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Mr. Speaker,— In presenting the Railways Statement for the year ended 31st March, 1917, I have to announce that, notwithstanding the abnormal conditions which have prevailed during the year, the railway earnings, which constitute a record for the Dominion, amounted to £4,800,810. This is an advance of £252,454 on the earnings for the year ended 31st March, 1916, and £350,810 in excess of the estimated revenue. The following gives a summary of the results : — Year, 1917. Year, 1916. £ £ Total earnings ... ... ... ... 4,800,810 4,548,356 Total expenditure ... ... ... ... 2,926,864 2,910,883 Net profit on working ... ... £1,873,946 £1,637,473 The mileage of lines open for traffic on the 31st March, 1917, was 2,970, no new extensions being opened during the year. The capital cost of all lines open for traffic, including the steamers and plant on Lake Wakatipu, increased from £34,857,882 to £35,378,664. The net revenue, £1,873,946, is equal to a return of 5-30 per cent, on the capital invested in the lines open for traffic, and 4-91 per cent, on the gross capital (£38,187,173) invested in the opened and unopened lines. The gross receipts per train-mile for all lines amounted to 125-75 d., against 116-50 d. for the previous year, an increase of 9-25 d. per train-mile. The receipts per train-mile from the North Island main line and branches were 12300 d., against 112-25 d. last year, an increase of 10-75 d. The South Island main line and branches produced a gross return of 124-75 d. per train-mile, against 117-25 d. last year, an increase of 7-50 d. per train-mile. The expenditure for the year (£2,926,864) was £15,981 more than the preceding year, but £118,136 under the estimate (£3,045,000). The percentage of working-expenses to earnings was 60-97 per cent., against 64-00 per cent, last year, a decrease of 3-03 per cent. The sum of £296,276 was expended under the head " Additions to open lines" in providing additional rolling-stock, workshops machinery, car-light-ing, Westinghouse brake, steam-heating gear, interlocking, telegraph, telephone and tablet facilities, purchase of land, improvements to wharves, &c. During the year 23 new locomotives, 29 carriages, 58 bogie and 332 fourwheeled wagons, and 250 tarpaulins were completed and put into traffic; and 27 locomotives, 46 carriages, 16 brake-vans, 205 bogie and 956 four-wheeled wagons, and 1,050 tarpaulins were in hand on the 31st March.

i—D. 2.



RESULTS OP WORKING. The following is a summary of results of working for year ending the 31st March, 1917, as compared with 1916 : —

In view of the uncertainties created by the war conditions, more especially in regard to overseas shipping, the dearth of which affects our imports, exports, and manufactures very seriously, it is quite impossible to make anything beyond a conservative forecast of the railway revenue and expenditure for the year ending 31st March, 1918. Having regard, therefore, to these circumstances, I do not consider it prudent to anticipate a higher revenue than £4,200,000, or to fix the expenditure at less than £2,943,500. Although constrained by the uncertainties and adverse conditions of the moment to make a conservative estimate of the results of working for the ensuing year (1918), I deem it essential to emphasize the advisability of making ample provision to carry on comprehensively and progressively the improve.

Year ended 31st March. Particulars. ■ 1917. 1916. ! Total miles open for traffic ... ... ... 2,970 2,970 Average miles open for year ... ... ... 2,970 2,959 Capital cost of opened and unopened lines ... ... £38,187,173 £37,335,080 Capital cost of open lines ... ... ... £35,378,664 £34,857,882 Capital cost per mile of open lines ... ... ... £11,912 £11,737 Gross earnings ... ... ... ... £4,800,810 £4,548,356 Working-expenses ... ... ... ... £2,926,864 £2,910,883 NET PROFIT ON WORKING ... ... £1,873,946 £1,637,473 ( PERCENTAGE OF PROFIT TO CAPITAL INVESTED ... ... ... ... 530 472 PERCENTAGE OF WORKING-EXPENSES TO EARNINGS ... ... ... 6097 6400 i r Earnings per average mile open ... ... ... £1,619 £1,540 Working-expenses per average mile open ... ... £987 £985 NET EARNINGS PER AVERAGE MILE OPEN ... ... ... ... £632 £555 d. d. Earnings per train-mile ... ... ... ... 125-75 11650 Working-expenses per train-mile ... ... ... 76-63 74-50 NET EARNINGS PER TRAIN-MILE ... 49" 12 4200 Passengers, ordinary ... ... ... ... 14,173,115 14,201,506 Season tickets ... ... ... ... 355,832 330,622 Goods tonnage ... ... ... ... 5,826,265 5,960,562 Live-stock tonnage ... ... ... ... 412,908 410,383 Train-mileage ... ... ... ... 9,146,331 9,356,522 Locomotives ... ... ... ... 607 585 Passenger-cars ... ... ... ... 1,480 1,452 Wagons and brake-vans ... .. ... ... 22,380 21,994



tnents referred to in the special report made by the General Manager in 1914. [t was definitely stated at that time, and has been emphasized since, that unless the works enumerated were completed within five years very serious disabilities would occur in dealing with the railway traffic. At that date the revenue was verging on four millions per annum. In the succeeding four years it has advanced to £4,800,000, an increase of £800,000, or 20 per cent, per annum. 1 am firmly convinced that not long after hostilities cease this country, with its great natural resources, will enter upon an era of unprecedented industrial activity, and our railways will be called upon to deal with a greatly increased business. During ten years, 1905-1914, under normal conditions the railway revenue increased by over 83 per cent., and the tonnage by per cent. The experience of the last four years confirms my opinion that this rate of advancement will be maintained, if not exceeded, when normal conditions are restored. It is obvious that facilities that were insufficient for the business in 1914 will be totally inadequate to deal with the 50-per-cent. greater traffic that will be offering before the works can be completed five years hence. Much valuable time has already been lost through unavoidable circumstances. This cannot be recovered, but the consequent disabilities can be rendered less acute by at once making such provision as will enable the improvements to be commenced and hastened on vigorously and uninterruptedly as soon as materials and labour are available. SUPERANNUATION FUND The total amount standing to the credit of the Government Railways Superannuation Fund at the end of the financial year was £377,585, an increase of £14,775 on the balance to credit to the fund on the 31st March, 1916. The total income for the year was £125,434, and the outgoing amount £110,659. Of the latter sum, £89,859 represented payments to 1,019 members of the service who have retired voluntarily or by reason of being medically unfit, 250 widows and 347 children who are dependants of deceased contributors to the fund who were members of the service at the time of their death. The income from actual contributions of members totalled £82,983, or £10,870 less than the estimated annual liability. The receipts are, however, augmented by the subsidy received from the Government, £25,000, and amounts received by way of interest, on funds invested and fines imposed under the regulations and a donation : these amounted to £17,451.



ANNUAL REPORT OF THE GENERAL MANAGER OF THE NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS. g lßj — New Zealand Government Railways, Head Office, Wellington, 13th August, 1917. 1 have the honour to report on the working of the New Zealand railways for the financial year ended 31st March, 1917. The total mileage open for traffic is 2,970 miles, no new lines being taken over by the Working Railways during the year. The capital invested in the lines open for traffic, including the plant and steamers on Lake Wakatipu, on the 31st March was £35,378,664, as against £34,857,882 for the previous year, an increase of £520,782. This represents expenditure on new works chargeable against Capital Account under Additions to Open Lines, £285,543; and Railways Improvement Authorization Act, 1914, £225,597; also £10,394 expended in the Greymouth and Westport districts, less a Public Works credit on last year's Capital Account of £752. The gross receipts amounted to £4,800,810, against £4,548,356 for the year ended 31st March, 1916, an increase of £252,454. The net revenue, £1,873,946, is equal to a return of 5"30 per cent, on the capital invested in the lines open for traffic, and 491 per cent, on the capital invested in the opened and unopened lines. These figures constitute a record for the railways. The train-mileage for the year (9,146,331 miles) was 210,191 miles less than the previous year, but as the previous year included an extra working-day the actual decrease on the basis of an equal number of days was approximately 180,000 miles. The reduction on the North Island main line and branches was 96,000 miles, on the South Island main line and branches 59,000 miles, and the balance on the smaller sections. The goods train-mileage generally has fallen in sympathy with the reduced tonnage, but the decrease mainly represents economy effected as a result of grade improvements and the employment of an increasing proportion of heavy and more powerful locomotives. Already, therefore, the expenditure incurred in grade-easements has become productive of good and lasting results. Heavy floods and extensive slips occurred on various lines, causing disorganization and serious delays to trains. Owing to a slip near Mount Allan, on the Otago Central line, from the 3rd to the 7th August it was necessary to tranship passengers and mails, but goods traffic was suspended. On the 7th and Bth September floods in the Invercargill district caused interruptions to traffic, the Kingston and Nightcaps lines being chiefly affected. Damage to the bridge over the Manganui River near Midhirst necessitated the transhipment of passengers and mails from the 9th to 13th November. Goods traffic was suspended. On the 9th and 10th November a slip blocked the Whangamomona Tunnel, and trains were run between Stratford and Pohokura only. A further slip caused a blockage of the same tunnel from the 27th to the 29th November. A slip on the main line near Paerata from the 21st to the 24th December necessitated the organization of a temporary service and the transhipment of passengers at the blockage, but the Christmas holiday traffic was seriously affected and all goods traffic suspended. In the Whangarei district floods on the 3rd, 4th, and sth February affected the line between Waiotu and Opua, and on the Kaikohe Branch. Through traffic on the main line was resumed on the 6th, but the blockage on the Kaikohe Branch was not removed until the 10th February. A further flood occurred on the 21st February, repairs being effected during the day. Floods on the Kaihu Section disorganized traffic from the 3rd to the 9th February. On the 7th idem a temporary passenger service was established, but ordinary traffic was not resumed until the 9th. Owing to floods and slips on the North Auckland line it was necessary to suspend all traffic north of Kaukapakapa from the 3rd February to the 2nd March. On the 3rd and 4th February all traffic was suspended on the Thames line, but on the sth passengers were able to tranship, through communication being resumed on the 6th February. Further floods on the Kaihu line caused a cessation of traffic from the 21st February to the 2nd March, when a passenger service was established, passengers transferring at the blockage. Through traffic was restored on the Bth March. The following figures, which give the record of the late arrival of the principal trains during the year, indicate that notwithstanding the difficulties experienced in connection with slips, floods, and other unforeseen circumstances, the trains have, as a whole, kept good time :— Averago Late Arrival. Mm. Mm. Long-distance passenger-trains ... ... 2 - 38 against 2*13 last year. Suburban trains ... ... ... ... 0 - 36 ~ o'3B ~ Long-distance mixed trains ... ... ... 3 - 10 ~ 2 - 73 ~ The number of ordinary passengers carried during the year was 14,173,115, a decrease of 28,391 on the number for the previous year. Season tickets issued numbered 355,832, an increase of 25,210. Workers' twelve-trip tickets numbered 91,909, and workers' weekly tickets issued on the suburban lines 200,303, an increase of 19,855 twelve-trip and 7,964 workers' weekly tickets over the preceding year. Holiday excursion tickets totalled 903,566, as against 900,091 last year, an increase of 3,475. There was a decrease of 7,161 in the schools, factory, and friendly societies excursion tickets. There have been no alterations in rates or fares during the year.



The goods tonnage was 5,826,265, a decrease of 135,999 tons when compared with the previous year. The decreases were as follows :— Sheep ... ... ... ... ... 98,652 head. Figs ... 19,073 „ Timber ... ... ... 46,438 tons. Minerals ... ... ... ... ... ... 44,436 ~ Other goods ... ... ... ... ... ... 45,125 ~ Cattle show an increase of 31,240 head. The increase is due to the demand for beef for military purposes. The decrease in the number of sheep carried in the North Island was 346,361. The erection of new freezing-works in sheep-producing localities no doubt has had the effect of diverting a proportion of the business to roads in cases where the distance from farm to works is short, but the paucity of oversea ships available for transport of meat, and the consequent congestion of all the freezing-works, has been the greatest factor in the matter of decreased sheep traffic. In the South Island there was an increase of 247,709, where in addition to the fatsheep traffic there were large movements of store sheep from the southern districts to Canterbury. The goods tonnage shows a decrease of 135,999 tons, chiefly in coal and timber. Chaff traffic last year was very heavy owing to abnormal oversea demand resulting in heavy export. Whangarei shows an increase of 2,800 tons of timber, Kaihu 8,000 tons; while Gisborne (3,000 tons), North Island main line (31,000), South Island lines (22,000), Nelson (1,100), Picton, (400), Wakatipu steamers (100) represent the decreases, amounting to 57,600 tons. Minerals: Gisborne (4,000 tons), North Island main line (7,000), and Westport (9,000) represent increases. Whangarei (14,000 tons), South Island main line (41,000), Westland (8,000), Picton (1,000), Nelson (1,000) represent decreases in coal. Net decrease, 44,000 tons. Other goods : Whangarei (2,500 tons), Gisborne (3,200), North Island main hues (27,000), and Picton (8,000), (total 40,700), represent increases, while Kaihu (1,200 tons), South Island main lines (81,000), and Westland (2,800), (total 85,000) represent decreases, leaving net decrease of 45,000 tons. The average number of men employed during the year was 13,708, against 14,968 for the year ended 31st March, 1916. Twenty-five members of the Second Division, were promoted to the First Division; 758 members of the peimanent staff resigned, 92 retired on superannuation, 158 died, 106 were dismissed, and 1,075 engaged. The sum of .£15,710 was paid under the Workers' Compensation for Accidents Act during the year to members who sustained injuries in the execution of their duty. The additions made to the rolling-stock during the year consisted of 26 new locomotives, 29 bogie cars and 1 rail motor-car, 2 bogie brake-vans, and 433 wagons. Of the new engines added to the stock, 17 were built in the Railway workshops—viz., 7 simple superheated tender engines, Class Ab, and 10 heavy tank engines, Class Ww. Nine simple superheated heavy tender engines, Class Bb, were completed under contract with Messrs. A. and G. Price (Limited), of Thames. Four obsolete tank engines, 2 cars, 2 brake-vans, and 47 wagons were sold or broken up. 517 tarpaulins were condemned and written off. Three heavy tank engines, 1 car, 2 bogie brakevans, 43 wagons, and 517 tarpaulins have already been constructed as replacements; the balance is under construction. The cost of the whole of the replacements is debited to working-expenses. During the year 176 modern steel axles were placed under cars, brake-vans, and wagons in substitution of the old iron type, increasing the carrying-capacity of each wagon by 2 tons. The additional 26 locomotives taken in conjunction with boiler renewals of locomotives in service have increased the tractive power by 570 per cent. The new carriages increase the seating-capacity by 1,486 passengers, or 2 per cent. The new wagons added to the stock give an additional capacity of 4,714 tons, equivalent to an addition of 786 ordinary 6-ton trucks, or 256 per cent, in carrying-capacity. Diagrams showing the increase each year in the tractive-power of engines, seating-capacity of cars, and carrying-capacity of the wagons will be found at the end of the report. The rolling-stock actually on order and in hand on the 31st March comprised 27 locomotives —viz., 9 simple superheated tender engines, Ab; 1 heavy suburban tank engine, Ws; 10 heavy tank engines, Ww; 7 simple superheated tender engines, Bb; 46 carriages, 16 bogie brake-vans, 205 bogie and 978 four-wheeled wagons. The installation of Westinghouse brake on rolling-stock on Westland Section is now in hand. The permanent-way buildings and structures and appliances have been efficiently maintained. The mileage of track relaid during the year was 21£ miles of main line with 701b. material, 7-J miles of branch line with new 55 lb. metals in substitution of 40 lb. metals, and 1 mile of branch line with second-hand metals removed from the main line; a total of 30 miles. This is considerably below the ideal standard fixed at 100 miles per annum, but in view of the abnormal conditions resulting from the war it is essential that the existing stocks be conserved to meet ordinary requirements. 92,419 new sleepers and 239,002 cubic yards of ballast were placed in the track during the year, and over 9,000 tons of rock have been used in strengthening the river protective works on the Midland Railway. Considerable difficulty has been experienced in obtaining structural steel for bridges, but notwithstanding this a number have been strengthened for the running of heavier locomotives. A large number of works having for their object the provision of greater facilities to meet the growing requirements and increase efficiency in working have been completed during the year. These include additions to water-services, wharves, buildings, workshops, station-yards, and increasing the accommodation generally.



During the year the interlocking and tablet systems have been considerably extended. Ten additional stations were equipped with fixed signals and 62 stations with distant signals in addition to their previous equipment of home signals. 295 stations are now equipped with fixed signals and 96 are interlocked; 103 have yet to be dealt with. Eighty-nine electric repeaters have been fitted to signals during the year, making a total of 324 now in use. The electric tablet system is now in use at 376 stations controlling 2,925 miles of single line, and the lock-and-bloek operates at 36 stations over 44 miles of double track. All stations on the North Island Trunk lines, Auckland to Wellington, previously equipped with fixed signals have now been provided with distant signals, and with the exception of nine stations the South Island main lines (Lyttelton-Bluff) have been similarly equipped. This extension of distant signals constitutes a radical improvement in the signalling system, and materially increases the factor of safety where train-crossing has to be effected. Automatic electric warning-bells have been installed at seventeen level crossings during the year. Bells and switches were also installed at two crossings in Christchurch, and a mechanical alarm-bell in Lyttelton Tunnel. Owing to the war it has become almost impossible to obtain electrical material; the very limited stock in hand must therefore be conserved for the maintenance of the appliances already in operation throughout the railway system. Revenue. The gross revenue for the year amounted to £4,800,810, and exceeded last year's earnings by £252,454, and the estimated revenue by ,£350,810. The particulars are as follows:— 1917. 1910. £ £ Passengers, ordinary ... ... ... 1,717,847 1,566,380 Season tickets ... 155,201 156,322 Parcels, luggage, and mails ... 243,832 236,705 Goods ... ... ... 2,498,862 2,423,493 Miscellaneous, rents, (fee. ... 185,068 165,456 £4;800,810 £4,548,356 The gross receipts per train-mile for all lines were 125'75d., as against 116 - 50 d. for the previous year, an increase of 9'25d. per train-mile. The North Island main line and branches produced 123'00d. per train-mile, against 112'25d. for the preceding year, an increase of 10'75d. The receipts per train-mile on the South Island main line and branches were 124'75d., against 117-25 d. last year, an increase of 7'sod. The earnings from the Lake Wakatipu steamers amounted to £7,184, as against £7,243 for the previous year, a decrease of £59. The net earnings per average mile of railway open for traffic increased by £77 per mile—viz., £632, against £555 for the jjreceding year. The net revenue, £1,873,946, was equal to a return of 5 - 30 per cent, onthe capital invested in the lines open for traffic (£35,378,664), and 4 - 91 per cent, on the capital invested on the open and unopened lines (£38,187,173). Expenditure. The working-expenses for the year, which include £6,602, the cost of working the Lake Wakatipu traffic, amounted to £2,926,864, an increase of £15,981 over the expenditure for last year. The ratio of expenditure to earnings was 6097 per cent., against 6400 per cent, for the preceding year, a decrease of 303 per cent. The percentage of expenditure to earnings for the year 1914-15 was 71" 14, therefore the ratio of expenditure to earnings shows a decrease of 1017 per cent, in two years. Diagrams attached to this report illustrate the fluctuations for the last few years in the ratio of expenditure to earnings. The diagrams also show for comparative purposes the net profit* earned by the Australian State railways recently. Expenditure. Per Cent, of Revenue. 1916-17. 1915-16. 1916-17. 1915-16. £ £ Traffic ... ... ... 904,318 889,991 18-87 1960 Locomotive ... ... ... 1,176,647 1,160,705 2454 25-56 Maintenance ... 720,840 740,349 15-04 16-30 Management ... ... 118,457 113,461 2"47 2-50 2,920,262 2,904,506 60-92 6396 Lake Wakatipu steamers ... 6,602 6,377 0-05 0"04 £2,926,864 £2,910,883 60"97 64-00 The increased expenditure in the Traffic Branch and Head and Departmental Offices resulted mainly from the regulation scale increases in salaries under the Classification Act. The increase in the Locomotive Branch is due to increase in wages, and advance in the cost of fuel, stores, and materials for repairs and upkeep of plant and appliances. The expenditure in the Maintenance Branch shows a decrease when compared with last year. This is due to the inability of the Department to obtain materials for carrying out works authorized, consequently the works have had to stand over meantime. The expenditure per mile of railway was £244, as against £251 for the previous year.



The sum of £45,955 was expended in the Maintenance Branch and charged to Capital Account under the head "Additions to open lines." These comprise additions to station buildings, extension of station-yards, tablet-installation, telegraph and telephone facilities, interlocking of points and crossings, additions and improvements to wharves, purchase of land, waterservices, &c. In the Locomotive Branch the sum of £250,321 was expended in the provision of additional rolling-stock, Westinghouse-brake, steam-heating gear,' electric light for cars, and workshops machinery. The rolling-stock in respect of which the charges were incurred include 23 locomotives. 29 carriages, 58 bogie and 232 four-wheeled wagons completed on the 31st March, and 27 locomotives, 46 carriages, 16 brake-vans, 205 bogie and 956 four-wheeled wagons incomplete but in hand on that date. The operations of the Department in both the Locomotive and Maintenance Branches have been greatly retarded on account of the difficulty in obtaining materials from abroad in fulfilment of orders given at various periods since August, 1914. This has resulted in the suspension for the time being of a large number of essential works for which authority had been given. Future Railway Revenue and Expenditure. Notwithstanding the fact that the year's operations were satisfactory on the whole, there was an absence of that buoyancy which has hitherto been so remarkable a feature of the railway business during the war, and the effects of nearly three years of war manifested themselves, especially towards the close of the year. Passenger traffic gave, clear indications of languishing, the direct result undoubtedly of the absence on service of so many young men, the reduction in the number of oversea passengers arriving at and departing from New Zealand ports, and a spirit of caution in regard to expenditure on unnecessary travel. The goods business is now showing unmistakable signs of the effect of the dearth of oversea shipping and the embargo placed on exports overseas by the British Minister of Munitions, these causes affecting very seriously both the import and export traffic and the railway business at the ports. In view of the above tendencies to restrict business a considerable reduction in gross revenue both in passenger and goods traffic must be anticipated for the coming year, whilst on the other hand, unfortunately, there will be considerable difficulty in effecting any equivalent economy in working owing to the rapidly rising prices of railway material. The serious effects of the enhanced prices on expenditure can be appreciated to some extent by a study of the quotations given below of the increased cost of a few typical lines of commodities used extensively in the Locomotive Branch. In the examples given present prices are compared with normal prices in 1914 : — Canvas for tarpaulins, 1914, Is. Id. per yard, advanced to 3s. per yard; increased cost to Railway Department at normal rate of consumption, £11,500 per annum. Spring steel, £11 15s. to £50 per ton; increased cost, £5,300 per annum. Steel plates, £8 10s. to £50 per ton; increased cost, £16,200 per annum. Bar iron, £10 to £20 per ton; increased cost, £16,880 per annum. Cotton-waste, £30 to £65 per ton; increased cost. £4,500 per annum. Boiler-tubes, sd. to Is. 9d. per foot; increased cost, £21,800 pei- annum. Iron, galvanized, £14 to £70 per ton; increased cost, £16,000 per annum. Pig iron, £4 to £11 per ton; increased cost, £14,000 per annum. Draw-bar springs, ss. to 10s. 3d. per spring; increased cost, £2,500 per annum. Copper plate, £90 to £236 per ton; increased cost, £3,400 per annum. Copper ingot, £80 to £135 per ton ; increased cost, £6,600 per annum. Tin, £170 to £239 per ton ; inoreased cost, £1,200 per annum. Aluminium, £96 to £220 per ton. There are a number of other lines of material used in the railway workshops in large quantities the prices of which have risen practically in the same ratio as the examples quoted above, and as prices have still a strong upward tendency it is impossible to calculate to what extent railway expenditure will be affected by the end of the year, and afterwards. It is very questionable whether the cessation of hostilities will have the immediate effect of cheapening the prices of engineering material, as there will be an urgent demand as soon as peace is declared for such material for reconstruction purposes in Europe. There is, therefore, little prospect of any reduction in railway-operating costs in the near future to compensate for the inevitable loss of revenue. Price of Locomotive Goal. —The increase in the price of coal in New Zealand for locomotive purposes is also a most serious factor in estimating the trend of railway-operating expenditure in the future. Since 1914 the price of West Coast coal (including increased steamer freights) delivered at the main ports, such as Wellington, &c, has increased so as to represent a difference in cost to the railways on an annual consumption of 150,000 tons of over £50,000 per annum. The increased cost to the railways of lignite coal over 1914 prices represents on an annual consumption of 56,000 tons about £10,000. The increased price to the railways on 120.000 tons of Newcastle coal represents an increased cost of £63,000 per annum. The total increased cost to the New Zealand railways of locomotive coal (West Coast, lignite, and Newcastle) at present prices as compared with prices in 1914 represents an additional payment on this item alone of £123,000 per annum. It is noteworthy when comparing the ratio of working-expenses to revenue on the New Zealand railways with the Australian railways that whilst the average cost of locomotive coal in New South Wales (according to figures contained in an official report dated 20th July, 1917) is 9s. 9d. per ton, the average cost of hard coal for the New Zealand railways landed at the main port*



(Wellington, Lyttelton, &o.) is £1 12s. per ton, a difference of £1 2s. 3d. per ton. This difference represents, on the normal yearly consumption on the New Zealand railways of 270,000 tons of hard coal, an increased annual expenditure on coal of about £300,000. New Class Ab Locomotive. Credit is due to the Chief Mechanical Engineer and his staff for the success of the new locomo tive, Class Ab, built and brought into traffic operation since the last report. The engines are simple superheated tender engines of the Pacific type. It is anticipated now they have been adopted as a standard type that the Ab engines will cost at least £1,000 less to build per engine than the Class A. four-cylinder compound passenger-engine which the Ab is designed to take the place of. The Ab engine has in addition proved itself at least 20 per cent, more economical than the Class A type in the consumption of coal and water whilst hauling considerably increased loads on express trains in the South Island. The new engine is more convenient for repair on the road, and it is anticipated that it will be considerably more economical to maintain. Photographs of this engine and the new tank engine are attached to the report. Grade-easements . The principal ruling gradients between Auckland and Mercer have now been eased, and marked economy in working has resulted. The Kakariki deviation was completed, and a considerable saving in train-mileage effected. The expenditure incurred on these works was £28,175. Reclamation at Auckland. The reclamation of St. George's Bay has been completed. The new engine-shed has been finished and a portion of the new station-sidings laid. The amount expended on the work during the year was £148,915, bringing the total amount spent already up to £301,677. The negotiations for settlement of the claims of owners of land who will be disturbed by the Department's scheme have progressed considerably. A number of settlements were made during the year. Although the congestion at Auckland has been somewhat relieved by the completion of the reclamation, no really material benefit will be obtained until the new line Auckland to Westfield has been completed. Railway Improvements. The amount expended in connection with works authorized by the Railways Improvements Authorization Act, 1914, and charged to capital account was £225,597. In my special report of 1914 reference was made to the difficulties then being experienced as a result of the lack of facilities and accommodation at various important centres, and a scheme of works was submitted having for its object the removal of the disabilities under which the Department and the users of the railways were alike labouring. It was estimated that five years would be required to complete the scheme, and emphasis was laid on the desirability of making an early and comprehensive start on the programme. Further reference was made to the subject in my reports of 1915 and 1916, but up to the present sufficient funds have not been available to enable a satisfactory commencement to be made. Notwithstanding the unprecedented conditions resulting from the war the railway business has expanded by 20 per cent, in the four years that have elapsed since the original report was written, and I am strongly of opinion that at least the pre-war rate of progression will continue. It is indeed, to my mind, practically a certainty that as soon as the difficulties now obtaining in respect to shipping are removed and peace conditions again prevail a considerable impetus will be given to New Zealand staple products and industries. This will undoubtedly result in greatly increased demand for railway transport, and very grave difficulties must arise through lack of facilities for the efficient handling and carrying-on of the traffic. It is apparent that facilities that were insufficient to deal with the traffic in 1914 will be hopelessly inadequate in another five years' time when the traffic will be at least 50 per cent, greater than it was in 1914. It is impossible to now make up for the time lost, but if a sufficiency of funds is provided without further delay the Department will be enabled to make all the preliminary arrangements required, and to vigorously prosecute the works without intermission immediately materials and men are obtainable. The postponement of the financial arrangements until the last moment will accentuate the difficulty arising from time already lost. The serious prosecution of the new works referred to immediately peace is declared will aflord an opportunity for the profitable and prompt employment of a large number of returned soldiers. Railwaymen at the Front. From the Ist April until November, 1916, the date the Military Service Act came into opera tiou, 1,066 railwaymen, members of the permanent staff, volunteered for service with the colours. This brought the total number of members of the permanent staff enlisted up to 3,000. Taking cognizance of the enlistment of the casual hands who regularly work for the Department, the railwaymen already released for military service total 5,500, representing 30 per cent, of the normal staff. Prior to November, 1916, the Department had not found it necessary to restrict volunteering except in the case of a few specially trained experts engaged on important duties. The near approach



of the busy season for all classes of railway business compelled the Department to reluctantly intimate its inability to agree to the further decrease of the number of trained and experienced hands until after Easter. The Department nevertheless fully realized the vital importance of releasing more men at the earliest moment, and with that end in view has carefully revised the train time-table and submitted to the Government proposals having for their object the release at regular intervals of drafts aggregating 1,000 additional railwaymen if that number was-able to satisfactorily pass the military tests. The scheme, which necessarily involved curtailment of train services, received a great deal of close attention. All services have been co-ordinated to ensure as far as practicable the least inconvenience to the users of the railways. The ability of the Department to maintain the normal train services up to the end of the financial year in spite of the depleted staff was to a great extent due to the loyal and cheerful service of all grades of the Railway employees. With the continued enlistment of the staff for military service to the extent above indicated the curtailed train service under contemplation can only be undertaken satisfactorily during the summer months, when the live-stock and grain traffic entails much special running, by the most complete and loyal co-operation of all members of the Railway service. The effort required when the business is heavy in the summer will entail longer hours and considerable sacrifice on the part of all concerned, and specially upon the depleted staff in the traffic working and running branches; but the manner in which the staff have met their obligations in the past leaves no ground for doubt that they will carry out ungrudgingly their share of the extra obligations thrown upon them on account of the war, and perform their duties cheerfully as a national service. I have, &c, E. H. Hiley, The Hon. the Minister of Railways. General Manager.

MAINTENANCE. Mr. F. W. Mac Lean, Chief Engineer, reports as follows : — I submit the following report on the Maintenance Branch for the year ended 31st March, 1917. The track, buildings, structures, and appliances have been maintained in good order and repair. Permanent-way. —The relaying during the year has been as follows : — Main and branch lines, 53 lb. and 56 lb. steel and 70 lb. iron rails relaid Miles, with new 701b. materials ... ... ... ... ... 21| Branch lines, 401b. relaid with new 551b. material ... ... ... 1\ Branch lines relaid with second-hand material removed from main line ... 1 Total relaying for the year ... ... ... 30 The amount of relaying is much below the average of recent years, but as fresh supplies of rails have not been available the existing stocks have had to be conserved. It seems unlikely that further supplies of relaying-material can be obtained at an early date, and the amount of relaying will probably have to be curtailed still further in the ensuing year. . Sleepers. —92,4l9 new sleepers were placed in the track during the year. In addition to this a large number of serviceable second-hand sleepers were used in renewals. Ballasting. —239,oo2 cubic yards of ballast were placed in the track during the year. The scarcity of labour has prevented more of this class of work being carried out. Slips and Floods. —Towards the end of 1916, and in February, 1917, heavy rains in the Auckland Province caused numerous slips and washouts in the W 7 hangarei, Kaihu, Kaipara, Main Line, and Thames Railways, and consequent delays to traffic. The greatest trouble was experienced in the Kaipara district, in the northern part of which the railway was closed for about a month. It will take a considerable time for the railway-works to be restored to normal conditions. In November the Whangamomona Branch had to be closed for five days owing to extensive flooding and slips. Slips and washouts were also experienced in the Gisborne, Picton, Otago Central, and other districts. Over 9,000 tons of rock have been used in strengthening the river-protective works on the Midland Railway. In August and September heavy storms did considerable damage to the protective works at Oamaru foreshore. Every effort was made to carry out repairs expeditiously to minimize inconvenience to the public. Bridges. —These have been maintained in good condition. A number of bridges have been strengthened for the running of heavier engines. This work has been delayed owing to the difficulty of obtaining structural steel. Water-services. —These have been maintained in good order Additional storage has been provided and improvements effected at a number of stations. Wharves. —The widening of George Street Pier, Port Chalmers, has been completed.

ii—D. 2.



Buildings. —Extensive repairs and renewals have been effected. A number of new dwellings have been built. The principal works undertaken were: Auckland —new engine-sheds; Newmarket—new car and wagon shops; Johnsonville—new station building; Picton—new locomotive depot and workshops. Station-yards. —Additional accommodation has been provided and a number of stations rearranged. The works include Auckland, Ohakune, Kakariki, Smart Road, Te Roti, Johnsonville, Ashburton, and Prebbleton. Railway Improvements .—Auckland Station : The reclamation of St. George's Bay has been completed. The new engine-shed has been finished, and a portion of the new station-sidings laid. Auckland-Mercer grade-easements : With the completion of the Manurewa Bank improvement the principal ruling gradients have now been eased, and marked economy in working as well as improved running of trains have been effected. Expenditure on this work during the year amounted to £25,941. Feilding-Marton grade-easements : The Kakariki deviation was completed during the year, and a substantial saving in train-mileage effected. Additions to Open Lines. —The expenditure under this heading during the year was £46,155, the principal works being : Signalling and interlocking, block-working, telegraph and telephone facilities, &c, additional siding accommodation, Gisborne; rearrangement Johnsonville (part), Ohakune (part), Kakariki (part), Ashburton (part); new locomotive-engine depot, Picton (part); wharf-shed, Opua; widening- George Street Pier, Port Chalmers (part); office accommodation for depot chargeman, Greymouth, Nelson; water-service, Belgrove; improved stockyard accommodation, Otiria Junction; pit for car-shop, Nelson; brake-shed lavatory accommodation, Whangarei; purchase of land, Gisborne, Prebbleton, Fordell, Taumarunui, Carterton, Omimi, Petone, Riverton, Hayward's. Miscellaneous Works. —Additions and improvements amounting to £17,077 and charged to working-expenses were carried out. The works include —Additions and improvements to station buildings, yards, sidings, &c, Swanson (part), Smart Road (part), Taumarunui, Frankton Junction, Inglewood, Featherston (part), Thorndon (part), Lincoln, Lyttelton (part), Ranfurly, Oturehua; rearrangements, Ashburton (part), Prebbleton (part), Dalefield (part); deviation and duplication, Ravensbourne (part); overbridge, Otago Central; public station at 5Jm., HuntlyAwaroa (part); improved station approach, Stratford; shunting-legs, <fee, Feilding, Halcombe, Greatford, Morven, Woodville, Temuka; workshop additions, &c, East Town (part), Petone, Addington; installation electric power, Addington Shops; improved lighting (electric), station buildings, (fee, Rotorua, Trentham, Thorndon, Invercargill; stockyard improvements, Marton and Stratford; new houses, Pukekohe, 5Jm., Huntly-Awaroa (part); hot-water services installed in seventeen cottages; 30-cwt. crane, Levin; engine-shed extension, Cross Creek; goods-shed additions, Te Kuiti; stores and orderly-rooms for Railway Battalions, Frankton Junction, Palmerston North, Timaru, Greymouth; improved drainage, Taihape, Morniugside; waterservice improvements, Palmerston North, Otaki, Hunterville, Hihitahi, Morrinsville; Pintschgas holder, Frankton Junction; Waiteti Viaduct, strengthening (part); additions to Traffic Offices, Wellington; porters' room, Hastings; dredging-booms, Dargaville. Expenditure. —The expenditure for the year was as follows : — £ Maintenance, charged to working-expenses ... ... 720,840 New works, charged to capital ... ... ... ... 271,752 Other Government Departments, public bodies, and private parties 22,518 Total expenditure ... ... ... ... £1,015,110 The maintenance expenditure, charged to working-expenses, amounted to £243 10s. per mile, compared with £251 per mile in 1915-16, and £254 per mile in 1914-15. When supplies of rails, structural steel, and other materials now difficult or impossible to procure can be obtained the expenditure will have to be increased to overtake arrears of work. Meanwhile every effort is being made to carry out in advance of requirements repair and renewal work for which materials can be obtained. The extent to which this can be done has been limited owing to scarcity of labour. Mileage. —No new lines have been opened during the year. The mileage open for traffic on the 31st March, 1917, therefore is the same—2,969 miles 77 chains. Lands and Leases. —Number of leases registered during the year, 427; annual rental, £2,897. Leases current at 31st March, 1917, 5,385; annual rental, £35,824. Private siding agreements registered during the year, 79; annual rental, £2,374. Private siding agreements current at 31st March, 1917, 418; annual rental, £10,085. Proclamations taking or giving up land, 46. Total amount of compensation paid during the year for land, £82,213. iStaj7.--Maintenance Branch working staff, 3,718; office staff, 152: total, 3,870. The staff has been considerably affected by enlistments. Signal and Electrical. Fixed Signals at Officered Stations. During the year ten stations have been equipped with fixed signals, viz. : Ilikutaia, Puriri, Kopu, Waitoa, Mangaiti, Te Karaka, Gisborie, Matapuna, Puketeraki, and Warepa. Sixty-two stations have been equipped with distant signals in addition to their previous equipment with home signals, viz. : Papatoetoe, Manurewa, Papakura, Ngaruawahia Bridge,



Waimiha, Ongarue, Okahukura, Matapuna Bridge, Piriaka, Kakahi, Owhango, Raurimu, Waimarino, Erua, Pokako, Horopito, Rangataua, Karioi, Tangiwai, W T aiouru, Hihitahi, Mataroa, Utiku, Mangaweka, Ohingaiti, Bankside, Rakaia, Chertsey, Dromore, Tinwald, Winslow, Hinds, Ealing, Rangitata, Orari, Winchester, Temuka, Pareora, St. Andrews, Makikihi, Morven, Glenavy, Maheno, Herbert, Hampden, Kartigi, Palmerston,- Goodwood, Waikouaiti, Puketeraki, Seacliff, Lovell's Flat, Stirling, Warepa, Waiwera, Waipahi, Pukerau, McNab, Mataura, Kamihi, Woodlands, One Tree Point. All stations on the North Island main lines, Auckland to Wellington, previously equipped with fixed signals, have now been fitted with distant signals, also all stations on the South Island main lines, Lyttelton to Bluff, with the exception of nine stations, which are in hand. The total number of officered stations (including tablet stations) is 494, of which 295 are equipped with fixed signals, 96 are interlocked, and 103 are unequipped. Eighty-nine electric repeaters have been fitted to signals. The total number now in use is 324. Interlocking of Points and Signals. The electric pneumatic installation at Dunedin has again worked, satisfactorily during the year. The following stations have been equipped with signalling and interlocking : Silverstream, Trentham, and Pitcaithly's (partial scheme). The interlocking at the following stations has been altered and added to : Westfield, Parnell Tunnel, Morningside, Mount Eden, Mount Albert, Waikumete, Auckland, Palmerston North, Lower ffiutt, Christchurch, and Greymouth. The following sidings and flag stations have been interlocked with the tablet system, viz. : Summit Station; Waro Station; Hikurangi Coal Company's private sidings (two); Northern Coal Company's private sidings (two); J. R. Reyburn's private siding, Whangarei Section; service sidings at 14 m. 64 eh., 15 m. 52 eh., 16 m. 49 eh., 25 m. 20 eh., and 27 m., Auckland District; Southdown Station; Runciman Station; Opaheke Station; Firth's Pumice Company's private siding near Ohinewai; Ngaruawahia ballast-pit siding; Canterbury Roller Flour-mills private siding and sale-yards siding near Ashburton; Orari ballast-pit siding; Christchurch Meat Company's and Timaru Agricultural and Pastoral Association's private siding at Smithfield; J. and T. Meek's private siding, Oamaru; New Zealand Pine Company's private siding at Ryal Bush; Federal Steam Navigation Company's private siding at Ocean Beach. Four additional stations in the North Island and thirteen in the South Island have been equipped with special switch-locks interlocking the facing-points with home signals. Three switch-out tablet stations have been equipped with special locking arrangements for points and signals. Total stations now interlocked, 96; tramway crossings, 7; sidings and flag stations interlocked with tablet, 102; stations where Wood's locks are installed, 246. The expenditure for the year on signalling and interlocking works was as follows : New works, £22,584 os. lid.; maintenance, £13,317 Is. 4d. Block-working (Electric Tablet). During the year sixteen additional tablet instruments and thirty-seven miles of line have been fitted with electric-tablet working and brought into use, embracing the Rangiora-Waikari and Hornby-Lincoln Sections; also Kakariki and Smart Road have been installed as switch-out stations in place of Bell Block and Rangitikei Bridge. The total mileage now equipped with tablet apparatus is 1,657 miles of single line, out of 2,925 miles of single line open for traffic. The number of tablet instruments now in use is 900, at 376 stations. Eleven automatic tablet-exchangers have been installed at nine additional stations. The total now in use is 345. Lock and Block. During the year the electric lock-and-block system for double-line working has worked satisfactorily. The total mileage equipped is forty-four miles of double line. Lock-and-block instruments in use, eighty, at thirty-six stations. Parnell tunnel-box has been converted to a switch-out during the year. Telegraph and Telephone Facilities. Forty-two miles of new line and three miles of poles have been brought into use, and various alterations and additions have been made to improve existing wires. The Culverden-Hanmer wire and various local circuits have been converted to metallic circuits. Forty telephone connections to railway wires, five connections to public-telephone exchanges, and seven extensions to existing telephone connections have been made. Ten electric bells have been installed. Total now in use : Morse sets, 278; telephones, 1,575; electric bells, 263; miles of wire, 7,000; miles of poles, 2,591. Electric Light and Power. During the year electrio light has been installed at three additional stations—viz., Khan■dallah, Trentham, and Sawyer's Bay; also in the new engine-shed and goods-yards, at Auckland, Stationmaster's house at Stratford, Burnside, and Mosgiel.



Additional lighting has been provided in the drill-yards at Auckland, Wellington, and Dunedin; signals at Mangaweka and Mataura; new carriage-yard, locomotive-yard, and diningcar store, Thorndon; goods-offices, Te Kuiti; goods-yard, Lambton Station; yards at Kaiwarra and Stratford; locomotive workshops at Petone and Hillside; gas-house, Christchurch; and goods-yard, Invercargill. Electric heaters have been installed in the Railway booking-office and dining-car depot, Auckland, and Railway Battalion Headquarters, Wellington. The Newmarket Workshops have been partially electrified. • A transformer-house has been provided equipped with transformers of sufficient capacity for the complete electrification of all the shops, and eleven motors aggregating about 85 horse-power have been installed and brought into use. Additional motors have been installed at Hillside Workshops and at Christchurch enginedepot. A main-switchboard house has been provided at Addington Workshops to provide for eventual complete electrification equipment, and some temporary gear installed; seven additional motors have been installed, aggregating 49 horse-power, making a total of 243 horse-power now installed. Level-crossing Automatic Warning-bells. Seventeen level crossings have been fitted with automatic electric warning-bells at the following places: Mount Eden (two); Newmarket (two crossings); Helensville South; Hamilton; Palmerston North (two crossings); Napier; Featherston (five crossings); Lower Hutt; Chertsey; Styx. The present number now completed is twenty-three. The alarm bells and switches have been installed at level crossings at Christchurch (two) and Temuka. An automatic mechanical alarm-bell has been installed in the Lyttelton Tunnel. Expenditure. Particulars of expenditure on electric block-working, telegraph and telephone facilities, and electric lighting for the year are as follows : — New works — £ s , d. Electric tablet-working ... ... ... ... 4,383 0 2 Telephone and telegraph lines -... ... ... 1,415 15 6 Electric light ... ... ... ... ... 2,535 14 5 Electric motors, cranes, &c. ... ... ... .-.. 2,771 3 3 Level-crossing alarms ... ... ... ... 5,198 9 9 Total ... ... ... ... ... £16,304 3 1 Maintenance— £ Si d. Electric block-working and telegraph and telephone facilities 12,079 3 1 Lines, &c, maintained by Post and Telegraph Department 1,772 17 0 Electric light ... ... ... ... ... 2,516 14 2 Total ... ... ... ... ... £16,368 14 3

TRAFFIC. Mr. H. Buxton,_ Chief Traffic Manager, reports that the following are the leading features of the traffic in the various districts :— Whangarei Section. Revenue, £53,965; increase, £2,815. Passengers increased 3,828. Live-stock increased 7,834. Timber increased 2,832 tons, and general goods 2,533 tons. Minerals decreased 14,263 tons in consequence of the flooding of a coal-mine. Kaihu Section. Revenue, £6,478; increase, £594. Passengers decreased 5,864. Timber increased 8,196 tons, but other goods traffic declined. Gisborne Section. Revenue, £27,971; decrease, £807. Passengers decreased 3,294. Live-stock decreased 58,537, owing to the operation of new freezing-works inland. Goods tonnage increased 4,844. General goods increased 3,227 tons, and minerals 4 477 tons, but timber decreased 2,860 tons.



North Island Main Line and Branches. Revenue, £2,683,080; increase, £179,863. The principal items of traffic were— Number. Number. Passengers ... ... ... ... ... 8,436,175; increase, 115,735 Season tickets ... ... ... ... 223,044; ~ 18,739 Parcels revenue ... ... ... ... £140,664; ~ £6,558 Live-stock ... ... ... ... ... 3,529,382; decrease, 272,512 Tons. Tons. Goods ... ... ... ... ... 1,928,619; increase, 2,166 The revenue per mile of railway increased from £2,269 Bs. sd. to £2,421 lis., and per train-mile from 9s. 4£d. to 10s. 3d. The variations of traffic in the individual districts were approximately as under :— Auckland. —Revenue, £934,451; increase, £77,169. Passengers decreased 93,161. The traffic was affected by bad weather conditions causing floods and slips. There was also some reduction in the northern suburban area on account of tramway competition. In the southern portion of the district the business improved. Season tickets increased 6,643. Parcels revenue increased £3,147. Cattle and calves increased 19,365; but sheep and pigs decreased 6,800. Timber decreased 9,257 tons. General goods increased 27,890 tons, and minerals 9,465 tons. Ohakune. —Revenue, £321,649; increase, £5,738. Passengers increased 7,065, and season tickets 393. Parcels revenue increased £165. Cattle and calves increased 12,359, and sheep 14,222, but pigs decreased 748. Timber decreased 14,030 tons. General goods increased 3,396 tons, and minerals (road-metal) 395 tons. Wanganui. —Revenue, £474,231; increase, £3,558. Passengers decreased 102,044, chiefly due to the military camp at Rangiotu causing unusual traffic during the previous year. Season tickets increased 534. Cattle and calves increased 5,472, but sheep decreased 192,032, due largely to the establishment of freezing-works at Feilding and Wanganui. Timber decreased 3,670 tons, and general goods 2,349 tons. Minerals increased 11,092 tons. Wellington.— Revenue, £952,749; increase, £93,398. Passengers increased 303,875, caused chiefly by traffic in connection with the military camps at Trentham and Featherston. Season tickets increased 11,962. Parcels revenue increased £2,961, also largely due to the military camps. Cattle anil calves decreased 8,855, sheep 110,853, and pigs 621. Timber decreased 4,270 tons, general goods 3,181 tons, and minerals 14,122 tons. The decrease in general goods is due to the shortage of shipping for frozen meat, and in minerals to the reduced traffic in road-metal for local bodies, bricks for building, and sea-borne coal. Picton Section. Revenue, £29,844; increase, £1,620. There was little variation in the passenger and parcels revenue, though there was a decline in the number of passengers. Live-stock increased 16,403 in number, and general goods 8,451 tons, but timber decreased 388 tons and minerals 1,087 tons. Nelson Section. Revenue, £34,019; increase, £86. Passengers, parcels, and luggage revenue increased £345, but goods and miscellaneous revenue decreased £259. Live-stock decreased 4,954 in number, timber 1,048 tons, and minerals 244 tons; general goods normal. Westport Section. Revenue, £113,101; increase, £4,649. Passenger and parcels revenue increased £222, and goods and miscellaneous revenue £4,427. Minerals increased 9,371 tons, and timber decreased 401 tons; general goods normal. Westland Section. Revenue, £162,529; decrease, £206. Passenger and parcels revenue decreased £397, but there was a small increase in goods and miscellaneous revenue. Live-stock increased 5,088 head. Timber increased 428 tons, but minerals decreased 7,840 tons, and general goods 2,573 tons.



South Island Main Line and Branches: Revenue, £1,682,638; increase, £63,898. The principal items of traffic were— Number. Number. Passengers... ... ... .'.,. ... 4,727,908; decrease, 95,599 Season tickets ... ... ... ... 120,142; increase, 5,739 Parcels revenue ... ... ... ... £89,024; ~ £224 Live-stock... ... ... 3,814,797; ~ 212,944 Tons. Tons. Goods ... ... ... ... ... 2,192,189; decrease, 144,055 The annual revenue per mile of railway increased from £1,152 19s. to £1,198 9s. 2d., and per train-mile from 9s. 9Jd. to 10s. 4fd. The variations of traffic in the individual districts were approximately as follows :— Christchurch. —Revenue, £720,359; increase, £12,110. Ordinary passengers decreased 72,778, but season tickets increased 2,408. Parcels and luggage revenue increased £200. Cattle decreased 1,864, sheep 87,994, and pigs 10,618. Timber decreased 10,883 tons, general goods 53,365 tons, and minerals 29,166 tons. Dunedin. —Revenue, £571,237; increase, £20,843. Ordinary passengers decreased 15,561; season tickets increased 3,379. Parcels revenue decreased £286. Cattle decreased 7,249 and pigs 1,763, but sheep increased 110,729. Timber decreased 2,390 tons, general goods 20,396 tons, and minerals 27,416 tons. Invercargill. —Revenue, £391,042; increase, £30,945. Ordinary passengers decreased 7,260; season tickets increased 241. Parcels revenue increased £310. Cattle increased 5,060, and sheep 204,840. Timber decreased 8,598 tons, and general goods 7,774 tons. Minerals increased 19,958 tons. Lake Wakatipu Steamers. Revenue, £7,184; decrease, £59. Ordinary passengers decreased 1,701 and £108 in revenue. Parcels and luggage revenue increased £35. Sheep increased 7,600. Timber decreased 120 tons, minerals 224 tons, and general goods 370 tons. The train services have been maintained with punctuality, as will be seen from the following table: —

Average Late Arrival of Trains, Year ended 31st March, 1917.

LOCOMOTIVE. Mr. H. H. Jackson, Chief Mechanical Engineer, reports as follows :— Locomotives. —On the Ist April, 1916, there were 585 engines in service, and on the 31st March, 1917, there were 607 engines. Four second-hand tank engines were sold and written off. Twenty-six new engines were added to stock. Of the new engines added to stock seventeen were built in the Government railway workshops, and comprised seven Pacific type simple superheated tender engines, Class Ab, and ten 4-6-4 (Baltic type) heavy tank engines, Class Ww; nine 4-8-0 simple superheated heavy tender engines, Class Bb, were completed under contract with Messrs. A. and G. Price (Limited), of Thames. In the Government railway workshops to date 172 engines have been built, and twenty-four old locomotives have been rebuilt to modern designs.

. Period ended s to P - ,3. x u 3 DL 03 a a: 03 .S 5 -S Year ended I Si S *s ps I. y\ B -S j < » -i A ■ ■ , I l? -4 TH 01 n P> > C3 B O O I _ O S5 P CD a i-s I OS cs" CO * ' 8 i a\ a 1 a I a tlarch 81, 1917 torch 31, 1916 Express and Mail Trains. .. | 3-16 | 2-60 i 3-15 I 1-31 I 1-5. I 1-77 I 1-64 I 1-36 I 1-34 j 4-15 j 3-05 3-35 I 2-62 | 2-38 .. | 3-72 I 1-89 I l-84-| 1-58 | 1-74 | 0-67 | 0-70 | 1-46 | 1-74 | 3-61 | 2-35 3-22 | 3-17 | 2-13 .larch 31, 1917 ilarch 31, 1916 Long-distance Mixed 'Trains. .. 4-45 I 4-03 [ 3-94 I 2-16 I 1-71 I 1'82 I 1-77 I 2-24 I 2-90 j 3-63 I 3'84 j 3-83 l 4-04 I 3-10 .. - 4-13 I 2-71 j 2-29 | 2-29 | 1-78 | 1-38 | 1-40 | 1-65 | 2-58 j 3-14 ! 3-10 j 4-13 I 5-18 ! 2-78 Suburban Trains. .larch 31, 1917 .larch 31, 1916 . . I 0-67 [ 0-44 I 0-65 I 0-50 I 0-36 I 0-32 I 0-23 i 0-27 j 0-20 i 0-76 j 0-35 I 0-40 , 0-53 i 0-36 .. j 0-44 | 0-34 I 0-43 | 0-34 | 0-22 [ 0-28 | 0-33 I 0-51 I 0-22 | 0-61 | 0-42 | 0-37 | 0-44 | 0-38



Six hundred and seventy-five locomotives passed through the workshops during the year, the details of work done being as follows : —

Included in the above are two engines for private lines and five engines for the Public Works Department. At the close of the year there were under construction in the railway workshops twenty engines, consisting of nine Pacific type simple superheated tender engines, Class Ab, one heavy suburban tank engine, 4-6-4 type, Class Ws, and ten heavy tank engines, 4-6-4 type, Class Ww. Under contract with Messrs. A. and G. Price (Limited), of Thames, there were seven 4-8-0 typo simple superheated tender engines to complete. Thus at the end of the year there were altogether in hand twenty-seven locomotive-engines. The new locomotives added, together with boiler renewals, increased the total tractive power by 479,301 lb., or equal to , r )'7o per cent. The new engines being built and the boilers under construction will when completed still further materially increase the tractive power. Boilers. —The work on new boilers, renewals, and repairs has been kept well up to date. The following statement shows details of the boiler-work done: —

Twenty new boilers were under construction at close of year, and comprised nine Class Ab, one Class Ws, and ten Class Ww. Carriages. —The stock on the Ist April, 1916, was 1,452 cars, and on the 31st March, 1917, the number was 1,480. Two cars were sold and written off. Twenty-nine new bogie cars were built, and one rail motor-car was added to stock. The following table shows details of car-work done during the year : —

Forty-six cars were under construction in the railway workshops at close of the year. Brake-vans. —The number of brake-vans on the line on the Ist April, 1916, was 440, and the number on the 31st March, 1917, was 440. Two new bogie vans were built to replace one old four-wheeled van sold and one old four-wheel van written off,

Number and Typ9. Partioular.-i. Number passed through shops . . Built new Re-erected Converted Thoroughly overhauled Heavy repairs Light repairs Painted Paint touched up Fourcyiinder Tender compound . Engines. Tender Ei.ginef. i .. j 75 229 .. ! .. 7 :: :: , 11 12 81 60 33 117 26 66 19 93 I I Total. Tank Fell Single Engines. Engines. Fainies. 349 6 16 675 10 .. .. 17 11 .. 13 I 1 32 .. 2 87 106 0 6 208 191 I 8 349 52 4 3 151 58 1 4 175 I 1 i I

Description, toilers .. -nt i '■ Tubes Number XT . • „ j „ i j ii .1.. u ,. u i iNew pieced and passed Built Heavy Light ! l S ,. cond . through new. Repairs. Repairs. | s han(| feh °P S - | ! (Sets). 375 18 143 214 64 49 I i I New New Smokebox New Firebox Boilers Tube- Firebox. Tube- patched plate. plate. 3 16 9 114

Particulars. Number and Type of Carriages. Bogie. Six-wheel. Four-wheel. Total. Number passed through shops . . Built new Converted Heavy repairs Light repairs Painted Touched up .. 1,941 29 3, 1,198 711 534 805 j 87 8 79 9 7 23 "a 21 2 1 2,051 29 3 1,208 811 545 813 L_._ '



The following table shows the work done on brake-vans during the year : —

Included in the above is one brake-van rebuilt for a private line. Sixteen bogie vans are under construction. Wagons. —The wagon stock on the Ist April, 1916, consisted of 21,554 vehicles, and the number on the 31st March, 1917, was 21,940. Twenty-nine worn-out wagons were broken up and written off, six wagons were sold to the Public Works Department, and twelve second-hand wagons were sold to private companies. Four hundred and thirty-three new wagons were built and added to stock. Of this number, 390 were additional stock, and the balance, forty-three, was to replace wagons sold and wagons worn out and written off. The carrying-capacity of wagon stock was increased by 4,714 tons, equal to 256 per cent., or an equivalent of 786 ordinary wagons. The following table gives particulars of work done on wagons during the year : —

One thousand one hundred and eighty-three wagons were under construction in the railway workshops at the close of the year, and comprised 205 bogie and 978 four-wheel wagons. Tarpaulins.— -The tarpaulin stock on the Ist April, 1916, was 17,282, and on the 31st March, 1917, the number was 17,532. Two hundred and sixty-two new tarpaulins were made in railway workshops, 250 being additional stock, and 12 for the Public Works Department; 517 worn-out tarpaulins were condemned and written off and replaced with a similar number of new tarpaulins. The following table gives details of the work on tarpaulins for the year :—

One thousand and fifty tarpaulins were being manufactured in the railway workshops at the close of the year. Stationary Engines and Cranes. —The repairs and renewals during the year were as follows :—

Axles. —During the year 176 car, van, and wagon axles were replaced with modern steel axles; this number, however, does not include axles for new rolling-stock. The steel axles increase the carrying-capacity of each wagon by 2 tons. Westinghouse Brake. —The work of equipping engines and rolling-stock on the Westland Section is in hand. Efficient arrangements are in force for the examination and upkeep of the Westinghouse brake. All new engines and rolling-stock built for sections upon which the airbrake is in operation are equipped with it before being put into service.

irake-vans Description, i Number I p aint passed - a R b Heavy Light d tQ through | Repairs. Repairs. Shops. U P' L ! ! 587 2 2 315 268 131 243

Wagons Description. Number „ . , passed Rebuilt _ Heavy Light p d through Repaiiv. Repairs. J Shops. U P- .. 21,128 433 18 5,911 14,766 2,792 5,628

Description. Condemned Number passed Manufactured and replaced through Shops. new. with New Tarpaulins. 21,139 262 517 Repaired. 20,360 Tarpaulins 20,360

Boiler-repairs. Description. rn ft-d <2 t7_ « © 5 ■= s b Il S 0 "*■ © p3 hi Ph OJ , " © a i (S _ 1 3 C3 S : 5 © C3 P i w - 3 Ph OS Ph I -a J I 1~ |* &| t-l -is : _> feCQ pQ — © *— fl £ i S _ 03 ,2 B S CU PH '3 land-cranes Steam-cranes Stationary engines 'ile-drivers and hoisting-engines 'neumatic cranes 24 30 39 6 8 8 14 i 2 16 I 16 ! 1 : 5 1 1 11 1 1 10 4 2 8 *5 31 1 3 i 12 I



Gar-lighting. —The oil-gas manufactured at the five separate Pintsch-gas works during the year amounted to 11,466,500 cubic feet, and cost to manufacture 2s. 7"10 d. per 100 cubic feet, the increase in cost of production being due to increased charges for oil owing to war conditions. On sections not provided with Pintsoh gas all cars are lighted with acetylene gas. Motor-cars. —The motor-cars in use on the Culverden-Hanmer service have been kept in good and efficient working-order. Bail Motor-cars. —The Thomas transmission-rail motor-car was erected during the year and employed on suburban services. The Westinghouse petrol-electric rail motor-car has also been employed on suburban services. Steamers. —The Railway Department's steamers on Lake Wakatipu service have been maintained in good working-order. Benewah and Replacements. —During the year four second-hand tank engines, two cars, one brake-van, and eighteen wagons were sold, and one brake-van and twenty-nine worn-out wagons were written off; also 517 worn-out tarpaulins were condemned and written off. To replace the engines and rolling-stock sold or written off three heavy tank engines, one car, two bogie brake-vans, and forty-three w r agons were built, and 517 tarpaulins were made. To replace the remaining wagons sold new stock is under construction. Train Running and, Mileage. —There has been a decrease in train-mileage amounting to 210,191 miles as compared with 1915-16. This has been due chiefly to the provision of new and more powerful locomotives. There has been a decrease in the engine-mileage of 424,033 miles as compared with 1915-16. The decrease is partly due to the lesser number of work-trains supplied and the use of Class An locomotives, mentioned in my last report. More of these engines have been built, and there are now twelve of this type at work. These locomotives are cheaper in first cost than the Class A locomotives, haul greater loads, and are much more economical to work and maintain. A heavy tank engine, with boiler, cylinders, wheels, &c, interchangeable with the Ab, is almost completed, and will be used for the heavy passenger trains on the grades between Taihape and Taumarunui and Wellington-Paekakariki. The following table shows particulars of the expenditure per train-mile : —

STORES. Mr. H. Baxter, Comptroller of Stores, reports as follows: — The value of stores, material, and plant (purchased, under the Railway vote) on hand at the 31st Maich, 1917, at the various stores, depots, and sawmills amounted to £392,597 13s. Bd., as against £428,065 15s. sd. on the 31st March, 1916. The value of stores on hand on account of additions to open lines amounted to £15,212 6s. Bd., as against £25,945 ss. 6d. on the 31st March, 1916. The whole of the; stock is in good order, has been carefully and systematically inspected, and is valued for the amounts stated.

iii —D. 2.

Cost, in Pence, per Train-mile. Year. Train-mileage. Engine-mileage, i Locomotive | Car and Wagon : — , . Branch. Branch, xom '' 1916-17 .. .. I 9,146,331. 12,295,455 25-02 6-27 31-29 1915-16 .. .. j 9,356,522 12,719,488 24-55 5-80 30-35 The increased cost per train-mile in locomotive branch is due to enhanced prices for fuel , the car and wagon branch increase is principally due to extra charges for material.




Roll of Honour. Railway Employees who have fallen in Defence of the Empire.

Name. Branch. .Military Unit. I A.bern, R. J. Aldridge, A. G. Ander, E. F. Andrews, J. R. D. Ballantyne, A. S. . . Bannerman, E. I. Bateman, H. 0. . . Beck man, A. Bennett, 0. F. .. Blackie, J. Blaikie, 8. J. Bond, A. Boyes, A. C. Brambley, P. R. : . Brennan, L. J. Brown, M. C. Bnice, H. S. Brydon, R. 0. .. Burke, D. P. Burns, A. ('. Butler, W. M. .. Cardno, G. A. Charleston, A. A. Christophers, H. H. Clark, G. K. Clark, S. G. Clayton, .1. Cloke, J. Codlin, P. Cogle, J. F. Colley, W. L. Coote, P. S. Couperthwaite, P. Crean, P. L. Dale, A. Ii. Dale, A. E. Davidson, J. H. . . Davies, F. Dick, H. J. Downes, T. S. Doyle, J. J. Falla, L. M. Fearon, A. E. Find lay, J. Finlayson, K. C. . . • Fotheringham, W. L. Fowler, R. G. .. Fry, F. L. Calvin, G. B. Gambling, E. W. Glastonbury, A. G. Goodhue, C. N. Gordon, J. Locomotive .. Traffic . . | Locomotive Locomotive .. Traffic . . . Locomotive Locomotive Traffic Maintenance . . Traffic . . Traffic . . Traffic Locomotive . . Traffic, Locomotive Locomotive Locomotive; .. Traffic .. Traffic Traffic Locomotive .. Traffic Locomotive Maintenance . . Traffic .. Traffic Locomotive Locomotive Locomotive Locomotive Locomotive Locomotive Maintenance . . Traffic . . Traffic Locomotive Locomotive . . Traffic . . Traffic Maintenance .. Traffic Locomotive . . Traffic Maintenance . . Traffic .. j Locomotive Locomotive . . Traffic Maintenance . . Traffic Maintenance Maintenance . . i Maintenance .. | F Company, 9th Reinforcements. .. :' Auckland Infantry Battalion. . . E Company, 8th Reinforcements. Machine-gun .Section. 2nd Battalion, N.Z.R.B Otago Infantry Battalion. Wellington Infantry Battalion. .. ' 4th Battalion, N.Z.R.B. . . N.Z. Field Engineers. D Company, 14th Reinforcements. ... Otago Infantry Regiment. .. ; 4th Battalion, N.Z.R.B. .. j Auckland Infantry Battalion. 2nd Battalion, Otago Regiment. F Company, 16th Reinforcements. Auckland Infantry, 7th Reinforcements. Otago Infantry Battalion. Otago Infantry Battalion. .. j 1st Battalion, N.Z.R.B. .. I Wellington Infantry Battalion. Wellington Infantry Battalion. A Company, 2nd Battalion, N.Z.R.B. .. 1st Battalion, N.Z.R.B. Wellington Infantry Battalion, Main Body. 2nd Battalion, N.Z.R.B. .. j 10th Reinforcements, N.Z.E. . . | Wellington Infantry Battalion. Machine-gun Corps. . . 4th Battalion, N.Z.R.B. A Squadron, 8tli Reinforcements. . . A Company, 3rd Battalion, N.Z.R.B. Canterbury Infantry Battalion. ' ■ Canterbury Infantry Battalion. Otago Infantry Battalion. B Company, 1st Battalion, N.Z.R.B. Canterbury Infantry, 7th Reinforcements. .. 2nd Battalion, N.Z.R.B. Wellington Infantry Battalion. . . D Company, 1st Battalion, N.Z.R.B. N.Z. Field Engineers. Otago Infantry Battalion. A Company, 9th Reinforcements. .. N.Z.F.A., 7th Reinforcements. F Company, 8th Reinforcements. Otago Infantry Battalion. Otago Infantry Battalion, Main Body. 11 tli Reinforcements, N.Z.E. . . 2nd Battalion, N.Z.R.B., 5th Reinforcements. D Company, 10th Reinforcements. E Company, 13th Reinforcements. Auckland Infantry, 1st Battalion. E Company, 1st Battalion, N.Z.R.B. A Company, 8th Reinforcements. .. 4th Battalion, 3rd N.Z.R.B.



Railway Employees who have fallen in Defence of the Empire— continued.

Name. Branch. Military Unit. H Guinness, W. J. P. Hall, A. C. Hansen, J. A. Harding, L. C. Harvey, L. G. Hastings, N. F. . . Hayward, A. R. .. Ilickev, E. Hislop, R. Hooper, G S. 1 luliter, H. .Jackson, .1. G. Johnston, .1. _'. .. Kelly, F. G. Kenyon, B. 1). Knowles, T. E. .. Lambert, E. Lambeth, T. A. .. Lindop, W. H. Lockett, R. L. B. MoArthur, A. A. .. McCombe, J. S. . . McEachen, P. J. . . McFarlane, D. S. McGahan, C. W. . . McGinn, J. H. McKinstry, L. G McKotie, J. McLean, F. A. .. McMahon, E. McMurtrie, 1). A. McVicar, W. R. .. Mackay, J. R. . . . Massioks, B. J. .. Mather, A. B. W. Mattingley, F. A. Menzies, 8. Miles, I. Moosman, L. J. Murcott, S. G .. Nankivell, A. O'Connor, P. M. . . O'Donnell, D. . . O'Keeffe, J. O'Leary, J. W. Owens, J. D. H. .. Parker, W. E. .. Perry, S. Porter, S. Potts, J. K. Pratt, A. M. Pugh, F. G. Quigley, R. Ramsay, R. G. Reynolds, S. Robinson, II. Ross, J. Rowland, C. K. ■.. Russell, G. E. .. Scott, A. Selby, W. G. Shannon, E. A. . . Shaw, G. E. Short, J. Smith, E. Spowart, M. W. Stansell, L. B. . . Traffic Traffic Maintenance, Locomotive Maintenance Locomotive Locomotive Locomotive .. J Traffic Locomotive . . Tr. ffic .. Traffic . . Traffic Traffic Locomotive Locomotive Locomotive . . Traffic Maintenance Locomotive Locomotive Locomotive . . i Traffic . . ■ Locomotive Maintenance . . Traffic .. Traffic .. Traffic Locomotive .. Traffic .. Traffic .. Traffic .. ! Traffic Locomotive Locomotive . . Traffic .. Traffic . . Traffic Locomotive . . Traffic Locomotive Locomotive . . : Maintenance . . ] Locomotive . . j Locomotive . . I Locomotive .. ! Traffic Maintenance .. Traffic . . ! Maintenance .. I Head Office .. Traffic .. ! Traffic . . Traffic Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Locomotive Locomotive Locomotive Locomotive Locomotive .. Traffic .. Traffic .. Traffic Locomotive .. Traffic . . ■ C Company, 2nd Battalion, N.Z.R.B. D Company, 13th Reinforcements. Otago Infantry Battalion. . . E Company, 1st Battalion, N.Z.R.B. . . Wellington' Mounted Rifles. . . ■ Otago Infantry Battalion. . . H Company, J2th Reinforcements. Railway Engineers. . . E Company, 1st Battalion, N.Z.R.B. Otago Infantry Battalion. Wellington Infantry Battalion. . . B Company, 1st Battalion, N.Z.K. B, . . Otago Mounted Rifles. N.Z. Engineers, 9th Reinforcements. West Riding Regiment. Auckland Infantry Battalion. . . ! Otago Infantry Regiment. .. B Company, 7th Reinforcements. Wellington Infantry Battalion. .. B Company, I Id Reinforcements. D Company. 12th Reinforcements. Otago Infantry Battalion. Wellington Mounted Rifles. .. A Company, 3rd Battalion, N.Z.R.B. .. 2nd Battalion. 3rd N.Z.R.B. 7th Reinforcements. . . : D Company, 3rd Battalion, N.Z.R.B. . . B Company, 2nd Battalion, N.Z.R.B. Otago Infantry Battalion. Otago Infantry Battalion. .. C Company, 19th Reinforcements. . . D Company, 3rd Battalion, N.Z.R.B. A Company, 91 Ii Reinforcements. Wellington Infantry Battalion. .. ' F Company, 17th Reinforcements. .. D Company, 1st Battalion, N.Z.R.B. Canterbury Infantry Battalion. - A Company, 12d Reinforcements. Otago Infantry Battalion. .. N.Z.F.A. ... E Company, 13th Reinforcements, N.Z.R.B Otago Infantry Battalion. Wellington Infantry Battalion. . . C Company, 2nd Battalion, N.Z.R.B. Otago Infantry Battalion. .. N.Z.F.A., 9th Reinforcements. B Company, 3rd Battalion, N.Z.R.B. A Company, 12th Reinforcements. Wellington Infantry Battalion. No. 3 Stationary Hospital. . . A Company, 2nd Battalion, N.Z.R.B. Canterbury Infantry Battalion. C Company, 7th Reinforcements. Canterbury Infantry Battalion. .. N.Z. Field Ambulance, 2nd Battalion, N.Z.R.B, C Company, 7th Reinforcements. .. C Company, 4th Battalion, N.Z.R.B. Auckland Infantry Battalion. D Company, 17th Reinforcements. Otago Infantry Battalion. Otago Infantry Battalion. Auckland Infantry Battalion. . . 10th Reinforcements, A.M.R. . . N.Z. Field Engineers. D Company, 13th Reinforcements. .. '< 4th Battalion, N.Z.R.B.



Railway Employees who have fallen in Defence of the Empire— continued.

Name. Branoh. Military Unit Stewart, W. D. Strachan, J. B. Sullivan, J. B. Sutherland, H. Sutherland, T. Tapsell, R. Tawhai, H. T. Taylor, J. C. Taylor, S. A. R. . . Thrupp, G. E. .. Tonkin, R. E. Trewern, H. A. Vile, F. C. R. Walinck, J. Wallace, J. R. .. Walters, C. Ward, A. L. West, J. B. Westerholm, N. B. 0. Whitaker, J. H. Wiggins, H. A. Wilkes, R. Willcox, G. H. C. Williams, G. Williams, H. J. T. Williams, W. E. .. Wilson, A. Wilson, V H. G. Wilton, H. 0. .. Wyatt, A. Yorston, T. PI M. Locomotive . . Traffic Locomotive Locomotive . . Traffic .. Traffic .. Traffic . . Traffic Locomotive .. ! TrafficLocomotive Locomotive Locomotive .. ; Locomotive . . I Locomotive . . Traffic; Locomotive Locomotive . . . Locomotive .. Traffic .. , Traffic .. ; Locomotive .. j Traffic Locomotive Traffic . . Traffic .. ■ Locomotive . . I Locomotive . . | Traffic . . ' Maintenance .. ! Traffic Otago Infantry Battalion. D Company, 8th Reinforcements. 1st Battalion, N.Z.R.B. 11th Reinforcements, A.M.R, Otago Infantry Battalion. B Compa.ny, 2nd Maori Contingent. No. 2 Platoon, 4th Maori Contingent. J Company, 11th Reinforcements. Auckland Infantry, 7th Reinforcements. 8th Wellington Infantry Battalion. Auckland Infantry Battalion. Otago Infantry Battalion. A Company, 3rd Battalion, N.Z.R.B. Imperial Reservist. D Company, 8th Reinforcements. 2nd Battalion, N.Z.R.B. Otago Infantry Battalion. Otago Infantry Battalion. 1st Battalion, N.Z.R.B. Wellington Infantry Battalion. 2nd Battalion, 3rd Reinforcements. N.Z. Medical Corps. C Company, 3rd Battalion, N.Z.R.B. Otago Infantry Battalion. Canterbury Mounted Rifles. F Company, 3rd Reinforcements. Otago Infantry Battalion. N.Z.R. Battalion. Died whilst proceeding to camp. D Company, 11th Reinforcements. 1st, Battalion, Auckland Infantrv Regim rimew


NEW ZEALAND EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. EMPLOYEES OF RAILWAY SERVICE WHO HAVE JOINED EXPEDITIONARY FORCES. Abernethy, G. C. Atkinson, S. Beekman, A. Boyce, H. B. Ackland, C. W. Aubrey, W. H. Beer, A. A. G. Boyd, J. W. Adams, E. R. Auld, W. R. Beetham, A. M. Boyd, R. J. Affleck, K. J. Austin, F. 0. Begbie, R. C. Boyes, A. C. Agnew, M. Anton, S. M. Begg, A. Bradbury, A. F. Agnew, W. Avey, G. A.. Begg, I. W. D. Bradley, E. J. Ahem, L. J. Bell, G. J. Bradley, F. S. Ahem, R. J. Bagnall, L. J. Bell, J. C. Bradshaw, G. B. Aickin, F. W. Bailey, A. G. Bell, J. S. Brady, J. J. Aickin, T. R. Bailey, L. A. Bennett, C. F. Braithwaite, H. W. Aiken, R. V. Baillie, F. W. Bennett, J. W. Brambley, P. R. ■ Aitchison, P. Baillie, W. M, Benrose, J. Bray, A. P. Aitken, C. Bainbridge, C. W. Berkett, H. F. Bray, B. R. Aitken, J. (casual la- Baker, E. J. Berry, J. S. Bray, H. bourer). Baker, J. Bieknell, F. G Brebner, R. B. Aitken, J. (guard). Baker, L. Biggs, W. A. Bremner, W. L. Aitken, W. J. Ball, F. E. Billesdon, A. E. Brenan, A. T. Aldridge, A. G. Bail, H. E. Billington, T. G. Brennan, L. J, Alington, A. L. Ballantine, I). Bills, H. B. Breslin, E. Allan, A. R. L. Ballantyne, A. S. Binsted, J. Brice, C. C. Allan, 0 Ballantyne, J. M Birmingham, W. Bridges, A. G. Allan, L. S. Ballantyne, W. W. Bishop, S. A. . Bright, D. N. Allen, C. Balneaves, H. E. Black, A. Bright, L. Allen, W. S. Banfield, W. H. Black, F. D. Button, E. A. Mender, L. M. Banks, C. Blackburn, N. C. Broad, C. 0. E. Allison, G. Bannerman, E. I, Blackburn, P. ' ■ Broad, T. E. Allright, R. S. Barber, W. H. Blackburn, R. E. Brockliss, F. J. Alves, R. Barber, W. S. J. Blackie, J. Brogan, W. A. Ames, H. Barclay, A. J. Blaikie, A. J. Brookie, V. A. Amodeo, L. M. Barclay, G. Blaikie, S. J. Brooks, 11. H. Ander, A. E. Barker, C. Blair, T. R. Brooks, T. E. Ander, C. L. Barker, W. E. Blake, D. H. Broome, H. S. Ander, E. F. Barnard, C. V. Bland, A. J. Broomhall, W. W. Anderson, C. E. Barnes, H. Bluett, H. W. Brophy, J. Anderson, D. D. Barnes, L. C. Bluett, L. L. Brosnahan, D. Anderson, H. D. Barnes, W. A. Bock, E. T. Brosnahan, P. J. Anderson, J. J. Barnett, B. S. Bode, J. R. Brough, L. H. Anderson, N. Ban, W. G. Bolger, J. C. Broughton, D. S. Anderson, S. C. R. Barrett, W. Bollingher, H. Brown, A. C. Anderson, W. T. Barrett, W. E. Bold, C. Brown, A. H. Andrew, L. W. Barrowman, M. F. Bond, A. Brown, C. J. Andrews, A. J. Barry, C. Bond, J. Brown, C. S. Andrews, E. W. Barry, G. Bond, R. Brown, D. H. Andrews, H. L. Barry, J. P. Bond, V. R. Brown, E. Andrews, J. Bartle, J. M. Bond, W. F. Brown, E. 0. Andrews, J. R. D. Barton, H. A. Bonisch, E. J. Brown, E. V. H. Anglim, T. Bashford, R. H. P. Booth, A. W. Brown, H. Angove, T. J. W. F. G. Basssett, H. H. Booth, G. Brown, H. C. Angus, A.J. C. Batchelor, H. J. Borland, R. W. Brown, J. E. Angus, N. Bateman, F. H. Borlase, W. J. Brown, M. C. Angus, P. R. Bateman, T. H. Bosley, H. E. Brown, N. E. Angus, R. Bateman, H. 0. Bos Well, R. Brown, R. J. Annan, S. F. Bayldon, T. Boswell, V. R. Brown, R. L. T. Ansell, F. T. Beardsmore, G. A. Boult, A. A. B. Brown, W. Arbuckle, E. A. B. Beaton, T. Bowen, G. J. W. Brownlie, J. H. Armstrong, J. Beattie, H. E. Bower, J. M. Bruce, H. S. Arnold, E. J. Boauchamp, E. G. Bowles, P. McL. Bruce, L. Arthur, L. H. Beaufort, H. ,C. Bowles, W. B Brunton, W. G. Arrowsmith, W. Beaumont, H. W. Bowmar, A. J. Bryant, F. A. Ashley, A. W. Beck, G. Bowman, J. Bryant, T. Ashley, C. J. Beck, G. M. Bowman, R. Bryden, W. C. Askew, E. J. Beck, W. C. Boyce, F. Brydon, R. 0.

iv—D. 2.




Employees of Railway Service who have joined Expeditionary Forces — continued Budge, J. A. Casey, T. J. Collins, A. H. Daniel, J. Bullock, F. J. Casey, W. P. Collins, D. J. Daniels, D. B. Bulman, J. Cassels, A. Me. Collins, H. P. Darling, J. G. Bulman, T. A. G. Cassidy, J. Collins, J. J. Darragh, J. A. Burdett, J. Cathcart, W. Colston, G. W. Dash, S. H Burge, P. Cavanagli, J. Connell, E. Dasler, A. Burke, D. Cayford, B. Connell, J. Davidson, A. Burke, D. P. Chalmers, C. I. F. Connett, F. C. W. Davison, J. E. Burnell, T. J. Chambers, P. S. H. Connolly, A. E. Davidson, J. H. Burnett, A. Chammen, H. F. Connolly, E. J. Davidson, R. W. Burnett, P. J. Champ, C. N. Connor," A. M. Davies, F. Burnley, H. B. Champion, J. R. Connor, J. Davies, W. D. Burns,'A. C. Chapman, E. J. Connor, W. W. Davis, C. T. F. Burns, C. R. Chapman, E. W. S. Cook, R. G. Davis, E Burns, D. Chapman, H. J. L. Cook, R. J. Davis, F. E. Burns, T. R. L. Chappell, M. L. Cook, T. Davis, J. A. Burrell, H. E. Charleston, A. A. Cooke, R. G. Davis, M. Burt, 0. C. Charlton, A. R. Cooke, W. F. Day, W. H. Burt, T. Chitty, W. W. Cooney, J. DeClifEord, L. J. Burton, J. A. Christie, A. Coote, P. S. Dean, A. J. Burton, J. W. Christie, J. Coppin, W. Dee, H. W. E. Burton, T. H. Christie, W..C. Corbett, R. S. De Fillipi, D. Busby, G. H. Christie, W. J. Corcoran, J. P. A. Delahoyde, W. Bush, M. E. Christopher, J. G. Cornwall, J. H. Delany, R. A. Butler, G. S. Christophers, H. H. Coster, G. W. Delaney, J. Butler, G. T. W. Church, A. E. Cotter, F. T. P. Delaney, N. L. Butler, W. M. Church, F. Cottle, S. H. De Lucca, F. L. Ciochetto, C. V. Couling, J. Dender, F. A. Cahill, S. Clapham. H. A. G. Couperthwaite, P. Dent, C. Cain, J. Clark, C. H. Coutts, M. Dent, G. B. Cains, J. M. Clark, F. G. Cowan, F. H. Deuchrass, W. Cairns, J. Clark, G. Cowens, R. J. De-vine, J. Cairns, R. J. Clark, G. K. Cowie, J. H. Devine, T. E. Caldwell, A. S. Clark, H. G. Cox, A. J. Deyell, H. J. Caldwell, R. T. Clark, H." J. Coxon, T. Dick, H. J. Callender, E. .1. Clark, J. A. Craighead, L. . Dickson, A. F. Callick, W. S. Clark, M. B. Craw, G. Dickson, H. A. Calton, E. A. Clark, S. G. Crawford, A. N. Dickson, L. Cameron, A. A. Clark, W. J. Crawford, H. Diebert, R. P. Cameron, C. W. M. Clarke, D. A. Crawford, S. Dilliard, T. W. Cameron, J. Clay, J. 0. Crawford, T. Dimmock, A. R. Cameron, J. R. Clayton, J Crawley, J. A. M. Dine, R. L. Cameron, L. D. Cleary, L. Craze, S. F. Dingle, E. J. Cameron, R. L. < 'leave, F. T. R. V. Crean, P. L. Diver, F. Campbell, D < Heave, J. P. Crisp, C. A. B. Dobby, G. T. Campbell, T. G. Cliffe, W. L. Critchfield, J. V. Dobbyn, A. J. Campbell, G. M. Clingberg, W. C Crocker, T. R. Dobson, W. J. Campbell, J. G. Clive, P. I). Cronin, T. Dodds, J. D. V. Campbell, L. H. Cloke, J. Crossen, M. Doherty, P. Campbell, M. D. Close, P. M. Crosswell, A. Doidge, 0. J. Campbell, R. (fireman). Clunan, P. J. Culley, F. J. Doig, J. Campbell, R. (machinist). Cobden, L. L. B. Cullev, J. A. Don, J. Campbell. T. Cochran, J. I. Y. Culpitt, H. W. Donald, E. J. Campbell, T. M. Cochran, R. D. Culler), T. Donaldson, A. A. Campbell, W. F. Cockburn, E. Cummane, S. L. Donaldson, J. R. Cannell, H. N. Cockerell, A. R. Cummings, J. S. Donne, S. E. Cardno, G. A. Cockerell. D. B. Cundy, J. A. F. Donnelly, J. Carleton, A. H. Cocklin, J. E. Cunneen, J. P. Dooley, J. Carr, E. M. Cockroft, A. G. Curran, T. Dorari, W. J. Carroll, F.J. Cockshott, G. A. Curtis, G. M. Dormer, H. W. Carroll, J. D. F. Codd, R. E. Dornigan, W. J. Carroll, R. C. Codlin, P. Dale, Alfred E. Douglas, A. L. Carroll, T. J. Coggins, W. A. Dale, Archie E. Douglass, J. R. Carmthers, A. K. Cogle, J. F. Daley, T. P. Dow, J. W. Carruthers, M. T. Cole, W. A. Dalgleish, J. B. Dowdle, W. P. Carruthers, R. A. Coleman, J. W. Dallard, S. D. Dowker, R. H. Carruthers, W. T. Coles, F. M. Dalley, C. Downes, D. E. Carson, M. Colgan, H. R. 0. Dallev, J. T. Downes. G, R. Carter, T. Colley, W. E. Dallev, J. J. A. Downes, T. S. Casey, E. B. Collie, D. R. Dalley, S. M. C. Dowsett, A. R. D. Casey, J. J. Collier, H. Dalton, T. D. Doyle, J. J.



Members of Railway Service who have joined Expeditionary Forces — continued. Dreaver, R. Farquharson, W. Furber, C. P. Gray, J. A. Drewerv, L. 0. Farrow, W. J. Furber, P. Greatbatch, J. H. Duffy, A. N. Fearon, A. E. Furey, D. J. Gredsell, W. J. Dukes, W. H. Feasey, F. D. Green, H. C. Dunbar, H. W. F. Felton, T. A. Gaffney, T. Green, J. G. Duncan, J. Penton, J. N. Gall, W. Green, S. W. Duncan, J. F. Ferguson, A. L. S. Gallagher, A. W. Green, T. Duncan, W. M. Ferguson, R. Gallagher, C. A. Greenhalgh, E. Dunlop, W. T. Ferguson, W. F. Gallagher, E. M. Greenslade, J. G. Dunn, J. Fen-all, E. T. Galvin, G. B. Greenwood, E. P. Dunn, S. M. Ferriday, J. M. Gambling, E. W. Greenwood, S. I. Dunstan, G. Field, D. J. Gapes, P. F. Greer, H. A. Duston, C. Fielding, F. Garard, C. R. E. Gregge, H. A. F. Dwan, A. P. Findlater, J. S. Gardner, J. H. Greig, A. M. Dyer, C. F. Findlay, A. N. Gardner, W. Gribble, N. W. Dyer, N. T. Findlay, J. Garlick, R. T. Grieve, J. Dykes, W. H. Finlayson, K. C. Garner, A. Griffin, M. Dysart, J. A. Finlayson, P. Garvey, P. Grigg, M. H. Dysart, P. G. Findlavson, W. A. Gavin, J. V. Grigg, N. C. M. Firkin,"S. S. Gatehouse, C. H. Grose, T. S. Eadie, J. Firman, A. E. Gawn, T. G. Guerin, W. B. Eagleson, R. Firth, M. J. Gee, A. Guinness, W. J. P. Ebbett, L. G. Fisher, J. T. Gibb, A. Gunu, W. G. Ede, A. J. Fitch, J. F. Gibbs, L. I. Gunn, J. Eden, J. A. Fitzgerald, J. G. Giblin, J. F. B. Guthrie, A. H. Edmonds, A. W. Fitzgerald, J. J. Gibson, J. A. Guthrie, A. W. Edwards, A. M. Fitzpatrick, A. F. Gibson, T. A. Guthrie, J. Edwards, C. P. Fitzpatrick, D. Gifford, H. F. Guthrie, M. Edwards, E. Fitzpatrick, J. Gilbert, J. J. Guthrie, T. J. Edwards, J. Fletcher, E. Gilbert, L. C. Gwilliam, G. W. A. Edwards, R. Flctt, J. Gilchrist, G. Gyton, E. S. Edwards, S. G. Florey, V. C. Gillon, J. Edwards, T. A. Flynn, A. M. Gilmore, A. F. Haddock, 0. H. Egan, J. Flynn, J. D. J. Gilmore, R. J. Hail wood, C. Egan, J. M. Flynn, P. Gilmour, F. D. Haire, G. W. Egglestone, A. R. Fhigge, A. F. Ginnane, J. Haley, J. L. Elder, T. D. Foley, W. Girven, A. Halkett, F. A. Elias, D. D. Forbes, J. M. Girven, E. A. Hall, A. C. Elliott, J. Ford, A. J. Gjersen, E. W. H. Hall, J. H. Elliott. J. B. Ford, S. R. Glading, F. A. W. 1 [all, W. E. Elliott, R. K. Forde, J. P. Glastonbury, A. G. Hall, W. V. Elliott, T. H. V. Fordham, R. E. W. Godfrey, A. T. Hallctt, N. Ellis, L. M. Foreman, J. W. Godfrey, J. A. Halley, W. Ellis, R. Forrest, J. H. Godfrey, W. A. D. Halligan, W. J. Elvy, H. L. Forsyth, N. L. Going, J. Halpin, A. Emer,-on, A. A. Forsyth, R. Gooch, L. C. H. Halpin, L. G. Emery, L. A. J. Foster, E. J. Goodall, C. J [alsey, W. J. Emmett, A. L. Foster, E. J. Goodhue, 0. N. Hainblm, W. J. English, C. Foster, J. N. Goodley, A Hamblyn, H. E. Ennis, W. 0. Fotheringham, W. L. Goodley, J. K. I lamill, C. P. Ettershank, L. R. Fountain, N. C. M. Gordon, J. Hamilton, A. R. Evans, D. T. Fowler, R. G. Gordon, R. H. Hamilton, A. S. Evans, J. H. Fox, C. Gordon, W. D. Hamilton, J. E. Evans, J. V. Fox, W. M. G. Gordon, W. E. Hamilton, W. Evans, R. D. J. Foy, J. M. Goston, L. J. Hamilton, W. Evans, W. D. Frame, D. Govan, D. A. Hammond, H. Evenden, A. H. W. Frame, F. S. Gow, R. R. Hammond, J. C. Ewart, T. Frame, G. S. Graham, F. J. Hammond, L. J. B. Francis, J. A. G. Graham, J. Hampton, R. Fahey, P. M. . Frank, J. F. Graham, L. Hanan, J. A. N. Fahey, M. Eraser, A. A. Graham, W. Hancock, A. A. Fahey, S. Fraser, G. F. Grammer, W. Hancock, J. Fahy, E. W. Fraser, J. C. Granfell, A. E. Handcock, T. Fail" P. G. Fraser, W. A. Grant, A. G. Hanna, J. Fair'bairn, G. Fray, J. L. H. Grant, D. H. Hannah, A. D. Falconer, A. D. Freed, F. B. Grant, H. W. Hannah, J. Falla, L. M. French, P. W. Grant, R. O. Hannan, W. P. Fama, L. C. Fruin, F. G. Grant, W. J. V. Hannigan, J. P. Fanselow, H. A. Fruin, F. L. Gray, A. F. Hanrahan, E. Fanselow, W. 8. Fry, F. L. Gray, E. E. Hansen, H. R. Farland, C. T. Fry, W. Gray, F. S. Hansen, J. A. Farnsworth, E. E. Fulton, H. J. Gray, G. C. Hanson, W. P.



Members op Railway Service who have joined PjXPEditionary Forces— continued. Harbridge, W. H. Henderson, T. W. Hurley, J. Kay, J. P. Harcus, J. Henderson, W. Hutchings, C. R. Keane, J. Hardbattle, W. J. Henley, J. Hutchins, A. R. Kearney, E. Hardcastle, L. Henry, J. W. Hutchison, T. I). H. Keat, L. I. Hardham, W. J. Henry, L. Hyland, J. J. Keats, C. Hardie, A. Henson, J. H. H. Hymen, C.I I. Keble, G. Hardie, R. G. Henwood, A. L. Keegan, P. J. Hardie, W A. Herbert, S. m H Keenan P St. J. Hardiman, W. Herd, J. A. T , w i Keith, A. C. Harding, A. E. Herman, A. TnSi.m H Keith, W. H. Harding, I, C. Heslin.P. inSenFG Kelleher, H. W. Hardman, F. Hewett, M. gg*' I ( " Kellett, G. E. Hardy, C. L. Hewson, J. C. ffi\ Kelly, F. G. Hare, J. Hickey, E. SeE Kelly, L. A. Harkess, W. H. Hickey, M. Sho E E Kell > r > M ' Harland, A. E. B. Hickman, A. C. lp ' Kemp, R. Harley, J. 0. Hiddlestone, J. Kennedy, D. C. Harper, J. Higginson, N. L. Jackson, A. Kennedy, J. Harper, J. L. T. Hill, F. Jackson, A. W. Kennedy, K. J. Harper, J. W. Hill, G. I). Jackson, C. P. M. Kennedy, R. Harpur, W. P. Hill, G. H. Jackson, F. Kenny, D. J. Harris, A. C. Hill, H. E. Jackson, J. G. Kenyon, B. D. Harris, E. A. H. Hill, S. R. Jackson, J. T. Kenyon, G. H. S. Harris, J. H. Hill, W. H. A. Jackson, R. Kerambrum, J. B. M Harris', T. Hill, W. P. Jackson, W. Kernick, J. Harrison, G. .Milliard, G. V. Jacobs, H. D. Kerr, C. J. Harrison, T. A Hills, A. H. Jacobson, E. Kerr, C. V. Harrison, T. H. A. Hilton, J. P Jaggar, A. N. Kerr, E. Hartley, D. Hintz, H. A. H. James, C. Kerr, R.J. L. Hartley, E. Hipwell, A. C. Jamieson, S. W. Kiely, P. Harvey, H. W. Hislop, A. Jamieson, R. L. Kiernan, H. A. D. Harvey', L. G. Hislop, W. A. Jemison, W. L. Kilburn, D. A. Haslcmore, J. Hoare, D. Jeflery, R. Kilkenny, M. H. Hastedt, K. G. Hobbs, R. H. Jenkin, R. M. Kill en, J. Hastings, N. Hodgman, G. F. Jenkins, A. A. Kilner, F. T. Hatch, A. Hodgson, 0. J. Jenner, F. T. R. Kilpatrick, D. Hatton, J. E. Hoff, L. P. .lessen, J. Kimber, G. Hatwell, F. A. L. Hogan, G. B. Jobberns, J. King, F. E. Hawke, H. G. Hogarth, J. Y. Johanson, H. King, F. L. Hawkey, T. Hogg, R. 8. Johnson, J. W. King, G. H. F. Hawkins, F. J. Holland, A. E. Johnson, N. W. Kmgi, I. Haxton, G. W. Holland, E. J. L. Johnson, S. H. Kippenbergcr, L. J. Haxfcon, W. T. Hollinger, A. J. Johnson, W. Kirby, F. W. Hay, D. A. H. Holmes, F. G. Johnson, W.J. Kirk, L. B. Hay J. B. Hood, W. D. Johnston, C. G. Kirton, T. Hay, J. D. Hoolo, C. Johnston, F. C. Kissell, E. N. Haydon, A. L. Hooper, G. S. Johnston, G. Kissell, W. G. Hayes A. P. Hopkins, W. A. Johnston, J. E. Kitto, E. H. Hayes, E. Hopkirk, R. E. B. Johnston, N. F. Knaggs, W. D. Hayes, J. Hornblow, H. H. Johnston, P. Knight, R. P. Hayles, A. Homebrooke, W. T. Johnston, T. Knights, S. Hayles, R. F. Horrobm, F. W. Johnston, W. J. Knock, G. E. Hayward, A. R. Horsnell, C. Jones, C. Knowles, T. E. Healy, M. Hotere, J. Jones, C. B. Kunst, F. J. H. Heap,E. Houston, W. H. Jones, D. R. R. Heard, G. Howden, R. Jones, F. A. A. Laing, R. F. Heath, C. M. Howell, G. W. J. Jones, F. R. Laloli, J. H. Meathcote, R. E. Howell, I. J. Jones, J. T. Lamb, A. D. Heaton, E. D. H. Howells, I. J. Jones, K. Lambert, E. Hebditch, W. Howie, J. A. Jones, R. H. Lambeth, T. A. Hedge, C. G. How'ie, S. G. . Jones, T. B. Lambie, A. L. Hedges, A. H. Howie, W. J. Josland, F. W. Lamont, A. Hedlund, A. C. Howlett, L. V. Joyce, J. Lamont, P. Heginbotham, G. R. Hudson, C. E. Judd, E. R. Lang, C. H. Helm, A. M. Hudson, T. H. Julian, D. M. Langford, J. G. Henderson, H. C. Hughes, W. Jull, A. E. Latimer, A. Henderson, H..H. Hughes, W. C. Jull, J. A. Latimer, E. R. Henderson, H. S. L. Hunt, A. E. Junge, C. R. Latimer, L. H. Henderson, L. A. Hunt, F. Junker, C. F. R. Lauder, 0.8. Henderson, M. Hunter, A. J. Jury, S. D. Laverty, E. Henderson, R, Hunter, E.G. Kane, P. J. Lawless, T. Henderson, R. Hunter, H. Katene, F. Lawlor, D. Henderson, T. J. F. Hunter, W. L. Kay, H. Lawlor, J. W.



Members op Railway Service who have joined Expeditionary Forces— continued. Lawson, D. W. Mackay, W. M. Milburn, G. K. Mullany, E. J. Lawson, T. M. Mackenzie, A. Milburn, R. Mulligan, E. J. Lawton, M. R. Maclachlan, R. Miles, I. Mullins, B. J. Leathley, G. W. Maclean, H. E. Miles, M. F. Munn, S. D. Leßrun, A. W. Madden, H. Mill, J. W. Munn, W. G. Leckey, J. C. Madeley, S. T. Millar, A. G. J. Munro, H. A. Le Comte, J. P. D. Magnusson, 0. Millar, J. S. Munro, P. A. Le Comte, R. A. Maher, J. Miller, A. Murch, H. C. Leggett, A. E. Main, W. J. Miller, A. W. I. Murcott, S. G. Ledingham, A. R. Malcon, F. J. Miller, G. A. Murfitt, C. L. A. Lee, E. Male, W. H. Miller, W. R. Murray, A. I. Lee, E. W. Malmanche, F. H. T. Milligan, P. E. 0. Murray, A. R. Lee, H. Malone, J. Millin, D. Murray, W. J. Lee, R. C. Maloney, W. J. Millin, W. G. Myerscough, R. G. Leedon, A. G. Manderson, P. Mills, A. C. McAlinden, C. R. M. Leigh, T. J. Manley, C. H. Mills, F. McAnnally, H. J. Leitch, R. E. Manly, E. G. P. Mills, W. G. McArley, J. L. Leitch, W. J. Mann, W. Milne, C. McArthur, A. A. Lennon, G. E. Manning, P. S. Minifie, A. McArthur, J. N. Le Noel, N. E. Mansell, F. J. Miutrom, F. H. McArtney, A. Lepper, B. A. H. Marr, R. M. Mitchell, A. M. McAuley, F G. Lepper, J. 0. H. Marriott, P. S. Mitchell, G. McAuliffe, W. Lepper, L. H. Marris, B. A. Mitchell, J. B. Moßride, J. Leslie, W. Marsh, G. Mitchell, J. J. McCabe, B. A. Leslie, W. E. Marsh, J. W. Mitchell, V. McCallum, W. A. Leslie, W. M. Marshall, A. Mole, H. P. McCarten, F. E. Letford, F. E. Marshall, C. I). Molloney, J. A. McCarthy, D. Levick, W. A. P. Marshall, E. J. Molloy, J. P. McCarthy, J. 0. Lewin, H. A. Marshall, J. Monro, W. McCarthy, L. R. S. Lewton, E. J. G. L. L. Mouteith, W. McCauley, J. Leydon, B. E. E. Marquet, J. D. Moody, F. H. McChesney, J. F. Lilly, C. D. Martin, A. G. Moody. 1,. McCloy, D. G. Lilly, W. H. T. Martin, A. "V. Moller, A. W. McCombe, J. S.. Lindop, W. H. Martin, C. F. Moon, W. G. McComish, J. D. Linecn, J. Martin, F. 0. Mooney, E. M. A. McConnell, C. D. Linehau, 0. A. Martin, G. W. Mooney, J. P. McConnell, R. J. P. Lister, H. R. Martin, H. L. Mooney, T. N. McCormick, A. N. Lloyd, D. J. L. Martin, J. H. Moorcroft, S. ' McCormick, B. Lloyd, E. L. Martin, R. R. Moore, G. McCrae, A. R. Lloyd, G. M. Martin, W. J. Moore, G. R. McCready, R. Lloyd, T. E. L. Massicks, E. J. Moore, J. C. McCreanor, J. Lock, B. G. Masters, A. R. Moorhouse, W. C. S. McCrossen, W. Lockett, R. L. B. Matches, W. T. Moosman, L. J. McCullough, L. F. Lockhart, R. Mather, A. B. W. Morey, P. H. McCullough, H. Lockie, L. W. Matheson, N. M. Morgan, W. T. McDonald, C. Lockie, N. J. Matheson, R. D. Moroney, E. J. McDonald, D. A. Logic, E. H. Matthewson, W. G. Morris, E. G. M. McDonald, D. C. Long, T. Mattingley, F. A. Morris, H. W. McDonald, E. J. Longstaff, T. Maxwell, A. C. Morris, R. McDonald, H. Lorimer, H. S. Maxwell, D. M. Morris, R. M. McDonald, H. E. Louden, J. May, Frank. Morrisey, G. P. McDonald, J. Lough, J. May, Frederick. Morrison, J. McDonald, L. F. Lucas, E. May, J. G. Morrison, K. McDonald, M. Lucas, J. Mayfield, J. Morrison, W. H. McDonald, W. J. C. Lucy, T. M. Mayo, C. E. Morrow, T. McDonnell, J. A. Luhrs, J. A. Meadowcroft, E. H. Morton, T. H. McDougall, A. Luks, E. F. Meads, H. T. Mosley, C. C. McDougall, G. M. Lunan, J. W. W. Medlin, H. B. Moss, H. 0. McDougall, H. F. Luscombc, C. E. Meekin, J. Moss, T. M. McDougall. J. M. Lyall, J. R. Mellor, L. W. Motion, W. A. McDowell, W. G. Lynch, A. P. Melrose, R. M. Mouat, F. McEachen, P. J. Lynch, R. Menzies, F. W. Moylan, E. McEnirney, P. J. Lynn, G. H. Menzies, J. W. C. Moyna, E. T. J. McEwan, D. Lyons, J. Menzies, S. Moynihan, D. McEwin, J. J. Lyons, M. Menzies, T. D. J. Muir, J. C. McFarlane, D. S. Metrick, J. H. D. Muir, R. M. McFarlane, H. Mac Arthur, J 1. Meyenberg, W. R. Muirhead, J. McFaull, J. E. Mace, W. H. C. Meynell, H. F. Muirhead, J. W. McGahan, C. W. Mackay, A. J. Middlomass, V. C. Mulcahy, M. McGee, F. N. Mackay, J. R. Middlemiss, W. T. Mulholland, G. McGill, A. Mackay, R. M. Middleton, W. Mullanv, C. L. McGillon, M. T.



Members of Railway Service who have joined Expeditionary Fokces—continued McGinn, J. H. Neill, C. H Paget, A. W. Porter, J. C. McGonagle, D. L. Neilsen, E. R. B. I'allesen, N. Porter, S. McGrail, C. H. Neilson, A. L. Parfitt, L. C. Potts, J. K. McGrath, G. Neilson, 3. J. Parker, H. A. J. Power, A. E. McGrath, 11. Neilson, W. Barker, F. R. Power, J. M. McGrath, J. Nelson, C. A. Barker, W. F. Pratt, A.M. McGrath, P. M. Nelson, G. 0. Parker, W. H. Prenderville, E. C. McGrath, T. C. Nelson, R. Parkes, A. T. . Prentice, L. X McGregor, A. J. Nerheny, S. Parkes, G. W. M. Prentice, W. R. McGregor, J. Nesbit, A. 0. Parkin, G. I. 11. Prentis, V. E Mcllroy, H. Nevin, F. L. Parr, E. A. Prestidge, F. W. I. Mclnnes, A. H. Newman, A. V. Parr, R. E. Price, C. Mcintosh, J. B. Newsam, C. S. Parr, T. E. Price, H. R. Mcintosh, W. L., W. P. Parvin, H. A. Price, H. M. Mclvor, J. Newton, A. W. H. Passman, J. W. Priest, A. C. W. Mclwraith, R. Newton, G. Patterson, A. Q. Pntchard, A. J. McKaiu, E. T. Nicholls, H. M. Patterson, E. W. Pntchard, A. 1. McKav, A. Nicholson, C. J. S. Patterson, G. Procter, G. McKav, D. 0. Nicholson, E. C. E. Patterson, L. Prosper, J. McKay, W. E. Nicholson, H. K. Patterson, W. I. Pugh, F G. McKearney. M. P. Nieolson, A. J. Patterson, W. S. Pu an J H. McKellar. A. D. Nieolson, J. N. Pattle, T. T. P. Pullm W F. G. McKellar, D. I. Nixon, F. J. Patton, H. L. Pye, W. V. McKellar, P. A. Nobcs, G. T. Pauling, W. W. Pyc, W. W. McKenzie, M. Noon, R. G. Payne, A. W. McKenzie, W. Norman, J. Payne, J. P. Qualter M i McKenzie, W. L. Norton. W. J. Pearce, J. G. Quested, W. I. McKinstrv, L. G. Pearson, J. W. Quigley, R. McKone, J. O'Brien, A. M. Pearson, L. R. C. P. McKonc, M. O'Brien, E. A. Pearson, W. J. Quinn, C. McKubre, J. M. O'Brien, W. J. Peart, S. Qumn, EJJ. McLaren, E. O'Brien, W. P. Peddie, C. Qumn, W. J. McLaren, P. A. O'Callaghan, T. F. Peden, J. D. McLaughlin, A. J. O'Connor, M. Pedersen, H. Radford, E. W. McLay, T. B. O'Connor. P. M. Peel, R. Radford, L. R. McLean, Felix A. O'Connor, T. Penberthy, B. J. Rao, F. McLean, Francis A. O'Donnell, D. Pengelly, R. Raine, R. F. McLean, G, H O'Donnell, J. Pennell, J. J. Ralston, W.J. McLean, H. K. O'Donnell, P. J. Pepper, 8. Ramsay, J h McLean, J. Malcolm O'Donohue, D. Pepperell, R. A. Ramsay, J W McLean, J. Murdock O'Flahertv, M. ('. Percival, H. R. Ramsay, M. H. McLean, L. D. O'Hanlon, F. G. Percy, L. C. F. Ramsay, R G. McLean, T. H. O'Hanlon, W. 11. Perkins, C. A. R. Ramsden, C. E. McLean, A. J. W. O'Keeffe, A. Perkins, S. Rasmussen, C. L. M McLennan,A. O'Keeffe, J. Perry, 8. Rasmussen, X C McLennan, T. F. Oldham, A. W. Persson, 0. E. Ravenwood H. C. McLeod,W.P. Olds.H.L. Peryer.C.N. Rawson R. C. McMahon,E. Olds, W. K. Peryer, 8. M. Ray,H.C McMahon, T. J. O'Leary, D. A. Petersen, J. D. J T McManus,B. O'Leary, J. W. Petersen, P. A. Read, F. J. McMaster, P. O'Leary, T. I). J. Petersen, R. K. Redpath, (~ A. McMillan, J. J. G OUver, J. W. Petfcit, C A Reed, J. A. McMinn,W.E. Oliver, L. D. Phaup, T M Reed, bH McMullcn F. O'Loughlin, W. A. Phelan, P. M. Reeve, B. L. R. McMurtrie, D. A. Olsen, A. J. Phillips, C. T. Reeve, E. J. McNeil, A. Olsen, N. C. Phillips, H Rcu ~ • McNeil, J. D. Olsen, W. J. Phi rps, J. H. Rcu, J. K. McNeill, N.J. O'Neill, W. Ph, lips, . . J eU '4rM McNulty, J. E. O'Reilly, W. B. Phillips, J. T. Reid, W M. MePeak.J. R. Ory. J. W. Pickens, J. J. Rcu y, D. B. McPherson, G. Osborne, L. K. Pickering, L Rcidy, I. McQuarrie, E. D. Osborne, M. B. Pilkington, J. Renner, b. .11. McQueen, J. A. O'Sullivan, H. J. Piper, A. L. Renme, J. Mcßae, T. M. F. O'Sullivan, L. M. Plumb, S. S. Revell, H. J. McTaggart J O'Sullivan, J. F. Pocknall, W. T. Reynolds, J. A. McVicar, W. R. Otten, J. B. Pointon, R. J. Reyno ds, L. B. Otto, W. E. Pollard, T. Reynolds, S. Owens, J. D. H. Pollock, A. R. Rhind, C. F. Nankivell,A. l°° h 5^' J i a . Nash,F. Page,F. Pope H. A Richards, S Neale,J. Page, S. Poppleton, G. P. Richards, 1. J. Needham,J.l. Page, W. E. Pomtt, J. 0. Richardson, J.


Members op Railway Service who have joined Expeditionary Forces — continued, Richardson, W. R. Ryan, W. H. Simpson, H. Stringer, A. E. Richdale, H. T. Ryan, W. J. Simpson, J. Stringleman, E. S. Richie, A. H. Simpson, S. Stuart, G. L. Rickman, J. G. Sage, A. H. Simpson, W. G. Stuart, J. Riddler, H. Salt, 0 H. Singer, F. Stuart, W. G. Ridler, H. T. Samson, W. Sinnott, D. F. • Styles, W. W. Riesop, C. R. Samuel, J. J. Sired, P. C. Sullivan, B. Riggs, B. Samuel, W. Sirett, G. L. Sullivan, F. J. Roach, W. R. Sanderson, A. R. Sislcy, H. C. Sullivan, J. Robb, J. Sandford, H. W. H. Skilling, E. G. Sullivan, J. B. Robb, R. D. Sangster, W. Skilton, E. A. Suters, C. G. Roberts, J. P. Saunders, E. Slatter, H. A. Sutherland, A. Roberts, J. S. Saunders, F. G. Slaughter, H. V. M. Sutherland, D. W. Roberts, P. G. Savage, H. G. Sloan, T. C. Sutherland, F. N. Roberts, W. H. Saville, G. H. Slodden, J. E. Sutherland, F. V. Robertson, A. Sawers, J. Smale, R. R. Sutherland, H. Robertson, A.'M. Scanlan, T. Small, C. R. Sutherland, T. Robertson, C. B. Scannell, M. Small, E. M. P. Sutherland, W. A. Robertson, D. C. Schaw, A. H. Smith, A. Sutton, G. H. Robertson, D. L. J. Schaw, H. J. Smith, A. B. Swarm, G. Robertson, D. M. Schultz, W. T. Smith, A. L. Swanson, A. G. A. Robertson, F. W. Scott, A. Smith, B. A. Sweetman, M. Robertson, J. T. Scott, A. N. Smith, E. Swindale, E. Robieson, G. H. Scott, C. Smith, F. H. Swinney, R. Robinson, F. J. Scott, J. A. Smith, F. J. Sykes, J. W. Robinson, G. J. Scott, J. C. Smith, F. W. Syme, R. Robinson, H. Scott, J. J. Smith, H. L. P. ' Syme, R. A. Robinson, W. H. Scott, W. F. Smith, L. Symes, H. A Roche, J. Scoullar, J. S. Smith, N. R. Symister, H. C. Rodgerson, R. Scoullar, W. A. Smith, R. E. Symoncls, A. H. Roe, D. J. Scully, M. Smith, S. E. Symonds, C. J. Rogers, A. A. H. Scully, P. Smith,. W. Symonds, C. T. Rogers, J. Seabourn, A. A Smith, W. B. Symons, B. Rogers, J. L. Seager, H. E. Smylie, A. Rogers, L. E. Seccombe, A. P. Smyrk, E. W. Tandy, J. G. Rogers, S. D. Selby, W. G. Snelling, J. M. Tangney, B. Rogerson, A. W. Semple, J. N. Snow, R. J. Tapscll, R. R. Rogerson, F. Setter, W. R. Snowden, A. 0. Tarrant, L. T. Rohloff, A. F. R. Sexton, M. D. Sole, H. J. Tassell, S. T. Rolland, A. F. Shannon, E. A. Southwell, R. H. S. Tatham, L. J, Rollings, E. A. Sharman, J. I. Spencer, R. T. Tawhai, H. T. Rollo, C. Sharp, T. Spillane, C. Taylor, H. A. Rollo, A. C. Shaw, E. A. Spowart, M. W. Taylor, H. K. Rope, R. P. Shaw, G. E. Stanley, B. T. Taylor, J. C. Roskruge, E. R. Shea, J. H. Stansell, L. B. Taylor, J. J. Ross, F. Sheldon, G. M. Stanton, A. R. Taylor, P. A. Ross, H. L. Shelley, J. M. Starkey, L. E. Taylor, S. A. R. Ross, J. Shepherd, J. W. Starnes, J. Taylor, W. Rouse, F. J. Shepherd, T. Stead, R. M. Taylor, W. C. Rowe, W. H. Sheppard, J. H. Steer, G. S. Taylor, W. L. Rowland, C. K. Sherlock, H. C. Steers, H. A. Teague, H. Rowland, J. B. Sherlock, W. Stemp, H. L. Tempest, E. Roxburgh, J. Sherwood, S. H. Stephenson, A. (). Tennet, A. W. Ruane, A. T. Shirley, H. H. 0. Stevens, A. M. Tepene, A. F. W. Ruff, A. J. Shore, W. H. Stevens, J. Terras, R. M. Rumble, C. E. Short, J. Stevens, R. B. Terrell, F. H. Ruscoe, H. L. . Sievwright, G. L. Stevenson, P. H. Terry, J. H. Rush, D. Sunmonds, H. Stewart, A. G. Teward, T. Russell, F. Simmonds, W. H. Stewart, C. Theakstone, J. E. Russell, L. E. Simmonds, W. H. R. Stewart, D. M. A. Thorn, A. Russell, R. D. Simmons, W. H. Stewart, W. D. Thomas, A. C. Rustbatch, A. Simons, A. S. Stewart, W. E. Thomas, A. R. Ryan, A. Simpkins, H. Still, A. E. Thomas, C. R. Ryan, C. P. • Simpson, A. Stimpson, A. M. Thomas, D. Ryan, E. Simpson, E. G. Stock, E. P. Thomas, F. V. Ryan, L. T. J. Simpson, F. W. (Inver- Stockdale, W. Thomas, G. H. Ryan, T. cargill). Stokes, A. J. S. Thomas, G. W. Ryan, T. Simpson, F. W. (Petone). Stokes, C. H. Thomas, J. H. Ryan, T. J. Simpson, G. Stout, R. G. K. Thomas, R. P. Ryan, T. P. Simpson, G. R. Strachan, J. B. Thomas, S.




Members op Railway Service who have joined Expeditionary Forces— continued Thompson, B. J. Vial, J. M. Whishaw, B. G. -Wilson, G. R. Thompson, C. P. Vile, F. C. R. Whitaker, J. H. Wilson, J. A. Thompson, C. W. Vincent, A. E. White, A. G. F. Wilson, John. Thompson, E. Vollemaere, A. J. White, C. W. S. Wilson, Joseph. Thompson, J. H. Vosper, E. J. L. White, D. L. Wilson, J. M. Thompson, M. W. White, J. L. Wilson, J. 0. Thompson, R. Wakefield, E. W. White, M. J. Wilson, J. W. Thompson, W. R. Wakelin, L. T. White. R. L. Wilson, R. Thomson, G. W. G. Walinck, J. White, T. F. Wilson, R. G. J. Thomson, W. T. H. Walker, A. White, T. G. 0. Wilson, R. L. Thorn, G. B. Walker, A. White, W. A. Wilson, V. H. G. Thornton, W. Walker, A. T. Whitehorn, S. H. Wilson, W. D. Thorpe, H. Walker, C. E. S. Whiten, S. Wilson, W. E. Thrupp, G. E. Wall, D. D. Whitfield, E. G. Wilson, W. H. Thurlow, G. F. Wallace, G. N. Whitfield, G. E. Wilton, H. 0. Thwaites, T. Wallace, J. R. Whiting, N. A. Winder, F. J: Tierney, G. T. Wallace, K. J. Whittaker, G. C. Winter, D. W. Timings, M. T. Wallace, P. C. Whittington, S. G. Winter, R. G. Timmins, E. Wallace, R. W. Whittlestone, C. T. Winter, W. G. Tims, F. S. V. Waller, W. J. Wiggins, H. A. Wisnofski, A. C. Titchener, W. H. Wallis, J. Wilkes, R. Withers, C. H. Todd, CM. Walters, C. Willcox, G. H. C. Wood, 0. J. Todd, J. Wansbone, J. Williams, A. P. Woodall, A. D. Todd, W. Ward, A. L. Williams, A. V. Woodfield, J. L. Tomkies, W. E. Ward, B. Williams, C. F. T. Woodhead, C. D. Tomkins, W. E. Ward, C. W. Williams, G. Woodrow, T. M. Toner, J. Ward, H. T. Wuliams, H. J. T. Woodrow, W. W. Tonge, C. H. A. Warren, C. H. Williams, J. H. B. Woods, N. G. Tonkin. R. E. Washington, M. C. Williams, L. Woollett, W. Towers, A. D. Watkins, R. Williams, R. E. Woollett, W. H. Townsend, F. P. Watson, C. R. Williams, T. J. Woolley, D. S. Trench, J. Watson, R. Williams, T. L. Wormald, G. H. Trerise, N. E. Watt, J. • Williams, W. Worsfold, J. H. Trevor-Smith, H. S. Watt, J. Williams, W. A. Wrack, C. S. Treweek, C. W. Wattam, R. E. Williams, W. E. Wrav, W. G. Trewern, H. A. Watts, E. F. Williams, W. E. (cleaner). Wren, T. Trim, F. E. Weale, J. P. Williams, W. H. Wren, V. Tritt, W. C. Webb, J. S. Williams, W. P. Wright, A. H. B. Trolove, F. L. A. Webb, W. Williamson, H. M. Wright, G. M. Troon, F. A. Webb, W. W. Williamson, L. J. Wright, J. W. Trower, A. L. Webster, G. F. Williamson, N. L. Wright, P. J. Truman, L. R. Weeber, R. J. S. Williamson, T. J. Wright, W. Truman, T. H. Weenink, C. B. Willis, E. J. Wright, W. J. Tucker, J. N. Weir, A. C. Willis, P. G. Wyatt, A. Tullett, A. J. Weir, J. K. Wills, W. 0. Wvlde, B. Tunbridge, P. A. Weir, R. Willsteed, W. B. Turkington, W. M. Wellings, W. Wilson, A. Yates, A. W. Turner, W. Wellman, G. C. Wilson, A. (cleaner). Yorsten, T. E. M. Turnwald, B. J. Wells, K. C. Wilson, A. D. B. Young, C. H. Tyack, W. H. Wellsted, A. W. Wilson, A. G. H. Young, F. G. R. TyeAT. Welsh, F. W. J. Wilson, C. G Young, J. B. Welsh, J. Wilson, D. M. Young, J. F. H. Valentine, [ W. J. West, H. C. Wilson, D. V. Young, J. R. Vaughan, P. J. West, J. B. Wilson, E. H. Young, R. R. Vaughan, R. P. Westerholm, N. B. 0. Wilson, F. Young, R. W. F. Vernon, J. S. F. Westfield, A. Wilson, F. C. Yule, A. A. Veysey, E. W. Wharepapa, T. Wilson, F. W. Veysey, R. Wheeler, E. R. Wilson, G. M. Zellman, Otto



No. 1. General Revenue Aocount. 2. General Expenditure Account. 3. Details of Classified Expenditure. 1. Classified Expenditure and Revenue, and Proportion of each Class to Mileage and Revenue. 5. Comparative Statement of Passenger and Goods Traffic. 6. Coat of Construction, Net Revenue, and Rate of Interest on Capital. 6i. Special Expenditure under the Appropriation Act, 1916. 7. Expenditure under Vote " Additions to Open Lines" charged to Capital Account. 8. Classified Maintenance Expenditure. 9. Statement of Season Tickets,issued. 10. Number of Employees. 11. Return of Passenger Bookings at Excursion Fares. 12. Revenue of Stations. 13. Carriage and Wagon Stock, and Tarpaulins. 14. Locomotive Stock. 15. Comparative Statement of Mileage, Capital Cost, Earnings, and Expenditure on Colonial Rail wave. 16. Comparative Statement of Mileage, Capital Cost, Earnings, Expenditure, and Traffic, New Zealard Government Railways. 17. Renewals of Rails. 18. Renewals and Removals of Sleepers. 19. Number of Stations and Private Sidings. 20. Mileage of Railways open for Traffic and under Maintenance. 21. Weights of Rails in various Lines. 22. Mileage of Track, Main Line and Sidings, South Island Main Line and Branches. 23. Sleepers laid and removed each Year. 24. Accidents. 25. Locomotive Returns.

I—D, 2.



RETURN No. 1. General Revenue Account fob the Year ended 31st March, 1917. Da. £ s. d. Ce. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Cash in hand, freights, &c., outstanding at stations, Ist April, 1916 .. .. 157,673 18 2By Gross payment to Public Account .. .. .. 5,065,982 6 4 Revenue from passenger, parcels, and goods traffic, as per Return No. 5 .. 4,800,809.13 7 Less collections for refund .. .. .. 233,429 16 11 »4,832, 552 9 5 Cash in hand, freights, &c., outstanding at stations, 31st March, 1917 .. 125,931 2 4 £4,958,483 11 9 £4,958,483 11 9 To Net payment to Public Account.. .. .. .. .. .. 4,832,552 9 5 By Working-expenses, as per Return No. 4 .. .. .. .. .. 2,926,863 19 8 Less cash in hand, freights, &c, outstanding at stations, IstApril, 1916, as above 157,673 18 2 Balance— Net earnings, available for interest .. .. .. .. 1,873,945 13 11 ~~Z * Receipts as per Treasury accounts ... ... £4,836,275 0 6 4,6/4,8/8 11 3 Balance, Refund Account. 31st March. 1916, as below 14,986 4 2 4,851,261 4 8 Balance, Refund Account. 31st March. 1917, as below 18,708 15 3 £'4,K)2,552 9 5 Cash in hand, freights, &c, outstanding at stations, 31st March, 1917, as above 125,931 2 4 £4,800,809 13 7 £4,800,809 13 7

Collections for Refund tc Harbour Boards, Shipping Companies, Carriers, etc., for the Year ended 31st March, 1917. Dr. £ s. d. Ck. £ s. d. To Balance brought forward, Ist April. 1916 .. .. .. .. 14,986 42 By Treasury payments .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 229,707 510 Collections for refund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 233,429 16 11 Balance, 31st March, 1917, carried forward .. .. .. .. 18,708 15 3 £248,416 1 1 £248,416 1 1 J. Macdonald, Chief Accountant.



Return No. i. General Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1917. Db. £ s. d. Cb. £ i. 'i. To Balance brought forward,— By Liabilities outstanding at 31st March, 1916, brought forward ;. .. 113,679 5 6 Aooounts due to the Department outstanding at Ist April, 1916, for stores, work done, &o. .. .. .. •• .. •■ •• 39,500 8 1 Classified expenditure, as per Return No. 4 .. ~ .. .. 2,926,863 19 8 Stock of stores at Ist April, 1916' .. .. .. .. .. 428,065 15 5 ..,___ Reooveries to oredit of Vote 18,*— Other Government Departments, and personal aooounts £ s. d. Payments,— for stores, work done, &c. .. .. .. ~ 363,714 19 10 Per Treasury Vote 18* .. .. .. .. .. •• 3,266,920 411 Miscellaneous recoveries .. .. .. .. 31,228 411 394,943 4 9 Liabilities outstanding at 31st March, 1917, carried forward,— Wages and supplies for March paid from Treasury in April ~ .. 128,915 19 1 Balance,— Accounts due to the Department outstanding at 31st March, 1917, for storos, work done, &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 35,318 311 * Payments per Treasury ... £3,266,920 4 11 Recoveries » ... 394,943 4 9 Net charge to Vote ... £2,871,977 0 2 - Stock of stores at 31st March, 1917 .. .. .. .. .. 392,597 13 8 £3,863,402 7 6 £3,863,402 7 6 J. Macdonald, Chief Accountant.



RETURN No. 3. Classified Expenditure for the Year ended 31st March, 1917.

2—D. 2.

J. Macdonald, Chief Accountant.

Maintenance of Way and Works. Locomotive Power. Permanent- I - . u ... | General i ~ Workine I nil T&ilm Renewals . Carriages. Wagons. Traffic. Head Office. D*P*rtmcl>l Lake Wakatipu Totals, way. ' Structures. Buildings. Miscellaneous. Total. Locomotives. t'uel and WMer. 0l1, ™ low ' and charges. Total. ! 0lhcee Steamers. ! I I J j Repairs. ® WAGES AND SERVICES. Br* :: :: JSS'tS !;S,i3 'f?'! 1 15 ° '«S J '«K " " "* 'SI'S Hit '•??;! i '»*•« »»*t t ..* i «f„ a 4 , Gisborno .. 5,017 4 11 479 5 5 226 13 2 .. 5*723 3 6 1803 15 1 150 13 0 " 737 5 3 9 -w lJ in ofo ? ,? Ill A I H 3 ? 70 42 12 9 34 10 3 .. 6,386 5 10 NO anSB I tohe 8 Main """ ' 56,420 "•" 8 " 1 29,8001211 5,542 3 7 " 12 5 109.'846 4 0 11,859 10 9 !! 63,909 16 8 " 17 \i " 'o ? 4oS " ! 17.111 IS 1 44, 8 5 " l.oK 8 9 11 " 3 °' 223 ' ° 25,4891811 3,174 2 6 " 196,085 5 1 H0,390 13 10 10,582 9 1 .. 46,149 15 4 .. 107,122 18 3 19,956 2 10 j 26,135 2 9 317,423 10 8 10,946 19 11 29,708 7 6 .. 767,378 7 0 Westland .. .. 16,980 19 11 3,469 17 0 1,700 11 4 41 10 2 .. 22,193 4 5 10,285 0 6 432 15 7 .. 3,959 12 1 14 677 8 2 1 "36 10 8 3 777 2 <» 24 557 19 * , K1 , , oo-i i, Westport .. .. 3,659 9 9 1,269 0 11 672 12 0 2 5 10 .. 5,603 8 6 5 615 19 10 300 13 2 2 171 II 1 «'n«« _i T '•*«-- - <> o ia \z ? 3,923 11 6 .. 71,440 15 10 W" ««' = "'•■■■ i-" 1 = '«* H isi 1 ! Ssi Sb: Sii sii iBsi :: «si i; li__ n n i__ n i___ " "■ •• •• I •• •• 4 > 508 0 » 4 - 508 0 8 Total* .. .. 339,324 4 2 90,381 5 3jflO.U9 0 8 j 8,777 16 7 .. j 498,602 6 8 307,180 11 9 23,887 10 0.| 120,169 0 0 ~ .. 451,237 13 9 57,500 13 8 81,874 0 2 783,238 7 5 31,200 9 4 82,501 10 0 4,508 0 8 1,990.789 8 2 STORES. Shu gara :: :: 7 l l I Z l Ui 12 I I 2151 :: SSii :: It 2 2 K V*\ :: 15 1 15318 4 ft* "2 ? 39196 1213 •• 6,517113 n ohe 8 Main 42>92 '' 21 ' U>8 °* " 2 27,394 9 5 4,61714 4 88,838 .9 10 !! 2131567 8 8 11.989 13 2 35, HO 5 11 !! 260;667 7 9 j Ifl 2 18.902 18 'o 34,960 H I lo 10 614 15 " !! 1 *0 S °a U nd B^cL Main Une8 46,730 18 3 12,774 6 ° 23,894 2 8 2 ' 082 19 6 " 85 ' 482 6 5 " 125,998 4 10 5,56812 5 24,757 14 10 .. 150,324 12 1 9,385 12 7 11,022 12 7 21,348 13 11 1,200 13 10 384 12 3 . 285 209 3 8 gjj rn Hi lii »i i 1» i Mil Bii Hi :: 1!1 III «m II! Hi «i i lii 1! H 11 1 ' •• •• .. .. 1,519 12 2 1,519 12 2 TotaU '• " 96 ' 77:> 12 0 31,255 5 6 53 ' 953 12 2 6,794 19 7 •• 188,779 9 3 .. |357.185 14 0 19,230 10 4 04,819 7 0 .. 441,235 17 4 | 31,345 4 4 30,004 5 4 01,189 18 7 3,592 13 9 1,101 18 8 1,519 12 2 764,768 19 5 MISCELLANEOUS. Whangarei .. .. 14 7 10 53 5 2 4 10 4 .. 25 0 10 97 10 2 .. 42 7 4 594 5 7 15 2 Q 651 15 8 02 12 7 din \± 1 a a Kaihu 0 10 9 15 10 0 0 12 1 .. 1 15 9 18 8 7 83 13 « i 15 ? 85 9 1 I IJ 4 7 £ 5 9 " " " 1,695 I ° Gisb0rne 15 17 8 113 7 10 100 8 4 88 2 3 317 16 1 " . !! 222 14 9 9 7 7 232 12 4 6 7 6 58 it ll o 5 " " " 174 2 4 N< and Branches^ 4111 0,168 1,541 2 7 1 1 5,938 19 7 1.0371110 3.920 5 5 17,021 0 0 .. • 97 19 3 . 18,708 15 0 1,901 14 3 20,708 9 0 7,918 8 11 10,614 10 9 29,I(>3 9 8 !! " 85,425 18 10 S °^B^heB Main ° 4,453 14 9 5,593 2 11 455 ° 6 2,171 18 11 13,854 13 1 "• 1» 9 5 3 .. 20,177 16 2 1,100 3 8 21,387 5 1 4,995 2 6 0,586 17 11 23,099 12 1 .. .. .. 10 8 Westland .. .. 284 19 8 489 5 0 229 9 11 10 12 3 63 5 4 1,077 12 8 .. 6 9 3 .. 1 163 15 4 82 4 6 1 252 9 1 Cr 273 15 7 491 n 1 7M io 11 Netr •• •• 010 1 } m t A ,o 5 S I ? li 1 !,? 849 if i •• « 52 53431 77147 •SSio&KSw 1,13519 o Sri :: :: " "5, pfeton 7 5 ,n 9} q Q 0 6 7 25 8 11 79 17 4 .. 4 3 4 .. 180 5 2 9 14 6 194 3 0 108 17 7 88 14 5 497 10 6 .. .. 969 8 10 ut Wakatipu Steamers'" 3 . ? 10 21 9 9 " 19 ° " 142 2 1 - "1 « « 10 14 7 182 0 7 Cr. 13 9 3 64 16 7 216 10 2 .. .. .. 0 2 [ II H j 1_1 11 _| •• •• •• .. 573 17 5 573 17 5 lotals •" 3,159 II 2 9,974 18 10 12,020 7 2 1,503 18 8 0,799 10 9 33,458 12 7 .. 200 9 7 .. 41,830 15 1 3,209 2 0 45,300 0 8 12,021 9 4 19,455 10 5 59,889 9 8 ~ ~ 573 17 5 171,305 12 1 Grand totals 439,259 7 4 131,011 9 7 120,093 0 0 17,076 14 10 6,799 16 9 720,840 8 6 307,180 11 9 381,333 19 7 19,230 10 4 220,825 8 1 j 3,209 2 0 937,779 17 9 101,533 7 4 137,334 7 11 904,317 15 8 34,853 3 1 83,603 9 2 6,001 10 3 2,920,803 hT~8



RETURN No. 4. Classified Statement showing Revenue and Expenditure, and Proportion of each Class of Expenditure to Mileage and Revenue, for the Year ended 31st March, 1917.

J. Macdonald, Chief Accountant.

| Mileage. Revenue. Classified Expenditure. | Proportion of each Class of Expenditure to Mileage and Revenue. Maintenance. Locomotive. Carriages and Wagons. TraflSc. Head Office. Departmental Offices. Total. ►« I "S Per Mile s Bepairs — ~ j~ T~j "I Z 7~j T"i v. . . 1 Si 1% J "5 »« i • »• fTTI i j H sz. tr i T* ■**•. ~2r s* ~ — H |il U if ji U t ill u it |i u <1 ill U <i |i! U <i %1 U |r| i w -'- ii n p n r ? j £ a ? h r i<|in ? p Pi *■ p p\ v lQifi 17 Miles' Miles £ s d £ s d s d £ s d £ s d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ £ d. £ £ d. £ £ d. £ £ d. £ £ d. £ £ d. £ £ d. • 7i rn 298 mmn 9 1 729 5 3 8 71 11 712 10 3 10 394 13 4 2 672 1 5 8,565 16 1 396 1 9 1,179 6 7 34,920 9 5 21-70 158*28 2243 19 26 140-47 1991 4*95 3611 5*12 1587 115*75 1641 0*74 5*35 0*76 2*19 15-94 2-26 6471 471-90 66'89 Whangare! .. .. 74 1J5,/9S 03,900 » i UJ o * ° 't ™ * 1 472 8 0 '359 11 8 1 461 15 3 47 9 9 36 0 9 7,821 11 7 68-61 222-22 72-79 22 73 73-62 24 11 5-55 17-98 5*89 22-57 73-09 23 94 0'73 2*37 0*78 0-56 1-80 0-59 120-75 391 08 128-10 Jf a ! hu •• f, if'oXf Jo , 635 13 1110 9i 6 576 7 10 5 845 14 5 1 086 5 6 3 394 17 10 203 19 1 154 14 7 17,261 19 3 23-51149-46 30-45120-90 132*86 27-06 3-88 24-69 5-03 12-14 77-16 15-72 0-73 4-63 0-94 055 3 52 0*72 61*71 392*32 79*92 Northland Main Lines 1,1085,233 2,683! 080 7 112,421 11 010 8 MM08 12 952 7 ;051 14 2137!741 15 11464,463 2 2 19,494 0 11 44,831 3 81,539,790 9 7 12*90 312*46 15*88 19*64j 475*68 24*17 5*14 124*32 6*32 17*31 419*19 21*30;. 0*73 17*59 0*89 1*67 40*46 2*05 57*39 1,389*70 70*61 South Matwi Main Lines 1,4043,236,2301,682,638 7 81,198 9 210 41295,422 4 7344,834 15 J 78,081 11 2361,871 16 8 12,207 13 9 30,092 19 91,122,511 1 4 17-56 210-42 21*91 20*49 245*61 25*57 4*64 55*61 5*79 21*51 257*74 26*84| 0*72 8*70 0*91 1*79 21*43 2*23 66*71 799*51 83*25 and Branches 162 528 14 01 036 4 413 2i 31 968 15 3 23,989 19 2 7,830 14 6 30,236 11 6 1,199 8 2 3,962 16 9 99,188 5 4 19*67 203*62 31*22 14*76 152*80 23*43 4*82 49*88! 7*65 18*60 192*59 29*53; 0*74 7*64 1 17 2*44 25*24 3*87 61*03 631*77 96*87 Westland .. .. 157 245,751 162,o28 14 01,036 4 4 13 31,90 , 9 044 11 11 17 534 7 7 839 14 4 2,994 18 3 50,380 8 0 6*70 210*46 18-93 1095 344-18,30 95 8*00 251-24! 22 59 15-501487-07.43*80 0*74 23'32 2'10 2-65 83*19 7*48 44*54 1,399*46 125*85 Westport .. 3b 9b,079 113,101 3 H 4 4 u-tf o i; /,o/o / ,oa , 10 226 14 7 247 2 4 187 9 3 26,231 12 3 25*26 140*89 26*26 16*45 91*76 17*10 4*06 2261 4-21 30-06 167-65 31-25 073 405 0'7(> 0'55 3*07 0*57 77*11 430*03 80*15 Nel™" •• •• H aw 0 7, 532 18 7 9 31 0 7 4 8! '672 0 10 14 0 217 13 0 163 19 7 22,156 12 8 27*93 148*88 30 98 20 79 110-77 23 05 2-25 12 00 2-50 21-99 117 19 24 38 0-73 3-88 0*8l| 0*55 2-93 0*61 74-24 395-65 ; 82-33 Totals 2 9609 146 3314 793 625 9 3ll,619 9 3|l0 6Jj720,840 8 6 937,779 17 9 238,867 15 3 904,317 15 8 34,853 3 I 83,603 9 2^,920,262 9 5 15*04 243*52 18*92 19*56 316*82 24*61 4*98 80*70 6*27 18*87 305*51 23*731 0*73 11*78 0*91; 1*74 28*25 2-19 60*92 986*58 76*63 Lake Wakatipu Steamers .! ' 4 4 .. .. .. .. -- •• • •• •• j 6 ' 001 10 3 91 ' 89 " 4,800,809 13 7! |2, 926,863 19 8 -j | [ | |, | [ 6 °' 97 | | .... 1M&" 1 ®- 9 624 6 9 2 961 2 1 7,910 14 11 405 0 8 1,178 17 11 32,290 3 2 19*96 137*97 18*97 18*82 130*06 17*88 5*79 40-02 5-50 15-47 106-90 14-69 0-79 5-47 0-75| 2-30 15-93! 2-19 63-13 436-35 59-98 Whangarei .. .. ■ 74 1JI9,J11 01,14» u o oai * o , 1 > 1*379 13 8 512 0 6 1,450 4 8 46 12 10 34 8 2 5,569 17 9 36-49 107-35 33-50 23-45 68-98 21-53 8-70 25*60 7-99 24*65 72-51 22*63 0*79 2-33 0-73 0*58 1-72 0-54 94-66 278-49 86-92 *T U •• •• II ir'000 28 777 16 10 654 0 1010 5 e'l50 8 4 7*322 1 5 1,143 9 10 3,218 2 10 225 15 4 168 5 1 18,228 2 10 21-37 139-78 26-73 25-45 166-41 31-82 3-97 25-99 4-97 11-18 73-14 13-98 0*79 5-13 0-98 0-58 3-83 0-73 63-34 414-28 79-21 North Wand Main Line's 1,1085,346,0982, 10 42,269 8 5 9 41362!083 19 9 52 8 ;856 2 0123,558 3 1 453,898 13 1 19,697 5 3 40,738 12 11 1,528,832 16 1 14-46 328-27 16-25 21-13 479-46 23-74 4-93 112-02 5-55 18-13 411-50 20-38 0-79 17-86 0-88 1-63 36-93 1-83 61-07 1,386-04 68-63 South Wand Main Lines 1,404 3,305,8471,618,740 3 81,152 19 0 9 9J306.670 8 7 338,564 3 10 76,306 10 4 360,308 18 5 12,832 11 2 28,227 15 31,122,910 7 7 18-95 218-42 22-26 20-92 241-15 24-58 4-71 54-35 5-54 22-26 256-63 26-16 0-79 9-14 0-93 1-74 20-10 2-05 69-37 799-79 81*52 •and Branches 162 735 9 "1 036 10 712 7} 31 148 6 4 24 051 0 3 7,601 18 8 29,304 4 8 1,300 14 11 4,024 18 9 97,431 3 7 19-14 198-40 29-05 14-78 153-19 22-43 4-67 48-42 7-09 18-01 186-65 27-33 0-80 8-28 1-21 2-47 25-64 3-76 59-87 620-58 90-87 Westland .. .. "01, Ml » 32 , « 6 ' 206 g 7 12 332 13 3 11 853 1 1 18,057 9 8 873 14 11 2,859 8 11 52,182 16 5 5-72 172-40 15*14 11-37 342-57 30-09 10-93 329-25 28-92 16-65 501-60 44-05 0-82 24-27 2-13 2-63 79-43 6-97 48*12 1,449-52 127-30 Westport .. .. 3b 98,3/8 o " * | > • ;j 1 067 14 5 9,490 17 5 270 4 2 198 2 5 24,368 11 2 23-09 128*46 23-71 16-22 90-25 16-66 3-15 17-50 3-23 27-97 155-59 28-72 0-80 4-43 0-82 0-58 3-25 0-60 71-81 399*48 73-74 •• •• gQ' 724 28,224 1 4 557 12 4 8 1 3 2 7|l01 19 2 ' 963 11 6 6,351 4 6 220 10 7 158 7 7 22,691 16 6 27-98 156-00 27-18 25-16 140-31 24-45 3*42 19*04 3-32 22-50 125-48 21-86 0-78 4-36 0-78 0-56 3-13 0*54 80*40 448*32 78*11 T 0 taU 2 960 9 356 522 4 541,112 19 91,539 11 0 9 8J740,349 2 0934,737 4 7 225,967 11 6889,990 10 2 35,872 9 10177,588 17 02,904,505 15 1 16*30 251*00 18-99 20*58 316*90 23*98 4-98 76-61 5-79 19-60 301-73 22-83 0-79 12-16 0-92 1-71 26-30 1-99 63-96 984-70 74-50 Lake Wakatipu Steame're ' .!" ' 14 9 ' .. .. .. .. •• •• •• j 6 ' 376 15 3 88-04 " 4,648,355 14 6 2,910,882 10 4 64 00



RETURN No. 5. Comparative Statement of Passenger and Goods Traffic for the Year ended 31st March, 1917.

3-D 2

Passengers. Live-stock. C— ( Goods. Section. length - Open for Traffic. First Class. Second Class. Total. Season i Tickets. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Pigs. Total. «»*«• M ™rals. Other Goods. Total. Gross Total Tonnage-1916-17. Mies. Single. Whangarei .. .. 74 18,062 Kaihu .. .. 20 640 Gisborne .. .. 44 7,024 North Island Main Lines 1,108 250,155 and Branches South Island Main Lines 1,404 168,897 and Branches Westland .. .. 157 11,713 Westport .. .. 36 353 Nelson .. .. 61 3,379 Picton .. .. 56 6,346 Lake Wakatipu steamers .. 1,546 Totals .. .. 2,960 468,115 Return. 8,582 1,458 5,802 742,544 Single. 75,720 11,889 38,826 1,638,222 . Return. Number. Number. 93,132 195,496 1,847 14,344 28,331 39 43,018 94,670 213 ,805,254 8,436,175 I 223,044 Number. ; Number. Number. 5,922 I 443 23,568 17 | 78 867 11 104,795 251,079 32,860 3,111,545 94,998 ' 8,235 3,684,291 Number. Number. 445 30,378 7 102 392 106,065 133,898 3,529,382 Tons. Tons. 2,957 44,449 10 17,626 4,498 11,304 215,154 249,319 Tons. 103,418 153 30,613 731,298 Tons. Tons. 20,975 168,842 2,862 20,641 17,649 59,566 948,002 1,928.619 Tons. 171,799 20,651 64,064 2,143,773 591,698 800,615 : ,166,698 4,727,908 120,142 j 27,273 3,814,797 180,541 137,408 703,499 1,351,282 2,192,189 2,372,730 23,344 1,468 6,664 22,648 9,836 91,002 22,123 37,956 23,096 3,295 221,942 348,001 7,769 62,740 86.684 1,348 70,366 118,365 1,041 62,830 114,920 382 7,888 22,565 7 4,935 101 32,114 72 43 j 2,307 848 122 19,139 941 854 108,689 276 145 19,648 182 I 37,332 2 i 2,424 81 20,190 1,090 111,574 I 20,069 2,941 113,807 118 1,151 1,057 3,482 4,747 592 885 290 496,898 701,371 10,865 7,780 1,628 34,457 645,162 13,373 715,895 23,138 37,485 43,541 51,913 4,035 5,953 648,103 716,013 38,542 56,660 6,838 1,414,044 ,2,742,744 ,9,548,212 14,173,115 , 355,832 359,955 42,814 7,106,174 163,370 7,672,313 412,908 579,428 2,787,523 |2,459,314 5,826,265 6,239,171 i I I 1915-16. Whangarei .. .. 74 17,354 Kaihu .. .. 20 741 Gisborne .. .. 44 8,172 North Island Main Lines 1,108 242,478 and Branches South Island Main Lines 1,404 169,309 and Branches Westland .. .. 157 13,484 Westport .. .. 36 383 Nelson .. .. 61 2,893 Picton .. .. 56 6,999 Lake Wakatipu steamers .. 1,719 17,354 741 8,172 242,478 169,309 7,650 1,546 5,916 694,108 617,002 80,144 13,826 40,106 1,706,674 834,994 I ' .' 86,520 191,668 18,082 34,195 43,770 97,964 5,677,180 8,320,440 3,202,202 4,823,507 1,744 63 148 204,305 114,403 3,645 25 719 225,707 99,208 182 86 30,621 6,176 18,297 336 I 163,577 3,404,137 3,456,716 28,595 2,468 24,668 93,944 12,038 I 420 30 220 141,429 I 39,753 ! 7 111 473 ! ! I I J.J 22,544 1,972 41,617 I 117,681 18,442 177,740 391 23 9,430 985 4,053 14,468 164,602 6,796 14,164 26,136 14,422 54,722 3,801,894 218,590 280,525 724,468 921,460 1,926,453 3,601,853 173,237 159,279 I 744,123 1,432,842 2,336,244 32,244 2,304 113,379 504,738 37,210 i 655,327 2,510 110 1,552 ; 692,000 13,397 706,949 25,144 1,103 4,530 | 11,109 23,118 38,757 95,171 3,961 980 ' 8,867 35,090 44,937 12,445 585 410 I 1,852 4,405 6,667 179,715 14,49: 61,51! 2,145,04! 2,509,48: 657,63: 707,05! 39,86( 48,89! 7,25; 13,484 383 2,893 6,999 1,719 26,484 1,886 6,970 23,576 10,674 101,485 25,134 39,510 26,780 3,353 230,558 372,011 61,808 89,211 72,696 122.069 68,820 126,175 8,520 24,266 7,232 1,086 1,261 373 7 3,450 31 334 518 292 192 11 31 236 65 Totals .. .. 2,960 463,532 463,532 1,395,812 2,872,006 9,470,156 14,201,506 330,622 333,929 37,600 7,204,826 182,443 7,758,798 408,681 625,866 ;2,831, 959 2,504,439 5,962,264 6,370,94:


RETURN No. 5-continued . Comparative Statement of Passenger and Goods Traffic for the Year ended 31st March, 1917 — continued.


I Section. ___!.____. j Reason Tickets. Total Coaching. _ ! Revenue. Mileage. Goods. Miscellaneous. Rents and Commission. Total Goods. Grand Total Revenue. Train. Shunting, &c. Total. 1916-17. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Whangarei .. .. 13,400 14 9 1,013 0 5 1,948 10 7 16,362 5 9 Kaihu .. .. 1,652 19 10 124 6 2 490 17 4 2,268 3 4 Gisborne .. .. 8,346 9 4! 234 16 4 1,229 6 6 9,810 12 2 North Island Main Lines 1,090,676 7 5 97,604 0 9 140,663 11 8 1,328,943 19 10 and Branches South Island Main Lines 550,687 6 1 50,993 9 4 89,023 11 4 690,704 6 9 and Branches Westland .. .. 27,475 9 3 2,686 7 1 5,330 12 10 35,492 9 2 Westport .. .. 5,243 11 895 6 11 995 2 2 7,133 10 2 Nelson .. .. 8,721 10 3 981 11 1 1,644 9 4 I 11,347 10 8 Picton .. .. 8,640 12 9 469 3 4 1,574 15 0 ! 10,684 11 1 Lake Wakatipu steamers j 3,002 12 4 j 198 18 4 930 19 3 4,132 9 11 £ s. d. £ s. d. 35,607 0 0 740 3 1 3,937 5 1 i 85 3 9 16,843 3 5 j 344 3 1 1,260,332 0 1 ! 48,347 15 4 £ s. d. 1,256 0 3 187 1 1 972 14 5 45,456 12 8 £ s. d. 37,603 3 4 4,209 9 11 18,160 0 11 1,354,136 8 1 £ s. d. Number. Number. :53,965 9 1 125,298 33,073 6,477 13 3 14,654 3,158 27,970 13 1 51,835 13,963 2,683,080 7 11 5,233,354 1,574,799 Number. 158,371 17,812 65,798 6,808,153 . 924,236 5 2 j 34,997 18 5 32,699 17 4 991,934 0 11 1,682,638 7 8 3,236,230 1,018,078 4,254,308 119,433 18 3 ! 4,657 1 10 100,331 6 5 I 4,912 10 4 18,985 13 9 i 2,401 5 8 16,188 6 1 j 1,949 12 5 2,967 8 11 I 36 16 4 2,945 4 9 723 16 9 1,284 9 11 1,021 11 0 47 9 2 127,036 4 10 105,967 13 6 22,671 9 4 19,159 9 6 3.051 14 5 162,528 14 0 245,751 92,577 113,101 3 8 96,079 73,231 34,019 0 0 78,544 , 13,749 29,844 0 7 64,586 34,769 7,184 4 4 338,328 169,310 92.293 99,355 __J ■ Totals.. .. 1,717,847 3 1 155,200 19 9 243,831 16 0 2,116,879 18 10 ;2,498, 862 7 2 98,472 10 3 ! 86,594 17 4 I 2,683,929 14 9 4,800,809 13 7 9,146,331 2,857,397 12,003,728 ...I , 1915-16. Whangarei .. .. 12,106 17 1 961 11 7 1,822 2 6 14,890 11 2 Kaihu .. .. 1,822 11 7 134 0 0 497 10 8 ; 2,454 2 3 Gisborne .. .. 8,541 8 9 230 11 3 1,266 6 8 10,038 6 8 North Island Main Lines 980,774 14 7 100,587 11 8 134,105 16 7 1,215,468 2 10 and Branches South Island Main Lines 509,544 8 9 49,450 11 8 88,800 5 5 647,795 5 10 and Branches Westland .. .. 28,034 19 6 i 2,579 13 2 5,274 9 5 35,889 2 1 Westport .. .. 5,213 4 5 ' 692 10 6 1,005 19 5 6,911 14 4 Nelson .. .. 8,430 9 6 942 7 11 1,629 19 4 I 11,002 16 9 Picton .. .. 8,799 18 10 416 14 1 1,406 5 5 I 10,622 18 4 Lake Wakatipu steamers 3,110 16 9 326 16 6 895 19 9 j 4,333 13 0 961 11 7 134 0 0 230 11 3 100,587 11 8 1,822 2 6 14,890 11 2 497 10 8 2,454 2 3 1,266 6 8 10,038 6 8 134,105 16 7 1,215,468 2 10 1 34,461 17 10 596 0 6 3,147 17 4 115 2 0 17,181 9 9 638 10 3 1,206,644 16 4 37,652 14 11 1,201 7 11 167 0 11 919 10 2 43,450 16 3 36,259 6 3 51,149 17 5 3,430 0 3 5,884 2 6 18,739 10 2 28,777 16 10 1,287,748 7 6 2,503,216 10 4 970,944 17 10 1,618,740 3 8 129,211 31,713 160,924 15,380 3,324 18,704 55,233 15,333 70,566 5,346,098 j 1,648,187 6,994,285 3,305,847 1,055,211 4,361,058 49,450 11 8 88,800 5 5 647,795 5 10 909,221 0 9 j 29,167 8 9 32,556 8 4 2,579 13 2 692 10 6 942 7 11 416 14 1 326 16 6 5,274 9 5 35,889 2 1 1,005 19 5 6,911 14 4 1,629 19 4 I 11,002 16 9 1,406 5 5 I 10,622 18 4 895 19 9 j 4,333 13 0 119,662 9 10 4,554 10 9 95,696 19 9 5,107 6 10 19,611 15 5 2,016 10 1 15,006 4 7 1,541 14 2 2,858 2 9 1 15 0 2,629 6 6 736 4 2 1,301 11 2 1,053 4 3 49 4 0 126,846 7 1 162,735 9 2 101,540 10 9 108,452 5 1 22,929 16 8 33,932 13 5 17,601 3 0 28,224 1 4 2,909 1 9 j 7,242 14 9 257,337 96,173 353,510 98,378 77,656 176,034 79,314 14,311 93,625 69,724 33,387 103,111 Totals.. .. 1,566,379 9 9 156,322 8 4 236,704 15 2 1,959,406 13 3 156,322 8 4 236,704 15 2 1,959,406 13 3 12,423,492 14 4 81,391 13 3 84,064 13 8 2,588,949 1 3 j 4,548,355 14 6 9,356,522 J 2,975,295 12,331,817 I I J. Macdonald, Chief Accountant.



RETURN No. 6. Estimated Amount of Expenditure on Construction of Railways, Rolling-stock, etc., to 31st March, 1917; Net Revenue, and Rate of Interest earned on Capital expended on Opened Lines for Year ended same Date.

J. Macdonald, Chief Accountant.

RETURN No. 6a. Special Expenditure undeb the Appropriation Act, 1916. War bonus to members of the Railway service ... ... £189,606 Is. 6d.

Section of Railway. Cost of Construction. Opened Lines. Net Revenue. Rate of Interest earned. Whangarei £ £ 763,410 180,023 99,962 17,244 £ 19,045 -1,344 £ s. d. 2 9 11 Kaihu Tauranga 309,786 597,241 246,557 15,421,989 973,881 14,541,345 155,044 2,075,217 644,771 602,317 95,828 542,406 36,988 675,857 18,593 43,708 10,709 1,143,290 560,127 63,341 62,721 '7,787 '7,687 583 Gisborne 1 15 10 North Island Main Lines and Branches 7 8 3 South Island Main Lines and Branohes.. 3 17 0 Westland 3 10 Westport 10 8 3 Nelson 18 9 Picton 1 2 9 Lake Wakatipu steamer servioe In suspense — Surveys, North Island Miscellaneous, North Island Surveys, South Island Miscellaneous, South Island P.W.D. stock of permanent-way W.R.D. stock of A.O.L. Btores 35,900 5,169 5,752 5,168 77,805 15,212 16 8 Total cost of opened and unopened lines at 31st March, 1917 £35,378,064 £2,808,509 £38,187,173 £1,873,946 £5 5 11 £4 18 2 Notk.—The amount stated in this return as the cos government expenditure on railways. It also includes Harbour Boards on railways and wbarvos under the information regarding the last mentioned being furnishe' t of construction of opened lines i the Midland Itailway and expenditi provisions of section 7 of the Ra 1 by the respective Boards. ncludes the Pro\ ure by the Greyn always Authorizi uncial and General louth and Westport ition Act, 1885, the



RETURN No. 7. Expenditure under Vote for Additions to Open Lines, charged to Capital Account, for the Year ended 31st March, 1917.

Amount. Total. Material on hand at 31st March, 1916 Expenditure charged to Vote 93 bj r Treasury £ s. d. 25,945 5 6 285,542 19 5 £ s. d. Less material on hand at 31st March, 1917 311,488 4 11 15,212 6 8 296,275 18 3 Expenditure on works, &c. — Way and Works Branch Locomotive Branch 45,955 0 8 250,320 17 7 299,275 18 3 Way and Works Branch : Particulars of Works, ETC. Railway. Work, „c. Railway. Amount. Total. Whangarei Whangarei .. .. Additions to station buildings Siding additions Wharf shed, Opua £ s. d. 67 18 0 45 1 2 184 12 8 £ s. d. Gisborne 297 11 10 Gisborne .. .. Siding additions Extension of station yard 417 4 10 5,743 7 6 6,160 12 4 North Island Main Line Additions to station buildings," extension of station-yards, and Branches and other facilities Purchase of land Tablet-installation Telegraph and telephone facilities Interlocking points at crossing-stations North Island Main Line and Branches 22,281 12 11 595 13 I 2,572 9 8 356 1 3 53 19 5 South Island Main Line and Branches Less reduction of capital cost (building, Palmerston N.) 25,859 16 4 200 0 0 25,659 16 4 South Island Main LiLie Additions to station buildings, extension of station-yards, and Branches and other facilities Purchase of land Widening George Street Pier, Port Chalmers Tablet-installation Telegraph and telephone facilities 1,699X4 9 276 H 2 0 5,919 3 8 2,346 7 7 241 14 3 10,482 12 3 Westland .. .. Office for Locomotive Branch Interlocking points at crossing-stations Westland 56 13 11 16 7 8 Nelson Nelson .. .. Additional works, water-services, &c, for Locomotive Branch Telegraph and telephone facilities 73 1 7 218 13 1 Picton 11 5 1 229 18 2 Picton .. .. New locomotive-depot Less reduction of capital cost (engine-shed, Picton) 3,821 8 2 770 0 0 3,051 8 2 £45,955 0 8



RETURN No. 7— continued. Locomotive Branch: Particulars of Rolling-stock, etc.

Description of Stock ordered. - _SSS_5 1 Number " Number Order, pleteon Complete Incomplete Mnrch 31 on on 1916. 31at Ma rch, 1917. 31st March, 1917. Expenditure in Year ended 31st March, 1917. Wagons, four-wheel, 1910-1911 programme .. M—8J .. .. .. Cr. 291 17 0 Wagons, four-wheel, 1912-1913 programme .. E—9 .. .. .. Cr. 597 19 5 Fitting locomotives, cars, and brake - vans with M—9 .. .. .. |367 6 1 steam-heating gear Wagons four-wheel, 1913-1914 programme .. Q —9 .. .. .. |113 0 7 Pitting Whangarei rolling-stock with Westinghouse T—9 .. .. .. 17 5 0 brake Locomotives, Class Ww, fifth lot .. ..I V—9 .. .. .. Cr. 950' 4 8 Locomotives, Class Bb (Price's contract) .. W—9 16 9 7 ! 42,636" 8 11 Carriages, Class A, 1914-1915 programme .. ' X—9 .. .. .. Or. 79 13 6 Wagons, bogie, 1914-1915 programme .. .. Z —9 .. .. .. 564 19 8 Wagons, four-wheel, 191.4-1915 programme .. A—10 50 50 .. 5,412 7 7 Carriages, Class A, 1915-1916 programme .. B—10 22 15 7 12,731 5 4 Brake-vans, Class P, 1915-1910 programme .. C—10 .. .. .. 268 0 7 Wagons, bogie, 1915-191.6 programme .. .. D—10 105 43 62 12,21112 7 Wagons, four-wheel, 1915-1916 programme .. E—10 593 212 381 33,232 18 7 Locomotives, Class An, first lot .. .. F—10 6 6 .. 11,410 3 3 Fitting sleeping-cars with electric light .. .. G —10 .. .. .. 444 2 11 Locomotives, Class Ww, sixth lot " .. H—10 7* 7 .. 9,328 14 9 Carriages, Classes A and Aa, 1916-1917 programme I—10 50t 13 37 18,405 9 9 Brake-vans, Class P, 1916-1917 programme .. J—10 16J .. 16 3.429 14 8 Wagons, bogie, 1916-1917 programme .. .. K—10 158§ 15 143 20,704 6 7 Wagons, four-wheel, 1916-1917 programme .. L—10 635|| 70 565 27,094 19 6 " Thomas" transmission car .. .. . . M—10 1 1 .. 958 1 0 Locomotives, Class Ab, second lot .. .. N—10 10 1 9 24,209 18 7 Locomotives, Class Ww, seventh lot .. .. Q—10 10 .. 10 13,674 6 11 Locomotive, Class Ws .. .. . . R—10 1 .. 1 734 9 8 Pitting Westland rolling-stock with Westinghouse S —10 .. .. .. 148 1 4 brake Tarpaulins, 1916-1917 programme .. .. T—10 1,300 250 1,050 5,162 4 6 Fitting Us locomotive with superheater. . .. U —10 .. .. .. 298 2 10 Carriages, Class A, 1917-1918 programme .. V —10 2 .. 2 Wagons, four-wheel, 1917-1918 programme .. W—10 10 .. 10 Workshop machinery .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,682 11 0 M—8J E—9 M—9 £ b. d. Cr. 291 17 0 Cr. 597 19 6 £367 6 1 Q—9 T—9 111. 0 7 17 5 0 V—9 W—9 X—9 Z—9 A—10 B—10 C—10 D—10 E—10 F 10 G—10 H—10 I—10 J—10 K—10 L—10 M—10 N—10 Q—10 R—10 S—10 16 50 22 105 593 6 "7* 50t 16J I58§ 635|| 1 10 10 1 "9 '50 15 43 212 6 "7 13 "7 "7 '(32 381 Cr. 950T4 8 42,636" 8 11 Or. 79 13 6 564 19 8 5,412 7 7 12,731 5 4 268 0 7 12,211 12 7 33,232 18 7 11,410 3 3 444 2 11 9,328 14 9 18,405 9 9 3.429 14 8 20,704 6 7 27,094 19 6 958 1 0 24,209 18 7 13,674 6 11 734 9 8 148 1 4 15 70 1 1 37 16 143 565 9 10 1 T—10 U—10 V—10 W—10 1,300 250 1,050 5,162 4 6 298 2 10 "2 10 "2 10 8,682 11 0 Total .. .. .. .. .. £250,320 17 7 £250,320 17 7 Total loco7notives .. .... 50 23 27 „ carriages .. .. .... 75 29 46 ,, brake-vans.. .. .... 16 .. 16 ,, wagons, bogie .. .. .. 263 58 205 „ wagons, four-wheel .. .. .. 1,288 332 956 „ tarpaulins.. .. .. .. 1,300 250 1,050 23 29 '58 332 250 27 46 16 205 956 1,050 * Order reduced by 3. t Order increased by 37. I Order increased by 13. § Order increased by 115. il Order increased by 635. Expenditure under the Railways Improvements Authorization Act, 1914, charged to Capital Account, for the Year ended 31st March, 1917. £ s. d. New stations and station-yards, goods-sheds, and terminal facilities at Auckland, Hastings, and Wellington .. .. .. .. .. .. 135,412 3 7 Duplications— Horotiu - Prankton Junction) „g. ,g g Newmarket - New Lynn J '' Grado easements — Ponrose-Morcer ) 28 175 4 5 Palmersto7i North - Marton } '' New ongine-dopot and approach-lines, Auckland .. .. .. .. 21,551 4 10 Additions to workshops, Newmarket and Petone .. .. .. .. 19,923 17 8 New line —Auckland to Westfield .. .. .. .. .. .. 449 7 3 Signalling, interlocking, and safety appliances .. .. .. .. 26,353 3 11 Bridge-strengthening —Waiteti Viaduct .. .. .. .. .. Cr. 1,254 8 4 Cost of raising loan .. .. .. •• ■• •■ ■• 180 230,996 19 9 Less reduction of capital cost—Engine-depot, Auckland .. .. .. 5,400 0 0 £225,596 19 9 J. Macdonald, Chief Accountant.



RETURN No. 8. Statement showing Classification of Expenditure on Maintenance of Way and Works for the Year ended 31st March, 1917.

1 SECT70NS. Classification of Work. Whangarei. Kaihu. Gisborne. North Island South Island Main Lines and Main Lines and Branches. Branches. Westland. Westport. Nelson. Picton. Is. • _ I . £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. . £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 3,123 15 4 3,915 15 8 527 7 1 731 8 8 £ s. d. £ s. d. Track-surfacing .. .. .. 5,119 15 7 1,110 17 0 | 3,870 14 5 117,597 16 6 j 119,086 3 2 13,509 17 7 4,218 15 5 271,553 10 8 - 43,681 3 10 1,001 3 0 100,866 7 11 ... . Track-renewals .. .. .. 517 17 6 j 383 19 5 191 13 10 48,149 2 9 5,682 11 10 Ballasting .. .. .. .. 1,112 13 9 211 1 3 349 15 2 25,602 18 5 8,678 7 7 1,668 6 9 352 18 5 96 16 3 52 19 7 38,125 17 2 Banks, cuttings, ditches, tunnels .. 1,080 14 11 j 1,002 19 3 834 9 3 13,101 2 7 9,196 2 8 . 1,870 1 0 96 4 2 468 5 10 1,064 11 11 28,713fll 7 Bridges, culverts, drains .. .. 1,568 0 9 1,035 13 3 193 7 4 28,783 10 5 19,741 16 5 ' 3,126 9 5 672 16 3 1,096 7 7 287 16 2 56,505 17 7 Fences, gates, oattle-stops, hedges .. 301 19 10 4 6 0 87 8 2 9,954 2 5 8,560 17 10 i 957 6 11 133 3 9 582 18 4 194 4 8 20,776 " 7 11 Roads, approaches, &c. .. .. 83 5 2 2 18 1 133 2 5 4.989 13 3 . i . 74 19 10 157 1 1 79 13 5 7,050 14 6 1,401 19 11 128 1 4 Water-services, signals, cranes, appliances 605 7 9 78 9 6 323 9 10 21,208 2 0 16,006 8 7 1,507 14 4 745 15 8 278 4 9 275 5 11 41,028 18 4 Wharves .. .. .. .. j 391 11 4 485 2 11 3,038 6 3 1,739 19 9 293 4 3 ... . 100 17 3 116 9 6 84 0 0 6,249 11 3 I Buildings .. .. .. .. 900 11 4 127 3 9 504 5 2 63,134 1 11 54,977 4 6 3,045 1 10 1,261 16 4 1,083 5 7 1,059 9 7 126,093 0 0 Miscellaneous .. .. .. 5 5 6 11.197 9 9 1 5,712 2 6 116 14 8 3 10 42 1 5 17,076 14 10 General charges .. .. .. 25 6 10 1 15 9 88 2 3 3,920 5 5 2,171 18 11 63 5 4 484 12 5 25 8 11 19 0 11 6,799 16 9 Totals .. .. .. 11,712 10 3 11,712 10 3 4,444 6 2 6,576 7 10 6,208 12 9 295,422 4 7 31,968 15 3 7,576 7 6 8,594 3 7 8,337 0 7 720,840 8 6 I Rate per average mile opened .. .. 158 5 7 158 5 7 222 4 5 149 9 2 312 9 2 210 8 5 203 12 5 210 9 2 140 17 10 148 17 9 243 10


RETURN No. 9. Statement of Season Tickets issued for the Year ended 31st March, 1917.

RETURN No. 10. Comparative Statement of the Number of Employees for Years 1916-17 and 1915-16.


Description of Tickets. Number. Amount. Travellers' annual, all lines Travellers' annual, North Island Travellers' annual, South Island Reporters' annual Sectional annual, North Island Sectional annual, South Island Tourist, all lines ... ... Tourist, North Island ... Tourist, South Island Fifty-trip commutation (ordinary) ... Fifty-trip commutation (family) School ... Twenty-trip commutation ... Twelve-trip workmen's Weekly workmen's All other season ... 7 46 26 78 439 305 393 2,247 140 2,960 1,733 32,529 1,170 91,909 ... 200,303 21,547 £ s. 539 7 2,698 6 1,480 17 866 7 15,560 8 10,616 4 5,339 10 18,684 15 1,167 5 2,844 6 2,864 7 20,051 13 1,132 8 14,141 2 20,378 2 36,835 17 d. 4 9 3 9 9 9 0 0 0 6 2 7 8 0 3 0 Totals ... ... 355,832 155,200 19 9 J. Macdonald, Chii if Accountant.

Department. I _ it s 3 rt is .a rt 9 _ 13 C c 5 a _ Q OS'S z s !3 d 13 V rt C3^3 2 _S _ = s g„-5 c a 13 Q n I P O z B O _ o « o 1916-17. 23 126 142 158 5 78 33 116 4 49 43 22 139 675 4,798 3,586 4,649 General Traffic Maintenance Looomotive 4 42 62 45 1 6 19 5 3 16 34 17 366 2,499 1,909 2,347 127 1,947 1,289 1,917 8 35 55 22 Totals.. 153 31 70 7,121 5,280 449 \ 232 118 115 139 13,708 1915-16. General Traffic Maintenance Locomotive 4 41 59 47 1 6 11 6 3 16 34 18 351 2,610 2,124 2,707 128 2,071 1,425 2,211 23 5 184 83 147 36 151 ' 120 5 50 43 21 3 30 52 22 170 693 5,041 3,931 5,303 Totals.. 151 24 71 7,792 5,835 455 244 119 107 170 14,968



RETURN No. 11. Return showing Number of Passenger Tickets issued at Cheap Excursion Rates for Year ended 31st March, 1917.

Sections. Schools, Factories, and Friendly Societies. Children not exceeding 15 Years of Age. Schools, Factories, Schools only. Senior Scholars over 15 but not exceeding 23 Years of Age and Teachers. Schools, Factories, and Friendly Soc7e„es. , AM) FRIENDL5 Schools,Factories, and Friendly Societies. Adults. Holiday EXCURS70NS. Gross Total.- —School and Holiday Excursions. Total. Revenue. First Class. Second Class. Total. Revenue. Number of Tickets. Revenue. Whangarei Kaihu Auckland Ohakune Gisborne Wanganui Wellington Picton Nelson Westport Westland Christchureh Dunedin Invercargill No. 301 59 2,306 119 682 6,836 7,485 971 545 261 2,807 8,294 3,691 4,120 No. 53 522 109 18 2,745 1,460 113 166 35 226 1,748 747 846 No. 126 117 1,118 26 171 5,064 5,445 519 13 243 2,865 8,925 4,393 3,876 No. 480 176 3,946 254 871 14,645 14,390 1,603 724 539 5,898 18,967 8,831 8,842 I £ s. d. 30 3 5 10 19 9 256 3 1 11 9 0 35 9 0 1,137 6 7J 1,096 11 3 69 14 5 28 9 4 23 15 9 430 17 5 1,619 13 1 660 18 4 748 7 1 No. 798 10,424 2,387 1,194 11,223 80,687 862 1,375 11 3,122 25,675 24,341 5,999 No. 4,086 152,317 27,236 6.426 96,339 171,174 1,787 5,616 1,471 19,438 108,462 93,304 47,812 No. 4,884 162,741 29,623 7,620 107,562 251,861 2,649 6,991 1,482 22,560 134,137 117,645 53,811 £ s. d. 1,252 8 3 55,744 4 7| 16,899 16 0J 672 4 7 40,225 19 2J ! 76,422 18 7 ! 272 16 11 918 8 1 231 11 0 5,754 16 8 44,113 18 4J 47,625 17 2% 22,871 7 9 No. 5,364 176 166,687 29,877 8,491 122,207 266,251 4,252 7,715 2,021 28,458 153, 104 126,476 62,653 £ s. d. 1,282 11 8 10 19 9 56,000 7 & 16,911 5 03 707 13 7 41,363 5 10 77,519 9 10 342 11 4 946 17 5 255 6 9 6,185 14 1 45,733 11 5i 48,286 15 6i 23,619 14 10 rr » , f 1917 Totals - 1916 38,477 43,038 8,788 8,198 32,901 36,091 80,166 6,159 17 6£ 87,327 6,072 18 9 168,098 136,401 735,468 763,690 903,566 900,091 313,006 7 3J 269,097 16 0 983,732 ! 319,166 4 10 987,418 275,170 14 9 Decrease Increase 4,561 590 3,190 7,161 86 18 9J 31,697 n 28,222 3,475 43,908 11 3J 3,686 43,995 10 1 Total, year ending — 31st March, 1896 31st March, 1897 31st March, 1898 31st March, 1899 31st March, 1900 31st March, 1901 31st March, 1902 31st March, 1903 31st March, 1904 31st March, 1905 31st March, 1906 31st March, 1907 31st March, 1908 31st March. 1909 31st March, 1910 31st March, 1911 31st March, 1912 31st March, 1913 31st March, 1914 31st March, 1915 31st March, 1916 31st March, 1917 63,598 44,610 39,963 45,748 37,839 38,864 42,506 41,540 50,364 52,742 55,478 48,044 51,031 55,199 53,917 66,381 62,289 63,040 111,029 47,846 43,038 38,477 5,949 5,993 5,398 6,192 5,616 5,602 5,736 6,048 6,975 7,359 7,715 7,837 8,163 9,266 7,811 10,799 8,924 9,723 18.246 7,974 8,198 8,788 38,467 33,925 35,064 39,955 31,164 34,550 37,708 41,555 54,344 53,558 57,027 39,783 53,886 52,579 53,677 66,695 63,612 61,134 59,712 48,197 36,091 32.901 108,014 84,528 80,425 91,895 74,619 79,016 85,950 89,143 111.683 113.659 120,220 95,664 113,080 117.044 115,405 143,875 134,825 133,897 188,987 104,017 87,327 80,166 7,246 5 9 5,616 2 8 5,569 18 1 6,215 11 8 4,752 3 10 5,234 16 8 5,466 16 9 6,050 11 3 7,424 19 7 7,490 16 0 7,882 16 1 6,514 18 4 7,604 10 4 7,641 5 10 7,964 15 7 9,488 14 7 9,702 15 3 9,509 8 7 13,235 8 4 7,919 1 9 6,072 18 9 6,159 17 6J 50,511 58,464 66,012 70,531 81,528 87,544 95,628 84,448 100,417 100,968 110,823 125,280 113,617 122,312 128,277 107,208 135,590 159,730 131,416 144.260 136,401 168,098 239,164 313,724 383,569 411,747 501, 176 541,624 588,813 517,566 594,967 592,485 626,852 731,132 618,518 667.867 735,561 576,251 704,883 804,965 683,851 782,355 763,690 735,468 289,675 372,188 449,581 482,278 582.704 629, 168 684,441 602,014 695,384 693,453 737,675 856,412 732,135 790,179 863.838 683.459 840,473 964,695 815,267 926,615 900,091 903.566 50,232 12 11 63,439 0 0 80,822 8 1 84,794 15 6 96,154 7 5 102,932 10 9 136,813 0 1 103,279 8 6 125,624 4 0 130,068 16 9 140,939 16 3 194,185 2 9 141,519 16 11 166.471 6 3 211,133 6 10 155,444 10 11 206.472 13 1 271,611 17 7 210,109 0 9 259,547 10 6 269.097 16 0 313,006 7 3J 397,689 456,716 530,006 574.173 657,323 708,184 770,391 691,157 807,067 807,112 857,895 952,076 845,215 907,223 979,243 827,334 975,298 1,098,592 1,004,254 1,030,632 987,418 983,732 57,478 18 8 69,055 2 8 86.392 6 2 91,010 7 2 100,906 11 3 108,167 7 5 142,279 16 10 109,329 19 9 133,049 3 7 137,559 12 9 148,822 12 4 200,700 1 1 149,124 7 3 174,112 12 1 219,098 2 5 164,933 5 6 216.175 8 4 281,121 6 2 223,344 9 1 267,466 12 3 275,170 14 9 319,166 4 10



RETURN No. 12. Statement of Revenue for each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1917.

4—D. 2.

OUTWARD. INWARD. Ncmbek of Tickets. Stations. , Number Timber, Timber, Stations. First- First- Second- Second- j Season Cattle " Calves ' Shee P- Pi « 8 ' "uperfliiaf Minerals. Other p° r s d 6^g a e r r y s- T®cke°ts. Parcels. <frc. |e, Goods Miscellaneous. c^?s a f 0 * : forwarded' 6 Cattle - Calves - shee l>- pi S B - Minerals. class class class class Total. Tickets. Feet. ' Single. Return. Single. Return. North Island Main Lines North IslanJ) Mad , and Branches— Tons. Tons. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Tons. Tons. Lines & Branch esAuckland (Coaching) .. 27,066 25,023 149,230 245,756 447,075 13,040 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 163,289 16 6 15,251 15 1 9,259 12 0 5,615 17 11 Cr. 88 10 1 618 9 3 313 12 5 194,260 13 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. Auckland (Coach.). „ (Goods) .. .. .. .. .. 270 4 338 4,702 22,473 46,834 141,767 .. .. .. .. 159,857 16 9 1,989 6 11 2,337 4 11 164,184 8 7 443 40 1,230 451 90,616 89,206 90,356 „ (Goods) Newmarket 2,884 4,589 22,102 57,499 87,074 6,014 19 19 2,963 701 4,616 7,782 18 1 1,189 2 10 325 11 8 114 15 6 6,780 6 10 99 10 1 1,447 11 8 17,739 16 8 8 . 38 224 10 870 4 867 Newmarket Mount Eden .. 645 1,529 17,320 43,281 62,775 2,382 229 14 663 20 3,922 10,467 1,645 3,573 10 3 708 6 6 67 17' 8 34 9 10 4,042 4 11 125 16 4 429 12 8 8,981 18 2 2,290 28 418 26'l94 27 206 8 024 Mount Eden Avondale 322 803 23,669 84,051 108,845 29,124 920 256 13 27 67 35,600 1,480 4,017 15 1 3,854 10 0 150 10 11 11 17 11 6,191 12 7 4 19 11 49 2 6 14,280 8 11 335 .. 41 5 '736 5,'559 2,'866 Avondale. Henderson 353 632 11,983 45,601 58,5691 7,071 449 174 6,022 413 7,995 566 3,463 3,718 0 10 1,273 12 4 399 14 7 12 2 3 2,263 14 6 11 4 0 46 0 0 7,724 8 6 422 8 3,485 12 3 948 7 759 4 012 Henderson Helens ville .. 3,033 3,543 16,195 24,519 47,290 428 6,203 969 22,095 2,168 11,166 177 6,301 6,762 9 5 343 3 5 1,218 17 2 36 13 7 7,877 6 11 105 18 11 143 9 8 16,487 19 1 2,259 869 10,177 138 3,'761 10,'025 14*590 HelensviUe. Wellsford 465 198 3,810 4,724 9,197 87 9,416 48 12,414 219 623 13 734 2,243 18 11 47 2 6 187 5 0 12 19 3 4,092 19 2 11 0 2 17 14 8 6,612 19 8 2,006 1,459 5,864 8 1 755 1 488 2*513 Wellsford Ranganui .. 326 182 1,249 854 ' 2,611 729 .. 2,101 727 5 457 1,211 0 10 .. 34 3 10 6 12 7 814 4 11 548 18 6 1 0 0 2,616 0 8 1,781 1,676 8,609 .. 476 3,035 2,419 Ranganui. Remuera .. 872 1,631 3,057 10,707 16,267 3,042 j 546 66 134 4 54 27 40 551 0 4 1,014 9 4 98 9 1 2 14 5 320 19 1 1 2 6 141 17 6 2,130 12 3 1,084 88 662 76 727 1,648 154 Remuera. Green Lane .. 1,828 5,778 12,251 42,451 62,308. 8,456 .. .. 88 34 36 1,906 5 8 1,655 4 2 18 5 11 8 11 2 106 7 5 2 2 7 9 12 6 3,706 9 5 .. .. .. .. ! 735 2 369 351 Green Lane Ellerslie .. 1,284 4,837 14,988 41,811 62,920 9,927 8 1 .. 73 170 2,437 5 5 1,960 8 6 1,144 7 2 7 8 4 124 6 11 3 16 11 50 16 4 5,728 9 7 44 98 401 1 251 939 Ellerslie Penrose Junotion .. 405 1,581 7,732 18,087 27,805 2,430 995 773 10,103 478 14 7,013 38,076 1,287 19 7 425 14 11 83 18 5 9 14 4 10,195 13 6 496 5 0 4 10 0 12,503 15 9 32,088 1,677 144,302 11,494' 1,740 14 715 7 142 Penrose Junction Onehunga Town] .. 1,214 682 11,878 13,144 26,918 5,754 2 .. 967 1,397 1,181 1,828 10 9 1,252 8 4 70 19 2 16 19 4 1,230 17 6 13 14 9 67 10 0 4,480 19 10 4 102 12,108 4,702 2,567 Onehunga Town. Wharf .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 16; .. 121 5,413 13,602 17,909 .. .. 19 10 9 2 15 3 6,942 4 3 576 19 2 .. 7,541 9 5 19 14 516 .. 6,330 10,064! 25,489 „ Wharf. Otahuhu .. .. 764 2,508 12,921 59,574 75,767 7,257 2,547 527 23,142 4,228 27 1,044 23,842 4,799 11 9 1,266 10 7 190 1 7 32 19 7 14,067 17 4 36 3 7 7 18 0 20,401 2 5 6,751 196 41,612 5,476 4,107 31,139 10,283 Otahuhu. Papatoetoe .. 307 1,384 5,501 28,368 35,560 2,088 394 169 1,653 .. 184 66 1,272 2,367 0 6 834 1 0 940 15 7 14 7 0 639 18 524 790 4,807 17 1 3,644 61 5,804 29 3,294 4,673 2,554 Papatoetoe. Papakura 408 1,326 8,327 44,394 54,455 2,164 1,207 349 12,803 1,051 385 26 1,534 4,827 9 7 646 10 4 961 7 0 34 1 4 1,229 13 1 8 0 2 7 16 10 7,714 18 4 482 20 7,157 21 5,847 3,062 5,073 Papakura. Drury .. 192 274 3,864 8,189 12,519 189 277 257 4,690 646 39 330 2,438 1,359 16 4 128 3 0 440 8 1 11 12 9 938 11 3 10 12 10 16 3 0 2,905 7 3 119 30 2,880 26 994 705 1 246 Drury. Pukekohe .. .. 1,151 1,588 12,679 18,796 34,214 301 7,071 2,050 8,146 4,690 590 50 9,639 6,883 1 2 165 15 0 626 5 6 69 4 11 7,432 10 0 46 5 1 478 8 6 15,701 10 2 2,204 544 9,339 738 7,610 12,154 9,914 Pukekohe. Tuakau 492 300 4,950 8,478 14,220 250j 1,414 25 21,581 1,475 41 132 1,645 2,443 10 7 148 3 9 609 6 5 18 17 10 1,709 3 7 36 0 6 68 15 0 5,033 17 8' 638 260 17,431 165 2,228 1 218 3 784 Tuakau Pokeno 111 170 2,697 4,673 7,651 48 1,116 311 5,011 883 15 15 751 1,144 15 3 53 10 5 338 4 10 7 5 6 728 18 4 19 19 11 6 18 0 2,299 12 3 465 158 1,753 248 1,408! 1,083 3,127 Pokeno. Mercer .. 710 734 9,376 9,781 20,601 113 3,092 142 10,038 1,634 22,151 7,417 5,795 4.238 0 9 93 5 1 473 16 5 26 3 10 7,526 6 10 39 9 11 531 8 4 12,928 11 2 1,425 521 12,465 443 5,736! 6 091 3 814 Mercer. Huntly 610, 674 18,150 14,012 33,446 51 1,202 215 10,265 355 879 223,574 2,155 5,629 17 10 31 10 6 793 2 0 36 2 10 89,121 8 8 465 12 11 150 2 0 96,227 16 9 1,406 1,013 6,885 232 5 129 2 901 7 889 Huntlv Taupiri 155 116 2,925 3,545 6,741 6 2,126 89 4,376 1,286 20,116 27 1,019 1,138 11 10 29 8 9 255 19 6 10 10 6 2,780 3 4 13 11 9 1 5 0 4,229 10 8 1,084 121 4,470 30 1,413 '787 2,'492 Taupiri. Ngaruawahia .. I i .. 898 755 11,213 8,163 21,029 296 2,124 745 20,595 3,505 79 91,595 10,559 3,977 7 8 180 0 11 274 14 9 66 2 1 52,567 18 10 928 11 9 61 8 0 58,056 4 0 7,993 353 53,510 2,449 8,268 2 309 8 824 Ngaruawahia Frankton Junction] .. 5,288 3,015 50,336 30,216 88,855 194 17,864 1,980 57,297 9,707 177 88 8,622 29,761 14 6 579 5 8 879 8 8 404 15 9 12,154 10 3 158 11 6 621 10 6 44,559 16 10 6,328 466 27,980 17,301 8,738 12 399 7 105 Frankton Junotion Hamilton .. 3,329 1,931 29,543 13,726 48,529 466 1,622 426 18,144 4,581 2,901 972 10,698 9,995 19 8 903 1 5 1,105 2 1 320 4 5 10,588 5 4 95 9 3 1,197 9 5 24,205 11 7 1,301 162 6,150 609 44 316 14 454 15 378 Hamilton. Cambridge 1,310 665 11,568 11,475 25,018 109 3,376 344 9,368 1,997 731 125 2,245 5,704 19 10 137 5 9 824 17 8 72 4 0 2,946 15 11 31 1 6 206 10 8 9,923 15 4 2,216 170 15,197 268 13,554 11,972 10!506 Cambridge. Morrinaville .. 1,026 906 14,215 17,102 33,249 264 9,647 1,326 46,706 6,632 894 134 6,224 6,078 10 0 284 7 2 1,307 4 8 73 5 9 8,018 15 5 60 11 0 157 16 0 15,980 10 0 2,220 410 21,178 3,935 17,486 10 888 8 904 Morrinsville Matamata .. 513 341 5,846 6,725 13,425 11 6,713 663 26,863 2,775 154 52 2*920 3,845 18 8 49 0 0 1,857 11 7 35 5 0 4,689 17 1 48 14 3 48 0 0 10,574 6 7 2,399 386 25,164 332 13,773 4 940 8 477 Matamata Putaruru .. .. 438 172 5,029 5,051 10,690 38 679 338 2,800 477 87,323 10 2,264 3,130 13 0 173 14 3 278 9 1 18 9 11 11,878 11 4 32 1 6 78 14 8 15,590 13 9 1,303 171 17,459 108 1,783 1,294 7 164 Putaruru. Mamaku .. .. 94 227 2,010 3,768 6,099 164 6,526 84 5,427 62 55,315 349 3,052 1,252 17 3 85 16 2 92 5 8 8 11 0 11,828 1 1 2 10 10 21 10 0 13,291 12 0 780 85 63 12 776 1 738 1 006 Mamaku Rotorua 4,605 963 18,114 8,933 32,615 271 2,072 .. 20,687 92 18 3,011 1,05(1 19,420 1 4 383 5 0 834 6 7 182 11 1 4,933 2 11 30 0 9 204 19 2 25,988 6 10 4,743 751 12,490 51 7,685 4,505 7 774 Rotorua. Te Aroha .. .. 1,701 664 18,003 17,389 37,757 678 2,190 427 5,458 4,017 503 16,375 3,133 7,317 6 1 359 0 1 920 6 5 103 14 0 4,999 8 4 50 17 9 142 18 6 13,893 11 2 1,884 522 11,396 4,702 12,982 5,702 Te Aroha. > M Paeroa .. .. 1,716 1,670 17,711 20,429 41,526 1,012, 3,93ii 341 5,029 3,231 3,060 1,399 5,667 6,253 8 7 412 10 5 638 15 5 69 7 11 4,416 14 6 100 8 0 121 5 4 12,012 10 2 1,560 248 6,274 179 9 620 16 724 2 440 Paeroa Karangahake .. 243 181 4,146 9,441 14,011 375 2 3 .. 554 11,292 789 1,577 13 10 188 13 0 109 2 11 12 13 8 2,107 3 6 37 17 11 0 10 0 4,033 14 1(1 2\ 1 m 30 45 570 8!545 '762 Karangahake Waihi .. .. 1,171 988 11,569 18,575 32,303 870| 413 251 55 42 255 50 1,035 6,769 6 2 238 18 8 232 4 9 63 7 3 1,008 17 2 18 14 9 98 0 2 8,429 8 11 1 948 104 3,627 22 2 929 29 226 6 799! Waihi Thames South 1,046 586 12,130 5,567 19,329 814 15 2 .. 517 811 439 2,071 3,465 5 4 427 11 2 359 19 7 60 10 8 3,681 18 5 13 11 7 10 0 0 8,018 16 9 70 .. 937 .. 6,210 '907 l'258 Thames South Thames .. .. 926| 535 13,186 11,768 26,415 14 77 .. 147 71 714 344 1,360 3,613 5 4 150 7 6 370 13 0 60 2 2 2,575 13 0 25 7 11 31 18 6 6,827 7 5 754 67 [9,182 92 2,540 3,134 2J76 Thames. . ... Ohaupo .. 129 103 2,203 3,116 5,551 159 7,791 1,138 33,438 1,288 13 6 1,215 876 7 5 87 15 0 807 6 7 13 0 6 3,849 9 7 7 13 0 9 10 0 5,651 2 I 1,571 374 35?928 257 1,947 2,303 2 676 Ohauno Te Awamutu .. .. 1,011 506 9,859 10,043 21,419 242 4,725 621 10,432 3,364 239 561 2,279 6,428 4 5 198 10 0 2,051 16 5 71 16 11 3,537 4 11 20 15 5 32 0 0 12,340 8 1 2,887 1,425 18,472 955 10 233 14 228 7 018 Te Awamutu Otorohanga .. .. 448 306 5,715 9,673 16,142 93 3,322 399 13,134 1,318 7,928 4,610 5,327 3,338 14 7 68 16 4 490 13 4 29 5 1 4,807 10 (i 20 12 7 19 3 10 8,774 16 3 2,063 1,050 10,720 129 2 348 5 965 Otorohan-i TeKuiti 2,211 1,623 22,364 19,109 45,307 210 8,904 1,841 52,920 952 31,215 4,099 4,288 13,255 4 11 213 12 1 735 13 11 139 0 7 12,637 19 4 154 10 11 382 5 0 27,518 6 9 5,843 1,195 36,534 43 14 493 4 065 9'514 TeKuiti Ongarue .. .. 1201 67 3,272 4,278 7,737 48 3,076 94 17,692 76 5,742 383 1,200 1,586 11 9 26 8 0 263 11 11 7 0 7 3,494 18 0 4 13 5 23 0 0 5,406 3 8 3,545 2,292 17,465 27 1,488 2! 699 Ongarue.' Taringamotu .... 5 4 1,686 2,412 4,107 9 363 1 3,102 8 69,168 1,502 1,732 301 3 5 4 17 6 41 9 10 2 9 1 15,482 15 0| 204 15 0 .. 16,037 9 10 950 249 1,832 .. 143 1 434 2 279 Tarimmmotu Taumarunui .. 2,382 1,339 43,303 44,135 91,159 71 3,632 79 21,785 159 117,423 3,001 6,653 20,704 11 5 126 6 7 658 14 4 216 15 11 27,603 2 1 33 7 8 312 18 0 49,655 16 0 3,798 1,014 29,696 41 12 061 2*711 e'213 Taumlruni i' Waimarino .. 120 53 2,115 2,230 4,518 ll| 1,029 349 22,693 82 154,589 1,887 6,871 1,608 15 11 5 19 2 217 8 6 3 11 4 36,470 19 9 4 3 7 209 12 6 38,520 10 9 1,402 161 17,938 .. 11 200 l'949 3570 Waimarim, Ohakune .. 1,301 900 14,866 12,905 29,972 60 1,223 103 24,091 .. 185,069 ' 85 4,895 10,468 17 4 267 17 7 400 10 11 111 7 11 37,758 4 0 362 16 3 650 17 2 50,020 11 2 2 448 288 6,299 4 1 354 1 430 4 K8R Ohakune Rangataua 194 218 2,594 2,902 5,908 77 167 114 2,909 .. 64,470| 25 4,225 1,166 1 2 129 9 1 107 10 0 10 16 8 13,695 8 11 134 1 3 47 19 0 15,291 6 1 693 334 5,375 28 '758 '224 l!?87 Rangataua. Waiouru .. 163 143 1,155 1,767 3,228 33 695 .. 28,510 3 11,366 91 1,773 848 13 2 18 8 4 97 10 10 8 2 10 4,991 0 8 46 9 4 24 14 0 6,034 19 2 77 18 123 .. 691 ->04 1 004 Waiouru Mataroa .. 241 262 2,450 5,190 8,143 142 123 5 24,381 29 68,959 19 2,008 805 5 10 75 3 11 69 15 9 9 18 10 14,212 8 6 17 7 4 27 18 0 15,217 18 2 491 37 1,184 3 904 7 066 *948 Mataroa" Taihape 2,794 2,084 20,658 15,412 40,948 713 2,191 102 56,830 45 811 118 2,413 11,216 16 11 362 9 11 1,055 10 7 187 16 3 5,951 11 8 301 15 4 405 19 9 19,482 0 5 2,385 492 16,084 16 8,319 l'859 5 014 Taihape' Utiku 184 128 2,241 3,745 6,298 3 302 1 19,851 165 38,226 5 6,922 744 4 3 7 17 3 133 17 8 9 1 8 13,302 5 8 5 5 1 38 8 3 14,240 19 10 1,656 43 5,629 23 4,002 l'285 '896 Utiku Mangaweka .. .. 479 627 2,643 3,300 7,049 44 1,013 104 43,352 428 5,923 7,401 918 2,194 0 10 39 15 1 224 16 8 27 18 3 4,458 11 5 23 5 11 34 11 6 7,002 19 8 372 261 4,693 138 742 ' 98 1,277 Mangaweka. Ohingaiti 150 103 1,031 1,857 3,141 16 820 14 23,992 234 32 1,063 583 643 5 8 10 14 11 113 1 7 11 2 3 2,046 9 7 14 19 11 55 6 10 2,895 0 9 175 189 5,008 2 1,089 96 679 Ohingaiti. Hunterville .. .. 918 713 5,725 5,604 12,960 70 2,913 340 95,753 839 329 15 4,180 3,514 6 8 45 0 9 325 19 6 ! 51 11 5 8,384 4 7 20 7 9 39 1 6 12,380 12 2 3,574 168 10,570 460 2,606 1,585 3,471 Hunterville. Marton .. 3,707 2,415 13,729 11,573 31,424 96 1,635 142 84,796 1,079 2,179 344 14,070 11,446 8 1 147 15 10 689 17 4 312 1 6 11,398 3 0 143 110 711 12 8 24,849 0 3 428 143 15,414 307 10,797 5,517 7 335 Marton New Plymouth 7,249 2,968 39,860 19,801 69,878 644 345 140 1,742 1,575 4,089 9,603 41,955 17,873 6 7 1,064 2 7 1,192 6 8 227 11 4 23,755 19 4 1,495 14 4 483 1 5 46,092 2 3 2,327 129 20,481 11 20,911 11,703 41,230 New Plymouth. Breakwater .. .. , .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 908 6,247 22,814 .. .. .. .. 4,748 3 9 .. .. 4,748 3 9 125 .. .. .. 44 23 12,275 Breakwater. Waitara .. 1,064 525 11,377 10,975 23,941 374 660 22 2,944 1,753 493 1,240 5,919 3,582 8 5 237 12 9 143 12 4 38 7 11 3,354 8 10 33 12 9 107 4 3 7,497 7 3 4,952 151 59,349 3,255 7,819 6,269 7,099 Waitara. Inglewood 930 801 8,724 9,611 20,066 432 2,211 1,059 14,971 914 438 3,570 3,527 3,964 11 4 298 1 8 142 19 8 41 6 11 3,091 11 8 30 11 4 23 16 0 7,592 18 7 1,160 120 9,428 3,930 4,353 2,937 7,488 Inglewood. Tariki .. 84 123 2,217 . 3,514 5,938 190 77 10 2,169 1,120 .. .. 945 826 6 9 109 6 4 40 1 9 5 19 6 404 2 7 1 13 7 18 18 0 1,406 8 6 68 2 1,422 8 499 138 1,115 Tariki. Midhirst .. 104 138 3,603 4,313 8,158 261 27 .. 1,570 1,737 11 9,727 1,577 1,031 2 4 152 19 6 22 1 8 6 19 4 1,927 10 6 6 0 8 16 6 0 3,163 0 0 51 18 950 9 945 392 1,783 Midhirst. Stratford 2,696 1,58* 19,472 16,238 39,994 570 5,862 487 26,856 5.561 1,672 189 6,52K 8,336 7 5 382 15 4 537 18 9 150 19 10 6,411 14 2 112 7 7 907 1 5 16,839 4 6 2 386 125 17,441 231 7,450 3,774 10,693 Stratford. Te Wera 88 170 1,072 1,436 2,772 49 545 140 8,989 494 4,978 .. 509 547 I 5 65 12 3 347 9 8 4 7 11 1,246 5 6 18 19 0 9 11 0 2,239 6 9 ' 734 85 10,761 29 2,430 1,967 1,986 Te Wera. Whangamomona 547 680 5,086 9,964 16,283 40 2,485 19 11,538 48 385 52 45,'! 3,308 13 6 26 0 0 66 5 11 20 15 4 1,637 8 5 106 16 0 .. 5,165 19 2 2,436 519 12.422 36 1,677 10,436 1,548 Whangamomona. Eltham .. .. 1,302 1,202; 11,196 13.3S7 27,087 305 1,217 454 11,947 6,598 4,272 4,934 7,949 6,455 8 2 190 6 5 251 19 4 91 2 3 7,071 8 8 42 16 0 178 7 8 14,281 8 6 881 44 2,724 1,250 28,391 4,642 9,967 Eltham. Normanby .. .. 127 80 4,358 4,420 8,997 101 479 350 2,654 1,972 4 42 3,120 1,411 17 5 55 16 10 67 1 6 15 7 5 1,496 17 ] 48 1 11 14 0 0 3,109 2 2 522 64 2,118 2 1,579 1,742 2,567 Normanby. Hawera .. .. 3,986 3,154 31,859 30,186 69,185 332 12,063 1,486 61,845 7,765 2,478 222 11,990 17,315 15 6 566 5 2 1,205 5 9 224 2 1 11,847 2 8 110 7 2 82 19 2 31,351 17 6 2,680 309 33,676 5,152 31,371 16,991 20,182 Hawera. Patea.. .. .. 841 920 5,049 6,360 13,170 83 2,189 978 18,824 2,870 412 2,552 9,255 3,356 7 8 144 2 3 206 13 1 40 15 2 9,722 8 10 298 7 9 155 11 2 13.924 5 11 L724 1,141 12,068 54 6,660 9,316 16,395 Pateu. Waverley .. .. 650 028 3,600 4,154 9,032 65 3,381 182 49,026 884 92 80 1,507 2,529 9 8 49 19 7 182 0 10 35 18 0 3,268 5 0 20 2 8 6 10 0 6,092 5 9 978 145 17,809 9 3,762 2,942 2,330 Waverley. Waitotara .. .. 307 190 1,971 3,509 5,983 114 2,445 214 59,590 149 72 17 958 1,286 10 7 109 12 6 167 6 9 18 17 2 3,410 9 0 28 4 11 3 10 0 5,024 10 11 321 76 16,994 95 2,170 878 1,709 Waitotara. Kai Iwi .. .. 79 04 1,7521 1,586, 3,481 40 574 112 37,588 327 .. 6 999 412 13 2 22 12 10 229 9 9 9 3 8 1,885 14 7 8 16 10 5 5 0 2,573 15 10 160 129 8,507 16 1,035 1,461 1,417 Kai Iwi. Aramoho .. .. 1,861 982 8,602 5,085 16,530 43 697 793 19,855 784 472 5,996 1,561 5,267 8 6 14 3 4 212 12 11 113 8 7 3,432 16 2 12 8 0 263 3 10 9,316 1 4 508 18 6,926 327 6,682 1,357 2,487 Aramoho. Wanganui .. .. 10,312 5,328 45,953 27,260 88,853 200 3,702 566 50,774 72 5,230 1,697 14,595 29,636 12 11 1,524 4 0 2,433 14 7 671 15 4 20,875 7 1 3,065 12 1 1,562 9 5 59,769 15 5 9 940 763 275,433 633 78,681 21,163 21,556 Wanganui. Wharf .. .. .. 63 .. 329 17,910 19,568 .. .. .. .. 13,208 8 2 2,837 1 1 .. 16,045 9 3 91 2 .. .. 25,060 597 3,660 „ Wharf. District Office .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,389 7 0 .. 1,389 7 0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. „ D.O.

D. —2.


RETURN No. 12 —continued. Statement of Revenue for each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1917 —continued.

OUTWARD. INWARD. I . j j j j | I Number of Tickets. Stations. Number Timber, ! Timber, Stations. First- First- Second- Second- Season Cattle - Calves. Sheep. Pigs. Superficial 1 Minerals - Goods. Passengers. Ticket". Parcels, &c. Goods. Miscellaneous, commission. forwarded 6 Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Pigs. Minerals. Goods. class class class class Total. Tickets. Feet Feet. Single. Return. Single. Return. : : ! I L_ ; ' : \ 1 1 1 _ _J I 111' I I 1 I ! I I North Island Main North Island Main Lines Lines & Branches and Branches—continued. Tons. Tons. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Tons. Tons. —continued. Fordell .. 434 245 3,303 1,871 5,853 37 826 138 27,004 431 65 5,448 1,712 909 0 0 18 4 6 207 16 3 1 16 10 5 2,692 14 11 13 7 8 4 10 0 3,862 3 9 | 485 22 4,312 2 2,359 866 1,446 Fordell. Turakina .. .. 328 162 3,441 2,761 6,692 159 1,285 560 29,084 184 1,533 272 2,312 1,104 10 1 96 7 1 180 18 2 18 17 9 2,556 12 7 8 3 5 2 10 0 3,967 19 1 713 42 8,466 36 2,094 603, 1,702 Turakina. Greatford .. .. 563 377 2,635 2,533 6,108 45 1,227 231 36,132 52 122 126 2,801 1,306 1 1 15 0 4 137 16 8 25 14 4 3,158 18 9 17 1 6 12 7 6 4,673 0 2 ' 273 125 14,830 .. 1,748 1,822) 1,884 Greatford. Halcombe .. .. 253 195 2,869 5,368 8,685 72 400 16 36,640 184 114 .. 1,662 1,085 14 10 49 9 8 140 5 8 16 0 8 2,224 14 5 3 5 10 35 3 6 3,554 14 7| 272 49 9,858 8 2,248 430! 1,356 Halcombe. Feilding .. .. 4,177 2,930 20,250 21,406 48,763 223 8,653 342 179,644 1,593 976 738 8,545 13.304 14 11 219 3 10 964 2 3| 282 3 8 17,759 15 5 68 6 9 276 5 0 32,874 11 10111,715 505 96,687 1,900; 19,704 5,837 11,567 Feilding. Palmerston North 12,981 9,175 89,487 67,292 178,935 639 6,029 877 41,309 1,210 4,674 3,301 21,459 50,810 13 8 1,936 6 0 2,991 1 ti 1,414 11 3 24,170 14 0 176 5 8 918 0 7 82,417 12 8 4,309 383 28,516 2,051 56,492 15,149 34,385 Palmerston Korth. Ashhurst .. .. 344 166 5,721 6,087 12,318 62 690 159 28,932 492 995 95 1,588 1,540 7 4 36 19 1 151 7 7 29 13 5 2,644 16 2 10 17 3 79 15 2 4,493 16 0 236 3 2,459 .. 5,626 2,154 1,616 Ashhurst. Longburn .. 368j 761 8,389 15,050 24,568 91 7,443 434 83,455 1,360 127 2,313 22,835 2,017 0 10 5 14 7 399 12 4 19 15 8 17,693 12 3' 17 11 8 75 14 11] 20,229 2 3 3,721 844 46,232' 91 1,716 5,751 3,957 Longburn. Foxton .. .. 552 1 639 12,864 10,677 24,732 96 1 263 33 4,755 445 1,196 2,778 14,039 3,048 10 3 64 18 11 246 3 8 28 2 10 14,200 15 4 956 14 7 293 15 0! 18,839 0 7 830 87i 4,966 162 13,148 9,607 19,107 Foxton. . Shannon .. 509] 435 6,708 10,598 18,250 8 1,602 99 24,750 1,203 161 42 8,680 3,626 8 4 5 19 3 488 7 6 51 17 4 6,062 12 7 25 18 1 10 15 01 10,271 18 1 1,086 236 8,926 314 5,025 3,338 4,826 Shannon. Levin.. .. .. 1,042 973 8,635 10,300 20,950 119 3,707 642 32,235 2,521 208 603 4,241 5,380 12 11 69 13 0 959 7 6 90 13 7 4,583 6 4 22 9 2 26 0 0 11,132 2 6 913 13 23,076 169 7,502 1,821 4,936 Levin. Otaki.. .. .. 910 843 7,496 6,202 15,451 125 3,749 145 24,504 572 979 3 3,359 3,731 19 3 96 18 10 2,189 16 8 57 6 2 3,812 1 6 18 16 5 267 6 3 10,174 5 1 635 65] 8,135 65 1,950] 1,504 4,573 Otaki. Paekakariki .. .. 1,209 3,317 9,443 25,716 39,685 93 1,720 105 26,279 359 4,239 853 1,884 4,805 14 9 69 7 4 1,615 12 5 18 9 6 2,605 17 3 11 8 6 425 7 6 9,551 17 3 300 67 4,800 73' 3,059 3,074 3,556 Paekakariki. Johnsonville .. 897 4,403 7,220 41,499 54,019, 8,625 738 642 17,210 50 96 95 527 3,547 18 6 1,692 1 9 248 0 8 20 12 3 920 17 8 6 9 1 31 15 6 6,467 15 5 7,936 852 48,368 844 2,332 3,339 1,612 Johnsonville. Thorndon (Coaching) .. 20,815 30,882 72,706 154,884 279,287 8,215 .. .. .. .. ,. ,. .. 105,469 6 0 3,877 7 10 10,604 16 6 2,532 18 9 Cr. 142 18 1 98 13 9 424 5 0 122,864 9 9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Thomdon (Coach'g). Lambton (Coaching) .. 22,087 69,605 97,805 224,120 413,617 10,682 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 43,445 13 8 7,026 13 0 2,283 19 6 2,789 1 1 Or. 31 5 7 287 9 4 571 11 0 56,373 2 0 .. ..I .. .. .. .. .. Lambton „ Wellington (Goods) .. .. .. .. .. .. 631 20 1,544 173 ig,977 72,785 109,238 .. .. .. .. 157,175 17 3 2,421 3 8 789 3 11 160,386 4 10 977 8 1,489 .. 91,347 26,290 134,386 Wellington (Goods). (Wharf) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 162 439 .. .. .. 48 17 11 .. .. 48 17 11 .. .. .. .. 95] 7,936 „ (Wharf). Central Booking-office .. 3,830 4,869 3,459 7,850: 20,008 2,891 .. .. .. .. . . ., .. 32,783 19 0 10,712 18 11 .. .. .. 61 14 5 ' 43,558 12 4 .. .. .. .. .. .. Central Bk'g Office. Te Aro .. .. 380 11,216 3,568 24,723 39,887 5,884 .. .. .. .. .. 3,359 3 2 757 9 8 6 18 11 7 17 4 Or. 2 18 4 6 12 0 .. , 4,135 2 9.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Te Aro. Ngahauranga .. 324 1,187 4,553 12,551 18,615, 1,901 21 .. 333 62 103 225 14,905 ; 574 1 3 266 2 7 12 1 9 3 10 8 4,086 1 11 Cr. 0 4 0 .. 4,941 14 2 13,661 463 452,655 47,572 152 6,924 2,110 Ngahauranga. Petone .. .. 2,360 18,368 20,852 116,009 157,589 33,631 310 69 7,564 54 177 261 24,035 8,309 9 7 5,109 2 1 191 18 5 110 17 10 7,779 12 4 48 1 2 69 1 10 21,618 3 3 14,468 1,166 586,198 979 20,156 16,743 2,099 Petone. Lower Hutt .. 3,940 17,608 19,306 86,728 127,582 26,510 70 .. 185 51 356 35,293 951 8,040 13 5 4,990 11 4 1,725 3 2 147 6 2 6,003 17 9 13 19 7 52 16 8 20,974 8 1 95 157 86 11,466 3,585 9,223 Lower Hutt. Upper Hutt .. .. 2,629 25,585 25,079 294,992 348,285] 2,999 1,562 20 9,832 1,374 5,393 5,985 2,138 21,881 9 1 828 18 11 1,440 12 7 40 10 2 3,465 11 5 227 6 11 92 4 4 27,976 13 5 1,322 37 3,966 1,773] 8,619 7,564 8,994 Upper Hutt. Kaitoke .. .. 125 90 2,155 927 3,297 .. 1 .. 5 681 3,789 267 17 2 .. 105 5 1 0 18 3 571 18 0 0 18 3 445 6 0 1,392 2 9 10 650 254 31 440 Kaitoke. Featherston .. 3,952 9,775 11,764 106,259 131,750 123 4,619 273 136,584 3,681 6,548 13 7,822 17,734 8 3 77 11 4 1,350 17 0 192 10 2 10,373 17 8 1,861 7 2 149 8 10 31,740 0 5 378 57 10,616 1,355 17,917 7,412 19,815 Featherston. Greytown .. .. 1,047 1,151 4,214 3,904 10.316 68 51 81 9,491 101 2 1,610 2,299 13 8 38 8 8 201 6 11 32 2 7 1,112 4 3 6 6 6 10 0 0 3,700 2 7 15 44 2,762 170 1,298 1,285 2,003 Greytown. Carterton .. .. 1,742 1,420 8,793 5,999 17,954 70 2,270 320 89,567 1,213 244 561 17,641 4,323 2 2 45 4 4 323 13 8 106 0 9 18,460 4 4 32 19 9 93 0 0 23,384 5 0 2,551 6 79,261 1,468 9,058 2,653 5,250 Carterton. Masterton .. .. 6,556 6,292 24,956 23,818 61,622 1,639 3,436 493 129,888 348 3,375 1,413 11,808 17,754 15 3 942 14 11 906 6 11 288 15 10 14,961 19 1 119 9 1 368 10 0 35,342 11 1 1,414 34 17,254 240 25,927 17,703 16,164 Masterton. Mauriceville .. .. 144 97 1,198 2,558 3,997 11 156 25 10,167 570 29 58 1,869 720 2 3 7 0 4 188 3 9 10 15 2 1,449 9 6 1 8 1 33 19 10 2,410 18 11 91 8 1,265 341 798 495 751 Maui iceville. Eketahuna .. .. 1,042 800 4,620 4,091 10,553 23] 1,933 299 72,317 754 56 5 2,717 3,294 6 6 14 11 2 197 10 7 55 18 10 5,310 16 3 29 3 9 22 0 7 8,924 7 8 520 97 7,303 185 2,332 515 3,463 Eketahuna. Hukanui .. 82 102 1,425 2,227 3,836 6 472 2 6,103 1,405 721 26 3,010 749 14 1 3 6 2 90 11 9 9 6 7 1,704 6 6 6 13 11 32 0 3 2,595 19 3 78 62 872 12 1,135 242 1,052 Hukanui. Pahiatua .. .. 1,504 866 6,222 4,705 13,297 26 3,075 393 83,159 1,781 51 28 2,878 4,357 5 4 37 18 10 258 0 9 69 19 10 7,290 10 9 27 3 4 94 16 1 12,135 14 11 912 135 6,433 235 5,614 1,700 5,738 Pahiatua. Mangatainoka .. .. 189 129 1,300 1,585 3,203 11 299 86 8,979 1,291 1 8 1,694 933 18 8 4 13 164 13 6 16 15 8 2,609 19 1 7 13 8 51 10 1 3,788 11 11 148 20 1,027 363 1,292 434 1,509 Mangatainoka. Woodville .. .. 1,835 1,246 11,733 12,646 27,460 30 1,509 86 35,051 1,052 70 71 5,471 6,0)1 1 3 95 8 6 627 10 9 103 11 11 6,342 18 8 46 11 9 730 19 10 13,958 2 8; 511 32 3,077 5,109 2,376 1,603 3,124 Woodville. Dannevirke .. .. 3,124 1,835 18,034 12,690 35,683 515 1,783 51 133,567 846 2,167 210 8,722 9,919 18 4 452 4 8 648 2 0 198 16 4 13,367 0 2 30 17 7 81 16 11 24.698 16 6 1,062 144 8,133 166 9,031 3,229 9,165 Dannevirke. Makotuku .. .. 197 131 2,198 3,988 6,514 43 1,913 118 46,697 1 1,615 81 2,896 901 8 0 17 4 9 58 3 9 12 3 4 | 2,811 1 10 0 17 6 21 15 0! 3,822 14 2 942 1 9,366 .. 623 125 649 Makotuku. Ormondville .. 362 302 3,207 4,857 8,728 35 480 2 22,609 230 .1,252 .. 1,675 1,748 17 11 30 14 6 91 2 11 26 2 6 2,476 10 2 5 13 0 25 11 I0| 4,404 12 10 351 30 1,178 4 1,312 90 1,582 Ormondville. Takapau .. .. 616 305 3,312 4,331 8,564 98 1,334 23 86,631 10 3,730 22 4,701 2,166 5 9 51 15 5 182 2 11 33 18 3 6,451 13 9 10 11 7 17 14 6 8,914 2 2 1,005 104 9,162 51 3,062 547 2,350 Takapau. Waipukurau 2,596 1,675 13,418 13,518 31,207 148 3,071 157 110,945 32 5,322 10 3,948 6,045 11 6 139 16 7 268 5 10 83 1 10 6,928 0 11 33 9 6 534 15 10 14,034 2 0 2,527 416 28,566 10 7,611 1,259 5,327 Waipukurau. Waipawa .. .. 1,626 1,100 6,373 6,673 15,772 26 305 3 49,650 23 215 1,832 2,642 3,738 16 7 64 10 3 235 7 6 50 8 4 3,172 11 9 22 10 7 22 2 6 7,306 7 6 207 36 1,433 14 2,105 1,230 3,494 Waipawa. Otane .. .. 535 341 2,862 4,273 8,011 109 418 6 52,188 10 6,877 1 1,434 1,369 1 7 60 5 8 96 4 0 19 0 0 2,508 2 2 8 16 9 1 10 0 4,063 0 2 665 121 8,675 .. 2,923 1,268 2,308 Otane. Opapa .. .. 79 130 1,217 1,651 3,077 6 1,889 75 69,137 50 708 1,003 1,141 464 6 2 13 10 0 72 9 10 5 0 10 5,027 4 2 1 7 5 23 10 0 5,607 8 5 102 .. 2,598 .. 1,241 4,388 1,083 Opapa. Hastings .. .. 7,499 14,470 34,614 73,680 130,263 1,900 504 4 6,578 521 1,584 403 15,657 24,039 4 2 1,397 18 2 2,665 16 10 381 19 9 12,580 17 5 118 9 8 1,660 4 0 42,844 10 0 5,388 205 107,595 311 29,502 21,206 15,966 Hastings. Faradon .. .. 478 1,596 2,692 10,703 15,469 384 48 1 649 .. .. 99 14,556 1,186 16 4 117 8 3 174 9 2 19 5 7 5,196 11 154 2 11 0 6,697 16 9 4,359 85 155,384 470 2,766 640 1,144 Farndon. Napier .. .. 10,448 14,978 30,462 56,228 112,116 2,460 97 .. 109 52 814 5,061 3,765 34,865 7 8 2,168 2 6 1,710 7 10 554 0 5 5,708 14 3 75 7 0 331 13 8 45,413 13 4 157 1 907 92 18.299 11,943 4,727 Napier. Port Ahuriri .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 101 2 3,318 .. 1,302 23,688 22,259 .. .. 72 7 3 .. 18,245 11 1 543 8 3 39 0 0 18,900 6 7 1,829 3 50,522 .. 19,230 2,528 30,905 Port Ahuriri. Chief Acoountant .. 4,760 3,660 40,83lj 40,420 89,671 550 .. .. .. .. ., 79,804 17 4 10,102 11 10 .. 37,421 10 0 .. 22,721 17 0 20,002 5 6 170,053 1 8.. .. | .. .. .. .. Chief Accountant. Totals .. .. 250,155 371,272 1,638,2222,902,627 5,162,276 223,044 251,079 32,860 3,111,545 133,898 1,121,935 731,298 948,002 1,090,676 7 5 97,604 0 9 82,603 0 4 58,060 11 41,260,332 0 1 48,347 15 4 45,456 12 8 2,683,080 7 11 251,079 32,86o| 3,111,545 133,898 1,121,935 731,298 948,002 Totals. Whangarei Section — Whanuarei Section— Onerahi .. .. 5,293 100 15,135 6,567 27,095 155 2 1 2 .. 140 486 5,316 1,021 1 3 66 2 6 29 7 3 7 15 8 2,965 3 1 286 0 8 6 3 8 4,381 14 1 | 2 51 .. 40,639 94,198 5,219 Onerahi. Whangarei .. 8,456 2,294 37,070 18,330 66.150 1,206 691 256 4,810 395 3,836 2,098 5,578 1 10 356 14 2 302 18 5 88 15 9 1,794 12 3 22 11 5 171 19 2 8,315 13 0 4,053 86 15,947' 276 8,445 2,510 2,804 Whangarei. Hikurangi 430 274 5,363 7,413 13,480 399 1,790 135 3,524 262 42,468 93,962 5,277 1,273 6 1 224 3 7 115 19 5 5 13 5 18,692 1 7 115 13 I 81 5 0 20,508 2 2 38 7 522 161 8,573 2,384 4,298 Hikurangi. Otiria.. .. 414 100 1,887 1,719 4,120 .. 2,936 4 9,315 161 104.427 4,743 2,530 527 7 1 360 12 2 4 7 4 6,764 0 3 4 13 6 3 15 0 7,664 15 4 903 154 3,124 8 5,520 1,036 2,445 Otiria. Kaikohe .. .. 895 397 3,270 4,561 9,123 .. 463 10 4,839 22 233 .. 389 1,656 4 3 .. 39 2 7 9 0 9 603 14 0 1 10 I 0 10 10 2,310 2 6 802 188 2,805 .. 1,288; 774 2,449 Kaikohe. Kawakawa .. .. 1,356 551 5,807 1,981 9,695 12 3 94 46,927 261 898 1,085 9 9 7 1 6 195 14 3 5 14 11 2,055 4 2 0 19 6 4 10 0 3,354 14 1 55 1 36 84,359', 541 2,536 Kawakawa. Opua.. .. .. 1,218 575 7,188 5,671 14.652 70 37 37 984 .. 5,432 130 4,467 2,204 4 6 15 15 0 39 8 I 4 0 7 2,732 4 8 319 13 8 48 5 0 5,363 11 6 71 5 1,083 .. 51,198 1,975 1,224 Opua. District Office .. .. .. .. .. 324 324 5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 55 0 0 343 3 8 .. 740 0 0 .. Cr. 10 18 10 93# 11 7 2,066 16 5 .. .. .. .. .. .. District Office. Totals ., .. 18,062 4,291 75.720 46,566 144,639 1,847 5,922 443 23,568 445 200,022 103,418 20,975 13,400 14 9 1,013 0 5 1,083 2 2 865 8 5 35,607 0 0 740 3 I 1.25# 0 3 53,965 9 1 5,922 443 23,568 445 . 200,022 103,418 20,975 Totals. I • I 1 T I * Kaihu Section— Kaiht Section— Dargaville .. .. 497 641 9,737 5,212 16,087 39 8 .. 66 .. 1,797 145 1,583 1,210 15 5 58 8 4 46 7 6 19 6 9 903 6 1 66 5 4 10 0 0 2,314 9 5 9 12 7 77,521 8 1,279 Dargaville. Kaihu •• 143 88 2,152 1,828 4,211 .. 9 12 7 77,521 8 1,279 427 6 5 .. 223 5 ti 1 17 7 3,033 19 0 18 18 5 87 10 0 3,792 16 11 8 .. 66 .. 1,797 145 1,583' Kaihu. District Offioe . .. .. .. .. 132 132 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 18 0 65 17 10 .. 200 0 0 .. .. 89 11 1 370 6 11 .. .. .. .. .. • • District Offioe. Totals ... .. 640 729 ll,889j 7,172 20,430 39 17 .. 78 7 79,318 153 2,862 1,652 19 10 124 6 2 269 13 0 221 4 4 3,937 5 1 85 3 9 187 1 1 6,477 13 3 17 .. 78 7 79,318 153 2,862| Totals. Gisbokne Section — Gimbobke Section— UiBborne .. .. 4,064 1,120 28,925 13,635 47,744 183 85 5 3,497 .. 3,869 2,161 5,387 4,333 17 7 112 15 4 322 14 10 105 12 9 3,943 15 8 195 8 2 298 7 10 9,312 12 3 474 3 76,279 391 42,955 28,444 11,327 Gisborne. Te Karaka .. 1,162 467 5,665 3.578 10,872 28 389 4 81,808 303 2,911 28,436 9,101 1,301 8 11 17 4 7 262 6 4 7 13 0 7,236 2 9 1 15 8 41 9 6 8,868 0 9 34 3 3,742 .. 6,329 1,907 3.387 Te Karaka. Matawai 1,798 . 1,314 4,236 4,296 11,644 1 393 2 19.490 89 44.086 16 3,161 2,678 8 10 1 0 1 75 14 8 15 4 11 5.663 4 11 101 1 2 10 0 0 8,544 14 7 359 5 24,774 1 1,582 262 2,935 Matawai. Distriot Offioe . .. .. • .. .. .. .. 1 .. .. .. .. 32 14 0 103 16 4 .. 440 0 0 45 18 1 622 17 1 1,245 5 6.. .. .. .. •• District Offioe. Totals .. .. 7,024 2,901 38,826 21,509 70,260 213 867 11 104,795 392 50,866 30,613 17,649 8,346 9 4 234 16 4 660 15 10i 568 10 8| 16,843 3 5] 344 3 1 972 14 5 27,970 13 1 867 11 104,795 392 50,866 30,613 17.649 Totals.



RETURN No. 12 —continued. Statement of Revenue for each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1917—continued.

5—D 2.

0UTWABD INWABD. Number op Tickets. Stations. Number Timber, Timb ssr as- s o e rr- T . w . s Cftt,,e . calveB - Sheep - PiRS - Minera18 ' & & Parcels ' &c - «. <**>*•• csssjss, <***.. am 8 W p . **. -«—* °*« station6 ' Single. Return. Single. Beturn. I Peet - South Island Main Lines 1*1 H and Branches — Tons. Tons. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s d £sd£«d£sd £sd couth Island Main Lyttelton .. •• 28,115 36,636 41,649 86,485 192,885 10,637 471 11 24,807 892 231,513 157,799 189,024 17,779 10 2 2,344 4 8 818 7 3 129 6 0 102,306 9 210,974 12 10 1,514 2 9 135,866 12 10 517 18 6,911 822 10 851 "'7'648 177 944 Lines & Branches- „ Wharf .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8.149 5,316 10,749 ... 1 70 f, i»; 3 1 i 706 16 3 1 141 9'a*A ° M7™lton. Heathcote .. .. 677 2,446 2,510 18,167 23,800| 2,526 37 8 2,715 862 10 5 501 1 3 3o' 8 6 5 11 8 '790 14 9 10 13 11 8o"2 6 3 0 !! Slfil " 437 2 All I'llt W 11 , JST :: :: % 2 !« IS S i:2 ..' .. 1 :: .. M .!•" «•"? g,J J g.g j «;j •»» «.«■}} ;»» » • 1 •«»; • :: » ».S! MS «:£ SOC 1 Opawa. Christcliurch (Coaching).. 45,457 62,042 116,537 207,279 431,315 22,152 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 91,217 17 0 8,086 15 0 9,599 7 10 3,927 17 7 Cr. 112 6 10 206 19 2 523 10 10 113,450 0 8.... .. . , 1, /ru. > " ,. (GOOd8 L,-\ •• •• ' 157 2 14 ■' 21 ' 41 ° 3,21,5 72>827 •• •• •• 55,834 10 1 2,457 11 10,1,326 0 10 59 618 2 9 494 14 83 5 134 127 92 133 157 876 rPnnl " (District Office) .. .. ! .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 110 3 0 .. .. 110 3 0.. i ' M.liJ 157,876 „ (Goods). Addington .. 405 646 4,241 4,469 9,761 2,239 5,586 635 222,253 5,705 6,203 424 26,831 1,295 1 4 241 10 1 459 1 9 63 7 2; 14,384 0 5 274' 1 0 406*3 6 17,123 5 9 553,962 57,617 * 9 864 40 404 Addinrton (D- 0,) " Riccarton .. .. 434 204 93o 739 2,312 333 .. .. .. .. 818 3 6,314 420 9 7 56 5 6 18 0 5 18 14 9 1,224 1 6 2 1 4 .. 1,739 13 1 1 1 .. 9,901 9 j5 6 Ric^rton Papanui •• •• 1,260 722 3,956 2,640 8,578j 1,137 26 2 321 7 470 .. 4,223 1,160 17 4 217 3 11 79 16 4 35 15 7 1,475 12 2 5 11 11 44 16 8 3,019 13 11 106 1 754 2 4 019 3 *170 1 iko t> Styx 253 96 1,280 629 2,258 16 16" 1 6 .. .. 2/450 114 9 1 9 18 8 28 0 0 2 3 8 683 7 1 0 18 1 .. 838 16 7 35 1 .. .. 'if *}o? «f PanUI - Belfast .. •• 467 635 4,030 13,791 18,923 212 258 8 731 126 434 45 26,727 1,077 8 1 162 4 11 67 18 11 12 8 8 9,425 6 5 11 13 8 113 2 6 10,870 3 2 2,047 194 287 359* 3 802 8 103 11 165 19 734 TM?" t Kaiapoi 716 2,590 6,885 26,832 37,023 673 612 309 17,576 703 1.679 69 20,067 3,430 9 0 280 13 10 363 3 5 96 4 2 5 412 111 75 6 3 164 3 6 9 822 2 1 284 21 56 432 142 7 771 7-724 I'llt K Rangiora .. 1.713 3,974 9,157 27,583 42,427 243 1,132 375 49,800: 2,470 586 263 9,482 5,045 9 7 246 13 3 386 8 7 99 4 3 4!336 3 0 75 19 3 172 14 9 10,362 12 8 567 19 22!968j 54 51758 Rang^oia. Oust .. •• 103 134 1,126 1,314 2,677 62 137, 22 15>300 22 38 6 3,184 390 11 0 38 2 11 79 3 11 11 4 5 1,235 1 10 2 11 5 2 0 0' 1,758 15 6 83 1 3 421 10 698 819 1 100 r\ t Bennett's .. •• 164 306 2,035 2,659 5,164 11 103 11 12,072 31 11 2,168 592 4 10 8 2 6 26 16 8 6 6 7 851 16 7 0 18 8 3 0 0 1 489 5 10 55 1 8 108 51 497 1 ->89 9'"(iti w ' «.> Oxford East .. 224 182 1,446 2,325 4,177 13 613 49 51,889 289 5 5 1,341 852 0 10 10 0 5 167 1 1 16 11 3 1 760 19 10 5 1 7 7 10 0 2 819 5 0 93 120 22 271 34 765 HS2 . „ West .. •• 195 290 2,295 2,257 5,037 32 66 .. 7,916 29 38 4 2,138 728 15 4 21 12 10 81 3 7 12 19 7 920 0 3 8 1 10 14 1 3 1 786 14 8 24 1 561 13 0xford Sefton .. •• 112 163 1,134 1,456 2,865 114 210 30 2,849 113 .. 5 3,674 323 2 9 72 2 5 77 14 81 10 14 4 1,136 6 5 2 3 10 65 p 10 1,687 13 3 79 14j 5,957 1 252 1,024 1 oil Sefton Amberley .. •• 525 483 1,697 2,222 4,927 40 426 7 4 ;j,477j 45 62 50 1.705 868 11 0 28 15 4 179 9 3 23 15 5, 1,547 16 11 8 16 3 116 117 6 2,774 1 8, 309 59 18 139 37 1 3Hfi s<ia 1 sm a 1 1 Waipara .. •• 631 385 3,113 2,749 6,878 84 818 8 116,221 81 14 328 2,541 1,731 1 10 56 15 11 242 4 11 19 9 11 4 590 11 0 15 14 11 70 11 3 6 726 9 9 102 42 9 454 31 '720 lis '«ns Apoberley. Mina 148 81 734 515 1,478 1 570 11 46,895 64 44 9 1,135 612 6 9 0 10 10 244 6 3 8 11 3 2,5S0 3 8 9 13 9 18 2 6 3!443 15 0 566 232 21 545 17 2 716 1059 9 fit W ft ipara. Parnassus .. •• 662 2091 1,187 363 2,421 .. 1,472 .. 64,487 .. 84 .. 869 1,171 18 0 .. 106 12 3 13 14 4 3,397 19 7 30 2 1 3 10 0 4,723 16 3 868 : 131 5 546 5 '438 '220 's98 P*™' Waikari .. •• 45b 486, 2,56b 4,359 7,867 19 171 5 26,844 20 .. 4 1,524 1,453 9 0 15 17 8 69 3 3 17 15 5j 1,509 2 3 6 4 5 42 10 0 3,114 2 0 104 3 23 1,331 888 1,245 Waikari" 8 Hawarden .. •• .245 19bj 930 773 2,141 3 655 23 55,390| 15 37 11 3,009 626 17 11 3 15 10 103 11 9 12 17 2 3.299 9 5 4 7 10 3 10 4 054 0 11 131 118 13 461 19 cwu «97 1 inn u j Culverden .. •• 3,273 8711 2,887 2,002 9,033 14 1,649 14 120,252 62 98 71 3,841 3,577 15 7 41 1 4 309 4 8 37 9 6 6,984 6 3 141 1 4 36 0 0 11 126 18 8 1,492 409 28 532 22 4 438 I 8"! ' .1™ Hawarden. Hornby •• 196 400 2,906 3,867 7.369, 113 70 11 5,091 .. 288 6,416 3,947 397 5 4 87 18 4 875 5 6 8 0 0 1 782 8 9 8 19 5 64 10 0 3 224 7 4 524 25 23 285 675 lb7 3*429 All h T "' Prebbleton .. •• 70; 119 1,664 2,181 4,034 90 12 1 115 123 10 20 9,442 285 2 7 50 19 0 19 8 11 3 11 3 1,800 7 7 0 0 7 0 10 0 19 11 54 10 1 534 2 77 HI MPi Lincoln ... 48o, 346 2,251 2,353 5,435j 42 97/ 61 31,9b3 325 48 196 5,o52 638 7 4 32 16 2 235 11 1 18 13 6 2,147 5 10 6 10 6 80 8' 0 3,159 12 5| 158 51 11,639 160 914 1 260 1 446 Lincoln Springston •• 134| 143 997! 1,292 2,566' 81 170| 51 3,982 212 .. .. 1,979 321 8 3 43 17 6 116 12 9 6 10 1 592 17 7 3 2 10 5 0 0! 1 089 9 0 28 3 3 069 26 174 ,101 M , 0 • EUesmere .. •• 51 42 367 488 948 1 366; 83 11,887 238 2,129 .. 3.812 133 8 9 2 8 9 103 13 10 1 15 0 1 368 9 2 2 13 9 26 0 11 1 638 9 3 75| 10 37891 9 51 UH 90? SjMingston. # Doyleston .. •• 36 : 109 679 1,755 2,579 53 683 186 3,815 634 58 7 1,477 478 1 1 26 14 10 142 11 11 7 10 6 624 17 6 5 13 10 1 285 9 8 151 13 6 937 124 lo/i ,nc Ellesmere. Leeston 291 270 1,770 3,265 5,596 58 391 143 10,038 3,100 3,787! .. 2,803 1,004 9 8 52 2 10 282 6 4 15 10 10 1,483 12 0 6 14 10 58 6 6 2 903 2 0 127 16 3 749 33 Doyleston. Soutlibridge .. •• 276, 460 3,068, 4,936 8,740 44 506, 40 28,082 1,663 783! 29 5,133 1,504 2 8 31 4 10 199 15 3 10 11 0 2,404 5 5 1 8 6 25 1 3 4,176 8 11 215 13 13 J6b 359 512 701 {'324 i^uthbridge Little River .. •• 1,373 1,115 5,139 5,980 13,607 17 2,145 104 •• l° 8 j 946 2,825 1 9 13 18 2 275 5 5 22 11 4 2,729 12 10 16 11 8 133 5 10 6 016 7 0 1,510 58 27 897 519 1 577 1 oil 1 7bk t-,*1 uIslington •• 164 289 1,742 4,789 6,984 32 .. .. 96 2 u0 0 21,534 384 11 2 21 15 8 30 14 2 4 15 2 7 704 16 7 23 13 5 25 0 0 8 195 6 3 1 930 325 426 003 I r'?lL i'2U MX Little River. Templeton •• •• 111 265 1,467 5,511 7,354 26 75 39 5,409 33 24 2,305 498 16 6 15 12 8 79 15 9 7 13 11 528 15 9 0 5 2 32 10 0 1 163 9 9 108 ! 1 "3367 (i 429 80(' 77d T 5 g |°. nRolleston .. •• 84 272 1,118 5,319 6,793 16 228 40 14,412 144 14 8; 1.214 673 19 5 8 13 4 53 10 3 12 11 2 654 1 10 3 16 5 8 0 0 1 414 12 5 230 40 10 937 ■ 27 9fi« lit templeton. Kirwee .. •• 52 134 883j 2,090 3,159 48 127J 44 20,384 416 1 11 1,926 489 16 8 28 14 4 40 11 7 9 3 3 975 15 0 2 IS 5 8 10 0 L555 3 3 65 7 Is!?!! ill 5 ,,030 lirwf' Darfield 295 343 3,094 4,477 8,209 232 228; 25 44,695 196 242 15 6.754 1,505 12 5 149 13 3 98 8 4 16 13 10 ! 3,206 5 5 4 11 10 33 11 7 5 014 16 S 37 i 14 862 39 77H - 1 •> (1 n . t> -a ij Sheffield 51 166 841 938 1,996 149 353 10 18.945 311 .. 878 2,925 406 5 7 114 3 10 147 10 4 8 1 2 1 660 1 10 4 9 4 34 12 6 * 375 4 7 31. * 0 797 17 Un '-95 '9Springfield .. ■■ 265 316 1,784 4,324 6,689 55 399, 86 24,467 52 11 12 2.466 1,478 3 10 42 2 2 173 1b 1 8 18 0 1 823 13 6 0 16 2 4 0 0 3'.531 9 9 154 21 1 4« 3? U( Iff heffi ®i d -., Arthurs Pass .. .. 1,169 522 2,078 1,619 5,388 .. 2,973 4 16,304 20 7 5 202 3,367 5 9 .. 170 19 5 38 11 b 1 418 15 3 15 17 3 147 19 .1 5 159 8 ' 429 94 10 393 im5 fun Coalgate •• 159 153 1,482 2,315 4,109 165 1,387 850 58,406 220 1,773 15,554 3,241 973 15 10 99 4 9 159 17 11 18 14 11 7 ; 2 16 5 4 141 0 9 34 4 0, 8 3 6 325,| m 15! 246! m 21347 722 Colgate Burnhain •• 21 281 428 3,604 4,334 15 57 9 16,368 27 4 1.120 423 5 2 10 5 10 9 6 2 5 19 10 541 0 7 0 8 7 1 0 0 991 6 2 5 - ' 1 901 75 97K u/w u 1, Selwyn .. •• 2 42 275 651 970 84 36 19 5,299 270 .. .. 192 133 9 6 45 10 0 . 51 1 2 1 9 0 . 201 7 9 0 19 4 6 5 0 440 1 9 45 " 2 '' « 55 Vll ham ' Dunsandel .. 117 161 1,534 3,039 4,851 38 589 61 45,620 245 7 5 2,503 1,077 18 2 50 10 7 165 1 1 15 18 5 1,738 9 11 4 3 ti 36 12 6 3 088 13 3 2 047 346 15 345 84 496 602 1 4H7 1 1 Rakaia 440 934 4,187 7,402 12,963 290 725 174 104,712 466 24 139 15,437 3,027 19 9 248 1 6 285 13 11 40 7 9 9 223 13 9 54 15 0 118 13 6 ! 12 999 5 9 'i 78 2 21 901 t 10191 ' Methven .. •• 268| 443! 3,677 4,346 8,734 26 791 374 111,808 67 50 41 9,355 2,567 19 0 52 8 6 191 16 1 19 16 6 16 1 .32 13 5 m (0 SI 10!814 9 7 794 47 560, 3!596 5,111 MethTen. Chertsey •• •• 37; 126 1,216 1,53.) 2,914 75 743 15 51,513 430 .. .. 7,667 430 1 11 47 18 10 118 14 8 5 9 1 7 ,366 8 4 2 7 10 73 5 0 8 044 5 8 326 3 61 <18(1 dQ9 oaa 1 q<>9 ft,—* Ashburton .. •• 2,552 3,239 19,596 25,356 50,743 465 499 61 8,773 1,301 2,631 51r 17,018 14,037 8 11 467 3 11 1,088 18 7 292 10 5 9,518 19 lOi 93 9 11 856 10 ll 26 355 1 8 411 9 17 994 84 19 119 12 689 17 090 V m" 6 ?' Tinwald .. •• 277 100 2,746 1,398 4,521 252 804 8 73,070 641 330 505 5,653 298 6 4 161 15 8 107 18 5 3 10 8 4 768 7 1 24 8 0 61 0 0 5 425 7 10 406 54 41 9871 9 'm6 9 'fiu T,t u°"Mount Somers.. .. 47 381 557 1,110 1,752 61 267 42 16,853 130 12 177 3,562 422 6 9 35 0 8 164 6 7 3 18 1 2 275 13 0 12 6 5 0 0 2 906 18 6 515 2 8 823 170 2 W H70 , SJ mT/« Winslow .. •• 8| 82, 502 816 1,408 36 244 2 6,885 1,242 .. 4 4.161 142 1 1 19 10 0 55 2 5 2 1 3 K U 8 25 3 0 41 1 3 2!269 11 8 176 .. 1 W . 17 ° 'sU *658 Sow 01 "^ Hinds •• •• 33 81 1,563 2,337 4,014 176 334 10 41,148 206 1 5 2,194 665 0 1 101 2 4 72 3 9 9 9 3 2,146 8 8; 5 15 4 4 13 0 3,004 12 5 503 2 11 963 41 603 806 9 A5A Rangitata .. •• 88 75 697 1,263 2,123 7 259 .. 48,204 .. 19 8 1,624 480 10 2 3 15 10 49 0 11 10 3 0 1,364 0 10 2 2 2 307 1.3 8 2 217 6 7 87 ~ 2 529 352 "111 '747 Ran t t Orari 659 593 3,335 6,637 11,224 113 941 .. 39,548 5 723 tU 5,006 2,943 19 8 56 2 7 142 17 5 47 10 11 2 734 15 3 10 2 6 2 0 0 5 937 18 4 294 "5! 7 514 " 979 , „ Itl Winchester .. •• 197 238 1,170 2,311 3,916 41 38 1 3,783 .. .. 8 3,187 640 19 4 23 8 10 85 13 9 10 5 3 1 151 0 10 2 1 0 39 9 6 1 953 8 6| 19 2I 7 392 " 1 HI f'365 feh , Tomuka .. •• 801 1,126 6,776 14/120 22,723! 38 1,257 6 14,861 210 336 237 8,536 4,623 4 1 22 2 1 342 11 5 84 15 2 3 14 10 11 13 3 113 2 10 3 sj 666 52 1 J,'335 "58 6 161 Xmut Washdyke .. 59 47 1,687 1,517 3,310 26 392 30 6,092 10 .. 4;i 14,590 235 4 8 14 12 6 144 18 7 2 13 2 4 906 8 6 1 14 6 50 10 6 5 356 2 5i 690 3 67 210 1 005 '< 9K8 ft9« W u 1 Pleasant Point.. •• 224 251 3,081 5,054 8,610 98 153 61 20,422 .. 27 304 8,548 1.184 16 4 64 2 7 131 15 7 24 10 7 2 722 6 6 12 18 6 36 2 0 4 176 1« 1 234 17 8 6 9 " 'S2J f'!o? VVashdyke. Albury •• 156 142 1,472 3,064 4,8341 55 250 15 38,036 .. .. 1,270 3,425, 913 8 0 31 0 10 78 11 9 14 2 I lit* 7 2 5 1 9 26 5 8 3!430 17 3 68 5 ?'499 " 2 030 ' I'JS sant Fairlie •• •• 578 615 3,507 5,701 10,401 45 423 179 96,978 14 .. 4,456 2,885 1 3 74 3 6 152 7 8 41 18 51 4,801 0 5 12 5 8 90 15 4 8 057 12 3 204 4 4 965 2 3 562 2 259 3 515 Fairl^ Tiniaru rf - *,882 M62 39,263 39,616 90,923 1,666 1,397 3 1,895 35 15,467 20,872 65,877 24,422 9 1 813 2 1 1,952 17 2 725 17 5 23>99 9 11 2,786 14 „ 1,4,0 13 5 SS.'ei. 4 0 2,308 236 .. 26[I 10M92 '• I •• •• •• 18 "" 8 17,860 21 ' 052! •• •• •• •• 3,558 10 9 .. .. 3,558 10 9 940 .. .. .. 23 2,093 4o]o95 „ Wharf. St. Andrew's .. •• 184 219 3,345 4,686 8,434 129 384 4 11,762 22 10 287 13,822 1,059 3 8 74 4 2 78 12 4 19 4 8 4,250 8 6 1 0 1 71 8 2 5 554 1 7 1 016 43 118 261 1 715 •< 7Q8 q qoi u, a j , Makikihi ... •• 81 101 1,009 2,273 3,464 62 164 72 7,314 16 12 5 5,947 692 17 10 41 16 0 78 10 2 8 15 10, ! 5l6 13 3 4 2 11 90 17 8 1:927 13 8 170 20 5 774 *' '823 1 lit Studholme Junction .. 472 624 2,638 2,495 6,229 43 858 .. 25,427 158 .. 63 5,608 1,058 1 8 26 13 11 81 19 1 22 0 0 2,636 1 0 0 16 0 66 0 0 3 891 11 8 265 1 15 039 8 731 9S2 1500 St i'i'/ 1 Waimate .. •• 1,144 1,275 6,731 9,588 18,738 63 297 46,070 8 419 120 7,938 5,002 17 3 83 4 3 576 1 3 116 16 2 3 966 13 4 27 1 b 246 19 8 10 019 13 5 10. 3 5 3 7 Stndholme Junction. Morven .. •• 57 104 1,085 2,213 3,459 35 93 1 6,412 26 56 10 4,960 713 15 3 24 18 4 87 5 7 8 10 10 1 786 5 7 6 0 2 0 0 2 629 6 1 7 7*383 " I'Til Waimate. Glenavy •• •• 75 91 1,263 1,990 3,419 82 1,263 .. 12,728 .. .. 54 1,135 721 11 10 26 6 2 173 4 11 13 18 7 640 1 2 3 10 7 7 7 6 I'Jm o l 46 "l HI' V. «6 GlenaTy. Pukeuri .. •• 28 90 1,332 864 2,314 45 376 22 21,207 6 .. 57 11,561 231 13 5 24 12 0 238 12 7 6 5 7 7,694 9 8 254 16 10 35 11 6 8 486 1 7 321 1 122 699 1 2 421 r •» 9ik P..LDuntroon .. •• 64 85 753 1,529 2,431, 152 404 41 32,965 10 7 9 2,049 490 11 8 90 11 3 ' 174 18 6 5 15 7 1 867 14 3 5 10 4 13 5 0 2'648 6 7 77 3 10 099 799 fwr n^""' Kurow .. •• 365 278 2,900 5,671 9,214 20 563 .. 37,966 3 5, 59 2,047 2,386 6 7 12 17 8 217 4 10 14 9 4 3 296 8 6 27 1 7 4 13 8 5 960 2 2 183 95 1 'S "7 2 794 1859 V309 K^n™ 0 "' ' Oamaru .. 2,746 2,860 23,681 21,802 51,089 465 826 101 12,175 9 5,204 2,744 21,048 16,032 9 9 462 0 3 1,558 14 0 507 18.5 16 11 288 12 11 452 \t 3 StIsBO 10 6 445 .. Mm WW OamaTu Breakwater .. •• 11,302 8,100 3,600 .. .. .. .. 1,684 11 10 921 8 3 .. 2,606 0 1 .. ... 189 .. 60 * 98 ie!454 Hreakwater. Waiareka Junction .. 63 31 558 346 998 6 503 .. 22,972 7 22 2,838 7,970 103 9 3 3 5 0 298 14 1 2 0 0 4,071 15 3 25 1 11 34 10 0 4 538 15 6 994 167 54 414 6 415 2 n'u u\9 1 Ngapara .. •• 153 163 2,814 3,866 6,996 101 119 28 10,034 6 .. 402 5,772 800 15 9 5S 10 0 41 7 11 6 18 1 2 283 6 8 15 9 3 3 0 0 3 209 7 8 129 17 26'*47 5 1 2 0W HW NmiriaT. "■ Maheno .. •• 108 115 1,705 2,872 4,800 156 1,673 37 9,753 158 6 999 3,399 745 16 1 96 14 5 101 10 4 13 3 9 2 487 18 8 8 11 6 17 1 0 3 470 5 9 270 4 154M 4 711 2 tl 7 \lahenn Herbert .. •• 20 81 703 2,985 3,789 28! 79 .. 3,299 .. 18 .. 653 614 0 5 17 11 4 86 13 1 6 15 111 404 6 7 0 14 1 10 0 1 131 11 10 40 4 1 263 743 691 'w7 HerlZ" Hampden .. •• 177 304 1,579 2,528 4,588 99 448 23 14.680 26 2 5,980 1,509 1,114 3 2 56 15 4 146 16 7 19 0 9 3,102 0 4 3 8 9 52 1 5 4 6 4 240 .. 7 !! 562 750 jjg HlnSn. Palmerston .. 743 799 9,117 11,705 22,364| 117 949 97 36.0S4 .. 117 6,231 1.709; 3,711 2 1 71 19 10 290 6 11 46 0 5 3,456 10 8 42 1 10 52 10 0 7,670 11 9 413 7 6,223 34 884 1 656 2 038 Palmerston Makareao .. •• .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8/ 10,9ft! .. .. .. 2.372 4 0.. 2 372 4 u Q7 * kaq 'ho Dunback .. •• 37 17 400 352 806 1 53 .. 5,236 .. 2 49 670 140 10 10 2 8 0 44 7 5 2 0 8 735 13 0 4 17 3 4*10 0 '934 7' 2 '*22 !! " 682 !! 275 800 967 Dunh^L°' Waikouaiti .. •• 186 261 1,868 2,829 5,144i 124 1,213 26 25,314 30 75 8 1,467 938 16 0 152 1 9 190 4 2 13 14 7 1,885 15 3 5 14 7 18 7 10 3 204 14 2 437 33 4 942 761! 1 778 1 101 Waikm f Seaelifi .. •• 203 363, 2,854 3,557 6,97 7 | 183 267 38 330 246 79 8 1,113 934 2 4 362 9 8 206 2 10 4 17 0! *527 14 10 21 5 7 1 10 0 21060 2 3 252 20 " 1,1% 1,710 S Waitati .. •• 352 846 3,302 10,902 15,402 105 104 21 921 38| 18 .. 1,187 1,232 19 1 64 17 11 113 10 4 7 7 11 417 81 17 8 4 10 0 1 842 1 0 '94 2 1 219 75 349 798 1 <i9ft Woif Pur. Chalmen, Upper .. 422 2,132 2,452 8,754 13,760 72 200 89 680 70 .. .. 162 2.134 12 10 32 4 0 75 2 8 10 19 8 136 0 8 0 5 6 0 10 0 21389 15 4 6 1 « 9 * « PortChaln II Sawyer's Bay .. •• 518 2,279 4,395 12,790 19,982 1,639 109 66 6 24 265 668 991 1 9 330 1 5 65 18 8 4 17 9 392 2 11 0 6 0 18 15 0 1 803 3 6 47 19 "48O *1 997 2 38^ Port Chalmers.. •• 3,793 20,182 13,857 .50,940 88,772 6,068 30 11 20 10 3,076 3,708 40,718 5,403 5 0 1,621 5 2 173 10 5, 35 3 111 9,899 17 0 1,435 0 4 204 19 4 18 773 1 2 1 "499 0 10 172 9 633 54*656 Port Pb I Burke's .. •• 256 2,294 499 5,530 8,579 1,307 12 .. .. 2 .. .. 4 333 0 2 331 17 11 4 3 5 1 16 6 2 12 0 0 14 4 . 674 4 4 .. .. .. .. . 29 3 Buried Ravensbourne .. •• 932 5,785 2,171 20,944 29,832 7,050 1 .. .. .. .. 11 28 946 4 11 1,283 13 5 9 15 5 7 11 9 40 14 11 1 11 7 2 289 12 0 1 434 1 5Q8 i«i 1 Pelichet Bay .. •• 331 2,395 2,278 13,433 18,437 6,973 91 6.599 974 883 13 1 715 4 l! 12 18 10 5 15 4 886 3 2 17 0 2 2 521 4 8 2 I58 8 393 ST"*' Dunedin (Coaching) .. 19,859 54,365 82,959 237,005 394.188 17,814 .. .. .. .. 94,248 16 4 9,219 16 0 8,234 12 3 2,971 10 6 Cr. 84 8 0 368 14 0 650 1 5 115 609 2 6 " Th,n„H® 1 (Goods) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 632 13 196 28 22,149 13,184 87,989 .. .. ... .. I 90 367 4 5 960 6 11 831 16 0 92 1 59 7 1 1236 "7 '4 V47 "17 Ai ,i«-i ,ok 00,• (Coaohing). Caversham .. •• 488 1,203 3,380 8,549 13,620 1,704 .. .. .. .. 84 234 456 1,845 10 8 238 1 0 187 3 10 27 4 7 801 0 3 9 17 6 8 0 0 ?*116 17 10 !. .. .. ' 25 "''920 ' Burnside .. •• 356 1,154 3,250 8,400 13,160 2,646 5,352 187 56,943 167 216 11,363 20,426 482 12 5 374 3 8 14 13 2 3 9 0 16,364 14 1 35 18 5 5 0 0 17.280 10 9 15 156 682 371 261 2 319 3 430 25 734 4 84" Green Island .. .. 766 6,920 4,060 25.081! 36,827 3,574 192 43,736 1,56* 1,368 2 1 831 19 11 19 13 1 12 0 0 5,400 8 6 5 2 5 82 8 0 7 719 14 0 639 4I™ S.„, Abbotsford .. •• 334 2,994 3,482 23,838 30,648 4,581 2 16,961 40 1,420 7 8 774 2 6 40 10 7 10 11 10! 1,934 3 3 0 11 2 4 180 7 0 107 143 *iifl Wingatui .. •• 344 1,612 2,419 11,016 15,391 646 452 8 10,663 47 2 5,819 1,480 1,066 15 6 168 1 2 163 0 0 14 14 3 2,197 18 0 1 17 10 130 3 4 3 >42 10 1 401 "lb *4 135 "2 486 619 380 Win^tnl Middlemareh .. .. 344 347 1,197 886 2,774 59 1,224 51 34,128 113 130 14 1,542 ; 776 16 ll! 35 2 2 248 12 5 9 17 4 2,248 8 8 3 11 0 24 15 0 3 6 349 33 IMU .. 1,645 1,461 1,676 MiSHh. Hyde .. •• 57 27 425 353 862 4 527 29 39,087 .. 31 4 1,712 189 3 11 3 2 4 150 12 9 3 7 7 3,525 19 2 6 1 4 2 0 0 3.880 7 1 120 3 7 243 404 375 t«Hi HvH« Ranfurly .. 271 202 1,288 972 2,733 1 602 4 41,926 .. 141 18 1,529 1,150 13 4 26 4 2 158 13 1 14 14 0 3.300 7 10 12 14 5 14 16 0 4,678 2 10 96 17 5*356 1 737 2 165 2 SLlv Oturehua .. •• 57 45 406 420 928 8 904 9 66,274 .. .. 18 1,889 412 15 10 4 6 8 136 9 6 4 18 4 4,856 7 9 5 19 2 .. 5 420 17 3 51 2 816 228 65 796 Omakau .. •• 143 93 1,044 919 2,199 29 885 3 18,670 38 21 8 2,021 868 13 9 15 14 2 102 15 4 6 17 0 2,527 5 11 9 11 2 3 10 0 3 534 7 4 175 7 3 573 " 1 184 1 298 1 893 Omlk^ Alexandra .. .. 433 217 1,287 .97 2,834 1 32 .. 3,123 27 570 41 2,616 1,240 7 3 15 0 0 162 19 7 17 4 5 3,635 7 2 47 10 10 13 18 10 8 1 122 21 K 4 sImO l!o42 3 Atex^dra. Clyde •• •• 825 358 2,944 2,533 6,660 60 171 .. 13,196 .. 392 76 5,109 3,327 13 21 55 4 5 262 2 1 25 2 9 5,962 5 4 120 9 9 6 16 0 9,759 13 6 113 1 1 979 4 005 1602 4 05;! ClvH„ Mosgiel .. •• 1,126 4,864 9,511 43,843 59,344 5,134 711 146 12,183 201 33 10,044 7,535 5,395 14 8 1,164 0 0 883 9 7' 85 1 5 4 3,317 9 7 23 13" 10 4 11 0 10 874 14 0 770 1 9 066 12 1 851 574 9*K53 Outram .. •• 246 233 4,847 3,729 9,055 79 223 9 6,569 108 .. 113 2,27.5 850 16 2, 63 12 0 154 2 1 11 12 6 911 12 1 3 6 7 1 0 0 1 996 1 5 280 32 3 401 0 2 16 . 3 575 2 M9 Sr.,' Allanton .. •• 62 465 1,116 6,934 8,577 26 623 46 8,152 205 4 67 4,421 803 15 11 15 14 4 92 16 5 8 11 4 1,350 19 11 2 11 8 .. 2 274 9 7 701 5 4 338 5 415 1*219 87A , Henley .. 118 75 1,352 2,570| 4,115 23 944 244 10,452 145 .. 8 l,499j 342 11 8 14 1 8 76 18 1 7 9 6 1,045 3 11 0 18 11 1 0 0 1,488 3 9 777 2 6 457 3 6 9 950 1 257 He^ey* 1 '



RETURN No. 12 —continued. Statement of Revenue for each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1917—continued.

I OUTWARD. INWARD. Number of Tickets. Stations. Number Timber, Timber First- First- Second- Second- Season <*»>*• "88- 8upeJflcia°l' Minerals. Other Season Parcels, &c. M L »K Woods. Miscellaneous. ««' B ia a ? d n Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Pigs. HundreSs'of Minerals . Other * Ml0a *' class class class class Total. Tickets. Feet. uooas. i assengers. Tickets Mails, <fcc. Commission. forwarded. * 6 Superficial ™«»«xaib. Goods. | Single, j Return. Single. ; Return, j Feet - South Island Main Line • South Island Main and Tom Tons £ s . d. £s. d. £s. d. £s. d. £ s. d. £ s . d. £s. d. £ b. d. Ton,. Tons. Wai hol a ■■ 77 83 936 1,291 2,387: o 133 4 2,7J3 1 .. 6,900 1,118 272 7 0 22 12 10 49 10 4 6 11 9 1,771 14 8 2 3 4 0 10 0 2,125 9 11 126 1 1,138 7 272 742 1,513 Waihola ' Urn " " 668 1 « fi 078 ll'rra lfl's64 105 678 32 48'?68 W 6 ' 704 334 10 11 8 9 4 27 14 2 2 9 0 1,770 13 10 04 12 3 1 32 10 0 2,240 19 6 93 2 2,685 3 325 12,215 1,105 Milburn' Mi'ton .. ■■ 668 1,365 6,078 11,753 19,864 105 678 32 48,168 60 314 10,317! 7,876 5,493 12 1 92 17 6 1 313 19 9 73 5 11 9,305 18 10 212 15 8 155 11 11 15,648 1 8 469 33 15,132 6 2,120 7,097 4,032 Milton' Waitahuna 41 93 1.019 2,400 3,oo3 30 37/ 11 16,155 .. 29 124 1,233 748 3 4 23 15 10 75 14 10 9 1 1 1,328 3 7 9 11 3 3 5 0 2,197 14 11 79 23 15,413 .. 985 1,550 1,535 Waitahuna IT*" " " H.800 8 315 15 26,411 .. 74 .. 3,232 2,914 15 1 72 6 9 251 3 7 37 2 10 4,983 14 2 15 16 2 14 2 8 1 8,289 1 3 136 .. 3,061 1 l,29l| 2,377 2,628 Lawrence. Beaumont .. .. 263; 78 1,567 770 2,678 .. 280 1 12,594 37 .. 70 3,429 937 11 11 .. 153 3 3 18 6 0 3,963 17 6 5 17 0 1 11 10 5,080 7 6 236 41 1,721 .. 1,554) 1,135 2,433 Beaumont Lovells Flat .. .. 26 91 786 1,260 2,163 3- 1-7 4 18,317 .. 20 35,508 1,981 359 3 5 23 9 7. 55 5 9 4 3 11 10,640 8 3 359 2 1 .. 11,441 13 0 88 14 7,448 .. 357 721 1 299 Lovell's Flat Stirling •• U8 410 4,208, 7,334 12,090 102 3,482 14 10,652 357 21 101,758 3,678 2,795 0 0 72 19 8 168 10 2 17 6 10 36,372 5 5 916 15 5 8 15 0 40,351 12 6 2,532 15 2,441 359 3,635 1,744 4,869 Stirling Balclutha .. .. 9o6 1,768 12,724 13,362 28,8ia 109 2,184 150 61,086 15 3,742 676 17,859 7,088 15 3 150 6 9 765 18 8 139 19 4 15,474 6 6 68 15 0 82 9 8, 23,770 11 2 2,037 41 63,567 8 6,329 4,628 6,234 Balclutha 0waka '• '• 117 95 2,312 2 ' 592 5,llh 21 797 31 12,160 .. 18,2o/ 64 4,685 1,388 11 4 20 12 0 439 19 7 16 19 2 4,658 16 5 3 9 5 65 17 61 6,594 5 5 2,293 113 37,185 1 3,040 9,136 3,870 Owaka, Maclennan's .. .. 32 42 1,378 3,419: 4,871 .. 141 27 2,285 10 15.7™ .. 1,286; 1,217 11 10 .. 38 15 7 2 13 6 3,194 1 2 6 15 0 54 5 0 4,514 2 1 342 49 2,471 .. 1,178 894 1,415 Maelennan's W. aiwera " " 288 430 6 701 s'828 16'247 24 667 59 32'87Q \l o'of? 568 15 9 17 13 2 74 12 5 6 7 11 2,210 19 0 1 13 3 .. 2,880 1 6 160 26 5,333 .. 1,110 1,456 2,008 ! Waiwera. ' Clinton •• •• 288 430 6,701 8,828 16.247 24 667 59 32,879 .. .. 15 2,831 2,981 13 10 56 12 5 114 14 7 19 5 0 2,795 9 7 12 5 2 366 18 10 6,346 19 5 -117 33 7,536 .. 857 1,686 1,414 Clinton. WaipaH •• 103 166 1,254 2,683 4,206 8 219 1 19,307 8 74 390 3,799 920 11 2 5 3 11 105 5 3 8 4 3 3,001 17 7 4 11 2 67 4 2 4,112 17 6 88 6 2,180 .. 909 1,210 1,170 Waipahi. Tapanu 1 192 198 1,286 1,40J 3,085 .. 164 - 16,416 44 2 240 1,335 963 0 2 .. 88 7 11 10 13 5 1,557 1 3 3 3 6 2 0 10 2,624 7 1 107 1 2,955 49 1,352 1,574 1,626 Tapanui. Keko •• • 66 97 92 " l' 103 2,188 " J 122 4 24,749 •• 108 .. 2,177 518 18 5 .. 60 10 0 6 13 0 2,760 16 3 3 0 9 44 2 6 3,394 0 11 87 3 1,552 .. 711 779 1,031 Kelso. 5 e P o'„or MS? ,0 1 LI 1 1 o 9 41 7 5 , 266 1,583 10 5 5 3 0 167 5 4 18 2 4 6,954 16 4 8 17 1 59 0 0 8,796 14 6 70 77 9,659 2 2,407 1,810 2,765 Heriot. Pukerau .. • • 26 36 1,184 3,088 4,334 ,>9 113 31,012 28 33 631 6,874 656 6 10 44 0 0 91 19 1 5 15 10 4,683 6 1 8 8 7 65 1 10 5,554 18 3 678 21 1,938 .. 2,094 2,299 3,407 Pukerau. £? re • • , •• •• 2 '? 6 ? 20,622 i'SE 5 sn 2 'wi 2 79 45 4 ' 719 20,674 12,658 2 2 557 7 6 1,154 10 7 280 16 8 16,681 1 9 123 13 2 1,645 9 5 33,101 1 3 1,411 130 21,897 .. 8,310 3,968 23,325 Gore Riversdale .. •• 192 173 2,455 3,444 6,264 80 080 7- 43,263 .. 69 69 9,218 1,224 16 1 50 19 8 296 7 5 15 11 2 5,892 1 10 15 7 3 90 11 3 7,585 14 8 203 33 7,187 13 2,861 2,548 2,982 Rive^dale. Switzers .. ■■ 4 117 1,389 3,031 4,611 106 466 11,215 .. 17 27 834 1,094 4 3 62 2 7 62 13 3 6 15 8 1,335 15 7 10 13 7 .. 2,572 4 11 156 8 2,627 .. 1,749 974 1,899 Switzers. Balfour •• •• 110; 78 1,062 2,251 3,501 94 237 6 27,048 8 1 25 4,593 826 15 8 65 6 4 79 15 5 11 5 1 3,685 19 10 6 15 0 30 5 0 4,706 2 4 76 22 3,542 4 1,316 5,085 2,308 Balfour. Mataura .. 236 375 4,928 12,912 18,451 353 52b| 38 21,361 54 71 9,920 12,503 3,257 9 11 269 0 0 142 5 10 42 3 3 11,663 3 6 20 14 7 89 7 4 15,484 4 5 735 2 56,503 8 4,291 1,814 6,482 Mataura. Edendale .. •• 367 619 4,441 8,205 13,632 113 2,003 4 15,454 1 4,916 46 5,778 3,182 3 1 76 17 11; 137 6 7 37 15 7 4,078 19 6 5 19 7 86 10 0 7,605 12 3 618 75 6,114 .. 3,074 8,915 3,596 Edendale. Wyndham .. .. 308 037 3,581 6,237 10,763 180 1,319 180 10,95o 5 4,709 177 4,346 2,135 0 4 111 4 1 153 0 7 23 14 3 3,846 11 7 44 4 5 22 2 6 6,335 17 9 838 14 6,179 .. . 2,958 5,150 . 3,556 Wvndham Woodlands •• " 428 2, f°2 , 9 ?' 4 ?? 14 J 1,109 14 24,384 1 1,369 26 ".133 1,482 10 3 108 6 10 147 12 1 19 10 6 3,517 4 1 9 9 2 6 14 0 5,291 6 11 223 20 6,549 1 3,982 11,327 4,663 Woodlands Inveroargill Coaching) .. 6,55b 16,009 66,437 121,551 210,555 3,834 .. .. .. .. 43,i44 8 4 3,315 19 8 4,327 12 4 958 17 7 Or. 82 10 0 160 14 3 .. 51,825 2 2 .. . ' InvereL^HCoaeh) (Goods) .. .. .. .. 4,181 449 35,898 .14 35,269 8,527 63,357 .. .. .. 42,110 14 10 611 11 6 1,374 3 6 44,096 9 10 2,325 153 30,679 278 27,734 59,826 65,495 „ (Goods). Waimahaka .. •• 204 546 6,223 12,302 I 9 ' 2 ™ 87 1,798 6 20,643 .. 19,012 793 4,223 2,828 6 9 57 18 5; 163 5 1 6 16 11 4,844 10 3 15 2 2 63 6 0 7,979 5 7 1,049 343 4,7091 .. 2,419 9,276 4 843 Waimahaka Wharf 22,529 32,600 1,012 22 3 .. .. 5,441 19,503 71,474 3,195 0 10 492 14 (i 471 11 9 27 9 5 22,193 10 10 2,904 11 7 630 17 6 29,915 16 5 4,507 135 120,903 8 18,242 11,519 79,445 Bluff. Ma'karewa .. .. 44 36 1,609 1,198 2 887 620 2,089 311 25,889 17,781 10,604 15!0.38 192 7 9 13l" 1 2 129'o 3 f>' 3 10 11,367 19 1 16 10 7 52'l6 0 11,894 18 8 2,058 50 104,146 " 1 3,736 5,611 Makarevva^' Thornbury .. •• 154 200 2,884 5,310 8548 79 316 64 12,49 / 36| 90 699 2,026 1,090 10 6 58 16 6 42 14 6 9 11 2 1,043 3 4 6 2 loj 0 10 0 2,251 8 10 132 11 5,128 1 1,858 1,086 2,7221 Tliornbury. ivert ° n '• •• 205 1 '004 o'ln t'lT) 229 1128 38 n'fi79 " 14 ? 4,224 2,144 7 8 170 10 10 415 4 9 38 5 6 8,856 2 2 14 7 3 64 12 3 11,703 10 3 178 26 381 .. 1,426 2,375 3,784 Riverton. Orepuki • " 324 3,213 4 ' 8,193 [ " 29 1,128 38 1,879 •• 18,737 64 2,320 1,397 13 5 126 18 7 103 I 1 8 8 9 4,694 18 1 13 18 e| 77 18 11 6,422 17 4 320 75 2,007 3 426 1,920 2,203 Orepuki. Tuatapere .. 307 4o4 5,596 7,447 13,804 13 o83 // 11,100 .. 29,215 .. 3,660 2,679 1 4 10 4 9 92 16 6 11 12 11 7,952 19 1 5 4 6 69 13 61 10,821 12 7 448 178 1,987 .. 277 890 1,848 Tuatapere. ? x •• •' O tl „ J.I 1,426 2,230 9 46 53 •„ 15,36 } •• . 8 '519 12,439 2,397 384 13 3 30 4 8 69 3 2 4 16 01 3,179 8 11 1 18 8 82 6 0 3,752 10 8 75 2 543 .. 159 1,022 856 Fairfax. Otautau .. •• 356 537 2,614 4,/66 8,273 227 /43 30 40,481 4 9,335 29,282 5,450 1,801 13 2 152 19 5 192 16 5 21 16 9 13,567 6 2 237 16 3 47 2 6 16,021 10 8 224 37 1,531 .. 1,421 2,885 2,558 Otautau. Nightcaps .. .. 213 498 2,303 6,970; 9,984 126 16 . 2,703 .. 93 55,201 2,520 2,380 7 3 78 8 7 81 8 6 7 16 6 19,572 12 10 9 19 7 .. 22,130 13 3 168 12 565 1 .. 2,829 3,810 3,068 Nightcaps. Winton .. ■■ o25 612 8,350 11,677 21 > 164 i 26 ® 67 70 34,749 •• 1,138 1,138 16,303 3,190 3 11 226 3 6, 349 0 6 40 2 11 7,290 18 3 31 11 4 70 3 6 11,198 3 11 428 69 4,068 .. 2,227 8,962 6,126 Winton. Centre Bush .. .. 57 /9 1,1/7 1,997 3,310 47 421 52 47,o05 .. 8,344 4 6,804 656 11 1 34 18 4! 129 5 3 15 6 2 5,143 7 0 13 11 0 43 12 6, 6,036 11 4 415 23 2,293 .. 1,622 2,858 2,152 Centre Bush. P'P t0 " '• " 90 ii? a 001 , Sq- a\'on! •' 6 4,618 2,180 691 7 2 25 17 7 58 2 0 7 15 11 2,083 18 3 2 15 11 15 14 6 2,885 11 4 212 48 1,431 .. 1,466 1,214 1,708 Dipton. Lumsden .. •• 637 760 6,823 9,133 17,353 118 89o 167 41,294 .. 76 48 5,830 3,659 13 8 111 8 8 330 9 3 36 14 1 5,792 9 9 31 16 11 57 13 0, 10,020 5 4 345 15 2,894 .. 2,075 2,261 2,420 Lumsden. Kingston .. .. 188 133 1,784 2,088 4,193 22 25 538 .. 27 244 118 1,147 5 10 11 18 4 22 1 4 3 17 9 62 16 10 8 3 5 13 5 0 1,269 8 6 347 29 2.620 1 .. 1,026 1,023 1,577 Kingston. Through traffic (Lake 889 2,294 1,996 2,714 7,893 .. 167 110 12,659 .. 1,132 1,548 3,611 7,905 19 7 .. 473 13 9 40 9 9 7,070 4 1.. .. 15,490 7 2 167 110 12,659; .. 1,132 1,548 3,611 Through traffic Wakatipu) • - rr 9 u w.i +• \ Through traffic (Westland) 602 695 1,269 1,385 3,951 I .. .. .. 3)118 11 6 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,118 11 6 .. .. Through traffic Chief Accountant .. 6,021 1,854 18,323 24,097 50,295 305 .. .. .. .. .. .. . 31,252 9 0 8,651 14 8 .. 25,518 2 6 .. 6,553 8 4 14,972 13 9 86,948 8 3 .. .. .. .. .. .. Chief'Accountant. j I ■ I I ■ Totals .. •• 168,897 295,849 800,6151,583,349 2,848,710120,142 94,90S 8,235 3,684,291 27,273 618,336 703,499 1,351,282 550,687 6 1 50,993 9 4 51,103 7 637,920 3 10 924,236 5 234.997 18 532,699 17 41,682,638 7 8 94,998 8,235 3,684,291 27,273 618,336 703,499 1,351,282 Totals. | — Westland Section — Wfstt <m «„«„,>■ : • • 438 434 ®' 296 8,292 in'W 1 *°o7 !' 4 10 948 207 928 1382 0 7 18 3 1 30 8 2 14 19 4 620 16 0 7 11 7 8 5 8 2,082 14 5 52 2 129 1,109 1,070 1,757 Ross. Hokitika 1,601 1,495 9,468 7,878 2 «'442 102 27 5j 144 .. 123,713 8 3,090 2,596 19 2 67 10 7 211 8 5 92 16 9 9,362 16 9 23 4 10 113 5 2 12,468 1 8 86 2 1,917 6 1,572 4,774 6,270 Hokitika. Kumara o42 511 2,518 3,473j 7,044 60 681 8 2,o(W 94 121,220 250 2,812 747 17 6 49 5 4 49 13 5 22 18 5 6,008 11 1 9 1 11 97 10 4 6,984 18 0 53 3 1,336 10 775 1,434 2,191 Kumara. Greymouth .. 4,703 4,835 40,638 39,393 89,56.) 2,031 1,183 4.1 2,690 3 3,622 1,144 7,999 10,115 4 7 880 7 4 1,065 9 11 368 8 3 15,122 14 6 4,010 16 9 661 11 9 32,224 13 1 1,067 7 11,232 85 12,543 10,618| 4,726 ! Greymouth. Wharf .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I .. .. .. 345 474 11,375 .. .. . .. 7,159 17 1 .. .. 7,159 17 1 .. .. .. .. • 478,382 465,544 948j „ Wharf. Runanga .. •• 151 335 6,397 20,129 2 3' 9A2 5 " " " 1,642 120,616 1,914 1,305 7 3 758 16 2 23 4 7 7 8 9 13,251 16 7 73 16 9 16 10 0 15,437 0 1 34 2 .. .. 522 95 »9o' Runanga. Rewanui .. .. 18 3,513 1,874 5,405 60 .. .. .. .. .. 125,261 31 243 19 6 38 14 4 0 11 7 0 12 3 14,722 13 7 62 10 0 1 0 0 15,070 1 3 5 1 .. .. 1,951 155 3,107; Rewanui. Stillwater .. •• 2oJ 404 3,508 4,108 8,275 121 5 1 8 .. 85,400 32,540 1,036 589 14 3 67 10 4 100 4 11 11 3 2 8,908 8 5 10 17 8 147 3 6 9,835 2 3 115 34 522 .. 512 488 1,286 Stillwater. Nguhere, .. •• 170 234 3,201 4,373 7,978 97 859 .. 5,088 11 28,389 61 720 855 0 7 63 12 11 114 17 4 30 9 9 1,900 5 7 9 1 0 53 16 8 3,027 3 10 327 .. 1,290 .. 526 1,302 561 Ngahere. Blackball .. .. 152 359 3,017 7,543 11,071 4o 1 .. .. .. .. . 211,529 148 1,497 15 9 44 14 11 13 3 3 6 8 10 30,061 1 8 4 0 0 13 0 0 31,640 4 5 4 1 .. 1,894 193 3,296 Blackball. Ahaura .. .. 103 69 586 631 1,389 4 165 1 1,659 6 108 .. 462 201 18 7 4 7 1 17 14 0 6 3 3 130 1 3 0 18 0 11 5 10 372 8 0 21 252 390 543 227 Ahaura. Ikamatua .. •• 170 ill 1,515 2,(W0 3,957 14 287 3 6,038 13 18,104 473 1,707 674 9 2 4 6 2 111 14 10 16 8 7 1,847 17 0 118 14 0 81 3 4 2,854 13 1 264 14 1,969 3 2,277 4,163 1,897 Ikamatua Reefton .. 1,612 1,343 6,268 6,-92 15,51o 67 183 2,132 . , 2,3 i 2 ?' 784 1,209 3,288 17 4 41 1 3 175 2 2 36 9 9 1,587 4 9 41 13 5 88 18 2 5,259 6 10 741 16 2,124 13 3,810 2,413 4,019 Rcefton. Moana 13- «4 1,687 951 2,864 10 28b 37 4,237 45 126,171 1,512 860 310 18 7 9 10 3 140 18 0, 10 10 ft 8,497 7 9 16 1 1 281 1 O 9,266 7 1 213 1 1,315 403 792 826 Woana Otira.. .. •• 1,082 574 2,121 1,71/ 5,494 .. 23o; 1 3,215 .. 156 39 166 1,896 0 5 .. 339 11 2 21 13 7 252 6 3 89 4 2 57 2 0 2,655 17 7 1,953 18 10,028 65 5,464 3,314 2,400 Otira. Chief Accountant .. .. . 932 932 11 .. .. 107 9 4 637 17 4 .. 2,290 0 0 .. 179 10 8 1,313 11 4 4,528 8 8 .. Chief Accountant. Through traffic (S.I.M.L. 602 69o 1,269 1,385 3,951 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1>661 16 8 _ _ 1 661 16 8 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Through traffic & B.) . (S.I.M.L. & B.). I 1 | —— ■■ I . i ___________________________ ___________ Totals .. •• 11,713 11,672 91,002 110,971 225,358 7,769 4,935 101 32,114 182; 512,130 496,898 34,457 27,475 9 3 2,686 7 1 2,394 1 9 ; 2,936 11 l| 119,433 18 3 4,657 1 10 2,945 4 9 162,528 14 0 4,935 101 32,114 182 512,130 496,898 34,457 Totals. ' II 1 I I Westpobt Section , Westpobt Section— Westport .. •• 210 218 10,365 10,951 21,744 282 49 5 2,208 I 439 353 9,644 2,038 14 0 236 5 7 162 9 8 103 8 7 6,600 0 5 4,823 4 8 264 6 10 14,228 9 9 22 33 1 2,718 699,926 897 Westport. Waimangaroa Junction .. 51 152 4,256 6,103 10,562 317 5 18 I 2,496 226,399 3,110 764 19 11 127 18 3 83 3 10 4 14 11 27,512 18 0 59 5 3 42 3 1 28,595 3 3 5 5 642 649 767 6,317 Waimangaroa June. Granity .. •• 92 364 7,502 14,124 22,082 745 18 38 81 .. 2,246 474,619 619 2,498 16 3 383 14 2 83 16 10 17 8 4 66,218 8 0 30 1 8 130 10 0 69,362 15 3 45 5 1,665 1 1,814 678 6,159 Granity District Offioe .. .. .. .. 192 192 4 •• •• •• •• ■■ | .. Or. 59 9 1 147 8 11 .. 540 0 0 .. Cr. 0 13; 286 16 10| 914 15 5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. District Office. Totals .. .. 1 353 734 22,123 31,370 54,580 1,348 72j 43 2,307 2 5,181 701,371 13,373 5,243 1 1 895 6 11 329 10 4 665 11 10 100,331 6 5 4,912 10 4 723 16 9 113,101 3 8 72 43 2,307 2j 5,181 701,371 13,373 Totals. Nelson Section — Nelson Section— Nelson Port .. .. .. .. " 2 3 33 f 4 HO 8,949 5,184 .. .. 5 6 0 5 11 6 10,851 4 2 2,336 0 1 506 11 8 13,704 13 5 77 .. 1,216 .. 786 468 6,066 Nelson Port. Nelson .. •• 2,01o 2,384 23,572 19,495 4/,466 663 31 .. 269 .. 308 652 7,636 4,469 12 0 546 12 9 210 3 11 138 9 11 3,163 8 6 45 16 0 224 9 0 8,798 12 1| 687 9 13,045 71 14,159 8,575 10,450 Nelson. WaJcefield .. .. 157 242 3,121 3,977 7,497 289 43 17 2,249 2 2,128 1,156 5,246 737 15 4 217 16 6 92 19 1 18 1 0 1,540 1 9 6 11 9 14 0 0 2,627 5 5 61 .. 651 4 195 1,768 3,625 Wakefield. Belgrove .. .. 298 347 6 375 7,030 14,050 65 9 9 1,899 .. 2,118 108 2,230 1,177 0 3 38 7 7 25 5 11 5 18 7 539 16 6 1 19 2 5 0 6 1,793 8 6 19 1 584 5 44 2 326 Belgrove. Kohatu .. .. 77 76 806 913 1,872 15 90 .. 9,787 2 10,827 .. 2,355 307 9 6 15 1 8 89 15 5 9 0 4l 2,148 9 10 2 0 9 1 10 0 2,573 7 6 5 93 1,118 1 51 22 420 Kohatu. Glenhope .. .. 832 283 4,082 3,636 8,833 8 673 93 4,601 73 180 .. 487 1,984 7 2 6 11 11 61 0 3 14 17 6 742 13 0 10 10 6 15 0 0 2,835 0 3 54 19 2,525 .. 436 30 2,251 Glenhope. Distriot Offioe .. .. •• | •• 132 132 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 45 6 0 157 0 8 .. 968 0 0 .. Of. 1 12 7 517 18 9 1,686 12 10 .. .. .. .. .. .. District Office. Totals .. .. 3,379 3,332 37,956 35,183 79,850 1,041 848 122 19,139 81 1 15,671 10,86sl 23,138 8,721 10 3 981 11 1 484 10 7' 1,159 18 9 18,985 13 9 2,401 5 8 1,284 9 11 34,019 0 0 848 122 19,139 81 15,671 10,865 23,138 , Totals. ( 1 ; 1 1 j 1 ; Pioton Section — Picton Section— Picton •• •• 2 > 37t > 4,980 7,939 13,852 29,147 142 74 12 9,021 74 696 7,373 8,308 3,233 5 10 103 7 2 145 2 11 66 0 2 6,395 16 6 1,321 5 8 104 13 9 11,369 12 0 88 492 63,841 62 155 143 27,000 Picton. Blenheim .. .. 3,474 5,901 12,466 12,740 34,581 234 581 838 76,361 982 1,970 393 29,239 4,052 5 7 189 2 0 289 11 1 76 9 9 7,881 11 3 172 15 9 533 7 2 13,195 2 7 353 16 19,449 106 610 6,661 13,978 Blenheim. Ward.. .. .. 496 443 2,691 4,679 8,309 .. 286 4 23,307 34 .. 14 5,994 1,313 9 4 .. 100 3 11 7 7 2 1,910 18 4 0 3 7 1 0 0 3,333 2 4 500 346 25,399 922 1,001 076 2,563 Ward. Distriot Offioe .. .. 144 144 6 .. .. .. .. .. .. 41 12 0 176 14 2 .. 800 0 0 455 7 5 382 10 1 1,946 3 8.. .. .. .. .. .. .. District Offioe. — Totals .. .. 6,346 11,324 23,096 31,415 72,181 382 941 854 108,689 1,090 2,666 7,780 43,541 8,640 12 9 469 3 4 534 17 111 1,039 17 1 16,188 6 1 1,949 12 6 1,021 11 0 29,844 0 7 941 854 108,689 1,000 2,666 7,780 43,541 Totals. — j | 1 1 Lake Wakatipu Lake Wakatipu Steamers — • Steamers— Totals .. .. 1,546 4,918 3,295 3,944 13,703 7 276 145 19,648 .. 1,307 1,628 4,035 3,002 12 4 19H 18 4 369 5 1 561 14 2 2,067 8 11 36 16 4 47 0 2 7,184 4 4 276 145 10,648 .. 1,307 1,628 4,035 Totals. I I j 1 I 111 ,1


RETURN No. 13. Statement of Carriage, Brake-van, and Wagon Stock, and Tarpaulins, for the Year ending 31st March, 1917.

6—D. 2.


Description. Class. TO a ai A 03 IP TO W3 H 3 to ja A -3 _ * p= M -3 p o ta » £ 03 » 3.9-g g *£ *_ p*-0 S»» ,2 03 03 us a a M.£ 13 cog § a m S c a a t» CO te ? d o 2 Oh 2 o Carriages. Sleepers, bogie, 50 ft. First-class day-cars, bogie, 50 ft. . . Second-class cars, bogio, 50 ft. Refreshment-cars, bogie, 50 ft. Royal saloon, bogie, 50 ft. „ 44 ft. Gallery-cars, bogio, 44 ft. Saloon, bogie, 44 ft. „ 41ft. „ 39J ft. .. „ 37J ft „ 35 ft. Refreshment-cars, bogie, 52 ft. „ 474 ft. .. „ 44 ft. .. Motor-train cars, bogie, 60 ft. First-class, bogie, 50 ft. .. „ 474 ft. „ 44 ft. .. „ 43 ft „ 30 ft. .. Composite, bogie, 60 ft. .. „ 50 ft. .. „ 474 ft- „ 46 ft .. „ 44ft. ... „ 43 ft .. „ 424 ft. „ 394 {t - „ 30 ft, .. ,, 6-whcel Second-class, bogie. 50 ft. „ 474 ft. „ 46 ft. „ 44 ft. ,, 43 ft. „ 424 ft. „ 394 ft. „ 35 ft. „ 30 ft. ,, 6-wheel „ 4-wheel Postal, bogie, 50 ft. „ 44 ft. „ 394 ft „ 30 ft. „ „ composite, 44 ft. Rail-motor, 58 ft. 424 ft Aa Aa Aa Aa Aa A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A B A A A A A A A A B C A A A A A A A A B C D A 1 B A 1 .. I •■ i •• I I - * I 2 '2 5 5 10 22 31 18 2 .. .. 10 22 31 13 2 1 5 1 9 14 2 3 1 6 2 5 81 112 4 II 2 8 55 216 7 172 8 43 10 36 14 85 197 4 204 17 15 13 3 23 33 10 7 2 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 4 7 .. 1 5 7 .. 2 "2 31 49 11 '.. 6 1 I '('.I 2 ~2 "2 8 54 104 2 1 93 7 83 'io " 1 " 2 i i 4 63 3 8 13 2 16 3 84 87 *8 "2 \ 3 2 30 4 20 5 1 104 4 101 2 "l 2 "3 3 '.'. 84 17 1 10 3 6 5 8 3 '3 3 14 3 •■ 1 •• 2 16 15 2 2 4 2 .! : 4 8 3 2 1 1 1 I .. ! .. .. I .. ■ - Totals.. 23 768 13 598 38 10 14 12 1,480 ! Brake-vans. Brake-vans, 4-wheel bogie Fell F F F 6 4 2 8 206 7 2 2 53 111 7 9 3 2 4 5 3 I 3 - 3 87 343 10 Totals.. 10 2 221 4 [ 164 19 7 7 6 440 i


RETURN No. 13— continued. Statement of Carriage, Brake-van, and Wagon Stock, and Tarpaulins, for the Year ending 31st March, 1917 — continued.


Description. *03 M Clats. m a TO A is "2 a 3 a » * ®S 7. £ -3 H.p C3 j j a "ip a *a a a s « a S a-g o » aS£ 3 _| M I i I > i I 33 03 u I § _ _ a o — K B A V. ■A o Wagons, etc. Horse-boxes Cattle Sheep Covered goods Sleeping-vans High sides G H J K K L La Lb M Ma Mb N O Ob P Q W X Xa Xb Y Yb R Rb Rd Rn S T V Va Ub Ug V Vb Z Zp 2 19 6 8 133 276 875 1 263 25 4 4,985 .... 500 1 4 40 2 99 211 725 359 41 4,508 1,526 6 14 7 24 3 208 4 1 5 10 6 1 103 4 4 29 3 246 537 1,692 671 71 10,095 2,026 45 1,452 160 145 484 39 10 188 1.16S 291 211 206 119 25 350 284 91 64 40 125 75 353 14 241 51 129 125 82 35 5 1 17 154 (i!) 47 Wharf '." '.'. Low sides „ steel.. Work-train Timber Iron hopper „ for ballast . . Platform coal Movablo hopper Frozon meat Cool, insulated .. ,, ventilatod 22 12 428 160 .. : 110 40 91 39 .. i 10 .. 29 40 841 45 50 24 ii 21 ii_ 35 165 36 32 "s ■ • i 159 495 673 .. I .. .. ! 205 .. ! 176 1 ' 102 62 71 29 95 56 25 119 51 21 ih 6 1 1 'i Work-train hoppor 211 2 222 70 64 ..I 40 .. 73 .. 49 203 .. : 9 .. i 107 27 .. 54 93 55 .. 22 20 9 High side, bogie .» »» .» .» »> ,, • - Shoep, bogie Cattle, Platform, „ Gas-storeholdors, bogie .. Platform, „ Horso-boxes, „ Frozon meat, ,, "s 40 52 26 62 5 90 24 75 32 27 13 -8 44 2 '4 6 Covered goods, ,, Totals.. 413 60 9,768 171 9,383 989 758 167 228 21,910 Tarpaulins 100 115 9,010 285 52 175 290 17,532 24 7,481


RETURN No. 14. Statement of Locomotive Stock for the Year ending 31st March, 1917.


Type. Cylinder. r_eter. strokt! - Co Wl upled Ti heels. Wl D1 , a " No. meter. :uck .j • eels. £ es a g to A Dia- £ -S meter. p M a » ui waA M.33 u a J a a .- !-« 6 a ri O _S s p5.S-§ g g $*J J f _ fl 03 V a' o £ TO 5 No. "to 1 O (4-oy ,.,.,,,ii pi I. b all lai in iced in. In. 1 12&19 22 in. 12&19 Ft. in. 4 6 6 in. 304 50 7 57 Tender (4-oyl. balanced compound) Tender „ (simple) 6 6 .A B ound) (simpl ) )le ej 18 24 17 26 16 22 16 22 17 22 18 17 16 16 17 114& 19 94 94 91&I0 6 6 8 8 8 4 1 6 4 6 6 3 64 4 3 64 4 3 64 4 ( O 6 6 4 4 4 (2 (2 2 2 2 30 304 304 26 .V 264 28 I 30 | 18 18 264 10 1 11 8 10 10 12 8 10 23 ,, • • • ■ ti ,, 23 !B „ (compound) (o (comj OUl im id; I) l 114 & | 20 I 19 I 20 8 3 7 - ( 2 6 7 I 2 1 1 Tank ,, t ■ • - „ (articulated compound) (art ., i i 0 i u iii a ted 94 18 94 18 d 94&16 18 i 4 4 12 2 64 2 3 04 2 3 04 2 2 4 1 ii i' 2 i 4 18 1 ») • • • • (Fell) )• IO_ i" nd) I 101 18 12" 18 104 18 14 16 14 20 12 20 12 18 12 18 13 20 101 12 101 14 14 12 12 12 13 6 6 4 4 6 4 4 4 4 3 04 .. 3 04 2 3 0J 4 2 8 2 3 64 2 4 11 4 3 61 6 3 9 4 3 6J 6 / A 2 4 2 2 4 6 4 6 I 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 ii 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 8 6 8 4 (1 8 Ii 24 21 30 24| 30J 264 26| 28J 284 1 30 | 30 30 28J 30 30 30 261 30 } 261) 364 364 243 301 30 201 30 30 28 201 261 281 2-t;! 25 25 301 304 264 244 30 1 26 j 264 304 I 264 } '3 2 24 4 37 4 5 1 2 2 1 3 2 3 71 20 3 6 81 8 10 5 4 »> * * * * 0 16 2 9 (Fell).. Tender 15 6 I Tank £i' If . . • • 4 »» * * " ' Tondor 15 20 15 6 * 1* . 10 2 12 'a fo „ (compound) »> »» * ■ „ (compound) .. (com i (com (com ip IP 1(111 t pot, l)l)ll d) d) . 10&17 20 . 10&17 20 15 18 . 11&18 20 10 20 . 11&18 20 15 20 10&17 10&17 15 11&18 16 11&18 15 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 4 1 4 4 1 4 3 0} 2 3 7 2 3 7 2 3 7 2 3 5 2 2 2 6 1 2 1 4 2 2 6 1 2 1 10 _ in 10 »» • * „ (compound) .. 6 j» * * • • ,, . . • • 16 22 16 6 * Hi. 6 7 13 Ua Ub Ub Uo Ud V W Wa Wa Wb Wd We Wf Wg Single Fairlie Tender »» • * * • »» • * „ .. • • »» • * • • H * ' * * »» Tank ?airlie 9. 12J 16 13 16 15 18 16 20 16 20 16 20 16 22 16 22 164 22 15 20 14 20 14 20 14 20 14 20 14 20 16 22 14 22 14 22 12 18 121 13 15 16 16 16 16 16 161 15 14 14 14 14 14 16 14 14 12 (i 6 8 6 G 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 04 4 3 01 4 3 0J 2 4 6 4 4 11 4 4 11 4 4 11 4 4 11 4 4 10 4 4 IJ 4 3 04 4 3 3| 4 3 6* 4 3 3} 4 3 3| 6 3 6J 8 3 9 6 3 9 8 3 1 4 10 4 2 2 3 8 4 9 6 20 2 10 io 2 3 18 4 6 9 6 20 2 10 2 13 2 II 1 12 18 2 38 20 2 4 1 *4 ,, .. 4 i 5' ,, . . . • ,, . . . . 14 1 20 20 2 ie i" i ,, . . . . ,, . . • • VVj 17 20 17 8 3 Hi 1 1 Ww X ». • • - ■ Tender (4-oyl. balanoed compound) Small Tank 154 22 154 I34& 22 6 3 9 8 3 ftl 40 40 (4-oy ound) ,1 ) .. I ial la: in lood i 134&| 22 8 3 9 |j 18 18 1 1 'ank Totals 10 2 334 I 5 212 121 11 5 1 7~j j 607 .. .. I ••



RETURN No. 15. Comparative Statement of the Mileage opened, Capital expended, Earnings, Expenses, etc., of Railways in the following States (taken from Latest Official Records).

a p a 3 ft o d3 a 03 s, © 133 03 03 ST 33 03 > < 03 r-! 03 & 73 O O 03 I 1 « ft 3; as O TO 'SB 3° ft O an Cost per Head of Population. 03 3 a 'to !H H 03 a 03 a -a £3 x a ■ _g J4 h U 03 Oft Area in Square Miles. Gauge. Total Cost. Trainmiles run. Gross Earnings. Workingexpenses. Proflt i Year on *f. al Working. ending &C a s TO H Victoria .. N.S. Wales QLieensland 87,884 309,460 670,500 ; 1,405,977 i 1,868,048 i 680,446 3,955 4,188 4,967 Ft. in. 5 8 4 81 3 6 18 6, h v {i ii 3 6 3 6 3 6 8 6 3 6 3 0 8 0 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 0 £ 54,600,928 68,825,592 36,838,440 £ 5 13,317 i 16,434 ) 7,417 '356 1446 '137 £ s. d. .38 16 8 »36 16 8 ' 54 2 9 13,826,538 21,556,034 11,571,746 £ ! 5,705,163 [ 8,006,078 i 3,745,350 d. I 99-03 I 89-14 I 77-75 £ ! 3,705,148 ,5,661,168 i 2,745,061 d. 64-31 i 63 03 57-00 £ 2,000,0151 30 June, 1916. 2,344,910' 1,000,289 S. Australia 380,070 I 434,000 2,185 17,616,351 1 8,057 '198 140 11 10 5,830,984 11,965,410 ) 83-77 1,545,489 65-87 419,921 W. Australia 975,920 l 315,206 3,332 17,118,195 ) 5,138 ! 95 i 54 6 2 5,149,289 12,088,110 I 97-32 11,511,655 70-46 576,455 Tasmania 26,215 ■ 198,417 533 4,628,911 L 8,684 .372 123 6 7 1,005,145 > 323,265 > 77-18 225,995 53-96 97,270 30 June, 1915 N. Zealand |l03,801 108,861 103,861 103,861 103,861 103,861 103,861 103,861 103,8611 103,801i 103,861 103,86l|. 103,861' 103,861: 103,861' 103,861 103,861: 103,861: 103,861: j 746,673 758,610 815,349 833,137 857,985 882,097 908,114 933,111 961,604 985,318 1,016,044 1,035,211 1,055,040 1,081,844 1,111,592 1,139,669 1,180,430 1,152,048 1,150,605 2,090 2,099 2,174 2,227 2,262 2,305 2,347 2,391 2,427 2,469 2,556 2,704 2,742 2,801 2,840 2,861 2,917 2,959 2,970 16,404,076 16,703,887 17,207,328 18,170,722 19,081,735 20,692,911 21,701,572 22,498,972 23,504,272 24,365,647 27,702,592 28,513,476 29,006,546 : 30,506,089: 31,611,220: 32,355,087 : 34,133,825 34,857,882 ' 35,378,664 ] > 7,849 ' 7,958 i 7,915 i 8,159 i 8,436 8,977 ! 9,141 ! 9,410 9,570 9,861 10,851 10,494 10,723 : 10,864 : 11,053; 11,309! 11,702; 11,780! 11,912: 1357 1361 1876 1374 1379 383 387 391 396 399 398 383 385 ! 386! 891! 398 ! 394 ! 389 I 387! '21 19 5 .22 0 5 121 2 1 ,21 16 2 122 4 10 123 9 2 23 17 11 24 2 3 24 8 10 24 14 7 27 6 6 27 10 10 28 1 0 28 4 2 28 8 9 28 7 9 29 13 5 30 5 2 30 15 0 3,968,708 4,187,893 4,620,971 5,000,360 5,443,333 5,685,399 6,107,079 6,413,573 6,755,454 7,051,274 7,458,236 7,889,166 8,141,075 8,371,687: 9,016,224; 9,319,268 ■ 9,383,420. 9,356,522 - 9,140,331' i 1,469,665 1 1,623,891 . 1,727,236 ) 1,874,586 11,974,038 12,180,641 i 2,209,231 2,349,704 2,624,600 2,761,938 2,929,526 3,249,790 3,494,182 3,676 509 3,971,002 4,043,328 4,105,457 4,548,356 4,800,810: i 89-00 93-00 i 89-75 • 88-75 87-00 91-75 86-50 87-75 93-00 9375 94-00 98-75 102-75 105-25 105-50 104-00 104-75 116-50' 125-75 ' 929,737 1,052,358 1,127,848 1,252,237 1,343,415 1,438,724 1,492,900 1,621,239 1,812,482 1,949,759 2,114,815 2,169,474 2,303,272 2,465,890 2,705,009 2.880,323 2,920,455 2,910,883 2,926,864 56-22 60-31 58-58 59-32 59-23 60-48 58-46 60-47 64-21 66-18 67-89 65-84 67-75 70-52 71-84 74-00 74-54 74-50 76-63 539,928 3.1 Mar., 1899. 571,533 „ 1900. 599,388 , 1901. 622,349 ■ 1902. 030,623 „ 1903. 741,917; „ 1904. 716,331 ! „ 1905. 728,465 „ 1906. 812,118 „ 1907. 812,179 „ 1908. 814,711 , 1909. 1,080,316 . 1910. 1,190,910 „ 1911. 1,210,613 „ 1912. 1,265,393 „ 1913. 1,163,005; „ 1914. 1,185,002 „ 1915. 1,637,473' , 1916. 1,873,9461 , 1917. e , , i ■< ; ' © «■_ * ° ' ' - &. *§ og d b. _ f?T'i _? _o I 5 2a S? ft Passengers L ~' S-3 *» »_ 3 1* carried.* SS S| |po *° « d,| I £ £ Tonnage of Goods. _ j- ft o o ft_ afa H S t> -0 s| 03 O n © 0f—i 9 _ MM P g r u o ft 03 (33 lp gf| "p 33 a od a to Ho z 'S £ a ~ P -, go a 03 -a Ex c Ip 5 03 ' 4p ft O a . ~o 03 £ M 3 3 fa 7 I -S o o3EH j xpense O a . 03 03 OO 3.S S % \ & is. i g , ph O s p o a u o T a a too o o o 2.9 a« j _ OP- l. "•sip ! a Saga g ft" Z k a 03 Ol .A S o pp_ •s| A a a Z . "3 a - 3 M ee « fa f *~ o? !« d« a a a « Z Year ending i__ d. £ s. cl. Victoria .. 3172 3-13 64-94 4 12 115,771,238 N.S. Wales 26-11 3-45 70-71 4 5 8 92,850,836 Queensland 20-75 2-72 73-29 5 10 1 24,438,905 S.Australia 17-90 240 78-63 4 10 7 20,512,753 W.Australia 26-86 3-37 72-39 6 12 6 18,884,541 Tasmania 23-22 210 69-90 1 12 7 1,750,905 N. Zealand 32-78 3-29 6326 1 19 4 4,955,553 32-69 3-42 64-80 2 2 10 5,468,284 31-17 3-47 65-30 2 2 4 6,243,593 29-43 3-43 66-80 2 5 0 7,356,136 27-77 3-30 68-05 2 6 0 7,575,390 31-27 3-58 65-98 2 9 5 8,306,383 28-04 3-30 67-58 2 8 8 8,514,112 27-28 3-24 69-00 2 10 4 { 8,826,382 28-79 3-45 69-06 2 14 7 9,600,786 27-57 3-33 7059 2 16 1 9,756,716 26-11 3-13 72-19 2 17 8 10,457,144 32-91 3-80 66-76 3 2 9 11,141,142 35-00 4-06 65-92 3 6 2 11,200,613 34-73 3-98 6707 3 8 0 20,336,577 33-66 4-04 68-13 3 11 5 22,310,867 3000 3-61 71-24 3 10 11 23,173,472 30-21 3-53 71-14 8 11 4 23,542,903 42-00 4-72 6400 3 19 0 24,600,693 49-12 5-30 60-97 4 3 5 24,782,602 I £ 937 1,358 556 707 454 422 450 501 519 562 594 622 634 676 744 786 828 803 840 881 954 1,008 1,002 985 987 ! 5,829,835 ! 11,915,500 i 4,083,612 I 2,396,938 , 2,835,648 i 387,724 2,024,059 3,127,824 3,339,687 3,529,177 3,730.394 4,072,576 4,011,511 4,241,422 4,592,099 4,834,534 4,871,874 5,223,414 5,555,292 5,599,756 5,957,005 5,661,340 6,075,282: 5,960,562: 5,826,265 : £ 5 1,443 3 1.920 2 758 3 899 3 627 1 603 3 712 1 774 I 794 ? 842 1 873 i 943 I 938 ! 980 11,078 11,114 11,148 11,203 ! 1,275 i 1,814 i 1,400 , 1,416 ! 1,410 !1,540 i 1,619 £ 506 562 203 192 173 181 262 273 275 280 279 321 304 304 334 328 320 400' 435 433' 446 408! 408' 555: 632! £ .210 1214 1149 1138 1109 . 109 1173 1188 196 '196 204 213 217 ■229 253 258 258!' 230 254 263 271 ! ■208 254: 251: 244! d. I 28-97 : 32-48 I 24-85 i 36-44 1.33-32 23-84 18-46 21-32 19-99 21-35 21-36 22-21 21-05 21-99 23-37 24-96 25-56! 25-35: 25-81 : 27-30 28-20' 29-72! 30-26 i 29-77 ■ 30 88: 19-02 20-75 19-87 17-81 18-82 17-88 16-67 16-17 1.7-15 17-78 18-24 17-22 18-28 18-86 18-90 19-40 20-73 18-96 1810 18-27 19-40 20-73 21-20 19-60 18-87 2-10 808 2-33 1,211 1-72 640 1-48 470 2-02 424 3-12 80 3-00 293 2-93 304 209 306 3-03 362 3-19 372 3-14 377 3-10 389 3-01 395 2-80 398 2-76 410 3-16 452 296 465 2.81 478 2-76 493 2-64 513 2-91 534 298 557 2-50 585 247 607 i 1584 . 1,626 ) 766 ) 629 i 409 ) 175 I 550 577 i 603 ! 701 ! 751 ' 809 i 864 i 906 l 966 i 1,002 1,116 1,140 1,166 1,212 1,282 1,363 1,397' 1,452' 1,480 ■ 19,778 i 22,179 i 13,665 9,032 10,050 1,727 9,792 10,295 10,868 12,444 12,992 13,433 13,885 14,127 14,605 15,475 16,476 17,220 18,036 18,521 19,515 20,251 21,226 21,994 22,380 30 June, 1916. 1915. 81 Mar., 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. 1912. 1913. 1914. 1915. 1916. 1917. I t " I iHii.iHi'l.-p. .,.» --■— — - — * The figures for passenger tra; trie in New Z Zealam :i >.,.;,-... to 1912 i exclus sive of season tickety. I I _ prior ■A are



RETURN No. 16. Return showing the Mileage, Capital Cost, Traffic, Revenue, and Expenditure of the New Zealand Government Railways from 31st March, 1914. to 31st March, 1917. MILEAGE, CAPITAL COST, TRAFFIC, AND REVENUE.

Year. Miles. Capital Cost. Ti Passengers. Season Tickets. Ti< r ickets. Revenue. Coaching. Revenue. Cattle. Sheep. Pigs. No. Revenue No. 1914-1915 1915-1916 1916-1917 2,955 2,970 2,970 £ 34,133,825 34,857,882 35,378,664 9,383,420 9,356,522 9.146,331 13,565,772 14,201,506 14,173,115 £ 1,329,233 1,566,380 1,717,847 [ 302.912 330,622 355,832 I * £ 153,150 156,322 155,201 £ 227,521 236,705 243,832 No. 314,219 371,529 402,769 No. 6,923,306 7,204,826 7,106.174 No. 163,155 182.443 163,370 Year. Timber. Minerals. I Other Goods. Total. Goods Revenue. Miscellaneous Revenue. Rents and Commission. Total Revenue. Revenue per Train-mile. 1914-1915 1915-1916 1916-1917 Tons. 621,963 625,866 579,428 Tons. 2,988,028 2,831,959 2,787,523 Tons. 2,466,836 2,504,439 2,459,314 I Tons. 6,076,827 5,962,264 5,826,265 £ 2,249,399 2,423,493 2,498,862 £ 69,646 81,391 98,473 £ 76,508 84,065 86,595 £ 4,105,457 4,548,356 4,800,810 d. 104-75 116-50 125-75 EXPENDITURE. Year. Expenditure per Train-mile. Expenditure per Cent, of Revenue. Maintenance of Way. Per Mile of Per Railway. Train-mile. Locomotive Power. Per Cent, of Per Revenue. Train-mile. Amount. Carriages and Wagons. Per Cent, of Per Revenue. Train-mile. Amount. Per Cent, of Revenue. Amount. 1914-1915 1915-1916 1916-1917 d. '74-54 74-50 76-63 £ 71-14 64-00 60-97 7387550 740.349 720,840 £ 17-99 16-30 15-04 254-02 25100 243-52 1889 18-99 18-92 i £ 954,868 934,737 937.780 £ 23-26 20-58 19-56 d. 24-42 23-98 24-61 £ 228,145 225,968 238,868 i £ 5-56 4-98 4-98 d. 5-84 5-79 6-27 Year. Amount. Traffic. Per Cent, of ] Per Revenue. ] Train-ruile. Traffic. Amount. Head and Departmental Offices. Per Cent, of Per Revenue. Train-mile. Lake Wakatipi Steamers. Total Per Cent, of Expenditure. Revenue. Amount. 1914-1915 1915-1916 1916-1917 £ 870,392 889,991 904,318 £ 21-20 19-60 18-87 d. 22-26 22-83 23-73 £ 122,415 113,461 118,456 2-98 2-50 2-47 d. 313 2-91 3-10 £ 6,085 6,377 6,602 £ 88-83 8804 91-89 2,920,455 2,910,883 2,926,864


RETURN No. 17. Statement of Rails relaid during the Year ending 31st March, 1917

RETURN No. 18. Statement of Sleepers relaid and removed during the Year ending 31st March, 1917.

RETURN No. 19. Return of Number of Stations and Private Sidings on each Section for the Year ending 31st March, 1917.


Weight. « 2 CO =c S3 A '3 M 03 a g o A ai 3 — _! ' rr.' 0 S * ■» g d „ 5 CD « 5 « « _ H _3 w n^d >—i o •—' .— o a ip - a 3h 2,126 3,332 2,019 3 B 511 j E o -to W d o m % 'A a o IS "to O H iAILS BELAID I — 55 lb. steel 70 „ .. 100 „ .. l 2,127 5,862 6 Totals 3,332 ! ■ 4,151 : 511 ! i i_ 7,995 _L

Description. '» to t3r.M a to A e6 'a - 13 a a to- 3 -5.3-g 03 P g c £ 0 12 a gn«: — 03 ® til aA i-p.p o _ J a i £ p OS 3 a v. e'5« I »S a _ u o a 9 a 3 S □ o 5 £ "to ■*> O H SlEETERS BELAID :— Ironbark Jarrah Silver-pine Totara Puriri Birch Matai Powellized 502 281 502 281 47! 67' 473 677 '3 n 187 31,08S1 344 75 31 5 187 31,089 344 72 31 "7 5 48,: : 36 1,710 824 264 4,058 309 157 291 467 2 210 2,147 1.616 79,799 8,890 1,049 989 43 5 28 43 2 3 28 Totals 783 1 783 1.' 1,150 ,151 31,72* 31,725 49,982 5,146 466 803 2,357 92,419 Sleepers removed :— Totara Jarrah Silver-pine Puriri Ironbark Powellized Matai Birch Grey-gum Blue-gum Creosoted Yellow-pine Kauri Bhnu Kamai 157 384' 242 157 384 301 I4i 70! 308 HO 25,131 4,98' 184 96( 43; 231 U 75 13:: 25,131 4,987 184 960 433 231 14 72 7 5,670 8 802 13 843 1,860 1,026 1,943 3,057 2,145 166 897 4,990 4 4,428 438 157 "l 69 528 3 59 102 2,193 31.276 13,848 18,715 3,344 1,459 1,943 3,357 5,318 238 897 5,123 4 950 88 35 133 242 702 6 88 35 Totals 783 1 783 I1,150 . I 51 32,151 32,151 7 44,526 4,866 157 598 2,357 86,595

Length. Number of Stations and Stopping-places in the Time-tables. Number of Private Si idings. Sections. At Stations. g^nl . Total. Whangarei Kaihu Gisborne North Island Main Line and Branches South Island Main Line and Branches Westland .. •• •• Westport Nelson Picton M. ch. 74 28 19 41 44 28 1,116 75 1,405 9 157 26 35 78 60 20 56 12 30 12 16 390 519 71 17 23 23 7 1 2 116 171 25 1 3 4 6 2 4 34 ■23 3 1 13 3 6 150 194 28 2 3 4 Totals 2,969 77 1,101 330 73 403


D.— 2

RETURN No. 20. Comparative Statement of Mileage of Railways open for Traffic and under Maintenance on 31st March, 1917.

Section. Mileage open for Traffic on 31st March. 1916. Additional Lengths opened during Year. ned during Year. Date of Opening. Reduced Mileage equivalent to : Maintenance for Length , whole Period, opened. Length closed during Year. Line. j Length. Equivalent Wet Addition Net Addition Total Mileage 3 to Mileage to Mileage open for Traffic auriag Finan . open under on 31st March, . , _» d for Traffic. Maintenance. 1917. 31st March 1917. line opened. Whangarei-Kawakawa M. ch. 74 28 M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. 74 28 74 28 19 41 19 41 Kaihu .. 19 41 North Island Main Line and Branches 1,116 75 | 1,116 75 1,116 75 44 28 44 28 1,402 65 1,402 65 Gisborne 44 28 i South Island Main Line and Branches Ditto, Private Line — Nightcaps Branch 1,402 65 2 24 2 24 2 24 Westland .. Westport 157 26 35 78 i_ 157 26 157 26 35 78 35 78 60 20 60 20 56 12 56 12 Nelson 60 20 Picton 56 12 Totals .. .. ! 2,969 77 2,969 77 2,969 77 I



RETURN No. 21. Statement showing Weights of Rails in various Lines on 31st March, 1917.

Line. 401b. Iron. 401b. Steel. 451b. Steel. 52 Ib. Iron. 521b. Steel. 531b. Steel. 551b. i Steel. 561b. Iron. 561b. Steel. 651b. Steel. 1 701b. Iron. 701b. Steel. i 100 ib. i Steel. Total. Whangarei-Kawakawa Section — Onerahi-Opua Kaikohe Branch Kaihu Section — Dargaville-Tarawhati North Island Main Line and Branches — Auckland-Wellington.. Newmarket-Otamatea Penrose-Onehunga Huntly-Av.aroa Railway Frankton-Thames Paeroa-Waihi Cambridge Branch Morrinsville-Botorua Marton- New Plymouth Waitara Branch Stratford-Whangamomona Mount Egmont Branch Aramoho-Wanganui Foxton Branch Palmerston-Spit Wellington-Woodville Greytown Branch Te Aro Branch Gisborne Section — Gisborne-Matawai South Island Main Line and Branches — Lyttelton-Blufi Addington-Culverden Oxford Branch .. Eyreton Branch Waipara-Parnassus Southbridge Branch Little River Branch Springfield Branch White Clifis Branch Rakaia Porks Branch Mount Somers Branch Albury Branch Waimate Branch Waimate Gorge Branch Duntroon Branch .. Oamaru Breakwater Branch M. oh. 0 14 0 20 3 33 0 65 i 16 0 23 M. ch. M. ch. j M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. 24 44 28 12 16 36 17 15 2 26 0 16 0 44 19 65 2 23 7 43 9 78 6 75 2 36 57 6 8 77 3 77 15 45 21 60 11 13 '.'. 1 40 18 78 M. ch. 0 50 M. ch. 4 46 34 4 21 61 18 40 12 22 2 42 0 9 41 44 0 3 0 30 6 2 1 79 , 5 23 ; 34 76 14 12 M. ch. M. ch. ! M. eh. M. ch. 25 57 .. 365 0 41 77 0 26 '.'. .. 34*37 0 2 0 8 11 45 86 24 : 1 14 76 41 81 32 M. eh. 57 72 16 36 19 41 .. 610 .. V. .. 048 j 425 77 84 7 2 59 7 43 62 75 12 24 12 1 68 60 136 65 4 62 37 55 6 2 3 20 19 33 113 72 114 43 3 7 1 10 0 7 2 77 0 75 0 1 ..3 7 19 !! 6 1 .. j 26 26 [ I. 17 62 I 44 28 .. 11 46 .. .'. j 8 22 6 27 1 59 I 0 48 28 34 18 37 20 4 0 7 12 52 23 19 10 0 32 0 3 4 45 4 60 11 46 i 41 2 15 336 31 29 1 20 4 24 29 30 387 48 1 50 39 23 0 6 33 51 392 1 67 57 33 45 20 11 44 1 25 39 22 48 72 26 11 46 22 20 27 36 36 13 4 46 8 21 37 41 0 63 - - - 22' 20 .. ■• 24* 3 '.'. '.'. .. 2 2 22 44 4 78 2 44 7 66 .. .'. 8*21 4 34 .. 28 18 0 40 3 . 5 Carried forward .. j 6 11 45 44 6 27 20 46 24 22 341 11 148 24 341 11 148 24 2 11 299 29 . I 25 57 ! .. 1,160 34 i 1 50 25 57 11,160 34 ! 1 50 2,081 41 I


D.— 2

RETURN No. 21— continued. Statement showing Weights of Rails in various Lines on 31st March, 1917— continued.

7—D. 2.

I 561b. Steel. 651b. Steel. 701b. Iron. 701b. Steel. _i_| ™* Line. 401b. Iron. I 401b. Steel. 451b. Steel. 521b. Iron. 521b. Steel. 531b. Steel. 551b. Steel. 561b. Iron. Brought forward South Island Main Line and Branches— continued. Ngapara Branch Livingstone Branch Waihemo Branch Port Chalmers Branch Walton Park Branch Fernhill Branch Otago Central Railway Outram Branch Lawrence Branch Catlin's River Branch Tapanui Branch Waikaka Branch Wyndham Branch Seaward Bush Branch Invercargill-Kingston Makarewa-Tuatapere.. Thornbury-Nightcaps Forest Hill Branch Mararoa Branch Waimea Plains Railway Riversdale-Switzers Westland Section — Greymouth-Otira Greymouth-Ross Stillwater-Inangahua.. Blaokball-Ngahere Greymouth-Rewanui .. Westport-Mokihinui Westport - Te Kuha Nelson-Glenhope Picton-Wharanui Totals .. ■-I M. ch. 6 11 1 64 0 1 6 4 10 57 o' 2 0 10 18 69 M. ch. 45 44 7 5 6 7 10 16 o" 1 62 73 j M. ch. 6 27 6 27 M. ch. 20 46 059 025 6*76 016 1 1 0 1 29 64 M. ch. 24 22 24 22 I I M. ch. M. ch. 341 11 148 24 11 44 .. 8 52 0 1 0 17 1 49 0 19 1 57 65 72 3 0 6 34 0 69 1 29 18 26 19 2 20 4 . 10 40 9 3 12 55 9 1 1 63 24 79 44 59 17 76 8 6 '.'. 2**8 0 24 4 22 1 77 11 69 20 29 18 26 31 25 13 29 10 0 15 10 70 5 61 24 41 17 60 17 2 22 48 662 6 328 52 . M. ch. M. ch. 2 11 299 29 3 45 1 39 10 6 59 65 59 1 57 15 9 3 37 , 6 58 7 3 23 56 10 21 '.. 0 1 0 1 0 72 11 30 17 43 6 64 2 31 4 62 '.'. 16 75 16 29 2 11 517 0 M. ch. : 25 57 25 57 M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. 1,160 34 1 50 2,081 46 15 9 11 75 8 65 19.. 1 26 0 1.. 2 49 1 57 134 51 9 0 34 68 42 68 26 21 0 2 .. 12 57 0 34 j .. 9 35 33 65 9 63 8 62 ' .. 87 0 12 0 .. 48 23 24 44 .. 24 51 12 66 10 41 24 31 .. 36 41 0 1 .. 13 67 18 69 .. 50 48 2 40 ! .. 38 29 5 35 .. 56 73 3 31 3 8 1.. 85 19 11 ; 30 17 5 61 60 20 0 2.. 56 12 9 63 jl.280 63 : 1 50 2,969 77 18 69 62 73 662 6 j 3 28 52 2 11 517 0 25 57 I j I



RETURN No. 22. SOUTH ISLAND MAIN LINE AND BRANCHES. Showing Mileage of Track in Main Line and Sidings open for Traffic on 31st March, 1917, on the South Island Main Line and Branches.

Line of Railway. Main 1 ,lne. Branches. „ T .? tal Railway. Sidings. Main Line. I Branches. ' Total. Total Equivalent of Single Track. Single. Double. Christchtjroh Division :— Main Line .. .. .. Rangiora-Sheffield and Eyreton Junction - Bennett's Waipara-Parnassus Southbridge and Little River Branches Spiingfield and White Cliffs Branches Rakaia and Ashburton Forks Branch Mount Somers Branch Albury Branch .. .. Waimate Branch M. ch. 211 57 M. ch. 17 72 M. ch. M. ch. 229 49! M. ch. 99 79 M. ch. M. ch. 99 79 M. ch. 329 48 58 55 53 56 I 328 32 4 79 1 36 32 44 1 48 7 4 45 7 28 48 46 55 35 83 72 8 29 92 21 22 20 3 16 25 36 27 36 36 13 12 67 1 75 3 11 2 69 29 31 39 24 15 56 Totals, Christchurch Division 211 57 17 72 328 32 558 1 99 79 36 32 136 31 694 32 Punedin Division : — Main Line Duntroon Branch Oamaru-Breakwater Branch .. Ngapara & Livingstone Branches Waihemo Branch Port Chalmers Branch Walton Park Branch Fernhill Branch Otago Central Railway Outram Branch Lawrence Branch Catlin's River Branch 165 40 11 24 37 41 0 03 27 4 8 65 1 26 2 49 1 57 134 51 9 0 34 08 42 68 176 64 73 1.7 3 26 1 72 2 59 0 03 3 65 0 79 0 24 10 61 0 63 3 16 4 59 73 17 250 ] 40 67 2 55 29 63 9 48 5 11 3 48 2 1 145 32 9 63 38 4 47 47 .301 12 33 27 Totals, Dunedin Division .. 165 40 II 24 301 12 477 76 73 17 33 27 106 44 584 40 Inveboabgill Division :— Main Line Tapanui Branch Waimea Plains-Branch Switzer's Branch Waikaka Branch Wyndham Branch Seaward Bush Branch Kingston Branch Makarewa-Orepuki Branch .. Thornbury-Wairio and WaiiioNightcaps Branches Forest Hill Railway Lumsden - Mararoa Branch .. 82 41 26 21 36 41 13 67 12 57 9 35 33 65 87 0 48 23 24 51 315 82 41 67 35 8 2 70 3 29 2 3 1 76 1 0 3 9 "\ 11 35 9 51 4 2 1 15 1 3 35 8 117 49 29 11 39 70 15 70 14 53 10 35 30 74 98 35 57 74 28 53 41 53 12 66 10 41 14 I 11 44 Totals, Invercargil! Division 82 41 315 67 398 28 35 8 41 53 76 61 475 9 Grand Totals—Whole Lino. . 459 58 29 16 945 31 1,434 25 208 24 111 32 319 56 1,754 1

D.— 2

RETURN No. 23. Statement showing approximately Sleepers laid and removed up to 31st March, 1917.

B—D. 2.


Year. 3V.pproximato Length opened each Year. Sleepi Laid during North Island. Middle Island. Total. Construction. (2,100 per mile.) >rs. ftemoved during Maintenance. * 1867 1870-71 1871-72 1872-73 1873-74 1874-75 1875-76 1876-77 1877-78 1878-79 i879-8of 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 1888-89 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-1901 1901-1902 1902-1903 1903-1904 1904-1905 1905-1906 1906-1907 1907-1908 1908-1909 1909-1910 igio-1911 1911-1912 1912-1913 1913-1914 1914-1915 1915-1916 1916-1917 M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. 45 7° 45 7° 96,338 18 58 18 58 39.323 11 68 11 68 24,885 27 62 27 62 58,327 10 55 11 21 21 76 46,095 61 19 126 78 188 17 395i 2 4 6 69 23 248 4 .517 27 666,409 64 24 152 39 216 63 455. 2 54 103 76 94 58- 198 54 4 I 7.2i7 27 19 56 46 83 65 176,006 26 33 . 40 73 67 26 141,382 68 39 32 71 101 30 212,888 22 67 40 16 63 3 132.379 22 40 19 42 21 88,751 22 19 22 50 44 69 94.211 56 o 24 o 80 0 168,000 43 26 47 52 90 78 191,048 58 72 n 39 7° 3 1 147. 8l 4 it 47 17 32 28 79 60,874 18 31 .. 18 31 42,814 11 57 20 68 32 45 68,381 28 21 5 68 34 9 71.636 27 27 27 27 57,408 17 26 .. 17 26 36,382 28 38 33 58 62 16 130,620 16 62 27 24 44 6 92,558 14 73 3 48 r8 41 38,876 3 64 1 11 4 75 io,37° 27 46 10 2 37 48 78,960 22 46 11 13 33 59 70,848 19 26 19 26 40,582 4 30 103 38 107 68 226,485 11 20 12 32 23 52 49,665 28 40 27 43 56 3 H7,679 I 33 12 4 44 37 56 79,170 17 61 27 75 45 5 6 95,97° 23 5 8 52 31 57 66,596 50 7 50 7 105,184 10 38 '4 61 15 19 31,999 186 21 23 21 209 42 440,003 3 60 31 43 35 23 74> io 4 14 64 29 76 44 60 93.975 23 30 23 1 46 31 97>4 r 4 25 37 26 77 52 34 110,092 36 36 6,458 40 22 51 3 91 25 191,756 7 43 7 73 '5 36 32,445 74,261 73.947 106,763 125,632 148,325 137,993 139,040 122,027 108,690 129,634 133,954 139,912 132,569 155,827 170,681 188,291 210,588 243,479 282,326 302,354 345.433 369.339 330,029 309,296 302,252 309,183 283,293 331, 6 78 279,190 236,390 282,682 273.586 235.378 261,748 227,674 157,970 86,595 ] Totals 6,170,877 6,170,877 7,748,009 plete information not recorded until 1880-81. t Nine months only. Mine months only. * Com



RETURN No. 24. Statement of Accidents for the Year ending 31st March, 1917.

Train Accidents. Accidents on Line (other than Train-running). Shunting Accidents. Accidents on Wharves and in Sheds. Accidents in Workshops. Total. I Employees. Other Persons. Passengers. Employees. Other Persons. Employees. Other Persons. Employees. Other Persons. Employees. Other Persons. CO 3 in o fa s V o g 3 (33. 3 43 60 o s CO 2 i 43 to O a 3 3 o O 3 r a 43 b 01 o a 00 a 103 2 rt 13 (3P tO = 3 en 2 3 I . \ f _ 03 I S & 03 c 2 p O O 3 -g a U. 03 2 I .. 165 .. 123 8 4 t j 2il 1 .. 6 3 ..24 8 Whangarei Kaihu Gisborne .. North Island Main Line and Branches South Island Main Line and Branches Westland Westport Nelson Picton 4 1 2 13 4 1 i 1 .. 1 ii 3 3 j 2 1 8 1 2 i 89 57 •• '2 .. '3 .'.' x | M 69 30 '2 2 1 .. .. .. .. 1 .! 118 1 132 91 2 476 349 .... 2 1 2 3 3 4 2 1 .. I 3 .. I 2 16 11 i ■• .. •• ■• I •• •• •■ •• i •• •• •• •• •• I- " ■- •• I — — .. "i •• I •• •• .. .. Totals 5 3 17 18 6 i 8 | — i 2 .. — !l57 — .. 2 -. 4 1 109 4 1 1 1 [256 -- .. 301 — 1 SB' ■ •



RETURN No. 25. Locomotive Returns for the Year ending 31st March, 1917.

Type. CD 3 o 33. a a Z I g 03 03 P. " p is < Train. Detail. Shunting Empty. traln - Detail. Engine-mileage. Total. Quantity of Stores. Running. Repairs. Running. Cost. Repairs. Cost per Engine-mile, in Pence. Running. 3 p _ 3 S3 - Type. Coal. Oil. Tallow. Waste. Wages and Material. Stores. Fuel. Wages. Total. Wages and Material. Stores. Fuel. Wages. Total. WHANGAREI SECTION. Fa .. Wb i 3 6 15 17 17 3.371 31,287 90.640 2,665 121 12,346 3,349 18,062 2,838 6,157 46 982 111,540 Cwt. Qt. 2,632 329 18,875 1,495 74,221 4,173 lb. lb. 26 144 104 581 226 : 1,298 £ 37 587 1.940 £ £ 13 71 I 63 508 170 2,001 ; £ £ 147 268 1.015 2,173 2.325 6,436 1-44 3-00 4-17 0-51 0-32 0-36 2-76 2-60 4-31 5-73 5-18 5-00 10-44 | 149 11-10 556 13-84 1,081 D. Fa. Wb. Totals General charges 10 | 125,298 33,073 I 6,308 164,679 | 95,728 5,997 356 ! 2,023 | 2,564 246 2,580 3,487 | 8,877 .. 1,880 10,757 362f ! i 3-74 i 0-36 i 3-76 5;08 i 12-94 2-74 j 15-68 1.786J -- 6,308 6,308 164,679 6,308* Totals ! ' 33,073 I I 10,395 158,371 j -- i 125,298 KAIHU SECTION. F .. General charges 2 15 14,654 I 3,158 5,988 5,988 5,988 23,800 23.800 5,988* 5,358 372 28 204 597 17 i 401 i 551 1.566 135 I 1,701 229t 6-02 : 0-18 4-04 5-55 15-79 1-36 17-15 361 F. Totals 14,654 3,158 17,812 I 1,472 GISBORNE SECTION. 638 12,172 1.019 2,854 3,015 65,503 j 1,257 27,733 I 77 : 337 ! 1,468 ; 4,930 I 11-70 j 0-80 8-20 3-72 I 0-45 8-51 6-12 26-82 5-38 18-06 52! Fa. 692 Wa. Fa .. Wa 1 15 4 15 1,358 50,477 182 2,847 14 94 138 i 824 : 147 1,015 10 | 123 103 2,324 Totals .. J General charges 5 j .. : 51,835 12,810 3,873 3,873 68,518 | 28,990 3,029 108 ! 962 1,162 133 i 2,427 i 1,545 | 5,267 I 765 6,032 186tj 4-07 0-47 8-50 5-41 18-45 2-68 21-13 744 1 Totals .. j I 3,873 2,720 68,518 2,720* | ' 51,835 12,810 1,153 65,798 i 5,846 ! I ! i j i i * Mlleai ;e ran by enj fines irformins work-train services for Maintenance Branch "working-e: .enses " classifications. t Credits for same from Maintenance Branch.



RETURN No. 25- continued. Locomotive Returns for the Year ending 31st March, 1917— continued.

Type. CO 0 3 O 03 3 z <E rH 0 Detail. Sh __ ng WorkEmpty. tram - Detail. Engine-mileage. Total. Quantity of Stores. Running. Repairs. ! Running. COEt. Repairs. Cost per Engine-mile, in Pence. Running. as 03 a n Type. Train. Coal. Oil. Tallow. Waste. Wages and Material. Stores. Fuel. Total. Wages. Wages and Material. Stores. Fuel. Wages. i Total. NORTH ISLAND MAIN LINE AND BRANCHES. A .. Aa . . Ab .. Bb . . Be .. C .. D .. E (simple) E (compound) F .. Fa . . H .. K .. L .. M . . N (simple) .. N (compound) Na .. Nc .. O .. Oa . . Ob . . Oc . . P .. Q .. R .. S .. T .. Ud .. Wa Wb 50 10 23 1 2 4 3 1 24 4 6 16 i 2 I 9 9 1 2 2 6 1 9 1 4 6 10 4 2 2 3 5 25 25 25 20 20 15 15 20 6 20 20 6 20 25 20 20 25 20 20 20 15 20 20 20 18 25 20 20 18 30 20 20 20 1,361,001 191,901 20,726 482,670 14.507 9,732 4,188 236 7,481 24,734 33,911 199,275 16,712 78,750 43.223 177,774 14.818 I 48.995 42,716 48,916 8,691 53.297 11,671 20.989 141,491 27,532 605 2,492 19,678 29.869 3.3,935 918 71.358 14.558 691 45.502 1,675 4.420 14.273 6,526 702 366,608 39,915 21.871 59.553 3.608 34,919 11,725 24.171 1,863 1,933 1,979 16,577 5,804 6,026 4,268 11,401 14,052 105.821 63.737 2,206 2,410 23,672 11.979 319 4,264 1,436,623 68 206,527 21,417 448 528.620 46 16.228 4.420 26.342 50,347 8,174 18,888 242 | 1,180 50,057 j 424.146 2.515 ' 67,164 26 , 55,808 841 i 259,669 71 20,391 4,453 i 118.122 16 ! 54,964 704 I 202.649 16,681 365 51,293 393 45,088 65.493 48 14.543 359.323 15,939 24.993 57,383 2,543 158,086 7,678 141,031 8,643 72,985 17,132 21.830 22,088 53,541 23,715 ! 69,629 1.542 : 2,779 Cwt, Qt. lb. , lb. 625.149 58,353 3.320 19.997 128,168 8.312 464 3.576 6.059 666 | 36 207 302.665 17.468 | 865 5,844 9.013 735 | 32 181 1,234 122 I 10 I 63 7,111 578 53 : 318 4,780 690 i 49 , 308 803 135 ! 22 i 62 124.864 10.690 686 | 3,891 28,168 1,669 j 109 I 616 53.675 3,803 I 207 I 1,894 117,062 8.099 : 452 i 3,394 7,986 459 50 '' 318 44,633 3,155 j 212 > 1,075 18,766 1,204 ! 85 430 96,408 6,120 ; 296 2,250 7,210 429 14 159 27,174 1,747 74 402 18.784 1,597 49 416 37,354 2.475 154 1,220 8.665 722 \ 35 180 31,484 1,742 ! 66 559 9,386 708 j 35 182 29.996 1,627 ' 117 774 99.520 4,816 j 228 1.829 50.500 ] 5,535 I 385 2.399 23,966 1,891 ! 134 756 10,360 629 i 41 288 12.844 738 j 40 265 22,705 1.559 j 111 717 29,630 2.225 j 170 1,015 1,352 101 ' 6 38 £ £ £ £ £ 20,973 2,530 37,650 21,782 82,935 4 144 400 8,319 3.987 16,850 178 29 405 261 873 3.137 773 19,644 9,994 33,548 1.227 30 582 345 2,184 6 6 81 ! 146 239 224 27 464 j 595 1.310 25 33 308 ; 489 855 51 7 49 i 40 147 3.862 457 5,642 12,028 21,989 910 : 71 : 1,102 2,100 4,183 4,302 i 181 i 3.522 2,786 10,791 3.017 i 359 | 7,204 5,516 16,096 716 22 I 500 467 1.705 1,451 I 134 ! 2,435 2.613 6,633 679 i 56 I 1.223 1,052 3,010 3,812 ! 271 I 6.249 3.640 i 13,972 j 221 ! 19 486 285 : 1.011 819 73 I 1,765 • 883 I 3,540 521 67 1,221 ; 619 ; 2,428 1.294 119 2.437 1.814 5,664 164 31 557 402 1,154 676 75 2,051 1,074 3,876 571 32 614 413 1,630 1,261 72 1,525 1,231 4,089 3.582 214 j 5,203 3,060 12.059 1,478 248 i 3,192 4.270 9,188 680 97 1,501 2.278 4.556 1,149 27 539 499 ] 2,214 1.553 32 826 451 2,862 434 74 j 1,478 1,313 3,299 968 110 I 1.920 1,525 4,523 412 4 ' 83 57 556 3-50 0-42 6-29 3"64 13-85 4-82 0-46 9-67 4'63 , 19-58 1-99 0-33 4-54 2-92 , 9'78 1-42 0-35 8-92 4"54 15'23 18-15 0-44 8-61 ' 5-10 32-30 0-33 0-33 : 4-39 ! 7-93 12-98 1-07 0-13 2-21 i 2-83 6"24 0-32 0-42 3-91 I 6-22 10-87 10-37 1-42 9-97 \ 8"13 29-89 2-18 ! 0-26 3-19 6-81 12-44 3-25 0-25 3-95 7-50 14-95 18-50 0-78 15-15 11-98 46-41 2-79 0-33 6-66 5-10 14-88 8-43 0-26 5-88 5-50 20"07 2-95 0-27 4-95 5"31 13-48 2-97 ! 0-24 534 4-59 13-14 4-51 032 7-40 431 16-54 3-18 0-28 6-99 4"10 14,55 3-83 0-34 8-26 j 4-13 1656 2-77 0-36 6-50 I 3'29 12-92 4-74 0-43 8-93 ! 6'65 20'75 2-71 0-51 9-19 6-63 19-04 2-73 0-30 ; 8-31 4-34 15-68 8-60 ! 0-48 ' 9-24 6'22 24-54 5-27 i 0-30 , 6-38 5-15 17-10 5-44 0-32 7-90 4-65 18-31 2-52 0-42 | 5-43 7"27 15-64 2-24 ; 0-32 4-93 7-49 14-98 12-63 0-30 5-91 5-49 24"33 16-87 i 0-35 : 8-98 4-90 3110 1-95 0-33 i 6-62 5-89 14-79 3-34 0-38 I 6-62 5-25 15-59 35-58 0-34 ; 7-17 I 4-92 ' 48"01 10.909 A. 1,913 Aa. 154 Ab. 4,524 Bb. 180 Be. 193 C. 967: D. 255! E (simple). 23 E (compound). 5.437 F. 859 Fa. 1.550 H. 2,712 J. 315 K. 1,648: L. 548 M. 1,796 N (simple). 139 N (compound). 406 Na. 355 Nc. 984 O. 21 li Oa. 478| Ob. 212| Oe. 664: P. 1,345' Q. 2.017; R. 889j S. 255 j T. 196' Ud. 618: V. 839: Wa. 31 : Wb.



RETURN No. 25—continued. Locomotive Returns for the Year ended 31st March, 1917— continued.

Type. 03 "5c a c 03 a z -p Detail. Engine-mileage. Worktrain. Total. Quantity of Stores. Running. Repairs. Running. Total. Stores. Fuel. Wages. Cost. Running. Repairs. Running. Cost per Engine-mile, in Pence. 03 _ 3 03 ai Type. Train. Shunting and Empty. Coal. Oil. Tallow. Waste. Wages and Material. Wages Total, and Stores. Fuel. Wages. Material. NORTH ISLAND MAIN LINE AND BRANCHES— < tinned. Wd .. j 14 20 234,582 53,072 We . . 1 15 3,749 6,650 Wr. . . . 20 ! 25 315,033 88.392 Wg.. .. 20 25 i 336.478 93,084 Wh .. 2 20 2,305 22,789 Wj.. .. I 20 15,804 5,903 Ww .. 40 25 758,355 129.427 X .. .. 18 20 387.964 27.370 Small tank!) .. 1 ! 6 .. 4.265 Rail motor No. 1 1 20 3,426 705 Rail motor No. 2 1 20 2.224 j 897 61,977 349,631 24 10,423 43,007 446.432 13,506 I 443,068 8,644 ! 33,738 21,707 20,085 : 907,867 36 i 415,370 4,265 ! 4,131 3.121 Owt. 177,284 6.300 224.260 233,955 8,827 16,955 417,864 306,431 2.016J 2,746} Qt: 12,651 i 550 | 13,638 ! 15.443 1,010 948 28,143 i 34,356 j 269 ! 253 ! 1 lb. lb. £ £ £ 524 3.409 5,599 534 11,545 37 257 560 27 410 788 5,366 6,958 617 13,015 697 5.023 9,576 687 13,621 69 405 880 50 569 44 239 568 43 1,014 1,368 9,633 8.831 1.267 23,737 1.012 8,205 ; 11,823 1,408 19.937 12 9 27 99 11 j 221 2 I 14 79 12 j 296 £ £ 7.325 25,003 344 1,341 9,541 30,131 9,342 33.226 981 2,480 616 2,241 18,452 52,287 8,664 41.832 12 68 399 134 521 3-84 0-37 7-92 12-89 0-62 9-45 3-74 0-33 700 5-19 0-37 "7-38 6-26 0-35 4-05 6-28 ' 0-47 11-21 2-33 0-34 6-27 6-83 0-81 11-52 0-68 5-75 0-64 12-84 608 I 0-92 22-76 503 792 513 5-06 6-98 6-81 4-88 5-01 395 10-30 ■ 1716 3,429 Wd. 30-88 204 We. 16-20 i 4,682 Wr. 18-00 ! 4,653; Wg. 17-64 ' 459[ Wh. 24-77 246! Wj. 13-82 ' 8,876' Ww. 24-17 . 3,823 X. 0-68 ' 278j Small tank.§ 23-18 171! Rail motor No. 40-06 108 Rail motor No.! ! Totals .. 339 .. 5,233,354 1,428.676 General charges .... 332,598 '6.994, 628 3,389,350 258.060 4,7621 13,157 188.201 !l09,482 11,336 205,142 1 i 1 143,482 469,442 | 68,801 538,243 ll,191t 3-76 j 0-39 7-04 4-92 1611 70,551 2-36 18-47 ! : i i 332,598 6,994,628 186,475 186.475* •• Totals .... .. 5,233.354 1,428.676 .. .. 5,233,354 1,428.676 146.123 6,808,153 I 527,052 j I j i * Mileage run by engines performing work-train service for Maintenance Branch "working-expenses" classifications. t Credits for same from Maintenance Branch. ± Gallons petrol. § Gang, fuel, and stores supplied by Stores Branch. Gang, fuel, and stores for 1 D supplied by Public Works Department. Gang, fuel, and stores for 1 D supplied by Stores Branch. Gang, fuel, and stores for 1 F supplied by Public Works Department for eleven months. 1 "O sold in April. 1 N transferred to Westland Section in June. 1 WB transferred to Whangarei Section in July. 1 J converted to WA. 1 E (simple) scrapped.

[).— 2


RETURN No. 25-continued. Locomotive Returns for the Year ending 31st March, 1917— continued.

Type. 33 03 a a o 3A a 3 Z IS 03 »pt 03 IH 03 03 £3. IS -p Train. Detail. Shunting Work _ Emp'ty. *">»• Detail. Engine-mileage. Total. Quantity of Stores. Running. Repairs. Running. Cost. Repairs. Cost per Engine-mile, in Pence. Running. a 3 DO Type Coal. Oil. Tallow. Waste. Wages and Material. Stores. Fuel. Wages. Total. Wages and Material. Stores. Fuel. Wages. Total. SOUTH ISLAND MAIN ,LNE AND BRANCHES, A'(compound) Ab (simple) 409 Ab .. B .. Ba .. D .. F .. Fa .. T J .. -EK .. T L .. 7 1 10 8 10 11 37 4 15 6 1 6 7 8 4 6 22 10 10 4 16 30 159,499 9,358 30 | 20,078 1,255 30 I 242,177 10,386 20 181.216 19,796 20 ! 179,082 \ 36,730 18 ! 270 . 55,145 20 j 78,406 i 519,478 20 i 30,561 16,273 25 I 260,032 39,104 25 | 50,016 4,725 20 10,151 2.993 18 104,941 14,306 30 ! 191,060 13,417 20 10,816 64,534 18 : 47,632 5,716 30 ! 220,726 10,522 30 ! 159,733 6,385 30 j 532,246 43,166 30 j 197,727 22.522 25 ] 241,214 14,891 20 ! 55,724 17,839 25 I 262,923 78,407 Cwt. Qt, lb. lb. >t£tl I U f£i 168,857 i 73,166 6,256 281 2,308 4,470 : 277 4,724 21,333 9,766 767 i 51 400 514 36 645 252,563 88,438 ! 6,634 353 2,783 1,694 297 5.866 201,012 140,282! 7,834 328 2,579; 4.305 336 8.833 172 215,984 148,880 9,144 444 3,424 4,376 408 9.404 1,696 57,111 15,527 , 1,262 j 125 853 : *- 778 59 795 6,337 604.221 237,404 16,967 | 1,144 6.420 6.751 ' 691 9.736 9,372 56,206 j 18,710 ! 1,540 I 147 808 : 1,359 75 1,212 9,597 308.733 150,316 ! 7.633 \ 687 3,880 ! 5,186 350 6,878 419 55,160 25,637 ! 1.466 ! 139 875 ! 1,366 68 1,419 153 13,297 3,730 j 383 39 212 i 115 19 247 1,746 120,993 85,789 3,466: 313 1,554; 1,774 154 3,197 204.477 103,620 ', 7,370 i 275 2,002 I 4,352 302 6,596 25,938 101,288 36,250 2,666 226 1,725 i 2,024 128 2,312 1,255 54,603 24,840 1,785 149 989 I 1,570 82 1,650 89 231,337 119,184 6,117 408 2,728 j 4,431 265 6,647 166,118 98,244 4.020 299 1,938 ! 2,853 173 5,050 272 575,684 293.450 17,441 885 6,516 j 12,166 767 19,263 44 220,293 111,251 6.562 338 2,826 5,122 298 7,296 174 256,279 ! 179,031 I 6,101 557 2,845 : 3.312 261 i 4,719 6,428 , 79.991 , 33.660 i 2,738 162 1.183 : 1.653 124 i 2,218 14,291 355,621 ! 171,757 ! 11.238 ! 565 4,610 ! 6.513 522 | 11.205 8 £ £'■:■ W" £ 2,608 *12,079 355 1,550 3,036 10,893 4.714 18,188 5,122 19,310 1,808 3,440 20.113 37,291 1,567 4,213 6,575 18,989 1,016 3.869 391 772 2.625 7.750 3,108 14,358 3,172 7,636 1,529 4,831 ! 3,811 15,154 2,844 10,920 10,152 42,348 4,497 17,213 4,667 12,959 1,921 5,916 8.364 26,604 6-35 ! 0-39 6-72 5-78 ' 0-41 : 7-26 1-61 0-28 5-57 5-14 , 0-40 ; 10-55 4-86 0-45 ; 10-45 3-27 0-25 3-34 2-68 0-27 3-87 5-80 0-32 5-18 4-03 0-27 5-35 5-94 0-30 6-17 2-07 0-34 4-46 3-51 ! 0-31 6-34 5-11 j 0-35 7-74 4-79 : 0-30 5-48 6-90 0-36 7-25 ! 4-60 0-27 6-89 ' 4-12 0-25 7-29 ; 5-07 0-32 8-03 5-58 \ 0-32 7-95 3-10 ! 0-24 4-42 ! 4-96 : 0-37 6-65 i 4-39 , 0-35 7-56 j 3-71 17-17 ! 1,203 A (compound). 3-99 17-44 204 Ab (simple) 409. 2-89 10-35 1,499 Ab. 5-63 I 21-72 j 2,008 B. 5-69 ' 21-45 ! 2,396 Ba. 7-60 14-46 1,229 D. 7-99 14-81 8,989 F. 6-69 17-99 814 Fa. 5-11 14-76 3,438 J. 4-42 16-83 737 K. 706 13-93 233 L. 5-21 15-37 1,266 P. 3-64 ! 16-84 1,447 Q. 7-52 ! 18-09 ! 1,449 R. 6-72 ! 21-23 ! 870 T. 3-96 15-72 ! 1.912 U. 4-11 15-77 ! 1,414; Ua. 4-23 17-65 : 4,985! Ub. 4-90 18-75 2.420! Uc. 4-37 12-13 2,311! V. 5-77 17-75 960 Wd. 5-65 17-95 4,126 Wf. P .. Q .. R .. ..I T .. TT TJ .. Ua.. Ub .. Uc .. V .. Wd Wf Totals General charges ; ! 3,236,230 1,006,948 77,983 4,321,161 2,168,932 77.983 4,321,161 66,853 66,853* ] 129,390 ! 7,915 53,458 I 76.684 5,692 119.912 93,995 296.283 51,205 347,488 4,168-f 93,995 296.283 51,205 347,488 A 1AQ3-4-26 ! 0-32 j 6-66 4-26 j 0-32 j 6-66 5-22 16-46 45,910 2-84 19-30 .. Totals 4,168-f .. 13,236,230 1,006,948 11,130 |4,254, 308 i 343,320 | * Mileage run by engines performing work-train services for Maintenance Branch " working-expenses " classifications. f Credit for same received from Maintenance Branch. 1 D sold in Jfovember, 2 D sold in March.



RETURN No. 25—continued. Locomotive Returns for the Year ending 31st March, 1917— continued.

03 3 3 o 03 A a z Engine-mileage. Quantity of Stores. Cost. Cost per Engine-mile, in Pence. Type IS Detail. Runuing. Repairs. Running. Repairs. Running. CO n Type. Train. Shunting Work _ Emfty. *»*■ Total. Coal. Oil. Tallow. Waste. Wages and Material. Stores. Fuel. Wages. Total. Wages and Material. Total. Stores. Fuel. Wages. WESTLAND S! ICTION. D .. F .. Fa .. La .. N .. W .. Wa Wb We 1 18 ! 5 20 . 1 ! 20 j 5 20 2 25 2 | 15 3 20 1 | 20 1 15 i 21 j .. 37,030 24,459 43,421 33,357 22,756 60,591 16,010 8,127 2,912 50,848 1,612 8,759 2,018 9,743 10,288 2,786 3,229 220 44 17,589 239 314 437 8 2,912 88,098 26,115 69,769 35,375 I 32,738 ! 71,193 ; 19,233 i 11,364 j Cwt. Qt. 698 149 28,899 3,322 8,489 824 26,212 3,068 14,759 1,309 18,375 , 1,758 35,343 • 2,627 10,457 ! 907 8,229 I 685 lb. 10 152 31 164 73 85 135 47 37 lb. 47 1,129 257 1,170 472 646 1,053 390 292 £ 14 1,482 527 445 575 851 1,482 152 754 £ 6 144 36 138 58 78 118 41 31 £ 24 1,039 305 937 ; 528 652 1,266 373 299 £ £ 110 154 2.556 5,221 501 i 1,369 1,712 3,232 712 1,873 992 2,573 1,591 4,457 495 1,061 426 1,510 1-16 4-04 4-84 1-53 3-90 6-24 4-99 1-90 15-92 0-49 0-39 0-33 0-48 0-40 0-57 0-40 0-51 0-66 1-98 2-83 2-80 3-22 3-58 4-78 4-28 4-65 6-31 9-07 6-96 4-61 5-89 4-82 7-27 5-36 6-18 9-00 12-70 63 14-22 1,128 12-58 : 239 11-12 1,042 12-70 375 18-86 463 15-03 728 : 13-24 241 31-89 189 D. F. Fa. La. N. W. Wa. Wb. We. ! Totals .. I General charges 245,751 92,195 18,851 356,797 \ 151,461 ! 14,649 734 5,456 6,282 650 5,423 9,095 I 21,450 ! 3,443 4-22 0-44 3-65 6-12 ! 14-43 I 4,468 2-31 j .. 16-74 ; •■ 24,893 903f Totals 18,851 356,797 18,469 18,469* • 1 245,751 92,195 382 338,328 ; I 23,990 WESTPORT SECTION. I I 18,776 1,308 29,216 615 22,567 ! 100,674 j 5,019 995 | 8,160 i 1,093 7,825 857 56,359 4,499 58 69 79 253 370 482 519 1,619 171 345 528 1,916 41 50 44 190 160 736 1,108 260 946 1,601 249 730 1,551 1,794 2,417 6,317 ! 2-19 2-83 5-62 4-57 I C .. ... 2 F .. .. . 2 Fa .. .. ! 2 Wb .. | 5 12 15 15 20 11,074 8,794 76,211 18,776 16,834 13,158 24,463 0-52 0-41 0-46 0-45 2-04 2-14 2-65 4-28 9-41 7-77 7-76 5-76 14-16 300 13-15 458 16-49 363 15-06 1,141 C. F. Fa. Wb. Totals ... 11 General charges 96,079 73,231 1,923 ' 171,233 1,923 77,363 7,444 459 2,990 2,960 325 2,463 4,829 10,577 ! 1,920 12,497 107t . i i 4-15 0-46 3-45 6-76 14-82 2,262 2-69 17-51 j ! 1,923 171,233 1,923 1,923* i I Totals .. j 96,079 73,231 169,310 12,390 * Mileage run by engines performing work-train services for Maintenance Branch "working-expenses*' classifications. t Credits for same from Maintenance Branch.


RETURN No. 25-continued. Locomotive Returns for the Year ending 31st March, 1917— continued.

By Authority : Mabctjs F. Mabks, Government Printer, Wellington.—-1917.


Type. 03 33 3 03 Z 03 M 03 Hp ft* „ 03 ft IS Detail. Engine-mileage. Quantity of Stores. Running. Repairs. Running. Cost. Repairs. Cost per Engine-mile, in Pence. Running. 33 3 CO CO B Type. Train. Shunting and Empty. Worktrain. Total. Coal. Oil. Tallow. Waste. Wages and Material. Stores. Fuel. Wages. Total. Wages and Material. Stores. Fuel. Wages. Total. LSON SECTION. I - £ 15 83 36 £ 198 1,125 749 £ £ 258 546 1.083 2.960 472 1.398 | 1-85 2-89 1-18 _ F .. ..1 Fa .. .. 3 Wf ..1 IS 18 25 4,246 47,301 26,997 3,960 1,500 8.213 21 1,576 9,706 55,535 28,573 ; Cwt. 2,908 16,206 10.745 Qt. 344 2,052 906 lb. 28 92 43 lb. 163 727 353 £ 75 669 141 0-37 4-90 0-36 4-86 0-30 6-29 6-38 4-68 3-97 13-50 | 12-79 11-74 233 679 256 F. Fa. Wf. Totals .-. 5 General charges 78,544 13,749 1,521 93,814 29,859 3,302 163 1,243 885 134 2.072 1,813 4.904 754 i 5,658 61 1 J_ 2-27 0-34 : 5-30 4-64 12-55 ! 1,168 1-93 j .. 14-48 | 1.521 1,521 93,814 1,521*! Totals !— 78,544 13,749 5,597 I 92,293 PICTON SECTION. D .. Fa .. G .. Wf 1 2 3 IS 18 is 25 123 38,327 7,031 19,105 3,578 313 6,440 330 7,734 11,748 6,096 ; 4,014 45.097 26,513 25,201 760 160 12,574 1.241 6.191 743 8,989 744 13 33 31 22 140 380 473 222 37 321 439 191 8 51 36 31 _3 53 184 895 897 438 648 640 567 282 2,164 1,561 1,429 2-21 1-71 3-97 1-82 0-48 3-17 0-27 4-76 0-33 3-97 0-30 6-10 1100 4-78 5-86 5-39 16-86 11-52 14-13 13-61 161 D. 545 Fa. 446 G. 282) Wf Totals General charges ! ! 7 64,586 23,848 \ 12,391 100.825 100.825 28,514 2,888 99 1,215 988 126 2,026 j 2,296 i 5,436 828 2-35 0-30 4-82 5-47 ! 12-94 1-97 1,434- -- ! - - - 12,391 1,470 100,825 1,470* ■ 6,264 611 ; i4-9i Totals -. ■- 64,586 23,848 10,921 99,355 6,203 I * Mileage run by engines performing work-train services for Maintenance Branch "working-expenses" classifications. t Credits for same from Maintenance Branch.


Class "Ws," Simple Superheated Tank Engine, 4-6-4 Type. For heavy suburban trains, and for working heavy gradients on North Island Main Trunk line. Built in New Zealand Government Railway Workshops. Diameter of coupled wheels, 4ft. 6in.; cylinders, 17in. by 26in.; working-pressure, 200lb. per square inch; tractive power, 22,250lb.; weight in working-trim, 64 tons.


Class "Ab," Simple Superheated Tender Engine, 4-8-2, "Pacific Type." Built in New Zealand Government Railway Workshops. Diameter of coupled wheels, 4ft. 6in.; cylinders, 17in. by 26in.; working-pressure, 180lb. per square inch; water capacity, 3,500 gallons; tractive power, 20,000 lb.; weight in working-trim, 79 tons. Designed to run on all lines.



D 2.



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Bibliographic details

RAILWAYS STATEMENT BY THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS, THE HON. W. H. HERRIES., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1917 Session I, D-02

Word Count

RAILWAYS STATEMENT BY THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS, THE HON. W. H. HERRIES. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1917 Session I, D-02

RAILWAYS STATEMENT BY THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS, THE HON. W. H. HERRIES. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1917 Session I, D-02

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