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I—E. 9.




Laid before Parliament in 'pursuance of the Act.

CONTENTS. Page Part 1. Extract from Report of Minister .. .. .. .. .. .. l 2. Report of Board, with Additional Statements to those prescribed by Regulations .. '2 • Statements prescribed by Regulations .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 No. 1. EXTRACT FROM THE THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION. The contributors to the fund consist of— (1.) Those who joined under the original Act of 1905 and elected to remain thereunder ; the retiring-allowance being one-sixtieth of the total salary received by the contributor during the period of contributing to the fund (or, in other words, one-sixtieth of his average salary for each year of service during the whole period of contribution), together with one one-hundred-and-twentieth of the salary during the years of service between the Ist January, 1878, and the Ist January, 1906 ; the retiring-allowance to •" original" contributors being in no case less than £52. (2.) Those who joined subsequently to the passing of the amending Act in 1908, together with such of the members as did not exercise the option of remaining under the original Act; the retiringallowance being for each year of service one-sixtieth of the average rate of salary received during the three years next preceding retirement, with a limitation of the total allowance to two-thirds of the average salary ; and for those who joined after the 24th December, 1909, a further limitation to £300 per annum. Under the provisions of the Public Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912, those persons who were in the Education service on the Ist January, 1906, and who were still in the service, could elect, on or before the 30th June, 1913, to become contributors to the fund, contributions being payable as from the Ist January, 1906. Provision was also made whereby those persons employed in the University colleges at the date of the coming into operation of the Act (7th November, 1912) could elect, on or before the 30th June, 1913, to become contributors to the fund, and in these cases such contributors would be entitled to count back service. The allowance for back service will be one one-hundred-and-twentieth part of the mean of the last three years' salary for each year of service. All persons first permanently employed under the University of New Zealand and the University colleges after the date of the passing of the Amendment Act must become contributors to the fund.



It is also provided that the Government contribution to the fund as from the Ist January, 1913, shall be increased from £7,000 to £17,000 per annum. At the end of 1912, The number of contributors was .. .. . .. .. .. 3,641 Of whom members under Part IX of Education Act, 1908, numbered 105 The annual rate of contribution paid as at the end of the year was over.. £40,000 The number of allowances in force at the end of the year was .. 376 representing an annual charge of .. .. .. .. £23,635 viz.,— Ordinary retiring-allowances were .. . . .. 240, representing £19,332 Retiring-allowances in medically unfit cases. . 39, „ 2,769 Allowances to widows .. 52, „ 949 Allowances to children .. 45, „ 585 The balance at the credit of the fund and invested by the Public Trustee at the end of the year was .. .. . . .. . . £212,174 The fund receives 4j per cent, interest on daily balances in the hands of the Public Trustee, and no charge is made for investment. No. 2. SEVENTH EEPOET OF THE BOARD CONSTITUTED BY THE PUBLIC SERVICE CLASSIFICATION AND SUPERANNUATION AMENDMENT ACT (PART I), 1908. Foe the Year ending 31st December, 1912. The Honourable the Minister of Education. Sir,— Wellington, 24th June, 1913. The Board has to submit the following report for the year ending 31st December, 1912. Meetings.—At the quarterly meeting held in January it was resolved that in future the quarterly meetings would be held in February, May, August, and November. Election.—The triennial election of the elective members of the Board was held in March, and resulted in the election of Messrs. W. T. G-rundy and H. G. Cousins representing the North Island contributors, and Messrs. W. Davidson and J. A. Valentine representing the South Island contributors. Amendment Act, 1912 (new admissions). —The Amendment Act of 1912, providing that those persons who were in the Education service on the Ist January, 1906, and who were still in the service could elect, on or before the 30th June, 1913, to become contributors to the fund has been taken advantage of by over one hundred teachers and other persons. The conditions of membership which the Board determined were that contributions must be paid as from the Ist January, 1906, the arrears being subject to interest at the rate of 5 per cent. The provision which was also made in the Amendment Act to include persons employed in the University colleges as members of the Fund was availed of by about forty professors and others who were in the Education service at the date of coming into operation of the Act (7tb November, 1912). These contributors will on retirement be entitled to benefits on account of their previous service. Persons first permanently employed under the University of New Zealand and the University colleges after the passing of the Act are bound to become contributors. Increased amount contribution by Government. —The Government contribution to the Fund of ,£17,000 was received at the beginning of 1913. The number of contributors increased from 3,387 at the end of 1911 to 3,641 at the end of 1912, and the number of persons in receipt of benefits increased during the year from 324 to 376. Details of the members of the fund on 31st December, 1912, grouped according to their status, are given in the following tables: —



A. Statement of Membership as from the 1st January, 1906.

B. Total Number of Contributors who have joined and left the Fund since its Establishment (1st January, 1906, to 31st December, 1912).

C. Progressive Annual Table of Receipts and Expenditure (1st January, 1906, to 31st December, 1912).

D. Statement of Members of the Fund who at the End of 1912 had attained the Ages as shown therein.

Orii [iniil Members. Ordinary Members. Total Nii: nber at End of Period. Name of Act. (1.) Admitted. Number Left. at End of Period. (3.) (4.) Number Admitted. Left. at End of Period. (5.) (6.) (7.) Number. Period. (2.) (8.) (9.) 'eachers' Superannuation Act, 1905, and Amendment Act, 1906 2,720 50 127 188 2,593 2,505 219 197 39 219 377 2,812 2,882 Fifteen months ending 31st March, 1907. Year ending 31st March, 1908. Part IX, iducation Act, 1908. Part I of Public S Classification and Supi Amendment Act £annuation Number. Totol *?2*ZI* End i, 1908. of Penod. 4 2,345* 164 2,345* 2,409 19 2,767 2,931 Nine months ending 31st December, 1908. Year ending 31st December, 1909. Year ending 31st December, 1910. Year ending 31st December, 1911. Year ending 31st December, 1912. 20 144 20 334 ' 93 3,008 3,152 5t 21 128 21 287 171 3,124 3,252 19; 19 128 19 329* . 194 3,259 3,387 23§ 105 23§ 469 I 192 3,536 3,641 * Includes 2,252 transff column (5) of the same lin t It was not until 1910 I provisions of section 5 of I t Adjusting entries. § Includes two person! ferred to Par! ae. that it was a the Teaehen ; I, Public Service Classification and Superai inuation Ann endment Act, 1908, and included in ■.fi i I ;l in, 3' Superan A that these five persons should inuation Act, 1905. They are also it 'e become ni« icluded in col ambers of the fund in terms of the lumus (3) and (5) of the same line. is transferre< 1 to colum in (5), iu accordance with section 35 of the Act.

Number. Annual Rate Annual M. F. Total. Salary. Contributions. 'otal entered (including net increases in salary and contributions) 'otal discontinued 2,024 396 2,720 4,744 707 1,103 2,013 3,641 £ 825,047 196,258 £ 54,271 14,058 s. d. 0 0 0 0 Total existing at 31st December, 1912 1,628 628,789 40,213 0 0

The following tal lie el lows the progress of ti (Figures are given to ie fund since its estal lish: ient : — the nearest pound only). Period ended Total Number of Contributors at End of Period. Total Contributions (including Government Grant) received during Year. Total Interest received during Period. Total Income. Total Expenditure. Credit Balance. list Dec, 1911 ... i years, 1906-11 ... list Dec, 1912 3,387 3,387 3,641 £ 45,422 228,821 47,130 i> 7,215 23,590 8,135 e 52,637 252,411 55,265 £ 21,927 67,361 26,317 £ 185,050 185,050 213,997 Totals (7 years)... 275,951 31,725 307,676 93,(578

Male. Fomale. Age: Years. Number. Age : Years. Number. 65-66 66-67 67-68 68-69 69-70 70 2 55-56 56-57 5.7-58 58-59 59-60 60 3 6 2 "s 1 1 1 *7 Totals : 8 18




1. Statement of Contributors, showing Annual Rates of Salaries and Contributions as at the 31st December, 1912.

Number. t s. d. Of the number of contributors who retired during the year (including 10 medically unfit cases) retiring-allowances were granted to ... 59 The annual rate of these allowances amounted to ... ... ... ... 5,092 5 2 The number of contributors who died, and on account of whom allowances or refunds of contributions were granted was ... ... ... 3 To the representatives of such contributors annual allowances were granted (in one case a refund of contributions was also made) to ... ... ... ... ... ...2 widows and 3 children The annual rate of the allowances amounted to ... ... ... ... 75 0 0 The refunds of contributions ... ... ... ... ... ... 103 17 6 The total number of retired contributors on account of whom annual allowances were granted during the year was therefore ... ... 62 The remaining number of contributors who died was ... ... ... 4 On whose account contributions were refunded to their legal representatives to the amount of ... ... ' ... ... ... ... 502 17 4 The number of contributors who voluntarily retired from the Education service before becoming entitled to participate in the benefits of the fund and to whom refunds of contributions were made was ... 147 The refunds amounted to ... ... ... ... 4,004 19 6 The total number of contributors who retired from the Education service during the year 1912 was ... ... ... ... ... 213

2. Particulars of Contributions discontinued during the Year ending 31st December, 1912.

Four pensioners died during the year; one widow remarried, and her allowance ceased from the date of her remarriage; eight children having attained the age of fourteen years' their allowance consequently ceased ; one widow of a deceased annuitant was granted an annual allowance. Further details are given in the following table :—

Number. Annual Rate of Salary as at End of Year. M. P. Total. Annual Rate of Contributions as at End of Year. ± s. d. Contributors at 31st December, 1911 ... 1,587* 1,850* 3,387* 595,992 0 0 New contributors entered during the 152 315 467 50,364 0 0 year ending 31st December, 1912 Net increase in salaries and contributions ... ... ... 14,616 0 0 by promotions during the year £ s. d. 38,964 0 0 2,740 0 0 710 0 0 Totals ... ... ... 1,689 2,165 3,854 660,972 0 0 42,414 0 0 Contributions discontinued during the 61 152 213 32,183 0 0 year ending 31sc December, 1912, by resignation, kc. 2,201 0 0 Totals at 31st December, 1912 1,628 2,013 -3,641 628,789 0 0 40,213 0 0 • 1911 figures amended.

Number of Contributors. Annual J Bel late at Date of tirement. Allowances granted. How discontinued. ± 1 Salary. Contributions. Pensions : Annual Kate. Other Pay- • ments (uonreoutring). By death before pension entered £ £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. upon— Contributions paid to personal representatives Leaving widow or child By voluntary retirement Medically unfit — Over fifteen years' service ... By retirement at pension-age ... 2 3 33 2 114 4 3 147 1,063 590 19,332 85 0 0 39 0 0 ' 1,069 0 0 75 0 0 502 17 4 103 17 6 4,004 19 6 7 16 3 33 10 49 2,130 9,068 163 0 0 J 845 0 0 945 17 0 4,146 8 2 Totals (il 152 213 32,183 2,201 0 0 5,167 5 2 4,611 14 4



3. Statement of Retiring-allowances (including Allowances to Widows and Children) for the Year ending 31st December, 1912.

(1.) (2.) (3.) Details of Column (2). Particulars. To ;al Allowances. Retiring-allowanc ies. Allowances t< > > Ordinary (age or service). ] Medic ally unfit. V idows. Ch ildren. Number. J Annual Rate, o Number. Num iber. Nun iber. Annual Rate. M. P. , Annual Rate. M. P. M. I I P. Amount. Number. Annual Rate. M. P. I I I Allowances as at 31st December, 1911 Allowances granted during the year at retirement of contributor Allowances granted to widows and children of deceased annuitants 152 172 25 39 £ s. d. 324 18,787 0 5 64 5,167 5 2 18,787 0 5 117 77 15,348 12 0 15 15 il,875 5 5,167 5 2 16 33 4,146 8 2 7 3 . 94517 £ s. d. 117 I 77 15,348 12 0 15 16 33 4,146 8 2 7 £ s. d. 1,875 5 5 50 945 17 0 2 5 0 £ b. d. 9.13 3 0 20 36 0 0 2 30 1 £ s. d. 650 0 0 39 0 0 ... 1 . 1 . 18 0 0 18 0 0 ... ... i ... I 1 18 0 0 ... ... Total Allowances discontinued during the year*t 177 212 3 10 389 23,972 5 13 336 19 ! 23,972 5 7 133 110 19,495 0 2 22 18 2,821 2 336 19 9 2 1 162 19 9' ... 1 52 0 7 9 j ; 133 110 19,495 0 2 22 2 1 162 19 9 ... 5 0 31 7 133 2 2,821 2 5 52 0 0 53 1 967 18 3 0 0 0 22 1 689 0 0 104 0 0 ! Allowances existing at end of year 1912f ... 174 202 174 376 123,635 23,635 5 10 131 109 19,332 0 5 ; 22 I 17 '2,769 2 5 10 131 5 52 949 3 0 21 24 585 0 0 I i i * Pan 'iculars of Alloivances discontinued during the Year. .' I II How discontinued — By death By expiry ... ... 2 1 2 8 4 9 214 19 9 2 1 162 19 9 ... 1 52 0 122 0 0 ... ... ... 2 , 1 162 19 9 0 "7 104 "6 0 ... 1 18 6 0 "i i Total ...I 3 10 13 I 336 19 9 1 162 19 9 1 52 0 0 18 0 0 1 7 104 0 0 Progrei ■s of Allowances since Establishment of Fund to the 31st December, 1912. ! I II I ?otal granted ... ?otal discontinued 207 33 236 443 34 67 236 443 26,461 16 7 151 114 20,987 11 0 30 19 3,489 2 7 34 67 2,826 10 9 20 5 1,655 10 7 8 2 720 0 2 26,461 16 7 151 2,826 10 9 20 26,461 16 2,826 10 7 9 59 7 1,075 3 126 0 0 0 26 44 910 5 20 325 0 0 0 0 Total existing — 174 202 376 23,635 5 10 131 109 19,332 0 5 22 17 2,769 ■2 5 52 949 3 0 21 24 ! 585 0 0 t Full details are give i in in Return No. 4 (a) and (6).



4. Further Details of Allowances. (a.) Allowances discontinued during the Year :—

(i.) Return of Retiring-allowances discontinued during the Year 1st January to 31st December, 1912, and Annual Rate of Allowances granted to the Widows and Children.

(ii.) Return of Widows and Children who during the Year 1st January to 31st December, 1912, ceased to be entitled to Benefits.

(b.) Allowances existing at the End of the Year:—

(i.) Allowances (ordinary) granted to Contributors.

Annuitant. How discontinued. Date from w Annual Rate of tiring-allowi Lapsed tinued. ami | Retiring-allowanoes. of Benefits and Childt ?hich (a) Reance discon[b) Payment to Widow ■en began. Refund of Contributions. Browne, Alfred A. Dyer, Ecbert C.... Osmers, Mary B.* Will, Louisa M. ... Death it £ s. d. (a.) 58 19 9 Aug. 16 52 0 0 Aug. 1 52 0 0 Dec. 1 52 0 0 ! July 25 Aug. 16 & s. d. Total ... 214 19 9 i ♦Retired on groi inds of medical unfitness.

Name. Widow or Annual Rate of Da '° °* Termination Child. Allowance. of meni oi Allowance, Remarks. Bramley, Gladys V. Broughton, Esther P. N. ... Clarkson, Estelle G. Evans, Eoss Look, Reoni Marshall, Zealanda Sigley, Lillie C, Mrs. Sigley, Hattie E. Warren, Lila Child ... it • • • , f ... £ 13 18 13 13 18 18 18 13 13 August, 1912 ... January, 1912 ... October, 1912 ... December, 1912 August, 1912 ... March, 1912 ... February, 1912... April, 1912 August, 1912 ... Attained 14 years of age. it if Widow ... Child ... Bemarried. Attained 14 years of age. tt Total ... 122

Name. Occupation. Annual Rate of Allowance. Act under whioh Allowance granted. B, Education Act, 1908. A, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908. Men. Amoore, Albert H. Bannerman, Edward Bannerman, William Barton, James Bedford, Bernard S. Bissell, Edward ... Blair, James Bolton, Edwin C.... Bonnin, John L. ... Booth, Frederick* Boyd, Donald Brown, Charles C* Bryant, James T. ... Budd, George W. E. Bullock, Samuel ... Burns, Andrew Butcher, Anthony G. Campbell, John T. Comerford, William H. Cooke, Charles J.* Corbet, William ... Teacher, Taranaki Education Board „ South Canterbury Education Board „ Otago Education Board i it ■ • • „ Auckland Education Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... Secretary, Nelson College Board Teacher, Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Ocago Education Board „ Auckland Education Board Truant Officer, Southland Education Board Teacher, Native school ... „ Otago Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board £ s. 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 72 3 52 0 106 5 52 0 52 0 115 17 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 107 11 63 11 129 1 81 16 d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E i<; j<: i<: j<: B E A E A B E A E E E E A A A A it 'i „ Native school ... „ Taranaki Education Board it ir „ Native school... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ South Canterbury Education Board * Allowances granted during the period from 1st January to 31st December, 1912.



(i.) Allowances (ordinary) granted to Contributors —continued.

Name. Occupation. Annual Hate of Allowance. Aot under whioh Ulowance granted. !, Education Act, 1906, A, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908. Men —continued. Cowles, Edward ... Culverhouse, George Dale, Joseph Daly, Michael P. ... Duncan, William Dunnett, Andrew ... Dyer, Henry H. ... Easther, Henry A. Edridge, Edward ::: Everiss, Andrew" Everiss, George ... Ferguson, William Field, John L. Fisher, Esau* Fisher, John Fitzgerald, William S. Gates, Thomas A.... Geissler, Herman W.* Gerring, Albert Gillman, Alfred I. Glenny, Joseph ... Goulding, Eichard T. Gover, Frederick .. Goyen, Peter Grant, James Greaves, Joseph ... Gribble, Charles ... Grierson, James* Hardy, Charles J.... Hassing, George M. Horan, Thomas ... Home, James Howard, Charles C. Hubbard, Charles C. :: Hughes, Thomas ... Hughson, William Humphreys, Joseph W.* Ingpen, Edward L. Johnston, Robert ... Jones, Thomas A. Kilburn, Joseph ... Kirby, James La Prelle, John J. Lee, Clement W. ... Lee, Wesley Lock, Charles H. W. Lothian, John, Rev. Lyon, Christopher, Rev. Lyttle, John Macan, George H. Macandrew, William* McDonald, Kenneth McFarlane, Henry McFarlane, Peter G. M. McGavin, John ... Mclntosh, Alexander Macky, John McNicoll, David A. Maddison, John ... Matthews, Ernest W. D. Menzies, Edward M. Menzies, George ... Millington, Edward W. Teacher, Nelson Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board Janitor, Timaru High School Board Teacher, Auckland Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Wellington Education Board Truant Inspector, Wanganui Education Board Teacher, Nelson Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Marlborough Education Board ... „ Otago Education Board Southland Education Board „ Auckland Education Board Inspector, Otago Education Board Teacher, North Canterbury Education Board „ Native school ... ... „ Auckland Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Wellington Education Board Inspector. Otago Education Board Teacher, Taranaki Education Board „ South Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board Inspector, Auckland Education Board Teacher, Wellington Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Native school „ Wellington Education Board „ Marlborough Education Board ... „ Native school... Inspector, North Canterbury Education Board Janitor, Otago High School Board Teacher, Marlborough Education Board ... „ Wanganui Education Board „ Wellington Education Board Auckland Education Board Southland Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Wanganui Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Native school... „ Southland Education Board £ s. d. 135 3 0 124 6 0 52 0 0 81 7 0 52 0 0 120 6 0 52 0 0 94 11 0 106 18 6 64 2 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 131 16 3 251 7 0 147 16 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 118 0 0 52 0 0 278 16 0 52 0 0 106 0 0 52 0 0 174 5 0 77 15 4 52 0 0 52 0 0 233 8 0 68 8 2 65 14 0 214 1 1 52 0 0 98 2 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 129 4 9 52 0 0 156 11 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 75 13 1 172 0 0 52 0 0 79 18 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 62 10 0 147 5 0 188 10 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 88 14 0 A A E A E A E A A A E E E E A A A E E E E A E A E A E A E E E A E A A E A E E E E E E A E A E E E A A E A E E A A A E E E E A if it Wellington Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Native school ... Auckland Education Board Accountant, Auckland Education Board ... Teacher, Otago Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Native school „ Wanganui Education Board „ Otago Education Board Auckland Education Board • Allow; inees granted during the period from 1st January to 31st Decemi >er, 1912.



(i.) Allowances (ordinary) granted to Contributors —continued.

Name. Name. Oooupation. Annual Rate of r Allowance. I Act under whioh Allowance granted. E, E ducati on A ct, 1908 A, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908. Men —continued. Milne, William Moore, William J. Moores, Peter Morgan, Richard ... Mossman, Edwin... Mulhern, John Murdoch, James ... Murray, David Murray, George W. Nichofls, Alfred ... O'Donoghue, Denis ... Orr, James O'Shea, Jeremiah... Petrie, Donald Pole, Eichard P. ... ... I Porritt, Thomas, Eev. ... I Pridham, Ernest*... Pryde, Patrick G.... Beid, James Reid, John ;: ... ... Rice, Vincent E. ... ... Schmidt, Peter E. Scott, James Scott, John L.* ... Scott, Samuel M.... Sloinan, John F. ... Small, James S. ... Smith, John Stead, Edwin C. ... Stenhouse, John ... Stevens, Joseph E. ... i Stewart, Alexander ... Stewart, James Stewart, Ralph D. Stewart, Washington S. ... Stott, Alexander ... Taylor, William N. Tobin, William H. J. Ward, Joseph Ward, William ... Whyte, John" Wild, Herbert A.* Wilding, Charles B. Williamson, Alex. W. Wood, John Young, Andrew ... ... I Young, Henry, Rev. £ s. d. Teacher, Otago Education Board ... .. 85 4 5 ! ;, ... ... 148 19 0 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 5200 „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 62 1 0 „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 160 11 0 Native school ... ... ... 5200; „ Southland Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 „ Otago Education Board ... ... 172 11 0 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 129 7 0; North Canterbury Education Board ... 56 5 9 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 114 15 10 Southland Education Board ... ... 126 12 0 Nelson Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 Inspector, Auckland Education Board ... ... 325 17 0 Teacher, North Canterbury Education Board 52 0 0 Wellington Education Board .. ... 52 0 0 New Plymouth High School ... ... 201 15 0 Secretary, Otago Education Board ... ... 277 1 0 Teacher, Otago Kducation Board ... ... 89 0 11 103 15 0 Secretary, Auckland Education Board ... ... 319 7 0 Architect to North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 0 Teacher, South Canterbury Education Board ... 5200 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 205 13 7 Nelson Education Board ... ... 69 12 0' „ Auckland Grammar School Board ... 87 8 6 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 58 19 0 Secretary to Marlborough High School Board and 78 19 10 Education Board Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 Otago Education Board ... ... 230 2 Oi 118 5 0 88 6 0 North Canterbury Education Board ... 69 0 0 Inspector, Auckland Education Board ... ... 213 16 8 Teacher, Wanganui Education Board ... ... 55 9 8 Southland Education Board ... ... 93 11 0 „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 0 Native school..." ... ... ... 52 0 0 „ Marlborough Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 52 0 0 Otago Education Board ... ... 55 2 0 Southland Education Board ... ... 80 10 0 „ Native school ... ... ... ... 52 0 0 „ Wellington Education Board . ... 127 3 Hi „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 138 16 0 „ Southland Education Board ... ... 146 1 11 Native school... ... ... ... 52 0 O^ b" A E A A E E A A E A A E A E E A A E A A E E A A E A E E i A E A A E A E E E E E A ? A A A E Women. Allan, Mary, K. Anderson, Barbara C. Anderson, Elizabeth, Mrs Barton, Annie, Mrs. Batchelor, Bessie ... Batten, Annie E. B. Beale, Arundel M. Beattie, Jane, Mrs. Blades, Bithiah ... Blyth, Sarah P. R. Branting, Ellen I , ., Mrs.*- ... Brown, Charlotte M., Mra.* Total (131 men) ... ... 12,034 12 2 Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 92 1 0 Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 Native school... ... ... ... 52 0 0 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 Grey Education Board ... ... 94 9 0 Westland Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 Native school... ... ... ... 52 0 0 „ Auckland Grammar School Board ... 71 7 9 „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 Manager, Te Oranga Home, Christchurch... ... 41 14 0! Teacher, Native school... ... ... ... 18 3 0 i A E E E A E E E A E A A * Allo* ancea granted during the peiiod from 1st January to 31st December, 1912.


(i.) Allowances (ordinary) granted to Contributors —continued.

2—E. 9.


Act under which Allowance granted. o™*- , -- rfSftSS. Name. Occupation. E, Education Act, 1908 A, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908. Women —continued. £ s . <j. Brown, Jessie C. ... .. Teacher, Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... j 108 6 0 Bullock, Julia W. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 0 Caldwell, Margaret, Mrs. ... j „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 77 10 0 Carrick, Marie, Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 Chatwin, Georgina E.* ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 123 18 0 Checkley, Martha, Mrs* ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 109 12 0 Christie, Catherine W. ... „ Caversham Industrial School ... ... 52 0 0 Coleman, Annie E., Mrs. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 31 0 0 Cooke, Jean L.* ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 87 10 0i Cowens, Janet, Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 74 15 0 Davis, Elizabeth ... ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 75 15 0 Dement, Mary A.... ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 Dewhirst, Eliza E. ::: ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 56 17 9 Dunning, Eliza L. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 Evans, Alice ... ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 Evans, Eliza H. ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 82 7 0 Fleming, Janet* ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 Forsyth, Agnes ... ... „ „ „ „ ... ... 63 11 0 Fowler, Jane B.*... „ „ „ ... ... 94 5 0 Fowler, Lillias A. * ... „ „ „ „ ... ... 9116 0 Foy, Mary E.* ... ... „ Thames High School ... ... ... 52 0 0 Francis, Catherine A., Mrs... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 Eraser, Mary I. ... ... Principal, Wanganui Girls'College ... ... 267 3 0 Geissler, Ida P., Mrs * ... Teacher, Native school ... ... ... 11 10 01 Goulding, Jane E. ... Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 Gower, Nanette ... ... „ Wellington Education Board ... .. 52 0 0 Graham, Julia A., Mrs. * ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 0 Greensill, Susan M. C. ... „ Native school... ... ... ... 52 0 0 Haig, Catherine ... ... ., Otago Education Board ... ... 104 3 4 Hall, Mary ... ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 115 2 0 Haughton, Sophia E. J. ... „ „ ... 52 0 0 Haultain, Frances A. ... „ Native school... ... ... ... 52 0 0 Heney, Annie, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 Henry, Margaret... ... » /» ••• ••• 52 0 0 Hopper, Mary E.... ... „ „ ... ... 80 18 0 Home, Ellen J.*... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 92 0 0 Huie, Marjory S.... ... „ „ ... ... 56 19 9 Irvine, Lucy M. .. „ Native school... ... ... ... 52 0 0 Johnson, Susan H. ... „ „ ... ... ... ... 52 0 0 Johnston, Tristiana E. N.* „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 109 10 0 Jordan, Mary E., Mrs „ ... ... 108 1 0 Kitching, Lucy H. ... Nelson Education Board ... ... 82 13 0 Kitchingman, Eliza ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 0 Langford, Marg. H., Mrs. ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 125 4 0 Latimer, Ella, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 Lawson, Mary K.* ... „ Wellington Technical School ... ... 100 0 0 Leaman, Frances E., Mrs. ... Caretaker, Christchurch Girls' High School ... j 52 0 0 Lightband, Sarah J., Mrs.* Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 82 19 0 Lindsay, Jean G., Mrs.* ... „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 0 Lissaman, Martha H. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 Litchfield, Mary E., Mrs.* „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 Little, Edith J. E.* Otago High School ... ... ... 95 2 0 Longmore, Frances ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 Lovatt, Mary, Mrs. ... „ „ ... ... 50 19 0 Macdonald, Isabella* ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 94 19 0 McGavin, Jessie, Mrs. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 52 0 0 Mclntosh, Janet ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... j 80 1 0 Mackay, Christina F.* ... „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 0 Mackay, Ida O., Mrs. ... „ Westland Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 McLaren, Mary* ... ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 83 5 0 Maxwell, Elizabeth L., Mrs.* „ „ ... ... | 101 3 9 Mellish, Marion A.* ... „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... 87 15 7 Menzies, Margaret* ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 101 7 0 A E A E A A E A A A A E A E E A E A A A E E A A E E E E A A E E E E A A A E E A A A i<: A E A E A E E E A E A A E A E E A A A A • • Allowances granted during the period from 1st January to 31st December, 1912.



(i.) Allowances (ordinary) granted to Contributors —continued.

Name. Occupation. A , n A n , ual Bate of Allowance. Act under which Allowance granted. B, Education Act, 1908 A, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908. Women —continued. Metherell, Eosa M. Mills, Jessie G. ... Moller, Louisa A. ... Nicholson, Maud Paterson, Jane Peake, Sarah N. ... Pettit, Barbara M. Phillips, Mary Plummer, Mary ... Ritchie, Christian ... Roberts, Mary A.* Rooney, Christina Rowley, Elizabeth M. Satchell, Edith E.* Savers, Mary A., Mrs. ::: Simpson, Margaret E. Sinclair, Elizabeth Stevens, Dora S. ... Stevens, Emma M. Stewart, Jessie Taylor, Mary Tennent, Margaret I. Tregear, Mary C. ... Truscott. Kate, Mrs * Turnbull, Isabella Wakelin, Ellen A. Watt, Margaret, Mrs.* Webb, Frances E., Mrs.* ... Wilding, Mary, Mrs. Williams, Alice L. Willis, Eliza M. ::; ... Wimperis, Frances M. Woodward, Laura Wraytt, Christina £ a. d. Teacher, North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 0 Otago Education Board ... ... 57 16 Oi Nelson Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 Auckland Education Board ... ... 81 10 0 Otago Education Board ... .. 52 0 0 Marlborough Education Board ... .. 52 0 0 Nelson Education Board ... ... 66il5 0 Auckland Education Board ... ... 5200 52 0 0 South Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 0 Clerk Nelson Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 Teacher, Otago Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 North Canterbury Education Board ... 58 6 7 Nelson College ' ... ... .. 52 0 0 „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 0 . 52 0 0 Auckland Education Board ... ... 92 15 0 Otago Education Board ... .. 52 0 0 ... 86 12 0 Industrial school ... ... ... 52 0 0 North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 0 Native school ... ... ... ... 52 0 0 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... j 52 0 0 81 15 0 Otago Education Board... ... ... 89 7 0 Cookery Instructress, Wellington Education Board ... j 52 0 0 Teacher, Otago Education Board... ... ... 67 11 0 Nelson Education Board ... ... 67 16 0 Native school ... ... ... .. 10 6 9 Taranaki Education Board ... ... 80 10 0 „ North Canterbury Education Board ... I 66 15 0 Otago Girls'High School ... ... 52 0 0 „ Auckland Education Board ... ... i 52 0 0 Southland Education Board ... ... 52 ■ 0 0 E A E A E B A E E B i: E A E E E A E A E E E E A A E A A A A A E E E Total (109 women) ... ... 7,297 8 3 7,297 8 3 Grand total (240) ... ... 19,332 0 5 19,332 0 5 • Allo' ■anoes granted during the period from 1st January to 31st Decem ier, 1913.



(ii.) Allowances granted to Contributors medically unfit for Further Duty.

3—E. 9.

Name. Occupation. Annual Bate of Allowance. Act under which Allowance granted. B, Education Act, 1908. A, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908. Men. Baragwanath, John Bowler, Frederick H. :: ... Burnard, John D. Bussell, Henry ... Dalby, John S. ... • Feist, Adolph M. Glanville, James E.* Hames, Luther* . . Harrison, Thomas C. Hawkes, Richard N. N.* Kerr, Charles K. Lorking, Walter H. :|c McClure, William D. Marr, Thomas M. ... Mason, Herbert Miller, James ... Petrie, George* Pilkington, John J. Bice, John H. ... Scott, Edward A.* ... Smith, Edward Waygood, James E. (22) Teacher, South Canterbury Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Otago Education Board ... North Canterbury Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board ... South Canterbury Education Board „ Otago Education Board ... „ Auckland Education Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board t> it „ North Canterbury Education Board Wellington Education Board „ Taranaki Education Board ; Inspector, Grey Education Board ... Teacher, North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board £ a. d 52 0 0 81 4 0 80 11 c 52 0 C 52 0 C 98 2 C 100 5 C 122 11 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 97 15 0 52 0 C 90 9 0 52 0 0 75 3 0 52 0 0 139 11 0 111 17 0 92 2 0 221 9 0 52 0 0 109 17 C B A A B B A A A E B A E A E A B A A A A B A Women. Albert, Sarah E. Bland, Eliza J., Mrs." ... Boulcott, Henrietta Crawford, Maud M. ... Ecclesfield, Isabel Falconer, Jane * Hill, Charlotte J. Lavery, Mary S. Lea, Mary E. ... McKay, Elizabeth McLean, Elizabeth Paul, Susan B. Peat, Janet H.... Ray, Josephine Rowley, Jane G. Scott, Elizabeth A. Thomson, Ellen, Mrs.* ... (17) Teacher, Otago High School Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board Wellington Girls'College ... Otago Education Board ... „ South Canterbury Education Board Auckland Education Board Southland Education Board Otago Education Board ... South Canterbury Education Board „ Otago Education Board Wanganui Education Board Auckland Education Board South Canterbury Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Wanganui Education Board Total (39) 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 25 2 C 63 12 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 27 3 0 52 0 C 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 67 12 0 72 17 0 E B B A A E E A B E i>; E E B E A A 2,769 2 I • Al llowauces granted during the period from 1st January to 31st Deoei iber, 1912.



(iii.) Allowances granted to Widows of Deceased Contributors.

Widows. Oocupation of Deceased Contributor. Widows. Act under whioh Allowance granted. Annual Rate Ej Eduoation Act , 19oe . of Allowanoe. A _ Superannuation Amen ctr, 1908. Adams, Annie, Mrs. ... Teacher, Thames High School Board Bennett, Mary E., Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board £ s. d. 18 0 0 I 18 0 0 5 4 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 ! 18 0 0' 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0' 18 0 0 is o q 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0, 18 0 0 E i i E Berry, Alice M., Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board Bramley, Charlotte, Mrs. ... » „ Broughton, Esther, Mrs. ... „ Native school ... Browne, Ellen, Mrs.* ... Assistant Truant Officer, Wellington Education Board Brownlee, Lilian G., Mrs. ... Teacher, Marl borough Education Board ... Closs, Jane, Mrs.... ... „ Otago Education Board Crummy, Sarah, Mrs. ... j Clerk to Canterbury College Board Dawson, Annie, Mrs. ... Teacher, Wanganui Education Board Duthie, Grace, Mrs. ... „ Native school ... Ellis, Elizabeth, Mrs. ... Secretary to Nelson Education Board Evans, Margaret A. T., Mrs. Teacher, Taranaki Education Board Fannin, Martha, Mrs. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... Ferguson, Elizabeth, Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board Foster, Frances, Mrs. ... „ South Canterbury Education Board Gloy, Margaret, Mrs. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... Golding, Mary E., Mrs. ... , „ Otago Education Board Goodwin, Zillah, Mrs. ... Inspector, Auckland Education Board Gow, Annie, Mrs.* ... Teacher, Taranaki Education Board Greenwood, Margaret, Mrs. „ Native school ... Hailey, Elizabeth, Mrs. ... „ „ Hogwood, Mary E. A., Mrs. „ Auckland Education Board Hutchinson, Margaret G., „ Southland Education Board Mrs. Hutton, Helen B., Mrs. ... Principal, School of Art, Otago ... Ingpen, Emily B., Mrs. ... j Teacher, Hawke's Bay Education Board ... Kerr, Catherine S., Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board Ladley, Ada, Mrs. ... I „ Marlborough Education Board ... Lindsay, Lillias, Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board Look, Bertha E., Mrs. ... „ Wellington Education Board Maber, Grace M., Mrs. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... Macbeth, Helen G., Mrs. ... Clerk, North Canterbury Education Board McClelland, Elizabeth J., Teacher, Otago Education Board Mrs. McCullough, Kate, Mrs. ... ! „ Otago High School Board McKinnon, Grace, Mrs. ... „ Southland High School Board Marshall, Eliza F., Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board Marshall, Louisa J., Mrs ... ! „ Auckland Education Board Mason, Margaret H. E., Mrs. „ Wellington Education Board Neill, Susan, Mrs. ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... Osborn, Ethel, Mrs.* ... „ North Canterbury Education Board Patrick, Mary J., Mrs. ... ' „ Native school ... Paul, Sybil F. M., Mrs Peacock, Ivy C. C, Mrs. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board Peterson, Elizabeth S., Mrs. „ Southland Education Board Potts, Eosamond, Mrs. ... „ Taranaki Education Board Selby, Emma, Mrs. ... „ Southland Education Board Smith, Mary A., Mrs. ... „ Christchurch Boys' High School... Tegner, Clara, Mrs. ... „ Wanganui Education Board Trevithick, Annie L., Mrs „ Auckland Grammar School Board Walter, Eosa A., Mrs. ... „ Native school ... Watt, Elizabeth, Mrs. ... „ Auckland Education Board 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0i 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0! E E E E A E E E E E A A E A E E E A E E A E A E E A E E E E E 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0' 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0; 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 I 18 0 0i 7 19 0 A E E E A E A E A A E E E A E A E E Young, Mary A., Mrs. ... „ Oiago Education Board Total (52) ) I 949 3 0 " Allowances granted during tho period from 1st January to 31st Decemt ier, 1912.


(iv.) Allowances granted to Children of Deceased Contributors and Annuitants.


Name. Occupation of Deceased Contributor. ( Act under which Annual Rate ™°™™B'™ted. of Allowance E. Education Act, 1908. oi Aiiowanoe. A superannuation Amendment Act. 1906. Boys. Arnold, Gilbert E.* Brownlee, John K. Clarkson, Bernard T. Dale, John H. Evans, James L. ... Evans, William S. Evans, Harry M. ... Evans, Colin M. ,... Evans, Jack Gow, Donald H. A.* Greenwood, Milton G. Look, William J. ... McKinnon, Hugh L. McKinnon, John C Paul, Frederick A. T. Paul, Eric H. Sigley, Edgar Sigley, Harry S. ... Smith, Edward H. Warren, Francis M. Warren, Horace V. (21) Teacher, North Canterbury Education Board „ Marlborough Education Board ... „ Wanganui Education Board „ Native school ... Taranaki Education Board it n • ■ ■ Native school ... „ Wellington Education Board Southland High School Board £ 13 A 13 A 13 E 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 E 13 E 13 E 13 E 13 A 13 A 13 E 13 E 13 A 13 A 13 A „ Native school ... it „ ... ... ... ... a it ■ ■ ■ ... ... ... „ Christchurch Boys'High School... „ Auckland Education Board a a • ■ • Girls. Bennett, Dorothy V. Berry, Dorothy M. Bramley, Daisy E. Braraley, Winifred M. Broughton, Helen S. E. Brownlee, Gwendolen A. ... Clarkson. Mary L. Gloy, OlgaH.'M. Hutchinson, Margaret M. M. Hutchinson, Kathleen M. B. Look, Gwendoline McCullough, Hazel K. McCullough, Elsie L. McCullough, Frieda M. Macpherson, Dollina Marshall, Gertrude E. Osborn, Mairs B.* Paul, Euth Peacock, Winsome F. Sigley, Joyce C. ... Sigley, Hazel M. ... Sigley, Ethel G. ... Warren, Eva E. ... Webber, Mina H. O. (24) Teacher, Otago Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Native school ... Marlborough Education Board ... , Wanganui Education Board Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Southland Education Board Wellington Education Board „ Otago High School Board 13 E 13 E 13 E 13 E 13 E 13 A 13 E 13 E 13 E 13 E 13 E 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 E 13 A 13 A 13 A 13 E 13 E 13 E 13 A 13 E a a ••■ ... ., it ... ... Auckland Education Board North Canterbury Education Board „ Native school ... „ North Canterbury Education Board Native school ... a n ... ... ... ... a a ... ... ... ... Auckland Education Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... Total (45) 585 * Allo -auces granted during the period from 1st January to 31st Decera ber, 1912.



5. Eevenue Account for the Year ending 31st December, 1912. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balanoe, 31st Deoember, 1911 .. 185,026 2 9 By Allowances .. .. .. 21,313 7 7 Contributions .. .. .. 40,130 1 9; Contributions refunded and transferred 4,911 10 0 Government subsidy .. .. 7,000 0 0 Commission .. .. .. 66 10 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 8,433 6 5 Balanoe .. .. .. .. 214,298 3 4 £240,589 10 11 £240,589 10 11 sa. Balance-Sheet at <- c 31st December, 1912. £ s. efT £ a. d. To Fund as per Revenue Account .. 214,298 3 4 By Amount in hands of Public Trustee .. 212,174 6 6 Retiring-allowances in transit .. 271 16 1 Contributions in transit .. .. 218 17 3 Commission accrued to 31st December, Interest accrued and outstanding .. 2,195 5 8 1912 .. .. .. .. 17 10 0 Suspense Account — Contributions overpaid .. .. .. 10 0 £214,588 9 5 £214,588 9 5 P. K. de Castro (In the absence of the Secretary for Education). F. K. de Castro, Chief Clerk, Accountant, and Secretary to Teachers' Superannuation Board. Examined and found correct.—Eobert J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General. I have, &c, J. Allen, Chairman, Teachers' Superannuation Board.

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation not given ; printing (5.550 copies), £20.

Price 6d.]

Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9l3

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EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1913 Session I, E-09

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EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1913 Session I, E-09

EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1913 Session I, E-09

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