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Session 11. 1912. NEW ZEAL A N D


Laid before Parliament in pursuance of the Act

CONTENTS. Page Past 1. Extract from Report of Minister .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 „ 2. Report of Board, with Additional Statements to those prescribed by Regulations .. 2 Statements prescribed by Regulations .. .. .. .. .. .. 4

No. l. EXTRACT FROM THE THIRTY - FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION. The contributors to the fund consist of— (1.) Those who joined under the original Act of 1905 and elected to remain thereunder; the retiring-allowance being one-sixtieth of the total salary received by the contributor during the period of contributing to the fund (or, in other words, one-sixtieth of his average salary for each year of service during the whole period of contribution), together with one one-hundred-and-twentieth of the salary during the years of service between the Ist January, 1878, and the Ist January, 1906 ; the retiring-allowance to " original" contributors being in no case less than £52. (2.) Those who joined subsequently to the passing of the amending Act in 1908, together with such of the members as did not exercise the option of remaining under the original Act; the retiringallowance being for each year of service one-sixtieth of the average rate of salary received during the three years next preceding retirement, with a limitation of the total allowance to two-thirds of the average salary ; and for those who joined after the 24th December, 1909, a further limitation to £300 per annum. The report of the Actuary appointed in terms of the Act to make the first examination of the fund will be published in a separate paper (E.-9a). At the end of 1911, The number of contributors was .. .. .. .. .. 3,384 Of whom members under Part IX of Education Act, 1908, numbered 128 The annual rate of contribution paid as at the end of the year was over.. £39,000

I—E. 9,



The number of allowances in force at the end of the year was .. 324 representing an annual charge of over .. .. .. .. £18,787 viz.,— Ordinary retiring-allowances were .. .. .. 194, representing £15,349 Retiring-allowances in medically unfit cases.. .. 30, „ 1,875 Allowances to widows 50, „ 913 Allowances to children .. 50, „ 650 The balance at the credit of the fund and invested by the Public Trustee at the end of the year was .. .. .. .. .. £183,117 The fund receives 4j per cent, interest on daily balances in the hands of the Public Trustee, and no charge is made for investment.

No. 2. SIXTH REPORT OF THE BOARD CONSTITUTED BY THE PUBLIC SERVICE CLASSIFICATION AND SUPERANNUATION AMENDMENT ACT (PART I), 1908. For the -'ear ending 31st December, 1911. The Honourable the Minister of Education. Sir,— Wellington, 19th June, 1912. The Board has to submit the following report for the year ending 31st December, 1911. Mr. Hughes, one of the South Island contributors' representatives, resigned his seat on the Board in June. At the election which followed Mr. J. A. Valentine, Timaru, was the successful candidate. I '-■: In May a fresh regulation was made under which the Public Trustee is to pay. 4\ per cent, on the capital moneys belonging to the fund, instead of as formerly paying such interest as was obtained from the investment of the capital funds, after deducting commission and office charges. The number of contributors increased from 3,247 at the end of 1910 to 3,384 at the end of 1911, and the number of persons in receipt of benefits increased during the year from 270 to 324. Details of the members of the fund on 31st December, 1911, grouped according to their status, are given in the following tables: —

A. Statement of Membership as from the 1st January, 1906.

•Includes 2,2r>a tanst'eried to Port I, public Service Clarification and buperannuation Amendment Act, 1908, and included in column (51"! the same line. f It was n<>t ' ntil 1910 tl-at it was ascertained that these five persons should have become members of the fund in terms of the previsions tif section sot the Teachers' Supeiannuatiou Act, 1905. They are also included in columns (3) and (5> of the came line. j Adjusting entries.

Original Members. Ordinary Mei ibers. Total Number at End of Period. Name of Act. (1.) Number Admitted. Left. at End of Period. (2.) (3.) , (4.) Admitted. Left. (5.) (6.) Number at End of Period. (7.) Number. (8.) Period. (9.) Teachers' Superannuation Act, 1905, and Amendment Aot, 1906 Ditto 2,720 50 127 138 2,593 2,505 219 197 39 219 377 2,812 Fifteen Months ending 31st March, 1907. 2,882 Year ending 31st March, 1908. Pi it IX, Iducation Act ; 1908. Part I of Public F Classification and Supi Amendment Acl lervice 3inni uation i, 1908. Number. Total Number at End of Period. 4 2,315* 164 2,409 19 2,767 2,931 Nine Months ending 31st December, 1908. 20 144 334 93 3,008 3,152 Year ending 31st Deceuiber, 1909. St 21 128 282 171 3,119 3,247 Year ending 31st December, 1910. 19J 19 128 330 J 193 3,256 3,384 Year ending 31st Decrmher. 1911



B. Total Number of Contributors who have joined and left the Fund since its Establishment (1st January, 1906, to 31st December, 1911).

C. Progressive Annual Table of Receipts and Expenditure (1st January, 1906, to 31st December, 1911).

D. Statement of Members of the Fund who at the End of 1911 had attained the Ages as shown therein.

Number. Annual Rate of Contributions. Annual M. F. Total. Salary. Total entered (including net increases in salary and contributions) Total discontinued 1,912 2,405 4,317 £ 760,067 £ 50,821 s. d. 0 0 371 562 j 933 164,075 11,857 0 0 Total existing at 31st December, 1911 1,541 1,843 3,384 595,992 38,964 0 0

The following table shows the progress of the fund since its estal [ishment :— (Pig. ires are given to the nearest pound only). Period ended. Total Number of Contributors at End of Period. Total Contributions ToW Interfgt (racludmg received Total i ncom e. Government during p eriod . Grant) received ° during Year. Total Expenditure. Credit Balance. list Dec, 1910 ... .years, 1906-10 ... list Dec, 1911 ... 3,247 3,247 3,384 £ 43,989 183,399 45,422 £ 6,257 16,374 7,215 £ 50,246 199,774 52,637 £ 16,316 45,434 21,927 £ 154,339 154,339 185,050 Totals (6 yrs.) 228,821 23,589 252,411 67,361

Male. Female. Age: Years. Number. Age : Years. Number. 65-66 66-67 67-68 68-69 69-70 70 3 3 1 1 55-56 56-57 57-58 58-59 59-60 60 10 4 2 1 3 6 Totals... 25



1. Statement of Contributors, showing Annual Rates of Salaries and Contributions as at the 31st December, 1911.

Number. £ s. d. Of the number of contributors who retired during the year (including 10 medically unfit cases) retiring-allowances were granted to ... 49 The annual rate of these allowances amounted to ... ... ... ... 4,716 19 2 The number of contributors who died, and on account of whom allowances or refunds of contributions were granted was ... ... ... 5 To the representatives of such contributors annual allowances were granted (in one case a refund of contributions was also made) to ... ... ... ... ... ...4 widows and 8 children The annual rate of the allowances amounted to ... ... ... ... 176 0 0 The refunds of contributions ... ... ... ... ... ... 160 10 5 The total number of retired contributors on account of whom annual allowances were granted during the year was therefore ... ... 54 The remaining number of contributors who died was ... ... ... 3 On whose account contributions, were refunded to their legal representatives to the amount of ... ... ... ... ... ... 265 15 9 The number of contributors who voluntarily retired from the Education service before becoming entitled to participate in the benefits of the fund and to whom refunds of contributions were made was ... 155 The refunds amounted to ... ... ... ... ... ... 4,370 5 2 The total number of contributors who retired from the Education service during the year 1911 was ... ... ... ... ... 212

2. Particulars of Contributions discontinued during the Year ending 31st December, 1911.

Four pensioners and two widows of deceased annuitants died during the year; one widow remarried, and her allowance ceased from the date of her remarriage; six children having attained the age of fourteen years their allowance consequently ceased; five widows and one child under fourteen years of age were granted annual allowances. Further details are given in the following table :—


M. N Number. lumber F. r - Annual Rate of Salary as at End of Year. Total. Annual Rate of Contributions as at End of Year. Contributors at 31st December, 1910 ... New contributors entered during the year ending 31st December, 1911 Net increase in salaries and contributions by promotions during the year 1,494 '■ 1,753 120 : 229 3,247 349 £ 547,932 40,267 s. d. 0 0 0 0 £ 37,285 2,234 s. d. 0 0 0 0 41,524 0 0 1,823 0 0 Totals 1,614 j 1,982 3,596 629,723 0 0 41,342 0 0 Contributions discontinued during the year ending 31st December, 1911, by resignation, &c 73 ! 139 i 212 33,731 0 0 2,378 0 0 Totals at 31st December, 1911 1,541 j 1,843 3,384 595,992 0 0 38,964 0 0 I

How discontinued. Ni Coi M. imber itribut of ;ors. Annual Rate at Date of Retirement. Salary. Contributions. Allowancei granted. F. o EH Pensions: Annual Rate. Other Payments (nonrecurring). By death before pension entered £ £ s. d. £ -a. d. £ s. d. upon — Contributions paid to personal representatives Leaving widow or child By voluntary retirement Medically unfit— Over fifteen years' service ... By retirement at pension-age ... 2 5 39 116 3 5 155 755 1,182 21,427 56 97 1,261 0 0 0 0 0 0 176 0 0 265 15 160 10 4,370 5 9 5 2 5 22 5 17 10 39 1,590 8,777 120 844 0 0 0 0 630 2 5 4,086 16 9 Totals 73 139 1212 33,731 2,378 0 0 4,892 19 2 4,796 11 4

E.— 9

3. Statement of Retiring-allowances (including Allowances to Widows and Children) for the Year ending 31st December, 1911.


(2.) (3.) Details of Column (2). 1.) Total Allowances. Retiring-allowances. Allowai ices to Children. On Attainment of RetiringMedically unfit. Widows, age. Number. , "3 o EH Annual Bate. Nui ber. Nui Annual Rate. P. M. iber. Amoun Number. Annual Rate. Nu: ber. Annual Rate. M. ! F. ivi. P. M. P. Allowances as at 31st December, 1910 Allowances granted during the year at retirement of contributor Allowances granted to widows and children of deceased annuitants £ s. d. 14,261 4 3 4,892 19 2 £ s. d. 11,436 11 3 4,086 16 9 £ s. 1,438 10 630 2 d. 0 5 £ s. 805 3 72 0 d. 0 20 0 2 27 £ s. 611 0 j 104 0 d. 0 0 126 ; 29 j 144 32 270 61 95 22 63 17 11 5 10 5 44 4 6 6 103 0 0 5 90 0 0 | ... 1 13 0 0 Total Allowances discontinued during the year* 155 3 182 10 337 13 19,257 470 3 3 5 0 117 80 3 15,523 8 0 174 16 0 16 1 15 2,038 12 163 7 5 0 53 3 967 54 3 0 0 ! 22 0 2 34 4 728 0 78 0 0 0 ... i I Allowances existing at end of year 1911 ... 152 172 324 15 15 1,875 5 5 50 913 3 0 j 20 30 650 0 0 18,787 0 5 117 77 15,348 12 0 * Particulars of Allowances discontinued during the Year. How discontinue — By death By expiry ... ... 163 7 0 I 2 1 36 18 0 0 0 0 4 4 78 6 78 0 0 0 I 2 5 5 6 7 374 96 3 0 0 0 ... 3 174 16 0 1 2 1 Total 3 10 13 470 3 0 ... I 3 I I 174 16 0 1 ... 163 7 o! 54 0 0 2 Progress of Allowances since Establishment of Fund to the 31st December, 1911. Total granted ... Total discon tinued 182 30 196 24 378 54 21,276 11 2,489 11 5 0 135 18 81 |16,841 2 10 4 | 1,492 10 10 23 [ 16 12,543 5 8 1 568 0 7 2 56 6 1,021 3 108 0 0 0 24 43 4 13 20 30 871 0 221 0 0 0 Total existing ! 152 172 18,787 0 5 15 i 15 ll,875 5 5 50 913 3 0 650 0 0 324 117 77 15,348 12 0



4. Further Details of Allowances. (a.) Return of Retiring-allowances discontinued during the Year 1st January to 31st December, 1911, and Annual Rate of Allowances granted to the Widows and Children.

(b.) Return of Widows and Children during the Year 1st January to 31st December, 1911, who ceased to be entitled to Benefits.

(c.) Return of Persons in Receipt of Annual Allowances as at the End of December, 1911. (i.) Allowances granted to Contributors who reached the Retiring-age.

Annuitant. How discontinued. Annual Rate of Lapsed Retiring-allowances. Date from which Retiring-allowance dis- t, . -, , ..; j jt> . Refund of continued,and Payment n . .. .. ,t, n. . t,t-j Contributions, of Benefits to Widow and Children began. 1. Hoey, Jemima N. 2. Hogwood, James* 3. Hyatt, Alice S. 4. Wilson, Jane Death ! £ s. d. 52 0 0 163 7 0 52 0 0 70 16 0 26 November, 1911 6 February, 1911 ! 21 July, 1911 6 January, 1911... £ 8. d. Total ... 338 3 0 I * Retired on grounds of medical unfitness.

Name. Widow or Child. Annual Rate of Allowance. Date of Termination of Payment of Allowance. Remarks. I 1. Baldwin, Mary A. ... j Widow ... 2. Bramley, Clifford E. ... Child ... 3. Evans, Madge M. ... j 4. Maber, Kathleen E , 5. Malcolm, Janet ... Widow... 6. Marshall, Eliza F. S. ... Child ... 7. Potts, Lilian J. ... „ 8. Warren, Ethel, Mrs. ... ! Widow ... 9. Watt, Alan M. ... j Child ... £ 18 13 13 13 18 13 13 1.8 13 July, 1911 Januarv, 1911 ... June, 1911 December, 1911 January, 1911 ... February, 1911... October, 1911 ... September, 1911 January, 1911 ... Deceased. Attained 14 years of age. it a Deceased. Attained 14 years of age. Remarried. Attained 14 years of age. Total ... 132

Name. Occupation. Annual Rate of Allowance. Act under which Allowance granted. E, Education Act, 1908. A, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908. Males. 1. Amoore, Albert H. 2. Bannerman, Edward* ... 3. Bannerman, William ... 4. Barton, James 5. Bedford, Bernard S. 6. Bissell, Edward 7. Blair, James ... 8. Bolton, Edwin C. 9. Bonnin, John L. 10. Boyd, Donald 11. Browne, Alfred A. 12. Bryant, James T. 13. Budd, George W. E. ... 14. Bullock, Samuel 15. Burns, Andrew 16. Butcher, Anthony G. ... 1.7. Campbell, John T.* ... 18 Comerford, William H. 19. Corbet, William* Teacher, Taranaki Education Board „ South Canterbury Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... Secretary, Nelson College Board Teacher, Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Ocago Education Board Truant Officer, Southland Education Board Assistant Truant Officer, Wanganui Education Board Teacher, Otago Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board £ s. 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 72 3 52 0 52 0 58 19 115 17 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 107 11 63 11 81 16 d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E E E E E E E A E E E A E E E E A A A „ Native school... „ Taranaki Education Board Native school... „ South Canterbury Education Board * Allow! mces granted during the period from 1st January to 31st Deceml >er, 1911.



(c.) Return of Persons in Receipt of Annual Allowances —continued. (i.) Allowances granted to Contributors who reached the Retiring-age — continued.

'- " Name. Oooupation. Act under which , _ , , Allowance granted. Annual Rate of Allowance E, Education Act, 1908. Allowance. A> Bup eraunuation Amendment Act, 1908. Males— continued. 20. Cowles, Edward* 21. Culverhouse, George ... 22. Dale, Joseph ... 23. Daly, Michael F. 24. Duncan, William 25. Dunnett, Andrew 26. Dyer, Henry H. 27. Dyer, Eobert C. 28. Easther, Henry A. 29. Everiss, George 30. Ferguson, William 31. Field, John L. 32. Fisher, John*... 33. Fitzgerald, William S.... 34. Gates, Thomas A. 35. Gerring, Albert 36. Gillman, Alfred I. 37. Glennv, Joseph 38. Goulding, Eichard T. ... 39. Gover, Frederick 40. Goyen, Peter* 41. Grant, James 42. Greaves, Joseph 43. Gribble, Charles 44. Hardy, Charles J. 45. Hassing, George M. 46. Horan, Thomas 47. Home, James 48. Howard, Charles C. 49. Hughes, Thomas* 50. Hughson, William 51. Ingpen, Edward L. 52. Johnston, Eobert 53. Jones, Thomas A. 54. Kilburn, Joseph 55. Kirby, James* 56. La Prelle, John J. 57. Lee, Clement W.* 58. Lee, Wesley ... 59. Lock, Charles H. W. ... 60. Lothian, John, Eev. 61. Lyon, Christopher, Eev.* 62. Lyttle, John ... 63. Macan, George H. 64. McDonald, Kenneth ... 65. MeFarlane, Henry 66. MeFarlane, Peter G. M. 67. McGavin, John* 68. Mcintosh, Alexander ... 69. Macky, John* 70. MoNicoll, David A. ... 71. Maddison, John 72. Matthews, Ernest W. D. 73. Menzies, Edward M.* ... 74. Menzies, George 75. Millington, Edward W.* 76. Milne, William 77. Moore, William J. 78. Moores, Peter 79. Morgan, Eichard 80. Mossman, Edwin* Teacher, Nelson Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board Janitor, Timaru High School Board Teacher, Auckland Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board Truant Inspector, Wanganui Education Board Teacher, Marlborough Education Board ... „ Otago Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Auckland Education Board Inspector, Otago Education Board Teacher, North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Wellington Education Board Inspector, Otago Education Board Teacher, Taranaki Education Board „ South Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Native school „ Wellington Education Board „ Marlborough Education Board ... Inspector, North Canterbury Education Board Janitor, Otago High School Board Teacher, Wanganui Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Wanganui Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Native school... „ Southland Education Board £ s. d. 135 3 0 124 6 0 52 0 0 81 7 0 52 0 0 120 6 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 94 11 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 Oi 131 16 3j 251 7 0| 147 16 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 118 0 0 52 0 0 278 16 0: 52 0 0l 106 0 0 52 0 0 77 15 i\ 52 0 0! 52 0 O 233 8 0| 68 8 2! 214 1 1 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 129 4 9 52 0 0 156 11 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 75 13 1 52 0 0 79 18 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 62 10 0 147 5 0 188 10 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 88 14 0 85 4 5 148 19 0 52 0 0 62 1 0 160 11 0 A A E A E A E E A E E E A A A E E E A E A E A E E E E A E A E E E E E E E A E A E E E A E A E E A A A E E E E A E A E A A it it „ Wellington Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Native school ... „ Auckland Education Board Accountant, Auckland Education Board ... Teacher, Otago Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Native school „ Wanganui Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Taranaki Education Board „ Wanganui Education Board * Allow! tnces ;ranted durin: the leriod from 1st January to 31st Decembi ir, 1911.



(c.) Return of Persons in Receipt of Annual Allowances —continued. (i.) Allowances granted to Contributors who reached the Retiring-age— continued.

. " Name. Oooupation. Occupation. Act under which a i -n i i Allowance granted. Annual Rate of ■ Allnwnnfo E.Education Act, 1908. Allowance. A> Sup61 . alln , lation Amendment Act, 1908. Males —continued. 81. Mulhern, John ... Teacher, Native school 82. Murdoch, James ... „ Southland Education Board 83. Murray, David ... „ Otago Education Board 84. Murray, George W. ... „ Auckland Education Board 85. Nicholls, Alfred ... „ North Canterbury Education Board 86. O'Donoghue, Denis* ... „ Auckland Education Board 87. Orr, James ... ... „ Southland Education Board 88. 0'Shea, Jeremiah ... „ Nelson Education Board 89. Petrie, Donald ... Inspector, Auckland Education Board 90. Pole, Eichard P. ... Teacher, North Canterbury Education Board 91. Porritt, Thomas, Eev. „ Wellington Education Board 92. Pryde, Patrick G.* ... Secretary, Otago Education Board 93. Eeid, James ... Teacher, Otago Education Board 94. Eice, Vincent E. ... Secretary, Auckland Education Board 95. Schmidt, Peter E. ... Architect to North Canterbury Education Board 96. Scott, James ... Teacher, South Canterbury Education Board 97. Scott, Samuel M. ... „ Nelson Education Board 98. Sloman, John F. ... „ Auckland Grammar School Board 99. Small, James S. ... „ Auckland Education Board 100. Smith, John Secretary to Marlborough High School Board and Education Board 101. Stead, Edwin C* ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board 102. Stenhouse, John ... „ Otago Education Board 103. Stevens, Joseph E. ... „ 104. Stewart, Alexander ... „ „ 105. Stewart, James ... „ North Canterbury Education Board 106. Stewart, Ealph D.* ... Inspector, Auckland Education Board 107. Stewart, Washington S. Teacher, Wanganui Education Board 108. Stott, Alexander ... „ Southland Education Board 109. Taylor, William N. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board 110 Tobin, William H. J , Native school... 111. Ward, Joseph ... ! „ Marlborough Education Board ... 112. Ward, William 113. Wilding, Charles B.* ... „ Native school ... 114. Williamson, Alex. W* „ Wellington Education Board 115. Wood, John... ... „ South Canterbury Education Board 116. Young, Andrew* ... „ Southland Education Board 117. Young, Henry, Eev. ... „ Native school... £ s. d. 52 0 0 52 0 0 172 11 0. 129 7 0 56 5 9 114 15 101 126 12 01 52 o o; 325 17 0! 52 0 0| 52 0 0 277 1 0 89 0 11 319 7 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 69 12 0 87 8 6 58 19 0 78 19 10 E E A A E A A E A E E A E A E E A E A E 52 0 0 230 2 0 118 5 0 88 6 0 69 0 0 213 16 8 55 9 8 93 11 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 127 3 11 138 16 0 146 1 11 52 0 0 E A A E A A E • A E E E E E A A A E Total 10,426 8 10 Females. 1. Anderson, Barbara C. ... ; Teacher, Auckland Education Board 2. Anderson, Elizabeth, Mrs.| „ Native school... 3. Barton, Annie, Mrs. ... ! „ Auckland Education Board 4. Batchelor, Bessie* ... i „ Grey Education Board 5'. Batten, Annie E. B. ... j „ Westlaiid Education Board 6. Beale, Arundel M. ... „ Auckland Education Board 7. Beattie, Jane, Mrs. ... „ Native school... 8. Blades, Bithiah ... „ Auckland Grammar School Board 9. Blyth, Sarah F. E. ... i „ Wanganui Education Board 10. Brown, Jessie C. ... i „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... 11. Bullock, Julia W. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board 12. Caldwell, Margaret, Mrs. „ Auckland Education Board 13. Carrick, Marie, Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board 14. Christie, Catherine W. ... „ Caversham Industrinl School 15. Coleman, Annie E., Mrs. „ Nelson Education Board 16. Cowens, Janet, Mrs. ... ' „ North Canterbury Education Board 17. Davis, Elizabeth* ... „ Auckland Education Board 18. Dement, Mary A. ... „ Nelson Education Board 19. Dunning, Eliza L. ... „ Auckland Education Board 20. Evans, Alice ... ... „ Taranaki Education Board 52 0 52 0 52 0 94 9 52 0 52 0 52 0 71 7 52 0 108 6 52 0 77 10 52 0 52 0 31 0 74 15 75 15 52 0 52 0 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E E E A E E E A E A E A E E A A A E E E * Allowi ,nces granted during the period from 1st January to 31st Decembi ir, 1911.


(c.) Return of Persons in Receipt of Annual Allowances —continued. (i.) Allowances granted to Contributors who reached the Retiring-age — continued.

2—E. 9.


'. " Name. t Oooupation. Act under which , , _ . Allowance granted. Annual Rate . nf Allnn/onno E, Education Act, 1908 or Allowance. A| -superannuation Amendment Aot, 1908. Females —continued. £ s. d. 21. Evans, Eliza H.* ... Teacher, Wellington Education Board ... ... 82 7 0 22. Forsyth, Agnes ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 63 11 0 23. Francis, Catherine A., Mrs. „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 24. Fraser, Mary I.* ... Principal, Wanganui Girls'College ... ... 267 3 0 25. Goulding, Jane E. ... Teacher, Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 26. Gower, Nanette ... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 27. Greensill, Susan M. C. ... „ Native school... ... ... ... 52 0 0 28. Haig, Catherine ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 104 3 4 29. ... ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 115 2 0 30. Haughton, Sophia E. J. „ „ ... 52 0 0 31. Haultain, Frances A. ... j „ Native school... ... ... ... 52 0 0 32. Heney, Annie, Mrs. ... i „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 33. Henry, Margaret ... j „ ... ... 52 0 0 34. Hopper, Mary E. ... j „ „ ... ... 80 18 0 35. Hide, Marjory S. ... „ Otstgo Education Board ... ... 56 19 9 ! 36. Irvine, Lucy M.* ... „ Native school... ... ... ... 52 0 0 37. Johnson, Susan H. ... „ „ ... ... ... . ... 52 0 0 38. Jordan, Mary E., Mrs , Wellington Education Board ... ... 108 1 0 39. Kitching, Lucy H.* ... j „ Nelson Education Board ... ... 82 13 0 40. Kitchingman, Eliza ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 0 41. Langford,Marg.H., Mrs.*' „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 125 4 0 42. Latimer, Ella, Mrs.* ... j „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 43. Leaman.FrancesE.,Mrs.*! Caretaker, Christchurch Girls'High School 52 0 0 44. Lissaman, Martha H. ... j Teacher, Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 45. Longmore, Frances ... : „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 46. Lovatt, Mary, Mrs.* ... „ „ ... ... 50 19 0 47. McGavin, Jessie, Mrs. ... ! „ Native school... ... ... ... 52 0 0 48. Mcintosh, Janet* Otago Education Board ... ... 80 1 0 49. Mackay, Ida O., Mrs. ... „ Westland Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 50. Metherell, Eosa M. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 0 51. Mills, Jessie G.* ... „ Otago EducationBoard ... ... 57 16 0 52. Moller, Louisa A. ... „ Nelson Education Board ... ... i 52 0 0 53. Nicholson, Maud ... „ Auckland Education Board ... 81 10 0 54. Paterson, Jane • .... „ Otago Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 55. Peake, Sarah N. '.'.'. \ „ Marlborough Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 56. Pettit, Barbara. M | „... Nelson Education Board ... ...;• 6615 0 57. Phillips, Mary „ Auckland Education Board ... ... , 52 0 0 58. Plummer, Mary ... „' „ ... ... 52 0 0 59. Eitchie, Christian ... „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 5200 60. Eooney, Christina* ... ! „ Otago EducationBoard ... ... 52 0 0 61. Eowley, Elizabeth M.* „ North Canterbury Education Board ... j 58 6 7 62. Simpson, Margaret E. ... ; „ „ ... ! 52 0 0 63. Sinclair, Elizabeth ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... I 92 15 0 64. Stevens, Dora S. ...J „ Otago Education Board ... ... i 52 0 0 65. Stevens, Emma M.* .... „ „ ... 86 12 0 66. Stewart, Jessie ... „ Industrial school ... ... ... 52 0 0 67. Taylor, Mary ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 0 68. Tennent, Margaret I. ... „ Native school ... ... ... ... 52 0 0 69. Tregear, Mary C. ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 70. Turn bull, Isabella* ... j „ Otago Education Board... ... ... 89 7 0 71. Wakelin, Ellen A. ... | Cookery Instructress, Wellington Education Board ... 52 0 0 72. Wilding, Mary, Mrs.* ...I Teacher, Native school ... ... ... ... I 10 6 9 73. Will, Louisa M. ... „ Otago Education Board... ... ... j 52 0 0 74. W T illiams, Alice L. ... „ Taranaki Education Board ... 80 10 0 75. Wimperis, Frances M.... „ Otago Girls'High School ... 52 0 0 76. Woodward, Laura ... i „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 77. Wraytt, Christina ... „ Southland Education Board ... ... | 52 0 0 A A E A E E E A A E E E E A A E E A A E A E E E E A E A E E A E --: " A E E A E E E E A E A E A E E E E A E A E A E E E Total ... ... ... i 4,922 3 2 194 Grand total ... ... £15,348 12 0 * Allowances granted during the period from 1st January to 81st December, 1911.



(c.) Return of Persons in Receipt of Annual Allowances —continued. (ii.) Allowances granted to Contributors medically unfit for Further Duty.

Name. Occupation. Act under which Allowance granted. Annual Rate „ ,,, .. A . „. j ah _ E, Education Act, 1908. of Allowance. A| superannuation Amendment Act, 1908. Males. £ 3. d 1. Baragwanath, John ... Teacher, South Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 0 2. Burnard, John D.* ... j „ Otago Education Board ... ... ... 80 11 5 3. Bussell, Henry ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 C 4. Dalbv, John S „ ... 52 0 0 5. Feist", Adolph M , Wellington Education Board ... 98 2 0 6. Harrison, Thomas C. „ Otago Education Board ... ... ... 52 0 0 7. Kerr, Charles K „ ... ... ... 97 15 C 8. McClure, William D. „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... ... 90 9 0 9. Marr, Thomas M. ... „ North Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 0 10. Mason, Herbert ... i „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 75 3 0 11. Miller, James* ... i „ „ ... ... 52 0 0 12. Pilkington, John J* ...j „ Wellington Education Board ... ... Ill 17 0 13. Eice, John H. ... j „ Taranaki Education Board ... ... 92 2 0 14. Smith, Edward* ... „ North Canterbury Education Board 52 0 0 15. Waygood, James E.* „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 109 17 0 Females. 1. Albert, Sarah E. ... ; Teacher, Otago High School Board ... ... 52 0 0 2. Boulcott, Henrietta... „ Wellington Education Board ... ... 52 0 0 3. Crawford, Maud M.* „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 25 2 C 4. Ecclesfield, Isabel .... „ Wellington Girls'College ... ... "63 12 0 5. Hill, Charlotte J* ... „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 0 6. Lavery, Mary S* ... „ Auckland Education Board ... ... 27 3 0 7. Lea, Mary E. ... ] „ Southland Education Board ... 52 0 Ci 8. McKay, Elizabeth ... ] „ Otago Education Board ... ... .. 52 0 0 9. McLean, Elizabeth*... „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 oi 10. Osmers, Mary E. ... „ Westland Education Board ... ... ! 52 0 0 11. Paul, Susan B. ... „ Otago Education Board ... ... ... i 52 0 0 12. Peat, Janet H. .. „ Wanganui Education Board ... ... ! 52 0 0 13. Bay, Josephine ... „ Auckland Education Board 52 0 0 14. Eowley, Jane G. ... „ South Canterbury Education Board ... 52 0 0 15. Scott, Elizabeth A.*... „ Wellington Education Board ... i 67 12 0 E A E E A E A A E A E A A E A B E A A E A E E E E E E E E A —— r~ — 30 Total... ... ...-£1,875 5 5 * Allowances granted during the period from Ut January to Slst December, 1911.



(c.) Return of Persons in Receipt of Annual Allowances —continued. (iii.) Allowances granted to Widows of Deceased Contributors.

3—E. 9.

Widows. Occupation of Deceased Contributor. Annual Rate of Allowance. Act under which Allowance granted. E, Education Act, 1908. A, Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908. j 1. Adams, Annie, Mrs. 2. Bennett, Mary E., Mrs. 3. Berry, Alice M., Mrs. ... 4. Bramley, Charlotte, Mrs. 5. Broughton, Esther, Mrs. 6. Brownlee, Lilian' G., Mrs. 7. Closs, Jane, Mrs. 8. Crummy, Sarah, Mrs. ... 9. Dawson, Annie, Mrs. ... 10. Duthie, Grace, Mrs. ... 11. Ellis, Elizabeth, Mrs. ... 12. Evans, Margaret A. T., j Mrs 13. Fannin, Martha, Mrs. ... 14. Ferguson, Elizabeth, Mrs. 15. Foster, Frances, Mrs. ... 16. Gloy, Margaret, Mrs. ... 17. Golding, Mary E., Mrs... 18. Goodwin, Zillah, Mrs. ... 19. Greenwood, Margaret, Mrs. 20. Hailey, Elizabeth, Mrs. 21. Hogwood, Mary E. A., Mrs.* 22. Hutchinson,Margaret G., Mrs. 23. Hutton, Helen B., Mrs.* 24. Ingpen, Emily B., Mrs. 25. Kerr, Catherine S., Mrs. 26. Ladley, Ada, Mrs. 27. Lindsay, Lillias, Mrs. ... 28. Look, Bertha E., Mrs. ... 29. Maber, Grace M.,Mrs.... ' 30. Macbeth, Helen G., Mrs.* 31. McClelland, Elizabeth J„ Mrs. 32. McCullough, Kate, Mrs.* 33. McKinnon, Grace, Mrs. 34. Marshall, Eliza F., Mrs. 35. Marshall, Louisa J., Mrs* 36. Mason, Margaret H. E., Mrs. 37. Neill, Susan, Mrs. 38. Patrick, Mary J., Mrs.... 39. Paul, Sybil F. M., Mrs.* 40. Peacock, Ivy C. C, Mrs.* 41. Peterson, Elizabeth S., Mrs.* 42. Potts, Eosamond, Mrs.... 43. Selby, Emma, Mrs. 44. Sigley, Lillie C, Mrs. ... 45. Smith, Mary A., Mrs. ... 46. Tegner, Clara, Mrs. 47. Trevithick,AnnieL.,Mrs* 48. Walter, Eosa A., Mrs. ... 49. Watt, Elizabeth, Mrs. ... Teacher, Thames High School Board „ Otago Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board £ s. d.l 18 o d j 18 0 01 I 5 4 0! 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0^ 18 0 0; J 1 I I E E E E E A " If „ Native school ... Marlborough Education Board ... „ Otago Education Board Clerk to Canterbury College Board Teacher, Wanganui Education Board „ Native school ... Secretary to Nelson Education Board Teacher, Taranaki Education Board 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0i 18 0 0! 18 0 0; E E E E E A „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ North Canterbury Education Board „ South Canterbury Education Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Otago Education Board Inspector, Auckland Education Board Teacher, Native school ... 18 0 0 18 0 0! 18 0 0 ! 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 A E A E E E E „ Auckland Education Board 18 0 0 18 0 0 E A „ Southland Education Board 18 0 0 E Principal, School of Art, Otago ... Teacher, Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Marlborough Education Board ... „ Otago Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... Clerk, North Canterbury Education Board Teacher, Otago Education Board 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 A E E A E E E E E Otago High School Board „ Southland High School Board „ Otago Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Wellington Education Board 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 A E E E A „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Native school ... 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 E E A A E „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Taranaki Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Native school ... „ Chrisfcchurch Boys' High School... „ Wanganui Education Board „ Auckland Grammar School Board „ Native school ... „ Auckland Education Board 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 0 0 ( 18 0 0 \ 7 19 0 E E E A E A E E 50. Young, Mary A., Mrs. ... „ Otago Education Board } E Total £913 3 0 * Alio ances granted during the period from 1st January to 31st Deeeral ler, 1911.

E— 9.


(c.) Return of Persons in Receipt of Annual Allowances —continued. (iv.) Allowances granted to Children of Deceased Contributors and Annuitants.

Occupation of Deceased Contributor. Act under which Allowance granted. Name. Annual Rate of Allowauoe. E, Education Act, 1908. A, Superannuation Amendment Act, j 1908. Males. 1. Brownlee, John K. 2. Clarkson, Bernard T. ... 3. Dale, John H. 4. Evans, Eoss 5. Evans, James L. 6. Evans, William S. 7. Evans, Harry M. 8. Evans, Colin M. 9. Evans, Jack 10. Greenwood, Milton G. ... 11. Look, William J. 12. McKinnon, Hugh L. ... 13. McKinnon, John C. ... 14. Paul, Frederick A. T.*... 15. Paul, Eric H.* 16. Sigley, Edgar 17. Sigley, Harry S. 18. Smith Edward H. 19. Warren, Francis M. 20. Warren, Horace V. Teacher, Marlborough Education Board ... Wanganui Education Board „ Native school ... „ Taranaki Education Board tt a it it. it a it tt • • • „ Native school ... „ Wellington Education Board „ Southland High School Board £ 13 13 13 13 13 18 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 I A E A A A A A A A E E E E A A E E A A A „ Native school ... '/ a •'' ... „ Ohristchurch Boys' High School... „ Auckland Education Board '/ a • • • Females. 1. Bennett, Dorothy V. 2. Berry, Dorothy M. 3. Bramley, Gladys V. 4. Bramley, Daisy E. 5. Bramley, Winifred M. ... 6. Broughton, Esther P. N. 7. Broughton, Helen S. E. 8. Brownlee, Gwendolen A. 9. Clarkson. Marv L. 10. Clarkson, Estella G. ... 11. Gloy, OlgaH. M. 12. Hutchinson, Margaret M. M. 13. Hutchinson, Kathleen M. B. 14. Look, Gwendoline 15. Look, Eeoni ... 16. McCullough, Hazel K.* 17. McCullough, Elsie L.* 18. McCullough, Frieda M.* 19. Macpherson, Dollina* ... 20. Marshall, Gertrude E.* 21. Marshall, Zealanda 22. Paul, Euth* 23. Peacock, Winsome F.* 24. Sigley, Hattie E. 25. Sigley, Joyce C. 26. Sigley, Hazel M. 27. Sigley, Ethel G. 28. Warren, Lila 29. Warren, Eva E. 30. Webber, Mina H. O. ... Teacher, Otago Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board // » " // n tt „ Native school ... „ Marlborough Education Board ... 7 Wanganui Education Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Southland Education Board n it • •■ „ Wellington Education Board ... 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 E . E E E E E E A E E E E E E E A A A A E E A A E E E E A A E „ Otago High School Board // it a a • • • „ Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board... „ Native school ... „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Native school ... „ Auckland Education Board tt a „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... 50 Total ... £650 . * Alio'ances granted during the period from 1st January to 31st Dece: her, 1911.


5. Ebvenue Account for the Year ending 31st December, 1911. "J, „ , £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance 31st December, 1910 .. 154,21116 6 By Allowances .. .. .. 16,996 0 4 Contributions .. .. .. 38,422 4 8 Contributions refunded and transferred 4,544 16 10 . Government subsidy .. .. 7,000 0 0 Commission .. .. .. 282 0 1 Interest .?. .. .. .. 7,214 18 10 Balanoe .. .. .. .. 185,026 2 9 £206,849 0 0 £206,849 0 0 sa. Balanoe-Sheet at the 31st December, 1911. mr. „ £ s. d. £ s. d. To Fund as per Revenue Account .. 185,026 2 9 By Amount in hands of Publio Trustee .. 183,116 11 4 Retiring-allowances in transit .. 137 17 3 . Contributions in transit .. .. 189 19 1 Commission accrued to 31st December, Interest acorued and outstanding .. 1 896 14 4 1911 .. .. .. .. 33 5 0 Suspense Acoount — Contributions overpaid .. .. .. 5 19 9 £185,203 i 9 £185,208 i 9 B. O. Gibbes, Secretary for Education. F. K. de Oastbo, Chief Clerk and Accountant, and Secretary to Teachers' Superannuation Board. Examined and found correct.--R. J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General. I have, &c, Thos. Mackenzie, Chairman,- Teachers' Superannuation Board. Approximate Coet of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (6,lso'copies), £EO.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9l2. Price 6d.'\


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EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1912 Session II, E-09

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EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1912 Session II, E-09

EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1912 Session II, E-09

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