E. McQueen, J. A. Martin, A. L. Mitchell, P.. . Mollison, B. Moor, F. W. Park, G. II. .Parkinson, L. Peterson, J. M. Reid, W. J. Roache, G. H. Rodgers, W. J. Rogers, J. .. Rotoatara, T. Saunders, C. W. Scott, K. . . Soddon, S. T. Smith, L. . . Speight, fl. Stilwell, W. P. Stoekor, V.. . Tilslcy, R. .. Upton, P. C. R. Vial, A. H. .. Watson, P. W. Williams, E. G. Zoisler, E. .. Thurston, M. Cameron, M, M. Nixon, E. ,; Price, P. Tom be, A. . . Wilson, F. Bucklev, A. Gilmer, J. M. 11. McBeth, M. Speedy, F. H. Wilkie, M. fl. I lodges, E. .. Davics, K. . . Early, M. A. Beauchamp, H. R. H. Gordon, T. J. Knox, R. J. McQueen, A. A. Ross, I). Tunley, P. (.'. Atkins, A. A. Boate, P. C Cooper, P. S. ♦Porteous, A. W. 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd. Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant, 2nd Lioutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant, 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lioutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant, 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd. Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant 2nd. Lieutenant 2nd Lieutenant Matron-in-Chief Matron Matron Matron Matron Matron Sister Sister Sister Sister Sister Staff Nurse (acting Sister) . . Staff Nurse Staff Nurse Q.M.S. (W.O.) W.O., 2nd Class .. C.S.M. (W.O.) C.S.M. (W.O.) C.S.M. (W.O.) C.S.M. (W.O.) Sergeant-Major Sergeant-Major . . Sergeant-Major Sergoant-Major M.C. D.C.M. Military Medal M.C. Military Medal M.C. M.C. M.C. M.C. M.C. M.C. M.C. D.C.M. M.C. D.C.M. M.C. M.C. M.C. D.C.M. .. Military Medal D.C.M. Military Medal Military Medal D.C.M.. M.C. M.C. M.C. M.C. M.C. M.C. D.C.M. M.C. Military Medal Military Medal M.C. M.C. Royal lied Cross, 1st Class . . Royal Red Cross, 1st Class . . Royal Red Cross, 2nd Class . . Royal Red Cross, 1st Class . . Royal Red Cross, 1st Class . . Royal Red Cross, 2nd Class . . Royal Red Cross, 2nd Class . . .Royal Red Cross, 2nd Class . . Royal Red Cross, 2nd (-'lass . . Royal Red Cross, 2nd Class . . Royal Red Cross, 2nd Class . . Royal Red Cross, 2nd Class . . Royal Red Cross, 2nd Class . . Royal Red Cross, 2nd Class . . d.c.m:. D.C.M. .. M.C. Military Medal Military Medal D.C.M. D.C.M. D.C.M.; Medaille Militaire . . Meritorious-service Medal .. M.C. Mentioned in despatches. .Killed in action. Killed in action. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Died of wounds. Killed in action'. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches Mentioned in despatches (2). Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches (2). Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned, in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Killed in action. 1



Orders, Decorations, and Medals conferred upon or awarded to Officers Non-commis-sioned Officers, and Men of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, etc. — continued.

Name. Rank. Order, Decoration, or Medal. Remarks. "' I Ricketts. W. Self, J. C. .. Smith, S. II. Thompson, A. S. Simmons, W. fl, Bell, T. Birnio, R. . , R.S.M. .. R.S.M. .. Sergeant-Major R.S.M. .. It. Q.M.S... C.S.M. .. Battery S.M. ] d.c.m:. Meritorious-service Medal . . Meritorious-service Medal . . Meritorious-service Medal .. Meritorious-service Medal . . Military Medal D.C.M.' .. .Mentioned in (lespatches. Mentioned in despatches. Killed in action. Caldwell. R. T. Pother-gill, J. C. Frost, W. E. Hill, J. F, Palmer-, W. Riddott, J. J. Slingsby, T. VV. ♦Viokery, E. M. V'oyle,',!. W. Wilson, C. M. ♦Graham, L. S. L. L... Holland, J. Inglis, D. C. Mason, A. J. MeCormick, A. L. Moritzsbn, L. Perkins, fl. A. Potter, R. C. Rice, S. D. . . Scott, I). C. Woodhall, .1. Burdekin, C. R. Galbraith, P. Gregson, J. Abbey, A. W. Allan, K. P. Allen, fl. .. Anderson, 0. Andrews, W. T. Angel, R. Armstrong, L. J. Arthur-Worsop, A. C. Atkinson, P. H. Barber, A. 1'. Barnett, R. T. Bassett, C. R. G. Bates, G. . . Beattie, J. N. Bellamy, fl. Bennett, P. II. G. . . Bennett, W. R. Bennetto, 1). J. Biggar, T. . . Bissland, L. J. Blackmail, A. R. lilackwell, R, M. Blyth, L. M. Booth, G. 11. Brady, A. T. Bremner, 0. H. Bristol-, S. C. C.S.M. .. D.S.M. (temp.) C.S.M. .. Battery S.M. Squadron S.M. Battery S.M. C.S.M.' .. C.S.M. . . C.S.M. .. C.S.M. .. Q.M.S. .. Q.M.S. .. Q.M.S. . . Q.M.S. .. Q.M.S. .. q.m:.s. .. Q.M.S. .. Q.M.S. . . Q.M.S. .. Q.M.S. . . Q.M.S. .. , Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant. Staff Sergeant Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant. . . Sergeant, . . Sergeant .. Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant' . . Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant: . . Sergeant. . . Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant .. Sergeant . . Sergeant, . . Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Military Medal D.C.M.' .. D.C.M.; Croix de Guerre .. D.C.M. M.C. ' . . D.C.M. .. Meritorious-service Medal .. D.C.M., .. Military Medal D.C.M.' .. D.C.M. Meritorious-service Medal . . D.C.M. .. Military Medal D.C.M. .. Military Medal Military Medal D.C.M. .. Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Meritorious-service .Medal . . Meritorious-service Medal . . Military Medal D.C.M.' .. Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Militarv Medal Military Medal D.C.M.' .. Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Victoria Cross D.C.M. Meritorious-service Medal . . D.C.M. .. D.C.M. .. Military Medal Military Medal. Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Militarv Medal Military Medal Militarv Medal Militarv Medal D.C.M.' .. Military Medal : Medal of St. George, 2nd Class D.C.M. .. .. ' Victoria Cross Military Medal Military Modal Militarv Medal D.C.M. . . . . Militarv Medal D.C.M.' .. Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal; Cross of Karageorge, 2nd ('lass Military Medal D.C.M.' Military Medal; Croix de Guerre Military Medal Military Medal D.C.M.' Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Died of wounds. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in (lespatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in (lespatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Killed in action. Mentioned in despatches. Brown, C . . Brown, 1). I 1 '. Brown, E. li. Calame, P. E. Campbell, F. Campbell, J. Canty, J. V. Chadwick, J. Cioohetto, C. V. Clarke, S. B. Coe, A. fl. (Ionian, P. J, Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant, . . Sergeant .. Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant, . . Sergeant . . Sergeant .. Killed in action. Mentioned in (lespatches. (bote, J. 0. Corkhill, Roy Cosbrook, A. .1. Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant, . . Mentioned in despatches. Oouling, J. . . Crawley, D. J. Creed,'W. H. P. Cuthbertson, W. J. Dartnall, C. A. Davidson, D. Sergeant . . Sergeant .. Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant .. Sergeant .. Mentioned in despatches. - k



Orders, Decorations, and Medals conferred upon or awarded to Officers, Non-commis-sioned and Men of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, etc.—continued.

Name. Rank. Order, Decoration, or Medal. Remarks. Davie, H. P. C. Davis, P. II. Davy, V. R. Dent, I, Dignan, B. L. Dixon, VV. B. Dodd. A. J. Dredge, G. M. I.. Eagle, F. . . Ellen, fl. .. Ellis, It. P... Fletcher, F. N. Flutey, R. H. Fox, E. V. . . Francis, J. H. Francis, VV. A. Eraser, J. It. Flicker, H. 1-:. Fulcher, A. E, (lair, 0. Gallagher. A. VV. (lardiner, G. Gilmore, W. li. Gilshman, S. E. (iodfrey, J. A. Gordon, P. A. Gorton, A. E. < lou Idem, 11. It. Grave, II. B. Gray, R. X. Greenwood, J. Gridley, A. J. Hartman, B. Harty, L. P. liaw'ke, A. R. Heard, G. Henley. N. C Henry, W. .1. Hicks, F. T. Higginson. X. L. Holder, F. N. Holmes, P. D. Holmes. W. A. Holt/,, H. A. Hewlett, D. Hunter. V. G. Jeffreys, H. I). Jenkins. F.. . Kennedy. F. Latimer, It. T. Lav, J- <!• ■• Lee, A. Lepper, ('. B, Lewin. C. Little. J. . . Lock, S. G. S. McCa.ll, J. J. Mclxean, W. McKeegan, C. Mclxcnzic. A. T. MoLennan, A. McLeod, D. S. McMdhon, A. E. Me.Master, A. A. Mackrell. II. H. Mains. *('. E. Martin, J. . . Masters, F. fl. Men/ics, C I'.. Michell, H. J. Milliuan, P. G. Moore, G. V. T. Mulligan, A. S. Murdoek, R. J. Murray, T. T. Murray, W. J. Nicholas. L. R. O'Brien, M. J. Paine, W. . . Pearee, P. G. Poff, L. J. .. (Powell, J. . . Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant .. Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant . . . . ' Sergeant . . Sergeant .. Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant . .. ! Sergeant .. . . I Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant .. Sergeant . . .. i Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant .. Sergeant .. Sergeant .. Sergeant .. Sergeant .. Sergeant .. Sergeant .. Sergeant .. Sergeant . . Sergeant .. Sergeant, . . Sergeant .. Sergeant .. Sergeant .. Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant .. Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant .. Sergeant . Sergeant . . Sergeant .. Sergeant .. Sergeant . . Sergeant .. Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant .. Sergeant . . Sergeant . . . . I Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant: . . Sergeant .. Sergeant . . Sergeant . Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant .. Sergeant . . Sergeant .. Sergeant .. Sergeant .. Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant . . .. i Sergeant . . . . i Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant . . Sergeant .. Sergeant . . Sergeant . . .. i Sergeant . . . . Military Medal . . D.C.M.' D.C.M. .. . . Military Medal D.C.M. .. .. • ■ Mentioned in despatches (2) . . Militan Medal Military Medal .. .. j Killed in action. . . Military Medal . . .. [ Military Medal . . .. Military Medal Military Medal . . Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal . . D.C.M.' Military Medal . . . . Killed in action. Military Medal . . | Military Medal .. : Military Medal . . D.C.M.' . . . . Military Medal Cross of Karageorge, 1st Class (with swords) Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal .. Military Medal .. Military Medal .. Military Medal . . .Military .Medal Military Modal .. .. Mentioned in despatches. .. Military Medal . . •. v • • Military Medal . . .. , .. Military Medal . . .. .. Military Medal Military Medal .. .. [ Military Medal D.C.M. .. ■■ Mentioned in despatches. .. Military Medal .. Military Medal .. .. D.C.M.' .. .. Military Medal ... Military Medal . . .. Died of wounds. Meritorious-service Medal .. Military Medal .. D.C.M.' .. Military Medal .. D.C.M.' .. Military Medal and bar . . .. D.C.M ■• I .. Military Medal . . ..I Military Medal . . ... Military Medal Military Medal . . D.C.M. .. •• Mentioned in despatches. .. Military Medal .. D.C.M.' .. Military Medal Military Medal Militarv Medal .. D.C.M.' .. . . ■ • I Military Medal . . .. . . Military Medal . . Military Medal .. Military Medal . . Military Medal .. Military Medal Military Medal Meritorious-service Medal Military Medal Military Medal .. Military Medal .. Military Medal . . ... Military Medal .. Military Medal Military Medal . . Military Medal .. ... •• ■ .. D.C.M.' .. Military Medal .. Military Medal . . Military Medal .. | Croix de Guerre . . . . '



Orders, Decorations, and Medals conferred upon or awarded to Officers, Non-commis-sioned Officers, and Men of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, etc. — continued.

Name. Rank. Order, Decoration, or Medal. Remarks. Prebble, F. L. Price, A. B. Purdio, C. L. Rankin, J. .. Ronnie, L. .. Rimmer, jW. T. Robinson, S. Rossiter, C. Rouse, C. .. Rusden, G. C. Sage, A. H. Soiascia, C... Shaw, W. R. Shearer, A... Shirley, V. W. Simmers, R. Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sorgcant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergoant Sergeant Sergoant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal D.C.M.' .. D.C.M. .. Military Medal D.C.M.' Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Croix de Guerre Military Medal Military Medal; bar to Military Medal; Medal of St. George, 2nd Class Military Medal Medaille Militaire Military Modal Military Modal Military Modal Medaille Militaire D.C.M.. D.C.M. D.C.M. D.C.M. Military Medal D.C.M.' .. Military Medal D.C.M. Military Medal Italian Bronze Medal Military Medal Military Medal D.C.M.' .. Military Medal. Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal d.c.m:.' .. Military Medal D.C.M.' .. Military Medal D.C.M.' Military Medal ... Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal D.C.M. .. D.C.M. Military Medal Military Medal D.C.M.' .. Military Medal; bar to Military Medal Militarv Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Modal Military Modal Military Medal Military, Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Modal Military Medal Military Medal Killed in action. Killed in action. Killed in action. Mentioned in despatches, Simmers, W. W. Simpkins, J. Sinclair, E. Smith, E. .. Steel, R. W. Stewart, R. StockdiH, T. Struthers, H. Taplin, J. H. Tavonder, B. N. Taylor, A. . . Taylor, J. A. Thompson, S. G. Travis, R. C. Welch, fl. C. Wells, CM. Williams, S. A. Williamson, G. Williamson, W. J. Wilson, C. G. Wilson, H. P. Wilson, J. fl. Woodhoad, G. Beck, M. .. Blake, H. J. Griffiths, G. G. Holmes, A. L. Anderson, H. Anderson, J. fl. Andrews, A. N. Atkinson, T. Barker, C. R. Bell, W. D. Bonnie, A. fl. Bond, R. J. Boyle, J. MoK. Brown, A. W. Cardno, J. P. Carter, C. R. Clarke, M. .. Comrie, J. . . Cooke, W. B. Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant .. .. ' Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sorgcant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Lance-Sergeant Lance-Sergeant Lance-Sergeant Lanee-Sergeant ('orporal Corporal Corporal Corporal .. ('orporal Corporal. Corporal .. ('orporal .. (forporal Corporal Corporal .. (lorporal Corporal . . ( orporal ('orporal .. Mentioned in despatches, Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches, Died of wounds. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in (lespatches. Cordell, T. A. Crowhurst, S. A. Currey, A. A. Cuthbertson, G. T. . . Dibble, S. T. Downs, W... Durrant, C. G. Duthie, E. I). Farnsworth, E. E. . . Farrell, E. . . Fernandez, J. Fitzgerald, N. E. Gilmour, A. F. Gordon, W. E. Green, C. 11. Green, H. V. Gunn, A. .. ' Harding, R. W. Harwood, J. R. B. . . Hopper, fl. M. Horn, R. H. Horwell, W. W. ('orporal Corporal Corporal .. ('orporal ('orporal Corporal .. (lorporal .. (lorporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal Corporal *



Orders, Decorations, and Medals conferred upon or awarded to Officers, Non-commis-sioned Officers, and Men of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, etc. — continued.

2—H. 19w.

Name. Rank. Rank. Order, Decoration, or Medal. Remarks. Order, Decoration, or Medal. Howie, W. D. Jackson, C. W. Jefferis, R. S. C. deffery, H. J. Johnson, II. R. Kennedy, D. A. Kuhtz, J. R. H. Larsen, H.J.. Lauder, A. .. Le Comte, H. E. Lepper, R. . . Lester, C. L. Little, G. C. Lloyd, D. P. McCaw, W. T. Macdonald, M, McLachlan, L. I). McLeod, J. D. McManus, C. McQueen, W. McQuillan, J. Martin, F. R. Michaols, L. G. Mitchell, G. Mitchell, G. G. M. .. Molloy, T. J. Moore, W. A. Murray, J. W. O'Callaghan, J. W. .. O'Connor, W. L. Oldham, W. A. . Otene, R. .. Pattison, H.J. Prendergast, P. Ralston, W. Reston, R. A. Rhind, H. .. Ross, J. D.. . Samson, C. O. San'ds, L. R. Scott, S. . . Sharp, S. R. Sidney, T. P. Skinner, fl. I). Sly, R. H. .. / Steedman, A. B. Strachan, I), fl. Syme, G. .. Thorn, W. N. Thompson, P. Watson, K. W. Williams, C. J. Wilson, fl. G. Wilson, T. .. Wimms, J. .. Winkley, J. R. Woods,' W... Wright, A. A. Wright, J. I). Yorke, 0. D. Youle, H. .. Keys, P. L. Knight, R. S. Manson, It. V. Munt, R. A. Nicolas, J. W. Riddell, W. J. Scrimshaw, E. G. Allpress, A. E. Amos, P. Baker, G. 11. Bassott, E... Baxter, J.N. Bedggood, W. W. C. Birkett, W. A. Corporal .. Corporal .. Corporal .. Corporal . . Corporal . . Corporal . . Corporal.. Corporal . . Corporal .. Corporal .. Corporal .. Corporal . . Corporal . . Corporal . . Corporal .. Corporal .. Corporal .. Corporal . . Corporal .. Corporal .. Corporal . , Corporal .. Corporal .. Corporal . . Corporal . . Corporal . . Corporal .. Corporal .. Corporal .. Corporal .. Corporal . . Corporal .. Corporal .. Corporal .. Corporal .. Corporal . . Corporal . . Corporal . . Corporal . . Corporal .. Corporal . . Corporal .. Corporal . . Corporal . . Corporal .. Corporal .. Corporal .. Corporal . . Corporal . . Corporal . . Corporal .. Corporal . . Corporal . . Corporal . . Corporal .. Corporal . . Corporal . . Corporal .. Corporal . . Corporal. . . Corporal . . 2nd Corporal 2nd Corporal 2nd Corporal 2nd Corporal 2nd Corporal 2nd Corporal 2nd Corporal Lanco-Corporal Lance-Corporal Lance-Corporal Lanco-Corporal Bombardier Lance-Corporal Lance-Corporal Bombardier Bombardier Lanco-Corporal Lance-Corporal Bombardier . . Military Medal .. Military Medal . . Military Medal . . D.C.M.' .. . . .. Killed in action. . . Military Medal Military Medal .. Military Medal .. Military Medal .. | Military Medal .. ' Military Medal D.C.M. .. .. .. Mentioned in despatches. .. Military Medal .. Meritorious-service Medal .. .. D.C.M. .. Military Modal . . .. .. : Military Modal . . ., j .. ! Military Medal .. .. I ■ .. .. | Military Modal .. .. ] .. Military Medal . . .. i .. D.C.M. .. . . Military Medal .. Italian Bronze Medal .. Military Medal .. .. Military Medal .. .. j .. Military Medal . . . . .. Military Medal .. Military Medal .. Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal . . . . ' Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal .. Military Modal Military Medal D.C.M. .. . . . . Mentioned in despatches. .. Military Medal - . . Military Modal .. Military Medal .. Military Medal .. Military Medal .. Military Medal D.C.M. .. . . . . Mentioned in despatches. .. Military Medal .. D.C.M. .. .. Military Medal .. D.C.M. Military Medal .. D.C.M. .. .. d.c.m:. .. .. d.c.m:. .. Military Medal Military Medal .. D.C.M. .. .. .. Mentioned in despatches, . . Military Modal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal .. Military Medal Military Medal .. Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal D.C.M. .. .. .. Mentioned in despatches. .. I Military Medal . , Military Medal .. Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal .. .. Died of wounds. Cross of Karageorge, 1 st Class (with swords) .. Military Medal Military Modal .. Meritorious-service Medal .. .. D.C.M. .. .. .. .: Military Medal .. Blake, R. I. Bliss, A. G. L. Briscoe, A... Brown, W. G. Brown, W. J.



Orders, Decorations, and Medals conferred upon or awarded to Officers, Non-commis-sioned Officers, and Men of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, etc.—continued.

Name. Rank. Order, Decoration, or Medal. Remarks. "' Y Brown, W. S. Buchanan, L. H. Burton, 0. E. Byrne, H. J. Campion, D. A. Church, R. A. Clague, J. Cook, A. C.. . Cousins, W. Dewar, 0. B. Dickson, N. ■ Eastgate, fl. S. Easton, M. G. Egan, J. P. Fairbrother, R E. Friekleton, S. Gray, W. A. Hatpin, L k J. Hansen, C W. Hanson, S. F. Hardy, J. H. Henderson, R. A. Hollywood, J. E. [ngpen, N. L. [slip, E. E... Johnston, fl. Lee, A. Leppcr, J. . . Linklater, H. MoGu'ire, T. P. Maekie, A. P. MeLood, R. C. Manning, J. Martin, H. A. Mascall, H. J. Minnis, H W. Moffit, P. . . Mole, H. P. Morgan, T. T. Myers, R. . . Osborne, D. S. Osme s, H. H. Patten, H. L. Philson, G. H. Ronnie, J. W. Richardson, W. J. Rigby, K. R. Rosanowski, H. Rowley, P. B. Ryan, P. L. Savingy, P. Scarfo, E. R. Sorimgeour, A. Singleton, W. Lance-Corporal Bombardier Lance-Corporal Lance-Corporal Lance-Corporal Lance-Corporal Lanee-Corporal Bombardier Lance-Corporal Lance-Corporal Lance-Corporal Lanee-Corporal Lance-( lorporal Lance-Corporal Lance-Corporal Lanee-Corporal Lanoe-Corporal Lance-Corporal Lance-Corporal Lance-Corporal Lance Corporal Lanco-Corporal Lanco-Corporal Lance-Corporal Lance-Corporal Acting Bombardier Lance-Corporal Lanco-Corporal Lanco-Corporal Lance-Corporal Lance-Corporal Lanee-Corporal Lanco-Corporal Lanco-Corporal Lanco-Corporal Lanco-Corporal Lanco-Corporal Bombardier Lance-Corporal Lance-Corporal Lance-Corporal Bombardier Lanco-Corporal Lance-Corporal Lance-Corporal Lanco-Corporal Bombardier Temp. Corporal Lance-Corporal Lance-Corporal Bombardier Lance-Corporal Lanee-Corporal Lanoe-Corporal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal D.C.M.' Military Medal Victoria Cross Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Modal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal D.C.M.' .. Military Medal Cross of St. George, 3rd Class Medaille Militaire Military Medal Military Modal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal -Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal D.C.M. Military Medal D.C.M.' \ Died of wounds. Mentioned in despatches. / Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Died of wounds. Smith, W. A. Stanley, G... Stiles, R. W. Still, C. H. . . St. George, F. C. Thomson, A. P. Trott, W. E. Turner, W. H. Vincent, J. ■ . Warren, N... Wilson, A. . . Wilson, It. .. Adams, T. . . Adsett, G. .. Aitken, S. A. Alexander, F. J. Aloxander, J. Alexander, J. P. Alexander, R. Allom, W. fl. Anderson, fl. Angus, J. N. Annand, D. B. Ashwin, u L. P. Barlow, II... Barr, K. D. Beaton,A. .. Beck, T. J... Lance-Corporal Lanoe-Corporal Lance-Corporal Lance-Corporal Lanco-Corporal Lanoe-Corporal Lance-( 'orporal Bombardier Lance-Corporal Lanee-Corporal Lance Corporal Lance-Corporal Driver Private Private Private Private Gunner Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Rifloman Private Military Medal Croix de Guerre Military Medal Military Modal Military Medal Military Medal Medaille Militaire Military Medal Military Medal Military Modal Military Medal Military Modal Military Modal Military Medal Military Medal Medal of St. George, 4th Class Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal, Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal D.C.M.' D.C.M. Military Medal D.C.M.' .. Mentioned in despatches.



Orders, Decorations, and Medals conferred upon or awarded to Officers, Non-commis-sioned Officers, and Men of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, etc.—continued.

3—H. 19w.

Name. Rank. Order, Decoration, or Medal. Remarks. Belton, L. I). Benny, fl. . . Berghan.A. J. Biddiek, .1. fl. Blenkinsopp, J. Boocock, J. M. Bower, fl. II. Bradley, A. Brash,'A. D. Bright, W. G. Brightwell, P. Brill, P. A... Brown, G. A. Brown, J. .. Browning, C. A. Bullock, L. E. Bullick, T. Burrows, J. K. fl. Butler, W. H. Campbell, E. fl. Campbell, W. C. Carruthors, W. Carter, A. . . Casolberg, A. L. Castles, ,T. V. Chambers, W. D. Champney, N. D. Cheeseman, J. H. Clark, N. . . Clarke, N. .. Clinker, H. S. Clearwater, J. T. Colobakor, D. P. G. . . Coles, T. Collin, B. A. Connell, C. W. Cooke, H. .. Coombes, J. A. Crawford-Watson, L. Crowe, G. P. Curry, D. W. Dean, A. E. Dickason, A. E. Dickey, A. .. Dickinson, L. R. Dobbyn, A. J. Donaldson, M. Douglas, W. T. Dowden, W. E. Doyle, A. R. Duffill, G. .. Dunthornc, A. Durward, P. East, A. Edmonds, L. W. Edwards, C. Entwistle, C. Espie, W. C. Falla, H. T. Parrington, M.. C. Ferguson, C. Pindlay, A. J. Finnerty, J. Fitzgerald, J. Fitzpatrick, 0. A. Fleming, It. I. Eraser, J. D. Fruin, F. L. Ford, M. .. Garlick, II. T. Gault, A. . . Geaney, D. P. Gibbs, W. . . Gibson, L. V. Giffney, J. A. Gilbert, G. Goiding, S.. . Gordon, J. • • Goulding, ll. T. Cowers, H... Grieve, E. .. Griffin, A. .. Grundy, H. II. Gunn, W. G. Hadlev, P. RGunner . . Private . . Rifleman. . Private Rifleman. ■ Private .. Private . . Private .. Private .. Private . . Private .. Private . . Private . . Private . . Sapper . . Sapper Private . . Private . . Rifloman . . Rifleman . . Rifleman. . Private . . Trooper .. Sapper Gunner . . Rifleman . . Private . . Rifleman . . Private . . Private . . Rifleman.. Private . . Private . . Private .. Private . . Private . . Private . . Private . . Private . . Private .. Private . . Private . . Rifleman. . Rifleman.. Private . . Sapper Sapper .. Rifleman. . Private . . Private . . Private . . Rifleman . . Driver Private . . Trooper .. Private . . Driver Private . . Private . . Driver Rifleman. . Private . . Private . . Private . . Private . . Gunner . . Private . . Rifloman . . Private . . Private . . Private . . Rifloman. . Sapper . . Private . . Sapper .. Private .. Private . . Trooper . . Private . . Rifleman . . .Rifleman. . Rifleman. . Private . . Private . . Gunner .. Military Medal Italian Bronze Medal Military Medal Military Modal Military Medal Sorbian Silver Medal Military Medal Military Medal. Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Modal Military -Medal Military Medal Military Modal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Medal of St. George, 3rd Class D.C.M. .. Military Medal Military Medal Serbian Silver Medal Military Medal D.C.M. Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal D.C.M.' Military Medal Military Medal Mcdailie Militaire Military Modal D.C.M. .. Military Medal Military Medal Military Modal D.C.M. Military Medal Military Medal Serbian Gold Medal D.C.M. Military Medal . . Sorbian Gold Medal Serbian Silver Modal M ilitary Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal D.C.M. .. Military Medal Military Medal D.C.M. Military Medal Military Medal Military Modal Military Medal Military Medal Serbian (Sold Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military MedalMilitary Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Meritorious-service Medal . . Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. / Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches (2) Died of wounds. Died of wounds. #



Orders, Decorations, and Medals conferred upon on awarded to Officers, Non-commis-sioned Officers, and Men of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, etc. — continued.

Hamilton, J. Hammond, A.J. Hammill, A. Hansen, J. . . Harris, F. C. Harris, J. .. Hartigan, H. fl. Henderson, E. Hewitt, G. .. Hilliard, T. Hodges, E. A. Holmes, P. I). Hough, R. 1 Inghcs, ().. . Hyde, M. C. Jeffrey, R. .Johnson, A. Johnson, A. 11. Johnson, fl. A. Johnson, J. Joll, H. L. .. Jones, W. A. Kennedy, A. Koys, J. Kingham, W. J. Laoey, W. T. Lainohbury, T. Lamb, J. li. Lee, J. A. . . Lewis, E. D. Livcsy, R. Lloyd, J. C. H. Lyall, J. ll. Lymcr, E. McBeath, C. McBrccn, E. McCarthy, J. McColgaii, W. MoConnell, G. McDivitt, R. McDonald, R. 11. .. MoKendry, J. McKenzie, E. G. McManus, C. McOnie, G.. . McQuillan, P. Mahoney, P. Maindonald, F. VV. .. Marks, R. . . Martelli, C.. . Maubon, C. J. Messenger, W. G. Middlemiss, W. P. . . Miller, 0. MoL. ■ Miller, W. . . Muir, H. .. Myers, G. . . Needs, R. A. Negus, F. . . Nciison, M.. . Neville, P. .. Ncwell, D. W. Nicholson, N. A. Nimmo, T. .. Noakos, E. L. O'Brien, J. II. O'Brien, J. W. O'Connor, D. J. O'Connor, F. Orr, N. Osborne, S. K. Otto, W. E. Pago, fl. Paranihi Tau Parr, E. A.. . Parsons, J.. . Parsons, T. W. Patterson, S. J. Poarcy, G. H. Pearse, W. .. Pederson, E. Phelan, E. M. Phillips, D. R. Name. .Private . . Private .. Private . . Private . . Private . , Private .. Rifleman. . Private . . Private . . Private . . Sapper . . Private . . Private . . Trumpeter Sapper Private . . Rifleman. . Private . . Private . . Private . . Private . . Gunner . . Private .. Rifleman. . Sapper Private . . Private Private . . Private . . Trooper . . Private .. Gunner . . Private . . Private . . Private . . Private . . Private . . Private . . Gunner Private . . Gunner Private . . Private . . Private . . Private . . Sapper . . Private . . Gunner . . Rifleman. . Rifleman. . Rifleman.. Private . . Private . . Private . . Gunner .. Rifleman. . Private . . Private . . Rifleman. . Private . . Rifleman. . Private . . Rifleman. . Rifleman. . Private . . Private . . Private . . Trooper .. Private . . Private . . Private . . Private . . Private . . Private . . Gunner . . Private . . Private . . Private . . Private . . Sapper . . Private . . Rifleman.. Private . . Rank. Order, Decoration, or Modal. Remarks. Military Medal .. . . Killed in action. D.C.M.' .. Military Medal . . . . Died of wounds. Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal ; D.C.M. Military Modal D.C.M.' Sorbian Silver Medal .. Mentioned in despatches. Military Medal Military Medal .. .. Mentioned in despatches. Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military* Medal .. Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal ; Medal of Killed in action. St. George, 3rd Class Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal . . . . D.C.M. Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal . . Military Medal . . Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal D.C.M. .. .. . . Mentioned in despatches. Military Medal D.C.M. Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal D.C.M. Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal D.C.M. . . . . . . Mentioned in despatches. Serbian Silver Medal . . Mentioned in despatches. D.C.M. Military Medal D.C.M. .. D.C.M. .. Militarv Medal Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal; D.C.M. .. D.C.M. . . . . . . Mentioned in despatches. Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Italian Bronze Medal Military Medal Military Medal Sorbian Gold Medal Military Medal Military Medal I /



Orders, Decorations, and Medals conferred upon or awarded to Officers, Non-commis-sioned Officers, and Men of the New Zealand Expeditionary Force, etc. — continued.

Name. Rank. Order, Decoration, or- Medal. Remarks. Pidgeon, H. Pinching, E. L. Pinkham, W. G. P. .. Poots, R. . . Porter, C. W. Powers, A. T. Pratt, R. J. Prime, E. I. Prince, A. T. Quinn, C. .. Quinn, J. P. Radcliffe, D. S. Radcliffe, F. Rawhiti, H. Trooper Private Sapper Private Private Private Sapper GunnelPrivate Private Rifleman Private Private Private Sapper Rifleman. . Private Private Private Gunner Private Rifleman. . Private Driver Private Private Private Private Private Rifleman Private . . • . . Trooper Private Fitter Sapper Private Trooper Private Private Rifleman.. Private Private Private Private Private Gunner Private .. D.C.M. .. Military Medal Military Medal . . Military Medal . . Military Medal . . j Military Medal . . Military Medal Military Medal . . Military Medal . . Military Medal . . Military Modal . . -Military Medal . . i Military Medal Military Medal; bar to Military Modal . . Military Modal . . Military Medal Croix de Guerre . . Military Medal . . Military Medal . . , Military Medal . . Military Medal .. Military Medal .. Military Medal . . Military Medal . . Military Medal . . , Military Medal . . Military Medal . . Military Medal .. D.C.M. .. .. D.C.M. . . Military Modal Sorbian Gold Medal . . Military Medal . . Military Medal Meritorious-service Medal . . .. ; Military Medal Military Medal .. D.C.M. .. . . Military Medal Military Medal Serbian Gold Medal . . D.C.M. .. . . Military Medal Military Medal . . Military Medal . . Military Medal . . D.C.M. Died of wounds Raxworthy, C. .11. Ray, R. Richards, C. T. Richter, 0. G. C. Rioketts, J. E. Riley, P. S. Ringham, H. J. Roberts, R. Robinson, G. Robinson, K. J. Rogers, li:. F. Ruane, A. T. Rutherford, K. MeK. Ryan, J. A. Sail, H. L. .. Samson, W. li. Schoch, J. B. Scrimgeour, A. R. Searle, E. . . Selby, H. Seymour, G. Sharpe, F. J. Sheerin, fl. Smith, A. . . Smith, J. C Soinerville, J. Souter, W. J. Spencer, H. Stacey, E. E. Stanley, G. Stow, J. C. Sutton, P. J. Swan, J. W. Diod of wounds. Died of wounds. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatches. Mentioned in despatchei Killed in action. Tait, G. A.. . Te Patu, T. Tempany, G. A. Tennant, J. W. Tindall, J. .. Torrens, W. J. Trembath, W. Tribe, L. R. Trotter, J. R. ii-oughear, A. Vazey, E. .. Venning, S. J. Voller, R. E. Walker. W. R. Waller, H. T. Ward, G. A. Watson, W. L. Waugh, H... Weblcy, K. G. Whalley, G. Private Private Private Private Sapper Private Gunner Private Trooper Private Rifleman Private Private Rifleman Rifleman. . Private Private Gunner Private Private Rifleman Gunner Private Private Private Private Private Rifleman Sapper Private Private Private Private Military Medal Military Medal . . D.C.M. . . Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal , . Military Medal Military Medal . . Military Medal . . Military Medal Military Modal Military Medal Military Medal .. Military M:cdal Military Modal .. Military Medal . . Military Medal Meritorious-service Medal .. Military Medal Military Medal; bar to Military Modal Military Medal Military Medal . . D.C.M. Serbian Silver Medal . . Military Medal .. Military Medal Military Medal D.C.M. .. . . Military Medal . . D.C.M.' Military Medal Military Medal Military Medal Mentioned in despatches. White, A. W. White, E. A. T. White, F. . . White, W. 0. Whitehouse, C. fl. Whitclaw, L. A. Wilkie, R. A. Williams, L. S. Wilson, C. G. Winter, J. H. Wright, P. Wright, R. F. Young, A. .. Mentioned in despatches. -



Orders, Decorations, and Medals conferred upon or awarded to Officers and Staff for Service in the Dominion from the date of Declaration of War to the 15th August, 1917.

Authority : Marcus F. Mauks, Government Printer, Wellington.—11)17.

Price 6'rf.j

NOTE. —The names of Officers of the New Zea Uaud iSLalf Corps are indicated by an asterisk. Name. "Robin, Sir A. W., G.B., t.d. Henderson, It. S. F., M.B., K.U.I'. .. " Potter, H. R, Adams, N. P. Bunk. Order. Major-General .. .. .. K.O.M.d. Surgeon-General .. .. .. C.B. Lieut.-Colonel, temp. Colonel .. .. C.M.G. Major, temp. Colonel .. .. .. C.M.G. Approximate Cost oj Paper.- Preparation, i not given ; printing (660 copies*, £11 10s.

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