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8.—17 A

Skssion 11. 1912. NEW ZEALAND


Return to are Order of the Mouse of Representatives dated the 17th August, 1911. Ordered, " That there be laid before this House a return showing the names of persons or companies who are owners of land in the Dominion of the unimproved value of £20,000 and under £30,000, £30,000 and under £40,000. £40,000 and under £50,000, £50,000 and under £60,000, and £60,000 and over."—(Mr. Witty.)

Names of Pbksons oe Companies who are Owners of Land in the Dominion of the Unimproved Value of £20,000 and under £30,000, £30,000 and under £40,000, £40,000 and under £50,000, £50,000 and under £60,000, £60,000 and over, as at the 31st March, 1911. £20,000 and under £30,000, Unimproved Value. Anderson Bros. Campbell, Hugh McLean. ■ Fen wick, Janet. Andrews Bros. Campbell, John (estate of). Fernie, Christopher N. Anson, Frederick A. Carlson, Henry. Franklin, Mrs. Ellen. Armstrong, James. Chalmers, Jane. Fuller, John, and Sons. Ashworth, James. Chamberlain, Peter. Galpin, William T. Austin, James. Chambers, Margaret and Thomas Gardiner, Herbert. Bayley, George O. M. Gardiner, John. Bayly, George T. Chapman, Mrs. Arthur T. (trus- Gardiner, William. Bayly, Humphrey M. tees of). Gebbie, William D. (estate of). Balfour and Stevens. Chapman, Edward (estate of). Georgetti, Augustine (estate of). Banks, William A. Clarkson (John C, William 8., Gilchrist, John C. (estate of). Barnhill, Thomas L. George W.), and Ballantyne, Goodson, Charles. Barton, Lucy Ellen. R. Goodwin, Edward William and Batley, Robert T. Clifford, Lady Helen F. Arthur. Beard and Sons. Collins, Albyn V. Gould, George. Bell, Adam. Connor, John Joseph (estate of). Gower, William and Samuel. Bell, Alfred D. Coop, James O. and Margaret. Graham, William. Bell, Caroline (trust). Cooper, William (estate of). Grant, Donald. Bell, Robert John. Cordy, Marion. Gray, Charles. Bethell, Richard (estate of). Craigie, James. Grigg, Arthur N. Bidwill, John 0. Craw, George. Grigg, Edward F. J. Bidwill, William E.. Creyke, Eliza R. R. Grigg, Gilbert H. Black, Greacen J. Crosse, Latimer George and Groves, W. G., and partners. Blair, John Rutherford. Annie J. Guild, James. Bolton, Samuel. Cunningham, William. Hadfield, Henry Samuel. Bourke, Patrick (estate of). Cutten, Mrs. Christina D. (trust Hailes, Walter M. Bowen, James (estate of). of). Hall, Godfrey. Bowker, Henry Layton. Darragh, Joseph. Hall, Wilfred. Boyd, Allan. Davie, Frank H., and Giles, Mrs. Hamilton, George J., and Co. Boyd, John James. Bessie M. Hammond, Henry (estate of). Bremer, Robert. Deans, John (trustees of). Hammond, John. Brett, Henry. Death, George (estate of). Hannah, Hannah. Bridge, Elizabeth F. Dillon, Alfred. Hansen, Peter. Broughton, Edward A. Dingwall, David McWair. Harding, Alfred E. Broughton, John (estate of). Dixon, Marmaduke. Harding, Isabella E. Brown, Julia. Doig, Peter. Harrison, Thomas. Brown and Morrison. Donald, James (estate of). Harrison, William. Buchanan, Donald, jun. Douglas, George (estate of). Hartnell, George. Buckley, St. John McLean. Downes, Sarah (marriage settle- Hartree, Henry. Bunny, Henry R. ment). Hatrick, Alexander. Burling, Henry, jun. Duigan, Charles L. Hayes, Alpheus (estate of). Burling, William A. and Robert Easton, Frederick S. Haynes, Daniel. R. Ellison, Thomas. Henderson, James, and others. Burnett, Cornelius. Elkington, Walter F. Herbert, Charles. Butler, Thomas. Evans, Howell E. Higgins, John.

8.—17 a


Names of Persons or Companies who are Owners of Land in the Dominion, etc. — continued. £20,000 and under £30,000, Unimproved Value —continued. Hills, Jesse J. Macdonald, Ranald M. Shand, Miss Margaret Helen. Holden, Jonathan. Maefarlane, James. Shennan, Watson. Holder, Henry R. Maefarlane, Minnie M. Sherrifi, Arthur A^ Holdsworth, Robert B. Makgill (J., E., and D.) and Shield, A. M. Holland, Samuel, and Sons. Middleton (Thomas). Shield, H. L. Holmes, Hannah. McGill, William (estate of). Small, Andrew. Holmes, Henry. McGregor, Ewan. Smeeton, H. M. Holmes, John George Stevenson. McGuire, Felix. Smith, Anne Mary (trustees of). Holmes, John Sayres Frederick. McKellar Bros. Smith, Hannah. Holmes, Samuel Gordon. McKendry, Dems. Smith, Hector John. Hume, George. McKenzie, Donald. Somerville, Arthur Founes. Hutchinson Bros., E. M.,F., and. Mackenzie, Harry Harman John. Somerville, Hendry (estate of). F. McKenzie, Thomas W. Sowdon, Jonathan. Hutchinson, E. M. and Frederick. Mackenzie, William Charles A. Spedding, Gunson. and RobertHutchinson, Edward, Arthur. McLean, Archibald. son. J onathan, Isabel, and Helen McLean, George Norman. Speedy, Hector A. S. McMillan, William. Stevens, Easton, and Austin, Izard, C. H. McNutt, Samuel. J., 8., and F. S. Jamieson, George E. Mcßae, John. Stevenson, William B. and Johnston, Guy F. Narbey, Francis. James. •Johnston, Sydney. Nathan, P. J. Stevenson, Thomas. Johnstone, Robert. Nee, Thomas. Stewart, Colin. Keene, Richard. Nestor, Thomas. Stitt and Hart. Kenway Bros., P. T. and H. Newman, Arthur B. Strachan, Malcolm H. King, Newton. Newton, Mrs. Gertrude A. Studholme, Carlisle. King, Good and Foyster. Nixon, William. Studholme, Effiginia Maria L. Kirkland, William. North, Lowry William. Sutherland, Archibald. Knight, Henry Arthur. O'Neill, late James (estate of). Sutherland, Nathaniel. Knight, H. D., W. F., and F. J. Orbell, Charles Newman. Taylor, James. Knight, Hemingway, Mitchell, Palmer, William. Taylor, Joseph. and King. Pannett, John A. Thompson, Isaac M. Langley, Thomas. Parkinson, Walter F. Thompson, Miss Jane MaitLawrence, Samuel B. Parrott and Co. land. Leadley, George William. Parsons, Alfred J. (estate of). Tinline, John (estate of). Little, Henry T. Pattullo, Patrick. Tonks, Arthur Sydney. Little, James. Paulsen, Mathias. Travis, William (estate of). Lockhead, William. Pain, George. Turner, William Henry. Loisel, F. H. Peacock, Thomas. Turrell, Mrs. Olive I. Luck, John Henry. Pearie, George V. Twigg, Samuel. Lund, Charles, and family (trus- Pease, Joseph F. Verity, Charles H. tees of). Peddle, Samuel Walter Peary. Wain, Frederick William. Lupton, Isaac (estate of). Perry, daughters of late Ben- Walker, Neil. Lysnar, Frederick J. jamin P. Wall, Percy F. Lyttleton, Hon. G. W. S. Perry, Waiter. Ward, Sir Joseph G. Maddison, John. Peter, John S., and three others. Wardell Bros, and Co.. Mannering, Theophilus Samuel. Pharazyn, Charles B. Washbourne Estate, per T. Marshall, John Willoughby. Pike, Bate, Skerrett, and Wylie. Washbourne. Marshall, William S. Piper, Henry W. Waterhouse, Frank S. Martin, Arthur. Pollard, William. Watson, A. R.. A. R. D., and Martin, James. Pynsent, Robert B. Matilda. Martin, John. Rawson, and others. Watt, Frances M. Martin, William James. Rawson, Herbert Pearson. Watts, George FoweJl. Masefield, Valentine V. Reeves, Andrew (estate of). Westenra Bros. Matthews, Alfred. Reid, John E., and Harper, Whatman, Arthur Powys. Matthews, Charles. Thomas. Wilkinson, Walter. Matthews, Harold Alfred. Richards, Elizabeth. Williamson, Stephen. Mawley, Septimus. Richardson, Effie N. Williams, Annie P. Melhuish, William. Richmond, Francis H. Williams, Eric B. Millton, Edward Bowler. Richmond, William. Williams, Henry (estate of). Montgomery, Hon. William. Riddell, George. Williams and Sherratt. Morland, Thomas. Riddiford, Richard E. W. Wilson, Jeannie and Mary Ellen. Morten, Richards M. Roberts, Emma, and children. and Horton, Henry. Mure, Mary R. Rowe Bros., Fred N., E., and Winstone, George G. Murdoch, George. Alfred H. Withell, John. Murphy, Edward R. Russell, Arthur E. Williams, Marriner, and Co. Murphy, John T. (estate of). Russell, Mrs. Ethel A. Young, Thomas. Myers, Arthur M. Russell, Gertrude M. B. Amburys (Limited). Macara, James. Rutherford, Edmund S. and Eva Auckland Gas Company (LiMcCracken (Peter and John L. mited). Davies), and Ensor (Kathleen Sargeant, Henry. Bing, Harris, and Co. (Limited). Mary). Scott, Eli. Butler Bros (Limited). McDonald, Donald. Shand, David Thompson. Canterbury Farmers' Co-opera-McDonald, Hilda. Shand, Isabella C. A. tive Association.


B. —17>

Names of Persons or Companies who are Owners of Land in the Dominion, etc. — continued,. £20,000 and under £30,000, Unimproved Value —continued. Canterbury Frozen Meat and Matipo Land Company. Ross and Glendining (Limited). Dairy-produce Export Com- Manning and Co. (Limited). Sargood, Son, and Ewen (Lipany (Limited). Milne and Choyce (Limited). mited). Chaytor and Co. (Limited). Miramar Tramway Junction South British Insurance ComClark, Archibald, and Sons (Li- Land Company. pany (Limited). raited). Mount Stewart Estate Company South Wellington Land ComDunedin Stock Exchange Pro- (Limited). pany (Limited). prietary (Limited). National Mutual Life Associa- Taitapu Gold Estates (Limited). Empire Hotel (Limited). tion of Australasia (Limited). Wairarapa Farmers' Co-opera-Gammon and Co. (Limited). New Zealand Farmers' Co-oper- tive Society (Limited). Hancock and Co. (Limited). tive Association of Canterbury. Ward and Co. (Limited). Karaka Land Company (Li- New Zealand Express Company Williams and Kettle (Limited). mited). (Limited). £30,000 and under £40,000, Unimproved Value. Abbott, Mary. Gates, Edward. Ruddenklau, J. G., F. W., and Acton-Adams, Percy M. Gear, James Ernest. Charles. Akers, William. Gilmer, Hamilton. Russell, Andrew H., jun. Allen Bros. Gollan, Frederica E. Rutherford, Mrs. Mary. Anderson, John (estate of). Goodfellow, William (estate of). Ryan, Michael. Andrew, William B. Grace, Agnes Mary. Shrimpton, Walter. Auckland Racing Club. Grigg, Alice M. Sidey, John. Barrett and Welch. Hall, Frederick. Smith, Charles A. (estate of). Barton, John. Hammond, Herbert V. Speed, Janet. Beamish, George R. Harding, Robert. Speedy, John. Beetham, Hugh Horsley. Hay, Ebenezer. Stead, G. G., and Son. Belcher, John R. Hay, James C. Stone-Wigg, Alfred J. Bell, Mrs. Alice. Higgins, Laurence. Strange, William. Bell, Amy. Houston, Mrs. Jessie F. Symes, Albert E. and Alfred Bennett, Joseph (estate of). Howard, Josiah. F. M. Boag, John, sen. Hunter, Moore (estate of). Teschemaker, Thomas J. Booth, William Howard. Johnstone, Harry Bell (estate Throp, Benjamin. Brewer, William. of). Tifien, Frederick J. Broughton, William. Knight, Joseph Thomas. Townsend and Paul, Frederick Brown, Elinor Jane Hunter. Lethbridge, Bennett P. and James. Buchanan, John W. Lethbridge, John P. Tripp, Charles George (estate Buckland, Alfred, and Sons. Levin, Robert L. of). Buller, Walter L. (estate of). Lindsay, Thomas Earl and John Tucker, Henry G. Burnett, Alfred. E. . Turnbull, Alexander H. Byrch, Constance. Liverton, William A. Ullyatt, William. Campbell, Hugh. Lockie, and McPhee. Waldegrave, John James (estate Campion, James. Lysnar, William D. of). Chambers, Bernard. Matson, L., H. R. T., and D. Waters, Thomas (estate of). Chambers, William Knox. . T. Watts, Charles F. W. (executors Chapman, Christina. Meares, Henry 0. D. of). Chapman, Walter. Morrison, Rupert Donald M. White, John (estate of). Clifford, Charles Lewis, and three Morten, Richard May D. White, Leonard. others. Morton, Archibald" Charles. Williams, Allen M. Clinton, William Francis. Morton, Arthur R. V. Williams, Elsie Jane B. Cochrane, William (executors Murchison, John (estate of). Williams, Thomas C. of). McDonald, John R. Williams, Thomas S. Coombes, William (estate of). Macfarlane, John Donald. Williams and Burge, Hilda T. Craig, Joseph James. Macfarlane, Walter. and M. M. A. Crawford, Alexander Donald. McKelvie, Lynn R. Williamson, James D. Crosse, Thomas Ezekiel. Mackenzie, Simon. Wilson, James G. Cutten, W. H. (estate of). McLaren, Peter Lee (estate of). Wilson, William R. and R. M. Dalrymple, John Taylor (estate McLennan, John R. Wilson Bros., Charles W. and of). Nairn, John. Horace. Dalziell and Bunny, William and Neave, Francis D. S. Wright, Douglas George. Oliver R. Newton and Wood, Charles T. Court, John (Limited). Dampier-Crossley and Mcßae. and Charles. Central Miramar (Limited). Darby, Patrick. Nichols, Joseph Cowie. . Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Davison, John H. Norman, William (estate of). Society (Limited). Dawson, Maria L. Parker, Christopher J. Hellaby, R. and W. (Limited). Deans, Mrs. Catherine E. Paul, Joseph (estate of). Hataitai Land Company (LiDennistoun, George James. Pawsey, Joseph (estate of). mited). Duncan, Thomas Andrew. Plimmer, John A. and Charles. Levin and Co. (Limited). Dwan Bros. Pratt, William (estate of). Makerua Estate Company (LiEarle, Robert C. Price, Alfred Henry (estate of). mited). Ensor, Charles H. Reid, James Bennie. Napier Brewery Company (Li Evans, Richard. Rhodes, Ernest T. (estate of). mited). Fraser, Donald. Roberts, Alexander F. Neal and Close (Limited). Gardiner, Linton Charrington. Roberts and Co. Nelson Bros (Limited). Garrick and Cowlishaw. Rodger, Alexander W., jun. White Hart Company (Limited).

8.—17 a


Names of Persons or Companies who abe Owners of Land in the Dominion, etc. — continued. £40,000 and under £50,000, Unimproved Value. Acton-Adams, Herbert William. Herrick Bros. Rhodes, Sarah Ann. A'Dean, John R. B. Holmes, George Gordon. Rutherford, George. Alexander, Alexander. Humphreys, George. Rutherford, George. Barton, William. Johnston, Charles F. Rutherford, George L. Bayly, A. C, and Hawken, Cecil J oil, Thomas Langdon (estate Starky, George Bayntun. J. of). Sutherland, Mary Jane. Brown, John H. Knight, William F. and Francis Tanner, Thomas. Bullock-Webster, Amelia. J. Telford, Thomas. Chambers, J. B. and T. M. Latter, Robert. Telford, William. Chapman, Thomas. Matthews, James (estate of). Turnbull, Robert T. Clifford, Sir George. Morrison, Hugh. Watt, Edward James. Couper, William Alexander. Murphy, Edward and John Row- White, Alfred J. Crawford, Charles John. ley. Williams, Joseph Heathcote. Dargaville, Anne (estate of). McHardy, Leslie H. Wilson, James (estate of). Douglas, John (estate of). McKelvie, James Flockhart. Drapery and General Importing Elworthy, Herbert. Nairn, Charles J. H. Company of New Zealand. Fernie, David. Nairn, Eric Wright. Sherwood Downs (Limited). Gerard, George. Ormond, Mrs. Hannah. Smith and Caughey (Limited). Gerard (Misses K. and A.) and Peat, David. Stewart Timber, Glass, and Mrs. Murray-Aynsley. Percy Bros. Hardware Company (Limited). Grigg, John C. N. Phillips, Thomas A. Strange, William, and Co. (LiHarding, John W. Rhodes, Robert H. mited). Hayhurst, J. T. M. Rhodes, R. H., jun. (trustees of). £50,000 and under £60,000, Unimproved Value. Acton-Adams, Reginald. Gilmer, McGuire, and McCavdle. Teschemaker-Shute, Charles de Akers, Hugh. Johnston, John Goring. Vere. Barker Bros. Joseph, Jacob (estate of). Tucker, William H. Bell, Alexander. Lowry, Thomas H. Williams, William T. Bell, James. Macfarlane, Alexander. Williams, Heathcote B. Bloomfield Bros. McHardy, Percy Alexander. Wilson, Elizabeth (trustees of). Buchanan, Walter C. Mcllraith, A. D. Great Northern Brewery (LiBuckley, George A. McLean. Moore, George F. M. mited). Bulkley, Major Henry C. Monro, Alexander (estate of). New Zealand Insurance ComCampbell, Hugh (estate of). Pharazyn, Godfrey N. pany (Limited). Carlyon, Arthur S. G. Reid, William Henry. A. L. Seifert's Flax-dressing Chambers, John. Renwick, Mrs. Anne. Company (Limited). Elworthy, Arthur S. Richards, Edward. Wellington Gas Company (LiElworthy, Percy A. Riddiford, Eleanor C. mited). Gaisford, Henry. £60,000 and over, Unimproved Value. Armstrong, Francis. McLean, Robert D. D. ■ Bank of Australasia. Beetham, William Henry. Macfarlane, David Duncan. Bank of New South Wales. Bullen, George F. Napier, David John. Bank of New Zealand. Campbell, Lady Sara. Nelson, Francis E. National Bank of New ZeaCarter, Thomas (estate of late). Ormond, George Canning. land. Clark, John. Ormond, Hon. J. D. Union Bank of Australia (LiCourage, Frank (estate of). Perry, Maude A. T. mited). Crawford, Henry D. (estate of). Pharazyn, Henry H. Campbell - Ehrenfried Company Dalgety, Frederick G. (estate of). Rathbone, Lissie. (Limited). Dillon, Francis N. Rhodes, William Barnard (estate Dalgety and Co. (Limited). Donnelly, George Prior. of). Gear Meat Preserving and FreezDouglas, William J. and Adol- Riddiford, E. J. (estate of). ing Company. phus F. Riddiford, E. J., and Co. Government Life Insurance DeGilmer and McGuire. Rutherford, Andrew William. partment (Life Branch). Gordon, Frank Lindsay and Rutherford, Duncan. Hallenstein Bros. (Limited). Edward Robertson. Rutherford, William Oliver. Kiore Sheep-farming Company Greenwood, George Dean. Short, Ernest. (Limited). Hannah, Robert. Thomson, John T. (estate of). Miramar (Limited). Harris, Charles. Townend, Annie Quayle. Nathan, David (trust) (Limited). Harrison, Henry James. Vavasour, Henry D. New Zealand and Australian Holden, John and Thomas. Williams, James Nelson. Land Company (Limited). Holmes, Alic William. Williamson, James D. New Zealand Loan and MerHunter, George. Williamson, Thomas C. oantile Agency Company (LiHunter, Paul. Wilson, Sir J. Cracroft (estate of). mited). Johnston, Hon. W. W. (estate of). Australian Mutual Provident Staples, J., and Co. (Limited). Murphy, Edward. Society. Nathan, J. E., and Co. (Limited). McCarthy, T G. F. W. Flanagan, Valuation Department, Wellington, 12th June, 1912. Valuer-General. Approximate cosi of Paper. —Preparation, not given; printing (1,500 copies), £.i.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9l2. Pric .id.}

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OWNERS OF LAND OF UNIMPROVED VALUE OF £20,000 OR OVER., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1912 Session II, B-17a

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OWNERS OF LAND OF UNIMPROVED VALUE OF £20,000 OR OVER. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1912 Session II, B-17a

OWNERS OF LAND OF UNIMPROVED VALUE OF £20,000 OR OVER. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1912 Session II, B-17a

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