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1915. NKW ZE A L AND.


Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly in compliance mth Section 85 of the Land for Settlements Act, 1908.

The Land Purchase Inspbotob and Chairman of the Board of Land Purchase Commissioners to the Minister of Lands. Sir,— 20th July, 191.5. 1 have the honour to submit the report of the Department for the year ending the 31st March, 1915. Land for Settlements. The number of properties considered was 137, of an area of 365,198 acres, of which 50,211 acres were purchased at a cost of £356,687. With the exception of 1,693 acres not yet taken delivery of, the whole has been satisfactorily settled. The demand for several of the blocks was extremely keen, and anything offered suitable for mixed farming, but more especially for grazing, is eagerly competed for. Further purchases have lately been made totalling 13,963 acres, valued at £108,316, and negotiations are pending for other areas. Notwithstanding the unsettled condition of affairs, a good many properties are changing hands at prices quite up to those ruling prior to the outbreak of war. While the present prices for our products are maintained there would appear sufficient warrant for the high values obtaining. During the year the necessary notice has been served under section 64 of the Land Laws Amendment Act, .1913, upon three owners in respect to their properties, and subdivision is proceeding. The total area purchased to the end of Maroh, 1915, is 1,540,578 acres, at a cost of £7,293,300. Land Settlement Finance Act. There have been six associations formed during the year, with thirty-seven members and an area of 3,279 acres, valued at £62,553. Several other proposals were under consideration, but for various reasons were not approved of. The associations already formed, with very few exceptions, appear to be prospering. The mode of procedure for the formation of an association' is very cumbersome, and in several instances has been the means of preventing suitable men taking advantage of the provisions of the Act. The present Act should be repealed and replaced by a simpler one with wider powers. John D. Ritchie, Chairman.

I—C. 5.


Table A.—Number of Properties considered during the Year ending 31st March, 1915.

Table B.—Summary of Estates acquired up to 31st March, 1915.

Table C.—Position of the Land for Settlements Account for the Year ending 31st March, 1915. Dr. £ s. d. j Cr. £ s. d. Gash and instalments .. .. 64,297 011 Purchase-money .. .. .. 356,686 9 4 Debentures, &c., issued under the New Charges and expenses — £ s. d, Zealand Loans Act, 1908 .. .. 136,078 4 0 In connection with Receipts under seotion 191, Land Act, estates purchased.. 28,184 3 5 1908 .. .. .. .. 1,567 8 2 Other expenses .. 7,658 1 2 Receipts under section 31, Land Laws • 35,842 4 7 Amendment Act, 1912 .. .. I Debentures redeemed and matured .. 300 0 0 Rents .. .. .. 310,992 0 8 Interest paid to ConsoliSales of— dated Fund in respect Crown lands .. .. 167,119 0 Oj ..f debentures issued.. 270,966 511 Land-for-settlements lands .. 121,604 1. 0 Interest under section 90 Workers' dwellings on settlement of the New Zealand lands under seotion 16 of the State-guaranteed AtlWorkors'Dwellings Act, 1910 .. 3,576 17 10; vances Act, 1909 .. 16,250 0 0 Recoveries, &o, .. .. .. 1,834 6 10 ! Interest under subsection (8) of section 191 of the Land Aot, 1908 .. .. 8 7 7 ■ 287,224 18 6 Advances under section 63 of the Land Laws Amendment Act, 1913 .. 51,000 0 0 Sinking fund .. .. .. 41,986 15 7 Balance .. .. .. .. 34,079 2 0 £807,069 5 0 £807,069 5 0 Table D. —Position of the Land for Settlements Account at 31st March, 1915. Dr. £ Cr. £ Loans ourrent .. .. .. 7,357,687 Purchase-money .. 7,293,300 Rents, &c, received .. .. 3,489,187 Incidental expenses .. 686,602 Sales of settlement lands .. .. .. 121,604 Interest .. .. .. 2,793,492 Receipts under Land Act, section 191 .. 8,749 Sinking fund .. .. .. .. 501,309 Receipts under Land Act, sectiin 177 59,700 Land Laws Amendment Act, section 63 85,171 Sale of Crown lands ' .. 302,783 Balanoe .. .. .. 34,079 Interest on investments .. 3,777 Premium on loan .. ■■■'.. .. 117 Four-per-oent. stock created to covor expenses of raising loan .. .. 349 £11,343,953 ,1511,343,953


Land District. Number. I Area of Estates offered. Auckland Hawke's Bay Taranaki Wellington ... Marlborough... Nelson Westland Canterbury ... Otago Southland ... i 31 14 2 24 2 1 30 22 11 Aorcs. 59,635 107,177 6,296 71,887 7,040 560 56,576 36,700 19,327 Totals 137 365,198 365,198

ljand District. Number. Area. ! Purchase-money. Incidental Expenses, Improvements, MOaflS, &o. .uokland lawke's Bay 'aranaki Vellington larlbo rough lelBOn Vestland Janterbury )tago Southland 32 85 5 32 12 8 2 106 43 12 Acres. 289,524 232,071 5,356 71,989 203,435 27,292 5,125 392,703 228,485 79,598 £ 517,854 1,443,314 90,196 545,847 604,126 34,375 8,343 2,605,375 1,122,452 321,418 £ 93,615 105,181 7,755 73,154 52,011 4,022 2,923 105,738 99,152 25,865 Totals 282 282 1,540,578 7,293,300 570,016



Table E.—Return of Lands purchased from 1st April, 1914, to 31st March, 1915.

2—C. 5.

Name of Owner. Name of Estate. Locality. Price per Acre. I Mode of Acquisition. Name of Si Area taken Possession of during Year and Amount paid. Area approximately not yet taken Possession of. Area. Paid for Land, &c. I I ' ' Burch, H. W., W. H., and Eddowes, W. Otway, L. H., and C. C. .. .. I Aylesbury Atjckland. Matakohe Waitoa £ s. d. ... 615 0 By agreement.. Parahi ..900 „ . . Otway Acres. 2,137 1,650 Acres. 2,137 1,650 __j £ 14,425 14,853 £ 14,425 14,853 Acres. Acres. | Add £100 goodwill Education reserves, j less £75 10s. interest advance payment (Burch's); add £150 cost of survey and grassing (Otway's) 3,787 3,787 29,278 174 29,278 174 29,278 174 •>Q I :>fl.4nL> 29,452 Carlyon, A. S. G. .. .. .: Gwavas Less apportionment rates .. Hawke's Bay. .. ! Tikokino 4 17 6 By agreement. . Gwavas 5,874 28,636 28,633 28,633 Falloon, W. . . .. .. .. Mikimiki Bartholomew, P. Less adjustment rates, and insurance (Falloon's) Wellington, Near Masterton Levin 8 0 0 By agreement.. Falloon'1 39 0 0 „ .. Bartholpmew 1,030 98 1,128 8,240 3,818 12,058 18 1,128 L__ 1 9 OiTi Carter's Trustees .. .. .. Wither Run Rudd, W. G. Ensor, C. H. Teschemaker, T. .. .. .. Otaio Marlborough. XearJBlenheim CANTERBURY. Lee's|Valley Otaio 5 15 0 By agreement.. Wither 5 6 0 Bv agreement.. Lee's Valley .. 4 15 0 ' 7 10 ° I Otaio || 12 13 6 j „ .. utaio "f I 7,041 2,344 2,621 810 2,782 12,040 40,488 12,423 12,450 6,076 35,256 12,040



Table E.—Return of Lands purchased from 1st April, 1914, to 31st March, 1915— continued.

Name of Owner. Name of Estate. Locality. Price per Acre. Mode of Acquisition. Name of Settlemenl Area taken Possession of during Year and Amount paid. Area approxiArea. Paid for Land, &c.! yet taken Possession of. Campbell, W. F. .. . . .. Finlay Downs Copland, A. . . .. .. .. Hillboro „ .. .. .. .. Meadowbank Townend's Trustees . . .. .. Glenmark Less roading Glenmark .. Canterbury* — continued. £ s. d. St. Andrew's .. .. 9 15 0 By agreement.. Finlay Downs 15 0 0 „ .. j Hillloro 13 15 0 „ .. | Copland Waipara .. 10 0 0 „ .. j Glenmark Acres. 2,108 691 612 11,431 23,399 I i £ 20,558 10,370 8,41.5 114,310 219,858 350 219,508 — I Acres. 219,508 i Aiundell, J. . . . . . . .. j Bellamy Brook, J. .. .. .. ,, Blathwayt, H. de V. and C. P. J. Buchanan, A. .. .. .. „ Scott, J. R., G., and Bullock, G. B. . . Riverside Fenwick, C. L. H. .. .. . . ! Jiaraweka Otago. .. j Near Lawrence .. 2 0 0 Bv agreement.. .. Evans Flat .. .. 3 10 0 „ .. Bellamy Beaumont .. .. 3 15 0 „ .. j „ .. Waitahuna .. .. 4 10 0 ,, .. j Waitahuna 1 and 2 Near Maheno .. 11 7 6 „ .. j 1,536 2,078 1,229 95 4,044 3,072 7,271 4,607 565 9,454* _! 1,693 Add amount for goodwill of Crown leases and improvements (J. Mundell's) | 8,982 8,982 24,969 1,597 26,566 24,969 1,597 26,566 J I i * Balance payable next year at termination ot mortgage 50,211 356,687



Table F.—Estates acquired since 31st March, 1915, or purchased before and not dealt with.

Table G.—Land-settlement Finance Associations incorporated up to 31st March, 1914.

- : 1-1 i i , Locality. Area. Price. Possession. i i . Acres. £ Cambridge, Auckland .. 1,028 15,021 25 Aug., 1915. Tirau .. .. 1,067 10,670 ! 1 Nov., 1915. Hastings, Hawke's Bay 8,150 63,570 ' 1 March, 1916. Waihao Porks, Canter- 3,718 19,055 '• 31 „ 1916. bury j -—• 13,963 108,316 Name. Estate. W. V, Sinclair .. H. J. Clifford Bayley, G. P. Gillies, B. .. Gorton .. Paparamu .. .. Otamauri .. .. Kowliatu .. , I j

Association. Locality. Name of Owner. Area. - Purchase- $H*J* Area of Allotment. Auckland. Acres. Eureka .. .. Eureka .. I G. Howie.. .. j 824 Tainui .. .. Matangi .. VV. Ranstead .. i 466 Komata South .. ; Komata South .. Hubbards and Hub- 658 bards's executors Hikutaia .. .. Hikutaia .. G. Alley .. .. 839 Melrose .. .. Te Aroha G. W. Mace .. 858 Martha .. .. Hinuora .. McGuire and Miller 1,698 £ 15,870 6,520 9,990 7,663 6,466 10,245 5 5 5 8 5 10 Aores. 100, 188, 200, 185, 151. 112, 50, 50, 82, 172. 176, 158, 89, 104, 131. Glengariff.. .. Ohaupo .. I Greenslade, Mrs. ..1,088 Dunlop .. .. Kaipaki .. I Sturges, W. N. .. 450 Waipa .. .. ' Te Awamutu .. ' McGovern, F. .. 678 Mimosa Downs .. Walton., .. Hutchinson, C. Q... 1,009 Walton .. .. j „ .. .. ! Butler, R. ..1,182 15,237 5,967 11,186 8,582 13,003 9 5 5 7 9 180, 180, 129, 110, 145, 95. 169, 169, 176, 176, 168. 174, 172, 184, 184, 185, 198, 200, 100, 101, 200. 152, 185, 130, 155, 156, 208, 102. 110, 123, 63, 76, 78. 100, 101, 138, 176, 163. 196, 130, 270, 170, 243. 200, 200, 200, 205, 117, 138 122 200, 200, 205, 205, 204. 150, 133,150, 53, 204. 150, 150, 141, 190, 200, 300, 262, 420. 160, 159, 118, 124, 212. 170, 130, 153, 100, 78,101, 195, 92, 83, 141, 51. Waitangi .. ..[Waiuku .. Sinclair, W. P. .. 1,014 Pukokawa.. .. Pukekawa .. Morrison, R. E. .. 690 Moana Vale .. Roto-o-rangi .. Paine, F... .. 1,812 Lansdowne .. Walton .. Mapp, F. H. and W. 773 Woodside.. .. Matangi .. Goodwin, E. G. W. 1,294 and A. is a«o. 9,637 4,840 13,474 5 0 11 7 11 8,506 24,583 171,769 16,630 113 15,333 Hawke's Bay. Korokipo .. .. Korokipo .. J. E. Lane .. 670 15,333 Matamau.. .. Matamau .. Lloyd, T. H. G., and j 1,459 Tansey, M. Blairgowrie .. Near Dannevirke Ross, R. B. ..1,483 670 1,459 24,789 7 12 64, 102, 79, 162, 101, 112, 50. 112, 114, 127, 114, 166, 181, 188, 141, 122, 194. 155, 153, 153, 149, 167 167, 195, 176, 138. 1,483 23,681 9 3,612 3,612 65,100 28 Wellington. Nikau Grange .. Ashhurst .. Messrs. Eraser .. 672 Moorfield .. ..jKimbolton .. [ E. H. Crabbe .. 807 Auchmore.. .. Okoia .. .. McGregor, J. .. > 633 672 807 633 18,830 16,948 14,570 6 5 7 130, 141, 145, 133, 123. 150, 184, 191, 150, 132. 120, 101, 100, 115, 64, 55, 78. 28, 25, 61, 105, 110. 178, 52, 140, 75, 147, 143, 171. 95, 135,184, 199, 117, 169, 199, 186, 94, 95, 95. Glencairn .. Turakina .. ; Bruce, J... .. j 1,599 Quilltowen .. Wanganui .. ! Whiteman, B. H. .. 329 1,599 329 33,567 11,587 6 8 Otauiri .. .. Hunterville .. [Simpson, R. K., A. G,,j 906 andR. K. jun. 4.946 906 21,524 L2 4,946 117,026 11 4,y»o Marlbokouuh. j Clifton Grove .. Lower Wairau .. Haywood, A. E. .. 368 70, 65, 38, 41, 71, 83. 368 15,307 5 Canterbury. Brookland .. Winchester .. R. Brookland .. 400 Waitohi Downs .. Temuka .. i D. Shaw, jun. .. : 1,021 Melville Downs .. Fairlie .. .. j Black, William .. i 1,023 Gleniffor .. .. Beautiful Valley Macaulay, A., and 852 Mrs. Diok Wentnor .. ..! „ North, W. B ..1,118 Chastleton .. Pleasant Valloy .. Harris, E. .. | 1,528 Owersby .. .. Fairlie.. .. Dixon, R. A. ..| 2,181 400 1,021 1,023 852 9,621 12,636 12,280 10,277 ' 5 6 5 5 53, 68, 93, 65, 121. 178, 197, 200, 223, 223. 197, 224, 198, 208, 196. 160, 200, 164, 164, 164. I 1,118 1,528 2,181 12,248 10,885 17,992 5 5 8 207, 207, 206, 218, 275. 279, 333, 335, 276, 305. 213, 248, 252, 256, 242, 284, 385, 301. 186, 115, 112, 100, 250, 100. 260, 260, 217, 264, 226, 300, 104. Kelman .. .. Lowoliffe .. Kelman, A. W.,F.B., 863 and J. A. Trenthani.. .. Pairlie.. .. Langridge, A.G.,and 1,631 Crampton, G. W. 10.612 863 1,681 13,283 15,498 6 7 Otago. Bruoe .. .. Kakanui .. Bruoe, G. .. 205 10,612 205 114,720 6,368 52 5 39, 40, 76, 25, 25. Southland. Merrivale No. 1 .. Merrivale .. Ellis, J. C. .. 2,276 2,276 16,560 11 305, 376, 293, 178, 250, 199, 169, 257, 249. 184, 157, 297, 310, 275, 315, 342. No. 2 .. I .. I . .. 1,880 4,156 1,880 14,074 30,634 8 4,156 19 39,232 Incorporated 1914-15 .. .. .. .. 3,279 39,232 3,279 42,511 520,924 62,553 583,477 266 37 303

C— s


Table H.—Land-settlement Finance Associations incorporated from 1st April, 1914, to 31st March, 1915.

Approximate Cost of Paper.— -Preparation, not given ; printing (l>so copies), ili.

Authority : John Maokay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9ls

Price 6d.\

Association. Locality. Name of Owner. Area. Purchasemoney. Number of Members. Area Of Allotment. Paparamu Clarkin . . Auckland. Near Tirau Komokorau Survey Distriot Harris, Harry Clarkin, John Acres. 865 623 £ 10,338 15,000 6 7 Acres. 175, 168, 169, 199, 153. 77, 81, 100, 100, 95, 68. 100. Lake Alice Wellington. Near Marton Junction Meyer, J, C, jun... 1,488 25,338 13 46, 60, 141, 65, 65. 378 10,270 Harihari.. Westland. Harihari Rasmusscn, T. V... 586 3,223 117, 117, 117, 117, 117. 5 Eiffelton.. Canterbuby. Lowcliff Henderson, J. E. A. and M. L. Quinn, D. 535 14,976 7 79, 66, 79, 79, 78, 77, 77. Angland .. Arowhenua 292 8,746 5 100, 48, 42, 54, 48. 827 23,722 1.2 Totals 3,279 62,553 37

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Bibliographic details

THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACT, 1908 (REPORT ON)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1915 Session I, C-05

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THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACT, 1908 (REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1915 Session I, C-05

THE LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACT, 1908 (REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1915 Session I, C-05

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