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Presented to both Hovses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

I. Extract prom the Fortieth Annual Report of the Minister of Education. A grant on a more limited scale than was usually voted by Parliament before the present war for distribution to public libraries was made in 1916. Owing to the undue strain placed on the finances of the country no grant was made in 1915, and in 1916 the sum voted was £2,500, in lieu of £4,000 as in former years. The distribution of this grant, which was made in March, 1917, was confined to libraries situated in places having less than one thousand inhabitants, for the reason that small libraries in country districts are more dependent on financial assistance from the Government than are libraries supported by larger numbers of subscribers. Notices were inserted in the New Zealand Gazette in September, October, and November of 1916 intimating that a grant was to be distributed to libraries in country districts, and all such libraries known to the Department were supplied with application forms. The applications for subsidy were accompanied by statements of the annual receipts and expenditure, of the books belonging to the libraries, and of the arrangements for the general conduct thereof. A library participating in the vote must be public in the sense of not being under the control of an association, society, or club the membership of which is composed of only part of the community, and if a borough library a reading-room open to the public free of charge must be provided. In addition, the receipts from subscriptions and donations to the funds of the library during the year must not have been less than £2, this sum being regarded as a very low minimum to ensure that the library receives a certain amount of local support. The amount received by each library during the year in the way of subscriptions, donations, and rates is taken as the basis of- calculation in distributing the vote. To this amount is made a nominal addition of £25, but no library receives credit for a larger income than £25 —that is, in no case does the amount on which subsidy is based exceed £50. In this manner the interests of smaller and less prosperous libraries are protected. The number of libraries among which the subsidy was divided in March, 1917, was 236, with a total income from donations and subscriptions of £2,185. The vote yielded a subsidy of 6s. 4|d. in the pound on the nominal income, the subsidies paid ranging from £8 12s. 4d. to £15 19s. Id. The number of libraries participating in the vote in 1915 when larger libraries were included was 380, with a total income from donations and subscriptions of £18,602, and the vote yielded a subsidy of 4s. lid. in the pound, the subsidies ranging from £6 12s. 7d. to £24 lis. 4d. It will thus be seen that the average income of the libraries participat ng in the vote in 1917 was much lower than in 1915, the figures for the two years being £9 ss. 2d. and £48 9s. Id. respectively, also.that the rate of subsidy paid was higher in 1917, and that there was a smaller variation in the grants made in that year. In order that the purpose intended to be served by the vote may be attained, it is made a condition that the whole of the subsidy granted to each library must be expended in the purchase of books. It is further enjoined upon the authorities



in charge of the libraries that a due proportion of the books purchased shall be books having a permanent value. There were, of course, no purchases made from Government grants in 1916, but in previous years there was cause for a certain amount of dissatisfaction with the class of book that was obtained for the libraries. A very large proportion of the books purchased appeared to be fiction, having little or no educational or instructive value. There is on the market a plentiful supply of literature which in addition to being entertaining is useful, instructive, and inspiring, and those whose duty it is to ensure that the grant is used to its fullest advantage should take steps to obtain a certain proportion of books of this nature for the libraries aided by the Government. 11. Extract from New Zealand Gazette. Education Department, Wellington, 20th September, 1916. Notice is hereby given that the sum of £2,500 has been voted by Parliament for distribution to public libraries in country districts! The distribution will take place about the Ist March, 1917, and no claim will be entitled to consideration that shall not have been sent in in due form and received by the Secretary, Education Department, Wellington, on or before the 26th January, 1917. 1. A library to be entitled to a subsidy must be public in the sense of belonging to the public, and of not being under the control of an association, society, or club whose membership is composed of a section of the community only ; and if it is within a borough a reading-room where the books may be read, and containing newspapers and periodicals, must be provided for the public free of charge ; in addition, it, must not be situated in a borough, town, or town district the population of which exceeds one thousand. The receipts for the year from subscriptions and donations must not have been less than £2, exclusive of moneys received from endowments, or from Government, or from Borough or County Councils, or for special building purposes, or as rent hire, or consideration for the use of any room, or building, or land belonging to the institution, in respect of none of which will subsidy be allowed. The net proceeds of concerts, lectures, or other entertainments on behalf of the current expenses of the library will be regarded as voluntary contributions. A subsidy will not be given to more than one library in the same town. 2. In the division of the vote a nominal addition of £25 will be made to the amount of the income of each library derived from subscriptions, donations, and rates, and the vote will be divided according to the amounts thus augmented ; but no library will receive credit for a larger income than £25 —that is, in no case will the augmented amount on which distribution is based exceed £50. 3. The whole of the subsidy must be expended without delay in the purchase of books for the 1 brary. 4. It is 'particularlyjenjoined upon the authorities in charge of the public libraries concerned that a due proportion of the books purchased shall be books having a permanent value — that is, on books of more than merely passing interest. 5. Application to share in the distribution must be by means of a statutory declaration by the Chairman, or Secretary, or Treasurer of the institution on behalf of which it is made, and must be accompanied by a statement of the receipts and expenditure of the institution for the year ending on the 31st day of December, 1916, and such declaration must be on the form provided for the purpose., which be as follows : —[ _^ DECLARATION. ~"f,'\Name], of [Place of abode], [Occupation], do solemnly and sincerely declare that I am Chairman [or Secretary, or Treasurer] of the [Name of institu'ion] ; that during the year ending on the 31st day of December .1916, the receipts of the aforesaid institution for the maintenance of the library only were as follows : From rates levied by a local governing body under Part I of the Libraries and Mechanics' Institutes Act, 1908, or the Municipal Corporations Act, 1908, pounds shillings and pence ; from the subscriptions of members, pounds shillings and pence ; from voluntary contributions other than members' subscriptions and net proceeds of entertainments, pounds shillings and pence ; that the library is public in the sense of belonging to the public, and is not under the control of an association, society, or club whose membership is composed of a section of the community only ; that the nformation hereinafter furnished by me in the appendix hereto is correct in every particular ; that the abstracts of accounts is a true statement of the receipts and expenditure of the institution for the year herein specified ; that the whole of the subsidy received during the year was expended in the purchase of books for the library; [and that by the rules of the library the reading-room is open to the public free of charge]. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of the Justices of the Peace Act, 1908. [Signature.] Declared at , this day of ,191 , before me — , Justice of the Peace [or Solicitor, or Notary Public]. [Here affix and cancel a stamp for 3s.] [Note. —The words relating to last year's subsidy and to free admission may be struck out if they are not applicable. The words in brackets are not part of the form, but indicate matter to be inserted or substituted.] 6. Copies of the form of application may be obtained from the Secretary, Education Department Wellington, and from the Secretary of any Education Board. J. A. Han an, Minister of Education.


III. —List showing Distribution of Subsidy in Detail.


Income upon which Subsidy is based. No. Place where Library is situated. Income upon which Subsidy is based. Subsidy. fo. I'lacc where Library Is situated. Subsidy. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 II 12 43 ■1-1 45 46 47 ■IS 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Akaroa, North Canterbury Albany, Auckland Alton, Wanganui Apiti, Wanganui Arapohue, Auckland Ashley, North Canterbury Atawhai, Nelson Auroa, Taranaki Awahuri, Wellington Awakino, Taranaki Awamoko, Otago Beaumont, Otago Bombay, Auckland Brightwator, Nelson Bruce Bay, Westland.. Brydone, Southland Bunnythorpc, Wanganui Burwood, North Canterbury .. Canvastown, Marlborough Chertscy, North Canterbury .. Cheviot, North Canterbury Clarkville, North Canterbury .. Clifden, Southland Clivo, Hawke's Bay Clyde, Otago Collingwood, Nelson Cromwell, Otago Cunningham's, Wellington Cust, North Canterbury Denniston, Nelson Doyloston, North Canterbury .. Drummond, Southland Drury, Auckland Dunrobin, Otago Dunsandel, North Canterbury .. Duntroon, Otago Ealing, North Canterbury East Takaka, Nelson Eketahuna, Wellington Eskdalc, Hawke's Bay Fairfield, Otago Fairlie, South Canterbury Foxhill, Nelson Garston, Southland Gibbston, Cromwell, Otago Glonfiold, Auckland Glen-iti, South Canterbury Glonorchy, Queenstown, Otago Glontunnel, North Canterbury. .■ Gordon, To Aroha, Auckland .. Groper's Bush, Southland Granity, Nelson Geraldinc, South Canterbury .. Half-moon Bay, Stewart Island Halswoll, North Canterbury Havelock, Marlborough Havclock North, Hawke's Bay Hoddon Bush, Southland Highbank, Rakaia, North Canterbury Hillond, Balclutha, Otago Hinuera, Auckland Hotoo North, Wollsford, Auckland Howick, Auckland Huirangi, Taranaki Hunter, South Canterbury Isla Bank, Southland.. Islington, North Canterbury . . Kaikoura, North Canterbury .. Kaipara Flats, Auckland Kaitaia, Auckland Kakanui, Otago Kamo, Auckland Katikati, Thames, Auckland .. Kaukapakapa, Auckland Kennington, Southland Killinchy, North Canterbury .. Kimbolton, Wanganui Knapdale, Southland Kohukohu, Auckland. . Kuaotunu, Auckland Lakeside, North Canterbury £ s. d. 50 0 0 27 2 0 34 8 0 31 16 4 29 5 0 27 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 0 33 0 0 32 17 6 30 1 6 32 12 6 32 3 0 41 8 9 27 0 0 30 0 0 34 2 6 30 19 0 28 7 (i 30 5 0 50 0 0 27 14 6 27 10 0 42 2 0 35 I 0 29 2 0 46 18 0 28 8 3 29 1 0 50 0 0 28 10 0 27 15 0 28 7 6 29 0 0 28 15 0 28 16 0 32 8 9 27 5 0 38 7 8 31 10 0 28 6 0 50 0 0 27 2 6 27 14 0 27 2 8 27 9 0 29 10 0 31 17 6 29 11 0 28 15 0 27 10 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 45 18 0 29 0 6 35 18 6 35 15 6 28 5 0 27 17 6 £ s. d. 15 19 1 8 13 2 10 19 7 10 3 4 9 6 10 8 12 5 9 11 7 9 11 7 10 10 8 10 9 11 9 12 1 10 8 3 10 5 2 13 4 5 8 12 5 9 11 7 10 17 10 9 17 8 9 1 4 9 13 2 15 19 1 8 17 1 8 15 7 13 8 8 11 3 9 9 5 10 14 19 4 9 I 4 9 5 6 15 19 1 9 2 0 8 17 3 9 1 4 9 5 2 9 3 7 9 3 10 10 7 1 8 14 1 12 5 0 10 I 2 9 0 8 15 19 1 8 13 3 8 16 11 8 13 3 8 15 3 9 8 4 10 3 6 9 8 8 9 3 8 8 15 7 15 19 1 15 19 1 14 12 0 9 5 4 11 9 4 11 8 5 9 0 5 8 18 1 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 Lawrence, Otago Leeston, North Canterbury Leigh, Auckland Leithfield, North Canterbury .. Leppcrton, Taranaki Lime Hills, Southland Little Akaloa, North Canterbury Little River, North Canterbury Lower Takaka, Nolson Mahurangi, Auckland.. Makara. Wellington Makino, Wellington Mangapai, Auckland Mangatn.inoka, Wellington Manutahi, Wanganui Mareretu, Auckland Martin borough, Wellington Matamata, Auckland Maungakaramoa, Auckland Maungaturoto, Auckland Maxwelltown, Wanganui Mayficld, Ashburton, North Canterbury Millerton, Nelson Morrinsville, Auckland Morven, South Canterbury Mount Somers, North Canterbury Motunau, North Canterbury .. Motupipi, Takaka, Nelson Murchison, Nelson Naseby, Otago Ngaere, Taranaki Ngapara, Otago Ngarua, Waitoa, Auckland Ngaruawahia, Auckland Ngaputahi, Pohangina, Wanganui Nightcaps, Southland Norsewood, Hawke's Bay North-east Harbour, Otago Oakura, Taranaki Ohariu, Wellington Ohura, Auckland Ohutu, tTtiku, Wanganui Okailiau, Auckland O'kain's Bay, North Canterbury Okuru, South Westland Ongaonga, Hawke's Bay Opunake, Taranaki Orepuki, Southland Ormondville, Hawke's Bay Otaki, Wellington .. Otane, Hawke's Bay Otautau, Southland Otepopo, Herbert, Otago Otorohanga, Auckland Outram, Otago Owaka, Otago Pahi, Auckland Palmerston, Otago Papakura, Auckland Paparoa, Auckland Parakakau, Kaukapakapa, Auckland Pareora, South Canterbury Patearoa, Otago Paterangi, Ohaupo, Auckland .. Pokono, Auckland Pongakawa, Rotorua, Auckland Porirua, Wellington Port Albert, Auckland Portobello, Otago Pukekawa, Tuakau, Auckland .. Pukerau, Southland Pukeuri Junction, Otago Queenstown, Southland Rakaia, North Canterbury Rangitata, South Canterbury .. Rangiwahia, Wellington Raumai, Wellington Ravensbourne, Otago Redcliff, Waihao Downs, South Canterbury £ s. d. 50 0 0 37 2 0 30 2 3 30 12 6 29 5 0 27 IS 6 27 2 0 35 12 6 27 17 6 27 4 1 27 17 6 31 2 0 30 13 6 46 12 0 30 2 0 33 1 0 50 0 0 39 12 6 30 10 0 27 7 6 32 5 0 27 0 6 £ s. d 15 19 1 11 16 9 9 12 3 9 15 7 9 6 9 8 18 3 8 13 0 11 7 5 8 17 11 8 13 8 8 17 11 9 18 7 9 15 10 14 17 4 9 16 8 10 11 0 15 19 1 12 12 10 9 14 9 8 14 9 10 5 11 8 12 7 104 105 100 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 50 0 0 41 6 6 30 15 6 32 3 0 27 10 0 28 12 0 28 1 0 41 14 6 30 18 0 39 10 0 29 11 6 50 0 0 32 17 6 30 10 0 32 4 0 30 7 0 27 5 6 28 15 0 39 19 0 27 5 0 28 4 0 37 0 0 28 0 0 34 16 0 34 6 0 31 0 0 30 10 0 44 I 0 37 15 0 40 15 6 42 10 0 41 5 0 36 15 0 50 0 0 27 16 6 49 10 0 34 7 6 28 13 6 27 0 0 15 19 1 13 3 9 9 16 6 10 5 3 8 15 7 9 2 7 8 19 2 13 6 4 9 17 4 12 12 2 9 8 11 15 19 1 10 9 11 9 14 8 10 8 7 9 13 9 8 14 3 9 3 7 12 15 0 8 14 2 9 0 1 11 16 2 8 18 10 11 2 1 10 18 11 9 17 11 9 14 9 14 1 2 12 1 0 13 0 4 13 11 3 13 3 4 11 14 8 15 19 1 8 17 8 15 15 11 10 19 5 9 3 1 8 12 5 60 (il (12 63 64 68 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 71 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 27 15 0 30 5 0 28 1 6 37 16 11 28 15 0 46 11 0 27 17 6 41 17 0 28 17 6 29 0 0 34 12 0 29 7 6 46 11 7 33 10 0 32 11 6 28 10 0 29 0 0 33 11 0 27 7 6 49 0 0 27 0 6 27 16 0 8 17 3 9 13 3 8 19 4 12 1 8 9 3 8 14 17 2 8 18 1 13 7 4 9 4 5 9 5 3 11 1 0 9 7 8 14 17 3 10 14 0 10 7 11 9 2 1 9 5 3 10 14 4 8 14 11 15 12 10 8 12 7 8 17 5 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 32 1 0 30 16 0 28 0 0 30 7 6 28 5 0 27 5 0 32 7 0 30 0 0 27 2 0 29 17 0 28 15 0 37 17 0 33 0 0 27 17 6 35 7 6 29 15 0 36 5 0 27 5 0 10 4 8 9 16 8 8 18 10 9 13 11 9 0 5 8 14 0 10 6 6 9 11 7 8 13 0 9 10 7 9 3 7 12 1 6 10 10 8 8 17 11 11 5 9 9 9 II 11 11 5 8 14 0



III. —List showing Distribution of Subsidy in Detail — continued.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not _iven ; printing (1,100 copies), C 4.

Authority : Mabcus F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9l7.

Priu 3d.]

No. Place where Library is situated. Income upon which Subsidyis based. I i Subsidy. - No. Income upon Place where Library is situated. which Subsidy ; Subsidy. is based. 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 Rede litis, North Canterbury Richmond, Nelson Rimu, Hokitika, Westland Riwaka, Nelson Roxburgh, Otago Russell, Auckland Ross, Westland Sawyer's Bay, Otago Seaward Downs, Southland Shannon, Wellington Silvcrdale, Auckland Southbridge, North Canterbury Southbrook, North Canterbury Spotswood, North Canterbury .. Springston, North Canterbury.. Stafford, Hokitika, Westland' . . Stanley Brook, Nelson Stirling, Otago Stoke, Cust, North Canterbury.. Stoko, Nelson Studholmo Junction, South Canterbury Tai Tapu, North Canterbury . . Takapau, Hawke's Bay Taneatua, Rotorua, Auckland .. Tapanui, Otago Taupo, Auckland Te Arai, Auckland Tc Araroa, Tokomaru Bay, Hawke's Bay Tc Karaka, Hawke's Bay Te Puke, Rotorua, Auckland .. Te Rorc, Pirongia, Auckland .. Te Tua, Southland To Uku, Hamilton, Auckland .. The Peaks, Medbury, North Canterbury Tikokino, Waipawa, Hawko's Bay Tikorangi, Waitara, Taranaki .. Tuhikaramca, Ohaupo, Auckland Uppor Moutere, Nelson .. * Upper Waiwera, Auckland .. * £ s. d. 49 4 I 36 10 0 33 2 0 30 2 0 35 0 0 27 3 6 31 17 6 30 5 0 28 9 0 42 7 6 27 10 0 35 5 0 28 3 0 29 13 6 28 2 6 40 6 0 29 2 6 50 0 0 27 18 0 30 15 6 27 15 0 £ s. d. 15 13 11 11 13 0 10 II 5 9 12 2 11 3 5 8 13 6 10 3 6 9 13 2 9 18 13 10 5 8 15 7 11 5 0 8 19 9 9 9 5 8 19 8 12 17 2 9 5 11 15 19 1 8 18 1 9 10 6 8 17 2 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 £ s. d. £ s. d. View Hill, Oxford, North Canter- 28 I 0 8 19 1 bury Wailiarara, Kawhia, Auckland 27 10 0 8 16 (i Waihola, Otago .. .. 29 7 6 9 7 5 Waikaia, Gore, Southland .. 33 9 0 10 13 5 Waikari, North Canterbury .. 30 10 0 ■ 9 14 8 Waikickie, Auckland .. . . 28 10 0 9 111 Waikino, Ohinemuri, Auckland 33 15 0 10 15 4 Waikoikoi, Otago .. .. j 33 11 0 10 14 1 Waikouaiti, Otago .. .; • 46 7 6 14 15 10 Waikuku, Kaiapoi, North 31 19 6 10 4 0 Cantcrburv Waikumcte, Auckland 27 0 0 8 12 5 Waimamaku, Auckland .. 27 6 0 j 8 14 2 Waimana, Taneatua, Auckland 30 5 0 9 13 1 Waimangaroa, Westport, Nelson I 36 0 0 11 9 9 Wainuiomata, Wellington .. 28 7 6 9 • I i 2 Waipu, Auckland . . .. 42 6 9 13 10 1 Waitati, Otago .. .. 34 10 0 1(02 Waitohi Flat, South Canterbury 29 0 0 9 5J I Wakefield, Nelson .. .. 50 0 0 15 19 0 ! Ward, Marlborough .. .. ! 31 2 6 9 18 8 Warca, Taranaki .. .. 28 6 0 9 0 7 Warcpa, Otago .. ..- 29 17 6 ' 9 10 8 Warkworth, Auckland .. 50 0 0 , 15 19 j 0 Watcrton, North Canterbury . . 30 2 0 9 12J|2 Waverloy, Wanganui .. •■' 50 0 0 18 19 0 Weheka, Hokitika, Westland ... 29 0 0 952 West Eyrcton, North Canterbury 28 1 0 8 19 1 Weston, Oamaru, Otago .. 34 3 6 10 18 0 Whakapirau, Auckland .. 28 2 0 8 19 5 Whakatane, Auckland .. 43 6 0 13 16 3 Whangarata, Auckland . . 27 10 0 8 15 7 Whangaroa, Auckland .. 27 0 0 8 12 5 Whetukura, Ormondvillo, 30 7 6, 9I3JI.I Hawke's Bay Whitford, Auckland .. .. ; 30 13 0 9 15 7 Winchester, South Canterbury. . 36 1 0 11 10 I Woodend, Kaiapoi, Christchurch ' 21 5 0 8 14 0 Wvndham, Southland .. 1 41 17 6 , 13 7 2 1 ' _ Totals .. .. k 7,831 11 5 2,500^1,0 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 29 2 0 45 0 0 35 10 0 37 9 (i 34 9 0 27 2 0 29 5 0 9 5 9 1 14 7 2 11 6 7 11 19 2 '• 10 19 11 8 13 0 9 6 9 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 189 190 191 192 193 194 50 0 0 48 14 0 27 12 II 27 2 6 28 15 0 27 0 0 16 19 I 15 10 8 8 16 3 8 13 1 9 3 6 S 12 4 195 196 197 198 199 28 17 0 28 2 0 27 0 0 27 12 6 27 0 0 9 4 1 8 19 4 8 12 4 8 16 3 8 12 4 j 233 234 235 236

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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION: SUBSIDIES TO PUBLIC LIBRARIES (PAPERS RELATING TO DISTRIBUTION OF). [In continuation of E.-10, 1915.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1917 Session I, E-10

Word Count

EDUCATION: SUBSIDIES TO PUBLIC LIBRARIES (PAPERS RELATING TO DISTRIBUTION OF). [In continuation of E.-10, 1915.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1917 Session I, E-10

EDUCATION: SUBSIDIES TO PUBLIC LIBRARIES (PAPERS RELATING TO DISTRIBUTION OF). [In continuation of E.-10, 1915.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1917 Session I, E-10

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