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Mb. Speaker,— In one respect at least the Statement which I have the honour to submit to the House this evening is unique, in that it is the first time in the ■history of the Dominion that a Public Works Statement has been delivered during the currency of a war involving nearly all the great Powers of Europe. My colleague the Minister of Finance announced in his Budget that it was proposed to provide largely increased ways and means for public-works purposes this year, but that statement was penned prior to the outbreak of hostilities and when the money-market was favourable. The events that have happened since have rendered it doubtful whether money can now be borrowed on advantageous terms, and on the satisfactory determination of that question must, of course, depend the carrying-out of any extensive public-works proposals. The Statement and estimates submitted to the House this evening have been prepared on the assumption that the requisite funds will be procurable when needed; but if, unfortunately, that proves to be erroneous, then, of course, the programme will necessarily have to be curtailed so as to keep our expenditure within our means. In my last year's Statement I said that the public-works expenditure of the year 1912-13 was the largest of any single year for over thirty years, and I am now able to state that the expenditure of 1913-14 was even greater, having amounted to no less a sum than £2,949,992—viz., =£2,824,526 out of the Public Works Fund and allied special accounts, and £125,466 out of the Consolidated Fund. The following table shows the brief particulars of the expenditure of the year, and also the total under each class of work from the inauguration of the public-works policy up to the 31st March last: —

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WAYS AND MEANS. On the Ist April, 1913, the available ways and means £ for public-works purposes were .... .... 626,741 and further funds were received as under: — Under the Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1911 .... .... .... 100,000 Under the Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1912 .... .... .... 893,674 Under the Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1913 .... .... .... 1,532,222 Under the Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870 .... .... .... .... 113,224 Under the New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 .... 96,238 Premium on sale of 4-per-cent. stock, 1929 .... 500 Transfer from revenue .... .... .... 675,000 Other receipts .... .... .... .... 32,242 Making a gross total of .... .... £4,069,841 The ordinary expenditure of the year amounted to £2,421,807, charges and expenses in respect of raising loans £105,450, and redemption of debentures £364,000, thus bringing the total disbursements up to £2,891,257, and leaving a credit balance at the end of the year of £1,178.584. For the current year it is proposed to provide additional funds as under:— £ Balance of authorized loan-moneys .... .... 227,628 Transfer from Consolidated Fund .... .... 350,000 Proposed new loan .... .... .... 8,000,000

Expenditure. Glass of Work. Expenditure for Year ended 31st Maroh, 1914. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1914. Eailways— New construction Additions to open lines ... Eoads ... Public buildings ... Immigration Purchase of Native lands ... Lighthouses, harbour-works, and harbour-defences Tourist and health resorts... Telegraph-ex tension Development of goldfields ... Defence-works (general) ... Departmental Development of water-power Irrigation and water-supply Payment to Midland. Eailway bondholders Lands-improvement Minor works and services ... Cost and discount, raising loans, &c. £ 606,448 498,449 377,979 369,600 33,914 9,059 14,989 392,648 4,889 30,186 66,650 £ 22,546,765 8,351,866 10,101,329 5,856,825 2,288,520 2,064,863 1,105,504 244,528 2,669,773 882,691 974,395 850,745 18,451 4,356 150,000 121,277 312,607 1,252,400 16,996 105,450 Wellington-Manawatu Eailway Purchase Account Wellington-Hutt Eailway improvement New Hutt Road ... Eailways Improvement Account Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account National Endowment Account Waihou and Ohinemuri Eivers Account Aid to Water-power Works Account Irrigation and Water-supply Account 2,527,257 59,796,895 1,000,000 228,373 102,948 636,332 695,398 24,120 22,956 177,837 48,291 Gr. 8 4,126 39,563 63,245 4,282 9,632 142,827 33,602 Totals 2,824,526 62,733,150



The above, with the balance brought forward, gives a gross total of .£4,756,212. The estimated expenditure for public works for the current year (excluding separate accounts having their own ways and means) amounts to £3,402,758, leaving an estimated balance of £1,353,454 to be carried forward to next year (1915-16). In addition to the above we have authority to raise, outside the Public Works Fund, the undermentioned sums : — .£ Under the Aid to Water-power Works Act, 1910.... 285,000 Under the Irrigation and Water-supply Act, 1913.... 65,000 Under the Waihou and Ohinemuri Eivers Improvement Act, 1910 .... .... .... 50,000 BAJLWAY-CONSTBUCTION. The following sections of railway were completed and opened for traffic during the last financial year, or since its close : — M. eh. Coal Creek Extension .... 3 69 .... January, 1914. Otiria to Kaikohe .... 16 25 .... May, 1914. Kaihu to Tarawhati .... 2 35 .... June, 1914. Cass to Arthur's Pass .... 14 65 .... July, 1914. Cronadun to Inangahua .... 13 7 .... June, 1914. Pohokura to Whangamomona 6 13 .... July, 1914. Kaiwaka to Otamatea .... 2 45 .... August, 1914. Total .... .... 59 19 The following lengths are practically completed, but have not yet been handed over to the Railway authorities for traffic: — M. eh. Maunganui to Te Puke .... .... .... 13 27 Otoko to Rakauroa .... .... .... 6 60 Big Hill to Beaumont .... .... .... .... 5 36 Houipapa to Papatowai .... .... .... 12 52 In addition to the above, the following sections are approaching completion, and are expected to be ready to open for traffic during the current financial year: — M. eh. Te Puke to Paengaroa .... .... .... .... 5 50 Rakauroa to Matawai .... .... .... .... 5 70 Mount Egmont Branch .... .... .... .... 2 56 Whangamomona to Kohuratahi ... .... .... 4 49 Ward to Mills .... .... .... .... .... 7 76 Papatowai to Tahakopa .... .... .... .... 5 21 The total expenditure on railway-construction and improvement-work during last finanei-il year amounted to £1,144,459, as under : — £ Construction of new lines .... .... .... 606,448 Additions to open lines .... .... .... 498,448 Railways Improvement Account .... .... 39,563 Kaihu Extension. The construction of the extension from the booms at Kaihu to Waima was completed during the year, and the new section of 2 miles 35 chains, ending at Tarawhati Station, was taken over by the Railway authorities for regular traffic on Ist June last. The further extension of over four miles and a half to a terminus at Donnelly's Crossing, authorized last year, has been surveyed and the route located.



The expenditure on this line during the last financial year amounted to £6,476, and for the current year a vote of £10,000 is proposed. Kawakawa-Hokianga. The ballasting of the line to Kaikohe, 16 J miles from the junction at Otiria, was completed, yards formed, and buildings erected at the five stations along the route, during the year, and the section opened for traffic on Ist May last. Construction of a further section of three miles and a quarter from Kaikohe towards Omapere was commenced in January last, and is well in hand over the first two miles. A contract has been let for 60 chains of heavy formation, including a 7-chain tunnel, at the end of this section. A road about eight miles in length is being formed from Kaikohe to Okaihau to give access to the new railway to the settlers of that locality. The expenditure on this line during the last financial year was £29,056, and for the current year a vote of £25,000 is proposed. Whangabei - North Auckland. A contract has been let for formation-work and the construction of bridges over the first four miles of the new branch line which is to connect the North Auckland Trunk line with the Whangarei system, and arrangements are being made for the formation of a further length of four miles, which will carry the line to Oakleigh, from which point a siding will run down to Mangapai Wharf. The route of this line has been located down the Tauraroa and Waiotera Valleys to a suitable junction with the North Auckland Trunk Eailway, about twenty miles from the starting-point at Kioreroa. The expenditure on this line during the last financial year, principally for survey-work, was £2,155, and for the current year a vote of £85,000 is proposed. North Auckland Main Trunk. The terminus was advanced about two miles and a half by the opening on Ist August last of the section from Kaiwaka to Otamatea. The opening was delayed owing to slips, which are frequent in the country traversed by this line. A fine bridge carries the line over the Otamatea waterway, and a wharf with sidings has been built there and connected with the railway. Formation over the next section of four miles and a half is well advanced, but the Maungaturoto Tunnel, 24 chains long, in difficult country, will take some time yet to complete. Earthworks are in progress up to a point eight miles and a half beyond Otamatea, and for most of the distance are well advanced. The completion of the tunnel will permit of rails being laid up to Bickerstaffe Station, four miles and a half north of Otamatea. Metal for concrete-work and ballast is scarce in this district, and has to be conveyed by rail from Hoteo, over twenty miles south of the rail-head. The expenditure on this line during last financial year amounted to £48,250. Owing to the inevitable delay from the presence of so much tunnelling and other heavy work on the North Auckland Trunk line, it has been determined to start working southwards from the neighbourhood of Kirikopuni, on the Wairoa River, to meet the northward extension. Votes for the northern and southern sections of this railway are proposed as under: — £ Kirikopuni southwards ... .... .... 15,000 Kaiwaka northwards .... .... ... .... 60,000 Total .... .... .... .... £75,000 HUNTLY-AWAEOA. Formation is complete over the first section of three miles, and is in hand by co-operative labour over the next length of two miles and a half, which is well advanced. Five small contracts have been let, which are making fair pro-



gress, and will carry the line to a proposed station seven miles and a quarter from Huntly, where coal from the Pukemiro Colleries will be delivered for transport. An addition is being made to the combined bridge over the Waikato Eiver to carry it over the Main South Road. It is hoped by the end of the ensuing summer to have the rails laid to the junction with the Pukemiro Colleries line. As the works now in hand draw to a close, it is proposed to continue operations on this line in the direction of the Burnt Bridge. The expenditure upon the railway and bridge during last financial year amounted to J616,503, and for the current year a vote of .£30,000 is proposed. WaIUKU BIiANCH. After several trials had been" run the route for this railway was located to leave the main line at Paerata, passing through Patumahoe to Waiuku, twelve miles distant. Three small contracts covering formation-work over the first two miles and a half have been let. Co-operative parties are employed on cuttings further on, and further work will be opened up during the current year. The expenditure which came to charge up to the end of last year was only £(564, but for the current year a vote of £25,000 is asked for. Bast Coast Main Teunk. The completed length of thirteen miles between Maunganui and Te Puke still remains in the hands of the Public Works Department, which runs a regular goods and passenger service over it for the convenience of settlers and others along the route. Earthworks on the section to Paengaroa, five miles and three-quarters further, are practically completed, and rails are laid up to Paengaroa Station. Over the next four miles formation-work is in hand under nine small contracts, and satisfactory progress is being made. Several bridges on this section are to be put in hand during the next few months. A temporary branch line two miles and three-quarters long is being laid into a quarry at Te Puke, from which ballast for the main line and road in the locality will be obtained. Several parties have been employed since April last on the formation of the approaches to the proposed bridge which is to carry the line over Tauranga Harbour, and the progress has been as rapid as was expected. Tenders have been called for the supply of the necessary steel for the cylinders. As soon as this is to hand a start will be made with the construction. On the Waihi-Tauranga Section construction-work was recommenced in May last, the first portion by co-operative labour and the balance under five small contracts. An increased, vote is provided on the estimates for this work. At the Gisborne end work has been in progress throughout the year over a length of seventeen miles between the present terminus at Otoko and Motu. Continual slipping in the heavy cuttings, and a severe flood in May last, caused considerable damage to the formation and ballasting, which has, however, been repaired. The line is completed past Rakauroa Station, and only a little ballasting and finishing-work is required to complete up to Matawai, 12f miles beyond Otoko. The Public Works Department runs a goods and passenger service over this length,- which will be continued until the section is ready to hand over to the Railway authorities. There are some heavy works on the Motu Section, about four miles in length, but they are well in hand, and rails are laid to within three miles of Motu Township. Most of the material for ballasting this section had to be hauled by locomotive for over twenty miles, mostly up a steep grade. The route of the main line beyond Motu has not yet been definitely decided. Between Gisborne and Napier the rails have been laid to Ngatapa, over twelve miles from the junction at Makaraka (Gisborne end), but the bridges over the Waipaoa River and some other smaller streams are only temporary structures. A contract has been let for the supply of steel-work for the permanent bridges, some of which has been delivered, and a start has been made

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with the erection. Beyond Ngatapa earthworks are in hand over a length of two miles under small contracts and by co-operative labour. A supply of stone suitable for ballast has been located near Ngatapa, and will be utilized for practically the whole of the line already formed. A survey party has been in the field throughout rhe year locating the route ahead of construction, besides laying out deviations found necessary since the original location was made. Permanent plans have been prepared to carry the line thirty-six miles from the Makaraka junction. A satisfactory arrangement has been arrived at between the Government, the Napier Harbour Board, and the Hawke's Bay County Council regarding the terms on which an embankment and bridge to carry the railway over the Inner Harbour will be constructed, and formal agreements relating to the matter have lately been entered into. The Department is also considering whether it would not be desirable to survey the route of this railway north and south from Wairoa, with a view to putting the construction of a central section in hand before the line could reach Wairoa from either Gisborne or Napier. This course would doubtless considerably expedite the construction of the through line. The expenditure during last financial year on the different sections of the East Coast Railway was as follows : — £ Waihi to Tauranga. . .. . . . . . . 205 Tauranga to Taneatua . . . . . . . . 40,346 Gisborne to Motu .. . . . . . . .. 44,464 Gisborne to Napier, north end . . . . . . 29,647 Gisborne to Napier, south end . . . . . . 2,982 For the current year votes are proposed as under : — £ Waihi to Tauranga . . . . . . .. 25,000 Tauranga to Te Maunga . . . . . . .. 20,000 Maunganui to Taneatua . . . . . . . . 50,000 Gisborne to Motu .. .. .. .. .. 30,000 Gisborne to Napier, north end .. . . . . 45,000 Gisborne to Napier, south end . . . . . . 20,000 £190., 000 Stbatfobd- Main Trunk. Another important section of this railway—from Pohokura to Whangamomona —6 miles 13 chains in length, including a tunnel through the Whangamomona Eidge, was completed and opened for traffic on Ist July last. Beyond the new terminus earthworks are completed and rails laid for a distance of four miles to a station-site at Kohuratahi, and formation, principally heavy cuttings and banks, is in hand over a further length of three miles. There are two tunnels just beyond Kohuratahi, one of which (23 chains long) is approaching completion, and the second is just opened out. Ballast is not obtainable in this locality and has to be hauled all the way from Mount Egmont. It is expected that the section to Kohuratahi will be completed during the coming summer. From Tahora a new route for the line has been adopted, following the Eaekohua Stream, crossing the Tangarakau below its gorge, then across some rough country to the Haeo Valley. By this route some difficult and costly works on the original location through the Tangarakau Gorge will be avoided. At the eastern end of this line there has been increased activity during the year, and formation-work is in progress over a length of six miles from the junction with the Main Trunk line at Okahukura. Included in this length is the Okahu Tunnel now being excavated under contract, and due for completion in July, 1916. The tunnel contract covers two miles and a half of the railway— namely, one mile and a half of formation in addition to the tunnel itself. Six small contracts are in hand besides, and several co-operative parties are also employed on railway and service-road formation. As suitable material for concrete is not obtainable in this, locality, the Department is installing a plant for the manufacture on a large scale of bricks to be used in tunnels and culverts on the railways.



The expenditure on this line during the past financial year was .£67,432 at the western end, and £21,443 at the eastern end, or a total of £88,875. For the current year a vote of £100,000 is proposed. Mount Bgmont Branch. The quarry-site has been finally fixed on a ridge to the south of the Mangamawhete Creek, where there is a mass of rock sufficient to provide nearly 2,000,000 cubic yards of metal. Formation-work extending over 60 chains was completed during the year, and some culverts put in. There still remains to be done some alteration of grades at the selected quarry-site, and the installation of the machinery for quarrying and crushing the rock and transporting it down the mountain-side to the railway. During the last financial year £5,933 was expended on this line, and for the current year a vote of £7,500 is proposed. It is also proposed to construct a short branch line from the main line near Marton to a point in the Eangitikei River bed, whence a very considerable quantity of excellent road-metal can be obtained. It is confidently expected that the South Taranaki and other intervening districts where metal is scarce can be supplied from this proposed new source with this very necessary material at quite a moderate cost. Provision for the authorization of this branch line will be made in the Railways Authorization Bill, and an amount of £7,500 is provided on the estimates to enable its construction to be proceeded with. Opunake Branch. Surveys along alternative suggested routes between the main line and Opunake were completed during the year, and after full consideration a route was adopted from Te Roti, along section boundaries north of Skeet Road, past Kapuni, Auroa, and Pihama, to a station-site near Opunake. It is proposed to commence construction-work on this line forthwith, and a tender has already been accepted for the first section. The survey of the Manaia Branch is proceeding, and work will be commenced thereon as soon as it is warranted by the progress made on the Opunake line. The expenditure during the past financial year in connection with the surveys amounted to £828, and for the current year a vote of £40,000 is proposed. Ohakune-Raetihi Bbanch. The tenders received for formation contracts on this line were not very satisfactory, and only one contract was let, the work covered by which is practically finished. The Railway Department is doing the formation-work for the first 15 chains, which is inside the Ohakune Station-yard, and bushfelling and formation-work is in hand under the co-operative system over nearly five miles of the remainder of the route. The expenditure on this line during the past financial year amounted to £5,031, and for the current year a vote of £30,000 is proposed. Featherston-Martinborough. The survey of the route for the branch to Martinborough was completed and estimates prepared, but no construction-work has yet been undertaken. The survey shows that the proposed line will be 11 miles 50 chains long, mostly of inexpensive formation, but two substantial bridges over the Tauherinikau and. Ruamahanga Rivers respectively will bring the cost per mile up to the average figure'of recent years. The expenditure out of last year's vote amounted to only £311, but for the current financial year a vote of £15,000 is proposed. South Island Main Trunk. Earthworks on the section between Ward and Mills were completed during the year, and the combined road and railway bridge over the Ure River has been



finished under contract. One large contract has been let for platelaying and ballasting over the whole eight miles to Mills Station, the work to be completed by February next. It is intended to put formation-work in hand beyond Mills during the current year. No formation-work beyond Parnassus (the terminus of the southern end of the line) was undertaken during the year, nor is any provision made therefor on this year's Eailway estimates. A very substantial sum, however, is provided on the Roads estimates for bridging, grading, and metalling the main road between Parnassus and Kaikoura. The expenditure during the financial year (mostly to meet liabilities previously incurred) was £7,801 at the north end and ,£3,145 at the south end. For the current year a vote of £26,000 is proposed for the north end. CULVEEDEN-WaIAU . The route for this extension has been laid out, and two small contracts let for easy formation-work, which will carry the line over five miles from Culverden. These contracts are expected to be completed during the summer, and it is proposed to extend operations covering formation-work over practically the whole route to Waiau. The expenditure on this line during the past financial year was £605 for survey-work, and for the current year a vote of £25,000 is proposed. Waimate Branch Extension. The survey of the authorized extension beyond Waihao Downs was taken in hand during the year, a trial line run for about five miles, and two miles permanently located. Construction was commenced early in July. It is proposed to take a vote of £15,000 on the current year's estimates. Midland. At the Glenhope end formation-work has been suspended since April, 1913, but it is intended to resume the construction of the Kawatiri Section during the current year. The section between Cronadun and Inangahua Junction, thirteen miles in length, was completed and opened for traffic on 4th June last. On the Canterbury side the line from Cass to Arthur's Pass Station, a fifteen-mile section, was completed and opened for traffic on Ist July. The long tunnel is now the only remaining obstacle to through communication by rail between Canterbury and Westland. The driving of the tunnel has continued steadily during the year under the direct supervision of the Department's Engineers. At the Otira end very wet ground has been met with and progress has consequently been retarded. The work at this end is being done by day labour, but at the Bealey end the co-opera-tive system is in force. A steam plant has been installed at Otira to augment the electric power during periods of low-water flow at its source. During the twelve months ended June last the bottom heading was driven a total distance of 34*29 chains. There still remains to be driven 2 miles 2383 chains between the Otira and Bealey headings, and the enlarged tunnels at either end are still 2 miles b'l - 5 chains apart. The year has been one of slow progress owing to wet and unstable country being encountered, requiring heavy timbering, which rendered it undesirable to open out the tunnel very far ahead of the lining-work. It is hoped that the worst of this class of country has now been passed and that the current year will show a better record of progress.



The expenditure on the different sections of the Midland Eailway during last financial year was as follows :— £ Nelson end .... .... .... .... 2,293 Keefton end .... .... .... .... 12,397 Otira-Bealey .... .... .... .... 93,872 Bealey-Cass .... .... .... .... 28,170 For the current year votes are proposed as follows : — Nelson end .... .... .... .... 20,000 Eeefton end .... .... .... .... 4,000 Otira-Bealey .... .... .... .... 70,000 Bealey-Cass .... .... .... .... 10,000 Total .... £104,000 Westpobt-Inangahua. Nine out of eighteen contracts let for rock-excavation and bushfelling on this line are still unfinished, but several of them will be out of hand within the next few months. During last financial year the expenditure on this line amounted to £15,337, and to meet liabilities during the current year a vote of £18,000 is proposed. GrBEYMOUTH - POINT ELIZABETH. The extension of this line, to serve the new Liverpool State Coal-mine, was handed over to the Eailway Department on 21st January last. Previous to that date some finishing-work, ballasting, and removal of slips were carried out. The expenditure during the financial year reached £15,852, and expenditure which has come to charge since the end of the financial year will require a vote of £3,000 for the current year. Otago Centeal. The route for the authorized extension of the Otago Central Eailway from Clyde to Cromwell has been fixed as far as the Half-way House—a distance of over seven miles—and construction-work has been put in hand on the co-operative system over a length of about four miles. No expenditure came to charge against last year's appropriation, but for the current year a vote of £20,000 is proposed. Laweenoe-Eoxbuegh . Formation-work was completed and rails laid over the length from Big Hill to Beaumont Station, about five miles and a half farther on. The erection of buildings at two stations is in hand, and it is proposed to open the section for traffic immediately. The expenditure during the last financial year amounted to £9,984, and for the current year a vote of £15,000 is proposed. Catlins-Waimahaka. Formation has been completed and rails laid up to the proposed Tahakopa Station, seventeen miles beyond the present terminus at Houipapa, but no part of the length has been opened for traffic yet, because it is desired to keep it in the hands of the Public Works Department until the haulage of ballast from Houipapa and Balclutha is finished. The bridge over the Maclennan Eiver was completed during the year, station buildings erected at Caberfeidh and Maclennan, while others are in progress at Stuarts and Tahakopa, to which point it is hoped to open the line during the coming summer. The expenditure on this line during the past financial year was £17,780, and for the current year a vote of £20,000 is proposed.

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Heddon Bush Bbanch. The detailed survey of the Winton - Heddon Bush line disclosed the fact that a wide valley, subject to heavy floods, would have to be crossed, necessitating somewhat expensive works. Two other routes serving the Heddon Bush district have been surveyed, but no decision has yet been arrived at as to which of the three should be adopted. A vote of £8,000 to proceed with the work when this point has been decided appears on the estimates. Oeepuki-Waiau Extension. I have had exhaustive reports furnished to me regarding the proposed line to Orawia, and have decided to adhere to the authorized route from Tuatapere. A vote of £10,000 is proposed. Balclutha-Tuapeka Mouth. This line was authorized last year, and the detailed survey is proceeding. On completion of the survey it is proposed to place construction-work in hand, and a vote of £10,000 is accordingly asked for. Total Appropriations for Railway-construction. In addition to the votes already mentioned, an appropriation of £1,000 is required to provide for old land claims and other liabilities on construction account, £5,000 for surveys of projected new lines of railway, and £90,000 for permanent-way materials, thus bringing the gross total appropriations for railway-construction purposes up to £960,000. Other Rail way-works. During the year the sum of £299,644 was spent on rolling-stock, tarpaulins, pneumatic coaling-cranes, Westinghouse brake, car-lighting, petrol-car, and workshops machinery. A further £198,402 was spent on additions and improvements to workshops, signals and interlocking, new district offices (Ohristchurch), telegraph and telephone facilities, reduction in grades, improvement of curves, reclamation of land, and Parnell Tunnel duplication. The expenditure on grade-improvements on the North Island Main Trunk line was £25,585, and on the Mechanics Bay reclamation £30,002. These amounts are included in the figures quoted above. The new Chain Hills Tunnel on the Dunedin-Mosgiel duplication was opened, and a single line, working by the new route between Abbot's Creek and Wingatui, was brought into operation on the 23rd March last. The duplication is now approaching completion. The new Hutt Road was formally vested in the Wellington City Corporation by Proclamation on the 17th March, 1914. The vote for the current year includes £500,000 under the heading of " Additions to open lines," of which amount about £300,000 will be spent on new rolling-stock and workshops machinery, and £200,000 on various new works to be carried out by the Working Railways Department during the current year. A vote of £10,000 is also provided for the Dunedin-Mosgiel duplication. Light Railways. Mr. Furkert, Inspecting Engineer in the Public Works Department, paid a visit during last year to Europe and America. At the request of the Right Hon. the Prime Minister, he has prepared a report on the subject of Belgian light railways. This report is attached to this Statement, and will well repay perusal. EOADS AND BEIDGES. The total amount provided for road and bridge purposes on last year's appropriations under all votes and accounts (including the Consolidated Fund vote for maintenance) was £785,000. The amount authorized for expenditure



during the year added to the balance of authorities unexpended at 31st March, 1913, totalled ,£962,811. The expenditure for the twelve months amounted to £493,638, leaving an unexpended balance of authorities at 31st March last of £469,173. Between Ist April and 30th September a further £301,719 was authorized for expenditure, and a further £316,713 brought to charge, making the total expenditure between Ist April, 1913, and 30th September, 1914, £810,351. Honourable members are aware that owing to the unsettled condition of the money-market after the close of last session it was not considered advisable to float the loan for public-works purposes until the end of January. Prudence dictated that the authorization of expenditure of new money should in the interim be restricted to urgent works, until such time as further loan-moneys were available. Between the passing of the public-works appropriations and the raising of the loan, therefore, only metalling and other urgent works were authorized. This did not, however, mean that any very great restriction was placed upon expenditure, as there was a very large sum indeed in the hands of local bodies in the shape of authorities previously issued but unexpended. The prudence then exercised has resulted in our being able at the present juncture to keep public works going, and so relieve ''unemployed" difficulties arising as a result of the European war. I have on previous occasions referred to disabilities imposed by the present system of making grants for road and bridge works, and trust that the Local Grants and Subsidies Bill now before Parliament will afford machinery resulting in greater efficiency and progress in providing that essential factor in successful settlement of the land—good roads and bridges. EOADS ON GOLDFIELDS (MINES DePABTMENT). The total authorizations under this head last year amounted to £66,743, on account of which a vote of £51,000 was taken. The expenditure during the year was £24,143. The sum proposed to be authorized for the current year is £69,109, on account of which a vote of £50,000 is asked for. Total Appeopeiations foe Eoadwoeks. Last year's appropriations were as under : — £ Eoads, &c .... .... .... .... 360,925 Backblock roads .... .... .... .... 201,225 Koads on goldfields .... .... .... .... 51,000 Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account 100,100 National Endowment Account .... .... 22,750 New Hutt Eoad .... .... .... .... 4,000 Maintenance of roads (Consolidated Fund) .... 45,000 Total .... .... .... .... £785,000 The provision for the current year is as under : — £ Eoads, &c .... .... .... .... 500,000 Backblock roads .... .... .... .... 200,000 Eoads on goldfields .... .... .... .... 50,000 Land for Settlements Account .... .... 170,000 National Endowment Accoiint .... .... 40,000 Maintenance of roads (Consolidated Fund) .... 45,000 Total .... .... .... .... £1,005,000 DEVELOPMENT OF GOLDFIELDS. The value of the mineral output for the year amounted to £3,187,798, being a slight increase as compared with the output of the previous year. It is to be regretted that mining is not in so flourishing a condition as some of our other great primary industries. This is due partly to the diminishing



production of gold and silver, and partly to the fact that our long-continued prosperity in other fields of enterprise has diverted much capital from mininginvestment. Nevertheless, as regards the more useful minerals, steady and hopeful progress is visible; and an industry which every year adds several million pounds to the wealth of the Dominion is worthy of generous assistance on the part of the State. Expenditure under this heading during the year was £4,890, and a vote of £4,600 is proposed to be taken this year. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. The total expenditure on public buildings during the last financial year amounted to £611,041, made up as follows :— & New buildings (Class XVIII, Public Works Fund).... 369,600 Maintenance-works (Class V, Consolidated Fund).... 78,877 Maintenance-works, schools (Class XV, Consolidated Fund) .... .... ..:. .... .... 97,407 £545,884 For the current year the following appropriations are proposed: — New buildings (Public Works Fund) .... .... 538,000 Maintenance-works (Consolidated Fund) .... 69,600 Maintenance-works, schools (Consolidated Fund) .... 103,156 £710,756 General. The most important building provided for under this heading is the new Parliament Buildings, for the first and major portion of which the tender of Messrs. Hansford, Mills, and Hardie, for £151,639, was accepted on 12th December last. The contractors were unable to undertake very much work on the ground at once, as the obtaining of stone and steel-work, and the getting-together of a suitable plant, took some time; but considerable progress is now being made, and the contractors anticipate being able to finish their contract by the date stipulated therein —viz., 12th December, 1915. The large new departmental buildings in Worcester Street, Christchurch, have been completed and occupied, and considerable progress has been made with the Gisborne building; while the departmental buildings at Stratford and Hokitika have been completed, also the Public Works workshops and store in Wellington. The principal item on the current year's vote is for the continuation of the work at the new Parliament Buildings, but substantial sums are also provided for the completion of the Grisborne building and the Public Works workshop and store in Wellington. Smaller items are provided for converting the old Magistrates' Court at Auckland into fireproof offices for the Lands and Deeds Registry Department, for making a commencement with the proposed new fireproof departmental buildings in Wellington, for a new building at Tauranga, for new magazines at Dunedin, for the acquisition of much-needed additional land at Blenheim, for additions to the Government Printing Office, and for new Public Works stores at Auckland and Dunedin. Judicial. Courthouses. —The new Magistrates' Court, Auckland, has been completed and opened; also new buildings at Kaitaia, Kaikohe, and Martinborough; additions at Wanganui, and sundry minor works elsewhere. For the current year votes are proposed for new Courthouses at Waipu, Te Puke, Wairoa, Waipukurau, Raetihi, Motueka, Kumara, Amberley, Balclutha,



Wyndham, and Chatham Islands ; and for additions at Whangarei, Hikurangi, Wellington, and Lawrence. Gaols. —The principal expenditure last year took place in connection with the buildings at Auckland, Waikeria, and Invercargill, but none of the amounts were very large. Appropriations are provided this year for new buildings at Auckland, Waikeria, Wellington, Picton, Templeton, and Invercargill; for additions at Addington ; and sundry minor works. Police-stations. —New buildings were erected at Warkworth, Papakura, Huntly, Otorohanga, Tokaanu, Gisborne, Porangahau, Masterton, Cobden, Ashburton, Tapanui, and Mataura; additions at Taihape; and a suitable property was purchased at Takapuna. For the current year votes are provided for new stations at Freeman's Bay, Tuakau, Hamilton, Ohura, Putaruru, Waikare, Wairoa, Waipukurau, Hawera, Inglewood, Kaponga, Marton, Martinborough, Eiccarton, Geraldine, Hokitika, Port Chalmers, Eoslyn, St. Clair, St. Kilda, Woodhaugh, Portobello, Queenstown, and Stewart Island. In addition to the above, votes are renewed (and in some cases increased in amount) for stations at Herekino, Houhora, Patutahi, Auckland, Epsom, Ponsonby, Devonport, Northcote, Ngaruawahia, Hamilton, Raurimu, Opotiki, Tokomaru Bay, Motu, Whangamomona, Wanganui, Wellington, Brooklyn, Eastbourne, Island Bay, Karori, Wellington (Mount Cook), Wellington (Taranaki Street), Charleston, Ahaura, Stafford, Fendalton, Darfield, Coalgate, Clyde, Middlemarch, Waitati, Dunedin (King Street), Caversham, Mornington, North-east Valley, Kaitangata, Gladstone, and Invercargill North. Votes are also provided for the purchase of properties at Mount Eden Eoad (Auckland), Mount Eoskill, and Nightcaps ; and for additions at Dunedin, and minor works at other places. Post and Telegbaph. The expenditure on buildings for Post and Telegraph purposes has been heavy for some years past, and last year was no exception to the rule. The disbursements under the Public Works Fund amounted to =£78,815, and under the Consolidated Fund to £17,260, or a total for the year of £96,075. The buildings responsible for the principal items of this expenditure were the new General Post Offices at Auckland and Wellington and the Postal Department's new bulk store. Considerable expenditure, however, took place at the following offices—viz., Kaitaia, Kaikohe, Opotiki, Papakura, Eotorua, Tirau, Waiuku, Ohaupo, Tuakau, Tokaanu, Waipukurau, Halcombe, Eoxburgh, and North-east Valley. Lesser amounts were spent on the undermentioned offices : Dargaville, Ponsonby, Awakino, Taihape, Pongaroa, Petone, Brooklyn, Wakapuaka, Fairlie, Lumsden, Invercargill (store), and numerous others. The vote now proposed (£115,000) provides for quite a large number of buildings, of which the following are the more important: Dargaville, Auckland (Wellesley Street), Gisborne (additions), Napier, Christchurch (alterations and additions), and Dunedin. New buildings are also provided for at Hikurangi, Ponsonby (telephone exchange), Mount Eden, Northcote, Eemuera, Stratford, Eoss, St. Albans, Alexandra, and Milton; and last year's votes are renewed and in some cases are considerably increased for the following: Mount Albert, Takapuna, Papatoetoe, Eaglan, Hamilton, Eaurimu, Owhango, Patea, Eaetihi, Kimbolton, Palmerston North, Havelock North, Ormondville, Masterton (exchange), Island Bay, Nelson (Port), Blenheim, Eeefton, Seddon, Papanui, Oxford, Ak&roa, Methven, Timaru, South Dunedin, Anderson's Bay, Mataura, Edendale, Orepuki, and Eiversdale. There are also numerous other items of smaller magnitude. Mental Hospitals. The erection of one substantial auxiliary building at Auckland is just completed, and a second similar building is now well in hand. At Tokanui electric-lighting plant is being installed, and a mess-room provided. Minor



improvements have been effected at Porirua, Seacliff, and Waitati, and the damage caused by fire at Sunnyside has been repaired. Works in progress or contemplated include two separate blocks of buildings at Tokanui, each of which will accommodate fifty patients ; day-rooms for male and female patients at Porirua ; dormitory and single rooms, and an annexe with quarters, at Sunnyside. A male admission block is in progress at Seacliff, and additional accommodation for female patients is proposed. Hospitals. The expenditure last year under this head was not large, and took place principally in connection with the St. Helens Hospital at Christchurch and the Eotorua Hospital. On the current year's vote provision is made for the St. Helens Hospitals at Auckland and Christchurch, and one or two other minor works. Agriculture. During the past year a considerable amount of land drainage was carried out at Euakura Farm of Instruction, and as the work has proved of great value both to the farm itself and as a demonstration to the settlers it will be continued during the present year. Better accommodation is to be provided at the livestock quarantine-stations at Auckland, Wellington, and Lyttelton, the present buildings being more or less out of date. Improved accommodation is specially needed in view of the probable influx of live-stock from Great Britain as soon as the present embargo on account of foot-and-mouth disease can be removed. School Buildings. The expenditure out of the Public Works Fund on school buildings during the past year amounted to .£121,954. Of this amount nearly £108,000 was paid in grants to the respective governing bodies to provide for new buildings, additions, equipment, and sites for public schools and residences, trainingcolleges, technical and secondary schools, and University colleges. The balance was expended on works, carried out directly under the control of the Government. At the Boys' Training Farm, Nelson, the water-supply system was extended, and the erection of three new cottages for the staff was commenced ; the Wellington Receiving Home building was enlarged, and the property, which for some years has been leased for the purposes of Te Oranga Home (Girls' Reformatory) at Christchurch was purchased. Additions to the existing buildings were erected at the School for the Deaf, Sumner. Buildings were provided for seven new Native schools, and four old ones were enlarged. For the current year, with the extension of settlement, demands for new school buildings will certainly occur, and it is necessary to meet these as far as possible. Similarly, additions to existing school buildings will in many cases require to be made because of the increase of children in average attendance. New buildings are being provided for the Auckland Grammar School, and a grant has been made towards the cost. An extension to the Medical School buildings at Otago University is being erected, and in this case, too, a grant towards the cost has been made. By reason of the increase in the number of children at industrial schools additional accommodation is necessary. At the Special School, Otekaike, the buildings for which preparations have been made must be put in hand, and this will require considerable expenditure. Workers' Dwellings. The expenditure under this head during the past year amounted to £41,741, as compared with £46,455 expended during the preceding year. The demand for dwellings is increasing, and. in order to meet the requirements an authorization of £100,000, and a vote on account of same of £92,000, is proposed for the acquisition of land, road-formation, and erection of dwellings.



DEVELOPMENT OP WATEE-POWEE. The first stage of the development of the Lake Coleridge scheme has now been practically completed. The total expenditure to date amounts to £218,633, and the commitments to <£34,805, and a further expenditure of about £10,000 will be required to complete, making a gross total of £263,438, which, I am glad to say, is substantially in accordance with the original estimate. The tariff for the supply of electrical energy has been fixed on as low a basis as possible, and allows only a small margin for contingencies and profit, and it is found that the prices are acceptable to power-users, even in cases where the user already has an efficient steam plant. It follows, therefore, that the prices quoted should ensure a strong demand and ready sale for current where new industries are being established. Contracts have already been entered into which will require the output] of from 3,000 to 4,000 horse-power in from two to three years' time, which approaches the capacity of the machinery now installed, and arrangements will accordingly have to be made to add to the plant from time to time in order to keep pace with the demand. The prospect of business is good, and steps will be taken to extend the use of electricity to the farming community and settlers generally. It is scarcely anticipated that the works will be able to pay interest and depreciation on all the capital charges as well as all the working-expenses at the present stage —that is to say, with only three units of plant in the powerhouse —but there is every indication that the business will be self-supporting when four units of plant are installed and working. There is an excellent prospect of obtaining cheap fertilizers for our farmers by combining the electro-chemical production of these commodities with the business of the freezing-works. By this means that part of the plant which is perforce idle during part of the year under present conditions could be profitably utilized for the production of manures. Last year's expenditure on the development of water-power was somewhat heavy, having amounted to £142,827. For the current year a vote of £52,000 is proposed. Licenses foe Electeic Light and Poweb. Numerous licenses have been issued to local authorities and companies to enable them to distribute electricity for light and power, also a number of waterpower licenses, and numerous inspections have been made of existing plants. A considerable development has taken place in the use of electricity throughout the Dominion, and the demand for this form of power and light is still increasing. lEEIGATION. At the Otekaike Settlement fair progress has been made with the construction under contract of the six miles of water-race on the eastern side of the river, commenced last year, and the work is approaching completion. The water should be available for the settlers during the coming summer. Up to the present full use has not been made of the water which has already been brought to the holdings on the western side of the Otekaike River. The important scheme to irrigate a large area of fertile land in the Ida Valley, Central Otago, was advanced a stage by the completion of about half the concrete-work on the Manorburn Dam before last winter set in. Excavation for the diverting-weir at Moa Creek was finished, and concrete-work at this point and at the Poolburn Weir will be carried on vigorously during the summer months. The construction of the main race, known as Black's No. y, was started from the upper end at Moa Creek, and during the year has been carried, by flume and rock-cutting, over nearly ten miles of its course. The German Hill Eace, on the other side of the Valley, has been partly constructed for a length of nearly three miles. The widening of the old Bonanza Race was continued when weather-conditions would permit.



The completion of the Manorburn Dam, Moa Creek and Poolbum Weirs, three main races, and some of the distributing-races during the current year will carry the scheme appreciably nearer completion. The scheme designed to irrigate several suitable areas of Government land between Alexandra and Clyde, at present not very productive, by means of water taken from the Manuherikia River has been advanced a stage. A tender has been accepted for the construction of the first section of the water-race in the Manuherikia Gorge, and tenders for further sections have been received. A supplementary scheme to serve a portion of the Galloway Flat from the above-mentioned race at Chatto Creek has been investigated and has turned out very well, and its construction will be commenced in due course. The expenditure out of last year's vote during the financial year was £33,602, and for the current year a vote of £40,000 is proposed. WAIHOU AND OHINEMUEI KIVEES IMPEOVEMENT. Steady progress is being made with protective works designed in accordance with the recommendations of the Commission. The Ngararahi Cut, to divert a portion of the flow of the Waihou to a more direct course, has been completed under contract, and, although it has not been excavated down to the level of the river-bed, is already carrying an appreciable portion of the flow of the river, which is likely to increase as the new channel scours out to a greater depth. The smaller Koutou Cut in the same river has also been completed, and flood-gates constructed to drain adjacent land. The long stop-bank along the Paeroa River front has been completed, and it is now proposed to undertake a 25-chain cut at Pereniki's Bend, also the extension of the Paeroa Bank, the construction of which is expected to ensure the safety of the township and the lands along the river-banks in this locality. Much work in the shape of stopbank construction still remains to be done, and will be carried out by the powerful dredge now being built for the purpose and approaching completion. The occupiers of the lands along the rivers are already experiencing the benefit of these improvement-works, and are able to cultivate areas which for years past have been liable to frequent inundation. Although the Commission recommended the taking by the Government of the a,reas of land required for stopbanks, the Department is in most instances securing easements from the owners over the areas required, thus reducing the initial cost and not interfering to any great extent with the owners' enjoyment and profitable cultivation of their farms. Many miles of surveys have been made in connection with these works. Last year's expenditure in connection with these river-improvement works amounted to £9,632, and for the current year a vote of £20,000 is proposed. TOUEIST AND HEALTH EEBOETS. The expenditure under this heading for the year amounted to £14,989, the principal part being used in the erection and furnishing of the new hostel at the Hermitage, Mount Cook. There was a moderate expenditure at Eotorua on works and improvements, and smaller sums were absorbed in improvements at Waitomo Caves and in the development of the Helensville Hot Springs. It is intended to re-erect the Hanmer Springs Sanatorium recently destroyed by fire ; replace by cast-iron or steel pipes a portion of the wooden pipes originally laid down in connection with the water-supply system at Rotorua; to further improve the electrical, supply system at Eotorua; make additions to the Rotorua Sanatorium rendered necessary by the increased number of patients; to increase the accommodation at the Waitomo Caves Hostel, which has at times been greatly overcrowded, and sundry minor works. A vote is also provided for assistance to the development of the Maruia Springs on the west coast of the South Island. The work provided for in the estimates will involve an expenditure of nearly £30,000, on account of which a vote of £20,000 is proposed for the current year.



TELEGRAPH-EXTENSION. The expenditure on telegraph, and telephone extension during the year amounted to £392,648. Among the larger works undertaken may be mentioned the construction of the following land lines : Auckland-Wellington, Hamilton-Auckland, Tokomaru Bay - Gisborne, Palmerston North - Marton, Havelock-Eenwicktown, Christ-church-Ashburton, Christchurch-Kaikoura, Christchurch-Sockburn, Little Kiver - Akaroa, Waitara-New Plymouth, Cambridge-Eotorua, and Te AraroaWhangaparaoa; while a low-power wireless station has been completed and opened for business at Chatham Islands, thus bringing that isolated part of the Dominion into communication with the rest of the world. The Awanui and Awarua wireless stations have been finally taken over by the Department. Telephone-exchange development has been abnormal. Twenty-five newtelephone exchanges were opened during the year, and the number of exchange connections has increased by 6,481. Five hundred and thirty-six miles of pole-line and 2,750 miles of wire were added to the telegraph and inter-urban telephone systems, and 537 miles of pole-line and 32,149 miles of wire to the telephone-exchange systems. Buildings are being erected or adapted to accommodate the new automatic telephone system. The proposed vote for the current year amounts to £410,000, made up as under:— ■b Automatic installation .... .... .... 61,200 Material (telephone and telegraph) .... .... 260,000 New telephone-exchange connections .... .... 70,000 Erection of new telegraph and telephone lines .... 18,800 £410,000 LIGHTHOUSES, HAEBOUE-WORKS, AND HAEBOUE-DEFENCES. Lighthouses. The lighthouse-works undertaken during the year were —The preparation of the ground and formation of the track on Channel Islet, off Cape Colville, Hauraki Gulf, for the automatic light which is shortly to be placed there; the erection of the new Marine Store at Wellington; the commencement of the tower for the automatic light on Karori Kock; the construction of a suitable road to Godley Head Lighthouse ; and the protection of the track from Godley Head Lighthouse to the fog-signal. To provide for the completion of-these works, and for the erection of an automatic light on Flat Eock (in Hauraki Gulf) and of a fog-signal on Stephen Island, a sum of £4,758 will be required during the current financial year. Harboub-wobks. The principal works carried out during the year were—The erection of the launch-landing at Kohukohu; the deepening of the Ngunguru Eiver; the erection of the Leigh Wharf; improvement to the Waipu Eiver navigation; the deepening of the Mahurangi River; improvement of Matakana Harbour; erection of a wharf at Moana, Lake Brunner ; and repairs to the protective works at Karamea. The work of improving the entrance to the Wairau Eiver, for which a sum of £1,500 was voted last year, is now in hand, also the erection of a retaining-wall around the reclamation at Kohukohu. The principal new works to be provided for this year are —Protective works at Hokitika (owing to the inroads made by the sea there) ; launch-landing at Eawene; a light on the rocks in The Narrows, Hokianga Harbour; wharves at Mapau, Shelly Beach, and Tokatoka (Kaipara), Te Akau (Eaglan), Parengarenga, Mahurangi, Kennedy Bay, Katikati, and a jetty at Pounawea; further works at Wairau, Waipu, Takaka. Eaglan, and Nugget Bay; and the re-erection of a landing and road at Bruce Bay; the erection of a dolphin off Eawene

iii—D. 1.



(Hokianga) Wharf; and clearing snags out of the Mangamuka and Orira Bivers, Hokianga. For these works, and for the renewal of the unexpended votes last year, it is estimated that a sum of ,£23,888 will be required, on account of which a vote of £15,000 is asked for. Habboub-defences. Very little was done under this heading last year, the expenditure having amounted to £539 only. For the current year a vote of £1,000 is proposed. GEOSS TOTAL APPEOPEIATIONS. In addition to the votes already specially mentioned, the estimates make provision for the undermentioned services : — £ Departmental .... .... .... .... .... 93,500 Immigration ... .... .... .... .... 36,000 Contingent defence .... .... .... .... 50,000 Lands improvement .... .... .... .... 19,900 thus bringing the total amount of the proposed appropriations, including special accounts, up to .£3,734,758, as against £3,478,731 voted and £2,719,053 actually expended last year. It will perhaps be observed that the amount under the heading " Departmental " is a good deal in excess of last year's appropriation for the same purpose, the reason being that under the Public Service classification scheme a number of officers' salaries are now provided under the heading of " Departmental " which were previously provided for out of the votes for individual works. CONCLUSION. The programme outlined in the Statement and provided for in the estimates is a fairly extensive one and gives promise of a busy year. All the expenditure proposed is, however, absolutely necessary, and more could be spent to advantage ; but sufficient work is to be undertaken to fully occupy all the labour that is likely to be available, and to propose to undertake more than this would only lead us into difficulty. Every effort has been made to allocate the funds available fairly amongst the different districts, and I think this will readily be realized by the House, and I therefore, with every confidence, commend the proposals to the careful consideration of honourable members.



INDEX. TABLES. Page No. I.—Total Expenditure :—Summary showing the Total Expenditure and Liabilities on Public Works and other Services out of the Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1914 ~ .. .. 2 No. 2. —Yearly Expenditure out op the Public Works Fund up to 1913-1914 .. .. .. 3 No. 3.—Railways:—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Railways, including Valuation of Provincial Lines, to 31st March, 1914 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 No. 4.—Roads:—Statement showing Expenditure on Roads to 31st March, 1914 .. .. .. 10 No. 5 —Development of Goldfields :—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities for Water-raoes on GoldfieldH to 31st March, 1914 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 N. sa.—Development op Goldpields : —Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities for Assistmee towards Prospecting and Miscellaneous Services to 31st March, 1914 .. .. .. 42 No. 6.—Telegraphs:—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Telegraphs to 31st March, 1914 43 No. 7.—Public Buildings :—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Public Buildings to 31st March, 1914 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 49 No. B.—Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbour-defences : — Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbour-defences to 31st March, 1914 .. 50 No. 9. —Development op Water-power: — Statement showing Expenditure up to 31st March, 1914, and Liabilities at that Date .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 53 APPENDICES. Appendix A.—Expenditure fok the Year:—Audited Statement of Expenditure out of the Public Works Fund for the Year 1913-1914 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 54 B.—Total Liabilities :—Statement of all Liabilities of the Public Works Department outstanding on 31st March, 1914 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 56 C.—Railways, Public Buildings, and Roads Contracts:—Schedule of Contracts current on Ist April, 1913, and further Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1914 .. .. .. .. .. .. 58 D.—Sleeper Contracts:—Schedule of Sleeper Contracts current on Ist April, 1913, and further Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1914 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 67 E.—Annual Report on Public Works, by the Engineer-in-Chief .. .. .. .. 69 P. — Annual Report on Public Buildings, by the Government Architect .. .. .. 89 „ G.—Annual Eeport on Electrical Work and Power Schemes, by the Chief Electrioal Engineer .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 92 , H.—Beport on Belgian Light Railways, by the Inspecting Engir.eer .. .. .. 93

APPENDICES. Appendix A.—Expenditure fok the Year:—Audited Statement of Expenditure out of the Public Works Fund for the Year 1913-1914 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 54 „ B. —Total Liabilities :—Statement of all Liabilities of the Public Works Department outstanding on 31st March, 1914 .. .. ~ .. .. .. .. 56 C.—Railways, Public Buildings, and Roads Contracts: —Schedule of Contracts current on Ist April, 1913, and further Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1914 .. .. .. .. .. .. 58 „ D.—Sleeper Contracts: —Schedule of Sleeper Contracts current on Ist April, 1913, and further Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1914 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 67 „ E.—Annual Report on Public Works, by the Engineer-in-Chief .. .. .. .. 69 „ P.-Annual Report on Public Buildings, by the Government Architect .. .. .. 89 G.—Annual Report on Electrical Work and Power Schemes, by the Chief Electrioal Engineer .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 92 , H.—Report on Belgian Light Railways, by the Inspecting Engir.eer .. .. .. 93

I—D. 1.



TABLE No. 1. SUMMARY showing the Total Expenditure on Public Works and other Services out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1914, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Xumber [ of Table Details. Total Net Expenditure 31st March, 1913. Expenditure T?«.n,mri«« during on Account of Total Net Ex P™ di - Twelve Months \ Services ture to ended . pilous "Years :ilst Maroh - > 914 - 31st March, 1914. ol " evlous fears. Total Liabilities on Net Expenditure 31st March, 1914. i and Liabilities. Works. Works. ' 3* Railways .. 4f Roads 5 and 5a Development of goldfields 6 ' Telegraphs 7 I Public buildings 8 ; Lighthouses, harbour- works, and har-bour-defences Departmental !)§ . Development of water-power 18 of 1878 i Coal-exploration and mine-development 11 of 1877 I Aiding works on Thames goldfields ! Immigration Purchase of Native lands Defence Charges and expenses of raising loans .. Interest and sinking fund Rates on Native lands Thermal springs ! Tourist and health resorts Lands improvement Payment to Midland Railway bondholders Irrigation and water-supply]! 3* Railways .. .. .. .. 29,799,219 : 1,104,897 5,485 30,898,631 287,777 31,186,408 Railways. 4f Roads .. .. .. .. 9,723,865 377,979 515 10,101,329 226,115 10,327,444 Roads. 5 and 5a Development of goldfields .. .. 827J802 4,889 .. 832,691 1,192 833,883 Development of goldfields. 6 Telegraphs .. .. .. 2,277.125 392,648 .. 2,669,773 235,666 2,905,439 Telegraphs. 7 ! Public buildings .. .. .. 5,487,225 369,600 .. 5,856,825 235,149 6,091,974 Public buildings. 8 J Lighthouses, harbour- works, and har- 1,098,207 9,059 1,762 1,105,504 945 1,106,449 Lighthouses, harbour-works, and harbouri bour-defences defences. Departmental .. .. .. 784,095 66,650J .. 850,745 106 850,851 Departmental. 9§ Development of water-power .. 18,451 .. .. 18,451 .. 18,451 i Development of water-power. !8of 1878 j Coal-exploration and mine-development 10,835 .. .. 10,835 .. 10,835 Coal-exploration and mine-development. il of 1877 i Aiding works on Thames goldfields .. 50,000 .. .. 50,000 .. 50,000 Aiding works on Thames goldfields. ! Immigration .. .. .. 2,254,606 33,914 .. 2,288,520 .. 2,288,520 I Immigration. Purchase of Native lands .. .. 2,065,720 .. 857 2,064,863 .. 2,064,863 Purchase of Native lands. Defence .. .. .. .. 944,209 30,186 .. 974,395 55 974,450 ' Defence. Charges and expenses of raising loans .. 1,243,692 8,708 .. 1,252,400 .. 1,252,400 ! Charges and expenses of raising loans. Interest and sinking fund .. .. 218,500 .. .. 218,500 .. 218,500 Interest and sinking fund. Rates on Native lands .. .. 68,672 .. .. 68,672 .. 68,672 i Rates on Native lands. ' Thermal springs .. .. .. 14,600 .. .. 14.600 .. 14,600 ! Thermal springs. : Tourist and health resorts .. .. 229,539 14,989 .. 244,528 4,889 249,417 Tourist and health resorts. Lands improvement .. .. 104,713 16,996 432 121,277 204 121,481 Lands improvement. Payment to Midland Railway bond- 150,000 .. .. 150,000 .. 150,000 Payment to Midland Railway bondholders holders. Irrigation and water-supply]! .. 4,356 .. .. 4,356 .. 4,356 Irrigation and water-supply. £ 29,799,219 9,723.865 2,277.125 5,487,225 1.098,207 784,095 18,451 10,835 50,000 2,254,606 2,065,720 944,209 1,243,692 218,500 68,672 14,600 229,539 104,713 150,000 £ 1,104,897 377,979 4,889 392,648 369,600 9,059 66,650J 33,914 30,186 8,708 14,989 16,996 £ 5,485 515 1,762 857 432 £ 30,898,631 10,101,329 832,691 2,669,773 5,856,825 1,105,504 850,745 18,451 10,835 50,000 2,288,520 2,064,863 974,395 1,252,400 218,500 68,672 14.600 244,528 121,277 150,000 4,356 £ 287,777 226,115 1,192 235,666 235,149 945 106 55 4,889 204 £ 31,186,408 10,327,444 833,883 2,905,439 6,091,974 1,106,449 850,851 18.451 10,835 50,000 2,288,520 2.064,863 974,450 1,252,400 218,500 68,672 14,600 249,417 121,481 150,000 4,356 4,356 Totals .. Totals .. .. .. I 57,375,431 2,430,515 9,051 59,796,895 992,098 60,788,993 Totals. 57,375,431 2,430,515 9,051 59,796,895 992,098 60,788,993 i;ill * Table 3 also includes expenditure under Wellington-Manawatu Railway Purchase, Hutt Railway and Road Improvement, and Railways Improvement Accounts. f Table 4 also contains details of expenditure under Loans to Local Bodies and other Accounts. J Includes £23 10s. charged to " Unauthorized." § Table 9 also includes expenditure under the Aid to Water-power Works Account. [| Previously included under Lands Improvement. Does not include expenditure on Wellington-Manawatu Railway Purchase, Hutt Railway and Road Improvement, and Railways Improvement Accounts.


Continued on page 5.

TABLE No. 2. GENERAL SUMMARY. Showing Net Yearly Expenditure out of Public Works Fund, 1892-93 to 1913-14.


N.B. —The figures in italics, prefixed by " Cr.," are either rec< The totals from 1892-93 to 1896-97, inclusive, include 'veries on aei sxpenditure ;ount of services of previous years or receipts-in-aid applied in reduction of expenditure. mder Native Lands Purchase Account; and from 1894-95 to 1896-97, inclusive, expenditure under Lands Improvement Account. Total Net Expenditure. Description of Services. to 31st March, 1892. 1892-93. 1893-94. 1894-95. 1897-98. 1898-99. 1899-1900. 190O-1. 1901-2 1902-3. 1895-96. 1896-97. Immigration £ 2,145,968 £ 242 £ 343 £ 101 Cr. 10 £ 301 £ 70 £ 105 £ 385 £ 214 £ 139 £ 142 Public Works (Departmental) 359.965 7,790 8.406 8,680 14.300 14,892 9,689 10,090 12,572 12,932 17.771 13.949 Development of Water-power Irrigation and Water-supply Railways 14.257,829 220.894 176,304 247,545 197.105 207.231 Cr. 334 351.600 374,192 417,937 717.723 1,333,940 759. 752 Payment to Midland Railway Bondholders Roads :— „ Roads North of Auckland Main Roads Miscellaneous Roads and Bridges Roads to open up Lands Grants-in-aid Village Settlements Local Bodies Roads on Goldfields Miscellaneous 229,674 11,444,910 j 630,753 799,750 40,772 785 183,759 226,411 12,588 10,443 21,989 7,144 4,412 22,235 I 58,042 22,731 I 9,972 1 ■■ 27,959 17,075 4,289 11,195 I 241,209 248,934 237,351 267,374 354,687 230,349 8,951 2,898 390 20,387 "227 21,513 207 32,578 19,490 17,57/ 49,569 46,550 48,039 48,417 47.573 51 ,690 Or, 1,613 Cr. 1.030 Or. 7,050 Cr. 573 Cr. 365 16,023 Or' 365 Cr. '365 Cr. 347 Development of Thermal Springs and Natural Scenery Roads to give Access to North Island Trunk Railway Lands Improvement Account 78,109 29,440 34.765 17^841 89,207 108,168 103,555 Total, Roads 3,634,923 103,893 146,638 150,278 174,369 167,482 290,413 295,119 285,043 315,791 402,260 282,039 Development of Goldfields 563,358 3,811 5,272 5,865 9.345 10,508 33,117 17,355 21,815 15,907 15,326 24,213 Purchase of Native Lands 1,248,876 57,187 Cr. 10,438 19,575 4,320 Cr. 2,428 78,985 349 Cr. 12 101,009 Cr. 37 61,503 53,182 Cr. 225 32,025 28.688 18,261 15.782 Native Lands Purchase Account 163,411 129,000 Total, Land Purchases 1,248,876 66,324 80,877 101,346 163,411 128,963 61,503 52,957 32,025 28,688 18,261 15.782 Telegraph Extension 634,421 29,245 16,127 19,229 35,538 36,791 29,384 28,551 26,771 50,101 31,729 68,578



Continued on page 6.

TABLE No. 2—continued. GENERAL SUMMARY —continued. Showing Net Yearly Expenditure out of Public Works Fund, 1892-93 to 1913-14— continued.

Description of Services. Total Net Expenditure to Slst March, 1892. 1892-93. 1894-95. 1895-96. 1896-9T. Expenditure. 1897-98. 1896-99. 1899-1900. 1893-94. 1900-1. 1901-2. 1902-3. Public Buildings :— General (including Miscellaneous) Parliamentary Judicial Post and Telegraph. . Customs Quarantine-stations Mental Hospitals Public Health Hospitals and Charitable Institutions .. School Buildings Agricultural Workers' Dwellings ■ ■ i £ 194,14!) 13.962 275.304 144.595 5.189 3.525 318.655 £ 1,588 2,779 6.843 5 £ 621 209 5.262 3,154 666 3 18,957 £ 2,551 6,822 11.487 3.542 12 306 13,633 £ 3.724 27,341 6. 194 647 £ 8,178 9 14,806 7.504 16 £ 14.797 466 12,727 5,888 385 £ 8,764 20,636 11.109 5,168 £ 3,957 9.883 19,682 13.483 107 £ 5,594 3.039 29,630 20,954 875 2,607 18,872 £ 12,513 4,424 28,728 40.361 2,066 424 16,743 £ 9,031 1.503 33,224 74.686 6,630 11,887 10.935 16.404 14,130 17~667 17,712 10,167 33,184 827.014 7,999 Io!o00 160 15,000 837 6.561 20.000 1,127 700 22,143 81!) 23.864 1.328 43^403 520 899 49,256 447 5,141 33,681 971 1,200 38.606 535 3.540 57.790 883 Total, Public Buildings I I,815,577 31.101 44,032 54,190 76.529 70,579 73,585 107,267 115,426 121,364 145,600 197.454 Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbour-defences :— Lighthouses Harbour-works Harbour-defences 119.566 310,107 459,493 6,642 2.612 650 2,495 234 3,861 3.314 6.067 866 4.667 2.180 568 2.547 3.727 1,777 10,158 3,333 365 5,328 1,017 1,540 3,960 2.060 3.421 6.678 6.082 I ,373 6.126 4,563 3,976 Total, Lighthouses, &fc. 889,166 11,205 6.588 3,145 7,409 11 ,600 5,295 15,662 9,026 6,517 12.159 13.581 Rates on Native Lands 60.051 615 Gr.8 415 561 340 332 156 347 744 673 571 471 Contingent Defence - 429.719 5,000 10,554 10,360 13,867 42,810 37.650 146.875 37.005 Tourist and Health Resorts - 11.260 10,949 Lands Improvement* 1.741 2.34!) Charges and Expenses of raising Loans .. 1,021 .472 5.356 943 Or. 6 5 Or. 5 224 28.322 1,460 5.620 Or. 516 88.180 Interest and Sinking Funds ' •■ L 218,500 Coal-exploration and Mine-development 10.835 Thermal Springs 14.600 Total Ways and Means Credits Grand Total —Not Expenditure '.'. 2 27.311.-). 26(1 12,050 480,468 3,458 485,002 7,062 590,940 •5 73 683,336 705 659.836 370 865 .172 590 915,736 347 992.876 516 I 2,142.736 1,514,444 1,309,020 ■ * For previous expenditure see Roads Class.



TABLE No. 2—continued. GENERAL SUMMARY— continued. Showing Net Yearly Expenditure out of Public Works Fund, 1892-93 to 1913-14— continued.

Description of Services. Expenditure. 1913-14. Total Net _i Expenditure to 31st I March, 1914. 1P03-4 1901-5. 1905-6. 1906-7. 1907-8. 1908-9. 1909-10. : 1910-11. 1911-12. 1912-18. _J £ Or. 7 £ 6,481 £ 8.753 £ 14,353 £ 9,132 £ 15,075 £ 17,003 £ 9,441 £ 11,681 £ 14,694 £ 33,914 £ 2,288,520 Immigration Public Works (Departmental) ... 16,088 12,814 13,517 16,710 ! 18,219 24,512 41,176 42.733 49,864 57,426 *66, 650 850.745 Development of Water-power 468 2,901 4,664 315 1,021 9,082 18.451 Irrigation and Water-aupplyf 1,562 2,794 i § 4,356 Railways . . 828. 704 779,891 I.021.265 1,227,880 1,093,535 1,116,184 1,128,400 1,104,071 Or. 652 1,125,905 Or. 6,987 1,148,832 Or. 29.528 1,104,897 Or. 5,485 30,898.631 Payment to Midland Railway Bondholders i 150,000 150.000 Roads :— ■ Roads North of Auckland .. .. Main Roads Miscellaneous Roads and Bridges Roads to open up Lands Grants-in-aid Village Settlements Local Bodies Roads on Goldfields Miscellaneous Development of Thermal Springs and Natural Scenery Roads to give Access to North Island Trunk Railway Lands Improvement Account - • J ]- 316,248 202,850 306,065 ' ' 308,500 j 285,248 422,174 297,932 229,537 383,511 337,584 I 353,836 \ Or. 515 45,594 26,112 45,139 38,970 I i 38,494 47,375 40,830 25,626 41,067 36,761 24.143 .. Total, Roads 361,842 228,962 351.204 347,470 323,742 469,549 338,762 255,163 424,578 374,345 377,464 10,101,329 Development of Goldfields 16.278 6.258 18.533 11,064 8,633 32,859 18,597 Or. 1.000 10,845 Or. 1,000 21,244 Or. 30 10,644 Or. 1,015 4,889 882.691 Purchase of Native Lands 5,352 I 6,281 13.777 9,135 2,190 2,099 30,567 2,976 Or. 2.286 Or. 2,466 Or. 917 Or. 857 Native Lands Purchase Account I j 6,281 Total. Land Purchases 5,352 I 13,777 9,135 2,190 2,099 30,567 690 Or. 2,466 Or. 917 Or. 857 2,064,863 Telegraph Extension . . 47.228 79,298 77.186 ; 114.068 155,491 163,033 123,423 111,867 147,692 251,375 392,648 2,669,773 * Includes " Unauthorized," £23. ■(■ Previously included under Lands Improvement. § Expenditure for 1912—1 3 is under the Irrigation and Water-supply Account. lExp, ;nditure frc: 1912-13 is s under the Aid to Wat< ■-power W< *ks Account.



TABLE No. 2—continued. GENERAL SUMMARY —continued. Showing Net Yearly Expenditure out of Public Works Fund, 1892-93 to 1913-14— continued.

Expenditure. 1913-14. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 19H. Description of Services. 1903-4. 1904-5. 1907-8. 1908-9. 1909-10. 1910-11. 1911-12. 1912-13. 1905-6. 1905-7. Public Buildings :— General (including Miscellaneous) Parliamentary .. Judicial Post and Telegraph Customs Quarantine-stations Mental Hospitals Public Health Hospitals and Charitable Institutions School Buildings Agricultural Workers' Dwellings £ L0,964 602 25.978 53,918 8.719 £ 9,021 697 13,083 16,008 13,018 £ 2,231 71 15.899 38,419 7.903 £ 14,216 1,047 35,192 43,918 414 £ 16,260 4,119 28,938 43,724 47 7,987 7,497 15,576 100,197 1,690 £ 39,635 5,172 37.211 62,262 2,507 15,296 4,402 11,153 102,340 5.543 £ 41,964 3,157 31,606 68,574 233 44,044 237 22.295 117.815 ' * i £ 34,721 2,004 44,133 130,815 £ 44,719 18,806 45,431 122,999 £ 43,199 23,612 ! 28,445 78.815 £ , 15,812 6,315 4.29J 87.089 2,504 15,949 4,265 1,204 42,721 1,362 16,235 7,926 4,786 69,223 2,618 8,049 1,765 10,259 109,459 2,707 19,839 319 7,259 98,103 6,103 12,707 1,484 124,926 1,160 ; 8,809 12,745 90,535 3,684 22,644 46,181 376 8,750 105,000 6,475 46,455 26,001 1,435 121,954 4,398 41,741 Total. Public Buildings 216,192 117,328 165.311 227,026 226,035 285,521 \ 277,157 324,668 350,090 445,192 369,600 I 5,856,825 Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbour-defences :— Lighthouses Harbour-works ti, 206 1,773 2,167 1,308 962 2,684 1,417 2,867 7,481 4,439 7,297 6,762 4,548 5,372 1,470 4,092 5,428 6,004 9,031 7,415 5,174 3,346 Or. 1,462 539 Or. 300 2,963 Harbour-defences 2,885 2,515 1.300 1,541 2,579 2,865 1,144 339 Total, Lighthouses, &c. 10,864 5,990 4,946 4,504 6,863 19,217 i 16,682 8,427 12,576 16,785 7,297 1,105,504 Rates on Native Lands 666 631 548 695 837 27 68.672 Contingent Defence 38.723 46,588 35,569 14,874 18,574 10,766 4,977 6,071 10,437 23,790 30,186 974,395 Tourist and Health Resorts 15,643 17,508 15,888 42,271 45,048 24,286 14,507 5,912 13,361 12,906 14,989 244,528 Lands Improvement* 2,019 2,248 1,052 5,605 9,561 19,542 6,910 11,125 20,394 22,550 Gr. 383 16,996 Gr. 432 121,277 Charges and Expenses of raising Loans 87.249 10,764 236 Or. 5,175 Or. 8,487 575 I 17,715 Or. 12,000 66,367 Gr. 66,392 67,470 Or. 66,954 72,950 Gr. 71,681 105,449 Or. 96,741 1.252. 400 Interest and Sinking Funds 218,500 Coal-exploration and Mine-development 10,835 Thermal Springs 14,600 Total Ways and Means Credits Grand Total —Xet Expenditure 7 1.796.841 1,321,510 1.730,686 5,175 2,035.144 8,487 1,909.688 2,183,245 2,022,876 1,89^918 10,530 2,190,731 103,524 2,347.965 105,792 2,421,464 59,796^895 For previous expenditure see Roads Class.


TABLE No. 3. Expenditure on Railways to 31st March, 1914, and Liabilities on that Date.


Expenditure out of Public Works Fund during Pear 1913-14. Valuation of Works constructed by Provinces and Midland Uailway Company.* Lines of Railway, Total Expenditure by General Government to 31st March, 1913. on Account of Expenditure New Works. Works on Open Permanent- Total New Lines, way. Works. New Works. .expenditure under Land-claims ! Special Acts and other during Year Old 1913-14. Liabilities.' Amounts previously charged to " Surveys of New Lines" mow charged to Individual Lines. Total Expenditure by General Government to 31st March, 1914. Liabilities. Total Expenditure and Liabilities, 31st March, 1914. Years. iand Surveys.; Kaihu Valley Kawakawa to Hokianga .. '.. Kawakawa to Whangarei and Onerahi Whangarei to North Auckland Main Trunk .. Helens ville Northwards Helens ville to Te Awamutu Waiuku Branch Huntly to Awaroa Cambridge Branch Waikato to Thames — Frankton to Te Aroha . . .. .. Te Aroha to Thames Paeroa to Waihi and Tauranga Thames Valley to Rotorua — Morrinsville to Lichfield Pataruru to Rotorua Marfon to Te Awamutu Raetihi to Ohakune Tauranga to Taneatua Gisborne to Motu Gisborne to Ormond Tramway Napier to Gisbome — Gisborne Southwards Napier Northwards Wellington to Napier — Napier to Woodville and Palmerston North Wellington to Woodville, including Te Aro Extension Featherston to Martinborough Wellington to Waitara — Wellington to Longburn Foxton to Waitara Mount Egmont Branch Opunake Branch Stratford to Okahukura (East End) Stratford to Okahukura (West End) Nelson to Roundell 75,527 116,396 515,391 631,201 1,604,957 J £ £ 6.476 29,056 336 2,155 48,250 664 16,503 1 1,869 J 8,345 i 4,378 J 33.434 ! 336 I 2,206 2,155 i 5,995 54,245 I 174 .. 103,560 664 I 12,915 29,418 ! £ £ £ 65 l^076 £ 83,937 149,830 517.933 3.231 685,620 1,705,517 1,254 49,178 51,111 £ £ 50 493 5,265 10,593 £ 83,987 150,323 517,933 3,231 690,885 1,705,517 1,254 59,771 51,111 3,000 590 19,760 51,111 149, 656 203, 998 152,044 I 205 5,031 40,346 44,464 29,647 2,982 57 205 2,516 2,516 3,146 5,031 I 10,549 I 50,895 5.750 ! 50,214 14,383 ! 44,030 2,982 149,713 203,998 152,249 149,713 203,998 152,249 ! I 163.295 196,249 2,702,948 2,802 94,613 510.985 4,975 "o0 1 396 165,811 198,765 2,706,044 7,833 145,904 561, 199 4.975 588 7,787 1,000 165,811 198,765 2,706,044 8,421 153,691 562,199 4,975 13,006 15,972 Dr. 4,238 Or. 4,238 61,274 14,716 4,551 65,825 14,716 892,046 1,591,669 ! 22 8t .. 15,084 9,499 907,108 1,601,160 907. 108 1,601,160 I 17 328 328 064,272 1,539.242 ■60,998 1,578 311 I 824 5,933 828 21,443 67,432 311 ; 6,940 824 3,459 1,211 7,144 '■ 828 21,443 4,284 I 71.716 323 275 110 - i 945 971,487 1,542,057 68,142 1,773 47,752 567,127 198,256 50 99,645 2,731 971,487 1,542,057 68,142 1,823 147,397 569,858 198,256 26,309 496,045 197,923 J 634 10 f 1 * Also includes value for £150,000 paid to debenture-holders under the Midland Railway Petitions Settlement Act Amendment Act, 1903. f Hutt Road and Railway Improvement Account.



TABLE No. 3—continued. Expenditure on Railways to 31st March, 1914, and Liabilities on that Date—continued.

Expenditure ont of Public Works Fund during Year 1913-14, ; I _ - Lines oj Bailway. Total Expenditure by General Government to 31st March, 1913. on Account of Expenditure ; * Expenditure ' previously 'Jew Works n " deI ' charged to Work* Land-claims j Special Acts " Surveys of New I >n ODpn and other ! during Year Lines" now Permanent- Total New Lines. T . , O1 . d ,. 1913-14. charged to and Surveys.! way. Works. Liabilities. j Individual Lines.. Few Works. Amounts' Total Valuation of 1 • consSctd by to-&lst MarchJ » n ™ nd l9li - Company.* Total Expenditure iLiabmtfe. LiaSmties, . 31st March, 1914, Years. ' Midland Railway — £ ■Bclgrovo to inangahua .. .. .. 246,182 i Stillwater to Inangahua.. .. .. 183,186 Brunnerton to Bealey .. .. .. 477, 628 Springfield to Bealey .. .. .. 704,209 Westport to Ngakawau .. .. .. 188,009 Westport to Inangahua .. .. .. 116, 760 Ngahere to Blackball .. .. .. 147. 537 Greymouth to Point Elizabeth .. .. 235,934 | Greyrnouth to Brunnerton.. .. .. 150,513 I Greymouth to Ross and Mikonui .. .. :S.W,873 Pieton to Waipara — Picton Southwards .. .. .. 585,869 I Waipara Northwards .. .. .. 370,478 j Culverden to Hanmer (motor-cars and sheds) 3,834 I Culverden to Waiau Hurunui to Waitaki — Main Line .. .. .. .. 1,773,726. Oxford Branch .. .. .. 51,467 ! Eyreton Branch .. .. .. 44,277 Lyttelton Branch .. .. .. 80,908 feiouthbridge Branch .. .. .. 89,524 Springfield and Whitecliffs Branches .. 95,336 Fairlie Creek Branch .. .. .. 67,039 Waimate Branch .. .. .. 50,158 Ashburton Forks (Methven) Branch .. 74,610 Upper Ashburton (Springburn) Branch .. 61.639 Little Paver Branch .. .. .. 108,113 | Canterbury Interior Main Line — Oxford to Maivern -.. .. .. 53,649 ] Whitecliffs to Rakaia .. .. .. 542 Temuka to Rangitata .. .. .. 5,152 Waitaki to BluffMain Line, including Port Chalmers Branch \ 3,208,346 Duntroon Branch .. .. • • I 97,099 Neapara Branch .. .. .. 26,090 | £ no £ 2,293 12,397 93,872 28,170 15^337 15,852 7,801 3,145 605 i £ 4,326 4,472 2! 330 £ 2,293 16.723 93,872 32,642 £ £ 20 £ £ £ 248,495 199,909 1 571,500 J 736.851 188,009 132,097 147,537 254,116 j 150,543 336.873 £ 78,307 543,574 61,579 £ j 149 1 1,007 1,754 £ 326,802: I Ji, 316,139- ■■ 15,337 18.182 •■ 30 . - S 16,181 ioo 800,184 188,009 148 r 27& 147,537 254,21ft 150,543 7,801 3,145 605 6,537 ! 600,207 i 373,623 3>834 639 698 600,905 3.73., 623 3,834 65© J 54 39,896 1 1,813,622 i 51.467 44,277 L 80,908 ; 89,524 ! 95,384 67,03© 50,158 74,6110 61.630 ! 108,113 r 316,135 340,500 75,124 2,129,757 51,467 421,408. 89,524 95,384 142,16350,158 74,610. 61,639 108,113. 1 *48 ! 53,649 542 j 5,i;52 542; 5,,J52: 5,608 39,564f 3,253., 408 : 97,099 I 26,000 82,259 37,500 58,009 3,335,687" 134,599. 84,099- * Also includes value for £150,000 paid to debenture-holders under the Midland Railway Petitions Settlement Act Anaenclment Act, 1903Authorization Act Account. t Rspead&ure tinder Railways Improvement.



2—D. 1

TABLE No. 3— continued. Expenditure on Railways to 31st March, 1914, and Liabilities on that Date— continued.

Lines ai Railway. Total j Expenditure j by General ; Government to 31st March, 1913. on Account of Expenditure Expenditure out of Public Works Fund during Year 1913-34. New Works. Land-claims and other Old Liabilities. under Special Acts during Year 1913-34. charged to " Surveys of Xew Lines" now charged to Individual Lines. Amounts Total Valuation of j <™ s ™ by j Government I Provinces Liabilities. tosltSli andMidiand ■ten a \ Hallway ltf1 *- Company.* Total Expenditure and Liabilities, 31st March, 1914. Construction Permanent»nd Surveys. way. Works on Open Lines. Years. Total New Works. Waitaki to Bluff — continued. £ Fernhill Railway Purchase .. .. I 1,415 Brighton Road Branch .. .. ..I 6,474 Outram Branch .. .. .. 11,951 Lawrence Branch .. .. .. 268,934 ! Livingstone Branch .. .. .. 82,785 Waihemo Branch .. .-. .. 33,191 Catlin's River Branch ». .. .. 400,670 Heriotburn Branch .. .. .. 123,231 Waikaka Branch .. .. .. j 67,821 i Waimea Plains Branch .. .. .. 111,966 j Toitois Branch.. .. .. .. 52,743 Riversdale to Switzer's .. .. .. 81,540 Kelso to Gore .. .. .. .. j 602 Seaward Bush to Catlin's .. .. 184,319 Otago Central .. .. .. .. 1,280,392 Invercargill to Kingston — Main Line .. .. .. .. I 338,115 Mararoa Branch " .. .. .. | 27,217 ' Winton to Heddon Bush Makarewa to Orepuki and Waiau .. I . .,.-,„ ,.,„ Thornbury to Wairio .. .. i *«»>*«» Forest Hill .. .. .. ., 22,984 Expenses of Railway Commissions and other 10,337 Expenditure not chargeable to Individual Lines Surveys of New Lines — North Island .. .. .. .. 32,803 Middle Island .. .. .. .. 5,635 Rolling-stock .. .. .. .. 5,421,056 Stock of Permanent-way Materials, 31st March, 1913 .. ..£100,680 100,680 £ 91 ] £ 9,984 i 17,210 570 60 1,844 554 £ 10,367 7^691 £ 20,351 24^901 570 £ i 619 .. .. 244 £ 12 £ £ 5 £ 1,415 6,474 11,951 289,285 82,785 33,191 426,190 123,231 67,821 111,966 52,743 81,552 602 184,889 1,280,641 £ 12,829 29,691 I £ ioo 4^240 £ 1,415 19,303 41,642 289,385 82,785 33,191 430,430 123,231 67,821 111,966 52,743 81,552 602 184,889 1,280,641 13,574f 351,598 27,217 61 91,937 443,535 27,217 6! "eo •• I 1 25 329,455 60,297 389,752 22,984 10,337 22,984 10,337 1,844 554 Cr. 3,089 Or. 60 31,558 6,129 5,703,443 31,558 6,129 5,830,825 282 ",387 127,382 31,624,368 Stock of Permanent-way decreased by £17,079 17,079 3,413 Stock of Permanent-way Materials, 31st March, 1914 .. .. £83,601 83,601 87,014 ■■ ..-■ ' i Total .. .. .. 31,607,289 5,493 532,580 ! 90,520 498,448 34,838,853 31,607,289 5,493 532,580 90,520 623,100 427 39,564 32,763,335 1,787,741 287,777 I * Also includes value for £159,093 paid to debenture-holders under ths Midland Railway Petitions Settlement Act Amendment Act, 1903. wharves, Lake Wakatipu. f Includes £2,335 expended on new steamer and on


TABLE No. 4. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, Bridges, &c., out of the Public Works Fund, Consolidated Fund, and the New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1911, for the Year ended 31st March, 1914.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. :public works fund. 109 1 2 3 5 ROADS, ETC. Whanciaeei Road Dihtbtot—] fAhipara to Herekino (£175, £1 for £1) .. Auckland Borough Endowment Road Awanui to Waipapakauri (£1 for £1) .. Broadwood to Herekino (£500, on account of £1,200), (£1 for £1) Broadwood to Runaruna (£100, £1 for £1) Fairburn Road Herekino Post-office to Factory (£1 for £1) Herekino Settlement Road (£1 for £1).. Mangonui Hokianga Mangonui Hokianga I Bay of Islands Bay of Islands £ 125 66 101 17 8 15 19 20 Mangonui Hokianga Mangonui and Hokianga Whangarci 145 64 38 91 22 26 29 Hikurangi to Marua (£50, £1 for £1) .. Hukerenui Railway-station to Riponui Iwitaua to Mangamuka Mangonui, Hokianga, and Whangaroa Whangarei I 50 50 23 30 31 33 35 40 Jordan to Hikurangi (£100, £1 for £1) .. Jordan to Otakairangi (£87, £1 for £1).. Kaeo to Omano Kaeo to Towai Kaikohe to Mangakahia Church Whangaroa I 50 13 50 28 8 42 47 50 51 53 54 55 59 60 61 65 66 67 68 70 71 74 80 81 84 85 87 Kaimamaku Kapiro Bridge Kenana Kereponia (£119, £1 for £1) .. Kohukohu to Mangamuka Ferry (£50, £1 for £1).. Kohukohu to Narrows (£124, £1 for £1) Kohukohu Township roads (£1 for £2). . Mamari Village to Pukemiro (£50, £1 for £1) Mangakahia Bridge to junction of rivers (£1 for £1 )i Mangakahia Stream Bridge (£1 for £1).. .. I Mangatoetoe (£1 for £1) Mangonui Beach Road Maraeroa to Horeke Marua to Otonga (£50, £1 for £1) Mataitawa to Rangiahua (£100, £1 for £1) Matapouri Mataraua Bridge Ohaeawai to Kaikohe (£100, £1 for £1) Ohaeawai to Okaihan (Ahiiahu Hill), (£1 for £1).. Ohaeawai to Waitangi Oika Road Okaihau to Horeke (£1 for £1) Hokianga and Bay of Islands Whangarei Bay of Islands Mangonui I \ 50 100 30 50 100 126 30 81 49 140 55 50 100 50 200 50 245 100 79 93 199 200 Hokianga Whangarei Hokianga Mangonui Hokianga Whangarei Hokianga Whangarei Hokianga Bay of Islands Whangaroa Hokianga and Bay of Islands Hokianga 90 91 93 Omanaia to Hokianga Heads (£50, £1 for £1) Omanaia River Bridge Opanaki to Hokianga (£1 for £1) Hokianga and Hobson Hokianga Bay of Islands Whangarei Hokianga Mangonui Whangarei Bay of Islands 1 1 118 167 25 "I 94 96 97 100 101 106 109 110 112 113 114 117 121 124 128 131 133 134 Opouteke Block (access road).. Opua to Paihia Opuawhanga to Marua Oraora Bridge Oruru to Kohumaru (£1 for £1) Otonga to Opuawhanga (£1 for £1) Owae Road (Upper) Pakaraka to Oromahoe Parapara Bridge Peria to Victoria Valley Post-office (£1 for £1) . . Poroti to Mangakahia Bridge (£200, £1. for £1) Punakitere Bridge Ramarama to Purua (£50, £1 for £1) .. Rangiahua to Umawera (£1 for £1) Ruatangata to Purua (£100, £1 for £1) Stony Creek to Kaeo Stony Creek to Mangonui Taheke to Kaikohe (£200, £1 for £1) .. Mangonui i j 212 100 92 34 11 75 50 27 99 39 70 580 100 50 100 50 68 72 Whangarei Hokianga Whangarei Hokianga Whangarei Whangaroa Mangonui Hokianga and Bay of Islands Bay of Islands Hokianga Whangarei Bay of Islands Hokianga Bay of Islands 137 138 140 142 143 145 155 156 Te Ahuahu to Waimate (£1 for £1) Te Karae Block roads Te Teko to Kauaeranga Towai to Ramarama (£50, £1 for £1) .. Umawera to Mangamuka (£1 for £1) .. Waihou to Puketi Waipapa Bridge Waipapakauri to West Coast >> f> 20 470 93 44 25 50 200 50 Mangonui


TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 09 158 159 162 167 168 171 174 176 179 182 188 191 195 198 199 201 203 205 206 210 212 213 217 218 219 221 222 224 ROADS, ETC.—continued. Whanoakei Road District — continued. Waitangi Bridge to Bull's Road Waitangi Stream Bridge Whakapara to Hukerenui (£1 lor £1) .. Whangaroa Coast Road (£50, £1 for £1) Wharewhare Kauri (£50, £1 for £]) Big Brook Bridge Cork Road Foster Road Kauriahore to Maratanui Kiripaka to Ngunguru, via Kaitaia (£1 for £1) .. Maungakaramea Parish, Sections 111 and 112 .. Maungatapere to Waikiekie (£1 for £1) Otaika to Maungakaramea (£] for £1) . . 1'arua to Tahoke Parua Wharf to Hall Junction Ruatangata to Maungatapere.. Tangihua Three-mile Bush Road (£50, £1 for £1).. Waikickie to Mareretu Waipu Coast Road .. Waipu Gorge Road Waipu (Jorge to Section 1, Block X, Waipu S. I)... Waipu S.D., Block VI, access to Section 127 Wairua Bridge repairs (£1 for £1) Whangarei to Kiripaka (£1 for £1) Whareora to Horahora Whareora to Huanui Kaihu to Tarawhati .. Bay of Islands Whangarci Whangaroa Hokianga Whangarei Bay of Island Marsdon ,, • • £ 199 433 26 50 50 189 50 50 100 100 50 50 713 100 50 100 100 50 7 100 175 50 • 50 95 50 50 50 24 Hokianga and Hobson Whangarci Hokianga Kaipara 226 228 233 235 236 Mangakahia Bridge to Houtu (£100, £1 for £1) .. Mangatu to Katui (£144, £1 for £1) Waima River Bridge Waipoua S.D., Block X, access to Section 26 Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. >* • • 5 I 52 66 578 237 23!) 819 264 Total—Whangarei 11,092 Auckland Road District. Hoteo North to Wayby Railway-station Hoteo Valley Road Mangawaito. Waipu (coast road), (£1 for £1) Maungaturoto Wharf Road (£63, £1 for £1) North Albertland to Te Hana Phillip's Deviation (£1 for £1) Puhoi to Ahuroa Railway-station (£1 for £1) Puhoi to Tahekeroa Railway-station Puhoi to Tahekeroa Tunnel Puhoi to Upper Waiwera Puhoi to Warkworth (£1 for £1) Streamlands to Kaipara Flats Road (£1 for £1).. Tauwharanui Road Bridge Te Arai to Te Hana Railway-station Te Hana to Mangawai (£1 for £1) Waimanu Block (access to) W'aimanu to Topuni Station . . Waipu to Mareretu (Otamatea County Section) Waiwera to Puhoi Warkworth to Ahuroa Warkworth to Gleneden Bridge Warkworth to Kaipara Flat Railway-station (£250, on account of £2,750), (£1 for £1) Warkworth to Wayby (£1 for £1) Wayby Road to Railway-station Whangaripo to Wellsford (on account of £] ,472), (£1 for £1) Arapohue to Hoangti Ararua (£900, £1 for £1) Aratapu to Dargaville (£1 for £1) Aratapu Domain to Pound Aratapu to West Coast Road, via Domain Awaroa River Canal to Matakohe-Tokatoka Road (£1 for £1) Batley Road Rodney.. Jlarsden 100 75 50 87 100 150 50 50 50 50 50 40 75 50 1,050 50 50 191 100 50 50 500 242 244 246 252 253 256 257 259 260 261 262 263 265 266 267 269 270 271 273 275 276 277 >> • • Otamatea Rodney .. j> • • . • • ,j • • )♦ • • a '' j, • • >> * • j> • • >> • • >> Otamatea Rodney.. j> • • >» • • j> • • >> • • 279 280 281 j> • • j> • • 75 50 375 283 286 287 288 289 292 Hobson Otamatea Hobson Kaipara 50 120 50 100 50 158 Otamatea 293 70


TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 109 295 300 301 304 305 306 307 308 ROADS, ETC.— continued. Auckland Road District — continued. Bradley's Corner to Raupo (£1 for £1) . . Dargaville to Opouteke Dargaville to Whangarei County Boundary (£850, on account of £1,500), (£1 for £1) Hatfield's Bridge (£1 for £1) .. Helensville end of Auckland Road Helensville to Auckland at Downer's Siding Helensville to Port Albert (Rodney County Section) Helensville to Port Albert (Waitemata County Section) Hukatore (access road), (£325, £1 for £1) Hukatere District Road (£500, £1 for £1) Inland Road (Helensville) Kaipara Hats to Tauhoa Railwa3r-station Kaiwaka to Railway-station . . Lusk Road Main Road (Museum Endowment), (£1 for £2) .. Makarau to Komokoriki Otamatea Hobson Rodney Waitomata Rodney Waitemata Kaipara £ 41 150 250 73 56 50 100 100 312 313 314 316 318 322 323 324 Otamatea Waitemata Rodney Otamatea Hobson Waitemata Waitemata a n d Rodney Waitemata 44 100 50 140 473 70 100 85 326 327 329 331 Makarau Railway-station to Tahekeroa Makarau Railway-station to Wainui Mangakura to Hoteo Railway-station Mangonui Bridge (Lower) to Hokowaiti (£62, £1 for £1) Maori Flat to Parkhurst Maropiu to Kairara (£1 for £1) Matakohe Riding roads Matakohe to Tokatoka (Tokatoka end) Mititai Creamery Road (£1 for £1) Mititai to Tokatoka (£1 for £1) Rodney Hobson J 55 196 73 112 332 333 336 338 342 345 Waitemata Hobson Otamatea 200 100 296 100 250 50 Hobson Hobson and Otamatea Hobson. . ... 347 350 353 Mount Wesley to Kaihu (£200, £1 for £1) Omano to Maraekura Oruawhero Parish (access to Sections 163, 164, 167, and 168), (£1 for £1) Paparoa to Mareretu Paparoa to Maungaturoto Paparoa to Pahi Port Albert to Wellsford Junction (£100, £J for £]) Port Albert to Wellsford Station (£1 for £1) Poyner's to Omaru Rewiti to Waimauku (£2 for £1) Ruawai to Robertson's (£1 for £1) South Head Road and Deviation Tahekeroa Creek Bridge Tangowahine to Avoca (£150, £1 for £1) Tauhoa Block to Ahuroa Railway-station Tauhoa to Hoteo Station Road (£150, £1 for £1) .. Taupaki Railway-station to Pomona Fruit Colony Te ituri Block III, Section 1 (road through) Tokatoka Cemetery Road Waimauku to Waikoukou (£2 for £1) Wairoa to Maungaturoto (£1 for £1) Wellsford Valley (deviation), (£1 for £1) Wharehine to Tauhoa Wharehinc to Wayby Railway-station .. Wharepapa to Ohirangi Railway-station Dairy Flat to Albany (Kennedy's Hill, through Lots 212 and 213) Duck Creek Bridge Greenhithe to Cut Hill Greenhithe Wharf Road Hobsonvillc to Weissers and Brighain's Crock (£1 for £1) Kaukapakapa to Nanahu Post-office, Paremoremo Parish Road, through Lot 28 Rosedale Wharf Road Takapuna to Rcdvale (£1 17, £1 for £1) Wade Bridge (£1 for £1) Wade to Dairy Flat (£300, on account of £1,500), (£1 for £1) ' Wade to Kahikatea Flat Wainui to Kaukapakapa Railway-station Wairau Road Waitakerei to Swanson (£1 for £1) Ararohe Road (Hetana Hamlet), (£1 for £1) Henderson to West Coast .. .. Henderson Valley Road (£] for £1) Rodney 292 46 100 359 360 361 362 363 365 366 369 371 373 374 377 378 379 383 385 389 392 393 396 397 398 403 Otamatea Rodney Otamatea Waitemata Otamatea Waitemata Hobson Rodney 50 48 33 200 397 50 150 60 195 112 200 50 50 100 50 100 98 1,303 100 50 150 100 200 Waitemata Otamatea . . Waitemata Otaraatea Rodney. . Waitemata Waitemata 405 407 408 409 100 100 100 100 411 415 416 419 420 421 ,, • • 46 50 125 32 250 50 422 426 427 428 431 434 435 50 221 200 100 100 100 135 »» •' Eden


TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 109 446 447 453 455 457 461 462 468 469 471 473 478 480 481 482 484 487 491 493 496 501 505 507 508 509 517 518 519 521 522 527 528 531 533 539 543 544 546 548 550 555 556 557 559 560 562 574 577 581. 582 586 587 588 591 593 ROADS, ETC.— continued. Auckland Road District— continued. Swanson to West Coast Te Atatu (£1 for £1).. Waikumete to West Coast Waitakerei to West Coast (£100, £1 for £1) White Swan Road (£1 for £1).. Akaaka Swamp Road to Pukekohe Railway-station (£75, £1 for £1) Akaaka to Waiuku Road Awhitu Wharf to Awhitu Central (£1 for £1) Awhitu Wharf Road to Morrison's, via Orua Bav (£1 for £1) Beach Road (£1 for £1) Bombay to Paparata Church Road Coronation Road (Papatoetoo) Coronation Road (Waipipi) Creamery Bridge (£1 for £1) .. Deeds Creek Bridge (£1 for £1) Eastern Drain Extension to Waikato River (£42, £1 for £2) Great South Road to Papakura Flat (£1 for £1) Great South Road (Papakura Road District), (£1 for £1) Howick Main Road (£1 for £1) Kauri Clump Road (No. 1), (£1 for £1) Mangatangi to Miranda .. .. Mangere Bridge (on account of £4,500) Manurewa to Weymouth (£1 for £1) Maraetai to Clevedon (£275, on account of £500), (£1 for £1) Otaua to Maioro (£1 for £2) .. Otau to Hunua Otau Parish (Sections 6 and 94) Pakington to Main Road (£1 for £1) Papakura to Clevedon (£1 for £1) Patumahoe to Drury, via Woodhouse Hill Patumahoe to Waiau Pukekohe East to Drury Quarry Barnaby Road Salt-water Creek Bridge (Waiuku) Turangaruru to Waipipi Main Road (£1 for £2) .. Waihoehoc Road (£1 for £1) .. Waipipi to Kohekohe Top Road (£2 for £1) Waiuku to Awhitu Whitford Road (£1 for £1) Cabbage Bay Wharf Road Coromandel to Manaia Coromandel to Mercury Bay Cryer's Landing Ferry Road (oast) Cryer's Landing Perry Road (west) Experimental .Farm to Traver's Kopuku Stream Bridge and approaches Lang's Point Road .. Maramarua Parish, Section 69 (access) Maramarua to Wairenga (Foote's Hill).. Matahura Valley to Proctor's (£1 for £1) Matatoke Road and Drain Maukoro Landing Road Miranda to Waitakaruru Ohinewai Railway-station to Ngarua Block (on account of £1,485), (£1 for £1)' Ohuka to Wharekaho Owaikanae Settlement Road Puriri Ferry Road (west), (Huirau) Stony Bay to Holland's Tahuna Landing Road Tahuna to Waikaka Taniwha to Okaeria Te Kauwhata Railway-station Road (£J for £1).. Turua to Kerepehi Waitemata Franklin >> • • y> • • y> • ' Manukau Franklin Manukau Franklin Manukau Franklin Manukau Franklin Eden Franklin », >> Or. £ 125 100 200 50 77 217 396 10 8 150 100 78 100 81 150 50 92 91 79 50 16 207 435 162 68 600 227 3 480 100 94 50 180 150 701 125 14 .100 15 7 50 100 306 150 150 100 90 150 120 100 119 40 50 56 452 Manukau Franklin Manukau Franklin », >> Manukau Coromandel Thames Thames Waikato Coromandel Waikato Thames Ohinemuri Thames.. Waikato jj 594 597 599 H02 603 606 608 609 613 Coromandel 50 50 30 100 100 38 47 100 68 Thames Coromandel Ohinemuri )S Waikato ») • • Thames and Ohinemuri 616 617 619 621 Waiau River protective works Waikaka Stream Road Waikawau to McLoughlin's Wairangi Railway-station to Matahuru River (on account of £2,158), (£1 for £1) Waitakaruru Stream Road .. Wharepoha District roads Bailey Road Coromandel Ohinemuri Coromandel Waikato 137 45 37 254 >y 622 627 629 Thames.. >* 183 200 100 Piako Ohinemuri


TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 09 (534 637 639 641 ROADS, ETC.— continued. Auckland Road District— continued. Kaimanawa roads (metalling), (£1 for £1) Mangaiti to To Aroha Deviation (£1 for £1) Netherton to Awaiti Block Notherton to Turua (£200, £1 for £1) .. Ohinemuri Ohinemuri £ 837 :ti" 88 156 642 Ngutumanga Ohinemuri and Thames Ohinemuri and Piako Ditto Piako Ohinemuri ;joo 643 644 654 656 659 667 669 672 675 683 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 696 698 703 705 706 707 708 709 711 712 No. 1 Road (Waitoa), (£150, £1 for £3) No. 7 Road (Waitoa), (£1 for £3) To Rohia to Mangaiti Waihou River Bridge (between Puke and Junction), (£1 for £1) Awaroa Landing Road (£1 for £1) Glen Murray to Woodleigh (£1 for £1) Gordonton to Motumaoho (£1 for £1) .. Horokowau bridges Huntly West Mangaokahu Bridge Matakotia Maungatawhiri Stream to Maungatatigi Stream (£1 for £1) Mercer Punt and approaches .. Murray River Bank Road (£1 for £1) ,, Onewhero Opotoru Bridge approach (north side) Otoroheao Trig. Road Pukekawa (£1 for £1) Raglan to Waipa (£125, £1 for £1) Tauhoi to Morrinsville (£1 for £1) Tβ Akau Block to Dunmoro (£1 for £1) Te Akau Block roads (metalling), (£1,000, £! for £1) To Kirikiri (£500, £1 for £1) .. Tβ Puroa Three Streams to Kauroa Butter-factory (£150, £1 for £1) Tuakau Bridge to Waingaro (£1 for £1) Tuakau Railway-.station to Tuakau Bridge (£50, £ I for £1) Tunaki Upton Hill to Te Akau Block Waimai Valley Road Waingaro Springs to Te Uku Waingaro to Ngaruawahia (£1. for £1) .. Waitetuna to Kauri Wairamarama Block roads (£1. for £1) .. Waitetuna to Whatawhata (£1 for £1) Whaanga Whatawhata Bridge to Karamu (£1 for £1) Whangarata (£.1 for £1) Alexandra Road Bosson Road Buckland Road (on account of £1,000), (£1 for £1).. Cambridge to Rotorua Cambridge to Tauranga Diagonal Road Kirihoni to Walton Motumaoho Railway-station to Tauhei Road Tui Road to Government Bush Waghorn Road (£100, £1 for £1) Waharoa to Turanga-o-moana Creamery (£100, on account of £300), (£1 fof £1) Harapepe to Karamu Kakepuku Improved-farm Settlement 1 tag! an Waikato Raglan .. Franklin Franklin and Raglan Raglan Waikato Raglan Franklin Raglan >> 150 100 38 1,367 50 215 69 49 100 69 19 92 100 20!) 303 50 33 1 ,887 125 120 127 :i,3i3 1,000 19 68 650 50 i, 714 715 717 718 719 722 723 724 725 726 727 729 730 732 733 734 735 737 744 752 753 755 Raglan .. ,, Franklin Piako .. Tauranga J46 273 40 43 100 112 1,902 J 5!) 203 753 21 150 87 50 150 200 184 50 250 50 100 256 Matamata Piako .. Matamata Piako Matamata 765 769 Raglan Waitomo and West Taupo West Taupo and Waipa Matamata Waitomo Kawhia.. Waikato 121 15 772 Kihikihi to Waotu 67 774 777 778 780 784 Lichfield to Waotu Ngutunui to Kawa Okupata (£1 for £1) .. Oparau Bridge and approaches Pirongia to Kawhia ,, 100 32 1,647 949 342 788 790 Pokaiwhenua Stream Bridge (Lichfield to Taupo).. Puketurua to Waotu Bridge Kawhia and Waitomo Matamata Matamata and West Taupo Matamata Waipa Raglan and Waitomo 50 4 791 792 796 Puketurua to Waotu—Putaruru Road Puniu Bridge Road Sainsbury Road .. .. .. ■ .. 100 Or. 24 19


TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Voti No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 109 801 804 805 807 ROADS, ETC.— continued. Auckland Road District— continued. Te Puhi Waipa River Bridge (Pirongia), (£1 for £1) Walker's Gully (£1 for £2) .. Waiwhakaata Road (access to Section 10, Block X, Pirongia S.D.), (£1.00, £1 for £1) Oaves Road (£1 for £1) Hangatiki to Waitomo (£1 for £1) Haurua Kawa (£000, £2 for £1.) West Tanpo Waipa Wai to in o Waikato £ 183 1,297 330 107 809 810 811 814 Taumarunui . . 294 1,990 75 142 815 817 820 Kawhia to Marokopa River (£1,017, £1 for £1) .. Mangamahoe Otorohanga to Otewa (£300, on account of £1,750), (£1 for £1) Otorohanga to Pirongia (£1 for £ I ) Te Rau Mauku (£1 for £1) Waiharakeke River Bridge Waipa River Bridge (Kawa Road) Waitomo Valley (£1 for £1) .. Whakapirau Road bridges Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Waitomo and West Taupo Kawhia Waitomo 508 2 293 822 823 824 825 827 828 829 Kawhia Waitomo 84 300 5 2,970 1,075 125 207 Kawhia.. 830 831 1,680 2 832 250 Total —Auckland 55,975 835 840 842 84.4 847 851 855 862 803 865 866 867 869 876 878 Tauranga Road District— Clinkard Road ... Ngongotaha Valley Oropi Gorge . . .. .. Tahawai Deviation (£1 for £1) Te Puna Parish (access to Sections 1 to 7), (£1 for £1) Wairoa River Bridge Graham Road Morepara Stream Bridge Orakei-Korako .. .. ., Papamoa No. 2 Road Pongakawa Block (access) Pukaingatara Block Road Rangitaiki River Bridge .. .. Taupo Village streets Waimana River Bridge and approaches (Opouriao), (£1 for £1) Waimangu to Lake Rotomahana Whakahaupapa Stream Bridge (Pikowai South Road) Rotoma Tauranga Rotorua Bast Tanpo Tauranga Tauranga Bay'of Plenty 100 78 2 100 35 3,180 100 227 14 48 150 3 1,045 Or. 81 386 Whakatane East Taupo Whakatane 880 881 Rotorua Whakatane 23 302 ,» 884 Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, Sec. Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. 37 885 887 523 20 Total—Tauranga 6,292 889 i 893 898 907 Gisborm Road District— Gisborne to Tolago (£1 for £1) Kanakanae Settlement Road (£1 for £2) Mangonuku Omaramutu to Te Whaite (Waiawa Deviation), £1 for £1) Opotiki to Whakatane, via Nukuhou (£1 for £1) Cook Waikohu Opotiki Bay of Plenty 98 2,024 176 174 911 Whakatane a n d Opotiki Cook >» 222 918 920 ' 930 932 936 Riverside Road (£1 for £2) .. Small Grazing-run No. 00 (access) Waiapu River Traffic-bridge (on account of £3,250), (£1 for £1) Waimata S.D. (access to S.G.R. 59), (Perry's) .. Waioeka River Main Road (£1,680, on account of £4,000), (£1 for £1) Waiotahi Valley and Extension (£1 for £1) Wharekopae Stream Bridge (McCredie's Crossing), (£1 for £1) Flood's Crossing Bridge Waiapu Cook Opotiki 500 278 2,500 50 970 939 940 Waikohu 37 200 I 942 Cook Gisborne 46


TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. .09 943 946 947 948 949 951 953 954 955 963 964 968 969 971 972 ROADS, ETC. — continued. Gisborne Road District— continued. Frasertown to Wairoa County Boundary (£1 for £1) Gisborne to Wairoa County Boundary, via Tiniroto (£280, £1 for £1) .. Hangaroa to Tahora (Cook County Section), (£2,000, £1 for £1) Hangaroa to Waikaremoana (£1 for £1) Mangaone (£770, on account of £866), (£1 for £1) .. Ma'ngapoike River Bridge (third crossing) Maraenui Matoetoe Creek Bridge Ngatapa Settlement (£250, £1 for £1) .. Te Arai Valley (£500, £1 for £1) Tokanui to Tarewa Wairoa to Nuhaka (£1 for £1) Whareongaonga to Main Road Frasertown to Waikaremoana (£900, £1 for £1) Ohuka Branch Road (Omahanui to Whataroa), (£2 for £1) Ruakituri Valley (£1 for £1) .. Waikare-Taheke River Bridge Waikaremoana Accommodation-house Road . Wairoa River Bridge (£1 for £1) Wairoa to Waihua (£600, £1 for £1) .. Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Wairoa Cook Wairoa Cook Wairoa Cook '.'. '.'. Wairoa Cook Wairoa Gisborne £ 750 300 728 118 103 459 13 269 646 1,535 207 1,253 61 900 93 Hawke's Bay .. 974 977 978 979 980 981 1,222 522 159 342 616 136 982 984 845 56 Total —Gisborne 18,614 985 986 987 988 990 994 995 997 1004 1000 Te Kuiti Road District — Aorangi Arapae (£1 for £1) .. Aukopae to Otunui Landing Aukopae Stream Bridge Hauturu (£275, £1 for £1) Maire Mairoa (on account of £1,651), (£1 for £1) Mangakara .. .. .. .. • • ■ Ngapaenga Riding roads (£1 for £1) Ongarue River Bridge (Taumarnnui) Ohura Waitomo Ohura Waitomo Taumarunui .. 76 2,913 278 243 10 7 767 319 1,370 45 Ohura Waitomo Ohura and West Taupo Waitomo 1009 1011 1012 Owen Road.. Paro Road bridges Poro-o-tarao to Taumarunui Ohura and West Taupo Waitomo », - • 19 134 61 1013 1014 1016 1018 1019 1021 1022 Potaka (on account of £3,339), (£1 for £1) Pukearuhe (metalling), (£1 for £1) Pungarehu (on account of £2,800), (£1 for £1) Te Kuiti to Rangitoto Te Kuiti to Te Kumi (£1 for £1) Tokirima (Kaikara Road to Maraekowhai Block) Tongaporutu to Mangaroa (east of Kotare Stream), (£250, on account of £1,500), (£1 for £1) Totoro (on account of £3,200), (£1 for £1) Waikaka (on account of £2,300), (£1 for £1) Waikaka Stream Bridge Waitaanga North Waitangata Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. »> • • 835 150 81 226 157 7 .148 Ohura 1023 1024 1025 1027 1028 1031 Waitomo Ohnra >» • • 1,371 353 384 27 89 113 1032 1033 1 ,662 8 1034 35 Total—Te Kuiti 11,888 1037 1038 New Plymouth Road District. Mangatoa .. Marakopa River to Mahoenui (£250, on account of £1,000), (£1 for £1) Marangae Block roads Mimi to Mokau Mokau River snagging Awakino )» ■ • Taumarunui .. 213 1,861 1039 1040 1041 Whangamomona .. Clifton .. Awakino 47 229 3


TABLE No. 4 —continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

3-D. 1.


Vote No. Item No, Name of Work. County. Electorate. Nee Expenditure. 09 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1056 ROADS, ETC.— continued. New Plymouth Road District — continued. Mokau River Ferry (Mokau), (on account) Okoke (£1 for £1) .. Piko Pukearuhe (£1 for £1) Te Kuiti to Mokau (west of Mangaotaki River).. Turipoto Waitara River Bridge (Waitara), (£1. for £2) Carrington (£1 for £1) Carrington Road to Frankley Road Carrington (Saunders Road to Newall Road), (£390, £1 for £1) Egmont Road (Upper) Mangorei (Upper), (£1 for £1).. Kaupokonui, Mangawhero, and Otakeho River bridges Koane .. .. .. .. • Wiremu Road (Kiri Road to Ngariki Road) Brewer (Strathmore to Murcott Road), (£1 for £1) Kohi (£700, £1 for £1) Mangaehu (Mangaehu Village to Punewhakau Village), (£1 for £1) Mount Humphries Road Ohura (south of Paparata Saddle), (£1 for £1 10s.) Okara Tangarakau Valley Road Tirohanga Road Waitara Valley (Tangitu Road to Mangere Road) Waitiri Clifton Awakino Clifton and Taranaki Taranaki >> ' ■ Taranaki and Egmont Taranaki Waimate West .. Taumarunui .. Taranaki Egmont £ 261 210 150 175 1,279 130 402 125 150 30 117 70 1,000 1057 1062 1064 1068 1071 Eltham and Patea Egmont.. Whangamomona .. Stratford 53 91 340 146 250 Stratford 1072 1073 1074 1077 1078 1079 1080 Whangamomona .. ,,, 84 360 16 12 79 127 229 1081 1083 Whaka Maben Clifton Stratford and Eltham Whan gamomona and Stratford Eltham, Hawera, and Patea Patea .. Eltham and Patea Patea .. Patea 173 68 1084 1085 1087 1088 1089 Mataimoana Moeawatea Valley Opaku Wharariki Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. >» • • 131 185 83 237 91 1090 1091 1,367 6 1092 263 Total—New Plymouth 10,843 1093 1094 1096 1097 1100 1103 1106 1107 1108 Wanganui Road District — Taringamutu Valley Barton and Field's Road (£1 for £2) .. Field's Track to Junction Hair Road Kaitieke (£2,792, on account of £3,500), (£1 for £1) Kaukoupo Creek Bridge Makokomiko (£1 for £1) Mangamahoe (North), (£1 for £1) Manganui-o-te-ao River Bridge (Hoihenga), (£2 for £1) Mangatiti Mangawhero River suspension bridges Ohakune Township Oio (on account of £500), (£1 for £1) .. Orautaha Stream Bridge (£1 for £1) .. Pokatea (£900, on account of £1,900), (£1 for £1).. Pukeatua (on account of £600), (£1 for £1) Rotoaira to Waimarino West Taupo Wanganui Waimarino Wanganui Kaitieke Wanganui Kaitieke Rangitikei Waimarino Taumarunui .. Waimarino j> • • s» ■ • *» • • 146 762 100 2,238 198 85 240 Or. 300 1110 1112 1116 1117 1118 1120 1122 1126 Wanganui Waimarino Kaitieke Waimarino Kaitieke >» • • 50 Or. 534 190 108 220 720 319 133 1127 1128 1129 Te Maire (on account of £700), (£1 for £1) Tokaanu Wharf Road Waimarino to Retaruke (on account of £1,500), (£1 for £1) Waipapa Waiparuparu Waitoka Road Wangaehu River Road (£800, £1 for £1) Wanganui Valley Road (£150, £1 for £1) Wilson's Road Kaitieke, East Taupo, and West Taupo Kaitieke East Taupo Kaitieke »» • • 150 8 687 y> • • y> • • 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 Wanganui 82 238 91 337 147 ' 87 Kaitieke Wanganui


TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote Ttem No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 109 1136 1137 1140 1142 1143 1144 1147 1150 1152 ROADS, ETC.— continued. Wanganui Road District — continued. Ahuahu (£565, on account of £2,180), (£1 for £1).. Kai Iwi River Bridge (Watershed Road), (£1 for £1) Piercy Road Bridge Waitotara Valley Road (Lower) Wanganui River Road (right bank), (on account of £1,000) Wanganui River Bridge (£1 for £3) Mangaweka Township (£100, £1 for £1) Whareroa Road (Parakaretu Block) Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote ■ Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Waitotara >> • • Patea and Waitotara Waitotara Wanganui Rangitikei Patea Wanganui Rangitikei £ 1,664 300 47 250 602 1,397 100 104 207 >> - ■ 1153 1154 ■ 1,109 12 1155 31 Total —Wanganui .. 12,326 1157 1159 1161 Napier Road District— Mangahouhou Road Mohaka River Landing Napier to Wairoa (on account of £5,000) Hawke's Bay Wairoa Hawke's Bay and Wairoa Hawke's Bay Wairoa Hawke's Bay Waipawa Patangata Hawke's Bay.. 76 135 356 >» • • 1163 1165 1171 1172 1175 1176 1177 1178 1.179 1181 1.184 1187 1188 1190 1192 1194 Pohue to Titiokura Saddle Te Ngaru Stream Bridge Kotuku to Elsthorpe Makaretu Block roads McKenzie Bridge Papanui Creek Bridge (£1 for £1) Ruahine Tukipo River Bridge (£1 for £1 10s.) Trotter Bridge Waimarama Settlement to Beach Waipawa to Tikokino Mangamahaki Creek Bridge (Tamumu), (£1 for £1) Mangaorapa Road (Manawaangiangi Block) Ngahape Stream bridges (near Arlington) Wainui River Bridge (£1 for £1) Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision.. Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Waipawa Patangata Hawke's Bay Waipawa Patangata >> ' • Waipawa 980 501 101 568 50 50 50 244 50 158 265 1,000 106 377 573 372 Pahiatua Waipukurau Patangata 1195 1196 447 Or. 2 1197 Or. 50 Total—Napier 6,407 1200 1203 1206 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1218 1221 Wellington Road District—■ Norsewood to Kopua (£1 for £1) Auputa Road (£150, £1 for £1) Finnis Road (£1 for £1) Kiwitea Stream Bridge (Upper), (£1 for £1) Lagoon Road (north), (£1 for £1) Makino Bridge Mangamako (Sandon Block), (£150, £1 for £1) Mangarere (£1 for £1) Mangatohu Oroua River Bridge (Menzies' Ford), (£1 for £2) .. Rangitane Dannevirke Kiwitea Pohangina Kiwitea Rangitikei Kiwitea Waipawa Oroua 60 272 76 100 16 444 200 100 194 372 23 t> • • 1223 1227 1235 1236 1237 Akitio Mouth River Bridge (Glenora), (£1 for £1) .. Angora Conduit Road (£1 for £1) Cross Road (£100, £1 for £1) .. Dannevirke to Herbertville, via Waipatiki (Weber County Section), (£770, on account of £893), (£1 for £1) Dew Road Esdale (£1 for £1) .. Girdwood Road .. Kumete (£1 for £1) .. Makairo to Coonoor Mangatoro Mangatoro Stream Footbridge .. Mangatoro Stream Bridge (sixth crossing) Oroua Rangitikei and Kiwitea Akitio Weber Woodville Dannevirke Weber .. Pahiatua 1,100 90 50 100 558 1238 1239 1241 1245 1246 1252 1254 1255 Pahiatua Weber Pahiatua Dannevirke Pahiatua 2 35 100 46 15 150 123 1,082 Dannevirke


TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 09 1256 1262 1263 ' 1269 1271 1276 1278 1280 ROADS, ETC. — continued. Wellington Road Distkict — continued. McLeod Road Pahiatua to Makuri Pahiatua to Pongaroa Tamaki River Road .. Te Awaputahi Bridle-track Waitahora (£50, £1 for £1) Weber to Waiora (£200, £1 for £1) Alfredton to Weber (£700, £1 for £1 ; and £700, £2 for £1) Central Mangaone Road (east), (£85, £1 for £1) Henderson Road (£1 for £1) .. Hutewai Makuri to Pongaroa (£1 for £1) Mangaorongo (£100, £1 for £1) Newman to Stirling Saunders Road Alfredton to Tinui (£330, £1 for £1) Akitio .. Pahiatua Dannevirkc Weber .. Dannevirke Weber and Akitio Masterton and Akitio Eketahuna Pahiatua Masterton Akitio and Pahiatua Mauriceville Eketahuna Masterton Masterton and Castlepoint Wairarapa South.. Pahiatua »> • • Masterton £ 129 200 132 54 37 100 123 763 1282 1287 1290 1294 1295 1299 1305 1313 215 94 195 113 79 35 229 171 Wairarapa 1316 1317 1318 1320 1338 1340 1350 1356 1358 1359 1361 Cross Creek Suspension Footbridge Drisooll Road (£1 for £1) Fernyhurst Road and Deviation Hangman's Bridge (£1 for £1) Riversdale Road (£50, £1 for £1) Ruakokopatuna (£1 for £1) .. Wakarua (£1 for £1).. Kuku Stream Bridge (£1 for £1) Mangaone (£1 for £1) Manakau North Ngatiawa Bridge (£1 for £1) .. Masterton Castlepoint Masterton Featherston 60 46 251 400 258 100 75 61 100 42 125 Horowhenua Otak'i 1362 1363 1365 1369 Odlin Eoad.. Otaki Gorge (£1 for £1) Phillips Road .. .. .. Tokomaru Valley Horowhenua and Hutt Hutt Horowhenua Hutt Horowhenua and Kairanga Horowhenua Hutt .. Horowhenua Hutt 5) • ■ 200 92 200 110 1370 1372 1374 1377 1379 1380 Waikanae River protective works (£1 for £1) Waikanae to Upper Hutt (£500, £1 for £1) Wallace Road Deviation (£1 for £1) Mungaroa River Bridge Trentham Range Road Cottle Road to Normandale Hutt . 100 1,065 250 72 102 25 Wellington Suburbs Ditto 1381 1382 1383 1385 1386 1387 .1389 1390 1391 Hutt River Bridge (£1 for £1) Melting Settlement Main Road (£1 for £1) Moonshine to Wainui Pahautanui to Upper Hutt (£105, £1 for £1) Plimmerton to Pahautanui Plimmerton to Pukerua (£130, £1 for £1) Wakefield Gully Chatham Islands roads Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. >j >> ■ • 1,068 150 58 170 89 170 8 19 20 Makara 1392 1393 828 5 1394 155 14,451 Total —Wellington 1399 1403 1404 1408 1412 1415 1416 1425 1427 1428 1431 1432 1435 1442 1451 1454 Nelson Road District — French Pass, Admiralty Bay, and Croixelles Tracks Nelson to Rai Saddle (£1 for £1) Orphanage Road, Stoke (£1 for £1) Alexander Bluff Road (£85, £1 for £1) .. Awaroa to Totaranui Brewer Road (£1 for £1) Bronte Road Clifton to Pohara (£1 for £1) .. Duoker Creek Bridge East Road Extension (£1 for £1) Ewer Road Glencoe Road Harvey Road Kelling Road Maitai (£1 for £1) .._ Motueka River protective works Sounds Waimea.. Takaka Collingwood Waimea Takaka Waimea Takaka Waimea Takaka Waimea.. Nelson Motueka j> • • 17 100 75 15 20 40 100 50 200 31 25 50 50 50 50 730 ,,


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote No. Item No, Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 109 1455 1458 1459 1460 1461 1464 1466 1468 1469 1470 1473 1474 1475 1478 1479 1481 1484 1485 I486 1488 1491 1492 1493 1496 1497 1499 ROADS, ETC.— continued. Nelson Road District— continued. Motueka River Road (west bank) Moutere Mud-flat and extension Neudorf to Dovedale Old House Road (£1 for £1) Onekaka Bridge Pariwhakaoho Peninsula Bridge (£1 for £1) .. Plumbago Pohara to Terakohe Pohara to Wainui Redwood Valley Road and extension Reece Road Riwaka to Sandy Bay and Marahau Sherry Valley to Kaka Sherry Valley to Tui Stanton Creek Bridge Takaka River Bridge Tasman Valley Road Extension Torrent Bay Track Vant's to Bubu Wairoa Gorge Road Waitapu and Totaranui roads Wangapeka Settlement (Baton), (£1 for £1) Wharariki to Nguroa Station Baigent Road (£36, £1 for £1) Braeburn Settlement (Tutaki Road), (£100, £1 for £1) Campbell Creek to Caslani's (£1 for £1) Glenroy to Maruia (£1 for £1) Mangles Valley Road (£185, £1 for £1).. Matakitaki River protective works Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Waimea.. Collingwood Takaka .. Waimea.. Collingwood Takaka .. Waimea.. Collingwood Waimea.. Collingwood Takaka .. Waimea.. Motueka £ 95 490 195 75 333 26 750 100 172 133 74 102 155 40 138 115 3,065 92 96 51 55 21 50 56 64 100 Takaka.. Waimea.. Takaka .. Waimea.. Collingwood Murchison Bullcr 1500 1507 1508 1510 1518 »> >> 100 87 30 20 158 1519 1521 495 132 Total —Nelson 9,268 1523 1525 1527 1529 1531 1532 1536 1537 1540 1541 1549 1551 1552 1554 1555 1556 1559 1561 Blenheim Road Distbict— Elliott Hill (regrading) Pelorus Bridge to Tinline (£1 for £1) Rai Saddle to Havelock (£1 for £1) Wakamarina (£1 for £1) Awatere Road District flood damage .. Barefield Pass (Awatere) Clarence Bridge protective works Dashwood Railway-station Road (£1 for £1) Flaxbourne River Bridge (Ward), (£1 for £1) .. Grassmere to Hawai Railway-station (£1 for £1) Opawa River Bridge and approaches (near Blenheim), (on account of £5,000), (£1 for £1) Picton to Grove Port Gore to Endeavour Inlet Resolution Bay Road Richmond Brook to Upton Downs (£1 for £1) .. Ure to Clarence (£700, £1 for £1) Wairau flood damage (£1 for £1) Wairau River Traffic-bridge (near Renwick), (£1 for £1) Clinton Gorge Bridge (Puhipuhi) Hapuku River Bridge and approaches (on account) Kaikoura County flood damage (£1 for £1), (on account) Kaitao to Kinoaid (£1 for £1).. Limestone Creek Bridge (£1 for £1) Waipapa .. .. ., Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision.. Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Marlborough Awatere Wairau .. Awatere Marlborough Sounds .. Awatere Nelson Wairau 500 31 48 50 200 100 53 75 191 100 Or. 1,996 85 162 51 50 409 1,094 391 Marlborough >> 1564 1565 1566 Kaikoura >> Hurunui 385 38 100 1568 1570 1571 1573 )» 200 151 100 51 1574 1576 291 115 Total—Blenheim 3.025


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 109 1577 1580 1581 1582 1583 1586 1589 ROADS, ETC.— continued. Westport Road Distbiot— Blue Duck Creek Road (£200, £1 for £1) Neilsen's to Glasseye Creek (£100, £1 for £1) Stillwater Creek Bridge Carter Junction to Cape Foulwind (£100, £1 for £1) Charleston to Brighton (£250, £1 for £1) Waimangaroa River Bridge Supervision.. Buller .. Motueka Buller £ 12 90 128 100 344 106 116 Total—Westport .. 896 1592 1593 1595 L601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1607 1608 1609 1610 1612 1615 1620 1622 1623 1624 1628 1630 1631 1633 1634 1635 1637 1638 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1653 1654 1656 1657 Geeymouth Road District— Cochrane Road Inangahua River Suspension Bridge (at landing) Reefton to Maruia Grey River protective works (Brunner Tunnel) . . Inangahua Bridge (Reefton), (£1 for £1) Kumukau Creek Bridge Maimai Road Seven-mile to Barrytown Arahura River protective works (£1 for £1) Big Wanganui flood damage Big Wanganui River Bridge Bird Road (£1 for £1) Brandt Road (£1 for £1) Kastern Hohonu Bridge Kaiata Creek Bridge.. Kokatahi River protective works Kokatahi Road (Lower), (widening) La Fontaine Bridge Mikonui to Bold Head Mullins Creek Bridge Municipal Road Extension (£1 for £1) New River Bridge protective works (Marsden) .. Okuru Road protective works Omotumotu Bridge Papakamai (£100, £1 for £1) .. Payne's Gully Road Taramakau River Bridge Taramakau River protective works Tramway Road (Kanieri) Two-mile Road and extension (Arahura) Wainihinihi Bridge Walker Creek Road Westland Ferry Service Zigzag Road (Kumara) Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Inangahua Grey Inangahua Grey Inangahua Grey Westland Grey Westland Grey Westland Buller Grey Westland j, 91 191 9 214 900 500 125 280 49 2,575 2,823 45 47 95 125 152 100 125 134 100 50 100 150 194 71 335 1,285 528 16 54 291 93 125 195 54 Grey Westland Grey Grey and Westland Westland 1658 1659 875 Or. 35 1660 73 Total—Greymouth .. 13,134 1661 1664 1666 1667 1669 1672 1673 1674 1675 1680 1682 Chbistohuech Road District — Downs Road (£1 for £1) Main Kowhai River Bridge (Leithfield), (£1 for £1) Okuku Bridge protective works (£1 for £2) South Kowai River Bridge (Balcairn), (£1 for £1) Waiau Bridge (£1 for £1) Waiau to Conway Waikari Creek Bridge Waipara River Bridge (North Branch), (£1 for £1) Waitohi Bridge Wright Road (Hillmorton) Radcliffe Road (extension to Hawkin Road), (£1 for £2) Rangiora Main Drain Bridge (Ohoka) Coalgate to Gorge Road Kowai River Bridge (between Springfield and Kowai Bush), (£1 for £1) Taylor Creek Bridge (Roxburgh Crossing), (£1 for £2) Cheviot Kowai Ashley Kowai Amuri Waipara Hurunui 200 213 18 215 500 250 100 281 100 300 175 Waimairi Riccarton Kaiapoi ,5 • ■ 1683 1686 1689 Eyre Selwyn .. Tawera Selwyn 250 210 150 )» 1693 Selwyn 500


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. Connty. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 09 1694 1696 1698 1700 1702 1706 1707 1712 1715 1716 1717 1718 1720 1721 1722 1723 1727 1730 1732 1733 1738 1741 1743 1744 1745 ROADS, ETC.— continued. Christchtjrch Road District — continued. Burke's Drain (£1 for £1) Duvauchelles to Barry's Bay Flat (road and wharf), (£50, £1 for £1) Fiddler's Road Kinloch Settlement roads Motukarara to Green Park Hinds River Bridge and protective works (Main South Road), (£1 for £1) Kakahu Stream Bridge (£1 for £1) Riverside Road Elder Road (£1 for £1) Fork River Bridge Greenstone Island Road Haldon Pastoral Runs (access), (£1 for £1) Lyalldale to Pleasant Valley (£1 for £1) Mackenzie Main Road (£.1 for £1) Mackenzie Pass Road (£1 for £1) Makikihi River Bridge (£1 for £1) Pareora Bridge (Brassell's Crossing), (£1 for £1) Silverstream to Lake Tekapo (£1 for £3) Tengawai River Bridge (£1 for £1) Tengawai Bridge (Albury Crossing), (£1 for £2) .. Rosewill School Road (£1 for £1) Haldon Road Serpentine Road Shearer Hill (£1 for £1) Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Halswell Akaroa Springs Wairewa Springs Ashburton Geraldine Mackenzie Waimatc Mackenzie Geraldine Mackenzie Waimate Levels Mackenzie Waimato Waimate and Levels Mackenzie Levels Mackenzie Levels Waimate Ellesmere ,, Ashburton Temuka £ 33 180 275 352 300 800 425 100 100 80 51 45 51 125 34 250 800" 90 426 111 50 100 100 160 54 Timaru Waitaki », ■ • 1746 1747 458 5 1748 139 Total —Christchurch 9,156 1750 1754 1755 1756 1758 1764 1769 1771 1774 1776 1777 1778 1779 1781 1782 1789 1791 1801 1802 1808 1811 1812 1813 1815 1817 1818 1820 1830 1838 1839 1840 1842 1844 Dunedln Road District— Duntroon to Ngapara Road (£1 for £1) Kurow to Omarama .. .. ■ .. Landon Creek Bridge Nichols Road (£1 for £1) Otamatapaio Bridge South-west Bluff Road (£1 for £1) Donald Road (£1 for £1) Evansdale Bridge (£1 for £1) .. Karitane protective road Merton Bridge Mount Watkins Road Mountain Track (£1 for £1) .. Oamaru Creek Bridge (£1 for £1) Russell Road (£1 for £1) Sheep-yards to Merton Railway-station Edievale Road Garthmyl to Longford Road (£1 for £1) Maungatua Hill (£1 for £1) .. Millar Road (Maungatua), (£1 for £1) .. Seddon Road Wilson Lane (Ida Valley), (£1 for £1) .. Arrow to Hospital Arrow to Matatapu Clutha River Bridge (Luggate), (on account) Clyde to Pembroke (£250, £1 for £1) .. Cromwell to Kawarau Gorge Crown Range Saddle to Cardrona Lake Harris to Lake Mackenzie Rees River Road Shotover Bridge and approaches (£1 for £1) Shotover Valley Road Tarras to Lindis Pass (£150, £1 for £1) Brighton to Taieri Main Road (Scrogg's Hill Deviation) Holmes Bush Road Mill Creek Bridge (£1 for £1) .. Mclntosh Road (Otakaia), (£1 for £1) .. McKessor Road School Road (Anderson's Bay) Whare Hat Road (£100, £1 for £1) Waitaki.. ,, • • it • ' Waikouaiti Waitaki.. Waikouaiti Tuapeka Taieri .. Clutha .. Vincent.. Lake .. Waitaki »> • • ,, ■ ■ Oamaru »» • • Otago Central.. 50 150 ' 99 50 189 50 43 700 50 70 100 50 200 100 200 250 80 100 250 100 50 50 100 1,391 273 75 200 103 95 3,213 150 50 84 Wakatipu Vincent.. ,, • • Lake », • • Vincent.. Taieri .. )t • • Chalmers 1848 1851 1853 1854 1859 1864 Waikouaiti Taieri .. 36 100 250 50 300 150 Waikouaiti Peninsula Taieri .. »» • •


TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 09 1868 1870 1872 1873 1877 1880 1881 1886 1887 1890 1891 1892 1893 1895 1896 1900 1904 1909 1914 1915 1924 1928 1938 1941 1944 1946 1947 1948 ROADS, WIG.—continued. Dunedin Road Distbiot— continued. Ocean Beach (Forbury Road to Beach Street) .. Balclutha Traffic-bridge (on account) Beaumont to Rae's Junction (£1 for £2) Berwick to Waipori Falls (£1 for £1) .. Boundary Creek Bridge approaches Butt Road (£1 for £1) Cairn Road (£1 for £1) Coast Road (£1 for £1) Cockleshell Road Crossan Road (£1 for £1) Cunningham Road (Barnego) .. Farquharson Road (£1 for £1) Forsyth Railway-station Road Greenfield to Clydevale Punt (£1 for £1) Inch-Clutha River protective works (£650, on account of £1,000), (£1 for £1) Lawrence to Beaumont Milburn to Forthill (£1 for £1) Mount Stuart (Hillend), (£1 for £1) Prentice Road Punt Road to Tuapeka Mouth (£1 for £1) Tuapeka Flat Deviation Upper Barnego Settlement Road Waronui to Crooked Bridge (£1 for £1) Balclutha protective works (on account of £3,000), (£1 for £1) Bryant Road Catherwood Road Catlin's Bridge to Houipapa (£1 for £1) Catlin's Railway-station to Section 29, Block VIII, Catlin's S.D. Catlin's Valley to Table Hill Clinton to Waipahi Glenomaru, Block III, Section 18 Glenomaru, Block X, Sections 31 and 23 Hunt Road (£1 for £1) McLennan River Bridge to Caberfeidh Railwaystation Ollerenshaw Road Pomahaka Downs Road (Block XIII, Pomahaka), (£1 for £1) Pounawaea Road Puaho Road Regan Road Rimu S.D., Block XIV (access), (on account of £1,000) Table Hill Railway-station to Kahuika Taumata to Clinton (£1 for £1) Warnock Road. (£1 for £1) Wight Road Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Waikouaiti Bruce and Clutha.. Tuapeka Taieri Bruce >> . . . . Tuapeka Bruce tt .. . . Tuapeka Bruce Tuapeka Bruce t> Tuapeka Bruce Olutha .. >> • • • ' » Dunedin South Bruce >> • • >> •' >> • • Clutha j> • • >9 • • £ 1,000 33 75 937 100 100 50 50 100 50 100 50 100 26 96 80 50 52 150 50 150 100 50 37 19 20 51 100 1950 1951 1957 1958 1965 1979 ,, . . 43 150 75 74 37 226 j> • • 1980 1985 J» • • 25 50 1991 1993 1996 1997 i> • • 100 229 12 276 2002 2006 2011 2012 2015 95 75 48 75 135 2016 2017 708 18 2018 117 Total —Dunedin 15,945 Invebcaboill Road Distbiot — Balfour to Waimea (£1 for £1) Beck Road (Wendonside), (£1 for £1) .. Chatton to Maitland Road (£1 for £1) .. Mandeville to Kingston Crossing (£1 for £1) Oreti River protective works Waimea Valley Road (£1 for £1) Barnett Road Landslip Valley Road (£1 for £1) Mokoreta Main Road Pascoe Road Pukerau to Waipahi.. Toetoes, Block IV, Sections 45, 47, and 48 . - Waikawa, Block I, Sections 48 and 50 (£100, £i for £1) Wyndham, Block V, Sections Iα and 2 a Southland Wakatipu 50 50 50 100 250 100 50 50 250 51 200 100 100 2020 2021 2024 2029 2034 2040 2041 2049 2052 2054 2056 2058 2060 Clutha j» • • »> - • 2063 M ilOl


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 09 2065 2066 2069 2070 2072 2073 2075 2076 2079 2080 ROADS, ETC.—continued. Inveecabgill Road District— continued. Alton No. 3 Block roads Alton No. 4 Block roads Belmont to Blackmount Benmore-Limehills River Channel Birchwood to Struan Flat (£2 for £1) Cameron Road (Maori Hill), (£1 for £1) Clifden to Lillburn (£1 for £1) Crowe Road (Hillend) Dipton to Glenure Bush (£1 for £1) Dipton to Hamilton Bnrn Wallace.. Southland Wallace.. Wallace »> £ 180 6 3 70 200 76 100 50 50 100 >> ,, >» Southland Southland and Wallace Wallace.. 2082 2084 2085 2086 2087 2089 2090 2093 2094 2095 2100 2101 2104 2105 2106 2107 2109 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2119 2122 2123 2125 2126 2131 2132 2133 2135 2136 2138 2139 2142 2143 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2159 2160 2163 2167 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2179 2180 2181 2182 2184 2185 2189 2190 2191 2193 2194 2196 2199 2201 Dunnery's to The Key (£1 for £1) Ermedale Road (£1 for £1) .. Ermedale Settlement roads Falls Creek Road Fernhills to Dipton (£1 for £1) Fletcher and Ronald Road (£1 for £1) .. Flynn Road (Waikouro), (£1 for £1) Gorge Hill Deviation Grassy Creek Deviation (£1 for £1) Gully Road (Block XIV, Waiau S.D.) .. Jacobs River Hundred, Block XVIII, Sections 55 to 49 Johnston Road (£1 for £1) Lindsay's Calcium Road (£1 for £1) Line of Hundreds (east of railway), (£1 for £1) .. Line of Hundreds (west of I'ailway), (£1 for £1) .. Loneker Bush Road (£1. for £1) Longwood, Block XVI (Sections 3,4, and 10 to 12) Longwood, Block XVII (Sections 12, 14, and 15), (£50, £1 for £1) Longwood, Block XVIII (Flynn's Road) Longwood, Blocks XVIII and XIX (Sections 9 to 14 and 6 to 17) Lumsden to Te Anau Manuka Road (£1 for £1) McFarlane Road (£1 for £1) .. Merrivale to Te Tua Mossburn to Hamilton Burn (£1 for £1) Mossburn to Te Anau, via Manapouri (£150, £1 for £1) Newton and Greer Road Nicholson Road Orawia to Tuatapere (£100, £1 for £1) .. Otahu (£100, £1 for £1) Otaitai Bush Deviation (£1 for £1) Papatotara Settlement Road Riley and McCleery Road Riverton Harbour Endowment Road (£1 for £1) Roby Road (Longwood) Scott's Gap (Lower), (£1 for £1) Sheehan Road (Longwood) Waiau River Bridge and approaches (Tuatapere) Wairio to Birchwood (£100, £1 for £1) .. Wairio to Wrey's Bush Wallace County flood damage (£2,350, £1 for £1).. Brown's to Hunter's Bush (£1 for £1) .. Clark and Walker Road (£1 for £1) Craig Road (£1 for £1) Davidson Bush South (£1 for £1) Forest Plantation Road Hedgehope to Mataura (£1 for £1) Hilda Road (£1 for £1) .. .. Holtz Road (£125, £1 for £1) .. Homestead Road (£1 for £1) .. Tnvercargill, Block VII (Sections 14 to 18), (£1 for £1) Invercargill, Block XXIV (Sections 6 to 10) Invercargill, Block XXIV (Sections 28 to 30) .. Irvine Road (£1 for £1) Kamahi (£1 for £1) .. Kapuka to Gorge (£1 for £1) .. Kennington to Waimatua Longbush Road Manson Road (£2 for £1) Mataura flood damage McKenzie Road (Horseshoe Bush), (£1 for £1) McAlister Road McKercher Road (Longbush), (£1 for £1) Mokotua School to Church (£1 for £1) .. Morrison Road (£1 for £1) 15 ,, Southland Wallace.. ,, ,, ,, .. >> >> >> yy >» >> 63 58 80 62 100 100 50 100 100 50 158 50 50 50 50 50 210 100 92 41 320 146 50 100 100 10 75 148 52 150 23 100 76 40 100 14 34 2,054 100 100 575 100 128 100 49 150 84 88 100 100 100 150 60 50 100 100 100 271 50 66 100 100 50 40 50 ,, Southland Mataura i>

4—D. 1.


TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote No. Item ! No. ! Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 09 2202 2205 220(i 2207 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2218 2219 2223 2227 2229 2230 2232 2234 2236 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2245 2247 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2261 2262 2263 2266 2267 2268 2269 2272 2273 2274 ROADS, ETC.— -continued. Invebcabijill Road District— continued Morton Mains to Gorge (£1 for £1) Osmond Road Oteramika, Block I (Sections 69 to 80) Oteramika, Block VII, Main Road (continuation) Rakahouka to Dacre (£1 for £1) Scenic Reserve Road (Lothian Hundred), (£1 for £1) Sutton Road (Hedgehope), (£1 for £1) .. Tall Road Terrace Road (Edendalc), (£1 for £1) .. Terrace Road (Mataura), (£1 for £1) Trig. Road (Edendale) Trotter Road (£1 for £1) Welsh Road (Sections 96 and 97, Block XXIII, Invercargill Hundred) Ferguson Road (metalling) Lyon Road Perkins Road Waihopai River protective works (£1 for £1) Bluff Main Road Bragg Road Brooklands to Braggs Brown Road (Winton, Block III) Butterfield Beach to Horseshoe Bay Campbelltown Hundred to Stanley Township Campbelltown Reserve Centre Bush Village Settlement Cochrane Road (Ida Bank), (£1 for £1) East Winton (Blocks III and VIII) Elles Road and Bridge (Mud Flat) Flora Road (Makarewa Township), (£1 for £1) Forest Hill Hundred (Sections 112 and 219) Forest Hill Hundred (Section 236 to Hodge's Gully Road) Forest Hill Hundred (Sections 313, 312, and 256) Forest Hill (Sections 359 to 387) Forest Hill Hundred (Section 360) Half-moon Bay to Mill Creek Half-moon Bay to Thule Harrold Road Hedgehope-Makarewa Channel Horman Road (£75, £1 for £1) Invercargill, Block IV (Section 19), (£1 for £1) .. Invercargill Hundred, Block XXII (Sections 6 and 82, and 88 and 1) .. Invercargill Hundred, Block XXI (east side) Lee Road, Block XXII (Invercargill Hundred) .. Lepper Road Maori Beach to Otagu Marshall and Lamond Road (Spar BurIi), (£1 for £1) Mason Bay Road McKenzie Road (Barkly) . Mill Road (south of Oteramika) McDonald Road (Hokonui) McNaught Road (£1 for £1) .. McNeil and Clark Road (£1 for £1) New River Bridge approaches (West Plains) New River Estuary Road (south wall) New River Hundred, Block VIII (Sections 17 and 18) New River Hundred, Block XTX (Sections 7 and 17), (£2 for £1) Orion Road (£1 for £1) Shand Road (Otapiri), (£1 for £1) Spar Bush Bay Road Springhills Road (Sections 82 to 297, Forest Hill Hundred) Thulo to Ryan Creek Tippett Road (Block VIII, Winton) Tisbury to east of Waimatua Railway-station .. Ulva Island tracks Underwood Road Waihopai River improvement (Thomson Bush) .. West Winton Channel Wilson Crossing Road Wilson Crossing to Tussock Creek Winton Creek Channel (Upper) Wright Road Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &o. Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, track's, &o. Southland Stewart Island Southland Stewart Island Southland Stewart Island Southland Mataura Invercargill Awarua ,, £ 50 45 93 55 175 115 50 91 50 100 132 50 87 80 27 72 117 750 51 106 100 60 300 300 75 100 100 472 50 100 99 127 90 61 118 33 41 41 100 100 100 2275 2276 2277 2281 2282 2284 2286 2289 2290 2292 2293 2295 2297 2299 Stewart Island Southland Stewart Island Southland 101 50 100 43 50 85 50 75 60 50 100 79 114 100 2301 100 2304 2307 2308 2309 100 100 300 ■88 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2323 2325 2326 2327 2331 2332 Stewart Island Southland Stewart Island Southland 54 100 436 25 89 20 91 100 500 108 100 1 2333 2335 529 261 Total —Invercargill 19,626


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote No. Item No. Net Expenditure. Name of Work. County. Electorate. ROADS, ET< I.—continued. l<!!) 2337 2338 2339 2341 23-12 2343 General— Advertising tenders, and other initial expenses not fairly chargeable to a specific item Compensation for injuries to employees while in .. .. discharge of their dutie-, and contingent expenses in connection with same Engineering surveys Plant not chargeable to any particular work Roadmen's lints, store-rooms, &c. Subsidy towards the construction of roads and bridges, under section 276 of the Native Land Act,' 1909 (on account of £10,000), (£1 for £1) Towards the prevention and restoration of flood damages generally £ 117 311 232 2,320 369 2,362 2344 481 Total—General ., .. 6,192 Vote No. 109—Total for 1913-14 £225,130 110 1 2 3 4 5 • 7 BACKBLOCKS ROADS, ETC. Whangaekt Road 'District— Apnterewa Road .. .. .. .. Mangonui .. Bay of Islands Auckland Special Settlement to Mangakahia . . Hokianga . . ,, Awanni to Mangatete, via Oturu Block .: j Mangonni .. ,, Awanni to Mangonni, via Taipa .. .. ,, . . ,, Awaroa Stream Bridge .. .. .. Hokianga .. ,, Blue Gorge Road .. .. .. , . Mangonui . . ,, Broadwood to Takahue .. .. .. Mangonni and ,, Hokianga Driving ('reek Bridge .. .. . . Hokianga . . ,, Fairbnrn to Otukai .. .. .. .: Mangonni .. I ,, Haha Bridge .. .. .. .. Hokianga Humphrey Road .. .. . . .. ,, . . ,, Kaikohe to Huehne .. .. . . .. Hokianga and Hay ,, of Islands Kohumaru .. .. .. . . .. Mangonui .. ,, Mangakaliia River Bridge . . . . .. ] Bay of Islands .. ,, Mangamuka to Oruru .. .. ..Hokianga and ,, Mangonui Mangamuka to Victoria Valley . . .. i Ditto .. .. ,, Mangonui to Kohumaru Block, via Kenana . . i Mangonui .. ' ,, Mangonuiowae Stream Bridge .. .. Hokianga .. ,, Matawherohia to Kaeo .. .. .. Whangaroa .. ,, Mangatete Parish (access to Section 47) . . Mangonui . . ,, Okaharu Stream Bridge .. . . .. Hokianga Okaihau to Kaikohe.. . . .. .. Bay of Islands .. ,, Opouteke Road .. .. .. .. Hokianga .. ,, Otukai Bridge .. .. .. .. Mangonui .. ,, Palmer Road .. .. .. .. Hokianga .. ,, Pareokawa Bridge .. . . . . .. ,, .. ,, Pikiparia to Te Karrac .. . . .. ,, . . ,, Takahue to Herekino .. ■. . .. Mangonni .. ,, Takahue S.D., Block VI (access to Sections IS. 15. I ,, .. ,, and 16) Takahue S.D., Block X (access) . . .. ,, . . ,, Takitu . . .. . . .. .. Hokianga Taratara to Whangae .. .. .. Bay of island 1 Te Karae Stream Bridge .. . . .. Hokianga Te Rore to Victoria Valley .. .. .. Mangonui .. ,, Waiharara to Hohoura .. .. ... ,, .. ,. Waiote-Kumarau Bridge .. .. .. Hokianga .. ,, Whangape to Manganuiowao. via Rotbkakahi ,, .. ,. Block Whangape Track .. .. .. ., „ .. „ Whirinaki to Taipa .. .. .. .. . ,, Maungaturoto to Cove, via Rowr-oll's .. .. Wliangare: ard Mar. don Otamatea Pataua to Snelgar Plat . . .. .. j Whangarei . . ,, Poroti to Tangiteroria .. .. .. ,, . . ,, Waipu S.D., Block VI (access to Sections 260 ,, . . „ and 365) Mangakahia Road bridges .. .. .. ,, . . Kaipar.i Tarawhati .. .. .. .. .. Hokianga . . ,, Waipoua S.D., Section 26, Block XI (access) .. ,. . . „ Supervision.. Miscellaneous works and services, including aspKtance towards the con truction of road", bridges, tracks, &c. £ LOO 112 100 460 492 96 62 10 II 12 18 19 28 64 174 9 202 21 24 25 285 (ilT 45 26 28 29 31 33 35 36 37 40 42 45 47 52 53 1,576 153 70 138 99 45 596 55 127 79 116 719 304 148 54 55 57 58 59 60 62 65 191 207 49 830 200 59 179 35 66 68 89 Mar, den 210 •226 288 71 72 715 150 84 100 80 82 84 85 86 Kaipar.i 7 1)44 303 763 22 Total—Whangarei .. 11 319


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. II) 87 90 91 92 93 97 100 101 102 103 106 107 113 116 117 118 119 120 121 123 124 125 126 129 130 BACKBLOOKS ROADS, ETC.— continued. Auckland Road District — Bayer Road to Section 27;!, Waiwera Parish Mareretu to Bull's Mareretu Central Road Mareretu to Waikiekie Mason Road (coast road) .Tolly's Range to Mangonui (Upper) Taita to Tutamoe Tangiteroria to Tangihua, Block 11 Utopia Bridge Waimauku - West Coast to Frost's Great Barrier Island (Tryphena to Kaitoke Beach) Great Barrier Island (Whangapara to Awanga) .. Graham's Beach to Palmer's .. Otau Road Paparimu to Maungatawhiri Pollok Main Road Pollok Wharf approach Wairoa River to Otau Gumtown to Whenuakito Koheroa Parish (access to Section 55) Manaia Creek Bridge Mangawhara Maungatawhiri to Waitakaruru Pauhu to Cape Colville Tahuna (access to Sections 2 and 3, Block IX, Waitoa S.D.) Waiti Aotea to Raglan Cogswell Road Hetherington Road Kauroa to Pakoka Klondyke Pakihi to Okete Ruapuke to Aotea Ruapuke Mountain Road Ruapuke Mountain Tc Mata Takapaunui to Ruapuke Mountain Road Te Uku Landing Road Turner's Junction to West Coast (through Block VI, Awaroa) Kauri to Harapepe Maihihi Bridge (Rangitoto No. 2) Mangaorongo Bridge, No. 1 .. Mangaorongo Bridge, No. 2 .. Okupata Junction to Pekanui.. Rodney Otamatea Hobson Otamatea Waitemata Great Barrier Island Franklin Manukau Coromandel Waikato Coromandel Ohinemuri ' Waikato i Coromandel Ohinemuri Marsden Kaipara ',', '•'■ ' Waitemata Franklin .. i " . •■ j " • ■ J Thames £ 280 2 191 123 38 300 1.45 101 100 100 65 14 13 53 8 57 33 86 26 18 194 225 363 200 50 133 134 135 136 138 140 142 144 145 146 147 149 150 Raglan . . ,, I Raglan .27 303 168 40 17 29 lit) 7 77 ; 46 2 49 150 ,, 153 154 155 156 161 West Taupo Waikato 127 73 (59 76 647 163 164 166 168 170 171 172 173 174 176 177 178 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 189 190 Pehehau to Kaniwhaniwha Pokaiwhenua Waitetuna to Aotea Awaroa to Mahoe Hauturu Kaimango Kauri Kauri Branch Road Kihi Kinohaku to Waiharakeko Lemon Point to Te Maika Mahoo Otorohanga to Pirongia Owaikura Taumatatotara East. . Taumatatotara West Te Maika Te Maika to Marokopa Waihohonu.. Supervision. . Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Kawhia and Waitomo Raglan Matamata Kawhia. . Taumarunui . . j 105 400 454 1,022 I 622 53!) 139 70 419 1 389 494 25 70 179 352 384 182 4 971 24 Waitomo Kawhia Waitomo Kawhia Waitomo 11,627 Total —Auckland .. 191 193 195 196 Taoranoa Road District — Akeake Clayton Road Harray Road Kaimai Tauranga Rotorua Tauranga Tauranga and Matamata Tauranga 100 32 102 428 197 Kaimai (access to Sections 57!) to 583, Te Papa Parish) Komete .. .. .. —. Tauranga 5 198 50


TABLE No. 4 —continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. BACKBLOCKS ROADS, ETC.— continued. Tauranga Road District — continued. Ngamuawahine Ngawaro to To Puke Tauranga Rotorua and Tauranga Tauranga Tauranga £ 120 77 110 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 211 212 216 217 222 223 225 226 Omanawa Otawa No. 1 Road Otawa No. 2 Road Puwhenua .. .. .. .. Raparapahoe Stream Bridge (Otawa No. 1 Road) Hereperu North Hereperu South Kaituna Korano Pikowai North Pikowai South 1'ungarohu Kangiuru to Mangorewa Gorge Rotorua Tauranga Whakatane Tauranga Bay of Plenty. . 471 140 11 2H7 201 524 71 117 33 14;-) 92 96 45 Whakatane Rotorua Whakatane Rotorua and Tau228 230 232 234 Ruatahuna to Waikaremoana Stanley Track Waihi Swamp Road Whirinaki Valley ranga Whakatane 495 231 230 144 Tauranga East Taupo and Rotorua >, ■ • 235 236 Supervision Miscellaneous works and services including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. 60!) 11 Total —Tauranga 4,847 237 •243 244 247 249 251 252 253 254 257 258 259 260 267 270 271 274 ■ 275 .276 279 280 281 282 285 287 288 289 290 291 293 294 GrISBORNE Road DISTRICT— Appleton Road Kopuapounamu Valley Kowhai Matawai to Motu (Neill Road) Omaukuru Opato Opotiki to Motu Pakihi Pakihi Stock Reserve and river protection Ruatuna to Ohiwa Landing .. Te Araroa to Awatere Tutaetoko .. .. .. ' .. Tutamoe Waimata to Waiapu Inland Road (Todd's) Waioeka River Bridge (Upper) Waioeka River to Matawai Wairata Stream Road (Tahora No. 2 North Block) Whitikau Block to Opotiki-Motu Road Whitikau Block roads Mangapoike River bridges (Nos. 1 and 2) Mangapoike Valley (oast end).. Mangapoike Valley (west end) Maraetaha bridges Waikati Erepeti Kokahu Mangarewarewa Matukuhia Ruakituri River Bridge (Boothman's) Wairoa River Bridge (Te Reinga Falls) Supervision.. Opotiki Waiapu Opotiki Waikohu Opotiki ... Waiapu Opotiki Cook Opotiki Waikohu Opotiki Bay of Plenty.. 75 200 81 100 12 126 5,662 434 150 117 100 132 250 150 281 414 137 238 200 574 600 507 1,124 183 95 55 126 89 796 125 803 ,, • • Cook Cook and Wairoa Wairoa Cook Wairoa Gisborne Hawke's Bay. . Total—Gisborne .. 14,936 296 I 297 L 298 ■ 299 ■ 302 303 ! 305 j 306 ' 307 308 310 312 317 Te Kuiti Road District— Hapurua Harvey Huhatahi Kaikara Kakahi Stream Bridge Kohua Kopuha Kururau Kururau Stream Bridge Mangakahikatea Mangaotaki to Mairoa Mangapapa Mangawhero Stream Bridge Ohura Waitomo Ohura Taumarunui .. 57 137 96 35 9 137 8 20 176 32 1.34 203 189 Waitomo Ohura Waitomo


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. Id 318 319 320 323 325 326 328 329 331 332 333 334 336 337 339 341 342 343 344 346 348 350 351 354 355 359 360 BACKBLOCKS ROADS, ETC.— continued. Te Kuiti Road District — continued. Miroahuiao to Mangaotaki .. .. Mokauiti Stream Bridge Mokauiti Valley Road Ohura River Bridge (Mangapapa Road) Ohura (north of Paparata Saddle) Opatu Block (access) Opetea Opura Otunui South Otunui Stream Bridge (Aramahoe Road) . Otunui Stream Bridge (Kururau Road) Otunui Stream Bridge (Otunui South Road) Paraheka Paraketu Pirere Pungarehu . . Rata Stream Bridge Rotokotuku Ryan Road Te Kuiti to Mokau (east of Mangaotaki) Turoto Waikaka Road bridges Waipawa Waitawhena Waitawhena Road bridges Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Waitomo Ohura .. Waitomo Ohura Taumarunui .. E 108 227 172 352 177 24 5 9 70 8 161 7 34 15 81 106 128 178 232 6,663 1 291 250 730 178 12 51 Waitomo Ohura Waitomo Ohura Waitomo Ohura Waitomo Ohura and Waitomo Total—Te Kuiti 11,503 New Plymouth Road District — Awakino Valley (Lower), (on account of £3,557) Awakino Valley (Upper) Kairimu Kiritehere (on account of £2,382) Kiwi Kohuratahi Manganui (on account of £3,957) Mangaotaki Valley (Upper) Mangapapa Mangapohue Awakino Tautuarunui .. 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 369 370 371 Clifton . . Whangamomona .. Awakino 2,232 205 75 1,716 845 68 3,872 170 529 635 372 373 Mangatoro Marakopa Valley >> • ■ Whangamomona . . Kawhia, Awakino, and Waitomo Clifton Awakino and Kawhia Clifton 9 560 374 375 376 Moki Moki Stream Bridge Ohura (south of Paparata Saddle) Clifton, Whangamomona, a n d Stratford Awakino Clifton Awakino 406 543 2,445 377 379 380 381 383 384 385 386 388 389 390 391 392 393 Pomorangi Tongaporutu to Mangaroa (west of Kotare Stream) Waikawau Waipaua Rawhitiroa Tangahoe (Whareroa to Rehu Village) Whenuakura Valley Mangaoapa (Junction Road to Mohakajl Road) .. Mangare Marco Matau River bridges (on account of £1,392) Matau Township to Mangaoapa Road Poarangi Puncwhakahau Road to Raoraomouku Block (on account of £2,823) Eltham Hawera . . ,. Eltham and Hawera Stratford Whangamomona .. Kgmont Stratford 221 317 339 97 135 59 295 718 237 543 618 103 16 1,766 Clifton Whangamomona .. Whangamom o n a, Stratford, and Patea Whangamomona .. 394 396 Putikituna Whangamomona to Wanganvii River (on account of £2,128) Ahoroa .. .... Tawhiti Stream Bridge Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. 248 2,424 397 398 399 400 Patea Patea 684 223 308 34 Total—New Plymouth 23,785


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Not Expenditure. 10 401 402 ! 404 BACKBLOCKS ROADS, ETC.— continued. Wanuahui Road District — Anderson Road Burrell Road Eherua Wanganui .. ! Waimarino £ 40 20 299 Waimarino and Kai- ,, tieke Kaitieke .. ! ,, 180 492 500 24 .140 592 473 795 409 410 : 411 ! 413 414 415 418 419 Kokakonui . . Kokakoriki Makino Mangahoe Mangahowhi Mangahowhi Stream Bridge Mangaturuturu Mason's to Raetihi Waimarino . . ,, Kaitieke . . ,, Wanganui . . ,, Waimarino .. „ Wanganui and Wai- ; ,, marino Kaitieke and Wai- ,, marino Waimarino .. ,, 250 421 Maungaroa .. 422 424 426 427 428 429 430 432 433 434 436 i 437 438 Motete .. . . Ohakune Village Settlement Owhango Patua Pitangi Raetihi to Ohura Raupiu Retaruke Retaruke Valley Retaruke Valley (Upper) Te Rata Tunakotekote Turakina Valley Kaitieke . . ,, Wanganui .. ,, Waimarino .. ,, Wanganui . . j ,, Kaitieke .. I ,, 34 414 469 92 99 090 101 42 173 237 50 91 290 440 J 441 Waipuna Ridge Wanganui River Road (left bank) Rangitikei and Wa- „ nganui Waimarino .. i ,, Wanganui and Wai- ,, marino Waitotara .. Patea 100 384 443 444 445 447 448 449 450 Bruce Road Christie Road Bridge Makakaho (Upper Waitotara).. Puraroto Taunoka .. .. .. Tawapiko Watershed Patea .. .. „ Waitotara .. „ 173 1 303 426 951 14 170 Waitotara and ,, Patea 451 452 Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. 992 17 Total—Wanganui .. 10,100 454 Napijsr Road District— Richmond Road Hawke's Bay .. Hawke's Hay .. 45 454 ! 458 459 460 468 469 458 459 460 468 469 471 472 473 474 Wellington Road District— Conspicuous Road Inland Road Makino Mangapuaka (north of Tunakore Bridge) Mangapuaka Road and bridges (south of Tunakore Bridge) Range Road (south) Te Uri Road Tunakore Bridge Makoura Khvitea. . .. Oroua Rangitikei .. ,, Dannevirke .. Pahiatua 548 196 363 69 270 471 472 473 474 Akitio .. .. ,, Dannevirke .. j ,, 47 250 60 201 Akitio and Master- j Masterton ton Akitio .. .. ,, 475 476 477 478 479 482 483 484 487 488 475 476 477 478 479 482 Marainanga Stream Bridge Spur Road Sugar-loaf Road Waioakura Waiowaka Pakowai (Anderson's, towards Tinui to Pakowai Road) Tinui to Pakowai (north end) Tinui to Pakowai (south end).. Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. 145 272 57 120 232 348 Castlepoint .. Wairarapa 483 484 487 488 317 448 690 17 Total—Wellington 4,650


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Ner. Expenditure. II) 494 495 498 499 502 503 504 505 510 514 517 520 522 523 526 529 532 533 534 535 536 537 539 540 541 545 546 547 548 549 556 537 BACKBLOOKS ROADS, ETC.— continued. Nelson Road District — Aorere Road (Upper) Awaiti to Marahau Big Bush to Rainy River Bowron Road Clarke River Bridge Cooper Road to Bainham Dart Valley . . . . • . . Falls River to Torrent Bay Handcook's to Anatakapou Huia Kereru Kokako Mangarakau Manu Railway-station to Sherry River Forks Motupiko River Bridge (Korere) Pearse Valley Pohara to Awaroa Rainy River Road Roeske Road Scott Creek Road Stanley Brook Bridge Tadmor to Kaka Wairoa Forks Block Road Wairoa River Road (left branch) Wangapeka River Bridge Buller River Bridge (Cowan Road) Flat Creek Road Glenoairn to Maruia North Block Glengarry Glenroy to Rappahannock Mangles River bridges Maruia River Bridge and approaches (Maruia River Road) Maruia River Road (west bank) Maruia, via Caslani's Matakitaki River Road (west bank) Matakitaki Valley Road Matiri River Road (east bank) Matiri River Road (west bank) Murchison to Maruia Hot Springs Newman Road Nuggety Creek O'Donnell Road Owen Junction to Murchison Creek Paenga Post-office to Shenandoah Junction Pea Soup Creek Bridge Roberts to Coffee Creek Rotoiti Lake Road (East Road) Sandstone Creek Track Taylor Creek Road Taylor Creek to Pea Soup Creek Valley Creek Road Extension Valley Creek Track to Hyde's and Neilsen's Warwick Junction to Main Road Whale Creek Road Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, <fec. Collingwood Takaka and Waimea Waimea Collingwood Waimea Takaka .. Waimea, . Collingwood Waimea. . Takaka Waimea Takaka Waimea Murchison Motueka Buller £ 26 12! 200 60 1.07 100 80 163 80 75 100 114 182 ■ 118 900 96 180 250 20 50 500 150 189 64 2,266 170 103 11 46 29 131 2,099 559 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 576 577 578 581 582 586 587 588 589 590 591 251 178 53 243 87 249 100 70 18 23 117 117 69 100 139 39 34 96 131 39 41 14 775 58 Total —Nelson 11,821 592 593 504 595 597 605 606 607 608 610 611 612 613 616 617 618 Blenheim Road District — Fairy Bay to Nydia Bay Harvey's Bay to Nydia Bay Mohetapu Ronga Valley Tinline Road Onahau Bay to Kenepuru Sound Queen Charlotte Sound Road Tophouse Road Top Valley to Bartlett Creek White's Bay to Robin Hood Bay Kahautara River Bridge Puhipuhi (west) Runs 105a and 105b (Kaitarau) Stag Road Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &,c. Sounds .. Marlborough Sounds Marlborough Nelson Wairau 164 33 60 41 284 20 50 50 146 50 3,782 300 200 135 253 34 Sounds Kaikoura Hiirunui Total —Blunheim 5,602


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote No. Item No, Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 10 620 621 622 625 626 627 628 BACKBLOGKS ROADS, ETC.—continued. Westpobt Road District — Little Wangamii to Glasseye Little Wanganui to Karamea .. Mokihinui to Little Wanganui Brighton Block Road Utopia Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Buller . . Motueka Bulier £ 81 35 2,197 93 100 263 10 Total—Westport 2,779 629 631 632 633 635 639 640 641 642 644 645 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 668 660 663 664 665 666 667 671 672 673 674 676 678 Gbeymouth Road District — Coal Creek Bridge Inangahua Landing to Brown Creek inangahua River to Brown Creek Lyell Road to Brown Creek Barrytown to Grey County Boundary Punakaiki Footbridge Rough River Road Ahaura to Amuri Track Arawata to Cascade Cameron's Terrace Road Dawson Road Gibb Road Haast Pass Track Haast to Paringa Happy Valley Track Harris Road Hatters to Haupiri Hermitage to Copland Track Jacob's to Karangarua Jacob's to Mahitahi Road Kokiri to Moana La Fontaine Road and extension Moana to Ruru Peterson Road and extension Puroell Road Robertson Road (north end) Robertson Road (south end) Roto Road Bridge Turnbull South Road Waiho to Karangarua Waiho Terrace Road Waikukupa.. Wall Road Extension Supervision.. .. .. .. [nangahua Grey Westland Grey .. Westland Grey .. Buller Grey. . Westland 898 152 106 151 820 181 35 100 109 364 100 60 492 50 100 45 129 517 96 257 827 121 250 257 200 200 96 57 75 1,669 501 49 223 109 Westland >» Grey Westland Grey Westland Total —Greymouth . . 9,396 Christchukoh Road District— Conway Gorge Hooker River Bridge and approaches Irishman's Creek Bridge Lake Tekapo to Lake Pukaki.. Lake Tekapo to Lillybank Road Cheviot.. Mackenzie Hurunui Temiika 681 683 684 685 686 1,451 342 250 500 150 Total —Christchurch 2,693 080 690 702 704 706 Dunedtn Road District— Gardner Road Mount Fortune Run (access) Routeburn Valley roads . Andrews Road Miscellaneous works and services including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Waitaki. . Lake Clutha .. Waitaki Wakatipu Clutha 156 100 262 36 50 Total —Dunedin 604


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

5—D. 1.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 110 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 716 717 718 720 721 722 723 724 BACKBLOCKS ROADS, ETC.— continued. Invercargill Road District — Lake Hauroko Track .. .. .. Wallace.. Lillburn to Hauroko.. .. .. .. I ,, McLean Road (Longwood) .. .. .. j „ McLean Road (Longwood), (extension to Waiau ,, S.D.) Round Hill to Longwood .. .. .. „ Round Hill to Pahia.. .. .. .. ,, Hodgson Road (Kapuka) .. .. .. Southland Oteramika, Block V (Sections 35 to 40) Titipua to Brydone .. .. .. *.. ,, Waimatua to Mokotua .. .. .. ,, Jenning's Road (Campbelltown) .. .. „ Massey's Tramway Road .. .. .. „ McRae Road (deviation) .. .. .. ,, Taylor Road .. .. .. .. ,, Supervision Wallace )» • ■ Mataura £ 342 294 60 200 301 155 135 100 390 136 298 273 100 100 103 Awarua )» • ■ Total—Invercargill 2,993 Vote No. 110—Total for 1913-14 £128,706 ROADS TO OPEN UP CROWN LANDS. Whangarei Road District — Mangakarikari Block .. .. .. Hokianga Ngunguru Extension No. 3 Block .. .. j Whangarei Ruaoterei Additional and Extension Block .. Bay of Islands Te Rore Block .. .. .. .. Mangonui Umuwhawha Block .. .. .. .. Bay of Islands Waiomio Block .. .. .. .. ,, Waiomio Extension Block .. .. .. ,, Blocks not specifically provided for .. Bay of Islands £ 170 225 300 122 237 298 321 22 126 3 4 8 13 u; 19 20 27 >> Total—Whangarei 1,695 2!) 30 .■{2 33 35 38 37 41 42 44 48 4!) 5] 58 Auckland Road District — Tangowahine Block .. . . . . . . Hobson .. Tangowahine Extension Block .. .. ,, Oteha Block .. .. .. .. ; Waitemata Paremoremo Block .. .. .. .. I ,, Takaruru Block .. .. . . .. Waikato Waitakaruru Block .. .. .. .. ! Thames.. Waitawheta Block .. .. .. .. I Ohinemuri Roto Ngaro Block .. .. .. .. I Raglan .. Tamatakohe Block .. .. .. .. ,, Waimai Block .. .. .. .. „ Rotongata Block .. .. .. .. West Taupo Tokanui Block .. .. .. .. ,. Wharepuhunga Block Blocks not specifically provided for .. .. j I Kaipara Waitemata Thames Ohineimiri Raglan 13 180 605 845 1 338 897 789 446 2,121 338 25 4,827 61 Waikato Total—Auckland 11,486 61 62 68 Tauranoa Road District — Minden Block .. . . .. . . Tauranga Okohiriki No. 2 Block .. .. . . ! Rotorua Tauhara Block .. . . . . . . East Taupo Tanranga 22 • 523 405 Bay 'of Plenty Total—Tauranga 950 •Otsborne Road District— Ngatapa Block .. .. .. .. Waikohu Oamaru No. 4 Block (additional) .. .. Opotiki .. Waipaoa Block .. .. .. .. Wairoa .. Block's not specifically provided for Bay of Plenty 569 143 97 49 74 76 82 83 Hawke's Bay.. Total— Gisborne 858 Te Kijtti Road District — Ararimu Block .. .. .. .. I Ohura .. Kopaki Block .. .. .. .. j Waitomo Mangaiti Block .. .. .. .. j ,, Matiere Township No. 2 Block .. .. j Ohura .. Orekopa Block .. . . .. • .. j Waitomo Orekopa Extension Block .. .. .. ; „ Orongomai Block . . .. .. .. I Ohura . . Tapuae Block .. .. .. .. Waitomo Tauraroa Block .. . . .. .. , ,, Taumarunui .. 4,436 115 146 47 1,620 61 4,125 241 1,740 84 86 87 90 93 94 95 98 100 . _ . 12,537 Total—Te Kuiti . . .. .. I


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 126 110 112 113 115 ROADS TO OPEN UP CROWN LANDSt-cobM. New Plymouth Road District — Taumatamahoe Block Taurakawa Block Whangamomona Township BlockBlocks not specifically provided for Whangamomona, .. Stratford . . | Whangamomona . . ] Stratford £ 3,011 1,673 66 5 Total —New Plymouth 4,755 121 123 126 127 129 130 131 135 137 138 J39 142 Wanganui Road Disteict — Horopito West Block Kaitieke Township Block . . .'. Mangatiti Block Manunui Village Settlement Block Morinui Block Ngamatea Forest Block North Waimarino Block Otara Block Owhango Township Extension No. 1 Block Ractihi Township Extension No. 1 Block Rangataua Block Riariaki Block Waimarino Kaitieke Waimarino Kaitieke Wanganui Kaitieke Wanganui Kaitieke Waimarino Waimarino ,, 150 148 953 562 6,082 379 2,181 59 282 106 62 1 ,051 Waimarino and Kaitieke . Waimarino 143 145 147 148 149 150 152 Ruatiti Block Waipapa Valley Block Momohaki Block Rangitatau Block Taunoka Block Whakaihuwaka Block Blocks not specifically provided for Patea Patea and Waitotara Waitotara Patea Patea 1,424 344 571 809 1,480 1,770 31 Total—Wanganui .. 19,053 154 156 157 NAPI UK Road District— Makaretu Block Otawhao Block Manawaangiangi Block Waipawa Waipawa 144 253 2,152 Patangata Pahiatua Total. —Napier 2,549 159 160 161 166 168 171 174 Wki.ijngton Road District— Te Whitiatara Block Awarua Iβ Block Piripiri Block Ahuaturanga Block Mangatainoka Block Rokai Block Heckler Block Dannevirke Rangitikei Pohangina Woodville Pahiatua Dannevirke Mauriceville a n d Masterton Hutt Waipawa Oroua Pahiatua 57 8 947 1.263 332 304 Masterton 177 179 Mawaihakona Township Block Blocks not specifically provided for Hutt 395 38 Total—Wellington .. 3,351 180 183 • 185 187 188 190 191 Nelson Road District — Hope Block Howard Block Mangles to Blaokwater Block.. Mid-Maruia Block Nuggety Block Warwick Block Blocks not specifically provided for Waimea.. Murchiaon •. Motuelca Buller 18 It 96 19 74 35 3 „ Total—Nelson 256 Blenheim Road District — Ronga Valley No. 2 Block Tinline No. 2 Block Blue Mountain Block Neutral Spur Block I Marlborough Nelsob 296 630 127 100 193 194 196 198 Awatere Marlborough Wairau Total—Blenheim 1,153 203 204 Westport Road District — Otumahana Block Brighton No. 2 Block Buller Motueka Buller 15 1,151 Total —Westport .. 1,166 209 21(1 Greymouth Road District — Wanganui Block Blocks not specifically provided for Westland Westland 240 30 Total —Greymouth 270



TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 126 216 217 219 222 223 226 227 228 229 231 232 233 236 ROADS TO OPEN UP CROWN LANDS— contd. 1.NVERCARGILL ROAD DISTRICT Aparima No. 1 Block Aparima No. 2 Block Jacobs River No. 1 Block Oraki Block Round Hill Block Terepa Block Campbelltown Block.. Campbelltown No. 1 Block Gore Block . . .. Oteramika No. 1 Block .. Waimatua No. 1 Block Forest Hill Block Spar Bush Block Wallace.. Southland Wallace .. 462 i .. 42 1 rn 171 OC1 •■•! 80 lilt .. 66 Mataura .. 1,189 £ 462 5 42 171 80 66 1 ,189 312 322 88 157 58 214 312 ■j on .. i 322 88 l r.n 157 Awarua .. 58 214 Total —Invercargi II 3,166 3,166 Vote No. 126—Total for 1913-14 63,245 63,245 ROADS TO OPEN UP NATIONAL ENDOWMENT LANDS. Rolorua £ Tauranga .. 232 Bay of Plenty 1,630 127 10 11 Tauranga Road District — Te Rerenga Extension Block Kaituna Block £ 232 1,630 Total —Tauranga 1,862 1,862 Gisborne Road District— Waihau Block Cook Gisborne .. i 36 L8 36 20 21 Te Kuiti Road District— Opatu Block Otunui Block Ohura .. Tauinarunui .. ! 106 L96 236 ... I 236 Total—Te Kuiti :. 432 i 432 New Plymouth Road District — Mohakatino Block .. • Clifton .. Tauinarunui .. \ 730 24 730 Wanganui Road District — Tauakira No. 1 Block Wanganui Waimarino .. 535 27 535 29 Wellington Road District— Waimata Block Akitio .. Pahiatua .. 61 61 33 38 Nelson Road District — Wangamoa Block Matakitaki Block Waimea. . Murchison Nelson ., 3 Buller .. : 69 :i li!) Total —Nelson 72 72 -15 Greymouth Road District — Maimai Block .. .. .. Middle Bush Block Inangahua WestlSwd Grey .. 454 1 C\(\ 454 100 100 Total —Greymouth 554 554 Vote No. 127—Total for 1913-14 £4,282 CONSOLIDATED FUND. MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENT OF ROADS. 2(1 Expenses incidental to the maintenance and improvement of roads £44,014 Total of Votes 109, 110, 126, 127, and 20 Add expenditure for previous years £ [ 465,377 I 9,519,878* Total expenditure to 31st March, 1914 .. £9,985,255* i ■ Include! No!). i expenditure for certain out of Native Land Pure] lase Account and Lani Is Improvement Account.— Vidt * J •able



TABLE NO. 4— continued. ROADS ON GOLDFIELDS. Vote No 111 —Item No. I.—Assistance towards the construction and repair of £ s. d. roads, &c i' l39 16 U £1,139 16 11 Auckland. Goromandel County. £ »■ d 3. Cabbage Bay - Matamataharakeke .. ■ • • • • • • • J ( ' 4. Cabbage Bay - Cape Colville .. .. • • • • ■• ■ • . ° 5. Cabbage Bay - Port Charles .. ■• •• •• •• •• 9 _r or 7. Coromandel-Kuaotunu, via Matarangi ... .. •• •• •• fnn n n 8. Coromandel-Tererenga .. • .. •• •• •• •• •• " " 9. Coromandel-Waikawau .. .. • • • • ....... • • IUU U U 13. Kikowhakarere - Cabbage Bay tnn n 0 16. Kuaotunu - Mercury Bay . . • • • • • • • • • • V <* 18. Mataiterangi Stream Bridge .. .. • • • • • • • • ko . T 8 20. Mount Welcome Low-level Road. . .. .. •■• • • • on 17 a 21. Success Mine Road .. • • •• •• •• •• im n n 22. Tererenga-Whangapoua.. .. •• •• •• •• •• J 1 " " J 24. Waitaia Company's Low-level Road ... . • • • • ■ • ■ iUU v v Thames County. 27. Hikutaia- hangamata " Wires " .. .. •• •• •• Jj> 0. 0 28. Hikuwai - Fourth Branch .. ••••• • • • - tt n 29. Hikuwai-Ohui • <» u r " 30. Hikuwai-Tairua .. .. • • f b ' f 31. Karaka Creek Road •• "" " " 32. Kauaeranga-Tairua .. .. •• •• •• •• •• ?« n n 33. Kauaeranga Valley Road inn n n 35. Maratoto Road .. .. oka n n 38. Omahu Road om n n 39. Puriri-Neavesville • ™ „ " 40. Puriri Wharf Road Inn n n 41. Sunbeam Creek Road m n n 42. Sylvia Mine Road ~ .. ■• •■ •• •• •• ?q ir n 44. Tapu Creek Road ■ • ■ • « 1 k n 45. Tapu-Gumtown ••■ •• ™l° " 46. Tararu Creek Road \™ " " 47. Thames-Hikutaia (£1 for £3) , 48. Thames-Waikawau (£1 for £1) .. .. •• \f v b 50. Waikiekie Creek Bridge (£1 for £1) • •• •• ,» .11 51. Waiomo Creek Road inn n n 53. Whangamata-Luck-at-Last .. ■ onn n n 54. Whangamata-Ohui ™ v v Thames Borough. 55. Karaka Creek (clearing).. .. • • • • • • • • • • 50 0 0 Ohinemuri County. 58. Bridge Road - Karangahake .. .. •■ •• •• •• 0 0 60. Dominion Mine Track .. .. • • • • ■ • •;• • • '' ly " 63. Hill Road • • ,0 n n 64. Hoununga Road .. .. it n n 65. Jubilee Road ika n n 67. Komata-Maratoto .. ■ • ■ ■ • • Tnn n n 68. Mackaytown-Waikino (£1 for £1) «! n n 73. Old Tauranga Road «q n n 74. Paeroa - Hikutaia Road - Robinson's .. .-. ■■ •• •• °» v v 77. Paeroa -Te Aroha «n n n 79. Paeroa-Waitoa. ■• ■• •• •• oV n n 83. Rotokohu Road m n n 85. Thames Road - Komata Railway-station .. .. •• •■ •• W v v 86. Tui-Mangakino nn n n 88. United-Maratoto 7r n n 89. Victoria Road - Waikino .. ■■ •• ■■ •• ■• on in n 97. Willows Prospecting Track .. .. ••• • • • •■• ________ £6,402 13 4



TABLE NO. A- — continued. ROADS ON GOLDFlELDS— continued. Mablborough. Marlborougk County. -£ s . ,[. 98. Canvastown Track . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 32 0 0 99. Deep Creek Bridge, Wakamarina.. .. .. .. .. .. 212 10 0 100. Fulton's Grove Road . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 141 8 6 £385 18 6 Nelson. Collingwood County. £ s. d. 102. Aorere (Upper Road) .. .. .. .. ' .. .. .. 133 18 0 104. Beach Road .. .. .. .. .. .. 196 0 0 Takaka County. 117. Takaka - Collingwood Inland Road .. .. .. .. .. 81 15 6 Waimea County. 123. Wangapeka-Baton .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 90 0 0 124. Wangapeka Valley - -Chandler's - Flanagan's .. .. .. .. 306 4 2 Bullet County. 129. Granite Creek Road .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 43 15 0 130. Granite Creek Road Extension .. . . . . .. . . . . 83 10 0 136. Mokihinui - Little Wanganui River Road .. .. . . . . 265 19 1 137. Mokihinui - Ngakawau .. .. . . .. . . . . .. 228 3 0 138. Mokihinui River Bridge - mouth of Mokihinui River . . ~ . . 40 0 0 139. Mokihinui River Road ~. .. .. .. . . .. . . 200 0 0 140. Mount Radiant Track Bridge .. .. .. .. .. .. 60 0 0 141. Oparara Bridge - South Beach .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 144. Promised Land - Allan's .. . . . . . . . . ... 100 0 0 145. Rough-and-tumble - Maori Gully. . .. . . . . . . 100 0 0 149. Wanganui-Wangapeka .. .. . . . . . . . . . . 16 15 0 150. Alpine-Eight-mile .. .. . . .. . . . . . . 50 0 0 151. Bins Road - Ngakawau . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 76 6 0 154. Brighton-Richard's .. .. . . . . . . .. . . 120 15 0 155. Buller Creek Track .. .. . . . . .. . . . . 100 0 0 156. Bull's Siding - Dennehy's Sluicing Claim . . .. . . 60 0 0 159. Channel Flat - Mackley's and Bridge . . .. .. .. .. 115 18 4 161. Coalbrookdale Road .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 0 0 165. Crow's Nest Road .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 80 0 0 169. Denniston Streets .. .. . . . . . . . . .. 81 4 6 172. Easton's Road .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 91 1 4 174. Four-mile-Brighton .. .. . . . . . . '.. .. 57 0 0 185. Joachim's Road (Denniston-Hotspital) . . '~ . . . . . . 87 12 0 188. Little Totara River Bridge .. . . . . . . .. 100 0 0 197. Millerton - Stockton Mine .. .. .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 204. Ngakawau-Stockton .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 373 7 6 206. Nine-mile Beach - Totara Bridge.. .. .. .. .. .. 209 18 0 208. Orawaiti River Bridge and Road. . .. .. .. .. .. 450 0 0 212. Pensini Creek Road . . .. .. . . .. . . .. 100 0 0 217. Richard's - Gentle Annie .. . . . . . . .. .. 100 0 0 222. Stephen's Sergeant's Hill .. .. . . •. . .. .. 100 0 0 224. Suspension Bridge, Inangahua Junction - Smith's .. .. .. .. 55 5 0 226. Totara Bridge (Main Road, Westport - Charleston).. . . .. . . 105 0 0 228. Utopia Road .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 229. Utopia Road - Sergeant's Hill .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 "0 0 232. Victory - Mahr's Reefs Road, Lyell (on account) .. .. .. .. 190 17 0 233. Waimangaroa-Barrowman's .. .. .. . . . . . . 10 0 0 234. Waimangaroa-Waratea . . .. .. .. . . . . .. 22 0 0 Murchison County. 157. Campbell's Creek - Caslani's .. .. .. .. .. .. 16 4 6 192. Maruia Bridge - Robert's .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 193. Maruia South Road .. . . .. .. .. .. . . 88 18 4 194. Matakitaki River Road (West Bank) . . .. . . .. .. 310 6 210. Paenga Post-office - Shenandoah Junction.. .. .. .. .. 17 0 211. Pea Soup Creek-Paenga Post-office .. .. .. .. .. 40 11 9 214. Rappahannoc Creek Track (widening) (on account).. ■ .. .. .. 29 10 1 219. Robertas-Coffee Creek.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 69 10 9 225. Taylor's Creek - Pea Soup Creek .. .. .. .. .. 39 18 8



TABLE NO. A-~ con ti'n !u ed. ROADS ON GOLDFlELDS— continued. Nelson — continued. Inangahua County. £ s. d. 164. Oronadun - Capleston .. . . . . .. .. .. .. 160 0 0 1.67. Crushington Suspension Bridge - Cornishtown Track . . .. . . 100 0 0 202. Murray Creek Bridge (Black's Point) .. .. .. .. . . 95 0 0 203. Murray Creek Road . . .. .. . . ... .. .. 13 0 0 231. Victoria Range Track .. .. .. .. .. .. .'. 54 14 2 241. Blackwater-Waiuta .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 62 13 6 2 50. Grey Road - Lloyd's .. . . .. .. . . .. .. 77 12 6 251. Hukarere - Blackwater Company's Battery-site (on account of £S,OCX)) .. 1,009 18 1 252. Hukarere - Millerton Mine Road .. '.. .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 263. Slab Hut Creek - Big River .. .. .. .. .. .. 201 7 6 264. Soldier's Creek Bridge .. .. .. . . .. .. .. 150 0 0 265. Soldier's Road, Bonanza .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 0 0 266. Soldier's Road, Bonanza - Auld's Creek Track .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 288. Mossy Creek Dray-bridge (Snowy Creek Road) .. .. .. . . 50 1 2 303. Waiuta Township Drainage (£1 for £1) .. .. .. .. 71 2 6 304. Waiuta Township Roads .. .. .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 306. Waiuta - Snowy Creek .. .. .. .. .. 126 0 0 307. Waiuta - St. George Mine Track .. .. .. .. .. .. 212 0 0 £8,392 15 5 Westland. Grey County. £ s. d. 244. Cobden - Brighton .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 88 0 0 245. Cobden - Point Elizabeth . . .. .. .. .. . . 100 0 0 246. Cobden-Runanga .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 200 0 0 247. Deep Creek Bridge (on account) . . .. .. .. .. .. 109 16 4 253. Liddy's Creek Bridge (Barrytown - Punakaike Road) .. .. .. 150 0 0 254. McLean's Creek Track and Road. . .. .. .. .. .. 93 4 0 255. Moonlight Gorge Track . . . . .. .. . . .. .. 100 0 0 259. Roa-Braeton . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 260. Runanga Village Settlement Roads .. .. .. .. .. 40 0 0 261. Seven-mile Creek Bridge .. .. . . .. . . .. 667 0 0 262. Scott's Creek Bridge, Barrytown - Punakaike Road .. .. .. 150 0 0 267. Upper Moonlight Bridge .. .. .. .. .. .. 52 15 4 268. Upper Moonlight Road . . . . . . .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 269. Upper Moonlight Prospecting Track .. .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 272. Arnold River Bridge at Kotuku . . .. .. .. 152 13 4 287. Molloy's Creek Bridge (on account) .. .. .. .. .. 86 0 0 289. Nelson Creek Footbridge (£1 for £1) .. .. .. .. .. 458 16 2 290. Nelson Creek-Bell Hill.. .. .. .. .. .. ... 200 0 0 294. Pott's Creek Bridge .. .. .. .. .. . . .. 150 0 0 295. Red Jack's Creek Road . . .. . . .. .. . . .. 100 0 0 298. Spring Creek Bridge (Kotuku - Moana Road) .. .. .. .. 346 12 5 308. Westbrook Road (deviation) (on account of £2,100) .. .. .. 513 16 1 Westland County. 270. Adair's Road . . . . .. .. .. .-. .. • • 100 0 0 271. Arahura - Wainihinihi Track .. .. .. .. .. .. 16176 273. Back Creek Road . . 98 9 0 276. Eel Creek Track Protection .. .. . . .. .. .. 49 7 0 277. Gillam's Gully Road Extension and Overflow .Bridge .. .. .. 86 0 0 278. Gillespie's Track . . .. .. .. .. • • • • 75 0 0 282. Hokitika Boundary Road .. .. .. .. • ■ ■ • 72 6 1 283. Kanieri Tramway Road.. .. .. .. .. .. •• 100 0 0 285. Larrikin's - Loopline Road .. .. .. .. .. • • 100 0. 0 291. No. 4 Channel Road, Dillman's .. .. .. .. .. •• 100 0 0 292. Okarito - Forks Road and Track. . .. . . .. .. • • 69 4 0 293. Piper's Flat Bridge .. .. .. .. •. • ■ • • 455 18 6 297. Seddon's. Terrace .. .. ... .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 299. Stafford Tracks .. .. . . .. .. .. ... 51 11 0 309. Westland Reefs Prospecting Track .. .. .. .. .. 75 0 0 310.. Whitcombe Valley Track .. .. .. .. .. •• 64 16 0 311. Wilberforce Track .. .. .. .. .. • • ■ • 75 2 6 Ross Borough 296. Ross - Railway-station, Ross .. .. .. .. • • • • 100 0 0 £5,998 5 3



TABLE No, 4— core^WM <"2ROADS ON GOLDKlELDS— continued. Otago. Tuapeka County. £ s , d. 313. Lawrence-Tuapeka (£1 for £1) .. .. .. ~ .. ... 100 0 0 320. Rae's Junction-Island Block (£1 for £1) .. .. .. .. 60 0 0 Lake County. 331. Glenorchy - Reid's Mine .. .. .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 332. Macetown-Reefs . . . . . . . . ... , . 26 4 6 339. Reid's Battery - Bonnie Jean . . . . .. . . . . . . 150 0 0 £486 4 6 Southland. Southland County. £ s . ( j. 333. McKenzie's Hill Road, Waikaka (£1 for £1) . . . . . . .. 50 0 0 342. Waikaia - Dredges Road (repairs), (£3 for £2) . . . . . . .. 139 7 0 343. Waikaia Township - Block X (£1 for £1) .. . . . . . . ;. 50 0 0 345. Waikaka-Edge's Coal-pit (£1 for £1) .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 352. Oharlton Creek Dredging Claims .. . . . . .. .. . . 50 0 0 353. Christopherson's Road (£1 for £1) .. .. .. ... 123 6 0 354. Gore - Kelvin Road (£5O, £1 for £1) .. .. .. 150 0 0 358. Parker's Bridge and Approaches .. .. . . .. .. 100 0 0 Wallace County. 348. Colac - Round Hill . . . . . . ..' .. . . .. 300 0 0 350. Riverton - Beach .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 123 10 1 ,351. Ruahine - Beach .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 151 5 0 £1,337 8 1 £ s. d. Expenditure for year ended 31st March, 1914 .. , . .. .. 24,143 2 0 Expenditure for previous years .. .. .. .. .. 973,107 16 10 Total expenditure to 31st March, 1914, on Roads on Goldfields .. £997,250 18 10



TABLE No. 5. DEVELOPMENT OF GOLDFIELDS. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure for Water-races on Goldfields out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1914, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Expenditure. Liabilities. ' Locality and Name of Race. Survey and Grants, Construction, Subsidies, 1870-1913. 1870-1913. Survey and ! Grants, Construction Subsidies, 1913-1914. 1913-3914. Totals. Authorities on Construction. Authorities on Grants, Contracts. Subsidies. Totals. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Locality and Name of Race. i NORTH ISLAND. Auckland Pbovinoial District — Thames Tairua Water-race Compensation, Thames Water-race R. Kelly's water-race, Mata Kuaotunu Sludge-channel Drain, Te Aroha West £ .. d. 80,708 19 3 £ s. d. : 34 5 4 1,250 0 0 40 0 0 230 0 0 61 0 0: £ s. a.! £ s. d. £ s. d. 80,708 19 3 34 5 4 1,250 0 0 40 0 0 230 0 0 61 0 0: £ s. d. £ s. d. P s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. NORTH ISLAND. Auckland Provincial District — 80,708 19 3 Thames. 34 5 4 Tairua Water-race. 1,250 0 0 Compensation, Thames Water-race. 40 0 0; R. Kelly's water-race, Mata. 230 0 0 Kuaotunu Sludge-channel. 61 0 0 Drain, Te Aroha West. _. ■ • 80,708 19 3 1,615 5 4 82,324 4 7 82,324 4 7 SOUTH ISLAND. Westland Provincial District — Subsidies — Hohonu Hibernian .. New River Kanieri Rimu Drainage-tunnel Ross Sludge-channel Kumara Sludge-channel No. 2 Kumara Sludge-channel No. 3 Kumara No. 4 Main Tail-race .. Kumara No. 5 Main Tail-race .. Trustees Main Tail-race, Waimea Branch Tail-race to No. 4 Channel, Payne and party Kelly's Terrace Tunnel Quinn's Creek Water-race (purchase) liaising dam, Loop-line Ngahore-Blackball Donnelly's Creek Tail-race Purchase of Byrne, O'Hallahan, and Murdoch's water-rights Jones Creek Storm-ohannel Back Creek Water-race Ford and party, Park Terrace .. McConnonand Garner, Dilmanstown Murchie and Benyon, Kumara Government Works — Brin-go-Bragh (deviation) Erin-go-Bragh (purchase) Waimea-Kumara Wainihinihi Water-race Mikonui Nelson Provincial District — Government Works — Nelson Creek Napoleon Hill Argyle (Charleston) Black's Point 3 7 0! 12 5 8 21 5 0 15 6: 191 19 6 :: ■ I 75 0 0 1,125 16 6 1,955 12 1 1.992 U 8 3,496 0 3 10,310 18 4 32 0 0 1,554 10 6 . 2,762 17 2 1,199 7 6 1,151 10 8 5,666 14 11 2,294 6 8 100 0 0 2,587 13 0j 70 0 0 200 0 0 444 4 5 35 0 0 •• ■• i I • ■ 1,958 19 1 i 2,005 0 4 3,517 5 3 10,312 3 10 223 19 6 1,554 10 6 2,762 17 2 1,274 7 6 1,151 10 8 5,666 14 11 2,294 6 8 100 0 0 2,587 13 0 70 0 0 1,125 16 6 200 0 0 444 4 5 35 0 0 . i ■ I :: •• .• .. •• •• ■ • ■ •• - SOUTH ISLAND. Westland Provincial District — Subsidies — 1,958 19 1 Hohonu. 2,005 0 4 Hibernian. 3,517 5 3 New River. 10,312 3 10 Kanieri. 223 19 6 Rimu Drainage-tunnel. 1,554 10 6 Ross Sludge-channel. 2,762 17 2 Kumara Sludge-channel No. 2. 1,274 7 6 Kumara Sludge-channel No. 3. 1,151 10 8 Kumara No. 4 Main Tail-race. 5,666 14 11 Kumara No. 5 Main Tail-race. 2,294 6 8 Trustees Main Tail-race,Waimea, 100 0 0 Branch Tail-race to No. 4 Channel, Payne and party. ■ 2,587 13 0 ! Kelly's Terrace Tunnel. 70 0 0 Quinn's Creek Water-race (purchase). 1,125 16 6 Raising dam, Loop-line. 200 0 0 Ngahere-Blackball. 444 4 5 Donnelly's Creek Tail-race. 35 0 0 Purchase of Byrne, O'Hallahan. and Murdoch's water-rights. 425 0 0 Jones Creek Storm-channel. 330 1 0 Back Creek Water-race. 108 18 0 Ford and party, Park Terrace. 300 0 0 McConnon and Garner, Dilmanstown. 150 0 0 Murchie and Benyon, Kumara. Government Works — 458 4 8 Erin-go-Bragh (deviation). 1,800 0 0 Erin-go-Bragh (purchase). |l97,630 3 6 Waimea-Kumara. 1 14,152 17 7 Wainihinihi Water-race. 25,927 4 6 Mikonui. Nelson Provincial District — Government Works — 90,722 10 8 Nelson Creek. 257 16 7 Napoleon Hill. 16,10115 3 Argyle (Charleston). 244 9 0 Black's Point. 1,958 19 1 2,005 0 4 3,517 5 3 10,312 3 10 223 19 6 1,554 10 6 2,762 17 2 1,274 7 6 1,151 10 8 5,666 14 11 2,294 6 8 100 0 0 i i 2,587 13 0 1 70 0 0, 1,125 16 6 200 0 0 444 4 5 35 0 0 • • -. I I ■ 100 0 0 330 1 0 325 0 0 10818 0 300 0 0 i 425 0 0 330 1 0 108 18 0 300 0 0 • ■ i 425 0 0 330 1 0 108 18 0 300 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 195,850 9 4 14,152 17 7 25,927 4 6 62 15 1 458 4 8 1,086 3 1 1,800 0 0 458 4 8 1,800 0 0 196,999 7 6 14,152 17 7 25,927 4 6l 630 16 0 • 458 4 8 1,800 0 0 197,630 3 6 14,152 17 7 25,927 4 6 90,722 10 8 257 16 7 15,951 15 3 244 9 0 15o" 0 0 90,722 10 8 257 16 7 16,101 15 3 244 9 0 90,722 10 8 257 16 7 16,101 15 3 244 9 0 •• • • •■ Carried forward 385,893 10 1 344,968 3 lj 136,950 3 3 1,544 7 9' 1,800 0 0; ;385,262 li l| 630 16 0| 630 16 0| >




TABLE No. 4—continued. DEVELOPMENT OF GOLDFIELDS— continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure for Water-races on Goldfields out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1914, and the Liabilities on that Date— continued.

Expenditure. Liabilities. Locality and Name of Race. Survey and Construction, 1870-1913. Grants, Survey and Subsidies, Construction 1870-1913. 1913-1914. Grants, Subsidies, 1913-1914. Totals. Authorities Authorities on on Grants, ; Contracts. Construction.; Subsidies. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Locality and Name of Race. Totals. Liabilities. £ s. d. 344,968 3 1; £ s. d. £ s. a. 36,950 3 3! 1,544 7 9J £ s. d. 1,800 0 0 £ s. d. 385,262 14 1 ' £ s. a. £ s. d. ■ £ s. d. 630 16 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 385,893 10 1 Brought forward SOUTH ISLAND— continued. Nelson Provincial Distbict — ctd. Subsidies — Jones, Baxter, and party, waterrace from Roaring Meg Bell Hill Co. , s Race .. Randall Creek Water-race Wills and party, water-race at Sulky Gully Otago Provincial Distbict — Subsidies — Arrow Beaumont and Tuapeka Carrick Range Mount Pisgah Lawrence Drainage-channel .. Ophir Tail-race Muddy Creek Channel St. Bathan's Maerewhenua Artesian wells, Maniototo Improving water-supply, Oaraaru Mountain Hut Water-race Government Works — Mount Ida Waipori Alexandra (purchase) Canterbury Provincial District — Subsidy — Ninety-mile Beach Water-race Southland Provincial District — Subsidy — Round Hill General — Increased water-supply Departmental — Salaries, travelling, advertising, &c. 322 18 2 4 6 2 •• - 1 .. 1,065 0 0 20 0 0 1,600 7 2 4,879 12 Ol 800 0 0 500 0 0: 218 0 0l I i 612 10 0 640 0 0 9,249 13 1 200 0 0 3,092 19 0 1,150 0 0 850 0 0 2,314 4 0 i I .. " 800 0 0 500 0 0 322 18 2 218 0 0 i 612 10 0 644 6 2 9,249 13 1 200 0 0 3,092 19 0 1,150 0 0 850 0 0 2,314 4 0 1,065 0 0 20 0 0 1,600 7 2 4,879 12 0 ■ ! i "■ I I "• 800 0 0 500 0 Ol 322 18 2 218 0 0 612 30 0 644 6 2 9,249 18 1 200 0 01 3,092 19 0 1,150 0 0: 850 0 0 2,314 4 0: 1,065 0 0 ! 20 0 0 1,600 7 2 4,879 12 0 SOUTH ISLAND— continued. Nelson Provincial District — ctd. Subsidies — Jones, Baxter, and party, waterrace from Roaring Meg. Bell Hill Co.'s Race. Randall Creek Water-race. Wills and party, water-race al Sulky Gully. Otago Provincial District — Subsidies — Arrow. Beaumont and Tuapeka. Carrick Range. Mount Pisgah. Lawrence Drainage-channel. Ophir Tail-race. Muddy Creek Channel. St. Bathan's. Maerewhenua. Artesian wells, Maniototo. Improving water-supply, Oamaru, Mountain Hut Water-race. Government Works — Mount Ida. Waipori. Alexandra (purchase). Canterbury Provincial District— Subsidy — Ninety-mile Beach Water-race. Southland Provincial District — Subsidy — Round Hill. General — Increased water-supply. Departmental — Salaries travelling, advertising, &c, ■ 73,832 10 6i 11,263 1 0 16,956 7 3 44 19 6 ■ i 73,877 10 0 11,263 1 0 16,956 7 3 .. " I 73,877 10 0 11,263 1 0 16,956 7 3 65 6 7 65 6 7 65 6 7' 133 19 4 133 19 4 133 19 4 530 4 0 100 0 0 630 4 0 630 4 0 6,763 9 6 6,763 9 6 6,763 9 6 Totals :62,271 5 5 56,811 1,589 7 3 1,800 0 0 522,472 1 4 630 16 0 Totals. 523,102 17 i\ SUMMARY. Nobth Island South Island 80,708 19 3 462,271 5 5 1,615 5 4 56,811 8 8 1,589 7 3 1,615 5 4 .. .. 82,324 4 7 56,811 8 8 1,589 7 3 1,800 0 0522,472 14.. .. 630 16 0 58,426 14 0 1,589 7 s| 1,800 0 0604,796 5 11 .. .. 630 16 0 82,324 4 7 523,102 17 4 SUMMARY. North Island. South Island. Totals 542,980 4 8 Totals. 605,427 1 11



TABLE No. 5a. DEVELOPMENT OF GOLDFIELDS. STATEMENT showing Assistance towards Prospecting, and Miscellaneous Services, out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1914, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Total Expenditure to Slst March, 1913. Net Expenditure during Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1914. Total Net Expenditure to Slat March, 1914. Liabilities on 31st March, 1914. Total Net Expenditure; and Liabilities. £ s. d. Assistance towards prospecting .. 41,217 5 9 Oil-boring, Kotuku .. .. 207 10 0 Purchase and expenses of diamond 16,043 2 9 and other drills Prospecting deep levels, Thames — Deep Levels crosscut subsidy .. ' 6,000 0 0 Queen of Beauty shaft subsidy .. 25,000 0 0 Inspector's fee .. .. 500 0 0 Cost and expenses, purchase, plant, 7,097 18 10 &c. Lowering water, Queen of Beauty j 400 0 0 shaft Deepening and unwatering Queen 9,205 16 6 of Beauty shaft Prospecting deep levels, Ross .. . 15,019 4 4 Purchase of Cassrell's and Bennett's 2,250 0 0 leaseholds, Paeroa Compensation proclamation of rivers 42,924 2 5 Water-conservation— Beports on Coromandel Harbour 80 12 G and Kuaotunu Sludge-channel Engineer's salary and expenses .. 3,219 0 2 Reports on Ross' Flat .. .. 284 10 8 Eweburn Reservoir .. .. 16,459 15 10 Gimmerburn Creek embankment j 211 12 3 Greenland Swamp Dam .. 39 12 0 Home Gully Dam .. ..' 1,028 0 6 Manorburn Creek weir .. .. 457 1 7 Compensation, Owen Roberts .. 75 0 0 Compensation, kin of late R. Bel- 60 0 0 lamy Telephone-line, Bannockburn to 50 0 0 Nevis Resumption of land .. .. 862 7 0 Water-supplies for mining townships— Waikino .. .. .. 2,568 0 0 Waitekauri .. .. .. 445 2 5 Karangahake .. .. .. 607 6 5 Mackaytown .. .. .. 351 0 0 Clyde .. .. .. 1,121 13 2 Alexandra .. .. .. 600 0 0 Ophir .. .. .. 149 19 0 Ohinemuri River silting .. .. 3 12 0 Thames Drainage Board contribution I 1,000 0 0 Kumara Water - race extension 21,195 17 1 across Taramakau River Waimumu Main Tail-race .. 1,450 6 3 Charlton Creek Main Tail-race .. 408 7 1 Advances to companies .. .. 8,200 0 0 Protective works, Stafford .. 346 6 8 Dam, Bow Bell Plat .. .. 270 0 0 £ s. (1. £ s. d. 41,217 5 9 207 10 0 16,442 12 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. 41,217 5 9 207 10 0 17,004 1 6 399 10 0 •561 8 9 714 14 4 6,714 14 4 25,000 0 0 500 0 0 7,097 18 10 6,714 14 4 25,000 0 0 500' 0 0 7,097 18 10 400 0 0 400 0 0 9,205 16 6 9,205 lf> 6 15,019 4 4 2,250 0 0 15,019 4 4 2,250 0 0 * 42,924 2 5 42,924 2 5 SO 12 6 80 12 6 3,219 0 2 284 10 8 16,459 15 10 211 12 3 39 12 0 1,028 0 6 457 1 7 75 0 0 60 0 0 3,219 0 2 284 10 8 16,459 15 10 211 12 3 39 12 0 1,028 0 6 457 1 7 75 0 0 60 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 862 7 0 862 7 0 2,568 0 0 445 2 5 607 6 5 351 0 0 1,121 13 2 600 0 0 149 19 0 3 12 0 1,000 0 0 21,581 13 5 2,668 0 0 445 2 5 607 6 5 351 0 0 1,121 13 2 600 0 0 149 19 0 3 12 0 1,000 0 0 21,581 13 5 385 16 4 1,450 6 3 408 7 1 8,200 0 0 346 6 8 270 0 0 1,450 6 3 408 7 1 8,200 0 0 346 6 8 270 0 0 Totals .. .. 227,410 3 2 1,500 0 8 228,910 3 10 561 8 9 229,471 12 7 *Now iaid ou it of Consolidated P ind.


t>.— i

TABLE No. 6 TABLE showing the Expenditure on, and the Cost of, Telegraph and Telephone Construction during the Year ended 31st March, 1914.

Line. Expenditure. Material from Stores. Total Cost during the Year. Telephone Exchanges— Ashburton Auckland Blenheim Christchurch .. Dannevirke Dunedin Feilding Gisborne Greymouth Hamilton Hawera Hokitika Invercargill Levin Masterton Napier Nelson New Plymouth Oamaru Pahiatua Palmerston North Rotorua Stratford Thames Timaru Wanganui Wellington Westport Whangarei £ s. d. 398 19 4 28,870 1 6 2,514 10 1 5,459 16 11 164 0 9 4,753 2 9 404 3 2 3,349 5 4 112 0 8 1,838 14 4 2,441 13 4 58 3 3 3,505 8 2 281 2 7 1,129 4 10 4,199 17 9 586 18 11 1,115 7 0 252 13 3 466 6 10 503 15 7 125 3 5 1,162 12 9 772 17 4 2,258 9 5 2,468 14 2 19,561 1 0 57 17 5 376 17 6 £ s. d. 420 18 4 40,020 14 1 3,760 3 2 10,707 5 2 603 1 9 7,422 2 9 732 2 3 4,560 6 5 172 9 4 1,323 4 7 5,644 10 6 161 15 4 4,744 4 7 488 12 6 2,058 7 11 7,640 7 1 1,642 4 0 3,256 13 6 324 16 11 700 19 5 929 10 3 291 3 7 350 4 ] 1,630 0 5 3,132 6 5 5,397 8 11 40,149 3 2 131 6 11 894 0 8 £ s. d. 819 17 8 68,890 15 7 6,274 13 3 16,167 2 1 767 2 6 12,175 5 6 1,136 5 5 7,909 11 9 284 10 0 3,161 18 11 8,086 3 10 219 18 7 8,249 12 9 769 15 1 3,187 12 9 11,840 4 10 2,229 2 11 4,372 0 6 577 10 2 1,167 6 3 1,433 5 10 416 7 0 1,512 16 10 2,402 17 9 5,390 15 10 7,866 3 1 59,710 4 2 189 4 4 1,270 18 2 Total exchanges 89,188 19 4 149,290 4 0 238,479 3 4 Te Hapua Extension Kaurinui Extension Ohaeawai Telephone-office Mangonui-Ohaeawai-Kawakawa (metallic circuit) Kaitaia-Takahue Extension Mangamuka Extension Mangatangirau Extension Otoroa - Matauri Bay Extension .. Kerikeri-Purerua Extension Broadwood-Whakarapa Extension Taikawhana Extension Punakitere Extension Mairi Extension . . Oue Extension Kawakawa-Ohaeawai (metallic circuit) Tanekaha Extension Tutukaka Extension Maungakohatu Extension Dargaville-Whangarei Whangarei (metallic circuit) Pukehuia Extension Puwera Telephone-office Waipu-Paparoa (metallic circuit) Waipu - Maungaturoto Junction (metallic circuit) Waipu-Ruakaka (metallic circuit) Otamatea Extension Waiwhiu Extension .. ... 4 14 6 5 2 0 88 2 0 17 0 246 12 6 7 2 0 64 13 0 374 10 4 6 9 1 14 6 8 11 2 8 14 0 9 47 3 4 0 4 0 1 13 5 2 0 10 3.10 0 34 18 11 0 9 1 22 2 4 21 3 4 3 1 5 132 17 5 3 4 5 13 7 9 7 1 10 3 15 4 39 13 5 5 2 0 0 9 1 110 4 4 22 10 4 246 12 6 10 3 5 64 13 0 132 17 5 377 14 9 19 16 10 21 8 6 14 18 0 14 0 9 47 3 4 0 4 0 6 5 3 31 0 11 3 10 0 269 3 7 57 9 8 19 7 8 9 10 8 41 9 7 4 11 10 29 0 1 36 16 3 7 2 6 3 9 1 7 4 0 269 3 7 20 13 5 12 5 2 6 1 7 34 5 7 51 3 3 2 1 0 125 11 6 29 10 7 3 15 1 125 11 6 80 13 10 5 16 1


TABLE No. 6—continued. TABLE showing the Expenditure on, and the Cost of, Telegraph and Telephone Construction during the Year ended 31st March, 1914 — continued.


Line. Expenditure. Material from Stores. Total Cost during the Year. Woodcocks Extension TeMara Waiaka Dairy Flat Reweti Telephone-office Kennedy's Bay Extension Auckland-Wellington New Line Auckland-Helensville (metallic circuit) Onehunga East Extension Panmure-EUerslie (metallic circuit) Milford Extension Birkenhead-Wainoni Extension Papatoetoe-Manurewa (metallic circuit) Kohimarama Extension Te Marama Extension Parawera Camp Bureau Oparakau Extension Waipipi Extension Pukekohe Telephone-line Manurewa-Pukekohe (metallic circuit) Pukekohe-Patumahoe (metallic circuit) Drury-Waiuku (metallic circuit) Patumahoe - Waiau Pa Extension Waiau Pa Extension Paparimu Extension Piarere Extension Pokeno-Pukekohe (metallic circuit) Razorback Extension Thames-Pokeno Morse Wire Motutieke Telephone-office Tuketuke Extension Kopuarahi Extension Tairua-Hikuai Extension Whangamarino Extension Tehoe Extension Taihaia Extension Eastport Extension Pipitoa Telephone-office Te Araroa - Whangaparoa Te Araroa (Morse and metallic circuit) Raglan - Te Mata - Aotea Telephone-wire .. Te Mata - Aotea Telephone-wire Kauroa Extension Raglan - Te Aku Extension Te Pahu Extension Harapipi Extension Hamilton-Auckland (metallic circuit) Morrinsville-Hamilton (telephone circuit) Hamilton-Raglan Telephone-wire Maungatautari-Horahora .. Cambridge-Horahora-Maungatautari (metallic circuit) Cambridge - Te Awamutu (metallic circuit)' .. Ohaupo-Cambridge (metallic circuit) Matanuku Extension Cambridge-Rotorua (metallic circuit) Te Mawhia Extension Komakorau Extension Ranginui Extension Matapara Extension Horsham Downs Extension Tirau Post-office £ s. d. 14 13 3 16 6 25 18 1 15 7 5 0 10 0 91 0 11 20 17 9 112 10 7 17 6 6 18 19 6 . £ s. d. 12 9 6 3 15 0 40 17 1 0 11 11 8,916 3 10 341 14 9 22 2 8 £ s. d. 27 2 9 5 1 6 66 15 2 15 7 5 0 10 0 91 12 10 8,937 1 7 454 5 4 39 9 2 18 19 6 4 0 5 155 15 8 12 13 1 59 6 2 21 17 11 1 5 0 6 19 8 37 4 11 0 16 9 104 4 9 35 19 4 37 17 5 3 15 4 223 6 4 136 5 9 19 11 2 292 9 7 27 19 6 580 0 0 11 4 3 0 2 6 5 0 7 195 15 8 36 19 1 134 16 5 13 19 10 316 1 5 4 5 10 1,035 2 1 198 0 1 175 1 3 2 15 4 22 12 9 25 13 6 102 5 7 92 12 7 4,328 18 7 310 4 5 419 19 4 0 3 1 196 7 8 105 10 7 12 13 1 5 8 0 2 4 0 1 5 0 2 19 6 19 1 4 104 4 9 15 8 10 '' 1 10 2 99 2 8 48 0 5 , 60 2 9 15 13 5 580 0 0 3 6 11 0 2 6 0 13 0 97 4 10 36 19 1 133 9 8 12 14 0 101 5 8 611 10 8 118 8 0 135 15 10 i 13 0 3 25 13 6 37 12 11 57 14 10 i 499 11 0 98 18 7 231 14 6 130 0 9 ] 4 0 5 50 5 1 53 18 2 19 13 11 4 0 2 18 3 7 0 16 9 20 10 6 36 7 3 3 15 4 124 3 8 88 5 4 19 11 2 232 6 10 12 6 1 7 17 4 4 7 7 98 10 10 16 9 1 5 10 214 15 9 4 5 10 423 11 5 79 12 1 39 5' 5 2 15 4 9 12 6 64 12 8 34 17 9 3,829 7 7 211 5 10 188 4 10 0 3 1 66 6 11 256 12 7 89 16 9 380 15 11 0 3 4 18 4 8 15 19 7 34 16 8 21 10 6 76 10 0 32 7 4 108 12 2 763 10 7 4 6 2 34 13 0 3 17 0 56 9 1 0 8 6 333 2 7 32 7 4 198 8 11 1,144 6 6 4 9 6 52 17 8 15 19 7 38 13 8 77 19 7 0 8 6



TABLE No. 6— continued. TABLE showing the Expenditure on, and the Cost of, Telegraph and Telephone Construction during the Year ended 31st March, 1914 — continued.

Line. Expenditure. Material from Stores. Total Cost during the Year. Dirau-Okoroire (metallic circuit) Dkoroire Extension §j 3 uketurua Extension Fe Poi Extension iaimai Extension) iVaharoa-Matamata (metallic circuit) £awhia-Te Awamutu Telephonic Communication lawhia - Te Rauamoa r'uketotara Extension . . . . ' ilangiatea Extension tfaihiihi Extension Pukeatua (Tauriri) Extension Caihoa Extension STgongotahi-Tauranga (metallic circuit) SFohoroa Extension tVharepapa Extension Rotorua - Te Teko Extension Putaruru-Rotorua (metallic circuit) Rotorua-Waiotapu (metallic circuit) Fort Galatea Extension 3tangihakau Telephone-office Idatakanea-Oponae Extension Dpotiki - Cape Runaway Telephone-line Dape Runaway Line VEoeatoa-Mangaohae Extension Parakoko Telephone-office Parakoko Valley Extension Rira Telephone-office Kaeaea-Rira Extension Cokaanu Morse .. faumatawhenga Extension Muripara - Te Houhi Extension Iwamarino Telephone-office ■ .. Dnekeneke Junction - Taupo Wires Paraheka Valley Extension iVhenuanui Extension ffhenuanui Line . . . . ... VEangapapa Extension iVaitaanga Extension VIahirakau Extension Roto Extension .. taumarunui-Otonui Extension Dtonui Extension Cangitere Extension VEiritu Extension SYaitara - New Plymouth, Waitara-Stratford, Stratford - New Plymouth Telephone-wires VIatara - New Plymouth Line EHUborough Extension Ratapiko Extension Motonui Extension Sgatimiro Extension Maraekowhai Extension .. Fe Huia Extension VIangaohutu Extension Potae Ma Extension Wanganui-Pipiriki Telephone-wire VIanaia-Auroa (metallic circuit) EEawera-Manutahi (metallic circuit) EEawera-Manawapou VEaungakaretu Extension £ s. d. 65 18 7 33 19 0 38 6 7 289 4 4 £ s. d. 37 4 4 16 0 8 135 2 3 5 11 3 449 4 10 26 12 10 £ s. d. 103 2 11 16 0 8 169 1 3 43 17 10 738 9 2 26 12 10 8 6 0 8 6 0 10 6 9 93 19 8 30 16 6 13 13 3 1 17 3 5 5 6 0 13 9 293 7 6 421 2 0 113 4 7 2 19 0 0 3 3 272 9 8 387 5 11 20 12 4 89 9 4 18 5 6 0 8 2 121 4 2 50 0 0 91 5 7 167 8 7 0 8 4 47 11 8 49 2 1 163 18 1 3 13 4 3 12 10 4 14 6 363 13 10 160 13 6 161 19 2 196 2 4 13 12 8 19 3 1 2 11 17 4 4 0 8 2 131 10 11 143 19 8 122 2 1 167 8 7 13 13 3 2 5 7 52 17 2 0 13 9 342 9 7 421 2 0 277 2 8 6 12 4 3 16 1 277 4 2 750 19 9 160 13 6 182 11 6 196 2 4 103 2 0 37 8 7 2 1 1 17 4 4 0 5 7 327 14 1 23 1 8 9 19 8 7 13 6 342 2 2 255 6 4 7 8 11 8 18 6 4 16 0 28 11 0 136 11 8 0 10 0 33 14 5 62 7 3 1,233 3 3 0 5 7 327 14 1 3 2 5 112 14 7 23 1 8 6 17 3 7 13 6 229 7 7 255 6 4 7 1 11 0 7 0 8 18 6 10 7 28 11 0 3 15 5 136 11 8 0 10 0 33 14 5 13 17 6 205 9 i 48 9 9 1,027 13 11 14 0 36 12 4 0 19 9 49 15 3 25 5 0 32 4 7 100 9 9 131 9 11 7 4 0 3 15 0 2 11 8 1 11 10 4 19 4 71 2 0 6 15 3 32 2 4 144 9 4 115 4 0 20 1 5 2 11 8 14 0 38 4 2 5 19 1 120 17 3 25 5 0 6 15 3 64 6 11 244 19 1 246 13 11 27 5 5 3 15 0 15 1 5 28 0 0 15 1 5 28 0 0



TABLE No. 6—continued. TABLE showing the Expenditure on, and the Cost of, Telegraph and Telephone Construction during the Year ended 31st March, 1914 — continued.

Expenditure. Material from Stores. Total Cost during the Year. Line. Matukuroa Telephone-office Quarantine Island - Napier Bureau Napier-Waipawa (metallic circuit) .. Napier-Taradale, Hastings-Havelock Circuit Tokomaru Bay - Gisborne (metallic circuit) . . Napier South. Telephone-office Haumoana Telephone-line Mangatahi Extension Hastings-Taradale (metallic circuit) Waverley-Waitotara (metallic circuit) Waiouru-Karioi Telephone-wire Tauangatutu Extension Karioi Extension Turakina South Extension Marton-Hunterville (metallic circuit) Rongotea Siding Bureau Palmerston North - Waipawa (metallic circuit) Porirua Hospital - Post-office Bainesse Telephone-office Palmerston North - Marton (metallic circuit) Palmerston North - Woodville (metallic circuit) Maharahara West Extension Masterton-Alfredton (metallic circuit) Wellington - Palmerston North (metallic circuit) Wellington-Porirua Wellington-Hutt (underground) Wellington-Paekakariki Tahamoana Extension Upper Hutt - Akatarawa Maymorn Extension Neudorf Telephone-office Matariki Telephone-office Bainham Bureau Port Hardy Extension Whareatea Extension Nelson - Port Nelson Wire Tadmor-Glenhope Extension Mapua Extension Harakeke Extension Upper Moutere Bureau Wakefield-Belgrove (metallic circuit) Havelock-Mahakipawa, Picton-Mahakipawa, Manaroa (metallic circuit) Havelock-Renwicktown Telephone-line Te Mehia Telephone-office. . .. Denniston - Burnett's Face (metallic circuit) Granity-Mokihinui Extension Katanga Telephone-line Waitaiawa Extension Oparara Extension Mangatina Extension Kotinga Extension Katanga Telephone-office Fairdown Telephone-office Kawatiri-Glenhope Extension Fabian's Valley Extension Mangarata Extension Poito Extension Maruawera Telephone-office Hapuka - Clarence Bridge (metallic circuit) .. Hapuka-Kaikoura (metallic circuit) £ s. d. 0 4 0 2 9 0 833 6 5 60 9 1 49 9 10 8 6 8 1 18 7 £ b. d. 3 18 9 12 14 9 0 6 0 1,256 19 4 4 9 3 2 7 3 181 0 5 2 2 5 4 16 7 3 8 7 5 12 11 4 8 10 322 11 11 £ s. d. 4 2 9 12 14 9 |2 9 0 |0 6 0 2,090 5 9 4 9 3 62 16 4 230 10 3 2 2 5 8 6 8 4 16 7 5 7 2 5 12 11 5 1 10 387 1 11 0 11 0 507 10 10 13 3 2 1 0 0 1,276 5 1 537 10 8 87 14 3 9 3 9 77 1 1 0 13 0 64 10 0 0 11 0 6 0 0 501 10 10 13 3 2 1 0 0 484 13 3 313 7 3 12 4 6 791 11 10 224 3 5 75 9 9 9 3 9 0 4 3 76 16 10 1 4 9 22 17 0 22 3 6 0 18 0 4 1 8 2 0 0 8 1 9 8 2 10 153 3 4 4 3 7 28 2 6 42 8 11 8 14 3 3 0 0 8 19 1 4 9 8 2 10 176 0 4 4 3 7 28 2 6 64 12 5 9 12 3 3 0 0 4 1 8 6 12 10 4 2 2 94 2 4 106 " 6 4 17 16 8 0 6 6 74 12 6 383 6 1 46 6 4 40 2 1 5 16 0 4 12 10 4 2 2 . 47 16 0 66 4 3 12 0 8 0 6 6 27 10 3 55 8 1 47 2 3 327 18 0 321 12 4 1 0 0 14 14 2 34 0 2 3 3 0 25 2 2 89 14 5 2 0 0 12 12 2 1 0 10 186 9 7 47 5 0 15 0 982 11 1 10 9 11 38 10 0 25 0 3 24 0 9 26 13 9 1,304 3 5 10 0 25 4 1 72 10 2 3 3 0 50 2 5 113 15 2 2 0 0 26 13 9 12 12 2 5 5 5 314 15 3 89 1 1 7 14 5 32 8 4 6 7 3 22 2 0 54 5 4 4 4 7 128 5 8 41 16 1 6 95 32 8 4 4 0 9 2 6 6 22 2 0 54 5 4



TABLE No. 6—continued. TABLE showing the Expenditure on, and the Cost of, Telegraph and Telephone Construction during the Year ended 31st March, 1914-continued.

Line. Expenditure. Material from ; Total Cost during Store. the Year. Hauhunga Telephone-office Kaikoura - Green Hills (metallic circuit) Greymouth-Stillwater Telephone-line Hokitika - Kanieri Forks and Hokitika-Rua-tapu (metallic circuit) Hokitika-Kumara Telephone-line Cameron's Extension Hawarden Bureau Ha warden Morse Wire Tokama Extension Omihi Bureau Marehoko Extension Ten-mile Creek Telephone-office Alterations consequent on erection of Lake Coleridge power line Cust-Springbank (metallic circuit) .. Rangiora-Amberley (metallic circuit) Oaro Extension .. Christchurch-Rakaia (metallic circuit) Christchurch-Kaiapoi (metallic circuit) Christchurch-Ashburton (metallic circuit) Christchurch-Leeston (metallic circuit) Christchurch-Kaikoura (metallic circuit) Christchurch-Darfield (metallic circuit) Christchurch-Sockburn (metallic circuit) Cashmere Hills - Teddington (metallic circuit) New Brighton Hororata - Lake Coleridge Line Quail Island Glenroy Extension Irwell Extension Rolleston Bureau Upper Riccarton Ashburton-Winslow (metallic circuit) Ashburton-Windermere (metallic circuit) Ashburton-Tinwald (metallic circuit) Ashburton-Mayfield (metallic circuit) Little River - Akaroa (metallic circuit) Maronan Extension Lynnford Extension Owersby Extension Walesbach Extension Tripp Extension Motukarara Extension Moura Extension Rangitata Island Extension Upper Shotover Extension Kuriheka Extension Marakerake Extension Kauru Hill Extension Palmerston-Waikouaiti (metallic circuit) Palmerston-Hampden (metallic circuit) Parawa Extension SeaclifE Telephone-office Omimi Bureau Balfour-Gore Morse Greenvale Telephone Extension Park Hill Extension Dunedin - Port Chalmers (metallic circuit) .. Poatiri Extension Te Tipua Extension Ngaro Extension.. a- £ s. d. 33 13 0 39 8 3 0 8 0 81 4 5 107 10 6 27 1 6 0 14 2 15 9 0 17 8 4 0 2 4 3 0 1 2 15 0 413 6 7 22 15 9 194 7 4 16 7 7 1 2 6 43 4 0 327 9 8 111 7 6 1,662 0 5 175 16 9 475 10 0 266 0 0 0 2 3 1 15 2 .310 46 0 2 7 18 4 4 3 8 ■ 257 7 3 16 16 8 20 10 10 26 17 4 0 7 6 27 15 4 76 19 4 115 14- 0 113 4 8 101 12 11 125 4 5 31 3 11 75 10 1 0 13 8 131 0 4 28 12 7 0 17 11 14 17 5 147 3 10 26 6 0 6 11 4 2 3 6 206 4 1 £ S. d. £ s. d. 33 13 0 49 8 8 88 16 11 0 8 0 2 4 2 83 8 7 8 10 5 116 0 11 32 4 11 59 6 5 3 6 8 4 0 10 33 13 2 49 2 2 .17 8 ! 3 9 0 3 II 4 13 5 7 16 5 8 3 11 6 6 6 6 16 0 8 429 7 3 22 15 9 244 14 7 439 1 11 14 6 4 30 13 11 12 6 110 5 1 153 9 1 L,071 9 2 1.398 18 10 142 2 9 253 10 3 2,001 2 1 3,663 2 6 220 0 4 395 17 1 1,339 10 1 1.339 10 1 56 16 2 532 6 2 8 16 5 8 16 5 266 0 0 10 16 0 10 16 0 74 4 4 74 6 7 1 15 2 4 7 4 7 8 4 5 17 5 5 17 5 27 4 8 27 4 8 34 3 11 80 4 1 11 14 5 19 12 9 91 11 2 95 14 10 1,058 5 5 ; .1,315 12 8 16 16 8 14 10 6 35 1 4 29 9 10 56 7 2 4 0 11 4 0 11 0 7 6 2 12 6 2 12 6 38 15 3 , 66 10 7 76 19 4 29 3 5 144 17 5 25 8 6 138 13 2 21 18 5 123 11 4 28 6 8 153 11 1 50 17 9 82 1 8 54 10 3 130 0 4 0 13 8 21 17 4 152 17 8 23 1 6 51 14 1 42 9 1 43 7 0 21 8 8 i 36 6 1 30 11 7 177 15 5 124 0 6 150 6 6 6 11 4 8 3 4 ! 10 6 10 36 6 8 242 10 9



TABLE No. 6—continued. TABLE showing the Expenditure on, and the Cost of, Telegraph and Telephone Construction during the Year ended 31st March, 1914 — continued.

Line. Expenditure. Expendi iture. Store Material from Stores. L 11UIIL es. Total Cost during the Year. Ngamotu Extension Hawthorndale Extension Winton-Dipton (metallic circuit) Glencoe Extension Gore-Tapanui (metallic circuit) Te Houka Extension Waikirikiri Extension Waronui Extension Wangaloa Extension Papatotara Extension Invercargill-Lumsden (metallic circuit) Riverton-Otautau-Nightcaps (metallic circuit) Papatupu Extension Otekura Extension Awatea Extension Papatowai Railway Telephone-office .. i Wireless Installation— Awanui Wellington Chatham Islands Awarua Rarotonga £ s. d. 5 9 6 1 0 3 47 13 11 6 3 1 480 16 5 2 17 t 129 16 3 35 11 8 46 12 4 50 3 9 2 8 3 102 1 2 54 19 2 24 2 4 41 13 5 2 0 9 £ 5 1 47 6 480 2 129 35 46 50 2 102 54 24 41 2 13,017 112 3,057 13,736 401 49.188 I S. <1. i 9 6 0 3 13 11 3 1 > 16 5 17 t 16 3 11 8 12 4 3 9 8 3 1 2 19 2 2 4 13 5 0 9 10 9 3 3 2 5; 15 1 ! 4 0 17 ft £ 15 15 218 391 54 72 71 51 186 92 10 58 10 15 35.418 £ s. d. 15 18 9 15 0 7 218 17 5 391 6 2 54 5 6 72 6 4 71 6 9 51 17 10 s. d 18 < o ■; 17 I 6 5 5 ( 6 4 6 i 17 1C 17 11 13 t 0 4 13 2 18 1C 12 1C 12 11 £ s. d. 21 8 3 16 0 10 266 11 4 6 3 1 872 2 7 2 17 4 184 1 9 107 18 0 117 19 1 102 1 7 2 8 3 288 19 1 147 12 7 34 2 8 100 6 7 12 19 7 186 17 11 92 13 5 10 0 4 58 13 2 10 18 10 13,017 10 9 112 3 3 3,057 2 5 13,736 15 1 401 4 0 15 12 10 13,033 3 7 112 3 3 3,057 2 5 13,736 15 1 401 4 0 49,188 17 5 35,418 12 11 84,607 0 4 Total telephone exchanges and new wires 1 Stock of material increased by *»,1OO 138,377 138,377 16 16 9 9 OD,tlO 184,708 69,560 184,708 16 11 69,560 19 7 ii 16 11 19 7 323,086 13 8 69,560 19 7 Total expenditure during year 1913-14 .. 1 138,377 16 138,377 16 9 I 9 254,269 254,269 16 16 6 6 392,647 13 3 Total expenditure to 31st March, 1913 .. Total expenditure 1913-14 2,277,125 8 392,647 13 2 3 Liabilities at 31st March, 1914 2,669,773 1 235,665 16 5 3 Total expenditure and liabilities £2,905,438 17 8



TABLE No. 7. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Public Buildings out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1914, and the Liabilities on that Date.

7—D. 1.

Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1913. Expenditure Total for Expenditure Year ended to 31st March, 31st March, 1914. 1914. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, 31st March, 1914. Total Expenditure and Liabilities, Judicial Postal and Telegraph Customs Offices for Public Departments Mental Hospitals Alexandra Depot, Wellington .. School Buildings Hospitals Quarantine-stations Parliament Buildings Parliament Buildings : New buildings Parliament Buildings: Alterations to streets surrounding grounds and purohase of land Government House, Wellington (land and new building) Agricultural Public Health Workers' Dwellings Miscellaneous £ 771,845 1,030,822 49,441 407,071 652,624 8,084 2,075,352 136,842 6,864 75,949 17,642 £ 28,445 78,815 36,099 26,001 121,954 1,435 14^853 £ 800,290 1,109,637 49,441 443,170 678,625 8,084 2,197,306 138,277 6,864 75,949 32,495 £ 1,912 24,499 14,771 20,727 £ 802,202 1,134,136 49,441 157,941 699,352 8,084 2,197,306 138,277 6,864 75,949 184,845 152 ', 350 3,275 8,759 12,034 12,034 58,433 1,535 59,968 59,968 41,473 32,754 69,099 49,655 4,398 41 \ 741 5,565 45,871 32,754 110,840 55,220 9^587 11,303 45,871 32,754 120,427 66,523 Totals 5,487,225 369,600 5,856,825 235,149 6,091,974 i



TABLE No. 8. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbourdefences out of Public Works Fund, to 31st March, 1914, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Net Total . Expenditure Expenditure ; during Twelve to 31st March, i Months ended 1913. 31st March, 1914. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1914. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, to 31st March, 1914. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Lighthouses. Akuroa Brothers Oape Brett Cape Campbell Gape Egmont Cape Foulwind Cape Kidnappers Cape Maria van Diemen Cape Palliser Cape Saunders Castle Point Centre Island Channel Islet Chicken Island Cuvier Island Dieffenbach Point Bast Cape Fog-signals French Pass Beacon French Pass Godley Head Fog-signal, protection of road Godley Head, improving road to lighthouse Hokitika.. Jackson's Reef Beacon Jackson's Head Beacon Jack's Point Kahurangi Point Kaipara Karori Rook Light Manukau Heads Marine Store Moeraki Moko Hinou North Cape Nugget Point (dwellings) Portland Island Puysegur Point Stephen Island Sugarloaf Light Timaru Tiritiri Cable Tory Channel Tuahine Point Waipapapa Poin t .. Miscellaneous, including expenditure on s.s."Hinemoa" and " Stella" £ s. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 11,237 3 5 4,218 8 9 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 1 2,109 11 7 7,614 13 11 7,312 9 6 6,066 0 8 9,395 9 3 5,785 19 0 £ s. d. 371 14 1 £ s. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 11,237 8 5 4,218 3 9 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 1 2,109 11 7 7,614 13 11 7,312 9 6 6,066 6 8 9,767 3 4 5,785 19 0 1,239 2 9 1,200 10 1 7,405 9 11 315 12 7 9,270 13 9 2,341 8 0 668 15 8 1,427 17 5 406 16 3 £ s. d £ s. A. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 11,237 3 5 4,218 3 9 3,354 6 4 0,955 9 1 2,109 11 7 7,614 13 11 7,312 9 f> 6,066 6 3 9,767 3 4 5,785 19 0 1,239 2 9 1,200 10 1 7,405 9 11 ■315 12 7 9,270 13 9 2,341 8 0 668 15 8 1,427 17 5 406 16 3 1,012 8 10 7,405 9 11 315 12 7 9,270 13 9 2,341 8 0 668 15 8 1,427 17 5 152 2 0 1,239 2 9 188 1 3 254 14 3 578 5 9 578 5 9 9 0 0 587 5 9 801 9 7 3,180 0 5 1,220 0 7 1,204 10 9 9,528 1 1 5,571 8 0 600 13 11 510 19 3 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 2,049 9 6 746 6 6 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 9,454 18 5 175 0 0 1,116 17 3 1,085 19 « 353 7 7 2,332 6 0 5,969 18 11 20,866 18 1 1,976 17 3 468' 8 0 97 6 11 801 9 7 3,180 0 5 1,220 0 7 1,204 10 9 9,528 1 1 5,571 8 0 1,976 17 3 600 13 11 979 7 8 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 2,146 16 5 746 6 6 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 9,454 18 5 175 0 0 1,116 17 3 1,085 19 6 353 7 7 2,332 6 0 5,969 18 11 20,866 18 1 303 0 0 621 0 0 801 9 7 3,180 0 5 1,220 0 7 1,204 10 9 9,528 1 1 5,571 8 0 2,279 17 3 600 13 11 1,600 7 3 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 2,146 16 5 746 6 6 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 9,454 18 5 175 0 0 1,116 17 3 1,085 19 6 353 7 7 2,332 6 0 5,969 18 11 20,866 18 1 Total Lighthouses 194,444 8 9 5,174 10 8 199,618 19 0 933 0 0 200,551 19 0 Harboub-works. Awanui Wharf and shed Horeke Wharf Kohukohu, reclamation wall Kohukohu, launch and horse-landing Motukaraka Wharf New house for boatman, Hokianga Harbour Ngunguru River, deepening Kaipara, removal of rocks Kaipara, Shelly Beach Beacon Kaipara, Mapuna Wharf Kaipara, dredging at Mititai Raupo, Otamatea, wharf repairs Tangiteroria Wharf Tangaihi Wharf Kirikopuni Wharf Maungaturoto Wharf Wharf at Howick Manukau Wharf at sandspit Manukau Harbour Endowment, outting Uμ and roading Loigh Wharf Pollok Wharf, Manukau .. 100 0 0 352 6 6 287 17 11 100 0 0 352 6 0 287 17 11 183 11 0 200 0 0 289 17 0 100 0 0 352 6 6 287 17 11 183 11 0 200 0 0 289 17 0 183'11 0 200 0 0 289 17 0 1,624 15 5 282 13 2 275 6 6 275 6 6 1,624 15 5 316 9 10 50 0 0 282 0 4 Cr. 80 8 !) 200 0 0 225 0 0 150 0 0 250 0 0 1,087 18 2 150 0 0 Cr. 275 6 6 1,624 15 5 316 9 10 50 0 0 282 0 4 80 8 9 200 0 0 225 0 0 150 0 0 250 0 0 1,087 18 2 150 0 0 33 16 8 50 0 0 282 0 4 Cr. 80 8 9 200 0 0 225 0 0 150 0 0 250 0 0 1,087 18 2 150 0 0 1,212 10 6 " Or. 1,212 10 6 150 0 0 375 14 7 375 14 7 150 0 0 375 14 7 150 0 0


TABLE No. 8— continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbourdefences out of Public Works Fund, &c.— continued.


Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1913. Expenditure : Total O n during Twelve, Expenditure Authorities, Months ended ! to 31st March, ?°"' r f *"■ *?■' 31st March, 1914. to 31st March,, 1914. 1914 - I I Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Harboub-works— continued. Whangarei Heads Wharf Waipu, improvement of river Mahurangi River, deepening Waiwera Wharf Wade River, clearing Puhoi River, clearing Awhitu Wharf Matakana Harbour Onehunga, examining-room and office Onehunga, dredging, &c, near wharf Orua Bay Wharf Port Mtzroy, Great Barrier Wharf .. Huia Wharf Graham Beach Wharf Waitemata, Deep Creek Wharf Warkworth Wharf Waiuku Channel Waiuku, berthage and whatf accommodation Waiuku-Waikato Canal survey Waikato River, snagging Waipa River improvements Mercury Bay Wharf Coromandel Wharf Cabbage Bay Wharf Omokoroa Wharf Uretara Wharf Matata Wharf Opotiki Wharf Waikokopu Harbour Wairoa Harbour Nubaka, land for harbour purposes .. Napier Harbour Lemon Point Wharf A wakino River improvements Mokau Wharf Mokau River improvements Ruakiwi Wharf Waitara Harbour Waikawau River, removal of rock at entrance Patea River, removing eel-weirs Patea River, snagging - .. Waitotara River, snagging Manawatu River, snagging Foxton Marine Reserve, Protection of Castle Point Jetty Picton, removal of old wharf Havelock Harbour Wairangi Bay Wharf, Croixelles Nelson, dredging harbour Elmslie Bay Wharf Waikawa Bav Wharf Elaine Bay Wharf Motueka Wharf, protection Tata Islands, harbour of refuge Takaka Harbour Collingwood Harbour Pakawau Wharf Little Wanganui Wharf, wharf approach and snagging river German Bay Wharf .. Karamea Wharf Karamea River improvements Karamea Harbour Light Westport Harbour Point Elizabeth Harbour Greymouth Harbour Lake Moana Wharf Hokitika Harbour Okarito Harbour Okuru Wharf and River improvements Martin's Bay, removal of rock Martin's Bay, shed Holyford River, removal of rocks Jackson's Bay Jetty and receiving-shed Wairau Harbour improvements £ s. d. 600 0 0 1,000 0 0 350 0 0 855 1 6 79 19 0 50 0 0 655 14 0 194 3 2 758 8 a 144 16 4 8 0 0 ■252 17 3 50 0 0 50 0 0 1 16 6 357 11 6 150 0 0 11 6 2 328 14 6 Or. 0 10 0 461 1 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 500 0 0 831 19 7 1,500 0 0 141 12 6 4,097 14 9 300 0 0 110 0 5 562 13 9 50 0 0 100 0 0 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 6 10 6 17 0 0 58 13 2 Or. 250 0 0 £ s. d. 200 0 0 668 9 7 490 0 7 £ a. d. 600 0 0 1,200 0 0 668 9 7 350 0 0 855 1 6 79 19 0 50 0 0 1,145 14 7 194 3 2 758 8 3 144 16 4 8 0 0 252 17 3 50 0 0 50 0 0 1 16 6 357 11 6 150 0 0 11 6 2 6 10 6 328 14 6 Or. 0 10 0 478 1 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 500 0 0 831 19 7 1,500 0 0 141 12 6 4,097 14 9 300 0 0 168 13 7 312 13 9 50 0 0 100 0 0 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 £ s. d. 12 0 0 £ s. d. 600 0 0 1,200 0 0 668 9 7 350 0 0 855 1 6 79 19 0 50 0 0 1.145 14 7 194 3 2 758 8 3 144 16 4 8 0 0 252 17 3 50 0 0 50 0 0 1 16 6 357 11 6 150 0 0 11 6 2 12 0 0 6 10 6 328 14 6 Or. 0 10 0 478 1 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 500 0 0 831 19 7 1,500 0 0 141 12 6 4,097 14 9 300 0 0 168 13 7 562 13 9 50 0 0 100 0 0 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 555 1 3 214 13 3 50 0 0 51 14 1 94 0 0 750 0 11 58 13 8 2,806 15 8 150 0 0 85 0 0 50 0 0 300 0 0 1,743 1 7 343 7 7 1,170 18 8 2 0 0 452 14 1 50 0 0 100 0 0 555 1 3 214 13 3 50 0 0 51 14 1 94 0 0 750 0 11 58 13 8 2,806 15 8 150 0 0 85 0 0 50 0 0 300 0 0 1,743 1 7 468 6 1 1,170 18 8 2 0 0 452 14 1 50 0 0 100 0 0 555 1 3 214 13 3 50 0 0 51 14 1 94 0 0 750 0 11 58 13 8 2,806 15 8 150 0 0 85 0 0 50 0 0 300 0 0 1,743 1 7 468 6 1 1,170 18 8 2 0 0 452 14 1 124 18 6 100 0 0 656 4 11 8,924 19 9 100 3 11 14,110 18 7 1,415 6 7 127,233 19 6 128 17 3 100 0 0 656 4 11 9,053 17 0 100 3 11 14,110 18 7 1,415 6 7 127,233 19 6 88 0 0 58,780 5 10 1,504 17 7 812 15 9 100 0 0 656 4 11 9,053 17 0 100 3 11 14,110 18 7 1,415 6 7 127,233 19 6 88 0 0 58,780 5 10 1,504 17 7 812 15 9 88 0 0 58,780 5 10 1,504 17 7 812 15 9 5 0 0 14 13 10 370 12 1 32 6 4 5 0 0 14 13 10 370 12 1 55 19 0 15 0 5 0 0 14 13 10 370 12 1 55 19 0 15 0 2312 8 15 0 • •



TABLE No. 8— continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Lighthouses, Harbour- works, and Harbourdefences out of Public Works Fund, &c. — continued.

Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1913. Net Expenditure during Twelve j Mouths ended ! 31st March, 1914. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1914. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, to 31st March, 1914. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Habbodr-wokks— continued. Cape Campbell Lighthouse Jetty Kaikoura Jetty and Harbour Kaikoura Wharf .. .. Akaroa - Le Bon's Bay Wharf, repairs Akaroa, fishing-boat slip .. Lyttelton reclamation-works, Sticking Point Portobello Fish-hatchery Ponds Wellington Meteorological Observatory Port Levy Jetty .. Timaru Harbour Chatham Islands : Waitangi, removal and extension of wharf and store Chatham Islands: Shed at Pitt Island Taiaroa Heads Lighthouse, enlarging and repairing dwelling Moeraki Boat-slip Dunedin, St. Olair, protection of Ocean Beach Brighton Boat Harbour Waikouaiti River improvements Toitois Jetty Balclutha Jetty Nugget Bay, landing-slip, &o. Tautuku Wharf and River improvements Catlin's River, removal of rocks Catlin's River Jetty Queenstown Beacon Queenstown Jetty Stewart Island : Wharf, Horseshoe Bay Stewart Island : Snagging Presh-water River Stewart Island : Wharf, Golden Bay Stewart Ieland : Wharf, Half-moon Bay Raising dredge " Hapuka " Grab dredge for harbour-works Miscellaneous £ s. d. 6 5 0 3,276 16 10 1,004 11 6 55 0 0 1,910 18 10 250 0 0 268 6 2 250 0 0 100,000 0 0 90 0 0 1 10 0 83 7 1 175 0 0 532 12 8 25 12 6 100 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 i)51 13 4 200 0 0 £ a. d. 1 10 11 0 12 11 £ s. d. 6 5 0 a,276 16 10 1,004 11 6 55 0 0 1 10 11 1,910 18 10 250 0 0 268 6 2 i 250 0 0 100,000 0 0 90 0 0 1 10 0 S3 7 1 175 0 0 532 12 8 25 12 6 100 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 952 6 3 200 0 0 £ s. d. £ a. d. 6 5 0 3,276 16 10 1,004 11 6 55 0 0 1 10 11 1,910 18 10 250 0 0 268 6 2 250 0 0 100,000 0 0 90 0 0 1 10 0 83 7 1 175 0 0 532 12 8 25 12 6 100 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 952 6 3 200 0 0 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 35 0 0 297 8 0 780 0 0 500 0 0 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 35 0 0 297 8 0 780 0 0 500 0 0 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 35 0 0 297 8 0 780 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 1,050 0 0 100 0 0 1,050 0 0 100 0 0 1,050 0 0 777 7 9 657 9 3 420 4 6 5 10 8 130 1 0 777 7 9 G62 19 11 550 5 6 777 7 9 662 19 11 550 5 6 Total Harbour-works .. 362,618 5 6 1,883 1 4 364,501 6 10 12 0 0 364,513 6 10 Habboue-dbfencks. Guns Ammunition War Office stores.. Torpedo-boats and torpedoes Submarine-mining stores Miscellaneous Works in Dominion Land for depots and batteries 147,768 18 10 24,531 6 7 9,933 10 9 20,203 13 7 17,665 2 2 18,009 5 10 264,704 17 6 38,327 14 6 147,768 18 10 24,531 6 7 9,933 10 9 20,203 13 7 17,665 2 2 18,009 5 10 264,943 17 2 38,327 14 6 147,768 18 10 24,531 6 7 9,933 10 9 20,203 13 7 17,665 2 2 18,009 5 10 264,943 17 2 38,327 14 6 238 19 8 Total Harbour-defences .. 541,144 9 9 238 19 8 541,383 9 5 541,383 9 5 Grand total 1,098,207 4 0 7,296 11 3 1,105,503 15 3 945 0 0 1,106,448 15 3


l>.— l

TABLE No. 9. STATEMENT showing Expenditure on Development of Water-power up to 31st March, 1914, and Liabilities on that Date.

Scheme. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1913. Expenditure during Year ended :ilst March, 1914. Total Expenditure to 31et March, 1914. Liabilities 31st March, 1914. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. , Lake Coleridge Surveys, investigation, &c, of potential schemes— Wairua Huka Palls Rotoiti-Kaituna Mangapao, Tokomaru, and Ohau Rivers Makuri.. Tauherenikau River Hutt River (including purchase of dam-site, Akatarawa) Lake Kanieri Tβ Aroha River Opihi River Clarence River Teviot River Upper Taieri Expenditure not chargeable to any individual scheme £ 45,294 £ 142,390 £ 187,684 £ 34,964 I 222,648 228 329 1,099 44 6 11 7 234 340 1,106 44 234 340 1,106 44 14 880 3,045 14 8S2 2,786 28 259 14 880 3,045 5 17 • 520 803 77 12 4,042 5 17 520 803 77 12 4,167 5 17 520 803 77 12 4,167 "l25 Totals 56,122 142,826 198,948 34,964 233,912





Prepared in compliance ivith Section 8 of the Public Works Act, 1908. Sik,— Public Works Department, Wellington, 10th June, 1914. In compliance with the Bth section of the Public Works Act, 1908, I enclose a statement of the expenditure during the preceding financial year on all works and services chargeable to the Public W T orks Fund. I have, &c, W. Frasek, Minister of Public Works. The Controller and Auditor-General, Wellington.

Sik, — Public Works Department, Wellington, 10th June, 1914. In compliance with the Bth section of the Public Works Act, 1908, I enclose a statement of the expenditure during the preceding financial year on all works and services chargeable to the Public Works Fund. I have, &c, W. Fbasbb, Minister of Public Works. The Controller and Auditor-General, Wellington.

Statement of Net Expenditure on all Works and Services chargeable to the Public Works Fund for the Year 1913-14.

Chas. E. Bennett, Accountant. W. S. Short, Examined and found correct. Acting Under-Secretary. Robert J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General. Note. —Charges and expenses of raising loans not included in above figures. (Details on next page.)

Class. Votes. Summary. Appropriation. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. XVI XVII XVIII XIX XX XXI XXII 93 94-95 96-103 104-106 107 108 109-111 Public Works Fund. Public Works, Departmental .. 07,401 Railways .. .. .. .1,331,600 Public Buildings .. .. j 490,000 Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and \ 22,775 Harbour-defences Tourist and Health Resorts .. 18,900 Immigration .. .. .. 36,055 Roads, Bridges, and other Public 613,150 Works Development of Goldfields .. I 9,300 Telegraph Extension .. .. 376,000 Contingent Defence .. .. j 50,000 Lands Improvement .. .. 31,700 Unauthorized .. .. .. £ s. d. 67,358 8 5 1,123,024 7 0| 376,805 8 8! 9,087 7 9 15,060 19 11 79,663 3 8, 390,580 10 3 £ s. d. 731 15 8 18,127 17 8 7,205 (> 6 28 6 0 72 2 3 45,749 1 6 12,601 2 7 £ s. d. 66,626 12 9 1,104,896 9 4 369,600 2 2 9,059 1 9 14,988 17 8 33,914 2 2 [377,979 7 8 XXIII XXIV XXV XXVI 112 113 114 115-116 5,368 9 5 426,584 14 2 30,224 16 5 20,102 19 3 702 7 5 479 1 6 33,937 0 11 38 16 3 3,106 17 1 678 17 5 4,889 7 II 392,647 13 3 30,186 0 2 16,996 2 2 23 10 0 Total Public Works Fund .. ; 3,046,881 2,544,563 12 4 122,756 5 4 2,421,807 7 0



APPENDIX A— continued.

Name of Vote. Appropriation. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. Public Wokks Fund. Public Works, Departmental— Public Works, Departmental Railways— Railway-construction— ( Kaihu Railway Extension Kawakawa-Hokianga Kawakawa-Grahamtown North Auckland Main Trunk Whangarei - North Auckland Main Trunk Windy Point - Karekare, Construction of Tramway Waiuku Branch Huntly-Awaroa Raotihi — Main Trunk East Coast Main Trunk— Waihi-Tauranga Tβ Maunga Northward Tauranga-Taneatua Gisbome-Motu .. Napier-Gisborne— North End South End Mount Egmont Branch Stratford - Main Trunk Eoxton —New Plymouth (Manawapau Deviation) J Opunake Branch Featherston-Martinborough South Island Main Trunk — North End South End Midland Railway— Nelson End ' .. Reefton End Otira-Bealey Broken River— Bealey Westport—lnangahua Greymouth - Point Elizabeth Culverden-Waiau Waimate Branch Extension Lawrence-Roxburgh Otago Central Catlin's-Waimahaka Winton - Heddon Bush Land Claims, &c. Surveys, New Lines of Railway Permanent-way Materials £ £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 93 67,401 67,358 8 5 731 15 8 66,626 12 9 10,000 40,000 1,000 60,000 15,000 3,600 6,584 10 5 30,069 17 8 384 14 1 48,607 9 2 2,155 I 5 108 15 8 1,013 9 4 48 0 2 357 II 4 6,475 14 9 29,056 8 4 336 4 11 48,249 17 10 2,155 I 5 10,000 25,000 20,000 604 0 0 16,518 7 1 5,033 17 10 1616 1 :s l 10 664 0 0 10,502 11 0 5,030 16 0 10,000 5,000 50,000 60,000 205 3 8 205 3 8 41,046 4 3 47.991 10 3 099 10 10 3,527 19 0 40,340 7 5 44,463 11 3 35,000 10,000 15,000 85.000 1,000 15,000 5,000 29,677 1 7 3,058 15 3 5,932 19 8 90,675 14 9 824 2 9 828 3 4 310 13 5 29,12 6 76 8 6 0 10 0 1,800 18 11 29,647 9 1 2,982 6 9 5,932 9 8 88,874 15 10 824 2 9 828 3 4 310 13 5 94 15,000 5,000 8,103 11 11 3,331 18 0 302 19 0 186 19 4 7,800 12 11 3,144 18 8 5,000 10,000 70,000 50,000 20,000 20,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 7,000 30,000 8,000 1,000 5,000 90,000 2,374 4 9 .12,765 9 6 94,644 15 3 28.961 1 8 15,458 0 9 10,819 9 8 005 2 II 80 16 10 368 12 2 772 16 5 790 16 10 1.21 8 0 967 10 8 2,293 7 11 12,396 17 4 93,871 18 10 28,170 4 10 15,336 12 9 15,851 19 0 605 2 11 9,988 2 5 3 18 2 9,984 4 3 19,348 19 7 60 6 6 426 19 3 2,397 15 10 75,923 1.1 7 1,56817 2 17,780 2 5 60 6 6 426 19 3 2,397 15 10 73,441 1 3 2,482 10 4 Total Vote, Railway-construction 831,600 621,777 16 2 15,329 14 1 606,448 2 1 95 96 i)7 08 99 00 01 02 o:: 04 05 (Hi 07 .08 Additions to Open Lines Public Buildings— General Judicial Postal and Telegraph Agricultural Mental Hospitals Hospitals and Charitable Institutions School Buildings Workers' Dwellings Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbour-defences— Lighthouses Harbour-works Harbour-defences Tourist and Health Resorts— Tourist and Health Resorts Immigration— Immigration.. Construction and Maintenance of Roads, Bridges, and other Public Works— Roads, &c. Baekblocks Roads, &e. Road and other Works on Goldfields and Mineral Lands Development of Goldfields— Development of Goldfields Telegraph Extension — Telegraph Extension Contingent-defence— Contingent Defence .. Lands Improvement — Improved-farm Settlements Lands, Miscellaneous Unauthorized — Services not provided for 500,000 80,000 43,375 110,450 6,175 50,000 10,000 125,000 65,000 7,375 12,400 3,000 18,900 36,055 501,240 10 10 72,896 2 9 28,949 2 4 79,211 18 10 4,407 14 4 20,003 16 0 1,435 0 0 122,119 2 10 41,782 5 1 5,178 4 1 3,345 11 10 563 11 10 15,060 19 11 79,663 3 8 2,798 3 7 0,085 5 8 504 1 10 397 1 1 10 0 0 2 12 II 105' 1 0 41 4 0 3 13 10 24 12 2 72 2 3 45,749 1 6 498,448 7 3 66,810 17 1 28,445 0 6 78,814 17 9 4,397 14 4 26,001 3 7 . 1,435 6 0 121,954 1 10 41,741 1 1 5,174 10 3 3,345 11 10 538 19 8 14,988 17 8 33,914 2 2 09 10 11 300,925 201,225 51,000 232,447 14 11 133,879 8 7 24,253 0 9 7,317 19 8 5.172 18 2 110 4 9 225,129 15 3 128,706 10 5 24,143 2 0 112 9,300 5,368 9 5 479 1 6 4,889 7 11 113 376,000 420,584 14 2 33,937 0 11 392,647 13 3 114 50,000 30,224 10 5 38 16 3 30.186 0 2 1)5 no 25,000 0,700 10,544 3 3 3.558 10 0 3,100 17 I 13,437 (i 2 3,558 16 0 702 7 5 678 17 5 23 10 0 Total Public Works Fund 3,046,881 2,544,503 12 4 122,756 5 4 2,421,807 7 0



APPENDIX B. STATEMENT of all Liabilities in respect of the Services of the Public Works Department outstanding at the Close of the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1914, prepared in Terms of Section 42 of the Public Revenues Act, 1910, and forwarded, as therein provided, to the Treasury.

Class. Votes. Summary. I Total. XVI XVII XVIII XIX XXII Public Works Fund. 93 94 96-100 106 109-110 Public Works, Departmental Railways Public Buildings.. Lighthouses, Harbour-works, &e. .. Construction of Roads, Bridges, &c. 10C 160,395 225,562 207,396 Consolidated Fund. 593,459 18-20 Publio BuildingB, Domains, and Maintenance of Roads 7,818 Othbb Accounts. 123 124 125 126 127 Aid to Water-power Works Account Irrigation and Water Supply Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account National Endowment Account Land for Settlements Account 34,964 200 8,216 13,566 468 3,043 60,457 Vote No. Name of Vote. Total. 93 Public Wobks Fund. £ Public Works, Departmental 106 94 Railway-conBtruction — Kaihu Railway Extension Kawakawa-Hokianga .. Kawakawa-Grahamtown North Auckland Huntly-Awaroa Waihi-Tauranga Tauranga-Taneatua Gisborne-Motu Napier-Gisborne, North End Napier-Gisborne, South End Mount Egmont Branch Stratford-Main Trunk Opunake Branoh Foxton - New Plymouth (Manawapou Deviation) .. Raetihi-Main Trunk South Island Main Trunk, North End South Island Main Trunk, South End Midland — Nelson End Reefton End Otira to Bealey Broken River to Bealey Westport-Inangahua Greymouth-Point Elizabeth Lawrence-Roxburgh Catlin's-Waimahaka Surveys of New LinesNorth Island South Island .. .. Permanent-way Materials 50 493 5,265 10,593 7,787 1,000 4,551 102,370 50 588 698 149 1,007 1,754 16,181 100 100 4,240 3,413 160,395 96 97 98 99 100 Public Buildings— General .. .. .. ... Judicial Postal and Telegraph Agricultural Mental Hospitals 178,424 1,912 24,499 20*727 225,562


T) 1 A.J • X

APPENDIX B— continued. STATEMENT of all Liabilities in respect of the Services of the Public Works Department — continued.

C. E. Bennett, Accountant. H. J. H. Blow, Public Works Department, 30th April, 1914. tinder-Secretary.

B—D. 1.

Vote No. Name of Vote. Total. Public Works Fund— continued. £ 106 109 110 Lighthouses, Harbour-works, &o.— Harbour-defenoes Construction of Roads, Bridges, &a.~ Roads, &c. Baokblook Roads, &c. 174,227 33,169 207,396 Total, Public Works Fund.. 593,459 Consolidated Fund. 18 19 10 Public Buildings, Domains, and Maintenance of RoadsPublio Buildings Government Domains Maintenance and Improvement of Roads.. 1,719 6,099 Total, Consolidated Fund 7,818 Other Accounts. 123 124 125 Aid to Water-power Works Account Irrigation and Water-supply Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account— Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement AccountRoads to open up Crown Lands National Endowment Account— Roads to open up National Endowment Lands Land for Settlements Account (Roads Portion) 34,964 200 8,216 126 13,566 127 468 3,043 Total, Other Accounts £60,457


APPENDIX C. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1913, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1914.


Date of Contract. Lines of Railway and Branches. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract Date | Amount to be Contract was of completed. completed. Contract. Remarks. Jan., 1912 Aug., 1913 RAILWAYS. Sept., "„ Feb., 1911 June, ,, Oct., 1913 Feb., 1912 Jan.. 1914 Kaihu Railway Extension Kawakawa-Hokianga North Auckland Main Trunk Hardwood Timber for Waima Bridges Station Buildings Joinery ,, Plumbing ,, Painting Otamatea Bridge .. .. Wharf ,, Station Buildings Huntly Bridge „ Extra Steelwork J. W. Wallace and Co. H. G. Foster Paull and Tobin D. T. Gladden G. M. Fraser July, 1912 Oct., 1913 Dec, Jan., 1914 Aug., 1912 June, ,, May, 1914 1912 „ 1914 Sept.. 1913 Jan., 1914 Mar., „ May, 1913 £ 1,437 650 250 460 20,841 6,477 1,696 17.580 363 Extras, £19 ; reductions, £6. Reduction, £3. Extras, £57 ; reductions, £23. Extras, £110 ; reductions, £4. Huntly-Awaroa J. Frankham G. M. Fraser Steel Construction Company (Limited) E. Mackay Oct., 1913 Extras, £150. Nov., 1913 June, ,, Nov., „ Raetihi - Main Trunk Tauranga-Taneatua Formation No. 1 Contract No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 1 Te Puke, Papamoa, and Otaamatua Station Buildings Formation No. 1 Contract No. 2 „ No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 Supply of Jarrah for Culverts .. L. A. Stanley McMahon and Coyle T. H. Ashton J. Kimber.. W. llapp ..-'.' Burke and Higgins Oct., Aug., Jan., 1914 Oct., „ Nov., ,, Aug., „ 2.226 1,149 1.396 2,488 2,771 783 2,460 577 1,895 328 400 517 505 737 523 1,422 274 Dec,, „ W. Robertson T. young Dec, ',', Jan., 1914 Feb., „ Aug., 1911 April, 1913 June, ,, Gisborne— Motu ,, Ironbark Piles Hardwood Timber for Bridges Metalling Neill Road Formation No. 1 Contract Millar's West Australian Hardwoods Company (Limited) J. W. Wallace and Co. S. Brown (Limited). . J. Field . . . . Thomas Lynn June, ,, Feb., 1912 Aug., 1913 June, 1914 July, 1913 June, „ l>75 474 414 1,046 Napier - Gisborne (North End) Ditto .. Extras, £5. Sept., „ " >> " No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 ,, No. 5 ,, No. 6 „ No. 7 Supply of 30 lb. Rails and Fastenings Two Cottages at Ngatapa 3,000 Temporary Sleepers .. . '.. T. Abberton H. E. Howard Small and Morris Sept., „ Jan., ,, Mar., „ Jan., 1914 Feb., „ Dec, 1913 Feb., 1914 1,108 1,553 1,021 299 487 241 2,468 980 352 Reductions, £10. £39. £7. £16. Aug., Oct., Nov., „ ,, Richardson, McCahe, and Co. A. Kirk .. W. Graham, jun. Dec, 1913 Feb., 1914



APPE N D IX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1913, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1914— continued.

Date of Contract. Lines of Railway and Branches. i Name of Contract. I Name of Contractor. Contract Date Amount to be Contract was of Completed. Completed. Contraot. Remarks. RAILWAYS— contiw led. £ April, 1914 .. 604 324 June. 1912 ! Sept., 1913 i 6,195 May, .. ' Aug., „ 829 April, 1913 .. 590 Dec, 1913 Jan., 1914 June, 1911 Nov., ,, Oct., 1912 Napier-Gisborne (North End) Stratford-Main Trunk 5,000 Temporary Sleepers .. .. .. | Supply of Steel for Waipoa Bridge „ Steel and Iron Work for Bridges ,, Hardwood Timber and Piles for Bridges Hardwood, Whangamomona Stream Bridges Shute and Casey J. Duthie and Co. Sanders Bros. Fraser and Co. (Limited) Richardson, Blair, and McCabe (Limited) F. Lundon Extras, £606 ; reductions, £158. £236; reductions £59. .. Toi Road Cottages .. .. .. .. I Whangamomona Station Buildings .. .. j Kohuratahi Station Buildings .. .. Okahu Tunnel Formation No. 6, Matiere Section No. 5, No. 3, No. 2, Steel-plate Girders, Leader River Bridge * Reductions, £68. Extras, £42 ; reductions, £123. Mar., 1913 May, Sept., „ July, Oct., Nov., ,, " "' ! „ W. Forrest Hickey and Barden McKean and Ireland Smith and Costello Rothery and Co. E. J. Ruddick May. „ ; July, 1913 597 Nov., „ I Feb., 1914 i" 4,363 Jan., 1914 .. 2,031 July, 1916 .. : 97.000 Oct., 1914 : . . 1,607 Nov., „ .. 3,335 „ .. 4,093 Feb., 1915 I .. , 2.453 Aug., 1912 ! July, 191/3 879 " " Feb., 1914 1912 » • • I South Island Main Trunk (South End) South Island Main Trunk (North End) Midland (Reefton End) .. Reductions, £53. Oct., Ure River Bridge B. Garnham June, 1913 [ Feb., 1914 I 3.859 Extras, £3 ; reductions, £41. Nov., 1913 Mar., 1914 Feb., 1912 ,, (Broken River — Bealey) (Ditto) Westport-Jnangahua Inangahua Station Buildings Cottages at Junction Station Supply of Steel and Iron Work for Bealey Bridges G. Ogilvie A. G. Wells P. R. Williamson Feb., 1914 ; Mar., „ 449 June, „ .. 820 1912 May, 1913 i 1,472 „ £380 ; reduotions, £187. Reduction, £2. Jan., 1913 May, 1910 Mar., 1911 Seven Cottages, Arthur's Pass Station No. 1 Formation Contract No. 2 No. 7 No. 10 No. 8 A. Kingsford Me Williams and Andrews D. McLellan Corby and Foster Maxwell and Mann T. Murphy, A. Senior, and D. McNamara Maxwell and Mann R, H. O'Brien D. McLellan Murray and Co. J. A. Stuart, F. G. Hobbs, and S. Leaman Michael Leddy Brazil and Party Stuart and Gapper Snell and Party George Ogilvie G. W. Ryan Watson Rhodes and Son P. A. Lyders July, 1913 Oct., ., 3,721 May, 1912 , .. 4,768 „ .. 5,406 Mar., 1913 .. 3,806 „ .. 10,708 April, „ .. 2,493 Extras, £1 ; reductions, £72. April, „ Extras, £418 ; reductions, £32. May, „ Dec, „ No. 9 No. 11 „ .. .. .. No. 14 No. 15 „ ... No. 13 „ „ .. 1,587 May, „ May, 1913 I 2,676 Dec, „ .. 8,565 „ „ May, 1913 ! 1,187 April, 1914 June, 1914 ! 1,956 Extras, £79 ; reductions, £1. £436. ,', April, 1912 y> t> May, „ Sept., 1913 Feb., „ Dec, 1911 Aug., 1912 June, 1913 Greymouth— Point Elizabeth Lawrence— Roxburgh Catlin's-Waimahaka No. 16 No. 17 Bushfelling and Clearing No. 17a Formation Contract Mount Davey Station Buildings .; No. 3 Formation, Beaumont Section Maclennan River Bridge Caberfeid and Papatowai Station Buildings „ „ .. 1,971 „ .. 3,605 Sept., 1912 Mar., 1914 600 „ 1914 .. 2,721 June, 1913 Oct., 1913 1,958 Dec, 1912 „ „ 1,119 June, 1913 .. 3,122 Feb., 1914 .. 4,698 Contract determined. Reductions, £15. Extras, £283 ; reductions, £12. £47 ; reductions, £30.



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1913, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1914— continued.

Date of Contract. Name of Contract, Contractor's Name and Address. _ , r> * * Amount Amount of Extras and Reductioni Date for Date of of fa) added or deduoted fron Completion. . Completion. Contract _ Amount . of Contract ,. Auckland. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. £ May, 190!) ! Nov., 1911 Jan., 1912 Sept., „ Nov., „ .Mar.. 1913 Dec, 1912 Jan.. 1913 Oct., 1912 April, 1913 May, ,, June, ,, Auckland Post-office ,, Courthouse Tokanui Mental Hospital .. Kaikohc Courthouse Matapihi Native School Maungatapn Native School Papakura Post-office Huntly Police-stilt ion Tokaanu Post-office Pukehina Native School Mental Hospital, Tokanui, Steam-boilers Tuakau Post-office Kirioke Native School Ngawa Native School Drill Hall, Huntly Ohaupo Post-office Tirau Post-office Papakura Police-station Auckland Mental Hospital Auxiliary No. 2 . . Raglan Post-office Rotorua Post-office .. Auckland Mental Hospital Auxiliary No. 3 .. Waiuku Post-office Takapuna Post-office Tokaanu Police-station Tokanui Mental Hospital Electric-lighting Plant Dargaville Post-office Engineer's Residence, Okere Falls Courthouse. Auckland (Caretaker's Residence) Jamieson, J. and W. (Limited), Christchurch Hutchison, W. E., Auckland McLean and Sons, D., Wellington Cook, W., and Son, Waimate North Overton, F., Birkenhead Harvey and Co.. Tauranga Mackay, A. M., Auckland Frankham, C. H., Auckland Aldndge, T., Ohakune Overton, F., Tauranga Luke, S., and Co. (Limited), Wellington Rhodes, G.. and Son, Auckland Cook and Sons, Waimate North Porter, C. ('., Huntly Moody, A., Claudelands .. . . Macpherson and Harvey . . Melntosh, W. M., Papakura Grevatt, W. J., and Son, Anckland Hollow, H. M., Hamilton Snell Bros., Hamilton Hood, W. J., Auckland Frankham, C. H., Auckland Davis, J., Auckland Mackenzie, A. F., Rangiwahia Greenshields, F. S., and Co., Wellington Pattison and Brooks, Auckland Parsons. W. J., Rotorua . . Meaclem, R.. and Co., Auckland Nov., 1911 Oct., 1912 „ 1912 June, 1913 July, ,, July, ,, Jan., 1913 June, April, ,. June, 1913 Aug., ,, Aug., ,. May, „ „ ,;. June, ,, Jan., „ Jan., 1914 Aug., „ Sept., 1913 ,, ,, Nov., ,, „ i Oct., „ Nov., " Nov., " Aug., ,, I Sept., „ Sept., 1914 Dec, 1913 ; Feb., 1914 Dec, „ Jan., ,, May, „ Mar., „ April, „ Aug., „ April, „ 95,551 14.820 13.627 949 843 600 1,194 1,390 1,156 861 975 1,100 1,149 1,049 310 1,627 1,060 772 9,877 2,630 3,668 15,430 1,667 1.790 947 2,076 3,900 777 R69 Extras, £5,921 ; reductions, £4,548. £741 ; reductions, £167. £2,723 ; reductions, 173. Reductions, £3. Extras, £12. ,. £18 ; reductions, £1. £34. Extras, £29. £45. Extras, £43. £63. £26. „ £34 ; reductions, £8. July, ',', May, ,, June, ,, July, ,, Sept., „ Oct., "„ Nov., "„ Dec, „ Jan., 1914 Sept., 1912 Jan., 1913 July, „ Hawkk's Bat. Feb., 1913 May, 1913 April, ,, June, ,, Nov., ,, Nov., ,, Oct., 1914 June, ,, May, „ June, ,, 2,306 247 848 14,877 2,592 1.441 879 Oct., Dec, „ Feb., 1914 Gisborne Police-station Mohaka Police-station Porangahau Police-station Departmental Buildings, Gisborne Waipukurau Post-office Havelock North Post-office Patutahi Police-station Webb, H., Gisborne Gardiner, A. K., Wairoa .. . . Cairns and Paton, Havelock North Smith, G., Gisborne Cairns and Paton, Havelock North Jones. A. T.. Gisborne Feb., 1913 April, ,, Nov., Oct., 1914 June, ,, May, „ June. ,, Extras, £146. £4. £21 ; reductions, £7.



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1913, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1914— continued.

Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Contractor's Name and Address. n . t n , t ! Amount Amount of Extras and Reductions Date for Date of f be added or deducted from CompleW Completion. Ooatmabm Amount of Contract. Taranaki. PUBLIC BUILDINGS— continued. £ April, 1913 Public Buildings, New Plymouth, Furniture ,, Stratford, Erection Stock Inspector's Residence, Opunake Public Buildings, Stratford, Fittings Coleman and Son, New Plymouth Burrell, A. B., Stratford .'. Greenhill, J., Opunake Brown, H., and Co., Stratford May. 1913 Oct., Aug., „ Dec., „ July, 1913 Dec., Nov., „ Feb., 1914 292 2.567 921 261 Reductions, £5. Extras, £18 ; reductions, £22. „ £5. £6. Nov., "„ Aug., 191] Oct., 1909 April, I!) 12 Sept., „ Oct.. Mar., 1913 April, „ Wellington. Electric Elevators, General Post Office, Wellington Wellington Post-office, Additions Post and Telegraph Bulk Store, Wellington Government Insurance Building, Wanganui .. Pongaroa Post-office, Additions Wanganui Courthouse, Additions Storekeeper's Cottage, Pipitea Parliament Buildings, Granite for Piers Petone Post-office, Addition? Masterton Police-station .. Wanganui Departmental Buildings, Alterations Martinborough Courthouse Government Printing Office, Additions Drill-shed, Levin Marine Store. Pipitea Point Kiwitea Post-office, Alterations Post and Telegraph Bulk Store, Pole Gantry Burt, A. and T. (Limited), Wellington Wilson, J. and A. (Limited), Wellington Sanders Bros., Wellington Benge", G. F., Wanganui Whittaker, W., Pongaroa Benge, G. F., Wanganui McMillan, J. L., Wellington New Zealand Quarries (Limited), Auckland.. W T akelin, G. L., Wellington Taylor and Hodges. Masterton Fry and Treloar, Wanganui Humphries, H., Greytown Wilson, J. and A. (Limited), Wellington Pringle and Haste, Levin Sanders Bros., Wellington Banks, W., Kimbolton MeArthur. Milliken, and Co. (Limited), Wellington Wakelin, G. L., Wellington Hesketh, H., Taihape Sanders Bros., Wellington Sexton and Anderson, Taihape Gunson, A. W., and Co., Auckland Bennett, W. H., Wellington Aldridge, T., Ohakune Parkin Bros., Wellington Hansford, Mills, and Han lie Cleland, A., Feilding Andersons Limited. Christchurch .. Mar., 1912 Oct., 1911 Jan., 1913 -Mar.. „ Feb., „ July June, ,, July, ,, Oct., „ June, „ Oct., Feb., 1914 Aug., 19.13 July, 1914 Aug., 1913 Jan., 1914 April, 1013 Aug., „ Mar.. „ Dec, „ Aug., „ Sept., „ July, „ Nov., ,, Nov., „ 887 96,923 11,652 1,610 534 1,175 669 902 622 2,678 273 764 4.389 349 2,085 405 347 Kxtras, £66 ; reductions, £2. Extras, £1,685 ; reductions, £301. £11. „ £118. Kxtras, £46 ; reductions, £16. £52. May, " June, ,, April, „ June, ,, July, „ Aug., ,, Sept., „ Dec, 1913 Extras, £176. Halcoinbe Post-office Taihape Post-office, Additions Public Works Store, Pipitea Point Police-station, Taihape, Alterations. . Parliament Buildings, Gates Public Works Workshops. Wellington Ractihi Post-office Brooklyn Post-office Parliament Buildings, Wellington Feilding Post-office, Renovations Post-office Bulk Store, Elevators .. Jan., i!)14 .Mar., „ 1.191 929 •3.522 423 333 2,532 828 1,120 151,639 287 827 Kxtras, £21. Oct., ',', Jan., ,, Feb., „ April, ,, Mar., 1914 Extras, £31. Nov., ", Dec, „ Jan., 1914 Feb., „ Dec., 1915 Mar., 1914 June, ,, Sept., 1912 Dec-., „ Mar., 1913 April, ,, Nelson. Stoke Industrial School, Latrines Nelson Post-office, Additions .. .. i Wakapuaka Cable-station, Water-supply and Drainage Takaka Post-office, Alterations Stoke Industrial School, Water-supply Robertson Bros., Nelson Galbraith, S. if.. Nelson Gritnmett, T. R. J., Nelson Haase and Son, Nelson Nelson Tinware Company, Nelson Dec, 1912 June, ,, Aug., 1913 July, April, 1912 July, 1913 June, ,, Aug., ,, 225 395 682 317 776 Extras, £22. Extras, £16. , »»


APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1913, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1914— continued.


Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Contractor's Name and Address. -r. , c t\ i * Amount I Amount of Extras and Reduction* Date for Date of q£ be added or deducted fron Completion. Complete. Contract . Amount of Contract, Westland. Hokitika Public Buildings, Extension Cobden Police-station Reefton Drill-shed ,, Post-office PUBLIC BUILDINGS— continued. £ 5.017 774 535 3,112 Extras, £30. £58. Jan., 1912 Aug., „ April, 1913 Oct., Drake, J., Greymouth Mordaunt, R., Greymouth Cundy, A., Greymouth Sept., 1912 Aug., „ Oct., 1913 July, 1914 May, 1913 Sept., „ Sept., 1910 1911 Jan., 1912 Mar., ,, May, Dec, " Jan., 1913 Canterbury. Departmental Buildings, Christchurch Mount Cook New Hermitage, Supply and Delivery of Doors and Windows Clock for Timaru Post-office School for the Deaf, Sunnier, Additions and Alterations Mount Cook Hermitage, New Hostel, Stamped-steel Ceilings Methven Courthouse Christchurch Departmental Buildings, Electric Wiring Police Sergeant's Residence, Ashburton Mount Cook Hostel, Plumbing and Gasfitting Christehurch Departmental Buildings, Fire-alarms Mount Cook Hostel, Painting and Glazing Fairlie Post-office, Additions, &c. Defence Store, Christchurch, Additions Public Trust Office, Christchurch, Additions Temuka Post-office, Additions to Telephone Exchange Akaroa Post-office Woodend Post-office Jamieson, J. and W. (Limited), Christchurch Jaekson, Jo*hn, and Co. (Limited), Timaru .. Littlcjohn, W., and Son, Wellington Calvert, Charles, Sydenham Bruce, A. S., Christchurch Aitken, K., and Co., Methven Turnbull and Jones, Wellington Pearce, F., Ashburton Jones, C, Christchurch Stringer and Bridge, Christchurch Dortn, W., Timaru Foden, T., and Sons, Fairlie White, G., Christchurch May, 1912 Sept., ,, June, „ Jan., 1913 Nov., 1912 Sept., „ May, ", Mar., 1913 May, 1913 Oct., Nov., 1912 Dec, 1913 June, ,, 53,564 374 650 3,445 560 650 1,041 776 600 296 308 431 474 968 311 2,205 454 Extras, £10,816; reductions, £1,885. Extras, £236. Extras, £154. Extras, £12. „ £20. Extras, £71. ,, £15 ; reductions, £10. Feb., ", May, 1913 Nov., 1913 Mar., Z April, „ July, " July, 1913 Aug., „ June. ., Dec, „ Feb., 1914 Paynter and Hamilton, Christchurch Hinkey, H. H., Spreydon Harris, J. W., Woolston Sept., „ June, 1914 May, Sept., " Jan., 1912 Oct., t> t> Dec, „ Mar., 1913 April, ,, May, „ June, ,, Otago and Southland. Seacliff Mental Hospital, Water-supply Mental Hospital, Waitati, Plumbing and Hot-water Service Gore Post-office, Restoration Roxburgh Post-office Mataura Police-station Owaka Police-station, Alterations .. Tapanui Police-station Mosgiel Post-office, Additions Oamaru Post-office, Renovations Powder-magazine, Port Chalmers, Staging North-east Valley Post-office Otautau Post-office Waitati Mental Hospital, Road-formation Awarua Wireless-station, Cottages Caversham Industrial School, Drainage Telegraph-office, Dunedin, Additions Burt, A. and T. (Limited), Duuedin . Scott, J. and R., Dunedin Rhodes, T., and Son, Gore Christie, R., Roxburgh Latham, A., Gore Cox, J., and Son, Owaka Lyders, P. A., Dunedin Crump and Sons, Dunedin Allen and Crawshaw, Oamaru Love Bros., Port Chalmers Anderson, A. T., and Son, Dunedin Hardie, J., Invercargill May, A., Dunedin Lister and Philpot, Invercargill Burt, A. and T., Dunedin Scott, D., Dunedin July, 1912 Mar., 1913 Jan., „ May, ,, July, „ May, ,, Sept., „ July, „ Aug., „ Oct., Mar., 1914 Jan., ,, Feb., „ July, 1913 Jan., 1914 Mar., ., Oct., 1913 July. „ Sept., „ Oct., Sept., „ Dec, „ Sept., „ 5,215 334 799 1,650 760 215 695 214 405 238 1,376 526 215 998 298 219 Extras, £29. £91. „ £20 ; reductions, £3. „ £9. £23. Extras, £3. £11. £6. £16. Kxtras,l[£499. Sept., " Nov., " Mar., 1914 Oct., " Nov., ,, April, ,, Nov., „ Feb., 1914 Feb., "



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1913, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1914— continued.

Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Contractor's Name and Address. _ . t\ * ' * Amount Amount of Extras and Reduction! Date for ! Date of f t() bo added tQ Qr deducted fron Completion. | Completion. Contract Amount of Contract. DEVELOPMENT OF WATER-POWER, Feb., 1912 June, ,, Lake Coleridge Scheme. Lake Coleridge Tunnel Section 3, Pipe-lines and Accessories McWilliams, J., Wellington .. .. I Aug., 1913 , Dunedin Engineering and Steel Company (Li- June, ,, mited), Dunedin National Electrical and Engineering Company April, ,, June, 1913 (Limited), Dunedin Greenshields, F. S., and Co., Wellington „ „ April, „ Richardson, Blair, and McCabe (Limited), July, „ Wellington Turnbull and Jones (Limited), Wellington .. ,, ,, „ May, Burt, A. and T. (Limited), Wellington .. ; July, „ April, 1913 Baillie, P. R., and Co., Wellington .. ■ „ „ May, „ National Electrical and Engineering Company Mar., ,, (Limited), Dunedin Richardson, Blair, and McCabe (Limited), Aug., „ Wellington National Electrical and Engineering Company May, ,, June, 1913 (Limited), Dunedin Brown, S. (Limited), Wellington .. .. April, „ Dunedin Engineering and Steel Company (Li- June, ,, mited), Dunedin Thorne, George Grey, Auckland .. . . May, „ Australian Metal Company (Limited), Mel- ,, ,, bourne Grapes and Riley, Wellington .. .. Feb., „ April, 1913 Mitchelson and Co., Auckland .. .. Oct., ,, June, ,, Wallace, J. W., and Co., Wellington .. | Nov., „ Taylor Bros, and Muirhead, Christchurch .. Oct., „ National Electrical and Engineering Company „ „ (Limited), Dunedin Duncan, P. and D., Christchurch .. .. Dec, „ j Jan., 1914 Tolley and Son (Limited), Wellington .. Sept., „ Cooper and Duncan (Limited), Christchurch Dec. „ | Dec, 1913 Baillie, P. R,, and Co., Wellington .. Jan., 1914 j Sept., „ Paynter and Hamilton, Christchurch .. Oct., 1913 ; Christchurch Brick Company (Limited) .. ! Jan., 1914 ! Niven and Co., Napier .. ... .. Dec, 1913 Jan., 1914 Richardson, Blair, and McCabe (Limited), Wellington Baillie, P. R., and Co., Wellington .. Oct., 1913 Sept., 1913 Lucas Bros., Christchurch £ 53,173 ]7,624 ,, 7, Transformers .. 9,673 July, ',', ,, 19, Travelling-crane ,, 11, Bare Conductors 646 13,101 ,, 21, Batteries and Accessories ,, 15, Testing Transformers „ 16, Meters ,, J 2, Insulated Cables ,, 9, Transmission-line Insulators 840 525 292 3,765 3,795 Aug., „ Tunnel and Penstock Gates 1,336 Section 8, Lightning-arresters 2,588 Extras, £33. „ 13, Distributing-system Insulators ,, 3a, Valves and Expansion-joints 668 837 „ 5, Generators and Accessories ,, 4, Water-wheels and Accessories 5,561 4,195 Extras, £19. Sept., „ Oct., „ Nov., ,, Dec, Feb., 1913 ,, 23, Two Motor-lorries (" Albion ") ,, 10d, 500 Hardwood Poles, delivered Lyttelton „ 10e, 1,200 Ironbark Piles, delivered Lyttelton Power-station Section 2, Cable-clamps . . 1,106 1,050 4,200 15,635 884 Mar., „ „ 20, Cross-arms Electric Wiring at Power-house Arcing Plates and Pole-steps 200 Blackbutt Poles Sub-station at Addingtbn, Erection. . Section 28, Cable-ducts 26, Workshop Tools ,, 29, Roof Insulators 512 313 513 642 3.098 1,056 233 594 May, „ July. „ April, ,, May, June, ,, ,. 31, Telephone-wire 35, U Bolts 612 346



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1913, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1914— continued.

Date of Contract. i Name of Contract. Contractor's Name and Address. , r> t f Amount Amount of Extras and Reduction; Date tor ( .Date ol of to bo added tQ Qr deducted fr01I Completion. ; Completion. Contraot Amount of Contract. Lake Colebidg, DEVELOPMENT OP WATER-POWER-co»W«*. Aug., 1913 i Section 34, Polo-erection .. .. .. .. ..I Baillie, P. RJ, and Co., Wellington .. Feb., 1914 Nov., ,, „ 44, Erection of Transmission-wires .. .. .. ,, ,, ,, •• April, ,, Dec. ,, ,, 37, Telephones .. .. .. .. .. National Electrical and Engineering Company June, ,, (Limited), Wellington „ ,, ,, 41, Transformers .. .. .. .. .. Tolley and Son, Wellington .. .. July, ,, „ „ ,,41, ,, .. .. .. .. . . Greenshields and Co., Wellington .. .. „ ,, Jan., 1914 ,, 45, Laying Cables .. .. .. .. .. BaiiUie, P. R., and Co., Wellington .. Mar., „ Mar.. ,, ,, 46, Transformers .. .. .. .. .. Tolley and Son, Wellington .. .. Aug., „ „ ,, ,,46, „ .. .. .. .. .. National Electrical and Engineering Company „ ,, (Limited), Wellington Waihoxj and Ohikemtjrt Rivers Improvement. Jan., 1912 Ngararaki and Ronton Cuts .. .. .. .. Lupis, T., Paeroa .. .. .. I Oct., 1912 Feb., 1913 Paeroa Stop-bank .. .. .. .. .. Treanor, P., Paeroa .. .. ... Aug., 1913 ,, ,, Steam-engine and Condensing-plant for Waihou Dredge .. Greenshields, F. S., and Co., Wellington .. Sept., ,, May, ,, Dredge for Waihou River .. .. .. .. .. Stevenson and Cook Engineering Company May, 1914 (Limited), Port Chalmers £ 4,689 1 ,355 581 300 733 1,393 284 442 Feb., 1914 9,872 Extras, £143. 2,054 772 7,677 Auckland. ROADWORKS. June, 1911 Waimana River Bridge (Opouriao) .. .. .. .. Dixon, J. D., Cambridge .. .. .. Sept., 1912 Nov., ,, [ Waioeka River Bridge (Suspension) .. .. .. Austin and Mead, Gisborne .. .. Feb., „ Mar., 1912 Oparau River Bridge .. .. .. .. .. Scott and Forsyth, Te Kuiti .. .. Dec, Wil Mangapoike Road Bridge, No. 1 .. .. .. .. Baynes. W., Gjsborne .. .. .. April, ,, No. 2 .. .. .. .. „ „ .. .. .. I „ „ Feb.. 1913 j Awaroa River Bridge (Erection) .. .. .. .. McLeod, R. A., Auckland .. .. May, 1913 „ „ Raukituri River Bridges (Boothman's) .. .. .. Langlands. H. \\\, Gisborne .. .. June, „ Ngatapa Block Road (Metalling) .. . . .. .. Newton, J., Mangapapa .. .. .. Mar., ,, Mar., ,, Mangakahia River Bridge .. .. .. .. .. Webster, W. A., Rawene .. .. ,, „ June, ,, I Motu-Opotiki Road (Formation) .. .. .. .. Orchard, F., Opotiki .. .. .. Aug., „ April, ,, I Te Karae Stream Road Bridge .. .. .. .. McGechie, W., Hokianga .. .. „ „ Sept., ., Wairoa River Bridge (Hardwood for) .. .. .. Porter, L. G., Wellington ,. .. Jan., 1914 Nov., ,, ,, (Ironwork) .. .. .. .. Ross, .Tory, and Co., Wellington .. .. ,, ,, Jan., 1914 Mangapahi Road Bridge .. .. .. .. .. Langlands, H. W., Gisbome ... .. May, ,, May, 1913 Nov., "„ Oct., „ April, ,, Oct., 1913 1,630 Extras, £260. 407 1,602 Extras, £260; reductions, £58. 652 „ £15; reductions, £2. 433 i 321 ! 386 260 1,651 300 ! 840 : Extras, £44 ; reductions, £75. 1,099 236 I 718 Takasaki. April, 1912 J Matau River Bridge (Graham's) .. .. .. .. Sangster, G., Stratford .. .. .. April, 1913 ilav, ,, Mangaturuturu Stream Bridge .. .. .. .. Wallace and Thompson, Ramiataua .. Feb., ,, Aug., ,, Moki Stream Road Bridge (Hardwood Timber) .. .. Wallace, J. W., and Co., Wellington .. ,, „ Dec, .. Tangarakau River Bridges. Ohoura Road Lower and Middle Grayling, F. M., New Plymouth .. .. | June, ,, Crossings Oct., 1913 •Tuly, „ June, ,, Sept., „ 596 463 Extras, £10. 208 1,107 Extras, £57.



9—D. 1.

APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1913, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1914— continued.

Date of Contract. I Contractor's Name and Address. _ , „ , , Amount Amount of Extras and Reductions Date for Date of of to be added to or deducted from Completion. Completion. Contract . Amount of Contract. Name of Contract. Takasaki — continued. Mangahowhai Stream Bridge Mangapeehi and Mokau Road Bridges Punt for Mokau Ferry Tangarakau Road Bridge (Ironwork) Makakaho Stream Bridge .. Ngaro Road (Metalling) Mawaihakona Township Roads (Formation and Metalling) Ahuaturanga Block (Forming Drain) ROADWORKS— continued. £ 541 688 Extras, £25. 206 „ £4. 340 646 684 393 518 Nov., 1912 Feb., „ Sept., 1913 Aug., Sept., „ Dec, July, „ Sept., „ Kensington, H,. Wanganui Salt, W., W T anganui Clare, W. J., Waitara Robertson and Co. (Limited), Wellington Kensington, H., Wanganui Douch, A. J., Ingle wood Mabey Bros, and Palmer, Upper Hutt Heenan, J., Pahiatua May, 1913 July, 1913 Aug., ,, Dec, ,, Dec, „ Feb., April, 1914 Nov.. 1913 Nov., 1913 Dec, „ Jan., 1912 Maklbokotjgh. McLean, D., and Sons, Wellington Kahautara River Bridge April, 1913 Sept., 1913 3,255 Extras, £427. Mar., 1911 Nelson. Metalling Road, Mokihinui to Little Wanganui Davis, Fraser, and Hyndman, St. Helen's, Westport Atkinson, S. R., Westport Olson, H., Nelson Sigley, J., Grey mouth Dixon, Charles, Nelson Atkinson, S. and R., Westport Buchanan, A., Nelson Aug., 1911 May, 1913 1,644 Jan., 1912 May, ,, Sept., „ Aug., 1913 Jan., 1914 Maruia River Bridge Onekaka Road Bridge Takaka River Bridge Wangapeka River Road Bridge Buller River Bridge Moutere Mud-flat (Culverts) Sept., 1912 Aug., „ Nov., ,, Mar., ,, May, 1913 ! Dec, „ Sept., „ i Nov., ,, Aug., 1914 ] April, ., 2,061 Extras, £53 ; reductions, £151. 299 3,322 2,172 Extras, £571 ; reductions, £283. 3,224 229 Jan., 1912 June, 1913 Westland. South Approach, Big Wanganui Road Bridge Taramakau River Bridge Payne's Gully Road (Formation, &c.) Zigzag Road, Kumara (Deviation) .. Haddock and Moye, Ross Bagnell, H., Greymouth Duffy, Madden, and Party, Kumara Martyn, E., Kumara July, 1912 : June, 1913 Sept., 1914 Feb., „ Mar., 1913 I 989 Extras, £15 ; reductions, £103. 2,886 946 313 Extras, £160. Oct., "„ Mar., 1912 Nov., „ Feb., „ Mar., „ July, 1913 Aug., ,-, Sept., ,, Oct., Nov., ,, Canteebury. Hooker River and Glencoe Stream Bridges (Erection) Con way Gorge Road-formation, Section 1 .. „ 2 .. Waimate Settlement Road, Formation and Metalling . . Scargill Settlement, Metalling Hapuka River Bridge Evan's Pass to. Godley Head Road, Formation Claremont Settlement Road .. Ashwick Settlement Road Winchester Settlement Road Sinclair, James, Oarnaru Abraham, E., Kaikoura White, R., Waimate Lockhead and Clarke, Cheviot Pear.ce, A., Kaiapoi .. Watt, W., Woolston Black, W. J., and Sons, Timaru .. .. Nov., 1912 Mar., 1913 Mar., ,, July, ,, Feb., "„ ',', ',', May, ,, June, „ „ May, „ Jan., 1915 Dec, 1913 Feb., 1914 „ ,, Jan., ,, Feb., 1914 April, „ Mar., „ 445 ' Contract determined. 485 ■■ Reductions, £45. 504 J „ £20. 295 ! „ £18. 509 Extras, £5 ; reductions, £24. 282 Reductions, £27. 9,861 547 ! Extras, £16. 333 J „ £189; reductions, £5. 894 ■ Reductions, £35. 447 I „ £13. Sugrue Bros.,'Bellfield .."



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1913, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1914 —continued.

Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Contractor's Name and Address. I Date for Date of Completion. Completion. Amount of Contract. Amount of Extras and Reductions to be added to or deducted from Amount of Contract. ROADWORKS — continued. £ 3,844 262 5,989 5,788 269 Otago and Southland. Aug., 1911 Waiau River Bridge (Southland) Jan., 1913 Round Hill to Pahia Road April, „ Waiau River Bridge .. July, „ Balclutha Road Bridge, Extension Aug., „ Shotover Bridge (Ironbark) Everitt and Heffernan, Wellington .. Nov., 1912 j Pemberton, V., Invercargill .. .. April, 1913 ! Fraser, G. M., Huntly .. .. .. • | July, Rhodes, W., and Son, Dunedin .. ... Oct., 1914 Richardson, McCabe, and Co. (Limited), Wei- Nov., 1913 ; lington Laurie, E., Invercargill .. .. . - I Feb., 1914 j Mar., 1914 Homan and Cosgrove, Invercargill .. | ,, „ Withington, C, Invercargill .. .. April, „ Andersons Limited, Christchurch .. .. • I July, „ Determined. Nov., „ Jacob's River Block, Bushfelling, No. 1 „ >, " No - 2 Jan., 1914 Lillburn to Hauroko Track Mar., „ Shotover Bridge (Ironwork) 289 371 235 368 MISCELLANEOUS. Reductions, £4. Aug., 1912 300 Ironbark Piles Nov., „ 400 Bedsteads for Mental Hospitals Feb., 1914 Supply of Kauri at Wellington ; Brown, S. (Limited), Wellington .. .. May, 1913 ! Wallace, J. W., and Co., Wellington .. Nov., „ Feb., 1914 J Kauri Timber Company (Limited), Auckland j April, 1914 1,289 750 1,049



APPENDIX D. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1913, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1914, showing Deliveries to the latter Date.

Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. Number of Sleepers contracted for, and Class of Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. Date for ! Completion, i Total. delivered to Date. Date of Completion. NOETH ISLAND. WHANGAREI DISTRICT. j 270 puriri .. (1,093 totara.. 1,168 „ .. 1,378 „ .. 616 „ .. 1,736 puriri .. 884 „ .. 800 „ .. 110 puriri and 236 crossing I Cancelled. Completed. Mar., 1911 July, „ V. Trounsou .. .. .. Maropiu .. j Pickens Bros. .. .. .. Punaruku .. S. Doak .. .. .. J Mangatn G. E. Dudding .. .. Kaihu Tinioko and others .. .. I Otiria G. N. Le Clere .. .. Parua Bay .. J. W. Edmonds .. .. Ngawha Various .. .. .. Various s. d. 500 puriri .. | 3 9 ) 1,000 totara .. 3 3 j 2,000 „ .. 4 0 1,500 „ .. 3 6 1,000 „ .. 3 6 3,000 puriri .. 4 6 2,000 „ .. 4 6 800 „ .. 3 6 110 puriri and 236 6s. each and 21s. crossing per 100 ft. I Maropiu Station .. June, 1911 Opua .. .. Oct., ,, Kaihu .. .. Dec, „ Aug., „ Sept., „ Mar., „ Various Otiria .. .. Mar., 1912 Onerahi .. .. Dec, 1911 Kaikohe Railway, 11/20 June, „ Various .. .. Various .. Jan., 1909 Sept., 1910 ! E. Brenstrum .. .. ... Dargaville Fraser and Co. .. .. | Grafton, N.S.W. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Helensville .. July, 1909 Auckland .. .. n 1910 s. d. 1,200 puriri .. , 4 3 600, 7 ft. 6 in. by 8 in. j 5 0 by 6 in., ironbark 3,000 totara .. 3 3 350 puriri .. j 4 3 20,000 hardwood .. 4 10 37,000 „ .. 4 9J 1 454 crossing .. 23s. per 100 ft. J 735 hardwood cross- 25s. 6d. per ing 100 ft. 412 572 Completed. Dec., " Aug., 1912 • * i Moir and Resta .. .. Puhoi E. Brenstrum .. .. .. Dargaville Richardson, Blair, and MoCabe (Li- ; Wellington mited) J. Millar's West Australian Hardwoods „ .. ( Company (Limited) I Wallace, J. W., and Co. ■ Ahuroa .. .. j Sept., 1911 Helensville.. .. Mar., „ Auckland .. .. j Aug., 1913 Nil - . 21,767 Jan., 1914 • • i May, „ .. July, 1914 f 36,853 \ \ 454 crossing] Nil In hand. I I Fraser and Co... .. .. j Grafton, New South Wales TAURANGA DISTRICT. s. d. f 7,650 hardwood .. 4 4 "1 I 510 .. 4 6 ! W0 „ .. 4 8 JI 200, 8 ft. by 6 in. by 5 3 [_ 7 in., ironbark Tauranga .. .. April, 1911 f 5,671 I 371 <! 212 1 * Oct., 1910 i ! I I Redpath, J. R., and Co. .. Christehurch Richardson, McCabe, and Co. (Li- Wellington mited) GISBORNE DISTRICT. Oct., 1913 s. d. 1,223 hardwood .. 5 0 5,000 „ .. 5 1 Gisborne .. .. Open 1,200 4,590 Complete. Complete. i



APPENDIX D— continued. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1913, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department, &c.— continued.

Date of Contract or Contractor's Name. Address. Number of Sleepers contracted for, and Class of Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. Date for ! Completion. Total delivered to Date. Date of Completion. Agreement. STRATFORD DISTRICT. April, 1912 Feb., „ 1914 June, 1913 The New Zealand Powell Wood Rangataua Process (Limited) .. Ditto Silver-pine Timber Company .. Horopito .. J Pukuweka Sawmill Company .. Pukuweka .. s. d. 24,500 powellized birch 4 0 Rangataua .. 580 crossing .. 19s. 6d. per 100 sup. ft. 1,820 silver-pine .. 7 0 Horopito 442 .. 3 6 Waipnku .. 3,170 totara .. 22s. per 100 ft. „ .. Nov., 1912 , .. May, 1913 j .. Mar., 1914 .. ! Nov., 1913 10,500 460 890 442 683 Cancelled. j In hand. ; Completed. In hand. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Sept., 1912 Millar's West Australian Hardwoods Wellington .. Company (Limited) Ditto .. .. .. „ s. d. .. j 35,000 jarrah .. 4 9J Wellington.. 2,502 crossing .. 23s. per 100 „ sup. ft. .. May, 1913 i 35,000 2,502 Completed. SOUTH ISLAND. WESTLAND DISTRICT. April, 1913 May, „ Aug., „ Nov., ,, Dec, Various Gosling, i\ C. .. .. .. Ngahere Spence, A. E. . . .. .. Pukekura .. Feary, G. . . .. .. Inangahua .. Hunt, T. .. .. .. Cronadun .. Keech, M. .. .. .. Kumara .. J Stuart and Chapman .. .. Hokitika McLaughlin, M. .. .. Ngahere .. O'Brien, R. J. .. .. .. Rimu Richardson, A. .. .. Kumara Various .. .. .. Various s. d. 1,652 silver-pine .. 3 6 Ngahere 592 .. 3 6 Ross 1,615 ,, .. 3 6 Inangahua .. 2,241 „ .. 3 6 Cronadun .. 731 „ . . 3 6 Kumara 850 .. 3 6 Ross 989 .. 3 6 Ngahere .. 508 „ .. 3 6 Hokitika .. 778 .. 3 6 Kumara 1,467 „ .. 3 6 Various .. Feb., 1914 .. Dec, 1913 ■ • Aug., „ .. Feb., 1914 .. Dec, 1913 .. I Feb., 1914 .. ! Various .. 1,652 592 1,615 2,241 731 850 989 508 778 1,467 Feb., 1914. Dec, 1913. Aug., „ Feb., 1914. Dec, 1913. Feb., 1914. CHRISTCHURCH DISTRICT. Dec, 1913 Various Millar's West Australian Hardwoods Wellington .. Company (Limited) Various .. .. .. Various s. d. .. 20,000 jarrah .. 4 7 Lyttelton .. 690 „ .. i Various Open .. I .. ! Various .. Nil 614 In hand. DUNED1N DISTRICT. Aug., 1912 Sept., 1913 J. A. Redpath and Son .. .. I Christchurch Millar's West Australian Hardwoods Wellington .. Company (Limited) s. d. 11,000 hardwood .. 4 6J Dunedin 839 „ .. 4 6J .. Crossing, 8 by 5, 61/11, 23s. per 100 25/9 sup. ft. .. May, 1913 Open .. Dec, 1913 1,232 839 61/11, 25/9 Nov., 1913. Feb., 1914. April, ,,



APPENDIX E. ANNUAL REPORT ON PUBLIC WORKS BY THE ENGINEER-IN-CHIEF. (Ist July, 1913, to 30th June, 1914.) The Bnginbek-in-Ghief to the Hon. the Minister of Public Works. Sir,— Public Works Office, Wellington, 30th June, 1914. I have the honour to submit the following report on the various works completed and in progress throughout the Dominion during the past year : — EAILWAYS. Abstract. The following table shows the expenditure and liabilities on Government railways in New Zealand up to the 31st March, 1914 : —

Nameol Railway. Total Length of Railway or Section. Open for Traffic. Expenditure to 31st March, 1914. Liabilities on 31st March, 1914. M. oh. 19 58 34 12 58 6 M. oh. 17 21 £ 83,937 149,830 517,933 3,231 685,620 1,807,060 505,960 364,576 145,904 561,199 75,990 £ 50 493 Kaihu Valley Kawakawa-Hokianga-Opua Wharf - Grahamtown (Onerahi) Whangarei southward North Auckland Main Trunk Railway (from Helensville) Helensville -Tβ Awamutu, with Branches Hamilton-Thames, with Branches Thames Valley - Rotorua Tauranga-Paengaroa, with Branch (part of) .. Gisborne-Motu Napier-Gisborne Wellington-Napier and Palmerston North (including Te Aro Extension and Greytown and Martinborough Branches) Wellington-Waitara, with Branches Stratford - Okahukara North Island Main Trunk (Marton-Te Awamutu) including Raetihi Branch Picton-Waipara (South Island Main Trunk Railway)— Picton southwards Waipara northwards Nelson-Belgrove Midland Railway* .. Westport-Ngakawau Westport-Ngakawau Extension to Mokihinuif Mokihinui Colliery Line J Westport-Inangahua Ngahe-e-Blaekball Greymouth - Coal Creek Greymouth-Brunner Greymouth-Mikonui Culverdan-Hanmer Motor-cars Shed .. Hurunui-Waitaki, with Branches Canterbury Interior Main Line—Oxford-Temuka Waitaki-Bluff, with Branches Otago Central Invercargill-Kingston, with Mararoa Branch .. Forest Hill Railway—Winton-Hedgehope§ Western Railways Preliminary Surveys Miscellaneous Stock of Permanent-way on hand Rolling-stock 118 35 151 1 75 18 69 33 18 65 51 54 152 60 233 12 289 27 101 27 217 69 92 38 90 45 22 73 239 71 19 56 7 12 3 69 26 0 3 40 8 70 7 51 41 0 58 6 45 42 151 1 75 18 89 33 31 69 233 12 285 59 31 40 209 69 48 10 44 14 22 73 151 66 19 56 7 12 3 69 5 74 3 40 8 70 7 51 38 68 2,508,596 2,583,459 614,879 2,713,877 600,207 373,623 198,256 1,756,755 188,009 5,265 10,593 7,787 1,000 4,551 50 102,376 588 698 2,910 132,097 147,537 254,116 150,543 336,873 3,834 2,537,400 59,343 4,850,692 1,280,641 378,876 22,984 329,455 37,687 10,337 83,601 5,703,443 16,181 100 483 72 83 0 616 68 182 56 117 4 12 40 82 6 443 8 11 44 523 1 134 76 97 44 12 40 70 31 4^340 3,413 127,382 Total 3,732 48 2.864 17 1132,758,360 287,777 Provincial Govebnment Lines, etc. Canterbury (lengths included above) Otago and Southland Gisborne to Ormond Tramway Midland Railway, valuation of works constructed by company 731,759 372,522 4,975 11683,460 Grand total 3,732 48 2,864 17 34,551,076 287,777 * The amount shown as expenditure represents the net amo t The funds for this extension—namely, £35,501 2a. lid.-—wer ! The funds for purchase of this line, .£15,755, were provided 1 § The expenditure on this line as a tramway was made by tl '(Includes expenditure on railways under Hutt Road and and Wellineton-Manawatu Railway Purchase Act Accounts. f Includes value for £150,000 paid to debenture-holders u: Act, 1903. junt charged :e provided b by the Westp ae Lands Der Railway Imj against the I y the Westpc >ort Harbour mrtment. Movement, I Dominion. >rt Harbour Board. Board. lailway Improvement Authorization Act nder the Mil dland Railwi iy Petitions Settlement Act Amendment



During the year a total length of 41 miles 62 chains of railway, as shown in the following table, was handed over to the Railway Department for general traffic : —

Kaihu Valley Railway (16 m. 67 eh. to 23 m. 70 eh.—7 miles 3 chains in length). This line was completed to Tarawhati (19 m. 22 eh.), and the section was handed over to the Railway Department on the Ist June. A new station was provided at Whatoro (18 m. 30 eh.), and an approach road thereto formed and metalled. A bridge on this road is not quite completed. Kawakawa-Hokianga Railway. Ngapipito Section (0 m. to 7 m.). —At the commencement of the year about one mile of ballasting remained to be done ; this has been completed. A new station was put in at 3m. 10 eh. (Kawhiti). New station buildings were erected at Otiria (0 m.), also at Kawhiti and Ngapipito. The whole section was completed, trimmed up, and handed over to the Railway Department on the Ist May, 1914. Kaikohe Section (7 m. to 16 m. 25 eh.). —The formation of the Ngapulii station-yard and the new station-yard at Rakatau were completed, with approach roads, &c, main line and sidings ballasted throughout, approach roads metalled, telephone-line erected, water-services installed, buildings erected at five stations, and the whole section completed and handed over to the Railway Department on the Ist May, 1914. Goods traffic has been handled throughout the year. Omapere Section (16 to. 25 eh. onwards). —In connection with this section it was found necessary to make a road from Kaikohe to Okaihau, to act as a service-road to the line and a through coachroad. The formation (about 6 miles) is practically completed, and partly metalled, the remainder of the metalling being deferred until the winter is over. The road will be completed in the spring, and will be available for through traffic to Okaihau, as well as for carting to the railway-works. Formation of the railway between 16 m. 25 eh. and 18 m. 64 eh. was put in hand about three months ago by co-operative contract, and good progress has been made. Tenders have been invited for the construction of a further length from 18 m. 64 eh. to 19 m. 44 eh., the end of the permanent location, including the Summit Tunnel. Beyond 19 m. 44 eh. surveys are in progress. Whangakei - Nokth Auckland Main Tkunk Railway. This line,' to connect Whangarei with the North Auckland Main Trunk Railway, has been permanently located for a distance of about 15 miles, and a tender has just been accepted for the construction of the first 4 miles. A further contract, covering the length from 4m. to 7m. 75 eh., is being prepared. North Auckland Main Trunk Railway. Otamatea Section (81 m. 30 eh. to 83 m. 75 eh.). —This section was completed early in the year, but could not be handed over to the Railway Department owing to frequent slips occurring. These have now been cleared. The maintenance period on the Otamatea Wharf contract was satisfactorily completed. The Otamatea Station buildings are completed, and the water-service nearly so. It is expected that the section will be handed over about the Ist August. The Otamatea Bridge has just been finished. Owing to unsatisfactory foundations, the design was modified to some extent. Bickerstaffe Section (83 m. 75 eh. to 88 m. 40 eh.). —Rails are laid to 85 m. 60 eh., including the Otamatea Bridge. Fencing is completed to 86 m. 70 eh., and is being continued north of the Maungaturoto Tunnel. Metal has been crushed at Hoteo Quarry, and conveyed to the tunnel for concretework. Work has been in progress at both ends of the tunnel, 671 ft. of driving having been done. The lining has been kept close behind the heading. The ground has been heavy and treacherous, necessitating heavy timbering. The earthwork between the tunnel and the end of the section has been done, but a good many slips have occurred throughout the section. The bridge over Muddy Creek, 86 m. 70 eh., has been erected. The Bickerstaffe Station buildings are being erected by day-labour. Huarau Section (88 m. 40 eh. to 92 in. 25 eh). —Formation and fencing are in hand on this section. HUNTLY-AWAROA RAILWAY* The Huntly Bridge, comprising eight 100 ft. and two 40 ft. spans of hardwood and steel, on reinforced concrete piers and abutments, was completed, and an extension of the bridge across the Main South Road is in hand. The bulk of the earthwork up to 3m. is completed. Trimming has

Plan Mileage. Railway. Seotion. Length. Date. M. oh. M. oh. 16 67 to 19 22 0 0 to 16 25 31 -10 to 37 53 Kaihu Valley Kawakawa-Hokianga Stratford - Main Trunk (west end) Greymouth-Point Elizabeth Midland Tarawhati Ngapipito and Kaikohe . . Whangamomona M. oh. 2 35 16 25 6 1.3 1 June, 1914. 1 May, 1914. 30 June, 1914. 5 1 to 8 70 45 40 to 58 40 Cronadun - Inangahua Junction 3 69 13 0 15 Nov., 1913. 4 June, 1914.



been done up to 2m. 9 eh., and rails laid to Im. 70 cli. Formation up to sm. 44 eh. is being pushed on, so as not to delay the platelaying. From sm. 44 oh. to 7m. 22-5 oh. the formation-work has been let in five small contracts, of which three are progressing satisfactorily. The culverts are practically finished, and a drainage-drive at 6m. 53 eh. is in hand. Fencing is complete up to 4m. 40 eh. Bridges between 3 m. and 5 m. 44 eh. will be put in hand as soon as the Huntly Bridge extension is completed. Waiuku Bbanch Railway. Formation is in hand on the first three miles, three small contracts having been let, besides a short section which is being carried out by co-operative labour. Tenders are being invited for the erection of two cottages at Paerata Junction. , East Coast Main Tbunk Railway. Waihi-Tauranga. Athenree Section. —The work on this section, which has been suspended since November, 1912, was resumed in May, 1914. The unfinished portion between Im. and 4m. is being completed by co-operative contract, and good progress is being made. Small contracts covering a further 2 miles have been let, but little work has yet been done. Tauranga-OpotiM. Te Maunga Section. —In April, last work was commenced on this section by co-operative contract, and satisfactory progress has been made. Maunganui -Te Puke Section. —ln September last, although portions of the line were not fully ballasted, it was considered advisable to open this section for traffic under the Public Works Department. Rolling-stock was accordingly purchased, and the formal opening took place on the 16th October, 1913, about one thousand six hundred persons being carried during the day between Te Puke and the Mount. Since then the line has not been as well patronized as petitions would have led one to expect, and the goods traffic has been rather disappointing. Considerable trouble has been caused through embankments subsiding where they cross the swamps. The station buildings at Otaimatua, Papamoa, and Te Puke are practically complete. Early in the year it was decided to lengthen the tee of the service-wharf at Maunganui by 40 ft. It was found, however, that the existing birch piles had been completely riddled by the teredo, and the whole structure was therefore renewed, using totara piles. The wharf, with extension, is now complete, and the Northern Steamship Company's steamer calls regularly with passengers and mails, connecting with the trains. Crushing at the Moturiki Quarry has been continued, and so far all the ballast on the various sections has been supplied from this quarry, besides broken metal for local bodies. The Te Puke Quarry branch, 2 miles 60 chains in length, has been formed and laid, and partly ballasted. The quarry is being opened up, and part of the plant is at the site. The crusher has been placed in position and bins erected. Te Puke - Paengaroa Section. —The earthwork on this section is completed except the long Kaituna bank. Piles have been driven for the bridge at 54 m. 44 eh. and a temporary superstructure put on. Temporary bridges have also been erected at 55 m. 40 eh., and at Kaituna River, to enable the Kaituna bank to be formed with locomotive and trucks. The bridge at 54 m. 78 eh. is completed. Rails have been laid to within a short distance of Paengaroa Station (59 m. 50 eh.), and the line partly ballasted. Pongakawa Section. —Nine formation contracts, comprising the length from 60 m. to 64 m., were let in November last, and excellent progress has been made. Some of the culverts have been constructed, and material for the bridges is on order. Gisborne-Motu. Rakauroa Section (31m. 45 eh. to 38 m. 25 eh.). —The work done during the year was mainly ballasting. The section is completed, with the exception of station buildings, which are. well under way. Considerable damage was done to the line by very severe weather in May last, and the numerous slips and washouts are now being repaired. Matawai Section (38 m. 25 eh. to 44 m. lOjih.). —This section has been completely ballasted, but has also suffered considerable damage from floods. The country traversed is very unstable, and it has been deemed advisable to cut back many side slopes. The station-buildings contract has been delayed somewhat owing to difficulty in obtaining materials, but the various structures are now approaching completion. A train service, under the control of the Public Works Department, has been maintained throughout the year. The goods and passenger traffic has been satisfactory, but a shortage of trucks has hampered us to some extent. Motu Section. —This section commences at 44 m. 10 eh., and has been under construction up to 48 m. Formation up to this point is almost complete. The work on a portion of this length has been very heavy, some of the cuttings being in solid rock. All the culverts are completed, and rails have been laid to 46 m. Gisborne-Napier (North End). Ngatapa Section (0 m. to 10 m. 29 eh.). —The formation on this section is practically complete, and the rails have been laid to Ngatapa, crossing the Waipaoa River and other streams on temporary staging.



All the reinforced-concrete piles for the permanent Waipaoa Bridge have been oast, broken metal obtained for cylinders and piers, and a quantity of material ordered. A quarry-site has been acquired opposite 6 m. 27 eh. Waikura Section (10 m. 29 eh. to 22 m.). —A good deal of earthwork has been done up to 14 m. An extensive system of service-roads has been laid out, and several of these are under construction. Five small contracts were let, and of these two are completed, work on the others being suspended at present owing to unfavourable weather. A number of culverts have been constructed. Qisborne—Nafier (South End). Eskdale Section. —Fences and gates have been erected between 4m. 36 eh. and 7m. No formation-work has been done during the year. An agreement has been made between the Hawke's Bay County Council, the Napier Harbour Board, and the Department regarding the construction of the Westshore Bridge and embankment, and this work should be commenced shortly. Stratford - Main Trunk Railway. West End. Whangamomona Section (31m. 40 eh. to 37 m. 53 eh.). —The completion of this section has been delayed by various circumstances, but it was handed over to the Railway Department on the 30th June, 1914, being formally opened by the Hon. the Minister of Railways on the Ist July. Tahora Section (37 m. 53 eh. to 47 m. 30 eh. and onward). —Earthworks are practically complete to Kohuratahi Station yard, 42 m. 19 eh. Several cuttings are being worked beyond this point. Six bridges have been completed, and three are still in hand. Several culverts and water-drives have been constructed. The tunnel at 44 m. 32 eh. to 44 m. 55 eh. is under construction, the enlargement and lining having been completed for a distance of about 8 chains. Another tunnel at 44 m. 77 eh. to 45 m. 9 eh. will be started shortly. With the exception of a gap of about half a mile, the rails are laid to 42 m. 20 eh., and partly ballasted, ballast being railed from Mount Egmont. It is expected that the line will be complete to Kohuratahi early in the New Year. East End. Matiere Section (om. to 11m.). —Formation is practically complete up to \\ m. From IJI m. to 4m. is comprised in the Okahu contract, which is progressing rather slowly. At the Okahu Tunnel the tunnel-heading is being driven at each end, from shafts, the total length driven being about 8 chains. Between 4m. and sm. 53 eh. four small contracts are in hand, making fair progress. Culverts are practically complete to 6m. 30 eh. A portion of the Ohura Main Road has been reformed and pumiced, to serve as a service-road. A brickworks has been erected to provide bricks for tunnel-lining, &c, and is now in operation. Mount Egmont Branch Railway. The formation of this line has been continued, stripping from the quarry being utilized to form the heavy bank between 8 m. 62 eh. and 8 m. 72 eh. Rails have been laid in the " Foot " Station yard, also on the inclined cable tramway to the quarry. Considerable development-work has been done at the quarry, and a scheme of operations is being worked out. North Island Main Trunk Railway. Raetihi Branch. —One small formation contract is nearing completion. Tenders were invited for a number of others, but those received were not considered satisfactory, and the bulk of the work is therefore being carried out by co-operative labour. The Railway Department is constructing the first 15 chains from the junction. Clearing and culverts are complete to 4m. 66 eh., and formation nearly so. South Island Main Trunk Railway. North End. Mvrza and Mills Sections. —Work on this line has been suspended for some time, but a contract has now been let for the completion of the two sections, and the contractors have commenced work. The Ure River Bridge was completed in February, 1914. Midland Railway. Nelson-Westland Section (South End). Cronadun -Inangahua Junction Section. —This section was completed and handed over to the Railway Department on the 4th June, 1914. Qanterbury-W estland Section. The line from Cass to Arthur's Pass (temporary station) was taken over by the Railway Department on the Ist July, 1914, the section to Halpin Creek having been open for traffic since the Ist November, 1913.



Arthur's Pass Tunnel. At the Otira end of the tunnel all work has been done by day labour, and progress has been slow, owing to the presence of water and the necessity for heavy timbering. At the Bealey end there is very little water, but progress has not been very rapid. The men at this end are now working on the co-operative system. A steam plant has been installed at the Otira end to supplement the water-power, and has proved very useful. At both ends the plant has been concentrated in order to reduce operating-costs. The total length of heading driven during the year (both ends) is 34-29 chains, and the length of tunnel completed 32-38 chains. The distance between the ends of the headings is now 2 miles 23-83 chains, and between the completed portions 2 miles 61-05 chains. Culverden-Waiau Eailway. A tender has been accepted for the construction of the first 3 miles of this line, and some progress has been made. Further contracts are in course of preparation, and tenders will be invited shortly. Westport-Inangahua Railway. Cascade Section (5 m. 74 eh. to 12 m,.). —Practically the whole of the earthwork on this section is being carried out by contract, eighteen contracts having been let, of which six have been completed and one abandoned. Further contracts are being prepared, covering the remainder of the section. Greymouth - Point Elizabeth Railway Extension. This line was completed and handed over to the Railway Department on the 15th November, 1913. Catlin's-Waimahaka Railway. Gatlin's End. Puketiro Section (24 m. 8 eh. to 31 m. 30 eh.). —This section was completed some time ago, with the exception of a few cattle-stops, buildings, &c, which will be out of hand shortly. Papatowai Section (31m. 30 eh. to 36 m. 60 eh.). —The small amount .of formation remaining at the end of last year has been completed ; also all drains, culverts, fencing, and public crossings. Platelaying was completed to the end of the section, with the exception of a short length in Maclennan (Papatowai) Station yard. The second lift of ballast ha been completed. Most of the station buildings at Caberfeigh and Maclennan have been erected. The bridge over the Maclennan River has just been completed under contract. Tahakopa Section (36 m. 60 eh. to 41 m. 65 eh.). —The formation on this section, which included a large amount of drainage-work, is practically finished. The rails have been laid to 41 m. 34 eh., including Stuart's siding. First lift of ballast extends to 39 m. 63 eh., and second lift to 37 m. 20 eh. A contract- has been let for erection of station buildings at Stuart's and Tahakopa. It is expected that the section will be completed about the end of October. Lawrence-Roxburgh Railway. Beaumont Section. —Formation, culverts, road-diversions, &c, are completed. A road-bridge was erected on a deviation opposite 32 m. 15-35 eh. The Lowburn Bridge, at 34 m. 36 eh., is in course of erection. Fencing is nearly completed. Rails are laid to Lowburn Bridge, and ballasting is in progress. A contract has been let for station buildings at Craigellachie and Beaumont, but the line will be available for traffic before these buildings are completed. SURVEYS OF RAILWAYS UNDER CONSTRUCTION, NEW LINES OF RAILWAYS, LAND PLANS, ETC. Kawakawa-Hokianga Railway. A trial line has been run from 19 m. 44 eh. to the Hokianga waters at Rangiahua, via the Waihou Valley. This is an alternative to a line via Utakura Valley to Horeke, surveyed some years ago. Further surveys are necessary to enable this line to touch deep water in Hokianga Harbour, and to be extended, later on, towards Mangonui. These are now in hand. A flying survey was run from Rangiahua to Mangonui Wharf via Te Tio, the Mangamuka River, Maungataniwha Saddle, and Oruru Valley, a distance of about 40 miles. Kaihu Valley Railway. A trial survey was run early in the year from Tarawhati Station (19 m. 22 eh.) to Donnelly's CrossingJ(23 m. 70 eh.). This has since been permanently pegged. Whangarei Southwards Railway. Several trial lines were run during the year, and one permanently pegged for a distance of 14 miles, following the Whangarei Harbour, passing through Mangapai and down the Tauraroa. From 14 m. onwards the line passes down the Waiotera Valley, joining the North Auckland Main Trunk Railway at about 20 m. Mangapai to Waipu. A trial survey was made of a suggested line from Mangapai Wharf, at 8 m. on the Whangarei Southwards Railway, to join the surveyed railway-line between Marsden.Point and Waipu, a distance of 15 miles 47 chains. Kaikohe to Ohaeawai. The survey of a railway-line from Kaikohe Station (on the Kawakawa-Hokianga Railway) to Ohaeawai has been commenced. The distance is about 7 miles.

10—D. 1.



North Auckland Main Trunk Railway. A tender has been accepted for a land-plan survey between 88 m. 48 eh. and 92 m. 52 eh. Trial lines have been surveyed north of McCarrolPs Gap to 104 m. 40 eh., and plans prepared. A reconnaissance survey has been started from Kaiwaka to Waipu. Two alternative trial surveys were made between 102 m. and 114 m. 11 eh., and plans made. Plans of the permanently pegged section between 114 m. 11 eh. and 122 m. have also been prepared. In January, 1914, the pegging of.the selected route backwards from 114 m. 11 oh. was put in hand, and is completed back to 104 m. 70 eh. Waiuku Branch Bail way. Thirty-one miles of trial lines were surveyed, and 9J miles of permanent line pegged, and plans, &c, prepared. Numerous borings were taken at the principal cuttings and culvert-sites. A plan for proclamation purposes is being prepared. East Coast Main Trunk Railway. Gishorne-Motu. —A permanent survey was made, and plans prepared, from 49 m. (Kowhai Road) to 52 m. 30 eh., an extension of the pc manent line to Motu Township. Gisborne-Napier (North End). —Permanent survey and deviation of the located line have been in hand between 11 m. and 20 m., and a good deal of repegging and boring has been done. Gisbwne-Napier (South End). —A survey was made and cross-sections taken at a bluff near 0 m., to obtain information as to the quantity of material available at this place for the Inner Harbour embankment. An amended centre-line has been pegged between 0 m. and 2 m., and plans, &c, prepared. Stratford - Main Trunk Railway. West End. —Plans of the completed line from Pohokura to Whangamomona have been prepared. The permanent line has been surveyed from 47 m. 29 eh. to 49 m. 48 eh., and ranged out to 50 m. 60 eh. This survey has been suspended, and the party transferred to the Opunake Branch. Te Roti - Opunake - Moturoa Railway. Various trial surveys have been made, and the permanent line has been located to Opunake, and onwards to 34 m. 70 eh., in the direction of Moturoa. Trial lines have also been run in connection with the Stratford -Kaponga and Kapuni-Manaia proposals. The total length of trial line on all routes is 33 m. 14 eh., and of permanent surveys 40 m. 41 eh. Mount Egmont Branch Railway. Extensive trial surveys have been carried out in connection with the proposed water-supply to the " Top " Station. North Island Main Trunk Railway. Raetihi Branch. —The permanent survey has been completed. South Island Main Trunk Railway. North End. —The field operations in connection with the Kekerangu Section have not been extended during the year, but plans of the trial line from 60 m. to 62J m. (including a comprehensive survey of the large slip about 61 m.) have been completed. South End. —On the Conway Section trial plans and estimates for various routes were prepared. Culverden-Waiau Railway. This line was permanently located, and plans and estimates prepared. Waimate Branch Extension. The survey of this extension was put in hand, and trial work for 5 miles practically completed. The first mile has been permanently located and plans prepared. Featherston-Martinborough Railway. This line, 11 m. 50 eh. in length, was surveyed, and plans and estimates prepared. Catlin's-Waimahaka Railway. Catlin's End. —Land-plan surveys, Papatowai and Tahakopa Sections, were carried out under contract. Lawrence-Roxburgh Railway. The land-plan survey was completed from Big Hill to Beaumont. BALCLUTHA - TUAPEKA MOUTH RAILWAY. A trial survey of this line was commenced in May, 1913, and completed in February, 1914, the distance being about 23 miles, also from om. on the branch to Stirling Station yard. The trial-line plans are nearing completion. In connection with this line a road-deviation, about 3J miles long, has been surveyed, where the railway will interfere with the existing road.



Ota«o Central Railway. Clyde to Cromwell. —Survey-work was commenced on the 23rd April, 1914. The trial line has been run to the Half-way House, 7 m. 10 cli., and permanent line set out for 2 miles 9 chains. Winton - Heddon Bush Railway. Trial lines have been run between Heddon Bush and Winton, and Wright's Bush and Waianiwa, respectively. GORE-HEDGEHOrE RAILWAY. A reconnaissance survey was made here, and rough estimates prepared. Wyndham-Mokoreta Railway. Trial surveys are in progress in connection with this proposed line. ROADS AND BRIDGES. On the Te Kuiti - Awakino main road some work has been done in connection with a deviation in the Awakino Valley, and a number of men are still at work. On the Ohura Road a considerable amount of metalling has been done, besides maintenance-work and various improvements. The Opotiki-Motu main road has been further widened and improved. Maintenance-work has been heavy, owing to floods and washouts. The Mangapoike Valley Road also suffered severely, and efforts are now being made to render it passable in time for the wool traffic. The Kohatu-Westport-Reefton main road has been under maintenance throughout, and a considerable amount of metalling has been done. A new bridge over Blackwater Creek is in course of erection, and plans, &c, are being prepared for the renewal of sundry other bridges. The main road between Arthur's Pass and Waiho, in Westland, 161 miles in length, has been maintained and improved, about 39 miles being metalled ; four-mile Creek and Shenandoah Creek bridges renewed, road patched with metal, slips removed, &c. On the Canterbury side the road has been maintained for a distance of 20 miles. The Blenheim - Hope River Road has been surveyed for a distance of about 18 miles. The formation of tne Conway Gorge Road through Block X, Hawkswood Survey District, is in hand, about 46 chains having been formed out of a total length of 145 chains, half of which comprises very heavy work. A few of the principal bridges, &c, are mentioned briefly below : — Tokatoka Swamp Slop-banks, Drainage, and Tramway. —Stop-banks have been raised and protective works carried out at various points. The tramway has been extended a distance of 25 chains, and the 15|- chains required to complete will be constructed shortly. The line and formation have been maintained during the year. Warkworth Bridge. —The Warkworth Town Board has erected a new ferro-concrete superstructure on the existing concrete piers and abutments at the Mahurangi River crossing near Warkworth. Mangere Bridge. —The Mangere Road Board has let a contract for the construction of a new ferro-concrete road-bridge over the Manukau Harbour between Mangere and Onehunga, and the work is proceeding briskly. Piako River Bridge (Paeroa to Tahuna Road). —The Ohinemuri County Council has let a contract for the erection of a bridge on the Paeroa-Tahuna Road, comprising one 51 ft. span and two 21 ft. spans, on timber pile piers. Waihou River Bridge (between Puke and Junction) .-. —The Ohinemuri County Council has let a contract for the erection of this bridge, and the piles have been driven, but steamers have difficulty in negotiating the swing span and have damaged the bridge. Work has therefore been suspended pending a decision as to the steps to be taken to obviate the difficulty, which is due to the swift current and a bend immediately above the bridge. Puniu River Bridge. —The Department has let a contract for the construction of a bridge over the Puniu River, in the Wharepuhunga Block. Waipa River Bridge (Pirongia). —The erection of this bridge has been satisfactorily completed, under the supervision of the Waipa County Council. Taumatatotara Block. —A large amount of road-formation has been carried out in the northern portion of this block, besides bush-work, &c. Wharepuhunga Block. —About 11 miles of road-formation has been done here, in addition to clearing and stumping, &c. Rangiriri Bridge (Waikato River). —Tenders have been invited for the erection of this bridge, which comprises three spans each 120 ft, and thirty-three spans of 25 ft., on reinforced-concrete pile piers. Waitara River Bridge (Waitara).— Under the Waitara Harbour Board a ferro-concrete and steel bridge, 240 ft. long, has been erected. Patea River Bridge (Rawhitiroa Road). —A reinforced-concrete bridge, comprising two 60 ft. spans, has been erected by the Eltham County Council. Wanganui Town Bridge (Dublin Street). —This bridge has been completed, and is under maintenance by the contractor. Opawa River Bridge (near Blenheim). —A quantity of plant and material has been ordered for this bridge—a ferro-concr te structure 560 ft. long —and the preliminary work is in hand at the site. Akitio River Mouth Bridge. —This bridge, comprising two 100 ft. and five 25 ft. spans, has been completed. Aohanga River Bridge (Lookout). —The erection of this bridge is in hand. It consists of one 100 ft., one 41 ft., and five 25 ft. spans. Aohanga River Bridge (Waterloo). —This bridge, consisting of one 100 ft., one 41 ft., and four 25 ft. spans, is in course of erection, piles having been driven for three piers.



Wairoa River Bridge (Te Reinga Falls).— -The timber for this bridge has been ordered, and the ironwork manufactured in Wellington. Wairoa River Bridge (Te Teko). —The erection of this ferro-concrete bridge is in hand. The piers are practically complete, and one span has been erected ; also false-work for two more spans. Hapuku River Bridge. —A tender was accepted in July, 1913, for the erection of this bridge, which will eventually carry the South Island Main Trunk Railway as well as road traffic. It comprises six 100 ft. Howe trusses on cylinder piers and concrete abutments. The work is making fair progress. A considerable amount of work in the construction of approaches has also been arranged for. Big Wanganui Flood-damage. —Very extensive protective works have been constructed at the Big Wanganui River. Taramakait River Bridge. —A contract was let in June, 1913, for the erection of three 80 ft. and one 4-1 ft. spans. Later it was decided to add another 41 ft. span in lieu of protective works. The work was delayed for ome time through non-arrival of timber, but has since made good progress. Lower Shotover Bridge. —This bridge is not yet completed, the work having been delayed by various circumstances. Clutha River Bridge (Luggate). —Two sets of reinforced-concrete cylinders have been made, and one pair of cylinders sunk to the required depth. Two concrete abutments have been completed, and temporary staging erected across the river. The 200 ft. and 100 ft. truss spans are being manufactured in Dunedin, and nearing completion. The work is being carried out by contract, under the Vincent County Council, the Department assisting in various ways. Balclutha Traffic Bridge. —This bridge is being extended so as to give more water-opening, and one span is being raised to allow more clearance for the river-steamers. Two sets of concrete cylinders have been sunk, and one pile pier erected. Waiau River Bridge (Tuatapere). —Slow progress is being made with this bridge. Balclutha Protective Works. —The Department is proceeding with the raising of the stop-bank which protects the town of Balclutha, and inserting a puddle core therein. This is a work of some magnitude, and is progressing satisfactorily. Mataura River Protective Works (Waipounamu). —Stone walls and gabion groynes are being constructed in order to divert the Mataura River from a new channel formed during a recent flood into the former course. Prote five Works, Otago. —Surveys have been made and plans and reports prepared in connection with flood-damages at Gore, Mataura, Barnego Settlement, &c. IRRIGATION. Otekaike Settlement. The contract for the cutting of (5 miles of race on the eastern side of the river is almost finished. All the siphons except one have been put in. Some improvements hay; been made at the headworks. Ida Valley Scheme. All plant, &c, was fixed in position at the Manorburn dam site and the excavation taken out. Owing to bad weather and unforeseen delays the concreting was not commenced until after New Year. Since then 3,787 übic yards of concrete has been placed in position. In May work was discontinued, frosty weather having set in. Over 2,000 cubic yards of sand was carted from a pit 5 miles distant. A good deal of stripping was required here, the sand-deposits being patchy. To obtain stone for crushing a drive was put in at the quarry adjoining the dam-site, with chambers, and a large blast shattered the rock sufficiently to enable it to be quarried easily and cheaply. Given a favourable season, this dam should be completed before next winter. The excavation for the diverting-weir in Moa Creek was finished, but no concreting was done, everything being concentrated at the Manorburn dam. while the fine weather lasted. The work on Black's No. 3 main race was actively pushed on during last winter and early spring, over 10 miles of race being constructed. At the same time the German Hill race, for the right side of the valley, was started from Moa Creek flume, and the first mile (in broken rock) practically completed, also some plough-and-scoop work beyond. The excavation on the Bonanza race was continued last winter and during June of this year, and the race has been closely examined, and a scheme of enlargement worked out in detail. The work on this race has been hampered considerably by the winter weather. The programme for this year will comprise the completion of the Manorburn dam, the Moa Creek and Poolburn weirs, the various main races, and possibly some of the distributaries. During the irrigation period water was sold to several farmers in the valley. Manuherihia -Alexandra - Clyde Scheme. Construction. —Contracts for two sections of race in the Manuherikia Gorge have been prepared and tenders invited. Survey. —After two long trial lines had been run a final one was decided upon some 32 ft. higher than the first scheme. The intake of the new race is about three-quarters of a mile above the site originally selected. This new race commands a much larger area than the first one —viz., over 7,000 acres, besides about 1,500 acres on Galloway Flat. The main race is about 21| miles in length to a point at the head of Brennan's Gully, where it will divide into two or three long distributaries to irrigate (1) Dunstan Flat, from Manuherikia to Alexandra ; (2) the Waikerikeri Flats, and flats near Clyde ; and (3) the top of the moraine above Dunstan Flats. A great many contours were run in connection with the distribution of water to the various properties. The irregular nature of the ground, with long, flat spurs and gullies, isolated knolls and ridges, entails a good deal of work in locating distributaries. For the first 10 miles the irrigable areas










have been ascertained by surveys, but much remains to be done to ascertain the balance of the irrigable ground to Alexandra and Clyde, and in many cases trial distributaries must be run to ascertain what areas can be conveniently commanded. Trial surveys have been made for a race from Chatto Creek to command Galloway Flat as far as the junction of the Manorburn with the Manuherikia. A survey of a deviation of the Olrig race was made where this race interferes with the proposed irrigation race, but it may be possible to arrange for the two to be combined. Some levels were taken in connection with a possible dam-site in the Manuherikia River below Lauder. The site appears very favourable, and there is another suitable site farther up. Contours will have to be taken to ascertain the amount of water that can be impounded with dams. The approximate total length of surveys, longitudinal and cross sections, contours, traverses, distributary lines, &c, done during the year is 350 miles. Earnscleugh Flat. In connection with the irrigation of Earnscleugh Flat a suggested dam-site in the Fraser River was surveyed, but found to be of little value, the valley being steep and narrow, and requiring a long and high dam-wall. General. During the year the Department has had to oppose various applications for water which would, if granted, have been detrimental to the Department's interests. In all cases the applications were either refused or withdrawn. SBACLIFF MENTAL HOSPITAL WATER-SUPPPLY. This work was completed during the year. It comprises a concrete dam in Waitiripaka Creek, over 7 miles of pipe-line, and a reinforced-concrete fire service taken at the Hospital, with the necessary piping and hydrants. WAITATI MENTAL HOSPITAL. A reservoir to hold 75,000 gallons of water has been excavated, and a drainage system, with septic tank, installed at this institution. WAIHOU AND OHiNEMURI RIVERS IMPROVEMKNT. Ngararahi and Koutou Guts. —ln July, 1913, the Ngararahi portion of this work was completed, and ..on the 22nd idem was discharging approximately 1,400 cubic feet per second. The excavation • of the Koutou cut was completed in February, 1914. The Ngararahi cut is 62 chains long and 165 ft. wide, and the Koutou cut 9J chains long and 225 ft. wide. Two flood-gates were constructed to drain adjacent land, and the whole of the canal reserve was fenced. Paeroa Stop-bank Contract. —This work was completed in May, 1914. It comprises a substantial earthen bank, 53 chains long and from 10 ft. to 18 ft. wide on top, along the waterfront at Paeroa, and is intended to prevent the periodic overflow of the Ohinemuri River into Paeroa Township. Pereniki's Bend Cut and Lower Paeroa Stop-bank. —Complete plans have been prepared in connection with this work. The length of cut proposed is 25 chains, and the width 100 ft. The construction of this work will greatly relieve the Ohinemuri River, and only extremely high floods could thereafter overtop its banks. Flood-gates. —Flood-gates are being erected at Cassrell's drain and at Cooper's drain, the former being about finished. Willow-destruction. —The destruction of willows along the Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers has been continued, with highly beneficial results. The effects of floods are now lessened over many hundreds of acres, and farmers are extending their cultivation along the river-banks. Dredge. —The suction dredge which is under construction at Port Chalmers is nearing completion. The pontoons for use in connection with the dredge are being constructed, six hulls being complete. A slipway is being constructed, under contract, for use of the dredge. Surveys. —Extensive surveys hay > b?en carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Commissioners, and part of the work has been plotted. Cross-sections are being taken from time to time to asc rtain the extent of the silting going on in the rivers. TRAMWAYS. Napier. —The line was completed and opened for traffic on the Bth September, 1913. Wanganui. —Plans have been received for the Aramoho and Wanganui East extensions, and in connection with the latter the rails have been laid across the new bridge at Dublin Street. New Plymouth. —Plans of the proposed tramway have been submitted for approval. Wellington. —The duplication of the Brooklyn line .from Nairn Street to the top of the hill was completed. Short extensions, with " balloon " loops, have been laid at Newtown and Lyall Bay. Several new cars have been inspected and passed, also a number of " converted " cars. Dunedin. —The duplica ions > the lines in North-east Valley and St. Kilda were finished and passed. Alternative lines for the Caversham duplication were examined, also suggested alterations to sharp curves o suit the proposed bogie car?. New combination cars, Nos. 44 to 49, were tested and passed for traffic, and a number of cars " converted " to comply with the Tramways Amendment Act, 1913, have also been inspected. Chris church. —The removal of centre-pole; on various routes is proceeding. Proposals to use electric power on the Burwood - New Brighton line were approved, and poles have been erected from Burwood to the Trotting Club grounds. The St. Martin's extension, 1 mile 64 chains in length, was



ocmpleted and opened for traffic, and minor improvements made elsewhere. All the oars were altered to comply with the Tramways Amendment Act, 1913, except that the end bulkheads of twenty-six cars have yet to be cut through. Auckland. —The Kingsland duplication (New North Road) was inspected and passed for traffic. Ten new cars have been put in commission, air-brake equipment being fitted. The company has been granted permission to couple certain cars. Automatic point-controllers have been installed at the junctions. MARINE. Karori Rock Beacon. —A beacon is being erected on Karori Rock, in reinforced concrete, and will be illuminated by a powerful automatic acetylene light of the Aga type. The construction has been very much hampered by bad weather, but the base has now been built up to the level of the highest point of the rock. Kohukohu Launch-landing. —A pontoon launch-landing was completed at Kohukoliu Wharf early in the year, and is working satisfactorily. Parapara Bridge (Mangonui County). —This bridge was raised so as to enable navigation to be carried on at all sates of the tide. Taheke River. —ln order to improve the navigation of this river about 600 cubic yards of rocks which fouled the fairway have been removed, and willows overlying the banks at dangerous spots have been cut out. It is also proposed to deepen the river in places, but this cannot be done until the water is lower. The work already done has been very beneficial to navigation. Kohukohu Reclamation. —Plans have been prepared and tenders invited for the construction of a retaining-wall to reclaim a marine reserve. Nelson Lighthouse. —Plans have been prepared in connection with a proposal to instal an automatic light at Nelson. Nuggets Boat-landing. —Concrete blocks have been made in connection with the extension of the breakwater at the Fishermen's Landing. Moeraki. —A new boat-slip is practically completed. Karamea Harbour. —A contract for repairing and strengthening the existing training-wall was let recently, and the work is in progress. A tender has just been accepted for the construction of a further length (160 ft.) of training-wall, being a further instalment of the scheme outlined some years ago. This extension will absorb all the funds available at present, and will no doubt be beneficial, but it is very desirable that the whole scheme should be carried out as rapidly as possible. Repairs are being carried out at the existing wharf, and steps are being taken to provide new quarters for the Harbourmaster. Hokitika Sea-encroachment. —For some time past there has been a gradual encroachment by the sea at the back of Revell Street, Hokitika, and this reached a very acute stage during April last. At the request of the Borough Council the Government provided financial assistance, and prepared a scheme of groyne-work which is now being carried out. Considerable progress has been made with the work, in spite of great difficulties due to heavy weather, and the results already attained arc sufficient to show that the work is on the correct lines. Every effort is being made to complete the work at the earliest possible date. Somes Island Lighthouse. —Some repairs, &c, have been carried out at the keeper's cottage, and plans have been prepared for a new cottage for the caretaker. Marine Store, Pipitea Point. —This new building has been completed, under contract. Government Steamers. —Sundry repairs and renovations have been carried out. Channel Island Light-beacon. —The pedestal for this beacon was completed last year, and a track to the top of the island has been formed for 26 chains, also the anchorage and landing-platform on the small island. Ponui Passage Lighthouse. —ln July, 1913, a scow collided with the lighthouse, but little damage was done. It is proposed to convert this light to the automatic principle, and drawings are in course of preparation. Mokohinou Lighthouse. —Some additions to the keepers' houses have been carried out. Beacon Reach Light-buoy. —Tenders have been invited for the construction of a light-buoy for Beacon Reach, Northern Wairoa River. Kaipara River Beacon. —A new beacon has been erected to replace that which collapsed in January last. Motuihi Wharf. —Sundry repairs have been carried out. Rangiriri Wharf. —Plans and specifications for a wharf at Rangiriri have been submitted by the Waikato County Council. Warkworth Wharf and Shed. —This work was completed last year by the Rodney County Council. Silverdale Wharf. —This wharf has been erected by the Waitemata County Council under Government subsidy. Waikato River. —During the year a number of snags have been removed from the main channel, and some willow groynes constructed. The work has proved beneficial, and is being continued. Miscellaneous. —Proposals submitted by local authorities have been examined, and various surveys made and reports furnished by the district officers of the Department. DEFENCE WORKS. Various repairs and improvements have been made in connection with the Defence works throughout the Dominion. CONTRACTS, A complete schedule of contracts entered into during the year for the construction of works, and also for the supply of materials and the performance of various services, is given in Appendix C. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Public Works. R. W. Holmes, Engineer-in-Chief.



Enclosure to Appendix E. TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorized, Constructed, and Surveyed up to 31st March, 1914. NORTH ISLAND.

Note. —Column 12 : For detail information as to dates of openings of such portions of lines as are not given in this table see tables of lengths of lines in Public Works Statements, 1904-10. j Appropria- , tion. Division. I I 6 CD Section. t I ' Main | ! Line. ! i .9 op i ! I Total. ■a I" Under ; Under Forma-! Plate- — tion. la}dng. Date. State of Line. Opened. .1910-11 1911-121912-18)1913-14 State of Line. Opened. i Total. I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 13 16 M.ohs. jM.chs. M.chs. M. chs. M. chs. : M. ohs., M.ohs. |M. ehs. M. ohs.|M. chs.jM. ohs.M. chs. Kawakawa- Kawakawa .. 7 16 Opua Wharf - Kawa- 7 16 0 57 7 73 I Graham- kawa town (Onerahi) ; Kawakawa-Katno .. 4148 KawakawaTowai .. ', 21 18 0 61 21 79 ; .. .. .. 12 April,1911 .. ..2118 Towai-Hukerenui .. ! 4 30 0 33 i 4 63 .. .. .. 2 May, 1910 .. 4 30 Hukerenni-Kamo .. 16 0 3 29 19 29 ' I Kamo-Grahamtown ; 9 22 Kamo-Kioreroa .. I 6 52 2 27 8 79 .. .. .. .. .. .. - Kioreroa-Grahamtown ' 2 50 116 3 66 .. .. .. 2 Oct., 1911 .. ..250 Wbarf Kawakawa-Hokianga '' 34 12 I Otiria-Kaikohe .. 16 25 ! 1 45 1 17 70 .. .. 16 25 Kaikohe-Hokianga.. : 17 67 .. I 17 67 17 67 Prelim. Kaihu Valley Kaihu Valley .. i 19 58 ! Dargaville- Booms .. 17 21 | 0 75 j 18 16 Booms- Waima .. 2 37 0 19 2 56 ; .. ... 2 37 .. ..... .. .. , North Auok- Kaipara Northwards U 8 35 i Extension .. ..16017 .. i 60 17 6017 Bstim. land Rail- McCarrol's - Waiko- 4 53 ! .. : 4 53 4 53 way piko Waikopiko-Bickerstaffei 3 58 ! 0 65 4 43 ! .. 3 58 Bickerstaffe-Otamatea 4 25 ! 0 62 j 5 07 .. .. 4 25 .. .. .. .. Kaiwaka-Te Hana.. 8 65 I 1 03 ! 9 68 .. .. .. i 18 Mar. 19131 .. .. ..865 To Hana-Wellsford.. i 3 27 | 0 58 ! 4 5 .. ..' .. J16 May, 1910 .. 3 27 ! Wellsford-Wayby .. •! 3 18 0 28 i 3 46 .. .. -. i 1 April, 1909! Wayby-Hoteo .. 3 40 : 0 13 ; 3 53 .. .. .. 13 May, 1908 Hoteo- Kaipara Flats | 2 45 0 13 ' 2 58 .. .. .. 11 June, 1907 Kaipara Flats-Wood- 3 5 0 16 3 21 .. .. .. |17 Nov., 1905 cook's Woodcock 's-Ahuroa 2 41 i 0 16 2 57 .. .. .. 18 May, 1905 Ahuroa-Helensville.. 18 41 I 1 75 i 20 36 ! .. .. .. ! .. .. .. .. I 17 18 19 20 21 M. ohs. M. chs.'M. chs. M. chs. M. ohs. 21 18 :: : : :: :: il 27 2 2 50 ■ ■ '.'. '.'. '.'. '.'. ! > 45 42 45 4:


TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorized, Constructed, and Surveyed up to 31st March, 1914— continued. NORTH ISLAND— continued.


I State of Line. Appropriation. Division. i 1 Section. Main Line, j as Total. I Under Formation. Under Opened. I laying, j Date. I 1910-11,1911-12 1912-13;1913-14 I I Total. 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. 16 17 M. chs. M. chs. 16 . chs s. M 17 H. CUE is. 18 19 20 21 M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. 35 73 2 73 ! 100 13 M. chs. 35 73 2 73 M. chs. 35 73 2 73 M. chs. 6 66 1 70 M. chs. 42 59 4 63 M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. 42 59 A M ! M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. M. chs. K a i p a r a - j Kaipara-Newmarket Waikato ] Onehunga Branch .. Auckland-Waikato .. i Auckland-Penrose — Deviation via Beach i Auckland City Branch ! —Kingsland Station to Auckland Station via Western Park and Freeman's Bay Surveys, new Waiuku Branch Bly. lines Huntly-Awaroa Paeroa-Pokeno Waikato- Waikato-Thames .. Thames PaeroaWaihi Paeroa-Waihi East Coast Waihi - Opotiki, or Railway East Coast Railway ! via Matata Branch .. Hamilton- Hamilton-Cambridge Cambridge Thames Val- Thames Valley-Roto-ley - Roto- rua rua M. ohs. I M. ohs.i M. ohs. 35 73 Helensville-Newm'rk'ti 35 73 j 6 66 2 73 Penrose - Onehunga 2 73 I 1 70 Wharf 100 13 Auckland-TeAwamutulOO 13 | 16 66 6 50 Deviation via Beach i 6 50 i 2 60 ! Auckland City Branch! 2 60 12 5 Paerata-Waiuku ..125 9 0 ' Huntly-Awaroa .. ] 9 0 40 15 j Paeroa-Pokenq .. j 40 15 j 62 58 ; Prankton Junction- , 62 58 10 17 Thames 12 40 i Paeroa-Waihi .. 12 40 1 30 124 0 J Waihi-Tauranga .. 41 0 Tauranga-Te Maunga 4 0 Junction Tβ Maunga Junction- 9 0 I 1 15 Te Puke Te Puke-Paengaroa.. 5 65! 1 41 Paengaroa-Opotiki .. 64 15 ; .. J ■ 4 27 ! Mount Maunganui - 4 27 ! 0 47 Te Maunga Junotiou 12 2 Euakura Junction- 12 2 3 14 Cambridge 69 33 Morrinsville-Eotorua | 69 33 5 27 100 13 6 50 2 60 100 13 6 50 2 60 16 66 116 79. 6 50 2 60 4 63 .16 79 6 50 ; 6 50 2 60 J 2 60 Prelim. 12 5 J 12 5 9 0 1 57 7 23 40 15 40 15 72 75 13 70 .. .. .. 9 Nov., 1905 41 0 37 0 4 0 4 0 I .. 3 15 6 50 2 60 Prelim. ■ .. .. .. • • !! 62 - 58 12 40 12 2 69 33 •• I ■• 10 15 .. .. 10 15 71 . (29 0* 1 29 J 5 40 a 4 \3115t i 0 J .. 4 74 .. .. i 4 74 15 16 74 60 j :: :: :: I I I I I j . i * Approximate. t Trial survey.



TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorized, Constructed, and Surveyed up to the 31st March, 1914— continued. NORTH ISLAND— continued.

11—D. I.

State of Line. Appropriation. Division. S Section. Main Line. 3 Total. i Under Under Opened. 02 tion. laying. Date. 1910-11 1911-12 1912-13 1913-14 I I i Total. 1 2 Gisborne- Grisborne Opotiki Eotorua New survey Napier-Gisborne N a p i e r - Napier-Woodville Woodville 1 3 4 M. ohs.j 92 56 Gisborne Wharf-Kai-teratahi Kaiteratahi-Karaka Karaka-Puha Puha- Waikohu Bridge ; Waikohu Bridge- Waikohu Waikohu-Otoko Otoko-Bakauroa Bakauroa-Matawai.. Matawai-Kowhai Road Kowhai Road-Moto Motu-Opotiki 162 60 Napier- West Shore.. West Shore-Petane.. Petane-Eskdale Eskdale-Wairoa Wairoa River-Gisborne Gisborne Station - ; Makaraka Makaraka-Patutahi Patutabi-Ngatapa .. ! Ngatapa-Waikura .. ; Waikura-Waterfall* Waterfall-Hangaroa* 96 65 Napier Spit-Woodville 5 6 V[. chs. M. chs. 13 10 2 45 5 5 0 71 1 75 ! 0 24 3 29 0 35 0 32 7 75 0 32 j 6 60 0 32 I 5 65 0 50 I 5 10 0 55 2 10 I .. 41 2 3 37 i 3 57 ! 3 35 .. 47 31 62 0 3 5 ... 7 M. chs. 15 55 5 76 I : 2 19 3 29 0 67 8 27 7 12 6 35 5 65 2 10 41 2 3 37 3 57 3 35 47 31 62 0 3 5 S M.ohs. ■• i 2 10 41 2 3 12 9 M. chs. 2'io Estim. 0 25 3 57 3 0 Prelim. 12 11 10 M. chs 6 60 5 65 3 0 "' II 13 April, 1905 20 May, 1907 28 May, 1908 1 April, 1909 6 April, 1912 12 M. chs. I 13 M.chs. •• 14 M. chs. 15 M. chs. 7 75 16 M. cbs. 17 M. chs. 18 M. chs. ! i ! i 19 M. obs. ! 20 M. chs. 21 . M. chs. 131 69 :: •• t New survey Napier-Gisborne 0 35 47 31 49 69 ; I " * •■ j i I ! t •• 4 55 I 0 40 6 50 0 50 7 30 ' 6 0 5 0 96 65 15 5 5 15 7 20 7 30 6 0 5 0 111 70 " I 4 30 6 0 5 0 1 30 3 0 Prelim. Prelim. 4 55 5 20 .. i •■ i •• I i 'i - ■ •• ! % G5 and Palmerston Woodville-Palmers North North Wellington- Woodville-Wellingl Wooaville ! Greytown Branch a p i e r - Woodville and Palmerston North 'ellington - Wooaville Napier-Woodville .. Woodville-Palmers ton North Woodville-Wellington ston jton 1 96 65 17 21 Woodville-Palmerstori North 115 79 Woodville-Wellington [Te Aro] 3 7 Woodside-Greytown 17 21 17 21 0 51 17 72 .. .. . • • • 17 21 115 79 3 115 79 115 79 21 73 137 72 •• •• i Greytown Branch .. ' 3 7 3 7 0 64 3 71 I i I + Approxin nate.


D.— l

TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorized, Constructed, and Surveyed up to the 31st March, 1914— continued. NORTH ISLAND— continued.

03 Section. Main Line. a Total. 03 Under '' Under Forma- Platetion. laying. State of Line. Appropriation. Division. Opened. 1 tion. i laying. Date. 1910-11 1911-12!l912-i3 1913-14 Total. 1 limutaka Incline Deviation Surveys 'oxton-New Plymouth ■2 Coach-road Route .. Tauherenikau Route Wainui-o -mata Route Coast Route Coast Route Wellington-Manawatu Foxton-Patea Route Improvement Surveys Patea - Waitara and New Plymonth Bull's Branch Wanganui Branch .. Stratford-Main Trunk 3 M.chs. 9 0 21 30 31 40 52 0 70 0 83 37 120 44 26 7 4 5 6 7 8 9 M.chs. M.chs. M. chs.i M. ohs.J M. chs. Kaitoke-Featherston 9 0 .. 9 0 ! 9 0 Prelim. Upper Hutt-Woodside 21 30 .. , 21 30 21 30 Petone-Pigeon Bush 31 40 ■ .. 31 40 31 40 Petone-Pigeon Bush 52 0 . . j 52 0 52 0 Petone-Carterton, via 10 0 \ .. 10 0 70 0 Martinborough Wellington-Longburn 83 37 j 15 76 99 33 Foxton-Patea .'.120 44 14 75 135 39 Turakina-Matarawa 11 67 .. 11 67 I 11 57 Aramoho-Goat Valley 7 40 .. 7 40 7 40 Tunnel Kai Iwi-Okehu .. 3 60 .. 3 60 j 3 60 Nukumaru-Waitotara 3 0 .. 3 0 3 0 Prelim. Patea-New Plymouth 72 29 11 52 ! 84 1 Breakwater Bull's Branch ■ ... 3 79 I .. ; 3 79 3 79 ! Prelim. Aramoho-Wanganui j 3 29 ] 2 23 j 5 52 Stratford-Toko .. 6 26 I 0 40 j 6 66 Toko-Oruru .. 4 72 i 0 36 i 5 28 Oruru-Huiroa .. 4 50 0 35 5 5 Huiroa-Te Wera .. 6 77 1 16 8 13 Te Wera-Pohokura .. 8 55 0 65 9 40 I Pohokura - Whanga- 6 13 0 45 6 58 '■ .. 0 13 momona Whangamomona-Ta- 9 67 0 60 10 47 2 66 1 71 hora Tahora-Heao .. 1 40 ' .. 1 40 1 40 Heao-Matiere ..35 57 .. 35 57 35 57! Prelim. Okahukara-Matiere.. 10 23 12 11 25 : 4 50 j 5 53 Matiere-Waitawhenua 6 27 .. 6 27 : 6 27 j Watershed 10 11 M.chs. j 7 Dec, 1908* 1 Mar'., 1905 .. ; 1 April, 1908 ■20 June, 1910 1 Aug., 1912 6 0 2 10 12 13 M. ohs. M. chs .. .. ! .. 14 15 16 17 18 j ■ 19 20 21 M. chs. j M. chs. ■ M.chs.! M. chs. M. ohs. M. ohs. 'M. ohs. M. chs, .. .. .. .. .. j • • ■ ■ 83 37 . . 120 44 j 31 40 8 55 .. .. .. .. .. 72 29 3 79 3 29 101 27 .. j 6 77 :: : :: StratfordMain Trunk * Date of x> purchase.



TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorized, Constructed, and Surveyed up to the 31st March, 1914— continued. NORTH ISLAND— continued.

State of Line. Appropriation. Division. Section. Main Line. jo Be Total. Under Under Opened. i -J! tion. laying. Date. 1910-11 1911-12 1912-13; 1913-14 i Total. 1 2 J 3 4 Stratford- Stratford - Ongarue — 33 40 Mangaroa-Puketutu Main Trunk Deviations 14 0 ', Aramatai-Hangatiki — ctd. Puketutu - Mangaroa 30 0 Deviation jOpunake-Mountain Ed. 23 10 Opunake-Eltham .. Opunake-Moturoa .. 12 41 Opunake-Pungarehu 22 39 Opunake-Te Roti .. 25 58 Opunake-Stratford .. Mount Egmont 8 77 Manganui Section .. Branch ' Quarry Section North Island ! Marton-Te Awamutu 209 69 Marton Junction - Main Trunk Mangaweka Railway Mangaweka-Taihape Taihape- Mataroa Mataroa Waiouru .. I Waiouru-Erua Erua-Taumaiunui .. Taumarunui-Te Awamutu Ohakune - Raetihi 8 53 | Raetihi Section Branch Central Route Devia- | 30 0 Ohakune to Mokaution Surveys Retaruke Divide 34 0 Makatote Gorge-Ma-rae Kowhai 20 0 Marae-Kowhai-Ohura Valley Ngaire-Ongarue .. 103 58 Ngaire Section .. J Tangarakau Section Heao Section Ohura Section .. I i Waitara-Tangarakau 46 75 Waitara Section i Urenui Route .. 12 0 Urenui to Tangitu River Hastings-Te Awamutu 170 0 Hastings-TeAwamutu Totals .. .. 2604 10 5 M. chs. 33 40 14 -0 30 0 23 10 12 41 22 39 25 58 5 74 3 3 31 67 6 M. ehs. 7 8 9 M. chs. M. ohs. M. chs. '. 33 40 33 40 Prelim. 14 0 i 14 0 ! Prelim. 30 0 30 0 ; Prelim. 23 10 23 10 ! 12 41 12 41 22 39 22 39 25 58 25 58 Prelim. 7 77 3 63 .. J 1 18 36 48 i 10 M. chs.l 1 65 11 1 Aprii, 908 12 M. chs. 13 14 15 16 M. chs. M. ens.; M. chs. M. chs.! ..I 17 M. chs. 18 M. ohs. •• 19 M. chs. •• 20 M. ohs. - .. 21 I. chs. .. 2 3 0 60 4 61 •■■ .. 6' 0 I 13 1 ! 5 70 18 10 30 63 35 65 ; 74 33 1 61 0 61 14 62 6 51 .. 97 2 8 || :: 80 53 " ] 10 Sep., 1904 1 June, 1907 30 June, 1908 13 Feb., 1909 9 Nov., 1908 50 58 112 50 "" "" \ 84 58 i 6 20 i 74 33 •■ ! .. .. .. I ' 8 53 0 46 9 19 4 53 4 0 30 0 30 0 Prelim. 30 0 34 0 20 0 : 38 73 26 0 10 70 27 75 ; 46 75 12 0 34 0 34 0 Prelim. 20 0 20 0 Explor. 38 73 I 38 73 26 0 26 0 10 70 10 70 27 75 27 75 46 75 46 75 12 0 12 0 Prelim. 170 0 170 0 Prelim. " •• • ■ .. . .. " J 70 (i 2604 Iβ' 1250 18 65 13 79 11 1144 53 1 I 14 54 I 23 68 25 35 1208 50 192 18 2796 281250 18 65 13 12796 28 79 11 I ■ Note. —Taonui and Liohfield Branches not mentioned above, as the rails have been taken up.



TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorized, Constructed, and Surveyed up to 31st March, 1914— continued. SOUTH ISLAND.

Note. —Column 12 : For detail information as to dates of openings of such portions of lines as are not given in this table see tables of lengths of lines in Public Works Statements, 1904-10. Appropriation. Division. Mileage. Section. Main Line. Sidings. Total. State of Line. Opei ,ed. Under Under Snr. reyed. mation. laying. Date. 1910-11. 1911-12. 1912-13. 1913-14. — T — Total. 1 2 M. ch. 22 73 4 Nelson-Belgrove 5 M. eh. 22 73 6 M. oh. 2 52 7 M. ch. 25 45 8 M. eh. 9 M. ch. 10 M. ch. 11 12 M. ch. 13 M. ch. 14 M. cb. 15 M. ch. 16 M. ch. 17 18 19 20 21 M. ch. 22 73 NelsonRoundell Midland Railway Nelson-Belgrove.. Stillwater - Belgrove (maTadmor) 147 7 Stillwater-Reefton S. Reefton S.-Reefton N. Reefton N.-Cronadun Cronadun-Landiog .. Landing-Inaugahua Inangabua-Kawatiri Glenhope-Kawatiri Glenhope-Tui Tui-Kiwi .. Kiwi-Tadmor Tadmor-Kohatu Kohatu-Belgrove Brunner-Otira Rolleston Section .. Tunnel Contract Tunnel Contract-Cass Cass - Broken River.. Broken River - Ota37 30 1 30 5 38 8 40 6 0 46 43 4 5 9 42: 3 17! 5 9 10 29 9 44 42 27 1 2 8 0 13 79 15 22 7 40 4 79 1 0 0 56 0 45 0 10 0 15 0 55 0 34 0 29 0 69 0 62 2 68 0 20 1 29 0 30 42 29 2 30 6 14 9 5 6 10 46 43 4 20 10 17 3 51 5 38 11 18 10 26 45 15 1 2 8 0 14 19 16 51 7 70 - 31 Mar., 1907 7 Aug., 1908 .. 37 30 1 30 5 38 1 26 46 43 0 74 840 4 54 .. •• "■" 3*ii ••I •• •• ■ ■ 9 '42 3 17 2 Sept., 1912 I:: I 12 59 * * ! 18 Dec, 1908 7 Aug., 1906 5 9 10 29 9 44 42 27 " Brunner - Spring- 92 68 field 7 12 ! 1 2 0 68 13 79 - I i i • - I '■ 10 Dec!, 1910 29 Oot., 1906 15 22 i • * Ngahere-Blackball 3 40 .. I I i I 27 40 rama Otarama-Springfield 4 58 0 16 4 74 Blackball Railway GreymouthNelson Creek WestportNgakawau WestportNgakawau Extension 3 40 Ngahere-Blackball .. 3 40 1 20 4 60 I 16 July, 1910 3 40 i 3 40 Greymouth - Nel- 7 51 son Creek 7 51 Greymouth-Brunner-ton-Stillwater 7 51 6 18 13 69 - 7 51 19 56 Westport - Ngaka- 19 56 wau Ngakawau-Moki- j 7 12 hinui 19 56 Westport-Ngakawau 19 56 8 12 27 68 • • 7 12 N g ak a w a u-Mokihi-nui 7 12: 1 18 8 30 i .. I " * I 7 12 Mokihinui Colliery 3 69 Line Westport Inanga- 26 0 hua Junction 3 69 4 14 I i I 3 69 Mokihinui-Seddonvillej 3 69i 0 25 WestportInangahua^ 26 0 Westport-TeKuha.. ! Te Kuha - Inangahua Junction 5 74 20 6 0 10 6 4 20 6 16"6 4 0 1 April, 1912J 5 74 5 74 ••



TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorized, Constructed, and Surveyed up to the 31st March, 1914— continued. SOUTH ISLAND— continued.

Appropriation. Division. Mileage. Section. ££ 8id^°Total. Under Under j State of Line. Opened. Surveyed. mation. laying. Date. 1910-11. 1911-12.1912-13.1 191S-14. — Total. I 11 ' 12 M. ch. 1 Dec, 1904 .. 14 15 I M. ch. M. ch.| 1 State Colliery, or Coal Creek Railway 2 3 i M. ch. Greymouth- Point 5 1 Elizabeth Colleries Extension .. 3 69 4 5 M. ch. Greymouth - Runanga 5 1 Colliery 6 : M. Oil. 2 10 7 M. ch. 7 Hi 8 M. ch. 9 10 M. ch. 13 M. ch. 16 M. ch. •• 17 M. ch. 18 M. chj •• 18 I. el :h. 19 M. ch. 20 21 M. ch. M. ch. 5 1 : ! Runanga Colliery- Point; 3 69 Elizabeth Collieries ■ Greymouth-Hokitika i 24 37 2 20 6 9' 21 Jan., 1914 3 69 3 69 i GreymouthHokitika Kumara Branch HokitikaRoss Greymouth -Hoki- 24 37 tika Kumara Branch 4 10 Hokitika-Boss .. 15 75 2 10 26 47 24 37 Kumara Branch .. : 4 10 i 4 10 4 10 ! . . Hokitika-Buatapu .. 7 10 Ruatapu-Boss .. 7 21 Survey to Boss Town- 1 44 ship Boss-Waitaha .. 10 0 Picton-Seddon .. 33 45 Seddon-Kaparu .. 6 30 Kaparu-Ward .. 8 15 Ward-Mirza .. 3 38 Mirza-Mills .. 4 38 Mills-Hapuka River 36 32 Hapuka River-Lime- 23 0 stone Creek Limestone Creek-Con- 7 O^ way River Conway River - Men- 10 50i dip Hills Mendip Hills .. 5 6l! 0 61 0 69 7 71 8 10! 1 44 " 1 9 Nov., 1906 .. 1 April, 1909 .. 7 10 721 . 1 44 New survey PictonWaipara „ „. . . Boss-Waitaha .. 10 0 Picton - Kaikoura 92 38 3 26 0 76 1 20 0 30 0 34 10 0 36 71 7 26 9 35 3 68 4 72 36 32 23 0 2 54 .. 3 38 4 38 ::( f 13 April, 1911! ] •• 630 '.'. 8 15 .. .. [I 48 10 Hapuka River- 40 50 Mendip Hills 36 32 23 0 Prelim. .. .. .. i .. 7 o: .. f f .. 10 50| I Meodip Hills-Par-! 5 61 j nassus Parnassus -Wai- 44 14 para 5 61 2 0 3 61 ! ! • • Parnassus-Mina .. I 8 43 Mina-Domett .. 3 63 Domett-Tormore .. 3 10 Tormore-Ethelton .. 5 28 Ethelton-Scargill .. 8 51 Scargill-Waipara .. 14 59 Culverden-South Wai- 206 7 taki 1 14 0 70 9 57 4 53 1 Sept., 1912 .. 1 Aug., 1910 .. 14 Nov., 1906 .. 21 Mar., 1907 .. 3 Nov., 1905 .. 363 8 43 :: if iiu '.'. i 206 7 1 I 0 66 I:: 9 24 HurunuiW aitaki : 0 51 1 2 64 68| 9 22J 15 61! 270 75! • Main Line .. j 206 7 j .. •• ..



TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorized, Constructed, and Surveyed up to the 31st March, 1914— continued. SOUTH ISLAND— continued.

State of Line. Appropriation. Division. Mileage. Main Line. Sidinge. -, Under onr- For Section. Total. Under Opei ied. natelaying. 1910-11. 1911-12. — Total. Date. 1912-13. 1913-14. 1 2 3 M. ch. 4 5 M. ch. 6 M. ch. 7 ■' M. ch. 8 M. oh. 9 M. ch. 10 M. ch. 11 12 M. ch. 13 M. ch. 14 M. ch. 15 M. ch. 16 M. ch. 17 M. ch. 18 M. ch. 19 M. ch 20 M. chJ 21 M. ch. HurunuiW a i taki — contd. Branches, — 13 0 21 76 20 7 Gulverden-Waiau .. Kangiora-Oxford West Main Line - West Eyreton-Bennett's Lyttelton - Christchurch Hornby-Southbridge : Lincoln- Little River 13 0 21 76 20 7 13 0 24 32 21 68 13 O! Rangiora-Oxford Eyreton (from Main Line) Lyttelton .. I 2 36 1 61 * ' 21 76 20 7 6 26 6 26 6 26 6 26 Southbridge Little RiverAkaroa 25 31 42 10 25 31 22 46 3 17 2 5 28 48 24 51 25 31 22 46 Springfield Whitecliffs 30 60 11 38 Reconnaissance Rolleston-Springfield Springfield-Coal-mine Darfield-Whitecliffs Whitecliffs to Bridge Rakaia-Methven 19 44 29 63 0 77 11 33 0 5 22 20 J 3 7 I 1 53 19 44 33 67 13 11 19 44 Prelim. .. 30 60 ■• 11 38 Canterbury Interior Main Line Rakaia-Ash-burton Forks Ashburton 22 20 Tinwald-Spri ngburn Extension Washdyke-Eversley 27 29 2 17 36 5 2 65 1 52 25 5 29 1 2 17 38 50 '■ • * 22 20 29 46 2 17 27 29 Opawa and Albury to Pairlie Creek and Burke's Pass Waimate Waimate Gorge 55 8 2 - 45 36 5 4 42 8 21 Preliminary survey .. Studholme- Waimate Waimate- Waihao Downs Oxford-Sheffield .. Surveyed Reconnaissance 19 3 4 42 8 21 i' 3 0 54 19 3 5 45 8 75 19 3 Prelim. 4 42 8 21 Oxford-Temuka .. 83 0 11 44 ! 21 7 50 29 0 27 11 71 21 7 50 29 21 "\ 5029 11 44 Prelim. WaitakiBluff and Branches Main Line Branches, — Duntroon Duntroon-Haka-teramea Ngapara Livingstone 246 69 21 75 15 38 South Waitaki-BIuS Pukeuri-Duntroon .. Duntroon - Hakateramoa Waiareka-Ngapara.. Windsor-Tokorahi .. Survey (trial) Palmers ton-Dunback Surveyed 246 69! 21 75 15 38 59 13 1 35 1 5 306 2 23 30 16 43 " - I 246 69 21 75 15 38 14 76 16 40 14 76! 12 0! 4 40j 8 55| 0 65 ; 1 31 0 50 16 27 12 50 4 40 9 29 0 65 0 5 Prelim. 14 76 11 75 0 54 440 8 55 Palmerston-Wai- 1 hemo 8 55 0 65 065 » * .. I ••



TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorized, Constructed, and Surveyed up to the 31st March, 1914— continued. SOUTH ISLAND— continued.

Appropriation. Division. Mileage. Sectioft. Main Line. Siding*. Total. 8nr _ Under Under State of Line. Opened. laying. Date. 1910-11. 1911-12.1912-13. 1913-14. i — Total. 3 4 M. oh. I I 13 i 14 M. ch. M. ch. I . I 1 1 2 5 M. ch. 6 M. ch. 7 M. ch. 8 9 M. ch. M. ch. 10 11 12 M. ch. ! M. ch. 15 M. ch. 16 S 17 M. ch. M. ch. is : . 3 19 19 i M. ch. 20 M. ch^ ■21 M. ch. WaitakiBlufi and Branches — contd. /ai Bli Br: — c i taki ufianc ranehe contd. i- Branches —contd. d Inch Valley Railbs way Port Chalmers.. 2 29 Inch Valley-Lime Kiln 1 9 Glendermid - Port Chalmers 2 44 Bumsiae-Saddle Hill 4 65 Surveyed 2 29 0 23 2 52 .. 2 29 1 9 1 9 3 40 i 49 .. I .. Green Island .. Green Island to Brighton Fernhill Colliery Line Kaikorai Valley Railway Outram Lawrence Law r e n c e-Rox-burgh 2 44 4 65 0 52 3 16 4 65 ! .. .. 2 44 465 ! '.'. 1 60 Abbotsford to Pernhill Colliery 2 601 Surveyed 1 60 0 24 2 4 .. .. 1 60 2 60 2 60 2 60 8 78 Mosgiel-Outram 21 76 Clarksville-Lawrence 37 9; Lawrence-Big Hill .. Big Hill-Beaumont.. ', Beaumont-Roxburgh 105 66| Balclutha-Owaka .. Owaka-Catlin's Catlin's-Houipapa .. Houipapa-Puketiro.. Puketiro-Papatowai Papatowai-Tahakopa Tabakopa-Marimii .. I Marinui-Tokanui Tokanui-Waimahaka Waimahaka-Appleby 20 3 Waipahi-Heriot 8 78 21 76 7 33 5 35 24 21 19 20 3 38 2 30 7 22 5 29 5 25 23 63 6 0 8 27 24 52 20 3 0 68 2 2 0 44 0 49 9 66 23 78 7 77 6 4 24 21 21 3 3 68 2 39 7 65 6 4 5 68 23 63 6 0 9 11 26 22 22 6 lAug!, 1910 .. 4 35 7 33 .. I •• i I * * * i 8 78 21 76 7 33 i"o 24 21 .. Balclutha-Apple-by Junction, or Catlin's - Seaward Bush 1 63 0 30 0 9 0 43 0 55 0 43 .. 1 Aug., 1904 ■ ■ 17 Dec, 1909 •• 7 22 2 77 i 25 ■• 19 20 3 38 2 30 I •" 2 32 10 23 63 Prelim. 6 0 .. i ■" Waipahi - Heriot Burn Heriot Extension Extension to Roxburgh, via Rae's Junction and Ettrick Via Spylaw Waimea Plains District Ry. Kelso-Gore 0 64 1 50 2 3 .. 20 Sept. 1911 • • '.'. 827 -. 8 27 24 52 20 3 .. 1 1 20 3 .. I 6 20 Heriot-Eadievale .. 28 10 Surveyed 6 20 28 10 6 20 28 10 0 45 ■ ■ 6 65 28 10 28 10 Prelim. 28 io 15 Feb., 1905 •• . * I •■ 6 20 • 25 70 37 73 25 70 Prelim. I ■ 25 70 Surveyed 36 39 Gore-Lumsden 25 70 36 39 25 70 36 39 25 70 •• 36 39 134 .. •• 24 0 Surveyed 1 Preliminary survey.. 24 0 9 58 14 22 9 58 14 22 9 58 14 22 9 58 14 22 Prelim. ■ I .. .. I .. I



TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorized, Constructed, and Surveyed up to the 31st March, 1914— continued. SOUTH ISLAND— continued.

Appropriation. Division. i Mileage, j Section. Line". 8Mi »B«- Total. Under Formation. Under Platelaying. State of Line. Opei ied. Surveyed. Date. 1910-11. 1911-12.J1912-13. 1918-14. Total. 1 2 3 3 M. ch. 4 5 M. ch. 6 M. ch. 7 M. ch. 8 M. ch.j 9 M. ch. 10 M. ch. 11 12 ; II. ch. 13 M. ch. 14 M. ch. 15 M. ch. 16 M. ch. 17 M. ch.i 18 M. eh. 19 M. ch. 20 M. ch. 21 M. ch WaitakiBlufi and Branches eontd. m. ch. Branches —contd. Gore-Waikaka .. 12 65 Riversdale- Swit- 13 70 zers Edendale-Toitois 19 30 12 65 13 70 Waikaka Section Riversdale-Waikaia 12 65 13 70 151 1 40 14 36 15 30 26 Nov., 1908 1 Oct., 1909 12 65 13 70 __ __ 19 30 Edendale-Glenham Surveyed Wingatui-Ida Valley Ida Valley-Omakau 9 36 9 74 98 18 13 20 0 72 10 28 9 74 104 0 14 36 9 - 74 9 36 Otago Central Waitaki Bluff 182 56 Main Line to Lake Hawea 182 56 562 1 16 .. 1 Sept., 1904 V134 76 1 I n v e r c gill-King-ston and Branch, LumsdenMararoa Omakau-Chatto Creek Chatto Ck.-Alexandra Alexandra-Clyde Surveyed Invercargill-Kingston Wharf Lumsden- Mossburu 7 36 10 39 5 45 47 58 87 4 0 34 1 6 0 77 5 15 7 70 I 11 45 6 42 I 47 58 ' 92 19 47' 58 14 July, 1906 15 Dec, 1906 27 Mar., 1907 I 87 4 Invercargill-King- 87 i ston Lumsdert-Mararoa 30 9 10 40 1 0 I 11 40 .. •• •• __ 10 40 Winton - Heddon 11 0 Bush Winton to Hedge- 12 40 hope Orepuki Branch 35 41 Surveyed .. Reconnaissance Surveyed 8 20 11 20 11 0 8 20 I 11 20 11 0 8 20. 11 20 11 0 Prelim. ,, '■ .. Forest Hill Railway Western Railways Winton - Hedgehope Makarewa-Orepuki.. 12 40 35 41 0 65 j L 6 37 I 13 25 64 13 11 0 ■' •• i •• ! ■• i ! " 12 40 35 41 Otautau Branch 22 15 Orawaia Branoh 11 0 Thornbury-Wairio .. Surveyed 22 15 11 0 j 22 15 OrepukiWai au River Orepuki-Waiau .. 13 30 Orepuki-Waihoaka .. Waihoaka-Tuatapere Surveyed .. .. I 4 48 8 7 0 55 0 58 1 10 5 26 9 17 0 55 lOct., 1909 I "■ 4 48 8 7 Totals .. 2263 50 055 .. .. .. 2263 50 255 16 2518 66 504 50 30 37 48 2 1,571 48 29 78 22 72 27 16 3 69 j 1655 43 •• .. •• i




ANNUAL EEPOET ON BUILDINGS BY THE GOVEKNMENT ARCHITECT. The Government Architect to the Hon. the Minister of Public Works. Sir,— Public Works Office, Wellington, Ist July, 1914. I have the honour to submit the following report on the various building works throughout the Dominion carried out by the Department during the year ended 30th June last: — New Parliament Buildings. In December last a contract was let to Messrs. Hansford, Mills, and Hardie for the erection of the superstructure of the first portion of the new building on the foundations and basement prepared by the Department. The contract sum is £151,639, and the time fixed for completion expires in December, 1915. Good progress has been made with the work, notwithstanding that several months had to elapse before the steel for stanchions and girders arrived from Britain. The contractors started without delay on the preparation of Coromandel granite for the facing of the ground-floor story, and have installed power and machinery for sawing the stone, as well as four large electrically driven derricks for moving and setting the steelwork and granite. Granite gate-piers and wrought-iron gates have been erected at three entrances to the grounds, and smaller gates at three intermediate entrances. General. Government House, Wellington. —A motor-garage has been built, racquet-court erected, and minor works attended to. Departmental Buildings, Auckland. —Structural alterations to improve the arrangement of offices were made, and an electric elevator is being installed. Government House, Auckland. —ln May last portion of the main building was seriously damaged by fire. Eepairs have been started, small additions made, and a new electric-lighting service installed. Parliament Buildings. —A squash racquet-court has been built, a tennis-court is being laid down, and parts of the ground have been planted. Government Printing Office. —A contract for substantial additions in brick was let last year, and the work is well in hand. Departmental Buildings, Wellington. —Alterations to strong-rooms and chimneys were completed. Marine Store, Wellington. —The erection of a brick building was completed under contract. Post and Telegraph Store, Wellington. —This large brick building was completed and occupied early this year. Public Works Store, Wellington. —A contract for the erection of this building was let and good progress is being made. Public Works Workshop, Wellington. —A commodious brick building was erected under contract during the year. Storekeeper's Residence, Wellington. —A residence for the Public Works Storekeeper was erected at Pipitea. Gisborne Departmental Buildings. —A contract was let for the erection of this important block, and the work is now in progress. Morere Bathhouse. —This building was completed and water-supply laid on. Public Works Store, Gisborne. —A store for the Gisborne district was erected during the year. Stratford Departmental Buildings. —The erection of this block was completed under contract, and the offices were fitted up. Opunake Stock Inspector's Residence. —Erection was completed under contract. Hokitika Public Buildings. —A substantial building in brick was completed during the year. Westport School of Mines. —A contract has been let for an extension of the building to provide a new furnace-room. Christchurch Departmental Buildings. —This large block was completed during the year, and is now fitted up and occupied. Public Trust Office, Christchurch. —Additions and alterations were completed. Mount Cook Hostel. —The erection of this large building in concrete was completed during the year. Caversham Industrial School.- —The laundry was reinstated, and drainage and water services installed. Invercargill Departmental Buildings. —The top floor was renewed, and minor alterations carried out. Post-offices. Kaitaia. —A wooden building was erected by day labour early in the year. Awanui. —Alterations and additions to the building purchased for postal purposes were carried out by day labour. Rawene. —Necessary additions were made under contract.

12—D. 1.



Waipu. —Additions were made, and new outbuildings provided. Auckland. —Minor alterations to the new building were made, and necessary fittings supplied. Auckland (Old Building). —Extensive alterations and repairs were effected, and the lightingservices overhauled. Dargaville. —A contract was let for the erection of a new building, in brick. Karangahake.— Additions and repairs were carried out. Matakana. —A contract was let for the erection of a small building. Ohaupo. —A wooden building was completed under contract. Raglan. —A two-story building, in brick, is being erected under contract. Takapuna. —A building of wood with rough-cast finish was completed during the year. Te Awamutu. —The old office was converted into a store and workshop. Tirau. —A wooden building is being erected under contract. Tuakau. —A two-story office and quarters building was completed. Waiuku. —The erection of a new office building was completed during the year. Rotorua. —A contract was let for the erection of a new building of special design, which is approaching completion. Okere. —A contract was let for the re-erection of post-office and Engineer's residence, which had been destroyed by fire. Tokomaru Bay. —Additions and alterations were carried out by day labour. Havelock North. —A new office, in wood, was completed in June. Waipukurau. —A new brick building is nearing completion under contract. Ormondville. —A contract for the erection of a small building has been let. Tokaanu. —A wooden building was erected under contract. Horopito. —A small building, in wood, was erected. Raetihi. —A new office, in wood, was erected, and the existing building converted into a residence. Taihape. —Extensive alterations and additions to Post-office and quarters were carried out. Reefton. —A new brick building is being erected under contract. substantial addition was made, and several alterations carried out. Pongaroa. —Extensive additions and alterations were made during the year. Seatoun. —A private dwelling was converted into a post-office. Upper Hutt. —Two sheds were built, and water-supply installed. Wellington. —Many minor alterations were made to the Chief Post-office, and a small addition to the Telephone Exchange. Brooklyn. —A new building was erected under contract. Courtenay Place.- —A two-story fireproof automatic telephone exchange is being erected by day labour. Eketahuna. —Renovations were carried out, and water laid on. Halcombe. —A new building, in wood, was erected under contract. Glen Oroua. —Tenders are in for the erection of a building in wood. Hinekura. —A contract has been let for the erection of a small building. Kinibolton. —-A contract has been let for the erection of a small building, in place of the one destroyed by fire. Kiwitea. —Extensive additions were made during the year. Masterton.- —-Renovations were carried out, and small additions made. A contract has been let for the erection of an automatic telephone exchange, in brick. Seddon. —A building, in wood, was erected during the year. Motueka. —A contract has been let for the erection of a Postmaster's residence. Oxford. —A contract for the erection of a building, in wood, is in progress. Woodend. —A new building, in wood, is being erected. Akaroa. —A new office is being erected, in brick, under contract. Ternuka. —Additions and renovations were carried out during the year. Mosgiel. —Additions and alterations were completed under contract. Dunedin Telegraph-office. —Renovations were carried out under contract. North-east Valley. —A brick building was completed under contract in March last. Oamaru. —Repairs and renovations to the Chief Post-office were carried out. Roxburgh. —A new building, in wood, was completed under contract. Invercargill. —Main alterations to provide increased accommodation have been carried out. Mataura. —A contract for the erection of a building, in brick, has been let. Otautau. —Additions have been carried out under contract. Courthouses. Auckland. —A contract has been let for the erection of a cottage, in brick, for the caretaker, Magistrates' Court. Kaitaia. —A new Courthouse was erected by day labour. Wanganui. —Several rooms were added, Court and library-room enlarged, and lavatory accommodation provided. Martinborough. —A Courthouse, in wood, has been erected. Wellington. —A substantial addition, in brick, to provide more accommodation for the Judges has been made to the Supreme Court Building. Dunedin. —Electric light is being installed in the Law Courts. Wyndham. —A contract for the erection of a new building, in concrete blocks, has been let.



Police-stations. Birkenhead. —Additions and improvements were carried out during the year. Hamilton. —Tenders are in for the erection of a suitable station. Huntly. —The erection of a station was completed under contract. Kingsland. —Alterations to a recently purchased building were carried out. Ngaruawahia. —A contract was let for the erection of a wooden building. Papakura. —The erection of a building under contract was completed. Takapuna. —The erection of a lock-up and stable is in hand. ■ Patutahi. —A residence with office was erected under contract. Tokomaru Bay. —The erection of a station and residence by day labour is in hand. Opotiki. —The old Courthouse is being converted into a police residence. Porangahau. —The erection of a station was duly completed under contract. Tokaanu. —A wooden station was erected under contract. Taihape. —Extensive additions and alterations were made, and drainage and water services installed. Waitotara. —An addition, in wood, was made during the year. Kilbirnie. —A new office, in wood, is being erected. Masterton. —A station and residence were completed under contract. Wellington. —Plans for a new central station were prepared, but the invitation of tenders for its erection has been deferred. Coalgate. —A contract was let for the erection of a new building. Dunedin. —Alterations and improvements to the central station were carried out during the year. Balclutha. —Additions, in brick, have been completed. Kaitangata. —A constable's residence is being erected under contract. Tapanui. —A new constable's residence has been completed. Mataura. —A new station, in wood, has been erected. Prisons. Auckland. —The erection of a new wing, in stone, by prison labour was commenced and is now in progress. Waikeria. —Plans were prepared for a reformatory prison on a large scale, and the erection of the buildings commenced, at Waikeria, in the Waikato district. Prison labour is being utilized, and the principal building-material is a concrete block made on the site. The portion now being erected consists of an administrative wing, in front, comprising the necessary offices, warders' accommodation, library, and chapel; a kitchen wing, comprising laundry, workshops, and baths. A prison block, comprising eighty-two cells, comes between and joins the wings. Provision is made for adding another story to the prison block if it is required. Picton. —A contract has been let for the erection of a police-gaol. Invercargill. —A second cottage was built and foundations for an extension put in by prison labour, with concrete blocks made in the gaol. Mental Hospitals. Avondale. —Auxiliary buildings Nos. 2 and 3, in brick, have been in course of erection under separate contracts during the year. No. 2is practically finished and No. 3is well advanced. Tokanui. —Plans have been prepared for a new wing adjoining that already built, and erection will be commenced immediately. The installation of an electric-lighting plant under contract is practically completed. Porirua. —A contract was let for additions, in brick, to day-rooms on the north front, and the work is in progress. Plans are in preparation for a reception and hospital block to be erected on the east side of the road leading to the main building. Sunnyside. —Plans are being prepared for an auxiliary to be erected on a site on the north front of the existing institution. The new building will be used as a reception and hospital block. It will be of one story, of wood, with brick fire-retarding partitions at intervals. Plans are prepared for a Nurses' Home, in wood, plastered within and without. Eestoration of portion of the wing destroyed by fire is being carried out. Seacliff. —More accommodation is being provided in the female wing by the addition of a block, in brick, to contain sixty-five beds. A reception cottage to accommodate fifteen male patients is being erected in brick and wood. Defence Buildings. Whangarei. —Extensive additions to the drill-shed were made under contract. Takapuna. —Artillery stables and quarters were completed under contract. Hamilton. —Artillery stables and quarters were completed under contract. Huntly. —A drill-shed was completed under contract. Cambridge. —A contract was let for the erection of a drill-shed. Opotiki. —The erection of a drill-hall is in progress. Napier. —Artillery stables and drill-hall were completed under contract. Wellington. —Various minor alterations and repair works have been carried out at headquarters, drill-hall, and Storekeeper's residence.



Palmerston North. —Artillery stables were completed during the year. Levin. —A drill-shed has been erected. Reefion. —A drill-hall was erected under contract. Christchurch. —Artillery stables and quarters have been completed, and additions made to the district store. St. Kilda. —The erection of artillery depot and drill-hall has been carried to completion. Invercargill. —Artillery stables have been completed under contract. The foregoing report mentions only new works of some importance, and additions and alterations of a more or less extensive character. A large number of minor works consisting of small buildings, additions, improvements, installation of water, lighting and drainage services have been carried out, principally under petty contracts. Maintenance works, repairs, repainting, and renovations to buildings owned by the Government throughout the Dominion have been attended to as usual, and fittings and furniture required have been supplied mostly from the Department's workshops. I have, &c, John Campbell, The Hon. the Minister of Public Works, Wellington. Government Architect.

APPENDIX G. ANNUAL REPORT ON ELECTRICAL WORK AND POWER-SUPPLY UNDERTAKINGS BY THE CHIEF ELECTRICAL ENGINEER. The Chief Electrical Engineer to the Hon. Minister of Public Works. Sir,— Public Works Department, Wellington, 31st July, 1914. I have the honour to submit the following report on the various works entrusted to me during the past year : — Lake Coleridge Works. The works which have been designed to develop the available power at Lake Coleridge and to utilize the same [for transmission and distribution throughout the Canterbury District have made good progress, and it is anticipated that the formal opening will take place in October. The works now approaching completion provide for headworks and buildings for supplying 10,000 h.p., whilst the generating plant consists of three units each capable of supplying 2,000 h.p.; two of these units yielding 4,000 h.p. are available for supply purposes, leaving the third unit as a spare. Transmissionlines have been erected in duplicate between Lake Coleridge and Christchurch, and a transformer station has been erected at Addington for the purpose of reducing the pressure to a value suitable for distribution to Christchurch, and within a radius of twenty miles therefrom. Contracts have been entered into with the Christchurch City Council, the Christchurch Tramway Board, and other power-users, and negotiations are proceeding with a view to supplying surrounding local authorities and power-users outside the limits of Christchurch, including the Lyttelton Harbour Board. Arrangements are being made for giving a supply to the factories, creameries, and homesteads in the Tai Tapu district, and it is confidently anticipated that the application of electricity to the purposes mentioned will prove a success, and that there will be a considerable development in this respect. Another application of electricity which shows considerable promise is the manufacture of artificial fertilizers, and it is hoped to combine the manufacture of these products with the freezing-works and utilize that part of the plant which is under present conditions idle during the greater part of the year. By combining the two industries in this way the cost of production will be considerably reduced, with the result that fertilizers should be manufactured at an exceedingly cheap rate. Owing to the growing demand for power, the limits of the plant now installed will be exceeded in about two years' time, and it is necessary to place an order for a fourth unit forthwith, and further arrangements must be made very shortly for providing a fifth unit, together with an additional pipe-line. As regards the cost of the works now in hand, the expenditure to date amounts to £218,633, and the commitments to £34,805, making a total indebtedness of £253,438. A further expenditure of about £10,000 will be required in order to complete the works, and I am glad to be able to state that the works will be completed substantially in accordance with the original estimate. It is generally recognized that a local standby plant is desirable in case of water-power plants with long transmission-lines, and the Department, acting in accordance with what is now common practice, have entered into an arrangement with the Christchurch Tramway Board for the use of part of their steam plant for standby purposes. Inasmuch as their plant is rendered idle in consequence of a supply


Lake Coleridge, looking North-west from Tunnel Intake.

Lake Coleridge Power-house. Rakaia River and Mountains in Background.


Interior of Lake Coleridge Power-house.

Lake Coleridge Power-house.—Turbines completed and Generators in course of Erection.


Substation Building, Addington.

Erecting the last Pole of Transmission-line at Corner of Bealey's Road and Carpenter's Road.


Surge-chamber and Pipe-lines.—Erecting the Air-pipes.



being taken from Lake Coleridge, and inasmuch as there is no further great tramway development to be expected, their steam plant becomes available for the purposes mentioned. The Board will maintain their boilers under steam for emergency purposes, and will supply the Department with power when and as required for any emergencies, or for the purpose of inspecting the lines and headworks. In case of breakdown the Department is under obligation to maintain a supply to the Christchurch City Council to the extent of the capacity of the standby plant. This arrangement is one which is mutually advantageous to all the parties concerned, as it enables the Tramway Board to utilize a plant which is otherwise idle, whilst the Department avoids incurring further capital expenditure. The permanent staff for the power-house has been appointed, and other appointments will be made during the next two months, when the organization for operating and maintaining the plant and for marketing the power will be completed. The members of the staff already appointed have given every satisfaction, and rendered valuable service in erecting the plant. Electric Light and Power Licenses.| Licenses under the Public Works Act have been issued to the following local authorities and companies : Wellington City Council, Christchurch City Council, Dunedin City Council, Devonport Borough Council, Wanganui Borough Council (two), Feilding Borough Council, Mataura Borough Council (extensions), Winton Borough Council, Havelock North Town Board, Martinborough Town Board, Ngaruawahia Town Board (extensions), Christchurch Tramway Board (nine), Messrs. Todd Bros. (Limited), Heriot. The following are under consideration: Heathcote County Council, Wellington City Council, Whangarei Borough Council, Tauranga Borough Council, Miramar Borough Council, New Plymouth Borough Council (amending regulations), Waverley Town Board, Tahaki West Road Board; J. F. Pettie, Waipiro Bay; F. J. Mansell, Bull's ; J. Barnett, Leeston; Ellis and Burnand (Limited), Manunui; Farmers' Co-operative Company, Tokomaru Bay ; Farmers' Freezing Company, Tokomaru Bay. Water-power licenses have been issued to the following: Ohakune Borough Council, Taihape Borough Council, Eltham Co-operative Dairy Company (Limited). The following installations have been inspected during the year: Te Kuiti Borough Council, Ngaruawahia Town Board, Martinborough Town Board, Winton Borough Council, Invercargill Borough Council; Robert Ellis, Brightwater; Todd Bros., Heriot; Eeefton Electric Lighting Company; Thames Borough Council; Silverstream Mines Company (Limited), Maratoto ; Inglewood Borough Council; Stratford Electric Light Company ; Wanganui Borough Council; Napier Borough Council; Wellington Steam Ferry Company, Day's Bay; Christchurch Tramway Board (private installations supplied from trolly-wire); Horahora (headworks, Waihi Gold-mining Company); Waihi Gold-mining Company's transmission-lines and plant. I have, &c, E. Parry, The Hon. the Minister of Public Works. Chief Electrical Engineer.


REPORT ON BELGIAN LIGHT RAILWAYS BY MR. F. W. FURKERT, A.M.1.C.E., A.M.1.M.E., INSPECTING ENGINEER, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. Sir, — Public Works Department, Wellington, N.Z., 22nd December, 1913. In accordance with the Prime Minister's directions, I have to report as follows upon the Belgian system of light railways. Belgium being the most densely populated country in Europe, if not in the world, and its people being extremely progressive, naturally has the most complete railway system in the world. The railways may be broadly divided into two classes : — (1.) The State railways, of standard gauge (4 ft. 8£ in.), mostly double track, and constructed generally in accordance with the highest class of modern practice; (2.) The so-called "vicinal railways," mostly of 1-metre gauge (3 ft. 3J in.), single line, and, generally speaking, constructed to a much lower standard, and designed for low speeds. (It must not be assumed, however, that because a line is classed as "vicinal" it must be a poor one. The organization of the vicinal railways was designed to exploit the lines through the less important districts; but where the traffic justifies it the standard of construction is raised accordingly.) The State Railways Department controls all the main Jines through the country, both those making through connections with other countries and those connecting the principal cities of Belgium. The National Society for Vicinal Railways controls the secondary lines, which link up the main lines into a complete network, and act as feeders to them. So great is the development of these latter that practically every factory of importance is directly connected by rail, and in all districts where agriculture is well developed no farmer has more than a couple of miles or so to take bis produce. Even in such a wild district as the Forest of Ardennes the vicinal



system has attained considerable development, chiefly co cope with the timber industry and tourist traffic. The light railways of Belgium date from 1875, when a Tramways Act, somewhat similar to our own Act authorizing light railways, was passed. Owing, however, to some causes unknown, probably financial difficulties and lack of enterprise, only one line had been started after three years. The State then, feeling the necessity for something being done, and probably being urged to build lines in which it had not too much faith, decided to have the whole matter closely looked into, and a Eoyal Commission was accordingly appointed in 1881 to go into the question and report. The order of reference was, shortly, as follows : — (I.) To what extent is it necessary for the State to participate in the building and working of light railways? (2.) Whether the local bodies might co-operate with the State in this work, (o.) To what extent the rigid regulations governing the plant and working of standard railways might be relaxed in connection with light railways. (4.) Whether there was any danger of light railways taking away business from the State railways. The investigations of this Commission were lengthy and careful, and as a result it was 1884 before an Act could be framed and passed embodying their recommendations, and that Act required slight modification in 1885. However, since that time, when the Societe Nationale dcs Chemins de Fer Vicinaux was inaugurated, the record has been one of steady progress—l might almost say phenomenal progress; and even now, when there are, in a country no larger than Otago, over 4,000 km. (2,490 miles) of State railways and over 4,000 km. (2,490 miles) of vicinal railways, we find that extensions are still being vigorously carried on. The table below will give an idea of how the system of vicinal railways has expanded, and ai the same time how its financial side has also developed : —

Note.—The sterliug values may be slightly incorrect owing to fluctuations in the exchange value of the franc. Up to the end of 1912, the date of the last annual report, the National Society had received concessions for 179 lines, totalling 4,74463 km. This shows a growth of concessions of nineteen lines, totalling 579 km., in the past four years. All these lines are not yet built, but, as shown in the above table, 157 lines, totalling 3,981-51 km., were actually open for traffic on the 31st December, 1912. In addition to villages, towns, and cities which have local organization, being divided into "communes,'' , the whole country is divided into nine provinces, something like our counties, except that for the purposes of the provincial government the whole of the population of the province is included, the communes not being excluded as our boroughs are excluded from the counties. The annual report of the National Society contains a table showing the distribution of the vicinal railways in each province with respect to the population and the area. In the absence of similar information with regard to the State railways, this may give a somewhat misleading proportion, but as a measure of the extent of the lines it is correct, and is therefore given herewith :—

Year. Lines open. Gross R< jvenue. 1887 1888 1892 1896 1900 1904 1908 1912 Kilometres. 323 439 991 1,341 1,840 2,494 3,215 3,981 Miles. 201 273 616 833 1,143 1,550 1,998 2,474 Frames. 965,977 1,749,211 3,975,648 6,500,667 9,841,515 13,534,156 18,991,353 26,760,951 £ 38.639 69,968 159,026 260,027 393,661 541,366 759,654 1,070,438

Province. Population. Mileage of Vicinal R Area: Square Miles. „ . „__„ Per Province., ?? 1?/™ Inhabitants. Mileage of Vicinal Rai ilways. Per 100 Square Miles. Antwerp Brabant West Flanders East Flanders Hainault Liege Limbourg Luxembourg 987,201 1,494,416 878,417 1,125,814 1,239,712 890,918 279,170 231,314 363,449 1,094 1,268 1,249 1,158 1,438 1,118 932 1,706 1,414 337 397 411 278 523 293 212 257 233 4 3-45 2-67 4-71 2-92 4-25 3-32 7-67 11-23 6-47 30-8 31-3 32-9 24-0 36-4 26-2 22-8 15-1 16-5 Namur On frontiers Totals and averae ses .. 7,490,411 11,377 2,945 3-93 25-86



In this report I shall use Hie name " vicinal railway," as in Belgium, in preference to "light railway." Though the vicinal railway is generally a light railway as we understand it, the name does not imply light construction, but that the lino is of local rather than national importance. Its standard of construction must in each case be suitable for the work it has to perform. The vicinal lines are generally of ]-metre gauge, but not entirely so. There are 163 lines of 1-metre gauge, totalling 4,200-22 kilometres; thirteen lines of 3 ft. 6 in. gauge, totalling 50630 kilometres; three lines of 4 ft. 8J in. gauge, totalling 3811 kilometres. Comparison with past records shows that while the lines of 1-metre gauge are being continually extended and new ones started, no new lines on the other gauges have been made during the past five years, if not longer. Even if the State lines are taken into consideration it will be found that the expansion of the metre gauge in the past four years has been nearly six times as great as that of all the other gauges. Of the 157 lines open for traffic, twenty are worked entirely by electricity, and ten by the lately developed system of petrol and electricity (used by some of the London omnibuses, and now being tried on the London tram-cars), making altogether 380 kilometres on which electric traction is in force. On the balance steam is the motive power. Although the original Act and regulations seem to have anticipated horse traction, this is now entirely superseded by the more rapid methods mentioned. As an indication of the progress now going on, the society is occupied with the study of new lines which may be classed as follows : — Kilometres. (1.) Twenty-four lines for which a concession has been requested ... 34320 (2.) Forty-nine lines of which the consideration has been definitely decided on, together with the State's promise to provide part of the capital ... ... ... ... ... ... 838-10 (3.) Seven lines under consideration, but concerning which the State has yet to signify concurrence ... ... ... ... 7540 (4.) ITiirty-six lines of which the consideration is not definitely decided upon, and of which the preliminary reports hive been or are being furnished to enable the State to pronounce whether it will assist ... . . ... ... ... ... ... 410-60 Total ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,667-30 (1,030 miles.) Thus we have— Kilometres. (A.) In operation ... ... ... ... .. ... 4,037-87 (B.) Under construction ... ... ... ... ... 342-34 (C.) To be constructed immediately ... ... ... ... 47442 (D.) Concessions applied for ..." ... ... ... ... 343 - 20 (A , .) Under survey, or otherwise being examined , ... ... ... 1,32410 (F.) Otherwise ... ... ... ... ... ... 60-40 Total lines which will probably be completed within a few years ... ... ' ... ... ... 6,47233 (4,000 miles.) As an indication that the control of the State over the inauguration of fresh lines or extensions of existing ones is not a dead-letter, we find that permission has been refused for thirtythree lines of an aggregate length of 432 km. The reasons for the refusal are either strategic, or from the opinion being held that the chances of ultimate financial success are too slender. The organization in connection with vicinal railways is somewhat peculiar, and in order that it may be better comprehended it must be understood that the capital is provided by three, or possibly four, parties—viz., the State, the provinces, the communes, and possibly private individuals —in various proportions, but on the average as follows : State, 437 per cent.; provinces, 279 per cent.; communes, 27 - l per cent. ; individuals, T3 per cent. The following is the method followed in connection with a new line: The local population, having become convinced of the desirability of a line from A to B, approach the local communes and urge them to support the line. The Communal Councils consider the matter, and if favourable write to the National Society, who, after sabmitting the matter to the Government to ascertain that the Army authorities raise no objection, reply stating that if the communes will lodge £ , being the estimated cost of a preliminary investigation, the matter will be looked into. The communes then vote the necessary money; or some person, such as a large manufacturer deeply concerned, may find it. Then the society sends into the district to be served, its officers, commercial and engineering. The communes and interested parties bring before these officers all the information they have at their disposal with regard to the capabilities of the district to support a line, the population likely to use it, and how it may best be located to avoid conflicting interests and cheapen cost of land-acquisition and other things. On the information obtained by its officers the society formulates a preliminary report (see sample report at end). This is forwarded, with the proposed tariff, to the State Department dealing with these matters (the Ministry of Railways, Posts and Telegraphs), and it is considered by the Government, who approach the question from, firstly, the point of view of its effect on the strategical position in case of war; and, secondly, the effect it will have on the business of the State railways or other vicinal railways with which it might be in competition, or which it might benefit; and, thirdly, the prospects it has of being a paying concern now or in the immediate future; and,



fourthly, whether it is generally in the interests of the country as a whole that the line be constructed. They also, through their own officers, check and confirm the figures of probable traffic, population to be served, and cost, as given in the preliminary report. When the Government has weighed all considerations and decided favourably they then so notify the National Society, and express their willingness to take up a share—generally half the capital —assuming the same to be somewhat as indicated by the results of the preliminary investigation. The Government sanction and financial assistance being obtained, the society proceeds to raise the balance of the capital. The local authorities must find at least 50 per cent. The provinces usually find 33 per cent, or 25 per cent., leaving 17 per cent, or 25 per cent, to be found by the communes or private individuals. The last part is usually divided amongst the benefiting communes in proportion to the length of line within each commune and the population of each which will obtain direct benefit. Should any commune consider that it is assessed too high it may reduce its contribution or refuse to contribute at all. In this case the whole scheme would fall through unless the surrounding communes or private parties came forward and agreed to find the balance necessary. The allocation of the capital having been finally agreed upon, the authorities lodge no cash, but annuities, guaranteeing to pay for ninety years an annual sum equal to 3J per cent, on their respective shares. The annuities having been duly arranged, the actual cash is raised by the sale of 3-per-cent. debentures guaranteed by the State, repayable in part annually (the part to be chosen by ballot) at such a rate that all are repaid in ninety years. The capital being satisfactorily arranged, the society proceeds to make a complete survey, with plans in detail, as required by the Act, and close estimates. Assuming the latter not to differ materially from the preliminary estimates, they make formal application for a concession. The State then examines the route and requests modifications if thought desirable, or, if all is correct, advertises the route (this is equivalent to our centre-line Proclamations, but more thorough), the plans being placed, on exhibition in public places in each commune. Objections are then heard, and if well grounded the society may be requested to make such alterations as will obviate hardship (for instance, refrain from putting the line between a man's house and his well, or similar cases). All objections being overcome, or disregarded if considered trivial, and the land being obtained (either by direct purchase or, in the event of non-agreement, by proceedings under the Belgian equivalent of the Public Works Act), the line is then constructed and an adequate supply of rolling-stock provided. We now come to the most original part of the scheme. The working of the lines is not controlled directly by the central organization of the National Society, but each line or group of lines is leased by public tender, the line or group being granted for a period of years, usually thirty, with right of resumption in fifteen, to the tenderer offering to pass over to the society the largest sum per annum, or agreeing to carry on the working for the least amount of pay —the first in the case of a line with good prospects, the second in the case of a line of doubtful profit. Thus, in the case of good steam-operated lines tenderers will offer to pay to the central organization from 30 per cent, to 40 per cent, of the gross receipts; or, in the case of electric lines, from 20 per cent, to 30 per cent, of the gross receipts. Of course, tenderers may offer anything they please, and their tenders do vary very widely, but the figures given represent usual results. When tenderers are unlikely to make offers on the first basis the tenders are called in a different form, thus : The payment is expressed as a formula, in which the terms are as follows : Let R = total annual earnings in francs per kilometre; let x — fixed annual payment required by tenderer: then tenders will be expressed as follows: Tender = x + — —. That is to say, the tender requires an annual payment of x francs per kilometre for working the line plus 50 per cent, of any balance there may be from the gross receipts after payment of the sum x. Taking a concrete example : First system : Supposing the tenderer considers the line will produce 2,100 fr. per kilometre year, he tenders per cent. : this means that he takes 1,400 fr. per annum and pays the society 700 fr. Worked out on the second system, and taking the same figures, he would tender 700 + — —■ — . This again equals 1,400 fr. to the tenderer and 700 fr. to the society. In order that there might not be too great a multiplication of small bodies, with their inevitable waste, small companies were permitted to undertake the management of a number of lines, and some of them have grown to fajrly large dimensions (see table at end of report). Frequently these companies consist of an association of the local bodies interested. At present (1913), out of forty-two subsidiary companies seven are local bodies' associations. The extent of line controlled by different concessionaries varies very much —from 300 km. down to 25 km., and from one small line to a group of sixteen sections. Occasionally the central organization takes control temporarily for various reasons, but this is not done when avoidable, owing to the difficulty of controlling small scattered enterprises from a central administration situated at a distance. In order to safeguard the society's interests in its property while the same is under the immediate control of the lessee, guarantees are required from the lessee in the shape of a deposit with tender in proportion to the length of line leased and the amount of rolling-stock and structures. The rolling-stock and buildings must also be insured by the lessee in favour of the society. The guarantee deposit is the only capital required by the lessee. The contract also stipulates the minimum number of trains and the tariff to be charged. The latter may be varied by the society, with the consent of the State. The society may also alter the position of stations and stopping-places, and may instal or remove private sidings. As stated above, before a concession is applied for a tariff is drawn up, based upon the special circumstances of the case, and if approved this is embodied in the deed of concession.



The Government may require the charges to be increased if of opinion that the proposed line is liable to become a competitor of an existing State railway. Should the earnings of a line be so low that the proportion handed over by the lessee is a less dividend than 3J per cent, on the capital the public authorities concerned must make up the difference between the dividend and their annuities. Any private shareholders, having subscribed in cash, simply receive the dividend as it stands. Should the dividend equal 3J- per cent, the public authorities are not called upon for their annuities. Should the dividend exceed 3J per cent, the annuities are settled, and the balance paid out to the public shareholders as a second dividend. Thus, supposing the capital is 1,010,000 fr., of which 1,000,000 fr. are public and 10,000 fr. private holdings. The 10,000 fr. would be paid in cash, and annuities equal to 35,000 fr. would be lodged by the public authorities concerned. Supposing the earnings to produce 40,400 fr., the private shareholders would receive 400 fr., equal to 4 per cent, on capital; the public shareholders would have Lheir annuities for the year met, and receive a cash dividend of 5,000 fr. Should the earnings only produce 30,300 fr. the private shareholders would receive 300 fr. (= 3 per cent, on capital), but the public shareholders would have to payin their annuities less the dividend —that is, they would require to supplement the earnings of the line by a cash payment of 5,000 fr. to the National Society. This cash payment would be made from the consolidated funds of the General Government, and from the ordinary revenue of the provinces and communes concerned. The necessary 35,000 fr. having been received from the public shareholders, either from their share of the earnings of the line or from the same augmented by direct payments under the terms of the annuities, the money is applied as follows : 3-per-cent. dividend to the debentureholders is first paid, this absorbing 30,000 fr. The remaining 5,000 fr. is used to pay off that amount of the debentures, the recipient being chosen by ballot. The next year the 35,000 fr. being again ready for division, 3 per cent, on the capital (now only 995,000 fr.) is first set aside; this, equalling 29,850 fr., leaves 5,150 fr. to pay off debentures, the recipient being again chosen by ballot. Next year 35,000 fr. is divided into 3 per cent, on 989,850 fr. (= 29,695 - 5 fr.), leaving 5,304 - 5 fr. to pay off further debentures. Thus the interest is gradually reducing, and the amount available for redemption of debentures is increasing, until at the end of ninety years (the term of the annuities) all the capital is paid off. As an instance of actual earnings of some of these lines, for passengers alone, on routes serving approximately two hundred persons per mile, the earnings were 1,856 fr., 2,647 fr., and 1,943 fr. per kilometre year, while from goods traffic approximately half the above would be about an average. In the past the State sometimes contributed less than 50 per cent, of the capital, but nowadays the State's share is practically always 50 per cent. The state of the finances five years ago was as follows : — _ Proportion per Cent. Total capital .. .. ... .. .. 249,226,000 State .. .. .. .. .. .. 103,606,000 41-6 Provinces .. .. .. .. .. .. 70,559,000 28-3 Communes .. .. .. .. .. .. 71,229,000 28-6 Private .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,832,000 1-5 while in 1912 the situation was as follows: — Total capital .. .. .. .. .. 350,144,000 State .. .. .. .. .. .. 153,098,000 43-7 Provinces .. .. .. .. .. .. 97,739,000 27-9 Communes .. .. .. . :■ 94,727,000 27-1 Private .. .. .. .. .. ... 4,580,000 1-3 We thus see that communes and private individuals are gradually contributing less to the schemes, the State finding the balance. Taking the new lines conceded during 1912, ten in number, we find that in only one case was the State's share less than 50 per cent. (44"4 per cent.), while of the lines on which an increase of capital was authorized during the same year, fifteen in number, the State's share was always 50 per cent., and three times over that—as high as 55"1 per cent. To show the variations in the different lines, I quote herewith the actual capital and percentages of same to the whole subscribed for the various lines conceded last year :—

13—D. L

Lii Capital. Private. Peree: itage. Total. State. Provinces. Communes. State. Provinces. Com- I . munes. Pnvate - a b c d e / 9 h 468,000 310,000 2,625,000 670,000 1,550,000 620,000 1,120,000 980,000 710,000 1,120,000 208,000 155,000 1,312,000 335,000 775,000 310,000 560,000 490,000 355,000 600,000 104,000 77,000 656,000 167,000 387,000 155,000 373,000 245,000 177,000 400,000 156,000 78,000 657,000 168,000 388,000 155,000 187,000 245,000 178,000 193,000 444 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 22-3 25 25 25 25 25 33-3 25 25 33-3 33-3 .25 25 25 25 25 16-7 25 25 16-1 7,000 0-6



Reference :— a. Moerbeke to Dutch, frontier. b. Extension of Brussels-Schepdael-Ninove line. c. Dour-Quievrain-Pommeroeul (amalgamation with Mainvault-Quievrain). d. Extension of Haine - St. Pierre to Morlanwelz. c. Extensions of Wasmes and Sars-la-Bruyere towards Dour, on the vicinal lines of Borinage. f. Extension of Meirelbeke-Zwijnaerde-Gand (St. Pierre), of the Meirelbeke-Herzele-Gram mont line. g. Bree to Hamont. h. Pecq to the frontier, towards Koubaix. j. Branch from Thoricourt to Silly, from the Lens-Enghien-Soignies line. k. Branch from Ohey-Havelange of the line Andenne-Soree-Ciney. (Note. —This year really shows less variation in the proportions than past years.) The plan attached to this report shows the State railways in black and the vicinal railways in red; those actually working by a full line, and those \mder construction and to be opened shortly by a dotted line. The rolling-stock is as follows: Steam traction —730 locomotives; 1,900 carriages, first and second and mixed; 84 carriages and van combined; 436 baggagecars; 5,421 wagons with removable sides; 1,174 wagons (closed); 646 flat cars; 60 special wagons. Electric traction —456 motor-cars; 248 trailers (closed); 197 trailers (open); 9 petrol electric cars; 41 vans and miscellaneous wagons. The regulations of the enterprises and for leasing provide the following obligations in favour of the workers: (1) Assurance against accident;. (2) creation of ambulance service; (3) application of minimum wage and maximum hours; (4) affiliation of the workers of the lessees with a mutual superannuation society. In addition to the mutual superannuation the management of one of the subsidiary companies has created an accident and sickness fund. The working-expenses of the National Society amounted to 936,63330 fr., equalling 35 per cent, on the gross receipts. This is an average figure, the percentage five years ago having been 3-507. Of the 146 lines working during the whole of 1912, 109 lines show an increase over 1911, and thirty-seven a diminution. Of the 109 mentioned, 108 showed a larger dividend than last year. The following shows the financial state of 142 of the lines, for which complete figures are available: Fifty-six gave a dividend greater than the annuity; fifteen gave a dividend greater than 3 per cent.; nineteen gave a dividend greater than 25 per cent.; sixteen gave a dividend greater than 2 per cent.; thirty-six gave a dividend less than 2 per cent. Eliminating the lines open less than a year, the table below gives the mean dividends under different kinds of shareholders for 1912 : —

The average dividend has decreased in ten years from 327 per cent, to 2 - 84 per cent. This is due partly to increased cost of working; partly probably to the fact that in the early days insufficient provision was made for renewals now becoming necessary; and partly to the fact that, all the best lines having been made, extensions are now being built into less profitable territory. ' It will be seen from the foregoing that the lines, in a strict sense, cannot be considered to pay. The same applies to the standard-gauge State railways, and still more to the State system of canals. The policy of the Government is strongly paternal, the question of actual cash return from the public utilities being secondary to the question of developing internal industry, commerce, and agriculture, the indirect returns from which make up, in a way apparently satisfactory to the rulers of the country, for any loss on the means of communication. The result of that policy is found in the dense population which finds it possible to earn a livelihood in the country, and the fact that they are generally satisfied with the conditions of life is evidenced by the absence of any emigration movement.

Shareholders. Capital subscribed. Dividend due. Government of Belgium .. Province of Antwerp Province of Brabant Province of West Flanders Province of East Flanders Province of Hainaut Province of Liege Province of Limbourg Province of Luxembourg .. Province of Namur Communes Individuals Francs. 101,234,000 8,105,000 10,011,000 8,455,000 4,848,000 11,214,000 9,655,000 4,658,000 5,872,000 6,181,000 71,249,000 4,257,000 Percentage. 2-6602 3-6277 3-1778 3-1750 2-0490 2-5158 2-9941 2-8061 1-7449 2-6382 3-0273 4-1602 Total and mean • ■ 245,000,000 2-8381



The following ere the regulations governing the granting of concessions :— The request for a concession must contain — (a.) A statement of the objects sought, the public advantages, method of connection with existing lines, canals, roads, &c, and the affect likely to be produced thereon. (6.) Detailed estimate. (c.) Eates and charges proposed, and estimated revenue, based on these. ] (d.) Suggested conditions upon which the work is to be carried out. (c.) Ordnance map showing route (about 25 chains = 1 in.). (/.) General plan of district, showing line, sidings, crossovers, &c, to be built (about 3 chains = 1 in.). (g.) Special plan for each portion of line in urban districts (about 16 ft. = 1 in.). oi.) Longitudinal section of line, with levels. (».)• Detail plans of larger structures, type of rail, &c. The plants and other particulars shall be advertised by exhibition in every communal hall concerned for a fortnight, and the Mayor and Councillors shall receive any comments by the public. The witnesses shall supply signed declarations, which shall be embodied in the report which the Mayor and Council shall draw up (based upon the evidence and their own opinion) within eight days of the close of the fortnight before mentioned. On receipt of the communal reports the society shall consider them, draw up its own conclusions, and forward the whole within a fortnight to the Minister of Railways, Posts and Telegraphs. The Minister may make such changes in the scheme as after inquiry he deems advisable, and if the changes are extensive, such as altering the route or position of lines within town areas, he may, if he considers it necessary, order a fresh inquiry, which shall he held as at first, but for a period of eight days instead of fourteen. After being satisfied by all due inquiry the Minister shall definitely approve the works and the conditions upon which the work is to be carried out. The general conditions upon which concessions are granted to the National Society are as follows :— Construction. (a.) The vicinal railway and all subsidiary works shall be constructed in accordance with the plans attached to the Act of Concession, and any detail plans subsequently approved by the Minister. (6.) The National Society shall take such measures as will prevent any interference with the How of waters, constructing, if necessary, new ditches, sewers, &c. (c.) Similar provision re public and private roads and access. (d.) Safeguards public (during construction temporary roads, &c). (c.) Only good materials shall be used, and all work shall be done in workmanlike manner and under expert supervision. (/.) Further safeguards public (dangers to be lighted and fenced, &c). Also gives power for alterations after Minister's authority is obtained, and empowers Minister to order modification without cost to the State if «uch appears necessary as the work proceeds. (g.) Roads to be widened if necessary. (h.) If land is to be taken proceedings to be in accordance with Public Works Act. Maintenance. (a.) The society shall properly maintain —(1) The vicinal line and all its appurtenances for the periods of the concession; (2) all subsidiary works not directly connected with the railway (such as road-diversions, &c), whether made at the inception of the scheme or at any later date, for a period of one year. (b.) Local bodies have right to alter streets traversed by vicinal railway, either in grade, sections, paving, &c, or to lay drains, &c, on them, and the society shall assist by taking up and relaying its line and, if necessary, suspending its traffic without cost to the local body. (c), (d), (c), (/), (g) require repairs of various kinds of paving to be carried out in accordance with recognized methods. (h.) When any structures ace altered, strengthened, or enlarged the division of the future maintenance shall be arranged between the authorities controlling them and the society, amicably if possible, when the conditions must be submitted for approval to the Minister; or, if agreement is impossible, then the matter shall be settled by the Minister, who will decide finally the liabilities of each. (i.) If works are not satisfactorily maintained, the Government may carry out necessary works after two notices at three days' interval, or, in case of urgency, on one notice, at the expense of the society and without prejudice to further proceedings against the society as provided for in the regulations, either for neglect or for damages caused by accidents due to neglect. Working. (a.) Each line or section thereof shall only be opened by Minister's authority; granted after receipt of a report stating that the line may be safely and conveniently used (as in New Zealand). (6.) At any time the Minister may condemn plant considered unfit for use. (c.) Locomotives must be passed by authorities corresponding to our Inspectors of Machinery and Tramways Inspecting Engineer before being used. (d.) The society is responsible to the Government for the proper maintenance of everything indispensable to the working, whether it directly undertakes the working or leases out the same.



Control. (a.) The State shall not boar any responsibility or obligation by reason of its control of management, the same being solely for the purpose of keeping the society faithful to its undertakings. (b.) The controlling officers shall be furnished with free passes on all vicinal railways, and also free access to all works, buildings, &o. Connections to Existing Lines. (a.) When a vicinal line must connect with an existing conceded line, or run into a station, or cross on a level, the conditions of establishment, maintenance, and working of these portions of the line shall be regulated by agreements between the society and the concessionaire of the existing railway, the agreement to be approved by the Minister. Failing agreement, the Minister shall lay down conditions, and the parties shall themselves apportion the expenses caused by acting in accordance with his decree. (b.) When a vicinal line must connect with a State railway, enter a station, or cross on a level, the conditions, as in («), must be regulated by the Minister, who shall, before finally laying down the conditions, hear the opinions and objections, if any, of the society. Private Connections. (a), (b), («), (d), and (c) grant permission to the society, with the Minister's sanction—or the Minister, after hearing argument by the society —to establish and control private sidings. Tariffs. (a.) Tariffs include, first, prices of passenger and goods transportation; and, second, conditions governing the same. (&.) Tariffs are fixed in special regulations attached to each concession, the State always reserving the right to order the raising or prohibit the lowering of the same. (c.) When supplied with the necessary information by the society the Minister shall lay down the conditions of transport, including table of distances between stations. (d.) The society may alter the tariff after two weeks' advertising in all waiting-rooms on lines affected, after obtaining Ministerial approval. (c.) No preferential rates shall be granted. (/.) Minimum distances shall be 2 km. for passengers and 5 km. for goods, every kilometre commenced counting as 1 km. Post and Telegraph. (ay, (b), (c), (d,), (c), (/), ((/), (A), and (i). All these clauses deal with details of free service to be rendered by vicinal railway in the collection and carriage of mails, and Postal and Telegraph officers, and postal vans. Military Transport. (a.) Soldiers in uniform, with baggage and horses, shall be carried at half-rates, and in accordance with the Government railway regulations. (&.) The whole equipment of any line which the Government may require for the transport of troops and equipment shall be instantly placed at its disposal. Customs. (a.) Customs officers in charge of goods shall be carried free. (b.) The Minister of Finance (in New Zealand Minister of Customs) may issue free passes to officers whose duties require them to travel on the vicinal lines. Elections. At elections the society must grant the same reduced fares as the State railways, and must despatch such trains as the Minister (of Internal Affairs) shall consider necessary and direct. Purchase by State. (a.) By giving six months' notice the Government may at any time purchase any line or lines on payment of a sum equal to the average net receipts of the line or lines for the past three years, capitalized at 4| per cent, plus an increase of 15 per cent, premium. (&.) Provided, however, that during the first seven years of operation the purchase-money shall not be less than the first cost, including plant and rolling-stock. (c.) On payment of the above purchase-money the State shall take over the rolling-stock, locomotives, maintenance departments, equipment, and the plant and equipment of the mechanical department, in addition to the line, with all its buildings and other appurtenances. (d.) Both line and equipment must be handed over in good order, and be adequate to deal with the traffic. (c.) The State shall take over stores at valuation. Miscellaneous. (a.) Before the society .may cede the working of any of its lines the Minister reserves the right to approve (or otherwise) the assignee.



(6.) The Government may establish, either directly or by concession, any means of communication that it may deem necessary, or may authorize the State railways, or any other vicinal railway, or the suburban tramways, to be connected with a vicinal railway, without the society having any claim for prejudice which may arise from any of the above causes. (c.) The Government may grant permission to any other transport agency to run its rollingstock over sections of the vicinal lines, on payment. (d.) If the defence of the country requires it the society must, on the first application of the military authority, remove or destroy any part of the vicinal railway; and in urgent cases the military may have the line removed or destroyed at the cost of the society without the societyhaving any claim for damages under this head. (Ihis last seems very unfair. —F.W.F.) The majority of the lines traverse easy country. The older ones almost invariably follow the roads and streets, without fencing. Where it is absolutely necessary to cross over private land, only the absolute minimum width is taken. Frequently this is not fenced, cultivation extending almost up to the ends of the sleepers. Of late years there has been a tendency to make lines more direct, cutting across properties and fencing the same, and a somewhat heavier class of formation has been done. (This may have something to do with the decreased dividends being earned—making the line of a more expensive nature than was justified by the probable traffic.) Earthworks generally are very moderate, the grades and curves being adjusted to follow the surface of the ground as closely as possible. Permanent structures are well built, of concrete, brick, and steel. From an esthetic point of view the track-maintenance is not first-class, weeds being allowed to overrun the ballast, overhanging trees are not trimmed, crop grows up to the line, structures are unpainted, &c.; but a good running top is maintained on the line, and relaying is not unduly delayed. Sleepers are all creosoted. The usual weight of rails is 481b., under heavy traffic 60 lb., and where electric traction is in vogue 90 lb. per yard. The steepest grades are 1 in 25 (4 per cent.) on electric lines, and 1 in 40 to 1 in 33 (2| per cent, to 3 per cent.) on steam lines. The sharpest curves are 30m. radius; these, however, are rare. Generally the curves are not sharper than 50 in. (164 ft.; 2-A chains). All the rolling-stock and locomotives are designed and constructed by the National Society, and are handed over to the lessee. Also workshops for repairs are erected by the National Society at convenient points, and are placed at the disposal of the lessees of the lines. Generally speaking, the locomotives and carriages are well maintained. The locomotives are of simple design and moderate power. As the policy is to run frequent trains, usually five per day each way, for the convenience of travellers, it is not necessary to have great haulingcapacity. The carriages are light and cheap, there being practically no upholstery (seated much like our electric cars). The moderate speeds and the shortness of the trains make a light carriage possible. The trucks, as a whole, are of ordinary types, like our X, L, and U mostly, and all goods are transhipped from the vicinal-railway cars to standard cars at the junctionpoints with State railways. This work is done expeditiously by raising the vicinal line or depressing the standard line and bringing them close together, thus bringing the floors of both level and contiguous. The cost of transferring sugar-beets, of which as much as 3,000 tons per day is handled at one station, is only per ton. However, the general charge for transferring is per ton for ordinary cargo. On one line near Dinant, which carries china clay to a pottery-works and brings back manufactured china, unloading from one truck to another would be expensive one way and lead to breakages the other, and as a consequence a type of truck has been developed on to which the loaded standard wagons can be run, and so carried bodily to their destination. This type of car is used elsewhere for special purposes, but is quite the exception. (Note. —A very similar car is used in England, India, and elsewhere for the same service.) Though a fast time-table is not aimed at, the trains are very punctual. Probably this is accounted for by the fact that in case of delay passengers may recover damages. The passenger-fares are very moderate, being based on 7 centimes first class and 5 centimes second class per kilometre single, with a minimum of 2 kilometres. Returns are still lower, I*l and 8 centimes per kilometre, counting distance one way. As previously mentioned, the tariffs for each line are separately fixed, but, the following may be taken as a fair average of prices : — Partial Loads. (Per ton, with minimum of 100 km. =- 2 cwt.) 30 centimes per ton per kilometre for 10 kilometres. 22-5 f,, „ 20* 20 „ „ 30 19 „ „ 40 18 „ „ 50 17-5 „ „ 60 17 „ „ 70 16-8 ?„ „ 80 16-7 „ „ 90 16-5 „ „ 100




Many special articles have special treatment, and generally it will be seen that the rates are much lower than in New Zealand. Take, as an instance, Class A, for 100 km. : this costs, in Belgium, 11s., and in New Zealand 'iTs. Another instance of low rates: Coal, same distance, in Belgium, 3s. Bd.; in New Zealand, Bs. 6d. The cheap, non-perishable cargoes, such as gravel, coal, bricks, &c, mostly carried under Class Q, New Zealand's cheapest rate, are carried at specially cheap rates —about three-fifths of Belgian Class C. During my stay in Belgium I examined the vicinal railways in every province, and took every opportunity of conversing with the people, and I found that amongst all classes —the city business men, the railway head officials and employees, and the country farmers and workmen —there was an opinion that the vicinal railways were, if not the foundation of, at least a very necessary factor in, the welfare of {he country as a whole. I attribute this very largely to the fact that the people themselves, either individually or through their local Councils, are financially connected with the promotion of the lines, and consequently feel themselves part-owners in a way that does not apply to lines constructed entirely by the State and operated by the Railways Department. Having their dividends to look to, and knowing also that a private party, possibly a fellow-townsman and friend, has undertaken to run the line they use for a term of years, they are not likely to make unreasonable demands on the management or to agitate for improvements in the convenience, time-table, and general style of working which were not anticipated at the first inception of the scheme, and are probably not warranted by the traffic. It appears to me that there is room in many parts of New Zealand for the application of the principle of vicinal railways, and I trust that the information herein contained may assist in bringing many isolated communities into closer touch with existing railways or ports, to the mutual advantage of themselves and the State. The Administrative Council of the National Society consists of the following members : — President —M. Fris, Senator : Vice-President —M. Lagasse de Locht, Director-General of Public Works : members —M. the Chevalier de Borman, President of the Provincial Council of Limbourg, and permanent Deputy; M. Ramaeckers, Honorary General Secretary to the Minister of Railways, Posts and Telegraphs; M. Vanderlinden, Inspector-General of Public Works; M. Colaert, solicitor, member of the House of Representatives, and Mayor of the Town of Ypres; M. Chevalier, permanent Deputy for the Province of Hainaut. In closing I must place on record the assistance I received from the High Commissioner, who furnished me with introductions through the Foreign Office; from M. H. Caufriez, the DirectorGeneral of the National Society; and more particularly from M. E. Belpaire, Chief Engineer, who personally conducted me over some of the lines and provided me with the greater part of the detail information herein contained, and generally assisted me in my inquiries. As appendices hereto I have made a translation of the laws and regulations governing the construction and working of the vicinal railways, and also a translation of a preliminary report upon an actual line. On mj r travels I looked into the question of light railways, in a more or less degree, in Australia, Ceylon and India, Egypt, France, Italy, Norway, and England, and, if desired, can make a further report. The figures showing how much cheaper the narrow-gauge lines are to operate than the standard-gauge are interesting. I have, &c, F. W. FUHKBRT, The Engineer-in-Chief, Public Works, Wellington. Inspecting Engineer.

(5 -ton lots. Glass A (Covered Trucks). Class B (Open Trucks). Class C (Open Trucks). Kilometres. Francs. 1-80 3-10 4-40 5-70 7-00 8-30 10-90 13-50 I Francs. I 1 ' 60 L 2-70 , 3-80 4-90 [6-00 [7-10 s 9-30 11-50 Francs. 1-20 1-90 2-60 3-30 4-00 4-70 6-10 7-50 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 I


B-l. Societe !Natiormle dcs chemine de fer vicinaux

To accompany Report by F. W. Furkert, AesocM.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., 22nd December, 1913.



APPENDIX I. TRANSLATION OF DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE INSTITUTION OF THE NATIONAL SOCIETY OF VICINAL RAILWAYS. I. Minister of Finance, and Minister of Agriculture, Industry, and Public Works. Law on this Vicinal Eailways, revised and amended. [2£th June, 1885.] LEOPOLD 11, KING OP THE BELGIANS. Greetings. Parliament has adopted, and we sanction, the following :— Article I. The Government is authorized to approve the statutes of a society constituted at Brussels under the name of " The National Society of Vicinal Railways," as they are annexed to the present law. Article 11. The vicinal railways are conceded by Royal Proclamation. They are conceded to the National Society of Vicinal Railways. Nevertheless they may be conceded to other societies or private individuals if within a year of their request for a concession the National Society lias not made a similar request, or has not, within the time fixed by the Government of receiving a concession, constructed the line. Article 111. No concession is made without consulting Communal Councils and permanent provincial delegates. All concessions are preceded by an inquiry into the utility of the enterprise, the route, and the proposed tariff. Article IV. No concession is accorded to the National Society unless it is assured of the subscription of sufficient shares to secure the construction and satisfactory opening of that line for working. Article V. Concessions are accorded to the National Society for so long as it endures, and to other societies or individuals for special periods fixed by the special Proclamation, and in no case exceeding ninety years. « Article VI. Tariffs are fixed by the National Society under Government approval. Nevertheless Government has power to require the raising or forbid the lowering of any tariff. Article VII. Government has the right to control all operations of the society, and with that object to demand all information and returns. It may oppose the carrying-out of any measure which in its opinion may be contrary to law, statutes, or the interests of the State. Article VIII. Government controls the policy of the vicinal railways. It may swear in the employees of the concessionaires and confer upon them all the powers and duties of ordinary police in accordance with regulations made under laws of the 15th June, 1843, concerning railway police. It may impose upon the concessionaires in the public interest, either general, provincial, or communal, the obligations and free transport, or transport at reduced rates, which it judges required (?). The National Society must conform to the law of the 22nd May, 1878, in connection with the employment of the Flemish language in administrative notices. Article IX. The intervention of the State as a subscriber in the proceedings of the National Society must not exceed half the nominal capital of each line, unless by special Act. Article X. Government is authorized to guarantee to third parties, on conditions determined by it, the interest and sinking fund on the debentures issued by the National Society, representing the annuities due by the communes, the provinces, and the State. The commitments of the State, as a guarantor, shall not exceed the sums fixed by law. Article XI. The concessions of the society are not taxable by provinces or communes; it is exempt from license fees, or any taxes, rates, or tolls for its construction-work directly appertaining to the building or working of the vicinal railways.



Article XII. The following are exempt from stamp duty : The constitutive Act of the society, copies of or extracts from the Act, the register of shareholders and others, the share-certificates, the deeds of annuities subscribed by the communes and provinces, and the documents which affect the security and profit of the State, such as the bonds issued by the society and the notices in connection with working. Documents are registered free. Article XIII. All concessions may be repurchased by the State on the conditions fixed in the Proclamation of concession. Article XIV. Every year the Minister of Agriculture, Industry, and Public Works shall place on the table of the House of Representatives a report of the Administrative Council showing the position of the affairs of the society. Attached thereto shall be a list of the concessions issued and the last balance-sheet. Articie XV. If the society constructs a line for which a concession has been regularly requested, accompanied by a" plan of works, before the 12th May, 1882, the person who requested the concession shall receive payment for his survey, &c, at a rate and on conditions to be fixed by Royal decree (? Governor in Council). Article XVI. The present law does not apply to tramways designed to serve towns. These will remain as before, under the law of the 9th July, 1875. Article XVII. Temporary arrangement. The Government is authorized to guarantee to third parties during ninety years interest and sinking fund of the society's debentures at the rate of 600,000 francs (£24,000) annually, which it was authorized to guarantee by the Law of the Budget of Public Debt for 1885. Article. XVIII. The present law repeals that of the 28th May, 1884. We promulgate the present law, and order that it shall receive the State seal, and be gazetted Given at Ostend, 24th June, 1885. Leopold. In the King's name. A. Beernaert, Minister of Finance. Chevalier de Moreau, Minister of Agriculture, Industry, and Public Works. Seen and sealed. J. Devolder, Minister of Justice.

APPENDIX 11. (Preliminary omitted.) LAW OF 24th JULY, 1885, AND SPECIAL ARTICLES OF LAW OF 15th APRIL, 1898, INTERCOLATED. Chapter I. Clause I.—A limited-liability company is fouuded, under the name of " The National Society of Vicinal Railways." Its headquarters is established in Brussels. Clause 2.—The society has the object of the construction and working of vicinal railways in the kingdom, and, if necessary, their prolongation, into foreign territories. The society may deposit its funds temporarily or open an account current at the General Savings-bank or the National Bank. It may also apply them to the purchase of State, provincial, or communal debentures. All other operations are forbidden. Clause 3.—The charter of the society is not limited in duration. Its dissolution cannot be pronounced except by special legislation, which shall also determine at the same time the methods and conditions of its liquidation. Clause 4.—The National Society may abandon the working of a vicinal line in any of the following conditions : (a) If during three consecutive years the gross earnings of that line has been insufficient to cover working-expenses; (b) if during five consecutive j'ears the net earnings has been insufficient to cover 50 per cent, of interest on capital of the first establishment. Proposals for ceasing working of a line under the first condition may be made by the Administrative Council of the National Society, or by one of the shareholders of the group directly interested, and under the second condition by one of the shareholders of the said group. The proposals must be submitted to an extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the National Society. Chapter 11. Clause s.—lhe capital shall equal the outlay for the construction, plant, and equipment of the line. (Land-purchase, survey, &c, must be" included in construction.—F.W.F.) It shall be divided into as many series of shares as there are lines conceded. Each series of shares has



a right to the profits produced by the line to which it corresponds, but only within the limits hereinafter fixed. Two-thirds at least of the shares of each series must be taken by the State, the provinces, and the communes. Clause 6. —The shareholders are not liable for more than the amounts of their investment in the National Society. All shares are for 1,000 francs. The payments shall be made on the dates fixed by the Administrative Council. The State and the provinces may discharge their liabilities by payment of annuities during ninety years. Communes may do the same if they can prove that they possess the necessary resources. . The annuities are fixed in such a manner that the debentures representing them, conforming to clause 2, shall be redeemed in ninetyyears. The annuity certificates are immediately delivered to the society. They are not transferable. Clause 7.—Payments in arrears shall bear interest at 6 per cent., payable to the society. After two notices, given at two months' interval, the Administrative Council may forfeit the shares of the shareholders in arrears, and in such case the moneys already paid shall remain the property of the societj 7 . Clause B.—The shares are apportioned to the State, the provinces, and the communes by name. The provinces and the communes may sell their shares with Government authorization. The shares appertaining to private individuals are individualized and transferable. Nevertheless, they must remain nominative until their entire liberation. (" Toutefois elles doivent demeurer nominatives jusqu'a leur entiere liberation." The meaning of this is rather obscure.—F.W.F.) Clause 9.—lhe transferable shares and the nominative certificates are signed by two administrators. One of the signatures must be affixed by means of a stamp. Clause 10.—After the expiration of ninety years' working of the line the State, the provinces, and the communes interested will have the right to repurchase at par the shares belonging to the line originally taken up by private individuals. Clause 11. —The society may issue debentures representing the annuities which are due to it. The manner and condition of this issue must be approved by the Government. Chapter 111. Clause 12.— Old. New. The society is administered by a council of. a As before. president and four administrators, and by one general manager. The Government may increase the number of As before. administrators to six. In that case it shall nominate the two new members for the first time. There is a supervising committee composed of six There is a supervising committee composed of members. nine members. Clause 13. —The president of the administrative council is nominated and may be retired or suspended by the King. This nomination is made for six years. It may be 'ndefinitely renewed for the same time. Clause 14. —The other members of the administrative council are half nominated by the King and half elected by a general meeting of shareholders. Every three years from the third year half the members retire. Their appointments may be indefinitely renewed. A ballot will determine which members should retire. One of the retiring members will be replaced by the King and one by the shareholders at a general meeting. If three administrators retire simultaneously the third is alternately replaced by the King and the general meeting. In case of a vacancy on the administration amongst those to be appointed by the general meeting, the supervising committee will delegate one of its members to fill the vacant place temporarily. In that case the first general meeting proceeds to the definite election. Clause 15. —The King nominates a member of the administrative council to replace the president when he is absent, removed, or suspended. This member is styled " vice-president. , ' Clause 16. —There is taken towards the general expenses an annual sum of 15,000 francs as a minimum and 30,000 francs as a maximum, Ho be divided according to number of attendances between the president and the members of the administrative council as agreed upon between themselves. The president and each of the members of the council have also the right to receive 2 per cent, in dividing up the profits beyond the first dividend attributed to the shareholders. However, this extra payment must not exceed 10,000 francs for each. Clause 17.—The administrative council is invested with most extensive powers to manage and administer the society. It sees to all the affairs of the company. For instance, it applies for and receives all concessions, extensions, and prolongations of the vicinal railways; it makes all agreements, buys and sells, for the construction and working of the railways conceded to the society; it fixes and decrees the successive augmentations of the capital; it declares the amount to be paid on the shares; it issues the debentures within the limits fixed by the statutes; it furnishes the guarantees for security for engagements entered into by the society, and accepts the guarantees offered as security in engagements with itself; it sells, transfers, and concedes all the movable property of the society; sells also all the excess land and other unmovable things bought for, but found unnecessary for the working of the lines; it determines the placing of the available funds, and

14—1). 1.



disposes of funds left in hand or in current account; it decrees the regulations relative to the organization of the services, as well as regulation of administration and the internal management •it fixes and modifies the tariff, under Government approval; it appoints suspends and dismisses all agents and employees, determines their powers fixes their pay salaries, and allowances, and, if it is required, the amount of their security (fidelty guarantee); it consents to the restitution of the security; it authorizes all actions at law; it negotiates comes to terms, or refers to arbitration concerning all things connected with the society; it touches and receives all moneys due to the society; it gives withdrawal of all mortgage-deeds, and surrenders the actual rights covered by the'documents; it gives equally withdrawal of distress warrants and attachments, the whole without having to be justified by the extinction of the debts to the society; it furnishes an annual report upon the society's operations and position to the Government The preceding does not limit the powers of the administrative council, which is invested with all the rights which may be lawfully conferred upon it. Clause 18 —The administrative council meets on the summoning of the president, or at the request of two of its members. The presence of a majority of the members is necessary to form a quorum. Decisions are carried by a majority of those present, and in the event of a tie the chairman has a casting-vote. Clause 19 —The president can suspend the execution of any decision which appears to him contrary to law, the present statutes, or the interests of the State. He advises the Government accordingly, and if within a fortnight of that advice the Government does not legislate the decision may be carried out. Clause 20 —The deliberations of the administrative council are recorded in a minute-book kept at the headquarters. This book is signed by the members who have taken part m the discussion. The copies or abstracts are signed by the president and by th«j general manager In case of obstruction by the president the copies or abstract are signed in his room and stead by the vice-president or by two administrators. Clause 21.—The Government has the right to have all registers and information produced if it judge it necessary to exercise its control over the operations of the society. Clause 22 —General Manager : The director-general is nominated and may be retired by the King His salary is fixed by a decision of the administrative council, approved by the Government. He has in addition the right of 4 per cent, on the profits in excess of the first dividend due to the shareholders, but this additional sum. must not exceed 10,000 francs. Clause 23 —The general manager is responsible for carrying out the decisions of the administrative council He assists with a consultative voice at the meetings of the council. The daily management of the affairs of the society is confided to him. He represents the society m all its dealings from day to day, for which he renders an account to the council. He acts m all legal actions. He signs all conventions and acts resolved upon by the council. Clause 24.—Supervising committee : — Old. New - The supervising committee is composed of six The supervising committee is composed of nine commissioners elected and retired by the commissioners elected and retired by the general meeting. general meeting. Each province must be represented. The appointment of the commissioners is annual, As before. and may be indefinitely renewed. Members shall record the number of their attend- As before. ances at meetings, for which the allowance shall be fixed by the general meeting. Clause 25 The committee gives it advice on matters submitted to it by the administrative council The 'members have unlimited right of supervision over all operations of the society. It can peruse, but not remove, the books and correspondence, minute-book, and generally all documents The right of individual supervision may be exercised by one or more of the members delegated by the committee. There is submitted to them each half-year a short statement of the financial position. The committee may submit to the general meeting the result of their mission, with the suggestions they consider desirable, and make known to them the method by which they have conducted the investigation. Chapter IV. —Accounts', etc. Clause 26 \ special account is kept for each line conceded. It includes the expense of establishment, upkeep, and working. The share of each line in the general expenses of administration of the National Society is determined according to the proportion which it supplied of the gross revenue of all the lines. Clause 27 The surplus over expenses by which a line should settle its account will be advanced by the National Society. It will be advanced at its risk and peril, save that it may deduct the amount advanced from the first profits which the same line produces during the following years If the National Society abandons the working of a line before having recouped itself for the whole of its advances the part not recovered remains a charge, and will be deducted from its reserves.


T>.— l

Clause 28.— Old. New. The profit of each line will be divided, by right of Under the profits of each line there will be first dividend, between the shareholders of deducted to the profit of the shareholders of that line up to the amount of 4J per cent, on that line a title to the first dividend, thus :— the capital subscribed or the amount of the (1.) For the paid-up shares taken up before the annuity due to pay off the capital, conform- Ist March, 1898, a sum equal to 4J per cent, ably to the mode of liberation of the shares of the capital invested. (2.) For paid-up to which they are given the preference (?). shares taken up since the Ist March, 1898 — (a) If subscribed by public bodies, a sum equal to the annuity which would be required to pay off the capital in ninety years ; (b) if privately subscribed, a sum equal to a dividend determined by the administrative council, so long as it does not exceed 4 per cent, on capital invested. (3.) For shares not fully paid up, a sum equal to the amount of the annuity due to pay up the capital subscribed. If the profits are not sufficient to to pay the whole of these deductions they must be distributed, proportionally to the amounts of each, amongst the shareholders of the different categories. If there exist a surplus it will, after the deduction If there exist a surplus it will, after deduction of of the bonus to the administrators and general bonuses to the administrators and the general manager, be divided as follows : One-fourth manager, be divided as follows : — for the constitution of a fund to provide for As before, extension and improvement of the line; three-eighths to the shareholders for a second dividend; three-eighths to the National Society to form a reserve fund to cover possible future losses, and to permit of extension and improvement of the system. The funds of special provision (as above) of each line may be used for distribution in dividends, but not without Government sanction. Chapter V.—General Meetings. Clause 29. —The general meeting comprises shareholders personally or by proxy, members of the administrative council, the director-general, and members of the supervising committee. EJach province and each commune having shares is represented by one deleg-ate. The shareholders have as many votes as they have shares. Nevertheless, no one person may cast more votes than one-fifth part of the total shares issued, or two-fifths of the shares represented at the meeting. Clause 30. —The meeting is held each year (first meeting, 1886) at Brussels, on the last Tuesday in April, at 2 p.m. The administrative council may call extraordinary general meetings.' It must be called on the request of the supervising committee or of shareholders representing one-fifth of the capital. Clause 31.—The general meeting is regularly constituted whatever number of shares are represented, and the majority present carry the resolutions. However, when any modification of the statutes or the abandonment of the working of a line is to be considered the meeting is not legally constituted unless the members represent at least the half of the capital. If this condition is not fulfilled a new meeting is necessary, and the new meeting's proceedings are legal whatever the amount of capital there represented. In' each of the above oases each proposition requires to be carried by a three-quarters majority. Clause 32. — Old. New. The vote by ballot may be demanded by ten The same, shareholders, and is required for nominations and retirements. In order to assure the secrecy of the ballot, no In order to assure the secrecy of the ballot, no ballot-paper placed in the box must repre- ballot-paper placed in the box must represent more than ten votes. The fractional sent more than 500 votes ; the fractional votes under ten must be cast by ballot- votes under 500 must be cast by ballotpapers representing one vote. papers representing each 100, 50, 10, and 1 vote. Clause 33.—The notices for all general meetings contain the order of business, and comprise circulars to members and an advertisement inserted in the Moniteur Beige (Government Gazette. — F.W.F.), eight days before the meeting. Clause 34. —The Board of the general meeting is composed of the members of the administrative council. The meeting is presided over by the president of the administrative council, and in his absence by the vice-president or other member of the council appointed by his col-



leagues. The president oliooses his secretary. In case of a vote the board appoints two shareholding delegates as scrutineers. Each delegate signs the attendance register at each meeting with his name and the number , of shares he represents. Clause 35.—The minutes of the meetings are signed by the members of the board. Copies of or extracts from the minutes are signed by the president of the administrative council and by the director-general. In case of obstruction by the president the copies or extracts are signed in his room and stead by the vice-president or by two administrators. Chapter Vl.—Repurchase op Lines by the State oh Abandonment of Working by the National Society. Clause 36.—When a line is taken over by the State the price serves to reimburse, in totality if possible, if not in part, the investmeots in the shares in that line. The balance, if any, will be divided, the half to the shareholders, to be divided amongst them, and the other half to the National Society, to be invested in its reserve fund. Clause 37.—When the National Society abandons the working of an unproductive line, and the group of shareholders directly interested takes over the working, the line is made over to that group, subject always to the right of the society to draw the amount of the subscribers' annuities. If the said group refuses to take over the working of the line the liquidation of its capital is proceeded with. The portion of the assets due to the holders of paid-up shares shall be paid to them; that due to the subscribers of annuities will be retained by the societjr, to be applied to partial reimbursement of the obligations taken over. The liabilities of these subscribers will be reduced in proportion to these payments. In each of these cases the National Society will be permitted to deduct the sums which it may have advanced to cover the expense of working.

APPENDIX 111. (Preliminaries omitted.) AMENDING ACT OF 18th APRIL, 1898. Preliminary Article. The Government is authorised to approve the modifications appended to clauses 12, 24, 28, and 32 of the statutes of the National Society of Vicinal Railways. Clause 12.—The society is administered by a council formed of a president and four administrators and by a general manager. The Government can increase the number of administrators to six. In that case it shall nominate the two new members for the first time. There is a supervising committee composed of nine members. Clause 24.—The supervising committee shall be composed of nine members, elected and deposed by general meeting. Every province must be represented. The election of members is annual, and may be renewed indefinitely. Members shall record their attendance at meetings, the allowance for which is fixed by general meeting. Clause 28.—Under the profits of each line there will be deducted to the profit of the shareholders of that line a title to the first dividend, thus: (1.) For the paid-up shares taken up before the Ist March, 1898, a sum equal to per cent, of the capital invested. (2.) For paid-up shares taken up since the Ist March, 1898—(a) If subscribed bj' public bodies, a sum equal to the amount of annuity which would be necessary to pay off the capital subscribed in ninety years; (b) if privately subscribed, a sum to equal a dividend determined by the administrative council, as long as this does not exceed 4 per cent, on capital invested. (3.) For shares not fully paid up a sum equal to the amount of the annuity due to pay up the capital subscribed. If the profits are not sufficient to pay the whole of these deductions they must be distributed, proportionally to the amounts of each, amongst the shareholders of the different categories. If there exist a surplus it will, after deduction of,bonuses for the administrators and the general -manager, be divided as follows : One-fourth for the constitution of a fund to provide for the extension and improvement of the line; three-eighths to the shareholders for a second dividend; three-eighths to the National Society to form a reserve fund to cover possible future losses and t) permit of the extension and improvement of the system. The funds of special provisions (as above) of each line may be used for distribution in dividends, but not without Government sanction. Clause 32.—Voting by ballot may be demanded by ten shareholders, and is obligatory in case of appointments or compulsory retirements. In order to secure secrecy of ballot no ballotpaper placed in the box shall represent more than 500 votes, the fractional vote below 500 being represented by ballots corresponding each to 100 votes, 50 votes, 10 votes, and 1 vote.



APPENDIX IV. (Specimen Preliminary Report.) Societe National dcs Cliemins de fer Vicinaux. Vicinal Line from Binche-St. Vaast (Wazoir) to Haine-St. Pierre. —Length, 11 km. 100 m. Gauge, Im. Capital, 1,275,000 fr. Cost per km., 115,000 fr. memoir descriptive. Electric Traction. (1.) Description of the Line. The line projected, of a gauge of 1 metre, will commence in the Merbes Street at Binohe, close to the State railway; from this point along the mad called Roeulx [to the cemetery]. It will connect with the existing line Binche-Bracquegnies. Then it will separate to follow Brussels Street and the road to Morlanuelz, up to the castle Evence Coppee. It passes close to the graves of St. Barbara and St. Albert. Rejoining [here follows a complete detailed description of the route as in a centre-line Proclamation]. After detailed study of the conditions of working we will determine at which points it will be most suitable to fix the stopping-places so as to serve in the best manner all the interests along tho route. It is believed by some that the route described can be modified during the detail examination on the ground. No generating-station will be erected. The line will be supplied, like those of Centre II and that from La Louviere to Binche, with current from the works of the Gas and Electricity Company of Hainaut a Bascoup. (2.) Utility of the Line. On the smallest valuation the following is the population to be served :— Binche .. .. .. • ■ 12,125 inhabitants, one-fourth served = 3,031 Wandrez .. .. .. 1,329 inhabitants, one-fourth served = 332 Ressaix .. .. .. • • 2,869 inhabitants, one-fourth served = 717 Peronnes (charcoal-works) .. 2,848 inhabitants, one-third served = 949 Haine-St. Pierre .. .. 6,582 inhabitants, one-fourth served = 1,645 Haine - St. Paul .. .. .. 7,125 inhabitants, one-third served = 2,375 St. Vaast .. .. .. 1,666 inhabitants, one-third served = 555 Houding Aimeries .. .. 7,469 inhabitants, one-eighth served = 933 Crivieres .. .. ■. 2,396 inhabitants, one-third served = 798 11,335 This gives 1,030 inhabitants per kilometre of line. The industrial importance of the localities to be served —Ressaix, Peronnes, Haine —St. Pierre, Crivieres, Bois dv Lue, and Strepy-Bracquegnies —permit the expectation of considerable traffic. Only passenger traffic is to be catered for. (3.) Estimates of Hosts. Franos. (a.) Acquisition of land .. .. .. .. .. .. 60,000 (6.) Earthworks .. ■■ ■• •• •■ ••■ 18,000 (c.) Structures (culverts, aqueducts, &c.) .. .. .. .. 8,000 (d.) Paving 22,450 (c.) Permanent-way .. .. .. .. .. .. 347,165 Laying connection to existing line .. . . .. .. 20,000 •(/.) Buildings and notice-boards .. .. .. .. .. 50.800 Electrical equipment .. .. .. .. _ .. .. 15,000 (<j.) Rolling-stock: — 10 motor-carriages at 18,000 fr. .. .. .. .. 180,000 8 trailer-carriages at 7,500 fr. .. .. .. .. 60,000 {h.) Overhead wires .. .. .. •• •• .. 192,900 Sub-station .. .. .. .. •. .. .. 40,000 Feeder cables and return ditto .. .. .. .. 50,000 Connection with other lines .. .. .. .. .. 16,500 (i.) Miscellaneous : — Participation in general expenses of National Society, survey, engineering during construction .. .. .. 81,982 Interest during construction, losses, &c. .. .. .. 14,467 Contingencies .. .. .. •• .. .. 97,735 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,275,000 This equals 115,000 fr. per kilometre.



Probable Results of Working. One may suppose on the line Binche - St. Vaast (Wazoir) to Haine - St. Pierre a total of 270,000 annual train-kilometres. A comparison with the results of other electric lines in that locality enables one to rely on receipts of 045 fr. per train-kilometre. The gross receipts will thus be 121,500 fr., or 10,946 fr. per kilometre year. Taking the expenses of working and general expenses as 67£ per cent, of the gross receipts, this leaves 39,48750 fr. to distribute in dividend, which corresponds to 3'lo per cent, on the capital. The annuities having been calculated at 435 per cent., the local-authority shareholders would have to supply T25 per cent, on their subscriptions. To cover entirely the charges on capital (interest and amortization) at 435 per cent, on 1,275,000 fr. (= 55,462-50 fr.), it would require a gross receipt of 170,654 fr.— i.e., 15,374 fr. per kilometre year. The capital of the line Binche-St. Vaast (Wazoir) should be merged with that of the lines Binche-Bracquegnies — La Louvre — Estinnes-au Mont and Bracquegnies—Havre.

Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington. —1914.

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PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT. BY THE HON. WILLIAM FRASER, MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1914 Session I, D-01

Word Count

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT. BY THE HON. WILLIAM FRASER, MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1914 Session I, D-01

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT. BY THE HON. WILLIAM FRASER, MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1914 Session I, D-01

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