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Presented to the lloiixr of Representatives, and ordered to be printed.

ORDERS OP REFERrOXCK. Extracts from tin Journals of the House of Representatives. Friday, the 10th Day of July, 1914. Ordered, "That Standing Order No. 2l!l lie- suspended, and that a Committee be appointed, ooneieting of fourteen members, to whom shall stand referred after the fin t reading all Bills affecting or in any way relating to the lands of the Crown, or educational or other public reserves ; the Committee Iα have power to make such amendments therein aa they think proper, and to report generally when necessary upon the principles and provisions of the Bill ; the Committee to have power to call for persons, paper.-, and records ; three to be a quorum : the Committee to oonsmi of Mr. Anderson, Hon. Mr. Buddo, Mr. Coatee, Mr. Forbes. Mr. Quthrie, Mr. MaeDonald, Mr. E. Newman. Mr. Nosworthy, Mr. T. W. Rhodes, Mr. Robertson. Mr. R. W. Smith, Mr. Statham. Mr. Witty, and the mover."-—(Right Bon. Mr. Massby.) Tuesday, the 21st Bay of July. 1914. Ordered. "That the. petition of William Young and others be referred direct to the Lands Committee." —(Mr. Anderson.) Tuesday, the 28th Day of July, 1914. Ordered, "That the petitions of James Watt and others and H. M. Martin and others be referred to the Lands Committee." —(Hon. Mr. Fraser.) Thursday, the 6th Day of Auoust, 1914. Ordered, "That the petition of William McKee and others In- referred direct to the Lands Committee."- -(Hon. Mr. Fraser.) Friday, the 7th Day of August, 1914. Ordered, "That the petition of John Clark and others be referred direct to the binds Committee." (Hon. Mr. FraSBR.) Wednesday, the 12th Day of August, 1914. Ordered, "That the petition of John Kirkpatriek and others be referred direct to the Lands Committee." (Hon. Mr. Fraser.) Orilired, " That the petitions of Hugh Mathjeeon and others. .1. A. Merrifield and other:-. John Diofcson and oilier.-. and A. Bell and others be referred direct to the Lands Committee." —(Mr. J. C. Thomson.) Thursday, the 27th Day of Auoust. 1914. Ordered, "That the petition of Matene Utiku and another be referred direct to the Lands Committee."—(Mr. Parata 1 Friday, the 11th Day of September, 1914. Ordered, "That paper 243 0, proposing to withdraw land from reservation under the provisions of section 28 of the State Forests Act. 1908. be referred to the Lands Committee." —(Right Hon. Mr. Massey.) Wednesday, the 10th Day of September, 1914. Ordered, "That the petition of Cecil A. de Lautour be referred to the Lends Committee."—(Mr. Young.)



Tin hsdav. the Ist Day of October, 1914. Ordered, " That the petition of John Rountree. together with the report of the Lands Commit tee thereon, he referred hack to the Committee for reconsideration." -(Mr. Glover.) THTTBBDAY, the Mtii Day ok OcTOBEK. 1914. Ordered. " That the report of the Lands Committee on the petition of W. J. Hunt be referred back to the Committee for reconsideration. —(Mr. Hindmaksh.) Tuesday, thb 13tb Day of Ootobxb, h<l4. Ordered, "That the petition of the Wellington Industrial Development Company (Limited), together with the report of the Native Affair Committee thereon, be referred to the Lands Committee."—(Mr. Yoi \c) THVBSDAY, thi; 22mi I>ai iik OCTOBER, 11114. Urdernl. "That the report of the Lands Committee mi the petition of Henry Brown and others be referred hack to the said Committee for further consideration."—(Mr. Wilson.) Ordered, "That the Kauri-gum Industry Amendment Bill be referred to the Lands Committee."—(Right Hon. Mr. Masskv.)


No. Petition, Bill, or Paper. Page. No. Petition, BUI, or Paper. Page. . . . I 408 Anderson. Robert, and 3 others Auckland Harbour Board Empowering Bill Awakino County Council Empowering Bill 118 Andrew, F. J., and 168 others . . 4 5 5 5 Land Laws Amendment Bill .. .-, 250 Martin, H. M., and 13 others .. .. 3 351 Mathieson. Hugh, and 2 others. . .. 3 375 Matenc Utiku and another .. (J 483 Murphy, P. J. .. .. « 34!) Merrifleld, -J. A., and 2 others .. 8 326 McKee. William, and I I others. . :( 1117 Bartlett, P., and 32 others 210 Benzie, William, and 4 others .. 323 Bunion. W., and another :!48 Bell. Alexander, and 5 others .. 222 Bent lev. E. 8., and 2 others 407 Blatch'. E. M. 577 Brown. Henry, and 72 others (No. I) 577 Brown. Henry, and 72 others (No. 2) 593 Bay of Plenty Flax-milling Company (Li mitcd) 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 214 Nunns, Arthur, and 18 others .. .. :{ Paper 243 C.—Proposal to withdraw sec- 4 tions in Marlborough Luid District from reservation 283 Parr. C. J.. C.M.C.. and others .. .. 4 1 .. Public Reserves and Domains Amendment 7 Bill 335 Clark. John, and 12 ot I'ors .'{til Clark, Joseph, and 12,6 others .. 44 Clark. John 3 4 5 68 de Lautour, Cecil A. .. .. 350 Diokson, John, and 3 others Dunedin City (Waipori Falls) Lands Vestin- Bill 3 3 6 Reserves and other Lands Disposal and 6 Public Bodies Empowering Bill 412 Reynolds, F. G., and 14 others.. .. 4 153 Roberts, William C, and 5 others .. 4 !»4 Etountree. John (First Report) .. .. 4 412 153 !I4 3I!» Fades. T. R.. and 2(1 others 3111 3 91 Smith. .I. I)., and 7(1 others .. .. 5 Special report (re Chairman) 7 23 Stevens. Charles A., and 30 others .. 3 II, 23 Final report .. 7 44!l 44!l ' Glentworth, Robert .. 6 Takapuna Borough Foreshore Vesting Bill 3 248 Tcmpleton. John, and 12 others .. 3 31 Timmings, William E. .. .. 3 308 Timmings, William E. .. .. 3 248 31 308 324 Barker, George, and another .. 126 i Hiekev. James 184 Hughie, John, and another 152 Hunt, W. J. (No. I) .. 158 Hunt. W. J. (No. 2) .. 324 126 184 152 153 3 4 3 4 6 Wairoa Harbour Board Endowment Bill.. 5 24!l Watt, -lames, and 6 others .. 3 573 Wellington Industrial Development Com- 5 pany (Limited) Whangarei Borough Land Vesting Bill .. 3 249 579 :I25 Coast. Riohard, and another 347 Kirkpatrick. John, and another ! Kauri-gum industry Amendment Bill 325 347 3 3 6 (96 Young. William, and 33 others .. ,. 5 196

[.— .

EETORTB. NO. 23, Petition of Charnkk A. Stevens and 30 Others; and No. 214. Petition of Arthur Nunns and 18 Others. PRAYING for right to convert their leaseholds into freeholds. I am directed to report, that in the opinion of the ('ommittee this is a question of policy, and that the petition be referred to the Government. 6th August, 1914. No. 250.—Petition of H. M. Martin and 13 Others, also 15 similar Petitions (as per Schedule attached hereto). Praying that legislation he passed authorizing leaseholders of endowment reserves to purchase the freehold of their holdings. I am directed to report that, as the subject-matter of t hese petitions is a matter of policy, i hi' ( lorn niittee has no recommendation to make, but is of opinion that it is desirable that the Government should introduce legislation giving a uniformity of tenure to tenants of education reserves 13th August, 1914. Schedule. No. 197.— F. Sfertlett and 82 others. No. 326.—William and 11 others. No. 2li(. —-William Benzie and 4 others. No. 335. -John Clark and 12 others. No. 248.—John Templeton and 2 others. No. 347.—John Kirkpatriok and another. No. 249. -James Watt and li others. No. 348.—Alexander BeH and r> others. No. 319.—Thomas K. Eades and 2i> others. No. 349.— J. A. Merrifield mid 2 others. No. :s~!. -W. Burdon and another. ! No. 360.— Ibhn Dickeon and 3 others. No. -l-'t. -George Harkerand another. No. :>•">!. Hugh Mathieaon and 2 others. No. 326. — -Riuhard Keast and another.

No. 184. —Petition of John Hughie and Another. for compensation on Kawakawa property. I am directed to report, this being a matter dealing with Native lands, this Committee recommends that the petition be referred to the Native Affairs Committee for consideration. 13th August, 1911,

No. 31 and No. 308.—Petitions of William E. Tiuminos. PRAYING for inquiry and relief re loss of a drown lease. I am directed to report that the Committee lias no recommendation to make with regard to these petitions. 2nd September, I'.tl I. Takapuna Borough Foreshore Vesting Bill. The Lands Committee, to which was referred the above-mentioned Hill, lias the honour to report thai it has carefully considered the same, and recommends that it he allowed to proceed as amended by the Local Bills ( lommittee. loth September, 191 I.

No. 68.—Petition of Cboii A. ra Lautour, of fJisborne. Praying for compensation on improvements made during the term of his lease of Whakaangiangi Blocks 5a and sb. I am directed to report that in the opinion of this Committee the prayer of the petition should lie favourably considered by the Government, and that a sum of money should be put on the estimates such as will equitably compensate the petitioner for the improvements which he effected on the land referred to in the petition. 17th September, 1111 1.

Whangarei Borough Land Vesting Bill. Thk Lands Committee, to which was referred the above-mentioned Bill, has the honour to report that it has carefully considered the same, and recommends that it lie allowed to proceed as amended by the Local Bills Committee. 17th September, 1911.


L— s


No. K)7, Petition of \i. M. Blatck ; and No. 408, Petition of Robert Anderson and 3 Others. Praying that legislation he passed authorizing leaseholders of education reserves to purchase the freehold of their holdings. I am directed to report that, a,s a question of policy is involved, the Committee has no recommendation to make, but is of opinion thai it is desirable that the Government should introduce legislation giving a uniformity of tenure to tenants of education reserves. 22nd September, 1914.

No. 126. —Petition of James Hickby, of Coromandel. Praying or compensation foi hiss of land. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. Ist October, 1914.

No. 94.—Petition of John Rountree. (First Report.) Praying for compensation for loss of standing timber through fire. 1 am directed to report that (he Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. Ist October, 1914. Paper No. 243 (' (Proposal to withdraw 7,200 Acres of Land in Blocks 11 and 111, Tennyson Survey District, and Blocks I and 11, Wakamarina Survey District, Marlborough Land District, from reservation under the State Forests Act, 1908, under the Provisions of Section 28 of the said Act). The Lands Committee, to which was referred the above parliamentary paper, has the honour to report i hat it has carefully considered same, and recommends that the Government set aside portions of this land as small scenic reserves either along the course of the stream or at other suitable places. 2nd October, 1914.

No. 283.—Petition of C. J. Parr, 0.M.G., and Others. Praying that steps be taken in order to preserve the volcanic hills in and around Auckland. J am directed to report that the Committee recommends the petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 2nd October, 1914.

No. 153, Petition of William C. Roberts and 5 Others; and No. 222, Petition of E. S. Bentley and 2 Others. Praying that the Crown purchase certain lands from the Auckland University College Council, and either sell or lease same to the petitioners. 1 am directed to report that, as a question of policy is involved, the Committee has no recommendation to make, but is of opinion that the Government should provide uniformity of lease for tenants of education reserves, giving security of tenure on terns that would encourage improvements to be effected, and also securing to these tenants the value of their improvements. 2nd October, 1914.

Nil 112. Petition of F. G. Reynolds and 14 Others. Prayinc; lor the option of, freehold or light of renewal of education endowment leases. I am directed to report that, as a question of policy is involved, the Committee has no recommendation to make, but is of opinion that it is desirable that the Government should introduce legislation giving a uniformity of tenure to tenants of education reserves. sth October, 1914.

No. 361. —Petition of Joseph Clark and 126 Others. Praying that the Government acquire certain Church lands for workers dwellings. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends this petition be referred to the Government for consideration. Bth October, 1914.

No 153.—Petition of W. J. Hunt. (First Report.) PRAYING for compensation for loss of timber rights in Ngarara Block. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. .Srli October, 1914.



Land Laws Amendment Bill. The Lands Committee, to which was referred the Land Laws Amendment Bill, has the honour to report that it has carefully considered the same, and recommends that it be allowed to proceed with the amendments as shown in the copy attached hereto. Bth October, 1914.

Awakino County Council Empowering Bill. The Lands Committee, to which was referred the above Bill, has the honour to report that it lias carefully considered same, and finds that as the Bill proposes to deal with Crown lands, and the consent of the Crown has not been obtained, the Committee recommends that the Bill be not allowed to proceed. 14th October, 1914.

Auckland Harbour Board Empowering Bill. The Lands Committee, to which was referred the above Bill, has the honour to report that it has carefully considered same, and recommends that it be allowed to proceed as amended by the Local Bills Committee. 15th October, 1914.

Watroa Harbour Board Endowment Bill. Tub Lands Committee, to which was referred the above Bill, has the honour to reporf that it has carefully considered same, and finds that as the Bill proposes to deal with Crown lands, and the consent of the Crown has not been obtained the Committee recommends that the Bill be not allowed to proceed. l.",th October, 1914.

No. 573. —Petition of the Wellington Industrial Development Company (Limited). Praying for legislation to enable a rate or charge to be created upon Native, European, and Crown land in the Taupo district, for the purpose of acquiring shares or stock in a company to be formed for the purpose of acquiring a proposed tramway between Mokai and Taupo. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends this petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 16th October, 1914.

No. 196. —Petition of William Young and 33 Others. I'raying for subdivision of certain University land. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends this petition be referred to the Government for consideration. With October. 1914.

No. 91, Petition of J. D. Smith and 70 Others ; and No. 98, Petition of F. J. Andrew and 168 Others. I'raying for an inquiry with a view to amending the excessive valuations levied in the Borough of Otahuhu. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends these petitions be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 22nd October, 1914. No. 577.—Petition of Henry Brown and 72 Others. (First Report.) Praying that the Government will not pass legislation authorizing the sale of certain sections in the Borough of Inglewood. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends this petition be referred to the Government for inquiry. 22nd October, 191 I.

No. 44. —Petition of John Clark. Praying for redress for non-receipt of land scrip. 1 am directed to report that the Committee recommends that if the petitioner can supply the name of the Volunteer corps, and prove that he served therein, the petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 22nd October, 1914.



Dunedin City (Waipori Falls) Lands Vesting Bill. The Lands Committee, to which was referred the above Bill, has the honour to report that it lias Carefully considered same, and recommends that it be allowed to proceed as amended by I lie Local Bills Committee. 22nd October, 1914.

No. 375.—Petition of Matene Utiku and Another. Pbayino that they be compensated for their expenditure in improving .Ylotuhara Island whilst it was leased to them. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends this petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 22nd October, 1914.

No. 577. —Petition of Henry Brown and 72 Others. (Second Report.) Praying that the Government do not pass legislation authorizing the sale of certain sections in the Borough of Inglewood. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends this petition to the Government for favourable consideration. 23rd 0 tober, 1914.

No. 593. -Petition of Bay of Plenty Flax-milling Company (Limited). Praying that legislation be passed enabling the petitioner to acquire the reversion expectant mi the lease of certain Native land, under section 110, Native Land Amendment Act, 1913. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to the petition, but, in view of the urgent necessity for the closer settlement of this land, considers that the Government should determine the lease under section 375 of the Native Land Act, 1909. 23rd October, 1914.

Kauri-uum Industry Amendment Bill. The Lands Committee, to which was referred the above Bill, has the honour to report thai it has carefully considered same, and recommends that it be allowed to proceed without amendment. 23rd October, 1914.

NO. 152. —Petition of W. J. Hunt. (Second' Report.) I'kavixu for compensation for loss of timber rights in Ngarara Block. 1 am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 23rd October, 1914. "No. 449.—Petition of Robert Glentworth. Praying for further compensation for improvements effected on Section 5, Block 11. Tangitu. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that the Government should pay the petitioner the money due him on the cattle, and in addition £20 as a compassionate allowance. 29th October, 1914.

No. 483.—Petition of P. J. Murphy. Praying for compensation in connection with a prosecution under section 69 of the Land Act, 1908. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 29th October, 1914.

Reserves and other Lands Disposal and Public Bodies Empowering Bill. Thk Lands Committee, to which was referred the above Bill, has the honour to report that it has carefully considered same, and recommends that it be allowed to proceed without amendment. 31st October, 1914.



Public Reserves and Domains Amendment Bill. The Lande Committee, to which was referred the above Bill, has the honour to report that it has carefully considered same, and recommends that it be allowed to proceed without amendment. 31et October, 1914.

Special Report (re Chairman). The Lande Committee desires to place on record its appreciation of the courtesy, tact, and the able manner which the Chairman, Mr. Edward Newman, presided over the deliberations of the Committee during the session. 31st October, 1914.

Final Report. T have the honour to report that the Lands Committee has during the session held 20 meetings. The number of petitions referred to the Committee was 45, 42 of which were reported to the House, and 3 held over until next session. One. paper and 10 Bills were referred to the Committee, all of which have been reported to the House. 31st October, 1914.

Schedule of Petitions held over for Consideration next Session. No. 94.—Petition of John Rountree. No. 431. —Petition of George Pirie and 2 Others. No. 608.—Petition of Mayor, Councillors, and Citizens ok Wellington.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation .not nivtsn : printing (S6O copies), £3 17s. 6d.

Authority : John Mackay. Government Printer. Wellington.- 1914.

Prim 6d. |

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LANDS COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. E. NEWMAN, Chairman.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1914 Session I, I-05

Word Count

LANDS COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. E. NEWMAN, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1914 Session I, I-05

LANDS COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. E. NEWMAN, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1914 Session I, I-05

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