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Session 11. 1912. NEW ZEALAND.


Mr, Speaker,— As 1 only assumed office as Minister of Public Works on 10th Jul} 7 , it is scarcely necessary to state that all references in this Statement to operations during the last financial year are strictly departmental. As regards the future, however, I desire to offer some remarks. In my opinion, to give the settlers of the Dominion access to their holdings by means of roads should he the first consideration in any scheme of public works. I have no desire to minimize the value of railways to the Dominion, but these are of secondary importance if the settlers cannot reach them. Now, road-making in New Zealand is difficult and expensive, owing to the configuration of the country and to the absence m many localities of suitable metal. Hence considerable sums have to be provided each year for this class of work. In view of the fact that the unexpended balance of authorities for roads and bridges on 31st March, 1912, was £466,367, and that between Ist April last and 31st July further authorities amounting to £145,796 were issued, I found myself at the latter date faced with commitments totalling £612,163 for roads and bridges alone, without allowing for the provision requiring to be made for applications for new votes. These applications now amount to over a million and a half. The total provision for roads and bridges for the current year is very similar in amount to that of last year. The total provision for rail winconstruction for the year is £847,500, which is £83,789 more than was expended on new railways last year. Full particulars in regard to each line of railway in hand are furnished under the heading of " Railway-construction " It will doubtless be a source of disappointment to many resident in Central Otago that no provision is made in this Statement for continuing the Otago Central line towards Hawea, but in view of the present stringency of the London money-market this is quite impossible. Let me now say a few words regarding the so-called co-operative system. Most of the advocates of this system seem to be under the impression that the word " co-operative " is synonymous with small contracts. If the latter is what is desired, then I am in perfect accord with them. True co-operative work presupposes a certain number of workmen voluntarily joining together to execute certain undertakings and sharing the proceeds of their labour. As far as practicable I intend to give effect to this principle. I realize fully, however, that no one system will suffice for carrying on all our public works in a manner satisfactory to the workers and to the community as a whole. This subject will have my careful attention during the recess.

i—D. 1.


TOTAL EXPENDITURE. The total expenditure of the year on public works was not only in excess of that of the previous year, but was the largest in any single year for over thirty years, and amounted to the very Luge sum of £2.476.156 —viz., £2,387,411 out of the Public Works Fund and allied special accounts, and £88,745 out of the Consolidated Fund. The following table shows the brief particulars of the expenditure of the year, and also the total under each class of work from the inauguration of the public works policy up to the 31st March last : —

WAYS AND MEANS. At the 31st March, 1911. the available ways and means for £ public-works purposes were . . .. .. .. 1,140,045 and further funds were received as under:— * Under the Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1910 . . . . . . . . . . 181,650 Under the Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1911 .. .. .. .. .. 450,000 Under the New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 . . .. 66,950 Transfer from Consolidated Fund . . .. .. 500,000 Miscellaneous receipts . . . . .. 12,150 Making a gross total of . . . . . . £2.350.795 The ordinary expenditure of the year amounted to £2,200,745, and charges and expenses in respect of raising loans, £67,470, thus bringing the total disbursements up to £2,268.215, and leaving a credit balance at the end (if the year of £82,580.


Expenditure. Clasi-- of Work. Expenditure Total for Year ended Expenditure to 31st March, 31st March, 1912. 1912. Railways— New construction Additions to open lines ... Roads ... Public buildings ... Immigration Purchase of Native lands ... Lighthouses, harbour-works, and harbour-defences Tourist and health resorts... Telegraph-extension Development of goldfields ... Defence-works (general) Departmental Development of water-power Irrigation and water-supply Payment to Midland Railway bondholders ... Lands-improvement Minor works and services ... Cost and discount, raising loans, &c. £ £ 763,711 21,266,133 362,194 8,413,781 424,578 9,349,520 350,655 5,042,032 11,681 2,239,912 2,066,638 12,576 X, 081,422 13,361 216,633 147,692 2,025,751 21,244 868,173 10,437 920,419 49,864 726,669 9,082 18,451 2,794 4,356 150,000 20,876 82,546 312,607 67,470 1,242,423 Wellington-Hutt Railway Improvement New Hutt Road ... Railways Improvement Account Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account National Endowment Account Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Account 2,268,215 56,027,466 1,635 238,582 6,070 88,799 51,428 567,514 49,739 584,202 6,555 17,149 3,769 3,769 2,268,215 1,635 6,070 51,428 49,739 6,555 3,769 56,027,466 238,582 88,799 567,514 584,202 17,149 3,769 Totals 2,387,411 57,527,481 2,387,411 57,527,481 . I



For the current year it is proposed to provide additional funds as under:— Balance of loan of 1911 .. .. .. .. 1,050,000 Transfer from Consolidated Fund .. . . .. 750,000 Proposed new loan . . . . . . . . 1,750,000 The above, with the balance brought forward, gives a gross total of £3.632.580. The estimated expenditure for public works for the. current year (excluding separate accounts having their own ways and means) amounts to £2,748.000, leaving an estimated balance of £884.580 to be carried forward to next year. In addition to the above we have authority to raise the undermentioned sums :— £ Under the Aid to Water-power Works Act, 1910 .. 500.000 For irrigation-works (section 20, Appropriation Act, 1910) .. .. .. .. .. 100,000 Under the Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910 (balance) .. .. . . 50,000 RAILWAY-CONSTRUCTION. The following sections of railway were opened for traffic during the last financial year or since its close : — M. eh. Kawakawa to Towai .. 21 18 .. April, 1911. Seddon to Ward .. 14 44 .. April. 1911. Waimahaka to Tokonui .. 8 27 .. September. 1911. Kioreroa to Onerahi .. 2 50 .. October. 1911. Waikohu to Otoko . . 7 75 . . April, 1912. Westport to Te Kulia .. 5 74 . . April. 1912. Te Wera to Pohokura .. 8 55 . . August, 1912. Kiwi to Olenhope .. 12 58 .. September. 1912. Total .. .. 82 1 In addition, to the above the following sections are approaching completion, and are expected to be ready to hand over to the Railway Department for regular traffic during the current year or shortly after its close : — Length. M. eh. Kaihu Extension . . .. .. .. .. 2 44 Otiria to Kaikohe .. .. 16 25 Te Hana to Otamatea . . . . .. ..11 30 Maunganui to Te Puke .. .. .. .. 13 0 Pohokura to Whangamomona . . . . . . 6 13 Mount Egmont Branch . . . . . . 2 56 Otoko to Rakauroa . . . . . . .. 6 50 Cronadun to Inangahua Junction . . . . . . 12 70 Coal Creek Extension . . . . . . . . 3 58 Cass to Bealey .. .. ,•■ ■ - 14 6 Mina to Parnassus . . .. . . . . 8 43 Bio Hill to Athenaeum Flat .. .. .. 3d Honipa pa to Papatowai .. .. .. 12 72 Total .. .. .. .. .. 113 67 The total expenditure on railway-construction and improvement-works last year amounted to £1.178,968, as under :— £ Construction of hew lines . . . . . . 763,711 Additions to open lines .. .. .. .. 362,194 Wellington .-Hutt Railway duplication .. .. 1,035 Railways Improvement Account .. .. .. 51,428 Total .. .. .. .. .. £1,178,968



I will now give as concise an account as I can of the present position of each of the railways under construction, of what has been done on each of the lines during tii 7 > past year, and what is proposed to be done during the current year. Kaihu Extension. Formation-works on the extension of this line were completed during the year, but four small bridges have yet to be erected and some culverts put in before the rails can be laid to the end of the line. Timber for the bridges is arriving, and the current year should witness the completion of the extension. The expenditure on this line during the last financial year amounted to £6,171, and for the current year a vote of £15,000 is proposed. Kawakawa-Hokianga. During the year earthworks were completed, rails laid, and ballasting practically finished up to Ngapipito Station, seven miles from the junction point at Otiria. Formation over a further section of eight miles and a half is approaching completion, but several small bridges have yet to be built. Temporary structures are being provided to carry the rails, which are expected to reach Otuhi Station during the coming summer. Formation-work was not carried quite up to Kaikohe, pending a final decision as to the site of the Kaikohe Station-yard. The expenditure on the line during the last financial year amounted to £50,527, and for the current year a vote of £40,000 is asked for. Kawakawa-Grahamtown. The final section of this railway between Whangarei and the new wharf at Grahamtown was opened on the 2nd October, 1911, and has been carrying regular traffic since. An oil-engine to operate the lifting span of the Whangarei Bridge was installed, and several details in connection with station buildings attended to. The expenditure during last financial year amounted to £11,647, and for the current year a vote of £3,000 is provided to meet the expenditure which has come to charge since the 31st March last. North Auckland Main Trunk. The construction of the section to Kaiwaka, nearly nine miles beyond the Te Hana terminus, was completed in June last, but, owing to the probability of slips in the clay cuttings during the winter months, the section was not handed over to the Railway authorities. Goods and passengers are being carried over it, however, by the ballast-train. Formation is practically completed up to Otamatea, and is well in hand as far as Maungaturoto, seven miles beyond Kaiwaka. There are two tunnels on the last five miles, one of which is more than half-way towards completion, and the more important one, 24 chains in length, is making good progress. A steel bridge over the Otamatea tideway is being erected by contract. The contract time has already expired, but it will, I fear, be some months before the bridge is completed. The same contractor has the erection of a railway-wharf at Otamatea in hand, and is making fair progress with the work. Beyond Maungaturoto a short length of formation is in hand, and from Kaikohe, where the line will ultimately join the Kawakawa-Hokianga system, about two miles of light formation-work has been carried out. The Kaipara tidal waterways have been utilized to some extent for the transport of heavy materials to the sites of construction-works. During last financial year the total expenditure on this line amounted to £78,622. which is the largest on record for this line, and for the current year a vote of £80,000 is proposed. Huntly-Awaroa. This fine has been located for a distance of five miles and a half, and construc-tion-work over the first three miles has been in progress during the year, but much of the country traversed is low-lying, and progress has been interfered with to some extent by the water in the swamps. Trial surveys have been run over the remainder of the authoiized line and as far as the Waingaro Saddle, the latter part of the route running through rough and difficult country. The contractor for the erection of



the combined railway and road bridge which will carry the line over the Waikato River is proceeding with his work, but the time fixed for the completion] of the bridge has already expired and a good deal still remains to be done. The total expenditure on the line, including the bridge contract, during last financial year amounted to £7,819, and for the current year a vote of £20,000 is asked for. East Coast Main Trunk. A section from Waihi to Athenree, nine miles in length, was authorized last session, and construction-work commenced on the 11th March last. Formation has since been in progress over a length of about four miles, and the line is located to within a mile of the limit of its authorization. There will be some heavy rockwork on this section, and, as it is not likely to be revenue-producing for quite a considerable period, the Government has decided to suspend operations for the present. On the Maunganui - Te Puke Section the permanent-way has been laid up to the Te Puke Station. The swamps on the Te Puke Section are giving considerable trouble, and are still not showing much sign of final settlement. After examination of several rock-deposits in the locality it was decided to obtain ballasting-material from Moturiki Island, and a branch line half a mile in length has been laid from the terminal station, at Maunganui to a suitable quarry-site, where a complete crushing plant has been installed and in operation since February last. The formed line is now being ballasted with material from this source, which also supplies suitable metal for concrete culverts and other purposes. In order to complete the ballasting as quickly as possible another quarry is to be opened at Te Puke, so that the work may be proceeded with from both ends. Between Te Puke and Paengaroa the line has been located, and formation is in progress over the first two miles, and is within measurable distance of completion. A trial survey has been made over the country from Tauranga westward to the Wairoa River, and a route selected for this portion of the line. During the year considerable surveying-work has been done to ascertain whether a route from Pongakawa, the end of the present authorization, via Lake Rotoma, to Te Teko would be more favourable for the main line than the previously suggested route along the sea-coast. Plans have been prepared and are still under consideration. A trial survey has also been made of the country between Rotorua and Paengaroa, via Okere, with a view to selecting a route for a line to connect the East Coast Railway with the existing terminus at Rotorua, and a suitable route with fair grades has been located. At the Gisborne end the important steel viaduct which carries the railway over the Otoko Gorge was satisfactorily completed under contract, the line ballasted up to the Otoko Station, and the section from Waikohu to Otoko, nearly eight miles in length, opened for regular traffic. The opening took place on the Bth April last. Beyond Otoko formation is complete, and the rails laid to Rakauroa, but frequent slips in the heavy cuttings have at times to be dealt with. Three bridges have been erected, a fourth is approaching completion, and a tunnel eleven miles beyond Otoko has been excavated. The pit at Te Karaka, from which ballast for this line has hitherto been obtained, is exhausted, and a new pit is about to be opened at Te Puha, two miles further on. The gravel still has to be conveyed a considerable distance, but no more suitable source of supply is available at present. Bushfelling is in progress beyond Matawai, and formationworks are following as rapidly as weather-conditions and difficult roads will permit. The foremost formation parties are located beyond the Matawai Station-yard, forty-five miles from Gisborne. The section of railway to connect Gisborne with Napier has been located for a distance of eighteen miles from the junction point at Makaraka, and the trial line has been continued to a point opposite Tiniroto, forty-six miles from the junction. Formation-work was commenced at various places up to the ninth mile in April last.



At the Napier end the line has been authorized for about fifteen miles, located for about ten miles, and the light formation along the Western Spit was commenced in February last. Up to the present about six miles of formation have been completed, while work is in hand over another mile, and borings have been made to test the nature of sites for the bridge to carry the line across the Inner Harbour. As the work that has been in hand on this line will be useless until the bridge over the harbour has been built, and liable to deterioration by the weather and wandering stock, it has been decided to suspend it for the present. It can easily be resumed when the bridge is approaching completion. The expenditure during last financial year on the different sections of the East Coast Railway between Waihi and Napier was as follows :— £ Waihi to Athenree . . . . . . . . 22 Tauranga to Paengaroa .. .. .. .. 26,740 Gisborne to Motu .. .. .. .. 78,614 Cisborne to Napier, north end . . . . . . 1,437 Gisborne to Napier, south end . . . . . . 294 For the current year votes are proposed as under : — Waihi Tauranga .. .. .. .. .. 5,000 Tauranga-Paengaroa . . . . . . . . 25,000 Gisborne-Motu . . . . .. .. . . 80,000 Napier-Gisborne, north end . . . . . . 15,000 Napier-Gisborne, south end . . 12,000 Total .. .. .. .. . . 137,000 Stratford - Main Trunk. Steady progress has been made during the year with the heavy constructionworks at the western end of this line, although the nature of the country traversed and the weather-conditions prevailing during the greater part of the year handicapped the operations to an appreciable extent. The section from Te Wera to Pohokura. 8 miles 55 chains in length, has been finished, and Landed over to the Railway Department for regular traffic. Beyond Pohokura the 30-chain tunnel through the Whangamomona Saddle was finished in March, the heavy formation-works up to Whangamomona practically completed, and the piers for a bridge between the tunnel and the township built in readiness for the superstructure, which is being manufactured under contract. Some smaller bridges Lave still to be erected before the township is reached. Slips in several of the heavy cuttings on this length Lave given trouble, and it is expected that further slips will occur owing to the liability of the papa formation to give way. Rails have been laid to within two miles of AVLangamomona, and ballasting completed up to the tunnel, about a mile behind the rail-head. Beyond Whangamomona earthworks are in hand over a length of seven miles and a half, and temporary bridges have been built over most of the streams to facilitate the transport of materials, shingle, and cement. A tunnel through the Tahora Saddle, seven miles from Whangamomona, Las been commenced. The country beyond Tahora is of an exceptionally difficult nature for railway-construction, and careful trial surveys are being made so as to ensure the selection of the best available route to carry the line into the Ohura Valley. With the object of giving the settlers in. the fertile Ohura district the benefit of access to a railway during the years which must elapse before the line from Taranaki can reach their settlement, it was last year decided to commence the construction of this line from the eastern end, and after investigation a good route was found, leaving the Main Trunk line about one mile and a half south of Te Koura Station, leading up the Okahukara Valley, negotiating the dividing-range by means of a 74-chain tunnel, running down the Otahu Valley to Matiere, and thence on to Ohura. This route is six miles sLorter than the original one from Ongarue. The new line was authorized last year, and formation-work started in November last. A serviceroad, over seven miles in length, is being formed, which will, on completion, serve as a main road from the Ohura Valley to Taumarunui. The railway-route has been cleared from the junction up to the tunnel-site, and cuttings opened in various places



along the first two miles. Plans of the projected tunnel are being prepared, with a view to inviting tenders for its construction. During the financial year the expenditure on the works at both ends of this line amounted to £81,806, and for the current year a vote of £00,000 is proposed. Mount Eomont Branch. A small amount of formation-work was carried out during the year, timber for bridges procured, and investigations made as to the best means of working the stone-quarry which the line is to serve. Expenditure during the last financial year amounted to £2,653, and for the current year a vote of £10,000 is asked for. Opunake Branch. Tn April last a commission was appointed to inquire and report as to the best means of serving by railway the fertile and closely settled portion of Taranaki lying to the westward of the existing main line. The Commission made a thorough investigation throughout the district, and in its report, which has already been laid before Parliament, recommended the construction of a line from New Plymouth in a south-westerly direction between Mount Egmont and the sea, passing close to Opunake. traversing the rich Waimate Plains, and joining the existing line near Te Roti Station. A short brancL from Kapuni to Kaponga was also recommended, capable of extension to Stratford, and also a second branch from the same place (Kapuni) to Manaia. The total length of construction recommended by the Commission was 72i miles, estimated to cost £530,000. The programme outlined is more comprehensive and costly than appears necessary to serve the present requirements of the district : but railway facilities are undoubtedly required for the transport of the large and increasing output from the dairy factories between the existing main line and the western sea-coast. After mature consideration the Government has decided to ask Parliament to authorize the construction of a branch railway from the main line to Opunake. The line will be twenty-three miles in length, and, the country along the route being for the most part favourable, the cost of construction will probably be below the average of recent years. Ohakune-Raetihi Branch. Construction-work was formally commenced at Ohakune Station in February* but further investigation disclosed a more suitable route than that originally selected, and the line has now been relocated on the new route. Some clearing-work has been carried out near Ohakune Township, two miles distant, where the route is not affected by the change in the junction-point. The expenditure during the late financial year was very small —namely, £104; but for the current year a vote of £10,000 is proposed. Manawapou Deviation. A deviation of one mile and a quarter of the line between Manutahi and Mokoia (Wellington - New Plymouth main line) in connection witli the renewal of the Manawapou Viaduct is in hand under the Railway Department. The old timber viaduct is being replaced by a modern steel structure on concrete and steel piers at a level 28 ft. above that of the old bridge. The whole cost of the new bridge (about £8,000) is being charged to railway maintenance. The deviation, for which funds have been provided by the Public Works Department, comprises heavy earthworks, farm overbridges, &c, on the new alignment. The gradient approaching the bridge is improved from 1 in 50 to 1 in 70. The works on the deviation are nearly finished. A small proportion of earthwork which cannot be done till the new bridge is erected will complete the job. The expenditure out of last year's vote amounted to £10,993, and for the current year an amount of £4,000 is asked for.



South Island Main Trunk. Formation from the terminus at Ward to Mirza Station, three miles and a half distant, is almost completed, and the whole length is ready for platelaying. The formation between Mirza and Mills, a little to the south of the Ure River, is of a heavier character, and works are in hand over the whole of it. A tender has just been accepted for the construction of a combined road and railway bridge over the Ure River, two miles and a half south of Mirza, the contract price being £3,859. Extensive plantations of sand-binding grasses and shrubs are being made on the cuttings and banks and adjacent areas on this section. The engineering survey of the Kekerangu Section is in hand. At the south end work has been carried on principally on the Parnassus Section, eight miles and a half in length, which is practically finished, and is in hand on the Mendip Section for nearly four miles beyond Parnassus. During the last financial year the expenditure at both ends of this line amounted to £55,661, and for the current year votes of £20,000 and £30,000 are proposed for the north and south ends respectively. Westport-Inangahua. The first section of 5 miles 74 chains to Te Kuha was completed and opened for traffic in April last. Construction-work, consisting mainly of rock-cuttings, with occasional short tunnels along the north bank of the Buller River, has been in progress during the year for a further distance of over four miles. The first half-mile is being carried out by co-operative labour, and is approaching completion, and the remainder Las been let in seventeen small contracts, principally taken up by parties or workmen. Five of the contracts have been completed, one was abandoned by the contractors, on two others progress is somewhat tardy, but on the remainder the rate of progress is quite satisfactory. The Department's experience on this line is that rock-excavation costs less under the contract system than by co-operative labour, but that there is no appreciable difference in the cost of tunnels or bushfelling. The line is authorized for eight miles beyond the limit of the formation contracts. During last financial year the expenditure on this line amounted to £21,572, and for the current year a vote of £20,000 is proposed. Greymouth - Point Elizabeth. Unfavourable weather-conditions during the greater part of the year, and numerous slips in the heavy cuttings, retarded the completion of this length of railway, which is to serve the new State colliery at Point Elizabeth. Formation is practically complete, and platelaying and ballasting are beingjpushed on with all possible expedition. The central brake-rail for the Fell system on the incline has yet to be fixed in position, and one small bridge remains to be finished. The expenditure on the line during last financial year amounted to £25,420, and for the current year a vote of £12,000 is asked for, which should carry the line to completion. Ross-Mikonui. The construction of an extension of the- railway from Ross to the south side of the Mikonui River, about four miles in length, was authorized last year, and a vote of £5,000 on account of the work appeared on the estimates. During the year a survey of three miles of the route was made and plans prepared, but no construction-work was done. The expenditure out of the appropriation amounted to £51. Midland. At the Nelson end the section between Kiwi and Glenhope, 12 miles 58 chains in length, was completed and op mcd for traffic on the 2nd ultimo. The opening of this section is a matter of some importance to the settleis along tht Buller River and in the Murchison district, as it brings the line into the watershed of the Buller River, shortening tlie coach journey by twenty-two miles, and saving the heavy haulage over the Hope Saddle. Bushfelling and clearing along the next two miles



has been completed, and formation-works are in hand over most of the same length, and the survey has been extended to Kawatiri. At the Reefton end of the line the section between Cronadun and the Inangahua Landing was finished early in the year, but still remains in the hands of thePublic Works Department. On the next section of five miles to the Inangahua Junction formation-work is approaching completion, only the platelaying and ballasting remaining to be done. It is proposed to complete the line to a temporary station on the west side of the Inangahua, pending consideration of the best point for a junction with the railways that will eventually connect with Westport and Nelson. The most important feature on the unfinished portion of the Westland-Canter-bury line is the Arthur's Pass Tunnel, a contract for the construction of which was let in August, 1907. The time fixed for the completion of the work expired on the Ist August last, by which time the contractors had driven the bottom heading for a total length of 2 miles 20 chains, and completed excavation for 1 mile 63 chains. There remained 3 miles 5 chains between [the headings, and a distance of 3 miles 42 chains between the two ends of the fully excavated tunnel. On the expiry of the contract time the contractors informed the Government that their financial resources were exhausted, and that they were consequently unable to carry the work to completion. They have applied to be relieved of the contract, and their petition is still under consideration by a special Committee of Parliament. On the Canterbury side steady progress is being made with the formation between the terminus of the opened line at Cass and the Bealey, where the tunnel contract commences. The works are of a very heavy nature, including rock-cuttings, shingle-banks along the Waimakariri and Bealey River beds, and bridges over several snow-fed streams. Stone protective works are necessary in many places. Formation is complete to within about three miles of Bealey, and is well in hand over the remaining length. Three bridges have yet to be built, but it is probable that under favourable conditions the line to the Bealey Valley will be completed during the coming summer. The Bealey Valley Station will be the terminus until the completion of the Arthur's Pass Tunnel. The expenditure on the different sections of the Midland Railway during last financial year was as follows :• — Nelson end.. .. .. .. .. .. 19,869 Reefton end .. .. . . .. .. 14,051 Otira-Bealey .. .. .. .. .. 56,914 Bealey-Cass .. .. .. .. .. 42,290 For the current year the following appropriations are proposed : — £ Nelson end .. .. .. .. .. 30,000 Reefton end .. .. .. .. .. 17,000 Otira-Bealey .. .. .. .. .. 70,000 Bealey-Cass .. .. .. .. .. 50,000 Total .. .. .. .. .. £167,000 Waimate Branch Extension. Last year's authorizations included an extension of the Waimate Branch line from Waihao Downs to Waihaorunga, about four miles through good grain-growing country, and a vote of £5,000 was provided on the estimates to make a commencement with the work. The route has never been properly surveyed, and during the year the services of a competent Engineer could not be spared to locate the fine ; consequently no construction-work was undertaken, and there was no expenditure out of the allocation. Last year's vote of £5,000 is repeated on the estimates. Catlin's-Waimahaka. This railway is complete to Puketiro Station, 7 miles 22 chains beyond the terminus of the open line at Houipapa, but the new section is still retained in the hands of the Public Works Department to permit of the convenient haulage of ballast and stone from the quarry at Houipapa for the length ahead. The rails have also been laid on the next section as far as Caberfeidh Station and the line

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partly ballasted, and formation-work is in progress to the Papatowai Station site, and progress is satisfactory considering the difficult nature of the country and the unfavourable weather-conditions which have prevailed during the year. Slips have been frequent, in one instance necessitating a deviation of the line to avoid moving ground. A service tramway has been laid ahead of the works for the transport of plant and supplies, as service-road construction in this locality would be difficult and expensive. A temporary goods service is carried on from Houipapa to Puketiro for the convenience of settlers and workmen until the section can be opened for regular traffic. The line has been located up to the end of the present authorization in the Tahakopa Valley. A contract has been let for the erection of a bridge to carry the railway over the Maclennan River, at a cost of £3,121. At the Waimahaka end a few minor works to complete the recently opened Tokonui Section were attended to, and a further length of nearly seven miles beyond Tokonui was located. Five miles and a half of the new section was authorized by the Act of last year, but it is not intended to resume construction-work at this end during the current year. The expenditure on both ends of this line during last financial year was £52,688. and for the current year a total vote of £50,000 is proposed. Lawrence-Roxburgh. The excavation of the Big Hill Tunnel has been in progress during the year. The bottom heading is through, and enlarging and lining are being carried on from both ends. Formation-work is in hand for two miles beyond the tunnel, and the line has been located up to the Beaumont Township. The expenditure during the last financial year was £15,964, and for the current year a vote of £20,000 is proposed. Orepuki - Waiau Extension. On last year's appropriations there was a vote of £5,000 for the extension of the railway from Tuatapere, and a line through Orawia to the Wairakei River was authorized. Representations were, however, made to the Government in favour of the adoption of an alternative route from Waikouro, on the Nightcaps Branch, to serve the Orawia and adjoining districts, and it was decided to make a trial survey of the latter route before any construction was begun. The survey has recently been completed, and the result is under consideration. There was no expenditure out of last year's allocation. Winton - Heddon Bush. Last year also a branch line thirteen miles in length was authorized, from Winton to Heddon Bush, a fertile agricultural district, and a vote of £10,000 provided for commencing its construction. There was no expenditure out of the allocation, but a vote of £8,000 is proposed for the current year. Total Appropriations for Railway-construction. In addition to the votes already mentioned, an appropriation of £100,000 is required for permanent-way materials for all lines ; also £1,500 for land claims and other liabilities on account of votes of previous years which have not been renewed ; also a vote of £5,000 for surveys of projected new fines : making a total proposed vote for railway-construction purposes of £847,500. Other Railway Works. During the year under review the sum of £134,892 was spent in providing signals and interlocking, lock and block and tablet installation, telegraph and telephone extensions, purchase of land, bridge-work, sidings, wharves, weighbridges, turn-tables, water services, additions to workshops, station buildings and dwellings, electric-light and gas installation, deviation of line, reduction of grades, and curves. £227,302 was spent on rolling-stock, tarpaulins, motor rail-car, pneumatic coaling-cranes, workshops machinery, and the new steamer for Lake Wakatipu.



The work connected with the duplication of the Dunedin-Mosgiel line is being pushed on as fast as practicable. Double track has been opened as far as Abbotsford, but the difficult nature of the ground through which the Chain Hills Tunnel is being pierced has retarded the operations somewhat. The expenditure last year on railway duplications and contingent works was £59,133, made up as follows : — £ Wellington-Hutt duplication-work .. .. .. 1,635 New Hutt Road (including land for same) .. . . 6,070 Dunedin-Mosgiel duplication and deviation of line . . 51,428 £59,133 For the current year provision has been made on the estimates to the extent of £47,300 for,— £ Wellington-Hutt duplication-work . . .. 2,000 New Hutt Road .. . . .. 5,300 Dunedin-Mosgiel duplication and deviation .. .. 40,000 Total .. .. . . .. .. £47,300 The amount proposed to be voted for the current year for " Additions to Open Lines " is £457,000, of which sum £270,000 is for new rolling-stock and workshops machinery, &c. ; £7,000 for Lake Wakatipu new steamer ; and £180,000 for various new works. Light Railways. Railway-construction throughout the Dominion has, during the last ten years, been proceeded with at a rate as rapid as can be considered warrantable by any one having regard to the financial obligations which we, as trustees for posterity, are justified in incurring. Each year witnesses an appreciable increase in the mleage of lines completed and opened for traffic ; nevertheless the applications received from all parts of the country for new railways and for extensions of existing lines— in many cases with every prospect of returning a profit sufficient to pay interest on the cost of construction—are more than the Government can see its way with prudent financial administration to entertain. A moderate calculation places the length of railways still required to give an efficient service throughout the Dominion at 1,500 to 2,000 miles, the cost of which, calculated at £8,000 per mile (which is a fair average under prevailing conditions), will amount to £12,000,000 to £16,000,000. Hitherto all our railways have been constructed in accordance with a high standard as regards stability of formation, weight of rails, and quality of permanent-way generally, but I suggest to honourable members that the time has arrived when we should consider the question of providing lighter and cheaper railways to serve the districts where settlement is advancing and where the maintenance of roads, in fit condition to carry produce to the main fines throughout the year, is likely to prove a heavy burden to the settlers. In the interior of the North Island, particularly, road-construction is an expensive undertaking, and the maintenance under heavy and regular traffic is in many instances likely to be a continuous burden owing to the absence of metal and th§ rapid deterioration of the formation through broken country in wet weather. If the bulk of the produce could be carried on rails to the main lines, or to an outlet to the markets, the roads would be relieved of the worst of the traffic, and the settlers would not be exposed to the heavy charges, and sometimes long delays, now incurred in bringing their produce to a distant railway. It is not proposed to depart from the standard 3 ft. 6 in. gauge, but considerable saving can be effected by decreasing the width of banks, avoiding tunnels and heavy cuttings by adopting a steeper maximum grade and sharper curves, constructing bridges of fight design, using lighter rails than the present minimum of 55 lb., reducing the standard depth of ballasting, and greatly curtailing the expenditure on station buildings. The retention of the 3 ft. 6 in. gauge is important, as the experience of countries where a gauge as narrow as 2 ft. has been adopted is that rolling-stock has still to be provided of standard height with greatly reduced width, which renders the passenger-carriages and covered vans less capable



of resisting wind-pressure unless permanently loaded with dead-weight at the base, which is undesirable. In a country like New Zealand, where high winds are frequent in most parts, it would often not be safe to run regular traffic, particularly in mountainous localities, on a line only 2 ft. wide. The most favourable lines to operate as light lines are disconnected sections carrying their own locomotives and rolling-stock, which never go off the section. It will not be feasible to adopt much lighter construction where a line is traversed by express trains carrying passengers at a high rate of speed, or on lines where coal or timber forms any considerable portion of the freight to be handled, as both these commodities require heavy rolling-stock and a line up to the standard of strength. It is desirable that any section on which the system is tried should be long enough to maintain in use its own equipment of locomotives and rollingstock. 4 Short branches of a main line, which would necessarily have to be traversed by the rolling-stock of the main fine, would be better built in accordance with the usual standards. ROADS AND BRIDGES. The provision made on last year's appropriations for road and bridge works under all votes and accounts (including the Consolidated Fund vote for maintenance) amounted to a total of £838,060. As in the previous year, in nearly every case where it was anticipated that the local bodies would undertake the work they were given the opportunity of doing so. The offers of expenditure of available balances on the votes provided on the main and supplementary estimates were despatched on the 16th and 27th October, being the respective dates on which the estimates were presented to Parliament, so that there can be no just complaint of delay in advising local bodies of what moneys were available. Authorities to proceed with works which were to be carried out by the Department's own Engineers were also issued promptly after the passing of the appropriations. Including the unexpended balances of authorities brought forward from the previous financial year, the total authorized during the year amounted to no less a sum than £992,856. Despite these facts, however, the expenditure of the year amounted to only £526,489, leaving an unexpended balance of authorities amounting to £466,367 as at 31st March last. Between the Ist April last and 31st July further authorities amounting to £145,796 were issued, making the total amount authorized as at 31st July £612,163. The expenditure brought to charge during the four months, Ist April to 31st July, amounted to £160,003. The large sum of money authorized during the financial year shows clearly that an earnest effort was made to give every opportunity of fully expending the votes, but the fact that only £526,489 was expended seems to indicate that it is impossible to expend in the time available so large a sum as was authorized. Shortage of suitable labour at the best time of the year, and the unusually wet weather-conditions which prevailed, doubtless to a large extent adversely affected the progress of works; but one reason I think why the amount voted was not fully expended is the multiplicity of small votes. On last year's appropriations the average amount of votes provided under " Roads, &c." vote for the North Island was approximately £210, the total number of items being about 2,300. It may safely be asserted that the smaller the average amount of individual votes the greater will be the cost of administration and the difficulty of expending them. It is much easier and also less costly to expend £5,000 on one road than to expend £500 on each of ten roads in different localities, and, apart even from the question of facilitating expenditure, I am convinced that a policy of concentrating expenditure of whatever moneys may be available on roads of primary importance instead of doling out a few hundred pounds yearly to each of a ridiculously large number of roads, some of which are only of third- or fourth-rate importance, will result in far greater material progress in the roading of our backblock districts, and eventually prove itself to the best interests of all concerned. The existing obligations in regard to votes previously provided for on the appropriations and works in hand rendered it impracticable to make a commencement with such a policy in compiling the estimates for the current year; but during the recess the question will be carefully gone into, and, combined with a measure giving more assured finance to local governing bodies, I hope to see results achieved in the near future which will speedily remove the disabilities under which many of our settlers at present labour owing to want of adequate means of communication with markets.



Since assuming office I have observed that difficulties frequently arise as to the approval by departmental Engineers of plans prepared by local bodies for erection of bridges to be built out of Government grants. With a view to overcoming this, instructions will be issued for the preparation of standard drawings for bridges of varying sizes and classes, which, when completed, will be available for use by local authorities. By this am assured that economy in construction and, generally speaking, a very much better class of bridge should result. My predecessors have had occasion to draw attention to the unwillingness of some local bodies to accept their proper responsibilities in regard to maintenance-work. I have again to emphasize the matter. The law provides that all roads in a county are county roads unless specially declared by Order in Council to be Government roads, and the duty of maintaining such county roads unquestionably devolves upon the local governing body. Local bodies in some cases plead that they are financially unable to undertake the work, but in such cases it is usually found that they are not levying the full amount of rates which the law allows. The neglect of local bodies in this matter and the exceptionally wet season necessitated the expenditure out of the Consolidated Fund vote for maintenance of £37,449 during last financial year, and during the four months of the current year ended the 31st July last a further sum of £17,290 was authorized. A considerable proportion of the expenditure last year and of that authorized this year represents work which should have been provided for by the local authorities. Roads on Goldfields. The total authorizations last year under this head amounted to £97,444, on account of which a vote of £55,320 was taken. The vote was made up of no less than 460 different items, so that the average amount voted to each item was only about £120. The expenditure during the year amounted to £41,067. It is necessary to continue;, to assist local authorities by means of grants and subsidies towards the construction of roads and tracks to facilitate the opening-up of our mineral lands and to enable prospecting operations to be carried on, and a substantial vote for this purpose is included in the estimates. I found on closely examining the items of last year's vote that several of them were really not for roads in connection with mining enterprises at all, and such votes, where it was necessary to renew them, have accordingly been transferred to the general roads vote or to the vote for backblocks roads. Total Appropriations for Road-works. Last year's appropriations were as under :— £ Roads, &c. .. .. . . .. .. 297,945 Backblock roads .. .. .. .. 301,545 Roads on goldfields .. .. .. .. 55,320 Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account .. 100,000 National Endowment Account . . . . 19,350 Land for Settlements Account .. .. .. 14,900 New Hutt Road .. .. .. 14,000 Maintenance of roads (Consolidated Fund) .. .. 35,000 Total .. .. .. £838,060 The provision for the current year is as under : — • £ Roads, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 300,000 Backblock roads.. .. .. .. .. 200,000 Roads on goldfields .. .. .. .. 50,000 Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account .. 100,000 National Endowment Account .. .. .. 19,200 Land for Settlements Account .. . . .. 20,000 New Hutt Road .. .. .. .. 5,300 Maintenance of roads (Consolidated Fund) .. .. 40,000 Total .. .. .. .. £734,500



DEVELOPMENT OF GOLDFIELDS. The extension of the Kumara Water-race referred to in last year's statement has since been completed, and was formally opened by my predecessor on the 12th April last. The miners have since been getting their claims into working-order, and it is hoped that employment for a considerable number of men will be assured for some years to come. Expenditure under the heading " Assistance towards Prospecting and Mining Companies " is now provided for under the Mines, Miscellaneous, vote of the Consolidated Fund, as it is considered that such expenditure is a fairer charge against a revenue vote than against Capital Account. Good work has been done by the Department's drills, the results being so satisfactory that it has been decided to procure another keystone drill for use in connection with the alluvial deposits of the West Coast. The amount expended last year on the development of our goldfields was £21,245, and a vote of £13,000 is proposed for the current year. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. The total expenditure on public buildings last year amounted to £491,921. The amount is made up as under :— £ New buildings (Class XVIII, Public Works Fund) . . 350,655 Maintenance-works (Class V, Consolidated Fund) . . 48,864 Maintenance-works (Schools) (Class XV, Consolidated Fund) .. .. 92,402 £491,921 For the current year the following appropriations are proposed :— £ New buildings (Public Works Fund) . . 465,500 Maintenance-works (Consolidated Fund) 64,792 Maintenance-works (Schools) (Consolidated Fund) . . 95,550 £625,842 General. Under this head the principal expenditure occurred in connection with the new Departmental Buildings at Christchurch and Invercargill, while smaller sums were expended in connection with the Parliament Buildings, and the two Government Houses, &c. The current year's vote provides a further substantial instalment on account of the Christchurch Departmental Buildings, and also £36,000 in connection with the new Parliament Buildings ; also smaller sums for the Departmental Buildings at Hamilton, New Plymouth, Stratford, Blenheim, and Hokitika, and sundry other items. The alteration of the grounds in connection with the proposed new Parliament Buildings and the rearrangement of the surrounding streets is well in hand and in some respects is approaching completion, and the detailed plans of the buildings themselves are nearly ready, a portion of the plans having already been placed on exhibition in the present temporary Parliament Buildings. The foundations for the first section of the building are being carried out by day labour under the supervision of the Public Works Department and are well advanced. It is proposed to invite tenders for the erection of the building when the foundations are complete. The Government is in hopes that the first section of the building will be completed and available for occupation for the session of 1915. Judicial. Courthouses. —The principal buildings in hand during the year were the new Courthouses at Auckland, Masterton, and Greymouth, and the additions at New Plymouth. The current year's vote provides for completing the buildings already mentioned, and, in addition, provides for new Courthouses at Kaitaia, Kaikohe, Waipu, Otoro-



hanga, Ohakune, Raetihi, Wanganui, Martinborough, Takaka, Methven, Balclutha, and Wyndham, and also covers additions and alterations to buildings at other places. Gaols.— -Last year's expenditure was principally in connection with new gaols at Invercargill, Auckland, and Gisborne. The proposed vote includes further provision on account of the buildings mentioned, and also the purchase of land for a reformatory farm, &c. Police-stations. —A very large number of police-stations were dealt with during the year, the principal being Wellsfo' d, Mount Albert, Grey Lynn, Eden Terrace, Parnell, Morrinsville, Frankton, Te Kuiti, Te Puke, Napier, Waverley, Taihape, Otaki, Johnsonville, Wellington (Mount Cook), Wellington South, Rangiora, New Brighton, Riccarton, Timaru, and South Invercargill. For the current year provision is made for increased accommodation at Waipu, Herekino, Maungaturoto, Warkworth, Northcote, Takapuna, Devonport, Kingsland, Freeman's Bay, Mount Roskill, Mount Eden, Ponsonby, Epsom, Howick, Huntly, Ngaruawahia, Thames, Tokaanu, Otorohanga, Taumarunui, Tokomaru Bay, Gisborne, Patutahi, Mohaka, Hastings, Porangahau, Whangamomona, Wanganui, Masterton, Wellington, Island Bay, Kilbirnie, Eastbourne, Brooklyn, Wakefield, Murchison, Charleston, Cobden, Ross, Islington, Ashburton, Temuka, Waitati, Dunedin, Mornington, North-east Valley, Middlemarch, Mataura, Tapanui, Nightcaps, and sundry other places. Post and Telegraph. The business of the Post and Telegraph Department is increasing very rapidly, and to provide the necessary facilities to enable the work to be overtaken an extensive building programme has been and still is necessary. During the last financial year very extensive and handsome buildings have been in course of erection at Auckland and Wellington, which have entailed considerable expenditure ; and smaller new offices have been erected or extensive additions provided at Kaeo, Warkworth, Kingsland, Ellerslie, Kirikiriroa, Te Awamutu, Te Aroha, Ongarue, Taupo, Matata, Taneatua, Manutuke, Wairoa, Taradale, Tikokino, Rahotu, Eltham, Manaia, Wanganui, Rangiwahia, Shannon, Hutt, Porirua, Wellington (Tinakori Road), Wellington (Adelaide Road), Kilbirnie, Murchison, Granity, Westport, Runanga, Culverden, Amberley, Leeston, Rakaia, Waimate, Green Island, Balclutha, Kaitangata, and Riverton, while work of less magnitude has also been carried out at numerous other places. The vote for the current year provides for new buildings or extensive additions at Awanui, Kaitaia, Kaikohe, Kawakawa, Hikurangi, Dargaville, Mangawai, Northcote, Takapuna, Auckland (Wellesley Street), Mount Albert, Ponsonby, Newton, Remuera, Otahuhu, Manurewa, Papakura, Waiuku, Tuakau, Hamilton, Raglan, Ohaupo, Awakino, Waihou, Matamata, Tirau, Putaruru, Rotorua, Taumarunui, Ohura, Kakahi, Owhango, Raurimu, Tokaanu, Opotiki, Napier, Clive, Havelock North, Pukehou, Otane, Waipukurau, Ormondville, Whangamomona, Okaiawa, St. John's, Halcombe, Pongaroa, Eketahuna, Petone, Kaiwarra, Brooklyn, Seddon, Wakapuaka, Port Nelson, Takaka, Millerton, Reefton, Waiuta, Woodend, Papanui, Christchurch (Avon Road), Sydenham, Upper Riccarton, Sumner, Lyttelton, Tai Tapu, Akaroa, Little River, Timaru, Pleasant Point, Ravensbourne, North-east Valley, Dunedin, South Dunedin, Anderson's .Bay, Hawea Flat, Roxburgh, Arrowtown, Mataura, Balfour, Bluff, Otautau, and Orepuki Post-offices, besides the completion of the new buildings at Auckland and Wellington, and a large new bulk store in Wellington. Mental Hospitals. At Auckland shelter-sheds have been erected in the male and female airingcourts, and a pavilion on the bowling-green. Plans for additions for seventy-five patients near the main building are now being prepared. Alterations at the old quarantine-station on Motuihi Island are being made for the temporary accommodation of sixty males and thirty females, pending the erection of the permanent buildings at Auckland. Compensation has been paid for the Native land taken at Tokanui, and a contract for the permanent buildings for the accommodation of patients has been let, and a building for fifty patients is under way. The land is being fenced and brought into cultivation, and cottages are being erected for attendants. A pressure water-supply is being provided.



At Porirua additions for the accommodation of forty patients and twenty attendants have been commenced, and an auxiliary reservoir has been provided. The question of a suitable system of filtration for the water-supply has been under consideration, and something in this direction will have to be done shortly. An amount has been placed on the estimates for this. The old gaol at Hokitika which was handed over by the Justice Department has been fitted up for the accommodation of patients, and sixty males were transferred there from Porirua at the end of June. At Christchurch a refrigerating plant has been installed, and additions for fifty female patients commenced. At Seacliff additions to Simla and a new infirmary block at the rear of the main building are under way. A contract for a new water-supply has been let, and the work is now being carried out. There has been a shrinkage in the water-supply in recent years, which rendered the provision of a new supply a matter of necessity. At the Waitati auxiliary a building to accommodate fifty patients is being erected. School Buildings. The amount expended out of the Public Works Fund on school buildings during last financial year was £89,535. Of this amount, over £78,000 was paid in the form of grants to the respective governing bodies for the erection and equipment of public schools and teachers' residences, secondary schools, and technical schools. The balance of nearly £11,000 was expended on buildings directly under the control of the Education Department—viz., industrial schools, Native schools, and the Home for Backward Children, Otekaike, near Oamaru. The following were the principal works carried out at these schools : A cottage was erected for the gardener at Auckland Industrial School, and a gymnasium was built and an additional cottage home completed at the Boys' Training-farm, Weraroa ; this institution was also connected with the Levin Borough water-supply. At the Girls' Reformatory (Te Oranga Home) at Christchurch improvements were made to the water-supply, and a subsidy was granted towards the cost of a swimming-bath. Native schools (and residences) were erected at Taharoa (Kawhia), and at Rangiahua, Waihua, and Whakaki (all in the Wairoa district, Hawke's Bay). At the Home for Backward Children an additional block of buildings was provided. Workers' Dwellings. There has been considerable activity in the work of erecting dwellings for workers during the year, the expenditure having amounted to £22,644. A much larger expenditure is anticipated during the current year, however, and provision to the amount of £60,000 is made on the estimates. This sum includes the cost of acquisition of land, road-formation, and the erection, alteration, and enlargement of dwellings. All the work is being carried out under of the Department of Labour. Hospitals. Under the heading of " Hospitals and Charitable Institutions " there was an expenditure of £12,745 on new buildings and additions, principally in connection with the St. Helens Hospital at Wellington. The items on this year's estimates total £17,800, on account of which a vote of £9,500 is required. It is proposed to provide substantial additions to the St. Helens Hospital, Christchurch, or an entirely new building, the question of which course should be taken not having yet been settled, also an isolation cottage and other additions at St. Helens Hospital, Dunedin. The isolation ward has now been completed and opened. Provision is also made for an infectious-diseases hospital and a cottage hospital at Rotorua, and this work is now well in hand. There is an item of £2,000 for special cases in general hospitals. This is to provide special accommodation for mental cases which obtain admission to the general hospitals. Such accommodation has already been erected at Palmerston North, Greymouth, Invercargill, Gisborne, and New Plymouth, and other of the larger hospitals are moving in the matter. The Government T hasJundertaken the initial cost incurred by Hospital Boards in providing accommodation of this nature.

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Agriculture. The steps taken by the Agricultural Department to provide a course of training for lads in practical farming at the experimental farms have proved popular. At Ruakura, where the scheme was inaugurated, all the available accommodation has been taken up, and there are numerous applications on hand for vacancies. Some expenditure was necessary last year in completing and equipping the buildings ; but, with the demand for places, it will be necessary to consider the provision of additional accommodation. Further drainage-work was carried out on the farm. Owing to the wet nature of the land, expenditure on drainage will be necessary for some time to come. The cost is, however, amply repaid by the increased productivity of the soil. At Waerenga Experimental Farm the provision of an adequate and permanent water-supply was completed. The Department's lease from the Native owners of portion of the Moumahaki Experimental Farm ran out year, and it was decided to purchase the area and add it permanently to the farm. Considerable improvements had been effected by the Department on the land acquired. At Weraroa Experimental Farm the stumping of paddocks previously under bush was continued, thus increasing the area available for cultivation. Some alterations were carried out with a view to providing accommodation for a few learners. A fumigation-shed was erected at Invercargill in order to enable the fumigation of fruit and plants to be carried out there, thus avoiding the necessity for sending consignments to Dunedin for this purpose. DEVELOPMENT OF WATER-POWER. The installation of the electric-power plant at Lake Coleridge for the supply of Christchurch and Canterbury generally has been pushed on during the year. The following contracts for necessary headworks and plant have been placed :—

Plans and specifications for the power-house buildings are ready for issue, the excavation for the foundation is already in hand, and this work will be completed by October, 1913. Owing to the proximity of excellent shingle in the Rakaia River bed and to the cost of transport of other materials, the power-house has been designed entirely in ferro-concrete. A site for the main substation near the Addington Workshops is being acquired, and the substation building will be completed by September, 1913. These will complete the necessary contracts with the exception of the trans-mission-line poles, tenders for which have been received, under which delivery is to be made within eight months. It is thus anticipated that the whole of the necessary plant will be to hand between March and July of next year, when erection and installation will be proceeded with at once.

iii—D. 1.

Contract. Contractor. Amount. Contract Date for Completion. Staff cottages Penstock gates Main insulators Mills and Kepple Eichardson, Blair, and McOabe National Electrical and Engineering Com- £ 2,846 1,336 3,795 Oct.. 1912. Feb.. 1913. March. 1913. Transformers Water-wheels and accessories Generators and accessories... Lightning-arresters pany Ditto Australian Metal Company Grey Thorne George ... National Electrical and Engineering Com9,673 4,195 5,561 2,588 April, 1913. May, 1913. Bitumen ... Pipe-line... Overhead conductors Insulated cables ... Switchboard and accessories Tunnel ... pany Neuchatel Asphalts Company ... Dunedin Engineering and Steel Company Eichardson, Blair, and McCabe P. E. Baillie and Co. ... Turnbull and Jones ... J. McWilliams 1,087 17,623 13,100 3,765 4,746 53,172 ] June, 1913. July, 1913. August, 1913.



In the meanwhile the necessary extension of the main road (four miles) to give access to the power-house and the necessary service roads (four miles and a half) for the tunnel have been completed, and the tunnel inlet and outlet works are in hand, and will be completed in ample time. The site for the permanent staff village has been fenced and roaded, and the contract for the staff cottages is practically completed. The determining feature in the completion of the installation and the commencement of supply is the tunnel contract. This was let on the 16th February, 1912, and the contract date for completion is the 16th August, 1913. The country being encountered is very easy and rapid progress should be made, but on the 20th September only 18| out of 107 chains had been driven, and the lining had not been commenced. Steps are being taken to ensure more rapid progress, and it is anticipated that the tunnel will be completed by the end of next year. Under these circumstances arrangements have been made with the Christchurch City Council and a provisional contract entered into to commence supply as from the Ist May, 1914. The annual charge agreed upon, which will form the basis of other similar agreements, is at the rate of £8 13s. 4(1. per kilowatt (£6 10s. per horse-power) of maximum load up to 300 kilowatts (400 horse-power), and £5 per kilowatt (£3 15s. per horse-power) of maximum load for all over 300 kilowatts. This will enable the city authorities to convert, distribute, and retail the energy at about one-half their present charges. Investigations with regard to the most suitable sources of supply in the North Island have been and are still being made. The question is being dealt with in a comprehensive manner with a view to making electric power generally available throughout the Island, not only in the cities but also in country districts, and for the operation of light railways and ultimately main-fine railways. The sources of power investigated so far are Lake Waikaremoana, and the Hutt, Makuri, Waiohine and Tauherenikau Rivers, but as several additional sources still have to be examined in detail no definite and final proposals can yet be drawn up. Last year's vote for development of water-power was £50,000, but only £9,082 was expended. For the current year an a ppropriation of £85,000 is proposed. Railway Electrification. Complete investigations have been made and specifications drawn up for the electrification of the Christchurch-Lyttelton line so that tenders can be invited for this work without delay as soon as the power from Lake Coleridge is available. Similar investigations are in hand in connection with the Wellington - Upper Hutt Railway in conjunction with the electric-power proposals for the North Island. IRRIGATION. The details of the Ida Valley scheme were pretty fully described in last year's Statement. The law requires that every proposed scheme shall be authorized by an Order in Council, and that before such Order is issued the owners and occupiers of the lands to be benefited thereby shall be given an opportunity of entering into contracts with the Crown to take water from the works when completed at such price as the Governor may approve, and that unless at least half the holder;, enter into such contracts the scheme cannot be gone on with. The price fixed for the water in this instance was at the rate of 10s. per acre per annum for the area proposed to be or capable of being irrigated. The landholders were duly interviewed, and a majority of them signed the necessary agreements, and the Order in Council authorizing the scheme was then issued, and a commencement Las recently been made with the work. Some of the settlers have since petitioned Parliament, saying that they cannot pay so high a rate as 10s. per acre, and suggesting an alteration to 4s. Some modification of the scheme may therefore have to be made, and with this object in view I propose to visit the district during the recess and go into the details with the settlers affected. Other very necessary schemes are under consider;! tion: notably one, to bring water from the Manuherikia River towards the Dunstan Flat, via Springvale; and



another, the irrigation of the Cromwell Flat from the Roaring Meg or other suitable sources. Out of last year's vote a sum of £2,794 was expended, and for the current year a vote of £30,000 is proposed. TOURIST AND HEALTH RESORTS. The principal items of expenditure during the year have been on improvements and new buildings at Rotorua, installation of natural gas at Te Puia, boring for further supplies of hot mineral water at Hanmer Springs, and on the construction of the new hostel at the Mount Cook Hermitage. For the current year a vote of £15,000 is proposed, mainly absorbed by the Nurses' Home, drainage and watersupply at Rotorua, extensions to Waitomo House, the completion of the Mount Cook Hostel, and improvements at the various resorts under the control of the Department. i'ELEGRAPH EXTENSION. The expenditure on telegraph and telephone extensions during the year amounted to £147,692. The length of the lines erected was 489 miles, the total lengtli of wire used being 2,153 miles. Among the principal land lines erected or under erection are the following : Auckland-Wellington new line, W'hangarei-Kawakawa (trunk telephone circuit), Auckland-Pukekohe (metallic circuit), Ngaruawahia-Mercer, Rotorua-Tauranga, Taumarunui-Hamilton (metallic circuit), Whakatane-Opotiki, Takapau-Ormond-ville-Waipukurau, Aohanga-Porangahau, Pahiatua-Dannevirke, Mastertou-Tinui -Castlepoint, Wellington - Palmerston North, Hororata - Lake Coleridge, TimaruGlenavv, Lawrence-Dunedin. Dunedin-Balclutha. The telephone-exchange construction shows an increase of 154 miles of poles and 4,432 miles of wire. The total telegraph and telephone construction was, therefore, 643 miles of poles and 6,585 miles of wire. The total mileage under all headings in use at the end of the year amounted to 13,343 of poles and 77,242 of wire. The erection of high-power wireless stations is being carried out at Awanui and Bluff, and low-power stations are nearing completion at Auckland and Wellington. The vote of £200,000 asked for this year for telegraph and telephone extensions, embracing wireless telegraphy, includes liabilities amounting to £111,372, principally for telegraph and telephone material under order at the commencement of the financial year. I.I(iHTHOUSES, HARBOUR-WORKS, AND HARBOUR DEFENCES. Lighthouses. The lighthouse-works undertaken during the year were—the commencement of the erection of the new lighthouse on Castle Point, and of the automatic light on the Chickens Islands ; the re-erection of the lighthouse on Tuahine Point, which had to be. temporarily dismantled on account of heavy landslips ; the replacing of the old light on Dieffenbach Point, Picton, by an automatic acetone-gas light; the completion of erection of the fog-signal on Patiti Point, Timaru ; and the purchase of the lantern and apparatus for the new light on the North Cape. The new works to be provided for in thejpurrent year are—a lighthouse in Cook Strait; an automatic light on Channel Island, Uauraki Gulf: the removal and re-erection of the Marine Department's Store at Pipitea Point, owing to the present site being required for railway purposes ; and the improvement id' the road to Godley Head Lighthouse. For these works, arid for the completion of the works commenced during the previous year, a sum of £10,000 will lie required this year. Harbour-works. The works carried out during last year were—the erection of a new Louse for the Boatman at Hokianga ; river-improvements at Waipu and Matakana ; erection of a beacon light at Shelly Beach. Kaipara Harbour ; removal of rocks at Kaipara ; cutting-up and roading the Manukau Harbour endowment for leasing purposes; river-improvements at Karamea ; repairs to wharves at Half-moon and Horseshoe Bays. Stewart Island. For the current year, in addition to providing for the items unexpended last year, it is proposed to provide for the following works : Improving the navigation of Wade River; harbour improvements at Matakana; wharves at



Rangiriri, Mokau, Marakopa, and German Bay (Akaroa) ; a launch-landing at Kohukohu ; improvements to the rivers at Awakino and Karamea, and to the channel between Lake Waihola and the Taieri River. The sum of £10,000 will be required to provide for harbour-works during the current year. Harbour Defences. A small amount of work was executed last year entailing an expenditure of £1,144. This work consisted of carrying on the construction of the 6 in., Mk. VII, battery at Auckland, provision of improved telephonic communication between forts, alterations to engine and dynamo rooms, also the formation and maintenance of roads and tracks on Defence reserves. A moderate expenditure will be necessary during the current year to provide for the completion of the works now in hand. A vote of £2,000 for this purpose is provided on the estimates. WAIHOU AND OHINEMURI RIVERS IMPROVEMENT-WORKS. Work has been commenced under the scheme specially authorized by the Legislature for the improvement of the Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers. The work so far done consists principally in the poisoning and removal of willows along the beds and banks of both rivers, and the clearing of the bush on the site of the Ngararahi and Koutou diversions. The excavations of these diversions down to ordinary water-level (so as to take flood-water only at present) has also been commenced. Plans and specifications for the suction dredge to complete the Ngararahi and Koutou cuts and to remove the silt from the beds of the rivers have been prepared, and tenders for the construction of the dredge will shortly be invited. Last year's expenditure amounted to £3.700. and for the current year a vote of £20,000 is proposed. The special Act authorizing these improvement-works also empowers the Governor to take, as for a public work, at its present value, all the land that is likely to be largely improved by the carrying-out of the river-improvement works. A committee consisting of the Commissioner of Crown Lands for the district, tbe Public Works Land Purchase Officer, and the local Engineer in charge of the improve-ment-works has recently been set up to advise what area of land should be taken under this provision, and their report is just to hand. The matter is an important one, and will receive the careful consideration of Ministers, as it is desirable that the State, which is incurring large expense in this matter, should secure the principal share of the enhancement in the value of the adjoining property due to the Government's operations. GROSS TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS. In addition to the votes specifically referred to, the estimates make provision for the undermentioned services : — £ Departmental . . . . .. . . . . 54,0.00 Immigration . . .. . . .. . . 20,000 Lands Improvement .. .. .. .. 49,000 Contingent Defence . . .. . . . . 55,000 thus bringing the total amount of the proposed appropriations, including special accounts, up to £3,049,500, as against £3,265.317 voted and £2,319,941 actually expended last year. CONCLUSION. I have endeavoured to distribute the funds at my disposal in such directions as will, in my opinion, conduce most effectively to assist settlement throughout the Dominion, having regard especially to the pressing requirements of the several localities. Whilst impressed with the advisability of expediting tbe construction of the several works specified in tbe estimates it is imperative not to lose sight of the fact that only one-half of our ways and means are immediately available, possession of the remainder being dependent on raising the proposed loan of .£1,750,000. The heavy commitments for roads and bridges alone, to which I have drawn attention, involve responsibilities which cannot be ignored when requisitions for new authorities are being made, and in view of the disquieting aspect of affairs in Eastern Europe it will be necessary for the Cabinet to closely observe tbe financial pulse of tbe Dominion.


PUBLIC] WORKS STATEMENT, 1912. INDEX. TABLES. PttKe No. I.—Total Expenditure : — Summary showing the Total Expenditure and Liabilities on Public Works and other Services out of the Public Works Fund to 31st Maroh, 1912 .. .. .. 2 No. 2.—YEARLY ExPENDITUItE OUT OF THE PUBLIC WORKS FUND Up to 1911-1912 .. .. .. 3 No. 3. —Railways:—Statement Rhowing Expenditure and Liabilities on Railways, including Valuation of Provincial Lines, to 31st March, 1912 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 No. 4.—Roads:—Statement showing Expenditure on Roads to 31at March, 1912 .. .. .. 5 Nos. 5 and sa.—Development op Goldfiklds :—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Development of Goldfields to 31st March, 1912 .. .. .. .. .. .. 43 No. 6. —Telegraphs:—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Telegraphs to 31st March, 1912 46 No. 7. —Public Buildtnok : -Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Public Buildings to 31st March, 1912 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 50 No. B.—Lighthouses, Harbour- works, and Habbouh-defences : — Statement allowing Expenditure and Liabilities on Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbour-defences to 31st March, HII2 .. 50 APPENDTCES. Appendix A.— Kxpknditurk fok the Ykar: Audited Statement of Expenditure out of the Publio Works Fund for the Year 1911-1912 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 58 , B.—Total Liabilities :—Statement of all Liabilities of the Public Works Department outstanding on 31st March. 1912 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 55 C.—Railways, Public Buildings, and Roads Contbact.s: —Schedule of Contracts current on Ist April, 1911, and further Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1912 .. .. .. .. .. .. 57 D.—Sleeper Contracts:—Schedule of Sleeper Contracts current on Ist April, 1911, further Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Yenr ended 31st March, 1912 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. G7 , E.—Annual Rkport on Public Wobks, by the Engineer-in-Chief .. .. . .. 70 F.—Annual Report on Public Buildings, by the Government Architect .. ... .. 85 G.—Annual Rkcort on Electrical Wobk and Power Schemes, by the Electrical Engineer 87

1—I). 1.



TABLE No. 1. SUMMARY showing the Total Expenditure on Public Works and other Services out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1912, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Number of Table containing Details. Total Net Expend!- dn 3MSSh. Total Kxpendltu™ SS»- Tota. E^enditure 3 4" ."> and o.A 6 7 8 18 of 1878 11 of 1877 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ β-d. Railways .. .. .. .. 27,560,996 8 3 1,125,905 9 6 28,686.901 17 9 622,761 12 2 29,309.663 9 11 Railways. Roads .. .. .. .. 8,924,941 9 1 424,578 3 10 9,349.519 12 11 219,069 0 0 9,568,588 12 11 Roads. Development of goldfields .. . . 796,958 10 8 21,244 12 6 818,203 3 2 .. 818,203 3 2 Development of goldfields. Telegraphs .. .. • 1,878,058 7 10 147,692 6 8 2,025,750 14 6 111,372 0 0 2,137,122 14 6 Telegraphs. Public buildings .. .. . . 4,691,942 10 3 350,654 17 Bf 5,042,597 8 0 176,855 6 3 5,219,452 14 3 Public buildings. Lighthouses, harbour-works, and har- 1,068,846 5 0 12,575 17 2 1,081,422 2 2 722 19 6 1,082,145 1 8 Lighthouses, harbour-works, and harbour bour defences defences. Departmental .. .. .. 676,805 18 3 49,863 11 0 726,669 9 3 283 19 3 726,953 8 6 Departmental. Development of water-power . . 9,368 10 1 9,082 4 0 18,450 14 1 56,157 9 1 74,608 3 2 Development of water-power. Coal-exploration and mine-development 10,835 8 0 .. 10,835 8 0 .. 10,835 8 0 Coal-exploration and mine-development. Aiding works on Thames goldHelds .. j 50,000 0 0 .. 50,000 0 0 .. 50,000 0 0 Aiding works on Thames goldBelds. Immigration .. .. .. 2,228,23111 6 5 2,239,912 4 11 3,595 6 10 2,243,507 11 9 j Immigration. Purchase of Native lands 2,069,103 6 6 .. 2,069,103 6 6 .. 2,069,103 6 6 < Purchase of Native lands. Defence .. .. .. .. 909,981 18 5 10.436 15 8 920,418 14 1 .. 920,418 14 1 I Defence. Charges and expenses of u-aisins loan* .. 1,241,906 13 9 516 5 11 1,242,422 19 8 .. 1,242,422 19 8 ' Charges and expenses of raising loans. Interest and sinking fund .. . . 218,500 0 0 .. 218,500 0 0 .. 218,500 0 0 : Interest and sinking fund. Rates on Native lands .. .. 68,671 16 10 .. 68,671 16 10 .. 68,671 16 10 ! Rates on Native lands. Thermal springs .. .. .. 14,599 13 2 .. 14,599 13 2 .. 14,599 13 2 j Thermal springs. Tourist and health resorts .. .. 203,272 10 5 13,360 11 8 216,633 2 1 880 17 6 217,513 19 7 < Tourist and health resorts. Lands improvement .. .. 62.152 I 7 20,875 11 5J 83,027 13 0 270 15 2 83,298 8 2 I Lands improvement. Payment to Midland Railway bond- 150,000 0 0 .. 150,000 0 0 .. 150,000 0 0 Payment to Midland Railway bondholders holders. Irrigation and water-supply g .. 1,562 8 1 2,793 16 II 4,356 5 0 .. 4,356 5 0 Totals.. .. .. 52,836,735 7 8 2,201,260 17 5 55,037.996 5 1 1,191,969 5 9 56,229,965 10 10 Totals. [jess recoveries on aooount of services Less recoveries on account of services of previous years — £ d. of previous years — £ s. d. Railways .'. .. «i,987 9 1 \ / Railways .. .. 6,987 9 1 Public buildings .. 595 0 0 Public buildings .. 565 0 0 Development of goldfields 30 0 0 [ .. .. 10,530 4 7 .. 10,530 4 7 ■] Development of goldlields 30 0 0 Purchase (jf Native lands 2,465 14 8 II Purchase of Native lands 2,465 14 8 Lands improvement .. 482 0 10 I v Lands improvement .. 482 0 10 £10,530 -1 7 £10,530 4 7 Gkand totals .. .. 52,836,735 7 8 2,201,260 17 5 55,027,466 0 6 1,191,969 5 9 56,219,435 6 3 Grand totals. .. i 52,836,7;!.") 7 8 * Table 4 also contains details of expenditure under Loans to Local Bodies and other Accounts. t Inoludes £1,000 charged to " Unauthorized." charged to " Unauthorized. S Previously included under Lands Improvement. t Includes £1,660 19s. Does not inolude expenditure on Wellington-Manawatu Railway Purchase, Hutt Railway and Road Improvement, and Railways Improvement Accounts.



TABLE No. 2. GENERAL SUMMARY. Showing Net Yearly Expenditure out of Public Works Fund, 1890-91 to 1911-12.

2—D. 1.

Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1890. Expenditure. Total Net Expenditure o 31st March, 1912. Description of Services. 1903-4. 1904-5. 1905-6. 1906-7. 1907-8. 1908-9. 1909-10. 1910-11 1911-12. IH'.KI !)1. 1891-92. L892-98. 1893-94. 1894-95. 1895-96. lS%-<)7. 1897-98. 1899-1900. 1900-1. 1901-2. 1902-3. £ 2,143,328 £ 1,823 £ 817 £ £ £ & Cr. 10 £ 301 £ £ £ £ £ £ 142 £ Cr. 7 £ 6,481 £ 8,753 £ 14,353 £ 9,132 15,075 £ 17,003 £ 9,441 £ 11,681 £ 2,239,912 242 Hi 101 70 105 385 214 139 Immigration 24,512 41,176 42,733 49,864 726,669 Public Works Departmental 10,264 7,790 12,932 17,771 13,949 16,088 12,814 13,517 16,710 18,219 341,905 7,796 8,406 8,680 14,300 14,892 9,689 10,090 12,572 315 1,021 9,082 18,451 Development of Water-power 468 2,901 4,664 Irrigation and Water Supply * 1,562 2,794 4,356 1,125,905 Cr. 6,987 28,679,914 Railways 13,924,072 180,021 154,417 Cr. 681 220,894 176,304 247,545 197,105 207,231 Cr. 334 351,600 374,192 417,937 717,723 1,333,940 759,752 828,704 779,891 1,021,265 1,227,880 1,093,535 1,116,184 1,128,400 1,104,071 Cr. 652 150,000 150,000 Payment to Midland Railway Bondholders Roads: — Roads North of Auckland Main Roads Miscellaneous Roads and Bridges . Roads to open up Lands.. Grants-in-Aid Village Settlements Local Bodies Roads on Goldfields Miscellaneous 229,674 } 1,403,934 I 578,475 787,407 32,059 9,905 12,489 24,285 1,586 4,884 315 12,687 11,739 6,843 27,993 10,757 3,829 470 9,795 12,588 10,443 21,989 7,144 4,412 } 22,235 ■ 58,042 8,951 2,898 390 20,387 J 22,731 9,972 I 27*959 17,075 4',289 11,195 J 241,209 248,934 237,351 267,374 354,687 230,349 316,248 202,850 306,065 308,500 285,248 422,174 297,932 229,537 383,511 161,277 317,884 19,490 17,577 *227 21,513 207 32,578 49*569 46,550 48,039 4*8,417 47,573 51*690 45*594 26,112 45*139 38,970 38*494 il', 375 46]830 25,626 41,067 Cr. 26,519 Cr. 64,954 Cr. 1,613 Cr. 1,030 Cr. 7,eC0 Cr. 573 Cr. 365 16,023 Cr.365 Cr. 365 Cr. 347 Developmentof Thermal Springs and Natural Scenery Roads to give access to North Island Trunk Railway Lands Improvement Account 42,288 5* 532 30*289 29,440 34*765 17,841 89,207 108*, 168 103*555 Total, Roads 351,204 347,470 323,742 469,549 338,762 255,163 424,578 9,349,520 3,552,998 45,164 36,761 103,893 146,638 150,278 174,369 167,482 290,413 295,119 285,043 315,791 402,260 282,039 361,842 228,962 Development of Goldfields .. 8,633 32,859 18,597 Cr. 1,000 10,845 Cr. 1,000 21,244 Cr.30 868,173 560,280 821 2,257 3,811 5,272 5,865 9,345 10,508 33,117 17,355 21,815 15,907 15,326 24,213 16,278 6,258 18,533 11,064 Purchase of Native Lands 1,178,554 17,925 52,397 57,187 Cr. 10,438 19,575 4,320 Cr. 2,428 78,985 349 Cr. 12 101,009 Cr. 37 61,503 53,182 Cr. 225 32,025 28,688 18,261 15,782 5,352 6,281 13,777 9,135 2,190 2,099 30,567 2,976 Cr. 9,886 Cr. 2,466 Native Lands Purchase Acoount 163,411 129,000 Total, Land Purchases 1,178,554 17,925 52,397 66,324 80,877 101,346 163,411 128,963 61,503 52,957 32,025 28,688 18,261 15,782 5,352 6,281 13,777 9,135 2,190 2,099 30,567 690 Cr. 2,466 2,066,638 Telegraph Extension 79,298 77,186 114,068 155,491 163,033 123.423 111,867 147,692 2,025,751 590,356 16,292 27,773 29,245 16,127 19,229 35,538 36,791 29,384 28,551 26,771 50,101 31,729 68,578 47,228 Public Buildings: — General (including Miscellaneous) Parliamentary Judicial Post and Telegraph Customs Quarantine Stations Mental Hospitals Public Health Hospitals and Charitable Institutions School-buildings Agricultural Workers' Dwellings 190,815 13,962 256,510 142,879 4,768 3,525 292,809 2,880 9,892 709 409 8*930 454 8,901 1,009 13 16 - 914 1,588 2,779 6,843 5 11,887 621 209 5,262 3,154 666 3 18,957 2,551 6,822 11,487 3,542 12 306 13,633 3,724 27,341 6,194 647 10,935 8,178 9 14,806 7,504 16 16,404 14,797 466 12,727 5,888 385 14,130 8,764 20,636 11,109 5,168 17'667 3,957 9,883 19,682 13,483 107 17*712 5,594 3,039 29,630 20,954 875 2,607 18,872 12,513 4,424 28,728 40,361 2,066 424 16,743 9,031 1,503 33,224 74,686 6,630 10I167 3,540 57,790 883 10,964 602 25,978 53,918 8,719 I6,8ia 6,315 4,291 87,089 2,504 9,021 697 13,083 16,008 13,018 15,949 4,265 1,204 42,721 1,362 2,231 71 15,899 38,419 7,903 16,235 7,926 4,786 69,223 2,618 14,216 1,047 35,192 43,918 414 8,049 1,765 10,259 109,459 2,707 16,260 4,119 28,938 43,724 47 7,987 7,497 15,576 100,197 1,690 39,635 5,172 37,211 62,262 2,507 15,296 4,402 11,153 102,340 5,543 41,964 3,157 31,606 68,574 233 19,839 319 7,259 98,103 6,103 44,044 237 22,295 117,815 12*707 t34,721 2,004 44,133 130,815 8*809 33,184 819,514 7J50O 7*999 15,000 160 15*000 837 6,561 20,000 1,127 700 22,143 819 23*864 1,328 43,403 520 899 49,256 447 5,141 33,681 971 1,200 38,606 535 1,484 124,926 1,160 12,745 ♦ 90,535 3,684 22,644 Total, Public Buildings 226,035 285,521 277,157 324,668 350,090 5,042,032 1,757,966 22,820 34,791 31,101 44,032 54,190 76,529 70,579 73,585 107,267 115,426 121,364 145,600 197,454 216,192 117,328 165,311 227,026 Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defences :— Lighthouses Harbour Works Harbour Defences 119,566 309,918 449,669 "l89 2,477 6,642 2,612 650 2,495 234 3,861 3,314 6,067 866 4,667 2,180 568 2,547 3,727 1,777 10,158 3,333 365 5,328 1,017 1,540 3,960 2,060 3,421 6,678 6,082 1,373 6,126 6,206 1,773 2,885 2,167 1,308 2,515 962 2,684 1,300 2*963 1,541 1,417 2,867 2,579 7,481 4,439 7,297 6,762 4,548 5,372 1,470 4,092 2,805 5,428 6,004 1,144 7,347 4,563 3,976 Total, Lighthouses, &c. 879,153 2,666 7,347 11,205 6,588 3,145 7,409 11,600 5,295 15,662 9,026 6,517 673 12,159 13,581 10,864 5,990 4,946 4,504 6,863 19,217 16,682 8,427 12,576 1,081,422 Rates on Native Lands 744 666 631 548 695 837 27 68,672 49,763 8,250 2,038 615 Cr. 8 415 561 340 332 156 347 571 471 Contingent Defence 429,719 5,000 10,554 10,360 13,867 42,810 37,650 146,875 37,005 38,723 46,588 35,569 14,874 18,574 10,766 4,977 6,071 10,437 920,419 Tourist and Health Resorts.. 11,260 15,888 42,271 45,048 24,286 14,507 5,912 13,361 216,633 10,949 15,643 17,508 Lands Improvement § 1,741 2,349 2,019 2,248 1,052 5,605 Cr. 5,175 9,561 Cr.8,487 19,542 575 6,910 11,125 66,367 Cr. 66,392 || 20,394 67,470 Cr. 66,954 82,546 5,356 224 17,715 Cr. 12,000 1,242,423 Charges and Expenses of raising Loans 1,021,472 943 Cr.6 5 Cr. 5 28,322 1,460 5,620 Cr. 516 88,180 87,249 10,764 236 Interest and Sinking Funds 218,500 218,500 Ooal Exploration and Mine Development 10,835 10,835 Thermal Springs .. .. •■ 14,000 11,749 2,587 264 Total Ways and Means Credits 26,519 65,635 12,059 3,458 7,062 573 705 370 590 915,736 347 992,876 516 7 5,175 8,487 10,530 26,670,650 308,633 325,977 480,468 485,002 590,940 683,336 659,836 865,172 1,309,020 2,142,736 1,514,444 1,796,841 1,321,510 1,730,686 2,035,144 1,909,688 2,133,245 2,022,876 1,891,918 2,190,731 55,027,466 Grand Total—Net Expenditure • Previously included under Lands Improvement. N.B. The figures in italics, prefixed by " Cr.," are eil The totals from 1892-93 to 1896-97, inclusive, i f Expenditure re fcher recoveries 01 include expendit: iduced by £: 565 credited to services 01 : previous yet ir. J Incl ludea " Unauthorized," £1,000. § i°or previous expenditure s see Roads Class. II Incli ides " Unaui ihorized," S, ,661. Expenditure also reduced by !4S2 credited on acoount of services of previous y> Ml'.- , . a account 01 ure under N f services of ] 'ative Lands previous yeai Purchase A< :s or receipts■nount; and ■in-aid applii from 1894-9 ed in reduction of expenditure. 15 to 1896-97, inclusive, expenditure inder Lands Improvement t Acoount.



TABLE No. 3. EXPENDITURE on Railways to 31st March, 1912, and Liabilities on that Date.

Expenditure out of Public Works Fund during Y: UND DURING YEAR 1911-12. :ar 1911-12. Lines of Railway. Total Expenditure by General Government to 31st March, 1911. Recoveries on Account of Expenditure of Previous Years. uhl» uuttiisu ikak iaii-ia, Amounts Expenditure previously under Charged to Special Acts " Surveys of New T and Maim« during Year Lines "now ; Works on Open L ! M"-"- T *» Llnes - Old Liabilities. Individual Lines. Total Expenditure by General Government to 31st March, 1912. Valuation of Works constructed by Provinces and Midland .Railway Company.* Total Expenditure and Liabilities, 31st March, 1912. Lines of Railway. New Works. Liabilities. Construction Pennanentand 8urveys. way. Total New Works. Kaihu Valley Kawakawa to Hokianga Kawakawa to Whangarei and Onerahi Helensville Northwards Helensville to Te Awamutu Huntly to Awaroa Cambridge Branch Waikato to Thames — Hamilton to Te Aroha Te Aroha to Thames Paeroa to Waihi and Tauranga Thames Valley to Rotorua — Morrinsville to Lichfield Putaruru to Rotorua Marton to Te Awamutu Raetihi to Ohakune Tauranga to Paengaroa Gisborne to Motu Gisborne to Ormond Tramway Napier to Gisborne — Gisborno Southwards Napier Northwards Wellington to Napier— Napier to Woodville and Palmerston North £ s. (I. 57,371 12 2 13,118 19 6 498,261 6 4 470,712 11 5 1,482,502 0 10 29 8 7 51,110 9 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 6,170 10 7 50,527 8 0 7,726 0 0 11,646 8 2 78,621 16 7 3,558 0 0 £ s. d. 6,170 10 7 58,253 8 0 I 11,646 8 2 82,179 16 7 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 36 7 0 ■ 1,291 3 4 10 0 0 42,704 8 2 J 9 15 4 £ s. d. 63,578 9 9 71,372 7 6 511,198 17 10 552,902 8 0 1,525,206 9 0 7,858 1 8 51,110 9 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. 3,213 9 9 1,007 II 0 7 18 6 22,989 19 9 £ s. d. 66,791 19 6 72,379 18 6 511,206 16 4 575,892 7 9 1,525,206 9 0 18,041 18 0 51,110 9 9 148,131 9 7 202,472 13 9 146,680 16 7 161,693 0 10 194,646 9 11 2,694,194 8 5 783 12 10 53,871 2 5 442,108 6 5 4,975 1 7 1,605 11 8 411 19 9 887,165 13 2 1,588,146 6 7 958,936 8 0 1,534,359 5 3 55,220 18 0 4,033 13 10 421,389 11 9 196,738 18 6 305,731 11 5 I 1,512,938 14 2 719,380 17 9 188,008 17 3 134,035 Iβ 2 147,577 1 10 224,745 16 8 150,512 11 11 336,799 7 4 548,889 6 7 348,582 13 3 3,834 0 0 2,074,781 6 1 51,467 7 11 44,276 12 10 421,407 16 7 89,523 18 9 95,336 3 10 142,163 8 11 50,158 2 10 74,610 1 11 61,638 18 6 108.112 15 (I 53,649 0 4 542 6 2 5,152 2 8 3,244.875 11 4 134,272 15 3 84.099 7 8 1,415 8 10 19,302 14 9 41.642 7 6 Kaihu Valley. Kawakawa to Hokianga. Kawakawa-Whangarei & Onerahi. Helensville Northwards. Helensville to Te Awamutu. Huntly to Awaroa. Cambridge Branch. Waikato to Thames— Hamilton to Te Aroha. Te Aroha to Thames. Paeroa to Waihi and Tauranga. Thames Valley to Rotoiua— Morrinsville to Lichfield. Putaruru to Rotorua. Marton to Te Awamutu. Raetihi to Ohakune. Tauranga to Paengaroa. Gisborne to Motu. Gisborne to Ormond Tramway. Napier to Gisborne— Gisborne Southwards. Napier Northwards. Wellington to Napier— Napier to Woodville and Palmerston North. Wellington to Woodville, including Te Aro Extension. Wellington to Waitara— Wellington to Longburn (including W'ton-Man'tu R'way Purchase). Foxton to Waitara. Mount Egmont Branoh. Stratford to To Koura (East End). Stratford to Te Koura (West End). Nelson to Roundell. Midland Railway— Belgrove to Inangahua. I Stillwater to Inangahua. I Brunnerton to Bealey. Springfield to Bealey. West port to Ngakawau. Westport to Inangahua. Ngahere to Blackball. Greymouth to Point Elizabeth. Greymouth to Brunnerton. Greymouth to Ross and Mikonui. Picton to Waipara— Pictcn Southwards. Waipara Northwards. Culverden to Hanmer (motor-cars and repairs to roads). Hurunui to Waitaki— Main Line. Oxford Branch. Eyreton Branch. Lyttelton Bianch. Southbridge Branch. Springfield & Whitecliffs Branches. Fairlic Creek Branch. Waimate Branch. Ashburton Forks Branch. Upper Ashburton Branch. Little River Branch. Canterbury Interior Main Line— Oxford to Malvern. Whitecliffs to Rakaia. Temuka to Rangitata. Waitaki to Bluff— Main Line, including Port Chalmers Branoh. Duntroon Branch. Ngapara Branch. Fernhill Railway Purchase. Brighton Road Branch. Outram Branch. 7,818 17 9 7,81817 9 10,183 16 4 146,113 15 6 202,472 13 9 143,438 7 10 22 2 4 '.'. 22' 2 4 2,017 14 1 3,220 6 5 148,131 9 7 202,472 13 9 146,680 16 7 161,693 0 10 194,406 11 5 2,689,736 2 7 4,129 0 8 239 18 6 '.'. '.'. V 8,584 19 9 1 2 6 9 675 5 2 48 4 0 149 12 8 161,693 0 10 194,646 9 11 2,694,194 8 5 779 12 6 53,399 18 10 438,749 17 11 4,975 1 7 15,291 10 8 356,103 5 2 4,975 1 7 104 7 4 26,740 4 2 11,320 0 0 78,614 0 1 3,883 0 0 104 7 4 38,060 4 2 82,497 0 1 j 4 0 4 471 3 7 3,358 8 6 130 14 10 1,436 13 10 294 7 5 1,436 13 10 294 7 5 1,567 8 8 294 7 5 38 3 0 117 12 4 882,030 3 4 5,135 9 10 887,165 13 2 Wellington to Woodville, inoluding Te Aro Extension Wellington to Waitara — Wellington to Longburn (inoluding WellingtonManawatu Railway Purchase) Foxton to Waitara Mount Egmont Branch Stratford to Te Koura (East End) Stratford to Te Koura (West End) Nelson to Roundell Midland Railway— Belgrove to Inangahua Stillwater to Inangahua Brunnerton to Bealey Springfield to Bealey Westport to Ngakawau Westport to Inangahua .. • • Ngahere to Blackball Greymouth to Point Elizabeth Greymouth to Brunnorton Greymouth to Ross and Mikonui Pioton to Waipara — Picton Southwards Waipara Northwards Culverden to Hanmer (motor-oars and repairs to roads) Hurunui to Waitaki — Main Line Oxford Branch Eyreton Branch Lyttelton Branch Southbridge Branch Springfield and Whitecliffs Branohes Fairlie Creek Branch Waimate Branch Ashburton Forks Branch Upper Ashburton Branch Little River Branch Canterbury Interior Main Line — Oxford to Malvern Whitecliffs to Rakaia Temuka to Rangitata Waitaki to BluffMain Line, including Port Chalmers Branch 1,573,972 6 1 12,538 19 2 .. fl.635 14 1,588,146 6 7 949,260 3 8 ■ ■• 9,676 4 4 958,936 8 0 1,517,002 8 7 52,530 4 5 2,758 8 5 10,992 16 0 2,653 6 11 2,910 6 3 78,895 19 6 1,212 0 0 10,992 16 0 2,653 6 11 2,910 6 3 80,107 19 6 8,772 9 1 1,534,009 5 3 55,183 11 4 3,861 19 4 415,619 10 5 196,738 18 6 350 0 0 37 6 8 171 14 6 5,770 1 4 951 13 1 335,511 10 11 193,380 15 6 3,358 3 0 '.'. '.'. 190,994 16 4 152,846 9 3 357,557 11 6 604,804 12 7 188,008 17 3 76,758 3 11 145,961 14 4 im>,528 10 5 150,512 11 11 335,951 16 9 •• 19,868 11 5 11,600 0 0 14,050 10 6 2,068 0 0 56,913 8 4 42,289 19 5 '■ 7,003 0 0 31,468 11 5 16,118 10 6 56,913 8 4 49,292 19 6 288 16 11 574 4 8 12 6 10 1,348 0 7 i 222,752 4 8 169,551 II 3 415,819 0 5 654,097 12 0 188,008 17 3 99,091 19 3 147,537 1 10 224.7:H 17 1 150,512 11 11 336,799 7 4 78,306 19 9 f 543,573 17 9 4,672 7 0 ] 97 6 11 I 383,896 17 10 3,704 0 2 61,579 5 7 21,571 15 4 762 0 0 1,615 7 6 25,420 6 8 2,776 0 0 22,333 15 4 1,615 7 6 28.196 6 8 34,943 16 11 20 19 7 51 7 2 '.. 51 7 2 258 16 6 537 6 11 .. .', 504,899 1 2 298,678 0 10 3,834 0 0 24,840 14 9 144 0 0 30,819 19 2 13,278 0 0 24,984 14 9 44,097 19 2 18,623 4 5 2,178 13 8 548,507 0 4 344,954 13 8 3,834 0 0 382 6 3 3,627 19 7 1,734,483 10 4 r>1.407 7 11 44.276 12 10 80,618 13 11 89,423 18 9 94,969 11 11 I 67,039 8 11 50,158 2 10 j 74,610 1 11 61,638 18 6 107,733 18 7 100 0 0 24,262 15 9 I 1,758,646 6 1 51,467 7 11 44,276 12 10 80,907 16 7 89,523 18 9 95,336 3 10 67,039 8 11 r>0.158 2 10 74,610 1 11 61,638 18 6 108,112 15 0 . 316,135 0 0 .. ■ • 289 2 8 100 0 0 ! 366 11 11 340,500 0 0 • •_ 75,124 0 0 .. ■• .. 378 16 5 '.'. '.'. 53,649 0 4 542 6 2 5,152 2 8 ."):!. l>49 0 4 542 6 2 5,152 2 8 •• •• 3,085,058 0 11 26,130 0 3 .. J51,428 12 11 3,162,616 14 1 82,258 17 3 Duntroon Branch Ngapara Branch Fernhill Railway Purchase Brighton Road Branch Outram Branch Lawienui Snmcb Livingstone Branch Waihemo Branch Catlin's River Branch Heriotburn Branch .. U'aikaka Branch Waimea Plains Branch Toitois Branch Riversdale to Switzers Kelso to Gore Seaward Bush to Catlin's Otago Central Invercargill to Kingston — Main Line Mararoa Branch .. Makarewa to Orepuki and Waiau Thornbury to Wairio .. .. .. ) Forest Hill Expenses of Railway Commissions and other Expenditure not chargeable to Individual Lines Surveys of New Lines — North Island Middle Island Perroanent-way for Railway Department Rolling-stock Stock of Permanent-way materials, 31st March. 1911 .. .. £77,938 7 3 96,772 15 3 26,090 7 8 1,415 8 10 6,473 14 9 11,951 7 6 l::r,. l-ir, tS 8 82,784 18 10 33,190 18 8 320,206 6 1 123,032 2 5 66,913 3 0 111,365 5 2 52,480 4 3 81.469 10 3 i 602 2 5 174,099 6 9 1,280,393 4 3 tp (Hi. 772 16 3 26,090 7 8 1,415 8 10 6,473 14 9 11,951 7 6 37,500 0 0 58,009 0 0 12,829 0 0 29,691 0 0 18,904 5 3 ~. re,904' 8 9 '' , J L . J 44,600 1 11 3,743 0 0 48,343' 111 •• •• 198 15 0 907 13 4 600 8 1 . I hi w :f X2.7S4 18 10 33,190 18 8 368,549 8 0 123,230 17 f> 67,820 16 4 111,965 13 3 52,480 4 3 81,523 2 9 602 2 5 1S3.798 9 11 1,280,393 4 3 i . • >.»< i i u; zoz,U4O l u 82.784 18 10 :!:!. 190 18 8 410 13 4 368,900 1 4 123,230 17 r> 67,820 16 4 111,965 13 3 52,480 4 3 SI..-,23 2 9 602 2 5 303 0 3 184,101 10 2 I 1 1,280,393 4 3 ! Lawrence Branch. Livingstone Branch. WailuMno Branch. Catlin's River Branch. Heriotburn Branch. Waikaka Branch. Waimea Plains Branch. Toitois Branch. Riversdale to Switzers. Kelso to Gore. Seaward Bush to Catlin's. Otago Central. Invercargill to Kingston— Main Line. Mararoa Branch. I Makarcwa to Orepuki and Waiau. 1 Thornbury to Wairio. Forest Hill. Expensesof Railway Commissions, &o., not chargeable to Individual Lines. Surveys of New Lines— North Island. Middle Island. Permanent-way for Railway Dept. Rolling-stock. '.'. 53 12 6 '.'. " 8,088' 3 2 '' l,6li' 0 0 9,699 3 2 309.001 (i II 27,216 18 7 §20,382 11 8 330,073 18 7 27,210 IK 7 91,937 5 2 422,011 3 9 27,216 18 7 328,285 18 8 386 13 9 328,672 12 5 ! 60,297 0 0 388,969 12 5 22.983 14 5 10.336 19 11 22,983 14 5 10,336 19 11 22,983 14 5 10,336 19 11 ! 32.423 19 4 8,472 2 2 25.000 0 0 ' 4,967.980 0 1 2,526 18 0 I 232 2 8 2,526 18 0 232 2 8 Cr. 4,941 11 0 Cr. 4,94,1 11 0 Cr. 2,178 13 8 30,009 6 4 6,525 11 2 25,000 0 0 5,141,805 9 0 30,009 6 4 6,525 11 2 25.000 0 0 131,261 0 0 5,273,066 9 0 Cr. 2,178 13 8 ■ 173,825' 8 11 '.'. '.. '.'. 77,938 7 3 - Stock of Permanent- way increased by £24,911 17 1 29,314,029 6 5 - .. Stock of Permanent-way materials, 31st March, 1912 .. .. £102,850 4 4 102,850 4 4 10,183 17 9 113,034 2 1 Stock of Permanent-way materials. 1129,314,029 6 5 ; .1 6,987 9 1 666,302 16 8 70,684 0 0 736,986 16 8 362,194 12 6 1,812 3 3 53,063 14 3 I |!30,486,011 1 1 1,787,741 5 6 622,761 12 2 1132,896,513 18 9 .. Total. Total .. * Also includes value for £150,000 paid to sbcnture-holders uni !r the Midland Railways Petitions Settlement Ad § Includes £16.596 7s. 4d. expended on new. stei Amendment Act, 1903. t Expenditure under Hutt Road and Railway Improvement Act Account imer, and on wharves, Lake Wakatipu. |l Includes amount expended on purchase of district railwai X Ex P ( ra, £477,487 7s. 11. mditure under Railways Improvement Authorization Act Account. i.

D.— l.

TABLE No. 4. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, Bridges, &c., out of the Public Works Fund, Consolidated Fund, and the New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1911, for the Year ended 31st March, 1912.

3-D. 1,


Vote No. Item No. teni I No. I Name of Work. County. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 112 1 l> :t -i 6 7 8 !) 10 11 12 13 I 14 15 16 18 20 22 23 24 26 29 31 32 33 34 35 PUBLIC WORKS FUND. Roads, etc. North Auckland Road District Ahipara to Herekino .. .. .. Mangonui Awanui to Waipapakauri .. .. ,. California Swamp (Awanui) Chamberlain Road .. .. .. „ Double-crossing Bridge to Awanui (£1 13, £1 „ for £1) Donble-oroseing Bridge to Kaitaia Dairy „ Factory Fairburn Road.. .. .. .. ,, Fairburn Road Bridges (£ I for£l) .. „ Faulkner Road (Ruapekapoka) .. .. Bay of Islands .. Ford Road Herekino Posi office to Factory .. .. Hokianga Herekino School to Factory .. .. „ Herekino Settlement Roads .. .. Mangonui and Hokianga Hodges Bridge .. .. .. Mangonui Hohoura Bridge .. .. .. ,, Hukerenui Railway-station to Riponui .. Whangarei Iwitaua to Mangamuka .. .. .. Mangonui, Whangaroa, and Qokianga Kaeo to Matauri .. .. .. Whangaroa Kaeo to Omano .. .. .. ., Kaeo to Pupuke .. .. .. ., Kaeo to Towai. . .. .. . . „ Kaeo to Whangaroa (£1 for £1), (on account of „ £700) Kaihu to Tarawhati .. .. .. Hokianga and Hobson Kaikohe to Kawakawa, via Ngapipito .. Bay of Islands Kaikohe to Rawene .. .. .. ! Hokianga and Bay of Islands Kaimamaku to Helena Bay .. .. Whangarei Kaimamaku to .Mania Boundary.. .. „ Hay of Islands » > »» £ s. d. 49 !t 4 142 15 0 :,(l 0 0 105 6 1 124 17 (i 74 9 0 I.",:! 8 0 32 !) IS 34 10 0 -,:> o o 194 19 6 36 10 0 190 Iβ 0 »> 896 16 7 129 11 1 100 0 0 m<) 7 o " i .-,<» o o II!) 0 0 47 16 1 128 0 9 300 7 (i Bay of Islands and Kaipara Bay of Islands 83 S II r>0 o o 199 I!) II 36 :t7 38 40 41 42 43 44 47 48 49 50 f>2 63 54 66 r>7 59 60 61 62 63 65 66 67 70 73 74 75 76 79 81 83 84 S7 89 91 92 94 Kaitaia to Ahipara .. .. .. Mangonui Kaitaia Road (factory to church) .. „ Kaitaia Police-station Road .. .. „ Karae to Broadwood .. .. .. j Hokianga Kauaeranga to Purua .. .. .. Whangarei Kawakawa to Derrick . . .. .. Bay of Islands .. Kawakawa Flax-mill Road .. .. „ Kawakawa Hospital Road .. .. „ .. | Kohukohu to Mangamuka Ferry .. .. Hokianga Kohukohu Township roads (£1 for £2) .. „ Lamer Road (Kaitaia) .. .. .. Mangonui Mamari Village to Pukemiro .. .. Hokianga Mangakahia Bridge to Houto .. .. Whangarei and Hobson Mangakahia Stream Bridge (£1 for £1) .. Hokianga Mangamuka Ferry .. .. .. „ Mangataraire .. .. .. .. „ Mangatoetoe . . .. .. .. Mangonui Mangatu Stream Bridge.. .. .. Hokianga Mangonui to Cable-station .. .. Mangonui Mangonui County flood-damage Mangonui Township roads (til for£l) .. „ Martin Road .. .. . . .. Hokjanga Maungataniwha Block Roads .. .. Mangonui Maunu Road .. .. .. .. Whangarei McCullough and Hood Road .. .. Hokianga Ngaruawahine . . .. .. .. Bay of Islands .. Ohaeawai to Waimatc . . .. .. ,. Ohaeawai to Waitangi .. .. .. „ Okaihau to Horeke .. .. .. Hokianga and Bay of Islands Okaihau to Kerikeri .. .. .. Bay of Islands .. Okaihau to Waihou .. .. .. „ Omapere Survey District, Blocks IX and X Hokianga Opanaki to Hokianga .. .. .. H o k i a n g a and Hobson Opouteke River Bridge .. .. .. Hokianga Opuawhanga to Whananaki .'. .. Whangarei Orotere Hill Road .. .. .. Whangaroa Otiria Railway-station Road .. .. Bay of Islands .. Otonga to Opuawhanga (£1 for £1) .. Whanearei Owae Road (Upper) .. ., .. Bay of Islands .. Bay of Islands and Marsdcn Bay of Islands Bay of Islands and Kaipara Bay lit Islands Marsden Bay of Islands 168 4 0 I r>0 o o lid 0 0 42 0 0 r>0 o 0 449 lit 0 100 0 0 BO 0 0 100 0 0 32 10 0 199 19 3 h>r, 12 r< t>2 6 0 81 1 0 r> io o 182 I 10 ->o i o .-,o o o 170 4 0 2:if> 2 10 181 2 3 26 0 0 91 0 0 31 14 6 20 0 0 250 0 0 49 19 10 70 14 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 l>9!) 6 11 36 6 4 121 12 0 99 11 9 190 0 0 "» 60 10 6 50 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 7.-, 0 0 50 0 0

D.— 1


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.

Vote No. I Item No. Name of Work. Oountjr. Electorate Net Expenditure. 112 96 97 98 100 104 106 107 108 109 110 111 113 115 116 118 II!) 120 123 124 125 126 129 130 132 134 135 136 137 139 142 143 147 150 I r>1 152 Roads, etc.— continued. North Auckland Road District— continued. Pakaraka to Oromahoe Pakaraka to Whangae Pakaru Settlement Peria to Victoria Valley Posl -office Purua Road and Deviation Ramarama to Purua Ramarama (Upper) Rangiahua to Umawhero Rawene Foreshore Road Rawene Hospital Road Rawhia School to Rangiahua Russell to Waikare Stoney Creek to Kaeo Takahue Village to Victoria Valley Road . . Te Teko to Kaueranga Totara Foreshore (£1 for £1) Totara to Kaeo Towai to Ramarama Towai to Ruapekapeka Umawhero to Mangamuka Unahi Waiarohia Point Waiharakeke Stream Bridge Waihou to Puketi Waima River Bridge (Mangatu to Katui) .. Waimamaku to Kawerua Waimamaku to Pakanae Waimamaku Settlement Wainui Bridge (£1 for £1) Waiotu to Hukerenui (Galbraith's) Waiotu Railway-station to Jordan Waitangi Hill Deviation Whakarapa to Te Karaka Whakapara to Hukerenui (£100, £1 for £1) Whakapara southwards (metalling), (£100, £1 for £1) Whangaroa Coast Road Bull's Road (Waikiekie).. Carter Road Hikurangi to Tanekaha Jordan to Hikurangi Mangapai to Mangonui Bridge (Upper) Mangapai to Whangarei (£1 for II) M-iiiia to Whananaki Matapouri to Hikurangi Matapouri to Whananaki .. .. p Maungatapere School Hill (£1 for £1) Maungatapere to Tangiteroria (£50, CI for £1) Otaika to Maungakaramea (£1 for £1), (on account of £3,000) Otaika School Bridge Paparoa to Waikiekie (£1 for £1) Parua Bay Landing Road Poroti to Maungakahia Bridge Poroti to Maungatapere., Kuakaka to Otaika Kuakaka Valley rjrqnhart's Bay Road Waikiekie Post-office to Tokatoka .Main Road Waipu Caves to Mangapai Waipu to Mangapai (£1 for £1) Waipu Coast Road Waipu Gorge Road Waipu Gorge to Section 1, Block X Waipu S.D. Waipu North Road District flood damage Waipu North Road District roads (£1 for £1) Waipu River Bridge (Jacob's) Waipu to Ruakaka Whangarei to Kiripaka (£1 for £1) Whangarei to Whangarei Heads (tloo. II for £1 £ s. d. Bay of Islands .. Bay 22 10 0 50 0 0 r>0 o o Mangonui .. „ 178 15 4 Whangarei .. „ 150 0 0 ». • • „ 100 0 0 Bay of Islands .. „ loo 0 0 Hokianga .. „ 3 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 99 19 6 Bay of Islands .. ., 50 0 0 Whangaroa .. ,. 170 4 0 Mangonui .. „ 195 14 2 Whangarei .. „ :JOO 0 0 Whangaroa .. „ 22 18 9 99 19 0 Bay of Islands .. „ 55 19 0 57 4 0 Hokianga .. „ 100 0 0 Mangonui .. „ 25 4 0 Hokianga .. „ .-,(1 0 0 Bay of Islands .. ,, 72 16 5 100 0 0 Hokianga .. „ r>11 18 9 50 0 0 399 4 8 696 12 0 Mangonui .. „ Qr. 75 0 0 Bay of Islands and „ [(X) 0 (I Whangarei Whangarei .. „ 100 0 0 Bay of Islands .. .. 200 0 0 Hokianga . . ,, 231 0 0 Whangarei . . „ J25 0 0 Marsden .. 50 0 0 Whangaroa .. j Bay of Islands 50 0 0 Whangarei .. Marsden . . 50 0 0 160 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 42 10 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 140 0 0 120 0 0 1,192 17 6 200 0 0 .. „ .. 0 15 0 SO (i 0 ., .. Bay of Islands ; 100 0 0 and Marsden „ ■ ■ Marsden .. 200 0 0 100 0 0 54 3 10 100 0 0 53 9 6 90 0 0 r>0 0 0 .. [ .. 199 19 10 • • ' ,. .. Or. 17 9 U 98 10 0 .. ! „ .. 120 0 0 83 5 2 .. I ,. • . 150 0 0 .... . . 400 0 0 50 0 0 85 0 0 L66 158 160 162 165 L66 168 169 171 172 174 175 177 178 180 181 183 184 185 186 187 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 200 201 203 Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expendiiiiiT incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, Ac. Total—North Auckland 347 18 1 728 18 1 Cr. 9 1 0 168 S 9 18,403 9 10 204 205 2(16


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.


Vote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 12 Roads, etc. — continued. Auckland Road District — 20!) Civil Road .. .. .. .. Rodney.. .. Marsden 212 Hoteo North to Way by Railway-station .. „ .. .. „ 213 Kaiwaka Bridge .. .. .. Otamatea .. „ 214 Kaiwaka to Mangawai .. .. .. ,, .. „ 216 Lower Matakana Road (through Sections 25, : Rodney.. .. „ 26, 27, 38, and 39) 218 Mangawai to Waipu (coast road), (£51, £1 for Otamatea £1) 219 Mareretu to Bull's .. .. 220 Mareretu Central .. .. .. „ .. ,, 22 4 Maungaturoto to Brvnderwin .. . . ,, . . „ 22(i Maungaturoto to Waikiekic (£ I for £1) .. „ .. „ 227 Maungaturoto Wharf Road .. .. ,, . . ,, 231 I'akiri to Whangaripo .. .. .. Rodney .. ,, 235 Waipu Gorge Bridge .. .. .. | Whangarei and ,, Otamatea 236 Waipu to Mareretu (Otamatea County Sec- Otamatea .. „ tion) 237 Waipu to Waikiekie (Otamatea County Seo- „ . . „ tion) 239 Ahuroa Railway-station to Komokoriki .. ! Rodney.. .. Kaipara 240 Angel's to Creamery .. .. . . Otamatoa .. „ 242 Arapohue to Hoanga .. .. .. | Hobson . . .. ,, 244 Arapohue Settlement Road, via Eduoation „ .. „ Reserve (£1 for £1) 245 Ararua .. .. .. .. Otamatea .. „ 248 Aratapu to West Coast (through Domain) .. Hobson .. .. „ 249 Aratapu to West Coast, via Redhill .. „ .. „ 251 Awaroa Creek Bridge . . .. .. Otamatea .. „ 252 Awaroa to Te Kowhai .. .. .. „ .. „ 255 Batley Wharf to Bickerstaffe .. .. j „ .. „ 256 Birtle's Bridge .. .. .. .. | „ .. „ 257 Birtle's Bridge to Paparoa—Maungaturoto „ . . „ Road 258 Bradley's Corner to Raupo .. .. „ .. I „ 260 Burch's to Tokatoka-Mangapai Road .. „ . . „ 268 Helensville to Kaukapakapa (Inland Road) Waitemata . . „ 269 Helensville to Port Albert (Rodney County Rodney.. .. ,. Section) 272 Homestead Road .. .. .. Otamatea ..I „ 278 Jackson Road .. .. .. .. „ .. j Kaipara and Marsden 279 James Road .. .. .. .. „ .. Kaipara 281 Kaihu Stream Bridge (Dargaville), (£1 for £1) Hobson 287 Kopuru to Northern Wairoa Hospital .. „ .. „ 288 Kopuru to Redhill .. .. .. „ .. „ 292 Makarau to Komokoriki .. .. Waitemata and „ Rodney 293 Makarau Railway-station to Kaukapakapa ] Waitemata . . „ 294 Makarau Railway-station to Tahekeroa . . ,, . . „ 296 Makarau River Bridge (near Railway-station) J „ .. „ 298 Mangonui Bridge (Lower) to Hokowaiti (£1 Hobson .. „ for £1) 304 Matakohe to Tokatoka (Tokatoka end) .. Otamatea .. „ 305 Matakohe to Wharf .. .. .. „ .. „ 306 Maungaru S.D., Block I, Section 30 .. Hobson .. „ 308 Maungaturoto to Whakapirau .. .. Otamatea .. Kaipara and Marsden 311 Mititai to Tokatoka .. .. .. Hobson and Ota- Kaipara matea 313 Naumai to Bradley's Corner .. .. Otamatea . . „ 314 Naumai to Tokatoka .. .. .. ,, .. ,, 317 Okahu Creek Bridge .. .. .. Hobson .. | „ 318 Okahu Road (£1 for £1) .. .. „ 319 Old Makarau Road, via Hooper's .. Waitemata .. „ 323 Otamatea Road .. .. .. Otamatea .. „ 328 Paparoa to Waikiekie (Otamatea County .. .. Kaipara and Section), (£1 for £1) Marsden 329 Paparoa to Wairere . . .. .. .. ■ ■ Kaipara 331 Parkhurst .. .. .. .. Waitemata 336 Raupo to Creamery .. .. .. Otamatea .. „ 339 Robertson Road .. .. .. „ .. „ 341 Ruawai to Awaroa Canal .. .. „ .. „ 342 Ruawai to Matakohe .. .. .. ,, .. „ 344 Smith's Canal Road .. .. .. „ ■ • „ 347 Tangaihi to Tikinui . . . . .. Hobson 349 Tangowahine to Avoca (£150, £1 for £1) .. .... 350 Tangowahine to Mangakahia (£50, £1 for £1) „ .. „ 351 Tangowahine Valley Road .. .. > „ .. „ Cγ. >J ». d. 70 0 (I 101) I) II LOT Iβ 0 70 10 9 95 7 2 .'! li S 29 17 3 100 li li 50 0 (I SO 0 0 100 0 0 86 in 3 698 19 0 40 9 4 17 8 3 158 7 S 16 15 3 100 0 0 100 0 0 79 II 10 150 0 0 50 0 0 48 0 0 50 0 0 150 0 0 185 0 0 50 0 0 r>0 0 0 48 7 6 100 0 0 270 13 11 .->o o 0 48 12 0 Ml 111 n 21 in 8 6 50 0 0 50 0 0 42 10 4 98 2 li (7 I 2 85 7 10 112 10 0 f>9 19 fi 150 0 0 ion o o 300 0 0 250 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 198 13 S 50 0 0 30 1 6 150 0 0 48 2 4 50 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 150 0 0 200 o 0 100 o o 105 7 1



TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. Connty. Electorate. Net Expenditure. J 12 355 367 368 359 360 ROADS, mo. — continued. \i c Hoad District — continued. Tβ Hana Railway-station Road .. Tβ Kowhai (£1 for £1) .. Tβ Kowhai to Matakohe Tβ Pahi to Hoteo Railway-station Tokatoka to Mangonui Bridge (Upper) Rodney Otamatea Kaipara " e a. d. 46 14 6 30 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 133 8 3 j> ■ ■ Rodney Hobson and Otamatea Otamatea 362 363 361 372 374 376 378 380 382 383 384 385 386 387 396 399 400 4(11 402 405 412 414 415 III) Tokatoka to Matakohe (Matakohe end) Tokatoka Post-offloe Road to Creamery Tokatoka Swamp (main access road) Wallace Road and Hamilton Drain (Raupo) Whakapirau to Birtle'a Wharehine to Wellsford Railway-station .. Whittakc-r's Hill (£1 for £1) Wordsworth to Creamery Ahuroa to Railway-siding Albany to Cut Hitl (£75, £1 for £1) AII mny to Dairy Flat Albany Main Coach Road (Paremoremo Parish) Haver Road to Section 273, Waiwera Parish Bear's Deviation (£1 for £1) Paremoremo Parish (road through Section 28) Puhoi to Ahuroa Railway-station I'uhoi to Tahekeroa Railway-station Puhoi to Tahekeroa Tunnel I'uhoi to Warkworth RuxtOD and Leather Bridges (£1 for £1) Wade to Kahikatea Flat Wainui to Kaukapakapa Railway-station .. Waiian Road (£300, £1 for £1) .. Waiwere Bridge .. Rodney Hobson . . Rodney Waitemata ♦» • • Rodney .Marsden Waitemata 39 13 5 100 0 0 50 0 0 150 0 0 160 0 0 60 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 200 0 0 417 419 422 424 426 427 430 432 433 434 435 436 440 441 Waiwera to Puhoi Warkworth to Ahuroa Gladstone Road Henderson to West Coast Hetana Hamlet roads Huia to Whatipu New Lynn to Huia Swanson to West Coast .. Tβ Atatu (£1 for £1) Titirangi School Road Waikumete to West Coast Wairere Road (£1 for £1) Ardmore Range Road (£50, £1 for £1) Ardmore to Manurewa Railway-station (£1 for £1) Brookby to Papakura Railway-station, via Alfreston (£1 for £1) Dow Road (£50, £1 for £1) Flat Bush School Road (£1 for £1) Great South Road (Papakura Road District), (£1 for £1) Great South Road (£1 for £1), (Papakura Town District) Howick Main Road (£1 for £1) .. Hunua to Railway-station (£1 for £1), (on account of £650) 11 iinua Road District flood-damage (£2 for £1) Love's Hill Manurewa to Weymouth (£1 for £1) Maungamaungaroa to Maraetai (£8, £1 for£l) Rama Rama (£1 for£l) .. Tamaki Bridge (Panniiire) Waikopu Bridge Wairoa Butter-factory to Brookby Creamery Queenstown Road Seacliff Road Akaaka Swamp Road to Pukekohe Railwaystation (£300, £1 for il) Awaroa Landing Road (£1 for £1), (on account of £900) Awaroa River Clearing (£1 for £1) Awhitu Wharf to Awhitu Central (£1 for £1) Awhitu Wharf Road to Morrison's, via Orua Bay (£50, £1 for £1) Box Road Buckland to Tuakau - Drury Road >> • • Waitemata Rodney >> • • »! ■ • WaiteniiiM >» • • .. I Rodney .Marsden Waitemata Marsden >> • • >> • * Waitemata >> • • >> • • Marsden and Waitemata Marsden Eden ,, .. Franklin j> ■ • 20 12 6 75 0 0 50 0 0 KM) 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 140 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 84 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 20 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 43 15 0 Eden .. Waitemata .. j " Manukau .. | 443 78 15 0 444 445 447 73 11 4 75 0 0 61 19 7 448 >> • ■ 100 0 0 450 451 >> • • 1O0 0 0 172 2 5 452 453 454 456 459 461 462 463 465 466 467 Eden .. Manukau Manukau Franklin >> • • j> • • Manukau Franklin 226 1 9 519 4 0 55 0 0 8 1 9 50 0 0 414 5 6 3 0 0 31 0 0 150 0 0 50 0 0 197 8 7 * .. „ >> • * Eden .. ,. Manukau .. j 469 Raglan .. .. Raglan L33 4 !) 470 471 472 473 475 „ .. Manukau Raglan .. Manukau .. j „ Franklin franklin a n d Raglan Raglan 24 3 10 22 17 6 75 12 3 61 6 9 50 0 0 50 0 0 ITS Drury to Tuakau (£1 for £1)



TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. \2 479 482 483 484 488 489 490 491 493 494 495 496 498 499 501 502 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 515 517 520 521 523 524 525 527 528 529 531 532 533 534 537 538 541 543 545 546 Roads, etc.— continued. Auckland Road District— continued. Drury to Waiuku, via Karaka (£1 for £1) .. Manukau .. Franklin Glasgow Road .. .. .. .. Raglan .. .. Raglan Glen Murray to Rangiriri (£1 for £1) . . „ .. .. „ Glen Murray to Woodleigh (£1 for £1), (on „ account of £1,300) Great South Road (Huntly Town District), Waikato .. „ (£1 for £2), (on account of £1,000) Henderson's to Kohunga (£1 for£l) .. Raglan .. .. ,, Hunt Road (£1 for £1) .. .. .. „ .. Huntly to Kahuruhuru .. .. .. ,, .. ,, Huntly to Rangiriri West .. .. „ .. .. ,, Kaipo Flat (Onewhero), (£1 for £1) .. „ .. Kawakawa Bay to Hauarahi Stream .. Manukau .. Franklin Kilsey's to Port Waikato .. .. Raglan .. .. „ Koheroa Parish (access to Section 55) .. Manukau and Wai- Raglan kato Kopuku Stream Bridge .. .. .. Waikato .. Thames Mangapiko Valley (£50, £1 for £1) .. „ Mangatea Road .. .. . . ,, .. ,. Mauku to Drury - Waiuku Road (£1 for£l) Manukau .. Franklin Maungatawhiri Stream to Maungatanu'i ,, .. „ Stream (£1 for £1) Morgan Road (£1 for £1) .. .. Raglan .. .. ,, Morrison Road.(£1 for£l) .. .. „ .. .. ,, Murray River Bank Road (£1 for £1), (on „ .. „ account of £900) McGuire Road (£1 for £1) .. .. „ .. Mclnnes Road (Maratnarua), (£2 for £1) .. Waikato .. Thames McKinnon Road .. .. .. Raglan .. .. Raglan McPherson Road .. .. .. Waikato .. Thames Ness Valley (£1 for £1) .. .. .. Manukau .. Franklin Ohinewai Railway-station to Ngarua Block Waikato .. Thames (£55, £1 for £1), (on account of £1,650) Opaheke Main Road .. .. .. Manukau .. Franklin Otau Parish (Sections 6 and 94) . . .. ,, .. ,, Otorowheao Trig. Road .. .. Raglan .. .. Raglan Pakington to Main Road (£150, £1 for£l), (on Manukau .. Franklin account of £500) Palmer's Hill .. .. .. .. Raglan .. .. Raglan Panuatairi Creek Bridge .. .. Manukau .. Franklin Patumahoe to Drury, via Woodhouse Hill.. i „ .. „ Patumahoe Township roads (£1 for £1) .. „ .. ,, Patumahoe to Waiau .. .. .. I ,, .. ,, Pilgrim's Road.. .. .. .. „ .. „ Pollock Main Road .. .. .. „ .. „ Priest's Road (£1 for £1) Pukekawa (£1 for £1), (on account of £3,200) Raglan.. .. Raglan Rangiriri to Rangiriri Railway-station .. ■ Waikato .. „ Rutherford Road .. .. .. | Raglan .. .. „ Taniwha Gorge Road .. .. .. j Waikato .. Thames Te Akau Block roads .. .. .. Raglan .. .. Raglan Te Akau Block to Dunmore (£1 for £1) .. „ .. Te Puroa to Waingaro - Ngaruawahia Road ,, .. .. ,, (£1 forfl) Tikotiko .. .. .. .. „ Tuakau Railway-station to Tuakau Bridge Manukau .. „ (£1 for £1) Waerenga Main Railway-station Road (£2 Waikato .. Thames for £1) Waingaro to Ngaruawahia .. .. „ .. Raglan Waipuna Valley Road .. .. .. .. .. Thames Wairangi Railway-station to Matahuru River .. ,, (£1 for £1), (on account of £4,000) Wairoa Road District bridges .. .. Manukau .. Franklin Waiuku to Awhitu .. .. .. ,, .. „ Wileox Hill (Tuakau - Drury Road) .. „ .. Raglan Wyles Road (Onewhero) .. . . Raglan .. .. „ Ahirau to Otautu .. .. .. Coromandel .. Thames Amodeo Bay Creek to Bolton's .. .. ,, .. „ Brown's Creek Bridge .. .. .. „ .. „ Cabbage Bay Settlement Road .. .. „ .. „ Coromandel County flood damage .. „ .. „ Kaimarama Creek Bridge .. . . ., .. ,, Kuaotunu to Opito Settlement .. .. ,, .. „ Lang's Point Road .. .. .. | ,, .. „ Loram Road . . .. .. .. ., .. ,, Miranda to Waitakaruru .. .. „ .. „ Ngataipua East .. .. . . „ .. „ Opani to Turua .. .. .. „ .. ,, £ s. d. 250 0 0 100 0 0 90 0 8 528 14 H 433 4 (i 34 3 (i 64 10 9 25 15 0 100 0 0 17 3 0 1(17 16 (i 75 0 0 4 0 0 299 13 !> 65 5 7 42 1 8 25 0 0 :; l hi 100 0 0 100 0 tl 360 0 (I 35 3 4 80 0 0 Hi 3 0 50 0 0 23 0 0 41 19 8 100 0 0 50 13 7 83 0 !! 100 0 0 299 7 0 118 3 0 50 0 0 397 10 0 150 0 0 50 0 0 92 14 3 50 0 0 587 15 0 100 0 0 32 0 0 100 0 0 488 6 4 406 9 11 238 15 7 70 0 0 50 3 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 97 10 2 1,350 18 6 85 4 9 65 4 4 100 0 0 50 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 49 19 4 102 12 3 48 5 10 300 0 0 75 0 0 224 9 1 193 19 5 113 7 0 547 551 553 555 556 558 559 560 565 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 578 579 580


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.


VoU No Item I No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Nee Expenditure. II- , 585 586 589 * 590 5!) I 592 594 595 596 600 603 604 606 606 608 612 61 I 616 621 625 626 628 629 630 639 643 044 646 648 650 651 652 653 655 658 659 661 662 663 665 666 668 669 670 672 674 677 678 680 Roads, etc. — continued. Auckland Road District— continued. Pipi Creek Bridge and approaches .. Thames Port Charles to Ahiroa .. .. .. Coromandel Turua to Kerepehi .. .. .. Thames and Ohinemuri Turua to Pipiroa .. .. . . Thames Waitakaruru Stream Road .. . . „ Wharepoha District Road (£1 for £1) Whitianga to Kaimarama .. .. Coromandel Whitianga to Ohuka Creek .. .. ,, Fisher Road (Tahainui). (£1 for £1) . . Ohinemuri Mangaiti Bridge Road .. .. .. ,, Netherton to Awaiti Block .. .. ,, Xi'therton to Kerepehi .. Xcthcrton to Turua (£200, £1 for £1) .. Ohinemuri and Thames Ohinemuri County flood-damage (£1 for £1) Ohinemuri Rangiora .. .. .. .. „ Te Rohia to Mangaiti .. .. .. „ Waikaka Stream Road .. .. .. ,, Aotea to Kaglan .. .. .. Raglan and Kawhia Hamilton Traffic Bridge (£1 for £1) Heddon Road .. .. .. .. Raglan Horokowau bridges . . .. .. ,, .. Kaniwhaniwha Stream Bridge (Steel's Cross- ,, .. ..I ing) Kaniwhaniwha Bridge (repairs) .. .. „ Ivuiroa to Pakoka .. .. .. „ Opotoru Bridge approaches .. .. ,, Punin Bridge .. .. .. .. Waipa and Wist Taupo Raglan to Waipa .. .. .. Raglan Ruapuke to Aotea .. .. .. ,, Sainsbury Road .. .. .. Raglan and Waitomo Te Awamutu Railway-station to Teasdale i Waipa Settlement Te Kowhai to Te Rapa (£2 for £1) Te Mata to Ruapuke .. .. .. Raglan Te Mata to Te Uku .. .. .. „ Tβ Rore Bridge (repairs), (£1 for £1) .. Raglan and Waipa Tunaki .. .. .. .. Raglan Vandy Road .. .. .. .. „ .. Waingaro Springs to Tβ Uku .. .. „ Waingaro to Waingaro Landing .. .. ,, Wainui .. .. .. .. ,, .. Waitetuna to Kauri .. .. .. „ Waitomotomo bridges .. .. .. ,, .. Whaanga .. .. .. .. „ .. Whatawhata Main Road (Frankton) .. Waipa Whatawhata Swamp Road (£300, £1 for £1) Arahiwi Station Road . . .. .. Matamata Cemetery Road (Te Aroha), (£3 for £2) .. Piako French Pass to Taotaoroa .. .. Matamata Gordon to Waharoa .. .. .. Piako and Matamata Kakepuku Improved-farm Settlement .. ! Waitomo and West Taupo Kakepuku .. .. .. .. Ditto Kihikihi to Waotu .. .. .. West Taupo Pokaiwhenua Stream Bridge .. .. Matamata Putaruru to Puketurua .. .. .. „ Raupara .. .. .. .. I West Taupo Roche's Gully Bridge (£1 for £1), (on account PiaBb .. of £200) Te Kawana Ngutumanga (£1 for £1) .. „ Te Puhi .. .. .. .. West Taupo Tokanui to Wharepapa .. .. .. „ Waikato River Bridge (Horahora) .. Matamata Waotu to Putaruru .. .. .. Matamata and West Taupo Awaiti Bridge .. .. .. .. Kawhia Huaroa Bridge .. .. .. Awakino and Kawhia Kauri Branch Road .. .. .. Kawhia .. i Kawa.. .. .. .. .. Waitomo and West ' Taupo Mangaiti Bridge .. .. .. Kawhia .. I Mangamahoe .. .. .. .. Waitomo Mangaohinga River Bridge .. .. Kawhia Mangatangi Bridge .. .. .. „ Ngutunui to Kawa .. .. . . Waitomo Thames Ohinemuri »» • • Raglan Waikato Haglan Waikato >» • • Kaglan Waikato Raglan Waikato »» • • Raglan Waikato Raglan Waikato Raglan £ s. (I. 8 11 7 150 0 0 163 13 4 488 10 9 60 0 0 350 0 0 100 0 0 2(10 0 0 100 0 0 144 0 0 125 0 0 59 0 0 125 0 0 727 II 8 149 0 0 187 0 0 4 6 2 85 8 9 1,000 0 0 102 12 4 123 4 10 0 9 6 12 13 li 25 0 0 50 0 0 0 2 (i 37 16 0 156 19 5 70 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 94 0 0 100 0 0 104 10 5 189 2 9 4 10 6 136 19 0 175 5 7 54 1 7 179 17 6 38 13 6 279 0 6 50 0 0 250 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 213 15 5 Waikato Raglan »» ■ • Tauranga Waikato 681 683 691 693 694 695 15 14 0 378 8 9 200 0 0 250 0 0 42 10 0 100 0 0 Tauranga 696 6<)7 698 703 705 Waikato 54 0 0 1 10 0 50 3 4 300 0 0 434 9 3 Tauranga 706 709 Taumarunui .. 55 1 1 271 3 6 711 712 49 13 0 110 0 0 716 717 718 719 722 0 3 0 148 19 9 107 2 6 209 5 10 100 5 0


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.


Vote .No. Item No. I Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 112 724 725 726 727 728 730 731 782 736 736 737 739 740 741 743 744 745 Roads, etc. — continued. Auckland Road District— continued. £ B. d. Okupata(£l for £1), (on account of £4,000).. Kawhia .. .. Waikato .. 155 0 0 Okupata Junction to IVkanui .. .. Kawhia and Wai- Waikato and 97 2 7 tomo Taumarunui Oparau Bridge (on account of £1,000) .. Kawhia.. .. Waikato .. IT 2 0 Oteke River Bridge .. .. .. ,, .. Taumarunui .. Hi" 1 10 Otorohanga to Otewa .. .. .. Waitomo .. „ .. -4s s -2 Otorohanga to Pirongia (£1 for £1) .. „ .. „ .. 109 5 5 Owaikura .. .. .. .. „ .. „ .. 86 0 0 Pirongia to Kawhia .. .. .. i Kawhia and Wai- Waikato .. 3C>5 19 10 tomo Tapuae (£1 for £1) .. .. .. Waitomo .. Taumarunui .. 300 0 0 Te Rau Mauku (£156, £1 for £1) .. .. „ .. „ .. 43 18 « Toi .. .. .. .. .. Kawhia. . .. .. .. Tγ, 0 0 Waiharakeke Bridge .. .. .. „ .. ., .. 211 18 10 Waitetuna to Aotea .. .. .. Kawhia and Raglan Waikato .. 1:47 2 7 Waitomo Stream Bridge .. .. Waitomo .. Taumarunui .. 200 12 7 Whakapirau .. .. .. .. | Kawhia.. .. „ .. 150 0 0 Wharauroa .. .. .. .. „ . . Waikato .. 178 8 1 Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads. .. ... 71(i 3 II drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision .. .. .. ■• .. .. 1,087 16 2 Contingencies, including unforeseen expendi- .. . . ( r. 6 11 9 ture incidental to the other items of the vote' Miscellaneous works and services, including .. .. 80 18 0 assistance towards the construction of roads. bridges, tracks, &c. Total—Auckland .. .. .. .. 39,310 14 9 746 T4T 748 755 756 758 760 761 768 768 770 773 774 775 776 777 780 782 783 784 785 786 787 789 790 791 792 T94 706 797 Tils Tauranoa Road District — Oropi Settlement .. .. .. Tauranga .. Tauranga .. (14 13 8 Papamoa to Beach .. .. .. „ .. .. Bay of Plenty.. 200 0 0 Tahawai deviation (£1 for £1) .. .. „ .. „ .. 100 0 0 Tauranga County flood damage (£51, £1 for £1 „ .. „ .. (iT 4 6 Tauranga to Te Puke (£1 for £1) .. „ .. „ .. 75 0 0 Tautau Bridge and approaches .. . . ,, .. ,, .. 49 15 3 Uretara Bridge (£1 for £1) .. .. „ .. „ .. 238 10 8 Anderson Road .. .. .. Whakatane .. „ .. 91 6 3 Awahou to Hamurana .. .. .. Rotorua.. .. ! Tauranga .. 49 18 7 Galatea to Te Teko .. .. .. Whakatane .. Bay of Plenty.. 64 7 0 Hamurana Bridge .. .. .. Rotorua.. .. Tauranga .. IT 9 2 Harper Road .. .. . .. „ .. „ .. 68 7 0 Kaharoa .. .. .. .. „ .. .. „ .. 8 0 0 Lake Rotoma to Te Teko .. .. Whakatane .. Bay of Plenty.. 324 13 0 Maketu to Te Ngae .. .. .. Rotorua and Tan- „ .. 148 14 0 ranga Mangakakahi Stream Bridge .. .. Rotortia. . .. Tauranga .. 58 0 9 Maraetotara .. .. .. .. Whakatane .. Bay of Plenty.. 95 16 5 Matata to Otamarakau .. .. .. „ .. „ .. 44 12 8 Matata to Tamurcnui Junction .. .. ,, .. „ .. 49 16 11 Murupara to Ruatahuna .. .. East Taupo and „ .. 75 12 0 Whakatane Orakei Korako.. .. .. .. East Taupo .. „ .. 32 6 6 Oruanui to Mokai .. .. .. West Taupo .. „ .. 49 19 0 Oruanui to Wairakei .. .. .. East Taupo .. „ .. 98 0 3 Rangitaiki River-bank Road .. .. Whakatane ..I „ .. !H 5 8 Rotoiti to Tarawera, via Okataina .. Rotorua.. .. j „ .. 13 0 0 Rotorua to Lake Rotoma .. .. ,, .. ,, .. 144 0 3 Rotorua to Ngongotaha Mount .. .. j ., .. Tauranga .. 25 1 1 Rotorua to Taupo, via Waiotapu.. . . ' Rotorua and East Bay of Plenty.. 465 6 <i Taupo South Road .. .. .. .. | Rotorua.. .. Tauranga .. 144 18 0 Tauhara Mountain Track .. .. East Taupo .. Bay of Plenty.. 43 8 0 Taupo to Te Aratiatia Rapids (east and west) „ .. „ .. 44 15 6 Tirau to Ngongotaha .. .. . . Rotorua and Mata- Tauranga .. 72 17 0 mata Utahina Stream Bridge (£1 for £1) .. Rotorua .. „ .. 165 3 5 Waimana River Bridge (Opouriao), (£1 for £1) Whakatane .. Bay of Plenty.. Cr. 891 1 11 Waimangu Geyser to Kakaramea .. Rotorua .. „ .. 20 8 0 Waimangu to Lake Rotomahana.. .. „ .. ., .. 30 10 0 Waingarara to Wainui .. .. . . Whakatane .. „ .. 200 2 0 Whakatane County Hood damage .. „ .. „ .. 311 7 0 Whakatane River "Bridge (£1 for £1) .. „ .. „ .. 1,056 12 0 Whakatane to Te Teko (£385, £1 for £1) .. „ .. „ .. 234 15 1 Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, .. .. 277 17 1 drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision .. .. .. .. .. . • 605 10 9 Miscellaneous works and services, including , .. .. 20 0 (I assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. 802 804 805 806 807 809 i 811 812 813 816 817 818 819 820 ; 822 Total—Tauranga .. .. .. .. 5,178 5 0 i r —


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.


Vote Item No. No. jote Item Name of Work. County. Electorate. Roads, etc. — continued. (lisHORNE Road District — IL , 821! Awanui to Waiomatatine .. .. Waiapu .. .. Bay of Plenty.. 826 Gisborne to Tologa .. .. .. Cook 828 Hawai to East Cape .. .. .. Opotiki .. .. „ N2!l Kaiau to Tologa Bay .. .. .. Cook .. .. „ 830 Kaiawha Stream Bridge.. .. .. Waiapii . . .. ,, 831 Kanakanae Settlement Road (£600, tl for Waikohu £2), (on account of £3,000) 832 Karakatuwhero .. .. .. Waiapu.. .. „ S31 Kortes Creek Bridge .. .. .. Waikohu S3.') Kutarere .. .. .. (Ipotiki .. 838 Mangaharei to Waiomatatine (Waiapu inland) j Waiapu.. .. ,, 838 Mangatokerau .. .. .. .. Cook .. .. „ 84(1 Maraetotara Bridge .. .. .. Opotiki.. .. ,, 841 Matawai to Moanui (£1 for tl), (on account Waikoliii .. „ of £2,000) 844 Motu to Motu Bridge .. 846 Motu River Bridge (renewing) .. .. Waikohu and Opo- „ tiki 849 Ohiwa to Waimana .. .. .. Opotiki and Whakatane 8 r> I Opotiki County flood damage .. .. j Opotiki .. .. ,, 852 Opotiki to Matahanea .. .. .. ,, .. .. „ 853 Opotiki to Ohiwa (£1 for £1) .. .. „ .. 864 Opotiki to Whakatane, via Nukuhou (£500 ; Whakataneand Opo- „ £1 for £1) tiki 855 Opotiki to Waiawa River (£1 for £1) .. Opotiki.. 856 j Otara River Bridge (£1 for £1 10s.) .. „ 857 : Pahii to Te Puia .. .. . . Waiapu 858 Peoples Road .. .. .. . . Opotiki .. . . „ 861 Rakauroa to Tahora .. .. .. Waikohu .. „ 862 Reporua to Wairoa .. . . .. Waiapu 866 Taurangakautuku River Road .. .. „ 869 Te Waiti .. .. .. . . Opotiki 873 Tologa to Wigan .. .. .. Cook .. .. „ S7~> Waiapu County flood damage (£1 for £1) .. Waiapu.. .. ,, 876 Waiapn Inland Road (Waiapu County section) „ .. ..I ,, 877 Waiapu to Kawakawa (inland track) .. „ ..I „ 879 Waikohu County flood damage (£1 for t1).. Waikohu .. „ 881 Wainui to Maraetotara (£1 for £1 ) .. Opotiki and Whaka- ., .. | tane 884 Waipiro to Te Puia .. .. .. Waiapu.. .. „ 889 A wapuni (Willows Settlement), (£75, £1 for£l) Cook .. .. Gisborne 890 Clydebank Settlement .. .. . . Wairoa .. .. „ 891 Cook County flood damage (£1 for £1) .. Cook .. 894 Gisborne to Hangaroa .. .. .. „ .. .. ,, 806 Gisborne to Wairoa County Boundary, via „ .. .. „ Tiniroto 897 Gisborne to Waimata (£1 for £1) .. „ .. .. „ 898 Karaua .. .. .. . . „ .. .. „ 901 Muriwai to Morere .. .. .. ., .. .. „ 1102 Nuhaka River Bridge (Nuhaka Township).. Wairoa.. .. „ 903 Nuhaka to Tarewa .. .. . . „ .. „ 905 Patutahi to Ngatapa (£1 for £1) .. .. | „ .. „ 007 Taurau Valley Road (£1 for £1) .. .. Cook .. 908 Te Arai Settlement (metalling), (tl for tl). . „ .. .. „ 914 Waikaremoana Accommodation House Road Wairoa .. .. Hawke's Bay 915 Wairoa County flood damage (£1.000. tl for „ .. „ £1) 917 Whareongaonga to Main Road .. .. Cook .. .. Gisborne 918 Wharerata to Mahanga .. .. .. j Cook and Wairoa „ 919 Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. 920 Supervision 922 Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Name of Work. £ s. d. 200 0 0 523 0 0 99 17 10 100 0 0 250 0 0 269 9 8 150 0 0 60 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 30 0 0 125 0 0 1,282 9 6 15 0 0 32 2 11 157 4 9 126 17 1 208 16 9 350 0 0 301 14 3 294 1 6 266 12 11 400 0 0 33 6 6 364 6 0 250 0 0 350 0 0 57 15 3 500 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 isoo o o 98 10 0 27 15 0 Met Expenditure. 200 0 0 200 0 0 124 2 8 237 0 0 346 9 3 166 17 2 500 0 0 225 0 0 200 0 0 1,398 9 3 61 6 0 204 10 5 93 15 0 250 14 2 38 18 6 1.000 0 0 103 10 0 50 0 0 34 0 0 813 18 4 73 14 0 Total—Gisborne 14,846 10 7 Taranaki Road District— 924 Aorangi .. .. .. .. Ohura .. .. Taumarunui .. 926 Arawata .. .. .. .. I Waimarino .. Waimarino (127 Aukopae to Otunui Landing .. .. Ohura .. .. Taumarunui .. 929 Awakino to Tirua Point (coast track) .. Awakino .. „ 936 Maire .. .. .. .. Waitomo .. „ 937 Mangakara .. .. .. .. Ohura .. .. „ 938 Mangaparare .. .. .. .. „ .. .. I ,, 924 926 927 929 935 937 938 2 0 6 50 0 0 182 6 3 68 9 6 92 0 0 100 0 0 49 12 7



TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.

4—D. 1.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 11> 940 941 943 944 945 Roads, etc. — continued. Taranaki Road District — continued. Mangatiti Mangatoa Road Manunui Village Settlement Maiangae Block roads Marokopa River (snagging) Waimarino .. Waimarino .. Awakino .. Taumarunui .. Kaitieke .. Waimarino Whangamomona .. Stratford Awakino and Ka- Taumarunui .. whia Clifton .. .. „ Waitomo .. ,, Awakino .. „ Waimarino .. Waimarino .. | Clifton .. .. Taumarunui .. Ohura and WckI ., Taupo Waitomo .. ,, Clifton Ohura .. .. ,, Waitomo . . „ Clifton .. .. ',', Ohura .. .. „ Ohura and West „ Taupo Clifton Waimarino .. Waimarino . . Kaitieke, East Taumarunui and Taupo, and West Waimarino Taupo West Taupo .. I Taumarunui .. Waimarino and West Taumarunui find Taupo Waimarino Waitomo .. Taumarnnui .. £ s. d. 54 1 7 64 14 0 91 l<1 I r>44 1 7 10 18 0 78 5 4 377 2 9 696 16 9 180 7 1 100 0 0 223 17 IS 1.253 4 li 52 17 8 25 0 0 200 4 5 116 9 5 83 6 10 296 0 0 27 13 0 51 7 3 150 0 0 100 0 0 239 1l» S 111 3 5 700 0 0 7 7 0 946 948 950 953 954 956 957 Mataro (£1 for £1) Mimi to Mokau Mokau River Bridge (Kahnwera Road) Ngatarawa Ohakune Station Road Okoke (£1 for £1), (on account of £700) .. Ongarue River Bridge (Taumarnnui) 958 960 961 962 963 964 966 967 Oniao Otaraoa Otuiti Owen Road Parakoko Piko .. Pongahuru (Piopio West) Poro-o-tarao to Tauinarunui 968 !I71 972 Pukearuhe (£1 for £1) .. Raetihi Township (£1 for £1) Rotoaira to Waimarino Railway-station .. 974 \)17, Taringamutu Valley Road Taumarunui to Ohakune (£1 for £1) 977 07!> 982 983 980 987 Te Kuiti to Rangitoto Improved-farm Settlement Tokirima (Kaikara Road to Maraekowhai Block) Turipoto Urewera Waikaka Stream Bridge.. Waiouru to Tokaanu Ohura .. .. „ Awakino .. ,, Waimarino . . . Waimarino Ohura .. . . Taumarimiii .. Waimarino and East Waimarino ,. Taupo Ohura .. .. Taumarunui .. Clifton and Taranaki „ 262 11 (i 4 0 0 78 3 9 11 5 0 •>m 7 o 337 18 2 70 0 0 988 993 994 Waitaanga North Waitara River Bridge (Waitara), (£1 for £2), (on account of £3,000) Bell'a Falls Side Tracks Carrington (£1 for £1) .. < larrington (Saunders Road to Newall Road) Taranaki . . Taranaki Taranaki and Eg- I Taranaki and mont Egmont Taranaki ,. Taranaki Taranaki anil Egmont „ . . Taranaki .. , Stratford . . Stratford .. ! Eltham and Patea Egmont and Patea Eltham .. .. Egmont Egmont.. .. „ Eltham .. .. „ Stratford .. Stratford Egmont.. .. Egmont Whangamomona .. Stratford Stratford and Clifton „ Whangamomona .. „ 20 0 0 324 19 0 .58 0 0 50 0 0 274 10 0 26 12 6 127 0 0 140 18 9 409 8 2 176 IT) I! 107 0 0 060 12 7 Iβ 0 0 126 10 0 119 4 r> 90 14 :l 400 0 0 9!I6 1000 1001 Egmont Road (Upper) Oxford Road (Upper), (£1 for £1) Rahotu House to Bell'a Falls 1002 1003 1005 Saunders Road (£1 for £1) Dawson's Falls.. Koanc 1007 1008 1010 1011 1013 1014 1015 1016 Moeawatea Ridge Okahu (Ngariki Road to Newall Road) bitiroa (£1 for £1) .. Stratford to Stratford Mountain House Wiremu (Ngariki Road to lhaia Road) Arnold Autawa Brewer (Strathmore to Murcott Road), (£1 for £1), (on account of £1,400) Kohi .. Mangaehu (Mangaehu Village to Punewhakau Village), (£1 for £1), (on account of £1,500) Mangaehu River Bridge (Noble's), (£1 for £1) Mangaehu Road to Waitiri 1018 1019 Stratford .. „ 261 4 1 493 Hi 9 1020 1021 Kltham and Strat- „ ford Whangamomona . . „ 159 0 0 !>9 111 !» 257 0 0 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 Mangaehu (Upper), (£1 for £1), (on aooount of £1,000) Mangaone Stream Bridge (Rerekino Road).. Mohakau Mount Humphries Road Ngatoto Okara Okara River Bridge Punewhakau (£1 for £1).. Punewhakau District flood-damage Clifton .. . . Taumarunui .. Whangamomona .. Stratford Stratford .. | „ Clifton .. . . „ .. j Whangamomona .. j ,, Stratford .. „ 39 18 0 27 11 1 109 8 9 200 0 0 187 14 9 106 0 0 401 10 0 200 0 0


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.


So. No Name of Work. County. Vote Item No. No. 14 tor " f "' Expcnmture. Roads, etc. — continued. Taeanaki Road District— continued. 12 1031 Rimuputa .. .. .. .. Whangamomona .. 1032 Taihore (£1 for £1) .. .. .. Stratford 1033 Tangarakan Valley Road .. .. Whftngamomona .. 1034 Tirohanga Creek Bridge. . 1035 Tirohanga Road 1030 Waitara Valley (Tangitu Road to Mangare Clifton Road) 1037 Waitiri .. .. .. .. Stratford 1038 Whangamomona Stream Bridge (Poarangi) Whangamomona .. 1039 Tokaanu to Tail] .. .. East Taupn 1040 Tokaanu to Waihi 1041 Tokaanu Wharf Road 1043 Kauarapaoa .. .. .. .. Waitotara 1044 Vtaben .. .. .. .. Eltham, Bawera, and Patea 10-J r> Mataimoana .. .. .. .. Patea 104K Moeawatea Valley .. .. .. Eltham and Patea £ s. d. Stratford .. 98 3 0 53 17 9 80 6 6 Sβ 8 1 111!) 19 II 288 1 6 79 r> (i 800 14 (i Waimarino .. • ill!) 11 '.) M Hi Hi 72 2 8 Patea .. | 201 19 7 (.38 2 7 261 16 6 Patea and Eg 244 Iβ 1 mont Patea . . 7li 0 (I 114 4 I Waimarino .. 327 17 !) 1048 Ridge Road .. .. .. .. Patea 1050 ' Wharnriki .. .. .. 1051 Biirtoii and Field's Road (£1 for £2). (on Wanganui account of t.'i.OOO) 1053 Males Road .. 1054 Biwera (£1 for £1) .. .. .. Rangitikei 1055 Kaimatangi 1058 Makohine Valley 313 12 f> Oroua .. 28 (i 0 , Waimarino .. 33 10 0 Waimarino and 129 7 (i Rangitikei Waimarino .. 2(>."> 0 0 Rangitikei .. ITS .I (I Waimarino and 316 c> 10 Rangitikei Waimarino . . 24-1 I 7 100 0 0 1060 Mangamahu Valley 10(il Mangaweka Township Road and Bridge 10G"i Mataroa to Mangaweka .. .. .. .. ..' lotiT Maukuku .... .. .. .. Wanganui I or»8 Murray's Track (deviation). (Mataron Town- Rangitikei ship) 1069 Ngamatea to Pungatawa (£1 for £1 ) .. Wanganui 1072 Rongoiti .. .. .. . . Rangitikei 1073 Ross Track (continuation), (Mataroa Township 1074 Taihape to Otuarei (subsidy, £1 for £1 ) 1075 Tauakira Block Road (deviation).. .. Wanganui 1076 Turakina Valley (extension) .. .. Waimarino 1077 L T tiku Township .. . . .. Rangitikei 1078 Waipapa .. .. .. .. Wanganui 1079 Waiparuparu .. .. .. .. „ 1081 Wangaehu River Bridge (Whiteman's) .. „ 1082 Wangaehu River Road (£1 for £1) 1083 Wanganui River Road (left bank) .. Wanganui and Waimarino His.-! Wilson's Road (£1 for £1) .. .. Wanganui 1086 Wanganui River Bridge (£1 (or £3), (on account of £5,000) 1088 Survey, acquisition, and legalization of mails. drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. 1089 Supervision 1090 Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote 1091 Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, ftc. 73 10 0 r>00 (i o 204 1 0 Waimarino and i f>lM) u 0 Oroua Waimarino . . 1210 0 :;: ii i Rangitikei .. I r>0 0 0 Waimarino . . ;,l n 0 112 7 (I 70 0 0 100 12 0 03 7 0 .->ii(i ii o Wanganui .. 2, 192 14 10 :!74 9 4 2,108 3 0 4 12 6 21 :i I r> 11 Total Taranaki 2(>,409 4 0 Wellington Road District— 1092 Tongoio Lagoon (deviation) .. .. Wairoa 1093 Waitara to Pohukura .. .. . . „ 1095 Brow Road .. .. .. .. Waipawa 1096 Esk River Bridge (£1 for £1), (on account of Bawke's Bay 61,800) 1097 Havelock North to Waimarama (tl for £1) „ 1100 Kaikora Stream Bridge .. .. .. Waipawa 1101 Knight Road (Argyll) .. .. .. Bawke's Bay 1104 Moteo to Oinahu (£1 for £2) 1105 Napier to Moawhango (£1 for £1) .. „ 11(17 I'oliuc to Titiokura Saddle .. .. Bawke'a Bay and Wairoa 110S I'ohue-Titiokura Road (Napier-Taupo Road, Ditto £1.000), (on account) £ a. (I. Hawke's Bay.. 3.045 ."> 0 288 19 4 Waipawa .. 148 10 0 Hawke's Bay.. 800 0 0 Waipawa .. 200 0 0 148 14 1 50 0 0 Hawke's Bay.. r>0 0 0 Waipawa ' .. 100 o (i Hawke's Hay. . 429 2 1 I 113 16 t>



TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.

tote No. Item No. Name of Work. . County. Electorate. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. L2 1109 mo mi 1112 III.'! I I Hi 1117 I 119 1120 1121 112.-. 1127 I 128 1132 I 133 1136 11:: T L139 in:; 1144 114.-. II Hi I I 17 I I 1!) 1151 1154 II.V> 1157 1162 1163 1167 1170 1172 I I 7.". Koads, etc.— continued. Wellington Road District — continued. Puketitiri Hot Springe Road to Taharua Hawke'a Bay .. Hawke'sBaj and Station" Roa<l'(Te Matai) . Waimarino Puketitiri to Hot Spri .. . . .. .. Hawke's Bay.. Puketitiri to Pakaututu Block .. .. „ .. „ Runanga to Pohue .. .. .. Hawke's Bay and „ Wairoa Run No. 11, Kaweka Survey District (access) Hawke's Bay .. „ Waimarama Block roads .. .. » •• Waipawa Waingongoro .. .. .. • • ,, Howse Road .. .. .. .. Patangata Long Range Road (£1 for £1), (on account of .. .. Pahiatua £1,600) Mangapurakau Stream Bridge .. .. Waipawa .. Waipawa Middleton Road .. .. .. Waipukuiau .. Pahiatua Ngahape Road (£1 for £1) .. .. Patangata .. .. Noraewood South to Makaretu River Road Dannevirke .. Waipawa Tamaki No. 1 to Law Road .. .. .. -. „ .. I Tangarewai River Bridge and approaches (t I Waipawa .. „ for £1) Waipawa River Bridge, Waipawa (£1 for £1) „ .. „ WaJpawamate . . .. . . • • „ • • ,, Waipukurau Traffic-bridge (repairs), (£1 for Waipukurau .. „ £1), (on account of £750) Rangitane .. .. .. .. Rangitikci .. Oroua Rangitikei Bridge (Omatane) .. .. „ ,, Rangitikei River Bridge and approaches „ „ (Taoroa), (tl for tl) Apiti Main South (£76, £1 for £1) .. Kiwitea Cfifl Road (£1 for £1) .. .. •• i Kiwitea and Pohan- „ gina Kiwitea-Tapuae Road . . .. .. I Kiwitea . . MaugahuiaRoad East .. .. ■• >, • • •• ,, Mangapipi (£1 for £1) . . .. ■ • ,, ■ • ,, Mangarere (£100, £1 for £1) .. .. „ Mangoira and Hare's Road (£1 for £1) .. „ .. | „ Angora .. .. . • • • Weber . . . . Pahiatua .. Ballance to Manawatu Gorge (£4, £1 for £1) Pahiatua .. „ Dannevirke to Herbertville, via Waipatiki Weber .. (Weber County Section), (£870, £1 for £1), (on account of £1,000) Falls Road .. .. • ■ • • » ■ • » Glenora Road .. .. ■. • • Akitio Kaitima .. • • • • ■ • » • • • • Pahiatua a □ d Masterton Makuri to Pongaroft (£1 for £1) .. •• Akitio and Pahiatua Ditto Makuri Saddle to Pongaroa, via Rakaunui Akitio .. .. j „ (£1 for £1) Mangapapa Bridge (£1 for £1) .. .. Woodville .. Pahiatua Mangatoro Stream footbridge .. . . Dannevirke .. „ Oporae .. .. •• •• Weber .. Otawhao .. .. .. ■• Woodville Pahiatua to Pongaroa (£1 for £1) .. Pahiatua .. Pahiatua-and Masterton Ruaroa Road to Te Rehunga .. ■ Dannevirke .. Pahiatua Tamaki River Road .. .. • • >■ • • » Te Awaputahi Bridle-track .. .. Weber TeUri (£150, £1 for £1) .. .. Dannevirke Top Grass Road Bridge .. . • Woodville „ Towai .. •• •• •• Akitio and Pahia I iii ,, Tunakore Bridge and approaches.. .. Dannevirke Waihi River Bridge (Lunt's) .. . . Akitio .. .. Pahiatua Waikereru .. .. .. ■• „ •■ ■• Masterton Waitahora .. .. ■ • ■ • Dannevirke . . Pahiatua Bowen Road (South) .. .. •• Eketahuna and Masterton Mauriceville Ilinemoa to Alfredlon .. .. ■• Masterton and Pahiatua Bukanui Stream Bridge (£1 for £1) .. Eketahuna llutewai .. .. •■ •• Masterton Kakaamu (£200, £1 for £1) Kopikopiko (£1 for £1) . . .. ■• Eketahuna Mangaorongo .. .. .. • • Mauriceville Ruamahanga River Ford .. •• Masterton .. Masterton and Wairarapa Admiral Koad .. .. .. •• Wairarapa South.. Wairarapa Driscoll Road (£1 for £1) Kaiwliata Landing .. .. • • „ • ■ » Mangarai (£400, £1 for £1) .. ■ ■ Masterton .. Wairarapa and Masterton Mangalarcre .. .. .. •• I Wairarapa South. . Wairarapa .. E s. d. 86 7 11 199 L3 7 119 7 2 431 12 0 131 15 7 603 7 0 693 8 0 70 1 4 92 o 0 121 3 7 200 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 309 14 6 26 0 0 100 II 0 100 0 0 750 0 0 100 0 0 74 Iβ 7 350 0 0 58 13 0 80 0 0 L60 0 0 200 0 (J 241) 13 0 100 0 0 135 4 6 150 0 0 28 1 .-> 149 3 I 100 0 0 249 12 0 78 I 2 196 0 7 126 5 (i 186 0 0 14 14 4 200 0 0 181 17 (i 568 2 6 78 16 3 396 19 3 180 1 3 242 11 2 72 1 7 I 15 10 8 094 7 l> 0 2 4 31 2 K 94 8 6 213 14 0 99 12 i> 87 10 0 29 5 0 150 0 0 43 14 4 250 0 (I 50 0 0 100 0 0 99 7 3 50 0 0 400 0 0 100 0 0 1180 1181 1183 1186 1191 1194 1196 1201 1203 1204 1205 1206 1208 1209 1210 1211 1213 1217 1222 1224 1225 1228 1230 1231 123!l 1245 1249 1257 1260 l 11201


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.


N°o. e 'nT Name of Work. County. Electorate. Expenditure. Roads, etc. — continued. Wellington Road District— continued, £ "• d. 112 1202 Masterton to Tinui (£1 for £1) .. .. Caetlepoini .. Wairarapa .. 150 0 0 1203 Maungahuia (Kokotau), Longbush .. Wairarapa South. . „ .. 200 0 0 L264 Maungaru to Fernyhurst .. .. Masterton .. „ .. 36 17 6 l2<).-> Mikimiki (£48, £1 for £1) .. .. „ ■■ „ ■• 52 0 0 ,1270 Ruakokopatuna .. .. •• Featherston .. „ .. 50 0 0 1273 Waihenga Bridge (£1 for £3) .. .. „ ■• ., ■• 2,000 0 0 1277 Wangaehu Valley Road (Mahupuku) .. 'Wairarapa South .. .. 150 0 0 and Featherstnn 1278 Wangaehu Road (Tablelands), (£1 for £1) .. I'catherston .. .. .. 200 0 0 127!) Whareama River to Spring Hill (£1 for £1).. Caetlepoint .. » ■■ 150 0 0 1280 Cook Road .. .. .. •• Hutt .. .. Wellington 75 0 0 Suburbs 1281 Gladstone Road .. .. ■■ Horowhenua .. Otaki .. 267 0 0 1283 Hokio Road (£1 for £l) .. .. .. „ •• •• 30 12 9 128!) Moonshine to Wainui .. .. .. Hutt .. .. Wellington 100 0 0 Suburbs 1290 Moonshine to Whakatatu (£1 for CI) .. Ditto .. 50 0 0 1291 Ngarara Road . . .. .. Horowhenua .. Otaki .. 100 0 0 1295 Otaki Gorge Koad (£1 for £1) .. .. „ • • ■• 323 0 0 1290 Otaki River protective works .. .. „ .. „ .. 150 0 0 1299 Paraparaumu to Beach .. .. .. Hutt .. .. „ .. 100 0 0 1301 Plimmerton to Pahautanui .. .. „ •• .. Wellington 58 7 11 Suburbs 1302 Plimmerton to Pukerua. . .. •• ,, •• ■• Ditto .. 400 0 0 1305 Rangiurti .. .. .. ■ • Horowhenua .. Otaki .. 73 19 6 1308 Tokomaru Gravel Reserve .. .. „ ..,„ .. 100 0 0 1310 Waikanae River protective works (£1 for £1) „ .. .. 100 0 0 1315 (Jottle Road to Normandale Road .. Hutt .. .. Wellington 100 00 Suburbs 1319 Mmigaroa to Upper Hutt .. .. „ .. .. Hutt .. 50 0 0 1322 Whiteman's Valley .. .. .. „ •• 150 0 0 1324 Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, .. .. 193 13 0 drains, gravel-pits, tramways, <fec. 132") Supervision .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,051 13 6 [326 Contingencies, inoluding unforeseen expendi- .. .. Cr. 197 14 3 tine incidental to the other items of the vote 1327 : Miscellaneous works and services, including .. .. 129 10 10 assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. County. ' Electorate. Net Expenditure. Total—Wellington .. .. .. .. £23,685 7 8 Nelson Road District — 1330 Elaine Bay to Hope's Section .. .. Sounds .. .. Nelson .. 48 15 5 1332 Nelson to Rai Saddle .. .. .. Waimea.. .. „ .. 135 0 0 1334 Teal Valley (Upper) .. .. .. „ .. .. „ .. 100 0 0 1338 Anahau Road .. .. .. .. Takaka .. .. Motueka .. j 50 0 0 1341 Awaroa to Totaranui .. .. .. „ ■ ■ „ ■ • 92 14 0 1342 li..nny Doon Road .. .. ■• Collingwood .. ,. .. 24 2 6 1343 j Bosselmann's Road (Neudorf) .. .. Waimea.. .. „ .. 21 2 0 1340 Brooklyn Valley to Riwaka River .. „ .. ,. .. 100 0 0 1348 Burnt Section Road .. .. .. Takaka.. .. „ .. 31 0 0 1360 Collingwood Main Road (£1 for£l) .. Collingwood .. „ .. 31 6 11 1353 Easi Road extension .. .. •• Takaka.. .. „ .. 100 0 0 1355 i Edward Road (Lower Moutere) .. .. Waimea.. .. ., .. 50 0 0 1366 Wilis Creek Road .. .. •■ „ ■• •• ,. ■• 72 11 3 1369 Fowler's to Painter's .. .. •• Takaka.. .. .. .. 60 0 0 1367 Koropito Road.. .. .. .. Waimea.. .. „ .. 50 0 0 1368 Jubilee Bridge.. .. .. .. „ ■• •• „ ■■ 620 0 0 1373 Longford Road protection .. . . Takaka .. .. .. .. 80 2 6 1384 Motueka Valley to Whangapeka .. .. Waimea.. .. „ .. 105 15 0 1385 i Moutere Mud-flat .. .. .. „ •. „ ■ . 966 5 1 1387 Neudorf to Dovedale .. .. .. „ .. •• ■■ 20 2 9 1390 Pariwhakaoho Road .. .. .. Takaka.. .. „ .. 60 0 0 1391 ' Pohara to Terakohe .. .. .. „ ■• ■■ ■• 1.000 0 0 1393 Quail Valley .. .. .. .. Waimea.. .. .. .. 64 0 0 1397 Richmond to Collingwood .. .. Waimea, Takaka, Motueka and 201 5 4 and Collingwood Nelson 1400 Riwaka Valley (South Braneh) .. .. Waimea.. .. Motueka .. 73 0 3 1401 Riwaka to Sandy Bay and Marahau (Coast „ .. „ .. 90 0 0 Track) L402 Rosedale Hill Road .. .. .. „ .. •• •• .. 83 5 0 L403 Rosedale Road.. .. .. .. „ .. „ • 33 15 0 1405 Salt-water Bridge .. .. .. Collingwood .. „ .. 70 0 0 Uoi; Setting Sun Valley Road .. .. Waimea.. .. „ .. 44 0 0 1407 Sherry Valley to Mann .. .. .. „ .. „ ■ 140 0 0 I .»(>!! Sherry Valley (Middle Branch) .. .. „ .. ,. 350 0 0 III:! Swamp Road .. .. .. .. Collingwood .. ,. 100 0 0



TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Eleo»or»te. Net Expenditure. 12 1415 1416 1422 1423 1424 Roads, etc. — continued. Nelson Road District- — continued. Takaka Hill Road Takaka Main Road Vant's to Bubu Wai-iti Valley (Upper) Waimea County flood-damage (£1 for £1) Takaka and Waimea Takaka Motueka Nelson and Motueka Motueka » ,, ■ ■ Bulier »» • ■ »» • ■ Motueka £ s. d. 130 _> 6 100 i> o 123 7 0 127 10 0 500 0 0 205 0 0 171 17 (i 100 0 0 150 0 0 104 0 10 34 0 0 L00 0 0 ."S23 8 0 6 15 0 4 1 II 208 1(1 I) 100 0 0 26 Iβ 3 Waimea.. ,, • • Nelson and Motueka 1425 1426 1427 1428 1430 1432 1433 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 Wairoa Gorge Wairoa River Bridge Waitapu and Totaranui roads Wangapeka to Tadmor River Wharariki to Nguroa Station Baigent Road Braeburn Settlement (Tutaki Road) Clay bank cutting, Buller Road Owen bank cutting, Buller Road Owen Junction bank Ragg Road Rait Road Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. ,, .. Takaka Waimea Collingwood Murchison " au v v u\ nil Motueka >* • • Bulier »f • • ,, * • . •■ ,. 1441 1443 335 4 8 53 12 10 7,972 14 6 Total—Nelson .. 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 Maryborough Road District— Brown Stream Bridge Carluke Settlement Deep Creek to Dead Horse Creek Elliott's Hill (regrading) Kaiaho Canal Track Kaiuma Saddle Marlborough Nelson 277 1 8 100 0 0 66 7 6 9 13 0 42 0 8 2 14 0 », • • »» • • Sounds Sounds and Marlborough Marlborough Wairau Nelson 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1460 1461 1463 Muttontown Creek Road Pelorus Bridge to Tinline (£50, £1 for £1) .. Portage Bay to Waitaria Rai River Bridge and approaches (Carluke) Rai Saddle to Havelock (£200, £1 for £1) Wakamarina Wakamarina (West) Arapawa Island Beach Road to White's Bay Birch Hill Road Clarence Bridge (£1 for £1) Sounds Marlborough ,, • • ii • • Wairau Nelson >» • • »> • • 55 16 0 91 15 9 70 0 0 391 7 7 550 0 0 350 0 0 85 5 6 74 4 6 100 0 0 50 0 0 200 0 0 Sounds Wairau Marlborough ,, • • Wairau and Hurunui Ditto Wairau 1464 1465 1466 1469 1470 1471 1472 1474 1477 1478 1480 1481 Clarence Bridge protective works.. Dumgree Railway-station to Upper Awatere Flaxbourne to Clarence River Grassmere to Kaparu Havelock to Kaituna (£1 for £1) .. Havelock Main Road Kaituna to Onamalutu (£1 for £1) Mahakipawa to Havelock Onamalutu River Bridge (£1 for £1) Picton to Grove Resolution Bay Road Sounds County Tracks 714 2 10 150 0 0 40 0 0 56 0 0 96 0 0 100 0 0 16 18 0 33 12 0 443 0 0 270 12 0 2 5 0 1 16 0 * " Sounds Marlborough Wairau and Nelson Wairau 1484 1485 1488 Waikakaho Wairau flood damage (£1 for £1), (on account) Wairau River Traffic-bridge (near Renwick), (£1 for £1), (on account of £5,500) Kaikoura County flood damage (£1 for £1), (on account) Kowhai to Conway (Greenhills) Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote 75 0 0 779 19 7 1,250 0 0 ,, • • 1492 Kaikoura Hurunui 1,074 11 3 1494 1497 ,» • • 100 0 0 80 10 0 1498 1499 264 15 11 0 11 6 Total—Marlborough 8,066 0 3


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 12 1501 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1511 L612 1513 1515 1516 1617 1518 1519 1521 1623 Roads, etc. — continued. WestportJRoad District— Blackwater to Beach ( JonesviUe) .. Connor's to Oparara Beaoh Karamea River Improvement Karamea to Oparara Cemetery .. Land of Promise to [asell'e Little Wanganui Inland Road to Wharf . . Neilsen's to Glasseye Creek Buller Road (loop line Nine-mile to Westport) Carter Junction to Cape r< ml wind Charleston to Grey County boundary .. ; Curtayne Road .. • • • ■ MoKenna Road .. • • Organ Road .. • • • ■ Three Channel Flat (Buller River protection) Waimangaroa Bridge to Beach Waimangaroa River Bridge Supervision .. . ■ • • Miscellaneous works and service*, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Buller .. Motueka ■ ■ »> Buller £ b. d. 50 o 0 157 0 (I L60 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 88 0 0 1!) ' l> 100 0 0 400 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 .50 0 0 200 0 0 219 0 0 900 0 0 315 Lβ s o io o Total—Westport 3,349 L3 s 1525 1526 1527 1528 1532 1534 1538 1540 1541 1543 1547 1548 1549 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1560 1561 1562 1563 1567 1569 1570 1571 Westland Road District — Gilmer Road Held Road (Reefton) .. ■ • • • ; Inangahua River Bridge (right-hand branch) Larry's Creek Road .. • ■ Cobden to Barrytown Hibernian Bridge Munn's Creek Bridge New River Bridge (above Cameron's) Omotuinotu Bridge Reefton to Railway-station (£1 for £1) Upper Grey Road Arahura Valley Arthur's Pass Tunnel Road Bell Hill to Kopara Lake Big Wanganui River Bridge Chesterfield to Kapitea Copland Track Crooked River protective works Crooked River protective works (Porua Settlement) Dorothy Palls Track Duck Creek Bridge Ferguson Road Greenstone Bridge Grey Valley to Tereinakau Haddock Road (improvement and extension) Hokitika Gorge protective works Inchbonnie to Lake Brunner Kokatahi to Hokitika Gorge .. .. Kokatahi River protective works (North Bank), (£1 for £1) Kokatahi River protective works (South Bank) Kokatahi roads (widening) Lake Kanieri Road (widening) Lake Kanieri Road bridges .Main South Road (deviation) Martyn River Bridge Mikonui to Bold Head Mitchell's to Inchbonnie Municipal Road (bridge and extension) Murray Road extension Otira Bridge (widening) Roto Road (Waitangi) Rotokino Three-mile Bridge Two-mile Road and extension (Arahura) . . Vincent Track (Karangarua) Waiho Glacier Tracks . . Waiho River Footbridge Wainihinihi Footbridge Waitaha Beach Road InangahuH (I icy [nangahua Westland >» I!rev Westland Grej Westland Grey Weutland .. Buller •.. Grey Buller '.'. Grey !'. J Westland . '. (Irey Westland .. J ■ ■ »» 49 13 I 40 12 I) 132 10 6 86 n 0 380 ii 'I <)4 10 0 159 I I 6 100 o ii 162 10 9 193 10 7 176 6 8 12(1 0 ii 111 (i ii 250 0 ii 5,053 1 I I 20 15 0 240 IS 3 50 0 0 100 0 0 91 '2 3 300 0 0 240 r> 0 408 16 5 124 10 10 243 9 7 39 3 6 500 0 0 36 0 0 7.-) 0 II 1572 LOO 0 0 1573 1575 1576 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1586 1587 1589 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 il696 Grey .. Westland Grey' .. Westland »» ■ ■ ... ::■ ;: 11>3 17 (I 10 0 0 55 (i 1 76 2 11 29 18 6 612 I 9 260 0 0 300 0 0 35 0 0 339 7 11 123 (i (I 192 10 0 127 13 8 224 4 4 17 17 (i 50 0 0 0 14 0 231 2 6 265 10 0



TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.

Vote So. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. \-2 Roads, etc.— continued. Westland Road District— continued. i r>117 Waitaha Settlement .. .. .. Westland 1598 Waitaha Village Road .. I (;o I Westland Ferry Service .. I(i(i2 Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, ive. 1603 Supervision 1605 Miscellaneous works and services, inoludinfl assistance towards the construction of mads, bridges, tracks. &o. West land £ s. d. 133 2 0 73 0 0 400 0 II 8 I (i 401 2 8 443 4 6 Total—Westland 14,447 6 7 Canterbury Road District — 1606 \shley Traffic-bridge (£1 for £2), (on account) Ashley .. 1607 Cheviot County flood damage (£1 for £2) .. Cheviot I win Conway River to Waian River .. .. .... 1614 Mason River Bridge (£1 for £1) .. .. Anmri .. .. MiL'l Waipara River Traffio-bridge (£1 for £1) .. Waipara and Ashley 1623 King Edward VII Road .. .. Selwyn and Mount Herbert lt>24 Dyer's Pass (£1 for £1) .. .. .. Mount Herbert .. 1626 l.vttelton to Sumner Hi:::i Tuahiwi Native Reserve Road (Kaiapoi), (£2 Ashley .. for £1) 1634 Waimakariri River Bridge (Kaiapoi) .. „ 1636 Carney Road (£100, £1 for £1) .. .. Ashburton L638 Lambie's Road.. 1642 Clandeboye Settlement roads .. .. Geraldine 1643 Ruapnna Settlement (Moorhouse Road), (£1 Ashburton for U) 1649 BirdHng Flat Road (£1 for £1) .. .. Wairewa 1650 Burke's Drain (£1 for £1) .. .. Selwyn.. 1651 Duvauohelles to Barry's Bay Flat (road an<l Akaroa .. wharf) 1653 Motukarara to Green Park .. .. Springs.. 1654 O'Kain's to Little Akaloa (£1 for £1) .. Akaroa.. 1657 Back Limestone Road (£1 for £1) .. Levels .. 1658 Beaoh Road (MfflsSettlement), (£1 for£l).. Waimate 1659 Daledew (£1 for £1) 1660 Fairlie to Mount Cook (bridges) . . . . Mackenzie . .. 1661 Fairlie to Timaru (culverts). (£1 for tl) .. 1662 Fork River Bridge 1663 Front Limestone Road (t I for 11) .. Levels .. 1664 Greenstone Island Road .. .. Geraldine 1666 Lyalldale to Pleasant Valley Road (t I f"i 11) Waimate 1668 North Opuha River Bridge (£2 for £1) .. Geraldine 1069 O'Connor Road (£1 for £1) .. .. Waimate 1672 Riverside Road .. .. . . Mackenzie 1673 SixUvall Road (£1 for £1) .. .. Waimate 1674 Springs Road .. .. .. .. Mackenzie 1675 Station Creek Bridge (£2 for £1) .. .. Geraldine 1676 Talbot Road (£1 for £1) .. ■• Waimate 1679 Twizel River Bridge .. .. .. Mackenzie 1680 Tycho Main Road (£1 for £1) .. .. Levels .. 1682 Cliffs Road (£1 for £1) .. .. .. „ 1690 Swamp Road (Kereta), (£1 foi ■ 11) 1692 Hakataramea River Bridge .. .. Waimate 1694 Redcliff Back Itnad (tl f.., tl) .. 1695 Shearer's Hill (£1 for £1) 1696 Waihuna Road.. 1697 Wallace Road .. .. .. .. 1699 Supervision 1700 Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote 1701 Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Kaiapoi Hurnnui I,\ Helton Kaiapoi Selwyn Ashburton Selwyn Ellesmere Lyttelton Temuka Ashburton Temuka Ashburton Temuka Ashburton Temuka Waitaki . . ! 3,800 0 0 267 (I (I 100 (» (I 121 Iβ 3 1,089 8 6 587 2 IS 40 (I 0 200 0 0 8(i tl (I 750 (I 0 95 11 2 100 0 0 288 6 10 125 (I 0 1 80 0 0 104 io :j 250 0 (I 100 0 0 150 0 0 175 0 0 • 87 10 2 30 0 0 16 12 3 93 0 0 216 0 (I 105 I) (I 414 1 7 74 8 10 166 0 0 50 0 0 186 11 3 81 13 0 205 15 0 148 0 0 80 0 0 118 3 2 330 0 (I 120 0 (I 110 0 0 37 14 ii 25 2 (I 584 12 11 50 0 0 200 0 0 412 0 11 18 Iβ ii 11 llj 0 Total —Canterbury 12,187 7 10 12,187 7 10 Otago Road District — 1702 Ahuriri River Bridge .. .. .. Waitaki.. 1703 Benmore .. .. .. . . „ 1704 Blackcap .. .. .. .. „ 1705 Fern Gully Road deviation .. . . „ 1706 Kakanui River Bridge (£1 for £1) .. „ .. .. ] 1702 1703 1704 1705 1700 Waitaki . . 330 8 l> 100 0 0 100 0 0 244 2 6 337 19 11 330 5 6 100 0 0 100 0 0 244 2 6 337 19 11



TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. I Net Expenditure. 12 1707 1709 1711 1712 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1721 1722 1724 1725 1726 1728 1733 1735 1737 1738 1744 1748 1749 1752 1753 1756 1757 1758 1760 1761 1764 171)7 1768 1770 Roads, etc.— continued. Otaqo Road District — continued. Kauroo Hill Road Ohau Lake Road Parson's Rock Creek Bridge (£1 for £1) Sailor's Cutting (Omarama) Ardgowan .. .. .. Dunback to Macraes .. .. Dunback to Pigroot .. .. Heathfield to Allandale Coal-pit .. Hillgrove to Port Moeraki Moeraki Native Reserve Road Muddy Creek to county boundary Port Moeraki Road Puketapu Road .. .. Razorback Pass Road to Shag Valley Alexandra to Spring Vale Clyde to Hawkesburn Crookston to Heriot (£1 for £1) .. Edievale to Raes Junction (£1 for £1) German Hill (Ida Valley) Matakanui to Disputed Spur Woodend Hill Road Arrow to Crown Range Saddle (£97, £1 for £1) Cardrona to Mount Barker Cardrona to Pembroke .. • Garston to Black Bridge Greenstone River Bridge Greenstone River Suspension Bridge Lake Harris to Lake Howden Paradise to Routebum Rocky Point to Lindis River Vincent County flood damage Beach Road to Camp Boundary Road (between West Harbour Borough and Waikouaiti County) Campbell Road Camp to Portobello Dick Road Henry's Bush Road Heyward's Point Road Holmes Bush Road Hooper's Inlet (west side) Karetai Road .. Karitanc Creamery to Morton Railway-station Manse Road Pigeon Flat Road (£1 for £1) Portobello Road (£150. £1 for £1) Port Chalmers to Blueskin (£1 for £1) Puketiraki to Beach I'uketiraki Native Reserve Purakanui Bay Road .. .. Quarry Road .. .. .. Sandymount Road .. .. Sohool Road (Anderson's Bay) . . Sheep-yards to Merton Railway-station .. Stringer Road .. .. .. Tommy's Flat Creek Bridge (£1 for £1) .. Turnbiill Hill .. .. .. .. Waitati to Waikari .. .. Warrington Township roads .. West Harbour Road I iiser Road, Kaikorai .. Berwick to Lakeside (£1 for CI ) . . Blackhead Road Brighton to Taieri Mouth Brighton to Main Road Castle Hill to Barewood Clarendon to Maryhill . . . . Clarendon S.D., Blocks VI and XI Craigie Road Green Island to Taieri Mouth Kaikorai Valley roads Waitaki.. .. Waitaki ,, . ■ ... ,, M ■ ■ . . ,, Waiherao .. Oamaru »» • • >» • • Waitaki.. .. "„ >* • • »» Waihemo .. „ Waitaki.. .. „ Waihemo .. „ Waitaki.. .. Waitaki Vincent.. .. Otago Central „ .. .. Wakatipu Tuapeka .. Otago Central.. Vincent .. ' „ Tuapeka .. „ Lake .. .. Wakatipu ,, . . . . ,, ,, .. .. ,, Vincent .. i „ Peninsula .. i Chalmers Waikouaiti .. ! ,, £ a. d. 196 10 0 227 10 0 250 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 173 10 0 238 18 7 194 2 6 100 0 0 121 8 0 23 18 10 100 0 0 100 0 0 95 10 0 50 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 52 10 0 54 1 9 97 13 6 100 0 0 101 8 0 15 15 6 98 11 9 65 0 0 250 0 0 500 0 0 50 0 0 99 19 6 1772 1773 1776 1780 1781 1782 1784 1785 1786 17811 1796 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1806 1809 1810 1812 1813 1816 ISSI7 1819 1821 1822 1824 1829 1831 1834 1835 1836 1839 1840 1842 1844 1845 Dunedin North Peninsula .. j Chalmers Waikouaiti .. „ Peninsula .. j ,, Waikouaiti .. Oamaru „ • • .. ,, .. Chalmers Peninsula . . ,, Waikouaiti .. ,, „ .. Oamaru Peninsula .. Chalmers Waikouaiti .. Oamarn Peninsula .. Chalmers Waikouaiti .. Oamaru „ .. Chalmers Taieri .. .. „ Bruce .. .. Otago Central Taieri .. . . Chalmers „ .. „ .. „ .. .. Otago Central.. Bruce .. . . Bruce Taieri .. .. Chalmers „ .. .. Chalmers, Dunedin Central, and Dunedin West Taieri .. .. Otago Central ,, .. .. Chalmers „ .. .. Otago Central.. Taieri and Bruce.. Bruce and I Chalmers 100 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 150 0 0 94 0 0 75 0 0 100 0 0 25 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 94 6 0 100 0 0 92 13 4 100 0 0 (SOO 0 0 99 18 9 100 0 0 50 5 0 49 17 4 184 10 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 160 0 0 60 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 400 0 0 172 16 0 100 0 0 60 0 0 50 0 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 :i.4l4 6 11 1849 1850 1856 1857 1864 Maungatua Hill (£1 for £1) Middlemarch to Moonlight McLaren's Gully Road Outram to Middlemareh TaierTMouth Bridge



TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.

5—J). 1.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 12 186f) 1866 1868 I.Mi! I 1870 1872 1873 1ST I 1878 1884 1 885 1887 1889 1891 1894 1896 1898 IS! I! I 1903 1904 1905 1907 1908 1909 1912 1913 1914 1916 1917 1918 1921 1927 1928 1929 1930 m:i2 1937 L939 1940 1941 1943 [944 1945 1946 1962 1963 1966 1966 1959 I960 i o<; i Roads, etc. continued. Otago Road District continued. Taieri River Bridge (Hindon) .. .. Taieri .. Taieri River In Scenic Reserve .. Waihola to Ousebiirn Valley (£1 for £1) .. Bruce .. Waipori to Lee Flat (€1 for £1) .. .. Tuapeka Whare Flat to Silversi ream .. .. Taieri . . Benhar to Stirling (£1 for £1) .. .. Bruce .. Black Bridge (Milton), (£1 for £1) Blackburn Creamery Road (£1 for £1) Clutha River Board (£1 for £1) .. Inch-Clutha (Block I, Sections 1 and 2) [noh-Clutha protective works Lakeside to Stirling (Morrison's) .. Lawrence to Waitahuna (main road) . . Tuapeka Lovell's Flat to Upper Barnego (£1 for £1).. Bruce .. Milton to Canada Reef Mount Steep Road Pukepito to Waitahuna Bridge .. . . „ Railway to Docherty's Bridge (£1 for £1) .. Tuapeka Tuapeka Flat Hotel to Labe's Bridge (£1 fi £1) Tuapeka Mouth Bridge (£1 for £1) Tuapeka West to Tuapeka Mouth . . „ Waitahuna Bridge (Upper) .. .. ,, Waitahuna to Greenfield, via Poison's Creek j (£1 for £1) Waitahuna to Greenfield, via river .. ,, Ahuriri to Cannibal Bay .. ■ ■ Clutha . . Back Creek Road .. .. .. j Beaumont to Tuapeka Mouth .. .. Tuapeka Catlin's Railway-station to Catlin'a Bridge.. Clutha .. Chloris Pass . . .. .. . . ,, Clinton to Tapanui (£1 for £1) Glenomaru, Block VII .. Katea Dairy Factory to Eason'a Logan Road . . .. .. . . ,, Martin Road McKen/.ie Road (Blocks IX and X, Glenomaru) ,, Millar Road Papatowai to Long Beach Creek Pomahaka S.T). (west side of Sections IS and 49, Block XI), (£1 for£l) Pomahaka S.D. (wesl aide of Seel ions 46 and ,. 47, Block XI). (CI for £1) Pounawea Ratanui to Papatowai . . .. . . „ Rimu S.D., Block XIV (access) .. Rongohere to Blue Mountain Sawmills . . Tuapeka Seafield Road .. .. .. .. Clutha .. Tahakopa Valley Tauniata Sett lenient to Clinton (£10, £1 for£l) Waipahi to Pomahaka (£1 for £1) Waipahi to Pukerau (Otago District Section) ,. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. £ B. d. Otago Central.. 470 1 9 Chalmers .. r>0 (I 0 .. ' Bi .. .', l .. Otago Central 73 o 7 .. Chalmers .. 250 0 0 Bruce .. 138 li S 145 :! 6 61 18 3 .... .. 100 0 0 .... .. 100 0 0 .. Clutha .. 100 0 0 Bruce .. 00 0 0 .... .. 100 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 60 0 0 48 19 8 .. ! 60 0 0 250 0 (I .... .. 200 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 Clutha .. 100 0 0 .. „ .. 17 r. 0 Bruce .. 100 0 0 Clutha .. 60 (i li 30 0 o 7.1 0 0 .. .. 100 0 0 109 7 (i 50 0 0 .-,o o 0 37 17 6 .. „ .. (17 13 o 60 0 o 76 0 0 .. „ .. 25 0 0 100 0 0 „ .. 169 7 0 245 19 (i 100 0 o 24 12 6 H 15 0 III!) S 7 .Ml 0 (I 100 II (I 595 9 I ii I I 'i 71 13 4 Total—Otago .. 20.545 4 5 19(12 1 963 1964 1967 1969 1970 1072 L973 1074 L975 1976 L978 I'.ISO Southland Road District — Balfour to Waimea (£1 for £1) .. .. Southland Chatton to Maitland Road (€1 for £1) Glenure to Josephville (£1 for £2) Stefien Road (£1 for £1) Waimea Stream Bridge (£1 for £1) .. „ Waimea Valley Road (CI for CI).. Brnnton Road (Waikawa) (alder and Leonard Road (£1 for £1) Mitchell Road (Glenham), (£1 for £1) Mokoreta Dairy Factory Road Mokoreta .Main Road (1:1 for £1) .. Tokonui to Haldane .. .. . . ,, Waikawa River Bridge (Troup's).. .. £ s. ,1. .. Wakatipu .. 50 0 0 50 0 o LOO 0 0 74 16 Mi 100 0 (I 200 o o .. Clutha .. 28 8 0 110 0 0 52 14 S 100 o o 150 0 0 i; i o 100 0 0


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.


Vote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 12 1982 1991 1992 lime, 1997 1998 1999 2000 2004 Roads, etc. — continued. Southland Road Distbict— continued. Alton No. 3 Block roads Bluff Harbour Endowment Road (£1 for £1) Cameron Road (Maori Hill) Clark Road, Heddon Bush (£1 for £1) Clifden to Lillburn Clifden to Lower Ferry (£1 for £1) Clifden to Otautau (£1 for £1) Cochrane Road Dipton to Hamilton Burn Wallace.. Southland Wallace.. Wallace 075 5 0 100 0 0 200 0 tl 35 0 t< 100 0 0 50 0 t) 30 15 II 76 0 0 100 (I II 2009 2012 2020 2021 2022 2023 2020 2027 2030 2031 Factory Road (Boggy Burn) Flynn Road (Waikouro), (£1 for £1) Hardwick Road Heddon Bush (new road), (£1 for £1) Heel and Mitchell Road (£1 for £1) Hill Road Kirkpatrick Road (£1 for £1) Koromiko (Merrivale) Lindsay's Calcium Road (£1 for £1) Line of Hundreds (east of railway), (£50, £1 for £1) Line of Hundreds (west of railway) Longwood, Block XVII (Sections 12, 14, and 15) Manuka Road (£1 for £1) Marshall Road (£1 for £1) .Mossburn to Hamilton Burn (£1 for £1) Mossburn to Lumsden (£1 for £1) Mossburn to Murray Creek (£1 for £1) Muir Road (Waicolo), (£1 for £1) Nightcaps to Wrey's Bush (£1 for £1) O'Connell Road (£1 for £1) Ohai Stream Road Orawia Stream Bridge Orawia to Tuatapere (£100, £1 for £1) Riley and McCleery Road Hiverton Harbour Endowment Road (£1 for £1) Ronald Road (Wairio), (£1 for £1 ) Scott's Gap (Lower), (£1 for£l) .. Smith Road (£1 for £1) South Hillcnd Bridge (£1 for £1) Sutherland Road (£1 for £1) Swale and Cowie Road Waiau, Block XI Waiau, Blocks XIII and XIV (main roads). . Waiau River Bridge (Tuatapere) Wairio to Birchwood Watson's Road (£1 for £1) Brown's to Morton Mains (£1 for £1) Bushy Park Road (£1 for £1) Crawford's deviation (£1 for £1) .. Croyden Village Road Edendale to Dacre (£1 for £1) Home Road Invercargill, Block VII (Sections 14 to 18), (£1 for £1) Junction to Dacre (£1 for £1) Kennington to Waimalua Mabel, Blocks IV and V (£1 for £1) Mandeville to Retreat Margaret Road (Longbush), (£1 for £1) Mokotua School to Church (£1 for £1) Mona Bush Road (£1 for £1) Morton Mains to Gorge (£1 for £1) Morton Mains to Kamahi (£1 for £1) McFadzien's Road (Mabel), (£1 for £1) McKercher Road (Longbush), (£1 for £1) .. Oteramika, Block IX (Sections 35 to 36) .. Scenic Reserve Road (Lothian Hundred), £1 for £1) Seaward Downs to Gorge Road Shank Road (Tuturau), (£1 for £1) Trotter Road (£1 for £1) Waimumu to Gore (deviation), (£1 for £1) .. Wells Road (Titipua), (£1 for £1) Kingswell Creek Drain Moulson Road Scott Road (Seaward Bush) Blackler Road (Otahute) Wallace and Southland Southland Wallace.. Awarua Wallace 150 0 0 ."ill 0 0 50 0 0 25 0 0 50 0 0 41 0 6 25 0 0 75 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 2032 2037 100 0 0 90 0 0 2040 2041 2047 2048 2049 2051 2050 2058 2059 2tltil 2002 2068 2069 »» • • 72 8 I 50 0 II 40 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 UK) 0 0 50 0 0 52 11 9 300 0 0 250 0 0 143 2 7 102 0 4 80 o li 2070 2072 2074 2075 2077 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2080 2IIS'I 2090 2095 2098 2100 2103 2104 Southland Wallace.. Southland Wallace. . Awarua Wallace 50 0 0 100 I) II 50 0 II 250 0 0 r>0 o 0 Kill 0 0 90 0 0 121 1 I 592 6 3 100 0 0 25 0 0 r>0 (i ii 50 0 0 83 11 l> Kill 0 0 100 0 0 10(1 0 0 100 0 0 Southland Mataura Wakatipn Mataura Wakatipn Mataura »> • • 2107 2108 2109 2111 2112 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2123 2120 i Wakatipn Mataura 7r> 0 t) UK 50 0 0 100 0 0 75 0 0 85 19 t> 75 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 75 0 0 99 4 8 (;r> o o 2127 2128 2132 2135 2138 2145 2146 2149 2ir>r> 200 0 0 50 0 0 75 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 Invercargill Awarua



TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.

Vot< No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 12 2157 2159 2100 2161 2104 2173 2174 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2182 2183 2184 2185 2190 2191 2192 2195 219G 2197 2199 Roads, etc. — continued. Southland Road District— continued. Bluff Main Road Bragg Fload Bransholmo to River (£] for £1) .. Bridge Inn North (£1 for £1) Brown Road, through Lora (lorge D&WBon'e to Popotiku Ditch Road (Mason's Bay) Duok Creek Road Dunn's Road .. Bast Winton (Blocks III and VIII) Klgan Terrace Kilos Road Extension Flagstaff Road.. Flora Road (Makarewa Township) Forest Hill Hundred (Section 250 to Railway) Forest Hill Hundred (Sections 370 and 381) Ford to Bay Road (£1 for £1) Fosbender Road Gerrard and Thompson Road (£1 for £1) .. Grove Bush Factory Road (£1 for £1) Grove Bush Road (Mclntyre's Corner) Half-moon Bay to Mill Creek .. Hamilton and Wishart's Road (Rval Bush), (£1 for£l) Harold's Road .. .. .. .. I Horseshoe Bay Back Road Invercargill Hundred, Block XXI (east side) Kaipipi Road King Road (Hokonui) Kingswell Creek to Tisbury Siding (drain) .. Layard Road Lee Bay to Bob's Point.. Lee Roa Block XXII (Invercargill Hundred) Lee Bay Junction Leggett Road (£1 for £1) Land's Bridge to Makarewa River (£1 for £1) Lochicl Main Road to Wilson's Crossing Main Road North Mason Bay Road Murchison Road (Springhills) McGregor Road (Forest Hill) McLeod and McDowell's Road (£1 for £1) .. McNeil and Clark Road (£1 for £1) New River Bridge approaches (West Plains) New River Estuary Road (south wall) Oreti Bridge (£1 for £1).. Oughton to Weir's Road (£1 for £1) Ritchie Road Ruggedy to Mason's Track Ryan Creek Road Ryan Road (Oreti) Ryan Road (Taringatura), (£1 for £1) Spar Bush Hall Road (£1 for £1). . Springhills Crossing to Section 315, Forest Hill Hundred Stewart Island Main Road Sweet Road Tobin's Channel Bridge Tobin Road Tourist roads (Stewart Island) West Plains Main Road (Fowler's to Leonard's) Winton Cemetery Cutting (£1 for £1) Winton Creek Channel (Upper) Winton, Block I, Sections 3 and 4 (outfall drain) Winton to Mataura (between Sections 161 and 297, Forest Hill Hundred) Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Southland Stewart Island Southland Stewart Island Southland Awarua :: :: Invercargill Awarua £ 9. (I. 120 0 0 Iβ .-) 0 30 0 0 LOO 0 0 180 0 0 75 0 0 187 0 0 44 10 0 100 0 0 110 0 0 i:s o o 100 0 0 177 7 :>, 100 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 47 0 0 100 0 0 >» », Stewart Island Southland 2200 2205 2209 2213 2214 2215 2216 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2224 2228 2235 2238 2241 2242 2243 2244 2240 2253 2255 2259 2260 2202 2263 2264 2266 2268 Stewart Island Southland Stewart Island Southland Stewart Island Southland Stewart Island Southland Stewart Island Southland Invercargill .. Awarua „ " 160 3 0 215 i) 0 148 18 5 220 8 0 100 0 0 149 18 5 100 0 0 31 0 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 37 0 0 7.-, 0 0 500 0 0 23 0 0 233 10 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 25 0 0 50 0 0 32 10 0 IliO 7 11 150 o o 73 8 6 100 0 0 00 0 0 143 18 6 132 8 10 100 0 0 50 0 0 150 0 0 Southland »» Stewart Island Southland >» 2271 2272 2276 2277 2278 2284 2288 2289 2290 Stewart Island Southland »» • • 90 7 6 25 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 195 17 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 Cr. 50 0 0 51 15 0 Stewart Island Southland 2294 200 0 0 2297 2298 308 7 1 4 18 6 2299 7.'! 7 0 Total—Southland 10,440 2 2 2300 General — Advertising tenders, and other initial expenses not fairly chargeable to a specific item Compensation for injuries to employees while in discharge of their duties, and contingent expenses in connection with same 4!) 17 2 811 19 10 2301 ,


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Blectorato. ,. Net Expenditure. 2.(02 2303 Roads, etc.— continued. Ot in ml —continued. Engineering surveys Expenses incidental to the maintenance and improvement of roads Plant not chargeable to any particular work Roadmen's lints, store-rooms, &c. Stone-orushers and road-making plant Payment to R. Parr and .T. Troughton for roadwork (Auakino), as recommended by the Public Petitions Committee £ s. (1. 360 13 6 2,622 3 4 112 o anci o a 2,622 3 4 2304 2305 2306 2:107 J i I 208 11 9 283 4 7 525 11 (i 110 18 6 208 11 9 283 4 7 ret a ii t: 525 11 (i hi: to a Total—General.. 4,979 0 2 4,979 0 2 Vote No. 112—Total for 1911-12.. 215,827 1 215,827 1 5 5 13 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 Uμ kblocks Roads, etc. North Auckland Road District— Auckland Special Settlement to Mangakahia Awanui to Uangatete, via Oturu Block Awanui to Mangonui, via Taipa Awaroa Stream Bridge (on account) Awaroa to Onetokd Broad wood to Herekino Broadwood to Motukaraka Broadwood to Runaruna Broadwood to Takahue llokianga .. Bay of [elands Mangonui . . „ Hokianga .. „ M a ngouui and ,, Hokiang.-i Mangonui .. ,, >♦ • • *t Hokianga .. ,, Mangcmui .. „ Hokianga .. ,, 149 5 6 99 5 5 138 2 0 175 9 4 148 17 4 340 4 3 92 10 0 192 14 3 174 0 0 215 7 3 43 15 0 199 12 6 150 0 0 61 10 0 44 12 6 50 0 0 L3 I I ir, IT IS 19 20 Duncan Road .. Great North Road to Otukai Haha Harnett Road .. Herekino to Kaitaia Herekino to Whangape Horeke to Taheke, via Section 1, Block Xll, .Mangamuka Survey District lluahua to Mangakino .. Huehue Huehue Block to Punakitere Settlement Road Humphrey Road Jordan Bridge to Ramarama Kaeo to Upokarau Valley Kaikohe to Huehue 21 22 23 l>1 26 27 2S Whangarei .. ,, Whangaroa .. ,, Hokianga and Bay „ of Islands Ditto Hokianga .. „ », • • t> Mangonui .. „ Whangarei,Hokianga, ,, and Bay of Islands Whangarei . . „ Hokianga and „ Mangonui Hokianga Mangonui .. ,, Hokianga .. „ Whangaroa .. „ Mangonui .. „ 130 7 10 99 15 0 99 15 3 61 14 7 100 0 0 12 0 0 199 14 (i 892 lil I 120 10 0 166 3 6 149 19 10 100 0 0 175 15 3 285 2 9 1,568 18 9 1 1 6 476 16 0 29 13 0 352 13 0 174 13 6 383 5 10 100 0 0 56 0 0 J!) 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 Kaikohe to Mangakahia Church Karaka to Rotokakahi Block Katui to Marlborough Settlement Katui to Waipoua Kohe to Awaiti Road Kohukohu to Motukaraka, via Runa Valley Kohumaru Mangakahia Bridge to Mangakahia Church.. 10 12 Mangakahia Road bridges Mangamuka to Victoria Valley 13 II Lβ Iβ 17 is Mangatu to Katui Mangonui to Kohumaru Block, via Kenana Mangonuiowae River protection .. Mangonuiowae Stream Bridge (Rotokakahi) Matawherohia to Kaeo .. Maungataniwha Block VI (access to Sections 2 and 3) Motukaraka Creamery Road Newton Road Okaharu Okaihau to Kaikohe Omawhahe Block roads Opouteke Block (access road) Opouteke to Mangakahia Opimteke Road Oruaiti Block Road Oruru to Kohumaru I Maua Otukai to Mangatete, via Creamery Reserve One to Wharekawa Point Paewhenua Bridge Pakanae Block Road Pakotai Pirikaha Kactea Block Road III .-,(1 51 53 56 Sβ 57 58 80 (il 62 63 lil 65 66 67 (ill 70 Hokianga .. „ >> • • »» Bay of Islands .. ,, Hokianga .. ,, »» • • ♦> Mangonui .. ,, Hokianga .. ,, Mangonui .. ,, Hokianga .. „ Mangonui .. ,, Hokianga .. „ Mangonui 184 6 2 99 11 4 150 0 0 479 5 7 48 18 0 216 2 2 200 0 0 100 0 0 81 7 0 150 2 9 99 10 8 54 0 0 100 0 0 166 7 10 241 7 6 120 0 0 199 18 9 50 0 0


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. IS 71 72 74 75 76 77 78 70 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 IUckblocks Roads, etc. — continued. North Auckland Road District— continued. Raparapahoe Roderick Road Takahue to Herekino Takahue S.D., Block IV (access) Takahue S.D., Block VI (access to Sections 13, 15, and 16) Takahue S.D., Block X (access) Takahue S.D., Block XV (access) Takitu Tapuketaru Tarawhati Block Road .. Te Karae Block (£1 for £3), (on account of £2,586) Te Puia Bridge Te Rio River Bridge Tutamoe S.D., Block V (access to Section 10) Underwood Road .. .. .. j Waiharara to Hohoura Waimamaku to Opanaki-Hokianga Road .. Waima to Opouteke Waimatanui Waiote—Kumarau Waiotemarama Waipoua S.D., Section 26, Block XI (access) Wairau Block (access) Waoku Extension Block (access) Waoku S.D. (access to Section 80, Block IX) Whakapaku roads Whangape to Mangonuiowae, via Rotokakahi Block Whangape Track Whangape to Whakarapa Maungaturoto to Cove, via Rowsell's Hokianga tt . * Mangonui »> • • it • • Hokianga it • • >» ■ • Mangonui Hokianga Bay of Islands if »» H it tt tt £ s. d. 99 12 10 199 10 7 4 0 0 68 11 0 100 0 0 89 18 7 50 0 0 197 18 0 196 0 0 43 15 9 Gr. 1,923 9 4 39 16 4 71 5 0 35 18 5 46 2 2 9 0 0 249 19 2 245 19 6 1,000 0 0 260 13 8 299 7 9 93 14 4 199 14 8 198 7 8 99 11 4 50 0 0 47 2 4 Mangonui Hokianga i) ti • • ,» tt n • * »» • • t* tt • • Mangonui Hokianga 100 101 104 a • • Whangarei and Ota. matea Whangarei tt Marsden 96 14 9 96 4 10 199 19 9 105 100 108 Poroti to Tangiteroria Tauranui Bush Road Supervision 100 0 0 50 0 0 771 3 0 tt • • Total—North Auckland 14,129 14 10 109 110 113 114 115 116 117 118 120 123 124 126 127 Auckland Road District— Waipu to Mareretu (extension to Nutsford's) Avoca Settlement roads Dargaville to Whangarei County Boundary Hukatere (access road) Hukatere District roads Kirikopini to Mangakahia (£150, £1 for £1) Makarau Railway-station to West Coast Road Mount Wesley to West Coast (£2 for £1) Opanake to Mangonui Bluff (£1 for £1) Taita to Tutamoe Tangihua River Bridge Tikinui to Creamery Wairoa Road, Tangihua, Block I, Sections 11 and 12 Wairoa to Maungaturoto (£1 for £1), (on account of £2,000) Great Barrier Island (Cape Barrier to Tryphena Harbour) Great Barrier Island (Whangapara to Awanga) Great Barrier Island (Harataonga to Port Fitzroy) Great Barrier Island (Tryphena to Kaitoke Beach) Waiwhiu to Whangaripo .. Hetherington Road .. .. .. j Kirikiri to Te Akau through Section 60 Klondyke .. .. .. . ■ j Maungatawhiri to Waitakaruru .. Miranda to Maramarua Otamatea Hobson .. Otamatea Hobson Waitemata Hobson Marsden Kaipara 250 13 6 262 19 9 713 6 6 191 15 5 166 0 0 243 12 0 184 17 5 70 0 0 100 0 0 55 2 0 150 0 0 300 0 0 500 0 0 128 129 Otamatea Nujjounty K a i p a r a and Marsden Waitemata 55 0 0 125 7 10 130 131 a ' • 3 2 0 56 10 0 it • • 132 38 16 2 135 137 139 140 142 143 Rodney Raglan .. Marsden Raglan r>0 0 0 214 5 0 200 2 3 187 9 6 3 14 0 57 2 1 ,, Waikato and Thames Waikato and Manukau Raglan Manukau Thames »> ■ • 144 145 146 147 148 149 Moewaka Otau to Hunua Otau Road Ponganui Taupiri Parish (access to Section 485) .. i Te Akau Block to Tuakau-Raglan Road .. | >» • • Raglan Waikato Raglan .. Raglan Franklin Raglan 320 18 3 298 17 9 203 9 9 223 4 2 71 13 6 48 1 2


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. i:i 150 151 152 154 155 156 157 158 159 162 163 166 167 168 169 170 172 173 175 176 177 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 187 188 189 192 Baokblocks Roads, etc. — continued. Auckland Road District— continued. Te Kirikiri Te Puroa Turner's Junction to West (.'oast (through Block VI, Awaroa) Wairoa River to Otau Whangape Parish (Sections I2(i. 127, and 128); Coromandel to Mercury Bay (continuation of main through road) Gumtown to Whenuakite .. Kaimarama Settlement to Waikawau Sandy Bay to Port Charles .. Kaihere Mangawhara Tahuna to Proctor's Torehapa Waikaka to Waitakaruru Waiti Cogswell Road Karioi to Ruapuke Mountain Road Kauri to Harapepe Mangakino Mangaokahu Pakihi to Okete Papanui Bridge .. .. Pehehau Pehehau to Kaniwhaniwha Ruapuke Mountain Road Takapaunui to Ruapuke Mountain Road . . Te Pahu Bridge Waitetuna to Whatawhata Awaroa to Mahoe Awaroa to Waiharakeke .. .. j Caves Road .. .. .. .. j Hauturu £ s. (I. Raglan .. . . Raglan . . 867 1 (i (i „ .. „ . . :S0O 0 0 „ .. „ .. 38 12 5 Maiiukau .. Franklin .. 211 8 8 Raglan .. .. Raglan .. r>0 I 2 Coroiiianclcl .. Thames .. 1,573 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 Ohinemuri . . Ohinemuri .. ! 58 lit ti „ . . „ .. 64 19 9 153 8 8 .. I . . 61 5 9 809 19 11 203 18 0 Raglan . . .. I Raglan . . 8 9 6 „ .. .. „ .. 41 1 6 .. Waikato .. 250 0 0 Raglan and Kawhia Raglan .. 92 13 6 Raglan .. .. „ .. 198 18 11 „ .. .. „ .. 0 8 0 „ .. .. „ .. 67 13 0 .. Waikato .. ' 67 17 10 „ .. „ .. 284 14 4 .. Raglan .. 168 0 1 „ .. „ .. 6 7 0 .. Waikato .. 100 0 0 .. Raglan . . 1,260 16 1 Kawhia.. .. Taumarunui .. 566 10 10 „ .. .. „ .. 231 9 10 Waitomo .. „ .. 125 0 0 W a i t o in o a n d „ .. 420 11 5 Kawhia Waitomo .. „ .. 66 13 10 651 12 0 193 194 195 196 197 198 Hauturu to Otorohanga.. Hauturu to Otorohanga (£1 for £1), (on account of £4,000) Kaimango Kauri Kawhia to Marokopa River Kawhia to Marokopa River (£1 for £1), (on account of £2,500) Kihi .. Kinohaku to Waiharakeke Lemon Point to Te Maika Road Mahoe Mangaiti , Marokopa River Bridge (Mangapohue) Kawhia.. .. „ .. 788 19 8 „ .. „ .. 163 16 9 „ .. .. „ .. 665 12 0 „ .. „ .. 779 0 0 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 216 Otorohanga to Hangatiki—Waitomo Road.. Otorohanga to Pirongia .. Tapuae Taumatatotara East . . .. Taumatatotara West Te Maika Te Maika to Marokopa .. .. Toi Bridge .. .. .. Supervision .. .. .. .. j „ .. .. „ .. 47 15 7 „ .. „ .. 486 7 0 „ .. „ .. 389 10 4 „ .. .. „ .. 125 4 0 Waitomo .. | Waikato .. 5 0 6 Awakinu and Taumarunui .. 4 4 0 Kawhia Waitomo .. „ .. 149 6 0 46 0 0 119 15 0 Kawhia.. .. „ .. 139 4 8 .... .. „ .. 140 1 8 „ .. .. „ .. 191 3 4 .... .. „ .. 68 12 4 „ .. „ .. 230 14 7 1,135 10 1 Total—Auckland 20,423 6 4 k 217 219 220 221 223 Tauranga Road District— Akeake Clover Road Faulkner Road Harray Road .. .. .. Kaimai .. .. .. Tauranga .. Tauranga .. 99 19 10 123 16 7 51 12 0 .. „ .. 99 17 6 Tauranga and Mata- \ „ ■■ -'S60 6 5 niata Tauranga ..I „ .. 4 16 3 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 Kaimai (access to Sections 579 to 583, Te Papa Parish) Kaituna Korano Komete Ngamuawahine Omanawa Rangiuru Settlement to Rangiuru - Mangorewa Gorge Road .. Bay of Plenty 16 16 6 37 17 3 „ .. Tauranga .. 149 7 10 209 18 5 276 2 4 „ .. Bay of Plenty 56 0 10


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.


Vote item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expeuditure. 13 232 233 235 236 238 239 240 242 244 245 Backblocks Roads, etc.— continued. Tauranga Road District — tout in m<1. Te Turn ii .. .. .. .. Tauranga .. Bay of Plenty Thompson Track .. .. .. Tauranga and Piako Tauranga Clayton Road .. .. .. .. Rotorim .. „ Dansey Road .. .. .. .. „ .. „ Hereperu North .. .. .. Whakatano .. Bay of Plenty Hereperu South .. .. .. Rotorua .. „ Hewitt Road .. .. .. .. Whakatane .. „ Mamaku to Maraeroa - Oturoa Block .. Rotorua .. Tauranga Maniatutu .. .. .. .. „ .. Bay of Plenty Ngawaro to Te Puke .. .. .. Rotorua and Tau- Tauranga rn.n cm Tauranga TauraiiL'ii and Piako Rotorua Whakatane Rotorua Whakatane Rotorua £ s. d. 149 19 0 177 7 7 172 19 11 10 16 0 31 f> 2 8 280 17 2 250 0 0 38 7 3 84 3 9 177 15 6 246 Rotorua and Tauranga Whakatane 247 248 249 ranga Opouriao Valley Road to Wainui and Matao- Whakatane .. Bay of Plenty rie Landing Pikowai North .. .. .. „ .. „ Pikowai South .. .. .. Rotorua .. „ Pongakawa to Lake Rotoehu .. .. Rotorua and Tau- „ ran cm. Rotorua Rotorua and Tauranga Whakatane Rotorua Rotorua and Tauranga Whakatane Rotorua Whakatane 75 0 0 144 8 7 365 13 3 160 18 8 250 251 252 ranga Pungarehu .. .. .. .. Whakatane .. „ Puwhenua .. .. .. .. Rotorua .. Tauranga Rangiuru to Mangorewa Gorge .. .. Rotorua and Tau- „ ran aa. 238 15 4 167 16 5 76 14 0 253 254 256 259 ranga Ross Road .. .. .. .. Whakatane .. Bay of Plenty Rotongata to Hamurana .. .. Rotorua .. Tauranga Sladden Road .. .. .. .. Whakatane .. Bay of Plenty Stanley Road to Opouriao, via Section 348, „ .. „ Waimana Parish Waimana Gorge and deviations .. .. ,, .. „ Whataroa .. .. .. .. Rotorua .. Tauranga Whirinaki Valley Road .. .. .. East Taupo and i Bay of Plenty Rnfnrim, 58 1 7 199 3 6 40 7 6 195 9 0 1,264 5 3 187 2 0 200 14 6 200 261 263 Rotorua East Taupo and Rotorua 264 tvororua Supervision 518 0 10 Total—Tauranga 7,036 10 11 265 267 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 2H3 284 287 290 292 293 Oisborne Road District— Appleton Road .. .. .. | Opotiki . . .. Bay of Plenty Fraser Road .. .. .. .. Waikohu .. „ Kopuapounamu Valley .. .. .. j Waiapu .. „ Kowhai .. .. .. ., Opotiki.. .. „ Mangamaia .. . . .. .. | Waikohu .. „ Mataorie to Whakatane-Nukuhou Road .. j Opotiki .. .. „ Mata River to Waitahaia .. . . Waiapu ., „ Matawai to Motu (Neill Road .. . . Waikohu .. „ Moody Road .. .. .. . . Opotiki . . .. „ Motu Valley .. .. .. . . Waikohu .. „ Motu River Bridge (Moanui Road), (Upper „ .. „ Crossing) Oliver Road .. .. .. .. „ Omakuru Road .. .. .. Opotiki .. .. ,, Opato Road .. .. .. .. ' „ .. „ Oponae (Tahora No. 2, North Block) . . „ . . „ Opotiki to Motu .. .. . . „ .. .. „ Pakihi . . .. .. . . „ Petepete .. .. . . . . „ .. „ Ruatuna to Ohiwa Landing .. .. j „ .. „ Tapuwaeroa Valley .. .. . . Waiapu Tauranga Stream Road (Tahora No. 2 North Opotiki .. .. ,, Block) Te Araroa to Awatere .. .. .. I Waia"pu . . „ Tokomaru to Mata .. .. . . „ . . „ Tutaetoko .. .. .. . . Opotiki .. .. „ Tutamoe .. .. .. .. Cook .. . . „ Waiata (Tahora No. 2 North Block) .. Opotiki Waiawa .. .. .. . . „ .. .. ,, Waiawa to Hawai . . .. . . Opotiki and Waiapu „ Waimata to Waiapu Inland Road (Todd's) Cook .. .. ., Waioeka River Bridge (Upper), (Waioeka Opotiki .. .. „ River Main Road) Waioeka River Main Road .. . . „ .. „ Waioeka River to Matawai .. . . „ .. .. ,, Waiotahi Valley (£110, £1 for £1) .. „ Wairata Stream Road (Tahora No. 2 North „ Block) Waitukuaruhe .. .. .. .. ,, . . ,, Whitikau Block to Pakihi Road .. .. „ Wilton Road (Whitikau Block) .. .. | „ .. Gisborne to Rotorua (Stock) .. .. | Cook and Waikohu Gisborne 123 17 0 198 17 0 100 0 I) 11 10 0 500 0 0 298 16 11 (i(H 5 0 773 18 6 50 0 0 650 0 0 r>41 3 2 210 0 0 r>:> 12 o 10 0 0 199 18 3 1,414 16 1 1,364 11 6 135 13 0 253 4 4 100 0 0 !)/> 5 6 329 0 0 700 0 0 381 15 0 150 0 0 100 7 :S 200 0 0 7 11 0 99 0 0 1 14 6 719 16 5 f>98 19 8 190 0 0 97 5 0 120 7 0 300 0 0 149 5 3 509 6 5 294 295 296 297 300 302 303 304 305 307 308 310 312 314 315 317


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. County. Electorate. Net Kxpeuditure. I I 13 318 320 326 327 328 329 333 334 330 338 Backblocks Roads, etc. — continued. Gisborne Road District— continued. Gisborne to Wairoa (deviation, via Tβ Arai Cook .. .. Gisborne Valley) Hangaroa to Tahora (Steele's) .. .. ,, .. .. „ Mangapoike Valley (east end), (on account of Cook and Wairoa .. „ £2,000) Mangapoike Valley (west end), (on account I Wairoa .. .. ,, of £4,000) Mangarewarewa .. .. .. „ .. .. Hawke's Bay. ■ Maraenui (£300, £1 for £1) .. .. ., .. .. Gisborne Mutuera .. .. .. .. Waikohu .. „ Omahanui to Whataroa.. .. .. Wairoa.. .. Hawke'a Bay.. Ruakituri River Bridge (Boothman's) . . .... .. „ Ruakituri Valley (£594, £1 for £1), (on account Wairoa and Cook „ of £2,200) Waikati .. .. .. .. Wairoa .. .. Gisborne Supervision £ s. d. 406 8 0 1.024 10 r> I.007 18 11 2,026 8 1 83 12 0 10 9 6 172 0 0 453 1 1(1 27<i 7 (i 898 l> 1(1 L63 8 0 782 16 7 341 345 Total—Gisborne 19,698 3 "> 347 348 349 351 352 353 354 355 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 366 368 369 370 371 372 374 375 376 378 379 380 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 Tvranaki Road District— Arapae (widening) .. .. .. Waitomo .. Taumarunui .. Awakino Valley (Lower) |^.. .. Awakino .. „ Awakino Valley (Upper) .. .. ,, .. ,, Eherua .. .. .. .. Waimarino ;. Waimarino Hapurua .. .. .. .. Ohura .. .. Taumarunui .. Harvey .. .. .. . ., .. .. ,, Horopito .. .. .. .. Waimarino .. Waimarino Huhatahi .. .. .. .. Ohura .. .. Taumarunui .. Kairimu .. .. . . .. Awakino .. ,, Kairimu Stream bridges.. .. .. „ .. .. „ Kaitieke .. .. .. . . Eaitieke .. Waimarino Kakahi .. .. . . .. J Ohura .. .. Taumarunui .. Kakahi Stream Bridge .. .. .. „ .. .. „ Karioi to Rangiwaea .. .. .. Waimarino .. Waimarino Karioi to Waitangi .. .. .. ,, .. ,, Kawautahi .. .. .. . . Kaitieke .. „ Kiritehere .. .. .. .. Awakino .. Taumarunui .. Kiwi .. .. .. .. .. Clifton .. Kohua .. .. .. .. Waitomo .. „ Kokakonui .. .. . . .. Kaitieke .. Waimarino Kokakoriki .. .. .. .. I „ .. .. ,, Kopuha .. .. .. .. Ohura .. . . Taumarunni .. Kumara .. •.. .. .. Waitomo .. „ Kururau .. .. . . .. Ohura .. .. „ Mahoenui to Totoro .. .. .. Awakino .. „ Makaihikatoa .. .. .. .. Ohura .. .. „ Makarakia .. .. .. .. Clifton .. . . „ Mokokomiko .. .. .. .. Kaitieke . . Waimarino Mangahoe .. .. .. .. „ . . „ Mangakahikatea .. .. .. Ohura .. .. Taumnrumii .. Mangakokopu .. .. .. .. Awakino .. ,, Manganui .. .. .. . . ,, .. I Manganui-o-te-ao .. .. .. Waimarino .. Waimarino Manganui-o-te-ao Bridge .. .. ., .. j ,, Mangaohutu .. .. .. .. Kaitieke .. „ Mangaotaki to Mairoa . . .. . . Waitomo .. Taumarunui .. Mangaotaki Valley .. .. .. Awakino and Waitomo Mangapapa .. .. .. .. Ohura and Whanga • „ * momona Mangapohue .. .. .. .. Waitomo, Awakino. ,, and Kawhia Mangatoro .. .. .. . . Clifton .. .. „ Mangaturuturu.. .. .. .. Waimarino .. Waimarino Marokopa River Bridge (Te Anga) .. Awakino and Ka- Taumarunui .. whia Marokopa River to Mahoenui .. .. Awakino and Wai- ,. * tomo Marokopa Valley .. .. .. Awakino .. „ Miroahuiao to Matierc . . .. .. Ohura and Wai- ,, tomo Miroahuiao to Mangaotaki .. .. Waitomo Mohakatino Valley .. .. .. Clifton .. . . ,, Mokauiti .. .. .. .. Waitomo Mold (on account of £2,600) .. . . Clifton and Wha- i ngamomona Motete .. .. .. .. Waimarino .. Waimarino Ngapaenga .. .. .. .. Waitomo .. Taumarunui .. 700 10 3 541 0 6 278 4 10 219 0 0 39 17 8 100 2 0 28 9 1 59 13 2 348 11 4 58 15 6 181 17 1 247 0 4 407 3 2 325 0 3 194 5 6 347 2 10 741 r> r> 974 19 9 81 (i 0 :S2 12 10 172 12 8 53 1 4 36 15 0 1.094 0 9 56 19 5 40 3 10 98 I 3 Ur> 8 7 67 I 10 204 19 8 51 I 1 774 Hi 5 374 15 10 839 (> 0 96 •-• 10 72 r> (i 286 11 2 75(1 12 11 704 0 7 248 12 9 :; 111 0 78 I 5 534 7 3 411 16 8 688 11 7 189 0 0 561 :: 2 141 1(> 7 772 10 8 280 I f> I 73 2 4 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 404 405



TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.

6—D. 1.

Vote Ko. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 408 Backblocks Roads, etc.— continued. Taranaki Road District— continued. Ohura , Taumarunui and Stratford £ s. d. 5,938 2 6 13 (09 410 412 413 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 430 432 433 434 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 44!! 444 : 44", 446 447 448 449 452 453 455 456 ! 457 458 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 J Oio .. Opetea Otautu Otunui South Owhango Owhango—Hikimutu Papakino Paraheka Paraketu Parapara to Raetihi Paro Patua Pehu Pipipi.. Pirere Pokatea to Kokakonui Pomorangi Pukearuhe Pukekaha Pungarehu Raetihi to Ohura Rerekino (on account of £1,000) Retaruke Retaruke Valley Retaruke Valley (Uppor) Roto Ryan Road Tangarakau River Bridge (Kohuratahi Road) Tangarakau River Bridge (top crossing) Tangitu Te Kuiti to Mokau Te Maire Te Rata Tokirima Road to Wanganui River Tongaporutu to Mangaroa Turoto Waikaka Waikawau Waimarino to Retaruke Waiora Waipaua Waitawhena (on account of £3,000) Waitawhena Road bridges Wanganui Valley Road Whakahau Carrington Carrington to Mangorei Rawhitiroa Ohura, Stratford, Clifton, and Whangamomona Kaitieke Ohura Waimarino Ohura Kaitieke Waimarino Taumarunui .. Waimarino Taumarunui .. Waimarino .. \ Taumarunui .. Waimarino Taumarunui .. Waimarino .. i Taumarunui .. Waimarino Taumarunui .. Waimarino Taumarunui .. Waimarino Taumarunui .. Waimarino .. j Taumarunui .. Stratford Taumarunui .. 209 6 1 22 4 0 36 11 5 60 2 6 183 17 10 114 6 0 51 2 0 385 6 9 58 3 7 1,236 10 8 133 17 4 241 18 9 8 6 3 138 4 0 176 15 10 427 15 3 331 2 3 78 9 0 84 16 6 170 0 0 108 13 2 234 5 5 32 18 0 355 16 6 222 18 3 270 9 6 112 13 0 610 12 9 64 2 0 54 8 10 706 1 8 Clifton Waitomo Ohura Waimarino Waitomo Kaitieke Waimarino Ohura .. Kaitieke .. ! Awakino .. Waitomo .. | Waimarino Waitomo .. j Waimarino Clifton .. .. ; Kaitieke .. ! *y Ohura Whangamomona .. Clifton .. .. ,, . . . . Waitomo and Awakino Kaitieke .. Ohura .. Clifton and Ohura Ohura .. .. : Awakino .. | Kaitieke Ohura Awakino Ohura and Waitomo Ohura Kaitieke Awakino , Taranaki Waimarino Taumarunui .. „ Waimarino Taumarunui ... »» • • »» • • »» • • Waimarino Taumarunui .. Taranaki Egmont and Patea Egmont Stratford 57 1 7 0 3 11 306 11 10 1,578 2 9 540 17 10 371 0 7 393 13 0 152 11 2 99 8 6 43 13 3 2,040 1 1 24 19 6 495 7 3 129 1 1 255 13 6 250 0 0 2,165 0 9 864 14 11 345 7 7 167 17 4 757 14 6 549 7 6 Eltham and Patea 468 i 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 477 478 i 479 ; 480 481 482 483 ; 484 485 isi; 487 4SS 489 190 491 492 I Tangahoe (Whareroa to Rehu Village) Whenuakura Valley Kohuratahi Manga (on account of £1,800) Mangaoapa (Junction Road to Mohakau Road), (on account of £1,200) Mangaowata (on account of £1,000) Mangare (on account of £1,000) Marco (on account of £1,000) .\latau Township to Mangaoapa Road Matau Township to Tarawai Poarangi Putikituna Tapuni Whangamomona to Wanganui River (on account of £2,000) Waikato Bridge (Tokaanu) Ahoroa Ahu Ahu (£500, £1 for £1), on account of £3,000) Ahu Ahu (on account of £1,500) .. ('hristie Road Bridge Makakaho (Upper Waitotara), (on account of £1,950) Makakaho River Bridge.. Moturoa Omata Opaku .. .. ., ,. Hawera Eltham Whangamomona Stratford »» • • Whangamomona >> Stratford and Clifton Clifton Whangamomona 351 2 10 139 14 1 66 18 10 38 0 0 141 10 3 142 12 4 492 15 6 250 0 0 869 18 9 East Taupo Patea Waitotara Waimarino Patea 119 4 4 499 19 9 421 12 8 ,, . . . . it • • 267 0 0 50 18 7 244 9 8 Patea .. »> • • 27 3 0 160 7 6 39 12 0 108 S 11 »> it • • t •


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 113 493 498 501 502 505 BackblocksJRoads, etc.— continued. Tabanaki Road District— continued. Puao Watershed Road Karetu Mangahowhi Mason's to Parapara Patea Waitotara and Patea Rangitikei Wanganui Wanganui and Waimarino Rangitikei Patea Waimarino £ s. d. 55 15 0 499 19 3 365 15 7 39 15 0 2,549 13 10 506 508 511 512 513 514 Mataiaponga Namunui Pitangi Raupiu Taheke Taihape to Waiouru Wanganui Rangitikei Waimarino and Oroua Waimarino it • • 165 11 8 605 0 0 250 0 0 444 1 3 200 0 0 285 0 0 119 3 10 204 10 1 408 3 6 385 9 0 264 2 6 515 516 517 518 520 Tβ Komai Turakina Valley Upokonui Waiaruhe Wanganui River Road (left bank) Wanganui Rangitikei Wanganui Wanganui and Waimarino 521 Supervision 2,217 12 1 Total—Taranaki 53,755 12 9 53,755 12 9 523 524 525 527 529 Wellington Road District — Puanui Kaweka Richmond Road Makotuku to Matamau Piripiri Block Wairoa Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay.. 500 14 5 100 0 0 145 10 3 287 7 2 569 8 5 500 14 5 inn n m Dannevirke ,, ■ • Waipawa Waipawa and Pahiatua 145 10 3 287 7 2 569 8 5 530 531 533 535 536 537 538 548 Auputa Inland Road Makino Road Mangatohu .. .. Omatane Pourangaki Titirangi Birch Road Kiwitea Rangitikei Kiwitea Rangitikei Kiwitea Oroua 127 17 7 896 12 11 280 0 0 106 2 6 487 3 0 81 1 11 139 5 6 86 0 0 127 17 7 onsi in ii Weber and Patangata Akitio .. Pahiatua 139 5 6 86 0 0 550 661 553 554 Kawakawa King Creek Bridge Mangapuaka (North of Tunakore Bridge) .. Mangapuaka Road and bridges (South of Tunakore Bridge) Marainanga Road and Bridge Piper Road Pongaroa to Weber County Boundary (£1 for £1), (on account of £2,500) Spur Road Sugar-loaf Road Tβ Uri Road .. Tunakore Bridge Waihoki Valley (£200, £1 for £1). . Dannevirke Masterton Pahiatua 114 7 3 354 16 6 346 (i 6 244 8 0 114 7 3 354 16 6 346 (i 6 -> i 4 t> n 555 556 557 Akitio Pahiatua Akitio Masterton Pahiatua Pahiatua and Masterton Masterton 71 16 7 368 13 9 2,330 15 6 71 16 7 368 13 9 2,330 15 6 282 15 6 Ofl 1 IK 4 559 560 561 562 564 Dannevirke Pahiatua 282 15 6 261 15 4 92 5 8 223 13 6 128 18 10 261 15 4 92 5 8 -).)•! i ■. a Akitio and Masterton Akitio Masterton 223 13 6 128 18 10 565 566 567 569 Waioakura Waiowaka Waiowaka Stream Bridge Alfredton to Weber (£1 for £1). (on account of £1,160) Naenae Pakowai (Anderson's, towards Tinui—Pakowai Road) Tinui Valley (£101, £1 for £1) Whakataki to Castlepoint (£1 for £1) White Rock Road (£1 for £1) Waikanae to Upper Hutt (on account of £1,500) Supervision ,, • • 20 0 0 973 17 1 50 0 0 244 15 1 20 0 0 OTO IT 1 570 572 Master ton and Akitio Pahiatua .. ! 'Cnstlepoint .. ! Masterton and Pahiatua Masterton Wairarapa 183 12 10 174 0 1 50 0 0 244 15 1 183 12 10 174 0 1 574 576 578 580 " Featherston Hutt .. .. I ,, • • 49 0 0 92 11 9 500 0 0 230 9 0 49 0 0 o4 u a OtakV 500 0 0 230 9 0 582 1,003 19 4 1,003 19 4 Total—Wellington 12,150 1 9 12,150 1 9 583 585 586 589 590 601 Nelson Road District — Deep Bay to Section 4, Block XII, French Pass S.D. Serpentine River Road Alexander Bluff Road Baton Valley (east bank) Baton Valley Road Goat Creek Road (Pearce River) Sounds .. .. i Waimea.. Nelson Motueka 0 18 0 ] 7 0 715 1 8 99 0 0 225 0 0 17 7 6 0 18 0 ] 7 0 715 1 8 no n n . ,, .«•



TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. Couuty. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 13 t>04 606 007 608 609 611 612 613 (ill 615 010 617 618 021 022 624 626 629 630 632 634 635 I 038 639 040 041 042 644 645 J 646 048 650 651 652 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 667 669 670 671 f^l>Ai. kiii.m K.s Roads, btc. — continued. Nelson Road District— continued. Handcock's to Anatakapou .. .. Takaka .. Huia .. .. .. .. .. Waimea.. Ironstone Creek Road .. .. .. Takaka .. Karaka Road (West Wanganui) .. .. Collingwood Kereru .. .. .. .. Waimea Kiwi Road .. .. .. .. „ Kohaihai to Heaphy .. .. .. Collingwood Kokako .. .. .. .. Waimea.. Korere to Big Bush .. .. .. ,, .. Lee Valley .. .. .. Lower Moutere Mud-flat Extension Road .. ,, Mangarakau .. .. .. .. Collingwood Mann Railway-station to Sherry River Forks Waimea Norris Gully to Golden Downs .. .. „ Pearse Valley .. .. .. .. „ Rainy River Road .. .. .. „ Sherry River Bridge (Whangapeka to Sherry) ,, Wairoa Forks Block Road .. .. „ Wairoa River Road (left branch).. .. „ Wangapeka Settlement (Sherry Road) .. ,, Blackwater Bridge .. .. .. Murchiaon Braeburn Settlement (Braeburn-MurehiHon „ Road) Glencairn to Maruia North Block .. „ Glengarry .. .. .. .. „ Glenroy to Maruia .. .. .. „ Hope Junction to Lake Rotoroa . . .. „ Horse-shoe Road and Bridge (Maruia Plains) „ Lester's Bank deviation (Matakitaki Valley „ Road) Mangles River Bridge .. .. .. „ Maruia River Bridge (Maruia River Road) „ Maruia River Protection (Maruia South Road) ,, Maruia South Road .. .. .. „ Maruia Valley .. .. .. .. - ,, Maruia, via Caslani's .. .. .. ,, .Matakitaki River Bridge (Taylor's) .. „ Matakitaki Valley Road (Eight-mile Creek to „ Blue Rock) Matiri River Road (east bank) .. .. „ Matiri River Road (west bank) .. .. „ Newman Road.. .. .. .. „ Nuggety Creek.. .. .. .. „ O'Donnell Road .. .. .. „ Owen Junction to Murchison Creek .. „ Pea Soup Creek Bridge .. .. .. „ Rotoiti Lake Road (east road) .. .. „ Sheep-pens to R&hu Saddle .. .. „ Slips Road Te Wiriki Valley to Lake Rotoroa .. „ Walker's Paddock to Maruia Hot Springs .. | „ Whale's Creek Road Supervision .. .. .. Motueka >> if tt »» ii it ii Buller II " £ s. d. 50 0 0 99 13 0 81 0 0 44 (i 0 149 3 0 199 10 4 89 5 0 150 6 0 700 0 0 25 16 6 400 0 0 208 9 5 251 11 4 300 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 375 0 0 27 5 6 64 2 0 43 4 4 2 16 0 299 17 0 243 14 0 2 16 0 414 1 5 145 0 0 100 0 0 85 12 0 II »» II 1 10 0 14 6 0 96 4 4 158 10 0 344 16 2 164 19 6 2 8 0 29 14 0 ») tl »> »> »» l> »» »» 444 18 0 295 19 11 227 12 6 12 3 0 34 0 0 92 15 3 0 17 0 53 12 7 162 0 0 33 1 4 150 0 0 200 0 0 4 1 0 307 4 4 Total—Nelson 8,800 16 5 8,800 Iβ 5 672 674 675 682 686 688 689 691 693 694 700 701 704 705 708 709 714 715 716 Maryborough Road District— Anakoa to Manaroa .. .. .. Sounds .. Crail Bay to Manaroa .. .. .. ■> > ■ • Crail Bay to South-east Bay .. .. ,, Mahau Sound .. .. .. • ■ „ Ronga Valley .. .. .. .. Marlborough Skiddaw to Yncyca Bay .. . . Sounds .. Te Majiia to Portage Bay .. ■ ■ „ Waitaria to Te Matau-a-Maui .. . ■ „ Kaituna to Tuamarina .. .. .. ! Marlborough Kenepuru to Endeavour Inlet .. .. Sounds .. Run 74 (Onamalutu) .. .. .. Marlborough Tophouse Road .. .. ... „ Ure to Clarence .. .. .. „ Whatamongo to Difienbach .. .. Sounds .. Kahautara Bluff .. .. Kaikoura Kahautara River Bridge (on account of £3,000) „ Seaward Valley Road .. .. .. „ Spey roads .. .. .. .. >, Supervision Wairau 10 0 0 m\a n in 672 674 675 682 686 688 689 691 693 694 700 701 704 705 708 709 714 715 716 H Nelson Wairau »» H 28 7 6 55 18 0 211 9 11 K 1 9 ,( 10 0 0 104 7 10 81 6 3 28 7 6 55 18 0 211 9 11 6 13 4 0 12 0 200 0 0 19 12 2 71 10 10 99 0 0 500 0 0 72 8 0 200 10 0 17 14 1 763 10 0 200 0 0 321 17 8 ■■ 71 10 10 99 0 0 »» Hurunui 72 8 0 200 10 0 l t 1A l H n 321 17 8 Total—Marlborough 2,964 17 7 2,964 17 7


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.


Vote No. Item No Name of Work. County. Electorate. ! Not Expenditure. 13 717 719 720 722 723 724 725 720 728 729 730 Backblocks Roads, etc.— continued. Westport Road District— Blackwater ami Granity Creek bridges .. Bulier .. Collingwood Heaphy Track to Karamea .. ,, Glasseye Creek Road .. .. .. „ Mokihinui to Little Wanganui .. .. ,, Mokihinui EUver Bridge .. .. .. „ Mokihinui River Bridge approaches .. ,, Otumahana to Karamea Bridge .. .. „ Six-mile Valley Road .. .. .. ,, Brighton Block Road .. .. .. „ Utopia .. .. .. .. „ Supervision Total— Westport Motueka . . Bulier • • »» a s. d. 442 13 4 70 0 0 133 10 0 3,166 2 (> 3,649 7 10 121 13 0 66 17 11 228 10 0 303 15 3 200 0 0 :517 12 8 8,699 2 6 731 734 736 739 740 741 742 743 747 748 749 751 752 754 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 776 777 778 779 780 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 Westland Road District— Brown Creek Road .. .. .. Inangahua Inangahua Landing to Brown Creek .. „ Lyell Road to Brown Creek .. .. ,, Reefton to Manila .. .. . . ,, Barrvtown to Brighton .. .. Grey Barrytown to Punakaiki .. .. „ Big River .. .. .. .. „ Cameron's Terrace Road .. .. „ Meagher's Creek to Sea-beach .. .. „ Porarari .. .. .. .. ,, Punakaiki .. .. .. .. ,, Rough River Road .. .. .. „ Seven-mile Road bridges .. .. „ Arawata to Cascade .. .. . . Westland Bell Hill to Haupiri .. .. .. | Grey Bird Road .. .. .. .. j Westland Brandt Road .. .. .. . . „ Bruce Bay Road .. .. .. „ Cook River to Karangarua .. .. „ Gibb Road Haast Pass and deviation .. .. „ Haast to Paringa .. .. .. I „ Harris Road .. .. .. . . GreyHatters to Haupiri .. .. .. „ Jacobs to Mahitahi Road .. .. Westland Kokatahi (Upper) to Doughboy .. .. | „ Kokiri to Moana .. .. .. Grey Kotukii to Moana .. .. .. „ Kotuku .. .. .. .. „ La Fontaine Road and extension.. .. Weetland JIatakitaki Saddle .. .. .. ,, Mathias Pass Track . . .. .. „ Ukuru Road extension .. .. . . „ Okuru Track .. .. .. .. „ Omoeroa to Waikukupa., .. .. ., Peterson Road and extension .. .. I „ Ross to Kokatahi .. .. . . „ Seally Road South Westland Glacier Tracks .. .. „ Stout Creek Bridge .. .. .. | „ Waiho South .. .. .. . . ,, Waikukupa Bridge .. .. .. „ Waikukupa to Cook Flat .. .. : Waipuna Bridge .. .. .. Urey Waitaha Settlement extension .. .. Westland Wall Road Walsh Track (Cook River) Wataroa Flat Road (widening) .. .. „ Whale Road .. .. .. .. „ Supervision Bulier •• j ., ;; ;; . . Grey • ■ >> .. j Westland .- i Grey Weetland - • j> ■ • »» • • >» • • )> • • »» • ■ »» 28 16 1 323 13 4 301 7 4 ■1. 863 4 8 33 5 0 303 0 0 267 0 0 264 0 0 50 0 0 292 10 0 171 10 0 99 0 0 106 2 11 24 9 9 240 0 0 56 0 0 121 11 0 40 0 0 167 8 6 80 8 0 138 12 4 150 0 0 186 15 6 129 0 0 247 10 0 199 1 6 682 5 0 361 10 0 9 15 0 520 11 6 100 0 0 160 0 0 300 0 0 39 10 0 648 4 0 607 6 0 464 3 0 82 8 0 100 0 0 19 4 0 49 0 0 0 8 6 250 0 0 300 0 0 35 1 3 92 14 6 52 0 0 12 3 0 .: 64 17 0 401 19 4 Total—Westland 12,227 5 11 795 797 Canterbury Road District— Ashley Gorge Road .. .. .. Ashley .. White Rock to Snowdale (Dobson's Road), „ (£2 for£l) .. .. .. .. j Braemar to Lake Tekapo (£1 for £1) .. I Mackenzie Burbe's Pass to Haldol! (£1 for £1) .. „ Huruiuii ■ * »» \ Temuka 568 0 1 561 6 2 250 0 0 214 13 0 568 0 1 561 (i 2 798 799 250 0 0 214 13 0



TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.

Vote No. i tt-in No. Name of Work. Couuty. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 13 800 Backblocks Roads, etc.—continued. Canterbury Road District— continued. Hermitage to Copland Track .. .. Mackenzie and 'Westland Hooker River Bridge and approaches .. Mackenzie .. | Lake Pukaki to Omarama .. . . „ T t e'm iika and Westland Temuka Temuka and Waitaki Temuka 661 5 2 > rr 501 14 8 203 5 0 801 802 803 804 805 Lake Tekapo to Lake Pukaki .. .. „ Opawa Bridge .. .. .. .. ,, Pukaki to Mount Cook .. .. .. „ Total—Canterbury 1,000 0 0 186 0 0 137 0 7 >» • ■ 4,283 4 8 Otago Road District — Mount Stalker Road .. .. .. Waitaki.. Pastoral Run No. 11 .. .. .. | „ Onnaglade .. .. .. .. Tuapeka Ben Lomond .. .. .. . . Lake Glenorchy to Paradise .. .. . . ,, Glenorchy to Routeburn .. . . „ Hawea Lake Tracks .. .. .. Vincent Luggate Stream Bridge (£1 for £1) .. „ Martin's Bay to Kinloch .. .. Lake Queenstown to Glenorchy .. .. „ Ballingall Road (adjoining Run 79b, Bare- Taieri wood) Hay Road .. .. .. .. Clutha Supervision Waitaki 809 813 815 817 820 821 822 824 826 829 833 Otago Central Wakatipu 141 3 5 181 5 0 50 0 0 75 0 0 100 0 0 73 16 9 64 14 3 300 0 0 37 12 0 87 0 0 70 0 0 Otago Central 839 845 Clutha 100 0 0 238 12 7 Total—Otago 1,519 4 0 848 849 850 851 852 854 856 857 859 860 863 866 867 868 Southland Road District— Brewster Road (£1 for £1) .. .. Southland Buckingham Road .. .. .. „ .. I Pascoe .. .. .. .. ! „ Toe-toes, Block X (Sections 5 and 15) Waikawa, Block I .. .. .. „ .. ! Lake Hauroko Track .. .. .. Wallace.. Matthew Road.. .. .. .. Southland McLean Road (Longwond) .. .. Wallace.. McRae Road deviation .. .. .. Southland Oraki Station to Hunt's.. .. .. Wallace.. Hodgson Road (Kapiika) .. .. Southland .. i Mimihau Post-office to Burke's Hill .. „ .. | Oteramika, Block V (Sections 35 to 40) „ .. | Oteramika, Block V (Sections 34 to 60 and „ .. j 56 to 68 Hughes Road (Otatara) .. .. „ Jenning's Road (Campbelltown) .. .. „ Kingswell Creek to Seaward Bush . . „ Martin Road (and bridge over Puni Creek) .. ,, McKinnon Road and drain .. .. ,, Supervision .. .. .. .. * Clutha »» »» Wallace Awarua Wallace Mataura 141 10 6 50 0 0 60 0 9 41 5 0 65 0 0 1 16 0 130 0 0 40 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 145 10 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 »» 874 875 876 877 879 88) Awarua »» 125 4 0 100 0 0 162 (i 0 90 0 0 45 0 0 207 13 4 »> »» Total—Southland 2.005 5 7 General— Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. ini in i 882 Total—General 90 10 4 Vote No. L13—Total for 1911 -12 167,683 17 '



TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.

Vote No. Item No Name of Work. Couuty. Electorate. Net Expenditure. •J 7 Roads to open up Ceown Lauds F35 North Auckland Road District — £ s. <l. I Kenana Block .. .. .. .. Mangonui .. Bay of Islands :!."> I (I 4 Kohumaru Block .. .. .. „ .. „ 105 8 0 5 Omawhake Block .. .. .. Bay of Islands .. .. 135 18 6 6 Opouteke Block .. .. .. Hokianga .. .. f>80 10 7 7 Orouaiti Block .. .. .. Mangonui .. „ 129 7 0 10 Oue Block .. .. .. .. Whangarei .. „ 62 1 1 12 Pukemiro Block .. .. .. Hokianga .. .. I4(i 0 0 Hi Pupuke Block .. .. .. .. Whangaroa .. .. 130 17 r< 14 Rangitane Block .. .. .. Bay of Islands .. j .. 50 0 0 15 Rotokakahi Block .. .. .. Hokianga .. .. 197 4 6 Iβ Taeore Block .. .. .. .. Mangonui .. .. 17 6 3 20 Tarawhati Block .. .. .. Hokianga .. .. 152 17 4 21 Te Rore Block .. .. . . Mangonui .. „ 230 18 2 22 Umuwhawha Block .. .. .. Bay of Islands .. „ 94 17 3 27 Whirinaki Block .. .. .. Whangarei .. „ 45 5 n Total—North Auckland .. .. .. 2,213 15 1 I 4 5 6 7 111 12 18 II Lβ Lβ 20 21 22 27 Auckland Road District — 38 Te Akau Block .. .. .. Raglan . . .. Raglan .. (7. I (I I 43 Korokonui Block .. .. .. West Taupe. .. Waikato .. 140 13 2 45 Tokanui Block .. .. .. „ .. , „ .. 86 3 l> 51 Kaimango Block .. .. .. Kawhia .. Taumarunui .. I A It r>2 Kawaroa Block .. .. .. „ .. Waikato .. 15 14 0 M Mangamahoe Block .. .. .. Waitoinn .. Taumarunui .. KH 18 0 56 Oparan Block .. .. .. .. Kawhia.. .. Waikato .. 13 10 0 59 Rangitoto Block .. .. .. Waitomo .. Taumarunui . . 346 7 6 63 Waiwhatawhata Block .. .. .. „ .'. „ .. 30 7 6 •Rotongata Block .. .. .. West Taupo .. Waikato .. 0 1 l> 38 IS 16 51 52 M 56 59 88 • • Total—Auckland .. .. .. .. 734 19 1 Tauranga Road District— 67 Manawahe Block .. .. .. Whakatane .. Bay of Plenty 165 18 8 68 Mangorewa-Kaharoa Block .. .. Rotorua .. Tauranga .. 190 11 11 69 Waitahanui Block .. .. .. „ .. Bay of Plenty 53 19 6 68 69 Total—Tauranga .. .. .. .. 410 n 10 Gisborne Road District— 71 Koranga Block.. .. .. .. Waikohu .. Bay of Plcntv 328 16 4 73 Ngatapa Block.. .. .. .. „ .. „ 5,955 7 0 74 Oaniaru No. 3 Block .. .. .. Opotiki .. ., 1,13114 4 75 Oamaru No. 4 Block .. .. .. ,. .. „ 1,891 0 6 77 Tahora No. 2 North Block .. .... .. „ 546 :! Id 80 Whitikau Block .. .. .. „ .. „ 1,671 li !t 81 Hangaroa Block .. .. .. Cook .. .. Gisborne .. I . 368 I K 83 Waipaoa Block .. .. .. Wairoa .. . . Hawke's Bay . . 78 16 0 Total—Gisborne .. .. .. .. 12,971 5 5 Taranaki Road District —. 85 Hikimutu Block .. .. .. Kaitieke .. Waimarino .. 3 12 3 87 Horopito West Block .. .. .. Waimarino .. „ .. 182 4 0 88 Kahuwera Block .. .. .. Waitomo .. Taumarunui . . 589 8 5 90 Kakahi Village Settlement Block.. .. Kaitieke .. Waimarino .. 34 4 6 91 Makino Block .. .. .. .. Clifton .. .. Taumarunui .. 3 12 93 Mangaroa Township Block .. .. Ohura .. .. „ .. 270 8 6 94 Mangatiti Block .. .. .. Waimarino .. Waimarino .. 2,343 1 6 96 Marangae Block .. .. .. WhangamoiiKina Stratford .. 784 6 10 99 North Waimarino Block .. .. Kaitieke .. Waimarino .. 2,006 14 2 101 Ohakune No. 2 Block .. .. .. Waimarino .. „ .. 244 16 9 102 Ohakune Village Settlement Block .. „ .. „ .. 281 0 10 106 Papakauri Block .. .. .. Awakiim .. Taumarunui .. 1 15 0 107 Paraketu Block .. .. .. Ohura and Waitomo „ .. 248 9 8 108 Rangataua Block .. .. .. Waimarino .. Waimarino .. 18 10 0 109 Rangataua Extension Block .. .. „ .. „ .. 77 3 2 110 Retaruke Block .. .. .. Kaitieke .. „ .. 100 10 9 111 Riariaki Block .. .. .. Waimarino and „ .. 3,120 1 0 Kaitieke 113 Ruatiti Block .. .. .. .. Waimarino .. „ .. 2,538 8 1 114 South Kaitieke Blook .. .. .. Kaitieke .. „ .. 25 9 0 116 Tahuna Block .. .. .. .. Waitomo .. I Taumarunui .. 5,937 5 9 v ] i • bee also " 1 oauthorized Expenditure," i>. :;.'■.



TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.

Vote No. Item No. Electorate. Net Expenditure. Name of Work. County. ■11 120 127 125 Roads to open up Crown Lands— could. Tabanaki Road District— rovtinved. Mangaowata Block .. .. .. Clifton and Whangamomona Taurakawa Block .. .. .. Stratford Taumarunui and Stratford Stratford and Patea Patea £ n. d. 127 14 11 127 40 8 0 128 129 132 128 129 132 Ahu Ahu Block .. .. .. Waitotara Rangitatau Block .. .. .. „ Taonui-Maraetaua-Pukewhakapu Block .. Wanganui Waimarino 319 19 8 3,072 10 3 999 6 3 Total—Taranaki 23,370 10 6 135 136 138 135 136 138 Wellington Road District— Ma karetu Block .. .. .. Waipawa Mangatera Block .. .. .. Dannevirke Piripiri Block .. .. .. .. ' ,, Waipawa 1,874 3 9 36 12 8 225 3 5 139 142 146 147 IT, I 152 I 139 142 146 147 IT, I 152 Rokai Block .. .. .. .. „ Awama Iβ Block .. .. .. Rangitikei Kumeti Block .. .. .. .. Dannevirkc Makaretu Village Settlement Block .. Pahiatua Kaiparoro Block .. .. .. Mauricevillc Mawaihakona Township Block .. .. Hutt Waipawa and Pahiatua Pahiatua Oroua Pahiatua 815 19 10 333 8 10 486 13 4 131 7 11 87 10 0 1 4 0 Masterton Hutt Total—Wellington 3,992 3 9 159 160 161 166 168 169 Nelson Road District— Totaranui Block .. .. .. Takaka Glenroy Block .. .. .. .. Murchison Howard Block .. .. .. .. „ Mid Maruia Block .. .. .. „ Rappahannock Block .. .. .. „ Warwick Block .. .. .. „ Motueka Boiler t* • • 88 13 0 335 19 7 150 17 2 470 15 8 316 16 6 117 15 6 tt tt tt • • Total—Nelson 1,480 17 5 171 174 175 176 Maelborouqh Road District— Ronga Valley No. 2 Block .. .. Marlborough Blue Mountain Block .. .. .. „ Mahakipawa Block .. .. .. „ Neutral Spur Block .. .. .. „ Nelson Wairau 171 174 175 176 387 3 6 206 6 11 0 8 0 76 10 11 »t • • tt • • Total—Marlborough 670 9 4 177 178 179 180 Westport Road District— Kongahu Block .. .. Buller Mokihinui Block .. .. . . „ Oparara Block .. .. .. „ Otumahana Block .. .. .. „ Motueka 177 178 179 180 »» • • 563 12 8 111 6 0 92 15 0 879 10 11 » - * Total—Westport 1, 647 4 7 182 Westland Road District— Tnangahua Junction Block .. .. | Inangahua Buller 182 104 19 6 Total—Westland 104 19 6 188 189 196 198 199 Southland Road District— Alton No. 2 Block .. .. .. Wallace.. Alton No. 4 Block .. .. .. „ Mabel No. 1 Block .. .. .. Southland Oteramika No. 1 Block .. .. .. „ Waimatua Block .. .. .. „ Wallace .. • 188 189 196 198 199 Mataura .. j 69 0 0 12 6 3 215 18 2 1,172 7 4 221 5 0 » Total—Southland .. .. 1,690 16 9 Vote No. 127—Total for 1911-12.. 49,287 11 2 ■ Unauthorized Expenditure— Rotongata Block .. .. .. j West Taupo 451 6 11 Waikato

D.— 1


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.

Vote No. Item ' No. ! Name of Work. County. Electorate. Ner Expenditure. 128 1 2 4 Roads to open trp National Endowment Lands— North Auckland Road District— Koutu Block Otakairanga Block Ngiinguru Extension No. 2 Block Hokianga Whangarei .. Bay of Islands 333 9 0 18 3 0 .. Marsden .. 248 16 0 £ a. d. 333 9 f! 18 3 C 248 16 0 Total—North Auckland 600 8 'J 600 8 9 Auckland Road District— Opanake Extension Block Huihuitaha Block Hobson .. West Taupo .. Kaipara .. 0 16 9 .. Waikato .. 3 4 0 0 16 9 3 4 0 s 8 Total—Auckland 4 0 9 4 0 9 Tauranga Road District— Otawa No. 2 Block Kaituna Block Taurauga Rotorua .. Tauranga .. 1,216 4 2 .. Bay of Plenty 9 10 0 0 HI 1,216 4 2 9 10 0 Total—Tauranga.. 1,225 14 2 1,225 14 2 Iβ 17 IS n> 22 Tabanaki Road District— Iriwhata Block.. Mohakatino Block Opatu Block Otunui Block Tauakira No. 1 Block Ohura .. Clifton .. Ohura .. »* ■ • Wanganui .. i Taumarunui .. 1,552 7 6 432 9 7 1,950 0 2 242 0 0 .. Waimarino .. 119 1 3 Total—Taranaki ! . . . 4,295 18 6 Nelson Road District— Wangamoa Block Lee River Extension Block Waimea .. Nelson .. 85 5 8 .. Motueka .. 33 2 8 24 27 Total—Nelson 1 1 O O A 118 8 4 118 8 4 Westland Road District— Kotuku Block Grey .. .. Westland .. 310 0 0 86 310 0 0 Total—Westland.. 310 0 0 310 0 0 Vote No. 128—Total for 1911-12.. 6,554 10 6 6,554 10 6 CONSOLIDATED FUND. .» Maintenance and Improvement of Roads. 37,448 Iβ 6 20 Expenses incidental to the maintenance and improvement of roads 37,448 Iβ 6 Total of Votes 112, 113, 127, 128, and 20 .. Add expenditure for previous years *477,253 3 b ♦477,253 3 8 f8,612,152 7 2 yo,oiz, ioz i i> Total expenditure to 31st March, 1912 £9,089,405 10 8 £9,089,405 10 8 I • Includes £451 6s. lid., charged against Unauthorized Expem t Includes expenditure for certain yearn out of Native Lan< [ituie Account, in respect to Botongata Bloi Purchase Account and Lands lniproven :k. lent Account.— Firir



. TABLE No. 4 — eonHnued. ROADS ON GOLDFIELDS. Vota No. 114.—Item No. I.—Assistance towards the construction and repair of £ s d roads, &c. .. .. . . ~ 899 2 5 £89!) 2 5 \ITKIAMI. Whangaroa County. i" s d 4. Pupuke (Landing-Mines) .. .. .. . I qq q r] Coromandel County. 5. Bridles Point Extension. . .. 3qq q q 6. Cabbage Bay - Matamataharakckc 72 10 0 7. Cabbage Bay - Cape Colville .. .JO3 - g 8. Cabbage Bay - Coromandel .. 50 0 0 9. Cabbage Bay - Port Charles .. 200 0 0 10. Cape Colville - Port Charles .. .. .. 100 g g 12. Coromandel-Kuaotunu, via Matarangi .. 197 7 (i 13. Coromandel-Tererenga .. .. .. .. 100 0 I) 14. Coromandel-Waikawau . . . 200 0 0 15. Coromandel Wharf Road .. .. .. ;oo q n 16. Driving Creek - Kikowhakarere . . 200 0 0 21. Kennedy Bay ~ Matamataharakeke .. .. .. 21 0 0 23. Kikowhakarere - Cabbage Bay . . . . .. . . 250 0 0 24. Kuaotunu Creek (diversion) . . . . , . . . 50 0 0 25. Kuaotunu - Mercury Bay .. .. .. .. [30 g q 29. McLauchlin's - Waikawau Creek Track (widening) .. 100 0 0 32. Tiki -Te Koumu .. .. .. 350 g q 33. Tiki-Kaimarama . . .. [00 0 0 34. Tiki-Manaia .. .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 36. Waitaia Company's Low-level Road .. 130 0 0 Thames County. 39. Hape Creek Road .. .. ~ .. .. . iqq 0 0 40. Hikutaia-Whangamata "Wires"'.. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 43. Hikuwai-Tairua .. .. .. . . . . . 252 6 0 44. Karaka Creek Road .. .. .. .. .. _ _ 100 0 0 45. Kauaeranga-Tairua .. .. .. .. .. , 750 0 0 17. Maratoto Road .. .. .. ~ . . , 250 0 0 48. Moanataiari Road . . . . .. .. ~ 53 10 8 49. Neavesville, Broken Hills - Upper Landing and Fourth Branch .. 500 0 0 50. Ohio Creek Road .. .. 50 0 0 53. Omahu-Whangamata .. .. .. .. ~ 250 0 0 54. Para wai Bridge (£1 for £1) .. .. .. ~ ~ 150 0 0 55. Puhoi Creek Road .. .. .. . . . , ~ 250 0 0 56. Puriri-Neavesville . . . . .. .. .. .. j.95 \% g 57. Poriii Valley Road .. .. .. . , ~ [32 2 6 60. Sylvia Mine Road . . .. -. . .. ~ 50 0 0 61. Tairua Broken Hills Upper Landing .. .. .. .. 113 [7 0 62. Tairua-Hikuwai .. .. .. .. .. ~ 129 5 0 63. Tapu Creek Road . . , . ... . . ~ 34 ] 5 0 64. Tapu-Gumtown .. .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 65. Tapu Wharf (protection), (£1 for LI) ... .. .. .. __ U2 15 0 66. Tararu Creek Road . . . . . . .. , . 225 0 0 67. Thames Hikutaia .. .. .. .. .. 299 13 \\ 68. Thames Waikawau . . . . . . . . . , , _ - 300 0 0 69. Tinker's Gully Road .. .. .. , 50 0 0 70. Upper Landing Tairua .. .. .. 100 0 11 72. Waipmo Creek Road .. .. .. .. ,_ jO2 18 11 73. Waiotahi Creek Road .. .. .. .. .. ~ 70 0 0

7 —I). 1.



TABLE NO. A-— continued, ROADS ON GOLDFlELDS— continued. '*•.' '.'■• Auckland— continued.Thames Borough. • £ s. d 77. Cochrane Street Channel (£1 for £1) .. .. .. 350 0 0 78. Hape Creek (clearing) .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 79. Karaka Creek (clearing) .. .. .. 100 0 0 80. Moanataiari Creek Aqueduct and Tunnel .. .. ioo 0 0 81. Shellback Road .. .. .. .. .. ~ 50 0 0 82. Sunbeam Mine Road .. .. .7 .. 200 0 0 Ohinemuri County. 83. Adeline-Mangakino .. .. . . . . ..'©4oo 86. Bunting Road, Karangahake .. . . .. .. . . , 44 0 0 87. Bush Street, Waikino .. .. .. .. .. 25 0 0 88. Cadman Road (Waikino-Wai tekauri) ■ .......... .. .. 20 0 0 90. Dominion Mine Track .. .. .. . . , 82 0 0 93. Golden Cross, Maratoto .. . . . . . . 82 2 6 94. Hikutaia-Paeroa . . .. .. . . . . [24 17 q 97. Hoununga Road .. . . .. .. . . ~ 93 0 0 101. Karangahake-Rotokoliu .. . . . . . . , . 99 7 0 103. Komata Creek Road (£5l. £1 for £1) .. .. .. 86 0 0 104. Komata Creek - Battery .. .. .. . . , 110 0 0 105. Komata Main Drain (£1 for £1) .. . . . . . . . . . . 30 0 0 106. Komata-Maratoto .. .. . . 38 0 0 107. Larsen Street, Waikino .. .. . . . . . . .. 50 0 0 108. Mackaytown-Waikino (£1 for £1) .. .. .. . . ~ 200 0 0 110. Main Road - Rahu Road .. .. .. .. .. jgg q g 112. Maoriland Mine - Paeroa .. .. .. .. ~ 36 0 0 113. Maratoto Road .. .. .. .. .. .. ~ 200 0 0 118. Old Tauranga Road .. .. . . . . .. 129 0 0 120. Paeroa - Hiiutaia Road - Robinson's .. .. .. .. 60 0 0 123. Paeroa-Te Aroha .. .. .. .. 13 10 0 124. Paeroa-Waitoa .. .. .. . . . . ~ 299 16 8 125. Peel's Creek-Incognito .. .. .. .. .. ~ 76 10 0 127. Poland Street, Waikino .. . . . . ~ 50 0 0 129. Rahu Road .. .. .. . . .. ' . . . . .. jgg q 0 131. Rotokohu Road .. .. . . .. ~ .. 80 14 4 135. Thames Road- Komata Railway-station .. .. .. .. .. 26 5 0 143. Waimata Road .. .. .... .. .. 65 14 6 144. Waitawheta Road .. . . .. .. . . . , ~ 50 0 0 145. Waitawheta-Waihi .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 80 0 0 148. Waitekauri-Maoriland Mine .. .. .. -.. .. .. 120 0 0 149. Waitekauri-Waihi .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 150. Waverley Road, Karangahake .. . . .. . . .. ~ 50 0 0 Piako County. 153. Waiorongomai Lower Horse-track .. .. .. .. .. 78 6 3 £12,186 4 10 Marlborough. I'clorous Road Board. £ s d 158. Fulton's Grove Road, Mahakipawa .. .. .. .. ~ 100 g q 159. Havelock-Mahakipawa .. .. .. .. ~ ~ 58 11 6 160. Mountain Creek Bridge . . .. ~ ~ ~ 350 g 0 161. Onamalutu-Wakamarina Fork.'- .. .. .. .. 47 1 6 £555 13 0 Nelson. Collingwood County. £ s d 166. Collingwood - Para para ('oust Horn] .. ~ ,_ _ _ 62 5 6 167. Ferntown-Pakawau .. . . . . _ 50 0 0 I OS. Kaituna-Patarau .. .. .. .. . 129 7 6 169. Keoghan's Road .. .. .. _ 50 0 0 170. Lunatic Hill Road .. .. .. .. __ 123 0 0 171. Pakawau Puponga .. .. .. : . .. ,_ 3gg g g 172. Takaka (.'ollingwood Inland Road .. .. .. .. 379 g g 173. Taniatea-Pakawau .. .. .. .. .. ti jgg g 0 171. Tainatea Ferntown .. .. .. .. ti 59 9 0


J).— l

TABLE NO. 4— continued. ROADS ON GOLDFlELDS— continued. Nelson— -continued. Takaka County. £ a. d. 176. Anatoki Track .. .. .. 100 0 0 177. Barron's Flat (extension) .. . . .. . . 93 8 9 178. Gridiron Creek Track .. . . . . 240 5 0 179. Long Plain Road (extension) . . . . .. 50 0 0 180. Pohara-Tarakohe . . .. . . 487 10 0 181. Pohara-Wainui .. .. .. 150 0 0 182. Table Land Track .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 183. Takaka - Collingwood Inland Road .. .. .. 100 4 6 Waimea County. 185. Graham's River-Mount Arthur .. .. .'. 79 2 3 187. Skeet River Road . . .. .. .. 4 10 188. Takaka Hill Road .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 Buller County. 193. Bins Road Ngakawau .. .. .. .. .. .. 89 0 0 194. Bins-Camp Denniston .. .. .. 100 0 0 196. Brighton - Grey County Boundary - Belfast Creek ~ .. 600 0 0 198. Buller Bridge Road Carter's .. 150 0 o 200. Bullock Creek Road . . .. .. . . 250 0 0 201. Cairn's Beach Settlement - Birchfiehl .. .. .. 200 0 0 202. Cedar Creek Road .. .. .. .. .. 213 0 0 205. Coatbrookdale Road .. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 206. Coal Creek Bridge .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 209. Denniston - Sanitation Depot .. 250 0 0 212. Easton Creek Bridge .. .. .. .. .. 177 14 0 213. Easton's Road .. .. .. 79 10 0 214. Fairdown-Sergeant's Hill, via Railway .. 174 10 0 216. Four-mile - Brighton .. .. . . . . 375 0 O 222. Harney Road .. . . .. . . .. 100 0 0 223. Hawas Creek Bridge .. .. • . . . . 100 0 0 229. Karamea Mud-flat .. . . . . .. 200 0 0 230. Karamea Overflow Bridge .. .. . . .. .. 50 0 0 231. Kelly's - Maori Point .. .. .. . . .. .. 100 0 0 232. Kohaihai Bridge and Road .. .. .. .. .. 161 17 0 234. Lyell-Mokihinui .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 85 0 0 235. Mangatini Road (extension) .. .. . . .. .. .. 200 10 0 236. McPadden's - Gillow's Dam .. .. .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 238. Millerton - Stockton Mine .. . . .. . . 300 0 0 239. Millerton Road Bridge .. .. .. .. . . . . 220 6 0 241. Mine Creek Bridge .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 242. Mine Creek Road .. .. .. .. . . .. .. 66 16 9 243. Mokihinui - Little Wanganui River Road .. .. .. '.. .. 153 0 0 244. Mokihinui-Ngakawau . . ...... . . .. .. 296 5 0 246. Mokihinui River Road .. .. .. .. .. 161 13 0 248.' New Creek Foot-bridge .. . . .. .. . . 97 10 0 249. New Creek Road (extension) '.. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 250. Ngakawau-Stockton Mine (£1 for £1) .. .. .. .. .. 75 0 0 252. Nile Bridge, Charleston . . .. . . . . .. .. .. 17.17 6 253. Nile Valley Road (extension) .. . . .. .. . . 100 0 0 255 North Beach Track .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 258. Outlet - Road Birchfield .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 259. Oparara Bridge - South Beach . . .. *. . .. .. 50 0 0 260. Overflow Road - North Beach .. .. .. . . . . 220 0 0 261. Pensini Creek Road .. .. . . .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 262. Pororari Footbridge .. .. .. .. .. . . .. 35 0 0 263. Promised Land - Allan's .. .. .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 264. Rockland's Bridge .. . . . . .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 265. Seddonville roads . . .. . . .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 266. Seddonville Mokihinui Mine .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 269. Specimen Creek Road (extension) . . . . . . .. 200 0 0 270. Stables - Bins Road, Denniston .. .. .. .. .. 167 9 0 273. Totara Bridge, Beach Road .. .. . . .. .. 83 2 0 275. Utopia Road .. .. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 276. Victoria Road (extension) .. .. .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 279. Wanganui Wangapeka Road Extension Mount Radiant .. .. .. 228 0 0 282. Wilson's Lead Road. Addison's .. .. '"-, . '\ ." ~ .. 150 0 0



TABLE NO. Af—continued. ROADS ON GOLDFlELDS— continued. Nelson— continued, Inangahua County. % s & 283. Big River - St. George Mine .. .. .. .. 267 2 6 285. Blackwater River Bridge .. .. .. jg3 2 6 286. Blackwater Waiuta .. .. . . 227 9 2 287. Capleston Just-in-time .. .. .. .. .. 177 5 - 288. Cronadun--Capleston .. .. .. .. igg 0 0 290. Crushington Suspension Bridge .. .. .. 233 14 4 292. Frying-pan Flat Road ... .. .. .. 114 18 1 293, (ilobe Hill - Cornishtown .. .. .. 200 0 0 ■ ioo. Murray Creek Road .. .. .. .. 300 9 n 301. Progress Junction - Globe Hill .. .. 100 7 7 .102. Progress Junction Slab Hul Creek .. 123 8 3 'lid. Waiuta Township Roads .. .. .. 200 0 0 Murchison County. 313. Horse Terrace Hunter's .. .. ' [2g k ~ 311. Mangles Valley Road .. .. .. .. . 62 15 10 • 115. Maruia Road, via Caslani's ...... 400 316. Matakitaki Horse Terrace .. .. .. 250 0 0 • 117. O'Rorke's Horse Terrace ...... 64 0 0 319. Rappahannoc Creek Track (widening), on account) 22 2 0 £14,630 4 6 Westland, (hey Count,j. £ g d 320. Aronld Bridge (approaches) . . . . ', . 52 10 0 321. Baxter's Creek Bridge, Moonlight .. .. 100 0 0 325. Cape Terrace Road (deviation). (£1 for £1) .. 65 0 0 326. Cobden Brighton .. .. . 200 0 0 327. Cobden Runanga .. .. .. ~ 194 0 0 328. Cobden Point Elizabeth, via Darkies Terrace .. .. MO 0 0 333. McLean's Creek Track .. .. .. 163 0 0 335. Moonlight Creek Footbridge .. .. .. 50 0 0 336. Nelson Creek - Bell Hill.. .. .. .. 200 0 0 339. Paparoa Street, Roa .. .. .. .. 39 11 0 340. Paparoa-Taffy .. .. .. ~ 109 10 0 341. Payne's Gully Track .... 46 16 2 342. Poerua Reefs Road .. .. .. 200 0 0 343. Runanga -Dunollie .. .. .. 400 0 g 344. Saltwater Bridge, Old Marsden Road .. .. 98 15 0 317. Waterson's Road .. .. .. .. 200 0 0 348. Westbrook Road (deviation) .. .. .. 226 4 4 Brunner Borough. 349. Brunner Blackball .. .. .. ~ 281 0 9 350. Brunner North Brunner Coal-mine .. .. ... 50 0 0 Westland County. 351. Adair's Road .. .. .. .. .. gjg g g 352. Arahura Bridge One-mile Road .. .. .. . ogg g g 353. Arahura-Humphrey's .. .. .. .. igg g g 354. Ait Illusion Road (widening) .. .. ». .. .. 200 0 0 355. Awatuna Road (widening and bridge) .. .. .. 275 4 0 356. Back Creek Road .. .. .. .. [34 g g 357. Blue Spur Road .. .. .. .. 17g g g 358. Browning's Pass Track (deviation and repairs) .. .. 71 16 0 3511. Callery Track .. .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 360. Cedar Creek Road .. .. .. .. 11l 15 6 361. Deep Creek Bridge .. .. . . .. 50 0 0 362. Duffers Track (extension) .. .. . . .. jgO g g 363. Eel Creek Track (protection) .. .. .. ~ [gg 0 0 364. Forks - Canoe Point .. .. ~ .. . 21 5 0 365. Fourth Terrace Track .. .. .. .. 36 0 0 366. Gillam's Gully (extension) .. .. .. .. 86 0 0 367. Goldsborough (deviation) .. .. . . . 221 4 0 368. (ioldsboiough Stafford Road and Bridge ~ ~ .. 70 0 0



TABLE NO. A — continued. ROADS ON GOLDFlELDS— continued. W k.stland — continued. Westland County —continued. £ s d' 369. Harmon Wire Footbridge .. .. .. 50 0 0 370. Hau Hau Road .. .. .. .. 28 0 0 371. Kanieri Tramway Road. . .. .. .. igg g g 372. Kapitea Bridge .. . . .. 79 0 0 373. Lamplough (widening) .. .. .. .. 22 0 0 374. Lamplough - Chesterfield Track .. .. .. 50 0 0 376. Larrikin's - Great Westland Road .. .. 100 0 0 377. Larrikin's - Loopline Road .. .. .. igO q q 378. Larrikin's - Main Road .. . . .. .. igO o 0 379. Loopline Road .. .. t . 200 0 0 380. Milltown Road and Track .. . . .. 100 0 0 382. No. 4 Channel Road, Dillman's .. .. 100 0 0 383. Okarito Forks Track .. .. 100 0 0 385. Seddon's Terrace Branch Road . . .. . . .. 30 0 0 386. Seddon's Terrace (road-widening) .. .. .. 200 0 0 388. Stafford wire footbridges, Kumara Hokitika Road .. .. .. 75 0 0 389. Styx Track .. .. . . ~ _ _ 124 13 n 390. Taipo Extension - Gold Creek .. .. .. 200 0 0 391. Toaroha Track .. .. .. 107 16 6 392. Upper Totara Road .. .. .. 100 0 0 393. Veronica Track .. 29 13 0 394. Waimea Creek Bridge Road .. 14 6 0 396. Wilberforce Westland Reefs .. .. .. .. I ig 0 Ross Borough. 397. Ross - Railway-station .. .. 419 go £8,013 13 1 Canterbury. Mackenzie County. 398. Opawa River (traffic-bridge near Albury Coalpit (£2 for £1) .. .. 196 0 0 £196 0 0 Otago. Taieri Comity. £ s d 399. Railway-station - Mine, Bare wood .. .. 0 12 0 Tuapeka County. 401. Lawrence-Beaumont .. .. .. . . 200 0 0 402. Lawrence Blue Spur .. .. .. . . . . ]og q q 405. Lawrence-Waipori .. .. .. .. 300 0 0 406. Lawrence Waitahuna .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 •107. Lawrence-Wetherstones (£1 for £1) .. .. .. [00 g 0 410. Roxburgh - Vincent County boundary .. .. 100 0 0 Vincent County. 112. Alexandra-Earncleugh .. .. .. .. 41 18 2 413. Bannockburn Coal-pit Road ..... 50 0 0 114. Clyde-Cromwell (£1 for £1) .. > .. '.' 2 50 0 0 415. Clyde - Tuapeka County boundary .. .. 100 0 0 416. Cromwell-Nevis .. .. 95 10 0 118. Cromwell - Lake County boundary .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 419. Cromwell-Wanaka .. .. .. 65 9 0 120. Deadman's Point Footbridge .. .. .. . . 75 0 0 421. Makarora Valley Road .. . . .. .. 100 0 0 422. Nevis Valley roads .. .. . . . . . . 200 0 0 423. Wanaka Lake tracks .. .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Lake County. 124. Arrowtown-Macetown .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 -125. Blue Slip, Skipper's .. .. .. .. .. 219 19 11 426. Cardrona-Coalpit Road .. .. .. 51 2 2 427. Glenorchy-Reid's Mine ~ .. .. .. 100 0 0



TABLE NO. 4— continued. ROADS ON GOLDFlELDS— continued. Otago— continued. Lake County —continued. £ s . d - .„„ r> c 73 15 6 428. Macetown-Reefs .. .. • • • • • • ■ • 50 0 0 430. Queenstown - Gentle Annie ■ • • • • • • • 150 0 0 432. Skipper's Main Road .. •• •■ •• ■■ 100 0 0 433. Skipper's - Stoney Creek .. •■ •• •• •■ '"" " ' 434. Shotover Valley Road .. .. • • • • • • • • £2,967 9 2 Southland. Wallace County. £ ■• d - -9Q9 ft 0 439. Colac - Round Hill fj" " " 441. Pahia-Orepuki lou v v Southland County. 444. Charlton dredging-claims .. • • • • • • • • • • j* . 445. Christopherson's Road (£1 for £1) .. 50 0 0 446. Garston-Nevis .. .. • • • • • • ■ • • • ft . 452. Reilly and Finlay Road 7« is r, 453. Spring Hills - Hedge Hope Road i n 0 454. Waikaia - Dredges Road (repairs) .. •• •• •• •• -o 0 0 456. Waikaka Main Road - Coal Reserve .. .. •• •• •• 9" " 457. Waikaka-Edges Coalpit (£1 for £1) -Z 0 458. Waikaka Valley Main Road 100 0 0 459. Waimumu dredging-claims .. .. •• •• •• •• mo 0 0 460. Waimumu dredging-claims (£1 for £1) .. . • • ■ •• • ■ £1,618 18 5 £ a. d. Expenditure for year ended 31st March, 1912 rS'S?2 5 ? Expenditure for previous years .. ■ - .. • • • • • • HTO ' ia '' Total expenditure to 31st March, 1912, on Roads on Goldfields .. £936,346 13 6



Development of Goldfields. —Table No. 5. STAT EMENT showing the Expenditure for Water-races on Goldfields out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1912, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Locality and Name of Race. Expenditure. Liabilities. Survey and Grants, Survey and Grants, Construction,! Subsidies, Construction Subsidies, 1870-1911. ; 1870-1911. 1911-1912. 1913-1912. Totals. Authorities on Construction. I Authorities on Grants, Contracts. Subsidies. Totals. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Locality and Mahk OF Rack. NORTH ISLAND. Auckland Provincial District — Thames Tairua Water-race Compensation, Thames Water-race K. Kelly's water-race, Mata Kuaotunu Sludge-channel Drain, Te Aroha West £ a. d. a s. a, 34 5 4 1,250 0 0 40 0 0 230 0 0 61 0 0 & s. d.j £ s. d. £ s. d. 80,708 19 3 34 5 4 1,250 0 0 40 0 0 230 0 0 61 0 0 £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ ». a. NORTH ISLAND. Auckland Provincial District — ] Thames. Tairua Water-race. Compensation, Thames Water-iao « R. Kelly's water-race, Mata. Kuaotunu Sludge-channel. Drain, Te Aroha West. :nu, 80,708 19 3 80,708 19 3 34 5 4j 1,250 0 0 40 0 0 230 0 0 61 0 0 80,708 19 3 1,615 5 4 82,324 4 7 82,324 4 7 .'. •• MIDDLE ISLAND. Westlano Provincial District — Subsidies — % Hohonu Hibernian New River Kanieri Rimu Drainage-tunnel Ross Sludge-channel Kuinara Sludge-channel No. 2 Kumara Sludge-channel No. 3 Kumara No. 4 Main Tail-race .. Kumara No. 5 Main Tail-race .. Trustees Main Tail-race, Waimea Branch Tail-race to No. 4 Channel, Payne and party , Kelly's Terrace Tunnel Quimi'.s Creek Water-race (purchase) Raising dam, Loop-line Ngahere-Blaekball Donnelly's Creek Tail-race Purchase of Byrne, O'Hallahan. and Murdoch's water-rights Jones Creek Storm-channel Back Creek Water-rac: Ford :md Party, Park Terrace.. McConnonand Garner, Dilmanstown Murchie and Benyon, Kumara Government Works — Waimea-Kumara Wainihinihi Water race Mikonui Nelson Provincial District— Government Works — Nelson Creek Napoleon Hill Argyle (Charleston) Black's Point i 3 7 0 12 5 8 21 5 0 15 6 191 19 6 1,955 12 1 1,992 14 8 3,496 0 3 10,310 18 4 32 0 0 1,554 10 6 2,762 17 2 1,199 7 6 1,151 10 8 5,666 14 11 2,294 6 8 100 0 0 1,'J58 19 1 2,005 0 4 3,517 5 3 10,312 3 10 223 19 6 1,554 10 6 2,762 17 2 1,274 7 6 1,151 10 8 5,666 14 11 2,294 6 8 100 0 0 1,958 19 1 2,005 0 4 3,517 5 3 10,312 3 10 223 19 6 1,554 10 6 2,762 17 2 1,274 7 6 1,151 10 8 5,666 14 11 2,294 6 8 100 0 0 MIDDLE ISLAND. Westlakd Provincial Distjuot — Subsidies — Hohonu. Hibernian. New River. Kanieri. Rimu Drainage tunnel. Ross Sludge-channel. Kumara Sludge-channel So. 2. Kumara Sludge-channel No. 3. Kumara No. 4 Main Tail-race. Kumara No. 5 Main Tail-race. Trustees Main Tail-race, Waim eu. Branch Tail-race to No. 4 Channel, Payne and party. Kelly's Terrace Tunnel. Quinn'e Creek Water-race (purchase). Raising dam, Loop-line. Ngahere-Blaekball. Donnelly's Creek Tail-race. Purchase of Byrne, O'Hallahan, and Murdoch's water-rights. Jones Creek Storm-channel. Back Creek Water-race. , . Ford and Party, Park Terraoe. MoConnon and Garner, Dilmanstown. Murchie and Benyon, Kumara. Government Works — Waimea-Kumara. Wainihinihi Water-race. Mikonui. Nelson Provincial Distbiot — Government Works — Nelson Creek. Napoleon Hill. Argyle (Charleston). Black's Point. 75* 0 0 - - I 2,587 13 0 70 0 0 2,587 13 0 70 0 01 •• I 2,587 13 O 70 0 0 1,125 16 6 200 0 0 444 4 5 35 0 0 1,125 Iβ 6 200 0 0 444 4 5 35 0 0 1,125 16 6 200 0 0 444 4 5 35 0 0 •• 100 0 0 330 1 0 325 0 0 425 0 0 330 1 0 108 18 0 118 5 6 300 0 0| 425 0 0 330 1 0 108 18 0 300 0 0 I 108" 18 0 181 14 6 •• 75 12 0 74 8 Ol 150 0 ol 150 0 0 195,850 9 4 14,152 17 7 25,927 4 6 195,850 9 4 14,152 17 7 25.927 4 6 195,850 9 4 14,152 17 7 25,927 4 6 90,722 10 8 257 16 7 15,951 15 3 244 9 0 150 0 ol 90,722 10 8 257 16 7 16,101 15 3 244 9 0 90,722 10 8 257 16 7 16,101 15 3 244 9 0 •• Carried forward I344.96H 3 lj 36,694 14 8 192 13 6 381,855 11 3 i 381,855 11 3 [381,855 11 3 • •



Development of Goldfields.— Table No. 5— continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure for Water-races on Goldfields out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1912, and the Liabilities on that Date— continued.

Expenditure. Liabilities. Liabilities. Totals. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Locality ani> Name of Rack. Locality anh Namk of Race. Survey and Construction, 1870-1911. Grants. Subsidies, 1870-1911. Survey and Grants, Construction Subsidies, Totals. 1911-1912. 1911-1912. Authorities Authorities on on Grants, Contracts. Construction. Subsidies. t s. d.- & s. d. 344,968 3 1136,694 14 8 T~l~ £ s. d. £ s. d. 192 13 61381,855 11 3 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. dJ t s. d. 881,858 II 3 Bruugul forward .. MIDDLE Nelson Pbovincial District — ctd. Subsidies — Jo'neH, Baxter, and party, waterrace from Roaring Meg Bell Hill Co.'s Race Randall Creek Water-race Wills and party, water-raoe at Sulky Gully Oi'AGO Provincial District — Subsidies — Arrow Beaumont and>T.uapeka Carrick Range Mount Pisgali Lawrence Drainage-channel .. Ophir Tail-race Muddy Creek Channel St. Bathan's MaerewhcniiM Artesian wells, Mauiototo Improving water-supply, Oamaru Mountain Hut Water-race Government Mount Ida Waipori Alexandra (purchase) Canterbury Provincial District — Subsidy — Ninety-mile Beach Water-race Southland Provincial District Subsidy — Round Hill .. General — Increased water-supply Depahtm e nta l— Salaries, travelling, advertising, &c. 800 0 0 500 0 0 322 18 2 218 (I 0 612 10 0 4 6 Si 640 0 0 9,249 13 1 200 0 0 3,092 19 0 1,150 0 0 850 0 0 «,314 4 0 1,005 0 0 20 0 0 1,600 7 2 4,879 12 0 • * 800 0 (t 500 0 0 322 18 2 218 0 0 612 10 0 644 6 2 9.249 13 1 200 0 0 3,092 19 0 1,150 0 0 850 0 0 2,314 4 0 1,065 0 0 20 0 0 1.600 7 2 4,879 12 0 73,832 10 6 11,263 1 0 16,956 7 3 65 6 7 V38 19 4 630 4 0 0,763 9 6 •• MIDDLE ISLAND -continued. Nelson Provincial District — ctd. Subsidies — 800 0 0 Jones, Baxter, and party, waterrace from Roaring Meg. 500 0 0 Bell Hill Co.'s Race. 322 18 2 Randall Creek Water-race. 218 0 0 Wills and party, water-race at Sulky Gully. Otago Provincial District — Subsidies — . .. 612 10 0 Arrow. 644 6 2 Beaumont and Tuapeka. i 9,249 13 1 Carrick Range. 200 0 0 Mount Pisgah. 3,092 19 d Lawrence Drainage-channel. 1,150 0 0' Ophir Tail-race. 850 0 0 Muddy Creek Channel. 2,314 4 0 St. Bathan's. 1,065 0 0 Maerewhenua. 20 0 0 Artesian wells, Maniototo. 1,600 7 2 Improvingwater-supply.Oama.iu. 4,879 12 0 Mountain Hut Water-race. Government Works — 73,832 10 6 Mount Ida. 11,263 1 0 Waipori. 16,956 7 3 Alexandra (purchase). Canterbury Provincial Distbiot — Subsidy — 65 6 7 Ninety-mile Beach Water-raoe. Southland Provincial District — Subsidy — 133 19 4 Round Hill. General — 630 4 0 Increased water-supply. Departmental — ; 6,763 9 6 Salaries, travelling, advertising &o 73,832 10 t> 11,263 10 16.95(1 7 8 65 6 7 138 19 4 630 4 0 100 0 0 6,763 9 6 I ■ ■ ; — — i 1 i Totals 462,271 5 5156,556 0 1 192 18 61519,019 19 0 192 18 6|5i9,019 19 0 " 519,019 19 o| Totals. 519,019 19 0J 8UMMARY. North Islanu Middle Islanu ! 80,708 19 3 1,615 5 4 462,271 5 550,556 0 1 I 82,824 4 7 192 13 6 519,019 19 0 192 13 6 601,344 3 7 82,334 t 7 192 13 6 519,019 19 0 I 1 1 1 SUMMARY. 82.324 4 7JNORTH Island. 519,019 19 0j Middle Island. 601,344 3 7 Totals,. Totals. 542,980 4 8J58,171 5 5 192 13 61601,344 8 7 t > _]_



Development of Goldfields.—Table No. 5a. Statement showing Assistance towards Prospecting, and Miscellaneous Services, out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1912, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1911. Net Expenditure Tnt«l Nstduring w™2Si?tf,r« Liabilities Twelve Months on 31st ended 31st March, to diet Marcn, March, 1912. 1912. 191A Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. I £ s. d. Assistance towards prospecting .. 37,683 10 9 Oil boring, Kotuku .. .. 207 10 0 Purchase and expenses of diamond 11,558 10 6 and other drills Prospecting deep levels, Thames — Queen of Beauty shaft subsidy .. 25,000 0 0 Inspector's fee .. .. 500 0 0 Cost and expenses, purohase, plant, 6,966 0 4 &c. Lowering water, Queen of Beauty 400 0 0 shaft Deepening and unwatering Queen 9,205 16 6 of Beauty shaft Prospecting deep levels, Boss .. 15,019 4 4 Purchase of Cassrell's and Bennett's 2,250 0 0 leaseholds, Paeroa Compensation proclamation of rivers 41,552 9 9 Water-conservation — Reports on Goromandel Harbour 80 12 6 and Kuaotunu Sludge-channel Engineer's salary and expenses .. 3,219 0 .2 Reports on Ross Plat .. .. 284 10 8 Eweburn Reservoir .. .. 16,459 15 10 Gimmerburn Creek embankment 211 12 3 Greenland Swamp Dam .. 39 12 0 Home Gully Dam .. .. 1,028 0 6 Manorburn Creek weir .. .. 457 1 7 Compensation, Owen Roberts .. 75 0 0 Telephone-line, Bannockburn to 50 0 0 Nevis Resumption of land .. .. 862 7 0 Water-supplies for Mining Townships— Waikino .. .. .. 2,568 0 0 Waitekauri .. .. .. 445 2 5 Karangahake .. .. .. 607 6 5 Mackaytown .. .. .. 351 0 0 Clyde .. .. .. 1,121 13 2 Alexandra .. .. .. 600 0 0 Ophir .. .. .. 142 10 9 Ohinemuri River silting .. .. 3 12 0 Thames Drainage Board contribution 1,000 0 0 Kumara Water - raoe extension 5,212 2 5 aoross Teremakau River Waimumu Main Tail-race .. 1,450 6 3 Charlton Creek Main Tail-race .. 408 7 1 Advances to companies .. .. 8,200 0 0 Protective works, Stafford .. 286 5 5 Dam, Bow Bell Plat .. .. 300 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 3,533 15 0 41,217 5 9 207 10 0 1,775 18 9 13,334 9 3 25,000 0 0 500 0 0 104 4 10 7,070 5 2 400 0 0 9,205 16 6 15,019 4 4 2,250 0 0 1,188 13 8 42,741 3 5 80 12 6 3,219 0 2 284 10 8 16,459 15 10 211 12 3 39 12 0 1,028 0 6 457 1 7 75 0 0 50 0 0 862 7 0 2,568 0 0 445 2 5 607 6 5 351 0 0 1,121 13 2 600 0 0 5 19 3 148 10 0 3 12 0 1,000 0 0 14,443 7 6 19,655 9 11 £ s. d. 41,217 5 9 207 10 0 13,334 9 3 25,000 0 0 500 0 0 7,070 5 2 400 0 0 9,205 16 6 15,019 4 4 2,250 0 0 42,741 3 5 80 12 6 3,219 0 2 284 10 8 16,459 15 10 211 12 3 39 12 0 1,028 0 6 457 1 7 75 0 0 50 0 0 862 7 0 2,568 0 0 445 2 5 607 6 5 351 0 0 1,121 13 2 600 0 0 148 10 0 3 12 0 1,000 0 0 19,655 9 11 1,450 6 3 408 7 1 8,200 0 0 286 5 5 300 0 0 1,450 6 3 408 7 1 8,200 0 0 286 5 5 300 0 0 Less Recovery on Account of Ex- 195,807 0 7 penditure of Previous Years— Johnston's dam, Bow Bell Plat 21,051 19 0 216,858 19 7 216,858 19 7 30 0 0 30 0 0 Totals .. .. 195,807 0 7 21,051 19 0 216,828 19 7 216,828 19 7 8—D. 1.



TABLE No. 6. Statement showing the Expenditure on Telegraphs out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1912, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Expenditure during Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1912. Line. v. n «i.iitn«> Material issued Total Cost durExpenditure. from store8 ing the Year Telephone Exchanges— Ashburton .. .. .. .. .. .. j Auckland Blenheim Christchurch Dannevirke Dunedin Feilding Gisborne .. .. .. .. . • • • I Greymouth Hamilton Hawera Hokitika Invereargill Levin Masterton Napier .. .. Nelson .. .. .. New Plymouth Oamaru Pahiatua Palmerston North Rotorua Stratford Thames Timaru Wanganui .. .. .. .. .. .. Wellington Westport Whangarei .. .. ... £ s. d. 112 14 9 11,269 13 10 193 8 7 4,039 2 7 110 10 6 3,534 7 4 260 1 7 645 13 10 83 2 10 33 18 7 213 1 2 9 6 8 1,356 15 9 156 13 5 824 0 8 4,728 8 5 107 13 11 213 12 8 2,155 4 1 46 7 7 317 2 0 125 6 6 104 1 5 394 14 2 618 12 0 1,303 4 2 6,316 9 8 33 9 6 227 5 U £ s. d. 478 15 0 8,638 2 3 784 0 11 6,715 2 2 897 13 11 5,012 7 1 033 12 9 1,312 11 8 271 6 5 585 18 11 309 0 6 51 2 2 2,064 18 11 107 6 1 1,346 7 10 6,539 12 5 331 I 8 471 7 6 1,625 5 8 118 10 4 830 13 0 75 8 2 335 11 0 624 2 3 1,086 15 1 2,999 7 3 11,182 3 0 145 4 11 143 0 4 £ s. d. 591 '.) 9 19,907 10 1 977 0 6 10,754 4 9 508 4 5 8,546 14 5 893 14 4 1,958 5 6 354 9 3 619 17 6 522 1 8 60 8 10 3,421 14 8 263 19 6 2,170 8 6 11,268 0 10 438 15 7 685 0 2 3,780 9 9 164 17 11 1,147 15 0 200 14 8 439 12 5 1,018 16 5 1,705 7 1 4,302 11 r> 17,498 12 8 178 14 5 370 6 3 Total exchanges 39,534 4 1 39,534 4 1 55,216 9 2 94,750 13 3 New Wires — Kolnimara Extension Kerikeri - Purerua Extension Russell-Opua Ivydale Extension Kawakawa-Opua 0 tonga Extension Tanekaha Extension Whangarei-Kawakawa (trunk telephone circuit) Whangarei-H mi Whangarei Heads- Taurikura Extension Rukuwai-Taraunui-Waiparera Whatoro Extension Parua Bay - Onerahi Extension .. Dargaville-Tangowahine .. Dargaville-Tekopurii-Tatarariki Keotahi Telephone Waipu - North River Kxtension .. Maungaturoto-Waireie Otamatea Extension Okonga Extension Tauhoa - Mangakura Extension .. Mangakura—Glorit Pakapuka Extension .. .. .. Pohuehue Telephone-office Warkworth -MulletPoint -Te Kapa Extension .. -.. Tahekeroa Extension Dargaville-Whangarei (metallic circuit) Redvale Extension Ruahau — Piha Extension Waikumete—Karekare Auckland-Dargaville Auckland-Waiwera Auckland - Wiri Extension Aucklani 1-Matamata Auckland-Katikati Auckland-Wellington (Akaaka-Horopito) Auckland - New Plymouth (line diversion) Auckland-Pukekohe (metallic circuit) Otahuhu-Papakura (metallic circuit) Pokeno - Pokeno Valley - Bombay — Paparata Valley - Mangatawhiri Valley - Miranda-Mercer Waiuku - Ruakohua Extension .. .. .. .. | ntaua-Waiuku and Puni—Akaaka-Otaua Extensions 0 14 6 34 17 0 0 7 6 11 1 5 8 8 8 1 5 8 144 14 1 38 15 2 13 2 0 146 16 3 0 8 9 0 4 6 19 19 8 ill 0 114 8 7 88 17 9 0 18 0 1 12 4 0 12 6 3 10 8 1 12 6 187 1 8 22 12 3 4 11 6 23 10 7 9 0 3 2 7 0 1 8 3 38 19 2 24 0 3 2 6 10 3,782 3 10 6 r> 10 4 4 11 179 9 7 10 10 4 245 8 10 0 14 6 34 17 0 0 7 6 11 1 5 8 8 8 1 5 8 144 14 1 38 15 2 13 2 0 146 16 3 0 8 9 0 4 6 19 19 8 1 11 0 114 8 7 88 17 9 0 18 0 1 12 4 0 12 6 3 10 8 1 12 6 12 9 9 30 3 2 17 7 4 9 19 9 4 15 0 4 12 7 332 18 1 18 1 10 12 9 6 :w 7 io 6 7 8 21 6 3 53 7 8 5 1 11 18 6 4 15 5 10 4 16 t> 17 19 11 157 7 0 5 2 4 33 16 11 11 2 11 13 4 3 65 0 2 17 14 10 21 1 2 8 8 8 6 0 8 4 12 7 477 12 2 56 17 0 25 11 0 177 4 1 6 16 5 0 4 6 41 5 11 53 7 8 6 12 11 132 14 11 104 3 7 0 18 0 6 8 10 0 12 6 21 10 7 159 0 0 5 2 4 220 18 7 33 15 2 4 11 t> 104 2 « 15 0 7 63 11 1 2 7 0 396 19 0 76 3 3 38 4 3 2 6 10 5,310 4 o 9 11 li 483 1 (i 134 18 6 256 18 10 187 1 8 22 12 3 4 11 6 23 10 7 80 12 1 15 0 7 54 10 10 9 0 3 2 7 0 1 8 3 38 19 2 24 0 3 2 6 10 3,782 3 10 6 r> 10 395 10 9 37 4 1 14 4 0 4 4 11 179 9 7 1.528 0 7 3 r, a 483 1 (i 130 13 7 77 9 3 10 10 4 245 8 10 3 19 7 17 2 2 14 9 11 262 11 0 darried forward.. 5,177 19 7 5,177 19 7 3,664 1 3 8,842 0 10



TABLE No. 6— continued. Statement showing the Expenditure on Telegraphs— continued.

Expenditure during Twelve Mouths ended 31st March, 1912. Line. ] „ ... Material iesued Total Cost durExpenditmie. (rom stores ing the Year . Brought forward few Wires — continued. Waiterimu Extension Korakonui Extension Ngaruawahia-Mercer Hamilton-Cambridge Hamilton-Kawhia (metallic circuit) Tepapatapu Mairoa-Marakopa Mahocnui-Paemako Wardville Extension I'urangaomoana - Okauia Matamata-Monamara Matamata-Tauranga Miranui Extension Waiharakeke-Hauturu-Pukeinoi .. Te Awamutu-Kaputuhi .. Kihikihi-Wharepuhunga Pukeatua Extension Rotorua-Hamilton (metallic circuit) Rotorua—Ngongotaha Okere-Rotoma (metallic circuit) Pongakawa-Okcre Falls Kaiangaroa Plains Extension Rotorua-Tauranga, via Te Pu and Oropu .. Muripara-Te Houhe Ohura Roto Extension Tokirima (extension from Tatu) .. Piopio Extension and Temapara Extension Ongarue-Taumarunui (metallic circuit) Taumarunui-Hamilton (metallic circuit) Taumarunui-Raurimu (metallic circuit) Waitewhena Extension Ongarue-Tangitu Taringamotu Extension Waimiha Taumarunui Houseboat Taumarunui-Otunui Taumarunui-Ohakune Piriaka Extension Manunui-Kakahi (metallic circuit) Raurimu-Kaitieke Extension Whakatete Telephone Kerepehi-Waitakaruru Thames-Puriri (metallic circuit) Wharepoa Extension Waitoa-Ngarua.. Matata-Manawahe Whakatane-Opotiki Opouriao - Opouriao West Matahanea-Oponae Te Araroa-Whangaparoa Otoko - Te Karaka (metallic circuit) Gisborne-Morere Waipawa-Waipukurau .. Waipawa-Napier Waipukurau-Porangahau Takapau-Ormondville-Waipukurau Ngamoko Extension Te Rehunga - Kiritaki Te Rehunga - Ruaroa Mangatuna Extension Aohanga-Porangahau .. Pongaroa-Korepo-Akitio Pahiatua-Dannevirke Pahiatua-Pongaroa Kaiwhata Telephone Extension Kuku Levin-Foxton Kaharoa Extension Marotiri Extension Foxton-Rongotea-Bull's (metallic cirouit) .. Weraroa-Levin (metallic circuit) .. .. Hukinga Telephone Extension Whatarangi (new office) " I :: £ s. d. 5,177 19 7 3 18 8 121 8 4 1 1 6 12 12 10 33i 11 7 14 18 7 10 12 8 44 9 8 1 0 6 3 5 0 7 18 0 1 10 0 20 9 8 4 15 7 3 4 6 1 4 0 235 0 8 27 3 8 1 0 0 45 14 3 1 5 0 4 10 0 0 13 6 3 2 0 80 7 10 423 13 0 0 19 2 4 2 6 0 5 4 197 1 8 3 4 1 21 5 2 1 3 0 3 8 0 1 2 (i 0 16 6 3 16 1 0 16 5 i>4 0 0 1 0 0 92 5 11 25 12 4 53 0 4 64 13 10 0 11 0 033 13 4 13 14 3 8 8 9 1 11 0 1 15 5 7 19 2 13 13 9 156 0 9 357 15 11 35 7 8 29 2 0 23 3 0 34 17 10 560 19 7 58 11 9 128 2 1 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 18 11 91 16 0 43 14 8 2 11 (> 4 3 3 1 15 10 8 0 0 1 17 0 £ s. d. 3,664 1 3 25 9 9 5 0 8 349 7 5 238 3 2 35 0 7 5 19 9 62 13 2 li 3 11 7 8 10 0 10 0 40 5 3 47 2 1 44 19 8 113 3 10 850 0 0 11 5 8 0 10 0 723 13 4 281 2 10 739 19 11 222 0 8 32 17 5 91 9 11 51 6 9 5 12 11 £ s. d. 8,842 0 10 29 8 5 5 0 8 470 15 9 239 4 8 47 13 5 5 19 9 394 4 it 14 18 7 10 12 8 55 13 7 10 6 3 5 0 15 6 10 2 0 0 60 14 11 51 17 8 48 4 2 1 4 0 348 4 6 27 3 8 1 0 0 45 14 3 851 5 0 4 10 0 0 13 6 14 7 8 80 17 10 1,147 6 4 282 2 0 744 2 5 222 fi 0 229 19 1 94 14 0 72 11 11 6 15 11 3 8 0 1 2 6 0 16 <i 3 16 1 54 14 9 94 0 0 4 7 6 173 5 4 26 15 10 53 0 4 144 13 0 0 11 0 1,016 11 3 14 4 3 8 8 9 1 11 0 103 19 10 7 19 2 18 4 0 146 8 3 160 11 5 452 13 2 71 13 10 51 12 11 80 13 0 34 17 10 594 10 5 58 11 9 561 18 1 0 5 0 5 10 4 6 1 10 288 16 9 153 7 8 9 2 0 6 6 0 3 17 0 i\ 12 9 5 7 11 53*18 4 3 7 6 80 19 5 1 3 (> 79*19 2 382'17 11 0 10 0 102 - 4 5 4 10 3 146 8 3 4 10 8 94 17 3 36 6 2 22 10 11 57 10 0 33 10 10 433 16 0 5 0 4 .-> 2 11 197 0 9 109 13 0 6 10 6 2 2 9 2 1 8 13 12 9 3 10 11 Carried forward.. 374 2 10 9,544 4 11 18,918 7 9



TABLE No. 6— continued. Statement showing the Expenditure on Telegraphs— continued.

Line. Expenditure Expenditure. during Twelve Mi list Marcb, 1912. mths ended Material issued from Stores. Total Cost during the Year. Brought forward few Wires— continued. Masterton-Te Nui-Castlepoint]; Wellington - Palmerston North Wellington-Featherston (metallic circuit) .. Wellington-Auckland (Wellington-Horopito) Awakino-Mangaawakino Waitara-Urenui (metallic circuit) Urenui-Okoke Urenui - Pukearuhe Extension Whakawhiti Tawhiwhi Extension Tarahua-Moturoa Lower Mangorei Telephone Mangorei Extension Midhurst-Makara Stratford-Whangamomona Stratford - Mountain House Tuna Extension Eltham-Kaponga Oeo Extension Raetihi - Ruatiti Extension Raetihi - Wanganui and Omakukuru - Oreore Hawera-Normanby Hawera-Ararata Kohi-Mataim oana Nukuhau Extension Moumahaki Farm Orangimea-Rangitatau-Puao Extension Wanganui-Woitotara Wanganui-Raetihi Waverley-Kohi.. Puniwhaka-Turakina Hunterville-Marton Ohakea Extension Ocean Bay - Kakapo Bay The Grove Telephone Extension Te Rawa Extension Canvastown - Deep Creek Ward-Kekerangu (metallic circuit) Mangamaunui Extension.. Whangakoko Extension Kenepuru Heads — Endeavour Inlet Turnbull River Telephone Extension Richmond - Upper Moutere Glenhope Telephone Extension Hope Junction Telephone Extension Sandy Bay Telephone Extension Takaka-Puramahoi Nelson - Atawhai Extension Riverina Telephone Extension Nelson-Motueka (metallic circuit) Longf ord-Tutaki Owen Junction-Kawatiri Extension Arapitc—McNab's Umere Telephone Extension Charleston-Tiromoana Upper Matakitaki - Warwick Junction Inchbonnie Telephone-office Rewanui Extension Mahinapua Office Merrijigs Reefton - Big River Blackwater - Ikamatua Extension Poerua Extension Greymouth-Runanga Harihari Cheese Factory Extension Kumara—Callaghan's Stafford - Awarere Telephone-line Waioruarangi Bureau Hawkeswood-Hundalee Leader Extension Waipara-Amberley Leithfield-A mberley Amberley-Balcairn Rangiora-Southbrook Annat- Russell's Flat * £ s. d. 9,374 2 10 £ s. d. 9,544 4 11 £ s. d. 18,918 7 9 821 0 0 138 10 5 0 10 3 1,881 19 10 150 0 6 6 18 0 9 7 3 61 4 4 0 18 0 1 12 0 0 1 8 5 15 0 43 2 0 o is r> 8 17 0 0 12 6 29 17 11 30 9 7 1 14 0 27 7 0 432 6 2 16 10 6 1 4 0 2 3 4 316 0 6 1 8 6 7 5 8 267 16 9 36 8 7 323 9 9 f>15 0 2 1,813 0 2 ■>:u 19 5 65 18 9 4 11 2 5 2 6 7 11 1 191 13 3 37714 11 1,144 9 9 753 10 7 0 10 ,3 3,695 0 0 150 0 6 241 17 f> 9 7 3 127 3 1 5 9 2 6 14 6 7 12 9 5 15 0 234 15 3 0 13 5 386 11 11 0 12 6 50 14 7 57 10 0 8 16 4 77 13 7 578 13 10 55 15 7 1 5 11 2 3 4 351 17 3 1 8 6 7 5 8 412 18 1 36 8 7 0 10 11 0 1 4 384 18 8 23 8 10 37 2 6 22 6 11 343 <) I 10 15 0 108 17 9 4 14 3 7 7 6 275 9 5 25 9 10 121 16 0 3 6 7 4 11 6 103 8 11 24 19 6 25 4 3 18 5 6 466 6 4 227 12 4 68 7 1 7 2 0 32 12 3 56 7 5 396 7 6 4 10 4 42 2 3 3 18 11 3 19 11 364 12 9 0 5 10 52 11 6 13 8 8 22 18 10 51 5 9 19 12 9 3 2 0 412 4 4 65 15 7 45 5 8 28 3 4 41 9 4 11 18 7 94 18 1 20 16 8 27 0 5 7 2 4 50 6 7 146 7 8 39 5 1 0 1 11 35 16 9 145* 1 4 0 1 4 62 Iβ 10 1 3 0 25 4 10 7 3 0 105 1 6 10 15 0 6 10 11 322 1 10 22 5 10 11 17 8 15 3 11 238 7 7 0 7 6 2 3 0 244 3 10 0 6 6 44 2 5 1 3 0 55 8 3 11 6 3 8 2 0 5 19 5 158 15 4 174 5 8 53. 2 0 7 2 0 5 8 0 4 2 10 349 14 1 1 1 10 20 11 .5 108 17 9 4 6 9 5 4 6 31 5 7 25 3 4 77 13 7 3 6 7 3 8 6 48 0 8 13 13 3 17 2 3 12 6 1 307 11 0 53 6 8 15 5 1 27 4 3 52 4 7 46 13 5 3 8 6 21 10 10 3 18 11 3 19 11 36 11 11 328 0 10 0 5 10 31 4 11 1 15 4 12 15 4 23 13 1 9 0 1 3 2 0 355 14 7 51 11 10 22 15 7 12 4 0 41 9 4 4 6 2 80 0 3 21 6 7 11 13 4 10 3 6 27 12 8 10 12 8 56 9 9 14 3 9 22 10 1 15 19 4 712 5 14 17 10 Carried forward. . 16,013 7 6 15,400 18 S 31,414 6 11



TABLE No. 6— continued. Statement showing the Expenditure on Telegraphs— continued.

Line. Expenditure during Twelve Months ended Met March, 1912. t?.,,,,.,.!;*.,.. Material issued Total Cost durExpenditure. from gtoree ing the yea ,. Brought forward 'ew Wires— continued. Kirwee-Dartield Kirwee - Courtenay Extension Courtenay-Wakahua Hororata-Lake Coleridge Springfield - Kowai Bush Cass-Springfield (Otira deviation) .. Craigieburn Extension Akaroa-Gough's Bay Lyndhurst-Methven (metallic circuit) Hinds (metallic circuit) .. .. .. .. .. j Arundel-Anderson's .. .. .. .. Clandeboye-Orton .. .. .. .. .. I Temuka-Clandeboye, via Ohape Extension .. .. Simons' Pass Bureau .. .. .. .. .. Chamberlain Extension Motukaika Extension Fairview Bureau St. Andrew's - Pareora Extension Willowbridge-Waimate .. Timaru-Raorao-Pareora Timaru-Glenavy Oamaru-G lena vy Oamaru-Windsor Oamaru-Ngapara Oamaru-Duntroon Oamaru-Maheno (metallic circuit).. Oamaru-Hampden (metallic circuit) Duntroon-Otekaieke Kiaora Telephone-line Windsor-Balruddery Whitstone Extension Hampden Square-Hillgrove-Moeraki Waikouaiti-Karitane-Puketeraki Green Island Morse Office Mosgiel—Momona Allanton (metallic circuit) Milburn- Clarendon Extension Manuka Creek Telephone-office Stony Creek Telephone-office Merino Downs - Pukewhenua Clinton - Waiwera South Waipahi-Popotunoa Lawrence-Dunedin Dunedin-Balclutha Clyde-Cromwell.. Bendigo Extension Dunedin-Middlemarch Middlemarch-Mount Stoker Sutton-Barewood Hindon Extension Etal Creek Telephone Extension East Chatton Extension Mataura—Tuturau Springhills Telephone Ryall Bush - Tussock Creek Thornbury-Riverton-Orepuki Invercargill-Winton (second trunk line) Pararahi Extension Five Rivers Extension Menzies Ferry Extension Wireless installation, Awanui „ Wellington .. „ Christchurch 16,013 47 858 8 IOC C 2 8 28 86 23 « 1 92 165 11 C M 1 243 93 56 G 131 C 3 19 36 103 1 47 78 4 66 6 1 1 46 56 C 1,014 778 28 48 12 6 8 119 1 42 23 24 97 18S 1C l.eii 1,863 33 £ s. d. 16,013 7 6 H. <!. 3 7 6 7 16 11 9 4 5 9 19 8 0 17 11 0 12 11 2 11 0 8 4 0 8 19 6 6 2 5 3 14 2 5 14 4 1 17 0 2 0 6 5 8 9 7 6 0 0 10 10 2 15 6 1 18 7 3 17 3 3 0 9 6 10 11 5 12 4 7 0 10 0 16 0 3 14 7 9 6 6 6 12 4 3 6 5 1 6 0 7 2 1 8 2 2 4 5 0 6 18 10 6 19 11 1 8 1 1 12 1 6 9 5 6 15 9 0 3 5 4 11 3 9 11 1 9 13 4 9 15 3 2 15 10 6 5 11 8 2 8 9 18 5 1 13 0 2 18 10 3 6 11 4 18 6 7 4 5 9 7 9 0 17 10 1 17 3 3 8 4 3 18 10 u 6 ] 1 r> 8 1 1 I) l) l> r> 2 i li !) 9 9 6 7 3 9 1 4 0 9 7 li 4 5 9 1 2 9 a i i i 5 9 5 3 1 4 3 0 1 s 5 1) I) 1 li r> 9 0 i i I 9 ! £ s. d. 15,400 18 5 15,400 88 16 62 10 I 2 +:s 37 34 2 (V 27 70 3.-) 35 1 <»()!) 298 :«')' 30 : 13 6 32 29 27 42." 12 4 4 3 4 472 325 26 13 17 33 62' io' 0 : 8 25 148 11 19 4 9 B. U. 18 5 11 4 6 9 !) i) 7 \ 4 6 3 0 11 11 7 9 0 11 13 6 0 7 15 5 10 5 15 6 0 1 5 3 5 9 0 10 13 o 11 3 17 8 3 9 6 8 0 8 4 8 19 8 17 7 15 10 15 5 14 9 8 6 17 6 7 3 7 2 6 7 6 1 15 6 18 5 8 2 15 0 10 1 10 7 1 0 16 8 2 5 13 11 7 6 £ s. d. 31,414 5 11 47 16 11 859 4 5 9 19 8 100 17 11 0 12 11 2 11 0 8 4 0 28 19 6 86 2 5 23 14 2 5 14 4 1 17 0 92 0 6 165 8 9 17 6 0 0 10 10 42 15 6 1 18 7 243 17 3 93 0 9 56 10 11 5 12 4 137 0 10 0 16 0 3 14 7 19 6 6 36 12 4 103 6 5 1 6 0 47 2 1 78 2 2 4 5 0 66 18 10 6 19 11 1 8 1 1 12 1 46 9 5 56 15 9 0 3 5 1,014 11 3 779 11 1 29 13 4 49 15 3 12 15 10 6 5 11 8 2 8 119 18 5 1 13 0 42 18 10 23 6 11 24 18 6 !I7 4 5 189 7 9 10 17 10 1.5ii 17 3 1,863 8 4 i 33 18 10 88 11 4 16 6 9 62 9 9 10 7 \ 1 4 6 2 3 0 +:s 11 11 37 7 9 34 0 11 2 13 6 (V 0 7 27 15 5 70 10 5 3.1 15 6 35 6 1 1 5 3 <»()!) 5 9 298 0 10 36 13 5 30 11 3 13 17 8 6 3 9 32 6 8 29 0 8 27 4 8 4219 8 12 17 7 4 15 10 4 15 5 3 14 9 4 8 6 472 17 (5 325 7 3 26 7 2 13 6 7 17 6 1 33 15 6 62 18 5 io' 8 2 0 15 0 8 10 1 25 10 7 148 1 0 11 16 8 19 2 5 4 13 11 9 7 6 88 11 4 64 3 8 62 9 9 859 4 5 20 7 0 102 2 5 2 15 11 2 11 0 51 15 11 66 7 3 120 3 4 26 7 8 5 14 4 7 17 7 119 15 11 235 19 2 53 I li 0 10 10 78 1 7 3 3 10 853 3 0 391 1 7 56 10 11 5 12 4 137 0 10 0 16 0 3 14 7 55 19 11 67 3 7 117 4 1 7 9 9 79 8 9 107 2 10 27 4 8 4 5 0 109 18 6 19 17 6 6 3 11 6 7 6 50 4 2 61 4 3 0 3 5 1,487 8 9 1,104 18 4 56 0 6 63 1 10 30 1 11 40 1 5 8 2 8 182 16 10 1 13 0 53 7 0 24 1 11 33 8 7 122 15 0 337 8 9 22 14 6 19 2 5 4 13 11 9 7 6 1,511 17 3 1,863 8 4 33 18 10 New wires 24,340 24,340 8 0 9 8 0 3 1 18,223 18,223 8 8 8 8 42,563 16 8 Total Telephone Exchanges and New Wires Stock of materials increased during the year by 63,874 63,874 12 4 12 1 1 73,439 17 10 10,377 16 9 1 ', 1 73,439 10,377 : 17 10 16 9 137,314 9 11 10,377 16 9 Total expenditure during the year ended 31st March, 1912 63,874 63,874 12 4 12 1 1 83,817 14 7 1 t 83,817 14 7 147,692 6 8 Total expenditure to 31st March, 1911 Total expenditure 1911-12 1,878,058 7 10 147,692 6 8 Liabilities at 31st March, 1912 2,025,750 14 6 111,372 0 0 Total expenditure and liabilities £2,137, ,122 14 6



TABLE No. 7. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Public Buildings out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1912, and the Liabilities on that Date.

TABLE No. 8. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbour Defences out of Public Works Fund, to 31st March, 1912, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1911. Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1912. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1912. Liabilities on Authorities, Total Contracts, &c, Expenditure 31st March, and Liabilities. 1912. £ a. d. Judicial 682,281 17 11 Postal and Telegraph .. 777,007 12 4 Customs .. .. .. 49,440 16 11 Offices for Public Departments 336,176 16 6 Mental Hospitals .. .. 597,633 12 4 Alexandra Depot, Wellington .. 8,083 9 6 School Buildings .. .. 1,879,810 0 1 Hospitals .. .. .. 115,347 6 5 Quarantine Stations .. .. 6,863 19 5 Parliament Buildings .. 75,949 7 5 Parliament Buildings : New buildings Parliament Buildings: Altera- 106 13 2 tions to streets surrounding grounds and purchase of land Government House, Wellington 56,299 1 6 (land and new building) Agricultural .. .. 31,314 15 10 Public Health .. .. 32,377 19 4 Workers' Dwellings Miscellaneous .. .. 43,243 1 7 £ s. d.I 44,132 8 0 130,815 6 7 29,371 8 0 8,809 5 1 90,535' 5 11* 12,744 12 11 1,801 5 11 J £ s. d. 726,414 5 11 J 907,822 18 11 49,440 16 11 365,548 4 6 606,442 17 5 8,083 !) 6 1,970,351 6 0 128,091 19 4 6,863 19 5 75,949 7 5 1,801 5 11 £ a. A. 22,725 9 5 74,791 11 3 60,150 11 7 18,855 2 5 216 15 4 £ s. d. ! 749,139 15 4 982,614 10 2 49,440 16 11 425,698 16 1 625,297 19 10 8,083 9 6 1,970,568 1 4 128,091 19 4 6,863 19 5 75,949 7 5 1,801 5 11 203 3 9 309 16 11 309 16 11 1,088 10 4 57,387 11 10 57,387 11 10 3,683 15 9 22,644 6 6 4,825 9 0 34,998 11 7 32,377 19 4 22,644 6 6 48,063 10 7 115 16 3 35,114 7 10 48,068 10 7 Less Reoovery from Railway Department for value of land at Te Kuiti taken for railway purposes 5,042,597 8 0 565 0 0 5,219,452 14 3 565 0 0 Totals .. .. 4,691,942 10 3 4,691,942 10 3 350,654 17 9 5,042,032 8 0 176,855 6 3 5,218,887 14 3 • Includes £1,1 paid out of " Unauthorized."

Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1911. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1912. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1912. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, Ac, to 31st March, 1912. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Lighthouses. £ s. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 11,237 3 5 4,218 3 9 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 1 2,109 11 7 7,614 13 11 7,312 9 6 6,066 6 3 £ s. d. £ s. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 11,237 3 5 4,218 3 9 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 1 2,109 11 7 7,614 13 11 7,312 9 6 6,066 6 3 3,586 16 7 5,785 19 0 49 10 1 7,405 9 11 311 12 11 9,270 13 9 2,341 8 0 668 15 8 1,427 17 5 152 2 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 11,237 3 5 4,218 3 9 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 1 2,109 11 7 7,614 13 11 7,312 9 6 6,066 6 3 3,717 6 10 5,785 19 0 190 7 10 7,405 9 11 314 6 5 9,270 13 9 2,341 8 0 668 15 8 1,427 17 5 152 2 0 Akaroa Brothers Cape Brett Cape Campbell Cape Egmont Cape Foulwind Cape Kidnappers Cape Maria van Diemen Cape Palliser Cape Saunders Castlepoint Centre Island Chicken Island Cuvier Island Dieflenbach Point.. East Cape Fog-signals French Pass Beacon French Pass Godley Head Fog-signal, protection of road Hokitika.. Jackson's Beef Beacon Jackson's Head Beacon Jack's Point Kahurangi Point Kaipara Manukau Heads Marine Store 5,785 19 0 7,405 9 11 71 5 3 9,270 13 9 2,117 19 4 668 15 8 1,427 17 5 152 2 0 v 3,586 16 7 49 10 1 240" 7 8 130'10 3 140 17 9 213 6 223 8 S 801 9 7 3,180 0 5 1,220 0 7 1,204 10 9 9,528 1 1 5,571 8 0 600 13 11 499 11 3 801 9 7 3,180 0 5 1,220 0 7 1,204 10 9 9,528 1 1 5,571 8 0 600 13 11 499 11 3 801 9 7 3,180 0 5 1,220 0 7 1,204 10 9 9,528 1 1 5,571 8 0 600 13 11 499 11 3



TABLE No. 8—continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbour Defences, out of Public Works Fund— continued.

Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1911. Net Expenditure during 12 Mouths ended 31st Maruh, 1912. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1912. Liabilities on ,„ , , to 31st March, T . ?"?.. 1912 Liabilities. » Lighthouses— continued. Moeraki Moko Hinou Nugget Point (dwellings) Portland Island Puysegur Point Stephen Island Timaru Tiritiri Cable Tory Channel Tuahine Point Waipapapa Point Miscellaneous, including expenditure on s.s."Hinemoa" and " Stella" £ a. d. 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 746 6 6 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 9,454 18 5 1,116 17 3 1,085 19 6 353 7 7 984 17 1 5,969 18 11 20,866 18 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 746 6 6 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 9,454 18 5 1,116 17 3 1.0S5 19 6 353 7 7 2,312 12 6 5,969 18 11 20,866 18 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 746 6 6 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 9,454 18 5 1,116 17 3 1,085 19 6 353 7 7 2,312 12 6 5,969 18 11 20,866 18 1 1,32715 5 Total Lighthouses 179,985 8 3 5,427 18 5 185,413 6 8 274 1 6 185,687 8 2 Harboub- works. Awanui Wharf and shed Horeke Wharf Kohukohu reclamation wall New house for boatman, Hokianga Harbour Kaipara, removal of rocks Kaipara, Shelly Beach Beacon Raupo, Otamatea, wharf repairs Tangiteroria Wharf Kirikopuni Wharf Mauagaturoto Wharf ... Wharf at Howick Manukau Wharf at Sandspit Manukau Harbour Endowment, cutting up and roading Pollok Wharf, Manukau Whangarei Heads Wharf Waipu, improvement of river Waiwera Wharf Wade Biver, clearing Puhoi River, clearing Awhitu Wharf Matakana Harbour Onehunga, examining-room and office Oneliunga, dredging, &c, near wharf Orua Bay Wharf Port Pitzroy, Great Barrier Wharf .. Huia Wharf Graham Beach Wharf Waitemata : Deep Creek Wharf Warkworth Wharf Waiuku Channel Waiuku berthage and wharf accommodation Waiuku-Waikato Canal survey Mercury Bay Wharf Coromandel Wharf Cabbage Bay Wharf Omokoroa Wharf Uretara Wharf Matata Wharf Opotiki Wharf Waikokopu Harbour Wairoa Harbour Nuhaka, land for harbour purposes .. Napier Harbour Awakino Biver improvements Mokau Wharf Mokau Biver Improvements Waitara Harbour.. Waikawau River, removal of rock at entrance Patea Biver, removing eel-weirs Patea Biver, snagging Waitotara Biver, snagging Manawatu Biver, snagging Poxton Marine Beserve, Protection of Castlepoint Jetty Picton, removal of old wharf Havelock Harbour Wairangi Bay Wharf, Croixelles Nelson, dredging harbour .. .. 100 0 0 352 r> 6 689 12 9 Cr. 80 8 9 200 0 0 250 0 0 1,087 18 2 I 150 0 0 150 0 0 600 0 0 900 0 0 350 0 0 105 1 6 79 19 0 50 0 0 599 3 0 194 3 2 758 8 3 144 16 4 8 0 0 252 17 3 50 0 0 50 0 0 1 10 6 357 11 6 100 0 0 352 6 6 35 9 11 35 9 11 289 17 0 289 17 0 401 10 10 \ 1,091 3 7 147 2 8 147 2 8 Cr. 80 8 9 200 0- 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 250 0 0 1,087 18 2 150 0 0 677 16 9 677 16 9 150 0 0 600 0 0 100 0 0 1,000 0 0 350 0 0 105 1 6 79 19 0 50 0 0 52 5 (3 651 8 6 194 8 2 758 8 3 144 16 4 8 0 0 252 17 3 50 0 0 50 0 0 1 16 6 357 11 6 150 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 352 6 f> 151 5 6 186 15 5 289 17 0 282 fi 10 1,373 10 5 147 2 8 Cr. 80 8 9 200 0 0 150 0 0 250 0 0 1,087 18 2 150 0 0 677 16 9 150 0 0 600 0 0 1,000 0 0 350 0 0 10o 1 6 79 19 0 50 0 0 651 8 6 194 3 2 758 8 8 144 16 4 8 0 0 252 17 3 f>0 0 0 50 0 0 i 16 6 357 11 6 150 0 0 11 6 2 328 14 6 Cr. 0 10 0 11 1 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 500 0 0 831 19 7 1,500 0 0 141 12 6 3,847 14 9 11 6 2 328 14 6 Cr. 0 10 0 450 0 0 ! 461 1 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 500 0 0 831 19 7 1,500 0 0 141 12 6 250 0 0 4,097 14 9 3 9 6 3 9 6 312 13 9 50 0 0 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 11 6 2 328 14 6 Cr. 0 10 0 461 1 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 500 0 0 831 19 7 1,500 0 0 141 12 6 4,097 14 9 13 4 5 16 13 11 312 13 9 50 0 0 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 555 1 3 214 13 3 50 0 0 51 14 1 94 0 0 750 0 11 58 13 8 2,806 15 8 312 13 9 50 0 0 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 555 1 3 214 13 3 50 0 0 51 14 1 94 0 0 750 0 11 58 13 8 2,806 15 8 50 0 0 100 0 0 555 1 3 214 13 3 50 0 0 51 14 1 94 0 0 750 0 11 58 13 8 2,806 15 8



TABLE No. 8—continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Lighthouses, Harbour - works, and Harbour Defences, out of Public Works Fund — continued.

Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1911. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1912. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1912. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, <fec, to 31st March, 1912. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Harbour-works — continued. Elmslie Bay Wharf Waikawa Bay Wharf Elaine Bay Wharf Motueka Wharf, protection Tata Islands harbour of refuge Takaka Harbour Collingwood Harbour Pakawau Wharf .. Little Wanganui Wharf, wharf approach, and snagging river Karamea Wharf Karamea River improvements Karamea Harbour Light Westport Harbour Point Elizabeth Harbour Greymouth Harbour Hokitika Harbour Okarito Harbour Okuru Wharf and River improvements Portobello Fish-hatchery Ponds Martin's Bay, removal of rook Martin's Bay shed Holyford River, removal of rocks Jackson's Bay Jetty Cape Campbell Lighthouse Jetty Kaikoura Jetty and Harbour .; Kaikoura Wharf Akaroa-Le Bon's Bay Wharf, repairs Lyttelton, reclamation-works, Sticking Point Port Levy Jetty Timaru Harbour Chatham Islands: Waitangi, removal and extension of wharf and store Chatham Islands: Shed at Pitt Island Taiaroa Heads Lighthouse, enlarging and repairing dwelling Moeraki Boat-slip Dunedin, St. Clair, protection of Ocean Beach Brighton Boat Harbour Waikouaiti River improvements Toitois Jetty Balclutha Jetty Nugget Bay, landing-slip, &o. Tautuku Wharf and River improvements Catlin's River, removal of rocks Catlin's River Jetty Queenstown Beacon Queenstown Jetty Stewart Island Wharf, Horseshoe Bay Stewart Island, snagging Fresh-water River Stewart Island: Wharf, Golden Bay Stewart Island: Wharf, Half-moon Bay Raising dredge " Hapuka " Grab dredge for harbour-works Miscellaneous £ s. d. 150 0 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 150 0 0 85 0 0 50 0 0 300 0 0 1,743 1 7 127 15 9 1,170 18 8 2 0 0 336 0 10 £ s. d. £ h. d. 150 0 0 85 0 0 50 0 0 300 0 0 1,743 1 7 127 15 9 1,170 18 8 2 0 0 338 2 1 85 0 0 50 0 0 300 0 0 1,743 1 7 127 15 9 1,170 18 8 2 0 0 336 0 10 • • 213 656 4 11 3,603 2 0 100 3 11 14,110 18 7 1,415 6 7 127,233 19 6 58,780 5 10 1,504 17 7 812 15 9 2,397 - 1 5 656 4 11 6,000 3 5 100 3 11 14,110 18 7 1,415 6 7 127,233 19 6 58,780 5 10 1,504 17 7 812 15 9 656 4 11 6,000 3 5 100 3 11 14,110 18 7 1,415 6 7 127,233 19 6 58,780 5 10 1,504 17 7 812 15 9 125 0 0 5 0 0 14 13 10 370 12 1 32 6 4 6 5 0 3,276 16 10 1,004 11 6 55 0 0 1,910 18 10 125 0 0 250 0 0 5 0 0 14 13 10 370 12 1 32 6 4 6 5 0 3,276 16 10 1,004 11 6 55 0 0 1,910 18 10 250 0 0 5 0 0 14 13 10 370 12 1 32 6 4 6 5 0 3,276 16 10 1,004 11 6 55 0 0 1,910 18 10 250 0 0 100,000 0 0 90 0 0 250 0 0 100,000 0 0 90 0 0 250 0 0 100,000 0 0 90 0 0 1 10 0 83 7 1 1 10 0 83 7 1 1 10 6 83 7 1 175 0 0 532 12 8 175 0 0 532 12 8 175 0 0 532 12 8 0 12 6 100 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 677 4 1 200 0 0 25 0 0 25 12 6 100 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 690 1 11 200 0 0 25 12 6 100 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 690 1 11 200 0 0 1217 10 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 35 0 0 297 8 0 480 0 0 500 0 0 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 35 0 0 297 8 0 780 0 0 500 0 0 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 35 0 0 297 8 0 780 0 0 500 0 0 306' 0 0 100 0 0 450 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 750 0 0 100 0 0 750 0 0 777 7 9 635 0 10 405 12 6 * 777 7 9 635 0 10 407 10 0 777 7 9 635 0 10 407 10 0 117 6 Total Harbour-works .. 349,199 14 2 6,004 8 11 355,204 3 1 448 18 0 355,653 1 1 Harbour Defences. Guns Ammunition War Office stores.. Torpedo-boats and torpedoes Submarine-mining stores Miscellaneous Works in Dominion Land for depots and batteries 147,768 18 10 24,531 6 7 9,933 10 9 20,203 13 7 17,665 2 2 18,009 5 10 263,221 10 4 38,327 14 6 147,768 18 10 24,531 6 7 9,933 10 9 20,203 13 7 17,665 2 2 18,009 5 10 264,365 10 6 38,327 14 6 147,768 18 10 24,531 6 7 9,933 10 9 20,203 13 7 17,665 2 2 18,009 5 10 264,365 10 6 38,327 14 6 1,144 0 2 Total Harbour Defences.. 539,661 2 7 1,144 0 2 540,805 2 9 540,805 2 9 Grand total 1,068,846 5 0 12,575 17 2 1,081,422 2 2 722 19 6 1,082,145 1 8



APPENDICES TO THK PUBLIC WOKKS STATEMENT. 1912. APPENDIX A. AUDITEJ) STATEMENT OF EXPENDLTUBE ON PUBLIC WOBKS OUT OF THE PUBLIC WOBKS FUND FOB THE YEAB 1911-12. Prepared in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Work* Act, 1908. Sir,— Public Works Department, Wellington, 28th May, 1912. In compliance with the Bth section of the Public Works Act, 1908, I enclose a statement of the expenditure during the preceding financial year on all works and services chargeable 10 the Public Works Fund. I have, &c, W. D. S. Mac Donald, Minister of Public Works. The Controller and Auditor-General, Wellington. ♦

Statement of Net Expenditure on all Works and Services chargeable to the Public Works Fund for the Year 1911-12.

G. J. Clapham, Accountant. H. J. H. Blow, Examined and found correct. Under-Secretary. Eobert J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General. Note.—Charges and expenses of raising loans not included in above figures. (Details on next page.)

9—l). 1.

Class. Votes. ' Summary. A To°n Pria "| Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. XVI XVII XVIII XIX XX XXI I Public Works Fund. £ £ g J £ g ( , £ g _ d 93 Public Works, Departmental .. 51,802! 50,484 13 8 621 2 8 40,863 11 0 94-95 Railways .. .. .. l,472,790;l, 137,967 4 7 12,161 15 1 1,125,905 9 6 96 Development of Water-power .. 50,000 9,082 4 0 .. 9,082 4 0 97 Irrigation and Water-supply .. , 30,000 3,056 14 10 262 17 11 2,7(13 16 11 98-106 Public Buildings .. .. 484,716! 354,516 7 1 4,861 9 4 349,654 17 9 107-109 Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and [ 19,825 12,578 3 2 2 6 0 12,575 17 2 Harbour Defences 110 Tourist and Health Resorts .. ! 10,200 13,<>01 4 0 240 12 4 13,3C0 11 8 111 Immigration .. .. .. 20,000 39,044 7 5 27,963 14 0 11.C80 13 5 112-114 Roads, Bridges, and other Public 654,810 444,812 17 3 20,234 13 5 424,578 3 10 Works 115 Development of Goldfields .. 25,000| 21,800 10 8; 555 18 2 21,244 12 6 116 Telegraph Extension .. .. 175,500 175,133 14 6 27,441 7 10 147,692 li 8 117 Contingent Defence .. .. 20,000 11,433 13 2 996 17 6 10,436 15 8 118-119 Lands Improvement .. .. 20,000 21,797 17 10 2,583 5 5 19,214 12 5 Unauthorized .. .. .. .. * 3,819 18 7 1,158 19 7 2,6eO 19 I) XXII XXIII XXIV XXV XXVI XXVII CXVIII ■ I i Total Public Works Fund .. 3,040,643 2,299,729 10 9 98,984 1:1 3 2,2(0.744 11 6



'°te Name of Vote. print'ion Expenditure. CreditB. /ote No. Expenditure. CreditR. Net Expenditure. 93 Public Works Fund. £ £ s. d. £ s. d. Public Works, Departmental— 93 Public Works. Departmental .. .. .. 51.802 50,484 13 8 621 2 8 Railways— Railway-construction— I Kaih'u Railway Extension .. . . . . 15,000 0,171 18 1 17 6 Kawakawa-Hokianga .. . . .. 60,000 50,707 4 9 179 16 9 Kawakawa-Grahamtown .. .. .. l.">,00«> 11,655 18 8 9 10 6 North Auckland Main Trunk .. .. 120,000 78,730 8 4 108 11 9 Huntly-Awaroa .. .. .. .. 20.0C0: 7.819 18 7 10 10 Kaetihi-Main Trunk .. .. .. 16,000 104 7 1 East Coast Main Trunk — Waihi-Tauranga .. .. .. .. 1 5,000 22 2 4 Tauranga-Paengaroa '.. .. .. 30,000 27.482 9 7 742 5 5 Gisborne-Motu .. .. . . .. 85,000 60,877 5 8 2,3(i:i 6 7 Napier-Gisborne— North End .. .. .. .. lo,(J00 1,43(113 10 South End .. .. .. .. 20,000 294 7 5 Mount Egmont; Branch .. .. ... 14,990 2,653 6 11 Stratford-Main Trunk .. .. .. 100,000 83,02:) 4 6 1,218 18 9 Foxton- New Plymouth (Manawapau Deviation) 11,000 10,992 16 0 South Island Main Trunk— North End .. .. .. .. 20,000 25,000 13 1 159 18 4 South End .. .. .. .. 35,000 31,100 8 9 280 9 7 94 -j Midland RailwayNelson End .. .. .. .. 35,000 19,997 16 9 129 5 4 Reefton End .. .. .. .. 20,000| J4.071 19 8 21 9 2 Otira-Bealey .. .. .. .. 90,000 57,148 10 4 235 2 0 Broken River to Bealey .. .. . . 50,< 00 42,61!) 18 7 329 19 2 Westport-Inangahua .. .. . . 30,000 21,937 15 2 366 19 10 Ngahere-Blaekball .. .. .. .. 2,000 1,618 10 l> 3 2 6 Grey mouth - Point Elizabeth .. .. 25.1 (III 25,510 S I 96 1 8 Koss-Mikonui .. .. . . .. 5,0t0 517 2 Waimate Branch Extension .. .. 5,000 Lawrence-Roxburgh .. .. .. 20,00b 15,1)64 15 9 0 10 0 Catlin's-Waimahaka— East End .. .. .. .. iiO.000 44,900 6 3 306 4 4 West End .. .. .. .. I 20,000 8,180 12 10 92 9 8 Winton - Hcddon Bush .. .. .. 10,000 Orepuki-Waiau Extension .. . . . . 5,000 Land Claims, &c. .. .. .. .. j 2,500 1,812 3 3 Surveys, New Lines of Railway .. . . 2,500 2,759 0 8 Permanent-way Materials .. .. .. 110,000 95.833 9 8 237 12 7 £ s. d. 50,484 13 8 0,171 18 1 50,707 4 9 11,655 18 8 78,730 8 4 7.819 18 7 104 7 4 22 2 4 27.482 9 7 60,877 5 8 1,430 13 10 294 7 5 2,653 8 11 83.025 4 6 10,992 16 0 25,000 13 1 31,100 8 9 I I f I f i I f R. d. £ s. d. 621 2 8 49,863 11 (I 1 7 6 0,170 10 7 179 16 9 50,527 8 0 9 10 6 11,646 8 2 108 11 9 78,621 16 7 1 0 10 7,818 17 9 MM 7 4 22 2 4 742 5 5 26,740 4 2 2,363 6 7 78,614 0' 1 1,436 13 10 294 7 5 2,653 6 11 1,218 18 9 81,806 5 9 10,992 16 0 159 18 4 24,840 14 9 280 9 7 30,819 19 2 94 19,997 lti 9 14,071 19 6 57,148 10 4 42,619 18 7 21,937 15 2 1,018 10 0 25,510 8 4 51 7 2 I i ! 1 i 129 5 4 19,868 11 6 21 9 2 14,050 10 6 235 2 li 56,913 8 4 329 19 2 42,289 19 5 366 19 10 21,571 15 4 3 2 6 1,615 7 6 96 1 8 25,420 6 8 51 7 2 15.064 15 9 0 10 0 15,964 5 9 44,900 6 3 8,180 12 10 306 4 4 44,600 1 11 92 9 8 8,088 3 2 1,812 3 3 2,759 0 8 95.833 9 8 1,812 3 3 2,759 0 8 237 12 7 95,595 17 1 Total Vote, Railway-construction .. 1,082,990 770,593 18 3 li,883 1 3 770,593 18 3 770,593 18 3 (5,883 1 3 763,710 17 0 1,082,990 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 111) 95 I Additions to Open Lines .. .. .. 389,800 367,373 6 4 5.178 13 10 Development of Water-power— 96 ' Development of Water-power . . . . .. j 50,000 0,082 4 0 Irrigation and Water-supply— 97 ! Irrigation and Water-supply .. .. .. 30,000 3,056 14 10| 202 17 11 Public Buildings— 98 General .. .. . . .. .. 70,350 40,615 9 10 3,325 12 10 99 Judicial .. .. .. .. .. 53,250 44,412 19 3 280 11 3 00 Postal and Telegraph.. .. .. .. 100,115 131.85114 1 1,030 7 0 01 Agricultural.. .. .. .. .. 8,850 3,6S3 15 9 02 Mental Hospitals .. .. .. . . 20,000 8,809 5 1 03 Hospitals and Charitable Institutions .. .. 16,501 12.744 12 II 04 Public Health .. .. .. .. 660 05 School Buildings .. .. .. .. 119,000 89.754 3 8 218 17 9 06 Workers' Dwellings .. .. .. . . 30,000; 22.044 6 0 . Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbour Defences— : 07 Lighthouses.. .. .. .. .. 7,675 5,430 14 li 2 6 0 08 Harbour-works .. .. .. .. 9.150 6,003 8 II; 09 Harbour Defences .. .. .. .. 3,000 1,144 0 2| Tourist and Health Resorts — 10 Tourist and Health Resorts .. .. ..♦ 16,200 13,601 4 0 240 12 4 Immigration— 11 Immigration.. .. .. .. .. 20.(00 39,644 7 5 27,963 14 0 Construction and Maintenance of Roads, Bridges, and other Public Works— 12] Roads, &c. .. .. .. .. .. 297,945 231.022 Kill 15,195 15 l> L3 Backblocks Roads, &c. .. .. .. 301,545 172,532 14 11 4,848 17 11 14 Road and other Works on Goldtields and Mineral 55,320 41,257 5 5 190 0 0 Lands Development of Goldfields— 15 Development of Goldfields .. .. .. 25.0011 21,800 10 8 555 18 2 Telegraph Extension — 16 Telegraph Extension .. .. .. .. 175.500J 175.133 14 (i 27.441 7 10 Contingent Defence — 17 Contingent Defence .. .. .. .. 20,0011 11.433 13 2j 99fi 17 0 Lands Improvement— 18 Improved-farm Settlements .. .. .. 16,000 20.729 .'! 10 2.583 5 5 19 Lands, Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. | 4,000 1,068 14 0 Unauthorized — Services not provided for .. .. .. .. :i.81!> 18 7 1,158 lit 7 302,194 12 o 9,082 4 0 2,793 Iβ 11 37,289 17 0 44,132 8 0 130,815 6 7 3,683 15 9 8,809 5 1 12,744 12 11 89,535 5 11 22,(544 6 6 5,428 8 1 0,003 8 11 1,144 0 2 13,360 II 8 111 11,680 13 5 12 L3 14 215,827 1 5 167,083 17 0 41,067 5 5 21,244 12 0 147,692 0 8 10,436 15 8 18,145 18 5 1,(68 14 0 2.1.00 lit 0 Total Public Works Fund .. .. .. j 3,040,6432,299,729 1(1 9 98,984 19 3 3,040,6432,299,728 10 9 98,984 19 3 2,200,744 II 6



APPENDIX B. STATEMENT of all Liabilities in respect of the Services of the Public Works Department outstanding at the Close of the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1912, prepared in Terms of Section 42 of the Public Revenues Act, 1910, and forwarded, as therein provided, to the Treasury.

Class. Votes. Summary. Class. Total. Public Works Fuhi>. £ s. d. XVI 93 Public Works, Departmental XVII 94 Railways XVIII 96 Development of Water-power XX 198-102 Public Buildings.. XXIV 112-113 Construction of Roads, Bridges, &c. XVI XVII XVIII XX XXIV •283 111 8 .. 491,600 12 3 56,157 i) I .. 176,688 10 11 .. 219,059 0 0 943,649 11 5 Consolidated Fund. V 18-20 Public Buildings, Domains, and Maintenance of Roads 7,433 15 11 Othkk Accounts. 126 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account 127 Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account 128 National Endowment Account Land for Settlements Account 9,902 5 6 9,5*2 0 0 655 0 0 2,865 0 0 28,004 5 6 Vote No. Name of Vote. Total. Total. i- u A t s. d. Public Works Fund. E s. (I. 93 Public Works, Departmental 283 19 3 283 19 3 'J4 • Railway-construction — Kaihu Railway Extension Kawakawa-Hokianga .. Kawakawa-Grahamtown North Auckland Huntly-Awaroa Tauranga-Paengaroa .. Gieborne-Motu Napier-Gisborne Mount Egmont Branch Stratford-Main Trunk Poxton - New Plymouth (Manawapou Deviation) .. Raetihi-Main Trunk South Island Main Trunk, North End South Island Main Trunk, South End MidlandNelson End Reefton Knd Otira to Bealey Broken River to Bealey Westport-Inangahua Greymouth-Point Elizabeth Lawrence-Roxburgh .. Catlin's-Waimahaka Permanent-way Materials 96 Development of Water-power 3,213 9 <■) 1,007 11 0 7 18 6 ■22,989 1!) '.I 10,183 16 4 •471 A 7 3,358 8 6 155 15 4 37 6 8 5,941 15 10 350 0 0 I (I 4 38-2 (i 3 3,6'27 I'.l 7 4,67-2 7 0 97 6 11 .. 383,896 17 10 3,704 0 2 .. 34,943 16 11 20 19 7 1,536 1 0 713 13 7 10,183 17 9 491,500 12 2 56,157 9 1 Public Buildings— 'J8 General 99 Judicial 100 Postal and Telegraph 101 Agricultural 102 Mental Hospitals .. 60,150 11 7 22,725 9 5 .. 74,791 11 3 115 16 3 18,855 2 5 1 176,638 10 11 I



APPENDIX B— continued. STATEMENT of all Liabilities in respect of the Services of the Public Works Department — continued. Vote No. I Name ol Vote. . Total. Public Works Fund — continued. £ s - dConstruction of Roads, Bridges, &o.— 112 ! Roads, &c 77'fiqn n n 113 ! Back-block Roads, &o. .. .. .. ■• • •• ' 7 ' bw u u 219,069 0 0 Total, Public Works Fund.. .. •• •■ • 943,649 11 5 I i ■ Consolidated Fund. Public Buildings, Domains, and Maintenance of Roads— 18 J Public Buildings j X, ,, ,? * 19 i Government Domains .. .. •• •• •• •• •• •• | j: J; 20 : Maintenance and Improvement of Roads.. .. •• •• ■■ ••] o>41^ 7,433 15 11 Other Accounts. Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Account— 120 i Waibou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement ... •• •■ •• ■• J.yiw 0 t> Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account— r 127 Roads to open up Crown Lands .. .. •■ •• •■ •• •■ 9 > ob ' ! u u National Endowment Aocount — 128 Roads to open up National Endowment Lands .. .. ■• ■• ■• ™° « " I Land for Settlements Account (Roads Portion) .. .. • • • ■ • • Hb& u u Total, Other Accounts .. .. •■ •■ •• •• 23,004 5 6 G. J. Glapham, Accountant. H. J. H. Blow, Public Works Department, 30th April, 1912. Under-Secretary.



APPENDIX C. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 191 1, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1912.

C ntnict Lines of Railway and Branches. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor, o Name of Contract. Contract Date Amount to be Contract was of completed. completed. Contract. Remarks. RAILWAYS. Jan. 6,1912 Kaihu Railway Extension .. I Steel and Ironwork for Waima Bridges .. | Andersons Limited .. „ 9, „ „ .. Hardwood Timber for Waima Bridges .. J. W. Wallace and Co. April 20. 1911 Kawakawa-Hokianga .. .. j „ for Ngapipito Bridges .. Fraser and Co. (Limited) June 10, „ „ .. .. Kolled Steel Joist-spans .. .. .. Sanders Bros. ,, 12, „ „ .. .. Steel and Ironwork for Ngapipito Bridges .. Massey Bros. (Limited) ,, 16, „ ,, .. .. Hardwood Timber for Bridges between 3 miles Fraser ami Co. (Limited) 40 chains and 1 1 miles 4 chains Feb. IT. .. Kawakawa-Grahamtown .. Two Platelayers' Cottages, Otira .. .. G. M. Wright Mar. 23, „ „ .. „ and Two Huts .. H.U.Foster „ 23, „ „ .. Onerahi Station Buildings.. .. .. ,, July 29, 1910 North Auckland Main Trunk .. Hardwood Timber for Bridges .. .. Dick Michael Dec. 19, ,, „ .. Topuni Station Buildings .. .. .. W. Brown and Sons Feb. 13,1911 „ .. Otamatea Bridge.. .. .. .. (i. M. Fraser „ 10. ,, „ .. Kaiwaka Station Buildings .. .. W. Brown and Sons May 23, „ „ .. Otamatea Station Cottages (3) .. .. W. Rowsell June 12. .. „ . .. „ Wharf .. .. .. G. M. Fraser Nov. 27, „ „ .. j Maungaturoto Station, Two Platelayers' Cot- W. Rowsell tagee Feb. 13, „ Huntly--Awaroa .. .. Huntlv Bridge .. .. .. .. G. M. Fraser Oct. 13,1910 Tauranga-Paengaroa .. .. Supply of Iron bark Telephone-poles .. Fraser and Co. Nov. 2, „ „ .. .. Two Platelayers' Cottages, Te Puke .. T. E. Palmer June 12,1911 „ .. .. Iron and Steel Supply .. .. .. Sanders Bros. ,, 16, „ „ .. .. Hardwood Piles and Timber for Bridges .. Fraser and Co. (Limited) Feb. 12,1910 Gisborne-Motu .. .. Otoko Viaduct .. .. .. .. G. Griffiths and Co. Sept. 22, „ „ .. .. Steel-plate Girder-spans .. .. .. Massey Bros. (Limited) May 6,1911 „ .. .. Erection of Rakauroa Station Cottages A. F. Gellert Aug. 16, „ „ .. .. Hardwood Timber for Bridges .. .. S. Brown (Limited) Nov. 2, „ „ .. .. Supply of Steel and Ironwork for Bridges .. G. Griffiths and Co. Mar. 25, 1912 „ .. .. Four Platelayers' Cottages, Matawai .. E.P.Williams Sept. 20, 1910 Stratford Main Trunk .. .. Supply of Hardwood PileR and Timber for S. Brown (Limited) Bridges Oct. 3, „ „ .. .. Pohokura Station Buildings .. .. R. J. Scott Feb. 13,1911 „ .. .. Supply of Ironbark and Hardwood Timber for S. Brown (Limited) Bridges Mar. 20. ,, „ .. .. Supply of Plate Girder-spans .. .. Sanders Bros. May 26, „ „ .. .. Supply of Ironbark Piles and Mixed Hardwood S. Brown (Limited) for Bridges June 9. ,, „ .. .. Supply of Steel and Ironwork for Bridges .. Sanders Bros. Nov. 13, ,, ,, .. .. Supply of Hardwood Timber and Piles for Fraser and Co. (Limited) Bridges £ s. d. .. I July 6, 1912 .. 1,773 4 0 , .. I „ 9, „ .. 1,437 2 0 I .. j Oct. 26, 191] .. 845 0 2 .. Jan. 10, 1912 .. 1,041 8 9 .. Dec. 12, 1911 .. 670 14 9 .. „ 16, „ .. 978 18 5 .. May 17. „ July 3, 1911 092 5 2 . . June 23, „ Nov. 15, „ 820 0 0 .. July 23, „ Dec. 23, „ 2,290 0 0 .. Jan. 29, „ .. 317 0 0 .. Mar. 19, „ Sept. 7, „ 662 12 6 .. Aug. 13, 1912 .. 20,841 0 0 .. Juno Hi. 1911 Oct. 30, „ 651 11 2 .. Aug. 23, „ „ 10, „ 1,219 16 9 .. June 12, 1912 .. 6,476 15 0 .. Feb. 27, „ Mar. 28, 1912 873 19 6 .. May 13, „ .. 17,580 6 0 .. April 21, 1911 Feb. 29,1912 520 0 0 .. Feb. 2, „ April 6, 1911 758 0 0 .. Dec. 12, „ .. 543 6 6 16, „ .. 549 3 8 .. May 12, „ Dec. 31, 1911 11,773 0 0 .. Sept. 22, „ Nov. 24 „ 3,002 0 0 0, „ Oct. 14, „ 1,124 0 0 .. Feb. 16, 1912 .. 474 5 4 .. Aug. 2, „ .. 1,034 4 0 .. June 25, „ .. 1,556 0 0 .. Jan. 20, 1911 .. 292 14 7 .. April 3, „ Aug. 1, 1911 1,290 0 0 .. Aug.. 13, „ .. 338 9 8 .. Jan. 20, 1912 Dec. 20, 1911 1,057 6 6 .. Nov. 26, 1911 .. 273 5 E .. June 9, 1912 .. 6,195 0 0 .. May 13, „ .. 829 7 9



APPEN DIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1911, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1912— continued.

n . - Contract Date Amount „ a 7 oi Lines of Railway and Brauohes. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor, to be Contract was of Remarks. completed. completed. Contract. RAILWAYS— continued. £ s d June 17,1910 South Island Main Trunk (North Ward Station Buildings .. .. .. I C. Hegglun .. .. Dec. 17, 1910 : Aug. 21, 1911 2,855 11 0 End) Dec. ti, „ Ditto .. .. .. Supply of Hardwood Piles and Timber for J. W. Wallace and Co. .. .June «, 1911 July 6, „ 363 U 3 . Bridges Feb. 16,1911 „ .. .. •• Platelayer's Cottage, Mirza .. .. J. McKinley .. .. -May 1C, „ May 22, „ 367 17 ti July 11, ,, ., .. .. •• Erection of Bridges, Mirza Section .. B. Garnham .. .. Jan. 11, 1912 .. 249 15 0 June 28, 1910 South Island Main Trunk (South Supply of Ironbark Telephone-poles .. Dick Michael .. .. Dec. 28, 1910 .. 149 3 4 Cancelled. End) Dec. 21,1911 Ditto .. .. .. Parnassus Station Buildings .. .. A. Kingsford .. .. June 21, 1912 .. 2,052 12 11 Feb. 13, 1912 „ .. .. .. Steel-plate Girders, Leader River Bridge .. E. J. Ruddick .. .. Aug. 13, „ .. 879 5 8 Sept. 21, 1911 Midland (Nelson End) .. .. Steel-plate Girder-spans .. .. .. Sanders Bios. .. .. June 21, 1911 June 16, 1911 305 18 6 Feb. 26,1912 „ „ .. .. Glenhope Station Buildings .. .. S. M. Galbraith .. .. Aug. 26, 1912 .. 4,491 8 4 Sept. 27, 1910 „ (Reefton End) .. Erection of Six Bridges .. .. .. j H.J.Reynolds .. .. Mar. 27, 1911 June 15, 1911 647 0 0 June 15,1911 „ „ .. Landing-station Buildings.. .. .. W.Kemp .. .. Dec. 15, „ Feb. 24, 1912 1,575 7 0 Aug. 1,1907 „ (Otira-Bealey) .. Otira Tunnel .. .. .. .. J. McLean and Sons (Limited) Aug. 1, 1912 .. 599,794 0 0 June 6,1910 „ (Broken River-Bealey).. Supply of Hardwood Timber for Bridges .. E. F. Broad (Limited) .. Dec. 6,1910 April 25, 1911 529 10 6 „ 28, „ „ „ .. Supply of Ironbark Telephone-poles . . Dick Michael .. .. „ 28, „ .. 298 6 8 Cancelled. Sept. 22, „ „ „ .. Steel-plate Girder-spans .. .. .. Scott Bros. (Limited) .. Sept. 22, 1911 Nov. 24, 1911 1,678 14 8 Dec. 14, „ „ „ .. Station Buildings, Cass Section .. .. J.Forbes.. .. .. June 14, „ „ 23, „ 4,022 10 6 April 26, 1911 „ „ .. Supply of Ironbark Piles and Hardwood Tim- J. A. Kedpath and Son .. Oct. 26, „ .. 824 6 8 ber, Bealey Bridges Feb. 19.1912 „ „ .. Supply of Steel and Ironwork for Bealey P. R. Williamson .. .. ,,19, 1912 .. 1,471 19 2 Bridges „ 19, „ „ „ .. Erection of Two Cottages at 37 miles 40 chain.s Paynter and Hamilton .. June 19, „ .. 873 0 0 May 5,1910 Westport-lnangahua .. .. No. 1 Formation Contract .. .. Me Williams and Andrews .. May 5, „ .. 4,768 6 8 5, „ „ .. .... 2 „ .. .. D. MeLellan .. .. 5, „ .. 5,406 0 0 „ 5, „ „ .. .. „ 3 .. .. .. D. Hannon and Co. .. „ 5, „ Oct. 23, 1911 2,279 0 9 „ 5, „ „ .. . . ., 4 .. .. .. R. H. O'Brien and Party .. „ 5, „ .. 3,531 18 0 „ 5, „ „ .. .. .. •"> .. .... Mo Williams and Andrews .. „ 5, „ .. 2,075 0 0 „ 5, „ „ .. .. ,, ti .. .. .. R. H. O'Brien and Party .. „ 5, „ .. 1,944 6 8 Mar. 31,1911 „ .. „ 7 .. .. .. Corby and Foster .. .. Mar. 31, 1913 .. 3,806 5 0 „ 31, „ „ .. .... in .. .. .. Maxwell and Maim.. .. „ 31, „ .. 10,708 10 0 „ 31, „ „ .. .... 12 .. .. .. Redmond, Moore, and Cochrane „ 31, „ .. 1,167 16 0 April 29, „ „ .. .. .. s .. .. .. T. Mui-piiy. A. Senior, and April 29, „ .. 2,942 18 0 1). Mc'Nainara „ 29, .. .. .. .. „ 9 .. .. .. Maxwell and Mann. . .. „ 29, „ .. 1,587 .". o May 25. ., „ .. .. „ II .. .. .. R. H. O'Brien .. .. May 25, „ .. 2,676 9 0 1 July 10, „ „ .. .. Te Kuha Station Building* .. .. J. H. Carow .. .. Nov. 10, 1911 Feb. 7, 1912 1,501 19 10 Dec. 19, „ „ .. . Xo. 14 Formation Contract .. .. D. MeLellan .. .. Dec. 19,1913 .. 8,565 5 0 „ 19, „ „ .. .. > „ IS „ .. .. Murray and Co. .. .. „ 19, „ .. 1,186 12 6 Feb. IS. ,, Xgahere Blackball .. .. Gatekeeper's Cottage, Ngahere Railway Bridge A. Cundy .. .. .. May 18, 1911 Sept. 2, 1911 324 3 2 June 19, „ Lawrence-Roxburgh .. .. Platelayer's Cottage .. .. ..A. McNeil.. .. .. Sept. 19, „ Oct. 14, „ 356 0 0 Deo. 21, „ „ .. .. No. 3 Formation Contract, Beaumont Section G. W. Ryan .. .. Dee. 21, 1912 .. 1,118 18 4 Nov. 8, „ Catlin's-Waimahaka (East End) Platelayers' Cottages, Papatowai and Puketito Brown and Mitchell .. Feb. 8, „ Mar. 30,1912 680 ."> ti Dee. 20. 1910 „ (West End; Tepeka" and Tokanui Station Buildings .. P. A. Lyders .. .. | June 20, 1911 Sept. 14, 1911 1,827 0 0



APPENDIX C.— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1911, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1912— continued.

Date of Contract. t> t f T* Amount Name of Contract. Contractors Name and Address. r , , f? 1 ' n ",.. of Completion. Completion. Contract Amount of Extras and Reductions to be added to or deducted from Amount of Contract. May 31, 1909 Nov. Hi. 1910 Dec W. .. Auckland. l>ll5U( BUILDINGS. £ s . (L Auckland Post-office .. .. .. .. Jamieeon, J. and W. (limited), C'hristchuroh Nov. 30, Kill .. 96,55) 0 0 Frankton Police-station .. .. .. .. Jack, G., Hamilton Kast .. .. April 10, .. .May 1!), 1911 NTH 0 0 Wellsford Police-station .. .. .. .. Ashton, T. H., Kaiwaka .. .. May 9. .. June 30, .. 1,087 r> 0 Extras, CI 4 iis. 4d. „ €70 ts. 8d. ; reductions, £11 19s. 4d. £10 6s. £17 12s. „ £57 13s.; completed by Public Works Department. £13 3s. 6d. ,, £45 8s. 8d. : reductions, £34. ■ .. 13, „ 9. .. April 18. 1911 Panicll Police-station .. .. .. .. Wright, E. W., Ellerslie .. .. April 1:5. .. May 26, „ 1,085 16 10 Morrinsville Police-station, Additions .. .. Watts. J. ('. H.. Morrinsville .. .. Afar. 7. .. June 19, „ 438 1(1 0 Warkworth Post-office .. .. .. .. Mackay, A. M., Mount Eden, Auckland .. Sept. 18. „ Oct. 10, „ 944 2 (i June 13, „ ., 13. 1911 .. 2(i. 191 I May 10. .. „* 10. . June 2(i. .. Auckland Deeds Office, Strong-room .. .. .. Frankham, C. H., Auckland .. .. July 24. .. „ 24. .. 455 0 0 EUerslie'Post-offioe .. .. .. .. Hutchison, W. E., Auckland .. .. Jan'. 13. 1912 Nov. 30, .. 1,668 0 0 Te Aroha Post-office .. .. .. .. Frankham, C. H., Auckland .. .. Feb. 12, .. .. 2,962 0 (t H.M. (!aol, Cell-doors, &e. .. .. .. .. Price, A. and G. (Limited), Auckland .. Aug. 22. Hill Jan. 10, 1(112 27s 0 0 Gallery Railings, &c. .. .. .. „ „ .. Sept. Hi. .. .. 10. ., 20(i is 7 Hamilton Courthouse, Additions .. .. .. Jack, G., Hamilton Kast .. .. Oct. 2(i. .. Dec. 9, L91J 824 Hi t> Kingsland Post-office .. .. .. .. Page, C. H., Kingsland .. .. Feb. 17. 1912 Feb. 17. l<112 1,595 0 0 Defence Storekeeper's Residence, Additions, &o. .. Jenkin, W. H., Grey Lynn, Auckland .. Sept. 17. 1911 Sept. 30, 1911 324 0 0 Tc Awamutu Post-office .. .. .. .. Orr, B., Auckland '.. .. .. .Ian. 28.1912 Jan. 11.1912 1.27(1 u (I Mount Eden Police-station .. .. .. .. Mackay, A. M., Mount Eden, Auckland .. Dec 19. 1911 Feb. 2. „ 1.234 17 <> Auckland Post-offioe, Electric Elevators .. .. Turnbull and Jones, Wellington .. .. Mar. I. 1912 .. 1,289 0 0 Extras, £78 14s. IOd. ; reductions, £4. £8 12s. ; reductions £3. July 17. .. .,' 17. .. .. 28. .. Extras, £8 12s. 8d. ; reductions, £28 15s. „ £2 f>s. : reductions, 16s. Aug. 19. .. 1. .. Nov. (i. .. Dec. 21. .. .. 21. .. Jan. 3. 1912 .. 13, „ Feb. 19. .. Auckland Courthouse .. .. .. .. Hutchison, W. E., Auckland .. .. .Nov. 0, .. .. 14.82(1 o o Putaruru Post-office .. .. .. .. Moody, A.. Hamilton Fast .. .. April 21. .. 999 (I (I Ponsonby Post-office .. .. .. .. McKinstry, L., Ponsonby, Auckland .. Aug. 21, ,, .. 3.(197 18 l> Tokanui Mental Hospital .. .. .. .. McLean and Sons, D., Wellington .. July 3. .. .. 13,027 0 0 Public Works Workshop .. .. .. .. Philcox and Sons, W., Auckland .. .May 13, „ .. 580 15 0 Devonport Post-office, Alterations .. .. .. .Mom's. E., Auckland .. .. .. April 19, .. .. i».")!i 0 0 Jan. IK. .. Mar. 19, „ .. 19. .. .. 29. .. .. 29. .. Aug. 30, 1911 „ 12, 1910 Dee. 10. .. Post-offices, Auokland and Wellington, Counter Grilles .. Riley and Co., A. 1)., (Limited), Wellington June 10, „ .. 917 0 0 Hamilton Public Buildings .. .. .. .. Snell Bros., Hamilton .. .. .. Dec. 19. .. .. .">.I8(> (I 0 Mataniata Post-office .. .. .. .. Moody, A., Hamilton Kast .. .. Aug. 19, ,, .. 1,177 0 0 Auckland New Post-office, Furniture, *c. .. .. Wink's and Hall, Auckland .. .. June 19. „ .. 607 8 0 .... Tonson, Garlick, and Co., Auckland .. .. 19, „ .. 313 3 9 Kaco Post-office .. .. .. .. .. Hare Bros., Kaeo .. .. .. Jan. 30, „ .. 833 10 0 GisborneGaol .. .. .. .. .. Colley, J., Gisboroe .. .. .. May 12, 1911 June 23, 1911 3,700 0 0 la upo Post-office .. .. .. .. .. McFariane, J. R., Rotorua .. .. Mar. 10. „ July 4, „ 1.134 (I (I Extras, £175 3s. 8d. ,, £74 11s.; reductions, £2: 16s.



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1911, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1912— continued.

ate o Name of Contract. Contractor's Name and Address, (contract. I I Name of Contract. t> * f«- «* Amount Amount of Extras and Reductions Date for Date oi e ,. i_ jj i * ii A j* Completion. Completion. r f . to be addeel to or deducted from r r Contract. Amount of Contract. ■ : I PUBLIC BUILDINGS^o^.W. Dec. 21, 1910 ' Kohukohu Post-office .. .. .. .. Cook and Son, W.. Waimatr North „ 29, „ Matata Poet-office .. .. .. .. .. Grant, C. M., Opotiki .. .. .. | £ s. d. April 21. 1911 May 25,1911 390 0 0 Extras, «9 4s. June 29, „ .. 779 12 6 April 18, 1911 Miimituke Post-office .. .. .. .. Colley, John, Giabome .. May 15, ,, Boatman's Residence at Hokianga .. .. .. Constantino and Cook, Rawene .. .. Aug. 19, ,, Tβ Kuiti Police-station .. .. .. .. Mclndoe, J., Te Kuiti .. „ 19, „ Te Kuiti Post-office, Additions and Alterations .. ., ,, Nov. 2,1911 Auckland Post-office, Marble Work .. .. .. Edwards and Son, W. (Limited), Wellington Dec. 21, .. Taumarunui Police-station .. .. .. .. 'Policy and Robinson, Taumarunui Mar. 20, 1912 Opotiki Post-office .. .. .. .. . .Massev. W., Auckland .. 27, ., Waipu Police-station .. .. .. .. Rowsell. W.. Maungaturoto July 17 1911 Ongarne Post-office .. .. .. .. ToUey and Robinson. Taumarunui Aug. 18, „ Sept. 11, 1911 798 0 0 May 16 21, „ 279 0 0 Feb. 19, 1912 .. 1.152 19 7 Oct. 28. 1911 Feb. 24, 1912 252 17 8 May 2. 1912 June 10, „ 227 5 0 „ 21, „ .. 1,276 4 0 Oct. 20, „ .. :i.:58(i 0 0 June 27, „ .. 913 0 0 Dec. 18. 1911 Jan. 29, 1912 969 16 4 - Sawks's Bay. - Feb. ."), 1910 Post-office. Wairoa .. .. .. .. Gardner, A. B., Wairoa April 18, 1911 ,, Tikokino .. .. .. .. Adams. J. H., Waipawa July 20, ,, ., Taradale .. .. .. .. Beagley and Angus, Napier Aug. 21. ,, Police I nspoctor's Residence, Napier .. .. .. Bailey. T. W., Napier .. Jan. 13, 1912 Clive Post Office .. .. .. .. .. Cairns and Paton, Havelock North Mar. 16, ,. Otane Post-office .. .. .. .. .. Seanlon and Cain, Hastings Oct. 5,1910 Jan. 10.1912 3,100 0 0 Additions (Post-office Tower), £340 7s. Aug. 18,1911 Nov. 9,1911 792 4 2 Extras, £64 9s. 4d. Nov. 20, „ Jan. 2, 1912 828 0 0 „ £8 4s. Jan. 21, 1912 .. 1,037 17 7 May 13. „ .. 820 0 0 Aug. 16, .. .. 1.215 2 0 'pAKANAKT. Nov. 8, 1910 Hahotu Post-office .. .. .. .. .. Petersen and Co. (Limited), Inglewood Jan. 25, 1911 Police-station, Waveriey, Additions and Renovations .. Price, S. J., Waverley .. Feb. 2l, ,. Post-office. Manaia .. .. .. .. Burrcll, A. B., Hawera .. June 27, .. F.ltham Post-office, Additions and Renovations .. Ryan and Son, J., Eltham ,, 13, ,, Waitara Police-station, Alterations, &c, new Lockup .. Howson, W., New Plymouth July 21, ,, New Plymouth Courthouse, Alterations, Additions, Ac. .. Coleman and Son, New Plymouth Nov. 27, „ Ohura Post-office .. .. .. .. .. Tolley and Robinson, Taumarunui Jan. 3, 1912 [nglewood Post-offioe, Additions, ftp. .. .. Coleman and Son, New Plymouth 11. ., Whangamomona Post-office .. .. .. .. Hodder, E. W., Whangamomona Feb. 20, ,, New Plymouth Public Buildings .. .. .. Coleman and Son, New Plymouth Jan. 27. ., Whangamomona Movable School .. .. .. Scott. R. J., Pohokura .. Mar. 8,1911 May 31,1911 672 (I 0 Kxtras, £33. 8, „ „ 31, „ 515 0 0 Sept. 21. „ Jan. 31,1912 3,333 0 0 Kxtras, £56 18s. ; reductions, £2. „ 27. .. Dec. 27,1911 1.130 0 0 „ £57 10s. July 11, „ Aug. 29, „ 279 4 6 Oct. 21, .. Oct. 28, „ 960 0 0 July 27. 1912 .. 1,47*5 0 0 Feb. 28, „ .. :S4K 0 0 May 11, „ .. 860 0 0 Nov. 20, ., .. I 3,399 0 0 Mar. 9, „ .. 204 15 6 Wellikqton. April (i. 1909 Pubuc Trust Office, Wellington, Fittings .. .. Wilson. J. and A. (Limited), Wellington .. Oct. 27. .. Wellington Post-office, Additions .. .. .. „ „ July 2,1910 Levin Post-office. Additions .. .. .. Pringle, W., Weraroa .. June 1, 1909 .. 718 0 0 Oct. 27, 1911 .. 96,923 0 0 2, 1910 Aug. 16, 1911 447 0 0 Extras, £164 Sβ. 9d. ;' reductions, £16 19s.



10—r>. i

APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1911, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1912— continued.

Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Contractor's Name and Address. .-, . .■ Date of Completion. Amount of Contract! Amount of Extras and Reductions to be added to or deducted from Amount of Contract. I Oct. 24, 1910 j Dec. 9, „ 8, „ ,- 21, „ w ELLi.NGTON-c OTl «n M ed. PUBLIC BUILDlNGS-continaed. Petone Courthouse .. .. .. • .. I Smart, G. C, Wellington .. .. May 24, 1911 j 1 Shannon Post-office .. .. .. .. Pringle, W., Weraroa .. .. .. „ 9, .. : Johnsonville Police-station .. .. .. .. Wakelin, G. L., Wellington .. .. April 8, .. i Otaki Police-station .. .. .. .. Pole, J. S., Otaki .. .. ,,21,,, April 24, 1911 Nov. 8, „ April 12, „ July 20, ., April 24, 1911 Nov. 8, „ April 12, „ July 20, „ I £ s. d. 1,264 0 0 1.089 0 0 1141) 9 6 I:!.') 0 0 Extras. £31 6s. ; reductions, £ (6s. £269 13s. 5d. £22 5e. „ £84 10s.; reductions £60 IDs. 5d. ,, £66 12s. 5d. : reductions, £3. ,, £67 Is. 10il. : reductions, £ 17 9s. £21. £60 9s. 4d. £35 17s. 3d. £71 12s. Feb. 16, 1911 Kilbirnie Poet-office .. .. .. ..I Sanders Bros., Wellington .. .. Oct. Iβ, Aug. 18, „ Aug. 18, „ 1.407 0 0 „ 10, „ Masterton Courthouse .. .. .. ..| King and Son, F., Masterton .. .. Dec. 16, ,, 1 May 6, 1912 May (i, 1912 6,660 10 0 April 19, ,. „ 18, „ May 23, „ ,. 23, „ ,. 23, „ „ 29, „ April II, „ Constable's Residence, Taihape .. .. .. Wrightson, G., Taihape .. .. 'Inly I!). Rangiwahia Post-office .. .. .. .. McKenzie Bros., Rangiwahia .. .. Aug. 18, „ ( Mount Cook Police Barracks . . . . .. McMillan, J. W.. Wellington .. .. Sept. 23, „ ] Newtown Police-station, Training Depot, New Gymnasium .. .. .. .. ,, 23, „ < Raetihi Police-station, Additions and Repairs .. .. Douglas and McDonald, Ohakune East .. July 24, „ i Wanganui Post-office, Alterations and Renovations .. Russell and Bignell (Limited), Wanganui .. June 29, ,, i St. Helens Hospital, Wellington .. .. .. Murdoch and Wallis. Wellington .. Feb. 11, 1912 Aug. 30, 1911 Oct. 26, „ Nov. 4, ,, Oct. 12, „ Aug. 28, „ Sept-. 22, „ Aug. 30, 1911 Oct. 26, „ Nov. 4, ,, Oct. 12, „ Aug. 28, „ Sept-. 22, „ I 483 0 0 724 11 0 648 0 0 964 0 0 285 0 0 479 4 3 9,689 0 0 June 21, ,, Aug. 21, „ Oct. 9, „ Aug. 1, „ Nov. 2, „ „ 28, „ Dec. 23, „ Aug. 1, „ Xew Store, Mount Cook .. .. .. .. Sanders Bros., Wellington .. .. Jan. 21, „ Porirua Post-office .. .. .. .. .. Mildenhall, A. H., Porirua .. .. Dec. 21,1911 1 Lower Hutt Post-office .. .. .. .. Cooper and Son, A., Lower Hutt .. Jan. 9,1912 ] Electric Elevators, General Post Office, Wellington .. Burt, A. an 1 T. (limited), Wellington .. Mar. 1, „ Marble Work, Wellington Post Office .. .. Edwards anil Son, W. H., Wellington .. May 2, „ Carterton Post-office, Additions .. .. .. Rose and Mason. Masterton .. .. Feb. 28, „ ] Ohakune Post-office. Additions and Alterations .. Douglas and McDonald, Ohakune East .. Jan. 23, „ Electric Elevators, General Post Office, Wellington, Pas- Turnbull and Jones (Limited), Wellington. . Mar. 1, ,, senger-lifts " A " and " B " Ohakune Courthouse .. .. .. .. Aldridge, T., Ohakune .. .. .. May 20, „ Kaiwarawara Post-office .. .. .. .. Seamer, A.. Wellington .. .. Aug. 19, ,, ■ Mar. 30, 1912 Feb. 1, „ Feb. 27, 1912 „ 23, „ Mar. 30, 1912 Feb. 1, „ > 1,466 0 0 67J 10 0 532 10 0 886 14 0 227 19 0 415 0 0 233 0 0 1,346 0 0 667 8 6 1.933 0 0 Extras, £4 10s. 9d. £260 17s. 2d. ; reductions, (electric lift), £500. £1,855 10s. 8d. £55 Is. 3d. £36 8s. Feb. 27, 1912 „ 23, „ Extras, £7 3s. lid. £11. £315. Jan. 19, 1912 Feb. 19, „ June 18, 1911 Jan. 9, 1912 Mar. 20, „ „ 19, „ „ 19, „ Nelson. Murchison Post-office .. .. .. .. Bredbury and Bastin, Murohison .. Nov. 18, 1911 1 Police-station .. .. .. .. „ . . May 9, 1912 Stoke Industrial School (Boys) .. .. .. Chamberlain and Stannard, Nelson .. ,, 15, ,, Postmaster's Residence. Takaka .. .. .. Green, W. H., Takaka .. .. . . July 19, „ Takaka Courthouse .. .. .. .. ,, ,, .. .. .. ,, 19, ,, Mar. 22, 1912 Mar. 22, 1912 1,096 5 0 M0 15 0 428 4 6 465 8 9 470 18 3 Extras. £21 11s. 3d. M UtLBOROUGH. Kaikoura Police-station, Additions and Alterations .. ' Jansen, C, ECaikoura .. .. .. Sept. 20, 1911 1 Nov. 9, 1911 Nov. 9, 1911 437 15 0 Extras, £26 11s. 6d. June 20, l!)l 1



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1911, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1912 — continued.

Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Contractor's Name and Address. Name of Contract. Contractor's Name and Address. Date for Completion. Date for Date of Completion. Completion. Date of Completion. Amount of Contract. Amount of Extras and Reductions to be added to or deducted from Amount of Contract. I I I PUBLIC BUILDINGS— continued. Wbstpobt. £ s. d. 6.166 17 0 I 645 0 0 867 8 3 Extras. £27 19s. 313 12 6 June 20, 1910 Feb. l>0. HIM June 15, Dec, 22, .. WV-α port Post-office .. .. .. .. Brynildsen, K., Westport West port Post-office, Clock and Bell*.. .. .. Littlejohn and Son, W., Wellington Granity Post-office .. .. .. .. McMaster, A., Westport Westport Post-office, Furniture and Fittings .. .. Fraser. P.. Westport June 20, 1911 Open Oct. 15, 1911 Oct. 30, 1911 Feb. 22, 1912 Westi.axd. Feb. IS. 1911 July 31, .. Jan. 22, 1912 Sept. l>. .. Runanga Post-office .. .. .. .. Sweetman, E. and W., Greymouth Greymouth Courthouse .. .. .. .. Kelsall and Son. (Jreynioiith Hokitika Public Buildings, Extension .. .. Drake, J., Greymouth .. Public Trust Building, Greymouth .. .. .. Cundy, A., Greymouth .. June IS. 1011 Sept. 22, 1911 May 31, 1912 Sept. 22. „ (>!)."> (I 0 Extras, £39. 5,912 8 8 5.016 13 .-. 1.449 6 0 Sept. I. 1910 $.. 23, .. Feb. 15, Mil I Mar. 24. .. Departmental Buildings, Christchurch .. .. Jamieson, J. and W. (Limited), C'hristchurch Christohurch Perry Road Post-office .. .. .. Taylor, Joseph, Christchurch Culverden Post-office .. .. .. .. Calvert, Charles, Sydenham A in berley Post-office ..' .. .. .. .. ,, .. Leeston Post-office.. .. .. .. .. Blogg, F., Christchurch May 1, 1912 Mar. 23, 1911 April 5, 1911 May 15, 1911 Aug. 15, 1911 ,, 15, „ „ 15, „ Aug. 24, „ „ 14, „ 53,564 0 0 1,235 0 0 Extras, £15 6s. 3d. 932 18 0 „ £51 18s. 6d. 914 3 0 „ £52 13s. 6d. 1,068 15 6 „ £120 18s. 9d. ; reductions, £17 15s. r>4.-> 0 0 237 10 11 Extras, £79 8s. 4d. 699 3 6 „ £30 0s. 6d. 440 0 0 „ £33 16s. 2d. 844 18 1 „ £8. 4,450 0 0 683 0 0 Extras. £195 16s. 6d. ; reductions, £4 10s. 397 0 0 „ £14 7s. 6d. ; reductions, £18. 710 0 0 „ £3. 082 0 11 „ £17 3s. 6d. 422 0-0 „ £16 14s. 584 10 0 374 7 6 April 20. „ May 1. .. „ 22, .. „ 24. .. June 1."). July I •>. 15, .. Waimate Post-office Clock and Chimee .. .. Littlejohn, W., and Sons, Wellington Hanmer Sanatorium, Repainting .. .. .. Armiger, E. J.. Christchurch Riccarton Police-station Lockup .. .. .. Kidd, J. H., Christchurch Cheviot Courthouse .. .. .. .. Wharton and Raven. Christchurch W'aiinate, Converting old Post-office into Shop .. Betten, B., and Co. .. .. Sydenham Post-office .. .. .. .. Taylor, Joseph, Linwood Rangiora Police-station, Sergeant's Residence .. .. Paynter and Hamilton. Christehurch Timarii Post-office, Raising Clock-tower .. . . Calvert, Charles. Sydenham Open June 26, ,, June 26, „ Sept. 22, „ Oct. 16, „ Aug. 22, „ Sept. 11, „ Sept. 24, „ Oct. 10, „ April 15, 1912 Dec. 15, 1911 Dec. 15, 1911 Aug. 26, „ „ 22, „ ., IS. .. .. 31, .. Nov. 4. .. 4. .. „ 14. .. Dec. 21. .. Jan. 6, 1912 Feb. 17. .. HI. .. New Brighton Police-station .. . . .. Munns, A. G., New Brighton Timaru Gaol . . .. .. .. .. Donald, James, Timaru Burwood Swimming-bath, Te Oranga Home .. .. Taylor, Joseph, Linwood Lyttelton Post-office, Raising Clock-tower, and Alterations Calvert Charles, Sydenham Mount Cook New Hermitage, Supply and Jackson, John, and Co. (Limited). Timaru Doors and Windows Waiau. Lineman's Cottage .. .. .. .. Anderson, George, Waiau Clock for Timaru Post-office.. .. .. .. Littlejohn, W., and Son, Wellington Addington Post-office Clock-tower .. .. .. Taylor, Joseph, Linwood .. Simmer Post-office, Alterations anil Additions . . .. Dibnah and Oant, Woolston Nov. 18, „ „ 30, „ Sept. 30, „ Nov. 11, „ Dec. 16, „ Dec. 23, „ Jan. 4, 1912 Sept. 14, „ Mar. 21, „ June t>, „ April 29, .. 420 0 0 650 0 0 309 10 0 412 0 0



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1911, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1912— continued.

Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Contractor's Name and Address. Date for Completion. Date of Completion. a ~ n f Amount of Extras and Reductions Amount ot tQ bc added tQ or doductod from Contract. Amount of Contract. Mar. 7, 1912 „ 16, „ >, 16, „ ., 16, „ Pleasant Point Post-office .. .. .. .. Miller Bros., Tiinaru .. .. .. I July 12, 1912 Sunnier Deaf-mutes Institution, Additions and Alterations Calvert, Charles, Sydenham .. .. Jan. 16, 1913 Christehurch Police-station, Lockup and Store.. .. White, George, Linwood .. .. May 25, 1912 Ashbiirton Police-station, Offices and Quarters.. .. Vestv. H. A., Ashburton .. .. April 27, ,, £ s. d. 1,153 15 0 3,445 5 0 269 0 0 434 19 0 Aug. 7, 1911 Development of Water-power. Hummocks Road, Formation and Metalling, Section 1 .. Henry, I).. Canterbury .. .. .. Oct. 2, 1911 Dec. 2, 1911 309 0 0 ,, 7, ,, Section 2 .. „ „ .. .. .. „ 2, „ 448 0 0 ,, 7, ,. „ 18, „ „ „ Section 3 .. Gregan, D., Christehurch .. .. ,, 2, „ „ „ Section 5 .. „ „ .. .. „ 2, „ „ „ Section 4 .. Jones, S., (ass. . .. .. .. ,, 13, ,, Dec. 2, 1911 It). .. Feb. 17. 1912 345 4 2 362 17 0 241 19 9 Jan. 12, 1912 Feb. 16, „ 17, ., Ngararaki and Koutou Cuts.. .. .. .. Lupis, T., Paeroa .. .. .. .. 12, 1912 Lake Coleridge Tonne) .. .. Mi-William*. J., Wellington .. .. Aug. 16, 1913 Erection of Eight Cottages, Lake Coleridge Water-power Mills and Kepple, Christehurch .. .. Oct. 17, 1912 Scheme 9,872 1 0 .Vi. 172 13 0 2,846 19 I I April 14, 1910 June 8, „ Oct. 26, „ Nov. 5, „ Dec. 9, „ Jan. 6, 1911 6, „ „ 27, „ April 18, „ 4. .. Otago and Southland. Departmental Buildings, Invercargill .. .. .. Shields and Andrews, Invercargill .. April 14, 1911 Invercargill Gaol. Electric Lighting .. .. .. Turnbull and Jones (Limited), Dunedin . . Dec. 8, 1910 Bannockburn Post-office .. .. .. .. Arthur, L., and Thomas, P., Cromwell .. Feb. 26,1911 Green Island Post-office .. .. .. .. Crimp, C, Green Island .. .. May 5, „ Riverton Post-office .. .. .. .. Lyders, P. A., Dunedin .. .. June 9, ,, Otekaike Special School for Boys. Kitchen Administrative Duncan, W., and Son, Dunedin .. .. Aug. 6, „ Block Smith Invercargill Police-station .. .. .. Ken- and Brown, Invereai-gill .. .. May 6, ,, Otautau Police-station. Additions and Renovations .. Seatter. K., Otautau .. .. .. Mar. :J, „ Kaitangata Post-office .. .. .. .. Watson, Rhodes, and Son.. Dunedin .. Oct. 18, „ Balclutha Post-office .. .. .. .. j Hunter, P., Balrluthn .. .. .. Nov. 4. „ June 12, 1911 May 2, „ Oct. 21, ,. Sept. 18, „ Oct. 7, „ May 18, „ April 29, „ 12,380 0 0 398 15 6 399 0 0 Extras, £60 18s. 8d. 1,070 0 0 „ £29 10s. 1,692 18 (» „ £43 10s. i>.2(i7 7 0 „ £65 15s. 8d.; reductions. £2 11s. lid. 660 0 0 £4 7s. 224 I 8 2,1.39 14 1 i»..i97 0 0 June 19, ,, Aug. 21, „ Jan. 19, 1912 Feb. 19, „ „ 19, „ „ 11, „ Repairs, Ac, Public Buildings, Clyde. . .. .. Dyer and Hurt. Dunedin .. .. Sept. 19, „ liiverearu'ill Post-office .. •• .. •• Ashley. \V.. [nvercargill .. .. Oct. 2, ,, Seaeliff Mental Hospital, Water-supply .. .. Burt, A. and T. (Limited), Dunedin .. July 19,1912 St. Helens Hospital. Dunedin, Isolation Ward .. White, J. E., Dunedin .. .. .. June 19, „ Balfour Post-office .. .. .. .. .. Latham, T., Gore .. .. .. May 19, „ Hawea Flat Post-office .. .. .. .. Wilkinson. Thomas. Clyde .. .. June 11, „ Oct. 17, 1911 3, „ 261 8 0 Estras, £9 5s. 4d. 349 0 0 r>.215 0 0 597 10 0 699 16 0 4!l.-> 9 0 I i



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1911, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1912— continued.

Date of Contract. Xame of Contract. Contractor's Name and Address. _ . , _ . c . . , Amount of Extras and Reductions Date for Date of Amount of tQ bo addc(1 tQ Qr deducted from Completion. Completion. Contract. Amount of Contract. Nov. 11. 1910 Feb. 10. 1911 May 27. .. Auckland. R0AD W0RKS - Huroa Stream Bridge .. .. .. .. Scott and I'orsyth. Tβ Kuiti Toi Bridge . . .. .. .. .. Forsyth, W. M., Te Kuiti Waipu Gorge Bridge .. .. .. •. James Bros.. Mount Roskill Jan. 11, 1911 April 10, 1911 2(il 3 0 May 16. „ Aug. 4, „ 230 14 7 Nov. 27, „ Feb. 22, 1912 670 4 4 Extras, £172 Is. 4d. : reductions. £4 10s. June 10. .. July 17, „ » 17, .. Aug. 16, „ Nov. 6, „ 6, „ ,. 14, .. Waimana River Bridge (Opouriao) .. .. .. IJixon. .1. D., Cambridge Mangaobinga Stream Bridge.. .. .. .. Forsyth, W. M., Te Kuiti Kopuku Stream Bridge . . .. .. .. James Bros.. Auckland .. Tongariro River Bridge .. .. .. . . McLeod, Robert A., Auckland Maiakopa River Bridge .. .. .. .. Scott and Forsyth. Te Kuiti Wairoa Road District Bridges .. .. .. James Bros., Auckland Waioeka River Bridge (Suspension) .. . . . . Austin and Mead, Gisbome Te Kuiti ~ Moka ii Road, Supply of 6,000 cubic feet Crushed Fouhy. P.. King-country Limestone .Metal Oparau River Bridge .. .. .. .. Scott and Forsyth, Te Kuiti Waioeka River Suspension s'tock Bridge, Okuraata Short and Cliinn. Gisborne Crossing Sept. 16, 1912 .. l.i>30 10 0 Nov. 17, 1911 Mar. 12. 1912 300 17 5 „ 17, ,. Jan. 20, „ 288 H 5 Extras, £21 19s. May 16, 1912 .. 1.273 2 11 Aug. 6. „ .. 536 Kill May (i. .. .. 791 15 10 Feb. 9. .. .. 407 10 0 Jan. 23, „ .. 485 3 4 Mar. 8. 1912 „ 11, „ Dec. 8, „ .. 1,601 16 8 July II. .. .. ITS (I 0 Sept. 23. Ifl 10 „ 23. .. .. 23. .. Dec. 30, „ Hawke's Bay. Clydebank Settlement Roads, Rotoparu Road.. .. Kelliher, J., Wairoa Maromaoku Road Rinbhangi Road .. ,, Nuhaka River Bridge .. .. .. .. Gardiner, A. l>.. Wairoa .Mai. 18, 1911 Jan. 31. 1912 284 19 7 18. .. „ 31. .. 307 13 1 18, „ „ 31, „ 174 15 l> Oct. 30. .. .. 3.136 4 0 April 19, 1911 Tongoio Lagoon (Deviation). Bridge Construction .. McGaffin, R.. Hastings .. Tongoio Lagoon (Deviation). Ktnbankment anil Road .. .... Formation Dec. 19. „ .. 1.317 17 (i Feb. 19. 1912 .. 1,950 0 0 June 21, 1910 Nov. 9, ,. Jan. 27. 191] Feb. 16, ,. Mar. 25, „ Nov. 13. .. TaKANAKI. Tangarakau River Suspension Bridge.. .. .. Grayling, !■'. M., New Plymouth.. Maunganui-o-te-ao River Bridge, Raetihi-Ohura Road .. McCalmont, W. D.. Masterton Whangamomona River Bridge, Poarangi .. .. Grayling, F. M., New Plymouth .. Ongarue River Bridge, Taumarunui .. .. .. McLean, I)., and Co. (Limited). Wellington Mokau River Bridge. Kahuweia Road .. .. Cave and Dizon, Cambridge Hardwood Timber and Piles for Tangarakau Road Bridges. Fraser and Co.. Grafton, X.S.W. Lower and .Middle Crossings June 21, 191 1 .. 1,663 0 0 Aug. 9. .. Oct. .1. 1911 1.737 0 0 Extras, £36 3s. Sept. 27 Ki. .. 860 0 0 Nov. Hi. „ Sept. 13, „ 1,170 0 0 Extras. £47 19s. .. 2.->. .. Jan. 0. 1912 l>24 0 0, „ £39. April 13. 1912 . . 533 19 2 ■ ■ Feb. 16, 1911 Jan. 0, 1912 M \ri.borough. Rai and Brown River Bridges .. .. .. Barton Bros.. Onamalutu Kahautara River Bridge, Kaikoura Country .. .. McLean, "D., and Sons, Wellington Nov. 16,1911 Mar. 1.1912 1,100 3 0 Extras, £50. April fi, 1913 .. 3,2.").") 0 0 \



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1911, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1912— continued.

Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Contractor's Name and Address. Date for Completion. Date of Completion. , Amount of Extras and Reductions Amount ot tQ be , ed tQ or deducte a from Contract. Amount of Contract. Nelson ROAD WORKS— continued. Oct. 19, inn £ s. d. 3,801 13 3 Jan. 4, 1909 Mokihinni River Bridge .. .. .. .. I Freeman and Griffiths. Westport.. . . Jnly 4, 1910 Extras for cylinders and piers. £2,839 Is. Mar. 27, 1911 Metalling Road, Mokihinui to Little Wanganui .. .. Davis, Fraser, and Hyndman, St. Helens, Aug. 27, 1911 Westport Mokihinui to Little Wanganui Road, No. 2 Road-metalling H. Langlands and E. Morris, St. Helens, Sept. 8, „ Westport Mokihinui River Bridge (approaches) . . .. Flight and McMaster, Nikau .. .. Jan. 25, 1912 (JIasseye Creek Bridge .. .. .. .. Hill, L., Little Wanganui .. .. ,,17, „ Mokihinui - Little Wanganui Road No. 2 Formation Flight and McMaster, Nikau .. .. May 10, ,, Contract Maruia River Bridge .. .. .. .. Atkinson, S. R., Westport .. . . Sept. 12, „ Rai and Brown River Bridges (approaches) .. .. McKenzie Carrying Company (Limited), April 18, ,, Blenheim Mokihinui - Little Wanganui Road, No. 3 Formation . . Smith, Fraser, and Hyndman, St. Helens, May 20, „ Westport „ „ No. 4 Formation .. Ditto .. .. .. .. „ 20, „ ,, ,, No. 5 Formation .. Neilsen and Merchant, Te Namu.. .. „ 20, ,, Matakitaka River Suspension Stock Bridge, Murchison Sigley, J., Greymouth .. .. .. Sept. 7, „ Country Mangles River-bridge (2 ft. Suspension Bridge) .. Downie Bros., Murchison .. .. Aug. 27, „ Blackwater River Road Bridge .. .. .. „ „ .. .. .. „ 27, „ Little Hope River Road Bridge .. .. .. Galbraith, S. M., Nelson .. .. ,,20, „ 1.1)44 2 6 May 8, ., 820 18 9 Nov. 17. ,. Jan. 10, 1912 224 15 0 259 1 7 440 0 0 .. 12, „ ,, 18, „ 2,061 8 6 497 15 11 .. 20, „ 271 0 0 „ 20, „ » 20, „ Mar. 7, „ 268 0 0 354 0 0 419 9 0 Feb. 27. .. „ 27, „ Mar. 20, „ 385 12 10 459 10 0 281 18 0 Mar. L6, 1910 Jan. 11, 1912 Westland. Big Wanganui Bridge, South Westland .. .. O'Donnell, J., Wellington .. .. Mar. 15, 1912 South Approach, Big Wanganui Road Bridge .. .. Haddock and Moye, Ross .. .. July 11, „ 7,908 4 7 989 0 0 June 12, 1911 Jan. Hi, 1912 » 16, „ ,. 16, „ Canterbury. Bealey Gorge Road Bridge .. .. .. .. Watson, Rhodes, and Son .. .. April 12, 1912 Douglas Settlement, Road-metalling Yards Road .. White, R., Waimate .. .. .. Mar. 12, „ „ „ Ritchie Road .. „ „ .. .. .. „ 12, „ „ „ Willow Road .. Cochrane, W., Waimate .. .. April 9, „ •• 1,192 11 0 208 5 0 553 7 0 617 13 3 Mar. IS, 1900 Otaqo and Southland. Road Formation, Felling, Clearing, Forming, Metalling, <fcc.— No. 3 Contract, Alton Survey District, Block VI, Withington, C, and Son, South Invercargill Nov. 18, 1910 Sections 9 and 10 (Reserve for Landless Natives) Road Formation and Bridge, Block XXIV, Invercar- Ryan, Dwyer, and Son, South Invercargill.. Feb. 14, 1911 gill Survey District, Waimatua— Mokatua Road April 27, 1911 762 10 0 Nov. 14. „ May 27, . : 201 15 0



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1911, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1912— continued.

Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Contractor's Name and Address. Date for Completion. Date of Completion. Amount of Contract. Amount of Extras and Reductions to be added to or deducted from Amount of Contract. • Mar. 4, 1911 „ 28, „ .. 28, „ ... 29, „ May 9, „ Aug. 31, „ Otago and R0AD WORKS-co^W. Hardwood Timber, Taieri Mouth Bridge .. .. Millar's West Australian Hardwood Company (Limited), Wellington Steel Reinforcing-bars, Taieri Mouth Bridge .. .. Otago Iron Rolling Mills Company (Limited). Burnside, Dunodin Steel and Iron Work, Taieri Mouth Bridge .. .. Stevenson and Cook, Port Chalmers Ermidale Settlement, Road-metalling.. .. .. Baird. W.. East Invercargill Meadow Settlement Roads, Forming and Metalling .. Webb, F., Rangitata Waiau River Bridge (Southland) .. .. .. Everitt and Heffeman, Wellington Sept. 4, 1911 3 days from July 31, 1911 when required July 18, 1911 „ 18, „ „' 18, „ 9. „ Aug. 12, 1911 Nov. 31, 1912 £ s. d. 1,254 4 7 I 243 0 0 285 18 9 1,363 0 0 326 19 8 Extras, £10 13s. 3,844 1 0 MISCELLANEOUS. Mar. 31, 1912 Mar. 31, 1912 Dec. 17, 1910 Auckland. Coal and Firewood Supply, Government Buildings, Auck- I Craig. J. J. (Limited), Auckland land Coal and Firewood Supply, Devonport and Forts .. .. „ Erection of Tuahine Lighthouse Tower .. .. Nicol, J. A.. Gisbome Schedule rates. „ 17, „ April 18, 1911 „ 31, „ .. 31, „ .rune 27, 1911 Aug. 15, 1911 I,186"l5 0 Feb. 17, 1911 Mar. 11, 1912 Westport. Traininir-wiill at Karamea, No. 2 Contract .. .. Foster, J., Westport No. 3 .. .. Hill and .Tones, Westport Aug. 17, 1911 Aug. 8, 1911 Sept. 11, 1912 2,315 10 3 Extras, £2 2s. 2.602 9 9



APPENDIX D. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1911, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1912, showing Deliveries to the latter Date.

Date of Contract or Contractor's Name. Address. Number of Sleepers contracted for, and Class of Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. D t Total for Conation. ™g£ Date of Completion. Agreement. NORTH IS. LAND. NORTH ISLAND. WHANGAREI DISTRICT. WHANGAREI Dl 1STRICT. 8. d. I I 21 Oct., 1910 .. Pullman and Leslie .. 28 Dec, „ .. M. J. Nelson 20 Jan., 1911 .. E. Brenatrum 27 „ „ .. G. N. Le Clere Matapouri .. Kaihu Dargaville .. Parua Bay Maropiu Opua Wellington .. >uri .. ille '.'. Bay u 8. d. 1,000 puriri .. 4 3 1,000 totara .. 3 3 900 puriri .. 3 11 i 1,000 „ .. 4 6 t :i(j crossing 20s. per 100 ft. r>00 puriri .. 3 9 1,000 totara ' .. 3 3 1,500 puriri .. 4 0 I 10 sets crossing .. 21s. per 100 ft. .. 41,798 jarrah .. 4 3 "j 1,000 puriri 1,000 totara 900 puriri 1,000 „ :>'(j crossing 500 puriri 1,000 totara 1,500 puriri 10 sets crossing 41,798 jarrah 4 3 3 3 3 11 4 6 20s. per 100 ft 3 9 3 3 4 0 21s. per 100 ft 4 3 t. Opua Kaihu Onerahi Maropiu Station .. Opua Opua Kaihu Onerahi Maropiu Station .. 27 Dec, 1910.. 575 puriri 31 Mar., 1911.. 30 June, „ .. r>10 puriri 30 „ „ .. 983 „ 36 crossing 30 „ „ .. 270 puriri 1,093 totara 18 Oct. 1,483 puriri 356 crossing 23 Dec 41,798 jarrah Contract cancelled. 2 Mar., „ .. V. Trounson 23 Dec, 1911. 18 April, „ .. T. M. Lane and .Sons Opua Hi June, „ .. Millar's West Australian Hardwood Company 23 ,, ,, James Gamble Otiria Punaruku .. Mangatu ku .. )U iU arei .. iawa 150 totara .. 2 li 150 puriri .. 3 6 2,000 totara .. 4 0 1,500 „ .. 3 6 150 totara 150 puriri 2,000 totara 1,500 „ 1,500 „ 1,000 „ 600 puriri 3,000 „ 500 „ 500 totara 250 puriri 250 totara 2 i> 3 6 4 0 3 (i 3 6 3 6 4 3 4 6 4 6 3 3 4 6 3 6 Otiria Opua Kaihu .. Otiria Opua Otiria Otiria 23 Sept., „ .. 14 totara 792 puriri 13 Oct., „ .. Nil 20 Dec 1,378 totara in XT II .962 „ 20 Nov J 38 puriri 20 De •., „ .. 616 totara 20 Feb., 1912.. 459 puriri 31 Mar. 1,000 „ 2 Oct., 1911.. 100 „ ) 240 totara J 27 Dec Nil L3 July „ .. Pickens Bros. 20 „' „ .. S. Doak Opua Kaihu 20 .. ,, J. 0. Liiieham Kaihu 1,500 „ .. 3 0 20 „ „ .. G. E. Dudding 20 „ „ F. Johansen ' 5 Aug., ,, .. Tinioko and others Mangatu Otiria Whangarei .. Kawa Kawa Parua Bay .. Wellington.. 1,000 „ .. 3 6 600 puriri .. 4 3 3,000 „ .. 4 ii I 500 „ .. 4 6 I 500 totara .. 3 3 250 puriri .. 4 6 i 250 totara .. 3 6 500 puriri .. 4 6 1,000 „ .. 4 (i 30,000 jarrah .. 4 3 Otiria Opua 19 „ „ Nan Brown Contract cancelled. 29 „ „ .. Tame Te Aim Aim . . Otiria " Bay.. ;ton.. .. i 500 puriri 1,000 „ 30,000 jarrali 4 6 4 (i 4 3 Onerahi On trucks, Opua Wharf 28 „ „ .. 219 puriri 31 „ „ .. 542 „ 23 „ „ .. Completed 2 Sept. „ .. R. Foster .. 8 „ „ .. G. N. Le Clere 23 Dec, „ .. Millar's West Australian Hardwood Company (Limited) Onerahi.. On trucks, Opua Wharf Otiria 23 Dec, 1911. 27 Feb., 1912 .. Hare Eramiha Kawa Kawa Ngawha Lawa t 250 totara .. 3 6 ( 250 puriri .. 4 6 800 ; , .. 3 6 I 250 totara 250 puriri 800 ; , 3 6 4 6 3 6 wnari Otiria Kaikohe Railway Kaikohe Railway 11/20 12 June, 1912.. 38 totara Nil 30 June, „ .. 38 puriri 12 Mar., „ .. J. W. Edmonds


APPENDIX D— continued. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1911, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department, &c. — continued.


Date of Contract or Agreement. Contraotor's Name. Address. Number of Sleepers contracted for, and Class of Timber. Bate per Sleeper. Plaoe of Delivery D Total for Completion. ™g£ Date of Completion. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. 27 Jan., 1909 .. ; E. Brenstrum 5 Oct., „ .. „ 18 June, 1910 .. Dick Michael (Gollin, agents) .. 30 Sept Fraser and Co. 30 „ „ Moir and Resta 6 Dec E. Brenstrum .. .. S. Brown, Limited .. Millar's West Australian Hardwood Company Ditto s. d. Dargaville .. .. 1,200 puriri .. 4 3 Helensville .. .. 27 July, 1909.. 2,000 „ ..4 3 „ 5 Oct., 1910.. Wellington.. .. 350, lift, by 8 in. by 9 6 Auckland .. .. 18 Sept 6 in., ironbark Grafton, N.S.W. .. 600, 7 ft. 6 in. by 8 in. 5 0 „ .. .. 1 July, „ .. by 6 in., ironbark Puhoi .. .. 3,000 totara .. 3 3 Ahuroa .. .. .. 9 Sept., 1911. . Dargaville .. .. 350 puriri .. 4 3 Helenaville .. .. 20 Mar., „ .. Wellington.. .. 350, 1 1 ft. by 8 in. by 9 3 .. 31 July, „ .. 6 in., ironbark „ .. .. 5,000 jarrah .. 4 3 Auckland .. .. 23 Dec., „ .. .. 12,000 ft. jarrah crossing 19/- per 100 ft. 412 1,952 Nil 407 Nil 343 4,956 12,013 ft. In hand. In hand. Cancelled. In hand. Completed. •21 Oct., 1910 .. Fraser and Co. t. 21 Dec, „ .. Millar's West Australian Hardwood Company 25 July, 1911 .. Ditto TAURANGA DISTRICT. / 7,650 hardwood .. 44) Grafton, New South I ™> « - 4 6 .. .. 21 April , 1911 .. Wal6S 200, 8'x6"x7", iron- * ° , ( bark 5 3 I Wellington .. 45,000 hardwood .. 4 6 „ .. ..21 June, 1911.. .. 5,000 „ .. 4 3 Auckland .. ..23 Oct., „ .. 5,671 371 212 3 44,987 4,956 .. 16 Aug., l!)li .. Samuel Brown (Limited) 2 J. J. Wallace & Co. (Limited) 5 Mar., 1912 .. Millar's West Australian Hardwood Company (Limited) GISBORNE DISTRICT. f 230, 11' x 8* x 6*, iron- 30s. % sup. ft. Gisborne .. .. 16 Feb.. 1912.. bark 60, 7'x 8" x 5", hard- 25s. % sup. ft, Wellington.. 4 m 8^ x5 . (ditto „ >§ 80, 9'x8"x5", „ 100, 10'x8*x.V. .. 76, ll'x8*xV. .. .. „ .. .. I 7,000, 7'x8»x.V'. .. 4 U „ .. .. 2 Nor., 1911.. " I 2,000, 7'x8"x5", „ 4 6 „ .. .. Additional .. f 21,000, 7' x 8" x 5", jarrah 5 0 „ .. .. 5 Sept., 1912.. 80, 7'x8"xr>",jarrah 24s. % sup. ft. „ crossing 1 160, 8' x 8" x 5", ditto 108, 9' x 8" x.")", „ „ , . .. 132, 10'x8"x5", „ „ „ .. . . 100, 1 I' x 8" x 5*, „ 1 40 57 96 71 63 76 7,000 800 Nil 29 Mar.i 1912. 24 „ „ It! Aug.. 1911 .. Millar's West Australian Hardwood Company (Limited) WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Wellington.. .. 7,500 hardwood .. 4 3 7,500 at Wellington .. 16 Feb., 1912.. 11,135, Wellington



11— J). 1

APPENDIX D— continued. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1911, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department, &c.— continued.

Date of Contract or Contractor's Name. Address. Agreement. Number of Sleepers Rate contracted for, P.ace of Delivery. fot dJgrld o£ O( £j*tlon. SOUTH ISLAND. !) .May, 1911 .. F. Fox .. .. .. Cronadun .. !) „' ,. .. C. Murcott .. 8 July, „ .. G. Feary .. .. .. „ 27 „ „ P. Brunning .. .. „ 27 „ „ T. Chinn .. .. .. Ross 7 Aug R. J. O'Brien .. . . Rimu 18 „ „ .. C. O'Regan .. .. Cronadun .. 11 Sept., „ .. A. Brown .. .. .. Okarito 19 „ „ H.Allison .. .. .. j Cronadun .. 5 Oct., „ .. F. Daniels .. .. .. Nelson Creek 11 „ „ J. Minehan .. .. Rimu 11 „ „ .. Stuart and Chapman .. Ross 2 Dec, „ .. „ „ 21 „ „ J. MoLaughlin .. . . Ngahere 21 „ „ R. Wardropp .. .. Capleston .. 7 Feb., 1912 .. T. Chinn .. .. .. Ross 13 „ „ J. Hunt .. .. .. Cronadun .. Various .. ■ Various .. .. .. Vβ rious 7 Sept., 1910 .. J. W. Wallace and Co. .. Wellington .. WESTLAND DISTRICT. 9. d. 518 silver-pine .. ! 3 3 1.227 „ .. 3 3 700 „ . . 3 3 775 „ .. I 3 3 595 .. 3 3 563 „ .. 3 3 558 „ .. 3 3 500 „ .. 3 3 807 „ .. 3 3 1,813 „ .. 3 3 540 „ .. 3 3 915 „ .. 3 3 792 „ .. 3 3 516 „ .. 3 3 1,216 „ .. 3 3 765 „ .. 3 3 .. 16,877 „ .. 3 3 421 hardwood .. 4 5 Cronadun .. .. 9 May, 1911 .. 518 9 May, 1911. 9 „ „ .. 1.227 9 „ .. 8 July „ .. 700 8 July, .. 27 „ „ .. 775 27 „ Roes Station .. 27 „ „ .. 595 27 „ „ Hokitika Station .. 7 Aug., ,, .. r>(i3 7 Aug., „ Cronadun .. .. 18 , 558 18 „ Greymouth .. .. 11 Sept., „ .. 500 11 Sept., Cronadun .. .. 19 „ „ .. 807 19 „ „ Ngahere .. .. 5 Oct 1,813 5 Oct., „ Ross .. .. 11 Nov 540 11 Nov., „ .. 11 „ „ .. 915 11 „ Ngahere .. .. 2 Dec, „ .. 792 2 Dec, Cronadun .. ..21 516 21 „ The Landing ..21 „ „ .. 1,216 21 „ Ross .. .. 7 Feb., 1912.. 765 7 Feb., 1912. Cronadun .. 13 „ „ .. 944 13 „ „ Various .. .. Various .. 16,877 Various. Greymouth .. ..I 7 Mar., 1911 .. +21 7 June, 1911. 7 Sept., 1910 .. Richardson, Blair, and McCabe j Wellington .. (Limited) Additions .. Ditto .. .. .. „ 7 Sept., 1910 .. J. W. Wallace and Co. 16 August, 1911 .. Millar's West Australian Hard „ wood Company (Limited) 16 „ „ .. Ditto .. .. .. „ 14 „ „ .. L. C. Porter Public Works Department .. Greymouth.. CHRISTCHURCH DISTRICT. 8,000 hardwood .. 3 11J 4,000 „ .. 3 1H .. 10,000 „ .. 4 0" 2,500 „ .. 4 :; 608 hardwood cross- 19s. per 100 ing super, ft. 150 hardwood bridge 28s. per 100 super, ft. 8,935 silver-pine .. ? Lyttelton .. .. 7 Mar., 1911.. | \ 12,664 23 Feb., 1912. „ .. .. Various .. ) 7 Mar., 1911.. 10,037 29 Nov., 1911. .. 16 Feb., 1912 .. 2,781 21 March, 1912. .. 16 „ „ .. 608 20 March, 1912. ..14 Dec, 1911 .. Nil 1 „ .. .. .. 8,935 23 Feb., 1912. 17 Sept., 1910 .. Richardson, Blair, and McCabe Wellington .. (Limited) 25 Oct., „ .. Cooper and Lumsden .. Tawanui 17 Nov., „ .. ! Richardson, Blair, and McCabe Wellington .. (Limit-d) 17 July, 1911 .. I Sharp Bros. .. .. Owaka 16 Aug., „ .. ! Millar's West Australian Hard- Wellington .. wood Company (Limited) DUNEDIN DISTRICT. .. 12,000 hardwood .. 3 10 1.000 totara .. 3 3 199 crossing .. 19 0 C.B.M. .. Totara, up to 500 3 3 321 jarrah crossing .. 19s. per 100 C.B.M. Dunedin .. .. 7 March, 1911.. 12,000 3 March, 1912. Catlin's Railway .. 15 June, 1911.. Nil Cancelled. Dunedin and Blufi .. No date fixed .. 166 (Dunedin). Cutli'i's Railway .. ., „ 133 Dunedin .. .. 16 Feb., 1912 .. 329 7 Sept., 1910 .. Richardson, Blair, and McCabe | Wellington .. (Limited) INVERCARGILL DISTRICT. .. 12,000 hardwood .. 3 10 Bluff .. .. 7 March, 1911.. 9,776* 10 July, 1911. ■ 2,224 slee] iere, re] iresentinj balance of contract not rei uired and diverted to L; Melton.



APPENDIX E. ANNUAL REPORT ON PUBLIC WORKS BY THE ENGINEER-IN-CHIEF. (Ist July, 1911, to 30th June, 1912.) The Engineer-in-Chief to the Hon. the Minister of Public Works. Sir,— Public Works Office, Wellington, 30th June, 1912. I have the honour to submit the following report on the various works completed and in Progress throughout the Dominion during the past year :— RAILWAYS. .\bstract. The following table shows the expenditure and liabilities on Government railways in New Zealand up to the 31st March, 1912 :—

• The amount shown as expenditure represents the net amount charged against the Dominion. + The funds for this extension —namely. i'Mii/idl 2s. lid.—were provided by the Westport Harbour Board. ; The funds for purchase of this line, £15,746, were provided by the Westport Harbour Board. % The expenditure on this line as a tramway was made by the Lands Department. il Includes expenditure on railways under Hutt Road and Railway Improvement, Railway Improvement Authorization Act and Wellington-Manawatu Railway Purchase Act Accounts. % Includes value for £150,000 paid to debenture-holders under the Midland Railway Petitions Settlement Act Amendment Act, 10OH.

Name of Railway. Total Length of Railway or Section. Open for Traffic. Expenditure to 31st March, 1912. Liabilities on 31st March, 1912. Kaihu Valley Kawakawa-Hokianga Opua Wharf - Grahamtown (Onerahi) North Auckland Main Trunk Railway (from Holensville) Helensville - Tβ Awamutu, with Brandies Hamilton-Thames, with Branches Thames Valley - Rotorua Tauranga-Paengaroa, with Branch (part of) .. Gisborne-Motu Napier-Gisborne Wellington-Napier and Palmerston North (including Te Aro Extension and Grey town Branch) Wellington-Waitara, with Branches Stratford - Okahukura North Island Main Trunk (Marton-Te Awamutu) including Raetihi Branch Picton-Waipara (South Island Main Trunk Railway)— Picton southwards Waipara northwards Nelson-Belgrove Midland Railway* .. Westport-Ngakawau Westport-Ngakawau Extension to Mokihinuif Mokihinui Colliery LineJ Westport-Inangahua Ngahere-Blackball Greymouth - Coal Creek Greymouth-Brnnner Greymouth-Mikonui Culverden-Hanmer Motor-oars and Repairs to Road Hurunui-Waitaki, with Branches Canterbury Interior Main Line—Oxford-Temuka Waitaki-Bluff, with Branches Otago Central Invercargill-Kingston, with Mararoa Branch Forest Hill Railway—Winton-Hedgehopeg Western Railways Preliminary Surveys Miscellaneous Stock of Permanent-way on hand Value of Permanent-way in hands of Railway Department Rolling-stock M. oli. 19 58 34 12 58 6 110 0 151 1 75 is 69 33 18 65 120 0 M.oh. 17 21 £ s. d. 63,578 9 9 71,372 7 6 511,198 17 10 552,902 8 0 1,584,175 0 5 497,284 19 11 356,339 10 9 53,399 18 10 4MB,749 17 11 1,861 16 1 £ a. d. 3,213 9 9 1,007 11 0 7 18 6 22,989 19 9 10,183 16 4 58 6 36 57 i 151 1 78 1H 69 88 23 74 I 471 8 7 3,358 .8 G 155 15 4 238 19 28<J 27 94 70 233 12 285 59 ±1 66 2,475,311 19 9 2,548,129 4 7 419,481 9 9 387 6 8 5,941 15 10 217 69 209 69 2,694,974 0 11 4 0 4 98 30 74 73 22 78 243 49 19 56 7 12 3 6'J 26 0 8 40 8 70 7 51 48 42 48 9 35 51 22 73 139 7 19 56 7 12 3 69 548,507 0 4 344,954 13 8 196,738 18 6 1,462,220 8 4 188,008 17 3 382 6 8 3,627 19 7 392,370 11 11 483 72 83 0 616 68 182 56 117 4 12 40 71 6 3 40 5 1 7 51 38 68 443 8 11 44 523 1 134 76 97 44 12 40 70 31 99,091 19 8 147,577 1 10 224,724 17 1 150,512 11 11 336,799 7 4 3,834 0 0 2,481,717 13 2 59,343 9 2 4,662,377 0 8 1,280,393 4 3 357,290 17 2 22,983 14 5 328,672 12 5 36,534 17 6 10,336 19 11 102,850 4 4 34,943 16 11 20 19 7 2,249 14 7 10,183 17 9 *- 25,000 0 0 5,141,805 'J 0 131,261 0 0 '• Total 3,676 26 I 2,807 56 [130,481,035 19 6 622,761 12 2 Provincial Government Links, etc. Canterbury (lengths included above) Otago and Southland Gisborne to Ormond Tramway Midland Railway, valuation of works constructed by company 731,7/59 0 0 372,522 2 5 4,975 1 7 11683,460 3 1 Grand total 3,676 26 2,807 56 32,273,752 6 7 622,761 12 2



During the financial year a total length of Hi miles 59 chains of railway, as shown in tin; following table, was opened for general traffic : —

Kaihu Valley Railway (16 m. 67 eh. to 19 m. 24 eh.—2 miles 37 chains in length). Daring the year the formation lias been completed, with the exception of four concrete culverts for which stone is ready, and four bridges, the materials for which have been arranged for under contract and are now arriving on the ground. A good deal of swamp-draining has been involved. All the necessary sleepers are in hand, and platelaying can proceed as soon as the temporary bridge at 17 m. 4 eh. has been erected. A siding 30 chains long is being construct ed at Maropiu to tap a ballast-deposit. Otiria-Otuhi Railway (13 miles 35 chains in length). Two temporary bridges were erected over the Ngapipito, near 2i m., and the formation is now approaching completion. The rails have been laid to 7m. 3 oh. A scoria ballast-pit was opened up at 1 m. 57 eh., from which the line was bottom-ballasted to 7m. 3 eh. and top-lifted from 5£ m. to 7m. A stone-crusher was installed at the pit, so that the rougher material could be utilized after crushing. The pit also supplied material for river-protection, swamp-drainage, &c. The Ngapipito Station yard at 6 m. 32 eh. is formed, sidings laid, and ballasted. The bridges are nearing completion up to 7 m. 19 eh.. except the two crossings of the Ngapipito Stream, where arrangements are now being made to replace the temporary trestles with the permanent structures, materials for which are in course of preparation. The bed of the Ngapipito Stream was lowered from the edge of the waterfall opposite 2 m. 41 eh. to where it crosses the line at 2 m. 45 eh. Opua-Gbahamtowx J.a i i.way. Kawakawa Southwards Section (7 ra. 16 eh, to 19 ra., from Opua Wharf J ; Ramarama Section (ID ra. to 27 m. 64 eh.) ; and part of Towai Section (20 in. 30 21 ra., from Kamo). —A few details in connection with the water-service were completed, extra station facilities and cottages provided, and line opened 13th April, 1911. Deepwater Section (2 ra. 50ch.). —Slips weir removed from various outtings and extra stone pitching was provided in low places. Station buildings were completed at Onerahi, and a water-supply is being laid to same. The bridge at Kioreroa was overhauled, and the lifting-span arrangements altered so that the lift is now operated by an oil-i agine. This section was handed over to the Railway Department on the 2nd October, 1911. North Auckland Railway. Kaiwaka Section (72 m. loch, to 81 ra. 30 eh.). —This section of the railway has been completed during the year, including balance of formation, Ross Mill Tunnel, station yards and buildings at Topuni and Kaiwaka. Owing to extensive slips, which have not yet ceased to give trouble, the section has not been handed over to the Railway Department, but the traffic is being worked by the Public Works Department. Otamatea Section (81 ra. 30 eh. to 83 m. 75 eh.) the exception of the Kaitara bank and culvert, the formation is completed. Platelaying and ballasting are completed to 83 m. 20 eh., also fencing. Of the Otamatea Wharf thirteen hays are completed. Three cottages have been erected at Otamatea Station. The contractor for the Otamatea Bridge contract is making very slow progress, owing to his difficulty in obtaining suitable labour. Bickerstaffe Section (83 in. 75 eh. to 88 m. 21) eh.). —The formation and culverts on this section are well advanced. The Bickerstaffe Tunnel has 5A chains completed out of 8\ chains, and the fronts aie also completed. A start has been made at the Maungaturoto Tunnel (24 chains long) ; the south front is completed, and driving and lining are in hand. The Muddy Creek Bridge is making good progress. Two cottages have been erected at Maungaturoto. McCarroll's Section (88 m. 20 eh. to 96 in. 37ch,). —The work on this section is just started, 23 chains being in hand. Kaikohe Section (13 ra. 35 eh. to 16 ra. 25 eh. 2 miles 70 chains in length). The earthwork on this section, which is being constructed in conjunction with the Otiria Otuni connection, is well ad-

Plan Mileages. Plan Mileages. Railway. Section. Length. Date of handin " 6 over. M. ch. M. ch. 7 16 to 27 641 „ . „ , ,. , ,., 20 SO t 21 0> -K- awa k<iwa-"wrahnmtowii. . Kawakawa -1 owai 33 45 to 48 9 Picton-Waipara . . Seddon-Ward 24 47 to 32 74 Catlin's - Seaward Bush .. Waimahaka Tokanui 2 0 to 4 50 Kawakawa-Grahamtown.. Kioreroa (Opua) — Onerahi (Grahamtown) M. ch. 1911. 21 18 12 April. 14 44 13 April. 8 27 20 September. 2 50 2 October. 46 59

D.— l


vanced up to 15 m. 40 eh. An approach-road over \ mile in length has been made to Otuhi Station, 13 m. 60 eh., from the Mangakahia Road. Temporary trestles are being erected over the majority of the culverts. The material for the culverts will be brought up by train when rails are laid. Huntly-Awaroa Railway. Huntly-Awaroa Section (7 miles 34 chains in length). —The first 3 miles of formation are in hand, but high water in the swamps has retarded progress. The work on the bridge over the Waikato River is somewhat behind, owing to the contractor's difficulty in obtaining suitable labour. All the ferroconcrete piles are driven, seven piers are completed, two 40 ft. spans are in place, and one 100 ft. span in progress, which is very slow indeed generally. East Coast Main Trunk Railway. Waihi-Tauranga. Waihi Southwards. —Work was started on this line in March, 1912, and formation and culverts are in hand for a distance of 4 miles. Taura nga-Opot iki. Maunganui - Te Puke Section (13 miles in length). —The formation on this section is practically completed, but the subsidence which has taken and is taking place on the swamps crossed by the line renders a large amount of work in lifting the banks necessary. Stability will not be reached for some time yet. Drifting sand has caused some trouble, but is being successfully coped with. The rails have been laid for a distance of 8f miles. A ballast-quarry was opened up on Moturiki Island; 1 mile of line constructed thereto; crushers, elevator, and bins have been installed; and ballasting started. The first lift of ballasting has been done for a distance of 3 miles 45 chains, and also a quantity of metal for culverts and road-crossings has been supplied. The telephone-line has been laid from the Mount to Te Puke and from the junction at 45 m. to the Tauranga office, including a cable across the harbour. 7J miles of fence (both sides) with gates have been completed. In order to push on with the platelaying and ballasting an additional crusher is being installed, and two locomotives with ballast-trucks are at work. Te Puke-Paengaroa Section (5 m. 65 eh.). —Work has been in progress on this section since April, 1912, and is making satisfactory progress. . Gisborne-Motu. Otoko Section (23 m. 50 eh. to 31 m. 45 eh.—7 miles 75 chains in length). — A good deal of work has been necessary in the removal of slips. The Otoko Viaduct is completed. Immediately on completion of the viaduct the ballasting of the remainder of the section, including the Otoko Station yard, was finished, and the section was handed over to the Working Railways Department on the Bth April, 1912. Rakauroa Section (31 ra. 45 eh. to 38 m. 25 eh. — 6 miles 60 chains in length). —The formation on this section is well advanced, although a great deal of trouble has been experienced with heavy slips. On this section the most notable works are a 10-ft.-diameter water-tunnel, 350 ft. long, at 33 m. 61 eh. (the filling over this gully is 250 ft. long by 81 ft. high) ; three bridges ranging up to 80 ft. in height, with two spans of 66 ft., two of 44 ft., eight of 33 ft., and four of 22 ft. The bridge-piers at the Waikohu River Bridge at 37 m. 52 eh. are ready for the girders. The rails are laid to 37 m. 50 eh. Owing to the exhaustion of the ballast-pit at Te Karaka, ballast for only a light lift could be put on the worst places. A new pit at Te Puna is now being opened up. Four cottages have been erected at Rakauroa Station. The fencing is complete. Matawai Section (38 m. 25 eh. to 44 ra. 10 ch. — s miles 65 chains in length). —The formation on this section is almost complete in the ordinary way, but owing to the unstable nature of the country many of the cuttings are still slipping and bulging, so that it is difficult to say when finality will be reached. The large cutting at 39 m. 55 eh. is making good progress, but is being pushed on and will soon be cut through. The tunnel at 42J m. is all excavated, and the lining is in hand. The piers of the bridge at 38 m. 32 eh. are well advanced, and the superstructure is nearly ready. The Matawai Station yard, with approach-road formation, is completed, and four cottages are in course of erection. The fencing is complete, with exception of some gates. Motu Section (44 m. 10 eh. to 50 m.). —Works on this section have just been commenced. The almost impassable state of the roads has prevented a vigorous prosecution of the works on this section during the recent wet weather. Gisborne-Napier, Gisborne End. Ngatapa Section (om. to 11 m. 41 eh.) —Formation-work on this section has been in hand about three months. The earthworks are manned up to about 9m. One mile of fencing has been erected, and some culvert-sites excavated. The survey is completed to 11 m., and is in hand beyond. Gisborne-Napier, Napier End. Eskdale Section (about 10 miles in length). —The works on the first portion of this section are light, and 4| miles have already been formed. The survey is complete for 9 miles. Borings are in progress to test the nature of the bottom of the inner harbour, across which the line runs for nearly 2 miles, and over which one or two bridges will be required.



Stratford - Main Trunk Railway. Western End. Pohokura Section (22 in. 65 eh. to 31 in. 40ch. — 8 miles 55 chains in length). —This section is complete, and arrangements have been made to hand it over to the Railway Department. Whangamomona Section (31 in. 40 eh, to 37 in. 53 eh. — 6 miles 13 chains in length). —Most of the earthworks on this section are complete, although several of the cuttings which slipped badly continue to give trouble, especially on the eastern side of Whangamomona Tunnel. At 35 m. the line was slightly deviated to avoid a bad slip. The Whangamomona Tunnel (30J chains) is complete. The platelayinu is complete to 35 m. 71 eh. The first lift of ballasting is done to 35 m. 71 eh. The ballasting is finished to 34 m. 10 eh. To facilitate the transport of materials ahead and hasten the erection of bridges, a horse-tram has been constructed from the rail-head to the Whangamomona Township, and will be extended to the end of works as soon as possible, as carting has become practically impossible. The piers of bridge at 35 m. 71 eh. are nearing completion, and other bridges are in hand. Tahora Section (37 ra. 53 eh. to 47 m. 30 eh.). —All earthworks are in hand up to 45 m., and are practically complete to 38 m. There are two bad slips at 37 m. 57 eh. and 38 m. 12 eh. Most of the creeks have been temporarily bridged until material for the culverts can be brought by train and tram. At Tahora Saddle four water-drives, totalling 1,166 ft. in length, have been driven to drain banks between 44 m. 56 eh. and 44 m. 68 eh. The very large cutting at 44 m. 70 eh. is started. To facilitate and expedite its excavation a heading is being driven through. The bottom heading of tunnel at 44 m. 52 eh. is commenced. All the tunnel-blocks and washed gravel for this tunnel are ready at Skinner Road ballast-pit. Eastern End. Okaroa Section. —After exhaustive examination a route was found connecting with the North Island Main Trunk line at Okahukara instead of at Ongarue, as originally intended, which was shorter by a distance of 6 miles. This route was adopted, and has been permanently surveyed for a distance of 9| miles. A service-road to give access to the line during construction, and which will serve afterwards as a main road through the Whatitokarua Block, is being formed and pumiced. This road is well advanced, and should be available for through traffic before Christmas. The clearing of the line of railway is completed to the eastern side of the Summit Tunnel. The culverts on the first If miles are well advanced, and every cutting on that length that can be conveniently manned is being worked. Information is being collected to enable tenders to be called for the construction of the tunnel, 74 chains in length, and its approaches. Mount Eomont Railway. This line has been cleared up to 8 m. 10 eh., and formation is nearly completed to 8 m. The Little River diversion is approximately half-finished, as is also the formation of the stationvan! at the. foot of the Rope incline. Timber for the Little River bridges is being squared in the busli near the site. Full information has been obtained of the extent and lie of the rock-deposit. The inclination of both the top and bottom of the rock, and also the surrounding country, is such that the devising of a practicable scheme for cheaply working the quarry has been a matter of some difficulty. A contour survey (with plan) extending over a very large area was found necessary and was carried out, and the working arrangements are now being elaborated. Ohakune-Raetihi Branch Railway. Though the first sod of this line was turned on the 19th February, very little has been done, owing to the necessity for a considerable amount of trial survey before the best route could be ascertained. The permanent line has been pegged for a distance of 2 miles, and plans are being prepared ; meanwhile a few men are engaged on bushwork. South Island Main Trunk Railway. North End. Mirza Section, (48 m. 9 eh, to 51 in. 45 eh — 3 miles 36 chains in length). —The formation of this section is so far advanced as to be ready for platelaying throughout, including the Mirza Station yard. Most of the material is on hand for platelaying. A school for the use of workmen's children has been erected at Mirza Station. Mills Section (51 ra. 45ch. to 56 in. 6ch. — imiles 41 chains in length). —The formation on this section, which is comparatively heavy, is well advanced as far as the Ure River (54 m.), and is in hand to 54 m. 70 eh. Two water-drives, totalling 384 ft., were driven and lined at 53 m. 14 eh. and 53 m. 24 eh. The excavation of the tunnel at 53 m. 2 eh. is in hand, and lining-material is being obtained and blocks moulded. Owing to the country along the line south of the Ure River being composed entirely of sand, it has been found necessary to thickly plant all the slopes of cuttings with marramgrass and also to partially cover large areas of adjacent bare sand with marram, lupin, and other sandbinding plants. Plans of the Ure River Bridge are ready for the calling of tenders.



South End. Parnassus Section (35 m. 50 eh. to 44 m. 13 eh. — Bmiles 43 chains in length). —With the exception of one loop at Spotswood, the formation, platelaying, and ballasting are complete. The buildings are in hand, and should be finished and the line ready for handing over in about two months. Mendip Section (44 in. 13 eh. to 51 m. — 6 miles 67 chains in length). —A contract has been let for the steel girders of the Leader River Bridge. A fair amount of work has been done up to 48 m., but beyond nothing is in hand except a water-drive at the Hookamsnywy Creek. Midland Railway. Nelson~W estland Section, North End. Glenhope Section (49 in. 55 eh. to 59 in. 17 eh. — 9 miles 42 chains in length). —This section is completed with the exception of a few days' work boxing-in the ballasting on the last mile, and the Glenhope Station buildings, which are well advanced. The Summit cutting at 55 m. 30 eh. gave a good deal of trouble in slipping, but now appears stable. Kawaliri Section (59 in, 17 eh. to 65 in. —-5 miles 63 chains in length). —The bushfelling and clearing has been done on the first 2 miles of this section, and cuttings are in hand up to 60 m. 60 eh. Culverts are being built in advance of the earthworks as required. Nelson-W estland Section, Sunlit End. Cronadun—Landing Section (45 m, 40 eh. to 54 m. — 8 miles 40 chains in length). —The station buildings at Rotokohu and Landing are completed, and general maintenance-work has been carried out, pending the handing-over of the section to the Railway Department. Landing - Inangahua Junction Section (54 ra. to 60 m. — 6 miles in length). —The bushwork is completed as far as 59 m., to which point the formation is also in hand. Pending the construction of the junction with the Westport-Inangahua Railway, a temporary station will be constructed at 58 m. 30 eh. The foundations of the Hard Creek Bridge have been excavated. Canterbury-W estland Section, West End. Otira Section (50 iii. 38 eh. to 51 ra. 10 eh. — 1 mile 2 chains in length). — Extensive groyne protection has been rendered necessary by the encroachment of the Otira River on the railway bank approaching the Rolleston Bridge. This work is now in hand. Arthur's Pass Tunnel Contract (51 ra. 40 eh. to 59 m. 40ch.—8 miles in length). —At the Otira end 1 mile 30J chains of tunnel have been completed, and the, bottom heading is 38f chains further advanced. At the Bealey end 23| chains have been completed, and the heading driven a further IJ chains. This leaves 3 miles 8J chains between headings and 3 miles 51 chains between completed portions. The approach-banks are making fair progress, and the Arthur's Pass Station is being formed. Canterbury-Westland Section, East End. Cuss Section (12m. 18ch. to 27 ra. 40 eh. — 15 miles 22 chains in length). —The buildings have been completed and handed over to the Railway Department, who have been operating the line since December, 1910. Bealey Section (21 m. 40 eh. to II n>. 46 eh., or east end of Arthur's Pass Tunnel Contract—l 3 miles 75chains in length) . —The formation of the section is complete to 38 m., ami the balance is about half-finished. The work includes heavy cuttings and shingle-banks along the Waimakariri and Bealey Rivers, necessitating a large amount of protective works by means of wire gabions and heavy rock. The gabion protection-work is completed to 38 m., but a good deal of heavy rock is still required. The ('ass, Waimakariri, and Douglas Creek bridges are finished, and those over the Bealey, Halpin Creek, and Rough ('reek are about to be started. The rails are laid to 36 in., and partly ballasted to 31 m. Two cottages have been erected at Coralin. Westport-Inangahua Railway. Te Kuha Section (0 m. to 5 ra. 74 eh. — 5 miles 74 chains in length). —This section has been completed ami handed over to the Railway Department, Ist April, 1912. Cascade Section (5 in. 74ch. to 12 m. — 6miles 6chains in length). —Portion of this work under the co-operative system, 5 m. 74 eh. to 6 m. 35 eh., is almost completed, and the balance as far as 10 m., let in small contracts, is well in hand. The tunnel at 6m. loch, is completed. Though through granite, it required timbering and then lining throughout. Contract No. 1 (6 m. 35cii. to 6m. 70 eh.) : Over half the contract is completed. Contract No. 2 (6 m. 70 eh. to 7m. 2 eh.) : This contract should be completed within a month ; portion of the tunnel on this contract was taken out as an open cutting ; the rest gave no trouble. Contract No. 3(7m. 3 eh. to 7m. 135 eh.) : Completed. Contract No. I (7m. 135 eh. to 7m. 21 eh.) : Completed. Contract No. 5(7m. 22 eh. to 7m. 33 eh.): Completed. Contract No. 6(7 m. 335 eh. to 7m. 385 eh.) : Completed, Contract No. 7(7 m. 46-60 eh. to 8 m.) : This contract is about one-third completed ; the work done includes the concrete abutments of bridge at 7m. 65 eh. Contract No. 8( Bm. 385 eh.): Not much progress has been made with this contract. Contract No. 9(8 m. 42 - 4 eh. to Bm. 50*5 eh.) : This contract is more than halffinished. Contract No. 10 (8 ni. 505 eh. to Bm. 65 eh.) : Very little progress is evident on the con-



tract; the contractors have been allowed to take out an open cutting instead of the tunnel between Bm. 51 eh. and Bm. 55 eh. without extra payment. Contract No. 11 (7 m. 3850 eh. to 7m. 46"60 eh.): Nearing completion. Contract No. 12 (Bm. 65ch. to Bm. 79ch.): Contractors made very poor progress, and finally abandoned their contract in May, 1912. Contract No. 13 (9 m. 55 eh. to 9m. 28 eh.); Contract No. 14 (9 m. 28 eh. to 9m. 39 eh.); Contract No. 15 (9 m. 39 eh. to 9m. 53 eh.) : These contracts are little more than started, but contractors are attacking the work in earnest. Contract No. 16 (9 m. 53 eh. to 9m. 595 eh.); Contract No. 17 (9 m. 595 eh. to 10 m.) : Just begun work. A contract has been let for the bushfelling from 10 m. to 12 m., and work is progressing well. Ngahere-Blackball Railway. The gatekeeper's cottage at Ngahere Bridge has been completed, and the gates fixed at ends of bridge. Greymouth - Point Elizabeth Collieries Railway Extension. Coal Creek Section (3 miles 69 chains in length). —The persistent wet weather and the magnitude of the slips which have required to be removed have resulted in a very small progress for the year. All the formation for the back-shunt sidings is completed, and part of the platelaying of same also. The Fell central braking-rail has not yet been fixed on the incline. The bridges are complete except the superstructure of the Seven-mile Creek. A water-supply has been brought in from the Davey Creek, and a temporary engine-shed erected at 8 m. Ross-Waitaha Railway. Plans of the 3 miles south of Ross have been completed, and drawings and specifications for t he bridge over the Mikonui River prepared. Catlin's-Waimahaka Railway. Catlin's End. ■ Papatupu Section (24 m. 8 eh. to 27 m, 50 eh. — 3 miles 42 chains in length). —This section is complete, and goods traffic is being worked by the Public Works Department. Puketiro Section (27 m. 50ch. to 31 in, 30ch. — 3 miles 60 chains in length). —The formation on this section is completed. In places where slips occurred or threatened it has been necessary to flatten the batters, notably at 31 m. 20 eh. The bank at 26 m. 37 eh. slipped badly after protracted bad weather, and traffic was suspended for a week, during which time the subsidence was made up with rock. The culvert will require lengthening. Platelaying, including the Puketiro Station yard, was completed. Ballasting was carried to 31 m. 17 eh., but final boxing-up was not done beyond 30 m. 5 eh., and on some of the high banks where further settlement under traffic is expected only temporary packing was done. Fencing is complete, also telephone-line. .Additions were made to station building at Papatupu, and a cottage was erected at Puketiro. Papatowai Section (31 in. 30 eh. to 37 ra. — 5 miles 50 chains in length). —The bushwork, including clearing of Papatowai Station yard and sites for four cottages, is completed. The extreme wetness of the year militated against rapid progress in the earthworks, but, as all cuttings were fully manned immediately the culverts were completed, and double shifts worked in the larger cuttings, the progress was substantial. A bad landslide took place near 33 m. 55 eh., consequently the line was deviated for some distance in order to partially avoid the bad ground. Other slips have occurred, and some are still giving trouble. Caberfeidh and Papatowai Station sites are being levelled, and are well advanced. Road overbridges were constructed at 31 m. 31 eh. and 33 m. 4650 eh. The service-tram was laid to 36 m. 12 eh., and a temporary telephone-line to the same point. A cottage was erected at Papatowai. Waimahaka End. Tokonui Section (24 in. 48 eh, to 32 m. 75 ch. — B miles 27 chains in length). —This section was completed and handed over to the Railway Department on the 20th September, 1911. A turntable has yet to be provided. Lawrence-Roxburgh Railway. Beaumont Section (29 m. 33 eh, to 35 in. — Smiles 47 chains in length). —The approach-cutting to the Lawrence end of the Big Hill Tunnel was completed, and the tunnel put in hand at that end also. The bottom heading is now pierced, and enlarging and concreting are in hand from each end. The Beaumont portal and 101 chains of the lining are complete. A further portion is enlarged, and it is hoped that the tunnel will be completed by the beginning of 1913. The formation is well advanced to 30 m. 67 eh. On the section 30 m. 67 eh. to 31 m. 35 eh., which has been let by contract, very poor progress has been made. From 31 m. 35 eh. to 32 m. the work is progressing satisfactorily. Fencing has been erected both sides up to 30 m. 76 eh. A cottage has been erected at 31 m. 76 eh., and the telephone-line extended to this point.



SURVEYS OF RAILWAYS UNDER CONSTRUCTION, NEW LINES OF RAILWAY, LAND PLANS, ETC. North Auckland Railway. The permanent survey has been completed to Huirau, near 90 m. The land plans are completed to 86 m. 69 ch., and are in hand to 88 m. 45 ch. HUNTLY-AWAROA. r The permanent survey has been completed to 5 m, 40 ch., and trial surveys for another 3 miles have been made to the Waingaro Saddle. The land plans to 3 m. are in hand. East Coast Railway. Paenqaroa to Te Teko via Pongakawa and Rotoma.—A trial survey of this route was carried out. Te Maunga to Wairoa River.—Several alternative lines were investigated, and one ma Elizabeth Street, Tauranga, was trial-surveyed. Rotorua to Paengaroa via Okere.—A rough trial survey of this line was carried out. Waihi Southwards to Tauranga.—The permanent survey and plans of this were completed tor a distance of 4 miles. „ . . n „ „ ,, , Tauranqa to Te Puke.- -Land plans from The Mount to Te Puke are well in hand all field-work being done, and plans only awaiting Survey Department's approval. The permanent location survey was completed from Te Puke to Paengaroa. Gisborne-Motu.—The permanent survey and plans to 48 m. are finished. _ Motu-Opotiki.—Two trial surveys have been carried through. The country is exceedingly rough, and many difficulties had to be surmounted. Gisborne-Napier.—The trial survey has been in hand up to 46 m. at the Gisborne end, and a permanent survey with plans has been made up to 11 m. In addition, some 3| miles were surveyed on the abandoned King's Road route. The permanent survey has been completed at the Napier end to 9 m., and the plans to 6 m. Stratford - Main Trunk Railway. West End —The trial survey has been extended to the banks of the Tangarakau River The permanent survey has been completed from 42 m. 50 ch. to 49 m., some distance beyond Tahora l< East End.—The permanent survey is completed to 9 m., and the plans to 5 m. from the junction with the North Island Main Trunk Railway at Okahukura. Ohakune-Raetihi Branch Railway. There have been 3| miles of trial line run, and 2 miles of permanent line pegged, and plans made. Midland Railway. Nelson End.— From Glenhope a trial line has been surveyed for 5| miles, and the permanent line has been pegged for 3 miles along the Kawatiri Section. .,„.(,, , Inangahua End.-k permanent survey has been made of a deviation of the Reefton Section at Inansahua Junction. . . . , w , , , Canterbury End.— The permanent survey was completed, joming up with the Westland end. South Island Main Trunk Railway. Canterbury (South) End.— Further trial-survey work has been put in hand to endeavour to obtain an improved route through the heavy country on each side of the Conway River. Ross-Waitaha Railway. The permanent survey and plans have been completed to the Mikonui Station, about 3 miles. Catlin's-Waimahaka Railway. East End —The permanent line has been pegged to 41 m. 47 ch. (end of authorization), and plans are being prepared. Land plans are in hand up to 36 m. 57 ch. (Papatowai). West End.— -Trial survey has been completed to Marinui, 6 miles 7.3 chains from J okonui. Lawrence-Roxburgh Railway. Permanent line is pegged to Beaumont, and plans are in hand. Land plans are in hand from 29 m. 30 ch. to 32 m. Orepuki-Waiau Railway. A trial survey to Orawia is in hand.



ROADS AND BRIDGES. The quantity of work carried out under this head, though considerable, has not been equal to expectations, owing to the extremely wet weather experienced between October. 1911, and the end of this year, during which period the greater part of the year's work is usually done. This year, however, very many of the roads did not dry up sufficiently to allow of any satisfactory work beingdone. It is feared that the endeavour to gel something done in spite of the climatic conditions lias not resulted in the usual amount of value being obtained for the expenditure. Under all votes and accounts except roads on goldfields, the total expenditure on roads during the last financial veai' amounted to £485.422. The amount expended during the quarter ended 30th June, 1912, was £113,852. The Ohura Road, connecting the Te Kuiti district with southern Taranaki. and giving access to the greater part of central Taranaki. is now connected through with the exception of two bridges over the Tangarakau, which it is hoped will be sufficiently advanced to admit through road traffic before the New Year. However, numerous slips have occurred for many miles, and a large expenditure will be required in open the road and, for some time yet, to keep it open. Hodge's Bridge, Awanui; Waipu Gorge Bridge; Ongarue Bridge, near Taumarunui; Mangonui-o-le-Ao Bridge; Whangamomona (Porangi) Bridge; Kohuratahi Bridge; Hooker Bridge. —These bridges, mentioned in last year's report as being in hand, are now completed. The approaches and their protective works at the Big Wanganui Bridge are well in hand. The river changed its course somewhat during the erection, rendering protective groynes ami a lengthening of the bridge, necessary. The lengthening is not yet completed. Wanganui Town Bridge (Dublin Street). A contract has been let by the Borough Council for the erection of this bridge, and the contractor has all the. piles manufactured and a fair amount of plant and material on the site. Pile-driving has been commenced, but has not proved satisfactory, and is now hung up. Taieri Mouth Bridge. This is the structure, for which, on the Department's design, the local authorities were unable to obtain tenders anything like the estimate, and called on the Government to make good its estimate. The work was accordingly taken over by the Department, the material purchased, and everything carried out for a sum comfortably within the, estimate. Waiau Bridge, Southland. —A contract, has been let for this, and the work is in hand. So far the contractors have not made much progress and have now come to a stop. Shotover Bridge. —The deadlock between the contractor and the local body still continues, but negotiations are in train with the idea of the Government taking over control, and it is hoped that he structure and its approaches will be completed early in the New Year. Henderson Pound Bridge. —-This is a reinforced-concrete arched bridge, and was erected by the local authorities. It is now proposed to erect a similar structure at Wade, under Government subsidy. Waimoko Bridge. —This structure was completed. Nuhaka Bridge. This bridge was completed. Esk River Bridge, —This is a ferro-concrete structure built during the current year by the local authority. Waipukurau Bridge. —Extensive repairs were carried out to this bridge. Rai and Brown River Bridges. —Bridges and approaches thereto were constructed over these ivers. Wairau Flood Damage. —An expenditure of nearly £4,000 was necessary to repair the damage as a pound-for-pound subsidy paid to the local authorities, who did the repairs. Ashley Traffic-bridge. —This ferro-concrete structure was erected by the local authorities. Waikato Bridge at Tokaanu. —Owing to erosion of the river-bank and consequent change in course of river, it was found necessary to shift the bridge, and the opportunity was taken during dismantling and re-erecting to thoroughly repair it. The re-erection is nearing completion. Tongoio Lagoon Deviation. —An extensive deviation of the main road to avoid the outlet of the lagoon was constructed. Coalgate to Gorge Road. —Owing to the local body nt»t keeping this road in a fit state to carry the heavy traffic caused by the hydro-electric works at Lake Coleridge, it has been decided that the Department should take over the road, and arrangements are being made accordingly. Waimana Bridge, Opouriao. —The plans of this structure were supplied by the Department to the local body, who are carrying out the work. Waihoit River Bridge, including a Bwing span, for which purpose the swing span in the railway bridge at Paeroa (now no longer required there) is to be utilized, was put in hand under the super vision of the local body. Floods Crossing, Mokau River (Kahuwera), Waitara, Opium. Wuipurn. Waiapu, and Motupiko Bridges. —These bridges, for some of which the Government supplied the plans to local bodies, are in hand. Clutha River Bridge (at Luggate). —Plans for two alternative designs at this crossing have been prepared by the local body and sent in for approval. Working drawings of the following bridges have been prepared in the Head Office during the past year: Waikaka Stream: Maruia River; Ruakituri River: Pea-soup Creek; Oparau River;

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Wairoa River. Tauranga ; Wairau River, Renwicktown ; Waitawhena Road, Ohura ;TWaiapu River ; Little Hope. Matakitaki, Blackwater. Murchison; Kahautara River; Ngatiawa Road; Waipa River, Pirongia: Mangaturuturu Stream, Waimarino; Onekaka River, Collingwood; Hapuka (Road and Railway) ; Stanley Brook, Waimea County; Takaka River. Long Plain Road; Tukituki River, Hawke's Bay. IRRIGATION. Otekaike Settlement. —The scheme for the irrigation of a portion of the Otekaike Estate (acquired for closer settlement), lying on the western side of the Otekaike River, was completed and handed over to the Lands Department, who arc arranging with the settlers for its future management and maintenance. Central Otago Irrigation. —lda Valley No. 1 scheme : All the necessary information was obtained in connection with the location and design of the impounding reservoirs in the Manorburn and Poolburn Valleys, from which the scheme will be supplied. Investigations made to ascertain the possibilities of turning other creeks into the reservoirs and so increasing the water available showed that Maori Creek could bo easily turned into the Poolburn No. 2 Reservoir, but other diversions were not favourable. The balance of the smaller distributaries were sit out. and plans of same made. Some of the distributaries in connection with the Ida Valley No. 2 scheme were also set out. The plans of the Manorburn Dam. the Bonanza Race widening, the Moa Creek diverting weir, and about 70 miles of races are so far advanced as to admit of work being started. The settlers to be served were met, and the terms of the irrigation agreement discussed, and a considerable majority of those concerned signed agreements. The Order in Council authorizing the work was issued, and a start has just been made with the work. Surveys of the Manuherikia scheme to supply water from the river to irrigate the country on either side between Chatto Creek and Clyde were started, and a large amount of trial levelling done. Owing to the large number of possible alternatives, a great deal of trial work was necessary to decide on the best routes to be followed by the races. SEACLIFF MENTAL HOSPITAL WATER-SUPPLY. A contract has been let for bringing in an auxiliary water-supply to the above institution from the W'aitiripaka Creek, distant about 10 miles from the institution. The greater part of the material is to hand, but the work is not progressing very fast. The dam-erection was interrupted by the slipping of the hillside above the site, which necessitated the selection of a fresh site. OHINEMURI SILTING. Contracts have been let for the clearing of the bush on the Ngararahi and Koutou diversions, and for the removal of the material above water-level. This material, having a large proportion of roots in it, is unsuitable for removal by the suction dredge. A large amount of work has been done in killing and removing willows from the bed and banks of the Ohinemuri River. Surveys to determine the areas totally and partially destroyed have been made. The plans and specification of the suction dredge to complete the Ngararahi and Koutou cuts and remove silt from beds of rivers are now nearly completed. TRAMWAYS. Auckland. —The Morningside Extension has been completed and passed for traffic. The Onehunga line has been duplicated from near the Epsom car-shed to the Royal Oak Hotel. The car-shed at Epsom has been considerably enlarged and the lines leading into it altered and improved. A number of cars were constructed and passed, the total number in commission now being 126. All cars have their air-brake equipment fitted. ' Heavier brake rigging has been fixed on thirtyfive cars. Pneumatic sanders have been provided on forty-five cars. Gisborne.—An Order in Council authorizing the construction of a tramway system has been issued, plans approved, and work will shortly commence. Napier. —This system is in the same stage as Gisborne. Wanganui. —Gonville and Castlecliffe Tramway: The first portion, 2 miles 30 chains, or the circuit, known as Route No. 1 of the Order in Council, from its start from the Wanganui Borough Tramway in Boundary Road, and thence by Alma, Matai, Abbott, Begnell, Tawa, and Koromiko Streets to its finish again on Boundary Road has been completed and opened for traffic last June. The rest of the tramway, some 2 miles 76 chains, or Route No. 2, out to Castlecliff is also nearing completion, and should be opened this year. Wellington, —During the year the construction of the connecting-link down Customhouse Quay between the tramway in Willis Street and that in the Quay in the vicinity of the Post-office has been completed and put into use. The line at Wadestown was extended a few chains at the Wadestown terminus to its final end.



The alteration of the connection of the Molesworth Street tram-line with Lambton Quay via Charlotte Street has been made. The Moxham Avenue duplication on the Kelburne Section from Nelson Street to Goa Street intersections has been completed. During the year several new cars have been put in commission and several old ones have been reconstructed, and the accommodation increased. The number of cars in use is now up to ninety. Christchurch. —Spreydon Tramway : A new line has been constructed from Moorhouse Avenue via Windmill Road and the Crescent to Selwyn Street. Car-shed entrance : A new approach to the car-shed has been made from Moorhouse Avenue, and the car-shed has been considerably enlarged. Addington line : This has been duplicated aleng Moorhouse Avenue from Colombo Street to a little past Montreal Street, and from Park Street to Harman Street. Papanui line : A portion from Bealey Avenue to Leinster Road has been duplicated. Opawa line : A new line has been laid from Colombo Street via Wordsworth Street to join old line, and the superseded portion has been removed. Cashmere Hills line : The duplication from Moorhouse Avenue to Strickland Street, off Colombo Street, has been completed except the portion covering the railway-line. Ilackthorne Road Tramway : A new line has been laid from the old tramway terminus, Colombo Street, along the flat to Hackthorne Road, thence following this road up the hill to Dyer's Pass Road, a distance of 142| chains. New Brighton line: A new loop has been laid at Buckley's corner (near Canal Reserve) and a balloon loop at the terminus to facilitate shunting. Colombo Street North : This line has been duplicated from Armagh Street to Salisbury Street. North Beach line : This line has been extended from Bowhill Road along the sea-front to join with the New Brighton line near the pier. Moorhouse Avenue and Colombo Street: Intersection crossings have been laid allowing traffic to pass in four directions. Cathedral Square : Loops have been laid and connections made for providing loop for Sumner and New Brighton traffic in order to avoid necessity for shunting trailers. Ferry Road line : This has been duplicated from Fitzgerald Avenue to Barbour Street. Dunedin. —A portion of the St. Kilda line has been duplicated. The Anderson's Bay line from Princes Street South to Bay View Road has been duplicated. The Castle Street line from the railway-station to Albany Street has been duplicated. Invercargill. —During the year the power-house has been erected and equipped, and 5 miles 66£ chains of tramway have been constructed and opened for traffic. The balance of the system is in hand. MARINE. Hokianga. —The erection of a new residence for the boatman has been completed. The timber breastwork for protection of small area of reclamation at Kohukohu has been completed to the extent authorized. Kaipara. —Shelly Beach Beacon : The erection of the concrete pedestal to carry an automatic light to form this beacon has been completed. Tuahine Lighthouse, —The completion of the erection ~of ~a pedestal on the foreshore to carry this light was completed, and the light reinstated. Chicken Island Lighthouse. —The tracks required to give access to the light have been completed. Cabbage Buy Wharf. —The local authority has completed the construction of this wharf to plans prepared by the Department. Mercury Bay. —The Waiwawa River wharf and snagging were examined and reported on. Auckland Beaches. —The various beaches in the vicinity of Auckland and Coromandel Peninsula were examined and reported on with regard to the issue of permits for the removal of gravel for building and other purposes in and around Auckland. Auckland Naval Base. —The existing store and yard accommodation are being examined in con junction with the Defence Department, with a view to reporting upon their suitabiUtv in connection with the requirements of His Majesty's Navy when Auckland becomes its base. Matakana. —The river at this place has been examined, and a report prepared on the question of deepening the navigable channel up to the wharf. Marokopa River. —Plans have been prepared for a wharf both at the up-stream and down-stream sites. Waikato. — Onetea River: A report has been prepared upon the removal of obstructions to navigation in this river. Awakino River. — A report has been prepared on the work necessary to deepen the channel through a small papa rock reef near the entrance. Castlepoint Lighthouse. —Plans were prepared and a contract let to Messrs. Luke and Co. for the manufacture of a cast-iron tower, which work is near completion. Wellington. —Meteorological Observatory : The preparation of the site at Pipitea Point, and the erection of the building required for the new Observatory have been completed. Pakawau. —Some difficulties having arisen between the coal-mine proprietors and landowners in connection with the construction of a tramway required to convey coal to a place of shipment,



the Department's Superintending Engineer proceeded to Pakawau, examined the place, made full inquiries into the position, and reported upon the same. Little Wanganui Wharf. —Plans for a small extension of this wharf have been prepared. Karamea Training-null, —The second contract for the erection of an extension of this wall has been completed. A third contract has been let for a further extension, and the work is now in hand. Godley Head Lighthouse, —Access-road from the Lyttelton Sunnier Road has been examined and reported on with a view of putting it in good order. Moeraki. —The beaches along this part of the coast have been examined, and a report prepared as to the advisability of allowing the removal of shingle. DEFENCES. Several minor works in connection with defences have been carried out in Auckland, Wellington and Dunedin. CONTRACTS. A complete schedule, of contracts entered into during the year for the construction of works, and also for the supplies of material and the performance of various services, is •>iven in Appendix C. [ have, &c, R. w. Holmes, M.lnst.C.E., The Hon. the Minister of Public Works. Engineer-in-Chief.



Enclosure to Appendix E. TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorized, Constructed, and Surveyed up to 31st March, 1912. NORTH ISLAND.

13—D. 1.

I ■ State of Line, State of Line. Appropria- | g Main | — tlon - J I Line - J g> Under Under Opened. g ' „ 5 Forma- Plate- ,—. , g tion. laying. go Date. 1904-5 1905-6 1906-7 1907-8 1908-9 1909-10 1910-11 1911-12| Total. J —j "I ~ ; I i. ______ 1 * 3 i 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ,,, 2Q I „ («_» .. "thT Opua Wharf - Kawa- V£ * «?" *«» * * ?* M> "■ * <="" M " ° be ' M chs ' M ohs ' M " <*-*<• •»* Grali am- kawa " " " -- •• ■■ " 16 town (Oou-ahi) Kawakawa-Kamo .. 4148 Kawakana-Towai ..2118 0 61 21 79 .. .. .. 12 April 1911 „, , a Q1 ._ Towai-Hukerenui .. 4 30 : 0 33 4 63 2 May, 1910 " " _"i n 1B ; "" 1H Hukeienui-Kaino .. 1C 0 3 29 J9 29 4 dU •■ I ._ o Kamo-Grahamtown 9 22 Kamo-Kioieroa ... 6 52 2 27 8 79 .. " \ 2l 2 Kioreroa-Grahiiintown 2 50 116 8 66 .. .. .. 2 Oct., 1911 ' " a'knl o r n Wharf 2 50 j 2 .,0 Kawakawa-Hokianga 34 12 Kawakawa-Kaikohe ! 16 25 .. 16 25 .. 10 0 , 6 25 Kaikohe-Hokianga .. 17 67 .. 17 67 17 67 Prelim. ., .. " ........ Kaihu Valley Kaihu Valley .. I 19 62 ■ Dargaville-Booms .. 17 21 0 75 18 1C .. .. .. " " " "' Booms-Waima ..2 37 .. 2 37 .. 2 37: .. " \\ "" " " North Auek- Kaipara Northwards 109 75 Extension.. .. 49 31 .. 49 31 49 31 Estim. ... •• •• land Rail- MeCarrol's - Bicker- 8 17 . • 8 17 7 69 0 28 .. «ay staffe Bickerstaffe-Otamatea 4 25 .. 4 25 .. _ 25 Otamatea - Kai- 2 45 1 45 j 4 10 .. 175 0 50 .. waka Kaiwaka-Te Hana .. 8 65 103 9 68: .. .. 8 65 Te Hai-a-Wellsford.. 3 27 0 58 4 5 .... .. 16 May, 1910 a_7 " fiV? Wellsford-Wayby .. 3 18 0 28 3 46! .. ... .. 1 April, 1909 ' 3 'i 8 I Wayby-Hoteo .. ! 3 40 0 13 3 53; .. .. .. 13 May, 1908 .. 340 Hoteo-Kaipara Flats 2 45 0 13 2 58! .. ■• .. UJune,1907 2 45 Kaipara Flats-Wood- 3 5 0 1G 3 21, .. .. .. 17 Nov., 1905 .. 8 5 .. .. '.'. " 3330 cock's Woodcock's-Ahuroa 2 41 ! 0 16 2 57 .. .. .. 18 May, 1905 2 41 Ahuroa-Helensville.. 18 41 j 1 75 20 86 ...... K a, 1 p a r a - , Kaipara-Newmarket ' 35 73 Hslensville-Newm'rk't: 35 73 6 66 42 59 ......... ' <M 79 Waikato Onehunga Branch .. 2 73 | Penrose - Onehunga 2 73 1 70 4 63 .. .. .. .. " " " ' ■> 73 Wharf Auckland-Waikato .. JlOO 13 !Auckland-Te Awamutu 100 13 16 66 116 79 • .. .. .. .. .. , l)0 ,,, Auckland-Penrose — J, Deviation via Beach 6 50 Deviation via Beach 6 50 .. 6 50 6 50 .. .. .. 2 Auckland City Branch 2 60 Auckland City Branch 2 60 .. 2 60 2 GO Prelim. .. .. H ,. .' —Kingsland Station 'a I to Auckland Station via Western Park f> and Freeman's Bay j J Surveys,new Pukekohe-Waiuku .. 12 0 Paerata-Waiuku .. 12 5 i .. j 12 5 12 5 .. .. .. rJi lines Huntly-Awaroa .. 7 34 Huntly-Awaroa .. 7 34 .. 7 34 4 34 8 0 .. .. „ .. .. .. " Paeroa-Pokeno .. j 40 15 Paeroa Pokeno .. ! 40 15 40 16 I 40 16 J .. o .. .. .. .' W aikato- , Waikato-Thames .. : 62 58 Frankton Junction- 62 58 10 17 72 75 .. .. .. .. £ .. .. .. '' \\ [[ ' 0258 Thames Thames .2 Paeroa- 3 Waihi Paeroa Waihi .. 12 40 Paeroa-Waihi .. 12 40 , 1 30 13 70 .. .. .. 9 Nov., 1905 £ .. 12 40 .. 12 40 East Coast ! Waihi - Opotiki, or 124 0 j Waihi-Tauranga .. 41 0 I .. 41 0 41 0 ! .. .. « Railway East Coast Railway •- via Matata Tauranga-Te Maunga *0 •• 4 0 | .. ..40 .. „ .. .. .. .. Junction "g Tβ Maunga Junction- 9 0 1 IS 10 15 ! .. 6 21 | 2 59 .. m Tβ Puke "3 Tβ Puke-Paengaroa.. 5 65 .. f 70 n ( .. . 5 65 .. I .. q , Paengaroa Opotiki .. 64 15 .. J |64 15 .. Prelim. .. -2 \ [' Branoh .. .. 4 27 Mount Maunganui • 4 27 4 66 9 13 .. .. 4 27 \ .. "3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Te Maunga Junction jg Hamilton- Hamilton-Cambridge 12 2 1 Ruakura Junction- 12 2 3 14 16 Hi .. .. .... 3 .. .. .. ,. __ .. __ 12 2 Cambridge! Cambridge £ ThamesVal-, Thames Valley-Roto-! 69 33 Morrinsville-Kotorua 69 33 5 27 74 60 .. .. .. .. ~ .. ,. .. ,, ., ..69 83 ley - Roto- 1 rua ot rua * GiBborne- GibborneOpotiki .. 9336 Gisbome Wliarf-Kai- 13 10 2 40 10 66 Rotorua teratahi 3 Kaiteratahi-Karaka 5 5 0 71 5 76, .. .. .. jlS April, 1905. i .. 5 5 .... .. .. .. „ Karaka-Pul.a .. 1 75 , 0 24 2 19: .. .. .. 20 May, 1907! s .. .. .. ! 1 75 .. P-J8 74 PuhaWaikohu Bridge 3 29 .. 3 29 .. .. .. 28 May, 1908 3 .. .. .. ..329 Waikohu Bridge- Wai- 0 35 0 32 0 67 .. .. .. 1 April, 1909 1 .. .. .. .. .. 0 35 .. .. J kohu a Waikohu-Otoko .. 7 75 ; 0 32 : 8 27 .. .. ... 6 April, 1912J $ Otoko-Rakauroa 6 60 ' 0 32 7 12 .. 2 43 4 17 .. _ Rakauroa-Matawai.. 5 65 .. 5 65 .. 5 65 .. .. ■§ Matawai-Motu ..80.. 80 3 60.. .. .. ~ MotU-Opotiki ..41 2 .. 41 2 41 2 Estim. .. .. g .... .. .. .. .. .. .. '.'. New «urvey Napier-Gisbornc .. 120 0 Napier-West Shore 3 23 .. 3 23 3 23 Prelim. .. .. a .. .. .. .. .. .. West Shore-Petane 3 60 .. 3 60 2 60 1 0 .. .. = . Petane-Wairca .. 50 77 .. 50 77 50 77 Prelim. .. .. g .. .. I iWairoa Bivet-Oisbonn; 62 0 .. 62 0 G2 0 iPieliiu. .. .. > .. .. .. .... Napier- Napier-Woodville .. j 96 65 ' Napier Spit-Woodville' 96 05 15 6 (111 TO —1 ~ .. .. jjf — r-. —i .. .. .. .. .. M (JO Woodville : § and Pal- : a merston i Woodville-Palrnerston 17 21 Woodville-Palmerston 17 21 0 51 17 72 g 17 21 North North North a Wellington- Woodville-Wellington 115 79 Woodville-Wellington 115 79 21 73 137 72 .. .. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..115 79 Woodville I [Te AroJ Greytown Branch .. 3 7 Woodside-Greytown 3 7 0 64 3 71 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 3 7 Rimutaka Coach road Route .. 9 0 Kaitoke-Featherston 9 0 .. 9 0 9 0 Prelim. Incline ' TauherenikauRoute 2130 UpperHuct-Woodside 21 30 .. 2130 2130 .. .. .. g Deviation , Wainui-o -mata 31 40 [ Petone-Pigeon Bush i 31 40 .. 31 40 31 40 .. .. .. .2 Surveys ; Route g Coast Route .. 52 0 I Petone-Pigeon Bush 52 0 52 0 j 52 0 .. .. .. cL Coast Route .. 70 0 Petone-Cartertou, via 70 0 70 0 70 0 .. .. .. .a .. .... Marlinb..rough s Wellingtou-Manawatu 83 37 Wellington-Longburu 83 37 15 76 99 88 .. .. .. 7Dec.,1908t! _ .. .. .. .. 83 37 .. .. .. 83 87 Foxton-New '. Foxton-Patea .. 120 44 Foxton-Patea .. 120 44 14 75 135 39 ; .. .. .. .. ° .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 120 44 Plymouth Route Improvement 26 7 Turakina-Matarawa 11 67 .. 11 67 11 67 .. .. .. g> Surveys Aramoho-Goat Valley 7 40 .. 7 40 7 40 .. .. .. | Tunnel a Kai Iwi-Okehu ..360 .. 3 60 3 60 .. .. .. o ! Nukumaru-Waitotara 3 0' .. 3 0 3 0 Prelim. .. .. -g .. .. Patea - Waitara and 72 29 Patea-New Plymouth 72 29 11 52 84 1 .. « 72 29 New Plymonth Breakwater a Bull's Branch .. 3 7'J Bull's Branch .. 3 79 , .. 3 79 3 79 Prelim. .. .. -a Wanganui Branch .. 3 29 Aramoho-Wanganui 3 29 2 23 5 52 .. .. .. .. ° .. .. .. .. ., .. .. .. 8 29 Stratford- ' Stratford-Main Trunk 94 70 Stratford-Toko .. 6 26 | 0 40 6 C6 .. § \ Main Trunk Toko-Oruru .. 4 72 0 36 5 28 .. .. .. 1 Mar., 1905; c 4 72 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. [<,,„, Oruru-Huiroa .. 4 50 0 35 5 5 1 April, 1908 J 4 50 f "" bS Huiroa-TeWem .. (J 77 116 8 13 20 June, 1910 e 6 77 ..) Te Wera-Pohokura.. 8 55 0 65 0 40 .. .. 8 55 .. • S Pohokura - Whanga-j 6 13 0 45 6 58 .. 1 53 4 40 .. _ momona .3 Whangamomona-Ta- 9 57 10 10 57 2 30 7 27 .. .. a .. .. .. .. .. .. .. hoia 3 TahoiaMatiere ..37 17 .. 37 17 37 17 Prelim. | .. .. -5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .... Okahukara-Matiere.. 10 23 10 23 8 23 2 0 .. .. g Stratford - Ongarue— 33 40 ] Mangaroa-Puketutu 33 40 i .. 33 40 33 40 j Prelim. .. .. fe Deviations 14 0 Aramatai-Haugatiki 14 0 .. 14 0 14 0 Prelim.: .. .. I Puketutu - Mangaroa 30 0 .. 30 0 .. 30 0 30 0 Prelim. .. .. g .. ...... Deviation 3 ' Opunake - Mountain 23 10 Opunake-Eltham .. 23 10 1 .. 23 10 23 10 Prelim. .. .. a .. .. .. .... Road 22 0 '< Opunake-Te Roti .. 22 0 j .. 22 0 22 0 Prelim. 25 58 ! Opunake-Stratford .. 25 58 .. 25 58 25 58 Prelim. [Mount Egmontl 8 76 Manganui Section ..602383 .. .. .. 1 April, 1908 .. .. .. ..60 .. .. .. 60 Branch Quarry Section .. 2 76 0 40 3 36 ■ 0 60 2 16 . .. .. ' North Island Marton-Te Awamutu 209 69 Marton Junction- 31 67 4 61 36 48 ... Main Trunk Mangaweka -50 58 Railwav Mangaweka-Taihape 13 1 1 61 14 62 | 10 Sep., 1904 13 1 Taihape -Mataroa .. 5 70 0 61 6 51 1 June, 1907 5 70 Mataroa-Waiouru .. 18 10 ) | .. .. .. 30 June, 1908 18 10 Waiouru-Erua .. 30 63 Il2 50 97 28 ! J 13 Feb., 1909 .. ..I .. .. 30 63 .. .. .. 84 58 Erua-Taumarunui .. 35 65 ) ( 9Nov., 1908 .. .. ( .. .. 35 65 Taumarunui-Te Awa- 74 33 6 20 80 53 .. .... .. .. 74 33 main Ohakune - Raetihi 8 0 j Raetihi Section .. j 8 0 .. 8 0 7 0 1 0 .. .. .. .. Branch Central Route Devia- 30 0 Ohakune to Mokau- 30 0 .. 30 0 I 80 0 Prelim, tion Surveys Retaruke Divide 34 0 Makatote Gorge-Ma- 34 0 .. 34 0 34 0 Prelim. .. .. rae Kowhai 20 0 I Marae-Kowhai-Ohura 20 0 .. 20 0 20 0 Explor.; .. .. .... Valley NgaiM-Ongarue .. 103 58 , Ngaire Sectiun .. , 38 73 .. 38 73 38 73 .. .. .. .. • • .. • • ■ ■ • • Tangarakau Section i 26 0 .. 26 0 26 0 Hcao Section ..10 70 .. 10 70 10 70 .. ; .. .. .. ' Ohura Section .. 27 75 .. 27 75 27 75 .. .. .. Waitara-Tangarakau 4b 75 Waitara Section .. 46 75 .. 46 75 46 75 Urenui Route ..! 12 0 Urenui to Tangitu 12 0 .. 12 0 12 0 Prelim. ..... I River Hastings-Te Awamutu 170 0 ! Hastings-Te Awamutu 170 0 .. 170 0 170 0 Prelim.! .. .. .... TotalB .. .. 2541 7el .. 254178 189 44 2731 421302 55 57 35 j 44 18 '904 17 | 17 73 23 11 .. 10 30 185 54 3 53 14 54 23 68 1183 15 Opened. 3 53 14 51 23 68 1183 15 Totals .. • Approximate. t Date of purchase. Note. —Taonui and Liohfield Branohee not mentioned above, as the rails nave been taken up.



TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorized, Constructed, and Surveyed up to 31st March, 1912— continued. SOUTH ISLAND.

State of Line. -ppropri.. Division Mile.*-. Seet.uu. g" 8idin,: '- ''"""' a Under Under ■ Opened ' ' *™- For- PlateTe ? e ■ nution. I laying. Uate 1904 5.1906-6. 1906-7. 1907-8. ■ iww-ii. laou 10.1910-11.lsil-li Total. , ., a 5 6 7 8 'J 10 11 IS IS 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 x - It. eh M. eh. Mill. M cb. M. oh. M. eh. M. eh. H. oh. M. oh. M.ob. M. oh. U. oh. U.oh. M.oh. M. oh. M. oh. U. oh NeUon-lNelson-Belgrove.. 22 73] Nelson-Belgrove .. 22 73 2 52 25 45 •• 22 73 Boundell , .,_ „,, Midland Stillwater - Bel- 148 65: Stillwater-Reefton S. 37 30 4 79 43 29 ■• " d *" Railway grove (tioTadmot) Reefton S.-ReeftonN. ! 130 10 '2 30 31 Mar. 1907 1 30 .. * i Reefton N.-Cronadun 5 38 0 56; 6 14 7 Aug., 1908 o 38 • • , ■ ■ • ■ a 38 Cronadun-Landing .. 8 40 0 45 ! 9 5 • • • • 8 40 • • • • • • Landing-Inaugahua 60.. 6060 .. .. .. ■■ ■■ ■■ •• ■• •• .... Inangahua-Kawatiri . 46 43 ■ • 46 43' 46 43 .. . • .. Glenbope-Kawatiri 5 63 ■ • 5 63 1 63 10 .. .. Glenhope-Tiii .. 9 42 0 55 9 42 . 9 «j .. Tui-Kiwi .. .. 3 17 0 34 3 51 .. .. 3 17 .. .. .. Kiwi-Tadmor .. 5 9 0 29 5 38 18 Dec, 1908| 59 59 TadmorKohatu " 10 38 0 69 1118 7 Aug., 1906 .. .. 10 29 .... .. 10 29 Kohatu-Belgrove .. 9 44! 0 62 10 26 •• ■• •• 9« Bruiiner - Spring- 92 64 Bruimer-Otiia ..42 27 2 68 45 15 .. .. ■• •• « *' field Bolleston Section .. 12 •• 12 .. •• 1 2 Tunnel Contract .. 8 0l •• 80 .. 80 .. .. Tunnel Contract-Case 13 75i 0 20 14 15 •• 7 75 6 0 .. Cass - Broken River.. 15 22 ; 129, 16 51 .. .. I ■• 10 Dec, 1910) io 22 .. Broken River - Ota- 7 40 1 0 30 7 70 29 Oct.. 1906 7 40 ■ ■ I 27 40 ram a i Otarama-Springfield 4 58! 0 16! 4 74 .. • • • • • • I Blackball Ngabere-Blaokball 3 401 Ngahere-Blackball .. 3 40; 120 4 60 .. .. • 16 July, 1910 .. 3 40 .. 3 40 Railway Greymouth-j Greymouth - Nel- 7 51 Greymouth-Bruiiner- 7 51 6 18 13 69 .. i •• ' 01 Nelson] eO n Creek ton-Stillwater Creek . Westport- Westport - Ngaka- 19 56 Westport-Ngakawau 19 56 8 12 27 68 .. ■■ ' ■■ ■■ ™ ab Ngakawau w au I _ 1O Weatport- Ngakawau-Moki- 7 12| Ngakavvau-Mokihi- 7 12 118 8 301 .. •■ •• •• ' " Ngakawau ■ hinui nu ' Extension i i Mokihinui Colliery 3 69 Mokiliinui-Seddonville 3 69 0 25 4 14 .. •• •■ •■ '•• » bJ Westport- Westport Inanga 26 0 Westpoit-Te Kuha.. ,0 74 0 10 6 4 .. •• •• 1 April, 191-2 .. ... Inangahua hua Junction Tβ Kuha - Inangahua 20 6 • • 20 6 16 6 4 0 .. .. .... .... Junction State Col- Greymouth-Point 5 1 Greymouth-Runanga 5 1 2 10 7 11 .. •• •• 1 Dec, 1904 .. 5 .. .... 5 1 liery, or Elizabeth Col Colliery Coal Creek i er ies . „ Railway Extension .. 3 69 RunnngaCollieiv-Point 3 69 2 20 6 9 .. ■• J 69 .. Elizabeth Collieries Greymouth- Greymouth-Hoki- 24 37'(ireymouth-Hokitika 24 17 2 10 26 47 .. •• •• •• M sl Hokitika tika K u m a r a Kumara Branch 4 10 Kumara Branch .. 4 10 ■• 4 10 4 10 Branch ! Hokitika- Hokitika-Ross .. 15 75 Hokitika-Ruatapu .. 7 10 0 61j 7 71' ■■ •■ •• 9 Nov.,1906; .. ..710 .. .. .. .. .. 710 Ross Ruatapu-Ross .. 7 21 0 69' 8 10| 1 April, 1909 7 21 .. .. 7 21 Survey to Ross Town- 1 44 .. ; 1 44! 1 44 .. .. .. ship New survey' Koss-Waitaha .. 10 0 Ross-Waitaha ... 10 0 •■ 10 0 2 54 .. .. .. .. ■• P i o t o n -; pioton - Kaikoura 98 30 Picton-Seddon ..33 45 3 26 36 71 •• .. •• •■ j. •• •• •• Waipara Seddon Kaparu .. 6 30 0 76 7 26 .. .. • I 18 April, 1911 I I " " "" S «2! I Kaparu-Ward .. 8 14 1 90 9 84 .. .. ■. I v - i • • • • *> u I Ward-Mirza .. 3 35 0 40 3 75 . 3 35 .. .. - Mirza-Mille Station 4 38 • • 4 38 .. 10 .. .. « .. MillsStation-Kaikoura 42 28 •• 42 28 42 28 .. .. .. •• Kaikoura - Mendip 23 72'Kaikoura-Parnassus 23 72 ■• 23 72 23 72 Prelim. .. .. Hills r -° Mendip Hills-Par- 6 67 Mendip Hills .. 6 67 •• 6 67. 2 0 4 67 .. .. _» •■ naseus o Parnassus Mina.. J 8 43! Parnassus-Mina .. 8 13 114 9 57 .. ..843 .. £ •■ .. .. Mina Waipara ... 35 51 Mina-Domett .. 3 63 0 70 4 53 1 Aug., 1910 .. .. .. . .. .. 3 63 Domett-Tormore .. 3 10 I „ K( . „ ,, I ■• •• •• 14 1906 - .. .. 3 10 .. .. .. .... Tormore-Ethelto,, .. 5 28) ° bb J 2 * I 21 Mar., 1907 | .. .. 5 28 .. .. 35 51 Kthelton-Scargill .. 8 51 0 51 9 22 3 Nov., 1905! * .. 8 51 .. .. .. Scargill-Waipara .. 14 59 1 2 15 61 • • ■= • • Uurunui- Main Line .. 206 7! Culverden-South Wai- 206 7 64 68 270 75 •• •• •■ •■ 3 206 7 Waitaki, . taki S with .«,„«!•*«», -S ., _. Branches Rangiora-Oxford 21 76! Rangiora-Oxforcl West 21 Jβ 2 86 24 32! •• •• ■• x 7b Kyreton (from 90 7 Main Line - West 20 7 1 61 21 68 ■■ •• •• •• S •■ ■■ " 20 7 Main Line) Eyreton-Bennett's g> Lyttelton .. 6 26 Lyttelton - Christ- 6 26 ■ • 6 26 • • .. • • • • j> • • b ■"> church -s Southuridgu .. 25 31 Hornby-Southbridge 25 31 3 17 28 48 ■• •• •• •• 2i > <"" Little River- 42 10 Lincoln-Little River 22 46 2 5 24 51 ■■ •■ •• •■ J ■• •• , •• •• 22 46 Akaioii ' J Reconnaissance ..19 44 .. 19 44 19 44 Prelim. .. .. « .. Springfield .. 30 60 Bolleston-Springneld 29 63 I .. 7 .,„ fi7 ., •■■*-. .. ■ ' • • ■. 30 60 V Springfield-Coal-mine 0 77 ] 1 ' 6i b7 Whitecliffs ..' 11 38 Daifield-Whitecliffs 1133) . Rfl ..... .. S .. ! .. ., .. U 38 Whitecliffs to Bridge . 0 5 ( ld " - Rakaia-Ash- 22 20 Rakaia-Methven 22 20 1 2 65 25 5 ■■ ■■ •■ » " 22 20 burton Forks a e Ashburton .. 29 46 Tinwald-Spriiigburn 27 29 1 52 29 1 •• | •• ■ •• •• 2l 2y Exlensioii •• 2 17 ■• 2 17 - 1" •• •• •• 1 •• Opawa and Al- 56 s Washdyke-Kversley 36 5 2 45 38 50 ■■ •• •• •• •• •• •• 36 5 bury to Fairlie j « | Creekand 2 Burke's Pass Preliminary survey .. 19 3 -. 19 3 19 b Prelim. .. .. •= •• .. Waimate .. 4 42 Studholme-Waimate 4 42 1 3 5 45 •• Waimate Gorge 8 21 Waimate-Waihao 8 21 0 54 8 75 •• •• ■• •• 3 •• •• ■• •• 8 21 Downs Canterbury ! Oxford-Temuka .. 83 0 Oxford-Sheffield .. 1144 0 27 11 71 •• •• ■• •• g " ■• ■■ •■ n44 Interior Surveyed .. 21 7 ... 21 7 21 7 .. .. . •• .6 •• ....... Main Line: Reconnaissance .. 50 29 .. 50 29' 50 29 Prelim. .. .. ~ •• O Waitaki- Main Linu .. 246 69 South Waitaki-Blurl 246 69 59 13 306 2 j •• g ■■ 246 69 Bluff and Hranehn, <* Bratiohes Duntroon .. 21 75 Pukeuri-Duntroon .. 21 75 1 35 23 30 .. .. •• I •• § ■• 7S Duntroon-Haka- 15 38 Duntroon - Hakatera- 15 38 1 5 16 43 •• •■ •• •• ■• 15 38 teramea moa c Ngapara .. 14 76 Waiareka-Mgapara.. 14 76 1 31 16 27 •• Jf T6 Livingstone . 10 40 Windsor-Tokorahi .. 12 0 0 50 12 50 •• 0 5 .. .. .. ■• •• 11 75 ' Survey (trial) .. 4 40 .. 4 40, 4 40 Prelim. .. .. g Palmerston-Wai- 9 40 Palmerston-Dunback 8 55 0 54 9 29 •• •• •• •• ° 55 hemo .Surveyed .. 0 65! .. 0 65 0 65 .. .. .. | .. Inch Valley Rail- 2 291 Inch Kill. 2 29! 0 23 2 52 •• ft 2 29 Port Chalmers.. 1 9 Glendermid - Port 19 3 40 4 49 •• •• •• •• g •• " I " I 1 9 Chalmers -g Green Island .. 2 44 Burnside-Saddle Hill 2 44 0 52 3 16 •• •• •• •■ _ 2 * 4 Green Island to 4 65 Surveyed .. .. 4 65 4 65 4 66 .. .. .» g: .. I Brighton S Fernhill Colliery 1 60 Abbotsford to B'eru- 1 GO, O 24 2 4 • • ■ • • • ■ • g, 16° Line hill Colliery ° Kaikorai Valley 2 60 Surveyed .. .. 2 60j 2 60 2 60 .. .. .. .. Railway . S Outram .. 8 78i Mosgiel-Outram .. 8 78j 0 68 9 66 ■ .. • • ■ ■ • • 8 78 Lawrence .. 21 76| Clarksville-Lawrence 2176 2 2 23 78 •■ •• •• ■• 2176 Lawrenoe-Rox- 38 251 Lawrence-Big Hill .. 7 37 0 44 8 1 1 Aug., 1910 3 7 37 .. 7 87 burgh Big Hill-Beaumont.. 6 47 .. 6 47 4 47 2 0 .. .. e. Beaumont-Roxburgh 24 21 24 21 24 21 .. .. .. = Baiclutha-Apple- 105 62 Balclutha-Owaka .. 19 20 1 63 21 3 •• ■■ •• •• S 19 '- 20 bv Junotion.or OwakaCatlin's .. 3 38 0 30 3 68 1 Aug., 1904 g 3 38 3 38 Catlin'e - Sea- Catlin's-Houipapa .. 2 30 0 9 2 39' 17 Dec. 19091 2 .. .. 2 30 .. .. 2 30 ward Bush H6uipapa-Puketiro.. 7 22: 0 43 7 65 •■ 7 65 .. & Puketiro-Papatowai , 5 50J 0 55 6 25 ■ .. 5 50 .. .. ■- Papatowai - Wharua- 5 0! •. 5 0 5 0 .. .. .. -g .. • • • • • • • • .... rimu Wharuarimu-Mariuui 23 63: .. , 23 63 2363 Prelim. .. .. Marinui-Tokanui .. l> 0: .. 6 0 6 0 .. .. .. o •• •■ •• •• •• ..•;.. ! Tokanui-Waimahaka 8 27 0 64 9 11 20 Sept. 191V « 8 27 8 27 Waimahaka-Appleby 24 52 1 50 26 22 .. .. •• •■ •• 24 52 Waipahi - Heriot 2U 3 Waipahi-Heriot 20 3 2 3 22 6 •• •• ■■ •• 20 3 Burn Heriot Extension 6 20 Heriot-Eadievale .. 6 20 0 45 6 65 .. ■• . •• 15 Feb., 1905 6 20 .. 6 20 Extension to Rox- 28 10 Surveyed .. 28 10 .. 28 10 28 10 Preiirn. .. .. ' burgh, via Rae's Junction and Ettrick Via Spylaw .. 25 701 Surveyed .. 25 70 -. 23 70 25 70 Prelim. .. .. Waimea Plains 36 39| Gore-Lumsden 36 39 1 34 37 73 . • • ■ • • ■ ■ 36 39 District By. Kelso-Gore .. 24 0 Surveyed .. 9 58 .. 9 58 9 58 .. .. .. .. Preliminary survey.. 14 22 .. 14 22 14 22 Prelim. .. .. .. Gore Waikaka .. 12 65 Waikaka Section .. 12 65 1*1 14 36 1 •■ •• •• 26Nov., 1908 .. 12 65 12 65 Riversdale-Swit- 13 70 Biversdale-Waikaia I 13 70 1 40, 15 30 1 Oct., 1909 .. 13 70 .. .. 18 70 zers Edendale-Toitois 19 30 j Kdendale-Glenham 9 36 0 72: 10 28 .. .. .. .. .. 9 36 Surveyed .. 9 74 .. 9 74 9 74 .. .. .. .. Otago Gen- j Waitaki BluK 182 56 Wingatui-lda Valley 98 18 5 62 104 0 .. .. ■• •• .. tral Main Line to Ida Valley-Omakau 13 20 1 Iβ I4 86 .. .. ■• 1 Sept., 1904 .. 13 20 I Lake Hawea iu 7c Omakau-Chatto Creek 7 36 0 34 7 70 14 July, 1906 .. .. .. 7 36 .. .: Chatto Ck.-Alexandra 10 39 1 6 11 45 .. •• •■ 15 Dec, 1906 .. .. ..10 39 , Alexandra-Clyde .. 5 45 0 77 6 42 .. .. •■ 27 Mar., 1907 .... .. 5 45 Surveyed 47 58 .. 47 58 47 58 .. .. .. .. lnvercar- Iuveixargill-Kiug- 87 4; Inveicargill-Kiugston 87 4 5 15 92 19 .. •• •• •■ .. 87 4 gill-King- ston Wharf ston and Lumsden-Mararoa 30 0 Lumsden- Mossburu 10 40 1 0 11 40 .. .. .. •• .. 10 40 Branch, Lumsden- Surveyed .. .. 8 20 .. 8 20 8 20 .. .. .. .. • • Mararoa Reconnaissance .. | 11 20 .. 11 20 11 20 jPrelim. .. .. .. Forest Hill , Wintou to Hedge 12 40 Winton - Hedgehope 12 40 0 65 13 25 .. .. •■ •• .. 12 40 Railway hope Western Orepuki Branoh 35 41 Makarewa-Orepuki .. 35 41|y I •• •• •• •• •■ 35 41 Railways 6 37 64 13 \ Otautau Branch 22 15 Thornbury-Wairio ..2215} I •• .. 2215 Orepuki- Orepuki-Waiau .. 13 30 Orepuki-Waihoaka .. 4 48 0 58 5 26 .. .. •• ■• .. 4 48 Waiau Waiboaka-Tuatapere 8 7 110 9 17 lOot.,1909 .. 8 7 ... 8 7 River Surveyed .. .. 0 55 -. 0 55 0 55 .. .. . • .. Totals .. 2221 56 .. 2221 56? 253: 35 2475 11504 22 40 72 48 30 .. 1,4m 32 27 79 8 51 58 27 23 82 81 48 30 2 22 71 1634 11



APPENDIX F. ANNUAL REPORT ON BUILDINGS BY THE GOVERNMENT ARCHITECT. The Government Architect to the Hon. the Minister op Public Works. Sir,— Public Works Office, Wellington, Ist July, 1912. I have the honour to submit the following report on the various building-works throughout the Dominion carried out by the Department during the year ended 30th June last :— New Parliament Buildings. The work connected with the scheme for the erection of these buildings was commenced in March last, and the foundation-stone was laid on the 23rd of that month. As the accommodation to be provided in the portion of the building first to he erected was very extensive, including House of Representatives, the Council Chamber, the lobby, Ministers' suites of offices, Cabinet suite, Speakers' suites of rooms for both Houses, offices for the permanent officials of both Houses, Committee-rooms, waiting-rooms, and several members' rooms, it was necessary to occupy a large area of ground and at the same time not to interfere in any way with the temporary wooden Parliament Building (old Government House), nor to encroach on the lawn and garden areas beyond the front of the old Parliament Buildings. It was resolved, therefore, to close Sydney Street so as to permit of the new building extending over it, leaving sufficient space for air and light between the new and the old Parliament Buildings, provision being made also for setting the building well back from Bo wen and new Museum Streets. The spoil from the foundation-trenches, the street-widening operations in Bowen Street, and the new Museum Street formation was used to fill in Sydney Street in front of the position of thejproposed new building, and also to fill up the low-lying parts of the grounds. These operations occasioned the destruction of picturesque shrubbery, and many trees, most of which were, however, old dingy pines that screened and gave privacy to Government House. The best of the shrubs and trees were either saved in position or are being transplanted, and the result will, when complete, be an open park-like extent of grounds in front with a few selected trees, several clumps of shrubs and flower-beds disposed in a manner suitable to the surroundings of a great national building and in full view tor public enjoyment. The close, high fences will be removed, and the whole of the grounds surrounded with a low wall which will not obscure the view of the grounds or of the building. The foundations and basement walls are being erected by day labour under the direction of the Department, and these will be carried up uniformly to the level of the terrace carriage-drive in front. The low level of Sydney Street compared with the grounds on either side affords facilities for extensive fireproof basement cellerage for storing State and departmental papers and for heating-chambers. &c. The building as planned will provide all the accommodation required and a few spare rooms additional. Provision has also been made for future extension of the seating-accommodation in both houses should such be required, and for further additional rooms for any required purpose, without in any way disturbing the appearance of the building when completed, or without causing inconvenience during full occupation of the building. The plans provide for an absolutely fireproof structure throughout, due regard being paid also to resistance to earthquake-shocks. None but the most durable materials will be employed, and these will be obtained within the Dominion, if possible. Every effort has been made to design a building which should endure, and which should become an historical record wrought in stone and steel for the interest and benefit of many generations. General. Government House, Auckland. —Alterations were made to the interior of the building, and repairs anil maintenance-works attended to during the year. Departmental Buildings. —A contract was let during the year for the installation of May-Otwav automatic fire-alarms in the Customs Building and Post-office, Auckland; Post-office. Supreme Court, anil Magistrate's Court, Christchurch; Post-office building and law-courts. Dunedin. Departmental Buildings. Hamilton. —A contract was let in April for the erection of departmental offices (in brick) at Hamilton, and the work is in progress. Public Works Workshop. Auckland. —A brick workshop of two stories was erected mi Beach Road, Auckland. Drill-hall. Auckland. — Plans lor drill-hall, stores offices, barracks, and stables at Point Resolution for the accommodation of the new Territorial Artillery have been prepared. Departmental Buildings, Gisborne. —Plans have been prepared ready to invite tenders. Government House. Wellington. —Sotne minor improvement-works and fencing were carried out during the year, and necessary outbuildings provided. Meteorological Observatory, Wellington. —A building was erected on Thorndon Esplanade. Stoke Industrial School.—A contract was let for the erection of residence and laundry, and the work is now in progress. Hokitika Public Buildings. —A contract was let m January for the erection of buildings in brick, and work has been commenced. Public Trust Office. Greymouth. —A contracl for the erection of a brick building was let in March, and the contractor has the work in hand.

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Departmental Buildings, Christchurch. —The contractors are making satisfactory progress with the erection of new Departmental Buildings (brick and stone) in Cathedral Square. The buildings were designed by an architect in private practice. Mount Cook Hostel, —The erection of a new hostel at Mount Cook has been commenced by day labour. Departmental Buildings, Invercargill. —These buildings were completed by the contractors during the year. Hospitals. Tokanui Mental Hospital. —The erection of the new brick building is being carried out as expeditiously as possible by the contractors, and fair progress is being made. Several attendants' cottages have been erected, and three more are being started. Rotorua. —A contract was let for the erection of a cottage hospital, and the building is approaching completion. Tenders have been invited for the erection of an infectious-diseases hospital. Porirua. —Additions to the Mental Hospital have been in progress by day labour since January last. St. Helens Hospital, Wellington, —A new building in brick was completed and opened during the year. St. Helens Hospital, Christchurch. —Plans of a new building have been prepared. Seacliff. —Additions to some of the buildings have been carried out by day labour. Waitati Mental Hospital, —New buildings are being erected by day labour. Post-offices. Auckland Chief Post-office. —This building has been practically completed, and the work of installing the numerous fittings is in progress with the view of opening for public business at an early date. The work has been satisfactorily carried out by the contractors, Messrs. J. and W. Jamieson (Limited), of Christchurch, the contract price being £95,551. Work on the contract was commenced at the beginning of June, 1909, and has thus been over three years in hand. The site, which is at the lower end of Queen Street, where in early days coasting-vessels were moored to a wharf, was reclaimed, and the foundations had therefore to be piled through the reclamation and through many feet of soft alluvial mud below the reclamation material. The piles are of reinforced concrete, ranging from 40 ft. to 50 ft. and over, and the care required in driving the long piles caused considerable delay in carrying out the work. The building is erected in a substantial manner of permanent and fire-resisting materials throughout. The use of timber has been reduced to a minimum, even the window-sashes and private letter-boxes being made of steel. The front—towards Queen Street-—is faced with stone, the lower portion for a height of 25 ft. being of Coromandel granite—a very fine durable material. The entire frontage, including side arches, is 236 ft. The accommodation, besides that required by the Postal and Telegraph Department, includes offices for the Traffic and Engineers' Sections of the Working Railways Department. Awanui Wireless Telegraph-station. —Erection of the station was commenced in January last, and is making satisfactory progress. Residences for the officers are also being erected. The work was of an unusual nature, and, being in a locality difficult of access by road, progress at the start was somewhat slow. Kaeo. —A wooden building was erected by contract during the year. Kaikohe, —Designs were prepared, and the erection of a building by day labour commenced. Kawakawa. —Erection of new building by day labour commenced, and improvements to existing office carried out. Devonport. —Additions made to quarters, and repairs carried out. Avondale. —Building purchased and altered to adapt it for use for post-office purposes. Ellerslie. —The erection of new brick office was completed during the year. Hamilton East. —A wooden building was erected by day labour after tenders had been invited. Huntly. —The building had been damaged by fire, and repairs were effected. Kingsland. —A brick building, including quarters, was erected under contract. Matamata. —A wooden building, including quarters, was erected by contract. Mercer. —Additional accommodation is being provided by day labour. Newton. —Alterations, including a telephone exchange, were carried out. Ponsonby. —A two-story brick office building is in course of erection under contract, and is approaching completion. Putaruru. —A wooden building was completed and opened during the year. Te Aroha. —-A brick building, including quarters, was erected under contract, and completed during the year. Te Awamutu.—A new one-story office in brick was erected under contract. Te Kuiti. —Additions and renovations were made to the .office. Waihou. —The erection of a wooden office, including residential quarters, is in progress. Waiuku. —Plans for an office in brick have been prepared. Warkworth. —A new wooden building, including quarters, was completed early in the year. Taneatua. —An office in wood was erected by day labour. Matata. —The erection of a building was completed under contract. Taupo. —A new office (in wood) was erected during the year. Tolaga Bay. —Additions were carried out by day labour. Manutuke. —An office was erected under contract.


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Wairoa. —The main office and tower were completed under contract. Opotiki. —A contract was let for the erection of a new office. Eltham. —Extensive alterations, additions, and repairs were completed during the year. Manaia. —A brick office, with residence, was completed during the year. Wanganui. —A building alongside the existing office was purchased and altered to suit postal requirements. Ohakune. —Additional accommodation has been provided. Taumarunui. —Additional accommodation has been provided. Ongarue. —An office building has been erected. Ohura. —A contract for an office building was let, and its erection is in progress. Tikokino. —The erection of an office building was completed under contract. Taradale. —.An office building was completed under contract during the year. Clive. —A new office building was erected by contract. Otane. —A new wooden building is in course of erection. Hastings. —Damage to brickwork of clock-tower was repaired. Carterton. —Additions (in brick) were completed. Eketahuna. —Additions (in brick) are in progress under contract. Kaiwarra. —The erection of a brick post-office is approaching completion. Lower Hutt. —Alterations and additions were carried out during the year. Palmerston North. —Alterations and repairs were effected. Porirua. —An office in wood was erected. Rangiwahia. — A wooden building, including residence, was erected. Shannon. —A wooden building, including quarters, was erected. Wellington General Post Office. —This building has been practically completed, and will shortly be opened, though there will still remain to be done by the contractor several alterations to the old building to adapt the accommodation therein for use conjointly with the new building. The contractors are Messrs. J. k A. Wilson (Limited), of Wellington, and the works have been satisfactorily carried out by them, the contract price being £96,923. The foundations, which go down to the hard blue clay beneath the beach, were constructed by day labour under the direction of the Public Works Department. The three street frontages have walls faced with Tonga Bay granite—a durable and excellent buildingstone. The building has five floors, including a basement for the Parcels Branch. The design is massive and bold, with thick, solid, and substantial walls, constructed to resist earthquake-shocks. Steel riveted framework enters largely into the construction, which is throughout fire-resistim:. Electric elevators are provided —one for the public, one for the staff, and two goods-lifts for parcels and letters. The fittings and conveniences for the transaction of postal and telegraph business are of the latest and most approved description, and the space afforded to the public is ample for many years to come. In the public office three telephones for the use of the public at a small fee are provided, and in the vestibule a slot telephone will be available for public use at all hours. The administrative head and office staff of the Department have accommodation on the second floor, and a suite of rooms is there provided for the Minister in charge, the Postmaster-General. Wellington Telephone Exchange. —Additions were made during the year. Bull; Store, Wellington, —A contract for the erection of a large brick building on the Thorndon Reclamation was let in April, and the work is now in progress. The store is designed and will be equipped for the convenient handling of the large and increasing volume of material imported for postal and telegraph purposes. Takaka. —A residence for the Postmaster is being erected. Motueka, —Additions and renovations are in hand. Murchison. —The erection of a post-office was completed during the year. Westport. —The erection of a new post-office in brick was completed, and clock installed. Granity. —A new office was completed under contract. Amberley. —The new building was completed during the year. Ashburton. —Extensive alterations have been made to accommodate Telegraph officers. Culverden, —The erection of a building was completed under contract. Fairlie. —An additional room and porch have been built. Leeston. —A new building has been completed. Lyttelton. —Alterations and repairs have been effected, and the clock-tower raised. Pleasant Point. —A contract has been let for the erection of an office, and the work is in progress. Sumner. —Additions have been made to the existing building. Sydenham, —The new brick-and-stone building is approaching completion. Timaru. —The clock-tower has been raised. Waimate. —A new office has been built, and the old office converted into business premises. Dunedin. —Some steel ceilings were fitted, alterations made, and a public telephone bureau erected. Balclutha. —The erection of a new brick office was completed. Kaitangata. —A new office (in brick) was completed during the year. Green Island. —A new office (in brick) was completed and opened. Owaka. —Additions and alterations were carried out under contract. Hawea Flat. —A new building (in wood) is being erected.] Port Chalmers. —The post-office building was renovated. Balfour.— -The erection of a new building is approaching completion. Riverton. —A new building (in brick) was completed under contract. Awarua Wireless Station. —Foundations have been excavated and concrete-work commenced.

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Police-stations. II uipn. A station in wood was erected by contract. Dargaville. —.Additions and repairs were carried out by day labour. Hamilton East. —An office was built, and additions to lock-up, stables, and outbuildings carried out by day labour. Maungaturoto. —The erection of a residence was undertaken by day labour, and the work is well in hand. Morrinsville. An office, cells, and stable were erected during the year. Mount Eden. A new station was elected under contract early in the year. I'uruell. —A new residence, office, and cells were commenced, and the work is well in hand. Ponsonby. Plans have been prepared for new barracks to be erected at Ponsonbv. Remuera.— Additions, consisting of an office, lock-up. and outbuildings, were carried out by day labour. Richmond. A building was purcnased and converted into a police residence with (tells. Te Kuiti.- A residence, with office and cells, was erected during the year. Warkworth. —Plans were prepared and tenders invited for the erection of a residence and lock-up. Wellsford. —A station, consisting of residence, with office, lock-up, and stables, was erected under conl ract. Katikati. Additions and repairs are approaching completion. Waitara. —A building was purchased and renovated, and a lock-up provided. Taumarunui. A residence, lock-up, and office have been erected. Napier. —A residence for the Police Inspector was completed. Mount Cook Depot. Wellington.- Additions commenced las! year were completed. Newtown Training Depot. —Additions (in brick) commenced last year were completed. Otaki. A residence, with office, was erected. Kaikoura. —A contract was let for additions and alterations. Murchison. —The erection of a police-station is in progress under contract. Wakefield. A new station is being erected. Blackwater. —A two-cell lock-up was erected. Runanga. —An office in wood was erected and opened. Ashburton. —Offices and single men's quarters are being built. New Brighton. A sergeant's residence has been erected. Rangiora. A sergeant's residence has been erected and the old building renovated. Sumner. -An office lias been provided. Temuka. —The erection of a constable's residence is in progress. Duntroon. —A new lock-up was erected. Gaoi.s. Mount Eden Goal.—The west wing, consisting of three stories, was completed, and the erection of the south wing commenced. The work is being done by prison labour, with the assistance of expert tradesmen. Gisborne. —The election of the building was completed during the year. Timaru. -Additions are being made for the accommodation of the Gaoler, and a new police gaol built in the station-yard. Invercargill. —The main building has been completed, also a combined chapel and schoolroom. Erection of warders' quarters and hospital accommodation are now in progress by prison labour. COURTHOUSES. Magistrate's Court, Auckland.—A contract was let in November for the erection of a new Courthouse in brick and stone, and the building is approaching completion. Hamilton, —A law library and prisoners' cells (in brick) were added during the year, and some renovations carried out. Auckland. — A strong-room lor the Deeds Office was provided at the existing Courthouse. Opotiki. Additions were carried out by day labour. New Plymouth. — Extensive additions and repairs were carried out. Hastings. —An addition of two rooms was made to the building. Masterton.—A new building in brick and stone was erected and equipped. The old building is being altered and repaired. Takaka.—A contract lor the erection of a Courthouse was let, and the work is in progress. Greymouth. — The erection of a new building in brick and stone is approaching completion. Christchurch. The Supreme Court offices and caretaker's quarters were altered and enlarged. Cheviot. —A Courthouse was erected and opened. Methven. —A contract has been let for the erection of a wooden buildiim. Tapanui. —Repairs and renovations were carried out under contract. The foregoing report mentions only new works of some importance, and alterations and additions of a more or less extensive nature. A large number of minor works, consisting of new buildings, additions, and alterations, have also been carried out, principally under petty contracts, and the ordinary maintenance, repair, and repainting of buildings throughout the Dominion owned by the Government has been attended to as usual. \ have, &c, John Campbell, F.R.1.8.A., The Hon. the Minister of Public Works. Government Architect,


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APPENDIX G. ANNUAL REPORT ON ELECTRICAL WORK AND POWER SCHEMES, BY THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER. The Elkctrical Engineer to the Hon. the Minister of Public Works, Sir.— Public Works Office, Wellington, 13th September, 1912. 1 have the honour to submit the following report on the various works entrusted to me during the past year :- — Electric Light and Power Licenses. The duly of issuing licenses authorizing local bodies and other persons to erect and use electric lines I'm- lighting and power purposes, and the preparation of the conditions prescribing the manner in which the work is to be carried out in the interest of public safety, also inspection during and after construction, has been taken over by the Public Works Department since the Ist January, 1912. Since that date the following licenses have been issued : —

In addition to the above, licenses have been or are in course of being drawn to authorize the following local bodies and others to erect new electric lines and extensions of existing lines : Napier Borough Council, Hastings Borough Council. Wellington Steam Kerry Company, Wairoa Borough Council. Featherston Motor-garage Company, (.ore Borough Council. Invercargill Borough Council. Mangaweka Town Board, Oamaru Borough Council, Thames Borough Council, Thomson-Payne Picture Company of Napier. Taihape Borough Council. Te Kuiti Borough Council. Ngaruawahia Town Board. Inspection. Inspection under licenses for electric lighting have been made for Mataura. Christchurch, Napier, and Hastings. Reports were made to the following Borough Councils: Akaroa (hydro-electric works) and Whangarei (proposed utilization of Wairua Falls for electric light and power purposes). Standards of electric pressure and frequency have been adopted as follows : Where alternating current is used the frequency to be 50 cycles per second, and where three-phase currents are used the pressure to be 400 volts between phases and 230 volts between each phase and the neutral. For direct current the pressures adopted are 230 volts and 460 volts. This standardization of pressure and frequency will result ultimately in cheapening the supplies for lighting and power purposes throughout the Dominion. Tramways. The duty of supervising the use of electricity as a motive power under the Tramways Act, 1908, has also been taken over by the Public Works Department since the 14th December, 1911. An inspection of the electrical equipment of the Invercargill Borough Tramways and rolling-stock was made, and the work was found to comply with the requirements of the authorizing Order in Council. An inspection was also made of the Hackthorne Road extension of the Christchurch Electric Tramways, which was also satisfactory. Gauging Rivers. Gauge readings are being taken of the following rivers : Kaituna. Waikato, Hutt, Northern Wairoa. and Makuri.

Name of Licensor. Purpose of License. Date of License. (Jhristchurch Tramway Board Lighting and power . . Power Jan. 23, 1912. Jan. 30, „ Feb.' 19, .' Te Aroha Borough Council Mataura Borough Council Christchurch Tramway Board jj • ■ Upper Hubt .Motion Picture Syndicate Franktoh Town Board Opotiki Borough Council lighting and power .. Power Electric lighi Lighting and power April 15, „ June 5, June 24. July 9. .. July 22. .. Aug. 19. ..



Lake Coleridge Power-works. Roads to gain access to the site of the power-station, and also connecting the power-station to the inlet and outlet works, have been constructed. The main road between Coalgate has been taken over by the Department, and will be maintained during the construction period. A contract has been placed for driving a tunnel between Lake Coleridge and the valley of the Rakaia. and the work is now in progress. A contract has been placed for construction of cottages for the working staff at Lake Coleridge, which is now approaching completion. The following contracts have been placed for plant and machinery : Pipe-line, turbines, generators, switch-gear, transformers, overhead travelling-crane, insulators for transmission and distribution lines, and the wire conductors for same. For this purpose aluminium has been adopted in place of copper, as the market prices at the time enabled a saving of £10,950 to be thus effected. Tenders will shortly be invited for the construction of the power-station building and for the supply of poles and standards for the transmission-line. A provisional contract has been entered into with the Christchurch City Corporation for the supply of electrical energy by the Ist May, 1914. It is anticipated that 4,000 h.p. will be required for this puipose within five years from the date atjwhich the supply becomes available. Negotiations will shortly be entered into with prospective power-users in Canterbury generally. Supply of Electrical Power in the North Island. This subject is being studied in a comprehensive manner with a view to making electricity generally available throughout the Island, not only for town use and industrial purposes in the neighbourhood of towns, but for working light railways, also main lines under construction, and eventually the existing main lines. In this way the interest of the country as a whole is being considered rather than the interest of any particular district. This involves considerable investigation into the probable demand in different districts, the distribution of the population and industries, and the best source or sources of supply. An estimate has been made of the cost of the works at Waikaremoana and the Hutt River, and the possibilities of the Makuri, Waiohine. and Tauherenikau Rivers have been investigated and estimates made, in order to ascertain their possible use as sources of supply. Estimates have been made of the cost of transmission-lines and of primary distribution necessary to adequately serve the different districts. Investigations are proceeding with a view to ascertaining the best and most economical method of supplying electricity for all purposes throughout the Island. Railway Electrification. A complete and exhaustive report, has been prepared regarding the electrification of the railway between Lyttelton and Christchurch. The report deals with the electrical system to be adopted, tne capital cost of the same, also the working and other annual expenses under electrical operation. Characteristics of runs between the different stations for various classes of trains have been calculated and plotted, and from these have been constructed energy-consumption curves, enabling an accurate forecast of the load on the substation to be plotted. The nature and number of the electrical equipments required have been fully investigated and determined, and an investigation has been made of the general lay-out and design of the overheadconstruction. As a result of the latter investigation the catenary system of overhead-construction is considered the most suitable, excepting in the tunnel, for which a special suspension has been designed. The nature and extent of the railway traffic between Wellington and the Hutt Valley and the best manner of dealing with the same by means of an electric service is being investigated, including the size and frequency of motor-car trains, and also the terminal arrangements in Wellington. I have, &c, Evan Parry, M.1.E.E., A.M.1.C.E., The Hon. the Minister of Public Works. Electrical Engineer.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9l2.









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PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT. BY THE HON. WILLIAM FRASER, MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS. 18th OCTOBER, 1912., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1912 Session II, D-01

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PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT. BY THE HON. WILLIAM FRASER, MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS. 18th OCTOBER, 1912. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1912 Session II, D-01

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT. BY THE HON. WILLIAM FRASER, MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS. 18th OCTOBER, 1912. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1912 Session II, D-01

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