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B.—l [Pt. ll]. [1916.]



B.—l [Pt. ll]. [1916.]



The Treasury statement of the Revenue and Expenditure for the year ended 31st March, 1916, was received for Audit examination after the close of last session. Upon being completed the statement was signed, and at the request of the Treasury returned for inclusion in the Appendices for the year. As provided for in section 84, subsection (2), of the Public Revenues Act, 1910, I have the honour to report that — 1. The statement has been examined and found correct. 2. The statement agrees with the books of the Treasury. 3. Vouchers as under have been passed by Audit without supporting receipts but on the authority of the Minister, as provided for by section 69 of the Public Revenues Act, 1910, the reason being that receipts were not obtained, were unobtainable, or lost. Defence Department — £ s. d. E s. d. Private P. W. Stanley —Board during convalescence 5 0 0 Commonwealth of Australia —Expenses in quarantine 69 .'1 7 Commonwealth of Australia —Passages of Australian nurses ... ... ... ... ... 419 4 0 Major H. A. Reid—Taxi-hire ... ... ... 0 15 0 Captain Robinson —Fares to camp ... ... 65 6 4 Lieut.-Colonel Fulton—Cable to Apia, Samoa ... 1 4 11 Sergeant W. Lamb—Vegetables, Samoa ... ... 10 0 Sergeant A. M. Jameson—Ropes (troops, Samoa) ... 11l 0 ,». Lieutenant H. C. Cotton — Alarm-clock (troops, Samoa) ... ... ... ... ... 0 6 0 Lieutenant A. H. Wright—Motor-hire ... ... 600 Lieut.-Colonel Fenwick — Purchase water-bottles, Egypt ... ... ... ... ... 0 8 2 Captain I). H. Rait —Purchase green feed, Egypt ... 0 12 3 Commonwealth of Australia —Expenses Lieutenant Hayhurst, Albany Quarantine-station ... 29 9 10 Sergeant J. D. Dowdall —Payment by High Commissioner ... ... ... ... ... 5 0 0 J. and W. Faulkener—Expenses fitting " Maheno " 24 17 0 Tan Henare, M.P. —Steamer fare ... ... 2 8 0 . 632 t 1 Internal Affairs Department— J. D. Gray—Expenses Recruiting Board .. 11 2 6 H. Hamilton—Coach fare ... ... ... 0 10 0 T. 11. Davey—Expenses Racing Commission ... 4 19 0 G. T. Phillips—Expenses Maori election, Horowhenua 111 0 F. M. Sherwood (Secretary) —Taxi-hire ... ... 0 7 0 18 10 0 Lands and Survey Department— C. MacFarlane —Travelling-expenses ... ... ... 3 10 0 Mines Department— F. J. Gunrir—Wages, <fee— Yardmen ... ... . . 100 16 8 Public Works Department— Duncdin —Salaries ... ... ... ... ... 515 14 7 £1,270 17 4

B.—l [Pt. ll], [1916.1

4. Departmental Prosecutions. —During the period under review there were six prosecutions under the Public Revenues Ad and its amendments for defalcations of public moneys, accompanied in some cases by forgery, convictions being obtained in each instance. Appended is the list of offenders and the items in respect of which the charges were brought :—. £ g. d. Captain Henderson (Defence Department ... ... ... 154 7 4 V. A. Strack (Public Health Department) ... ... ... 40 0 0 Miss Moon (Tourist Department) ... ... ... ... 128 9 1 C. H. Rule (Public Works Department) ... ... ... 85 7 6 E. Blair (Mines Department) ... ... ... ... ... 7 0 0 Captain Hawkins (Defence Department) ... ... ... 101 7 3 5. Surcharges. —There has been a number of instances in which the Audit Office has discovered overpayments or shorl collections, but as these were adjusted it was unnecessary to issue any formal surcharge. Audit ok Details. Owing tii the additional work cast upon the Audit, consequent upon the war conditions, and the inadequate staff to deal with it—twenty-one of the officers having enlisted and twelve being detached for audit of Defence accounts. —it was found necessary to obtain the consent of the Minister to dispense with the detailed audit of accounts under section 68 of the Public Revenues Act, 1910. This dispensation does not, however, apply to war-expenses vouchers, which are preaudited, a method which has amply justified its application. War Expenditure. Complete audit and check of all claims in connection with the war expenditure is carefully •carried out. The individual accounts of all soldiers are examined and all credits and debits checked. There are about 83,000 accounts, subdivided into 170 ledgers, to be dealt with. Each soldier is paid, roughly speaking, twice monthly, and some 50,000 allotments are made to dependants, relatives, friends, savings-bank accounts, &c. Thus there are some 250.000 entries to be checked monthly into these accounts. As the Forces are scattered over England, France, Egypt, Greece, and Mesopotamia, and are paid by the various command Paymasters, and as in addition to such debits, hospital stoppages', promotions and reductions in ranks, and debits for small comforts supplied to men in hospital and charged against their pay have all to he checked, the immense amount of work involved will be readily understood. There is pre-audit of claims for ritting-up, hire, and reconditioning of transports, purchase ■of clothing and supplies, travelling-expenses, canteen supplies, forage, &c, and of imprests, checking acquittances, daily orders, allotment orders, &c. In addition to this, extra work has been involved by the establishment of Military Service Boards, the National Efficiency Board, and by the scheme for financial assistance to soldiers. Stores Audit. The matter of inspection of stores and audit of Store Accounts is still in abeyance. The recognized necessity for an efficient staff to undertake the duty, and the practical impossibility of creating and obtaining such a staff during the stress of war and liability for military services, were the grounds of my suggestion of 1915 that as the performance of the duties had not been in operation during the thirty-seven years preceding it might well be held over for the period of the war. Audit of Departmental Vouchers. I feel that I should fall short of the full discharge of my duty in relation to this report if I •did not call attention to a laxity in relation to sundry departmental vouchers. I refer to the failure of certifying and approving officers to realize the undoubted fact that the primary responsibility for the accuracy of vouchers is imposed upon them by law, and that no matter what obligations may devolve upon other officers with regard to these vouchers at later stages of their passage, no exoneration can reasonably be expected or justly granted for initial laxity or inaccuracy. I find, indeed, that not only have the essential particulars not always been verified by various departmental officers, but that the officers concerned have sometimes been quite unaware . of where, or when, or whether services were rendered or goods supplied, and yet to the accuracy of the claims therefor have duly pledged their names. Admittedly the Audit Office has •grave responsibilities also, but to look to Audit (a post factor) to counteract the neglect of those whoso everyday duty it is to maintain sound administrative conditions in their Departments is opposed to'every conception of business common-sense and equity, and to require a service which is no part of Audit functions. I may further add that no system of accountancy, however skilfully devised, can secure immunity from fraud unless the duty of ensuring that the fundamental factors of the accounts are duly supervised and accurate is consistently and conscientiously performed by the officers appointed for that purpose.


B.—l [Pt. lIJ. [1916.]

The Controller and Auditor-General would also take this opportunity to make some observations in respect of other accounts which come under his control. Audit of Local Authorities. The period which has elapsed since my former report has not produced any radical change in the merits or the weaknesses of the operations of local bodies in general, although it is gratifying to have to state that there is much more promptitude in making good any errors of charge and in bringing practice into line with statutory requirements than was the case before the custom of carrying irregularities to Court whenever necessary was adopted by Audit some four years ago. The same strange variance of conception respecting the obligations relating to the treatment of personal and public moneys is, however, still strongly in evidence, with the result that in the period under review a vast amount of time and correspondence were involved on the part of this Office in dealing with technical and essential breaches of statute, the following cases being brought to a •successful issue, either by official pressure or by process of law, in which latter operations the Crown Law Office was in all cases successful : — Amount Xo. £ Recoveries of subsidies ... ... ... ... ... 17 852 ~ under surcharge ... ... ... ... 71 2,402 to public fund. ... ... ... ... 2 1,100 Loan adjustments ... ... ... ... ... 62 34,818 Criminal prosecutions and convictions ... ... ... 5 There were, in addition to these, sundry overdraft adjustments and illegal borrowing validations enforced. Patriotic Funds Audit. Additional responsibilities have been placed upon the Audit Office by the War Funds Act, 1915, and notwithstanding that it involved much more work (between four hundred and five hundred funds being approved), the service has been smoothly and effectively dealt with. Pleasing features in this relation are the facts that a large amount of gratuitous audit has been performed by various public auditors of the first rank in their profession, and that with two or three notable exceptions the operations in inaugurating, accounting tor, and administering funds have given no serious cause for complaint. Imperial Government Supplies Department. When the Department commenced operations in March, 1915, an additional sphere of work, imposed by section 31 of the Public Revenues Act, was created for the Audit Office. At first, when meat was the only article of produce handled, the extra work entailed but little disarrangement of the permanent duties of the staff. However, contemporaneous with the increase in the audit of the operations of the Department the work of the Audit Office has increased, and now a special branch is required to cope with an audit of considerable magnitude. The volume of work can be gauged by the fact that the payments to the 31st March last amounted to £27,787,735, representing purchases and incidental expenses on behalf of the Imperial Government on account of meat, cheese, wool, skins, hides, and scheelite. There are also included payments made on behalf of the local Government for butter and cheese for military supplies, the price-of-butter-equalization scheme, and the receipts on butter-fat, all of which accounts have been audited to the 31st March, and found to be satisfactorily kept. In connection with the payment for produce for the Imperial Government the Audit Office requires that the purchases are in conformity with the conditions arranged by the controlling authorities, and in some cases the concurrence of the Imperial Government is also required. A continuous detailed audit has been instituted, an outline of the scope of which has been drawn up for submission by the High Commissioner to the consignees in London for purposes of co-ordination with the Imperial Government Auditors. Robert J. Collins, Audit Office, Wellington, 30th June, 1917. Controller and Auditor-General. [For statement attached to this report see B.—l, Part 11, Appendices to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1916.]

■Approximate Cont of Paper. 'Preparation, not given ; printing {750 ooples), £8

Authority : Marcus F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9l7.

Price 3d.]


B.— 1 [Pt. ll]



B.—l [Pt. II!

CONTENTS. PAGE. REPORT OF THE CONTROLLER AND AUDITOR-GENERAL .. .. .. .. .. 4 GENERAL BALANCE-SHEET :— Cash Accounts .'.' .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. 8 summary oe balances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Accounts belatinu to the Public Debt .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 DETAIL STATEMENT OE REVENUE :— Ordinary and Territorial Revenue.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1G Miscellaneous Ordinary Revenue .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 16 DISBURSEMENTS IN RESPECT OF INTEREST AND SINKING FUND .. .. .. .. 18 DISBURSEMENTS UNDER SPECIAL ACTS .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 31 IMPRESTS OF THE CONSOLIDATED FUND OUTSTANDING .. .. .. .. .. 35 LOCAL BODIES' ACCOUNTS:— Revenue from Fees, Fines, etc. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 36 Endowments of Land .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 37 goldfields revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Gold Duty .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 38 Counties Separate Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 38 Advance Account .. .. .. .. .. .. ..' .. .. . . 30 DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS:— Balance-sheet .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 Education Reserves Amendment Act, 1914 .. .. .. .. _ .. .. .. 41 Land Act, 1908, Mtninu Districts Land Occupation DEPOSIT Account.. .. .. .. 41 Receipts and Disbursements undkb the Trustee Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. .. 42 IMPRESTS OF THE PUBLIC WORKS FUND OUTSTANDING) .. .. .. .. .. 43 SINKING FUNDS:— Receipts and Disbursements of the Sinking Funds .. .. .. .. .. .. 44 Sinking Funds accrued .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 46 TABLE OF THE PUBLIC DEBT ON THE 31st MARCH, 1915 .. .. .. .. .. 46

B -IJ.PT. II] : .


.h 1 1,1 S 1 Vt ' : REPORT OF THE CONTROLLER AND AUDITOR-GENERAL AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 84, SUBSECTION (2), OF THE PUBLIC REVENUES ACT, 1910. I have the honour to transmit to Parliament the statement of the Revenue and Expenditure of the Public Account for the financial year ended 31st March, 1917, and to report as follows : — Accounts. The statement submitted by the Treasury has been examined and found correct, and there are no discrepancies between the statement and the books of the Treasury. The returns as under which show the operations of the various Public Accounts for the financial year have been duly audited, certified to, and presented to Parliament as prescribed by law : — Abstract of the Public Account. Civil List Account. Appropriation/Account. ' . Unauthorized Expenditure Account. I Many of the items included in the latter account were disallowed by the Audit as not coming within the provisions of the law, and therefore could only be passed as against " Unauthorized Expenditure." Imperfect Vouchers. , As required by section 69 of the Public Revenues Act, 1910, the, authority of the Minister of Finance was given to the Audit Office to pass the claims as under without the production of supporting vouchers, on the grounds (1) that receipts were not obtained, (2) that it was not possible to obtain them, or (3) that they were lost and could not be replaced. Department of Agriculture. £ s. d, £ s. d. I.andale and Clark —Travelling-expenses ... ... ... 85 0 4 A. McTaggart—Fares, Australia ... ... ... ... 2 13 0 W. Lambie —Labour, poisoning rabbits ... 14 2 0 J. T. Thacker—Travelling-expenses ... ... ... ... 4 8 0 C. P. Agar —Travelling-expenses ... ... ... ... 3 17 0 " E. Allen—-Travelling-expenses ... ... ... ... 3 18 T. Bassett—Travelling-expenses ... ... ... ... 518 W. J. Bolt—Travelling-expenses ... : ... 3 19 2 G. Buchanan —Travelling-expenses ... ... ... ... 6 12 10 R. Dingle—Travelling-expenses -■-. ..■.> r ; .,» :.. .-.:.. ... 1 3 6 T. R. Eades—Travelling-expenses ... ... ... t ... 4 10 0 W. Fisher—Travelling-expenses ... ... 0 15 0 '11.I 1 . W. Fowler —Travelling-expenses ... ,_.._.... ... 4 20 G. A. Lamb —Travelling-expenses ... ... ..." 4 17 0 J. Marx —Travelling-expenses ... ... ... ... 130 A. McFarlane —Travelling-expenses ... ... ... ... 130 A. Morton —Travelling-expenses ... .•••.,.- ~■■- .•••< .116 J. Moncreiff—Travelling-expenses ... ... ... ... 0 15 0 J. B. Murdoch —Travelling-expenses ... ... ... ... 11 6 ■'<" W. Nicholson —Travelling-expenses ... ... ... ... 4170 H. E. Pacey—Travelling-expenses ... ...-.'■ .-V-.i' : -'.'.. '2 2 2 T. Parker —Travelling-expenses ... ... ... ... 520 W. D. Powdrell —Travelling-expenses ... ... ... ... 116 H. D. Forsyth—Travelling-expenses ... ... ... ... 106 W. Goodfellow- —Travelling-expenses ... ... ... ... 0166 A. H. Mazure —Freight on motor-cycle ... ... 10 9 165 7 7 Customs Department. Mrs. Bedford —Pension, Mr. Bedford (deceased) ... ... ... 2 7 11 Carried forward ... ... ... ... ... 167 15 6


8.--1 TPt. II fc

. £ i. il I- - Brought forward ... ... ... i«?_M tt'ty o-ifj 167 16 6 Defence Department. -WV-, V.J.,::.;. £ s , d. Commonwealth of Australia —Expenses N.Z. Expeditionary Force in Australia (contagious diseases) ... ... ... 68 0:3 Broken Hill Proprietary (Limited) —Freight from Australia ... 3 11 6 Parliamentary Recruiting Committee —Posters, Recruiting Board 72 .0 0 Lieut.-Colonel Batchelor —Payments to Arabs ... ... ... 2TO 0 Captain F. N. Harvey—Motor-hire ... ... ... ... 0 18 0 Commonwealth of Australia —Fares by steamer, two deserters, N.Z. Expeditionary Force ".:': ..' ... 8 16 0 Sergeant E. C. Wood —Expenses firemen for " Maheno "... ... 8 0 0 Lieutenant K. S. Williams—Meals for picquet, Colombo... ... 5 19 6 Lieutenant C. A. Marohant—Motor and boat hire, Colombo ... 1 16 0 Major C. P. E. Mackesy—Expenses picquet, Freinantle ... ... 7 16 0 S. Kirkcaldie and J. L. .Morrison—Expenses woollen goods for troops ... ... ... ... ... ... 11 IB 8 Sf. Kirkcaldie and J. L. Morrison —Taxi-hire ... ... ... 0 15 0 F. S. Hodson —Expenses confidential report (Supplies Board of Advice) ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 II 6 C. J. Ward —Expenses confidential report (Supplies , Board of Advice) ... ... ... ... ... 0 .17 0 Captain L. R. Evatt—Travelling-expenses, Sydney ... ... 19 7 6 Levin and Co.—Lighting, &c, Kaiwarra Military Hospital ... 9 14 6 C. Lindsay—lnspecting forage ...'' ... ... ... S 0 0 Lieutenant W. H. Parkes—Motor-hire, Albany... >..'. 1 0 0 Lieutenant G. H. Forsyth—Meals, &c, picquet, Albany... ... 1 11 6 Lieutenant R. F. Gambrill—Expenses cables, &c, Albany ... 2 3 5 Sergeant MacVean —Expenses picquet. Colombo and Madras ... 0 17 4 C. V. Gameis—*- Veterinary Surgeon ... ..." ... 0 fi 0 Burns, Philp, and Co. (Limited) —Maintenance Samoans awaiting transportation ... ... ... ... ... 580 10 5 Hon. A. T. Ngata—Hotel expenses re Maori Reinforcements ... 3 17 6 M. P. Cameron—Taxi-hire ... '" ... ... 0 16 0 National Provincial Bank of England (through High Commissioner, London) —Pay Base depot, Weymouth ... ... ... 809 II 3 Imprest account of G. C. Rodda (Q.M.G. (4)) —Pay Veterinary Corps, 3rd Reinforcements ... ... ... ... 68 0 0 R, K. Griffin—Board and accommodation, 13th Reinforcements ... 18 18 0 W. M. Bannatyne and Co. (Limited) —Travelling-expenses troops... 3 3 0 Johnston and Co. (Agents P. and O. Line) —Cable, accommodation nurses, Port Said ... ... ... ... 8 0 0 Lady Godley—Arab, wages ... ... ... ... ... 36 0 5 Sergeant E. C. Wood —Expenses firemen for " Maheno "... ... 3 9 0 G. C. Rodda (Q.M.G. (4))— Pay, civilian grooms ... ... 0 14 0 Mrs. F. S. Peterson —Allotment warrant ... ... ... 4 10 0 Kirkcaldie and Morrison (seven vouchers) —Taxi-hire .... ... 4 6 C Captain'J J. Raynes—Picquet expenses, Colombo ... i< ... 3 7 6 F. H. Keeble—Overtime, Palmerstoi* North .', 1 7 0 Private E. J. Cunningham —Boat-fares, Nine Island, Auckland ... 6 1.0 0 Private R. 11. Scott—Coach-fare ~, ... ... ... 0 10 0 M. P. Cameron—Travelling-expenses (Supplies Board of Advice) ... 5 12 6 John Bryce—Sexton's fee .... ... 1 0 0 J. C. Mews—Burial-expenses, Albany,... ... ... >..: .... 1 6 0 J. Gauld—Expenses joining N.Z. Expeditionary Force .... ... 4 1 0 , l Captain Frazer —Sergeant J. H. Rowe's expenses ... ... 3 10 0 — 1,805 6 9 Education Department. A. L. Wyllie —Buggy and motor hire ... ... ... ... 3 4 6 H. Foley, M.A.—Freight ... ... .■..' ... ... 0 12 6 >. ."■ ■_■•-■■ ■■'_'-—1_ _ 317 o Department of Internal Affairs. J. R. Sinclair —Travelling-expenses ... ... ... 205 19 6 Messrs. Downard, Beggs, Bellworthy, and others —Salaries of officers killed in action ... i: ;.. ... ... 55 13 4 261 12 10 Legislative Department. A. T. Ngata —Travelling-expenses ... ... ... ... ... 700 Lands and Survey Department. J. Boddie —Travelling-expenses ... ... ... ... ... .550 Carried forward ... ... ... ... ... 2,250 17 1



b.—i tpt. ii

£ .. d. Brought forward ... ... ... ... ... - 2,250 17 1 Land for Settlements. £ ». (I. H, llerstler —Hotel expenses ... ... ... ■■• ••■ 0150 John McCaw—Motor-hire ... ... ... -■• ••• 4 5 0 John McCaw—Travelling-expenses ... ... ■■■ •■• ,4 16 0 G. W. Mace—Hotel expenses. ... ... ... ... 16 0 11 2 0 Mental /fogpitalt Department. John Howie—Motor-hire ... ... ••■ ••• ••• ••■ 0150 Mari/ne Department. J.J. Kinsey—Expenses 'Aurora" relief expedition ... I 4 5 W. Marshall—Travelling-expenses ... ... ... ... 4 7 9 . 5 12 2 Native Department. 'I. M. Lawson —Travelling-expenses ... ... ... ... 2 14 0 Tv Rakuraku —Travelling-expenses ... ... ... ... 8 3 0 _____ 1.0 17 0 Public Health Department. P. A. Wallwark —Hotel expenses (Plumbers Board) ... ... 2 12 6 T. Courtenay—Hotel expenses ... ... ... ... 2 12 6 Dr. C. H. Frost —Examination bacteriological specimens ... 5 7 6 Mis. I<\ McGeorge—Coach-fare ... ... ... ... 3 12 6 Dr. '1. 11. A. Valintine—Travelling-expenses ...' ... ... 1 19 0 J. S. Douglas—Travelling-expenses ... ... ... ... 5 II 6 21 16 6 Public Works Department. A. J, Sutolifie--Transfer expenses ... ... ... ... ... 111 6 Stamp Department. P. C. Corliss —Coach-fares ... ... ... ... ••• 1 12 6 Tourist and Health Resorts Department. S. R. Edwards —Travelling-expenses ... ... ... ... ... 5 18 2 Total ... ... ... ... ... ... t-2,310 0 II In addition to (he above the Audit Office declined to pass certain claims of the Union Steamship Company in connection with the fitting and reconditioning of transports, such claims being unsupported by receipts for wages and other expenditure. The company, however, pointed out that it would be a matter of the utmost difficulty to supply receipts, as the expenditure was included in vouchers covering other classes of expenditure unconnected with the transports. With the approval of the Minister the claims were passed by Audit on the certificate of the manager of the Union Steamship Company as to their correctness, and where receipts could not be supplied a certified copy of each account was attached, the originals of which were available for inspection by the Audit Department at the Head Office. Similar action was taken with the accounts of the New Zealand Shipping and other like companies. Surcharges. There are no unsatisfied surcharges There has been a number of instances in which excess payments or short collections have been made, but as these were subsequently adjusted, or explained it was unnecessary for the Audit Office to take any further action. Several overpayments arising from laxity on the part of certain officers were detected, but no surcharges were issued, as it was found difficult to fix the responsibility on any particular individual. Defaulters. During the past year there were six prosecutions under the Public Revenues Act in connection with defalcations of public moneys, two of which defalcations were accompanied by forgery,


B._l rp T . ll].

convictions being obtained in each case. Particulars are as follows, the sum total involved being .£4,050 7s. 2d., and the recoveries thereon £2,885 18s. 4d. : — 11. G. Leslie, Stamp Department, Invercargill : Manipulation of stamps, £769 ss. 2d. As this is a loss of revenue the amount will be required to be made good by vote of Parliament. T. Silsby, Mental Hospitals Department, Wellington : Forgery amounting to £2,872 3s. Bd., of which £2,477 has been recovered, the net loss being £395. VV. H. T. Mardon, clerk, Public Works Department, Blenheim : Misappropriation, £92 9s. 4d. (recovered). 1). P. Phillips, Clerk of Court, Waihi, Justice Department: Misappropriation, £162 12s. (recovered). T. Wallace, foreman carpenter, Public Works Department, Auckland : Misappropriation and forgery, £127 17s. (recovered). Captain R. C. Hocking, Defence Department, Auckland : £26. Failure to account for this amount resulted in Captain Hocking being proceeded against in the Magistrates' Court, Auckland, and he was convicted and fined £100. Considering the magnitude of the financial transactions of the Public Service I cannot but express the opinion that the losses in the way of misappropriation are very small. Moneys irbJ-COVBRabE-, It was, of course, inevitable under war conditions that overpayments would take place in regard to the pay of returned or deceased soldiers, and sundry of such overpayments have been found to be irrecoverable, while in various instances where refunds might have been obtained the recovery would have created unwarrantable hardships, and the claims were consequently not enforced. These will all be included in the list of irrecoverable, submitted to Parliament for authority to write off. Audit Results not previously reported. As a result of the Audit examinations of the past three years various claims' against the Public Account have been reduced, credits obtained, and savings effected to the amount of £7,695. The Staff. The constantly enlarging sphere of Audit operations has made it necessary for me to employ, at least for the period of the war, a considerable number of female clerks to cope with certain classes of the work. Twenty-two of these are employed at Head Office and its branches, while fortyfive are engaged on the war-expenses audit, and the result has so far been satisfactory. Notwithstanding the stress of war conditions the various phases of Audit service have been well maintained, and I have substantial grounds for believing that a certain amount of leeway caused by the sudden drain on the staff some three years ago will soon be made up. This satisfactory position is being attained by the staff's close attention to its duties, and 1 hereby express my appreciation of the good work done by them. Robert J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General Audit Office, Wellington, 17th August, 1917.

b.—i tt. in.




Balances on 31st March, 1916. Dr. Cr. Transactions, 1916-1917. Dr. Ch. i Balances on 31st March, 1917. Dr. Ch. CONSOLIDATED FUND :— Ordinary Revenue Account Treasury Bills Account State Forests Account State Coal-mines Account Scenery Preservation Account Accounts op Local Bodies .. .. .. .. Deposits Account Naval Defence Act Account £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,166,076 18 0 14,058,770 3 4 600,000 0 0 3,208 15 0 27,809 17 8 34,960 0 7 257,012 4 6 996 13 9 1,770 17 5 11,101 16 0 57,445 7 8 1,769.837 13 5 22,071,949 4 2 117 11 9 £ s. d. ! 18,367,547 5 6 600,000 0 0 27,131 11 8 ■290,177 3 5 5,121 5 11 56,313 9 2 23,652,926 15 7 £ I. d. £ s. d. 6,474,854 0 2 2,530 9 0 68,124 19 6 4,347 2 3 9,989 17 6 3,350,815 4 10 117 11 9 PUBLIC WORKS FUND WELLINGTON-HUTT EAILWAY AND ROAD IMPROVEMENT ACCOUNT RAILWAYS IMPROVEMENTS ACCOUNT 1,293,101 17 10 | 1,278,922 7 8 1,648 9 8 1,648 9 8 5,586 7 5 5,586 7 5 507, 345 6 0 521,524 16 2 I .. •• I RAILWAYS IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATION AOT 1914 ACCOUNT .. WAIHOU AND OHINEMURI RIVERS IMPROVEMENT AOCOUNT AID TO WATER-POWER WORKS ACCOUNT .. IRRIGATION AND WATER-SUPPLY ACCOUNT TELEGRAPH EXTENSION ACCOUNT CHEVIOT ESTATE ACCOUNT .. 8,245 14 10 225,596 19 9 73,112 2 0 ' 13,907 2 8 1,461 14 1 49,031 8 11 4,744 18 4 4,744 18 4 203,310 11 5 98,004 9 4 8,866 2 6 247,234 17 1 3,491 19 3 55,000 0 0 29,883 12 2 62,696 18 7 7,430 5 2 300,000 0 0 19,382 19 9 907,791 6 5 334,866 7 9 96,689 8 7 108,521 6 7 256,568 6 3 32,462 9 7 LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT NATIVE LAND SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT .. .. .. ... NATIONAL ENDOWMENT ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. " 274,346 9 9 925,569 9 11 17,883 10 1 j 320,287 8 3 87,327 7 0 i 98,725 10 8 111,390 17 6 100,492 13 10 LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT:— Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account.. .. ... : CONVERSION ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. .. : . 17,964 10 5 32,711 8 2 8,547 15 2 I 747 14 5 15,385 16 6 638 18 9 303 0 0 8,103 0 9 HAURAKI PLAINS SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT 8,474 12 0 18,405 17 10 19,630 15 5 9,699 9 7 RANGITAIKI LAND DRAINAGE ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. WORKERS' DWELLINGS ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. 5,835 6 0 I 21,675 10 11 30,717 16 1 17,016 2 8 15,759 5 0 1,175 17 9 46,477 1 1 LOANS REDEMPTION ACCOUNT .. .. .. .. .. j 333 3 5 : 16,970,752 19 2 16,970,534 0 8 \ 114 4 11 MINING ADVANCES ACCOUNT KAURI-GUM INDUSTRY ACCOUNT 525 17 0 1,097 10 0 2,694 3 9 17,405 3 5 7,651 18 5 25,889 1 10 7,080 5 5 11,178 2 2 FRUIT-PRESERVING INDUSTRY ADVANCES ACCOUNT .. .. j 7,626 10 4 14,500 7 0 7,756 5 0 882 8 4 DISCHARGED SOLDIERS SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT .. SWAMP LAND DRAINAGE ACCOUNT 1,000 0 0 30,567 9 5 6,564 13 4 36,413 2 4 6,845 12 11 11,000 0 0 4,435 6 8 WAE EXPENSES ACCOUNT .. EEMITTANCES FROM LONDON ACCOUNT 1,051,636 15 6 17,612,469 18 4 12,847,889 0 0 21,123,595 5 7 4,562,762 2 9 12,847,889 0 0 REMITTANCES TO LONDON ACCOUNT .. .. .. ," BANK OF NEW ZEALAND ACTS 1903 AND 1913 ACCOUNT .. 3,215,000 0 0 875,000 0 0 3,215,000 0 0 | 875,000 0 0 RESERVE FUND ACCOUNT NEW ZEALAND CONSOLS ACCOUNT.. 800,000 0 0 475,991 14 0 800,000 0 0 SILVER AND BRONZE COIN ACCOUNT 14,255 4 11 205,922 10 10 197,765 11 8 475,991 14 0 6,098 5 9 Totals 9,152,865 17 5 j 91,206,664 14 9 9,152,865 17 5 91,206,664 14 9 j 99,997,310 10 1 i 17,943,511 12 9 !


B.—l |Pt. IT



2 —B. 1 [Pt. ll].

Balances on 31st March, 1916. Dr. Cr. Transactions. 1916-1917. Balances on 31st March, 1917. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Ch. PUBLIC ACCOUNT :— £ s. d. Bank of New Zealand in the Dominion .. .. .. .. 3,760,006 18 2 Bank of New Zealand in London .. .. .. .. .. 365,006 14 5 ADVANCE ACCOUNTS:— Consolidated Fund, — Ordinary Revenue Account Investment Account .. ... Deposits Account Investment Account ... .. ... .. 1,168,248 19 2 Public Works Fund Investment Account .. .. .. .. 362,500 0 0 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account Investment Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 60,000 0 0 Cheviot Estate Investment Account . .. ■ .. ., .. 60,000 0 0 Land for Settlements Investment Account.. War Expenses Account Investment Account ■ Bank of New Zealand Acts 1903 and 1913 Investment Account .. 875,000 0 0 Imperial Government Pensions Account .-.- ...■ .. .. 3,825 3 3 Miscellaneous Imprests .. .. .. ..- .... .... 384,201 10 6 Foreign Imprest Account .. .. ... .. .... .... 828,325 0 10 On Account of other Governments .. .. .. .. .. 7,694 10 4 Conversion Account —Stock Agents.. .. .. .. .-. 2,065 6 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. 50,296,537 12 '5 48,218,117 8 7 5,838,427 2 0 42,516,836 11 3 42,343,795 5 7 538,048 0 1 • 5,324,975 0 2 1,407,243 15 0 ■ 3,917,731 5 2 3,750,117 5 2 3,601,851 6 5 1,316,514 17 11 1,380,425 0 0 1,542,925 0 0 200,000 0 0 .. 60,000 0 0 60,000 0 0 242,998 8 9 i 97,998 8 9 145,000 0 0 7,334,404 7 7 5,055,945 5 5. 2,278,459 2 2 875,000 0 0 34,410 19 4 37,806 17 5 429 5 2 39,951,375 2 2 39,883,591 18 5 i 451,984 14 3 8,534,318 14 5 8,387,147 3 5 975,496 11 10 9,590 1 3 8,875 5 9 8,409 5 10 " 1,000 0 0 1,045 12 5 : 2,019 14 4 £ s. d. NEW ZEALAND CONSOLS ACCOUNT :— Bank of New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. .. 106 14 0 NEW ZEALAND CONSOLS INVESTMENT ACCOUNT .. .. .. 475,885 0 0 RESERVE FUND ACCOUNT INVESTMENT ACCOUNT .. '/.' 800,000 0 0 106 14 0 475,885 0 0 161,347 12 8 161,347 12 8 800,000 0 0 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. \ 9,152,865 17 5 159 538,336 15 2 150,747,690 19 10 17,943,511 12 9 I 159 538,336 15 2 150,747,690 19 10 17,943,511 12 9

B.—l TPt. II




Dr. Public Account Consolidated Fund :— Ordinary Revenue Account Investment Account Deposiis Investment Account Public Wokks Fund Investment Account Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Impkovement Investment Account Cheviot Estate Investment Account Land for Settlements Account" Investment Account .. War Expenses account Investment Account Bank of New Zealand Acts 1903 and lyl3 Investment Account Dominion and Foreign Advances New Zealand Consols Account :— Bank of New Zealand Investment Account Reserve Fund Investment Account .. £ s. d. Cr, .. 6,376,475 2 1 Consolidated Fund Public Works Fund .. .. 3,917,731 5 2 Railways Improvement Authorization Act 1914 Account .. 1,316,514 17 11 : Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account.. 200,000 0 0 j Aid to Water-power Works Account .. 60,000 0 0 ; Telegraph Extension Account 60,000 0 0 Cheviot Estate Account .. .. .. ... 145,000 0 0 Land for Settlements Account .. 2,278,459 2 2 Native Land Settlement Account 875,000 0 0 Land for Settlements Account:— .. 1,438,339 11 5 Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account National Endowment Account 106 14 0 Conversion Account 475, 885 0 0 Hauraki Plains Settlement Account 800,000 0 0 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account Workers' Dwellings Account Loans Redemption Account Mining Advances Account War Expenses Account Kauri-gum Industry Account .. ,. .. ... Fruit-preserving Industry Advances Account Discharged Soldiers Settlement Account Swamp Land Drainage Account Bank of New Zealand Acts 1903 and 1913 Account .. Reserve Fund Account New Zealand Consols Account Silver and Bronze Coin Account £ s. d. .. 9,910,759 5 0 521,524 16 2 29,883 12 2 62,696 18 7 7,430 ' 96, 6t 7 108,521 6 7 256,568 6 3 32,462 9 7 638 18 9 100,492 13 10 8,103 0 9 9,699 9 7 1,175 17 9 46,477 1 1 114 4 11 7,080 5 5 .. 4,562,762 2 9 11,178 2 2 882 8 4 6,845 12 11 4,435 6 8 875,000 0 0 800,000 0 0 475,991 14 0 6,098 5 9 Total .. £17,943,511 12 9 Total .. £17,943,511 12 9

B.—l [P.. ll].




"Rar.iTcmita nn 31 ht TVTj Tt? tNHAPTTrtisrtt lQ1fi_1Ql 7 T?4r.4Tci-'t7ia nttt 31 cn , TYtr, I BALANCES ON S1ST iVit Dr. Balances on 31st March, 1916. a, ll 910. TRANSACTIONS, lyib-lijl/. .BALANCES ON 31ST Mi Dr. Cr. Dr. Transactions, 1916-1917. Balances on 31st March, 1917. ARCH, 11 Cr. 917. Dr. Dr. Cr. Jr. vr. (Jr. i)r. Dr. Cr. Dr. I (Jr. Cr. P •UBLIC DEBT ACCOUNT:— New Zealand Loans Aot, 1908— Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1896 Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1900 Aid to Publio Works and Laud Settlement Act, 1901 Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1902 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1904 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1905 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1906 Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1907 Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1908 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1910 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1911 Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1912 Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1914 Aid to Water-power Works Aot, 1910 Appropriation Act, 1912 (Irrigation and Water-supply Aooount) Canterbury Loan Ordinance, 1862 Coal-mines Act, 1908 Coal-mines Aot, 1908 (Appropriation Aot, 1912) .. Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915 District Railways Purchasing Acts, 1885, 1886 Finance Aot, 1909 Finance Aot. 1915 (Section 105) Finance Aot, 1915 (Section 106) Finance Act, 1916 (Section 35, War) .-. Finance Act, 1916 (Seotion 49, Publio Works) Finance Aot, 1916 (Seotion 50, State Forests) Fruit-preserving Industry Act, 1913 Governrjient Railways. Act, 1908 — Railways Improvements Authorization Acts, 1904 and 1907 .. Finance Act, 1909 Government Railways Amendment Aot, 1910 Hauraki Plains Amendment Act, 1913, and Amendment Act, 1914 Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Acts, 1903, 1905, 1907, and 1910 Irrigation and Water-supply Aot, 1913 Kauri-gum Industry Amendment Aot, 1914 Lands Improvement and Native Lands Acquisition Act, 1894 Land for Settlements Aot, 1908 Land Laws Amendment Act, 1913 Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908 — Government Loans to Local Bodies Act, 1886 Local Bodies' Loans Aot, 1908 Maori Land Settlement Act 1905 and Amendment Act, 1907 Mining Amendment Aot, 1913.. Native Land Amendment Act, 1913 ?l £ s. d. 200,000 0 0 151,600 0 0 106,300 0 0 467,800 0 0 563,515 0 0 j 565,500 0 0 710,000 0 0 960,000 0 0 | 989,700 0 0 50,000 0 0 199,052 12 7 124,000 0 0 206,000 0 0 2,104,900 0 0 .. | 309,000 0 0 15,000 0 0 .. I 5,500 0 0 150,000 0 0 25,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 ! 40,000 0 0 | 46,901 0 0 I 2,005,030 0 0 500,400 0 0 : ■ ■ .. '., 18,400 0 0 232,500 0 0 75,000 0 0 169,530 0 0 20,000 0 0 306,680 0 0 100,000 0 0 32,000 0 0 400,000 0 0 2,564,213 8 5 657,160 0 0 250,300 0 0 1,901,000 0 0 249,550 0 0 11,500 0 0 515,700 0 0 £ ! i s. d. £ a. A.' £ s. d. £ s. d. 200,000 0 0 93,200 0 0 150,600 0 0 : 94,200 0 0 10,000 0 0 11,800 0 0 104,500 0 0 249,800 0 0 218,000 0 0 1,225 0 0 36,050 0 0 528,690 0 0 565,500 0 0 | 500,500 0 0 209,500 0 0 5,000 0 0 34,100 0 0 930,900 0 0 122,500 0 0 867,200 0 0 50,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 j 50,000 0 0 ! 382,020 4 0 390,062 14 7 191,010 2 0 25,000 0 0 99,000 0 0 19,500 0 0 186,500 0 0 600,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 2,604,900 0 0 55,000 0 0 .. 364,000 0 0 15,000 0 0 5,500 0 0 30,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 , 150,000 0 0 25,000 0 0 25,000 0 0 .. 26,000 0 0 40,000 0 0 46,901 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 2,005,030 0 0 1,631,100 0 0 8,500 0 0 2,123,000 0 0 14,622,050 0 0 .. ! 14,622,050 0 0 250,000 0 0 .. 250,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 I .. 10,000 0 0 6,500 0 0 .. 24,900 0 0 3,300 0 0 6,000 0 0 I 229,800 0 0 5,500 0 0 22,100 0 0 58,400 0 0 53,350 0 0 55,350 0 0 167,530 0 0 20,000 0 0 55,190 0 0 55,190 0 0 306,680 0 0 100,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 .. 42,000 0 0 400,000 0 0 573,705 11 0 1,163,621 3 11 1,974,297 15 6 318,000 0 0 30,800 0 0 ; 944,350 0 0 250,300 0 0 1,901,000 0 0 15,375 0 0 j 234,175 0 0 11,500 0 0 254,500 0 0 .. 770,200 0 0 i ... i £ s. d. _ Carried forward .. 17,999,722 1 0 j 17,999,722 1 0 j 19,044,740 15 0 19,044,740 15 0 3,082,448 18 6 i 33,962,013 17 6 3,082,448 18 6 i 33,962,013 17 6


b.—i fPt. iri.



Balances on 31st March,. 1916. ' Transactions, 1916-1917. Balances on 31st March, 1917. : -.'.' - — |V|i.;.-; f ; , : - i .. i Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Cr. ' ,| I Brought forward j. ; .- .. .-. ,, UBLIC DEBT ACCOUNT— continued. Native Land Purchases Act, 1892 .. -.-. ; . Naval Defence Act, 1909 .. .. .. .'. ..j' New Zealand Consols Act, 1908 .. .. '...-■ .. ,. New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 .. . ; . Consolidated Stock Aot, 1884 Defence and Other Purposes Loan Aot, 1870 General Purposes Loan Act, 1873 -.» Immigration and Public Works Loan Aot, 1870 New Zealand Inscribed Stock .. .. .. .. New. Zealand Loan Act, 1863 New Zealand State guaranteed Advances Aot, 1909 — Land for Settlements Branch Native Land Settlement Branch .. Guaranteed. Mining Advances Branch Local Authorities Branch —, Hauraki Plains Settlement Acoount Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account New Zealand State guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909 and 1910 — Land for Settlements Branch Native Land Settlement Branch Guaranteed MiniDg Advances Branch Post and Telegraph Act, 1908 Public Revenues Act, 1910 —Reserve Fund Securities Act, 1907 Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1914 (Section 8, War Expenses, and Publio Revenues Amendment Act, 1915 (No. 2), (Seotion 9) Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1915 (Section 5, War Expenses;, and Public Revenues Amendment Aot, 1915 (No. 2), (Section 2) Public Works Act, 1908— Paeroa-Wailii Railway Act, 1903 .. Waikaka Branch Railway Act, 1905 Railways Improvements Authorization Aot, 1914 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, and Amendment Act, 1914 Scenery Preservation Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. ... State Advances Act, 1913 — Advances to Settlers Branch Advances to Workers Branch Advances to Local Authorities Branch Swamp Drainage Act 1915 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910 Wellington-Manawatu Railway Purchase Act, 1908 £ s. d. 17,999,722 1 0 125,000 0 0 1,003,684 4 3 475,991 14 0 £■ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. 19,044,740 15 0 3,082,448 18 6 33,962,013 17 6 125,000 0 0 1,926,262 12 6 1,966,815 10 6 963,131 6 3 475,991 14 0 £ s. 13,000 0 0 744,700 0 0 100,000 0 0 60,700 0 0 27,900 0 0 62,153,261 15 6 2,500 0 0 495,000 0 0 546,100 0 0 5,000 0 0 13,000 0 0 744,700 0 0 100,000 0 0 60,700 0 0 27,900 0 0 62,153,261 15 6 2,500 0 0 495,000 0 0 546,100 0 0 5,000 0 0 95,000 0 0 217,740 0 0 40,000 0 0 95,000 0 0 217,740 0 0 40,000 0 0 1,611,481 0 0 80,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 800,000 0 0 2,105,263 3 2 87,550 0 0 1,523,931 0 0 80,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 800,000 0 0 4,666,400 17 0 4,704,253 1 2 2,067,410 19 0 6,054,242 8 5 I 7,529,943 10 2 j 3,548,112 14 0 ' 10,036,073 4 7 86,250 0 0 53,476 0 0 148,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 26,000 0 0 84,000 o o ; 86,250 0 0 53,476 0 0 210,000 0 0 .. 358,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 17,000 0 0 .. 43,000 0 0 15,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 89,000 0 0 573,200 0 0 50,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 499,700 0 0 573,200 0 0 50,000 0 0 200,000 0 0 11,000 0 0 .. 11,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 499,700 0 0 96,796,912 6 4 33,420,347 14 8 13,409,180 4 2 116,808,079 16 10


B.—l \Pt. ll],



Balances on 31st March, 1916. Dr. Cr. Transactions, 1916-1917. Balances on 31st March, 1917. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. I £ s. d. i £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. DEBENTURES ACCOUNT 33,775,158 16 10 33,' 775,158 16 6 10 1 11,765,800 16 10 11,765,800 16 10 21,671,622 6 4 43,680,980 6 4 MEMORANDUM OF SECURITY ACCOUNT .. _ » | 5,982,137 3 0 5,982,137 3 0 15,192,137 3 0 9,210,000 0 0 ]_• TREASURY BILLS ACCOUNT 898,989 18 0 898,989 18 0 2,067,410 19 0 1,168,421 1 0 INSCRIBED STOCK ACCOUNT 62,: 62,153,261 15 6 ; 153,261 15 62,153,261 15 6 475,991 14 0 INSCRIBED STOCK ACCOUNT (CONSOLS ACCOUNT).. .. .. I 475,991 14 4 0 j 475,991 14 0 SCRIP ACCOUNT .. .. .. i 412,500 0 0 412,500 0 0 0 412,500 0 0 " I MORTGAGE SECURITY ACCOUNT .. 40,000 0 0 40,000 0 0 0 40,000 0 0 * DEBENTURES SALES ACCOUNT:— Cheviot Estate Investment Account, — Aid to Public W T orks and Land Settlement Act, 1911 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Acts, 1913 and 1914 Hauraki Plains Amendment Act, 1913 50.000 0 0 5,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 I 1 50,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 War Expenses Investment Account, — Public Revenues Aot, 1910, and Amendment Acts, 1914 and 1915 (Treasury Bills) Aid to Publia Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1903 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Aot, 1915 Finance Act, 1916 (Seotion 49, Public Works) Kauri Gum Industry Act, 1914 Land for Settlements Aot, 1908 Native Land Settlement Act, 1913.. Railways Improvements Authorization Act, 1914 .. .. 600,000 0 0 8,625 0 0 10,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 144,450 0 0 25,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 600,000 0 0 8,625 0 0 10,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 144,450 0 0 25,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 60,000 0 0 873,075 0 0 600,000 0 0 333,075 0 0 ••

8.-l [Pt. 111.




Balances Dr. Public Debt Account Debentures Sales Account £ s. d. 116,808,079 16 10 333,075 0 0 Balances Cr. Debentures Account Memorandum of Security Account .. Treasury Bills Account Inscribed Stock Account Scrip Account Mortgage Security Account £ a. d. .. | 43,680,980 6 4 .. j 9,210,000 0 0 1,168,421 1 C 62,629,253 9 6 412,500 0 C 40,000 0 C Total 117,141,154 16 10 - 117,141,154 16 10 Total .. j 117,141,154 16 1C •


B.—l TPt. IT



■c$Y<. Receipts.| i'i (| Refunds. J Not Revenue. H, ORDINARY REVENUE:— JM Customs £ s. d. 3,849,714 19 2 £ s. d. 40 0 3 , £ [s. d.i 3,849,674 18 11 Stamp and Death Duties 1,709,729 16 8 10,694 12 7 1,699,035 4 1 Postal and Teleqraph 1,815,557 12 1 1,815,557 12 1 713,118 9 4 Land-tax 719,371 13 6 6,253 4 2 Income-tax 4,2yO,404 1 8 28,278 6 3 4,262,125 15 5 Beer Duty 187,966 16 0 13 6 3 187,953 9 9 Railways 15,065,982 6 4 229,707 5 10 4,836,275 0 6* Registration and other Fees :— Aliens Act, 1908 Animals Protection Aot, 1908 Arms Act, 1908 Births, Deaths, and Marriages By-laws Aot, 1910 Cinematograph film Censorship Aot, 1916 .. Crown Grant Fees Customs Law Act, 1913 Dairy Industry Act, 1908 Dentists Aot 1908 Amendment Act, 1911 Distillation Act, 1908 Edunation Aot, 1914 Explosives and Dangerous Goods Act, 1,908 Factories Aot, 1908 Finanoe Act, 1915 (Part III) Fisheries Aot, 1908 Friendly Societies Aot, 1909 Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1909 Immigration Restriction Aot, 1908 Incorporated Societies Aot, 1908 Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Aot, 1908 Inspection of Machinery Aot 1908 Amendment Aot, 1910 Licensing Aot, 1908 Margarine Act, 1908 Medical Aot, 1908 Midwives Aot, 1908 Mining Aot, 1908 Native Land Aot, 1909 Native Land Court Fees New Zealand Consols Act, 1908 Nurses Registration Aot, 1908 Orchards and Gardens Diseases Aot, 1908 Orchard Tax Aot, 1916 Plumbers Registration Act, 1912 Servants' Registry Offices Act, 1908 Shorthand Reporters Aot, 1908 Slaughtering and Inspection Aot, 1908 Sr.ook Aot, 1908 Timber Export Act, 1908 Timber-floating Aot, 1908 Tobacco Aot, 1908 Tramways Act 1908 Amendment Aot, 1911 Unolaimed Moneys Act, 1908 Valuation of Land Act, 1908 Weights and Measures Aot, 1908 39 12 6 0 4 0 157 5 0 13,611 7 3 28 7 0 684 15 i 1,216 1 6 10,982 11 2 1,113 12 6 2 16 0 290 0 0 16 0 0 743 10 0 3,033 19 2 1,669 12 2 5,963 6 6 45 7 0 192 10 0 1,010 0 0 77 13 0 260 3 3 12,139 15 0 160 0 0 3 0 0 37 4 0 4,970 5 7 44 0 0 3,693 3 0 5,121 18 4 1 18 0 144 10 0 381 10 0 1,899 5 5 207 16 0 36 10 0 2 2 0 14,010 1 4 1,171 14 9 4 8 0 56 8 8 92 0 0 119 0 0 288 14 7 24,062 13 9 653 1 11 • 10 15 0 12 12 0 10 4 739 17 5 3 15 0 10 0 1 10 0 4 0 0 ■5 0 0 30 0 0 7 12 0 16 16 0 10 0 0 28 17 6 0 4 0 157 5 0 13,598 15 3 28 7 0 684 15 3 1,215 1 2 10,242 13 9 1,109 17 6 2 16 0 290 0 0 15 0 0 743 10 0 3,032 9 2 1,669 12 2 5,959 6 6 45 7 6 187 10 0 980 0 0 77 13 0 252 11 3 12,122 19 0 150 0 0 3 0 0 37 4 0 4,970 5 7 43 0 0 3,690 3 0 5,121 18 4 1 18 0 144 10 0 381 10 0 397 5 5 207 0 9 36 10 0 2 2 0 14,009 6 4 1,162 17 7 4 0 0 56 8 8 92 0 0 119 0 0 288 14 7 24,028 2 1 653 1 11 "i o o 3 0 0 1,502 0 0 0 15 3 0 15 0 8 17 2 0 8 0 34 11 8 Marine :— Pilotage Rates and Harbour Fees Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908 Rents of Foreshores, Royalty, &c. 110,439 14 1 2,395 4 10 108,044 9 3 1,108 19 2 41,772 10 1 971 4 11 110 17 2 1,108 19 2 41,661 12 11 971 4 11 43,852 14 2 . 110 17 2 Miscellaneous (details on separate statement) 43,741 17 0 519,624 10 7 1,561 14 5 518,062 16 2 Totals of Ordinary Revenue 18,312,644 4 3 279,054 11 9 18,033,589 12 6 TERRITORIAL REVENUE :— Rents from Leases Rovalties Miscellaneous 188,990 13 10 14,542 14 8 13,662 6 6 413 10 10 188,577 3 0 14,542 14 8 12,666 19 4 995 7 2 Totals of Territorial Revenue 217,195 15 0 1,408 18 0 215,786 17 0 NATIONAL ENDOWMENT REVENUE 85,970 16 0 85,970 16 0 Grand Totals 18,615,810 15 3 280,463 9 9 18,335.347 5 6

8.-l TPt. II


PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 191 (>-1917


Interest on Public Moneys :— On credit balances of— The Publio Account, Wellington The New Zealand Publio Aooount, London The Foreign Imprest Aocount, London The Receiver-General's Deposit Account, Wellington .. The New Zealand Consols Account, Wellington £ s. d. 18,505 15 8 18,490 7 4 628 9 5 148 15 7 £ s. d. 18,505 15 8 18,490 7 4 628 9 5 148 15 7 0 4 1 £. s. a. X s. d. 0 4 1 37,773 12 1 On aocount of investments made in respect of the — Deposits Accounts .. Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908, Sinking Fund Account.. New Zealand Consols Account Publio Works Fund Reserve Fund Acoount State Advances Aot, 1913 Ordinary Revenue Account.. War Expenses Acoount War and Defenoe Loans Sinking Fund Acoount 630 4 2 35,191 3 8 17,886 5 1 17,299 12 7 25,269 17 11 6,044 11 9 47,149 0 9 20,112 9 1 8,480 10 3 I i I Dividend on £500,000 preference shares, Bank of New Zealand, for one year, in terms of the Bank of New Zealand Aot, 1903 Dividend on £250,000 preference shares, Bank of New Zealand, for one year, in terms of the Bank of New Zealand Act, 1913 ..... Bonus of 3 per cent, on Bank of New Zealand preference shares On account of overdue interest under the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908, in respeot of various local bodies On account of advances, for cattle On account of advances for grass seed .. On mortgage of lands vested in the Ikaroa Maori Land Board On mortgage of lauds vested in the Tokerau Maori Land Board On advance made to the Hunua Dairy Company On purchase-money, Invereargill Drill Hall On advances under the Mining Aot On debentures under the Hutt Road Act, 1915 Under the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908, and Amendment Act, 1913— On converted debentures On new loan 178,063 15 3 50,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 7,500 0 0 85 13 11 187 8 5 143 12 8 14 1 6 43 0 4 60 0 0 15 0 0 17 19 11 2,400 0 0 12 1 8 107,480 6 2 On amount advanced for construction of water-race (Benmore) 107,492 7 10 2 13 9 Rents, etc. :— Rents of buildings Storage of powder 413,799 5 8 4,579 17 1 1,328 9 2 5,908 6 3 Water-race Receipts :— Mount Ida .. .. Waimea-Kumara 1,376 11 9 1,282 12 11 2,659 4 8 Under the Public Revenues Act, 1910:— Unclaimed moneys— Courts of Law Trust Customs deposits .. Goldflelds deposits Intestate estates Land-revenue deposits Marine deposits Prisons deposits Roceivfr-General's Deposit Acoount Miscellaneous deposits ... 114 10 5 55 16 9 730 0 0 4,620 4 6 233 14 9 1 11 4 9 18 1 12 19 9 405 9 0 6,184 4 7 Rf.chipts under Section 7, Tourist and Health Resorts Control Act, 1908 31,898 15 10 Receipts under Section 76 of the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908 .. .. ' 46,259 2 8 State Advances Act, 1913:— Sinking funds repaid .. ... 3,835 0 0 Watkr-power License Revenue 1,623 6 8 Carried forward 512,167 5 11

B.—l IPt. IT




3—B. 1 Pt. 111.

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 512,167 5 11 Brought forward [iscellaneous :— Analysis fees Conscience-money Estreated reoognizanoes in case of Rex v. Fairchild Fees authorizing King's Counsel to appear against the Crown Fines imposed under the Defenoe Aot, 1909 Forfeited deposits of parliamentary candidates Goldfields revenue accrued during the year where the Aot is not in operation — Fiord County Sounds County 51 16 0 23 7 2 300 0 0 3 3 0 111 13 0 20 0 0 2 7 0 13 13 0 16 0 0 Money held by Dunedin Drill Hall Trustees payable to Publio Aocount in accordance with section 75 of the Defenoe Amendment Act, 1912 Money seized, raids on gaming-houses Office fees Passport fees .. .. .. Poundage allowed on inoome-tax paid to the Inland Revenue Department through the High Commissioner, from 6th April, 1915, to 5th April, 1916 Redemption fee for release of trawler " Baroona " Rent of Mokau Ferry Repayment of advances to holders of village-homestead leases Rent of hoarding (Public Works Department) Sale of office furniture, &c. — Labour Department Internal Affairs Department National Provident and Friendly Societies Department Justice Department Public Works Department High Commissioner's office 2,017 11 6 42 10 11 7 12 6 695 0 8 70 17 0 50 0 0 110 0 0 349 10 8 8 0 0 6 8 7 67 15 0 0 10 0 0 14 0 1 10 0 3 16 79 19 1 117 15 11 7 5 5 Sale of seizures Sale of casks and bottles Sale of obsolete stores — Defenoe Department Publio Works Department 472 7 6 27 9 2 499 16 8 Sale of old buildings— Dwelling (Nelson) Shed (survey) Cottage (survey) Huts (survey) Post-office, Ross Cottage, Hokianga.. Shed, Ponui Lighthouse 08 15 0 6 10 0 00 0 0 43 10 0 14 0 0 20 0 0 8 0 0 Surplus cash at railway-stations, &c. .. Sales — Old uniforms, &o. (Defenoe).. Buat Launch Sacks Post-office site, Eastbourne (profit on) Opossum-skins 220 15 0 38 8 4 580 19 9 12 0 0 500 0 0 6 0 3 25 0 0 80 18 1 Tolls collected at Nine-mile Ferry Various small amounts 1,204 18 1 178 7 6 6 5 8 6,231 0 1 Less amount received in payment for German goods 518,398 6 0 335 9 10 Total £518,062 16 2

B.—l [Pt. ll]



STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) for INTEREST and SINKING FUND for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1917.

INTEREST AND SINKING FUND. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. THE NEW ZEALAND LOANS ACT, 1908. The District Railways Purchasing Acts, 1885-86:— Interest— On £40,000 at 4 per cent., I year to 1 January, 1917 1,600 0 0 The Native Land Purchase Act, 1892:— Interest — On £125,000 at 3J per cent., 1 year to 31 October 1916 .. 4,687 10 0 The Lands Improvement and Native Land Acquisition Act, 1894:— Interest— On £400,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 3.1 March, 1917 16,000 0 0 The Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Acts, 1905, 1907, and 1910:— Interest— On £100,000 at 81 per cent., 1 year to 1 November, 1916 On £42,590 at 3£ per cent., I year to 1 February, 1917 On £129,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 November, 1916 On £5,190 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 31 December, 1916 On £17,300 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1917 On £12,600 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 February, 1917 3,500 0 0 1,490 13 0 5,160 0 0 207 12 0 692 0 0 504 0 0 11,554 5 0 The Maori Land Settlement Acts, 1905, .1907: — Interest — On £75,650 at 3£ per cent., I year to I January, 1917 .. On £300 at 4 per cent., 1} year to 1 July, 1915 On £16,275 at 4 per cent., f year to 1 July, 1916 On £157,825 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1917 .. 2,647 15 0 6 0 0 325 10 0 • 0,313 0 0 9,292 5 0 The Coal-mines Act, 1908:Tntorest— On £30,000 at 3J per cent., *} year to 1 April, 1916 On £10,000 at 3£ per cent., 1 year to 1 October, 1916 . . On £135,000 at 3| per cent., 1 year to 1 October, 1916 . . On £30.000 at 4 per oent., £ year to I October. 1916 525 0 0 350 0 0 5,062 10 0 600 0 0 6,537 10 0 Less — Amount recovered from State Coal-mines Aocount 6,537 10 0 The Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1908: — Advances to Settlers Branch, — Interest — 3§.On £90,000 at 4 per cent., 177 days to 1 September, 1916 On £10,000 at 4 per cent., 155 days to 1 Septembor, 1916 On £185,000 at 4 per cent., I. year to 1 December, 1916 . . On £57,900 at 4 per cent., I year to 1 January, 1917 On £1.00,000 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 March, 1917 1,745 15 0 169 17 3 7,400 0 0 2,316 0 0 2,000 0 0 Less— Amount recovered from State Advances Office 13,631 12 3 13,631 12 3 Advances to Workers Branch — Interest — On £1.5,000 at 4 per cent., J year to 1 July, 1916 On £25,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 December, 1916 . . On £5,000 at 4 per cent., | year to I January, 1917 300 0 0 1,000 0 0 100 0 0 Less — Amount recovered from State Advances Office 1,400 0 0 1,400 0 0 Carried forward t 43,134 0 0 ! I I r I


B.—l [Pt. II


DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST and SINKING FUND— continued.

Brought forward *£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 43,134 0 0 INTEREST AND SINKING FUND continued. THE NEW ZEALAND LOANS ACT, 1908. The New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1909 : — Land for Settlements Branch— Interest— On £25,000 at 3J per cent., I year to 1 October, 1916 . . On £470,000 at 3f per cent., 1 year to 1 October, 1916 . . 875 0 0 17,625 0 0 Less — Amount reodvered from Land for Settlements Account . . 18,500 0 0 18,500 0 0 Native Land Settlement Branch — Interest — On £381,000 at 3J per cent., 1 year to 1 October, 1916 .. On £54,500 at 3§ per cent., 1 year to 1 October, 1916 . . On £110,000 at 4 per cent., 1 yoar to I October, 1916 .. 13,356 0 0 2.043 15 0 4,400 0 0 Less— Amount recovered from Native Land Settlement Account 19,799 15 o 19,799 15 0 Guaranteed Mining Advances Branch Interest — On £5,000 at 3| per cent., 1 year to 1 October, 1916 187 JO 0 Less — Amount recovered from Mining Advances Account 187 10 0 Local Authorities Branch — Interest— On £200,515 at 3| per cent., 1 year to 1 October, 191.6 . . On £95,425 at 3J per cent., I yoar to I October, 191 (i . . On £56,800 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 October, 1916 . . 7,018 0 6 3.578 8 10 2,272 0 0 Les —- Am Jtint recovered from, — Hauraki Plains Settlement Account Land for Settlements Account— Opening up Crown Lan Is for Settlement Account . . Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account .'. 1.2,808 9 4 3,437 10 0 7,980 19 4 1,450 0 0 12,868 9 4 The New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 19091910:— Advances to Settlers Branch — Interes i— On £750 000 at 3$ per cent., I year to 23 October, 1916 .. On £42,000 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 August, 1916 .. On £41,700 at 4 per cent., | year to 30 January, 1917 .. On £205 000 at 4 per cent., 1. year to .1 December, 1.916 .. 28,125 0 0 840 0 0 834 0 0 8,200 0 0 On £367,368 8s. 5d. at 3£ per cent., 1 year to 31 March, 1917 On £1,410,101 0s. 2d. at 4| per cent., 1 year to 31 March, 1917 12,857 17 10 37,999 0 0 63,454 10 10 76,312 8 8 Additional interest paid owing to conversions by Imperial Government on I September, 1915. (Originally paid at rate of £3 10s. on every £95 advanced ; now paid as follows : 20 per cent, original rate, 80 per cent, at rate of £4 10s. for every £99 advanced) — On £1,745,000— 30 days to 30 September, 1915 I yoar to 31 March, 191.6 .. 114,311 8 8 988 3 9 6,01J 9 7 6,999 13 4 LessAmount recovered from State Advances Office 121,311 2 0 121,317 2 0 Advances to Workers Branch — Interest — On £205,000 at 3-iV per cent., i year to 1 January, 1.917 . . On £7,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to J. April, 1916 On £7,000 at 4 por cent., '• year to 1 October, 1916 .. On £750,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 February, 1917 Cr. 6 0 0 7.175 0 0 280 0 0 140 0 0 30,000 0 0 37,595 0 0 On £68,421 Is. Id. at 3 1 - per cent. 1 year to 31st Maroh, 1917 On £262,626 5s. 3d. at.4J per cent., 1 yen 1 to 31st March, 1917 .. .... 2,394 14 8 11,818 3 8 14,212 18 4 Carried forward 14,212 18 4 1— 37,595 0 0 43,128 0 0

B.—l [Pt. ll]



DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST and SINKING FUND— continued.

Brought forward £ s. d. 14,212*18 4 £ s. d. 37,595 0 0 £ s. d. 43,128 0 0 INTEREST AND SINKING FUND -continued. THE NEW ZEALAND LOANS ACT, 1908. The New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 19091910— continued. Advances to Workers Branch— continued. Additional interest paid owing to conversions by Imperial Government on 1st September, 1915. (Originally paid at rate of £3 10s. on every £95 advancod; now paid as follows: 20 per cent, original rate, 80 por cont. at rato of £4 10s. for every £99 advanced) — On £325,000— 30 days to 30th Soptomber, 1915 i year to 31st March, 1916 Less — Amount recovered from State Advances Office Land for Settlements Branch, — Interest — On £99,000 at 3J per cent., 1 year to 1 October, .1910 .. On £73,700 at 3| per cent., I year to 31 October, 1916 . . On £8,000 at per cent., 1 year to 1 November, 1916. . On £64,850 at 3J por cont., J. year to 1 January, 19.17 . . On £741,060 at 3$ por cont., 1 yoar to 31 October, 191.6 . . On £15,300 at 3| per cent., I year to I November, 1916.. On £12,350 at 3J per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1917 .. On £21,500 at 3f per cent., 1 year to 1 February, 1917 .. On £300 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1916 . . On £700 at 4 per cent., \ year to 1 January, 1910 . . On £300 at 4 por cont., 1 yoar to 1 July, 1916 On £220,000 at 4 por cent., \ year to 1 August, 1916 On £600 at 4 per cent., 1 yoar to 1 September, 1916 On £3,400 at 4 per cent., | year to 1 September, 1916 On £55,500 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 October, 1916 On £30,600 at 4 per cent., 1 year to I. November, 1916. . On £144,515 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1917 . . On £80,835 at 4 por cent., \ year to 1 January, 1917 . . On £5.1,300 at 4 per cent., I. year to 1 February, 1917 . . On £29,900 at 4 per cent., I year to 1 March, 1917 On £39,500 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 April, 1917 3,465 0 0 2.579 10 0 280 0 0 2,269 15 0 27,789 19 0 573 15 0 463 2 6 800 5 0 12 0 0 14 0 0 12 0 0 4,400 0 0 24 0 0 08 0 0 2,220 0 0 I,224 0 0 5,780 12 0 1,616 14 0 2,052 0 0 I., 190 0 0 1.580 0 0 184 0 II. 1,119 12 4 15,510 II 7 53,111 11 7 52,971 11 7 140 0 0 Less — Amount recovered from Land for Settlement Account 58,420 13 0 58,426 13 0 Native Land Settlements Branch, — Interest— On £80,000 at 3| per cent., 1 year to 1 October, 1916 3,000 0 0 Less— Amount recovered from Native Land Settlement Account 3,000 0 0 Guaranteed Mining Advances Branch, — Interest — On £10,000 at 4 por cont., \ year to .1 July, 1,9.1.6 200 0 0 Less— Amount recovered from Mining Advances Account 200 0 0 The State Advances Act, 1913 : — Advances to Settlers Branch, — Interest— On £573,200 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 December, 1916 . . 22,928 0 0 Less — Amount recovered from State Advances Office 22,928 0 0 Advances to Workers Branch, — Interest — On £50,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 December, 1916 2,000 0 0 Less — Amount recovered from State Advances Office .. " 2,000 0 0 Local Authorities Branch, — Interest — On £200,000 at 4 per cent., I year to J December, 1916 .. 8,000 0 0 Less — Amount recovered from State Advances Office 8,000 0 0 The Government Railways Act, 1908 :— The Railways Improvement Authorization Acts, 1904-7, — Interest— On £500 at 4 per cent., *\ year to 30 June, 1916 On £3,500 at 4 por cent., | year to 1 July, 1916 On £1,600 at 4 per cent., \ yoar to 1 September, 1916 .. On £157,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 31 December, 1916 .. On £67,500 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1917 On £5,300 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 February, 1917 On . £400 at 4 per cent., \ year to 1 February, 1917JJ.. 10 0 0 70 0 0 32 0 0 6,280 0 0 2,700 0 0 212 0 0 8 0 0 9,312 0 0 Carried forward 52,580 0 0


B.—l IPt. II


DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST and SINKING FUND— continued.

I ' I Brought forward INTEREST AND SINKING FUND - continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 52,580 0 0 THE NEW ZKALAND LOANS ACT, 1908. fHE Government Railways Act, 1908 — continued. Tho Finance Act, 1909, Interest — On £600 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 February, 1916 On £15,800 at 4 per cent., I year to I August, 1916 On £1,200 at 4 per cent., | year to 1 September, 1916 .. On £50,000 at 4 per cent., I year to 31 December, 1916 On £8,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 February, 1917 12 0 0 316 0 0 24 0 0 2,000 0 0 320 0 0 12 0 0 316 0 0 24 0 0 2,000 0 0 320 0 0 390 5 0 1,762 5 0 2,672 0 0 Tho Government Railways Amendment Act, 1910, — Interest— On £11,150 at 3£ por cent., I year to I January, 1917 On £50,350 at 31 per cent., I year to 1 February, 1917 On £15,000 at 3| per cent., 1 year to I January, 1917 On £87,130 at 4 por cent., 1 year to 1 .January, 1917 .. | On £900 at 4 per cent., J year to 1 January, 1917 .. j On £3,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 Fobruary, 1917 390 5 0 1,762 5 0 562 10 0 3,485 4 0 18 0 0 120 0 0 562 10 0 j 3,485 4 0 I 18 0 0 120 0 0 6,338 4 0 The Land for Settlements Act, 1908 :— Interest — On £62,000 at 3 1 per cent., £ year to 1 April, 1910 On £27,000 at 3iV por cent., | year to 1 May, 1916 On £44,925 at 3 L per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1917 On £92,200 at 4 per cent., J year to 1 May, 1916 On £2,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 July, 19.16 On £135,075 at 4 per cent., j, year to 1 July, 1916 On £67,000 at 4 per cent., 169 days to I July, 1916 . . On £15,000 at 4 per cent., 148 days to I July, 1916 . . On £8,485 at 4 per cent., 122 days to 1 July, 1916 .. On £700 at 4 per cent., 93 days to I. July, 1916 .. I On £3,700 at 4 per cent., 2 days to I July, 1916 . . \ On £17,700 at 4 per cent., 153 days to I August, 1916 On £1,800 at 4 per cent., 124 days to 1 August, 1916 , On £1,000 at 4 percent., I year to I August, 1916 .. On £200 at 4 per cent., 181 days to 4 August, 1916 On £800 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 30 September, 191.6 On £123,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to I October, .1916 . . On £10,800 at 4 per cent., J year to I October, 1916 .. On £62,500 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 November, 1916 On £2,500 at 4 per cent., 125 days to 1 November,1916| On £900 at 4 per cent., 49 days to 14 December, 1916 | On £1,259,925 at 4 per cent., 1 year to I January, 1917 . . On £2,000 at 4 per cent., I year to I January, 1917 .. On £428,215 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 February, 1917 On £46,270 at 4 per cent., \ year to I February, 1917 On £10,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 March, 1917 On £77,000 at 4 per cent., I year to 15 March, 1917 . . On £200 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 31 March, 1917 .. On £20,300 at 4 per cent., \ year to 31 March, 1917 .. On £400 at 4 per cont., 107 days to 31 March, 1917 On £100 at 4£ per cent., 171 days to 1 July, 1916 .. On £150 at 4£ per cent., 158 days to 1 July, 1916 . . On £1,500 at 4 1 - por cent., 157 days to 1 July, 1916 . . On £30,700 at 4i per cont., \ year to 1 August, 1916 . . On £4,100 at 4£ per cent., | year to 1 November, 1916 On £26,850 at 4| por cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1917 On £1,350 at 4J per cent., \ year to 1 January, 1917 On £3,150 at 4| per cent., 1 year to 1 February, .1917 On £30,500 at 4tJ per cent., tV year to I February, 1917 On £7,873 13s. 8tl. at, 3J per cent., 1 yoar to 31 March, 1917 .. . . £275 11 8 On £30,222 4s. 5d. at 4J per cent., 1 year to 31 March, 1917 .. .. £1,360 0 0 I,085 0 0 472 10 0 1,572 7 6 1,844 0 0 104 0 0 2,701 10 0 1,240 17 7 243 5 9 113 8 10 7 2 8 0 16 2 297 18 11 24 9 2 40 0 0 3 1.9 4 32 0 0 4,920 0 0 216 0 0 2,500 0 0 34 4 11 4 16 7 50,397 0 0 40 0 0 17.128 12 0 925 8 0 400 0 0 3,080 0 0 8 0 0 406 0 0 4 13 9 2 2 2 2 18 4 29 0 7 690 15 0 92 5 0 1,208 5 0 30 7 6 141 15 0 686 5 0 Additional interest paid owing to conversion by Imperial Government on 1 September, 1915. (Originally paid at rate of £3 10s. on every £95 advanced ; now paid as follows : 20 por cent, original rate, 80 por cent, at rate of £4 10s. for every £99 advanced) — On £37,400— 30 days to 30 September, 1915 i year to 31 March, 1916 .. 1,635 11 8 21 3 7 128 16 11 1,785 12 2 Income-tax deduoted from dividends 94,517 43 6 11 8 4 94,560 15 3 Less---Amount recovored from Land for Settlements Account 94,560 15 3 Carried forward 61,590 4 0

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DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST and SINKING FUND— continued.

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.; 61,590 4 0 i Brought forward INTEREST AND SINKING FUND continued. THE NEW ZEALAND LOANS ACT, 1908. The Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908 : — Interest— On £50,000 at 3J per cent.. I year to 1 December, 1910 On £456,800 at 3| per cent., 1 year to 1 March, 1917 .. On £790,000 at 4 por cont., 1 year to 1 January, 1917 . . On £854,500 at 4 per cent., I year to 1 March, 1917 1,750 0 0 15,988 0 0 31,000 0 0 34,180 0 0 Sinking Fund — Amount paid to Public Trustee under Soction 10 of the Local Bodies' Loans Act Amendment Act, 1908 , J 8 83,518 0 0 598 15 0 The New Zealand Consols Act, 1908: — Intorost — On .£6,845 at 3| per cent., 1 year to I February, 1917 On £600 at 4 por cont., |- year to 1 August, 1915 On £630 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 February, 1916 On £4,330 at 4 per cont., £ year to 1 August, 1916 On £16,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to J, 1916 .. On £447,716 14s., at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 February, 1917 Income-tax deducted from dividends 239 11 0 12 0 0 12 12 0 84,116 15 0 1 86 12 0 640 0 0 17,908 13 4 110 0 239 11 6 12 0 0 12 12 0 80 12 0 640 0 O 17,908 13 4 11 0 0 18,910 8 10 The Canterbury Loan Ordinance, 1862: — Interest — On £5,000 at 6 por cent., £ year to 30 June, 1916 On £500 at 0 per cent., 1 year to 30 June, 1916 150 0 0 30 0 0 i 150 0 0 30 0 0 180 0 0 The Consolidated Loan Act, 1867 (Colonial Issue) : — Interest — On £13,000 at 3| per cent., 1 year to 15 October, 1910 487 10 0 The Defence and other Purposes Loan Act, 1870 : — Interest— On £8,100 at 3J per cent., I year to I January, 1917 .. On £75,000 at 3| per cent., 1 year to 15 October, 1916 .. On £16,900 at 4 per cent., I year to 1 January, 1917 .. 283 10 0 2,812 10 0 283 10 0 2,812 10 0 670 0 0 The Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870: — Interest—■ On £20,900 at 3| per cent., 1 year to 15 October, 191 (i .. On £7,000 at 4J per cent., I year to 15 October, 1910 .. 676 0 0 3,772 0 0 783 15 0 315 0 0 783 15 0 315 0 0 1,098 15 0 The General Purposes Loan Act, 1873: — Interest - On £6,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 15 October, 1916 On £54,700 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 28 November, 1916.. 240 0 0 2,188 0 0 240 0 0 2,188 0 0 2,428 0 0 The New Zealand Consolidated Stock Act, 1877 (London Issue) : — Interest — On £9,659,980 Is. Id. at 3 per oent.,1 year to 31st March, 1917 -On £17,568,932 at SJ per cent., J year to 31 December, 1916 On £30,100,402 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 31 October, 1916 289,799 8 0 614,912 12 4 1,204,016 I 8 2,108,728 1 10 Less —■ Interest received from Cheviot Estate Account — On £253,318 from 1 January, 1916, to 31 December, 1916 Interest received from Land for Settlements Account in respect of inscribed stock created for conversion— On 3 per cent, stock .. .. £2,074 18 10 On 3-J per cent, stock .. .. 35,192 0 8 On 4 per cent, stock .. .. 950 11 10 8,866 2 6 38,217 II 4 Interest received from State Advances Office— On £2.900,000 at 3 per cent., 1 year to 31 March, 1917 .. .. £89,700 0 0 On £1,032,305 of 3 \ per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1917 .. .. 36,132 15 4 On £238,717 at 4 por cent., 1 yoar to 1 November, 1916 .. .. 9,548 13 8 Recoupment of intorost on stock insoribed for purposes of Nativo Land Sottlemont Aocount Recoupment of interest on stock inscribed for purposes of State Coal-mines Account Accumulated fractions of interest repaid Public Acoount.. 135,381 9 0 149 4 10 35 5 0 100 11 0 182,750 4 2 1,925,977 17 8 Carried forward 2.098,561 10 0 i i


B.—l [Pt. II


DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST and SINKING FUND— continued.

Brought forward £ s. d. £ s. d. £ ». d. 2,098,561 10 6 INTEREST AND SINKING F\JNT>-continued. THE NEW ZEALAND LOANS ACT, 1908. The New Zealand Consolidated Stock Act, 1877 (London Issue, 1943-1963):— Interest — On £303 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 August, 1916 .. On £10,884,325 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 August, 1916 .. i On £10,884,628 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 February, 1917 S 12 2 4 217,086 10 0 217,692 11 2 i 435,391 3 0 Less — Interest received from State-guaranteed Advances Office on £2,834,521, 1 year to 1 February, 1917 .. .. ] Recoupment of interest on stock inscribed for purpose of State Coal-mines Account Recoupment of interest on stock inscribed for purposes of Native Land Settlement Account Interest received from the Lands for Settlement Account in respect of inscribed stock created for conversion Accumulated fractions of interest repaid Public Account.. 113,380 16 8 2,066 13 6 275,379 3 6 10,200 0 0 34,346 0 8 18 9 2 160,012 0 0 The New Zealand Consolidated Debenture Stock Act, 1884 (Colonial Issue): — Interest— On £84,500 at 3£ por cent., 1 year to 31 December, 1910 On £194,200 at 3} per cent., 1 year to 1 February, 1917 .. On £301,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 31 December, 1910 On £165,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1917 2,957 10 0 7,282 10 0 12,040 0 0 6,600 0 0 28,880 0 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1896 :— Interest— On £200,000 at 3£ per cent., 1 year to 1 February, 1917 .. 7,000 0 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1900 :— Interest — On £56,500 at 3£ per cent., £ year to I May, 1916 OnJ£37,400 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 May, 1916 On £57,700 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 November, 1916.. On £33,600 at 4 per cent., 125 days to 1 November, 1916 On £2,900 at 4£ per cent., £ year to I November, 1916.. 988 15 0 748 0 C 2,308 0 0 460 5 5 65 5 0 4,570 5 5 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1901 : - Interest — On £2,500 at 3£ per cent., 1 year to 1 December, 1916 .. On £8,100 at 3j per cent., 1 year to 1 December, 1916 . . On £61,000 at 4 per cent., 1 yoar to 1 December, 1916.. On £1,800 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 June, 1916 On £32,900 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1917 .. 87 10 0 303 15 0 2,440 0 0 36 0 0 1,316 0 0 4,183 5 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1902 :— Interest— On £128,000 at 3J per cent., 1 year to 1 December, 1916 .. On £4,300 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 December, 1915 .. On £247,700 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 June, 1916 OnJ|£89,100 at 4 per cent., 1 year to'l December, 1916 .. 13,404 0 0 4,800 0 0 86 0 0 4,954 0 0 3,564 0 0 Carried forward 2,431,978 4 5

B.—l [Pt. II


PUBLIC ACCOUN.TS, 1916-1917.

DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST and SINKING FUND— continued.

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ i. d. 2,431,978 4 5 Brought forward INTEREST AND SINKING PUND— continmA. THE NEW ZEALAND LOANS ACT, 1908. The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903 : — Interest— On £25 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 July, 1915 On £9,200 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 January, 1916 On £43,100 at 4 per cent., 169 days at I July, 1916 On £25,000 at 4 per cent., 148 days to I July, 1916 On £2,675 at 4 per cent., 122 days to 1 July, 1916 On £750 at 4 per cent., 93 days to 1 July, 1916 On £25,100 at 4 per cent., 153 days to 1 August, 1916 .. On £300 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 August, 1916 On £102,015 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1917 On £8,625 at 4 per cent., 103 days to 1 January, 19.16 On £62,050 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 January, 1917 .. On £298,900 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 February, 1917 . . On £8,700 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 Fobruary, 1917 .. On £1,000 at 4£ per cent., £ year to 1 July, 1916 On £54,225 at 4£ per cent., I year to 1 January, 1917 . . • 0 10 0 184 0 0 798 4 8 405 9 7 35 15 3 7 12 10 420 17 1 12 0 0 4,080 12 0 97 7 1 1,241 0 0 11,956 0 0 174 0 0 22 10 0 2,440 2 6 21,870 I 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1904 : —■ Interest — On £565,500 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 February, 1917 .. 22,620 0 0 • The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1905 :— Interest— On £800 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1914 On £800 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1915 On £800 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1916 .. On £100 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 January, 1916 On £501,000 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 July, 1916 On £208,800 at 4 per oent., 1 year to 1 January, 1917 .. 32 0 0 32 0 0 32 0 0 2 0 0 10,020 0 0 8,352 0 0 18,470 0 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1906 :— Interest — On £561,750 at 3£ per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1917 On £8,650 at 3J per cent., I year to I January, 1917 On £29,600 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 July, 1916 On £359,900 at 4 per cent., 1 year to I January, 1917 19,661 5 0 324 7 0 592 0 0 14,396 0 0 34,973 12 6 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1.907 : — Interest — On £200,000 at 3£ per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1917 On £700 at 4 per cent., | year to 1 January, 1916 On £123,000 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 July, 1916 On £666,700 at 4 per cent., I year to I January, 1917 7,000 0 0 14 0 0 2,460 0 0 20.668 0 0 36,142 0 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1908 : — Interest — On £50,000 at 3£ per cent., £ year to I April, 1916 On £50,000 at 4 - per cent., £ year to 1 October, 1910 1,875 0 0 875 0 0 I,000 0 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1910 : — Interest — On £39, 810 10s. 6d. at 3£ per cent., 1 year to 31 March, 1917 On £152,808 Is. 8d. at 4£ per cent., 1 year to 31 March, 1917 1,393 7 4 6,876 7 4 Additional interest paid owing to conversions by Imperial Government on 1 September, 1915. (Originally paid at rate of £3 10s. on every £95 advanced, now paid as follows : 20 per oent. original rate, 80 per cent, at rate of £4 10s. for every £99 advanced) — On £189,100— 30 days to 30 September, 1915 £ year to 31 March, 191.6 107 I 9 651 8 11 758 10 8 9,028 5 4 Carried forward 12,576,963 3 3


8.-l [Pt. ll]


DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST and SINKING FUND-continued.

4—B. 1 [Pt. ll].

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,576,963 3 3 Brought forward INTEREST AND SINKING FUND-continued. • * THE NEW ZEALAND LOANS ACT, 1908. The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1911 :— Interest — On £50,000 at 3£ per cent., 1 year to 1 December, 1916 On £50,000 at 8* por cent., 1 year to 1 December, 1916 On £49,000 at 3| per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1917 .. On £25,000 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 June, 1916 1,750 0 0 1,875 0 0 1,837 10 0 500 0 0 5,962 10 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1912 :— Interest — On £175,300 at 3f per cent., 1 year to 15 October, 1916.. On £22,300 at 4 per cent., £ year to 15 April, 1915 .. On £8,400 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 15 October, 1916.. On £2,800 at 4 per cent., £ year to 15 October, 1916.. 6,573 15 0 446 0 0 336 0 0 56 0 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1914 :• — Interest — On £59,900 at 4 per cent., 168 days to 30 Jund, 1916 .. On £1,945,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 November, 1916 On £200,000 at 4 per cent., 104 days to 1 November, 1916 On £59,900 at 4 per cent., £ year to 31 December, 1916 On £100,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 February, 1917.. 7,411 15 0 1,102 16 3 77,800 0 0 2,279 8 11 1,198 0 0 4,000 0 0 86,380 5 2 The Post and Telegraph Act, 1908 :— Interest— On £200,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1917 8,000 0 0 The Public Works Act, 1908 : — The Paeroa Waihi Railway Act, 1903— Interest — On £86,250 at 3 per cent., 1 year to 31 March, 1917 2,587 10 0 The Waikaka Branch Railway Aot, 1904— Interest — On £53,476 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 November, 1916 .. 2,139 0 8 The Scenery Preservation Act, 1908: — Interest — On £40,000 at 3£ per cent., 1 year to 1 November, 1916.. On £20,000 at 3§ per cent., 1 year to 1 November, 1916.. On £24,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 November, 1916.. 1,400 0 0 750 0 0 960 0 0 3,110 0 0 The Fruit Preserving Industry Act, 1913 : — Interest — On £6,800 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 October, 1916 On £6,800 at 4 per cent., 2 days to 1 April, 1916 On £11,600 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 October, 1916 136 0 0 1 9 9 464 0 0 601 9 9 The Wellington-Manawatu Eailway Purchase Act, 1908 :— Interest — On £495,600 at 4 per cent., 177 days to 1 September, 1916 On £4,100 at 4 per cont., 155 days to 1 September, 1916 On £499,700 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 March, 1917 19,676 16 10 9,613 4 0 69 12 10 9,994 0 0 The Finance Act, 1915 :— New Zealand Loans Amendment Act, 1915 (Section 105), (£2,000,000 Loan),— Interest — On £200 at 4£ per cent., 99 days to 15 June, 1916. . On £1,000 at 4£ per cent., 110 days to 15 June, 1916.. On £2,000 at 4£ per cent., 133 days to 15 June, 1916.. On £40,000 at 4£ per cent., 134 days to 15 June, 1916.. On £3,000 at 4| per cent., 140 days to 15 June, 1916.. On £200 at 4£ per cent., 145 days to 15 June, 1916.. On £20,000 at 4£ per cent., 149 days to 15 June, 1916.. On £500 at 4£ per cent., 155 days to 15 June, 1916.. On £1,928,170 at 4£ per cent., 244 days to 15 June, 1916.. On £1,962,940 at 4£ per cent., £ year to 15 December, 1916 2 8 9 13 11 3 32 15 10 660 16 5 51 15 7 3 11 6 367 7 11 9 11 1 58,001 14 11 44,166 6 9 103,310 0 0 Carried forward 2,816,142 10 8

B.—l TPt. II



DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST and SINKING FUND— continued.

Brought forward £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,810,142 10 8 INTEREST AND SINKING FUND-continned. THE NEW ZKALAND LOANS ACT, 1908. Tun Finance Act, 1915 -continued. New Zealand Loans Amondment Act, 1915 (Section 106, Conversions) — Interest — On £2,900 at 4£ per cent., £ year to 30 June, 1916 On £71,700 at 4£ por cent., £ year to 1 October, 1916 .. On £19,500 at 4£ per cent., £ year to 15 October, 1916 .. On £170,000 at 4£ per cent., £ year to 1 November, 1916.. On £276,300 at 4£ per cent., £ yoar to 1 December, 1916 .. On £100,500 at 4£ per cent., 1 year to 31 December, 1916 On £76,700 at 4£ per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1917 . . On £931,000 at 4£ per cent., £ year to 1 January, 1917 On £195,800 at 4£ por cont., 1 year to 1 February, 1.917 . . On £152,300 at 4£ per cent., £ year to 1 February, 1917 . . On £300 at 4£ per cent., 1 year to 1 March, 1917 On £127,500 at 4£ por cent., 1 year to 31 March, 1917 .. 65 5 0 1,613 5 0 438 15 0 3.825 0 0 6,216 15 0 4.522 10 0 3,451 10 0 20,947 10 0 8,811 0 0 3.426 15 0 13 10 0 5,737 10 0 5 0 • • 59,069 5 0 Less — Part Bank Order No. IV of 12/5/16, £76 10s., not required Amount received from the State Advances Office— On £10,000 at 4£ per cent., £ year to 1 January, 1917 .. 74 5 0 225 0 0 299 5 0 The Finance Act, 1909 :— Interest— On £46,901 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 February, 1917 58,770 0 0 1,876 0 10 The Naval Defence Act, 1909 : — Interest — On £200,736 16s. lOd. at 3£ per cent., 1 year to 31 March, 1917 On £770,505 Is. at 4£ per cent., 1 year to 31 March, 1917.. 7,025 15 10 34,672 14 6 41,698 1(1 4 Additional interest paid owing to conversions by Imperial Government on 1 Septembor, 1915, originally paid at rate of £3 10s. on every £95 advanced ; now paid as follows : 20 per cent, original rate, 80 per cent, at rate of £4 10s. for every £99 advanced) — On £953,500— 30 days to 30 September, 1.915 1 year to 31 March, 1916 539 19 4 3,284 15 8 3,824 15 0 Sinking Fund— Interest — On £1,835,720 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 31 March, 1917 .. 73,428 10 0 118,952 1 4 The Public Debt Extinction Act, 1.910 : — Sinking Fund— Payable under Debt Extinction Aot, 1910 171,301 0 0 The Irrigation and Water-supply Act, 1913 :— Interest— On £4,900 at 4 per cent., 2 days to 1 April, 1916 On £10,000 at 4 per cent., 161 days to 1 April, 1916 On £85,100 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 October, 1916 On £14,900 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 October, 1910 I 1 5 176 8 9 3,404 0 0 298 0 0 The Public Eevenues Act, 1910:— The Reserve Fund Securities Aot, 1907, — Interest — On £800,000 at 3£ per cent., 1 year to 1 February, 1917 3,879 10 2 28,000 0 0 The Public Eevenues Act, 1910, and Amendment Act, 1915 : — Treasury Bills— Interest — On £300,000 at 4 per cent., 4 months to 31 December, 1916 On £300,000 at 4 per cent., 28 days to 27 February, 1917 4,000 0 0 920 10 7 4.920 10 7 Carried forward 3,203,841 13 7


B.—l [Pt. ll]


DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST and SINKING FUND— continued.

Brought forward £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 3,203,841 13 7 INTEREST AND SINKING FUNB-continued. THE NEW ZEALAND LOANS ACT, 1908. The Public Eevenues Amendment Act, 1914, Section 8 (War Expenses) :— Treasury Bills, — Interest — On £421,052 12s. 7d. at 3£ per cent., 1 vear to 31 March, 1917 .. On £1,616,161 12s. 4d. at 4£ per cent., 1 year to 31 March, 1917 14,736 16 10 72,727 5 6 Additional interest paid owing to conversions by Imperial Government on 1 September, 1915 (originally paid at rate of £3 10s. on every £95 advanced, now paid as follows : 20 per cent, original rate, 80 per cent, at rato of £4 10s. for every £99 advanced) — On £2,000,000— 30 days to 30 September, 1915 £ year to 31 Maroh, 1918 17,464 2 4 1,132 II 11 6,889 19 1 8,022 II 0 The Publio Eevenues Amendment Act, 1915, Section 5 (War Expenses):— Interest— On£03,15717s. Ild. at 3J por cent., 1 year to3I March, 1917 On £200,000 at 4 per cent., 147 days to 1 August, 1916 .. On £200,000 at 4 per oent., 134 days to 1 August, 1916 .. On £400,000 at 4 per cent., 89 days to I August, 1916 .. On £200,000 at 4 per cent., 73 days to 1 August, 1916 .. On £.150,000 at 4 per cent., 60 days to I August, 191.6 .. On £300,000 at 4 per cent., 137 days to 1 November, 1916 On £90,000 at 4 per cent., 89 days to 1 November, 1916 On £550,000 at 4 por cent.,-1 year to 1 Fobruary, 1917 .. On £1,150,000 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 February, 1917 On £242,424 4s. lOd. at 4£ per cent., 1 year to 31 March, 1917 On £2,929,292 10s. 8d. at 4£ per cent., I year to 31 March, 1917 On £500,000 at 5 per cent., 136 days to 31 March, 1916.. On £500,000 at 5 per cent., 106 days to 31 March, 191.6. . On £530,000 at 5 per cent., 74 days to 31 March, 1916 .. On £560,000 at 5 per cent., 44 days to 31 March, 191.0 .. On £590,000 at 5 por cent., 15 days to 31 March, 1916 .. On £1,900,000 (£4 10s. per annum on every £99), £ year to 31 March, 1916.. On £400,000 (£4 10s. per annum on every £99), 167 days to 31 March, 1916 On £100,000 (£4 10s. per annum on every £99), 161 days to 31 March, 1916 On £620,000 at 5 per cent., 166 davs to 30 September, 1916 On £300,000 at 5 per cent., 137 days to 30 September, 1916 On £400,000 at 5 per cent., 106 days to 30 September, 1916 On £2,680,000 at 5 per cent., 1 year to 31 March, 1917 On £710,000 at 5f per cent., 75 days to 30 September, 1916 2,210 10 6 3,221 18 4 2,936 19 7 3,901 7 1 1,600 0 0 980 5 10 4,504 I 10 877 10 0 22,000 0 0 23,000 0 0 10,909 I 8 131,818 3 9 9,315 1 4 7,260 5 0 5,372 12 0 3,375 6 10 1,212 6 7 95,486 13 4 43,181 16 4 8,318 16 0 2,004 19 7 14,098 12 10 5,630 2 6 5,808 4 4 134,000 0 0 8,388 14 0 The Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1915 (No. 2), Section 5:— Sinking Fund — On £8,159,505 lis. 7d. at 1 per cent., 1 year to 31 Maroh, 1917 455,933 2 5 81,595 1 1 The Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910 :— Interost— On £100,000 at 3£ per cent., 1 year to 1 February, 1917.. 3,500 0 0 Less— Amount recovered from the Waihou and Ohinemuri Eivers Improvement Account 3,500 0 0 The Aid to Water-power Works Act, 1910:— Interest— On £50,000 at 3f per cent., 1 yoar to 1 November, 1916 On £10,000 at 4 per cent., 133 days to 1 May, 1916 .. On £10,000 at 4 per cent., 87 days to 1 May, 1916 On £239,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 November, 1916 On £20,000 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 November, 1916 On £10,000 at 4 por cent., 179 days to 1 Novembor, 1917 On £10,000 at 4 por cent., 125 days to 1 November, 1916 On £10,000 at 4 per cent., 89 days to 1 November, 1916 1,875 0 0 145 15 0 95 6 10 9,560 0 0 400 0 0 196 3 3 136 19 8 97 10 8 12,506 15 5 Carried forward 3,849,363 5 10

B.—l [Pt. ll]



DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST and SINKING FUND— continued.

£ s. d. Brought forward £ s. d. £ s. d. 3,849,363 5 10 INTEREST AND SINKING FUND-continued. THE NEW ZEALAND LOANS ACT, 1908. The Appropriation Act, 1912: — Irrigation and Water-supply Aocount— Interests— On £10,000 at 3f per cent., 1 year to 1 November, 1916.. On £5,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 November, 1916.. 375 0 0 200 0 0 575 0 0 The Land Laws Amendment Aot, 1913 :— Interest— On £10,000 at 4 por cent., 103 days to 1 April, 1916 .. 112 17 6 On £10,000 at 4 per cent., 57 days to 1 April, 1916 .. ; 62 9 3 On £10,000 at 4 per cent., 2 days to 1 April, 1916 .. 2 3 10 On £500 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 July, 1916 .. 20 0 0 On £100 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 July, 1916 .. 2 0 0 On £8,500 at 4 per cent., £ year to 22 July, 1916 .. 170 0 0 On £3,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 August, 1916 .. 120 0 0 On £6,800 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 August, 1916 .. 136 0 0 On £4,500 at 4 per cent., 153 days to 1 August, 1916 .. 75 9 0 On £10,000 at 4 per cent., 147 days to 30 September, 191.6 161 111 On £138,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 October, 1916 .. ! 5,520 0 0 On £30,000 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 October, 1916 .. 600 0 0 On £10,500 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 31 December, 1916.. : 420" 0 0 On £39,400 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1917 .. ! 1,576 0 0 On £8,000 at 4 per cent., 171 days to 1 January, 1917.. 149 18 4 On £165,750 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 February, 1917 .. 6,630 0 0 On £10,000 at 4 per cent., 1. year to 31 March, 1.917 .. I 400 0 0 On £10,000 at 4 per cent., £ year to 31 March, 1917 .. 200 0 0 On £19,100 at 4£ per cent., 1 year to 30 September, 1916 811 15 0 On £10,000 at 4£ per cent., 1 year to 31 March, 1.916 .. 425 0 0 On £15,000 at 4| per cent., I year to 31 January, 1917 .. 637 10 0 On £196,000 at 4i per cent., £ yoar to 30 September, 1916 i 4,410 0 0 On £10,200 at 4£ per cent., £ yoar to 1 March, 1917 .. 229 10 0 Less — Amount recovered from Land for Settlement Account 22,871 14 10 22,871 14 10 The Native Land Amendment Act, 1913:— Interest— On £25,000 at 4 por cent., 165 days to 1 April, 1916 .. 452 1 0 On £15,000 at 4 per cent., 138 days to 1 April, 1916 . . 218 12 6 On £25,000 at 4 per cent., 103 days to 1 April, 1916 .. 282 3 9 On £50,000 at 4 per cent., 57 days to 1 April, 1916 .. 312 6 5 On £25,000 at 4 per cent., 2 days to 1 April, 1916 .. 5 9 7 On £368,500 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 October, 1916 .. 14,740 0 0 Oh £140,000 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 October, 1916 .. 2,800 0 0 On £50,000 at 4 per cent., 148 days to 1 October, 1916.. 810 19 2 On £25,000 at 4 per cent., 81 days to 1 October, 1916 .. 221 18 4 On £25,000 at 4 per cent., 58 days to 1 October, 1916 .. 158 18 0 On £25,000 at 4 per cent., 33 days to 1 October, 1916 .. 90 8 2 On £25,000 at 4 por cent., II days to 1 October, 1916 .. 30 2 8 On £1,900 at 4il per cent., I year to 1 October, 1916 .. 85 10 0 On £4,800 at 4£ per cent., 1 year to 1 January, 1917 .. 216 0 0 452 I 0 218 12 6 282 3 9 312 6 5 5 9 7 14,740 0 0 2,800 0 0 810 19 2 221 18 4 158 18 0 90 8 2 30 2 8 85 10 0 216 0 0 Less— Amount recovered from Native Land Settlement Account 20,424 9 7 20,424 9 7 The Hauraki Plains Amendment Act, 1913 : — Interest— On £6,000 at 4 per cent., 179 days to I August, 1910 .. 117 13 11 On £19,000 at 4 per cent., J year to 1 February, 1917 .. 760 0 0 On £6,000 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 February, 1917 .. 120 0 0 On £5,000 at 4 per cent., 62 days to 1 February, 1917 .. 33 19 5 117 13 11 760 0 0 120 0 0 33 19 5 Less— Amount received from Hauraki Plains Settlement Account 1,031 13 4 1,031 13 4 The Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913 : — Interest— On £10,000 at 4 per cent., I year to 1 March, 1917 400 0 0 Less — Amount recovered from Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account 400 0 0 Carried forward 3,849,938 5 10


B.—l [Pt. ll]


DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST and SINKING FUND— continued.

Brought forward £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 3,849,938 5 10 INTEREST AND SINKING FU NB-continued. THE NEW ZEALAND LOANS ACT, 1908. The Rangaitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, and Amendment Act, 1914 :— Interest— On £5,000 at 4 per cont., 155 days to 1 September, 1916 On £5,000 at 4 per cont., 51 days to 1 September, 1916 On £5,000 at 4 per cent., 28 days to 1 September, 1916 On £26,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 March, 1917 On £15,000 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 March, 1917 On £5,000 at 4 per cent., 69 days to 1 March, 1917 84 18 7 27 18 10 15 6 10 1,040 0 0 300 0 0 37 16 2 Less— Amount recovered from Eangitaiki Land Drainage Account 1,506 0 5 1,506 0 5 The Mining Amendment Act, 1913 : — Interest— On £11,500 at 4 per cent., 1 year to I November, 1916 Less— Amount recovered from Mining Advances Aooount 460 0 0 460 0 0 460 0 0 The Kauri-gum Industry Amendment Aot, 1914 : — Interest — On £18,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to I November, 1916 .. On £5,000 at 4 per cent., 133 days to 1 May, 1916 On £4,00b at 4 per cent., 87 days to 1 May, 1916 On £5,000 at 4 per cent., I year to 1 November, 1916 On £9,000 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1. November, 1916 .. On £5,000 at 4 per cent., 179 days to I. November, 191.6 On £5,000 at 4 per cent., 125 days to I November, 1916 On £5,000 at 4 per cent., 42 days to 1 November, 1916 720 0 0 72 17 6 38 2 8 720 0 0 72 17 6 38 2 8 200 0 0 180 0 0 98 1 7 68 9 10 23 0 3 I 200 0 0 98 1 7 23 0 3 1,400 lino The Eailways Improvement Authorization Act, 1914: — Interest— On £110,000 at 4 per cent., 1 year to 1 February, 1916 .. On £30,000 at 4 per cent., 179 days to 1 August, 1916 On £8,000 at 4 per cent., 136 days to 1 August, 1916 On £30,000 at 4 per cent., 87 days to I. August, 1916 . . On £30,000 at 4 per cent., 33 days to 1 August, 1916 .. On £98,000 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 February, 1917 .. On £30,000 at 4 per cent., 181 days to 1 February, 1917 On £30,000 at 4 per cent., 134 days to 1 February, 1917 On £30,000 at 4 per cent., 84 days to 1 February, 1917 On £30,000 at 4 per cent., 64 days to I February, 1917 On £30,000 at 4 per cent., 17 days to 1 February, 1917 4,400 0 0 588 9 9 119 4 8 286 0 0 108 9 9 1,960 0 0 595 1 4 440 10 11 276 3 3 210 8 2 55 17 9 9,040 6 1 The Discharged Soldiers Settlement Aot, 1915 :— Interest— On £1,000 at 4 per cent., 155 days to 1 September, 1916 On £5,000 at 4 per cent., 64 days to I September, 1916 On £10,000 at 4 per cent., 28 days to I September, 1916 On £16,000 at 4 per cent., £ year to 1 March, 1917 On £10,000 at 4 per cent., 162 days to I March, 1917 .. 16 19 8 35 1 4 30 13 8 320 0 0 177 10 8 580 5 4 The Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915, and Amendment Act, 1916 : — Section 7 — Interest — On £10,000 at 4 per cent., 69 days to 1 Maroh, 1917 75 12 3 The Swamp Drainage Act, 1915 :— InterestOn £1,000 at 4 per cent., 165 days to I November, 1916 On £5,000 at 4 per cent, 138 days to 1 November, 1916 18 1 8 75 12 4 93 14 0 Carried forward 3,861,128 15 4 I

B.—l [Ft. 11l



DISBURSEMENTS in respect of INTEREST and SINKING FUND— continued.

Brought forward INTEREST AND SINKING FUNV-continued. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 3,861,128 15 4 THE NEW ZEALAND LOANS ACT, 1908. The Finance Act, 1916: — Section 49 (Aid to Public Works) — Interest — On £150,000 at 4 per cent., 156 days to 1 February, 1917 On £50,000 at 4 per cent., 134 days to 1 February, 1917 On £50,000 at 4 per cent., 1.7 day's to 1 February, 1917 3,39.1 15 4 2,564 7 6 734 4 .10 93 3 0 Section 50 (State Forests Act, 1908)— Interest — On £5,000 at 4 per cent., 156 days to 1 February, 1917 On £5,000 at 4 per cent., 84 days to I February, 1917 . . 131 10 I 85 9 7 46 0 6 Section 35 (War Expenses)— Interest— On £1,309,750 at 4£ per cent., various days to 1 March, 1917 On £6,410,850 at £1 7s. 8d. per £100--on instalments, to I March, 1917 On £1,587,350 at 4£ per cent., £ year to 1 March, 1917 .. 25,709 0 8 88,715 8 6 150,139 16 3 35,715 7 6 Total Interest and Sinking Fund £4,014,791 17 0

B.—l [Pt. ll].



STATEMENT of the DISBURSEMENTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND (Ordinary Revenue Account) for the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1917, under SPECIAL ACTS of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY.

V ' The Auckland University College Act, 1882 :— Grant for year to 31 March, 1917 £ s. d. ! £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 4,000 0 0 The Civil Service Aot, 1908: — Allowances .. .. .. , 30,345 18 0 30,345 18 0 Compensation on death or retirement, — Postal and Telegraph Department— Sims, W. E., Distriot Accountant Kissell, H., Chief Postmaster Hughes, J., Letter-carrier Sorter.. Mental Hospitals Department— Maoandrew, Dr. H., Assistant Medioal Officer Lands and Survey Department— Langmuir, J., Inspecting Surveyor Boscawen, J. H., Inspector of Reserves ! Immigration Department — Eman-Smith, J., Under-Secretary 395 15 4 1,003 12 9 442 8 4 572 8 4 1,013 5 1 1,265 4 1 1,412 6 7 6,105 0 6 6,105 0 6 36,450 18 6 The Defence Act, 1909: — Pensions 3,535 3 3 The Education Act, 1908 and 1914 :— Education Boards, — Publio Primary Schools— Subsidies Techuical Instruction, — Subsidies National Scholarships,— Grants Secondary Schools, — Subsidies 3,327 18 1 4,205 11 3 3,327 18 1 4,205 11 3 7,635 10 4 266 4 5 7,635 10 4 266 4 5 The Education Reserves Act Amendment Act, 1913: — Section 3, subsection 7, — Compensation paid to J. and I. S. Hardley for determination of lease Subsections 6 and 7, D.P. 479, of Section 189, Patea District (Education Reserve) .. .. .. i 15,435 4 1 350 0 0 The Fire Brigades Act, 1908 :— Section 21, — Contributions 1,475 5 4 The High Commissioner Act, 1908: — Mackenzie, Hon. T., salary, 1 January, 1916, to 31 December, 1916 2,000 0 0 The Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1909, and Amendment Act, 1910 :— Subsidies 230,242 4 3 The Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1908 :— Section 65, — Judge of the Arbitration Court — Stringer, T. W., salary, 1 April, 1916, to 31 March, 1917 Section 74, — Members of the Arbitration Court— McCullough, J. A., salary, 1 April, 1916, to 31 Maroh, 1917 Soott, W., salary, 1 April, 1916, to 31 March, 1917 500 0 0 500 0 0 1,800 0 0 The Judicature Act, 1908: — Prendergast, Sir J., 1 April, 1916, to 31 March, 1917 Williams, Sir J. S., 1 November, 1915, to 22 December, 1915 .. 1,000 0 0 1,133 6 0 170 19 5 1,133 6 0 170 19 5 2,800 0 0 1,304 5 5 The Judicature Amendment Act, 1913:— The Judges,— The Chief Justioe— Sir R. Stout, K.C.M.G., salary, 1 April, 1916, to 31 March, 1917 The Puisne Judges— Chapman, F. R., salary, 1 April, 1916, to 31 Maroh, 1917 .. .. .. .. Cooper, T., salary, 1 April, 1916, to 31 March, 1917 Denniston, Sir J. E., salary, 1 April, 1916, to 31 March, 1917 Edwards, W. B„ salary, 1 April, 1916, to 31 March, 1917 Hosking, J. H., salary, 1 April, 1916, to 31 March, 1917 Sim, W. A., salary, 1 April, 1916, to 31 March, 1917 .. 1,800 0 0 1,800 0 0 1,800 0 0 1,800 0 0 1,800 0 0 1,800 0 0 i 1,800 0 0 1,800 0 0 0 n 2,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 10,800 0 0 i 1,800 0 0 1,800 0 0 1,800 0 0 1,800 0 0 10,800 0 0 12,800 0 0 Carried forward !310,393 0 10

8.-l :Pt. ll]




Brought forward .. .. .. | £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 310,393 0 10 £ s. d. £ s. d. The Land Act, 1908:— Amount paid over to Reoeivers of Land Revenue, Looal Bodies' Deposit Accounts, for payment to looal authorities in respect of rents, royalties, &o. .. .. .. .. 52,033 0 7 52,083 0 7 National Endowment Residue, — For Education purposes .. .. .. .. 60 For Old-age Pensions .. .. .. .. .. 25 60,179 11 2 25,791 4 10 ),179 11 5,791 4 2 10 85,970 16 0 85,970 16 0 .— ... _ The Legislature Act, 1908:— Members of the Legislative Council .. .. .. .. 5 Members of the House of Representatives .. .. .. I 20 1138,003 16 7 5,984 8 0 ; 20,056 9 6 , 26,040 17 6 5,984 8 0 20,056 9 6 5,984 8 ),056 9 0 ; 6 26.040 17 6 Salaries, 1 April, 1916, to 31 Maroh, 1917— Legislative Council .. .. .. .. 2 House of Representatives .. ,. .. .. 2 ; 26,040 17 6 2,000 0 2,400 0 0 ' ao,oau it o 4,400 0 0 The Land Settlement Finance Act, 1909 Section 13, — Deficiency in interest due— 19 Maroh, 1917— Clarkin Land Settlement Association 29 May, 1916, and 29 November, 1916— Glencairn Land Settlement Association .. .. 1 April, 1916, and 1 October, 1916— Merrivale No. 1 Land Settlement Association Merrivale No. 2 Land Settlement Association 9 June, 1916— Moana Vale Land Settlement Association.. .. 6 June, 1916, and 6 December, 1916— Quiltown Land Settlement Association 2,000 0 0 I 2,400 0 0 ' 4,400 0 0 I 30,440 17 6 101 18 1 1,016 15 6 2,000 0 0 2,400 0 0 ' 4,400 0 0 . 101 18 1 1,016 15 6 366 10 2 311 10 6 350 6 0 398 14 9 366 10 2 311 10 6 350 6 0 398 14 9 2,545 15 0 The Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1913: — Seotion 70, subsections (3) and (4), — Amount payable to the State Advances Office 444 12 3 The Appropriation Acts :— The Local Bodies' Finance and Powers Aot, 1885, — Payment of Subsidies 130,715 17 10 The Appropriation Act, 1916: — Section 19, — War Bonus 386,184 18 5 The Appropriation Act, 1916:— Seotion 22, — Advances to Oil-boring Companies— Taranaki (N.Z.) Oil Wells (Limited) Taranaki Oil Lands Acquisition and Developing Company (Limited) .. .. .. .. .. .. | 960 0 9 791 9 7 ; 1,751 10 4 960 0 9 791 9 7 The Magistrates' Courts Amendment Act, 1913 : — Salaries of Magistrates 21,759 11 8 The Marlborough High School Act, 1899:— Grant for the year 1916-1917 400 0 0 The Militia Acts Amendment Act, 1862: — Pensions for Wounds, — Woolf, T. S. .. .. 1 April, 1916, to 30 June, 1916 9 2 0 The Miner's Phthisis Act, 1915: — Pensions .. . • • • .. •. •. .. 5,368 6 0 TheJMunicipal Corporations Act, 1908 :— Section 73, — Subsidies 24,024 4 6 5.927 0 11 The National Provident Fund Act, 1910 :— Section 25 .. The Finanoe Aot, 1916,— Maternity Allowances (section 18) .. .. .. ..j u ii 3,792 7 8 9,719 8 7 5,927 0 11 3,792 7 8 5,927 0 11 3,792 7 8 The New Zealand Institute Act, 1908 :— Grant for the year 1916-1917 500 0 0 Carried forward 1,062,261 1 6 ••

8.-l [Pt. II!




Brought forward £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,062,261 1 6 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908: — The New Zealand Consolidated Stook Act, 1877,— Amount paid Bank of England for year ended 31 October, 1916, for management 23,250 6 5 The Publio Debts Sinking Funds Aot, 1868,— Salary of Secretary .. 1 April, 1916, to 31 Mar., 1917 Fee for auditing of accounts for the year 50 0 0 2 2 0 52 2 0 23,302 8 5 The New Zealand University Act, 1908:— Grant for the year 1916-1917 ■— 3,000 0 0 The New Zealand University Amendment Act, 1914 :— University National Scholarships University Bursaries Grants, — Auckland University College Victoria University College Canterbury College University of Otago 5,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 2,713 10 9 3,929 8 9 17,000 0 0 University College— Subsidies 7,031 9 0 30,674 8 6 The Otago University Reserves Act, 1904:— Rents from reserves, deficiency of .. .. ... 549 3 4 The Pensions Act, 1913:— Old-age Pensions,— Pensions paid for the year 1916-1917 Less oharged to National Endowment Residue 478,876 5 5 25,791 4 10 453,085 0 7 Military Pensions, — Pensions paid for the year 1916-1917 Widows' Pensions, — Pensions paid for the year 1916-1917 45,634 2 7 536,637 12 1 37,918 8 11 The Public Revenues Act, 1910:— Section 6, — Salary— Controller and Auditor-General — Collins, R. J. .. 1 April, 1916, to 31 Mar., 1917 Sections 16, 29, and 90,— Deposits refunded 1,000 0 0 8 19 6 1,008 19 6 The Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1912 :— Section 5, — Annual contribution for reinstating public buildings destroyed by fire 10,000 0 0 The Public Service Act, 1912:— Salaries, — Robertson, D... .. 1 April, 1916, to 31 Mar., 1917 Triggs, R. .. .. 1 „ to 31 Thomson, A. D. .. 1 „ „ to 31 1,300 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 3,300 0 0 The Public Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Acts, 1908, 1909, and 1912 :— Annual contribution to the Public Service Superannuation Fund Annual contribution to the Teachers' Superannuation Fund Annual contribution to Government Railways Superannuation Fund .. • 48,000 0 0 17,000 0 0 90,000 0 0 25,000 0 0 The Rabbit Nuisance Act, 1908 :— Section 60, — Subsidies — East Coast Rabbit Board Hawke's Bay Rabbit Board Hurunui Rabbit Board 1,934 19 3 1,248 2 6 691 13 3 3,874 15 0 Carried forward 1,764,608 8 4 5—B. 1 Pt. IIJ.

B.—l |Pt. Tl]




Brought forward £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,764,608 8 4 The Reserves and other Lands Disposal and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 191.3: — Annuity under section 96, — Porter, T. W. .. 150 0 0 The Reserves and other Lands Disposal and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1916 :— Section 67,— Compensation paid to Mrs. Ann Noble for loss of orohard .. 166 10 0 The Schakfer, McGuire, and Others Pensions Act, 1872:— McGuire, E, .. 1 April, 1916, to 30 September, 1916, and 1 January, 1917, to 31 March, 1917 • 13 14 6 The Slaughtering and Inspection Act, 1908 (Section 59), and Amendment Act, 1910 :— Compensation paid to owners for oondemned stock 14,312 4 3 The Stock Act, 1908: — Seotion 45, — Compensation for stock destroyed on aooount of disease 9,877 4 8 The Victoria College Act, 1905 :— Grant for the year 1916-1917 4,000 0 0 The Walsh and Others Pensions Act, 1869:— Hewett, E. A. .. 1 April, 1916, to 30 September, 1916, and 1 January, 1917, to 31 March, 1917 .. 37 10 0 The Greymouth Harbour Board Act, 1884: — Section 7, — Net profits arising from the Greymouth-Brunner Railway, from 4 Maroh, 1916, to 3 February, 1917 20,734 0 7 The Nelson Harbour Act, 1905: — Section 6,— Compensation in lieu of rents and profits of the lands exoluded from endowments from 1 October, 1915, to 30 September, 1916 500 0 0 The New Plymouth Harbour Board Endowment Act, 1874: — 25 por cent, of amount derived from land sales, rents, &c, to 31 December, 1916 8,397 19 0 The Westport Harbour Board Act, 1884: — Net profits arising from the Wostport-Ngakawau Coalfield Railway and Wharf, to 3 February, 1917 50,134 5 7 The War Pensions Act, 1915 :— Pensions and Allowances 180,165 10 4 War Risk Insurance Act, 1914 :— Premiums received under policies for insurance on cargoes Cr. 6 18 1 Total £!2,053,090 8 8


B.—l [Pt. ll].


STATEMENT of IMPRESTS of the CONSOLIDATED FUND OUTSTANDING on the 31st March, 1917, showing the SERVICES for which they were issued.

Consolidated Fund : — Ordinary Revenue: — Under Special Acts, — Miner's Phthisis Act, 1915 .. ..,,,.. Pensions Act, 1913, — Old-age Pensions Widows' Pensions Military Pensions War Pensions Act, 1915 £ s. d. |5 5 10 746 3 6 229 7 0 47 1 4 4,630 4 5 Class II, Department of Finance, — Vote 10 —Naval Dofencc .. . . .'. .. .. .. 238 18 9 Class III. Post and Telegraph Department, — Vote 12—Post and Telegraph Salaries Vote 14—Conveyance of Inland Mails Vote 17—Miscellaneou i Services .. .. .. 3,676 5 2 1,260 1 7 1,356 6 6 Class IV. Working Railways Department,— Vote 18 —Working Railways 670 5 3 Class VI. Native Department,— Vote 22 —Native Department 5 5 5 Class VII. Justice Department,— Vote 27—Supreme Court Vote 28—Bankruptcy Vote 30 —Criminal Prosecutions Vote 33 —Prisons Vote 35 —Police Department .. .. 13 1 9 15 10 9 304 3 2 72 I. 4 942 12 5 Class IX. Department of Internal Affairs, — Vote 43 —Department of Internal Affairs (Head OHice) Vote 45—Messengers, Officckeepors, and Charwomen Vote 46—Audit Department Vote 54—Mental Hospitals Vote 56—Tourists Vote 58 —Public Health, Hospitals, and Charitable Aid .. .. 19.1 9 7 188 16 2 0 10 0 20 0 0 410 14 8 334 15 2 Class X. Defence Department,— Vote 60 —Adjutant-General's Branch Vote 02—Quartermaster-General's Branch 15 5 6 2,316 11 3 Class XI. Customs, Marine and Harbours, and Inspection of Machinery Departments,— Vote 65—-Marine, Harbours, and Inspection of Machinery Vote 66—Government Steamers 1 14 11 0 9 8 Class XIII. Department of Lands and Survey,— Vote 69—Department of Lands and Survey .. .. .. .. 214 10 0 Class XIV. Department of Agriculture, Industries, and Commerce, — Vote 72—Agriculture, Industries, and Commerce 1,160 5 6 Class XV. Education Department,— Vote 74 —Elementary Education .. .. .. 134 12 0 General Imprest 5,360 1 8 Imperial Pensions Account 3,101 11 10 Advances on account of other Governments, — British Guiana British Military Occupation of Samoa Commonwealth Government (War Pensions) Canadian Government (War Pensions) Ceylon Cook Islands Federated Malay States Eiji Gilbert and Ellice Islands Hong Kong .. .. .. . ■ • • • • Imperial Government Mauritius Niue Island Straits Settlements 16 1 7 958 5 0 4,090 11 1 1 1 0 218 1 3 855 3 9 72 15 6 82 10 0 40 10 0 25 0 8 1,421 3 7 260 15 8 363 8 33 12 6 Imperial Pensions 429 5 2 £36,508 13 7

B.—l [Pt. lIJ.




Balances on 31 March, 1916. Receipts. Payments AND Transfers. Balances on 31 March, 1917. REVENUE FROM FEES, FINES, ETC. I Counties :— £ s. d. Bay of Islands .. .. Cheviot .. •• •■ i io o o Coromandel .. .. .. 10 0 0 Kaikoura Waimea .. .. .. 5 0 0 Whakatane .. .. .. 0 6 0 £ s. d. 3 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 31 10 0 £ s. d. 2 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 30 10 0 £ s. d. 1 0 0 1 0 0 5 0 0 l6' 0 0 l6' 6 0 in r n 25 6 0 25 6 0 64 10 0 82 16 0 7 0 0 Borough :— Opotiki .. .. .. 10 0 0 10 0 0 40 0 0 50 0 0 Town Boards :— Kawakawa .. .. .. 10 0 0 Kohukohu .. .. .. 10 0 0 Whakatane .. .. .. 9 14 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 29 14 0 29 14 0 29 14 0 40 0 0 69 14 0 Acclimatization Societies :— Ashburton Auckland .. .. .. 16 10 6 Bay of Islands .. .. Buller .. .. j Canterbury .. .. .. | Coromandel .. .. East Coast .. .. .. I Feilding and District .. .. j 0 9 0 Grey Distriot .. .. Hawera .. .. • • Hawke's Bay .. .. .. 2 8 0 Hobson .. .. Lake District Mangonui-Whangaroa .. .. I Marlborough .. .. .. 1 19 0 Nelson .. .. .. 43 1 0 Opotiki .. .. .. 0 2 0 Otago .. South Canterbury .. .. .. J Southland .. .. Stratford .. .. .. Taranaki Tauranga Waimarino .. .. Waitaki-Waimate — Waitaki Branch Wanganui Wellington .. .. .. 22 5 6 Westland Whangarei .. .. 14 18 6 916 19 0 . 156 19 6 14 12 6 39 16 0 32 3 0 95 11 0 11 18 6 70 14 0 66 6 0 [ 211 11 0 231 1 6 23 17 0 137 9 6 t 54 12 0 113 5 0 88 14 6 241 18 0 9 17 6 66 7 6 71 3 6 145 16 0 157 19 6 52 1.3 0 14 18 6 925 0 6 156 19 6 14 12 6 39 16 0 32 3 6 95 11 0 12 7 6 70 2 0 66 6 0 212 15 0 231 1 6 23 17 0 137 9 6 56 11 0 142 19 6 88 16 6 240 18 6 9 17 6 66 7 6 59 9 6 145 16 0 157 19 6 52 13 0 8 9 0 0 12 0 14 0 18* 6 6 0 19 6 11 14 0 76 7 0 54 12 0 1,218 6 0 18 15 0 237 18 0 76 7 0 54 12 0 1,235 17 6 18 15 0 237 18 0 4 14 0 i 86 15 0 4,632 2 0 4,677 18 0 40 19 0 Town of Rotorua .. .. .. 663 12 10 Total Revenue from Fees, Fines, etc. 815 7 10 1,332 19 10 6,109 11 10 ] 1,435 12 5 561 0 3 6,316 0 5 608 19 3


B.—l |Pt. 11l



Balances on 31 March, 1916. Receipts. Payments AND Transfers. Balances on 31 March, 1917. ENDOWMENTS OF LAND. Iounties :— Awakino East Taupo Fiord Kawhia Manukau Rotorua .. Sounds Thames West Taupo £ s. d. 38 19 1 75 12 1 94 0 0 98 16 7 24 14 0 293 18 6 90 9 8 6 18 0 1,856 9 11 £ s. d. 38 2 4 £ s. d. 26 13 6 94 0 0 £ s. d. 38 19 1 87 0 11 98 16 7 24 14 0 293 18 6 1,924 16 0 6 18 0 2,045 4 3 2,82310 5 989 4 1 1,008 17 7 820 3 3 2,579 17 10 3,870 10 4 1,930 0 10 4,520 7 4 Iarbour Board :— Groymouth 0 0 6 0 0 6 slands: — Great Barrier Kermadeo 7 6 11 15 15 11 7 6 11 15 15 11 23 2 10 23 2 10 Total Endowments of Land 2,603 1 2 3,870 10 4 1,930 0 10 4,543 10 8 GOLDFIELDS REVENUE. 0 5 0 129 8 0 14 19 9 171 16 0 0 12 6 320 18 9 241 7 5 2 7 0 44 13 6 2,768 8 7 1,848 1 3 0 5 0 140 13 0 27 9 6 170 8 6 0 7 6 172 15 2 241 7 5 2 7 0 44 13 6 2,492 1 9 1,788 15 3 Iounties :— Ashburton Bay of Islands Bruce Buller Clutha Collingwood Coromandel Fiord Great Barrier Island Grey Inangahua Karamoa Lake Maniototo Marlborough Murchison Ohinemuri Pahiatua Piako Pohangina Sounds Southland Stewart Island Taieri Takaka Tauranga Thames Tuapoka Vincent Waiapu Waihemo Waikouaiti Waimea Waipawa Waitaki Wallace Westland Whangarei 11 5 0 12 9 9 2 13 9 o' 1 5 366 6 5 18 13 0 0 10 0 96 9 0 11 19 0 4 16 9 05 0 '384 18 4 189 4 3 133 0 1 183 12 6 1,607 9 0 0 5 0 185 10 6 0 5 0 13 13 0 206 9 1 25 17 0 36 11 0 1 15 0 9 16 3 790 19 10 517 15 4 806 11 2 0 10 0 213 18 0 13 10 0 30 6 11 467 13 1 194 0 0 133 0 1 184 4 3 1,607 9 0 0 5 0 185 15 6 4 1 3 0 5 0 153 5 0 642 13 3 77 19 0 0 10 0 13 14 3 6 17 3 4 5 0 0 5 0 13 15 0 0 6 0 5 10 0 28'13 5 49 17 11 13 13 0 213 10 0 26 3 0 28 18 6 10 0 9 11 3 790 19 10 543 8 9 804 9 1 0 10 0 205 13 0 13 10 0 32 5 11 0 5 0 30 10 9 128 18 2 1,102 0 1 30 2 0 614 1 13 2 6 0 15 0 0 5 0 3 0 0 52 0 0 12*17 0 21 2 0 10 17 0 0 5 0 8 6 3 2 19 10 44 19 7 22 9 6 146 9 7 1,095 7 9 30 2 0 8 18 0 0 5 0 20 11 3 38 7 3 Carried forward .. 708 16 7 12,189 3 10 11,829 4 10 1,068 15 7

B.—l IPt. II




Balances on 31 March, 1916. Receipts. Payments AND Transfers. Balances on 31 March, 1917. GOLDFIELDS REVENUE— continued. Brought forward £ s. d. 708 16 7 £ s. d. 12,189 3 10 £ s. d. 11,829 4 10 £ s. d. 1,068 15 7 Boroughs :— Alexandra Arrow Cromwell Greymouth Hokitika Kumara Lawrence Motueka Pioton Ross Roxburgh Te Aroha Thames Waihi 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 13 16 4 0 12 6 6 5 0 10 15 0 15 15 0 0 4 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 239 14 6 0 5 0 474 14 7 117 13 2 1,678 19 8 13 16 4 0 12 6 6 10 0 0 5 0 10 10 0 16 6 0 0 4 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 233 4 6 0 5 0 474 14 7 117 13 2 1,678 19 8 0 10 0 6 15 0 218 9 9* 8 9 Town Board:Te Puke 4 19 9 2,559 9 9 2,553 15 9 10 13 9 0 5 0 0 5 0 High School Commissioners: — Thames 29 17 9 29 17 9 Harbour Board :— Westport 1 17 6 271 8 3 268 1 9 5 4 0 Native Accounts :— Coromandel Ohinemuri Te Aroha Thames West Wanganui 530 17 11 180 7 0 29 4 5 549 12 2 76 12 0 82 11 9 53 10 10 184 0 0 365 4 5 139 18 3 346* 4 9, 248 5 3 93 19 7 29 4 5 387 7 5 76 12 0 Suspense Account:— Auckland District Goldfields 1,366 13 6 320 2 7 851 7 5 835 8 8 A 4,622 18 3 4,319 6 10 5,448 19 0 3,493 5 7 Less transfers within aeoounts .. 19,689 14 0 5,449 9 6 20,981 12 0 5,449 9 6 Total Goldfields Revenue 6,705 5 7 14,240 4 6 15,532 2 6 5,413 7 7 GOLD DUTY. Counties : — Coromandel Great Barrier Island Ohinemuri Piako Thames 0 10 271 15 0 223 14 5 1,721 2 10 0 15 7 975 14 3 223 14 5 1,992 14 1 0 15 7 975 14 3 010 0 4 0 Boroughs :— Paeroa Thames Waihi 271 16 6 2,921 7 1 338 2 9 263 12 7 8,762 14 11 3,192 18 7 338 2 9 263 12 7 9,435 4 9 0 5 0 672* 9 10 Unknown Account 672 9 10 9,364 10 3 10,037 0 1 177 1 8 1,122 8 3 1,209 15 10 89 14 1 Less transfers within aeoounts .. 13,408 5 7 1,497 15 11 14,439 14 6 1,497 15 11 Total Gold Duty 1,121 8 0 11,910 9 8 12,941 18 7 89 19 1 / COUNTIES SEPARATE ACCOUNT. Ashley Marlborough Peninsula 44 16 8 26 8 6 1 19 6 133 0 1 138 11 7 44 16 8 20 17 0 1 19 6 Total Counties Separate Account 67 13 2 73 4 8 183 0 1 138 11 7


B.—l [Pt. II



Balances on 31 March, 1916. Receipts. Payments AND Transfers. Balances ON ADVANCE ACCOUNT. 31 March, 1917 Counties :— Cheviot Coromandel Marlborough Dr. £ s. d. Si 8 6 £ s. d. 17 0 1 13 0 31 8 6 £ s. d. 17 0 1 18 0 £ s. d. Dr. 31 8 6 34 8 6 3 0 0 Borough :— Opotiki 6 10 3 6 10 3 « Town Boards : — Kawakawa Kohukohu Mangapapa Manurewa Tuakau Or. i' o o 1 7 0 17 0 1 7 0 1 7 0 Cr. Dr. Dr. 10 0 40 10 6 38 11 10 Dr. 38 11 10 40 10 6 Dr. 37 11 10 2 14 0 43 4 6 Dr. 78 2 4 Harbour Boards :— Greymouth Napier Opunake Tauranga Westport Dr. 6 6 0 Dr. 170 0 0 Dr. 26 1 3 8 0 0 1.4 17 1 Dr. 15 3 7 Dr. 170 0 0 Dr. 26 1 3 Dr. 485 6 2 Gr. 8515 9 Gr. 119 11 6 20.000 0 0 485* 6 2 20,033 15 9 Dr. 82 16 3 20,006 0 0 20,533 19 0 Dr. 610 15 3 Drainage Commissioners :— Taieri Land Dr. 64 14 8 Dr. 64 14 8 Total Advance Account Dr. 216 11 8 20,049 12 9 20,586 13 9 Dr. 753 12 3

B.—l jPt. ll].

PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 19 16 1917.



Accounts. Balances on Receipts. Payments and Transfers. Balances on 31 March, 1917. 31 March, 1916. Butter-fat Adjustment Aocount Education Reserves Amendment Act, 1914,- - Primary-education Endowments— Section 2 (Rents) Section 3 (Sales) Secondary-education Endowments: Section 2 (Rents) — Auckland Provincial Distriot Taranaki Provincial District.. Wellington Provincial Distriot Hawke's Bay Provincial District Nelson Provincial Distriot Marlborough Provincial District Westland Provincial Distriot Otago Provincial District Socondary-eduoation Endowments: Section 8 (Sales) — Auckland Provincial Distriot Emigrants' Deposits Fisheries Aot, 1908 General Assembly Library Fund Gold Duty Suspense Greymouth Harbour Board Act, 1884 : Special Coal-rate Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act, 1909 Imperial Government Cheese-supply Account Imperial Government Condensed - milk Supply Aocount Imperial Government Jam-supply Account Imperial Government Meat-suppiy Account Imperial Government Soheelite - supply Aocount Imperial Government Wool-supply Account Kitchener Memorial Scholarships Land Transfer Act, 1908 Land Aot, 1908,— Mining Districts Land Occupation Maori Land Settlement Act, 1905 Miscellaneous Money-order Sottloment.. Native Land Act, 1878 (No. 2) .. Nelson Riflo Prize Fund Nolson Riflo Prize Fund Investment New Zealand Expeditionary Foroe Relief Fund New Zealand University Endowmont, — Westland Ngatirahiri Compensation North Island Experimental Dairy School .. Otago University Reserves Act, 1904 Publio Trust Office Remittance Railways Receiver-Goneral's Deposit Released Sinking Funds Susponse State Advances Office Aooount Taranaki Scholarships Endowment Tauranga Educational Endowment Reserves Aot, 1896 Thermal Springs Districts Act, 1910 Trustee Aot, 1908 Unclaimed New Zealand Bonds Westport Harbour Board Aot, 1884: Special Coal-rate £ s. d. £ s. d. 150,497 14 1 £ s. d. 231 16 1 £ s. d. 150,265 18 0 80,302 4 2 . 13,494 10 4 80,302 4 2 7,870 14 6 5,628 15 10 441 17 3 193 9 5 789 2 7 645 12 9 169 0 2 5 4 6 55 11 6 313 14 1 1,451 9 6 946 16 11 2,558 17 0 1,798 1 4 386 12 9 90 13 1 94 10 6 1,068 5 5 1,369 11 1 796 1 7 2,400 17 10 1,741 11 8 515 5 0 53 16 10 102 16 9 1,077 5 10 523 15 8 344 4 9 947 1 9 702 2 5 40 7 11 42 0 9 47 5 3 304 13 8 10 0 0 1 10 10 11 13 8 25 0 0 7 11 10 25 0 0 1,994 5 11 25 0 0 2S' 0 0 833 8 5 11 13 8 10 0 0 9 2 8 833* 8 4 1,994' 5 10 20,082 1 6 20,082. 1 6 34 5 7 19,786 8 5 151 14 11 2,236,104 0 0 55 6 5 1,803,557 17 8 130 14 1 452,332 10 9 230,896 10 1 21,942 0 5 977 0 0 7,795,000 0 0 21,773 5 5 7,055,179 13 0 168 15 0 977 0 0 370,716 17 1 45,893 0 0 10,100,000 0 0 500 0 0 45,141 11 3 9,376,806 14 0 751 8 9 723,193 6 0 500 0 0 5 0 0 5' 0 0 9,310 14 10 569 16 0 145,227 4 9 58,277 19 3 58 0 0 1,097 8 0 Dr. 1,000 0 0 1,629 15 0 831 13 5 7 6 1 511,307 10 5 174,892 12 7 10,108 16 5 562 9 11 182,799 7 2 37,223 2 11 58 0 0 1,123 8 0 Dr. 1,000 0 0 548,879'12 10 153,837 16 3 20' 0 0 255 18 0 255 18 0 319 1 8 17 16 4 5,125 6 5 5,692 18 2 27,557 17 2 5,367 10 0 26,000 0 0 2,146 7 0 1,168,248 19 2 611 18 9 5 9 6 324 11 2 17 16 4 5,322 6 5 7,141 5 5 35,669 3 11 2,604 10 0 26,000 0 0 2,146 7 O 1,266,593 16 5 1,223 18 0 197 0 0 1,448 7 3 63,082 8 9 54,971 2 0 2,763 0 0 2,440,118 16 5 Oil 19 3 2,341,773 19 2 201 17 7 9,901 6 5 4,720 0 2 900 0 0 85 1 9 145 6 6 150 0 0 17 18 0 51 17 7 9,968 10 2 4,871 0 8 900 0 0 25,216 14 9 1,907 17 3 27,124 12 0 Less transfers within accounts 23,667,552 10 7 14,625 15 0 22,086,574 19 2 14,625 15 0 Totals 22,071,949 4 2 1,769,887 13 5 123,052,926 15 7 8,850,815 4 10

B.—l TPt. II





6—B. 1 [Pt. II!.

Primary Education : — Payments to Education Boards £ s. d. £ s. d. 82,480 4 2 Secondary Education :— Payments to Secondary Schools 8,054 6 3 £90,534 10 5 i

Buller County Counoil .. Clutha County Counoil .. Collingwood County Council Coromandel County Council Grey County Council Inangahua County Council Lake County Council Maniototo County Counoil Murchison County Counoil Ohinemuri County Counoil Southland County Council Taieri County Counoil Tauranga County Council Thames County Counoil Tuapeka County Council Vincent County Council.. Waimea County Council.. Waitaki County Council.. Wallace County Council.. Westland County Council Whangarei County Counoil Waihi Borough.. Pelorus Road Board £ s. d. £ s. d. 21 14 10 12 6 1 17 6 31 16 4 58 7 3 0 13 6 54 9 8 31 8 0 2 10 3 238 7 1 59 19 1 115 15 0 45 8 5 97 15 5 106 11 7 0 17 6 27 19 8 32 17 1 3 9 0 4 0 0 0 7 6 7 14 10 £831 13 5

B.—l TPt. 11l



STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS under the Trustee Act, 1908, to 31st March, 1917, with Particulars of the BALANCE at CREDIT in the DEPOSIT ACCOUNT on that Date. (Published in Terms of Section 72 of the Trustee Act, 1908.)

I I I I „„„„„„„. DISBURSEMENTS. RECEIPTS. 1916. April 1 Balance on 31st March, 1916 1917. March 31 In the estate of B. E. McCredie £ s. d. 4,726 0 2 145 6 6 1917. March 31 i Balances on 31st March, 1917, — Estate of Susan Smallwood Sarah Jane White .. .. .. I J. Matheson and H. Gracie Mary McKay William Tattley Barthia Wilkie Robert Miller Paora Parau and W. R. Miller .. „ Francis Humphreys Heighway .. George Moore .. „ Richard Galway B. E. McCredie Moanatairi Extended Gold-mining Company The Direct Supply Company (Limited), Auckland, in liquidation .. .. .. .. ! Wellington-Manawatu Railway Company (Limited) £ s. d. 93 10 0 354 16 8 414 3 3 43 3 10 45 1 5 287 11 1 22 4 7 23 0 0 46 12 5 2,414 0 0 836 13 9 145 6 6 16 7 8 33 5 10 95 9 8 . Total .. £4,871 6 8 Total .. .. .. .. j -4,871 6 8 ! J£4,871 6 8

B.—l [Pt. II


STATEMENT of IMPEESTS of the PUBLIC WOEKS FUND OUTSTANDING on the 31st March, 1917, showing the SEEVICES for which they were issued. Public Works Eund : — Class XVII. Railways, — & s. d. Vote 92 —Railway-construction .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 227 10 1 Glass XXII. Construction, Maintenance, and Supervision of Roads, Bridges, and other PublicWorks, — Vote 109—Roads, &o. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,828 14 6 Class XXV. Lands Improvement,— Vote 115 —Lands Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,086 12 1 £3,142 16 8

The Treasury, Wellington, 17th August, 1917. G. F. C. Campbell, Secretary to the Treasury. J. J. Esson, Accountant to the Treasury.

Examined and found correct. Bobert J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General. Audit Office, Wellington, 17th August, 1917.


B.—l [Pt. llj.




RECEIPTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. j £ s. d. THE WAR LOANS SINKING FUND:— 21,052 12 8 Balance on 31st March, 1916 Amount due to Sinking Fund under section 5 of the Public Revenues Amendment Aet, 1915 (No. 2), on £8,159,505 lis. 7d. 81,595 1 1 Interest on Investments 859 10 0 £103,507 3 9 THE LOCAL BODIES' LOANS'ACT, 1908:Balaneo on 31st Maroh, 1916 799,600 12 0 Interest on Investments 35,191 3 8 £834,791 15 8 - THE WAR AND DEFENCE LOANS SINKING FUNDS ACCOUNT:— Balance on 31st March, 1916 192,690 12 7 Interest on Investments .. .... 8,480 10 3 £201,171 2 10 THE NAVAL DEFENCE ACT SINKING FUND :— Balance on 31st Maroh, 1916 340,186 15 7 Contribution to Sinking Fund at 4 per cent, on £1,835,720 17s. lid., one year to 31st March, 1916 73,428 16 0 Interest on Investments 14,652 5 4 £428,267 16 11


B.—l IPt. II


FUNDS during the FINANCIAL YEAR ended 31st March, 1917.

DISBURSEMENTS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. & : s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. THE WAR LOANS SINKING FUND :— 103,507 3 9 Balanoe on 31st Maroh, 1917 .. .. .. .. .. .. 103,507 3 9 £103,507 3 9 THE LOCAL BODIES' LOANS ACT, 1908 :— £103,507 3 9 Treasury,— Amount paid in aooordance with section 12 of the Public Debt Extinction Aot, 1910 .. .. .. .. .. .. 35,191 3 8 35,191 3 8 Balance on 31st March, 1917 .. .. •• •• .. .. 799,600 12 0 £834,791 15 8 799,600 12 0 £834,791 15 8 j THE WAR AND DEFENCE LOANS SINKING FUNDS ACCOUNT :— Treasury,— Amount paid in accordance with section 12 of the Publio Debt Extinction Act, 1910 .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,480 10 3 8,480 10 3 Balanoe on 31st March, 1917 ., •- •• •• .. .. 192,690 12 7 £201,171 2 10 192,690 12 7 £201,171 2 10 THE NAVAL DEFENCE ACT SINKING FUND :— Balance on 31st Maroh, 1917 .. .. .. .. .. .. 428,267 16 11 428,267 16 11 £428,267 16 11 £428,267 16 11 STATEMENT of SINKING FUNDS ACCRUED to the 31st March, 1917, in respect of each LOAN. Under Acts :— £ s. d. Local Bodies'Loans Act, 1908 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 799,600 12 0 The War and Defence Loans.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 192,690 12 7 Naval Defence Act, 1909 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 428,267 16 11 The Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1915 (No. 2), (War Loans) .. .. .. 103,507 3 9 £1,524,066 5 3


b.—i rp_. ii


The PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March, 1917.

Amount outstanding. Due Date. I Sinking Funds. Net Indebtedness. Rate. Annual Charge. Kemabks. Int. | S.P. Amount. When payable. I New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1896 £ £ 200,000* £ 15 Aug., 1921 1 200,000 3£ o/ /o £ 7,000 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, - 1900 I Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, ! 1901 1 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, f 1902 1 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903 -\ 1,000 90,300 2,900 2,500 8,100 51,000 32,900 10,000 128,000 30,400 59,600 157,990 30,225 25,100 12,900 2,500 283,600f 25,000 . i !- 94,200 1 ) \ \ .. ;- 104,500 ; I 218,000 i. (' 1 Mav, 1919 \ 1 May, 1921 ( 1 May, 1921 ; 1 Dec, 1918 1 Dec.,1918 - 1 Dec., 1918 1 Jan., 1921 1 Dec, 1921 ( 1 Dec, 1917 \ 1 Dec, 1919 [ 1 Dec, 1922 1 Jan., 1921 1 Jan., 1921 1 Feb., 1921 ■ 1 Jan., 1922 1 Jan., 1923 1 Feb., 1924 I 1 Jan., 1926 1 Aug., 1923 1 Jan., 1921 1,000 4 90,300 4 2,900 4£ 2,500 i 3£ 8,100 3| 51,000 4 32,900 4 10,000 4 128,000 3f i 30,400 4 59,600 4 157,990 4 30,225 4£ 25,100 4 12,900 4 2,500 4 283,600 4 25,000 4£ I 565,500 4 209,500 4 40 3.612 131 87 ; 304 2,040 1,316 400 4,800 1,216 2,384 6,320 : 1,360 1,004 516 100 11,344 I 1,125 22,620 ! 8,380 , 15 Feb. and 15 Aug. * Loan may be paid off at any time on six moDths' 1 May „ 1 Nov. notice being given. 1 May „ 1 Nov. ; 1 May „ 1 Nov. 1 June „ 1 Dec. 1 June „ 1 Dec. 1 June „ 1 Dec. 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 1 June „ 1 Dec. ; 1 June „ 1 Dee. ] 1 June „ 1 Dec. 1 June „ 1 Deo. ! 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 1 Feb . 1 Aug. 1 Jan. . 1 July. j 1 Jan. „ 1 July, j 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. ! f Loan may be paid off at any 1 Jan. „ 1 July. time on six months' notice 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. being given. - 537,315 ■ Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, ! 1904 Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1905 565,500 209,500 i 1 Jan. ,. 1 July. Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1906 1 61,750 8,650 8,700 5,000 500,000 346,800 200 200,000 167,000 500,000 - 930,900 j j- 867,200 / 1 Jan., 1919 1 Jan., 1919 J 1 Jan., 1919 1 1 Jan., 1921 1 Jan., 1922 \ 1 Jan., 1922 I 1 Jan., 1920 J 1 Jan., 1922 1 1 Jan., 1922 [ 1 Jan., 1923 1 April, 1921 I 1 Dec, 1945 1 1 Dec, 1945 | 1 Jan., 1920 -! 31 Mar., 1920 (31 Mar., 1920 61,750 I 3£ 8,650 3| 8,700 i 4 5,000 4 500,000 I 3£ 346,800 4 200 j 4 ! 200,000 ! 3£ 167,000 4 500,000 4 50,000 4 189,100 4£ 1,910 4£ 49,000 3j 50,000 3£ 50,000 3| j 4,117,125 .. | 2,161 324 348 200 17,500 ! 13,872 j 8 | 7,000 6,680 90,000 8,000 8,509 S6 1,837 1,750 1,875 160,249 1 Jan. „ 1 July. | 1 Jan. . 1 July. j 1 Jan. , 1 July, j 1 Jan. „ 1 July, j 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 1 April „ 1 Oct. Aid to Public Works and Land Settlemen Act, J 1907 1 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1908 Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1910 (Issued to cover expenses of raising £189,100 loan) 189,100 50,000 [ 191, 010 J I 149,000 1 June „ 1 Dec. f Repayable at the option of the Onverrtmp.nt on or after { Repayable at the option of the Government on or after 1st December, 1925, by giving three months' notice in the London Gazette. 1,910 tne government on or atcer 1 June „ 1 Dec. [ 1st December, 1925, by oivino three months' notice Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, J 1911 | 49,000 50,000 50,000 giving tnreemontns notice 1 Jan. „ 1 July. in the London Gazette. 1 June „ 1 Dec. 1 June „ 1 Dec. Carried forward I 4,117,125 I I I i I I

P.—l [Pt. ll]


The PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March, 1917— continued.


Annual Charge. Amount outstanding. Dde Date. Sinking Funds. Indebtedness. Amount. When payable. Remarks. Rate. Int. I S.F. _..... £ Brought forward Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, J 11,200 1912 \ 175,300 100,000 625,000 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1,100,000 1914 1 220,000 59,900 \ 500,000 / 165,000 50,000 Aid to Water-power Works Act, 1910 .. •-| ??'^ 14,000 i 30,000 55,000 Appropriation Aot, 1912 (Irrigation and Water- ( 10,000 supply Account) {! 5,000 f 10,000 Coal-mines Act, 1908 .. .. .. 110,000 I 30,000 £ 4,117,125 1 - 186,500 \ I 2,604,900 - 364,000 H5 April, 1920 i 15 April, 1920 I 1 Feb., 1917 1 Nov., 1919 I 1 May, 1920 'j 1 Nov., 1920 i 31 Dec, 1920 \. 1 May, 1921 / i May, 1918 1 May, 1919 INov., 1919 * 1 May, 1920 INov ,1920 V 1 May, 1921 £ 1 £ 4,117,125 11,200 175,300 100,000 625,000 1,100,000 220,000 59,900 500,000 165,000 50,000 50,000 14,000 30,000 55,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 110,000 30,000 25,000 36,000 0/ To ! 4 : 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3| 4 4 4 3| 4 I 3£ 3J 4 3S 4 % 160,249 448 15 April and 15 Oct. 6,574 15 April „ 15 Oct. 4,000 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. Outstanding 31st March, 1917, 25,000 1 May „ 1 Nov. 44,000 1 May , 1 Nov. 8,800 1 May „ INov. 2,396 30 June . 31 Dec. : 20,000 1 May „ 1 Nov. 6,600 1 May „ 1 Nov. 2,000 1 Mav „ 1 Nov. 1,875 1 May ., INov. 560 1 May „ 1 Nov. 1,200 1 May „ 1 Nov. 2,200 1 May „ 1 Nov. 375 1 May ., I Nov. 200 1 Mav „ 1 Nov. 350 1 April . 1 Oct. 4,125 1 April „ 1 Oct. 1,200 1 April „ 1 Oct. 937 1 April „ 1 Oct. 1,440 1 Mar. „ 1 Aug. j 15,000 1 Nov., 1919 I 150,000 25,000 36,000 1 April, 1918 ■ 1 April, 1919 1 April, 1921 1 April, 1919 1 Mar.. 1921 Coal-mines Act, 1908 (Appropriation Act, 1912) Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915, and Amendment Act, 1916 District Railways Purchasing Acts, 1885-86 .. Finance Act, 1909 .. .. .. ' 1,095,360 Finance Act, 1915 (New Zealand Loans Amendment Act, 1915), (section 105) - 15930 474,115 r 100,000 45,875 17,200 300 4,000 23,325 11,200 5,200 (Section 106) .. .. .. .. -j 800 1,000 1,600 40,000 46,901 L2,005,030 -2,123,000 ' 1 July, 1919 1 Aug ,1920 115 Dec. 1920 15 Dec, 1925 15 Dec, 1930 15 Dec, 1935 15 Dec. 1940 t-81 Dec, 1920 1 Jan., 1921 1 Feb.. 1921 1 Mar., 1921 1 May, 1921 1 Jan., 1926 1 May. 1926 1 Jan., 1931 - 1 Jan., 1936 1 May. 1936 1 Jan., 1941 ) 40,000 46,901 2,005,030 100,000 45,875 17,200 300 4,000 23,325 11,200 5,200 800 1,000 1,600 4 4 4£ 4£ 4£ 4£ 4£ H i 1,600 1 Jan. . 1 July. 1,876 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 90,226 15 June „ 15 Dec. 4,500 30 June „ 31 Dec. 2,064 1 Jan. „ 1 July 774 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 14 1 Mar. . 1 Sept. 180 1 May . 1 Nov. 1.050 1 Jan. „ 1 July 504 1 May „ 1 Nov. 234 1 Jan. . 1 July 36 I 1 Jan. „ 1 July 45 I 1 May „ 1 Nov. 72 j 1 Jan. „ 1 July 397,704 Carried forward .. .. .. 1 11,713,456 9,800,956 "' i

B.—l [Pt. 11l •



The PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March, 1917—continued.

Duf. Date. Sinking Funds. Net Indebted- ' NESS. Annual Charge. Amount outstanding. Remarks, Rate. Int. I S.F. Amount. Wbeti payable. Brought forward 'inance Act, 1915 (New Zealand Loans Amendment Act, 1915) — continued. (Section 106) — continued 'inance Aot, 1916 (New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, and Amendment Act, 1915) — Section 35 (War Expenses) .. .. .. -\ £ £ 11,713,456 178,600 127,500 71,700 19,500 153,800 276,600 500 917,500 160,000 6,800 j 2,653,300 : 6,145,050 f355,000 205,000 265,000 i 100,000 • 115,000 85,000 LJ ' J-14,622,050 " 24,000 60,000 40,000 24,700 j 20,000 15,000 ( 15,000 4,500,000}: J 1 Feb., 1941 31 Mar., 1941 1 April, 1941 15 April, 1941 1 Mav, 1941 1 June, 1941 30 June, 1941 1 July, 1941 1 Aug., 1941 1 Sep., 1941 ( 1 Sep., 1941 1 Sep., 1930 22 Aug.,1921 31 Aug.,1921 9 Sep., 1921 30 Sep., 1921 31 Oct., 1921 30Nov.,1921 ■I £ ! •• •• ■• •■ " .. I £ 9,800,956 178,600 127,500 71,700 19,500 153,800 276,600 500 917,500 160,000 6,800 2,653,300 6,145,050 355,000 205,000 265,000 100,000 115,000 85,000 ] 4£ .. 4£ .. 4tJ .. 4£ .. 4£ 4J .. 4£ .. 4£ .. 44 44 4£ 44 4£ 44 44 1- 1 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 5 £ 397,704 8,037 5,738 3,226 877 6,921 12,447 22 41,288 7,200 300 119,398 276,527 15,975 9,225 11,925 4,500 5,175 3,825 146,220+ 1,080 2,700 1,800 1,111 900 675 675 225,000 1 Feb. and 1 Aug. 31 Mar. „ 30 Sept. 1 Apl. „ 1 Oct. 15 Anl. . 15 Oct. 1 May „ 1 Nov. 1 June „ 1 Dec. 30 June „ 30 Dec. 1 Jan. „ 1 July 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug 1 Mar. . 1 Sept. 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 22 Feb. . 22 Aug. 28 Feb. . 31 Aug. 9 Mar. „ 9 Sept. 31 Mar. „ 30 Sept. 30 April „ 31 Oct. 31 May . 30 Nov. •• | 31 Dec, 1921 31 Jan ,1922 28 Feb., 1922 1 Mar., 1922 6 Mar., 1922 9 Mar., 1922 19 Mar., 1922 1 June, 1917 24,000 60.000 40,000 24,700 20,000 15,000 15,000 4,500,000 30 June and 31 Dec 31 Jan. , 31 July 28 Feb. , 31 Aug. 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 6 Mar. „ 6 Sept. 9 Mar. „ 9 Sept. 19 Mar. „ 19 Sept. 1 June „ 1 Dec. ; *War Loan certificates. Invested in War Bonds. ISinking fund 1 per cent, payable on £14,622,050 for 1917-18. •• • •• I I 'inance Act, 1916— Section 49 (Public Works) 'inance Act, 1916 — Section 50 (State Forests) 'ruit-preserving Industry Act, 1913 .. j •• {Memorandum, of security issued to Imperial Government, dated 26 March, 1917. 300,000 1 Aug.,1921 300,000 4 I .. 12,000 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. rovernmeut Railways Aot, 1908 — Railways Improvements Authorization Acts, i 1904-7 10,000 18,400' I 2 , goo 6,500 f 17,000 \ 140,000 2,000 1 229,800 67,500 3,300 I 50,000 ) 7,000 \\ 58,400 1,400 ) 1 Aug., 1921 j 1 April, 1920 t 1 April, 1921 i 5 30 June, 1917 I 30 June, 1920 ■i 1 Aug., 1920 j Uan., 1922 { 1 Feb., 1922 (30 June, 1920 J 1 Feb., 1922 ( 1 Feb., 1923 i 10,000 18,400 6,500 17,000 140,000 2,000 67,500 3,300 50,000 7,000 1,400 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 400 736 260 680 5,600 80 2,700 132 2,000 280 56 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 1 April „ 1 Oct. 1 April „ 1 Oct. 30 June „ 31 Dec 30 June , 31 Dec 1 Feb. , 1 Aug. 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 30 June „ 31 Dec 1 Feb. , 1 Aug. 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. i rovernment Railways Act, 1908 — | Finance Aot, 1909 .. .. .. j .. Carried forward 26,958,606 _ 1,335,401 26,958,606 •• I


B.—l TPt. 111.

The PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March, 1917— continued.


7—B. 1 |Pt. ll].

Amount outstanding. Due Date. Sinking Funds. Net Indebtedness. Rate. Int. S.F. Annual i Amount. Annual Charge. Chab rge. When payable. Remarks. Brought forward .. Government Railways Amendment Aot, 1910 J Hauraki Plains Amendment Act, 1913 .. i Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Acts, 1903,1905, 1907, and 1910 Irrigation and Water-supply Act, 1913 .. j Kauri-gum Industry Amendment Act, 1914 J Lands Improvement and Native Lands Acquisition Aot, 1894 £ 11^150 40,490 42,560 10,000 4,980 5,000 53,350 14,000 11,000 ! 100,000 5,190 2,000 127,000 17,300 55,190 35,000 40,100 I 24.900 14,000 18,000 15,000 £ 26,958,606 . / 1 Jan., 1918 1 Jan., 1918 1 Jan., 1919 I 167,530 -j 1 Jan., 1919 1 Jan., 1920 1 Jan., 1920 I I 1 Feb., 1922 I tw nnc I 1 Feb -J 19i9 I 2o ' 000 j 1 Feb, 1920 \ / 1 May, 1918 30 June, 1918 anfi Ran ' 1 Ma >'> 1919 f 306,680 1 l Mav. 1920 | j 1 Jan., 1922 / l 1 Feb., 1922 ) lOot., 1918 I 100,000 J lOct., 1919 ) 1 Oct., 1920 ( 1 Nov., 1919 47,000 - INov., 1920 ) : ( 1 May, 1921 400,000 30 Sept.. 1920 £ j £ . 26,958,606 11,150 40,490 42,560 10,000 4,980 5,000 53,350 14,000 11,000 100,000 5,190 2,000 ! 127,000 17,300 55,190 35,000 ! 40,100 I 24,900 14,000 | 18,000 .. . 15,000 400,000 4 4 3| ! 4 3} 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 % £ 1,335,401 390 1 Jan. and 1 July. 1,620 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 1,702 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 375 1 Jan. . 1 July. 199 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 187 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 2,134 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 560 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 440 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 3,500 1 May . 1 Nov. 208 30 June . 31 Dec. 80 1 May „ 1 Nov. 5,080 1 May „ INov. 692 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 2,208 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 1,400 1 April „ 1 Oct. 1,604 1 April , 1 Oct. 996 , 1 April , 1 Oct. 560 1 May , 1 Nov. 720 1 May „ 1 Nov. 600 1 May . 1 Nov. 16,000 31 Mar. , 30 Sept. . Land for Settlements Act, 1908 • .. _. (Issued to cover expenses of raising £37 400 loan) Carried forward 44,925 37,350 220,015 10,000 85,500 385,110 28,600 | 8,270 33,550 62,000 39,000 4,100 800 703,800 20,000 162,400 11,800 78,950 40,000 26,000 1,500 77,000 300 37,400* 378 ") f 1 Jan., 1918 1 Jan., 1918 lFeb., 1920 1 Mar., 1920 1 Aug., 1920 1 Jan., 1921 1 Jan., 1921 , 1 Feb., 1921 1 Feb., 1921 1 April. 1921 ! 1 May, 1921 1 May, 1921 f-2,118,748 J 30Sept., 1921 1 Jan., 1922 1 Jan., 1922 1 Feb., 1922 1 April, 1922 1 Jan.. 1923 1 April, 1923 1 May, 1923 1 Jan., 1924 ] 15 Mar., 1925 lFeb., 1926 1 Dec, 1945 J i 1 Dec, 1945 30,123,564 44,925 j 37,350 220,015 10,000 85,500 385,110 28,600 8,270 33,550 62,000 39,000 4,100 I 800 j 703,800 I 20,000 162,400 11.800 I 78,950 40,000 26.000 ; 1,500 77,000 300 ! 37.400 i 378 I 34 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4' 4 44 44 44 1,572 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 1,494 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 8,801 ' 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 400 i 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 3,420 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 15,404 ! 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 1,287 1 Jan. „ Uuly. 331 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. 1,510 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. 2,480 1 April „ 1 Oct. 1,560 1 May „ INov. 184 1 May „ 1 Nov. 32 31 Mar. „ 30 Sept. 28,152 j 1 Jan. . l.July. 800 ' 1 ADril „ 1 Oct. 6,496 : 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 472 1 April „ 1 Oct. 3,158 1 Jan. „ Uuly. 1,600 1 April „ 1 Oct. 1,040 1 May „ 1 Nov. 60 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 3,080 15 Mar. „ 15 Sept. 14 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 1,683 1 June „ 1 Dec 17 1 June „ 1 Dec. 1,461,703 * Repayable at the option o: the Government on or aftei 1st December, 1925, bj giving three months' notice in London Gazette. 30,123,564

The PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March, 1917— continued.

B.—l [Pt. ll].



Annual Charge. Amount outstanding. Due Date Sinking Funds. Net Indebted- -d <. ■ Rate. Iyllt ' t ' Amount. When payable. Intr j S.F. Remarks. I Brought forward Land Laws Amendment Act, 1913 r Land Laws Amendment Act, 1913, and Finance j Act, 1916 (section 41) £ £ I 30,123,564 j 108,000 ) \ ( 1 April, 1919 39,400 1 Jan., 1920 163,850 1 Feb.,1920, 10,000 31 Mar., 1920 15,000 j 1 April,1920 15.000 ! 31 July, 1920 45,000 1 Oct., 1920 4,500 Y 889,150 j 1 Feb., 1921 19,100 30 Mar., 1921 10,000 | 31 Mar.. 1921 10,500 30 June, 1921 8,000 I 22 July, 1921 244,800 ; 1 Mar., 1922 166,000 , 30 Mar., 1924 30,000 J L 31 Mar., 1924 10,000 H f30 Dec, 1923 10,200 j [ rr. Qnn J 1 Sept., 1926 20,000 ! [ O0 '^ uu H 26Mar., 1927 15,000 J 129 Mar., 1927 £ 30,123,564 108,000 4 39,400 4 163,850 4 10,000 4 15,000 . 4 15,000 44. 45,000 4 4,500 4 19,100 4410.000 4 10,500 , 4 8,000 4 244,800 4 166,000 4 J 30,000 4£ 10,000 4£ 10,200 4 J 20,000 5 15,000 4£ % £ 1,461,703 4,320 j 1 April and 1 Oct. 1,576 : 1 Jan. „ 1 July 6,554 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 1 400 31 Mar. „ 30 Sept. | 600 1 April „ 1 Oct. 638 31 Jan. „ 31 July. I 1,800 1 April „ 1 Oct. j 180 ! 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 812 31 Mar. „ 30 Sept. 400 31 Mar. „ 30 Sept. 420 30 June „ 31 Deo. 320 22 Jan. „ 22 July. 9,792 1 Mar. , 1 Sept. 7,470 31 Mar. „ 30 Sept. 1,350 31 Mar. . 30 Sept. 450 30 June „ 30 Dec. 459 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 1,000 26 Mar. „ 26 Sept. 675 29 Mar. „ 29 Sept. Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908 — ( Government Loans to Local Bodies Act, 1886 j Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908 .. .. 4 Maori Land Settlement Act, 1905 .. i Maori Land Settlement Aot Amendment Aot, 1907 Mining Amendment Act, 1913 .. .. J r Native Land Amendment Act, 1913 .. -J Carried forward 234' 500 I 250 ' 300 1 Sept.,1919 K (1 Mar., 1918 50,000 I 1 June, 1918 250,000 I 1 Qrn nnn 1 Mar., 1920 790,000 f ' SU1,UUU " 1 Jan., 1921 25,000 j 1 Mar., 1921 370,000 \) \ 1 Mar., 1921 25,650 ) ( 1 Jan., 1918 13,525 \ 184,175 J 1 Jan., 1918 145,000 ) ( 1 Jan., 1921 50,000 1 Jan., 1921 7,000 1 n r nn II May, 1919 4,500 J 1 1 May, 1920 98,500 \\ f 1 April, 1919 250,000 I I 1 April, 1920 160,000 j 1 Oct., 1920 2,400 ! I 1 Jan., 1921 275,000 [- 795,200 -\ 1 April, 1921 1,500 20 Jan., 1922 2,400 lOct., 1922 2,400 1 Jan., 1926 3,000 J [5 Dec, 1937 j 34,260,089 15,S00 3£ 234,500 4 416,000 , 3£ 50,000 ■ 3£ 250,000 4 790,000 , 4 25,000 3£ 370,000 ! 4 25,650 3£ 13,525 4 145,000 , 4 50,000 I 3£ 7,000 4" 4.500 4 93,500 250,000 , 4 160,000 ! 4 2,400 4* 275,000 i~ 1,500 4£ 2,400 4* 2,400 4£ 3,000 4£ 553 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 9,380 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 14,560 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 1,750 1 June „ 1 Dec. 10,000 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. 31,600 1 Jan. „ Uuly. S75 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. j 14,800 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. : 898 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 541 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 5,800 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 1,750 1 Jan. „ Uuly. 280 1 May „ 1 Nov. 180 1 May „ 1 Nov. 3,940 1 April „ 1 Oct. 10,000 1 Acril „ 1 Oct. 6,400 1 April „ 1 Oct. 108 1 Jan. „ 1 July 11,000 1 April . lOct. 68 20 Jan. „ 20 July 108 1 April „ 1 Oct. 108 1 Jan. „ 1 July 135 5 June „ 5 Dec - 34,260,089 1,625,753 j I I >■-


B.—l [Pt. II

The PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March, 1917— continued.


Amount outstanding. Due Date. Sinking Funds. _L Net Indebtedness. Rate. Int. I S.F. Annual i Amount. Annual Charge. Chai BGE. When payable. Remarks. £ £ Brought forward .. .. .. .. 34,260,089 Native Land Purchases Aot, 1892 .. .. .. 125,000 31 Oct., 1917 ( 953,500 ) ( 1 Dec, 1945f Naval Defence Act, 1909* .. .. .. I \ 963, 131 \ (Issued to cover expenses of raising £953,500 loan) ( 9,631 j { 1 Dec, 1945 New Zealand Consols Act, 1908.. .. - 469' 147 [ 475,992: 1 Feb., 1925 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — Consolidated Loan' Act, 1867.. .. .. .. 13,000 15 April, 1920 , 194,200 . - (- 1 Feb., 1919 „ ,.,,,„, ... ,.., 301,000 : ... rm 31 Dec, 1919 Consolidated Stock Act, 1884.. .. j 84 500 1 T4 4,700 13175 lfliq 165|000 j ( Uan.', 1921 8,100 ) ( Uuly, 1917 Defence and other Purposes Loan Aot, 1870 16,900 I 100,000 , 1 July, 1917 75,000 ) ! (15 April, 1920 5,200 ) (15 Oct., 1918 General Purposes Loan Aot, 1873 .. ; 54,700 - 60,700 -28 Nov., 1919 800 J 15 Oct., 1920 Immigration and Publio Works Loan Aot, 1870 I 2 °'ooo [ 2 7> 900 115 April' 1920 J 29,8761608 : 1 Nov.', 1929 New Zealand Consolidated Inscribed Stock j 669'980 - 62 > 153 > 262 + " 1 April 1945 (j 9i070|l07 J ( 1 Feb.,' 1963 New Zealand Loan Aot, 1863 .. .. .. 2,500 15 July, 1914 New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Aot, 1909— Land for Settlements Branch .. j } 495,000 j J Aprii,1949 180 '000 \ 1 1 April'1918 20,000 1 Oct., 1947 361,600 I- 546,100 1 Oct., 1948 54,500 1 April, 1949 30,000 j I 1 April, 1949 Carried forward .. .. ..! .. 99,967,374 £ • • £ 34,260,089 125,000 953,500 9,631 | j 6,845 1 469,147 1 13,000 194,200 301,000 84,500 165,000 8,100 16,900 75,000 5,200 54,700 800 20,900 7,000 29,876,607 16,536,567 6,669,980 9,070,107 3§ 44 J 4* 34 4 3f 4 34 34 3i 4 4 4 3| 44 34 3 4 34 4 34 34 3} 4 % 4 £ 1,625,753 4,687 30 April and 31 Oct. 42,907 Uune . 1 Dee. 71,807 .. "Sinking fund 4 per cent. 433 ; Uune and 1 Dec payable on £1,795,167 for 1917-18. at the option of 240 1 Feb. 1 Aug. the Government, on or 18,766 1 Feb. 1 Aug. I after 1 Dec, 1925, by giving three months' 487 15 April „ 15 Oct. notice in London Gazette. 7,282 j lFeb. „ 1 Aug. 12,040 30 June „ 31 Dec. 2,958 , 30 June „ 31 Deo. 6,600 1 Jan. „ 1 July 284 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 676 | 1 Jan. . 1 July. 2,812 15 April „ 15 Oct. 208 i 15 April „ 15 Oct. 2,188 28 May . 28 Nov. i 32 15 April „ 15 Oct. 784 ! 15 April „ 15 Oct. 315 15 April „ 15 Oct. 1,195,064 1 May „ 1 Nov. JDoes not include £223,795 578,780 1 Jan. „ Uuly. 4-per-cent. (1929),£1,032,365 200,099 1 April „ 1 Oct. 3£ - per - cent., £2,990,000 362,804; lFeb. „ 1 Aug. 3-per-cent., and £1,814,521 4-per-cent. (l963) stock transferred to the State Advances Office. §£2,607 was credited to Consolidated Fund during 1915-16, and is held to meet the debentures outstandirg when presented. 875 1 April and 1 Oct. 17,625 1 April „ 1 Oct. 3,200 1 April . 1 Oct. 700 1 April „ 1 Oct. 12,656 1 April „ 1 Oct. 2,044 1 April . 1 Oct. 1,200 1 April „ 1 Oct. 4,176,306 2,500§ i 25,000 470,000 80,000 20,000 361,600 54,500 30,000 34 4 4 -—— -: 2,500 2,500 1 99,964,874 ,

B.—l [Pt. ll].



The PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March, 1917— continued.

Amount outstanding. Due Date. Sinking Funds. Net Indebted- „ . ness. Kate - Int. ! S.F. Annual I Amount. Annual Charge. Chai BGE. When payable. Remarks. Brought forward New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1909 — continued. Guaranteed Mining Advances Branch.. Local Authorities Branch — Hauraki Plains Settlements Account .. i Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement] Account Rangitaiki Land Drainage Account .. 4 New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909-10— f Land for Settlements Branch .. .. -J Native Land Settlement Branch Post and Telegraph Aot, 1908 Carried forward £ £ 99,967,374 5,000 10,000 ) 50,000 ! q r om 10,000 [ 95 ' 000 25,000 ) 33,000 \ 112,000 3,515 :- 217,740 - 60,425 8,800 J 5,000 ) 25,000 ,- 40,000 • 10,000 j 39,500 Jl 741,066 73,700 33,000 99,000 600 8,000 64,850 i?'™ U,523, 931 - 71,26o r ' 21,500 51,300 22,500 30,000 ' 15,300 6,000 24,000 210,000 50,000]) 80000 30,000 I) BU . UUU 200,000 102,129,045 1 April, 1949 1 April, 1918 1 Oct., 1947 1 Oct., 1948 1 April, 1949 1 April, 1918 1 April, 1948 1 Oct., 1948 1 April, 1949 1 April, 1949 1 April, 1918 1 Oct., 1948 1 April, 1949 1 April, 1917 31 Oct., 1917 31 Oct., 1917 1 April, 1918 lOct., 1918 INov., 1918 1 Nov., 1918 1 Jan., 1919 Uan., 1919 Uan., 1919 lFeb., 1919 lFeb., 1919 1 April 1919 IMay 1919 IMay 1919 IMar., 1920 IMar., 1923 lAug., 1923 1 April, 1919 1 April, 1949 1 July, 1920 £ £ % 2,500 99,964,874, .. 5,000 ] 3| 10,000 4 50,000 I 3£ 10,000 : 3£ 25,000 , 3| 33,000 4 112,000 3£ 3,515 3£ 60,425 3f 8,800 4 5,000 i 4 25,000 | 3£ 10,000 ; 3J 39,500 ! 4 741,066 3f 73,700 3£ 33,000 ! 4 99,000 3£ 600 4 8,000 3£ 64,850 . 3£ 12,350 ' 3| 71,265 4 21,500 3f 51,300 4 22,500 ; 4 30,000 4 15,300 3| 6,000 4 24,000 4 210,000 4 50,000 ! 3| 30,000 j 3| 200,000 4 2,500 102,126.545 ; .. % % £ 4,176,306 187 I 1 April and 1 Oct. 400 1 April . 1 Oct. 1,750 1 Aprii , 1 Oct. 350 1 April „ 1 Oct. 937 1 April . 1 Oct. 1,320 1 April „ 1 Oct. 3,920 l Auril . 1 Oct. 123 1 April „ 1 Oct. 2,266 1 April . 1 Oct. 352 1 April „ 1 Oct. 200 1 April , 1 Oct. 875 1 April „ 1 Oct. 375 1 April „ 1 Oct. 1,580 1 April . 1 Oct. 27,790 30 April . 31 Oct. 2,579 30 April . 31 Oot. 1,320 1 April . lOot. ! 3,465 1 April . 1 Oct. 24 j 1 May . 1 Nov. 280 , 1 May . 1 Nov. 2,270 ! 1 Jan. „ 1 July. 463 1 Jan. . 1 July. 2,851 i Uan. „ 1 July. 806 1 Feb. . 1 Aug 2,052 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. 900 1 April „ 1 Oct. 1,200 j 1 May „ INov. 574 1 May . 1 Nov. 240 j 1 Mar. „ I Sept. 960 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. j 8,400 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 1,875 1 April „ 1 Oct. 1,125 1 April „ 1 Oct. 8,000 1 Jan. . 1 July. 4,258,115 ' 1,523,931 I I « >9r J

B.—l [Pt. II



The PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March, 1917— continued.

Annual Charge. Amount outstanding. Due Date. Sinking Funds. Net Indebtedness. Rate. ! Amount. Int. S.F. | When payable. Rem ar ks. Brought forward Public Revenues Act, 1910 (Reserve Fund Securities Act, 1907) Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1914 (section 8), (War Expenses) — Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1915 (No. 2), (Section 9) (Issued to cover expenses of raising £890,000 loan) (Treasury Bills) .. .. J j (Issued to cover expenses of raising £1,100,000 loan) [ Publio Revenues Amendment Act, 1915 (section 5), (War Expenses) — Public Revenues Amendment Act, 1915 (No. 2), _ (section 2) 1 j (Issued to cover expenses of raising j £3,200,000 loan) V Public Works Act, 1908— Paeroa-Waihi Bailway Act, 1903 Waikaka Branch Railway Act, 1905 Railways Improvements Authorization Act, 1914 - Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Aot, 1913 Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Acts, - 1913-14 ( Scenery Preservation Act, 1908 .. -J Swamp Drainage Act, 1915 State Advances Act, 1913 — Advances to Settlers Branch.. Advances to Workers Branch Advances to Local Authorities Branch Carried forward ! ' : : ' £ £ £ £ % \ *y ' £ ' 102,129,045 .. 2,500 102,126,545 .. .. 4,258,115 800,000 1 Aug., 1917 .. 800,000: 31 .. 28,000 1 Feb. and 1 Aug. 890,000 , 1 Dec, 1945 1 ) } J- 898,990 4£ 40,454 Uune . 1 Dec 8,990 j 1 Dec, 1945 .. J 300,000 1.2,067,411 16 Dec, 1917 •• 1 110,000 28 Dec, 1917 700.000 j 31 Mar., 1918 .. [ 1,168,421 3£ 40,895 31 Mar. . 30 Sept. - 58,421 j I 28 Dec, 1917 j' ' |-1* 121,035* .. * Sinking fund 1% payable on 4,000,000+,, .. .. 4,000,000 j 5 200,000 .. £12,103,484 for 1917-1918. 710.0001 j f .. .. 710,000 : 5f 40,825 .. f Memorandum of security 1,700,000 1 Feb., 1921 .. 1,700,000 4 68,000 1 Feb. and 1 Aug. dated 31 Maroh, 1915. 3,750 1nn q R(Y7 o : 1 Feb., 1922 .. 3,750 j 4 150 1 Feb. . 1 Aug. 390,000 , lu > uaD > u <° - 1 May, 1921 .. 390,000 ! 4 15,600 IMay . INov. 3,200,000 i I 1 Dec, 1945 .. I a oao aoq ,1 iak auk it in 32 ; 323 [l Dec, 1945 .. ' / 3 ' 232 - 323 4 i 145 > 4j0 Uune .. 1 Dec 86,250 31 Mar., 1919 .. 86,250 3 .. 2,587 IMar. „ 1 Sept. 53,476 1 May, 1920 .. 53,476 4 .. 2,139 IMay „ INov. 140,000 ) fl Aug., 1920 .. 140,000 4 .. 5,600 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 240.000 388,000 I Feb., 1921 .. 240,000 i 4 .. 9,600; 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 8,000 I 1 1 Aug., 1921 .. S.000 ; 4 .. 320 1 Feb. „ 1 Aug. 10,000 IMar., 1919 .. 10,000 4 .. 400 IMar. „ 1 Sept. ! 12,000 ) I 1 Sept.,1919 .. 12,000 4 480 IMar. „ 1 Sept. I 19,000 ;- 48,000 - 1 Sept.,1920 .. 19,000 4 .. 760 IMar. „ 1 Sept. 17,000 :) IMar., 1919 .. 17.000 1 4 i .. 680 IMar. » 1 Sept. 30,000 , / 1 May, 1918 .. 30,000 j 3£ : .. 1,050; IMay „ INov. 20,000 1 May, 1919 .. 20,000; 3f .. 750! IMay . INov. 19,000 89,000 - 1 May, 1919 .. 19,000' 4 .. 760 IMay , INov. 5,000 1 May, 1920 .. 5.000 | 4 .. 200 IMay . INov. 15,000 J INov., 1921 15,000 1 4 .. 600 \ IMay . 1 Nov. 11,000 IMay, 1921 .. 11.000 j 4 .. 440 IMay „ INov. 573,200 Uune, 1919 .. 573,200! 4 .. 22,928, Uune „ 1 Dec 50,000 Uune, 1919 .. 50,000! 4 .. 2,000 Uune „ 1 Dec 200,000 1 June, 1919 .. 200,000 4 .. 8,000 Uune „ 1 Dec. 116,541,455 2,500 116,538,955 5.017,823 I I


B.—l [Pt. ll]


The PUBLIC DEBT of NEW ZEALAND on 31st March, 1917— continued.

Amount outstanding. Due Date. Ntj"t Annual i Annual Charge. Chai RGE. Sinking Funds. jNET Indebtedness. Rate. Int. i S.F. Amount. When payable. Remarks. Brought forward Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910 Wellington-Manawatu Railway Purchase Act, 1908 Public Debt Extinction Act, 1910 £ £ 116,541,455 100,000 1 Aug , 1918 £ £ 2,500 116,538,955 100,000 499,700 ! % 34 4 /o £ 5,017,823 3.500 1 Feb. and 1 Aug. 499,700 1 Mar., 1921 19,988 155,038* 5,196,349 470,064 1 Mar. „ 1 Sept. * Payable on £86,000,000 for 1917-18. \ •• .. State Advances Debt (Table attached) .. .. '117,141,155 12,694,950 2,500 961,594 117,138,655 11,733,356 129,836,105 964,094 ' ;128,872,011 5,666,413 Less Sinking Fund in respeot of— Government Loans to Local Bodies Acts War and Defence Loans Public Debt Extinction Act, 1910 Naval Defence Aot, 1909 Land for Settlements Native-land Settlement Guaranteed Mining Advances Seotion 26 (5<i) State Advances Aot, 1913 War Loans •• .. - •• :: •• .. 799,601 192,691 1,049,849 428,268 706,458 11,977 648 6,497 103,507 3,299,496 4.263,590 •• I Totals 129,836,105 3,299,496 125,572,515 5,666,413 :

B.—l [Pt. lIJ



Particulars of the Public Debt transferred to the State Advances Office, and Loans raised by or on behalf of that office for which the dominion is indirectly liable, as at 31st March, 1917.

„ , Annual Charge. Amount outstanding. Due Date. • Indebtedness. Rate. Amount. When payable. RAISED BY TREASURY AND TRANSFERRED. ADVANCES TO SETTLERS BRANCH. The Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1894. Extension, 1901. £ £ £ % £ 80,000 5 June, 1920 80,000 , 4 3,200 , 1 June and 1 December. 80,000 The Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1908. 12,900 1 January, 1919 j 12,900 I 4 516 1 January and 1 July. 105,000 1 June, 1920 , 105,000 4 4,200 1 June and 1 December. 100,000 1 March, 1921 100,000 i 4 | 4,000 1 March and 1 September. 45,000 1 July, 1922 45,000 4 1,800 1 January and 1 July. 262,900 The New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909-10. 750,000 23 October, 1917 750,000 3| 28,125 23 April and 23 October. 205,000 1 December, 1921 205,000 4 8,200 1 June and 1 December. 2,094* 1 February, 1922 2,094 4 84 1 February and 1 August. 41,700 1 August, 1923 41,700 I 4 1,668 1 February and 1 August. 1,745,000 1 December, 1945 11,745,000 . 4| 78,525 1 June and 1 December. 17,626* I. December, 1945 i 17,626 | 4| ' 793 1 June and 1 December. 2,761,420 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — N.Z. Consolidated Inscribed Stock. 166,910 1 November, 1929 166,910 1 4 I 6,676; 1 May and 1 November. 881,848 1 January, 1940 881,848 3£ 30,865 1 January and 1 July. 2,990,000 1 April, 1945 12,990,000 ! 3 89,700 1 April and 1 October. 1,171,188 1 February, 1963 1,171,188 4 46,847 1 February and 1 August. 5,209,946 8,314,266 ADVANCES TO WORKERS BRANCH. The Government Advances to Settlers Act, 1908 (Part III). — Workers. 25,000 1 June, 1920 25,000 4 1,000 1 June and 1 December. 5,000 1 July, 1922 5,000 4 200 1 January and 1 July. 30,000 The New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909-10. 205,000 1 January, 1919 i 205,000 i 3J i 7,175 1 January and 1 July. 406* 1 February, 1922 406 4 16 1 February and 1 August. 7,000 1 October, 1922 7,000 4 280 1 April and 1 October. 750,000 1 August, 1923 ! 750,000 4 30,000 1 February and 1 August. 325,000 L December, 1945 325,000 4£ ! 14,625 1 June and 1 December. 3,283* 1 December, 1945 3,283 4| 148 ■ 1 June and 1 December. 1,290,689 The Finance Act, 1915 (Section 106). 10,000 j 1 July, 1941 10,000 I 4£ 450 1 January and 1 July. 10,000 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — N.Z. Consolidated Inscribed Stock. 52,743 1 November, 1929 52,743 4 2,110 1 May and 1 November. 147,184 1 January, 1940 147,184 3£ 5,151 1 January and 1 July. 155,000 1 February, 1963 155,000 4 6,200 1 February and 1 August. 354,927 1,685,616 _ _9,999,882_Carried forward. * Issued to cover expenses of raising loans.

B—l. [Pt. 11l



Particulars of the Public Debt transferred to the State Advances Office, and Loans raised by or on behalf of-that office for which the dominion is indirectly liable, as at 31st March, 1917 — continued.

Approximate. Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (680 copies) £4T>.

Authority: Marcus F. Marks, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9l7.

Price Is. 3d.}

» . Annual Charge. Amount outstanding. ' Due Date. Indebtedness. R a te. Amount. When payable. Annual Charge. When payable. RAISED BY TREASURY AND TRANSFERRED— continued. £ 9,999,882 Brought forward. LOCAL AUTHORITIES BRANCH. The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 — N.Z. Consolidated Inscribed Stock. £ £ % £ 4,142 1 November, 1929 | 4,142 4 166 1 Mav and 1 November. 3,333 1 January, 1940 ,' 3,333 3i 117 1 January and 1 July. 488,333 1 February, 1963 | 488,333 j 4~ \ 19,533 | 1 February and 1 August. 495,808 495,808 Total £10,495,690 (Transferred from Treasury.) RAISED BY SUPERINTENDENT. The New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1909. (Advances to Settlers.) 100,000 1 October, 1948 100,000 I 3| 3,500 1 April and 1 October. 37,000 1 April, 1949 37,000 3|- 1,387 1 April and 1 October. 137,000 I (Advances to Workers.) 75,000 1 June, 1917 75,000 4 3,000 1 June and 1 December. 325,000 1 October, 1948 ' 325,000 3J 11,375 1 April and 1 October. 100,000 1 April, 1949 j 100,000 3J 3,750 1 April and 1 October. 500,000 (Local Authorities Branch.) 400,000 1 April, 1947 400,000 ! 3| 14,000 1 April and 1 October. 425,000 1 October, 1947 425,000 ! 3i 14,875 1 April and 1 October. 100,000 1 April, 1948 ; 100,000 3J 3,500 1 April and 1 October. 361,485 1 October, 1948 i 361,485 3J ! 12,652 ; 1 April and 1 October. 575 1 April, 1949 575 3| 22 , 1 April and 1 October. 275,000 1 April, 1949 275,000 3J 9,625 1 April and 1 October. 200 1 April, 1949 200 4 8 1 April and 1 October. 1,562,260 Total £2,199,260 Superintendent's Debentures. Total £12,694,950 State Advances debt.

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