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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.


Primary Education : Page Secondary Education : Page Number of Public Schools .. .. 3 Number of Schools .. 42 Roll Number .. .. .. 5 Roll and Attendance .. .. .. 42 Attendance .. .. .. .. 6 Free Secondary Education .. .. .. 43 Age and Sex of Pupils .. .. 8 Scholarships held at Secondary Schools and Classification and Examination .. .. 8 District High Schools .. .. 45 Private Primary Schools .. .. 9 Junior National Scholarships .. 45 Conveyance of Children .. .. .. 9 Education Board Scholarships .. .. 46 Physical Education .. .. 10 " Foundation (or Governors') Scholarships.. 46 Medical Inspection of Children .. 10 Private Scholarships .. .. .. 46 Class Books and School and Class Libraries .. 11 Staffs of Secondary Schools .. .. 47 The School Journal, &o. .. .. 12 Salaries of Secondary Teachers .. .. 47 Staffs of Public Schools .. 13 Finances of Secondary Schools .. 48 Salaries of Teachers .. .. .. 14 Lower Departments .. .. .. 49 Status of Teachers in regard to Certificates .. 17 Higher Education : Training of Teachers .. .. 19 New Zealand University and Affiliated Colleges 49 Finances of Education Boards .. .. 21 New Zealand University .. 51 Education Reserves .. .. 27 Degrees and Scholarships .. .. 51 Native Schools .. .. .. .. 27 Affiiliated Colleges .. .. .. 52 Chatham Islands .. .. .. 30 Finances of the Affiliated Institutions .. 53 _ •1 o v 1 Scholarships, Bursaries, &c. .. 55 bpecial bcnoois: ._.,.. ~ The University Endowment Aot, 1868 .. 56 Afflicted and Dependent Children .. 31 r' enera i. Children under State Guardianship .. 31 Expenditure out of Public Funds on Education 57 iv. w n t on S National Endowment 61 School for the Deaf .. .. 32 Annual Examinations 61 Jubilee Institute for the Blind 33 Teachers' Superannuation Fund .. .. 62 Special School for the Feeble-minded 33 Public Libraries .. ..63 Manual and Technical Instruction : Appendix: Manual Instruction in Sohools .. .. 33 ; Expenditure of Parliamentary Appropriations Technical Instruction .. .. 36 | for Financial Year ending 31st March, 1913 64 FOR INDEX, SEE PAGE 70.

I—E. 1.



Office of the Department of Education, My Lord,— Wellington, 24th September, 1913. I have the honour, in accordance with the provisions of the Education Act, 1908, to submit to Your Excellency the following report upon the progress and condition of public education in New Zealand during the year ending the 31st December, 1912. I have, &c, J. Allen. His Excellency the Right Honourable the Earl of Liverpool, Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand.




Contents. This report, with its appendices, gives the information which is of general public interest with regard to the administration of the Education Act, 1908, the Education Amendment Acts, 1908, 1910, and 1912, and the Education Reserves Acts, 1908 and 1910, the expenditure of public funds appropriated by Parliament for educational purposes, and the principal statistics relating to matters which are more fully dealt with in separate papers, as follows : — E.-2. Primary Education ; with appendices, namely,— Appendix A. Reports of Education Boards ; Appendix B. Education Reserves. Appendix C. Reports of Inspectors ; Appendix D. Training of Teachers ; Appendix E. List of Public Schools and Teachers, with certain Details of Expenditure. E.-3. Native Schools. E.-4. Special Schools and Infant-life Protection. E.-5. Manual and Technical Instruction. E.-6. Secondary Education. E.-7. Higher Education. E.-8. Annual Examinations. E.-9. Teachers' Superannuation. E.-10. Public Libraries. E.-12. Conferences on Education: A, Conference of Inspectors of Schools ; B, Training College Conference. In this report summaries are made of the more important tables appearing in the separate papers above mentioned. These summaries are numbered with the letters from the alphabet from A to N, and the tables from which they were prepared will be found in the separate paper concerned, numbered Al, A 2, 81, 82, &c. Where information in any section of this report has been prepared from tables appearing in the other reports above named., a reference will be found under the heading of the section to the table concerned and the report in which it is printed. PEIMARY EDUCATION. Number of Public Schools. (E.-2.—Table Al.) The number of public schools open at the end of 1912 was 2,214, as against 2,166 for the year 1911. Thus there is an increase of 48. In Table A the schools are classified according to the yearly average attendance. In a number of cases schools maintained in grades under Schedule A of clause 2 of the staffs and salaries regulations are included in this table in such grades, although the average attendance of these schools respectively for 1912 was below the minimum of the grades as indicated in Table A. The classification is in accordance with the provisions of the Education Amendment Act, 1908, which came into operation on the Ist January, 1909. The number of small schools with an average attendance not exceeding 15 has increased since 1911 from 555 to 559. There has likewise been a marked increase in schools with an average attendance of 16 to 80 —1,268 as compared with 1,225. Taking all the schools with not more than 80 in average attendance, we find an increase of 47 in the number of schools. Of schools with an average attendance of over 80 the number has increased by 1 —387 as against 386. It will thus be seen that the total increase (48) has taken place almost entirely in the rural schools with one or two teachers only. Schools with an average of 35 or under are sole-teacher schools. On referring to Table Ait will be seen that there were 1,343 such schools. But, as already stated,



schools are in some cases maintained in a higher grade than their average attendance would appear to warrant, while on the other hand a number'of schools in charge of sole, teachers at the beginning of the year had so risen in attendance as to bejjentitled to assistant teachers before the end of the year. Thus in Grade IV in 1912, 26 schools the average attendance of which did not warrant the appointment of an assistant teacher, but in Grade 111 9 schools had the services of an assistant teacher. There were therefore altogether 1,360 schools in 1912 in charge of sole teachers, an increase of 24 over last year. In other words, in 1912 sole-teacher schools formed 61-4 per cent, of the total number of public schools in the Dominion. The aggregate average attendance at these sole-teacher schools in 1911 was 24,759, or 17-1 per cent, of the total average attendance of the Dominion ; in 1912 the aggregate was 24,113, or 16-4 per cent. The average per school was 17*7, or 23-2 omitting schools below 16 in average attendance. The number of schools with two or more teachers was, in 1911, 830. In 1912 the number was 854, an increase of 24. Of these schools there were, in 1911, 31 with an average attendance exceeding 600, and 35 in 1912. During the year 1912 85 schools were closed. Several of these schools, although reckoned as closed in their original form, were reopened in another: in some cases two schools were amalgamated ; in some, half-time schools became separate fulltime schools ; and so on. Including such reopened schools, the total number of schools opened during the year was 133. The following list shows the number of schools opened and closed in each of the various education districts :• —

Increases and Decreases in Number of Public Schools.

The net increase in the number of schools open at the end of the year is thus 48. The total number of public schools in each grade is shown in Table A, the corresponding figures for the previous year being shown for purposes of comparison.

Table A. —Number of Public Schools in each Grade, 1911 and 1912.

For the number of schools in each education district, classified in grades, reference should be made to Table Al, in the primary-education report, E.-2.

District. District. Number of Schools Number of Schools Increase in Number Decrease in Number closed. opened. of Schools. of Schools. Auckland Taranaki Wanganui Wellington Hawke's Bay Marlborough Nelson Grey Westland North Canterbury South Canterbury Otago Southland ..38 60 22 4 3 ■ .. 1 . . 3 8 5 . . '.) 3 .. G .8 14 6 ..7 11 4 7 C» .. 1 •2 3 1 2 .. .. 2 .... 6 6 1 1 ..3 10 7 ..1 8 7 Increase (1912) 85 133 85 ; 48

_, Number of Schools. Grade (as in Education Amendment Aot, 1908). 1911. 1912. 0. (1-S) .. .. .. 1G2 104 1. (9-15) .. .. .. 393 i 395 2. (16-25) .. 480 : 472 3. (26-35) .. .. .. 283 , 312 4. (36-80) .. .. 462 484 5. (81-120) .. .. 127 122 . ; 6a. (121-160) .. .. 58 54 '• \ 6b (101-200) .. 33 31 . | 7a. (201-250) .. .. 34 40 '■ j 7b (251-300) .. .. 27 28 8a (301-350) .. .. 24 24 S. 8b (351-400) .. 13 17 ( 8c (401-450) .. .. 16 8 _,,.„, , . Number of Schools. Grade (as m Education Amendment Aot, 1908). 1911. 1912. ( 9a. (451-500) .. 7 12 !). ' 9b (501-550) .. 12 9 ( 9c (551-600) .. 4 7 10a. (601-650) .. 12 13 | 10b (651-700) .. .. 5 3 I 10c (701-750) .. 6 8 10d (751-800) .. 3 5 10. 10e (801-850) .. 2 3 10p (851-900) .. -2 2 I lOo (901-950) 10h (951-1,000) 101 (1,001-1,050) .. .. 1 1 Totals.. .. 2.166 ! 2,214



Roll Number. (E.-2.—Tablo Al, 81, 82, 83, and El.) The average weekly roll number for 1912 showed an increase for each quarter over that for the corresponding period of 1911. The mean of the average weekly roll for the four quarters was — Mean of average weekly roll, 1911 .. .. 159,299 „ ' 1912 .. .. .. .. .. 164,492 Increase in 1912 .. .. .. .. .. 5,193 Increase per cent, in roll number, 1912 .. .. .. 3-3 The additions to the roll were, as in previous years, greater in the North Island than in the South Island ; but every education district, with the exception of South Canterbury, showed at least some increase. The increase was most noticeable in the September quarter. Number on roll at end of 1911 .. .... .. 161,648 1912 .. .. 166,264 Increase in 1912 .. .. .. .. 4,616 Table B shows the numbers on the roll at the end of 1912 classified according to age and standards. Under the headings " Age and Sex of Pupils," page 8, and " Classification and Examination," page 8, reference is made to some of the main facts disclosed in this table.

Table B.—Classified Return of the Numbers on the Rolls of Public Schools at the end of 1912.

Table Ba shows the mean average roll number for every fifth year from 1878 to 1898, and for each of the last twelve years ; the table gives also the total average attendance for each year, the average attendance as a percentage of the roll, and the number of teachers employed in the public schools.

Table Ba.—Schools, Attendance, and Teachers.

Ages. Class P. Standard I. Boys. Girls. • Boys. Girls. Standard II. Standard in. Standart IV. Standi ird V. Standard VI. StandardVII» Totals. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. 5 and under 6 .. 6,917 6 „ 7 .. 9,333 7 „ 8 .. 8,787 8 „ 9 .. 4,900 9 „ 10 .. 1,681 .0 „ 11 .. 527 .1 „ 12 .. 166 12 „ 13 .. si .3 „ 14 .. 26 4 „ 15 .. 15 &bove 15 6 6,229 4 8,531 155 7,799 1,440 4,061 3,879 1,323 3,231 391 1,383 119 470 81' I5S 34 64 11 15 6 6 174 1,494 3,786 2,797 1,041 337 109 44 19 3 2 3 168, 193 1,4341,476 3,414 3,468 3,144 2,843 1,513 1,257 569 439 208 138 42 19 20 14 !» 8 .. 173 167 7 1,1771,312 127 3.0753,101.1.034 3.0062,9022,866 1,033 1,370 2,908 034 4951,622 177 102 538 34 23 140 9,9789,480 9,242 1 6 147 1,150 2,819 2,716 1,344 338 82 K a 118 959 2.494 2,650 1,141 379 1 4 108 1.031 2,467 2,321 910 231 0 3 .. 107 103 3 775 77(1 15 1,9601,828 216 1,5431,522 352 731 563 478 5,122 4,7981,094 6,921 6,235 9.490 8,708 10,404 9,495 10,393! 9,497 9,635 9.051 9,287 8,637 0,150 8,571 8,663 7,999 7,280 0,415 3,823 3,300 1,794 1,516 86,84079,424 3 38 211 379 600 Total .. 32,439 28,57910,805 9,810 —■—! —-— 10514 9,850 8,603 7,646 7,073 1,231 *Inclm ling seconda] departments of dii strict ti lighscli tools.

Number ol '1 Peachen Year. Number of Sohools. Mean Average „,.„..,„ Average Attendance \\Z2lib Attendance, as Percent■Poii y Whole Year. age of KO "- Weekly Roll. Adults. l'u. ill-teachers. M. F. Total. If. F. Toial. 1878 .. 1883 .. 1888 .. 1893 .. 1898 .. 1901 .. 1902 .. 1903 .. 1904 .. 1905 .. 1906 .. 1907 .. 1908 .. 1909 .. 1910 .. 1911 .. 1912 .. 748 971 1,158 1,375 1,655 1,715 1,754 1,786 1,827 1,851 1,921 1,963 1,998 2,057 2,096 2,166 2,214 90,859 113,636 125,692 133,782 132,868 133,952 134,748 136,282 138,471 140,320 141,946 145,974 151,142 154,756 159,299 164,492 •48,778 69,838 190,108 ;i00,321 111,636 111,797 113,711 113,047 116,506 120,265 121,958 120,026 127,160 132,773 135,738 142,186 146,282 7G-9 79-3 79-8 834 84-1 84-9 83-9 85-5 86-9 86-9 84 6 87-1 87-8 87-7 89-3 88-9 707 905 1,039 1,107 1,234 1,222 1,272 1,270 1,272 1,302 1,314 1,332 1,331 1,406 1,456 1,493 2,555 454 656 B87 1,096 1,370 1,446 1,685 1,726 1,797 1,835 1,887 1,955 2,021 ■ 2,208 2,252 2,351 2,550 1,161 1,561 1,926 2,203 2,604 2,668 2,957 2,996 3,069 3,137 3,201 3,287 3,352 3,614 3,708 3,844 4,105 118 159 219 238 229 184 143 147 144 151 153 172 161 166 174 179 162 332 450 571 . 730 913 825 1,003 831 1,060 771 955 604 747 552 699 505 | 649 528 679 518 | 671 478 650 47G 637 530 696 526 §700 528 j|707 476 11638 'Average of three quarters. II Exclusive of 41 + Strict average. , Working tale and 178 female probationers. iverage. g Exclusr 7 Exclusive of 36 mi r e of 32 male and li Je and 186 female ; >1 female probationers, probationers.



Details of these facts relating to the several educational districts are given in Tables Al, 81, and El. The actual roll number of all children receiving primary education in schools subject to inspection can be estimated by taking into account children attending public schools, schools at the Chatham Islands, private primary schools subject to inspection, and the lower departments of secondary schools, and by deducting children on the rolls of the secondary departments of district high schools. The figures will then be— Average Weekly Roll Number. 1911. 1912. Public schools .. .. .. .. .. 159,299 164,492 Native village schools .. .. .. .. .. 4,621 4,644 Chatham Island schools .. .. .. 91 92 Private primary schools .. .. .. . . 15,914 13,677 Lower departments of secondary schools .. .. .. 256* 287* 180,181 183,192 Less secondary departments of district high schools . . 2,090 2,048 Total average weekly roll of primary scholars .. 178,091 181,144 * Number mi roll at end of year. Attendance. (E.-2.—Tables 81, 82, and 83.) Average attendance for all districts in 1911 .. .. .. .. 142,186 1912 146,282 Increase per cent, in average attendance, 1912 .. .. .. 2"9 The average attendance for the year 1912 increased by 2-9 per cent, as compared with an increase of 3-3 per cent, in the roll number. Increases of percentage were recorded in the Wellington, Hawke's Bay, Nelson, and Grey education districts. The percentage remained stationary in the Auckland district, while the remaining eight districts showed slight decreases. The decrease was mcst marked in the Marlborough, Ota go, Warganui, and Taranaki districts. Otago and Wellington, each with a percentage of 90-2, headed the list for regularity of attendance. Taranaki shows the. lowest percentage of average attendance—B7-1- —a falling-off of 1-2 per cent, from last year. The following figures indicate the attendance per cent, of roll for the last six years: — Attendance per Cent, of Roll. 1907 84-6 1908 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 87-1 IEO9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 87-8 1910 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 87-7 1911 .. .. .. .. * .. .. .. 89-3 1912 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 83-9 The decrease is accounted for hi the main by the fact that the prevalence of epidemic ailments was much greater than usual. Especially was this the case in the South Canterbury, Otago, and Southland districts. Although such epidemics affect the actual average attendance as given here, due allowance is made for them in accordance with the regulations in calculating the average attendance which is the basis of the grading of the schools. The percentage of regularity of attendance is still greater in the South Island than in the North Island. For purposes of comparison the following figures are interesting: — Attendance per Cent, of Roll. North Island. South Island. 1908 .. .. .. .. .. .. 86-7 87-6 KO9 .. .. .. 87-8 87-8 1910 .. .. .'. .. .. .. 87-4 88-1 1911 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 88-7 900 1912 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 88-7 89-2



It is pleasing to note that despite the fact that New Zealand's widely scattered population and lack of facilities for transit in the districts remote from centres render it difficult to secure regularity of attendance, the percentage of regularity is higher than that in some of the more closely settled English-speaking countries. The following figures are taken from the latest reports in the possession of the Department:— Attendance per Cent, of RoU. New Zealand .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 88-9 England .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 88-8 Scotland .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 89-4 United States .. .. .. .. .. .. 72-5 Ireland .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 70-8 Because of the fact that the conditions in the Australian States closely resemble those obtaining in New Zealand, the following comparison is of interest:— Attendance per Cent, of Roll. New Zealand .. .. .... .. .. .. 88-9 Western Australia .. .. .. .. .. .. 85 0 New South Wales .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 79-0 Tasmania .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 78-3 Queensland .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 76-6 Victoria .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 73-6 South Australia .. .. .. .. .. .. ..71-2 The provisions of the Education Amendment Act, 1910, require every child between the ages of seven and fourteen years (with certain exemptions) to attend a public school whenever it is open ; there are indications that the influence of this law, together with the increasing enlightenment of parents as to the need of securing for their children a full measure of education, will gradually raise still further the percentage of regularity of attendance. The average. daily attendance, in actual numbers and as a percentage of the average weekly roll number, for each quarter of the years 1911 and 1912 was as follows :— Actual Attendance. Per Cent, of Roll. 1911. 1912. 1911. 1912. First quarter ... ... ... 143,081 146,395 91-1 90-2 Second quarter ... ... ... 140,787 144,854 89-0 88-6 Third quarter ... ... ... 140,038 144,475 879 87-7 Fourth quarter ... ... ... 144,837 149,402 89-1 89-3 Whole year ... ... 142,186 146,282 89-3 88-9 The figures given above represent those in attendance at all public schools including district high schools. The attendance of all children receiving primary instruction at schools subject to inspection can be found by including also those in attendance at Native village schools, the Chatham Island schools, private primary schools, and the lower departments of secondary schools, and by subtracting the secondary pupils attending the district high schools. Here are the results : — 1911. 1912. Public schools ... ... ... ... ... 142,186 146,282 Native village schools ... ... ... ... 3,990 4,042 Chatham Island schools ... ... ... 80 79 Private primary schools ... ... ... ... 14,084 12,086 Lower departments of secondary schools ... ... 244 258 Totals ... ... ... ... 160,584 162,747 Less secondary departments of district high schools 1,889 1,851 Total average attendance of primary scholars ... 158,695 160,896



Age and Sex of Pupils. (E.-2.—Table CI.) Table C shows the age and sex of the pupils on the rolls of the public schools of the Dominion at the end of 1912, and the percentage of the roll for each age.

Table C. —Age and Sex of Pupils, December, 1912.

Fuller information in regard to age and sex is given in Table B on page 5. Age. —s4 per cent, oi the children are under ten and 46 per cent, over that age. The proportion of pupils under ten years of age has increased by 0-2 per cent. Sex.- —The proportion of boys to girls in the public schools remains almost stationary ; in December, 1912, for every 100 boys on the roll there were 91 girls. According to the census returns for 1911 there were 100 boys between the ages of five and fifteen for every 97 girls. The apparent reasons for thisjdiscrepancy, and some other questions suggested by a study of Tables B, C, and D were discussed in last year's report. Table Cl in E.-2 shows the age and sex of the pupils on the rolls of the public schools in the several education districts at the end of 1912. Classification and Examination. Table D is a summary for the whole Dominion of Table Dl in E.-2, which shows the numbers in the several classes for the various districts. The proportion of pupils in the preparatory classes at the end of the year showed a slight decrease. In 1910 it was 37-15 per cent, ; in 1911, 37-30 per cent, ; in 1912, 36-70 per cent.

Table D.—Classification of Pupils at Public Schools, December, 1912.

More detailed information in regird to the classification of pupils can be obtained by referring to Table B appearing on page 5.

Ages. 1912. Boys. Girls. Total. 1912. Percentages for Five Years. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. 1912. 5 and under 6 years 6 7 . 7 „ 8 „ .. 8 . 9 „ 9 10 ., 10 11 . 11 12 . 12 13 . 13 14 . 14 15 . 6,921 9,490 10,404 10,393 9,635 9,287 9,150 8,663 7,280 3,823 6,235 8,708 9,495 9,497 9,051 8,637 8,571 7,999 6,415 3,300 13,156 18,198 19,899 19,890 18,686 17,924 17,721 16,662 13,695 7,123 8-2 10-6 11-7 11-3 110 11-2 109 10-4 8-4 4-2 8-7 108 116 11-4 11-2 107 106 10-2 8-5 4-3 8-4 11-2 11-5 11-4 113 10 9 10-2 100 85 4-5 8-4 11-1 120 11-5 111 109 105 9-6 8-4 4-5 7-9 10-9 11-9 119 11-2 10-8 10-7 10-2 8-2 4-3 15 and over 85,046 1,794 77,908 1,516 162,954 3,310 97-9 2-1 98-0 2 0 97-9 2-1 98-0 20 980 2-0 Totals .. ! 166,264 86,840 79,424 100-0 1000 1000 1000 1000

(Including Secondary Departments of District 1GH iCHOOLS.) Classes. lioys. Girls. Total. Girls. Total. Percentages for Five Years. Jlass P .. . SI.. . S2.. . S3.. . S4.. . 85.. . S6.. . 87.. Totals.. \ 1908. .. I 32,439 28,579 61,018 I 34-27 10,805 9,810 20,015 11-96 10,514 9,850 20,304 11-61 9,978 9,480 19,458 11-98 9,242 8,603 17,845 11-20 7,646 7,073 14,719 ! 965 5,122 4,798 9,920 6-87 1,094 1,231 ; 2,325 2-46 .. 86,840 79,424 | 166,264 100-00 1909. 1910. 1911. 1912. 36-66 37-15 37-30 36-70 12-25 12-17 12-34 12-40 11-82 11-94 11-90 12-25 11-34 11-44 i 11-59 11-70 10-78 10-39 ! 10-48 \ 1073 908 9-10 ' 8-72 8-85 6-56 616 6-21 5-97 1-51 1-65 1-46 1-40 100-00 10000 100-00 100-00 10000 100-00



The following is a summary of the examination statistics for 1912 as compared with the figures for 1911 : 1911. 1912. Total roll at time of annual examination ... 162,536 167,800 Present at examination ... ... ... 155,244 160,687 Present in preparatory classes ... ... 56,700 58,202 Present in classes S6 ... ... ... 9,742 9,903 Present in classes S7 ... ... ... 1,757 2,025 Standard VI certificates gained, viz.,— Certificates of proficiency ... 7,212) Qflon i7,644i Q0 -. competency ... 1,8081 y,UA ' ,1,610, '^ 4 Details of these figures for each district are given in Table 1)2 in E2. Average Age. —The average ages of the pupils in the several classes for the two years 1911-12 were as follows : — 1911. 1912. Yrs. rnos. Yrs. mos. Preparatory classes ... ... ... ... 7 1 7 0 Class SI ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 1 9 1 „ S2 ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 2 10 3 ~ S3 ... ... ... ... ... ... 11 3 11 3 ~ S4 ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 2 12 3 ~ S5 ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 2 13 2 „ S6 ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 11 14 0 „ S7 ... ... ... ... ... ... 15 0 18 1 Mean of average ages ... .. ... ... 9 9 9 9 Details for the several districts will be found in Table D 3 of E2. Private Primary Schools. By section 170 of the Education Act, 1908, the teachers or managers of any private primary school may apply to have the school inspected, and the school thereupon becomes " subject to inspection," and no education given to children between the ages of seven and fourteen is deemed efficient, so as to be legal ground for exemption from attendance at a public school, unless it is given at home or in a school subject to inspection. There is therefore indirectly a compulsion on all private primary schools to become subject to inspection. Such private schools are inspected by officers of Education Boards. The following are the particulars in regard to these schools for the years 1911-12 : — 1911. 1912. Total number of schools subject to inspection ... ... 183 197 Total roll number ... ... .. ... ... 15,914 13,677 Average attendance ... ... ... ... 14,084 12,086 Total roll at annual examination ... ... 15,404 13,286 Number present at annual examination ... ... 14,233 12,322 Number present in preparatory classes ... ... 5,774 5,410 Number present in S6 ... ... ... ... 928 811 Number present in S7 ... ... ... ... 244 269 Number of proficiency certificates issued "... ... 581 473 Number of competency certificates issued ... ... 174 171 The standard of regularity of attendance was very satisfactory, being 88-4 per cent, of the total roll number. See also Table D 5 in E2. Conveyance of Children. Conveyance by Rail. —Since the year 1895 children out of the reach of a primary school, but living near to a convenient line of railway, have been granted free passes to the nearest public school or private school; in 1902 this privilege was extended to holders of scholarships and free places in secondary schools, district high schools, and technical schools ; and at the beginning of 1909 the same concession was granted to other secondary pupils who were compelled to travel by rail in order to attend school.

2—E. 1,


The amount paid on this account for railway fares in the years 1911 and 1912 was as follows : — 1911. 1912. £ £ Primary pupils .. .. .. .. .. 1.753 3.648 J'upils attending— (a.) Secondary schools .. 2,308 1,740 (b.) District high schools . . .. .. 1,426 1,223 (c.) Technical schools .. 4,359 3.604 £12.846 £10,215 Conveyance by Road and Water.- —By section 44 (c) of the Education Act Boards are empowered to arrange, where necessary, for the conveyance of children to and from school, and conveyance by road or water is accordingly arranged in districts where the population is widely scattered, and the necessary facilities for conveyance are obtainable. The Taranaki, Grey, and Westland Boards did not arrange for conveyance. In the more closely settled districts of the South Island — North Canterbury, South Canterbury, Otago, and Southland—this plan for conveyance was very much more widely adopted than in any other district in New Zealand. The total amount paid in 1912 to ten Education Boards for conveyance by road and water amounted to £4,466, as against £4,297 in the previous year. The total amount paid for conveyance of pupils to public schools in 1912 by rail, road, and water was therefore £14,691, as against £17,143 in 1911. Board of School-children. —In aid of the board of any child who, on account of distance or the absence of roads, has to live away from home in order to attend a public school, an allowance of 2s. 6d. per week is similarly made. In 1912 £442 was paid for the board of school-children, as against £354 in 1911. Physical Education. ■ Recognizing that one of the highest aims of State education is to fit the child for a useful and active life of citizenship with a well-balanced personality in which the physical, mental, and moral qualities are equally developed and disciplined, the Government decided to introduce a sound system of physical education more complete than had been in existence before. Accordingly, last session it proposed and Parliament passed certain amendments in the Education Act designed to carry out this purpose. The Junior Cadet organization, though excellent in some respects, was not suited to provide the desired physical trainir g ; moreover, it affected only some 29,000 boys, at a cost of about £8,000 per annum, and did not provide any training for girls. The scheme of physical education which has been substituted for the Junior Cadet training is calculated to affect beneficially all children attending the primary, Native, and special schools in the Dominion, in all some 180,000 children of both sexes, at about the same total cost. A Director of Physical Education was appointed in. November, 1912, and he was instructed to proceed to Australia to inquire- into the efficiency and working of a similar syllabus of training recently established in the Commonwealth. During the present year (1913) ten instructors have been appointed, and they will also act as Inspectors of Physical Training under the Act. The first important part of the work has been the training of teachers ; classes of instruction have already been held with marked success in several education districts ; and before long the great majority of teachers will have received some degree of training in the new system, which is based, with some slight modifications, on the syllabus of physical exercises for schools issued by the English Board of Education in 1909. Medical Inspection of School-children During the year the scheme for the medical inspection of schools and schoolchildren was brought into operation. It is under the joint control of the Education Department and the Department of Public Health. Four Medical Inspectors were appointed, one being stationed at each of the four chief centres. They began in September last the work of inspecting schools and school-children in the various education districts.




From the experience of older countries where systems of medical inspection have been in operation for some time it is not thought necessary to examine each child more than twice, or at the most three times, in the course of his primary school life, except in cases of suspected or proved abnormality. It was accordingly decided to begin by regular inspection of the children in class S2—that is, of children averaging ten to eleven years of age. As a rule, the Medical Inspector inspects these children in any school on the first day of his visit, and on the second day examines special cases from other classes brought under his notice by the head teacher or selected by himself. An important part of the Inspectors' work is to train the teachers to do their share of medical inspection, for in those countries where the system is most successful the co-operation of the teachers has been found to be a most important factor. Accordingly, the Medical Inspector is always accompanied by a teacher, who in this way learns much as to the aims and methods of medical inspection. This individual training is supplemented by courses of Saturday lectures given to the teachers residing in or near each important centre visited. More extensive courses of lectures are given to training-college students. Notices are sent to parents of children in cases where the inspection shows that medical or dental treatment is required ; no eases are, however, treated by the Inspectors ; parents are recommended to take their children to their own medical advisers. School authorities and parents generally appear to welcome the new departure. In a large number of cases it has been found that children with notified defects have received treatment accordingly. Owing to the facts that the Medical Inspectors had to work out a common standard for the assessment of various defects, that the teachers were new to tinwork, and that the natural tendency at the outset was to bring only abnormal cases under the notice of the Inspectors, it would be misleading to publish even a summary of the reports of the work of the first few months. It is, however, already evident that even with the limitation of two inspections for each child in the eight years for the ages six to fourteen, the number of officers employed at present is too small, and it is proposed to increase their number very shortly. Class-books and School and Class Libraries. At the beginning of the year 1912 the system of free class-books was extended to S5 and S6, and for all classes the conditions were modified by giving Education Boards the option of (1) supplying miscellaneous readers free to pupils, or (2) requiring the pupils to provide miscellaneous readers (except in necessitous cases and in cases where newly entered pupils had already purchased miscellaneous readers different from those in use in the school). In the latter alternative the money not used for supplying miscellaneous readers was to be available under certain conditions for supplying paper to be used instead of slates. This option was given in deference to representations that some teachers considered that pupils should have a reading-book for home preparation. With the close of the year the grants for the general free class-books were discontinued, and in lieu thereof provision was made for establishing and maintaining school and class libraries. These grants come under two heads : — (a.) A capitation grant at the rate of 3d. per head on the average attendance is paid annually to Boards for the purpose of supplying schools with, supplementary continuous readers in sufficient numbers for classreading in P to S6 inclusive, and also for the free supply of classbooks in necessitous cases or in cases where a newly entered pupil has already purchased elsewhere class-books different from those in use in the school. After provision has been made for the supply of such books, the balance of the grant, if any, is to be spent on approved books suitable for individual reading in school or at home. (b.) Further to encourage school libraries provision has been made for the payment of subsidies of £1 for £1 on moneys raised by voluntary contributions for the purpose of establishing, maintaining, or increasing the utility of school libraries that contain books suitable



for individual reading in school or at home. It was, of course, necessary to fix certain limits to the amount of the subsidies. For the year ending 31st December, 1913, the subsidies on moneys so raised for any school library during that year cannot exceed 9d. per head on the average attendance at the school for the year 1912, and in no case canj the subsidy j for any one school exceed £10. Similarly, for any subsequent year, the subsidy cannot exceed 3d. per head on the average attendance for the preceding year, and in no case can the subsidy for any one school exceed £5 in any year. The books purchased are to be suitable for individual reading in school or at home, and are to be approved by the Board or its Inspector. Due attention is to be paid to providing books suitable for the individual reading of pupils in the lower classes. . It is felt that the establishment of school libraries should not only do much to encourage reading among pupils, but should also prove a great boon to parents and others—more particularly in sparsely settled rural districts—and consequently the conditions attached to the payment of subsidies on voluntary contributions provide that, under such conditions as a School Committee may impose, persons other than children attending school may receive on loan such books as are not for the time required by the pupils. When notifying Boards that provision had been made for the payment of grants under the heads (a) and (b), the Department suggested that, to give wider utility to school libraries and to afford pupils greater variety of reading-matter, adjacent schools or schools between which communication is easy might purchase different books and that these should be passed on from one school to another at suitable intervals. Th'j!! " School Journal," other Publications, Charts, etc. The School Journal has now completed its sixth year of issue. It is published monthly except that there are no issues for the months of December and January, when most of the schools are closed for the summer vacation. To provide readingmatter for the time the schools are open during the month of December, the November number is considerably enlarged. The School Journal is published in three parts suited to the varying capacities of the pupils ; and to public schools, to Native schools, special schools, and certain other institutions more or less under departmental control or supervision, copies are sent in sufficient numbers to provide each pupil on the roll of the standard classes with a copy of the appropriate part. To the institutions just mentioned the School Journal is supplied free of cost, and to a very large number of private schools it is supplied at moderate rates. In addition to the illustrations appearing in the pages of the School Journal, pictures and prints illustrating geography, history, and nature-study are issued separately on cards as aids to oral instruction on modern lines in these subjects. During the year a set of ninety-six pictures illustrating striking events in British history was completed, and a set of thirty-two dealing with Europe geographically and historically was issued. To public schools, Native schools, secondary schools, and technical schools at which elementary agriculture is taught copies of a chart " Vegetation Diseases and Insect Pests " were distributed. It contained pictures of the insects or pests in their natural colours, together with the effects of their ravages, and also approved methods of treatment. A pamphlet entitled "Meteorology of New Zealand " —an extract from the New Zealand Year-book with the addition of a map showing the distribution of rainfall—was distributed also. " Geology of New Zealand," by Dr. Marshall, a text-book for teachers and other persons, was published during the year. "A Manual of New Zealand Mollusca," by Mr. Suter, is going through the press, and the plates of New Zealand flora published in connection with Mr. Cheeseman's " Manual of New Zealand Flora " have all been received, and the letter-press is being printed. The departmental library contains a large number of educational books and papers, most of which are available on loan to Inspectors, teachers of primary or secondary schools, and others interested in education.



Staffs of Public Schools. (X.—2.— Tables El and F3.) The number of the teachers in the public; schools, exclusive of those employed in the secondary departments of district high schools, in December, 1911, and December, 1912, respectively, was as follows : —

Table E. —Number of Teachers employed in Primary Departments of Public Schools

The number of pupils per teacher in the several grades or groups of schools is shown below, two pupil-teachers being counted as equivalent to one adult teacher, and probationers not being included on the staff. Average Number of Children per Teacher. Grades 0 and I (1-15 in average attendance, one teacher) .. .. 9-64 Grades II and 111 (16-35, one teacher) .. .. .. 21-97 Grades IV-X (over 35, two or more teachers) .. .. .. .. 38-86 Grades VII-X (over 200, six or more teachers) .. .. .. 47-60 All schools .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 32-48 Grades 11-X (over 15) .. .. .. .. .. .. 35-23 A comparison with the staffing of schools in countries considered to be advanced in educational progress bears out the opinion, expressed in the report for last year, that there is considerable room for improvement in the staffing of the larger schools of the Dominion. Average Number of Children per Adult Teacher (counting Two Pupil-teachers as One Adult). London (County Council schools) .. .. .. .. .. 40-0 England (Board of Education schools) .. .. .. .. .. 33-2 Wales (Board of Education schools) .. .. .. .. 29-4 Scotland .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 37-7 New York State .. .. .. * .. .. .. .. 26-3 Switzerland .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 42-7 ~ (Canton of Geneva) .. .. .. .. .. 250 United States .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25-0 New Zealand (in schools, 201-700) .. .. .. .. .. 47-6 The following figures show the ratio of males to females, adult teachers and pupil teachers being considered separately. For purposes of comparison the figures for the previous years are also given :— 1010. 1911. 1012. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Ratio "of adult male to adult femalejteachers, schools with one to fifteen scholars .. .. .. .. 100 : 325 Kin : 362 LOO : 356 Ratio of adult male to adult female teachers, schools with more than fifteen scholars .. .. .. ..100:141 100:142 100 : 151* Ratio of adult male to adult female teachers, all schools .. .. .. 100:155 100:157 100:164* Ratio of malejpupil-teachers to female pupil-teachers .. .. .. 100 : 302 100 : 295 100 : 293 Ratio ( >i male to female teachers, all schools 100 : 170 100 : 172 100 : 177* * The increase is due to the appointment of additional assistant teachers in lieu "f pupil-teachers (Grades V and Vla). Very few of the assistants so appointed were males.

1911. Men. Women. Total. Men. 1912. Women. 1912. Total. Men. Women. Total. I I Adult teachers Pupil-teachers 1,493 2,351 3,844 179 528 707* 3,844 707* 1,555 162 1,555 162 2,550 476 2,550 476 1.105 6384.105 638| Total 1,672 2,879 4,551 1,717 3.026 - 1.713 Head teachers Sole teachers Assistants . . Number of Adult Teaclters (included ab 728 85 813 452 814 1,266 313 1,452 1,765 love). 733 482 340 107 811 1,632 840 1,293 1,972 Total 1,493 2,351 3,844 1,493 2,351 3,844 1,555 1,555 2,550 2,550 4,105 4,105 • ♦Ex. tExi ilusive of 41 male and 178 female probationers, ilusive of 36 male and 186 female probationers.



From the above table it will be seen that with the exception of pupil-teachers and sole teachers of small schools the proportion of males to females is not small. As a matter of fact the ratio of adult males to adult females in schools in the Auckland District was as high as 100 : 125. The figures relating to pupil-teachers indicate that a very much larger percentage of females enter the service than males ; but it is to be borne in mind that a number of these female pupil-teachers leave before completing their period of training. The large proportion of female teachers to males in schools having 1 to 15 scholars in attendance is readily explained, the maximum salary in these schools, £120 per annum, being too small to attract male teachers. It may be fairly argued, perhaps, that in districts not too remote women arc more suitable than men for small schools of this type ; there are at all events a sufficient number of other positions to absorb all the men in the profession at present. If we take into consideration the corresponding proportion for primary-school teachers, secondary teachers in district high schools, and secondary schools (exclusive of part-time teachers), and for students in training colleges respectively, we ha ve — Number or Women Teachers or Students per Hundred Men Teachers ok Students (omitting Teachers of Schools with 15 or less in Average Attendance). 1906. 1007. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. 1912. Adult primary teachers .. 125 124 126 140 141 142 151 Pupil-teachers .. .. 339 "277 296 319 ■ 302 295 293 Secondary teachers 80 77 76 82 85 84 82 Training-college students .. 350 315 285 280 219 197 252 All teachers and students 148 142 144 158 156 155 161 In other words, out of a total of 5,028 persons engaged in the above-named branches of the teaching profession, there were, in 1912, 1,926 men and 3,102 women. It will be interesting to see how these figures compare with those from other parts of the world—England, Scotland, and the United States, for instance. In comparing this Dominion with such old-established countries, it is necessary to bear in mind that in the latter, the population being comparatively dense and the facilities for transit more numerous, there are few schools corresponding to our Grade oor Grade I schools. Consequently such schools are omitted from the New Zealand figures. Number of Women Teachers per Hundred Men in Other Countries. „ , , t, .i i United New Kngland. Scotland. gtatoB fr^t Adult primary teachers .. .. .. 303 245 426 151 Pupil-teachers .. .. .. .. 31! 149 * 293 Secondary teachers .. .. .. i»7 121 82 Training-college students .. .. .. L 96 389 392 252 * Informal ion nol available. There is a tendency nearly all over the "world for women to replace men in scholastic positions formerly occupied by the latter alone ; but the scarcity of male teachers is not nearly so marked in New Zealand as in most other countries. It does not necessarily follow that the tendency (in moderation at all events) is bad. Half the children in our public schools are under the age of ten, and women teachers are presumably most suitable for them ; nearly half the remainder, or nearly a quarter of the whole number, are girls over ten, and it is generally conceded that they should be taught by women. So far as class-teaching is concerned there would be nothing to fear, therefore, if the proportion of women teachers to men teachers were three to one. No doubt the difficulty in directing certain mixed schools renders it desirable that the proportion of men should be greater than this : in New Zealand it is more than twice as great. Salaries of Public-school Teachers. The total amount of all salaries and allowances as at 31st December, 1912, was Lt)1)7,419. This includes pupil-teachers' salaries and allowances, £32,160; pro-



bationers' salaries and allowances, £8,285 ; additional amounts paid to head teachers of district high schools, £1,620 ; and house allowances to head or sole teachers who had no residence provided. However, the total does not include the corresponding a mounts saved in rent where houses are provided, estimated at £26,940. The average rates of salary for adult teachers in public primary schools were, — (1.) All schools — 1911* 1912. (a.) Excluding house allowances and amounts saved in rents where t s. d. t g . dresidences are provided .. .. 149 5 0 148 14 8 (b.) Including house allowances and amounts saved in rents .. 160 3 4 159 6 0 (2.) Schools with average attendance over fifteen — (o.) Excluding house allowances and amounts saved in rents .. 159 I ."> 156 17 I Namely, men .. .. .. .. .. 205 7 0 205 18 8 women .. .. .. .. 126 Hi 3 124 3 2 (b.) Including house allowances and amounts saved in rents .. 170 13 5 1(17 18 0 Namely, men .. .. .. .. 226 5 3 226 11 5 women .. .. .. .. 131 I I 128 14 11 * The figures for Hill have been amended. They now include the amounts paid to head teaohers of district high schools. An analysis discloses the fact that 783 male teachers, or 50-3 per cent, of the number of male teachers in primary schools, receive a salary of £200 per annum or over. Here are further details : —

Number of Adult Teachers in Public Schools, together with the Average Salaries and Total Expenditure on Salaries for the Year 1894 and for each Year since 1900.

For the year 1912 the average salary, including house allowances and amounts saved in rents, was — Male. Female. Combined. E s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. (1.) All schools .. .. .. 218 6 4 125 6 1 159 6 0 (2.) Excluding schools with average attendance of under 16 .. .. .. 226 11 5 128 14 11 167 18 0 The following Acts affecting public-school teachers' salaries have been passed since 1900—Public-school Teachers' Salaries Act, 1901 ; Education Act Amendment Act, 1904 : Education Act Amendment Act, 1905 ; Education Amendment Act, 1908. The following statement gives the average salaries of men and women in the several branches of the Education service in New Zealand ;■ —

Number of Teachers.* Average Salary of Teachers.* t Year. Male. Female. Male. Female. Combined. Total Expenditure on Teachers' Salaries.* f J Total Expenditure on Teachers' Salaries.* f J £ s. il. e s. d. e s. d. 1894 .. 1,137 1,123 167 10 11 § j '.KMT S§ 129 9 0§ I'.iOO .. .. 1,216 I. 115 163 12 8§ 85 12 6§ 12! 13 7§ 1903 1.270 1,726 .. 130 18 10§ 19(11 .. 1.272 I .7'.i7 17(1 I 2 93 8 8 125 5 10 1905 .. 1.3(12 1.835 171 II 9 96 (ill 128 IT 5 1906 .. .. 1.31! 1.887 184 13 I L07 2 1 139 2 2 1907 .. .. 1,332 1,955 186 II II 105 12 5 138 8 9 1908 1,331 2.021 189 9 3 106 0 5 159 3 I 1909 .. .. I. io 2.20K 192 15 3 I 13 I I I I II 7 7 1910 .. .. 1,456 2.252 192 8 10 115 (i 6 115 12 2 1911 .. .. 1.493 2.351 196 6 I 118 13 4 118 111 5 1912 .. .. 1,555 2,560 197 7 8 118 8 5 I IS I I 8 Excluding schools Villi average attendance of under 16. 205 18 8 124 3 2 156 17 4 £ 292.559§ 320,136§ 392,310§ 384.520 101.267 115.285 155.036 166.448 521.783 539.909 572.067 610.550 £ 292.559§ 320.136§ 392,310§ 384.520 404.267 115.285 155.036 466.IIS 521.783 539.909 572.067 610.550 * Exclusive of pupil-teaohers and sewing-mistress. f Exclusive of teachers' house allowances. rate paid for month of December. § House allowances included". J Based on



Average Salaries, Education Service, Men and Women.

Class. Total Salaries of Men. Number in Education Service — Total Salaries of Average Salary AvewgeSalaiy Average Salary AverageJSalary Men only-receiving Salaries of Women. ' «f Women. AUMen. All Women. Men and Women. (a) (6) , < c) , £200-£300. **"" aml | ; over. I I £ 26 J47' s. i 17 'worn d. nen) £ a. d. 648 120 14 1 169 0 3 „ ,, (4,616 men -l d i4 and women) „„ „. Professors Lecturers (14 in al 62 31 11 11) 15 21 15 37 7 A. Primary -school teachers (excluding schools in Grade 0, Primary Schools) B District higli schools —Staffs, secondary departments 0. Department (professional) .. £ s. d. *307,937 5 0 £ s. (I. £ s. il. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. *297,747 0 0 199 16 7 122 18 8 1 f 648 120 15 (1.541 men) (2,422 women) 7.135 12 8 7.952 15 0 187 15 7 169 4 2 14 1 , (38 men) (47 women) 501 5 0 .... 8 Sfi 11 ?/ 225 13 0 126 17 8 169 0 3 „ ., „, ""„ , •• *> (1.969 men) (2,647women) (4,616 men -I d i4 Zl (38 men) v ' v a \ 21,027 0 0 274 19 2 178 3 1 ana women) 82 31 15 (163 men) (118 women) 709 0 0 .. Professors .. 37 318 0 0 : Lecturers (14 in all) 9,132 0 0 254 17 8 152 4 0 62 31 7 (130 men) (60 women) J i ; 4,010 0 0 D. Inspectors of Schools 16,580 0 0 126 17 8 (2,647women) E. Secondary schools staffs 44,818 0 0 F. I'niversities, staffs — Professors Lecturers G. Technical Schools —Staffs 26,233 0 0 4,452 0 0 33.135 0 0 I 114.300 17 8 335,858 15 0 .. _— — ~ " " 1 809 197 14 103 * 1,123 Primary-school teachers (excluding schools in Grades 0 and I) 298,607 5 0 270,166 0 0 i_ 205 18 S 124 3 2 (1,450 men) (2,176 women) I I 231 12 3 128 7 11 (1,678 men) (2,401 women) 173 13 11 (4,279 men and women) * Excluding house allowances.



Status of Teachers in regard to Certificates. (See also E.-2, Tables B2 anil E3.) Table E2 of E.-2, gives the number of certificated and uncertificated teachers respectively on the 31st December, 1912, exclusive of secondary schools and secondary departments of district high schools. The following summary shows the numbers of certificated and uncertificated teachers in each of the years 1907 to 1912 respectively :—

Primary Teachers in all Public Schools (Secondary Departments of District High Schools excluded) at 31st December, 1912.

It is interesting to note that the total increase of teachers during the year is 261, that the certificated teachers have increased by 136, the partially qualified by 67, and the uncertificated by only 58. (It must of course be remembered that a considerable number of these uncertificated teachers sat for examinations in January, 1913, but were unsuccessful). This preponderant increase of wholly or partially qualified teachers is distinctly gratifying, and is due in a large extent to the facilities now available to teachers to take classes with a view to improve their examination status. Further information in this connexion will be found under the heading " Training of Teachers," Appendix D. of E.-2. There are, however, other causes tending to induce teachers to improve their examination status when possible. Certain Education Boards, for instance, have, decided to dispense, where possible, with the services of teachers who are making no effort to qualify for their positions by examination. Moreover, the additional monetary inducements offered in recent years to teachers in New Zealand schools has checked the outflow of competent teachers to more lucrative spheres of employment, and has proved an additional stimulus to the younger teachers to improve their status as quickly as possible. And, lastly, there must be taken into account the steady output of certificated teachers from the four training colleges. Education Boards and others have submitted that it is impossible to expect teachers of schools with an average attendance of 15 or less (Grades 0 and I) to qualify for certificates. The fact that about 25 per cent, only of such teachers are certificated and that the proportion is not on the increase appears to bear out this contention. To obtain a fair comparison of the numbers of certificated and uncertificated teachers, therefore, it would be reasonable to omit teachers of schools in Grades 0 and I.

3—E. 1.

1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. 1912. 1912. I I. Certificated teachers; — Adults .. .. .. .. Pupil-teachers .. .. .. 2,422 2,451 2,593 2,663 2,783 2.919 14 2 1 i ■ 2.919 Totals 2,436 2,453 2,594 2,663 ; 2,783 2.919 2.919 I. Uncertificated teachers— (o.) Holding partial qualifications— (i.) Holders of licenses .. (ii.) Others partially qualified 178 99 68 56 71 87 142 167 , 264 259 285 336 87 336 Total of (a) (b.) Having no recognized examination status 320 266 332 315 356 423 545 635 689 ' 730 705 763 423 763 Total number of uncertificated teachers 865 901 1,021 1,045 j 1,061 1,186 865 901 1,021 1,045 | 1,061 Total of I and II 3,301 3,354 3,615 3,708 ! 3,844 1.105


This is the result:—

Primary Teachers in Public Schools with an Average Attendance of 16 and upwards, at 31st December, 1912.*

Below is printed a summary of Table E3. This shows all certificated teachers employed by Education Boards, whether they are engaged in primary work or in the secondary departments of district high schools, and it is arranged according to sex and class of certificate held. It is to be borne in mind that there is now no examination for E certificate.

Holders of Teachers Certificates in the Service of Education Boards at 31st December, 1911, and at 31st December, 1912.

The following table gives a comparative view of the number of persons holding certificates who were employed in all forms of public instruction as at the 30th June, 1913:—

Comparative Table of Certificates held by Persons employed in Public Instruction as at the 30th June.


1905. 1910. 1911. 1912. I. Certificated .. .. .. .. 2,460 2,608 2,723 2.854 ' I. Uncertificated— (a.) Partially qualified . . . . 329 (6.) Without status .. .. 163 262 383 277 374 366 [ 386 492 645 651 752 Totals .. .. .. 2,952 3,374 3,606 2,952, 3,253 Percentages — I. Certificated .. .. .. .. 83-3 80-7 79-1 80-2 II. (a.) Partially qualified . . .. .. 11-1 (b.) Without status .. .. ..5-6 8-0 11-8 8-2 111 19-3 9-2 11-7 20-9 16-7 19-8 Totals .. .. .. .. 100 100 100 100 100 * Secondary teachers of District High Schools a •e not included

1911. ■ Oil 1912. Class of Certificate. M i M F. 1911. F. Total. M. F. Total. A B C D B 20 172 419 505 84 3 47 280 887 366 23 219 699 1,392 450 i 24 181 492 487 71 4 51 378 892 339 28 232 870 1,379 410 Total .. .. 1,200 -i 1,583 2,783 j 1.255 1 1,664 I ! 2,919

Number of Teachers holding Ci srtificates. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. 1912. 1913. B C 86 201 197 1,650 721 87 208 294 1,593 642 94 232 415 ; 1,479 I 595 99 266 544 1,442 555 105 300 648 1,420 522 116 352 761 1,486 480' 119 392 939 1,488 441 119 422 1,108 1,513 402 i E Total, A, B, C, and D . . 2,134 2,182 2,220 2,351 2,473 2,715 2,938 3,162 „ A, B, C, D, andE.. 2,855 2,824 2,815 I 2,906 2,995 3,195 3,379 3,564



It is satisfactory to note that the total increase in the number of certificated teachers is due to a great extent to the increase in the number of certificates of the higher classes. There is a very large increase in the number of certificated teachers of the three highest classes during the last seven years. Whereas the total number of teachers employed has increased in that time by only 24 per cent., the number holding A, B, or C certificates has increased tenfold, by 240 per cent. This increase is so far most marked in the case of C certificate holders, but it is anticipated that when the provision in the University bursary regulations, by which holders of C certificates may be awarded bursaries, becomes more widely known, there will be a steady increase in the number of graduates in the teaching profession, and incidentally in the number of holders of A and B certificates. Training of Teachers. (See also E.-2, Appendix D. Tallies PI to P6.) The four training colleges in the four centres of population had their full complement of students in attendance during the year. Of the 398 students in attendance during the last quarter, 357 (Division A students) had completed their course as pupil-teachers or probationers before entrance to the colleges, and eight had obtained University degrees. Of the remainder, twenty-nine had qualified for admission by passing the Matriculation or some higher University examination, but were without previous teaching experience (Division B students), and four were admitted under the special provisions for teachers of small schools whose qualification is incomplete. These numbers show an increase of 7 - 7 per cent, in the number of Division A students admitted during the year. Of the Division B students the number for whom room has been found is still notably small, and probably those asking admission who are not already provided for by means of a pupil-teacher or probationer course must in any case necessarily be few. Of the total of 398 students, 113 were men and 258 were women. The following table indicates the percentages for the past three years : — Percentages of Male and Female Students. Males. Females. For the year 1910 .. .. .. .. 31-32 68-68 1911 .. .. .. .. 33-67 66-33 1912 .. .. .. .. 28-39 71-61 The ordinary course of training is for two years, so that approximately 200 students annually complete their training and pass into the schools. Most of these are very quickly absorbed, and later in the year new vacancies still continue to exceed the supply. To meet the demand an amendment in the regulations for training colleges has now been made, raising the limit of attendance from 100 to 125 students in each case, while a further step has been taken in the extension of probationer appointments—the main source of future supply. The increase gives better opportunities for those to come in who have not served as pupil-teachers or probationers, but who are otherwise eligible as students. At the same time, but as a purely temporary measure only to meet immediate needs, permission has been given by regulation to the education authorities controlling the training colleges to admit at their discretion a certain proportion of the students for a course of training of one year only. Except in the case of graduates or persons of similar status, so short a course as one year cannot be recommended, nor can it in any sense be considered complete ; but as the permission is confined to a limited number of entrants who have already served in the school as pupil-teachers or probationers, many of whom doubtless are only too anxious to enter upon permanent positions as teachers with as little delay as possible, circumstances appear to warrant recourse to the expedient. So far, only one of the colleges appears to have made use of the permission, and that it should have a much wider application is not particularly desired. The more regular outflow from the colleges of two-year students out of the increased number for which provision is now made, together with the customary supplementary accessions from other sources to the ranks of teachers in the Dominion, must soon prove sufficient to meet ordinary requirements. That the supply would be sufficient, however, to meet exceptional demands arising out of the increased staffing of schools for which statutory authority has already been obtained


is not so clear. Obviously, if competent assistants are to be secured, the steps of the process by which adult teachers are being substituted for pupil-teachers must be made very gradual. For the teaching practice of students the normal practising schools forming part of the training college in each case are available, and by a recent amendment opportunities of observation are now extended so as to embrace specially selected classes or teachers in neighbouring schools. By regulation it is provided that each normal school shall include (a) a main school, organized as a district high school, and having an average attendance of not more than 450 pupils, and (b) a " model school," arranged on the lines of a small rural school, with an average attendance of thirty-five to forty. If the Minister approves, there may be also (c) a second " model school," organized as a rural school of two teachers, with an average attendance of seventy to eighty, or as a junior school with thirty-five to forty children of a standard not higher than 82, or as a rural school with thirty-five to forty children in attendance and under the charge of a sole teacher; and (d) a junior kindergarten class containing not more than forty children between the ages of three and five. For the secondary department of the main school a maximum attendance of not more than fifty is permitted. The following gives the actual average attendance at each of the normal schools, the main schools and their adjuncts being separately given : —

In each of the normal schools a junior kindergarten class with a special teacher in charge has also been provided in terms of the regulations. Much information in regard to the courses of instruction taken by students at the training colleges may be obtained from the tables appearing in Appendix D of E.-2, Primary Education Report. The following matter is summarized from the tables : — Table P2 shows the University work undertaken by students. At the University college students are required to take at least a course in English in addition to the lectures on education given by the Principals of the training colleges, who for this purpose are recognized as members of the University college staff. Any other University work undertaken varies greatly according to the aims and educational status of individual students, but is necessarily subordinated to the aims and requirements of their special professional training, and the due relation of the two claims constitutes one of the chief problems of organization with which the Principals of training colleges have to deal. Of such work mental science, as bearing directly on education, has been generally taken at one of the centres, and at the second centre it is also taken by a substantial proportion, but few take it elsewhere. Of other subjects, about one-third of the students take Latin, and mathematics, with much fewer attendants, appears next in order. At one centre the University College, apart from English and education, is represented specially by botany, and by a course of voice-production, the latter being attended by the whole of the students. Table P3 contains parallel facts for special classes of professional training for. which provision has been made within the training college itself or in intimate connexion with it. It deals only with students who are in their second year of training. The subjects are largely more or less compulsory in character, though not of necessity for the second year, and include methods of teaching, elementary hygiene, elementary handwork and kindergarten study, physical (including agricultural and domestic) science, physical exercises, vocal music, and drawing. In most cases there is still much to be desired in the training in natural and experimental science that is given to young teachers. It must be regarded as an absolute essential for every teacher that he or she should have at least an elementary knowledge (complete as far as it goes) of scientific method, and this can


Main School (exclusive of Model Secondary Schools and Second- Department, ary Department). Model Junior a.i. i Model School Sohool. (p t() 82) Auckland Wellington Christchurch Dunedin 379 30 277 17 429 15 402 28 29 31 29 37 34 37 36



be got only by a course of individual practical work. The two to four hours' work per week assigned to this course, under the Training College Regulations, is by no means too much. If the student cannot take such work at the University College he should take it at the Training College. For men the course in agriculture, and for women the course in home science, properly carried out, will give opportunities for much that is wanted in this respect. From Table P4 may be learnt the initial status of the students at admission as set out in terms of the Department's certificate provisions, or with respect to the University qualifications on which they were admitted to the training college. Table P5 shows the certificate status as revised after the examinations of January, 1913, but including those to whom trained teachers' certificates were granted at the close of their training course without further examination. The analysis is of special interest at the present time, in view of the abandonment of general certificate examination tests for training-college students after their admission, and the substitution therefor of evidence otherwise furnished of the satisfactory completion of a training-college course as prescribed by the regulations. Eight students at admission held Class C certificates, and 166 Class D. By the end of the year three students held a Class A certificate, ten a Class B, 148 a Class C, and 182 a Class D. The number of male and female students receiving training in the four training colleges during the last quarter, 1911 and 1912, is indicated in the following table :— , 1911. , , 1912. , Men. Women. Total. Men. Women. Total. Auckland ... ... ... 37 64 101 29 72 101 Wellington ... ... ... 31 65 96 25 69 94 Christchureh ... ... ... 23 72 95 21 76 97 Dunedin ... ... 40 57 97 38 68 106 Totals ... ... 131 258 389 113 285 398 The following is a summary of Table P5 : — Number of Students in Attendance during 1912 who qualified by Attainments for a Certificate of First-year students— Class A. Class B. Class C. Class D. Division A ... ... ... 3 1 40 126 Division B ... ... ... 1 1 Second-year students — Division A ... ... 8 98 47 Division B ... ... 19 8 The amounts paid to Education Boards in 1911 and 1912 for the training of teachers were as follows : — I. Training colleges— 19 n. 1912 . Salaries of staffs (half charged to public-school £ £ £ £ salaries) ... ... ... ... 6,723 6,752 Students'allowances ... ... ... 18,495 18,872 University fees of students ... ... 2,903 2,786 Special instruction —Clause 6 (2) of Kegulations ... ... ' ... ' ... 39 2,206 Buildings—Alterations and equipment ... 900 471 29,060 31,087 11. Other training — Grants for special instruction in handwork, including agriculture, of teachers other than training-college students ... ... 2,115 3,865 Railway fares of teachers and instructors ... 3,477 2,501 ___ 5,592 6,366 Totals ... ... ... £34,652 £37,453 Finances of Education Boards. (See also E.-2. Tables I'l in KI2). 1. (reneral Survey of the Finances of Education Boards. Table F is a summary of the income and expenditure, and of the assets and liabilities of the various Education Boards for the calendar year 1912. Full information for each district can be obtained on reference to Appendix A of E.-2, or to Tables Fl and F2 published in the same report.



Table F.—Summary of the Receipts and Expenditure and Assets and Liabilities of Education Boards for the Year 1912.

As at 1st J 1 r As at 1st January. Cash Transactions during Year. Iran lets. As at 31st December. Io. Nam, of Account. Balances. Receipts. Credit. Balances. Deficits. (2) (3) Government. (4) Debit. (1) (2) Reserves Revenue. (6) From other Sources. (6) (8) (91 Balances. (10) Deficits. (11) Assets. (12) Liabilities. (13) (7) : " .1 £ s. d. £ s. d. 1 Salaries of teachers (exclusive of secondary departments of district high schools), salaries and allowances of pupil-teachers, and half of the total cost of the training-college staff 2 Teachers' house allowances .. 3 Salaries of relieving teachers 4 Free school-books .. 5 General administration .. .. 29,905 18 6 (a.) Incidental expenses of schools (in terms of the Order in Council of 13th February, 1911, but exclusive of cost of works paid for out of Government grant for maintenance and rebuilding of school buildings and ineluded bolow under that heading) (6.) Conveyance of school-children .. (c.) Board of school-children (d.) Office staff (including Secretary, Inspectors, &c), salaries and clerical assistance (c.) Office contingencies (/.) Refunds and sundries Training colleges — 6 Salaries of staff (half of the total cost) 7 Allowances for students .. .. 203 7 8 8 Inoidental expenses Secondary education — 9 Scholarships —Board's 10 Scholarships —National 11 Scholarships— Special .. .. 277 13 10 District high schools — 12 Salaries of staffs of secondary de- 100 18 9 partments General purposes — 13 {a.) Voluntary contributions and subsidies I , ««_ ( - 14 (6.) Fees from pupils .. .. j '' I.". (c.) High School Boards' grants J £ 8. d. £ s. d. 4,011 16 9 £ s. d. 583,152 13 10 £ s. d. 61,731 13 8 £ s. d. 59 15 9 £ s. d. 643,920 13 1 i. 1 £ s. d. . £ s. d. £ s. d. 2.988 6 7 £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,959 7 3 973 4 7 1 I 130 10 8 1,894 15 6 2.472 15 10 16,207 3 3 3,627 11 3 18,143 19 6 95,735 18 4 37 10 0 16,296 14 2 4,642 11 4 11,980 1 0 2 ! 10 8 4J 172 9 3! 2.909 15 7; 274 9 6; 22 3 9 29,90518 6 • ' 79 1 1 453 14 5 38 17 2 t 1,480 13 11 •- 25 12 4 3.770" 3 9 -- 299 14 0, 3,121* 7 1 ■• •• -- 44,722 13 11 I -- ►31.797 9 11 1,121 15 1 5,092 7 •• • 46 15 6 25 5 0 4,492 2 8 433 15 0 29,718 8 4 ■• 21 12 10 2,086 14 1 17,573 3 8 1,032 3 II ! 7 8 248 15 2 7,198 2 8 21,658 2 0 1,407 6 10 31 7 3 6,941 19 2 21,844 17 10 967 4 7 7 8 4 47 19 1 31 5 0 4.-, 2 I 372 I 0 1,330 6 1 15 4 0 •• 874 19 10 24 17 .51 1 28 15 0 II 1,314 0 6 541 10 9 9,583 6 10 3,336 10 0 13 15 0 9,975 17 1 3,412 0 4 303 11 3 0 10 0 1 ,692 5 9 617 1 1 1 ..-ii!."! 4 9' 642 7 10! 6 16 6 20 4 25 0 197 10 205 0 0 •• 170 2 7 - 12 15,963 10 7 16,471 13 2 216 6 10 190 17 0 178 13 7 76 12 { 1,199 5 8 1,261 8 11 105 14 2 345 0 0 2,817 6 6 27 11 11 353 2 1 40 0 0 62 17 6 220 1(> I0 1 1 \ 748 15 4 200 11 2 724 19 I I ,



£ s. d. Net bank balance at 1st January, 1912.. .. .. .. .. 41,528 1 9 Net bank balance at 31st December, 1912 .. .. .. .. .. 51,777 10 9

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Manual and teohnical —- Sohool classes — Capitation Voluntary contributions and bequests and subsidies Special and associated classes — Capitation Material Voluntary contributions and bequests and subsidies Fees from pupils at special classes Free-place holders Training of teachers Direction and administration (school and special classes) Buildings: Maintenance, rebuilding, rent — (a) Maintenance and small additions, \ and (6) ordinary rebuilding Rebuilding schools destroyed by fire Rents of buildings and sites for school purposes New buildings, furnitun. additions, sites — Public schools Manual instruction Teohnical instruction Rent of buildings for manual-instruc-tion purposes Rent of buildings for technical-in-struction purposes Sites sales Other separate accounts — Contractors' deposits Jane E. McLeod bequest Wanganui School sites Rocs Bequest Fund Sundry accounts >80,132 13 3 f ■ 1 77 10 1 • 25,413 9 3 659 14 7 23.424 15 10 1,822 3 2 3.942 19 1 6.722 10 9 4,655 4 6 II 17 0 78,538 0 0 4.925 14 3 2.483 18 4 •• 1,352 18 11 1.112 15 0 59 17 0 354 14 2 1,728 11 5 3,650 18 7 106 4 3 10 5 0 151 3 10 3.117 0 11 0 17 6 3 8 0 28,733 5 4 144 7 6 30,803 11 9 2,615 8 10 3.192 3 2 8 7 6 3,749 11 9 3,317 12 11 4,566 18 5 I (a)58,535 10 1 ((6)11,143 5 10 4,099 11 10 3,008 15 9 2,472 3 11 2,967 13 6 2,597 7 0 - >89,81 7 1 9 2,514 4 6 33,545 17 0 22,949 8£8 22,006 15 7.954 16 J I 35,094 3 9 26,023 14 11 17,816 1 28 29 30 31 "I 38,734 12 3 6,975 7 9 J 7.423 3 11 61,505 8 7 9,644 15 8 10.327 18 0 41 12 6 262 16 10 250 2 3 76 10 II 59,693 13 2 11,606 11 0 14,933 4 9 37 0 0 1,565 16 3 40 0 0 " 316 10 1 1 J 13,569 10 3 10,625 16 10 9,628 0 2 32 344 0 01 9 0 01 689 7 10 254 11 10 1,653 2 0 57 3 1 33 J 4.892 9 el 960 11 3 11,425 0 5 12,996 3 7 804 3 9 •• 2,203 11 11 2,404 9 II 58 5 9 20 0 0 20 0 0 583 5 9 58 5 9 583 6 58 5 - 8,774' 6 2 - 15,703 19 4 59 2 2 11 10 4 9,813 10 5 1,600 18 0 6 11 0 1.047 19 11 202 12 0 2,863 16 3 2,589 15 9 78 5 3 Oil 0 1016576 12 91 112 16 5 11216 ■• •• ■■ •• Totals 61.731 13 8 35.997 10 9 6,246 17 3 128,260 4 2 70.482 13 5 101.529 7 2| |08..-)74 ,7 415.457 18 2 173,929 16 5 1,104,056 8 2 6,246 17 3



In the case of teachers' salaries, teachers' house allowances, and scholarships it will be seen that the balance or deficit, as the case may be, is practically covered by the corresponding liability or asset. For these items the Department makes grants to cover the actual cost. The transfers made during the year amount to only £6,246 17s. 3d., as compared with £34,683 Bs. lOd. for the previous year. The fall is due to the fact that Education Boards have adopted the method suggested by the Department of charging items directly to the account to which the receipts or expenditure relate. This has done away to a large extent with the necessity of making transfers to adjust accounts at the end of the year. Table F3 shows the salaries and allowances paid to officers of Education Boards other than teachers. Tables F4 and F5 give a summary of the receipts and expenditure of Education Boards from 1877 to 1912. Excluding the expenditure on buildings, which is dealt with separately below, the following summary shows the chief items of expenditure for the past five years :— 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. 1912. £ £ £ ' £ £ Board's administration .. .. 39,730 42,392 41.396 43.697 47,772 Incidental expenses of soliools .. 38,077 40.374 37,394 42,83] 44,723 Teachers'salaries* .. .. .. 489,042 554,012 582,288 (108.958 643,921 Training colleges .. .. 19.949 22.425 27.467 28.992 29,756 Scholarships and district high schools 31,892 32,136 32,811 32,620 33.361 Manual and technical instruction .. 48,212 47,927 56,049 65,195 77.131 * Excluding house allowance. The increase in the expenditure on teachers' salaries is due in the main to three causes —the increased number of children receiving instruction, the yearly increment of £5 in teachers' salaries provided by section 7 (3) of the Education Amendment Act, 1908, and the replacement of most of the pupil-teachers in schools with an average attendance of 81 to 160 by adult assistants. In the case of manual and technical instruction the increase is mainly due to the increased number of classes for manual instruction (especially woodwork, agriculture, and cookery) in connection with public schools, and to an increase both in the number of and the attendance at day technical schools. The expenditure also includes several payments which fell due in the previous year but were not actually made until 1912. The following table shows the proportion of expenditure on administration to the whole expenditure, and the corresponding proportion of the incidental expenses of schools (through the School Committees), the figures for the five years previous being also entered for purposes of comparison :—. Boards. Committees. Total. 1907 .. •• •■ ■• ..4-7 4-8 9-5 1908 .. • • • • • • .. 4-7 4-5 9-2 1909 .. •• •• ..4-6 4-4 90 1910 .. • • ■'• •• ..4-5 4-0 8-5 1911 .. .. 4-3 4-2 8-5 1912 .. •• ..4-3 4-1 8-4 The corresponding percentages for the several Education Boards are printed in Table Fl2. As is to be expected, the ratio of expenses of administration to total expenditure is highest in the smallest district (9-4). Out of the capitation paid to Education Boards for general administration purposes the Boards provide School Committees with funds according to scale to meet incidental expenses of schools, such as lighting, fuel, cleaning, &c.


E. -]

The following calculation, which is based on the amounts shown under the heading " Incidental expenses of schools," in the general statements of receipts and expenditure of Education Boards for the year ended the 31st December, 1912, gives the amount per unit of average attendance paid to School Committees by each Board : —

In other words, the average rates of allowances made by Education Boards to School Committees vary from 4s. Bd. in the Marlborough Education District to 7s. 2fd. in the North Canterbury Education District. The legal minimum for the average in any district is ss. 6d. A reference to Table F shows that the bank balances of the Boards have increased from £41,528 to £51,777. The explanation is that the balance as at the end of 1911 was unduly small because of the fact that the Land Boards with whom in that year was placed the administration of education reserves and endowments did not follow the practice of their predecessors—the School Commissioners—of making the December quarter payments before the end of the calendar year. As in the last two years, one Board only had an overdraft as at the 31st December last. 2. General Account. For convenience, the funds of Education Boards may be divided into two classes —those granted for building purposes and those not so granted. The latter class may be regarded as the General Account, and it includes all items in Table F with the exception of Nos. 2, 25-33, and also contractors' deposits. The following is a summary of the cash assets and liabilities of the Boards on the General Account, of which Table F6 shows the particulars. General Account, all Boards, 31st December, 1912. Liabilities. £ Assets. £ Overdrafts .. .. .. 3,470 j Cash .. .. .. .. 29,254 Due to Government .. .. 402 ' Due from all sources .. .. 40,001 Other liabilities .. .. .. 17,946 \ Deficits .. .. .. .. 2.432 Balances .. .. .. ..49,869 £71,687 £71,687 With two exceptions the general account of every Education Board was in credit at the end of the year 1912. The total net credit balance on these accounts for the last three years is shown as follows :— Balances. Deficits. „ f et Balances. £ £ £ 1910 .. .. .. .. .. 30.850 563 30,287 1911 .. .. .. .. 48.957 126 48,831 1912 .. .. .. .. .. 49.869 2,432 47.437

4—E. 1.

Education District. Average Attendance. Amount. Amount per Unit of Average Attendance. Auckland Taranaki Wanganui Wellington Hawke's Bay .. .Mail borough Nelson Grey Westland North Canterbury South Canterbury Otago Southland .. • ■ 38,714 5.362 13.370 16.198 9.721 2,117 5.562 1,744 1,042 19,127 5,113 18.654 9.555 £ 11.039 1,506 3.675 4,201 3.235 496 1.667 544 340 6,900 1,570 6.180 2.769 £ 0-301 0-281 0-275 0-259 0-333 0-234 0-300 0-312 0-326 0-361 0-207 0-331 0-290



Auckland shows the largest credit balance—£ll,o76. The next in order are— Wanganui, £7,472 ; Southland. £6,065 ; Wellington, £5,889 ; Otago, £5,532 ; and NorthTCanterbury, £4,234. 3. Buildings Account. The Buildings Account refers to moneys granted for two purposes, which by parliamentary appropriation and by the terms of the grants made by the Department are quite distinct, namely,— (a.) Moneys granted from the Consolidated Fund for the general maintenance and replacement of school buildings, and additional sums paid for the rebuilding of schools destroyed by fire, and for the rent of temporary premises during such rebuilding; (b.) Moneys granted from the Public Works Fund specially for the erection of new schools and the extension of existing schools rendered necessary by increased attendance, for the purchase of school-sites, and for building teachers' residences in certain cases where suitable houses cannot be rented. The moneys so granted in the year 1912 for the respective purposes named are shown in Tables F7, FB, and F9. The grants under heading (a) are primarily for the following purposes :— (1.) To provide for maintenance and repair of school buildings, furniture, fittings, &c. (2.) To meet the cost of rebuilding worn-out schools, of replacing furniture, fittings, fencing, &c, and the Board's share of the cost of replacing schools destroyed by fire.* (3.) To provide for all new furniture and fittings required by increase of attendance at existing schools, or by the establishment of small or temporary schools not provided for by special grant. After due provision has been made for these requirements a Board may, if it so desires, transfer not more than 7 per cent, from this, its " Maintenance Account," to its " Buildings Account" to cover the cost of small additions and alterations coming within the meaning of the appropriation, which defines the maintenance grant as a grant " for general maintenance of school buildings and for additions to buildings, alterations, rebuilding, furniture, fittings, fencing, rents, additions and improvements of sites, &c." Table FlO shows the assets and liabilities of the Boards on the combined Buildings Accounts. The following is a summary :— Combined Buildings Account (a) and (b), all Boards, 31st December, 1912. Liabilities. £ Assets. £ Overdrafts .. .. .. 10,162 Cash .. .. .. .. 36,156 Other liabilities .. .. .. 50,226 Due from all sources .. .. 61,526 Balances .. .. .. 46,520 Deficits .. .. .. .. 9,226 £106,908 £106,908 Net balances Ist January, 1912.. £37,294 The net balance in the Buildings Account at the close of the year 1911 was £30,221. The above summary indicates that at the end of 1912 it had increased to £37,294. An examination of the grants made to Boards under heading (a), referred to above, together with their returns of expenditure, discloses the fact that the

* Special provision is made for payment of the Department's share of the cost of replacement of schools destroyed by fire,



School Buildings Maintenance Account should stand as shown in Table Fll. of which the following is a summary : — School Buildings Maintenance Account, all Boards, 31st December. 1912. £ Cash balances .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 89,930 Net excess of amounts due to Boards over amounts due by Boards .. 859 Net balance, 31st December, 1912 .. .. .. .. .. £90,789 It would appear, then, that at the Ist January, 1913, this net balance of £90,789 was available for the purposes indicated. However, the combined Buildings Account shows the actual balance to be £37,294, and obviously, therefore, a sum of £53,495 has been diverted from the Maintenance Fund to other purposes. This is far more than would be warranted by the provision allowing the Boards to spend up to 7 per cent, on such items as are indicated above. Education Reserves. (See also IL.-2, Appendix £.) By the provisions of the Education Reserves Amendment Act, 1910, these reserves are vested in the Crown, and are placed under the administration of the several Land Boards. The revenues derived from these reserves, subject to a charge for expenses of administration, are paid by the Receivers of Land Revenue into the Public Account to the credit of a separate account for each provincial district. The above provisions of the Act apply only to revenue derived from reserves since the date of the Act coming into force. All funds, mortgages, and investments which were at that date vested in the School Commissioners the Act provided should be taken over by the Public Trustee, the revenue to be dealt with similarly to that received by Land Boards. The revenue is distributed quarterly by the Minister of Finance on a basis provided by statute. Sums equal to the amounts paid to Education Boards are deducted from sums due by this Department to the Boards. In this report the transactions of the Education Department only are given. (a.) Primary. The revenue from all sources received during the year 1912 was £58,182 3s. 7d. This was the total amount received by Education Boards for the year ended the 31st December, 1912. The interest on mortgages and investments received from the Public Trustee for the financial year 1912-13 was £1,714 Is. lOd. Table G shows the reserves revenue and interest on mortgages and investments received on account of primary education, together with the distribution to Education Boards. (b.) Secondary. The total amount received by High School Boards during the year 1912 was £5,991 Bs. 7d. Details of the distribution are shown in Table KlO of E.-6. Native Schools. (See E.-3.) At the end of 1911 there were 104 Native village schools in operation. During the year 1912 five new schools were opened, and one was transferred to the Auckland Board of Education. The number of village schools in operation at the 31st December, 1912, was thus 108, which is the highest number yet reached since the inception of the system.



In addition to these schools, there were four mission schools giving primary instruction to Maori children, and 569 public schools at which Maori scholars were in attendance, while there were nine boarding-schools specially concerned with the secondary education for Maori boys and girls. Thus, the total number of schools giving instruction to Maori children was— Native village schools . . .. .. .. .. .. . . 108 Native mission schools subject to inspection by the Education Department .. 4 Public schools at which Maori scholars were in attendance.. .. . . 569 Total number of primary schools .. .. .. .. 681 Native boarding-schools affording secondary education to Maoris .. .. 9 690 The following table shows the number of Native village schools in each grade, as compared with the number for the previous year :— Table H.—Number op Native Village Schools in each Grade. 1911. 1912. Grade I (9-15) .. . . .. .. .. .. 1 Grade lla (16-20) .. .. .. .. . . .. 5 8 Grade llb (21-25) .. .. .. .. ..10 13 Grade 111 (26-35) .. .. .. .. .. 35 32 Grade IVa (36-50) .. .. .. .. .. 33 34 Grade IVb (51-80) .. .. .. .. .. ..17 16 Grade V (81-120) .. .. .. .. .. ..3 5 Totals .. .. .. .. .. 104 108 Attendance. (E.-3.—Tables H2 to Hon.) The number of pupils on the rolls of the Native village schools at the end of the year 1912 was—Boys, 2,536 ; girls, 2,158 : total, 4,694. Included in these numbers are 265 boys and 255 girls who are Europeans. (See Table H4 in the appendix to E.-3). The average daily attendance, in actual numbers and as a percentage of the average weekly roll number, for each of the years 1911 and 1912 was as follows : — Actual Attendance. Per Cent, of Roll. 1911. 1912. 1911. 1912. First quarter .. .. .. .. 3.932 3,943 87-0 85-7 Second quarter .. .. .. ..3,893 4.063 86-2 89-0 Third quarter .. .. .. ..3,849 1.068 86-9 86-6 Fourth quarter .. .. .. ..3,836 4,092 84-2 86-8 The following are some of the figures in regard to the attendance at Native village schools for 1912, the corresponding figures for 1911 being inserted for purposes of comparison:— - 1911 1912 Number on rolls at end of year .. .. .. 4,557 4,694 Average weekly roll number .. .. .. .. *4,494 4,644 Average yearly attendance .. .. .. *3.878 4,042 Percentage of regularity of attendance .. .. 86-3 87 * 1911 figures amended. If the Native village schools are added to the Native secondary schools, we have the following figures for 1911 and 1912 respectively :— 1911. 1912. Number on rolls of Native village schools .. .. .. 4,557 4,694 „ mission schools .. .. .. 230 174 „ boarding-schools .. .. 387 369 1911. 1912. Combined rolls of Native schools .. .. .. .. 5,174 5,237 Combined average weekly roll number .. .. .. 5,245 5,241 Combined average yearly attendance .. .. .. 4,563 4,588 Percentage of regularity of attendance .. .. 86-8 87-5



The increase in the development of the Native village schools since the year 1881. when they were transferred to the control of this Department, is shown in the following table :—

Table Ha. —Schools, Attendance, and Teachers.

It will be seen that there has been an increase of 80 per cent, in the number of schools, and this does not take into account many schools which have been transferred to the various Boards of Education during the period covered by the table. The average attendance has risen from 1,406 to 4,042, while the average percentage of regularity (87) is the highest yet reached. In this connexion it is worthy of note that in forty-two schools an average of over 90 per cent, was reached. Table H2 in the appendix to E.-3 supplies detailed information in regard to the roll number and average attendance. The number of Maoris attending public schools on the 31st December, 1912, as compared with the number attending at the 31st December, 1911, was—l9ll, 4,685 ; 1912, 4,913. Details are to be found in Table H5 of E-3. The total number of children of Maori or of mixed race on the rolls of primary Native schools, public schools. Native mission schools, and secondary Native schools, together with such pupils as were receiving special technical training at the end of the year 1912, is given in the following schedule : —

Classification of Pupils. Tables H6, H6a, and H6b in E.-3 give full information as to the races and classification of pupils on the rolls of the Native schools. As will be seen, 86-7 per cent, were Maoris speaking Maori in their homes, 2-3 per cent, were Maoris speaking English in their homes, and 11 per cent, were Europeans.

1881 .. 1886 .. 1891 . . 1896 . 1001 . 1902 . 1903 . 1904 .. 1905 .. 1906 .. 1907 .. 1908 . 1909 .. 1910 .. 1911 .. 1012 .. Number of Teachers. Number Average °' Mean of Average Attendance Year. 8 . ch °°lf Average Att whnTe Ce ' v.rJf„,.„ Teachers in Charge. | Assistant Teachers. at End Weekly Roll. %™ e Percentage SewingY«r ! Weekly Roll. Male . FemaJe . Female . ">«"—■ i _ i I 60 .. 1,406 .. 54 6 4 48 69 2,343 2,020 86-2 60 9 .. 26 30 66 2.395 1,837 76-7 59t 8t 1 26 37 74 2,874 2,220 77-3 64t lit •• 61 16 89* 3,257 2,592 79-6 70t 18t 69 15 98* 3,650 3,005 82-3 77t 20t 83 11 97* 3,805 3,012 79-2 76t 20t .. 79 13 95* 3,794 3,083 81-3 73t 21f .. 85 11 95 4,097 3,428 83-7 74t 22f 87 15 98 4,235 3,607 85-2 78t 21f 2 94 11 99 4,321 3,561 82-4 82f 18f 2 105 3 .. | 95 4,479 3,781 84-4 76 19 2 104 5 94 4,308 3,680 85-4 76 18 3 101 5 99 4,325 3,714 85-9 78 21 3 106 4 104 +4.494 J3.878 86-3 81 22 3 119 3 108 Lull 4.042 S7 86 22 4 122 2 * Includes two subsidized schools. t Includes two teachers jointly in charge of one school. J 1911 figures amended.

Number per 10,000 of Maori Actual Numlier. Population at Census of 1911 (49,829). I. Primary schools — (a.) Government Native schools (6.) Mission schools .. (c.) Public schools 4,694 942-0 174 35-0 4.913 985-9 II. Secondary schools fl. Special technical training — 9.781 1,962-9 369 74-0 16 3-2 Totals 10,166 2,040-1



A reference to Table H 8 in E.-3 will show the classification of pupils, grouped according to ages, standards, and races. The following is a summary : — Maoris. Europeans. Totals. ° l Class P.. .. .. .. 2,003 189 2,192 46-7 Standard I .. .. .. ..549 75 624 13-3 Standard II .. .. .. 512 50 562 12-0 Standard 111 .. .. .. ..434 62 496 10-6 Standard IV .. .. .. .. 300 58 358 7-6 Standard V .. .. .. ..21] 44 255 5-4 Standard VI .. .. .. 121 30 151 3-2 Standard VII .. .. ..44 12 56 1-J Secondary Education. (E.-3.—Tables H2 and H3). From the tables it will be seen that there were 369 children receiving secondary education. Of this number, 103][were holders of free places provided by the Government. Information at the Department's disposal goes to show that there is on the part of the Maoris an increasing appreciation of vocational training, and the secondary schools are making fuller provision for it. Detailed information in respect to Maori children receiving higher education will be found in Tables H2 and H3 of the appendix. Results of Inspection. The report of the Inspectors of Native Schools indicates that the classification of village schools, according to the degree of efficiency recorded at the annual visit, is as follows : — Number of Schools. Very good to excellent .. .. .. .. .. .. 26 Satisfactory to good .. .. .. .. .. .. 69 Inferior to weak .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 Three schools were not inspected, two of them having begun operations after the visit to the district had taken place, and one having been closed temporarily owing to an epidemic of sickness. Staffs and Salaries. (E.-3.—Table HI.) As shown in Table Hi, the staffs of the village schools included 86 masters, 22 mistresses in charge, 126 assistants, and 2 sewing-teachers. The total amount paid in salaries during the year was £25,656 4s. lid. According to the rate paid in December, 1912, the average salary of the head teachers was £171 Is. 7d.—males £176 6s. 6d., and females £150 lis. 7d. The average salary of assistants was £50 Bs. 9d. Lodging-allowances at the rate of £30 per annum were paid to 42 assistants. Expenditure. (E. :!.—Table H9.) A reference to Table H9 will show that the total net expenditure on Native schools during the 31st*December, 1912, was £39,805 7s. 6d., included in \ which amount is a sum of £2,080 paid out of revenues from endowment reserves. The increase in the net expenditure for the year is £3,923 18s. 2d. Of this increase, teachers' salaries absorbed £1,216 16s. lid., while new buildings and additions accounted for £2,205 15s. 7d. Chatham Islands. At the end of 1912 there were four schools in operation in the Chatham Islands —viz., those at Te One, Te Roto, Makarakau, and Owenga. The average number of pupils on the roll was 92, the average attendance being 79.



The total expenditure on the schools for the year under review was made up as follows :■ — £ s. d. Salaries of teachers (including allowances and cost of removals) .. 732 4 5 Repairs, &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 22 11 10 Scholarships .. .. .. .. .. .. 70 0 0 Inspection .. .. .. .. .. .. 16 16 0 Other expenses .. .. .. 59 14 9 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. £901 7 0 In the table below is given the names of the teachers together with certain details of expenditure. The average roll number and average attendance for each school is also shown.

SPECIAL SCHOOLS. Afflicted and Dependent Children. (E.-4, 1912.) Children under State Guardianship. During the year 1912 the number of children brought under the operation of the Industrial Schools Act was 405, the number discharged from control 238, and the number under control at the close of the year was 2,784 —viz., 1,701 boys and 1,083 girls. There were 625 in residence at the eight Government institutions (of whom 142 and 65 were at the reformatories for boys and for girls respectively), and at the four private (Roman Catholic) schools there were 257 in residence. Of the 951 children boarded out with foster-parents all but one belonged to Government industrial schools. The increase in the cost of living has made it necessary to reconsider the rates of payment to foster-parents, and it has been decided that from the beginning of the current year they are to be as follows : For children under one year old, 10s. a week ; between twelve and eighteen months, 9s. ; and then on to fourteen years, Bs. Of the total number belonging 918 were in situations, with friends on probation, boarded without payment, or otherwise not a charge on the public funds ; the remaining 1,866 being either boarded out, in residence at industrial schools, or paid for by the Government at other institutions. The parental contributions under orders of Court or agreement amounted to £7,828 15s. Bd., being at the rate of £4 3s. lid. per head of the children maintained. The net expenditure on account of industrial schools, exclusive of new buildings and works and purchase of property, increased during the year from £32,635 to £35,306, an increase which is very largely accounted for by the fact that 105* more children were maintained. Tables 11 and 12 of E.-4 give details of the expenditure on industrial schools during the year. Payments by Charitable Aid Boards for mainten- 1911. 1912. ance of children who came into Government schools owing to indigence (included in the total sum recovered) .. .. .. £10,681 ss. 4d. £9,506 9s. Bd. Number of children at the end of the year belonging to Government schools who were so paid for .. .. .. .. 713 766 Number maintained'at the expense of Charitable Aid Boards at private industrial schools.. 106 117

Attendance. School. 'e One 'e Roto .. Iwenga latarakau Total Names of Teachers. .. j Wentzel. E. Seymour, Miss A. i Lanauze, Miss G. .. | Seymour. Mis i E. Hutchinson, J. Russell, Mrs. E. A. qoiorioa at FnH Allowance for n? iai9 Conveyance of Mean of Average Mean of Weekly Goods. Attendance for Roll Kumber for Four Quarters of Four Quarters of 1912. 1912. £ s. d. I H.M. 200 0 0 25 39 47 Pt. 5 55 0 0 Pt. 4 55 0 0 F. 108 0 0 . 15 21 25 M. 99 0 0 : 15 12 13 F. 94 10 0 .. 7 .7 611 10 0 I 55 79 92 70 92



The amount paid by the Charitable Aid Boards on account of children sent to the private industrial schools as indigent is not stated here, as the Managers of these schools make their claims upon the Boards without reference to the Education Department. At the end of the year the total amount deposited in the Post Office Savingsbank on account of the earnings of young people who are now or were formerly under the control of industrial schools was £32,254 Is. 4d., the Government schools accounts having £28,539 14s. 6d. to credit, and the private (Roman Catholic) schools £3,714 6s. lOd. The withdrawals from these accounts during the year were £4,206 18s. Id. and £143 Bs. 3d. respectively. The disposal of these moneys is by law at the discretion of the Minister of Education, who may direct that payment be made either to the earner or to the Public Account. In practice payment is made to an applicant who after the control of the school has ceased shows evidence of good reputation, and that the proposed investment of the money is likely to be satisfactory. On the other hand, the Minister may order forfeiture of the money when a former inmate proves that he is unworthy of consideration. Infant-life Protection. The number of foster-homes licensed under the Infants Act to maintain children for payment apart from their parents was 569 ; the number of children so maintained for the whole or part of the year was 1,228, of whom 487 were under one year old. There were twelve deaths, equal to 0-98 per cent, of the number in the homes. The expenditure for the year, £1,225 lis. Bd., is accounted for as follows : — £ s. d. Salaries of visiting nurses and local representatives .. .. .. 879 18 4 Travelling-expenses of District Agents, visiting nurses, and local representatives .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 209 10 10 Payments to foster-parents for board of infants . . .. .. 102 5 9 Medical attendance .. .. .. .. .. 11 9 0 Office expenses (including rent) and sundries .. .. .. 82 7 8 Less recoveries .. .. .. .. .. .. 59 19 11 The report of the Secretary for Education gives detailed information as regards various phases of the work. School for the Deaf. Number of pupils who returned to the school in February. I ill 2. after the summer vacation .. .. . . .. .. .. ... .. 93 Receiving instruction at Government experimental farm .. .. .. 1 Number admitted during the school year .. .. .. 10 Absent throughout the year .. .. . . .. .. .. 1 Left during or at the end of the school year .. .. .. 12 Number remaining on the roll after the close of the school year .. 93 The expenditure on the school for the years 1911 and 1912 respectively was as follows : — 1911. 1912. £ s. d. £ s. d. Salaries .. .. .. .. .. 3,380 6 7 3.404 12 0 Maintenance of pupils and sundry expenses .. 1,446 7 1 1,874 16 0 Maintenance of buildings and water-charges .. 276 19 10 335 10 9 Additional buildings .. .. .. .. 1.947 11 8 Less — Amount collected from parents by way of maintenance contributions .. .. 887 13 3 1,098 0 1 Amount collected from Charitable Aid Boards .. .. .. .. 563 8 7 1.103 15 11 Sundry other recoveries .. .. 17 0 0 11 2 Net expenditure .. .. .. .. 3.651 4 8* 5.360 3 3* * Including for 1911 £235. and for 1912 £225 paid from national-endowment revenue. The report of the Director gives particulars of the work of the school during the year. (See E.-4.)


E,- -1

Jubilee Institute for the Blind. The. amount paid by the Government towards the cost of training thirty-five pupils was £848 16s. 6d., and the amount refunded to the Government during the year by parents and Charitable Aid Boards was £855 Is. 3d., the Boards paying £502 6s. lOd. The sum payable by the Government as subsidy to the Board of Trustees under the provisions of the Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act was E2.391 15s. 2d. Special School for the Feeble-minded. 1911. L 912. £ s. (i. c B . a. Salaries .. .. .. 1,985 311 2,111 16 2 Maintenance of pupils .. .. 1.750 3 2 1.954 17 0 Maintenance of buildings .. .. 418 13 3 258 2 I Farm and stock 226 5 5 367 19 2 Additional buildings, furniture, &c. .. .. 2.983 15 6 507 15 o Less — Amount collected from parents by way of maintenance contributions., .. 559 5 1 798 19 I Amount collected from Charitable Aid Boards . . .. .. 291 17 0 666 16 0 Sundry other recoveries .. . . 135 9 1 256 0 7 \ 7 et expenditure .. .. 6,374 10 1* 3.568 13 9* * Including for 191 I £2:i.">. and for 1912 t:2-.'r> paid from national-endowment revenue. The power given to a Magistrate under the Education Amendment Act, 1910, to extend the period of control, if he is satisfied that upon a pupil's attaining his majority his mental state precludes his being able to manage his affairs with ordinary prudence, was exercised in respect of two boys and two girls, the extension being for one year for the boys and four years for the girls. When these periods are about to expire the cases will be reviewed again. A report from the Principal dealing with the working of the school during the year, and with other matters relating to the education of the feeble-minded, is included in E.-4. MANUAL AND TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION. Manual Instruction in Public Schools. (E.-s.—Tables .11 to JO.) During the year classes recognized under the Regulations for Manual and Technical Instruction were held in connexion with 68 per cent, of the public schools, an increase of 2 per cent. The percentages for the various education districts were as follows : — Percentage of Schools _. . at which Instruction was Distnot. given. 1911 1912. Auckland ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 51 52 Taranaki ... ... ... ... ■ ... ... ... 68 72 Wanganui... ... ... ... ... ... " ... 95 92 Wellington ... ... ... ... ... ... 71 76 Hawke's Bay ... ... ... ... ... ... 76 74 Marlborough ... ... ... ... ... 70 65 Nelson ... ... ... ... ... 52 50 Grey • 22 27 Westland... ... ... ... ... ... ... 39 41 North Canterbury ... ... ... ... ... ... 68 74 South Canterbury ... ... ... ... ... ... 57 58 Otago ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 64 75 Southland... ... ... ... ... ... ... 98 97 The number of public schools in which recognized classes were held was 1,508, an increase of 72 schools. The number of recognized classes was 3,607. Payments by way of capitation and subsidies on voluntary contributions totalled £24,992 Bs. lid., an increase of about £4,000, due mostly to an increase in the number of district high schools taking up rural courses in their secondary departments. The average rate of payment per class was £4-1. Special grants for buildings and equipment totalled £9,931, an increase of about £5,000. The grants were mainly in aid of the erection of additional manual-training

5—E. 1.



centres in various districts, and of buildings for science, woodwork, and cookery in'connexion with district high schools providing rural courses. The various forms of elementary handwork in which pupils of the lower standards receive instruction afford valuable opportunities for concrete illustration, and accordingly are now being largely taught in conjunction with other subjects of the syllabus, such as arithmetic, geography, and instrumental drawing. Of the subjects taken in the higher standards woodwork and cookery continue to be taught on the central system, and by special instructors. There are now about eighty well-equipped rooms for the instruction of public-school pupils in woodwork and cookery. In the larger towns special manual-training schools separate from the technical school have been provided. In the smaller towns manualtraining rooms form part of the local district high school, secondary school, or technical school, as the case may be. During the year 390 classes for woodwork (or ironwork), and for cookery were in operation. In some districts the girls receive instruction in dressmaking (ninety-nine classes) and laundry-work (eighty-five classes) in addition to cookery. Compared with last year the number of classes for domestic subjects shows an increase of 14 per cent. This must be regarded as satisfactory in view of the importance rightly attached to the training of girls in subjects bearing on the home. Until recently the instruction in domestic subjects has been confined mainly to methods and processes, little attention being given to the principles on which these are based. This has been largely due to the scarcity of teachers having the necessary training and experience to enable them to deal effectively with domestic subjects except from the standpoint of utility. This defect is now, however, being gradually remedied. In some districts the teaching staff has been strengthened by the addition of trained teachers from Home ; while the home science classes recently established at the Otago University and the training hostel in connexion with the Christchurch Technical College, may be expected to furnish in the near future an adequate supply of teachers trained in the science as well as the practice of home making and keeping. Elementary Agriculture. —Elementary instruction in subjects bearing on rural life was given in 1,005 schools, as compared with 832 in the previous year. Instruction in this branch of manual training is in the case of ten of the thirteen education districts supervised by trained itinerant instructors. There are now sixteen of these instructors stationed in various parts of the Dominion. The course of instruction is based mainly on experimental and observational work (both indoor and outdoor), and includes in some districts, chiefly in the North Island, elementary dairy-work. Local interest in the classes continues to be well maintained, valuable assistance being forthcoming, as heretofore, from agricultural and pastoral associations, School Committees,- and members of the farming community generally. In addition tc prizes, which, as in previous years, have been freely offered, contributions in money and kind to the value of nearly £650 have been received by Education Boards during the year. These contributions carry a Government subsidy of £1 for £1. Courses of instruction bearing on rural pursuits (having a domestic trend in the case of girls) were carried on in connexion with the secondary departments of district high schools in seven education districts (as compared with five|in|l9ll), as follows : — District. Number of Schools. Number of Pupils. Taranaki .. .. .. .. .. .. ..1 71 Wanganui .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. 8 238 Wellington .. .. .. .. .. ..6 194 Hawke's Bay .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 83 North Canterbury .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 44 South Canterbury .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 68 Otago .. .. .. .. .. .. ..6 189 Totals for 1912 .. .. .. .. .. 28 887 Totals for 1911 .. .. . . 17 499 Capitation payments on account of these rural courses amounted to £5,795, equivalent to a rate of £6*5 per pupil. The hope is expressed that the curriculum in the secondary departments of the district high schools located in agricultural districts will in the near future be based, generally, on the lines of the courses at present being successfully carried out in the above-mentioned education districts. What may be called the practical



subjects of the course continue for the most part to be taught by visiting instructors. This arrangement, which cannot be regarded as ideal, appears to be the only practicable one at present, in view of the scarcity of trained teachers qualified to give instruction on modern lines in the various branches of natural and physical science, although facilities for obtaining the necessary training cannot be said to be nonexistent. About 70 per cent, of the district high schools in the Dominion (over fifty in number) are now provided with laboratories equipped for individual practical work in elementary physics or chemistry. £.jj In the primary schools, where special science rooms are not available, useful courses in physical measurements have in a few cases been taken up. The number of classes recognized in 1912 was 121, mostly in connexion with urban schools. The opinion is expressed that work of this kind hardly receives in the schools the attention it deserves. The number of recognized classes for swimming and life-saving was 222, an increase of twenty. Classes were held in eleven of the thirteen education districts. As stated last year, the provision made for instruction in this useful branch of knowledge still leaves something to be desired. New buildings or additions to buildings for manual instruction in connexion with public schools have been erected during the year or are in course of erection at Devonport, Pukekohe, Helensville, Marton, Motueka, Takaka, Temuka, Mosgiel, Balclutha, Milton, Lawrence, Tapanui, and Invercargill, while necessary equipment has been provided for classes at Devonport, Helensville, Pukekohe, Waihi, Marton, Woodville, Wakefield, Reefton, Sydenham, Ashburton, Lincoln, Kaikoura, South Dunedin, Lawrence, Mosgiel, Tapanui, Milton, Balclutha, Invercargill, Gore, and Riverton. Table Ja. — Capitation received and Expenditure by Education Boards in connexion with Manual Instruction in Public Schools during the Year ending 31st December, 1912 (exclusive of Expenditure out of Grants for Buildings and Equipment). Education District. Capitation. Expenditure. £ a. d. £ s. d. Auckland .. .. .. .. .. 1,813 5 8 6,686 19 10 Taranaki .. .. .. 1,189 2 10 978 3 9 Wanganui.. .. .. .. .. 3,355 16 0 3,355 11 3 Wellington .. .. 3,159 5 2 4,087 12 9 Hawke'sßay .. .. .. 1,821 8 9 2,394 7 6 Marlborough 280 15 8 354 9 8 Nelson .. .. .. 815 6 2 1,282 5 5 Grey .. .. .. .. 79 1 4 99 0 6 Wcstland 15 13 3 11 9 8 North Canterbury .. .. .. .. [2,761 9 7 2,779 14 2 South Canterbury .. .. .. .. fa,230 11 3 1,279 19 8 Otago .. .. .. .. .. &2.069 12 7 3,767 4 3 Southland.. .. .. .. .. f2,689 9 0 2,552 17 9 Totals for 1912 .. .. .. 24,280 17 3 29,629 16 2 Totals for 1911 .. .. ... 19,948 14 10 24,788 7 3 Manual Instruction in Secondary Schools. Recognized classes were carried on in connexion with twenty-seven of the secondary schools (twenty-nine in number) in receipt of Government grants. The subjects most generally taken up and the total average attendance at classes were as follows:— Subjects of Instruction. Averago Attendance. 1911. 1912. Physics and chemistry .. .. .. .. 1,463 1,917 Natural science .. .. .. .. .. •• 1,335 1,589 Agriculture .. .. .. .. .. • • 151 160 Woodwork .. .. .. ..460 483 Domestic subjects .. .. .. .. 1,076 1,043 Free and instrumental drawing .. .. .. 713 788 Some further particulars are as follows : — 1911. 1912 The number of recognized classes was .. .. .. 274 357 Capitation payments on attendances amounted to .. .. £1,147 £1,488 The average rate of payment per class was .. .. £4" 2 £4 Special grants in aid of buildings and equipment totalled . . £2,073 £1,748



The majority of the secondary schools are now well equipped for practical work in science, woodwork, and domestic subjects ; the provision made for laboratory work in particular is very satisfactory. In several of the rural secondary schools courses of agricultural instruction are gradually being evolved with satisfactory results. There is also evidence of a decided movement in many of the girls' schools in the direction of providing opportunities for instruction in subjects bearing on the home. New buildings or additions to buildings for manual instruction have been erected during the year or are in course of erection in connexion with Napier High School, Marlborough High School, Nelson Boys' and Girls' Colleges, and Christchurch and Otago Boys' and Girls' High Schools, while necessary equipment has been provided at Hamilton High School, Wellington Girls' College, Marlborough High ScLool, Timaru Boys' High School, Waitaki Boys' High School, and Gore High School. Technical Instruction. (E.-s.—Tables J7 to J17.) Controlling authorities and managers of technical schools continue to give careful attention to the provision, improvement, and extension of facilities for instruction, and to receive in most cases satisfactory support at the hands of those for whose direct benefit the schools are provided. As in the past, considerable interest in the classes is taken by local bodies, industrial and trade organizations, and agricultural and pastoral associations, greatly to the advantage of the institutions concerned. During the year nearly £6,000, carrying a Government subsidy of £1 for £1, was contributed in aid of technical instruction. The contributions for the previous year totalled about £5,000. The Government has, as in previous years, favourably considered applications for new buildings or additions where these have been shown to be necessary, and for necessary equipment. New or additional buildings have been erected or are in course of erection at Auckland, Hawera, Manaia, Woodville, Christchurch, Ashburton, Temuka, and Dunedin, while necessary equipment has been provided for classes at Auckland (Technical College and the School of Mines), Hamilton, New Plymouth, Wanganui, Palmerston North, Apiti, Wellington, Petone, Nelson, Christchurch (Technical College and the School of Engineering), Ashburton, Kaiapoi, Timaru, and Gore. During the year grants totalling £10,508 were distributed in aid of buildings and equipment. ' Over fifty well-equipped buildings are now available for purposes of technical instruction. In the smaller and more remote centres where technical schools have not yet been provided classes are held in suitable rented buildings or in the local schools. During the year classes were held at eighteen such centres in the Otago District, at seventeen in the Wanganui District, at thirteen in the Hawke's Bay District, at eleven in the Southland District, and at eight in the Taranaki District. Following are some particulars relating to technical classes, other than classes at day technical schools, in operation during the year :— 1911. 1912. The number of places at whicli recognized classes were held was 130 136 The number of other classes was .. .. .. 1,467 1,552 The number of individual students attending classes was .. 1M.632 13,527 The status of the classes was as follows :—

gt-tj-g Number of Number of j Number ol Centres. other Classes. ; Students. : ! 1 • Special" classes .. .. 125 867 7,357 ■ Associated " classes .. .. .. 22 529 5,568 " College" classes .. . . . . .. 4 156 602 Totals for 1912 .. .. .. .. 151 1,552 13,527 Totals for 1911 .. .. .. .. 142 1,467 13,632 Note.—It will bo noticed that the number of centres is greater than the number of places at which classes were held. rhis is due to tho fact that in some of the larger towns there are two or more schools providing technical instruction.



" Special " classes — i.e., classes conducted by an Education Board or by the governing body of a secondary school—continue to be the most numerous and the most widely distributed. Most of the classes conducted in the smaller centres come under this heading. " Associated" classes, or classes conducted by managers representing bodies contributing to the funds of the classes, though held in a comparatively small number of centres, include three of the largest and best equipped technical schools in the Dominion—namely, the Wellington Technical School, the Christchurch Technical College, and the Dunedin Technical School. The amounts received by these institutions during the year in the way of voluntary contribution were £420, 1,044, and £1,171 respectively. In only a few cases do the managers of associated classes conduct classes in more than one centre. " College " classes are conducted by the governing bodies of the University colleges, four in number. The most important are those constituting the School of Engineering and the School of Art in connexion with. Canterbury College, Christchurch. The number of individual students in attendance during 1912 was 13,527. Some particulars as to the age and the sex of students are as follows :—

The following is a summary of the occupations of students : Number "f Percentage Students. of Total. Clerical pursuits .. .. .. .. .. 1,617 11-9 Professional pursuits .. .. .. .. .. 2,219 16-4 Students .. .. .. .. .. 1,366 101 Domestic pursuits .. .. .. .. .. 2,915 21-6 Agricultural pursuits .. .. .. .. .. 902 i>-7 Various trades . . .. .. .. .. 1.279 .",1-6 Other occupations not included in above .. .. .. 229 1-7 13,527 100-0 It would appear from the above that the technical schools as a whole are doing a good deal in the way of providing facilities for instruction for the various classes of the community.

Table Jb. —Number of Classes and Capitation on Attendances during 1912 in respect of certain Subjects of Technical Instruction.

Classes for subjects relating to the various branches of engineering—civil, mechanical and electrical—continue to be well attended. The classes are, on the whole, well equipped for practical work, and fairly full courses in engineering are provided.

Twenty-one Years of Age and under. Over Twenty line Years of Age. Totals. Males Females Totals for 1912 Totals for 1911 !_ 4,478 3,587 8,065 7,800 2,638 2,824 5,462 5,832 7,116 6,411 13.527 13,632

Subjects of Instruction. Number of Classes. Capitation. i Commercial subjects Mathematics and science Mathematics and science applied to trades and industries Domestic science Art and art-crafts Continuation classes 220 101 448 290 269 224 £ s. d. 3,136 9 0 844 16 8 4,481 11 2 2,764 7 4 4,230 12 7 803 7 8 Totals for 1912 Totals for 1911 1,552 1,467 16,264 4 5 16,588 3 3



Instruction in pure and applied art is well provided for in the schools that make a special feature of these branches of technical education. Increasing attention is being given in these schools to the application of art to industries, and some excellent examples of craft-work have been executed during the year. Instruction in various subjects relating to the home was given in seventy-nine centres ; cookery (including invalid and high-class cookery), dressmaking, and millinery being the subjects most generally taken up. In country districts the instruction is usually given by itinerant instructors sent out from central schools. The special courses in home science and domestic arts recently established by the Council of the Otago University have been well attended. Of the forty - eight students in attendance nineteen are working for the diploma and nine for the degree in home science. The Government, recognizing that the instruction given in the schools in subjects having a direct bearing on the home, has up to the present been confined mainly to methods rather than principles owing to the lack of fully trained teachers, has recently issued regulations providing for the award to students whose intention it is to qualify as teachers of domestic subjects of domestic science bursaries tenable at the Otago University. During the current year bursaries have been awarded to thirteen such students. The bursaries are of the value of £20 a year, together with the fees for the courses.||A boarding-allowance of £30 a year is also made where necessary. The demand for instruction in commercial subjects continues to be maintained, classes being held at thirty-eight centres. In addition to accountancy classes, at each of the four University Colleges full courses of instruction, both elementary and advanced, are provided in most of the larger technical schools. Over two hundred continuation classes providing instruction in subjects of general education were in operation during the year. The number for 1911 was 158. These classes are attended by students who take one subject only, or two or more unrelated subjects. The fact that students are encouraged to take group courses in lieu of unrelated subjects accounts for the comparatively small number of continuation classes. There has been a satisfactory increase in the number of centres in which instruction in subjects relating to rural pursuits is provided. Classes attended by about 1,600 students were held at seventy-three centres, as compared with sixty-seven in the previous year. The subjects included wool sorting and classing, sheepshearing, dairying, veterinary science, agriculture, horticulture, bee-keeping, and poultry-keeping. Hitherto classes have been established as a result, generally, of a local demand for instruction in one or other of the above-mentioned subjects. While no organized scheme of technical instruction in subjects bearing on our primary industries has so far been put into operation under the regulations for manual and technical instruction in any district, there is evidence of a growing desire on the part of the farming community for the establishment of classes providing definite courses of instruction. In the meantime a good deal of what may be termed foundationwork has been accomplished in schools of primary and secondary grade. Thus during the year over 1,000 primary classes in-elementary agriculture were carried on, while secondary classes in connexion with high schools, day technical schools, and district high schools were attended by over 1,000 pupils. Table Jc.—Number of Students taking Group Courses of Instruction occupying not less than Four Hours a Week avd Eighty Hours a Year. Course of Instruotii n. Number of Students. 1911. 1912. Elementary commercial . . .. .. .. .. 1,033 856 Higher commercial .. .. .. .. 208 354 Practical mathematics and science .. .. .. 117 122 Mathematics and science applied to trades and industries . . 1,037 1,043 Domestic science.. .. .. .. .. 268 304 Art and art-crafts .. 541 490 Totals .. 3,204 3,219



During the year capitation on the attendances of students at group courses was earned by twenty-seven schools in nine of the thirteen education districts. The number of students taking such courses was about 25 per cent, of the total roll. The number of students who voluntarily attend evening classes, particularly in the larger centres, continues to be well maintained. It is also gratifying to note that so many students show their appreciation of the facilities now placed within their reach by attending on three or more evenings a week. The following schools had roll numbers of 400 or more (exclusive of the day technical schools that are carried on in connexion with some of them): — School. Roll Number. Auckland Technical College .. .. .. ..1,006 Wanganui Technical College . . .. .. .. .. 675 Palmcrston North Technical School . . .. .. .. 522 Wellington Technical College .. .. .. .. ..1,155 Christchurch Technical Collegi .. .. .. .. .. 988 Timaru Technical School .. .. .. .. .. .. 400 Dunedin Technical School .. . . . . . . . . . . 966 Dunedin School of Art .. .. .. 479 Regulations under section 18 of the Education Amendment Act requiring the attendance of young persons between the ages of fourteen and seventeen who are not otherwise receiving a suitable education, or who are not specially exempted from attendance, have been approved for certain school districts in Auckland, Taranaki, Wanganui, and Hawke's Bay. During the year the regulations were put into operation in four school districts in Wanganui. The classes established under the regulations were attended by seventy-three students, of whom forty-six were males. It is probable that the regulations adopted in the Auckland, Taranaki, and Hawke's Bay Districts will be put into operation this year (1913). The following table gives the number and the sex of pupils holding Junior or Senior Free Places at technical schools during the year : —

The number of students holding Junior Free Places (tenable for two years) was 1,585, the number holding Senior Free" Places (tenable for three years) being 892. About 59 per cent, of the students who entered on Junior Free Places in 1911 continued to attend in 1912. Of the total number of senior free pupils in their first year over 60 per cent, had previously been in attendance as junior free pupils. The remainder were either admitted on transfer from day technical schools, high schools, or district high schools, or had qualified by examination for Senior Free Places. Of the total number (2,477) of students admitted to free places, 2,081, or 84 per cent., qualified for capitation. Capitation payments on account of free places amounted to £4,279 19s. 3d., being at the rate of £2 per free place. Day Technical Schools. These schools (eight in number) are of secondary grade and provide fairly full courses in science and technology, domestic economy, agriculture, and commercial instruction. They are carried on in connexion with the technical schools at Auckland (321 pupils), Wanganui (142 pupils), Wellington (256 pupils), Napier (86 pupils), Westport (20 pupils), Christchurch (343 pupils), Dunedin (215 pupils), and Invercargill (143 pupils). The total roll number was 1,526, of whom 684 were males.

1911. 1912. Males. 1 Females, j Total. Males. Females. Total. 655 332 987 371 227 598 311 179 490 151 109 263 89 50 139 r , ., First year Jumor free pupils \„ j ' r I Second year I First year Senior free pupils . Second year (Third year 670 356 223 130 81 ; 341 1,011 200 556 140 363 99 229 68 149 ! Totals 1,460 848 2,308 848 2,308 1,580 897 2,477



The schools continue to be well attended and appear to attract a number of young people who would not otherwise proceed to secondary schools. The courses of instruction taken up by pupils attending day technical schools were as follows : — Males. Females. Totals. Industrial .. .. . . 377 .. 377 Commercial .. .. . .213 562 775 Domestic . . . . . . . . .... 28(1 256 Agricultural . . . . . . .. 58 .. 58 Art .. ..2 II 13 General . . . . . . 34 13 17 Totals .. .. .. ..684 848 1,526 Nearly 50 per cent, of the pupils attended commercial courses, industrial courses being taken by 24 per cent., and domestic courses by 17 per cent. Courses of agricultural instruction were provided at two schools, and were attended by fifty-eight pupils. The school at Westport provides an engineering course only, attended by twenty pupils. The well-equipped training hostel recently established in connexion with the Christchurch Technical College will provide ample opportunities for training in home making and keeping for girls attending the day technical school attached to that institution. Capitation payments made during the year on account of attendances at day technical schools amounted to £14,807, being at the rate of about £9*6 per pupil. Following are some particulars regarding free pupils at day technical schools: —

The number of pupils holding Junior Free Places (tenable for two years) was 1,242, the number holding Senior Free Places (tenable for three years) was 133. Fifty-three per cent, of the pupils who entered on Junior Free Places in 1911 continued to attend during 1912, while about 66 per cent, of the pupils who completed the second year of the Junior Free Places at the end of 1911 qualified for and were awarded Senior Free Places. The following is a summary of the income (exclusive of grants for buildings, equipment, rent, and material) and the expenditure for 1912 in respect of " special " and associated " classes (including day technical schools) : — Income. Special Associated Classes. Classes. £ £ Capitation on attendances and free places .. 14.313 17,132 Voluntary contributions and subsidies thereon .. .. 3.192 6.394 Students 1 tecs 4,647 4,20 Sundry receipts .. .. .. .. 1-730 3,875 Totals for 1912 .. .. .. .. £26,882 £31,610 Totals for 1911 £23.310 £29,856 KxPEN'IMTI'RE. Administration .. .. .. •• • 4,635 4,277 Salaries of Instructors ..18,569 20,049 Sundry expenses .. .. .. •• 2.511 1,840 Totals for 1912 £25,718 £26,166 Totals for 1911 £21,631 £23,866

1911. L912. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. . . , .. 'First year .. Junior free pupils jSeco / dyear (First year .. Senior free pupils j Second year (Third year 328 176 36 9 3 422 203 70 12 1 750 379 106 21 I 401 162 37 11 2 440 239 65 18 841 401 102 29 2 Totals 552 708 1,260 613 762 1,375



The total cost of administration was about 17 per cent, of the total income in the case of special classes and about 13|- per cent, in the case of associated classes. It must be remembered, however, that special classes are held at a much greater number of small centres than are associated classes. Grants in aid of buildings and equipment amounted to £3,503, and the expenditure to £9,295, in the case of special classes. In the case of associated classes the amounts were £6,511 and £9,816 respectively. Grants in aid of rent and material for special classes amounted to £695, the expenditure being £2,071. For associated classes the amounts were £1,675 and £2,890 respectively. Special grants totalling £2,865 in aid of the maintenance of training classes for teachers in subjects of manual instruction (including science and drawing) taken up in public schools were distributed to Education Boards during the year. The Science and Art Examinations of the Board of Education, London, and the Technological Examinations of the City and Guilds of London Institute were carried on as usual, the former at fifteen, the latter at eighteen, centres. The number of entries for the Science and Art Examinations was 418, and the number of passes 265 ; while for the Technological Examinations the number of entries was 444 and the number of passes 290. The proportion of entries to passes was 63 and 65 per cent, respectively. At the National Art Competitions held by the Board of Education, London, fifteen certificates of commendation were gained by New Zealand Students, as follows : " Elam " School of Art, Auckland, three certificates ; Wellington Technical School, seven certificates ; School of Art, Christchurch, five certificates. Two book prizes were also awarded to a student of the Wellington Technical School. Twenty-one students' works were also accepted by the Board of Education, London, in connexion with art masters' and art teachers' certificates. Of these, thirteen were forwarded from Auckland and seven from Wanganui. The following is a summary of the expenditure by the Government on manual and technical instruction during 1912 :— £ s. d. £ s. d. Manual instruction— Capitation on classes .. .. .. .. 25,768 10 4 Subsidies on voluntary contributions .. .. 711 11 8 Grants for buildings, equipment, &c. .. .. 11,720 7 7 38,200 9 7 Technical instruction— Capitation— Day technical schools .. .. .. .. 14,807 12 4 Other classes (including free places) .. .. 19,832 5 7 Subsidies on voluntary contributions .. .. 5,560 2 3 Grants for buildings, equipment, material, &c. .. 12,906 14 1 ——— 53,106 14 3 Manual and technical instruction — Railway fares, &c, of instructors and students .. .. 5,101 19 5 Examinations .. .. .. .. .. .. 684 4 8 Inspection and other expenses .. .. .. .. 1,182 103 £98,275 18 2 This total includes £6,238 from national-endowment revenue. The total expenditure by way of capitation, subsidies on voluntary contributions, and grants for buildings, &c, was, for manual instruction, £28,968 ss. 6d., and for technical instruction, £49,281 15s. Id. Of the total capitation earned by classes during the year, 35*4 per cent, was earned by classes of primary grade, 38*5 per cent, by day classes of secondary grade (i.e., classes in connexion with secondary departments of district high schools, secondary schools, and day technical schools) and 26*1 per cent, by technical and continuation classes (i.e., special, associated, and college classes).

6—E. 1.



SECONDARY EDUCATION. Number of Schools. (E.-6.—Table Kl.) The schools usually included in the list of secondary schools in this report which were open in 1912 were thirty-two in number, namely,— (a.) " Endowed secondary schools " within the meaning of section 89 of the Education Act, 1908, and included in the Eighth Schedule to the Act 26 (b.) Secondary schools within the meaning of the same section (89), but established by the Minister under section 94 ... ... ... 4 (c.) Other endowed secondary schools not coming within the definition of section 89 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 Total ... ... ... ... ... ... 32 Of the endowed secondary schools only twenty-two were in operation during the year. Of the other four — Akaroa, Greymouth, Hokitika, and Waimate— the last three have never been in operation, and the first existed as a small struggling high school for a few years only ; but a permanent increase of population might lead to the establishment (or re-establishment) of one or more of them at any time. Meanwhile, secondary education is carried on in the secondary departments of the district high schools established in each of these four centres, and statutory provision exists whereby the income derived from the endowments of the secondary schools may be devoted, if the Minister thinks fit, wholly or in part to the maintenance of these district high schools. In addition to the above thirty-two schools, there are nine schools providing suitable secondary education for Maori boys and girls, and a considerable number of private secondary schools. Roll and Attendance. (E.-6.—Tables Xl, K2, LI, L 2, and L 3.) The total number of pupils attending the thirty-two secondary schools in the last terms of 1911 and 1912 respectively was— , 1911. , 1912. , Boje. Girls. Total. Boys. Gins. Total. Roll (exclusiveof lower departments) 3,058 2,151 5,209 3,202 2,340 5,542 Number in lower departments ... 164 92 256 167 122 289 Total ... ... 3,222 2,243 5,465 3,369 2,462 5,831 Number of boarders (included above) 680 152 832 701 152 853 The following are some of the figures in connexion with the roll and attendance of secondary schools and secondary departments of district high schools :— (a.) Secondary Schools. Boys. Girls. Number on roll at beginning of 1912, lower departments excluded.. 2,578 1,527 Number admitted during 1912, lower departments excluded .. 1,201 1,126 Number who left during 1912, lower departments excluded] .. 577 313 Number on roll at end of 1912, lower departments excluded .. 3,202 2,340 Number on roll at end of 1912, lower departments included .. 3,369 2,462 Of whom the number under twelve years of age was .. .. 91 48 And the number over eighteen years of age was .. .. 164 132 Number of boarders was .. .. .. .. .. 701 152 *- , ' Average attendance, lower departments excluded .. .. 5,591 Average attendance, lower departments included .. .. 5,849 (b.) Secondary Departments of District High Schools. Number of district high schools open at end of 1912 .. .. 60 Mean of average weekly roll of secondary departments .. .. 2,048 Number on roll at end of 1912 .. .. .. 1,815 Average attendance of secondary departments .. .. 1,864



A comparison of these figures shows that there is a considerable diminution in the roll numbers at district high schools at the end of the year. The falling-off is found to be more noticeable in the case of boys than of girls, and is regarded as being due to the fact that a large number of the former leave school early kj with a view to entering upon some vocation. In addition to those in secondary schools and in the secondary departments of district high schools there should properly be included in the number of pupils under secondary instruction in the Dominion (a) the pupils attending day technical schools, which in this regard may be called technical high schools ; and (b) the pupils in various institutions for the secondary education of Maori boys and girls. The numbers on the rolls of the day technical schools were :— 1911. 1912. Boys ... ... ... ... ... 598 684 Girls .. ... ... ... ... 743 842 Total ... ... ... 1,341 1,526 The number on the rolls of the secondary schools for Maoris were— 1911. 1912. Boys ... ... ... ... ... 177 163 Girls ... ... ... ... .. 210 206 Total ... ... ... 387 369 To obtain as close an estimate as possible of the total number receiving secondary education in schools, it will be necessary to include pupils attending all the above classes — i.e., secondary schools proper, secondary departments of district high schools, Maori secondary schools, and day technical schools. Also private secondary schools subject to inspection must be taken into consideration. Of private secondary schools not so subject the Department has no information. We then arrive at the following total of all secondary-school pupils in New Zealand known to the Department:— Average Weekly Roll. 1911. 1912. Secondary schools ... ... ... ... 5,209* 5,542* District high schools ... ... ... ... 2,090 2,048 Day technical schools ... ... ... 1,341+ 1,526+ Maori secondary schools ... ... ... 387* 369* Private secondary schools ... ... ... 831] 883} Total ... ... ... 9,858 10,£68 * Roll at end of year. t Actual number on roll during year. t Represents only private secondary sohools inspected by the Department. In spite of slight decreases in the numbers at district high schools and Maori secondary schools, there has been a satisfactory increase in the total number receiving secondary education. Based on the estimated population of New Zealand as at the 31st December last, the proportion of persons receiving some form of day secondary education in that year was 94 per 10,000 of population. Free Secondary Education. (See also E.-6, Table K5.) Under the regulations free places are divided into two classes—junior and senior—both being tenable at secondary schools and district high schools. Boys and girls who qualify for Junior Education Board Scholarships, whether they obtain scholarships or not, are entitled to Junior Free Places, and those who pass the special examinations for free places are also participants in the privilege.



Junior Free Places may, again, be obtained by those who qualify for a certificate of proficiency—that is, essentially, pupils who pass with credit the Sixth Standard of the public-school syllabus ; but on this qualification the age of the candidate must not exceed fifteen years. Generally speaking, Junior Free Places are tenable for two years, with a possible extension in certain cases to three years without examination. In the case of district high schools they are tenable to the age of seventeen. A Senior Free Place is tenable by any pupil who has passed the Intermediate Competitive or Non-competitive Examination, the last-named being regarded as the special examination for Senior Free Places. These two examinations are held simultaneously, and differ mainly in the fact that in the Intermediate Non-competitive Examination different papers are set in certain subjects to meet the require ments of non-competitive candidates. The passing of the Matriculation Examination is also regarded as a qualification for a Senior Free Place. But in a largely increasing number of cases Senior Free Places may now be obtained without the necessity of having recourse to an external examination. By a recent amendment in the regulations the Minister has been empowered to award Senior Free Places to eligible scholars who have satisfactorily completed a two-years course in a secondary school or district high school in accordance with the specified conditions, and are recommended by the Principal of the secondary school attended, or, in the case of a district high school, by an Inspector of the district, such recommendation being subject to the concurrence of the Inspector-General of Schools. Senior Free Places are tenable up to the age of nineteen. For free places granted in secondary schools in accordance with regulations grants are payable on a sliding scale, in which the capitation payments vary according to the income of the school from public endowments, and are calculated in such a way as to secure to the school for each free pupil under instruction an annual income from capitation and from endowments taken together of not less than £12 10s. per pupil, which is estimated to be sufficient to cover the necessary expenditure. The following are some of the figures for 1911 and 1912 in regard to free places in secondary schools:— 1911. 1912. Number of secondary schools giving free tuition .. 29 29 Total roll number, excluding lower departments .. *5,209 5,542 Number of free-place holders .. .. .. .. 4,021 4,450 Free-place holders as a percentage of roll number . . *77 per cent. 80 per centTotal annual payment by Government for free places .. £43,630 £50,199 Cost to Government per free pupil .. .. .. £10 17s. £10 15s. sd. * 1911 figures amended. It will thus be seen that there are now very few pupils—only 19*7 in every 100 —who pay fees for admission into secondary schools. That the free-place system has undoubtedly been fully taken advantage of by the people of New Zealand is evidenced by the enormous increase in free places in the last few years. In 1903 there were 1,600 free pupils at secondary schools ; now the number has increased by nearly 180 per cent. In order to arrive at the total number of pupils in New Zealand receiving free secondary instruction it will be necessary to include also 157 other holders of scholarships or exhibitions granted by the secondary schools included above or by endowed secondary schools not coming under the conditions for free places, 1,815 pupils in attendance at district high schools, almost all of whom were free pupils, 103 Maori pupils receiving free education in Maori secondary schools, and 1,375 holders of free places in technical schools. Consequently, there are approximately 7,900 pupils receiving free secondary education in the Dominion, exclusive of those holders of free places in technical schools who were art students or evening students, or who were taking courses which may be more appropriately described as technical than as secondary.



The following table gives a summary of the various secondary free places at the end of the year for which payment was made by Government :— Free Places in December, 1911 and 1912. 1911. , , 1912. , (i.) Secondary schools— Boys. Girls. Total Boys. Girls. Total. (a.) junior free pupils ... 1,610 1,322 2,932 1,770 1,440 3,210 (b.) Senior free pupils ... 599 490 1,089 664 576 1,240 Total ... ... 2,209 1,812 4,021 2,434 2,016 4,450 (ii.) District high schools ... 867 910 1,777 863 952 1,815 (iii.) Maori secondary schools .. 48 80 128 50 53 103 (iv.) Technical day-schools ... 552 708 1,260 613 762 1,375 Grand total ... 3,676 3,510 7,186 3,960 3,783 7,743 In the above table (in the case of the secondary schools and district high schools) the roll at the end of the year has been taken ; a fairer estimate of the number of persons receiving free secondary education in public institutions would be obtained by taking the average roll throughout the year and including in the total the holders of foundation and private scholarships or exhibitions who received free tuition not paid for by Government. We obtain thus the following approximate figures :— Number receiving Free Secondary Education. 1911. 1912. Secondary schools ... ... ... ... ... 4,377* 4,815 District high schools ... ... ... ... ... 2,090 2,048 Technical day-schools... ... ... ... ... 1,260 1,375 Maori secondary schools ... ... ... ... 128 103 Totals ... ... ... ... 7,855* 8,341 * 1911 figures amended. The estimated increase for the year in the number receiving free secondary education is therefore 486. Scholarships held at Secondary Schools and District High Schools. (See also E.-6, Tables K5, L 4, and L 5.) These scholarships are of four kinds, — (i.) Junior National Scholarships ; (ii.) Education Board Scholarships'; (iii.) Foundation (or Governors') Scholarships, given by the governing bodies of secondary schools ; (iv.) Private scholarships, endowed by private owners. (i.) Junior National Scholarships. These scholarships are allotted to the several education districts practically on the basis of pupulation, as in each district there is offered annually one scholarship for each 4,000 or part of 4,000 children in average yearly attendance. The scholarships are awarded by the Education Boards on the results of an examination conducted by the Education Department, and the Boards exercise a certain control over the holders, and pay over to them from time to time the amounts falling due. The following summary to Table XLI shows the number and value of Junior National Scholarships current in December, 1911, and December, 1912, respectively:— Number of scholarships,— 1911. 1912. Boys ... ... ... ... ... ... 75 73 Girls ... ... ... ... ... ... 51 57 Totals ... ... ... ... 126 130 Number receiving boarding-allowance (included in the above total) ... ... ... ... ... ... 62 63 Number receiving travelling-allowance (similarly included) ... 1 2 Number held at secondary schools ... ... ... 103 112 Number held at district high schools ... ... ... 23 18 Total annual rate of payment ... ... ... ...£3,185 £3,236



(ii.) Education Board Scholarships. The scholarship funds of the Boards are provided by grants which, although not statutory, are of old standing, and amount to Is. 6d. per head of the average attendance. The conditions of the scholarships are determined by regulations approved in the case of each Board by the Minister of Education. For the award of the Junior Scholarships all the Boards now use the Junior National Scholarship Examination, and for their Senior Scholarships nearly all use the Intermediate Scholarship or Competitive Examination; but the awards themselves and the subsequent control of the holders are entirely in the hands of the Boards. The number and value of the Board scholarships in the various districts are shown in Table L 5, the totals of which are for the whole of New Zealand :— Scholarships. At £40 per annum ... ... ... ... ... ... 121 At £35 per annum ... ... .. ... ... ... 5 At £30 per annum ... ... ... ... ... ... 45 Under £30 and not under £25 per annum ... ... ... 5 Under £25 and not under £20 per annum ... ... ... 16 Under £20 and not under £15 per annum ... ... ... 1 Under £15 and not under £10 per annum ... ... ... 186 Under £10 and not under £5 per annum ... ... ... 141 Under £5 per annum ... ... ... ... ... 46 Total... ... ... ... ... ... 566 Number of scholarships,— Boys ... ... ... ... ... ... 352 Girls ... ... ... ... ... ... 214 Total ... ... ... ... ... 566 Total expenditure of Boards on scholarships— £ In 1909 ... ... ... ... ... 8,694 In 1910 9,232 In 1911 ... ... ... ... ... 9,244 In 1912 ... ... ... ... ... 9,976 As will be seen from the above summary, the value of the scholarships varies considerably. In five out of theythirteen education districts scholarships of the value of £40 are offered for competition, while in another the highest scholarship offered is of the value of £24. Further, four Boards do not give scholarships of a lower value than £10 per annum, whereas others offer scholarships of"a value of £2. The most common period of tenure is two years. By the provisions of the Education Act every Education Board scholarship is tenable at a secondary school, or its equivalent approved by the Board. With very few exceptions holders of Education Board scholarships are also holders of secondary free places. (iii.) Foundation (or Governors') Scholarships. These are of two kinds, those offered by the Governors of secondary schools not granting free places under the Act, and those offered asj additional scholarships by the Governors of schools providing free places. (iv.) Private Scholarships. These are derived from funds provided by private donors at certain schools, by bequest or otherwise. number of foundation and private scholarships Jin Jthe last term of 1912 was 175. Of the holders, forty-nine were also Government free pupils under the regulations. The total value of the scholarships in cash was £1,371 10s. In addition, free tuition was given by the schools to holders of "foundation and private scholarships to the value of £1,029 lis., the value of the Government free places already mentioned not being included in this amount.




(See also E.-C, Tables X.4, L 4 and L 5). The. staffing of the secondary schools was as follows : — , 1910. . , 1911. , , 1912. , M. P. Total. M. F. Total. M. F. Total. Regular staff ... 140 107 247 148 111 259 163 118 281 Part-time teachers ... 48 31 79 48 33 81 46 38 84 The average number of pupils per teacher (excluding part-time teachers) was 20-9 in 1910, 21-1 in 1911, and 20-8 in 1912. The head teacher of a school at which district high school classes are held generally takes some part in the secondary instruction, and receives from the Government the sum of £30 in addition to his salary as head teacher of the primary school. In 1911 there were 87 special assistants —40 men and 47 women. In 1912 there were 38 men and 49 women. Leaving out of consideration the head teachers of district high:'schools, the average number of pupils per teacher was 21-7 in 1911 and 21-4 in f912. Salaries of Secondary Teachers. (See also E.-U, Tables K3, K4, LI, and L 2.) The total amount paid as salaries to the regular staffs of secondary schools as at the rates paid in December last was £65,845, as against £61,082 for year. Full particulars will be found in Table K4 (E.-6). The following summary shows the average salary paid to principals and assistants : — Average Salaries in Secondary Schools. , 1911. , 1912. , M. F. All. M. F. All. £ £ £ £ £ £ Principals ... 493 401 464 495 404 466 Assistants ... 243 155 204 241 158 205 Whole staff ... 280 177 236 275 178 234 Note.—The salaries of part-time teachers are not taken into consideration in the above summary. In the secondary departments of district high schools salaries are uniform, in accordance with the schedule to the Act. The average salaries actually paid to assistants, exclusive of the sums paid to head teachers by way of extra salary, were, in December, 1911 and 1912, as follows :— 1911. 1912. £ b. d. £ s. d. Male assistants ... ... ... ... 196 13 7 193 13 0 Female assistants ... ... ... ... 164 13 11 168 16 8 All secondary assistants ... ... ... 179 8 6 179 13 5 (The scale of salaries is the t-ame for men and women.) The total amount paid in salaries to teachers in secondary departments of district high schools, including the special payments to head teachers, was £17,380, as against £17,431 for 1911. The professional qualifications of the secondary-school teachers of the Dominion are as follows : — Status of Secondary Teachers (Regular Staff only) December, 1912. District Secondary High Schools Schools. (Secoi dary Principals,— Departments). Graduates ... ... ... ... ... 31 23 Holding certificates or other qualifications (excluding graduates) ... ... ... ... ... 1 37 Assistants, — Graduates ... ... ... ... ... 199 52 Certificated (excluding graduates) ... ... ... | 20 32 Uncertificated ... ... ... ... ... 30 3 Totals ... ... ... ... 281 147



Finances of Secondary Schools. (Soe also E.-6, Tables K6 to KB.) The income of secondary schools is derived from the following sources :• — (i.) Rents from the special reserves allocated to them by statute 5 (ii.) Statutory grants given in lieu of special reserves : (iii.) Interest upon moneys derived from the sale of reserves and invested in accordance with the Education Reserves Act: (iv.) Income from the secondary-school reserves controlled by the Land Boards, divided among the secondary schools in the several land districts in proportion to the number of pupils in average attendance, lower departments excluded : (v.) Government payments — (a) Statutory capitation upon free pupils under the Act; (b) subsidies on voluntary contributions for the general purposes of the school: (vi.) Government payments — (a) Capitation for manual - instruction classes'; (b) subsidies on voluntary contributions for manualinstruction purposes: (vii.) Special Government grants for buildings and apparatus : (viii.) Tuition fees of pupils : (ix.) Boarding fees of pupils : (x.) Miscellaneous sources, such as interest on moneys (other than those obtained by the sale of reserves), donations, and special endowments (for scholarships, prizes, &c), rent of premises,' loans raised, &c. The revenue derived from the sources (i) to (iv) is the income derived from endowments, and the " net annual income derived from endowments " is the average of this revenue for the three preceding years, less the expenditure upon the endowments and investments and upon buildings, and less mortgage and other charges. The following is a summary of the receipts and expenditure of all secondary' schools for the year 1912 :— Table X.—Summary of the Accounts of Income and Expenditure for 1912 furnished by the Governing Bodies of Secondary Schools. Receipts. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. Credit balances on Ist January, 1912 .. 27.863 17 6 Debit balances on Ist January, 1912 .. 9,025 16 11 Endowment reserves sold, and mortgage Expenses of management .. .. 4,336 1 9 moneys repaid and insurance 1,266 1 3 School salaries .. .. .. 69,806 5 4 Rents, &c., of reserves .. .. 34,458 12 1 Boarding-school accounts .. .. 23,028 11 7 Interest on moneys invested .. .. 1,456 13 7 Scholarships and prizes .. .. 2,626 18 5 Reserves revenue .. .. 6,240 13 5 Printing, stationery, fuel, light, &c. .. 6,033 4 0 Government payments— Buildings, furniture, insurance, rent, and For manual instruction, capitation, rates .. .. .. .. 37,982 611 and subsidies .. .. .. 1,404 12 11 On endowments .. .. 6,237 9 5 For free places, capitation, and subsidy On manual instruction, exclusive of on voluntary contributions .. 52.143 9 9 buildings.. .. .. 1,745 16 11 Grants for buildings, sites, furniture, Interest .. .. 4,494 12 6 &c. .. .. .. 5,254 611 Sundries not classified .. .. 2,463 19 4 Statutory grant (Marlborough High Credit balances, 31st December, 1912 .. 31,368 10 2 School) .. . . 400 0 0 School fees (tuition).. .. .. 17,972 16 1 Boarding-school fees, &c. .. 27,644 17 0 Sundries not classified .. 8,683 3 8 Debit balances, 31st December, 1912 .. 14,360 9 1 £199,149 13 3 '■ £199,149 13 3



The following table gives a comparison of the chief items of income and expenditure with those for 1910, 1911, and 1912 :— Income. 1910. 1911. 1912. £ £ £ Income from reserves and endowments ... 38,980 39,975 42,156 Grants from Government (exclusive of building grants)* ... ... ... ... 42,492 48,055 53,948 Building grants ... ... ... ... 11,794 11,588 5,254 Tuition fees ... ... ... ... 17,828 17,769 17,973 Expenditure. Salaries of staff ... ... ... ... 60,024 64,492 69,806 Expenses of management ... ... ... 4,334 4,016 4,336 Buildings, &c. ... ... ... ... 53,554 55,749 37,982 Fifteen of the secondary schools show a credit balance at the end of the year and thirteen a debit balance. The net credit balance of all schools taken together is £17,008. For the whole Dominion, if there are taken into account only the secondary schools that admit free pupils under the Act, we find from Table K6 the following position as at Ist March, 1912 : — 1910. 1911. 1912. Total number of pupils, excluding lower departments ... ... ... ... ... 4,638 5,144 5,515 Total net income from endowments (average of three years ending 31st December, 1912) ... £9,561 £11,066 £12,373 Net income from endowments per head ... £2-06 £2 15 £2-24 Approximate annual rate of capitation ... £10 - 98 £1080 £1077 Total available net income per free pupil for salaries and management ... ... £13-04 £12-95 £1301 Total expenditure on salaries of staff ... ... £48,570 £52,978 £56,682 management ... ... £3,275 £3,100 £3,152 „ staff salaries, and management ... ... ... ... ... £51,815 £56,078 £59,834 Expenditure per head on staff salaries ... ... £1082 £10-37 £10-29 on management... ... ... £0-70 £0-67 £0-57 Total expenditure per head on staff salaries, and management ... ... ... ... £11-52 £11-04 £10-84 The last figure given shows as nearly as may be the actual cost per annum for each pupil, exclusive of those in the lower departments. Further details of the income and expenditure of the secondary schools will be found in Tables K7 and K8 of E.-6. Lower Departments. —The Education Act provides that pupils who have not obtained a certificate of competency in the subjects of Standard V or a higher standard of the public-school syllabus may be admitted to a lower department of a secondary school if they are taught in a separate building or class-room, and if no part of the actual cost of their instruction is met out of the endowments of the secondary school. There were lower departments in eleven secondary schools during 1912 ; the total number of pupils in those departments was 287 ; the total cost of their instruction was £1,829 ; the total amount of fees received on their account was £2,266. (See Table KlO of E.-6.) HIGHER EDUCATION. New Zealand University and Affiliated Colleges. (See also E.-7, Higher Education Report.) The New Zealand University, the body which has general control of higher education in New Zealand, was founded by the New Zealand University Acts of 1870, 1874, and 1875. In 1876 the University was recognized by Royal charter as entitled to grant the degrees of Bachelor and Master in Arts, and Bachelor and Doctor in Law, Medicine, and Music. The Amendment Act, of 1883, and the supplementary charter issued in December of the same year, added the degrees of Bachelor and Doctor of Science. Moreover in 1904, the University Degrees Act gave the University authority to confer degrees of Doctor of Literature, Master of Laws,

7—E. 1.



Surgery, and Science, and Bachelor, Master, and Doctor of Veterinary Science, Dental Surgery, Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Mining, and Metallurgical Engineering, Naval Architecture, Agriculture, Public Health, and Commerce. For these latter no further charter has been given, so that nominally they must be considered as having currency only in New Zealand. The affairs of the University of New Zealand are controlled by a Senate, which, under the New Zealand University Amendment Act, 1902, consists of twenty-four members or Fellows —four elected by the Governor in Council; eight by the governing bodies of the four affiliated institutions, two by each ; four, one each, by the Professorial Boards ; and eight, two each, by the four District Courts of Convocation, consisting of the graduates belonging to the several University districts. The revenue of the University is derived chiefly from a statutory Government grant of £3,000 per annum, from examination and diploma fees, and from interest on money invested. The University is an examining, not a teaching, body, and four teaching institutions are affiliated to it — the Auckland University College, Victoria College, Canterbury College, and Otago University. Of these four institutions the two first mentioned —Auckland University College and Victoria College—each receive an annual statutory grant of £4,000, supplemented during each of the last three years by grants of £1,200 and £1,500 respectively, while the two others—Canterbury College and Otago University—are endowed with reserves of land. The affairs of these University colleges, including the appointments of professors and lecturers, are entirely in the hands of their various Councils. Each of the four affiiliated University colleges specializes in certain directions, and to further this purpose Government makes to each an annual grant of £2,000. Otago University has attached to it Medical and Dental Schools and a School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering; Canterbury College has a School of Engineering (mechanical, electrical, and civil) ; the grant to Auckland University College is allocated for mining and commerce ; while the grant to Victoria College is intended to enable it to specialize in law and science. While the University colleges thus perform the actual teaching-work, the University exercises most important functions in regulating the scope of the degree examinations, in appointing examiners, in awarding scholarships, in conferring degrees, and in many other directions. At the outset it was the policy of the University Senate to appoint outside examiners for most of its degree examinations ; generally speaking, this is still its policy, with the result that the University colleges, having their programme of work strictly defined by the statutes of the University, and having the work of their students examined in England and elsewhere, possess very little freedom in extending or modifying their curriculum. Other Professional Institutions. In addition to the four University colleges'there are several institutions which, though not actually affiiliated to the New Zealand University, are equally entitled to be considered professional in their scope and character. The Canterbury Agricultural College is recognized as a School of Agriculture, and matriculated students of the College may, after a two years' course, followed by a further course of one year at a University college, qualify for the Degree of Bachelor of Agriculture upon passing the prescribed examination. In several respects the four training colleges at Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin — may be considered professional schools. Although not affiliated with the New Zealand University, they are in several ways directly associated with the University colleges : matriculation is the entrance examination for both ; the Principal of the training college is usually lecturer on education at the University college ; attendance at some at least of the University college courses is compulsory for trainees ; and a member of the Professorial Board of the University college is a member of the Board of Advice of the training college.



New Zealand University. The following figures are extracted from the Annual Report of the University to His Excellency the Governor : — 1911 1912 Total number of candidates at all examinations, Ism. ... 3,346 3,496 Number of degrees conferred ... ... ... ... 163 189 Of whom the number gaining honours was ... ... 42 35 Number passing Matriculation Examination ... ... 512 515 Total number of graduates so far admitted ... ... 1,524 1,661 The following table shows the principal items of income and expenditure of the University of New Zealand for the years 1911 and 1912 :— Income. Expenditure. 1911. 1912. 1911. 1912 Balances — £ £ £ £ General Account .. 3,841 4,288 Scholarships .. .. 2,071 2,099 Scholarship Account .. 24,290 25,440 Examinations .. .. 6,046 6,593 Office salaries .. .. 1,086 1,058 28,131 29,728 Expenses of Senate meetings 585 805 Statutory grant .. 3.000 3,000 ! Miscellaneous .. .. 771 817 Fees .. .. 7,506 8,903 Balances .. .. 29,728 31,725 Interest .. 1,177 1,208 Miscellaneous.. .. 473 258 £40,287 £43,097 i £40,287 £43,097 In the above statement no account has been taken of special scholarships and prize funds. The balance at the end of the year, £31,725, consists of a balance on the Scholarships Account of £26,049, and a balance on the General Account of £5,676. The amount in hand for general purposes was therefore £5,676, the only liability of importance against which is an amount of £1,971 due to English examiners for the degree examinations of November, 1912. The net balance on the General Account has therefore increased from £2,536 in 1911 to £3,705, a net increase of £1,169. Degrees conferred and Scholarships awarded. At its annual meeting in January of the present year the Senate conferred degrees and awarded scholarships as set out in the table below. For the sake of clearness no notice has been taken of similar degrees awarded on the results of a single examination —as, for instance, Master and Honours, or the double degree of Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery.

Table M. —Degrees conferred by the New Zealand University at the Beginning of 1913.

nJwirsm. Victoria Canterbury Otago _ , , College Co " e « e - CoUe « e - University. Total. Degrees. M. F. Total. M. I F. Total. M. F. Total. M. F. Total. M. F. Total. i i ! i I ; ! I Doctor of Science Doctor of Medicine Honours in Arts.. Honours in Science Honours in Laws Master of Arts Master of Laws Master of Science Bachelor of Arts.. , Science Engineering (civil) (metallurgical) Medicine and Surgery.. Dental Surgery Laws Commeroe Music Agriculture .. Senior University Scholarships John Tinline Scholarships • .. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: '2 22 481 92 2 47 1 .. I 1 .. 1 1 5 •• •• •■ 2 .. 2 1 .. 11.. 1 .. 1 1 .. .. .... 1 .. 1 9 8 17 15 14 -2'.) 13 " 13 iii 3 .. 8 4 .. 4 2 1 .. 1 .. 1 •- 1 •• 8 I a 5 .. l 5 19 1 20 4 .. 4 2 1 .. 1 .. 1 -• 1 1 •■ 1 •- 1..1142 63.. 32 22 10 j 32 51 19 70 30 3 33 47 2 2 2 4 11 19 9 28 ..561 7 2 .. 2 .... 2 13 .... 1 .. 1 7 23 58 29 82 1 3 9 1 10 .. 1 .. 1 1 .. 1 8 s .. ; 8 •2 2 .. 2 •2 30 1 31 .. 1 .. 1 .. .. 1 .. 1 .. 1 .. 1 2 10 2 12 ..11.. 1 12 59 150 44 194



Out of 2,228 students on the books of the University colleges there were thus 181 who rose from the status of undergraduates to that of graduates —a percentage of 8-1, as against 8-4 for 1911. Two degrees of Doctor were awarded in medicine. The degree in Agriculture was the first conferred, and there have not yet been any Doctors of Music or Bachelors of Veterinary Science. Affiliated Colleges. Reference to Table Ma will show that there were 2,114 students actually in attendance at the four University colleges, an increase of 338 over the number for the previous year. Of these, 89 were graduates, 1,341 were undergraduates, and 684 were unmatriculated students. In addition to the matriculated students mentioned above, there were 114 students attached to the various University colleges, but exempt from lectures—that is, they were prevented by distance or by the necessity of earning their living from attending lectures at the college, but were allowed to keep terms, except in certain science and professional subjects, by passing the annual college examination.

Table Ma.—Students on the Books of the Affiliated Institutions.

Auckland Number of Students, 1912. University College. Victoria C"*"- <*»<*«• Collie. Otago Totals Unl- Totals. for verelty. 1911. I. Attending lectures (whether terms were kept or not) — (1.) Matriculated students — (a.) Graduates — Men .. .. .. .. 16 Women .. .. .. .. 4 60 29 i 51 23 21 15 5 3 IS 7 Total graduates attending lectures.. 20 20 36 25 89 74 (b.) Undergraduates— Men .. .. .. 225 Women .. .. .. .. 83 247 123 166 122 272 103 910 431 816 429 Total undergraduates attending lee- 308 tures : (c.) All matriculated students (a) and (6) — Men .. .. .. .. 241 Women .. .. .. .. 87 308 370 288 375 1,341 1,245 241 87 268 138 171 125 290 110 970 460 867 452 Total matriculated students at- 328 tending lectures (2.) Non-matriculated students— Men .. .. .. .. 250 Women .. .. .. .. 114 328 406 296 400 1,430 1,319 250 114 114 27 37 29 82 31 483 201 261 196 Total non-matriculated students at- 364 tending lectures (3.) All students attending lectures (1) and (2) — Men .. .. .. .. ! 491 Women .. .. .. 201 364 141 (ill 113 684 457 491 201 382 165 208 154 372 141 1,453 661 1,128 648 Total all students attending lectures 092 092 547 362 513 2,114 1,776 II. Exempt students not attending lectures, not included above — Men .. .. .. .. .. Ill Women .. .. .. .. .. I S8 26 84 40 Hi 1 18 is 9 2 21 5 Total exempt students .. 11 II 60 II 26 114 124 III. Total all students I and II— Men .. .. .. .. .. 501 Women .. .. .. .. .. 202 501 202 430 183 217 156 393 146 1,541 1,212 687 ! 688 Grand total all students .. .. 703 703 613 |_ 373 539 2,228 | 1,900



Table Mb shows the degree courses taken during the year 1912 by students attending lectures at the various University colleges, including the professional schools attached thereto.

Table Mb.—Courses taken by Students attending Lectures at University Colleges in 1912.

The total staff of the four University colleges consists of 46 professors and 50 lecturers. The following table shows the staff of the several institutions : — Professors and Lecturers (1912). Leoturers, Professors. Demonstrators, and Assistants. Auckland University College ... ... ... ..7 10 Victoria University College ... ... ... ... 10 11 Canterbury University College ... ... ... ... 9 14 Otago University ... ... ... ... ... 20* 15+ Total ... ... ... ... ... 46 50

* Also one Emeritus Professor. f Also the honorary staff of the Dunedin Hospital act as leoturers on Clinical Medicine and Clinical Surgery.

Finances of the Affiliated Institutions in 1912. The detailed statements of accounts of the New Zealand University, the four affiliated institutions, and the Canterbury Agricultural College, Lincoln, will be found in the Appendix to E.-7. The following summary gives a general view of the finances of the University colleges. No notice has been taken of special trust accounts and of non-university institutions under the control of a College Council, such as (for instance) the Museum, Public Library, or School of Art, controlled by the Board of Governors of Canterbury College, or the Museum connected with Otago University.

Course. Men. Women. Total. Arts (as for B.A., M.A., &c.) Science (as for B.Sc, M.Sc.) Law (as for LL.B.) Commerce (as for B.Com.) Music (as for B.Mus.) Medicine (as for M.B., &c.) Dentistry (as for B.D.S.) ... Engineering (Civil, Mechanical, or Electrical) Mining Engineering Home Science Agriculture (exclusive of students at Lincoln Agricultural College during 1912) 345 59 236 54 273 10 618 69 236 54 3 127 11 24 14 30 1 117 10 24 14 3 10 1 "so 1 Totals 860 327 1,187


X— l

Table Mc.—Summary of Accounts.

Receipts — (exclusive, of Special Trusts). i Donations, Ac. Miscellaneous. Total. i From Government. Income from Endowments and Fees. Total from Interest. Government. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 7,412 12 8 581 3 5 3,255 16 0 8,316 10 3 74 2 3 2,162 2 9 2,515 3 8 12,426 19 2 3.113 2 10 6.419 6 2 *8,314 1 4 6.477 10 5 . University Oolleize. Statutory. Special and other r„<mi._, Total from Payments. Buildings. Government. . - I I Auckland Victoria (to 31st March, 1913) Canterbury Otago (to 31st March, 1913) £ s. d. 4,000 0 0 4,000 0 0 . £ s. d. ! £ s. d. £ s. d. 3,412 12 8 .. 7,412 12 8 4,315 10 3 .. 8.315 10 3 2,515 3 8 .. 2,516 3 8 5,432 16 0 986 9 2 6.419 5 2 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. 650 0 0 234 1 8 12,133 13 9 165 5 0 11 19 5 10,728 19 8 703 2 7 18,758 8 3 6,408 8 11 120 18 6 27,740 4 4 •• Total of four University Colleges 8,000 0 0 15,676 2 ~r 986 9 2 24.662 11 9 I 21,396 6 2 15,008 12 0 7,223 13 11 1,070 2 2 69,361 6 0 Canterbury Agricultural College .. 3,628 17 10 1.760 0 0 7 14 6 5,814 2 0 11,210 14 4 * Including £1,800 paid (annually) by the Presbyterian Church Board. ' Expenditure — [exclusive of Special Trusts). University College. Administration. a.i.Fi.. 81tee, Buildings, Equipment and i Material and salines. 4c Apparatus. Renewals. Expenses on Endowments. Interest. Libraries. Scholarships. Miscellaneous. Total. ■ I I I £ s. d. Auckland .. .. 1,194 7 3 Viotoria (to 31st March, 1913) .. 1,212 8 3 Canterbury .. .. 1,606 13 3 Otago (to 31st March, 1913) .. 959 1 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. I £ s. d. £ s. d 6,158 11 8 3,500 0 0 I 336 1 10 103 8 A 8,664 12 9 477 3 6 , 342 12 7 150 l(i -i 11,274 10 5 1,248 16 2 I 942 8 0 309 3 " 15,318 7 6 5,034 3 1 ' 574 13 7 616 15 1C £ s. d. 103 8 4 150 16 4 309 3 5 616 15 10 £ s. d. 89 17 0 698 1-t .-> 142 6 5 £ s. d. 1 5 0 375 2 2 500 0 0 £ s. d. 115 17 9 310 14 2 81 10 2 264 16 4 £ s. d. £ s. d. 77 10 0 *3,432 13 2 56 10 10 345 15 2 405 12 11 jt2,738 6 11 £ s. d. 15,009 12 0 11,214 18 5 17,288 6 1 26,148 11 5 Total of four University Colleges ■ 4,972 10 6 4,972 10 6 41,416 2 4 10,260 2 it 2,195 16 0 1,180 3 11 930 17 10* 876 7 2 772 18 5 423 5 2 6,633 3 10 69,661 7 11 Canterbury Agricultural College .. 197 16 9 197 16 9 1,819 14 8 2,016 16 11 1.670 3 1 2 7 6 55 1 3 40 0 0 5,629 9 9 11,431 9 11 * Including £3, 251 16 0 students fees paid to professors and lecturers. ! Including £2,000 paid in reduction of debentures.



Scholarships, Bursaries, etc. University scholarships may be divided into three broad classes : (1) Entrance scholarships, (2) scholarships awarded during the degree course, (3) post-graduate scholarships. (1.) University entrance scholarships are awarded annually on the results -of the University Junior Scholarship Examination, and are as follows: Junior University, Senior National, and Taranaki Scholarships, in addition to some thirty or forty local and privately endowed scholarships awarded on the results of the same examination. Queen's Scholarships (Victoria College) are not now awarded, and the terms of the last holders have expired. In addition to the above, all those who gained " credit" at the same examinations are entitled to hold bursaries which meet the cost of college fees up to £20 per annum. (2.) Scholarships awarded during the degree course are the Senior University, Tinline, and Sir George Grey. The two first are tenable by candidates sitting for their final examination for B.A. or B.Sc, and may therefore be regarded in a sense as post-graduate. (3.) The chief scholarships awarded at the end of the University course are the Rhodes Scholarship, the 1851 Exhibition Scholarship, the Medical Travelling Scholarship, and the Research Scholarships. The three first are all travelling scholarships—that is, they are tenable abroad. The Research Scholarships are each of the value of £100 per annum, with laboratory fees and expenses. They are offered annually by the Government, one to each of the affiliated institutions, to promote research-work likely to be of benefit to New Zealand industries. So far ten Rhodes Scholarships have been granted, four to students of Auckland University College, four to students of Otago University, and two to students of Victoria College. The last scholarship awarded (1913) was to Frederick F. Miles, of Otago University. In the appendix to E.-7 (the special paper on Higher Education) will be found a summary account of the careers of various New Zealand Rhodes scholars after arriving at Oxford University. So far (1913) nine Research Scholarships have been awarded, and of these two were in active operation in 1912. The subjects of research undertaken have been in each case closely connected with some New Zealand industry, or with some industry which, though not yet undertaken in this Dominion, may at an early date be an industry of importance in New Zealand. Even if the discoveries made in the course of the research have no immediate commercial value, yet the training of a body of students in the application of scientific methods to the national industries cannot fail to be of great ultimate benefit to the Dominion. An important step was made in May, 1912, in the direction of extending the system of granting University bursaries. Bursaries may be awarded on the recommendation of the University of New Zealand to matriculated students who have been resident in the Dominion for a full year, provided they fall within one of the five following classes :— (1.) They must have obtained " credit " at the University Junior Scholarship or the Senior National Scholarship ; (2.) Or they must have within one year and six months immediately preceding gained a higher leaving certificate ; (3.) Or they must, within the same period, have completed their terms of service as probationers or pupil-teachers to the satisfaction of the Education Board of their district, and must declare their intention of entering a recognized training college on completion of the tenure of their bursary ; (4.) Or they must have completed a course of training at one of the four training colleges ; (5.) Or they must have gained a teachers' C or higher certificate.



Such bursaries are not tenable with any entrance scholarship the value of which exceeds £20 per annum. They are tenable for three years at any University college or school of agriculture recognized by the University, and entitle the holders to exemption from payment of University and College fees up to £20 per annum. In other respects, bursaries are held subject to the same conditions as Senior National Scholarships, with the exception that in the case of bursars it is not insisted that the scholar should devote his whole time to academic study. With the view of extending the sphere of usefulness of the special courses in home science and domestic arts recently inaugurated by the Council of the Otago University, regulations providing for the award of bursaries were issued in November, 1912, under the regulations for manual and technical instruction. These bursaries may be awarded on the recommendation of the Council to students who have been resident in the Dominion for not less than twelve months. Applicants must have— (1.) Passed the Matriculation Examination or some other examination approved for the purpose ; or (2.) Obtained at least a partial pass in the examination for the Class D Teachers' Certificate ; or (3.) Gained a higher leaving certificate or, in the case of pupil-teachers or probationers, a lower leaving certificate. Applicants are required to make a declaration that they will on completion of their course engage in teaching for not less than three years. The term of a bursary is two years, but may be extended for one year longer. A bursar under these regulations receives £20 per annum, together with the fees for the course for the degree or the diploma in home science and domestic arts, and, if obliged to live away from home, an allowance of £30 per annum. The bursaries are not tenable by holders of any other bursaries or of any scholarship of the value of £20 and upwards. So far (1913) bursaries to the number of thirteen have been awarded. Five bursars are taking the course for the degree, and eight that for the diploma in home science and domestic arts. Table Md shows the number of scholarships, bursaries, and studentships held at each University college during the year.

Table Md.—Scholarships, Bursaries, Exhibitions, and Studentships held at the Affiliated Institutions in 1912.*

The University Endowment Act, 1868. The income accrued under this Act, and applicable to the purposes of higher education yet to be determined by Parliament, amounted, on the 31st March, 1913, to £302 lis. Bd., received from reserves in Westland.

Scholarships, &c. Junior University Scholarships ... ... j Senior National Scholarships ... ... Taranaki Scholarships ... ... ... Senior University Scholarships ... ... Bursaries Sir George Grey Scholarships Other Scholarships and Exhibitions Training-college Studentships Auckland University College. i 9 6 3 13 1 2 101 Victoria College. 3 12 1 4 10 1 2 96 i Canterbury Otago . . College. | University. T 3 13 28-t 14 24 56 1 2 1 8 16 5 10 38 1 1 4 12 3 19 99 103 399 Totals ... 135 129 135 163 562 j j I 135 163 562 . * Exclusive of Rhodes Scholarships and In erne Zealand), and exclusive also of the Research Soholan Tot il bursaries, 66. .tional Exhibition Scholarships (which are tenable out of New ships given by the Government. t Also holders of bursaries :


Li E X E R A L . Expenditure out of the Public Funds on Education. In the following tables, N, Nl, N2, N3, and N4, an attempt is made to analyze the public expenditure on the various branches of education, and to show under what heads the increase of expenditure in recent years has taken place ; to give the expenditure per head of the population and per head of the roll of schools, colleges, &c.; and to present a comparative statement of the increase in the number of persons under instruction. Tables N and Nl give mi analysis of the expenditure for the years Mil 1 12 and 1912 13 respectively.

Table N. (1.) Analysis of Expenditure on Education in New Zealand for the Year 1911-12.

Table N — continued. (2.) Expenditure per Head of Population (1,058,312, including Maoris, but excluding Cook and other Pacific Islands) on Education for 1911-12.

B—E. 1.


(Figures given in every case to the nearest £1,000.) Out of Public Funds. Out Total for a. I Uranoh of Education. . .. + .., of Income Items from . New Build- from all Public Main- ings and Total. Reserves. Sources, tenance. Additions. £ £ £ £ £ A. (1.) Primary (including Native schools and training 834.000 58,000 892,000 88.000 {980,000 colleges) (2.) Secondary (including secondary schools and second- 85,000 6,000 91,000 39,000 130,000 ary departments of district high schools) (3.) Continuation and technical .. .. .. 39,000 19.000 58,000 7,000 65,000 (4.) Higher (including university and higher technical) 29.000 1,000 30,000 25,000 55.000 Totals A (1-4) .. .. .. .. 987,000 84,000 1,071,000 159,000 1,230,000 B. Industrial schools .. .. .. 37,000 3,000 40,000 1,000 11,000 (',. Special schools (Deaf and Blind and Home for Backward 5.000 3,000 8,000 1.000 9,000 Children) D. Superannuation and miscellaneous .. .. 14,000 .. 14,00.) .. 14,000 Totals A, B, C, 1) .. .. .. 1,043,000 §161,000 1,294,000 * Expended out of Consolidated Fund. f Expended out of Public Works Fond, {Teachers' salaries and allowances, £666,000; repairs and rebuilding, £86,000 ; new buildings. £58,000; all other expenses, £170,000 : total. £980,000. §£44.000 from National Endowment Reserves Fund.

(Figures given in every caso to the nearest penny.) Out of Public Funds. Out Total for all of Education. - ftcome Itemsjrom Main- ingsand Total. Reserves. Sources, tenance. Additions. i s. (1. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. A (I.) Primary (including Native schools and training 16 9 1 I 16 10 I 8 18 6* colleges) (2.) Socondarv (including secondary schools and second- 17 0 2 19 0 9 2 (i ary departments of district high schools) (3.) Continuation and technical .. .. .. 0 9 0 4 11 0 2 13 (4.) Higher (including university and higher technical) 0 7 .. 0 7 0 5 10 Totals A (1-4) .. .. .. 18 8 17 20 3 3 0 23 3 ! i 18 8 1 7 20 3 3 0 23 3 B. Industrial sohools .. .. .. .. 08 01 09 .. 09 C. Special schools (Deaf and Blind and Home for Backward 0 1 0 1 0 2 .. 0 2 Children) D. Superannuation and miscellaneous .. .. .. 0 3 .. 0 3 .. 0 3 Totals A, B, C, D .. 19 8 19 21 5 3 0 21 5 1 l _j i u •Teachers' salaries and allowances, 12s. 7d.; repairs and rebuilding, Is. 7d. ; new buildings. Is. Id.; all other expenses, 3s. 3d. : total,J18s. 6d.



Table N1. (1.) Analysis of Expenditure on Education in New Zealand for the Year 1912-13.

Table N1— continued. (2.) Expenditure per Head of Population (1,102,471 including Maoris, but excluding Cook and other Pacific Islands) on Education, 1912-13.

For primary education the cost per head of population, excluding the cost of new schools and additions, was 17s. 9d., an increase of 4d. in the cost per head for the previous year. The following figures show the cost of primary education per head, excluding new schools and additions, contributor! out of public funds (general and local) in some other countries : — s. d. England .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 11 11 Wales .. .. . . .. . . . . .. 14 10 Scotland .. .. .. .... .. .. ..142 United States (including State of New York) .. .. .. .. 18 7 State of New York .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 0 Table N2 analyses the expenditure on education in New Zealand out of public funds for the five-yearly periods 1898-9 and 1903-4 and for the last five years. The total amounts spent on the various branches of education are shown to the nearest thousand pounds, and the expenditure per head of the population to the nearest penny.

(Figures given in every oase to the nearest £1,000 ».) Out of Public Fui Branch of Education. New Bm]d . Main- lnga aI)d tenance. Additions. □ds. Out Total for all of Income j Items from from i all Public Total. Reserves, j Sources. £ £ A. (1.) Primary (including Native schools, physical train- 892,000 62,000 ing, and training colleges) (2.) Secondary (including secondary schools and second- 87,000 3,000 ary departments of district high schools) (3.) Continuation and technical .. .. .. 50,000 20,000 (4.) Higher (including university and higher technical) 30,000 3,000 £ £ I £ 954.000 81,000 1,035.0001 90.000 44.000 134.000 70,000 6,000 76,000 33.000 22,000 55,000 Totals A (1-4) .. .. 1,059,000 88,000 1.147,000 153,000 1.300.000 B. Industrial schools .. .. .. .. 37,000 15,000 C. Special sohools (Deaf and Blind and Home for Baokward 6,000 3.000 Children) D. Superannuation and miscellaneous .. .. .. 29,000 52,000 2.000 64,000 9,000 1.000 10,000 29.000 .. 29,000 Totals A, B, C, D .. 1,131,000 106,000 1,237,000 §156,000 1,393.000 * Expended out of Consolidated Fund. f Expended out of ,nd allowances, £700,000 ; repairs and rebuilding, £83,000 ; new buildii :i90,000 : total, £1,035.000. § £40,000 from National Endowment Public Works Fund. igsand additions. £62.1 Reserves Finn!. { Teach 100 : all oth ■is' salaries -r expenses,

(Figures given in every oai se to the nearest penny.) <o to t Branch of Education. Out of Public Funds. Out Total for all of Income Items from M»i„ Sew h!niln - from all Public tinanee. a'XoII '""■ RC8Cn " S - *°""^ A. (I.) Primary (including Native schools and training colleges) (2.) Secondary (including secondary schools and secondary departments cf district high schools) (3.) Continuation and teohnical (4.) Higher (including university and higher technical).. b. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s d 16 3 II 17 1 1 6 18 10* 17 O I 18 (19 2 .-, Oil 04 I 3 01 |.( 0 6 0 1 0 7 0 5 1 o Totals A (1-4) 19 3 17 20 10 2 9 23 7 B. Industrial schools (J. Special schools (Deaf and Blind and Home for Backward Children) D. Superannuation and miscellaneous 08 03 0 11 01 10 0 1 0 1 0 2 .. oo 0 6 .. 0 (i .. 0 6 Totals A, B, C, D ; 20 6 111 22 5 2 10 25 3 22 5 2 10 25 3 * Teachers' salaries and allowances, 12s. 9d. ; repairs lenses, 3s. 6d. ; total, 18s. lOd. ind rebuild]': ig, Is. (id. ; new buildi irgs, Is. Id. ; all other



Table N2. (1.) Analysis of Expenditure on Education in New Zealand for the Years 1898-99, 1903-4, and 1908-9 to 1912-13 out of Public Revenue (exclusive of Income from Reserves.)

Table N2 — continued. (2.) Expenditure per Head of Population in New Zealand for the Years 1898-99, 1903-4, and 1908-9 to 1912-13 out of Public Revenue.

In Table N3 is shown the cost to the State per individual pupil or student.

Table N3. —Expenditure out of Public Revenue on each Branch of Education for each Individual on the Roll of the Several Schools, Colleges, and other Institutions (excluding Reserves Revenue and Cost of New Buildings).

Including new buildings and classes for manual instruction, the total expenditure on primary education in the year 1911-12 was £907,506. The average weekly roll was 161,648. Therefore the total cost of primary education per pupil is £5 12s. 3d. In the United States the total cost in 1909 was 31 dollars 65 cents, or £6 10s. 4d. As regards the figure given for New Zealand, £3 18s. lid. of the £5 Pis. 3d. was for teachers' salaries, and it is generally admitted that any reduction in the rates paid would seriously militate against the supply of really good teachers. The salaries paid in the United States average £158 for males and £125 for females— very much lower than the average salary paid in this Dominion (see page 15). It is obvious, therefore, that the greater cost of the United States system of education

(Figures given in every case to the nearest £1,000.) 1898-9. 1903-4. 1908-9. 1909-10. 1910-11. 1911-12. Population (including Maoris, but excluding 783,317 875,648 1,008,373 1,030,657 1,050,452 1,058,312 Cook and other Pacific Islands) Branch of Education. Total Total. Total. Total. Total. Total. 1912-13. 1,102,471 Branch of Education. Total. £ £ £ 482,000 565,000 756,000 £ £ £ 769,000 844,000 892,000 ! 80,000 88,000 91,000 58,000 52.000 58,000 39,000 31,000; 30,000 £ 954,000 A. (1.) Primary (including Native schools and training colleges) (2.) Secondary (including secondary schools and secondary departments of district high schools) (3.) Continuation and technical.. (4.) Higher education (including university and higher technical) .. i 26,000; 74,000 5,000 23,000 59,000 12,000 12,000 28,000 90,000 70,000 33.01.0 Totals A (1-4) 499,000 626,000 917,000 946,000,1,015,00011,071,000j 1,147,000 B. Industrial sohools C. Special sohools (Deaf and Blind and Home for Backward Children) D. Superannuation and miscellaneous 15,000 37,000 3,000 13,000 2,000 3,000 39,000 17,000 14,000 33,000 42,000 40,000 9,000 11,000 8,000 52,000 9,000 10,000 15,000 14,000 29,000 Totals A, B, C, D .. 519,000 679,000 987,000 998,0001,083,000 1 133 000 1,237,000

(Figures given in every oase to the r ie nearest penny.) 1898-9. 1898-9. 1903-1. I 1908-9. 1909-10. 1910-11. 1911-12.; 1912-13. s. d. A. (1.) Primary (inoluding Native schools and training 12 4 colleges) (2.) Secondary (including secondary schools and secondary departments of district high schools) (3.) Continuation and technical .. .. ..02 (4.) Higher education (including university and higher 0 4 technical) Totals A (1-4).. .. .. 12 10 B. Industrial schools .. .. .. .. 0 5 C. Special schools (Deaf and Blind, and Home for Back- 0 1 ward Children) D. Superannuation and miscellaneous .. .. ... s. d. 12 11 0 7 0 6 0 3 s. d. 3. d. s. d. 14 11 14 11 16 1 15 17 18 12 11 10 0 7 0 8 0 7 s. d. s. d. 16 10 17 4 19 18 1113 0 7 0 7 14 8 0 10 0 4 18 1 18 3 19 4 0 9 0 8 0 10 0 4 0 3 0 3 20 3 I 20 10 0 9 i 0 11 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 4 0 3 0 3 0 3 j 0 6 Totals A. B, C, D .. .. I 13 4 15 6 19 6 I 19 5 I 20 8 21 5 22 5

Branch of Education. 1898. 1903. 1908. 1911. 1912. I. Primary, &c. 11. Secondary, &c. III. Continuation and technical IV. Higher £ s. d. 3 4 10 1 2 10 16 18 11 £ s. d. : 3 17 2 | 4 2 6 1 13 8 9 4 3 £ s. d. 4 15 2 8 0 2 3 4 4 i 14 12 3 £ s. d. 5 3 0 9 9 11 2 16 11 14 16 10 £ s. d. 5 6 7 9 3 6 3 13 II 13 3 I All branches except primary .. i 5 13 11 5 13 11 3 7 11 I 3 7 11 I 6 14 8 I 5 14 8 6 4 3 6 12 6 4 3 (i 12 I I



is not due to larger salaries for teachers. To what, then, is it due ? The cause is clearly explained in the following extract from the Report of the Commissioner of Education at Washington : " The total expenditure per pupil for common school purposes in 1900 was 20 dollars 21 cents. In 1909 it had increased to 31 dollars 65 cents, or at the rate of 56 per cent. This increased cost per pupil has resulted largely from the relatively larger expenditures made for buildings, sites, furniture, libraries, and general school equipment. There has been a steady falling-off in the percentage of the common-school income devoted to salaries for the teachers. In 1900, 64 per cent, of the total expenditure was devoted to salaries ; in 1909 this had decreased to 59-2 per cent., and it declined steadily through the intervening years. While it is to be hoped that in the next decade this upward trend in better equipment will be continued, good buildings and good equipment generally cannot t;i ke tin' place of better teachers." In New Zealand, 70 per cent, of the total expenditure is spent on teachers' salaries. From the above, two deductions may he drawn : (1) Thai in the. opinion of the Department of Education for the United States the quality of the teaching staff suffers proportionately to the decrease in the salaries paid ; (2) that the amount spent in this Dominion in buildings and equipment is undoubtedly reasonable, and very much less in proportion than the United States, although New Zealand, being a comparatively new country, should be prepared to expend a proportionately larger amount in buildings than a country which has been settled for several centuries. Nor do the above remarks apply only to the United Irish School Weekly, in its number of the 18th May, 1912, criticizes the education system of Ontario, as outlined in the Minister's report, in the following terms : " The average cost per year per pupil in average attendance in Ontario is 33-44 dollars, or about £6 12s. This is a highly creditable item of expenditure ; the only other remark we might make in reference to it is that we wonder a larger proportion of it is not expended on teachers' salaries " ; and in another place, " The average salary for men teachers is £142, and the corresponding figure for women about £96. This scale of remuneration is certainly not extravagant, and it would be vastly in the interests of the people of this great province if they would double the salaries. It is no wonder the best of the teachers leave the profession, and that the average period of service of the 9,369 teachers does not exceed eight years. The Canadians spend huge sums in building and equipping their schools, but they seem to forget that the most important educational equipment is the teacher, and, as such, the teacher must be paid." Table N4 shows the progress made in education since 1898. It will be noticed that the proportion of those receiving instruction beyond the primary stage has vastly increased.

Table N4.—Progress in Education: A Comparison of the Number of Pupils under Instruction in the Several Branches of Education in the Years 1898, 1903, 1908, 1911, and 1912 respectively.

Actual Numbers. Number per 10,000 of Populati ion. 1898. 1903. 1908. "1911. 1912. - 1898. 1903. 1908. 1911. 1912. Population .. .. ..783,317 875,648 1 .. 783,317 875,648 1,008,373 1,058,312 1,008,373 1 1,058,312 1,102,471 I. Primary (including public and 136,652 136,546 Native schools, all receiving free tuition) 1 II, Secondary (including secondary 3,046 5,818 , sohools, secondary departments of district high schools, technical day schools, and Maori secondary schools) ] ; — III. Continuation and technical (ex- ' 1,750* 6,533* eluding school classes) IV. University, higher technical, and 708 1,194 training colleges 148,180 7,742 13,051* 1,711 7,742 I 161,921 8,953 13,713 1,954 8,953 167,180 1,744 1,551 9,481 39 66 1,467 1,528 77 84 1,519 si; 13,051*' 13,527 22 I — 129 ! 129 13,713 75 123 708 1,194 1,711 ! 1,954 2,281 I 9 14 17 18 ■21 (Private schools not included above, 14,857 15,609 principally primary) 18,367 18,367 19,985 19,985 20,527 190 177 182 189 187 Total under instruction .. 157,013,165,700 189,051 206,626 1,883 1,872 ; 1,948 1,936 189,051 206,526 212,996 2,004 V. Total under instruction higher 5,504 , 13,545 than primary (II, III, and IV above) Number of latter (V) receiving free l,178t 4,260t tuition * Estimated. 22,504 7,959 22,504 7,959 | i .' . 24,620 . 24,620 10,540 Apiiioxiuia 20,289 11,880 j 70 15 19 155 223 79 232 99 230 | 10,540 i 103 id. t A iroximati



National Endowments By the provisions of the Land Act, 1908, areas of land, not to exceed in the total nine million acres, are set apart as national endowments, and, after administration and other expenses allowed by law have been deducted, 70 per cent, of the balance is applied for the purposes of education. The sum thus applied am< ur.ted last year to £41,590, and was allocated as follows : Primary education, £20,795 ; secondary education, £6,238 ; manual and technical instruction, £6,238 ; higher education, £4,159 ; Native schools, £2,080 ; school for the deaf, £225 ; education of the blind, £50; Otekaike Home for Backward Children, £225; industrial schools, £1,580. Annual Examinations. [See also E.-B.] The annual examinations were conducted by the Department as usual for the various purposes of Junior National Scholarships, Junior Free Places in secondary schools, district high schools, and technical schools, Senior Free Places in secondary schools and district high schools, for admission to or promotion in the Civil Service, and for teachers' certificates. The examinations were held from the 19th to 27th November, and on the|2Bth and 29th November, 1912, and from the 6th to 21st January, 1913, at sixty centres. The number of candidates examined in these two sets of examinations shows a considerable increase over the numbers of previous years. It will be noticed from the table given below that the increase has been general in all of the examinations. 1909-10. 1910-11. 1911-12. 1912-13. Junior National and Education Board Scholarships and Junior Free Places .. .. .. .. 2.214 2,383 2,564 2,934 Civil Service Junior, Senior Free Places, Education Board Senior Scholarships, First Pupil-teachers .. .. 2,369 2,375 2,563 2,770 Teachers D and C .. .. .. .. .. 1,482 1,534 1,626 1,753* Civil Service Senior .. .. .. .. 443 390 518 574 Totals .. .. .. .. 6,508 6,682 7,271 8,031 The following table shows collectively, in comparison with the preceding year, the number who entered for the various examinations enumerated, the number present, and the number of absentees. In explanation of the number set down under the last of these heads it is to be noted that the relatively large proportion is to be accounted for partly on the usual grounds, but chiefly in the case of Senior Free Place candidates through the application of a principle by which awards of Senior Free Places are made with the concurrence of the Inspector-General on the recommendation of the principal of the secondary school attended, or, for district high schools, of an Inspector of Schools. Number who entered, 1912-13 .. .. .. .. .. 9,006 Number who entered, 1911-12 .. .. .. .. 8,230 Number actually present at examination, 1912-13 .. .. .. 8,031 Number actually present at examination, 1911-12 .. .. 7,271 Number who did not present themselves, 1912-13 .. .. .. 975 Number who did not present themselves, 1911-12 .. .. .. 959 The Department's examination for Junior National Scholarships is now used by all the Education Boards of the Dominion for the award of their Junior Scholarships, superseding thus without exception any examination locally conducted in earlier years for this purpose. For the award of their Senior Scholarships the Education Boards use the Civil Service Junior Examination, but not necessarily on the precise conditions attaching *o this examination, the terms in each case being determined by the regulations of the several Boards who offer Senior Scholarships for competition. Apart from this extension of its functions, the examination hitherto more generally known by this name is employed for a variety of purposes. Either in its proper competitive form or as the Intermediate Examination, with certain modifications in selected subjects to meet the needs of a non-competitive qualification, it thus serves not only as an entrance examination for the Civil Service of the Dominion, but as a scholarship examination, an examination for the Senior Free Place qualification in secondary schools and district high schools, an examination

* Of these candidates, 1,506 presented themselves under the regulations of 1906, and 247 under those for 1912.



for pupil-teachers of the second or third year, and a qualifying examination for the probationer appointments instituted under the provisions of the Education Amendment Act, 1908. The cost of conducting both groups of examinations was as follows : — Total expenses, including cost of additional clerical services tern- £ s. d. porarily employed .. .. .. .. .. 6,623 9 4 Less recoveries—fees paid by candidates .. .. .. 4,412 8 3 Net cost of examinations ~ .. .. .. £2,211 1 1 Thai iiEtis' Sutkkannuation Fund. [Sec also E.-9.] The contributors to the fund consist of— (1.) Those who joined under the original Act of 1905 and elected to remain thereunder ; the retiring-allowance being one-sixtieth of the total salary received by the contributor during the period of contributing to the fund (or, in other words, one-sixtieth of his average salary for each year of service during the whole period of contribution), together with one one-hundred-and-twentieth of the salary during the years of service between the Ist January, 1878, and the Ist January, 1906; the retiring-allowance to "original" contributors being in no case less than £52. (2.) Those who joined subsequently to the passing of the amending Act in 1908, together with such of the members as did not exercise the option of remaining under the original Act; the retiringallowance being for each year of service one-sixtieth of the average rate of salary received during the three years next preceding retirement, with a limitation of the total allowance to two-thirds of the average salary ; and for those who joined after the 24th December, 1909, a further limitation to £300 per annum. Under the provisions of the Public Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1912, those persons who were in the Education service on the Ist January, 1906, and who were still in the service, could elect, on or before the 30th June, 1913, to become contributors to the fund, contributions being payable as from the Ist January, 1906. Provision was also made whereby those persons employed in the University colleges at the date of the coming into operation of the Act (7th November, 1912) could elect, on or before the 30th June, 1913, to become contributors to the fund, and in these cases such contributors would be entitled to count back service. The allowance for back service will be one one-hundred-and-twentieth part of the mean of the last three years' salary for each year of service. All persons first permanently employed under the University of New Zealand and the University colleges after the date of the passing of the Amendment Act must become contributors to the fund. It is also provided that the Government contribution to the fund as from the Ist January, 1913, shall be increased from £7,000 to £17,000 per annum. At the end of 1912, The number of contributors was .. .. .. .. 3,641 Of whom members under Part IX of Education Act, 1908, numbered 105 The annual rate of contribution paid as at the end of the year was over.. £40,000 The number of allowances in force at the end of the year was . . 376 representing an annual charge of . . . . . . .. £23,635 viz.,— Ordinary retiring-allowances were .. . . .. 240, representing £19,332 Retiring-allowances in medically unfit cases. . 39, ~ 2,769 Allowances to widows .. 52, ~ 949 Allowances to children .. 45, „ 585 The balance at the credit of the fund and invested by the Public Trustee at the end of the year was .. .. .. .. .. £212,174 The fund receives 4| per cent, interest on daily balances in the hands of the Public Trustee, and no charge is made for investment.



Public Libbabies. |See also E.-10.] As in the previous year, Parliament voted the sum of £4,000 in 1912-13 for payment of subsidies to public libraries. In the New Zealand Gazette of the 24th October, 1912, a notice was inserted stating that £4,000 had been voted by Parliament for distribution to libraries. Forms of application were sent to all libraries known to the Department. The method of distribution of the vote was the same as that adopted in previous years—viz., a nominal addition of £25 was made to the amount of the income of each library derived from subscriptions, donations, and rates, provided that the receipts for the year were not less than £2, and the vote was distributed according to the amount thus augmented; but no library received credit for a larger income than £75 — that is, in no case did the augmented amount on which distribution was based exceed £100. In accordance with the Gazette notice, the day appointed for the distribution of the subsidy was the 3rd February, 1913, and the amount of the vote was divided among the 408 libraries from which applications, each accompanied by a statutory declaration on the proper form, had been received at that date. The vote, as thus dealt with, afforded a subsidy of 4s. 7-72 d. in the pound on the nominal income, and the subsidies ranged from £6 ss. 4d. to £23 4s. 3d. The number of libraries participating in the vote shows an increase of seventeen as compared with the number aided in February, 1912. In order that the purpose intended to bo served by the vote may be attained, it is made a condition for participation that the whole of the subsidy granted to each library in the previous year shall have been expended in the purchase of books. An analysis of the books added to the public libraries during the year indicates that BPS per cent, of the books purchased during the last year were novels. If the additions made by the large libraries at Auckland, Onehunga, New Plymouth, Palmerston North, Wanganui, Wellington, Nelson, Westport, Christchurtph, Timaru, and Oamaru are not included the proportion of novels is 89 per cent. One hundred and twenty-three public libraries purchased no books other than fiction. The following table shows the distribution according to the education districts :—

Summary of Distribution of Public Libraries Subsidy.

Education Districts. Number of i„„„.„„ Libraries. Income. Income upon which Subsidy is based. Subsidy. Auckland Taranaki Wanganui Wellington Hawke's Bay Marlborough Nelson Grey Westland North Canterbury South Canterbury Otago Southland Stewart Island Chatham Islands Totals £ s. d. 91 , 3,216 10 5 15 302 9 7 30 1,585 16 8 20 4,964 14 2 29 1,165 3 3 5 145 9 10 25 626 13 7 4 330 16 5 7 115 1 0 68 1,640 0 0 21 327 10 10 52 835 11 8 39 421 4 3 1 17 3 6 1 9 0 0 408 i 15,703 3 9 £ s. d. 8,644 9 9 613 0 1 1,516 7 5 1,212 10 3 1,348 6 2 255 3 0 1,184 6 9 278 0 6 290 1 0 2,655 14 0 852 10 10 1,957 8 9 1,396 4 3 42 3 6 34 0 0 £ s. d. 846 1 8 142 6 5 352 0 8 281 9 6 312 19 8 59 4 9 263 6 8 64 10 8 67 6 8 616 10 5 197 18 3 454 8 8 324 2 5 9 15 9 7 17 10 15,703 3 9 17,230 6 3 4,000 0 0




Statement of Expenditure and Recoveries in respect of all Services under the Control or Supervision of the Minister of Education during the Year ending 31st March, 1913.

Head Office (Vote No. 78). £ s. il £ s. d. £ s. d. Inspector-General of Schools Secretary Assistant Inspector-General Chief Clerk and Secretary to Teachers' Superannuation Board Two Inspectors, at £450 Inspector of Special Schools Clerks and clerical assistance Travelling-expenses Telephone subscriptions Publications, books of reference, &c. Office requisites Contingencies ■• 800 0 0 650 0 0 600 0 0 500 0 0 900 0 0 420 0 0 6,914 15 1 421 8 7 93 19 7 25 3 7 48 2 11 . 50 5 5 11,423 15 2 Elementary Education (Votes Nos. 79, 89, and 90, Consolidated Fuud ; and 102, Public Works Fund). Grants to Education Boards for — Teachers' salaries (including lodging-allowances of pupilteachers) Teachers' house allowances (Vote No. 90) General administrative purposes: Capitation at 12s. on average attendance Grant of £250 per annum to each Board Relieving teachers : Capitation at 6d. on average attendance Inspection of private schools Free textbooks—Class P and SI, S2, S3, S4, S5, and S6.. 649,838 11 0 16,494 10 7 87,729 15 0 3,250 0 0 3,655 12 0 497 2 6 12,322 1 2 . School buildingsGeneral maintenance and replacement of worn out buildings (Vote No. 90) Less amount received for sale of old buildings 77,688 0 0 202 14 0 77,485 6 6 Rent of buildings and sites used for schocl purposes (Vote No. 90) .. .. .. Sohools destroyed or damaged by fire (Vote No. 90) — Rebuilding and repairs Rent of temporary premises 1,923 5 4 250 6 0 4,041 1 9 2,173 11 1 New buildings, additions, and teachers' residences (Vote No. 102) " 56,051 16 11 ' Medical inspection of school-children— Salaries Travelling-expenses Weighing-machines and other appliances .. .. \" Schools at Chatham Islands Grants in aid of free kindergartens (Vote No. 89) Conveyance (£7,934 14s.) and board (£410 lis. 3d.) of schoolchildren; conveyance of teachers (£79 5s. 3d.) .. Preparation of standard test questions in English and arithmetic Illustrations: Natural history, &c. (Vote No. 79), £273 8s. 2d.; postage (Vote No. 89), £51 13s. .. .. .. i School Journal— Printing, &c. (Vote No. 79), £2,416 18s. 4d.; postage (Vote No. 89), £575 lis. lOd. .. Less amount received for sales Wall-sheets .. .. .. .. .. .. | Sundries Conference of educational authorities .. .. .. j 926 12 2 146 10 2 1,553 17 7 2,992 10 2 133 13 8 926 12 2 146 10 2 1,553 17 7 2,626 19 11 947 6 8 952 1 6 8,424 10 6 20 0 0 325 1 2 2,858 16 6 400 0 0 ! 4 14 1 553 5 6 930 fifiQ S 7 I 2,992 10 2 133 13 8 Less — Revenue from National Endowment reserves .. Revenue from reserves for primary eduoation.. 20,794 15 8 58,182 3 7 20,794 15 8 58,182 3 7 930, b 7 78,976 19 8 930,652 8 7 78,976 19 8 851,675 4 4 j ! 851,675 4 4 Carried forward I 863,098 19 6 863 098 19 6



Statement of Expenditure and Recoveries, etc. — continued.

9—E. 1.

£ e. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 863,098 19 6 Brought forward Secondary Education (Vote No. 80, Consolidated Fund ; 102, Publio Works Fund; and statutory payments). Grants to Eduoation Boards for— Scholarships : Not exceeding capitation' allowance at Is. 6d. on average attendance District high schools: Salaries of secondary teachers District high schools; Subsidies on contributions (Education Act, 1908) National Scholarships, Junior (Education Act, 1908) Secondary schools and colleges: Capitation Secondary schools and colleges : Subsidies on contributions (Eduoation Act, 1908) Conveyance of holders of free places at secondary and district high schools.. Scholarships awarded to Maoris attending public schools Marlborough High School : Statutory payment (Marlborough High Sohool Act, 1899) Grants to secondary schools for buildings, furniture, &o.— Whangarei (Vote No. 102) Hamilton . Wellington Girls' Waitaki . 9,616 6 4 16,259 6 4 1,169 0 4 3,338 6 0 50,449 10 11 1,152 19 2 2,954 2 5 31 13 4 400 0 0 1,250 0 0 245 10 0 123 0 0 1,356 16 9 Sundries 2,975 6 9 3 5 0 Less revenue from National Endowment reserves 88,349 16 7 6,238 0 0 82,111 16 7 Manual and Technical Instruction (Votes Nos. 81 and 90, Consolidated Fund; 102, Publio Works Fund; and the Education Aot, 1908). Salaries of Inspectors (2) Examinations — Science and Art, Board of Eduoation, South Kensington, London City and Guilds of London Institute 850 0 0 152 19 11 750 11 4 Capitation — Manual Instruction: Publio sohool classes, £22,336 10s. 2d.; secondary school classes, £1,273 14a. 2d. Technical Instruction: Special and associated classes (including day technical schools and free plaoeB), £34,726 19s.; college classes, £2,141 9s. 7d... 23,610 4 4 Material for technical classes Buildings and permanent apparatus (Vote No. 102) Rents (Vote No. 90) Conveyance of instructors Conveyance of students attending registered olasses.. Conveyance of public-school pupils attending manual-training centres Conveyance of holders of free places at technical sohools Travelling-expenses of Inspectors Subsidies on contributions (Education Act, 1908) Sundries 36,868 8 7 60,478 12 11 2,057 16 1 20,264 3 8 704 1 6 1,902 19 1 271 16 8 2,300 7 4 1,447 14 6 180 0 5 8,350 16 5 11 6 4 Less— Recoveries (examination fees, &c.) Revenue from National Endowment reserves.. 195 6 6 6,238 0 0 99,723 6 "2 6,433 6 6 93,289 19 8 e . .: Training Colleges and Training of Teachers (Votes Nos. 82, Consolidated Fund ; and 102, Publio Works Fund). Training collegesSalaries of staff (half is oharged to teachers' salaries " Elementary Education " ) Allowances and fees for students Special instruction, libraries, and incidental expenses .. Alterations, furniture, &c. (Auokland) (Vote No. 102) Classes at subcentres — Grants to Eduoation Boards .. Fares of teachers, £4,684 16s. lid.; less refunds, £4 7s. 3d. 6,904 18 1 21,895 15 1 1,197 1 2 471 6 1 2,925 0 0 4,680 9 8 38,074 10 I Garried forward 1,076,575 5 10



Statement of Expenditure and Recoveries, etc. — continued.

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.1,076,575 5 10 Brought forward Higher Education (Votes Nos. 80, Consolidated Fund; 102, Publio Works Fund ; and statutory payments.) Statutory grants— University of New Zealand (New Zealand University Act, 1908) Auckland University College (Auckland University College Act, 1882) Victoria College, Wellington (Victoria College Act, 1905) .#. 3,000 0 0 4,000 0 0 4,000 0 0 Addition to statutory grants (Vote No. 80) — Auckland University College .. Victoria College, Wellington .. Specialization grants (Vote No. 80) — Auckland University College : Commerce, Mining Victoria College, Wellington : Law, Science Canterbury College: Engineering University of Otago: Mining, Medioine, Dental, and Veterinary Science Grant for buildings, &c. (Vote No. 102) — University of Otago Sir George Grey Scholarships (Vote No. 80) National Scholarships, Senior (Education Act, 1908) Research scholarships (Vote No. 80) Bursaries (Vote No. 80) .. Sundries 1,200 0 0 2,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 2,986 9 2 100 0 0 3,072 13 2 236 15 10 738 13 10 3 17 9 Less revenue from National Endowment reserves 29,338 9 9 4,159 0 0 Native Schools (Votes Nos. 83 and 90, Consolidated Fund ; 102, Publio Works Fund). Salaries of Inspectors (2) Salaries and allowances of teachers Higher education (including industrial and nursing scholarships) Books, school requisites, sewing material, &c. Expenses of removals of teachers Travelling-expenses of Inspectors .. Buildings: New schools, additional class-rooms, <&c. (Vote No. 102) Rebuiding and general maintenance of buildings (Vote No. 90) Manual Instruction: Payment of instructors and material for classes Fuel, and rewards for supplying fuel Fsrrying and conveyance of children Sundries —Advertising, planting sites, sanitation, &o. 910 0 0 26,410 4 2 2,591 11 8 640 1 9 482 8 0 400 14 2 5,252 0 6 3,608 11 2 462 18 5 115 6 0 247 18 4 51 6 5 25,179 9 9 Less— Recoveries Revenue from National Endowment reserves 102 2,080 102 15 10 2,080 0 0 41,173 0 7 15 10 0 0 2,182 15 10 41,173 0 7 38,990 4 9 2,182 15 10 Infant-life Protection (Vote No. 84). Salaries of visiting nurses and local representatives Travelling-expenses, &c. .. .. .. .. .. Maintenance of infants in foster-homes Rent of offices (Auckland and Dunedin) Telephones, £17 9s. lOd. ; sundries, £3 4s. 6d. 896 2 9 237 16 4 137 12 2 47 10 0 20 14 4 896 2 9 237 16 4 137 12 2 47 10 0 20 14 4 1,261 9 8 Less recoveries 1,339 15 7 78 5 11 1,339 15 7 78 5 11 I SPECIAL SCHOOLS. School for the Deaf (Votes Nos. 85 and 90, Consolidated Fund, and 102 Public Works Fund.) Salaries— Director and teachers Matron and servants Medical Officer 2,396 1,069 20 13 8 16 7 0 0 2,396 13 8 1,069 16 7 20 0 0 General maintenance Travelling-expenses, including transit of pupils 3,486 10 3 1,604 5 3 237 16 4 3,486 10 3 1,604 5 3 237 16 4 Carried forward £5,328 11 10 £5,328 11 10 142,006 10 0



Statement of Expenditure and Recoveries, etc. — continued.

Brought forward £ . d. £ s. d. 5,328 11 10 £ s. d. 1,142,060 10 0 Special Schools : School for the Dkak - continued. 43 18 6 D upils boarded out Additional buildings, furniture, and repairs to buildings (Vote No. 90, £406 6s. 6d.; Vote No. 102. £2,796 19s. lOd.) .. 3,203 6 4 Less— Recoveries .. .. Revenue from National Endowment reserves .. 2.230 7 2 225 0 0 8,575 16 8 2,101 7 2 6,114 9 6 Sducation of the Blind (Vote No. 86, Consolidated Fund). Charges for pupils at Jubilee-Institute, Auckland Less — Recoveries Revenue from National Endowment reserves .. 829 1 1 Cr. 10 11 9 789 18 1 50 0 0 839 13 1 Home for Backward Children (Votes Nos. 87 and 90, Consolidated Fund ; and 102, Publio Works Fund). lalaries— Principal and teachers Matron, attendants, and servants 452 0 8 1,074 15 0 travelling-expenses Jeueral maintenance Jeneral maintenance of buildings, repairs, furniture, &c. (Consolidated Fund, Vote No. 90, £523 17s. ; Publio Works Fund, Vote No. 102, £159 12s. 9d.) 2,126 15 8 212 11 5 2,391 13 7 683 9 9 Less— Recoveries Revenue from National Endowment reserves .. 1,878 18 1 225 0 0 5,414 10 5 3,310 17 4 2,103 13 1 Industrial Schools (Votes Nos. 88 and 90, Consolidated Fund ; and 102, Public Works Fund). Salaries of Assistant Inspector, two Visiting Officers, and one Probation Officer (3 months) .. ?ravelling-expenses, of Inspectors and Visiting Officers and other departmental officers Fravelling-expenses of Managers of Schools 813 17 9 777 6 8 417 3 3 2,008 7 8 iohools, — Auokland— Salaries General maintenance Repairs to buildings, furniture, &c. (Vote No. 90) Children boarded out 739 9 3 874 2 3 153 5 2 1,372 9 3 Less recoveries .. .. 3,139 5 11 1,415 15 3 1,723 10 8 Boys' Training Farm, Weraroa — Salaries General maintenance Additional buildings, &c. (Vote No. 102), £850 17s.; and small works and repairs to buildings, furniture, &c. (Vote No. 90), £629 3s. Id. .. 2,298 7 7 5,494 1 9 1,480 0 1 Less recoveries 9,272 9 5 2,890 18 1 6,381 11 4 Reoeiving Home, Wellington— Salaries General maintenance Repairs, &c, to buildings (Vote No. 90) Children boarded out 919 7 4 1,690 10 1 35 10 10 7,061 18 6 Less recoveries 9,707 6 9 5,828 16 7 3,878 10 2 Boys' Industrial Sohool, Stoke — Salaries General maintenance Children boarded out Purchase of property (balance); additional buildings, &o. (Vote No. 102) 1,797 18 11 3,476 12 0 47 5 6 13,480 14 3 Carried forward 18,802 10 8 13,991 19 10 1,151,421 5 1



Statement of Expenditure and Recoveries, etc.— continued.

£ s. d. 18,802 10 8 £ s. d. i £ s, d. 13,991 19 10 1,151,421 8 1 Brought forward Special Schools : Industrial Schools— continued. Boys' Industrial 8ohool, Stoke— continued. Furniture, renovation of buildings, &o. (Vote No. 90) Interest on mortgages on property (6 months) 1,341 19 6 314 16 1 Less recoveries 20,459 6 3 1,793 19 8 Receiving Home, Christohuroh — Salaries General maintenance Rent .. Furnishings, repairs to buildings, &o. (Vote No. 90) .. Children boarded out 18,665 7 0 820 11 4 1,230 16 4 145 15 0 20 16 9 5,167 2 9 Less recoveries 7,385 2 2 3,403 16 10 3,981 5 4 Te Oranga Home, Christohuroh— Salaries,. General maintenance Rent .. Repairs to buildings, furniture, &c. (Vote No. 90, £236 Is. 4d.; Vote No. 102, £15 4s. 5d.) '.. 1,053 8 6 967 0 5 125 15 0 251 5 9 Less recoveries 2,397 4 7 385 12 1 2,011 12 6 Burnham— Salaries General maintenance Additional buildings, rebuilding, small works, repairs, furniture, &c. (Vote No. 90, £1,833 7s. Id. ; Vote No. 102, £511 16s. 9d.) 3,140 14 6 4,700 5 5 1,845 8 10 Less recoveries 9,686 3 9 1,313 10 11 8,372 12 10 Caversham— Salaries.. General maintenance Repairs to buildings, furniture, &c. (Vote No. 90) Children boarded out 977 17 2 1,233 12 0 181 10 6 3,455 5 0 Less recoveries 5,848 4 8 8,725 17 3 2,122 7 5 Private Schools— St. Mary's, Auckland— Captation grants, &o. Less recoveries 1,326 5 11 386 8 10 St. Joseph's, Wellington— Capitation grants, &o. Less recoveries 939 17 1 203 2 0 104 11 1 St. Mary's, Nelson— Capitation grants, &c. Less recoveries 98 10 11 335 5 0 268 6 10 66 18 2 St. Vincent de Paul's, Dunedin— Capitation grants, &o. Less recoveries 86 13 0 69 0 7 Inmates maintained at other institutions .. Earnings refunded to ex-inmates Amount paid to Postal Department for payment of boardingout orders Legal expenses Sundries 16 12 6 75 8 11 60 19 6 100 0 0 11 15 10 97 16 0 — 50,612 18 9 Less revenue from National Endowment reserves 50,612 18 9 1,580 0 0 du,u-L2 xo if 1,580 0 0 49,082 18 9 Miscellaneous (Votes Nos. 79 and 89, Consolidated Fund ; the Publio Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908 ; and the Civil Service Act, 1908). Eduoation Commission, including cost of printing report (Vote No. 89) 2,276 0 2 Carried forward .. 2,275 0 2 1,200,454 8 10



Statement of Expenditure and Recoveries, etc. — continued.

£ s. d. £ s. d. 2,275 0 2 : £ s. d. 1,200,454 3 10 Brought forward Miscellaneous— continued. Milne seismograph No. 20, Maintenance of (Vote No. 89) Postage and telegrams (Vote No. 89) Teachers' Superannuation Board : Travelling-expenses of members, and medical examination of applicants for retirement (Vote No. 89) .. .. Contribution to Teaohers' Superannuation Fund (Publio Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Aot, 1908) Payment to Government Life Insurance Department for actuarial services in oonnexion with Teachers' Superannuation Fund (Vote No. 89) Examination expenses (Vote No. 89) : Teachers', Civil Service, and Scholarships Less recoveries (examination fees) 25 13 8 1,672 19 7 72 1 4 17,000 0 0 267 18 10 6,443 18 0 4,442 11 9 2,001 6 3 ■ Subsidies to public libraries on basis of voluntary contributions (Vote No. 89) .. Grant to Educational Institute for travelling-expenses of members (Vote No. 79) .. .. Printing and stationery (Vote No. 89) Illustrations, photographs, &c, for parliamentary reports (Vote No. 89) " Schoolmates " : Grant to cover cost of postage (Vote No. 89) Flags for .sohools—New Zealand Ensigns (Vote No. 89) Rent of store-room for general departmental purposes (Vote No. 89) Legal expenses (Vote No. 89) Text book : New Zealand geology—balance writer's fee and printing (Vote No. 89) Less sales 4,035 7 0 | 100 0 0 1,317 18 1 22 0 5 50 0 0 3 12 11 36 0 0 55 1 0 820 0 0 41 4 2 Compensation for loss of office — G. E. Woods, teacher of Ohaeawai Native School (Civil Servioe Aot, 1908) : 278 15 10 I 301 16 0 ; Less recoveries 29,515 10 8 20 9 4 29,495 1 4 Junior Cadets and Physical Training (Vote No. 91, Consolidated Fund.) Salaries Arms, equipment, books, &o. Training camps Fares, &c, of instructors and cadets Miniature rifle ranges Rent of store-room Travelling-expenses Freight and cartage Sundries 2,372 16 3 1,970 15 6 143 5 8 811 4 4 135 0 8 70 10 0 193 1 1 74 15 11 47 18 6 Less recoveries 5,319 7 11 441 4 3 4,878 3 8 Total £1,234,827 8 1(




A. Afflicted children. See Special schools. Agricultural instruction.—Progress in elementary agriculture, 34. Rural courses in district high schools, 34. Agricultural college, 50, 54. Rural courses in secondary schools, 37; in technical schools, 38; all schools, 38. Attendance (see also Roll number) — Public primary schools, 6. Increase since 1911, 6. Compulsory attendance, 7. Average attendance as compared with other countries, 7. Native schools, 7, 28. Chatham Islands schools, 7, 30. Private primary schools. 7, 9. Secondary schools.—Lower departments, 7, 42. All schools, 42. University colleges, 52. B. Blind, School for the. See Special sohools. Board of primary scholars, 10. Bursaries, University, 55. C. Cadets, Junior, 10. Chatham Islands schools. — Number of schools, 30. Weekly roll number, 6, 30. Average attendance, 7, 30. Expenditure, 31. List of teachers, 31. Class-books and libraries, 11. Compulsory continuation classes, 39. Conveyance of scholars, 9. Cost per head of education system. See Finance. D. Deaf, School for the. See Special schools. Degrees conferred. See Universities. Dependent children. See Special schools. District high schools.—Roll number, 6, 46. Average attendance, 7, 43. Rural courses, 34. E. Education Board's finance. See Finance. Education Department, Head Office.—Expenditure, 64. Education Reserves. —Distribution of revenue, 27. Elementary education. See Public primary schools. Enrolment. See Roll number. Examinations conducted by Department.—Number of candidates, 61. Expenditure, 62. F. Feeble-minded, School for the. See Special schools. Finances — All items of expenditure.—Analysis, 57, 64-69. Cost per head of population, 58. Comparison with other countries, 58. Analysis from 1898 in five-yearly periods, 59. Expenditure per head of population from public revenue, 59. Expenditure per pupil, 59. Detailed statement of expenditure for year 1912-13, 64-69. Publio primary schools.—General Account, 25. Buildings Account, 26. Diversion of moneys from Buildings Account, 27. Statement of receipts and expenditure, 22-23. School Committees, Amount paid to, per unit of average attendance, 25. Native sohools, 30, 66. Chatham Islands, 30. 64.

Finances— continued. Special schools, 31, 32, 33, 66-i>s. Manual instruction, 41, 65. Technical instruction, 41, 65. Secondary schools.—Sources of income, 48. Receipts and expenditure, 48, 65. Universities, 51, 54, 57-58, 00. School libraries, 11. Class-books, 11. Free places. See Secondary schools ; Teohnical schools; University Colleges, bursaries. H. Health of school-children. See Medical inspection. High schools. See Secondary schools. I. Income. See Finance. Industrial schools. See Special schools. Industrial training. See Technical instruction. Infant-life protection.—Number of licensed foster-homes, 32. Number of children maintained, 32. Expenditure, 32. J. Junior Cadets, 10. L. Libraries.—Method of distributing vote, 63. Number of libraries participating, 63. Income, 63. Subsidies, 63. Amount distributed, 63. Libraries. School, 11. M. Manual instruction— In public schools.—Percentage of schools, 33. Number of classes, 33. Subjects of instruction, 34, Average rate of payment, 34. Number of pupils, 34. Progress in elementary agriculture, 34. Rural courses in district high schools, 34. Elementary physics, 35. Swimming and life-saving, 35. Building operations, 35. Capitation and expenditure, 35. In secondary schools.—Subjects of instruction, 35. Average attendance, 35. Average rate of payment, .35. Rural courses, 35. Building operations, 36. Maori children.—Number attending Native village schools, 7, 29. Number attending mission schools, 7, 29. Number attending public schools, 7, 29. Number attending secondary schools, 29. Number under special technical training, 29. Number of schools at which Maoris are taught, 28. Medical inspection of school-children, 10. Model schools. See Training colleges. N. National endowment, 61. Native schools— Scholars.—Average attendance, 7, 29. Roll, 7, 28. Regularity of attendance, 29. Classification of scholars, 29. Results of inspection, 30. Number of Maoris attending Native village schools, 7, 28; attending Native mission schools, 7, 28; attending public schools, 7, 28; speaking Maori in the home, 29. Number of Europeans in Native schools, 28. Schools.—Number of schools, 27-28. Teachers.—Number of teachers, 30. Salaries, 30. Expenditure, 30, 66.



P. Physical education, 10. Private primary schools.—Roll number, 7, 9. Average attendance, 7, 9. Present at examination, 9. Number of proficiency and competency certificates issued, 9. Regularity of attendance, 9. Professors, number of, at University colleges. 53. Public libraries. See Libraries. Public primary schools— Scholars. —Roll —average-weekly. 5; at end of year, 5 : at annual examination, 9. Average attendance, 6; as percentage of roll, 6; increase since 1911, 6; compulsory attendance, 7; attendance compared with other countries, 7. Number in each standard, 5, 8. Number at various ages, 5, 8. Classification, 5. 8. Kxamination, 8. Average age, 9 ; sex, 8. Schools. — Number, 3, 4. Percentage of sole-teacher schools, 4. Increases and decreases in number of schools for separate districts, 4. Teachers.—Number of adults, 5, 13-15. Number of pupil-teachers, 5, 13-15. Sex, 13-14. Salaries, 15. Status as regards certificates. 17-19. Training, 19-21. Expenditure, 21-27. Publications issued by Department, 12. Pupils. See Scholars. R. Roll number— Primary schools. —Average weekly, 5 ; at end of year, 5 ; at annual examination. 9. Native schools, 7, 28. Chatham Islands schools, 6, 30. Private primary schools, 7, 9. Secondary schools, 42. University colleges, 52. Reserves. See Education reserves. S. Scholars— Primary schools. — Number in each standard, 5, 8. Number at various ages, 5, 8. Sex, 8. Leakage in attendance of girls, 8. Maoris attending, 7, 28. Classification, 5, 8. Examination, 8. Average age, 9. Native schools.— Europeans attending, 28. Maoris attending, 7, 28. All scholars attending, 2H. Chatham Islands schools, 30 Private primary schools, 9. Scholarships— At secondary schools.—Number of Junior National Scholarships, 45. Rate of payment. 45. Number of Education Board scholarships, 46. Rate of payment, 46. Foundation scholarships, 46. Private scholarships, 46. At University colleges.—Description of scholarships, 55. Scholarships held —Rhodes, 55 ; Research, 55 ; Junior University, 55 : Senior National, 55 ; Taranaki, 55; Senior University, 55; Bursaries. 55; Sir George Grey, 56 ; other, 56. School Committees, amount paid to, per unit of average attendance, 25. School Journal, 12. School libraries, 11. Secondary schools— Scholars.—Roll, 42-43. Attendance, 43. Proportion of population receiving secondary instruction, 43. Roll of lower departments, 7, 42. Average attendance of lower departments, 7, 42.

Secondary schools— continued. Schools.—Number of schools, 42. Number of lower departments, 42. Teachers.—Staffing, 47. Number of pupils per teacher, 47. Salaries, 47. Free secondary education. —Junior free places, 43-44. Senior free places, 43-44. Statistics, 44. Method of calculating capitation, 44. Advance of system, 60. Total number benefited, 44. Special schools— All schools.—Total roll, 31. School for the Deaf.—Roll, 32. Expenditure, 32. Recoveries, 32. Jubilee Institute for the Blind. — Expenditure, 33. Recoveries, 33. School for Feeble-minded. — Expenditure, 33. Precautions for eliminating mental deficiency, 33. Extension of control, if necessary, to age of twentyfive, 33. Industrial schools. — Roll, 31. Expenditure, 31. Parental contributions, 31. Payments by Charitable Aid Boards, 32. Savings of inmates, 32. Staffing. See Teachers. Superannuation.—Classes of contributors, 62. Statistics, 62. Expenditure, 62. T. Teachers— Public schools.—Number of adults, 5, 13-14. Number of pupil-teachers, 5, 13-14. Sex, 13-14. Headteachers, 13. Assistants, 13. Sole teachers," 13. Ratio of males to females, 13. Staffing, 13-14. Salaries, 14, 15, 16. Status as regards certificates, 17-18. Training, 19-21. Native schools.—Number, 27. Staffing, 30. Salaries, 30. Secondary schools. — Staffing, 47. Numberlofjpupils per teacher, 47. Salaries, 47. All teachers.—Status as regardsjcertifioates, 18. Technical instruction— All technical classes. —Progress during year, 36. Statistics, 37. Special classes, 36. Associated classes, 36. College classes, 36. Number of pupils, 37. Income and expenditure, 41, 65. Day technical schools.—Number of schools, 39. Number of students, 40. Sex, 40. Free places, 40. Course of instruction, 40. Capitation, 40. Other technical classes.—Number of students, 36. Age and sex, 37. Occupations, 37. Number of classes, 37. Capitation, 37. Grouped courses, 38. Commercial classes, 37. Rural classes, 37. Even ing classes, 37. Compulsory classes. 37. Free places, 39. Training colleges. — Students, 19. Ratio 'of males to females, 19. Professional work, 20. University work, 20. Number in training in each college, 21. Classification, 21. Number of scholars in main schools, 20 ; in secondary departments, 20 : in model schools, 20. Expenditure, 21. U. Universities— New Zealand University.—lts functions, 49-50. The "Senate, 50. Number of persons examined-by, 51. Income and expenditure, 51. Degrees conferred, 51. University colleges.—Their functions, 52. Number of students, 52. Courses taken, 53. Staffing, 53. Finances, 53. Other professional institutions.—Canterbury [Agricultural College, 50. Training colleges, 50.J University bursaries, 55. University Endowment Act, 56.

Approximate Cost ol Paper.— Preparation, not given ; printing (4.000 copies), fB2.

By Authority : John M*ckay, Government Printer Wellington.—l9lS. Price la. 6d.)

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EDUCATION: THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-1, 1912.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1913 Session I, E-01

Word Count

EDUCATION: THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-1, 1912.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1913 Session I, E-01

EDUCATION: THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION. [In continuation of E.-1, 1912.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1913 Session I, E-01

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