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ORDERS OF REFERENCE. Extracts from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Friday, the 4th Day op August, 1910. Ordered, " That a Goldfields and Mines Committee be appointed, consisting of ten members, to whom shall be referred all matters relating to mining and all Bills relating to mines ; with power to call for persons and papers; three to be a quorum : the Committee to consist of Mr. Anderson, Mr. Colvin, Mr. J. Duncan, Mr. Greenslade, Mr. Poland. Mr. Scott, Mr. Seddon, Mr. E. H. Taylor, Mr. J. C. Thomson, and the mover."—(Hon. Mr. R. McKenzie.) I* l< IDA V, THE 6TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1911. Ordered, " That tho petition of T. T. Lohmann be referred direct to the Goldfields and Mines Committee."— (Mr. Seddon.) Tuesday, the 10th Day of October, 1911. Ordered, " That the petition of A. Mackay bo referred direct to tho Goldfields and Mines Committee."—(Mr. Glover.) Wednesday, the 11th Day of October. 1911. Ordered, " That the petition of Thomas Johnson and another be referred direct to the Goldfields and Mines Com-mittee-."—(Mr. Poland.) Friday, the 13th Day of October, 1911. Ordered, " That the petition of J. Wesley be referred direct to the Goldfields and Mines Committee."—(Mr. Colvin.) Tuesday, the 17th Day of October, 1911. Ordered, " That the petition of D. Dun and others bo referred direct to the Goldfields and Mines Committee."— (Mr. Anderson.)


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No. Petitioner. Page. No. Petitioner. No. Pago. 792 Anderson, D., and others 2 103 Johansen, August 294 Johnson, Thomas, and another 8 f> 239 Bayfeild, Arthur D'Oyly 3 279 Lohmann, T. T. 4 Chairman, thanks to the Clerk, recess employment for the Coal-mines Amendment Bill 6 6 2 286 Mackay, Alexander 105 Mathews, John 119 MeKonna, Laura 245 Meatos, William Mining Amendment Bill Mining Regulations 88 Muir, J. Patterson f> 3 8 4 4 4 4 5 275 311 Dillon, John Dixon, Peter Dun, David, and others 2 5 6 161 50 272 Franklin, T. J. Fairhall, R., and others Fraser, S. E., and others ■ ■ 2 2 5 Regulations, Gold-miners' Relief Fund 39 Robinson, Lilian Blanche 100 Routhan, George 104 Routhlan, William 4 2 4 3 796 251 102 Greenville, W. H., and others . . Grubb, George Gambrazzi, Elizabeth ■ ■ 2 5 3 794 Sawyer, A. W., and others 147 Stewart, S. .. 2 8 124 163 Hamilton, P... .. Uosie, James 3 3 246 Walsh, Emma, and another 9 Waters, Georgo 309 Wesley, John S 3 6



EEPOETS. Xos. 792, 793, and 794 (1910). —Petitions of D. Anderson and 45 Others, W. H. Greenville and 28 Others, and A. W. Sawyer and 35 Others. Petitioners represent that a proposed amendment of " clause 5, section 7," of the Mining Amendment Act, 1910, would prove to them a hardship, inasmuch as most of the petitioners are at present acting as mine-managers of small mines. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the petitions of D. Anderson and others, W. H. Greenville and others, and A. W. Sawyer and others that, having carefully considered and conserved the interests of managers of small mines in the Mining Act Amendment Act of last session, they have now no recommendation to make. 22nd August, 1911.

No. 50. —Petition of R. Fairhall and 18 Others. Petitioners pray thai your honourable House will see fit to provide that all lands set aside for mining purposes which have been worked oui or abandoned as non-payable should be thrown open for settlement under the ainety-nine-years provisions of the Land Act. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report mi the petition of R. Fairhall and others that they liave no recommendation to make. 22nd August, 1911

No. 39.—Petition of Lilian Blanche Robinson. Petitioner represents that her late husband was employed in the battery (if the Waihi Gold-mining Company for a lon<j- period ; thai through pneumoconiosis he became incapacitated and died; that no compensation is payable to her under the Workers' Compensation Act; that she is unable to claim any relief from the Gold-miners' Relief Fund; that her late husband was in the receipt of a compassionate allowance from the Waihi Gold-mini iany <>!' three guineas per wee!;, but by reason of the Act, which constrained the company to contribute to the Gold miners' Relief Fund, that allowance was withdrawn. Petitioner lias three children, and she furnishes a statement of her assets. She prays that a measure of relief may be granted to her. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour 1" report on the petition of Lilian Blanche Robinson that they recommend that a oompaseionate allowance be granted to the petitioner, the said allowance to be £50. 22nd August, 1911.

Coal-mines Amendment Bill. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report that, having duly considered the provisions of the Coal-mines Amendment Bill referred to them \n your honourable House, they recommend that the said Bill be allowed to proceed subject to the amendments shown in a copy of the Bill hereto attached. Ist September, 1911.

No. s.—Petition of John Dillon, of Otama. The Goldfields and Mines Committee, having taken evidence and given consideration to the matters involved in the petition of John Dillon, have the honour to report to your honourable House that they are of opinion that the questions raised are not properly a matter for the Goldfields and Mines Committee; they therefore recommend that the petition be referred to the Public Petitions A to L Committee. Ist September. 1911.

No. 161.—Petition of T. .1. Franklin. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report to your honourable House that, as the matters embodied in the petition of T. J. Franklin are not associated in any way with mining, they recommend that the eaid petition be referred to the Public Petitions A to L Committee, 28th September. 1911.



Nos. 102, 103, 104, 105, and 147.—Petitions of Elizabeth Gambrazzi, August Johansen, William Routhlan, John Mathews, and S. Stewart. Petitioners seek to obtain compensation for prospective damage to their properties through the proclamation of the Waimea Creek as a sludge-channel wherein tailings and other mining debris may be deposited. The (ioldtields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the above-mentioned petitions that they have no recommendation to make. 28th September, 1911.

No. 163. —Petition of James Hosie, of Karangahake. Petitioner seeks to obtain a reward for the discovery, which ho alleges was made by him, of gold at Waihi, Karangahnke, and Puru. The Goldfields and .Mines Committee have the honour to report on the petition of James Hosie that, having duly considered the same, they have no recommendation to make. 28th September, 1911. No. 89. —Petition of George Waters, of Stafford Riding, Westland. Petitioner prays for relief on account of the proclamation of Waimea Creek as a sludge-channel wherein may be deposited tailings am! mining debris. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the petition of George Wafers that they recommend that the petitioner may be allowed to have his claim placed for consideration with others on the "('" list of the report of the Wiamea Creek Compensation Commissioners. 28th September. I!) II ,

No. 239.—Petition of Author D'Oyi.y Bayfeild. Petitioner represents thai in April of last year the sum of £1,000 was distributed to shareholders of the Westport-Cardifi Coal Company in full satisfaction of their claims; he, however, notified at the time thai he would qoI accept the payment made to him as a complete clearance. He seeks now, on behalf of himself ami, as he alleges, the shareholders, to obtain a further giant of .£1,182, notwithstanding that a complete discharge has been given. The Goidfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the petition of Arthur D'Oylv Bayfeild that they have no recommendation to make. 29th September, 1911.

No. 119.—Petition of Laura McKenna. Petitioned represents that her late husband was employed in tin- Waihi Company's mine, where he contracted pneumoconiosis, from which he died: thai her late husband was in the receipt of a compassionate allowance from his late employers of £4 10s. per week, an allowance which she has no doubt would have been continued to her but for the legislation which established the Goldminer*' Relief Fund, to wnich her husband's late employers had to contribute largely; that she is unable to obtain any relief under the Workers' Compensation Acl or from the Gold-miners' Relief Fund, and she prays for a compassionate allowance. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the Honour to report on the petition of I.aura McKenna that they recommend thai the said petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration, and that the amount of such consideration be L •"><). 29th September, 1911.

No. 124. —Petition of F. Hamilton. Petitioner represents that on the 15th September he met with an accident whilst working at the Popora Mine, sustaining a double fracture of iiis left leg, complicated by dislocation of ankle. Through an omission cm the part of the secretary of his union at Popora his application for relief from the Gold-miners' Relief Fund was not forwarded to the Inspector of Mines Office in time. He prays your honourable House to afford relief. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour lo repori on the petition of F. Hamilton that they recommend that the said petition l>-> referred to tin- Government for favourable consideration. 29th September, 1911.



No. 245.—Petition of William Meates, of Poerua, Otira Line Petitioner represents that whilst working for the Poerua Gold-mining Company he accidentally cut his foot, the case developing into blood-poisoning, so that he was unable to work from the 3rd July to the 4th September. He was not aware that the time for making application for relief was so limited under the Gold-miners' Relief Fund, and he prays now that such relief as might have been obtained from that fund be granted to him. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the petition of William Meates that they recommend that it be referred to the Government for favourable consideration. 29th September, 1911.

No. 88.—Petition of J. Patterson Muir, of Ross. Petitioner represents that mining privileges in Westland held by him for more than thirty-six years were, in October, 1909, declared by Mr. Warden Acheson to be forfeited by reason of nonuser, petitioner at the time being a sufferer from illness. The loss of his claim has deprived him of the means of earning a livelihood, and he is now penniless. He prays for relief. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the petition of John Patterson Muir that they are of opinion that a man who has worked a claim for thirty-six years, and upon which he has constructed dams and cut races of the value of £2,000, and upon the produce of which he has been enabled to bring up a family of thirteen children, is entitled to the compassionate consideration of your honourable House. Your Committee therefore recommend that the Government cause an estimate to be made of the monetary value of the mining privileges forfeited by the Warden. with B view to relief being afforded to petitioner. 29th September, 1911.

No. 100.—Petition of George Routhan. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report to your honourable House that the question involved in the petition of George Routhan does not fall within the scope of the functions of your Committee. Your Committee recommend that the petition of George Routhan be referred to the Public Petitions M to Z Committee. 29th September, 1911.

Mining Regulations. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report that, having given consideration to the Mining Regulations (Paper 197 c), referred to them by your honourable House, they have not any amendments to suggest at present. Your Committee therefore recommend that the said Mining Regulations be approved. 3rd October, 1911.

Regulations for the Administration of the Gold-miners' Relief Fund. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report that, having duly considered the regulations, dated the 13th April, 1911, and the amended regulations, dated the 14th September, 1911, for the administration of the gold-miners' relief, they recommend that they be approved subject to the amendments made therein. 3rd October, 1911.

No. 279. —Petition of Thomas Tilt.guaud Loiiman. Petitioner represents that one of the Wardens of the Goldfields has refused to take evidence bearing importantly on his case, and in giving his decision has not taken into consideration the true facts as they have been submitted, and that this is so lie is prepared to prove. He asks for inquiry. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report that they have resolved to postpone Eurther consideration of the petition of Thomas Tillguard Lohman until next session; in the meantime they recommend that the petition be referred to the Government, with a view to enabling the Warden whose judgment has been questioned to furnish a reply. 18th October. 1911.

Mining Amendment Bill. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report that, having carefully considered the provisions of the Bill to amend the Mininsr Act, 1908, referred to them by your honourable House, they recommend that the said Bill be allowed to proceed subject to the amendments shown therein. 18th October, 1911


No. 29-1. —Petition of Thomas Johnson and Another. Petitioners represent that their late son, William Johnson, Buffered from pneumoconiosis, ceased to work in September, 1909, and died in September, 1911. He had contributed £1 per week to the support of his parents, who are aged sixty-three and fifty-nine respectively, and have been residents of the Dominion since 1865. Application for financial assistance has been made to the Waihi Gold-mining Company, but the general manager had given assurance that his company could not ilo anything in the matter. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the petition of Thomas Johnson and another that they recommend that the said petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration, and that the amount of such consideration be £50. 18th October, 1911.

No. 272.—Petition of S. E. Fraser and 135 Others. Petitioners pray that your honourable House will bestow favourable consideration on the case of the widow of the late James McEenna, a miner, of Waikino, who died mi the 10th July last from miners' disease. They also pray that the provisions of the Mining Act in regard to the Goldminers' Relief Fund be so amended as to render them retrospective in peration. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the petition of S. E. Fraser and others that your honourable House has already considered iii!' case of the widow of the late James McKenna, and made a recommendation thereon; and as the matter of the amendment of the Mining Act, so far as the Gold-miners' Relief fund is concerned, has been already dealt with by the Committee, they have no recommendation to make. '20th October, 1911.

No. 251.—Petition of Geokge Grubb, of Waikino. Petitioner represents that for a period of twelve years he worked as a miner in the Waihi Company's mine, where he contracted pneumoconiosis, from which he has suffered for two years; that the compassionate allowance of which lie was in receipt from the Waihi Company was stopped in consequence of the establishment of the Gold-miners' Relief Fund, and that as a consequence he, with a wife and three children, is now left without resources or the means to provide medical aid. He prays for relief. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the petition of George Grubb that they recommend that the said petition be referred to the Government for favourable consideration, and that the amount of such consideration be £50. 20th October, 1911.

No. 275.—Petition of Peter Dixon. of Lower Hutt. Petitioner represents that about twenty-five years ago he discovered the quartz reef which was first known as the Golden Crown Mine, and subsequently as the Crown and New Zealand Crown Mine; that shortly afterwards, by a piece of trickery, he was deprived of his interest in the said reef, and that he has never received any remuneration or reward for his discovery. He seeks now to obtain a reward. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report upon the petition of Peter Dixon that they have no recommendation to make. 20th October, 1911. ■'

No. 286. —Petition of Alexander Mackat. Petitioner seeks to obtain a reward for the discovery of gold, which he alleges was made by him at Ohinemuri, Karangahake, and other places. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the petition of Alexander Mackay that they have no recommendation to make. 20th October, 1911.

No. 246. —Petition of Emma Walsh and Another. Petitioners represent that they are legatees of the late Robert Bellamy, of Reef ton; that their father, the late Robert Bellamy, left a property of over 6 acres in the Township of Ross, the present capital value of which property is £239; that in 1895 the property was taken by Government under the Public Works Act as a public tailings-site and sludge-channel; that their deceased

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father was offered a compensation of £60, which, considering the sum inadequate, he refused to accept, setting forth his reasons for so refusing to the then Minister of Public Works; that, in the belief that his freehold title to the land was still good, their deceased father took no further action, preferring to submit to the nuisance and destruction caused by tailings than accept the compensation tendered for his interest; that, under the firm belief that the property was still his, until a few months before his death he continued to pay rates and taxes on the land; that subsequent to the Proclamation by which the land was taken, and up to the time of his death, their deceased father does not appear to have been offered any compensation. Petitioners pray that the matter may be reopened, and that compensation be now paid to the Public Trustee as executor in the estate, and also that such further relief and assurance as may be necessary be extended to them. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the petition of Emma Walsh and another that they recommend that, if not required for mining purposes, the land referred to be revested in the petitioners; failing such an arrangement, that the petitioners' claim receive favourable consideration from the Government. 20th October, 1911.

No. 309.—Petition of John Wesley. Petitioner represents that, whilst working in the Westport Coal Company's mine at Millerton, on the 16th November, 1908, he met with an accident from which he has never recovered, and it has been certified by medical men that he never will be able to follow mining again. He has a wife and a young family to bring up, and, having exhausted his savings in medical advice, he is now practically destitute. Petitioner asks that a compassionate allowance be granted to him equal to what would be granted to a coal-miner out of the Coal-miners' Relief Fund. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report on the petition of John Wesley that they have no recommendation to make. 20th October, 1911.

No. 311. —Petition of David Dun and 104 Others. Petitioners pray that the Waimumu Stream Drainage Board may be abolished. The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report to your honourable House on the petition of David Dun and 104 others that they recommend that the said petition be referred to the Government for consideration. 26th October, 1911.

Report {re Chairman). The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report to your honourable House that at a meeting of the Committee held this day, the 23rd October, 1911, the following resolution was unanimously agreed to, namely : — " That this Committee place upon record their high appreciation of the impartial manner in which the Chairman (Mr. H. Poland) has presided over their deliberations, and extends to him hearty thanks for the courtesy, consideration, and ability with which he has at all times conducted the business of the Committee." 26th October, 1911.

■ Report (re Clerk). The Goldfields and Mines Committee have the honour to report to your honourable House that at a meeting of the Committee held this day, the 26th October, 1911, the following resolution was unanimously agreed to, namely : — " That this Committee desire to place upon record their appreciation of the services of the Clerk, Mr. James Izett, who has filled the office of Clerk of the Goldfields and Mines Committee for a period of seventeen years, and, so that the Committee may be assured of a continuance of his service and experience, recommend the Government to provide for him clerical employment during the recess; that this resolution be reported to the House." 26th October. 1911.

Approximate Cott of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (1,400 copiw), 24.

Authority : J ohm Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9li.

Price 6d.]

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GOLDFIELDS AND MINES COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. POLAND, Chairman.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, I-04

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GOLDFIELDS AND MINES COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. POLAND, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, I-04

GOLDFIELDS AND MINES COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. POLAND, Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, I-04

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