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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 70 of the Pensions Act, 1913.

The Commissioner of Pensions to the Hon. the Minister of Pensions. Sir, — Pensions Department, Wellington, 30th June, 1915. I have the honour to furnish herewith, for the information of Parliament, the seventeenth annual report of the Department, embracing the figures relating to old-age, widows', and military pensions for the year ended 31st March, 1915. The following tables show at a glance the increases which have taken place during the past two years :— _...-. At 31st March, At 31st March, At 31st March, Pensions m force— 1915. 1914. 1913. Old-age .. .. .. 19,352 18,050 16,509 Widows' .. .. .. 1,788 1,540 1,313 Military .. ~ .. 1,388 1,240 568 Totals .. .. .. 22,528 20,830 18,390 Last year's increase, 1,698 ; two years' increase, 4,138. At 31 st March, At 31 st March, At 31st March, , , , . 19.15. 1914. 1913. Annual value of pensions — £ £ £ Old-age .. .. ..475,970 447,765 412,408 Widows' .. .. ... 34,975 29,320 24,768 Military .. .. .. 49,968 44,640 19,026 £560,913 £521,725 £456,202 Last year's increase, £39,188 ; two years' increase, £104,711. Year 1914-15. Year 1913-14. Year 1912-13. Gross payments — £ £ £ Old-age .. .. .. 460,814 416,776 415,761 Widows' ~ .. .. 31,619 27,077 22,114 Military .. .. .. 47,616 29,447 3,681 Totals .. .. .. £540,049 £473,300 £441,556 Last year's increase, £66,749 ; two year's increase, £98,493. Cost per head of European population, 9s. 9d,. During the year a short amending Act was passed by the Legislature, the main feature of which is the provision for an allowance of £6 per annum for each child of a widow under 14 years of age, where previously the maximum pension was £30 per annum for four or more children. Under this enactment a widow with ten children under 14 years of age —and there is such a one on the roll—is entitled to claim a pension of £66 per annum. The immediate result of this amendment was to increase the annual value of widows' pensions then in force by £1,100, the increase at the close of the year amounting to £1,500,

I—H. 18.


The approximate increases under' the various heads which go to make up the gross total increase of £104,000 in the annual values of all pensions over the past two years are as follows : — £ Old-age pensions to females, 60 to 64 .. .. .. .. 50,000 Military pensions .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 30,000 Increase of income benefits .. .. .. .. .. 8,000 Sundry benefits under 1913 Act (old-age) .. .. .. .. 1,500 Sundry benefits under 1913 Act (widows') .. .. .. .. 1,000 Additional pensions under 1914 Act (widows') .. .. .. 1,500 Normal increase (old-age) .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,000 Normal increase (widows') .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,000 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £104,000 OLD-AGE PENSIONS. Pensions in Force. —The number of pensions under this head on the 31st March, including 697 Natives, was 19,352, being an increase of 1,302 on the figures of the previous year, as follows :— Europeans. Maoris. Totals. New grants .. ... .. .. 3,047 111 3,158 Deduct — Deaths .. .. .. .. 1,520 62 Cancellations .. .. .. ..252 22 1,856 1,302 The-annual liability in regard to these was £475,970, being an average of £24 lis. 10d. per pension. Of the European pensioners 2,150 were females of the ages of 60 to 64 inclusive. The remaining 16,505 being 65 and over. The percentages of European pensioners of the full age of 65 and upwards to the total population of those ages, and to those eligible by age and residence, for the past five years are shown in the following table :—

It will be observed that for the past year the estimated portion of the population from which pensioners are drawn is less than in the preceding year. This is explained by the fact of the deaths supplied by the Government Statistician exceeding by several hundreds the number of people reachthe age of 65, as shown by the census papers of 1911. The percentages, however, do not vary if the figures of the previous year form the basis of computation. The percentage of female pensioners aged 60 to 64 (2,150) to the estimated female population of that age (13,349) has increased, somewhat, the percentage at. the close of the year being 16 per cent, as against 10 per cent, in the previous year. 62 pensioners were in receipt of the increased allowance available to males aged 60 and to females aged 55 with two or more children under 14 years of age. 2,990 married couples were on the roll at the close of the year. Particulars relating to the distribution of pensioners throughout the Dominion ; to the number payable at each rate ; and to the ages, sex, conjugal condition, and nationality of all pensioners are set out in the appendix ; as also is a summary of the pensions granted, and the deaths and cancellations, in each year since 1898. New Claims. —The number of claims lodged during the year was 3,625, being 741 less than in the previous year. These, with 876 cases awaiting investigation at the close of the previous year, made a total of 4,501, dealt with as follows :— Granted .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..3,158 Eejected (including deaths and withdrawals) .. .. .. .. 653 Awaiting investigation on the 31 st March .. .. .. .. 690 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,501 The new pensions granted to Maoris numbered 111, being 3 more than in the previous year. In 126 cases the pensioner had previously been on the roll. Of the European applicants, 1,141 were unable to produce any evidence of age, and the Department was able to obtain the necessary proofs in 926 cases, 800 of which were favourable to the applicant. In 74 cases the pension was refused on account of the pension-age not having been reached.


At 31st March. (a.) European Population 65 and over. Percentage g-> E ™°? e f r to Total p «'P" lat «;» « r> , . • and over eligible Population. . ., ., & ' by liesidence. European Pensioners f and over. Percentages. To (a). To (6). I 1911 (actual) 1912 (estimated) .. 1913 1914 1915 47,700 48,294 48,915 49,473 49,104 4-72 4-68 4-60 4-53 4-46 41,990 42,772 43,557 44,209 44,000 15,336 15,984 15,830 16,204 16,505 32 33 32 32 33 36 37 36 36 37



The total claims lodged since the Act came into operation in 1898 now number 55,721, including 6,587 at Auckland, 5,833 at Christehurch, 4,942 at Dunedin, and 3,421 at Wellington ; 43,301 of these have been established. Payments.- The gross expenditure on account of old-age pensions during the year totalled £460,811, an increase of £44,038 on the figures of the previous year. After deducting a credit of £23,631 from the national-endowment revenue, and refunds of pension overpaid totalling £458, and making allowance for the adjustment of outstanding payments at the beginning and close of the year, the net charge against the Consolidated Fund for the year stands at £436,765. The grand total paid in old-age pensions to date now stands at £4,850,011, details of which, and the variation year by year, will be found in Table VIII of the appendix. The total credit from the national-endowment revenue, being six years' contributions, is £118,786. The cost of old-age pensions per head of the European population for the year was Bs. 4d., as against 7s. 7d. in the preceding year. The instalments due last year and remaining unpaid on the 31st March, and now absolutely forfeited, totalled £1,640 18s. lid'. The instalments not collected within the time allowed by law, but subsequently specially authorized and paid during the year, numbered 1,037, the amount involved being £1,982. The number of pensioners who were inmates of mental hospitals of the Dominion during the year was 96, the amount paid to the Mental Hospitals Department on account of these totalling £1,670. The number still being maintained at the close of the year was 70. The number of pensioners residing in the various homes and hospitals of the Dominion at the close of the year was as follows: In homes, 816 ;in hospitals, 68. The gross amount paid to the controlling authorities of these institutions totalled £22,011, of which amount £1 ,817 represents the charge made for the maintenance of the hospital patients. WIDOWS' PENSIONS. Pensions in Force. The number of pensioners under this head on the 31st March, including 20 Maoris, was 1,788, being an increase of. 248 on the figures of the previous year, thus : Europeans. Maoris. Total. New grants . . .. .. .. .. 450 8 458 Deduct cancellations (including deaths) .. .. 207 3 210 Increase .. .. .. .. .. .. 248 The annual liability in regard to these at the close of the year was £34,975, the average pension payable being £19 lis. 2d. The cancellations include 2 deaths. There wore, however, 10 deaths during the year, the pension being continued to the guardian of the children in 8 cases. The total deaths since the Act came into operation in 1911 now number 30, and the number of guardians appointed 21. Seventy pensioners remarried during the year, and in 65 cases the youngest child reached tins age; of 14. New Claims. —The claims lodged during the year- numbered 539, being an increase of 39 on the figures of the previous year. These, with the 81 awaiting investigation at the close of the preceding year, made a total of 620 dealt with, which wore accounted for as follows : — Granted .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 458 Rejected (including withdrawals) .. .. .. .. 73 Awaiting investigation on the 31st March .. .. .. 89 Total .. .. .. .. .. 620' Of the new pensioners, 446 were British-born; including 283 New-Zoalanders ; 8 were Maoris ; and the remaining 4of foreign extraction. Thirty-four had been previously on the roll. The ages of the new pensioners varied from 19 to 59, the ages claiming the greatest number being 35 and 39, although for all pensioners age 44 heads the list. The total claims lodged now number 2,904, including 421 at Auckland, 354 at Christehurch, 320 at Dunedin, and 286 at Wellington. 2,327 of these have been established, 76 per cent, being still on the roll. Of the 73 rejected claims, 27 were not established on account of excess of income and property. In 7 cases the children wore born out of New Zealand. The total families of the new pensioners ranged from I to 15, and the number of children under 14 in one family from Ito 10, the average being : Total family, 4-3 (last year 4-4); family under 14, 2-5 (last year 2-5). Details will be found in the appendix. The total number of children on whose account the pension has now been granted to date is 5,775, the total children of all pensioners to date being 11,150, thus :— Pensions Children under Total granted. Fourteen. Children. Year 1911-12 .. .. .. .. 791 1,923 3,992 „ 1912-13 .. .. .. .. 657 1,604 3,295 „ 1913-14 .. .. .. .. 421 1,090 1,868 „ 1914-15 .. .. .. .. 458 1,158 1,995 Totals .. ... .. .. 2,327 5,775 11,150



Particulars relating to the distribution of pensioners throughout the Dominion ; to the number payable at each rate ; and to their ages and original nationality will be found in the appendix. Payments. —The grons payments on account of widows' pensions for the year amounted to £31,619 being an increase of £4,542 on the figures of the previous year. After deducting refunds amounting to £7 and allowing for the adjustment of outstanding payments, the net charge against the Consolidated Fund for the year stands at £31,610. The cost per head of the European population was 7d. The gross payments in each year to date have been as follows :—- -£ 1911 12 (two months) .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,963 191213 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 22,114 1913-14 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 27,077 1914-15 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3.1,619 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £82,773 The instalments absolutely forfeited during the year amounted to £147 18s. The instalments not collected within the time allowed by law, but subsequently specially authorized and paid dming the year, numbered 219, the amount represented being £343. MILITARY PENSIONS. Pensions in Force. —The number of pensioners under this head on the 31st March, including 283 Maoris, was 1,388, being an increase of 148 on the figures of the previous year, thus : — Europeans. Maoris. Total. New grants .. .. .. .. ..81 175 256 Deduct deaths . . .. .. .. 88 20 108 Increase .. .. .. .... .. 148 The annual liability in regard to this class of pension at the close of the year was £49,968. The total deaths to date number 191, including 23 Maoris. There has been I cancellation. It. will be observed that the number of deaths among Europeans during the year outnumbered the new pensioners, and taking this fact into consideration with the experience of that portion of the current year already passed, wherein the figures relating to both Europeans and Maoris show a falling tendency, it seems to be almost established that finality has been reached, and that the usual vote under this head will be a decreasing one. This would, of course, be in keeping with the decision arrived at by Cabinet, fixing the last date for the lodging of applications for the New Zealand War Medal as the 30th June last; but I have no information to guide me as to what extent the roll is likely to be affected by the decisions arrived at in regard to the outstanding claims for medal, the investigation of which was some time ago placed in the hands of a Commission consisting of veteran officers of the Maori wars. Up to date, I have been advised by the Defence authorities of the issue by them, since the passing of the Military Pensions Act in 1912, of 542 New Zealand War Medals, including 272 to Maoris. Of these, 233, including 173 to Maoris, were issued during the year ended the 31st March, last. The total pensioners include 394 who were previously in receipt of the old-age pension. Altogether, 544 old-age pensioners have applied to have their pensions converted to military pensions, but of these 63 were found to be without proof of the award of the medal. The remaining 481, of whom 87 have since died, were granted the larger pension, the annual saving to the old-age pension vote on account of these being £11,903, as follows :— Number of Annual Amount. Pensioners. £ At 31st March, 1913 .. .. .. .. ..380 9,422 1913-14 .. .. .. .. .. .. 72 1,773 1914-15 .. .. .. .. .. ..29 708 Totals .. .. .. .. .. 481 £11,903 The age table in the appendix shows 48 military pensioners under the age of 65, while 149 are 80 and upwards, of whom 6 are 90 and over. New Claims. —The claims lodged during the year numbered 241, as against 788 and 736 in tin; two preceding years. The total claims lodged to date have been 1,765, of which number 1,580 have been established and .185 refused- Included amongst these were 359 claims from Maoris, of which 306 have been granted. Among the rejected applicants were 150 to whom no medal had been awarded, 6 deserters, 4 not qualified by residence, and 18 who had died. In all, there have been 1,906 inquiries regarding this class of pension. Payments. —The gross payments under this head during the year totalled £47,616, being an increase of £18,169 on the total of the previous year. Making allowance for refunds amounting to £3 Is. Id., and for several outstanding payments, the net charge against the Consolidated Fund was £47,607. The cost per head of the European population was lOd. The total amount now paid to date on account of military pensions stands at £80,744. The instalments forfeited during the year amounted to £306.



The instalments not collected within the time allowed by law, but subsequently specially authorized and paid during the year, numbered 93, the amount involved being £279. The amount paid for the maintenance of military pensioners to the controlling authorities of the various homes and hospitals during the year was £1,708, including £135 for hospital patients. The number of pensioners in these institutions at the close of the year was 49, including 4 in hospitals. Cost of Administration. The total cost under this head for the year was £9,880, being less by £1,711 than the amount paid in the preceding year, which, however, included a special payment of £1,849. The details are as follows :— . £ Salaries .. .. ~ .. .. .. .. .. 5,112 Contribution to Post Office for paying pensions .. .. .. 3,000 Postage and telegrams .. .. .. .. .. .. 664 Printing and stationery .. .. .. .. .. .. 687 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. .. .. 209 Telephones . . . . .. .. . . . . . . 79 Office requisites .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 47 Office cleaning .. .. .. .. . • .. .. 13 Light and firing • ■ ■ • • • • ■ • • • • • • 12 Fees for certificates of age .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 Contingencies .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 51 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £9,880 The percentage of this cost to the gross amount paid in pensions during the year is 1-82 per cent. The gross cost of administering the Department since its creation in J 898 now amounts to £82,295. This is 1-64 per cent, of the gross amount paid to date under the three heads, totalling £5,013,528, as follows :— £ Old-age pensions .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,850,011 Widows' pensions . . .. . . . . .. .. 82,773 Military .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 80,744 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. £5,013,528 Pensions in Australia and the United Kingdom. The latest figures available relating to the working of the Commonwealth Act are for the year ended 30th June, .1914, from which the following have been extracted : — Old-age Pensions. Invalid Pensions. Number of pensions in force.. .. -.. .. 87,780 16,865 Increase for year .. .. .. .. .. 4,837 3,126 Claims dealt with .. .. .. .. .. 15,144 6,540 Claims rejected .. .. .. .. .. 1,464 1,222 Claims established .. .. .. .. .. 12,967 4,935 Total pensions granted .. .. .. .. 123,141 21,631 Total claims rejected .. .. .. .. 10,910 4,934 Total deaths of pensioners .. .. .. • .. 30,882 3,796 Liability .. .. .. .. .. ..£2,212,392 £430,456 £ Payments for year (old-age and invalid) .. .. .. .. 2,593,501 Cost of administration (old-age and invalid) .. .. .. 46,946 The latest figures received from the Old Country indicate that on the 28th March, 1913, the number of pensions in force there was as follows :— Men. Women. Total. England .. .. .. ..229,644 397,109 626,753 Wales .. .. .. .. 15,774 26,119 41,893 Scotland and Ireland .. .. 118,393 180,882 299,275 Total for United Kingdom .. 363,811 604,110 967,921 The estimates presented to the House of Commons in March, 1914, provided a vote of £13,141,000 for old-age pensions. General. I do not deem this report complete without reference to the great war in which the Empire is involved. lam proud to think that the stall' of the Department, limited as it is to twenty-nine members, has provided its quota to the Expeditionary Forces, in the persons of— B. E. Murphy (Samoan Force) .. .. .. From Wellington office. G. O. Morgan (Main Expeditionary Force) .. .. ~ Christehurch office. A. H. Parfitt (Third Reinforcements) .. .. „ Invercargill office. A. W. Robertson (Sixth Reinforcements) .. .. „ Head Office. E. W. Fulton (No. 2 Base Hospital) .. .. .. „ Wellington office.



Several others have duly registered, and await their country's call. Already, to our extreme regret, the great sacrifice has been made by one of these officers, Sapper G. O. Morgan having been killed in action at the Dardanelles, and thereby having his name engraved on the Dominion's roll of honour. The departure of these officers has of necessity placed a strain on the remaining members of the staff, particularly at the Head Office, whom I desire to heaitily thank for their co-operation ill competing with the work, ever an increasing quantity, without any increase of personnel. To the various Registrars throughout the Dominion and those associated with them in pensions work, who are officers of the Justice and Police Departments, I have again to express the Department's appreciation of the careful work performed.. The Department is likewise indebted to the Postal Department for the absence of friction in connection with the payment of pensions, in connection with which there were something like 260,000 transactions during the year. G. 0. Fache, Commissioner of Pensions. —— '

APPENDIX. Table I. Payments in districts —old-age, widows', and military. ~ 11. Pensions at each rate —old-age, widows', and military. ~ 111. Sizes of families of pensioners—widows'. ~ IV. Ages of European pensioners—old-age, widows', and military. „ V. Nationalities of pensioners—old-age and widows'. ~ VI. Sex and conjugal condition of pensioners—old-age. „ VII. Pensions granted, deaths, and cancellations; also number in force and annual variation —old-age, widows', and military. ~ VIII. Payments and annual liability in each year —old-age. „ IX. Ages at death during 1014-15 —old-age. „ X. Number and annual value of pensions in districts —old-age and widows'.

Table I.- Distribution of Payments under each Head throughout the Dominion for Year ended 31st March, 1915.

Postal District. Old-age. Widows'. Military. Auckland Thames Gisborno Napier New Plymouth Wanganui Wellington Nelson Blenheim .. (Jhristchurch Timaru £ s. d. 96,513 11 7 15,066 3 II 3,080 0 1 16,699 1.7 0 7,604 3 10 16,866 13 9 55,935 19 4 !),090 19 3 5,709 1 1 82,679 18 7 19,559 1 3 8,828 5 7 6,721 16 11 13,595 17 0 11,971 12 7 65,139 17 8 25,748 1 6 £ s. d. 6,410 0 8 1,073 II 8 432 16 II 1,159 13 4 672 5 0 1.463 15 0 4,310 17 0 631 I 8 288 10 0 5,381 8 4 1,092 16 8 501 10 0 434 5 0 746 10 0 135 0 0 4,814 6 4 2,070 13 4 £ 16,494 4,144 2,343 5,873 4,937 6,187 4.202 354 162 1,113 I I I s. d. 6 2 6 3 0 0 2 10 4 0 1 3 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oamaru Westport .. Greymouth Hokitika Dunedin • • Invercai'gill 210 246 252 180 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 666 111 0 0 0 0 Totals 460,814 0 11 31,619 0 11 47,616 6 10


Table II. Number of Pensions at each Rate on the 31st March, 1915.

Table III.-Widows' Pensioners admitted during the Year 1914-15, with Sizes of Families.


Rate. Old-age. Number. Liability. Number. Widows'. . Liability. ilitary. Number. Liability. £ 66 60 54 48 42 39 38 36 35 34 33 32 30 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 £ £ 66 120 162 336 1,344 £ I 2 3 7 32 48 3 3 3 2 1 2 1,872 114 108 105 68 33 64 100 3,600 I 1,388 49,968 1 183 ' 32 5,490 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 II 10 9 8 14,449 692 696 625 612 601 185 189 175 121 165 106 127 85 75 65 57 42 65 40 33 23 16 29 13 4 375,674 17,300 16,704 14,375 13,464 12,621 3,700 3,591 3,150 2,057 2,640 1,590 1,778 1,105 900 715 570 378 520 280 198 115 64 87 26 4 288 2 2 2 483 5 I 1 4 4 633 10 5 2 1 6 2 2 2 1 3 6,912 46 44 42 8,694 85 16 15 56 52 7,596 110 50 18 8 42 12 10 8 3 6 7 6 5 4 3 2 I ' • Totals 19,352 475,970 1,788 34,975 1,388 49,968 .verage pension £24 1 s. lOd. £19 Is. 2d. !36.

Size of Total Family. Number of Pensioners. Size of Family under Fourteen. Number of Pensioners. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 69 85 65 48 55 44 32 18 13 10 6 4 1 2 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 117 122 83 46 35 19 5 10 II 12 13 14 15 10 1 458 458


Table IV.—Ages of European Pensioners on the 31st March, 1915.


Age. I Old-age. Number. I Military. Number. ii Wi< lows'. Age. Number. 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 401 425 421 464 439 582 719 822 912 986 1,360 976 1,067 1,054 1,039 925 869 783 682 655 642 559 510 351 290 181 147 108 85 62 52 30 10 13 10 14 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 4 7 6 10 17 34 45 48 67 68 72 79 81 66 97 60 56 50 44 41 45 26 24 8 16 4 5 5 5 5 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 4 7 6 10 17 34 45 48 67 68 72 79 81 66 97 60 56 50 44 41 45 26 24 8 16 4 5 5 5 5 1 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 64 65 69 2 2 8 5 8 10 21 27 31 38 31 44 51 45 71 64 73 73 80 85 70 73 89 54 97 75 79 63 75 57 42 55 44 29 30 24 14 7 7 9 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 aoris 18,655 697 18,655 697 1,105 283 1,105 283 1,768 20 Totals .. 19,352 1,388 1,388 19,352 1,788



Table V.—Original Nationalities of Old-age and Widows' Pensioners.

Table VI.- -Sex and Conjugal Condition or Old-age Pensioners. Granted during Year 1914-15. Sex. Single. Married. Widowed. Total. Male .. .. •■ ..218 672 265 1,155 Female .. .. .. .. 73 1,002 928 2,003 Totals .. .. .. 291 1,674 1,193 3,158 In Force on the 31st March, 1915. Sex. Single. Married. Widowed. Total. Male .. .. .. .. 2,159 4,004 2,598 8,761 Female .. .. .. .. 373 3,889 6,329 10,591 Totals .. .. .. 2,532 7,893 8,927 19,352 Granted since Act passed in 1898. Single 7,110 Married .. .. .. .. .. .. 20,433 Widowed.. .. .. .. .. .. 15,758 Total .. .. .. .- 43,301

2—H. 18.

Old-age. Widi ows'. Nationality. Granted, 1914-15. In Force on 31st March, 1915. Granted, 1914-15. In Force on 31st March, 1915. British (England) ,, (Ireland).. ,, (Scotland) ,, (New Zealand) „ (Australia) „ (Wales) .. ,, (Canada).. „ (Channel Islands) .. ,, (South Africa) ,, (West Indies) „ (Isle of Man) (India) „ (New Foundland) . . „ (Fiji) • • (Malta) .. ,, (Mauritius) „ (Pitcaim Island) .. 1,381 528 532 253 139 22 18 14 5 8,708 3,878 3,413 798 469 146 117 71 18 14 1.4 12 9 2 2 87 23 20 283 29 3 289 100 73 1,173 100 8 1 2 1 German 53 29 22 20 11 2 4 1 345 170 110 106 53 39 38 37 28 18 14 12 5 5 2 1 697 1 1 1 1 10 4 2 Dane Norwegian ■Swede Austrian French ftalian American Russian Swiss . . . . ' Dutch Portuguese! Belgian 'Ireek Spanish Chilian Maori 7 4 1 2 1 3 2 111 8 20 Totals 3,158 19,352 458 1,788



Table VII. —Pensions granted, Deaths, and Cancellations in each Year, with Number in Force and Annual Variation.

Table VIII.—Comparative Statement of Old-age Pension Payments in each Year, with Annual Liability and Average Pension.

Year ending 31st March. Number of Pensions granted. I t. .. Cancella- In Force at Deaths. . ■ u ■, <, -it turns. End of Vear. I Increase. Decrease. 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 ,7,487 ! 4,699 2.227 1,694 1,391 1 ,063 1,210 2,075 2,031 1,740 2,113 2,304 2,399 2,3.18 2,072 3,320 3,158 Old-age. 38 6 7,413 786 71 11,285 815 292 12,405 935 388 ■ 12,776 1,064 622 12,481 928 690 11,926 890 476 11,770 1,038 225 12,582 1,097 259 13,257 1,189 239 13,569 1,112 174 14,396 1,169 211 15,320 1,423 276 1.6,020 1,469 220 16,649 1,569 643 16,509 1,479 300 18,050 1,582 274 19,352 6 71 292 388 622 690 476 225 259 239 174 211 276 220 643 300 274 7,443 11,285 12,405 12,776 12,481. 11,926 11,770 12,582 13,257 13,569 14,396 15,320 1.6,020 16,649 16,509 18,050 19,352 3,842 1,120 371 812 675 312 827 924 700 629 295 555 156 140 1,541 1,302 Totals 43,301 18,583 18,583 5,366 5,366 1912 1913 1914 1915 791 657 421 458 Widoivs'. Widoivs'. 3 788 3 129 1,313 1 193 1,540 2 208 1,788 3 129 193 208 788 1,313 1,540 1,788 525 227 248 3 1 2 Totals 2,327 6 533 1913 1914 1915 577 717 256 Military. 9 74 108 568 1,240 1,388 672 148 1 Totals 1,580 191 I

Date. Payments to End of Financial Year. Increase. Deorease. Annual Liability. Average Pension. .t 31st March, 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 £ 3,124 157,342 197,292 207,468 210,140 203,164 195,475 254,367 314,184 325,199 336,760 362,496 383,393 406,256 415,761 416,776 460,814 £ 154,218 39,950 10,176 2,672 58,892 59,817 11,015 11,561 25,736 20,897 22,863 9,504 1,015 44,038 £ 6,976 7,689 ! ( i I £ 127,319 193,718 211,965 217,192 211,594 200,915 199,081 313,018 326,084 333,340 353,343 374,699 403,020 416,530 412,408 447,765 475,970 £ s. d. 17 2 0 17 3 0 17 2 0 17 0 0 16 19 0 16 17 0 16 18 0 24 17 0 24 12 0 24 II (I 24 10 0 24 9 0 25 3 0 25 0 4 24 19 7 24 16 0 24 11 10 Total .. 4,850,011


Table IX.—Ages at Death of European Old-age Pensioners during the Year 1914-15.


Age. (a.) Pensions in Foroe on the 1st April, 1914. (b.) New Pensions granted, 1914-15. Of (a). Dei ,ths. Of (6). 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 190 199 260 259 267 488 710 •816 925 1,311 953 1,083 1,058 1,058 967 900 832 756 709 721 659 595 409 340 230 178 127 108 73 70 13 18 21 16 19 2 2 1 4 1 1 401 244 233 213 192 332 264 164 158 111 125 100 74 83 61 53 59 38 31 21 21 19 13 6 7 3 7 9 1 3 1 1 1 3 7 8 16 30 37 39 55 60 66 71 67 83 75 72 95 69 89 110 89 59 53 49 37 25 23 13 15 13 7 8 6 6 1 5 3 2 1 2' 12 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Totals .. 17,379 3,047 1,458 17,379 3,047 1,458 (12


Table X.—Number and Annual Value of Old-age and Widows' Pensions in Force on the 31st March, 1915.

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation not giveu, printing (1,100 copies, £10.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9ls.

Price Gd.]


District. Europeans. Old-age. Widows'. Maoris. Annual Value. Europeans. Maoris. , Annual Value. Auckland Coromandel Dargaville Hamilton Houhora Kaitaia Mangonui. . Raglan Rawene Rotorua Russell Taumanmiii Taupo Waipu Warkworth Whangarei Wlii ngaroa Thames Opotiki Paeroa Taurauga Whakatane Gisborne Port Awanui Napier Wairoa New Plymouth Stratford Wanganui Hltham Hawera Marton Patea Taihape .. Wellington Chatham Islands .. Feilding Masterton Otaki Pahiatua .. Palmerston North .. Nelson Motueka Blenheim HiU'elock Christehurch Akuroa Amberley Ashburton Culverden Kaiapoi Kaikoura Timaru Fairlio Temuka .. .. , Waimate .. Westport Greymouth Reefton Hokitika Oamaru Dunedin Balolutha Cromwell Lawrence Naseby Palmerston South . . Waikouaiti Invercargill Gore Qweenstown Riverton 2,707 80 89 238 23 13 15 18 36 36 71 38 3 54 55 197 22 279 20 182 38 9 113 4 700 18 262 51 308 38 105 112 39 79 I .463 I 157 212 74 59 325 289 88 236 4 2,631 42 17 367 15 378 22 369 27 238 162 251 439 129 455 348 2,036 210 117 176 93 58 42 642 155 105 171 49 20 13 35 12 38 32 10 29 60 64 3 8 4 3 7 36 10 23 30 59 25 II 6 2 I 1 I o I 5 2 3 2 I 3 £ 67,197 2.552 2.506 6.696 848 1.261 1,120 655 1 .582 2.185 3,244 I .023 285 1.483 I .328 5.163 I .326 7.214 I .070 5,24] 2,303 772 3.030 220 17.289 443 6.620 1 .252 7,570 945 2.702 2.806 969 I .999 35.872 44 3.968 5.204 I ,918 1.436 8.120 7.067 2.180 6.0S0 104 64,724 1.166 398 9.262 401 9.398 626 9.141 664 6.177 4.117 6.384 II.164 3.297 11.736 8,841 49.094 5.319 2.981 4,388 2.386 1,446 1.059 15,871 3,837 2.671 4.530 271 12 10 36 I 2 8 I 2 7 3 2 20 3 20 2 38 3 21 66 I 31 6 37 7 8 12 2 10 162 £ 4,901 258 226 641 2 84 2 78 I 24 4 300 18 2 102 143 48 51 403 3 144 361 36 1 789 41 '. '. 504 1.441 18 651 126 760 116 I 50 229 si 185 2.832 3 3 19 17 15 6 24 29 9 15 369 311 414 I 44 480 552 . .. 186 336 8 2 4 248 6 i ' 4,448 138 5 g 29 1 19 1 37 588 36 I 414 24 798 8 3 3 14 8 19 38 8 8 27 210 19 4 15 3 7 I 75 14 3 16 2 354 I I Is 379 786 240 I6S 541 4.069 414 108 279 60 180 18 1.535 264 84 360 2 I 1 3 5 2 3 5 16 Totals 18,655 697 475,970 1,768 20 34,975 North Island South Island 8,343 10,312 626 71 219,461 256,509 885 883 IS 5 17,468 17.507 Totals 18,655 697 475.970 1.768 20 34,975

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Bibliographic details

SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PENSIONS DEPARTMENT, FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1915., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1915 Session I, H-18

Word Count

SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PENSIONS DEPARTMENT, FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1915. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1915 Session I, H-18

SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PENSIONS DEPARTMENT, FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1915. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1915 Session I, H-18

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