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Prist titi<l to both Houses of the Genera/ Assembly by command of His Excellency.

The I'nder-Sk. RKiAiiv for Lands to the Right Hon. the Minister of Lands. Sik,— hands Department, Wellington, 26th August, 1911. In accordance with your instructions that an inquiry should be held by the Stipendiary Magistrates into any claims preferred for naval, military, or Volunteer services, I have the honour to report that action was accordingly taken to give effect to the request and desires of the Government. The necessary application-forms were printed, and a supply sent to each Chief Postmaster throughout the Dominion. Notices were exhibited at the principal post-offices, railway-stations, and other public places, and notifications made by a large number of newspapers, (if the investigation into any claims that would be submitted. On the 30th April, 1910, the Stipendiary Magistrates Hi Rotorua, Whangarei, .Auckland, Russell, Thames, Hamilton, Napier, Gisborne, New Plymouth, Wanganui, lluwc in. Palmerston North, Mnsterton. Wellington, Nelson, Blenheim, Christchurch, Greymouth, Timaru, Oamaru, Dunedin, Queenstown, and Invercargill were authorized and instructed to inquire into any claims received by them ; and they were also informed that it was desirable and important that their sittings should be regulated so as to give every opportunity to claimants of personally submitting their claims with a minimum amount of labour and expense. The total number of claims received by the Stipendiary Magistrates amounted to 007. It will be interesting and instructive, before proceeding to summarize the result of the present hearings and findings of the Magistrates, to show briefly what had already been done in regard (.. compensating those who have taken any part in the several campaigns, or have obtained grants under the several enactments that had been passed in reference to naval and military settlers and Volunteers. In the first place, grants of land were given to those persons who retired from the Imperial army for the purpose of settling in the disturbed portions of New Zealand; and also to tlmso wlio had been engaged in actual warfare in New Zealand against the Crown's enemies. Section VII of tin Land Regulations by His Excellency Governor Grey on the 4th March. 1853, deals with military settlers, and is as follows : " Military and naval officers will lie allowed in all parts of New Zealand where there are waste lands of the Crown the privileges accorded to them by the Regulations of May, 1851. But the remission-money given to them in terms of those regulations will be subject to the rules 25 and 26 hereinbefore prescribed relative to Government scrip." The regulations of May, 1851, alluded to in the above clause 28 were issued by the Imperial Government, and were published under the heading of " Information for the Use of Military and Naval Officers proposing to settle in certain of the British Colonies." They were officially notified in New Zealand on the 23rd December, ISSI, by command of His Excellency the Governor. This memorandum prescribed the conditions necessary for officers who proposed to retire and select land in the Australian Colonies and New Zealand, Ceylon, and Frve of Good Hope. Officers so I—H. 21.



retiring were advised that in purchasing land they were allowed v remission of purchase-money according to the following scale : Field officers of twenty-five years' service and upwards in the whole, £600; field officers of twenty years' service and upwards in the whole, £500; field officers of fifteen years' service or less in the whole, £400; captains of twenty years' service and upwards in the whole, £400; captains of fifteen years' service or less in the whole, £300; subalterns of twenty years' service and upwards in the whole, £300; subalterns of seven years and upwards in the whole, £200; subalterns under seven years' standing are not entitled to any remission in the purchase of land. The Auckland Provincial Government issued Land Regulations dated the 15th March, 1855, and clauses 37 and 38 of these dealt with naval and military settlers, and were as follows : — " 37. Every naval and military officer, whether on full or half pay, and every non-commis-sioned officer and private marine and seaman, whether belonging to Her Majesty's service or to the service of the East India Company, who, being on service in New Zealand, shall retire or obtain his discharge there, shall be entitled to receive from the Waste Land Board (in lieu of an allowance in respect of money expended in passages, as hereinbefore provided in respect of settlers emigrating from the United Kingdom) a money certificate enabling him to acquire land free of cost, after the following rate: Commissioned officers, 400 acres; non-commissioned officers above the rank of corporal, or equivalent to that rank in the sea service, 80 acres; non-commissioned officers being corporals or under that rank, or equivalent to or under that rank in the sea service, 60 acres; private soldiers, marines, and seamen, 40 acres. " 38. Such money certificate shall be received for the amount therein expressed in payment of any special-occupation land which the person entitled to such certificate may select from such as may have been declared, as hereinbefore provided, to be open for sale in New Zealand." In 1856, the Auckland Provincial Legislature passed the Naval and Military Scrip Act, 1856, and the following are extracts therefrom : — " Be it enacted by the Superintendent of the Province of Auckland, with the advice and consent of the Provincial Council thereof, as follows: — " 1. It shall be lawful for the said Superintendent to issue to every of the persons now or lately belonging to Her Majesty's service as aforesaid, and who was employed in suppressing the said insurrection, and who has been, or shall be, discharged from such service, and is now, or shall be hereafter, settled within the limits of the said province, a certificate in or as near as may be to the form given in the Schedule to this Act annexed; and every of the said persons to whom such certificate shall be so issued, or, in the event of his death, his personal representatives, shall be entitled to a remission of twenty pounds in the purchase of any Crown lands situate within the said province, on delivering; in person such certificate, at any sale of the said Crown lands, unto the Waste Lands Commissioner, or such other person as shall be duly authorized to sell such lands thereat. " ScHTOUI.E REFERRED TO IST THE FORFOOrN'O ArT. " Scrip issued under the Naval anil Military Scriv Act, 1856, of the Local Legislature of the Province of Auckland, in the Colony of New Zealand. " Certificate No. [Number to be written]. "I, [A. 8., Enquire], Superintendent o f the Province of Auckland, in the Colony of New Zealand, in exercise of the nowers vested in mc in that behalf I>\ the Act above mentioned, and after having first caused due inquiry in that behalf to be made, do hrebv certify, to the best of my belief and knowledge, th't [C. D.I. of [Place, of residence], in the said Province \ De'eription\ to whom, on this day of , on thousand eight hundred and I have iswed this certificate, served in Her Majesty's ship \Name of ship] \or regiment {Number of regiment), as the. case may be~\, n nd was ■ mployed therewith and therein in suppres ing the insurrection mentioned in the said Act; and that he has since been discharged from Her Majesty's service, and is now settled within the said Province ; and that he is. under the provisions of the said Act, entitled to"a"remission"of twenty pounds in the purchase of Crown lands situate within the said Province. " Given under my hand and seal, at Auckland, inTthe'province aforesaid, this fT day of , one '" thousand eight hundred and " [A. B.j, " Superintendent of the Province of Auckland aforesaid. "J In the Auckland Land Regulations of the 15th June, 1856, it was enacted by Regulation 56 that :— " Naval and Military Settlers. " 56. Every person who has heretofore received from the Waste Land Board, under the provisions in that behalf contained in the thirty-seventh and thirty-eighth sections of the Land Regulations for the said province, which came into force on the fifteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, a money certificate enabling him to acquire land free of cost, mar select, before the first day of August, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, out of any blocks of special-occupation land heretofore declared open for selection, and under and subject to all the provisions in that behalf contained in such Land Regulations, the number of acres mentioned in the said certificate, anything hereinbefore contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding." Further provision was made in regard to naval and military officers and privates settling in the Auckland Province by sections 80 and 81 of the Auckland Waste Lands Act, 1858. These sections are as follows :— " 80. Every naval and military officer, whether on full or half pay, and every non-commis-sioned officer and private, marine, and seaman, whether belonging to Her Majesty's service or to the service of the East India Company, who may retire or obtain his discharge from the service to which he may belong, or who, having retired or obtained his discharge for the purpose aforesaid, has not selected land under any former law or regulation enabling naval and military settlers to select land free of cost, shall be entitled (in lieu of an allowance in respect of money



expended in passages as hereinbefore provided, in respect of settlers emigrating from the United Kingdom and elsewhere) to receive from the Commissioner a land order enabling him to acquire land free of cost after the following rate: Commissioned officer, 400 acres; non-commissioned and warrant officer, 80 acres; private soldier, marine, and seaman, 60 acres. "81. Provided always that any such officer, non-commissioned officer, and private, and any marine and seaman, before be shall be entitled to receive any Such land order, shall prove to the satisfaction of the Commissioner, by certificate or otherwise, that he retired or obtained his discharge for the purpose of settling in the Province of Auckland; and any non-commissioned officer, or private, marine, or seaman shall at the same time produce to the Commissioner a certificate from the officer under whom he may have served, of having during his period of service been of good character : Provided also that any such land order shall be applied for within twelve calendar months next after such retirement or discharge as aforesaid, or within three months from the passing of this Act, by those who have retired or been discharged." The privilege given to naval and military men settling in Auckland by the last-quoted statute was extended to the Provinces of New Plymouth and Wellington by Clause XV of the Waste Lands Act, 1858. This Act was passed by the Legislature on the 15th August, 1858. The Province of Hawke's Bay, which was constituted on the Ist November, 1858, was at the date of the passing of the Act a portion of the Wellington Province. Clause XV of the Waste Lands Act, 1858, is us follows :— " XV. Whereas it is desirable to encourage the settlement of naval and military settlers throughout the Northern Island of New Zealand : Be it therefore further enacted that naval and military officers, whether on full or half pay, and every non-commissioned officer and private, marine, and seaman, whether belonging to Her Majesty's service or to the service of the East India Company, who may retire or obtain his discharge from the service to which he may belong, or who, having retired or obtained his discharge for the purpose of settling in the Provinces of New Plymouth or Wellington, has not selected land under any former law or regulation enabling navai and military settlers to select land free of cost, shall be entitled to land free of cost in the said provinces respectively, in like manner and upon the same terms and conditions as naval and military settlers are entitled to land free of cost under the Auckland Waste Lands Act, 1858. And the several powers and duties of the Commissioner appointed under the said Act in respect of land to be so granted shall be exercised and performed by any Commissioner of Crown Lands in the said several Provinces of New Plymouth and Wellington." Further provision was made in the Auckland Land Regulations on the Ist October, 1859, and are found in clauses 76, 77, and 78 of those regulations, and are to the following effect: — " Naval and Military Settlers. > " 76. Every naval and military officer, whether on full or half pay, and every non-commie-sioned officer and private, marine, and seaman, whether belonging to Her Majesty's service or to the service of the East India Company, who may retire or obtain his discharge from the service to which he may belong, or who, having retired or obtained his discharge for the purpose of settling in the Province of Auckland, has not selected land under any former law or regulation enabling naval and military settlers to select land free of cost, shall be entitled (in lieu of an allowance in respect of money expended in passages, as hereinbefore provided, in respect of settlers emigrating from the United Kingdom and elsewhere) to receive from the Commissioner a hind order enabling him to acquire land free of cost after the following rate : Commissioned officer, 400 acres; non-commissioned and warrant officer, 80 acres; private soldier, marine, and seaman, GO acres. " 77. Provided always that any such officer, non-commissioned officer, and private, and any marine and seaman, before he shall be entitled to receive any such land order, shall prove to the satisfaction of the Commissioner, by certificate or otherwise, that he retired or obtained his discharge for the purpose of settling in the Province of Auckland; and any non-commissioned officer, or private, marine, or seaman shall at the same time produce to the Commissioner a certificate from the officer under whom he may hays served of having during his period of service been of a good character : Provided also that any such land order shall be applied for within twelve calendar months next after such retirement or discharge as aforesaid, or shall have been applied for before the ninth day of June, 1858, by those who have retired or been discharged. "78. Every such land order shall be granted "by the Commissioner or his Deputy in New Zealand, and shall be to the same purport, and shall have the same effect, and shall entitle the person in whose favour the same is granted to the same rights and privileges, as a land order granted by an agent in England to a person emigrating therefrom, after such last-mentioned order shall have been presented to, and had a note made thereon by, the Commissioner or his Deputy as hereinbefore provided." In addition to granting land to naval and military settlers in the North Island, it should .also be mentioned that in the District of Nelson special provision was also made in the Nelson Waste Lands Regulations of the Ist July, 1856, providing for the granting of land to persons who retired from the army or navy for the purpose of settling in the Province of Nelson. Sections 34, 35, and 36 of these regulations dealt with the subject, and are quoted hereunder :— " Naval and Military Settlers. " 34. Any naval or military officer on full or half pay, whether belonging to Her Majesty's! service or to that of the East India Company, who shall retire or obtain his discharge for the purpose of settling in New Zealand, shall be entitled to receive a money certificate to the amount


of £300, on Lis signing, and depositing with the Commissioner of Crown Lands, a memorandum that by the acceptance of such certificate he holds himself to have come under an honourable engagement, and does accordingly engage, to reside within the Province of Nelson for the space of two years from the issue of such certificate. " 35. Non-commissioned officers and privates in Her Majesty's army or the Royal Marine, who, being on service in New Zealand, shall obtain their discharge there (such privates being discharged with good-conduct certificates), shall, after a residence within the province of one ■ year after discharge, be entitled to receive a money certificate to the following amount: Noncommissioned officers, or equivalent to that rank in the sea service, £60; privates, marines, and seamen, £30. " 36. Every such money certificate shall at any time be received instead of money in payment, or part-payment, as the case may be, of the purchase-money of Crown land purchased within the province." The following general statutes and enactments were passed by the Legislature dealing with the granting of lands to those who had taken part in the warfare in New Zealand, viz. : — The Naval and Military Settlers Act, 1860. The Taranaki Settlers' Relief Act, 1860. The Hawke's Bay Naval and Military Settlers Act, 1861. The Naval and Military Settlers (Marlborough) Act, 1861. The Auckland Waste Lands Act Amendment Act, 1862 (sections v. vi, and xii). The Colonial Defence Force Act, 1862. The Colonial Defence Force Act Amendment Act, 1863. The Wellington and Hawke's Bay Naval and Military Settlers Act, 1863. The Taranaki Naval and Military Settlers Act, 1865. The Volunteers' Land Act, 1865. The Volunteers' Land Act Amendment Act, 1867. The Taranaki Naval and Military Settlers Act, 1867. The Naval and Military Settlers Act, 1869. The Volunteers' Land Act Amendment Act, 1873. The Volunteers and Others' Land Act, 1877. The above-named Acts and regulations indicate the legislation passed to provide for military settlers, and those who took part in the several campaigns necessary to overcome the different rebellions that arose. It is therefore now necessary to state what has been done in the past in the way of giving effect to these provisions, and to what extent the Government has issued land-giants and payments in accordance with the intentions of the Legislature. Returns have accordingly been compiled of the Crown grants issued under the above Acts, which may be summarized in the following manner : — Auckland Province. —Crown grants were issued to 4,272 persons for .">,%3 rural sections and 3,451 town sections containing 217,105 acres and 15 perches and 2,911 acres 1 rood 31 perches respectively. Taranaki Province. —Crown grants were issued to 1,190 persons for 1,227 rural sections and 116 town sections containing 84,596 acres 3 roods 10 perches and 113 acres 3 roods respectively. Hawke's Bay Province. —Crown, grants were issued to 108 persons for 121 rural sections and 100 town sections containing an area of 7,489 acres 1 rood 13 perches and 25 acres respectively. Wellington Province. —Crown grants were issued to 466 persons for 475 rural sections and 116 town sections containing 36,871 acres and 2 perches. Nelson Province. —Money certificates were issued to 38 persons representing a total sum of .£. r ),370, and Crown grants for land were issued for these certificates either to the persons who received them or to the persons to whom they sold such scrip. There was a special Commission appointed in 1872 by His Honour the Superintendent of Taranaki to inquire into and decide upon claims made under the Volunteer Land Act, 1865, and the Volunteer Land Act Amendment Act, 1867. This Commission reported in due course, and the names of the persons who were favourably recommended, together with the amount awarded, were published in the Taranaki Provincial Gazette. The reports show that 700 persons were admitted, and were awarded compensation to the extent of £13,645. There have been several inquiries or Commissions under the General Government —viz., in 1882. Commission consisting of Colonel Haultain and Messrs. Fulton and Bunny; in 1887, a Commission consisting of Colonel Gudgeon and Mr. "A. Crowe; 1889 to 1892, an inquiry by the several Commissioners of Crown Lands; 1896, Commission by Mr. J. C. McKerrow. These Commissions and inquiries may be summarized as follows : — £ 1872... ... ... Claimants admitted. 700, Amount awarded, 13,645 1882... ... ... ~ I Li) .. .-5,630 1887... ... ... ~ 234 ~ 7.440 1889 to 1892 ... ... ~ 921 ~ 42,567 1896... ... ... ~ 110 ~ 3,485 2,084 £70,7fi7 Making a total of 7,692 persons compensated with £70,767 ; scrip for £5,730 used in purehasp of land aiul Crown grants for 349,1 12 acres.



I have now to summarize the results of the inquiry by the several Magistrates, and the following table gives the number of applications received by each and how they were dealt with : —

The Stipendiary Magistrates were advised that the persons who were considered eligible to make claims were those who came within the following definitions : —■ (1.) All officers, non-commissioned or warrant officers, private soldiers, seamen, and marines formerly of Her late Majesty's naval and military forces who were engaged in suppressing the insurrection of the Natives in the northern part of the former Province of Auckland, and, having been discharged from the said services, have since then been resident within New Zealand, and claim under the Naval and Military Scrip Act, 1856. (2.) All persons who retired from Her late Majesty's naval or military service with a good character for the purpose of settling in New Zealand at any time before the 31st December, 1868, and who have so settled in New Zealand as aforesaid. (.'5.) All persons who served in New Zealand and who retired from Her late Majesty's naval or military service with a good character for the purpose of settling in New Zealand at any time before the 31st December, 1872, and who, prior to such date, have so settled and resided in any part of New Zealand. (i.) All persons who were enrolled in the Forest Hangers under the conditions prescribed in a memorandum of the Hon. Thomas Russell, Minister for Colonial Defence, dated the 6th August, 1863, or in another memorandum of the same Minister dated the 9th November, 1863, respectively. (5.) All officers of Volunteers or efficient Volunteers who have enrolled in any Volunteer corps within the colony on or prior to the 31st October, 1876, and who, either prior to the said 31st October, or, inclusive of any period of service prior as aforesaid, subsequently completed five"years' continuous service. (6.) All persons enrolled under the Colonial Defence Force Act, 1862, who served within the Provincial District of Auckland under the late Colonel Nixon or Major Walmsley, -and who had, on or before the 10th October, 1867, completed the conditions of their enrolment under such Act before the said date, or, having served under such Act partly before the said date, completed such service after that date. (7.) Every person who at any time heretofore has sent in a claim for land under the Naval and Military Claims Settlement and Extinguishment Act, 1896, or any Act of a similar tenor theretofore in force, and has had the same rejected by any Commissioner. (8.) Every person who, through death or through injuries received during the time of his actual service, was thereby prevented from completing the full time of service to entitle him to a claim of land, or the widow and children or legal representative of such person. (9.) The widow or children or legal representative of every person who served on active service in the Volunteer or Colonial Defence Forces, and who, had he lived, would h;»ve he*ui entitled t/> land for such servicf.


(Stipendiary Magistrate at Number of Claims reoeived. Number rejected. Number recommended Number sent for toother Courts. Consideration. Auckland Thames Rotorua Russell Hamilton Whangaroi Gisborne. Napier New Plymouth .. Hawera Wanganui Masterton Palmerston North Wellington Nelson Blenheim Christchurch Greymouth Timaru Oamaru Queenstown Dunedin Invercargill L89 24 11 3 s 48 62 63 25 31 9 19 30 3 11 29 9 13 5 3 7 5 16] 23 10 3 18 11 17 58 52 25 29 9 16 25 3 11 27 9 13 5 3 5 5 6 22 1 1 1 1 4 11 "a '.'. 3 '.'. 5 2 '.'. 2 '.'.


(10.) Every person who, having at any time heretofore received a remission certificate, shall produce conclusive proof that such certificate was absolutely destroyed by fire or other inevitable accident before the expiration of the time within which it could have been exercised. (11.) Any Volunteer who by command of his superior officer or the Governor took service in the Militia, and thereby lost his claim for full time of service as a Volunteer. The public were also notified that no claims would be considered from those persons who had previously received grants of land or money for naval, military, or Volunteer services, it being held that"if a person had once received compensation the door should not again be opened for his benefit. Notwithstanding this intimation, a number of persons sent in claims who, upon search being made, were found to have received either land or money for some service coming within the above definitions. Some other claimants admitted having received a grant for one service—say, as a Volunteer —but now asked for some consideration on account of Militia service. Any such cases have not been recommended. Schedules of the names of persons who submitted claims are appended, together with particulars as to the decision in each case. For convenience the names have been subdivided into those that have been admitted, and those who have been rejected. Each schedule has been arranged alphabetically to facilitate reference to the names of the claimants. I have, <tc. The Right Hon. the Minister of Lands. Wμ. C. Kensington, Undersecretary.





Name. Name. Service. Service. Allen, James Baker, Robert Brown, John H. Bullot, Edward x\. H. Carter, John .. I Coffey, Denis Collins, John Dearlove, Charles .. Edgeoombe, William Evans, Robert H.M. Navy. Taranaki Volunteers. Hawke's Bay Volunteers. Taranaki Voluntoers. H.M. 40th Regiment. H.M. 57th Regiment. H.M. 14th Regimont. Hawke's Bay Colonial Defence Force. Taranaki Volunteers. Colonial Defence Foroe, Kai Iwi Cavalry, &c. H.M. <i"ith Regiment, and Militia. Kerr, James (deceased),!) H.M. Royal|Arti]lery. (by his daughter) Kerr, William .. Auckland Colonial Defence Force. Langman, Thomas .. Taranaki Volunteers. MeAuley, James .. i H.M. 14th Regiment. Marsh, Esau .. i Taranaki Volunteers. Nealo, Joseph .. Auckland Rifle Volunteers.. Nieolson, Angus .. Auckland Naval Voluntoers. Parkes, Frederick R. ' Wanganni Rifles. Preeoe, George A. .. Hawke's Hay Military Settlers, Defence Force, &c. Pugsley, Silas .. Greytown Rifles. Ross, Richard .. Auckland Naval Volunteers. Shirley, Thomas E. .. Hawko's Bay Volunt Simpson, Edmund S. T.I H.M. 70th Regiment. Smith, Henry .. j Land Transport ■ Coriis. Standish, Arthur .. Militia. Thelwall, Robert .. Hawke's Bay Mounted Troops. Walker, John H. .. Wellington Rangers, &c. Walters, William .. Waiuku Voluntoers. Wilson, Charles W. Militia. Wilson, John W. .. H.M. 65th Regiment. Fahey, Peter (deceased), (by his niece) Fitzgerald, John Focett, Charles Hamilton. Mioha* ceased), 0>v his sister) Hanlen. William E... Harper, Henry Eeeketh, Charles .. Hooker, Henry Ho well, Henry Wanganui .\lilii ia. H.M. 14th Regiment. H.M. 58th Regiment. Auckland Rifles. Wanganui Volunteers. Auckland Rifles. Taranaki Militia. Taranaki Volunteers.

Name. Corpe. Unison why Claim rejected. icton, Jamos (deceased), H.M. J 8th Regiment .. .. Should have retired prior to end of 1872; 2604 (by daughter) date of discharge, 1879 idam, S. .. .. Armed Constabulary .. .. Servico not within Acts.. .. .. 2 idams, William . . Armed Constabulary .. . . Service not provided for in Acts .. .. 2532 idamson, S. .. .. Wanganui Cavalry • • ■ ■ Not five years' service .. .. .. r> idamson, Thomas .. Wanganui Volunteers .. .. ! Has not proved five years'continuous efficient (i Volunteer service dlan, James .. .. Transport Corps .. .. Claimant did not appear in support of claim -'iSSi , illen,' Thomas .. Taranaki Volunteers .. .. Has already been awarded an allowance 2471 under Volunteer Land Act, 186."> (see Taranaki Gazette, 1872, page 114) inderson, Andrew .. i VictoriaJCompany .. .. Claimant did not appear in support of claim ?M:> inderson, Duncan .. Auckland Militia .. .. Service not provided for .. .. .. :? I Lnderson, Robert g .. ; Militia .. .. No proof of sufficient continuous active service 2441 inderson! Thomas Henry ' AucklandJRifle Volunteers .. ! Has not proved five years' continuous efficient 34 servico as a Volunteer induze, Charles Harney Waikato Milii ia .. .. Did not complete conditions of enrolment .. 2354 ishton, Edward .. Napier Militia and Napier Artillery j Not fivo years' Volunteer service ; no proof 47 of continuous active Militia service ktwood, William .. Marlborough Rangers .. .. j Service in Marlborough, where Volunteer Land 2560 Act was not in force. No active service




Name. Corps. aeanon why Claim rejected. K No' d Baker, Robert, jun. Ball, Richard .. Ballantync, Alexander McDonald Banbury, John Banks, George Karnes, Robert Barnsdale, William Barrett, Michael .. j Barry, Garreti. . Bayly, Emamiel Taranaki Volunteers Waikato Militia Waikato Militia Auckland Militia Hawke's Bay Military .Settlers .. H.M. 14th Regiment' .. Napier Volunteers Armed Constabulary .. Waikato Militia Taranaki Volunteers and Patea Horse H.M 65th Regiment Armed Constabulary H.M. 18th Regiment Waikato Regiment Militia Forest Ram Rifle Brigade Taranaki Volunteers Coromandol Rifle Rangers Taranaki Volunteers Taranaki Volunteers Taranaki Volunteers Militia and Volunteers Claimant withdrew application .. .. 77a Did not fulfil conditions of enrolment .. 81 Did not fulfil conditions of enrolment .. 82 Service not provided for .. .. .. Sfi Has already received grant of 40 acres of land 2 430 ! Character on discharge, " Bad " .. . . 2459 Not five years' service .. .. . . 2605 Service, not within Acts .. .. .. 233!) Claim abandoned .. .. . . 2363 Insufficient Volunteer service .. . . 2501 Beadle, William Beauehamp, George Bedford, Patrick Bell, Peter jamieson Bennett, Thomas Benson, William Berry, Henry Billing, William Bird, William Bishop, Benjamin Black, John Black, Walter Blaekley, Joseph Character on discharge, " Indifferent " . . 119 Service not within Acts .. .. . . 2667 Character on discharge, " Indifferent " . . 127 Did not fulfil conditions of enrolment . . 2297 No active service .. .. . . 139 Has already received 50 acres of land .. 140 Not discharged until 1876 ; too late .. 2212 | Claim disallowed .. .. . . 2470 Already received grant of 50 acres of land . . | 2481 Already received an allowance for service .. : 2516 Already received an allowance for services . . 2497 Already awarded allowance for services . . 2487 No proof of sufficient Volunteer or Militia 168 service No proof of sufficient continuous active eervioe 2280 Not five years' Volunteer service .. .. 2298 Did not fulfil conditions of service .. i 72 Claimant did not appear in support of appli- j 177 cation Has already received grant of 50 acres of land 2464 Blake, A. H. .. Bland, Thomas Boggs, John Bonficld, Patrick (by W. G. Lyell) Bongard, James (deceased), (by widow) Boyd, Thomas Napier Militia Taranaki Bushrangers Waikato Regiment Auckland Coast Guards Transport Corps H.M. 70th Regiment and Napier Rifle Volunteers No proof of five years' Volunteer service. Has I 2430 already received grant of £30 for Imperial service Not five years' continuous Volunteer service 2420 Has already received 50 acres of land .. 2512 Service commenced after October, 1876 .. 2402 Boyle, Thomas Bree, Helier Breen, Thomas .. Waipawa Cavalry Volunteers Waikato Militia . ; Auckland Engineers and Naval Artillery H.M. 18th Royal Irish.. Brennan, Joseph Discharged in England in 1872. Came to New 211a Zealand in 1873 ; should have settled prior t to end of 1872 Has already been awarded £40 scrip under 223 Act of 1892 Character on discharge, " Indifferent " .. 225 No proof of five years' continuous Volunteer 2198 service No proof of five years' continuous Volunteer 2389 eervioe No proof of five years' continuous Volunteer 2528 service Already received 50 acres of land and £30 scrip 2531 for services Brodie, Alexander (deceased), (by widow) Brogan, Francis Bromley, John Royal Engineers H.M. 18th Regiment .. Rangitikei Rifles Brook, George A. Auckland Volunteers .. Brooking, H. S. C. Forest Rangers, Rifle Volunteers, and Armed Constabulary Hawke's Bay Colonial Defence Force, Poverty Bay Mounted Rifles, and Armed Constabulary Poverty Bay Volunteer Cavalry and Armed Constabulary Taranaki Mounted Rifles Brooking, John Brooking, Julian A. Insufficient Volunteer service .. .. 2563 Brooking, William Brooks, Walter Brown, Cartwright Brown, Henry Brown, Peter .. .. j Brown, Peter .. .. ! Featherston Rifles Hawke's Bay Militia Armed Constabulary Waikato Regiment Wellington Defenoe Poroe Already awarded an allowance under Volun- 2546 teer Land Act, 1865 (see Taranaki Oazelle, 1872) Not five years' continuous Volunteer service 228 Insufficient proof of continuous active service 2419 Service not within Acts .. .. .. 2277 Did not fulfil conditions of enrolment .. 2317 No provision made in Acts ; men wen- not 237 promised land charged in 1869. iJid not settle in NVv, 2645 Zealand until 1908 Has already received £6 for servioe .. 243 Discharged in 1872. Did not settle in New 2268 Zealand till 1874; should have nettled prior to end of 1872 Claimant withdrew application .. .. 2352 Claimant withdrew application .. .. 2271 Browne, William Frederick Bruce, Alexander .. ! Bryant, < leorge Imperial Troops Auokland Rifle Volunteers .Military Train ami Army .Service Corps Buckman, John Bulger, James (deceased), (by son, M. Bulger) Bulger, James, jun. (by brother) Burden, John .. .. Blenheim Volunteer Corps H.M. 49th Regiment Unknown Claimant withdrew application .. .. | 2271 Auckland Rifle Volunteers Not five years' continuous efficient Volunteer 264 service Not five years' continuous Volunteer service 2638 War Office advise no record of service .. 2608 Did not complete conditions of service .. | 265 Discharged from service; " Conduct bad " .. 266 Service not within Acts .. .. ,, I 2438 Burgess, William Henry Burke, George D. Burke, Michael Burke. Patrick Burton, Joseph .. North Shore Volunteer* H.M. 18th Regiment Waikato Militia H.M. 18th Royal Irish.. Armed Coust&hutary ..

11. -21.



Name. Corps. Reason why Claim rejected. Itir-nnl No. Byrne, J. W. .. Campbell, Alexander Campbell, Colin Campion, E. J. Militia Armed Constabulary Totara Rifle Volunteers Hutt Cavalry No proof of sufficient continuous active service Service not within Acts .. .. Claimant had no active service .. No proof of five years' continuous Volunteer service Discharged in 1878. Did not settle in New Zealand until 1897 ; not entitled No proof of five years' continuous Volunteer service No proof of service Has already received 60 acres of land for service Waikato Regiment No proof of five years' continuous Volunteer service Did not settle in New Zealand Character on discharge does not warrant; " Bad " Has already received £30 scrip for services . . Insufficient service .. .. 282 2431 2577 2315 Canavan, Anthony .. j H.M. 18th Royal Irish.. 2618 Capper, Alfred E. Wellington Rifles and Turakina Rifles Kai Iwi Cavalry Volunteers Bay of Plenty Cavalry 2397 Carroll, James Cartman, Richard H. 2384 2615 Casey, John .. .. I Onehunga Volunteers 2392 Cash, Joseph (by A. Cash) Cashin, John .. H.M. 43rd Light Infantry H.M. 14th Foot 2262 2463 Cashen, Matthew Cassin, William Henry (deceased), (by widow) Caulton, Walter John (deceased), (by widow) Ghadwick, Thomas Chapman, John Christie, Walter Christmas. Frederick H.M. 14th Regiment Wanganui Rangers Armed Constabulary Service not within Acts No evidence. Claimant withdrew application Service not within Acts .. .. Has already reoeived £30 sorip for services .. Claimant did not appear in support of applica- i tion Service not within Acts .. .. Already awarded an allowance for services under Volunteer Land Act. 18(io (see Taranaki Gazette, 1872) Has already received 60 acres of land for services Character on discharge, " Indifferent " No proof that he was discharged for purpose of settling in New Zealand Has already reoeived 40 acres of land for . services Has already received 60 acres of land for services Has already received a grant for services No active service No proof of five years' continuous Volunteer service Nol five years'continuous Volunteer service ; : Service not provided for .. .. Service not within Acts Already received an allowance for servioes under Act of INI>."> (sec Taranaki Gazette, 1872) Has already reoeived grant of £30 2303 2365 2416 Wanganui Cavalry Armed Constabulary Wanganui Yeomanry Cavalry . . Volunteers 340 345 351 2639 Clansey, Samuel Clare, Thomas Armed Constabulary Taranaki Volunteers and Militia.. 2383 2491 Clareburt, John H.M. 65th Regiment, and Militia 2434 Clarke, Charles Cleary, Jeremiah H.M. 18th Regiment H.M. Navy 360 24.-)0 Cloaver, William (deceased), (by widow) Clifford, Richard H.M. 58th Regiment 2598 2477 Cock, George Coira, Peter Colledge, William H.M. 68th Regiment and Armed Constabulary Force Taranaki Volunteers Temuka Rifles Onehunga Rifle Volunteers 381 385 393 Collins, Michael .. j Cook, Georgo .. .. j Cooper, Soptimus Cornev, Joseph Artillery Auckland Militia Armed Constabulary Taranaki Volunteers 398 416 2288 2585 Cornish, George (deceasedI, (by widow) Cossey, James Thomas .. H.M. 14th Regiment 2647 Waikato Militia No proof that claimant completed term'of service Has already been awarded a grant of land Insufficient cont innoiis active service 427 Cox, Richard Crawley, James Waikato Regiment Turakina Cavalry and Aramoho Light Horse Napier Volunteers and Militia .. 437 445 Cresswell, Albert E. No proof of five years' continuous Volunteer service Has already received scrip to the value of £3."> 2282 Orispe, Heywood Crow, Thomas Crowther, Samuel Crazier, John .. Southern Rifles, Forest Rifles, and Waiuku Rifles Auckland Militia Wellington Rangers Taranaki Militia Service not provided for .. No provision made in Acts for this service . . Already awarded an allowance for services (see Taranaki Gazette, 1872) Deserted from regiment in 181)7 Claim withdrawn by applicant No proof of five years' continuous efficient Volunteer service Not sufficient continous active service No proof of service Has already received 30 acres of land for service No proof of sufficient continuous service 2332 2449 2590 2494 Cunningham, Justin Curtis, Charles Walter .. Danderson, John H.M. 18th Royal Irish.. Thames Navah Wanganui Cavalry 2302 2640 476 Danvers, Alfred T. Davey, William T. DaVidson, Robert Davis, Robert T. Clive and Havelock, Militia Taranaki Militia H.M. 65th Regiment .. Victoria Rifles and Wanganui Militia Auckland Volunteers 2443 2433 482 2376 Davison, Ralph No proof of five years' continuous efficient Volunteer service Service not within the Acts Has already recei ved 51 acres of land for services No proof of five years' efficient continuous Volunteer service Received payment of £30 in full satisfaction of all claims Did not complete five years' continuous efficient service 2284 Davy, Henry .. Dβ Castro, Emanuel Deighton, Francis M. Armed Constabulary Taranaki Militia Wanganui Cavalry 479 2493 2344 Delauey, Walter Waikato Militia 500 Pempsey, Cornelian Hawke's Bay Yeomanry Cavalry 2461




2—H. 21.

Name. Corps. Reason why Claim rejected. Record No. Dent, William .. Auckland Rifles Did not complete five years , continuous efficient Volunteer service Did not complete conditions of enrolment; deserted from regiment Claimant did not appear. Discharged in 1826, long before Act authorizing grants was in existenco Deserted from Regiment Insufficient continuous active service No evidence to support claim Took discharge in 1883 ; should have retired to settle prior to 1872 Insufficient Volunteer service 2641 Devoy, Henry Waikato Militia 2318 Dillon, Matthew (deceased), (by grandson) H.M. 99th Regiment .. 2460 Dobson, William Dolbol, Charles Donald, Matthow Dormer, George H.M. 68th Regiment Napier Militia Forest Rangers H.M. 14th Regimont 2513 2448 2530 536 Douglas, Alex, (deceased), (by widow) Douglas, James Dowling, John. . Downey, Michael Drew, James Duddy, Patrick Durie, James William .. Forest Rangers r>41 Armed Constabulary H.M. 14th Regiment Armed Constabulary Armed Constabulary H.M. 18th Royal Irish.. Alexandra Lanoers Service not within Acts Conduct on discharge, " Bad " Did not appear. Service not within Acts .. Service not within Acts Has already received £30 scrip for services .. Did not complete fivo years' continuous officiont service War Office advise no record of service Service not provided for .. Did not complete fivo years' continuous officient Volunteer servico Failed to exerciso scrip to select 60 acres within prescribed time. Did not complete conditions of settlement Did not retiro until 1873; time limit is 1872 Has already received 59 acres of land Not fivo yoars' continuous service Not five years' continuous servico Has already received a grant under Volunteer Land Act, 1865 (see Taranaki Gazette, 1872, page 116) Has already received a grant of 62 acres of land (seo Taranaki Gazelle, 1871) Not fivo yoars' continuous servico No proof of service Did not complete conditions of service Has already received a grant of 60 acres of land Has already received 51 acres of land Discharged in 1844, long before Acts authorizing grants wero passed Has already received a grant of 50 acres of land No activo service Did not fulfil conditions of service 2300 548 a 2274 2299 25-10 577 Dwyer, Thomas Dye, Frank Dyor, Joseph H.M. 58th Regiment Auckland Militia Kai Iwi Cavalry 2607 580 582 Dynes, Ralph H.M. 65th Regiment 2293 Easther, Frederick J. Easy, John Eaton, Albeit Eaton, Richard A. Eva, Stephen H.M. Navy H.M. 65th Regiment .. Auckland Rifles Wanganui Volunteers Taranaki Volunteers 2410 588 589 589a 2456 Eva, William Taranaki Volunteers 2349 Evans, Henry .. Ewin, John (by widow).. Ewington, Frederick G. Eyton, Thomas Wellington Rifles H.M. 18th Royal Irish Colonial Defenco Force Taranaki Militia 626 635 636 2610 Feehan, Thomas Feltus, Georgo (deceased), (by his son) Ferris, Charlos W. Waikato Militia H.M. 58th Rogiment 2514 647 Militia 2526 Findlay, James Firman, Thomas Fitzpatrick, John (deceased), (by daughter) Temuka Rifles Hawke's Bay Colonial Defence Force H.M. 99th Rogimont. Militia .. 657 662 Flavin, Thomas Fleming, Andrew Flyger, William Flynn, John Fogarty, John Ford, Arthur S. Ford, Richard (joined as William Fletcher) Forsythe, William Foulkes, Robert H. H.M. 57th Regiment Auckland Militia Wanganui Militia Taranaki Militia H.M. 65th Regiment Waikato Regiment Armed Constabulary H.M. 18th Royal Irish.. Howick Cavalry Discharged in 1853. Did not settle in New Zealand until 1863. Receivod land for colonial servico Has already received scrip (£40) for sorvice Servico not providod for .. Claimant did not appear at inquiry Already granted £50 in full satisfaction of claim Died while serving in the Imperial service .. Has already received a grant of 50 acres of land Service in Armed Constabulary; not within Acts Discharged in 1878. Acts limit settlement in New Zealand prior to end of 1872 No proof of five years' continuous Volunteer service No proof of five years' continuous Volunteer service Discharged in Sydney in 1870. Did not settle in New Zealand until 1898. Not entitled. No proof of service. War Office reports no trace of name on rolls Has already been granted 300 acres of land.. Was a Government officer. No claim for military services. Murdered by Natives. Daughter (Mrs. Buckworth) was paid £200 compensation in February, 1911 Has already received a grant of 52 acres of land Discharged in 1851, before Act authorizing grants was passed Not five years' continuous service 674 2454 679 686 688 2358 l>97 2470 702 2331 2392 Franklin, Joseph P. A Battery Fredriend, Alfred H.M. 14th Regiment 2429 Freeman, John William.. H.M. 58th Regiment 718a Freer, John G. Fulloon, James (deceased), (by daughter) 2nd Waikato Regiment Interpreter 2612 2592 Fulton, William D. Gallagher, Hugh Taranaki Military Settlers H.M. 58th Regiment 2538 723 Garrod, Thomas (deceased). (by widow) Gaskin, John Hawke's Bay Militia and Yeomanry Panmure Militia and Auckland Volunteers Militia service not provided for. Not five years' continuous Volunteer service 2418 2596




Name. Corps. Reason why Claim rejected. Record No. Gatley, B. Gee, Alfred George, James George, John George, William Henry Gerrard, Charles Gerrard, Duncan Gibson, Alexander David Gibson, William Harrison Giddy, William Goldsmith, Thomas John Goodman, Daniel H.M. 70th Regiment .. .. Has already received a grant of land Canterbury Rifle Volunteers and i No active service St. John's Cadet Corps Hauraki Rifles. Thames Navals, No proof of five years' continuous Volunteer Scottish Navals service Thames Naval Volunteers, Thames No proof of five years' continuous Volunteer Scottish Rifles, Hauraki Engi- ■ service neers Taranaki Militia . . .. Already received an allowance under Volunteer Land Act, 1865. Name appears in Taranaki Gazette, 1872, page 117 Poverty Bay Cavalry .. No proof of five years' service Native Contingent .. .. No provision made for Native service Spring Creek Volunteers .. No active service Wanganui ('avalry .. . . No proof of five years' continuous efficient service Taranaki Volunteers . . . . Application withdrawn by claimant Hawke's Bay Colonial Defence No proof that claimant completed term of Force Bervice H.M. (i.'itli Regiment .. .. Received land order, but failed to exercise it. Did not complete settlement conditions Thames Navals .. No claim. Enrolled in 1878 Wanganui Cavalry .. .. Insufficient Volunteer service Auckland Rifles .. .. No proof of service Union Volunteers .. No proof of service Auckland Volunteers .. .. No evidence. Claimant withdrew application H.M. 66th Regiment .. .. Claimant withdrew application Auckland Rifles .. .. No proof of five years' continuous service .. Militia .. .. .. Not six months' continuous active Militia service H.M. 57th Regiment . . .. Deserted from regiment .. Wanganui Militia and Armed N'ot six months' active Militia service. Armed Constabulary Constabulary service not within Acts Taranaki Volunteers .. .. ! Has already been awarded an allowance under Volunteer Land Act, 1805 (see Taranaki Gazette, 1872) Taranaki Militia and Forest : Has already been awarded allowance under Range] Volunteer Land Act, 1865 (see Taranaki Gazette, 1872-3) H.M. Navy .. .. .. No proof of service 734 2279 2642 744 2506 2564 2541 2319 747 2578 2524 767a Gordon, Charles Gordon, Thomas (Ionic, William Gower, John Graham, James Graham,-Thomas Grattan, James Gray, Charles Matthew .. 2320 774 779 2614 785 2338 791 2259 Gray, David Gray, Robert .. 2290 2369 (■ rcenway, Christopher . . 2489 Greenwood, R. W. 820 Greenslade, Robert Andrew (by son) Griffiths, Jabez Joshia .. 2286 Guilding, Thomas E. L. (deceased), (by Mary R. A. Jack) Gyde, William John Taranaki Militia, Volunteers, and Has already received 50 acres of land Armed Constabulary Auckland Naval Volunteers .. Has already been granted scrip for £30 2548 2611 Taranaki Militia .. .. Has already received an allowance for services under Act of 1865 (see Taranaki Gazette, 1872, page 117) H.M. 18th Royal Irish .. Deserted from regiment in 1869 Taranaki Volunteers .. .. Has already been awarded an allowance under Volunteer Land Act, 1865 (see Taranaki Gazette, 1872) Native Contingents .. .. Insufficient proof of service H.M. 58th Regiment .. .. No proof of settlement in New Zealand after discharge Armed Constabulary .. .. Service not within Acts H.M. 57th Regiment .. .. Has already received £30 scrip (see Schedule to Act of 1891) Sailmaker on Government steamer No claim Forest Rangers .. .. ' Has already received 50 acres of land for services Armed Constabulary .. .. Service not within the Acts Military Settlers .. .. No proof of service Forest Rangers .. No proof that conditions of service were completed Taranaki Bushrangers .. .. Has already received a grant of £30 (see Taranaki Gazette, 1873, page 60) Hawke's Bay Yeomanry Cavalry Did not complete five years' continuous Volunteer service Taranaki Militia .. .. No proof of sufficient continuous active service Auckland Rifles .. No proof of five years' continuous efficient service Scottish Volunteers and Whanga- No proof of five rears' continuous efficient rei Rifles service Armed Constabulary .. .. Service not within Acts Hawke's Bay Volunteers .. Received £30 scrip for Imperial service Armed Constabulary .. .. Service not within Acts .. .. H.M. Bengal Horse Artillery .. Discharged in 1861 ; arrived in New Zealand, 1863. Has already received 60 acres of land for service in Waikato Militia Hawke's Bay Militia .. .. Has not had six months' continuous active Militia service 2583 Hackett, John Hamblyn, Thomas 824 834 Hamilton, George D. Hamilton, John (deceased), (by sister) Hamilton, William Hampson, Peter 2589 836 2543 2276 Hanson, Anton H. Hardy, Adolphus F. 2549 2521 Hare, George .. Hargreaves, Peter Harris, John 2627 2442 2283 Harrison, Arthur 870 Harrison, Arthur V. 2398 Hart, Robert Haslett, John M. 2580 883 Haswcll, William H. .. 884 Helps, Alfred Hemington, John Henderson, Robert Herbert, Patriot 2243 906 2422 922 Heslop, William 2421



3-H. 21.


Name. Corpe. Reason why Claim rejected. Record \ _ n. Hickey, James Hicks, Richard Higgins, James Hobbs, Thomas Hoby, Oliver E. Hodge, Robert P. Hohepa, Piriaka Homeyer, Henry Hone Haenga Home, Stephen (deceased), (by Robert Little) Home, Stephen Sydney Hoskin, Arthur J. Howard, Frederick \V. . . Howell, John (deceased), (by daughter) Hoy, Patrick Hudson, John Humby, Tom (deceased), (by widow) Humphreys, William Humphries, Edward (deceased), (by executrix) Waikato Militia .. .. Has already received urant of land, but did not settle on it Kai Iwi Cavalry .. .. Not five years' continuous efficient Volunteer service Patea Rifles, &c. .. .. Has not proved five years' continuous Volunteer service Auckland Volunteers .. .. Did not complete live years' continuous Volunteer service Taranaki Rifles .. .. Has already been awarded an allowance under Volunteer Land Ad. 1866 (see Turnnaki Gazette, 1872, page 113) Waikato Militia .. .. No proof that claimant completed required service Arawa Friendlies .. .. Service not provided for in Acts Taranaki Rifle Volunteers .. Claimant did not appear. Has already been awarded an allowance under Volunteer Land Act, 1865 (see Taranaki Gazette, 1872, page 117) Native Regiment .. .. Service not within Acts Coast Guards .. .. I No proof of service. Applicant has no legal claim Naval Coast Guards .. .. Did not complete five years' continuous efficient service Taranaki Militia .. .. Has already been awarded an allowance under Volunteer Land Act, 1866 (see Taranaki Gazette, 1872, page 118) Militia .. .. .. Has already received £30 scrip for Volunteer service Auckland Volunteers .. .. No appearance at inquiry. Claimant already received land for service H.M. 65th Regiment .. .. I Has already received 75 acres of land as a military settler, Taranaki H.M. 68th Regiment and Waikato Has already received 100 acres for these serRegiment vices Forest Rangers .. .. No proof that claimant completed conditions of enrolment H.M. 38th Regiment .. .. Took discharge in 1856. Did not come to New Zealand until 1858. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand Taranaki Volunteers .. .. Has already been awarded an allowance under Volunteer Land Act, 1865 (sec Taranaki Gazette, 1872, page 113) Taranaki Volunteer* .. .. Claimant withdrew application Militia and Volunteers .. Insufficient service Wanganui Cavalry .. .. Did not complete five years' continuous efficient Volunteer service Taranaki Volunteers .. .. | Has already been awarded an allowance under Volunteer Land Act, 1865 (see Taranaki Gazette, 1872, page 118) Taranaki Volunteers .. .. Has already received £10 scrip for service .. Taranaki Volunteers .. .. Has already been awarded an allowance of £50 scrip (see Taranaki Gazette, 1872, pages 113, 118, and 62 of 1873 Gazette) Napier Militia .. .. No proof of sufficient continuous active Militia service H.M. 18th Regiment .. .. Deserted from regiment in 1867 H.M. 45th Regiment .. .. Received land order, but failed to exercise it and settle within province in which order was to be exercised Armed Constabulary .. .. Service not within the Acts Wellington Volunteers .. Has already received £30 scrip for Volunteer , service Hawke's Bay Yeomanry Cavalry No proof of five years' service Victoria Rifles .. . . Claimant did not appear at inquiry Victoria Troop, Rangitikei Volun- Not five years' continuous Volunteer service teers, Marton Rifles Auckland Rifle Volunteers . . Claimant did not appear at inquiry Auckland Rifles .. .. Claimant did not appear at inquiry ; papers show service insufficient Wanganui Cavalry and Forest Has not proved live years' continuous efliRangers cient service Armed Constabulary and Wairoa Armed Constabulary service not within Acts. Volunteers Insufficient service as a Volunteer Wairoa Militia .. . . Has already received HI acres of land as a military settler Armed Constabulary .. .. Service not within the Acts Taranaki Military Settlers .. Has already received SO acres of land for service Transport Corps and Militia .. ' No provision made for this service 929 2321 933 2575 24(15 040 2699 2476 2555 2622 959 2404 967 2570 2637 2597 2390 2569 2490 Humphries, William Hurst, Alfred W. Hussey, John E. 983 991 994 Ibbotson, Thomas, sen. (deceased), (by son) 1002 Ibbotson, Thomas, jun. Inch, Thomas 1002a 2351 Ingram, Henry S. 1006 Irwin, Thomas.. Isherwood, James ('. H. 1009 1012 Jackson, Joseph James, John Edward 21)13 1025 Jarvis, Samuel D. Jennings, William T. Jeseop, Joseph.. 2417 1031 2220 Johnson, George Jones, George B. 1037 10411 Jones, Joseph 1049 Jonson, Peter 1054 Keating, Frederick 1064 Keefe, Matliew Keith, William 2til9 2440 Kells, George (deceased), (by widow) Kelly, Henry .. 1069 H.M. 18th Royal Irish.. .. Insufficient evidence regarding date of settlement in New Zealand after being discharged. No proof of date of discharge 2I>I6




Name. Corps. Reason why Claim rejected. Eecorc No. Kelly, James .. .. Waikato Militia. Bay of Plenty Volunteers, &e. K.IK. Robert .. .. Auckland Royal Rifle Volunteers Kellv, Thomas.. .. Armed Constabulary .. Kelly. William.. .. Pitt's Militia .. Kenealv, David ■ • Forest Rangers and Remuera Rifles Kennedy, Thomas J. Unknown .. ... (deceased), (by widow) Kent, Isaac .. .. Militia Xo proof of five years' continuous Volunteer 2606 service Not five years' continuous service. No active 2620 service Service not within the Acts . . . . 2444 Has already received a grant of 50 acres of IOS"2 land for service in 4tn Waikatos No proof claimant completed conditions of 108ft enrolment; not five years Volunteer service ; received land ((>0 acres) on discharge from 58th Regiment No evidence. Applicant failed to substantiate 2294 claim Has already received giant of GO acres of land 1090 as a military settler. No proof of Militia service No proof of sufficient continuous active service 2500 Did not enrol until after the 31st October, 1093a 1876. No active service Discharged at Melbourne in 1869. No evi- 2424 dence to show that claimant retired to settle in New Zealand Claim abandoned by applicant .. .. 1105 Not entitled .. ' .. .. .. 2396 Kenyon, James .. Taranaki Militia Kurr, William .. .. Waikouaiti Rifles Killey, Patrick .. H.M. 18th Royal Irish.. King, James P. (by son) Otahuhu Cavalry Kunst, Ferdinand (brother Auckland Navals of Phillip J. Kunst), (deceased) Kyle, Thomas L. .. Armed Constabulary Lamb, Robert .. .. Auckland Navals Lambert, Benjamin E. .. Hauraki Rilles Lander, John .. .'. Taranaki Volunteers .. Lander, John C.(deoeased), Auckland Navals (by daughter) Langman, Richard .. ; Taranaki Volunteers Service not within the Acts .. .. 1122 Did not complete five years' Volunteer service 2356 Did not complete five years' continuous Volun- 1130 teer service Has already received grant of £50 for pur- 2407 chase of land Claimant did not appear at inquiry. Not five 1132 years' serviceHas already been granted 60 acres of land 1134a (see Taranaki Gazette, 1871, page 100) Has already received 60 acres of land for ser- 2360 vices Not five years' continuous service.. .. 1137 Claimant did not appear at inquiry .. 2357 Langsford, Charles .. J Royal Engineers Large, John T. .. Wairoa Volunteers, &c. Leaf, Robert (deceased), Waikato Militia (by brother) Leaf, William (deceased), Waikato Militia (by brother) Leeoh, Arthur .. .. H.M. 12th Regiment .. Claimant did not appear at inquiry .. 2359 Le Forestier, Robert I*. Hawke's Bay Military Settlers .. Leigh, Ralph .. .. H.M. 85th Regiment Leonard, Edward .. Auckland Defence Force Leonard, John .. Wanganui Yeomanry Cavalry . . Has already been awarded £30 scrip. Name 2432 in Schedule to Act of 1892 No evidence to support claim or show condi- 2566 tions of enrolment were fulfilled Discharged in 1876 ; came to New Zealand 2345 in 1877. Not entitled. Has already received a grant of 50 acres of 2587 land for service in Wanganui Cavalry Has alreadj' been granted 51 acres of land for 1154 services Service in Canterbury, where Volunteer Land 1155 Act, 18f>5, not in force Has already received £30 scrip under Act of 2547 1892. Name in schedule of Act Not five years' continuous Volunteer service 2468 No proof of service .. .. .. 2445 Levens, George J. . . Temuka Rifles Linn, James (deceased), Royal Artillen (by widow) Lockett, Edward ('. .. Wanganui Cavalry Lofley, Edward (deceased), Unknown (by widow) Lomax, Henry A. .. Volunteers and Militia. Lord, Samuel .. .. Pitte Militia .. Loveridge, Samuel .. Taranaki Volunteers Lowe, Charles B. .. Auckland Militia ljundon, David .. Auckland Militia Luttrell, Edwin V. .. Waikato Regiment and Tauranga Cavalry Lynoh, Christopher .. Waikato Regmient Lynch, John .. .. Howiek Cavaln Lynch, Michael .. H.M. 14th Regiment .. McBride, James .. Waikato Militia McCallum, William .. Taranaki Military Settlers Claim withdrawn. Has already received 1177 grants Claimant did not appear .. .. 1184 Has already received an allowance under 2472 Volunteer Land Act, 1865 (see Taranaki Gazette, 1872, page 118) Claimant did not appear .. .. 2412 Claim abandoned by applicant .. .. 2160 Did not complete conditions of enrolment, 2529 Waikato Regiment. Not five years' Volunteer service Did not complete conditions of enrolment .. 2519 Not five years' continuous Volunteer service 11!)7 Not entitled .. .. .. .. 1198 Did not complete conditions of enrolment .. 1368 Has already received a grant of land for ser- 2539 vices Service not within the Acts .. .. 2653 Has already received 51 acres of land for ser- 2509 vice Did not fulfil term of service. Provided sub- 2623 stitute, who obtained land grant MoClutohie, Henry .. Armed Constabulary .. McConnacbie, William .. Waikato Regiment McCowen, Henry (de- Waikato Regiment oeased), (by hie sister)




Name. Corps. Reason why Claim rejected. No :ecorc No. McCready, James .. H.M. 08th Regiment .. .. Received land order, but failed to exercise it 1393 within prescribed time, and did not settle within province McCulloch, George .. Wanganui Militia .. .. Claim abandoned; no proof of service .. 1390 McDermott, John .. H.M. 18th Regimen! .. .. Discharged from Regiment with character 1398 " Bad " McGovern, Laurence .. Napier Artillery .. .. Not five years'continuous servioe.. .. 1427 McGregor, John H. .. WaiUato Regiment .. .. Did not complete conditions of enrolment .. 2337 McGuinness, James .. Royal Irish Dragoons and Wai- Did not settle in New Zealand until 187-1. 1434 kato Militia Not entitled. Servioe in Waikato Militia commenced after 18(if>, when regulations had been Cancelled McGuire, Harry .. Mokau Volunteers .. .. Not five years'service .. .. .. 2:i2.'i McHugh, John .. H.M. 18th Royal Irish. . .. Already awarded a remission certificate for 2306 £30 '(parliamentary paper H.-23B, 1894, page 3) Molntosh, Lachlan .. Gieborne Rifle Volunteers .. No active service. -Not recommended .. 2.">2.'> Mclntyre, Findlay .. Wairoa Rifles .. .. .. Claimant did nut appear at inquiry .. 1441 McKay, Alexander .. Waikato Militia .. .. Has already received 51 acres of land tor 2244 services McKay, Angus.. .. Royal Artillery .. .. Has already received £15 sorip for service .. 1444a MeKenzie, Thomas .. Armed Constabulary .. .. Service nol within the Acts .. .. 22i)2 McLaughlin, John .. Defence Force .. .. Has already received £30 si-iip for service 2305 (see schedule to Act. 1891, page 15) McMillan, Thomas .. H.M. 18th Royal Irish. . .. Discharged in 1878; should haw retired 2483 prior to end of 1872. McMinn, Alexander .. Wangaim i ( a \ a 11 \ .. .. Xo proof that claimant completed five years' 1477 continuous Volunteer (service MeNair, Lemuel .. Taranaki Military Settlers and Claimant provided substitute for service in 2387 Volunteers .Military Settlers. Not live years' Volunteer service MoNaughton, John, sen. Onehunga Volunteers .. .. Claimant did not appear at inquiry. Papers show insufficient service 2(124 Mabbett, John.. .. Militia .. .. .. No proof of six months' continuous active 2273 service Mackintosh, Charles D. H.M. 14th Regiment .. .. Deserted from regiment .. .. .. 1213 Madden, Richard .. Waikato Militia .. .. ■ Did not fulfil conditions of service .. i 1220 Madigan, Patrick .. Forest Hangers .. .. Did not oomplete conditions of servioe .. 232!) Malcolm, William H. .. Armed Constabulary .. .. Service not within the Ads .. .. 2522 Mangan, John .. Waikato Militia .. .. Claimant did not appear at inquiry. Pro- 2355 vided substitute to complete service in Waikatos Manning, James L. (de- Waikato Militia .. .. No proof that claimant completed service .. 2301 ceased), (by widow) Manning, Henry T. .. Taranaki Volunteers .. .. Did not oomplete five years'continuous Volun- 1237 teer service Manuera, Neri .. Military Settlers .. .. No proof that claimant completed conditions 2.v>:) of service Markham, Robert (de- H.M. 18th Royal Irish.. .. Discharged in 1878; should have retired! 1238 ceased), (by widow) before end of 1872 Marsh, Alfred .. .. Taranaki Militia .. .. Has already received an allowance under -."• 17 Volunteer Land Act. Lsim (see Turanaki Gazette, 1872, page 119) Marsh, James .. .. ' Militia .. .. .. Did not complete six months" continuous 1242 active Militia servioe Marshall, Robert W. .. i Taranaki Militia .. .. Has already been awarded scrip (£6) under 1246 Volunteer Land Act, 18(>r> (see Taranaki Gazette, 1872, page 119) Marshall, William .. Auckland Navals .. .. No proof of five years'continuous Volunteer 2(i.">0 servioe Master, John S. .. Taranaki Volunteers and Aimed No proof of five years' continuous Volunteer 2428 Constabulary service. Service not within Acts Mather, William .. Militia .. .. .. Did not oomplete six months' active service .. 2399 Matheson, George S. .. Armed Constabulary .. .. Service not within the Acts .. .. 21 til Matthews, Seering H. .. Rutland Rifles .. .. Claimant did not appear at inquiry .. \ 2163 Maxfield, Harry .. Auckland Rifles .. .. No proof of five years'continuous Volunteer 1256 service May, James J. .. .. Howick Cavalry .. .. Not five years'continuous Volunteer service 2395 May, James M. .. Wanganui Militia and Volunteers Insufficient service .. .. .. H>"> Mead, Edwin .. .. Waikato Regiment and Engineers Did not complete conditions of enrolment. 2567 Service in Engineers only three months Meredith, James .. ' Waikato .Militia .. .. Has already received .~il acres of land for 2462 service Middleton, William .. H.M. 68th Regiment .. .. Has already received £30 scrip for services 1273 (see parliamentary paper H.-13) Miller, Thomas B. .. Otahuhu Volunteer Cavalry .. No proof of five years'continuous Volunteer 240(i servile Mills, John (deceased), (by H.M. 99th Regiment .. .. Discharged in L857. < a me to New Zealand 2295 his son) in 1863. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand Milner. William .. Hawke's Bay Military Settlers .. Did not complete conditions of enrolment. 2505 Provided substitute




Name. Corps. Reason why Claim rejects 1. Becoru No. Mitchell, John Rutland Rifles Has already received 40 acres of land for Imperial service. Claimant withdrew application Service not provided for No proof of service 1289 Mitchell, John Moeller. Charles Native Contingent H.M. Navy and Coromandel Rangers Forest Rangers 2545 1293 Mohr, John Mokena, Haare Moloney, Michael Moon, William T. Morgan, 'Pom H. Morton, William N. Motion, William Mullooly, Michael Murphy, Patrick Murray, James Murray, Joseph Native Contingent Hawke's Bay Volunteers Taranaki Volunteers Kai Iwi Cavalry, &c. .. Totara RiHcs Auckland Navals Hawke's Bay Volunteers H.M. 57th Regiment and Waikato Regiment H.M. 40th Regiment .. Auckland Navals Did not complete conditions of enrolment. Provided a substitute Service not provided for No proof of li\c years' continuous Volunteer service Has already received an allowance under Volunteer Land Act, 18(55 (see Taranaki Gazette, 1872, page 119) Has already received £30 for Imperial service Served in Volunteers, but never on active service or under fire Not five years' continuous Volunteer service Has already received r>0 acres of land as a military settler Deserted from 57th. No record of service in Waikato Regiment War Office advise cannot trace record of service Has already received £30 BOrip. Claimant did not appear at inquiry Has already received a grant of <K) acres of land for services Service not within the Acts Has already received £30 scrip. Name in schedule to Naval and Military and Volunteer Land Act, 1891 No proof of five years' continuous Volunteer service Service not within the Acts Service not within the Acts No proof of five years' continuous Volunteer service Service not within the Acts Did not retire until 1879. Not entitled Has already received 52 acres of land. In 1906 Parliament granted claimant an additional £20 Did not complete the required service 1297 2556 1299 2353 131fi 2400 2394 2525 1355 2289 2621 Mynolt, John H.M. 43rd Regiment 2350 Neiile, George Nelson, Robert Armed Constabulary .. Royal Artillery 2415 2648 Neill, William Hutt and Greytown Volunteers 1495 Ngarori, Paerau Ngahie, Mate Nicholson, John C. Native Constabulary Special corps Colonial Defence Force and Wanganui Cavalry Armed Constabulary .. H.M. 18th Royal Irish.. Taranaki Volunteers 2643 2551 1510 Nicol, James Nixon. John E. Nodder, John 2542 1513 1516 Nolan. John (deceased). (by his widow) Nolan, Martin Noonan, John (deceased), (by his widow) forest Hangers Forest Rangers H.M. 14th Regiment Did not complete the required service Discharged in 1872. Did not settle in New Zealand until twenty years after being discharged. Not entitled No proof of sufficient continuous active Militia service Has already been awarded an allowance under Volunteer Land Act, 1865 (see Taranaki Gazette, 1872, page 123) Service not within the Acts. Has already received 50 acres of land as a military settler Did not retire from army until 1873. Settled in New Zealand, 1874. Not entitled Did not take discharge for purpose of settling in New Zealand. Discharged in 1861. Came to New Zealand in 1866 No proof of service 2413 L619 1520 North, Thomas Militia 1523 Northcote, John Taranaki Militia 247;-. O'Brien, James Armed Constabulary .. 125 a O'Donnell, John H.M. 55th Regiment 2348 O'Donnell, Michael H.M. 87th Regiment 2646 O'Neill, Thomas (deceased), (by his widow) Parfitt, Joseph T. S. Parsons, William H.M. 57th Regiment .. 2601 Paynter, William Pearn, Alfred Peddie, Alexander Forest Rangers Forest Rangers Taranaki Volunteers and Militia Taranaki Volunteers Waikato Regiment Applicant withdrew claim No proof thai claimant completed required service Has already received an allowance under Volunteer Land Act, 1865 (see Taranaki Gazette, 1872-3, pages 120 and 60) Has already received 80 acres of landjfor services No proof that claimant completed conditions of service Insufficient proof of six months' continuous active service Service not provided for Claimant did not appear at inquiry. No proof of sufficient continuous service No evidence to support claim Has already received a grant of 50 acres of land. Name appears in Taranaki Gazette, 1872, page 120 2408 1561 2495 2518 2208 Peebles, George (deceased), (by his son) Peet, William Pellew, John H. Hawke's Bay Militia Commissariat Department Taranaki Bushrangers 2581 2325 2474 I'ennell, John . . Penwarden, Thomas B. Howick Cavalry Taranaki Volunteers .. 1584 2496




Sime. Corps. Reason why Claim rejected. :or< ro. Pepperell, John Perfect, Frank Q. Phillips, George S. 1'ilcher, James Pilcher, Nathaniel Pilkington, John Place, John H. I'lummer, Albert Taranaki Volunteers Waikato Regiment Wellington Rangers and Defence Force Hawke's Bay Cavalry and Militia Hawke's Bay Cavalry Transport Corps H.M. 34th Regiment Hawke's Bay Military Settlers . . Has already been awarded £50 scrip for 2492 service. Name appears in Taranaki Gazette, 1872, pages 113 and 120 Did not fulfil conditions of service. Deserted 1587 from regiment in 1866 Service not provided for. Not five years' 1693 Volunteer service Not five years' service. Insufficient con- 2423 tinuous active Militia service Not five years' Volunteer service .. .. 1597 Service not within the Acts .. . . 1599 Character on discharge, " Indifferent " .. 2367 Has already received 43 acres of land, but 1602 claims 51 acres. Not within scope of inquiry Failed to exercise scrip within prescribed 2291 time and did not comply with settlement conditions Claimant did not ap]>ear at inquiry .. 2255 Not five years' continuous Volunteer service 2362 Claimant admits receiving grant of 50 acres 2409 of land, but claims an additional 30 acres. Not recommended Acts do not apply to this service .. . . 2330 Porter, William H.M. 70th Regiment Posseniskie, Henry L. .. Powley, William M. .. Provol Bartlett Royal Cavalry Volunteers Auckland Artillery I'itt's Militia Pudney, George Quinn, Philip Ramsay, Malcolm F. (deceased), (by widow) Ransford, Francis Ready, Patrick Colonial Defence Force, Wellington H.M. 18th Royal Irish Waikato Militia H.M. 18th Royal Irish.. Armed Constabulary • Character on discharge, " Bad." Not entitled 1632 Did not fulfil conditions of service. Has 1641 already received grant for Volunteer service Character on discharge, " Bad " .. . . 1639 Service not within the Acts. Received 00 2426 acres of land for Imperial service Discharged in 1877. Came to New Zealand 1650 in 1885. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. Should have retired before end of 1872 No proof of six months' continuous active 2266 Militia service. No active Volunteer service Discharged from army and died prior to 2609 passing of Acts authorizing grants of land Insufficient Volunteer service .. .. 11;.%7 Discharged in 1872. Came to New Zealand 2439 in 1873. Time limited by Act to 31st December, 1872, for settlement Has already received 80 acres of land .. 2:iH0 Redding, James H.M. 40th Regiment Reed, Henry J. Militia and Gisborne Rifles 2266 Reed, Robert (deceased), (by daughter) Reed, William Anson Reeves, William .. . H.M. 58th Regiment ... Hawke's Bay Volunteers H.M. 57th Regiment 2609 1657 2439 Reid, James .. .. I Renouf, John H.M. 65th Regiment and Wanganui Veterans Napier Militia 2880 Re veil, James K. Rickard, Thomas E. Riley, Luke (deceased), (by widow) Robinson, William Rogers, Joshia Taranaki Volunteers Wellington Defence Force and Wanganui Cavalry H.M. 18th Regiment Auckland Militia Taranaki Volunteers No proof of six months' continuous active 1669 Militia service Claimant did not appear at inquiry .. 2381 Claimant abandoned application. Insufficient 1679 service Claimant did not appear at inquiry. War 2466 Office unable to trace record of service Service not provided for .. .. .. 2625 Has already received £10 scrip. Name 2568 appears in Taranaki Gazelle, 1872, page 120 Service not within the Acts .. .. 2425 Discharged in 1866 and left Now Zealand, 2515 and returned in 188.'!. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand Did not complete five years continuous effi- 1710 - cient Volunteer service No documentary proof of six months' con- 1715 tinuous active Militia service Has already received £40 scrip for services .. 2620 1669 2381 1679 2466 2625 2568 2425 2515 Rolls, Mark Ronayne, John Armed Constabulary H.M. 40th Regiment Rosknige, Louis C. .. ! Wellington Rifle Volunteers 1710 Ross, James .. Hawke's Bay Militia .. 1715 Rountree, William John (deoeased), (by widow) Rowden, James ; H.M. 14th Regiment Hawke's Bay Defence Force 2626 Rowe, George W. Runciman, John Rundle, Charles T. .. j Waikato Regiment Cambridge Cavalry , Taranaki Rifle Volunteers No proof that claimant completed conditions 2527 of service Has already received a grant of 51 acres of 1721 land No proof of five years' continuous Volunteer 172") service Claimant did not complete five years' con- 2574 tinuous Volunteer service Has already received 60 acres of land for 2455 services Has already received a grant 80 acres for 22"."> services No proof of five years' continuous Volunteer 2304 service 2527 1721 172.-) 2574 Rundle, William .. | Taranaki Volunteers 2455 Ruston, John R. Russell, James T. Taranaki Bushrangers and other corps Taita Volunteers 227.-> 2304




Name. Oorpe. Reason why Claim rejectei. .(■con No. Russell, John M. Ryan, Michael Ryan, Thomiis. . Auckland Cavalry .. .. Insufficient service Auckland Militia .. .. Service not provided for .. H.M. 18th Royal Irish anil Wai- Deserted from regiment. Received 61 acres kato Regiment of land for sorvice in Waikato Regiment Auckland Naval Brigade .. Claimant has not had any active volunteer service Tauranga Light Horse .. Did not complete live years' continuous ellieieiit service Militia and Volunteers .. No proof of sufficient Volunteer or Militia service Armed Constabulary .. .. Service nol within the Acts Auckland Cavalry Volunteers . . Did not complete five years' Volunteer service Forest Rangers .. .. Claim disallowed. Discharge states claimant " has no further claim on the Colonial Government of New Zealand for land or otherwise " H.M. 57th Regiment .. .. Discharge shows character " Indifferent " .. Hawke's Bay Militia and Cavalry No proof of service Otahuhu Rifles .. .. Claimant made no appearance at inquiry; enrolled after |S7I> Aimed Constabulary .. .. Sen ice not within the Acta H.M. 18th Royal Irish.. .. Deserted from regiment in 18ti!) .. Volunteer and Militia .. .. Insufficient Volunteer and Militia service Wellington Colonial Defence No promise made that corps should receive Force • grants. Has already received 30 acres of land for Volunteer service Auckland and Thames Xaviils .. Received £36sorip, bul failed to exercise same H.M. 66th Regiment .. .. Admits having already received a grant of land l'atca RiHes and Wanganui Vete- No proof of live years' continuous Volunteer rans service Armed Constabulary .. .. Service not within the Acts Auckland Militia and Onehunga No proof of service Rifles Wellington Defence Force .. No promise made that corps should receive grants of land. Acts do not apply Armed Constabulary ... .. Service not within the Ac t> Hawke's Bay Military Settlers .. Has already received grant of 80 acres of land for services Otahuhu Cavalry Volunteers .. j Insufficient Volunteer service Otahuhu Cavalry Volunteers .. Insufficient Volunteer service Taranaki Militia .. .. Has already been awarded an allowance under Volunteer Land Act. [866. Name appears in Taranaki Gazette, I S72, page 121 'I'aianaki Volunteers .. .. Has already been awarded an allowance of £30 scrip.' See schedule to Act, 1892 Taranaki Militia .. . Has ahead}' been awarded an allowance under Volunteer Land Act. 1866. Name appears in Taranaki Oazette, I S72. page 121. and 1873, page 113 Marlborough Rangers .. No active service Transport Service .. .. Not within Acts Taranaki Volunteers .. .. Has already been awarded an allowance under Volunteer Land Act. IS<>.~>. Nairn appears in Taranaki Gazelle, 1872. page 121 Waikato Militia .. .. Claimant did not complete conditions of enrolment. Deserted in I8(if> Wanganui Veterans .. .. Insufficient proof of service 1730 2617 2586 Sakey, William 2628 Sanders, Alfred J. (deceased), (by widow) Scott, George (deceased), (by widow) Scott, James Scott, Nixon .. Seblej-, William H. I7.")l) 1759 2278 I7<>2 1773 Shannon, John Sharp, William Shaw, William 1778 253 1 I7SI Shaw, William F. Sheehy, John Shirley, Benjamin Shortall, Thomas 2544 178.-) 2427 2371 Simon, Thomas Skelton, Henry Sloane, John A. 22KI 24.") I 1809 Smith, Charles Smith, George 2560 2372 Smith, John William 1824 Smith, Samuel Smyth, James H. 2307 2558 Snell, Frederick J. Snell, William C. Sole, David 1832 L833 24(18 Sole, George E. 2502 Sole, James 2499 Soper, Wheaton Splaine, William Spoor, James IHH7 1848 1848a Squibb, George I'.tm Staite, William ('. ('Iroeased), (by widow) ■Stallard, Francis Standish, Frank B. Stanley, William Stephenson, William F. IS.", I Waikato Regiment .. .. Did not fulfil conditions of enrolment Taranaki Mounted Volunteers .. Insufficient Volunteer service Waikato Militia .. .. Did not fulfil conditions of sen ice Forest Rangers .. .. No proof of service. Has already received 50 acres of land for Waikato service Hawke's Kay Militia and Volun- No proof of service teers Wellington Colonial Defence No promise made that corps should receive Force grants of land. Acts do not appl\ to service Auckland Militia and Hawke's Bay Service not provided for. Insufficient Yeomanry Cavalry Volunteer service Armed Constabulary .. .. Service not within Act.- .. Auckland Volunteers .. .. Claimant did not appear at inquiry Auckland Militia .. .. Service not provided for .. Auckland Rifle* .. .. Insufficient proof of service Seaman in Despatch Boat .. Acts do not apply to this service Auckland Volunteers and Waikato Insufficient proof of service. No record of Regiment service in Waikato Regiment Colonial Defence Foroe .. Has already received £25 scrip. Name in schedule to Act of 1891, page 8 Wellington Rangers .. .. Service not provided for. Only lasted three months 1853 2281 1 866 2536 Stevens, George 2562 Stewart, James 2341 Stewart, John 2486 Stewart, William Stitchbury, Henry Stitchbury, James Stone, Charlea B. Strachan, James Stratford, John H. 2661 1874 1875 187!) 229H 2414 Sturges, William 2611 Styles, George S. 2308




Namp. Corps. Reason why Claim rejected. No. Sullivan. Michael Sunerway, Edward Tacon, Joseph J. H.M. 14th Regiment .. Waikato Regiment Militia Deserted from regiment in 1865 Did not fulfil conditions of service. . No proof of sufficient continuous active service Acts do not provide for this service Acts do not provide for this service Acts do not provide for this service No proof that claimant completed live years' continuous Volunteer service Has already received a grant of 84 acres of land for services Service in Marlborough, where Volunteer Land Act,'1865, not in force. No active service Not five years' service. Received £25 scrip for service in Colonial Defence Force Acts do not provide for this service Service not within the Acts Service in Marlborough, where Volunteer Land Act, 1865, not in force. No active service No proof of sufficient continuous active service Not five years' continuous Volunteer service No proof of five years' continuous service. Received £30 scrip for Imperial service. Name appears in schedule to Act of 1891, page 13 Did not complete five years' continuous efficient Volunteer service Has already received 51 acres of land for services Insufficient evidence of service No evidence that claimant completed conditions of enrolment Insufficient service Service not within the Acts. Has received grant of 51 acres of land for service in Waikato Regiment Deserted from Regiment Character on discharge, " Bad " .. No proof of sufficient Volunteer or Militia service Not sufficient service Service not within the Acts Did not retire until 1873. Act limited time for settlement in New Zealand to 31st December, 1872 Did not complete conditions of enrolment. Has already received £30 scrip for Volunteer service Has already received an allowance under Volunteer Land Act, 1865. Name appears in Taranaki Gazette, 1872, page 121 No proof as to length of claimant's service .. Has already been awarded an allowance under Volunteer Land Act, 1865 (Taranaki Gazette, 1872, page 121) Insufficient continuous active Militia service Not five years' Volunteer service ; insufficient continuous active Militia service Has already received £25 10s. for services. Name appears in schedule to Act of 1891 Insufficient Volunteer service Has not had five years' continuous Volunteer service Has already been awarded £10 under Volunteer Land Act, 1865. Name appears in Taranaki Gazette, 1872, page 122 Discharged in 1870. Did not settle in New Zpaland until 1874. Act limited time to the end of December, 1872 Failed to establish claim Did not fulfil conditions of enrolment Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. Discharged in 1847 ; settled in 1864 Acts do not apply to this service, which was only for three months No proof of service as a Volunteer. Acts do not apply to Transport service Service not within the Acts Took discharge in Sydney with intention of settling in New South Wales. Not entitled 2188 1895 1906 Tamarauaruhe, Riwai Tamihana, Rewi Tapihana, Perepe Taylor, David .. Native < lonl ingent Native (lonl ingenl Arawa Friendliea Lower Plutt liifles and Wellington Rangers Wain i,i Rifles. . 2554 2552 2001 1111:2 Taylor, John Jude 2336 Taylor. John Marlborough Rangers and Blenheim Rifles 1914 Tebbutt, Alfred Howick Cavalry 2364 Te Matahacre. . Thomas. George I). Thompson, Edward Arawa Friendliee Armed Constabulary . . Marlborough Rifles 2(i(MI 2241 2333 Thompson, John Militia 2437 Thomson, John Thomson. Joseph Wairoa Rifles. . Wanganui Rangers 2803 1940a Thomson. Neil Wairoa Rifle Volunteers 2802 Thomson, Robert Me. .. Waikato Regiment 2343 Thorby, Henry !■'. Thorpe, John W. Hawke's Bay Volunteers Forest Rangers l>520 2.-)! It Tingey, Richard Todd, i ia\ in Wanganui Militia and Volunteers Aimed Constabulary .. 1928 2452 Toohev, Dennis Torpey, Richard Trask, Israel .. H.M. 18th Royal Irish.. H.M. 50th Regiment Hawko's Bay Cavalry and Militia 2324 1943 1951 Trevarthen, William Tronson, (ierald P. Tunbridge, Charles Thames Navals Wined Constabulary .. H.M. 43rd Regiment .. 2361 1966 l!t.->7 I "lien, Thomas Waikato Regiment, &e... 2347 Veale. Thomas. . Taranaki Volunteers 2488 Vereoe. Henry W. Vercoe. Phillip. • Otahuhu Cavalry Taranaki Volunteers 2582 1074 Vickers, William Villcrs, Charles (deceased), (by widow) Wakeford, Henry J. dive and Havelook Militia Petane Mounted Rifles and Militia 2441 > 2447 Forest Bangers 1980a Wall, Silas Wallace. John .. Wanganui Cavalry Kai Iwi Cavalry 1989 2484 Wallis, Henry (deceased), (by widow) Taranaki Volunteers 2285 Walsh. Moses H.M. 18th Regiment .. 2510 Ward, Charles E. Ward, John P. Ward. Patriok (deceased), (by si.ii I Warrilow, James A. Taranaki Bushrangers Forest Rangers H.M. 99th Regiment .. 2008 2009 201(1 Wellington Rangers 2370 Warwick. < leorge W. Wanganui Volunteers and Transport Corps Armed Constabulary .. H.M. istl, Regimen! .. 20l!t Waters, Riohard Watkins, John (deceased), (by widow) 2287 2023



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Corp*. Beaton why Claim rejected. Eecord No. Name. Watson, James (joined as P. Finegan) Watson. Thomas (i. Aimed Constabulary .. .. Service not.within the Acts Marton Hides.. .. .. Insufficient proof of five years' oontinuous Volunteer service Taranaki Military Settlers .. Bid not complete term of service. Provided a substitute Hauraki Rifles .. .. Did not enrol until 1877. Should have joined company prior to 31st Oetober, 1876. to be entitled' Taranaki Volunteers .. .. Has already received an allowance under Volunteer Land Act, 1805. Name appears in Taranaki Gazelle, 1872, page 122 Armed Constabulary .. .. Service not within the Acts H.M. 50th Regiment .. .. Did not retire to settle in New Zealand. Took discharge in 1875; came to New Zealand in 1883. Not entitled Aimed Constabulary .. ■■ Service not within the Aits Auckland Militia .. .. Service not provided for .. Wiiikato Militia .. .. Has already received a grani for ">l acres for service Waikato Militia .. .. Did not fulfil conditions of service. Provided a substitute H.M. 58th Regiment .. .. War Office has no record of this service 658 2482 Watson, William F. 2020 Webster, Joshia D. 2411 Webster, William I). 24ti.". Wells, William.. Win-Ian, Patrick 2034 2040 White, Alfred H. White, Thomas Wilds, .lames . . 2047 2629 231:5 Wilks, John .. 2000 Wilks, Elijah (deceased), (by his son) Williams. Thomas H. 2oor> Onehunga Rifles .. .. Claimant made no appearance at inquiry. Papers show insufficient service Rutland Rifles .. .. Claimant made no appearance at inquiry. Papers show insufficient service Waikato Militia .. .. Did not fulfil conditions of service. Deserted in 1864 Armed Constabulary .. .. Service not within the Acts Napier Volunteers .. .. Insufficient service. Has already received grant of land (50 acres) for service in the Hawke's Bay Colonial Defence Force Wairoa Militia .. .. Has already received 80 acres of land for service as a military settler Napier Volunteers and Militia .. No proof of service Auckland Militia and Onehunga Service not provided for. Insufficient VolunVolunteers teer service Waikato Militia and Transport Did not fulfil conditions of service. Deserted (jorpg in 1864. Acts do not apply to Transport Corps Hawke's Bay Volunteers and No proof of service Militia Otahuhu Cavalry and Thames Insufficient continuous Volunteer service .. Volunteers Bay of Plenty Cavalry, &e. .. Insullieient continuous Volunteer service . . Taranaki Volunteers and Mounted Has already received 60 acres of land for Troop services Waikato Volunteer Militia .. Claimant admits having received certificate for 60 acres of land, but failed to exercise same within prescribed time Taranaki Volunteers .. .. j Has already received (>0 acres of land for services Yeomanry Cavalry .. No proof as to length of service Forest Rangers .. .. Did not complete required service Armed Constabulary .. .. Bervioe not within the Acts 2630 Williamson, Charles 2072 Wilson, Alfred W. 2391 Wilson. .lohn Withers. Thomas 2033 2177 Witty. .lames W. 2085 Wood, James Morris Wood, Thomas 2895 2257 Woodoock, Alfred 2087 Woods, Thomas 2433 Woolfield. Thomas R, . . 2093 Wrigg, Harry C. W. Wright. Edward 2031 2379 Wright, John 2576 Wright, Samuel 2385 Wright. William Young, James Young, Thomas 2330 2485 2119

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NAVAL AND MILITARY CLAIMS (REPORT ON)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, H-21

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NAVAL AND MILITARY CLAIMS (REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, H-21

NAVAL AND MILITARY CLAIMS (REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, H-21

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