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Presented to both House* of tht General Assembly pursuant to the Friendly Societies Act, 1909, Section '■). and //it, Trade-unions Act, 1908, Section Iβ. The Registrar of Friendlt Societies to the Hun. the Minister. Snt, — I have the honour to submil herewith, in accordance with the Act, the annual report of this Office for the pear ended 31st December, L 913. I have, &c, ttoirr. E. Hates, Wellington, 20th June, 1914. Registrar of Friendly Societies. OPERATIONS OF NEW ZEALAND SOCIETIES. Registrations. There were registered during the past year 22 new societies and branches, distributed among the various orders as Follows: M.U.1.0.0.F., 5 Lodges; 1.0.0. F., 5 lodges; A.0.F., 2 courts; [.0.R., 8 tents; isolated friendly societies, 1 ; specially authorized societies, 1. The following registrations were cancelled :— By dissolution : Otago Railway Employers' Benefit Society. By request: M.U.1.0.0.F. —Mangonui Lodge (Auckland District). The following amalgamation was registered: M.U.1.0.0.F., Westland District, with North Westland District. Court Queen of the Isles, A.0.F., was converted to a branch of the Canterbury United District, A.0.F.; Court City of Auckland, A.0.F., seceded from Auckland District, A.O.F. The secession of Court Pride of Parnell, A.0.1 , '.. From the Auckland District lias also been notified. The position of the orders in respeel of registration is shown by the following summary as at the beginning and end of L 913 : —

1-H. 1.

w Registrations Registrations Name of Order. at 1st January, F.stablished. Closed. at 31st Dei» 1913. cember, 1913. Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows .. 223 5 2 226 Independent Order of Odd Fellows .. .. .. 85 5 .. 90 National Independent Order of Odd Fellows .. .. 3 .. .. 3 British United Order of Odd Fellows .. .. 1 .. .. L Ancient Order of Foresters .. .. .. 148 2 1 149 Ancient Order of Shepherds .. .. .. 2 .. .. 2 United Ancient Order of Druids .. .. .. 139 .. 139 Independent Order of Rechabites . .. .. .. 68 S .. 76 Sons and Daughters of Temperance .. .. .. 11 .. .. 11 Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society .. 51 .. .. 51 Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia .. 12 .. .. J2 Railway Employees' Benefit Society .. .. 1 .. 1 Isolated friendly societies .. .. .. 24 L .. 25 Working-men's clubs .. .. .. .. ■• 16 .. .. l(j Independent Order of Good Templars .. .. .. 55 .. 55 Specially authorized societies .. .. .. .. 18 1 .. 19 226 90 3 1 149 2 139 76 11 51 12 25 16 55 19 Totals .. .. .. 857 22 4 875 22 875 __ I I A oomplete list of societies and branches on the register as at the end of 1913 is given in Appendix I.



Rules. The rules of 52 societies and branches came under revision in one form or another for amendment during 1913. Complete amendments were registered during the year, viz. : — M.U.l.O.O.F.—Mastertoii (Wellington District); Otago District. I.O.O.F.—Unity, Wynyard. A.O.F. —Hawke's Bay District; Taranaki District; Star of Belfast (Canterbury United District). H.A.C.B.S.—St. Patrick's (Wellington), St. Aloysius, St. Da's. Sts. Peter and Paul's (Hutt), Sacred Heart (Thorndon), (New Zealand District). I.F.S.—Christchurch United Friendly Societies' Dispensary Partial Amendment of Rules registered. Partial amendments for the following were made : — M.U.l.O.O.F. —Wellington District*; Antipodean and Martinborough (Wellington District); Ashley District; Nelson District; Auckland District (2); Matamata (Auckland District); Ashburton District (2); Wanganui (Wanganui District); Perseverance (North Canterbury District); Lyttelton District; City of Norwich (Lyttelton District); South Canterbury District (3); Pleasant Point, Timaru, and Makikihi (South Canterbury District); Dunback (Otago District); Southland District ; Balfour (Southland District). B.U.O.O.F.—Aorangi Lodge. A.O.F.—Hawke's Bay District; Pride of Eltham (Taranaki District); Wellington District; Canterbury United District. U.A.O.l).—Grand Lodge of the North Island of New Zealand (3); Grand Lodge of Canterbury. I.O.R.—New Zealand District: New Zealand Central District. W.M.C.—Petone Working-men's Club and Literary Institute (2); Napier Working-men's Club. S.A.S. —Wellington United Friendly Societies' Dispensary. I.F.S. —Wellington Corporation Tramways and Electric Lighting Friendly Society. Annual Returns. I am pleased to report that the annual returns for the year ended 31st December, 1913, have reached this office in greater numbers and more promptly than hitherto. The tables contain a record number of returns. Many societies, however, failed to strictly comply with the Act, which requires the returns to reach me on or before the 31st March. The number outstanding at that, date in each society was as follows : — Annual Returits Outstanding at 31st March, 1914Name of Society. Central „ , MU.1.0.0.F.— Body. Branches. Auckland District ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 New Plymouth District ... ... ... ... ... 0 Wanganui District ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 North Westland District ... ... ... ... 1 North Canterbury District ... ... ... ... 1 G South Canterbury District ... ... ... ... ... 1 Otago District ... ... ... ... ... . 4 1.0.0. F. ol' New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... 1 42 N.1.0.0.F. ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 A.O.F.— Hawke's Bayi District ... ... ... ... 1 Taranaki District ... ... ... ... ... 2 Wellington* District ... ... ... ... 4 Nelson District ... ... ... ... ... 2" South Canterbury District ... ... ... ... 2 ■** United Otago District ... ... ... ... 2 Courts separately registered ... ... ... ] U.A.O.D.— Grand Lodge of the North Island of New Zealand ... 7 Grand Lodge of Canterbury ... ... ... ... 2 Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland ... ... 4 1.0.R.— New Zealand District ... ... ... ... 1 New Zealand Central District... ... .., ... ... :j S.D.T. —Divisions separately registered ... ... 1 H.A.C.B.S. ... ... ... ... ... 1 24 P.A.F.S.A. ... ... ... ... ... 1 1.F.5., &c. ... ... ... ... ... ... 21 4 146 150 If these returns had been sent forward as promptly as those which conformed to the Act it would have been possible to present this report on the first day of the session,



Departmental Offices and Staff. The offices ol' the Registrar, together with the National Provident Fund, have been transferred from the Government Buildings to the Bank of New Zealand Building, Te Aro, owing to spacepressure. The change enabled the whole staff to be accommodated under one roof, which conduces to a more efficient supervision of the work. I have to report that the staff, in the face of changes and interruptions, have loyally performed their duties, although this has on several occasions involved considerable inroads on their own time. General Statistics. Membership and Funds. The following table shows the increased membership in 681 lodges" of the Dominion, which furnished returns for 1913 :— Number of members, Ist January ... ... ... 73,579 Number admitted by— Initiation, &c. ... ... ... ... ... 6,048 Clearance ... ... ... ... 764 6,812 80,391 Number who died ... ... ... ... ... 523 Number left by— Clearance . ... ... ... 844 Arrears, (fee. ... ... ... ... ... 5,333 6,700 Number of members at 31st December ... ... ... 73,691 The increase in membership during 1913 was 0"15 per cent., as compared with 220 per cent, for 1912, a result not unexpected in a year noted for industrial upheavals. The total funds of the societies and branches as on the -list December, 1913, amounted to £1,643,177, made up as follows: Sick and Funeral Funds (inclusive of amounts transferred to special funds out of surplus). .£1,517,708; Medical and Management Funds, goods, &c, £125,469. Dividing the total funds by the number of members at the end of the year, it is found the average capital per member is now £22 6s.

Taking the several years 1904—1913, the number of lodges whose returns were tabulated, the number of members, total funds, and average capital per member at the end of each were as under : —

The following statement shows the disposal of the total funds (including those of the central bodies) as on the 31st December, 1913 : —

Year. Number of Lodges tabulated. Number of Members. Total Funds Average Capital. 1904 1905 190G 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 479 501 500 51G 505 567 009 658 664 681 47,302 51,103 53,759 56,817 58,517 64,428 68,006 71,771 73,243 73,691 £ 936,388 996,224 1,057,821 1,118,217 1,123,886 1,266,297 1,367,282 1,441,353 1,553,339 1,643,177 £ s. d. 19 15 11 19 9 11 19 13 6 19 13 7 19 4 1 19 13 1 20 2 1 20 1 8 2174 2 22 f 6 0

Funds. Assets. lick and Funeral Funds iurplus Appropriation Funds, &c. .. Ianagement Funds, goods, &c. Vidow and Orphans' Funds )istress, Benevolent Funds, &e. £ .. 1,465,159 52,549 83,615 13,156 28,698 Investments at interest .. Value of land and buildings Cash not bearing interest.. Value of goods Other assets Owing by Management Fund Total £ .. 1,391,972 173,614 51,339 14,073 10,439 1,740 .. £1,643,177 Total .. .. £1,043,177 * The word "lodge," when applied to all societies, i 1 couit," " tent," &c, as used in the various orders. to be understood as embracing tbe synonymous tetms



The next table shows the number of members of friendly societies, the amount of their accumulated capital, and the average capital per member, in each of the Australian States and in the Dominion of New Zealand, according to the latest received statistics, arranged in order of membership : —

Sickness. The number of members sick dining 1913 was 1 I .s:i<), equal to 1670 per 100 members at risk. The sickness experienced during 1913 was 107,934 weeks, equal to '•> weeks I day per sick member, and 1 week 3 days for each member at risk.

Owing in great measure to differences in the proportion of members at the several ages, the averages in the several districts differ considerably, also in the several societies or orders. The figures for the five large orders for 1913 are found to be as follows : —

The percentage of members sick for the year 1913 was therefore highest in the A.0.F., while the average sickness per member at risk was highest in the M.1'.1.0.0.F. and lowest in the 1.0.0. F. In 1912 the percentage of members sick was 17'."i7. the average sickness per member sick was B'sB weeks, and the average sickness per member at risk I'sl weeks.

Mortality. The following statement of average mortality experienced for the year is given herewith, but it takes no account of age incidence: —

Sick and Funeral Fwnds. The contributions and entrance fees paid to Sick and Funeral Funds in 1913 amounted to £111,475. Divided by the mean number of members the average was £1 Ids. 3d., which is the same as in 1912. The interest and rent received by the lodges and central bodies amounted to £68,723 in 1913, equal to 18s. Bd. per member, as against 17s. lid. for 1912. The amount of sickness benefit paid was £74,783 in 1913, equal to £6 (is. 4d. per member sick, and £1 os. 4d. per member-, as against £5 [Ss. 9d. and IDs. lid. respectively for 1912. Viewing the amount paid in relation to the weeks of sickness, the average benefit per week is found to be 13s. lOrl. in 1913, which is the same as in 1912. The funeral benefit paid amounted to £15,229 in 1913, equal to Is. 2d. per member, as compared with 3s. lOd. for 1912. The total worth of the Sicl; and Funeral Funds of 6f<l lodges at the beginning of 1913 was £1,380,750, and at the end of the year £1,465,159. as compared with 664 lodges, worth £1,298,137

State or Dominion. Date of Keturn. Number of Lodges. Number of Members. Amount of Funds. Capital per Member. New South Wales .. Victoria New Zealand South Australia Queensland Tasmania.. Western Australia .. .. 31st December, 1912 1912 1912 190& 191i 191S 191i 1,898 1,505 G64 529 519 187 289 186,577 153,921 73/243 58,292 47,204 22,480 18,901 £ 1,617,616 2,361,464 1,553,339 863,998 630,090 216,334 200,223 £ s. d. 8 13 5 15 6 10 21 4 2 14 16 5 13 7 0 9 12 6 10 11 10

I Percentage Sick. Sickness per Member. Ratio (per Sick. At Risk. 61l £Sh.. Cent.) to Total Sickness. Order. Second After 6 Months. 12 Months. il.U. I.O.O.F. .O.O.F. LO.F. J.A.O.D. .. :.o.b. 16-81 14-56 16-91 16-86 16-02 Weeks. 10-67 0-96 1009 6-80 8-29 Weeks. 1-79 46 101 69 1-71 49 115 68 1-33 59 8 46 9 22 9 42 9 23 7 34 All societies 10-70 9-12 1-52 53 9 38

Mei tbers. Wives. Year. Number who died. Number per 1,000 Members at Risk. Number who died. Nmutepjr 1,000 :909 .910 L911 L912 L913 • • i» 1 403 465 475 471 523 6-65 7-33 7-10 6-80 7-38 230 3-90 217 3-42 210 3-14 241 3-48 158 2-23



and £1,383,954, at the beginning and end of 1912. The balance of gain for the year was £84,385, or £1 2s. lid. per member in 1913, as compared with £85,517, or £1 3s. Bd., in 1912.

The averages for the live leading orders and for all societies are given in the following table for the year 1913 : —

Investment of Funds. The net income from investments credited to the Sick and Funeral Funds for 1913 amounted lo £68,723, the average rate being -1-D5 per cent. (say. CI Ills..), as against £4 Mis. 2d. in 1912.

Table showing the Total Worth of the Sick and Funeral Funds of 681 Lodges as on the 1st January, 1913, and the 31st december, 1913, inclusive of the Accumulations held by the central Bodies; also the Amount and Average Rate of Interest earned.

Administration of Consolidated Societies. The process ni' consolidating the branch benefit funds of societies into one central fund is still occupying the close attention of many societies throughout the Dominion. Some of the legal difficulties consequent upon these consolidations are now beginning to show, more particularly lhe question of eoiit rolling the investment of those funds held in various parts of the Dominion and which constitute the assets of the central fund of tlie main body. The Friendly Societies Act vests the funds of a society in its trustees, and no separate persons outside those trustees can be legally held responsible for the investment and control of those funds. Any extension of these powers of' Controlling the funds implies a corresponding extension of the penalizing sections of the Act in respect of officers responsible for the safe custody of moneys, securities, &C, and societies that are effecting these changes would do well to bear in mind this important point when adopting new rules. Relations between Central and Branch Funds. A judgment of considerable importance to societies was delivered at the Supreme Court, Wellington. The first part of the judgment deals with the powers of a society to take moneys from branch benefit funds collected for a said purpose, and transfer them to a central fund established for the same purpose. The second part of the judgment dealt with a contingency that could seldom happen in a friendly society, and is consequently of less interest to members. The following is the text of the Chief Justice's judgment :— "This is an action brought by plaintiffs as trustees of a branch of a friendly society called the 'Court Sir Charles Napier,' the branch being a branch of the friendly society called the 'Ancient Order of Foresters,' against the defendants, who are the trustees of the friendly society. The plaintiffs ask the Court to declare that certain rules passed and registered by the friendly society are ultra circs and void, and ask for the issue of an injunction to restrain the society from enforcing compliance with these rules. The new rules with respect to which complaint is made are two. viz.,— " Rule 22. new clause (/i : ' That those Courts who at the end of 1910 have drawn out more than they have paid in should refund the amount.'

Order. Income per J [ember from Outgo per Member for Sick-benefit Average Sickper Member pay per sick. Week. Gain per Member. Contributions. Interest. Sickness. Funerals. M.U.I.O.O.F. I.O.O.F. .. A.O.F. U.A.O.D. .. I.O.R. £ b. d. 1 13 1 1 10 2 18 7 1 10 5 1 4 2 £ s. d. 15 5 0 13 5 111 0 10 6 0 18 0 £ b. d. 14 1 0 14 11 10 6 0 17 2 0 17 7 £ B. d. 0 4 11 0 2 8 0 5 1 0 2 11 0 3 6 £ s. d. 7 7 7 5 8 8 6 5 4 5 5 9 5 16 6 £ s. d. 0 13 10 0 15 7 0 12 5 0 15 7 0 14 1 £ s. d. 16 7 14 6 14 7 0 18 5 1 0 3 All societies 1 10 3 0 18 8 10 4 0 4 2 6 6 4 0 13 10 1 2 11

Name of Society. Total Worth of Sick and Funeral Fund as on January 1,1913. December 31,1913. Amount of Interest. Average Rate per Cent. M.U.I.O.O.F. I.O.O.F. .. N.I.O.O.F. .. B.U.O.O.F. .. A.O.F. A.O.S. U.A.O.D. .. I.O.R. S.D.T. H.A.C.B.S. .. P.A.F.S.A. .. E.T.B.F.8. .. £ 623,625 81,967 4,758 2,813 344,452 1,258 189,276 69,311 15,524 26,144 19,377 2,245 £ 655,519 89,605 4,745 2,976 364,770 1,253 205,613 73,267 16,399 28,021 20,635 2,356 £ 30,469 4,178 257 146 17,446 69 9,308 3,520 853 1,266 1,112 99 £ 4-88 4-99 5-56 5-17 5-04 5-65 4-83 5-06 5-49 4-79 5-72 4-40 Totals .. 1,380,750 1,465,159 68,723 4-95


After this action was commenced these rules were slightly amended, and were registered as follows : — "Rule 22, new clause (y) : 'That one-fourth of each member's contributions paid into the Court's Sick and Funeral Fund be paid into the Central Sick Fund.' " '22. (/.) Those courts who at the end of 1910 have drawn out of the Central Sick Fund more than they have paid in will refund the amount to the said fund.' " ' 22. ((/.) One-fourth of each member's contributions payable into the court's Sick and Funeral Fund shall be paid into the Central Sick Fund, to meet cases of sickness continuing after twelve months, together with the levy under clause (c).' " The court or branch has a court fund usually called the ' Sick and Funeral Fund.' This is the main fund of the court, and the rules provide for the payments according to the age of the members being paid to this fund. These payments vary for males from 2s. 6d. per month when under nineteen years of age to 4s. lid. from thirty-nine to forty. Every member has to pay in addition 6d. per quarter to the Central Sick Fund, which is a district fund. The Sick and Funeral Fund has to bear the cost of funeral allowances and sick-charges up to twelve months. After twelve months' sickness the sick-pay is paid by the district out of the ' Central Sick Fund.' Up to the passing of these new rules this ' Central Sick Fund ' was kept up by the payment of (id. per quarter already referred to, and by 3d. per quarter by the court paid by it out of its Sick and Funeral Fund, in all a sum of 3s. per member per year. I am dealing only with male members. A different charge is made for female members. Then comes clause (g), which enacts that in addition to the 3s. a year, a court must pay one-fourth of each member's contributions to the court's Sick and Funeral Fund to the Central (or District) Sick Fund. " The plaintiffs complain that, the district not having raised the contributions of members to the Sick and Funeral Fund of a court, it will be impossible for a court to pay the sicknesscharge hitherto paid and by the rules payable to its members if, in addition to the levy or contribution of 3s. per year, one fourth of its Sick and Funeral Fund is taken from it for the Central Sick Fund. "What is termed the funeral benefit is really a life-insurance benefit. On the death of a male member his relatives are entitled to £30. This funeral benefit is due to be paid by the court, but the court practically reinsures in the district, and for the payment of a certain sum out of the Sick and Funeral Fund the district undertakes this liability. What, then, has happened in the past is that a court out of the Sick and Funeral Fund has paid to the district a sum for reinsurance of funeral benefits, and has also paid out of its Sick and Funeral Fund a contribution to the Central (or District) Sick Fund, the district paying for sickness which continues after twelve months. " The question raised by the plaintiffs as to the new rule (g) —l prefer to take that rule first —is. Can a district transfer from a Sick and Funeral Fund a share of that fund to the Central Sick Fund? The plaintiffs contend that such an action is a violation of the provisions of the Friendly Societies Act. 1909, section 40. Subsections (1) and (2) of that section are as follows :— " ' (1.) In all registered friendly societies and registered blanches thereof all moneys received or paid on account of each particular fund for which a separate table of contributions has been adopted shall be kept separate and distinct, and shall be entered in a separate account distinct from the moneys received and paid on account of any other fund; and a separate fund or funds shall be established for the payment of all expenses of management, and of all expenses (if any) on account of medical or surgical attendances, including medicine and medical and surgical requisites. " ' (2.) Save as in this Act expressly provided, no transfer shall be made of the moneys of any one benefit fund to meet the liabilities of any other fund, nor shall such moneys, or any interest accruing therefrom, be in any manner applied for the use, whether temporary or permanent, of any fund save the fund to which they properly belong.' " It is urged that what is being done is to take Sick and Funeral Funds to lie used for Sick Funds only. "To this the defendants make two answers: (1) They say that it is not taking funds from one fund and placing the/n to a fund for a different purpose; (2) they raise the point that this Court has no jurisdiction to deal with the internal affairs of a society unless there is some express law violated. " I am of opinion that, so far as this rule is concerned, the Court cannot inquire as to what its effect may be in making a court what is called unfinnncial or insolvent ; and I am also of opinion that this is not a violation of section 40 (2). All the sick and funeral benefits have to come out of the Sick and Funeral Fund. I see no violation of that subsection in the court taking a sum out of that fund to reinsure funeral benefits, and I understand that this has been done for years. The Sick and Funeral Fund is still to be used for sick and funeral benefits. All, in fact, that Rule 22 (g) does is to take from the fund more for the Central Sick Fund than has hitherto been demanded. It is not transferring a Sick Fund to another purpose : the fund is to be used for sickness. It is not a case wdiere there has been such a taking as to leave nothing for funeral purposes: they are provided for. If it should happen that the usual contributions to the Sick and Funeral Fund of a court are not sufficient to pay for sickness up to twelve months, then it seems to me under Rule 49 (a) contributions may be increased, for that rule states that a male member shall contribute, &c, ' not less than provided in the following scale.' Rule 49 (b) makes provision as to the contributions of female members. lam of opinion, therefore, that as to Rule 22 (g) the claim of the plaintiffs has not been substantiated. " The question as to whether Rule 22 (/) is ultra, vires is one of considerable difficulty. The first inquiry must be. What power has a district to make rules?




"There seems no direct statement as to what rules a society may enact. Section 31 of the Act of 1909 provides that no amendment of rules shall be registered unless the rules as amended contain all the provisions that would lie required in such rules in accordance with the Second or Third Schedules of the Act. The Second Schedule deals with the rules of societies, and the Third Schedule with the rules of branches. There is nothing very precise in these rules. Rules can be altered: but I apprehend that rules, like other laws, can speak only from their registration. What Rule 22 (/) purports to do is to demand from a branch a return of benefits paid to the branch and which the branch has disbursed to its members. It is, as was put by Mi. Skerrett, to demand from the shareholders of a company the dividends paid to them. It is even more than that, for the sick-benefits paid were paid in pursuance with the rules, and it is ordering that these benefits be repaid. " It is not unusual for friendly societies by rules to make levies on branches or courts; but I am not aware that it has been held that they may make a levy that bears unequally on branches, and that is not in conformity with some general principle. This rule, if it can be construed as a lew, is not on the principle of equality. It is making a levy by seeking to set aside or treat as null a rule that has been in existence and has been acted upon. " Further, the rule may have the effect of taking all the Sick and Funeral Fund : and it was stated that in one court this would happen, thus preventing members getting possible funeral benefits, for the lodge may have no money to reinsure its members for funeral benefits. Were this to happen the provisions of section 40 of the Friendly Societies Act, 1909, would be violated, for no funds for funeral benefits would be left. "The power to alter rules is not clear: Rule 39 (h) shows how rules can be altered. It reads as follows : — " ' 39. (h.) Any courts wishing to make or alter any of these rules shall summon a meeting of the whole court for that purpose, and should the court sanction an alteration in any rule or prepare a new one, notice thereof, duly certified by C.R., S.C.R., and secretary, with court seal attached, shall be sent to the district secretary and each court in the district at least two months prior to a district meeting, at which meeting such new or amended rule shall be brought forward for confirmation or rejection. The executive shall also have power to prepare any new rule or the amendment of any district or subordinate court rule, and it is hereby provided that a copy of all proposed alterations to rules by the executive shall be sent to each court at least two months prior to a district meeting, at which they shall be brought forward for confirmation or otherwise.' " I assume, however, that this rule is sufficient to authorize the society to alter the rules, and the altered rule would bind a member of the society; and a branch or lodge or court is a member. How far this power of alteration can go is seen in Allen v. Gold Reefs of West Africa (Limited) (1900, 1 Ch. 657) in the case of a company, in Smith r. Galloway (1898, 1 Q.B. 71) in the case of a friendly society, in Pepe v. City and Suburban Permanent Building Society (1893, 2 Ch. 311) in the case of a building society, in Baily v. British Equitable Assurance Company (1904, 1 Ch. 374), reversed on appeal (1906, A.C. 35), in the case of an assurance company. These are all cases—and more might be quoted—in which it is clear that where there is a legal power in a company or society the members are subject to it in their future relations with the company or society. All these cases are applicable when considering the new Rule 22 (g); but Rule 22 (/) is not the alteration of a rule to affect future cases, but it is the negation and repeal of a subsisting rule and current arrangement. It is treating the existing rules as having been non-existent and ordering moneys paid under them to be returned. This is more than what is called a retrospective or retroactive law. Such a law may modify or even destroy existing rights. This law does more :it orders a matter ended and concluded to be reopened and dealt with as if the law now enacted had been in existence in the past. As to retrospective by-laws see Smith v. Cox (1910, 13 Gaz. L.R. 181); Smith v. New Zealand Express Company (1910. 13 Gaz. L.R. 183). " The question is. Has the fact that the rules were registered made them valid? Our statute has not the words used in the statute 4 and 5 Will. IV. cap. 40, sec. 4 (referred to in Dewhurst v. Clarkson (1854, 3 - E. AR. 19!), and in Osborne v. Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants (1909, 1 Ch. 163; 1910, A.C. 87). making the rules binding on all members and officers. Further, the rules of a frietidly society must be ' consistent with the requirements of the Friendly Societies Act and the law of New Zealand.' It was admitted by counsel for the defendants that if an amending rule were not consistent with the Act and with the laws of New Zealand, this Court had power to declare the amending rule ultra vires, and that it was not necessary to invoke the aid of the forum set up in the rules. " I am of opinion that the proposed alteration in Rule 22 (/) goes beyond a mere alteration, and is tint in accordance with the rules. I am further of opinion that Rule 22 (/) may take all the Sick and Funeral Fund, and will do so in the case of one court, and leave nothing for funeral benefits. It is a violation of section 40 to take a Sick and Funeral Fund and apply it to one object only. " For these reasons I am of opinion that the Court should, so far as paragraph (/) is concerned, make the order asked for and grant an injunction if the defendants attempt to carry out the provisions of Rule 22 (/.)." Ownership of Hai.i.. It is found that there frequently exists considerable doubts as to the particular fund that can legally claim the hall property of a society as an asset. Many of these properties have been acquired years ago. and the mode of financing their purchase is lost in obscurity. What has repeatedly come before the Department is the fact that lodges have financed hall properties out



of their Sick and Funeral Funds, and in cases where the property turns out to be a paying investment almost invariably an attempt is subsequently made to transfer that property to the Management Fund. I have no record, however, of any hall property having been transferred to the Management Fund where the hall was a losing concern. Lodge officials would therefore be wise to note that where benefit-fund moneys have been advanced for the purpose of acquiring a hall, the property remains as an asset of that benefit fund, and any transfer of the property to another fund is illegal. Two such eases came under notice during Ihe year. In one instance I found on personal examination of the society's books that the original advance for the purchase of the property had actually been made from the Management Fund, although for every subsequent year the property had been shown as an asset of the Sick Fund. In this case, as the intention of the lodge to place the liability on the Management Fund was clear, the accounts were adjusted, and ihe property will in future be accounted for as a Management Fund asset. In the other case it was obvious that there was an attempt to transfer the property from the Sick Fund which had borne the risk of the investment up to that date. After considerable trouble and continued objection on the part of the lodge, the officials complied with the Act. Irbegular Transfer of Surplus Moneys. I find it necessary to draw the attention of societies' officials and management committees to section 41 (2) of the Friendly Societies Act, 1909, which prohibits the appropriation and transfer of surplus funds unless with the consent of ibis Department. Any such transfer can only be authorized when the conditions laid down by the departmental officers have been com plied with. I regret to state that during the year a case arose where the lodge authorities illegally transferred a considerable surplus sum from its Sick and Funeral Fund to Management Fund. As a portion of the surplus consisted of a hall property that would require to be written down, the transfer could lie authorized only after reducing the total by the amount of depreciation. The Lodge, however, persisted in ignoring the conditions, and showed its disregard for the Act by transferring the unreduced amount. It was impossible to pass over such a defiance of the Act, and with the authority of the Minister proceedings were authorized to be taken against the trustees requiring them to return to the Sick and Funeral Fund the amount over-appropriated. I am glad to say, however, that the lodge saw fit to comply with the Act before the matter reached the Magistrate's Court. Attention is directed to the case for the purpose of intimating to societies that the terms of the Act respecting the transfer or appropriation of surplus benefit-moneys must lie strictly adhered to. Prosecution for Falsifying Balance-sheet. On the 19th February, 1913, a charge was laid against J. McLean, secretary of the Hope of Amberley Lodge, U.A.0.D., Canterbury, for an offence against the Friendly Societies Act in that he did make false entries in the balance-sheet of the lodge as submitted to the Registrar's Office. This constituted an offence under sections 74 (c) and 78 of the Act. The defendant was duly convicted and ordered to pay the costs of the prosecution. British Insurance Act. 1 append for the information of societies some extracts from the first annual report of the Commissioners administering this Act. "The Work of the Commission in relation to Approved Societies. "The relations between the central authority and the approved societies, over two thousand in number, which, with their over twenty thousand branches, have undertaken national insurance business, are in certain respects of a kind not previously familial- in English government. Fach approved society retains its-own identity, and is a voluntary, an independent, and often a purely local body. The sickness and maternity benefits provided under the statute are administered for the whole insured population (except deposit contributors) through these thousands of separate Societies and branches, so that the individual insured person can continue to draw benefit under the State scheme from the voluntary body to which he has been accustomed. "The advantages which were foreseen, and have proved to arise, from the adoption of this method of administration have been mainly three: First, the initial impetus necessary to secure that a very great number of persons should enter State insurance by the 15th July, 1912, was gained by using for this purpose the existing machinery of frequent meetings, regular dissemination of information, and übiquitous canvassing which the societies had in working for private insurance purposes; secondly, the reception of the Act by the insured population was made much more favourable by the association of State insurance with societies created by the people themselves and inspired by a tradition of forethought, thrift, and financial stability: thirdly, the State insurance scheme obtained the advantage of operating through bodies which in the course of many years' working had adjusted themselves in an almost infinite variety of details to the needs of the many different types of the population who had been enrolled in voluntary insurance. "The changes in the organization of societies which a uniform scheme of national insurance, and a uniform financial system set up under the scheme, made necessary have been carried out through the governing bodies and the officials of societies. Where the individual insured person comes in contact with the detailed administration of national insurance he finds, if he lias been in voluntary insurance before, remarkably little change in the system to which he is



accustomed, while, if he is entering insurance for the first time, he can still exercise a free choice between a number of different systems, and receive his benefits through the one which accords most exactly with his individual needs and tastes. " The payment of contributions by means of stamps on cards is in itself novel, but the old member of a society takes or sends his card to the same official to whom he formerly paid his club subscription, lie receives benefit through his old society. He calls for it as before on the meeting-day of his local lodge, or receives it from the agent of his society whom he already knows, or, if his society is centralized, he receives it as before by postal remittance. "Practically every variety of organization previously engaged in insurance in any form is now represented in the administration of the Act. from the slate club covering a single village to the industrial assurance company with representatives through the United Kingdom. Societies which previously gave sickness benefit, and trade-unions, to many of which work of this character is new, have alike taken steps to make State insurance easily available for their members. Under the Act societies retain their own methods of self-government, with every variation in their internal arrangements, and, if they have branches, in the degree of local autonomy and independence assigned to them. " Two important facts require to be remembered in considering the autonomy left with approved societies under the Act. On the one hand the normal scheme of benefits is laid down in the Act itself, and is not determined, as in private insurance, by the society or its members. The consequent general uniformity of benefits, and security against variation except under defined conditions, must be borne in mind in considering how the requirements of the Act as to self-government were translated into effect in the rules of particular societies. On the other hand, successful administration of the benefits laid down in the Act depends upon societies themselves, who have as great an interest as in private insurance in securing efficiency and economy. There is no common fund out of which benefits are payable. The ' National Health Insurance Fund ' consists of the separate credits of individual societies. Every society in paying benefit is drawing on its own credit and spending its own money. Any undue laxity may impose upon the society, when it has undergone a valuation, the necessity of making a levy, or of reducing the rate of benefit which it pays to its members; while, conversely, economical administration may enable a society to provide additional benefits. " Insured Persons in Octolier, 19FJ. etfler First Quarter's Working of System. Members of Deposit Approved Societies. Contributors. "England ... ... ... ... ... 10,325,000 395,021 Scotland ... ... ... ... ... 1,513,540 27,169 Ireland ... ... ... ... ... 684,360 15,760 Totals ... ... ... 12,522,900 437,950" Trade-unions. Eight trade-unions were registered during the year, viz. : The Oamaru Waterside Workers' Union; the Southland Freezing-works Employees' Union; the Puponga Trade-union of Workers; the Auckland Waterside Trade-union of Workers; the Point Elizabeth State Miners' Tradeunion; the Westport Waterside Workers' Union; the Millerton Mine-workers' Union; the Wakamarina Miners and Workers' Trade-union. The Southland Freezing-works Employees' Union cancelled its registration during the year. There were .'ill unions on the register at the end of the year. Complete amendments of rules : Wellington Waterside Workers' Union and Point Elizabeth State Miners' Trade-union. Partial amendments of rules: Lyttelton Stevedores' Trade-union and Auckland Waterside Trade-union of Workers. Incorporated Societies Act. During 1913 there were ill societies, clubs, or associations incorporated under this Act, and amendments of rules of 46 societies were accepted. Two societies were wound up and one dissolved. On the .'list December, 11)13. there were 883 incorporated bodies on the register. EXPLANATORY NOTE OF TERMS USED IN REPORT. A.0.F... .. .. .. .. Ancient Order of Foresters. A.O.S. .. .. .. ■• Ancient Order of Shepherds. 8.U.0.0.F. .. .. .. .. British United Order of Odd Fellows. H.A.C.B.S. .. .. .. .. Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. I.K.S. .. .. .. .. .. Isolated friendly society. 1.0. G.T. .. .. .. .. Independent Order of Good Templars. [.0.0. F. .. .. .. .. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. 1.0. R. .. .. ... ■■ Independent Order of Rechabites. M.U.1.0.0.F. .. .. .. .. Manohester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows. N.1.0.0.F. .. .. .. .. National Independent Order of Odd Fellows. P.A.F.S.A. .. .. .. .. Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia. S.A.S. .. .. .. • • Specially authorized society. K.D.T. .. .. .. .. Sons and Daughters of Temperance. U.A.O.D. .. .. United Ancient Order of Druids. W.M.C. .. .. .. Working-men's Club. 2—H. 1.



REPORT BY THE ACTUARY. To the Registrar. During the year a considerable amount of attention was occupied by that portion of my duties relating to the advising of societies on actuarial matters. As these strike at the very root of friendly societies' financial organization, it is gratifying to note the increasing tendency of the societies to seek actuarial assistance; and I should not fail to record appreciation of the earnest co-operation and assistance afforded by so many of the leaders of the societies in suitably bringing the somewhat complicated points home to the members. 1 am able to state that during the last four years the financial progress of societies from the actuarial point of view has not been retarded by any of those sudden launchings upon unsound schemes or ill-considered financial measures which were formerly such a prolific cause of trouble. Coming now to the valuations, I have to report that, as in previous years, the valuations made during 1913 were based upon the experience of the New Zealand friendly societies up to age 70, and upon Sutton's English Sickness Tables and 'Fan's Healthy English Mortality Tables after that age. Where a society's experience showed a systematic deviation from the above standard, as in the case of miners and females, the results were suitably modified. Brief notes regarding the societies valued in the year are appended. New Zealand Branch, M.U.1.0.0.F. At the valuation date the New Zealand Branch of the Manchester Unity comprised the following districts, which, while more or less financially independent, are subject to the rules of the branch: Auckland, Taranaki, Wanganui, Hawke's Bay, Wellington Nelson, Marlborough, Motueka, North Westland, Westland, Ashley. North Canterbury, and Ashburton. As this is the first occasion upon which the valuation dates of these districts have been made to fall together, a bird's-eye view of the position of the branch as a whole can be given. The membership at the valuation date was 15,377. An examination shows that the sickness experience in the four or five years preceding the valuation differed by less than 2 per cent, from the standard New Zealand societies' tables, whilst the mortality was a little below the standard. The mean rate of interest earned on the benefit funds as a whole was 4f per cent. At the date of the valuation the Sick and Funeral Funds amounted in all to .£354,739, or considerably over one-third of a million, and the valuation disclosed the following result: Surpluses in solvent lodges, £68,990; deficiencies in deficiency lodges. £39,000: net surplus, £29 990. If the surpluses of £68,990 were assumed to be drawn out and used for other purposes (as will certainly be done with part of the amount), the branch would remain in a deficiency of £39,000. This may look a large amount, but it must be remembered that all the figures of the branch are large. ' In point of fact it represents a deficiency of only lid. in the pound. On the whole the position is certainly very good indeed, a result very largely due to the fact that the branch has always insisted upon an adequate scale of contributions. It is quite clear also that a steady improvement will be shown in the near future. Some of the districts affiliated to the branch are dealt with individually hereunder. Auckland District, New Zealand Branch, M.U.1.0.0.F.: Valued as at the 31st December, 1910. At the valuation date there were thirty-six branches, with a membership of 3,787. The sickness experienced for the four years was unfavourable to the extent of £4,138, or 24 per cent. The mortality for the past nine years has agreed fairly closely with the standard, the deaths over the period numbering 219, as compared with an expectation of 212 by the table. Of the thirty-six lodges only eleven succeeded in earning more than 4 per cent, on their funds, eleven more than 3 per cent,, and the remainder failed to reach 3 per cent. The valuation shows that eighteen lodges have deficiencies amounting to £18,184, and thirteen have surpluses amounting to £11.900. the net deficiency over the district as a whole being £6 284 This represents a considerable improvement on the preceding valuation, the more so in view of the fact that on this occasion a special addition has been made to the liabilities of mining lodges. The outlook for the future is promising. North Westland District, New Zealand Branch, M.U .1.0.0. F.: Valued as at the SJst December. 1910. At the valuation date there were seven branches, with a membership of 471. The sickness experience for the past three years was unfavourable to the extent of £537, or about 28 per cent., while during the past eighteen years the mortality has agreed very closely with the standard tables, the number of deaths in that period being fifty-six, as against fiftyseven expected. The interest earnings were good in all excepting two new lodges. Three of the seven lodges earned over 5 per cent,, one exceeding 1\ per cent. The mean rate earned over the soeietv as a whole was 5-39 per cent. . The valuation disclosed deficiencies in six lodges amounting to £2,185, and a surplus in one lodge amounting to £712. the net deficiency over the society as a whole being £1.473.



The principal features of this district are the high sickness-rates (which are common to all mining districts) and the high interest-rates. In the past the good interest earnings have tended to make up for the excessive sickness claims, and, could a permanent continuance of such high interest be relied upon, the financial position might be stated much more favourably. Taranaki District, A.0.F.: Valued as at the 31st December, 1910. At the valuation date there were nine branches, with a membership of 1,281. The sickness experience of the quinquennium was favourable to the extent of £311, or 6 per cent. The mortality-rate for the past ten years has been very low, the number of deaths in that period being forty-nine, as against seventy-two expected by the standard table. All but one court earned an interest-rate of over 4 per cent, on their funds. The mean rate earned over the district as a whole was a little over 5 per cent. The valuation discloses surpluses in five courts amounting to £4,001, and deficiencies in four courts amounting to £1,483, the net surplus being £2,518. The society shows a marked improvement on the results shown at the previous valuation, and the generally good position is in no small measure due to efficient management. Grand Lodge of Canterbury District, U.A.0.D.: Valued as nt the 81st December, 1910. At the valuation date there were twenty-three branches, with a membership of 2,900. The sickness experience of the quinquennium was favourable to the extent of £925, or 7 per cent., while the mortality for the past twenty years has been low, the deaths in that period being 216, as against an expectation of 239 by the standard table. Out of the twenty-three lodges only five earned less than 4 per cent. The mean rate over the whole district was over 4J per cent. The valuation discloses deficiencies in twenty-two lodges amounting to £18,099, a surplus in one lodge amounting to £176, and a deficiency in the District Funeral Fund of £5,721, the net deficiency over the district as a whole being £17,923. Though the deficiency is large, the society has during the last fifteen years slowly improved its position, the rates of solvency being now 17s. 2d. in the pound, as against 15s. lid. in 1898. If this improvement is maintained it will be well. During the quinquennium the society abolished the special fund which undertook to give special funeral benefits on the notorious equal levy or assessment system, and which was the subject of criticism in my last valuation report. The society is entitled to credit for grappling with the problem. The society possesses a fund designed to relieve members of their contribution payments after age 70, but the fund promises a great deal more than it is constructed to perform. A. T. Traversi, Actuary.



APPENDIX I. List op Registered Societies, with their Registered Branches, as on 31st December, 1913 I. Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows.

Keg. No. 312. New Zealand Branch, Wellington. 1. Wellington District —Wellington. (J.) Combination Lodge, Johnsonville. (2.) Masterton Lodge, Masterton. (3.) Heart of Oak Lodge, Carterton. (4.) Greytown Lodge, Greytown. (5.) Unity Lodge, Featherston. (6.) St. George Lodge, Pahautanui. (8.) Petone Lodge, Petone. (10.) Rose of Sharon Lodge, Upper Hutt. (ll.) Britannia Lodge, Wellington (12.) Antipodean Lodge, Wellington. (13.) Eketahuna Lodge, Eketahuna. (14.) Martinborough Lodge, Martinborough. (15.) Rose of the Valley Lodge, Hutt. (16.) Mangatainoka Lodge, Mangatainoka. (17.) Newtown Lodge, Newtown. (18.) Victoria Diamond Lodge, Levin. (19.) Sister Wallis Lodge, Wellington. (20.) Kilbirnie Lodge, Kilbirnie. 2. Ashley District —Rangiora. (1.) Leithfield Lodge, Leitlifield. (2.) Cust Lodge, Cust. (3.) Woodend Lodge, Woodend. (4.) Ohoka Lodge, Ohoka. (5.) Oxford Lodge, Oxford. (6.) Amberley Lodge, Amberley. (8.) Waikari Lodge, Waikari. (9.) Rangiora Lodge, Rangiora. (10.) Nil Desperandum Lodge, East Oxford. (12.) Waiau Lodge, Waiau. 3. Nelson District— Nelson. (1.) Howard Lodge, Nelson. (2.) General Cameron Lodge, Brightwater. (4.) Mansion of Peace Lodge, Wakefield. (5.) Travellers' Rest Lodge, Richmond. (6.) Nelson Lodge, Nelson. (7.) Mataki Lodge, Murchison. (8.) Palmyra Lodge, Tadmor. 4. Hawke's Bay District— Napier. (1.) Meeanee Lodge, Taradale. (2.) Abbotsford Lodge, Waipawa. (3.) Clive Lodge, Clive. (4.) Hastings Lodge, Hastings. (6.) Tavistock Lodge, Waipukurau. (7.) Woodville Lodge, Woodville. (8.) Napier Lodge, Napier. (9.) Forest Home Lodge, Ormondville. 10.) Dannevirke Lodge, Dannevirke. (12 ) Rualiine Lodge, Tikokino. (13.) Te Reinga Lodge, Clyde. 5. Auckland District— Auckland. (1.1 Howick Lodge,, Howick. (2.) Charles Bruce Ledge, Thames. (3.) Good Intent Lodge, Auckland. (4.) Waikato Lodge, Thames. (5.) Gisborne Lodge, Gisborne. (6.) Whangarei Lodge, Whangarei. (7.) Franklin Lodge, Otahuhu. (9.) Parnell Lodge, Parnell. (14.) Warkworth Pioneer Lodge, Warkworth. (15.) Fountain of Friendship Lodge, Auckland. (16.) Duke of Cambridge Lodge, Cambridge. (17.) Hauraki Lodge, Coromandel. (18.) Hokianga Lodge, Hokianga. (19.) Karangahake Lodge, Karangahake. (20.) Waihi Lodge, Waihi. (21.) Jubilee Lodge, Paeroa. (22.) Mauukau Lodge, Onehunga. (23.) Rotorua Lodge, Rotorua. (24.) Waitekauri and Golden Cross Lodge, Waite kauri. (25.) Waipu Lodge, Waipu. (27.) Hot Springs Lodge, Te Aroha. (28.) Te Awamutu Lodge, Te Awamutu. (29.) Hamilton Lodge, Hamilton. (30.) Hikurangi Lodge, Hikurangi. (31.) Hand of Friendship Lodge, Huntly.

Reg. No. 5. (32.) Pukekohe Lodge, Pukekohe. (33.) Matamata Lodge, Matamata. (34.) Te Kuiti Lodge, Te Kuiti. (35.) Morrinsville Lodge, Morrinsville. (36.) Ngaruawahia Lodge, Ngaruawahia. (37.) Mamakn Lodge, Mamaku. (38.) Sisters of Friendship Lodge, Auckland. 139.) Sisters of Hamilton Lodge, Hamilton. (40.) Mangapai Lodge, Mangapai. (41.) Dominion Lodge, Mount Eden. (42.) Selwyn Lodge, Putaruru. (43.) Ponsonby Lodge, Auckland. (44.) Waitoa Lodge, Waitoa. (45.) Te Puke Lodge, Te Puke. (46.) Patutahi, Patutahi. (47.) Remuera, Remuera. (48.) Calliope, Devonport. (49.) Hearts of Oak, Taumarunui. 6. Ashburton District —Ashburton. (1.) Ashburton Lodge, Ashburton. (2.1 Pioneer Lodge, Springburn. (3.) Waterton Lodge, Waterton. (5.) Tinwald Lodge, Tinwald. (6.) Methven Lodge, Methven. (7.) Mayfield Lodge. Mayfield. (8.) Hinds Lodge, Hinds. (9.) Rakaia Lodge, Rakaia. 7. Motueka District —Motueka. (1.) Motueka Lodge, Motueka. (2.) Good Intention Lodge, Riwaka. (3.) Takaka Lodge, Takaka. (4.) South Star Lodge, Dovedale. 8. New Plymouth District—New Plymouth. (1.) Excelsior Lodge, New Plymouth. (2.) Waitara Lodge, Waitara. (3.) Union Lodge, Hawera. (4.) Egmont Lodge, New Plymouth. (5.) Manaia Lodge, Manaia. (6.) Eltham Lodge, Eltham. (7.) Midhirst Lodge, Midhirst. (8.) Stratford Lodge, Stratford. (9.) Toko Lodge, Toko. (10.) Opunake Lodge, Te Kiri. (11.) Kaponga Lodge, Kaponga. 10. Wanganui District —Wanganui. (1.) Manawatu Lodge, Palmerston North. (2.) Manchester Lodge, Feilding. (4.) Apiti Lodge, Apiti. (5.) Rangitikei Lodge, Mangaweka. (6.) Hautapu Lodge, Taihape. (7.) Bunnytborpe Lodge, Bunnythorpe. (9.) Wanganui Lodge, Wanganui. (10.) Hunterville Lodge, Hunterville. (11.) Foxton Lodge, Foxton. (12.) Kimbolton Lodge, Kimbolton. (13.) Ohakune Lodge, Ohakune. 11. North Canterbury District— Christchurch. (1.1 Volunteer Lodge, Sydenham. (2.) Perseverance Lodge, Woolston. (4.) Benevolent Lodge, Christchurch. (8.) Kaiapoi Lodge, Kaiapoi. (9.1 Philhpstown Lodge, Phillipstown. (10.1 Leeston Lodge, Leeston. (11.l Papanui Lodge, Papanui. (12.) Coleridge Lodge, Coleridge. (14.) Addington Lodge, Addington. (16.) Malvern Lodge, Waddington. (20.) City of Christchurch Lodge, Christohuroh. (21.) Heart of Oak Lodge, Kaikoura. (22 ) Ricoarton Lodge, Upper Riccarton. (23.) Jubilee Lodge, Prebbleton. (24.1 Sister Pearce Lodge, Christchurch. (25.) Tamahine Lodge, Kaiapoi. 12. Marlborough District —Blenheim. (1.1 Marlborough Lodge, Blenheim. (2.) Renwick Lodge, Renwick.



List of Registered Societies, etc. — continued. I. Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows— continued.

Reg. No. 312-13. North Westland District— Reef ton. (1.1 Reefton Lodge, Reefton. (2.) Westport Lodge, Westport. (3.) Charleston Lodge, Charleston. (5.) Waimangaroa Lodge, Waimangaroa. (6.) Blackball Lodge, Blackball. (7.i Ngakawau Lodge, Granny. (8 ) Mokihinui Lodge, Seddonville. (9.) Albert Lodge, Kumara. (10.) Waimea, Stafford. (11.) Greymoutli, Greymouth. 5. Lyttelton District —Lyttelton. 2. Hand of Friendship Lodge, Okain's Bay. 4. Good Intent Lodge, Akaroa. 5. Perseverance Lodge, Barry's Bay. 6. City of Norwich Lodge, Lyttelton. 7. Hand and Heart Lodge, Pigeon Bay. 10. Wairewa Lodge, Little River. 315. South Canterbury District —Timaru. 1. Timaru Lodge, Timaru. 2. Pleasant Point Lodge, Pleasant Point. 3. Heart of Friendship Lodge, Waimate. 4. Makikihi Lodge, Makikilii. 5. Morven, Morven. 23. Otago District —Dunedin. 1. Outram Lodge, Outram. 2. Albion Lodge, Dunedin. 3. Alexandra Lodge, Port Molyncux. 4. Prince of Wales Lodge, Port Chalmers. 5. Tapanui Lodge, Tapanui. 6. Roxburgh Lodge, Roxburgh. 7. Prince Alfred Lodge, Waikouaiti. 8. Dunedin Lodge, Dunedin. 9. Waipori Lodge, Waipori. 10. Palmerston Lodge, Palmerston South.

Reg. No. 23. 11. Dalton Lodge, Balclutha. 13. Cromwell Lodge, Cromwell. 14. Hand and Heart Lodge, Dunedin. 15. Oamaru Lodge, Oamaru. 16. Band of Friendship Lodge, Kakanui. 17. Tuapeka Pioneer Lodge, Lawrence. 18. Waitahuna Lodge, Waitahuna. 19. Blue Spur Lodge, Bluespur. 20. Mosgiel Lodge, Mosgiel. 21. Mount Wendon Lodge, Waikaia. 22. Caversham Lodge, Caversham. 23. Valley Lodge, North-east Valley. 24. Naseby Lodge, Naseby. 25. Ngapara Lodge, Ngapara. 26. Dunback Lodge, Dunback. 27. Pride of Kaitangata Lodge, Kaitangata. 28. Milton Lodge, Milton. 29. United Brothers Lodge, Cambrian. 30. Waikaka Lodge, Waikaka. 31. Middlemarch Lodge, Middlemarch. 32. Centenary Lodge, St. Kilda. 33. Maniototo Lodge, Ranfurly. 34. Vincent Lodge, Ophir. 64. Southland District —lnvercargill 1. Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle Lodge, lnver. cargill. 2. St. George Lodge, Invercargill. 3. Lumsden Lodge, Lumsden. 4. Winton Lodge, Winton. 5. United Gore Lodge, Gore. 6. Awarua Lodge, Campbelltown. 8. Riversdale Lodge, Riversdale. 9. Mataura Falls Lodge, Mataura. 10. Star of the West Lodge, Orepuki. 11. Star of Nightcaps Lodge, Nightcaps. 12. Hearts of Oak Lodge, Invercargill. 13. Balfour Lodge, Balfour.

11. Independent Order of Odd Fellows of New Zealand.

146. Grand fjodge of Neto Zealand —Dunedin. 1. Pioneer Lodge, Dunedin. 2. Star of Canterbury Lodge, Timaru. 4. Alexandrovna Lodge, Temuka. 5. Unity Lodge, South Dunedin. 8. Southern Cross Lodge, Wellington. 12. Alfred Lodge, Oamaru. 15. Pioneer of Southland Lodge, Invercargill. 16. Leith Lodge, Dunedin. 17. Star of Auckland Lodge, Auckland. 19. Victoria Lodge, Geraldine. 20. Templeton Lodge, Templeton. 21. Alma Lodge, Wyndham. 22. Ridgley Lodge, Christchurch. 23. Wallace Lodge, Riverton. 25. Gladstone Lodge, Fairlie Creek. 26. Mataura Lodge, Mataura. 27. Kawakawa Lodge, Kawakawa. 28. Orient Lodge, Palmerston North. 29. Kaeo Lodge, Kaeo. 31. Washington Lodge, Sydenham. 32. Linden Lodge, Kaikorai. 37. Popotunoa Lodge, Clinton. 39. Hope of Maheno Lodge, Maheno. 44. Waiareka Lodge, Enfield. 46. Rangitikei Lodge, Bull's. 47. Star of Eden Lodge, Ponsonby. 49. Northern Wairoa Lodge, Newport. 50. Myrtle Rebekah Lodge, Auckland. 51. Aparima Lodge, Otautau. 52. Linda Rebekah Lodge, Roslyn. 54. Wynyard Lodge, Auokland. 55. Opotiki Lodge, Opotiki. 56. Naomi Rebekah Lodge, Christohuroh. 57. Star of Waiuku Lodge, Waiuku. 1 58. Owaka Lodge, Owaka. 59. Star of Gisborne Lodge, Gisborne. 60. Te Ngawai Lodge, Albury. 61. Star of Napier Lodge, Napier. 62. Hereweka Lodge, Portobello. 63. Star of Linwood Lodge, Linwood. 64. Royal Oak Lodge, Drummond. 65. Awhina Lodge, Mamaku. 66. Hakatere Lodge, Ashburton. 67. Star of Sydenham Lodge, Sydenham.

146. 68. Waiau Lodge, Clifden. 69. Star of St. Albans Lodge, St. Albans. 70. Aroatea Lodge, Birkenhead. 71. Wairoa Lodge, Wairoa. 72. Zealandia Lodge, Wellington. 73. Clevedon Lodge, Clevedon. 74. Star of Papakaio Lodge, Papakaio. 75. Excelsior Lodge, Pukekohe. 76. Star of Ohaeawai Lodge, Ohaeawai. 77. Royal Pukerau Lodge, Pukerau. 78. Star of Hokianga Lodge, Kohukohu. 79. Star of Avondale Lodge, Avondale. 80. Star of Waikato Lodge, Hamilton. 81. Ruth Rebekah Lodge, Dunedin. 82. Moana Kebekah Lodge, Riverton. 83. Miriam Rebekah Lodge, South Dunedin. 84. Golden Link Rebekah Lodge, Linwood. 85. Lily of Sydenham Rebekah Lodge, Sydenham 86. Gisborne Rebekah Lodge, Gisborne. 87. Te Ara Rebekah Lodge, Otautau. 88. Takiara Rebekah Lodge, Inveroargill. 89. Rakaia Lodge, Rakaia. 90. St. Kilda Lodge, Dunedin. 91. Maori Hill Lodge, Maori Hill. 92. Star of Papakura Lodge, Papakura. 93. Loyal Waimate Lodge, Waimate. 94. Pride of Taumarumii Lodge, Taumarunui. 95. Star of Bombay Lodge, Bombay, Auckland. 96. Karamu Lodge, Hastings. 97. New Brighton Lodge, New Brighton. 98. Pyramid Lodge, Wanganui. 99. Marama Lodge, Morton Mains. 100. Star of Whangarei Lodge, Wnangarei. 101. Chertsey Lodge, Chertsey. 102. Kia Ora Lodge, Dannevirke. 103. Star of Bluff Lodge, Bluff. 104. Arawa Lodge, Cambridge. 105. Star of Waikiwi, Waikiwi. 106. Epsom Lodge, Epsom. 107. Awarua Lodge, Taihape. 108. Hokonui, Gore. 109. Kiwitea, Feilding. 110. Tois Tois, Waimahaka. 111. Waipoua, Masterton. 112. Lily of Eden Rebekah, Ponsonby.



List of Registered Societies, etc. — continued. 111. National Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Beg. No. Keg. No. 160. Auckland Provincial District —Auckland. 160. 2. United Brothers Lodge, Mount Eden 1. Auckland Pioneer Lodge, Auckland. IV. British United Order of Odd Fellows. 311. Aorangi Lodge, Wellington. | V. Ancient Order of Foresters.

17. Auckland District —Auckland. 3. Court Zealandia, Auckland. 4. „ Robin Hood, Panmure. 5. „ Nil Desperandum, Newton. 6. „ Royal Oak, Tauranga. 7. „ Pride of Onehunga, Onehunga. 8. „ Pride of the North, Grahamstown. 9. „ Star of the South, Otahuhu. 10. „ Pride of Newmarket, Auckland. 11. „ Northern Wairoa, Dargaville. 13. „ Star of Helensville, Helensville. 14. „ Victoria, Devonport. 15. „ Queen of the North, Maungaturoto. 18. „ Maid Marion, Auckland. 19. „ Waihi, Waihi. 23. „ Birkenhead, Birkenhead. 24. „ Pride of Awanui, Awanui. 26. , Taumarunui, Taumarunui. 27. „ Shaldrick, Onehunga. 28. » Alexandra, Devonport. 29. , Excelsior, Birkenhead. 30. „ Unity, Paparoa. 31. . West End, Ponsonby. 32. „ Pride of Waikato, Frankton Junction. 33. „ Te Puke, Te Puke. 150. Hawke's Bay District —Napier. 1. Court Sir diaries Napier, Napier. 2. » Captain Cook, Napier. 3. „ Sir Henry Havelock, Haveloek. 4. . Robin Hood, Port Ahuriri. 5. „ Ruahine, Waipukurau. 6. . Lord Clyde, Wairoa. 7. „ Heretaunga, Hastings. 8. » Little John, Waipawa. 9. , Ormond, Makotuku. 10. „ Rising Sun, Dannevirke. 11. „ Waitangi, West Clive. 12. „ Redclyffe, Taradale. 14. „ Viking, Norsewood. 15. , Johnston, Takapau. 216. Taranaki District —New Plymouth. 1. Court Taranaki, New Plymouth. 2. „ Inglewood Forest, Inglewood. 3. „ Raleigh, Waitara. 4. „ Egmont, Hawera. 5. „ Patea, Patea. 6. „ Stratford, Stratford. 7. . Pride of New Plymouth, New Plymouth 8. » Opunake, Opunake. 9. » Waireka, New Plymouth. 10. , Lady Islington, Stratford. 11. » Pride of Elttram, Eltham. 144. Wellington District —Wellington. 1. Court Robin Hood, Wellington. 2. „ Sir George Bowen, Wellington. 4. m Clarendon, Picton. 5. . Manawatu, Palmerston North. 6. . Loyal Feilding, Feilding. 7. . William Gladstone, Gisborne. 8. „ Pioneer, Te Nui. 9. . Roderick Dhu, Wanganui. 10. . Blenheim, Blenheim. 11. » Loyal Enterprise, Masterton. 12. » Marquis of Normanby, Carterton, lb. „ Little John, Marton. 14. , Wairarapa, Greytown. 16. „ Woodville. Woodville. 17. „ Loyal Halcombe, Halcombe. 18. „ Pohangina, Ashhurst. 19. „ Epuni, Petone. 20. . Pahiatua, Pahiatua. 21. , Kopuaranga, Mauriceville. 22. „ Hunterville, Hunterville. 23. . Sir William Jervois, Newtown.

144. 24. Court Pride of Levin, Levin. 25. . Bloomfield, Hutt. 27. , Makakahi, Eketahuna. 28. „ Lady Glasgow, Wellington. 29. . Primrose, Petone. 31. » Star of Levin, Levin. 33. „ Pride of Foxton, Foxton. 35. „ Pongaroa, Pongaroa. 36. . Alexandra, Marton. 37. „ Loyal Northland, Northland. 38. „ Sir George Grey, Wellington. 40. . Rangataua, Rangataua. 4. Nelson District —Nelson. 1. Court Pride of the Forest, Wakapuaka. 2. „ Concord, Greymouth. 3. „ Sherwood Forest, Stoke. 4. „ Robin Hood, Nelson. 5. „ Aorere, Collingwood. 6. „ lnangahua, Reefton. 7. „ Unity, Havelock. 8. „ Perseverance, Motueka. 9. „ Charleston, Charleston. 10. „ Royal Oak, Westport. 11. „ Karamea, Karamea. 28. Canterbury United District —Christchurch. 1. Court Pride of Courtenay, Courtenay. 2. „ Thistle of the Forest, Sydenham. 4. „ Woodford, Kaiapoi. 8. „ Papanui, Papanui. 9. „ Ashburton, Ashburton. 10. „ Star of Dunsandel, Dunsandel. 11. , Star of Belfast, Belfast. 13. „ Queen of Canterbury, Christchurch. 14. . Victoria, Kaiapoi. 15. „ Star of Canterbury, Christchurch. 16. „ Loburn, Loburn. 17. „ Star of Rakaia, Rakaia. 18. „ Queen of the Isles, Lyttelton. 252. South Canterbury District —Timaru. 1. Court Southern Cross, Timaru. 2. „ Progress, St. Andrew's. 3. „ Star of Waihao, Morven. 4. » Foresters' Pride, Waimate. 10. United Otago District —Dunedin. 1. Court Enterprise, Dunedin. 2. „ Pride of Dunedin, Dunedin. 3. „ Pride of Oamaru, Oamaru. 5. „ Robin Hood, Port Chalmers. 7. „ Roxburgh, Roxburgh. 8. „ St. Andrew's, Caversham. 11. „ Pride of Alexandra, Alexandra. 12. „ Bruce, Milton. 14. „ Excelsior, Mornington. 15. „ Pride of the Leith, Dunedin. 17. „ Star of the South, Invercargill. 18. „ Star of the Dunstan, Clyde. 19. „ Little John, Roslyn. 20. „ Royal Oak, Wyndham. 21. „ Southern Star, Bluff. 22. „ Woodlands' Pride,'Dunedin. 23. „ Queen of the South, Invercargill. 24. „ Star of the Forest, Woodlands. 25. . Marion, Mosgiel. 26. , Victoria, Oamaru. 28. „ Pride of Waitaki, Kurow. 29. » Pride of Green Island, Green Island. 30. „ King Edward's Pride, South Dunedin 31. » Star of Heriot, Heriot. Courts not in any District. 88. Court Coromandel —Coromandel. 340. , City of Auckland—Auckland.



List of Registered Societies, etc. — continued. VI. Ancient Order of Shepherds. Keg. No. Reg. No. 11. Sanctuary Sir George Grey—Wellington. | 325. Sanotuary Epuni—Petone. VII. United Ancient Order of Druids

296. Grand Lodge of North Island of New Zealand — Wellington. 1. Oroua Lodge, Palmerston North. 3. Horowhenua Lodge, Levin. 4. Otaki Lodge, Otaki. 5. Stonehenge Lodge, Masterton. 6. Bishop Lodge, Wanganui. 7. Turanganui Lodge, Gisborne. 8. Auckland Lodge, Auckland. 9. Pacific Lodge, Wellington. 10. Blenheim Mistletoe Lodge, Blenheim. 11. Totara Lodge, Carterton. 12. Star of Egmont Lodge, Patea. 13. Morgan Lodge, Marton. 14. Holly Lodge, Johnsonville. 15. Hawera Lodge, Hawera. 16. Star of Paeroa Lodge, Paeroa. 18. Moturoa Lodge, New Plymouth. 19. Poneke Lodge, Petone. 20. Ponßonbv Lodge, Auckland. 21. Pride of Waihi Lodge, Waihi. 22. Victoria Lodge, Waikino. 23. Manakau Lodge, Manakau. 24. Pahiatua Lodge, Pahiatua. 25. Coronation Lodge, Wellington. 26. Alexandra Lodge, Karangahake. 27. Ruahine Lodge, Dannevirke. 28. Shannon Lodge, Shannon. 29. Eltham Lodge, Eltham. 30. Mungaroa Lodge, Upper Hutt. 31. Inglewood Lodge, Inglewood. 32. Myrtle Lodge, Eketahuna. 38. Excelsior Lodge, Wellington. 34. Maitai Lodge, Nelson. 35. Star of the West Lodge, Greymouth. 36. Star of Newmarket Lodge, Auckland. 37. Whangarei Lodge, Whangarei. 39. Seddon Lodge, Dunollie. 40. Trafalgar Lodge, Wakefield. 41. Shedwood Lodge, Motupiko. 42. Star of New Zealand Lodge, Hutt. 43. Reefton Lodge, Reefton. 44. Eden Lodge, Auckland. 45. Miller ton Lodge, Miller ton. 46. Buller Lodge, Westport. 47. Devonport Lodge, Devonport. 48. Te Aroha Lodge, Te Aroha. 49. Waitemata Lodge, Auckland. 50. lakaka Lodge, Takaka. 51. Fern Leaf Lodge, Greytown. 52. Makino Lodge, Feilding. 53. Okato Lodge, Okato. 54. Stratford Lodge, Stratford. 55. Pride of Brooklyn Lodge, Brooklyn. 56. Blackball Lodge, Blackball. 57. Naumai Lodge, Motueka. 58. Nelson Creek todge, Nelson Creek. 59. Island Bay Lodge, Island Bay. 60. Denniston Bodge, Denniston. 61. Aramoho Lodge, Aramoho. 62. Grey Lynn Lodge, Grey Lynn. 63. Triumph Lodge, Rongotea. 64. Pride of Hamilton Lodge, Hamilton. 65. Eureka Lodge, Hastings. 66. Melrose Lodge, Kilbirnio. 67. Brunner Lodge, Brunnerton. 69. Albion Lodge, Napier. 70. Karamea Lodge, Karamea. 71. Dominion Lodge, Thames. 72. Pride of the West Lodge, Kumara. 73. Manawatu Lodge, Foxton. 74. Clifton Lodge, Waitara.

296. 75. Okotuku Lodge, Waverley. 77. Wairoa Lodge, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay. 78. Mackay Lodge, Taihape. 79. Light of Manukau Lodge, Onehunga. 80. Star of Rodney Lodge, Warkworth. 81. Roskill Lodge, Auckland. 82. Te Awha Lodge, Mangawhare. 83. Rotorua Lodge, Rotorua. 84. Star of Albertland Lodge, Port Albert. 85. Pride of Te Kuiti Lodge, Te Kuiti. 86. Pride of Te Awamutu Lodge, Te Awamutu. 87. Royal Oak Lodge, Northcote. 88. Star of Piako Lodge, Morrinsville. 89. Ruataniwha Lodge, Waipawa. 90. Murchison Lodge, Murchison. 91. Manaia Lodge, Manaia. 92. Westland Lodge, Hokitika. 93. Collingwood Lodge, Collingwood. 281. Grand Lodge of Canterbury District, New Zealand —Christchurch. 1. Pioneer Lodge, Christchurch. 2. Hope of St. Albans Lodge, St. Albans. 3. Mistletoe Lodge, Christchurch. 4. Ethelbert Lodge, Springston. 5. Lyttelton Hearts of Oak Lodge, Lyttelton. 6. Star of Anglesea Lodge, Lincoln. 7. Perseverance Lodge, Addington. 8. Hope of Amberley Lodge, Amberley. 9. Anchor Lodge, Woolston. 10. Ohoka Lodge, Ohoka. 11. Timaru Lodge, Timaru. 12. Ivy of Linwood Lodge, Christchurch. 13. Trafalgar Lodge, Kaiapoi. 14. Star of Ashburton Lodge, Ashburton. 15. Oak of Sydenham Lodge, Sydenham 16. Old Oak Lodge, Southbridge. 17. Ellesmere Lodge, Doyleston. 18. Olive Branch Lodge, Hornby. 20. Lily of Richmond Lodge, Richmond. 21. Ivy Lodge, Waimate. 22. Success of Ashburton Lodge, Ashburton. 23. Bud of Hope Lodge, Rangiora. 24. Queen of the Oak Lodge, Sydenham. 298. Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland District, New Zealand —Dunedin. 1. Otago Lodge, Dunedin. 2. Enterprise Lodge, South Dunedin. 3. Royal Oak Lodge, Caversham. 4. Acorn Lodge, Invercargill. 5. Linden Lodge, Roslyn. 6. West Harbour Lodge, Rothesay, Dunedin. 7. Endeavour Lodge, Oamaru. 8. Good Intent Lodge, Mosgiel. 9. Rose of Palmerston Lodge, Palmerston S. 10. Gore Lodge, Gore. 11. Oraka Lodge, Colao Bay. 12. Lily of the Valley Lodge, Dunedin. 13. St. Patrick's Lodge, Waikouaiti. 14. Pride of Mornington Lodge, Mornington. 15. Star of Tuapeka Lodge, Lawrence. 16. Star of Duntroon Lodge, Duntroon. 17. Ivanhoe Lodge, Dunedin. 18. Bay Lodge, Dunedin. 19. Hampden Lodge, Hampden. 20. Alexandra Lodge, Alexandra South. 21. Southern Oak Lodge, South Inveroargill. 22. Oak of Waikiwi Lodge, Waikiwi. 23. Star of Thornbury Lodge, Thornbury. 24. All Nations Lodge, Port Chalmers. 301. Lady Ranfurly Lodge—Wellington.

VIII. Independent Order of Rechabites.

190. New Zealand District —Auckland. 1. Hope of Auckland Tent, Auckland. 3. Northern Star Tent, Aratapu. 4. Star of Hauraki Tent, Thames. 6. Gordon Tent, Onehunga.

190. 10. Whangaroa Tent, Whangaroa. 11. Advance Tent, Waihi. 12. Mahurangi Homeguard Tent, Warkworth. 13. Hope of Eden Tent, Mount Eden. 14. Pride of Manukau Tent, Onehunga.



List op Begistered Societies, etc. — continue.)].

VIII. Independent Order of Rechabites — continued.

Reg. No. 190. New Zealand District —Auckland — continued. 15. Hope of Frankton Tent, Frankton Junction. 16. Rosebud Tent, Huntly. 17. Hope of Hamilton Tent, Hamilton. 18. Star of Cambridge Tent, Cambridge. 19. Hope of Devonport Tent, Devonport. 20. Hope of Morrinsville Teut, Morrinsville. 21. J. G. Carr Memorial Tent, Auckland. 22. Waitemata Tent, Notthcote. 23. Primrose Tent, Oliaupo. 24. Rohe Potae, Te Kuiti. 110. New Zealand Central District —Wellington. 2. Murihiku Tent, Invercargill. 3. Scandia's Hope Tent, Norsewood. 4. Hope of Woodville Tent, Woodville. 5. Hope of Wellington Tent, Wellington. 6. Hope of Dunedin Tent, Dunedin. 7. Pride of Christchurch Tent, Christchurch. 8. Perseverance Tent, Wellington. 9. Bud of Promise Tent, Nelson. 10. Unity Tent, New Plymouth. 11. Hope of Ormondville Tent, Ormondville. 12. Masterton Tent, Masterton. 15. Hope of Napier Tent, Napier. 19. Excelsior Tent, Wellington. 20. Haste to the Rescue Tent, Wellington. 21. Bon Accord Tent, Blenheim. 26. Hope of Carterton Tent, Carterton. 28. Hope of Johnsonville Tent, Johnsonville. 30. Star of Wakefield Tent, Wakefield. 37. Rescue Tent, Nelson. 38. Onward Tent, Palmerston North. 40. Gisborne Tent, Gisborne.

Beg. No. 110. 41. Pride of Egmont Tent, Hawera. 42. Pahiatua Tent, Pahiatua. 43. Brightwater Tent, Brightwater. 44. Lily of the South Tent, Invercargill. 45. Wai Aroha Tent, Stratford. 46. Moa Tent, Inglewood. 47. New Century Tent, Levin. 48. Waingongoro Tent, Cardiff. 50. Star of Petone Tent, Petone. 52. Hope of Wanganui Tent, Wanganui. 53. Ashburton Tent, Ashburton. 54. Kia Ora Tent, Hastings (H. 8.). 55. Hope of Addington Tent, Addington. 56. Hope of South Invercargill Tent, South in vercargill. 57. Ark of Refuge Tent, St. Albans. 58. Pride of Te au-nui Tent, Gore. 59. Pride of Dannevirke Tent, Dannevirke. 60. Hope of the Bluff Tent, Bluff. 61. Sobriety Tent. North-east Valley. 62. Enterprise Tent, Linwood, 63. Triumph Tent, Timaru. 64. Port Chalmers Tent, Port Chalmers. 65. Pride of Wallace Tent, Otautau. 66. Star of Clutha Tent, Baiclutha. 67. Progress Tent, Lower Hutt. 68. Pride of Waikiwi Tent, Invercargill. 69. Philipson Tent, Spreydon, Chriatohurch. 70. Kilbirnie Tent, Kilbirnie, Wellington 71. Star of the South, Kensington, Dunedin. 72. Star of Woolston, Woolston, Christchurch. 73. Pride of Roslyn Tent, Roslyn, Dunedin. 74. Alpha Tent, Granity. 75. Renwick Tent, Renwicktown. ' 98. Star of Hope Tent—Hokitika.

IX. Sons and Daughters of Temperance.

Reg. No. 170. National Division of New Zealand —Sydenham. 2. Helpmate Division, Ashburton. 4. Resolution Division, Rangiora. 6. Excelsior Division, Addington. 7. Elim Division, St. Albans. 9. Advance Division, Wellington.

Beg. No. 170. 10. Sunbeam Division, Wanganui. 11. Hope of Sydenham Division, Sydenham. 15. Perseverance Division, Christchurch. 118. Antidote Division—Dunedin. 147. ProgressiDivision—Kaiapoi.

X. Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society.

198. New Zealand District —Auckland. 2. St. John's Branch, Leeston. 3. St. Patrick's „ Christchurch. 6. St. Patrick's „ Lincoln. 8. St. Mary's „ Timaru. 10. St. Joseph's „ New Plymouth. 11. St. Patrick's „ Wellington. 12. Auckland „ Auckland. 14. St. Patrick's „ Blenheim. 15. Grahamstown „ Grahamstown. 16. Waipawa „' „ Waipawa. 17. St. Joseph's „ ' Hastings. 18. St. Joseph's 4 Dunedin. 19. Charleston „ Charleston. 21. Greymouth „ Greymouth. 22. Onehunga , Onehunga. 25. St. Michael's „ Masterton. 26. St. Patrick's „ Oamaru. 27. St. John's „ Napier. 28. Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Branch, Milton. 29. St. Patrick's Braooh, Waimate. 30. St. Columbkille's Branch, Denniston. 31. St. Canice's Branch, Westport. 32. St. Patrick's „ Gisborne. 33. St. Patrick's „ Palmerston North. 34. St. Patrick':: , Reefton.

198. 35. Sancta Maria Branch, Auckland. 36. St. Mary's „ Wellington. 37. St. Aloysius „ Newtown. 38. St. Joseph's „ Waihi. 39. St. Patrick's „ Kaiapoi. 40. St. Patrick's „ Ashburton. 41. St. Ibar's Branch, Newton. 42. Sts. Peter and Paul's Branch, Hutt. 43. St. Ita's Branoh, Hawera. 44. St. Mary's Branch, Taihape. 45. St. Patrick's Branch, Manaia. 46. St. Joseph's „ Stratford. 47. St. Mary's „ Inveroargill. 48. Sts. Peter and Paul's Branch, Gore. 49. Sacred Heart Branch, Otautau. 50. St. Mary's „ Geraldine. 51. Sacred Heart „ Wellington. 52. St. Mary's „ Carterton. 53. Sacred Heart „ Petone. 54. St. Mary's » Opunake. 55. St. Patrick's „ Meeanee. 56. St. Mary's „ Port Chalmers. 57. St. Mary's » Wanganui. 58. St. Andrew's „ Levin. 59. St. Stanislaus „ Inglewood.

XI. Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia.

197. Grand Council of New Zealand —Auckland. 1. Prince of Wales Lodge, Thames. 3. Excelsior Lodge, Green Island. 4. Wickliffe „ Napier. 5. John Knox „ Wellington. 6. Alexandra „ Auckland.

j 197. 9. Triumph Lodge, South Dunedin. 11. Star of Hastings Lodge, Hastings. 12. Valley True Blue „ North-east Valley. 14. Star of Oamaru „ Oamaru. 18. St. Albans „ Auckland. 19. Queen's Own , Christohurch.



List of Registebed Societies, etc. — continued.

XIII. Isolated Friendly Societies.

Beg. No. 24. Widow and Orphans Society, Wellington District, M.U.l.O.O.F.—Wellington. 183. Grey Valley Accident Relief Fund— Brunnerton. 277. Denniston Collieries' Medical and Accident Relief Association —Denniston. 279. United Fire-brigades' Accident Assurance Society of New Zealand —Auckland. 286. Wellington Friendly Societies' Jubilee Orphanage Society—Wellington. 293. Blackball Colliery Accident Relief Fund SocietyBlackball. 306. Waikato Medical and Accident Society—Huntly. 307. Millerton Colliery Medical and Acoident Relief Assooiation—Millerton. 310. New Zealand Collieries, Railway, and Oil Syndicate Employees' Benefit Society—Kaitangata. 313. Auckland United Friendly Societies' DispensaryAuckland. 316. Auckland United Friendly Societies' Medical Institute—Auckland. 319. Christchurch United Friendly Societies' Dispensary—Christchurch. 322. Auckland Tramways Sick and Accident Friendly Society—Auckland.

Beg. No. 323. Point Elizabeth Acoident Relief Fund—Runanga. 324. Waihi United Friendly Societies Hospital Conference —Waihi. 327. Nightcaps Collieries Medical, Sick, and Aocident Relief Association—Nightcaps. 328. Stockton Colliery Medical and Accident Relief Association—Ngakawau. 330. Eden Temperance Benefit Friendly Society—Parnell. 331. Wellington Corporation Tramways and Electric Lighting Friendly Society- Newtown,Wellington. 333. lnangahua Miners' Accident Relief Association— Reefton. 334. Waihi Workers' Accident Relief Association— Waihi. 335. Grey Valley Coal-miners' Medical Fund Sooiety— Brunnerton. 886, The North Otago United Friendly Societies' Dispensary—Oamaru. 337. Hawera United Friendly Societies' Dispensary— Hawera. 338. Otago Daily Times Mutual Provident Society— Dunedin. 341. Wanganui United Friendly Societies' Dispensary— Wanganui.

XIV. Juvenile Friendly Societies.

288. Court Pride of the Forest, A.O.F.—Dunedin. 290. Court Pride of Invercargill, A.O.F. —Invercargill. 303. Kaiapoi Lodge, M.U.l.O.O.F.—Kaiapoi.

| 314. Court Pride of Napier, A.O.F. - Napier. 329. Juvenile Council, A.O.F.—Dunedin. 1. Court Pride of the Port, Port Chalmers.

XV. Working-men's Clubs.

151. Wellington Working-men's Club and Literary Institute—Wellington. 162. Christchurch Working-men's Club and Mutual School of Arts—Christchurch. 186. South Wnirnrapa Working-men's Club—Greytown. 202. Club Garibaldi—Wellington. 215. Auckland Working - men's Club and Mechanics' Institute—Auckland. 231. Kaiapoi Working-men's Club—Kaiapoi. 238. Petone Working-men's Club and Literary Institute—Petone. 264. Richmond Working-men's Clvb —Richmond, Christohurch.

267. Palmerston North Working-men's Club and Literary Institute—Palmerston North. 271. Ashburton Club and Mutual School of Arts—Ashburton. 272. Blenheim Working-men's Club—Blenheim. j 305. Oxford Working-men's Club—East Oxford. 309. Napier Working-men's Club—Napier. 317. City Working men's Club—Wellington. | 318. North Island Brass Bands' Association of New Zealand —Palmerston North, 326. South Island Bands' Association of New Ze-Uand - Christchurch.

XVI. Specially Authorized Societies.

169. Grand Lodge of New Zealand of the Independent Order of Good Templars —Dunedin. 1. Pioneer of Dunedin Lodge, Dunedin. 2. Aggressive Lodge, Blenheim. 3. Dauntless Lodge, Christchurch. 4. Hope of Christchurch Lodge, Christchurch. 6. Pioneer Lodge, Wellington. 7. Star of South Canterbury Lodge, Waimate. 9. Loyal Nelson Lodge, Nelson. 12. West Coast Pioneer Lodge, Greymouth. 13. Good Intent Lodge, Rangiora. 17. Robert Bruce Lodge, Bannockburn. 18. Star of the East Lodge, Ashburton. 19. Hope of Westport Lodge, Westport. 21. Haste to the Rescue Lodge, Havelock. 24. Reefton Fraternal Lodge, Reefton. 30. Pride of Hawke's Bay Lodge, Port Ahuriri. 31. Premier Lodge, Hokjtika. 32. Hope of Stafford Lodge, Stafford. 33. Providence Lodge? Courtenay. 35. Golden Stream Lodge, Alexandra, Otago 37. New Era Lodge, Purakanui. 40. Second-to-none Lodge, Pigeon Bay. 41. Hope of Brunnerton Lodge, Brunnerton. ■ 42. Woodstock Lodge, Woodstock. 44. New River Pioneer Lodge, Dunganville. 47. Victory Lodge, No Town. 48. Victoria Lodge, Granville. 50. Kumara Lodge, Kumara. 53. Rock of Freedom Lodge, Ashley Bank. 54. Hearts and Homes Lodge, Orepuki. 57. Dawn of Peace Lodge, Ashburton. 59. True Blue Lodge, Waitahuna. 66. St. Helena Lodge, Paroa, Greymouth. 68. Phcenix Lodge, Masterton. 69. North Star Lodge, Kaikoura. 72. Pride of Brookside Lodge, Brookside. 73. Mount Fyfe Lodge, Mount Fyfe. 76. Heart and Hand Lodge, Lumsden. 77. Pride of Mount Grey Lodge, Mount Grey. 85. Southern Cross Lodge, Invercargill. 86. Guiding Star Lodge, Dunedin. 89. Akaroa Hope Lodge, Akaroa. 91. Undaunted Lodge, Rimu, Owaka. 93. Welcome Retreat Lodge, Geraldine.

I 169. 94. Loyal Marine Lodge, Nelson. 95. Union of Otago Temple, Dunedin. 96. St. John's Lodge, Wellington. 99. Southern Star Lodge, Wanganui. 104. Lily of the Valley Lodge, North Dunedin. 106. Bushman's Pride Lodge, Alford Forest. 107. Hope of Wakefield Lodge, Wakefield. 108. Pride of Dunedin Lodge, Dunedin. 110. Sea-shell Lodge, Lyttelton. 112. Life-boat Lodge, Timaru. 113. Rose of Springburn Lodge, Springburn. 223. Invercargill United Friendly Societies' Dispensary —Invercargill. 229. Sydenham and Suburban Co-operative Money Club —Sydenham. 241. New Zealand Friendly Societies' Mutual Fidelity Guarantee Association —Wellington. 242. Dunedin United Friendly Societies' Dispensary— Dunedin. 245. Star of Newtown Lodge, I.O.G.T.—Wellington. 246. Lyttelton United Friendly Societies' Dispensary— Lyttelton. 248. Timaru United Friendly Societies' Dispensary — Timaru. 251. New Zealand Foresters' Guarantee Association— Christchurch. 255. Temple of Peace Lodge, I.O.G.T.—Kaiwarra. 257. Opotiki Gospel Temperance and Mutual Improvement Society—Opotiki. 263. Stanmore Brass Band —Richmond (Christchurch). 275. Ivy of Linwood Co-operative Money Club—Christchurch. 276. Waimate Brass Band—Waimate. 283. Hawke's Bay United Friendly Societies' Dispensary —Napier. 284. Christchurch and St. Albans Co-operative Money Club—Christchurch. 285. Westport Garrison Artillery Volunteer Band Society—Westport. 294. Wellington United Friendly Societies' Dispensary— Wellington. 332. New Brighton Co-operative Money Club—New Brighton. 339. Hawke's Bay A. O. F. Small-savings SocietyNapier.

3—H. 1.



APPENDIX [I. Registered Trade-unions, as on the 31bt Decembee, 1913.

1. Christchurch Operative Bootmakers' Society. 3. New Zealand Union of the Federated Stewards' and Cooks' Union of Australasia. 5. Wellington Operative Bootmakers' Society. 8. Grey Valley Coal-miners' Association. 9. New Zealand Federated Boot-trade Union. 15. New Zealand Federated Wharf Carters', Express men's, and Storemen's Union. 16. Southland Trades and Labour Union. 18. Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants of New Zealand. 35. United Employees' Society of Boilermakers and Ironship Builders of New Zealand. 36. New Zealand Boot-manufacturers' Association. 40. Hawke's Bay Operative Bootmakers' Union. 41. Wellington Eight Hour Federated Union. 44. New Zealand Locomotive Engine Drivers, Firemen, and Cleaners' Association. 46. West Coast Workers' Trade Union. 47. The Paparoa Coal-miners' Trade Union of Workers. 48. New Zealand Federation of Labour. 49. The Buller Deputies' Trade Union. 50. The Whangarei Coal-miners' Trade Union.

51. The Patta Watersiders' and General Labourers 1 Union. 52. The Waihi Trade Union of Workers. 53. The Nelson Waterside and General Workers' Union. 54. The Lyttelton Stevedores' Trade Union. 55. The Foxton Waterside and General Workers' Union. 56. The Wellington Waterside Workers' Union. 57. The Picton Waterside Workers' Union. 58. The Hikurangi Coal-miners' Federation of Workers. i 59. Taratahi Meat-works Employees' Union. 160. The Otago Artificers' Trade Union. - j 61. The Timaru Waterside Workers' Union. 162. The Waikato Miners' Trade Union. 63. The Glen hope Trade Union of Workers. 64. The New Plymouth Waterside Workers' Union. 65. The Oamaru Waterside Workers' Union. , 67. The Puponga Trade Union of Workers. 68. The Auckland Waterside Trade Union of Workers. 69. The Point Elizabeth State Miners' Trade Union. 70. The Westport Waterside Workers' Union. 71. The Millerton Mineworkers' Union. 72. The Wakamarina Miners and Workers' Trade Union.

APPENDIX 111. FOEMS WHICH MAY BE OBTAINED FREE ON APPLICATION TO THE ReGISTBAE OF FBIENDLY SOCIETIES Form of application to register a society under the Friendly Societies Act. Form of notice of establishment of a branch and application for registry. Form of notice of establishment of branch of registered society. Form of application to register complete amendment of rules (societies). Form of application to register complete amendment of rules (branches). Form of application to register partial amendment of rules (societies). Form of application to register partial amendment of rules (branches). Form of declaration in support of amendment of rules (societies). Form of declaration in support of amendment of rules (branches). Form of application for registry of a special resolution for amalgamation of societies. Form of declaration to accompany application for registry of a special resolution. Form of notice of appointment of trustees (societies). Form of notice of appointment of trustees (branches). Form of notice of change of registered office of society. Form of notice of change of registered office of branch. Form of return to District Land Registrar.




Summary of Valuations completed during the Year 1913.— Table A.

L«.±>. — r e; gurei refer t< ,o Sick and uneral F s onl iy, am do not include Managemem an. ot er Fund Sβ.] .6. \l Kate of Interest. Liabilities. Assets. as 5 < Name of Society or District and Branch. Location. O — a a . SO i 9 3 ■o 2 a> Pri lent Valu< of Hi I si < •m to rt ill " o « S '■J a a Sickness Liabilities. Funeral Liabilities. Contribution to Funeral Fund. Other. Total. ■i -j: M.U.I.O.O.F., New Zealand Branch. £ £ (As at the 31st December, 1910.) £ % % £ % % £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ s. (1. Auckland District .. .. .. 3,787 I 7,851 I 4-88 3,787 7,851 4-88 192,362 40,544 232,906 69,155 18,058 139.409 226,622 11,900 18,184 Hawke's Bay „ .. .. .. 1,373 I 2,(k>5 I 401 1,373 2,655 4-91 (i0.605 14,428 75,033 37,225 i>31 47,581 85,737 11,178 474 Now Plymouth „ .. .. .. 1,081 I 2,027 I 4-74 1,081 2,027 4-74 4(i.788 I 1.2(i4 216 58,268 24,095 1,446 35,676 (il .217 4,157 1,208 Wanganui „ .. .. .. 962 1. 758 400 962 1,758 4-60 44.966 7,778 52.744 21.061 789 31.880 53.730 2,205 1,219 i Wellington „ .. .. .. 2,124 3,234 4-77 2,124 3,234 4-77 87,912 ' 18.:i9(i 8.426 1,783 106,308 511.2+7 5,211 56,735 121,193 14,960 75 Marlborough „ .. .. .. 17T 21!, I 4 ' 95 177 21(1 4-95 10,209 8,623 20 3,183 11,826 1,617 Nelson „ .. .. .. 895 1,554 I 4-72 895 1,664 4-72 38.136 8,363 46,499 24,092 4.753 24,738 53,583 7,084 Motueka „ .. .. .. 520 832 4-4<> 520 832 4-4!) 23,501 4,656 28,157 12,644 7 13,742 26,393 354 2,118 North Westland „ .. .. .. 471 829 5-39 471 829 5-39 24.530 , 4,052 28,582 12,895 14,214 27,109 712 2,185 Westland „ .. .. .. 201 255 I :S-94 201 255 :S-!I4 10,841 i 1,985 12,826 5.4(11 12 3,992 9,405 306 3,727 Ashley „ .. .. .. 1,139 1!):S I 4-47 1,139 193 4-47 42,937 12,895 55,832 24.278 1,308 34,070 59,656 5,410 1,586 North Canterbury „ .. .. .. 2,175 3,532 I 4-64 2,175 3,532 4-64 83,859 24,761 108,620 45,233 407 58,835 104,475 4,079 8,224 Ashburton „ .. ... .. 472 855 I 4-82 472 855 4-82 16,987 4,949 21,936 10,790 1,321 14,853 26,964 5,028 Aggregate results .. .. .. 15,377 25,794 15,377 25.71I4 681,850 155,854 2111 837,920 354,739 34,263 478,908 867,910 68,990 39,000 Net surplus .. .. .. .. .. .... I 29,990 N.B. —The column headed " Surpluses " represents the sum of the surpluses in surplus lodges, and the column headed " Deficiencies " represente the total deficiencies in deficiency lodges.



APPENDIX IV— continued. Summary of Valuations completed during the Year 1913.— Table A— continued.

[N.B.-Thi ise figun is refer to Sick am Funeral Fi inds only, and do not include Management ,nd other Funds.] Name of Society or District and Branch Location. 1 z. 5 o I 2 a o Rate of Interest. ■g i o? I II Pr( I Sickness Liabilities. :seut Vali ieof I Contribution to Funeral Fund. Liabilities. I] O - j- — SI Assi its. Si §3* sgsa 2521 Pi 111 II! Funeral Liabilities. Other. Total. a I O T. M.U.I.O.O.F., Auckland District, N.Z. Bkakch. (As at 31st December, 1910.) Fountain of Friendship Lodge Good Intent Parnell Charles Bruce Waikato Duke of Cambridge Gisborne ,, Howie l< „ Whangarei „ Franklin ,, Warkworth Pioneer „ Hauraki „ Hokianga „ Karangahakt' „ Waihi Jubilee „ Manukau ,, Rotorua „ Waitekauri and Golden Cross Lodge Waipu Lodge Mangonui „ Hot Springs „ Te Awamutu Hamilton „ HiUurangi „ Hand of Friendship l'nkukohe Matamata Te Kuiti Ngaruawahia „ Mamaku ,. Morrinsville • ,, Sisters of Friendship „ Sisters of Hamilton ,, Mangapai ,, Dominion ,, Widows insured in District Funeral Fund Auckland Parnell Thames Cambridge Gisborne Howick Whangarei Otahuhu Warkworth Coromandel Hokianga Karangahake Waihi Paeroa Onehunga Kotorua Wail ckauri Waipu Mangonui Te Aroha Te Awamutu Hamilton Hikurangi Huntly Pokekohe Matamata Te Kuiti Ngaruawahia .Mamaku Morrinsville Auckland Hamilton Mangapai Mount Eden * * . • '' 1844 1850 1858 1865 1866 1867 1874 1876 1881 1881 1884 1895 1896 1897 1897 1897 1898 1898 1899 1900 L900 moo 1903 1903 1904 Midi) 10(17 1907 1907 1908 1908 l<108 1908 1908 1909 1909 585 456 248 161 254 112 204 Hβ 85 108 76 49 121 109 54 96 90 128 26 16 2!l 85 146 60 61 IS 25 32 34 23 28 ' 12 I! 31 £ 994 971 514 324 237 413 228 182 221 153 109 133 283 255 117 212 211 285 58 36 63 180 328 SI 117 130 40 56 78 55 24 10 26 68 o/ /o 5-21 5-44 4-25 5-09 2-79 5-2] 501 3-51 4-39 3-95 3-62 302 418 3-12 4-30 3-61 3-62 519 3-09 2-98 3-80 3-87 0-81 105 1-32 3-77 Nil 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 32,213 22,563 12,363 11.230 16,812 5,174 9,424 6,053 4.199 5,115 3,620 2,592 2,695 6,610 7.87(1 2,786 3,883 :s. 655 7. 485 1,201 683 1,198 3.281 5.824 1,730 2,363 2.337 690 960 1,239 1,320 945 508 226 431 I . I 7.-, £ 6,997 5,103 2,672 2.054 3.026 1.128 2,049 1,321 909 1.118 786 565 587 1.178 1.428 505 844 793 1. 352 261 148 260 712 1,265 313 513 5(17 150 208 269 286 205 62 26 94 255 595 £ £ £ 39.210 27,666 15,035 13,284 19,838 0.3(12 11.473 7.374 5.108 6,233 4,400 3. 1 57 3,282 7,688 9,307 3,29) 4.727 4.44S S.S37 1,462 831 1.458 3.993 7.089 2.(143 2,870 2,844 S40 1,168 I ,508 1 ,606 1. 150 252 525 1,430 596 £ 24,180 9,980 5,364 2.938 2,692 1,238 5,508 ■2..',22 2,022 1.021 1 ,040 1,105 .",1)7 868 731 769 793 009 I .207 290 221 297 079 70.', 203 192 216 68 85 39 79 79 31 26 0(1 £ 4,200 2,701 1,369 1.101 1.872 484 874 277 536 238 199 :i(i4 478 191 190 121 396 108 52 71 126 210 57 74 58 17 24 26 27 26 7 5 7 10 442 £ 16,860 16,301 S.7O3 5.727 9,143 4.104 7.292 3.745 3,545 3.865 2,664 2.012 2.393 .■",.077 5,095 2.127 3,963 3,916 5,594 1.022 654 1,164 3,435 6,163 I . .",2 1 2,211 2.589 755 1,059 1,419 1,500 1.045 472 201 493 1.307 I 53 £ 4.",. 241 1 28,988 15,486 9.766 13,707 5,886 1:3.074 7,018 5. S4+ 6,022 4,073 3,355 3,099 0.309 6,304 3.087 4.940 7,257 1,420 927 1,532 4,240 7. 1 38 1,781 2,477 2,863 840 1. 168 1.484 1,606 1 ,150 222 525 1.377 595 £ 6,030 1,322 451 2,201 736 198 219 258 £ 3,518 0. 131 410 350 211 333 183 I .379 3.003 204 s. (I. 14 8 13 10 18 8 19 0 19 4 18 6 18 11 16 5 13 7 IS 9 1,580 42 10 5 19 5 90 74 247 49 262 399 17 5 17 3 19 092 Nil "24 19 8 60 30 17 11 17 7 53 19 3 .. .. Aggregate results 3,787 7,852 4-88 192,362 40,544 I 232,906 (i<1. 1 .-,5 18,058 139. 409 226,622 11,900 18,184 Net deficiency 6,284



APPENDIX IV— continued. Summary of Valuations completed during the Year 1913.— Table A—continued.

TN.B.-Tl ese igures rei :er to lie' am uneral .s onl !}•, anc io not ino! anagemenl am er 'un< .8. Name of Society or District and Branch. Location. i 8 1 s a J O m - c Bati Intel - o 1 !Ol ■est. V o o 2. Present Value of Liabilities. < "■go Assets. ear DC t J h o t*S < Contribution to Funeral Fund. Other. Total. I I Q Sickness Liabilities. Funeral Liabilities. r Jt.U.l.O.O.F., North Westland District, X.Z. Branch. (As at the 31st December, 1910.) Westport Lodge Charleston Reef ton Waimangaroa Blackball Ngakawau ., Mokihinui Westport Charleston Reefton Waimangaroa Blackball Granity 1876 1867 1872 1886 1898 1007 1910 125 48 101 74 75 24 24 £ 173 87 193 14! 144 46 45 % 4-84 .-Will .',-71 403 7-TS 0-73 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5.7SI1 3.177 7.20L' 3.277 933 700 £ 1,142 562 070 528 530 157 154 £ I £ 6.028 3.730 8.271 3.805 3.701. 1.00(1 053 £ 4.568 2,618 4.283 552 778 70 26 t £ 1,101 3,010 l>. 582 2.665 885 899 7,640 3,719 7,293 3,134 3.443 965 925 712 t 20 978 671 353 135 28 a. d. HI II 17 8 16 6 18 2 17 0 19 5 Aggregate results 471 82!) 5-30 24,630 4.(152 28.582 12,895 14.214 27. 1(1(1 712 2,185 .Net deficiency 1.473 •• A.O.F.. Taraxaki District, (As at the 31st December, 1910.) Court Taranaki „ Waireka.. Patea Inglewood Forest Raleigh Opunake ,, Egmont .. Stratford „ Pride of New Plymouth New Plymout b . . Patea Inglewood Forest Raleigh Opunake Hawera Stratford New Plymouth .. I SI 14 1806 1867 1876 1883 1883 1884 1887 1893 113 497 69 281 76 10 44 64 127 1(>7 719 98 300 IIO 75 96 122 5-32 5-30 407 4-75 5-34 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3.764 14,988 2.964 8.163 2,313 449 1,834 2,670 1.231 6.022 772 3,383 921 107 484 803 548 4,996 21,010 3,736 11,546 3.234 556 2.457 2. t>37 3,118 3.894 9,160 1.373 3.88S I ,213 517 2,027 1 ,290 31 2,685 154 12,697 l'i i 1. 697 87 7,142 24 1.955 :! 24(i 12 1.184 20 1.746 14 2,262 6,810 l>2.001 2,99(1 11,117 3,192 7(>(> 3,223 3,056 2,852 1,615 991 74(i 429 42 Hi Id 19 5-23 4-23 506 210 766 419 2f>(> 18 Aggregate results 1,281 1.802 508 .. 39.018 14.271 53.289 23.928 365 31.514 55.807 4,001 1,483 •■ Net surplus • • 2,518 Court not in any District. (As at the 31st December, 1912.) Court Pride of Parnell .. Thames IH(>4 120 IP.") 5-59 6.405 I . 568 7.963 4,486 2,846 7.332 631 • Net loss. £7.



APPENDIX IV- continued. Summary of Valuations completed during the Year 1913.— Table A— continued.

[N.B.—' 'hese figi ires refer t( Sick ai id Funeral Funds only, and do not include Management and other Funds.] a Hat. Intel !Of est. Liabilities. Assets. in o~'S Name of Society or District aud Branch. Location. J o 3 a a 55 0) O CD a o ao 1 S CD a a> Pri Sickness Liabilities. isent Value of I r-r 1 bur^o if "I Q Total. -"■2 III ag Sis Ik lit 9 at S 0-1 a: >. U.A.O.D., Gkand Lodge of Canterbury District. (As at the 31st December, 1910.) District Funeral Fund £ 5-25 I % 4 £ £ 31.422 £ £ £ 31.422 t 10,463 £ £ 15,238 £ 25,701 £ £ 5,721 s. d. Pioneer Lodge . . Hope of St. Albans „ Mistletoe „ Oak of Sydenham „ Ethelbert Lyttelton Hearts of Oak „ Star of Anglesea „ Perseverance „ Hope of Amberley „ Anchor „ Bud of Hope ,, Ohoka „ Timaru „ Trafalgar „ Star of Ashburton „ Old Oak Ivy of Linwood „ Ellesmere „ Olive Branch ,, Lily of Richmond „ Ivy „ Success of Ashburton „ Queen of the Oakj „ ('hristchurch St. Albans Christchurch Sydenham Springston Lyttelton Lincoln Addington Amberley Wools ton Rangiora Ohoka Timaru Kaiapoi Ashburton Southbridge Christchurch Doyleeton Hornby Richmond Waimate Ashburton Sydenham 1876 1S79 1879 1879 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1882 1882 1882 1882 1883 1888 1895 1897 1902 1904 1896 316 158 315 223 70 127 67 132 60 211 105 30 359 58 178 69 164 36 34 55 60 19 54 489 514 :S44 100 212 95 208 86 336 150 47 r>72 86 249 102 276 101 98 2(1 57 4-99 4-68 4-50 5-22 4-46 4-75 4-97 4-83 4-20 5-88 309 4-55 406 5-30 414 3-99 4-66 4-74 519 2-52 1-24 2-26 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 12.334 5,908 10,803 8,968 2,677 4,773 2,644 4,836 2,411 7,538 4.220 1,502 12.863 2,223 6,487 2,511 5,391 1.243 1.163 I . 74.-] 1.893 392 1,166 3.791 1,787 3,210 2.759 827 1,449 814 1,460 734 2.251 1,306 471 3,825 678 I .047 764 1,569 341 503 546 44 131 1,596 825 1,826 1,104 326 712 305 708 313 1,166 475 162 1,988 281 847 344 1,008 199 198 373 362 42 119 598 309 684 413 122 267 114 265 117 436 178 60 744 105 317 129 377 75 74 140 136 16 45 18,319 8,829 16,523 13,244 3,952 7,201 3,877 7. .'till 3,575 11,391 6,179 2,195 19,420 3,287 9,598 8,345 1,883 1,776 2,761 2,937 4(14 1,461 5,456 2.7(ir, 2,368 3,450 802 799 1,715 996 483 1,513 1,199 505 4,495 377 2,040 629 983 291 205 217 282 62 145 3.791 1,787 3,210 2,759 827 1,449 814 1,460 734 2,251 ■ 1,306 471 3,825 678 1,947 764 1,569 366 341 503 546 44 131 7.979 4,126 9.129 5,520 1,630 3..->(il 1,524 3,539 1,563 5,829 2,373 808 9.942 1,406 4.2:S7 1,718 5,040 995 992 1,865 1,811 379 1,086 17,225 8,618 14,707 I 1.720 3,259 5,809 4,053 5,995 2,780 9,593 4,878 1,784 18,262 2.461 8,224 7,592 1,652 1,538 2,585 2,639 485 1,362 i76 I .094 211 1,816 1,515 693 1,392 1,274 795 1,798 1,301 411 1,158 826 637 753 231 238 I7(> 298 9 99 18 6 19 5 17 3 17 1 15 7 15 2 15 7 14 5 16 1 14 8 15 3 18 6 13 8 16 5 15 9 17 9 16 11 Iti 8 18 5 17 6 19 7 18 6 Aggregate results 2,900 4.490 4-70 .. 105,691 31. f>73 15,279 5,721 158.264 31,716 31,573 77.052 140,341 176 18,099 Net deficiency .. 17,923 I I



APPENDIX IV— continued. Valuation Statistics, etc., for 1913. —Table B.

Name of Society or District and Iirancb. I s o I s a a s s o o "3 s a a id Com pi exi Morti ii-ison of Experience during the Period with that ?ected by the New ZeHlunrt Friendly Societies' Sickntss and Mortality Tables. ility. Sickness. o i ® '3 ■c o> °3 ~ a> +?, «! It Jγ I d + I a> I Expected Deaths. Actual Expected Actual nifffliwi™ Deathe. Cost. Cost , D »ffereuce. Percentage of Actual 3ost over >r under ixpected. M.U.I.O.O.F. [ucldand District, New '/.inland Branch — Fountain of Friendship Lodge Good Intent Lodge Parnell Charles Bruce ,, Waikato Duke of Cambridge ,, Gisborne ,, Howiek ,, Whangarei Franklin „ Warkworih Pioneer Bauraki „ „ Karangahake ,, Waihi .Jubilee ,, Manukau ,, Kotorua „ Waitekauri and Golden Cross Lodge Waipu Lodge Mangonui ,, Hot Springs ,, Te Awamutn ,, Hamilton ,, Hikurangi ,, Hand of Friendship „ Pukekohe „ Matamata ,, Te Kuiti „ Ngaruawahia „ Mamaku „ Morrinsvillc „ Sisters of Friendship „ Sisters of Hamilton Mangapai ,, Dominion „ 585 456 248 161 264 112 204 lit; 85 108 76 4<l 112 121 109 r>4 Bβ 90 128 40-78 38-88 37-30 :S!l-42 41-31 34-29 34-47 38-61 31-97 3506 35-63 35-18 32-13 33-70 35-78 31-57 29-68 29-74 31-90 s. d. 34 (i 42 7 41 II 4(1 :i 45 7 42 :s 40 5 39 2 42 9 41 II 40 3 44 4 42 9 46 10 46 9 4:s ii 44 3 46 10 44 7 27-33 111-711 7-06 5-35 1215 2-77 4-82 3-78 1-711 2-40 1-70 i ■ i r> i-:u 2-25 2-57 1 ■ I r> 1-63 1-20 2-54 26 I!) 4 7 23 1 I 3 2 2 I 1 2 e 4,488 2,415 1,125 947 2,132 430" 7711 111(1 268 379 280 189 200 364 403 180 235 170 392 £ 1,929 2,611 1,403 1,263 3.748 581 (172 599 17(1 477 223 200 197 742 878 271 217 181 638 X + 441 + 196 +278 +316 > I .till) + 101 104 II '.IS + 98 57 + 11 0 +378 +475 + 91 - 18 + 11 + 246 + 9-83 + 8-12 + 24-71 + 33-37 76-80 + 23-49 1 3-40 1-80 - 36-57 + 25-86 - 25-67 ■ 5-82 4-37 + 103-80 + 117-86 50-56 - 7-66 + 6-47 + 62-75 £ + 10-31 + 2-90 + 1-82 -21-85 -2413 3-71 + 10-79 - 307 + 8-66 I ■!>.-, 1-38 + 4-04 2-96 -11-39 27-65 - 3-77 + 2-28 + 2-87 -12-34 £' + 12-50 - 1-06 - 0-31 -20-13 -1904 - 7-58 + 6-28 - 5-74 + 10-30 - 3-37 11-itO - 4-9IS -14-26 -11-93 -13-86 - 8-47 - 7-28 3-92 - 8-81 26 10 29 85 146 36 60 61 18 25 32 34 23 28 12 II 31 3508 31-69 30-62 27-88 29-21 29-06 28-60 27-51 27-56 27-56 28-59 28-06 30-6] 23-68 22-33 28-73 27-13 44 10 44 9 43 2 42 5 45 0 45 3 39 1 44 6 44 0 44 6 47 0 46 2 48 1 17 0 16 11 47 8 44 0 0-58 0-30 0-61 1-29 2-29 0-63 1-04 0-73 0-29 0-25 * * * * t t 1 2 1 1 1 97 43 87 196 324 84 139 85 43 28 249 42 81 91 348 175 215 51 38 13 + 152 — 1 6 -105 + 24 + 91 + 76 - 34 - 5 - 15 + 156-70 2-33 6-90 - 41-55 + 7-41 + 108-33 + 54-68 - 4000 - 11-63 53-57 ♦ - 1-62 + 6-00 + 2-55 + 2-90 + 0-34 - 7-28 - 6-65 + 0-31 - 2-27 -10-42 - 9-32 - 0-90 - 2-44 - 0-76 + + t t t t t + + * * — 7-50 * * * * * * ♦ * — 214 - 2-50 * * * * * * * * t t t t t t t t t t - 1-71 Aggregate results .. 3,787 35-44 41 5 107-71 98 17,115 21.253 + 4.138 ■• 24-18 - 1-66 - 3-2 \'orth Wetttand District, New Zeal 11 n<1 Branch — Westport Lodge Charleston Iteefton „ .. Waimangaroii Blackball Ngakawau ,, Mokihinui ,, 12.-, "4S 101 74 7.") 24 24 40-11 f>1.83 41 •.->.-> :.0-42 30-23 27- Hi 36-38 27 7 36 ii 38 2 38 (» 38 3 38 5 38 11 4-22 3-63 3-56 109 1-10 0-36 § 4 1 1 2 587 489 500 153 152 40 § 71(1 585 740 189 171 57 § + 129 + 96 +240 + 36 + 19 IT § + 21-97 + 19-63 + 48-00 + 23-53 + 12-50 + 42-50 § + 5-69 - 0-42 9-68 9-07 - 4-71 - 5-63 - 118 + 8-28 + 1-83 - 8-93 - 6-54 - 7-95 - 1-94 t §' Aggregate results .. 471 3716 35 2 + 27-95 1,921 2.458 + 537 + 27-95 - 313 - 2-15 A.O.F. "'aranaki District — Court Taranaki ,, Waireka „ Patea ,, Inglewood Forest „ Raleigh ,, Opunake .. ! ,, Egmont .. I „ Stratford „ Pride of N.Plymouth I 13 497 (ill 281 711 10 44 64 127 4118 34-43 39-33 32-56 34-83 19-40 11 -27 3117 27-44 29 7 28 II 28 4 28 6 29 1 31 8 34 1 30 2 19 2 7-34 13-98 319 6-78 217 O-β] 1-63 lii'.i 2-87 4 (i 4 2 1 719 I,921 432 917 304 76 237 235 201 648 1,813 291 923 243 26 188 254 345 71 -108 141 + 6 - 61 - 50 4!) + 19 + 144 - 9-87 - 5-62 - 32-64 + 0-65 - 20-06 - 65-79 - 20-67 + 8-08 + 71-64 + 14-29 + 1-99 -10-81 - 1-53 - 0-55 +21-00 + 17-41 + 6-55 - 209 + 12-02 + 0-32 13-53 — 2-28 - 4-15 + 5-94 + 9-56 -15-28 + 1-91 1 I Aggregate results .. 1,281 34-40 28 2 40-26 111 5,042 4,731 -311 - 617 + 1-97 - 0-7. • Established 1908. t Established 1909. [Not >reviouel; valued. i Established 1910.



APPENDIX IV— continued. Valuation Statistics, etc., for 1913. —Table B— continued.

Name of Society or District and Brand). 1 a e -. o I I Z i o 1 5 5 < I -2 Com pi ex] Mini Lrison of Experience during the Period with tlmt ?ected by the New Zealand Friendly Societies' Sickness and Mortality Tables. ility. Sickness. 9 -J o q S +s 3 & &T - 3 > § I Expected Deaths. Actual Expected Actual nifTpr«n<-« Deaths. Cost. Cost. difference. Percentage of Actual jost over iv under sxpected. A.O.F. — continued. 'ourt mil iii inn/ District — Court Pride of Parnell .. 120 45-48 s. d. 32 ii 10-89 28 £ 1,432 £ I ,990 £ + 558 + 38-97 £ — 5-26 £ -11 -80 U.A.O.D. hand Lodge of Canterbury District— Pioneer Lodge Hope of St. Albans Mistletoe „ Oak of Sydenham „ Ethelbert Lyttelton Hearts of Oak Lodge Star of Anglesea Lodge Perseverance „ Hope of Amberley „ Anchor ,, Bud of Ho]k. „ Ohoka Timaru ,, Trafalgar Star of Ashburton „ Old Oak Ivy of Linwood „ Ellesmere ,, Olive Branch ,, Lily of Richmond „ Ivy „ Success of Ashburton „ Queen of the Oak ,, 316 168 315 223 70 127 67 132 60 211 105 30 359 58 178 (i<1 164 36 34 55 l>0 re 54 39-94 37-66 33-76 41 ■:!."> 39-44 37-69 1069 36-80 36-07 35-55 41-05 44-00 36-79 39-28 36-46 36-62 31-89 33-88 33-97 30-93 29-88 24-42 26-33 30 11 :ii (i :iL> s 30 II 28 8 33 6 28 4 :tl ii 28 8 31 10 28 7 31 3 :!i hi 29 8 27 II 29 7 33 8 31 7 32 7 36 7 32 8 20 8 21 0 14-56 β-ee 8-30 1(1(14 3-36 4-!14 3-29 -lillS 2-43 8-56 4-1 r> 1-68 11-08 2-66 608 2-70 3-07 0-86 0-75 117 1-44 0-39 <>•.->:> I.'. 4 4 7 2 5 :s l> 7 1 1,840 753 1,082 1.280 125 809 128 (i44 308 871 522 204 1,504 346 830 341 417 123 108 139 197 26 36 1,820 566 1,173 1.332 296 S36 325 521 197 91] 457 141 1,136 326 71 r> 223 128 86 80 214 17(1 45 34 - 20 198 + 91 + f>2 -130 + 320 103 12:! Ill + 40 - 65 63 -369 - 19 -116 -118 + 11 - 38 - 48 + 75 - 18 19 j 1-09 26-29 S-4 I 1-06 - 30-50 53-63 - 2406 1910 36-04 I 4-59 - 12-45 - 30-88 13-36 5-51 - 13-85 - 34-60 + 2-64 - 30-88 14-44 r,:{-!Ki 914 + 73-08 - 2-86 - 3-46 1-34 - 6-77 8-79 - 9-90 -10-96 + 2-63 9-ee -13-25 - 8-52 12-39 13-70 - 3-23 -14-24 - 7-72 - 9-23 - 4-59 6-42 - 700 - 3-20 - 4-07 - 0-47 - 1-83 - 4-25 - 308 - 6-18 - 8-94 -11-76 -10-98 - 2-20 -12-82 13-12 -10-36 I I -r,7 15-58 4(>4 -14-66 - 7-80 - 12-09 - 5-01 In II -12-36 - 3-29 - 5-22 - 1-87 II 2 3 I 2 2 i Aggregate results . . 2,900 36-64 31 ii 100-52 76 13,031 12,106 -025* 7-1(1 618 7-1: • Not previously valued.



TABLE I.—Number of Members and Amounts of Benefit and other Funds, as on the 31st December, 1913, of all Friendly Societies and Branches from which Returns were received in accordance with the Act.

4—H. 1.

Name op Society and Branch. **a OS** Place of u rr c Establishment. $ <a S >hS c B Z 2g Sick and Management Dsflc'ioncv a*Z- Total Worth Funeral Fund, and other | ° r " e v en ?ber ||g Total Worth. incm a lrj g Funds^ Goods, P e ' t M a e fl mber 2 SS I Surplus. .fee. valuation. "SO I I I M.U.I.O.O.F. N.Z. Branch, Central Body Wellington .. 1902 £ 23,127 £ 22,778 £ 349 £ Auckland District — Central Body Fountain of Friendship Lodge Good Intent Lodge .. Parnell „ Charles Bruce „ Waikato „ Duke of Cambridge ,, Gisborne „ Howick „ Whangarei „ Franklin „ Warkworth Pioneer „ Hauraki „ Hokianga „ Karangahake „ Waihi „ .. Jubilee ,, Manukau ,, Rotorua ,, Waitekauri and Golden Cross Lodge Waipu Lodge .. Hot Springs ,, Te Awamutu „ Hamilton „ Hikurangi „ Hand of Friendship „ Pukekohe ,, Matamata ,, Te Kuiti „ Ngaruawahia ,, Mamaku ,, Morrinsville „ Sisters of Friendship „ Sisters of Hamilton „ Mangapai „ Dominion „ Hearts of Oak „ Selwyn ,, Ponsonby „ Waitoa „ Te Puke Patutahi „ Remuera „ Calliope „ Auckland . . Parnell Thames »» ■ • Cambridge . . Gisborne Howick Whangarei .. Otahuhu Warkworth.. Coromandel Hokianga .. Karangahake Waihi Paeroa Onehunga .. Rotorua Waitekauri .. Waipu Te Aroha .. Te Awamutu Hamilton .. Hikurangi .. Huntly Pukekohe .. Matamata .. To Kuiti .. Ngaruawahia Mamaku Morrinsville Auckland .. Hamilton .. Mangapai .. Mount Eden Taumarunui Putaruru Auckland . . Waitoa Tc Puke .. Patutahi Remuera Devonport .. 1844 1850 1859 1805 1801 i 1867 I 874 1870 1881 1881 1884 1895 1890 1897 1897 1897 1898 1898 1899 1900 1900 1903 1903 1904 1906 1907 1907 1907 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1909 1909 1909 1911 1911 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 072 448 250 157 238 174 216 112 66 111 87 40 59 122 102 43 85 86 127 26 42 108 180 44 91 68 19 30 43 53 27 28 15 24 52 18 28 15 20 17 35 34 24 17.059 31.930 12,119 7.931 3,217 2.749 1,977 8,174 3.001 2.535 1,810 1,402 1.357 714 1,305 926 884 1,147 989 1.718 401 474 1,177 1.504 371 353 456 174 190 127 107 187 74 48 91 228 54 108 40 70 62 64 97 43 17,026 27.070 11.380 7.129 3,062 2,376 1,837 7,782 2,954 2,523 1,778 1.377 1,340 098 1.229 918 876 1.119 948 1.097 372 447 1,174 1.421 352 350 145 163 178 119 80 174 72 36 79 198 54 90 37 59 50 57 60 27 033 4,860 739 805 155 373 140 392 107 12 32 25 17 16 76 8 8 28 41 21 29 27 3 83 19 3 11 11 12 8 27 13 2 12 12 30 + 10-31 + 2-90 + 1-82 -21-85 -24-13 - 3-71 + 10-79 - 307 + 8-66 - 1-95 - 4-38 + 4-04 - 2-95 -11-39 -27-55 - 3-77 + 2-28 + 2-87 -12-34 - 1-62 + 2-55 + 2-90 + 0-34 - 7-28 - 6-65 + 0-31 - 7*50 - 2-14 - 2-50 - 1-71 18 9 11 6 7 37 16 Total 4,246 110,113 101,219 8,894 - 1-60 Hawke's Bay District — Central Body Napier Lodge Meeance „ Abbotsford „ .. T. Clive „ .. „ .. Hastings „ Tavistock „ Woodville „ Ruahine „ Forest Home „ Dannevirke ,, ■ ■ Te Reinga „ .. Napier »» • • Taradale Waipawa . . Clive Hastings Waipukurau Woodville .. Tikokino Ormondville Dannevirke.. Clyde 1850 1871 1873 1870 1878 1879 1880 1885 1887 1888 1908 375 52 228 26 254 07 32 83 69 185 37 113 15,986 822 11,449 1,459 8.795 2,485 1,798 2,037 1.191 3,592 352 14,849 783 10,843 1,459 8,713 2,442 1,692 2,037 1.147 3,540 352 113 1,137 39 606 82 43 106 + 10-58 -10-29 + 9-38 + 14-90 +10-68 + 10-26 + 11-71 + 3-89 + 0-73 + 2-99 - 0-07 47 52 Total 1,408 50,082 47,857 2,225 + 7-45 New Plymouth District — Central Body Egmont Lodge Excelsior „ Waitara ,, Union „ Manaia ,, Eltham „ Midhirst „ Stratford „ Toko Opunake „ Kaponga „ New Plymouth Waitara Hawera . 7 Manaia Eltham Midhirst Stratford Toko Te Kiri Kaponga 1857 1865 1876 1881 1887 1889 1893 1900 1901 1901 1903 230 133 56 117 160 122 67 74 51 37 93 327 7,108 6,748 3,437 3,505 2,902 2,038 1,071 1,078 371 342 1,157 243 7,153 0,732 3,359 3,431 2,902 1,958 852 981 361 342 1,090 84 15 16 78 74 80 219 97 10 - 112 + 15-82 + 15-85 - 3-15 + 7-88 + 0-73 - 5-68 - 2-30 + 1-72 + 1-16 + 3-80 67 Total 1,140 30,144 29,404 740 + 2-73



TABLE I.— Membership and Funds— continued.

Name of Society and Branch. Place of Establishment. »,a a o-h o««j i.g2 si | iis Sick and Total Worth. Fu £ e ™!, ?'" nd - including Surplus. Management or |* cy other Funds, P e ' M " n J >er **„ &« Last Goods, .fee. valuation. M.U.I.O.O.F.— continued. Wanganui District — Central Body .. Wanganui Lodge.. Manawatu „ Manchester ,, Apiti „ Rangitikei ,, Hautapu „ Buniiythorpe ,, Hunterville ,, Fcxton „ .. Kimbolton „ Ohakune „ Wanganui . . »» • • Palmerston N. Feilding Apiti Manga weka.. Taihape Bunnythorpe Hunterville.. Foxton Kimbolton .. Ohakune I 858 1881 1883 1894 1895 1897 1905 1905 1900 1906 1907 276 206 75 58 87 30 29 15 43 22 73 £ 1,011 18,190 4,752 1,914 1,522 2,184 073 607 67 352 185 275 £ 901 12,498 4.075 I .807 1,422 I ,960 001 502 51 313 182 186 £ 110 5.092 77 47 100 224 12 45 10 39 3 90 £ + 0-27 0-99 - 2-18 + 2-04 - 2-23 - 3-20 + 2-77 5-79 - 3-40 3-13 - 3-74 Total 914 31,732 25,277 0,455 + 1-02 Wellington District — Central Body .. Britannia Lodge Antipodean „ Rose of the Valley „ Rose of Sharon ,, St. George „ Unity „ Combination „ Heart of Oak „ Masterton „ Greytown „ Petone ,, Eketahuna „ Martin borough „ Mangatainoka ,, Sister Wallis Newtown „ Victoria Diamond „ Kilbirnie „ Wellington .. »» * • Hutt" Upper Hutt Pahautanui.. Featherston Johnsonville Carterton .. Masterton .. Greytown .. Petone Eketahuna . . Martinborough Mangatainoka Wellington .. Newtown .. Levin Kilbirnie 1843 1847 1849 1857 1867 1872 1876 1877 1877 1879 1882 1887 1892 1894 1895 1897 1897 1907 5 012 440 104 64 23 92 25 106 157 66 93 99 84 48 54 133 14 30 4,336 25,415 19,987 3,777 1,997 027 2,458 1,416 2,687 2,237 3,729 3,529 2,218 1,150 651 440 1,361 383 314 4,273 24,340 19.309 3,768 I .977 619 2,352 1,258 2.010 2,107 3,278 3.310 2,005 991 616 394 1,331 338 305 63 1,075 078 9 20 8 106 158 71 130 451 213 213 159 36 46 30 45 9 - 2-40 + 5-68 + 9-50 + 7-39 + 2-12 - 2-52 + 7-50 + 17-69 + 5-72 + 4-88 + 17-75 + 1009 + 11-70 + 8-79 | 1-91 + 2-78 + 2-60 + 10-71 + 3-26 Total 2,249 78,712 75.193 3.519 + 7-01 Marlborough District — Central Body .. Marlborough Lodge.. Rcnwick ,, Blenheim .. 1860 1867 120 50 1,946 7,181 2,888 7.100 2,816 I ,946 21 72 + 12-08 + 0-25 Renwick Total 170 12.015 9,976 2.039 + 9-14 Nelson District — Central Body .. Nelson Lodge Travellers' Rest „ Howard „ Mansion of Peace „ General Cameron „ Mataki „ Palmyra „ Nelson >» ■ • Richmond .. Nelson Wakefield .. Brightwater Murohison .. T.ndmor 1842 1847 1847 1859 1865 1903 1907 234 108 206 200 57 56 28 6,611 6,510 3,455 11,994 8,274 2,768 475 198 6,422 3,370 11.701 8.158 2,756 397 184 0,611 88 85 293 110 12 78 14 + 0-55 + 1-25 + 9-65 + 13-71 + 9-82 - 0-50 - 0-69 Total i» 889 40,285 32,988 7,297 + 6-18 Motueka District — Central Body .. Motueka Lodge Good Intention ,, Takaka „ Smith Star „ Motueka Riwaka Takaka Dovedale .. 1850 1860 1863 1880 208 105 131 71 4,670 5,465 3,980 2,262 1,516 I 5.450 3.942 2,202 I .405 4,669 15 38 60 51 1-19 + 3-40 -11-99 - 505 Total 515 17,893 13,060 4,833 - 3-39 North Westland District — Central Body .. Westport Lodge Charleston „ Waimea „ Greymouth ,, Albert Reefton „ Waimangaroa „ Blackball Ngakawau „ Mnkihinui „ Reefton Westport .. Charleston .. Stafford Greymouth.. Kumara Reefton Waimangaroa Blackball .. Granity Seddonville.. 1867 1867 1867 1807 1870 1872 1886 1898 1907 1909 114 42 17 119 52 96 60 62 23 24 96 4,947 2,687 188 4,228 649 4,315 521 824 63 89 96 4,947 2,682 182 4,213 548 4,293 488 800 46 79 5 0 15 101 22 33 18 17 10 + 5-69 - 0-42 -83-90 + 1-43 -32-32 - 9-08 - 907 - 4-71 - 5-63 - 118 Total 609 18,607 18,380 227



TABLE I.— Membership and Funds— continued.

Name ok Society and Branch. Place of Establishment. r.a SI* 3 w ■n am ° °ri u gS a %>r! S-a" 5 . H fl « rZ ® 9 Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund, including Surplus. Management and other Funds, Goods, &e. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at Last Valuation. M.U.I.O.O.F.— continued, ishley District — Central Body Rangiora Lodge Nil Desperandum „ Leithfield ,, Cust Woodend „ Oxford Ohoka Amberley „ Waikari „ Waiau „ Rangiora East Oxford Leithfield .. Cust Woodend Oxford Ohoka Amberley .. Waikari Waiau I860 1808 1873 1874 1874 1870 IS70 1876 1880 1909 391 134 76 64 80 HI 84 115 40 31 £ 283 11,808 4,531 2,988 1,676 1,611 818 1,490 3,141 839 129 £ 11,675 4,430 2,900 1,673 1,611 700 1,488 3.025 834 110 £ 283 133 101 28 3 £ + 4-74 + 9-05 + 15-87 - 1-43 - 1-09 -10-26 - 2-54 + 10-00 + 1-26 + 0-85 118 2 116 6 13 Total 1,126 29,314 28,512 802 + 3-36 forth Canterbury District — Central Body City of Christchurch Lodge . . Kaiapoi ,, Volunteer ,, Benevolent ,, Perseverance ,, Malvern ,, Phillipstown „ Leeston „ Papanui ,, Addington „ Coleridge „ Heart of Oak ,, Riccarton „ Jubilee ,, Sister Pearce „ Tamahine „ Christchurch Kaiapoi Sydenham .. Christchurch Woolston Waddington Phillipstown Leeston Papanui Addington .. Coleridge .. Kaikoura .. Up. Riccarton Prebbleton .. Christchurch Kaiapoi 1853 1 858 1800 1866 1872 I 877 1879 1880 1880 1882 1883 I 885 1880 1887 1890 1890 3 539 102 204 136 148 80 93 132 82 117 152 125 105 66 34 11 382 20,379 I.57S 4.012 5.02(1 2,228 I . 837 507 2,440 2,138 2,533 1,546 2.233 2,028 I .092 266 17 2 9 18,222 4,485 3,912 5.511 2,209 1,709 481 2.353 2,056 2,475 I .385 1,893 1.999 I .071 242 17 123 2,157 93 100 109 19 128 26 87 82 58 161 340 29 21 24 + 3-67 + 0-27 - 0-90 + 7-09 -13-38 + 3-37 -10-61 - 3-10 + 104 - 8-17 - 0-31 - 1-51 + 11-58 - 0-42 - 2-56 -12-50 Total 2,249 53,836 50,279 3.557 - 1-91 \shburlon District — Central Body Ashburton Lodge Waterton „ Pioneer „ Tinwald „ .. Methven „ Mayfield „ Hinds „ Rakaia „ Ashburton .. Waterton .. Springburn Tinwald Methven Mayfield Hinds Rakaia 1873 1881 1881 1882 1900 1901 1910 1911 2 209 65 65 45 56 52 27 26 1,019 5.524 2,173 2,051 2,079 775 625 81 64 1,382 5.284 1,999 2,028 1,926 775 603 81 42 237 240 174 23 153 + 8-33 + 19-39 + 13-97 +21-77 + 3-09 + 4-73 22 '22 Total 547 14,991 14,120 871 + 10-05 Total N.Z. Branch .. 10,062 510,851 469,043 41,808 Districts separately registered. „ Lyttelton District — Central BodyCity of Norwich Lodge Good Intent „ Hand of Friendship „ Hand and Heart Perseverance „ Wairewa „ Lyttelton .. »» • • Akaroa Okain's Bay Pigeon Bay.. Barry's Bay Little River 1850 1800 1875 1870 1881 1897 284 70 44 47 45 63 230 I 1.324 2,153 1,237 1,889 1,258 553 127 13,640 2,153 1,232 1,859 1,231 537 103 678 + 7-88 + 5-71 - 7-56 - 2-41 - 3-96 - 9-03 5 30 27 16 Total 553 21,644 20,785 859 + 2-45 •South Canterbury District — Central JBody Timaru Lodge . . Heart of Friendship „ Pleasant Point Makikihi „ Morven Timaru Waimate Pleasant Point Makikihi Morven 1864 I 87 I 1891 1907 1912 434 125 11 41 17 411 7,751 2,035 1,077 243 71 405 7,001 1,805 1,074 221 01 0 90 170 3 22 7 -11-32 - 7-81 + 10-71 - 9-50 Total I I,290 29S - 9-87 028 11.588



TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.

Name of Society and Branch. ; *«s Sick and Place of >.•£ c 8, • Tnt.i Worth Funeral Fund, Establishment. g« 2 , g-S" Total Worth. including f<! S |gg ' Surplus. Management or^Zcy O i her Funds, l>er Member Goods, *e. y •*,£-«_ M.IU.O.O.F.— continued. Otago District — Central Body Hand and Heart Lodge Dunedin „ Dalton Prince of Wales ,, Albion „ Oamaru „ Tuapeka Pioneer ,, Waitahuna ,, Prince Alfred „ Waipori „ Blue Spur „ Naseby „ Alexandra ,, Roxburgh ,, Tapanui „ Palmerston „ Cromwell „ Mount Wendon ,, Band of Friendship ,, Outram ,, Mosgiel ,, Caversham ,, Valley Ngapara „ Dunback ,, Pride of Kaitangata ,, United Brothers „ Milton „ Waikaka „ Middlemarch ,, Maniototo „ Centenary „ Vincent ,, Dunedin j> • • Balolutha .. Port Chalmers Dunedin Oamaru Lawrence .. Waitahuna . . Waikouaiti .. Waipori Blue Spur .. Naseby Pt. Molyneux Roxburgh .. Tapanui Palmerston S. Cromwell .. Waikaia Kakanui Outram Mosgiel Caversliani . . N.E. Valley Ngapara Dunback .. Kaitangata.. Cambrian .. Milton Waikaka Middlemarch Ranfurly St. Kilda .. Ophir 1848 1862 1864 1864 1864 1864 1865 1866 1866 1867 1867 1868 1869 1869 1869 1870 1870 1871 1872 1 ST.", 1879 1881 1881 1891 1892 1892 1897 1897 1 Si I! I 1906 1910 hill 1911 689 477 322 173 427 166 98 34 60 24 51 114 109 92 187 108 101 71 47 109 254 323 184 27 68 234 47 212 45 80 70 49 33 £ 4,243 37,266 21,398 8,444 5,370 8,721 0,232 2,889 I .508 :S.9!>4 92 I .4!).-, 1,818 3,216 1,298 6,384 3,501 9,049 2,097 1,293 .1.308 7,626 7,448 4,463 828 852 2,866 849 :s,o:so 592 444 278 248 202 £ 2,827 33,162 21,104 7,761 4,892 8,196 5,886 2,673 1,508 3,968 86 1,285 1,745 3,117 1,047 5,977 3.263 8,432 2,068 1,079 5,214 7,107 6,301 4,325 808 823 2,710 845 2,819 592 405 246 248 169 £ 1,416 4,093 294 683 478 525 346 216 28 6 210 73 00 251 407 238 617 29 214 94 519 1,147 128 20 29 156 4 217 £ + 5-67 + 6-16 - 3-49 - 5-77 - 6-09 - 1-17 -12-17 - 2-54 + 12-18 -20-48 -27-64 -12-64 + 5-20 -12-96 - 5-28 - 3-86 +23-78 -16-23 - 8-86 + 15-37 - 2-31 - 7-98 - 4-87 - 4-21 -11-85 - 7-71 - 9-76 - 7-60 -17-88 - 9-24 39 32 33 Total 5,085 165,327 152,686 12,641 - 1-95 Southland District — Central Body Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle Lodge St. George Lodge Winton „ United Gore „ Lumsden „ Awarua „ Riversdale „ Star of the West Mataura Falls ,, Star of Nightcaps ,, Hearts of Oak „ Balfour „ Invorcargill.. Winton Gore Lumsden Campbelltown Riversdale .. Orepuki Mataura Nightcaps .. Invercargill.. Balfour 1860 1868 1874 1878 1882 1883 1889 1899 1900 1900 1904 1907 400 412 132 166 128 125 43 52 96 56 62 44 649 13,998 i),:s:si 1,656 3,622 1,882 2,547 418 501 627 301 361 207 I 244 13,647 9,181 1,644 3,448 1,739 2,489 399 471 353 260 346 162 405 351 150 12 174 143 58 19 30 274 41 15 45 - 5-94 -11-01 -24-01 - 9-50 — 15-21 -14-88 -16-27 -11-95 -24-71 -23-26 + 0-70 -12-17 Total 1,716 36,100 34,383 1,717 -12-10 Total of Order m 24,044 745,510 688,187 57,323 I.O.O.F. Grand Lodge of New Zealand — Central Body Pioneer Lodge .. Leith Alfred Star of Canterbury „ Alexandrovna ,, Unity Victoria ,, Linden ,, Southern Cross ,, Pioneer of Southland ,, Star of Auckland ,, Washington ,, Templeton „ Alma ,, Wallace Ridgley if Dunedin + 1-95* - 4-15f + ll-38f + 8-62f + 3-75f + 5-82f - 2-25f + 4-73f - 0-31f + 8-20f + 3-79f + 3-86f + 0-18f + 8-03f + 8-28f - l-71f + a-04f Oamaru Timaru Temuka S. Dunedin Geraldine .. Kaikorai Wellington .. Invercargill.. Auckland .. Sydenham .. Templeton .. Wyndham .. Riverton Christchurch 1862 1867 1869 1869 1874 1875 1875 1875 1877 1878 1878 1878 1881 1882 1882 1882 232 152 222 181 50 304 96 138 232 251 292 290 33 65 86 104 88,252 260 1,222 1,100 272 54 902 605 351 2,096 1,600 1,774 425 349 432 113 611 88,154 51 901 704 179 27 49 334 119 1,226 1,153 340 64 348 383 11 332 • 98 209 321 396 93 27 853 271 232 870 447 1,434 361 1 49 102 179 ind only. * District Funeral Fi ind. I Sick Fi



TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.

Name OP Society AND Bkanch. ERtabHshment. S| I ' CD I ■sga •2-Ss Total Worth. Sick and Kuneral Fund, including Surplus. Management or ffi ncy otberFunds, Goods, fto. valuaHon. I.O.O.F.— continued, rand Lodge of New Zealand —etd. Gladstone Mataura „ Aparima ,, Kaeojfc Orient „ Popotunoa ,, Hope of Maheno ,, Waiareka ,, Star of Eden Ruth Rebekah Star of Waiuku „ Linda Rebekah „ Northern Wairoa ,, Myrtle Rebokah „ Miriam Rebekah ,, Noami Rebekah ,, Wynyard „ Opotiki „ Owaka „ Hereweka „ Star of Avondale „ Star of Napier „ Royal Oak Awhina „ Takiara Rebekah ,, Star of Linwood „ Hakatere ,, Aroatea ,, Star of Sydenham „ Clevedon „ Star of Papakaio ,, Star of Ohaeawai ,, Star of Hokianga „ Zealandia ,, Star of St. Albans „ Epsom „ Golden Link Rebekah „ Tβ Ara Rebekah ,, Moana Rebekah „ Loyal Waimate „ Star of Waikato ,, Lily of Sydenham Rebekah Lodge Pride of Taumarunui Lodge .. Rakaia ,, Maori Hill Awarua „ Star of Papakura ,, St. Kilda Karamu „ Star of Whangarei ,, Lily of Eden Rebekah ,, Marama ,, KiaOra .. .. Pyramid ,, • .. Star of Waikiwi ,, Star of Bluff „ " Arawa ,, Hokonui ,, Kiwitea ,, Fairlie Creek Mataura Utautau Kaeo Palmerston N. ClintonJ Maheno Enfield Ponsonby . . Dunedin Waiuku Roslyn Newport Auckland .. 8. Dimodin Christchurch Auckland .. Opotiki Owaka Portobello .. Avondale .. Napier Drummond.. Mamaku Invercargill.. Linwood Ashburton .. Birkenhead.. Sydenham .. Clevodon Papakaio . . Ohaeawai . . Kohukohu .. Wellington .. St. Albans .. Epsom Linwood Otantau Riverton Waimate Hamilton .. Sydenham .. 1883 1883 1883 1884 1885 1889 1889 1891 1894 1895 1895 1895 1896 1896 1898 1899 1899 1899 1899 1901 1903 1904 1904 1904 1904 1906 1906 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1909 1909 123 62 88 18 87 95 66 68 282 17 90 23 138 32 57 36 236 60 116 48 47 67 42 48 35 170 70 63 123 26 48 15 33 104 56 36 21 13 6 41 62 29 £ 297 169 111 65 98 197 171 139 829 98 96 54 336 124 100 6 274 279 238 54 24 53 37 97 22 76 27 30 109 66 70 14 45 43 27 15 13 14 12 52 37 4 £ 188 455 58 34 94 26 127 138 50 74 11 10 18 3 19 42 in 152 42 3 44 7 31 6 35 13 27 18 11 7 13 £ 109 4 53 31 4 171 44 1 779 24 85 44 318 121 81 6 232 168 86 12 21 9 30 66 16 41 14 30 82 48 59 7 32 43 25 11 13 14 12 32 9 4 £ + 1-25* + 11-30* + 1-33* + 1-05* + 2-28* - 3-38* + 1-89* - 0-46* - 0-11* + 2-41* + 0-26* + 3-68* - 1-97* + 3-81* + 0-58* + 1-38* - 0-41* + 2-57* + 3-45* - 110* - 2-14* - 1-26* - 0-85* + 1-27* - 1-31* - 0-52* - 112* 22 4 20 28 Taumarunui Rakaia Maori Hill .. Taihape Papakura .. Dunedin Hastings Whangarei .. Ponsonby .. Morton Mains Dannovirke Wangaimi . . Waikiwi Bluff Cambridge .. Gore Feilding 1909 1909 1909 1909 1910 1910 1910 1010 1910 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1912 1912 1912 33 36 29 49 15 38 40 29 11 28 42 30 63 29 40 26 28 10 157 82 35 30 93 43 42 16 25 18 9 37 58 18 12 38 4 11 16 33 3 10 18 9 2 11 6 146 66 2 27 83 25 33 14 14 18 2 36 58 9 12 17 7 1 9 21 Total of Order .. 6,251 105,953 96,471 9,482 + 3-60 N.I.O.O.F. luckland Provincial District — Central Body Auckland Pioneer Lodge United Brothers „ Auckland .. 3,157 636 1,522 3,122 392 1,231 35 244 291 1878 1870 178 280 - 16-87 Total of Order 458 5,31") 4,745 570 -15-25 B.U.O.O.F. Aorangi Lodge Wellington .. - 5-24 1884 147 3,176 2,976 200 • Sick Fund only.



TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.

Name of Society and Branch. Place of Establishment. 1 «- 8°» ♦.JO ° °g *■ *r 9 JO ® rH cu s a anTotal Worth. Sick and Management Surplus Funeral Fund, and °*R e £ c \ e ','£. including Other Funds. P er Member Surplus. Goods, Ac. vatartton. A.O.F. Auckland District — Central Body Court Zealandia ,, Pride of Onehunga „ Pride of the North „ Robin Hood .. ,, Northern Wairoa „ Pride of Newmarket .. ,, Nil Desporandum „ Royal Oak ,, Star of the South ,, Star of Helensville ,, Victoria ,, Queen of the North „ Maid Marion „ Waihi ,, Birkenhead „ Pride of Awanui ,, Taumarunui .. ,, Shaldrick ,, Alexandra „ Unity „ Te Puke ,, Prido of Waikato Auckland .. Onehunga .. Graham stown Panmure Dargaville .. Newmarket.. Newton Tauranga .. Otahuhu Helensville .. Devonport .. Maungaturoto Auckland .. Waihi Birkenhead.. Awanui Taumarunui Onehunga .. Devonport .. Paparoa Te Puke .. Frankton .In. 1873 1875 1875 1870 1877 1879 1880 1880 1881 1883 1885 1886 1894 1895 1900 1904 1907 1909 1910 1911 1912 1912 173 232 97 23 88 103 332 42 19 95 274 63 58 200 148 27 78 30 27 48 15 47 £ 31,276 118 1,574 130 44 274 140 332 514 24 857 313 258 108 734 913 405 30 10 12 31 86 27 £ 29,772 50 19 20 248 33 100 468 14 084 80 140 8 42 799 381 10 2 9 10 19 27 £ 1,504 62 1,555 130 18 26 107 232 40 10 173 233 118 100 092 114 24 20 8 3 21 7 £ -10-79 -16-41 -28-10 -17-31 -18-83 - 9-36 - 9-02 14-95 20-58 -12-50 9-41 18-72 7-29 26-20 -15-88 901 - 9-91 Total 2,225 38,150 32,947 5.209 13-92 Hawke's Bay District — Central Body Court Sir Charles Napier „ Lord Clydo .. ,, Captain Cook ,, Sir Henry Havelock ,, Robin Hood „ Ruahine „ Heretaunga .. ,, Little John .. ,, Waitangi ,, Rising Sun .. ,, Ormond „ Redclyffo ,. Viking „ Johnston Napier Wairoa Napier Havelock .. Ahttriri Waipukurau Hastings .. Waipawa .. West ('live . . Dannevirke.. Makottiku .. Taradale Norsewood .. Takapati 1872 1873 1875 1875 1878 1879 1882 1883 1884 1885 1885 1886 1894 1909 147 158 139 107 94 58 83 47 16 112 40 33 32 22 13,709 9.339 1,151 3,953 3,002 1,841 1,431 1,690 987 481 791 949 020 195 25 i 13,640 9,093 I .003 3,826 3.459 1,830 1,400 1.059 959 470 772 907 690 110 8 09 210 88 127 203 II 25 31 28 5 19 42 85 17 | 23-13 10-79 - 418 I 03 8-96 4-64 - 7-22 9-53 002 -14-77 8-67 II-SO -22-43 Total 1,088 40,824 39,828 996 3-58 Taranaki District — Central Body Court Taranaki ,, Waireka „ Patea „ Raleigh Opunake Egmont Stratford ,, Pride of New Plymouth „ Pride of Eltham „ Lady Islington New Plymouth 1864 1866 Patea .. 1867 Waitara 1883 Opunake .. 1883 H8wera .. 1884 Stratford .. 1887 New Plymouth 1893 Eltham . . 1908 Stratford .. 1911 100 525 91 119 10 49 91 134 57 25 657 5,166 11,636 1,589 1,500 605 2,515 1,580 858 165 46 170 5,166 10.884 1,589 1,500 581 2,515 1,547 799 159 35 487 752 24 33 59 6 II + 14-29 1-99 -10-81 0-55 + 21-00 + 17-41 . 0-55 - 209 Total 1,201 26,317 24,945 1.372 + 1-97 Wellington District — Central Body Court Sir George Grey ,, Robin Hood .. ,, Little John .. ,, Roderick Dhu Sir George Bowen „ Blenheim „ Wairarapa ,, Loyal Enterprise „ Clarendon ,, Manawattt „ Marquis of Normanby.. ,, Loyal Feilding ,, William Gladstone „ Pioneer „ Loyal Halcombe Wellington .. .. 1862 1865 Marton .. 1866 Wanganui .. 1867 Wellington .. 1868 Blenheim .. 1869 Greytown .. 1870 Masterton .. 1871 Picton .. 1874 Palmerston N. 1875 Carterton .. 1876 Feilding .. 1876 Gisbome 1877 TeNui .. 1877 Halcombe .. I 1884 5 321 270 199 346 385 164 67 221 146 227 142 97 200 71 46 21,971 9,806 4,123 2,753 4,868 9,462 7,024 1,359 1,507 4,241 2.923 2,153 1,707 4,556 2,229 648 21,214 9,320 3,634 2,099 4,685 9,169 6,967 1,328 1,060 4,157 1,940 1.908 1,040 4,380 2,119 571 757 486 489 54 183 293 57 31 447 84 977 185 61 176 110 77 -12-84 -18-39 -19-71 12-53 10-23 + 0-21 -18-79 29-42 1-99 16-54 10-38 -15-70 - 7-91 - 5-53 -17-45



TABLE I.— Membership and Funds— continued.

Name of Socikty and Branch. Place of Establishment. all lid v in Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund, including Surplus. Management and otber Funds, Goods, &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at Last Valuation. A.O.F. — continued. Wellington District —continued. Court Woodville „ Pohangina ,, Kpuni „ Pahiatua „ Kopuaranga .. „ Hunterville .. „ Sir William Jervois ,, Pride of Levin „ Bloomfield „ Lady Glasgow „ Primrose „ Makakahi ,, Pongaroa ,, Loyal Northland ,, Rangataua Woodvillc .. Ashhurst .. Petone l'ahiatua Mauriceville Hunterville.. Newtown .. Levin Hutt Wellington .. Petone Eketahuna .. Pongaroa .. Northland .. Rangataua .. 1884 1 886 1886 1886 1887 1888 1889 1891 1891 1894 1894 1895 1900 1907 1911 117 33 379 171 85 35 274 80 45 135 36 134 63 152 33 £ 1.848 365 5,589 4.002 1.404 336 1,510 693 443 632 247 1. 165 302 640 97 £ 1,525 317 5, 133 :i. 257 1.361 307 1.088 635 372 .".'Hi 192 978 270 509 61 £ 323 48 456 74"> 43 29 422 58 71 36 55 193 32 131 36 £ -10-40 -22-60 - 1215 -15-88 -19-64 -25-82 -17-11 -22-65 -2008 - 4-83 - 504 -18-88 -80-10 Total 4,679 100,603 93.458 7,145 -13-99 Nelson District— Central Body Court Robin Hood .. ,, Perseverance „ Pride of the Forest ,, Concord „ Unity ,, Charleston „ Sherwood Forest „ Aorere „ Royal Oak .. „ Inangahua „ Karamea Nelson Motueka Wakapuaka Greymouth.. Havelock .. Charleston .. Stoke Collingwood Westport .. Reef ton Karamoa 1862 1863 1864 1867 1871 1871 1872 1873 1875 1878 1908 309 72 86 110 76 23 70 112 47 29 34 1,595 9,844 801 2.974 898 1,490 976 2,590 5,320 1,576 1,014 118 1,460 9,686 770 2.508 876 1,368 932 2,551 5,117 I. r>46 944 84 135 158 31 466 22 132 44 39 203 29 70 34 - 5-63 -16-20 -12-93 -18-27 -18-74 -11-40 - 6-69 - 0-89 - 200 - 4-68 Total 968 29,195 27,832 1,363 - 9-36 Canterbury United District — Central Body Court Star of Canterbury ,, Queen of the Isles Pride of Courtenay .. Thistle of the Forest .. .. Woodford Papanui Star of Dunsandel .. Star of Belfast Ashburton Queen of Canterbury .. Victoria Loburn Star of Rakaia Christchurch Lyttelton .. Courtenay .. Sydenham .. Kaiapoi Papanui Dunsandel .. Belfast Ashburton .. Christchurch Kaiapoi Loburn Rakaia 1852 1859 1876 187!) 1880 1881 1888 1888 1889 1895 1896 l<102 1909 403 22 r>0 138 183 .-,7 96 : 52 129 40 38 24 70 11,811 13,639 1,683 2,132 3.641 4.787 856 1.284 829 2.367 271) 139 385 251 11,610 1 :i. 571 1.325 1.882 3.526 4. (i<14 830 1,086 826 2,282 272 117 118 228 201 68 357 250 115 93 26 198 3 85 4 22 267 23 + 0-65* + 2-40t + 5-08f + 3-45f + 2-56t + 2-561- - 4-80f - 4-04-j- + 2-50t - M7f -10-12f - 3-83f - 6-62f Total 1,302 44,079 42,367 1.712 + 1-10 p South Canterbury District — i< Central Body Court Southern Cross „ Foresters' Pride ,, Progress „ Star of Waihao Timaru 1,002 11,379 4.207 488 359 842 11,181 3,963 455 292 - 6-60 — 1017 -15-29 -11-66 Waimate .. St. Andrew's Morvon 1868 1875 1883 1904 486 176 64 40 160 198 244 33 67 Total 766 17,435 16,733 702 - 8-49 United Otago District — Central Body Court Pride of Dunedin ,, Enterprise „ Robin Hood .. „ Pride of the Leith „ Bruce ,, Star of the Dunstan „ Pride of Oamaru ,, Pride of Alexandra Roxburgh Dunedin Port Chalmers Dunedin Milton Clyde Oamaru Alexandra .. Roxburgh .. 1862 1863 1864 1864 1865 1866 1868 1869 1873 8 353 379 200 281 177 57 222 111 101 22,023 12,330 10,957 2,199 6,481 3,093 1,389 4,913 1,683 1,173 19,892 11,174 10,432 1,928 8,180 2,998 1,389 4. 7M 1.641 1,148 2,131 1,156 525 276 351 95 + 109* + 7-35f + 5-39f -ll-30t + l-47f - 5-88f + 5-88f + l-31t + 4-14t - l-72f 159 42 25 • District Fi iner&l Fi ind. t Sick Fnnii only.



TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.

Name of Socirty and Branch. Place of kvc Establishment, gla 2 H •» On £ Sg Sick and fig Total Worth. 3 § g Surplus. Management or »«&"„, otheXnds, V e l^ ei Goods, &c. y^JSn. A.O.F.— continued. United Otago District —continued. Court Star of the South St. Andrew's Excelsior Little John .. Royal Oak .. Southern Star Victoria Woodlands Prido Queen of the South .. Star of the Forest Marion .. Pride of Waitaki King Edward's Pride .. Pride of Green Island . . Star of Heriot Invercargill.. Caversham .. Mornington.. Roslyn Wyndham .. Bluff Oamaru Dunedin Invercargill.. Woodlands .. Mosgiel Kurow S. Dunedin.. Green Island Heriot 1874 1875 1877 1888 1890 1890 1894 1895 1896 1896 1898 1904 1907 1907 1909 457 168 179 151 99 65 25 283 59 37 66 61 88 95 52 £ 5,949 2,352 3,802 2,128 1,190 481 182 897 414 872 354 327 274 445 268 £ 5,949 2,002 3,549 2,084 1,113 445 175 814 403 846 340 326 247 425 193 £ 290 253 44 77 36 7 83 11 26 14 1 27 20 75 £ - 1-44* - 8-48* + 4-02* + 1-26* - 7-05* -10-19* - 3-12* - 5-99* - 511* + 2-37* - 4-34* - 607* Total 3,774 86,176 80,452 5,724 + 0-21 Courts not in any District — Court City of Auckland „ Pride of Parnell ,, Coromandel Auckland .. Thames Coromandel 1863 1864 1871 335 117 47 11,366 4,718 1,331 11,242 4,541 I. ir>:{ 124 177 178 - 5-26 - 5-75 Total 499 17,415 16,936 479 Total of Order 16,502 400,200 375,498 24,702 A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey ,, Epuni Wellington .. Petono 1865 1906 :,r, I!) 1,175 123 1,147 106 28 17 - 1-71 Total of Order 74 1,298 1,253 IS U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of the North Island Central Body Excelsior Lodge . . Stonehenge ,. Star of New Zealand „ Star of the West Auckland Albion ,, Totara ,, Oroua ,, Bishop „ Brunner Blenheim Mistletoe ,. Turanganui ,, Pacific ,. Poneke Ponsonby Star of Egmont Maitai ,< Morgan Collingwood ,. Horowhenua Otaki Hawera „ Holly ,. • ■ Takaka „ Moturoa ,, Star of Paeroa „ Pride of Waihi Reefton ,, Victoria Star of Newmarket ,, Pahiatua ,, Coronation Alexandra ,. Ruahine Shannon Eltham Mungaroa Wellington .. »» ■ ■ Masterton .. Hutt Greymouth.. Auckland .. Napier Carterton .. Palmerston N. Wanganui .. Brunnerton.. Blenheim .. Gisborne Wellington .. Petone Auckland .. Patea Nelson Marton Collingwood Levin Otaki Hawera Johnsonville Takaka N. Plymouth Paeroa Waihi Reefton Waikino Auckland .. Pahiatua Wellington .. Karangahake Dannevirke.. Shannon Eltham Upper Hutt 1879 1880 1880 1881 1882 1882 1883 1883 1883 1883 1884 1884 1886 1886 1887 1891 1892 1893 1893 1895 1895 1895 1895 1895 1896 1896 1897 1897 1899 1900 1902 1902 1902 1903 1903 1903 1903 666 226 138 284 346 388 198 519 443 155 125 388 655 177 636 81 278 100 48 108 95 156 84 104 181 89 151 183 77 126 68 235 126 144 116 78 60 33,400 6,013 1,359 1,976 2,070 4,147 2,664 1,951 3,720 4,997 1,393 1,272 6,970 6,632 2,719 7,831 927 4,942 969 544 1,092 926 1,241 1,068 684 1,838 1,010 847 1,311 951 889 473 1,830 585 1.004 799 571 464 28,084 5,553 1,312 1,949 1,884 3,733 2,419 1,527 3,430 4,388 1,191 1,216 6,513 6,214 2,495 5,935 792 4,446 826 409 911 797 1,120 846 550 1,838 1,004 580 1,086 891 684 379 1,542 452 928 759 471 438 5,316 460 47 27 186 414 245 424 290 609 202 56 457 418 224 1,896 135 496 143 135 181 129 121 222 134 -7-87 -10-54 -12-80 -12-97 -12-55 -2200 - 9-08 - 7-89 - 3-49 -14-40 - 7-21 - 9-63 - 7-10 - 6-22 - 9-63 - 511 - 3-89 -11-41 6 267 225 60 205 94 288 133 76 40 100 26 - 6-55 - 5-43 - 7-92 - 2-29 -17-26 - 7-00 -11-46 -12-74 - 9-05 - 8-94 - 8-72 - 5-62 - 6-49 - 6-24 - 6-27 - 315 - 5-34 - 5-65 * Sick Fund only.



TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.

5—H. 1.

Name of Society and Branch Place of Establishment. rr.a o.2 hJ d-9 9 s*a rH CO w a =■§2 *30 Sick and Funeral Fund, including Surplus. Management and other Funds, Goods, .fee. Surplus or Deficiency tier Member at Last Valuation. Total Worth. U.A.O. D.— continued. 'Iraml Lodge of the North Island —continued. Inglewood Lodge .. Myrtle Okato Devonport Te Aroha ,. Trafalgar Whangarei Seddon Waitemata BulletShedwood Eden Millerton Makino ,, Fern-leaf Stratford I'ride of Brooklvn Blackball Naumai Pride of Hamilton Nelson Creek Island Bay Denniston ".. Pride of the West Aramoho I .'ny Lynn ,, Eureka Melrose ,, Clifton Karamea ,, Dominion „ Manawatu ,, Wairoa „ Mackay ,, Roskill Light of Manukau Star of Rodney Te Awha Rotorua Star of Albertland I'ride of Te Kuiti Royal Oak Star of Piako Murohison Ruataniwha Manaia Westland Inglewood .. Eketahuna .. Okato Devonport . . Te Aroha .. Wakefield .. Whangarei .. Dunollie Auckland .. Westport . . Motupiko .. Auckland .. Millerton Feilding Greytown Stratford Wellington .. Blackball .. Motueka Hamilton .. Nelson Creok 1 sland Bay .. Denniston . . Kumara Aramoho Grey Lynn .. Hastings Kilbirnie Waitara Karamea Thames Fox ton Wairoa. H.B. Taihape Auckland Onehunga .. Warkworth.. Mangawhare Rotorua Port Albert Te Kuiti . .. Northcote .. Morrinsville Murohison .. Waipawa . . Manaia Hokitika .. 1903 1904 1904 1904 1904 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1900 1906 1900 1900 1900 1906 1900 1906 1906 1900 1900 1907 1907 1907 1907 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1908 1909 1909 1909 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 186 83 17 130 60 85 73 130 235 132 76 71 62 82 49 91 80 56 95 58 21 08 62 43 121 114 70 103 01 47 57 72 87 49 55 125 01 44 38 25 20 40 21 18 44 00 91 £ 1,287 (50 1 150 1,188 339 440 351 451 1,301 862 1.098 751 59 540 321 371 400 152 030 203 192 .501 220 244 333 480 411 620 267 85 121 329 375 202 272 424 195 197 III 114 40 138 70 40 95 168 231 £ 1.101 552 146 1.092 309 372 340 437 1.050 821 505 057 49 503 280 354 381 . 120 602 198 187 431 221 230 328 424 384 593 221 77 107 318 366 151 185 352 182 158 111 97 35 113 60 28 87 136 184 £ ISO 9 4 96 30 08 5 14 245 41 533 94 10 37 41 17 79 32 28 5 5 70 5 14 5 56 27 27 46 8 14 II 19 51 87 72 13 39 £ - 001 - 7-75 - 5-73 - 8-33 - 6-00 - 8-38 - 5-13 - 4-07 - 5-87 - 4-77 - 5-77 - 5-12 - 6-57 -.6-03 - 500 - 5-94 - 5-29 - 4-86 - 4-37 - 6-24 - 3-80 - 5-03 0-00 - 5-51 17 5 25 10 18 8 32 47 Total 11.517 132,081 115.289 16,792 - 8-37 '.'mm/ Lodge nf Canterbury — ; Central Body Pioneer Lodge .'. Hope of St. Albans Mistletoe „ Oak of Sydenham ,, Ethelbert Lyttelton Hearts of Oak ,, Star of Anglesea Perseverance ,, Hope of Amberley ,, Anchor „ Bud of Hope Ohoka Timaru Trafalgar Star of Ashburton • Old Oak Ivy of Linwood ,. Ellesmere Olive Branch I.ilv <>f Richmond Ivy .. .. Success of Ashburton Queen of the Oak Christchurch 1875 1879 1879 1879 1880 1880 I8S0 IS80 1880 1880 1880 1882 1882 1882 1883 1883 1888 1895 1897 1902 1903 1904 1908 13,309 6,255 3,392 2,872 4,354 1.018 093 2.014 1.222 540 1,855 1.538 582 5. 085 419 2.577 804 1.180 438 241 340 037 80 184 12,659 0.201 3.228 2.803 4.065 980 599 1.993 1,217 513 1,779 1,342 579 5,845 415 2,471 805 1.098 391 216 300 552 78 171 0.50 54 164 09 289 38 94 21 5 27 76 190 3 140 4 100 59 82 47 25 40 85 2 13 St. Albans .. Christchurch Sydenham .. Springston .. Lyttelton .. Lincoln Addington .. Amberley .. Woolston .. Rangiora Ohoka Timaru Kaiapoi Ashburton .. Southbridge Christchurch Doyleston .. Hornby Richmond .. Waimate Ashburton .. Sydenham .. 295 108 315 221 76 152 66 120 02 213 99 32 393 51 172 72 180 34 37 67 85 12 42 3-40 - 1-34 5-77 0-79 - 9-90 -10-96 + 2-63 9-05 13-25 - 8-52 -12-39 13-70 - 3-23 -14-24 - 7-72 9-23 - 4-59 - 6-42 7-00 - 3-20 - 4-97 - 0-47 - 1-83 Total 52.295 50.000 . 2,289 - 0-18 2.964



TABLE I. —Membership and Funds— continued.

Namf. of Socf.ty ani> Rbanoh. |S | *|S Total Worth. Sick and Management „ n U « P ' U £ , Funeral Fund, and other ° " £« including Funds. Goods. pel Memhei 8 »n>l™. & °- Vamatfon. U.A.O.D.— continued. Grand Lodge of Olago and Southland — Central Body Otago Lodge .. Enterprise ,, Ivanhoe Royal Oak .... Acorn ,. Linden ., West Harbour All Nations ,, Endeavour Good Intent Rose of Palmerston Gore „ Lily of the Valley „ St. Patrick's Pride of Mornington Star of Tuapeka Star of Duntroon ,, Bay Hampden Alexandra Southern Oak Oak of Waikiwi Star of.Thornbury U.A.O.D.— continued, rand Lodge of Olago and Southland — £ Central Body .. .. Dunedin .. .. .. 7.785 Otago Lodge.. .. .. 1880 250 4,398 Enterprise „ .. S. Dunedin 1S80 232 3.183 Ivanhoe ., .. Dunedin .. 1880 323 I.:!7S Royal Oak ,. .. Oaversham .. 1881 182 1,631 Aoorn ,. .. [nveroargill. . 1881 109 5.102 Linden ., .. Roalyn .. 1883 106 1,985 West Harbour .. .. Rothesay .. 1883 III! I.SIM All Nations „ .. Port Chalmers 1883 191 1,772 Endeavour „ .. Oamaru .. : 1884 241 3.117 Good Intent „ .. Mosgiel .. : 1885 [68 2.437 Rose of Palmerston .. .. Palmerxton S. 1886 III) 1,654 Gore „ .. Gore .. 1889 152 I. 506 Lily of the Valley „ .. Dunedin .. 1898 115 998 St. Patrick's „ .. Waikouaiti 1899 i 73 511 Pride of Mornington .. .. Mornington 1900 1 79 634 Star of Tuapeka .. .. Lawrence .. 1902 71 t>3!) Star of Duntroon ,, .. Duntroon .. l!)04 42 290 Bay ,. .. Dunedin .. ' 1905 49 231 Hampden .. .. Hampden .. I 1905 68 3117 Alexandra ,, .. Alexandras. 1909 ''■'t 177 Southern Oak ,. .. ,S. Invercargill Hill 41 ~>s Oak of Waikiwi .. .. Waikiwi .. 1911 74 91 Star of.Thornlunv .. .. Thornburv . . 1911 50 56 Dunedin S. Dunedin Dunedin C'aversham .. Invercargill.. Roslyn Rothesay .. Port Chalmers Oamam .. Mosgiel • • j PalmerHtoii S. Gore .. Dnnedin Waikouaiti Mornington Lawrence .. Duntroon .. Dunedin Qampdon ■ • '■ Alexandra S. >S. Inveroargil] Waikiwi Thornbury .. 1880 1880 1880 1881 1881 1883 1883 1883 1884 1885 1886 1889 1898 1899 1900 1902 100 + 1905 1905 1(10!) 1911 I'.lll Mill .... £ £ e 7.340 445 t,00fl 386 - 1-14 3,089 94 — 7-89 3,943 435 - 5-11 1.475 166 - 9-30 4.003 1,099 ">!l!l 1,790 1(15 - 4-30 I ,836 58 - 2-3!) I,t>17 155 — 4-iiii 2,937 I sii - 5-98 2,305 132 - 0-77 1.1>20 34 2-49 1,39] 115 - (i-81 803 1(15 - 4-10 Ills 13 5-40 583 51 - 6-33 604 35 - 3-!)o 248 42 - 5-69 170 til - 51!) 336 31 3-33 147 30 34 24 65 26 3!) HI Total 3,183 44,800 40,882 4,008 r>. io Total of Order 17,664 229,266 206,177 23.08!) LOU. New Zealand District — Central Body Hope of Auckland Tent .. Star of Hanraki Northern Star Gordon ,, Whangaroa Advance Waitemata Mahurangi Homeguard .. Star of Cambridge Hope of Hamilton Hope of Eden Rosebud Hope of Frankton Hope of Devonport Pride of Manukau Primrose Hope of Morrinsville .. .'., J. G. Can- Memorial Rohe Potae .. if. Auckland .. Thames Aratapu Onehunga .. Whangaroa.. Waihi Northeote .. Warkworth. . Cambridge .. Hamilton .. Mount Eden Huntly Frank ton .. Devonport .. Onehunga .. Ohaupo Morrinsville Remuera Te Kuiti .. 1863 1870 1881 1885 1886 1899 1900 1902 1904 1907 1908 1908 1910 1910 1910 1910 1911 1912 1913 2 269 52 Iβ 66 22 22 17 42 45 111 157 38 23 40 3 !> 10 17 6 19,211 1,794 ill!) lit 41 I!) 27 44 38 41 80 ss 22 II 37 II II II is 6 18,876 1.515 901 9 1 6 13 II 13 21 45 336 27!) 18 10 40 13 14 33 25 20 16 88 3 5 27 7 3 3 12 I 19 6 10 4 8 8 6 5 Total 1IO7 22,428 21.477 951 + (1-07* New Zealand Central Dittrici — Central Body Mope of Wellington Tent .. Hope of Napier Bon Accord Perseverance ,, Haste to the Rescue Bud of Promise Unity Excelsior Hope of Dunedin Pride of f'hristchureh Murihiku Hope of Ormondville Hope of Woodville Masterton Hope of Carterton Wellington .. Napier Blenheim .. Wellington .. Nelson New Plymouth Wellington .. Dunedin Christchurch Invercargill.. Ormondville Woodville .. Masterton .. Carterton .. 1800 IS70 1871 1872 1872 IS74 1875 1875 1876 1877 1877 1878 1878 1881 1883 14 111!) 56 57 t>5 37 1 58 141 7(1 249 335 175 30 25 81 52 I (1.439 9,341 18 r>i is 1,463 931 3 .32fi 1,616 1,373 3,662 3,600 3,761 175 I.Oil 963 954 18,961 8,78!) 18 r>ii7 1 ,480 896 3,202 1.412 1,276 3.474 3,466 3.701 I or, 1 .042 953 874 478 552 2 I 13 36 124 104 98 188 44 f124-70 + 13-32 - 7-55 :ixr + o-f>9J + 9-07 - 1-73 -1202 3-86 - 7-71 - 7-04 - 3-22 -22-22 + 14-41 10-87 l ill 70 2 SO • Subject to a dedui ;tion of aHubiliti y on aei :oiint of !den Tent sewdii ig, imd not includ< ■(] in valuation.



TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.

Name of Society and Branch. Place of Establishment. H Hi Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund, including Surplus. Mnnagement and other Funds, Goods, &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at Last Valuation. I.O.R.— continued. New Zealand Central District— continued. Star of Wakefield Tent . . Wakefield . . 1883 Hope of Johnsonville „ . . Johnsonville 1884 Rescue „ . . Nelson .. 1886 Onward ,, .. PalmerstonN. 1801 Oisborne „ .. Gisborne .. L899 Pride of Egmont „ .. I Hawera . . I SOU Brightwater ,, . . Brightwater 1894 Pahiatua „ . . Pahiatua . . 1894 Lily of the South .. .. Invorcargill. . 1896 Wai Aroha „ .. Stratford . . 1898 Moa „ .. Inglewood . . 1899 New Century ,, .. Levin .. 1001 Star of Petone „ .. Petone .. 1904 Hope of Wanganui „ .. Wanganui .. 1906 KiaOra „ .. Hastings .. 1007 Ashburton „ . . Ashburton .. 1007 Triumph „ . . Timaru . . 1900 Pride of Te-aii-iuii „ .. I Gore .. 1909 Hope of South lnvercargill Tent S. Invercargill 1909 Hope of the Bluff Tent .. Bluff .. 1909 Port Chalmers .. .. Port Chalmers 1909 Ark of Refuge .. .. St. Albans .. 1900 Hope of Addington .. .. Addington . . 1900 Pride of Wallace „ .. Otautau .. 1000 Pride of Dannevirke ,, . . Dannevirke. . 1909 Enterprise ,, .. Linwood . . 1909 Sobriety „ .. N.E. Valley 1910 Progress „ .. Lower Hutt 1910 Pride of Waikiwi „ .. Invereargill.. 1910 Philipson ,, .. Spreydon .. 1911 Kilbirnie .. .. Kilbirnie .. 1911 Star of the Soutli .. .. Dunedin .. 1911 Star of Woolston .. .. Woolston .. 1911 Pride of Roslvii .. . . Roslyn .. 1912 Alpha ,. .. Granity .. 1013 1883 1884 1886 1801 1892 1893 1894 1894 ISO.", 1898 1899 1001 1904 1906 1007 1007 1000 1009 1909 1909 1909 1909 1900 1000 1909 1909 1910 1910 1910 1911 1911 1911 1911 1912 1913 r>2 19 22 r,4 82 \2 2(1 8 Sβ 2(1 2S lit + 1 :il 66 58 21 2.", 13 2(1 14 75 .".I 5 22 lid 98 is ::2 8 lid 36 19 is £ 1,055 684 19 23 398 14 5 6 112 7 12 106 7 20 8 26 33 0 5 9 28 33 17 14 60 11 31 12 23 14 I! 16 6 7 10 £ 1,068 684 15 389 4 2 5 110 r> i; 169 2 1 6 5 r< £ 19 8 9 10 3 2 2 6 27 5 19 2 21 28 0 £ — 5-44 + 9-39 -11-26* -11-26* -U-26* -19-35 -11-26* -11-26* -12-69 -11-26* -11-26* -18-57 -11-26* — 11-26* — 11-26* -11-26* B !l 28 28 3 8 ;J8 n 26 2 18 14 3 16 (i 2 5 14 8 22 5 10 5 3 5 5 Total 3,058 54,956 52,780 2,176 - 4-64 Total of Order 3,965 77,384 74,257 3,127 S.D.T. National Division of New Zealand — Central Body .. .. Addington Perseverance Division .. Christchurch 1872 Resolution „ .. Rangiora . . 1873 Excelsior ,, ■ • Addington .. 1885 Elim „ .. St. Albans .. 1885 Helpmate ,. . . Ashburton .. 1886 Advance ., . . Wellington . . 1887 Sunbeam „ .. Wanganui .. 1888 Hope of Sydenham Division .. Sydenham . . 1 889 71 62 60 62 17 30 24 36 0.726 867 IOC, 48 99 17 42 IS 16 0,504 804 I l:s Iβ 12 4 132 3 195 35 83 13 30 14 16 Total .. r371 11,029 10,508 521 - 2-51 i> Divisions separately registered — Antidote Division .. .. Dunedin .. 1871 - 7-97 196 6,312 5,898 414 Total of Order r>67 17,341 16,406 035 H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District — ( ontral Body Charleston Branch .. Charleston.. 1870 Crahamstown „ .. Grahamstown 1870 Greymouth „ .. Greymouth.. 1870 St. Joseph's ,, .. Dunedin .. 1873 Auckland „ .. Auckland .. 1873 St. Patrick's ,. .. Christchurch 1874 St. Patrick's ,. " .. Wellington .. 1874 Onehunga „ .. Onehunga .. 1874 St. John's „ .. Napier .. 1874 7 46 122 337 231 268 282 49 75 12.l!)4 32 lil :ir>2 2,000 3,677 2,680 908 213 580 11,172 18 42 333 2,516 2,945 2,478 645 165 408 1,022 14 19 10 384 732 202 323 48 142 -33-46 -28-05 -13-25 - 9-06 -10-58 - 9-24 ■ 14-56 -18-61 -19-81 * Tents com] irisinj Central Sick Fund.



TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.

Name of Society and Branch. a Place of 1,50 Establishment. J« 2 I t* » S M CM Boo °°a! ■§.§S Total Worth. sa u - Sick and Management Funeral Fund, and other including Funds, Goods, Surplus. &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at Last Valuation. H.A.C.B.S.— continued. New Zealand District —continued. St. Joseph's Branch St. Patrick's Waipawa ,, St. John's „ St. Patrick's St. Mary's „ St. Joseph's ,, St. Michael's „ Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Branch St. Patrick's Branch St. Columbkille's ,, St. Patrick's St. Canice's ,, St. Patrick's ,, St. Patrick's St. Patrick's St. Mary's St. Aloysius „ St. Patrick's St. Joseph's ,, Sts. Peter and Paul's „ St. Mary's „ St. Patrick's „ Sts.Peter and Paul's „ St. Mary's „ Sacred Heart ,, St. Mary's „ Sacred Heart „ St. Mary's „ St. Mary's „ St. Mary's „ St. Andrew's „ St. Stanislaus ,, New Plymouth Blenheim .. Waipawa .. Leeston Lincoln Timaru Hastings Masterton .. Milton Oamaru Denniston .. Waimate Westport .. Gisborne Palmerston N. Reefton Wellington .. Newtown .. Kaiapoi Waihi Hutt Taihape Manaia Gore Coraliline .. Wellington .. Carterton .. Petone Opunake Port Chalmers Wanganui .. Levin Inglewood .. 1876 1876 1876 1882 1882 1882 1885 1886 1891 1891 1901 1901 1901 1903 1903 1903 1904 1904 1904 1904 1905 1006 1906 I (HIS 1909 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1911 1911 1911 31 69 40 30 42 176 93 37 35 85 28 31 89 49 49 22 119 80 6 i 21 17 24 49 90 44 72 18 03 21 36 £ 271 403 428 573 440 1,566 520 549 201 742 144 349 309 243 240 283 499 202 05 89 207 182 207 229 176 200 60 135 33 22 127 51 70 £ 189 209 354 471 360 1.375 398 501 157 668 97 274 320 177 229 282 408 101 36 14 177 125 211 IliO 142 129 30 89 28 10 97 30 68 £ 82 194 74 102 80 191 128 48 44 74 47 75 49 66 11 1 91 101 30 75 30 57 66 63 34 71 24 40 5 ti :so 21 8 £ - 10-87 -26-98 -17-57 3-94 -13-67 -10-50 -10-24 0-75 1409 -13-49 -13-30 -12-29 11-90 -10-76 -10-26 11-31 + 3-58 -1403 13-37 1213 -11-90 10-07 -11-31 I Total of Order 3.003 33.574 28,055 4.919 -12-63 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council nf Xcir Zealand — ('entral Body Prince of Wales Lodge Queen's Ow n „ Excelsior „ Wiekliffe John Kno.v „ Alexandra ,, Triumph „ Valley True Blue „ Star of Hastings ,, Star of Oamaru „ St. Albans „ Auckland .. Thames Christohuroh GreenJIsland Napier Wellington .. Auckland .. S. Dunedin N.E. ValleyHastings Oamaru Auckland .. 1873 1874 1876 1877 1879 1879 1883 1883 1883 1883 1890 43 I 53 119 30 02 82 158 83 44 115 29 9.033 747 874 1.187 802 1,184 1.331 I . 878 028 0(9 2. 190 701 9,085 745 819 1.094 799 1,162 1.251 1.738 591 630 2.113 700 548 2 or, 93 3 22 80 140 37 19 77 1 22-30 -16-70 - 0-93 - 5-72 0-55 -1216 -14-74 -12-78 1-94 - 8-99 + 0-23 Total of Order 918 21.804 20,727 1,077 -12-22 T.B.F.S. Eden Temperance Benefit F.S. .. ii Parnell + 16-82 1874 38 2.350 2.350 Grand total 73.091 I.043.177 1,517,708 125,409



TABLE II.—Numerical Progress, Mortality, and Sickness for the Year 1913.

Number of Members. Sickness Experience. Name of Society and Branch. Admitted by a a -g ClearS * 2 ance .5*1 aufl ls'2,5 Amalgaa|* uiation. Total. r, .. ClearDeatl >- ance. Left by Arrears, Ac. Total. At Begin- At End uing ot of Year. Year. Sick during Year. Total. Deaths of RegisFirst Second After Twelve Wives Six Months. Six Months. Months. Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd FellowsNew Zealand Branch — Central Body. Auckland District Hawke's Bay ,, New Plymouth „ Wanganui Wellington ,, Marlborough „ Nelson . . „ .. Motueka ,, North Westland „ Ashley .. „ .. North Canterbury ,, Ashburton „ 383 74 102 85 105 5 49 9 47 41 105 45 20 4 3 1 5 3 409 78 105 86 170 8 49 9 47 41 113 46 27 11 •5 4 - 21 2 12 4 8 8 20 4 23 4 7 3 6 1 356 64 56 72 101 5 44 15 78 37 99 18 406 79 68 79 128 8 56 19 91 45 123 25 4.243 1.409 1,103 907 2,207 170 896 525 053 1,130 2,259 526 4,240 1.408 1,140 914 2,249 170 889 515 009 1,120 2,249 547 822 203 1.50 135 301 39 178 101 138 180 344 07 Weeks. 7,503 1.947 1.289 1.182 3.704 333 2,711 1.391 1,702 1,821 3.471 545 Weeks. 3.008 915 863 687 1,830 165 902 o38 806 I .oso 1.724 357 Weeks. 613 no 94 79 400 234 112 70 159 35 1 7 Weeks. 3,222 910 332 416 1,534 108 1,575 741 820 570 1,396 181 20 7 3 1 17 2 2 2 3 3 15 2 5 8 1 4 3 Total —New Zealand Branch 1,110 51 1.161 120 50 945 1,127 16,028 10,002 2,718 27,059 13,541 2,235 11,883 77 Districts separately registered. Lyttelton District South Canterbury ,, Otago „ Southland „ 22 41 313 113 2 12 19 5 24 53 332 118 4 2 40 21 2 5 20 17 31 27 233 80 37 34 299 118 566 009 5,052 1,716 553 628 5,085 1.710 III 85 740 259 1,317 1,024 9,294 2,512 486 409 3,563 1,162 109 84 662 251 722 531 5,069 1,099 3 17 8 Total —Separately registered 489 3s 527 07 371 488 7,943 7.982 1,201 14.147 5,620 1,106 7,421 29 Total of Order 1.599 89 1.688 193 106 1.316 1,615 23.971 24.044 3,919 41,800 19.161 3.34 1 19.304 106 Independent Order of Odd Fellows of New Zealand 4.101 810 83 893 132 675 837 0. 195 0.251 853 5.935 537 1.297 National Independent Order of Odd Fellows — Auckland Provincial District 659 139 29 30 43 45 473 458 100 822 24 3 British United Order of Odd Fellows — Aorangi Lodge IS 18 1 II 12 141 147 24 150 100 20 is Ancient Order of Foresters — Auckland District Hawke's Bay ,, Taranak i .... Wellington Nelson ,, Canterbury United ., 197 63 108 353 46 83 28 5 3 19 225 68 111 372 40 87 13 8 7 32 13 46 4 17 3 3 247 102 02 328 44 60 300 114 70 377 50 70 2,300 2,225 1,134 1,088 1,160 1.201 4.084 4,679 97s 968 1.291 1,302 401 102 184 747 179 217 3,040 1,488 1.474 7.227 2,287 2.250 1,777 780 970 3,627 988 1,090 238 77 149 640 186 167 1,025 631 355 2,900 999 9 4 2 10 0 9 4



TABLE II.—Numerical Progress, Mortality, and Sickness for the Year 1913— continued.

Number of Members. Sickness Experience. Admitted by Left by At Begin- At End Total. ning of of Arrears, Year. Year. &c. Sick during Year. Deaths of Registered Wives. Name of Society and Branch. • g a c Clear••h'3 £ ance * w £ and AmalgaTotal. Total. 6 First Six Months. First Six Months. Second After Twelve Six Months Months. Total. Death. Clearance. Weeks. 1,308 6,521 1,725 Weeks. 544 2,844 093 Weeks. Weeks. 166 598 601 3,076 149 883 Ancient Order of Foresters — contd. South Canterbury- District United Otago Courts separately registered 27 31ft 7 27 322 7 5 24 8 "l 1 36 258 23 ; 40 289 32 779 3.741 524 766 3.774 499 119 577 123 5 19 6 . (i Total of Order 1,200 05 1.205 119 82 1,159 1,300 i 16.597 16,502 2.709 27.320 13.313 2.373 11,640 70 Ancient Order of Shepherds — Total A.O.S. • 6 9 364 52 si 74 30 136 177 United Ancient Order of Druids — Grand Lodge of the North Island of New Zealand Grand Lodge of Canterbury Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland 1,051 223 1.274 57 260 1,098 1,415 11,058 11,517 1,904 11,156 8,493 920 1,730 20 224 222 28 252 40 262 86 33 24 49 139 189 183 205 2.901 3,186 2,904 3,183 482 486 4,348 4.023 2,457 2,227 371 538 l.52o 1,258 lo 8 Total of Order 1,497 291 1,788 116 j 333 1,420 1.809 17.745 17.004 2.872 19.520 13.177 1,835 4.514 Indefendknt <)kdi-:k of I! kciiabites — New Zealand District New Zealand Central District 113 310 52 100 166 422 o 16 25 74 65 270 90 366 838 3.002 907 3,058 138 450 1.081 3,796 094 2.188 03 272 324 1,336 2 7 Total of Order 429 158 587 22 99 341 402 3.840 3,905 588 4,877 2.882 335 1.000 9 Sons and Daughters of Temperance — National Division of New Zealand.. Divisions separately registered 9 3 6 II 3 3 I 3 15 7 21 8 378 201 371 190 62 39 699 519 292 240 30 2s 377 251 2 2 Total of Order 12 17 22 29 579 507 101 1.218 532 58 628 Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society — New Zealand District 377 437 22 84 310 416 3,042 3,003 474 4,279 2,349 385 1,545 Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia — Grand Council of New Zealand 74 12 II 5 30 40 878 918 161 1,551 783 183 585 1 Eden Temperance Benefit Friendly Society — Total E.T.B.F.S. 37 38 28 52 Grand Total 6,048 764 0,812 523 844 5.333 6.700 73.579 73.091 11.839 107.934 57.226 9.264 41,444 158



TABLE III. —Sick and Funeral Funds.—Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1913.

N T A1I>: OF SOCTRTY AND BRANCH. 09 a o i S fl g 3 fl ee t-i 4-' ■a 2 9 9 53P3 a M Receipts. to S*> — 'O S X, - >._ ** 9 oi 9 PExpenditure. S ■ 9 is « ~ £ j! .2.2 o £ Za 9£ h 9 _ ago sts a^Ta 2 ■% &S a a a ir. •"■ Q S ca S U HI 9 - 3 H Hi 9 ~a a x 0 e y, 53 w fl. '» o 9 © Eh 9 3 "3 is «3 p O o a a JO OJ g*- , © 3 C O cp a 9 M.U.I.O.O.F. N.Z. Branch, ('entral Body Auckland District I lawke's Bay New Plymouth Wanganui Wellington Marlborough Xelson Motueka North Westland Ashley North Canterbury Ashburton £ 8.353 2.534 I , 932 1,541 3,127 198 1,474 780 872 1.843 3.504 915 £ 621 5,051 1,898 1,304 I. 147 3.359 297 1.462 507 899 1.213 2.177 073 £ 975 220 210 105 475 60 246 120 222 230 730 100 £ 7,580 12 217 19 3 E 5.801 1,247; 982 898 2.401 228 1.505 873 I , 143 1,300 2.487 390 £ 1,013 300 210 70 405 50 240 90 190 200 690 160 £ 1.404 802 3 15 413 008 123 014 328] 441 885. 1.030, 219 £ 1,451 50 389 97 1,736 1.027 £ 8,201 14,391 4,869 3.500 2.793 0.9S0 518 3,182 1.587 1.994 3,934 0,418 1,748 £ 9,729 2,459 1.890 1.478 5,270 I.42S 2.305 1.410 1.868 4.815 5,252 877 £ 22,628 99,098 39.859 294.02 25,091 70.590 8.132 30,890 12,885 17,907 25,954 49.752 13.238 120 1 048 7 119 88 2.370 145 102 Total X.Z. Branch 27,073 20.728 3.743J 8.007 19,381 3,756 7.842, 7.S74 60, 151 38,853 445,492 Districts separately registered. Lyttelton District South Canterbury Otago Southland 959 958 8,213 2.534 988 487 0.710 1.550 130 70 1 1.280 000 1 308 178 32 845 600; 0.240 1,847 130 70 1.280 660 100 325 1.271 005 7 17 129 276 2,078 1,823 16,381 4.782 1,082 1,012 8.920 3,448 19,353 11,234 145.750 33,690 Total separately registered 12.0641 9.741 2,140 519 9,538 2,140 2,361 429! 25,064 14,468 210,027 Total of Order 39,737 30,469 5,883! 9,126 28,919, 5.890 10,2031 S.303 85,216 53,321 655,519 I.O.O.I-'. New Zealand 9,396| 4,178 4,856 3,51: 4,6351 840 8,845 21,942 14,320 89,005 N.LO.O.F. Auckland Provincial District . . 552 257 56 757 50 85 8851 898 4,745 B.U.O.O.K. Aorangi Lodge 174 146 121 30 320 157 2,976 A.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay Taranaki Wellington Nelson Canterbury United South Canterbury United Otago Courts separately registered 3.373 1,575 1,567 7.023 1,409 1.803 1,000 5,087 799 1.483 1,999 1,254 4,014 1.350 1.917 782 3,472 575 238 205 1.790 270 480 128 510 Mil 79 455 10 302 2,111 1,141 1,007 4.038 1,390 1,370 778 3.558 988 350 250 255 1.527 274 540 166 610 250 660j 272 1,818 250 371 150 913 25 22 110 4.935 4.207 3.090 13.729 3,029 4,200 1,947 9.486 1.484 2,461 2,051 1,534 7.983 1,942 2,391 1,094 5,081 1,320 32,940 39,450 24,421 92,401 27,784 41,887 10.733 72,213 16,929 37 417 631 Total of Order 23,636 17.446 3.791 1,300! 16.981 4.222 4,465 195 46.173 25,863 304.770 A.O.S. 91 Total A.O.S. 69 3 148i 20 103 168 1.253 U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of North Island of New Zealand Grand Lodge of Canterbury t .. Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland 18,514 4.018 4.393 4,965 2,487 1.850 1,040 752 770| 2,018 1 68 9,383 2,994 2,805 1.040 752 770 3.301 8181 806! 1,810 6 26,537 7,258 7.087 15.5! (4 4.570 4,381 114,807 49.992 40.814 Total of Order 20.925 9.308 2.50: 2,087 15.182 2,502 4,985 1,810 40,88: 24,545 205,013 I.O.R. New Zealand District N'ew Zealand Central District .. 1.249! 3.407 1.042 2.478190 004 433 1,274 814 2.012 212: 405 048 2.010 4 10 2,920 7,823 1.078 5.109 21.477 51,790 Total of Order. . 4.710 3,520 1.707 3.420 077 2.004 20 10,743 0,787' 73.207 S. AND D.T. National Division of New Zealand Divisions separately registered.. 573 280 516 '337 224 47 300 334 100 30 272l 1,360 017 738 364 10.507 5,892 Total of Order. . 853 853 22 IT 700 130 272 1.977! 1,102 10.399 H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District 3.913 1,266 410 523 2.S58 no 937 0.112 4,235 28.021 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand 08 1.420 1,112 3i>0 70 1.000 350 270, 2.952J 1,694 20.035 Eden Temperance Benefit Friendly Society 62 99 50 101 2.350 Grand total 111,475 08,723 18,932 18.3951 74.783 15,229! 32,726! 10.402 217,525 133,140 1,465.159



TABLE IV.—Medical and Management Expenses Funds.—Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1913.

Name of Soctnty and Branch. ■ 2 O -/ i * o ieceipts. s « . co 3 cp cp '-X 9 rH H. a r9 2 ~ 5'CB CP r- « CP a c 3 i.S'O'S loga * cp * cp '-■V. 3. Expenc liture. ft, J X H -*> CP CPH-»T Ht ■r c 5 SB ■H 0 . Z s ce" a '3 5 cp X # O E9 a ■3 3 9 H * O E-i m s 3™. li O 9 - O 2 9 <Q a _ m M.U.I.O.O.F. N.Z. Branch, Central Body Auckland District . . Hawke's Hay N'ew Plymouth Wanganui Wellington Marlborough Nelson Motueka North Westland Ashley North Canterbury Ashburton £ 6.067 2. 140 1.795 1.380 2.931 321 1.081 058 I .040 I .075 2.808 047 £ 3 306 739 268 136 32 £ 82 229 29 7 28 353 3 15 £ 3,719 1,077 1.211 985 1,930 I9S 025 457 585 697 2,148 405 £ I , 934 033 490 408 802 108 297 137 379 200 754 170 £ 818 174 193 132 247 28 132 59 121 149 357 84 £ 110 25 42 64 I li £ 85 0,602 2.914 1,802 1.070 3.420 350 1,090 05S 1,133 1,123 3.175 098 £ 0,581 2. .509 1.942 1.589 3.040 340 1.054 000 1,100 1.112 3.20! 005 £ 152 0,948 1.440 348 5.094 2.4.50 52 375 143 204 320 3.202 500 93 43 161 21 13 15 5 140 30 2 0 Total N.Z. Branch . . 22.009 1.005 1.004 14.637 (i 444 2.494 284 24.738 23.859 21,960 Districts separately registered. Lyttelton District . . South Canterbury Otago Southland 003 1.037 7,056 2.414 83 6 345 12 8 3 89 II 410 731 5, 102 1,708 206 214 2.021 500 71 30 389 143 44 15 237 105 094 I.O40 8.090 2.437 731 990 7.749 2,402 70S 285 8,394 7:54 'otal separately registered.. 11 ,710 446 II I 7,951 2,947 033 401 12.267 11.932 10.Ill Total of Order . .' 33,719 32.101 2,111 1.175 22,588 9.391 3.127 085 37.005 35.791 I.O.O.F. e\v Zealand 9,083 255 482 5,944 2,584 S35 438 9.820 9.801 4.347 X. I.O.O.F. uckland Provinical District 595 5 411 143 43 3 007 309 B.TJ.O.O.F. orangi Lodge 91 202 138 OS 202 207 A.O.F. Auckland District .. Hawke's Hay District Taranaki Wellington Nelson Canterbury United South Canterbury United Otago Courts separately registered 3.402 1.938 1.509 0.523 1.485 1.009 1.095 5.432 789 28 0 2 10 8 31 77 (i 112 47 127 10 148 8 2.130 1.423 1.071 4.556 1.003 1.244 827 3.S31 530 1.084 530 402 2.033 351 476 175 I . 538 305 249 110 113 311 102 128 02 322 10 73 331 34 ISO 2 3 3.401 2.021 I .575 0.037 1.542 1.804 1. 105 5.731 815 3.530 2.100 1.029 7.(ISO 1.458 1.851 1.004 5.723 851 1,613 74 237 2.225 1.039 095 042 3,030 355 151 18 32 Total of Or.lei 23.902 223 500 10.015 0.894 1.419 Olil 24.091 25.589 9.915 A.O.S. 'otal A.O.S. 29 27 29 27 10 U.A.O.D. Irand Lodge of the Nort-H Island of New Zealand Irand Lodge of Canterbury Irand Lodge of Otago and Southland 17.840 4.722 5.537 31 7 00 1.7.50 34 19 10.445 3.002 3.282 5.039 1.422 1.510 1,1.54 299 359 140 10 400 19.021 4.703 5.010 17.384 I 4.793 5,617 8. 70S 1. 175 2.487 Total of Order 28,099 98 1.803 10.789 8.577 1.812 010 30.000 27.794 12.400 I.O.I!. <niv Zealand District \'e\v Zealand Central District 1.203 4.340 12 24 9 59 087 2,541 347 1.201 185 544 2 281 1.224 1.429 1.221 4.507 348 833 Total of Order 5..540 30 OS 3.228 I. .548 729 283 5.053 5.788 I.ISI S. AND D.T. National Division of N.Z. . . Divisions separately regis159 221 23 207 137 122 69 82 5 482 221 170 290 202 403 Total of Order 080 23 404 191 82 5 703 082 005 II.A.C.B.S. ew Zealand District 1. 3S5 41211 3.037 1,205 345 450 1.037 5. 103 2,015 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealani 1.385 827 451 204 24 1.390 1,500 178 Men Temperance Benefit Friendly Society 50 35 II 00 19 Grand total 107.684 2.776 4.343 70,016 1.31.153 8.597 3.171 114,803 112.937 03.338



TABLE V.— Disposition of Funds as on the 31st December, 1913.

6—H. 1.

Name of Society anh Branch. Total. investments Valu.ot T . at . and Interest. Bulldin g S . Casb not bearing Interest. Value of Goods, Furniture, and Begalia. Otber Assets. M.U.I.O.O.F. New Zealand Branch. Central Body Auckland District Hawke's BayNew Plymouth Wanganui Wellington Marlborough Nelson ,. Motueka North Westlan.l Ashley North Canterbury ,. Ashburton £ 23,127 110,113 50.082 30.144 31.732 78.712 12.015 40,285 17.893 18,607 29.314 53.830 14.991 £ £ 22,957 ! 73,881 i 30,382 42,205 6.022 25,688 2,728 19,376 I 11,782 52,701 24.104 11,159 370 38,425 1,255 16,080 ! 1,129 15,380 ' 2,217 26,540 : 1.998 47.370 4,866 12.330 2,150 £ 140 4,377 1,700 1.541 117 1,401 401 400 425 806 544 1,020 387 £ 30 1.066 64 ; 130 366 227 46 89 : 55 30 103 243 110 £ 407 91 57 102 99 39 50 204 174 69 331 8 Total New Zealand Branch 510,851 510,851 404,158 89,063 404,158 89,063 13,391 2,608 1,631 Districts separately reoistered. Lyttelton District South Canterbury Otago Southland 21.044 11.588 165,327 36,100 18,077 2,800 9,390 1.900 1.50.713 9.101 34.323 201 i ! 21.044 1 I.588 165,327 36,100 18,077 9,390 1.50.713 34.323 2.5(H) 1.900 9.101 201 837 115 2,827 935 210 20 100 II 044 2,042 237 344 Total separately registered 234,659 234,659 212,509 I 13.828 ' I 212,509 13.828 4.714 1.191 2,417 Total of Order 745,510 616.607 102.891 102.891 18,105 745.510 616,667 3,799 4,048 I.O.O.F. New Zealand 105.953 105.953 91,000 9.017 91,(HH) 9.017 2,419 1,781 i 1.730 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District 5,315 5,079 123 5,315 5.079 107 0 B.U.O.O.F. -l Aorangi Lodge 3,176 3.176 3,100 3,100 SO io It; A.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay Taranaki Wellington „ Nelson Canterbury United ,, South Canterbury ,, United Otago Courts separately registered 38,156 40,824 26,317 100,603 29,195 44,079 17,435 86.176 17,415 38,156 40,824 26,317 100,603 29,195 44,079 17,435 86.176 17,415 31'. 740 4,202 34,452 3,101 23,585 1,928 78,833 16,291 26,438 1,545 40,428 1,348 14.605 2,247 80,832 1,624 12,701 4,01 31', 740 34,452 23,585 78.833 26,438 40,428 14,605 80,832 12,701 4,202 3,101 1,928 16,291 1,545 1,348 2,247 1,624 4,01 1,099 1,630 585 3.673 1,142 1.214 387 2,890 173 929 243 167 j 1,488 I 70 ' 302 180 317 342 ! 120 1,398 52 318 727 10 .507 181 Total of Order 400,200 400,200 343.620 36,364 I 343.020 36,364 12.799 4.098 3,319 A.O.S. Total A.O.S. 1.298 1.298 1,242 J . 1,242 42 14 U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of North Island of Now Zealand Grand Lodge of Canterbury. Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland 132,081 52,295 44.8(H) 132,081 52,295 44.8(H) _i 1 106,948 12,598 48,062 1.997 38,259 4,127 100,948 18,002 38,259 12,598 1.997 4,127 10,404 1,353 1,296 1,400 449 962 666 434 240 Total of Order . * 229.200 229.200 193.269 18,722 193.269 18,722 13,053 2,877 j 1,345 I.O.R. New Zealand District New Zealand Central District 22.428 .54.950 22.428 .54.950 21,583 146 50.088 3.015 21.583 .50,088 146 3.015 .543 1,702 77 35 79 110 Total of Order .. 77,384 77.384 71,671 3,161 71,671 3,101 2,245 112 196 S. and D.T. National Division of New Zealand Divisions separately registered 11,029 0,312 11,029 0,312 9.800 815 0.280 9,800 0.280 815 240 22 112 32 10 Total of Order 17,341 17.341 16,080 815 I 10.080 815 262 142 12 H.A.C.B.S. N'ew Zealand District 33,574 27.420 2.344 821 1.344 33,574 27.420 2.344 1,639 P.A.F.S.A. Grand (' of New Zealand 21.804 _ 20.482 300 300 290 128 21.804 20.482 598 Eden Temperance Benefit Friendly Society 2,356 2.356 2,336 2.336 20 " Grand total .. . . .. 1, 1,643,177 1.391.972 ,643,177 1,391,972 173.014 173.014 51,339 14,073 12,179



TABLE VI.—Investments at Interest as on the 31st December, 1913.

Name of Society and Branch. Total. Post Office Savingsbank. Deposii id with Other Banks. Mortgages | Freehold Municipal InvestProperty. ™°»- »™^ M.U. I.O.O.F. New Zealand Branch, Central Body Auckland District Hawke's Bay ,, New Plymouth „ Wanganui Wellington ,, Marlborough Nelson Motueka ,, North Westland Ashley Ninth (lanterbury ,, Ashburton £ 22.957 73,881 .. i 42.205 25.088 19.370 52.701 I I.159 38.425 10.080 15,380 20.540 47.370 12.330 £ 22.957 73,881 42.205 25.088 19,376 52.701 11.159 38.425 10.080 15,380 20..540 47.370 12.330 £ 2.162 I . S59 309 1,448 1,542 2.972 317 897 137 732 1,639 2,641 460 £ 1,558 "ao £ £ £ 20.795 ..S 08.931 1.3.50 I S3 41,441 loo 55 24,020 2(Hi 17.831 40.133 .. 3.050 10.842 24.028 12.900 15.943 13.893 24.901 43.729 1.1(H) 11.870 755 Total New Zealand Branch .. 404.158 404.158 17.021 2,333 364,960 15.9.50 3. 894 Districts separately registered. Lyttelton District South Canterbury Otago Southland ., 18,077 9.390 .. 1.50.713 34.323 18.077 9.390 1.50.713 34.323 300 1.208 1.815 2,430 75 356 15,700 8,188 142,778 22.978 2,255 8.915 1.942 479 Total separately registered .. 212.509 212..509 8.843 431 189.044 11.17(1 2.421 'Total of Order 016.667 010.007 25.80 4 2,704 554.004 27.120 0.315 I.O.O.F. New Zealand 91.000 91.000 1.347 S93 87.901 799 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District 5.079 302 202 1.385 130 B.U.O.O.F. Aorangi Lodge 3,100 OO 3.040 A.O.F. Auckland District .. Hawke's Bay ., 'Taranaki Wellington Nelson ,, Canterbury United ,, South (lanterbury ., United Otago ,, Courts separately registered.. 31.740 34,452 23.585 78.833 20.I.3S 40,428 14.605 SO.832 12.701 1.335 2.690 888 3.951 033 1.777 909 009 252 900 307 2(H) 275 120 29.511 31.029 22.3(H) 74.170 18.105 37.592 13.570 79.580 S.93S 7..500 133 700 784 II 220 3,600 303 'Total of Order. . 343,620 13.104 1.819 315.191 11.220 1.980 A.O.S. 'Total A.O.S. • .. 1.242 207 1.035 U.A.O.D. (Irand Lodge of the North Island of New Zealand Grand Lodge of Canterbury!. (.'rand Lodge of Otago andr Southland 100.948 4S.002 38,259 s.940 3,296 3.398 53 1,701 116 91.873 44,536 35.9 IS 2.550 289 75 39) 100 Total of Order 193.269 14.039 3.105 172.357 2.0.50 758 I.O.R. New Zealand District New Zealand ('entral District 21.583 50.088 II) 1,212 \ 590 4 20.917 4 4.825 3,900 147 'Total of Order 71.671 71.071 1.252 ; 66,772 3.IHH) 147 s. and D.T. National Division of New Zealand Divisions separately registered 9.SIH) 0.280 9.SIH) 0.280 1.50 110 12 9,660 6,116 37 'Total of Order 16.080 16.080 200 12 15.705 37 II.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District 27.420 27.420 2.781 S55 23.303 30(1 IS7 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand 20.IS2 932 i 347 20.482 19.105 20 7S K.T.B.F.S. Kdcn Temperance Benefit Friendly Society 2.330 2.330 335 2,001 Grand total .. 1,391.972 1,391.972 60.154 11.352 1.264.819 45.210 10.437




N e o g ' Name of Society. Establishment. E Hlace of Establishment. Number Year of Amount of of Members Funds ou Establish- at 31st December. ment. End of 1913. Year. Year of Establishment. ] 1 lNumber of Member! at End of Year. Isolated Friendly Societies. 24 Widow and Orphans Society, Wellington District, Wellington M.U.I.O.O.F. 183 \ Grey Valley Accidont Relief Fund .. Brunnerton 277 Denniston Collieries' Medical and Accident Relief Denniston Association 279 United Fire-brigades Accident Assurance Society of Auckland New Zealand 293 j Blackball Colliery Accident Belief Fund Society .. Blackball 307 Millerton Colliery Medical and Accident Rebef Millerton Association 310 New Zealand Collieries. Railway, and Oil Syndicate Kaitangata Employees' Benefit Society 313 Auckland United Friendly Societios' Dispensary .. Auckland 310 Auckland United Friendly Societies' Medical Insti- „ tute 319 Christchurch United Friendly Societies' Dispensary Christchurch 322 Auckland Tramways' Sick and Accident Friendly Auckland Society 323 Point Elizabeth Accident Belief Fund .. .. Runanga 327 Nightcaps Collieries Medical. Sick, and Accident Nightcaps Relief Association 328 | Stockton Colliery Medical and Accident Relief Ngakawau Association 331 Wellington Corporation Tramways and Electric Wellington .. I Lighting Friendly Society 333 Inangahiia Miners'Accident Belief Association .. Reefton 335 Grey Valley Coal-miners' Medical Fund Society .. Brunnerton 336 North Otago United Friendly Societies' Dispensary Oamaru 337 Hawera United Friendly Societies' Dispensary .. Hawera 338 Otago Daily Times Mutual Provident Society .. Dunedin 341 Wanganui United Friendly Societies' Dispensary.. Wanganui 1849 1881 1891 1891 1894 1899 1887 1903 1903 1904 1905 1904 1909 1909 1909 1911 1881 1911 1912 1880 1913 65 95 1,706 302 509 234 3.808 2,723 4,122 444 315 72 180 229 697 60 967 101 1,173 65 £ 2.475 95 82 2.062 1,700 1.949 302 509 1.045 1,427 234 132 3,868 2,723 1.420 247 4,122 444 1.818 1.304 315 72 209 139 180 225 229 280 697 60 967 486 143 1.010 795 784 456 101 1,173 Total 19.094 Juvenile Friendly Societies. 288 Court Pride of the Forest. A.O.F. .. Dunedin 290 Court Pride of Invercargill, A.O.F. .. .. Invercargill 303 Kaiapoi Lodge. M.U.I.O.O.F. .. .. Kaiapoi 314 Court Pride of Napier. A.O.F. .. .. I Napier 329 Juvenile Council, A.O.F. .. .. .. Dunedin 329(1) Court Pride of the Port .. .. .. Port Chalmers .. 'Total 1893 1894 1897 1903 1895 1904 51 48 10 14 353 53 44 92 82 500 30 74 SS8 p n Working-men's Clubs. 151 102 180 202 215 231 238 204 267 151 Wellington Working-men's Club and Literary Insti- Wellington tute 102 Christchurch Working-men's Club and Mutual School Christchurch of Arts 186 ! South Wairarapa Working-men's Club .. .. Greytown 202 I Club Garibaldi .. Wellington 215 ; Auckland Working-men's Club and Mechanics' Insti- Auckland tute 231 Kaiapoi Working-men's Club .. .. .. Kaiapoi 238 Petone Working-men's Club and Literary Institute Petone.. 204 Richmond Working-men's Club .. .. Richmond 207 Palmerston North Working-men's Club and Literary Palmerston North Institute 271 i Ashburton Club and Mutual School of Arts .. Ashburton .. j 272 j Blenheim Working men's Club .. .. Blenheim .. [ 305 Oxford Working-men's Club .. East Oxford 309 Napier Working-men's Club .. .. .. Napier ..J 318 i North Island Brass Bands' Association of New Zea- Palmerston North land 1877 1880 1878 1882 1879 ISS5 I S87 I 889 1899 1880 1888 I8S7 1877 1902 718 511 275 43 601 785 564 286 898 419 482 288 1.201 63 9.017 5,495 1.801 191 7.902 3.027 4.371 2.248 0.24 1 271 272 305 309 318 4.910 2.930 1.301 10.092 78 Total 60,333



TABLE VII— continued.

Approximate Uott of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (1,450 copies), £4«. By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9l4

Price ls.l

Reg. No. Name of Society. Place of Establishment. Number Year of Amount of of Members Funds on Establish- at 31st December. in.-tit End of 1913. Year. Specially Aut» irized Societies. 123 !29 141 Invercargill United Friendly Societies' Dispensary Sydenham and Suburban Co-operative Money Club New Zealand Friendly Societies' Mutual Fidelity Guarantee Association Dunedin United Friendly Societies' Dispensary Lyttelton United Friendly Societies' Dispensary . . Timaru United Friendly Societies' Dispensary New Zealand Foresters' Guarantee Association Ivy of Linwood Co-operative Money Club Hawke's Bay United Friendly Societies' Dispensary Christchurch and St. Albans Co-operative Money Club Wellington United Friendly Societies' DispensaryNew Brighton Co-operative Money Club Hawke's Bay A.O.F. Small-savings Society Invercargill Sydenham .. I Wellington 1884 1885 1889 1,057 £ 0,135 39,098 2,378 !42 Dunedin Lyttelton .. | ! Timaru Christchurch I m ; Napier Christchurch 1887 1880 1887 1880 1889 1892 1892 6,904 402 12,197 474 1,398 1,223 5,524 1.199 43,258 !48 !5I 175 188 184 261 818 944 !94 132 S3!) Wellington New Brighton .. Napier.. 1901 1911 1913 5,208 67 2,749 1,098 35 Total 116,766

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