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Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Excellency.

My Lord, — Marine Department, Wellington, 3.lst July, 1917. 1 do myself the honour to transmit herewith, for Your Excellency's information, the report of the Marine Department, of the Dominion for the financial year ended the 31st March last. I have, &c, G. W. Russell, Minister of Marine. His Excellency the Right Hon. the Earl of Liverpool, P. 0., G.C.M.G., M.V.0., Governor-General of New Zealand.

The Secretary, Marine Department, to the Hon. the Minister of Marine, Sir, — Marine Department, Wellington, 31st May, 1.917. I have the honour to make the following report on the work of this Department during the year ended the 31st March last. Bead Office. Owing to the number of officers who have gone to the front, and whose positions have been filled by temporary officers the work has been carried on under difficulty, but I am glad to say that every one has done his and her best to keep things going properly. Three of the officers— viz., J. Butler, J. C. O'Leary, and I). N. Lawrence—have been wounded. The last-mentioned has returned to the Dominion, but is not yet able to resume duty. Mercantile Marine Offices. The duties of the various offices have been carried out in a very satisfactory manner. In addition to their ordinary duties officers have performed duties for (lie Defence Department, principally in connection with transports and their crews, and they are deserving of commendation for the willingness with which they have performed them and the manner in which they have carried them out. The success which attended the appointment of. two Surveyors to specially look after the cargo gear of ships and to supervise the loading and discharge of cargo at Wellington has led to the appointment of two Surveyors to perform similar duties at Auckland. The practice of withholding the certificates of discharge of seamen who desert from or fail to join their ships continues to have a good effect. Very few men have deserted or failed to join more than once during the year. Shipowners and the representatives of the seamen having failed to come to an agreement as to wages and working-conditions, a conference was held under the chairmanship of the Hon. Mr. Russell, Minister of Marine, at which an agreement was arrived at, and which has since been tiled as an award in the Arbitration Court. It may be mentioned that this agreement provides for an eight-hours day for seamen, which is a new feature in agreements and awards concerning seamen in New Zealand except in a few cases,

I—H. 15.



Appended is a statement showing the number of seamen engaged and discharged at the various ports in the Dominion during the year, and the fees received for the engagements and discharges. The number engaged was 21,300, and the number discharged 20,500. The fees received amounted to £2,483 2s. 6d. During the previous year the engagements were 22,781, and the discharges 20,783, and the amount of the fees ,£2,626 19s. The transactions at the four principal ports were: Engagements, Discharges. n . ."' f , Auckland ... ... ... ... 5,425 5,294 715 17 0 Wellington ... ... ... ... 7,485 6,946 948 11 6 Lyttelton ... ... ... ... 1,805 1,798 257 18 6 Dunedin and Port Chalmers ... ... 4,045 4,227 261 1.5 0 During the previous year they were : — Auckland ..." .'.. ... ... 5,844 5,510 769 It 0 Wellington ... ... ... .... 8,433 7,869 984 15 6 Lyttelton ... ... ... ... 1,738 1,764 269 8 6 Dunedin and Port Chalmers ... ... 4,231 3,552 308 II 0 It may be mentioned that no fees are charged for engagements and discharges on transports. The law provides that a person shall not employ any oilier person to engage or supply seamen unless he is an owner, master, mate, or engineer of the ship, or is a Superintendent. The assistant manager of the Northern Steamship Company having engaged seamen, proceedings were taken against him for doing so, which resulted in a eon viol ion. The defendant has appealed against his conviction, hot tho appeal has not yet been heard. Proceedings for breaches of the law in regard to seamen were taken by the Department in the following cases with the results stated: A. Jolly, master of s.s. "Indralema," for failing to put a man on articles—fined .£1 and costs; Captain W. 11. Robertson, master of s.s. "Devon/ for similar offence—fined £1 and costs; J. McCormick, master of scow " Ranger," for a similar offence—fined 10s. and costs; W. F. Norbury, master of s.s. " Manaia," for going to sea with one seaman short of the statutory number—convicted and ordered to pay costs; and W. Manning, master of s.s, " Maori," for shipping a man who had no discharge from his last ship—fined £1 and costs. Masters, Mates, and Engineers. During the year 311 candidates passed their examinations and 80 failed. Of those who passed, 178 were masters, mates, and engineers of seagoing ships; 34 were masters and engineers of steamships plying within restricted limits; and 99 were engineers of restricted-limits vessels propelled by power other than steam.. The difficulty which was experienced last year in getting properly certificated second mates for foreign-going sailing and auxiliary-powered ships has continued. The absence of many certificated men at the front is no doubt to a great'extent the cause of the scarcity. The Imperial Government recently suggested that the attainment and maintenance of uniformity in the examinations of masters and mates throughout the British Dominions would be greatly facilitated if arrangements could be made from time to time for sonic of the Examiners in all the self-governing dominions where such examinations are held to visit Great Britain to study the methods adopted in the Board of Trade examinations and the system by which they are co-ordinated. The matter has been considered by the Government, and it has been decided to send Captain William Whiteford to England for the purpose. The following is the report of Captain IT. S. Blackburne, Chief Examiner of Masters and Mates :— "The work, as usual, has been carried out by the Examiners at the four principal ports in a satisfactory manner. " Owing to the war and consequent depletion of officers, the number of examinations for the past, year has been even fewer than during the previous two, years, being 25 per cent, less than for last year, the number of failures in the examinations amounting to 44 per cent. Many of these, however, pass at second or third attempt within a few weeks of first trial. These failures do not include two candidates who failed in the form vision test and one who failed in the lantern colour test after re-examination by a special Board. " There has been no candidate during the year for the extra-master examination. "No new work has been brought into the examination during the year, though very considerable changes aie to be introduced within the next twelve months. The whole of the examination in navigation will be brought under the marks system. A specified time will be allotted for each paper, and papers will not be returned to candidates for correction. Candidates will be required to obtain 85 per cent, of the total-marks in order to pass. The speed for signalling by the Morse and semaphore is to be increased, and candidates will be required to answer questions on trigonometry, on ship-construction and naval architecture, also on stability and on meteorology; and a master will be required to write an essay on some suitable subject. The particulars of the changes will be notified by a Gazette notice to candidates and examiners." , The following proceedings have been taken for breaches of the law regarding certificated officers : P. V. Catling, master of " Enterprise," for going to Auckland Islands without certificated officers—fined £5 and costs; T. W. Vicaiy, for running launch without certificated man in charge—fined £3 and costs; G. Osborne, for running launch without certificated engineer—fined £5 and costs. A statement, showing the names of persons to whom certificates have been issued during the year, and the grades of the certificates, is appended.



Registration of Shipping. Returns are appended showing the vessels registered in the Dominion on the 31st December last. There were on that date on the register 190 sailing-vessels, of 21,853 registered tonnage, and 390 steamers, of 70,442 tonnage. The numbers at the end of the previous year were 196 sailing-vessels, of 21,762 registered tonnage, and 385 steamers, of 71,695 registered tonnage. The number of seamen and boys on board was 3,520, as compared with 3,593 at the end of 1915. In addition to the above vessels there are a very large number of oil-launches and some steamlaunches in the Dominion which are not registered. Survey of Ships. Certificates have been issued to 271 steamers, 465 oil-engine vessels, and 75 sailing-vessels, as compared with 293 steamers, 474 oil-engine vessels, and 83 sailing-vessels in the previous year. Details as to alterations and repairs to vessels will be found in the appended report of the Chief Surveyor. The inspection of the cargo gear and the supervision of the loading and discharge of ships are being satisfactorily carried out at Wellington and Auckland by the Surveyors who were specially appointed for that work. The appointment of two Surveyors for this work at Auckland was made during the year. Owing to a good deal of the time of the Superintendent of Mercantile Marine and Surveyor at Dunedin being occupied on work in connection with the transports. Captain Tomlinson, his assistant, has done a great deal of survey-work, and a temporary clerk has been employed to perform the clerical work of tho office. Attached is a return of vessels to which certificates have been issued. Proceedings were taken by the Department for breaches of the law in connection with the survey of ships: For running their vessels without survey certificates—Messrs. Emirali and Ford, owners of the scow "Thistle," lined £5 and costs; George Sorenson, master of " Ngaru," fined £2 and costs; E. S. Chatfiehl, master of "Jane," lined £2 and costs; J. liagg, master of "Freetrader," fined £3 and costs; P. .!. Dowling, owner of " Kaiaia," fined £2 and costs; R. A. Nixon, for carrying more passengers on "All Black" than allowed by certificate, convicted and ordered to pay costs; and E. V. Johnson, owner of launch " Rewa," for running beyond certificated limits, fined ss. and costs. Deceased Seamen's listates. The estates of forty-one seamen have been dealt with. The amount received was £535 Us., and the amount paid to relatives and oilier claimants was £399 IBs. 9d. The sum of £3 4s. 2d., which had remained unclaimed for over six years, was paid into the Public Account. Wrecks and Casualties. During the year fifty-five inquiries into shipping casualties were held, forty-six of them being preliminary inquiries anil nine Magisterial inquiries. The appended returns show the casualties and an analysis thereof. Those on or near the coasts of the Dominion were fifty-four, of 25,484 tons register, as compared with seventy-two, of 28,055 tons register, in the previous year. The number of lives lost was fourteen, as compared with one in the previous year. Notices to Mariners. A return of the New Zealand Notices to Mariners is appended. Besides these a large number of notices relating to matters outside the Dominion have been published by the Department. Meteorological and, Weather Office. The following is the report of the Rev. Mr. Bates, Director of the Meteorological Office:— " The work of the Meteorological Office has proceeded as usual during the past year, though without progress or extension of activities, chiefly owing to changes and shortness of staff, as well as the general necessity for economy on account of the war. ' The continuous records of our self-recording instruments require measurement, co-ordina-tion, and analysis to yield desirable information in regard to many interesting questions; but their chief use during the past year has merely been occasional reference for law cases, upon which, however, they have furnished indisputable evidence. " In the office we have lost two observers—one retired voluntarily from the service and is now employed in the Home Branch of the Defence Department; the other, a cadet who succeeded him, having reached military age, enlisted, and is already on active service with the Expeditionary Forces. Mr. C. O. Coad, of the General Post Office, takes the Sunday observations, but my assistant, Mr. B. V. Peiriberton, and I have rearranged our duties so that we can attend to the local Observatory every morning. This at times is very inconvenient through the Dominion weather report having lo be got out promptly and almost simultaneously. In this, however, we have, been greatly helped by Mr. A. J. Talbot, the Superintendent of the Wellington Telegraph Office, and the reporting officers throughout the Dominion, so that the report is now issued'every day between 9.35 a.m. and 10 o'clock—earlier than was thought possible. This weather report is then telegraphed over Hie Dominion, and is of especial use to mariners through its more speedy publication.



" Forecasts based on those reports have been issued about noon daily, except on Sundays and the five or six Telegraph holidays in the year. On such days, when very few weather reports can be transmitted because only chief offices are open for a brief period, forecasts are not issued except under exceptional circumstances that call for special treatment. At the same time we keep in communication with the Telegraph Office, make observations of weather conditions, and are constantly answering questions from mariners over the telephone and through the Telegraph Office. The non-issue of forecasts on these rare but by no means unbroken holidays is, however, misunderstood by some critics in the Press, who regularly take occasion to remark on the nonappearance of our reports following these holidays. They seem to want the usual tale of bricks although the supply of straw is then withheld. " In the evening weather reports and forecasts are issued through the New Zealand Press Association to all the chief daily morning papers. Forecasts are also sent out, from the radiostations at Awanui, Wellington, and Awarua for the benefit of shipping. Occasional forecasts are also sent out by wireless to Chatham Islands, and every night, without failure, a weather report is received from Waitangi. This is, by special request, cabled to the Commonwealth Weather Bureau. " The Observatory grounds at Wellington have been put in good order —painting of the building, screens, fence, &C, being carried out by the Public Works Department; also an evaporimeter has been established by the Department, and observations of daily evaporation will now be recorded. " The observations in the other chief centres have been carried on satisfactorily, in some cases under difficulties brought about by the war, but the returns have been nearly always forwarded without interruption to the records. " Authority has been granted for equipping Trentham and Keatherston Military Camps with certain meteorological instruments, and it is hoped that these will soon be in working-order. The Agricultural Department also intend to establish a good climatological station at the Central Development Farm at Weraroa, and the Lake Coleridge electrical-power station is being equipped with a fine set of instruments. " While speaking of the chief climatological stations I regret, to say that the proper methodical and periodical inspections have not lately been possible. This inspection is really necessary to keep up the interest of observers, correct irregularities in the observations, and for the standardization of the instruments. " A number of new rainfall stations have been established during the year, but a few have ceased recording on account of observers leaving for the front. Some of these have already given their lives for their country's cause." Government, Steamers. " Hinemoa." —The " Hinemoa " has continued the work of conveying stores, coal, provisions, and oil to lighthouses, and of cleaning and painting coastal and harbour buoys and the erection and painting of beacons. The work has been done in a very satisfactory manner. The matter of obtaining a new steamer to replace her is at, present held in abeyance owing to the war. " Amokura." —So many boys have offered themselves for the training-ship " Amokura " during the year that it has been impossible to take them all, owing to there only being accommodation for sixty. There are now twenty-six waiting for admission, and I am afraid that some of them will be shut out altogether through passing the maximum age al, which boys are taken before there are openings for them. The vessel spent last winter in Wellington Harbour, and the boys attended technical-school classes in the vessel's schoolroom on Thorndon Esplanade. These classes are conducted by a teacher employed by the Wellington Technical School, this Department paying his salary. The subjects taught are those which will be useful to the boys in a maritime career. The examination held at the end of the time showed that satisfactory progress had been made. The general behaviour of the boys has been good, and there has been no serious breach of discipline. During the year tho vessel made two trips to the Southern Islands and one trip to the Kermadec Islands to search for castaways and examine the provision-depots which the Department maintains there. No castaways were found, and the depots had not been touched. In addition to these trips coastal training trips have been made. Appended is a return showing the names of the boys who have served on the " Amokura " during the past year. Light houses. Owing to the need for economy in consequence of the war, no new lighthouse has been commenced, but it has become absolutely necessary to erect a new tower at Dog Island, as the present, stone- tower is becoming unsafe owing to the perishing of the mortar. It is intended to erect a ferroconcrete tower around the present structure, and part, of the required material has been taken to the island by the s.s. " Hinemoa." The work will be commenced as soon as suitable men can be obtained. The Pintsch-gas light on the beacon at Jackson's Head having become unreliable it has been replaced by an Aga automatic acetone-acetylene light, which is giving satisfaction. The cost of gas is now less, and owing to the cylinders containing it, being smaller than those containing the Pintsch gas there is much less difficulty in renewing it. The lantern-panes in Kai-ori Rock light, having cracked bad!)' new panes have been put, in. These were made of the right: shape in Dunedin. The automatic light procured for erection on Flat Rock is still in store, as the work of erecting the tower is held over owing to the war.



The dwellinghouses at Puysegur Point are becoming so decayed that it is essential that they should be replaced as soon as possible. The present houses were built when the lighthouse was erected in 1878-79, and owing to the climate being very wet the timber of which they were constructed is becoming rotten. The necessary timber for new houses has been procured, and taken to the lighthouse by tho " Hinemoa," and their erection will be commenced as soon as the winter is over. As mentioned in my last year's report, material for new houses for the keepers at Tiritiri has been procured, but owing to the need for economy in consequence of the war their erection has not yet been commenced. The present houses, which are very old, are in such a very bad state that 1 strongly recommend that if possible a vote for the new ones be taken during the corning session, and that their erection be then pioceeded with. A new revolving cowl has been placed on Cape Egniont tower, a porch erected on the schoolhouse at Nugget Point, a new jib erected on the crane at Cape Brett, a wash-house at Cape Foulwind, repairs executed to the fog-signals at Pencarrow Head and Taiaroa Head, and incandescent lights have been installed at Cape Foulwind and Manukau South Head. These lights are now installed at Cape Maria, Cape Brett, Tiritiri, Cuvier Island, Castle Point, Cape Palliser, Pencarrow Head, Cape Egmont, Brothers, Cape Campbell, Godley Head, Akaroa Head, Jack's Point, Cape Saunders, Nugget Point, Waipapapa Point, Centre Island, Puysegur Point, Kahurangi Point, Farewell Spit, Stephen Island, Manukau Head, and Cape Foulwind. By their installation improved lights have been obtained, and also a considerable saving in the expenditure for oil, as they burn less oil and use kerosene, which is cheaper than paraffin, which was used in the old lights. One lightkeeper died during the year, three retired on superannuation, eight resigned, one was transferred to the Customs Department, and ten new keepers were appointed. The following keepers are at the front —J. Robertson, V. H. Rees, and F. Sharrock; and the following are in camp—P. C. T. Burns and J. P. Smith. All these men volunteered. Owing to members of the office staff being at the front I have only been able to inspect the lighthouses at Godley Head, Akaroa Head, Moeraki, Taiaroa Head, Cape Saunders, Waipapapa Point, Dog Island, Centre Island, Puysegur Point, and Cape Foulwind. Captain J. Bollons, of the s.s. " Hinemoa," who is also Inspector of Lighthouses, has inspected all the lighthouses in the course of the vessel's periodical visits to them with oil anil stores. He has carried out this duty for several years past without any additional salary, and has performed the duty in a most satisfactory manner. The frequent inspections which he is able to make help considerably to keep up the efficiency of the service. Harbours. The buoys and beacons in the various harbours controlled by the Department have been overhauled and painted by Captain Bollons, of the " Hinemoa." An automatic Aga acetone-acetylene light has been installed at the Narrows, in Hokianga Harbour, to mark a dangerous rock in the channel. A buoy lighted by an automatic acetone-acetylene light has been placed at Beacon Beach, in Kaipara Harbour. The Wigham light in the Kaipara River is not giving satisfaction, and it is advisable that an automatic light should be substituted. Mr. F. Meyer, driver of the Harbourmaster's launch, has voluntarily gone to the front. The sum of £1,100 15s. lOd. was collected for pilotage and port charges in respect of harbours under the control of the Department, as compared with £1,227 4s. Id. during the previous year. A return of the amounts collected at the various ports, and also the amounts collected at ports controlled by Harbour Boards, is appended. Fisheries. The Department continued the picking and sale of oysters last season. Owing to the demand being larger than usual it was found necessary to discontinue picking and close the beds at the end of August instead of at the end of October. The quantity picked and sold was 8,172 sacks, which realized £5,692 lis. 6d., and gave a net profit of £1,4i0 15s. 6d., a portion of which was used to replant depleted areas. Of the quantity mentioned, 713 sacks were disposed of in parcels of about live dozen at Is., and in parcels of about sixteen dozen at 3s. Of the quantity sold 7,148 sacks were sold in Auckland, 191 at Russell, 56 at Hokianga, 292 at New Plymouth, 251 at Gisborne, 50 at Napier, 12 at. Hokitika, 14 at Greymouth, 20 at Westport, 11 at Waitara, 46 at Well ngton, and sat Christchurch. The price charged per sack at Auckland was 13s. 6d. Replanting of depleted areas has been carried out at Russell (Purerua, Kirikiri, and Ti), and oysters have been brought from Manukau and planted in Queen Charlotte and Pelorus Sounds, rock with oysters attached having been brought down by the s.s. " Hinemoa " and placed on suitable parts of the foreshore. It is also intended to bring up oysters from Foveaux Strait this year and plant them in the sea off White Bluff, abreast of the Awatere River, and off Lyttelton, as it, is believed that beds can be established there. The oysters taken in Foveaux Strait last season were 29,209 sacks, valued at £14,628, of which 175,330 dozen," valued at £1,320, were exported to Australia. The export trade has been affected by the reduction of the steamer traffic to Melbourne. Quinnat-salmon ova was again collected during the year for continuing the stocking of the Hokitika River. The run of salmon up the Waitaki River has been very large this season, and a very large collection of ova is being made. A portion is being sent to the Hokitika River, and the remainder will be used to commence the stocking of the Wairau and Molyneux Rivers, it



having been decided to take up the stocking of these rivers. The necessary hatching-sheds have been erected, that for the Wairau River being on Maori Creek, a tributary of the Timms River, and for the Molyneux at Pembroke. A quantity of brown-trout ova has also been collected by the Department and sold to acclimatization societies for stocking their rivers. A report by Mr. L. F. Ayson, Chief Inspector of Fisheries, giving full information regarding the fisheries of the Dominion, is attached, Inspection of Machinery. A full report, by the Chief Inspector on the work connected with the inspections during the year is appended. Antarctic Ship "Aurora." The Antarctic ship "Aurora" returned to New Zealand from Ross Sea in a damaged condition on the 3rd April, 1916, having been carried from her moorings at. Cape Evans on the 6th May, 1915. She drifted about in the ice until the 14th March, 1916, ami on getting free made for New Zealand, and reached Port Chalmers on the 3rd April, 1916. As ten members of the exploring party had been left, behind at the Antarctic, it was arranged that the vessel should be repaired by the Imperial, the Commonwealth of Australia, and New Zealand Governments, so that, she might be stmt back to the Antarctic for the party left there. The repairs were carried out, at Port Chalmers under the control and direction of a supervising committee consisting of Messrs. J. J. Kinsey and J. Mill, who acted in conjunction with an advisory committee in Melbourne. The cost of the repairs and of refitting, provisioning the ship, and wages of crew on the relief trip was £21,377 2s. 7<l. up to the 31st March last, since which date further accounts amounting to £439 Is. 4d. have been paid, making a total expenditure of £21,816 3s. lid., reducible by £1,295 Iss. Bd., the amount realized from the sale of surplus provisions, eic, which were on board on the vessel's return from her relief trip to Ross Sea,. Of the balance, half is payable by the Imperial Government, and half by the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand on a population basis. The vessel left Port Chalmers on the relief trip under the command of Captain J. K. Davis, of the Commonwealth service, on. the 20th December, 1916, and returned to New Zealand, making Wellington on the 91 Ii February, 1917. She brought back, seven members of the party left at the Antarctic, three having lost their lives while the party was waiting there for relief. It will be seen from the return of the expenditure of the Department during the year that it exceeded that of the previous year by £18,945 Os. 6d. The increase is more than accounted for by the expenditure on the " Aurora." , , * The Hon. the Minister of Marine, Wellington. George Allport, Secretary.

The Chief Inspector of Machinery and the Chi:ef Surveyor of Ships to the Secretary op the Marine and Inspection of Machinery Department. Sir,-— Head Office, Customhouse Buildings, Wellington, 29th May, 1917. I have the honour to submit herewith the annual report of the operations of the Inspectors of Machinery and the Surveyors of Ships during the twelve months which ended on the 31st March, 1917.' The work accomplished this year compares favourably with the work of former years, and notwithstanding the war conditions shows a considerable increase in certain directions. The oil-engines and the, electric motors are now becoming an ever-increasing factor in the driving of machinery. Freezing-works have almost doubled in number during the last two years, and in the later additions where electric power can be reasonably secured it has been adopted for driving purposes. The storage-capacities at nearly all the old works have also been increased and additions made to machinery. 1 had the pleasure of inspecting many such additions, and also visiting rtew -works throughout" New Zealand. The labour-saving devices adopted and the methods of handling the materials were quite a revelation. Engineers have made it possible by the freezingmachine to largely develop the resources of a country like New Zealand, situated so far from a Home market. Many land inspections of boilers and machinery are in arrears, as the staff was not capable of dealing with them. I hope to be able to pull up some of these arrears next year. There was no boiler-explosion during the year, which is a very fine record for the Department. The engineering workshops have been fairly well employed, and but for the difficulty in securing raw material might have done more. With regard to the placing of a permanent officer in the North Auckland district, nothing has yet been done. The importance of such an appointment is more apparent every day, as this district is growing rapidly. Animal Survey of Steamships and Auxiliary-powered Vessels. The annual survey of all vessels in New Zealand is practically up to date. The request for an extension of certificates for one month after expiry date of the annual certificate has been very much in request by shipowners during the year, and it has been granted in most cases. The piecemeal surveys have been acceded to as far as possible, but considerable difficulty has been found with a limited staff in dealing with all such requests. Steamers of the tank cargo type



take up a considerable time of a Surveyor, and great care has to be exercised at, survey to see that all parts of such a vessel are completely inspected. Cargo-vessels are liable to straining conditions when driven under light conditions in bad weather. A great many of these vessels are of large tonnage, and employed in the coal and general-cargo trades in the New Zealand and intercolonial trades. The only steam-vessel built and completed this year was the steel screw steamer "Waipu," particulars of which are given below. There is al present under construction in the Auckland District a wooden lighter, wliich is to be propelled by oil-engines. It should be completed shortly. Plans and specifications of extensive alterations to tlie dredge " Progress," owned for many years by the Oamaru Harbour Board, have been submitted and approved of. This vessel is having the dredging-gear and hopper removed, and she will be fitted up as a cargo-steamer. The s.s. "Waipu" is a twin-screw vessel of the following registered, dimensions: Length, 101 ft.; breadth, 22: ft.; depth, 7 ft. 6 in. Her gross tonnage is 2054, and her registered tonnage 76-3 tons. The vessel was designed and built, at Dunedin, and is of the raised-quarter-deck type, with bridge amidships. Slu- has accommodation for thii-tv-lwo seagoing passengers, and has a cargo-hold forward of the machinery space. The hull is built of steel plating, and lias a flat plate keel, and deep Hocus in the machinery space. The propelling-engines have cylinders 7] in., 11J, in,, and 19 in. diameter by 9 in. stroke, and are fitted with Bremme valve gear. They indicate about 250 h.p. The boiler is of a rare type, being a combination of a locomotive and a multitubular boiler. It consists of two shells, about 9 ft. long, one above the other. The bottom shell outside- is similar to that of a locomotive-boiler, but the heat gases are conducted from the firebox to the end of the shell through a corrugated furnace-tube. Placed above this shell and connected lo it by two neck-pieces is a shell similar to (hat of an ordinary under-fired multitubular boiler. All plates and stays of the boiler are made of steel, and the working-pressure of the boiler is 190 Ib. per square inch. The plans and specifications of the hull, boilers, and machinery of this vessel were submitted to the Department and approved of before the construction was commenced. Sixty-four vessels had new propeller-shafts fitted, and twelve had new propellers fitted; two had new propeller-bosses fitted, and six had new propeller-blades fitted"; twenty vessels had new engines fitted, one had new cylinders to main engines fitted, and three had new crank-shafts fitted. It was found necessary to reduce the working-pressure of the main boilers in four vessels, and the pressure of the donkey-boiler in one. Three vessels were converted from sailing-vessels to oil-engine-driven vessels. The extent of the repairs which it was necessary to make to some vessels and particulars of two vessels surveyed in New Zealand for the first time are given below : — O.l'i.Y. " Araica." —The following parts of this vessel have been renewed : Keel, three strakes of planking on each side for the full length of the keel ; two sister keelsons, 16ft. long; deadwood and stern-bush, propeller, am! shafting. S.S. " Gowan." —This vessel originally belonged to Sydney owners. She was brought to Auckland to be used in the fishing industry. The vessel has a gross tonnage of 674, and the register tonnage is 303. The hull is of wood, and is of the following dimensions : Length. 83 ft. 6 in.; breadth, 18 ft. 4 in. ; depth, 10 ft. I in. The propelling-engines have cylinders .12 in. and 24 in. diameter and 16 in. stroke, and are supplied with steam at 120 Ib. pressure. The boiler is of the marine tubular type, 9 ft. in diameter and 8 ft. 6 in. long. S.S. " Hina." —The hull of this vessel was strengthened by fitting 10 in. by 3 in. birch stringers to the tppsides from stem to stern. All the fastenings throughout the vessel were examined, and those on the iron beams were replaced by new fastenings \'\ta. larger in diameter. All fastenings in the chain-plates and belling were also renewed. Two new planks were fitted on the starboard quarter, and one amidships was repaired. A new forward bulkhead has also been fitted. The repairs to the machinery include the turning-up of the high-pressure piston-rod, the removal of ridges in high-pressure cylinder, new valve-spindles, new key to propeller-boss, rebushing of the stern-tube, and the renewal of valves and plunger of the feed-pump. S.S. " Kahu." —At the annual survey of this vessel considerable repairs were made to the main boiler. All the ordinary and stay tubes were renewed, and the bottom manhole-door was repaired. On completion of repairs the boiler was tested by hydraulic pressure. I.S. " Koputai." —This vessel has been sold to Australian owners after having been laid up for three years. The vessel was surveyed for a foreign-going certificate. A temporary deck house was erected for the officers' accommodation. An additional compass and a set of boat-davits were fitted. A temporary mizzenmasl was stepped io carry a lugsail. The hull, engines, and boiler were overhauled. The boiler was retubed, and a. great many new tubes were fitted to the condenser. O.E.V. " Kura." —The hull of this vessel received a thorough overhaul throughout. The following parts of it were renewed: 15 fl. by 4 ft. of planking on the port side amidships; two 15 ft. and one 30 ft. lengths of stringers on the port side; 8 ft. by 4 ft. of the planking on the starboard side aft. All planking was refastcned and caulked where required. The rudderhead was refastened. S.S. " Mararoa." —The repairs it was found necessary- to make to this vessel were fairl-o-extensive. Besides repairs to the bunkers, deck-plating, and funnel-easing, several seantlimrwere renewed in the machinery-space as follows: The top and bottom angles and top plating of two sister keelsons under the forward boilers, two sections of floor-plates, twelve intercostals, sections of reverse angles on ten floor-plates, and the plating on top of the floors under the two after boiler-seats. In the way of the after stokehold eight floor-plates and sections of the top plating of keelson 5 ft. long were sheathed with one plate 2!) ft, by 4 ft. by .', in., two 20 ft. by



2 ft. by fin., six angles each 23 ft. by 4 in. by 4 in. by Jin., and one angle 20 ft. by 6 in. by 3J in. by Jin. On deck 13ft. of the topgallant-foremast was replaced with a wooden spar. Several patches were fitted to the furnaces of the main boilers, and several lubes and combustionchamber stays and nuts were renewed. All pistons and rods of the main engines were drawn and trued up in the lathe. New tube-plates and tubes were fitted to the condenser, and the condenser was afterwards tested by water-pressure. S.S. " Nile." —This vessel was laid up for some six years, and before she was recommissioned again she was strengthened and repaired. The No. 2 bulkhead was moved 10 ft. farther aft, and three deck-beams were fitted to the hold-spaces and one between the engines and boilers. A new after bulkhead has been fitted. The stringers in both sides of the hull amidships have been strengthened with double angles, and two new sister keelsons have been fitted between the engine and boiler-seating, Two strengthening-plates have been riveted, each 2 ft. 6 in. by 4 in. by fin., to the keel under the aperture, and several sheathing-patches have been fitted on the hull-plating at water-line. The rudder gudgeons and pintles have been renewed, and also all wheel-chain sheaves. A new end was welded in the spare tiller. A deckhouse for passenger accommodation has been constructed under the bridge. The boiler has been moved 10 ft. farther aft, and a new casing fitted. The engines formerly in the vessel have been replaced by the set taken out of the s.s. " Torea," and a new tail-shaft was put, in. S.S. "Orepuki." —The first survey of this vessel in New Zealand was made this year, the vessel having formerly been the " Tav I," registered at Hull, Great Britain. The vessel has a gross tonnage of 53P4, and a registered tonnage of 225"7. The engines are of the triple-expansion surface-condensing type, and the boiler is of the usual Scotch marine type. A number of rivets in the hull were renewed; some sheathing was done to the bunkers; the spare tail-shaft and propeller were fitted, and the stern-tube was remodelled; four boiler-tubes and one combustionchamber stay were renewed in the main boiler. On deck the air-tanks in the lifeboat and all provision-tanks of the boat were renewed. All pins and shackles for cargo gear, and goose-neck pins and several other equipments were renewed. S.S. " Tainui." —The main keelsons under the boiler of this vessel were dressed up, and steel plates, 16 ft. by 10 in. by § in., were fitted on both sides of it. Angles, 3 in. by 3 in. by f in., were riveted to the plates, and bolts fitted through the floors and keelsons. The sister keelson was stiffened up with 10 in. by 5 in. by 16 ft. timber bolted through floors and keelsons. The copper sheathing in hull was removed and replaced with fin. totara sheathing. A new forward end has been fitted to the deckhouse. Flaws were found to have developed in both webs of the after-crank of the main engines : these were strapped. Auxiliary Scow " Vesper." —The hull of this vessel has been sheathed with totara,' and a new centre-board case and rudder fitted. The tail-shaft bracket, bushes were renewed. The oil-tank was tested by water-pressure. A donkey boiler has been fitted on board. The following deck equipments were renewed : A class D boat and its equipment, foremizzen topmast and backstays, fore boom and saddle on mast, running-gear and sails, hatch scuttle cover, and standard compass. S.S. " Waihora." —This vessel was under a running survey when she collided with the King's Wharf at Auckland. The stem and adjoining plates were severely damaged. The damaged space was coffer-dammed off, and the vessel proceeded on her voyage to Port Chalmers. The final portion of vessel's survey was made at, Port Chalmers. The following permanent repairs were made to the stem: The stem was taken out from the scarf and the forecastle-head faired, scarf cut, and refitted. Forward plates on the port, and starboard sides of L strake were taken ashore, faired, and replaced. The forward plates on the port and starboard sides of X strake were cut, between frames 177 and 178. New plates were fitted and connected with inside butt strap, treble-riveted. Similar plates in T and H strakes were also renewed and riveted likewise. Broken frames were scarfed and renewed. An additional breastwork and heavy floor-plate were fitted between the tank-top and main deck. The total number of steamers and of auxiliary-powered vessels which have been surveyed this year for certificates is 762. Besides these complete surveys numerous visits have been paid to vessels that were docked during the year between survey dates and when minor repairs and alterations were being made. In Auckland the new slip for docking vessels is not nearly so handy as the small dock which has now been filled up. The new slip is situated in Freeman's Bay, and is about, one mile and a half from Queen Street. Longer time is therefore taken in completing a vessel now than in former years. The larger vessels are all docked in Devonport at Calliope Dock. Survey of Ships for Sea-worthiness. There was an increase in the number of vessels surveyed for seaworthiness during the year compared with last year. A great number of these surveys were due to severe weather conditions resulting in vessels being damaged by seas or by grounding, or when being berthed. In one case the cause was due to boiler-deterioration, two were due to broken crank-shafts, and one was due to a, broken eccentric strap. There was a total number of twenty-four surveys made. Government Vessels. Fifteen Government vessels were surveyed during the year. The names of them are—s.s. "Amokura." "Ben Lomond," I .s.s. " Earnslaw," s.s. "Hauraki," s.s. "Hinemoa," o.e.v. "Huia," o.e.v. " Irini," s.s. " Janie Seddon," o.e.v. " Manurere," o.e.v. " Mororo," p.s, "Mountaineer," o.e.v. " Patiti," o.e.v. " Reremoana," s.s. " Tawera," s.s. " Tutanekai."



Additional Steamers and. Auxiliary-powered Vessels surveyed for the First Time. There were sixty vessels surveyed during the year for the first time. The majority of them are propelled by oil-engines. Sailing-vessels. The number of sailing-vessels surveyed during the year totalled seventy-nine. The following are particulars of some of the most important repairs made to sailing-vessels: — Schooner "Alert." —The donkey-boiler of this vessel was turned down and thoroughly overhauled. A patch was riveted on the shell on the vertical seam near the foundation-ring. The manhole-door was repaired, and a new supporting-ring for the boiler was fitted. The pressuregauge was tested. Ketch " Kereru."— This vessel was gutted by fire, and considerable repairs were therefore necessary. The hull was cleaned out and all lining was removed. Four new beams were fitted at both the forward and the after ends. On the port side twenty new top-timbers were fitted. An ironbark rider, 66 ft. by 12 in. square, was fitted on the keelson, and nine iron stanchions were put in under the deck. New decking was fitted at the forward and after ends, and new cabins and a galley were erected. All anchor-chains were annealed and all new equipment placed on board. Scow "Ranger." —All broken and chafed planks on the bottom of this vessel on both sides were renewed for a distance of about 45 ft. The partitions in the hull were all refastened from the bottom, and were also strengthened at the bottom for a distance of 45 ft. with 6 in. by 4 in. timber. The rudder-pin was straightened and the rudder-gudgeons were refastened. A new double iron block for the cargo gear was fitted. Schooner " Tsabel." —This vessel received a gootl overhauling and many parts were renewed. Renewals were made to tho main-hatch coamings, 30 ft. of planking on the starboard and 20 ft. on tho port sides, covering-boards and waterways round the stern, decking at the after end, stern stanchions and bulwarks, lining under stringers amidships, and twenty hanging knees. Eleven 10 ft. and ten 3 ft. top-timbers on the port side and fourteen 10 ft. and eleven 3 ft. top-timbers on the starboard side were renewed, and a3O ft. rider was fitted on the keelson. A new step was fitted for the foremast. All anchor-chains were annealed. Four additional freeing-ports were fitted. The hull-bottom was sheathed with 8 in. by 1 in. totara. A new maintopmast was fitted, and new trestle-trees and cross-trees were fitted to the foremast. Explosive Permits. There were 100 permits issued at the Port of Wellington for the carriage of explosives on ships. Marine Engineers' Examinations. Examinations for certificates of competency were held at the following places throughout the Dominion, viz. : Auckland,* Wellington,*' Christchurch,* Dunedin,* Invercargill,* Hamilton,* Greymouth,* Timaru,* Napier,* Nelson,* Tauranga, Portage, Queenstown,* Wairoa, Whitianga, Mangonui, Hokianga,* Russell, Havelock, Wanganui,* Whangarei,* Rotorua, Westport, Alexandra, Gisborne. Examinations were held for the following grades during the year : First-class marine engineer, second-class marine engineer, third-class marine engineer, river engineer for steam-vessels, marine engine-driver, first-class marine engineer for auxiliary-powered vessels, second-class marine engineer for auxiliary-powered vessels, and river engineer for auxiliary-powered vessels. The total number of those who sat for these examinations was 272. Of this number thirty-one failed. I continued my visits to technical schools during the year, and I was more than pleased with what I saw of the training that is given the engineering students. I not only was present when the classes were being held, but I also had a look through the students' notebooks to find out the scope of the class-work. A. great deal of good practical instruction is given, and there seems to be a, fine sympathy existing between most of the teachers and the scholars. With the work in the machine shops, including tools for iron.and wood work and blacksmithing, I was very much struck with the aptitude of the students, and to see the number of useful tools and appliances that were being made for the students' own. use. Tho various principals and the teachers were most courteous and kind to me during those visits, and desirous that I should see all that they were doing. Concessions have since been granted to engineering students who have attended such schools as were reported on by me. Examinations of Land Engineers and Land Engine-drivers. These examinations were held at the principal centres throughout the Dominion, and special examinations have also been held at many places to suit the convenience of applicants. The full list of places where examinations were held is as follows : Auckland,* Blenheim,* Carterton, Christchurch,* Dannevirke,* Dunedin,* Gisborne,* Greymouth,* Hamilton,* Hawera, Hopelands, Inglewood, Invercargill,* Kohukohu, Masterton, Napier,* Nelson,* New Plymouth,* Pahiatua, Palmerston North,* Papatowai, Pukapuka, Puponga, Queenstown, Russell, Te Kopuru, Timaru,* Tokomaru Bay, Waimana, Wanganui,* Wellington,* Westport, and Whangarei. The examinations held were for extra first-class engineers, first-class engine-drivers, secondclass engine-drivers, winding-engine drivers (electric), locomotive and traction engine drivers, locomotive-engine drivers, and traction-engine drivers. Reciprocal certificates were issued to applicants from other States as follows -. New South

* Plaoes at which examinations have been held more than once during the year,

2—H. 15.



Wales, 1; Queensland, 2; Victoria, 4. The total number who sat for these examinations was 391. Of this number ninety-five failed. Examination of Electric-tram Drivers. Examinations for this certificate were held at Auckland.* Christchurch,* Dunedin,* Gisborne, Invercargill,* Napier, New Plymouth, A¥anganui,* Wellington.* The numbers who sat for examination totalled 119. Of this number nine failed. Board of Examiners. The Board of Examiners, consisting of the Chief Inspector of Machinery of the Marine and Inspection of Machinery Department, the Inspecting Engineer of the Mines Department, the Engineer in Chief and the Electrical Engineer of the Public Works Department, with Mr. J. G. Macpherson as Secretary, sat in Wellington on eight days to issue certificates to candidates and for other business with which the Board deals. Inspection, of Gas-, Oil-, Water-, and Electric-driven Machinery, including Lifts. This work has increased very much during late years. I am glad that local machinerymanufacturers throughout the Dominion have taken up the construction of oil-engines. Several firms now make a capital engine, which favourably compares both as to price and efficiency with imported ones, and I would like to see all such engines in the future built in our own workshops. The total number of inspections made of this class of machinery amount to 12,405, being an increase of nearly 2,000 inspections this year, which gives some idea of the growth and the use of these appliances in the short period of one year. Gas-engines numbered 1,418, oil-engines 5,761, water and electric motors, including water-wheels, 3,489. There were a great number of oil-engines still due for inspection at the end of the year. Fencing and Guarding of Machinery. This branch of the work has been carefully attended to, and all assistance and advice rendered to owners of machinery at the annual visit of the Inspector. The number of notices given to fence dangerous parts of the machinery in motion was 1,612, just double the number of the notices given to owners last year. I regret to have to report several accidents to life and limb of persons employed amongst moving machinery. Some of these proved fatal. A detailed account, of these appear in a return appended. Boilers inspected. During the year 6,951 boilers were inspected and certificates issued for same. At the end of the year there were many boilers uninspected. It is difficult to cope with the increases to boilers and machinery in any one year as well as to get over the old work. Each Inspector has been fully occupied this year. There are so many circumstances occurring to take up the time of Inspectors, such as piecemeal surveys of steamers, extra examinations of marine engineers, and of land-engine drivers and electric-motormen, all of which have been more apparent since the war started. Boilers and machinery are increasing in all districts at a very rapid rate, and longer trips have to be made by Inspectors in country districts. The number of defects discovered in boilers and digesters was 908, of which twelve were very dangerous. Written notices given to owners to repair boilers numbered 561. This branch of work has gone on very smoothly. Times suitable for inspection to owners as far as possible have been arranged for. This applies more especially to dairy-factory owners, but, these factories are so numerous and so scattered that it. has been found impossible to comply in all cases in the slack season of the year. Considerable discussion has arisen with pressures allowed on peculiarly constructed vessels, carrying pressures at new freezing-w-orks, at laundries, and at motor-garages. The correspondence has been of a very pleasant and instructive nature, and pressures have been allowed satisfactory to both the owner and the Department after due consideration. New Boilers inspected. The number of new boilers inspected for the first time this year totals 353, which is an increase of 8 per cent, on last year's total. It is satisfactory to report the increase in the number of locally made boilers this year. The local boilers made include all sizes, from the smallest farm boiler to a large multitubular boiler of 82 horse-power, 6 ft. 5 in. diameter, and 17 ft. 9 in. long. The attention of boilermakers is drawn to the matter of safety-valves. In many cases particulars of the lever and weight type arc submitted which show that the weight on the lever and of the valve itself have never been considered. This has necessitated the cutting of levers after the safety-valves have been put together. In the case of direct spring-loaded valves many cases have occurred where the springs have been too rigid to permit, the valve lifting an amount equal to one-quarter its diameter. Boilermakers who desire to avoid repeated calculations are recommended to record essential dimensions of safety-valves as they are correctly made, and thus effect standardization. Some authorities restrict the lift of spring-loaded safety-valves to less than one-quarter its diameter and buyers of foreign safety-valves are wrong in assuming that a safety-valve so designed is equal to one of the same diameter made according to the Department's requirements. To compensate for such restricted lift valves larger in diameter or more in number must be fitted, or the rigid spring replaced by one permitting the required compression.

* Places at which examinations have been held more than once during the year.



The following table gives the districts in which the new boilers have gone, the horse-power, and whether made in the Dominion or imported : —

Districts and Inspectors. Mr. Knowles, who had been stationed at Christchurch for some years, was transferred to the Wanganui district. Mr. Johnston was transferred to the Hamilton district from Wanganui. Inspector Macindoe, who since his appointment had been attached to the Wellington district, left the Department to go into business on his own account in Fiji. Mr. Macindoe proved a good and careful officer in every way, and I was sorry to lose his services. Messrs. Maxwell and Alexander were new appointments during the year. The former lias been stationed at Wellington and the latter at Christchurch. T , , ° I have, &c, RODBRT DUNCAN, Chief Inspector of Machinery, Chief Surveyor of Ships; Chief Examiner of Marine Engineers, Land Engineers, Stationaryengine Drivers, and Electric-tram Drivers. The Secretary, Marine and Inspection of Machinery Department.

The Chief Inspector of Fisheries to the Secretary, Marine Department Sir,— Wellington, 24th May, 1917. I have the honour to submit herewith the following report on the fisheries of the Dominion for the year ended the 31st March. The fisheries which I was able to visit during the year were Bay of Islands, Whangaruru, Whangarei, Kaipara, Hauraki Gulf, Coromandel Coast, Thames, Great Barrier, Wanganui, Cook Strait, Marlborough Sounds, and several places on the Canterbury, Otago, and Southland coasts, and Foveaux Strait. I inspected the oyster-beds at Bay of Islands. Whangaruru, Kaipara, Great Barrier, Hauraki Gulf, and Coromandel, and I personally supervised and assisted in planting a shipment of rockoysters in Pelorus Sound, and also inspected the toheroa beds north of Kaipara and along the coast from the New River Heads to Riverton in Southland. As we were again short of skilled assistance 1 helped with the collection of salmon-eggs last spawning season, and also with the hatching and liberation of salmon on the West Coast. I inspected some of the tributaries of the Wairau River (Marlborough) and Molyneux River, and a site for a salmon-hatchery was decided on for each of these rivers. The different fish-markets have been generally well supplied with fish throughout the year. Any scarcity which may have existed for a time was principally due to unfavourable weatherconditions. The outstanding feature in connection with the sea-fisheries during the year has been the extension of the steam-trawling industry at, Auckland. Five well-equipped vessels are now trawling from that port, and immense quantities, including a splendid variety of the best market fishes, have been brought in almost daily from the prolific trawling-grounds which exist about, two hours' steam from Auckland. With the very large quantities brought, in, and the keen competition between the Municipal Fish-market and the private firms, the price of fish has been greatly reduced, and the people of Auckland are now able to get a plentiful supply of fresh fish

i Lo, sal. Imported. Toi ial. District. Number. Horse- .. , ; Horse- ! „ . power. Number. , power _ Number. _l |_ I ' Horsepower. Auckland ... Auckland South Hawke's Bay raranaki Wellington North Wellington . . Marlborough Nelson Nelson South Westland Canterbury Canterbury South Otago Southland ... 16 23 24 34 17 24 4 4 4 3 28 3 12 18 275f 52 286*. 68 215 13 167* 36 158 15 243* ; 89 410* 12 477* ! 46 150 2 6 19 1234; 18 439 42 13* 2 10 6 94* ... ... 4. 22* 4 311 8 30 4 53* 7 140 9 329* 37 33 1 6 4 52| 5 74} 17 208* ; 2 14f 20 275f 215 158 410fV 150 123} 13* 94. 22* 30 140 33 52| 208* 52 13 15 12 2 18 2 _ 4 9 1 5 2 562} 382* 401* 888 156 562} 23* 94* 333* 83* 469* 39" 127 223J Totals ... 214 1,927} 139 2,419 353 4,346} ■



at a reasonable price. The Auckland Municipal Council has extended its market, and also increased its catching-power by the purchase of an up-to-date trawler. This vessel was specially built for trawling, and it has clearly demonstrated the superiority of a vessel so built, for fishing by being able to work farther afield in deep water and stay out in any weather. I include in this report a summary of the information contained in the annual reports received from the Collectors of Customs and Inspectors of Fisheries at the various fishing-ports; also tables showing the number of fishing-boats licensed during the year, the number of fishermen employed, &c., and approximately the total quantity and value of fish caught and marketed. The following is a summary of the information supplied by Collectors of Customs and Inspectors of Fisheries in their reports for the year: — Russell. —The supply of market fish during the past, year has been exceedingly good; mullet, and schnapper have been particularly plentiful. With the exception of crayfish only a small quantity of other fish has been sent to the Auckland market during the past year, the principal market being Whangarei and inland towns and settlements, where there is a large and increasing demand for both fresh and smoked fish. Hokianga. —The usual fish caught on the local fishing-grounds has been plentiful. All the fish caught are sold locally. Whangarei. —The catch of fish for the year shows a considerable increase on the quantitytaken in 1916, fish of all kinds being plentiful. Kaipara. —The Inspector reports all kinds of fish usually caught on the local fishing-grounds have been plentiful, but there is considerable falling-of! in the quantity of fish taken owing to the trawlers on the Auckland fishing-grounds supplying that market with all kinds of fish in very large quantities. On account of the decrease in the demand for the Kaipara fish for the Auckland market, more than half the fishermen have given up fishing and taken to other employment, the number of fishing-boats licensed for the year being twenty-three, as against forty in 1916. The mulletcanning industry has also fallen off considerably, only 6,000 dozen being canned during the year. Auckland District (Hauraki Gulf). —All kinds of market fish have been plentiful, and immense quantities have been brought in to the Auckland market, by the five trawlers which are now working from Auckland. The market has been fully supplied, and on this account, and the keen competition between the owners of the trawlers, fish have been sold at a much lower price than formerly. The line and net fishermen have not been ablo to compete with the trawlers, and consequently most of them have had to dispose of their boats and seek other employment. The oyster-beds generally are looking very well, but the Inspector reports a poor fixing of spat last season, and on that account special care was exercised in picking the beds last season, and the same caution will have to be continued until a better supply of young oysters is showing on all the beds. Thames. —Fish have been plentiful throughout the year, and good catches by fishermen have been the rule. Flounders have been particularly plentiful through the summer months, the fishermen being unable to find a market for all they could catch, and the Auckland merchants frequently limited the quantity wliich they would take. Considerable quantities of flounders have been sent to the Wellington market through the summer. The fish were carefully cleaned, chilled, and packed in ice, and reached Wellington after a forty-eight hours' train journey in splendid condition. Tauranga.- —Fishing throughout the year has been very good. Since the trawling started in Auckland the market for fish has been confined to local requirements and supplying the inland towns and settlements. Gisborne. —The usual fish caught on the local fishing-grounds have been plentiful throughout the year, and when the weather was favourable good catches were made by the trawler and other fishing-boats. All the fish caught found a ready market in Gisborne and inland. Napier. —The local Inspector reports that the past year has been the worst on record for the fishing industry in Hawke's Bay. The reasons stated are scarcity of fish, prevailing easterly weather, shortage of coal, scarcity of netting twine, and the " slime" which made its apipearance in the bay in November and December. This substance choked the nets and caused considerable damage, and generally hindered fishing operations. Some of the smaller trawlers tried line fishing, but the results were not sufficiently encouraging for them to continue. On account of the unremuuerative results obtained several of the trawlers stopped working at intervals. A number of the small-boat fishermen also gave up fishing, and found employment handling cargo on the wharf and in other ways. It is very probable that the reported scarcity of fish is only temporary, and that with favourable weather-conditions the supply will soon return to the usual seasonal average. New Plymouth. —When the weather was favourable fair catches were made by the small boats. The one steam trawler working for a time from the port made fair catches, and, having a command of ice, was able to send the surplus fish to inland towns. Wanganui. —The quantity of fish taken during the twelve months was 1,610 cwt., which shows a large increase on the quantity taken in 1916. Foxton. —The fishermen have not been so successful during the year as they were in 1916. The return of the fish caught is given at 390 cwt., as against 800 cwt. the previous year. The whitebait season has been a very poor one, the Manawatu River being in flood and discoloured during the greater part of the time that the whitebait usually run. Wellington District. —The weather-conditions throughout the year have been very favourable, but notwithstanding this the Inspector states that the catches have not been so good as during the previous season. The. fishermen state that the hapuku were scarce on the grounds which are



usually fished, and on account erf the high price of benzine they could not afford to prospect for new fishing-grounds farther away from their home ports. Sharks and dogfish have been unusually plentiful, and have caused the fishermen considerable loss of time and fishing-gear. A large quantity of fish have been brought in from other districts, and on the whole the Wellington market has been well supplied with fish throughout the year. Picton. —The catches of blue cod, butterfish, and hapuku compare favourably with those of other seasons. Six launches have been engaged in whaling, and the season has been the most successful one on record for the Sounds. Wairau. —In comparison with 1916 the catches during the past season have been rather poor. The prices realized for fish were good, and compared favourably with those obtained at other places. A large proportion of the fish caught is shipped to Wellington. Nelson. —The total quantity of fish taken, both in Tasman Bay and on the French Pass fishing-grounds, during the twelve months is estimated at 25 per cent, less than during 1916. Fishermen say that fish of all kinds have been showing a decrease on the grounds worked for several years, but they are unable to account for this increasing scarcity. All the fish caught at Erench Pass are sent to the Wellington market. Westport. —Tho past season has been a fairly good one, hapuku and flat fish showing a considerable increase on the previous year's catch. The whitebait season has been exceptionally poor. Greymouth. —Owing to the bar harbour and entire want of shelter along the coast very little fishing is done. From January to April is practically the only season when fishing-boats can depend on working the outside grounds. All the fish caught are sold locally. The run of whitebait in the Grey River this season has been very poor. Hokitika. —The quantity of fish caught during the year shows a considerable increase on what was brought in in 1916. On account of fish being taken in considerable quantities off the coast, a very much better variety of fish has been marketed than in previous years. The run of whitebait has been exceptionally poor. Kaikoura. —The fishing industry in this district is in a very flourishing condition. The freezer which has recently been erected is proving a boon to the fishermen, and they all seem to be doing very well. Having a supply of ice, the fishermen arc able to land their fish in the Wellington and Christchurch markets without any risk of loss. Rangiora. —Fish have been plentiful, and good catches have been made. The quantity of fish marketed during the last season is in excess of the previous year. Kaiapoi.- —The principal fishing is for whitebait. The season for this migratory fish has been a fair one. The catches of flounders have been below the average of other seasons. New Brighton. —Whitebait is the principal fish caught, and the Inspector reports that the season, taken right through, has been rather a poor one. Lyttelton. —The catches of all kinds of fish compare favourably with the average of other seasons. Bad weather hindered fishing operations considerably, and prevented fishermen from visiting the more distant grounds as frequently as they otherwise would have done. The most, of the fish caught are sent to the Christchurch market. Akaroa. —The Inspector for the district, reports fair catches throughout the year. He considers that there would be a great increase in the quantity of fish caught, if facilities for their disposal direct to the public were provided in Christchurch from a municipal market, with cool storage for holding the fish, and also if better facilities were available for getting the fish to market either by boat or railway. Southbridge (Lake Ellesmere). —The supply of fish taken during the year was considerably below the quantity taken in 1916. Timaru. —Unfavourable weather during a good part of the winter and spring months considerably hindered fishing operations. Groper, flounders, and other fish have been fairly plentiful, and on the whole the fishermen have had a good season. The fishermen's retail market on the wharf has been well patronized by the public. Besides being a financial success it, has allowed people to get fish perfectly fresh and at a reasonable price. Oamuru. —The catches throughout the year have been above the average with regard to the quantity of fish brought in. Groper, warehou, and blue cod have been plentiful on the local fishing-grounds. Red cod, although plentiful, have been in very poor condition. After supplying the local market's requirements the balance of the fish is sent to the Christchurch and Dunedin markets. Fishermen complain of the treatment which they receive from merchants in connection with the consignments of fish they send to the cities, and strongly recommend that an officer should be appointed to inspect the fish on arrival and certify to its condition. They also consider that fresh fish should be carried at a much lower rate on the railways. Otago District. —The Inspector reports that the weather-conditions during a great part of the year have been unfavourable, and fishing operations have been considerably hindered in consequence; and ho also states that the fishermen consider the past season to be the worst they have experienced for several years. Fish of all kinds were plentiful on the fishing-grounds, and when the weather was favourable good catches were made both by the trawlers and line men. In fact, at times the Dunedin market was glutted with fish, and it is stated that during the month of May over 10 tons of fish were returned to Port Chalmers and taken out to sea and thrown overboard. At Moeraki, Nugget Bay, and Pounawea the season for all kinds of fish has been an average one. In order to prevent waste of fish when large catches are made, and in order to develop the industry generally, better transport facilities would be of material assistance. Invercargill. —The fishermen throughout the district report that they have had a good year. Fish have been plentiful, and good catches have been the rule. The total quantity of fish marketed is considerably more than in 1916.



Bluff. —The Inspector says the season, both for fish and oysters, has been a good one. Two new oyster-beds have been discovered, on which the oysters are large and plentiful. Owing to the irregular intercolonial steamer service there has been a decrease in the export of fish and oysters to the Australian markets. Half-moon Bay .—Good catches of blue cod, which is the principal market fish taken on the local grounds, have been made throughout, the season, and the total quantity of all kinds of fish marketed shows a considerable increase on the previous year. Chatham Islands. —Blue cod is the principal fish caught, and the fishermen have made very good catches throughout the season for this fish. The Inspector reports that the fishermen have carefully obeyed the regulations with regard to fishing, and that the freezing establishments are maintained in a clean and healthy condition. The fishing industry is maintaining its hold, and while the weather is favourable good money is made by the fishermen. At present most of the fishermen are Natives, as so many of the European fishermen have gone to the front. The Inspector states further that a drawback to the industry, as far as the fishermen are concerned, is the want of employment for the men during bad weather and between seasons— that is, from December to February—and he suggests that land should be reserved and thrown open in small areas for selection by fishermen. This would enable the men to own their own cottages, and have sufficient land to cultivate in their spare time. Such a scheme, I consider, would encourage steady men to take up fishing as a means of livelihood, and is particularly necessary in isolated localities such as the Chatham Islands.

Table showing the Number of Steam Trawlers, Oil-engine Trawlers, and other Vessels employed in Line and Net Fishing, with the Number of Fishermen employed, and approximately the Total Number of Persons engaged in the Fishing Industry at each Port, for the Year ended 31st March, 1917.

iompiled from the returns given in the District Inspectors' ■eports.) Name of Port. I Steam Trawler,'. i Persons t • i : -M- i i Employed in .... Line- and I Number ol f ■ Oil-eninne , T , K u- m- i. various ways; , p ,° Net-nshini, Fishermen • ,. J Trawlers. TT , e „ , , in connection Vessels. , employed, j Industry. Total . Number of Persons employed. i i J I I -_J "I I I ! Russell Hokianga .. Whangarei Kaipara Auckland Thames Tauranga Gisborne Napier New Plymouth Wanganui Foxton Wellington Pieton . . . . Blenheim Nelson ... Westport Greymouth Hokitika .. .. Kaikoura Rangipra Kaiapoi and Styx New Brighton Southbridge Lyttelton and Sumner Akaroa Timaru i 5 1 9 2 1 2 1 8 4 47 90 50 25 48 6 | 22 23 30 2 153 331 300 25 50 15 30 10 15 65 118 9 18 36 10 1 8 21 14 20 89 170 160 8 12 5 11 12 2 58 20 8 15 3 10 3 9 12 1 100 12 3 15 30 15 16 43 45 9 9 .1.4 14 5 15 27 1 13 13 8 13 30 8 13 20 4 75 162 74 Hi 100 25 4 67 130 32 61 3 15 57 I 140 48 22 32 631 50 30 • 15 127 46 21 20 330 12 14 20 13 12 112 30 16 45 9 14 31 13 38 20 236 125 130 64 57 Oamaru Dunedin and Port Chalmers . . Invercargill. . Bluff Stewart Island Chatham Islands Grand totals 29 41 985 1,854 669 2,523 29 41. 985



Table showing the Various Kinds of Fish caught, and approximately the Total Quantities and Value of Fish Landed, at the different Fishing-ports for the Year ended 31st March, 1917.



(Compiled from the figures given in the District Inspectors' reports Name of Port. Kinds of Fish caught. for the yei ar.) Total Weight. Total Value. Russell .. .. Mullet, schnappcr, crayfish, kahawai, kingfish, garfish, tarakihi.. Hokianga . . .. Mullet, schnappcr, kahawai, hapuku Whangarei .. . . Mullet, schnappcr, hapuku, flounder Kaipara .. .. Mullet, schnappcr, flounder Auckland .. .. Schnapper, flounder, trevally, tarakihi, moki, gurnard, triggerfish Thames .. .. Flounder, schnapper Tauranga .. .. Schnapper, kahawai, trevally Gisborne .. . . Schnapper, flounder, sole, gurnard, kingfish Napier .. .. Gurnard, blue cod, red cod, mullet, flounder, sole, butterfish, horse-mackerel, schnapper, hapuku, moki, trumpeter, ling, barraoouta, kingfish, trevally, warehou, crayfish New Plymouth .. Schnapper, gurnard, kahawai, hapuku, herring, crayfish, whitebait Wanganui .. .. Schnapper, blue cod, hapuku, flounder, mullet, kahawai Foxton .. .. Flounder, schnappcr, whitebait .. .. .. Wellington .. .. Hapuku, hake, schnapper, tarakihi, kahawai, trumpeter, blue cod, red cod, flounder, solo, warehou | Pieton .. .. Blue cod, flounder, butterfish .. .. .. .. I Blenheim .. . . Sole, tarakihi, red cod, ling, flounder, moki, turbot, brill, crayfish, whitebait Nelson .. .. Flounder, sole, hapuku, butterfish, schnapper, moki, warehou .. Westport .. .. Hapuku, schnapper, blue cod, kahawai, sole, herring, flounder, j whitebait, crayfish Greymouth .. .. Sole, flounder, hapuku, schnapper, red cod, ling, herring Hokitika .. .. Whitebait, herring, groper, cod, kahawai, ling, flounder, sole, schnapper, elephant-fish Kaikoura . . .. Hapuku, trumpeter, moki, ling, blue cod, sole, flounder Rangiora . . .. Whitebait, flounder, herring Kaiapoi .. .. Whitebait, flounder, herring, kahawai New Brighton .. Whitebait .. .. .... Southbridge .. .. Flounder, red cod Lyttelton .. .. Groper, ling, red cod, conger-eel, flounder, sole, trevally, herring, garfish, butterfish, moki Akaroa .. . . Groper, blue cod, red cod, trevally, moki, butterfish, flounder, sole, ling, crayfish Timaru .. .. Groper, sole, brill, barraoouta, kingfish, gurnard, ling, red cod . . Oamaru .. .. Groper, red cod, moki, blue cod, barraoouta, warehou 1.) u n o d i n and Port Groper, trumpeter, mullet, garfish, bream, kingfish, ling, blue Chalmers cod, rod cod, barraoouta, moki, tarakihi, trevally Invercargill . . . . Blue cod, groper, trout Bluff .. .. Blue cod, groper, trout, flounder, trevally .. .. Stewart Island .. Blue cod, groper, butterfish, moki.. Chatham Islands .. Blue cod, liapuku Owt. 2,800* 642 1,400 4,800 68,580 £ 2,800 600 1,000 2,750 17,842 668 Not su 15,423f 600 pplied. 14,260 3,040 2,360 1,610 390 16,000 1,942 480 15,000 2,200 833 2,053 1,031 Not su 645J pplied. 1,220 164 4,141 344 997 5,840 91 153 1.3 200 .13.460 4,390 615 426 150 120 12,562 2,300§ 1,995 3.020 6,860 52,980 2,911 3,209 42,148 1,443 11,401 4,838 10,484 2,127 15,923 5,990 6,189 Totals 236,419 164,034 * 700 sacks crayfish. t 301) sacks crayfish. 1 300 sacks crayfish. § 500 i sacks crayfish

Looality. Looality. Disposed of in Dominion. Exported. Total Number. Total Value. Foveaux Straits ... ... Bock-oysters. Sacks. 26,482 Sacks. 2,727 Sacks. 29,209 £ s. d. 14,628 0 0 Bay of Islands Hauraki Gulf Hokianga 3,878 4,232 56 8,166 5,479 17 6 Total .__.. ... 17_6

Whaling-station. ™ Number of Whales taken. iNumDt Hi ales t Yield of Oil. Bonedust. Total Value, [ ;. Vhangamumu larlborough Sounds and Cook Strait ... 25 57 Tons. 100 200 Tons. 20 & s. d. 2,120 0 0 3,800 0 0 Totals 82 82 300 20 5,920 0 0



Return showing the Total Quantity and Value of Fish Imported into and Exported, from New Zealand during the Year ended 31st December, 1916.


Rock-oyster Beds. As will be seen by the return given in this report, the total quantity of oysters marketed during the year was 8,166 sacks. The oysters were in splendid condition throughout the wholo of the season. There was a considerable increase in tho number of retail parcels sold on previous seasons, showing that tho public appreciate the Department's efforts to supply small quantities at a reasonable price. On account of the poor fixing of spat on all the beds during the last three seasons the oysterbeds everywhere have had to be carefully nursed, and every care taken that the quantity picked each season does not exceed the number of young oysters which are coming on to take the place of those taken away. Valuable work in the improvement of the beds has been done during the summer months at Great Barrier and Bay of Islands by removing "high-water" rock down to the mid-tide oyster-line. It was the intention of the Department to commence restocking the beds at Whangaroa, in Whangaroa Harbour, this season, but owing to the difficulty of getting a suitable scow to convey the oyster-rock from the Bay of Islands it was found impossible to carry out, this work as intended. A shipment of oyster-rock was taken by the " Hinemoa " from Manukau Harbour and planted in Crail and Manaroa Bays, Pelorus Sound. The oyster-rock arrived in good condition, and was successfully planted in suitable localities in the bays mentioned. With regard to the rock-oysters planted in Queen Charlotte Sound and Tory Channel lastyear, two or three of the plants put down in Bay of Many Coves have died, but those in the otherbeds are reported to be growing and doing well. Planting Foveaux Strait Oysters in Cook Strait. It was the intention of the Department, to put down a bed of Foveaux Strait oysters in Cook Strait during the year, but on account, of the oysters being too near spawning in October the work bad to be put off for that season ; but arrangements have now been made to have oysters planted during the coming winter. Quinnat Salmon. The number of salmon-eggs collected last spawning season was 1,106,000; 866,000 were collected at the Hakataramea Station and 240,000 from the Dobson River. An effort was made to net the Ahuriri River for spawning salmon, but on account of the heavy current and freshes the attempt was not successful. The salmon-eggs were disposed of as follows : 25,000 were supplied to the Tasmanian Government, 1,000,000 were sent to the West, Coast to stock the Hokitika River, and 81,000 were hatched out at, Hakataramea. • I estimate that quite four times as many salmon came up the Waitaki last spawning season as during the season of 1915; the collection of eggs was more than four times the quantity taken the previous year. With regard to the time that these salmon commence to run in from the sea, the first fish this season was taken during the last week of January. A very large run came in during the last two weeks of February, and all through the month of March. In the Waitaki they were taken, freely by trout-anglers; the number landed in this way is estimated at about 400 fish,

V i'ISH IM FOR IT. ;ed. Quantity. Value. Anchovies, salted (in bulk) Oysters, fresh Other fish, fresh or frozen Pish, preserved in tins Pish, smoked, dried, pickled, and salted ... 10 cwt. Nil. 9 cwt. ... 2,727,9141b. 640 cwt. £28 Nil. £32 £90,908 £1,853

New Zealand Produce. Not New Zoa' Quantity. Value. Quantity. Anchovies, salted (in bulk) ... ... Nil. Nil. Nil. Oysters, fresh ... ... ... 178,354doz. £1,340 Nil. Other fish, fresh or frozen ... ... 18,133cwt. £29,737 Nil. Pish, preserved in tins ... ... 128,5281b. £7,526 137,7611b. Fish, smoked, dried, pickled, and salted 91 cwt. £212 9 cwt. land Produce. Value. Nil. Nil. Nil. £5,053 £30



averaging about 161b. in weight; and about the same number are reported as having been taken in the Rangitata, averaging about 17 lb. The run of salmon in the Waitaki this spawning season is far ahead of last year's run. From the number of fish which are now running in the Hakataramea, and judging the other three large tributaries by the number of salmon wliich myself and assistants have seen in the Ohau River, it is no exaggeration to say that the salmon in the Waitaki and its tributaries this season must number tens of thousands. As it has been proved that salmon-eggs can now be collected in large quantities, the Department lias decided on a vigorous policy with regard to stocking other suitable: rivers throughout the Dominion. During the past summer a hatchery capable of dealing with half a million eggs was erected on a tributary ol' the Wairau Uiver (Marlborough), and 'a site for a hatchety has been secured at Wanaka Lake, where temporary arrangements will be made this season for the purpose of hatching out half a million eggs for the purpose of stocking the Molyneux River. It is intended litis season to allot hall' a million eggs to each 'of the three rivers which the Department has now in hand —viz., the Hokitika, Wairau, and Molyneux. The result of the inquiries imule goes to show that the salmon have spread along the coast north as far as the Waiau (North Canterbury), and south to the Taieri River. The Taieri is at; times rather badly polluted by gold-mining, but from an examination of the tideway at its mouth, and its condition in the gorge above Outram, I think it, is quite possible for salmon lo make their way *Up to the clear tributaries beyond where the races from the sluicing claims join the main river. The very rapid increase of the quinnat salmon must be considered as most satisfactory, and the time is very near indeed when they will be placed on the market, and the people of the Dominion will have New-Zealand-grown salmon on their tables. New Zealand has the distinction of being the only country in the Southern Hemisphere which has successfully acclimatized salmon, and on the authority of experts it is said to be the only country in the world which has been successful in acclimatizing this salmon away from its native habitat. The success attained in acclimatizing this fish is undoubtedly due to the systematic and vigorous effort made by the Marine Department, commencing in 1900. Had any of these very prolific fish survived from the spasmodic efforts made to acclimatize them previous to 1900 they would have declared themselves long before the Department commenced its importations in 1900. Atlantic, Salmon. So far there is no actual proof that the Department's effort to acclimatize these fish in the Waiau River in Southland has been successful. Fish were caught by anglers near the mouth of the Waiau last angling season, which were said to differ considerably from the Waiau trout both in shape and appearance. None of these fish, however, were submitted to the Department, for identification, so the question as to whether these fish were Atlantic salmon is a matter of doubt. Collection of Brown-trout Eggs. Owing to the very unfavourable weather and river conditions throughout the whole of the spawning season in South Canterbury and North Otago we were unable to collect, all the eggs required to supply orders from acclimatization societies, and to keep faith with these societies the Department, had to purchase a large quantity of eyed ova from the Christchurch and Southland Acclimatization. Societies. Development of the Fisheries. In this time of stress the Government is required to give every possible assistance in increasing the supply, and also cheapening the necessaries of life for the people of the Dominion. The fisheries are capable of producing a very large supply of a necessary food, and special attention and assistance should be given to the industry at, the present time. As with the development of all other industries, a certain amount of money must, be provided by the Government, and every encouragement should be given the fishermen and others already employed in connection with the industry. I think the Government, should encourage and assist the Municipal Councils of the principal cities in the erection of suitable fish-markets, and in the adoption of a system of distribution of fish from these markets, and in supplying inland towns and country districts with a regular supply of fresh and cured fish. For the purpose of assisting the present fishermen, and encouraging more fishermen to engage- in fishing, f would respectfully make the following recommendations: — (1.) That the Government advance money to fishermen for the purchase of suitable boats and fishing outfit. (2.) The insurance of fishermen's boats by the State Fire Insurance Office. (3.) The erection of fish-chilling and ice-making plants in outlying parts of the coast, so as to ensure all fish reaching market in a perfectly fresh condition. (4.) Encourage fishermen to go in for purse-seining by a practical demonstration of the use of this net on tho various fishing-grounds around the coast. By this method fish can be taken in very large quantities and at small cost in comparison to trawling. (."i.) Giving a bonus on fish canned and cured for export, and also on ilie production of fertilizer manufactured from fish-offal and unmarketable fish, •

,3—H. 15.



A better system of marketing and distributing fish would undoubtedly result, in a large increase in the quantity of fish brought in by the present fishermen, for the Department has had clear evidence placed before it during the past year where fish-merchants have systematically restricted the quantities of fish they would take from fishermen ; and also information from one port where the fishermen's union restricts the quantity of fish each boat is allowed to send to the local wholesale market. I am confident, too, that the assistance which I have recommended should be given by the Government, would at once result in a considerable increase in the number of men engaged in fishing. At the present time fishermen all over the Dominion are working under great, difficulties, owing to the high prices they have to pay for everything they require in connection with their trade. Benzine and lubricating-oil are about double the price they were before the war. Nets and netting-twine have increased about 75 per cent., and are very difficult, to procure at any price. So unless fishermen can. either get a better price from the wholesale merchant for the fish, or receive some assistance from the Government, there is a risk that numbers may have to seek other employment, from which they can receive a higher and steadier income, to enable them to meet the increased cost of living. i | laV) , &, 0 L. F. Ayson, Chief Inspector of Fisheries.




Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine and Inspection of Machinery Department during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1917.

Nature of Expenditure. Details. Totals. Grand Totals. Head Office : Salaries of staff Harbours:— Greymouth,— Salary of Engineer Hokianga,— Salaries of staff New house for Harbourmaster . . Repairing launch Stores and contingencies Kaipara,— Salaries of staff Lighting beacons in Holcnsville River Repairing launch Repairing and attending buoys .. Repairs to houses Stores and contingencies Wellington,— Salary of storcman Pioton, —■ Salary Stores and contingencies Ngunguru,— Salary .. W hangaparapara, — Salary Stores and contingencies Napier,— Salary Marokopa,— Salary Tongaporutu,— Salary Stores and contingencies Mokau, — Salary Awakino, — SalaryStores and contingencies Waitapu,—Salary Stores and contingencies Puponga,— Stores and contingencies Collingwood, — Salary Removing snags, &e. Stores and contingencies £ s. d. 590 0 0 92 16 4 23 16 11 75 6 0 739 0 0 23 10 0 35 5 10 12 17 I 40 12 2 208 11 0 260 0 0 31 14 6 13 13 1 0 8 6 25 0 0 12 1 10 20 0 0 7 18 2 25 0 0 5 12 6 70 0 0 6 18 6 26 0 7 £ s. d. 4,750 0 0 480 0 0 781 19 3 1,059 16 1 220 0 0 291 14 6 16 0 0 £ s. d. 14 I 7 20 0 0 10 0 0 37 1 10 60 0 0 27 18 2 25 0 0 5 12 6 30 12 6 5 8 8 Karamea, —• Salary Shifting beacons, &c. Stores and contingencies Wages, Relieving Harbourmaster Little Wanganui,— Piloting vessels Hokitika, — Salary Gas and contingeneias Repairs Okarito, —■ Salary Stores and contingencies 145 0 0 13 19 0 39 19 9 77 10 0 20 0 0 15 13 10 17 14 8 75 0 0 24 19 6 102 19 1 276 8 9 13 0 0 53 8 6 Okuru, — Salary Stores and contingencies Waikawa, — Salary Anglem Point,. — Salary Stores and contingencies 60 0 0 4 5 0 25 0 0 11 2 2 99 19 (i 64 5 0 10 0 0 25 0 0 11 2 2 36 2 2 25 11 8 5 5 2 Supervision of beaches, Hauraki Gulf General contingencies Lighthouses :— Salaries Oil, stores, and contingencies Keepers' travelling-expenses Salary of Lighthouse Expert Automatic light for Jackson's Head . . i 10,050 8 3 7,668 15 II 824 4 (i 300 0 0 295 6 7 10,050 8 3 7,668 15 II 824 4 (i 300 0 0 295 6 7 1.9,138 15 3 Meteorological (Iffice :— Salaries Cleaning offices Extra clerical assistance Inspection of stations Postage, telegrams, rent of boxes 1,247 3 11 29 4 0 23 7 6 28 0 9 .1,326 .1.1 8 1,247 3 II. 29 4 0 23 7 6 28 0 9 1,326 11 8



Return showing the Total Ordinary Expenditure of the Marine and Inspection of Machinery Department, etc. — continued.

Nature of Expenditure. Details. Totals. Grand Totals. Meteorological Office— continued. Printing and stationery Rent, office equipment, &,e. Repairs to instruments Telephones Weather messages by wireless Purchase of instruments Contingencies £ s. d. 128 17 1 144 2 6 1. 4 0 49 16 9 100 0 0 69 18 3 9 14 3 £ s. d. £ s d, 3,158 0 8 Mercantile Marine Offices : — Salaries Cleaning offices Office equipment and rent Maintaining launch for Wellington surveyors Telephones Travelling allowances and expenses Contingencies 5,682 15 3 14 7 0 243 14 10 172 5 0 106 12 5 143 0 I 11 5 3 Inspection of Machinery and Survey of Ships : — Salaries Advertising, books and periodicals Collection of inspection fees Rent, cleaning offices, &c. Telephones Travelling allowances and expenses Contingencies 6,373 19 10 10,479 16 10 41 4 6 150 0 0 HI 3 6 103 8 I 3,358 10 4 72 17 0 Protection of fish and oysters :— Salaries Benzine, oil, stores, &c. Casual labour Collection and distribution of brown-trout ova.. Hakataramoa salmon-hatchery Grant for maintenance of fish-hatchery at Portobello Picking and sale of oysters Planting oysters in Hauraki Gulf Stocking a Westland and other rivers with salmon Subsidy to Portobello Fish-hatchery for research work (£lfor£I) Travelling allowances ami expenses Contingencies 14,317 0 3 1,571 I'l II 379 6 3 180 5 10 116 18 8 67 0 7 500 0 0 4,111 10 3 30 1.4 4 547 I 6 35 0 0 392 13 11 29 3 9 58,783 9 4 7,961 7 0 Ijoss miscellaneous credits 59,439 15 5 656 6 1 Government steamers : — Special payment to R. Duncan, Chief Surveyor of Ships, for preparing plans and specifications of now steamer S.s. " Hinemoa " .. Training-ship " Aniokura " .. 50 tl 0 .11,146 10 3 9,395 0 2 Miscellaneous services :-- Administration of the Shipping and Seamen Act, and inquiries into shipping casualties.. Antarctic ship "Aurora," repairs, &c. Jackson's Head beacon and Waitapu leading-lights Carriage and freight Checking overcrowding on steamers Compensation to Pitcaithly and Co. Contribution to New Zealand Sailors' Room, England . . Piako River leading-lights Expenses connected with examinations Extra clerical assistance Fog-signals, cartridges, and maintenance Gas and fuel for offices .. " New Zealand Nautical Almanac " .. Office equipment Postage, telegrams, rent of boxes Preparation of tide-tables Printing and stationery Relief of distressed seamen Relief of distressed New Zealand seamen in United Kingdom Remission dues tug " Dunedin " Subsidy for Whangaparapara East Wharf Superannuation of R. C. Hunter, injured on " Tutanekai " Survey of unseaworthy ships Survey of site for fishermen's landing-place, Waikanae .. Telephones Travelling allowances and expenses Contingencies Prosecutions under Shipping, Harbours, and Fisheries Act i Refund wages (A. McDonald) 20,591 10 5 293 6 6 21,377 2 7 76 0 9 79 I 6 384 7 3 500 0 0 1,7 17 0 36 18 1 6 3 3 210 1 10 143 12 7 19 19 4 305 5 10 33 0 0 1,127 0 11 550 0 0 851 13 9 120 17 4 45 15 2 2 7 3 150 0 0 90 0 0 2 2 0 22 18 6 54 10 0 25 13 9 54 3 7 19 11 3 2 17 3 Less credits 26,602 7 3 159 0 4 26,443 6 11 Grand total .. .V £105,818 6 8



Return showing Total Cost of Maintenance of the New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1917.

Return showing Number of Fishing-boats registered and licensed at each Port during the Year ended 31st December, 1916.

Oil consumed. Name of Lighthouse. Salaries. Gallons. Value. Stores and Contingencies. Totals. Cape Maria van Diemen Cape Brett Mokohinou Tiritiri Cnvier Island Bast Cape Portland Island Castlopoint Cape Pallisor Penoarrow Head Somes Island Cape Egmont ManukaU South Head Manukau South Head loading-lights Kaipara Head Brothers Tory Channel leading-lights Cape Campbell Godley Head Akaroa Head Jack's Point.. Moeraki Taiaroa Head Cape Saunders Nugget Point Waipapapa Point Dog Island Centre Island Puysegur Point £ s. d. 363 17 0 345 13 3 365 8 0 306 11 9 358 1 3 326 15 9 390 11 0 445 13 4 245 0 0 276 11 2 245 0 0 260 16 8 221 14 2 232 19 8 473 4 8 100 0 0 262 4 11 287 7 3 240 5 5 179 11 8 246 17 6 249 11 8 246 12 5 365 2 5 301 16 8 368 15 4 405 0 0 325 3 7 290 8 4 20 0 0 419 1 8 399 12 8 130 0 0 466 15 1 £ s. d. 745* 52 15 5 716* 50 14 4 884+ 62 12 4 675* 47 16 3 695* 49 4 7 912+ 64 12 0 726+ 51 8 6 610* 43 4 2 559* ' 39 11 11 722* : 51 2 10 818+ j 57 18 10 726* 51 8 6 740+ 52 8 4 i 108 7 13 0 540+ 38 5 0 637* 45 2 5 185+ 13 2 1 650* 46 0 10 793+ 56 3 5 509* 36 1 1 314* 22 4 10 566+ 40 1 10 605+ 42 17 1 671* 47 10 7 859* 60 16 11 715* 50 12 11 708+ 50 3 0 726* j 51 8 6 750* j 53 2 6 &} I * » 3 Gas 12 5 0 654* 46 6 6 673* 47 13 5 180+ 12 15 0 745* 52 15 5 £ s. d. 149 7 0 277 2 6 .193 2 4 (a)68 1.4 4 (6)272 15 10 108 1.1 3 22 10 6 77 15 4 134 17 7 96 5 2 22 1 11 85 17 4 89 19 10 246' 7 2 323 9 3 (c)115 3 5 85 19 2 127 1 4 (d)47 0 4 139 7 7 70 1. 1 164 19 0 149 11 10 19 2 7 66 3 2 (e)205 3 6 (f)339 16 10 £ s. d. 565 19 5 673 10 1 621 2 8 423 2 4 680 1 8 499 10 0 464 10 0 566 12 10 419 9 6 423 19 2 325 0 9 398 2 6 364 2 4 7 13 0 517 11 10 841 16 4 113 2 I 423 9 2 429 9 10 403 7 10 248 16 10 426 6 11 362 9 10 459 2 0 575 II 2 371 12 2 485 1 6 661 12 0 718 2 11 Cape Foulwind 98 I 0 437 2 7 Hokitika .. .. Kahurangi Point Farewell Spit French Pass Stephen Island (0)112 13 10 190 10 10 31 II 5 191 2 9 32 5 0 578 2 0 637 16 11 174 6 5 710 13 3 Totals 10,162 4 3 1,556 12 7 4,322 7 0 16,041 3 10 * Kerosene-oil. f Paraffin-i )il. (a) Includes £31 8s. (id. for new horse and liari signal, (c) Includes £20 for new horse. (d) Inch maintenance telephone-line, (g) Includes £77 for; leas. (6) Includes £104 4s. (id. for i ides £24 Cor new horse. (e) Include jacking stores. •epairing damage done by prematuri a £49 14s. 2d. for new store. (f) explosion of [noludes £200 for

Port. Number registered. Number licensed. Port. Number registered. Number licensed. Auckland Bluff .. Chatham Islands Dunedin Gisborne Greymouth Hokitika Hokianga Invercargill Kaipara Lyttelton 1 Napier Nelson 284 66 20 92 18 8 2 29 45 104 158 68 69 284 66 20 92 1.7 8 27 42 35 158 68 69 Brought forward .. New Plymouth Oamaru Pieton Russell Tauranga Thames Timaru Wairau Wanganui Wellington Westport 963 23 32 22 47 18 49 23 12 15 84 18 888 23 32 22 47 13 48 23 7 15 84 18 963 Totals 1,801 1,220 Carried forward .. 888



Return showing the Cost of Erection of the New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses.

Return showing the Fees, etc., received under the Shipping and Seamen Acts, the Merchant Shipping Act, the Harbours Acts, the Fisheries Acts, the Inspection of Machinery Acts, and the Tramways Acts during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1917.

Return showing the Amount of Light Dues collected during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1917.

Name of Lighthouse. Cost of Erection. Cost of Erection. £ s. d. Pencarrow Head .. ... .. 6,422 0 4 Nelson .. .. .. .. 2,824 8 9 Tiritiri .. .. .. .. 5,747 7 2 Mana Island* .. .. .. 5,513 0 1 Taiaroa Head .. .. .. 4,923 14 11 Godloy Head .. .. .. 4,705 10 4 Dog Island .. .. '.. 10,480 12 8 Farewell Spit .. .. .. 6,139 11 8 Nugget Point .. .. .. 6,597 3 7 Cape Campbell .. .. .. 5,619 2 6 Manukau Head .. .. .. 4,975 2 4 Cape Foulwind .. .. .. 6,955 9 1 Brothers .. .. .. .. 6,241 0 0 Portland Island .. .. .. 6,554 14 5 Moeraki .. .. .. .. 4,288 13 2 Centre Island .. .. .. 5,785 19 0 Puysegur Point .. .. .. 9,958 19 5 Cape Maria van Diemen .. .. 7,028 14 8 Akaroa Hoad .. .. .. 7,150 6 5 Cape Saundors .. .. .. 6,066 6 3 Capo Egmontf .. .. .. 3,353 17 11 Mokohinou .. .. .. 8,186 5 0 Waipapapa Point .. .. .. 5,969 18 11 Ponui Passage} Kaipara Head .. .. .. 5,571 8 0 Fronoh Pass .. .. .. 1,427 17 5 Cuvier Island .. .. .. 7,406 16 11 Stephen Island .. .. .. 9,349 9 11 Cape Palliser .. .. .. 6,243 16 1 East Cape .. .. .. 7,594 8 8 Kahurangi Point .. .. .. 9,528 1 1 Jack's Point .. .. .. 1,204 10 9 Cape Brett .. .. .. 11,237 3 5 Cdstlepoint .. .. .. 9,703 16 10 Chicken Island .. .. .. 1,149 3 4 Channel Islet .. .. .. 1,227 7 8 Karori Rock .. .. .. 4,570 6 1 Okuri Point .. .. .. 448 18 0 Cost of telegraph-cable to Tiritiri .. 1,085 19 6 Miscellaneous and unallocated .. 1,322 2 2 £ s. d. 6,422 0 4 2,824 8 9 5,747 7 2 5,513 0 1 4,923 14 11 4,705 10 4 10,480 12 8 6,139 11 8 6,597 3 7 5,619 2 6 4,975 2 4 6,955 9 1 6,241 0 0 6,554 14 5 4,288 13 2 5,785 19 0 9,958 19 5 7,028 14 8 7,150 6 5 6,066 6 3 3,353 17 11 8,186 5 0 5,969 18 11 5,571 8 0 1,427 17 5 7,406 16 11 9,349 9 11 6,243 16 1 7,594 8 8 9,528 1 1 1,204 10 9 11,237 3 5 9,703 16 10 1,149 3 4 1,227 7 8 4,570 6 1 448 18 0 1,085 19 6 1,322 2 2 Total .. .. .. £220,559 10 5 £220,559 10 5 * Light discontinued; moved to Cape Egmont. I Cost of iron tower, lantern, and apparatus, whicli wore removed from Mana Island, is not included in this. I Built by Provincial Government of Auckland; cost not known in Marine Department.

Nature of Receipts. Amount. Shipping and Seamen Acts :— Fees for engagement and discharge of seamen, and sale of forms Surveys of steamers and sailing-vessels .. Measurement of ships.. Examination of masters, mates, and engineers Light dues Sundry receipts Merchant Shipping Act Harbours A cts :— Pilotage, port charges, &c. Foreshore rents, and sundry receiptFisheries Acts: — Sale of oysters Sundry receipts Inspection of Machinery Acts : — Inspection of boilers and machinery Examination of engine-drivers Tramways Acts : — Examination of electric-tram drivers .. £ s. d. 3,241 15 4 3,033 15 0 23 17 0 358 3 0 32,790 13 9 2,121 1 9 145 0 6 1,100 15 10 1,033 17 0 5,691 17 6 288 12 6 11,707 0 0 411 5 0 119 0 0 Total .. 62,066 14 8

Port. Amount collected Auckland Onehunga Whangarei Russell Mangonui Whangaroa Hokianga Whitianga Whangaparapara Thamos Coromandel Kaipara Tauranga Poverty Bay Napier New Plymouth Waitara Patea Wanganui Wellington Wairau Pieton Nelson Westport Greymouth Hokitika Lyttelton Timaru Oamaru Dunedin Bluff and Invercargill £ s. d. 14,453 10 9 110 1 3 479 7 0 38 8 11 0 2 10 11 9 10 20 11 0 16 19 3 0 18 10 69 5 9 11 7 7 78 12 5 52 8 11 509 12 6 772 7 2 215 2 2 498 12 4 18 4 11 392 2 5 8,023 8 1 16U7 10 29lfl0 5 440.18 11 415 17 5 331 3 10 2 12 3 2,644 7 7 495 7 11 122 4 5 1,062 3 6 1,194 15 9 Total £32,790 13 9



Return showing the Number of Seamen engaged and discharged in the Foreign and Intercolonial Trade, the Home Trade, and within Restricted Limits respectively, together with the Amount of Fees received for the same, during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1917.

Engagements and Discharges in Foreign and Intercolonial Trade. Engagements and Discharges in Home Trade. Engagements and Disch Restricted Limits larges in s. Total Engagements. Total Discharges. Grand Totals. Port. fflgw) Fees : Fees a «3 ec ■ received. - received. °ari "af ! Spa Fees 2 3-1 fi -, -. . H rl H -= =3 g received. % Sfl a © — a ® o O rt.^H a'o © © Fees Fees received. -2 =3 tc received. aco © a © In © =11 ano it. ■A v a Fees o a received. - 3 SCO Fees received. o . Fees ® g received. 5 co a © z 1 £ s. d. 366 0 6 5,294 129 14 6 4,227 21 19 6 227 0 5 6 5 0 6 0 4 7 17 0 88 3 3 6 28 128 18 0 1,798 22 5 6 416 33 9 6 514 4 11 6 54 1 11 6 14 31 12 6 442 : 1 19 0 14 0 18 0 11 3 7 0 57 1 0 16 1 j 0 4 6 3 j 6 15 0 56 2 12 0 51 6 6 0 109 i 485 6 6 6.946 11 18 0 132 0 10 6 8 a Fees 3 § Fees received. A received, a © £ s. d. £ s. A. 349 6 6 10,719 715 7 0 132 0 6 8,272 261 15 0 15 13 6 532 37 13 0 0 7 6 10 0 13 0 0 6 0 8 0 12 0 6 10 0 201 14 7 0 1 15 0 79 4 18 6 129 0 6 3,603 257 18 6 23 7 0 812 45 12 6 28 19 6 1,094 62 9 0 3 19 6 117 8 11 0 110 37 2 12 6 28 17 0 921 60 9 6 0 11 6 40 2 10 6 0 16 6 23 1 14 6 2 15 0 122 6 2 0 0 16 1 0 16 0 16 2 0 3 0 0 4 6 6 0 9 0 4 4 0 i 146 10 19 0 2 6 0 | 107 4 18 0 6 7 6 1 200 12 13 6 463 5 0 14,431 948 11 6 9 4 0 300 21 2 0 0 9 0 , 17 0 19 6 - I £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,581 115 2 0 3,205 210 2 6 3,041 52 11 6 1,177 78 11 0 80 6 0 0 220 15 12 0 5 0 5 6 4 ! 0 6 0 74 5 9 0 23 1 13 0 11 0 16 6 29 1 10 6 420 30 1 6 1,384 98 8 6 45 3 6 0 295 15 10 6 579 33 8 0 63 4 11 6 7 j 0 10 6 19 15 6 1 0 16 476 31 8 0 26 1 19 0 2 0 3 0 12 0 18 0 2 030 65 370 10 16 10 16 3 0 4 6 9 0 13 6 61 4 11 6 56 2 12 0 9 0 10 6 81 5 11 0 2,801 180 10 0 4,154 279 17 0 23 1 14 6 130 ' 9 1 0 9' 0 10 6 i £ s. d. ' £ s. d. 205 13 0 480 i 28 19 0 79 9 0 9 13 6 0 7 6 0 6 0.. 110.. 0 18 6 98 19 0 16 10 6 59 3 13 6 28 19 6 3 19 6 0 10 6 28 15 6 0 11 6 0 13 6 2 12 0 £ s. d. 479 I 28 11 6 5,425 4,045 305 5 4 113 51 1,805 55 3 10 6 396 580 63 23 479 26 12 65 £ s. d. .Auckland .. .. 11,740 126 19 0 Dunedin and Port Chalmers 1 2,868 51 3 6 Greymouth . . .. 85 6 7 6 Hokianga Hokitika Invercargill . . .. 90 6 4 0 Kaipara .. 22 i 1 13 0 Lyttelton .. .. i 421 30 9 6 Napier.. .. .. ' 42 3 16 Nelson.. .. .. 10 16 New Plymouth .. .. .. Oamaru . . . . 4 0 6 0 Onehunga .. .. 3 0 4 6 Patea Pieton Poverty Bay Russell . . .... Tauranga .. Thames . . .. I .. Timaru .. ..I 29 2 3 6 Wairau .. .. i .. Wanganui .. .. 10 0 15 0 Wellington .. .. 3,331 205 9 6 Westport .. .. 38 2 17 0 Whangarei .. .... Whangaroa Wliangape . . .. .. Whitianga .. .... 3.234 1,186 147 5 4 14 17 I 1,378 316 514 54 7 441 14 9 55 .. 1 3 47 51 100 4,145 109 8 0 16.. 0 4 6.. 3 10 6 2 6 0.. 5 17 0 282 15 0 7 9 6.. 0 9 0 1 3 90 56 91 7,485 108 9 .. i Totals .. ..18,684 437 15 0 : 37 15 0 8,107 -397 14 6 12,077 801 5 6 11,859 781 13 0 539 i 32 12 6 534 I 32 2 0 21,300 1,271 13 0 20,500 1,211 9 6 41,800 12,483 2 I



Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1917.

Name of Ferson. Rank. I Glass of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Henry Bayne George MacDonald Donald McDonald George Amos Herbert Duncan Cameron MacDonald William Aylward David Frederick Smith William John Keane .lohn Eric Bergquist Edwin Hugh Fowler Leslie Gordon Li ley .fames Gaby Walter Geoffrey Kolsey Leonard William Crowe Ernest Cyril Young Thomas Oscar Stephens John Ritchie Francis Edward Frame Peter Scott Isbister Edward George Gordon Baker Alexander Hutchinson Howie John Gilbertson Harry Aynsley Brocket! Aubury Milton Lucas Rewi Douglas Brebner Henry Leslie Hay Harold B,aymond Young John Williams James Douglas Bell Hans Pctor Sjolandcr Olson John MoAllan Eadie Robert Allan Roff Stephen Thorns .. Reuben Neels Alexander Cowic David Norman McLcish .. Samuel Cottam Charles Burgess John Glynn Hopkins Edward Binney Laing Francis George Mabb Ernest Frank Stearne Ernest Milner Alfred Nelson Bernard John O'.Donnoll William Watts ilayner Alec James Jackson Charles Dempster James Watkins Frederick William. Hydcr. . John William Gower Ernest Dunning Robert Cairns Lee Samuel Cottam Francis Patrick Boyd Thomas Hanloy Frazer John MacDonald William G.ldard Gordon Thomas James Barnes Thomas Munro George Edward Ashby William James Tanner John Adamson Knarston Thomas Alfred Lynch James Neil McPherson Stewart Master Foreign trade 25/8/16 5/2/17 8/8/16 7/9/16 11/12/16 4/1/17 5/2/17 28/2/17 31/8/16 12/6/16 3/7/16 7/7/16 9/10/16 11/12/16 8/5/16 3/7/16 21/7/16 8/8/16 6/9/16 28/9/16 28/9/16 11/12/16 12/2/17 12/2/17 12/2/17 28/2/17 28/2/17 13/6/16 3/7/16 10/8/16 4/9/16 27/9/16 31/10/16 8/5/16 8/5/16 31/5/16 12/6/16 7/7/16 21/7/16 22/8/16 6/9/16 28/9/16 9/10/16 9/10/16 31/10/18 4/1/17 5/2/17 5/2/17 8/5/16 31/5/16 31/5/16 31/5/16 12/6/16 12/6/16 5/7/16 4/8/16 8/8/16 22/8/16 28/9/16 14/11/16 4/1/17 4/1/17 4/1/1.7 9/2/17 13/6/16 1269 1125 1131 1213 1205 1242 1276 1259 .1268 1262 1263 .1265 1273 1274 1261 1264 1266 1267 1270 1271 1272 1275 1276a 1277 1278 1279 1280 5822 5823 5570 5827 5761 5833 5818 5819 5820 5821 5824 5825 5826 5828 5829 5830 5831 5832 5834 5835 5836 3697 3698 3699 3700 3701 3702 3703 3704 3705 3706 3707 3708 3709 3710 3711 3712 77 steam First mate „ steam Second mate ,, steam. . Master Home trade Mate ,, ■ ■ ,, • • tt •' Master River steamer tt • ■ Fishing-boat or cargovessel under 25 tons register Ditto Peter Baron Reginald Eton Collins Frank Mowatt John Arthur Owen Alexander Lcdingham Smith Cassia Francis Patrick Hondron William Henry Young David Ponman Bertram William Gandell.. Edward James Protheroe Joseph Frank McPherson Alexander Gilchrist Kyle William MoKenzie Reginald Aubrey Lewis Thomas Nixon John Gray ,, .. lst-class engineer .. tt Foreign trade 8/12/16 8/12/16 13/4/16 13/4/16 12/6/16 20/6/16 21/7/16 21/7/16 8/8/16 11/9/16 9/10/16 9/10/16 11/12/16 11/12/16 11/12/16 9/2/17 78 79 1348 1872 1438 1242 1300 1293 1341 1911 1121 1338 1931 1260 1932 1942



Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1917 — continued.

4—H. 15.

Name of Person. Bank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Augustus Wontworth Johnson Reginald Gordon Houghton David William Shields Ross Norman Rivers Kitching Morris de Camp Ranson James John Minchan Donald David Matheson John Edward Bish William Thomas Robertson Edward William Scott William Foster William Frank Pegler William Harold Fuller Alexander Ross Campbell Mo Vicar Oswald Robert Cozens Frank Furneaux Charles Botting Thomas Flower Stuart Scott George Henry Stevens Leslie Clifford Tomlinson George Cunninghame Rowland Eyre Hayward Francis Herbert McMaster Thomas Campbell Foro Charles Musker John Linton Hedges Bertie Mcrvyn Haddock William George Griffiths Maurice Hamor Mayo Cecil Joseph Gasquoine Norman Howard Lusty Robert Lewis Sweet Ray Constable Sinclair John Patrick Baxter John Roland Hanlon Charles Albert Hynes Willi ,m George Easterbrook Norman McLeod Scrimgeour Thomas Francis Doyle Henry Charles Rasmussen Alexander John Donn Joseph Mawson Tait John Rishworth Simon John Macdonald William Henry Stewart James Lewis Henderson Sidney Dosford Gray Hubert Patrick Aloysius Sweeney . . Albert Edward Andrews George Bocson Gilbert Fraser Brialey Porcy Mason Frederick John Andrew Annan Wardill Allan Horace William llarkcss William Henry Lucas John Nicolson Walter Vincent Stringer Robert Gilmour Norman Bailes Edward John Rixon Frederick Truby King Gaw Robert Charles Stewart George Lindsay Archibald Wallace Stables Arthur Ashley Silcook Robert Lawson Penny Gerald Dudley Hill Honry Eric Clark Charles Henry Newman Samuel Tanner Norman Campbell Byrne James Thorn Henderson James Cody Deer Alfred Jules Ferdinand Smith Robert McAdam Moffat James Henry Sutherland Leslie Robert McCaskey Albert Leonard Parrant John Joromson Oswald Allen i Ist-class engineer .. Foreign trade 9/3/17 I4t a/Q/l"7 lAr 9/3/17 9/3/17 9/3/17 13/4/16 13/4/16 8/5/16 7/7/16 21/7/16 21/7/16 8/8/16 I1/9/16 11/9/16 9/10/16 .14/11/16 14/11/16 11/12/10 11/12/16 9/2/17 9/3/17 13/4/16 13/4/16 13/4/16 13/4/16 13/4/16 8/5/16 10/5/16 10/5/16 10/5/16 31/5/16 12/6/16 12/6/16 12/6/16 12/6/16 12/6/16 6/7/16 7/7/16 25/7/16 4/8/16 4/8/16 4/8/16 8/8/16 8/8/16 8/8/16 8/8/16 8/8/16 8/8/16 8/8/16 8/8/16 8/8/16 8/8/16 8/8/16 8/8/16 10/8/16 21/8/16 7/9/16 7/9/16 7/9/16 7/9/16 7/9/16 7/9/16 7/9/16 7/9/16 7/9/16 9/10/16 9/10/16 9/10/16 9/10/16 10/10/16 25/10/16 14/11/16 14/11/]6 14/11/1.6 14/11/16 14/11/16 11/12/16 11/12/16 12/12/16 11/12/16 11/12/16 11/12/16 11/12/16 11/12/16 1464 1456 908a 1553 1517 1568 1514 1093 1732 1513 1163 1530 1709 833 1763 1362 1720 1774 1803 1867 1868 1809 1870 187J 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1068 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 9/3/17 14{ ft io vi n nftt 2nd-class engineer .. 9/3/17 90S Ti/A/ia 1 Kf 13/4/16 ISJ 1 13 ia n a iKi 8/5/16 15( n in n 1: lfii 21/7/16 17$ q iq n a i ki 8/8/16 15] 11 /o /1 ft llf ». • * 11/9/16 15c 14/11/16 8!i a /i i n a int t> • • ,» • • 3rd-class engineer .. 9/3/17 18C 1 o ia na 1 qi 13/4/16 18t i q ia n a i c. 13/4/16 18£ i q ia n a \ or 13/4/16 18. 10 ia na 1 Qr 13/4/16 187 Q /K /l {'. 1 cr. 8/5/16 187 in ik n a ic; 10/5/16 187 1/1/R/lK l un 10/5/16 187 'it /K /1ft 1 «r. 12/6/16 i 18* (■; in n a 1 ut ,, .. 8/8/16 18t 8/8/16 18f q iq n a 1 or 8/8/16 18f c /a /i ft i or 8/8/16 18£ Q /« n CI 1 Ql 8/8/16 18t q iq n a i qc », • ■ 9/10/10 191 ,, • • 9/10/16 191 ,, ■ • 14/11/16 191 14/11/16 192 14/11/1.6 195 14/11/16 19J 11/12/16 19. 11/12/16 195 12/12/16 19S 11/12/16 19. 11/12/16 195 11/12/16 19S 11/12/16 19. 11/12/16 19£


Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1917 — continued.


Namo of Person. Hank. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Walter Dickson Albort Linton Stone Thomas Loftus Jones Walter Seott Gerald Holliday Bettany Philip Michael Lennon Francis Saldcr Martin Douglas Howlett William Claronce Murray Horbert Leslie Thompson John Hutton Robort Angus Cowley John Jones Frank McKillop William McArthur William Hathaway Alexander Moncur Sommerville nindrew Robert Thompson George Gillandors Carl Adolphus Schmidt Aloe Axel Nelson-Thyberg Charles Elliott Lavers Eric Howard Tarlton James Wright William Robertson Fleming Arthur Ernest Insley John Murphy Chalmers William Thomson Thomas Nowbegin Johnson Richard Blundell Ray Constable Sinclair Malcolm Allan Gray William Brow Lawson Ernest Edward Jonos William Ullrich Samuel Tannor Frank Colobourne Ferris Farrar Dale John Hall Nakum Seth Cassrels Walter Rowland Cole Robert Savage Edward Percy Earle William Henry Taggart Charlos Huddell Chavannes Thomas Albort Carr James Anderson Hardie Arthur Jamos Leslie McCauley Frank Edgar Hayward Kate Hayward Thomas Cassidy.. Arthur Sturgo Blundell Cecil Martin Cobbald William John Francis Constable Ralph Cecil Tucker Ernest Lionel Lovert Henry Watling Williams William Gildard Gordon William Joseph White William George Wilson John Arthur Shields Herbert James Arthur Duke Murdoch McLonnan Clifford Edward Grey Edward Garfield Williams Joshua George Vazey, Wildon Graham Bryan Francis Pleasant James Gerald Evans Charles Alan McCarthny James Halliday Georgo Trevor Robson George Christian Hansen Alfred Roy Wrigley Esric William Noble Arthur Loopold Monce John Walter Glennie Claude Harry Bilderbcck George Colmor Sidney David Turner Cecil James Morgan Francis Olof Ericson Edward Harold Sidney Martin Smith 3rd-olass engineer .. Engineer . . tt ,, tt ■ * Marine-engine driver Ist-elass oil engineer tt tt tt tt tt tt tt 2nd-class oil ongineer Foreign trade JH tt tt tt tt River trade ,, »> >» tt tt tt Soagoing .. ,, • • tt ■ ■ tt • • 9/1/17 9/1/17 9/1/17 9/2/17 9/2/17 9/2/17 9/2/17 9/2/17 9/2/17 9/3/17 9/3/17 9/3/17 10/5/16 3/7/16 8/8/16 8/8/16 11/9/16 9/10/16 9/10/16 9/10/16 15/11/16 15/11/16 11/12/16 4/1/17 9/3/17 9/3/17 9/1/17 .13/4/16 13/4/16 10/5/16 12/6/16 12/6/16 7/7/16 7/9/16 14/11/16 15/11/16 15/11/16 11/12/16 11/12/16 9/2/17 12/6/16 21/7/16 11/9/16 31/10/16 1.1/12/16 11/12/16 13/4/16 13/4/16 8/5/16 8/5/16 8/5/16 8/5/16 8/5/16 8/5/16 8/5/16 8/5/16 8/5/16 8/5/16 8/5/16 8/5/16 8/5/16 8/5/16 8/5/16 10/5/16 10/5/16 10/5/16 10/5/16 10/5/16 10/5/16 10/5/16 31/5/16 31/5/16 31/5/16 31/5/16 31/5/16 12/6/16 1.2/6/16 3/7/16 5/7/16 5/7/16 5/7/16 7/7/16 7/7/16 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1943 1944 1945 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 158 256 257 206 258 259 261 263 266 267 268 271 272 273 260 262 264 265 269 270 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 tt »» • • tt tt River oil ongineer .. River trade tt tt tt


Return of Masters, Mates, and Engineers to whom Certificates of Competency were issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1917 — continued.


Name of Person. Bank. Class of Certificate Date of Issue. No. Walter .Robort Cave Charles Conrad Scott Royal Stafford Stewart James Sinclair Shirley William Clark Robort Benjamin Sheathor Arthur Petherbridge Frederick Clifton McLean Noel Cole Henry Samuel Evans George Francis McAlonoy Raymond Kncwstubb Alfred Lawrence Galvan Maurice Hopo Joseph Ferguson Nicolai Danneford Brownloo Francis Archibald Spencer William George Charlton J ohn Kelsoy Edwin William Carr Joshua Thomas Han-is Victor Roy Skinner Henry Walter Cockerill William Henry James Oliver William Pritchard Norman Carr-Rollett Derick Carr-Rollott Henry Lionel Elder Charles Sturt Gilbert Boult Robort Benson Horace Tomkios Robert Percival Holland Charlos William Neal William Frederick Laird Barney Pitman Joseph Peter Antinovich William Henry Arnold Martin Hermansen James Coutts Dallas Eric Howard Tarlton Frederick William Alfred Gardiner Ernest Benjamin Jagger Sidney George Sankey Eiloon Ryan Kenneth Hubert Brown Henry Hartley Hargreaves James Sutherland Goorgo Hammond Mathow Thomas Henry Steele William Frederick Burgess Charlos Woods James John Pegley Huki Taui Wetere Walter Percy Neamo Louis Allan McNabb Edward James McAuley William Robertson Eadie.. Winifred Violet Mable Burt Ernest McLean Josiah Worsnop River oil engineer .. ,, - - »» • ■ tt > • ,» • ■ ,» • • tt '' tt • • ,, • ■ », • • tt • • »» ■ ■ ,, • • >» • ■ ,, • • »> ■ • »» ■ • tt • • ,, • • »> • • tt ■ • tt ■ • tt • • ., • ■ ,, ■ • River trade >» tt tt ,» u >H tt tt J) J' 21/7/16 21/7/16 21/7/16 21/7/16 21/7/16 21/7/16 28/7/16 4/8/16 4/8/16 4/8/16 4/8/16 8/8/16 8/8/16 21/8/16 7/9/16 7/9/16 7/9/16 7/9/16 7/9/16 7/9/16 7/9/16 7/9/16 7/9/16 7/9/16 7/9/16 7/9/16 11/9/16 28/9/16 9/10/16 9/10/16 25/10/16 25/10/16 1/11/16 1/11/16 14/11/16 14/11/16 11/12/16 11/12/16 11/12/16 11/12/16 4/1/17 4/1/17 4/1/17 9/1/1.7 9/1/17 9/1/17 9/1/17 9/2/17 9/2/17 9/2/17 9/2/17 9/2/17 9/2/17 9/2/17 12/2/17 28/2/17 1/3/17 9/3/17 9/3/17 9/3/17 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 090 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 ,» • - ., • • tt ,» • • tt ■ • ,, ■ - ,, • ■ tt • • ,» - • tt • • 3» tt ' • )» »» • • », )S ■ • tt tt • • tt JJ • • tt • • J> tt • • tt • . tt


Return showing the Number of Masters', Mates', and Engineers' Examinations in New Zealand during the Year ended 31st March, 1917, showing the Number of Successful and Unsuccessful Candidates.

Return of Certificates of Exemption from Examination as Third-class Engineers issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1917.

Return of Licensed Adjusters of Compasses in New Zealand.


'ttelton. * A =5 10 I fH | H I Dunedin. Oth< ■C rj . i*3 © © r © CO rt- « w, tfl -r, HJ tQ d «e o is rl | h H Ph i Al icklai id. Wellington. L; er PI; i,ces. 'otals. Class of Certificate. 13 © in 03 Ph d © '3 Ph o d © in =3 Ph US © '3 ■3 o H d © Itl la c3 Ph •a © '3 "3 O H © in tfl 53 Ph d © '3 rt d © '3 .JL ■3 O d © m 1 Ph * 1 _i 2 Te '3 1 "S Ph | t-Foreign-going masters and mates Home - trade masters and mates River-steamer masters MaBter, fishing-boat or cargovessel under 25 tons register Seagoing engineers (steam) River-steamer engineers .. Marine-engine drivers Seagoing engineers (mechanical power other than steam) River enginoors (mechanical power other than steam) 8 14 22 12 12 24 6 5 11 5 11 3 3 2 5.. 2 29 33 62 10 4 14 8 4 12 2 2 4 2 4 1 1 .. 1 .. 21 10 31 7 3 1 3 8 6 2 2 4 3 3 .. 3 5 5 5 17 3 3 20 3 6 17 4 1 7 3 3 20 7 1 14 36 4 1 3 37 7 19 1 3 22 3 22 1 23 23 .. 23 10 10 7 1 11 7 105 16 1 20 8 113 6 22 I 9 29 1 7 7 3 3 i i 2 i 2 2 2 .. 2 7 7 i 8 46 1 47 6 6 2 2 2 2 43 50 99 8 8 107 Totals 103 36 139 71 22 81 311 80 80 391 93 31 11 42 34 2 36 72

Date of Issue August 1, 1916 December 9, 1916 Date of Issue Name. .. Charles William Burgess. .. Augustus Syron. Name. Date of Issue. March 7, 1917 Name. .. Roger Richard Sullivan. Eetukn of Licenses as Colonial Pilots issued in puesi (hipping and Seamen Act, 1908, duking the Yeab e ance op Section 190 op the sided 31st March, 1917. No. of License. Date of Issue. Date of Issue. Name of Licensee. Port of Residence. Date of Expiry of License. 43 44 47 49 50 51 Oct. 13, 1916 July 29, „ Oot. 10, „ Nov. 25, „ April 14, Sept. 4, „ Oct. 13,1916 Felix Black July 29, „ Charles McArthur.. Oot. 10, „ Richard Edward Smith Nov. 25, „ William Andrew Smith April 14, „ William John McLean Tait Sept. 4, „ George Lambert .. Wellington Auckland Wellington Oct. 8, 1917. July 29, 1917. Oct. 30, 1917. Jan. 19, 1918. April 14, 1917. Aug. 31, 1917.

Date of Issue. Name of Licensee. Address. April 9, 1896 May 15, „ 5, „ April 27, 1897 May 27, „ Sept. 1, . Aug. 13, 1898 April 26, 1899 June 26, 1900 July 27, „ Nov. 27, „ Mar. 27, 1903 Oct. 19, „ Nov. 1, 1906 Feb. 6, 1907 22, 1909 May 28, „ Oct. 23, „ June 19, 1911 Nov. 16, „ 3, 1913 27, 1914 Feb. 10, 1915 Frederick Macbeth Robert Strang George Urquhart Thomson Frederick William Cox Thomas Fernandez .. Arthur G. Gifford Herbert John Richardson Robert Heddelston Neville Charles Frederick Suudstrurn John Adamson Thomas Basire George Samuel Hooper John McLennon McKenzie Frederick Pryce Evans David Todd Norman Macdonald Charles Cornelius Plunket Robert Crawford Frederic George Cooper Major William Solloway Lane Cesar Anthony Colonna John Jonathan Elven Richard Chamberlain Harbord Dunedin. Nelson. Auckland. Wellington. Dunedin. Auckland. Port Chalmers. Wellington. Dunedin. Bluff. Auckland. Wellington. Totara North. Christchurch. Bluff." «



Table showing the Number and Tonnage of Sailing and Steam Vessels which remained upon the Register of the Dominion of New Zealand on the 31st December, 1915; of those added to and deducted from the Register during the Year 1916; and of those remaining on the Register on the 31st December, 1916.

Table showing the Number and Tonnage of the Registered Vessels (distinguishing Sailing from Steam) which belonged to each of the Ports of New Zealand on the 31st December, 1916.

Vessels. Sailing-vessels. Gross Net Tonnage. Tonnagi Steam-vessels. Vps«r1s Grosa Set vessels. ToIma g e Tonnage. Vessels Gross vessels. i omia g e _ Totals. Net Tonnage. Upon the Register on the 31st December, 1915 .. ... I 385 126,549 581 150,095 93,457 196 23,546 21,762 71,695 581 Added to the Register,— Vessels registered for the first time — Built at ports in United Kingdom Built at ports in British possessions abroad Purchased from foroignors Vessels transferred from ports in the United Kingdom Vessels transferred from ports in British possessions abroad Vessels registered de novo.. Other vessels Tonnage added without re registration 5 276 97 5 276 97 1 149 1.42 3 4 759 225 366 127 4 4 1 90S 225 856 508 127 794 1 856 794 12 II 43 31 55 42 Total added 1,017 947 12 1,303 621 14 2,320 1,568 Deducted from the Register,— Vessels wrecked or otherwise lost .. Vessels broken up, decayed, &o. Vessels converted into hulks, &e. .. Vessels transferred to ports in the United Kingdom Vessels transferred to ports in British possessions Vessels registered de novo Tonnage deductod without re-regis-tration Errors in Registrar's returns Other vessels 1 1 78 234 77 222 3 653 308 4 1 731 234 38f. 225 1 4 350 220 324 202 2 228 140 3 4 578 220 464 20S 14 59 132 59 14< "l 17 17 \ \ 2,079 1,294 3 2,096 1,31] Total deducted 899 856 3,019 1,874 15 3,918 2,731 Remaining on the Register on the 31st December, 1916 .. 23,664 21,853 190 390 124,833 70,442 580 148,497 92,29, i i

Bailing-vessels. Steam-vessels. Totals. • Ports. Vessels. Gross i Net Tonnage. Tonnage. T«J, Groan Net vessels. To nnage. Tonnage. Vessels. Gross Tonnage. Net Tonnage. Auckland.. Napier Wellington Nelson Lyttelton.. Timaru .. Dunedin .. Invercargill 132 4 13 7 13 1 18 2 8,006 266 3,161 189 3,805 733 7,132 372 .6,881 253 2,886 152 3,707 690 6,940 344 206 29 39 14 20 1 69 12 23,263 3,743 11,426 2,735 6,533 942 74,929 1,262 12,273 2,205 5,791 1,304 3,081 488 44,702 598 338 33 52 21 33 2 87 14 31,269 4,009 14,587 2,924 10,338 1,675 82,061 1,634 19,154 2,458 8,677 1,456 6,788 1,178 51,642 942 Totals 190 23,664 21,853 390 124,833 70,442 580 ! 148,497 92,295



Table showing, for the Year 1916, the Number and Tonnage of Registered Vessels (exclusive of River Steamers) of the Dominion of New Zealand which were employed wholly in the Home Trade, partly in the Home and partly in the Foreign Trade, and wholly in the Foreign Trade, respectively; and the Number of Men and Boys (exclusive of Masters) employed thereon.

Under 50 Tons" 50 Tons and \ 100 Tons and 200 Tons and 300 Tons and 400 Tons and 500 Tons and under 100. ' under 200. under 300. under 400. j under 500. , under 600. 600 Tons and 700 Tons and 800 Tons and 1,000 Tons and 1,200 Tons and 1,500 Tons and 2,000 Tons and; under 700. under 800. under 1,000. under 1,200. | under 1,500. j under 2,000. under 3,000. Totals. Class of Vessels. aa OD > O fH S I ft l I » 8 S I 8 S *J s co tt c to CO C K C to rt "5 ■ rt "5 • c ■ JS c i to S ». to c «, i to c " 1> O " I ll C CQ I PQ CM § ; 8 I S 2 > H S .22 to a. c CQ C in H j S > P j m i k ; pa 5 a Co. 1 i J 8 § J 8 H 2 |>| H S |> o c I C (O I rt -3 : £ >: c f lif i" S >■ H % \> E- £ > 10 o o c rt c I 1, 485 69 83, 660 1,485 69 83, 660 1 tn the Home (Coastal) Trade only — Sailing Steam 69 106 1,566 2,34° 3-906 Il8 395 14 65 j 9441 44; 4,690:4851 55i 5,137 23 445 1 217 2,962 1 |228 182 4 182 4 I .. .. X 2,062 61 I 690! 630 1 .. 40 6 41 6 4,373] 158 4,373|I58 1 836 1,792 1! 1 i,rgo i 5.. 73 1 1,194) 26 2 74 2 2,384! 31 2 1 1 73 1 91 247 5,994 35,"2 193 2,350 H 12 •• 4 2 2,650 in H2,137 77 Totals H " ! ! " 2,628 ! ! 175 513 79 5,634; 5.634:529: 39 _ 5,688! I468 J 3 3,179 :229| 4 2,062 6l 2 1,320 3 74 2 2,650 H .. 1 2,137! 77 33s 41,106 2,543 : I Partly in the Home and partly in the Foreign TradeSailing Steam 28 .. .. 1 28 1 II ! ' Totals •■ H •• 44 9 1 591 7 1 i39| I 7 — .. .. .. .. .. .. ... - •• -: \ _____ !____ •• 1,301 ••! i 719 19 719 19 •• 2 1,852 j 48 2 2.243J 58J 6 48 2 2,243 58 6 j : .. 1 75.. .. . .. 1 75-- •• j -• 2 197 4 4,627 8910 I 48 2 i 48 2 7,716 156 '58,580 58,580 188 2 188 2 4,230 16S 3 20 — 1,440 25,443 35 653 ! i 44 9 1 59 7 1 139 7 2 1,301 2 1,852; 7,716 i 4,23oj 168 23 26,883 681 - _____ ___ - In the Foreign Trade only — Sailing Steam 2 508 17 3091 9 .. .. .. j ..: 1 411 309: 9i 4" i.794 : 78 94. 0 7i 3° • 30 1 212 42,062 61 5 23.. 23 1 92 8 1,380 1,258: 3,654 4,365 2 1 149 93 12 6 3 1 523 118 23 12 66 3 ; 785 4 ■• 1,763 19 47 5|8,58o •• 10 8, 2 59 12 .. .. .. " 2 •• " •• ! •• I 1 1 9 20, Totals 59 H 12 3 242 18 ~ 4 641 — 35 2 508 17 h 1 ■ 663 785 1 4 2 J ,763 2,638 66 , i I i — 19 8,019 281 " - — — Grand totals .. 83 5-935 6,468 13 3,687246, 3,284 5,877 181 6,243 13,004 188 6,367 380 176, 008 178 ,009 534 554' 44 5io 333' 245 3,52' I I



Descriptive Return of New Zealand Coastal Lighthouses.

Name of Lighthouse. Order of Apparatus. Description. Period of Bevolving Light. Colour of Light. Towor built of Dwellings built ot Date first lighted, „ ,. . ( 1st order dioptric Bevolving Cape Maria van » Fixed __ B Diemen 1st order dioptric Revolving Fixed .. V White Bed, to show over Columbia Eeef White Timber Timber Mar. 24, 1879 Cape Brett .. 1st order dioptric Group flashing 1st order dioptric Group flashing Flashing Iron .. Feb. 21, 1910. nasning Mokohinou .. 1st „ Flashing Chicken Island Acetone-acetylene (Marotiri) (unwatched) Tiritiri .. .. 2nd order dioptric Fixed .. 1st Acetone-acetylene (unwatched) 2nd order dioptric 10" ffl. 8ft" eel. Stone Iron .. June 18, 1883. April 28,1913. Fixed .. White, with red arc over Flat Eock Timber Jan. 1,1865 Channel Island .. Acetone-acetylene Flashing (unwatched) Ponui Passage .. 5th order dioptrio „ Acetone-acetylene (unwatched) 5th order dioptrio Flashing (i"flI 2" eel. | ffl. U0"ecl. Ji"fl. \ If eel. 30" 10" 30" [ White .. White and red White Timber Timber Feb. 11, 1915, July 29, 1871 Cuvier Island .. 1st „ Bevolving Bast Cape .. 2nd „ Flashing ( 2nd „ Bevolving Portland Island j .. Fixed .. 1st 2nd 2nd Revolving Flashing Revolving Fixed .. Iron .. Sept. 22,1889, Aug. 9, 1900, 2nd order dioptric Group flashing Revolving Fixed .. t Red, to show over Bull Rock White Timber Iron .. Feb. 10, 1878. Castlepoint ... 2nd order dioptric Group flashine Jan. 12, 1913. nasning Cape Palliser .. 2nd , Bevolving Pencarrow Head.. 2nd „ Fixed .. Cape Egmont .. 2nd „ „ Manukau Head .. 3rd „ „ Kaipara Head .. 2nd „ Flashing f 2nd Brothers .. -j .. Fixed .. Cape Campbell .. 2nd order dioptric Bevolving Godley Head .. 2nd „ Fixed .. Akaroa Head .. 2nd „ Flashing Jack's Point .. 4th „ Fixed .. Moeraki .. 3rd „ „ Taiaroa Head .. 3rd „ „ 2nd 2nd 2nd 3rd 2nd 2nd . Timber Oct. 27, 1897. Jan. 1, 1859. Aug. 1, 1881. Sept. 1, 1874. Dec. 1, 1884. Flashing i6" 10" Fixed .. Bed, to show over Cook Book White Sept. 24, 1877, 2nd order dioptric 2nd 2nd 4th 3rd 3rd Revolving Fixed .. Flashing Fixed .. i' ib" Iron .. Stone Timber Iron .. Timber Stone & timber Timber Stone Timber Stone Stone Timber Stone Aug. 1, 1870, April 1, 1865. Jan. 1, 1880. July 1, 1904, April 22, 1878. Jan. 2, 1865. Red '.'. Cape Saunders .. 2nd „ Bevolving Nugget Point .. 1st „ Fixed .. Waipapapa Point 2nd „ Flashing Dog Island .. 1st order catadiop- Bovolving trie 2nd 1st 2nd 1st order catadioptrio 1st order dioptrio Revolving Fixed .. Flashing Rovolving v i6" 30" White Timber Stone Jan. 1, 1880. July 4, 1870. Jan. 1, 1884. Aug. 1, 1865. iric Centre Island .. 1st order dioptrio Fixed .. Fixed .. White, with red ares over inshore dangers White Timber Timber Sept. 16,1878. Puysegur Point .. 1st „ Flashing Capo Foulwind .. 2nd „ Bevolving Kahurangi Point.. 2nd „ Fixed .. 1st 2nd 2nd Flashing Revolving Fixed .. 10" 30" White, with red seotor to show over Stewart Breaker White, with red arc over Spit end White, with red arc to mark limit of anchorage Bed and white, with white light on beacon White Iron .. Mar. 1, 1879. Sept. 1, 1876. Nov. 30, 1903. Farewell Spit .. 2nd . Bevolving 2nd Revolving i' June 17, 1870. Nelson .. .. 4th „ Fixed .. 4th Fixod .. Aug. 4, 1862. French Pass .. 6th „ „ 6th Oct. 1, 1884. Stephen Island .. 1st „ Group flashine 1st Group flashing Flashing Jan. 29, 1894. nasning Karori Rock .. Acetone-acetylene Flashing (unwatched) Acetone-acetylene (unwatched) i" fl. 3 J" eol. White, with red are over Luna Bock and Tom's Rook White, with red aro over Beet Barrel Books Conorete Oot. 20, 1915. Okuri Point |"fl. 3" eol. Iron .. June 24, 1916. * Two flashes in quick succession every half-minuti twice every half-minute, with interval of three seconds bei quick succession ovei ,e, with interval of thi ry half-mini ■ee seconds I ite. + letween flai Three white flashos evoi ihes. ■y forty-fivi seconds. : Flashing


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued in New Zealand during the Year ended 31st March, 1917.


Name of Vessel. 0> Ui 'So 9 to i o Eh r"Ot! P tti J-. O 9 Q ° O.S ft f-i d ° &""£ WrO! rt- SM-9 iHl 5 CISC rH rt, e: o Ant SS II -H o £ a J a rC*H Nature of Engines, Nature of Propeller. Clues of Certificate. Mi in Ci qi (UI limui Br of ig Cl. row 1 aires irriec n followisses of jaw reto bo 1 I. Remarks. o X a a CD rH a, i5 a 1 a S A H jjjS Admiral.. Advance Adventure A.H.B. .. Ahiki Ahuriri Ailsa Craig Aio Akaroa .. Albatross Albatross (A'kland) Albatross (Ham'ltn) Albatross (Hoki'nga) Alert .. Alert (Wanganui) Alexander Alexandra Alice Alice (Te Kopuru) Alice (Hokianga).. Alva All Black All Black, No. 2 .. Almora Amy Antico .. Anza Aotea Apanui Aparima Arahura Arapawa Arawa(French Pass) Arawa (Bototua) .. Arita Ark Ark Aroha Aroba Arumai .. Atua Auld Beekie Aupouri Aureola Aurere Awahou Awanui 82 12 3 5 6 33 3 29 45 111 4 2 20 5 185 4 3 1. 4 i 4 44 3 1 3 157 185 3,684 772 128 3 1* 2 3 3 6 4 6 14 1 220 1 3 151 7 5 4 5 52 2 2 33 2 85 1 2 36 6 2 108 3 29 523 5 835 521 3 6 79 379 119 54 96 50 8 10 15 35 17 7 20 28 Compound Non-condensing Oil-engine Screw Restriotedlimits Compound Oil-engine 103 Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Home trade .. Restriotedlimits i 1 37J 8 4 6 15 72 15 9 12 6 12 17 24 24 9 24 5 33 28 284 145 47 8 5 4. 5 2. 16 8 10 8 4 55 5 8 74 20 14 20 10 15 4 5 15 16 50 5 10 40 16 7 40 7 24 550 35 250 120 10 32 25 99 54 6 24 40 324 214 2,724 1,727 275 418 Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Twin-screw Screw Twin-sorew Screw Home trade .. Restriotedlimits ,/ Home trade .. Foreign trade Home trade .. Bestricted limits Home trade .. Bestricted limits "i 4 13 7 4 ~5 2 9 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 8 397 Compound Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. Restriotedlimits "i 's Ayr Beldame Bello BellBird(A'ckland) Bell Bird (Mercer) Benares Ben Lomond Betty Blenheim Blue Bird Bonito .. Breta Tui Brit (Whangarei).. Brit (Thames) Britannia Britannic .. Bulli Calm Callie Canopus Canterbury Capel Centaur .. i Chelmsford Clansman Claymore Clio Clutha Clyde 171 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Non-condensing Oil-engine Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engine Paddle .. Screw Home trade .. Bestrictedlimits '2 a 688 1,061 Home trade .. Restriotedlimits Home trade .. Restriotedlimits 6 6 *3 3 2 3 636 534 380 Compound Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. 2 5 4 1 3 8 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Stern-wheel Restroited limits ••


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.

5—H. 15.


Name of Vessel. CD 03 *3) CD 05 a o EH HHTJ'HH £ CS H &81 ' a 8 9.9 A o 8 £ j o-S$n °oflO ri o . PtCC si J a rJ-H a 0 Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Mini] bei ing Cr< qui car imum Nuran of followg Classes of cew Law relires to be .rried. Remarks fl <D 9 a" a, a 9 5 u 9 a I 'u fH n s rH 0 Cobar Columbia Comet (Stewart Is.) Comet (Auckland) Condor 40 8 5 20 24 Compound Oil-engine Screw Bestricted limits 188 Compound crew each end Screw Conella Coquette Corinna.. Coronation Countess Cowan Curlew Cygnet Cygnet .. Dairymaid Daisy Daphne Daphne (Auokland) Dawn (Auckland) Dawn (Mangonui) Dauntless Defender Despatoh Dione D'Jinn Doak Doris (Bussell) .. Doris (Napier) Doris (Pieton) Dorset Dot Dove Dovey Dreadnought Dredge 121 Dredge 222 Dredge 350 Duchess.. Duco Dunedin Eagle Earl Earnslaw Eoho Eclipse Eileen Eileen Ward Elsie (Auckland).. Elsie (French Pass) Elsie (Thames) .. Elsie (Wellington) Elsie Evans Elspie Elswick Emerald Emere Emily Empress 'Endeavour Erin 'Erlin 'Erskine Eunice .. Eureka Eva Eveline Excelsior Excelsior (A'kland) Express Fairburn Fanny Farina 'Ferro Fiona Fire Float Flora (Dunedin) .. 1 3 812 59 57 30 54 66 4 2 6 2 100 14 3 3 109 24 2 6 3 3 4 2 41 8 2 2 6 394 502 488 137 2 125 138 3 155 98 2 2 472 24 3 4 22 6 2 4 4 2 5 6 54 34 10 141 50 28 24 16 43 16 6 20 6 55 36 8 16 36 20 7 23 8 12 20 4 32 5 4 5 16 100 140 117 81 5 500 70 8 80 60 8 4 123 30 5 15 11 20 5 12 12 5 25 18 30 34 4 35 120 8 20 8 64 24 25 60 30 16 30 4 134 180 1,039 180 140 177 244 105 "60 814 631 1,069 Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compoun Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Triple-oxpansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-screw Sorew Twin-screw Sorow Twin-screw Screw Twin-screw Paddle .. Sorew Twin-sorew Home trade .. Restriotedlimits Home trade .. Restriotedlimits Home trade .. Restriotedlimits Home trade .. Restriotedlimits Home trade .. Restriotedlimits Home trade .. Restriotedlimits Home trade .. Restriotedlimits Home trade .. Restriotedlimits 6 '2 1 2 2 "4 1 '2 5 5 l 3 - 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 8 8 2 2 2 "3 8 8 Screw Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Compound Oil-engine Non-condensing Compound Home trade .. Restriotedlimits "2 4 90 129 2 5 Oil-engine Home trade .. Restriotedlimits 4 5 29 36 60 55 5 6 2 Non-oondensing Oil-engine 97 Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Twin-sorew Sorew 142 Home trade .. Restriotedlimits 2 2 838 1,062 Compound Foreign trade 6 3 *2 *3 * Survi iyed twice.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


Name of Vessel. O '& 9 CO fl O H « a o S 3 >h 9-- a SMI ti 8 or S fru 9 o . a a. ffl 0) 3j ■3,2 Boa ■C -tH a o JH I Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Clnss of Certificate. Min bei inc Cr, qu cai mui ir of Ej Oil ■ow 1 lires rriec followisses of jaw reto be i 1. Remarks CD 3 a ID 3 9 u tfl H <v a § & 1 „ 9 J-. Flora Foam Forth Gael Gannet Geisha Gem (Awanui) Gem (Whangarei) Gilda Gisborne Pilotlaunch Gisborne S.F.M. Co.'s launch Gladsome •Glenelg Glenlee Gordon Gosford Goshawk Grevbound Hairini Hananui II Hapai Harmony Harriet Hauiti Hauitj (Auokland) Hauraki Hawera Hazel "Heathcote Heather.. Hikitia Hilda Hina Himitangi Hinemoa (Tryphena) Hinemoa (W'gton) Hinewai Hipi Hirere Hobsonville Huanui Huia (Auckland).. Huia (Wellington) Huia Hukarere "Hulk Launch Ika Imp Imperial Invercargill Iranui Irene Irini Iris Iris (Kutarere) .. Isa Isabel Isabella de Fraine Isobel Ivy (Port Albert).. Ivy (Westport) Jane (Auckland) .. Jane (Mokau) Janie Seddon J.D.O. .. Joan JuBtin John John Anderson .. John Kennedy .. 'John Townley Jumbo Kaeo Kahika Kahu (Auckland).. 55 10 4 1 1 5 5 8 10 4 20 12 12 4 3 12 12 114 Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Screw Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limitr 2 .. 2 Twin-screw 2 10 Sorew 3 156 5 10 23 122 83 54 44 364 2 3 12 82 9 92 3 94 6 4 5 56 149 2 5 75 10 8 30 35 60 25 58 155 6 8 20 32 34 31 8 35 17 30 20 47 45 5 255 277 Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-Bcrew Screw Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. Restriotedlimits Home trade .. B.estrioted limits i *2 2 3 3 269 Compound 206 Home trade .. Restriotedlimits 2 2 Oilengine Compound Oil-engine 82 286 Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Home trade .. Foreign trade Restricted limits 2 4 i 3 282 5 16 20 23 59 199 150 16 11 16 15 45 47 2 4 40 84 20 4 12 41 10 12 15 6 8 5 5 60 6 30 10 35 15 48 28 14 90 20 12 39 32 60 98 40 660 Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engine Foreign trade Restricted limits 5 3 Twin-screw Sorew Home trade .. Restriotedlimits 4 2 2 2 7 3 3 123 8 4 4 3 4 3 5 76 5* 8l 4 22 3 43 38 Compound Oil-engine 234 Compound Oil-engine Home trade .. Restricted limits 4 2 Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. Restricted limits 2 Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. 'i l Restricted limits Compound Twin-screw Screw 134 36 4 85 4 146 516 25 185 Home trade .. Restricted limits 4 2 Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine » ■ • Twin-sorew Screw Twin-screw Screw Twin-screw s „ 682 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Home trade .. Foreign trade Home trade .. ■1 5 1 3 * Survey, id twice.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


Name of Vessel. rti 9 .3 ! a o P : J-rrJ H-. 0, q o *§-! O CD ■ a ° CD .2 ft u> t.t> ' ft ffS gig j Offl.S l*}J o'oflo i o . fta. 41 8| a; .2 5 BO H Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Mini bei ing Cr, qu: cai imui ir of g Clf i-ew 1 lires trried n followisses of jaw reto be 1 IRemarks. IB 9 2a 9 a o rt, «i ■ a I 9 Kabu (Napier) Kaiaia Kaimaka "Kaipara Kaipatiki Kaitangata Kaitoa Kaituna (A'kland) Kaituna (Dunedin) Kami Kamona Kanieri (Auckland) Kanieri (L. Kanieri) Kapiti Kapui Kapuni Karaka Karamu.. Karma Karora Karori Karoro (Auckland) Karoro (Tuakau) .. *Karu Kate (Batley) Kate (Foxton) Katoa Kauri Kawau (Auckland) Kawau Kelvena.. Kelvin Kennedy Kestrel 96 24 11 40 32 24 4 94 200 65 10 200 159 117 20 34 35 9 30 22 102 28 30 147 17 8 27 24 5 335 304 20 15 7 7 38 43 235 Compound Oil-engine Screw Twin-screw Home trade .. 2 1 2 Restriotedlimits 23 1,219 118 6 1,246 725 904 115 2 114 17 96 10 452 3 6 1,194 52 3 197 5 Compound Sorew 1,033 292 Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Foreign trade Home trade .. Restriotedlimits Foreign trade 7 4 8 3 2 8 Twin-screw Screw 988 761 750 162 7 6 6 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 8 Compound Oil-engine Compound Home trade .. Restriotedlimits Home trade .. 4 1 2 2 1 2 215 190 738 Triple-expansion Restriotedlimits Foreign trade Restriotedlimits h 8 Oil-engine 960 Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Non-condensing Triple-expansion Foreign trade Restriotedlimits 7 3 2 3 119 Home trade .. Restriotedlimits 'i 2 1,382 1,830 53 37 4 2 131 159 1,626 1,153 91 Foreign trade 7 8 2 6 3 1 3 2 3 8 Compound Home trade .. Restriotedlimits Oil-engine i.4 Compound Twin-sorew Sc-ew each end Sorew Home trade .. Restricted limits 4, 2 Kia Ora.. Kina Kini Kirita Kiritona Kiwi (Onehunga).. Kiwi(PelorusS'nd) Kiwi (Whangarei) Kohi Koi Kokiri Kokiri Komata.. Kopu Koputai.. K ,roi Koroi (Auckland) Kotare Kotiti Koutu Koutunui Kowhai Kara Lady Eva Ladv Moira La Mat>cotte La Beine Larola Larola (Wanganui) Lassie Laurel Lena Lily (Te Kopuru).. Lily (Riverton) .. Lion (Pelorus S'nd) Lion (Hokianga) .. Lomen Lone Star Lorna Loyalty Lyttelton ♦Magic .. Ma heno 7 6 702 6 75 4 1 4 20 55 4 719 1,194 18 5 3 8 10 130 30 150 28 5 28 60 32 10 135 260 13 120 7 94 20 14 5 26 128 35 120 5 10 20 10 14 6 10 8 : 7 1 4 1 5 I 5 6 20 10 35 I 133 I 60 I 600 717 Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-sorew Sorew Twin-screw Home trade .. Restriotedlimits Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits 6 ':.! i 8 740 1,250 Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Sorew Foreign trade 0 7 3 6 3 3 Non-oondensing Compound Oil-engine Quadruple-exp'n. Compound Paddle .. Restricted limits Foreign trade Restricted limits i 8 469 Sorew 79 42 2 98 404 16 3 2 4 6 ' 4 3 3 3 12 2 3 2 3 133 87 145 503 Oil-engine Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-screw Sorew a ■ • Home trade .. Restriotedlimits Home trade .. Restriotedlimits Home trade .. Restricted limits '2 2 a 5 i 2 1 '2 3 Compound i 4 4 24 88 58 3,318 '78 Oil-engine Compound Twin-sorew Home trade .. Restriotedlimits Home trade .. Foreign trade i i 6,188 Oil-engine Turbine '2 12 18 9 '3 1 Survey, id twice.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


Name of Vessel. n" 9 03 'Sb 9 OQ fl o EH 9-«, 9 P-gl- ' a ° O § g rfi 3 ffl.a ■h w £_ ■SS'Sf a ■ n o.SO £ o . rtrtffi 11 fflHI Oj «| 1 i3*j a o M Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Mm,mum Number of following Classes of Crew Law requires to be carried. Remarks. -52 I SI § co £ S S3 a ° fl co as 9 •7* sh Mahoe .. Mahua Mahurangi Maidi Majestic Makere Mako Mako (Napier) Makuini 'Mana (Lyttelton) Manaia Mangakura Manukau Manukotuku Manurere Manuwai Maori (Dunedin).. Maori (Pieton) .. Maori (Riverton).. Maori (Taupo) .. Mapourika Maranui 'Mararoa Mararoa (Rotorua) Margaret Maribel Maritano Marokopa Masootte Mascotte (A'ckland) Matakokiri Matarere Matariki Matariki (Tuakau) Matea Matuku Maui Mavis Mavis (Onehunga) Mavis (Stewart Is.) Mavora Mawhera May May (Wanganui).. M.C. .. Media Melville Merita Merlin Merlin (Pieton) .. Mermaid Mermaid Midlothian Mikado Minoru Miro Mizpah Moa Moana (Dunedin) Moana (Pioton) .. Moana (Tryphena) Moata Moerangi Mokoia Mona Monica Monica II Monowai Mororo Mountaineer Murihiku Muriel Muriel (A.K. 1001) Muritai Muriwai Nada 14 353 95 12 3 3 4 247 4 51 630 6 4 3 56 28 80 lOf 7 4 12 65 18 90 104 9 80 16 34 30 5,600 8 5 5 130 5 530 6 12 16 14 32 6 5 9 14 10 6 5 4 80 10 6 5 10 168 4 4 6 10 10 8 4 5 413 Oil-engine Compound :,uz ■ • ■:# r » ■ , ;'! 8 Oil-engine MA Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Sorew Twin-sorew Sorew Home trade .. Restriotedlimits Home trade .. Restriotedlimits 1 I 's Paddle .. Twin-sorew Screw ■ '1 1,274 94 1,445.' 6 3 2 718 4 1,381 2 2 6 6 6 29 5,859 Quadruple-exp'n. Non-condensing Turbine Oil-engine Stern-wheel Triple-screw Screw Home trade .. Restriotedlimits k 18 9 3 1,224 2,947 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Home trade .. Restricted limits Home trade .. Restriotedlimits "l 8 ..I 3 9 2 *3 3 3 Compound Non-oondonsing Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw "3 4 3 2 251 3 2 4 4 292 2 1 3 4 4 3 4 3 3 4 3 6 24 3 44 5 2,415 4 2 3 5 2 2 3 29 2,137 2 66 369 4 22 3 6 1 470 Non-condensing Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-sorew Sorew Home trade .. Restricted limits 4 3 Compound Oil-engine Twin-screw Sorew Compound Oil-engine 10 1 5 i 12 10 i 5 20 i 4 i 372 8 I 44 I 5 i 16 1 6 I 5 ! 12 I 20 ' 290 ! 5 ! 50 I 70 16 ! 18 ! 5 i 55 6 4,216 Compound Oil-engine Foreign trade Restriotedlimits io 12 6 '3 2,785 527 Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound • .. Oil-engine Paddle .. Twin-sorew Screw Home trade .. Restriotedlimits Home trade .. Restricted limits 4 8 116 i *2


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


Name of Vessel. U 9 to '5b 9 o. fl o EH 6_ I _'H ft£ ft 3 <u " ", K a O g Sis" •|co-3 ? o OfflO £ o . || H e "S3 is ,gOJ a 3 H Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Minimum Number of following Classes of Crew Law requires to be carried. Remarks. " f_j rH CO 5 i 1 I 1 I 1 % d £ ,3 9 « h £ 0 ' Namu .. jNancy |.. Nancy .. .. I Napier .. Natone Naumai.. Nautilus Nautilus Navua Nellie Nellie Mason Neptune New Zealand Ngahere Ngakuta Ngapuhi Ngarita Ngaru Ngatea Ngatiawa Ngatoro Ngoiro 5 10 5 84 24 12 7 6 220 8 15 14 H 118 248 160 18 6 1.4 55 118 52 Oil-engine Screw Restricted limits 30 50 29 3 6 1,813 8 14 4 44 556 944 299 4 3 6 220 584 139 'ki Compound Home trade .. Restriotedlimits' i 1 Oil-engine 1,728 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Foreign trade Restriotedlimits 9 6 3 3 747 1,168 738 Non- condensing Triple-expansion Home trade .. Foreign trade j Home trade .. Restriotedlimits 5 6 5 3 3 3 2 3 Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw 441 764. Non-condensing Triple-expansion Twin-screw Screw Screw each end Screw Home trade .. 5 5 3 3 Restriotedlimits Niagara.. Niagara.. Nick Nieola Nikau .. Nile 5 4 6 4 98 18 10 14 25 10 55 12 Oil-engine 278 und'r 50 Compound Twin-sorew Sorew Home trade .. 2 1 '3 1 Nimrod Nita Norah Norah (Oamaru) .. Nora Niven Norma Northumberland.. Norval .. Nydia Odin Oei Ohinemuri Oleo Oline .. Olive Olivene .. Omana Omana (Auckland) Omokoroa Onawe Oneroa Onewa Ongarue Opaia Oparau Opawa Opouri Oranga Orepuki.. Orete Orewa Oropi Osprey Otara Otunui Outsider Paloona.. Pania Parera Paroto Pateena Patiti Pearl (Kaipara) .. Pearl (Onerahi) .. Pearleen Pearl Kasper Peerless (Auckland) 3 3 2 3 66 5 3 50 1 3 5 73 5 2 6 4 49 3 5 5 29 31 9 5 5 64 218 4 226 92 37 12 138 3 12 4 1,735 35 6 57 550 12 5 5 5 35 20 10 20 4 40 7 30 20 10 32 18 14 16 15 25 15 15 45 23 5 18 86 16 78 60 17 16 70 12 75 14 443 11 4 120 250 15 7 14 5 22 26 Oil-engine Restriotedlimits 187 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Home trade .. Restriotedlimits 2 2 Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine '84 586 450 Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Home trade .. Foreign trade Restriotedlimits Home trade .. Foreign trade Restriotedlimits 2 4 'k 2 1 3 3 Pa'ddle ! '. Sorew ,i " ■■ 2,510 Triple-expansion Compound Non-condensing Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Non-condensing Oil-engine Foreign trade Restriotedlimits 9 *9 3 3 1,953 Home trade .. i 6 '3 Restriotedlimits 6 8 9 2 6 25 4


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


Name of Vessel. © CO Cirri fl O EH ® fl ° O 9 1 a 9 *&% ■=8-2 ? o.fflO !H £ o . ft S if ■si .5* "3rtH fl O rH Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Mini bei ins; Cri qu cal imum Ni ir of foil g Classe •ew Law 1 ires to rried. lowis of 7 re- ' be Remarks o 0 is 5 9 9 a 9 -H 0 Peerless (Riwaka) Pelican Pelorus .. Peregrine 4 1 18 162 16 57 40 52 297 Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Sorew Twin-screw Screw Screw each end Twin-screw Screw Restrict-ed limits Home trade .. Restriotedlimits 1 3 Pet Petrel Petrel .. Phantom Phyllis .. Phyllis (Te Kopuru) Phyllis (Hokitika) P.hinga.. Pilot (Auckland) .. Pilot (Dunedin) .. Pilot (Dunedin) .. Pioneer Pitoitoi Planet Pleiades Plucky Poherua Pono Portare Presto Pretoria.. Princess Pukeore.. Pupuke 6 6 1 18 4 5 1 2 5 27 5 1 34 4 3 29 749 30 6 'is 24 11 12 2 3 5 18 15 12 4 20 34 12 40 128 52 17 3 8 5 7 50 " I Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound 266 717 Oil-engine Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Home trade .. Restricted limits 6 3 Twin-screw Screw 'ii 5 4 68 Compound Oil-engine •■ I Compound Surew eaoh end Twin-screw Screw Purau Putiki .. P.W.D. .. Queen of Beauty.. Queen of the South Rachel Cohen Rainbow Rakanoa Rakino Rakiura.. Balaoo Ralaco (Auckland) Bangi Bangi ora Rangitaiki Rarawa Ratanui Raumati Rauparaha Redwing Regal Regulus.. Reliance Rene 33 168 2 3 121 95 4 1,393 2 13 2 2 5 3 4 460 2 74 14 5 232 14 4 6 14 19 6 6 4 4 145 5 44 2 8 4 5 5 19 g 4 4 4 462 30 60 10 18 40 80 18 200 8 10 10 10 8 7 15 140 3 20 12 10 150 12 10 32 50 10 14 24 7 16 95 16 5 4 5 5 10 11 8 104 12 12 8 10 90 15 10 321 '148 883 1,118 694 Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Triple-oxpansion Oil-engine Twin screw Screw Twin-screw Screw-Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. Restriotedlimits Home trade .. Foreign trade Restricted limits Foreign trade Restricted limits Home trade .. Restricted limits Homo trade .. Restriotedlimits Homo trade .. Restriotedlimits 4 4 2 7 1 "e 4 '3 2 *3 3 3 2 2 3 *3 Reo Reremoana Result Revenge ' .. Rewa Rhodesian Rialto Rimu Rimu (Thames) .. Ronahi Rio Ripple Rita (Meroor) Rita Riverton Riwaka Roko 493 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. Restriotedlimits 4 3 Compound Oil-engine Rona Ronaki Rosa Rosamond Rose (Kaiapoi) Rose (Tangiteroria) 453 Compound Oil-engine Home trade .. Restriotedlimits "3 3


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


Name of Vessel. s in '& it I fl o E-i la" ft <j_ JO 9 X u t- • £ O CD.- ft 2_fi fi 9 E 8! Kh o 2 "ffl .a •l^irtrtS a _. l-S ,o offlo £ o . tta, iS g.| O fl ffl o Nature of Engines. ■ai 3 * Jjoa a o rH Oil-engine jMimmum NumI bor of t'ollow- ' ing Classes of Crew Law requires to be Nature Class of carried. of Propeller. Certificate. : -la ,h m h m ID H rr a Q a in f fn £ a Remarks. 9 ™, a 1 s 5 OD 3 CQ 4) M o Rose (Whangarei) Roslyn Rotoiti Rotokohu Rotongaro Rowena.. Ruahine Ruawai Ruby Ruru (Auckland).. Ruru (Napier) Rurubau Sambo Samson Savaii Sea Breeze Seaniew Sea Wolf Secret Sea Queen Settler (Russell) .. Settler (Thames).. Shamrock Shamrock Leaf .. Sir William Wallace Sister Dora Sneaker Sokol Sonoma (Hokianga) Sonoma (Kaipara) Southern Cross .. Sparrowhawk 11 4 4 5 177 3 14 62 10 5 4 31 4 14 5 4 3 8 6 60 6 30 2 6 6 4 10 16 30 8 34 13 12 52 : 8 10 I 50 I 1.2 i 40 16 1.6 10 i 6 i 28 [ 10 I 7 ! 7 i 18 ) 120 i 20 I 20 ! 12 i 5 ! 10 I 10 18 i 117 i 82 Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound 213 .. I Oil-engine 64 Condensing Oil-engine Screw .. Restriotedlimits .. .... .. .. Home trade .. 2 2 .. . . .. Restriotedlimits .. Home trade .. 2 1 .. . .. Restiicted limits 2 2 2 i .. ■ . . I Twin-screw Home trade .. 2 Screw .. Restriotedlimits .. .... . 2 .. : Compound .. i Oil-engine 403 98 Non-condensing 580 Triple-expansion Compound Twin-screw Foreign trade 6 3 .. . Sorew each Restriotedlimits end Sorew , ■ „ 6 8 Special Speedy Spray Standard Stanley Star Sterling (Auckland) Sterling (Hokianga) St. George Storm Stranger Sumner Sybil Sylph Sylvia Swan Tahawai Taheke .. Tainui Tainui .. Tai Nui.. Takapuna Talune Tanebaka Tanfield Lea Taogaroa Tangihua Taniwha Taniwha Tarawera Tarewai.. Tasman.. Tauri Tawera Tawera Tawera Te Awhina Te Anau Te Aroha Te Kooti Te Pioneer Te Pua Terawhiti Te Teko.. 5 8 2 9 2 o 4 8 2 186 4 94 54 5 4 5 9 3 60 14 5 472 1,370 2 3 109 20 191 16 1,269 11 87 6 11 44 ! 16 ! 5 ! 8 ) 10 i 7 ! 8 I 28 1 12 ! 8 5 70 I 12 I 35 | 30 5 8 1 9 5 10 5 14 3 12 j 24 1 c 3 30 2 165 3 255 2 4 4 ) 70 3 15 1 40 3 16 3 250 1 11 7 45 3 16 1 11 1 40 25 7 99 7 250 7 85 2 5 5 13 . io 2 99 3 120 Oil-engine j 284 Compound Oil-engine .. Compound .. Oil-engine 156 Compound Oil-engine „ .. Home trade .. 4 3 .. . .. Restriotedlimits .. Home trade .. 2 2 .. . .. Restriotedlimits 4 '2 3 2 1,118 Compound 1,787 Triple expansion Oil-engine .. Home trade .. 6 3 2: .. Foreign trade 8 6 3 : .. Restriotedlimits 6 8 3 6 2 3 *8 3 .. Compound Non-condensing 1,417 Compound Condensing 191 Compound Oil-engine Non-condensing Oil-engine Compound 429 Triple-expansion 1,116 Compound .. Oil-engine Twin-sorew „ Sorew .. „ Twin-screw Screw .. „ .. Home trade .. 8 6 3 „ .. Restriotedlimits Twin-screw Home trade .. 2 2 .. . Screw .. Restriotedlimits 8 6 3 8 2 2 87 957 57 2 25 24 102 56 Twin-screw Home trade .. 2 3 .. . Sorew .. Foreign trade 6 3 2 Twin-screw Home trade .. 2 Screw .. Restriotedlimits 2 0 2 3 3 2 3 Compound Oil-engine 846 Triple-expansion Oil-engine „ .. Home trade .. 4 3 2 I Twin-screw „ .. 2 4 ■ 2 3 2 8


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.


. Name of Vessel. rtl 9 IS '» <d « OD a o . ... IN. ■p!j Oo«C •HITS'*! <D fl O o „. ® , fl o ■ dp, 2_°i °S„» ffl I 0 s a hA ° offlo H <D t= O . ft u, is it ffl o •ss 3 °> "to ■CrtH a o Nature of Engines. Nature of Propeller. Class of Certificate. Minimum Number of following Classes of Crew Law requires to be carried. Remarks. CO n" fl S P. s s s s |5 a a s 53 s a $ o A -h ft co ii, £ C5 Te Waipounamu .. Te Wake Te Whaka Te Wharu Te Winmu The Little Jaok .. Thelma.. The Minerva The Pines Theresa Ward Thistle (H. lensv'le) Thistle (Kaiapoi).. Thislle (Moana) .. Thistle (Wellingt'n) "Thomas King Thor Tiki Tikirau Tikitere.. Tio Tiri Togo Toitoi Toiler Tongariro Torgonge Torea Tot T, ahine Tuatea (Dunedin) Tuatea (Raglan) .. Tuatea (Napier) .. Tui (Akaroa) Tui (Rawene) Tui (Rawene) Tuitangi Turanga Tutanekai (Wellington) Tutanekai (Russell) Ulimarca Una Undine .. Uira Uta Vectus Ventura.. Vera Vesper (Auckland) Vesper (Te Kopuru) Victoria.. Victory (Hokianga) Victory (Auckland) Viking Viola .. Waiapu Waihau.. Waihora Waihou.. Waihou (Thames) Wai-iti .. Waikana Waikare Waikato Waikuku Waima Waimarie Waimarie (Wanganui) Waimea Wainui Wainui (Pieton) .. Wainui (Wanganui) Waioma Waioma (Russell) Waione Wai-ora.. 20 8 14ll 8 4 '24 20 1 9 10 4 1 77 70 6 10 5 3 4 6 "5 28 9 4 24 6 20 58 4 30 6 3 24 72 19 412 8 5 45 7 14 14 5 14 2 95 14 5 4 90 16 12 70 20 8 12 20 14 18 134 8 8 60 16 14 28 8 60 22 5 5 23 25 205 454 Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Non-condensing Oil-engine Compound Od-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Screw Twin-sorew Sorew Twin-screw Sorew Restriotedlimits Home trade .. Restriotedlimits Home trade .. Restriotedlimits 1 '2 3 Compound Oil-engine Compound Twin-screw Sorew Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw 228 Compound Oil-engine Home trade .. Restriotedlimits 2 2 Twin-screw Screw 818 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Twin-sorew Foreign trade 6 8 2 3 2! 2,986 1. 5' 41 23| 22 8 4 20 1 3' 4 34i 17 5 3 57 6 2,993 4 4 5 67 1 6 21 6 159 ; 53 8 506 34 10 34 50 16 7 16 32 16 7 8 30 14 15 35 40 410 12 3 47 200 4 10 0 20 48 20 5,410 Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Non-condensing Oil-engine Screw Twin-screw Screw Restricted limits Foreign trade Restriotedlimits ii 15 9 3 1,768 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Foreign trade Restriotedlimits 16 6 3 3 Compound Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Compound Non-condensing Twin-screw Paddle .. 207 5, 2 3 5 4 48 3 100 10 5 14 20 10 80 15 556 •■ I 1 1 Triple-expansion Oil-engine Twin-screw Screw Home trade .. Restriotedlimits " „ 4 3 " I Compound Oil-engine Twin-sorew Screw * Survi iyed twice.


Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels to which (Certificates of Survey were issued, etc. — continued.

6—H, 15.


® a ° O 9 &gs • a 5 «" ft a, DC a § E « WaoJ -Sffl-9 list fail fl_, t.^H 5^3MO rt-H 9 o . ft Ui II ffl a, 'SS *1 SCO r3w a o M Nature of Engines. ClfiBS Of Certificate. Mini be inj Cr qu ca imur ir of S Cll row 1 lires .rriec n followksses of Jaw reto be i Name of Vessel, ti •° B _D 9 a o EH Naturn of Propeller. fl 9 9 sa 03 fl a <D I. 9 u 9 B | H rt, © m 9 a Remarki. Waiora Waiotahi Waipapakauri Waipori Waipu Waipuna Wairau Waireka Waireka Waireka (Wanganui) Wairoa (Auckland) Wairoa (Nelson) .. Wairua (Wanganui) 'Wairua (Auckland) Waitangi (Auckl'd) Waitangi Waitaria Waitata Waitemata (London) Waitemata (Auckland) Waitemata Waitohi Waitui Waiuku Waiwera Waiwera Wakaiti Wakapai Wakatere Wakatere (Raglan) Wallace.. Wanaka Waro Warrimoo Waterlily Waverley Weka (Auckland) Weka (Napier) .. Welcome Westland Wetere Whakarapa Whakarongotai .. Whakarire Whangape Whanui.. Whareatea W.H.B. .. Whisper Whati .. Wild Rose Will Watch Wootton Worker Young Bungaree.. Zephyr .. Zoe 167 5 1,229 76 24 59 72 3 4 75 56 9 180 244 7 20 49 5 45 356 912 235 Oil-engine Compound Oilengine .. i Triple-expansion Compound Oil-engine Compound Triple-expansion Oil-engine Screw .. j Restricted limits Twin-screw i Home trade .. Sorew .. Restricted limits .. ' Foreign trade Twin-screw j Home trade .. Screw .. I Restricted limits .. Home trade .. Twin-screw /Restriotedlimits Sorew 4 7 2 8 2 •' '*! 3 140 2 2 49 48 40 16 70 44 60 66 5 4 258 130 78 Compound .. Home trade .. 2 2 al H 175 32 21 2 2 3,459 Oil-engine Compound .. Restriotedlimits: Twin-sorew Screw .. Homo trade .. Twin-sorew Screw .. Restriotedlimits 296 2 1 l 3 Oil-engine 2,319 Compound „ .. Foreign trade ii 9 3 3 18 150 Oil-engine „ .. Restriotedlimits 5 18 1 49 13 10 12 200 6 16 39 10 140 5 50 280 50 490 20 25 27 20 55 86 22 5 10 120 280 5 14 15 1 8J 7 45 33 12 35 7 *4 Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine Twin-screw Sorew 15 Twin-sorew Home trade .. Screw .. Restriotedlimits Paddle .. Screw i 176 4 60 1,572 34 2,076 29 93 75 53 25 8 41 2 2 449 1,900 3 9 3 3 Compound 1,101 Oil-engine Non-condensing Triple-expansion Oil-engine Triple-expansion Oil-engine Compound .. Foreign trade .. Restriotedlimits .. Foreign trade .. Restriotedlimits Twin-screw „ Home trade .. Sorew .. „ „ .. Restriotedlimits Paddle .. Home trade .. Screw .. Restriotedlimits - 8 10 8 9 2 6 8 *3 3,210 128 137 80 2 o 2 1 362 Oil-engine Compound i 3 i Oil-engine I I 642 1,246 Compound Triple-expansion Oilengine Compound Oil-engine Twin-sorew Home trade .. Sorew .. Foreign trade .. Restriotedlimits *5 8 3 3 2 8 3 48 90 2 2 4 14 Compound Oil-engine 132 Compound Oil-engine Compound Oil-engine „ .. Home trade .. 2 2 2 156 .. Restriotedlimits .. Homo trade .. .. Restriotedlimits 'i 2 * Survey, id twice.


Return of Sailing-ships to which Survey Certificates were granted during the Year ended 31st March, 1917.


Name of Vessel. r j Tons Register. ■ r Minimum Number of Seamen required by Law to be carried. Class of Certificate, Utitimti Able Ordinary ffi£*£ Seamen. Seamen. 1 jf„y° Remarks. Alert Alma Altai r Aratapu Awanui Catbkit Clio Combine Comet Dandy Deveron Dominion Edith Edna Elsie Mary Esme Ethel Wells Gannet Haere Herald Hero Huia Huon Belle Ida Inoz Dean Irene Jano Giflord.. Janet Kapua Katie S. Kereru Kiatia Kitty Fraser Lady of the Lake Lena Gladys.. Lily Lily (Nelson) Lizette Maggie May Moa Moa (Auokland) Moehau Moonah Ngaru Nor'west Oban Onerahi Pahiki Pearl Kasper Ranger Rangi Raupo Result Rewa Rimu Rona Saucy Kate Soot Seagull Stag Stanley Sunderland Talisman Tararawa The Lee The Portland Thistle Transit Vindex Violet Vixen Waikonini Winnie Ysnbel 98 23 57 122 85 139 81 24 20 82 26 25 19 22 85 20 19 25 99 73 25 20 42 25 12 30 20 24 18 20 98 20 ' 25 19 24 84 16 25 20 44 66 99 23 83 66 18 24 25 20 25 64 86 683 23 7 49 618 25 18 25 19 90 20 70 44 19 59 23 19 23 20 15 23 19 149 Homo trade .. 2 1 ..1 .... Restricted limits 2 Home trade .. 4 .. 1 Foreign trade .. 2 1 ..: 4 .. i Home trade .. 2 1 1 Restricted limits 1 Home trade .. ! 2 1 1 1 ... Restricted limits 1 ... 1 Home trade .. 2 1 Restricted limits , 1 "„ 2 i ■ '.'. 2 1 2 1 .... 2 .... 1 .... 1 .... 2 .... Home trade .. 1 Restricted limits 1 Home trade .. I 1 Restricted limits I 1 Foreign trade .. 2 1 Home trade .. 1 Restricted limits ] 1 1 I I I i- :• i .... i .... i .... 2 .... 2 1.. Home trade .. 2 1 Restricted limits 1 Home trade ■ .. 2 1 ..2 I Restricted limits 1 Home trade .. 1 1 1 Restricted limits 2 Home trade .. 2 1 2 '■' 1 Foreign trade .. 8 1 2 Restricted limits 1 1 .... 2 Foreign trade .. 8 1 2 Restricted limits 1 Home trade .. 1 : 1 .. Restricted limits 1 2 1.. "„ 1 .... 2 1.. 2 .... 1 .... 2 .... 1 .... I .... 1 .... 1 .... 1 .... 1 .... Home trade .. 1 Foreign trade .. 4 .. 1



List of Boys who have served on the Training-ship "Amokura" during the Year ended 31st March, 1917.

Name. Date of Joining. Date of Discharge. Occupation taken up on Discharge. Stalker, L. Jenkins, J. S. Heaphy, J. Ilalliday, J. S. Williams, J. F. O. Kerr, G. D. Morris, W. A. Body, G. A. V. Neale, J. C. McArthur, M. M. Edwards, K. A. Roberts, W. D. Ovenden, S. E. P. . . Haydock, A. E. J. Charman, F. V. H. Herivell, H. Ijundon, R. J. Leeves, L. W. Sollitt, N. H. Murroll, LB. Stanlake, R. B. Laing, P. C. Angus, S. C. J. Smith, R. E. Humphries, F. R. . . Parsons, H. G. Lloyd, M. E. Bacon, H. W. B. .. Wills, A. .. Thomson, C. W. Holden, G. C. Ingram, C. W. N. Birkner, V. L. W. .. Lowry, H. F. Denny, C. M. Cook, J. W. Bax, J. H. Better, G. P. Smith, C. R. Penny, A. B. Hughson, R. H. Raven, W. A. Hughson, J. G. J. Morrison, K. McD. . . Kerr, James Commerer, G. R. Smith, P. S. Martin, H. C. Monk, R. K. Jensen, C. L. H. Wells, H. C. Johnston, N. R. Fulford, V. M. Eyles, M. J. Rodda, L. J. McKenzie, A. J. Pringle, V. R. Meehan, N. P. J. .. Sellars, L. S. W. Subritzsky, W. A. Stubbing, F. F. Worth, H. H. Eskrigge, H. L. Finlayson, T. T. Godfroy, R. Priar, V. Y. Longuet, V. A. Cameron, G. G. Fauchelle, L. P. Irvine, A. L. R. Pettit, S. S. Park T. .. Whitlow, E. A. Mathieson, J. Sowter, E, W. Barclay, W. A. Thomson, G. Brown, C. H. L. Doubloday, E. W. .. Carter, A. E. Hore, J. T. Parker, K. W. Robertson, F. N. B. 31/7/14 3/8/14 14/8/14 24/8/14 3/9/14 4/9 /14 17/9/14 28/10/14 26/1/15 26/1/15 26/1/I5 26/1/15 26/1/15 26/1/15 26/1/15 26/1/15 27/1/15 17/3/15 17/3/15 17/3/15 21/3/15 17/3/15 26/1/15 31/5/15 1/6/15 1/6/15 1/6/15 1/6/15 1/6/15 1/6/15 7/6/15 16/6/15 18/6/15 23/7/15 21/9/15 21/9/15 21/9/15 21/9/15 24/9/15 28/9/15 13/10/15 12/10/15 24/1/16 26/1/16 25/1/16 25/1/16 25/1/16 25/1/16 25/1/16 25/1/16 25/1/16 26/1/16 25/1/16 14/6/16 14/6/16 15/6/16 15/6/16 15/6/16 15/6/16 15/6/16 15/6/16 16/6/16 16/6/16 17/6/16 .15/8/16 14/8/16 15/8/16 15/8/16 1.5/8/16 1.5/8/16 16/8/16 1.5/8/16 19/8/16 23/10/16 23/10/1.6 24/10/16 24/10/16 24/10/16 24/1.0/16 23/10/16 24/10/16 27/10/16 24/10/16 1/5/16 27/5/16 9/5/16 24/5/16 1/5/16 26/5/16 15/5/16 21/9/16 9/10/16 16/8/16 8/8/16 11/7/16 8/8/1.6 5/10/16 12/10/16 13/10/16 5/10/16 16/2/17 13/1/17 17/2/17 14-/10/16 13/1/17 7/8/16 4/11/16 17/2/17 8/3/17 13/1/17 8/3/17 19/2/17 4/5/17 21/12/16 17/1/16 12/2/16 21/5/17 Joined s.s. " Mokoia " as O.S. „ s.s. " Ngatoro " as O.S. „ s.s. " Ngahere " as O.S. „ s.s. " Stormbird " as O.S. ,, s.s. " Mokoia " as boy. ,, s.s. " Wimmera " as O.S. ,, s.s. " Rosamond " as O.S. „ s.s. " Karu " as O.S. J „ s.s. " Ionic " as O.S. „ s.s. " Moana " as boy. „ s.s. " Opouri " as O.S. ,, s.s. " Ngatoro " as O.S. ,, s.s. " Karu " as O.S. ,, s.s. " Manuka " as boy. ,, s.s. " Ionic " as O.S. „ s.s. " Kamo " as O.S. „ s.s. " Pateena " as boy. ,, s.s. " Waimarino " as O.S. ,, s.s. " Mararoa " as buy. ,, s.s. " Ngahere " as O.S. ,, s.s. " Kamona " as O.S. ,, s.s. " Arapawa " as O.S. „ s.s. " Pateena" as O.S. ,, s.s. " Kittawa " as boy. ,, s.s. " Kittawa " as O.S. „ barque " Antiope " as O.S. ,, ,, " Rona " as O.S. „ „ " Antiope " as 0. S. ,, s.s. " Ngakuta " as O.S. ,, s.s. " Arahura " as O.S. „ s.s. " Pateena " as boy. Medically unfit; discliarge granted. Deserted. Joined s.s. " Kokiri " as O.S. Deserted. Still on board. 20/9/16 Medically unht; discharge granted. Still on board. i.T/ii/16 Granted discharge. Still on board.1



Return of Estates of Deceased Seamen received and administered in pursuance of the Provisions of the Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908, during the Year ended 31st March, 1917.

Return showing Amounts received prior to 1st April, 1916, standing to Credit of Estates of Deceased Seamen, and for which Claims have not been proved.

Name of Seaman. Balance to Credit of the Estate on 31st March, 1916. Amount received. Amount paid. Balance to Credit of the Estate on 31st March, 1917. A. Mako-aUi Cecil Harvey Leonard L. Loder A. Weightman Albert Tristram Charlos F. Olson Murdo McDonald William Christory William Joyce John Smith John W. Hinchloy C. W. Lindsay Robert Kylo P. O'Sullivan J. Hunter Henry C. Hilditch T. Lawler A. W. Rawlings Charles Smith.. Bodoo x Ellio Bux Leslie Craw John Williams 0. H. Ward Albort Olson . . J. McKendrick O. Petterson . . R. H. Owen Allan Campbell (J. Doran Jacob Larson . . E. W. Scrivener Duncan McDonald Samuel Henderson Charles R. Vassoau John 0. Tonkin A. Mason James T. Allan Peter Peterson Henry Simpson Thomas Grubb Henry William Wood . . £ s. d. 8 7 6 8 12 1 1119 0 SS IS 7 £ s. (1. 2 3 0 6 14 8 20 0 0 3 9 5 63 16 5 9 2 9 78 9 I 15 II 6 13 10 2 1 10 4 2 0 5 1 6 1 II 13 1 1 0 11 6 3 5 0 17 5 5 12 5 9 0 0 10 8 10 5 11 0 3 17 0 18 3 4 4 11 3 0 5 0 8 17 5 32 14 3 71 12 2 18 8 7 5 2 8 25 17 3 23 (i 0 8 0 0 4 12 3 0 14 6 8 14 0 16 18 0 7 7 3 7 10 7 0 12 7 K9-K 11 II £ s. (1. 2 0 0 20 0 0 £ s. d. 2 3 0 . 4 14 8 3 9 5 63 16 5 9 2 9 78 9 1 23 19 0 13 10 2 1 10 4 2 0 5 8 12 1 8 14 10 1 6 1 2 18 3 1 6 11 6 3 5 0 17 5 5 12 5 9 0 0 10 8 10 5 II 0 3 17 0 18 3 4 4 11 3 0 5 0 8 17 5 71 12 2 32 14 3 18 8 7 5 2 8 25 17 3 II 19 0 8 0 0 4 12 3 23 6 0 0 14 (i 8 14 0 Hi 18 (I 7 7 3 7 10 7 0 12 7 .,,. ■ZH 18 7 28 18 7 5.J5 I I (.) 535 II 0 399 IS 9 164 10 10 i

Benjamin, W., late A.B., " Waiotahi " Collins, (!., lato steward, " Waitomo " Kspada, E., late fireman, " Maungaiiui " Galo, E., late A. 15., "Penguin" Glancy, W., late A. B., " Titauia " .. Hedges, E., late A. B., " Kairaki " .. Holli's, W., lato A.B., " Kairaki " .. Johnston, James, late A.B., "Kini" Kennedy, W., late A.B., " Moa " .. tCnudson, E., late second mate, " Kairaki " .. Lindsay, J., late A.B., " Wanderer" Mason, E., late of " Maori " Matheson, 1)., late A.B., " Kaliu " . . £ s. d. (i 5 6 Mays, J. J., late A. B., "Ngaru" .. 2 7 1 Morccr, J., late cook, " Jossio Nieool " 2 14 10 McRobcrts, David, late A. B., - Waihora" 5 4 9 j Midler, J;, late fireman, "Arahura" 2 9 2 j Parry, R., lato A. 11, " Koromiko " 43 4 5 i Powell, R., late cook, " Karori " .. 1 5 4 ' Sluice, G., lato cook, " Kurow " 8 16 4 i Smith, A., lato A.B., " Kairaki " .. 1 3 2 j Warelin, F., late A.B., •■ Koromiko " 15 19 2 ' Wadsworth, S., lato A.B., "Eva" .. I 0 S Ward, J„ late fireman. " Penguin " III 6 Wasscll, R., late A.B., " Elsie Mary " 17 3 6 i West, John, late A.B., " Greyhound " £ s. d. 4 19 6 1 4 6 6 3 6 26 15 0 1 15 6 10 3 11 0 7 6 7 17 II 2 12 10 2 15 4 7 18 7 0 7 6 1 17 4


NEW ZEALAND Wreck Chart.



Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department from the 1st April, 1916, to the 31st March, 1917.

Date of Vessel's Nanie, Age, Casualty.: and Class. Rig. » or Number of •Is nn. _ S3 £ PassenM H g gers. Cargo. Natu Nature of L ure of Casualty. Number _ of Lives lost. of Dives Place where Casualty occurred. Place where Casualty occurred. Wind. i _rt__rt__ ; Fiuding of Court of Inquirv. Name of Master. Casualty. ] lost. ! Force. I I ill I i I 1 I I I I I i ' _ ____ _ __ — I I I . ! 1915. Dec. 24 Farina, o.e.v., 4 j I. years „ 24 Oil - launch (no L name) belonging to Public Works Depart-' ment Launch 5 Launch 4 Launch Launch 5 2 4 1 2 2 1 2 Collision : no damage Collision; damage, £15 y Collision : nc damage Collision ; dan age, £15 to _ nTauranga Harbour .. Tauranga Harbour . . Calm < The casualty was due to the negligence or "j J. D. Faulkner, default of Godfrey Petersen, who was steering the Public Works launch, in G. Petersen, Calm < improperly altering the course of the Slaunch 1916. Mar. 11 Wave, o.e.v., 12 j S years Schooner 21 Schooner 21 4 Trilling accident to machinery Stranded; no damage Loss of propel-ler-blade; j damage, £10 Broken shaft; damage, £450 Accident to machinery ; damage, £300 1 Collision ; tri- j") fling damage ' I Collision; tri- | fling damage J Stranded; total loss Collision; dam- "] age, £10 Collision; dam- f age, £30 J Fire ; slight damage Trifling a c c i dent to ma chinerv i- .. C Off Mercury Bay New Elver Estuary .. Wairoa Bay Lat. 19° 41' S.. long. 159° 44' E. Lat. 35° 17' S.. long. 167° 50' E. Diamond Harbour, Lyttelton Waipu Beach Off Onerahi Wharf, Whangarei South Pacific Off Mercury Bay E. E. .. The crank of port engine broke . . .. F. Beach. W.S.W/ Squally ; The vessel was anchored in lower harbour, D. Harming, and was struck by a heavy squall, which , caused her to drag anchor and ground on a sandbank Calm .. Touched the groyne when entering the river H. -Anderson. E. Light . . The H.P. crank-shaft broke, and the vessel E. J. M. Applewas taken in tow to Auckland by the s.s. 3-ard. " Mapourika" Calm .. The after crank web of second LP. engine J. Mackay. broke. The main engines were disconnected, and the vessel continued her voyage under first LP. engine only I The collision was attributed to glare of ~j J. D. Miller. Calm electric lights I 1 1-4. Anderson. S.E. Moderate The casualty was caused through the neglect Wm J. Paine. of J. Braidford, A.B., in failing to keep a vigilant lookout. The master was guilty of a breach of his duty in leaving Braidford in sole charge of the vessel and in neglecting to see that a proper lookout was kept. He was ordered to pav the costs of the inquiry, £6 12s. I Caused through the "Kiatia" dragging her \ J. McCormick. S E. Gale anchor and striking the "Tararawa" on ! the stern j N. Oliver. W. Moderate Fire caused through overheating of funnel by J. E. McDonald, highly combustible coal — a mixture of Newcastle and Southern New South Wales April 9 Invercargill, s.s., | S 31 years Schooner 123 : Schooner 123 12 12 S cinuery Stranded; n< damage IO ' . . B New Elver Estuary .. . W.S.W/ Squally „ 11 Tangaroa, s.s., ! f 17 years Ketch .. 110; Ketch .. 110 9 34 ( 34 General General Loss of propel ler - b 1 a d e damage, £1( 1- .. \ ■0 I Wairoa Bay Calm .. „ 20 Flora, s.s., 34 j S years Schooner 838 Schooner r 838 36 .. ( 36 General General Broken shaft damage, £45( .; •• I Lat. 19° 41' S.. long. 159° 44' E. :. ! E. ' Light . . : „ 21 Dongarra, s.s., i S 10 years, late | Stolzenfels i. Schooner 3,554 Schooner r 3,554 53 .. ( 53 General General A c e i d ent t, machinery ; damage, £3C to .. I 00 Lat. 35° 17' S.. long. 167° 50' E. '.. • • Calm .. I ., Launch 3j . . ! May 5 Moa, o.e.v., 7 I years ,, 5 Matariki, o.e.v., I 8 years 9 Waro, aux., 40 S years „ 11 Tararawa, scow, I 31 years „ 11 Kiatia, 9 years E Launch 4 Schooner , 34 Launch Launch Schooner Ketch .. Ketch .. 3 1 4 4 1 c 34 5 .. ( 44 3 20 2 4 ! 34 1 1 5 4 Coal . . Coal . Collision ; tri fling damagi Collision ; tri fling damag, Stranded: toti loss Collision; dan age, £10 Collision; dan age, £30 Hi ?e 1 D tal .. T n- f J Diamond Harbour, Lyt telton Waipu Beach Off Onerahi Wharf, Whangarei t- .. Calm i S.E. Moderate SE. Gale J Ketch .. 44 3 20 2 3,684il36 Collision; damage, £10 Collision; damage, £30 Fire ; slight damage f Gale J Ketch .. SE. „ 21 Aparima, s.s., 14 S years Schooner Schooner r 3,684|136 I 4 ( 4 General General Fire ; sligh damage .t S South Pacific W. Moderate W. Moderate



Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department, etc.— continued.

Date of Casualty. '_ Vessel's Name, Age, and Class. Kig. © O 0 . I I Place where Casualty occurred. Wind . iber of sr of j Nature of Nature of Xu Number imber Wind ■ I of jives Place where Casualty occurred. i Finding of Court of Inquiry. Name of Master. Passengers. ,ssen- .-,„ n„„..„,».Lives lost. Direc- ■ „ *t_ Cargo. Casualty. Cargo. Casualty. 1. lost. * „„ ' : Force. tion. : iv ""°- 1916. May 28 Southern Isle, Schooner aux., 15 years June 5 Tarawera, s.s., Schooner 35 years „ 16 Canopus, s.s., 13 Schooner years July 14 Barawa, s.s., 14 Schooner years. „ 21 Opouri, s.s., 4 Schooner years Aug. 1 Bee, scow, 25 Schooner years Schooner 1,268| 835 461 218 ■39 56 25 5 J Coal .. Capsized ; partial loss 30 . General Stranded ; no damage Coal .. Collision with wharf ; trifling damage i General Loss of life .. .. j General Stranded; slight damage 2 Scrap iron Stranded; damage, £150 fc Coal .. Broken plate; slight damage Stranded; damage, £300 3 General Collision with bridge : damage, £40 General Collision with wharf; trifling damage Timber Stranded; slight damage Collision ; slight damage Coal .. Collision; slight damage | Coal Capsized ; partial loss } 5 1 Blind Bay Off Deborah Bay, Port Chalmers Wharf, Wellington .. Between Onehunga and New Plymouth Wharatea Cove, D'Urville Island Near Mercury Bay .. About lat. 38° S.. long. 171° E. Marokopa Biver Bar.. Puki Bridge, Paeroa .. Wharf, Napier Limestone Island Whangaroa Harbour.. tion. S.E. Gale .. The vessel was last seen afloat about 5 p.m. C. H. Gibson, on the 28th May, and shortly afterwards a heavy south-east squall came up and it continued to blow hard until next day. On the 31st May the hghtkeeper at Farewell Spit sighted a wreck, which proved to be the " Southern Isle," but there was no sign of the crew. The Court was of opinion that the hatches were not properly secured, and that the vessel foundered through shipping seas Calm .. Caused through the harbour light having gone i D. Bitchie. out N. .. ! Had too much way on? when approaching F. W. Venn. wharf E. Fresh .. A passenger named Miss Frances M. Brown W. Bark. was missed, and is supposed to have been lost overboard N.W. Light .. When sheltering from gale the vessel grounded R. Pearson. and lost a propeller-blade N.W. Gale .. Vessel was lying at anchor when a north- John Brown. west gale sprang up and she commenced to drag, and was beached to save her N.W. Gale . . Met with heavy gale, which fractured a faulty J. A. Robilliard plate N.W. Light .. The vessel stranded owing to the navigable J. Williamson. channel having shifted Calm .. When passing through the bridge the vessel J. Freeman. fouled the lower end of the swinging part W. Gale .. Heavy squall drove vessel against wharf, Jas. Bankin. damaging some plates E.N.E. Moderate Vessel was anchored at high water, and J. Williams, gale when tide fell she settled on a rock and broke a plank I The " Kapua " was being towed by a launch, "j J. M. McKin Calm when she collided with the " Vixen " lying , I non. 1 at anchor I .'E. Donovan. 16 24 2 2 „ 2 Kakapo, s.s., 14 Schooner years „ 6 Albatross, aux., Ketch .. 14 years „ 12 Taniwha, s.s., Schooner 18 years 949 27 38 5 191: 16 3 „ 14 Bosaniond, s.s.. Schooner 32 vears 462 20 „ 28 Banger, 23 years : Schooner 64| | ,, 29 Kapua, 4 years . Ketch .. 18 4 „ 29 | Vixen, 33 years ! Ketch .. I 21 4



Jig. 3 50 1 Tongariro, s.s., 16'years Schooner j5,220| 96 General Stranded; total loss Bull Rock, off Portland N.E. Light .. The wreck of the vessel was primarily caused j Harry Mai Island, N.Z. by the default of the chief officer, Percy : peace. John Ballard, in failing to take the ordinary precaution of verifying the position of the vessel when off Table Cape. Had this been done the disaster would not have occurred. That, considering the master was responsible for the safe navigation of the ship, and with his knowledge of the coast and the danger of approaching and passing Bull Rock in the darkness, a duty lay upon him to ascertain, after passing Table Cape, whether the vi ssel was on the course laid off, and in only making a general inquiry from the chief officer at 6.45 p.m. (ten minutes before she struck) as to the vessel's position he failed to discharge that duty, and thus contributed to the loss of the vessel. The Court suspended the master's certificate for six months and that of the chief officer for three months, and they were also ordered to pay part of the cost of the inquiry as follows : The master £10, and the chief officer £3 Blind Bay .. . . S.W. j Light . . Leak developed at joint of furnace, back end j J. Mawson. l 1 „ 30 Mapourika, s.s., 18 years Schooner 718 50 | 44 General General Leak in boilers; trifling damage Stranded; total loss Sept. 2 Stormbird, s.s., 62 years Schooner 129 14 3 Entrance to Wanganui W.N.W. 1 Fresh The vessel was in light trim, and when leaving j A.L.Gibson. River breeze the Wanganui Rivet a sea struck her bow and threw her broadside on towards the north mole, and as there was not sufficient sea room for her to recover she was driven by wind and current on to the south mole, where she struck and became a total wreck. The Court found that no blame was attributable to the master, officers, or pilot Entrance to Bluff Har- S. Gale .. Whilst being towed into harbour the vessel F. W. Tellick. bour took a sudden sheer to port and went aground before she could be straightened up. The Court found that the stranding was a pure misadventure of the sea, and that the captain and officers were in no way to blame. The vessel has since been refloated Hauraki Gulf .. S.W. Squally The vessel was found floating bottom up off : G. Davis. Whangapara, Great Barrier Island, on the 19th September. She is supposed to have sprung a leak and capsized. All search possible was made for the missing crew, but without success 14 Antiope, 50 years Barque 1,380 16 | Timber, &e. Stranded; partial loss F. W. Tellick. Vesper, aux. scow, 14 years 3 Lime .. Capsized; damage, £400 About Sept. 14 Schooner 201 Lime .. G. Davis. i



Return of Wrecks and Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department, etc.— continued.

Date o( | Vessel's Name, Age, _,ut]t>. j and Class. Big. g £ Number of « o * PassenNature of Number of LiTes lost. Place where Cas occurred. Wind. Finding of Court of Inquiry | Name o( M^wr. Cargo. Casualty. Direction. Porce. I I II ■ Near Waikato Heads, . . .. Owing to a breakdown in the engine-room the I J. Alexander. Auckland vessel was beached in a safe place and repairs effected, but when being refloated a rope fouled, the propeller at a critical moment, and the vessel was caught in the breakers and cast ashore Hauraki Gulf .. W 7 .N. W. Fresh A fire broke out in the rope-locker when about W. W. Hender breeze ten miles out from Auckland. Cause unknown Island Point, off Akaroa N. Light .. The stranding was due to a dense fog which F. H. Edge. Peninsula obscured the mainland. It might have been avoided if a cast of the lead had been taken K u a o t u n u, Bay of N.W. . Strong.. The vessel was loading when a heavy north- E. Donovan. Plenty west gale came up and drove her on to the beach. She was afterwards got off and towed to Auckland Waiheke Island, Auck- E. Strong.. The vessel was loading sand on the beach when A. McDonald, land the wind changed and drove her on the rocks Whakatane.. .. .. . . When proceeding to sea the vessel was car- George Page. ried out of her course by the current, and her bilge struck the rocks. She filled rapidly, and has become a total wreck -Akitio .. .. N.W. light .. A light was taken into the forehold, and an J. Carlson. explosion occurred owing to the presence of benzine fumes Bar, Wairoa B i v e r, N.E. Strong. . Grounded when crossing the bar owing to A. McNabb. Hawke's Bay insufficiency of water. Refloated on discharging 30 tons of coal Anchorage, Rarotonga N. Light .. When anchoring at Avarua, Barotonga, the Cbas. McLean. cable parted and the vessel drifted ashore on the reef. Tie Court absolved the master and officers from any blame for the casualty Port .. .. N.E. Moderate The vessel collided with a yacht (name un- J. T. Pegley. known) which was anchored in the fairway and showing no light Two miles north of .. Calm .. Stranded on the North Beach. Westport, R. Rodger. Buller Biver owing to landmarks being obscured by smoke from bush fires Breakwater, Westport .. Calm . . When dredging shallows on the bar she G. A. Simpson. bumped the end of the breakwater and broke some plates Auckland Harbour .. S.E. Light :. The vessel struck a reef between .Auckland M. Scott. and St. Helier's Bay. -Accident due to misty weather 1916. Sept. 28 Albany, s.s., 2 Schooner 10 5 years Stranded; total loss „ 30 | Rakanoa, s.s., Schooner 1,393 30 20 vears i _. General Fire; slight damage _ . _. . ..' Stranded; slight damage Oct. 8 Poherua, s.s., Schooner 749: 22 j 26 years General ., 20 I Vixen, 33 years Ketch .. 21 3 • Stranded; damage, £300 ' Nov. 24 Pukapuka, 36 Schooner I 23 3 years Dec. 4 Welcome, 14 Schooner j 25 5 years Nov. 24 Sand .. Stranded; total loss Stranded; total loss Dec. 4 „ 20 Ripple, s.s., 11 Schooner 187 16 years 22 Te Aroha, o.e.v., Schooner 56 7 7 years „ 25 Maitai, s.s., 24 Schooner 1,888 94 vears 20 22 1 General Coal . . General Fire; trifling damage Stranded; no damage 25 Stranded; total loss - UIIT I 1917. Jan. I Jan. I Toi Toi; 3 years Ketch .. 4 2 ,, 5 Awahou, s.s., 4 Schooner 151 15 Ketch .. 3 Collision ; trifling damage N.E. Moderate ,, 5 Schooner Stranded ; no | damage Calm .. I years ! ,. 27 Dredge 1 I ._ _.. .... . _ . Stranded: slight damage Calm . . ,, 27 Eileen Ward, Dredge 472 15 s.s., 8 years 3 3 Ngoiro, s.s., 4 Ferryboat 139 4 . years Ferryboat 8 Stranded; slight damage S.E. Light .. I I I II! I I



7—IT. 15

Feb. 5 9 5 Kimi, o.e.v. .. Launch Rimu, s.s., 19 Schooner years Bimu, 22 years Schooner 2 2 21 4 49 3 Foundered ; total loss General Damaged plate; trifling accident Shingle Stranded; total loss i i 2 2 Three miles off Godley S.W. Gale .. [ The launch was being towed into Lyttelton Head Harbour by the s.s. " Priestfield " when she suddenly collapsed and disappeared, her two occupants being drowned despite efforts to save them Motukaraka W h a r f, .. Calm .. i Bumped against an iron band on the corner A. Parris. Hokianga of the wharf and knocked a hole in a plate ley „ 19 Hook's Bay, W T aiheke E. Strong. . Vessel had loaded a cargo of shingle on the A. E. Rags. Island beach, and had just hauled off when the wind changed and drove her on the beach, where she has been abandoned Hook's Bay, Waiheke E. Strong., j Vessel had loaded a cargo of shingle on the E. Beaver. Island beach, and had just hauled off when the wind changed and drove her on the beach, where she has been abandoned vr i n, , -nTi „£ ci i7 en ( The ''Ida" was at anchor when the barge Nelson Street Wharf. S.E. Strong , , , , , .,, , i „ A ii h \ broke loose and drifted down upon her. Auckland j j Xq Qne Qn boa _ d eitJler veg - eL .Auckland Harbour .. E.N.E. Gale . . Vessel was at anchor, but owing to the gale H. Joynt. and rough sea she dragged and went ashore Birkenhead, -Auckland S.E. Gale .. Vessel was moored alongside the wharf, when Harbour her lines carried away and she was blown against the breastwork and damaged her planks Four and a half miles .. Calm .. The stranding was due to an unexpected J. T. Beid. S.E. of Pencarrow easterly set and to a dense fog which preHead vented the master ascertaining his position with any degree of accuracy. The stranding was contributed to by an error of judgment on the part of the master in failing to stop the ship at 8 a.m. instead of going slow. The master was ordered to pay half the cost of the inquiry, £3 10s. 6d. Manukau Harbour . . E. Moderate Grounded on mudbank when proceeding to J. Baldwin. sea. Floated off on rising tide When leaving the harbour the master of the " Arahura." failing to observe that the " Waimate " had also weighed anchor and was under weigh, attempted to pass across her bow, and the collision resulted. The Court found that the collision regulations j Gisborne Harbour .. W. Light < had not been properly complied with by j the master of either vessel, that no proper lookout was kept on either vessel, and that the collision was due to the combined neglect of the masters of the vessels, and they were ordered to pay the costs of the V inquiry in equal shares. Wharf, Helensville .. N.E. Light Vessel was found to be on fire at 5.30 a.m. H. H. Corlieson. and badly burnt amidships. Cause of fire not known King's Wharf, Auck- .. Calm . . Collided with north end of wharf when berth- A. C. Showman. land ing and damaged plates in her stem Near Cape Farewell .. N.W. Fresh Some of the stay-bolts at back end of boiler R. F. Chadwick. breeze blew- out, causing leakage ,,' 19 Stag, 53 years : Cutter .. i 19 2 Shingle Stranded; total loss „ 20 Ida, 33 years . . Ketch .. 25 .. [ Collision; slight \ \ damage to I ( each vessel j Stranded; damage, £40 Stranded; damage, £50 „ 20 ,, 21 ,, 21 Buster B. . . Barge .. Excelsior, aux., Schooner 24 vears Tally -Ho, 20 Ketch .. vears 29 .. 51 .. „ 24 Mararoa, s.s., 32 Schooner ] years 1,381 76 21 215 General Stranded; damage, £650 ,, 24 Mar. I Koromiko, s.s., Schooner ] 8 years -Arahura, s.s., 12 Schooner 1,541 34 771 56 1,541 34 80 Wool .. Stranded; no damage General Collision; damage, £3,000 E. 771 56 80 years I \ W. I Light I tt 1 Waimate, s.s., | Schooner' : : 21 years 11 Bellbird, s.s., 11 , Schooner years 25 Waihora, s.s., 10 ! Schooner '■ years 30 Karu, s.s., 16 Schooner years 3,629 .. 52 8 i General Collision; damage, £8,000 General Fire ; damage, £500 General Struck wharf; damage, £1,800 Coal .. Boiler trouble ; trifling damage N.E. Light 2,993 51 Calm . . 197 12 N.W. Fresh breeze


Summary of Casualties to Shipping reported to the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1917.


Casualties on or near the Coasts of the Dominion. ;he Coas' ig-vesseli o 1,425! 115 sts of the Dominion. Casualties outside the Dominion. . •_ Total Number Is. Total within Dominion. Steamers. Sailing-vessels. Dominion ° Casualties reported. 00 - I A OB' r\ 33 -3} 3, ■£ 3D " r\ IS O— O _, 5, O— CO, CD i Orr Q *Q CO* °— O % £ ° ~ O ffl £ ° ~ ■ it. - Ut . <fi j . 00 hh . m .5, — -3, . ~ -1 _• m -3, Oo 0 3, a OfflioS S!offl OK ~ Offl Ox -1 ° ° cre -H o° j j : ' " ■ 8 5,509 . 3 1 1,888, 1 1,888 .. 9 7,397 3 5 2,844 I 5 2,844 7 1,722 I 7 1,722 5 3,139 5 , 3,139 Nature of Casualty. 0-3 tZ, o Steamers. 9 5 r-i 6 9 ■rl Sa rt- X > Sailing-vessels. O © r5.£ Strandings — Total wrecks Partial loss Slight damage No damage 4 2 5 5 5,393 1.419 1,607 3,139 3 4 3 2 ' 3 9 3 Total strandings 16 11,558 l,656j 25 13,214 3 I 1 | 1,888 1 1 1,888 26 15,102 3 Foundered — Total loss Partial loss ! 1 1 _ : 2 i 2 .. 59 I 5 01 7 i .. 4,400 846 .. 4 5 j .. 5,251 .. 4 i ■ 1 1 2 59 2 5 1 I 1 I 2 59 2 5 I i Total foundered 2 2 61 7 ! 2 ! 61 7 Collisions — Partial loss Slight damage No damage 2 3 1 132! 2 7 1 4,400 978 5 ! 2 i 4,400 7 i 978 1 | 5 Total collisions.. 6 132; 10 5,383 10 5,383 •• Fires — Partial loss Slight damage i 1 j 2 I 52 j 1,580 .. 1 2 52 1,580 1 ; 3,684 1 | 3,684| 1 I 52 3 i 5,264 •- Total fires 3 1,632 1 3,684 I 1,632 1 3,684. 4 I 5,316 Miscellaneous, including damage by heavy seas to hull and cargo, loss of masts, sails, &c, and breakdown of machinery 9 4,733 3 9 4,733 3 j 3 \ 5,341 3 5,341 . 1— 12 10,074 I Total casualties to shipping 36 23,235 13 16 I 1,788 49 25,023 13 5 40,913 5 10,913 5 10,913! 5 10,913 54 35,936 1 461 13 Loss of life only 1 1 461 i 461 i Total number of casualties reported 37 23,696 14 | 16 1,788 50 25,484 14 ! 55 36,397 14


Return of Accidents to Seamen and Others on board Ship reported to the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1917.


Accident. Nome rf Vessel ana POTt c Date of Accident. Name of Vessel and Port of Registry. of Registi Name of Person injured. KaS^tS.L. Name of Person injured. Nature of Injury: Fatal or otherwise. j Place where Accident Particulars as to Accident and its Cause, and Verdict of Jury wher< occurred. Coroner's Inquest held. ! I 1916. Mar. 11 Rakanoa, Dunedin ,, 18 ! Karori, Dunedin .. Feb. 18 I Waimarie, Auckland Mar, 28 ! Kopu, Auckland .. „ 23 i Kennedy, Nelson . . Feb. 7 i Poherua, Dunedin.. Mar. 28 Rosamond, Dunedin Apl. 4 Monowai, Dunedin Feb. 16 I Tarawera, Dunedin „ 4 : Maitai, Dunodin .. „ 26 | Corinna, Dunedin .. Apl. 6 : Fanny, Napier Mar. 22 ; Kaitoa, Nelson „ 15 ■ Nikau, Nelson ,, 15 Nikau, Nelson 6 Bell Bird, Te Kopuru Apl. 14 Kaituna, Dunedin.. „ 7 Clansman, Auckland „ 7 Mako, Napier Mar. 26 Chelmsford, Auckland Apl. 15 Waimarie, Auckland ,, 28 Aupouri, Auckland ,, 15 Aupouri, Auckland May 6 Daphne, Auckland Apl. 6 Paloona. Dunedin . . Mar. 31 ! Karori, Dunedin .. „ 17 | Tahiti, London Apl. 26 ; Paloona, Dunedin .. Mar. 23 Poherua, Dunedin.. Apl. 6 Koromiko, Dunedin ,, 1 Monowai, Dunedin May 2 Mararoa, Dunedin.. Apl. 11 Ripple, Napier ,, 6 Stormbird, Wellington May 13 Poherua, Dunedin.. „ 13 Maori, Dunedin Apl. 18 Pateena. Dunedin .. „ 25 Maori, Dunedin Mar. 10 Maori, Dunedin Feb. 20 Kapiti, Wellington Apl. 17 Ionic, London ,, 10 Maori, Dunedin ,, 21 i Moana, Dunedin . . ,, 20 I Kapiti, Wellington „ 21 i Karu, Wellington . . May 29 Komata, Dunedin.. Feb. 22 ! Karu. Dunedin .. May 12 \ Maitai, Dunedin .. J. Poulson, A.B. .. .. I Injured leg A. Scott, Fireman .. .. j Cut thumb E. J. Garvie, A.B. .. .. I Crushed hand S. Hill, mate .. .. j Injured head H. Miller, A.B. .. .. Injured arm W. Hogben, fireman .. i Injured eye W. Miller, A.B. .. .. Injured eve .. E. A. Dougherty, A.B. .. Burnt hands E. Bruce, steward .. .. Injured eye G. Cornwall, A.B. .. .. Injured wrist C. Bullock, mate .. .. Injured foot B. Bells, A.B. .. .. Dislocated knee .. W. Barker, steward .. | Injured foot G. Maxwell, chief engineer .. : Injured by explosion T. Jines, boatswain .. Injured by explosion .. "F. Thompson, cook.. .. Drowned R. J. Ferris, fireman .. Broken collarbone.. M. Douglas, boy .. .. Crushed fingers C. F. Olsen, 2nd mate .. j Injured elbow T. Lethaby. mate .. .. Crushed leg H. Simpson, O.S. . . .. Broken hand C. Johnson, fireman .. Burnt arm B. Wales, cook .. .. t Poisoned finger J. G. Horslej, assistant steward ' Hurt spine E. Murphy, fireman .. Cut wrist P. Hunter, fireman.. .. Strained back W. D. Tanner, scullion .. | Fractured arm A. Webster, assistant steward Injured arm _4. D. Shearer, 2nd engineer , Rupture J. K. Sheaier, fireman .. Septic wound .. D. McPherson, A.B. .. Broken rib J. Burt, assistant steward .. j Crushed thumb .. i C. Crundwell, A.B. _,. Poisoned hand .. 1 W. Gabrielson. iV.B. .. Injured lee .. . N. J. Woods. A.B. . . .. ! Strained back .. : W. Holmes, assistant steward ; Poisoned fingers .. A. Peters, 3rd cook .. Injured knee .. F. Humpherson, assist, steward Injured ribs S. Oarkuk, scullion.. .. Scalded arm M. Blemaren, A.B. .. .. Injured leg .. F. McNelly, A.B. .. .. Injured back E. Shaw, fireman .. .. Strain inwardly J. Fahey, fireman .. .'. Injured wrist B. Gustafsson, A.B. . . Fractured rib .. F. J. Poulter, fireman .-. Broken finger W. Fotheringham, greaser .. Injuries to body . . W. Sarsfield, A.B. .. .. j Loose cartilage .. I H. Wright, fireman.. .. | Burnt arm At sea .. .. While working on ship. Auckland .. .. Fell on lamp-glass. Auckland .. .. While working cargo. Auckland .. .. Hit with coal-i.ask-;>i. At sea .. .. While working o" deck. At sea .. .. Piece of asbestos flew into eye. Timaru .. .. Struck by mooring-line. Napier .. .. While at boat drill. Dunedin .. .. Got dirt into eye. Dunedin .. .. Fell fiom between-deck. Dunedin .. .. Case feli on foot. Napier .. .. j While unloading meat. Nelson .. .. Ran nail into foot. Nelson .. .. Injured body. Nelson .. .. Injured body. Te Kopuru .. Fell between " Bell Bird " and " Omana.' Timaru .. . . While trying to jump ashore. Mangonui .. Caught fingers between timber. Tuparoa .. .. While working on surf-boat. Mangapai .. ... By falling timber. Paeroa .. .. Fell down hold. At sea .. .. ' While at work in stokehold. Auckland .. .. Ban nail into finger. Auckland .. . . Fell down bridge-ladder. Dunedin .. .. Slipped in forecastle. Dunedin . . .. j While at work in stokehold. Dunedin .. .. Fell in alleyway. Dunedin . . .. Case of tobacco fell on arm. Dunedin .. .. While turning engines. At sea .. .. While cleaning copper pipes. Dunedin .. .. Fell against skylight. At sea .. .. Skylight fell on thumb. Wellington . . Burnt hand at winch. Wellington .. While working in hold. Westport .. .. While lifting mails. Lyttelton .. .. While cleaning ports. .. At sea .. .. i Shpped and fell on deck. .. i At sea . . .. Slipped down companion-way. .. Lyttelton . . . . While working in galley pipe burst. Wellington .. Hit by hatch. .. i Wellington .. Slipped while lifting gear. .. : At sea" .. . . While on watch. Wellington .. j While working in stokehold. Wellington . . Slipped while at work. Greymouth .. While at work in engine-room. Westport .. .. Slipped between gangway and ship. .. j Pieton .. .. Slipped and fell on cases. .. I At sea ....



Return of Accidents to Seamen and Others on board Ship reported to the Marine Department, etc.— continued.

Date of Accident. Name of Vessel and Port of Registry. Name of Person injured. Nature of Injury: Fatal or otherwise. Place where Accident Particulars as to Accident and its Cause, and Verdict of Jury where occurred. Coroner's Inquest held. 1916. May 11 Takapuna, Dunedin „ 25 Mararoa, Dunedin. . „ 9 Westralia, Melbourne „ 10 Te Anau, Dunedin „ 22 Tofua, Dunedin .. June 2 Whakerua, London Feb. 3 Tofua, Dunedin . . May 5 Kanieri, Auckland Apl. 8 Lindstol, Sydney .. ,, 27 -Arapawa, Auckland May 24 Waiotahi, Auckland ,, 30 Warrimoo, Dunedin Apl. 2 Karu, Wellington .. June 7 Mako, Auckland .. „ II Kai Ora, Liverpool ,, 24 Pateena, Dunedin .. ,, 4 Komata, Dunedin.. „ 29 | Pateena, Dunedin .. ,, 17 Waihora ; Dunedin.. ., 7 I Rakanoa, Dunedin „ 29 ' Flora, Dunedin . . „ 25 Ngatiawa, Auckland ,, 6 , Ngapuhi, .Auckland ,, 13 , Waihora, Dunedin „ 26 | Pateena, Dunedin .. 3 | rtAlma S., Auckland ,, 4 ! Clansman, Auckland ,, 20 Manaia, Auckland. . ., 20 Aupori, -Auckland . . July 3 Flora, Dunedin June 27 Clansman. -Auckland „ 28 Te Aroha, Napier . . ,, 17 Ruru, Napier „ 30 Maori, Dunedin .. 20 Kowhai, Dunedin . . July 4 Poherua, Dunedin. . ,, 16 Waitemata, Dunedin ,, 24 Waipori, Dunedin .. „ 6 Waitemata. Dunedin .,, 9 Corinna, Dunedin . . ,, 19 ! Ulimaroa. Melbourne „ 19 Mararoa, Dunedin.. „ 24 Orepuki, Lyttelton „ 14 Mararoa, Dunedin.. „ 1 Kiritona, Napier .. .. D. McLean, A.B. .. .. | Sprained foot .. A E. Wood, assistant steward Fractured rib .. j J. Knock, O.S. .. .. Injured knee .. j J. Kerr, trimmer .. .. Sprained back .. j J. Murphy, fireman .. Injured elbow .. A. Moore, 4th mate .. I Shot in thigh .. I D. Blair, trimmer .. .. Injured thumb .. | I. Montgomery, fireman . ." j Crushed hand W. A. Fennelly, A.B. .. I Dislocated wrist .. L. L. Lodder, A.B.. . . . Drowned. . .. W. Baker, A.B. .. .. Cut hand .. P. McBride, A.B. .. .. Burnt eye F. J. Poulter, fireman .. Broken finger C. F. Olsen .. .. Drowned N. .Alexander, fireman . . Ruptured W. Pearce, 2nd cook ... ] Injured leg J. Breen, A.B. . . .. Injured back P. Brown, assistant steward. . Ricked back F. Martensen, _A.B.. . .. • Injured hip G. Lopez, A. B. .. .. i Injured hip J. Saan, A.B. .. . . Strained heart I. Freland, A.B. • .. .. Strained back W. Finn, fireman . . .. Strained ankle .. E. J. Knox, cook . . .. I Ruptured .. j L. Towns, brass-boj- .. i Scalded .. .. j W. Mortensen .. .. j Injured foot W. Cooper, boy .. .. j Injured wrist W. Marsden, greaser . . Crushed finger .. j G. Bell, fireman .. .. Burnt arm .. I G. Pearce, fireman .. .. i Ricked side .. . .. , F. Sinclair, A.H. .. .. Injured knee .. I M. Carrol, A.B. .. .. j Strained muscles .. .. H. Stevensen. cook. . .. ] Fractured rib .. : E. AUen ; A.B. .. . . Crushed finger E. Dovle, fireman .. .. Internal injuries . . .. W. Dahler, A.B. .. .. Ulcerated leg — Matheson, carpenter .. j Injured back J. Livick, assistant steward .. Rapture .. J. R. Watt, carpenter .. Injured foot A. McArthur, 2nd engineer .. j Injured hand R. F. Davis, fireman .. | Injured knee W. Rutledge, trimmer .. : Strained back .. i R. J. Smith, assistant steward j Scalded .. .. R. J. Newell, greaser .. i Injured finger .. ! H. C. Payne, cook .. .. Injured leg .. I Wellington . . : Lyttelton .. . . j At sea .. ; At sea Port Chalmers Dunedin .. Dunedin .. .At sea ., Auckland .. Opunake Bay Parenga Wellington . . . Greymouth .. ! Tuparoa .. .. At sea .. I At sea .. | Wellington .. ! Wellington . . ! Auckland . . .. | At sea .. | Tahiti .. | Auckland .. At sea .. ! Albany .. | At sea .. j Auckland .. .. I At sea .. I At sea .. , Auckland .. .. ! -At sea -A.t sea Napier At sea . . Lyttelton . . Westport .. . . At sea Dunedin .. Westport . . .. : Dunedin .. Dunedin .. . . : Dunedin .. .. : Lyttelton .. .. I Lyttelton .. .. I -At sea Gisborne .. .. I While working cargo. .. ] Carrying luggage, fell on deck. .. j While scrubbing forecastle. .. 1 Wliile carrying ashes. .. ' While coming on ship. .. : Accidentally shot b}' first officer. Got thumb jammed in hoist. .. ! While oiling hand slipped between connecting-rods. .. j Coming ashore, slipped on gangway. Surf-boat capsized. .. i Caught hand in cargo-boat. .. ] While washing paint burnt eye with soda. .. ! While screwing holt spanner slipped and broke finger. .. ! Drowned through the capsizing of a surf-boat; no Man: attachable to any one. While slicing the fires. Cask fell on leg. While working cargo. While working stores. Piece of coal fell from basket. Fell on deck. .. ! Whilst at work. .. | Whilst storing cargo. While in stokehold. Whilst lifting sack of potatoes. Slipped on deck while carrying hot water. Piece of timber fell on foot. .. j Fell on deck. . . i While closing skylight. While lighting fires. .. j While at work in stokehold. Fell down ladder. While steering. .. ! Fell against boat-derrick. Finger caught in iron rail. .. ] Accident in engine-room. .. ; Struck leg against hatch. .. j Fell on deck. Not known. Lump of coal fell on foot. Piece of machinery fell on hand. .. ; Fell in stokehold. Slipped in stokehold. Spilt boiling water over face. Finger caught in machinery. Fell on ladder.



July 8 Flora, Dunedin „ 7 Kawau, Auckland.. ., 12 Houto, Auckland . . ,, 9 Rarawa, Auckland ., 19 Moeraki, Dunedin .. „ 28 Queen of the South, Wellington 26 Kapuni, Wellington ,, 22 Kini, Dunedin 13 Mako, Napier .. 28 Putiki, Wellington 29 ! Katoa, Dunedin .. „ 18 Rimu, Auckland 23 Ahuriri, Napier ,, 21 Katoa, Dunedin 25 Aharua, Auckland. . -Aug. 2 Echo, Napier „ 9 Pateena, Dunedin .. ., 8 Pateena, Dunedin .. ,, 12 Arahura, Dunedin.. „ 8 Te Anau, Dunedin.. ,, 1 Warrimoo, Dunedin 22 Tasman, Auckland „ ■ 28 Flora, Dunedin ,, 21 Te Awhina, .Auckland „ 20 Haere, Auckland „ 8 Haere, Auckland „ 16" Corinna, Dunedin .. „ 1 Tarawera, Dunedin ,, 28 Tarawera, Dunedin „ 6 Kurow, Dunedin .. ,, 8 Moeraki, Dunedin .. „ 16 Alexander, Nelson.. „ 30 Mapourika, Dunedin „ 7 Maori. Dunedin ., 30 Te Anau, Dunedin.. „ 9 Maori, Dunedin ,, 13 Maori, Dunedin „ 26 Kapiti, Wellington „ 27 Ngatoro, Wellington „ 2 Maitai, Dunedin „ 22 Leitrim, Auckland.. „ 14 Wanaka, Dunedin.. „ 12 Tasman, Auckland Sept. 8 Kanieri, Auckland „ 10 ! Rarawa, -Auckland „ 1 Huia, Auckland „ 16 Mapourika, Dunedin „ 11 Maori, Dunedin ., 5 Mapourika, Dunedin „ 7 Poherua, Dunedin.. ., 29 Taniwha, Auckland „ 4 i Kini, Dunedin „ 19 I Glenelg. Auckland G, H. Grey, mate .. .. Injured leg James Neaves, fireman - - Injured finger — McGillvray, O.S. .. Injured foot E. Hartings, fireman .. Scalded J. Ford, fireman .. .. Sprained foot S. Scott, fireman .. .. Burnt hand W. -Alto, A.B. . . .. Injury muscles J. Young, -A.B. .. .. Injured knee F. Brassington. assist, stewa d Poisoned thumb .. W.Gofi, O.S. ' .. .. Rupture.. J. Dnscoll .. .. Rupture S. S. Graham, cadet .. Crushed foot J. B. Rankin .. .. I Broken ankle F. Wade, greaser .. .. Sprained, back J. Johnson. A.B. .. .. Severe injury to head R. T. Fraser, A.B. . . .. Injured leg ' F. Bishop, steward . . .. Injured thumb A. Linton, trimmer.. .. Injured hand B. Dunn, cadet . . ' • • I n J urec ' knee I. White, fireman . . .. Injured chest 0. Johnson, fireman . . Burnt face, &e. J. Stewart, A.B. .. .-. Bruised hand G. Miller, A.B. .. .. Ricked back R. Low, A.B. . . . . Injured testicles .. L. Hansen, A.B. .. . . Hurt patella P. Peterson, fireman .. Stunned W. Hogben, fireman .. Contused knee O. Lynch, trimmer • • .. Sprained wrist R. E. Wilkinson, trimmer ■ • Poisoned thumb .. R. Chaffers, A.B. . . .. Injured back T. Ryan, trimmer . . • ■ Broken rib H. Marshall, A.B. . . .. Broken rib T. Boardman, fireman .. ' Feet scalded F. H. L. Stidolph. engineer .. Injured foot S. Silva, trimmer .. .. I Strained . . B. Janeen, boy .. .. Burnt hand D. J. Davies, trimmer .. Sprained knee W. Mcintosh, mate. . .. Injured leg E. Pedersen, A.B. . . . . Injured finger W. Brittain, fireman .. Poisoned hand F. Sarsen, carpenter .. Cut head J. Eade, fireman .. .. Cut hand J. Turrall, fireman .. .. Strained back H. Larsen, A.B. .. .. Ulcerated leg M. Grotti, trimmer .. .. Injured ankle G. Wiig, mate .. .. Burnt hands T. Cuthbert, fireman .. Poisoned hand J. McAlister, fireman .. Crushed fingers J. Gibson, fireman . . .. Feet scalded B. O. Craig, chief steward .. j Injured ankle G. Gibson, boy .. .. j Injured left shoulder T. Brown, cook .. .. j Cut hand F. C. Oakes, A.B. .. ... |: Jammed hand At sea .. j At sea Onehunga Onehunga At sea Foxton At sea .. : At sea At sea At sea -At sea Kohukohu .. -At sea Wellington Auckland .. Wellington Wellington At sea Napier At sea At sea Auckland . . At sea Auckland .. Ngunguru.. .Auckland .. At sea At sea At sea Kaipara .. At sea Greymouth At sea Wellington Napier At sea At sea Wellington Lyttelton . .. Tahiti Auckland .. At sea -Auckland .. -Auckland .. At sea Auckland .. At sea Wellington At sea At sea Paeroa At sea .. I Auckland .. .. j Hit leg against coamings. Caught finger in machine ry. Hit by sling of timber. .. j Spilt boiling water on si. oulder. While at work in stokehold. Through hand coming in contact with steam-pip .. i Fell against rail through ship rolling. Fell against hatch. Fell in the coal-bunkers. Rupture cerebral artery. Rupture, result of strain. Caught between quadrant and chock. Broken ankle. Slipped on ladder in engine-room. .. ; Fell overboard, striking the propeller. Leg caught in cable chain. While working cargo. Got hand caught in ash hoist. Whilst cleaning fell off stool. Fell against hatch. While cleaning fires. Whilst working cargo. .. I Whilst pulling up ashes. Fell astride the washboard. . . ' Slipped while working winch. Hit by main boom. .. i Slipped in stokehold. Tripped on foredeck. Cut thumb on barrow. .. I Shpped on timber on deck. .. | Fell in the coal-bunkers. .. i Slipped and fell on deck. .. j Scalded by leak in boiler. Baffle-plate fell on foot. While working in bunker. Burnt hand. .. ] Shpped on fo'sele ladder. . . ! Caught by towline. .. : Caught in windlass machinery. While working in stokehold. Injured by fall of lift. While lifting bunker-door. .. | Whilst working cargo. ".. I Injured while discharging cattle. .. ; Slipped on plates in stokehold. Halyards slipped through hands. Burnt hand. Bracket fell on right hand. .. | Scalded by leak in boiler. .. I Thrown against stanchion. .. I Fell down the hold. .. I Severely cut band. .. i Whilst coaling.



Return of Accidents to Seamen and Others on board Ship reported to the Marine Department, etc.— continued.

Date of Accident. Name of Vessel and Port of Registry. Name of Person injured. Nature of Injury: Fatal or otherwise. Place where Accident occurred. Particulars as to Accident and its Cause, and Verdict of Jury where Coroner's Inquest held. 1916. Sept. 12 ! Glenelg, Auckland „ 12 Talune, Hobart „ 19 | Kaitangata, Dunedin „ 19 Cla,nsman, Auckland „ 16 , Isabella do Fraine, Auckland „ 27 Herald, Auckland „ 5 | Kahika, Wellington „ 25 : Kennedy, Nelson .. ,, 27 Komata, Dunedin „ 4 , Maitai, Dunedin „ 28 Fairburn, Auckland ,, 15 Monowai, Dunedin. 8 , Wootton, Lyttelton Oct. 8 Kanieri, Auckland „ 3 Pateena, Dunedin .. ,, 5 Manuka, Dunedin.. „ 12 Kamona, Dunedin. . „ 15 Gael, -Auckland „ 20 j Clansman, Auckland „ 10 i Mararoa, Dunedin „ 10 Kahika, Wellington „ 14 j Wakatu, Wellington „ 25 ! Takapuna, Dunedin ,, 24 : Mapourika, Dunedin „ 25 i Takapuna, Dunedin • „ 10 Kaiapoi, Dunedin „ 25 Ngatiawa, .Auckland „ 9 Talune, Hobart „ 26 Maori, Dunedin „ 25 Ngahere, London Nov. 1 Ngapuhi, -Auckland „ 2 Arapawa, -Auckland 3 Kotiti, Auckland . . ,, 17 Akaroa, Auckland.. „ 10 Alexander, Nelson „ 1 Arahura, Dunedin „ 2 Talune, Hobart „ 8 Ngaru, Auckland .. „ 27 Clansman, Auckland ,, 24 Kopu, -Auckland ,, 18 Tarawera, Dunedin ,, 18 Maori, Dunedin „ 24 ! Opouri, Lyttelton .. ,, 10 Maitai, Dunedin .. 9 Maitai, Dunedin „ 13 Takapuna, Dunedin . . L. Billelt, O.S. .. .. W. G. Short, trimmer .. I .. L. G. Lilev, 3rd mate .. C. Taylor," A. B. .. C. Kingg, A.B. .. S. Martial, A.B. W. Cape, cook .. .. i W. Kinkands, assistant steward Geo. Evans, assistant cook .. i G. Griffiths, assistant steward .. Wm. Suteliffe, A.B. .. 1 J. C. McLean, mate .. j .. A. Paulsen, A.B. .. .. T. Dale, fireman .. .. i .. : W. Chalmers. 3rd cook .. j K. Johns, O.S. .. i F. Chapman, O.S. .. j J. Bart, fireman .. A. Mclntvre. cook .. .. W. Briggs, Peggy .. .. T. Boylan, A.B. A. Anderson, -A.B. .. D. Pefctersen, A. B. .. H. Collins, 2nd cook .. | J. Dooley, greaser .. .. W. Pearce, A.B. .. -.. D. MeCormack, A.B. J. Webster, greaser S. Buchanan, 5th engineer .. D. QuilUgan, A. B. .. .. A. Dimery, O.S. C. Lindgren, A.B. .. A. Anderson, O.S. .. J. Johanson, A. B. .. J. Beattie, fireman 0. Stronso, A.B. G. Jackson, fireman .. T. Umholdt, A.B. .. .. C.Cross, A. B. R. Bailey, deck hand H. O'Connor, trimmer H. Russell, assistant steward C. Cornelinsion, cook A. Carter, steward .. J. Kere, trimmer ... I J. Menton, assistant steward.. Hernia Lacerated foot Crushed ribs Strained muscles .. Injured ankle Twisted left leg Lacerated fingers . . Internal in juries .. Injured head Injured eye . - Injured right hand Acid burns Fractured toe Bruised left leg Cut thumb Poisoned finger Burnt hand Internal injuries .. Lacerated finger .. Contusion elbow . . Injured finger \ Concussion of brain Injured finger ] Injured ribs I Strained muscles .. Injured testicles .. Injured back Scalded face Injured right toe . . Injured foot Twisted leg ! Jammed fingers Strained back j Bruised foot Strained wrist Injured jaw Injured rib, back . . Sprained ankle Strained back Sprained ankle Septic ulcer Inflamed glands Cut thumb Injured wrist Injured head Injured knee Auckland .. Suva, Fiji .. Auckland .. Auckland . . Auckland . . Auckland . . At sea At sea At sea At sea Auckland .. -Auckland . . Wellington At sea Lyttelton .. Sydney . .. Wellington Arkles Bay Auckland .. Dunedin . . Westport .. Lyttelton .. Nelson Dunedin .. At sea Greymouth Ohiwa Auckland . . Lyttelton .. Napier Auckland .. Opunake . . At sea Whakatane Nelson Gisborne . . Suva Auckland .. Auckland .. Waiheke .. Lyttelton .. Lyttelton . . Lyttelton . . Wellington Tahiti At sea .. : Strained groin when stepping ashore. .. . Slipped through limbers. .. ! Slipped on bridge-ladder. .. j Whilst discharging cargo. .. j Injured by sling of cargo. .. j Whilst loading fire-clay. .. j Injured by ice-chest. .. ' Fell on bunker cover. .. | Fall against galley. .. ! Ammonia spilt into eye. .. : Slipped when stepping ashore. Acid explosion. Injured by fall of iron plate. .. | Slipped on engine-room plates. .. I Whilst cutting vegetables. .. I WTiilst handling wire. .. | Burnt hand cleaning lamp. .. i Attending to ventilators. .. | Attending to ice-box. Shpped with tea. Crushed between winch and wharf. Fell between ship and wharf. Jammed between rope and rail. .. ! Fell over coal-tram on deck. During greasing operations. .. j While lashing down cargo. .. j When working cargo. .. | Cap of boiler blew out. .. j Crushed in No. 1 winch. .. I Struck foot on winch. .. ] Shpped on deck. .. I Whilst boating cargo. .. ! Up-ending bale of wool. . . Cattle-fittings fell on foot. Slipped down ladder. Whilst cleaning steering gear. Fell down the stokehold. Slipped in dinghy. Whilst discharging cargo. Jumped into dinghy. Burnt foot in uptake of stokehold. Cut feet, wounds became septic. .. | Whilst cutting chops. Tore wrist on wire band of box. .. : Piece of coal fell on his head. .. | Slipped downstairs.


H.— I 5

Dec. 5 Manuka, Dunedin „ 3 Maori, Dunedin 21 Aratapu, Lyttelton ,, 6 Moeraki, Dunedin .. ,, 12 Mapourika, Dunedin „ 22 Walisend, Victoria 29 Mapourika, Dunedin ,, 12 Mapourika, Dunedin „ 17 Riverina, Victoria . . „ 20 Queen of South. Wellington 1917. Jan. 19 Kamona, Dunedin.. ,. 9 Mararoa, Dunedin.. ,, 2 Ngahere, London . . ,, 9 Mapourika, Dunedin „ 9 j Manaia, -Auckland.. 18 | Rarawa, Auckland 23 I Talune, Hobart ., 21 ! Rarawa, Auckland „ 21 Pateena, Dunedin .. ,, 15 Kowhai, Dunedin .. ,, 20 i Corinna, Dunedin . . ,, 12 Waikawa, Dunedin ,, 18 Mapourika, Dunedin ,, 5 Comadale, London ,, 1.1 Waitangi, Auckland Feb. 8 Rarawa, Auckland ,, 5 Maori, Dunedin ,, 9 Koromiko, Dunedin 2 Calm, Lyttelton 13 Kaiapoi, Dunedin .. ,, 6 Tarawera, Dunedin „ 20 i Regulus, Nelson „ 20 | Rosamond, Dunedin „ 13 j Pelican, Auckland. . ,, 22 I Kamona, Auckland Mar. 2 J Mararoa, Dunedin.. ,, 5 I Mararoa, Dunedin.. „ 2 Maori, Dunedin .. ,, 9 i Mapourika. Dunedin „ 12 ! Ripple, Napier P: Duffy, fireman .. P Sowden. 3rd cook .. G. Watts, A.B. T. Ferrier, fireman .. W. Landgreen, fireman .. G. A. Patterson, A.B. J. Ryan, fireman J. Jensen, fireman . . T. Wilson, fireman H. Gunn, fireman . . .. D. Wilson, A.B. H. Fitshall, scullion .. H. Jables, A.B. W. Landgreen, fireman — Martial, A.B. .. G. White, A.B. J. McLean, 3rd engineer .. A. Barlow, A.B. H. J. Quinn, assistant steward G. Dixon, fireman D. Williamson, AB. A. Hogan, trimmer.. W. Ives, assistant steward .. J. Aroca, fireman . . .. F. Morgan, A.B. J. Stock, chief steward D. McDonald, fireman .. L. Palmer, O.S. J. J. Calm, fireman.. .. j T. Martin, boy . . ! G. Dahlgream, stewardess .. i J. Connor, fireman . . . . j C. Butler, fireman .. . . j J. Faulkner, A.B. . . .. I R. Stanlake, O.S. .. B. Bryant, trimmer .. ! G. H. Stevens, 2nd engineei .. L. G. Keys, assistant steward . . W. J. Murray, 2nd cook ..IP. Robertson, A.B Sprained wrist 1 Injured hand Injured finger Poisoned finger Injured back Strained heart Burnt face, &c. Injured knee Injured knee Contusion of rib .. Wellington At sea Kaipara .. At sea Wellington Wellington At sea Wellington At sea At sea Slipped on deck. Fell and glass broke in hand. Jammed finger in winch-cog. Burns from fires. Case of iron fell on back. Slipped on deck. Wliile at work fire blew out. Slipped in forecastle. While firing struck knee. While going up stokehold-ladder Injured head and chest Cut head Bruised arm Injured fingers Bruised shoulder .. Cut hand Ricked back Fractured rib Injured shoulder .. Strained back Strained back Injured ankle Injured elbowPoisoned fingers .. Cut arm Injured side i Strained leg Ulcerated hand Burnt elbow Scalded arm Sprained ankle ' Injured leg Scalded Crushed fingers Cut arm Abscess on elbow- .. Abscess on arm Injured groin Injured back Injured back .. Westport .. -At sea Wellington Wellington Onerahi Barawa Suva Onehunga Nelson Dunedin .. New- Plymouth At sea At sea At sea Whangaroa At sea At sea Lyttelton . . Wanganui At sea Wellington Greymouth At sea Whangarei Auckland .. Lyttelton .. At sea At sea Greymouth Akitio Struck by derrick. Heavy seas, fell on deck. Beam hit right shoulder. Caught in machinery. Hatch fell on shoulder. Caught finger on rusty nail. While working at engines. Fell on gangway. Fell in stokehold. Slipped on deck. Shpped in bunker. While scrubbing. While in engine-room. While painting ship. Fell against side of ship. While slicing fires. While opening tin. Struck elbow in engine-room. Through soup-can upsetting. Slipped on deck. Fell down stokehold. By hot water from boiler. Whilst stowing anchor. While cleaning lamp. Whilst trimming coals. Fell against steampipe. Fell down stairway. Fell on deck. Jammed between boat and sling.



Return showing Amounts paid to Sick and Disabled Seamen under Section 6 of the Shipping and Seamen Amendment Act, 1911, for the Year ended 31st March, 1917.

Name of Seaman. Name of Vessel. Nature of Injury or Illness. Amount paid in Wages, Maintenance, &c. • Atkin, J. Armstrong, J. Argent, G. Adams, W. Alquist, L. Appclton, J, Allen, E. Alland, J. A lander, K. Alto, W. Anderson, A. Alquist. L, Albert, H. Anderson, A. Anderson, A. Allam, — Aiken, C. Alexander, G. Aroca, J. Ashman, J. Brown, T. Barker, William . . Baxter, J. T. J. .. Boardman, Thomas Bruce, R. Bullock, G. Blair, D. Brassington, V. . . Beecroft, A. Brigman, W. Bass, W. Beattie, ,1. Bryant, J. W. . . Blomgren, M. Brown, E. Barry, George Baker, W. Brown, P. Breen, J. Burke, 1). Ball, It. Bishop, F. Bryant, George . . Bodoo, Nllie Bux Brittain, W. Billett, — Bart, J. Briggs, W. Boylan, T. Beattie, J. Bernesoe, R. Bailoy, R. Buchanan, S. Ballinger, .1. Buchanan, S. Butler. C. Bulow, W. Brown, .1. Bishop, W. H. .. Bryant, B. Barlow, A. Brailcy, A. Bell, J. Billige, - Chaffers, Ralph .. Cornwall, G. Charlton, V. Crynutwell, C. Collins, E. Chishohn, J. Cook, A. Cooper, W. Carroll, M. Catterall, J. Cole, G. Cooper, G. Cohen, C. Cololough, E. Chapman, F. Cuthhcrt, - Carmichael, H. . . Warrimoo Maori Tahiti Maori Maitai Kahika Maori Victoria Kia (Ira Kapuni Kapiti Moana Manuka Kotiti Wakatu Waiotahi. . Kowhai Mapourika Annandalo Opawa Kini .. Kaitoa Nikau Mapourika Tarawera Corinna Tofua Mako .. ■Maori Mararoa Wairuna Kini Maori Kapiti Himitangi Kanieri Waiotahi. . Pateena Komata Maori Kurow Pateena Pelican Aparima Maitai Glenelg Gael Mararoa Kaliiki Alexander Apanui Kopu Maori Takapuna Maori Rosamond Poherua Waihemo Waikawa. . Mararoa Rarawa Manuka Manuka Waitotara Kurow Maitai Maori Ripple Niwaru Mimiro Waitemata Clansman Kaitoa Maori .Maori Mararoa Moeraki Komata Kamona Mapourika To Anau Hemorrhage Influenza Appendicitis General debility Ulcerated feet Rheumatic fever Crushed finger . , Rupture Rupture Injured foot Injured muscles.. Abscess under ear Gastritis Strained back Concussion of brain Lumbago Debility Influenza Poisoned finger Gastritis Severely cut hand Injured foot Acute rheumatism Scalded foot Injured eye Injured foot Injured thumb Cut thumb Measles Ulcer on wrist Congestion of liver Gastritis Influenza Injured leg Influenza Influenza Left hand cut Ricked knee Injured back Influenza Lumbago Dislocated thumb Inflammation of throat . . Internal complaint Poisoned hand Hernia Internal injuries Contused left elbow Injured finger Strained wrist Measles Sprained ankle Injured toe Gastritis Bronchial catarrh Scalded Appendicitis Appendicitis Keratitis Abscess on elbow fractured ri b .. Fireman's back Inflamed foot Appendicitis Injured back Injured wrist Measles Poisoned hand Dislocated wrist Abscess on jaw Gastric ulcer Sprained wrist Injured arm and log Strained elbow Rheumatism .Lumbago Piles Neuritis Injured hand Poisoned hand Inflammation of kidneys .. £ s. d. 17 8 6 8 8 III . .. I 12 16 6 .. ! 10 19 (I .. j 5 13 (I 47 0 5 ..I 8 13 6 .. I 35 4 1 . . i 5 114 27 0 6 . . j 35 7 Ii 13 0 0 40 2 I 8 16 8 .. ! 14 18 5 9 14 0 14 14 6 15 .19 0 13 19 3 6 10 0 10 i. 4 13 12 3 24 6 10 27 12 4 22 8 11 25 17 6 9 5 0 14 2 2 8 10 4 9 13 0 8 16 6 19 2 1 I 8 13 6 11 3 3 3 4 6 10 18 0 12 13 4 8 17 II !) 5 6 11 7 I 17 .13 0 10 18 I 17 19 7 26 5 0 29 7 6 10 4 9 20 8 3 6 17 12 0 3 9 6 0 0 1 10 13 II 11 26 7 6 31 10 2 12 5 8 7 7 11 26 3 2 11 4 6 10 0 3 8 7 6 22 10 8 14 16 5 10 15 8 2 15 0 15 19 7 13 0 0 14 I!) 6 14 16 11 16 12 6 2 14 0 26 13 5 4 2 5 12 11 5 9 5 7 12 4 1 10 17 1 11 14 7 18 9 II 7 17 6 12 16 13 0 0


Return showing Amounts paid to Sick and Disabled Seamen— continued.

B—H. 15.


Name of Seaman. Name of Vessel. Nature of Injury or Illness. Amount paid in Wages, Maintenance, Ac. Crosby, H. Cole, F. Calm, J. J. Connor, James Carnahan, R. Carter, A. Cornelinsion, ('. Carroll, H. Cross, C. Carnon, F. Connor, J. Cooper, H. Collins, H. Chape, W. Chalmers, — Curtis, E. Craig, R. Cannen, T. Carroll, William . . Driscoll, J. Doherty, E. A. Duvalvo, G. Douglas, M. De la Roch, A. Doyle, E. Dakler, W. Daly, T. Duffel, C. Dukitig, W. J. Davis, R. , Daniles, W. Dunn, B. Dale, V. Davies, D. J. Dooley, J. Duffy, P. Diefenhall, F. .. Dahlgream, — .. Dion, G. Davies, A. Dickson, James .. Daken, F, Demery, A. Delay, James Dale, T. Evane, George Elworthy, J. E. . . Emery, W. Ebrahim Sui Yukd Evans, W. P. Eade, J. Elliott, O. A. D. .. Finnolly, W. A. .. Fahey, J. Fotheringham, W. Finnolly, W. A. , . Freland, F. Finn, W. Ford, J. Fraser, R. T. Faulkner, ,1. Field, A. Ferguson, W. Flanagan, — Foster, J. Ferrier, T. Fisthall, H. Findlay, R. Fraser, J. Finn, W. Finch, C. W. Fortune, W. Gorman, A. Gosling, W. Gallagher, J. Gibson, 0. R. Gustafon, — Fabrileson, W. Garvio, E. J. Gray, S. Gordon. A. Ngakuta Mako Calm RegulusJ Wairau Maitai Opouri Ngatoro Clansman Kaitangata Regulus Mararoa Mapourika Kahika Pateena Warrimoo Poherua Canopus Kaitangata Katoa Monowai .. Kamo Clansman Wanaka Kowhai Poherua Manuka Chelmsford Maitai Ulimaroa Rakanoa Arahura Daphne Karu Takapuna Manuka Waipu Tarawera Kowhai Mararoa Monowai Mapourika Ngapuhi Ngapuhi Kanieri Komata Waipori Tarawera South Africa Pateena Wanaka Monowai Lindstol Moana Komata Lindstol Ngatiawa Ngapuhi Moeraki Echo Pelican Hawera Kokiri Kowhai Mararoa Moeraki Mararoa Kapuni Mararoa Rimu M!aori Delphic Mararoa Rosamond Somerset.. Mapourika Kapiti Stormbird Waimarie Wliangape To Aroha Pains inwardly ,j,. Strained muscles ja|lf.. Burnt elbow . .««!?.. Injured log W. Muscular rheumatism jjtig. . Injured wrist Cut, thumb Laryngitis . . Strained neck injured stomach Injured leg Gastritis Injured ribs Lacerated finger Cut thumb Excema Injured ankle Acute appendicitis Asthma Rupture ..' Burnt hands Gastritis Crushed finger Poisoned fingers Internal injuries Ulcerated leg Poisoned hand Tonsilitis Swelling on groin . . Injured knee Injured groin Injured right knee Measles Sprained left knee Strained abdominal muscles Sprained wrist Lumbago Sprained ankle Strained back Nervous breakdown Sciatica Measles Twisted loft leg .. Both legs cut off Injured leg Injured face Hernia Pleurisy Not diagnosed German measles Cut hand Measles Tuberculosis Injured wrist Injured back, head, and arm Ruptured right side Strained back Strained side Sprained foot Injured leg Crushed fingers Gastro-enteritis Inflamed veins Inflammation of tongue Gastric catarrh Poisoned arm Cut head Boils Gastritis Poisoned finger Inflamod glands Phthisis Conjunctivitis Injured eye Asthma Appendicitis Fractured rib Injured leg Crushed hand Erysipelas Injured head £ s. d. 15 17 3 12 19 7 16 18 7 17 I III 13 II 8 5 I 0 10 12 7 20 III 7 7 If! 7 i!) 17 8 17 I 10 44 16 8 8 6 8 26 15 4 7 S il 27 2 11 25 Hi I 40 9 7 17 4 (i 27 S il 12 I Ii 19 2 11 6 II Id S 2 6 17 8 9 IMS 2 10 11 2 8 10 2 22 9 6 10 I 4 15 0 0 Ii 18 I 4 14 9 11 Kill 13 5 7 8 12 I 14 0 6 16 3 6 29 5 10 7 14 3 7 10 0 9 0 10 8 3 5 15 15 0 7 15 3 I I 9 6 39 3 8 10 10 8 3 10 0 9 I 6 II 16 10 10 14 4 14 0 0 4 0 0 17 5 0 15 7 4 24 17 il 18 13 0 17 7 I 10 9 4 10 7 6 21 13 10 17 III 7 14 8 0 5 14 10 13 6 5 7 2 9 13 2 0 17 10 3 21 17 9 9 6 5 13 5 0 8 15 5 20 16 2 5 5 6 24 13 7 8 7 5 18 12 10 20 4 4 6 7 0 12 12 3



Return showing Amounts paid to Sick and Disabled Seamen — continued.

Name of Seaman. Name of Vessel. Nature ol Injury or illness. Amount paid in Wages, Maintenance, &c 1 Garan, J. Gower, A. Grey, G. H. Gorman, A. Garrian, G. Gordon, F. Grotti, M. Griffith, G. Griffin, H. Gibson, J. Garbett, K. M. . . Gunn, — Ginlaford, W. Gillanders, I. Gordon, G. Gillies, A. Goff, W. Gibson, G. Graham, S. S. Henry, A. Hunter, P. Hogben, W. Hogben, W. Humpherson, F. .. Hunter, J. Bohnes, W. Hanham, F. Hill, Sam Horsby, J. 0. Haslam, T. E. Higgins, C. Hanham, F. Harris, K. Harlings, E. Hanson, T. Hill, B. Hands, J. Harnes, W, Harper, J. Hogan, A. Han, A. Hargen, W. Harris, G. R. Hearne, W. T. . . Hughson, G. H. . . fsbister, W. Ives, W. Jacobsen, R. Jones, T. Jensen, S. Jensen, B. Johnson, C. Joyce, W. Johnson, C. Janeen, B. Johns, R. Jackson, G. Johanson, J. Johansen, J. Jensen, J. Jensen, J. Jables, H. Johanson, ,1. Kennedy, A. Kennedy, R. Knight," R. Knock, T. Kerr, J. Klungland, J. Knox, E. J. J. . . Kennedy, R. Keyworth, II. Key worth, H. R. Keys, S. C. Knight, T. E. . . Klungland, — King," C. Kniland, W. Kore, J. Lynch, O. Lauring, J. Levistan, A. Lethaby, T. Lyons, W. Lodor, L. L, , , Flora Regulus Flora Mararoa Onega Pakeha Rarawa Maitai Manuka Mapourika Mapourika Queen of the South Navua Kamo Rarawa Karu Putiki Taniwha Rimu .. Nikau Karori Corinna Poherua Maori LJIimaroa. . Maori Manaia Kopu Daphne Corinna Kini Manaia Maori Rarawa .. Haoro Clansman Ngakuta Komata .. Kini Waikawa.. Dongarra Mararoa Maori Corinna Pateena Tarawera Mapourika Kahika Nikau Tarawera Maori Aupouri Ngatoro Warrimoo Maori Manuka Talune Akaroa Hawera Awahou Mapourika Ngahere Akaroa Maori Kaitoa Willochra Westralia To Anau Moana Waihora Kaitoa Mararoa Pateena Maori Takapuna Takapuna. Isabella do Fraine. . Kennedy Maitai Tarawera Ma,raroa Paloona Chelmsford Pateena Arapawa Strained heart Pneumonia Injured leg Bronchitis Lumbago Strained old rupture Injured ankle Injured eyes Gastritis Scalded foot Health run down Contusion of ribs Appendicitis Appendicitis . . General debility Bronchial, catarrh Ruptured artery Injured shoulder Crushed foot Inflammation of tonsils . . Strained back Contusion, of right knee . . Injured eye Injured ribs . . Measles Poisoned finger Ulcerated stomach Injured head Injured spino Varicoscele Injured knee Gastritis Bronchitis Scalded shoulder Injured kneecap Typhoid fover Influenza Measles and bronchitis . . Dyspepsia Injured ankle Poisoned foot Gastritis Influenza Rheumatism German measles Pleurisy Injured elbow Bladder trouble.. Injured by explosion Appendicitis Influenza Bruised head Liver trouble Face and arms burnt Burnt Poisoned finger Injured rib and back Injured head and log Stiff neck Rash on body Injured hand Bruised shoulder Bruised toe Gastritis Influenza Gastritis Injured knee Strained, back Nasal catarrh Rupture Lumbago Septic throat Poisoned leg Injured groin Quinsy Malaria Injured anklo Internal injuries Injured head Sprained wrist Septic throat Swelling on left arm Crushed leg Bronchitis Drowned £ s. d. 19 2 6 1.3 2 10 25 15 10 7 17 11 3 0 0 10 4 5 13 14 6 3 13 6 17 9 10 il I. 6 12 12 9 15 19 6 18 !) 6 52 0 10 7 5 (i 9 15 8 39 3 3 9 10 3 29 0 0 21 13 6 16 17 .'{ 116 2 39 8 8 5 14 5 13 Hi 3 7 11 I 13 9 8 13 4 5 10 I 9 14 !) 8 7 16 4 11 3 2 10 7 6 34 8 3 7 12 9 36 13 8 115 2 20 7 !) 17 16 4 6 13 0 1.0 10 ii 9 4 11 10 7 5 21 1 8 9 I 6 13 7 5 10 18 8 1:3 15 5 30 14 10 16 12 11 4 6 il 14 19 2 31 3 2 25 2 0 5 13 6 10 13 7 15 5 7 20 11 4 8 19 6 19 7 0 19 17 0 10 16 10 20 11 4 12 I 7 10 2 4 12 2 11 10 14 3 14 17 I 24 16 0 14 8 4 16 8 0 13 15 3 21 14 8 11 14 5 il 17 4 9 2 4 19 14 4 14 12 0 9 17 6 18 9 8 10 4 I 111 6 0 30 7 0 16 17 4 10 0 0



Return showing Amounts paid to Sick and Disabled Seamen— continued.

Name of Seaman. Name of Vessel. Nature of Injury or IllueBS. i Amount paid in Wages, Maintenance, &c. 1 Lopez, G. Leviok, J. Lyon, W. i Larsen, H. Low, R. Linton, J.| Lynch, C. Lush, E. Lawrence, H. |jg .. Langreen, W. Lynn, R. Liley, L. G. Lindgren, C. Lee, E. McLeary, Thomas McPherson, I). Mclnnes, J. McLeod, W. McAndrews, P. . . McNelly, F. McKenzie, Mrs. A. McLean. F. McDonald, D. McLean, D. McDonagh, P. . . MeBride, P. MoNab, J. McCallum. I). McDonald, W. .. McLaughlin, .1. McMurrick, J. McArthur, A. McGune, N. McNeil, R. McGillvray, I). . . MoGan, J. McAlister, J. Mcintosh, W. McLaughlin, C. .. McLure, J. Mclntyre, A. McLean, .). C. McArthur, A. McKinnon, R. .. MeCormack, D. .. McConville, — .. McGhee, J. McLean, J. McEachorn, J. McDonald, I). McGhee, J. Maxwell, G. Marshall, H. Murphy, E. Moore, A. Miller, H. Miller, W. Melville, J. Marsdon, L. Milburn, C. C. Morton, J. 0. Murphy, J. Montgomery, I. .. Matheson, D. Martonson, F. Mortensen, W. Mentiplay, R. J. .. Marsden, W. Morris, J. P. Marton, A. 0. Miller, G. Martin, S. G. Martial, S. Mitchell, J. Morrison, K. Martin, J. Menton, J. Managhan, J. Managhan, M. W. Morgan, F. Mathews, G. Murray, W. J. Martin, T. Murray, J. Rakanoa Waipori .. Pateena Kanieri Te Awhina Kini Manuka Ngakuta Maori Mapourika Arahura Kaitangata Arapawa Strathavon Wanaka Monowai Willochra Corinna Maunganui Ionic Mapourika Talune Nikau Takapuna Ionic Warrimoo Ruru Mokoia Maori Mapourika Maori Corinna Ulimaroa Kamo Houto Ngakuta Maori Aparima Moana Mararoa Clansman Monowai Corinna Kanieri Ngatiawa Takapuna Pateena Talune Opawa Maori Pateena, Nikau Alexander Paloona .. Whakerua Kennedy. . Rosamond Himitangi Maori Apanui Tongariro Tofua Kanieri Waitemata Waihora Alma Maori Manaia Arahura Cygnet . . Flora Miefield Herald .. Arahura Maori Mako Takapuna Koromiko Opawa Waitangi Koi .. Mapourika Kaiapoi Leitrim .. Injured hip Rupture Asthma H Ulcerated leg Injured testicles Injured right hand Poisoned arm Piles Gastritis Injured fingers Influenza Injured ribs .lambed finger Ulcerated leg Ruptured varicose vein Broken rib Dyspepsia Gastro-enteritis Rheumatism Injury to back Took ill Lumbago Cramps Sprained foot . . Genera] dobility Burnt eye Muscular pains in neck Piles Influenza Sciatica Poisoned throat Injured hand Typhoid fever Pains in back Injured foot Bronchitis Crushed finger Injured leg Rheumatism Abscess on arm Lacerated left hand Acid burns . . . . Quinsy Measles Strained back Bronchitis and acuto pharangitis .. Gastric catarrh Ricked back Rheumatic fever Strained leg Gastritis Injured by explosion Broken rib Cut wrist Accidentally shot in thigh Injured arm Injured eye Scarlet fever Influenza Influenza Drowning Injured elbow . . . . Crushed hand Injured back Bruised leg Injured foot Influenza Crushed finger Diphtheria Dyspepsia Ricked back Inward trouble .. Injured leg . . .. . . Influenza Appendicitis .. . . General debility.. .. Injured knee .. .. .. I Appendicitis Poisoned arm Cut arm Rheumatism Injured back Scalded arm Rheumatism £ s. d. 14 10 8 8 1 1 21 14 11 10 15 6 14 9 8 10 15 0 17 1 1 21 9 6 23 9 9 11 5 5 12 17 3 10 4 9 6 13 10 3 12 0 13 6 0 15 10 0 16 15 8 17 14 10 7 17 6 3 11 0 8 6 4 14 10 6 1.1 7 4 11 1 10 12 3 6 14 16 0 8 14 0 15 14 7 13 13 5 1.1 13 11 10 IS 7 • 40 1.6 3 116 5 8 7 7 36 3 11 14 3 3 10 1.0 0 34 1 0 50 0 0 6 19 0 112 4 1.8 10 4 22 8 10 9 14 0 19 6 7 15 16 6 7 16 3 14 3 5 15 2 0 10 14 6 8 13 2 47 9 3 12 14 4 11 2 6 7 10 7 7 9 5 113 7 2 14 0 15 0 3 33 9 11 29 19 6 15 7 4 15 5 2 14 6 0 12 6 5 20 11 5 15 9 8 17 12 8 37 6 8 43 8 0 10 10 <i 39 15 6 15 1 10 8 18 S 28 5 9 8 8 11 7 18 0 49 1 4 9 11 6 19 3 7 13 5 0 8 5 4 7 19 10 5 4 11


Return showing Amounts paid to Sick and Disabled Seamen— continued.


Name of Seaman. Martin, A. C. Martial, S. Matheson, D. D. .. Mahon, T. Madson, E. Moulding, E. Mentiplay, R. Macdren, S. May, E. Neaves, J. Newell, R. Nelson, W. Nolan, J. M. Niolson, L. Nelder, N. Newling, H. R. .. O'Donnell, B. H.. . Orkeef, S. Olsen, C. F. Ogg, W. OCallaghan, J. .. Owens, J. O' Brien, T. Olsen, A. Oram, T. O'Connor, H. Oakes, J. 0. Peters, A. Poulson, J. Pearce, W. Poulter, F. J. Pearce, W. Pearce, G. Patterson, J. Payne, H. C. Patterson, M. Poole, S. Peterson, L. Perkins, L. Peterson, P. Pirie.E. W. Pedersen, E. Parminter,,). Peak, R. H. Perniskey. T. Palmer, L. Perniskey, M. Pedersen, P. Paris, J. Perace, W. Perkins, B. R. .. Paulsen, A. Paulsen, A. Petterson, I). Perritt, G. Peterson, G. Patterson, — Quinn, P. Quinn, H. J. Quilligan, D. Quilligan, D. Rells, R. Robertson, F. Ryan. T. Ricketts, L. Ross, J. Ross, J. Ryan, J. Rutledge, W. Russell, A. Ruthberg, J. Ritchie, D. Reid, E. Rankin, B. Reynolds, H. Reardon, J. Russell, H. Rhodes, L. Rice, R. Robertson. F. Ray, F. W. Robertson, J. Reardon, J. Reilly, W. Ryan, J. Shearer, A. D. Shearer, J. K. Name of Vessel. Eunice Manaia Te Anau Orepuki Echo Kai Ora . . . . Maori Mararoa Pateena Kawau Mararoa . . . . ! Mapourika Tarawera Rimu Wainica Waiotahi Kaitoa Maori . . Mako Victoria .. .. Maori . . : Kokiri Opawa Defender. . . . ' Ionic . . j Tarawera .. | Glenelg . . .. ! Pateena . . .. j Rakanoa. . .. ! Pateena .. . . j Karu .. I Pateena . . .. | Flora .. i Mapourika .. j Kiritona Rimu .. Mako Tainui Monowai Haere Karamu Ngatoro Komata Maheno Tarawera Koromiko Manuka Wimmera . . Kini Kaiapoi ;. Kurow Wootton Wootton Takapuna Rakanoa Koromiko Walisend. . Kapiti Pateena Ngakuta Ngatoro Fanny , . Wanaka Moeraki Maori . . Flora Ionic Kittawa Mararoa Paloona Moana Kini Rosamond Ahuriri Tasman Canopus Maori . . . , Maori Manuka Ripple Karu Leitrim Kurow Maori Mapourika Poherua Koromiko Name of Injury or Illness. Hernia Bruised shoulder Severe debility Bronchitis Lumbago Septicaemia Neuritis Neuritis Poisoned leg Injured finger Injured finger Injured back Dysentery Influenza Influenza .. ' . . Influenza Asthma Scalded arm Elbow injured Poisoned leg Asthma Lumbago Gastritis Tetanus Appendicitis Septic ulcer Injured hand Injured knee Injured leg Liver trouble Broken finger Injured log Ricked side Anthritis Injured leg Pneumonia Internal pains Internal strains Sciatica Injured head Influenza Injured finger Sciatica Enteric fever Inflammation of kidneys ■ ■ Ulcerated hand Lumbago Facial paralysis Fluid on knee Swollen testicles Sciatica Injured foot Fractured toe Injured finger Septic throat Typhoid Shock and strain to heart Constipation Injury to shoulder Kidney complaint Injured foot Injured knee Drowned Broken rib Influenza Sore throat Stricture Sciatica Strained back Nephritis Heart and kidney trouble Septic throat Acute laryngitis Broken ankle Severe cold Severe pains in chest Inflamed glands of groin . . Gastritis Poisoned hand Injured back Hydrocele Gastritis Injured ankle Appendicitis Burnt face and hands Ruptured Septic wound Amount paid in Wages, Maintenance, &(;. £ s. d. 56 6 0 10 19 7 80 10 0 19 14 7 11 0 J 1 6 17 0 28 .13 0 9 5 7 21 14 8 19 18 9 16 4 6 9 6 11 II I II) 4 18 fi 14 6 I ..I Hi il il .. ! 27 5 1 1 27 4 5 11 2 Ii 30 9 I I 20 14 9 15 (i I I 36 I I 7 17 7 0 6 15 0 5 19 3 9 14 2 13 7 3 ..I 7 19 0 10 I II 21118 10 7 I 10 16 1 I .11 15 2 37 17 7 28 15 10 25 3 11 6 12 0 .12 4 8 19 8 5 23 10 5 10 6 7 10 9 5 38 15 7 10 9 2 il 18 5 30 13 2 34 8 1 45 17 2 8 11 Ii ..I 28 12 5 5 16 6 .. I 14 6 2 . . I 8 9 2 . | 9 10 0 18 110 .. ! 13 9 3 .. j 27 6 6 . . I 17 il 5 . . i 9 3 3 13 12 3 8 17 2 10 10 0 6 11 4 8 16 10 17 7 4 1 14 0 12 11 7 8 14 3 18 2 6 10 12 0 14 9 7 12 .11 _ 40 19 0 13 6 5 12 111 0 8 .13 0 7 3 4 10 9 10 10 9 7 5 5 2 3 0 0 19 8 2 18 9 6 20 16 0 35 1 6 9 13 4


Return showing Amounts paid to Sick and Disabled Seamen— continued.


Name of Seaman. Name of Vessel. Amount paid Nature of Injury or Illness. ia Wages, Maintenance, Ac. Smith, D. Shorter, F. P. Shaw, E. Strom, U. South, A. Simpson, H. Stickiugs, ,1. Sheratt, C. E, Sarsfield, W. Stapleton, J, Suiat, W. Sevensnen, II. Smith, B. Shepherd, .1. Sinclair, F. Smith, R. .1. Scott, T. Stewart:, .1. Stewart, J. ('. Salter, W. Sowman, P. Stephens, C. Short, G. W. Sarsen, F. Sharp. A. Sowden, P. Stronso. O. Swan, John Stanlake, R. Sowden, P. Smith, D. Stevens, G. H. Stock, J. Tanner, W. !>. Thompson, G. Thompson, A. Thompson, J.Thompson, .1. 'Cowans, L. Taylor, W. Truman, T. Tmelly, J. Tobrason, R. T lylor, C. Ta'rrall, T. T'ploy, Martin . . Thomon, W. G. Tangley, T. Thomas, C. Thompson, F. Underdom, T. Umholdt, T. Underell, T. Usher, N. Vaster, L. Vasseau, 0. Webster, A. Wilkinson, R. E.. . Wilkinson, A. Winkelman, W. . . Wiseman, 0. Wales, R. Wright, H. Wood, A. E. Walker, R. Woodthorpe, J. Watt, R. White, T. Warne, F. Warne. I'. Wright, H. Wood, H. White, A. Wado, T. Webster. J. Walsh, J. Ward, A. E. Watts, G. Williamson, D. . . Wilson, T. Wilson, D. White, G. Wilkins, P. Wiley, JYoung, J. Mararoa Pateena Maori Manaia Karori Waimarie Waimarino Maori Karu Takapuna Kinross Ruru Mararoa Kamo Clansman, Orepuki Queen of tin- South Tasman Dandy Kaitoa Maori Maori .. Talune Leitrim Pateena . . . . Maori Arahura Waitangi Kamona . . .. Maori Mararoa Mararoa Rarawa . . .. Tahiti Mararoa Koromiko Mararoa Ruru Pateena Patoena Paloona Durham . . . ., Miefield Clansman Tasman Kini Willochra Port Victoria Takapuna Mararoa Westralia Ngaru Rarawa Kaitoa Alexander . . I Tongariro Paloona Tarawera Kokiri Tarawera Aupouri Aupouri Maitai Mararoa Carpentaria Ngatoro Waitemata Te Anau Clansman Huia Maitai Takapuna Mapourika Katoa Talune Magic Cyrena Aratapu Corinna Riverina Kamona Rarawa Manuka Opouri .. Kini £ s. d. Rheumatism .. . . . . 9 3 2 Quinsy . . ' . . . . 8 7 7 Strain inwardly . . . . . . 8 6 0 Foot swollen . . .. . . 12 16 1 Cut thumb . . .. .. 14 10 6 ('rushed arm . . . . . . 13 13 4 Peritonitis .. . . . . 57 18 4 Neurasthenia . . .. 13 17 4 Loose cartilage in knee . . . . 52 15 6 Gastric trouble .. .. .. 15 12 0 Bleeding piles . . .. I 18 6 Fractured rib .. .. .. 28 3 3 Lumbago . . . . .. 8 18 8 Congestion of bowels .. .. 22 6 o Injured knee . . . .' . . 10 12 9 Scalded face . . .■. .. 7 4 11 Burnt hand . . .. .112 4 Hand jambed . . . . .. 10 II 0 Finger jambed .. .. .. 15 15 7 Inflammation of glands of tluoiit .. 26 1 5 Haemorrhage .. .. .. 12 0 5 Bronchial catarrh .. .. 17 6 il Lacerated foot . . . . . . 14 12 4 Cut head . . . . .. 9 12 0 German measles . . . . 9 16 Severe abdominal pains .. 14 17 Ii Injured jaw . . . . . , 17 8 8 Influenza , . . . .. 18 17 1 Cut forearm . . . . . . 10 6 10 Injured head .. . . 7 7 3 Appendicitis .. .. .. 17 16 10 Abscess on arm .. .. .. 11 7 5 Injured side .. .. .. 12 6 5 Fractured ai in .. .. .. 21 4 10 Bronchial catarrh , . ,. 6 3 2 Boils .. . . . . J 6 9 9 Bronchitis .. . . . . 7 9 4 Rheumatism . . . . . . 9 16 Severe cold . . . . 9 6 2 Catarrh .. .. .. 1.7 18 II Influenza .. .. .. 10 0 4 Hemorrhage .. .. 3 17 II Pains in heart . . 7 13 6 Injured right leg .. .. 10 4 8 Strained back . . .. 10 2 1 Urethral trouble . . . . 9 7 7 Haemoptysis .. .. .. 56 12 3 Throat trouble . . . . . . 2 12 6 Lumbago . . . . . . 16 3 0 Pneumonia . . . . . . 13 0 0 Cold on chest .. . . .. 13 7 1 Sprained ankle .. .. .. 15 6 6 Gastritis . . . . . . 4 16 4 Abscess under shoulder .. .. 7 17 6 Broken collarbone . . . . 32 0 3 Cardiac failure ■■ .. .. 40 18 o Injured arm .. .. .. 10 19 3 Poisoned thumb . . . . 7 1.5 7 Scabies . . . . .. 8 13 5 Chest complaint .. .. 12 14 0 Inward trouble .. .. .. 19 16 2 Poisoned finger . . . . . . 14 6 1 Burnt left arm . . . . . . 6 7 0 Fractured rib .. . . . . 10 5 .10 Abscess on liver. . .. .. 31 9 2 Lumbago . . . . . . 31 1.1 .10 Injured foot .. .. .. 15 14 6 Injured chest .. .. . . 17 12 5 Influenza . . . . . . 1.9 1.3 4 Burnt hands .. .. . . 17 15 0 Tuberculosis .. .. .. 12 8 0 Pleuritic effusion . . . . 115 1 Measles . . . . . . 7 13 6 Strained back ... .. .. 12 I 6 Scalded face . . . . .. 43 7 8 Gastritis . . . . .. 14 7 1 Swollen gland in groin .. .. :{(; 5 1 Injured finger . . .. . . 20 5 8 Strained back . . . . . . 13 19 6 Injured knee .. . . .. 26 11 7 Injured chcsl and heart . . . . 8 13 Cut hand . . . . .. 116 10 Burnt arm .. . . .. 12 11 0 Sciatica . . . . .. 25 5 3 Injured knee . . . . .. 17 8 7 Total .. .. £8,114 14 II £8 114 14 II


Return of Accidents to Waterside Workers reported to the Marine Department during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1917.


Date. Name of Person injured. Nature of Injury : Fatal or otberwise. j Place where Accident occurred. Particulars as to Accident and its Cause, and Verdict of Jury if Inquest held. I 1916. April 13 E. Ping „ 27 C. Murdoch Mav 8 W. Bvrne 26 C. Fabor „ 27 C. Chenery June 6 T. Mence .. 6 T. Maclean ,, 7 : Henry Johnston „ 14 H. Austin 16 C. Small 17 A. O'Connor ,, 21 J. A. Cunningham .. „ 22 W. Outram Jut. 10 ! J. Duffv 11 : T. Faull 13 : T. Mitchell „ 19 George Denman 28 — Bullock Aug. 2 W. B. Campbell .. „ 4 W. Dowling ,, 7 G. E. Weekes „ 18 0. Hansen 18 ! T. Blocksage „ ■ 18 J. Walton.. 19 J. Helean 26 Thomas Butler Sept. 7 C. Falkner ,, 7 J. Coutts .. ,, 7 G. Jones .. ,, 7 J. .Anderson ,, 7 H. Barnes .. „ 7 | J. Jones .. ,, 7 S. Appelby ,, 7 W. Holmes ,, 7 j J. Spray 7 S. Bayliss . . ,, 7 J. Nolan . . ,, 8 J. Mannix 10 William Durrell ,, 25 W. Jackson 29 F. Quintall Oot. 2 A. Sloss .. ,, 2 E. Marsden ,, 4 W. Johnstone „ 4 J. Anderson Bruised leg .. .. . . Greymouth Crushed toe .. .. .. Bluff Bruised leg .. • ■ .. Greymouth Injured body .. .. .. Lyttelton .. I Crushed finger .. .. .. i ,, .. ! Bruised body .. .. .. j Bluff Fractured rib .. .. .. ,, Killed .. .. .. .. Auckland .. ; Fractured rib .. . . .. Lyttelton Injured thumb .. .. .. ,, .. i Injured shoulder .. .. .. ,, .. ! Injured head .. .. ,. I ,, .. i Broken leg .. .. .. Wellington Injured knee .. .. .. Bluff Injured back .. " .. .. Lyttelton Injured ankle .. .. - .. „ Injured head .. . . .. Wanganui Broken leg .. ... .. Auckland .. j Broken rib .. .. .. ' Te Kopuru .. ! Bruised thumb .. . . ... Timaru .. Crushed toe .. .. .. j Lyttelton Injured head .. .. .. Bluff .. : Crushed thumb .. .. .. Greymouth .. ; Strained wrist .. ... .. ; ,, .. : Crushed hand .. .. .. Timaru .. Bruised bod3 r .. . . .. i ,, .. ; Burnt face, eyes, arms, and leg .. Auckland .. i Burnt face, eyes, and arms .. .. I ,, Burnt face, eye, arms, back, thigh, ,, and leg Burnt face and eyes .. .. ,, .. j Burns .. .. .. .. ,, .. ; Injured abdomen .. . . .. I Bluff .. ; Cut chin . . .. .. .. | Wanganui Injured back .. .. . . Timaru . . Strained .. .. .. ". . Auckland Bruised hand . . . . . . Greymouth Injured right foot .. .. .. ' Lyttelton Bruised jaw .. .. .. Auckland ..' I Bruised head .. .. "..' I Greymouth By falling timber. While unloading cargo. Falling timber. By falling stanchion. Caught in railway-truck. Bale slipped from sling. Slipped. A rope broke, allowing the derrick of the " Mahurangi " to fall. Struck by sling of cargo. Caught between cases. Struck by basket of coal. Bale slipped from sling. Bale fell on leg. Sack of oats fell on knee. Struck by sling of cargo. Struck b\- piece of coal. Drum of caustic soda fell on leg. Cargo fell from sling. Caught between sling of cargo. Sling-chain fell on toe. .. | Fell on to wharf. .. | Falling timber. .. j Fell in truck. Caught hand between sling of cargo. Knocked out of truck. By explosion of sulphuric acid. Caught between buffers. Knocked out of railway-truck. Hit by falling basket. Lifting timber. By falling timber. Struck by truck. By falling timber.



,, 6 6 25 26 28 Nov. 6 ., 7 tt 1 8 11 11 13 14 14 14 15 15 18 20 20 27 27 29 Dec. 7 13 16 19 19 22 28 1917. H. Stare . . G. Campbell S. Hughes William Nelson A. .Austin .. A. Phillips A. Langstrad — Cransfleld P. Drumm W T . A. Thompson W. Meales S. Danilo .. T. Ashwell W. Norton W. H. Ryder A. Longmore R. Anderson J. Smith . . T. Potter .. George Morton A. Ealam .. V. A. Marriott F. Cogle . . A. Watt .. R. Turnbull F. Mortimer H. Lynch . . P. Molloy . . S. Amunic.. S. Hawes .. R. Joughin Injured leg Broken thigh Injured right foot .. Severe shock Sprained ankle Bruised knee Bruised ankle Injured leg Bruised leg Crushed finger Injured rib Injured foot Injured hip Injured finger Strained back Cut finger Bruised leg Crushed finger Strained back Injured toe Crushed finger Strained leg Crushed finger Bruised finger Bruised body Strained foot Bruised toe Injured hand Wellington Lyttelton Auckland Lyttelton Greymouth Wellington Port Chalmers .. ; Greymouth ■ ■ I .. j Bluff" .. . . I Lyttelton Dunedin .. Port Chalmers Greymouth Lyttelton .. j Dunedin .. .. j Port Chalmers .. | Greymouth .. j Wanganui .. I Port Chalmers While working cargo. Fell off gangway. Pipes rolled on foot. Crushed by sling of timber. Knocked off truck. By falling. . Struck by sling. While working cargo. By falling timber. While loading timber. Case fell on foot. Fell on hook. Caught between sling and wagon. While lifting case. While working cargo. By sling of timber. Between two drums of sodaWhile lifting bags. While loading frozen meat. While working cargo. By ship's beam falling. Caught by case. Struck by sling of cargo. While working cargo. Jan. 2 20 Feb. 5 " 10 12 20 20 23 Mar. 1 2 ., 5 „ 6 t, 7 ',', 10 12 15 15 20 31 J. O'Leary D. Morgan R. Mundy J. Duncan G. O'Halloran J. Hitt .. T. Watson A. Lynne . . C. Rose A. Haywood G. Langley M. Mathews P. Molloy .. W. Calder.. R. Winton F. West .. T. Mullay .. J. Bonner .. W. Turner C. Christiansen H. McKinnon Bruised finger Bruised leg Crushed finger Injured finger Injured hand Crushed ankle Injured foot Cut ankle Killed ; fractured skull Injured ankle Injured toe Bruised body Injured finger Thumb-nail pulled off Injured leg Injured back Injured head Injured thigh Injured toe Bruised chest Greymouth . . j Lyttelton Dunedin . . .. ! Auckland . . ; Bluff Wellington .. , Dunedin .. Wellington Wanganui .. Bluff Dunedin .. .. Bluff Wellington .. ! Lyttelton . . ; Dunedin .. Caught by case. Caught by sling of timber. Caught by case. Piece of coal fell on finger. . . ! Finger caught in hook. While working cargo. While loading cement. Beam fell on footSlipped and fell on wharf. Fell down hold of s.s. " Manuka."' While working cargo. Plank fell on toe. Struck by sling of cargo. Caught finger against stringer. While working cargo. While lifting wool. Fell on deck. Hit by fire-bar. Struck by basket of coal. While working cargo.



Return of Convictions of Seamen, etc., for Offences against the Provisions of the Shipping and Seamen Act, under Proceedings taken by Masters and Others, reported to the Marine Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1917.

1 Date of Conviction." Xame of Person. Position held. Ship. Particulars of Offence, <ftc. Penalty imposed. Alassandro, C. Anderson, J. Brandon, J. Brotell, V. Brown, E. A. Bodgar, J. J. Busher, H. Carrie, W. Cutler, B. Constantino, A. .. Craig, J. Cooke, James Crumin, P. Davis, W. Downey, J. Donnelly, L. Dills, G. Eggleton, J. English. W. Elmos, E. Fagan, H. Ford. A. Farrell, G. Fry, J. .. Fancourt, R. W. . . Farlev, T. Glenn. J. Gilfoyle, F. Griffiths. W. Green, R. Hustler, H. Hardonie, F. Hapanen, A. V. .. Hockey, D L. .. Hyde, Henry Isaacson, S. James, C. Kemp, W. Kennedy, J. Kingston, A. Knudsen. H. Knight, G. Kidd, J. E. Sailor .. Carpenter .. AB. .. Fireman Seaman Fireman Greaser Fireman Seaman Greaser Fireman .. A.B. .. Seaman .. A,B. .. Fireman Seaman Trimmer Fireman Greaser Fireman Steward Fireman Trimmer Fireman Seaman Fireman .. A.B. .. Trimmer Seaman Greaser Steward Greaser Fireman ' .. Seaman Trimmer .. ' Fireman Berwick Law Armadale Turakina Mamari Rotorua Karamea .. Pt. Elliot Zealandic Turakina Arawa Tarawera Ruahine Armadale Paparoa Ruahine Manure wa Armadale Pakeha Corinthic Rotorua Zealandic Turakina Waihora Ruahine Turakina, Ruahine Rotorua Manuka Louisa Craig Corinthic Celtic Glen Ruahine Armadale Ruahine Turakina Zealandic Mamari Karamea Ruahine Rotorua Desertion .. .. .. .. .. 7/2/10 One month's imprisonment and ordered to pay costs. Absent without leave .. • • ■ • -. 30/1/17 Fourteen days' imprisonment. „ .. .. .. .. 19/4/16 Forty-eight hours'imprisonment and 7s. costs. .. Desertion .. .. .. .. .. 23/9/16 Ordered to pay £2 10s. costs. „ .. .. .. .. .. 22/8/16 One month's imprisonment and to be placed on board. Disobeying lawful commands .. - ■. .. 6/10/16 Two days' imprisonment and forfeit four days' pay. Absent without leave .. .. - ■ .. 24/2/1 7 Fined two days' pay and placed on board. ,, .. .. .. .. 1/3/16 Fined two days' pay and fourteen days' imprisonment. Stealing cigarettes.. .. .. •• •■ 13/10/16 Fined £2 or one month's imprisonment. Absent without leave .. .. .. • • 30/9/16 Imprisoned till ship leaves. Obscene language at sea .. .. .. .. 6/12/16 Fourteen days' imprisonment and costs. Absent without leave .. .. . - • • 15/12/16 Ordered to pay costs. „ .. .. .. .. 29/1/17 Fourteen days' imprisonment. Desertion .. . . .. .. .. 13/1/16 One month's imprisonment and placed on board. Absent without leave .. . • ■ ■ ... 6/12/16 Ordered to pay costs. Absent without leave and disobeying lawful commands 26/8/16 Forfeit two days' pay, in default forty-eight hours, wit] solicitor's fee £1 Is., in default seven days. .. ] Absent without leave .. . . . • • ■ 29/1/17 Fourteen days' imprisonment. .. I Desertion .. .. . ■ .. .. 28/1/16 One month's imprisonment and placed on board. .. ! Absent from ship .. .. .. .. .. 2/9/16 Seven days' imprisonment and placed on board. Desertion .. .. .. .. .. 22/8/16 One month's imprisonment and placed on board. Absent without leave .. .. - • •. 1/3/16 Fourteen days' imprisonment, fined two days' pay, an< placed on board. Broaching cargo .. .. .. .. .. 13/10/16 One month's imprisonment and fined £2. Absent without leave .. .. .. •• 13 II 16 Fined two days' pay and costs. ,, .. .. .. .. i 15/12 16 Ordered to pay costs. .... 15/12/16 Disobeying lawful commands .. .. .. 9/3/17 Fined £1 and 7s. costs. Desertion .. .. .. .. .. 13/7/16 One month's imprisonment. Absent without leave .. . ■ •. ■ ■ 15/12/16 Ordered to pay costs. .. „ .. .. '.. .. 23/1/17 Ordered to pay costs and placed on board. Disobeying lawful commands . . .. .. 28/2/17 Convicted and discharged. .. Absent without leave .. .. .. .. 21/11/16 Missed passage .. .. .. ■ • .. 12/9/16 Seven days' imprisonment. Absent without leave .. .. .. .. 17/5/16 One month's imprisonment and to be placed on board. 28/4/16 Fined £1 and 7s. costs. .. | ,, .. .. .. .. | 15/12/16 Ordered to pay costs. .. ,, .. .. .. .. 30/1/17 : Fourteen days' imprisonment. .. ,, . . .. .. .. 15/12/16 Ordered to pay costs. .. ! Desertion .. .. .. . . .. 13/7/16 ] Ordered to pay £2 17s. expenses. Absent without leave .. .. .. .. 2/3/1 6 j Fourteen days' imprisonment and fined two days' pay. Desertion .. .. .. .. .. 14/6/16 Forty-eight hours' imprisonment. ,, .. .. .. .. .. 2/10/16 One month's imprisonment. Absent without leave .. .. .. .. 15/12/16 Ordered to pay costs. ,, .. .. .. .. 23/1/17 Ordered to pay costs and placed on board.



9—H. If).

Langton, E. J. Lyons, C. Larkin, F. Lawson, H. Manning, C. MoffattfA. Morrison, J. Manriinen, L. V. .. Mawid. J. Norman, W. ODonnell, J. Parkins. George .. Peters, W. Piescroft, E. Pogrum, W. Penegar, W. Ricks, S. T. Revnolds. S. Reid, J... Simmons, S. E. Shanks, R. Siuglehurst, L. R. Saskoncn, W. Smith, S. Searles, A. Shiror, F. Turner, W. Turner, E. Tudor. W. Vercisi, L. West, A. Walterton, — Wilson, C. ,. -j .. i Steward .. I Fireman .. I Sailor .. .. ' A.B. .. .. i Fireman .. Cook .. Fireman .. i Trimmer Fireman '.'. A.B. .. Steward O.S. .. Fireman Trimmer Fireman Greaser Trimmer .. A.K .. Seaman Trimmer Rotorua .. i - Desertion Ruahine .. I „ .. ' Somerset .. i Wilful disobedience .. : Priestfield .. Desertion .. I Pakeha .. „ Indralema .. ,, Mamari .. ,, Ruapehu ... „ Rotorua .. i Absent without leave Waihora .. j ,, Corinthic .. , Desertion Zealandic .. ■ Absent without leave Corinthic .. Desertion Ruahine .. Absent without leave Star of Australia Desertion Turakina .. Stealing cigarettes.. Celtic Glen .. Desertion Turakina .. Absent without leave ,, .. Desertion Arawa .. ,, Mamari .. i ,, Turakina .. j Stealing cigarettes.. Ruahine .. i Absent without leave Tainui .. Disobeying lawful orders Arawa .. Desertion Niagara .. Broaching cargo .. Armadale .. | Absent without leave Buahine .. ,, .. I 22/8/16 One months' imprisonment and placed on board. 5/9/16 , Fourteen days' hard labour. 28/10/16 ; One month's imprisonment and placed on board. 28/10/16 14/2/17 j 28/1/17 20/6/16 ! Convicted and ordered to pay costs. 23/9 16 Ordered to pay £2 10s. costs! 26/2/17 One month's imprisonment and placed on board. 23/1/17 Ordered to pay costs and placed on board. 13/11/16 Fined two days pay and costs. 6/1/17 One month's imprisonment and placed on board. 1/3 17 Fourteen days' imprisonment and forfeit two days' pay 12/9/16 One month's imprisonment. 15/12/16 ! Ordered to pav costs. 15/12/16 ! 27/10/16 One month's imprisonment and placed on board. 13/10/16 ! One month's imprisonment or fined £2. 30/3,16 : One month's imprisonment and placed on board. 19/4/16 Forty-eight hours' imprisonment. 13/7/16 One month's imprisonment. 7/6/17 Convicted and ordered to pay costs. 23/9/1 6 \ Ordered to pay £2 10s. costs. 13/10/16 One month's imprisonment or fined £2. 15/12/16 Ordered to pav costs. 15/12/16 15/12/16 15/12/16 17/7/16 ', Fined 7s. costs. 5/9/16 One month's imprisonment. 19/9/16 Six months' hard labour. 29/1/17 Fourteen days" imprisonment. 15/12.16 Ordered to pay costs, i

H .—l5


Return showing the Notices to Mariners relating to Matters within the Dominion issued by the Marine Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1917.

Port or Place. Subject of Notice. Akaroa Harbour Apia Harbour Auckland Harbour a ■ ■ Hokianga Harbour Kaipara Harbour Lyttelton Harbour Manukau Harbour Motueka Harbour Napier Harbour Nelson Harbour New Zealand, coast Jetty lights. Alteration of position of flag-polo at pilot-station, Samoa. Erection of trig, station on reef off Judge's Bay. Dredgers. Be trig, station off Judge's Bay. Amended position of Kobimarama Wharf. Black beacon, south of Chelsea, down. Dredgers, new position. Erection of lighted beacon off Bastion Reef. Black beacon, south of Chelsea, re-erected. New position of dredgers. Explosives anchorage for small vessels. Devonport sandspit beacon light. Dredging off Albert Wharf and Freeman's Bay reclamation. Now position of dredgers. Lights on wharf in construction in Commercial Harbour. Dredging. Harbour lights and fog-signal. Notification of Brown's Island and Motuihi beacon-cages washed away. Position of dredgers. Harbour light replaced. D'Urville Rock beacon swept away. Auckland time-signals. Entrance to bar. Hokianga River, upper part, light in narrows. Lighted buoy in Wairoa River. Time-signals at Lyttelton. Change in channel over bar. Protected anchorage. Lights for channel entrance. Discontinuance of old beacon lights and closing of old wharf. X niporary removal of light on Auckland Rock buoy. I); ontinuance of old entrance beacons. Er. 'inm in "New Zealand Nautical Almanac" for 1916 and "Modem Up-to-di.'c Navigation." Sunk' r. ,'ock off Tiritiri Island, Hauraki Gulf. Amended notico to No. 45, 1916, sunken rock off Tiritiri, Hauraki Gulf. Position ol '-I' " Squall," wrecked off East Cape. " New Zealand Nautical Almanac," errata in colour of Patea i'ght Shearer Rock ,uoy off Tiritiri Island to be moved. Buoy off Tiritiri Island moved. New edition of Nautical Tables published. " Now Zealand Nautical Almanac and Tide Tables for 1917," and Supplement to the " New Zealand Pilot," 8th edition, 1908. " Now Zealand Nautical Almanac and Tide Tables for 1917," addenda to tide tables. Errata in " New Zealand Nautical Almanac, 1917." Tables for Azimuth, Great Circle Sailings, and Reduction to the Meridian— Errata. Now Zealand time service arrangements. Light on Okuri Point, south-west of French. Pass. Waikato River, erection of beacons at river-entrance and directions for entering. Quarantine ground. Lighted buoy in harbour. Erection of new light at harbour entrance. Alteration in position of buoy. Extension of eastern mole, Breakwater.J Dredging. Dredge sunk off wharf. Light on Christchurch Meat Company's wharf. South mole end light extinguished. Change in character of light. Dredging near entrance. Removal of man-of-war buoy. Removal of pile-driving derrick from Western Breakwatei. Red light on Western Breakwater to be moved seaward. Removal of red light at down-stream end of coal-staiths. Dredging. Discontinuance of Whangaparapara light. Light on Mercury Bay Wharf. Otago Harbour.. Poverty Bay Tauranga Harbour Timaru Harbour Wanganui Harbour Wellington Harbour Westport Harbour Whangaparapara Harbour Whitianga Harbour



Return showing the Orders in Council which have been issued during the Year ended 31st March, 1917.

Date of Order. Purpose of Order, ........ I . U. 1916. April 5 5 Approves plan M.D. 4592 of the Awaroa Wharf, on foreshore Awaroa Stream, Raglan County. Licenses Raglan County Counoil to occupy foreshore on Awaroa Stream, Raglan County, as a site for a wharf, and prescribes dues for use of wharf. Approves plan M.D. 4601 of cattle-shipping yard and race which Tauranga Harbour Board proposes to construct on foreshore near Mount Maunganui, Tauranga Harbour. Approves pilan M.D. 4577 of works for renewal of superstructure of wharf at Mahurangi Heads, and authorizes Rodney County Council to carry out the works. i \ Approves plan M.D. 4587 of boat-jetty at Pounawea, Otago Harbour. Licenses Clutha County Council to occupy foreshore at Pounawea, Otago, as a site for boat-jetty. Approves plan M.D. 4571 of boat-shed for Fairfield Thompson on foreshore Pahautanui Bay, Porirua Harbour. Licensos Fairfield Thompson to occupy foreshore Pahautanui Bay, Porirua Harbour, as site for boat-shed. Approves plan M.D. 4578 and authorizes tho Herekino Land Company to construct a bridge across the Uwheroa River in accordance with the plan. Approves of Greymouth Harbour Board granting a subsidy not exceeding £200 to the North Brunnor Collieries (Limited) towards the cost of boring for coal on the Board's endowment. Approves plan M.D. 4600 of wharf and ferry-slip for Hobson County Council at Horehore, opposite Mount . Wesley. Licenses Hobson. County Council to occupy foreshore at Horehore, opposite Mount Wesley, as a site for a wharf and ferry-slip. Makes regulation regarding application of Waitapu Wharf dues. Prescribes dues and rates for use of Te Hapua Wharf, Parcngareiiga Harbour. Approves plan M.D. 4591 of landing-stage for Leyland O' Brien Timber Company (Limited) on Mangatolc Creek, Awanui. Licenses Leyland O'Brien Timber Company (Limited) to occupy foreshore at Mangatote Crock, Awanui, as a site for a landing-stage. Approves plan M.D. 4614 of a wharf for Bay of Islands County Council at Paihia, Russell. Licenses Bay of Islands County Council to occupy foreshore at Paihia, Russell, as a site for a wharf. Approves plan M.I). 4605 of boat-shed and fish-freezing buildings which the Pegasus Fresh Fish Company proposes to erect on foreshore of Pegasus Harbour, Stewart Island. Licenses Pegasus Fresh Fish Company (Limited) to occupy foreshore at Pegasus Harbour, Stewart Island, as a site for a boat-shed and fish-freezing buildings. Approves license granted by Patoa Harbour Board to Walter Pressor Heskett for extraction of ironsand from part of foreshore. Approves plan M.D. 4603 of wharf for Panama listatc Companv (Limited) at Tamaki River, Hauraki Gulf. Licensos Panama Estate Company (Limited) to occupy foreshore at 'Tamaki River as a site for a wharf. Approves plan M.D. 4595 of boat-shed for A. F. Holdsworth at St. Hclior's Bay, Auckland. Licenses A. F. Holdsworth to occupy foreshore at St. Helier's Bay as a site for a boat-shed. Makes regulations as to leases for the tohcroa-bearing areas in the South Island of New Zealand. Prescribes duos and. rates for the use of the wharf at Deep Creek, Takapuna. Approves plan M.D. 4630 of drain-pipe which the North Canterbury Sheep-farmers' Co-operative Freezing Export and Agency Company (Limited) propose, to carry across a branch of the Waimakariri River. Licenses Rangiora Timber Company to occupy foreshore at Hokianga as a site for a wharf. Makes regulations re lights in ships' holds. Approves plan M.D. 4608 of a wharf which the Groat Barrier island County Council proposes to erect at Port Fitzroy. Licenses Great Barrier Island County Council to occupy foreshore at Port .Fitzroy as a site for a wharf. Approves plan M.D. 4022 of filling by Christchurch Tramway Board of small portion of foreshore on Sumnor Road between Monck's Bay and Shag Rock, and authorizes Board to carry out the work. Licenses C. Gothard to occupy foreshore at Waipaepae Creek, Whangaroa Harbour, as a site for a boat-shed. Fixes dues and makes regulations regarding the use of the Akaroa boat-slip. Approves plans M.D. 4633 and 4615 of extension to Dominion Portland Cement Company's wharf on Mangapai Channel, Whangarei Harbour. Licenses Dominion Portland Cement Company (Limited) to occupy foreshore at Whangarei Harbour for purposes of wharf-extension. Revokes Order in Council licensing W. and R. Fletcher (Limited) to occupy foreshore at Whangarei as a site for a wharf and extension. Licenses Whangarei Freezing Company (Limited) to occupy foreshore at Whangarei Harbour as a site for a wharf. Approves plan M.D. 4634 of a wharf for Ebonezer Hay in Titirangi Bay, Pelorus Sound. Licenses Ebenezer Hay to occupy foreshore at Titirangi Bay, Pelorus Sound, as a site for a wharf. Approves plan M.D. 4639 of a benzine-store for T. F. Hartley at Kohukohu, Hokianga River. ' Licenses T. F. Hartley to occupy foreshore at Kohukohu, Hokianga River, as a site for a benzine-store Approves plans of bathing-shed which the Wellington City Council proposes to erect in Balona Bay. Approves plans of boat-building shed and slip for Messrs. T. M. Lane and Sons in St. George's Bay, Auckland. Licenses Northern Steamship Company to occupy foreshore at Rangaunu Bay as a site for a wharf. Approves plan M.D. 4659 of a wharf and shed which the Gisborne Harbour Board proposes to erect on Waikanae Creek. Approves plans M.D. 4593 and 4650 of Raglan County Council's wharf at Glen Murray, Opuatia Stream, Raglan County. Licenses Raglan County Council to occupy foreshore at Glen Murray, Opuatia Stream, as a site for a wharf, and prescribes dues for said wharf. Approves plan M.D. 4644 of landing-stage and tram-line for Auckland City Council at Big Muddy Creek, Manukau Harbour. Approves plan M.D. 4663 of lire-brigade shod on Wairoa River for Dargaville Borough Council. Licenses Dargaville Borough Council to occupy foreshore at Wairoa River as a site for a fire-brigade shed. Vests management of wharves at Paparoa, Raupo, Pahi, Matakoho, Point Curtis, Tokatoka, and Whakapirau in the Otamatea County Counoil. 5 17 17 17 17 17 17 May 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 8 17 17 17 23 23 June 5 5 5 19 26 26 26 26 26 July 3 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 17 24 24 Aug. 9 21 21 21 28 28 28


Return showing the Orders in Council issued, etc. — continued.


Date of Order. Purpose of Order. 1916. Aug. , 28 28 Sept. 2 Fixes minimum charge for pilotage for Port of Pieton. Fixes dues for the use of the wharf at Whangaparapara, Great Barrier Island. Approves plan M.D. 4621 of booms which the Leyland O'Brien Timber Company proposes to construct at Karetu Stream. Licensos Leyland O'Brien Timber Company to occupy foreshore at junction of Owai Creek and Karetu River as a site for timber-booms. Approves plan M.D. 4664 of extension of flat-market at Hobson Street reclamation, Auckland Harbour, which Harbour Board proposes to carry out. Approves plan M.I). 4609 of repairs and extension to County Wharf at Whangaparapara, and authorizes the carrying-out of such repairs and extension. Appoints Thomas Ritchie to be a trustee for the management of the wharf at Waitangi, Chatham Islands. Licenses W. B. Giescii to occupy foreshore at Horehore, Kaipara Harbour, as a site for a wharf. Approves plan M.D. 4678 of shop for W. J. F. Constable on foreshore at Rawene. Licenses W. J. F. Constable to occupy foreshore at Rawene as a site for a shop. Approves plan M.'i). 4677 of store for Sidney Cooper on foreshore at Rawene, Hokianga Harbour. Licenses Sidney Cooper to occupy foreshore at Rawene as a site for a store. Approves plan of wharf for Mrs. Catherine McCallum at Karamuramu Island, Hauraki Gulf. Licenses Mrs. Catherine McCallum to occupy foreshore at Karamuramu Island, Hauraki Gulf, as a site for a wharf. Approves plan of landing-stage for Thomas Allport, sen., at Endeavour Inlet, Queen Charlotte Sound. Licensos Thomas Allport, son., to occupy foreshore at Endeavour Inlet, Queen Charlotte Sound, as a site for a landing-stage. Approves plan M.D. 4653 of wharf and breastwork which Raglan County Council proposes to erect at Raglan. Approves plan M.D. 4651 of bridge over Taruheru River, Gisborne, for Cook County Council, and authorizes Cook County Council to construct bridge. Approves plan M.D. 4685 of foreshore protective, works which Miramar Borough Council proposes to carry out at Seatoun, Wellington. Prohibits deposit of broken glass and crockery on foreshore between Mellon's Bay and Paparoa Point, Howick. Revokes Order in Council licensing C. B. Lester to occupy foreshore, Hokianga River, as a site for boatshed and slip. Licenses A. E. Andrews to occupy foreshore at Hokianga as a site for a building to be used as shops. Approves plan M.D. 4697 of floating stage-landing which Hobson County Council proposes to erect at Dargaville Wharf, and authorizes the Council to carry out the work. Approves plan M.D. 4692 of road-widening which Whangarei Harbour Board proposes to carry out between the existing town wharf and the swing bridge at Whangarei, and authorizes the Board to carry out the work. Approves plan M.D. 4694 of jetty which the Lyttelton Harbour Board proposes to erect at Rapaki Pa in Lyttelton Harbour. Consents to Motueka Harbour Board leasing to Dr. V. H. Barr, of Nelson, portion of foreshore in Moutere Inlet, Makes regulations for controlling traffic on Lake, Taupo and the management of the wharves therein, and prescribes dues for the use thereof. Approves plan M.D. 4682 of boat-shed for A. L. Wilson on Tamaki River, Hauraki Gulf. Licenses A. L. Wilson to occupy foreshore at Tamaki River, Hauraki Gulf, as a site for a boat-shed. Prescribes a close season for seals (for three vears from date of Order). Modifies regulation regarding the size of mesh of trawl-nets. Extends time within which Commission appointed to inquire into and report as to an accident which occurred when sulphuric acid was being discharged from the s.s. " Monowai " until 31st December, .1916. Approves plan M.D. 4698 of timber-boom for Robert P. Gibbons (Limited) on Kaihu Creek, Kaipara Harbour. Licenses Robert P. Gibbons (Limited) to occupy foreshore at Kaihu Creek as a site for timber-boom. Approves plans of Raglan County Council's wharf at Te Akau, Raglan Harbour. Licenses Raglan County Counoil to occupy foreshore at To Akau, Raglan Harbour, as a site for a wharf. Revokes Order in Council licensing G. Bailey to occupy foreshore at Kaihu Creek, Kaipara Harbour, as a site for a wharf. Makes regulations under the War Regulations Act in regard to the transfer of ownership of British ships. Appoints a Commission to inquire into and report on matter of making another road at the Wellington Patent Slip. 2 2 J1 2IS 26 Oot. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 20 27 30 Nov. (i 6 6 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 27 27 27 Dec. I I 11. 19 19 19 19 21 1917 Jan. 9 9 9 Approves plan of a wharf which Na Himi Hare proposes to erect at Motukaraka, Bokianga Harbour. Authorizes Na Himi Hare to erect a wharf at Motukaraka, Hokianga Harbour. Approves plans of a reclamation which the Auckland Harbour Board proposes to carry out in Mechanics Bay. Authorizes the Auckland Harbour Board to carry out a reclamation in Mechanics Bay. Approves plan of a wharf which the, Auckland Harbour Board proposes to erect at Kauri Point Park, Auckland Harbour. Approves plans of the following works which the Public Works Department proposes to hand over to the Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Board when it is constituted, viz : An extension, in length of the Ngahina Bridge over the Waihou River, at Puke, M.D. 4707 ; the construction of a wharf at Ngahina, M.D. 4708 ; the construction of a slip at Ngahina for the use of the Government dredging plant, M.D. 4709. Licenses Francis Dye, of Kaukapakapa, to occupy a portion of the land between high- and low-water marks at Kaukapakapa, Kaipara Harbour, and to reclaim same, such license to be in force for a period of twenty-one years. Licenses A. E. Harding to use and occupy a part of the foreshore at Aoroa, Kaipara Harbour, as a site for a wharf for a period of seven years. Approves plans of a wharf and shed which the Ohinemuri County Council proposes to erect on the foreshore at Kaimanawa, Waihou River. Licenses the Ohinemuri County Council to use and occupy a part of the. foreshore and land below lowwater mark at Kaimanawa, Waihou River, as a site for a wharf and shed for a period of fourteen years. 9 9 24 »» 24 30 », 30 Fob. 2



Return showing the Orders in Council issued, etc. — continued.

Date of Order. Purpose of Order. 1917. B'eb. 7 Approves plan M.D. 4734 of a wharf which the Komiti Fruit Lands Development Company (Limited) proposes to erect on the foreshore of Komiti Bay, Kaipara Harbour. Licenses the Komiti Fruit Lands Development Company (Limited) to use and occupy a part of the foreshore and land below low-water mark of Komiti Bay, Kaipara Harbour, as a site for a wharf for a period of fourteen years. Approves plan M.D. 4723 of a proposed extension to the Otamatea County Council's wharf at Little Shag Creek, Tokatoka. Licenses the Otamatea County Council to use and occupy a part of the foreshore and land below lowwater mark of Little Shag Creek, Tokatoka, as a site for a wharf-extension for a period of fourteen years. Revokes Order in Council of the 28th August, 1916, licensing the Dargaville Borough Council to use and a part of the foreshore, tidal land, and tidal water of the Wairoa River, at Dargaville, Kaipara Harbour, as a site for a fire-brigade shed. Approves plan marked M.D. 4736 of a fire-brigade shed which the Dargaville Borough Council proposes to construct on the foreshore, tidal land, and tidal water of the Wairoa River at Dargaville, in Kaipara Harbour. Licenses the Dargaville Borough Council to use and occupy a part of the foreshore, tidal land, and tidal water of the Wairoa River at Dargaville, in Kaipara .Harbour, as a site for a fire-brigade shed for a period of fourteen years. Approves plan M.D. 4701 of a proposed extension to the Northern Wairoa (Jo-operative Dairy Company's wharf at Mangawhare, Northern Wairoa. Licenses the Northern Wairoa Co-operative Dairy Company (Limited) to use and occupy a part of the foreshore and. land below low-water mark at Mangawhare, Northern Wairoa, as a site for a wharfextension for a period of fourteen years. Renews an Order in Council licensing Messrs. A. S. Androwes and Sons to use and occupy a part of the foreshore and land below low-water mark at Opononi, Hokianga Harbour, as a site for a wharf, and prescribing dues for the use of the same, for a period of seven years from the 24th March, 1.9.17. Approves plan of the Northern Wairoa Timber Company's (Limited) timber-booms across the Mangakahia River, Kaipara. Licenses the Northern Wairoa Timber Company (Limited) to use and occupy a part of the foreshore and land below low-water mark of the Mangakahia River, Kaipara, as a site for timber-booms for a period of fourteen years. Approves plan of Mr. Harold Stanley Anderson's timber-booms on the Te Whapu Creek, Dargaville, Kaipara Harbour. Licenses Harold Stanley Anderson to use and occupy a part of the foreshore and land below low-water mark of the Te Whapu Creek, Dargaville, Kaipara Harbour, as a site for timber-booms for a period of fourteen years. Approves plan of a wharf which the Whakatane Harbour Board proposes to construct at Whakatane, and authorizes the Board to carry out the construction of the wharf in accordance with the said plan. Approves plan of a wharf which Mr. Alexander Burt, jun., of Auckland, proposes to erect at Otakawhea, Waiheke Island. Licenses Mr. Alexander Burt, jun., of Auckland, to use and occupy a part of the foreshore and land below low-water mark of Otakawhea Bay, Waiheke Island, as a site for a wharf for a period of fourteen years. Makes general rules for Court of Survey under section 248 of the Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908. Approves plan M.I). 4718 of a boat-shod and slip which H. B. Jonos proposes to erect in Whangaroa Bay, Chatham Islands. Licenses H. B. Jones to occupy foreshore below low-water mark at Whangaroa Bay, Chatham Islands, as a site for a boat-shed and slip for a period of fourteen years. Amends general regulations under Part II. of the Fisheries Act, 1908, re taking trout, for the purposes of pisciculture. Appoints Henry Greunoll, sen., to be a trustee for the management of the wharf at Waitangi, Chatham Islands. Approves plan M. I). 4655 of a reclamation which the Devonport Borough Corporation proposes to carry out at Stanley Bay, Auckland Harbour. Authorizes the Devonport Borough Corporation to reclaim land at Stanley Bay, Auckland Harbour. Amends the regulation for the election of members of Harbour Boards by the electors of a combined district re notice to be given for a vacanoy and the notice to be given for tho nomination of a candidate. Approves plan M.D. 4710 of a sawmill which Mr. D. H. Dysart proposes to erect at Uwhiroa Creek. Licenses D. K. Dysart, of Herekino, to use and occupy a part of the foreshore at Uwhiroa Creek as a site for a sawmill for a period of fourteen years. Alters representation of certain combined districts on tho Auckland Harbour Board and appoints principal authorities. Alters representation of certain combined districts on the Otago Harbour Board and appoints principal authorities. Consolidates regulations regarding the election of members of Harbour Boards. Approves plans M.D. 4151 and M.D. 4705 of a wharf and shed which the Pukeatua, Road Board proposes to construct on the foreshore near Viponds, Silverdale, Wade River. Licenses tho Pukeatua Road Board to use and occupy a part of the foreshore ami land below low-water mark near Viponds, Silverdale, Wade River, as a site for a wharf and shed for a period of fourteen 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ,, 7 13 13 », 13 13 18 13 13 13 27 27 Mar. 6 (i 6 6 14 19 19 5, 19 I!) J, 19 26 26 », 26 26 years. Approves plans M.D. 4726 and M.D. 4750 of a boat-shed and slip which John Henry Francis Hamel proposes to erect on the foreshore at Purakanui. Licensos John Henry Francis Hamel to use and occupy a part of the foreshore and land below low-water mark at Purakanui as a site for a boat-shed and slip for a period of fourteen years.



Return showing, the Number of Land Boilers and Machinery inspected during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1917.

Machinery. Class. Number. Hydraulic lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 304 Gas-lifts ... ... ... .. ... ... ... 21 Electric lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 551 Steam-lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 39 Oil-lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 Gas, hydraulic, and electric-motor hoists ... ... ... ... 493 Water-engines, water and electric motors, and water-wheels ... ... j 3,489 Peltons ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 204 Turbines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 112 Gas-engines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,418 Oil-engines ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,761 Steam machinery ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 Total ... ... ... ... ... 12,405 Return showing the Number of Service and Competency Certificates issued to Stationary, Winding, Locomotive and Traction, and Traction Engine Drivers, and to Electric-tram Drivers during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1917. Class. Number. Steam stationaryService—First class .. ... .. .. .. .. 8 Competency — Extra first class engineer .. .. .. .. .. 1 First class .. .. .. .. .. .. 41 Second ciass .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 154 Electric winding, competency .. .. . . . . .. .. 2 Locomotive and traction, competency .. .. .. .. ..90 Locomotive, competency ... .. ... .. .. ...... 2 Traction, competency .. .. .. .. .. 49 Electric tram, competency .. ..- .. .. .. 115 462

• 01, oners. ,ers. i I Class. Not exceeding 5 Horse-power. Exceeding 5 but not exceeding 10 Horse-power. Exceeding j ,,, 10 Horse-power. ■stationary ... Portable Totals ... j 2,561 173 2,734 822 1,109 1,931 1,896 5,279 396 I'; 678 2,292 6,957 6,957



Return of Non-fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1917.

Name and Address of Owner. 1 Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. I Date of Accident. Nature 'of Injury. I Cause of Accident, and Remarks. New Plymouth Borough Council, New Stone-crusher Plymouth Hugh Gunn : 52 years James Fletcher : 17 years Albert Maynes : 15 years Barbara Elliott; 20 years William Sebine ; 49 j T ears Francis Ennis ; 58 years Arthur Bryan ; 23 years Alexander Porter ; 47 years Henry Law ; 40 years B. A. Lownds ; 16 years Ernest Quinn ; 30 years Arthur Wilson : 30 years John Mangan : 18 years Thomas Mills ; 14 years A. M. Berry ; 40 years May Budge ; 19 years R. Morrison ; 35 years 6/4/16 Head and body injured In trying to put a belt on a pulley while in motion Gunn got entangled in the belt. He was drawn round the shaft. His head was bruised, his right arm and ribs were broken, and his knee injured. 10/4/16 Finger injured .. Fletcher put his right hand in the machine to withdraw a finished bundle, when his finger was nipped in the compressing- jaws. 11/4/16 I Fingers lost .. When cleaning the rollers in motion with his right hand instead of using a stick Maynes had two of his middle fingers caught in the fluted rollers. 28/4/16 : Hand injured .. Elliott was feeding the machine and allow-ed her right hand to be drawn into the rollers. The little finger was almost severed, and the rest of the hand was badly crushed. 15/5/16 : Heel injured .. Sebine was conveying wood from one floor to another on a lift. •j His right foot slipped and got between the lift and a side beam, when the heel was badly crushed. 16/5/16 | Hand injured .. The belt slipped off the machine through its being choked with wool. Ennis, not noticing that it was not quite stopped, put in his right band to remove the wool, when it came into contact with the spiked drum, lacerating the hand and wrist. 17/5/16 \ Thumb injured .. Bryan had his right hand on the machine, when the mandrill came up and caught his thumb and crushed it. 17/5/16 ; Ribs injured .. While whitewashing ceiling standing on a plank Porter's clothing was caught by the revolving shaft. It pulled him round, causing injury to two of his ribs. 22/5/16 Head injured .. Law was on the second floor, when he put his head over the protecting gate in well to call out for some nails. He did not notice that the lift was descending from the third floor. His head was jammed between the cage of the lift and the protecting gate. 10/6/16 Fingers injured .. When working at the machine Lownds' right hand was caught in the rollers. Two of his fingers were crushed. 12/6/16 j Hand lost .. Quinn was feeding the machine, when his left hand was drawn into the rollers and the knives. The hand was cut off. 19/6/16 j Body injured .. j Wilson was reaching over a pulley, instead of going round it, to push in a clutch lever. His left arm was caught between the belt and pulley, causing injury to his left collar-bone and to both shoulders. 3/7/16 i Finger injured .. ; When working at machine Mangan's third finger of left hand got under the stamp. 12/7/16 j Finger injured .. \ While feeding machine Mills's forefinger of his left hand was caught in it, and it was badly cut. 17/7/16 j Hand injured .. Berry allowed his left hand to be caught in the feed-rollers, causing the loss of the fingers and palm of hand. 18/7/16 ; Finger injured .. Budge accidentally allowed the second finger of her left hand to get under the die. 19/7/16 Finger injured .. Morrison's left hand was caught between the chuck and the rest, doing injury to the third finger. Blazer Firewood Company, South Dun- Bundling firewood.. edin Edward Jones, Hamilton .. .. Hair-teasing Whitcombe and Tombs (Limited), Dun- Printing edin The Scoullar Company (Limited), Wei- Goods lift lington The Oamaru Woollen Factory Company Wool-teazer (Limited), Oamaru A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin .. Downpipe Dunedin Corporation Gasworks, Dunedin Shafting Sargood, Son, and Ewen, Auckland .. Goods lift Alexander Harvey and Sons (Limited), j Rolling Auckland W. J. Clark, Levels .. .. | Chaffcutter Wilson Portland Cement Company (Li- : Belt and pulley mited), Warkworth Irvine and Stevenson, St. George's Com- ; Putting tops on tins pany (Limited), Dunedin The Oamaru W T oollen Factory Company Worsted (Limited), Oamaru Robert Holt and Sons, Napier .. j Band saw Whitcombe and Tombs (Limited), Dun- Embossing . . ... edin A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin .. ; Lathe



Return of Non-fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery, etc.— continued.

-N'iime and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery.. Name and Age of Person injured. Date ot Accident. Nature of Injury. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. : i Edward Jones, Hamilton .. .. Hair-teasing .. , Harold Keeley ; 16 years Bassett and Co. (Limited), Wanganui .. Circular saw .. ! E. J. Watson; 23 years Otago Daily Times and Witness News- Printing .. .. James Frame : 20 years paper Company (Limited), Dunedin Andersons Limited, Christchurch .. Slotting .. . . C. Algie ; 37 years A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin .. Moulding .. Thomas Smith : 30 years I). M. Pea. Tahakopa .. . . Chaffeutter .. D. M. Fea ; (50 years Leyiand-O'Brien Timber Company (Li- ! Circular-saw bench I R. Mitchell: 30 years mited), Auckland Andersons Limited, Christchurch .. Punching .. j H.Fielding; 19 years G. Fleming and Sons, Nelson .. j Circular saw .. Ross Grace ; 21 years Humphreys Bros., Morrinsville .. Morticing .. Ceeii Wills ; 15 years Belmont Quarry Company (Limited), : Stone-crushing .. William Sant ; 36 years Wellington Stewart Bros., Wanganui .. .. Oil-engine .. H. J. Maseman: 21 years 24/7/16 Hand injured .. While scraping hair off the rollers with a stick Keeley's hand was caught in them and was crushed. 26/7/16 Thumb injured .. Watson's thumb of his left hand came in contact with saw. 1/8/16 Fingers injured . . When feeding machine Frame's left hand was caught in the rollers, braising four fingers. 2/8/16 Hand injured .. Algie's hand was injured while working at the slotting-machine. 5/8/16 Finger injured .. Smith's first finger of right hand was caught in the machine and bruised. ' 5/8/16 1 Fingers injured .. Fea was lifting the cover of the cutter into position when the fly-wheel caught the lid. The lid was shot backwards, and caused injury to the two fingers of his left hand. 7/8/16 Finger injured .. Mitchell was picking a chip of wood off the pinion which drives the bench up and down. His mate, not noticing what he was doing, ran the bench ahead, when the third finger of his left hand was caught between the rack and the pinion. 9/8/16 : Finger injured . . While punching straps Feilding's middle finger got under one of them, when the nail w-as taken off. 17/8/16 : Thumb injured .. Grace's right hand slipped, and his thumb came in contact with the saw. 9/9/16 : Arm injured .. When tightening up a nut on the machine the spanner used by Wills slipped, and his left arm came in contact with the cuttingchain, cutting the flesh and muscles of the upper arm. 19/9/16 Body and legs injured When attending to a belt on the shaft a key caught Sant's shirt, and he was wound round the shaft and received flesh wounds on his body and legs. 19/9/16* Finger injured .. Maseman caught hold of rim of fly-wheel to start the engine. There was no clearance between the wheel and the casting. The third finger was jammed between the wheel and the enginebed, necessitating amputation at first joint. 27/9/16 Toe injured .. When riding on lift Johnston had his left foot projecting over edge. It was caught between the lift and the floor, and his big toe was crushed. 29/9/16 Fingers injured .. When feeding press Wakefield allowed his right hand to be caught in the rollers. The tips of the. first three fingers were crushed. 4/10/16 : Fingers injured . . While lubricating the machine the third and fourth fingers of Hossitt's right hand wore caught in it, and the tips were crushed. 11/10/16 Finger injured .. Walker's left hand slipped, and it came in contact with the knives and the third finger was cut off. 16/10/16 Fingers injured . . Cuff attempted to clear a tin which got jammed in the press with her fingers, when they were caught by the knives, taking tips off two fingers of her left hand. 16/10/16 Hand injured .. When turning a piece of timber Gordon's left hand was jammed in the slide-rest, and it was torn. 16/10/16 : Thumb injured .. When sawing Qvan's right hand came in contact with the saw, lacerating the tip of the thumb. ('. and W. Hayward (Limited), Dunedin Goods lift .. I John Johnston : IS years Lewis R. Tosswill, Milton .. .. Printing-press .. A. N. Wakefield ; 19 years Miiburn Lime and Cement Company (Li- Cement-grinding .. Frederick Hossitt; 40 years .. mited), Dunedin George Poole and Sons, Invercargill .. Planer .. .. ! Thomas Walker ; 19 years . . Alexander Harvey and Sons (Limited}, Dial-feed press .. ', Muriel Cuff : 19 years Auckland I New Zealand Refrigerating Company (Li- Lathe .. .. L. Gordon ; 17 years mited), Islington William Sees and Sons (Limited), Dunedin Breast saw .. Axel Qvan ; 38 years i I



10— H. 16

Fletcher Bros., Auckland Concrete-mixer .. j Arthur Duthie : 32 years 20/10/16 Leg injured .. When working the mixer Duthie put his foot on top of the trough, his foot slipped, and his leg was caught by the propellers in the trough. It was so badly injured that it had to be amputated below the knee. 1/11/16 Hand injured .. Instead of using a shovel to clear the sawdust from the saw Inglis used his right hand. His hand came into contact with the saw. 8/11/16 Thumb injured .. When sawing a piece of timber Flan's left thumb came into contact with saw, cutting it. 10/11/16 Finger injured .. The index finger of Ferguson's right hand was caught by the revolving cylinder and crushed, and it had to be amputated at the second joint. 14/11/16 Finger injured .. : When putting trays into machine Blundell's forefinger of right hand was caught between the chain and the tray, and it was cut. 22/11/16 i Body and arm injured | Hanna slipped and fell on to the spur-gearing. His coat was caught in it, and he was pulled into the gearing. He was severely cut on the right breast and the upper part of the right Leyland-O'Brien Timber Company (Limited), Auckland Recutting saw Circular saw Printing .. Thomas Inglis ; 43 years Reuben Flan ; 29 years St. G. Ferguson ; 35 years i Fletcher H. Reilly, Wellington Phoenix Company (Limited), Dunedin.. Aulsebrook and Co., Christchurch Biscuit-cutting Lathe .. D. Blundell; 28 years R. V. Hanna ; 19 years Cossens and Black (Limited), Dunedin .. New Zealand Refrigerating Company (Limited), Islington G. Syme and Co. (Limited), Tangiwai .. Goods lift Neil Millar ; 37 years arm. 24/11/16 , Hand and leg injured ' While Millar was on the lift the balance- weight connections broke. The lift dropped, causing injury to his left hand and leg. 25/11/16 Ear injured .. A maul was lying on the bench. When the bench was run back the maul was caught by the saw and thrown against England, striking him severely on the right ear. 4/12/16 Finger injured .. Boddy inadvertently got the second finger of his left hand in the gear-wheels of lathe. 6/12/16 Hands and head injured Rope slipped off the main drive, and foubng the turning-gear broke. It struck Fallwell, inflicting several cuts on head and hands. 11/12/16 Leg injured .. Instead of tightening up a nut on the machine outside the guard Southcombe went inside, when his leg was caught in the pulleybelt. It was so injured that it had to be amputated at the knee. 19/12/16 Fingers injured .. When working at planer Mackay's right hand came in contact with the knives. The tips of the first three fingers were cut off. 22/12/16 Finger injured . . Through inattention Skerratt's finger was cut by the saw. 6/1/17 Head injured .. Shirley put his head through between the guarding-rails and the overhead gear of the descending lift. The lift struck him on the head, causing a scalp wound and damage to his teeth. 9/1/17 Finger injured .. While sawing Ennis slipped, and his second finger was caught by the saw- and the point cut off. 10/1/17 Face injured .. After starting the engine Foster bent over it to examine the firing-tube, when it exploded, doing damage to his face and eyes. 11/1/17 Hand injured .. While attempting to pull the apron straight Webb slipped, and her hand was caught between the iron rollers and the hot steel cylinder. Her hand was burnt, the bones crushed, and the wrist broken. 12/1/17 Arm injured .. When taking the cock he was turning out of lathe in motion Facoory's loose sleeve was caught by a set screw, and his left arm was slightly injured. 17/1/17 Hand injured .. Haggie was crosscutting a board, when his right hand came in contact with the saw. 24/1/17 Body injured .. When passing round back of lathe HoUiday's clothing was caught by a bar revolving in the lathe. He was whirled round a number of times before machine could be stopped. He sustained bruises and a severe shaking. Saw-bench A. England ; 28 years A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin .. Lathe C. Boddy ; 16 years.. Thomas Borthwick and Sons (Limited), Belfast Refrigerating .. A. E. Fallwell, 32 years S. Manning and Co. (Limited), Christchurch Refrigerating A. Southcombe; 36 years C. and W. Hayward (Limited), Dunedin Planer A. Mackay ; 26 years D. Goldie and Sons, Auckland The Bell Tea Company (Limited), Dunedin Crosscut sawGoods lift .. P. Skerratt; 30 years .. S. Shirley; 13 years Wellington Cabinet Company (Limited), Wellington G. Fleming and Sons, Nelson Woodworking Gas-engine .. | T. H. Ennis ; 34 years Walter Foster : 17 years Auckland Steam Laundry (Limited), Auckland Steam mangle Nellie Webb ; 24 years A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin .. I Shaping .. Swing saw Robert Facoory ; 15 years Albert Haggie ; 16 years Bassett and Co. (Limited), Wanganui .'. William Cable and Co. (Limited), Kaiwarra Turret lathe .. j T. J. Holliday : 17 years ! I I



Return of Non-fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery, etc.— continued.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Name and Address of Owner. Date of Accident. Nature of Injury, Cause of Accident, and Kemarlu. I II Alcock and Co. (Limited), Wellington .. Circular saw .. | H. Wheatley : 18 years 25/1/17 25/1/17 Fingers lost .. While sawing timber Wheatley accidentally let his right hand come in contact with the saw. He lost all his fingers. 31/1/17 Finger injured .. Ellis's finger came in contact with the saw when he was engaged crosscutting a board. 1/2/17 Finger injured .. While smoothing out the lace McGowan accidentally started the machine. The first finger of her left hand was squeezed between the work and the presser. 3/2/17 Thumb injured .. Mitchell's left-hand thumb touched the saw. 13/2/17 Wrist injured .. The sleeve of the overalls Park was wearing was caught by the projecting set-pin in drill-holder of driving spindle, drawing his arm into the machine. His wrist was broken, and damage was also done to his shoulder. 20/2/17 Fingers injured .. When cleaning the machine while it was in motion the oil-rag Clark was using was caught in the gearing. His band was drawn in, and the middle and fourth fingers of his right hand were crushed. 2/3/17 Shoulder injured .. Jenks was leaning over the revolving shaft to obtain a tin of oil, when his overall was caught by the shaft. He was thrown clear, and had his shoulder bruised. 12/3/17 | Finger injured .. Rowlands' right hand was caught in the chuck of the lathe, causing injury to the second finger. 14/3/17 Finger injured .. Thompson's forefinger of her right hand got under the die, and itwas crushed. 19/3/17 Fingers lost .. In moving the timber along the bench with his left hand McConnell inadvertently pressed the lever and brought the saw forward. It caught his third and fourth fingers, and they had to be amputated. 29/3/17 I Thumb injured .. Whilst engaged lowering the fall, instead of putting the lever into the neutral position Hill put it into forward movement. He had his left hand on the friction- wheel at the time, and he got his thumb crushed. 31/3/17 j Hand injured .. When taking his place at the machine the lace on one of Rus3ell's boots caught in a hook on the other boot, which caused him to fall. In falling he pushed his right hand under the cutters, when it was crushed. 31/3/17 Thumb and wrist in- Finnie was playing on top of a machine with a piece of string jured round his thumb. He threw the loose end over the shaft, when it got round the shaft and was held, and his hand was drawn in. He lost his thumb, and his wrist was broken. Fingers lost D. Goldie and Sons, Auckland' .. ■ Crosscut saw .. T. Ellis ; 56svears .. fcrt_i Aulsebrook and Co.. Christchurch .. Box-lacing .. I Ellen McGowan ; 19 vears 31/1/17 1/2/17 Finger injured Finger injured Waitemata Sawmill Company, Auckland Crosscut saw .. A. Mitchell; 15 years Jas. J. Niven and Co. (Limited). Napier ! Drilling .. .. Alexander Park : 16 vears 3/2/17 13/2/17 ! v rhumb injured Wrist injured ; J. Wilkie and Co. (Limited). Dunedin . . \ Letterpress .. James Clark ; 27 years 20/2/17 P Fingers injured The Clutha Timber and Hardware Com- Shafting . . ■ ■/••'' . . Frank Jenks ; 15 years .. • pany (Limited), Balclutha A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin .. ; Lathe .. .. William Rowlands; 14 years.. 2/3/17 12/3/17 S Shoulder injured Finger injured J. Wilkie and Co. (Limited), Dunedin. . ! Die-cutting .. Mary Thompson ; 18 years <j .. ] Kauri Timber Companv'(Limited), Auck- Crosscut saw .. L. McConnell; 16 years land 14/3/17 19/3/17 j I Finger injured Fingers lost 1 ! W. L. Thompson, Wellington .. ' Friction winch . . Thomas Hill ;] 30 years 29/3/17 1 I Thumb injured 1 i -Aulsebrook and Co., Christchurch .. j Biscuit-cutting .. Angus Russell; 23 years .. I 31/3 17 I* Hand injured I i • Timaru Post Company (Limited), Timaru: Shafting .. .. Douglas Finnie ; 13 years 31/3/17 1 I'hunib and wrist ir jured ni l I



Return of Fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1917.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date of Accident. Nature of Injury. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. Williamson, Williamson, and Bloomfield, Hydraulic lift .. ! Henry George Chilton ; 22 years i Auckland Jas. J. Nivon and Co. (limited), Napier Emery grinder . . William Winterbottom; 42 years Leyland-O'Brien Timber Company (Li- Circular saw .. Wright Chambers ; 43 years .. mited), Auckland Wellington Harbour Board, Wellington Hydraulic lift .. A. E. Marks ; 55 years F. V. Raymond, Remuera .. .. Gum-dredge driving- Chris Otte ; 26 years gear Thomas Todd and Sons (Limited), Wai- Grinding-fan .. Nathaniel Todd ; 43 years .. kiwi Mace and Nicholson, Wellington .. Road-engine .. William Townley ; 30 years .. 15/4/16 j Fatal 24/5/16 ; Fatal 25/5/16 Fatal 13/7/16 Fatal 4/10/16 Fatal 25/10/16 Fatal 31/10/16 Fatal Through the lift creeping upwards Chilton placed his hand on the floor of the cage, which was about level with his shoulders, in order to bring it down. It started to move, and his hands must have shpped, when he lost his balance. He fell down the lift-well, and was instantaneously killed. .. ! Winterbottom was grinding a cotter-pin when the stone broke in two. The pin he was grinding got wedged between the rest and the stone. One piece of the stone struck him on the right temple, causing his death an hour afterwards. Chambers was working at the saw, when a piece of timber flew off and struck him in the abdomen, causing internal injuries from which he died two days afterwards. Marks was working on the first floor near the lift-well, with his back to the lift. It is presumed that he stepped backwards with the intention of getting on the lift. It was then some distance above the floor-level. He fell to the bottom of the lift-well, and received such injuries to his head that his death occurred a few hours afterwards. Through going too near the first-motion shaft, although he was warned not to do so, by some means Otte was caught by the shaft. Both of his legs and one arm were broken, and he also received other injuries which caused his death a few hours afterwards. Todd was trying to free a piece of sacking, which had got entangled on the shaft, while the machine was in motion. His arm was caught in the sacking, and he was drawn round the shaft. His left arm was severed and knee and ankle were broken. His death occurred four days afterwards. Townley had jacked up the engine and was lowering it when the jack canted. The engine fell on his back and caused internal injuries, from which he died shortly afterwards.



Return of Engineers to whom Extra First-class Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1916, to the 31st March, 1917.

Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1916, to the 31st March, 1917.

Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1916, to the 31st March, 1917.

Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. I Cunningham, Robert Henderson .. January 30, 1917 98 Return of First-class Statio> BEEN GRANTED FROl NARY-ENGINE Dr iM THE 1ST APRII RIVERS TO WHOM CERTIFICATES OF L, 1916, TO THE 31st March, 1917. Service have Name of Person. Date of Wn Issue. °' Name of Person. Date of i N Issue. "°- Name of Person. Bolitho, James Broadbent, Ezra James, John Joyce, Ernest Joseph 1917. Mar. 22 1749 1916. May 23 1743 Aug. 4 1744 1917. Mar. 22 1748 Mahon, Patrick Morgan, Richard Powell McCoy, James Ryall, Thomas Edward Mahon, Patrick Morgan, Richard Powell 1916. Nov. 29 1746 1917. Mar. 22 1747 1916. May 23 1742 Aug. 4 1745 McCoy, James Ryall, Thomas Edward

Name of Person. Date of Issue. " ~"f I No. Name of Person, Date of Issue. No. Baxendale, James Churchill, Leslie Jacob Cowman, Charles Hope Crampton, Frederick John Bullard Curno, Charles Benjamin Donaldson, Richard Duncan, Robert William Erickson, Gustave Martincno Gormack, John Lawrence Gosling, Edward George Gwyn, William Hendry, Robert Hildebrand, Edgar .. Hunter, Bertram Hunter, Thomas Kelly, Denis Luke, Frederick James Martin, Thomas Edward Mitchell, William John Montgomery, John Muir, John 1916. May 23 .. Nov. 29 .. May 23 .. Aug. 25 Nov. 29 ' .. May 23 .. Nov. 29 1917. .. Mar. 22 1916. .. Nov. 29 . . May 23 1917. Mar. 22 1916 .. May 23 .. Nov. 29 Aug. 25 .. Nov. 29 1781 I Munro, Niccoless Henry George 1780 I McAlley, Avon Epthorpe 1810 1782 Mclvor, Simpson 1798 1803 , Nielsen, Hans Valdemar 1792 ! Palmer, Charles Christie 1788 : Porter, Thomas 1806 Robertson, Peter Spiers 1811 Scott, Henry Albert 1813 1808 I Shepherd, Walter James 1916. Aug. 25 May 23 1917. Mar. 22 1916. Nov. 29 May 23 Aug. 25 May 23 Aug. 25 1917. Mar. 22 1916. May 23 1793 1783 1817 1804 1790 1799 1778 1794 1815 1816 : ! Skilton, Rupert George Skutt, Ernest William 1809 Stanley, Job 1784 : Stevens, Eden Swanson, David 1818 ! Thomas, Goorge Grey McGregor 1819 j Thompson, Andrew Robert .. Thomson, David 1785 I Vicary, Louis Claude 1812 !; Williams, Frank Harold 1795 jj Wood, Jamos Haswell 1807 Aug! 25 1789 1791 1800 1796 1802 1797 1786 1805 1801 1787 1779 May 23 Nov. 29 Aug. 25 May 23

Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. Name of Person. Date of Issue. j No. I Adsett, Albert Austin, Charles Eardly Anderson, John Louis Baird, William James Ballantyne, Campbell Banton, Vincent William Barnes, Charles Thompson .. Barrett, Phillip Patrick Barron, James 1916. .. May 23 .. Nov. 29 .. May 23 1917. .. Mar. 22 1916. Aug. 4 1917. .. Mar. 22 1916. .. Nov. 29 1917. .. Mar. 22 4388 4394 4488 4410 Baxendale, James Beach, Edward James Beaumont, Robert Arthur .. Bentley, Frederick William .. Birt, Charles Bowles, Albert Edward Brittain, Edgar James Brook, John Brown, James Brown, Robert 1916. May 23 4530 Nov. 29 May 23 Aug. 25 May 23 Aug. 25 4395 4416 4490 4411 4459 4408 4484 4475 4389 4468 4440 4531 May 23 Aug. 25 1917. Mar. 22 Jan. 30 4495 4528 Brown, Bobert Joseph Brown, William .. I .. . 4535 4521



Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1916, to the 31st March, 1917 — continued.

Name of Person. Date of No Issue. Name of Person. Date of w Issue. • No - Butchor, William Henry Campbell, Frank Connolly, Thomas Cotter, William Craig, Albert Samuel Crawford, Augustus John Cubis. Harold Curlew, Arthur Darling, John Davis, Thomas Donovan, John Dromgoole, Victor Peter Dunn, Robort Scott Edgar, Andrew Loraine Evans, James Henry Ferguson, James Taylor Ferguson, Robert Randolph. . Findlater. John Winter Findlater, Robert Bruce Fitzgibbon, Patrick Forbes, Neil Foskett, Cecil Foulsham, William Henry .. Frasor, Donald Fraser, George Gumming Gallon, Charles Edward Henry Gavan, George Peter Geruschkat, Franz William .. Gillespie, Lawrence Livingstone Gilliand, Chailes David Green, Joseph Henry Hardakor, Hector Cunnington Hartley, Albort Victor Harvey, George Hay, Ferdinand Faithful Hay-Mackenzie, Albort Alexander Healy, Victor Joseph Herbert, Barton John Heron, William Hewson, Joseph Hill, Robert Hinds, John Hopping, John Lewis Houghton, Arthur Hughan, John Hurst, Herbert Irvine Inglis, Walter James Jago, Frederick Thomas Jensen, Ronald Ernest Johnston, George Dick 1961. Aug. 4 4441 Nov. 29 4502 Aug. 25 4469 4480 Nov. 29 4492 4498 Aug. 25 4470 1917. Mar. 22 4522 1916. May 23 4400 4396 Nov. 29 4491 May 23 4404 4393 4421 4398 4429 Nov. 29 ! 4508 Aug. 25 , 4470 May 23 : 4424 Aug. 4 4452 ! ; Aug. 25 4471 Mav 23 4405 Nov. 29 4509 Aug. 25 4472 May 23 4402 4436 Aug. 4 4449 May 23 i 4434 Nov. 29 ! 4503 Aug. 25 : 4478 May 23 ! 4423 Aug. 25 ] 4456 Aug. 4 | 4439 May 23 ! 4406 • Nov. 29 I 4504 May 23 4391 Nov. 29 I 4500 4486 4496 May 23 4412 4425 Aug. 25 : 4464 Aug. 4 4454 Aug. 25 4467 4479 4485 4481 4461 May 23 4409 4392 1917. Mar. 22 4527 1916. May 23 4390 4420 4417 4399 Aug. 4 4443 Aug. 25 4462 4455 May 23 4430 4413 Nov.' 29 4501 Aug. 25 4477 Nov. 29 4510 Aug. 25 4460 ,, ; 4463 1917. Mar. 22 ; 4532 1916 May 23 4435 Nov. 29 4513 1917. Mar. 22 4537 1916. Aug 25 4482 Aug. 4 4453 1917. Mar. 22 4526 Morloy, Edmund Murdoch, Alexander Murray, Robert George McBeath, Robert McCallum, David .. . McDowell, Roy McEwin, William George Mcintosh, Ronald George Naylor, Reginald Woodrough Nelson, Alexander Benjamin Nicolson, Frank Johnson Nissen, Erie C ause.. Gates, James George Orchard, Charles Earl Osbaldiston, James.. Parry, Henry Trevor Parry, Llewellyn Mostyn : Patterson, Albert Stanley Pearson, Kenneth Selwyn Pike, Hubert James Rae, Thomas Reeve, Ernest Henry ; Reid, James ! Richardson, Wilfred Osborne Bidder, Francis Riselev, Ernest Ruffles, Alfred Ryder, John Sawers, David Eric Shakespeare, Henry Sloan, Frank Cockburn Smart, Sidnoy Herbert Sparks, Henry Speight, Leonard Steen, Bernard I Stephenson, John Frederick .. Stevenson, Rupert Joseph .. Stewart, Alexander.. Sutherland, James • 1916. Aug. 4 Nov. 29 May 23 Nov. 29 Aug. 4 1917. Mar. 22 1916. May 23 1917. Mar. 22 1916. May 23 1917. Mar. 22 1916. Aug. 25 Aug. 4 Aug. 25 Nov. 29 Aug. 4 1917. Mar. 22 1916. Aug. 25 1917. Mar. 22 1916. Aug. 25 Nov. 29 May 23 1917. Mar. 22 1916. May 23 Nov. 29 May 23 Nov. 29 Aug. 25 Nov. 29 1916. Aug. 4 4447 Nov. 29 4499 May 23 4401 Nov. 29 4515 Aug. 4 4448 1917 1917. Mar. 22 4523 4536 4539 1916. i9it>. May 23 4403 1017 1917. Mar. 22 4541 1916 1910. May 23 4431 1917. 191/. Mar. 22 4538 hi III 1910. Aug. 25 4483 Aug. 4 4445 Aug. 25 4465 Nov. 29 4519 Aug. 4 4450 1017 1917. Mar. 22 4542 19 IK 1910. Aug. 25 4457 1017 1917. Mar. 22 4529 I 111 II 19111. Aug. 25 4474 Nov. 29 4497 May 23 4432 1917 1917. Mar. 22 4540 191(1 1910. May 23 4397 Nov. 29 | 4516 May 23 4418 Nov. 29 4518 Aug. 25 4473 Nov. 29 4517 4487 May 23 4426 4414 4407 Nov. 29 ! 4493 Aug. 25 4458 Nov. 29 4506 4497 4507 1917. May 23 Nov'. 29 Aug. 25 Nov. 29 Thompson, Augustus Thomson, Charles 1917. Mar. 22 1917. Mar. 22 4524 4533 1916 .lowers. George Joseph 19i6. Nov. 29 Keat, Charles Edward Ivey .. Keefe, John Patrick Kennedy, George ... Kennedy, John Ker, David George Lane, Thomas Edward Lawson, John Lobb, John Logio, John Looney, John Robert Lyon, Sidney George McAUaster Manera, Dominick Mann, Peter Marshall, George Henry Tisch, Ernest Augustus Todd, Robert Henry 1910. Nov. 29 4489 4520 10.17 Tynan, Albert Michael Utteridge, George Vazey, Georgo John Walker, James Wallace. Malcolm Henry 1917. Mar. 22 1916. Nov. 29 Aug. 25 Aug. 4 Nov. 29 1917. Mar. 22 1916. May 23 1917. Mar. 22 4525 1916 1910. Nov. 29 4505 Aug. 25 4466 Aug. 4 4446 Nov. 29 4511 1917. Wardrop, Robeit 1917. Mar. 22 4534 101 n Martin, Albert Edward Maxwell, Herbert Meharry, Robert Kennedy .. West. Thomas Westbrook, Joseph Wilson, George : Wilson, Samuel Maltby Wilson, William, jun. Winter, Francis Edward Woods, Frederick Wyatt, Ernest Wylde, Robert James Wytkin, Isidore John Stanislaus Yorston, William David Fea .. Young, David Watson Aug. 4 May 23 Nov 29 1910. May 23 4422 4433 4415 4427 4428 4438 Aug. 4 4444 May 23 4419 Nov 29 4512 4514 Aug. 4 4451 May 23 4437 Metcalfe, Joshua Robert Millar, Thomas Mills, Ernest Victor Aug. 4 May 23 Morcom, James



Return of Locomotive and Traction Engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1916, to the 31st March, 1917.

Name of Person. Date of Issue. I No. Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. J Adams, Ernest Richard Bailey, Henry Barrett, Thomas Joseph Barrow, William Henry Bateman, Albort Victor Bonnett, Jamos 1916. Nov. 29 3226 3207 3200 3179 3224 3164 Jensen, Adolphus Keat, Charles Edward Tvey .. 1916. Nov. 29 Aug. 25 1917. Mar. 22 3210 3187 Aug. 25 Nov. 29 May 23 191.7. Mar. 22 Keofo, William Kelly, Norman John 3242 3243 Beswick, Albort Blackmore, John Blayrniros, George William .. Borrows, Robert Angus Bragg, Henry Brown, Paul 1916. Nov. 29 May 23 Aug. 4 1917. Mar. 22 1916. May 23 1917. Mar. 22 Jan. 30 1916. May 23 Aug. 25 3248 3245 3214 3177 3181 3246 Kerr, William John Kingsbury, Walter Samuel .. Lawrence, David Walter Lawson, John Leahy, James Kennedy Mann, John William Maw, Beilbie Mayos, Frederick George Mills, Harry 1916. Nov. 29 Aug. 4 Nov. 29 1917. Mar. 22 1916. May 23 Aug. 4 Aug. 25 Aug. 4 May 3 1917. Jan. 30 1916. Aug. 4 Mav 23 Nov. 29 May 23 1917. Jan. 30 3204 3189 3212 3239 3166 3180 3188 3179 3168 Buick, George Gibson 3174 Bullock, Henry Arthur Insel Burke, Rupert Egerton . . . 3244 3232 Milne, Edwin James Robertson 3234 Campbell, William Charles, Edward John Christie, David Patersou Clinton, David Craig, James Hugh Delahunty, William John 3176 3192 3193 3173 3209 3205 Moore, Edward Alexander .. Munro, Henry Angus McCorkindale, Alexander McCutcheon, William John .. 3184 3175 3221 3162 May 23 Nov. 29 MoKenzie, John Henry McLeod, Neil 3231 3233 Donz, Alfred Charles John .. Doyle, John Steven Drewry, Charles Dundon, Philip 1917. Jan. 30 1916. Aug. 25 1917. Mar. 22 Jan, 30 1916. Aug. 25 Nov. 29 May 23 Aug. 25 3236 3186 3241 3238 McNeill, Robert Donald Campbell McSweeney, James.. MoTavish, Albert Edward .. Nixon, Francis John 1916. Aug. 4 Nov. 29 1917. Jan. 30 1916. Aug. 25 1917. Mar. 22 1916. Nov. 29 1917. Mar. 22 1916. Aug. 4 Aug. 25 3182 3217 3223 3235 Parli, Ambrose 3201 Dunn, Charles Edwards, Albert David George Fielding, James Arthur Finlay, John McLellan Gaze, Desmond Venner 3198 3218 3170 3194 3190 Pearson, Charles Henry Pepperell, James Evans Gardiner 3249 3206 Green, Charles Francis Griffiths, David Guthrie, George Humphrey . . 1917. Jan. 30 1916. Nov. 29 1917. Jan. 30 1910. Nov. 29 1917. Jan. 30 1916. Mav 23 3229 3208 3230 Petersen, Frederick William.. Pope, Horace Rickard, Henry Starling Robins, Henry Chiplin Rosenberg, Frederick William Salter, Charles Eli James Scanlen, Basil Augustus Sercombe, Eglon Smith, William Goorge Souness, Donald Thomas Tacon, Denis Buckley Thomas, Percy Edmund Thompson, Andrew Robert .. Tinkor, Henry Tomkies, Athelstane Sydney Watson, George Henry Whiloy, Robert Williams, Edward Morgan .. Williscroft, Harold Winter, Francis Edward Wymer, Enoch May 23 3240 3185 3191 3195 3160 3159 3216 3203 3171 3202 3227 3225 3222 3169 3183 3161 3199 3196 321.1 3178 3172 Habn, Leslie Leonard 3219 Nov! 29 Hannan, James 3237 May 23 Aug. 25 Nov. 29 Hewson, Henry Paxton Hosie, James Hunter, Leslie John Hurring, John .* 3165 3158 3167 3163 Hyland, Charles William 1917. Mar. 22 1916. Nov. 29 1917. Jan. 30 3247 May 23 Aug. 4 May 23 Aug. 25 Irwin, David 3213 Nov. 29 May 23 Jackson, Robert Arthur 3228 a

, H.—ls.

Return of Electric-tram Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1916, to the 31st March, 1917.


Name of Person. Date of w „ Issuo. No - Name of Person Data of i. Issue. "°- A'Court, Stanley Adnitt, John Edward Aldersley, Frederick Alpheus Allport, Harry Lemon Armon, Thomas John Atkinson, Lionel Albert Ball, John William Goss Black, James Wheatley 1916. Aug. 25 533 551 511 552 588 522 542 525 Langford, Sidney George Laurenson, Frederick Leslie 1916. Aug. 25 Nov. 29 1917. Mar. 26 1916. Aug. 25 1917. Jan. 30 1916. Nov. 29 Aug, 25 Nov. 29 May 10 1917. Mar. 26 1916. Aug. 25 537 572 May 10 Aug. 25 Nov. 29 Aug. 25 Lawrence, James Thomas 619 I Lennox, James Hamilton 548 1917. Jan. 30 1916. Aug. 25 May 10 Aug. 25 Nov. 29 May 10 1917. Jan. 30 Lewis, William 593 Blank, Charlos Frederick William Blick, Frederick Thomas Blight, Aloxandor George Blockley, William Henry Branch, Arthur Mason Brooks, Ernest Noble. 603 550 513 553 566 514 Longhurst, Basil George William Douglas Lynn, John Arnot Mascall, Robert Modder, Charles Lacy 577 563 576 510 Minto, James 607 Burnside, Frank Carr, Peter Catlin, Charles George 594 599 604 Monro, John Moody, William Giles Barker Mcorc, Stanley Georgo Nov. 29 1917. Jan. 30 1916. Nov. 29 Aug. 25 514 532 578 Chirnside, Jamos Cook, Donald .. Cosgrove, John 1916. Aug. 25 Nov. 29 May 10 1917. Jan. 30 1916. Nov. 29 534 568 507 I Morris, Charles George Morris, Edward MeClew, John McCluskey, George Francis McDonald, Hugh Mncgregor, Stewart McKinley, John McNabb, William Pe, cy 602 573 539 549 589 509 574 584 Cox, Leslie Francis 606 Nov. 29 Mav 10 Nov. 29 Cox, Lewis Cresswell, Charles Herbert 585 583 Day, Albert Charles Henry 1917. Mar. 26 1916. Aug. 25 608 Newberry, William. . 1.917. Jan. 30 1916, Aug. 25 601 Denton, Albert Dickin, Joseph ThomaB Dixon, Robert William Donaldson, Frederick William 554 560 562 569 Northover, Harry O'Gorman, Patrick Joseph Peacock, Frank 564 538 545 Dunkin, William John Edwards, John Benjamin Eteveneaux, Charles Francis Everingham, Oscar Aubrey Ferguson, Robert Fisher, Herbert Warwick Fox, Benjamin Loverick .. French, Richard James Gamblo, Albert Geeson, Moses Henry Nov. 29 1917. Jan. 30 1916. Aug. 25 May 10 Aug. 25 May .1.0 Aug. 25 1917. Jan. 30 Nov. 29 May 1.0 Nov. 29 1917. Jan. 30 1910. Aug. 25 Nov. 29 1917. Mar. 26 1916. May 10 600 527 515 535 519 555 595 587 516 570 Pedlar, Reuben Potts, John Price, Charles Henry Prince, Henry Clatonce Redit, John William i Robinson, John Joseph Ryan, Henry Sharloy, Meynell Shepherd, John 1917. Mar. 26 19] 6. Aug. 25 May 10 Aug. 25 Nov. 29 Aug. 25 1917. Jan. 30 1916. Aug. 25 612 621 609 556 521 546 575 557 596 Gemmell, Robert 605 Slade, Herbert Edgar Smalloy, Thomas William Stewart, James Buchanan Stone, John William Strange, Alfred Norman Swan, James Nov! 29 Aug. 25 531 541 579 558 559 524 Glensor, Percy Clifford Good, Alfred Henry 536 591 1917. Mar. 26 1916. Aug. 25 1917. Jan. 30 Mar. 26 1916. Aug. 25 Graham, George 617 Swain, George 622 517 512 Tanner, Herbert 540 Graham, Robert Thomas Griffiths, Edward Albert Taylor, Augustus Vincent Toskey, William Henry 597 614 Hall, James Harold Dewsbury Hallam, Leslie Foster Ham Win, Ernest James 1917. Mar. 26 1916. Nov. 29 1917. Jan. 30 1916. May 10 Nov. 29 1917. Mar. 26 616 571 598 : Tily, James Outram Townsend, Sydnoy George Tozor, Frederick Richard Underwood, Sydney George 1917. Mar. 26 526 547 613 620 Hands, Harry Harbidge, George Grosvenor 518 590 Upton,' 1 Edwin Walker, Cyril Charlos Wicks,' Hubert Williams, George Wilson, William George 1916. Nov. 29 Aug. 25 580 528 530 508 561 Hellberg, Herman Hughes, Matthew 610 615 May 10 Aug. 25 1917. Mar. 26 1916. Aug. 25 Nov. 29 Hurne, Arthur Jack, Lindsay Jerome, William Robert Kershaw, William Thomas Kidd, Jamos Mollison 19'i6. Aug. 25 Nov. 29 543 582 586 529 520 Wilton, Henry Joseph 618 Aug. 25 May 10 1917. Mar. 26 Winton,' David Ferguson Woodham, Arthur James Wright, Augustine j Wright, Walter John 623 592 581 567 Baffin, Joseph 611 J»



Return of Locomotive Engine drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1916, to the 31st March, 1917.

Return of Traction-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1916, to the 31st March, 1917.

Return of Electric-winding-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1916, to the 31st March, 1917.

Name of Person. Date of j, _ Issue. no - 1917. . . Jan. 30 2 Name of Person. Date of N Issue. "<>■ jtill, Robert Kir by, Joseph 1916. .. Nov. 29 1

Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. Name of Person. Date of Issue. No. _ Aitkeh, William Allen, Cyril Joseph Anderson, Francis Arthur 1916. Nov. 29 May 23 1917. Mar. 22 191.6. Nov. 29 May 23 Aug. 4 May 23 Nov. 29 May 23 Nov. 29 1917. Mar. 22 1916. Nov. 29 1917. Jan. 30 1916. Nov. 29 86 54 102 Hannen, Robert Hayes, William . . . . * Hewetson, John Othen 1916. May 23 Aug. 25 1917. Mar. 22 1916. Aug. 4 May 23 Aug. 25 1917. Mar. 22 66 74 96 Arthur, Alfred Vincent Babidgo, Robert Henry Bishell, Cecil Edward Bishop, James Bowman, James Andrew Boyce, John Ellis Boyle, Edward Henry 88 55 71 64 89 61 91 Kidd, Sydney James Leggo, Alexander Thomas .. Lemon, Leonard Carnac Macartney, Richard Milne, Peter Donald Yule . . 72 63 75 97 100 Brown, William Lawson Burnott, Clement Martin Cain, Allan. 99 85 95 Monson, John Noble McKenna, Jeremiah McLachlan, Clement Rothery McLennan, Rupert Joseph . . Price, Charles Frederick 1916.. Aug. 4 Nov. 29 May 23 Nov. 29 1917. Jan. 30 1916. Aug. 25 Nov. 29 Aug. 25 May 23 Nov. 29 May 23 Aug. 25 70 87 60 81 93 Carran, William James Olunie, Eustace Welch Crump, David Oullimore, Frederick Robert Randall, jun. Dewar, John Earson Drummond, Sutherland May 23 1917. Mar. 22 1916. Aug. 4 1917. Mar. 22 Jan. 30 1916. Nov. 29 Aug. 25 92 90 57 68 98 69 Read, Arthur Huia Reddecliffe, William George .. Rudduek, William Ryder, Robert Ewing Stevenson, Rupert Joseph .. Sutton, Francis Leslie Tacon, John Tiffen, William Arthur Ernest Traill, Thomas John Watson, Arthur Westaway, David Williams, Alfred Wroth, Charles Edward 76 83 77 62 80 65 78 79 67 56 58 59 84 May 23 Egerton, William Arthur Fox, Alexander 101 94 »> Gtaisford, Edward Claud Hanford, William Sessions .. 82 73 Nov. 29

Name of Person. I Date of Issue. No, Name of Person. Hipkins, Sidney Hampton .. Date of j tw_ Issue. I I 1916. .. May 23 64 Hill, William Victor 1916. .. t May 23 62



Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used. Horsepower of Boiler. Diameter of Cylinders of Engine in Inches. Class of Driver required. I Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of Transferred Boilers; and also showing where Size of Cylinders are now amended. -AUCKLAND J-H Auckland Milk Company .. .. .. I Newmarket .. Dairy factory .. I 30 | DISTRICT. J-J Blackball Coal Company (Limited) .. .. Hulk " Elinor Ver- Hoisting .. .. 22 ( • non" Bond, H. .. .. .. .. Devonport .. Sawmill .. .. 23 Dominion Portland Cement Company (Limited) Portland .. .. Hauling .. .. 23 „ .. .. ..9 George Fraser and Sons ., .. .. Auckland .. Ironw-orks .. 25 Hallet, F. .. .. .. .. Te Teko .. .. Flax-miU.. .. 12 Hellaby, R. and W. (Limited) .. .. Westfield .. Abattoirs .. 62 Hikurangi Coal Company .. .. .. Hikurangi .. Mining, &c. .. 50 King Bros. .. .. .. .. Waiotu .. .. Hauling .. .. 10 „ .. .. .. .. „ .. .. Log-hauler .. 21 Langlands and Co. (Limited) .. .. Nihotapu Dam .. Steaming.. .. 16 „ „ .. .. Tirohanga district.. General .. .. 13* Leyland-O'Brien Timber Company .. .. Awanui .. .. Sawmill .. .. 53 „ .. ..-„.. .. 8 Le Manquais, Lamb, and Co. .. .. Paeroa .. .. „ ".. .. 27 New Zealand Government Public Works Depart- „ .. .. Dredging.. .. 39 ment O'Brien, W. A. .. .. .. .. Tautoro .. .. Sawmill .. .. 26 New Zealand Portland Cement Company .. Limestone Island .. Cement- works .. 50 .. I ..52 New Zealand Pumice Company (Limited) .. Manunui .. .. j Pumice-works .. 16 Ohinemuri County Council.. .. .. Paeroa .. .. I Road-roller .. 4 Pukemiro Collieries (Limited) .. .. Pukemiro .. Coal-mining .. 74 Redshaw Bros, .. .. .. .. Richmond .. Steaming... .. 18 B. A. Scanlen .. .. .. .. Tuakau .. .. General .. .. 5 Sutherland, E. C... .. .. .. Te Teko .. .. Chaffing .. .. 4 Taupo Totara Timber Company .. .. Newmarket .. Sawmill .. .. 34 Te Awamutu Borough Council .. .. Te Awamutu .. : Road-roller .. 4 Tauranga Rimu Company .. .. .. Tauranga .. | Hauling .. .. 12 ., .. .. ,, .. .. Sawmill .. .. 44 „ .. ..44 Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Company .. Westfield .. Soap-factory .. 40 Wilson and Canham .. .. .. Panmure.. .. Fellmongery .. 20 10 .. .. I Second class .. .. Late Auckland Farmers' Co-operative Milk-supply Company. Two 6, two 7 .. ,, .. .. Requirements of Act. 12 .. .. ,; .. . . Late Bond Bros. Two 9i .. .. Locomotive .. ■ ■ Late New- Zealand Government Railways. Two 6J . . .. „ .. .. Late R. S. Lamb and Co. 10 .. .. Second-class stationary .. Size of cylinder amended. Two 8J .. .. Second class .. .. Late Tanner and Cameron. One 13$, one 10 ,, .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Two 10, one 5 .. ,, .. .. Additional. Two 7 .. Locomotive .. .. Late Kauri Timber Company. Two 8$ . . .. Second class .. .. Late Nesbitt and Young. Two 8J .. .. ,, .. .. Size of cylinders amended. 8J .. .. Locomotive and traction Additional. 16| .. .. First class One 16$, one 10 .. Locomotive and traction Late T. Thomas 11 . . .. Second class . . .. Late James McAndrew and Co. One 8J, one 16 .. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. 10 .. .. Second class .. .. Late Easson Timber Company. 16 and 24 .. First class .. .. Late Waihi Gold-mining Company. Two 8f .. .. Second class .. .. Late F. T-'iloore. 4 and 6f .. .. Traction .. .. Additional. One 12, one 17 .. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. 8 .. .. Second class .. .. Late J. Redshaw. 7$ .. .. Traction .. .. Late Thomas and Scanlen. 4f and 6f .. ,, .. .. Late A. Hine. Two .. First class .. .. Late Auckland Rimu Timber Company. 4J- and 6| .. Traction .. .. Additional. Two 8 .. .. Locomotive .. .. Late Brownlee and Co. 16| .. .. Second class .. .. Additional. 16f 10 .. .. ,, .. .. Size of cylinders amended. m . .. AUCKLAND SO UTH DISTRICT. Adsett and Manning .. .. .. : Owhango.. .. Sawmill .. .. 12 Cambridge Co-operative Dairy Company .. Cambridge .. Cheese-factory .. 26'6 Dillon, J., and Co., (Limited) .. .. Okahukura .. Driving compressor 17 ,, ,, .. .. ,, .. Air-compressor .. 14 Hendry, P. .. .. .. .. Ohinewai .. Flax-mill.. .. 25 Hedley, I. W. .. .. .. .. Tahuna .. .. „ .. 25 1 L2 .. .. First class .. .. i Requirements of Act. | 7 .. .. Second class .. .. ,, Two 9f .. .. „ .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Two 9J .. ,, .. .. Late Kohatu Quarry Company. 12 J .. .. First class .. .. j Late R. Hunter. 11 .. .. ,, .. .. I Late Otway Bros.



Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purposes for which used. Horsepower Diameter of Cylinders of of Engine in Inches. Boiler. Class of Driver required. Additional Boilers ; Names of late Owners of Transferred Boilers ; and also showing where Size of Cylinders are now amended. AUCKLAND SOUTH I DISTRICT— continued. Huntly Town Board .. .. .. Huntly Kelly, J. P. .. .. .. .. Otoroa McLeod and Gardiner .. . . .. j Oio New Zealand Dairy Association (Limited) .. j Matamata Generating electricity 107*41 Sawmill .. .. 12 12 37 Dairy-milk factory 40 84 50 Bacon-factory .. 80 : 13 and 21 .. I First class 7 and 11 .. .. ,, 11 13f .. .. Second class 13 13 15 and 21 .. j First class Unknown . . j Second class Additional. Late Otoroa Timber Comnany. .. Late V. G. Smith. .. | Late New Zealand Powell Wood Company. .. | Late Waihi Gold-mining Company. Late Bagnall Bros, and Co. (Limited). .. I Late Kaupokonui Dairy Company. New Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Bacon and i Frankton Junction Meat-packing Company (Limited) Ditto .. . . .. . . .. 1 New Zealand Pumice Company (Limited) . . j Manunui Freezing .. .. 53 I Pumice-factory .. 16 Pumice- work .. 16 Log-hauling .. 19 Sawmill .. .. 12J Hauling . . .. 15 Cheese-faotory .. 20 Road-roller .. 4 Butter-factory .. 27*9 Sawmill . . .. 15 Dried-milk factory 57 57 Dairy factory .. 45 Sawmill .. .. 68 ! 9, 7, 14| .. .. I First class Two 8f .. .. j Second class Late Wilson and Horton. .. Late F. T. Moore. Steel, W. .. .. .. . • I Mamaku Stevens and Henderson .. .. .. Manunui Taringamutu Sawmilling Company .. .. Taringamutu Thames Valley Co-operative Dairy Company. . Waitoa Te Awamutu Borough Council .. .. j Te Awamutu Te Kuiti Co-operative Dairy Company .. ! Te Kuiti Wackrow and Bartholomew .. .. Taumarunui Waihou Valley Dairy Company .. Te Aroha West Two 7J '.'. '.. ',', Two 8, one 11 .. First class Two 11 .. .. Locomotive 6J .. .. Second class 4J and 6| .. Traction 12 .. .. Second class Two Si .. .. I Nil .. .. | Size of cylinders amended. Late Goodall and Seagar. .. | Size of cylinders amended. Additional. Requirements of Act. .. I Late O'Connor and Bullion. .. j Late Waihi Gold-mining Company. " Wilson, J, J. ... .. .. .. Waitomo Road j i3 :: :: ! ;; • - I Size of cylinder amended. Bitmead, Charles .. .. .. .. Christchurch Borthwick and Sons .. .. .. Belfast CANTERBURY Y DISTRICT. Claridge and Smith .. .. .. Christchurch Coe, L. B. .. .. . . .. Dunsandel Curragh, R. .. .. .. . . Templeton Hewson Bros. .. .. .. .. j Springston General .. .. 8 Hauling .. .. 23 Meat-works .. 95 95 General .. .. 8 8 8 8 8 Hosiery .. .. 30 General .. .. 8 8 6 Freezing .. .. 64 - 6 9 .. .. I Traction 9J .. .. Locomotive Two 6 . . .. First class One 12 .. .. .. Traction 9 9 6J and 10 6J and 10J 10J .. .. Second class 9 .. .. Traction 6 and 10i 9 i 7, 8, 4 . . .. Second class .. ■ Late Schumacher. .. | Additional. Late H. Palmer. Late A. Cridge. Late Curragh Bros. Late A. R. Kimber. Late Christchurch Brick Company. Late Terry Bros. Late Andrews and Beaven. Additional. Lane, Walker, and Rudkin .. .. Christchurch Madden and Gordon .. .. .. Lincoln Mann Bros. . . .. .. .. Russell's Flat North Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative Freez- Kaiapoi ing Company Ditto .. .. .. .. .. i „ .. New Zealand Refrigerating Company (Limited) Islington .. 64-6 .. ' 40 15 and 27 .. ' First class .. I Late Christchurch Meat Company.



Palmer, W. .. .. .. .. Spotswood Southbridge Timber Company .. .. Southbridge Smith, G. D. .. .. .. .. Kirwee .. Staunton, F. A. .. .. .. .. Lincoln . . ■,, . . . . . . . . ,, Thornley, Samuel.. .. .. .. Hawarden Ward and Co. (Limited) . . .. .. Christchurch Westwood, T. .. .. .. .. Darfield .. .. I Tallow and manure 30 Two 4$ .. .. I Freezing .. .. 80 15 and 27 „ .. .. 80 .. General .. .. 6 6 and 9f .. Hauling .. .. 9 6J and 12 .. j General .. .. 8 9 7 ! 8| .. „ .. .. 8 9 .. . „ .. .. 8 6$ and 10 8 6f and 11$ Brewery .. .. 25 6 .. General .. .. 9 Two 6$, 10$ becond class .. .. „ First class .. .. ,, Traction .. .. Late D. Booth. ,, .. .. Late Halswell Quarries Company. „ .. .. Late Maw Bros. „ .. .. Late Henderson Trustees. ., .. .. Late H. Bennett. ' „ .. .. Requirements of Act. Second class .. .. Late Smith and Smith. Traction .. .. Late T. D. Jones. HAWKE'S BAY DISTRICT. Second class .. .. Late Brown and Gloyn. ,, .. .. Late Koru Sawmilling Company. ,, .. .. Late D. Morrison. Traction .. .. Late Cattanach Bros. Second class .. .. Additional. Brown Bros. .. .. .. .. Maraetotara Burgess, F. .. .. .. .. Otane Burgess, T. .. .. .. .. „ Cattanach, D. .. .. .. .. Takapau .. Cook Hospital .. .. .. .. Gisborne . . Derrett, C. .. .. .. .. Ongaonga Napier Harbour Board .. .. .. Napier Nash, E. J. .. .. .. .. Takapau .. O'Dowda, B. .. .. .. .. Waipatiki Poverty Bay Timber Company .. .. Gisborne .. Smith, J. E. .. .. .. .. Tomoana.. Wairoa Farmers'Co-operative Meat Company.. Wairoa .. .. Sawmill .. .. 16 Two 9f .. 16 Two 9 .. 12 Two 8$ .. .. Cutting chaff .. 6 8 Steaming.. .. 27 Nil „ .. .. 27 „ Cutting chaff .. 7 5$ and 9 .. .. Dredging.. .. 20 8| and 13^ .. Flax-mill.. .. 12 7 and 11 .. Oil-boring .. 21 Two 11 .. .. Woodwork .. 23 8$ Rennet-works .. 32 9 Freezing-works .. 95 18 and 32 ..95 Traction .. .. Late Derrett Bros. First class .. .. Size of C3-linders amended. Second class .. .. Late Conrad and Weirshand. First class .. .. Late Kotuku Oilfields (Limited). Second class .. .. Late John Collev. .. Late W. G. Light hand. First class .. .. Additional. NELSON AND MARLBOROUGH DISTRICTS 3. Griffiths Bros, and Co. .. .. .. Hillersden Baker, Egbert .. .. .. .. Blind River Snowden, P. W. .. .. .. .. Seddon .. Bryant Bros. .. .. .. .. Tadmor Valley Burnett Bros. .. .. .. .. Dovedalc Hannen, R. .. .. .. .. Tadmor Valley Heath, William M. .. .. .. Kaka Humphries Bros. .. .. .. .. Deep Creek North Cape Coal Company .. .. Puponga .. Hunt, Thomas .. .. ... .. Highfield.. Nelson District Fruit - packers' Company Motueka .. (Limited) .. .Flax-mill.. .. 20 Two 10$ .. .. , Traction-engine .. 6 6 and 10$ .. | ,. .. 6 and 10 .. . Sawmill .. .. 30 llf .. I Traction-engine .. 6 8 .. j „ .. 6 8 .. j Sawmill .. .. 20 Two 7 .. .. ! Steaming.. .. 36 14 .. I Coal-mine .. 75 Two 11, 9f .. : Chaffcutting .. 6 8 .. Fruit-drying .. | 33 lOf First class .. .. Late Charles White. Traction .. .. Late Baker and Freeth. Late Snowden Bros. Second class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Traction .. .. Late Charles H. J. Schroder. ,, .. .. Late Win Bros. Second class .. .. Late Heath Bros. „ .. . . Late New- Zealand Farmers' Dairy Union, First class .. .. Additional. Traction .. .. Late J. W. Soper. Second class .. .. Late Black and Sigley. NELSON SOUTH DISTRICT, Second class .. .. Late Milligan. Traction .. .. Late Osborne and Harris. „ .. .. Late P. W. Snowden. Second class .. .. Late No Town Gold-dredging Company. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. i First class and winding .. „ Downie Bros. .. .. .. .. Murchison Loekington, E. .. .. .. Where required Oxham, W. .. .. .. .. Murchison Westport Butter-factory .. .. .. Westport.. Consolidated Goldfields of New Zealand (Limited) Reefton .. Murray Creek Gold-mining Company .. Murray Creek Westport Harbour Board ..' .-. — -.. Cape Foul wind .. Sawmill .. .. 14 Two 9| .. .. General .. .. 2$ 7 .. Hauling .. .. 6 6 and 10 .. .. Butter-factory .. 20 9 .. Mining .. .. 50 Two 18. one 22 .. .. ., .. •:.. 60 Two 11, two 30, two 20 Compressors :. 24 12 Second class ... ..I ,, <•»



Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Horse-r>.,™-rt„ i - -, i-i, ™»~hi power Diameter of Cylinders of Purposes for which used. •" o{ Engine i^n-h,,. Boiler. Class of Driver required. Additional Boilers ; Names of late Owners of Transferred Boilers; and also showing where Size of Cylinders are now amended. OTAGO DISTRICT. Anderson Bros. Brown, W. J. Central Otago Preserves (Limited) .. Clutha Timber and Hardware Company Dunedin City Corporation Govan, Thomas Gwyn, William (Limited) Hayes and Co. Hassett, Mrs. Mary Ireland and Co. Lawriston Timber Company Milmine, J. McCallum and Co. New Zealand Coal and Oil Company New- Zealand Refrigerating Company New Zealand Gold and Scheelite Company Otago Preserving Company Russell, Hugh Strachan, W., and Co. Sutherland, Alexander Winsley, H, and Son Watson, J. E., and Co. Wilson Bros. .. .. Watson, John, and Co. Ashley Downs . . Threshing and chaff- 9.9 .. .. [ Traction I ing Puerua .. .. Flax-mill.. .. 12 j 7| and 11$ .. Second class Alexandra .. | Canning-factory .. 22 ! 6 .. .. ,, .. Kahuika .. .. Sawmill . . .. 14 Two 8$ .. Mornington .. Hauling . . .. 16 Two 13, one 15$ . . First class .. [ „ ..„.. .. 16 .. .. ' .. ! Galloway Flat .. j Crushing and boiling- 14 7 and 11.. ,. Second class down . . | Tautuku .. . . Hauling . . .. 10$ Two 6-f . . .. Locomotive . . j Tawanui . . .. Sawmill . . .. 16 Two 10 . . .. Second class . . .. ! Milton .. .. Threshing .. 8 9 .. .. Traction Oamaru . . . . Steam wagon .. 5 Two 4$ . . .. I ,, .. j Tahakopa .. Log-hauling .. 27 | Two 8 .. .. Second class .. „ .. Sawmill .. .. 30 9 and 14.. .. First class .. Windsor .. . . Chaffing . . .. 8 8$ . . .. Traction . . ! Dunedin . . .. Sawmill . . .. 25 ' 12$ .. .. Second class Kaitangata .. Hauling . . .. 40 Two 26$ .. .. First class Burnside . . .. Freezing .. .. 80 12 and 22 .. ,, ..,,.. .. „ ..95 Mount Highlay . . Quartz-crushing .. 16 7 and 11$ .. Second class .. Burnside.. . . Cooking and heating 36 : Nil .. .. ,, Milton .. . . Hauling .. .. 8 ; 9$ .. .. Traction Dunedin .. .. Brewery .. .. 56 I 8 .. . . Second class . . | Balclutha .. Chaffing .. .. 5 6 .. .. Traction Waiareka Junction j Hauling .. .. 8 9J% .. .. I ,, Hilderthorpe .. Threshing .. 9:9 .. .. ,, Balclutha .. „ .. 7 ; 9$ and 5-J .. : „ Port Chalmers .. Freezing . . .. 30 11$ and 16 .. I First class Late Anderson and Montgomerie. .. . Requirements of Act. .. I Late S. S. Spain. .. j Late MeCuUough and Son. .. , Late Mornington Borough Council. .. j Late Old Man Gold-dredging Company. Requirements of Act. Late John Sharpe. .. : Late .Allison and Hassett. Late Charles Stevenson. .. , Late Dr. King. .. I Late Oamaru Harbour Board. .. i Size of cylinder amended. . . i Late J. Sparrow and Son. .. | Requirements of Act. Late Christchurch Meat Company (Limited). » a tt .. . Late Gold and Scheelite Proprietary Company. .. j Late White and Co. Late Leonard Bros. Late Limestone Brick Company. Late Sutherland Bros. Late R. Chalmers. .. , Late James Graham. Late J. and J. Wilson. Late Otago Harbour Board. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. Bates and Arnold, jun. Blair, W. Byrnes and Johnston Caird, James Cameron, John Curran and McKay Evans, G. Fletcher, Neil Holland, James Holmes, H., and Son (Limited) Slope Point .. I Flax-miU. . .. j 12 I Two 8| .. . . Second class .. Tokonui .. .. I Chaffcutting .. 4$j 6$ .. .. Traction Kawarau Gorge . . i HauUng .. .. 20 Two 6 .. .. Second class ' .. Hokonui.. .. I Flax-miU.. .. 14 7 and 11.. .. „ Lochiel .. .. Sawmill .. .. 20 8 and 13.. .. First class Mossburn . . General .. .. 9$: 9 .. .. Traction .. District .. . . „ .. .. 8") 9 Waikaka Valley .. Hauling . . .. 20 One 6, two 4$ .. Second class Gore . . .. General .. .. 8 6$ and 10 .. Traction Rosedale.. .. Woollen-mills .. 14 : 7 and 11.. .. Second class Late I. W. Raymond. Late Mcintosh and Blair. Late Confidence Gold-dredging Company. .. | Late J. Caird and Sons. Late Royal Venture Gold-dredging Company. .. I Late W. J. Paterson. Late J. E. Watson and Co. (Limited). .. | Late James Travis. Late Kinross and Gillespie. .. | Late Southland Woollen Mills.



Johnston, James .. . . .. .. Oware Kingsland and -Anderson . . .. Invercargill King and Nichol .. .. • .. .. Tokanui . . Luscombe, P. S. .. .. .. .. Brown's .. Milne and Capon . . .. .. .. Woodlands More and Sons .. .. .. .. Longwood Marshall, Robert .. .. .. .. Edendale. . Moore, A. E. .. .. .. .. West Plains McRobie Bros. .. .. .. .. Mataura . . McCallum and Co. .. .. .. Fairfax .. Mcintosh, M. .. .. .. .. Waimahaka McKenzie, D. and A. . . .. .. South HiUend Nelson, Hugh .. . . .. .. Freshford Nightcaps Coal Company .. .. .. Nightcaps New Zealand Sugar-of-Milk and Casein Company Edendale ,, ,, W3 T ndham ,, ,, Edendale Rosedale Gold-dredging Syndicate .. ,. Waikaka Valley Smith, William, and Co. (Limited) .. .. Round Hill Southland County Council .. .. .. Southland Sutherland, James .. .. ,. Longbush Templeton, Charles .. .. .. Fortification Tinker Bros. .. .. .. .. Nightcaps Wright, Stevenson, and Co. (Limited) .. Brown's .. Whitaker and Piercy .. .. .. Tokanui .. Whiterig Co-operative Dairy Factory Company Whiterig .. (Limited) Waikaka Forks Gold-dredging Company .. Little Waikaka Waikaka Dredging Syndicate .. .. Waikaka Valley Flax-miU.. ... 12 7 and 11$ .. ,, .. .. , Late Neil McEw-an. Cooking .. .. 68 7f and 11$ .. „ .. .. I Additional. Flax-miU.. ... 14 Two 8$ .. .. „ .. .. Late Waikawa Sawmilling Company. Chaffcutting .. 4$ 6$ .. .. Traction .. .. Late C. J. Butler. ,, .. 6 7$ .. .. ,, .. .. Late Crane and Palmer. Sawmill .. .. 16 Two 12$ .. .. First class .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Chaffcutting .. 6 7 .. .. Traction .. .. Late William Mortimer. Sawmill .. .. 8 6|- and lOf .. Second class .. . • Late C. Collett. Chaffcutting .. 6 7 .. .. Traction .. .. Late McRobie and Tresidder. Sawmill . . .. 16 10 .. .. Second class . . .. Late Todd and Wilson. General .. .. 9 9 .. . - Traction .. .. Late Mcintosh and Blair. Flax-miU.. .. 14 Two 8$ . . .. Second class .. .. Late McKenzie Bros. Gold-dredge .. 20 7 and 11 .. .. „ .. .. Late Hamer and Party. Hauling .. .. 7 Two 6 .. .. Locomotive .. . . Late Homebush Potting Company. ,, .. .. 8 8$ .. .. Traction .. Late G. D. Jenkins. Steaming.. .. 40 One 10, three 4$ .. Second class .. .. Additional. Evaporating-vats . . 20 Nil .. .. ,, .. . . Requirements of Act. Gold-dredge .. 20 7$ and 11$ .. Three second class .. Late Willowbank Gold-dredging Company. Sawmill . . .. 14 14 .. .. Second class . . . . Late Perry, Smith, and Co. General . . .. 8 8$ .. .. Traction .. .. Additional. Flax-miU.. .. 12 | 7f and llf .. Second class .. . . Late W. P. Shorn. „ .. .. 14 Two 8$ . . .. „ .. .. Late CampbeU Bros. General . . .. 4$ 6$ .. .. Traction .. .. Late Dickson and Laidlaw. Hauling . . .. 16 7 and 11$ .. Second class .. . . Late Excell and Cook. Lime-works .. 82 Two 15 .. .. First class .. .. Additional. Sawmill .. .. 14 Two 8$ .. .. Second class . . .. Late Field and Thomson. Dairy factory .. 16 8 .. .. ,, .. .. Size of cylinders amended. Gold-dredge .. 20 8 and llf .. One first class, two second „ class „ .. 16 7 and 11$ .. Second class .. .. Late Paterson's Freehold Gold-dredging Syni cate. TARANAKI DISTRICT. Awatuna Co-operative Dairy Factory (Limited) Taungatara Cape Egmont Co-operative Dairy Company .. Pungarehu Eltham Co-operative Dairy Company (Limited) Eltham .. Kaupokonui Co-operative Dairy Company (Li- Kaupokonui mited) Miller Bros. .. .. .. .. Waverley Maoriland Dairy Company.. .. .. Wanganui North Taranaki Dairy Company .. .. Waitara .. New Zealand Iron Ore and Smelting Company New Plymouth (Limited) Ditto .. .. .. .. .. I Moturoa . . New Zealand Refrigerating Company (Limited | Wanganui „ „ „ I Imlay .. I Dairy factory .-. | 38 I Nil .. .. | Second class .. .. Additional. Cheese-factory .. 27-9 j 6$ .. .. „ .. .. „ „ .. 26 7f .. .. „ .. .. Requirements of Act. .. | 34-3 j 6$ Chaffcutting .. 6 , 7f .. .. Traction .. .. Late Charters. Dairy factory .. 17 8$ .. .. Second class .. .. Late Okihu Dairy Company. Dairy .. .. 25 9 .. .. ,, .. .. Requirements of Act. Steaming.. .. 6815 .. .. First class .. . . Late Nelson Cement Company. Ironsand-works .. 68 15 .. .. Second class .. .. Late Wilson Cement Company. .. ! Freezing .. .. 143 Two 19, two 35, two First class .. .. Late Christchurch Meat Company. 13, two 10 143 Ditto .. .. I .... „ .. 143 Locomotive .. i 13"5 Two 8 .. .. i Locomotive .. .. Additional.


Rerurn showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers- continued.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. HorsePurposes for which used. I P-"* "^tfffijt'* I Boiler. Class of Driver required. Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners of Transferred Boilers; and also showing where Size of Cylinders are now amended. Opunake Sawmill Company Okato and Puniho Co-operative Dairy Company Oaonui Co-operative Dairy Company Stratford Co-operative Dairy Company ... Taranaki Farmers' Meat Company .. ... TARANAKI DISTRICT— continued. Te_Kiri .. Puniho .. Oaonui .. , Stratford.. New Plymouth Waitara .. Newall Road .. I SawmiU .. .. 28 13 .. .. Second class Cheese-factory .. 17 4$ .. .. „ 31$ 9 Butter-factory .. 37 10 .. .. ,, Steaming.. * .. 28 Two 8, one 7 Freezing .. 28 „ .. ,, Steaming.. ..48 ,, .. Dairy .. .. 25 10 .. I Cheese-factory .. 20 6$ .. .. ,, Size of cylinder amended. Late Rahotu Dairy Company. Requirements of Act. Late Black. Tikorangi Dairy Company Warea Co-operative Dairy Company Bennison, R. Bennison, A. W. Bishop, James Blackburne, Smith, and Co. Bennett, J. Boyce, J. E. Burgess, J. Christchurch Meat Company (Limited) Church, A. E. Tinwald .. Wheatstone Mount Somers Buapuna.. Doric Mayfield .. Timaru .. Methven .. Rakaia Timaru . . Rakaia .. Fairlie .. Chertsey .. Waihao Downs Winchester Timaru .. Hinds Ruapuna.. . Fairview .. Methven .. Waimate.. Studholme Crieklewood Rakaia .. Methven.. TIMARU DISTRICT. General .. .. 8:7 and 11$ .. Traction 8 | 6$ and 11 ,, .. .. 6 j 5$ and 8$ .. ,, Hauhng .. .. 10 ! Two 7$ . . .. Locomotive General . . .. 9 | Two 5$ and 9$ .. Traction 8 9$ 8 9 Hauling .. .. 23 9$ .. .. Locomotive General .. .. 10 6f and 11 J .. Traction 9 6$ and 11 „ .. .. 8 9 6 8 8 6J and 11 6 8 8 8| 8 9-fe 8 6f and Hi 8 6i- and 10$ „ .. .. 7 8| 4 6 .. .. 8 9 8 9 8 6$ and 10 „ .. .. 8 9 „ .. .. 8 9 8 9 8 9$ 6 8 8 6$ and 10$ '■'■1 Late Bennison Bros. Requirements of Act. Late Executors of A. C. Peache. Late A. Beattie. Late D. Fechney. Late Philpott and Co. Additional. Late James Milne. Late E. G. Church. Late Conway. Late Schumacher. Late Conway. Late G. E. Bray. Late J. Stewart. Late Boss and McCUntook. Late T. Hawkins and Son. Late W. Harkness. Late W. StaplesLate A. Eden. Late Ashton Bros. Late F. Tozer. Late E. Grigg. Late J. Giilon. Late J. Manchester. Late Meyers Bros. Late M. McCormick. Late William Davison. Late H. McCrenor. Conway and Gray Clark, William J. .. Conway and Gray Dick and AUan .. .. Dnnstan, W. .. Geddis, R. Gudsell Bros. Gudsell, Alexander Hamlyn, J. Hampton. J. Holland, R. W. .. Johnson, A. Lock, W. T. Morrison and Malthus Meredith, G., and Co. Meyers, J. Milsom, Lee McCarthy, P. ' . . McCrenor, D.



Nicholls, Son, and Harris New Zealand Refrigerating Company Washdyke Smithfield Wool-scouring .. 20 Heating .. .. 40 40 General .. .. 8 8 8 8 Sawmill .. . . 8 General .. .. 4 9 Electric Ught .. 57 57 57 General .. .. 9 8 8 10 .. .. ! Second class 12 and 22 .. First class 9 .. .. Traction 6f and 11$ 9 6$ and 10$ 7$ and 10 7ft 91 14 and 24 .. First class 6$ and 11 .. Traction 9 9 Late W. H. Harris. Late Christchurch Meat Company. Requirements of Act. Late William Quinn. Late Robert Geddis. Late A. Fibbes. Late D. Crump. .. Late W. S. CampbeU. Late Scott Bros. Late A. Johnstone. .. Late W. J. Tozer. .. Late C. MulvihiU. Padkin J. Quinn Bros. Hakataramea Makikihi . . Ross and McClintock Scott, J... Scotston, ,St. Andrews Stewart, D. .. .. Timaru Borough Council Waimate.. Geraldine Scotston .. Orari Timaru .. Tozer, F. Tozer, Arthur Walker, C. E. Levels Pleasant Point Te Moana Pet one Belmont . . Trentham Shannon .. Pahiatua. .. Silverstream Hulk " Lilla " WeUington WELLINGTOI DISTRICT. Cook and Cook Dominion Ferolith Company New Zealand Government Defence Department Opui Fibre Company Pahiatua County Council Silverstream Brick and TUe Company Union Steamship Company WeUington City Council Wellington Cooperage and Box Company Makatai Flax-milling Company North Island Brewery Company Shannon Co-operative Dairy Company Upton's Laundry Westland Timber Company WeUington Meat Export Company (Limited).. Wellington Gas Company .. Makerua .. Mangatainoka Shannon .. Pet one Lower Hutt Waterloo QuayWellington Cooperage .. 33 Steaming.. .. 16 „ .. .. 50 Flax-miU.. 56 Road-roller .. 4 Brickwork .. 30 Hoisting .. .. 35 Powerhouse .. 364 SawmiU .. .. 60 Flax-miU.. .. 32 Brewery .. .. 21 Dairy factory .. 20 Laundry .. . . 20 SawmiU .. .. 28 Freezing .. .. 118 Road wagon .. 6 8$ and 13 .. First class NU .. .. Second class 10, 16, and 26 .. First class 4 and 6f.. .. Locomotive 13 .. .. Second class Nil 17, 24$, and 27$ .. First class Two 12$ .. 12 and 20 .. Second class Two 5 .. 9 7 9 19 and 28 .. First class 4 and 7 .. .. Traction .. 1 Late T. Cook. .. j Late Ledward. .. j Additional. Requirements of Act. Additional. Requirements of Act. .. I Additional. Late Easson Limited. .. [ Late Powell Wood-process Company. Late H. B. Dairy Company. Lata Ararata Dairy Company. Late A. Compton. Late Easson Limited. Late Maymorn Estate. Late Scott, Niven, and Co. WilUam Cook and Sons Foxton Cordage and Flax-miUing Company .. Gaisford, Edward Claude Helt, Peter Oroua Downs Dairy Company Palmerston North Borough Council.. Prouse and Sons Saunders, Alfred Tane Hemp Company Mataroa . . Kairanga.. Bull's .. Kopane .. Oroua Downs Awapuni . . Ngawaka.. Marton .. Rangitane WELLINGTON NO: tTH DISTRICT. Sawmill .. .. 14 Flax-miU.. .. 12 General .. .. 6 Sawmill .. .. 14 Dairy factory .. 20 Abattoirs .. 32 SawmiU .. .. 16 General .. .. 7 Flax-rmll.. .. 13 Two 8$ .. .. Second class 7 and 11.. .. ,, 5$ and 9.. .. Traction Two 8$ .. .. Second class 7 . . . . ,, Qi Two 9 .. 6$ and 8.. .. Traction Two 8f .. .. Second class Late George L. S. Dunn. Late Primus Flax-mill Company. .. ! Size of C3'linders amended. Requirements of Act. Late Glen Oroua Dairy Company. .. : Late Manawatu Meat and Cold Storage Companv Late Alexander Gorrie. Late J. Warring. Late L. Seifert.



Return showing the Names of Owners of Additional Boilers and Transfers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers— continued.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not givon ; printing (1,000 copies, including chart), £105

Authority : Maeotjs F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9l7

Price, Is. 9d.'\

Name of Owner. Wh»r« Boiler used. HorsePurposes for which used. P°™ of Boiler. Class of Driver required. j Additional Boilers; Names of late Owners ol Tranii'ern Boilers; and also showing where Size of Cylinders are now amended WESTLAN DISTRICT. Blackwater Mines (Limited) .. . . Waiuta .. Boatman's Consohdated Gold-mining Company Capleston Chapman Syndicate .. .. . . Cobden .. Forrest SawmiUing Company .. .. Nelson Creek Kapatea Creek Gold-dredging Company .. Kapatea .. Orwell Creek SawmiUing Company .. .. Orwell Creek Rimu Option Gold-mining Company (Limited) Rimu Stuart and Chapman .. .. .. I Kanieri .. Waitaha Max-miffing Company .. .. Waitaha Beach WaUer and England .. .. .. Aritika .. .. ; Mining Dredging.. Hauling .. Dredging.. SawmiU .. .. | Hauling . . .. [ Dredging.. .. I HauHng . . .. | SawmiU . . Flax-miU.. .. | Log-hauling 105 105 74 20 20 20 20 .. [ 27 8 60 26 12 12 35 Two 20. two 13$. and First class two 21$ Ditto Two 10, one 8 .. ., 8 and 12| Two 8f .. .. Second class 8 and 12f .. First class Two 10 . . .. Second class Two 9 .. Locomotive 6 and 10 . . .. Traction Two 12f .. .. First class Two 9$ . . .. Second class Two 8$ . . Two 8} .. 18 Additional. .. Late S. S. Dobson. Late Brownlee and Co. Late Try Again Gold-mining Company. Late Erickson. -Additional. Late Erickson. Late Nickonian Battery Company (Limited). .Additional. Late E. T. Malcock and Co. Late Nukonui Flax-miUing Company. Late New Zealand Government Railways.

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MARINE DEPARTMENT. ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1916-17., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1917 Session I, H-15

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MARINE DEPARTMENT. ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1916-17. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1917 Session I, H-15

MARINE DEPARTMENT. ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1916-17. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1917 Session I, H-15

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