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Presented to Parliament pursuant to the Provisions of the Public Service Classification and Superannuation Act, 1908.

REPORT, The Board has the honour to submit the following report upon the transactions in connection with the Public Service Superannuation Fund. The Revenue Account, Balance-sheet, and statements regarding membership and retiring and other allowances will be found appended. Board. —Owing to the resignation of Colonel R. J. Collins, 1.5.0., on his appointment to the position of Controller and Auditor-General, a vacancy occurred in the official membership of the Board, and Mr. F. G. B. Waldegrave, Under-Secretary of Justice, was appointed by the Governor in Council to the position. By section 21 of the Public Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1909, provision was made for an additional member of the Board to be elected by and from the contributors who belong to the Police Department. Inspector Ellison was duly elected. At the close of the year to whicli this report relates the members of the Board were as follows : Minister of Internal Affairs (Chairman), Messrs. W. C. Kensington, 1.5.0., J. W. Poynton, J. H. Richardson, and F. G. B. Waldegrave, appointed by the Governor in* Council; Messrs. H. A. R. Huggins and W. McNickle, elected by contributors in the Post and Telegraph Department; Inspector Ellison, elected by contributors in the Police Department; Messrs. G. Allport, H. W. Bishop, and H. R. Spence, elected by members in other departments of the Public Service. Police Provident Fund. —This fund was.merged in the Public Service Superannuation Fund on the let April, 1910, by the Public Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1909, which provided that the contributors to the Police Provident Fund should become contributors to the Public Service Superannuation Fund, and that the money belonging to the first-mentioned fund should be transferred to, and that the pensions should be payable by, the latter fund. Under this arrangement 773 members of the Police Force, contributing £7,828 19s. per annum, were taken over, also 85 ex-members and two widows drawing an aggregate annual allowance of £8,231 Bs. 3d., while the funds transferred amounted to £32,785 15s. 4d.—viz., £32,204 7s. Id., the balance shown in the final report of the Board of Administration of that fund for the year ending 31st March, 1910, plus the contributions due for the month of March. The Government subsidy to the Public Service Sperannuation Fund of £20,000 per annum has been increased by £3,000 per annum, owing to the inclusion of trie Police Provident Fund, as provided by section 30 of the Public Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1909. Of this increase the sum of £2,500 was paid for the nine months ended 31st December, 1910. The accounts presented with this report include the Police Provident Fund since the amalgamation.

I—H. 26.



Contributors. —The following table contains particulars of new contributors who joined the scheme during the year : —

Further particulars regarding the members of the Police Provident Fund transferred to the Public Service Superannuation Fund as on Ist April, 1910, are shown in the next table.

The following table contains particulars of the public servants who were contributing to the fund at the end of the year 1910 (after allowing for deaths, retirements, and withdrawals), grouped according to their respective rates of contributions :—

Full particulars regarding contributors, including those who have retired from the Government service and are now on the fund, will be found in the statements appended. Betiring and other Allowances. —Pensions for £5,846 11s. 10d. per annum were granted during the year, as follows : for age or length of service, £4,147 Is. 10d. per annum, to 42 members (39 male and 3 female members); for medical unfitness for duty, £1,100 10s. per annum to 13 members (all male) ; to widows and children of deceased members, £378 per annum to 21 widows, and £221 per annum to 17 children. The largest retiring-allowance granted during the year to a contributor was £521 135., and the smallest £5 17s. per annum, while the average was £95 Bs. 3d. Those officers who retired during the year were entitled to receive the sum of £14,854 Is. sd. accrued compensation under the Civil Service Act, 1866, had they not become participants in the Superannuation Fund,

itaie Per Cent, of Contribution as — provided by the Act. Rate Per Cent, of Contribution as provided by the Act. Male. Number. Female. Number. Total. Annual Salary. Annual Contributions. 5 6 7 8 9 10 iy transfer, 5% ... 380 59 41 33 26 45 8 129 7 7 6 4 7 509 66 48 39 30 52 3 £ 9. d. 39,431 6 8 10,766 13 4 8,273 6 8 6,276 13 4 4,539 3 4 8,648 18 4 259 0 0 £ s. d. 1,971 11 4 646 0 0 579 2 8 502 2 8 408 10 6 864 17 10 12 19 0 587 160 (y transfer from 773 the Police Provident Fund 747 773 78,195 127,232 1 3 8 4 4,985 4 7,828 19 0 0 Totals ... 1,360 160 1,520 205,427 205,427 5 5 0 0 12,814 3 12,814 3 0 0

Rate Per Cent, of Contribution. Number of Contributors. Annual Salary. Annual Contributions. 5 6 7 8 9 10 489 92 39 73 58 22 £ e. 72,420 10 15,804 3 7,410 8 14,476 13 12,922 18 4,197 10 d. 0 4 4 4 4 0 S, 8. 3,621 0 948 5 518 14 1,158 2 1,163 1 419 15 d. 6 0 7 8 3 0 Totals 773 127,232 3 4 7,828 19 0

Rate Per Cent, of Contribution as provided by the Act. Male. Number. Female. Number. I I Total. Annual Salary. Annual Contributions. I 5 6 7 8 9 10 3,969 897 697 612 547 7 I: , . 640 94 63 48 27 - 34 £ s. a. 4,609 535,306 1 8 991 183,358 19 2 760 " 156,191 5 0 660 149,000 18 9 574 145,752 10 0 777 188,509 4 2 £ s. a. 535,306 1 8 183,358 19 2 ' 156,191 5 0 149,000 18 9 145,752 10 0 188,509 4 2 £ s. d. 26,765 6 1 11,001 10 9 10,933 7 9 11,920 1 6 13,117 14 6 18,850 18 5 1 . Totals... 7,465 906 8,371 1,358,118 18 9 92,588 19 0



Nineteen retiring-allowances were discontinued by deaths and four for other causes—viz., one widow remarried, two children reached age 14, and one allowance granted to an officer on account of medical unfitness was cancelled on his re-employment. The annual amount payable at the close of the year was 11s. lid., as shown in the statement attached. Income. —The total income for the year was £156,008, made up as follows: — £ Members' ordinary contributions ... ... ... ... 89,290 Transferred from other funds ... ... ... ... 23 Members' contributions to enable previous service to be counted, as provided by Act ... ... ... ... ... 901 Contributions from Government ... ... ... ... 22,500 Fines ... ... ... ... ... ... 296 Interest ... ... ... ... ... ... 10,212 123,222 Balance Police Provident Fund, merged Ist April, 1910 ... 32,786 Total income for the year ... ... ... 156,008 Nine contributors availed themselves of the provisions of section 50 of the Amendment Act of 1908, and section 10 of the Amendment Act of 1909, enabling them to count previous service by paying five years' contributions. The amount so paid was £901. Outgo. —The pensions paid to contributors who have retired, and to the dependants of deceased contributors during the year amounted to £36,009 17s. 3d.—viz., £34,668 14s. 4d. to members and £1,341 2s. lid. to widows and children. Eefunds of contributions to contributors who have left the service amounted to £4,963 19s. 4d., while the refunds to personal representatives of deceased contributors amounted to £767 18s. lid. Two contributors were transferred to other funds in accordance with the provisions of section 48 of the Amendment Act of 1908, and their contributions, amounting to £12 15s. 2d., were accordingly transferred to such other funds. The salaries of the staff (excluding that of the Secretary, paid out of the Consolidated Fund, as provided under section 25 of the Act) and other office expenses were £786 2s. sd. and £73 Is. 4d. respectively. The travelling-expenses of the elected members of the Board amounted to £77 4s. 10d. The Public Trustee's charges for commission (at the rate of per cent, on all contributions received, excluding the Government contribution of £22,500, and 5 per cent, on the first £2,000 and 2i per cent, on the balance of interest collected on mortgage) amounted to £720 16s. sd. Accumulated Funds. —These amounted at the end of the year to £263,948. The Balance-sheet. —On the 31st December the total assets of the fund, which include provision for the outstanding accounts, amounted to £265,681. The balance-sheet appended gives full particulars as to ths assets. In terms of the Act the moneys received on account of the fund are placed with the Public Trust Office for investment, and at the close of the year were invested by the Public Trustee as follows : — £ b. A. On mortgage at 5 percent. ... ... ... ... 166,435 0 0 4f „ 2,000 0 0 4i „ 62,500 0 0 Total invested ... ... ... ... 230,935 0 0 Total uninvested ... ... ... 23,080 16 9 254,015 16 9 Since the 30th September, 1910, the Public Trustee has ceased to allow interest on the uninvested balance of the fund. Prior to that date the. common fund rate of 4 per cent, was paid on the balance of the fund not specially invested, as provided by Regulation 58 under the Public Service Classification and Superannuation Act, 1908. It has been held, however, by the SolicitorGeneral that such regulation, so far as it relates to uninvested balances, is ultra vires and therefore invalid. The matter is now under the consideration of the Board. General. —Since the date of the last report, section 32 of the Public Service Classification and Superannuation Act, 1908, has been amended by section 26 of the Appropriation Act of last year, which provides that if a contributor dies while still in the public service and leaves a wife surviving him, the same amount of compensation shall be payable out of the Consolidated Fund to his personal representatives as would have been payable to him if he had retired compulsorily from the public service immediately before his death, and no moneys shall be payable out of the fund except the amount of his contributions. The statutory triennial investigation of the fund is now in progress, Mr. Morris Fox, the Actuary to the Government Life Insurance Department, having been appointed by the Governor for the purpose. D. Buddo, Wellington, 18th July, 1911. Chairman.



Public Service Superannuation Fund. Bevemte Account for the Year ended 31st December, I'JIO. £ s. d. I Retiring-allowances— £ B. d. Amount of funds at the beginning of the To members .. .. .. 34,668 )4 4 year .. .. .. .. 154,548 1 S . To widows and children .. .. 1,341 211 Police Provident Fund merged .. 32,785 15 4 Contributions returned— Members contributions— Under section 46, Amendment Acr. Under section 29 (ordinary) .. .. 89,289 19 10 1908 (left service) .. .. 1,963 19 4 Under section 50, Amendment Aot, 1908 901 7 9 Under section 42 or 43 (death) .. 767 18 11 Transfers from other superannuation Transfers to other superannuation funds .. .. .. .. 23 bll funds .. .. .. 12 15 2 Government contribution — Compensation (section 32, (f)) .. 3,197 0 7 P.S.S.P., 1/1/10 .. .. .. 20,000 0 0 Expenses— On account P.P.F.,merged .. .. 2,500 0 0 Salaries .. .. .. .. 786 2 5 Fines .. .. .. .. 296 9 5 ■ Office expenses .. .. .. 73 1 4 Interest .. .. .. .. 10,211 16 4 Board members' travelling-expenses 77 4 10 Public Trust commission .. .. 720 16 5 Amount of funds at the end of the year .. .. .. .. 263,948 0 0 6810,666 16 3 £310,556 16 3 Balance-sheet at the 31st December, I'JIU. Liabilities. Assets. k, s. d. £ s. d. Fund as per Revenue Account .. 263,948 0 0 Amount of fund with the Public 'Retiring and other allowances due, in Trustee .. .. .. .. 254,015 16 9 course of payment — 'Contributions due, in transmission — Members .. " .. .. .. ill 5 6 Under section 29 (ordinary) .. 8,792 10 (i Widows and children .. .. 27 19 2 'Fines due, in course of transmission .. 22 -1 '.> •Refunds of contributions due, in course 'Interest— of payment— Due, in course of transmission .. 5 11 10 Under section 46 (left service) .. 461 5 11 Accrued, bu,t not due .. .. 2,770 12 5 Under section 42 or 43 (deaths) .. i>l 13 1 Amounts due, in course of transmisTransfers to other funds due, in sion for re-credit to fund .. 74 Id > of payment .. .. .. 12 15 2 Unolaimed contributions .. .. 104 6 0 Suspense Account (contributions paid in advance and in error) .. .. 37 13 3 'Expenses due, in course of payment— Publio Trust commission (accrued, but not due) .. .. .. 310 9 7 Offioe expenses .. .. .. 12 17 0 £265,681 4 8 £265,681 4 8

Included in the corresponding items in the Kevenuo Account.

Amelius M. Smith, Secretary. William M. Wright, Accountant. Wellington, 4th April, 1911. Examined and found correct.—E. J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General. 12th April, 1911.

Public Service Superannuation Fund. Statement of Contributors for the Year ending 31st December, 1910.

Number. Annual Salary. Annual Contributions. M. P. Total. •Contributors at the beginning of the year .. 0,470 Jlerged from Police Provident Fund .. 773 New contributors entered during the jeai .. 584 Contributors transferred from other funds .. 3 Increase by promotion during the year 853 100 7,323 773 744 3 E s. d. 1,140,077 6 3 127,232 3 4 77,936 1 8 259 0 0 73,930 2 6 £ s. .1. 79,503 14 7 7,828 1!) O 4,972 5 0 12 1!) 0 4,509 2 1 Total .. .. .. .. 7,830 1,013 8,843 1,419,410 13 9 90,826 19 8 Contributions discontinued during the year .. 305 107 472 01,321 15 0 4,238 0 8 Total contributors at end of year .. 7,405 906 8,371 1,358,118 18 9 92,588 19 0 * Adjusted for em >rs in previi >U9 years.


H.— '26

Public Service Superannuation Fund — continued. Particulars of Contributions discontinued during the Year.

Progress of Contributors since Date of Establishment of the Fund to 31st December, 1910.

How discontinued. M. Number. I Total. . , Amount Ketiriug unci Anaua.Sa.ary. cJSL.. jK, A^ o8 !y death before retiring-allowance entered upon (pccs. 42 and 43) Sy retirement before retiring-age iy retirement medically unfit (sec. 30) .. ty retirement at retiring-age or for length of service (sec. 30) iy transfers to other funds iy reduction 28 .. 28 288 104 387 18 .. 18 89 3 12 2 .. 2 £ . .1. 6 s. d. £ K. d. 4,676 16 8 357 lo 1 767 18 II 13,036 0 10 2,596 5 10 1,968 19 I ; in 10 -210 18 9,686 10 0 966 19 9 £ 8. d. 380 0 0 1 ,100 10 ii 1,147 1 10 142 10 0 7 '2 G 12 13 2 746 0 8 49 15 10 Total 305 107 472 01,321 16 0 4,238 0 8 5,744 13 8 5,627 11 10

Number. M. V. Total. •Total entered .. .. .. .. 8,595 1,188 9,788 ♦Total discontinued .. .. .. 1,130 282 1,412 Total existing at 81st Deoember, 1910 .. 7,465 906 ' 8,871 Annul Salary. Con Suons. £ 8. d. £ s. d. 1,565,370 3 Jl 108,865 7 8 207,257 1 J 16,276 8 8 1,858,118 18 9 92,r>^ 92,588 I!l (I • Adjuetud for errors in previous yuars.



Wellington, 4th April, 1911. Amelius M. Smith, Secretary. William M. Wright, Accountant.

Public Service Superannuation Fund. Statement of Retiring and other Allowances for the Year ending 31st December, 1910.

Section 8.">: On Attainment of Ketiring-age or for Length of Service. . Number. Annual M. P. 1 Am °"" t Retiring and other Allowances — £ s. a. Existing at beginning of year .. 1214 8 222 23.315 4 '.< Merged from Police Provident Fund 42 ... 42 4,589 13 10 Granted during year at retirement.. 39 3 42 4.147 1 10 Granted during year after retirement Total .. .. .. 295 11 30G 32,052 0 5 Discontinued during year .. .. 12 .. 12 945 G 11 Existing at end of year .. .. 283 11 294 31,106 13 6 Section 30: Section 29, A. A. 09. Rection 42: .Medically unfit. Police injured on Duty. Widow- . Annual Annual . Anmui.1 d \inonnt. Amount. Amount. M. F. M. F. £ 8. d. £ B. d. £ s. A. 32 3 35 3,119 13 1 .. .. 41 *738 0 0 3,164 1 ■"> 1 441 13 0 2 36 0 0 13 .. 13 1,100 10 tl .. .. 11 0 0 10 180 0 0 Sections 1-2 («) and 4:) (n): Children. Number. Annual d Amount. M. F. I - Total Retiring and other Allowances. Number. I Amount. £ s. a. 14 18 32 t416 0 0 £ .-. d. ■260 70 330 * 127.588 17 10 85 2 87 8,231 8 3 59 21 80 5,627 11 10 ■1 11« 13 I 219 u 0 7 7 14 182 0 0 2 13 39 0 0 11 30G 32,052 0 5 S4 3 87 7,384 4 6 ..12 945 G 11 5 ..15 679 19 1 4 441 13 0 64 4 -1,152 0 0 23 72 0 0 . . 26 2 49 ■1 h;:;t o o 26 0 0 400 104 510 *+ 41,660 17 11 17 6 23 I 1 ,723 6 0 389 98 487 * 139,943 1111 11 294 31,106 13 G 79 3 1 82 0,704 5 5 4 411 18 0 60 •1,080 0 0 ■24 47 ten o o Particular ■ How discontinued, — By death .. .. .. 12 .. 12 1)45 G 11 By expiry .. .. Particulars of Retiring and other Allowances discontinued dm .. 12 1)45 6 11 4 .. 4 645 7 11 .. 3 .... .. 1 .. 1 l| 34 11 2 I .. .. - 1 ing the Year. £ s .d. .04 (I 0 ! .. I 18 0 0 LJ. . 26 0 0 16 3 19 1.H44 14 10 3 4 7S 11 2 4 1 Total .. .. .. 12 .. 12 945 6 11 5 5 " 679 19 1 .. .. 4 72 0 0 .. 2 2 26 0 0 II 17 6 1,723 6 0 5 679 19 1 .. 4 Progress of Retiring other Allowances since Establishment of the Fund to 31st December, 1910. other A: \Uowances since Establishment of the I am Total granted .. .. .. 300 11 311 Total discontinued .. .. 17 .. 17 32,432 14 1 ' 88 1,326 0 7 ' 9 j 3 91 8 061 (i 7 4 441 13 0 64 '1,152 0 0 24 29 53 f689 0 0 416 107 523 *t42,776 13 8 9 1.357 12.. .. 4 72 O 0 1 5 G 78 0 0 27 9 36 2.833 1 » 3 82 0,704 5 5 4 441 13 0 CO '1.080 0 0 23 24 47 +611 0 0 389 I 98 487 '139,943 11 11 Total existing at 31st December, 1910 283 11 2*14 31,106 13 6 79 * Includes annuity of £W deferred under section 15 to 23rd May. 1916 Includes annuity of £1K deferred under section 45 to 28th August, l'HK facilities annuity' of H:i df ferreel under section 45 to :!rd July, 1922. t



PUBLIC SERVICE SUPERANNUATION FUND. List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st December, 1910. Under Section 35 (Age or Length of Service).

;egistercd w,,™,, Annual Registered N Annual No. Name - Amount. No. Name> Amount. £ p. a. £ a. d. 397 Aohieon, W. ... 125 5 6 Brought forward ... 5,449 1 0 389 Aicken, W. ... 57 10 0 283 Crozier, Alexander... i L04 0 6 V85 Alfrey, A. ... 17 13 10 394 Cumine, John ... 30 8 0 122 Ulingham, R. ... 20 8 8 256 Cunningham, C. A. 102 11 0 64 Anderson, J. J. ... 74 10 8 37J Curel, Edwin ... 58 8 0 247 Anderson, E. C. ... 58 6 0 373 Darby, William ... 64 19 0 379 Andrews, J. ... 30 9 0 268 Davis, John W. ... 165 14 0 193 Annand, W. ... 34 16 9 395 Davy, Charles ... 68 7 0 238 Arden, F. G. ... 17 6 0 365 Dee, Daniel ' ... 42 14 0 390 Armit, J. ... ... 7119 0 83 Dick, John ... 20 18 0 123 Armstrong, A. ... 145 16 0 100 Dickson, James ... 125 6 8 124 Arns, F. ... ... 97 l>! 10 13S Dodd, Montague M. 30 2 5 222 Atkinson, J. ... 10 IS 9 15 | Donovan, Edward ... 35 9 6 65 Austin, T. ... 23 9 6 16 Douglas, Charles B. 85 0 0 125 Barclay, W. M. de R. 82 8 0 67 Douglas, Thomas ... 92 11 2 224 Bair, J. ... ... 31 12 0 139 Driscoll, John ... 18 0 0 254 Barron, A. ... 533 ' 6 S 140 Drummond, John ... 186 6 1 208 Barron, D. ... 350 0 0 286 Eccleton, Joseph ... 78 0 4 6 Barron, .I. ... 96 5 0 204 Erecson, John F. ... 104 0 3 367 Barrowman, F 42 12 0 269 Evans, Robert ... 94 8 0 40 Beasley, Mrs. K. ... 12 9 9 50 , Evans, William B. ... 90 8 4 7 Beere. G. A. ... 48 6 5 i41 Pair, Patrick T. ... 70 6 0 66 Bell, James ... 46 7 2 293 Farmer, John ... 98 11 0 273 Bell, John ... 120 9 0 143 Flannery, Michael ... -194 8 11 194 Bel let t, Thomas D. 45 I 9 294 Fleming. John ... 115 8 7 48 Bentley, W. H. ... 41 2 10 288 Flewellen, Samuel ... 78 0 4 200 i Benzoni, C. T. ... 87 7 1 249 Forster, William L. 29 16 0 126 Biggs, Mrs. M. D. ... 10 11 2 144 Frankham, Walter... 88 12 6 127 Black, James G. ... 26 3 11 226 Franklin, William ... 166 3 6 L28 Black, John ... 199 5 3 68 Fraser, Alexander ... 150 6 3 117 Black, Maria J. ... t9 14 1 292 Fraser, Charles ... 113 15 2 ■231) i Blackmore, John C. 69 14 0 374 j Frissell, Edward ... 44 3 0 259 Blake, Francis ... 58 13 0 51 Fullarton, Blair ... 120 9 11 129 Blake, William J. ... 32 10 2 195 Furniss, John K ... | 19 6 7 9 ! Bloxam, A. R. ... 207 16 8 227 Galviu, Patrick ... 67 6 0 191 Blundell, Henry ... 247 1 11 228 Gardner, Robert ... 61 10 0 130 Bond, William ... 31 2 9 295 Geerin, Michael J. ... 118 18 7 181 Bratby, John H. ... 212 16 9 245 Gill, Richard W. ... 53 • 4 0 382 Brennan, John M. ... 93 8 0 262 Gould, Mrs. E. 8. ... 8 8 10 10 Brock, Sarah ... 66 9 2 297 Grace, Martin ... 149 19 1 244 Bronberger, O. K. ... 17 17 0 53 Graham, Charles C. 180 0 0 •270 Buckeridge, Thomas j 9 10 0 78 Grant, John ... 76 4 7 L33 Bullen, F. T. H. ... L06 13 4 43 Greenwood, G. L. ... 247 10 0 \-M Burke, Mrs. J. ... 28 19 10 262 Grix, J. J. D. ... 152 17 0 391 Burns, Mrs. E. G. ... 20 1 0 142 Hall, Thomas W. ... 63 4 0 381 Burns, Patrick ... 59 '2 0 17 Hargood, Horace H. 36 5 8 11 Burrows, P. F. M.... 47 13 4 18 Barlow, William B. 42 0 0 L35 i Bybles, A. E. R. ... K4 14 3 197 Hawkins, George F. 23 19 4 I.', I Campbell, D. ... 77 13 8 252 Hawley, John E. ... 35 2 0 '232 Carr, Henry H. ... 88 3 6 145 Heidenstrom, 0. P. 8. 44 19 7 225 Caverhill, T. W. ... 48 1 0 146 Heron. Mrs. S. ... 24 14 5 136 ■ Chilton, Thomas ... Ill 3 9 363 Heywood, James 15. 52113 0 49 Christie, Walter ... 126 13 4 147 Hill, George ... 20 10 1 280 Clarke, Andrew ... 120 9 0 376 Hill, Sylvanus C. ... 159 8 0 281 Clarke, Henry ... 82 2 6 229 Hird, William J. ... 27 18 0 137 Cleary, M. M". ... 266 13 4 196 Hodge, John G. ... 57 8 0 70 Clough.T. E. ... 142 9 3 Us Holz, Julius ... 83 3 5 284 . Conn, Christopher ... 131 8 0 234 Hume, Arthur ... 339 5 II 207 i Corbett, L. ... 79 12 0 149 Humphries, Thomas 466 13 4 14 Cox, Orlando C. ... ■ 81 6 8 150 Hursthouse. C. W.... 341 4 4 260 Craig, William L. ... 59 13 3 151 Hustwick, T. H. . 64 14 9 Carried forward ... 5,449 1 0 Carried forward ... 11.804 2 11



List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st December, 1910 — continued. Under Section 35 (Age or Length of Service) —continued.

.egietered Naffle Brought forward... 152 Ironside, Alexander 82 Jacobs, Nathaniel ... 3 Janiou, Charles 253 j Jeffries, Henry ... 303 Jeffries, John ... : 198 Johnson, George J. H. 153 Johnson, Henry D. 154 .Tones, Edmund ... 386 Jonee, Mrs. L. M. ... 255 Jordan, George' 267 Kavanagh, Henry P. 305 Kelly, Robert 243 Kennaway, Sir W — 210 Kenny, Harry E. ... 20 Kent, Samuel 261 Kidson, Charles B.... 211 King, John 387 King, Joshua 113 King, William J. ... 306 Knapp, Charles ... 155 Knowles, Walter ... 79 Larchiu, Thomas ... 212 Laseron, Edward W. 69 Lawton, James 383 Lindesay, Thomas ... 385 Livingstone, Thomas 308 Lloyd, David 156 Lloyd, John O. •213 Loveday, L. W. 368 Lynch, Daniel 392 Maben, Thomas ... 101 Macdonald, J. S. ... 22 ' MacGoun, D. M. ... 24 .Mackenzie, George... 217 Maclean, Alex. H. ... L57 Mair, William (\. ... 47 .March, John E. 158 .MaiT, Beaton ... 314 • Marsh, Nicholas 2l| Martin, George 215 .Martin, Henry 205 ! Martin, William ... 44 j Mason, Henry ... 310 Mason, William T.... 159 Meddings, W. G. ... 257 Medland, E. H. 359 Menzies, George G. 56 Miller, Robert 87 Mills, Alfred 399 Mills, Mrs. A. 88 Mitchell, James ... 372 Moar, James W. ... 15 Monaghan, Charles... 161 Montgomerie, J. A. 202 Moore, George 57 Moore, John ... j 21 Morcom, George ,sl Morrow, Arthur ... i 315 Mulholland, Hugh ... j 316 Mulville, William N. ! 223 Munro, Donald ... j 163 Murphy, Stephen ... Carried forward ... ! Annual Amount. £ b. d. 11,804 2 11 115 8 10 47 U 7 53 6 8 152 8 11 98 11 0 13 0 0 119 8 0 59 4 5 17 4 0 106 4 0 81 13 I 71 3 6 474 15 0 179 9 0 80 12 0 72 5 0 190 11 8 145 5 0 A 13 0 104 0 6 55 5 4 204 L6 2 44 6 7 83 5 0 56 17 0 160 7 0 78 0 4 117 18 0 169 18 0 66 15 0 41 15 0 90 19 11 48 0 0 82 10 0 ITS 15 II 131 18 2 265 3 8 53 15 0 72 4 9 101 9 5 110 5 10 51 2 4 51 2 0 136 17 6 300 12 10 106 9 0 103 13 0 13 10 1 61 5 1 5 17 0 77 11 7 100 10 0 10 1 0 0 218 15 5 103 6 10 125 0 0 81 15 7 199 10 9 104 0 (i 91 5 0 17 5 0 32 19 4 118,290 8 6 Registered XT Annual No. Name - Amount. £ s. d. Brought forward... 18,290 8 6 162 Murray, W. D. B. ... 222 0 s 318 McCabe, John ... 84 17 3 319 MoChesney, George 75 2 7 320 McDonald', Charles 93 1 6 107 McEnnis, James ... 366 L3 I 264 McGonagle, Bobert 21 11 0 322 McGorman, John ... 87 12 0 323 McGovern, Francis 240 0 0 89 McKay, Alexander... 240 4 5 377 McKay. John M. ... 37 15 0 58 McKellar, John ... 71 1M II 246 McLaren. James ... 15 1 0 164 McLeod, William A. 49 1 7 384 Nalder, John V. ... 90 N o 324 Nash, John ... Hi) 11 6 206 Neale, John ... 105 19 11 326 Nolan, Patrick ... 84 17 3 361 Northcroft, Henry W. :!77 10 0 75 O'Callaghan.W.G.P. 210 10 0 329 O'Grady, Thomas ... 120 9 0 327 O Malley, James ... 125 18 6 218 O'Neill, "William C. 28 17 8 400 Oswald, William ... 50 14 0 5 Oxner, Benjamin B. 19 14 !) 380 Palmer. John ... 39 L8 0 219 Palmer, William J.... 55 I 8 333 Pardy, W. S. ... 213 6 8 25 Parlane, William ... 86 17 i0 165 Pearson, A. M. ... 81 11 7 334 Pender. Peter ... 240 0 0 118 Perry, John ... Hi LI 4 362 Pollen, Hugh 8. ... 172 15 0 167 Poynter, James B. ... 3118 9 332 Pratt, James M. ... 76 13 0 95 Price, Isaac G. ... 144 16 9 L68 Pyper, Alexander ... 34 10 5 103 Rafter, Thomas ... 79 19 0 59 J Raymond, John W. 58 11 8 26 Read, Ezekiel K. ... 75 12 10 27 Reade, George A. ... 233 6 8 28 Revell, F. W. ... 41 14 8 169 Roberts, J. M. ... 186 5 4 170 Robertson, A. ... 41 10 0 171 Robinson, G. F. ... 218 15 6 335 Roche, Maurice ... 68 8 9 336 Roche, Michaei ... 87 12 0 30 Rodger, Jam ... 16 9 7 388 Rosie, Sinclair B. ... 79 5 0 98 j Ross, George ... 24 10 3 172 Runcie, William G. 215 15 3 L78 Russell, Charles J.. 53 14 11 351 Rutledge, Charles ... 131 8 0 31 . Sage, Clifford ... 89 8 11 174 ! Sampson, Andrew E. 95 8 7 34 Schwartz, A. J. E.... 69 7 8 401 I Scott, David ... 159 12 0 341 Scott, Nixsou ... 84 17 3 175 Seager, E. W. ... 58 15 6 108 Sessions, W. E. ... 22.S 17 10 220 Seth-Srnith, H. G. ... 5113 5 109 Shand, E. W. ... 18 13 438 Shanks, C. B. ... 231 5 0 Carried forward ... 25,154 17 : J >



List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st December, 1910—continued. Under Section 35 (Age or Length of Service) —continued.

Amelius M. Smith, Secretary. Wellington, 4th April, 1911. William M. Weight, Accountant. Examined and found correct. —R. J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General. 12th April, 1911.

2—H. 26.

Registered No. Name. Annual Amount. Registered „ No. name. Annual Amount. 176 94 32 378 114 46 120 177 178 364 106 343 271 80 35 179 375 180 181 36 110 60 263 182 221 Broughr forward. . Shannon, G. V. Sheridan, Patrick ... Shirley, Thomas E.... Smart", William W. Smith, Henry Smith, Llewellyn ... Smith, William Snodgrass. John Spencer, W. G. C. ... Stephens, T. T. Stevens, George T... Stewart, George Strauchou, T. H. ... Sutton, Wm. A. P. ... Taylor, Henry S. ... Taylor, James Taylor, Thomas M. Tennent, Robert Thorn, William A. ... Thompson, H. Thompson, Samuel... Thomson. James E. Thomson, John Thorburn, John Trent, Henry £ s. a. 25.154 17 3 275 10 2 835 4 3 77 12 6 127 9 0 SI 18 4 246 13 4 146 13 4 171 4 0 70 '.i •■; 154 1 0 69 11. 6 101 2 8 55 18 2 19 18 5 47 2 0 29 19 8 227 10 0 71 15 0 98 12 3 170 0 0 248 17 10 75 0 0 102 14 0 25 12 4 312 19 0 Brought forward... 183 ; Tuckey, Rev. H. E 90 Turnbull, R. 92 : Ussher. E. B. 258 Waddell, Edward ... 111 Wadie, H. T. 184 Walmsley, F.J. M. D.j 104 Walsh, David 185 Ward, T. L. F. 112 Warne, Lyvian ... 345 Weatherley, James... 38 Weaver, John H. ... 187 Webb, William H.... 188 Welch, Joseph 8. .. 356 Wild, Frederick A. 62 Williams, W. H. ... 251 Williamson, G. M. ... 189 Wilson, F.J. 76 Witheridge, John ... 241 Withers. William ... J 90 Wolff, Bernard 63 Wood, Charles 411 Wright, Charles ... 231 Wright, John ... ; 105 Young, Robert A. ... ± s. a. 28,198 5 3 27 0 5 43 16 4 339 18 11 103 14 0 212 4 6 236 14 2 101 10 7 42 18 7 104 1 0 89 11 6 56 18 8 243 5 0 214 9 7 98 11 0 63 18 10 25 U 0 ■200 12 6 100 17 2 59 11 0 50 5 r> 67 10 0 17 19 0 35 1 Id 72 4 3 Carried forward ... 28,498 5 3 - Total ... 31,106 13 6



List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st December, 1910— continued. Under Section 36 (Medically Unfit).

Amelius M. Smith, Secretary. Wellington, 4th April, 1911. . William M. Wiught, Accountant. Examined and found correct.—R. J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General. 12th April, 1911.

Under Section 29 (Injured on duty).

Amelius M. Smith, Secretary. Wellington, 4th April, 1911. William M. Wright, Accountant. Examined and found correct. —R. J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General. 12th April 1911.

Annual Registered Amount. No. ' '■ Registered No. Name. A A m U o U U n1. 272 360 24H 366 41 39 •276 369 274 277 275 132 393 278 279 86 42 233 282 96 291 290 289 116 84 296 266 209 242 404 300 I 298 237 299 235 93 302 54 301 304 307 309 i Addison, James A very, Alfred Barraud, Frederic ... Barrel , , Thomas R ... Beasley, R. T. N. ... Bell. John Benjamin, L. 1). Blackinore. Henry ... Briggs, John Brosuahan, Denis ... Browne, James U.... Buckle, Edward Childerhouse J. R ... Christie, Andrew ... Chrystal, W. L. ... Clegg, Albert J. Connell, Alexander... Cook, John Costin. Patrick Dow, David Pinuerty, James Franklin, James Fretwell, Henry Gee, George Gentles, James Gray, Archibald Greene, Francis Grey, Thomas F. ... Hargood, James D. Harrington, E. J. ... Hobson, John M. ... Howard, Thomas ... Howe, Robert Hughes, Edwin C. ... Ibbetson, G. R. H... Jackson, Etheridge Johnston, Henry ... Jones, Thomas Joyce, Michael Kelly, J. S. Latimer, David Law, Edward H. ... £ s. d. 93 1 6 113 3 0 410 109 4 0 312 92 15 0 ! ! 250 98 16 4 398 155 0 0 313 123 9 10 311 103 13 0 240 90 (i <J 71 80 13 9 216 49 2 5 97 88 5 8 317 75 11 0 23 54 15 0 1 140 10 6 323 63 12 10 331 90 13 4 330 90 12 0 I 358 49 2 6 115 74 16 2 73 82 2 6 29 71 3 6 337 73 0 0 119 36 8 1 396 83 11 5 338 75 2 7 339 49 2 0 340 157 6 0 2 65 15 0 344 163 5 0 77 57 9 9 342 54 15 0 370 55 13 0 355 60 4 6 349 179 18 0 353 123 4 9 348 79 7 9 402 51 15 1 347 68 8 9 350 118 18 7 403 105 17 0 357 104 0 6 t s. a. Brought forward... 3,759 13 4 McPhail. M. D. ... 8 5 0 Maddern, William ... 63 11 o Manley, N. B. K. ... 103 4 0 Meehan. Michael ... 95 7 0 Miller, William H.... 49 2 r> Moon, Alfred M. ... 105 7 10 Mooney, Thomas ... 30 7 0 Mundy, Edward J.... s 55 8 3 Murphy, Edward ... 60 16 0 McCabe, Kate ... 22 18 8 McClellan, W.J. ... 65 14 0 Mclsaac, William R. i 71 11 2 McKellar, Marion J. 34 0 0 Neill, Robert ... 101 8 10 O'Brien, Michael ... ; 86 13 9 O'Connor, James ... 71 3 6 Ogston, Dr. F. ... 76 17 0 Pickford, Thomas H. 53 17 3 Ready, Lizzie ... 28 3 4 Richardson, T. E. ... 104 3 4 Rist, William J. ... 84 17 3 Rogers, Charles P.... 28 18 9 Rowe, William ... 64 6 0 Ryan, John ... 68 8 9 Ryan, William H. ... 104 0 6 Salmon, Henry .. 84 17 3 Samuel, Fredric ... 153 0 0 Shirley, Paul ... I 110 8 3 Smyth, James R. ... 119 12 7 Stanley, Joseph ... 73 18 3 Walker, John A. ... 159 18 0 Walker, Maxwell ... 93 13 8 Walker, William ... 65 14 0 Walker, William ... 91 1 6 White, Thomas ... 80 3 0 Whitehead, C. L. ... 12 18 0 Williams, Walter ... 87 8 11 Willis, Hubert ... 38 15 8 Wyatt, Joseph ... 10 2 0 Young, William F. ... 124 10 0 i Carried forward ... Total ... 6,704 5 5 3,759 13 4

iegistered j Name Annual Amount. Registered N No. Annual Amount. -2H& : Dillon, John 287 Fitzgerald, G. Carried forward ... '; s. 104 0 118 12 222 13 d. t> 6 0 Brought forward... 352 Watt, John ... I 354 ; Willonghby, W. ... Total ... i i 6 s. d. 222 13 0 125 18 6 93 1 6 441 13 0



List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st December, 1910— continued. Under Section 42 (Widows and C hildren).

Amblid8 M. Smith, Secretary. Wellington, 4th April, 1911. William M. Wright, Accountant. Examined and found correct. —R. J. Collins, Oontrollor and Auditor-General. 12th April, 1911.

Approximate Cant of Paper. — Preparation, not printing (5,00(1 copies), (jlo lOs,

Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9ll.

Regd. No. Niime. Annual Regd. v Annual Amount. No. Amount. W. 69 I W. 52 W. 1 W. 12 W. 13 W. 2 W. 14 W. 10 ! W. 7 i W. 38 W. 23 W. 26 I W. 29 I W. 28 W. 53 W 54 W. 32 W. 36 W. 66 W. 58 W. 3 I W. 4 W. 31 W. 18 W. 8 W. 40 W. 45 W. 11 W. 59 W. 34 W. 19 W. 60 W. 85 W. 46 Anderson, Mrs. C, and 2 children Arnott, Mrs. C. i Biddell, Mrs. Susannah Blandiord, Mrs. Elizabeth Budge, John Archibald (child) ... Burgess, Mrs. M. M., and 3 children i Burns, Clements Nisbett (child) ... I Butler, Mrs. M. A., and 1 child ... i Cleland, Mrs. Annie M. Devereux, Mrs. M. P. ... i Edger, Mrs. Augusta A. I Fannin, Mrs. Georgina R. i Featon, Mrs. Sarah A.... Fountain, Mrs. J. M., and 1 child Gibson, Mrs. Jane G. ... Gollan, Mrs. Christina M. Greatbatch, Adeline A. C. (child) Harrison, Mrs. Lydia ... Harries, Mrs. Katherine, and 3 children Hawkins, Mrs Annie Harriett ... i Horwood, Mrs. Florence E., and 1 child Houchen, Mrs. Mary ... Hume, Mrs. Jane Hunter, Mrs. Marie, and 2 children i Hurrell, Mrs. Sarah C, and 1 child Jackson, Mrs. Kate W., and 2 children *Jackson, Mrs. Lucy, and 1 child Johnstone, Mrs. Mary ... Kilfoyle, Mrs. Maria ... Kilvington, Mrs. N., and 1 child... Letliam, Mrs. Harriet ... Lewis, Mrs. Sarah, and 4 children ! Livick, Mrs. Louisa ; Madden, Mrs. Mary Ann C s. d. La. d. 44 0 0 Brought forward ... S83 0 0 18 0 0 W. 56 Man land, Mrs. Bridget ... L8 0 0 18 0 0 \Y. 24 Matthews, Mrs. Grace Annie ... L8 0 0 18 0 0 W. 62 Moss, Mrs. Jessie, and 2 children i 44 0 0 13 0 0 W. 70 McCormack, Mrs. Minnie G. ... 18 0 0 57 0 0 W. 56 McDonald, Mrs. Angelina ... L8 0 0 13 0 0 W. 65 McGowan. John Spence (child)... 1.3 0 0 31 0 0 \V. 57 McGuire, Mrs. Mary ... ... 18 0 0 18 0 0 W. 63 McKittrick, Mrs. Florence H,, and 31 0 0 18 0 0 ■; 1 child 18 0 0 W. 16 McLean, Mrs. Clara Ellen ... 18 0 0 18 0 0 W. 30 fMcPhail, Mrs. Mary Frances ... ' 18 0 0 18 0 0 W. 41 Newby, Mrs. Sarah, and 2 children 44 0 0 31 0 0 W. 87 Pascoe, Mrs. Jane ... ... 18 0 0 18 0 0|W. 67 Peterson, Mrs. Elizabeth S. ... 18 0 0 18 0 0 W. 5 Ramsay, Mrs. Elizabeth, and 5 83 0 0 13 0 0 children 18 0 0 W. 5] Reeve, Mrs. Emma, and 2 children 44 0 0 57 0 0 W. 20 Reeve, Mrs. Mary E. W., and L 31 0 0 child 18 0 0 W. 21 Reid, Mrs. Mary ... ... 18 0 0 81 0 0 W. 42 Richardson, Mrs. Augusta Mali.■ 18 0 0 W. 27 Scott, Mrs. Te Anu ... ... 18 0 0 18 0 0 W. fill Senn, Dora E. and Norman E. i 26 0 0 18 0 0 (children) 44 0 0 W 47 Smith. Mrs. Louise E. ... L8 0 0 81 0 0 W. 22 Staunton, Mrs. Kthel M. ... 18 0 0 44 0 0 W. 6 Summers, Mrs. Elizabeth McQueen 18 0 0 W. 43 Tillman, Mrs. Eugenie... ... IS D 0 31 0 0 W. 61 ■ Tole, Mrs. Catherine ... ... 18 0 0 18 0 0 W. 44 , Turnbull, Mrs. Alice ... ... is 0 0 IS 0 0 W. 89 Turner, Mrs. Jane ... ... 18 0 0 81 0 0 \V. 17 Dpham, Mrs. Edith,and6children 83 0 0 18 0 0 W. 25 Waddell, Mrs. Elizabeth ... 18 0 0 70 0 0 W. 38 Wall, Winifred Elizabeth (child) 13 0 0 18 0 0 W. 50 Watkis, Mrs. Elizabeth M. ... 18 0 0 18 0 0 W. 64 Whelan, Mrs. Elizabeth ... 18 0 0 Carried forward 883 0 0 Total ... ... il,691 0 0 , j Widow's allowance (Child'9 allowanoe i f Allowance deferred deferred under section 45 until 28th August, 1918. leferred under seotion 45 until 3rd July, 1922. jnder seotion 45 until 23rd May, 1916.

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Bibliographic details

PUBLIC SERVICE SUPERANNUATION BOARD (THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE), WITH ACCOUNTS, FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1910., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, H-26

Word Count

PUBLIC SERVICE SUPERANNUATION BOARD (THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE), WITH ACCOUNTS, FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1910. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, H-26

PUBLIC SERVICE SUPERANNUATION BOARD (THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF THE), WITH ACCOUNTS, FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1910. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, H-26

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