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Presented to the House of Representatives and ordered to be printed.

ORDERS OF REFERENCE. Extracts from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Thursday, the 3rd Day of July, 1913. Ordered, " That a Committee be appointed, consisting of ten members, to examine and report upon questions relating to the railways ; with power to call for persons and papers ; three to be a quorum : the Committee to consist of Mr. Buick, Mr. Dickson, Mr. Hine. Hon. Mr. Millar, Mr. Myers. Mr. Sidey, Mr. Sykes, Mr. Veitch, Mr. Witty, and the mover."—(Hon. Mr. Herries.) Friday, the 18th Day of July, 1913. Ordered, " That all petitions not finally dealt with during Session 11, 1912, stand referred to the same Committees as they were referred to during the said session."—(Hon. Mr. Massey.) * Friday, the 25th Day of July, 1913. Ordered, "That the report of the Railways Committee on the petition of H. Robinson be referred back to that Committee for reconsideration." —(Mr. Isitt.) Wednesday, the 13th Day of August. 1913. Ordered, " That the petition of Ernest F. Shadbolt be referred to the Railways Committee."—(Mr. Okey.) Thursday', the 21st Day of August, 1913. Ordered, " That the petition of James Jenkins be referred back to the Railways Committee for reconsideration."— (Mr. Veitch.) Thursday, the 30th Day of October, 1913. Ordered, " That the Government Railways Amendment Bill be referred to the Railways Committee."—(Hon. Mr. Herries.) Wednesday, the 19th Day of November, 1913. Ordered, " That the petition of Ellen Poppelwell be referred back to the Railways Committee for reconsideration."— (Mr. Witty.) Thursday, the 4th Day of December, 1913. Ordered, "That the petition of Cassidy and Co. (Limited) be referred to the Railway! Committee." —(Hon. Mr Herries.)!




No. Petitioner. Paj Page. No. Petitioner. Page. 96 Allardyce, Patrick .. .. .. 4 318 304 Lawrence, George, and 33 others Leydon, John 5 6 345 343 325 237 239 408 66 Bandeen, John, and another .. .. 8 Bass, William, and 11 others .. .. 8 Braun, Bridget .. .. .. | 6 Brown, G., and 10 others .. .. 8 Bultitude, W. B., and 10 others .. 8 Burnby, Charles, and 9 others . . 8 Butterworth, F. J. .. .. .. 3 235 342 146 29 174 98 286 367/12 202 208 378 94 Matthewson, John, and 15 others Miller, Charles Milroy, J., and 7 others Montgomery, R. Mooncy, William, and 6 others More and Sons (Limited) and 2 others. . Morgan, Charles William McCallum, D. McGahan, Thomas McKay. Archibald, and 32 others McKay, Archibald, and 26 others McTainsh, Christina De Young 8 8 8 3 8 5 6 5 5 5 ti 3 416 19 369 410 424 177 393 409 Carter, Thomas .. .. .. 7 Chilton, E., and 349 others .. .. 4 Claxton, Frank H, and 628 others .. 6 Coekburn, James .. .. .. 8 Cole, A. .. .. .. 7 Condon, Michael .. .. .. 5 Cooper, J. I). .. .. .. 7 Cunningham, Hugh, and 4 others .. 8 158 84 Old, Grace Olive, S. T., and another 4 7 204 238 2 145 Davidson, A., and 6 others .. .. 8 Deny, C. J., and 21 others .. .. 8 Downie, Alexander .. .. .. 4 Dumblcton, William, and 28 others .. 8 344 4 372 386 Pascoe, Hugh, and another Perkins, Jane Ann Philpott, William, and 339 others Poppelwell, Ellen 8 3 7 7 352 Eggleton, J., and 2 others .. .. 8 341 55 331 88 Raines, R., and 19 others Robinson, H. (two reports) Ross, Bertram V., and 7 others Ross, George Swann 5 3 5 4 159 Fallon, John .. .. .. 4 Final report .. .. .. 8 Fisher, W. S., and 1,714 others .. 6 iii 144 179 99 380 255 Government Railways Amendment Bill 6 Gleeson, Catherine, and 73 others .. 4 Grandison, Archibald, and 23 others ... 6 Gray, James .. .. .. 5 Green, Richard, and 5 others .. .. 8 Greenwood, R. W., and 7 others .. 8 333 3 272 Schedule of Petitions held over till next Session Seguin, W. .. Shadbolt, Ernest Francis Short, William R. .. Special report (re Chairman) Stevens, Saintie 8 8 4 7 8 7 302 205 363 324 203 7 12 246 30 370 Hand, John, and 11 others .. .. 8 Hansen, C. .. .. .. .. 8 Hardcastle, George, and 9 others .. 8 Hardy, Alexander, and 12 others . . 8 Harrington, William Joseph .. .. 3 Hislop, James, and 32 others .. .. 8 Hodge, William .. .. 3 Hogan, J. .. .. .. .. 8 Jenkins, James (two reports) .. .. 4 25 51 253 236 Thompson, William John Timmins, John Tinker, William, and 42 others Tullook, .1., and 27 others 3 3 4 8 178 332 Wesley, \V., and 13 others Wyber, Robert, and 8 others 8 5 76 444 Young, William, and 19 others 7




No. 29.—Petition of R. Montgomery, of Otahuhu. Praying for further relief owing to injuries received by a train accident at a railway-crossing at Breakwater Road. Auckland. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 25th July, 1913. No. 65. —Petition of F. J. Butterworth, of Opunake. Praying for compensation for injuries received to self and damage done to motor-car through a railway-crossing accident at Normanby. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 25th July, 1913.

No. 55. —Petition of H. Robinson, of Linwood, Christchurch. Praying for compassionate allowance owing to injuries received at railway-crossing at Bligh's Road, Christchurch. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make on this petition.

25th July, 1913. No. 25. —Petition of William John Thompson, of Christchurch. Praying for compassionate allowance owing to loss of office in the New Zealand Railways. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be recommended to the Government for favourable consideration of payment of a compassionate allowance. 31st July, 1913.

No. 7. —Petition of William Joseph Harrington, of Lyttelton. Praying for his pension, that he may be allowed to draw the same as a railway servant. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be recommended to the Government for favourable consideration of payment of a compassionate allowance. 31st July, 1913. No. 55. —Petition of Harry Robinson, of Linwood, Christchurch. (Second Report.) Praying for compassionate allowance owing to injuries received at railway-crossing at Bligh : s Road, Christchurch. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make on this petition. 31st July, 1913.

No. 30. —Petition of William Hodge, of Christchurch. Praying for redress in connection with his late services in the Railway Department. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make on this petition. 31st July, 1913.

No. 4.—Petition of Jane Ann Perkins, of Heathcote Valley. Praying for compensation in respect to the services of her late husband in the Railway Department. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make on this petition. 31st July, 1913.

NO. 94.—Petition of Christina De Young McTainsh, of Sydenham, Christchurch. Praying for compensation on account of the death of her husband, killed on the Sockburn railwaycrossing while driving home from Riccarton. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make on this petition. 7th August, 1913.

No. 51. —Petition of John Timmins, of Te Aroha. Praying for relief owing to an accident received whilst in the employ of the Railway Department. 1 am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make on this petition. 7th August. 1913.



No. 96. —Petition of Patrick Allardyce, of Greymouth. Praying for compassionate allowance in respect to the circumstances which necessitated his retirement from the Railway service, and his being placed on superannuation as medically unfit. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 14th August, 1913.

No. 88. —Petition of George Swarm Ross, of Christchurch. Praying for compensation for suggesting a protective plate for locomotive boilers, also in respect of improved ferrule draw-bar for drawing the ferrules out of the tubes of fire-boxes of locomotives. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make on this petition. 14th August, 1913.

No. 158. —Petition of Grace Old. Praying for further compensation for loss of her husband. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 21st August, 1913.

No. 76.—Petition of James Jenkins, of Aramoho, Wanganui. Praying that he be allowed to count for superannuation purposes his first two years of service in the Railway Department. 1 am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make on this petition. 21st August, 1913.

No. 159. —Petition of John Fallon, of Auckland. Praying for compensation for injuries received. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 21st August. 1913. ____

No. 144. —Petition of Catherine Gleeson and 73 Others. Praying that the late train from Auckland stop at Scroggy Hill street-crossing if required. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that the Department be asked to favourably consider the petition. 21st August, 1913.

No. 3. —Petition of Ernest Francis Shadbolt. Praying for medical expenses and compensation. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 28th August, 1913.

No. 2. —Petition of Alexander Downie. Praying for compassionate allowance because of injuries sustained. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 28th August, 1913. _

No. 253.—Petition of William Tinker and 42 Others. Praying for a grant to macadamize a road in the Wairio Survey District, or, in the alternative, that the prayer contained in the petition of E. Chilton and 349 others be granted. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make in regard to this petition. 28th August, 1913.

No. 19.—Petition of E. Chilton and 349 Others. Praying that the Government acquire the railway at present owned by the Wairio Railway and Coal Company (Limited). I am directed to report that, as a question of policy is involved, the Committee has no recommendation to make in regard to this petition. 28th August, 1913.

No. 76.—Petition of James Jenkins. (Second Report.) Praying that he be allowed to count his first two years of service in the Railway Department for superannuation purposes. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration of a compassionate allowance. 3rd September, 1913.



No. 367 (1912).—Petition of D. McCallum. Praying for compensation for services rendered as piermaster, &c, at Port Chalmers. I am directed to report that, by leave of the Committee, this petition has been withdrawn. 3rd September, 1913.

No. 99.—Petition of James Gray. Praying for refund of railage paid on coal forwarded from Fernhill Colliery. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 3rd September, 1913.

No. 332. —Petition of Robert Wyber and 8 Others. Praying that a survey be made from the present terminus of the Gore-Hedgehope Railway to some place on the Main Trunk line near Gore, and that the construction of the line be authorized as early as possible. I am directed to report that, as a question of policy is involved, the Committee has no recommendation to make in regard to this petition. 26th September, 1913. .

No. 331.—Petition of Bertram V. Ross and 7 Others. Praying that a survey be made from the present terminus of the Gore-Hedgehope Railway to some place on the Main Trunk line near Gore, and that the construction of the line be authorized as early as possible. I am directed to report that, as ajquestion of policy is involved, the Committee has no recommendation to make in regard to this petition. 26th September, 1913.

No. 341.—Petition of R. Raines and 19 Others. Praying that a survey be made from the present terminus of the Gore-Hedgehope Railway to some place on the Main Trunk line near Gore, and that the construction of the line be authorized as early as possible. I am directed to report that, as a question of policy is involved, Jhe Committee has no recommendation to make in regard to this petition.

26th September, 1913. No. 208. —Petition of Archibald McKay and 32 Others. Praying that a survey be made from the present terminus of the Gore-Hedgehope Railway to some place on the Main Trunk line near Gore, and that the construction of the line be authorized as early as possible. I am directed to'report that, as ajquestion of policy is involved, the Committee has no recommendation to make in regard to this petition. 26th September, 1913.

No. 318. —Petition of George Lawrence and 33 Others. Praying that a survey be made from the present terminus of the Gore-Hedgehope Railway to some place on the Main Trunk line near Gore, and that the construction of the line be authorized as early as possible. I am directed to report that, as a question of policy is involved, the Committee has no recommendation to make in regard to this petition. 26th September, 1913.

No. 202. —Petition of Thomas McGahan. Praying for compensation because of alleged vindictive treatment by the Railway Department. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make in regard to this petition. 26th September, 1913.

No. 98. —Petition of Messrs. More and Sons (Limited) and 2 Others. Praying for a regular supply of trucks and sufficient siding accommodation for handling of timber t Longwood Siding. 1 am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 26th September, 1913. .

No. 177.—Petition of Michael Condon. Praying for compensation for injuries alleged to have been sustained whilst in the employ of the Railway Department. I am directed toj[report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 26th September, 1913.



No. 378. —Petition of Archibald McKay and 26 Others. Praying that a survey be made from the present terminus of the Gore-Hedgehope Railway to .some place on the Main Trunk line near Gore, and that the construction of the line be authorized as early as possible. I am directed to report that, as a question of policy is involved, the Committee has no recommendation to make in regard to this petition. Bth October, 1913.

No. 325. —Petition of Bridget Braun. Praying for compensation because of the death of her husband, alleged to have been caused by an accident to him while in the employ of the Railway Department. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make in regard to this petition. Bth October, 1913.

No. 304. —Petition of John Leydon. Praying for compensation for injuries sustained on the Stratford Railway-station. [ am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. Bth October, 1913.

No. 111.—Petition of W. S. Fisher and 1,714 Others. Praying that certain trains on the Manawatu line be run to and from Lambton Station. 1 am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 16th October, 1913. No. 179. —Petition of Archibald Granmson and 23 Others. Praying for inquiry into the causes of the New Lynn Railway accident. That, having heard the evidence of the petitioners, the officers of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants, the officers of the New Zealand Locomotive Engine-drivers, Firemen, and Cleaners" Association, the officers of the Department, and other witnesses, the Committee is of opinion— (a.) That there was a light fog at the time of the collision. (6.) That the fog was not of such density as to necessitate the use of fog-signals. ((••) That Driver Corich was guilty of an error of judgment in not slowing down early enough to avoid overrunning the " Danger " signal. ((/.) That there is no blame attached to Porter Mortimer, who was in charge of New Lynn Station at the time of the collision. (c.) That the railway facilities at New Lynn are sufficient for the safe working of the traffic. The Committee recommends— (i.) That Porter Mortimer be exonerated. (ii.) That, owing to his youth and his not being of ripe experience, Driver Corich be reinstated in the service in a lower position for a time. That the report, together with the minutes of the proceedings and a copy of the evidence taken, be laid upon the table of the House, and be printed. (Vide 1.-6 a.) 23rd October, 1913.

Government Railways Amendment Hill. The Railways Committee, to which was referred the above-mentioned Bill, has the honour to report that it has carefully considered the same, and recommends that it be allowed to proceed with amendments as shown on copy of the Bill attached hereto. sth November, 1913.

No. 369.—Petition of Frank H. Claxton and 628 Others. Praying that a trial survey of the Pokeno-Kopu route be taken with a view to the inclusion of this line in the next Railways Authorization Bill submitted to Parliament. 1 am directed to report that, as a question of policy is involved, the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 19th November. 1013.

No. 286.—Petition of Charles William Morgan. Praying for compassionate allowance because of injuries alleged to have been sustained by his son by an accident on the railway. 1 am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 19th November, L 913.



No. 302. —Petition of Miss Saintie Stevens. Praying for compensation for luggage destroyed by fire whilst in railway-van. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 19th November, 1913.

No. 272.—Petition of William R. Short. Praying for relief because of illness alleged to have been caused by the nature of his work in the Railway Department. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 19th November, 1913. No. 444.—Petition of William Young and 19 Others. Praying that a survey be made from the present terminus of the Gore-Hedgehope Railway to some place on the Main Trunk line near Gore, and that the construction of the line be authorized as early as possible. 1 am directed to report that, as a question of policy is involved, the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 19th November. 1913. No. 386.—Petition of Ellen Poppelwell. Praying for compensation for the loss of her son, who was killed whilst in the employ of the Railway Department. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 19th November, 1913.

No. 372. —Petition of William Philpott and 339 Others. Praying for construction of railway-line in the Moa district. I am directed to report that, as a question of policy is involved, the Committee has no recom mendation to make in regard to this petition. 26th November, 1913.

No. 386. —Petition of Ellen Poppelwell. (Second Report.) Praying for compensation for the loss of her son, who was killed whilst in the employ of the Railway Department. I am directed to report that in the opinion of the Committee this petition should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 9th December, 1913.

No. 424.—Petition of A. Cole. Praying for compensation for services rendered to the Railway Department. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 9th December, 1913.

No. 416. —-Petition of Thomas Carter. Praying that an opportunity be given for an investigation re penalty imposed upon him by the Railway Department. I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that the Railway Department be asked to hold an inquiry in regard to this petition. 9th December, 1913.

No. 393.—Petition of J. D. Cooper. Praying for compensation for injuries sustained at the Kaitoke Railway-station. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to this petition. 9th December, 1913.

No. 84. —Petitions of Samuel Thomas Olive and Another, and 27 similar Petitions (as per attached Schedule). Praying that railway concession tickets be granted to superannuated railway men. I am directed to report that, in view of the concessions already granted by the new regulations, the Committee has no recommendation to make with regard to these petitions. 9th December, 1913.



No. 145. —William Dumbleton and 28 others. No. 146.— J. Milroy and 7 others. No. 174. —William Moonev and ti others. No. 178.— W. Wesley and* 13 others. No. 203. —Alexander Hardy and 12 others. No. 204.—A. Davidson and 6 others. No. 205.—John Hand and 11 others. No. 235.—John Matthewson and 15 others. No. Tullock and 27 others. No. 237. —G. Brown and 10 others. No. 238.—C. J. Deny and 21 others. No. 239.— W. B. Bultitude and 10 others. No. 246.—James Hislop and 32 others. No. 255.— R. W. Greenwood and 7 others.

DT/LE. No. 324.—George Hardcastle and 9 others. No. 333.— W. Sequin. No. 342.—Charles Miller. No. 343. —William Bass and 11 others. No. 344.—Hugh Pascoe and another. No. 345.—John Bandeen and another. No. 352.— J. Eggleton and 2 others. No. 363.—C. Hansen. No. 370.— J. Hogan. No. 380.—Richard Green and 5 others. No. 408.—Charles Burnby and 9 others. No. 409.—Hugh Cunningham and 4 others. No. 410.—James Cockburn.

Special Report. I have the honour to report that this Committee place on record its high appreciation of the service of the Chairman, Mr. David Buick, for his patience and the straightforward and impartial manner in which he conducted the business of the Committee. 9th December, 1913.

Final Report. I have the honour to report that the Railways Committee held its final meeting on the 9th day of December, 1913. During the session the Committee met on 36 occasions, the average attendance being 6-3. The Committee had before it for consideration 139 petitions, which were dealt with as follows :— Referred to the Government for consideration . . . . .'. .. 7 Referred to the Government for favourable consideration .. .. .. 9 The Committee had no recommendation to make upon .. .. . . 32 Upon the petition of Archibald Grandison and 23 others, re New Lynn Railway accident, the Committee occupied seven days in taking evidence and deliberating, and duly reported its findings to the House, the report being referred to the Government. The Committee has taken considerable evidence upon the petitions of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants ; M. J. Mack, secretary of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants ; M. H. Quinn and 36 others (New Zealand Locomotive Engine-drivers, Firemen, and Cleaners' Association), and 54 similar petitions ; and S. Kennedy and 8 others (New Zealand Locomotive Engine-drivers, Firemen, and Cleaners' Association). Further consideration of these petitions has been adjourned until next session. The total number of petitions held over for consideration next session is 66. The Government Railways Amendment Bill was referred to the Committee, duly considered, and reported upon. The number of reports brought down by the Committee and presented to the House was 51. 9th December, 1913.

Schedule of Petitions held over until next Session. No. 26.—-Kennedy, S.. and 8 others. No. 233.—Harris, W. J., and 23 others. No. 118.—Quinn, M. 11.. and 36 others. No. 234.—Clark, William, and 18 others. No. 119.—Henderson. _. W., and 12 others. No. 244.—Ha11, G. H., and 7 others. No. 120.—Thomson, \V. J., and 9 others. No. 245.—Murfit, M. J., and 8 others. No. 121.—Fitzgerald, W. J., and 18 others. No. 249.—Meagher, James, and 14 others. No. 125.—Barker. H.. and 36 others. No. 250.—Piper, F. W., and 14 others. Xo. 12li.—Foxton Harbour Board. No. 273.—Wiles, W., and 16 others. No. 127.—Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants. No. 274.—McGairn. Gilbert A., and 10 others. No. 128.—Mack, Matthew Joseph. No. 275.—81ack, T. S., and 19 others. No. 149.- -Benwiok, ('. T.. and I 1 others. No. 276.—Braidwood, C. 1)., and 19 others. Xo. ISO.—Paton, T., and 20 others. No. 277.—MoCubbin, .1.. and 20 others. Xo. 151. Hollarfti. _. D., and 25 others. No. 279.—Nelson, G. 0., and 107 others. No. 152.—West, E. W., and 8 others. No. 280.—Pepperell, J., and 39 others. No. 153.—Dennehy, M., and 15 others. No. 281.—Smith, W. S., and 27 others. No. 154. —Bennett, C, and 45 others. No. 282.—Thomson, H. J., and 15 others. No. 155.—Logic, John, and 18 others. No. 283.—Hooper, G. H., and 11 otherp. No. 171.—Greig, William, and 14 others. No. 284.—Pirie, F. X., and 20 others. No. 172.—Betts, F. J., and 9 others. No. 293.—Bartram, C. 0., and 37 others. No. 173.—Lee, C. G., and 52 others. No. 294.—80 den, 8., and 37 others. No. 175.—Chadwick, H. L., and 19 others. No. 295.—Rillstone, A., and 44 others. No. 181.—Jones, A. H., and 6 others. No. 296.—Stewart, W. D., and 17 others. No. 182. —Owen, H. A., and 21 others. No. 299.—Lawson, J. E., and 10 others. No. 183.—Manning, A. H., and 7 others. No. 300.—Watts, C. W., and 10 others. No. 194.—McAra, N, and 38 others. No. 301.—Hislop, John, and 3 others. No. 206. —Bates, J., and 11 others. No. 312. —Lucy, John. No. 207.—Mcintosh, S., and 20 others. No. 316.—White, Walter. No. 224.—Reidy, James, sen. No. 323.—King, Albert Victor. No. 227. —Batt, A. J., and 6 others. No. 382. —Roughan, A., and 8 others. No. 228. —MeKee, Robert, and 10 others. No. 392. —Dickson, G. R. No. 229.—Little, G, and 9 others. No. 394.—Johnston. J. H., and 10 others. No. 230. —Denz, A. J., and 35 others. No. 395.—Cassidy and Co. (Limited). No. 231.—McCutcheon, W. J. M., and 34 others. No. 420.—Rankin, William. No. 232.—Hurrell, P., and 18 others. No. 461.—Soulsby, Robert, and 29 others. Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given; printing (1,400 copies), £5.

By Authority : John Mapkay, Government Printer. Wellington.—l9l3.

Price 6d.l

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RAILWAYS COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. BUICK, Chairman.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1913 Session I, I-06

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RAILWAYS COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. BUICK, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1913 Session I, I-06

RAILWAYS COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. BUICK, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1913 Session I, I-06

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