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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

My Lord,— General Post Office, 28th August, 1911. I have the honour to submit to Your Excellency the Report of the Post and Telegraph Department for the year 1910-11, and in doing so to offer the following remarks : — This report is the seventeenth I have had the honour of presenting. When I first assumed the office of Postmaster-General in 1891 the revenue for the year was £320,058. It is a source of much satisfaction to record that the revenue for last year exceeded for the first time a million pounds, thus marking an epoch in the history of the Department. To produce this result over one hundred millions of letters and over eight millions and a half of telegrams were dealt with. The revenue has doubled since 1902. In order to cope with the volume of business represented by these figures, considerable increase has been made to the permanent staff, which now stands at 4,531 officers. The revenue has nevertheless exceeded the expenditure by £123,196. The Commonwealth of Australia has inaugurated a penny post to this Dominion, thus reciprocating New Zealand's action of ten years ago. After due consideration and a careful observance of the experience of other Administrations, steps have been taken to effect such an installation of radiotelegraphy as is found most suitable to the country's requirements. After lengthy negotiation it has been possible to secure the resumption of the mail-service between this Dominion and Canada after an interval of twelve years. The terms are very favourable. An effort is being made to improve the mail-service between New Zealand and San Francisco. The use of the telephone for long- and short-distance communications is increasing rapidly. Contrary to expectation, the ordinary telegraph business continues to increase steadily in spite of the opposition of the telephone. Generally, the business of the Department shows satisfactory results, of which full details will be found in the report and statistical tables. During my absence from the Dominion this important Department was ably administered by the Hon. Thomas Mackenzie. I have the honour to be. My Lord, Your most obedient servant, J. G. WARD, His Excellency the Governor, Wellington. Postmaster-General,

I—F. 1.



Revenue and Expenditure. The revenue and expenditure of the Department for the financial year 1910-11 are shown in the following table : —

The total revenue exceeded that of 1909-10 by £75,765 7s. o_d., and the expenditure exceeded the expenditure of 1909-10 by £56,009 12s. 9d. Postal matter delivered in New Zealand, including that received from abroad, during the senreached a total of 100,328,930 letters, 7,895,251 post-cards, 50,301,836 other articles, and 1,281,253 parcels. 569,657 money-orders, for £2,457,522 18s. 5d., were issued, and 449,773, for £2,126,588 16s. 7d., paid. The increase in the number of orders issued as compared with last year was 30,917. The postal-note business continues to increase. During the year 1,666,959 postal notes, of the value of £524,942 18s. 6d., were sold, being an increase of 17-82 per cent, in number and 17-27 in amount as compared with the preceding year. The number of British postal orders sold increased from 54,360, valued at £29,676 lis. 10d., to 67,769, for £35,270 7s. 9d., and 19,941 orders, for £13,183 16s. 6d., were paid, as against 18,326, for £12,411 165., paid during the previous year. The savings-bank deposits (£10,708,938 16s. lOd.) exceeded the withdrawals (£9,695,514 16s. Id.) by £1,013,424 os. 9d. There has been added £424,668 Is. as interest, making a total increase of £1,438,092 Is. 9d., and bringing the whole amount at credit up to £14,104,989 19s. 2d., a sum which equals £13 Bs. 7d. per head of the population. The number of old-age pension payments was 186,857, as compared with 177,839 in the previous year, the respective amounts being £383,392 10s. Bd. a'hd £362,495 lis. The total number of telegrams forwarded was 8,559,055, an increase of 712,165, or 9-08 per cent., over the business of the previous year. The number of bureau communications continues to show a marked increase, being 2,031,376, as against 1,757,869. The amount expended on telegraph-extension was £111,868, with liabilities amounting to £71,904 on account of works for which the authority of Parliament was granted too late for the necessary expenditure to be brought within the financial year. / On the 31st March, 1911, there were 11,316 miles of telegraph-line and 37,212 miles of wire. The length of submarine cables within the Dominion was 368 knots. The number of telephone-exchange connections still continues to increase.

Item. Postal. Telegraph. Total. Receipts. Stamps for postage Money-order and postal-note commission Money-order commission received from foreign offices Private box and bag fees Miscellaneous receipts Paid telegrams Telephone exchanges £ s. d. £ s. d. 556,804 11 9 22,388 18 8 098 19 1 11,790 3 9 11,407 9 8}| 7,318 10 0 265,624 2 10J ll.l . 173 0 10 I £ s. d. 550,804 11 9 22,388 13 3 698 19 1 11,790 3 9 18,785 19 8£ ! 205,024 2 10| ! 161,173 6 10 Balance of expenditure over revenue 003,149 17 6* 434,115 19 8£ 12,593 17 4 J 1,037,265 17 3 Totals 603,149 17 6j 446,709 17 1 1,037.265 17 3 Expenditure. Salaries (classified officers) Salaries (country Postmasters and telephonists, and contributions to Railway Department) Conveyance of mails by sea ., Conveyance of inland mails Conveyance of mails by railway Rural mail services Money-order commission credited to foreign offices Maintenance of telegraph-lines Miscellaneous £ s. d. £ s. d. 204,721 4 G 320,505 4 7 10,498 0 0 82,998 0 0 02,870 10 6 (ill, 540 0 4 00,908 18 8 181 0 0 2,250 4 6 47,280 12 10 50,380 16 11 45,919 19 8 407,359 10 9 440,709 17 1 135,790 6 9J £ s. d. 525,226 9 1 49,496 0 0 02,879 10 6 69,540 0 4 60,908 18 8 1S1 0 9 ■2, 1250 4 6 47,280 12 10 96,300 16 7 Balance of revenue over expenditure (Postal) (whole Department) 914,069 7 10 123,196 9 5 Totals 003,149 17 GJ 440,709 17 1 1,037,205 17 3



Statement showing Revenue and Expenditure of the Post and Telegraph Department for the Ten Years ended 31st March, 1911, and for the Years 1881-82 and 1891-92.

Staff. Comparative Return of Officers of the Post and Telegraph Department for the Years ended 31st March 1910, and 31st March, 1911. The total number of officers on the station the 31st March, 1910 and 1911, was as under: — 31st March, 31st March, 1910. 1911. Postmaster-General ... ... .. ... 1 1 Classified staff, — First Division ... ... ... ... ... 3 3 Clerical Division ... ... ... ... ... 2,427 2,599 Non-clerical Division ... ... ... ...I 1 „-. , qqq Telegraph message-boys ... ... ... ...I I1''^ 4 l ' J Total, classified staff ... ... ...4,185 4,531 Permanent Non-classified staff, — Clerical ... ... ... ... ... ... 26 * Non-clerical ... ... ... ... ... 56 ::: Employees not on permanent staff, — Country Postmasters and Postmistresses ... ... 2,157 2,138 Nightwatehmen ... ... ... ... ... 2 2 Mail-cart drivers ... .. ... ... ... 2 6 Postmasters and telegraphists or telephonists who are Railway officers ... ... ... ... 166 166 Total ... ... ... ... ... 6,594 6,843 Health of Staff. The following table gives the average absence of officers on sick-leave : — Numbers Average Absence Average Absence • j 0 . 0 , ,-._ for each Officer comprised. per Sick Officer. , , r r employed. Days. Days. Men ... ... ... 3,896 10-68 2-46 Women ... ... ... 669 1571 6-10 Nine officers died during the year. Retirements, etc. Mr. J. K. Logan, 1.5.0., who joined the telegraph service in 1865, and who has for the last seventeen years been Superintendent of Electric Lines, retired on pension during the year. During Mr. Logan's term of office the telegraph system of the Dominion developed to its present magnitude. Mr. W. W. Beswick, Chief Postmaster, Oamaru, and Mr. R. Tait, Assistant Postmaster, Christchurch, also retired after long and faithful service. Mr. E. V. Senn, Chief Postmaster, Nelson, who served the Department conscientiously for nearly thirty-five years, died on the 14th November, 1910. Hoard of Appeal. The departmental Board of Appeal sat from the 25th to the 27th April, 1910. Four appeals were considered, and the finding in every case was against the appellants. One appeal was practically against a previous finding of the Board, but as no fresh facts were submitted, the Board did not make a recommendation. In two cases officers appealed against the promotion under Regulation 45, subsection (4), of certain officers on account of their special qualifications, and the fourth was against the officer's classification.

* Now shown under beading "Classified Staff."

Year. Revenue. Expenditure. Balance of Revenue over Expenditure. .881-82 £ 234,529 320,058 s. a. 8 0 1 3 £ s. 233,291 10 268,343 1 (1. £ s. d. 4 1,237 17 8 1 51,715 0 2 891-92 320,058 1 3 901-1902 902-1903 903-1904 904-1905 905-1906 906-1907 907-1908 908-1909 .909-1910 .910-1911 488,573 1 1H 525,096 17 3* 580,771 4 5* 633,305 12 l\ 684,878 11 2~ 746,249 16 0$ ' 822,639 8 9( I 913,994 17 2i 961,500 10 2* ... 1,037,265 17 3 465,756 9 5 487,814 10 0 526,746 14 5 559,921 J 5 578,726 11 7 619,121 0 9 709,024 16 2 807,652 9 10 858,059 15 J 911,069 7 10 22,816 12 37,284 7 54,024 10 73,384 11 106,151 19 127,128 15 113,614 12 106,342 7 103,440 15 123,196 9 6* 3i oi 7 34 H 5" Total for ten years £867,385 0 6



Classification. From the Ist January, 1911, the annual leave granted to officers of the Department was increased to twenty-one working-days for officers with more than fifteen years' service, fourteen working-days for officers with less service, and seven working-days for telegraph message-boys. Previously the period was three weeks, two weeks, and one week respectively. By Order in Council dated the 13th day of March, 1911, the period of temporary employment of — Basket-repairers, Draughtsmen, Mechanics, Batterymen, Drivers, Post Office messengers, Batterymen (assistant), Foremen linemen, Storemen, Cabinetmakers, Letter-carriers, Telegraph message-boys, Cable-steamer labourers, Linemen, Telegraph messengers (adult), Carpenters, Linemen labourers, • Watchmen, Charwomen, Mail-bag makers, was extended from three years to six years. Post and Telegraph Amendment Act, 1910. By the Post and Telegraph Amendment Act, 1910, which came into force from the Ist January, 1911, power was given to the Governor to take and retain possession of telegraph-stations in time of war or danger of war; the limit of insurable value of postal packets was raised from £50 to £400 ; the Fine Fund was vested in the Postmaster-General; the conditions of production of telegrams as evidence for certain offences weie amended ; the allowances granted to officers who are widowers or widows were restricted to those whose children are below the age of fourteen years; and the powers formerly vested in the Superintendent of Electric Lines were transferred to the Secretary, the position of Superintendent of Electric Lines being abolished and that of Chief Telegraph Engineer created. Abolishing Telegram-envelopes. The new telegram form and envelope combined has now been introduced at practically every permanent office in the Dominion, and continues to give satisfaction to the public. The estimated saving was £3,000 per annum, which has practically been realized. A check taken at Wellington on two days showed that compared with the old system there was an average saving of two minutes per message in the time taken between receipt in the instrument-room and despatch from the office. Fine Fund. From the beginning of New Zealand postal history there has been in the charge of the Department the accumulation of money from fines levied on officers of the Department for breaches of duty. This money is commonly known as the Fine Fund. For many years past the money has been deposited in the Post-office Savings-bank and has been used by the Postmaster-General for making advances to deserving necessitous officers. All fines imposed on officers since the Ist day of January, 1908, when the Superannuation Act came into force, have, by law, been paid to the Superannuation Fund. A question having arisen regarding the administration of the Post and Telegraph Fine Fund, provision was made in the Post and Telegraph Amendment Act, 1910, to confirm the Postmaster-General's control. Good-conduct Badges. The Postmaster-General has decided to issue badges to be worn by letter-carriers to indicate long service, good conduct, and efficiency. The badges will consist of a stripe or of stripes of gold lace 3in. long, Jin. wide, sewn to blue cloth, and worn on the left breast of the tunic. A letter-carrier conducting himself and performing his duties to the Department's entire satisfaction for five years will be allowed to wear one stripe; for ten years, two stripes; and for fifteen years, three stripes. The stripes or any of them may be withdrawn for misconduct or inefficiency. Penny Postage. On and from the Ist May, 1911, the postage on letters from Australia to New Zealand was reduced to Id. per half-ounce. Insurance of Letters. On the Ist January, 1911, a system was introduced whereby the sender of a letter is enabled to insure it against loss up to a value of £400. At the time the scheme was confined to inland letters and letters exchanged between New Zealand and the United Kingdom, but since the Ist July it has been extended, with necessary modifications, to certain other British possessions and many foreign countries via London. The system has not yet been in operation for a sufficient time to indicate how far the public is likely to make use of it. Aperture-plates for House-doors. The demand for aperture-plates still continues. The Department imported a supply, and is now in a position to meet all demands. Parcel Post. The new parcel system begun on Ist March, 1910, continues to give satisfaction. On the Ist January, 1911, a scheme was introduced enabling the senders of parcels posted in New Zealand for Australia or Papua, and vice versa, to prepay the Customs duty and other charges



due thereon which would in ordinary course be payable by the addressees. A similar scheme has long been in force with the United Kingdom. The number of duty-prepaid parcels which have been exchanged with Australia indicates that the recent extension of the system is appreciated. Postal Statistics (1909) of Countries of Universal Postal Union. "The postal statistics for 1909 of the countries comprising the Universal Postal Union show that the average number of letters, &c, posted per head in New Zealand is higher than in any other country. The number of letters and post-cards per head in New Zealand was 93, and the number of articles of all kinds per head, 139. New Zealand was followed by Victoria and New South Wales. The number of letters and post-cards per head in Great Britain was 84, and of articles of all kinds 111 ; and in Germany 71 and 100 respectively. The figures for the United States of America are not given. Alteration in System of Audit of Government Accounts : Payment through Post Office. One of the effects of the alteration in the system of audit of Government accounts, which came into operation on the Ist April, 1911, is to make the Post Office the medium for the payment of a large number of charges heretofore made by the Treasury, after the claims had been passed by the Audit Department. By the adoption of the system of post-audit, claims against the General Government thus dealt with are now paid promptly. When payment is to be made through the Post Office it is now made directly to the, payee on application, or the cash is handed to approved local officers of the various Departments, who, after disbursing it, hand back properly completed vouchers for the total amount. This Department forwards the vouchers to the Audit Department and on their return claims credit from the Treasury. The Post Office possesses special facilities for effecting prompt payment of claims through its money-order offices, which are established throughout the length and breadth of the Dominion, and. while the new system has undoubtedly thrown upon it a considerable amount of work, and necessitated a strengthening of the staffs, the advantages to the community are manifest, seeing that it provides for the elimination of the tedious delays inherent in the system of pre-audit, and also for speedy payments at points convenient to the payees. Post-office. During 1910, the Assistant Inspectors of Post-offices visited 1,644 offices, and travelled 38,401 miles. They also relieved Chief Postmasters in several districts. In conformity with the system inaugurated in 1909, 433 small non-permanent post-offices were inspected by the permanent Postmasters in their vicinity. Seventy-six post-offices were established (of these, six were reopened offices) and 13 closed. The number of post-offices open at the end of the year was 2,257. The post and telegraph offices, Napier, were amalgamated as from the Ist January, 1911. The names of 14 offices were changed to meet altered circumstances, or to agree more nearly with local designations. The number of articles delivered in the Dominion, including those received from places outside, during the year 1910, as compared with the number in 1909, was as under : — 1910. 1909. Increase. Decrease. Letters and letter-cards .. 100,328,930 93,650,908 6,678,022 Post-cards .. .. 7,895,251 8,049,808 .. 154,557 Other articles .. .. 50,301,836 48,195,407 2,106,429 158,526,017 149,896,123 8,629,894 Parcels .. .. 1,281,253 1,122,029 159,224 The letters and letter-cards increased 7-13, post-cards decreased 1-92, other articles increased 4-37, and parcels 14-19 per cent. The decrease in the number of post-cards may be accounted for by the decline in popularity of the pictorial post-card. In 1909 letters and letter-cards increased 5-12, post-cards 5;31, other articles 1-64, and parcels 20-61 per cent. The average number of letters and letter-cards posted per head of population was estimated at 97-14. The average in 1909 was 95-98. The correspondence of 109 persons or firms has been prohibited transmission under section 28 of the Post and Telegraph Act, 1908. Money-orders'may not be issued in favour of such persons or firms. Twenty-one newspapers were registered for transmission by post, and 24 were removed from the register. The declared value of parcels received from places outside the Dominion in 1910 was £307,299, as against £279,684 in 1909. The Customs duty collected amounted to £60,177 10s. 2d. The declared value of parcels despatched to places beyond the Dominion was £35,190, as against £33,071 in 1909. Four new letter-carriers' deliveries were established. Deliveries were extended in 19, and increased in frequency in 8 places. A post-office was established at Victoria Land in connection with Captain Scott's Antarctic expedition, which left New Zealand on the 29th November, 1910. Special stamps, overprinted " Victoria Land," to the value of £100, were issued for the use of the expedition. An hourly clearance of city and suburban posting-boxes has been established at Auckland, Christchurch, and Dunedin, and in the central portion of the city at Wellington.



The Commonwealth Post Office agreed from the Ist October, 1910, to accept impressions of the automatic franking-machine on letters in prepayment of postage. This dispensed with the necessity of this Department's stamping such letters with the " paid " stamp. From the 27th October, 1910, the rate on inland registered magazines was reduced from Id. for each copy no: exceeding 16 oz. and Id. each additional 16 oz. to |d. for each copy not exceeding 8 oz. and £d. for each additional 8 oz. The value of this reduction to the public is already in evidence. As from the Ist .January, 1911, the Post and Telegraph Guide Supplement was published quarterly instead of monthly, and the annual subscription of the Guide (including the Supplement) reduced from 2s. to Is. 6d. Dickie stamp-vending machines were installed at Christchurch, Dunedin, Invercargill, and Palmerston North. Judging by the large number of stamps vended, the machines appear to fill a distinct want. In Dunedin the sales on Sundays have been so heavy that it has been necessary, pending the installation of a second machine, to renew the stamps during the day. As many as 960 stamps have been vended by the Dunedin machine on one Sunday. A synchronome clock system was installed in Christchurch in May, 1910. Postage-stamps. Owing to the similarity in colour of the Is. and the 4d. King Edward postage-stamps, arrangements were made to print the 4d. stamp in a colour distinctly different from any used for other stamps of the present issue. Stamp-booklets containing 18 penny stamps and II half-penny stamps, and sold at the price of 25., superseded the old issues in August, 1910. In November last it was decided to secure a suitable design for new postage and revenue stamps, and the High Commissioner for New Zealand was requested to place the matter in the hands of Mr. Bertram Mackennal, A.R.A., the sculptor who is designing the new coinage. The design will include a portrait of King George V, together with the lettering " Dominion of New Zealand Postage and Revenue," and the value in figures only. Only one design will be used for all values, the value being altered to suit. The design is to be suitable for reproduction by the intaglio process. The new stamps are to be of exactly the same size as those of the present issue. Ocean Mail-servji i:s. San Francisco Service. The Wellington-Papeete contract with the Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand (Limited), whose vessels connected with the ''Mariposa" running between Papeete and San Francisco, was determined on the 7th October, 1910, and a new " through " service commenced with the same company on the 22nd October between New Zealand and San Francisco via Rarotonga and Papeete, the last New Zealand port of call on the outward voyage being Auckland, and the first inward port of call Wellington. The contract price is £1,666 13s. 4d. a voyage, and the number of voyages a year thirteen, with the option on the part of the Government of extending the duration for two years, with Wellington as the inward and outward New Zealand port of call. The contract-time between Auckland and San Francisco is 20J days, and between San Francisco and Wellington 21 days. The maximum, minimum, and average number of days within which the mails were delivered at and from London and Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin by the San Francisco mail-service was :— Maximum. Minimum. Average. London to Auckland .. .. 37 34 36 Auckland to London .. .. .. 35 32 34 London to Wellington .. .. .. 36 33 35 Wellington to London .. .. .. 36 33 35 London to Christchurch .. .. .. 37 34 36 Christchurch to London .. .. .. 37 31 36 London to Dunedin .... .. 37 34 36 Dunedin to London .. .. .. 37 34 36 Owing to an accident to the machinery, the R.M.S. " Aorangi," which left Auckland on the 11th February, 1911, did not reach San Francisco until the Bth March, five days late. The mails reached London on the 20th March, seven days late. The " Aorangi" was due to leave San Francisco for New Zealand on the Bth and to reach Wellington on the 31st March. As repairs took about eight days, mails for New Zealand were despatched by the " Mariposa," leaving San Francisco on the 10th March, 1911, and transferred at Papeete to the " Talune,'-' which arrived at Auckland at 6.30 a.m. on the 6th April. The southern portion of the mail was despatched by special train, which arrived in Wellington on the 7th April at 5.45 a.m., in time to enable correspondents there to send replies by the outward San Francisco mail leaving the same day. The mails reached Wellington seven days later than if they had left San Francisco on the due date. The penalty provided in the contract was not enforced, the breakdown being due to circumstances beyond the company's controi. The " Aorangi" left San Francisco on the 20th March and arrived at Wellington on the 11th April, twelve days later than if she had left San Francisco on due date. Vancouver Service. The contract between Australia and Vancouver expires on the 31st July, 1911. Alternative tenders were called by the Canadian Post Office, receivable up to the Ist November, 1910. Two of the alternative tenders included a call at Auckland. The Canadian Post Office accepted a tender from the Union



Steam Ship Company of New Zealand, Limited, for five years, the steamers to call at Honolulu, Suva, and Auckland, the Canadian Post Office reserving the right to require the contractors to proceed to Sydney or Melbourne, or both, the payment to be the present contribution by Canada, £37,091, plus contributions from Fiji and New Zealand. New Zealand has agreed to the conditions, with the amendments included in the following : — 1. The contract to be for five years. 2. Subsidy to be contributed by the New Zealand Government, £20,000 per annum, with exemption from harbour and dock dues. 3. Permission to be given to the contractors to proceed from Auckland to Sydney or Melbourne, and to retain any sum contributed by the Commonwealth. 4. First voyage outwards from Auckland, 4th August; from Vancouver, 6th October. Dates of departure from Auckland to be amended as soon as practicable, to enable a fortnightly alternation to be made with the San Francisco service. 5. The voyage between Vancouver and Auckland, via Honolulu and Suva, to be made in nineteen days. The same time to be kept in the reverse direction. 6. New Zealand shippers to have the first refusal of all space for freight, so long as no subsidy is being paid by the Commonwealth Government. No discrimination in rates of freight, passengeraccommodation, or passenger-rates is to be made against New Zealand, whether a subsidy is paid by the Commonwealth or not. The Department of Agriculture, Commerce, and Tourists will bear one-half of New Zealand's contribution. An endeavour is being made to form the closest possible connection with the mails from Liverpool by the Canadian Pacific Railroad " Empress" steamers, and also to alternate on even Eour-weekly dates with the four-weekly mail from San Francisco. It will not be practicable to make fortnightly sailings from New Zealand. Under the present proposed dates the steamer for Vancouver will leave Auckland each Friday four weeks, seven days after the departure of the steamer for San Francisco from Wellington. Suez Service. The P. and 0. steamers resumed making calls regularly every four weeks at Auckland during the southern summer The s.s. " Warrimoo," which left Wellington on the Ist July, 1910. the s.s. " Moeraki," which left on the 26th August, 1910, the s.s. "Aorangi." which left Wellington on the 19th May, 1911, and the s.s. "Warrimoo," which left Wellington on the 16th June, 1911, were the only vessels which failed to connect with the outward English mail at Sydney. Payments on Account of the Peninsular and Oriental, and Orient, Mail-service during the Year 1910-11. £ £ Payment to Peninsular and Oriental and Orient lines .. .. .. 10,784 Transit-charges across Australia and Europe .. .. .. .. 6,139 Mail-service to Australia .. .. .. . . .. 15,289 Proportion chargeable to mails for Commonwealth .. .. 4,000 11,289 28,212 The maximum, minimum, and average number of days within which the mails were delivered at and from London, and Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch. and Dunedin. by the Peninsular and Oriental and Orient lines was : — P. and O. Line. Orient Line. Max. Mm. Aye; Max. Mm. Average. London to Auckland .. ..39 36 3719 38 37 37-12 Auckland to London .. .. 37 36 36-33 39 37 37-73 London to Wellington .. ..40 35 38-04 39 38 38-19 Wellington to London .. ..36 35 35-37 38 36 36-73 London to Christchurch .. .. 39 36 38-69 39 38 38-96 Christchurch to London . . .. 37 36 36-37 39 37 37-73 London to Dunedin .. ..39 38 38-12 39 38 38-12 Dunedin to London .. .. 37 >36 36-37 39 37 37-73 Inland Mail-services. By Order in Council dated the 13th day of March, 1911, the gratuities payable on bags or packets containing mail-matter for delivery within New Zealand conveyed between Wellington and Lyttelton by steamers running to a regular daily time-table was fixed at £1 13s. 6d. per cubic ton. Previously the rate was Is. 4d. per bag. The system of interchanging officers between Christchurch and Wellington for the purpose of learning the sorting of the other office is being continued. One of the motor-vans used in connection with the Wellington city mail-service was sold, and replaced by a second Albion motor-lorry, which was brought into use in March, 1911. It is intended to replace all horsed vehicles by motor-vans as early as possible. The sum paid to the Railway Department for the conveyance of mails by ordinary trains was £59,803. The number of inland mail-services in operation on the 31st December, 1910, was 1,576.



The s.s. " Koi," with the Motueka-Nelson mail on board, foundered in Nelson Harbour on 30th March, 1910. The mail was subsequently recovered. The Tokaanu-Waiouru mail-coach was blocked by snow on the 20th June, 1910. The mails were despatched by rail via Rotorua. Floods in Hawke's Bay and Marlborough districts interrupted mail-communication during the end of June and the beginning of July, 1910. The Shannon-Foxton mail-service was temporarily suspended through a flood on the 15th July, 1910. The Cass-Otira mail-coach was delayed by floods on the 20th December, 1910. On the 13th March, 1911, the Gisborne-Tolaga Bay mail-coach capsized in the surf at Waihau, the mail being damaged to some extent. Dead and Missing Letters. The undermentioned articles of value were found in letters opened in the Dead Letter Office, and returned to senders where practicable: 708 post-office orders, £1,779 2s. lid.; 38 bank-drafts, £1,633 ss. Bd.; 718 cheques, £6,267 2s. 10Jd.; 27 dividend-warrants, £98 Is. Id.; 18 promissory notes, £674 7s. 7d.; postal notes, £785 os. 6d.: British postal orders, £74 Is. ■ stamps, £52 lis. 4d. ; banknotes, £433 ; gold, £54 ; silver and copper, £12 12s. llfd. : representing a total of £11,863 ss. lid. Amongst other things, there were dealt with 9 gold watches, 15 silver watches. 23 gold rings, 6 gold watch-chains, 3 gold bangles. 12 gold brooches, 60 greenstone ornaments, 1 gold medal, 1 gold neck-chain, 1 jewelled pendant, 1 gold cross, 3 pieces of polished greenstone, 2 silver spoons, 1 silver jug, 5 silver medals, 4 boars-tusks, 3 steamer-tickets, 1 passage-order Auckland to London, 1 passage-order Sydney to Melbourne, 15 pawn-tickets, 14 share certificates, and 34 lottery-tickets. The proportion of dead or unclaimed letters, letter-cards, and post-cards to the total number delivered within the Dominion was 0-39 per cent. 179,850 letters were opened and returned to the writers through the Dead Letter Office. 45,551 were returned unopened to other countries ; 559 were reissued ; 24,200 were destroyed ; 174,179 were returned by Chief Postmasters ; a total of 424,339 letters, as compared with 428,766 in 1909. 41,642 other articles were returned to foreign countries : 5,704 were returned to the senders through the Dead Letter Office ; 204,881 were returned by Chief Postmasters : a total of 252,227 other articles, as compared with 235,688 in 1909. 5,855 letters were wrongly addressed : 14 letters were discovered to have been posted with previously used stamps ; 5,901 unclaimed registered letters were dealt with. 5,006 newspapers and 2,926 books and other articles without addresses were received, many of which were subsequently applied for and delivered. 21,672 newspapers were returned to the publishers. 1,966 letters and 652 letter-cards were posted without addresses. Ninety-nine letters with libellous addresses were intercepted. 4,050 inquiries for postal packets alleged to have been posted and not delivered were made during 1910. In 2,164 of the inquiries—over one-half of the total number—the investigations by the Department resulted in the missing articles being traced or accounted for. These may be summarized as follows :— Number of Result Traced Cases. 611 .. .. .. .. Sender responsible for delay. 388 .. .. .. .. Addressee responsible for delay. 232 .. .. .. .. Post Office responsible for delay. 933 .. .. .. .. No delay, or responsibility not fixed. 2,164 A cheque for £4,880, at Christchurch, was posted in a posting-box loose. Offences. For stealing a letter and cashing money-orders to the value of £71 7s. sd. contained therein, two men at Dunedin were ordered to repay the amount by instalments, and to come up for sentence when called upon. On a charge of theft at the Molesworth Post-office, and concealment of the act by means of forged telegrams, a man was sentenced at Christchurch, to three years' imprisonment. For stealing a postal packet containing a cheque for £20 15s. Bd. a youth at Auckland was admitted to probation for two years. For illegally opening a postal packet a man at Auckland was sentenced to seven days' hard labour. A man was sentenced at Wellington to three years' imprisonment with hard labour for forging a telegram. For posting a letter bearing a previously used stamp a young man was lined ss. with costs at Auckland. For stealing small sums of money from the Department an officer was sentenced to six months' imprisonment. For stealing a postal note from a letter an officer was sentenced at Wanganui to nine months' imprisonment. An officer charged with the theft of money from letters at Feilding was sentenced at Wellington to six months' imprisonment.



Two men were sentenced, one to nine months' imprisonment with hard labour and the other to twelve months' imprisonment, at Wellington, for forging telegrams. On a charge against two youths of forging a Savings-bank withdrawal-form for £18. at Wellington one was sentenced to imprisonment for one year, and the other admitted to probation for twelve months. For stealing a letter containing a postal note an officer of the Department was sentenced at Dunedin to three months' imprisonment. A man at Wanganui who made use of the Post Office by sending letters to various persons stating that a parcel would be sent to them on receipt of ss. was convicted of fraud. A man who made a false statement that he had posted a letter containing money on the. 27th November. 1910, was convicted of perjury at Wanganui, and sentenced. On a charge of stealing a postal packet and letter containing a postal note, an officer of the Department was sentenced at Invercargill to six months' imprisonment. A man was arrested at Christchurch on the charge of forging a Savings-bank withdrawal-receipt for £20, but committed suicide while awaiting trial. The Tokarahi Post-office was entered by burglars, and £5 stolen. The Manunui Post-office was entered by burglars, and £134 stolen. Buildings. The following new post-offices were opened by the Postmaster-General : Dominion Road (13/12/10), Oreenmeadows (28/12/10), Te Araroa (9/1/11), St. Kilda (17/1/11), Addington (25/2/11) ; the followin, by the Acting Postmaster-General: Waiau (22/3/11), Ferry Road (Christchurch) (12/4/11), and liaka'ia (13 i 11); Takapau (17/5/11) by the Acting Prime Minister: Waimate (6/1/11), Rahotu (5/6/11), by the Hon. D. Buddo. The following offices were transferred to departmental new buildings : Bull's (22/8/10). Hangaroa (24/8/10), Frankton Junction (26/10/10), Kohukohu (3/6/11), Okato f27/8/10), Patutahi (15 10 10), Waiau (17/10/10), Helensville (1/3/11), Takapau (16/3/11), Bannockburn (21/4/11). Sites have been purchased at Hangaroa, Havelock North, Kaitaia, Kaiwarawara, Kilbirnie, Kohuknhii. Manutuke, Petane, Richmond (Christchurch), Tuatapere, Waikanae. and Woodend. During tin- year buildings were erected at Addington, Dominion Road. Ferry Road. Frankton Junction, Greenmeadows, Hangaroa, Kohukohu, Mangapai. Otaki (lineman's cottage), Patutahi. Rakaia, St. Kilda, Takapau. Te Araroa. Tokatoka (purchased), and Waiau. General repairs, additions. &c, were carried out during the year at the following offices : Bull's, Dannevirke, Pairlie, Hawarden, Kawhia, Levin, Lincoln. Linwood, Mercer, New Plymouth, Okato, Richmond, Thames, Timaru, Tolaga Bay, and Waipawa. Plans have been prepared or are in preparation for buildings at Kawakawa, Little River, Mount Albert, Ohura, Ongarue, Ponsonby, Takapuna, Taradale, Te Aroha, Te Awamutu, and Waiuku. Properties were purchased at Adelaide Road, Avondale, Pleasant Point, Waipiata, and Wanganui. Contracts have been let for buildings at Amberley, Balclutha, Culverden, Ellerslie, Granity, Kaeo, Kaitangata. Kilbirnie. Leeston. Manaia, Matata, Murchison. Rangiwahia, Taupo. Tikokino, and Warkworth. Buildings are in course of erection at Auckland, Bannockburn, Green Island, Hamilton East Rahotu, Riverton, Runanga, Shannon, Taneatua, Waimate, Wairoa, Wellington, and Westport. £A public clock was erected at the Hastings post-office building. The foundation-stone of the Auckland new post-office building was laid by the Postmaster-General on the Ist August, 1910. The foundation-stone of the General Post Office new building was laid on the Bth August, 1910. A copper cylinder containing copies of the local daily papers, an official directory, and coins of the realm was placed under the stone. The clock in the Christchurch Post-office was connected with the City Council's svnchronome system on the 22nd August, 1910. The Opotiki Post-office was destroyed by fire on the Bth February, 1911. Very little postal property was destroyed. Business was not dislocated, temporary quarters being established in the Courthouse. The Tuparoa Post-office was damaged by heavy seas on the 25th April, 1910. Money-orders. During the year there were 32 money-order offices opened and 5 closed, the number remaining open at the end of the year being 664. 569,657 money-orders were issued, for £2,457,522 18s. 5d., as compared with 538,740, for £2,307,592 18s. Id., for the previous year an increase of 30.917 in number and £119,930 os. 4d. in amount. 449,773 money-orders, amounting to £2,126,588 16s. 7d., were paid, as against 418,764, for C 1.984,978 os. lid., during 1909—an increase of 31,009 orders and £141,610 15s. Bd. in amount. 156,343 orders, for £475,645 16s. 3d., were drawn for payment in places beyond New Zealand. 36,126 orders, for £145,698 Is. 5d., were issued at offices abroad for payment in New Zealand. The commission received for money-orders amounted to £14,300 7s. 9d., as against £13,782 14s. tor 1909. an increase of £517 13s. 9d.

2—F. I.



Postal Notes. Forty-one offices were opened and 1 closed, leavingB29 postal-note offices at the end of the year. 1,666,959 notes, representing a value of £524,942 18s. 6d.. were sold, as against 1,414,752 notes, for £447,618 145., sold during the previous year -an increase of 17-83 per cent, in number and 17-28 per cent, in value. The postal notes paid numbered 1,660,065, of the value of £520,675 His. as compared with 1.404,946, of the, value of £445,376 19s. 6d.. paid during 1909 10. The postal-note commission amounted to £7.627 12s. 4d.. as against £6.519 10s. 8d. —an increase of £1,108 Is. Bd., or 17 per cent. Postal notes are on sale and may be cashed between Ba.m. and Bp.m. at the Auckland. Christchurch, Dunedin. and Wellington Offices. British Postal Orders. 67,769 orders, representing a value of £35.270 7s. 9d.. have been sold, and 19.941, for £13,183 16s. 6d. paid. An extended table of the transactions is printed, in Table No. 5. There was an increase of 24-67 per cent, in the number of postal orders sold during the year, and 8-81 per cent, in the number paid. Savings-bank. During the year 33 offices were opened and 6 closed, leaving 647 offices open at the end of 1910. 78,566 accounts were opened and 57,695 closed, the net gain on the year's working being 20.871 accounts. The number of accounts on the 31st December. L9lO, was 380.585, and the proportion per head of population was 1 in 2-76, as compared with 1 in 2-87 at the end of the previous year. The deposits numbered 768,827. representing £10.708.938 16s. 10d.. an average of £13 18s. 7d. per transaction. The withdrawals numbered 520.413 for £9,695,51 I His. Id., an average of £18 12s. 7d. for each withdrawal. The net amount added by depositors to their savings during the year was therefore £1,013,424 os. 9d. excess of deposits, plus £424.668 Is. interest earned and credited, making a total of £1.438.092 Is. 9d. The, total amount at credit of depositors increased from £12,666,897 17s. sd. at the close of the previous year to £14,104,989 19s. 2d. on the 31st December last, representing a sum equal to £13 Bs. 7d. per head of the entire population, and £37 Is 3d. to each depositor. The interest credited to depositors since the post-office savings-banks were established in 18(17 now amounts to £5,001,125 18s. 9d. The cost of working the savings-banks amounted to 5-21 d. per transaction, or £28,000 lor the year. The cost of management per cent, on the total amount at credit of depositors was o*2o per cent., or 4s. per £100. Home savings-bank boxes were brought into use during the year at Dunedin, Auckland. Cam bridge, Hamilton, Otorohanga, Taumarunui, Te Awamutu, Te Kuiti, Whangarei, Thames. Waihi. and Palmerston North. Work performed for other Departments. Among the many branches of Government work performed by the Department may be mentioned the following : — Customs duties were collected on parcels and other articles coining through the post from places beyond the Dominion amounting to £63.233 1 Is. id., and on account of ordinary Customs work £1,555 13s. 4d. Advances to Settlers receipts amounted to £1,946,631 9s. 7d., and payments to £1,944,665 4s. sd. Fishing licenses were issued by Postmasters to the value of £1,404 16s. 6d., and game licenses to the value of £2,181. For the Government Insurance Department premium'- were collected from the public amounting to £30,316 os. Id. The sum of £28,019 ss. 6d. was paid to Imperial pensioners by Postmasters. Income-tax amounting to £194,305 2s. 6d. and land-tax to £163.858 10s. Id. were collected by Postmasters. The sum of £9.018 7s. 6d., fees due to the Machinery Department, was received. Under the Mining Act the receipts were £321 ss. New Zealand consols for £29,845 were sold on behalf of the Treasury. On behalf of the Public Trustee. £1,131,248 ss. 3d. was received and' £1,124,035 2s. 7d. paid. Railway revenue amounting to £2,936 13s. sd. was collected by Postmasters. Fees received for the registration of births, deaths, and marriages amounted to £2,435 IDs. Receipts from the llanmer Springs Sanatorium amounted to £1,573 2s. 7d. Valuation fees paid to Postmasters reached £6,455 19s. lOd. Claims on the General Government for £1,291,889 18s. 2d. were paid on behalf of the Treasury. Discount-stamps numbering 1.689.360. for £1.759 155.. were sold and 1,639,104, for £!.70785.. redeemed during the year. The amount invested by the general public in Government l-per-cent. debentures through the medium of the Post Office was £8,600.



Gross Receipts and Payments. The gross amount received by the Department during 1910 was £30,463,297 H)s. 3d., of which £26,124.342 15s. Id. was departmental and £4,338,954 15s. 2d. on account of other Departments. The gross amount paid oul was £30,478,487 ss. Bd. made up of £26.178.781 .'is. sd. departmental and on behalf of otheT Departments, to individuals E3,096,719 12s. 6d., and to accounts £1,202,983 9s. 9d. The total gross receipts and payments were therefore £60,941,784 15s. lid. Telegraphs. The total value of the telegraph and telephone business for the year ended the 31st March. 1911. including miscellaneous telegraph receipts and Government telegrams, was £438,989 10s. tOd., as compared with £399,361 2s. for the previous year an increase of £39,628 17s. 10d., or 9 - 92 per cent. The following is a comparison of the traffic in paid telegrams during the last live years : Number. Kev - nue |- -1906-7 ... i"), 100, (ISO [ncreaee, 1512 percent. ... ii 02,301 Increase, 1209 per cent. 1907-8 ... 6,958,27!) „ 12-96 222,926 „ 102 1908-9 ... 7,338,017 „ 546 233,517 „ 475 1909-10 ... 7,757,128 .V7l 244,906 „ 4-88 1910-11 ... 8,268,340 „ 659 265,624 „ 845 The number of telegrams forwarded and the revenue derived therefrom during the tour quarters of the financial years 1909 I , ) and 1910-11 respectively are as follows : —

The telegraph receipts for the financial year, including telephone-exchange subscriptions, privatewire rents, &c, amounted to £434,115 19s. BJd., as compared with £394.510 Is. 10,1. in 1909 10 an increase of £39,605 14s. 10id., or 10-04 per cent. The expenditure was £446,709 17s. Id., as against £411,296 17s. 2d. for the previous year an increase of £35,412 19s. lid., or 8-61 per cent. There were 11,316 miles of line and 37,212 miles of wire at the close of the year an increase ol 115 and 2,424 miles respectively. The net expenditure out of Public Works Fund for telegraph-extension was £111.K(>7 13s. Id., as compared with £123,421 17s. Id. in 1909-10. The number of private wires and subsidized lines was 536. as compared with "ilti in 1909 10. The amount received for rent and maintenance, &c, of such lines was £3.712 15s. Id., as against £2,602 4s. Id. in 1909-10. The total number of telegraph and telephone offices open at the close of the year was 1,963, Of these, 300 were telegraph-offices and 1,663 were telephone-offices. The number of telegrams of all codes forwarded during the last financial year was 8,360,647 — an increase of 513,757, or 6-54 per cent, over 1909-10. The proportion of paid telegrams per head of population was 7-78, and 7-53 the previous year. The number of ordinary telegrams forwarded was 5,536,706, of the value of £173.112 15s. 11.1 d.. compared with 5,303,000, of the value of £165,438 12s. lid. in 1909 lo an increase of 233,706 in number and of £7,704 3s. 7d. in amount. The urgent telegrams numbered 262,144, to the value of £16.073 17s. Id. a decrease of 15,173 in number and £905 ss. 2d. in amount. The average value of each ordinary telegram was 7-50 d., and of each urgent telegram Is. 2-71 d. 438,114 Press telegrams, of the value of £22,069 lis. Id., were forwarded in 1910 11. as coin pared with 418,942, valued at £19,734 Bs. 6|d., forwarded in 190!) lo an increase in number ol 19172 or 4-57 per cent., and an increase of £2,335 2s. 6£d., or 11-83 per cent., in value. The value of each Press telegram averaged Is. 0-08 d., as against 11-30 d. in 1909 10. The bureau messages numbered 2,031,376, of the value of £54.337 18s. 9d., as compared with 1 757,869, of the value of £12.753 6s. lid., in 1909-10 an increase of 273.507 in numbei and £11,584 I Is. lOd. in amount. The average value of each bureau message was (Hid., as against 5-84 d. in 1909 10. The number of Government telegrams forwarded was 92,307, valued at £1.871 Os. lid., as compared with 89,762, valued at £4,850 17s. 2d.- an increase of 2,545 in number, and a decrease of £23 2s. ll|d. in amount.

Number of Telegrams Revenue. forwarded. . , Quarter. Year ended Year ended !_„_„.. „ ,, ,. ,, S^ Mint Mnrfh MlstMarnh lncrease Year ended Year ended S» 1910 19l" P er Cent. 31st March, 1910. 31st March, 1911. |° June quarter September quarter December quarter March quarter ... i; s. ci. i s. d. ... 1,849,664 1,958,996 5-91 58,1 Ho 17 0 ; ', 62,873 10 U. 8-05 ... 1,783,950 1,930,574 8-21 56,747 1!) '.)', 62,38a l(i III 9-92 ... 2,028,706 '2,160,751 6-50 63,903 8 6 (19,195 18 ll" 8-28 ... 2,094,808 2,218,019 5-88 66,068 9 9 71,171 16 9| 772 7,757,128 '8,268,340 6-59 244,905 10 L 265,624 2 10* 8-45 . ) i__



The number of paid forwarded telegrams to every hundred letters posted in New Zealand was 8-57. From March, 1911, the method of estimating the deficiency on subsidized telephone-lines was changed, 3£ instead of 5 per cent, per annum being charged on the cost of construction. Guarantors of such lines are now required to pay only half the estimated deficiency, the, Department taking half the risk of the expected loss. The charge for stationery has been abolished. From the 27th October, 1910, the period for which inland telegrams are kept was reduced from six to three months. A twopence-in-the-slot telephone instrument was erected on the Queen's Wharf, Wellington, in December, 1910, and at Strand Arcade, Auckland, in March, 1911. Similar machines are also installed on the. Lambton and Thorndon Railway-stations, at the Christchurch Railway-station, and at the Tolls Office, Queen's Wharf, Wellington, the last-named being open continuously. On placing two pennies in the slot the central exchange is notified and makes the necessary connection with the number asked for. If the number asked for cannot be connected the coins are automatically returned. The Napier-Gisborne trunk telephone line (metallic circuit) was opened for traffic on the Bth July, 1910. Hangers and copying pencils were substituted for pen and ink in August, 1910, at all telegraphoffices at the public desks used for writing telegrams. New Zealand Cable Service. The No. 4 Cook Strait cable parted on the 13th February. It was repaired on the 22nd February, 1911. Ocean Cable Services. The ordinary international telegrams for the year increased 6-3 per cent., and the intercolonial 2-33 per cent. New Zealand's proportion of the deficit of £59,586 6s. 7d. on the eighth year's working of the Pacific cable, 1909-10, amounted to £6,620 18s. 6d. The receipts and working-expenses of the Pacific cable for the year ended the 31st March, 1911, are estimated as follows : — • £ £ Traffic revenue ... ... 135,000 Annuity and renewals ... 107,545 Estimated deficit ... ... 54,540 Working-expenses ... 82,001 £189,546 £189,546 ;-."•' New Zealand's proportion of the loss is estimated at £6,060. The share of ordinary paid business obtained by the. Pacific cable shows a decrease. In 1906 the Pacific's proportion was 89 per cent., the Eastern's 11 per cent. Last year's figures are : Pacific 72 per cent., Eastern, 28 per cent. The following figures show the total number of forwarded ordinary telegrams lor each of the past five years, and the percentages of such business falling to each route : — Pacific. X.X.A. & V. Usages. ft-gjH Year. *$%%' 1906 .. 94,199 89 1906 .. .. 11,522 11 1907 .. .. 102,490 88 1907 .. .. 13,610 12 1908 .. 101,724 85 1908 .. .. 18,873 15 1909 .. .. 96,648 83 1909 .. 19,812 17 1910 .. .. 87,326 72 1910 .. 33,273 28 The average best times in which messages are handled on the Pacific route are : — H. in. From London .. . . .. .. 1 20 From America .. .. .. .. .. 0 17 From Sydneyj .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 44, From Melbourne .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 16 During the year New Zealand has only given the Pacific route 72-68 per cent, of the ordinary business to Australia, as against 83-77 per cent, last year. Nine hundred and twenty-five Press telegrams were sent via Pacific and i,336£wa Eastern, coin pa ied with 1,050 and 1,220 respectively last year. In view of delay happening occasionally to cable traffic between New Zealand and Australia via Pacific through the deviation to Norfolk Island and the traversing of the long land-section between Southport and Sydney, the partners in the Pacific cable discussed the advisability of laying a direct cable, between New Zealand and Australia. The proposal was agreed to. In terms of the Pacific Cable Authorization Act, 1906, a motion agreeing to the scheme was submitted to both Houses of the New Zealand General Assembly on the 28th September, 1910, and carried. In order to provide a more satisfactory service for cable messages across Canada, the Pacific Cable Board obtained from the Canadian Pacific Railway on lease for five years from the 24th August, 1910, the exclusive use of a telegraph wire between Montreal and Bainfield. The wire will be operated by the Cable Board's staff. A break in the Wakapuaka-La Perouse cable was repaired by H.M.C.S. " Iris" on the 14th July, 1910. It lasted about a week.



Wireless Telegraphy. . During the past year contracts have been let for the installation of two high-power, and for the necessary equipment for five low-power, stations in different parts of the Dominion. A good deal of initial work lias been done in connection with the selection of suitable sites that will give a maximum range of transmission and of immunity from interference, as well as the greatest economy of operation and maintenance. One of the high-power stations is to be at Awanui, north of Auckland, and will have a range of 1,250 miles in the daytime, while at night-time, and under favourable conditions, the range will be considerably increased. This station will therefore, be able to maintain uninterrupted communication with Sydney day and night. The other high-powei , station is to be installed near Bluff. •Southland, and will have a similar equipment and range to that of the Awanui Station. It has been decided to place one of the low-power stations upon the summit of Mouin Etako, South Tinakori Range, near Wellington, and probably one or two Government steamers will be similarly equipped. The station mi Mount Etako will have a daylight range of at least 300 miles, and double that distance at night-time, thus enabling commercial business to be done with the numerous steamers equipped with wireless apparatus which make Wellington their port of call. The site has been so chosen as to give the greatest possible range of communication that can be economically obtained, within a convenient distance of Wellington. The power equipment has been chosen to give continuous operation of the plant both day and night, and to provide, as far as possible, against risk of interruption. The preliminary work of excavation and road-formation is being pushed forward. Plans and specifications for the buildings are complete, and this work will be put in hand with all possible despatch. Part of the electrical equipment is now being utilized in the General Post Office experimental station, and the remainder is expected shortly. Apparatus will be ejected at or near Gisborne and Christchurch. The equipment for these stations is being manufactured by the Australasian Wireless Company (Limited), upon which devolves the erection and installation of the high-power stations. The equipment for the low-power stations will be installed by officers of the Department. Telephone Exchanges. Calculagraphs for checking the duration of bureau communications were installed in twenty exchangee in April, 1910. Twenty-one new exchanges were opened during the year, the number of subscribers increased 2,473, and the total number of connections by 3,547. The total number of exchanges now is 174, made up of 58 central and 116 sub-exchanges. The total number of connections is 33,228, compared with 29,681 in 1910. They may be classified as follows : Paying, 24,715 ; free, 1; bureaux, 3,032 ; service, 345 ; extensions, 5,135. New connections numbered 4,280, and those given up 1,399. The increase in connections is equal to 11*43 per cent. On the 31st March, 1911, there were 1,384 miles of telephone line and 33,440 miles of wire. To meet the requirements of the increased number of subscribers, new switchboards have been installed at Thames, Tauranga, Opotiki, Ashburton, Sanson, Bull's, Kimbolton, Levin, Mangaweka, Martin borough, Rongotea, Masterton, and Patea ; and additions have been made to existing boards at Wai hi and Dargaville. The laying of conduits for the purpose of placing the telephone cables in Auckland City underground is Hearing completion. 25 miles 4 chains of ducts have been laid, and are now ready to receive cables. At Oamaru aerial lead cables have been erected preparatory to installing the metallic system. The subscribers' lines at Hastings have been converted to metallic circuits, and a modern centralbattery switchboard installed at the exchange. work in connection with converting the Napier plant to an underground metallic-circuit system is proceeding, and preliminary arrangements have been made for the conversion to metallic circuit of the New Plymouth, Hawera, Palmerston North, Gisborne, Shannon, Masterton, and Manaia Exchanges. Construction op Telegraph and Telephone Trunk Lines. The following is a comparative statement showing the length of new lines and wires erected in Telegraph Engineers' districts during the last five years : —

The extension of lines to outlying districts has been vigorously proceeded wit h, and 103 new offices opened. Increased facilities for telegraph and bureau communication between centres have been given by the erection of additional metallic circuits and by superimposing Morse and telephone circuits over existing metallic circuits. The construction of a metallic circuit of No. 8 copper wire between Auckland and Wellington to be used lor bureau and telegraphic purposes is rapidly progressing.

1906. Iβ. 1907. 1908. 1907. 1909-10. 1910-11. Auckland Wellington Nelson Canterbury Otago Poles. M. ch. •• 135 60 • • 156 35 116 67 •■ 111 30 ■•48 in Wire. . Poles. Wire Poles. Wire. M. oh. M. oh. M. ch. M. oh. M. [ 491 40 139 60 350 60 228 60 795 641 40 104 43 690 74 157 2* 974 I 217 49 245 16 ! 484 77 52 22 254 I 170 8 90 47 266 20 62 30£ 641 I 392 20 121 0 518 20 248 GO 644 I M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. I M ch 795 0 I'Jl 36 952 78 173 15 654 48 974 52192 55 490 58 117 2S <J8!) 20 254 58 38 16 189 72 31 15 156 27 641 50 17 78 268 40' 50 68 305 33 644 60 64 0 286 40 54 0 351 0 eh. II 52 58 .Mi 60 Poles. Wire. M. ch. Jl. cl 191 36 952 7 192 55 490 5 38 16 189 7 17 78 ; 268 4 64 0 286 4 Poles. Wire. :h. M. ch. M. c 78 173 15 654 4 58 117 2:! 989 i 72 31 15 156 S JO 50 68 305 c 40 54 0 351 Totals 598 72 1,915 77 701 6 2,311 11 749 15 3,310 60 504 25 2,188 43 426 41 2,456 43



A I' PE X 1) I X



Postal £ District. Changed fi from Changed to Auckland Christchurch Invercargill Napier Nelson Tim aru Wanganui Wellington Westport Kaitara ... Mount Koskill ... Wbangapara ... Ashburton Forks ... Waikaka Siding ... Kaikora North ... I Pohui ... Terakohu .. Pareora .. Pareora East ... Turangaarere Railway ... Hutt ... Oroua Bridge ... St. Kilda ... Kara. Dominion Road, . Okonga. . . Spreadeagle. McNab. . Otane. ... Te Pohue. ... Tarakohe. .. Pareora West. Pareora. . Hihitalii. ... Lower Huu. ... Rangiotu. ... Powellville.

District. Name of Service. Prequeuoy. UemarkB. Auckland Otahuhu Poet-office- l!ailwa\-station As required Whangarci Town Wharf- Railway ,. Wharf Devonport-Takapuna . . .. Twice daily Ngongotaha Post-office - Ka-ilwav-sta-tion Cambridge - ITfankton Junotion .. Daily .. Mercer-Kopuku .. .. .. Daily in summer; thrice weekly in winter Taringamotu Railway-station - Poet- Daily .. office Te Awamutu Railway-station I'ost- \ ,, offioe Te Awamutu, &c. Pirongia .. Six times weekly Tc Awamutu Railway-statiou Poetorticc Papakura Clevedon .. .. Five aftornuonti a week Patumahoe Waiau Pa (rural de- Thrice weekly .. livery) Wainoni Post-office Wharf Auko]>ac-Roto .. .. .. Twice weekly Awarata — •Function of Uhura and Toroto Roads Fairbum's - Victoria Vallej Pfiria Komiti-Paranui . . Matiere-Otangiwai Maungatawhiri-Mangatangi .. > .. Opuatia Post-office - Glen Murray Landing Orewa-Waiwera .. .. .. „ Pakotai-Nukutawhit i Ponga - - Hunun Sidinu Roto-Tokirima .. Ruawai-Matakohe-Paparoa .. Twice weekK to Matakohe; weekly bo 1'apaEstablished. (See Abolished.) (See Abolished.) (See Abolished.) roa Te Awamutu — Pokuru .. .. Twice weekly Te Maire Landing - Patunga .. Twice weekly in summer ; weekly in winter TeMaparaPost-office - Junotion Main Twice weekly Road Towai Post-office- I'ailway-station.. VVaimiha-Tangitu Whangarei-Waiotama-Tangiteroiitt ,, l)air\ Hat Wade .. .. Weekly (May I" Ootober) ■■



Inland Mail-services established, extended, and abolished — continued.

DlBtrlol \iiiiH- ol Service. Frequency. Remarks. Auckland contd. Kaihu-Rotorima .. .. Weckl\ Kaihu. So. - Tahrke .. .. Weekly (November to April) Kawakawa-Karcl u .. . . Weekly Kawhia-Pukeinoi Mairoa—Mangeao .. .. .. ,. Maungatapere—Otuhi Ohaiitira and Ngaruawahia - Raglan Road Onetea-Pakotai .. . . .. „ Otorohanga, &e. - Maihiihi .. Pio >io-Mangaotaki-Haku Rawhiti-Cape Brett Lighthouse Taiimariinui-Otumii .. .. j Tc Mata-Te Papatapu .. Towai-Hukerenui .. . . Weekly (one way only) Whangaruru, &c.-Motukauii Island Weekly Whangarei, &e. - Poroti .. .. ,, Aranga - Rotorima Aukopae-Roto Clevedon-Maraetai Qukerenui—Towai Kohukohu-Motukaraka Maungataperc-Waiotama .. Ohautira-Ngaruawahia-Rajrlini Road Ohura— Tokirima .. Otahuhu Post-office - Railway-atat ion Matiere—Otangiwai Papakura-Ponga.. Piopio .MaiiL'iiotaki Pirongia, &o. Te Awamutu Porot i-Mangakahia Rawhiti - Cape Brett Lighthouse RowseU's-Maungaturoto .. Russell—Rawhiti .. Te Puhi Railway-station Pokuru .. Wade—Orewa Whangaruru - Motuiauri Island Koromiko Poat-offloe - Railway-eta- j Twice daily tion 1'areels- delivery within the Letter- Daily .. carriers' delivery Portage, to. Crail Bay .. .. Weekly Christ church and all suburban offices As required on tramway-routes Hawardcn Poet-office — Railway-eta- Twice daily tion Christohuroh and Suburbs, Delivery Daily .. of parcels HorrelvillePost-offioe Railway-station ,, OxfoT'd-Whakahua . . .. Twice weekly Rangiora, to. — North Loburn .. Christohurch—Burwood Christchiirch - New Brighton Christchuroh St. Albans .. Christohurch, <feo. - Sumner Christchurch—Spreydon (.'hristchiirch-Sydeiihain Christchiirch. &O. - Soekbuni Papanui, &e. — ('hristchurch Auripo Post-offioe Poolbum Rail- Daily .. way-siding Ngapuna Post-offioe - Railway-siding ,, The Reefs Post-office - Railway-plat- i> •• form Dunbaek-Palmerston .. .. I Thrice weekly .. Houipapa-Tawaiuii .. .. Twice weekly Puketiro-Houipapa .. .. ,, Tokomaru Bay, Steamers in roadstead As required WaikohuPost-offioe Railway-station Twice weekly Gieborne, &c. W'airoa .. .. Weekly Patutahi—Whenuanui .. .. „ Hicks Ua\ -Cape Runaway .. Fortnightly Pouawa Post-offioe Junotion (iisborne Tolaga Bay Road Blackball Post-offioe -Railway-eta- 9 Twice daily tion Totara Flat -Granville .. .. Twice weekly Totara Flat - Noble's .. .. Weekly Blackball-Atarau .. .. Ngahere Nelson Creek Kstablished. (See Abolished.) Extended to Titoki. Abolished. (Sec Established.) (See Established.) (Sec ESTABLISHED.) (See Established.) Blenheim Kstablished. Chrintchurch Extended to Tokama. Abolished. • • )unedin Established. lisborae Sreyniouth Abolished. Kstablished. Extended to Upper Moonlight. Extended to include Ngahere Railway station before Ngahere. Abolished. Blackball-Ngahere



Inland Mail-services established, extended, and abolished — continued.

Dlstriot. Name of Servioe, Frequency. Remarks. Hokitika .. j Kumara-Dillnianstown . . . . .. Abolished. Fnvereargill .. Otautau-Aparima . . . . Thrice weekly . . Established. Bluff — Ruapuke Island .. .. Fortnightly . . „ Otautau— Blackmount .. .. .. Extended to Manapouri. Napier . . Matamau Post-office - Railway-station Twice daily .. Established. Hastings-Whana .. .. Twice weekly .. „ Hastings, &o. — Mangaohane .. .. Extended to Mangaohane Junotioi Waikokopu-Morere .. . . .. Abolished. Nelson .. Umukuri-Riwaka .. .. Daily .. .. | Established. Collingwood-Mangarakau .. .. Weekly I Golden Ridge - Mangarakau .. ,, Puramahoi-Takaka .. .. ,, New Plymouth ; Te Wera - Huiakama - Strathmore Daily .. Stratford - Skinner Road Gravel-pit Thrice weekly .. Te W e r a - Reporua - Pohokura - „ .. ,, Whangamomona Taurakawa-Puniwhakau .. .. Twice weekly .. ,, Kotare-Waitaanga-Upper Okau Road Weekly Whangamomona, along Mangare Road ,. .. as far as Waitara River (rural delivery) Whangamomona - Tuhanaroa (rural delivery) : Stratford-Whangamomona .. .. Abolished. (See Established.) Thames .. Opotiki - Ohiwa and Opotiki Post- As required .. Established. office - Wharf Maekaytown Post - office - Karanga- Daily .. . . „ hake Rail way-station Oponae-Matahanea .. . . Weekly .. „ Whakatane-Taneatua .. .. .. . . ,, Maekaytown Post-office - Railway- .. Abolished. (See Established.) station Timaru . . Geraldine-Temuka .. .. Twice daily .. Established. Timaru Post-office via Grant's and Daily Page's Roads, by Hadlow to iyeho Flat School, then back by Rolling Ridges and Rosewill School past Harper's, Davies's, Kelland's, and Lindsay's corner to Timaru Postoffice Lake Tekapo - Burke's Pass .. Weekly .. ., Hermitage - Lake Pukaki .. Fortnightly .. „ Geraldine-Temuka . . .. . . Abolished. Wangamii .. Waiouru-Tangiwai .. .. Daily .. .. Established. Marton - Onepuhi Bridge - Gower's Thrice weekly .. ., Gate (Leedstown) and Cliff Road (rural delivery) / Karioi Post - office, Karioi Road, Twice weekly .. ,, Field's Track to Kennedy's Track, and Rangiwaea Road to Karioi (rural delivery) Wanganui Post - office - St. John's .. Extended to Rapanui. (rural delivery) Ohakune : Conveyance of Mail-agents .. Abolished. to and from Railway-station Rapanui Post-office-Westmere Rail- .. Abolished. way-station Wellington .. Wellington Chief Post Office - Parcels Daily, hourly .. Established. Office Eketahuna-Newman .. .. Daily, one way only Hamua-Hukanui . . .. Daily Kakariki - Railway-station .. .... .. ., Konini Post-office - Railway-station „ .. .. ,, Pohangina-Raumai .. . . „ Foxton - Manawatu Heads .. j Daily in summer, „ thrice weekly in winter Pukehinau - Maku - Pongaroa .. | Thrice weekly .. „ Te Wharau - Kaiwhata - Hummer- ' Twice weekly .. ,, stein (rural delivery) Tararua-Aokautere .. .. Weekly .. „ (See Abolished.) Tararua-Aokautere .. . . ,, . . ,, Masterton, &c.-Longbush .. . . .. Extended to Spring Grove. A |)iti- Marton Block .. .. .. Abolished. Maku-Pukehinau Pongaroa - Maku and Maku-Waihi Junction Tararua-Aokauti re .. .. .. ,, Tokomaru Post-office - Railway-sta- .. „ tion Westport .. Westport: Extra clearance of posting- Daily .. .. Established. boxes j Granity-Mangatina .. .. „ .. » Granity Post-office - Coal-bins .. „ .. ,, IVanganui



SUBSIDIZED SEA MAIL-SERVICES. The several subsidized sea mail-services, the subsidy-payments for the year 1910, the dates when established, and the date on which each terminates are shown below:—

CABLE BUSINESS. The number and value of cable messages forwarded from New Zealand during 1910 are shown in the following statement: —

Via Pacific.

3—F. 1.

Duration of Service. Annual Service. Subsidy or Payment. When When terminated established, j termi ° r able . i I £ s. d. Auckland and Fiji .. .. 1,690 0 0 June, 1880 Auckland and South Pacific Islands i 1,200 0 0 June, 1885 Auckland and Great Barrier .. 250 0 0 Oct., 1891 Dec, 1912 Auckland, WhaDgaroa, and Mango- 126 0 0 Nov., 1907 Dec, 1912 nui Dargaville and Tangiteroria ..' 110 0 0 Nov., 1893 Dec, 1912 Helensville and Matakohe .. 150 0 0 Jan., 1881 Dec, 1912 Helensville and Dargaville .. 575 0 0 : Jan., 1881 Dec, 1912 Horeke, Kohukohu, Rawene, 150 0 0 Jan., 1889 Dec, 1912 Koutu, Rangi Point, Opononi, and Omapere Russell and Opua .. .. 90 0 0 Jan., 1889 j Dec, 1912 Wellington, Rarotonga, and Pa- 7,000 0 0 Jan., 1909 Oct., 1910 peete (Tahiti) New Zealand - San Francisco .. 21,66613 4 Oct., 1910 Oct., 1911 New Zealand and Australia (Wei- 15,000 0 0 Dec, 1906 lington-Sydney) Wellington, Wakatahuri, Home- Dec, 1891 Dec, 1912 wood (and other offices), and . 410 q q Havelock Wellington and Motueka .. j Nov., 1902 Dec, 1912 Picton offices in Sounds, and f 255 0 0 I j 19Q7 D m2 Havelock t 265 0 0* f I ion a a Portage and Crail Bay .. ■ • , 135 0 Of Jan " 191 ° DeC '' 1912 Nelson, Tarakohe, Tonga Bay, ) , ]n „ « Totaranui, Takaka, and Colling- jjjj J J, .'. .. Dec, 1912 wood ' \ Nelson and Otaiawao .. .. 140 0 0 Jan., 1904 Dec, 1912 WestportandKaramea.. . • • ' 650 o 0 H une ' 1 Deo., 1912 Westport and Little Wanganui .. Ij (Jan., 1895 I] Hokitika, Okarito, Bruce Bay, Pa- 850 0 0 Jan., 1886 Dec, 1912 ringa, Haast, Okura, and Jackson's Bay Lyttelton and Chatham Islands 350 0 0 .. April, 1911 (including Pitt Island) Bluff and Half-moon Bay .. 300 0 0 July, 1886 Dec, 1912 Bluff and Ruapuke Island .. 43 0 0 Sept., 1903 Dec, 1912 Bluff, Te Oneroa, and Cromarty .. 137 10 0 April, 1893 Dec, 1912 Number of Mileage Voyages for per Complete Annum. Voyage. 13 2,334 12 6,992 52 124 52 368 156 62 104 116 156 128 186 r>1 (as required) S 4,722 18 6,429 52 1,230 Cost per Mile. s. d. 1 187 0 343 0 9-31 0 1-58 0 2-73 0 2-98 0 691 0 444 2 11-58 5 2-2 4 828 26 300 43 220 0 5-7 26 165 1 266 52 106 I 0 5-74 104 130 I 0 2-17 52 01 j 36 102 I 1 12 82 I 6 270 j 0 10-59 2 9-51 10 5-93 6 1,050 1 1-33 52 44 19 26 6 190 3 7-47 1 8-89 2 4-95 1 Subsidy increased from 19th April, 1910. from 1st AtiKHst, 1910. I Snb6idy increi ised from 23rd Aui (URt, 1910. ; Bubsii ly increase*

Ordinary. Press. Destination. Number of Messages. Value. Number of Messages. Value. international Australia... 27,272 60,054 £ 39,445 : 11,332 : £ a. d. 39,445 11 llf 11,332 18 4" s. li : 18 d. 11| 4 232 693 £ 424 189 s. d. 8 H 2 U Total for 1910 87,326 50,778 : 50,778 10 10 3| 3* 925 613 10 5| Total for 1909 96,648 53,053 5 24 1,050 1,290 17 11



Via Extension.

The Dominion's outward international and Australian cable business, not including Press, for the years 1910 and 1909 was as follows: — International. Number of Value. Messages. £, s. d. 1910 37,975 53,413 17 3* 1909... ... ... 35,717 ... ... 49,495 10 1 Increase 2,258 = 6-3 per cent. £3,918 7 2£ = 79 per cent. Australia. Number of Value. Messages. £ s. d. 1910 82,624 15,504 2 6£ 1909... ... ... 80,743 ... ... 15,119 17 5£ Increase 1,881 = 233 per cent. £384 5 1 = 254 per cent. There was a total increase of 4,139 messages, and an increase of £4,302 12s. 3£d. in value. The number of cable messages received in New Zealand during 1910, exclusive of Press, was as follows :— Via Pacific. International. Australia. 1910 ... ... ... ... ... 20,802 44,976 1909 ... ... ... ... ... 20,237 45,796 Increase ... ... ... ... 565 Decrease 820 Via Extension. International Australia. 1910 14,108 29,503 1909 ... ... ... ... ... 12,524 26,448 Increase ... ... ... ... 1,584 Increase 3,055 The forwarded and received cable Press business for the ten years ended the 31st December, 1910, was:—

)rdinn,ry. Press. Destination. Number of Messages. Value. Number of Messages. Value. International Australia ... 10,703 22,570 il s. 13,968 5 4,171 4 d. 4 2* 34 1,302 £ s. 69 12 679 11 d. 1 3* Total for 11)10 33,273 18,139 9 6* 1,336 749 3 4* Total for 1909 19,812 11,562 2 4 1,220 940 0 3*

» Received. Forwarded. Year. Number of Number of Messages. Words. Value. Messages. Words. 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1,420 1,830 1,595 1,551 2,226 1,815 1,874 2,404 2,270 2,261 148,400 ; 202,968 159,732 161,094 181,196 186,128 135,325 236,759 199,291 168,262 £ s. d. 2,718 12 0 1,772 8 4 1,235 11 1 1,147 8 8 1,290 9 3 1,290 7 9 1,003 5 5 2,643 6 0£ 2,230 18 3~ 1,362 13 10i 3,989 4,443 5,686 ! 4,488 4,548 4,061 4,204 4,264 I 4,515 5,893 351,291 396,438 425,824 392,888 398,878 394,337 405,498 380,117 422,949 528,843



Table No. 1. Table showing the Number and Amount of Money-orders issued and of Money-orders payable in New Zealand since the Year 1863.

Drawn on the Dominion.

Issued in the Dominion. Where payable. In the Dominion. United Kingdom and Foreign Offices. Australia and other British Possessions. Total. Year. Commission received. No. Amount. No. Amount. — i No. Amount. No. Amount. 1863 £ s. d. I 1.057 9 ° 2,201 £ *■ d. 9,613 11 11 £ »■ c 9,613 11 1 d 11 4 £ a- d. 4,740 21,944 2 1 4,740 2 £ *• '1,944 2 *4ii45 7 5 £ s. d. i 55.703 1 5 2,201 4,645 11,586 I.873 I 3,562 323 34,288 34,288 5 1. 142,642 4 10 42,642 4 1 1011 111,913 48,547 11 4 1,913 4 1 (8,547 11 6,150 28,068 5 5 '• 52,351 219,258 1 7 1883 j 9,022 10 6 13 132,232 32,232 402,558 12 11 402,558 12 1 11 it 26,211 91,634 4 7 29,616 86,544 : 9 11 6,211 9 (1,634 4 M. "3 46,939 17 11 ,172,556 I 541.132 15 5 1893 10,248 14 5 1 14 !i46,i33 46.133 i 5: 576,358 17 2 176,358 17 22s 9,616 8( 16,544 19 35,208 88,025 s 9 1210,957 J 750,929 5 10 1S94 1895 1896 1897 1S98 1899 KJOO I9OI I9O2 10,600 19 7 15 [11,433 J 3 8 l6 12,671 6 7 18 :I3,835 15 4 19 14,747 9 6 20 15.533 4 6 22 16,512 12 9 23 17,518 ii o 25 JI4.9I5 18 2 25 155,534 162,600 181,505 193,867 206,265 221,354 239,565 255,344 258,110 55,534 52,6oo 3i,5O5 33,867 36,265 21,354 39,565 55,344 58,110 I 6( > 6; > 7i ' 7< > 7? \ se i 9! I 1.0 ) 1,0 608,042 2 ii 635,062 17 11 717,217 19 1 762,592 10 3 798,725 15 8 864,513 4 9 951,860 7 4 1,002,056 12 1 1,014,723 16 o 108,042 2 1 135,062 17 1 17,217 19 62,592 10 98,725 15 ; 64,5i3 4 151,860 7 002,056 12 314,723 16 1128 1128 1 kg 331 835 938 440 M5 O53 28,513 79,348 10 2 28,882 78,465 o 4 129,238 ' 82,498 15 6 3i,77o 93,649 1 3 35,377 107,140 7 5 138,528 122,064 3 I | 4 o,925 122,934 10 4 45,701 125,549 5 11 53,910 138,755 2 8 8,513 7< 8,882 7! 9,238 ' 8: 1,77° 9: 5,377 lo ; 8,528 12: 0,925 12; 5,701 12; 3.9IO 13! '9,348 10 '8,465 o 12,498 15 13,649 1 7,140 7 12,064 3 2,934 10 :5.549 5 18,755 2 ! 38,631 52.015 : 58,823, 68,002 76,728 : 84,782, 89,344: 104,922 55,187 89,392 11 10 99,076 16 8 102,443 1 o !"4>589 3 5 123,375 4 6 132,230 17 g 140,057 18 9 158,902 3 10 123,580 3 7 222,678 243,497 269,566 293.659 318,370 344,664 369,834 405,967 1367,207 I 776,783 4 1j 812,604 14 11 902,159 15 7 970,830 14 11 1,029,241 7 7 1,118,808 5 7 '1,814,852 16 5 11,286,508 1 10 1,277,059 2 i 1903 15,881 18 5 27 273,535 73,535 i 1,1 1,108,067 5 8 108,067 5 863 63.309 157.789 16 o 3.309 15; 17,789 16 59,468 150,367 10 8 396,312 1,416,224 12 4 KJO4 1905 I906 1907 I9O8 I9O9 igiO ,16,385 9 o 28 17,073 9 6 28 18,278 10 3 30 18,846 12 6 30 12,555 10 3 33; 13,782 14 o 38 M.300 7 9 41 281,655 287,394 301,650 305,424 338,752 383.283 4!3.3i4 31,655 37,394 31,650 35,424 58,752 33.283 13.314 i I.I ■ 1.1 • 1.3 1.3 : 1,6 1 1,8 1.9 1,148,226 3 o 1,189,385 13 4 1,312,270 13 4 1,389,800 4 4 1,611,968 4 11 1,841,030 7 7 1,981,877 2 2 [48,226 3 189.385 13 312,270 13 389,800 4 511,968 4 1 $41,030 7 381,877 2 o 6a 4 57 460 4 58 11 67 7 74 2 79 60,490 165,245 o 8 57,4M 177,609 18 8 60,120 186,902 16 6 58,565 193,356 5 3 67,384 226,408 10 1 74,893 256,803 12 2 79,651 273,449 2 2 0,490 16; 7.4M 17; 0,120 i8f 8,565 19; 7,384 22( 4,893 25< 9,651 127; '5,245 o 7,609 18 16,902 16 13,356 5 16,408 10 16,803 12 '3,449 2 65,6381 72,633; 77,250; 77,498j 81,948' 80,564 76,692 • 1163,416 4 9 [174,716 7 10 187,057 12 1 JI9O.434 7 C ,212,307 11 10 1209,758 18 4 202,196 14 I 407,783 ,4i7,44i 1439,020 !44i,487 1488,084 538.74O 569,657 ! 1,476,887 8 5 1,541,711 19 10 1,686,231 I II I.773.59O 17 I 2,050,684 6 10 2,307,592 i8 1 2,457,522 18 5

Where issued. Total. Year. In the Dominion. ! United Ki ingdom and Foreign Offices. Australia and other British Possessions. 1 No. Amount. No. Amount. No. Amount. No. No. Amount. ! £ »• d1863 2,067 9,i6g 4 6 ' 415 873 34.288 142,642 4 10 1,482 883 132,232 402,558 12 11 3,725 893 146,133 576.358 17 2 8,746 / s. d. 1,824 ° 8 558 3.077 r 3 7 £ s. d. 14,070 18 9 3>°4° 6,625 14 5 : 1,668 7,689 6 8 5,697 23,299 12 11 37.438 156.957 5 11 15.553 3 11 141,654 441,411 9 cj 32,616 17 2 10,679 40,929 2 5 165,558 649,904 16 <j 894 155.534 608,042 2 11 9,293 1895 162,600 635,062 17 11 9,938 :8g6 181,505 717,217 19 1 10,254 897 193,867 762,592 10 3 10,085 898 206,265 798,725 15 S 10,671 899 221,354 864,513 4 9 10,624 goo 239,565 951,860 7 4 10,342 901 255,344 1,002,056 12 1 11,082 1902 258,110 1,014,723 16 o 11,732 33,786 17 6 35,155 7 9 35.553 7 1 35,238 10 3 36,106 9 10 37,290 8 7 36,014 6 3 40,021 14 4 4I.37O 13 3 10,690 38,571 3 1 11,520 39,862 18 10 11,507 , 40,836 4 7 11,407 40,105 1 11 ' 12,753 44,558 10 10 13.399 48,533 15 11 15.271 59.304 9 6 i6,688 63,800 4 10 16,527 62,159 10 8 175.517 184,058 203, 266 215.359 229,689 245.377 265,178 283,114 286,369 680,400 3 G 710,081 4 6 793,607 10 9 837,936 2 5 879.390 16 4 950,337 9 3 1,047,179 3 1 1,105,878 11 3 1,118,253 19 " 903 273,535 1,108,067 5 8 13,035 49, 1 $ 1 1 3 17,777 68,340 8 8 304.347 1,225,588 15 7 :9O4 281,655 1,148,226 3 o 11,567 905 287,394 1,189,385 13 4 10,338 906 : 301,650 1,312,270 13 4 10,314 907 305,424 1,389,800 4 4 10,315 908 338,752 1,611,968 4 11 10,970 909 383,283 1,841,030 7 7 11,783 910 I 4I3>3M 1.981,877 2 2 , 11,954 45.793 1 1 47,649 9 o 50,559 18 10 55.O32 3 3 58,499 19 11 61,289 17 2 63,196 12 3 19,277 71,824 7 5 19,669 72,437 13 3 20,462 75,091 14 2 21,697 77>" s 8 y 21,886 80,500 4 3 23.592 82,409 13 2 24,172 82,501 9 2 312.499 3 : 7.4 O1 332,426 337.436 371.608 418,658 449,440 1,265,843 11 6 1,309,472 15 7 1,437,922 6 4 1,521,950 16 4 1,750,968 9 1 1,984,729 17 11 2,127,575 3 7



Table No. 2. Table showing the Money-orders issued in New Zealand on Offices beyond the Dominion, and Money-orders issued at Offices beyond the Dominion on New Zealand, during the Years 1909 and 1910.

Drawn on New Zealand.

[88TTBD IN R8TTBD IN > New Zealand. [KW Wliere payable. United Kingdom and Foreign Offices through United Kingdom United States of America Austria Canada Cape of Good Hopu Ceylon Fiji .. Germany Hong Kong India Natal New South Wales Norway Orange Fiee State Queensland Samoa ... South Australia Straits Settlements Tasmania Tonga Transvaal Victoria Western Australia Number. 61,385 10,067 2,550 736 355 201 211 875 336 845 132 36,939 22 2,716 26 1,942 19 ti,319 60 223 27,486 2,022 1909. Amount. £ a. d. 200,457 1 1 21,015 3 4 32,753 7 0 2,979 3 0 1,200 3 6 935 6 4 1,314 6 1 2,378 14 2 1,421 19 4 3,172 9 10 563 19 1 92,869 5 1 119 3 3 9,418 16 1 199 6 7 5,381 1 1 59 11 5 14,410 16 3 418 0 7 1,056 13 11 69,312 10 4 5,126 13 2 1910. Number. Amount. £ s. d. 65,809 216,538 r> l<1 10,287 19,235 17 7 2,372 33,248 10 4 84 J 3,708 17 5 267 957 19 !) 240 1,452 5 1 258 805 13 8 1,034 3,225 13 6 362 1,568 16 4 94!) 3,435 10 5 116 571 7 10 36,344 92,977 0 11 70 276 3 1 16 91 1 9 2,771 9,971 7 7 32 192 14 2 1,746 5,525 12 4 41 Jll 11 11 6,077 13,165 16 1 47 732 16 8 197 994 13 1 24,584 61,893 14 8 1,874 4,965 5 3 Totals 155,457 466,562 10 6 466,562 10 6 I 156,343 156,343 475,646 16 3 475,646 16 3

Where issued. Number. 1909. Amount. Number. 1910. Amount. United Kingdom and Foreign Offices through United Kingdom United States of America Austria Canada .. Cape of <'!<•<.!(I Hope Ceylon Fiji .. Germany Hong Kong India Natal New South Wales Norway Orange Free State Queensland .. .. .. Samoa South Australia Straits Settlements .. .. .. I Tasmania Tonga Transvaal Victoria Western Australia 9,160 2,046 31 608 173 35 709 160 50 240 76 9,080 ■>i 1,748 386 982 56 1,895 479 377 5,882 1,178 I £ s. d. 47,829 13 6 8,862 7 7 281 15 6 2,897 8 11 939 14 9 107 1 7 3,101 2 0 678 t> 1 339 10 2 945 10 4 312 1 5 27,339 4 2 252 2 7 6,027 2 4 3,637 14 6 3,461 5 8 255 5 10 0,742 5 4 3,813 10 1 2,289 6 0 18,119 7 7 5,467 13 11 8,884 2,015 31 710 177 36 71!) 165 42 224 97 9,700 1 28 1,941 338 1,096 24 1,869 520 396 .5,876 1,242 £ 8. d. 46,737 1 3 8,994 7 7 07 16 9 2,947 19 8 1,139 1 1 119 18 11 3,191 2 6 788 8 1 207 10 7 1,027 8 0 445 18 11 29,119 17 10 0 6 7 216 13 0 <>,587 18 11 2,454 5 K 3,6!>l> !) 6 147 18 7 7,202 8 6 4,124 l> 6 2,411 9 4 18,248 4 11 5,790 19 11 Totals .. 35,375 i 143,699 10 4 36,126 145,698 1 5 145,698 1 5



Table No. 3. Table showing the Number and Value of Postal Notes sold from the 1st January, 1886— the date upon which they were first issued— to the 31st March, 1911.

Number of Postal Notes sold. Jotal. Year. At 2s. 6d. At Ss. At 5s. At 7s. 6d. At ISs. At 17s. 6d. At £ 1. 992 4-2.-> ■>.: sue, 5,187 2,375 14,961 6.940 2,952 17,878 s.243 3,63it 19,778 ! 9,386 4,15W 22,596 10,17-2 4,366 -23.503 11,611 4,953 26,839 12,380 5,369 28,969 18,800 . 6,156 33,935 15;567 6,790 36,601 17,191 7,020 33.890 l«,102 7,40C> 32,868 19,177 7,904 3-2,17!' 19,990 8,193 32,696 21,393 8,539 33,491 ■28,875 0,79! i 35,067 8-2,128 .. 48,042 34,508 .. ' 48,852 38,030 .. 58,629 42,317 .. 69,206 46,228 .. 76,508 51,559 .. 91,193 57.687 .. 104,714 62,916 .. 123,786 70,967 .. 143,611 82,258 .. 171,900 At £6. Number. 16.442 92,546 122,255 149,879 175.023 220,683 •247.902 285,389 319,368 1,192 349,627 1,090 370,796 728 409,866 673 431,449 607 461,447 560 490,506 556 556,316 558 616,264 656 707,044 688 785,347 788 875,324 954 981,642 133 1,092.631 1,222,280 1,414,752 1,666,959 At Is. At Is. 6d. At 2s. At 10s. At 12s. 6d. Valiu-. Quarter ended Mar. 31, 1886 3.019 1886-87.. .. .. 16^05 1887-88.. .. .. 22,467 1888-89.. .. .. 27,428 1889-90.. .. .. 32,754 1890-91.. .. .. 35,915 1891-92.. .. .. 42,416 1892-93.. .. .. 48,612 1893-94.. .. .. 56,761 1894-95.. .. .. 62,306 1895-96.. .. .. 68,454 1896-97.. .. .. 74,534 1897-98.. .. .. 81,958 1898-99.. .. .. 86,529 1899-1900 .. .. 93,762 1900-1901 .. .. 85,478 1901-1902 .. .. 49,529 1902-1903 .. .. 54,268 1903-1904 .. .. 61,379 1904-1905 :. .. 65,484 1905-1906 .. .. 74,389 1906-1907 .. .. 82,417 1907-1908 .. .. 89,906 1908-1909 .. .. 97,285 1909-1910 .. .. 113,825 1910-1911 .. .. 130,645 2.04(1 12.283 17,167 21,900 25,387 28,559 33,722 38,849 44,706 49,846 56,185 62,056 69,981 72,710 77,431 68,068 30,250 33,409 37,514 40,263 45,358 54,375 58,202 59,484 67,406 79,792 1,012 6,647 9,162 11,912 14,478 16,092 19,383 22,038 25,461 •28,975 32,801 ' 35,322 38,617 41,991 44,384 52,691 14,702 70,683 65,467 1 7C,(U3 75,700 1 86,620 89,276 1 96,228 99,739 1 108,493 114,411 1 120,321 128,384 1 136,392 143,854 2 162,588 146,148 2 195,168 166,486 2 244,941 1201,569 3 •• 2.039 11,566 15,553 19,741 23,550 25,204 29,550 33,012 37,771 43,829 49,204 54,219 60,843 64,386 70,416 80,630 109,663 119,593 134,270 154,281 167,430 187,083 205,500 227,471 261,045 301,707 2,039 11,566 15,553 19,741 23,550 25,204 29,550 33,012 37,771 43,829 49,204 54,219 60,843 64,386 70,416 80,630 109,663 119,593 134,270 154,281 167,430 187,083 205,500 227,471 261,045 301,707 969 5,729 7,671 9,477 10,894 12,229 14,019 16,072 18,096 20,423 22,802 24,871 26,968 28,448 30,680 24,497 969 5,729 7,671 9,477 10,894 12,229 14,019 16,072 18,096 20,423 22,802 24,871 26,968 28,448 30,680 24,497 2.379 13,103 17.487 21,149 24,011 25,906 30,132 32,747 37,687 43,1(17 47,787 51,963 55,748 59,631 63,787 71,001 92,708 102,641 114,755 130,430 143,216 159,045 171,951 188,677 214,458 242,854 695 4.0!)0 5,278 6,618 7,809 7,969 9,058 9,904 11,016 11.864 i 13,601 14,365 15,463 16,202 16,957 13,304 £ s. a. 6,909 15 6 37,659 7 0 47,729 5 0 56,841 18 0 65,464 2 0 69,721 18 6 79,325 16 6 87,856 18 0 101,002 7 6 112,307 10 0 123,368 6 6 129,011 18 0 134,378 9 6 139,957 4 0 147,686 8 6 154,435 16 6 173,317 5 0 191,904 13 0 220,069 11 (I 250,123 7 6 276,279 7 6 314,053 6 0 347,300 0 0 389,143 0 0 447,618 14 0 524,942 18 6 13,834 62,285 70,122 85,909 86,711 98,503 106,311 124,052 153,925 181,791 211,298 14,702 65,467 75,700 89,276 99,739 114,411 128,384 143,854 146,148 166,486 201,569 ■ • • Issued only from 17th June, 1895, to 31st October, 1907.



Table No. 4.

Table showing the Number and Amount of Transactions at the Money-order and Savings-bank Offices of New Zealand during the Year 1910.

Table No. 5. Statement showing the Number of British Postal Orders of each Denomination sold and paid in the Dominion of New Zealand during the Financial Years 1909-10 and 1910-11.

Money-orders. Savings*! tan I :s. Postal District of — Auckland Blenheim Christchurch Dunedin.. Gisborne Grey mouth Hokitika Invercargill Napier Nelson .. New Plymouth ()amaru Thames Timaru Wanganui Wellington Westport 1 No. j Commission, j luued. Paid- Deposits. , § . ! Withdrawals. £g g is No. j Commission. ) Amount. } No. Amount. j ° No. i Amount. < u ' No. Amount. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.i £ a. .1. £ B. d. 129550 3,425 8 8 550,586 16 4123116 561,653 12 2 14591126,0491,985,993 9 11 9,494 92,8951764210 12 1 8,149 179 16 0 35,994 4 10 3,899 26,156 9 1 1,024 9,141 144,888 19 9 817 6,059 129,967 11 4 54,754 1,467 17 6 235,844 4 2 51,389 262,978 11 0 10693 125,6971,782,478 0 7 7,873 90,8891662722 13 3 55,238 1,248 18 9 207,499 5 2 56,044 251,396 0 0 7,752 95,773 1,293,584 10 5 5,806 61,5831157927 2 10 13,371 340 17 3 58,754 4 1 5,123 26,592 10 11 2,391 19,532 258,297 18 1 1,542 13,428 222,694 12 0 16,685 442 11 3 73,515 13 3 7,138 34,101 10 6 1,987 15,901 217,835 17 7 1.580 11,289 199,658 0 7 3,703 77 8 9 14,325 1 0 2,348 9,498 14 7 313 2,340 40,166 II 6 269 1,680 36,688 6 11 27,576 586 7 9 103,012 0 0 16,350 68,161 5 6 3,220 26,8(i(> 442,071 17 2 2.17.". 16,239 .{77,.'Ji > s 3 0 29,104 673 3 0 140,091 2 3 18,372 104,981 9 J 4,152 36,825 521,950 0 10 3,083 23,410 467,082 11 2 15,316 359 5 9 72,103 12 8 11,332 63,948 15 5 1,617 14,131 227,815 1111 1,172 9,904 209,400 :: I 15,783 343 12 9 66,292 4 9 9,251 50,53110 3 2,212 17,936 283,916 19 3 J,71(i 11,163 247,860 2 ii 9,036 167 13 0 63,066 J3 2 3,814 16,280 11 3 986 8,651 156,758 19 2 763 5,786 142,189 Lβ 0 26,897 563 4 9 102,396 0 4 10,620 49,957 12 10 2,610 20,195 -'92,305 13 1 1,801 11,703 252,04(i 14 2 16,679 347 18 3 105,274 18 8 8,265 41,240 19 11 2,434 22,253 358,120 2 10 1,701 14,382 312,128 Id 6 37,939 793 8 0 165,052 5 3 19,347 88,682 11 7 4,787 39.774 534,058 13 8 3,610 25,435 492,331 19 .'! 95,226 2,899 17 1 394,947 8 0 98,864 443,02114 (I 10458 170,2112.019,707 17 6 J3,173 I2O0O71887758 8 8 14,651 382 19 3 68,767 4 6 4,501 27,398 18 6 1,339 11,549 148,927 13 7 1,120 5,661 133,669 7 7 Issued. Amount, No. Paid. Amount. Deposits. Withdrawals. Grand totals 569657 14,300 7 92,457,522 18 5 44977312126588 16 i\ 788661768,824110708938 16 lOl57,695;520413 9695614 16 I I I I : ii I

s old. Paic d. Denomination. 1909-10. 1910-11. 1909-10. 1910-11. I d. 0 6 1 0 1 6 2 0 2 6 3 0 3 6 4 0 4 6 5 0 ♦5 6 •6 0 ♦6 6 •7 0 7 6 •8 0 ♦8 6 •9 0 •9 6 10 0 •10 6 •11 0 •U 6 •12 0 12 6 *13 0 •13 6 •14 0 •14 6 15 0 •15 6 •16 0 •16 6 •17 0 17 6 •18 0 •18 6 •19 0 •19 6 20 0 •21 0 970 2,797 1,212 1,947 2,996 1,509 806 1,065 472 5,508 420 928 523 627 848 642 383 393 201 7,494 395 320 122 435 336 283 116 253 61 1,417 88 256 57 143 142 215 159 380 56 17,172 213 1,658 4,326 1,907 3,167 3,872 2,517 991 1,537 722 8,290 311 163 203 247 1,646 284 180 159 105 >J,791 209 148 60 203 675 144 69 121 40 * 2,138 50 99 37 67 373 97 80 152 50 20,544 148 118 567 ■218 555 <J24 326 136 210 62 1,648 47 174 56 84 147 73 25 51 29 2,255 89 40 80 108 70 55 21 64 17 583 10 35 18 22 37 30 10 29 16 8,863 474 153 662 273 609 1,042 353 203 255 75 1,891 30 163 45 115 167 86 33 58 36 2,552 88 47 40 93 123 12 38 62 20 602 11 31 7 26 33 40 24 36 32 'J, 310 423 Number 54,360 67,769 £35,270 7a. 9d. 67,769 18,326 £12,411 16s. 18,326 19,941 £13,183 16a. 6d. Value .. £29,676 11s. 10d. ' British Postal Orders of these deuominatiom iaptoaiber, 1910. were withdrawn from issue at all offices in tlio Dominion on the 1st



Table No. 6.—POST-OFFICE SAVINGS-BANKS. -GENERAL STATMENT. Table showing the Business of the Post-Office Savings-banks in New Zealand, Year by Year, from the Date they were established, in February, 1867, to the 31st December, 1910.

Number of Post- Average . Office Numberof , . ._ . Amount of Number .„„. *?. r - -• Savings- Deposits T °F D *™°TT each of With- Total Amount of Am °T , DeoosUs over Year* £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland .. 175 126,049 1,985,993 9 11 15 15 1 92,895 1,764,215 12 1 i 18 19 10 221,777 17 10 Blenheim .. 11 9,141 144,888 19 9 15 17 0 6,059 1211,967 11 4 21 9 0 14,921 8 5 Kxcess of Withdrawals over Deposits during the Year. £ 8. d. I ; i Average Cost of C °* h ° f Manage- ,-*,. .""."' tion, Dedrawal. £ d. Numb « Nu, nb e r Ni or b - saws, of of Accounts standing to Interest for Accounts Accounts remain- O p« Account, the Credit of the Year. opened closed ing Open P inC us i%eof each Open during during atCloK |j!™£totta Account at the Yelr. the Year. of*. <££?£&. &*?«. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d 70,056 11 7 14,591 9,494 00,266 2,391,970 3 3 39 13 10 6,426 16 5 1,024 SIT 0,142 211,126 2 10 34 7 6 Christchurch .. 69 125,697 1,782,478 0 7 14 3 7 90,889 1,662,722 13 3 18 5 11 119,755 7 4 Dunedin .. 57 95,773 1,293,584 10 5 13 10 2 61,583 1,157,927 2 10 18 16 1 r35,057 7 7 Gieborne .. 15 19,532 258,297 18 1 13 4 0 13,428 222,094 12 0 Kill 8 35,603 0 1 Greymouth ..I 15 15,901 217,835 17 7 13 14 0 9,289 199,658 0 7 21 9 11 18,177 17 0 Hokitika .. 7 2,340 40,166 11 6 IT 3 4 1,680 36,533 6 11 21 14 10 3,033 4 7 Invercargill .. 30 26,866 442,071 17 2 10 9 1 16,239 377,328 3 0 23 4 9 64,743 14 2 Napier .. .. 34 30,825 521,950 0 10 14 3 6 23,410 467,082 11 2 19 19 0 ! 54,867 9 8 Nelson .. .. 20 14,131 227,815 11 11 16 2 5 9,904 209,400 3 1 21 2 10: 18,415 8 10 New Plymouth .. 16 17,936 283,916 19 3 15 16 7 11,163 247,860 2 9 22 4 1 30,056 16 6 Oamaru .. 10 8,651 156,758 19 2 18 2 5 5,786 142,189 16 0 24 11 6 14,569 3 2 Thames.. .. 22 20,195 292,305 13 1 14 9 6 11,703 252,046 14 2 2110 9 4(1,258 18 11 Timaru .. .. 16 22,253 358,120 2 10 16 1 10 14,382 312,128 10 5 I 21 14 1 45,991 12 5 Wanganui .. 48 39,774 534,058 13 8 13 8 7 25,435 492,331 19 3 19 7 2 41,726 14 5 Wellington .. 84 176,211 2,019,767 17 6 11 9 3 120,907 1,887,758 9 8 15 12 3 132,009 7 10 70,602 4 10 10,693 7,873 64,371 2,330,2(18 12 9 36 4 0 01,085 8 5 7,7u2 5,806 47,283 2,010,754 3 5 ; 42 10 0 7,812 5 S 2,391 1,542 8,822 273,544 14 10 31 0 2 10.260 13 0 1,987 1,580 7,410 330,790 5 0 44 12 1 3,030 12 10 313 269 1,898 95,130 17 7 50 2 r> 20 571 6 1 3,220 2,175 16,112 1 678,490 6 7 42 2 3 19,829 13 2 4,152 3,083 18,058 660,704 3 1 35 8 3 10,968 10 7 I 1,617 1,172 9,689 357,274 2 3 36 17 0 10,779 3 11 { 2,212 1,716 9,583 357,074 19 3 37 6 0 7,585 4 7 980 763 5,008 244,848 19 9 1 48 17 10 11,400 0 3 2,610 1,801 11,791 386,763 13 9 32 16 0 14,032 0 7 2,434 1,701 11,465 469,371 0 8 40 18 9 19.261 15 5 4,787 3,610 20,115 636,952 0 6 31 13 4 74,546 1 1 16,458 13,173 77,223 2,479,885 16 8 32 2 3 Weetport .. 18 11,549 148,927 13 7 12 17 11 5,661 133,669 7 7 [ 23 12 3 15,258 6 0 5,807 6 7 1,339 1,120 4,743 189,493 17 0 39 19 1 Totals for Dominion 647 768,824 10,708,938 16 10 ' 13 18 7 520,413 9,695,514 16 1 18 12 71,013,424 0 9 J5J910 768,824 10,708,938 16 10 13 18 7 520,413 9,695,514 16 1 j 18 12 71,013,424 0 9 28,000 5-21 28,000 5-21 424,668 1 0 78,566 57,095 380,585 !l4,104,989 19 2 ! 37 1 3 424,668 1 0 78,566 57,095 380,585 14,104,989 19 2 37 1



Table No. 6.—POST-OFFICE SAVINGS-BANKS.— GENERAL STATEMENT— continued. Table showing the Business of the Post-Office Savings-banks in New Zealand, Year by Year, from the Date they were established, in February, 1867, to the 31st December, 1910 — continued.

Number of PostOffice Savingsbanks Open at the Close of the Year. Number of Deposits received duringthe Year. Total Amount of Deposits received during the Year. Average Amount of each Deposit received during the Year. Number of Withdrawals during the Year. Total Amount of Withdrawal! during the Year. Average Amount of each Withdrawal during the Year, j Excess of Deposits over Withdrawals during the Year. Excess of Withdrawals over Deposits during the Year. Cost of I Management during the Year. Average Cost of each Transaction, Deposit or Withdrawal. I nterest for the Year. Number of Accounts opened during the Year. Number of Accounts closed : during ' l he Year Number of Accounts remaining Open at Close of the Year. Total Amount standing to the Credit of all Open Accoa > s. inclusive of Interest to the Close of the Year. Average Amount standing to the Credit of each Open Account at Close of the Year. Totalsfor Dominion, 1910 .. 047 1909 .. 619 1908 .. 593 1907 .. 563 1906 .. 54 1 1905 .. 520 1904 .. 510 1903 .. 493 . 1902 .. 481 1901 .. 466 1900 .. 445 1899 .. 427 1898 .. 409 1897 •• 388 , 1896 .. 371 1895 • ■ 357 1894 • • 348 1893 • ■ 327 1892 .. 318 1891 .. 311 1890 .. 296 1889.. 294 1888 .. 290 1887 .. 283 1886 .. 271 1885 .. 256 1884 .. 243 1883 .. 222 1882 .. 207 1881 .. 190 1880 .. 178 1879 .. 165 1878 .. 147 1877 .. 138 1876 .. 124 1875.. 119 1874 .. 103 1873 ■ ■ 97 1872 .. 92 1871 .. 81 1870 .. 70 1869 .. 59 1868 .. 55 Totalsfor Dominion from 1st 46 Feb. to 31st Dec, 1867 768,824 724,501 706,101 650,990 593,764 5O9 ,112 469,799 444,510 411,215 380,808 347,056 313,783 281,749! 267,615! 242,283 217,393 204,545 202,276 186,945 176,971 162,938 153,920 145,355 136,197 137,989 131,373 129,279 127, 609 129,952 125,855 81.66O 71,865 69,908 6O,953 57,295 56,129 52,627 •39,223 3I,68l 24,642 20,489! 17,133 I3,OI4 6,977 10,708,938 16 10 9,611,119 11 3 9,351.663 19 7 7,907,154 12 5 6,625,744 o 10 5,836,540 o o 5,661,592 15 2 5,069,619 6 2 4,611,456 6 1 4,170,428 15 3 3,644,980 9 10 3,279,611 7 5 3,187,219 2 4 2,881,152 16 3 2,794,506 16 o 2,252,862 6 11 2,386,089 10 7 1,878,270 6 *4 1,842,987 15 2 r. 658, 543 3 5 1,515,281 II 3 1,544,747 7 " 1,312,151 1 5 1,248,405 6 11 1,341,001 3 2 1,227,909 11 4 1,178,474 4 1 1,325,852 2 11 1,189,012 2 7 864,441 18 10 812,399 11 11 762,084 12 o 681,294 13 2 664,134 12 6 657>653 4 01 699,249 14 3] 580,542 5 5 430,877 o o 312,338 18 4 264,328 5 7 240,898 5 9 194.535 I' 6 96,372 7 10 13 18 7 13 5 4 13 14 o 14 7 4 13 6 4 13 o 3 | 12 8 6 12 14 9. 12 6 7 12 2 2' 12 o 4 11 12 4 11 12 10 11 18 2 11 17 10 12 17 1 II O 3 II 15 II 10 o III 10 8 3! 10 3 6 9 16 10 10 12 6 9 12 8 9 on 10 4 1 9 9 11 948 10 4 o 9 8 11 1011 9 IJ 6 1 10 18 o 11 3 6 11 11 9 11 14 4 13 5 8 14 16 2 13 12 o 12 13 6 12 18 O 14 I 2 14 l8 II 13 16 3 520,413. 9,695,514 16 1 520,971 9,499,319 16 4 484,672' 9,417,820 10 3! 433,796 8,125,123 o oj 386,536; 6,907,103 17 7: 346,022: 5,984,184 12 2 323,609 5,664,770 3 9I 301,076; 5,343,828 5 o 273.454 1 4,708,771 II 2 4,230,193 6 2 227,079! 3,827,416 7 3 206,940; 3,417,298 19 8 196,764! 3,194,893 16 7 I79,555 ! 2,891,169 5 8| 167,248 2,591,558 19 4 | 159,904' 2,369,333 6 7 152,136 2,268,624 8 4] J 36,739 2,122,521 16 8 120,628: 1,821,348 18 1 111,603 1,693,515 9 3 106,868; 1,500,437 9 5 99,185; 1,457,081 5 o 96,204 1,387,471 1 10 89,962; 1,182,409 7 6 89,182; 1,336,287 6 4 84,832; 1,264,305 8 3 80,800 1,195,931 o 11 78,405' 1,295,719 18 3 69,308 1,142,599 o 1 60,1371 902,195 1 8 57,446; 780,504 13 4 54,698; 876,180 19 3 42,746; 742,053 14 3 39,363 667,023 7 5 39,486 696,281 7 4 36,977 ; 729,759 17 9 29,778 620,155 8 9 21,268 425,908 3 5 17,254 313,176 7 " 14,773! 261,347 16 3 11,9341 209,509 13 2 9,292; 180,518 4 1 6,365: 107,094 17 3 1,919 26,415 18 9 £ s. d.| 18 12 7! 18 4 8 19 8 8 18 14 7 r 7 17 5 17 5 11 17 10 1 17 15 o 17 4 5 17 1 4 16 17 1 16 10 3 16 4 g\ 16 2 o! 15 9 10 14 16 4 14 18 3 15 10 5] 15 2 o 15 3 5 M o 9 14 13 9 14 8 5 13 2 IO: 14 19 81 14 18 o 14 16 o 16 10 6 16 9 8 15 o 1 13 11 8 16 o 4 17 7 2 16 18 10 17 12 8 19 14 8 20 16 5 20 o 5 18 3 o 17 13 9 17 11 1 19 8 7 16 16 6 13 15 3 £ s. d. 1,013,424 o 9 111,799 14 11 256,254 13 9 1,226,540 19 7 1,000,050 14 10 641,559 S S 171,769 16 3 317,764 10 2 360,847 15 o 381,262 19 11 343,012 8 oj 227,681 10 2 84,717 10 10 296,049 16 8 289,593 16 11 425,173 9 5 263,567 13 11 56,921 8 3 149,472 5 " 158,105 14 o 58,200 6 3 157,276 6 1 129,741 13 11 76,695 14 11 31,978 10 5 183,253 2 10 286,817 ° IJ 83,937 5 6 20,030 17 9 14,271 5 9 79,094 5 6 154,634 2 o 117,700 12 1 50,991 2 1 54,818 12 5 60,380 1 8 87,440 14 3 69,956 9 1 I s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 28,000 o 5.21 424,668 I o 27,000! o 520 395,804 4 5 27,000: o 544 379,808 6 7 19,000; o 420 343,424 7 2 17,000 o 4-16 291,191 19 1 16,500! o 4-63 259,081 7 6 16,000 o 484 200,930 6 1 15,000' o 483 187,130 2 8 14,000 o 490 172,926 1 7 11,500! o 439 : 159,198 4 ° 10,500; o 439 146,169 z 5 9,500! o 4-38 134,917 19 3 8,500; o 4-26' 128,128 16 6 : 8,ooo| o 4-29 137,240 8 o 7,ooo| o 410 126,497 16 3 7,000' o 4-45 129,489 19 6 15,762 1 5 6,500' o 437 114,643 4 11 6,500! o 460 114,760 i i ! 5,500 o 429 111,301 13 1 5,000 o 4'i6| 104,098 17 o 5,000 o 4-45! 92,319 o 6 4,000: o 379 84,809 17 1 4,000 o 397 78,080 6 o 4,000 o 424 67,363 15 3 87,881 19 5 4,000 o 4 23 65,825 9 6 4,000 o 444 62,228 3 11 4,ooo : o 457 57,381 13 7 117,245 14 2 4,000 o 466, 56,046 17 3 4,000 o 482 54,909 13 11 3,500 o 452 42,204 19 o 3,500 o 604 32,822 12 4 63,781 7 4 3,ooo o 569 31,715 18 2 2,500' o 533 31,664 12 9 2,500' o 598 29,193 14 6 32,146 14 10 2,500 o 620 28,762 4 7 72,106 13 9 2,500 o 644 28,565 3 5 2,250' o 655 26,935 6 8 1,800 o 7 14 20,106 16 10 1,556 o 763 14,711 o 5 1,351' o 823 11,291 10 10 1,264 ° 936 9,242 3 11 1,186 o 1077 7,412 8 o 789 o 977 4,880 7 3 822! 1 1018 1,241 5 o 78,566 77,400 80,133 74,671 70,206 60,015 57,769 57,O47 53,587 50,046 46,086 41,362 37,265 36,394 32,982 30,261 28,669 29,755 26,232 25,131 23,719 21,778 2I,3O7 20,368 21,671 20,661 20,228 20,386 21,014 25,O59 16,137 15,401 13,005 11,235 11,255 11,273 10,346 7,382 6,205 4,6l5 4,304 3,839 3,282 2,520 57,695 38o,585J 55,763 359, 7M| 57,829! 342,077; 53,644' 319,773; 47,526, 298,746 43,113; 276,066 42,280 259,164 40,837 243,675! 38,558 227,465 35,018 212,436 31,724 I97,4O8 28,284 183,046 26,628 169,968! 24,821 159,331, 22,907 147,758; 22,001 137,683 21,930 129,423 19,599' 122,684 i8,i7i : 112,528 17,872 104,467 17,256 97,208! 15,521 90,745 16,543 84,488! 15,515 79,724j i6,757 74,871 16,421 69,9571 i6,447 65,717 15,967 61,936 14,505 57,517 12,718 51,008 12,217] 38,667 12,786; 34,747 9,634 32,132 8,591 28,761 9.472 1 26,117 8,681, 24,334 5,736j 21,742 3,816 17,132 3,188 13,566 2,383 10,549 2,277 8,317 1,8011 6,290 1,186 4,252 364 2,156 £ s. d. 14,104,989 19 2 12,666,897 X 7 5 12,159,293 18 1 ".523, 230 17 9 9,953,265 11 o 8,662,022 17 1 7,761,382 o 11 7,388,681 18 7 6,883,787 5 9 6,350,013 9 2 5,809,552 5 3 5,320,370 14 10 4,957,771 5 5 4,744,924 18 1 4,311,634 13 5 3,895,543 o 3 3,340,879 11 4 3,241,998 7 10 2,863,670 12 10 2,695,447 » 6 2,441,876 8 7 2,191,451 M 1 2,048,441 10 9 1,813,084 18 8 1,615,979 9 6 1,638,035 19 5 1,499,112 o 7 1,409,751 16 7 i,47o,95o 13 6 1,232,787 16 9 903,765 16 10 787,005 19 o 819,071 8 2 767,375 17 8 723,910 17 5 727,295 7 8 770,836 18 o 664,807 5 10 490,066 7 o 357,654 '4 6 295,372 1 7 231,3" 5 3 163,518 15 7 71,197 14 1 37 1 3 35 4 3 35 10 11 36 o 9 33 6 4 31 7 6 29 18 11 3° 6 5 30 5 3 29 17 10 29 8 7 29 1 4 29 3 5 29 15 7 29 3 7 28 5 10 25 16 3 26 8 6 25 9 o 25 16 o 25 2 4 24 2 11 24 4 10 22 14 10 21 11 8 23 8 4 22 16 3 22 15 2 25 J 1 5 24 3 4 23 7 " 22 12 11 25 <i 9 26 13 7 29 17 9 35 9 ° 38 16 1 36 2 5 33 18 1 35 10 3 36 15 5 38 9 1 33 o 5



Table No. 7. Balance-sheet of the New Zealand Post Office Account for the Year ended 31st December, 1910.

4—F. 1.

MONEY-ORDER ACCOUNTS :— Money-orders (general) United Kingdom, &o. United States of America Australia Austria Canada Cape of Good Hope Ceylon Fiji Germany Hong Kong India Natal Orange River Colony .. Samoa Straits Settlements Tonga Transvaal Norway Commission Savings-bank Accounts :— Deposits and withdrawals Transfers Postal Accounts :— Stamps Postal Guides Postal notes Private box and bag rents Money-order commission British postal orders —H.O. a/c C.P.M.'e a/o ,, London a/c B.P.O. commission Postal revenue Telegraph Accounts: — New South Wales Telegraphs .. New Zealand and Australian Cable Pacific Cable Board Telephone-exchange receipts Special messenger receipts Maintenance of private wires .. Registration of code addresses .. Cable deposits Telegraph revenue General Accounts :— Post Offioe Account Postmasters and Telegraphists .. Investments Accrued interest on investments •• Balnucbs off j S i Or. i. s. d. 39,843 4 2 : 17,428 16 3J 2,757 12 6i 2,303 15 7 72 13 1 126 14 10 2,072 2 9 113 18 6 635 IS 2 12,666,897 17 5 6,608 12 8 185,858 14 5 12 1 0 106,913 17 8 46,935 8 11 57,224 6 8 364 1 3 178 16 11 2,095 2 II 298 2 9 4,790 1 0 it January, 1910. Transactions. Dl Or. Dr. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d 2,605,405 7 H 2,603,22!) 8 1 266,331 10 3 250,064 n Hi 177 17 7 19,321 16 2 18,224 8 7 190,554 16 4 190.168 2 10i •i3,334 11 5 31,819 16 11 586 13 10 4,331 14 10 3,825 11 0 1,063 1 1 1,294 17 0 1,459 10 4 1,400 12 1 29 14 11 3,022 16 2 3,229 14 7 3,241 16 0 2.08!' 8 1 1,578 9 0 1,538 19 10 3,489 7 11 3.422 4 4 33 8 6 736 19 11 761 4 3 87 11 8 148 4 9 217 3 10 1,253 0 9 2,674 7 1 2,4H6 10 11 8« 0 4 214 18 3 150 11 5 1.174 5 6 :t,207 18 5 +,134 12 9 345 0 5 1.855 4 10 : 2,454 8 5 275 16 10 0 6 7 414 17 8 2.228 12 11 2.232 II 1(1 11,133,606 17 10 9,695,514 16 1 991,3tiX 2 7 091.235 5 7 848.49H II I 850.247 13 :! 040 Hi 2 642 10 II 512,323 15 0 508,401 II U 11,135 3 9 11,138 3 9 14,474 9 6 14,474 9 6 29,989 11 8 56,006 5 7 33.245 17 3 71,073 8 4 33,643 7 2 33,055 Iβ 7 373 14 8 373 14 X 1,035 14 8 r>84.377 5 3 578,848 10 6 13,703 14 It 13,018 18 1 5,834 9 0 5,781 !) 0 48,823 15 5 49,01!) 2 1 159,852 15 2 159.852 15 2 574 Id II .-,74 10 !i 2,585 9 2 2,585 <l 2 1,305 III S 1,306 10 5 5.310 6 6 5.34:i Is 490,709 10 10J i 495,477 0 7£ 545,121 4 5 7,759,805 9 .!.', 7,801.877 :i 4i 512,805 17 2 19,485,327 7 2" 19,438,104 4 10 12.301,772 12 3 876,644 4 2 i 2,300,0'.)1 II (i 9 8 160,090 (I 8 150.578 4 5 Halanceu on :)lst December, 1910. < 'r. Uv. £ s. d. t s. d. 42,079 4 0 27,096 5 8J 919 10 0 3,144 6 0 3,818 10 1 80 10 0 159 2 10 186 13 1 236 13 4 2,624 10 8 153 7 8 57 12 10 156 10 9 1,045 4 7 27 13 6 2,100 19 10 944 10 0 275 10 3 418 If) 7 14,104,989 1!) 2 6,741 9 8' 178.104 12 3 10 J 2 110,83(i I (vj 20,918 15 0 18,79<> 15 7 .. 12 0 6 4.402 0 1 508 17 11 231 16 5 .. 1,899 Iβ 3 270 10 9J 6,082 17 3 .[ 587,132 18 6 465,582 14 10 13,725,819 19 7 150,578 4 5


Table No. 7 — continued. Balance-sheet of the New Zealand Post-Office Account for the Year ended 31st December, 1910— continued.


Balances on 1st January, 1910. Transactions. Balances on 31st December, 1910. Cr. nr. Cr. Dr. Dr. < r. Dr. Or. Dr. Cr. Dr. ur. Ur. ur. I i r. uz. ( Jknekai, Accounts — continued .. Miscellaneous receipts (general) Foreign postage Miscellaneous expenses Discount-stamps Foreign .Mail Settlements a/o .. For othkr Departments :— Advances to Settlers .. Arms Act licenses Audit fees Clerks of Court County Clerks Customs dues (H.M.G.) Customs duty (parcels) Kdueation Department Electoral receipts Factories Act Fishing licenses Game licenses Goldfields revenue Government debentures Government Insurance .. *. Government Printer Homing-pigeons Protection Act Imperial pensions Income-tax Land-tax Licensing Act Machinery Marine light dues -Mining Act Miners' Guides New Zealand Consols Official Assignee Old-age pensions Old-a<_'e pensions (miscellaneous) Public Trust Railways Registration of births, &c. Rents Sanatorium, Hanmer Springs Stock Department Valuation revenue Miscellaneous revenue Savings-Bank Funds in hands of Treasury a/c Suspense Account Profit Hnd loss £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 3,303 0 5j .. 14,215 12 2 309 10 10| .. 23,129 7 7* 65,903 6 2 .. 1,256,695 9 8 1.938 5 0 .. 1,877 0 0 29,704 3 0 12.701 16 9 .. 1,946,631 9 7 6 0 0 .. 144 0 0 5 0 0 53 0 8 (i 0 0 .. 178 18 2 41 3 3 .. 1,555 13 4 6,018 6 11 .. 63,233 14 4 0 10 0 0 2 0 37 0 0 65 4 0 .. 1,404 16 6 2,181 0 0 3 12 1 .. 145 3 9 8,600 0 0 2,279 0 1 .. 30,31(1 (i 1 22 9 7 0 10 .. Old 425 13 4 29,000 0 0 642 1 10 .. 194,305 2 6 2,199 17 11 .. 463.858 10 1 20 0 0 563 15 0 .. 9,018 7 ti ■ 0 18 .. 2 0 0 422 0 0 .. 321 5 0 15 6 29.845 0 0 0 12 6 917 5 6 410,000 0 0 4 18 8 2t>,248 8 11 .. 1,131,248 5 3 227 14 Id .. 2,936 13 5 230 9 0 . . 2.135 19 0 9 13 10 .. 336 7 9 135 9 0 .. 1,573 2 7 13 7 6 25 (i li .. 6,466 19 10 g 0 9 .. r>4 12 1 915 15 10 915 15 10 2,101 9 2 • • ' 260.457 6 s .. i>23.660 15 5 £ s. d. 13,866 1 10 18,442 9 0 1,291,889 18 2 1,728 12 0 19,050 3 8 1,944.665 4 5 147 0 0 52 8 8 184 18 2 1,254 17 4 63,091 4 3 0 10 0 0 2 0 37 0 0 1,338 0 6 2.181 0 0 144 13 1 8,600 0 0 30,546 5 9 22 1 7 (I 2 0 28,019 5 6 194,844 0 0 464,012 0 0 ' 20 0 0 N.783 2 6 1 18 4 264 5 (1 29,845 0 0 381,903 I 0 4 5 4 1,124,035 2 7 2,84(1 1; ii 2.482 7 0 333 Hi !l 1,531 19 10 13 7 6 6,341 2 10 (il 4 8 2.101 9 2 f>26.175 3 3 £ s. d. £ s. d. 3,652 10 9£ 4,996 9 6 30,708 17 8 ■ 2,086 13 0 10,653 10 4 14,668 1 11 3 0 0 5 0 0 341 19 3 β-lflo 17 0 132 0 0 J ■4 2!). 2.048 14 5 '.'. 0 8 0 566 12: '.'. 103 4 4 2,046 SO; 79H 0 0 0 3 4 470 0 0 15 6 0 12 6 27,179 13 6 0 13 4 :t.%46i li 7 :(24 19 184 1 0 11 4 1(1 176 119 139 17 8 '.'. 1 14 L> 257,942 18 10 .. Totals 13,527,279 10 0 13,527,279 10 0 52,643.206 13 8J 52,643.206 13 8J 14,934,354 1 0 14,934,354 1 0 General Post Office. Wellington, 31st ;ton, 31st March, l ( ,il 1. : Man ■ch i , . ii —r fiT



Table No. 8. Securities, &c., standing in the Name of the Postmaster-General on Account of the PostOffice Savings-Bank Fund on 31st December, 1910.

Accrued Interest Description of Securities. Nominal Value. Cost Price. on 31st Decembei, 1910. £ s. d. t s. d. £ s. d, The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlenient Act 1899 : 125,000 0 0 125,000 0 0 731 8 ■ Debentures, 3J per cent. The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act 1900 56,500 0 o 56,500 no 14 Debentures, 3J per cent. The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act 1901 I 32.000 0 0 32,600 0 (I 570 10 0 Debentures, 3J per cent. The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act 1901 2.500 0 0 2,500 no Hi Debentures, 4 per cent. , The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot 190:2 2,700 0 0 '■ 2.700 o 0 8 17 13 Debentures, 4 per cent. The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act 1902 125,000 0 0 125,000 0 0 359 11 'J Debenture?. 8J per cent. The Aid to Public Works ;md Land Settlement Act 1903 1(>7,900 0 0 167,90(1 0 0 2,796 15 10 Debentures. 4 per coin. The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act 1903 CI, 525 0 0 61,525 0 0 1.07(113 9 Debentures, per cent. The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act 1905 51.550 0 0 51.550 0 0 1,031 0 0 Debentures, 4 per cent. The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot 1906 500.000 0 0 500,000 0 0 8,750 0 0 Debentures, 3J per cent. The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act 1907 300,000 0 0 i<10.000 0 0 3,500 0 0 Debentures, 3J per cent. The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act 1908 50,000 0 0 50,00() 0 o li(> 6 0 Debentures, 3J per cent. Canadian Stock, 3 per cent. .. .. .. .. j 5,000 0 0 4,800 0 0 95 12 6 Canadian Stock, 2J per cent. .. .. .. .. 12,666 15 II 10,133 8 9 132 5 10 The Cape of Good Hope Consolidated Stock, 3£ per cent. .. 200 0 0 186 1 3 ; 4 9 3 The Coal-mines Act 1908 Debentures, 8J per cent. .. .. 30,000 0 0 30,000 0 0: 261 15 7 The Consolidated Loan Act 1867 Debentures, 4 per cent. .. 13,000 0 0 12,480 0 0 109 13 11 The Consolidated Stock Aot 1884 Debentures, 3£ per cent. .. 194,200 (I 0 194,200 0 0 1 2,830 10 7 The Consolidated Stock Act 1884 Debentures, 3J per cent. .. 283,500 0 0 283,500 0 0: 3,289 7 4 The Consolidated Stock Act 1884 Debentures, 3J per cent. .. 165,000 0 0 165.000 0 0 1,914 S 11 The Dairy Industry Act 1898 Debentures, 3£ per cent. .. 438 0 0 438 0 0 6 7 7 The Dairy Industry Act 1898 Debentures, 3J per cent. .. 1,343 0 0 1,848 0 0 19 11 7 The Defence and other Purposes Loan Act 1870 Debentures, 8,100 0 0 8,100 0 0 141 15 0 3h per cent. The Defence and other Purposes Loati Act 1870 Debentures, 75,000 0 0 72,000 0 0 632 17 6 4 per cent. Dunedin Garrison Hall Debentures, 4J per cent. .. .. 4,500 0 0 4,500 I) 0 *7 13 1 The General Purposes Loan Act 1873 Debentures, 4 per oent. .. 5,200 0 0 4,342 0 0 43 17 7 The Government Advances to 8ettlere Aot 1894 Debentures, 300,000 0 0 300.000 0 0 863 0 5 3* per cent. The Government Advanoes to Settlers Act 1906 Debentures, 555,000 0 0 555.000 0 0 1 1,596 11 7 3A per cent. The Government Advances to Settlers Act 1908 Debentures, 12,900 0 0 12,964 10 0 268 0 0 4 per cent. The Government Advances to Settlers Extension Act 1901 I 80,000 0 0 | 80,000 0 0 280 2 S Debentures, 3$ per cent. The Government Advanoes to Workers Act 1900 Debentures, 25,000 0 0 25,000 0 0 71 Is 1 3J per cent. The Government Advances to Workers Act 1906 Debentures, 205,000 0 0 205.000 0 n 3.587 10 0 3£ per cent. Tlie Government Loans to Looal Bndies Act 188H Debentures.. 231,500 0 0 281,500 0 0 2,686 0 7 3J per cent. The Government Railways Act 1908 Debentures, 3i per cent. .. 85,000 O 0 85,000 (10 The Government Railways Act 1908 and Finance Act 1909 50,000 0 0 50.000 00 Debentures, 3i per cent. The Government Railways Amendment Act l>110 Debentures. 50,850 0 (I 50,350 0 0 186 10 1 3J per cent. The Government Railways Amendment Act 1910 Debentures. 1,160 0 0 1,150 on 3$ per cent. Ureymouth Harbour Board Debentures, 4 per cent. .. .. 200,000 0 0 200,00(1 11 0 4,000 0 0 Hamilton Borough Debentmes, 4J per cent. .. .. 3,000 0 0 3,000 0 0 56 4 4 The Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Act 1903 Deben- 45,000 0 0 15,000 0 0 258 18 2 turee, 3.1 per cent. The Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Act 1905 Deben- 105.000 11 0 105,000 0 0 604 2 (I tures, 3J per cent. The Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Act 1907 Deben- 67,000 0 0 67,000 0 0 385 9 6 tures, 34 per cent. The Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Act 1907 Deben- 27,590 0 0 ' 27,590 0 0 402 2 7 turee, per cent. The Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Act 1910 Deben- 15,000 0 0 15,000 0 0 77 13 5 tures, 3J per cent. The Immigration and Public Works Loan Act 1870 Deben- 20,900 0 0 20.527 10 0 198 8 2 tures, 4} per cent. The Immigration and Public Works Loan Aot 1870 Deben- 175,300 0 0 168,372 0 0 i 1,479 4 10 tures, 4 per cent. India Stock, 3J per cent. .. .. .. .. .. 216 14 5 213 18 9 3 0 1 India Stock, 3 per cent. .. .. .. .. .. 52 13 9 45 15 0 0 10 10 Inscribed Stock, 34 per cent. .. .. .. ..' 618,000 0 0 618,000 0 0 11,445 17 6 Inscribed Stook, S per cent. .. .. .. ..2,260,495 11 12,244,582 18 0 20,863 1 5



Table No. 8—continued. Securities, &c., standing in the Name of the Postmaster-General on Account of the PostOffice Savings-Bank Fund on 31st December, 1910 — continued.

Accrued Interest Description of Hecuritiee. Nominal Value. Coet Price. on 31st December. 1910. £ s. d. I £ s. d. £ e. d. Irish Land Stock, 2J per cent. .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 81) 15 0 1 18 7 The Land for Settlements Act, 1908 Debentures, 4 per cent. .. 200 0 0 200 0 0 4 0 0 The Land for Settlements Act 1908 Debentures, 34 per cent. .. 70,150 0 0 : 70,150 0 0; 1,332 12 6 The Land for Settlements Act 1908 Debentures, 3J per cent. .. 02,000 0 0 62,000 0 0 541 0 8 The Land for Settlements Act 1908 Debentures, 3Jper cent. .. 27,000 0 0 27,000 0 0, 155 6 ( J The Land for Settlements Consolidation Act 1900 Debentures, 741,066 0 0 741,066 0 0 1.334 14 <J 34 per cent. The Land for Settlements Consolidation Act 1900 Debentures, 11,650 0 0 11,650 0 0 283 0 0 4 per cent. The Land for Settlements Consolidation Act 1900 Debentures, 1,700 0 0 1,700 0 0 28 6 I 4 per cent. The Land for Settlements Consolidation Aot 1900 Debentures, 10,650 0 0 L0,660 U tl 155 4 6 3J per cent. The Land for Settlements Consolidation Act 1900 Debentures, 18,000 0 0 18,000 0 0 315 0 0 34 per cent. ■ The Lands Improvement and Native Lands Acquisition Aot 339,000 0 0 339,000 0 0 2,990 12 3 1894 Debentures, 3J per cent. The Local Bodies'Loans Act 1901 Debentures, 3J per cent. .. 516,000 0 0 516,000 0 0 5,986 19 11 The Local Bodies' Loans Act 1908 Debentures, 3* per cent. .. 785,000 0 0 785.000 0 0 '.M08 2 li The Local Bodies'Loans Act 1908 Debentures, 3| p--r cent. .. 150,000 0 0 150,000 0 n 1,740 8 1 The Local Bodies'Loans Act 1908 Debentures, 3J per cent. .., 370,000 0 0 370,000 0 0 3,883 1 4 The Maori Land Settlement Act 1905 Debentures, 4 per cent. .. 750 0 0 750 0 0 15 0 0 The Maori Land Settlement Act 1905 Debentures, H per cent. 24,900 0 0 24,900 0 0 The Maori Land Settlement Act Amendment Act Iy07 Deben- 50,000 0 0 50,000 0 0 875 0 0 lures, 3J per cent. New South Wales Stock, 34 per cent. .. .. .. 27,000 0 0 26,865 0 0 513 1 3 The New Zealand Land for Settlements Act 1908 and State- 28,175 0 0 28,175 0 0 guaranteed Advances Amendment Aot 1910 Debentures, 3J per cent. The Mew Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act 1909 Deben- 400,000 0 0 400,000 0 0 3,490 7 11 tures, 3J per cent. Tho New Zealand State-guaranteed Advanoes Act 1909 Deben- 595,000 0 0 595,000 0 0 4,741 5 7 tures, 34 per cent. The Oamaru Borough Consolidated Loan 1893 Debentures, 13.800 0 0 13,800 0 0 848 0 0 5 per cent. Oamaru Harbour Board Bonds, 54 per oent... .. .. 28,000 0 O 28,000 0 0 t>45 10 8 Patea Harbour Board Debentures, 44 per cent. .. .. 30,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 536 6 0 The Post-Offico Savings-Bank Funds Investment Act 1907 125,000 0 0 125,000 0 0 -2.187 10 0 Debentures, 3J per cent. The Post and Telegraph Act 1908 Debentures, 34 per cent. .. 75,000 0 0 75,000 0 0 1,(12 10 0 The Railways Improvement Authorization Aot 1907 Debentures, 25,000 0 0 25,000 0 0 34 per oent. The Reserve Fund Securities Aot 1907 Debentures, 3J per cent. 800,000 0 0 800,000 0 0 11,660 5 0 The Scenery Preservation Act 1903 Debentures, 34 per cent. .. 30,000 0 0 30,000 0 0 172 12 0 The 8oenery Preservation Act 1908 Debentures, 3J per oent. .. 10,000 0 0 10,000 0 I) 57 10 8 South Australian Stock, 4 per cent. .. .. .. 1,772 16 2 1,861 '.) <> 29 4 3 South Australian Stock, 3* per cent. .. .. .. 12,000 0 0 11,760 <> 0 415 1 3 The State Coal-mines Act"l908 Debentures, 34 per cent. .. 100,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 872 12 O The State Fire Insurance Act 1903 Debentures, 4 per cent. .. 500 0 0 500 0. 0 3 5 9 The State Fire Insurance Act 1903 Debentures, 3J per cent. .. 1,500 0 0 1,500 0 0 8 12 7 Thames Harbour Board Debentures, 4 per cent. .. .. 10,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 99 14 6 The Public Revenues Act 1908 Debentures (Treasury bills), 300,000 0 0 300,000 0 0 34 per cent. Viotorian Stock, 3 per cent. .. .. .. .. 12,379 19 10 10,708 13 10 246 0 S Wellington City Council Debentures, 4 per oent. .. .. 100,000 0 0 99,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 Wellington City Council Debentures, 4 per cent. .. .. 25,000 0 0 24,500 0 0 500 0 I) Wellington Harbour Board Debentures, 4| per oent. .. .. 28,900 0 0 28,900 0 0 420 12 8 Westport Harbour Board Debentures, 4 per oent. .. .. 489,500 0 0 489,500 0 0 '.t,790 0 0 Accrued interest on Post Office Account .. .. .. .. .. 412 2 5 Totals .. .. .. .. 13,759,571 11 2 13,725,819 19 7 150,578 4 5



Table No. 9. Post-Office Sayings-Bank. Halance-shcet for the Year ended 31st December, 1910. Dr. t s. d. Cr. t s. d. Balance to credit of depositors on Ist ' Withdrawals daring 1910 .. .. 9,695,514 16 1 January, 1910 .. .. .. 12,666,897 17 5 I Balance to credit of depositors on 31st Deposits during 1910 .. .. 10,708,938 10 10. December. 1910 .. .. .. 14,104,989 19 2 Interest credited to depositors, 1910 .. 424,668 1 0 -23,800,504 15 3 -23,800,504 15 3 — I — Liabilities and Assets. Dr. - -. d. Cr. £ s. d Balance to credit of depositors on 31st Securities .. .. .. 13,725,819 19 7 December, 1910 .. .. 14,104,989 10 2 Balance uninvested .. .. 637.112 18 5 Balance of assets over liabilities .. 257,942 18 1(1 -11,362,932 18 0 -14,362,932 18 0 Profit and Account. Dr. $ s. d. Cr. £ s. d. Interest credited to depositors during 1910 121.00s l o Balance forward, Ist January, 1910 .. 260,457 fi 8 Interest naid on debentures purchased by Interest received during t s. d. Department .. .. 29 10 6 the year .. 472,817 11 9 Paid Public Account, for cost of Savings- Aocrued interest on 31st bank management .. .. 28,000 0 0 December. 1910 .. 150,578 4 5 Loss on debentures at maturity .. 317 (I 0 Savings-bank profits for 1909 paid to 023.395 16 2 revenue .. .. .. .. 13,000 0 0 Less accrued interest on Sundry payments .. .. .. 34 2 1 31st December, 1909 .. 160,090 9 8 Balance to next account .. .. 257.942 18 In —- 103.200 6 6 Profit on debentures at maturity .. 96 11 6 Sundry receipts .. .. .. 168 7 9 £724,021 12 5 £724,021 12 5

Table No. 10. Return showing the Total Number of Post-Office Savings-Bank Accounts open on the 31st December, 1910, classified according to the Balances at Credit.

Postal Dietriot. Not Kxceeding Bxoeeding Kxeeeding Exceeding Exceeding Exceeding Exceeding 'sg ., exceeding £-20 and t50 and , ±'100 and £200 and £300 and £400 and £600 and g* Mimber ot £20. np to i' r >0. Ul> to £100. ! up to £200. Up to £300. Up to £100. up to €500. up to £600. « tt Account* Auckland Blenheim Christchureli Dunedin Grisborne Greymouth .. Hokitika Invercargill .. Napier Nelson New Plymouth Oamaru Thames Timaru Wanganui Wellington .. Westport TotalR, 1910 Totals, 1909 42,550 6,480 4,232 3,630 1,555 801 425 322 271 60,266 4,522 5'JJ 380 335 150 75 42 28 11 6,142 46,00'J i 6,674 4,747 3,577 J, 512 819 428 292 223 64,371 32,187 5,368 3,653 3,190 1,3<J1 703 i 376 241 174 47,283 6,492 975 584 416 , 164 97 *J 32 23 8,822 4,961 827 595 539 219 136 71 10 28 7,416 1,217 217 153 152 96 25 21 9 9 1,898 10,737 1,945 J ,318 1,136 508 229 141 69 29 16,112 13,397 2,021 1,281 1,062 432 208 117 79 61 18,658 6,860 1,069 681 578 244 114 80 30 33 9,689 6,814 973 688 589 253 134 63 43 26 9,583 3,192 619 441 398 163 90 48 40 17 5,008 8,635 1,275 747 089 208 130 09 89 39 11,791 8,016 1,158 884 74 l J 317 154 78 62 47 11,465 14,853 2,171 1,260 991 426 203 106 59 46 20,115 •57,021 8,036 4,946 I 3,833 1,688 787 403 249 260 77,223 3,289 524 376 306 121 56 37 17 17 4,743 270,812 40,931 26,966 22,070 9,536 4,761 2,544 1,651 1,314 380,585 257,174 ! 38,998 25,409 20,577 8,902 4,259 2,088 | 1,343 964 359,714 TotalR, 1910 270,812 40,931 26,966 ■ 22,070 9,536 4,761 Totals, 1909 257,174 38,998 25,409 20,577 8,902



Table No. 11. Return showing the Number and Amount of Old-age Pension Payments made each Month for the Two Years ended 31st March, 1911.

Return for same Period of Number of Payments and Amounts in each Postal District.

Month. Number of Payments. Amount. Number of Payments. Amount. April May June July August September October ... November December •January ... February... March 14,261 14,438 14,574 14,709 14,770 14,786 14,899 14,979 15,617 14,493 15,112 15,201 £ s. a. 29,159 2 4 29,502 18 5 29,689 14 6 29,988 5 3 30,109 15 5 30,134 13 3 30,382 9 2 30,506 7 1 31,819 3 11 29,464 7 8 30,784 7 8 30,954 6 4 15,218 15,402 15,477 15,455 15,575 15,579 15,589 15,657 18,693 12,566 15,763 15,833 £ s. 31,008 18 31,389 15 31,539 1 31,483 8 31,714 i 31,669 7 31,743 9 31,844 13 38,307 (i 26,331 7 33,063 is 33,297 6 d. I 2 I 6 8 5 6 2 6 7 0 9 Totals 177,839 177,839 362,495 11 0 362,495 11 0 186,857 186,857 383,392 10 383,392 10 8 8

ja-iu. LU--J 1. I Poetal District. Number of Payments. Amount. Number of Payments. * Amount. ' Auckland... Blenheim... Christchurch Dunedin ... Gieborne .. Greymoutli Hokitika ... Invercar^il: Napier Nelson New Plymouth Oamaru ... Thames ... Timaru ... Wanganui Wellington Weetport... 36,98'2 2,007 129,468 27,304 1,869 6,290 6,432 11,162 6,471 3,686 3,091 3,747 6,503 6,783 5,324 17,831 3,439 £ s. d. 75,116 2 2 4,126 1 0 60,183 13 7 ■54,653 8 7 2,587 2 I 13,295 10 0 13,591 'J in 23,038 5 'J 13,038 1 6 7,359 7 I 6,260 11 7 7,640 18 8 13,566 10 10 13,574 0 Jl 11,091 1 2 36,107 8 4 7,267 2 8 39,219 2,252 31,044 27,965 1,429 6,349 6,473 11,516 6,972 3,742 3,343 3,737 6,608 7,333 5,856 19,646 3,373 £ s. a. 79,770 18 7 4,634 13 4 63,893 11 9 56,867 L6 6 2,761 16 8 13,280 1 2 13,742 K> 8 23,658 13 11 14,333 18 2 7,796 10 6 6,745 9 3 7,700 15 11 13,722 2 6 14,985 10 5 12,255 1 5 40,211 8 7 7,031 4 9 Totals 177,839 362,495 11 0 362,495 11 0 186,857 186,857 383,392 10 8 383,392 10 8



Table No. 12. Table showing the estimated Number of Letters and Letter-cards, Post-cards, Book-packets, Newspapers, and Parcels posted and delivered in the several Postal Districts of New Zealand during the Year ended 31st December, 1910.

Posted in the Douiiuion. Delivered in the Dominion. Total posted and delivered. I ostal DiKtricts. ■ — ■ -—. j • - - ,■ iLe e tte e r-ca a rde.! Post - carde -; Book,, *e. Newspapers.] Parcels. Post-cards. Books, 4e. j Newspapers. | Parcels. ££"££ I'ost-oards. Books, &c. £££ Parce.s. Auckland . . 19,564,752 : 1,167,023 6,404,897 3,642,736 304,139 17.482,842 1,051,765 4,459,988 ' 3,242,330 327,266 37,0+7.594 2,218,788 10,864,885 6,886.066 631,405 Blenheim .. 1.239,950 78,455 284,426 311,961 10,134 1,467,011 95,472 376,623 513,786 10,905 2,706,961 173,927 661,049 825,747 21,039 Christchurch .. 13,262,254 779,311 3,406,324 2,738,654 168,885 15,018,523 j 1,224,197 3,101,592 2,543,060 181,727 28,280,777 2,003,508 6,507,916 .i,281,714 350,612 Dunedin . . 10,941,631 831,636 4,150,610 2,044,519 140,038 10,823,748 i 1,200,264 3,445,156 2,464,995 150,687 21,765,379 2,031,900 7.595,766 4,509,514 290,725 Gisborne . . 1,400,552 73,346 401,739 550,330 20,461 1,465,295 i 89,375 349,375 735,579 22,017 2,865.847 162,721 751,114 1,285,909 42,478 Greymouth .. 1,176,569 48,932 208,678 364,884 12,201 1,519,271 102,414 271,999 721,617 13,129 2,695,840 151,346 480,677 1,086,501 25,330 Hokitika .. 513,464 | 18,837 75,887 142,571 8,330 : 649,428 45,019 312,078 254,033 8,963 | 1,162,892 63,856 387,965 396,604 17,293 Inveroargill .. 4,757,327 361,517 1,139,999 712,588 33,743 ' 5,434,182 534,846 1,438,554 1,275,352 36,309 10,191,509 896,363 2,578,563 1,987,940 70,052 Napier . . .5,113,470 296,491 1,521,409 , 981,456 45,571 5,567,900 326,625 1,410,578 1,585,103 49,036 10,681,370 623,116 2.931,987 2,566,559 94,607 Nelson .. 2,117,455 129,480 453,436 321,529 20,508 2,651,959 156,195 467,922 638,807 22,067 4,1(>9,414 285,675 921,358 960,336 42,575 New Plymouth 2,417,372 i 115,739 508,324 511,108 18,229 2,707,042 165,035 537,134 832,195 19,615 5,124,414 280,774 1,045,458 1,343,303 37,844 Oamaru . . 1,335,106 79,352 208,099 162,227 7,561 1,677,533 128,635 ' 376,974 287,001 8,136 3,012,639 207,987 585,073 449,228 15,697 Thames .. 1,997,510 103,012 318,345 313,196 12,877 2,212,457 120.393 ; 459,5:S7 533.234 13,856 4,209,967 223,405 777,882 846,430 26,733 Timaru .. j 2,748,190 231,075 780,078 366,717 19,469 2,972,827 206,687 703,612 592,813 20,949 5,721,017 437,762 1,483.690 959,530 40,418 Wanganui .. 6,378,524 459,043 1,993,208 1,288,545 50,507 7,006,753 596,323 2,076,646 2,197,715 54,348 13,385,277 1,055,366 4,069,854 3,486,260 104,855 Wellington .. 20,728,392 976,794 6,651,312 3,755,733 310,488 21,245,081 1.795,482 6.398,171 5,203,653 334,097 41,973,473 2,772,276 13.049,483 8,959,386 644,585 Westport .. 747,520 36,374 129,713 166,842 7,570 1,027,078 56,524 185,939 308,685 8,146 1,774,598 92,898 315.652 : 475,527 15,716 [ ; : , : Totals . . 96,440,038 j 5,786,417 28,636,484 18,375,596 : 1,190,711 100,328,930 7,895,251 26,371,878 j 23,929,958 ! 1,281,253 j 196,768,968 13,681,668 55,008,362 42,305,554 2,471,964 1,281,253 ! 196,768,968 13,681,668 55,008,362 42,305,554 2,471,9( Previous year .. 93,275,429 ! 6,138,834 ' 24,513,029 19,901,133 1,039,605 93,650,908 8,049,808 25,534,899 22,660,508 1,122,029 i 186,926,337 14,188,642 50,047,928 42,561,641 2,161,634 6,138,834 ' 24,513,029 19,901,133 1,039,605 93,650,908 8,049,808 25,534,899 22,660,508 1,122,029 i 186,926,337 14,188,642 50,047,928 42,561,641 ! 2,161,6!



Table No. 13. Registered Aktiolkk. The number of registered articles dealt with in 1910, compared with the numbers in 1890. 1900, and 1909, is as follows : 1890. 1900. 1909. 1910. From places beyond the Dominion ... 26,374 52,343 127,197 132,493 Registered in the Dominion ... ... 169,321 464,036 971,987 993,675 Totals ... ... 195,695 516.379 1,099,184 1,126,168 Dead Letters. 1909. 1910. Opened and returned to writers ... ... 174,730 179,850 Returned unopened to other countries ... ... 47,665 45,551 Reissued ... ... ... ... ... 737 559 Destroyed ... ... ... ... ... 19,238 24,200 Returned unopened by Chief Postmasters ... 186,396 174,179 Totals ... ... ... 428,766 424,339

Table No. 14. Paroel-post. The following shows the number and weight of parcels posted during the years 1890, 1900, 1909, and 1910 :— 1890. 1900. 1909. 1910. Number ... 121,292 199,413 1,039,605 1,190,711 Weight ... 336,643 lh. 12 oz. 682,140 lh. 7 oz. 3,369,9161b. 3 oz. 8,953,2841b. 16oss. The following table shows the number and weight of parcels exchanged with the United Kingdom and the undermentioned places during the years 1909 and 1910: —

Received. Despatched. Country1909. 1910. 1909. 1910. Number. Weight. Number. Weight. Number. Weight. Number. : Weight lb. oz. lb. oz. lb. oz. 77,481 436,390 0 83,312 478,632 0 12,293 36,670 11 12,252 lb. oz. 37,745 6 Jnited Kingdom and foreign countries (via London) Jnited States of America .. Canada Victoria .. tfew South Wales .. South Australia Queensland Tasmania.. iVestern Australia Samoa riji jeylon Jruguay .. 3ape Colony ndia Ponga Jong Kong 5,681 17,618 1 6,164 19,568 15 1,154 2,994 15 1,022 595 1,291 0 001 1,330 12 335 758 4 ! 351 8,208 28,670 4 8,241 ! 26,747 8 3,375 7,544 3 3,153 12,499 35,765 0 13,365 ' 39,352 0 , 5,008 ' 11,433 2 4,963 525 1,420 4 518 1,233 2*1 491 1,201 13 409 720 1,647 13 705 1,766 lo" 785 1,729 12 752 551 1,394 0 469 1,128 8 782 1,750 11 720 378 847 15 I 377 j 781 4 507 1,259 2 412 10 27 8 18 80 9 165 698 7 148 146 342 12 145 ! * 400 8 519 1,461 1 , 511 432 1,914 5j 535 I 2,600 5 89 316 8 86 96 258 6 118 425 698 10 452 J 763 6 167 807 0 157 94 149 5 96 163 12 245 468 7 197 1,021 5,108 12J 1,049 5,577 11 280 1,040 9 i 222 Id 16 4 7 33 5 151 415 11 167 107 325 0 .. .. 39 2,677 124 780 6 7,259 0 11,273 2 936 Iβ 1,709 4 1,716 7 980 14 G38 11 1,475 6 '245 4A .177 12 293 G 478 11 889 8* 475 6 99 10 Totals |l08,866 688,810 14 116,221 580,484 14* 26,442 70,314 10 25,670 70,002 12*



Table No. 15.-SAN FRANCISCO AND SUEZ SERVICES. Statement showing the Number of Days occupied in the Delivery of Mails between London and the undermentioned Places by the San Francisco Mail-service.

Statement showing the Number of Days occupied in the Delivery of Mails between London and the undermentioned Places by the Packets of the Peninsular and Oriental Service.

Statement showing the Number of Days occupied in the Delivery of Mails between London and the undermentioned Places by the Packets of the Orient Line.

5—F. 1.

PBOM LONDON VIA SAN FRANCISCO. tlaximum (in days) Minimum „ Werage Auckland. Wellington. Ohristchurch Ounedin. Sydney. Melbourne. 37 36 37 37 41 * 34 33 34 34 38 36 35 36 36 40 TO LONDON VIA SAN FRANCISCO. Maximum (in days) klinimum „ Average „ Melbourne. Sydney. Auckland. Wellington. Christchurch Dunedin. t t 35 36 37 37 ... 32 33 34 34 ... 34 35 36 36

FROM LONDON VIA BRINDISI (P. AND O. PACKETS). Maximum (in days) Minimum Average Melbourne. Sydney. Auckland. Wellington. Christchurch 30 31 39 40 39 30 31 36 35 36 30 31 37 38 39 Dunedin. 39 38 38 TO LONDON VIA BRINDISI (P. AND O. PACKETS). Auckland. Wellington. Christohuroh Dunedin. Sydney. Melbourne. Maximum (in days) Minimum „ Average „ I 37 36 36 36 37 37 35 36 36 35 36 36 33 32 31 30 31 30

FROM LONDON VIA TABANTO (ORIENT PACKETS). Melbourne. I Sydney. Auckland. Wellington. Ghriatcburch Dunedin. ' laximum (in days) linimum „ .verage 33 30 30 33 31 31 38 37 37 39 38 38 39 38 39 39 38 38 TO LONDON VIA TARANTO (ORIENT PACKETS). Auckland. Wellington. Christchurch Dunedin. Sydney. Melbourne. laximum (in days) linimum ■verage 39 37 38 38 36 37 39 37 38 39 37 38 34 31 32 33 30 31 • No mails received. f No mails despatched.



Table No. 16. Comparative Table showing the Progress of the Telegraph Department during the Financial Years ended 30th June, 1866, to 30th June, 1879; 31st March, 1880, to 31st March, 1882; and Calendar Years ended 31st December, 1882, to 31st December, 1893.

Year ended Number of Miles of Line. u w Number o 2= S Private S and Press. 13 24,761 21 55,621 Number of Telegrams forwarded during the Year. :>f Telegrams foi uring the Year. Government. 2,746 >rwarded Total. 27.4O/ 70,952 Total Value — Telegraph Value of of Revenue from all Government Business done Sources. Messages. during the Year. / s. d. I £ s. d. / s. d. 7 5,561 19 2 483 3 2 6,045 2 4 2 9,070 10 1 3,770 4 8 12,840 14 9 Cost of „ , Maintenance C«tof 1 :„„ Total tenance of excudine Expenditure. Lines Australian Cable per Mile. Subsidy. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,443 2 11 6,377 6 33 9 10 2,541 4 11 10,558 19 6 371 Numher of Miles of Wire. o • _ Cost of Maintenance of Stations. Tarill in Operation. 30th June, 1866 699 1, 39O 13 24,761 2,746 , 27,407 £ s. d. 1 3,934 3 4 \ Mileage tariff. '-" 1867 757 1.498 21 55.621 15,331 70.952 8,017 M 7 1868 1,110 2,223 31 72,241 31 72,241 26,2.44 9 8 .4 8 5 45 106,070 50,097 156,167 26,244 98,48! 5 11,652 3 7 6,672 o 3 18,324 3 10 9,489 17 io 5,406 7 3 14,396 51 417 4 1869 ! 1,329 2,495 45 106,070 56 122,545 50,097 62,878 156, 165 185,42: 7 18,520 10 4 13,430 11 9 31,951 2 1 13 17,218 1 4 12,252 6 o 29,470 7 4 14,266 12 7 8,547 4 9 22,813 17 4 6 8 6 14,120 4 10 30,537 12 2 8 9 11 Mileage taritt in operation up to 1st Sept., 1869; uniform as. 6d. taritt from 1st Sept., 1869, to 31st March, 1870; and is. tariH from ist April. 1870. 1870 1,661 2,897 56 122,545 62,878 185,423 16,417 7 4 1871 1,976 3,247 72 253,582 72 253,582 59,292 3 I2 > 8 74 59.292 312, 87, '4 22,419 8 8 9,876 17 6 32,296 6 2 21,254 4 3 11,344 3 8 32,598 7 11 5 19 6 8,858 19 7 32,452 94423 9,479 5 4 36,520 42 4 1 11 15,021 17 11 53,823 17 3 6 3 11 14,240 19 7 60,055 IO n 4 16 4 1872 2,185 3,823 81 344.524 81 344.524 67,243 4II.767 67.243 4".76; >7 28,121 10 0 11,043 3 9 39.164 13 9 23,593 9 9 1873 2,356 4.574 93 485.507 93 485.507 83,453 . 568,960 83,453 568,961 io 39,680 18 9 11,105 2 o 50,786 o 9 27,040 18 10 1874 2,530 5,782 105 645,067 105 645,067 107,832 752,899 127 786,237 130,891 917,128 1 107,832 752,89! )9 46,508 18 10 12,618 11 6 59,127 10 4 38,801 19 4 1875 2,986 6,626 i 127 786,237 1 130,891 917,12! :8 55.301 12 3 ,13,679 10 9 68,981 3 o 45,8i4 II 4 1876 3.154 7.247 142 890,382 155 952,283 142 890,382 160,704 1,051,086 155 952,283 172,159 1,124,442 182 1,065,481 194,843 1,260,324 195 1,201,982 246,961 1,448,943 : 160,704 1 i 172.159 » 1,051 ,o8( 1,124,44: !6 62,715 10 4 16,154 6 o 78,869 16 4 [2 65,644 15 3 17,024 8 9 82,669 4 o 61,696 14 5 21,074 8 8 82,771 31 5 18 10 I 7.93 I 8 o 81,284 18 10 5 12 11 [18,259 4 9 87,599 65 5 10 o From 1st Novembei, 1873, address and signature given in free. 1877 3,259 7,423 63,353 10 10 1878 3,434 8,035 182 1,065,481 194,843 I 1,260,32. 54 73,284 1 10 jig,i48 12 4 92,432 14 2 69,340 1 8 1879 3,512 8,117 195 1,201,982 i 246,961 1 r >44 8 ,94: L3 85,402 o 2 26,949 2 2 112,351 2 4 79,502 o 5 17,299 7 10 96,801 83509 M.758 4 5 83,409 15 3 434 23,154 8 3 101,378 9 11 667 18,292 13 4 87,457 18 4 4 17 4 jist March, 1880 3,638 9,333 214 824,734 214 824,734 l8 3,675 1,008,409 ■ 183,675 1 1,008, 401 >9 58,120 3 3 19,707 6 3 77,827 9 6 68,651 10 10 1881 3,758 9,587 227 1,058,342 227 1,058,342 246,370 1,304,712 : 246,370 1 1,304,71: :2 73,002 2 o 27,021 3 8 100,023 5 8 78,224 i 8 1882 3,824 9,653 234 234 222,923 1,438,772 1 222,923 1 1,438,77: '2 78,828 19 8 22,737 J 6 4 101,566 16 o 69,165 5 o



Table No. 16— continued. Comparative Table showing the Progress of the Telegraph Department during the Financial Years ended 30th June, 1866, to 30th June, 1879; 31st March, 1880, to 31st March, 1882; and Calendar Years ended 31st December, 1882, to 31st December, 1893— continued.

Year ended Number of Miles of Line. Number of Miles of Wire. 1 O it 2 Number of Telegrams during the Ye; forwarded ir. Telegraph Revenue from all Sources. Value of Ttovcrninent Messages. Total Value of Business done Maintenance .tavX. Stations. Cost of Maintenance of Lines, excluding Australian Cable Subsidy. Total Expenditure. Cost of Maintenance of Lines per Mile. Tarirl in Operation. Private Governand Press. ment. Total. 31st Dec, 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 3,974 4.O74 4,264 4,463 4,546 4,646 4,79O 4,874 5.148 5,349 5,479 5.513 9,848 10,037 10,474 10,931 11,178 11,375 11,617 11,827 12,812 13,235 13,459 13,515 264 1,361,817 208,372 1,570,189 302 '1,379,483 219,917 1,599,400 330 1,433,458 220,847 1,654,305 375 1,533,4°6 240,867 1,774,273 412 ,1,583,717 252,549 1,836,266 437 1,589,771 245,623 1,835,394 473 1,548,233 217,630 1,765,863 489 11,589,157 213,830 1,802,987 520 1,734,381 226,780 1,961,161 573 ',746,115 222,149 1,968,264 615 1,686,064 218,079 1,904,143 640 1,825,646 244,045 2,069,691 90.633 11 2 93,822 3 3 95.634 5 5 101,652 8 o 106,638 12 2 106,548 4 o 106,311 11 6 106,462 18 4 110,696 17 8 "7,633 15 9 103,813 8 64 112,465 15 9 £ s. d. 20,608 II II 21,555 19 2 20,855 19 7 24,860 9 o 27,281 4 9 30,205 11 10 23,164 13 11 24,218 9 3 26,070 12 7 24,840 5 7 24,342 7 o 28,317 7 10 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 111,242 3 1 73,554 9 122,451 6 3 "5,378 2 5 73,054 4 619,210 6 6 116,490 5 o 70,036 6 220,041 15 10 126,512 17 o 77,082 4 420,900 6 2 133.919 16 n 77,473 Io 721,402 18 2 136,753 15 10 76,580 10 021,321 2 9 129,476 5 5 72,201 13 523,262 1 o 130,681 7 7 75,426 9 726,007 1 5 136,767 10 3 76,845 1 1027,546 2 o 142,474 1 4 85,658 4 1128,986 10 10 128,155 15 6J 87,472 13 329,580 10 11 140,783 3 7 92,109 17 029,141 6 o £ s. d. \£ s. d. 96,005 15 4 5 17 5 92,264 11 o 4 16 8 90,078 2 o j 4 18 4 97,982 10 6 ! 4 15 9 98,875 8 9 4 15 11 97,901 12 9 4 13 9 95,463 14 5 501 101,433 11 o , 5 8 7 104,391 3 10 5 13 o 114,644 15 9 5 12 7 117,053 42 5801 121,251 30559 From 1st November, 1873, address and signature given in free. From 1st Jan., 1886, ■ delayed telegrams posted to addressees immediately after their receipt at offices of destination. For the Financial Years ended 31st March, 1895, to 3 Ist March, 191 1. Year ended Number of Miles of Line. 1 J Number I O ■ of c S Miles of ' ;.=■ Wire. S° E Number .1 of Telegrams forwarded luring the Year. Revenue (including Miscellaneous Receipts). Value of Government Messages. Total Value of Total Expenditure Business done (excluding during Cable Subsidy), the Year. Remarks. Private and Press. G r n r , n - to*.. Telegraph. Telephone. • 31st March, 1895 1896 1897 1898 IS99 1900 . 1901 „ 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 . 1908 1909 1910 » 1911 6,2454 6,284! 6,484 6,736 6,910 7,2491 7.469 7.748J 7.779 J 8,355 8,953 9,656 10,404 10,901 11,316 14,8814 15,764! i6,470| 18,024 18,746 19,228 2O,682| 21,705 22,6728 22,9204 23,704 25,116 27,031 29.343 32,654 34,788 37.212 705 1,802,182 743 1,899,632 780 2,285,001 824 2,469,415 ■878 2,717,548 915 3,i59.O93 991 3,534,444 1,038 3,850,391 1,103 4,271,218 i,i53 4,671,904 1,200 4,900,495 1.312 5,351,084 1,446 6,160,080 1,611 6,958,279 1,764 7>338,oi7 1,871 7,757,128 1,963 8,268,340 231,618 224,579 235,168 226,818 243,190 310,538 363,684 317,590 288,086 293.293 259,250 289,135 236,252 84,644 87,676 89,762 92,307 2,033,800 2,124,211 2,520,169 2,696,233 2,960,738 3,469,631 3,898,128 4,167,981 4,559,304 4,965,197 5,159,745 5,640,219 6,396,332 7,042,923 7,425,693 7,846, 890 8,360, 647 88,459 io 11 97,178 14 0* 100,385 16 1 99,798 8 10J 105,576 6 o 119,641 11 6J 137,861 1 24 151,933 19 n 160,343 7 7 166,535 18 84 171,001 13 iij 1184,369 6 2 1206,706 15 8J 227,398 6 8 238,103 16 5 250,212 2 1 272,942 12 10 J. 12 10 25,933 9 29,248 19 5 36,422 6 8 39,718 7 7 43,3O3 2 10 49,117 o 8 55,542 4 9 62,151 8 11 71,028 6 3 79,061 7 4 89,542 1 5 100,814 o 3 116,852 13 10 131,249 o 7 144,298 2 9 161,173 6 10 / s. d. 26,050 7 5 25,843 11 11 23,118 2 6 24,504 9 8 25,500 5 10 29,431 19 o 35,327 6 2 27,507 17 6 26,440 2 10 24,377 1 7 20,597 n i° 24,168 10 4 17,486 19 8 4.498 16 74 4,821 10 10 4,850 17 2 4.874 o 14 £ s. d. 5,050 7 5 5,843 11 11 3,118 2 6 ♦,504 9 8 5,500 5 10 3,431 19 o 5.327 6 2 7,5O7 17 6 5,440 2 10 1,377 1 7 3,597 11 10 1,168 10 4 7,486 19 8 t.498 16 7 } t>821 10 10 1,850 17 2 1,874 o ii i ! : ) ■i i £ s. d. £ s. d. 136,062 11 2 I 135,791 o 7 148, 955 18 84i 143,665 14 o 152,752 18 o 153,484 6 8 160,725 5 2J 165,198 13 5 170,794 19 5 173,152 16 6 192,376 13 44 181,634 11 3 222,305 8 04 194,014 12 11 234,984 2 2 212,180 16 o 248,934 19 4 228,185 Io 7 ! 261,941 6 6J: 245,805 9 7 270,660 13 i|l 258,977 10 9 298,079 17 II I 276,580 12 5 325,007 15 74; 291,359 12 6 348,749 17 14 357.581 1 3 374,174 7 10 i 394,649 19 6 399,361 2 o 411,296 17 2 438,989 19 104 446,709 17 1 £ s.d. Cable subsidy, 6,492 11 8 4.774 5 5 3.972 8 1 1,849 2 9 1,427 19 11 1,608 7 1 1,000 8 6 234 15 o 181 10 o 10,057 11 7 Note. —Tariff, 1890 : is. for ten words, and free address and signature up to ten words; delayed telegrams, 6d. 1892 : For twelve words, and free address and signature, ordinary telegrams, is. delayed, 6d. Later in 1892 the number of words in text and signature made eighteen. 1896: First twelve words, 6d. ; each additional word, id.; address and signature paid for. 1906: For eacl additional word after first twelve, id.



Table No. 17. Table showing the Cash Revenue derived from Paid Telegrams of all Codes, the Value of Franked Government Telegrams, and the Number of Telegrams transmitted in the several Postal Districts of New Zealand for the Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1911.

Table No. 18. Table showing the Paid Telegrams of all Codes forwarded during the Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1911, and the Revenue received therefrom.

Postal Districts. Revenue derived from Paid Telegrams of all Codes, i Value of Franked Government Telegrams. Total Value of Telegrams of all Codes. Number of Paid Telegrams. Number of Paid Telegrams. N 7 f b " ! Number Telegrams. a ,, q^ Auckland Blenheim Christchurch Dunedin Gisborne Greymouth Hokitika Invercargill Napier Nelson New Plymouth Oamaru Thames.. Timaru Wanganui Wellington Westport Totals, 1910-11 .. Totals, 1909-10 .. £ s. d. ■• 52,035 19 34 4,704 4 ni .. 28,300 3 4 .. 22,591 13 6J 8,570 12 9 6,393 3 7J 2,245 19 7\ .. 13,907 7 io£ ■• , 17.791 7 74 6,160 12 4 7,918 1 5 3,927 8 o 7.936 '4 7 7,460 18 8 .. 17,468 4 7j 54,007 12 10J 4,203 17 g .. 1265,624 2 10J •• 244,905 io i £ s. d. £ s. d. 641 13 o 52,677 12 3i 266 13 2 4,97O 18 I$j 518 6 2$ 28,818 9 6Ji 312 15 o 22,904 8 6J 79 5 8J 8,649 18 5 jl 193 12 6 6,586 16 ij 11 14 6 2,257 14 ij 180 5 11J 14,087 13 10 1 200 10 o 17,991 17 7J: 643 18 o 6,804 Io 4 142 9 2 8,060 10 7 4° 7 34 3,967 15 34 40 16 94 7,977 11 4J 98 9 11J 7,559 8 7J 98 5 2J 17,566 9 10 I i>122 5 3 55,129 18 lij 282 12 5 4,486 10 2 4,874 o 3 o 4,850 17 2 249,756 7 3 11,620,042 151.999 i 836,793 679,923 1 231,733 177,227 66,142 i 432,4'9 i 584,248 266,343 245,410 103,351 249,800 228,787 ' 554.732 1,721,364 118,027 8,268,340 7.757,128 1,620,042 151,999 i 836,793 679,923 1 231,733 177,227 66,142 i 432,4'9 i 584,248 266,343 245,410 103,351 249,800 228,787 554.732 1.721,364 118,027 12,527 1,632,569 5,34° 157.339 9,364 846,157 5,257 685,180 1,560 233,293 3,856 181,083 238 66,380 3,55O 435,969 3,935 588,183 12,692 279,035 2,839 248,249 812 104,163 833 250,633 1,888 230,675 1,821 556,553 20,173 1,741,537 5,622 123,649 92,307 8,360,647 89,762 7,846,890 4,874 o 3 o 8,268,340 4,850 17 2 249,756 7 3

June juarter, 1910. September Quarter, 1910. December Quarter, 1910. March luarter, 1911. totals. Class of Telegrams. Number. Revenue. Number. Revenue. Number. Revenue. Number. Revenue. Number. Revenue;. Ordinary .. Urgent Press Bureau 1,310,859 68,259 104,820 475.O58 / s. d. 57,62718 7 J 4. 26 3»5 3 5,698 8 6J 12,357 l6 zj / s. d. >,272,212 56,304 9 5 65,O75 3,948 19 7 110,288' 6,273 9 o 482,99912,832 12 IO 1,460,091 64,826 113.583 522,251 £ s. d. 6i,959 9 3$ 3,866 2 4 6,436 1 8 14,116 11 3 I.493.544; 63,984! 109,423, 551,068 £ s. d. [64,893 12 3i ! 3.995 9 11 6,Ol6 I6 7J; I5,O3O l8 5J 5.53 6 .7°6' 262,144 438,"4 2,031,376: / S. d. 240,785 9 7; 16,073 '7 * 24,424 15 10 54.337 18 9 Gross totals Less other \ lines and \ credits ) 1,958,996: 79,947 8 7i 17.O73 18 5 1,930,574 79.359 10 10 16,976 13 10J 2,160,751 86,378 4 6$ 17.182 5 74 2,218,019 89.936 17 3i 18,765 o 6 8,268,340 335,622 i 3^ 69,997 18 5 Net totals, 1910-11 Net totals, 1909-10 1,958,996 62,873 10 2j 1,930,574 62,382 16 11J 2,160,751 69,195 18 11 2,218,019 71,171 16 9j 8,268,340' 7.757.128 265,624 2 IOi i ' 1,849,664 58,185 17 oj I.783.95O 56,747 19 9i 2,028,706 63.903 3 6 2,094,808 66,068 9 9 244,905 IO I



Table No. 19. Table showing the Class and Number of Instruments and Batteries in use at Telegraph Offices for the Year ended 31st March, 1911.

Table No. 20. Table showing the Cost of Maintenance of Telegraph Lines for the Year ended 31st March, 1911.

Number of Morse Instruments in Use (Full Sets). Number of M Number of Duplexes « h (Differential). Number Number " Dire 5'" Quadruplex BlogU, Double 8O S U ets er S^ Current. Current. District. mente in Use Number of Automatic Sets. Intermittent Current. Constant Current. Liickland Vellington Jelson .. Janterbury )tago 46 69 33 20 83 59 157 12 108 103 16 21 10 3 1 3 11 8 4 1 # 2 19 80 4 9 8 1 9 a 1 I Totals 251 439 Bl 27 2 70 DiRtrict. Number of Quadruples Translator Sets. Number of 1 Telephones not con- : nected with Exchange. Leclanche. Gordon. dumber of Cells. Daniell. Bichromate. Storage. 721 316 6 1,604 84 52 336 .. 2 988 806 2 410 150 40 4,059 : 1,356 102 lUckland Vellington lelson Janterbury )tago Totals 7 U a 2 i 22 279 8,148 477 189 10,496 i 857 50 4,128 282 44 1,700 66 94 4,992 615 29,464 1,682

District. Miles of Wire. TravellingMiles expenses of of Inspectors Lines. and Linemen. Extra Labour. Cost of Material purchased. Value of Material issued from Stores. Salaries of Total Cost Inspectors of and Maintenance. Linemen. Average Cost per Mile of Line. Luckland Vellington feleon Janterbury )tago 8,878 11,711 4,242i 5,371 7,010 2,988 2,944 1,531 1,312: 2,541 £ s. d. 1,343 2 2 1,867 1 0 1,038 7 11 646 12 0l 1,199 0 9 £ s. d. 1,229 15 7 1,993 19 10 1,387 0 9 657 11 8 747 10 -1 £ s. d. 499 18 01 273 17 Oi 344 8 11 250 19 11 206 17 2 £ s. d. 2,785 19 5 4,898 3 10 1,046 8 3 1,600 12 21 1,092 0 6 £ s. d. 4,506 0 0 5,094 0 0 2,178 0 0 I 3,276 0 0 3,135 0 0 £ a. d. 10,364 15 2 14,127 1 8 5,994 0 10 6,431 9 9 6,380 8 7 £ s. d. 3 9 5 4 16 0 3 18 4 4 18 1 2 10 3 37,212 Knots. 368 11,316: 6,094 3 10 6,015 18 O: 1,575 10 0 11,423 4 2 18,189 0 0 43,297 16 0 3 16 6 Per Knot. 9 19 6 !ables Itores lural telephones •• 101 16 9 106 5 3 2,597 4 2 282 8 1 1,296 11 674 3 7 63!) 8 i 50 0 0 1,012 0 0 3,670 17 4 2,414 6 i\ 674 3 7 .. .. Total; s .. 6,302 5 ll 9,909 3 3 2,532 1 8 12,062 12 6 19,251 0 0 50,057 3 3



Table No. 21. Table showing the Expenditure on, and the Cost of, Telegraph Construction during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1911.

Line. Expenditure. Material from Total Cost during Stores. the Year. Telephone exchanges, — Ashburton Auckland Blenheim Christchurch Dannevirke .. .. .. Dunedin Feilding .. .. •. . • Gisbome Greymouth .. .. .. Hamilton ■ • • • ■ • Haweia Hokitika .. . . • • Invercargill .. • ■ ■ • Levin Masterton Napier Nelson New Plymouth Oamaru Pahiatua Palmerston North Eotorua .. •. ■ • Stratford .. • • • • • • i Thames .. • • • • Timaru Wanganui Wellington .. .. • • Weetport .. .. • • Whangarei Total exchanges £ S. d. 815 7 0 15,505 11 10 74 3 10 2,641 3 4 30 19 9 2,002 9 3 518 1 2 522 2 11 175 8 1 164 16 8 99 0 1 1 0 0 696 5 10 36 6 11 434 16 2 7,950 5 5 551 1 2 87 6 0 2,148 19 1 27 0 7 95 5 10 140 4 3 8 18 8 385^9:. 4 443 it 6 1,571 1 2 4,456 0 4 i 28 18 4 8 6 9 41,619 11 3 £ s. d. £ s. d. 764 15 7 1,580 2 7 5.686 6 7 21,191 18 5 244 8 1 318 11 11 5,619 8 3 8,260 11 7 217 17 9 248 17 6 4,095 4 1 6,097 13 4 1,792 7 2 2,310 8 4 2,056 13 1 2,578 16 0 256 11 1 431 19 2 463 10 10 628 7 6 719 8 2 818 8 3 23 5 2 24 5 2 889 12 10 1,585 18 8 342 8 10 378 15 9 1,115 5 5 1,550 1 7 18,153 14 1 26,103 19 6 1,211 3 8 1,762 4 5 976 13 3 1,063 19 3 1,567 0 9 3,715 19 10 54 8 11 81 9 6 539 13 0 634 18 10 107 5 11 247 10 2 221 1 3 229 19 11 880 0 0 1,265 9 4 509 0 11 952 .2 5 1,611 1 5 3,182" 2 7 7,484 15 5 11,940 15 9 102 19 10 131 18 2 70 2 5 78 9 2 57,776 3 4 | 99,395 14 7 Broadwood-Paponga .. .. Motukaraka-Broadwood Marangai-Utakura Okaihau-Marangai Russell-Opua Karetu .. • • • • • • i Hukerenui-Tapuhi .. . • Hukerenui-Koraha Whangarei-Kaitara Whangarei-Onerahi Whangarei-Hikurangi Maungatapere-Kaitara Ngun guru-Mata pouri Parua Bay - Onerahi . . .. Dargaville - Aratapu - Te Kopuru .. Mapau Warkworth-Stteamlande-Tauhoa .. Warkworth-Leigh-Big Omaha .. Tauhoa-Mangakura . . .. Port Albert - Wharehine . . .. .. Helensville-Kumeu Helensville-Makarau Woodhill-Waimauku Oranoa Auckland-Matapouri .. .. .. Auckland-Waiwera Aucklaud-Pukekohe Auckland-Wellington (Auckland-Horopito) .. Waiuku - Ruakohua Extension Otaua-Waiuku and Puni-Akaaka Pukekohe-Bombay 0J5 0 240 10 7 66 1 5 33 5 3 145 3 10 22 19 7 0 7 11 56 18 2 86 15 10 23 16 0 41 0.11 105 6 3 159 6 7 7 18 2 > 2 4 0 67 18 7 4 18 0 56 17 6 75 17 11 0 12 2 58 19 9 9 3 11 22 10 5 104 3 3 1 10 0 978 8 11 1 2 3 1 18 1 30 16 5 4 5 ; 0 3 4 12 2 4 11 2 9 124 2 6 7 8 5 : 7 0 4 13 7 2 0 1 1 0 17 6 22 18 6 11 12 3 22 6 3 57 6 4 2 16 2 13 7 2 16 6 1 4 19 2 1 7 8 10 1 0 15 16 8 1 0 4 342 8 2 1,026 11 8 18 18 5 I 138 10 5 23 16 8 4 8 5 240 13 11 78 3 9 44 8 0 269 6 4 30 8 0 7 8 3 70 5 4 0 1 1 87 13 4 46 14 6 52 13 2 127 12 6 159 6 7 65 4 6 2 4 0 70 14 9 4 18 0 70 4 8 92 4 0 5 11 4 60 7 5 19 4 11 38 7 1 1 0 4 446 11 5 1 10 0 2,005 0 7 20 0 8 140 8 6 54 13 1



Table No. 21 — continued. Table showing the Expenditure on, and the Cost of, Telegraph Construction during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1911 — continued.

Line. Expenditure. Material from Stores. Total Cost during the Year. I Mangatangi (Mercer-Kaiaua) Ngaruawahia-Mercer Hamilton-Ngaruawahia Hamilton-Paeroa Hamilton-Kawhia Cambridge-Rotoorangi Cambridge-Horahora Leamington-Rotoorangi . . Otorohanga-Raurimu Otorohanga-Honikiwi Otorohanga-Kiokio Piopio - Mangaotaki Muiroa-Marokopa Mahoenui-Paema k< i Tokirima (extension from Tatu) .. .. Raurimu-Katioke .. .. Amodeo Bay Extension .. Thames-Puriri Wharepoa Extension Omokoroa (branch off Tauranga-Waihi) Matamata-Okauia .. .. .. Whakatane-Opotiki . . . . Opotiki-Toatoa Opouriao - Waimeha Extension . . Rotorua-Taupo . . .. . . Botorua-Okere .. .. .. .. ; Auckland-Wellington (Wellington-Horopito) Kahukura-Rangitukia .. .. Hauiti - Tolaga Bay Gisborne - Te Karaka Gisborne-Morere Wairoa-Nuhaka Wairoa-Frasertown Napier-Gisborne (metallic circuit) Tangoio Petane-Tangoio Napier-Otane Napier-Waipawa.. Waipawa-Waipukurau Waipukurau-Porangahau Porangahau-Aohanga Weber Coaching Company's Stables ' Pongaroa-Glencoe-Akitio Pongaroa-Rakaunui Pahiatua-Porangahau Pahiatua-Pongaroa Masterton-Featherston Masterton-Tinui-Castlepoint \\ ellington-Kaiwarawara Wellington-Featherston Te Kohanga .. .. . . Upper Hutt - Mangaroa Awakino-Mangaawakino Okau-Kotare Okau-Rerekapa Urenui-Okoke Te Wera - Kiore Te Wera (lead off Tahora) Kiore Extension (branch Stratford-Tahora) . . Puniwhakau-Taurakawa Stratford-Inglewood Midhirst - Makara Road Extension Mahoe-Tahutimai (now Dawson Falls) £ ' s. d. 7 9 9 5 1 0 \ 224 14 7 152 17 4 1 15 6 27 19 4 0 10 0 822 9 8 145 9 7 21 0 0 96 7 1 8 15 6 82 17 5 40 15 0 136 14 5 40 4 6 5 3 3 0 8 6 1 8 0 77 8 8 20 17 11 214 12 10 0 7 6 36 5 7 75 7 6 2,102 15 10 4 0 6 .. 118 15 9 195 0 8 j 48 9 3 959 8 5 j 45 17 2 0 6 2 110 6 6 212 1 8 12 12 0 3 2 10 121 10 6 20 11 3 125 3 11 176 13 I 251 0 4 275 9 2 3 12 0 26 17 4 5 9 0 81 19 6 139 2 10 49 14 0 3 13 0 52 2 2 64 6 3 50 4 8 62 12 8 i 16 17 3 £ s. d. 5 2 4 143 6 4 46 0 3 803 3 4 147 14 11 27 19 5 12 17 5 84 13 1 32 8 7 29 3 8 16 12 4 9 2 9 101 9 4 15 7 3 34 2 4 20 7 4 41 13 10 11 1 0 29 7 11 158 17 10 3 0 10 41 15 8 155 17 9 5,686 16 9 4 19 3 25 10 10 38 16 9 192 15 8 62 1 10 56 17 11 76 8 6 53 3 5 0 10 6 344 14 9 34 1 6 222 14 6 39 8 10 45 6 8 15 5 11 135 5 7 293 14 0 85 13 4 56 1 11 494 17 7 24 4 11 32 9 5 25 16 8 67 11 1 0 13 0 124 19 9 55 0 7 9 3 2 6 12 1 84 8 6 95 14 7 179 13 1 £ S. d. 12 12 1 148 7 4 46 0 3 1,027 17 11 300 12 3 1 15 6 55 18 9 13 7 5 907 2 9 177 18 2 50 3 8 112 19 5 17 18 3 184 6 <» 56 2 3 170 16 9 60 II 10 46 17 1 11 9 6 1 8 0 106 16 7 179 15 9 217 13 8 0 7 6 78 1 3 231 5 3 7.789 12 7 8 19 9 25 10 10 157 12 6 387 16 4 62 1 10 105 7 2 1,035 16 11 99 0 7 0 10 6 0 6 2 455 1 3 34 1 6 434 Hi 2 52 0 10 3 2 10 166 17 2 35 17 2 135 5 7 125 3 11 470 7 1 336 13 8 56 I II 770 6 9 27 16 II 59 6 9 31 5 8 149 10 7 139 15 10 174 13 9 55 0 7 12 16 2 58 14 3 148 14 9 145 19 3 242 5 4 16 17 3



Table No. 21 — continued. Table showing the Expenditure on, and the Cost of, Telegraph Construction during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1911 — continued.

Line. Expenditure. Stores. the Year. i i £ S. d. 5 13 3 0 17 1 12 2 5 1 6 2 53 16 9 0 11 4 69 11 8 131 10 6 187 6 0 72 11 9 3 0 0 211 1 .6 60 12 6 0 5 0 £ 8. d. £ s. d. 5 13 3 0 17 1 86 5 0 1 6 2 161 7 0 7 18 9 126 10 7 131 10 6 214 16 9 172 3 1 3 0 0 401 2 6 93 3 11 6 4 10 217 18 2 55 9 6 166 17 1 189 9 10 63 6 9 8 18 8 0 11 0 10 0 2 34 11 2 258 17 0 93 8 10 0 10 0 315 17 1 349 5 4 42 8 3 7 12 7 8 7 5 76 3 3 Omoana-Moeroa Kaponga - Dawson Falls Hawera - Inaha Extension Tokaora Ararata Extension Moumahaki Telephone Waverley-Kohi Kai Iwi - Ahuahu Ahuiti-Te Tuhi .. Brunswick-Raorikia Makirikiri-Upokonui Wanganui-Marton Wanganui-Rapanui Wanganui - Gonville Extension Wanganui - Waitotara - Waitotara Exchange Wanganui-Raetihi Ruanui-Ohakura.. Hunterville-Taihape Hunterville-Mangaonoho Waitangi (proposed new office) Tikorangi Bull's-Makowhai Marton Railway - Greatford Greatford-Bull's Ruanui-Raketapauma Hui-Te Huri .. Palmerston North - Foxton (metallic circuit).. Palmerston North - Feilding Palmerston North - Kairanga Kairanga Extension Kakariki Oroua Bridge - Tiakitahuna - Longburn (metallic circuit) Foxton-Rongotea-Bull's (metallic circuit) Karewarewa Levin-Otaki (metallic circuit) Rockville-Aorere Tarakohe (Takaka-Totaranui) Orinoco (branch off Motueka-Tapawera) Nelson-Wakefield (metallic circuit) Wakefield-Thorpe 2 8 0 139 8 10 148 2 6 25 5 0 0 11 0 0 11 0 0 11 6 74 2 7 107 10 3 7 7 5 56 18 11 27 10 9 99 11 4 190 1 0 32 11 5 5 19 10 217 18 2 53 1 6 27 8 3 41 7 4 38 1 9 8 7 8 9 8 8 34 11 2 258 17 0 0 11 2 92 17 8 0 10 0 106 7 9 143 8 11 209 9 4 205 16 5 42 8 3 4 19 9 7 6 5 47 7 7 2 12 10 1 1 0 28 15 8 13 4 0 0 12 6 59 13 0 10 0 0 1 3 0 1 19 0 0 1 0 213 5 4 3 3 6 1 9 3 1 10 6 66 10 8 1 5 0 24 12 2 B 11 0 7 3 7 57 18 9 71 2 9 0 12 6 68 13 10 16 8 7 10 0 4 6 4 0 0 1 (( 269 16 10 7 3 4 1 9 3 5 14 11 131 4 1 6 11 0 67 9 8 16 15 4 29 11 11 4 18 8 6 19 "3 8 3 3 72 16 8 127 19 1 206 16 7 27 5 8 78 1 0 3 8 7 1 2 7 3 16 4 50 12 6 34 10 0 962 10 8 9 0 10 6 8 7 8 17 4 4 5 0 56 11 6 3 19 10 Kea • .. Waimarie (fork off Westpori^Seddonville) Corbyvale Cronadon-Inangahua Pleasant View Extension .. Granity-Millerton-Mine-creek Blackwater-Ikamatua Greymouth-Runanga Hau (Cate's corner extension) Maruwai (French Pass - Stephen's Island) Mahau - Te Mehia Bay Otanerau-Wharehunga Canvastown - Deep Creek Blenheim-Picton (metallic circuit) Blenheim-Molesworth Blenheim-Renwicktown Camden Extension Mason Hills Con way — Waiana - Mason Hills Hawkeswood - Hundalee Extension Cheviot-Mina Amberley-Cheviot 2 15 6 2 11 0 42 19 8 105 17 1 91 8 3 13 5 8 26 0 4 4 4 5 64 13 5 5 6 0 42 17 6 10 4 4 22 8 4 4 18 8 4 3 9 5 12 3 29 17 0 22 2 0 115 8 4 14 0 0 52 0 8 3 8 7 0 2 7 3 16 4 1 0 0 50 12 6 34 10 0 271 5 11 691 4 9



Table No. 21 continued. Table showing the Expenditure on, and the Cost of, Telegraph Construction during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1911 — continued.

6—F. 1.

Line. Expenditure. aterial from Stores. Total Cost during the Year. Amberley-Balcairn . . .. .. i Amberley-Waikari Christchurch-Amberley (metallic circuit) Christchurch - Addington Saleyards Christchurch-Kumara-Cass West Melton - Halkett - Aylesbury . . Springfield-Cass Otira Deviation Ashburton-Rakaia (metallic circuit) Rakaia-Lyndhurst Temuka-Clandeboye Clandeboye-Orton Timaru-Raorao-Pareora . . Pareora-Kingsdown (now Raorao) St. Andrew's - Pareora Extension . . Glenavy - Waitaki Extension Oamaru-Windsor Oamaru-Ngapara Oamaru-Duntroon Oamaru-Maheno Oamaru-Kakanui Oamaru-Hampden Naseby-Tiroiti Dunedin-Oamaru (second trunk wire) Dunedin-Middlemarch Dunedin-Mosgiel (second trunk telephone circuit) Dunedin-Balclutha Whenuakoa Cromwell-Waitiri .. .. Cromwell-Clyde Sutton - Barewood Extension Clydevale-Wharetoa .. .. Clinton - Waiwera South Waipahi-Pomahaka Pukerau-Kaiwera-Otaraia .. Waikaka - Wendon Valley .. Waikaia-Paru Maitland - Merino Downs Merino Downs - Pukewhenua Mataura-Tuturau Mataura-Waimumu .. .. .. Invercargill-Winton (second trunk wire) Mabel Bush Extension Morton Mains - Kamahi Extension .. Tuatapere - Te Waewae .. .. Birchwood-Awapoto .. .. • ■ Wireless plant, General Post Office £ s. d. 1 12 0 68 4 8 44 0 11 \ 184 14 7 102 0 9 31 8 11 65 6 9 107 7 11 171 10 4 100 2 0 27 2 0 0 2 0 30 16 9 18 0 0 85 6 7 61 17 2 14 4 0 52 17 9 119 16 7 : 29 18 4 1,034 6 -2 1,828 0 8 32 0 0 11 5 11 52 1 9 15 1 2 71 4 3 39 12 7 72 16 3 18 13 6 123 4 5 147 19 8 73 10 10 28 5 5 69 19 11 78 5 4 128 10 7 133 13 3 24 7 0 3 19 10 1 14 6 68 11 5 140 4 8 —' , L /* . I I I , . - £ s. d. 14 7 7 158 6 2 15 13 5 1 13 4 9 18 6 28 12 1 240 19 11 282 16 10 99 14 6 36 10 4 21 6 3 15 9 6 24 8 0 13 8 3 2 18 9 4 8 0 12 17 11 1,471 18 11 316 11 2 23 0 4 239 17 0 66 17 5 36 9 0 39 9 11 35 19 0 49 0 11 26 12 1 7 12 9 17 8 0 6 2 5 24 15 4 8 0 5 58 6 5 30 13 7 14 11 0 18 1 6 £ s. d. 15 19 7 226 10 10 59 14 4 1 13 4 9 18 6 213 6 8 343 0 8 31 8 11 348 3 7 207 2 5 208 0 8 121 8 3 42 11 6 24 8 0 0 2 0 44 5 0 18 0 0 88 5 4 66 5 2 14 4 0 52 17 9 119 16 7 42 16 3 2,506 5 1 2,144 11 10 55 0 4 251 2 11 52 1 9 15 1 2 138 1 8 76 1 7 72 16 3 58 3 5 159 3 5 197 0 7 100 2 11 35 18 2 87 7 11 6 2 5 103 0 8 136 11 0 191 19 8 24 7 0 34 13 5 16 5 6 86 12 11 140 4 8 Purchase of material 59,684 9 8 52,183 3 5 — 59,684 52,183 9 3 8 5 76,856 14 7 76,856 14 7 136,541 136,541 4 3 4 3 Total expenditure, 1910-11 111,867 13 11 11,867 13 1 1 Total expenditure to 31st March, 1910 .. 1 1,766,190 11 1,76 66,190 11 3 3 £136,541 4 3 Total expenditure out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1911 .. •• .. £1 1,87 Tc 78,058 4 4 Total cost of lines during 1910-11 otal cost of lines during £1,878,058 4 t


TABLE No. 22. Table showing the Capital Cost, Working-expenses, and Revenue of the Telephone Exchanges, Year by Year, from the Date of their Establishment.


h Capital Cost for Instruments, Wire, Poles, Labour, Freight, Superintendence, &c. Working-expenses. Year. Salaries and Allowances of Clerks, &c. Total. Balance of Revenue over Workingexpenses. Annual Kate per Cent. yielded on Capital Cost is Average Cost of each Connection. Total for all Connections. „,.„. ,„ Kent, Fuel, Materials Wear-and- Light, Paper, t i« tear > *c-* Printing, Linemen. Binding, &c. Total for the year ended 31st March, — 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 .. 1910 1911 116 379 715 1,075 1,710 2,038 2,153 2,249 2,402 2,587 3,080 3,690 4,244 4,616 5,143 5,747 5,787 6,203 7,150 8,210 9,260 10,633 12,105 14,423 15,333 17,403 20,402f 22,815f 25,212t 28,093 £ s. d. 21 16 6 21 16 6 21 16 6 21 18 6 20 8 6 19 19 5 22 19 0 23 18 10 24 4 1 24 17 1 24 16 11 24 16 11 24 12 1 25 6 3 24 6 6 23 7 4 24 11 6 24 5 3 22 14 1 21 9 7 20 18 0 20 2 6 19 19 8 21 19 7 23 13 9 24 2 2 24 18 4 25 18 9 27 2 7 27 17 8 £ e. d. £ s. d. 2,531 14 0 613 5 2 8,271 13 6 5,014 9 2 15,604 17 6 7,746 16 7 23,461 17 6 K>,008 3 6 37,319 12 1 12,294 1 2 40.686 3 1 15,477 16 2 49,407 5 0 16,881 8 6 53,849 11 6 17,613 4 0 58,229 3 0 18,581 11 7 64,294 4 4 19,961 4 2 76,579 1 8 18,571 7 8 91.687 11 1 19,155 11 5 104,425 3 0 21,771 4 4 116,845 10 4 21,552 12 10 125,108 4 1 25,933 12 9 134,299 11 4 29,248 19 5 142,218 11 8 36,422 6 8 150,490 18 9 39,718 7 7 162,333 1 2 43,303 2 10 176,349 1 8 49,117 0 8 193,511 6 2 55,542 4 9 213,966 10 8 62,151 8 11 241,903 2 6 71,028 6 3 295,029 7 2 79,061 7 4 363,192 6 9 89,542 1 5 420,088 12 1 100,814 1 3 508,408 7 8 116,852 13 10 591,760 0 7 131,249 0 7 683,986 11 1 144,298 2 9 783,382 15 4 161,173 6 10 £ s. d. 285 0 0 595 0 0 695 0 0 j ' 1,770 0 0 2,849 1 3 2,873 0 0 3,119 10 0 3,315 10 0 3,790 0 0 4,192 0 0 4,630 0 0 7,405 0 0 7,720 0 0 9,285 0 0 9,686 0 10 12,306 9 7 14,181 18 0 15,030 7 1 15,710 13 2 16,304 6 3 :18,448 3 5 '20,885 13 3 23,359 8 3 25,121 16 1 126,506 16 5 i32,913 16 8 138,107 12 8 :47,224 7 0 52,315 1 8 54,818 13 10 £ s. d. £ s. u. £ s. d. 275 0 0 253 0 0 150 0 0 595 0 0 827 0 0 300 0 0 770 0 0 1,560 0 0; 350 0 0 1,590 0 0 2,346 0 0 , 475 0 0 1,704 0 0 3,731 19 2 700 0 0 1,580 10 0 4,068 12 2 320 0 0 2.252 0 0 4,940 14 6 330 0 0 2,249 7 0 i 5,344 9 2 335 0 0 2,206 10 0 5,823 0 1 375 0 0 2,249 18 5 6,429 8 5 394 3 9 2,345 2 9 7,658 7 11 393 1 6 2,695 19 10 9,168 15 1 464 6 2 3,313 1 1 10,442 10 4 741 18 9 4.253 11 4 11,684 11 0 817 19 5 5,303 11 9 12,510 16 5 1,952 8 3 7,398 0 10 13,429 19 1 1,856 13 2 11,834 2 11 7,110 18 7 1,881 11 11 16,190 4 0 7,524 10 11 1,861 2 3 20,847 13 6 8,116 13 0 1,892 10 8 18,225 18 9 8,817 9 0 2,000 15 10 20,570 0 9 ' 9,675 11 9 2,078 12 10 22,078 4 11 ilO,698 6 6 2,614 15 0 22,507 9 10 12,095 3 1 2,986 3 8 26,781 19 6 14,751 9 4 4,447 18 4 22,576 6 8 18,159 12 4 |5,270 0 9 26,145 3 4 21,004 8 7 16,162 18 1 36.813 9 6 25,420 8 5 6,902 8 6 32,995 2 4 29,588 0 0 7,264 18 5 28,755 11 11 34,199 6 7 7,740 18 1 39.814 5 4 39,169 2 9 8,031 0 7 £ s. d. 963 0 0 2,317 0 0 3,375 0 0 6,181 0 0 8,985 0 5 8,842 2 2 10,642 4 6 11,244 6 2 12,194 10 1 13,265 10 7 15,026 12 2 19,734 1 1 22,217 10 2 26,041 1 9 29,452 17 3 34,991 2 8 35,008 11 5 40,606 4 3 46,567 10 4 45,348 9 10 ! 50,772 8 9 56,276 19 8 60,948 4 10 71,103 3 3 72,512 16 2 86,226 6 8 107,243 19 1 117,072 7 9 123,010 18 3 141,833 2 6 £ s. d. 207 16 0 4,492 8 8 3,653 7 4 3,827 3 6 5,011 19 7 6,635 14 0 6,239 4 1 6,368 17 10 6,387 1 6 6,695 13 7 3,544 15 6 - 578 9 8 -446 5 10 -3,420 1 9 -3,519 4 6 -5,742 3 3 1,413 15 3 -887 16 8 -3,264 7 6 3.768 10 10 4.769 16 0 5,874 9 3 10,080 1 5 7,958 4 1 17,029 5 3 14,587 14 7 9,608 14 9 14,176 12 10 21,287 4 6 19,340 4 4 8-17 54-31 2341 16-31 13-42 16-30 12-63 11-82 1100 1043 4 63 Loss. Loss. Loss. Loss. Lose. 0-99 Loss. Loss. 2-14 2-46 2-75 4-17 2-69 4-69 3 47 1-89 2-40 3-11 2-46 I I I * This column includes 5 per cent, for wear-anrj-tear, and 5 per cent, for debenture capital, except in 1897-98 and following years, in which only 5 per cent, for debenture capital is included, extensions were included for these three years. t In former return:


Table No. 23. Table showing the Number of Connections at each Telephone Exchange.

7—F. 1.


Number of Connectioi >ns on 31st Ma ins on 31st March, rch, 1911. 1910. 1910. Exchange. Direot Connections. Extensions. Total. Direct Connection!. Extensions. Total. I I Lehburton 220 21 241 216 21 236 Auckland Devonport Helensville Northcote Onehunga Pukekohe Takapuna .. 3,469 67 24 10 49 47 27 989 4,458 1 68 j 1 25 10 4 53 1 48 27 3,148 58 16 44 41 24 868 1 1 "2 1 4,016 59 17 46 42 24 Jalclutha Clinton Kaitangatii.. 75 16 12 4 79 16 12 66 15 11 66 15 11 Jlenheim Picton 324 94 28 352 2 96 296 86 23 2 319 88 )arterton Greytown .. 101 73 8 109 2 75 95 68 5 2 100 70 /heviot 36 36 • ■ }hristchurch Akaroa Doyleston Duvauchelle Kaiapoi Leeston Lincoln Little Kiver Lyttelton New Brighton Southbridge Sumner 2,945 33 11 20 43 19 12 16 21 6 13 18 818 3,763 4 37 11 20 1 44 19 2 14 16 1 22 6 13 18 2,739 33 12 21 43 18 10 15 17 5 9 16 733 4 2 "l 3,472 37 12 21 43 18 12 15 18 5 9 16 I I /romwell 29 29 )annevirke Ormondville Weber 223 29 20 19 242 29 20 202 26 19 19 221 26 19 )argaville Aratapu Tangawahine Tβ Kopuru.. 76 15 13 32 76 15 13 32 )unedin Milton Mosgiel Outram Palmerston Port Chalmers Waikouaiti 2,723 45 35 23 30 41 10 761 3,484 1 46 35 23 3 33 41 10 1 2,540 44 30 22 27 42 9 679 3 3,219 44 30 22 30 42 9 Sketahuna Alfredton .. 77 20 77 20 77 19 77 19 Sltham Kaponga .. 79 17 4 83 17 69 17 2 71 17


Table No. 23— continued. Table showing the Number of Connections at each Telephone Exchange— continued.


Number of Connections on 31st March, 1911. 1910. Exchange. i»n. iyi< iu. ] Con Condons. ■*-*»•■ Direct nnectionf u, E ' xtensioni IS. ' Total. Total. cJnect,n, ■*-*•"• Direct jnnections. , E ' ix tensions. ). Total. Total. i Featherston .. Martinborougli 79 73 8 2 87 75 71 72 5 2 76 74 Feilding Cheltenham Kiwitea Rongotea . . Sanson • • 270 16 12 25 16 23 1 293 16 13 25 16 248 16 11 22 5 17 1 265 16 12 22 5 Gisborne 861 85 946 713 72 785 Cfoie Balfour Mataura Riversdale . . W'aikaia Waikaka \\ r aipahi 194 9 20 29 10 10 8 25 2 219 9 22 29 10 10 8 178 9 15 30 9 7 23 2 201 9 17 30 9 7 Greymouth Reefton 369 72 38 4 407 76 353 66 33 4 386 70 Hamilton Cambridge .. Ngaruawahia Morrinsville Te Awamutu 323 93 32 59 46 26 2 4 349 95 32 59 50 274 70 29 58 40 19 2 1 293 72 29 58 41 Hastings 567 61 628 514 54 568 Hawera Manaia Okaiawa Opunake Otakeho Hokitika Kumara Ross 233 27 6 35 6 156 29 21 23 1 1 5 256 28 6 36 6 161 29 21 212 25 7 33 6 154 29 21 16 1 4 228 26 7 33 6 158 29 21 Invercaigill .. Bluff Edendale Lumsden Nightcaps .. Orepuki Otautau Riverton Tuatapere .. Waimahaka Winton Woodlands Wyndham .. 692 72 15 24 8 9 55 37 12 23 50 11 28 164 5 1 2 866 77 15 24 8 9 55 37 12 23 51 11 30 615 66 14 24 7 53 32 16 23 46 9 28 140 4 1 1 2 755 70 14 24 " 7 54 32 16 23 47 a? Kaikoura Kawakawa Kimbolton Apiti 33 42 28 13 1 1 34 43 28 13 31 21 13 31 ■ 21 13


Table No. 23— continued. Table showing the Number of Connections at each Telephone Exchange— continued.


Number of Connections on 31st March, Exchange. 1911. 1910. Direct Connections. Extensions. Total. L Dire Extension*. Connections. Total. Lawrence 51 51 52 1 53 53 Levin Otaki .Shannon 70 53 24 3 2 73 55 24 70 51 25 3 1 73 52 25 73 52 25 Marton Bull's Hunterville.. 168 34 43 8 1 176 34 44 139 29 38 7 1 146 29 39 146 29 39 Masterton 491 44 535 451 39 490 490 Napier 785 198 983 726 177 903 903 Nelson Motueka Richmond .. Takaka Wakefield .. 449 57 27 45 26 42 1 491 58 27 45 26 422 37 38 1 460 38 460 38 New Plymouth Inglewood .. Waitara 412 61 47 55 1 467 61 48 407 54 43 46 1 453 54 44 453 54 44 Oamaru Duntroon .. Kurow Ngapara 351 18 27 17 26 :i77 18 27 17 301 24 11 22 323 "24 11 323 24 11 Opotiki 59 1 60 53 1 54 54 Paeroa Tβ Aroha .. 60 65 5 1 65 66 56 67 3 1 59 68 59 68 Pahiatua Pongaroa .. Woodville .. 129 27 56 8 1 137 27 57 124 23 53 8 1 132 23 54 132 23 54 Palmerston North Ashhurst .. Foxton Loiigburn .. Tokomaru .. 621 23 83 13 13 85 2 3 706 25 86 13 13 581 23 78 12 13 77 2 3 658 25 81 12 13 658 25 81 12 13 • Patea 54 1 55 50 50 Queenstown .. Arrowtown Glenorchy .. 41 18 8 41 18 8 45 31 4 3 Rakaia Chertsey Methven 43 9 37 43 9 37 35 29 35 29 Rangiora Amberley .. Oust 43 10 11 4 47 10 11 193 36 9 11 160 3 12 39 9 11 17 Rotorua 179 14


Table No. 23 — continued. Table showing the Number of Connections at each Telephone Exchange — continued.

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (2,230 copies), £ 65. By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9ll. Price Is.]


Number of Connects ins on 31st March, 1911. 1910. Exchange. Connections Extensions. Total. Direot Connections. Extensions. Total. Stratford 201 16 217 180 9 189 Taihape Mangaweka Ohakune Raetihi Utiku 105 31 52 22 21 7 112 31 52 22 21 93 30 6 99 30 25 25 Tapanui Heriot 20 9 1 21 9 19 9 1 20 9 Tauranga Te Puke 63 13 2 65 13 48 1 49 Te Kuiti Otorohanga 100 24 6 1 106 25 67 3 70 Thames 161 10 171 155 2 157 Timaru Fairlie Geraldine St. Andrew's Temuka 530 59 87 12 54 97 2 3 3 627 61 90 12 57 466 52 85 13 31 74 3 540 52 88 13 33 2 Waihi 111 9 120 96 7 103 Waimate Studholme Junction 118 8 9 127 8 105 7 8 113 7 Waipawa Otane Waipukurau 132 27 101 i 6 138 27 101 93 26 69 5 98 26 69 Wairoa Mohaka Nuhaka 160 17 22 10 1 170 18 22 140 17 22 7 1 147 18 22 Wanganui Waverley 791 41 130 1 921 42 719 33 101 820 33 Wellington Johnsonville Lower Hutt Petone Upper Hutt 3,457 6 52 17 28 1,133 4,590 6 52 17 28 3,256 6 43 21 1,002 4,258 6 43 21 Westport 202 12 214 195 10 205 Whangarei Totals 185 28,093 I 10 5,135 195 163 6 169 33,228 25,212 4,469 29,681

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Bibliographic details

POST AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT (REPORT OF THE) FOR THE YEAR 1910-11., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, F-01

Word Count

POST AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT (REPORT OF THE) FOR THE YEAR 1910-11. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, F-01

POST AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT (REPORT OF THE) FOR THE YEAR 1910-11. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, F-01

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