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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursua-nt to the Friendly Societies Act, 1909$ Section 9, and, the Trade-unions Act, 1908, Section 16.

Tlie Registrar of Friendly Societies to the Hon. the Minister. Sir,— Wellington, Ist July, 1917. I have the honour to submit herewith, in accordance with the Act, the annual report of this Office for- the year ended 81st December, 1916. I have, &c, R. E. Hayes, Registrar of Friendly Societies.

Social Insurance and Friendly Societies. As an outcome of tho conference held by the Government with the representatives of Friendly societies in April, 191.6, a scheme for the extension of State benefits to members of friendly societies, on special terms, was embodied in the Finance Act (Part IX) of last session. The objects of this Act are threefold : — (1.) To enlarge the administration of maternity assistance by extending its operations to members of provident organizations : (2.) To extend the State's propaganda for the establishment of a contributory system of provision for old age : (3.) To enable friendly societies to secure a provision in old age for their members at specially low rates and at the same time relieve their funds in respect of agedsiokness liability. As soon as the measure became law, steps were taken by the Department to draw up the necessary regulations, forms, &c, for the guidance of approved friendly societies. The conditions of " approval " were by the Act to be determined by the National Provident Fund Board. Towards the close of the year the necessary regulations and model rules were circulated to all societies with instructions as to the procedure to be adopted in applying for " approval." In adopting terms of " approval " the Board was to a certain extent bound by the financial obligations the Act itself imposed, as it was clear that only societies whose funds were established on actuarial principles would be able to conform to requirements. The well-known affiliated societies such as the Odd Fellows, Foresters, Druids, Rechabites, &c, had no difficulty in satisfying the Board in this respect. In the case of societies which were unable to hold their annual meetings before the end of the year the Board was empowered to grant " provisional approval " to extend only to the time of the first annual meeting at which the "model" rules could be made by tho society for registration. With the view of imparting to friendly societies a knowledge of the objects of the Act and its administration, the Registrar, during the months of November and December, visited the principal centres of the Dominion and addressed open meetings of societies. At those meetings there were excellent attendances, and the criticism of the scheme in the form of questions evidenced an intelligentinterest in this effort at co-operation as between the Government and the societies. Most of the societies were able to obtain " provisional approval " in time for the coming into operation of the Act-—lst January, 1917 —and thus at once secure for their members the maternity allowance. In those societies whose organization did not permit of " approval " by that date steps were taken to become approved as soon afterwards as possible. At the time of writing nearly every actuarially valued society in the Dominion had become either " approved " or " provisionally approved." I—H. 1.



War Risks. The effect of the war on the societies and on benefit funds in particular is occasioning some anxiety on the part of the managing bodies, the magnitude of the military operations having far exceeded what was anticipated three years ago. j , In November, 1914, the Government, in response to a request by the societies, agreed to subsidize the reinsurance of death" benefits of soldier members on active service to the extent of paying one-half of the premiums. The subsidy was granted to societies whether they reinsured this benefit with outside insurance companies or carried the risk on their own Funeral Funds. On. this account the following sums were paid through the Department to the various friendly societies as the State's share of the liability under this system :• — £ s. d. Friendly Society-Department's vote, 1915-16 .. .. .. 1,577 6 8 ') „ ' 1916-17 , ... \. ';■■ .}: 2,867 98! V ; Defence Department's War Expenses Account .. .. ' .. 7,422 9 5 Total .. '.'.'"' .J.: .. .. £11,867 5 9 With the exception of some small outstanding liabilities the above account covers the State's liability up to the 30th September, 1916, in respect of this reinsurance. As the number of members on active service rapidly increased and the liability assumed <:correspondingly augmented proportions- -with the danger that the rate of expenditure might tend to drift beyond the Department's control —-the Government decided to establish a Departmental Reinsurance Fund. This fund began operations as from the Ist October, 1916, being administered by a Board consisting of the Hon. the Minister of Finance, the Hon. the Minister in Charge of Friendly Societies, and the Registrar. The premium rate to be charged is fixed by the Board on consideration of reports from, the Actuary as required from time to time. The societies pay into the iund one-half of the premium rate which had been so fixed, the State finding the remaining moiety. In the case of any profit at the close of the war the surplus is to be distributed pro rata amongst the participating societies and the Government; while, on the other hand, should the premium, rate V prove insufficient and a deficiency be shown, a levy pro rata will be struck for the proportion due from all parties to the scheme. This reinsurance method has been adopted by practically the whole of the societies of the Dominion. Up to the 31st March, 1917, there were 5,488 members insured in the fund, representing cover equal to £200,424. This number increases as the reinsurances with outside companies expire, and, of course, as new men go into camp. The fund protects societies against the effect of a mortality liability their funds were never intended to carry, and is based on as equitable a footing as can be expected to meet the exigencies of the crisis. Apart from the reinsurance of the death benefits, one of the most difficult problems facing the friendly societies at the present time is the payment of contributions to the various Sick and Funeral Funds on behalf of their members who have gone to the front, the liability for which in some lodges '"is falling on a comparatively small number of the remaining members. It is satisfactory to state - that in nearly all the societies the members have loyally and patriotically undertaken to keep their soldier members " financially good " while away on active service ; and when it is remembered that the war has now lasted nearly three years, it can readily be understood that the pressure is seriously felt. In those societies which were fortunate enough .to possess surplus or incidental funds which could be applied to this purpose, the strain at first was not felt; but in roost cases these funds have now been depleted and special measures have to be taken to finance the position. In very few cases, fortunately, has any society, so far found it necessary to " waive " the contributions of these members to the Sick and Funeral Funds. Such a course would be quite at variance with the sound policy which in the past has characterized the management of friendly societies' funds ; and, in view of possibly increased sickness liabilities in the future as a result of the war, it is fortunate that this is so,, as it is most important that the Sick Funds of the societies should be maintained with unimpaired resources. At the 31st March last there were about seven thousand members of societies on active service ; the cost of one year's contributions of these members to their Sick and Funeral Funds is estimated at £10,500, and this sum represents what the members of societies in one form or another have to make good to the Benefit Funds at the present time on behalf of soldier members irrespective of,fees for medical attendance and medicines. In order to lighten the burden some societies have adopted a method of spreading the liability over a long period with small levies, a system that ensures the Sick Funds eventually receiving credit for the whole of these contributions of the soldier members. If a sinking fund is established for this purpose on sound, lines no exception can be taken to such a course, which will enable societies to conserve their funds and at the same time continue their patriotic efforts on behalf of the members at the front. Audit of Friendly Societies' Accounts. It happens almost every year that cases come before the Department illustrating the evil results of the present lax method of audit as legalized in friendly societies.: The auditors for the most part aire members whoso occupations utterly unfit them for this duty, and there is nowadays really less supervision over the finances than formerly when a keener personal interest in lodge work was shown ,by menders. It is necessary therefore to propose some method that will ensure audit security to the benefit- funds more in keeping with, business requirements. The present audit system lias not -■■'.been, strengthened since 1877,' although, the accounted funds have increased from £94,000 to almost '£2,000,000,



All societies have some of their funds consolidated, and many of them have now consolidated all their benefit funds. The need for a special audit of branch funds is consequently diminishing as the consolidation movement is increasing the necessity for it in the central funds. If, therefore, on the score of expense, it has not been practicable to enforce the auditing of separate lodge accounts by professional and independent auditors, the least that can be done is to make it compulsory that the accounts of central bodies of societies and districts shall be submitted to such an audit. This measure of reform should be adopted without delay.

OPERATIONS OF NEW ZEALAND SOCIETIES. Registrations. There were registered during the past year 10 new societies and branches, distributed among I be various orders as follows : M.U.1.0.0.F., '2 lodges ; 1.0.0.F., I lodge ; 1.0.R., 2 tents ; isolated friendly societies, 5. The following registrations were cancelled : — 1.0.G.T. : Aggressive Lodge, Dauntless Lodge, Star of South Canterbury Lodge, West Coast Pioneer Lodge, Robert Bruce Lodge, Hope of Westport Lodge, Haste to the Rescue Lodge, Reefton Fraternal Lodge, Pride of Hawke's Bay Lodge, Premier Lodge, Hope of Stafford. Lodge, Providence Lodge, Golden Stream Lodge, New Era Lodge, Second to None Lodge, Hope of Brunnerton Lodge, Woodstock Lodge, New River Pioneer Lodge; Victory Lodge, Victoria Lodge, Kumara Lodge, Rock of Freedom Lodge, Hearts and Homes Lodge, Dawn of Peace Lodge, True Blue Lodge, St. Helena Lodge, Phoenix Lodge, North Star Lodge, Pride of Brookside Lodge, Mount Fyfe Lodge, Heart and Hand Lodge, Pride of Mount Grey Lodge, Southern Cross Lodge, Guiding Star Lodge, Undaunted Lodge, Loyal Marine Lodge, Union of Otago Temple Lodge, St. John's Lodge, Southern Star Lodge, Bushman's Pride Lodge, Hope of Wakefield Lodge, Pride of Dunedin Lodge, Sea Shell Lodge, Rose of Springburn Lodge (the Grand Lodge of New Zealand of the; Independent Order of Good Templars). By request. —1.0.0.F. :. Gisborne Rebekah Lodge and New Brighton Lodge (1.0.0.F. of New Zealand). U.A.O.D. : Nelson Creek Lodge (Grand Lodge of the North Island of New Zealand). 1.0.R. : Scandia's Hope Tent and Star of Clutha Tent (New Zealand Central District). The following amalgamations were registered : M..U.1.0.0.F. —Loyal Sisters of Hamilton with Loyal Hamilton Lodge (Auckland District), and Loyal. Mokihinui with Loyal Ngakawau Lodge (United Westland District). The following change of name was registered : 1.F.5.: Waikato Medical and Accident Society to the Huntly Collieries Medical and Accident Relief Association. The position of the orders in respect of registration is shown by the following summary as at the beginning and end of 1916 :■ —

The reduction in the number of total registrations at the close of the year is due to the cancellation of defunct or moribund branches of the Independent Order of Good Templars. This order exists mainly for propaganda purposes ; its lodges dispense no benefits of the usual friendly society class, and their elimination from these tables ensures a more correct view of the position as it actually exists. A complete list of societies and branches on the register as at the end of 1916 is given in Appendix I.

Registrations Name of Order. at 1st January, 1916. Established. Closed. Registrations at 31st Decomber, 1916. Manchester Unity Independent Order ol Odd Fellows .. 227 Independent Order of Odd Fellows .. .. .. I 105 National Independent Order of Odd Fellows .. .. I 3 British United Order of Odd Fellows .. .. .. 1 Ancient Order of Foresters .. .. .. .. 153* Ancient Order of Shepherds .. .. .. .. 1 United Anoient Order of Druids .. .. .. .. 138 Independent Order of Rechabites ., .. .. .. 77 Sons and Daughters of Temporanoe .. .. .. 11 Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society .. .. 66 Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia .. 18 Isolated friendly societies .. .. .. .. 31 Working-men's clubs .. .. .. .. .. 16 Independent Order of Good Templars .. .. .. 55 Specially authorized societies .. .. ... .. 20 2 1 2 2 i 2 44 227 104 3 1 153* 1 137 77 11 06 13 36 16 11 20 2 "5 Totals .. .. .. .. 917 10 51 870 * Includes three courts under expulsion but position but position undeterminei



Rules. The rules of 40 societies and branches came under revision in one form or another for amendment during 1916. Complete amendments were registered during the year, viz. : — M.U.l.O.O.F.—Wellington District; Loyal Napier (Hawke's Bay District); Auckland District; Loyal Good Intent (Auckland. District) ; Loyal City of Christchureh and Loyal Riccarton (North Canterbury District); Loyal Middlomarch (Otago District); Loyal Lumsden (Southland District). A.O.F.—Wellington District; Court Sir George Grey (Wellington District); Court City of Auckland (Court not in any district). U.A.O.D. —Excelsior (Grand Lodge of the North Island of New Zealand). H.A.C.B.S.—New Zealand District. I.F.S.—Huntly Collieries Medical and Accident Relief Association; Millerton Colliery Medical and Accident Relief Association. W.M.C. —Auckland Working-men's Club and Mechanics' Institute ; Oxford Working-men's Club ; Napier Working-men's Club. Partial Amendments of Rules registered. Partial amendments for the, following were made :— M.U.I.O.O.F.—New Zealand Branch ; North Canterbury District; Loyal Benevolent and Loyal City of Christchureh (North Canterbury District) ; Otago District. 1.0.0.F.—1.0.0.F. of New Zealand ; Chertsey Lodge (1.0.0.F. of New Zealand). A.O.F. —Taranaki District (2) ; Court Star of Canterbury (Canterbury United District). U.A.O.D. —Grand Lodge of the North Island of New Zealand (2) ; Grand Lodge of Canterbury District; Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland District (4). I.O.R.—New Zealand District. P.A.F.S.A.—-Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia. I.F.S. —Kaitangata Employees' Benefit Society. W.M.C—-Christchureh Working-men's Club and Mutual School of Arts (2). Annual Returns of Receipts and Expenditure, etc. The Friendly Societies Act requires these returns to reach me on or before the 31st March in each year. The number outstanding at that date in the respective societies was as follows : — Annual Returns Outstanding at 31st March, 1917. Name of Society. „ , r Brandies. M.U.1.0.0.F.— Auckland District .. .. .. . . . . .. 4 New Plymouth District .. .. .. .. .. 5 Marlborough District . . .. . . . . .. .. 1 Motueka. District . . .. . . . . .. . . 1 North Canterbury District .. .. .. ... .. 1 Ashburton District .. .. .. .. .., .. 2 1.0.0.F. of New Zealand .. . . .. . . .. . . 25 A.O.F.— Auckland District .. .. .. .. .. 1 1 Hawke's Bay District .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 Taranaki District .. . . .. .. .. .. 3 Wellington District .. .. . . .. . . .. 3 Nelson District .. .. .. . . .. . . 1 Canterbury United District . . . . .. .. .. 1 South Canterbury District .. .. .. . . 1 3 United Otago District .. .. .. .. 1 3 Courts not in any district .. .. .. .. .. 1 U.A.O.D.— Grand Lodge of the North Island of New Zealand .. 1 15 Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland .. .. .. .. 2 1.0.R.— New Zealand District .. .. .. .. .. 1 3 New Zealand Central District .. .. .. .. .. 14 S.D.T.— Divisions separately registered .. .. .. .. .. 1 . HA.C.B.S 1 30 P.A.F.S.A. .. .. 1 I 1.F.5., &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 26 7 148 The above results are an improvement on the previous year. 155



Statistics of The following table shows the membership of 727 lodges* of the Dominion, for the year 1916 : — Number of members, Ist January .. .. .. .. 7.3,027 Number admitted by— Initiation, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 2,037 Clearance .. .. ... .. .. .. 541 2,578 75,605 Number who died .. .. .. .. .. 077 Number left by— Clearance .. .. . . .. . . . . 566 Arrears, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 3,702 5,245 Number of members at 31st December .. . i .. .. 70,360 These figures show therefore a decrease in membership equal to 3'7 per cent, for the year, which is characteristic of the movement in all countries at the present time, due to the diversion of young lives to active service and the restricted initiation policy operating in societies. The total funds of the societies and branches as on the 31st December, 1916, amounted to £1,9.54,940, made up as follows : Sick and Funeral Funds (inclusive of amounts transferred to special funds out of surplus), £1,782,635 ; Medical and Management Funds, goods, &c, £172,305. Dividing the total funds by the number of members at the end of the year it is found the average capital per member is now £27 15s. Bd. Taking the several years 1907-1916, the number of lodges whose returns were tabulated, the number of members, total funds, and average capital per member at the end of each year were as under :■ —

The above figures include the latest statistics received from lodges. The following statement shows the, disposal of the total funds (including those of the centra bodies) as on 31st December, 1916 : —

The next table shows the number of members of friendly societies, the amount of their accumulated capital, and the average capital per member, in each of the Australian States and in the Dominion of New Zealand, according to the latest received statistics, arranged in order of membership:—

The average capital per member lias been steadily increasing of late, but, though satisfactory from oertain standpoints, this can hardly bo regarded as a healthy sign- -the increase being contemporaneous with the general drop in membership.

* The word "lodge," when applied to all societies, is to be understood as embracing the synonymous terms " court," " tent," <fcc, as used in the various orders.

1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 Year. Number of Lodges tabulated. 516 505 567 009 658 664 081 717 728 727 Number of Membors. 56,817 58,517 64,428 68,000 71,771 73,243 73,601 74,074 73,027 70,360 Total Funds. e 1,118,217 1,123,886 1,260,297 1,307,282 1,441,353 1,553,3311 1,043,177 1,744,456 1,852,855 1,954,910 Average Capital. ii s. d. 19 18 7 19 i 1 19 18 1 20 2 1 20 1 8 21 4 2 22 0 0 23 11 0 25 7 1 27 15 8

Funds. Assets. Sick and Funeral Funds Surplus Appropriation Funds, &c. .. Management Funds, goods, &c. Widow and Orphans' Funds Distress, Benovolent Funds, &c. £ .. 1,727,583 55,052 01,005 15,235 65,405 investments at, interest Value of land and buildings Cash not bearing interest.. Valuo of goods Other assets Owing by Management Fund Total £ .. 1,051,856 199,417 61,622 14,119 24,971 2,955 .. £1,954,940 Total .. .. £1,954,940 I

State or Dominion. Date of Return. I Date of Return. Number of Lodges. Number of Members. Amount of Funds. Capital per Member. i New South Wales .. Victoria New Zealand South Australia Queensland Tasmania.. Western Australia .. .. 31st December, 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1915 1,880 1,533 728 574 563 207 291 178,705 157,750 73,027 65,801 52,082 22,881 19,339 £ 1,870,827 2,775,787 1,852,355 1,220,090 797,969 247,420 251,741 £ s. d. 10 10 1 17 11 11 25 7 4 18 12 8 15 0 5 10 10 3 13 0 4



Sickness. The number of members sick during 1916 was 10,947, equal to 15-38 per 100 members at risk. The sickness experienced during 1916 was 1.1.6,468 weeks, equal to 10 week's 4 days per sick member, and 1 week 4 days for each member at risk. Mortality. The following statement of average mortality experienced during the years 1912-16 is given herewith, but it takes no account of age incidence: —

The striking rise in the average death rates is an indication of the effects of the war on societies. Sich and Funeral Funds. The contributions and entrance fees paid to Sick and Funeral Funds in 1916 amounted to £108,661. Divided by the mean number of members the average was £1 10s. 4d., as compared with £1 10s. 7d. in 1.915. The interest and rent received by the lodges and central bodies amounted to £82,1f lin 1916, equal to £1 2s. lid. per member, as against £1 Is. 6d. for .191.5. The amount of sickness benefit paid was £75,677 in 1916, equal to £6 18s. ,3d. per member sick, and. £1 Is. Id. per member, as against £6 9s. Id. and £1 os. 9d. respectively for 1915. Viewing the amount paid in relation to the weeks of sickness, the average benefit per week is found to be 13s. in 1916, as compared with 13s. 6d. in 1915. The funeral benefit paid amounted to £26,855 in 1916, equal to 7s. 6d. per member, as compared with ss. 4d. for 1915. The total worth of the Sick and Funeral Funds of 727 lodges at the beginning of 191.6 was £1,641,969, and at the end of the year £1,727,583. The balance of gain for the year was £85,61.4, or £1 3s. lid. per member in 1916, as compared with £94,542 or £1 ss. Bd. in 1915. Investment of Funds. The net income from investments credited to the Sick and Funeral Funds for 1916 amounted to £82,141, the average rate being £5 per cent, as against £5 2s. in 1915. Table showing the Total Worth of the Sick and Funeral Funds of 727 Lodges as on the Ist January 1916, and the 31st december, 19.16, inclusive oi'- the accumulations held by the central bodies, also the Amount and Average Kate of Interest earned.

Trade-unions. One trade-union was registered during the year-—viz., The New Zealand Workers' Union, Wellington. The following registrations were cancelled : By request —The New Plymouth Waterside Workers' Union ; The Oamaru Waterside Workers' Union. •There were 31 unions on the register at the end of the year.

Mei ibers. Wi res. Year. Number who died. Number per 1,000 Members at Risk. Number who died. Number per 1,000 Members at Risk. 1912 1918 1914 1915 1916 471 523 506 767 077 0-80 7-38 7-02 10-03 13-08 24.1 158 238 240 232 3'48 2-23 3'30 3-33 3-26

Total Worth of Sick and Funeral Fund as on Name of Society. Average Rate per Cent. of Interest. January 1,1916. Deoembor 31,19: December 81,1916. M.U.I.O.O.F. I.O.O.F. .. N.I.O.O.F. .. B.U.O.O.F... A.O.F. A.O.S. U.A.O.D. .. I.O.R. S.D.T. H.A.C.B.S. .. P.A.F.S.A. .. Other societies £ £ 703,385 735,791 104,541 111,938 5,181 5,228 3,327 3,489 390,309 407,090 1,191 1,200 247,323 268,332 79,558 84,107 21,388 22,349 33,028 35,361 22,995 24,553 29,143 28,145 £ 735,791 111,938 5,228 3,489 407,090 1,200 268,332 84,107 22,349 35,361 24,553 28,145 £ 35,577 5,011 183 157 19,130 00 12,962 4,050 1,111 1,240 1,294 1,360 £ 5-07 4-74 3-58 4-72 4-92 5-68 5-10 5-07 5-21 3-66 5-60 4-86 Totals .. 1,041,969 1,727,583 82,141 5-00



Incorporated Societies Act. During 1916 there were 68 societies, clubs, or associations incorporated under this Act, and amendments of rules of 41 societies were accepted. One society was wound up and 30 dissolved. On the 31st December, 1916, there were. 1,051 incorporated bodies on the register. A classification of these societies gives : 426 sports clubs ; 281 automobile, social, and musical clubs ; 178 professional commercial, industrial, &c. ; 79 public-hall societies ; and 87 miscellaneous. EXPLANATORY NOTE OF TERMS USED IN REPORT. A.0.F... .. .. .. .. Ancient Order of Foresters. A.O.S. .. .. .. .. Ancient Order of Shepherds. 8.U.0.0.F. .. .. .. .. British United Order of Odd Fellows. E.T.B.F.S. .. .. .. .. Eden Temperance Benefit Friendly Society. H.A.C.B.S. .. .. .. .. Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. I.F.S. .. .. .. .. .. Isolated friendly society. 1.0.G.T. .. .. .. .. Independent Order of Good Templars. 1.0.0.F. .. .. .. .. Independent Order of Odd Follows. 1.0.R. .. .. .. .. Independent Order of Reohabites. M.U.1.0.0.F. . . .. .. .. Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows. N.1.0.0.F. .. .. .. .. National Independent Order of Odd Follows. P.A.F.S.A. .. . . .. .. Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia. S.A.S. .. .. . . . . Specially authorized society. S.D.T. .. .. .. .. Sons and Daughters of Temperance. U.A.O.D. .. .. .. .. United Ancient Order of Druids. W.M.C. .. .. .. .. Working-men's Club. REPOBT BY THE ACTUARY. To the Registrar. 27th June, 1917. The completion of valuations during the year has been affected by general staff disabilities connected with the war. Appendix IX contains particulars of those completed. Regarding these no special comment is required beyond noting the fact that one of them —J1.0.R., N.Z. District (Auckland) — is a consolidated society, and its position on valuation is very satisfactory. As I pointed out last year, no allowance is made in the valuations for the prospective effect of the war on the societies' liabilities, and the valuations are therefore subject to a reservation. Though the demands upon the funds of the soc'elies may continue for a very long t'me after the war, yet the source of the difficulty disappear, when once the war is finished. The strain being consequently of finite dimensions will naturally tend to become dwarfed in comparison with the continuous future. One of the problems for solution at the close of the war involves the determination of the stress; the extent (varying with different societies), to which the call for immediate measures is insistent; and the question how far the burden may, where practicable, be left to distribute itself over the future. The effect of the war on the societies will of course depend largely upon the eventual proportion of members engaged. Many of the societies could deal unaided with the strain up to a given point. For instance, in a growing society a final war membership of, say, 15 per cent, might, by the continual accession of new members, rapidly fall to a lower and perhaps negligible percentage. Should the whole of the Second Division have to be called up, however, the proportion of members enrolled might be very high, and if the strain took an acute instead of a gradual form the immediate effect on the finances might be very marked. A. T. Traversi, Actuary.



APPENDIX I. List of Registered Societies, with their Registered Branches, as on 31st December, 1916 I. Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Reg. No. ReR. No. 312. New Zealand Branch, Wellington. 5. (32.) Pukekohe Lodge, Pukekohe. 1. Wellington District —Wellington. (33.) Matamata Lodge, Matamata. (1.) Combination Lodge, Johnsonville. (34.) Te Kuiti Lodge, Te Kuiti. (2.) Masterton Lodge, Masterton. (35.) Morrinsville Lodge, Morrinsville. (3.) Heart of Oak Lodge, Carterton. (36.) Ngaruawahia Lodge, Ngaruawahia. (4.) Greytown Lodge, Greytown. (37.) Mamaku Lodge, Mamaku. . (5.) Unity Lodge, Featherston. (40.) Mangapai Lodge, Mangapai. (6.) St. Georgo Lodge, Pahautanui. (41.) Dominion Lodge, Mount Eden. (8.) Petono Lodge, Petone. (42.) Selwyn Lodge, Putaruru. (10.) Rose of Sharon Lodge, Upper Hutt. (43.) Ponsonby Lodge, Auckland. (11.) Britannia Lodge, Wellington (44.) Waitoa Lodge, Waitoa. (12.) Antipodean Lodge, Wellington. (45.) Te Puke Lodge, Te Puke. (13.) Eketahuna Lodge, Eketahuna. (46.) Patutahi Lodge, Patutahi. (14.) Martinborough Lodge, Martinborough. (47.) Rernuera Ijodge, Remuera. (15.) Rose of the Valley Lodge, Hutt. (48.) Calliope Lodge, Devonport. (IG.) Mangatainoka Lodge, Mangatainoka. (49.) Hearts of Oak Lodge, Taumarunui. (17.) Newtown Lodge, Newtown. (18.) Victoria Diamond Lodge, Levin. f; _ Ashburton District-Ashbmton. .i. 9 A I 1 !" Walhs Lodge Wellington. (]) Ashburton Lod Ashburton. (20.) Kilb.rn.e Lodge, Kilbirme. 2 pioneer Loa g ei e Springburn . (3.) Waterton Lodge, Waterton. 2. Ashley District— Rangiora. (5-) Tinwald Lodge, Tinwald. (1.) Leithfield Lodge, Loithfield. . (6.) Methven Lodge, Methven. (2.) Cust Lodge, Oust. (7.) Mayfield Lodge, Mayfield. (3.) Woodond Lodge, Woodend. (8.) Hinds Lodge, Hmds. (4.) Ohoka Lodge, Oboka. (9-) Rakaia Lodge, Rakaia. (5.) Oxford Lodge, Oxford. (6.) Amberley Lodge, Amberley. 7. Motueka District —Motueka. (8.) Waikari Lodge, Waikari. (1.) Motueka Lodge, Motueka. (9.) Rangiora Lodge, Rangiora. (2.) Good Intention Lodge, Riwaka. (10.) Nil Desporandum Lodge, East Oxford. (3.) Takaka Lodge, Takaka. (12.) Waiau Lodge, Waiau. (4.) South Star Lodge, Dovedale. 3. Nelson District —Nelson. 8. Neil) Plymouth District —New Plymouth. (1.) Howard Lodge, Nelson. (1.) Excelsior Lodge, New Plymouth. (2.) General Cameron Lodge, Brightwater. (2.) W'aitara Lodge, Waitara. (4.) Mansion of Peace Lodge, Wakefield. (3.) Union Lodge, Hawera. (5.) Travellers' Rest Lodge, Richmond. (4.) Egmont Lodge, New Plymouth. (6.) Nelson Lodge, Nelson. (5.) Manaia Lodge, Manaia. (7.) Mataki Lodge, Murchison. (6.) Bltham Lodge, Rltham. (8.) Palmyra Lodge. Tadmor. (7.) Midlnrst Lodge, Midhirst. * ' • (8.) Stratford Lodge, Stratford. (9.) Toko Lodge, Toko. 4. Hawke's Bay District— Napier. (10.) Opunake Lodge, Te Kiri. (1.) Meeanee Lodge, Taradale. (It.) Kaponga Lodge, Kaponga. (2.) Abbotsford Lodge, Waipawa. (8.) Clive Lodge, Clive. ~, ... . _.. . . „, ii { u .- t a„„ tj«,(;„„„ 10- Wanganui District —Wanganui. (4.) Hastings Lodge, Hastings. ~ . ■', T , „<? . T . 6. Tavistock Lodge, Waipukurau. J- Manawatu Lodge, Palmerston North. 7. Woodville Lodge Woodville. »• Manchester Lodge, Feildmg. 8 Nanier Lodße Harrier < 4 ') A P lfcl IjotlKe ' A P ItK I] For P eBtHom g eLodl OrmondviUe. »• R-gitikei Lodge Mangaweka. ~I. ( -i r -.j-J T\ ,; 1 J.) Hautapu Lodge, Ta.hape. (10.) Dannevirke Lodge, Dannevirke. )„! *. r -, T . r ~ 19 Ruahine Lodee Tikokino < 7 ' Bunnythorpe Lodge, Bunnythorpe. ,3 Te Re nk Lodge Clyde < 9 '> Wanganui Lodge, Wanganui. (Id.) le Itemga .uoagc, uiyae. Q . Hunterville Lo(lge] Hunterville (11.) Foxton Lodge, Foxton. 5. Auckland District —Auckland. (12.) Kimbolton Lodge, Kimbolton. (1.) Howick Lodge, Howick. (13.) Ohakune Lodge. Ohakune. (2.) Charles Bruco Lodge, Thames. (14 ) Raetihi Lodge, Raetihi. (3.) Good Intent Lodge, Auckland. (4.) Waikato Lodge, Thames. . . . 5. Gisborne Lodge, Gisborne. 1 ' • North Canterbury Dtstnct-Ohnstohuxoh. 6. Whangarei Lodge, Whangarei. V Volunteer Lodge Sydenham. 7. Franklin Lodge? Otahuhu. 2. Perseverance Lodge Woolston 9. Parnell Lodge, Parnell. (*• Benevolent Lodge, Christchureh. (14. Warkworth Pioneer Lodge, Warkworth. (8- Kaiapoi Lodge, Kaiapoi 16. Duke of Cambridge Lodge, Cambridge. ,(9- Pbillipstown Lodge, Philhpstown. 17. Hauraki Lodge, Coromandel. ">■ Leeston Lodge, Leeston. 18. Hokianga Lodge, Hokianga. Jl-) Lodge, Papanui. 19. Karangahake Lodge, Karangahake. }2. Coleridge Lodge, Coleridge. 20. Waihi Lodge, Waihi. }*• Add,n S to " Lodge, Aldington. 21. Jubilee Lodge, Paeroa. "• Lodge Waddington 22. Manukau Lodge, Onehunga. 20. oi Glinstchurch Lodge, 23. Rotorua Lodgt, Rotorua. 21. Heart of Oak Lodge, Kaikoura. 24. Waitekauri and Golden Cross Lodge, Waite- 22 Riccarton Lodge, Papanu.. ' jj aur i (28.) Jubiloo Lodge, Probbleton. (25.) Waipu Lodge, Waipu. fy\ st . er Pearoe Lodge, Christchureh. (27.) Hot Springs Lodge, Te Aroha. < 2G ') Waimain Lodge, Papanu,. (28.) Te Awamutu Lodge, Te Awamutu. 29.) Hamilton Lodge, Hamilton. 12. Marlborough District —Blenheim. (30.) Hikurangi Lodge, Hikurangi. (1.) Marlborough Lodge, Blenheim. (31.) Hand of Friendship Lodge, Huntly. (2.) Renwick Lodge, Renwicktown.



List op Registered Societies, etc. — continued. I. Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows— continued. Reg. No. Reg. No. 312-13. United Westland District —Reefton. 23. 14. Hand and Heart Lodge, Dunedin. (1.) Reefton Lodge, Reefton. 15. Oamaru Lodge, Oamaru. (2.) Westport Lodge, Westport. 16. Band of Friendship Lodge, Kakanui. (3.) Charleston Lodge, Charleston. 17. Tuapeka Pioneer Lodge, Lawrence. (5.) Denniston Lodge, Denniston. 18. Waitahuna Lodge, Waitahuna. (6.) Blackball Lodge, Blackball. 19. Bluespur Lodge, Bluespur. (7.) Ngakawau Lodge, Granity. 20. Mosgiel Lodge, Mosgiel. (9.) Albert Lodgo, Kumara. 21. Mount Wondon Lodgo, Waikaia. (10.) Waimea Lodge, Stafford. 22. Caversham Lodge, Caversham. (11.) Greymouth Lodge, Greymouth. 23. Valley Lodgo, North-oast Valley. 24. Naseby Lodgo, Naseby. 5. Lyttelton District-LyttMon. 25. Ngapara Lodge, Ngapara 2 Hand of Friendship Lodge, Okain's Bay. 26. Dunback.Lodge, Dunback. 4. Good Intent Lodge, Akaroa. 27. Pride of Ka.tangata Lodge, Kaitangata. 5. Perseverance Lodge, Barry's Bay. 28. Milton Lodge, Milton. 6. City of Norwich Lodge, Lyttelton. 29. United Brothers Lodge, Cambrian. 7. Hand and Heart Lodge, Pigeon Bay. 30. Waikaka Lodge, Wa.kaka 10. Wairewa Lodge, Little Rivtr. 31. Middlemarch Lodge, Middlemarch. b 32. Centenary Lodgo, South Dunedin. 33. Maniototo Lodge, Ranfurly. 315. South Canterbury District -Timaru. 34. Vinoent Lodge, Omakau. 1. Timaru Lodge, Timaru. 2. Pleasant Point Lodge, Pleasant Point, 64. Southland District— lnvercargiU. 3. Heart of Friendship Lodge, Waimate. 1. Shamrock,, and Thistle Lodge, Inver. 4. Makikihi Lodgo, Makikihi. cargill. 5. Morven Lodge, Morven. 2. St. George Lodge, InvercargiU. 3. Lumsden Lodge, Lumsden. 23. Otago District —Dunedin. 4. Winton Lodge, Winton. 1. Outram Lodgo, Outram. 5. United Gore Lodge, Gore. 2. Albion Lodgo, Dunedin. 6. Awarua Lodge, Campbelltown 3. Alexandra Lodge, Port Molynoux. 8. Riversdale Lodge, Riversdale. 4. Prince of Wales Lodgo, Port Chalmers. 9. Mataura Falls Lodge, Mataura. 5. Tapanui Lodge, Tapanui. 10. Star of the West Lodge, Orepuki. 6. Roxburgh Lodge, Roxburgh. 11. Star of Nightcaps Lodge, Nightcaps. 7. Prince Alfred Lodge, Waikouaiti. 12. Hearts of Oak Lodge, InvercargiU. 8. Dunedin Lodge, Dunedin. 13. Balfour Lodgo, Balfour. 9. Waipori Lodge, Waipori. 14. Otautau Lodge, Otautau. 10. Palmerston Lodge, Palmerston South. 15. Star of Kdondale Lodge, Edendale. 11. Dalton Lodge, Balclutha. 16. Quoen of the West Lodge, Wallacetown. 13. Cromwell Lodgo, Cromwell. 17. Dipton Lodge, Dipton. 11. Independent Order of Odd Fellows of New Zealand. 146. Grand Lodge of New Zealand —Dunedin. 146. 75. Excelsior Lodge, Pukekohe. 1. Pioneer Lodge, Dunedin. 76. Star of Kaikohe Lodge, Kaikohe. 2. Star of Canterbury Lodge, Timaru. 77. Royal Pukerau Lodge, Pukerau. 4. Alexandrovna Lodge, Temuka. 78. Star of Hokianga Lodge, Kohukohu. 5. Unity Lodge, South Dunedin. 79. Star of Avondale Lodge, Avondale. 8. Southern Cross Lodge, Wellington. 80. Star of Waikato Lodge, Hamilton. 12. Alfred Lodge, Oamaru. 81. Ruth Robekah Lodge, Dunedin. 15. Pioneer of Southland Lodgo, Invorcargill. 82. Moana Bebekah Lodge, Riverton. 16. Leith Lodge, Dunedin. 83. Miriam Robekah Lodge, South Dunedin, 17. Star of Auckland Lodge, Auckland, 84. Golden Link Robekah Lodge, Linwood. 19. Victoria Lodge, Geraldine. 85. Lily of Sydenham Rebekah Lodge, Sydenham. 20. Templeton Lodgo, Templeton. 87. Te Ara Rebekah Lodge, Otautau. 21. Alma Lodge, Wyndham. 88. Takiara Robekah Lodge, Inveroargill. 22. Ridgley Lodgo, Christchureh. 89. Rakaia Lodge, Rakaia. 23. Wallace Lodge, Riverton. 90. St. Kilda Lodge, Dunedin. 25. Gladstono Lodge, Fairlie Creek. 91. Maori Hill Lodge, Maori Hill. 26. Mataara Lodgo, Mataura. 92. Star of Papakura Lodge, Papakura. 27. Kawakawa Lodge, Kawakawa. 93. Loyal Waimato Lodge, Waimate. 28. Orieni Lodge, Palmerston North. 94. Pride of Taumarunui Lodge, Taumarunui. 29. Kaeo Lodge, Kaeo. 95. Star of Bombay Lodge, Bombay, Auckland 31. Washington Lodgo, Addington. 96. Karamu Lodge, Hastings. 32. Linden Lodge, Kaikorai. 98. Pyramid Lodge, Wanganui. 37. Popotunoa Lodge, Clinton. 99. Marama Lodge, Morton Mains. 39. Hope of Maheno Lodgo, Maheno. 100. Star of Whangaroi Lodge, Whangarei, 44. Waiareka Lodge, Enfield. 101. Chortsey Lodgo, Chortsey. 46. Rangitikei Lodge, Bull's. 102. Kia Ora Lodge, Dannevirke. 47. Star of Eden Lodge, Ponsonby. 103. Star of Bluff Lodge, Bluff. 49. Northern Wairoa Lodge, Newport. 104. Arawa Lodge, Cambridge. 50. Myrtle Rebekah Lodge, Auckland. 105. Star of Waikiwi Lodge, Waikiwi. 51. Aparima Lodge, Otautau. 10G. Epsom Lodge, Epsom. 52. Linda Rebekah Lodge, Roslyn. 107. Awarua Lodge, Taihape. 54. Wynyard Lodgo, Auokland. 108. Hokonui Lodge, Goro. 55. Opotiki Lodge, Opotiki. 109. Kiwitea Lodge, Feilding. 56. Naomi Rebekah Lodge, Ohrißtchurch. 110. Tois Tois Lodge, Waimahaka. 57. Star of Waiuku Lodge, Waiuku. 111. Waipoua Lodgo, Masterton. 58. Owaka Lodge, Owaka. 112. Lily of Eden Robekah Lodge, Ponsonby. 59. Star of Gisborne Lodge, Gisborne. 113. Paritutu Lodgo, New Plymouth. 60. Te Ngawai Lodge, Albury. 114. Oroti Lodge, Wallacetown. 61. Star of Napier Lodge, Napier. 115. Clutha Lodgo, Balclutha. 62. Hereweka Lodgo, Portobello. 116. Star of Egmont Lodge, Eltham. 63. Star of Linwood Lodge, Linwood. 117. Aroha Lodge, South InvercargiU. 64! Royal Oak Lodge, Drummond. 118. Star of Elleralie Lodge, Ellerslie. 65! Awhina Lodge, Mamaku. 119. Konnington Lodge, Kennington. 66. Hakatere Lodge, Ashburton. 120. Poutou Lodgo, Whangamomona. 67! Star of Sydenham Lodge, Sydenham. 121. Star of Molrose Lodge, Devonport. 68! Waiau Lodge, Clifden. 122. Cleveland Lodgo, Brooklyn. 69. Star of St. Albans Lodge, St. Albans. 123. Star of Opawa Lodge, Opawa. 70'. Aroatea Lodge, Birkenhead. 124. Victoria Hebekah Lodge, Wellington. 71. Wairoa Lodge, Wairoa. 125. Huia Lodge, Hawora. 72. Zealandia Lodge, Wellington. 126. Sunshine Rebekah Lodge, Timaru. 73. Clevedon Lodge, Clevedon. 127. Star of Opunako Lodge, Opunuke. 74' star of Papakaio Lodge, Papakaio. 128. Pioneer of Motu Lodge, Motu.

2—H. 1.



List of Registered Societies, etc. — continued. 111. National Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Reg No. Reg. No. 160. Auckland Provincial District —Auckland. I 160, 2. United Brothers Lodge, Mount Eden. 1. Auckland Pioneer Lodge, Auckland. IV. British United Order of Odd Fellows. Reg. No. 311. Aorangi Lodge, Wellington. y. Ancient Order of Foresters. 356 The Ancient Order of Foresters of New Zealand 144. 27. Court Makakahi, Eketahuna. Friendly Society —Auckland. 28. „ Lady Glasgow, Wellington. 17. Auckland District— Auckland. 29. „ Primrose, Petone. 3. Court Zealandia, Auckland. 31. ~ Star of Levin, Levin. 4. „ Robin Hood, Panmuro. 33. „ Pride of Foxton, Foxton. 5. „ Nil Desperandum, Newton. 30. , Pongaroa, Pongaroa. 6. „ Royal Oak, Tauranga. 36. , Alexandra, Marton. 7. „ Pride of Onehunga, Onehunga. 37. „ Loyal Northland, Northland. 8. „ Pride of the North, Grahamstown. 38. „ Sir George Grey, Wellington. '9. ~ Star of the South, Otahuhu. i0 - » Rangataua, Rangataua. 10. „ Pride of Nowmarket, Auckland. 11. „ Northern Wairoa, Dargaville. 4- Nelson District— Nelson. 13. „ Star of Helensville, Helensville. L Court Prido of the Forest, Wakapuaka 14. „ Victoria, Devonport. 2. „ Concord, Greymouth. 15. „ Queen of the North, Maungaturoto, 3. ~ Sherwood Forest, Stoke. 18. „ Maid Marion, Auckland. 4- „ Robin Hood, Nelson. 19. „ Waihi, Waihi. 5. „ Aorere, Collingwood. 23. „ Birkenhead, Birkenhead. G. „ Inangahua, Reefton. 24. „ Pride of Awanui, Awanui. 7. „ Unity, Havelock. 26. „ Taumarunui, Taumarunui. 8. „ Perseverance, Motueka. 27. „ Shaldriek, Onehunga. 9. ~ Charleston, Charleston. 28. ~ Alexandra, Devonport. 10. „ Royal Oak, Westport. 30. „ Unity, Paparoa. 11- -. Karamea, Karamea. 32. „ Pride of Waikato, Hamilton. 33. „ Te Puke, Te Puke. 28. Canterbury United District— Christchuroh. 34. . Takapuna, Titkapuna. 1. Court Pride of Courtenay, Courtenay. 150. Hawke's Bay District— Napier. 2. „ Thistle of the Forest, Sydenham. 1. Court Sir Charlos Napier, Napier.* 4. „ Woodford, Kaiapoi. 2. „ Captain Cook, Napier. 8. ~ Papanui, Papanui. 3. „ Sir Henry Havelock, Havelock.' 9. ,- Ashburton, Ashburton. 4. „ Robin Hood, Port Almriri. 10. „ Star of Dunsandol, Dunsandel. 5. „ Ruahine, Waipukurau. 11- » Star of Belfast, Bolfast. 6. „ Lord Clyde, Wairoa. 13. ~ Queen of Canterbury, Christchureh. 7. „ Horotaunga, Hastings.* 14. „ Victoria, Kaiapoi. 8. „ Little John, Waipawa. 15. „ Star of Canterbury, Christchureh. 9. , Ormond, Makotuku. 16. „ Loburn, Loburn. 10. „ Rising Sun, Dannevirke. 17. „ Star of Rakaia, Rakaia. 11. „ Waitangi, West Olive. 18. „ Queen of the Isles, Lyttelton. 12. „ Redclyfie, Taradale. 14. „ Viking, Norsewood. 252. South Canterbury District— Timaru. 15. „ Johnston, Takapau. 1. Court Southern Cross, Timaru. * Under oxpulsion by district, but position undetermined. 2 Progress St Andrew's 216. Taranaki District —New Plymouth. 3. ~ Star of Waihao, Morven. 1. Court Taranaki, Now Plymouth. 4. „ Foresters' Pride, Waimate. 2. „ Inglewood Forest, Inglowood. 3. „ Raleigh, Waitara. 10. United Otago District— Dunedin. 4. „ Egmont, Hawera. 3. Court Pride of Oamaru, Oamaru. 5. „ Patea, Patea. 5. „ Robin Hood, Port Chalmers. 6. „ Stratford, Stratford. 7. „ Roxburgh, Roxburgh. 7. ~ Pride of New Plymouth, New Plymouth. 8. „ St. Andrew's, Caversham. 8. „ Opunake, Opunake. 11. „ Pride of Alexandra, Alexandra. 9. „ Waireka, New Plymouth. 12. „ Bruce, Milton. 10. „ Lady Islington, Stratford. 14. „ Excelsior, Morningfcon. 11. „ Pride of Eltham, Eltham. 15. „ Pride of the Leith, Dunedin. 144. Wellington District— Wellington. 17. ~ Star of tho South, InvercargiU. 1. Court Robin Hood, Wellington. 18. „ Star of the Dunstan, Clyde. 2. „ Sir George Bowen, Wellington. 19. „ Little John, Roslyn. 4. ~ Clarendon, Picton. 20. ~ Royal Oak, Wyndham. 5. . Manawatu, Palmerston North. 21. „ Southern Star, Bluff. 6. . Loyal Feilding, Feilding. 22. „ Woodlands' Pride, Dunedin. 7. . William Gladstono, Gisborne. 23. „ Queen of the South, InvercargiU. 8. „ Pioneer, To Nui. 24. „ Star of the Forest, Woodlands. 9. „ Roderick Dhu, Wanganui. 25. „ Marion, Mosgiel. 10. „ Blenheim, Blonheim. 26. „ Victoria, Oamaru. 11. „ Loyal Enterprise, Masterton. 28. „ Pride of Waitaki, Kurow. 12. „ Marquis of Normanby, Carterton. 29. „ Pride of Green Island, Green Island. 13. „ Little John, Marton. 30. „ King Edward's Pride, South Dunedin 14. „ Wairarapa, Greytown. . 31. „ Star of Horiot, Heriot. 16. „ Woodvillo, Woodville. 32. „ Molyneux, Balclutha. 17. „ Loyal Haloombe, Halcombe. 33. „ Southern, InvercargiU. 18. „ Poliangina, Ashhurst. 34. „ Pride of Edendale, Edendale. 19. ~ Epuni, Potone. 20. „ Pahiatua, Pahiatua. Courts not in any District. 21. „ Kopuaranga, Maurioeville. 88. Court Coromandel, Coromandel. 22. „ Hunterville, Hunterville. 340. „ City of Auckland, Auckland. 23. „ Sir William Jcrvois, Newtown. 342. „ Pride of Parnell, Thames. 24. „ Pride of Levin, Levin. 344. „ Pride of Dunedin, Dunedin. 25. „ Bloomfield, Hutt. 350. „ Enterprise, Dunedin,


List op Registered Societies, etc. — continued. VI. Ancient Order of Shepherds. Reg. No. 11. Sanctuary Sir George Grey—Wellington. VII. United Ancient Order of Druids. Ueg. No. Keg. No. 296. Grand Lodge of North Island of New Zealand — 296. 78. Mackay Lodge, Taihapo. Wellington. 79. Light of Manukau Lodge, Onehunga, 1. Oroua Lodge, Palmerston North. 80. Star of Rodnoy Lodge, Warkworth. 3. Horowhenua Lodge, Levin. 81- R°*]"» Lodge, Auckland i ni i■ t j r\k iT; 82. Te Awha Lodge, Mangawhare. 4. Otaki Lodge, Otaki. oo l> . T j t> . „ „ t , °' , ~ . . 83. Rotorua Lodge, Rotorua. 0. Stonehenge Lodge, Masterton. Sfc . u , Q . Albort | and L , )(3gej Porfc Albert . 6. Bishop Lodge, Wanganui. 85 _ p ride o£ Te Kujti Lo dge, Te Kuiti. 7. Turanganui Lodgo, Gisborne. 86. Pride of To Awamutu Lodge, To Awamutu. 8. Auckland Lodge, Auckland. 87. Royal Oak Lodge, Northcote. 9. Pacific Lodge, Wellington. 88. Star of Piako Lodge, Morrinsville. 10. Blonheim Mistletoo Lodge, Blenheim. 89. Ruataniwha Lodge, Waipawa. 11. Totara Lodge, Carterton. 90. Murchison Lodge, Murchison. 12. Star of Egmont Lodge, Patea. 91. Manaia Lodge, Manaia. 13. Morgan Lodgo, Marton. 92. Westland Lodge, Hokitika. 14. Holly Lodge, Jolmsonville. 93. Collingwood Lodge, Oollingwood. 15. Hawera Lodge, Hawera. 94. Lind Ledge, Tokomaru. 16. Star of Paeroa Lodge, Paeroa. 18. Moturoa Lodge, Now Plymouth. 281. Grand Lodge of Canterbury District, New Zealand. 19. Ponoke Lodge, Petone. —Christchureh. 20. Ponsonby Lodge, Auckland. 1. Pioneer Lodge, Cbristohurch. 21. Pride of Waihi Lodge, Waihi. 2. Hope of St. Albans Lodge, St. Albans. 22. Victoria Lodge, Waikino. 3. Mistletoe Lodge, Christchureh. 23. Manakau Lodge, Manakau. 4. Ethelbort Lodge, Springston. 24. Pahiatua Lodge, Pahiatua. 5. Lyttelton Hearts of Oak Lodge, Lyttelton, 25. Coronation Lodgo, Wellington. 6.' Star of Anglesea Lodgo, Lincoln. 26. Alexandra Lodge, Karangahake. 7. Perseveranco Lodge, Sydenham. 27. Ruahino Lodge, Dannevirke. 8. Hope of Amberley Lodgo, Amberley. 28. Shannon Lodgo, Shannon. 9. Anchor Lodge, Woolston. 29. Eltham Lodge, Eltham. 10. Ohoka Lodgo, Ohoka. 30. Mungaroa Lodge, Upper Hutt. 11. Timaru Lodge, Timaru. 31. Inglewood Lodge, Inglewood. 12. Ivy of Linwood Lodge, Christchureh. 32. Myrtle Lodge, Eketahuna. 13. Trafalgar Lodge, Kaiapoi. 33. Exoelsior Lodge, Wellington. 14. Star of Ashburton Lodge, Ashburton. 34. Maitai Lodge, Nelson. 15. Oak of Sydenham Lodge, Sydenham. 35. Star of the West Lodge, Greymouth. 16. Old Oak Lodge, Southbridgo. 36. Star of Newmarket Lodge, Auokland. 17. Ellesmoro Lodge, Doyloston. 37. Whangarei Lodge, Whangarei. 18. Olive Branch Lodgo, Hornby. 39. Seddon Lodge, Dunoilie. 20. Lily of Richmond Lodge, Richmond. 40. Trafalgar Lodge, Wakefield. 21. Ivy Lodge, Waimate. 41. Shedwood Lodge, Motupiko. 22. Suoooss of Ashburton Lodge, Ashburton. 42. Star of New Zealand Lodgo, Hutt. 23. Bud of Hope Lodge, Rangiora. 43. Reefton Lodge, Reefton. 24. Queen of the Oak Lodge, Sydenham.. - 44. Eden Lodge, Auckland. 45. Millerton Lodge, Millerton. 298. Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland District, 46. Buller Lodge, Westport. Neio Zealand —Dunedin. 47. Devonport Lodge, Devonport. 1. Otago Lodgo, Dunedin. 48. Te Aroha Lodgo, Te Aroha. 2. Enterprise Lodgo, South Dunedin. 49. Waitemata Lodge, Auckland. 3. Royal Oak Lodge, Cavorsham. 50. Takaka Lodge, Takaka. 4. Acorn Lodge, InvercargiU. 51. Fern Leaf Lodgo, Greytown. 5. Linden Lodge, Roslyn. 52. Makino Lodge, Feilding. 6. West Harbour Lodge, Rothesay, Dunedin. 53. Okato Lodge, Okato. 7. Endeavour Lodge, Oamaru. 54. Stratford Lodge, Stratford. 8. Good Intent Lodge, Mosgiel. 55. Pride of Brooklyn Lodge, Brooklyn. 9. Roso of Palmerston Lodge, Palmerston S. 56. Blackball Lodge, Blackball. 10. Gore Lodge, Goro. 57. Naumai Lodge, Motueka. 11. Oraka Lodge, Colao Bay. 59. Island Bay Lodge, Island Bay. 12. Lily of the Valley Lodge, Dunedin. 60. Denniston Lodge, Denniston. 13. St. Patrick's Lodge, Waikouaiti. 61. Aramoho Lodge, Aramoho. 14. Pride of Mornington Lodge, Mornington. 62. Grey Lynn Lodge, Grey Lynn. 15. Star of Tuapeka Lodge, Lawrence. 64. Pride of Hamilton Lodge, Hamilton 16. Star of Duntroon Lodge, Duntroon. 65. Eureka Lodge, Hastings. 17. Ivanhoe Lodge, Dunedin. 66. Melrose Lodge, Kilbirnio. 18. Bay Lodgo, Dunedin. 67. Brunner Lodge, Brunnerton. 19. Hampden Lodge, Hampden. 69. Albion Lodge, Napier. 20. Alexandra Lodge, Alexandra South. 70. Karamea Lodge, Karamea. 21. Southern Oak Lodge, South Inveroargill. 71. Dominion Lodge, Thames. 22. Oak of Waikiwi Lodge, Waikiwi. 72. Pride of the West Lodge, Kumara. 23. Star of Thoi.ibury Lodge, Thornbury. 73. Manawatu Lodge, Foxton. 24. All Nations Lodge, Port Chalmers. 74. Clifton Lodge, Waitara. 77. Wairoa Lodge, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay. 301. Lady Ranfurly Lodge—Wollington. VIII. Independent Order of Rechabites. 190. New Zealand District—Auckland. 190. 10. Whangaroa Tent, Whangaroa. 1. Hope of Auckland Tent, Auokland. 11. Advance Tent, Waihi. 3. Northern Star Tent, Aratapu. 12. Mahurangi Homeguard Tont, Warkworth. 4. Star of Hauraki Tont, Thames. 13. Hope of Eden Tent, Mount Eden. 6. Gordon Tent, Onehunga. 15. Hope of Frankton Tent, Fraukton Junction.



List op Registered Societies, etc. — continued. VIII. Independent Order of Rechabites — continued. Keg. No. Reg. No, 190. New Zealand District —Auckland— continued. 110, 43. Brightwater Tent, Brightwater. 16. Rosebud Tent, Huntly. 44. Lily of the South Tent, InvercargiU. 17. Hope of Hamilton Tent, Hamilton. 45. Wai Aroha Tent, Stratford. 18. Star of Cambridgo Tont, Cambridge. 46. Moa Tent, Inglowood. 19. Hope of Devonport Tout, Devonport. 47. New Century Tont, Levin. 20. Hope of Morrinsville Tent, Morrinsville. 50. Star of Petone Tent, Petone. 21. J. G. Carr Memorial Tont, Auckland. 52. Hope of Wanganui Tent, Wanganui. 22. Waitemata Tent, Northcote. 53. Ashburton Tent, Ashburton. 23. Primrose Tent, Ohaupo. 54. Kia Ora Tent, Hastings (H.8.). 24. Robe Potae Tent, Te Kuiti. 55. Hope of Addington Tent, Addington. 56. Hope of South InvercargiU Tont, South InvercargiU. 310. New Zealand Central District —Wellington. 57. Ark of Refuge Tont, St. Albans. 2. Murihiku Tont, Inveroargill. 58. Pride of Te au-nui Tent, Gore. 4. Hope of Woodville '.rent, Woodville. 59. Pride of Dannevirke Tent, Dannevirke. 5. Hope of Wellington Tent, Wellington. 60. Hope of the Bluff Tent, Bluff. 6. Hope of Dunedin Tent, Dunedin. 61. Sobriety Tent, North-east Valley. 7. Pride of Christchureh Tent, Christchureh. 62. Enterprise Tent, Linwood. 8. Perseverance Tent, Wellington. 63. Triumph Tent, Timaru. 9. Bud of Promise Tont, Nelson. 64. Port Chalmers Tent, Port Chalmers. 10. Unity Tent, Now Plymouth. 65. Pride of Wallaoo Tont, Otautau. 11. Hopo of Ormondvillo Tont, Ormondvillc. G7. Progress Tent, Lower Hutt. 12. Masterton Tent, Masterton. 68. Pride of Waikiwi Tont, Inveroargill. 15. Hope of Napier Tont, Napier. 69. Philipson Tent, Spreydon, Christohuroh. 19. Excelsior Tent, Wellington. 70. Kilbirnie Tent, Kilbirnie, Wellington. 20. Haste to the Rescue Tont, Wellington. 71. Star of the South Tent, Kensington, Dunedin 21. Bon Accord Tent, Blenheim. 72. Star of Woolston Tont, Woolston, Christchureh 26. Hope of Carterton Tent, Carterton. 73. Pride of Roslyn Tent, Roslyn, Dunedin. 28. Hope of Jolmsonville Tent, Jolmsonville. 74. Alpha Tont, Granity. 30. Star of Wakefield Tent, Wakefield. 75. Ronwick Tent, Renwicktown. 37. Rescue Tent, Nelson. 76. Hope of Richmond Tent, Christohuroh. 38. Onward Tent, Palmerston North. 77. Flower of Waianiwa Tent, Waianiwa. 40. Gisborne Tent, Gisborne. 78. Riocarton Tent, Riocarton. 41. Pride of Egmont Tent, Hawera. 79. Taylor Memorial Tont, Ashburton. 42. Pahiatua Tent, Pahiatua. 98. Star of Hopo Tent—Hokitika. IX. Sons and Daughters of Temperance. 170. National Division of New Zealand —Sydenham. 170. 10. Sunboam Division, Wanganui. 2. Helpmate Division, Ashburton. 11. Hopo of Sydenham Division, Sydenham. 4. Resolution Division, Rangiora. 15. Perseverance Division, Christchureh, 6. Excelsior Division, Spreydon. 118. Antidoto Division—Dunedin. 7. Elim Division, St. Albans. 147. Progress Division—Kaiapoi. 9. Advance Division, Wellington. X. Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. 198. New Zealand District —Auokland. 198. 42. Sts. Peter and Paul's Branch, Hutt. 2. St. John's Branch, Leeston. 43. St. Ita's Branch, Hawera. 3. St. Patrick's „ Christchureh. 44. St. Mary's Branch, Taihape. 6. St. Patrick's ~ Lincoln. 45. St. Patrick's Branch, Manaia. 8. St. Mary's „ Timaru. 46. St. Joseph's „ Stratford. 10. St. Joseph's ~ Now Plymouth. 47. St. Mary's „ Inveroargill. 11. St. Patrick's „ Wellington. 48. Sts. Peter and Paul's Branch, Gore. 12. Auckland „ Auckland. 49. Sacred Heart Branch, Otautau. 14. St. Patrick's „ Blonhoim. 50. St. Mary's „ Geraldine. 15. Grahamstown „ Grahamstown. 51. Saorod Heart „ Wellington. 16. Waipawa „ Waipawa. 52. St. Mary's „ Carterton. 17. St. Joseph's „ Hastings. 53. Sacred Heart „ Petone. 18. St. Joseph's „ Dunedin. 54. St. Mary's „ Opunake. 19. Charleston „ Charleston. 55. St. Patrick's „ Meoanee. 21. Greymouth „ Greymouth. 56. St. Mary's ~ Port Chalmers. 22. Onehunga „ Onohunga. 57. St. Mary's „ Wanganui. 25. St. Michael's „ Masterton. 58. St. Andrew's „ Levin. 26. St. Patrick's „ Oamaru. 59. St. Stanislaus „ Inglewood. 27. St. John's ~ Napier. 60. St. John's „ Eltham. 28. OurLady of Perpetual Succour Branch, Milton. 61. St. Edward's ~ Kaponga. 29. St. Patrick's Branoh, Waimate. 62. St. Brendan's „ Otahuhu. 30. St. Columbkille's Branch, Donniston. 63. St. Mary's „ Mosgiel. 31. St. Caniee's Branoh, Westport. 64. St. Mary's „ Nelson. 32. St. Patrick's „ Gisborne. 65. St. Joseph's „ Temuka. 33. St. Patrick's „ Palmerston North. 66. St Columbkille's Branch, Woodville. 34. St. Patrick's „ Reefton. 67. St. Francis Xavier's Branch, Methven. 35. Sancta Maria „ Auckland. 68. St. Mary's Branch, Christohuroh. 36. St. Mary's ~ Wellington. 69. St. Mary's „ Ohaupo. 37. St. Aloysius „ Newtown. 70. St. Peter's „ Wairoa. 38. St. Joseph's „ Waihi. 71. Robert Emrnett „ Hokitika. 39. St. Patrick's ~ Kaiapoi. 72. St. Patrick's „ Pukekohe. 40. St. Patrick's „ Asbburton. 73. St. Joseph's „ Te Aroha. 41. St. Ibar's „ Newton. 74. St. Patrick's „ Darfield. XI. Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia. 197. Grand Council of New Zealand —Auokland. I 197. 11. Star of Hastings Lodge, Hastings. 1. Prince of Wales Lodge, Thames. 12. Valley True Blue „ North-east Valley. 3. Excelsior Lodgo, Groon Island. 14. Star of Oamaru „ Oamaru. 4. Wickliffe „ Napier. 18. St. Albans ~ Auckland. 5. John Knox „ Wellington. 19. Queen's Own „ Christohuroh. 6. Alexandra „ Auckland. 20. Star of Southland „ Inveroargill. 9. Triumph „ South Dunodin.




List op Registered Societies, etc. — continued. XIII. Isolated Friendly Societies. Reg. No. Reg. No. 24. Widow and Orphans Society, Wellington District 331. Wellington Corporation Tramways and Electri o M.U.l.O.O.F.—Wellington. Lighting Friendly Society— Newtown, Welling--183. Grey Valley Accident Relief Fund—Brunnerton. ton. 277. Denniston Collieries' Modical and Accident Reliof 333. Inangahua Miners' Acoidont Relief Association— Association—Denniston. Reofton. 279. United Fire-brigades' Accident Assurance Society 334. Waihi Workers' Accident Relief Association— of New Zoaland—Auckland. Waihi. 286. Wellington Friendly Societies' Jubilee Orphanage 335, Q tey Valley Coal-miners' Medical Fund SocietySociety—Wellington. Brunnerton. 293. Blackball Colliery Accident Relief Fund Sooiety— j 3a6 , Tho North otago United Friendly Societies'DisBlaokball. pensary—Oamaru. 306. The Huntly Collieries Medical and Accident Relief 337 , Hawera United Friendly Societies' DispensaryAssociation—Huntly. Hawera 307. Millerton Colliery Medical and Accident Relief 338 ot UaU Timeg Mutual p ro ,,j den t SocietyAssooiation—Millerton. Dunedin 310. Kaitangata Employees' Benefit Society-Kaita- 341 , Wanganui United Friendly Societies' Dispensary"gata. Wanganui. 313. Auckland United Friendly Societies' Dispensary- 345 The Pa i mocsfcon Nort h Ullited Fondly Societies' Auckland. _ Dispensary, Palmerston North. 316. Auckland United Fr.encly Insti- M( ._ The Ashburt on United Friendly Societies' Associative—Auckland. tion Ashburton 319. Christohuroh United Friendly Societies' Dispen- m _ The Wakamallna M inars , Aooidenfc Relief Aggooia . ■ M o asf .V- Cl «' stchuroh - .4. . ~ ,_. .. tion, Wakamarina. 322. Auckland Tramways S.ok and Accident Friendly The g ian Bell6Volont Sooiot Wellington. Society—Auckland. .-,.„ m , , „ . ~. J - - 2, . ~ 323. Point Elizabeth Accident Relief Fund-Runanga. : Ai9 ' The . ™° to, . n , ° f , Lodge Friendly So--324. Waihi United Friendly Soo.etiei Hospital Con- ,„, ml alt>t J' A uo^and. ference—Waihi. 351. The Akatea Minors and Settlers' Medical Associa--327. Nightcaps Collieries' Modical, Sick, and Accident tion ' Glen M assey. Relief Association—Nightcaps. 352. Pukemiro Medioal Society, Pukemiro. 328. Stockton Colliery Medical and Accident Relief 353. Hawke's Bay United Friendly Societies' Council, Association —Ngakawau. Napier. 330. Eden Temperance Benefit Friendly Sooioty — Par- 357. The Masterton United Friendly Societies' Disnell. pensary, Masterton. XIV. Juvenile Friendly Societies. 288. Court Pride of the Forest, A.O.F.—Dunedin. 314. Court Pride of Napier, A.O.F.—Napier. 290. Court Pride of InvercargiU, A.O.F. — Invorcar- 329. Juvenile Counoil, A.O.F.—Dunodin. gill. 1. Court Pride of tho Port, Port Chalmers, 303. Kaiapoi Lodge, M.U.l.O.O.F.—Kaiapoi. 354. Court Hopo of Green Island, Green Island. XV. Working-men's Clubs. 151. Wellington Working-men's Club and Literary 267. Palmerston North Working-men's Club and Litorary Institute—Wellington. Institute—Palmerston North. 162. Christchureh Working-men's Club and Mutual 271. Ashburton Club and Mutual School of Arts—AshSchool of Arts —Christchureh. burton. 186. South Wairarapa Working-mon's Club —Greytown. 272. Blenheim Working-men's Club—Blenheim. 202. Club Garibaldi—Wellington. 305. Oxford Working-men's Club—East Oxford. 215. Auckland Working-men's Club and Mechanics' 309. Napier Working-men's Club—Napier. Institute—Auckland. 317. City Working-men's Club—Wellington. 231. Kaiapoi Working-men's Club—Kaiapoi. 318. North Island Brass Bands' Association of Now Zea--238. Petone Working-men's Club and Litorary Insti- land—Palmerston North, tute—Petone. 326. South Island Bands' Assocation of Now Zocvland 264. Richmond Working-men's Club—Riohmond, Christ- Christchureh. ohuroh. XVI. Specially Authorized Societies. 169. Grand Lodge of New Zealand of the Independent i 248. Timaru United Friendly Societies' Disponsary — Order of Good Templars —Dunedin. Timaru. 1, Pioneer of Dunedin Lodge, Dunedin. 251. New Zoaland Forostors' Guarantee Association 4. Hope of Christchureh Lodge, Christchureh. Christchureh. 6. Pioneer Lodge, Wellington. 255. Temple of Peace Lodge, I.O.G.T.—Kaiwarra. 9. Loyal Nelson Lodge, Nelson. 257. Opotiki Gospel Temperance and Mutual Improvo--13. Good Intent Lodge, Rangiora. ment Sooiety—Opotiki. 18. Star of the East Lodge, Ashburton. 263. Stanmore Brass Band—Richmond (Christchureh). 89. Akaroa Hope Lodgo, Akaroa. 275. Ivy of Linwood Co-oporative Money Club—Christ--93. Welcome Retreat Lodge, Goraldine. ehurch. 104. Lily of the Valley Lodgo, North Dunodin. 276. Waimate Brass Band—Waimate. 1.12. Lifo-boat Lodge, Timaru. 283. Hawke's Bay United Friendly Societies'Disponsary 223. Invorcargill United Friondly Societies' Dispensary —Napier. —Invorcargill. 284. Christchureh and St. Albans Co-operative Money 229. Sydenham and Suburban Co-operative Money Club „« Olub—Christohuroh. —Sydenham. 285. Westport Garrison Artillery Volunteer Band 241. New Zealand Friendly Societies' Mutual Fidelity OQ . w Society--Westport. , Guarantee Association-Wellington. 294 ' We " ll }f. fcon Umted Frlen <3ly Societies' Dispensary--242. Dunedin United Friendly Societies' Dispensary- 332 . New ° Co-oporative Money Club-New If* wi °n *'TTa h f P 'i l• 0 Q G - T -~W«} li °gt°n. 339. Hawked Bay A.O.F. Small-savings Society-Napier. 246. Lyttelton United Friendly Societies' Disponsary— 343. The Christohuroh Central Co-operative Monev Club Lyttelton. Christohuroh.



APPENDIX 11. Registered Trade-unions, as on the 31st December, 1916. 1. Christchureh Operative Bootmakers' Society. 47. Tne Paparoa Coal-miners' Trade-union of Workers. 3. New Zealand Union of the Federated Stewards' and 48. New Zealand Federation of Labour. Cooks' Union of Australasia. 50. Tho Wnangarei Coal-miners' Trade-union. 5. Wellington Operative Bootmakers' Society. 51. The Patea Watersiders' and General Labourers' 8. Grey Valley Goal-miners' Association. Union. 9. New Zealand Foderated Boot-trade Union. 52. The Waihi Trade-union of Workers. 15. New Zealand Federated Wharf Carters', Express- 54. The Lyttelton Stevedores' Trade-union. moil's, and Storemen's Union. 56. Tho Wellington Watersido Workers' Union. 16. Southland Trades and Labour Union. 58. The Hikurangi Coal-miners' Federation of Workers. 18. Amalgamated Sooiety of Railway Servants of New 59. Taratahi Meat-works Employees' Union. Zealand. 60. The Otago Artificers' Trade-union. 35. United Employees' Society of Boilermakers and Iron- 61. The Timaru Watersido Workers' Union. ship Builders of New Zealand. 62. The Waikato Miners' Trade-union, 36. New Zealand Boot-manufacturers' Association. 68. The Auckland Waterside Trade-union of Workers. 40. Hawke's Bay Operative Bootmakers' Union. 69. The Point Elizabeth Stato Miners' Trade-union. 41. Wellington Eight Hour Federated Union. 70. The Westport Waterside Workers' Union. 44. New Zealand Locomotive Engine-drivers, Firemen, 73. The Whangamomona Railway and Road Construction and Cleaners' Association. Workers' Trade-union, Whangamomona. 46. West Coast Workers' Trade-union. 74. Tho New Zealand Workers' Union, Wellington.

APPENDIX 111. Forms which may be obtained free on Amplication to the Registrar op Friendly Societies. Form of application to register a society under the Friendly Societies Act. Form of notice of establishment of a branch and application for registry. Form of notice of establishment of branoh of registered sooiety. Form of application to register complete amendment of rules (societies). Form of application to register complete amendment of rules (branches). Form of application to register partial amendment of rules (societies). Form of application to register partial amendment of rules (branches). Form of declaration in support of amendment of rules (societies). Form of declaration in support of amendment of rules (branches). Form of application for registry of a special resolution for amalgamation of sooieties. Form of declaration to acoompany application for registry of a special resolution. Form of notice of appointment of trusteos (societies). Form of notice of appointment of trustees (branches). Form of notice of change of registered office of society. Form of notice of change of registered office of branoh. Form of return to District Land Rogistrar.



Summary of Valuations completed during the Year 1916.—Table A.


[N.B. —These figures refer to Sick and Funeral Funds only, and do not include Management am oil ier oni Is.] 3 o &H Hat ie of rest. Liabilities. Assi its. 3° o P . £ a rH CS 3:5.2 a-=« Name of Society or District and Branch. Location. co oo o a CO a o sz a . O on X &H a o so •a q 9 e CO ■a 42 o s a> Sickness Funeral Lia- Liabilities, bilities. Present Valui of CCOC rH S a 3 a >Bri a rH a a rH R h © o o - rH CS © m c © © 2og£ -H o a CO a Contribution to Funeral Fund. Other. Total. 3 s 00 3 M.U.I.O.O.F. (As at the 31st December, 1915.) Fountain of Friendship Lodge Auckland Friendly Society I.O.R. (As at the 31st December, 1912.) New Zealand District. Consolidated Society 1844 557 £ s. d. 1,009 11 3 4-60 | 4 £ 31,654 £ 7,060 £ £ £ 38,714 £ 26,562 £ I 16,501 £ 43,063 £ 4,349 £ s. d. 20,241 23,589 2,174 4-97 i 4 835 1,362 3 10 31,545 10,111 41,656 43,830


TABLE I. —Number of Members and Amounts of Benefit and other Funds, as on the 31st December, 1916, of all Friendly Societies and Branches according to the Latest Statistics received.


Name of Society and Branoh, --# °°S O \ r. CO^ Place of * 3 a I J! S . Establishment. § <s S fl^S fnS d 8Sci H V. ,44. . <A sa Total Worth. Sick and Management Funeral Fund, and other including Funds, Goods, Surplus. &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at Last Valuation. M U.T.O.O.F. N.Z. Branch, Central Body Wellington . . 1902 £ 40.920 £ 40.920 £ 40.424 £ 490 £ A vckland District — Central Body Good Intent Lodge .. Parnell „ Charles Bruce „ Waikato ,, Duke of Cambridge „ Gisborne „ Howick „ Whangarei „ Franklin „ Warkworth Pioneer „ Hauraki ,, Hokianga „ Karangahako ,, Waihi Jubilee „ Manukau ,, Rotorua ,, Waitekauri and Golden Cross Lodgo Waipu Lodge . . Hot Springs ,, Te Awamutu ,, Hamilton „ Hikurangi ., Hand of Friendship Pukekohe ,, Matamata ,, Te Kuiti Ngaruawahia ,, Mamaku ,, Morrinsville „ Mangapai „ Dominion ,, Hearts of Oak „ Selwyn „ Ponsonby „ •• Waitoa ,, Te Puke Patutahi „ Rcmuera „ Calliope ,, Auckland .. . . 1 .. 18.50 451 Parnell .. 1859 231 Thames .. 1805 144 i oaa *io-7 . . 1.806 227 Cambridge.. .1807 186 Gisborne .. 1874 202 Howick . . 1870 104 Whangarei .. 1881 53 Otahuhu .. 1881 108 Warkworth.. 1884 08 Coromandel 1895 39 Hokianga .. 1896 51 Karangahake 1.897 117 Waihi' .. 1897 80 Paeroa .. 1897 36 Onehunga . . 1.898 80 Rotorua .. 1898 75 Waitekauri 1899 114 Waipu . . 1.900 24 To Aroha .. 1900 33 Te Awamutu 1903 105 Hamilton .. 1903 102 Hikurangi .. 1904 33 Huntly .. 1.900 88 Pukekohe .. 1907 78 Matamata . . 1907 9 Te Kuiti .. 1907 18 Ngaruawahia 1908 44 Mamaku .. 1908 40 Morrinsville 1908 1.7 Mangapai . . 1909 22 Mount Eden 1909 56 Taumarunui 1909 21 Putaruru .. L911 11 Auckland .. 191.1 49 Waitoa .. 1912 13 Te Puke .. 1912 9 Patutahi . . 1912 20 Remuera .. 191.2 33 Devonport .. 1912 11 1850 1859 1805 1.800 1807 1874 1870 1881 1881 1884 .1895 1890 1897 1897 1897 1898 1898 1899 1900 1900 1903 1903 1904 1900 1907 1907 1907 1908 1908 1908 1909 1909 1909 191! 191.1 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1 451 231 144 227 186 202 104 53 108 08 39 51 1.17 80 36 80 75 114 24 33 105 102 33 88 78 9 18 '44 46 17 22 56 21 11 49 13 9 20 33 11 44,854 14,245 8,510 2,168 2.802 2,559 9,387 3,170 2,592 1,077 1,155 539 26 109 88 1.089 511 1,329 71 53 124 1,090 898 15 276 92 99 44 44 134 102 150 139 56 21 151 (19 11 23 57 40 44,854 14,245 8,510 2,168 2.802 2,559 9,387 3,170 2,592 1,677 1,155 539 26 109 88 1.089 511 1,329 71 53 124 1,090 898 15 276 92 99 44 44 134 102 150 139 56 21 151 09 11 23 57 40 35.195 12,880 7.009 2,000 2,475 2,291 8,944 3,009 2,508 1,048 1,149 539 61 60 1,088 414 1.300 42 10 80 1.071 787 9,059 I ,365 841 108 327 268 443 101 24 29 6 20 48 28 1 97 29 29 37 38 25 111 15 1 33 13 5 44 2 24 + 2-90 + 1-82 ■21-85 -24-13 - 3-71 + 10-79 - 3-07 - 8-06 - 1-95 - 4-38 + 4-04 - 2-95 -11-39 -27-55 - 3-77 + 2-28 4- 2-87 -12-34 •- 1-02 + 2-55 + 2-90 + 0-34 - 7-28 - 6-65 |- 0-31 275 59 80 39 - 7-50 - 132 78 150 43 54 18 17 09 II 10 44 7 96 2 3 134 - 1-71 13 13 33 Total .. 3,275 3,275 101.181 101.181 87,110 14.(17! - 1-66 Hawke's Bay District — Cental Body Napier Lodge Meeanee „ Abbotsford „ Clive ,. •• Hastings „ Tavistock „ Woodville ,, Ruahino „ • ■ Forest Home „ • • Dannevirke ,, • • Te Reinga ,, • • Napier I kiicti 'llUi . . 1856 366 Taradale .. 1871 41 Waipawa .. 1873 217 Clive .. 1876 23 Hastings . . 1878 247 Waipukurau 1879 04 Woodville .. 1880 30 Tikokino .. 1885 88 Ormondvi.Uo 1887 57 Dannevirke.. 1888 1.92 Clyde .. 1908 22 1856 1871 1873 1876 1878 1879 1880 1885 1887 1888 1908 300 41 217 23 247 04 30 88 57 192 22 41. I « -190 18,329 877 12,718 1,530 10,287 2,074 1,900 2,402 1 ,357 4.481 493 41. 18,329 877 12,718 1,530 10,287 2,074 1,900 2,402 I ,357 4.481 493 10,829 853 12,012 1,518 10,211 2,002 1,853 2,458 1,345 4,412 493 41 1,500 24 700 18 70 72 47 4 12 09 4-10-58 -10-29 + 9-38 + 14-90 + 10-08 + 10-20 + 11-71 + 3-89 + 0-73 + 2-99 - 0-07 Total .. 1,347 1,347 57,155 57,155 54,580 2,509 + 7-45 New Plymouth District — Central Body Egmont Lodge Excelsior „ Waitara „ Union „ Manaia ,, Eltham ,, Midhirst Stratford „ Toko Opunako ,, Kaponga „ New Plymouth IBIW 910 1857 219 l sfir, 19fi 1805 120 Waitara . . 1870 58 Hawera .. 1881 130 Manaia .. 1887 101 Eltham .. 1889 108 Midhirst .. 1893 57 Stratford .. 1900 69 Toko .. 1.901 40 ToKiri .. 1901 25 Kaponga .. 1903 85 1857 1805 1870 1881 1887 18S9 1893 1900 1901 1901 1903 219 120 58 130 101 108 57 69 40 25 85 80 7 KK7 7,557 7 fii.B 7,638 3,923 4,348 3,870 2,589 1 ,099 1,476 427 412 1,342 80 7,557 7,638 3,923 4,348 3,870 2,589 1 ,099 1,476 427 412 1,342 17 7,557 7,635 3,878 4,251 3,859 2,532 924 1,420 427 41.2 1,202 03 3 45 97 li 57 175 50 - 1-12 + 15-82 + 15-85 3-15 + 7-88 |- 0-73 - 5-68 - 2-30 + 1-72 + 1-16 + 3-80 80 Total 1.072 1,072 34:761 34,761 34,180 581 + 2-73 .. .. i.u/z at, ioi


TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.

3—H. 1.


of Society and Branch. Place of Establishment. °,i5*i sS a H u »S 113 fl-2" 2 3 o fl CD CD Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund, including Surplus. Management and other Funds, Goods, &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at Last Valuation, M.U.I.O.O.F.— continued, Wanganui District — Central Body .. Wanganui Lodge. . Manawatu „ Manchester „ Apiti „ .. Rangitikei ,, Hautapu ,, Bunnythorpe „ .. Hunterville „ Foxton „ Kimbolton „ Ohakune ,, Raetihi ,, Wanganui .. ,, - * i Palmerston N. Feilding Apiti Mangaweka Taihape Bunnythorpe Hunterville. . Foxton Kimbolton .. Ohakune Raetihi 1858 1881 1883 1894 1895 1897 1905 1905 1900 1900 1907 1915 209 189 70 51 70 27 20 20 37 12 51 25 £ 82 19,808 0,021 2,486 1,972 2,875 868 847 120 508 270 571 109 £ 75 13,972 5,994 2.404 1.887 2,007 850 818 99 482 204 328 85 £ 7 5.830 ' 27 22 85 208 18 29 21 20 0 243 24 £ + 0-27 + 0-99 - 2-18 + 2-04 - 2-23 - 3-20 + 2-77 - 5-79 - 3-40 - 3-13 - 3-74 Total 847 30.537 29,925 0,012 + 1-02 WeUingtc *>■ District — C tral Body .. Britan a Lodge Antipo ean „ Rose of the Valley „ Rose of Sharon ,. St. George ,, Unity „ Combination „ Heart of Oak „ Masterton „ Greytown ,, Petone ,, Eketahuna ,, Martinborough „ Mangatainoka „ Sister Wallis ,, Newtown „ Victoria Diamond „ Kilbirnie „ Wellington . . Hutt" Upper Hutt Pahautanui. . Featherston Johnsonville Carterton .. Masterton .. Greytown .. Petone Eketahuna .. Martinborough Mangatainoka Wellington .. Newtown . . Levin Kilbirnie .. 1843 1847 1849 1857 1807 1.872 1876 1877 1877 1879 1882 1887 1892 1894 1895 1897 1897 1907 5 000 151 94 50 18 85 23 98 142 62 99 96 69 37 46 107 15 41 3,930 33,530 25,028 4,181 2.302 748 2,732 1.608 3,284 2,794 4,092 3,904 2,615 1,304 092 525 I ,037 433 497 3,030 32,746 24,010 4,033 2,354 74.1 2.033 1.440 3,197 2,594 3,550 3,800 2.370 1,201 059 483 1.004 399 485 300 784 418 148 8 7 99 108 87 200 530 104 239 103 33 42 33 34 12 - 2-40 + 5-08 + 9-50 f 7-39 + 2-12 - 2-52 + 7-50 + 17-09 + 5-72 + 4-88 + 17-75 ' + 10-09 + 11-70 + 8-79 + 4-91 + 2-78 + 2-00 + 10-71 + 3-20 Total 2,150 95,902 92,541 3,301 + 7-01 Marlboroirgh District — Central Body .. Marlborough Lodge.. Renwick „ Blenheim .. 1860 1867 117 49 2,271 7,038 3,021 7,002 2,945 2,271 36 76 + 12-08 + 0-25 Renwick Total 100 12,930 10,547 2,383 + 9-14 Nelson District — Central Body .. Nelson Lodge Travellers' Rest „ Howard „ Mansion of Peace „ General Cameron „ Mataki .. „ Palmyra ,, Nelson Richmond . . Nelson WakeBeld .. Brightwater Murchison .. Tadmor 1842 1847 1847 1859 1805 1903 1907 223 102 201 190 59 52 23 13,763 7,665 3,070 12,520 8,710 2,803 070 243 0,988 3,604 11,808 8,635 2,782 589 243 13,763 677 72 718 75 21 81 + 0-55 + 1-25 + 9-05 + 13-71 + 9-82 - 0-56 - 0-09 Total 850 50,050 34,049 15,407 + 6-18 Motueka District — Central Body .. Motueka Lodge Good Intention „ Takaka „ South Star „ Motueka Riwaka Takaka Dovedale 1850 1800 1803 1880 202 99 122 00 5,539 5.391 4,28! 2.430 1,739 17 5,359 4,278 2,429 1,715 5,522 32 3 7 24 - 1-19 + 3-40 -11-99 - 5-05 Total 489 19.380 13,798 5,588 - 3-39 United Weslland District — Central Body .. Westport Lodgo Charleston „ Waimea „ Greymouth ,, Albert Reefton „ Denniston „ Blackball Ngakawau „ Reefton Westport, . . Charleston .. Stafford Greymouth Kumara Reefton Denniston . . Blaekball . . Granity 1807 1807 1807 1807 1870 1872 1880 1898 1907 110 32 11 88 45 102 43 52 30 20 5,014 2.534 71 4.359 407 4.308 470 1,000 153 5,014 2,534 07 4,344 420 4,303 470 1,051 152 20 4 15 41 5 + 5-09 - 0-42 -83-90 + 1-43 -32-32 - 9-08 - 9-07 - 4-71 - 5-03 9 1 Total 513 18,402 18,361 101


TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.


Name of Society and Branoh. , <|h flui : Establishment. \%% \\&\ Total Worth. H ggQ| Sick and Funeral Fund, including Surplus. Management and other Funds, Goods, &c. Surplus or Donciency per Member at Last Valuation. M.U.I.O.O.F.— continued. A shley District — Central Body Rangiora Lodge Nil Desperandum „ Lcithfield ,, Cust Woodend „ Oxford „ Ohoka ,, Amberley ,, Waikari „ Waiau „ . Rangiora .. East Oxford Leithficld .. Cust Woodend .. Oxford Ohoka Amberley .. Waikari Waiau 1800 1808 1873 1874 1874 1870 1870 1870 1880 1909 303 131 67 58 81 100 74 104 32 22 £ 340 12,916 5,109 3,352 1,833 1,953 804 1,011 3,024 897 171 £ 12,818 4,975 3,340 1,833 1,953 080 1,011 3,438 892 154 £ 340 98 134 6 £ +J4-74 + 9-05 + 15-87 - 1-43 - 1-69 -10-20 - 2-54 + 10-00 + 1-26 + 0-85 124 186 5 17 Total 1.038 32,610 31,700 910 + 3-30 North Canterbury District — Central Body City of Christchureh Lodge . . Kaiapoi ,, Volunteer ,, Benevolent „ Perseverance ,, Malvern ,, Phillipstown „ Leeston ,, Papanui ,, Addington ,, Coleridge ,, Heart of Oak „ Riocarton ,, Jubilee ,, Sister Pearce ,, Waimairi „ Christchureh Kaiapoi Sydenham .. Christchureh Woolston .. Waddington Phillipstown Leeston Papanui Addington .. Coleridge .. Kaikoura .. Papanui Prcbbloton Christchureh Papanui 1853 1858 1860 1800 1872 1877 1879 1880 1880 1882 1883 1885 1880 1887 1890 1915 9 529 152 270 114 134 74 89 132 89 100 123 79 102 59 40 7 245 21,563 5,233 4,636 5,953 2,188 2,305 089 2,081 2,578 2,975 1,480 2,740 2,379 1,207 324 1.1. 109 19,719 5,141 4,412 5,910 2,108 2,153 074 2,034 2,487 2,942 1,387 2,489 2,147 1,254 307 9 70 1,844 92 224 37 20 152 15 47 91 33 93 251 232 13 17 2 + 3-07 - 0-27 - 6-96 + 7-69 -13-38 + 3-37 -10-61 - 3-10 + 1-04 - 8-17 - 0-31 - 1-51 + 11-58 - 0-42 2-50 Total 2,108 59,247 56,008 3,239 - 1-9.1 Ashburton District — Central Body Ashburton Lodge Waterton ,, Pioneer „ Tinwald Methven „ Mayfield „ Hinds „ Rakaia ,, Ashburton .. >> - - Waterton .. Springburn Tinwald Methven Mayfield Hinds Rakaia 1873 1881 1881 1882 1900 1901 1910 1911 1 197 65 67 43 50 40 20 12 1,431 0,403 2,518 2,200 2,414 972 825 100 122 1,055 0,239 2,390 2,253 2,273 972 790 100 90 370 164 128 7 141 + 8-33 + 19-39 +13-97 + 21-77 + 3-09 + 4-73 29 32 Total 507 17,051 16,174 877 +10-05 Total N.Z. Branch .. 114,362 570,198 520,003 56,195 Districts separately registered. Lyttelton District — Central Body City of Norwich Lodgo .. Good Intent „ Hand of Friendship ,, Hand and Heart ,, Perseverance ,, Wairewa ,, Lyttelton .. Akaroa Okain's Bay Pigeon Bay Barry's Bay Little River 1850 1800 1875 1870 1881 1897 208 55 41 40 56 52 344 16,010 2,192 1,342 2,108 1,468 762 257 15,506 2,165 1,337 2,083 1,401 754 87 510 27 5 25 7 8 + 7-88 + 5-71 - 7-56 - 2-41 - 3-96 - 9-03 Total 518 24,232 23,503 669 + 2-45 South Cai terlmry District — Central Body Timaru Lodgo Heart of Friendship „ Pleasant Point, „ Makikihi „ .. Morven ,, Timaru Waimate Pleasant Point, Makikihi .. Morven 1804 1874 1891 1907 1912 399 138 9 33 14 988 8,725 2.408 1,157 435 104 981 8,708 2,232 1,151 309 97 7 17 236 6 56 7 -11-32 - 7-81 + 10-71 - 9-50 - 9-50 Total 593 13,867 13,538 329 - 9-87


TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.


Namo of Society anil Branch. Place of u 3 fl Establishment, § cd X £"£ * w o § S ■h w 2 Sick and .§&,-. fni.i Wm+ii Funeral Fund, | -SB Total Woith. including ago Surplus. Management or D l^ 0 \™ cv other Funds, 1,0 L M T T?° r Goods fro at Last Goods, <kc. Valuation. M.U.I. O.O.F. — continued. Districts separately registered — continued. /logo District — Central Body Hand and Heart Lodge .. Dunedin ,, Dalton „ Prince of Wales ,, Albion ,, Oamaru ,, Tuapeka Pioneer ,, Waitahuna „ Prince Alfred „ Waipori ,, Blue Spur ,, Naseby „ Alexandra ,, Roxburgh „ Tapanui ,, Palmerston „ Cromwell ,, Mount Wendon ,, Band of Friendship „ Outram ,, Mosgiel ,, Caversham „ Valley Ngapara ,, Dunback ,, Pride of Kaitangata ,, United Brothers ,, Milton. ,, Waikaka ,, Middlemarch ,, Maniototo ,, Centonary ,, Vincent „ Dunedin Balclutha .. Port Chalmers Dunedin Oamaru Lawrence .. Waitahuna . . Waikouaiti .. Waipori Blue Spur .. Naseby Pt. Molyneux Roxburgh .. Tapanui Palmerston S. Cromwell .. Waikaia Kakanui Outram Mosgiel Caversham .. N.E. Valley Ngapara Dunback Kaitangata.. Cambrian .. Milton Waikaka Middlemarch Ranfurly St. Kilda .. Omakau 1848 1802 1864 1864 1864 1864 1865 1866 1866 1867 1867 1868 1869 1809 1869 1870 1870 1871 1872 1875 1879 1881 1881 1891 1892 1892 1897 1897 1899 1900 1910 1911 1911 669 472 286 165 415 160 76 25 57 24 47 109 92 77 181 107 88 08 48 103 243 300 183 23 61 221 49 218 45 64 71 38 18 £ 2,542 41,440 24,504 9,140 5,944 11,125 0,929 3,215 1,492 4,361 85 1,185 1,925 3,617 1,409 7,589 3,256 10.140 2,120 1,474 5,855 8,920 9,284 5,722 1,031 1,145 3,773 1,005 4,147 815 574 543 302 245 £ 1,347 36,716 24,355 8,4.40 5,419 10,003 0,703 3,002 1,492 4,341 77 1,030 1,870 3,407 1,302 7,121 3,009 9,509 2,079 1,274 5,805 8,432 8,082 5,522 1,009 1,110 3,012 981 3,981 774 528 514 356 229 £ 1.195 4.724 209 700 525 522 226 213 20 8 149 55 150 107 468 187 631 41 200 50 488 1,202 200 22 35 161 24 166 41 46 29 6 16 £ + 5-67 + 6-16 - 3-49 - 5-77 - 6-09 - 1-17 -12-17 - 2-54 + 12-18 -20-48 -27-04 -12-04 + 5-20 -12-96 -5-28 - 3-86 +23-78 -16-23 - 8-86 + 15-37 - 2-31 - 7-98 - 4-87 - 4-21 -11-85 - 7-71 - 9-76 - 7-60 -17-88 - 9-24 Total 4,809 180,973 174,157 12,810 - 1-95 Southland District — Central Body Shamrock, Roso, and Thistle Lodgo St. George Lodge .. Winton „ United Gore ,, Lumsdon „ Awarua ,, Rivorsdale ,, Star of the West ,, Mataura Falls ,, Star of Nightcaps ,, Hearts of Oak „ Balfour „ Otautau ,, Star of Edendale ,, Dipton „ InvercargiU.. >> - ■ Winton Gore Lumsden Campbolltown Riversdale .. Oropuki Mataura Nightcaps .. InvercargiU.. Balfour Otautau Edondalo .. Dipton 1860 1868 1874 1878 1882 1883 1889 1899 1900 1900 1904 1907 1913 1913 1914 380 406 111 150 148 110 42 41 83 53 48 40 31 38 29 271 15,393 10,777 1,913 4.529 1,909 2,887 404 717 724 404 402 313 177 183 133 4 14,840 10,664 1,913 4 405 1,865 2,841 374 689 458 361 442 242 159 167 122 207 547 113 124 44 40 30 28 200 43 20 71 18 10 11 - 5-94 -11-01 -24-01 - 9-50 -15-21 -14-88 -10-27 -11-95 -24-71 -23-26 + 0-70 -12-17 Total 11,710 41,190 39,552 1,044 -12-10 Total of Order 21,992 842,406 770,813 71,653 I.O.O.F. rrand Lodg, of New Zealand — Contral Body Pioneer Lodge . . Leith „ Alfred Star of Canterbury „ Rangitikei „ Alexandrovna „ Unity „ Victoria ,, Linden ,, Souths™. Cross „ Pioneer of Southland „ Dunedin ,, Oamaru Timaru Bull's Temuka S. Dunedin . . Geraldine .. Kaikorai Wellington .. Inveroargill.. 1802 1807 1809 .1.809 1873 1874 1875 1875 1875 1877 1878 185 141 190 108 12 45 321 105 123 219 260 1.13,254 324 1,238 1,234 246 269 69 1,151 569 283 2,002 1,040 110,362 76 874 697 145 265 27 47. 338 76 1,059 1,080 2,892 248 304 537 101 4 42 1,104 231 207 943 506


TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.


Name of Sooioty and Branch. Place of Establishment. , -H flco " r.gQ Sick and Tota, Worth. **Sgg*™> Surplus. Management and other Funds. Goods, <fec. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at Last Valuation. T. 0.0. F.— continued. Grand Lodge of New Zealand —ctd. Star of Auckland Lodge .. Washington ,, Templeton „ Alma ,, Wallace ,, Ridgloy „ Kawakawa „ Gladstone „ Mataura „ Aparima „ Kaeo „ Orient „ Popotunoa ,, Hope of Maheno „ Waiareka „ Star of Eden „ Ruth Robekah „ Star of Waiuku „ Linda Rebekah „ Northern Wairoa „ Myrtle Rebekah „ Miriam Rebekah ,, Naomi Rebekah „ Wynyard „ Opotiki „ Owaka ,, Hereweka „ Star of Gisborne ,, Star of Avondale ' ,, Star of Napier „ Royal Oak ,, Awhina ,, Takiara Rebekah „ Star of Linwood „ Hakatoro ,, Aroatea ,, Royal Pukerau „ Excelsior „ Waiau „ Star of Sydonham ,, Clovedon ,, Star of Kaikohe ,, Star of Hokianga ,, Zealandia ,, Star of St. Albans ,, Epsom „ Goldon Link Robekah „ Te Ara Rebekah „ Moana Rebekah „ Loyal Waimato „ Star of Waikato ,, Lily of Sydenham Rebekah Lodge Pride of Taumarunui Lodge . . Rakaia „ Maori Hill ,, Awarua „ Star of Papakura ,, St. Kilda „ Karamu „ Star of Bombay „ Star of Whangarei ,, Chertsey ,, Lily of Eden Rebekah ,, Marama „ Kia Ora „ Pyramid „ Star of Waikiwi ,, Star of Bluff Arawa ,, Tois Tois Hokonui ,, Kiwitea ,, Star of Ellerslie „ Star of Melrose „ Aroha ,, Cleveland „ Oreti Clutha „ Paritutu „ Auckland .. Sydenham .. Templeton .. Wyndham .. Riverton Christchureh Kawakawa.. Fairlie Creek Mataura Otautau Kaeo Palmerston N. Clinton Maheno Enfield Ponsonby . . Dunedin Waiuku Roslyn .. j Newport .. j Auckland . . ; S. Dunedin.. Christchureh , Auckland .. Opotiki Owaka .. \ Porto bello .. j Gisborne Avondale . . Napier Drummond.. Mamaku InvercargiU.. Linwood Ashburton .. Birkenhead.. Pukerau Pukekohe .. Clifden Sydenham .. Clevedon . . Kaikohe Kohukohu .. Wellington .. St.. Albans .. Epsom Linwood Otautau Riverton Waimate .. Hamilton .. Sydenham .. 1878 1878 1881 1882 1882 1882 1883 1883 1883 1883 1884 1885 1889 1889 1891 1894 1895 1895 1895 189G 1890 1898 1899 1899 1899 1899 1901 1901 1903 1904 1904 1.904 1904 1900 1900 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1909 1909 261 302 34 07 72 179 20 101 46 88 14 95 85 67 70 243 21 101 29 129 28 43 32 189 72 101 58 150 80 70 22 45 29 170 02 114 20 54 35 80 22 31 24 97 51 35 21 10 4 43 31 15 £ 2.110 332 281 375 104 529 00 307 482 188 56 127 247 279 137 886 27 71 42 405 159 51 1 212 1,247 287 61 58 105 55 40 41 25 226 25 96 42 106 387 152 68 130 43 52 30 30 7 24 23 77 22 2 £ 402 40 270 318 14 282 59 152 450 08 23 81 25 215 137 71 12 11 12 27 2 16 105 152 42 38 28 3 49 13 26 10 14 21 37 £ 1,714 292 5 57 90 247 1 155 32 120 33 40 222 04 815 15 00 30 378 157 51 1 190 1,142 135 19 58 07 27 40 41 22 177 12 70 32 92 300 115 68 122 25 52 8 21 4 24 23 33 12 1 £ 8 18 28 9 3 44 10 1 Taumarunui Rakaia Maori Hill .. Taihapo Papakura .. Dunedin Hastings Bombay Whangarei .. Chertsey Ponsonby .. Morton Mains Dannevirke. . Wanganui .. Waikiwi Bluff Cambridge . . Waimahaka Gore Feilding Ellerslie .. Devonport .. S. Invorcargill Brooklyn Wallacetown Balclutha . . New Plymouth 1909 1909 1909 190) 19h) 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 26 29 29 60 27 29 57 21 23 12 7 26 32 53 70 28 38 11 15 20 29 43 37 51 41 45 22 23 101 ' 88 52 61 101 41 7 01 121 18 14 18 37 40 31 28 I 18 0 45 83 19 32 60 29 14 16 12 50 20 13 5 12 6 2 3 13 1 7 161 76 2 41 88 36 7 49 115 16 14 15 24 39 31 23 1 18 6 6 68 19 32 21 10 5 ".39 15 45 19 14


TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.


Plaeo of Establishment. 111 <m a .a o oS ■h rn a CD rir.2 Jri a*s m . a a o r, Ci O Sick and Management Funeral Fund, and including other Funds, Surplus. Goods, &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at Last Valuation.' 1 Name of Society and Branch. Total Worth. I.O.O.F. — continued, 'hand Lodge of New Zealand —ctd. Kennington Lodge Huia „ Star of Opawa „ Victoria Rebekah „ Star of Opunake „ « £.i4fe ... fj Total of Order Kennington Hawera Opawa Wellington .. Opunake 1913 1913 1914 1914 1915 36 32 29 24 35 £ 35 49 16 6 19 £ 44 13 £ 35 5 3 6 49 £ ,080 134,596 118.745 15,851 + 1-90 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District — Central Body Auckland Pionoer Lodge United Brothers „ Auckland . . ,, - - 1878 1879 100 203 3,022 784 1,402 3,579 490 1,153 43 288 249 -10-87 -14-03 Total of Order 423 5,808 5,228 580 -15-25 B.U.O.O.F. iorangi Lodge Wellington 1.884 140 3,051 3,489 162 - 5-24 A.O.F. Auckland District — Central Body Court Zealandia „ Prido of Onohunga „ Pride of the North „ Robin Hood „ Northern Wairoa ,, Prido of Newmarket . . „ Nil Dosperandum „ Royal Oak „ Star of the South ,, Star of Helensville „ Victoria „ Queen of the North .. „ Maid Marian „ Waihi ,, Birkenhead „ Prido of Awanui „ Taumarunui .. „ Shaldrick „ Alexandra „ Unity „ Te Puke „ Pride of Waikato ,, Takapuna Auckland .. »» Onohunga .. Grahamstown Panmuro Dargaville .. Newmarket.. Newton Tauranga .. Otahuhu Helensvillo .. Devonport .. Maungaturoto Auckland .. Waihi Birkenhead.. Awanui Taumarunui Onehunga .. Devonport .. Paparoa Te Puke .. Hamilton .. Takapuna .. 1873 1.875 1875 1870 1877 1879 1880 1880 1881 1883 1885 1880 1894 1895 1900 1904 1907 1909 1910 1911 1912 1912 1914 102 217 88 23 08 96 318 32 38 82 233 42 50 203 122 12 76 25 23 40 17 52 48 41,250 108 403 103 25 252 81 404 85 30 255 290 213 92 801 107 187 34 32 9 23 31 48 42 40,586 69 66 1 240 21 102 38 7 30 68 143 11 68 35 178 26 24 5 10 25 45 27 664 39 337 103 24 12 00 302 47 23 225 222 70 81 733 72 9 8 8 4 13 0 3 15 Total 2,073 44,905 41,825 3,080 - 3-08 Hawke's Bay District — Central Body Court Lord Clyde „ Captain Cook „ Robin Hood „ Ruahine „ Little John „ Waitangi „ Rising Sun .. „ Ormond „ Redclyffe „ Viking „ Johnston Napier Wairoa Napier Ahuriri Waipukurau Waipawa .. West Clivo .. Dannevirke Makotuku .. Taradale Norsewood Takapau 1873 1875 1878 1879 1883 1884 1885 1885 1880 1894 1909 128 134 79 65 38 17 98 47 35 25 16 23,885 831 997 84 1,272 1,013 529 418 1,000 110 279 32 23,806 781 816 57 1,246 990 500 404 1,004 100 132 26 79 50 181 27 26 23 23 14 56 10 147 6 -10-79 - 4-18 - 8-35 - 4-54 - 9-53 - 0-O2 -14-77 - 8-07 -11-80 -22-43 Total 082 30,510 29,868 642 - 3-58 Taranaki District — Central Body Court Taranaki „ Waireka „ Patea „ Inglewood Forest „ Raleigh „ Opunake New Plymouth >> 1864 1866 1867 1876 1883 1883 101 514 72 301 101 9 540 5,834 13,237 1,793 5,329 1,725 427 261 5,833 12,495 1,788 5,328 1,725 408 279 1 742 5 1 + 14-29 + 1-99 -10-81 - 1-53 - 0-55 +21-00 Patea Inglewood .. Waitara Opunake 19


TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.


Name of Society and Branch. Place of j Establishment. -hJ3 n-3 a ,°S a H V. S m ' ■Srjr-T Sick and Total Worth, Funeral Fund, including Surplus. Managomout and other Funds, Goods, &c. Surplus or Deficiency jrer Member at Last Valuation A.O.F.— continued. Taranaki District —continued. Court Egmont „ Stratford „ Pride of New Plymouth „ Pride of Eltham „ Lady Islington Hawera Stratford .. New Plymoutl Eltham Stratford .. Hawera Stratford .. New Plymouth Eltham Stratford .. 1884 1887 1893 1908 1911 40 85 127 52 12 £ 3,035 1,858 1,132 342 90 £ 3,035 1,825 1,079 342 71. £ 33 53 £ + 17-41 + 6-55 - 2-09 19 Total 1,420 35,342 34,190 1,152 + 1-97 Wellington District — Central Body Court Sir Georgo Groy „ Robin Hood „ Little John .. ,, Roderick Dhu ,, Sir Goorgo Bowon „ Blenheim „ Wairarapa „ Loyal Enterprise „ Clarendon ,, Manawatu ,, Marquis of Normanby. . ,, Loyal .Feilding „ William Gladstone „ Pioneer „ Loyal Halcombc ,, Woodville „ Pohangina „ Epuni ,, Pahiatua ,, Kopuaranga .. ,, Huntorvillo .. ,, Sir William Jorvois „ Prido of Lovin „ Bloomiiold „ Lady Glasgow „ Primroso ,, Makakahi „ Pongaroa „ Loyal Northland ,, Rangataua Wellington Marton Wanganui .. Wellington .. Blonhcim .. Greytown .. Masterton .. Picton Palmerston N. Carterton .. Feilding Gisborne Te Nui Halcombo .. Woodville .. Ashhurst Potone Pahiatua Maurice ville Huntorville.. Nowtown .. Lovin Hutt Wellington Petono Eketahuna Pongaroa .. Northland .. Rangataua Wellington ,» Marton Wanganui .. Wellington .. Blonhcim .. Greytown .. Masterton .. Picton Palmerston N. Carterton .. Feilding Gisborne Te Nui Halcombc .. Woodville .. Ashhurst Potone Pahiatua Maurice ville Huntorville.. Newtown .. Lovin Hutt Wellington Petono Eketahuna Pongaroa .. Northland .. Rangataua 1802 1805 1866 .1867 1.868 1809 1870 1871 1874 1875 1870 1876 1877 1877 1884 1884 1885 1886 1886 1887 1888 1889 1891 1891 1894 1894 1895 1900 1907 1911 3 311 200 179 343 391 154 04 220 130 200 130 88 190 70 35 108 31 387 152 76 29 277 68 44 115 43 139 45 132 14 23,416 10,150 4,749 2,019 5,941 10,751 8,109 1,472 1,784 5,029 3,277 2,478 1,893 5,431 2,709 742 2,200 437 7,007 4,013 1,729 388 1,737 789 560 870 315 1,637 356 1,153 143 23,092 9,041 4,232 2,577 5,734 10,342 8,058 1,420 1,072 4,959 2,316 2,235 1,849 5,223 2,633 672 1,938 354 6,510 4,149 1,089 351 1,31.4 741 502 810 266 1,429 321 1,003 121 324 509 517 42 207 409 51 52 712 70 961 243 44 208 130 70 328 83 497 404 40 37 423 48 58 00 49 208 35 150 22 -12-84 -18-39 -19-71 -12-53 -10-23 + 0-21 -18-79 -29-42 - 1-99 -16-54 -16-38 -15-70 - 7-91 - 5-53 -17-45 -10-40 -22-60 -12-15 -15-88 -19-04 -25-82 -17-11 -22-65 -20-08 - 4-83 - 5-04 -18-88 -20-10 Total 4,428 114,010 107,553 7,063 —13-99 Nelson District — Central Body Court Robin Hood .. ,, Porsovcrance „ Prido of tho Forest ,, Concord ,, Unity „ Charloston ,, Sherwood Forest ,, Aorere ,, Royal Oak „ Inangahua ,, Karamea Nelson ,, - - Motueka Wakapuaka Greymouth Havelock . . Charleston .. Stoke Collingwood Westport .. Reefton Karamea .. Nelson ,, - - Motueka Wakapuaka Greymouth Havelock . . Charleston .. Stoke Collingwood Westport .. Reefton Karamea .. 1802 1803 1804 1807 1.871 1871 1872 1873 1875 1878 1908 298 57 80 96 02 18 81 103 39 20 23 1,504 11,262 852 3,416 912 1,078 1,088 2,885 5,587 1,703 1,222 100 1,428 10,980 804 2,792 868 1,581 1,050 2,835 5,587 1,051 1,124 97 136 282 48 624 44 97 38 50 - 5-63 -16-20 -12-93 -18-27 -18-74 -11-40 - 6-69 - 0-89 - 2-00 - 4-68 52 98 3 Total 889 32,209 30,797 1,472 - 9-36 Canterbury United District — Central Body Court Star of Canterbury „ Queen of the Isles „ Pride of Courtenay „ Thistle of the Forest .. „ Woodford ,, Papanui ,, Star of Dunsandel „ Star of Belfast ,, Ashburton „ Queen of Canterbury . . „ Victoria „ Loburn ,, Star of Rakaia Christohuroh ,, - * Lyttelton .. Courtenay .. Sydenham .. Kaiapoi Papanui Dunsandol .. Belfast Ashburton .. Christchureh Kaiapoi Loburn Rakaia Christohuroh ,, - * Lyttelton .. Courtenay .. Sydenham .. Kaiapoi Papanui Dunsandel .. Belfast Ashburton .. Christchureh Kaiapoi Loburn Rakaia 1852 1859 1876 1879 1880 1881 1888 1888 1889 1895 1890 1902 1909 370 45 45 140 179 58 90 52 134 38 34 20 52 12,111 14,085 1,500 2,423 4,490 0,053 1,008 1,506 1,017 3,318 375 148 192 250 11,082 14,079 1,274 2,198 4,204 6,004 989 1,370 "1,010 3,255 375 131 142 242 429 6 286 225 232 49 19 196 1 63 + 7-95* + 16-75* + 10-04* + 5-77* + 5-04* - 5-70* - 2-73* + 4-63* + 2-57* - 6-68* - 2-64* - 9-29* - 3-69* 17 50 8 Total 1,263 49,202 47,021 1,581 + 3-73* Sick Fund only.


TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.


Name of Society and Branch. . it a to rl OOh ... . n«» Sick and Place of a So J rrntoi WnvtVi Funeral Fund, Establishment. || § Total W oi th. including r*-S d ogg Surplus. H _ Management M |^ noy othorFunds, Goods, &c. valuation. A.O.F. — continued. South Canterbury District — Central Body Court Southern Cross ,, Foresters' Pride ,, Progress „ Star of Waihao Timaru Waimate St. Andrew's Morven 1805 1875 1883 1904 475 157 63 38 £ 808 13,023 4,711 054 440 £ 804 12,851 4,498 008 365 £ 04 172 213 40 81 £ - 3-13 - 6-45 -12-97 - 9-20 Total 733 19,702 19,120 570 - 5-03 United Otago District — Central Body Court Robin Hood „ Pride of the Leith ,, Bruce „ Star of the Dunstan ,, Pride of Oamaru -,, Prido of Aloxandra ,, Roxburgh „ Star of tho South „ St. Andrew's .. ,, Excelsior ,, Little John .. ,, Royal Oak „ Southern Star ,, Victoria „ Woodlands Pride „ Queen of the South ,, Star of the Forest „ Marion Pride of Waitaki King Edward's Prido .. ,, Prido of Green Island . . „ Star of Heriot ,, Southern ,, Molynoux „ Prido of Edendale Dunedin Port Chalmers Dunodin Milton Clyde Oamaru Alexandra .. Roxburgh .. InvercargiU. . Caversham .. Mornington. . Roslyn Wyndham .. Bluff Oamaru Dunedin Invorcargill.. Woodlands . . Mosgiel Kurow S. Dunodin.. Groon Island Heriot Invorcargill.. Balclutha .. Edondale . . 1864 1864 1805 1866 1868 1809 1873 1874 1875 1877 1888 1890 1890 1894 1895 1890 1890 1898 1904 1907 1907 1909 1911 1912 1913 0 203 290 107 57 229 110 90 404 150 179 151 91 53 31 222 68 38 51 57 72 110 39 55 70 28 25,743 1,928 7,317 3,058 1,585 5,549 2,173 1,300 0,788 2,574 4,489 2,838 1,511 584 210 1 ,230 508 988 370 411 429 719 489 90 103 07 18,503 1 ,059 7,010 3,592 1,570 5,410 2,087 1,283 0,779 2,289 4,289 2,780 1,400 545 189 1,090 500 948 374 407 397 701 331 90 130 05 7,240 269 301 66 15 139 86 17 9 285 200 58 45 39 21 134 8 40 2 4 32 1.8 158 -23-46* -10-84* + 3-53* - 3-25* + 8-14* + 4-57* + 4-89* - 1-32* - 0-67* - 7-65* + 4-21* + 3-01* - 0-33* - 2-98* + 3-29* - 1-14* + 1-43* + 8-03* + 1-95* - 3-61* - 1-54* - 0-55* - 2-11* 27 2 Total 3,033 73,723 04,508 9,215 + 0-19* Courts not in any District — Court Pride of Dunedin „ Enterprise „ City of Auckland „ Pride of Parnell ,, Coromandel Dunedin Dunedin Auckland .. Thames Coromandel 1802 1803 1863 1864 1871 322 308 304 105 43 12,950 12,253 11,995 5,002 1,250 11,877 11,734 11,480 4,819 1,078 1,079 519 515 183 172 - 0-12 + 4-27 + 3-80 - 5-20 -11-02 Total separately registered Total of Order 1,142 ,15,003 443,725 43,456 410,470 40,988 27,249 2,468 A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey .. Wellington .. 1805 50 1,233 1,200 33 - 1-31 U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of the North Island. Central Body Excelsior Lodge . . Stonchongo ,, Star of Now Zealand ,, Star of tho West Auckland „ Albion „ Totara „ Oroua ,, Bishop ,, Brunner „ Blenheim Mistletoe ,, .. Wellington .. Masterton . . Hutt Greymouth.. Auckland . . Napier Carterton .. Palmerston N. Wanganui . . Brunnerton.. Blenheim .. 1879 1880 1880 1,881 1882 1882 1883 1883 1883 1883 1884 597 215 119 272 304 370 196 407 408 129 92 53,313 7,840 2,050 2,335 2,289 5,115 3,071 2,509 5,184 6,127 1,630 1,500 37,733 7,204 1,933 2,279 2,117 4,542 3,359 2,108 4,891 5,332 1,412 1,547 15,580 042 117 56 172 573 312 401 293 795 218 19 -12-90 - 8-58 - 6-68 - 7-66 - 6-62 - 7-43 - 7-56 - 5-99 - 6-20 -20-90 - 6-14 Sick Fu id only.



TABLE I. —Membership and Funds— continued.

Name of Society and Branch, Place of Establishment. •w-a n cn - a .r, ,-> a ccJ-2 9 ui fl Pr -D <DrH a-9™ lis Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund, including Surplus. Management and other Funds, Goods, &o. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at Last Valuation. U.A.O.D.— continued, 'rand Lodge of the North Island —con tinned. Turanganui Lodge . . Pacific ,, Poneko ,, Ponsonby ,, Star of Egmont ,, Maitai ,, Morgan ,, Collingwood „ Horowhenua ,, Otaki Hawera ,, Holly „ .. Takaka „ Moturoa ,, Star of Paeroa ,, Prido of Waihi ,, Reefton ,, Victoria ,, Star of Newmarket ,, Pahiatua ,, Coronation ,, Alexandra ,, Ruahine ,, Shannon ' ,, ICltham ,, Mungaroa ,, Inglewood ,, Myrtle Okato ,, ■ • Devonport ,, Tc Aroha ,, Trafalgar ,, Whangarei ,, Seddon ,, Waitomata ,, Buffer Shedwood „ Eden „ Millerton ,, Makino „ Fern-leaf „ Stratford „ Pride of Brooklyn „ Blackball Naumai ,, Pride of Hamilton ,, Island Bay „ Denniston ,, Pride of the West „ Aramoho ,, Grey Lynn ,, Eureka ,, Melrose „ Clifton „ . . Karamea „ Dominion ,, Manawatu ,, Wairoa ,, Mackay ,, Roskill Light of Manukau „ Star of Rodney ,, To Awha ,, Rotorua „ Star of Albcrtland „ Pride of Tc Kuiti Royal Oak „ Pride of Te Awamutu ,, Star of Piako „ Murchison ,, Ruataniwha „ Manaia ,, Westland ,, Lind „ Gisborne Wellington .. Petono Auckland .. Patea Nelson Marton Collingwood Levin Otaki Hawera Johnsonville Takaka N. Plymouth Paeroa Waihi Reefton Waikino Auckland .. Pahiatua Wellington . , Karangahake Dannevirke Shannon Eltham Upper Hutt Inglewood .. Eketahuna .. Okato Devonport .. Te Aroha .. Wakefield .. Whangarei .. Dunollio Auckland .. Westport .. Motupiko .. Auckland .. Millerton .. Feilding Greytown .. Stratford .. Wellington .. Blackball .. Motueka Hamilton .. Island Bay .. Denniston .. Kumara Aramoho .. Grey Lynn .. Hastings Kilbirnie Waitara Karamea .. Thames Foxton Wairoa, H.B. Taihapc Auckland .. Onehunga .. Warkworth.. Mangawhare Rotorua Port Albert Te Kuiti .. Northcote .. Te Awamutu Morrinsville Murchison .. Waipawa .. Manaia Hokitika Tokomaru .. 1884 1880 1880 1887 1891 1892 1893 1893 1895 1895 1895 1895 1895 1890 1890 1897 1897 1899 1900 1902 1902 1902 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1904 1904 1904 1904 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1900 1900 1906 1900 1900 1900 1900 1906 1906 1900 1907 1.907 1907 1907 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1909 1909 1909 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1913 387 582 169 000 74 267 91 34 88 67 152 70 97 180 82 155 154 61 135 00 209 104 118 75 78 51 100 04 15 110 40 03 57 109 198 111 57 52 53 73 41 73 00 49 74 53 01 103 23 HI 101. 92 91 60 27 51 55 75 49 59 117 24 39 16 26 27 38 14 24 11 37 43 57 28 £ 9,524 8,913 3,518 10,119 1,228 0,013 1,204 586 1,430 1,232 1,775 1,456 1,099 2,570 1,333 1,209 1,740 1,117 1,332 021 2,724 841 1,613 1,040 920 740 1,787 902 217 1,094 511 518 424 561 1,905 1,152 800 971 177 844 489 593 712 138 093 480 828 290 304 734 794 049 957 438 99 150 402 644 357 266 643 296 397 184 207 154 286 81 194 80 182 329 548 152 £ 8,716 8,212 3.408 8,081 957 5,010 1,085 483 1,224 1,103 1,710 1,232 840 2,407 1,331 1,007 1,459 1,049 1,004 513 2,406 735 1,525 977 777 723 1,577 872 217 1,624 467 428 398 510 1,740 1,113 052 897 95 819 411 583 605 122 663 454 761 275 283 669 756 632 903 393 95 135 451 029 341 245 595 289 319 179 153 110 208 79 177 69 180 313 480 120 £ 808 701 110 2,038 271 397 119 103 206 129 05 224 259 163 2 202 297 08 208 108 318 106 88 03 143 17 210 30 70 44 90 20 51 159 39 208 74 22 25 78 10 107 10 30 20 07 21 21 05 38 17 54 45 4 15 II 15 10 21 48 7 78 5 54 38 18 2 17 II 2 10 08 32 £ - 3-58 - 4-49 - 2-07 - 4-70 - 5-08 - 1-01 - 8-00 + 0-05 - 7-64 - 4-80 - 2-55 - 1-08 -14-92 - 5-67 - 2-84 -15-28 - 3-95 - 6-01 - 7-09 - 7-01 - 3-73 -12-57 - 3-71 - 1-34 - 4-70 - 3-49 - 4-07 - 5-05 - 4-00 - 5-55 - 7-25 -13-92 - 6-22 -1.9-24 - 3-64 - 5-90 - 8-29 - 2-09 -15-34 - 4-30 - 1-89 - 5-34 - 2-55 -12-53 - 2-00 - 5-35 - 2-58 -10-88 - 4-03 - 4-47 - 4-55 - 4-34 - 2-70 - 5-18 - 5-40 - 4-00 - 2-08 - 3-33 - 5-12 - 4-49 - 4-55 - 2-55 - 0-72 - 0-58 - 4-03 - 4-02 - 0-07 - 4-87 - 1-00 - 3-03 - 3-50 - 3-21 - 2-89 Altai 10,244 185,817 157,245 28,572 - 0-40


TABLE I.—Membership and Funds — continued.

4—H. 1,


Name of Sooiety and Branch. Place of Establishment. ill H <H H(D j O OiH u w<2> ! Sick and. IJrf Total Worth. P "™j™' Ago Surplus. I Management and other Funds, Goods, &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at Last Valuation. U.A.O.D. — continued. Irand Lodge of Canterbury — Central Body Pioneer Lodge.. Hope of St. Albans ,, Mistletoe „ Oak of Sydenham „ Ethelbert „ .. Lyttelton Hearts of Oak ,, Star of Anglosca ,, Perseverance ,, Hope of Amberley ,, Anchor „ Bud of Hopo „ Ohoka „ .. Timaru „ .. Trafalgar ,, Star of Ashburton „ . . Old Oak „ .. Ivy of Linwood „ . . Ellesmere ,, Olive Branch „ .. Lily of Richmond „ .. Ivy „ . • Success of Ashburton ,, Queen of tho Oak ,, Christchureh St. Albans .. Christohuroh Sydenham .. ' Springston .. Lyttelton .. Lincoln Addington .. Amberley .. Woolston .. Rangiora Ohoka Timaru Kaiapoi Ashburton .. South bridge Christchureh Doyloston .. Hornby Richmond .. Waimate .. Ashburton .. Sydenham . . 1875 1879 1879 1879 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1882 1882 .1882 1883 1883 1888 1895 1897 1902 1903 1904 1908 201 159 262 219 70 128 07 112 05 204 110 31 361 49 182 67 187 30 41 73 80 7 39 £ 14,920 0,890 4,128 3,395 4,921 1,170 518 2,230 1,400 713 2,172 1,739 072 0,988 429 3,058 1,039 1,790 549 324 027 1,128 94 279 £ 14,383 6,821 3,958 3,321 4,662 1,1.50 457 2,211 1,436 662 2,077 1,024 059 6,756 428 2,989 966 1,659 485 323 567 1,038 82 253 £ 537 69 170 74 259 26 01 19 24 51 95 115 13 232 I 09 73 137 04 1 60 90 12 26 £ - 3-40 - 1-34 - 5-77 - 6-79 - 9-90 -10-90 + 2-03 - 9-05 -13-25 - 8-52 -12-39 -13-70 - 3-23 -14-24 - 7-72 - 9-23 - 4-59 - 0-42 - 7-00 - 3-20 - 4-97 - 0-47 - 1-83 Total 2,816 01,245 58,907 2,278 - 6-18 hand Lodge of Otago and Southland — Central Body Otago Lodge .. Enterprise „ Ivanhoe ,, Royal Oak „ Acorn „ Linden „ West Harbour ,, All Nations ,, Endeavour ,, Good Intent ,, Rose of Palmerston ,, Gore ,, Lily of the Valley Oraka ,, St. Patrick's „ Pride of Morningtrin „ Star of Tuapeka „ Star of Duntroon „ Bay „ .. Hampden „ Alexandra „ Southern Oak „ Oak of Waikiwi „ Star of Thornhury ,, Dunedin S. Dunedin.. Dunedin Caversham .. InvercargiU Roslyn Rothesay .. Port Chalmers Oamaru Mosgiel Palmerston S. Gore Dunodin Colac Bay .. Waikouaiti .. Mornington.. Lawrence .. Duntroon .. Dunedin Hampden .. Alexandra S. S. Invorcargill Waikiwi Thornhury .. 1880 1880 1880 1881 1881 1883 1883 1883 1884 1885 1880 1889 1898 1899 1899 1900 1902 1904 1905 1905 1909 1911 1911 1911 246 229 314 162 360 100 118 190 241 142 101 129 110 9,077 5,351. 3,927 5,1.85 1,840 0,200 2,400 2,372 1,948 4,124 3,011 2,100 2,086 1,313 9,294 4,947 3,859 4,804 1,670 5,058 2,228 2,309 1,837 3,824 2,922 2,074 1,994 1,107 383 404 08 381 170 1,208 172 63 111 300 89 32 92 200 - 0-40 - 0-04 - 4-90 - 8-01 - 5-42 - 0-91 - 1-81 -12-82 - 4-20 - 0-15 - 1-83 - 3-72 -10-51 - 4-72 - 2-67 - 4-25 - 5-24 - 6-02 - 0-50 - 3-08 - 5-96 - 5-51 - 5-50 00 71 03 47 47 63 33 30 57 83 723 849 959 414 361 603 193 131 149 334 711 799 844 383 293 583 165 110 100 250 12 50 115 31 08 20 28 21 49 78 Total 3,020 56,322 52,171 4,151 - 4-47 Total of Order 10,085 303,381 268,383 35,001. LO.R. \'ew Zealand District — Central Body Hope of Auckland Tent .. Star of Hauraki „ Northern Star ,, Gordon ,, Whangaroa ,, Advance ,, Waitemata „ Mahurangi Homeguard ,, Star of Cambridge „ Hope of Hamilton „ Hope of Eden ,, Rosebud „ Hope of Frankton „ Hope of Devonport „ Auckland .. Thames Aratapu Onehunga .. Whangaroa.. Waihi Northcote .. Warkworth.. Cambridge .. Hamilton .. Mount Eden Huntly Frankton .. Devonport .. 1863 1870 1881 1885 1880 1899 1900 1902 1904 1907 1908 1908 1910 1910 2 265 45 14 56 17 24 16 36 30 05 150 20 15 35 23,989 1,452 005 31 50 19 40 39 27 48 54 88 41 19 19 23,552 1,1.20 038 Hi 9 11 11 0 437 320 27 15 47 8 29 33 27 33 19 79 10 9 17 15 35 9 31 10 2


TABLE I. —Membership and Funds— continued.


Name of Society and Branch. Place of F.stahlishment. *-3 a *•- ® S-B a rH rn a H -OrQCO S O CO 'Art* Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund, including Surplus. Managome nt and other Funds, Goods, Surplus or Deficiency per Member at Last Valuation. LO.R..— continued. New Zealand District —continued. Primrose ,, Hope of Morrinsville ,, J. G. Can- Memorial ., Rohe Potao ,, Ohaupo Morrinsville l.omiiera Te Kuiti .. Ohaupo Morrinsville Romnora Te Kuiti .. 1910 1911 1912 1913 8 10 21 12 £ 5 32 18 18 £ 24 5 10 £ 5 8 13 2 £ Total 847 20,000 25,510 1,144 + 2-00 New Zealand Central District Central Body Hope of Wellington Tent .. Hope of Napier ,, Bon Accord „ Perseverance ,, Haste to the Rescue ,, Bud of Promise ,, Unity „ Excelsior ,, Hopo of Dunodin ,, Pride of Christchureh „ Murihiku ,, Hope of Ormondville ,, Hope of Woodville „ Masterton ,, Hope of Carterton ,, Star of Wakefield „ .. Hope of Jolmsonville ,, Rescue ,, Onward ,, Gisborne ,, Pride of Egmont ,, Brightwater „ Pahiatua „ Lily of the South ,, Wai Aroha „ Moa Now Century „ Star of Petone „ Hope of Wanganui ,, Kia Ora ,, Ashburton ,, Triumph ,, Pride of To-au-nui ,, Hope of South InvercargiU Tent Hope of the Bluff Tent .. Port Chalmers ,, Ark of Refuge „ Hope of Addington ,. Pride of Wallace „ Pride of Dannevirke ,, Enterprise ,, Sobriety „ Progress „ Pride of Waikiwi ,, Philipson „ Kilbirnie „ Star of the South ,, Star of Woolston ,, Flower of Waianiwa ,, Pride of Roslyn ,, Alpha „ Renwick ,, Hope of Richmond ,, Riccarton ,, Taylor Memorial ,, Wellington .. Napier Blenheim Wellington . . Nelson Now Plymoutl Wellington . . Dunedin Christchu rob Invorcargill.. Ormondville Woodville .. Masterton .. Carterton .. Wakefield .. Jolmsonville Nelson Palmerston X. Gisborne Hawera Brightwater Pahiatua Inveroargill. . Stratford Inglewood . . Levin Potone Wanganui .. Hastings Ashburton . . Timaru Gore , S. Invorcargill Bluff Port Chalmen St. Albans .. Addington .. Otautau Dannevirke Linwood N.E. Valley Lower Hutt luvercargill.. Spreydon .. Kilbirnie Kensington. . Woolston .. Waianiwa .. Roslyn G ranity Ronwioktown Christohuroh Riccarton .. Ashburton . . Wellington .. Napier Blenheim Wellington . . Nelson New Plymouth Wellington .. Dunedin Christchu rob Invorcargill.. Ormondville Woodville .. Masterton .. Carterton .. Wakefield .. Johnson vi lliNelson Palmerston N. Gisborne Hawera ' Brightwater Pahiatua invorcargill.. Stratford Inglewood . . Levin Petone .. Wanganui ■. Hastings Ashburton .. Timaru Gore S. InvercargiU Bluff Port Chalmers St. Albans .. Addington .. Otautau Dannevirke Linwood N.E. Valley Lower Hutt InvercargiU.. Spreydon .. Kilbirnie Kensington.. Woolston .. Waianiwa .. Roslyn (1 ranity Ronwioktown Christchureh Riccarton .. Ashburton .. 1866 1870 1871 1872 1872 1874 1875 1875 1870 1877 1877 1878 1878 1881 1883 1883 I SSI I8S0 1891 1892 1893 1894 1,894 1895 1898 1899 1901 1904 1900 1907 1907 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1910 1910 1910 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1912 1913 1913 1914 1915 1910 17 103 54 55 00 30 150 120 00 227 327 151 27 28 88 43 52 17 19 03 91 41 23 8 40 31 29 25 43 40 44 42 20 18 30 14 27 76 51 7 19 88 100 15 31 82 9 72 44 18 22 30 0 30 19 21 25,105 10,504 49 005 1,648 991 3,664 1,647 1,396 4,254 3,834 4,362 185 1,243 I ,080 515 1 ,092 966 32 18 431 (i 5 7 137 10 23 58 23 20 10 Hi 00 22,350 9,717 49 005 1,024 958 3,513 1,594 1,275 4,033 3,804 4,302 102 I ,223 1,041 490 1,090 961 9 10 399 4 2 5 186 3 5 21 4 5 8 2,815 787 24 33 151 53 121 221 30 83 20 39 19 2 5 23 8 32 2 3 2 1 13 18 37 19 15 2 16 55 + 124-70 + 13-32 - 7-55 - 3-33 + 0-59 -|- 9-07 - 1-73 -12-02 - 3-35 - 7-71 - 7-04 - 3-22 -22-22 + 14-41 -10-87 - 4-91 - 5-44 + 9-39 -ll-20t -11-20-j- - 11-2(5-)--19-35 -ll-20t -11-20-f -12-69 -ll-26f -11-26t -18-57 -1 I -20f -11'28-j* -ll-26t - 11-20-j-5 19 10 35 50 21 3 32 4 43 10 24 20 10 27 10 39 8 8 5 15 7 5 7 5 HI 17 5 5 9 5 13 8 12 Hi 30 46 4 I 27 4 38 I 19 7 8 27 10 34 3 3 1 15 7 5 5 5 5 4 Total 3,099 64,491 59,518 4,973 — 4-54 Total of Order 3,940 91,151 85,034 6,117 S.D.T. National Division of New Zealand Central Body Perseverance Division Resolution „ Excelsior ,, Elim ,, Helpmate ,, Advance ,, Sunbeam ,, Hope of Sydenham Division . . Addington . . Christchureh Rangiora Addington .. St. Albans .. Ashburton .. Wellington . . Wanganui .. I Sydenham .. Addington .. Christohuroh Rangiora Addington . . St. Albans .. Ashburton .. Wellington . . Wanganui . . Sydenham .. 1872 1873 1885 1885 1880 1887 1888 1889 68 54 02 53 18 37 20 30 11.240 954 240 49 91 22 19 20 28 11,124 922 0 14 0 O 10 122 32 240 43 77 10 13 10 28 Total 354 12,669 12,088 581 + 3-17 t Tei nts com] irising Cei intra! Sick Fund.


TABLE I. —Membership and Funds— continued.


Name of Society and Branch. Place of Establishment. , cr, 3 to S»S Sick and nga .SSSr.' rn.,.., worn, Funeral Fund, g-5 2 IfS Total Woith. including (" » -> fl § g Surplus. H Management and other Funds, Goods, &c. Surplus or Deficiency por Mombor at Last Valuation. S.D. T. — continued. Divisions separately registered — Antidote Division Progress ,, Dunodin Kaiapoi 1871 1872 183 87 £ 7,109 3,505 £ 0.704 3,505 £ 405 £ - 3-08 + 1-38 Total .. . < 270 10,074 10,209 405 Total of Order 024 23,343 22,357 980 H.A.C.B.S. Zealand District — Central Body Charleston Branch Grahamstown „ Greymouth „ St. Joseph's „ Auckland „ St. Patrick's St. Patrick's ,, Onehunga „ St. John's St. Joseph's „ St. Patrick's ,, Waipawa „ St. John's „ St. Patricks „ St. Mary's „ St. Joseph's ,, St. Michael's Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Branoh St. Patrick's Branoh Sancta Maria ,, St. Columbkille's „ St. Patrick's ,, St. Canice's „ St. Patrick's „ St. Patrick's St. Patrick's „ St. Mary's ,, St. Aloysius's „ St. Patrick's St. Patrick's „ St. Joseph's ,, Sts. Peter and Paul's ,, St. Ita's „ St. Mary's St. Patrick's „ St. Mary's „ Sts. Peter and Paul's „ St. Mary's „ Sacred Heart „ St. Mary's „ Sacred Heart ,, St. Mary's St. Patrick's St. Mary's St. Mary's St. Andrew's ,, St. Stanislaus ,, St. Edward's ,, St. John's „ St. Brendan's ,, Robert Emmett ,, St. Mary's St. Mary's St. Joseph's ,, St. Columbkille's ,, St. Francis Xavier's ,, St. Mary's „ St. Mary's St. Patrick's ,, Charleston .. Grahamstown Greymouth Dunodin Auckland . . Christchureh Wellington .. Onehunga .. Napier Now Plymouth Blenheim . . Waipawa .. Leeston Lincoln Timaru Hastings Masterton .. Milton Oamaru Auokland .. Denniston .. Waimate Westport .. Gisborne Palmerston N. Reefton Wellington .. Newtown .. Kaiapoi Ashburton . . Waihi Hutt Hawera Taihapo Manaia InvercargiU Gore Geraldinc .. Wellington .. Carterton .. Petone Opunake Meeanee Port Chalmers Wanganui . . Levin Inglewood .. Kaponga Eltham Otahuhu Hokitika Mosgiel Nelson Temuka Woodville .. Methven Christchureh Ohaupo Darfield .. 1870 1870 1870 1873 1873 1874 1874 1874 1874 1870 1870 1870 1882 1882 1882 1885 1880 1891 1891 1895 1901 1901 1901 1903 1903 1903 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1905 1906 1906 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1911 1911 19.11 1912 1912 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1914 1914 1914 3 4 39 120 307 210 291 254 35 78 23 70 33 28 39 175 90 33 29 79 12 23 31 08 41 47 15 09 95 7 48 30 34 24 30 61 98 44 33 45 7 30 8 10 18 90 15 35 27 27 19 15 15 34 31 24 25 35 25 II 18,400 .12 49 472 3,340 3,839 3,005 803 251 588 225 550 452 507 532 1,010 555 071 207 1,051 233 133 349 481 199 200 357 048 392 92 578 04 229 259 208 368 477 305 208 252 60 209 09 14 23 309 52 122 08 85 92 79 91 90 69 101 03 154 5(5 40 16,058 9 30 454 2,801 3,147 2,749 476 213 430 177 309 380 402 428 1,470 423 612 106 882 211 73 274 391 150 254 354 502 195 49 537 2,402 3 19 18 545 092 310 387 38 158 48 247 72 105 104 140 132 59 41 109 22 00 75 90 43 12 3 80 197 43 41 04 29 2!) 02 73 02 17 22 71 30 44 13 4 3 02 25 32 20 31 31 15 30 44 24 24 9 75 1.1 17 -33-40 -28-95 -13-25 - 9-00 -10-58 - 9-24 -.14-50 -18-01 -19-81 -10-87 -20-98 -17-57 - 3-94 -I3-07 -10-50 -10-24 - 0-75 -14-69 -13-49 -|- 6-64 -13-30 -12-29 -11-90 -10-70 -10-20 -11-31 + 3-58 -14-03 -13-37 - -11-89 -12-43 -11-90 -10-84 -10-07 -11-31 -11-65 200 230 140 295 415 288 240 181 30 105 50 10 20 307 27 90 48 54 61 04 55 52 45 77 54 79 45 29 Total of Order 3,302 45,447 38,101 7,340 -12-03



TABLE I. —Membership and Funds— continued.

Name of Society and Branch. Place of Establishment. S-2S rH rn a H. •ir acd r-l W r-i II-a-S m S s 2 Sick and Management Total Wortli Funeral Fund, and other rotai wonn. including Funds, Goods, Surplus. &e. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at Last Valuation. P.A.F.S.A. GrandJJouncil of New 'Zealand — Central Body Prince of Wales Lodgo Queen's Own „ Excelsior „ Wickliffe John Knox „ Alexandra „ Triumph „ Valley True Blue ,, Star of Hastings ,, Star of Oamaru ,, St. Albans ,, Star of Southland „ Auckland .. Thames Christchureh Green Island Napier Wellington .. Auckland .. S. Dunedin N.E. Valley Hastings Oamaru Auckland . . Invorcargill 1873 1874 1876 1877 1879 1879 1883 1883 1883 1883 1896 1914 36 145 109 24 54 80 152 83 50 105 22 11 £ 11,121 721 1,087 1,540 804 1,305 1,747 2,332 917 829 2,527 820 77 £ 10,537 710 1,037 1,350 799 1,272 1,003 2,240 864 810 2,409 825 70 £ 584 5 50 190 5 33 84 80 53 1.9 58 1 1 £ -15-58 -18-48 - 4-64 - 4-93 - 3-05 - 8-40 - 8-57 - 5-03 + 2-70 - 3-63 + 7-50 Total of Order 871 25,833 24,004 1,169 - 7-48 Othek Societies. Eden Temperance Benefit F.S. . . Fountain of Friendship Lodge .. Parnell Auckland . . 1874 1884 38 540 2,704 31,599 2,095 25,450 9 0,149 + 1.0-82 + 7-81 Total other societies .. 578 34,303 28,145 0,158 Grand total 70,300 1,954,940 1,782,035 172,305


TABLE II.—Numerical Progress, Mortality, and Sickness for the Year 1916.


Number of Members. Sickness experienced. Admitted by Left by .. „ . Name of Society and Branch. '■§■3-2 r-i 02 Clearance and Amalgamation. -r, ,, Clear- : Arrears, Death - ance. ! &c. , At Begin-! Total. ningof ! Year. At End of Year. Sick during Year. Total. First Six Months. Second Six Months. After Twelve Months. Deaths of Eegistered Wives. Total. Manchester Unity Independent Order I of Odd Fellows — New Zealand Branch — Central Body. \ Auckland District Hawke's Bay „ .. New Plymouth ., .. Wanganui ., Wellington ,, Marlborough „ Nelson ,, Motueka „ United Westland ,. Ashley „ North Canterbury „ . Ashburton ,, 45 17 20 45 37 3 13 12 14 7 45 4 30 2 1 2 4 75 19 27 47 41 3 14 12 14 8 47 6 60 15 16 9 31 1 15 8 5 17 2S 13 26 2 5 4 2 216 39 43 47 76 8 16 13 51 46 85 17 308 3,508 56 1,384 64 1.109 60 800 109 2,218 9 172 34 870 22 499 . 57 550 03 1,093 114 2,175 31 532 3.275 1,347 1,072 847 2,150 166 850 489 513 1,038 2,108 507 637 196 143 116 292 31 163 110 117 147 370 108 Weeks. 6.348 2,320 1,512 1,050 3,520 357 3,223 1,509 2.049 2,234 4,529 770 Weeks. 4,079 1,305 709 007 1,098 137 895 577 576 1,164 2,049 543 Weeks. 632 406 156 82 337 11 305 156 263 184 494 100 Weeks. 1,637 555 587 307 1,435 209 2.023 830 1,210 886 1,986 127 7 11 5 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 4 3 12 3 1 2 2 1 1 Total New Zealand Branch 268 45 313 224 46 657 927 14,976 14,362 2,436 29,493 14,519 3,126 11,848 52 Districts separately registered — Lyttelton District South Canterbury „ Otago „ .. .. j Southland ,, .. 22 14 140 59 3 8 9 22 17 148 68 8 5 83 34 2 14 10 15 12 150 111 23 519 19 595 247 4,908 155 1,797 518 593 4,809 1,710 101 79 661 215 1,173 952 9,634 2,735 482 415 3.229 1.182 245 148 4,121 775 440 389 2.284 778 3 2 20 9 Total separately registered 235 20 255 130 26 288 : 7,819 7,630 1,056 14,494 5,308 5,289 3,897 34 Total of Order .. .. I 503 65 568 354 72 945 43,987 19,827 8,415 15,745 so 1,371 22,795 21,992 3,492 Independent Order of Odd Fellows of New Zealand National Independent Order of Odd Fellows — Auckland Provincial District British United Order of Oddfellows — Aorangi Lodge .. .. ■ .. 470 11 8 95 571 85 103 460 048 6,703 6,686 922 7,360 4,012 805 1,949 21 12 24 29 440 423 93 712 507 82 123 10 11 143 140 28 127 100 15 Ancient Order of Foeesters — Auckland District Hawke's Bay ,, Taranaki „ Wellington „ Nelson „ Canterbury United „ 93 9 33 81 14 41 13 1 4 1 1 106 9 34 85 15 42 26 15 12 46 10 22 16 4 3 1 2 128 35 52 199 39 01 170 54 64 248 56 85 2,137 727 1,450 4,591 930 1.306 2,073 082 1,420 4.428 889 1,203 350 106 187 745 164 213 3.724 1.118 1.827 7,974 2,213 2.712 1,789 805 999 4.164 876 1.148 294 313 247 727 179 301 1,641 581 3,083 1.158 1.205 2 4 22 7 0


TABLE II.—Numerical Progress, Mortality, and Sickness for the Year 1916—continued.


Number of Members. Sickness experienced. Name of Society and Branch. Admitted by s a"§ Clear■2 '3 g ance o3 Ph 3 and ~B -C Ha Amalga3 | $ mation. Total. Death. Clea1 '- Arrears, ance. &c. Left by Total. At Beginning of Year. At End of Year. Sick during Year. Total. First Six Months. Deaths of Registered Second After Twelve Wives Six Months. Months. Ancient Order op Foresters — contd. South Canterbury District United Otago „ Courts separately registered 19 162 20 25 19 187 20 15 48 19 29 1 17 154 47 32 231 67 746 3.077 1,189 733 3,033 1,142 99 427 217 Weeks. 1,061 4,968 3.590 Weeks. 507 2,088 1,169 Weeks. 79 405 263 Weeks. 475 2,475 2,158 6 8 5 Total of Order 472 45 517 219 56 7321,007 16,153 15,663 2,508 29,187 13,543 2,868 12,776 60 Ancient Order of Shepherds 53 50 L6 254 120 36 98 United Ancient Order of Druids — Grand Lodge of North Island of NewZealand Grand Lodge of Canterbury Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland 101 31 98 146 18 45 247 49 143 132 32 43 147 28 63 688 124 143 967 184 249 10,969 10,249 1,676 11,064 7,720 1,101 2,243 1,600 1,551 27 15 8 2,951 3,126 2,816 3,020 483 436 4,441 4,051 2,289 2,163 552 337 Total of Order 230 209 439 207 238 955 1,400 17,046 16,085 2,595 19,556 12,172 1,990 5,394 50 Independent Order of Rechabites — New Zealand District New Zealand Central District 16 126 17 56 33 182 13 34 11 33 52 181 76 248 890 3,165 847 3,099 129 417 1.330 3,936 565 2,032 231 451 534 1,453 2 4 Total of Order 142 73 215 47 44 233 324 4,055 3,946 546 5,266 2,597 682 1,987 Sons and Daughters of Temperance — National Division of New Zealand .. Divisions separately registered 10 8 3 13 8 9 5 2 11 In 22 15 363 277 354 270 61 48 927 844 148 161 145 312 634 371 1 Total of Order 18 21 u 21 37 624 109 1,771 309 457 1,005 Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society — New Zealand District 161 41 202 28 4li 255 329 3,429 3,302 377 4,715 2,151 671 1,893 Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia — Grand Council of New Zealand 15 24 IM 5 51 69 916 871 150 1,655 626 120 ill Hi Uther Societies 14 3 : 17 594 578 Ill 1,872 1,035 193 644 42,538 1 232 Grand total 2,037 541 2,578 977 566 ! 3,702 I 5,245 I 73,027 70,360 10,947 116,468 57,605 16,325 I ' I ' ] '


TABLE III.—Sick and Funeral Funds.—Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1916.


Name of Society and Branch. a O _, w -2°fl -Sol- § a 5 Receipts. a a o J3M a CO >i fl O §■ ■§ t/5 Li ■+-> CD P, ifl'S oS M o « m &ao V & 55 <* Expel 3.2 fl d " 9 Eb O iditure. Ii f i *- > rCk rkkfl £ r ®'£ O T O H JH~i a* s og, &1 § | 03 M o 6 •h 3 o n X W fl""! 11 O CD fl CD M.U.I.O.O.F. N.Z. Branch, Central Body Auckland District Hawke's Bay „ New Plymouth „ Wanganui „ Wellington ,, Marlborough „ Nelson ,, Motueka ,, United Westland „ Ashley ,, North Canterbury „ Ashburton „ £ 18 6,705 2,497 1,653 1,600 2,858 175 1,373 753 744 1,770 3,317 045 £ 1,991 4,510 2,215 1,059 1,317 3,887 430 1,360 845 927 1,399 2,080 079 £ £ 3,020 21,788 60 £ £ £ £ £ 5,035 34,833 5,242 3,802 3,270 7,300 075 2,787 1,735 1,841 3,002 7,147 1,669 £ £ 40,424 85,098 47,030 34,104 29,699 87,870 8,784 28,219 13,007 IS.I 13 29,773 55,029 15,320 1.764 470 550 353 020 70 54 120 124 481 927 340 1 5,200 1,718 919 800 2,320 222 1 ,098 909 1,179 1 ,270 2,737 479 1,709 480 080 390 585 30 54 120 112 510 890 300 23,101 840 015 466 1,012 130 552 307 330 737 1,485 145 I00 3 140 51 379 20 57 30,242 3,047 2,360 1,767 4,302 402 2,361 1,396 1,749 2,517 5,629 1,161 17 46 1.2 223 5 122 517 177 Total —N.Z. Branch 24,174 23,905 5,873 25,178; 19,583 5,980, 29,792 1,578 79,130 56,933 493,772 Districts separately registered. Lyttelton District South Canterbury ,, Otago Southland ,, 928 944 8,091 2,049 1,019 022 8,081 1 ,950 234 200 2,381 1,100 101 177 89 28 802 501 0,322 J ,959 230 200 2,410 I ,070 380 382 1,122 877 8 I ,001 398 2,282 1,943 18,042 5,727 1,412 1,151 11,518 4,304 22,141 13,538 107,147 39,193 Total —Separately registered 12,012 11,072 3,915 395 9,044 3,910 2,701 2,070 28,594 18.385 242,019 Total of Order 30,780 35,577 9,788 25,573 29,227 9,890 32,553 3,048 1107,724 75,318 735,791 I.O.O.F. New Zealand 4,908 2,320 9,771)| 102 24,500 17,109 1.11,938 9,858 5,01.1 0,787 2,850 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District .. 602 94 ss 10 841 794 5,228 557 183 100 B.U.O.O.F. Aorangi Lodge 113 58 337 175 3,489 180 157 A.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay ,, Taranaki ,, Wellington „ Nelson „ Canterbury United ,, South Canterbury „ United Otago „ Courts separately registered .. 3,167 1,108 1,784 0,779 I ,301 1,010 940 4,174 1,803 1,870 I ,375 1,672 5,189 1,400 2,017 823 3,091 1.087 492 563 585 2,430 485 495 370 940 856 3,003 49 21 2,300 962 1,194 5,210 1,240 1,501 665 2.644 1,748 040 390 410 2,476 484 550 380 1,000 470 807 1,734 535 1,757 443 330 161 766 3 75 255 58 4,105 90 537 388 6,385 0,049 4,090 14,419 3,192 5,005 2,139 8,20.1 3,495 3,822 3,080 2,139 9,098 2,225 0,480 1,302 4,947 2,009 41,824 29,778 33,668 100,792 30,797 44,343 19,120 03,807 30,895 937 56 5 Total of Order 22,078 19,130 6,360 4,927 17,404 0,800, 0,530 5,514 53,095 30,314 407,090 A.O.S. Total—A.O.S. 122 113 I ,200 50 66 113 U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of North Island of New Zealand Grand Lodge of Canterbury .. Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland 17,901 3,989 4,709 7,597 2,853 2,512 3,090 913 1 ,094 1 ,013 100 283 8,888 2,894 2,730 3,093 910 1 ,090 3,111 792 793 23 410 437 29,007 7,855 8,058 15,115 5,006 5,050 157,190 58,907 52,109 r [ otal of Order 26,719 12,692 5,103 1,390 14,512 5,093 4,690 STO 40,180 27,171 208,332 LO.R. New Zoaland District Now Zoaland Central District . . I " 1,187 3,307 1,290 2,760 358 1,1.52 '026 829 2,183 3301 9401 338 1,600 177 28 2,835, 8,145 I ,080| 4,751, 25,516 58,591 Total of Order 4,494| 4,050 1,510 920 3,012 1,276 1.938 205 10,980 0,431 84,107 S. AND D.T. National Division of New Zealand Divisions separately registered 521 371 561 550 425 397 425 310 no 217 1,507 921 924 543 12,088 10,201 8 Total of Order 892! 1,111 425 822 420 2.1.7 2,428 1 ,407 22,349 H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District 440 1 ,244 11 6,136 4,403 35.301 3,953| 1,240 453 490 2,708 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Counoil of Now Zealand 305 272 148 3,200 1,048 24,553 1,440 1,294 305; 107 803 Other societies 1,048 1,300, 26 I ,333 99 2,000 2,434 3,4321 28,145 Grand total 108,061 82,141 I 30,891 30.290 75,677 | 20,855 57,323 12,520 257,989 172,375 [1,727,583


TABLE IV.—Medical and Management Expenses Funds. —Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1916.


Name of Society and Branch. fl O _ to fl •rj fl >h e3 . *S t- CD jj+s gX-O a fl a a. cd -Co® ® m fl rt tj 8 S Beceipts. §1 M rH Ci CD to a a .2,2-o'3 a i* •< Expen, -H -kl o a « a a® "1 lituro. 0 -H ■3° 6 I 'rH 4-> ii a o® M to a '3 - © H "3 ■*» o H 6 i -3 a a a. M w 3 o CO 5. §£' Ii o o> fl CD 55 M.U.I.O.O.F. N.Z.Branch, Central Body Auckland District .. Hawke's Bay „ New Plymouth „ Wanganui „ Wellington „ Marlborough „ Nelson „ Motueka ,, United Wcstland „ Ashley „ North Canterbury „ Ashburton „ £ £ 22 09 523 £ £ £ £ £ 133 178 248 £ 22 5,337 2,721 1,583 1,832 2,830 203 1,118 732 974 1,058 3,259 540 £ 133 5,274 3,005 1,023 I ,021 3,14!) 188 1,171 702 1,091 1,125 3,578 554 £ 280 2,050 1.709 176 5,946 2,240 92 307 01 101 291 2,093 483 5,125 2,135 1,501 1,305 2,715 99 1,100 720 907 1,040 2,999 511 253 80 03 143 03 22 274 41 41 12 12 7 8 130 16 2,703 1,883 1 ,027 1,004 1,944 48 040 498 508 059 2,200 349 1,319 760 419 461 851 107 339 120 399 255 729 142 1,014 174 177 113 263 33 147 119 152 153 308 01 43 9.1 45 25 32 58 275 2 10 130 13 Total—N.Z. Branch .. 20,283 1,103 709 13,529 5,091 2,774 1,130 22,215 23,334 17,155 Districts separately registered. Lyttelton District .. South Canterbury „ Otago „ Southland „ 007 912 7,702 2,384 14 20 200 9 1 25 93 101 408 746 4,997 1,544 189 182 I ,948 029 71 39 558 237 42 23 767 20 022 957 8,115 2,494 710 990 8,270 2,430 451 242 8,005 711 Total—Separately registered 11,665 303 220 7,695 2,948 90S 852 12,188 12,400 9,409 Total of Order 31,948 1,466 989 21,224 8,849 3,079 1,982 34,403 35,734 20,024 I.O.O.F. New Zealand 9,241 82 298 5,535 2,324 832 192 9,021 8,883 , 5,720 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District 572 307 154 II 20 575 585 379 B.U.O.O.F. Aorangi Lodge 80 209 1.37 79 209 218 A.O.F. Auckland District .. Hawke's Bay „ Taranaki ,, Wellington ,, Nelsoti „ Canterbury United ,, South Canterbury „ United Otago ,, Courts separately registered 3,501 1 ,435 1,991 0,207 I ,458 1,718 985 4,479 1,748 25 2 17 5 15 4 108 32 123 33 200 34 73 118 2,319 933 1,486 4,159 1 ,079 1 ,204 783 3,021 1,154 909 349 504 1 ,891 390 450 183 I , 120 641 309 204 140 331 91 95 58 323 543 39 42 109 1 29 123 519 19 3,034 1,409 2,008 0,335 1,500 I ,982 I ,019 4,005 1,899 4,140 1 ,525 2,172 0,550 1 ,501 I ,853 1,147 4,989 1,8.14 1,503 66 179 2,004 850 012 547 2,780 1 ,007 113 33 Total of Order 23,522 214 781 16,198 0,458 1 ,611 1,484 24,517 25,751 10,214 A.O.S. Total—A.O.S. 20 23 20 23 U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of North Island of Now Zealand Grand Lodge of Canterbury Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland 17,474 4,805 4,880 43 43 5 384 23 205 10,735 3,180 3,238 5,537 1,445 1,401 1,103 290 329 400 185 38 17,901 4,931 5,150 17,835 5,100 5,006 9,500 1,017 2,430 Total of Order 27,225 91 072 17,153 8,383 1,782 023 27,988 27,941 12,953 LO.R. New Zealand District New Zealand Central District 1,112 3,823 2 12 12 I (iS 647 2,237 297 1 ,042 172 473 13 79 1,126 4,003 1,129 3.831 422 1 ,199 Total of Order 4,935 14 180 2,884 1,339 045 92 5,129 4,900 1,021 S. and D.T. National Division of N.Z. . . Divisions separately registered Total of Order 404 274 15 27 5 270 187 1.28 108 66 0 500 279 470 301 270 399 738 15 32 403 230 00 785 771 075 ll.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District 4,397 56 77 2,770 1,170 331 201 4,530 4,532 2,573 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council of N. Zealand 1 ,428 36 797 402 220 52 1,465 1 ,471 271 Other Sooti.thos 710 202 2,000 501 347 499 2,972 1 ,407 0,089 Grand total 2,204 5,065 08,089 29,764 9,212 5,211 112,214 112,270 07.200 104,945 •


TABLE V. —Disposition of Funds as on the 31st December, 1916.

5—P. 1.


Name of Society and Branch. Total. Investments at Interest. V l.and° f Casl > and «ot bearing lUlildings. lntel '« st ' Value of Goods, Furniture, and Bogalia. Other Assets. M.U. I.O.O.F. New Zoaland Branoh, Central Body Auckland District Hawke's Bay „ New Plymouth ,, Wanganui „ Wellington ,, Marlborough „ Nelson ,, Motueka „ United Westland Ashley ,, North Canterbury „ Ashburton „ £ 40,920 101,181 57,155 34,701 30,537 95,902 12,930 50,050 19,386 18,402 32,610 59,247 17,051 £ 40,414 87,078 49,637 30.231 23,454 02,309 12,282 47.570 10,959 15,091 29,813 51,705 15,945 £ £ 480 9,782 2,403 0,115 1,1.16 2,583 1,419 12,176 308 31,590 1,550 70 536 1.099 022 1,239 853 2,001 421 1,911 007 5,380 1,405 200 704 £ 26 870 17 284 342 190 36 90 32 9 156 302 41 £ 1 ,048 270 244 257 251 09 303 340 123 389 IOI Total—New Zoaland Branch 576,198 576,198 482,554 482,554 75,358 12,430 2,401 3,455 .District's separately registered. Lyttelton District South Canterbury ,, Otago ,, Southland ,, 24,232 13,867 186,973 41,196 24,232 13,807 186,973 41,196 20,002 11,685 169.177 38.954 20,602 11,685 169.177 38.954 2,500 1,893 9,319 261 855 128 4,710 1,429 75 100 578 255 200 (il 3,189 297 Total—Separately registered 266,208 200,208 240,418 240,418 13,973 7,122 1 ,008 3,747 Total of Order 842,406 842,466 j 722,972 722.972 89,331 19,552 3,409 7.202 I.O.O.F. New Zealand 134,596 134,590 108,970 108,970 12,170 4,927 1 ,900 0,017 N.I.O.O.F. Auokland Provincial District 5,808 5,195 5,808 5,195 360 40 138 69 B.U.O.O.F. Aorangi Lodge 3,051 3,051 3,581 3,581 29 10 31 A.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay ,, Taranaki ,, Wellington Nelson ,, Canterbury United South Canterbury ,, United Otago ,, .. Courts separately registered 44,905 30,510 35,342 114,610 32,269 49,202 19,702 73,723 43,450 44,905 30,510 35,342 114,010 32,209 49,202 19,702 73,723 43,450 28.923 20,195 32.193 92,090 28,121 45,543 10,223 68.1 {.--, 38.430 28,923 26,195 32.193 92,090 28,121 45,543 10,223 08.115 38,430 12.034 1,551 1,655 14,788 I ,881 1,116 2,247 1,373 3.820 775 83S 1,315 4,980 2,130 746 1,059 2,585 524 1,051 352 42 1,441 131 344 171 237 390 I ,522 1,574 137 I .317 1,453 2 I ,383 286 Total of Order 443,725 375.869 7,674 443,725 375.809 41.005 14,958 4.1 59 A O.S. Total A.O.S. .. 1,233 I ,233 I , 175 I , 175 44 14 U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of North Island of New Zealand Grand Lodge of Canterbury Grand Lodgo of Otago and Southland 185,817 (il ,245 56,322 185,817 (il ,245 56,322 157.330 56,OSS 48,452 157.330 56.988 48,452 13.736 2.200 4,365 11,216 901 2,081 1,675 568 650 1 ,854 528 768 Total of Order 303,384 303,384 262.776 202.770 20.301 14,198 2,899 3.150 , LO.R. Now Zealand District New Zealand Central District 26,000 04,491 20,000 04,491 25.760 57.9S5 ; 25.700 57,985 776 2,037 27 17 97 862 3,590 Total of Order . . 91,151 91,151 83,715 83,745 3,590 2,813 44 959 S. and D.T. National Division of New Zealand Divisions separately registered 12,609 1.0,074 12,009 1.0,074 11 .211 10,465 11 ,211 10,405 815 474 158 155 14 51 Total of Order 23,343 23,343 21 ,676 21,676 815 032 155 65 H.A.C. B.S. Now Zealand District 45,447 45,447 30.970 30.970 2,419 3.196 991 I ,871 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand 25,833 25.833 24,250 24,250 300 714 288 275 Other Societies 34,303 34,303 4.071 4,071 29.000 513 IO0 13 Grand total .. .. .. 1, 1.95I.9IH ,954,940 I,651,850 1.051,850 199,417 01,022 14,119 27.920


TABLE VI.—Investments at Interest as on the 31st December, 1916.


Deposit ;ed with ! 0ovB ™. Mortgages £°™la m ,°!„H Municipal Other Freehold DebenBanks. Property. tures : Name of Society and Branch. Total. Post Office Savingsbank. Other Investments. M..U. I.O.O.F. New Zealand Branoh, Central Body Auckland District Hawke's Bay ,, New Plymouth ,, Wanganui ,, Wellington „ Marlborough ,, Nelson ,, -Motueka „ United Westland ,, Ashley ,, North Canterbury ,, Ashburton ,, £ 40,414 87,078 49,637 30,231 23,454 62,309 12,282 47,570 16,959 15,091 29,813 51,765 15,945 £ 3,029 3,090 284 2,150 1,200 3,073 051 1,247 384 1,732 2,500 4,642 1,030 ; I £ £ £ 35,785 1,000 4,305 78,048 75 48.848 505 27,100 921 20,730 1,518 52,532 2,549 11,206 425 31,854 14,475 16,575 400 12,457 502 27,313 45,173 1,950 14,909 £ 300 3,555 Total —New Zealand Branch 482,554 20,824 4,705 423,190 23,920 3,855 Districts separately registered. Lyttelton District .. South Canterbury ,, Otago „ Southland „ 20,002 II,685 169,177 38,954 509 990 3,345 2,320 1,090 365 19,014 10.609 158,196 27,125 250 80 0,031 9,138 829 515 Total —Separately registered 240,418 7,170 1.455 214,944 15,499 1,344 Total of Order 39,419 5,199 722,972 34,000 0.220 038.134 I.O.O.F. New Zealand 108,970 1 ,098 600 105.588 007 351 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provineial District 5,195 447 427 3,700 500 01 B.U.O.O.F. Aorangi Lodge .. .. .. ... 3,581 3O0 \ 3,215 A.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay ,, Taranaki ,, Wellington .,, Nelson ,, .. Canterbury United „ South Canterbury ,, United Otago ,, Courts separately registered 28,923 20,195 32,193 92.090 28,121 45,543 10,223 08,145 38,430 849 301 2,700 4,501 464 1,901 084 302 ! 918 j 397 172 50 300 259 146 39 44 27,487 25,801 28,015 85,619 15,947 42,044 15,193 67.444 33,974 140 700 1,404 11,410 1,339 200 300 3,500 50 33 510 Total of Order 375,809 12,740 1,407 342.124 18,993 599 A.O.S. Total—A.O.S. 1,175 100 1,075 U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of North Island of New Zealand Grand Lodge of Canterbury Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland 157,330 50,988 48,452 7,700 4,427 3,310 9.044 199 138 132,357 52,202 44,477 7,928 100 510 247 11 Total of Order 262,770 15,503 9,381 229,090 8,538 258 LO.R. New Zealand District New Zealand Central District 25.700 57,985 40 2,397 359 373 25.355 52,315 2,900 Total of Order 83,745 2,443 732 77,670 2,900 S. and D.T. National Division of New Zealand Divisions separately registered 11,211 10.405 94 120 92 11,025 10,345 Total of Order 21,670 214 92 21 ,370 H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District 30,970.! 3,707 442 31.802 835 124 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand 24,256 818 826 22,104 400 48 Other Societies 4,071 813 3,645 213 Grand total 1,651,856 72,042 21,006 1,479,703 72,405 6,640




Register Number. Name of Society. Place of Establishment, &$£_#_. Number of Members at End of Year. Amount of Funds on 31st December, 1910. Isolated Friejs sidly Societies. £ Wellington District, M.U.I.O.O.F., Widow and Orphan Society Otago Daily Times Mutual Provident Society . . Grey Valley Accident Relief Fund Gi'ey Valley Coal-miners' Medical Fund Society Kaitangata Employees' Benefit Society United Fire Brigades' Accident Assurance Society of New Zealand Blackball Colliery Accident Relief Fund Society Huntly Collieries' Medical and Accident Relief Association Auckland U.F.S. Disponsary Auckland U.F.S. Medical Institute Christchureh U.F.S. Dispensary Point Elizabeth Accident Relief Fund Auckland Tramways' Sick and Accident Friendly Sooiety Nightcaps Collieries' Medical, Sick, and Accident Relief Association Stockton Colliery Medical and Accident Relief Association Wellington Corporation Tramways and Electric Lighting Friendly Society Inangahua Minors' Accident Relief Association .. North Otago U.F.S. Dispensary Hawera U.F.S. Disponsary Wanganui U.F.S. Dispensary Palmerston North U.F.S. Dispensary Ashburton U.F.S. Association Wakamarina Miners' Accident Relief Association Syrian Benevolent Society Te Akatea Miners' and Settlers' Medical Association Hawke's Bay U.F.S. Council Pukemiro Medical Society Wellington .. 1849 04 2,082 24 338 183 335 310 279 Dunodin .. .. 1880 Brunnerton .. 1881 Brunnerton .. 1881 Kaitangata .. 1887 Auckland .. .. 1891 84 130 143 2181,581 1,002 89 220 115 1,900 293 300 Blackball .. .. 1894 Huntly . . .. 1900 312 340 2,071 1,501 313 310 319 323 322 Auckland .. .. 1903 1903 Christchureh .. 1904 Runanga .. . . 1904 Auokland .. .. 1905 3,478 2,498 4,070 3,218 130 1,850 595 I ,807 470 327 Nightcaps .. 1909 104 328 Ngakawau . . 1909 199 525 331 Newtown, Wellington 1909 244 715 333 330 337 341 345 340 347 348 351 Reefton .. .. 1911 Oamaru .. .. 1911 Hawera . . .. 1!) 12 Wanganui .. 1913 Palmerston North .. 1914 Ashburton .. 1914 Wakamarina .. 1914 Wellington .. 1915 Glen Massey .. I!)15 012 1 ,044 1,190 885 950 40 70 109 052 1 ,531 1 ,119 1.211 I .597 30 19 7(i 97 353 352 Napier . . . . 1910 Pukemiro . . . . 1910 1,454 120 183 08 Total 25,179 Juvenile Friejs vdly Societies. 288 290 329 303 314 329(1) 354 Court Pride of the Forest A.O.F. Court Pride of Inveroargill A.O.F. Juvenile Council, Otago, A.O.F. Kaiapoi Lodge, M.U.l.O.O.F. Court Pride of Napier, A.O.F. Court Pride of the Port, A.O.F. Court Hope of Green Island Dunedin .. .. 1893 InvercargiU .. 1894 Dunedin .. .. 1895 Kaiapoi .. .. 1897 Napier .. .. 1903 Port Chalmers .. 1904 Croon Island .. 1915 1893 1894 1895 1897 1903 1904 1915 29 30 180 7 12 38 13 51 104 39 98 623 78 15 Total .. I .008 • WORKING-M :en's Clubs. 151 Wellington Working-men's Club and Literary Institute Napier Working-men's Club South Wairarapa Working-men's Club Auckland Working-men's Club and Mechanics' 1 nstitute Christchureh Working-men's Club and Mutual School of Arts Club Garibaldi Kaiapoi Working-men's Club Ashburton Club and Mutual School of Arts Potone Working-men's Club and Literary Institute Oxford Working-men's Club Blenheim Working-men's Club Palmerston North Working - men's Club and Litorary Institute South Island Bands' Association of New Zealand Wellington .. 1877 1877 703 j 10,373 309 180 215 Napier .. .. 1877 Grevtown .. 1878 Auckland .. .. 1879 1877 1878 1879 1,095 10,022 374 2,401 735 9,033 471 5,381 162 Christchureh .. 1880 1880 202 231 271 238 Wellington .. 1882 Kaiapoi .. .. 1885 Ashburton .. 1880 Petone .. . . 1887 1882 1885 1880 1887 09 245 900 , 3,424 429 | 4,987 599 I 5.051 305 272 267 East Oxford . . 1887 Blenheim .. .. .1888 Palmerston North . . 1899 1887 1888 1899 229 ! 1,211 384 | 3,842 929 7,705 326 Christchureh .. 1908 1908 22 i 04 Total j 03,799



TABLE VII.— continued.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (1,200 copies), £45.

Authority : Mabcus F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9l7.

Price Is.

Register 'umber. Name of Society. Place of Establishment. , Year Established. Number of Members at Mud of Year. Amount of Funds on 31st Decern ber, 1916. Specially Authi irized Societies. 1884 1885 1886 1886 1887 1887 1889 £ 223 229 240 251 242 248 251 InvercargiU U.F.S. Dispensary Sydenham and Suburban Co-operative Money Club Lyttelton U.F.S. Dispensary.. New Zealand Foresters' Guarantee Association. . Dunedin U.F.S. Dispensary Timaru U.F.S. Dispensary New Zealand Friendly Societies' Mutual Fidelity Guarantee Association Ivy of Linwood Co-operative Money Club Waimate Brass Band Hawke's Bay U.F.S. Dispensary Christchureh and St. Albans Co-operative Money Club Westport Garrison Artillery Volunteer Band Sooiety New Brighton Co-oporative Money Club Hawke's Bay A.O.F. Small Savings Society InvercargiU Sydenham Lyttelton Christchureh Dunedin Timaru Wellington 953 319 6,974 37,440 481 1,452 12,662 1,474 2,792 7,000 275 270 283 284 Waimate Napier Christohuroh 1889 1892 1892 1892 230 1,031 957 ti,907 521 054 45,287 285 Westport 1893 28 847 332 339 New Brighton Napier 1911 19.13 70 1,002 1,163 Total .. 119,710

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