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EDUCATION: ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS. [In continuation of E.-8, 1910.]

Presented to both llmists of tin- Central Astembly by Command of His Excellency.

No. 1. EXTRACT FROM THE THfRTY-FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION. Annual Examinations. The annual examinations were conducted by the Department as usual for the various purposes of Junior National Scholarships, Junior Free Places in secondary schools, district high schools, and technical schools, Senior Free Places in secondary schools and district high schools, for admission to or promotion in the Civil Service, and for teachers' certificates. The examinations were held from 21st to 28th November, and on the Ist and 2nd December, 1910, and from sth to 19th January, 1911, at forty-nine centres. The number of candidates examined in these two sets of examinations still shows an increase over those of previous years, although not so considerable as that for 1909-10. It will be noticed from the table given below that the increase has been general in all examinations except the Civil Service Senior. 1908-9. 1909-10. 1910-11. Junior National and Education Board Scholarships ami Junior Free Places ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,765 2,214 2,383 Civil Service Junior, Senior Free Places, Education Boaro Senior Scholarships, First Pupil-teachers ... ... ... 2,158 2,369 2,375 Teachers D and' C ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,223 1,482 1,534 Civil Service Senior ... ... ... ... ... 373 443 390 Totals ... ... ... - ... ... 5,519 6,508 6,682 The following table shows collectively, in comparison with the preceding year, the number who entered for the various examinations enumerated, the number present, and the number of absentees. In explanation of the number set down under the last of these heads it is to be noted that the relatively large proportion is to be accounted for partly on the usual grounds, but chiefly in the case of Senior Free Place candidates through the application of a principle recently put in operation by which awards of Senior Free Places are made with the concurrence of the Inspector-General on the recommendation of the principal of the secondary school attended or for district high schools of an Inspector of Schools. Number who entered, 1910-11 .. .. .. .. .. 7,553 Number who entered, 1909-10 . . .. .. . . .. 7,267 Number actually present at examination, 1910-11 .. .. .. 6,682 Number actually present at examination, 1909-10 .. .. .. 6,508 Number who did not present themselves, 1910-11 .. .. .. 871 Number who did not present themselves, 1909 10 .. .. .. 759

I—E. 8.

E.— 8.


The Department's examination for Junior National Scholarships is now used by all the Education Boards of the Dominion for the award of their Junior Scholarships, superseding thus without exception any examination locally conducted in earlier years for this purpose. For the award of their Senior Scholarships the Boards commonly, but not exclusively, use the Civil Service Junior Examination. Apart from this extension of its functions, the Civil Service Junior Examination is employed for a variety of purposes. Either in its proper competitive form, or with certain modifications in selected subjects to meet the needs of a non-competitive qualification, it is thus used not only as an entrance examination for the Civil Service of the Dominion, but as a scholarship examination, an examination for the Senior Free Place qualification in secondary schools and district high schools, an examination for pupil-teachers of the second or third years, and a qualifying examination for the probationer appointments recently instituted under the provisions of the Education Amendment Act, 1908. In its non-competitive form this examination is better known as the Intermediate Examination, and will be hereafter so referred to. The cost of conducting both groups of examinations was as follows : — £ s. d. Total expenses, exclusive of cost of printing and clerical work .. 5,274 6 3 Less recoveries—fees paid by candidates . . .. . . 3,739 5 7 Net cost of examinations .. .. .. .. £1,535 (• 8

No. 2 The [nSPECTOR-GeNERAL OF Schools to the Hon. the MINISTER OF EDUCATION. Sir, — Education Department, Wellington, 15th June, 1911. I have the honour to present the following report of the annual examinations conducted by the Department for the various purposes of Junior National Scholarships, Junior Free Places in secondary schools, district high schools, and technical schools, Senior Free Places in secondary schools and district high schools, for admission to or promotion in the Civil Service, and for teachers' certificates. The examinations were held between the 21st and 28th November, 1910, on the Ist and 2nd December, 1910, and between the sth and 19th January, 1911, at the thirteen towns which are the seats of Education Boards, and at Alexandra, Aratapu, Arrowtown, Ashburton, Balclutha, Carterton, Chatham Islands, Dannevirke, Gisborne, Gore, Hamilton, Hastings, Hawera, Lawrence, Levin, Marton, Masterton, Naseby, Oamaru, Opotiki, Pahiatua, Palmerston North, Pukekohe, Rangiora, Reefton, Stratford, Taihape, Tapanui, Tauranga, Thames, Waihi, Waimate South, Waipawa, Wairoa, Westport, and Whangarei. The following are the details of the number of candidates entering for the November-December and January tests : — Number who entered, 1910-11 .. .. .. .. .. 7,553 Number who entered, 1909-10 . . . . .. . . . . 7,267 Increase in 1910-11 .. .. .. .. .. 286 Number actually present at examination, 1910-11 .. .. .. 6,682 Number actually present at examination, 1909-10 .. . . .. 6,508 Increase in 1910-11 .. .. .. .. .. 17-1 Number who did not preseni themselves, 1910-11 .. .. .. 871 This difference of 871 between those who entered for examination and those who actually sat is accounted for partly on the usual grounds, and partly by the operation of a new clause in the Regulations for Senior Free Places, introduced in 1908, under which a number of candidates recommended on an accrediting principle therein embodied were exempt from examination, and accordingly did not present themselves. In the several examinations the following were the numbers present : — Junior National Scholarship and Junior Free Plane Examinations . . 2,383 Civil Service Junior and allied examinations . . . . . . .. 2.375 Civil Service Senior Examination .. . . .. . . . . 390 For certificate examinations .. .. .. .. .. 1,531 The Department's examination for Junior National Scholarships is now used by all the Education Boards of the Dominion for the award of their Junior Scholarships, superseding thus without exception any examination locally conducted in earlier years for this purpose. For the award of their Senior Scholarships the Boards commonly, but not exclusively, use the Civil Service Junior Examination. Apart from such an extension of its functions, this examination is employed for a variety of purposes. Either in its proper competitive form, or with certain modifications in selected .subjects to meet the needs of a non-competitive qualification, it is thus used not only as an entrance examination for the Civil Service of the Dominion, but as a scholarship examination, an examination for the Senior Free I , lace qualification in secondary schools and district high schools, an examination for pupil-teachers of the second or third years, and a qualifying examination for the probationer appointments recently instituted under the provisions of the Education Amendment Act, 1908.



The following table gives a comparative statement of the number of candidates examined under the principal groupings during the past six years : — 1005-e. 1900-7. 1907-8. 1908-9. 1909-10. 1910-11. Junior National and Education Board Scholarships and Junior Free Places .. 790 1,458 1,475 1,765 2,214 2,383 Civil Service Junior, Senior Free Places. Education Board Senior Scholarships, First Pupil-teachers .. .. 1.305 2,123 2.173 2,158 2,369 2,375 Teachers D and C .. .. .. 749 1,051 1.184 1.223 1,482 1,534 Civil Service Senior .. .. .. 141 183 231 373 443 390 Totals .. .. 2,985 4,815 5,063 5,519 6,508 6,682 The results of the Junior National Scholarship Examination were made known on the 12th January, those of the Civil Service Junior Examination on the 18th January, those of the Civil Service Senior Examination on the 13th February, and those, of the Teachers' Examinations on the 17th February. Of the total number of candidates that sat for the Junior National Scholarship and Junior Free Place Examinations— The number of candidates for scholarships was .. . . . . 1,557 The number who obtained a scholarship qualification was . . .. 824 The number who failed was .. .. .. .. .. 733 The number of candidates for free places was .. .. .. .. 826 The number who qualified for a free place was .. .. .. 400* The number who failed was .. .. .. .. .. 126 The highest percentages of marks gained in the various subjects oi this examination were as follows : English, 87 ; arithmetic, 97 ; geography, 94 ; general paper, 98 ; drawing, 94. The highest percentage gained by any one candidate on the whole examination was 86. The following are details in regard to the Civil Service Junior Examination, in its varied applications : — (a.) Total candidates presenting themselves for examination .. .. 2,.'5 75 (b.) Candidates under the provisions of the Civil Service Reform Act .. 1,389 (c.) Candidates for Education Board Senior Scholarships .. . . 394 (d.) Candidates included in both (b) and (c) .. .. .. 1 23 (c.) Candidates for Education Board Scholarships only .. .. .. 271 (/.) Candidates for first examination of pupil-teachers .. .. .. 75 ((j.) Candidates included in both (6) and (/) .. .. .. . . 5 (h.) Candidates for Pupil-teacher Examination only .. .. .. To (i.) Candidates for Senior Free Places only .. .. .. .. 603 (/.) Candidates for drawing only . . .. .. . . .. 12 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,375 Of the Civil Service Senior candidates — The number present at examination was .. .. .. .. 390 The number sitting to compete, having already been partially successful, was 1 7S The number sitting for the first time was .. .. .. .. 212 The number who passed the whole examination was .. .. .. 120 The number who gained a pass in two or more subjects without completing the whole examination was .. .. .. .. .. 172 The number who failed was .. .. .. .. .. 98 The number of candidates that entered for different stages of the Teachers' Certificate Examinations, with their status at the time of entry, is shown in the subjoined table : —

Note. —The columns of the tables are not mutually exclusive, a number of the candidates being entrants for more than one class of certificate.

* Also the 824 above who gained a scholarship qualification, thus making a total of 1,224 who qualified for a freu place.

Examinations previously passed. fil latriculatioE 'artial pass for Class E .. Sass E 'artial pass for Class D .. Hass D ligher examinations Candidates for Whole or Part of Class C Examination. 45 94 For Class D. 379 240 6 6 79 379 240 6 6 For Class D with the For For Spiral Matriculation Completion of Certificates in „, ■ amination Partial Pass Single of December, for Class D. Subject?. 1910. 38 .. 10 472 4 .. 1 339 6 12 285 .. 417 124 587 38 4 285 6 132 124 508 79 Totals 909 710 12 285 11 1,957



The following is a summary of the results of the examinations for teachers' certificates : — Completed for Class B .. .. .. .. .. 24 C .. .. 196 D .. .. .. .. .. ..338 Completed for all classes . . .. .. . . .. .. 558 Partial pass in Class A .. .. . . .. .. .. 1 C .. .. .. .. .. ..164 D .. .. .. .. .. ..286 Partial pass in all classes .. .. .. .. .. .. 451 Number who passed in a section for Class C . . .. .. .. 247 Number unsuccessful in improving their status .. .. . . .. 412 Absentees .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 217 In the above table candidates for more than one class of certificate are reckoned in each of the classes for which they were successful. Attached to the report are lists of the examiners, and of the successful and partially successful candidates. The examination-papers, with an appendix containing criticisms and suggestions made by the examiners, have been printed separately. I have, &c, G. Hogben, Inspector-General of Schools. The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington.

LIST OF EXAMINERS. Andrews, W. D., B.A. Hudson, W. B. Aschman, C. T. Hunter, T. A., M.A., M.Sc, Professor, Victoria Bakewell, F. H., M.A., Inspector of Schools. College. Bamford, H. D., LL.D. Hutton, D. E., Technical School, New PlyBell, A., M.A., Inspector of Schools. mouth. Benham, W. 8., M.A., D.Sc, Professor, Otago La Trobe, W. S., M.A., Director, Technical University. School, Wellington. Bourne, G. P., M.A. ' Lawrell, M. E., Miss, M.A. Braik, G. D., M.A., Inspector of Schools. - Levi, P., M.A. Brock, W., M.A., Inspector of Schools. McElrea, W., B.E. Brown, F. D., M.A., B.Sc, Professor, Uni- Malcolm, J., M.D., Professor, Otago University. versity College, Auckland. Mulgan, E. X., M.A., Inspector of Schools. Buck, P. H., M.D. Myers, P.. Miss, B.A. Chilcon, C., M.A., D.Sc, Professor, Canterbury Petrie, D., M.A. College. Rockel, E. H., M.A. Clark, E. H. Rowe, T. W., M.A., LL.B. Cockburn, F. C. J. Salmond, C. F., M.A. Crawford, A., 8.A., Inspector of Schools. Seaward, D., Technical School, Wanganui. Dakin, J. P., B.A. Segar, H. W., M.A., Professor, University ColDenham, H. G., M.A., M.Sc. lege, Auckland. Dettmann, H. L., M.A., Professor, University Speight, R., M.A., B.Sc. College, Auckland. Spragg, S. Dunne, N., Mrs., B.A. Strachan, D. A., M.A., Inspector of Schools. Easterner, T. H., M.A., Professor, Victoria Strong, T. 8., M.A., B.Sc, Inspector of Schools. College. Stuckey, F. G. A., B.A. England, M., Miss. Talbot, B. E., Mrs., M.A. Evans, W. A., Rev. Tennant, J. S., M.A., B.Sc, Inspector of Fleming, T. R., M.A., LL.B., Inspector of Schools. Schools. Thomas, W. E., Mus.D., Professor of Music, Foster, T. S., M.A., Inspector of Schools. University College, Auckland. Gibson, Mary V., Miss, M.A. Thompson, H.Gow, J. G., M.A., Inspector of Schools. Thornton, S. W., F.S.A.A., F.C.1.5., F.N.Z.A.A. Harkness, G. A., M.A., Inspector of Schools. Varney, A., Technical School, Wanganui. Hawcridge, R., School of Arc, Dunedin. Walton, W., B.A. Herbert, W. H., M.A. • Ward, W. F., M.A., LL.B. Hight, J., M.A., Litt.D., Professor, Canterbury Whetter, R. G., M.A., Inspector of Schools. College. Wilson, A. B. Hilgendorf, F. W., D.Sc, Agricultural College, Wyllie, A.L., M.A., Inspector of Schools. Lincoln. yon Zedlitz, G. W., M.A., Professor, Victoria Howell, J. H., M.A., B.Sc, Technical College, College. Christchurch.


E.~ 8

EXAMINATION LISTS. EXAMINATION FOE JUNIOR NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS AND FOR JUNIOR FREE PLACES IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS, DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOLS, AND TECHNICAL SCHOOLS. I. Candidates that have passed the Junior National Scholarship Examination (arranged in Order of Merit for each Education District). Auckland. Auckland —continued. No. Name. Marks. No. Name. Marks. 1. Airey, Willis T. 0. .. .. .. .. 041 68. Bisset, Myrtle V. .. .. .. .. 496 2. Carpenter, Henry E. D. .. .. .. 634 Gregory, Harold V. .. .. .. .. 496 3. Hockin, Frances E. .. .. .. .. 618 Grosvenor, Adela .. .. .. .. 496 4. Hutton, Lucy G. .. .. .. .. 600 Richardson, May .. .. .. .. 496 6. Mansill, John H. V. .. .. .. .. 599 72. Duffull, Hilda H. .. .. .. .. 495 6. Taylor, Arnold .. .. .. .. 590 73. Kendall, Doris V. .. .. .. .. 493 7. Singleton, Claude E. .. .. .. ..588 74. Macken, William R. .. .-. .. ..491 8. Garrard, Derwent R. .. .. .. 585 75. McMurray, Vivian 8. .. .. .. 489 9. Lambourne, Allan C. .. .. .. 584 Moffitt, Henry A. .. .. .. .. 489 10. Taylor, Harold F. .. .. .. .. 583 77. Vaughan, Hazel E. .. .. .. .. 488 11. Kemp, Wilfred R, .. .. .. ..580 78. Turley, Gladys M. .. .. .. ..487 Lamb, Winifred E. .. .. .. ... 580 Wallace, Allan .. .. .. .. 487 13. Clayton, Joseph H. .. .. .. .. 578 80. Ashby, Emma .. .. .. .. 486 14. Harding, Cicely V. .. .. .. .. 576 Steadman, Beryl M. .. .. .. .. 486 15. Robinson, Colin C. .. .. .. .. 575 Woods, Aubrey M. .. .. .. .. 486 16. Gordon-Cumming, Eila C. .. .. .. 574 83. Mills, Leslie J. .. .. ... .. 485 Nicholson, Arthur M... .. .. .. 574 84. Worsley, Kathleen M. .. .. .. 482 Stephenson, Alan R. .. .. .. .. 574 85. Butler, Raymond M. .. .. .. .. 481 19. Boyd, John G. .. .. .. .. 573 Wilson, Leonard G. .. .. .. .. 481 20. Phelan, Lila M. .. .. .. .. 571 87. Bartleet, Edgar L. .. .. .. .. 480 21. Crookes, Samuel I. .. .. .. .. 500 Gow, William D. .. .. .. . . 480 Fooks, Gertrude C. .. .. .. .. 566 89. Ball, Ida L. .. .. .. .. 479 Hopper, Marjorie G. .. .. .. .. 500 Grossman, Mabel R. .. .. .. .. 479 24. Andersen, Nona A. G. .. .. .. 505 91. Hall, Victor G. A. .. .. ..ill 25. Morgan, Lillian M. .. .. .. .. 503 92. Christmas, Arthur W. .. .. .. 476 26. Evans, Edith L. .. .. .. .. 558 93. Forde, Winifred E. .. .. .. .. 475 27. Davis, Frank L. .. .. .. .. 556 94. De Cock, Irene A. .. .. .. 474 ■ Dickinson, James C. .. .. .. .. 556 95. Kelly, Alfred S. .. .. .. .. 472 29. Casley, Gladys M. .. .. .. .. 555 96. Bethell, Muriel M. .. .. .. 471 30. Brown, Margaret G. .. .. .. .. 554 97. Knight, Eleanor J. .. .. .. .. 470 31. Woodward, Geoffrey G. .. .. .. 553 Miller, James C. .. .. .. .. 470 32. Lowrie, Florence E. .. .. .. .. 552 Sehofield, Clarence R. .. .. .. 470 33. Barker, Mary A. .. .. .. .. 542 100. McLeod, Kathleen J. .. .. .. 469 34. Carnachan, William E. .. .. .. 541 101. Haydon, Ernest G. .. .. .. .. 467 35. Katz, Nellie E. M. .. .. .. .. 540 Walker, Clara C. .. .. .. .. 467 Tetley, Grace M. .. .. .. .. 540 103. Bassett, Ada R. .. .. .. .. 464 37. White, Fergus G. .. .. .. .. 539 Hill, Horace R. .. .. .. .. 464 38. Campbell, Richard M. .. .. .. 535 Skinner, Dorothy L. .. .. .. .. 464 39. Entrican, Alexander R. .. .. .. 528 106. Oldham, Ernest E. .. .. .. .. 463 Grant, Ronald W. .. .. .. .. 528 107. De Cock, Aubrey R. .. .. .. .. 462 41. Westwood, Eric C. .. .. .. ..527 108. McCarthy, Charles J. .. .. .. 460 42. Thompson, Jane H. .. .. .. .. 525 109. Fort, Hazel W. .. .. .. .. 459 43. Bishop, William N. C. .. .. ..524 110. Garland, Muriel .. .. .. ..458 44. Hames, Eric W. .. .. .. .. 522 Mark, Bessie R. .. .. .. .. 458 45. Watt, Alan M. .. .. .. ..521 112. Bell, Nevin W. .. .. .. ..457 46. Kelly, Robert F. .. .. .. .. 516 113. Burrow, Gweneth E. .. .. .. .. 454 47. Ware, Albert A. .. .. .. .. 513 ( !arr, Jessie C. .. .. .. .. 454 48. Beach, May E. .. .. .. .. 512 ( lark, George C. L. .. .. .. .. 454 Bond, Andrew .. .. .. .. 512 Hall, John K. .. .. .. .. 454 Clinkard, Sidney E. .. .. .. .. 512 Ross, Alan W. .. .. .. .. 454 Downs, Elva M. .. .. .. .. 512 Sullivan, Frederick W. .. .. .. 454 Spargo, Dorothy M. .. .. .. .. 512 119. Dowsing, Bessie .. .. .. .. 453 53. Box, Frank .. .. .. .. .. 511 Francis, James R. .. .. .. .. 453 Ensoll, Aithur G. .. .. .. ..511 121. Woodall, Ernest A. .. .. .. ..451 55. Adams, John W. .. .. .. .. 510 122. Smedley, Selina H. .. .. .. .. 450 Rauch, Frank C. .. .. .. .. 510 123. Galbraith, Kathleen S. .. .. .. 449 57. Frankham, Walter E. .. .. .. 509 Moore, Rubina R. .. .. .. .. 449 McGregor, Vera J. .. .. .. .. 509 125. Dalston, Ellen S. .. .. .. ..441 Nicolson, Florence M. .. .. .. 509 Somers, Zelda N. .. .. .. .. 447 Speer, Sybil A. C. .. .. .. .. 509 127. Haskell, William A. .. .. .. .. 444 61. Pye, John A. .. .. .. .. 508 Underwood, Emily M. .. .. .. 444 62. Gwilliam, George W. A. .. .. .. 507 129. Thompson, Charles E. .. .. .. 443 63. Oanch, Dora B. .. .. .. ..505 130. Hunt, John A. 1. .. .. .. ..442 64. Melville, Muriel A. .. .. .. .. 501 Masson, Irene E. .. .. .. .. 442 Mills, Cecil J. .. .. .. .. 501 Midgley, Arthur F. .. .. .. .. 442 66. Bishoprick, Alfred E... .. .. .. 500 Turnbull, Alfred S. .. .. .. .. 442 67. Vallance, Leslie M. .. .. .. .. 498 134. Brown, Roy L. .. .. .. .. 440



I. Candidates that have passed the Junior National Scholarship Examination (arranged in Order of Merit) — continued. AwUand —oontinued. Taranrtki —continued. No. Name. Marks. No. Nairn. Marks. Derain, MatildaJS. .. .. .. ..440 11. Priest, Roy W. .. .. .. ..528 Hazard, Dulcie L. .. .. .. ..440 12. Mai], Hector J. .. .. .. ..526 McLean, Mary S. .. .. .. ..440 13. Salt, Gordon Mcß. .. .. .. ..524 Sharp, Nellie L. .. .. .. .. 440 14. Hogg, James L. .. .. .. .. 518 139. Fow, Arthur L. .. .. .. .. 439 15. Crone, Charles .. .. .. ..511 Heard, Vera R. .. .. .. .. 439 16. Jury, Kenneth C. .. .. .. .. 503 Smeeton, Merle W. .. .. .. .. 439 17. Sinclair, Robert G. B. .. .. .. 490 142. Wade, Dulcie M. .. .. .. .. 438 18. Day, Leslie I. .. .. .. .. 480 143. McGregor, Sheila J. .. .. .. .. 437 19. Bendall, George E. .. .. .. .. 479 Mason, Elizabeth M. .. .. .. .. 437 Clemow, Frances J. .. .. .. .. 479 Rice, Lisloughton D. .. .. .. .. 437 21. Whitaker, Mary I. .. .. .. 478 146. Clapham, James W. B. . . .. .. 436 22. Morton, Jack O. .. .. .. .. 474 Proud, Hilda O. .. .. .. .. 436 23. Kelly, Thomas B. .. .. .. .. 473 148. Goodwin, Lionel G. .. .. .. .. 435 24. Alexander, William F. .. .. ..471 Waterhouse, William J. .. .. .. 435 Rudd, Laurence F. .. .. .. .. 471 Wilkinson, Meta N. .. .. .. .. 435 26. Coutts, Ernest R. .. .. .. . . 468 Wrack, Claude S. .. .. .. .. 435 27. Herman, Arthur .. .. .. .. 467 1.-)2. Curtis, Henry W. .. .. .. ..434 28. Bacon, Charlie L. .. .. .. ..454 McLeod, Morna .. .. .. .. 434 29. Jemison, Katherine E. .. .. .. 450 Wernham, Hugh A. .. .. .. .. 434 30. Weston, Ivan W. .. .. .. .. 448 155. Sims, Arthur R. .. .. .. .. 432 31. Belcher, Decimus .. .. .. .. 441 156. Jackson, Cyril D. H. .. .. .. .. 431 82. Brown, Leonard D. .. .. .. .. 436 Lang, Mary E. .. .. .. .. 431 Rodgers, Mary E. .. .. .. 436 158. Blackmore, Albert H. .. .. .. 430 34. Lepine, Raymond H. .. .. .. 435 Nettlingham, Olive .. .. .. .. 430 35. Bruce, Francis A. .. .. .. .. 433 160. Crocker, Frank J. .. .. .. 429 Evans, Charles A. .. .. .. 433 161. Goldman, Leah .. .. .. .. 428 Martin, Violet R. .. .. .. .. 433 Watt, John B. .. .. .. • ■ 428 38. Mouat, Grace B. .. .. .. .. 430 163. Anderson, Jean H. C... .. .. .. 427 39. Brickell, Ethel M. .. .. .. .. 416 Tubman, Francis R. .. .. .. .. 427 40. Grant, Donald .. .. .. .. 414 165. Stretton, Inez H. .. .. .. • • 426 McDonald, John D. .. .. .. .. 414 166. Gash, Edwin T. .. .. .. • • 425 42. King, Lawrence M. .. .. .. .. 411 Harvey, John D. .. .. .. .. 425 43. Rea, Myra J. .. .. .. . . 403 Wallace, Robert A. .. .. .. ■ • 425 44. Blanchard, Dorothy U. M. .. .. .. 402 White, Ralph N. .. .. .. • • 425 45. Brisco, Frederick .. . .. .. 401 170. Olney, Mavis E. .. .. . • .. 424 171. Calder, Donald .. .. .. •. 423 Wanganui. 172. Lochhead, Norman L. .. .. .. 422 173. Boyd, Joseph H 421 1. Sheat, Joseph H 675 Gray Annie E 421 2. Blake, Frank J 662 Montague, Helen W. I. D 421 8. Sutcliffe Joseph R 657 176 Harman Roy WE B .. .. ..419 4. Hams, Harold E. .. .. .. ..030 W, Sffl «9 S-Troadwel,, Helen L.G. ..606 Rvan Daniel . • • .. 419 6 - Death, Eric F. .. .. .. .. 591 179 Jones' Elsie H .. • • .. 417 7. Watson, Olive McG. .. .. .. .. 590 ' Longney Thomas R. '" 417 8. Bird, Dorothy E. .. .. 569 181. Clotlorthy, James W 416 9. Bell, WiUiam 567 Johns, Frederick J 416 0. Artken, Isabel W. McX 555 Lang, William James 416 11. Mc Kenzie, Victoria I. 554 184. James, Alfred 415 2. Rockel, Hasel M 553 185. Baxter, Fred D 414 13. Ovcrbye, Douglas L 551 Hartv Myra P 414 14. Espiner, Eileen V 547 IK7 Vpale 'phvllis E • •• ..413 15. Martin, Norman McL. .. .. ..544 m. Brtn Robert H. V. 412 16. Scarrow, Gertrude V. .. 542 189. Knight, Ernest J 411 7. Loveday Dons A 541 McKinnon, Allan E 411 8. Ross, John A. 539 Reid, Robert C 411 19. Hodgson, Nelson V 530 Smith, Travis G 411 20. Percival, Edeen 529 103. Aitken, Reginald J 410 21. Frank .s 518 Farrell Cecilia M 410 22. Homer, Marjone E 5 3 Sheppard, Olivo S. X 410 23. SiddeUs, Stanley X 512 Thode,MavisA 410 24. Koehler, Percy V 500 l<l7 AHams Olive N •• ..409 25. Russell, Alan H. .. .. .. ..494 CurhTm Robert C '.'. ■■ • • 409 26. Caiman, William G 492 ForreTe'r Annie E " .. .-409 27. Bennett, Arthur R 491 200. Boyd, Alexander G 408 on ? 2« 201. Armstrong, Violet L 407 29. Lundius, Ada J 485 202. Gardiner, Roberta F. A 406 30. Donovan, Constance M 482 Harris Wilton E . • • .. 406 31. Burbush, George E. .. .. .. .. 481 2O4. M r y EdTR - 405 32V Martin Stanley J. .. 480 205. KeUand, William H 403 33. Bone, David L. 4/ Winter, Eileen E 403 CuUum Beatrice M 47 207. Jagger Ernest B 401 Street, Gerald W. «9 208. Partington, Florence H 400 36. Herrmgshaw, Agnes M 478 Pitketnley, Gordon G 400 37. H. .. .. ..477 39. Crozier, Guy N. .. .. .. .. 476 Taranaki. 40. Laurenson, Laurie .. .. .. .. 474 1. Saunders, Gordon Frederick 635 41. Arnold, Eileen F 471 ■2. Campbell, Colin J «32 Bowler, Catherine B. 471 3. Wake, Cecil B 589 43. Earle., Samuel B 470 4. Bacon, Archibald T 586 44. Andrew Leslie W. 467 5. Wilson, Joyce H • • f« 45. Solhtt.Florence O. 46b ii. Douslin, Nancy E 556 46. Gillanders, Helen A 465 7. Kettlewell, Philip G 542 47. Pascoe Leonard V. 464 8. Avann, Leonard .. .. • ■ 540 48. Fa.rbrother Fergus I 461 ■X McAllister, Frances 1. 339 49. Hughes Robert A. McD 454 10. Bergin, Martin B r >3s 50. Kendall, Lawrence E. 448



T. Candidates that have passed the Junior National Scholarship Examination (arranged in Order op Merit) — continued. Wanganui— continued. WelJington —continued No. Name. Marks. No. Name. Marks. 51. McDonald, Leslie J. .. .. .. .. 447 70. Hawley, Frederick J. .. .. .. 458 52. Bennett, Ernest G. .. .. .. .. 434 Robinson, Francis E. .. .. .. 458 McCully, Rutherford D. .. .. .. 434 72. Kennedy, William R, .. .. .. 454 54. Park, Eileen N. .. .. .. .. 433 73. Hulme, Doris A. .. .. .. .. 453 55. Tillcy, Charles R. F. .. .. .. ..430 74. Smith, William B. .. .. .. ..452 50. Thompson, Violet A. .. .. .. .. 428 Waddell, Ida . . .. .. .. 452 57. Palmer, Marjorio K. K. .. .. ..425 71>. Crawford, Annie R. 15. .. .. ..449 58. Blennerhassett, Roland .. .. .. 421 Flockton, Cecil .. .. .. .. 449 69. Bischoff, Eleanor U. .. .. .. .. 418 Johnson, John F. .. .. .. .. 449 Porteous, Alfred .. .. .. .. 418 79. Lusk, George H. .. .. .. .. 448 61. Rimmer, Elsie G. .. .. .. .. 415 Randall, William H. .. .. .. .. 448 62. MoConnoll, Mollie P. .. .. .. .. 410 81. Nicol, Ethel M. E. .. .. .. .. 447 63. Eliott, Alfred C. G. E. .. .. .. 409 82. May, Helen M. .. . . .. .. 445 64. Matthews, Coralie V. E. .. .. .. 406 83. Feist, Mary V. .. .. .. .. 440 65. Ball, Claude J. .. .. .. .. 405 Monerieff, Agnes M. .. .. .. .. 440 Wagstaff, Harold A. .. .. .. .. 405 85. Hodge, Alfred R. .. .. .. .. 439 67. Giles, Francis A. .. .. .. .. 404 86. Murison, Athol H. .. .. .. .. 437 68. Nicholson, Ronald J. .. .. .. 402 87. Hislop, Humphrey B. .. .. .. 436 69. Walls, Basil John .. .. .. .. 400 88. Rayne, Jessie .. .. .. .. 435 89. Roberts, Roderick R. S. .. .. .. 433 Wellington. 90. Cameron, Dorothy B. .. .. .. 431 1. Monerieff, Bessie C 627 no Wakelin Ronald P. 431 2. Caldwell, Athol C. A 600 92. Fa.rbrother, Leslie J. 430 3. Denton, Amy C 586 93. Bell Gerald .. ... .. ..429 4. Hemery, Lyndon C 585 94. Oaridge Aline S 428 5. Grieve, (W,,. 1' 584 Connell, Eliza 428 (i. Parrant, Arthur W 583 Newcombe Edna A 428 7. Johnstone, Dora A 582 "f-^™ M *28 q tt q ii, 7 t> r.oi Roberts, John V. .. .. .. .. 428 8. xiaUy, John r>. . . . . . . . . ooi . . j. . ~ ne 9. Feist, Frank E 580 »». Ackroyd Arnold 426 10. Shirer, William F 570 J°°. B» llen > Alfred W - 424 11. Chalmers, Annie B 567 "»• R „' til 12. Wilson, Athol B E-66 , ft , Mc^lcha^ V « v 11l 13. Woolford, Lillian F 565 °j- Holdsworth, Bernard V 420 14. Sutherland, Ivan L. G 554 104 - Hazelwood, Elsie 419 15. Makeham, Elizabeth 552 I ho , ma \? arol( \ G ; *}?, 16. Adams, Howard D. C 548 }»». Packer Margaret J 418 17. Upton, Ernest E 545 107 - MoArthur, Archibald J. D 413 18. Ayson, Francis C 540 fJf 19. Robertson, Norman 534 Banks, , Alfr , ed J ' „" 4 |? 20. Beckley, Ronald J 529 0. Edmeades, Ihomas H 4 1 Stockman, John 529 "J" J** 01 *" , JPP *J° 22. Andrewe, Muriel 528 112 ' ™™£ Charles GC 408 23. Mewton, Albert H 523 Wibo, Dorothy H. (McKenae) 408 24. Haiselden, Rose M 521 I!!' Hl , nd ' Q " e r e ,"' e M j°® 25. Skill, Marjorie U 520 115. Adams, William H. M 404 26. Beaglehole, Geoffrey 518 Dawson, Frank 1 404 27. Martin, Rachel 510 Mi "7 E f* 28. Rowntree, Leslie 512 „ Elsie M. 404 Smyth, Archibald W 512 Evans, Mary M 403 30. Fisher, William B 510 20. Poutawera Tm A 402 Robertson, Doris M 510 }|J- *&*> "**& f* Woodhouse, Iris H 510 122 - Jovee ' Margaret C 400 33. Unsworth, Violet M. .. .. .. .. 509 _ , , _ 34. Donaldson, Donald H. W. H 508 Hawke 3 Bn y--35. Gray, George H. .. .. .. .. 507 1. Philip, Richard L. C... .. .. ..612 36. Thomas, Edgar G. R... .. .. . . 505 2. Keys, Lillian G. .. .. .. .. 591 37. Reeves, St. Leger H. .. .. .. .. 503 3. Bull, William H. B. .. .. .. .. 579 Williams, Charles .. .. .. .. 503 4. Wilson, Alan .. .. .. .. 548 39. Petrie, Leslie H. .. .. .. .. 499 5. Baty, Christina .. .. .. .. 541 40. Troup, Gordon S. .. .. .. .. 497 (>. Brabazon, Eva V. .. .. .. .. 538 41. Dagger, Noeline .. .. .. .. 496 7. Carter, Harry G. .. .. .. .. 528 42. Gordon, Sydney .. .. .. .. 495 Lees, Cecil E. .. .. .. .. 528 43. Forsyth, Helen J. .. .. .. 493 9. McMahon, Lilian G. .. .. .. .. 519 Lang, Ellen J. .. .. .. .. 493 10. Packer, William L. .. .. .. .. 516 45. Hind, Helen M. .. .. .. .. 491 11. Fromm, Margaret .. .. .. .. 515 46. Pearce, Elsie R. .. .. .. .. 489 12. MrtCormick, Campbell .. .. .. 505 47. Crowther, Walter J. .. .. .. .. 487 13. Bloor, Mary .. .. .. .. 502 48. Wilson, Ella C. .. ' .. .. .. 484 14. Nikolaison, Chiistian N. L. .. .. .. 498 49. Lindsay, May A. .. .. .. .. 480 Ward, William E. .. .. .. 498 50. Cook, William C. .. .. .. .. 479 l(i. Jackson, Albert .. .. .. .. 491 Cooper, Albert W. .. .. .. .. 479 Nimon, William A. .. .. .. .. 491 52. Sorensen, Gladys R. .. .. .. ..478 18. Row, Leslie F. .. .. .. ..487 53. Ridding, Charles R. .. .. .. .. 477 19. Hughes, Lionel .. .. .. .. 485 54. Connell, Annie E. K. .. .. .. .. 475 20. Ellis, Charles, G. S. .. .. .. .. 483 Mockridge, John R. .. .. .. .. 475 21. Sharpin, Enid Alice .. .. .. .. 473 56. Dudson, Oliver H. .. .. .. .. 474 22. Stewart, Keith L. .. .. .. .. 470 57. Hyams, Godfrey W. .. .. .. .. 472 23. Carver, Eileen H. .. .. .. .. 467 Naughton, Donald 0... .. .. .. 472 24. Butterfield, Cyril W. .. .. .. .. 466 Young, Bernard J. .. .. . ■ 472 25. Morgan, Norah .. .. .. .. 464 60. Bennett, Jack R, E. .. .. .. .. 471 26. Allardice, Henry J. .. .. .. .. 460 Yule, Ralph A. .. .. .. .. 471 27. Collins, Alfred K. .. .. .. .. 456 62. Greville, Alec W. .. .. .. .. 468 28. Gilligan, Joseph S. .. .. .. .. 453 63. Hunter, John W. .. .. .. .. 467 29. Taylor, Annie L. .. .. .. .. 452 64. Kitching, William D. P. .. .. .. 466 30. Foster, John M. .. .. .. .. 448 65. Bedingfield, Esther B. .. .. .. 464 Rathie, Euphemia .. .. .. .. 448 Gardner, Roy .. .. .. .. 464 32. Doyle, James .. .. .. .. 445 67. Armstrong, Beryl G. .. .. .. .. 463 Skeet, Leonard A. .. .. .. 445 Collins, Raymond J. Q. .. .. ..463 34. Ball, Frederick H. .. .. .. ..437 69. George S. .. .. .. .. 460 Griffen, Vincent D. .. .. .. .. 437



T. Candidates that have passed the Junior National Scholarship Examination (arranged in Order of Merit) — continued. Hawke's Bay —continued North Canterbury —continued. No. Name. .Murks. No - Name. Marks. Roake, Mere H. .. .. .. .. 437 5- Bellhouse, Geoffrey T. .. .. .. 555 37. Gcbbie, Heber A. .. .. .. .. 435 6- Boyd, Gertrude A. .. .. .. .. 553 Harris, Elsie J. .. .. .. .. 435 7. Williams, Cecil A. B. .. .. .. .. 549 39. Waterhouse, Alfred L. .. .. .. 433 8. Sinclair, Norman T. .. .. .. .. 546 40. Scott, Essie G. .. .. .. .. 430 9. Cuming, Samuel R. .. .. .. .. 545 41. Goodall, George F. W. .. .. .. 428 10. James, Horace W. .. .. .. 544 42. Lucas, Doris M. .. .. .. ..427 11. Thompson, Gwendoline A. .. .. .. 527 43. Priestley, Amelia .. .. .. .. 425 12. Garland, Charles J. .. .. .. .. 500 44. Smith, Violet B. .. .. .. .. 421 13. Hickmott, Frederic T. R. .. .. .. 503 45. Levy, Esther .. .. .. .. 4i9 14. Balfour, Charles G. .. .. .. .. 502 40. Allan, Charles T. .. .. .. .. 417 15- Sinclair, lan A. .. .. .. .. 499 Poison, Phyllis M. S. .. .. .. 417 I - Webber, Leslie R. H. .. .. .. 498 48. Stewart, Douglas G. .. .. .. ..416 17. Burns, Alison M. C. .. .. .. ..497 49. McLean, Alexander C. .. .. .. 415 Russell, Vernon W. .. .. .. .. 497 50. Maophee, Flora .. .. .. .. 414 19- Hall, Roland H. D. .. .. .. .. 496 51. Middleton, Florence R. .. .. .. 412 20. Barr, Alexander C. .. .. .. .. 494 52. Hopkirk, Dorothy C. .. .. .. .. 410 21. Carmichael, George S. .. .. .. 489 53. Rice, John M. .. .. .. .. 407 22. Barker, Archie .. .. .. .. 485 54. Milburn, Alan W. .. .. .. 400 23. Penlington, Isabel G. .. .. .. 484 55. Little, George .. .. .. .. 403 24. McLaughlin, Catherine E. .. .. .. 483 56. Fry, Edwin V. .. .. .. .. 402 25. Batten, Rawhiti E. .. .. .. .. 481 57. Goddard, Dorothy .. .. .. .. 400 20. Tiller, George .. .. .. .. 478 27. Wills, Albert V. .. .. .. .. 476 MarXborough. 28. Lame, Gladys E. .. .. .. ..470 , ~,, „ ~t, T .„. 29. Dunlop, Jeannie .. .. .. .. 407 1. Thomson, Cecil B. L 484 30 . Gimblett, Dorothy T 466 2. Krost, Clara E. 481 Goodman, Wilfred G. A 460 3. Pigou, John D. 474 Humphreys, Hazell P 463 4. Thompson, Ella E. M 455 33. Ha rriion, Charles S. M 457 5. Broughton, George M. .. .. .. 451 ~ M T 4 r. fi 2- T-gurtha, Douglas C. .. ..447 £ M. '' " \\ \ \ 455 7. Mills, Bermce C 441 R;ta M 455 o M^ 0 ' WIS m 37. Candy, Charles C. S 453 9. Mills, EdeenM. 433 Vernazoni, Harold A 453 0. Young David A 430 Bird M c 452 1. Brayshaw, Eva J 428 40 . Ellmers f ßhoda E 450 2- Gallop, Margaret 417 Miller, Elsie C. R 450 3. Glastonbury, Andrew 415 42 . McLachlan, Archibald A 449 \k Mo ™ on ,' Stanley H 409 43 Butch noTence M 446 v' pf"t' m p- Ifil Hammersley, Arthur 440 IC. Clarke, Maunee F 404 45. Watkins, Claude C 445 „ ; 46. Smitham, Maurice S. .. .. .. 442 Isuson - 47. Johnston, Allan G. .. .. .. .. 441 1. Gifford, Edward J. .. .. .. .. 690 48 McCullough, Sophia P. M. .. .. .. 440 2. Smith, Eva H. .. .. .. .. 642 Scott) Margaret E. .. .. .. .. 440 3. Manson, Norman .. .. .. .. 003 50 Hollow, Phyllis G. M. .. .. .. 438 4. Sutherland, Ronald R. .. .. .. 560 51 Somerset, George E. .. .. .. .. 437 5. Hunt, Olive L 531 62] Waghorn, David N '.. .. 436 6. Bell, Muriel E 528 fl3 An f old> Basil E 434 7. Grace, Katherine M. .. .. .. .. 526 54 Wi ison, John B. .. .. .. .. 433 8. Black, Eric R. .. .. .. .. 518 55 Pringle; William P. .. .. .. .. 426 9. McGregor, George 1 515 56 EvanSj Hazel M 419 10. McNabb, Ada M Kennedy, Mildred M. M 417 11. Snodgrass, Sadie M. .. .. .. ..500 53. Sparks, James A. .. .. .. ..416 12. Angus, William M 475 59 Waghorlli Reginald J. 412 13. Morris, Stuart F 471 60. Prankerd, Leslie M 411 14. Thorn, Edith E f^ 0 61. Smith, Vera 410 15. Satherley, Vernon .. .. .. .. 455 62 Richmond, Thomas W. .. .. .. 409 10. Win, Eileen A .. 447 63 McC i ure) Amy L 408 17. Soaton, Rose C 442 Marriott, May E 408 18. Griffin, Kenneth M. .. .. .. .. 439 Taylor, Irene A. E. .. .. .. .. 408 19. Clouston, Elva J. .. .. .. 430 fifi Do cherrie .. .. .. .. 407 20. Shirtliff, Ruth M 425 Hjl]> william H 407 21. Bonetti, Sabina A 418 R an kin, Percy L. B 407 22. McDonald, Lyall fll 09. Vincent, Arthur C 405 23. McNabb, Owen C. .. .. .. 417 70 C hinnery, John W. .. .. .. .. 403 24. Lewis, Charles L. .. .. .. .. 412 ?1 Lee> Mi nme .. .. .. .. .. 402 25. Bray, Amy X 401 . Ruddle; Gladys M 402 26. Kempthorne, Mary J. 401 ;3 Thompson, Albert 400 27. Cadzow, John P. P. .. .. .. .. 400 Orey. South Canterbury. 1. Weenink, Frank .. .. .. .. 466 j Jackson, Mabel E. .. .. .. .. 635 2. Pring, Robert .. .. .. .. 456 2 . Day, Eva E. .. .. .. .. 600 3. Balfour, Horatio F. .. .. .. .. 442 3 Menzies, William R. .. .. .. .. 598 4. Tennent, William B. ..... .. .. 422 4 D a i g li s h, Keith M. .. .. .. .. 592 r>. Lira, Thomas E. .. .. .. .. 405 5 Miln6j He len O. .. .. .. .. 582 6. Shackleton, Allan J. .. .. .. .. 543 WtttUmd. 7. Nicol, Juanita A. .. .. .. .. 530 1. Williams, Elizabeth A. .. .. ■ • 548 8. Robertson, Bob S. .. .. .. .. 512 2. Dawson, Edgar M. H. .. .. .. 517 9. Bain, Catherine .. .. • .. .. 504 3. Knight, Elizabeth .. .. .. .. 505 10. Rowe, Lucy A. .. .. .. .. 502 4. Jones, Alfred W. .. .. .. ..471 11. Satterthwaite, Stanley M. .. .. ..490 5. Ryde, Irene .. .. .. .. 450 12. Valentine, Janet K. .. .. .. .. 488 6. Halliday, Aubrey .. .. .. .. 422 13. Simmers, George K. .. .. .. .. 487 14. Saunders, Ernest E. .. .. .. .. 478 North Canterbury. 15. Forno, Elizabeth .. .. .. .. 457 1. Porter, Harriette N. .. .. .. • • 610 16. Morrison, Arthur G. .. .. .. .. 451 2. Comber, Reginald J. .. .. .. • • 583 17. Shrimpton, Alan H. .. .. .. .. 440 3. Hooper, Gwendolen B. .. .. .. 580 18. Batchelor, John M. .. .. .. .. 437 4. Watters, John M. .. .. • • .. 570 19. Mayer, William G. .. .. .. .. 435


I. Candidates that have passed the Junior National Scholarship Examination (arranged ix Order of Merit) continued. South Canterbury —continued. Olmjo —continued. No. Name. Marto. *°- v ' Vame ; „ Marks - -20. Sherratt, Amy F 433 S ' 45 5! U Hill, Rowland 424 83. Rutherford Alfred M 407 22. Thomas, Nelson R. C. 414 84 - Knewstubb Raymon I 455 23. Scott, L«, 413 Saunderg Doughe H. 455 24. Andrew, William 410 *'• Alexande,•( 434 25. King, Eva M 408 f?" ™ omas *» 26. Pitoaithly, Ngaire 0 402 T, h °T\ • r f^ ■ " 89. Mclntosh, Catherine E, .. .. .. 451 ()h 80. Hayward, Vera H. .. .. .. .. 449 1. Anderson, Moana M. .. 648 k' , f "!u! Wilson, Stuart H. .I 648 Q . Robert ( j^ 3. Eeeon, Leonard 8 844 "'' Tμ » \f 4. Souter, Ralph W 624 W. LiUlojohn Allan B 44, 5. Lockhart, Allan L 611 „ ~.T A f "! So li. Morrell, William P 601 -" /' ''i\ v r 7. Crimp, Gordon S 591 97 - SS~*J?^ E *} 8. Currie Vieira J. S. .. ■ 580 g l '* l4 " l, , ** 9. Haigh Fanny M 578 Molnnes, Ashley 8 441 t.' j a kto 100. Hai". Joseph S. B. . . . . . . . . 439 Pmder, Agnes 578 P • 11. George, Winifred Al. .. .. .. .. 577 ..„ _ , i,ii- t ,«X 12. Mitchell, Sv.lnoy C 570 Valnu,. 1 hilip X 438 13. Hendry, Malcolm S 568 "®- Jan cs ' I'™ L H «J 14 Gray Alfied S 504 104 ' 1)allas ' Catherine H. . . .. .. .435 is m t'vi r " 560 105. Stokes, Gertrude M. K. 434 15. Mack, Edwin B 500 j> aterson; Dv 1(1 433 ™ w°li ' T • Wβ Schaumann, Victor .I 433 17. Wilkinson, Francis .. .. .. .. 552 Wl ., mn WJ ,' a A o 9 18. Gair, Frederick J 551 I(fe - " a f >' E, «; cn ° f£ 19 Evans, George M 547 Wi hams Frank 432 9n rwwr Mat, F 546 110 - Wilson, Jane N. R. .. .. .. ..431 Zv. Clotnier, May r. .. .. .. •. *i^ o ~ . ~, ~. .. >, . on oi t i tUn w w 14"i H*- £> lai: k> Evelyn -M. .. .. .. .. 430 zl. Jack, John t. I<>. .. .. .. .. o*" ~,, >, i ,oa rt« -t-v t i>i K4>< ' nomas, Alfred .. .. .. .. 400 &iXTv lv 113. Macphei'son, Duncan 429 »A q V Arthul c V II W 114. Watt, Helena M. X 427 24- Btepheneon,S«nuelJ 543 Morri ; on> Leonard M 42F) 25. May Munel W 540 on, Horton (t 422 537 - E 420 27. Boy, Allan B. 536 „, Richard T 418 28. Emmorson, Ralph J 533 Ul . st /,, ane s 418 Holmes Wdham E .. ..532 eS; \v iniam , 417 ;"*'L He "7 P r ™J 121. Driver. Arthur H 416 £■ ent ' Ste , r C ; if, 122. Holmes, Mary 415 32. Marshall Zealanda 524 p 415 •? y, M PMi- iW si? 124. Foley, Ethel M 413 U ,' y i Til 125. Bennett, Kenneth W 412 35. Fyfe Marion L. 019 Menziee, Mary A 410 I T \ e x'rn gnCS r , 127. Watt, John G 407 Fyfe, William G 517 12g Henry F. A 405 39. Ellis, Arthur E. M. .. . .. .. 516 40. L'Estrange, Christopher 514 SovMand. 41. Hay, John H. .. .. . ■ • • old MacKenzie, William F. .. .. .. 513 1. Fisher, Walter V. .. .. .. .. 630 43. Bell, James E. .. .. .. .. 512 2. Southern, John .. .. .. .. 626 Gallagher, Patrick J. .. .. .. .. 512 3. Brand, Marguerite M. .. .. .. 598 45. Brent, Cecil W. .. .. .. .. 510 4. Robertson, Malcolm .. . . .. .. 588 Wilson, George H. .. .. .. 510 5. Somerville, Agnes T. .. .. .. .. 557 47. Clarke, Dorothy E. K. V. G. B. .. .. r>o9 6. Laishley, Dorothy .. .. .. ..553 Gilks, Jack. .. .. .. •■ ■■ 509 7. Marshall, Charles V. .. .. .. .. 548 Patto'n, William C. .. .. .• • • 509 8. Lawson, John R. .. .. .. .. 539 50. Kerr, Edward V. G. E. .. .. .. 507 9. Latham, Jessie .. .. .. .. 534 51. Mathieson, Margaretta N. .. .. ..503 10. Soar, Cyril F. .. .. .. ..526 52. Wakclin, Iris E. .. .. •■ .. 501 11. Webb, Jessie K. .. .. .. .. 513 r>3. Davis, Frances W. .. .. .. • • 499 12. Jackson, William H. .. .. .. . . r>oB McGregor, Gavin .. .. .. .. 499 Nicol, John R. .. .. .. .. 508 Mcthven, Ronald H. .. .. .. ..499 14. Cox, Constance M. I). .. .. ..507 Somerville, William .. .. .. .. 499 15. Ramsay, Leslie G. .. .. .. 497 57. Bracks, William .. .. .. .. 497 Rose, Frank R. .. .. .. .. 497 58. Sinclair, Warren L. .. .. .. ..493 17. Ronaldson, Robert L .. .. ..494 59. Henderson, Florence C. .. .. .. 490 Jβ. Fleming, Madge I. .. .. .. .. 486 Hull, Matilda M. .. .. .. .. 490 19. Gowdy, William .. .. .. .. 478 f>l. Coehill, Henry V. R, .. .. •• ..489 20. Russell, Elsie R. .. .. .. ..475 Durrand, Alexander L. .. .. .. 489 21. Mehaffey, Brian D 473 03. Orange, Flossie M. .. .. . • .. 488 22. Dagg, I Ihristopher 1>... .. .. .. 460 64. Davie, Joseph A. .. .. • ■ .. 480 23. Harper, Agnes M. . . .. .. .. 456 65. Charlton, Georgina G. A. .. .. ..485 24. Griffith, Rebecca M. .. .. ..454 06. Heather, Elizabeth A. .. .. .. 479 25. Trapski, Frederick I". .. .. .. 450 67 O'Malley, Joseph .. .. .. .. 478 26. Galbraith, Annie D. .. .. .. .. 445 Owen, William R. S. .. .. .. ..478 27. McKenzie, Helen J. T. ■ .. .. ..441 69 Marshall, Catherine M. .. .. ..474 28. Maoaulay, Doris L. .. .. .. ..438 7(i Weir, James R. .. .. ■• ..473 MoCredie, Ronald W. .. .. ..438 71. Jones, Adeline V. .. .. .. .472; 30. Riddell, Anna C. .. .. .. ..433 72. Johnston, Margaret H. MoQ. .. .. ..171 31. Maokay, David .. .. .. ..432 Wokrtenholme, Harold W. .. .. ..471 32. Robertson, Doris M. .. .. .. ..426 7 1 Sawn.- William .I. .. .. .. •• 468 33. Marshall, Wallace G... .. .. ..423 75. Hotop, Gwenyth C. .. .. .. •• 464 34. Hall, John H. .. .. .. ..415 76. Walker, Harriet .. .. .. •• 462 35. O'Hanlon, Anrde V. .. .. .. ..414 77. Tonkia, Lancelot C. .. .. •■ Iβ! 36. Dobie, Henry H. .. .. •• •■ 410 7S Vrthur, Ldndo H. .. .. •• ..460 37. Irving. John C. .. .. .. ..407 Elliott John C... •• •• •• 460 Stoat, Edith M. .. .. .. .. 407 Lake Brio M. .. •• •■ ..460 39. Kingston, Winifred K. .. .. ..406 MaoCallum, William L. .. .. 460| 40. Fraser, William M. .. .. .. ..402 2—E. 8.



11. Candidates that have satisfied the Examination Requirements for Junior Free Places, either at the juniob national scholarship examination ob at the special examination fob Junior Free Places (arranged in Alphabetical Order). Name. Education District. Name. education District. Aokroyd, Arnold .. .. .. Wellington. Bergin, Martin Bernard .. .. Taranaki. Adams, Howard Dartrey Charles .. Wellington. Beiriman, Olive Dalton .. .. Auckland. Adame, John William .. .. Auokland. Rethell, Muriel Mary .. .. Auckland. Adams, Olive Nimmo .. .. Auckland. Bevin, John Andrews .. .. Otago. Adams, William Henry Mervyn .. Wellington. Bird, Arthur Watson .. .. Wellington. Affleck, Emily Graco .. .. Southland. Bird, Dorothy Evelyn .. .. Wanganui. Airey, Willie Thomas Goodwin .. Auckland. Bird, Myra Ceily .. .. .. North Canterbury. Aitken, Isabel Watson MoKenzie .. Wanganui. Bischoff, Eleanor Una .. .. Wanganui. Aitken, Diary Williamson .. .. Hawke's Hay. Bishop, Stephen Alexander .. Auokland. Aitken, Kobecca Walker .. .. Otago. Bishop, William Norman ('lark .. Auckland. Aitken. Reginald James .. .. Auckland. Bishoprick, Alfred Eric .. .. Auckland. Alexander, William Fettes.. .. Taranaki. Bisset, Myrtle Verel .. .. Auckland. Allan, Charles Thomas .. .. Hawke's Bay. Black, Erie Randolph .. .. Nelson. Allardice, Henry Jooelyn . .. Hawke's Hay. Black. Evelyn Margaret .. .. Otago. Andersen, George.. .. .. Auckland. Black. Jessie May .. .. Otago. Anderson, Nona Alva Chre.sten .. Auckland. Black, Thomas Stanley .. .. Otago. Anderson, Jean Hamilton Campbell Auckland. Blackie, Agnes Randall .. .. Otago. Anderson, Moana Maru .. .. Otago. Blaekmore, Albert Hugh .. .. Auckland. Andrew, Leslie Wilton .. ... Wanganui. Blair, William Alexander .. .. Auckland. Andrew, William.. .. .. South Canterbury. Blake, Frank Jerome .. .. Wanganui. Andrews, Cert rude Mary .. .. Auckland. Blanchard, Dorothy Una Mary .. Taranaki. Andrews, Gwendoline Maud .. Auckland. Blennerhasset, Roland .. .. Wanganui. Andrews. .Muriel .. .. .. Wellington. Bloor, Mary .. .. .. Hawke's Bay. AngelL Harold .. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Bolton, Daphne .. .. .. Wellington. Angus, William Murray .. .. Nelson. Bond, Andrew .. .. .. Auckland. Ansoll, William Henry . .. Auckland. Bond, Beryl .. .. .. Auckland. Ardley, Sylvia Irene .. .. North Canterbury. Bone, David Leonard .. .. Wanganui. Anniger, Robert Henry Whitnall .. Auokland. Bonetti, Sabina Agnes .. .. Grey. \iinii. Doris Beauvaie .. .. Otago. Booth, Alice Enid .. .. Southland. Armstrong, Beryl Gladys .. .. Wellington. Booth, Erio Osborne .. .. Auckland. Armstrong, Edward William .. Hawke's Bay. Bowler, Catherine Bridget .. .. Wanganui. Armstrong, Violet Letittia .. Auckland. Bowley, Amy Catherine .. .. Wellington. Arnold, Basil Egraont .. .. North Canterbury. Box, Frank . . .. .. Auckland. Arnold, Eileen Freda .. .. Wanganui. Boyd, Alexander Gordon .. .. Auckland. Arthur, John Wilson .. .. Otago. Boyd, Gertrude Alice .. .. North Canterbury. Arthur, Lindo Huston .. .. Otago. Boyd, John George .. .. Auckland. Ashby, Emma .. .. .. Auckland. Boyd, Joseph Henry .. .. Auckland. \\aim, Leonard .. .. .. Taranaki. Brabazon, Eva Victoria .. .. Hawke's Bay. *f Avery, Ivy Florence .. .. Auckland. Bracks, William .. .. .. Otago. Ayson, Francis Catlin .. .. Wellington. Brailsford, Stanley Frederick .. Wellington. Bramley, Henry Stanley .. .. Wellington. Bacon, Archibald Thomas .. .. Taranaki. Brand, Marguerite Muriel .. . . Southland. Bacon, Charlie Law .. .. Taranaki. Braj-, Amy Kathleen .. .. Nelson. Badeley, Laurel Hilda .. .. Otago. Brayshaw, Eva Jane .. .. Marlborough. Bain, Cathorine .. .. .. South Canterbury. Brent, Cecil Walter .. .. Otago. Baker, Doris Ann .. .. North Canterbury. Brett, Mabel Alice .. .. North Canterbury. Baker, Gladys Florence .. .. Auckland. Brewins, Dorothy Mary .. .. North Canterbury. Balfour, Charlos Gerald .. .. North Canterbury. Brickell, Elsie Marj .. .. Auckland. Balfour, Horatio Frank .. .. <!rey. Brickell, Ethel Mcmbery .. .. Taranaki. Ball, Claude John .. .. Wanganui. Briggs, Kitty Marie .. .. Auckland. Ball, Frederick Henry .. .. Hawko's Bay. Brisco, Frederick .. .. Taranaki. Ball, Tda Louisa .. .. .. Auckland. Brookes, Hazel Hose .. .. Auckland. Banks, Alfred John .. .. Wellington. Broughton, George Merivale .. Marlborough. Bannerman, William George .. Hawke's Bay. Brown, Alice Mary Margaret .. Taranaki. Barker, Archie .. .. .. North Canterbury. Brown, Isabella .. .. .. Auckland. Barker, Ireno Maria .. .. Auckland. Brown, Leonard Daniel .. .. Taranaki. Barker, Mary Ada .. .. Auckland. Brown. Margaret Gordon .. .. Auckland. Barnaby, Phoebe .. .. Auckland. Brown, Myra Gwendoline .. .. Auckland. Barr, Alexander Craig .. North Canterbury. Brown, Robert Hunter .. .. Auckland. Bartleet, Edgar Llewellyn .. .. Auckland. Brown, Roy Launcelot .. .. Auckland. Bartley, Freda Verne .. .. Auckland. Browne, Edmond Hinton .. .. Auckland. Barton, Margaret Caroline .. Auckland. Bruce, Franc is Alexander .. .. Taranaki. Bassett, Ada .. .. Auckland. Bull. William Henry Blinman .. Hawke's Bay. Batohelor, John Miohael .. .. South Canterbury. Bullen, Alfred William .. .. Wellington. Batohelor, Mary Eliza .. .. Otago. Burbush, George Edgar .. .. Wanganui. Bathgate, Maijorie Helenslee .. Wanganui. Burdan, Claude Oswald .. .. Wellington. Batten, Rawhiti Erio .. .. North Canterbury. Burns, Alison Mac Donald Croebie .. North Canterbury Bnly. Christina .. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Biyns, Robert Henry .. .. Auckland. Baxter, Fred Davies .. .. Auckland. Burrow, Gweneth Emma .. .. Auckland. Baxter, Thomas Owen .. .. Auckland. Burrow, Selwyn Charles .. .. Auckland. Beach, Hubert John .. .. Hawke's Bay. Butcher, Florence Maud .. .. North Canterbury. Beach, May Edith .. .. Auckland. Butler. Raymond Martin .. .. Auckland. Beaglehole, Geoffrey .. .. Wellington. Butterfield, Cyril Wilhelm .. .. Hawke's Bay. Beck, Gordon McLean .. .. Taranaki. Butterworth, Mary .. .. Auckland. Beokley, Ronald John .. .. Wellington. Bedingfield, Esther Beryl .. .. Wellington. Cadzow, John Phillip Paul.. .. Nelson. Begg, Margaret Isabel .. .. Otago. Calder, Donald .. .. .. Auckland. Bekker, Gladys May .. .. Auckland. (alder, Hazel Gertrude .. .. Auckland. Belcher, Deeimu-i .. .. Taranaki. < aldwell, Athol Cedrio Alben .. Wellington. Bell, Gerald .. .. .. Wellington. Caiman, William George .. .. Wanganui. Hell. .lames Brnost .. .. Otago. Cameron, Dorothy Beatrice .. Wellington. Bell, Muriel Emma .. .. Nelson. Cameron, Gwendolyne .. .. Hawke's Bay. Bell, Nevin William .. .. Auckland. Campbell, Colin James .. .. Taranaki. Bell, William Leslie .. .. Wanganui. Campbell Malcolm .. .. Otago. Bellhouso, Geoffrey Turner .. North Canterbury. Campbell, Neil William .. .. Auckland. BendalL George Edward .. .. Taranaki. Campbell, Noel Johnston .. .. Auckland. Bennet, Kenneth William .. .. Otago. Campbell, Richard Mitchelson .. Auckland. Bennett, Arthur Raymond .. Wanganui. Candy, Charles Clifford Selwyn .. North Canterbury. Bennett, Ernest Gordon .. .. Wanganui. Carmichael, George Somervillc .. North Canterbury. Bennett, Jack Robinson Eftingham.. Wellington. Carnacban, William Roy .. .. Auckland.




11. Candidates that have satisfied the Examination Requirements fob Junior Free Places, either a , ] , the Junior National Scholarship Examination ob at the Special Examination for Junior Free Places (arranged in Alphabetical Order) continued. Name. Education District , Name. Education District Carpenter, Henry EdwinjDavid .. Auckland. Dalziel, Catherine Binning .. Wellington. Carpenter, Walter Jamee .. .. Auckland. Dann. Frederick Henry .. .. Auckland. Carr, Arthur Roy.. .. .. Auckland. Davie, Joseph Allied .. .. Otago. Carr, Harold Gordon .. .. Auckland. Davies, Thomas Stephenson .. Auckland. Carr, Jessie Coralie .. .. Auckland. Davis, Francos Winifred .. .. Otago. Carroll, Olive .. .. .. Auckland. Davis, Frank Lewis .. .. Auckland. Carter, Grace Gladys .. .. Auckland. Davis, Sydney Grey .. .. Auckland. Carter, Harold William .. .. Auckland. Daw, Elsie May .. .. .. Auckland. Carter*, Harry Garlin .. .. Hawke's Bay. Dawson, Edgar Moore Hatton .. Westland. Carver, Eileen Herbert .. .. Hawke's Bay. Dawson, Frank lime.-' .. .. WoUington. Casley, Gladys Muriel .. .. Auckland. Day, Eva Esther .. .. South Canterbury. Casley, Kay .. .. .. Auckland. Day, Leslie Innes .. .. Taranaki. Caughey, Andrew Leonard.. .. Auckland. Daykin. Leslie Claude .. .. Auckland. ChaQis, Margaret .. .. .. Otago. Death, Erio Fredrick .. .. Wanganui. Chalmers, Annie Beatrice .. .. Wellington. De Cock, Aubrey Rene .. .. Auckland. Chnrlton, Georgina Grace Annie .. Otago. De Cook, Irene Audrey .. .. Auckland. Chermsido, Hugh Kobert .. .. Auckland. Denton, Amy Constance .. .. Wellington. Chinnery, John William .. .. North Canterbury. Derain, Matilda Sophia .. .. Auckland. Christmas, Arthur , Walter .. .. Auckland. Dey, Arthur Alexander .. .. Otago. Clapham, James William Bornley .. Auckland. Dickey, Hilda Sara .. .. Auckland. Claridge, Aline Sieley .. .. Wellington. Dickinson, James Collet* .. .. Auckland. Clark, Alice Edna Cater .. .. Auckland. Diokson, Benjamin .. .. Auckland. Clark, George Charles Latimer .. Auckland. Dighton, John Lyell .. .. Hawke's Bay. Clark, Katherino Lucy .. .. Auckland. Dimick, Reuben Eutyoue .. .. Otago. ('lark, Louis Alfred .. .. Auckland. Dixon, Clarence Arnold .. .. North Canterbury. Clarke, Charles Ebenezer .. .. Auckland. Dobie, Henri Havelock .. .. Southland. Clarke, Dorothy Eleanor Ethel Vie- Dodds, Richard Thomson .. .. Otago. toria Georgina Barber .. .. Otago. Donald, Douglas Wilson .. .. Wanganui. Clarke, Maurice Francis .. .. Mivrlborough. Donaldson. Donald Bamish William Clarke, Roy Ceoil.. .. .. Wellington. Hawken .. .. .. Wellington. Clarkeon, Heal rice Annie .. .. North Canterbury. Donnelly, John .. .. .. Auckland. Clarkson, William Henry .. .. Auckland. Donovan, Constance Mona .. .. Wanganui. Clayton, Joseph Henry .. .. Auckland. Dormant, Mary .. .. .. Auckland. Clayton, Olive Rose .. .. Auckland. Douslin, Nancy Errington .. .. Taranaki. Clemow, Franoes Jane .. .. Taranaki. Dow. Ernest Herbert .. .. Otago. Cliniard, Sidney Eric .. .. Auckland. Down, Cherrie .. .. .. North Canterbury. Clothier, May Fawoett .. .. otago. Downes, William Ivan .. .. Otago. Clol worthy, James Wilson .. Auckland. Downey, Michael Robert .. .. Auckland. Clouston, Elva Joyce .. .. Nelson. Downs. Elva Mary .. .. Auckland. Coalman, Ivy Irene .. .. Otago. Dowsing. Bessie .. .. .. Auckland. Coohran, Hector Roy .. .. Auckland. Doyle, James .. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Coghill, llenrv Vincenl Itawiri .. Otago. Drake, Rose .. .. .. Auckland. Coldliani, Lilian May .. .. Auckland. Driver, Arthur Herbert .. .. Otago. Cole. Maud Ague.- .. .. Wellington. Drummond, Ellen Agnee .. .. Otago. Collins, Alfred Keith .. .. Hawke's Hay. Dudson, Oliver Huetl .. .. Wellington. Collins, Raymond James George .. Wellington. Duffull, Hilda Henrietta .. .. Auckland. Collins. Robert Edward .. .. Auckland. Dunlop, Jeannie .. .. .. North Canterbury. Comber, Reginald John .. .. North Canterbury. Dunn. Lawrence Ranfurly Lincoln .. Otago. Council. Annie Elizabeth Kathleen .. Wellington. Durrand, Alexander Laing .. 01 Council. Eliza .. .. .. Wellington. Durrant, George Ernest .. .. Wellington. Cook, Olive Bell .. .. .. Wellington. Dye, Albert Sydney .. .. Auckland. Cook. William Clia les .. .. Wellington. Cooper, Allierl William .. .. Wellington. Earles, Samuel Baldwin .. .. Wanganui. Cooper, Elsie May .. .. Auckland. Eccles, Victor Matthew .. .. Auckland. Corney, Edwin Hall .. .. Auckland. Edmeades, Thomas Henry.. .. Wellington. Cotterill, Edwin Ernest .. .. Auckland. Edwards, George Fredrick .. .. Auckland. Court, Gladys .. .. .. Auckland. Eilers, Lancelot Louis John .. Wellington. Couiis. Ernest Roy .. .. Taranaki. Eliott, Alfred Charles Gordon Elliot.. Wanganui. Cowley, Stanley .. .. .. Wanganui. Elliott, Arthur Drummond .. otago. Cox, Constance Monowai Dalziel .. Southland. Elliott, John Carswell .. .. Otago. Crabtree, Erio Arthur .. .. Auckland. Ellis, Arthur Eric Mellor .. .. otago. Craddook, Norman Bartholemow .. Auckland. Ellis, Charles Gilmour Stead .. Hawke's Bay. Craigie, David Alexandra .. .. Auckland. EUmere, Rhoda Elena .. ... North Canterbury. ('ranch, Dora Brow D.. .. Auckland. Emmerson, Ralph John .. .. Otago. Crawford. Annie Ruby Beatrice .. Wellington. Ensoll, Arthur George .. .. Auckland. Crawford, Hugh Irvine .. .. Auckland. Entrican, Alexander Robert .. Auckland. Crawford, James John Dawson .. Auckland. Espiner, Eileen Victoria .. .. Wanganui. Crimp, Cordon Sidney .. .. Otago. Leonard Stevenson .. .. Otago. Croeker, Frank James .. .. Auckland. Evans, Charles Alfred .. .. Taranaki. Crone, Charles .. .. .. Taranaki. Evans, Edith Latham .. .. Auckland. Crookes, Samuel [rwin .. .. Auckland. Evans, George Morton .. .. Otago. Crossman, Mabel Rose .. .. taokland. Evans, Hazel Marian .. .. North Canterbury. Crowther, Walter James .. .. Wellington. Evans, Mar} Margaret .. .. Wellington. Crozief, Guy Neville .. .. Wanganui. Evans, Winifred Emily .. .. Wellington. Crum, Harry Albert .. .. Auckland. Eyre, Lewis Qodfrej .. .. Marlborough. Ciilluni. Beatrioe Mary •• .. Wanganui. Cuming, Samuel Rewi .. .. North Canterbury. Fairbrother, Fergus lan .. .. Wanganui. Gumming, Elsie Catherine .. Otago. Fairbrother, Leslie Johnathan .. Wellington. Cunningham. Ernest James .. Otago. Farley, Barry .. .. .. Auckland. Curham, Robert Charles .. .. Auckland. I'ancll. Cecilia M,i\ .. .. Auckland. Currie, Vieira John Spreull .. otago. Fawcett, Harold Jason .. .. Hawke's Bay. Curtis. Henry William .. .. Auckland. Fegan, Lucy .. .. .. Auckland. Feist. Frank Erie .. .. Wellington. Dabb. Clarioe Mary .. .. Auckland. Feist, M&ry Viotoria .. .. Wellin Dagg, Christopher Douglas .. Southland. Fenton, Albert .. .. .. Auckland. rer, Noi-linc .. .. .. Wellington. Ferguson, Clifford Arthur .. .. Otago. D.dby, ton Win-ton .. .. Auckland. Ferry, Albert Edward .. .. Auckland. Dalgtish, Keith Merlin .. .. South Canterbury. Fisher, Olive Ella.. .. .. Wellington. Dallas, Catherine Hay .. .. Otago. Fisher, Walter Valentine .. .. Southland. Dalston, Ellen Sarah .. .. Auokland. Fisher, William Beaumont.. .. Wellington.



11. Candidates that have satisfied the Examination Requirements fob Juniob Free Places. EITHER AT THE JUNIOR NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP EXAMINATION OB VI THE SPECIAL EXAMINATION for Junior Free Places (arranged in Alphabetical Order) continued. Name Education District. Name. Bdnoatton District. Fitch, Ellen Bertha Ac In .. .. Wellington. Haiselden, Rose Mabel .. .. Wellington. Fleet, Arthur Vincent .. .. Otago. Hall, John Henry Bassett .. .. Auokland. Fleming, Madge [rving .. .. Southland. Hall, John Herbert .. .. Southland. Flookton, Ceoil .. .. .. Wellington. Hall, John Kenneth .. .. Auokland. Foley, Ethel .Maud .. . . Otago. Hall. Roland Henry David .. North Canterbury. Fooks, Gertrude Compton .. .. Auckland. Hal), Victor Gilmore Ashman .. Auckland. Foote, Myrtle Caroline .. .. Wellington. Halliday, Aubrey .. .. Westland. Forde, Winifred Edith .. .. Auckland. Hally, John Bertrand .. .. Wellington. Forno, Elizabeth .. .. .. South Canterbury. Hamer, Harry .. .. .. North Canterbury. Forrester. Annie Evelyn .. .. Auckland. Hames, Erio Wilson .. .. Auckland. Forrester, George Charles .. .. Auckland. Hamilton, Hilda Marguerite .. Auokland. Forsyth, Helen Jean .. .. Wellington. Hamilton. William Keith .. .. South Canterbury. Fort, Hizel Winifred .. .. Auckland. Hammersley, Arthur .. .. North Canterbury. Foster, John Mason .. .. Hawke's Bay. Hanham, Cyril Key .. .. North Canterbury. Fow, Arthur Leslie .. .. Auckland. Hannah, Ceoil James Ewarl .. Auckland. Franois, George Radeliffe .. .. North Canterbury. Harden, Dorothy Seeta .. .. Auckland. Francis, James Ranfurly .. .. Auckland. Harding, Alton Cyril .. .. North Canterbury. Frankham, Walter Ethelbert .. Auckland. Harding, Cicely Viotoria .. .. Auckland. Fraser, Margaret McGregor .. Auckland. Hardley, Hilda .Mary .. .. Auckland. Fraser, William Murray .. .. Southland. Harman, Roy William Earl Bye .. Vuokland. Fraser, William Stuart .. .. Auckland. Harper. Agnes Mabel .. .. Southland. Freeman, Herbert George .. .. Wellington. Harris. Annie .. .. .. Wellington. Fromm, Margaret.. ~ .. Hawke's Hay. Harris, Elsie Jane .. .. Hawke's Bay. Frost, Clara Ethel .. .. Marlborough. Harris, Harold Edgar .. .. Wanganui. Fry, Edwin Victor .. .. Hawke's Bay. Harris, Wilton Everard .. .. Auckland. Fyfe, Marion Liddell .. .. Otago. Harrison, Charles Stanley Mail, .. North Canterbury. Fyfe, William George .. .. Otago. Hartley, .Maria .. .. .. Wanganui. Harty, Myra Pearl .. .. Auokland. Oair, Frederick .lames .. .. Otago. Harvey, John David .. .. Auckland. Galbraith, Annie Delia .. .. Southland. Haskell, William Alexander .. Auckland. ("Jalbraith, Kathleen Seymour .. Auokland. Hasluok, Dorothy .. .. Taranaki. Gallagher, Patrick James .. .. Otago. Hawley, Prederiok John .. .. Wellington. Gallop, Margaret .. .. .. Marlborough. Hay, John Henry .. .. Otago. Gardiner, Roberta Florence Agatha.. Auckland. Haydon, Ernest George .. .. Auokland. Gardner, Roy .. .. .. Wellington. Hayward, Vera Hinemoa .. .. otago. Garland, Charles Jackson .. .. North Canterbury. Hazard, Duloie Louisa .. .. Auckland. Garland, Muriel .. .. .. Auckland. Hazelwood, Elsie .. .. Wellington. . Garlick. Eric John .. .. Auckland. Heard, Vera Ratoliffe .. .. Auckland. Garrard, Derwent Baoul .. .. Auckland. Heather, Elizabeth Alice .. .. Otago. Gash, Edwin Thomas .. .. Auckland. ther, Frank Frederiok AudaeT .. Otago. Gebbie, Heber Albert .. .. Hawke's Bay. Hemery, Lyndon Clement .. .. Wellington. Gell, Edna Ruth .. .. .. Wellington. Hemingway, Finnetta Mehalah .. Auckland. George, Winifred Moir .. .. Otago. Hempton, Mossom Wildman .. Taranaki. Gerrard, Clifford .. .. .. Auckland. Henderson, Florence Christina .. otago. Gifford, Edward John .. .. Nelson. Hendry, Malcolm Stuart .. .. Otago. Giles, Franois Austin .. .. Wanganui. Herman, Arthur .. .. .. Taranaki. Gilks, Jack .. .. .. Otago. Herringshaw, Agnes Marjorj .. Wanganui. Gill, Elva Mary .. .. .. Otago. Hewitt, Claude Wilfred .. .. Auckland. Gillanders, Helen Alexandra .. Wanganui. Hewson, Carriok Leslie .. .. Auokland. Gillespie, Violet Muriel Jane .. Otago. Hickmott, Frederick Thomas Fioy .. North Canterbury. Gilligan, Joseph Seddon .. .. Hawke's Bay. Hill, Eileen .. .. .. Otago. Ghnblett, Dorothy Thomasine .. North Canterbury. Hill, Horaoe Ray .. .. Auokland. Glastonbury, Andrew .. .. Marlborough. Hill, Rowland .. .. .. South Canterbury. Goddard, Dorothy .. .. Hawke's Ray. HilL William Henry .. .. North Canterbury. Goldman, Leah '.. .. .. Auckland. " Hind, Helen Mary .. .. Wellington. Goldsworthy, William Harold .. Auckland Hind, Queenie Muriel .. .. Wellington. Goodall, George Frederick William .. Hawke's Bay. Hislop, Humphrey Ban , .. .. Wellington. Goodman, Wilfred George Augustus North Canterbury. Histed, John Edward .. .. Auokland. Goodwin, Lionel George .. .. Auckland. Hitohon, Horton George .. .. Otago. Gordon, Hugh Thomas .. .. Otago. Hobbs, Franois Martin .. .. North Canterbury Gordon, Jessie .. .. .. Otago. Hocldn, Frances Elizabeth .. Auckland. Gordon, Sydney .. .. .. Wellington. Hodge, Alfred Reynolds .. .. Wellington. Gordon-Cumming, Eila Campbell .. Auckland. Hodgson, Nelson Vale .. .. Wanganui. Goeton, Leonard John .. .. Wellington. Hogan, George Sylvester .. .. Wellington. Gould, James Henry William .. Otago. Hogg. James Leonard .. .. Taranaki. Gould, Kenneth James .. .. Auckland. Holdsworth, Bernard Yule .. Wellinj Gow, William Douglas .. .. Auckland. Hollow, Phyllis Gwenllian May .. North Canterbury. Gowdy, William .. .. .. Southland. Holmes, Mary .. .. .. Otago. (Jrace, Katharine Mary .. .. Nelson. Holmes, Wilfiam Ernesi .. .. Otago. Graham, John Grant .. .. Otago. Hooper, Gwendolen Blanche .. North Canterbury. Grant, David Hay .. .. Auokland. Hopkins, Hinemoa Corelli Charlotte.. Wellington. Grant, Donald .. .. .. Taranaki. Hopkirk, Dorothy Catherine .. Hawke.'s Bay. Grant, Mary Lillian .. .. Otago. Hopper, Marjorie Grace .. .. Auckland. Grant, Ronald William .. .. Auckland. Homer, Marjorie Effie .. .. Wanganui. Gray, Alfred Smith .. .. Otago. Hotop, Gwenyth Caroli .. .. otago. Gray, Annie Elizabeth .. .. Auckland. Howard, Charles Richard .. .. Auokland. Gray, George Haroott .. .. Wellington. Howard, Hilda Elizabeth .. .. Wellington. Gregory, Harold Victor .. .. Auckland. Hughes, Lionel .. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Greville. Alec Wilkie .. .. Wellington. Hughes, Robert Alexander McDonald Wanganui. Grieve, George Franois .. .. Wellinj Hull, Matilda Mary .. .. otago. Griffen, Vincent Dominic .. .. Hawke's Bay. Hulme, Doris Annie .. .. Wellington. Griffin, Kenneth Massy .. .. Nelson. Humphreys. Hazel! Pearl .. .. North Canterbury. Griffith, Rebecca May .. .. Southland. Hunt, John Alexander Irwin .. Auckland. Grosvenor, Adela .. .. .. Auckland. Hunt, Olive Lilian .. .. Nelson. Gunn, Robert William .. .. Auckland. Hunter, John Wrigley .. .. Wellington. G william, George William Albert .. Auckland. Hutton, Luoy Grace .. .. Auckland. Hyams, Godfrey William .. .. Wellington. ■ Hagen, Eileen Sarah .. .. Otago. Haig, Joseph Stuart Bruee .. Otago. Inkster, Melbourne Ascot .. .. Auckland. Haigh, Fanny May .. .. Otago. Irving, John Carlyle .. .. Southland.



11. Candidates that have satisfied the Examination Requirements fob Joniob Free Places, EITHER AT THE JUNIOR NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP EXAMINATION OB AT THE SPECIAL EXAMINATION fob Juniob Free I , lacks (arranged in Alphabetical Order)- -continued. Name. Education District. | Name. Eduoation District Jack, John Ferguson Edgar .. Otago. Lewis, Barbara Annie .. .. Auckland. Jack, Wilfrid McKendrick .. .. North Canterbury. Lewis, diaries Leslie .. .. Nelson. Jackson, Albert .. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Lewis, Francis Forsyth .. ■. North Canterbury. Jackson, Cyri] David Hamilton .. Auokland. Lim, Thomas Edward .. .. Grey. Jackson, Mabel Emma .. .. South Canterbury. Lindsay. Graham Douglas .. Auckland. Jackson, William Hawton .. .. Southland. Lindsay, Helen Paterson .. .. Otago. Jagger, Ernest Benjamin .. .. Auckland. Lindsay, .May Alice .. .. Wellington. James, Alfred .. .. .. Auckland. Linehan, .Mary Eileen .. •■ Wellington. James, Horace William .. .. North Canterbury. Little. George .. .. .. Hawke's Bay. James, Thomas Leonard .. .. Otago. Littlejohn, Allan Bruce .. ■■ Otago. Jefferson, Freda .. .. .. Otago. Lochhead, Norman Low .. .. Auckland. Jemison, [Catherine Elizabeth .. Taranaki. Lockbart. Allan Leslie .. .. Otago. Jensen, Hettie Frances .. .. Wellington. Longland, Nancy Francis Ann .. Auckland. •lewis, Vinoent .. .. .. Auckland. Longney, Thomas Rdohardson .. Auckland. Johns, Frederick James .. .. Auckland. Lovatt, William George .. .. Auckland. Johnson, Albertina .. .. Auokland. Loveday, Doris Algar .. .. Wanganui. Johnson, Ernesi Charles .. .. Hawke's Hay. Lownsborough. William Henry .. Auokland. Johnson, Florence Ida .. .. Auckland. Lowrie, Florence Emily .. .. Auckland. Johnson, Gladys Eileen .. .. Hawke's Bay. Lucas, Doris Minnie .. .. Hawke's Baj Johnson. John Frank .. .. Wellington. Lundius, Ada Jeannette .. .. Wanganui. Johnston, Allan Gordon .. .. North Canterbury. Lusk, George Hart .. .. Wellington. Johnston, Margaret Helen McQueen.. 'Otago. Lusty, Lilian Constance .. .. Auckland. Johnstone, Dora Alexandra .. Wellington. ~ , ~■,„■,, . . , , Jones, Adeline Victoria .. .. Otago. McAdanu Leslu* (Wither .. Auckland. Jone* Alfred William .. .. Westland. r *!!, ler. sabella .. a™,ak,. Jones Edgar Noble .. .. Hawke's Bay. MeArthur, Archibald John Dale .. WeUiigton. Jones Elsie Harriett .. .. Auckland. «■»» ;'>■ l, !^'" llan „•• •• Joyce, Margaret Caroline I: .. Wellington. a;-< a „„, \,l bam Lyall .. Otago .lull. Lvdia ~nd. " ,»*">■. ('harlcs Justin .. Anckand Jury, Kenneth Charles .. .. Taranaki. MoClintock, Evelyn Brookfield .. Auckland ■' Me( lure. Amy Lillian .. .. North Canterbury. Kate, Nellie Emma Margaret .. Auckland. McConnell, Mollie Primrose .. Wanganui. Keane, Percy Thomas .. .. Auckland. MoCormiok, Campbell .. .. Hawke's Bay. Kelland, William Harold .. .. Auckland. MeCrea. Marjorie Vivian .. .. Auckland. Kelly, Alfred Stuart .. .. Auckland. MoCredie, Ronald Wright .. .. Southland. Kelly, Robert Franois .. .. Auokland. McCullough, Roy William .. .. Auckland. Kelly, Thomas Bertram .. .. Taranaki. McCullough, Ruby Ivy .. .. Auokland. Kemp, Douglas Warren .. .. Auckland. MeCullough, Sophia Phyllis Myrtle .. North Canterbury. Kemp, Wilfred Raymond .. .. Auokland. MeCully, Rutherford Denholm .. Wanganui. Kempthorne, Mary Joyce .. .. Nelson. McDonald, John Duncan .. .. Taranaki. Kendall, Doris Vivienne .. .. Auckland. McDonald. Leslie John .. .. Wanganui. Kendall, Lawrence Elliot .. .. Wanganui. McDonald, Lyall .. .. .. Grey. Kennedy, Mildred Marjory Myrle .. North Canterbury. Maofarlane, James Norman .. Auckland. Kennedy, William Robertson .. Wellington. McGregor, Gavin .. .. Otago. Kent, Forester Charles .. .. Otago.' MoGregor, George Innes .. .. Nelson. Kerr, Edward Victor George Edie .. Otago. MoGregor, Sheila Jean .. .. Auckland. Kettlewell, Philip George .. .. Taranaki. McGregor, Vera .I uanita .. .. Auckland. Keys, Lillian Gladj .. .. Hawke's Bay. Molnnes, Ashley Selwyn .. .. Otago. Kilburn, David Albert .. .. Auckland. ' Molnnes, Jessie Willa Margaret .. Auckland. Killen, Mary Isabel .. .. Auckland. Molntosh, Catherine Elizabeth .. Otago. King, Eva Mary .. .. .. South Canterbury. Mack, Edwin Brodie .. .. Otago. King, Lawrence Manning .. .. Taranaki. Mack, William Alexander Benjamin Auokland. King, Rita Muriel Nicolas .. North Canterbury. Mackay, David .. .. .. Southland. King, William Ernest .. .. Otago. Mackay, Leslie James Neil. . .. Auckland. Kingston, Winifred Ellen .. .. Southland. Macken, William Ronald .. .. Auckland. Kitehing, Vernon Chadwiok .. Auckland. MoKenzie, Helen Joss Taylor .. Southland. Kitohing, William David Poynton .. Wellington. MoKenzie, Kenneth Morrison .. Auckland. Kite, Percy Thomas .. .. Auckland. MoKenzie, Sarah Mildred .. .. Auckland. Kneen, Katie Isabel .. .. Auokland. MoKenzie, Victoria Isabel! .. Wanganui. Knewstubb, Raymond .. .. Otago. MacKenzie, William Frederick .. Otago. Knight, Eleanor Johnston .. Auckland. Maokie, Bruce Wilson .. .. Auokland. Knight, Elizabeth .. .. Westland. Mackie, Ernest Hope .. .. Auckland. Knight, Ernest Joshua .. .. Auckland. MoKinna, Mary Laurie .. .. Southland. Koehler, Percy Viotor .. .. Wanganui. McKinnon, Allan Ernest .. .. Auckland. Kretsohmar, Harold Ernest .. Auokland. MoLaohlan, Archibald Albany .. North Canterbury. McLaughlin, Catherine Eva .. North Canterbury. Lame, Gladys Emily .. .. North Canterbury. MoLaren, Norman MoLeod .. Otago. Laishley, Dorothy .. .. Southland. an, Alexander Charlee .. Hawke's Bay. Luke. Eric Mitchell .. . Otago. .McLean, Laurel Victoria .. .. Otago. Lamb, Winifred Ethel .. .. Auckland. McLean, Mary Stuart .. .. Auckland. Lambourne, Allan Carlton .. Auckland. McLennan, Bessie .. .. otago. Lang, Charles Hubert .. .. Auckland. MoLeod, Kathleen Jessie .. .. Auckland. Lang, Ellen Jane •• ■■ Wellington. MoLeod, Margaret Maud .. .. Auckland. Lang, Mary Elizabeth .. .. Auckland. MoLeod, Morna .. .. .. Auckland. Lang, WilUam James .. .. Auckland. MoMahon, Lilian Gertrude .. Hawke's Bay. Lanigan, Michael James .. .. Auckland. McMiohael, William Emerson .. Wellington. Latham, Jessie .. .. .. Soul bland. MoMurray, Vivian Stanley .. Auckland. Laurenson, Laurie .. .. Wanganui. McNabb, Ada Madge .. .. Nelson. Lawrence, Prank Stanley .. .. Wanganui. MoNabb, Owen Colder .. .. Nelson. Lawson, ■ I c^li ll Robert . . .. Southland. MoNeill, Hoy Burgoyne .. .. Auckland. Lean. James Alfred .. .. Auckland. Macphee, Flora .. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Lee, Aubrej George .. .. Auokland. Maopherson, Dunoan .. •■ Otago. Lee, Minnie .. .. .. North Canterbury. Macßobie, Douglas Cordon .. Auckland. Lees. Cecil Edward .. .. Hawke's Bay. Mail, Hector James .. ... Taranaki. Lepine, Raymond Horton .. .. Taranaki. Makeham, Elizabeth .. .. Wellington. Le lie, Amy Davina .. .. Otago. Maltby, Thomas Alexander .. Southland. L'Estrange, Christopher .. .. Otago. Mander, John Hiorns .. .. Taranaki. Leversedge, Guy Llewellyn .. North Canterbury. Manktelow, Myrtle Agnes .. Auckland. Levy. Esther .. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Mann, William Inkermann.. .. Nelson. Lewis, Arthur Worrall .. .. Auckland. Mansill, John Henry Victor .. Auckland.


11. Candidates that have satisfied the Examination Requirements for Junior Free Places, EITHER VI THE JUNIOR NATIONAL S< IIOLAKSHIP EXAMINATION OR AT THE SPECIAL EXAMINATION for Junior Free Places (arranged in Alphabetical Order) — continued. Name. Education District. Name. Education District. Manson, Norman .. .. Nelson. Niooolls, John William .. .. Auckland.Mardon, Cyvil Henry .. .. North Canterbury. NichoUs, Leonard William George .. Ota Mark, Bessie Rhoda .. .. Auckland. Nicholson, Arthur Mervvn .. Auckland. Marriott, May Elizabeth .. .. North Canterbury. Nioholson, Ronald James .. .. Wanganui. Marsack, Marie Augusta Collingwood Auckland. Nicol, Ethel Marion Elizabeth . . Wellington. Marshall, Catherine Margaret .. Otago. Nicol, John Roy . . .. .. Southland. Marshall, Chaikw Victor .. .. Southland. Niool, Juanita Alioe .. .. South Canterbury. Marshall, Wallace George .. .. Southland. Nicolson, Florence Mabel .. .. Auokla Marshall, Zealanda .. •• Otago. Nikolaison, Christian Neil Lawrence.. Hawke's Bay. Martin, Ernest, .. .. .. Auckland. Nimon, William Arthur .. .. Hawke's Bay. Martin, Norman McLeod .. .. Wanganui. Nisbet, Alexander William .. Auokland. Martin, Rachel .. .. .. Wellington. Nixon, William .lames .. .. Auckland. Martin, Stanley James .. .. Wanganui. Norman, Kathleen .. .. Wellington. Martin, Violet Rosamond .. .. Taranaki. Norris, Phyllis Mary .. .. Wellington. Martin, William Norman .. .. Auckland. Nutsford, Hazel .. .. .. Auokland. Masefield, William Howard Swindley Auckland. Mason, Elizabeth Mortimer .. Auckland. Massey, George Hocken .. .. Otago. O'Brien, Ida .. .. .. Taranaki. Masson, Irene Edith .. .. Auckland. O'Connor, Annie Eileen .. .. Taranaki. Matheson, Hugh Ferguson .. Auckland. O'Hanlon, Annie Violet .. .. Southland. Mathieson, Margaretta Noble .. Otago. Oldham, Ernest Eden .. .. Auckland. Matthews, Coralie Viotoria Elizabeth Wanganui. Ohiey, Mavis Evelyn .. .. Auokland. Matthews. Edward Newton .. Auokland. O'Malley, Joseph '.'. . . Otago. May, Edna Rita .. .. .. Auckland. ()] ,, , __ ~, May, Eleanor Rose .. .. Hawke s Hay. Orbell, Reginald John .. .. Oti May, Helen Margaret .. .. Wellington. Ormiston, Christina Maxwell .. Auckland. May, Muriel Wallace .. .. Otago. Overbye, Douglas Lancelot .. Wanganui. Mayer, William Gfflespie .. .. South Canterbury. Owen, William Ralph Spenoer .. Otago. Mayne, Fiances Jean .. .. Auckland. Mehaifey, Brian Dale .. .. Southland. Melville: Muriel AUce .. .. Auckland. Packer, Margaret Jessie .. .. Wellington. Menkes, Mary Agnes .. .. Otago Packer William Lawrence .. Hawke% Bay, Menzies, William Rutledge.. .. .South Canterbury. Page, Robert Owen .. .. North Canterbury "'■'■'V\.; „•', •■ ■• Nor"} Canterbury. j< Auckland. Metealf, Harry Matthew .. .. Auckland. Palmer, Qiarles Gustav Christian .. Wellington. Methven, Konald Henley .. .. Otago. Palmer, Marjorie Ellen II: .. Wanganui. ■ Tlw' -f ,•■ ' •■ H t X Palmer Philip James .. .. Otago. ttiddleton, Florence Rosina .. Hawke's Bay. Partington, Florence Helena .. Auckland. lgey, ;V ; r i l " ■' " A " c]^ nd { Park, lUeen Norah .. .. Wanganui. Midgey Margaret Emma .. .. Auckland. p £ L WeZgton. MAat, Mary Catherine .. .. Auckland Parkinson, William Bruce Wklaml. Mflburn Alan Wilfred .. .. Hawke s Bay Parrant, Arthur Walter .. .. Wellington. MiUer, Elsie Catherine Reid .. North Canterbwy. PaBooe ,'Leonard Victor .. .. Wanganui. Miller, Doris Elizabeth .. .. Otago. Pateraon Ducald ox-wo Milter; James Cameron .. .. KSTtoKCharlee V. .. 1.. MiUer PhUip Evelyn .. .. Velhngton Payne? Ethel May ~nd. Tt 0 Cathenne ■• ' • SSSS* , PaynelWilliams, Winnifred Florence Auckland. J^n ;T"'- '" ■' "u UC fw t »c, Elsie Rona .. .. Wellington. M, s, Eileen Mavis .. .. Marlborough. Peart, Adeline Mary .. .. '„ All s LesUe John .. .. Auckland. Pegler, Doris Gem' Vuclland. Mflls, Thomas Alexanda .. .. AuoUand. Penlington, Isabel Githa North Canterbu.) due, Helen Oive .. .. South Ointerbury. - Auckland. Mincher, Laurel Esme .. .. Auckland. Percival Eileen Beatrice .. .. Wanganui. Atoffitt, Henry Alku .. -. Aucklan.i. , ; « - - Moncneff, Agnes Me.kle .. .. VVeUingon. Philip, Richard Lvall (Vaik .. Hawke's Bay. Moncrieff, Beede Catherine .. Welhngton. Phillips, Ivan Maurice .. .. Aucklan.i. Monk, Myra Winifred Aucklam . Phillips Minnie Electra Auckland Montague, Helen Wmitr,.d Isabel 1). Auoktam. Pigou, John Douglas .. .. Marlborough. :: a≤l sfir"*" 3 ■ ffi: Morgan, Ella EHeen .. .. SfthK Emeet " " wXgton. Morgan, Francis John .. .. NorA Canterbury. Wellington. Morgan, Lillian Myrtle .. .. Auckland ( South Canterl,,,,^. Morgan, Norah Hawke s Bay. p itket hlev, (:,ml leorge .. Auckland. Jorice, Henry James .. .. Hawke s Bay. Pollock, George Prince .. .. Auckland. Morilleau, Eric Mowbray .. .. Auckland. Mson/PhyllS Murray Straohan .. Hawke's Ba urrcll Ulham Parker .. .. Otago. Porteous, Alfred .. .. .. Wanganui. ' Morris, Bennett John .. .. AuoHand. Porter, Harriette Newport .. North Canter y. r; :t fis :: :: ST 1 . ■■ £g£ Morris;,,, Arthur Gordon .. South Canterbury. " \ NoKnierbury. :: :: & Srf .: Sr*,. Murison, Athol Huntly .. .. Wellington. _. , p PPP Muschamp, Harold Sinclair .. NortJj Canterbury. g^ m puUett ;; ;; S Canterbury. Musker, Ivy Lillian .. . Auckland. Proud, Hilda Osborne .. .. Auckland. Pye, John Armour .. .. Auokland. Naughton, Donald Owen .. .. Wellington. Naumann, Dorothy Florence .. Otago. Ramage, Violet May .. .. Auckland. Neary, Annie .. .. Auckland. Ramsaj', Arthur Alexander .. Auckland. Nottingham, Olive .. . Auckland. Ramsay, Leslie Gardiner .. .. Southland. Newcombe, Edna Alice .. .. Wellington Randell, William Hardie .. .. Wellington.




n. Candidates that have satisfied the Examination Requirements for Junior Free Places, EITHEB AT THE JUNIOR NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP EXAMINATION <>v AT THK SPECIAL EXAMINATION koii Junior Free Places (arranged in Alphabetical Order) continued. Name. Education District. Name. Bdooatton District. RanMn, Peroy Lionel Bartle .. North Canterbury , . Saunders, Gordon Frederiok .. Taranaki. Rathie, Euphemia .. .. Hawke's Bay. Savory, Alfred Krncst .. .. Auckland. Ranch, Frank Charles .. .. Auckland. Sawere, William John .. .. Otago. Kavenhill, Philip .. .. .. Auckland. Scarborough, Evelyn .. .. Auckland. Rawnsley, Harriet .. .. Auckland. Scarrow, Gertrude Victoria .. Wanganui. Rayne, Jessie .. . . . . Wellington. Sehaumann, Victor John .. .. 0 Rea, Myra Josephine .. .. Taranaki. Sohlaepfer, Walter .. .. Auokland. Read, Doris Kura .. .. Wellington. Sohofleld, Clarenoe Riohard .. Auckland. Reeves, St. Leger Harold .. .. Wellington. Sehulze, Stanley Robert .. .. Auckland. Reid, Reginald William .. .. Auckland. Soott, Essie Ofllandera .. .. Hawke's Bay. Reid, Robert Clarenoe .. .. Auckland. Scott, Leo .. .. .. South Canterbury. Rennio, John Stuart .. .. North Canterbury. Soott, Margaret Eileen .. .. North Canterbury. Reynolds, William Frank .. .. North Canterbury. Sooular, Alexander Gray .. .. Otago. Rice, James Coles .. .. Otago. Seaton, Rose Crawford .. .. Nelson. Rice, John .Maurice .. .. Hawke's Bay. Bellgren, Karm Myrtle .. .. Auokland. Rioe, Lisloughton David .. .. Auckland. Seth-Smith, Ruby Helena .. .. Hawke's Bay. Richards. Anna Margaret .. .. Welling Shaekelton, Allan James .. .. South Canterbury. Richards, Arthur Thomas .. .. Auckland. Sharland, Nancy .. .. .. Auckland. Richards. Leo Clarence .. .. Taranaki. Sharp, Nellie Lacy .. .. Auokland. Richardson, May .. .. .. Auckland. Sharpin, Enid Alice .. .. Hawke's Bay. Richmond, Thomas William .. North Canterbury. Shaw, Cuthbert John .. .. Auckland. Kidde.ll, Anna Caroline .. .. Southland. Shea, William .. .. .. Otago. Ridding, Charles Reginald .. .. Wellington. Sheat, Joseph Henry .. .. Wanganui. Rigg, Hannah .. .. .. Wellington. Sheppard, Olive Seaby Knox .. Auckland. Rimmer, Elsie Gladys .. .. Wanganui. Sherratt, Amy Florenoe .. .. South Canterbury. Ritohie, Leslie Norman .. .. Otago. Sherson, Eric Gordon .. .. Auckland. Roake, Mere Honi .. .. Hawke's Bay. Shircr. William Francis .. .. Wellington. Robb, James Donaldson .. .. Auckland. Nlurtliff, Ruth Millicent .. .. Nelson. Roberts, Allan John .. .. Auckland. Shrimpton, Alan Herbert .. .. South Canterbury. Roberts, Gloster Frederiok. . .. Auckland. Shrimpton, Lillian Fanny Lodder .. Otago. Roberts, Henry Frampton Ai>»tey .. Otago. Shrimpton, Olive Marion .. .. Otago. Roberts, John Viotor .. .. Wellington. Siddefls, Stanley Keith .. .. Wanganui. Roberts, Roderick Rodger Strawbridge Wellington. Simkin, Kate Louisa .. .. Otago. Robertson, Benjamin David .. Auckland. Simmers. < Vorm- Keith .. .. South Canterbury. Robertson, Bob Sherburd .. .. South Canterbury. Simmonds, Mervyn .. .. Auckland. Robertson, Doris Mary .. .. Wellington. Simmonds, Roy Reginald Alexander Auckland. Robertson, Doris .Maude .. .. Southland. Sims. Arthur Reginald .. .. Auckland. Robertson, Hugh .. .. .. Otago. Sinclair, lan Alexander .. .. North Canterbury. Robertson. Malcolm .. .. Southland. Sinclair. Norman Taylor .. .. North Canterbury Robertson, Norman .. .. Wellington. Sinclair, Robert Gemmell Burnett .. Taranaki. Robinson. Colin Clifford .. .. Auckland. Sinclair, Warren Ladbrook.. .. Otago. Robinson, Edith .. .. .. Otago. Singleton, Claude Edward .. .. Auckland. Robinson, Francis Edgar .. .. Wellington. Sivewright, Myrtle May .. .. Auckland. Robinson, Norman Reginald .. Auckland. Skeet, Leonard Adolphue .. .. Hawke's Ba\. Robinson. Thelina Valeric .. .. Auokland. Skill, Marjorie Uran .. .. Wellington. Robson, Gladys Elizabeth Mary .. Otago. Skinner, Dorothy Laura .. .. Auckland. Rockel, Hasel Maud .. .. Wanganui. Slater, Frances Muriel .. .. Otago. Rodgere, Mary Elizabeth .. .. Taranaki. Small, Ernest Cookayne .. .. Auckland. Rogers. Arthur Arnold Horace .. Wellington. Smedley, Selina Hilda .. .. Auckland. Rogers, Rita Florence Brockway .. Auckland. Smeeton, Merle Winifred .. .. Auckland. Rogers, Thomas Henry .. .. Auckland. Smith, Dorothy Hope .. .. Auckland. Rollo, Jessamine Mary .. .. Auckland , Snlit]l K(]}:al . ' Marlborough. Ronaldson, Robert Lindsay .. .Southland. Smith, Eva Hyacinth .. .. Nelson. Rose, Frank Rosendale .. .. Southland. Smith, Florence Brenda .. .. Auckland. Rose, Gladys .. .. .. Auckland. Smith, Phyllis Merle .. .. Otago. Ross, Alan William .. .. Auckland. Smith, Travis George .. .. Auckland. Ross, Jamee Charles .. .. Auckland. Smith, Vera .. .. .. North Canterbiuy. Ross, John Aliok .. .. Wanganui. Smith, Violet Bertha .. .. Bawke's Bay. Row, Leslie Franklin .. .. Hawke s Bay. s , mth> William Burns .. . . Wellington.' Rowe, Evelyn .. .. .. Auckland. Smith, William Drawer .. .. Auckland. Rowe. Lucy Annie .. .. South Canterbury. Smith, Willoughby Vernan .. Auckland. Rowntree, Leslie .. .. .. Wellington. Smitliam, Maurice Somcrs .. .. North Canterbury. Roy, Allan Bruce .. .. Otago. Smvth. Archibald W.vlie .. .. Wellington. Rudd, Laurence Frederick .. Taranaki. Snelling, Elsie Rose .. .. Hawke's Bay. Ruddle, Gladys Margaret .. .. North Canterbury. ' Snodgrass, Sadie M.iv .. .. Nelson. Rundle. William Henry .. ..'Auckland. . Soar, Cyril Francis ' .. .. Southland. RusseU, Agnes Maud .. .. Otago. SoUitt, Florence Gwendoline .. Wanganui. RusseU, Alan Hoey .. Wanganui. 8ol«hon, Lola Auokland. Russell. Archibald John (dascow .. North Canterbury. Somere, Zelda Nina ~nd. Russell, Elsie Rubina .. .. Southland. Somerset, G «c Edgar .. .. North Canterbury. Russell, trie .. .. .. Auckland. Somerville, Agnes Tweedie .. Southland. Russell, Vemon Warren .. .. North Canterbury. Somerville! William .. .. Otago. 1:111 "■■'lon. Alfred Merlin .. .. Otago. Sorensen, Gladys Rose .. .. Wellington. Rutherford, Robert Charles .. otago. Souter, Ralph William .. .. Otago. Ryan. Daniel .. .. .. Auckland. Southern, John Southland. Ryde. Irene Westland. Sowry, Melva Emilj .. .. Wellington. Spargo, Dorothy Mildred .. .. Auckland. Sparks, James Alfred .. .. North Canterbury. Speer, Sybil Alexandria Carter .. Auckland. Sadler, Flora Ana .. .. Auckland. S|>ratt. Fredrick Charles .. .. Auckland. Salmon. Bessie Florence .. .. Auckland. Staub, Alfred Heinrioh .. .. Wellington. Salt,' Gordon Moßride .. .. Taranaki. Steadman, Beryl Mary .. .. Auckland. Salter, Leslie Edward .. .. Auckland. Steele, Robert Charles Cowden .. Otago. Sampson, Harold Conway .. .. Auckland. i Steenson. Kingslej .. .. otago. Sankey, Betty .. .. .. Auckland. Stephenson. Alan Raymond .. Auckland. Satherley, Vcrnon .. .. Nelson. iphenson, Alice Maud .. .. Auckland. Satterthwaite, Stanley Middleton .. South Canterbury. Stephenson, Claude Oswald Martin .. Auckland. Saunders, Ernest Edwin .. .. South Canterbury. I Stephenson, Samuel Joseph .. Otago. Saunders, Douglas Hutchison .. Otago, j Stevenson, Edna Njcols ~ .. Auckland.



n. Candidates that have satisfied the Examination Requirements vor Joniob Free Places, EITHER AT THE JUNIOR NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP EXAMINATION OR AT THE SPECIAL EXAMINATION for Junior Free Places (arranged in Alphabetical Order) continued. Name. Education District Name. Education District. Stevenson, William Roland .. Auckland. Wakelin, Ronald Philip .. .. Wellington. .Stewart. Agnes Elizabeth .. .. Auckland. Walker, Clara Christina .. .. Auckland. Stewart, Douglas Granger .. .. Sawke's Bay. Walker, Edna Gladys .. .. Auokland. Stewart, Erie George .. .. Auckland. Walker, Harriet .. .. .. Otago. Stewart. Keith Lindsay .. .. Hawke's Bay. Wallace, Allan .. .. .. Auckland. Stockman, John .. .. .. Wellington. Wallace, Flora Isabel .. .. Auokland. Stokes, Gertrude Mary Ethel .. Otago. Wallace, Robert Allan .. .. Auokland. Stout, Edith Man .. .. Southland. Wallers, Cyril John .. .. Auokland. Street, Cera Id William .. .. Wanganui. Walls. Basil John .. .. Wanganui. Stretton, Inez Houghton .. .. Auckland. Ward. William Edgar .. .. Hawke's Bay Strong, Stanley Robert .. .. Otago. Ware, Albert Alfred .. .. Auckland. Sullivan, Frederick Walter .. Auokland. Waterhouse, Alfred Laurence .. Hawke'e Bay. Sussex-. Harold Thomas .. .. Wellington. Waterhouse. William Joseph .. Auokland. SutclitVe. Joseph Richard .. .. Wanganui Watkins, Claude Charles .. .. North Canterbury. Sutherland. Ivan Lorin George .. Wellington. Watson, Olive MoGregor .. .. Wanganui. Sutherland, Ronald Record .. Grey. Watt, Alan Maoarthui .. .. Auckland. Watt, Helen.i Mary Elizabeth .. Otago. Tait, Ivan Howard .. .. South Canterbury. Wait. .loin, Ikuce .. Auckland. Taylor, Annie Lindsay .. .. Hawke'e Bay. John George .. .. Otago. Taylor Arnold .. ' ~nd. ' alt. \* ,I red ~,!,„ .. .. Auckland Taylor Harold Ferguson .. .. Auckland. Matters John Maurice .. .. North Canterbury Taylor Irene Annie Elizabeth .. North Canterhury. V >'• • ,,^ 1, ;. K 'J,™ 1 ! ,,,1 ; ■• ■■ geattlMid. Tebbs, Alice Constance .. .. Wellington.,. LesheU-nmld Henry .. North Canterbury. Tebbs Elsie Mary .. .. Wellington: Webster, May Elizabeth .. .. Auckland. Tcnnenl. William Blair .. .. Grey. Weenink, Prank . .. .. Grey. Tetley, Grace Mary Vuokland. e,r .la.nes Keeord .. .. Otago. Thode Mavis Ada" ~nd. Wernham, Hugh Austin .. .. Auckland. Thorn, Charles William .. .. Auckland. West, Jane Sharp .. .. Otago. Thomas, Alan Hugh .. .. Otago. . Os ""■ V",'' !", ,° Uraijaki Thomas Alfred ! Eric Charles .. .. Auckland. Thomas Edgar George .. Wellington. helan. Kahnne Irene .. .. Auokland. Thomas Harold GeXm . .. Wellington, h> akev Mary IsaVl .. .. laranak, Thomas Nelson Raymond Charles South Canterbury. Whitcombe, Janet Moore \nekland. Thomas William .. .. Otago. ' .'! t(, - ?" r " th >, •■ ■■ •• AucWand. Thompson, Albert .. .. North Canterbury. White, Fergus . .. Auckland Thompson Albert Vuokland. ' White, George Franklin Marshal .. Auckland. Thompson Charles Edward .. Auckland. White, HaroW Reginald .. .. Otago. Thompson Ella Evelyn Murraj .. Marlborough. Uhite. Uy Keen .. .. Auckknd Thompson Gwendoline Alice '.. North Canterbury. 'J' , ' "I™™ ■.;. •• ■■ Southland. Jane Holden Vuokland. . '!'<•; I " ,1 I'> N, ; v ' ,l " •• ■■ l . Thorn .son, Vi 01,.. Ann .. .. Wanganui. Whitdaw, Muriel Lonney Johnston.. South Canterbury Thomson, Cecil Benjamin Langworth Marißorough. niclcy. I omt n Mary ~md. Thorn, 1',,,, .. Vuokland. \\h.liak-r. ■.■■«* ~ ■• ■■ huul Edith Ellen .. .. Nelson. Wilkening, Dorothy Freda .. Wellington. Tiller, George Harold .. .. North Canterbury. Wflkinson, Franefc .. .. Otago. Tilley, Charlee Roy Fleetwood .. Wanganui. ,! k,l,s ""; M V '\^,"" v "' .•■ ■■ , , Tiplady.Mary Taranaki. WfllUms, Cecil Albert Baigent .. North Canterbury Tizard Hilda May .. .. Auckland. WaHams, Charles .. .. . Tonge, Ellen Alice Lindsay .. Auckland. WiUiame, Ann .. .. W«Uand. Tonkin, Lancelot Charles.. .. Otago. U ,' ! ams - ' n \ nk . ■ V !?T , TownsJnd, Annie Esther Vuokland. W, hams IsaW Mary .. .. Auckland Trapski, Frederiok Ferdinand .. Southland. WUls, Albert Victor .. .. North Canterbury Treadwell, Helen Leigh Gifford .. WanganuL Alan .. .. Hawke'e Bay Tregurtha, Douglas CWles . Marlborough. AUan George Keith .. Auckland. Troup, Gordon Sloan .. .. Wellington. JWmb, Athol Bracken .. .. WeUington. Trumper, Angus Llewellyn .. North Canterbury Wjbon, Ella Catherme .. .. Wellington. Francs Richard Vuokland. VTibon, George Herbert .. .. Otago. Tugby, William Knutton .. . ~nd. WUson, Harry Ernest .. .. Wellington. Tufley Gladys May .. .. Auckland! .!" J» ne **** ] rtso " •• ~ , iVf ."-, Turnbull, Alfred Swiney .. .. Auckland. WUson, John Baillie .. .. North Canterbury. TurnlMill. Thvllis lean Harriet .. Otago. WUson, Joyce Hamerton .. .. aranak, Wilson, Leonard George .. .. Auckland. Wilson, Reginald Oscar .. .. Auckland. Underwood, Bmily Merinda .. Auckland. Wilson, Stuart Henry John .. Otago. Unsworth, Violet Maud .. .. Wellington. Win, Eileen Ann .. .. Nelson. Upton. Ernest Edward .. .. Wellington. Winter, Eileen Eva .. .. Auckland. Winter, Olive Sarah .. .. Wellington. Vise, Dorothy Hinemoa .. .. Wellington. Valentine, Janet Koanui .. .. South Canterbury. Woetenholme, Harold Wirimu .. Otago. Vallance, Leslie Maia .. .. Auckland. Wood, Clarice Louisa .. .. North Canterbury. Valpy, John Arthur .. .. Otago. Wood, George Edward .. .. Auckland. Vaughan, Hazel Emily .. .. Auckland. Woodall, Ernest Alfred .. .. Auckland. Vaughan, Royal Pasooe Edwin .. Auckland. \V IMII, Florence Gladys .. Otago. Veaie. Phyllis Emily .. •• Auckland. Woodhouse, Iris Helena .. .. Wellington. Ventry-Smith, Moya .. .. Auckland. Woods, Aubrey Marsden .. .. Auckland. Vernazoni, Harold Albert .. .. North Canterbury. Woods, Stanley Eric .. .. Otago. Vinoent, Arthur Cyril .. .. North Canterbury. Woodward, Geoffrey George .. Auckland. Vizer, Grace Flora MorreD .. Wellington. Woolford, Lillian Florence .. Wellington. Vos, l'crcy Ernest .. .. Auokland. Wootten, Muriel Annie .. .. Auckland. Worsley, Kathleen Man .. .. Auckland. Waddcll, Ida .. .. ■■ Wellington. Wrack, Claude Stevenson .. . Auckland Wade, Duloie Merle .. .. Auckland. Wright, Horace Bagster .. .. Auckland Waghorn David Norman .. .. North Canterbury. Wright, Victor William .. Auckland Waghorn, Reginald Jamen .. North Canterbury. Wright, Winifred Alice .. .. Auckland. Wagstaff, Ada Eileen .. .. Wellington. Wagstaff, Harold Andrew .. .. Wanganui Young, Bernard John .. .. Wellington. Wake, Cecil Barry .. .. Taranaki. Young, David Andrew .. .. Marlborough, Wakefield, Bertha May .. .. Auckland. I Young, Eileen Glenora .. .. Auokland. Wakelin, Iris Emily " .. .. Otago | Yule, Ralph Arden .. .. Wellington.


CIVIL SERVICE JUNIOR EXAMINATION. Names of the Candidates that passed the EXAMINATION (abranoed in Order of Merit). I. PABBBD THE EXAMINATION WITH CbBDIT. SO - Candidate. Examination Centre. McKccfrv. Michael Joseph Amis. No. Candidate. Examination Centra. j; n( , ' Dunedin 1. Allen, Natalie Constanoe Bpwen Wellington. gS. Blight, William Thomas '.'. Auckland 2. Walmsley, Edward Benjamin st. Taylor, Lionel Benjamin .. Auckland. MaoGregor .. .. Dunedin. 86. Bain, Marjorie Helen .. Christchureh. 3. Buokley, William Bernard .. Wellington. S (i. Pay, Elizabeth Barbour .. Inveroargffl. 4. Lβ Cren, Hubert Ernest .. Dunedin. 87. Heywood, Cyril Cuthbert Frank Aratapu. 5. Bradley, Frederick George .. Whangarei. ss. Osmers, Hermann Hi-ivy .. Hokitika. Kemnitz, Ernest James .. Dunedin. 80. Best, Charles Cairn ..' .. Auckland. 7. Williamson, Thomas .. .. Oamaru. O'Rourke, Courtney Timothy .. Wellington. 8. MoOelland, Charles Harold .. Wellington. 91. Davies, Roy John Montgomery Auckland. 9. lindup, Prederiok William .. Wellington. 92. Qourlay, Henry William '.. Christohuroh. 10. Oilman, Thomas .. .. Dunedin. 93. Thomas, Annie Elizabeth Gwen--11. Aldcrton, Trevor Dudley Hall .. Auckland. doline Auckland. 12. Scddon, George Hume .. Inreroargill. 94. EnsolL John Robert !! '.'. Thames.' 18. de Roo, Leopold Reginald .. Christohuroh. Montague, James Frederick .. Thames. MoCormiok, Horace .. .. Waipawa. 96. Chalmers, Vera Maud .. Wellington. 15. Mason, Bonald Grey .. .. Auckland. McDonald, Murdoch Alexander Whangarei. Iβ. Brown, Nellie EUis .. .. Dunedin. Miller, Prisoula .. .. Wellington. Rogers, Lancelot Anthony .. Hastings, mi. Borer, Osoar .. .. Wellington. 18. Bamfield, Owen Wilder .. Oamaru. Earwaker, Daisy .. .. [nveroargill. 19. Laurenson, George Lyttelton .. Uhristohuroh, lul. Campbell, Josephine .. .. Whangarei 20. Jobbems, George .. .. Timaru. Iu L V Beswick, Albert Edward .. Wellington. 21. Miles, Reginald .. .. Rangiora. in: ( . Bartlett, Maurioe Leo .. Nelson. 22. Beattie, Robert .. .. Christohuroh. 104. Adams, Ernest Claude .. Thames. 28. Matheson, Leslie .. .. Auckland. Qoodeve, Mabel Catherine .. Timaru. 2-1. Coleman, John MoDonald .. Auckland. Imi. Whitwell, Rebeoea Leone .. Westport. 28. King, Wilford Bertrand .. Napier. 107. Hay, Williamina .. .. Lawrenoe. 26. Greville, Reginald Henrj .. Wellington. 108. Casey, John .. .. Wellington. 27. O'Halloran, Francis Douglass .. Waipawa. McKenzie, Leonard .. .. Marion. Bearle, Henry Arrow .. . . Oamaru. Turner. Zilla Leila . . .. Nelson. 29. O'Connor, Daniel Joseph Augue- 111. Sinolair, Alexander .. .. Oamaru. tine •• ■■ •■ Auokland, 112. MoKenzie, CHftbn Hone .. Whangarei. 30. Woods, Edith Minnie.. .. Nelson. Bhrimpton, John William Spenoer Dunedin. 31. Vial, Grahame George .. Wellington. 114. Lamb, Oswald Fyffo .. .. Christohuroh. 32. Bethell, John Gordon .. Whangaroi. Poland, James Joseph .. Thames. S3. Bell. Alexander .. .. Dunedin. H«. Pearce, Ebenezer .. .. Auckland. 34. Heath, Joseph Francis Reginald Wellington. Sneddon, Kenneth Alexander .. taokland. 35. Craig, Alexander .. .. Gore. 118. MoDougall, EMe Adelaide .. [nveroargill. Freeman, Alan Lewis.. .. Christohuroh. j 11 *. Wallach, Elma Ma Wilhelmina New Plymouth. 37. Hughes, William Henry Shaw Hokitika. 120. Cook, George Pilkington .. Auckland. 38. Ker, Henry Robert .. .. Dunedin. 121. Henderson, Percy Bosomworth Auckland. 39. Anton, Robert .. .. Christohuroh. 122. Lee, Ernest Welteslej .. Wellington. MoAloon, John Leo Francis .. Christohuroh, 12:!. Maelennan, Norman Maopherson Gore. 41. Wynyard, Clinton Henry .. Wellington. 124. Gowdy, Harold .. .. Gore. 42. MoGinley, James Chark* .. Wellington. !2,-,. Milnes, Esther Mary .. .. Thames. 43. Trezise, Sydnej Arthur- .. Wellington. 1211. Dromciool, Anthony Aloysiue 44. Honnessy, William Augustine . Wellington. William .. .. .. Auckland. 46. Tompsitt, Eileen Mabel .. Wanganui. 127. Harold, Christopher Boyle .. Ashburton. Ki. Cotter, Henry Francis .. Timaru. 128. Pearson, Kathleen Vera MaidDelargey, Francis Thomas .. Dunedin. stone .. .. .. Whangarei. 48. Dunn, Charles John .. .. Dunedin. 129. Nilsson, Dorothy Ivy.. .. Aratapu. Sweet, Charles James .. Auckland. 130. O'Meara, Eileen Josephine .. Oamaru. 50. Anderson, Evangeline Elizabeth [nveroargill. 131. Hunt, Dorioe Cowles .. .. Nelson. 51. Heath, Philip Cyril .. .. Auckland. Walker. Carl Richard .. Auckland. 52. Dunn. Stanley Bruce .. Gore. 133. Allnutt, Winifred May .. Dunedin. 58. Cooper, Ronald Webber .. Christehurch. 134. Cook, Charles William .. Dunedin. Grange, Leslie Issott . . . . Waihi. McVeagh, Robert .. .. Auckland. oft. Adams, Francis Harald .. Auckland. 136. Day, Stanley Prescott .. Chiistchurch. Applegate, Emma Gertrude . . Auckland. 137. Barton. Vivian .. .. Tapanui. 67. Johnson, Mabel Rayner .. Wellington. Tompkine, Arthur Laner- .. Hamilton. 58. Chamberlain, Clarence Vernon Napier. Kill. Davie, Harry Peroy Claude .. Palmerston North. Moadowuroft, Leonard Lincoln Wellington. 14U. Price. Francis Matthew .. Dmnevirke. {&.). Bingham, Fanny Dorothy .. Dannevirkc HI. Bradshaw, Gerald Belfield .. Waimate. 61. Lang, Ferdinand Wilson . . Auckland. Hartley, Herbert Thomas .. Waipawa. rt2. Davercux, Evelyn Myrtle .. Christohuroh. 143. Colgan, George Miohael .. Auckland. Moore, James Krancis Cleveland Hokitika. Harper. Annie .. .. Invoreargill. «4. Francis, Muriel Theresa Ellen . . Christohuroh. Moss, Doreen Hilda . . .. Dunedin. 65. Wilson, James Alexander .. Dannevirke. TunniolifFe, Robert (irahaui .. Nelson. (16. Graham, Percy Ronald .. Christehurch. 147. Bonnin, Muriel Gwendolyn Ruth Dunedin. 67. Jolly, Doris Clifton .. .. Tapanui. 148. Ferguson, John Stanley .. invercargUl. 68. Mclntosh. Samuel George . . Dunedin. Foote. Alfred Harold .. . . Dunedin. 69. Stoeker. Ingelow Penrose Dun bar Oamaru. Marks, Horace Robert .. Christehurol. 70. Johnstone, Archi(; Melton .. Christohuroh. Robertson, Percy James Eyre . . Wellington. 71. Passmore, Frederick Joseph .. Oamaru. Wilson, Leslie Foster .. Auckland. 72. Hall, Ada Winafred .. .. Christohureh. 153. Halliday, Cyril .. .. Hokitika. 73. Young, John Robert .. .. Greymouth. Ingram, Ivy Marian .. .. Nelson. 74. Burt, James Macalister . . [nveroargill. Lee, Evelyn Katie .. .. Auckland. Simcock, Russell Aubrey .. Auckland. McAli.ster* Joseph Leo .. Wellington. 76. Smith, Margaret Lilian .. Core. 157. Clayton, Alexander Charles .. Auckland. 77. Lawry, Walter Leslie .. Wellington. 158. Abernethy, Allan Hector .. Dunedin. 78. Henderson, Veda Marion .. Dunedin. 159. Ashby, Thomas William .Mark.. Hamilton. 79. Poppelwcll. William Thomas .. Wellington : 160. Findlay, Ivan Hendeisc.n .. InvercargUl. 80. Sage, Thyrza .. .. Christehurch. Mcßride, Joseph Bell.. .. Gore. 81. Gouk, Constance Marie .. Auckland. 162. McClurg, Dons Isabel .. Ashburton.

3—E. 8.




Civil Service Junior Examination — continued. No. Candidate. Examination Centre. < No. Candidate. Examination Centi-. 163. Paulin, Oliver Milieu .. .. Dunedin. Jervis, Vincent Gordon .. Dunedin. 164. Twining, Harvey Alexander .. Auckland. Paykel, Olga .. .. Auckland. 165. Bisley, Zita Mary .. .. Nelson. 250. Gee, Myrtle Florence .. .. Christchurch. 166. Waddeil, James Noble .. Gore. 251. Brown, William Mark .. Christchurch. 167. Binsted, James .. .. Auckland. Butler, Charles Ormonde .. Auckland. 168. Parker, Sydney Arthur .. Palmerston North. Gilpin, Annie .. .. Wellington. Prince, Dorothy Isabel .. Wellington. 254. Daniel, Victor Leonard Marie . . Wellington. White, Christine Loosemore .. Auckland. Thomas, Evelyn Comins . . Christchurch. Yardlcy, Mary Hastie .. Invercargill. 256. Kane, Patrick .. .. Nelson. 172. Morrison, Alexander Graham .. Nelson. 257. Banks, Alma Esther . ... Christchurch. 173. Barrett, Emost Hunter .. Invercargill. 258. Henderson, Cedric William .. Wanganui. 174. Green, Eric Wallace .. .. Oamaru. 259. Leaper, Harry Bertram .. Nelson. 175. McCashin, Alice Frances .. Gisborne. Wales, Dorothy Roder .. Christchurch. 176. Beattie, Isabella Stanley .. Christchuroh, 261. Bowen, Elsie Hadlow Courtenay Napier. Papps, Alice Muriel .. .. Rangiora. Hanlon, Margaret Kathleen . . Whangarei. Tremain, Ruth Millicent .. Auckland. McCallum, Leslie James .. Timaru. 179. Graham, Rupert Solwyn Aus- 264. Larking, Horace Gregory Hewett Wanganui. tralia .. .. .. Hamilton. Turner, Kassie Bowring .. Christchurch. Greatbatch, Elsie Bell .. New Plymouth. 266. Bradley, Daniel . . .. Wellington. Woolliams, Eva Mary Elizabeth Tapanui. Edmonds, Stella Mary .. Auckland. 182. Wily, Henry Clive Jenner .. Auckland. 268. Brown. Kathleen May .. Nelson. 183. Kearns, Charlotte Amy Maria .. Dunedin. Green, Lilian Cooper . . . Dunedin. Miller, Percy William .. Christchurcli McLeod, lan Roderick . . Tapanui. Paton, Francis Edwin Hacker .. Christehurck 271. Lush, Frances Amelia . . Gore. 186. Gold, Irene Kathleen . . Wellington. Macdonald, Elizabeth Ann . . Dunedin. 187. Bates, Gertrude Louisa .. Dunedin. Mcßae, Alexandrina .. .. Oamaru. Robertson, James Hope .. Whangarei. 274. Hodgson, Francis Joseph .. Stratford. 189. Gibbs, Alice Winifred .. Nelson. Hunter, Mary Murray .. Wanganui. 190. Mackay, Isabella Christina .. Invercargill. 276. Bowie, Jean Margery Mathias . . Invercargill. 191. Allen, Cecelia Mary .. .. Christchurch. Layburn, Ernest Thomas .. Dunedin. 192. Buckloy, Howard Francis .. Wellington. 278. Ambury, Olive Clarice . . Xew Plymouth. 193. Bate, Arthur Edwin .. .. Christchurch. Cleary, Albert William . . Whangarei. 194. Dobbyn, Josephine .. . . Palmerston North. 280. Ivil, William George .. .. Auckland. 195. Fletcher, Mabel Florence .. Westport. 281. O'Sullivan, Teresa .. .. Nelson. McCartney, Boyd Clark .. Nelson. Smith, Reginald Trevor .. Thames. Palmer, Leslie Valentine .. Nelson. 283. Munro, Murdoch Might .. Waipawa. 198. Honnessy, James Alphonsus .. Wellington. 284. Bicker, Hilda Dorothy . . Hamilton. Melrose, Susan Rowan .. Dunedin. Knight, Ernest Portal .. Dunedin. Wilson, Hugh Gordon .. 286. Blackie, Rhoda Mary.. .. Dunedin. 201. Bell, Arthur Wallace .. Nelson. 287. Maxwell, Mabel Dorothy .. Auckland. 202. Campbell, Dallas Bertrand .. Auckland. Sullivan, William Joseph . . Auckland. 203. McKenna, Kathleen Maude .. Wanganui 289. Christiansen, Olga Hildora . . Wellington. 204. Everett, Claire .. .. Nelson. 290. Gregg, Gerald . . .. Dunedin. 205. Williamson, Isa Mary .. Wellington. 291. Best, Sarah Elizabeth . . Wellington. 206. Wilkinson, Annie Marian .. Ashburton Powell, Mabel Hope . .. Gisborne. 207. Smellie, Norman Robertson . . Auckland. 293. Mauger, Ernest . .. Timaru. 208. Burns, Octaviuß .. .. Waipawa. Wilson, Sybil Isabel .. .. Invereargill. 209. Hayman, Benjamin Franklin . . Waimate. 295. Mac Donald, Elizabeth . . Hastings. 210. Campbell, Gladys Dovonald .. Inveroargiu. 296. Brown, Katie . . . . Auckland. 297: Worsley, Harold James . . Hamilton. 11. Passed the Examination. 298. Clarke, Herbert Stanley .. Christchurch. Green, Kdwin Stanley . . Dunedin. 211. Beetham, Stanloy Dβ VeUe .. Auckland. Price, Charles Eric James . Inveroargill 212. Miller, Winifred Bagley .. Dunedjp 301. Ivory. William .. . . Wellington. Woods, Selwyn Gorton .. Auckland. 302. Cooper, Christina Eva Lucy .. Christchurch 214. Maoiarlane, Douglae George .. Auckland. Egglestone, Arthur Ronald .. Dunedin. 215. Frood, Herbert .. .. Aratapu. Holmes. James Francis Wakefield Dunedin. Lownsborough, Frederic John .. Auckland. 305. Sherwood, Francis John . Gore 217. Kempthorne, Constance Emily.. Nelson. 300. Corbett, Waiatua Levuka .. Waipawa 218. Willis, John Shearing.. .. Thames. Fisher, Ernest Egbert .. Arrowtown. 219. Everett, Dorothy .. .. Nelson. 308. Carroll, Terence Eugene Patrick Auckland. 220. Mclntosh, Annie Margaret . . Dunedin. Hewat, Margaret Falconer . Wellington Watson, Robert George Samson InveroarguL 310. Kennedy, Gretchen .. .. Hastings Willis, Ivy Elizabeth .. Palmerston North. Morgan, Alan Gerald .. . . Taihape. 223. Burr, Ohvo Edna .. .. Wellington. 312. Bower, Elsie .. Napier Dolamore, Joan .. .. Nelson. 313. Alderman, Arthur .. . Napier Saunders, Charles Frederick .. Ashburton. 314. Bain, Arthur Charles Warner . Christchurch. 226. Shaw, Francis .. .. Timaru. Bradbury, William Edward . . Christchurch. 227. Atkin, Margaret Jessie Catherine Tapanui. 316. Bevan, Muriel Mary .. Wellington Kemp, Herbert George .. Wellington. Mcßride, William ' .. Invercaraill Still, Elsie .. .. .. Wellington. - Procter, William Alfred .. Auckland. 230. Newbury, Philip James .. Dunedin. Stafford, Fred . Dannevirke 231. Smith, William .. .. Thames. 320. Bowler, Margaret .. Taihape 232. Clementson, Kathleen .. Dunedin. Chisnall, Adeline Buxton .. Nelson. Lynch, Michael James .. Waimate. Raikes, Robert Campbell . Wellington 234. Logan, Irene May .. .. Invercargill. 323. Rowe, Mary Ellen .. .. Lawrence. 235. Flanagan, Veronica .. Wellington. 324. Clothier, Susie Bellaniv Dunedin 236. Cauty, Enid Melita .. .. Wellington. Davies, Myra Gwendoline .. Grevmouth. 237. Philhpps, Thomas George .. Dunedin. Slocombe,'Charles Srencer Invercarjrill 238. Martin, Robert Harry .. Dunedin. Wallace, Elizabeth Edith Dunedin Parker, Frederick George .. Balclutha. 328. Latta, Fred Louis Balclutha 240. Garry, George Craig .. .. Thames. 329. Collard, Edward Seeley .. Auckland. Walmsley, Sarah Margaret Kolicia Dunodin. Cunningham, Gladys .. Wellington 242. Cardno, Isabella Anne .. Auckland. 331. Maxwell, Stella Eveline .. Auckland. Dimond, Ivy Claire .. .. Christchurch. 332. Anyon, Elsie Marguerite .. Nelson. Tyerman, Harold Berkley .. Palmerston North. 333. Cameron, Francis Ewen Dunodin 245. Hodgson, Ralph John .. Nelson. Craig, Harold James .. .. Christchurch MclnVyre, Bethea Phyllis .. Wanganui. Scrimshaw, Harry Neill Timaru 247. Jennings, Elsie Eva .. .. Auckland. 336. Hodder, Basil Ravner .. Palmerston North



Omi, Service Junior Examination— continued. No Candidate Examination Centre. Nu. Candidate. examination Centre. Latimer, Constance Mary .. Auckland. 423. Daniell, Myra Deant . . .. Wanganui. 338. Scrimgeour, Charles Frederick .. Nelson. Grout, Henry Cranston .. Napier. 339. Casley, Kthel Isabel .. . . Thames. Nissen, Charlotte Alma .. Dunedin. Farrell, Raymond Leslie .. Auckland. Soilness, Lance Westbj .. Dunedin. 341. Britten, Vivian Russell .. Hastings.J 427. Hickson, Arnold Gordon .. Gisborne. Harvie, William Edwin .. Auckland. McCaw, William Armstrong . Invercargill. Roughton, Verna Edna Grace .. Nelson. 429. Ambrose, Margaret .. .. Gore. 344. Buxton, Leonard Thomas An- Auckland. Jerram, George Leslie .. Auckland. £l; thony McGovern, Josoph .. . . Pukekohe. Gagen, Arthur Cyril .. .. Wellington. 432. McErlain, Catherine Rose .. Lawrence. Mcßeath, Henry David .. Nelson. Sutherland, Lenore Mary .. Auckland. 347. Carpenter, Bernard Charteris .. Auckland. 434. McGrath, Norma Mary . . Wellington. Scott, George William . . Stratford. Payne, Amy Rose . . .. Christehureh. 349. Forsythe, William James .. Palmerston North. Williams, Lawrence .. .. Hokitika. Guey, William Lip .. .. Auckland. 437. Hooper, Ronald Noel.. .. Nelson. 351. Brokenshire, Reginald James . . New Plymouth. Kennedy, Archibald Patrick Dickie, Isabella .. .. Christehureh. Leslie .. . . .. Lawrence. 353. Eudey, Walter Robert Syme .. Dunedin. 439. Gillin, Kathleen .. . . Nelson. Laing, Henry .. .. Dunedin. Jenkins, Clifford Edward .. Thames. White, Miriam Sarah Ellen .. Whangarei. Wills, Rowland Williams .. Nelson. 366. Allen, Eleanor Emilie .. Wellington. 442. Henderson, Aileen Marion .. Palmerston North. Beattie, Helen Annie .. .. Christehureh, Macgregor, Rob Roy .. InvercargilL Craighead, Eugene .. .. Wellington. 444. Bennett, Sidney George .. Auckland. 359. Old, Clara .. .. .. New Plymouth. Boyd, Henry Richard .. Christchuroh. Twomey, Brian Leo . . .. Timaru. White, Carl Huntley .. .. Auckland. Ward, Ralph Horatio .. Auckland. 447. Brosnahan, Margarot Mary .. Waimate. 362. Sexton, Louise Isobel.. .. Auckland. Jameson, Thomas Reginald .. Auckland. 363. Breeze, Evelyn Marion .. Hokitika. McMillan, Norman Monteith .. Whangarci. Gough, Edgar Charles .. Christehureh. Meuli, Lorenz Wilfred .. Nelson. Macnab, William Alexander .. Lawrence. 451. Butler, Jamos .. .. Rangiora. 366. Forrester, Mabel Isabella .. Auckland. Davis, Norman James Bulmer.. Wellington. 367. Morrison, Arnold Edmund .. Blenheim. MeCormick, Alexander Leslie . . Waipawa. Syme, Margaret Fleming .. Auckland. 454. Addis, Daniel Bert .. .. Taihape. 369. Butson, MUlicent .. .. Invoreargill. Walters, Ernest Morris .. Aratapu. 370. Masfen, Guy Handbury .. Auckland. 456. Jameson, John Kennedy . . InvercargilL 371. Battershill, Eric Henry . . Hastings. Scoular, Spencer Gray - .. Dunedin. Blaney, Florence .. .. Dunedin. 458. Harpor, James .. .. Dunedin. Gibb, Stewart Cecil .. .. Oamaru. Kayo, John Baehop .. .. Dunedin. McDonald, Gordon Fawsitt . . Dunedin. Quigley, Clarenco Vivian .. Christehureh. Tunnicliffe, Norris Henry .. Nelson. Russell, Naomi .. .. Auckland. 376. Blomfield, Norman Ralph .. Auckland. 462. Carson, Norman William .. Auckland. 377. Allan, Elizabeth Stewart .. lnvercargil], Williams, Violet Louise .. Auckland. Campbell, Laehlan .. .. Hastings. 4R4. Lyttle, Irene Isabel Catherine . . Gore. 379. Bean, Roy Eugene .. .. Christchuroh. 465. Greene, Margaret Olive . . Dannevirke. Hooker, Elsie .. .. Christehureh. Roberton, James Basil Wilkie.. Auckland. Masefield, Keith' Howard .. Auckland. 467. Marsdon, Lawrence Leonard .. Auckland. Roe, Thomas Strathallan . . »Napier. O'Donnell, Nora Brigid .. Greymoutb. 383. Jennings, Annie Mary Agnes .. Auckland. Rowe, Myrtle Joy Symone .. Auckland. McClure, Emma Violet Jane .. Christchureh. 470. Irwin, Annie Mary .. . . Invercargill. 385. Inder, Daphne Myrtle .. Wanganui. 471. Bain, Ida Wilhelmina . . Napier. 386. Lamb, John William . . Timaru. Brennan, Arthur Joseph .. Wellington. 387. Armstrong, Thomas Albert . . Christehureh. 473. Bestic, Edward .. .. Waihi. 388. Molesworth, Muriel Gordon . . Nelson. Girling-Buteher, Walter Lancelot Wellington. 389. Tansey, Frank Ellis Fermore .. Waipawa. . Tobin, Mary Teresa . ... Arrowtown. 390. McDonald, Jean Christina .. Napior. 476. Bremner, Diniel Eric .. Auckland. Strack, Fritz Antono .. Wellington. Janeen, Kathleen Man .. Wellington. Walker, Mervyn Roy .. Dunedin. Wills, Leonard Arnold .. Waipawa. 3H3. Feary, Irene Emily .. .. < )roymouth. Wilson, Raymond Matheaon .. Auckland. Nelson, William Thomas .. Auckland. Wise, Victor John .. .. Wellington. Smith, James Christian .. Naseby. 481. Smith, Lawerence William .. Christehureh. Towle, Charles Raymond .. Auckland. 482. Dryden, Albert James .'. Dunedin. Wilson, Edith Gertrude .. Christohuroh. McLean, Neil Clifford .. Auckland. 398. Kerr, Harold Walter .. .. Palmerston North. 484. Mathieson, Elizabeth GlendinKilsby, Edward John .. Palmerston North. ning .. .. .. Dunedin. Manson, Margaret Eli/.alicili Kin- 485. Thomson, George Ward .. Timaru. nison .. .. .. Hastings. 486. Moon, Ernest James .. .. Christchurch. Thompson, Alfred Ernest . . Palmerston North. 487. Johnston, Agnes Barras .. Hamilton. 402. Chipman, Frederick Keith . . Auckland. Kernohan, Florence Katherine Dunedin. Clements, James Athol .. Dunedin. McLeod, Mary McLennan .. Auckland. Milne, Jessie Eunice .. .. Wellington. Thompson, Herbert .. .. Christdhurch. Smythson, Coralie .. .. Masterton. 491". Davis, Lyel Stanley .. .. Naseby. 406. McGuigan, John James .. Hokitika. Mills, Laurie Maude .. .. New Plymouth. Simpson, Dorothy Mabel Harris Auckland. Moody, Flora Conetanct! .. Dunedin. Worker, Rupert Vivian de Renzv Aucklain i. o"Donoghue. Margaret Luc} - -409. Roots, Arthur .. . . Hawera. Mary .. .. .. Wellington. 410. Dunne, Agnes Josephine . . Timaru. Thomson, John Charles .. Invercargill. 411. Harper, Frank Astley .. Hastin».-. 496. Broadhurst, Phyllis Augustine .. Christehureh. 412. Brownlee, John .. .. Greymouth. Dolaney, Frances Ann .. Wellington. 413. Sansbury, Trevor Allison .. Auckland. Guthrie, Muriel Isabel . . Christehureh. 414. Burke, Patrick Ambrose .. Dunedin: McLean, Phillippa Grace .. Thames. 415. Baehop, Annie Madeline . . Dunedin. Whittington, Charles Vaughan Waipawa. Bycroft, Wilfred John . . Auckland. 501. Fraser, Percival Ciel .. .. Hastings. Hammond, Olive Laura . . Nelson. Hounsell, Mary Beatrice .. Nelson. Hunter, Charlotte .. . Ricfton. Todd, Charles Patrick .. Dunedin. 419. Aitchison, Roland Lindsay Camp- 504. Bunn, Elizabeth Margaret .. Dnnedin. bell .. .. Palmerston North. McNaughton, Donald Stuart .. InvercargilL Bruco, Robert Graham .. Christchurch. 506. McGlone, Katherine .. .. Invercargill. Cfdrrholni, Sylvia .. .. Wellington. Marlow, Francis Joseph .. Dunedin. TVckn, Fmloriek William . . Waipawa. 508. Moltzen. William Ernest .. Christohuroh.

E. 8


Civil Service Junior Examination — continued. No. Cnndidatr. Examination Oentre. Nu. candidate. Kxamination Centra* O'Shea, John Ives .. .. Wellington. Clark, Charles James Milton .. Auckland. Williamson, William .. .. Waipawa. 599. Goulstone, John William .. Auckland. 511. Pring, Nina Blanohe .. .. Stratford. 800. McCaw, Alexander Lindsay .. Inveroargill. 512. Cameron, Olive Maud .. Dunedin. Makeig, Aileen Dorothy .. .Wiburton. 513. Patterson, Ernest Dabell .. Auokland. 802. Muloahy,'Jamea .. .. Palmerston North. Smith, Christopher Timothy .. Wellington. t>o3. Hampton, Elsie Marsh .. Ashburton. 516. GudselL Leslie Mansfield .. Christohuroh. Hanson, Frederiok Melrose HoroJlulsc. William Henrj .. Auckland. whenua .. .. .. Levin. o'Lea.ry, Johanna .. .. Oamaru. 606. Hieatt, Charles William Walter Auckland. 518. Dobbie, Ezra Agustue .. Inveroargill. Rice, Stephen Dominic .. Thames. r>1!). Elaine, Percy .. .. Hawera. Sharpe, Kdna Wyon .. .. Dunedin. 520. Wyatt, Tom Ranui .. .. Auckland. 608. Sill, William John .. .. Taihape. r>2l. Champtaloup, Hoy Edward .. Auckland. 809. Kennedy, Martin Hugh .. Greymouth. 522. Kennedy, John William .. Auckland. Morgan, Lavinia Alice .. Wellington. Lange, Ernest. Heinrioh Kzarl .. Christohuroh. 611. Bradley, Gwladys Myrtle .. Chrietohuroh. Tuil. lain. .. .. Waipawa. Hill. Kleanor .. .. Dannevirke. 525. Anderson, Bruoe Millei .. Balolutha. Whitney, John Cecil .. .. Auckland. Holland. Richard Ufred .. Wellington. 614. Chapman, William Andrew .. Palmerston North. Holdaway, Maj Aurunui .. Wellington. dapperton, James Duncan .. Auckland. Waddi'l. William Lindo .. Wellington. Mulholland, Christopher .. Auckland. Whiting, Edward Harold .. Nelson. 017. Pringle, BQeen Maria .. Wellington. 630. Wilson, Andrew .. .. Chrietohuroh. 618. Greenwood, Nina Pauline .. Auckland. 631. Warnes, Amelia .. .. Hastings. TidswelL David Franklyn .. Taihape. 532. Taylor. Robert John .. .. Rangiora. 620. McGiven, Clyde West .. New Plymouth. 53:>. Bishop, Eunioe .. .. Chrietohuroh. Scott,, Henry Heotor .. .. Dunedin. Henderson, Jeanie Calder .. Dunedin. t>22. Kateto, Herewini .. .. Waipawa. Taylor. Thomas Lumsden . . Napier. 623. Allison, Kenneth Willway . . Wanganui. 53ft. Tanner, Albertina Annie Ida . . Auckland. Waretini, Emire . . .. Xapier. ">:!7. Clark, Percy Macquarie .. Nelson. 626. Willmer, Lily Gertrude .. Christchuroh. KM. Keeur, Leonard William . . Wellington 626. Knuckey, William .. . . Wanganui. Unehan, John Thomas . . Masterton. 627. Currie, George Donald .. Auckland. McKenzie, Eva Doris . . Dannevirkc. Johnston, Helen Munro .. Auckland. Tarrant. Katharine Louisa . . Taihape. 629. Priest, Arthur Francis Lester . . Christchurch. .">l2. Allen, James .. .. Ashburton. 630. Carnoross, Lila Ellis .. .. Dunedin. Duthie, David Keith .. .. Auokland. Oliver, William Clarence .. Christehurch. Wildbore, Cecilia Ruby Ma) .. Palmerston North. 632. Wilson, Adelaide .. .. Hastings. .">4r>. LerwilL .Myrtle Ann .. . . Wellington. . 633. Milne, Alexander .. .. Lawrence. 546. Nissen, Margreta Augusta .. Dunedin. Rothwell, Premier Seddoi] .. Nelson. Sexton, William Jame .. Auckland. 635. Bell. Cecil Robert . . . . Dunedin. 548. Potaka, Matthew .. .. Waipawa. Burke, Patrick Joseph . . Wellington. 649. Greig, James Boyd .. .. Gisborne. 1>37. Burdett-Stuart, Elizabeth Amy Ashburton. Haeusler, Hans Rudolf . . Auckland. Keane, Margaret Veronica .. Taihape. .">5l. Jones, Ernest Evans .. .. Auckland. <>:!!'. Heslop, John Wills .. .. Christchureh. Kobinson, Janet Barclay .. Uunedin. Martin, Lydia Mary Linda . . Inveroargill. Stewart, Colin Taihajie. 641. Libeau, Alma Clemence .. Stratford. Webber, Cora Florenoe Dannevirke. 64.2. Carter, Walter Richard . Whangarei. 555. Finlay, James Hayes . . Thames. 643. Day, Louis Alfred .. . . Gisborne. Lane," Hazel Marion .. . . Auckland. Quayle, Violet Jane . . .. Tapanui. 557. Pattrick, Joyce Elizabeth .. Ohristchurch. 645. Anns. William Howard Elgin . . Nelson. Thruston, Herbert Francis .. Auckland. Griffin, William Goggin .. Waipawa. 559. MeAuliffe, Thomas Brien .. Taihape. Knight, Clement Frederick . . Auckland. Pearoe, Owen David .. .. Wellington. MoCredie, Dulcie May .. [nveroargill. 561. Barry, John Joseph .. .. Wellington. Mitchell, Helen .. .. Wellington. Carpenter, David Reid .. Auckland. Smyth, Robert Patrick . . Auokland. 563. Chamberlain, Una Clarence .. Thames. 651. MoKenzie, Riohard .. .. Auckland. .">i>4. Allwright, George Edward . . Palmerston North. 652. Sykes, Gordon Murray .. Nelson. Fraser, Katherine Flora .. Inveroargill. 653. Winfleld, Kathleen Doris .. New Plymouth. Hampsou, George Albert .. Nelson. 654. Blake. Philip .. . . Wellington. 567. Russell, Hilda .. .. Hamilton. Philpott, Harold George .. New Plymouth. Webb, Elizabeth Man .. Hastings. 656. Rains. Catherine Maude .. Carterton. 569. Harding, Gladys May .. Christonurch. | 657. Coop, William Harold .. Dunedin. Pettigrew, Etobina .. .. Christchurch. Treaoy, Hilda .. .. Balclutha. ,">7I. Grant. William James .. Dunedin. 669. Smith, Norman MoGregor .. Dunedin. N'ork, Annie Kennedy .. Lawrence. 660. Baker, Pita Heretaunga .. Gisborne. ■~>~',l. Orowhuret, Victor Roy .. Auckland. KJeddelL Rubina Marion .. Greyiiiouth. Neylon, William Mortimer .. Wellington. 662. Brodie, George Erio Silke .. lnvercartrill. ")75. Houghton, Eva Mary. . .. Auckland. Sadd, Edgar Coveney .. Nelson. Pratt, Albert Ernest .. .. Auckland. 664. Maitland, Winifred Hinemoa Iris Duncdiu. Robertson, Colina Alexandra . . New Plymouth. Smith. Mary Muriel Digby .. Nasebv. 578. Bollinger, Marjorie Joyce ~ New Plymouth. Olio. Wood hams, Nelson .. .. Wellington. Butler, Ethel Dora .. .. Groymouth. 667. Bell, Myrtle Ann Mary . . Westport. 580. Barker, Clifford England . . Dannevirke. Counihau, Catherine .. .. Oamaru. Bowler, Catherine Bridget .. Taihapo. lied. Albert Edward .. Christchuroh. Cummins, Andrew Joseph Francis Wellington. 670. Webb, Arthur Llewellyn .. Wellington. Francis, Doris Agnes .. .. Wellington. 671. Garth, Thomas William .. Wellington. McKillop, Edgar Ravenswood .. Invercargill. Martin, Richard Bowdcn .. Wellington. 585. Houston, John .. . . Invercargill. 673. Miller, John Champion .. Napier. 580. Kinghan, John . . .. Thames. Salisbury, Ewart Tear? .. Hastings. 587. Lumsdou, Jeaunie .. .. Jnvercargill. 675. Hepburn, David John .. Dunedin. Tureia, Wiremu .. .. Waipawa. Wilson, Donald Sydney .. Wellington. 589. Cocker, Alice . . .. New Plymouth. G77. Fletcher, Lilian Hannah .. Palmerston North. 590. Weaver, Ralph .. .. Whangarei. Marris, James Arthur Sydney . . Westport. 591. Tomalin, Beatrice AI ie<! .. Auckland. 679. Duggan, Margaret .. .. Groymouth. 592. Foreyth, Sarah Anne Harvey .. Hokitika. 680. McDonald, Colin Alexander .. 1 nvereargill. Stewart, Archibald .. .. Gore. .\lelvin, Susannah Jessie .. Invercargill. 594. Heiso, James Mackay . . Taihape. 682. Desmond, Harold Daniel .. Palmerston North. Kaa, Pekama . . .. Waipawa. Poutawera, Rahiri .. .. Waipawa. McGregor, Alan Godfrey .. Wanganui. 684. Heard, Leonard Alfred Douglas Carterton. ,>!>7. Borrows, William Leonard .. Wellington. Miiliin, Constance Sarah Rosena Wellington.

K. -S

Orai. Service Junior Examination— continued. No. Candidate. Kxainiuatiou Outre. -No. Candidate. lixaminatlon Centra. tsBti. Fryer, Charlie .. .. Blenheim. 727. Levy, Knock Bruce .. .. Auckland. O'Brien, Herbert Patrick .. Wauganui. 72b. Barry, Arthur Vera .. .. Auckland. riBB. Wilson, Man .. .. Napier. 7'2lt. Fernandez, Aubrey Rupert .. Carterton. •>B9. Hull, Clive Benson .. .. Auckland. Knight, George Bernard .. Wanganui. H9O. Clarke, Henry Norman Erie .. Auckland. Sjmonsen. Edwin Oscar .. Whangarei. i>9l. Holm, John William .. .. Auckland. 7:i2. Hadfleld, Gnssie Takimoana .. Waipawa. i>92. Webster. Duncan Cecil Ernest. .. Lawrence. 7:i.'t. Rountree, Leonard John .. Ashburton. 693. Donnelly, John Edward .. lnvercargill. 784. Costar, Walter Richard .. Auckland. Jefferson, Eva Katherine .. Dunedin. 735. BlaokwelL Lucy Irene .. Lawrence. Monk, Frank Lyle .. .. Auckland. 736. Smith, Ethel Maud .. . . Masterton. lilili. Hamley, Phoebe .. .. Auckland. 737. Scott, Leslie Gordon .. .. Auckland. ti97. Thorp, Eunice Ella . . .. Thames. 7liS. Houston, Thomas .. .. Balolutha. i>oB. Kilgour, John Duncan .. Marton. 739. Walker, Douglas James Bruce .. Auckland. Pearce, Edward Wardell .. Nelson. 740. Islip. Ellen Gertrude . . .. Dunedin. Russell, Mary Jane Hulee .. Balclutlia. 741. .Sheat. Charles Millard .. Ashburton. 701. Bagnall. Eric Hugo .. . . Hamilton. 742. Lynekey, Winifred Anne .. Christchurch. 702. Cathie, Effie Milroy .. .. Wellington. 743. lx>w. Edward Quentirj .. Auckland. I nnuell, John Walter.. .. Waimate. 744. Fowler, Arthur .. .. Auckland. 704. Munro, Hugh .. . . Auckland. Hildreth, Horace Victor .. Wellington. 705. StanneW, Horace Vartnull . . Stratford. 74H. Dove, William Walter .. Auckland. 70ti. Naughton, Alice Marion .. Wellington. 74.7. Sturgees, i leorge Henry .. Dunedin. 707. McKinnon, Albert .. .. Whangarei. 748. Mewton, Aubrey William . . Wellington. 7l>B. Boler, Robert Norman Stoventou Auckland. 749. Farcuihar, Harry Roy .. Wellington. Teyohenne, Godfrey Level .. Wellington. 750. Foley, John O'ohanessy .. Auckland. 710. Abraham, William Peroival .. Christ-church. 751. Reader. Thomas Henry .. Stratford. Smyth, Patrick .. .. Auckland. 752. Kelleher, Edward Patrick ~ Wellington. 712. Mirfin, Ashton .. .. Reef ton. 753. Wilson, William Adam . . Auckland. 713. Carter, Stanley Cyril . . Whangarei. 754. McDonnell, Charles Francis . . Nelson. Guvlee, Madge .. .. Wanganui. 755. Ball, Elsie Priscilla .. .. Auckland. 715. Cunningham, Evelyn Isabel < k»le Wellington. 756. Smith, Cyril George .. .. Levin. 71 c. Macintosh, Ivy AUoc .. Auckland. 757 Windsor, Phyllis Evelyue .. Auckland. Neill, Alfred George .. .. Dunedin. 758. Aiukin, Francis William . . Wellington. Walsh, Magnus Aimer Lindgren Christchurch. Millner. Evelyn Mary.. .. Hokitika. 719. Edwards, Percival Clarence .. Taihape. 760. Hirst, Ben .. .. .. Auckland. McMahou, Francis . . .. Stratford. Lee, Myrtle Alexandria . . Auckland. 721. Marison, Norman .. .. Nelson. 7(52. Cates, Charles .. . . Auckland. 722. Best, Helen .. . . .. Nelson. Hudson, Evan Gibb .. .. Auckland. 723. Barron, Alexander ~ . . Dunediu. 764. White, Margaret Eleanor .. Ashburton. Moor, Winfred Annas . . Christchurch 765. Neas, Henry Rudolph . lnvercargill 725. Moses, Zoe Irene .. .. Auckland. 7HH. Dougherty, Pearl Elizabeth . Hamilton. Russell, Cecil Roy .. . . Wellington. FitzGerald, Kathleen May .. Ashburton.

SENIOR FREE PLACES IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Names of the Candidates that passed the Examination (arranged tn Alphabetical Order) Candidate. Examination Centre. Candidate. Examination Centre. Abernethy, Allan Hector .. .. Dunedin. Applegate, Emma Gertrude .. Auckland. Abraham, William Percival .. Armstrong, Thomas Albert .. Christohuroh. Adams, Edward Leslie .. .. Christohurch. Ashby, Thomas William Mark .. Hamilton. Adams, Ernest Claude .. . . Thames. Ashworth, Mina Evelyn .. .. Wellington. Adams, Franois Harald .. .. Auckland. Atkin, Margaret Jessie Catherine . . Tapanui. Addis, Daniel Bert .. .. Taihape. Auld, Mark Campbell .. .. Stratford. Adkin, Ethel Marjorie .. . . Levin. Auton, Robert . . .. .. Christohurch. Aickin, Francis William .. .. Wellington. A very. Susie Florence .. .. Blenheim. Aitchison. Roland Lindsay Campbell Palmerston North. Babington, Dorothy May .. .. Wellington. Alderman, Arthur .. .. Napier. Bachop, Annie Madeline .. .. Dunedin. Alderton, Trevor Dudley Hall .. Auckland. Bacon. Archibald Thomas .. . . New Plymouth. Allan. Elizabeth Stewart .. .. lnvercargill. Bagley, Cedrio John .. . . Dannevirke. Allardioe, Henry Jooelyn . . .. Dannevirke. Baguall, Eric Hugo .. .. Hamilton. .Ulen, Bertha Elizabeth .. .. Auckland. . Bailey, Raymond Horace . . .. Napier. Allen, Cecelia Mary . . . . Christchureh. Bain, Arthur Charles Warner . , Christohuroh. Allen, Eleanor Eniilie .. .. Wellington. Bain, Ida Wilhelmina .. .. Napier. Allen, Isabella Dorothy .. .. Christeliuivh. Bain, Marjorie Helen .. .. Christohuroh. Allen, Jairies .. .. .. Ashburton. Bain, Monica Tui.. .. .. Wanganui. Allen, Natalie Constance Bowen . . Wellington. Baker, George Bartrum . . .. Timaru. Allison, Kenneth Willway .. .. Wanganui. Baker, Katlueen Ira .. .. Christelnireh. Allnutt, Winifred May .. .. Dunedin. Baker, Pita Heretaunga .. .. Qisborne. Allwright, George Ed ward .. .. Palmerston North. Bull, Elsie Priscilla .. .. Auckland. Ambrose, Margaret .. . . I iore. Bamtield, Owen Wilder .. .. Oamaru. Amburv, Olive Clarice . . .. New Plymouth. Banks, Alma Esther .. .. Christohuroh. Ames, William Howard Elgin .. Nelson. , Barker, Clifford England .. .. Dannevirke. Amodeo, Donald Lannuzel. . .. Auckland. Barleyman, Edytho Marian .. Ha'wera. Anderson, Bruce Miller .. .. Balclutha. Barnes, George Ernest .. .. Marton. Anderson, Erie James .. .. Dunedin. Bamiooat, John WalUs . . .. Palmerston North. Anderson. Evangeline Elizabeth .. lnvercargill. Barrett, Ernest Hunter .. . . Inveroargill, Anderson, Ngaire Milsom Hamilton.. Balolutha., Barron, Alexander .. .. Dunedin. Andrews, Charles George Edward .. Auckland. Barry. Arthur Vere .. .. Auckland. Angland, Ellen Margaret .. .. Gisborne. Barry, John Joseph .. .. Wellington. Angland, Honora .. .. Timaru. Bartlett, Maurice Leo .. .. Kelson. Anyon, ElsieMarguerit*- . . .. Nelson. Barton, Vivian .. . . .. Tapanui




Senior Free Places in Secondary Schools- continued. Candidate. Inanimation Centre. Candidate. Examination Oentre Bute. Arthur Edwin .. .. Christchurch. Brodie, George Brio Silke .. . Invercargill. Hattcrsliill. Eric Henn .. .. Hastings. Brogan, Wilfrid lugustine.. .. Dannevirke. Bates, Gertrude Louisa .. .. Dunedin. Brokenshire, Reginald James .. New Plymouth. Bathgate, David Alfred .. .. Dunedin. Broomfield, Ivy Gwendoline .. Whangarei. Baverstock, Henry Syke> . . .. Christchurch. Brosnahan, Margaret Mary .. Waimate. Baxter, Jvaii Bruce .. .. Invercargill. ■ Brosnan, Johanna Monica .. .. Ldwrence. Beach, Ivy Elinor Marie .. .. Christchurch. Brown, Geoffrey MoPherson .. Auckland. Beach, John Allen . . . . Hamilton. Brown, John Love .. .. Auckland. Beale, Geoffrey Hilton . . . . Auckland. Brown, Kathleen Hay .. .. Nelson. Beamish, Mabel .. .. . . Auckland. Brown, Katie .. .. .. Auckland. Bean, Roy Eugene . • . • Christchurch. Brown, Lilian Ada Sarah .. .. Waihi. Beard, Leonard Alfred Douglas . . Carterton. Brown, Nellie Ellis . . .. Dunedin. Beattie, Helen Annie .. .. Christchurch. Brown, Nora Katie .. .. Pukekohe. Beattie. Isabella Stanley . . .. Christchurch. Brown, William Mark .. .. Christehurch. Beattie, Robert .. .. .. Christchurch. Brownlee, John .. .. .. ( ireyniouth. Beaumont, James Henry . . . . Wellington. Bruce, Marian Stuart .. .. Wanganui. Beaven, Malcolm Ward . .. Christchureh. Bruce, Robert Graham .. .. Christchurch. Beck, May Florence . . .. Tiniaru. Bryan, Percy Kenneth .. .. Reefton. Bedlingtou, Roy Percy . . .. Whangarei. Bryan, Winifred Myrtle .. . . Westport. Beetham, Stanley De'Velle .. Auckland. | Buckley, Howard Francis .. .. Wellington. Bell. Alexander . . .. .. Dunedin. i Buckley, William Bernard .. . . Wellington Bell, Arthur Wallace .. . . Nelson. Bullock, William Arthur Trevellian .. Dunedin. Bell, Cecil Robert . . . . Dunedin. Bunn, Elizabeth Margaret .. . . Dunedin. Bell, Myrtle Ann Mary .. .. Westport. Burdett-Stuart. Elizabeth Amy .. Ashburton. Bennet. Charles Lindsay .. .. Invoreargill. Burke, Patriot Ambrose .. .. Dunedin. Bennett, Alan George Keith .. Wellington. Burke, Patrick Joseph .. .. Wellington. Bennett, Edith May . . . . Timaru. Burnes, Adam Allan . . . . Nelson. Bennett, John Dale . . . . Wellington. Burnett, Annie Nesbil . . .. Oamaru. Bennett, Louis Amo- .. .... Nelson. Burns, Ootavius .. .. .. Waipawa. Bennett, Sidney George . . .". Auckland. Burns, William Saxon . . Auckland. Bennetts, Harold Eddy .. .. Timaru. Burr, Olive Edna .. .. .. Wellington. Berriman, Olive, Daltoii .. ■ ■ Pukekohe. Burt, James Maealister . . Invercargill. Best, Charles Cairn . . .. Auckland. Butler, Charles Ormonde . . Auckland. Best, Helen .. .. .. Nelson. Butler, Ethel Dora .. . . Greymouth. Best, Sarah Elizabeth .. . . Wellington. Butler, James .. .. . . Rangiora. Bestall, Leonard Delabere .. . . Napier. Butson, Millicent .. .. . . Invercargill. Bestio, Edward .. . . . . Waihi. Buttei Held. Alice Margrettha Beatrice Gisbome. Beswick, Albert Edward . . . . Wellington. Buxton. Leonard Thomas Anthony . . Auckland. Bethell, John Gordon .. . . Whangarei. Byeroft, Wilfred Jolm .. .. Auckland. Betts, Emily Doris .. .. Nelson. Cameron. Francis Ewen .. .. Dunedin. Bevan, Muriel Mary .. . . Wellington. Cameron. Ida . . .. . . Stratford. Bicker, Hilda Dorothy .. .. Hamilton. Cameron, Olive Maud .. .. Dunedin. Billclift, Harold Shaw' .. .. Christchurch. Campbell, Dallas Bertrand .. .. Auckland. Bindon, Ernest Basil .. .. Whangarei. Campbell, Gladys Devonald ~ Invercargill. Bines, Arthur David .. .. Auckland. Campbell, Gladys Olive .. .. Auckland. Bingham, Fanny Dorothy .. . . Dannevirke. i Campbell. Josephine .. . . Whangarei. Bintited. James .. ■• •• Auckland. Campbell, Lachlan. .. .. Hastings. Bird, Grace Elizabeth .. . . Wellington. Cardno, Isabella Anne . . .. Auckland. Bishop, Eunice .. .. ... Christchurch. Carlson. Victor John .. .. Dannevirke. Bisley. Zita Mary.. .. .. Nelson. Carneross. Lila Ellis .. .. Dunedin. Blackie, Margaret Pandreidi .. Dunedin. Carpenter, Bernard Charteris .. Auckland. Blaekie. Hhoda Mary .. .. Dunedin. Carpenter, David Reid .. .. Auckland. Blaokwell, Lucy Irene .. .. Lawrence. Carroll, Terence Eugene Patrick .. Auckland. Blake. Maude Emily Isabel .. Stratford. Carson, Francis Edward .. .. Palmereton North, Blake. Philip .. .. .. Wellington. Carson, Norman William .. .. Auckland. Blaney, Florence .. .. .. Dunedin. I Carston, Henry Fritz .. .. Dannevirke. Blight, William Thomas .. .. Auckland. Carter, Charlie Lyons .. .. Invercargill. Blomfield, Norman Ralph .. .. Auckland. Carter, Harry Gar U p.. .. Dannevirke. Boler, Robert Norman Steventon .. Auckland. Carter. Stanley Cyril .. .. Whangarei. Bolland, Richard Alfred .. .. Wellington. Carter, Walter Richard .. .. Whangarei. BoUinger, Marjorie Joyce .. .. New Hymoutb Caselberg, Uezander Lionel .. Wellington. Bonnin, Muriel Gwendolyn Ruth .. Dunedin. Casey, John .. .. .. Wellington. Booth, Alfred Normanby .. .. Nelson. Casey, Thomau .. .. .. Wellington. Borer, Oscar .. .. .. Wellington. | Caeley, Ethel Isabel .. .. Thames. Borrows, William Leonard.. .. Wellington. Catea, Charles .. .. .. Auckland. BoßweU, Arthur .. .. •• Auckland. Cathie, Effle Milroy .. .. Wellington. Botherway, William Langton .. Hamilton. Canty, Enid Melita .. .. Wellington. Bowen, Elsie Hadlow Courtenay . . Napier. Cederholm. Sylvia .. .. Wellington. Bower, Elsie .. .. • • Napier. : Chalmers, Vera Maud .. .. Wellington. Bowie,' Jean Margery Mathiae . . Invercargill. I hamberlain, Clarence Vernon .. Napier. Bowker, Elsie Aileen .. .. Tiniaru. Chdinuerlain, Una Clarence .. Thame.-. Bowler, Catherine Bridget .. .. Taihape. Champtaloup, Hoy Edward .. Auckland. Bow lcr, Margaret .. .. Taihape. Chapman, William Andrew .. Palmerston North. Boyd, George Sampson .. .. Auckland. Chatwin, Lothair Aris .. .. Wanganui. Boyd, Henry Richard .. . . Christchuroh. ' Chaj-tor, John Clervaux .. .. Nelson. Boyd, Thomas George .. . . Christchurch. Cheesman, Lewis Sidnej .. .. Blenheim. Bradbury, William Edward . . Christchurch. Clu'pman, Frederick Keeth .. Auckland.] Bradlield, William Louis .. .. Palmerslon North. Chisholm, Ivy Sediuan .. .. Wanganui. ■ Bradley, Daniel .. .. ■• Wellington. I, Adeline Buxton .. .. Nelson. Bradley, Frederick George. . .. Whangarei. Chrisp, Eric Townley .. ■■ Nelson. Bradley, Gwladvs Myrtle .. .. Christohuroh. Chriatiansen, Olga Hildora.. .. Wellingtou Bradshaw, Gerald Belfield .. .. Waimate. 'Christie, Bessie Doris .. .. Wanganui. Bramwell. Oswald George .. .. Wellington. Church, Robert Alan Harry .. Oamaru. Breeze, Evelyn Marion .. .. Hokitika. Clapperton, James Dunoan .. Auckland. Bremner, Daniel Eric .. .. Auckland. Clark, Charlux James Milton .. Auckland. Brcnnan, Arthur j<.scpli .. Wellington. Clark, Ivy .. .. .. Oaraaru. Brett, Mesron Templer .. .. Auckland. Clark, Percy Maoquarie .. .. Nelson. Britten, Vivian RusseD .. .. Hastings. Clarke, Herbert Stanley .. .. Christchurch Broadhuret. ¥hyllie Augustine .. Christohuroh Clarke. Henry Norman Erie .. Auckland.


Sknior Free Places in Secondary Schools— continued. Candidate. Examination Centre. | Candidate. Examination Centre. Clarke, John Maxwell .. .. Panedin. JJunue, Agnes Josephine .. .. Timaru. Clarkson, Eric Fleming .. .. Nelson. Duthie, D.ivid Keith .. .. Auckland. Clark-Walker, Veida Maire . . Whangarei. Earle, Lawrence Edward .. . . Wellington. Clayton, Alexander Charles .. Auckland. Earwaker, Diisy .. .. .. [nvereargill. Cleary, Albert William .. . . Whangarei. Edmonds, Stella Mary .. . . Auckland. Clements, .James Athol . . .. Dunedin. Edmondson, Dorothy Gladys . . Wellington Clementson, Kathleen .. .. Dunedin. Edwards, Percival Clarence . . Taihape. Clothier, Susie Bellamy .. .. Dunedin. Egglestone, Arthur Ronald .. Dunedin. Clouston, Theo Myra .. .. Nelson. Ellery, John de Vere .. .. Reefton. Cocker, Alice .. .. .. New Plymouth Elliott, Vernon Douglas .. .. Palmerston North. Cockerill, William Stanton Marsden.. Dannevirke. Ellis, Olive Harriet .. . . Waihi. Coe, Myra Grace .. .. .. Timaru. Ellis, Sydney Robert .. .. Wellington. Coleman, John McDonald . . .. Auckland. Ensoll, John Robert .. .. Thames, Colgan, George Michael .. .. Auckland. Erioksen, Julia Ellen .. .. D.mnevirke. Collard, Edward Seeley .. .. Auckland. Erskine. Enid Stuart .. .. D.mnevirke. Commons, Kenneth Wrigley .. Auckland. Erwin. Hester Isobel .. .. Christchurch. Connell, John Walter . . .. Waimate. Espiner, Robert Henry .. .. Palmerston North. Connell, Margaret Eliza Inez .. Whangarei. Eudey, Walter Robert Syme .. Dunedin. Connolly, Amy Isobel .. .. Thames. Everett, Claire .. .. Nelson. Cook, Alma Acy .. ... .. Timaru. Everett, Dorothy .. .. Nelson. Cook, Annie .. .. .. Hamilton. Fahey, Annie . . .. .. Rangiora. Cook, Charles William .. .. Dunedin. Fair, Eleanor Bridget . . .. W r estport. Cook, George Pilkington . ... Auckland. Falkner, Lilian Elizabeth .. . . Blenheim. Coop, William Harold .. . . Dunedin. Farquhar, Harry Roy .. . . Wellington. Cooper, Christina Eva Lucy ' . . Christchurch. Farrcll, Jamos Patrick . . . . Auckland. Cooper, John Vaughan . . .. Napier. Farrell, Raymond Leslie .. . . Auckland. Cooper, Ronald Webber . . .. Christchurch. Fawcett, William Haseler .. . . Auckland. Corbett, Waiatua Levuka . ... Waipawa. Feary, Irene Emily . . . . Greymouth. Cornfoot, James Grieve .. . . Palmerston North. Fendall, Frederick Selwyn .. .. Rangiora. Corpe, Lewis Victor . . . . Palmerston North. Ferguson, John Stanley .. . . Inveroargill. Costar, Walter Richard .. . . Auckland. Fergusson, John Read . . . . Timaru. Cotter, Henry Francis . . . . Timaru. Fernandez, Aubrey Rupert . . Carterton. Cotter, William Makure . . . . Dinnevirke. Ferrier, John Lowe . . . . Timaru. Cotton, George William .. .. Christchurch. Finch, Hugh Armstrong . . .. Oamaru. (Jounihan, Catherine .. . . Oamaru. Findlav, Ivan Honderson .. . . Invereargill. Craig, Alexander .. .. . . (lore. Finlay, James Hiyes . . .. Thames. Craig, Harold James .. . . Christchure 1 . Finlayson, Barbara Annie . . . Wanganui. Craighead, Eugene .. .. Wellingtor. Fisher, Ernest Egbert .. ~ Arrowtown. Crawford. William .. .. Dunedin. Fisher, Roy Jack .. .. Auckland. Crawshaw, Ruth Emma . . . . Waimate. FitzGerald, Kathleen May . . Ashburton. Cresswell, James Kirk . . .. Blenheim. Fitzgerald. Robert Stevenson .Jordan Dunedin. Crowhurst, Victor Roy .. .. Au kland. Flanagan, Veronica .. . Wellington. Cumming, Alexander .. . . Invercargili. Fleming, Aenid Meta Menzies . . Balclutha. Cummins. Andrew Joseph Francis . Wellington. Fleming, May 801 l . . . . Invercargili. Cunningham, Evelyn Isabel Cole . . Wellington. Fletcher, Lilian Hannah . . . . Palmerston North. Cunninghu.?u, Frederick Henry . . Oamaru. Fletcher, Mabel Florence . . . . Westport. Cunningham, Gladys . . . . Wellington. Foley, Agatha . . . . Blenheim. Curlett, lv;m James Huston . . Oamnru. Foley, John O'Shanessy . . . . Auckland. Ciirrie, George Donald . .. Auckland Foote, Alfred Harold .. . . Dunedin. Curtis, Kenneth Oscar . . . . Carterton. Forrest, Hilda Alice . . . . Hamilton. Dabinett, Stella Edith .. .. Hawera. Forrester. Mabel Isabella .. .. Auckland Dxnif'l. Victor Leonard Marie . Wellington. Forsyth. Sarah Anne Harv.v . . Hokitika Diniell, Myra Daane .. .. Wanganui Forsythe, William James .. .. Palmerston North. Darrooh, Bertha Hazel .. .. Auckland. Foster, Benira Winifred .. .. Timaru. Davey, Richard Stanley .. .. Auckland. Fowler, Arthur .. .. .. Auckland. Divie. Harry Peroy Claude .. Palmerston North. Fowler, Bertrand Clapehaw .. Blenheim. Divies. Florence Aura .. .. Waihi. Fox, John Stuarl .. .. Nelson. Davies, Myra Gwendoline .. .. Greymouth. Francis, Doris Agnes .. .. Wellington. Divies. Roy John Montgomery . . Auckland. Francis, Muriel Theresa Ellen .. Christchurch. l).i\ is. Lyel Stanley .. .. Naseby. Fraser. Alexander Murray . . .. Auckland. Divis. Norman James Bulmer .. Wellington. Fraser, Hazel Minnie .. .. Auckland. I) iv. K< I ward Victor Grace .. Christchureh. Fraser, Katherine Flora .. .. Invercargili. Diy, Louis Alfred .. .. Gisborne. Fraser, Percival Ciel .. .. Hastings. D*v, Stanley Presooti .. .. Christohurob. Freeman, Alan Lewis . . .. Christchurcli. Delaney, Frances Ann .. .. Wellington. Frood, Herbert . . .. .. Aratapu. Delargev, Francis Thomas .. Dunedin. Frood, Nida .. .. .. Aratapu. de Roo, Leopold Reginald .. Christchureh. j Fryer, Charlie .. .. .. Blenhiem. Desmond, Harold Daniel .. .. Palmerston North. Gagen, Arthur Cyril .. . . Wellington. Djvereaux, Evelyn Myrtle.. .. Christchurch. I Gillagher, Eva .. .. .. Auckland. Dickie, Isabella .. .. .. Christchurch. Garry, George Craig .. .. Thames. Diokson, Jessie Haddow .. . Invercargili. Gortn, Thomas Wiiliam .. .. Wellington. Dimond, Ivy Claire .. .. Christchuroh. Gebbie, Norman William Thomas .. Dannevirke. Djbbie, Ezra Agustus .. .. Invercargill. Gee, Myrtle Florence ~ .. Christehurcb. Dobbyn. Josephine .. .. Palmerston North. Gernhoefer, Amy May .. .. Stratford. Dobson, Charlotte Mabel .. .. Pukekohe. Gibb, Stewart Cecil .. .. Oamaru. ]>pl>soii. Edith Alice .. .. Pukekohe. Gibbs, Alice Winifred .. .. Nelson. Uoile, Gladj's Heather .. .. New Plymouth. Gibhs, Catherine Murray . . . . Levin. Djlamore., Joan .. .. .. Nelson. Gillin, Kathleen .. . . .. Nelson. Donnelly, John Edward .. .. Invercargill. Gillman, Thomas .. .. .. Dunedin. Darnwell, Frank Edwin . . . . Wellington. Gilman, Joseph Charles .. .. Auckland. Dougherty, Pearl Elizabeth .. Hamilton. Gilpin, Amfie .. .. .. Wellington. Douglas, Thomas Charles .. .. Auckland. cirling-Butcher, Walter Lancelot .. Wellington. Dave, William Walter .. .. Auckland. Given. Letitia Elizabeth Yatee .. Hamilton. Dromgool Anthony Aloysius William Auckland. Glanville. Alfred John . . . . Auckland. Dryden, Albert James .. .. Dunedin. Gold, Ailsa Lottie .. .. Wellington. Duckmanton. Walter Thomas .. Christchurch. Gold, Irene Kathleen .. .. Wellington. Daggan, Margaret .. .. Greymouth. Gooder, Hazel Ninian .. Wellington. Dunn, Charles John .. .. Djnedin. Goodeve, Mabel Catherine . . .. Timaru. Dunn, Stanley Bruce .. . . Gore. Goes, Philip Henry .. .. Auckland.



E. 8

Sexiok Ebee Places in Beconi>aev Schools -oontuMted, Candidate. Examination Centre. Candidate. Examination I'mtre. Gough, Edgar Charles .. .. Christchureh. Heywood, Cyril Cuthbert Frank . . Aratapu. Gouk, Constance Marie .. .. Auckland. Hiekson; Arnold Gordon .. .. Gisborne. Goulstone, John William . . .. Auckland. Hieatt, Charles William Walter . . Auckland. Gourlay, Henry William .. .. Christchureh. Hildreth, Horace Victor .. . . Wellington. Gowdy, Harold .. .. .. Gore. Hill, Eleanor .. .. .. Dannevirke. Grace, Ethel Joyce .. . . Blenheim. Hill, William John .. .. Taihape. Graham, Percy Ronald .. . . Christchuroh. Hindmarsh, Irene Irving .. .. Reefton. Graham, Rupert Selwyn Australia .. Hamilton. | Hinton, John Wilkie .. .. Invercargill. Graham, William Cunningham] .. Christchuroh. , Hirst, Ben .. .. .. Auckland. Grainger, Arthur Rex ..£ .. Auckland. Hobson, George Charles tidward .. Auckland. Grange, Leslie Issoti .. .. Waihi. Hodder, Basil Rayner .. .. Palmerston North. Granger, Pcrcival .. .. Auckland. Hodgson, Franois Joseph .. .. Stratford. Grant, Arnold Eric .. .. New Plymouth. Hodgson, Ralph John .. .. Nelson, Grant, Dorothy Jessie .. .. Napier. Holdaway, May Aurunui .. . . Wellington. Grant, Jessie Margretta .. . . Auckland. Holford, Leslie Albert .. . . Auckland. Grant, William James .. .. Dunedin. Holm, John William .. . . Auckland. Gray, Clark Maxwell .. .. Wellington. Holmes, James Franois Wakefield .. Dunedin. Greatbateh, Elsie Bell .. .. New Plymouth. Hooker, Elsie .. .. . . Christchureh. Green, Edwin Stanley .. .. Dunedin. Hooper. Ronald Noel .. .. Nelson. Green, Eric Wallace . . .. Oamaru. Hctop, Wilbert Lewis .. .. Dutfedin. Green, Lilian Cooper .. .. Dunedin. Hcughton, Eva Mary .. .. Auckland. Greene. Margaret Olive .. .. Dannevirke. Hounsell, Mary Beatrice .. .. Nelson. Greenslade, Charles Mills .. .. Dunedin. i Houston, John .: .. .. lnvereargill. Greenwood, Nina Pauline .. .. Auckland. ! Houston, Thomas .. .. Balclutha. Gregg, Gerald .. .. .. Dunedin. Hudson, Evan Gjbb ..• .. Auckland. Gregory, Joseph Longhurst .. Dunedin. Hughes, Esther Violt-t Ethel .. Invereargill. Greig, James Boyd .. .. Gisborne. Hughes, Lionel .. .. .. Dannevirke. Greville, Lilian .. .. .. Wellington. Hughes. William Henry Shaw .. Hokitika. Grevilte, Reginald Henr,\ .. .. Wellington. Hughey, Matilda Ellen .. .. Rangiora. Gribbin, Clinton Roland .. .. Auckland. Hull, Clive Benson .. .. Auokland. Griffin, William Goggin .. .. Waipawa. Hulse, William Henry .. .. Auckland. Grout, Henry Cranston .. .. Napier. Hunt, Dorice Cowles .. .. Nelson. Gudsell, Leslie Mansfield .. .. Christohuroh. Hunter, Charlotte .. .. Reefton. Guey, William Lip .. .. Auckland. Hunter, Mary Murray .. .. Wanganui. Guiney, Charles Edward .. .. Christchuroh. Hutchinson, George Rowland .. Auckland. Gunn, Alexander George .. .. Blenheim. Hutton, Bruce .. .. .. Auckland. Guthrie, Muriel Isabel .. .. Christdhurob. Inder, Daphne Myrtle .. .. Wanganui. Guylee, Madge .. .. .. Wanganui. Ingram, Ivy Marian .. .. Nelson. Hadfield, Gussie Takimoana .. Waipawa. Irwin, Annie Mary .. .. lnveieargill. Haeusler, Hans Rudolf .. .. Auokland. lslip, Ellen Gertrude .. .. Dunedin. Haigh, Isabel .. . . . . Wellington, Iverach, John Alexander Douglas .. Timaru. Haigh. Kate .. .. .. Wellington Ivil, William George .. .. Auckland. Hall. Ada Winatn-.l .. .. Christohuroh. Ivory, William .. .. .. Wellington. Hall, Elsie Jane .. .. .. Christohuroh. Jaokman, Clarence Valentine .. Christchuroh. Hall. Join, William .. .. Blenheim. Jackson, Murray Spearink .. Masterton. Halliday, Cyril Hokitika. Jaoobsen, Kathleen Mary Winifred .. Auckland. Hamley, Phoebe .. .. .. Auckland. Jaoobson, Victor Emmanuel .. Wellington. Hammond, Edgar Allen . . . . Nelson. James. Lionel Hairy .. .. Christchuroh. Ham ad, Olive Laura .. .. Nelson. Jameson, John Kenned; .. ~ Inveroargill. Hampeon, George Albert .. .. Nelson. Jameson, Thomas Reginald .. Auckland. Hampton, Elsie Marsh .. .. Ashburton. Janes, Herbert William John .. Wellington. Hanlon, Margaret Kathleen .. Whangarei Jansen, Kathleen Man .. .. Wellington. Hanson, Frederick Melrose Horo- Jefferson, Eva Katherine .. .. Dunedin. wht-mui .. .. .. Levin. Jenkins, Ambrose Colter .. .. Nelson. Hardoastle, Dorothy Clare .'. '.'. Timaru. Jenkins, Amy Lillian .. .. Wanganui. Harding, Gladys May .. .. Christohuroh. Jenkins. Clifford Edward .. .. Thames. Hardy, Archibald Clarenoe .. .. Tauranga. Jennings, Annie Mary Agnes .. Auckland. Hardy, John Laurenoe .. .. Oamaru. Jennings, Elsie Eva .. .. Auckland. Harold, Christopher Boyle .. Ashburton. Jenny, George Morris .. .. Marton. Harper, Annie .. .. .. InveroargUl. Jerram, George Leslie .. .. Auckland. Harper, Frank Astley .. .. Hastings. Jervis, Vincent Gordon .. .. Dunedin. Harper. James ..' .. .. Dunedin. Jobberns, George .. .. Timaru. Harre, Garnet Colquhoun .. .. Palmerston North. Johnson, Mabel Rayner .. .. Wellington. Harris, Roy .. .. .. Wellington. Johnston, Agnes Barras .. .. Hamilton. Harrison, Eric Allender .. .. Whangarei. Johnston, Helen Munro .. .. Auckland. Hart, Elizabeth Ann .. .. Palmerston North. J olinstone, Archie Milton .. .. Christchureh. Hartley, Herbert Thomas .. .. Waipawa. '"".v. Doris Clifton .. .. Tapanui. Hartley, Samuel .. .. .. Marton. Jonasen, Walter William .. .. D.umevirke. Harwood, William Gladstone .. Palmerston North, Jones, Charles Russell .. .. Auckland. Harvie, William Edwin .. .. Auckland. Jonee, Ernest Evans .. .. Auckland. Hay, Daniel .. .. .. Nelson. Jones. Ivy Annie .. .. Wanganui. Hay, Williamina .. .. .. Lawrenoe. Jull, Thyllis Louie .. .. Waipawa. Hayman. Benjamin Franklin .. Waimate. Jull, Ruth Mary .. .. .. Christchuroh. Heath. Joseph Francis Reginald .. Wellington. Kaa - Pckaraa .. .. .. Waipawa. Heath, Philip Cyril .. .. Auckland. Kalman, Maurice.. .. .. Auckland. Heise, James Mackay .. .. Taihape. Kane, Agnes Eilefen .. .. Waimate. Henderson. Aileen Marion .. .. Palmerston North. Kane, Patrick .. .. .. Nelson. Henderson. Cedric William .. Wanganui. Katete, Herewini.. .. .. Waipawa. Henderson, Helen Anderson .. [nveroargill. Ka .V e > John Buehop . . .. Dunedin Henderson, Jeanie Calder .. . . Dunedin. Keane, Margaret Veronica .. .. Taihape. Henderson, Percy Bosomworth .. Auckland.- Kearns, Charlotte Amy Maria .. Dunedin. Henderson, Veda Marion . . .. Dunedin. Keddell, lUibina Marion .. . . Greymouth. Hennessy. James Alphonsua . . Wellington. Keene, Leonard William . . . . Wellington. Rennrssv. William August in< .. Wellington. Kelleher, Edward Patrick .. .. Wellington. Hepburn. David John .. .. Dunedin. Kemnitz, Ernest James .. .. Dunedin. Heslop. John Wills .. .. Christohuroh. Kemp, Herbert George .. .. Wellington. Hewat. Alexander Stronaoh .. Invercargill. Kempthorne, Constance Emily .. Nelson. Hewat. Brian Wilfred .. .. Oamaru. Kennedy. Archibald Patrick Leslie .. Lawrence. Hewat, Margaret Falconer .. Palmerston North. Kennedy, Gretehen .. .. Hastings. V


Senior Free Places i\ Secondary Schools- continued. Candidate. Examination Centre. Candidate. Examination Centre. Kennedy, John William .. .. Auckland. McC'aw, William Armstrong .. Invercargill. Kennedy. .Manin Hugh .. .. Greymoutli. McClelland, Charles Harold .. Wellington. Kent, I. mill .. .. Christchnrch McClure, Emma Violet Jane .. Christchurch. Ker, Henry Robert .. .. Duncdin. McClurg, Doris Isabel .. .. Aehburton. Kernohan, Florence Katherine .. Dunedin. McCormack, Susan Jane .. .. Stratford. Kerr, Gerda May .. .. Dunedin. .MeConnick, Alexander Leslie .. Waipawa. Kerr, Harold Walter .. Palmerston North. MoCormiok, Horace .. .. Waipawa. Kilgour, John Duncan .. ■• Marton. MoCredie, Dulcie May .. .. Invereai'gill. Kilsby, Edward John .. ■• Palmerston North. Maoredie, Muriel Alice .. .. Auckland. Kime, Graeie Helena .. Wanganui. Mao Curdy, Klsie Dreffield .. .. Wellington. King, Arnold .. .. .. Dunedin. McDonald, Colin Alexander .. Invercargill. Kins, Wilford Bertrand .. .. Napier. Mao Donald, Elizabeth .. .. Hastings. Kinghan, John .. .. .. Thames. Mao Donald, Elizabeth Ann .. Dunedin. Kippenberger, Howard Karl .. Christchurch. McDonald, Gordon Fawsiti .. Dunedin. Kirk, Allan Alexander .. .. Chrifltohurch. McDonald, Jean Christ ma .. .. Napier. Kirkoaldy, Orange Inglis .. .. Oamaru. McDonald, Murdoch Alexander .. Whangarei. Klenner, Alois William .. .. Stratford. Donald, Roderick Donald .. Whangarei. Knapp, Alfred Walter .. •• Nelson. .McDonnell, Charles Francis .. Nelson. Knapp, Russell Harvey .. .. Nelson. Macdougall, Donald Ross .. .. Wellington. Knight, Clement Frederick .. Auckland. MoDougall, Klsie Adelaide .. Invercargill. Knight, Ernest Portal .. •• Dunedin. McDougall, James Moir .. .. Auckland. Knight, George Kernard .. .. Wanganui. MoDougall, Sydney George .. Dunedin. Knuckey, William .. .. Wanganui. .McDowell. William Horace Raymond Auckland. Laing, Henry .. .. .. Dunedin. Maco. Warwick Gordon .. .. Nelson. Lamb, John William . . Timaru. McErlain, Catherine Rose .. .. Lawrence. Lamb, Oswald Fyffe . . Christchurcli. McFarlane, Bessie .. .. Wanganui. Lambert, Lily . . . . . . Napier. Macfarlane, Douglas George .. Auckland. Lane, Hazel Marion .. Auckland. MoGhie, Gordon John .. .. Dunedin. Lang, Ferdinand Wilson .. . . Auckland. McGimpsey, Robert .. .. Oamaru. Lang, James Henry .. .. Invercargill. McGinley, James Charles .. .. Wellington. Lange, Ernest Hoiivrich Ezart .. Christchurcl!. McGiven, Clyde .. .. New Plymouth. Larking, Horace Gregory Hewett .. Wanganui. McGlone, Katherine .. .. Invercargili. Larsen, Albert John .. Dannc Me Govern, Joseph .. .. Pukekohe. Latimer, Constance Mary .. .. Auckland. McGrath, Norma Mary .. . . Wellington. Latta, Fred Louis . . Balclutha. McGregor, Alan Godfrey .. .. Wanganui. Lav, Chrissie .. .. .. Stratford. Maogregor, Hob Roy .. .. Invercargill. Laurenson, George Lyttelton •• Christchurch. McGregor, Roy .. .. .. Christchurch. Laurenson, James Tait .. .. Christchureli. McGregor, William Roy .. .. Auckland. Lawry, Herbert Edgar Stanley .. Timaru. McGuigan, John James .. .. Hokitika. Lawry, Rollo Spencer .. .. Wellington. Mclldowie, Donald Hunt .. .. Gisbome. Lawry, Thomas Henry Vivian .. Napier. Mclntosh, Annie Margaret .. .. Dunedin. Lawry, Walter Leslie .. .. Wellington. Macintosh, Ivy Alice .. .. Auckland. Laws, Charles Reed .. Christchurcli. Mclntosh, Samuel George .. .. Dunedin. Layburn, Ernest Thomas . . .. Dunedin. Molntyre, Bethea Phyllis .. .. Wanganui. Leaper, Harry Bertram .. .. Nelson. Mackay, Isabella Christina. . .. Invercargill. Le Cren, Hubert Ernest .. .. Dunedin. MoKeefry, Miohael Joseph Augustine Dunedin. Lee, Ernest Weill .. Wellington. MoKenna, Kathleen Maude .. Wanganui Lee, Evelyn Katie .. Auckland. McKenzio, Clifton Hone .. .. Whangarei. Lee, Myrtle Alexandria .. .. Auckland. MoKenzie, Edith Emily .. .. Whangarei. Lerwill, Myrtle Amy .. Wellington. McKonzie, Eva Doris .. .. Dannevirke. Levy, Enock Bruce .. .. Auckland. Mackenzie, Jennie Roberta .. Napier. Lewis, Norman Alfred .. .. Wanganui. McKenzie, Leonard . . .. Marton. Libeau, Alma Clemence .. .. Stratford. Mackenzie, Norman McLcoi I .. Dunedin. Liggins, James .. .. .. Oamaru. McKenzie, Richard .. .. Auckland. Linehan, John Thomas .. . . Masterton. Mackie, John Maokersey .. .. Napier. Lindup, Frederick William . . Wellington. McKillop, Edgar Ravenewood .. Inveroargill. Littler, Harris . . .. .. Auckland. McKinnon, Albert . . .. Whangarei. Logan, Irene May .. Invercargill. McLaren, Andrew Dishington .. Auckland. Loveridge, Raymond Clarence .. Nelson. MoLean, Hughina Ann MoLeod .. Gore. Low, Edward Quentin . . .. Auckland. McLean, Neil Clifford .. .. Auckland. Lownsborough, Frederick John .. Auckland. MoLean, PhUlippa Grace .. .. Thames. Lumsden, Jeannie .. .. Invercargill. McLean, Vera Grace .. .. Gore. Lupton, Dorothy .. Whangarei. Maclcnnan, Norman Macpherson .. Gore. Lush, Frances Amelia .. .. Gore. McLeod, lan Roderick .. .. Tapanui. Lusk, David Aitken .. . . New Plymouth. McLeod, Mary McLennan . ... Auckland. Lusty, Horace Campbell .. .. Wellington, McMahon, Francis .. .. Stratford. Lyford, Frank Adolphus .. .. Rangiora. McMillan, Norman Monteith .. Whangarei. Lynch, Michael James . . .. Waimate. McMillan, William David .. .. Auckland. Lynskey, Winifred Anne .. .. Christchurch. Maonab, William Alexander .. Lawrenoe. Lyttle, Irene Isabel Catherine .. Gore. BitNaughton, Donald Stuart .. Invereargill. Mabin, Constance Sarah Rosena .. Wellington. McNeil, Mima .. . . .. Oamaru. MoAlister, Joseph Leo .. .. Wellington. McPhee, Duncan .. .. .. Napier. McAloon, John Leo Francis .. Christchurch. Mcßae. Alexandrine .. .. Oamaru. MoArthur, Charles Beveridge .. Wellington. Mcßae, Murdoch Alexander .. Waipawa. Me Arthur, Grace .. .. .. Christchurcli. Me Voagh, Robert.. .. .. Auckland. Macartney, Alexander David .. Oamaru. Maitland, Winifred Hinemoa Iris .. Dunedin. MoArtney, Boyd Clark . .. Nelson. Makeig, Aileen Dorothy .. .. Ashburton. Me Auliffe, Thomas Brien'f.. .. Taihape. Maloolm, Alexander .. .. Dunedin. Mcßeath, Henry David .. Nelson. Malcolm, George .. .. .. Oamaru. Mcßride, William.. „ . . .. Invercargill. Malcolm, Hector Robert .. .. Whangarei. Mcßride, Joseph Bell . . . . Gore. Mannion, Timothy Edward .. Hamilton. McCabe, George Leo . . .. Auckland. Manson, Margaret Elizabeth Kinnison Hastings. McCallum, Leslie James '.. .. Timaru. Manson, Norman .. .. Nelson. McCarthny, Sydney Carlton .. Auckland. Marks, Horace Robert .. .. Christchurch. McCartney, Dorothy .. .. Wellington. Marlow, Francis Joseph .. .. Dunedin. McCashin, Alice Frances .. .. Gisborne. Marris, James Arthur Sydney .. Westport. Mc( askill. Jessie Donella .. .. Timaru. Marsdon, Lawrence Leonard .. Auckland McCaw, Alexander Lindsay .. [nveroargill. Marshall, Herbert Vincent Fowler .. Auckland. McCaw, Peter Rankin '.. .. Wellington. Marshall, Thomas Clyde .. .. Dunedin.

4—E. 8.




Senior Free Plages i\ Secondary Schools continued, Candidal Kxnroination Centre. Candidate Uxamination Com Martin. Lydia Man Linda .. [nveroargill. O'Connor, Michael Bernard .. Timaru. Martin, Richard Bowden .. .. Wellington O'Donnell. Nora Brigid .. .. Greymouth. M;irtin. Robert Harry .. .. Dunedin. O'Donoghue, Margarei Luoy Marj .. Wellington Maeefield, Keith Howard '. . .. Auckland. O'Halloran, Francie Douglas* .. Waipawa. Mi I'-n. Guy Handbury .. .. Auokland. Old, Clara .. .. .. New Plymouth. Mason, Ronald Graj .. .. Auokland. Oldridge, Lydia Louisa .. .. Chrietchurch. Massey, Colin Riohard Maokay .. Auokland, O'Leary, Johanna .. .. Oamaru. Matheson, Leslie .. .. .. Auckland. O'Leary, Leslie Arthur .. .. Auckland. Mathieson, Elizabeth Glendinning .. Dunedin. Oliver, William Clarence .. .. Christohureh. Matthews, Cyril Douglas .. .. Blenheim. Olsen, Dorothy Stella .. Napier. Matthews, Frederiok Collet) .. Maeterton O'Meara, Eileen Josephine.. .. Oamaru. Mauger, Eruesi .. .. .. Timaru. O'Rourke, Courtney Timothy .. Wellington. Maunsell, Robert .James .. .. Dunedin. O'Shea, John Ives .. .. Wellington. Maxwell. Mabel Dorothy . . . . Auckland. (Miners. Hermann Henry . . . . Hokitika. Maxwell, Stella Eveline .. .. Auckland O'Sullivan, Ten .'. .. Nelson. Meadowcroft, Leonard Lincoln .. WVllin Packer, Frederick William .. .. Waipawa. Meldrum, Alexander Francis .. Wanganui. Palmer, Leslie Valentine . . . . Nelson. Melrose, Susan Rowan .. .. Dunedin. Papps, Alice Muriel .. .. Rangiora. Mewton, Aubrey William . . . . Wellington. Parker, Florence Marion . . . . Wanganui. Melvin, Susannah Jessie .. .. [nveroargill. Parker. FYederlok George .. .. Balclutha. Meuli, Lorenz Wilfred .. .. Nelson. Parker, Geoffrey Innes .. .. Nelson. Michaels, Lionel Godfrey .. .. Auckland. Parker, Sydney Arthur .. .. Palmerston North Miles, Reginald .. .. .. Rangiora. Parkinson, Arnold Wilfred.. .. Dunedin. Miller, Eric Stuart Campbell .. Dunedin. Parkinson, Graham Bereirford .. Wellington. Miller, John Champion .. .. Napier. Parlane, Sidney .. .. .. Palmerston North. Miller, Percy William .. .. Christchuroh. Parli. Klsic Nina . . . . .. Stratford. Miller, Priscilla .. .. .. Wellington. Passmore, Frederick Joseph .. Oamaru. Miller, Winifred Bagley .. .. Dunedin. Paterson, Douglas MoKnighi .. Dunedin. Milliken, Thomas .. .. Christohoron, Paterson, Mary Henrietta .. .. Dunedin. Millner, Evelyn Mary .. .. Hokitika. Paton, Francis Edwin Hacker .. Christchuroh. Mills, Laurie Maude .. .. New Plymouth. Patterson, Ernest Dabell .. .. Auckland. Mills, Mary .. .. .. Christchurch. Patrick, Joyce Elizabeth .. .. Christchuroh. Milne, Alexander .. .. .. Lawrence. Paulin, Olive Miller .. .. Dunedin. Milne, Jessie Eunice .. . . Wellington. Pay, Elizabeth Barbour .. . . Inveroargill. Milnes, Esther Mary .. .. Thames. Paykel, Ethel .. .. .. Auckland. Milnes, Ruby Olive .. .. Levin. Paykel, Olga .. .. .. Auckland. Mirlin, Ashton .. .. .. Reefton. Payne, Amy Rose .. .. Christchuroh. Mitchell, Helen .. .. .. Wellington. Pearce, Ebenezer . . .. Auckland. Mitchell, Leonard James .. .. Christchurch. Pearce, Kdward Wardel 1.. .. Nelson. Mitchell, Ruth .. .. .. Whangarei. Pearce, Owen David .. .. Wellington. Molesworth, Muriel Gordon .. Nelson. Pearson, Kathleen Vera Maidstone . . Whangarei. Moltzen, William Ernest .. .. Christchurch. Peek, Leslie Goyder .. .. Auckland. Montague, James Frederick .. Thames. Perm, John Rainsford . . . . Oamaru. Montgomery, Dorothy Rose . . Wellington. Penney, George John .. .. Blenheim. .Monk, Prank Lyle .. . . Auckland. Perry, David . . .. . . Wellington. Monro, William Robert .. .. Auckland. Pettigrew, Robina .. .. Christohureh. Moody, Flora Constance .. .. Dunedin. Philip, Richard Lyall Craik .. Dannevirke. Moon, Ernest James .. .. Christchurch Phillipps, Thomas George .. .. Dunedin. Moor, Winfrod Annas .. .. Christchurek Philpott, Harold George .. .. New Plymouth Moore, Hector John .. .. Auckland. Pinfold, Basil Henry Blackwell .. Christchurch. Moore, James Francis Cleveland .. Hokitika. Poland, James Joseph .. .. Thames. Morgan, Alan Gerald .. .. Taihape. Pollard, Thomas MeKinley.. .. Auckland. Morgan, Lavinia Alice .. .. Wellington. Ponder, Violet Heather McKenzie .. Wellington. Morris, Iris .. .. .. Timaru. Poutawera, Rahiii . . .. Waipawa. Morris, William Henry .. .. Reefton. Pope, Harold IV .. .. Timaru. Morrison, Alexander Graham .. Nelson. Pope, Theodore Helen .. .. Wellington. Morrison, Arnold Edmund .. Blenheim. Popplewell, William Thomas .. Wellington. Morrison, Margaret .. .. Masterton. Porter, James Patereon .. .. Gisborne. Morrow, William John Taylor .. Dunedin. Porter, Winton Gore .. .. Gisborne. Moses, Zoc Irene .. .. . . Auckland. Porteous, Dorothy May .. . . Wanganui. Moss, Doreen Hilda .. .. Dunedin. Potaka, Matthew .. .. Waipawa. Moves, Ethel Bernice Eileen .. Auckland. Potts, Rewi Hugh .. .. Nelson. Muir, Douglas Leonard .. .. Nelson. Powell, Malicl Hope .. .. Gisborne. Muloahy, James .. .. .. Palmerston North. Pratt, Albert Ernest .. .. Auckland. Mulholland, Christopher .. .. Auckland. Preston, D'Arcy Harrington .. Wanganui. Munro, Allan Roland .. .. Oamaru. Preston, Ivy IMaira .. .. Levin. Munro, George .. .. .. [nveroargill. Preston, Joseph William .. .. Timaru. Munro, Hugh .. .. .. Auckland. Price, Charles Brio James .. .. [nveroargill. Munro, Murdoch Might .. .. Waipawa. Price. Francis Matthew .. .. Dannevirke. Muntz, Alan Reeves .. .. Nelson. Priehard. Ivor George .. .. Blenheim. Murray, Charles Stewart .. .. Christchurch. Priest, Arthur Francis Lester .. Christchurch, Naughton, Alice Marion .. .. Wellington. Prince, Dorothy Isabel .. .. Wellington. Neas, Henry Rudolph .. .. Invercargill. Pring. Nina Blanche .. .. Stratford. Neodham, Margaret Elizabeth .. Wanganui. Pringle, Eileen Maria .. . Wellington. Neeley, Margaret .. .. Auckland. Pritchard, Alice Mary .. .. Wellington. Neill, Alfred George .. .. Dunedin. Procter, William Alfred .. .. Auckland. Neilson, Herbert Oscar .. .. Wellington. Purser, Edward Henry Joseph .. Wellington. Nelson, William Thomas .. .. Auckland. Quayle, Violet Jane .. .. Tapanui. Newbury, Philip James .. .. Dunedin. Quiglev, Clarence Vivian .. .. Christchurch. Newman, Edith Marita Hill .. Blenheim. Quigley, Middleton Stanley .. Dannevirke. Neylon, William Mortimer .. Wellington. Raikes, Helen Martha .. .. Wellington. Nicol, Ethel Vera .. .. Levin. Raikes, Robert CampbeU .. .. Wellington. Nicolls John Winter .. .. Oamaru. Raine, Peroj .. .. .. Hawera. Nilsson. Dorothy Ivy .. .. Aratapu. Rains, Catherine Maude .. .. Carterton. Nissen, Charlotte Alma .. .. Dunedin; Rattray, Cyril Mervyn Widdrington Auckland. Nissen, Margreta Augusta .. .. Dunedin. Reader, Thomas Henry .. .. Stratford. Nixon, Robert Jaiuo .. .. Christchuroh. Redgrave, Cecil Edgar .. .. Auckland. O'Brien, Herbert Patrick .. .. Wanganui. Heed, Albert Edward .. .. Christehureli. O'Connor, Daniel Joseph Augustine.. Auckland. Reed, Gordon Jamee .. .. Invercargill.



Seniok Free Places in Secondary Schools— continued. Candidate. Examination Centre. Candidate. Examination Centre. Reid, Konald lan .. .. Blenheim. Smith, Margaret Eleanor .. .. Auokland. Rctemeyer, Dorothy .. .. Napier. Smith, Margaret Lilian .. ... C.ore. Reynolds, Evelyn .Maud .. .. Christchunli. Smith. Mary Muriel Digby .. Xaseby. Rice, Stephen Dominic .. .. Thames. Smith, Norman McQregor .. .. Dunedin. Richmond, Norman Macdonald .. Wellington. Smith, Reginald Trevor .. .. Thames. Rishworth, Erio Kendall .. .. Wellington. Smith, Ruahine Mavis .. .. Napier. Robbie, William Ernest .. .. Palmerston North. Smith, William .. .. .. Thames. Robbing, Alexander Reade.. .. Christohurch. ; mith, William Henry .. .. Wellington. Roberton, James Basil Wilkie .. Auckland. Smyth, Patrick .. .. .. Auokland. Robertson, Colina Alexandra .. New .Plymouth. Smyth. Robert Patrick .. .. Auckland. Robertson, Donald lan .. .. Dunedin. Smythson, Coralie .. .. Masterton. Robertson, James Hope .. .. Whangarei. Sneddon, Kenneth Alexander .. Auckland. Robertson, Matthew Alexander .. InvercargilL , Somerset, Hugh Crawford Dixon .. Christchuroh. Robertson, Percy James Eyre .. Wellington. Soilness, Lance Westby .. .. Dunedin. Robinson, Ivan (oniric .. .. Auckland. Stace, Evcranl Mounsell .. .. Nelson. Robinson, Janet Barclay .. .. Dunedin. Stafford, Fred .. .. .. Dannevirke. Roe, Thomas Strathallan .. .. Napier. Stainton, John .. •■ ■■ Wellington. Rogers, Amy Constance .. .. Whangarei. Stanners, Horace Dartnell .. Stratford. Rogers, Franois Henry Purvis .. Oamaru. | Stark, Herbert Allan .. .. Dunedin. Rogers, Lancelot Anliiony.. .. Hastings. : Steinmetz, Julia .. .. .. Christchurch. Rohan, Anna Maria .. .. Wailii. ' Stemp, Olive Cooper .. .. WanganuL Rohan, Esther Mary .. .. Auckland. Steven, Beryl .. .. .. Balclutha. Roots, Arthur .. .. .. Hawera. Steven, John Porteous .. •• Timaru. Rothwell, Premier Seddon .. .. Kelson. Stevens, Edith Lorna .. .. Oamaru. Roughton, Vema Edna Grace .. Nelson. Stevens, William Ernest .. .. Auckland. Rountree, Leonard .lohn . . . . Aahburton. Stevenson. Alexander Braik . . Dunedin. Rowe, Elizabeth Grace .. .. Wanganui. Stewart, Archibald .. .. Gore. Rowe, Mary Ellen .. .. Lawrence. Stewart, Colin .. .. .. Taihape. Rowe, Myrtle Joy Symohe .. .. Auckland. Stewart, David Reid .. .. Wanganui. Roxburgh, Helen Weir .. .. Christohurch. Stewart, Matthew Prust .. .. Auckland. Rushton, Erie Vivian .. .. Wellington. Stewart, Donald William .. .. Wanganui. Russell, Ceoil Roy .. .. Wellington. Still, Elsie .. .. .. Wellington. Russell, Hilda .. .. .. Hamilton. Stirling, Linda Madge .. .. Auckland. Russell, Mary Jane Hulse .. .. Balclutha. Stocker, Ingelon Penrose Dun bar .. Oamaru. Russell, Naomi -. ■■ •■ Auckland. Stokes, Isabella Hardy .. .. Dunedin. Sadd, Edgar Coveney .. .. Kelson. Stone. Eleanor Osburne .. .. Thames. Sage, Thyrza •• •• •• Christohuroh, ftrack, Fritz Antone .. ■. Wellington. Salmon, Eleanor Anniss .. .. Auckland. Stringer, Vda Elizabeth Williamina. . Oamaru. Sanderson, Dorothy .. .. Auokland. Stubbs, David William .. .... Palmereton North. Sansbury, Trevor Allison .. .. Auckland. Sturgess, George Henry .. ■■ Dunedin. Sargisson, Cara .. .. .. Xapier. Suokling, Alma Rose .. .. Christehurch. Saunders, Charles Frederiok .. Ashburton. Sullivan, William Joseph .. .. Auckland. Scott, Emily Gillanders .. .. Gisborne. Surrey. Undine .. .. .. Stratford. Scott, George William .. .. Stratford. Sutcliffe, Norman Baxter .. .. Marton. Scott. Henry Hector .. .. Dunedin. Sutherland, Lenore Mary .. .. Auckland. Send. Leslie Gordon •■ •• Auckland. Sutton, John Philip Chamberlain .. Blenheim. Scoular, Spencer Gray ■■ •• Dunedin. Swanberg, Louisa Margaret .. Whangarei. Sorimgeour, Charles Frederick .. Kelson. Sweet, Charles James .. .. Auckland. Sorimgeour, Robert Valentine .. Wellington. Sykes, Gordon Murray .. .. Kelson. Scrimshaw, Harry Neill .. .. Timaru. Syme, Margaret Fleming .. .. Auckland. Sansbury, Ewart Teare .. .. Hastings. Tait, Joseph Mawson ■ ■ ■• Dunedin. Sα us. Violet .. .. .. Oisborne. Tanner. Albertina Annie Ida .. Auckland. Searell, Thomas Arthur .. .. Rangiora. Tansey. Frank Ellis Fermnre .. Waipawa. Searle, Henry Arrow .. .. Oamaru. Tarrant, Katharine Louisa .. Taihape. Seddon, George*Hume .. .. [nvercargill. Tattle, Arthur Herbert .. .. Wellington. Sellars, Percy Roy .. .. Auckland. Taylor, Archibald .. . . Wanganui. Senior, Stanton Eastgate . .. Auckland. Taylor, Ayda Vivian .. . . Wellington. Sexton, Louise faobel .. .. Auckland. Taylor, David .. .. .. Palmereton North. Sexton, William James .. .. Auckland. Taylor, Edgar Humphrey .. .. Marton. Sharpe, Edna Wyon .. .. Dunedin. Taylor, Frances Kleanor .. .. Christehurch. Shaw, Francis .. .. •■ Timaru. Taylor, Grace Isabella .. .. Oamaru. Shaw, John Holm .. .. Nelson. Taylor, Ida .. .. .. Stratford. Shea, Ellen .. •• ■• Dunedin. Taylor, Lionel Benjamin .. .. Auckland. Sheat, Charles Millard .. .. Ashburton. Taylor, Robert John .. .. Rangiora. Shccd. Catherine Clare .. .. Gore. Taylor. Thomas Lumsden .. .. Xapier. Sherwood, Francis John .. .. Gore. I. David Lionel .. .. New Plymouth. Shrimpton, John William Spencer .. Dunedin. Terry, Margaret Josephine.. .. New Plymouth. Simcook, Russell \ul>rev .. .. Auckland. Terry. William Herbert .. .. Masterton. Simmers, Elizabeth Keith Annand .. Timaru. Teyohenne, Godfry Lever .. .. Wellington. Simonsen, Edwin Oscar .. .. Whangarei. Thomas. Annie Elizabeth Gwendoline Auckland. Simpson, Charles Wilfred .. .. Auckland. mas. Evelyn Comma .. .. Christehurch. Simpson, Dorothy Mabel Harris .. Auckland. fhoraas, Ernest Huia .. .. Wellington. Sinclair, Alexander .. .. Oamaru. Thompson, Alfred Ernest .. .. Halmerston North, Sinclair, Leslie Herbert .. .. Tapanui. Thompson, Arthur Lander. . .. Masterton. Slooombe, Charles Spenoer. . .. InvercargilL Thompson, Herbert .. .. Christchurch. Small, John Charles .. .. Auckland. Thorns, Arthur Gordon .. .. Marton. Smellie, Norman Robertson .. Auckland. Thomson, George Ward .. .. Timaru. Smith, Albert Henry Malcolm .. Auckland. Thomson, babel Elizabeth .. Aratapu. Smith, Charles Frederick Marshall .. Auckland. Thomson, John Charles .. .. Invercargill. Smith, Christopher Timothy .. Wellington. Thorn, Charles Humphreys .. Nelson. Smith. Cyril de Lacy .. .. Oamaru. Thorn, John Kenneth .. .. Nelson. Smith, Cyril George .. ■■ Levin. Thorp, Eunioe Ella .. .. Thames. Smith, Donald Victor George .. Wellington. Thruston, Herbert Franois .. Auckland. Smith. Eric Summers .. .. Dunedin. Tidswell, David Franklyn .. .. Taihape. Smith, Ethel Maud .. .. Masterton. Till, Norman John .. .. Auckland. Smith, Ida Dorotln Tuansley .. Wanganui Timmins, William Sherij Lloyd . Timaru. Smith, James Christian .. .. Naesby. Tobin, Marj IV .. .. Arrowtown, Smith, Lawerence William.. .. Christchuroh. Tobin, Blanche Kathleen Lydia .. Tauranga. Smith, Lilian Adele .. .. Blenheim. Tocker, Frances Alfred .. .. Wellington.



Senior Free Places in Secondary Schools — continued. Candidate. Examination Centre. Candidate. Examination Centre. Tod, Henry Charles .. .. Wanganui. White, Margaret Eleanor .. .. Ashburton. Tod, James .. .. .. Waipawa. White, Miriam Sarah Ellen .. Whangarei. Todd, Charles Patrick .. .. Dunedin. Whiting, Edward Harold .. .. Nelson. Tomalin, Beatrice Alice .. .. Auckland. Whitney, John Cecil .. .. Auckland. Tompkins, Arthur Lance .. .. Hamilton. Whittington, Charles Vaughan .. Waipawa. Tompsitt, Eileen Mabel .. .. Wanganui. Whitwefl, Rebecca Leono .. .. Westport. Tonkin, Arthur Stanley .. .. Napier. Whyte, Marion King Bennie .. Dunedin. Topp, Ida Frances .. .. Rangiora. Wildbore, Cecilia Ruby May .. Palmerston North. Towlo, Charles Raymond .. .. Auckland. Wilde, Emily .. .. . . Wellington. Treaey, Hilda .. .. .. Balclutha. Wilkinson, Annie Marian .. . . Ashburton. Treadwell, James Grant .. .. Wanganui. Wilkinson, Ashley Allan .. .. Christchurch. Tremain, Bath Millioent .. .. Auckland. Wilkinson, Stanley .. . . ()amaru. Trezise, Sydney Arthur .. .. Wellington. Williams, Lawrence .. .. Hokitika. Tunnicliffe, Norris Henry . . .. Nelson. Williams, Violet Louise . . .. Auckland. Tunnieliffe, Robert Graham .. Nelson. Williamson, Isa Mary .. .. Wellington. Tureia, Wiremu .. .. .. Waipawa. Williamson, Leslie John .. .. Wellington. Turnbull, Mary Isabel .. .. Dunedin. Williamson, Thomas .. .. Oamaru. Turner, Kassie Bowring .. .. Christchurch. Williamson, William .. .. Waipawa. Turner, Zilla Leila .. .. Nelson. Willis, Ivy Elizabeth .. .. Palmerston North. Twining, Hervey Alexander .. Auckland. Willis, John Shearing . . .. Thames. Twining, Horace John Aldred .. Auckland. Willmer, Lily Gertrude .. .. Christchurch. Twomey, Brian Leo .. .. Timaru. Wills, Leonard Arnold .. .. Waipawa. Tyerman, Harold Berkley .. . . Palmorston North. Wills, Mary Ella Lavinia .. . . Invexcargill. Qdy, Ward Howard .. .. Wellington. Wills, Rowland Williams .. .. Nelson. Valentine, James Jefcoate.. .. Timaru. Wilson, Adelaide .. .. .. Hastings. Vernon, William Somerville .. Palmerston North. Wilson, Andrew .. .. .. Christchurch. Vial, Grahame George .. .. Wellington. Wilson, Donald Sydney .. . . Wellington. Vigers, Doris Nina .. .. Dannevirke. Wilson, Edith Gertrude .. .. Christchurch. Vyner, Madeline Bessie .. .. Invercargill. Wilson, George William .. .. Dunedin. Waddel, William Lindo .. .. Wellington. Wilson, Gordon Cumming .. .. Auckland. Waddell, James Noble .. .. Gore. Wilson, Harold .. . . .. Auckland. Wade, Alfred Reginald .. .. Auckland. Wilson, Hugh Gordon .. .. Dannevirke. Wake, Heroward Langdale.. .. Auckland. Wilson, Isabella Gertrude Eve .. Christchurch. Wales, Dorothy Roder .. .. Christchuroh. Wilson, James Alexander .. . . Dannevirke. Walker, Carl Richard .. .. Auckland. Wilson, Leslie Foster .. .., Auckland. Walker, Douglas James Bruce .. Auckland. Wilson, Malcolm Carlyle .. . . Auckland. Walker, Mervyn Roy .. .. Dunedin. Wilson, Mary .. .. .. Napier. Wallace, Elizabeth Edith .. .. Dunedin. Wilson, Naylor Webster .. .. Christchurch. Wallach, Elma Ida Wilhelmina .. Now Plymouth. Wilson, Raymond Matheson . . Auckland. Wallnutt, Charles Nigel .. .. Auckland. Wilson, Sybil Isabel .. .. Invercargill. Walmsley, Edward Benjamin Mac- Wilson, Thomas Freebury Gardiner .. Christchurch. Gregor .. .. .. Dunedin. Wilson, William Adam .. .. Auckland. Walmsley, Sarah Margaret Felicia . . Dunedin. Wilton, Reginald Norman .. .. Masterton. Walsh, Magnus Aimer Lindgren .. Christchurch. Wilton, Walter Kenneth .. .. Wanganui. Walters, Ernest Morris .. .. Aratapu. Wily, Henry Clive Jenner .. .. Auckland. Ward, William .. .. .. Oamaru. Windsor, Phyllis Evelyne .. .. Auckland. Ward, Ralph Horatio .. .. Auckland. Winfield, Kathleen Doris . . . . New Plymouth. Wardleworth, Tom Longworth .. Auckland. Wise, Victor John .. . . Wellington. Wareham, James Albert .. .. Wellington. Wolstenholme, Elfreda Mary .. Napier. Waretini, Emire .. .. .. Napier. Woodhams, Nelson .. .. Wellington. Warnes, Amelia .. .. .. Hastings. Woods, Edith Minnie . . .. Nelson. Watson, Robert George Samson .. Invercargill. Woods, Percy Howard .. .. Auckland. Watt, John Duncan .. .. Balclutha. Woods, Selwyn Gorton .. .. Auckland. Wattie, Angus John .. .. Nelson. Woolcock, Florence .. .. Christehurch, Weaver, Ralph . . .. .. Whangarei. Woolliame, Eva Mary Elizabeth .. Tapanui. Webb, Arthur Llewellyn .. .. Wellington. Worker, Rupert Vivian de Renzy .. Auckland. Webb, Elizabeth Mary .. .. Hastings. Worsley, Harold James . . .. Hamilton. Webber, Cora Florence .. .. Dannevirke. Wright, John Harding . . .. Auckland. Webster, Duncan Cecil Ernest .. Lawrence. Wright, Vera May .. .. Auckland. Webster, Thelma Louisa .. .. Timaru. Wyatt, Tom Ranui .. .. Auckland. Wells, Christina May .. .. Timaru. Wylie, Leslie Turner .. .. Dunedin. Wemyss, Russell .. .. .. Blenheim. Wyllie, Irene Kathleen .. .. Stratford. West, Ludolph Edwin Wynn .. Palmerston North. Wynyard, Clinton Henry .. . . Wellington. Weston, Ivan Wingate .. .. New Plymouth. Yardley, Mary Hastie .. .. Invercargill. Westphal, Annah Minnie .. .. Oamaru. Yearbury, Dulcie May .. .. Auckland. Whitbread, Stella Jean .. .. Auckland. York, Annie Kennedy .. .. Lawrence. White, Carl Huntley .. .. Auckland. Young, Emily Ellen .. ~. Pukekohe. White, Christine Loosemore .. Auckland. Young, John Robert. .. .. (heymouth. White, Margaret Alice .. .. Thames.

CIVIL SERVICE SENIOR EXAMINATION. Name of Candidate. Examination Centre. Name of Candidate. Examination Centre. Adams, Cedric Gilbert .. .. Auckland. Broadbent, James .. .. Christchurch Albertson, George William.. .. New Plymouth. Broadbent, William .. Dunedin. Anderson, John Edward .. . . Dunedin. Brooker, Frank Jenner .. . Christehureh Armit, William David .. .. Kelson. Brown, Wilfred Henry Gladst •.. Auckland Arthur, Leonard Percy .. .. Wellington. Buckley, William Joseph .. .. Wellington Ball, George .. .. .. New Plymouth. I Buckrell, James Farnham .. . ~nd Barr, Frank Lockhart .. . . Wellington. | Cameron, Robert Dudley .. .. New Plymouth Bice, Arthur .. .. .. Christchurch. I Camp, Charles Graham .. Wellington Black, Duncan .. .. .. Hamilton. ,d. Arthur Blaymires .. Wellington Blake, Edward yincent .. .. Auckland. , Carr, John Thomas .. . Dunedin Bradley, Frederick George WTiangarei. Chamberlain, Clarence Vernon . . Dannevirke Bridgman, Joseph Thoma» .. Chrintchurch. Chilcott, Charles Wynne .. .. Auckland



Civil Service Senior Examination— continued. Name at Candidate. Examination Centre. I Name of Candidate. Examination Centre. Ohrystall, James William .. . . Wellington. Wilkinson, John Arthur .. . . Wellington. Clemow, Annie Laura .. .. New Plymouth. Williamson, Thomas .. . . Oamavu. Cody, John .. .. .. Wellington. Wilson, Henrietta Vida .. .. Wellington. Colebrook, Herbert John Drew .. Wellington. Wilson, John McVean .. . . Oamaru. Collier, Walter Charles . . . . Wellington. Wilton, Frank .. .. . . Wellington. Cooper, William George .. .. Auckland. Winchcomb, Walter Clifford .. Napier. Corbett, William Douglas . . .. Napier. Cunningham, Herbert Adam .. Uunedin. P ASSBD IN FlvE 0R M1)RB SxJBJBOTS. Darby, Owen Ambrose .. . . Auckland. Davie, Harry Percy Cln in I. .. Palmerston North. ' Bradley, Jeremiah .. .. Auckland. Davies, John Llewellyn .. .. Christchurch. Crawford, Thomas Muiihead .. Wellington. Dawson, Alexander .. .. Napier. IVnm-hy, Jeremiah Horan.. .. Wellington. Douglas, Harold King .. .. Wellington. Kiyting, Edmund Laurenz .. . . Wellington. Dowdy, Harry Edwin .. .. Wellington. .(.llbert, Gordon McDonald .. Wellington. Eagles, Franois George Amos .. Wellington. Hendry, James .. .. .. Invercargill. Enting, Rudolph Arthur Richard . . Wellington. McMillan, Ihomas Scott .. .. Hamilton. Eves, John Downs .. .. Wellington. Powell, Harry Lewis .. Auckland. Fletcher, Hugh Campbell .. .. Auckland. Rabone, Thomas Cednc \ .. Wellington. Foster, Francis William .. .. Chrietohuroh. Sanson, Edgar Earl .. .. Wellington. Gibberd, David Edward .. .. Westport. Scott, John Alexander .. .. Wellington. Hodson, Frederick Stanley .. Wellington. Wylie, Olive Elizabeth .. .. Thames. Hogan, Kieran John . . .. Hokitika. Jackson, Gordon Francis Welby .. Wellington. . Passed in Fouk Subjects. Jenkinson, Edgar Eaton .. .. Wellington Aldorton, Trevor Dudley Hall .. Auckland. Johnston, Cameron Gordon .. Ohnstchurch. Atkinson, Montague Bevel.. .. Christchurch. Johnston, Harold Arthur .. .. Wellington. Banks, Bernard Wilson .. .. Christchurch. Jones, Sydney lonoval .. .. Napier. Beamish, Francis Evenson.. .. Wellington. Karsten, Rona Permam .. .. Nelson. Urodie, Bertram Eustace Silke .. Inveroargill. Kaye, Robert Leslie .. .. Dunedin. Campbell, Alexander Hugh .. Wellington. Keaney, Arthur James .. .. Invercargill. Campbell, Colin William Glenn .. Auckland. King, Gilbert . .. .. Wellington. Carter, Benjamin .. .. Wellington. Uurenson, Thomas Petci .. .. Dunedm. Chesterman, Herb.n .. .. Wellington. Logan, Robert .. .. .. Dunedm. Clarke, William Robinson Henry .. Wellington. McAllister, William \shburton. Coles> Albert H ■ Wellington. Mcßeath Gordon .. Auckland. Conway, Edith Greymouth. McClmtock, William Lord,in .. Wellington. Courtney, Charles Hargrove .. Auckland. McCorkindale, Douglas .. . . Napier. Edie> Herbert K| ., T Wellington. McDonald, Robert .. . . We hngton. Evanß> H Frank Wellington. McKay Neville James .. We hngton. Fail . 0; Arthur Silvcste] . ~ " Wellin McKechme, Janet Connel .. .. Wellington. Fawoett, Thomas.. .. .. Wellington! Macmorran, James .. .. Wellington Forriday, Hubert Auckland. Magee, Bernard .. .. Palmerston North. Galbraith, Robert Cameron .. Hamilton. Makeham, Charles Edgar .. .. Wellington. Gow, Stanley Gordon .. .. Hamilton! Mark, Ihomas Wellington. GrifSin, Charles Howard .. .. Nelson. May, Leslie New Plymouth. Grigg, John Handel .. .. Wellington. Menneer, Frederick .. .. Ghristchureh. Hagan, Francis Peter .. . . Wellington. Miles, Eric Gordon •• ■• Timaru. Johnson, Frank Harold .. .. Auckland. Miles, Percy Vincent R.ehard ( harlcs Napier. King, Arthur Tfl .. .. Christohuroh. Millar Robert John .. .. We hngton. Lindup, Frederick William .. Wellington. Milne, Hector Chilo .. .. Wei hngton. MoCabe, Bernard Charles Alton .. Nelson. Morison, Gordon Leslie .. . . Wellington. Mclsaac, Neil Roy .. . . New Plymouth. Nilson, o'ames Graham .. . . Auckland. McKenzie, Clifton Hone .. .. Whangarei. Nome, James Alexander .. .. Dunedin. McNeilly, Adam Rae . . . . Wellington O'Donovan John *loivncc .. Napier. Mail, Laurence Carrington .. New Plymouth. Palmer, Albert Edgar .. .. Dunedm. Middlemas, Noel Allan .. .. Wellington. Park, Alexander Dallas .. .. Dunedia Miller, Percy William .. .. Chri.stchureh. Paul, James Coutts .. .. We hngton. Nichol James Edmond \\ Wellington. Pcarce, Walter Hambley .. .. Wellington. Nicholas, Gregory James .. .. Palmerstoi, North. Pearce, William Gilchnst .. .. Dunedin. O'Donoghue, Michael Francis .. Timani. Phillips Harold .. Greymouth. Oxley, Antony William .. .. Dunedin. Pike, Marmaduke Alfred .. .. Nelson Pollen, Arthur Hugh .. .. We 11,,,,!,,,,. Pillow John .. .. .. Wei hngton. Pullar; Robert Gardiner .. Wellington. Price, John Willoughby .. .. Aucldand. Reader, D'Arcy Harold .. .. Wellington! Ramsay, Rollo Alexander .. Auckland. Reynolds, Oswald Bertram .. Dunedin. Robertson, Charles Robert Henry .. Dunedin. Ro ; ie> Mt , xlmdev Mclvor .. .. Wellington. Rogers Lancelot Anthony .. Napier. .Smith, Sydney Harold \mkland. Ryan, Patrick James .. .. Wellington. Sullivan, John Dunedin. Salmon Cednc Whitby .. Auckland. Tait, Kenneth Janus .. .. Wellington. Scott, Robert Francis Goghill .. Auckland. Tarrant, Eric Norman .. .. Wellin Seward Samuel Theodore .. .. Wellington. Wallace, Albert Nyanza Auckland. Shelrock ianny .. .. New Plymouth. Walmsley, Edward Benjamin Mac- Dunedin. Smith, Arthur Clifford .. .. Auckland. Gregor Smith, Fred f el {\ ngt ,T Watters, Allan James .. .. Wellington. Sneddon, Cyril Alexander .. .. Auckland. Webley, Norman .. .. Wanganui. Stack, John Dormnick .. .. Auckland. Williamson, George Buchanan .. Wellington. Stewart, Earl Wellington. Y oun g, John George .. .. Wellington Stratton, Alfred Thomas .. .. Nelson. Stuart, Albert Pulman .. .. Hamilton. Stuart! Arthur Henry .. .. Wellington. PlssitD ra Thkbe Subjbots. Suckling, Clement Arthur .. .. Christchurch. Minn. Henry Walter .. .. Palmerston North. Thompson, Eric Dudley .. .. Invercargill. Alley. Erie Buckingham .. .. Christchuroh. Thomson, George William Gordon .. Wellington. Antwis, Augustus .. .. Thames. Traoy, James George .. .. Wanganui. Barnett, Walter Henry .. .. Wellington. Tyndall, Arthur .. .. .. Dunedin. Barred. John Pranois .. .. Auckland. Vivian, Herbert .. .. .. Wellington. Bridgman, Kdmond Jamei .. Chrietohuroh. Warner, Allan Stanley . . . . Auckland. Broun. Frederiok Vinoent . . . . Christchurch. Watson, Kenneth Robert .. .. New Plymouth. Carroll, John Joseph .. .. Wellington. Waugh, William Noresman .. Auckland. Chamberlain, Leonard Oswell .. New Plymouth. White, Edward .. .. .. Wellington. Chapman, William Levin .. .. Wellington. White, Melville Arthur .. .. Wellington. Clark, Henry George .. .. Auckland.



Civil Service Senior Examination — continued. Name of Candidate. Nxamination Centre. Name of Candidate. examination Centre. Connell, James Scott .. .. Wellington. Walters, Arthur William .. .. Wellington. (look, Albert Russell .. .. Dannevirke. Whyte, Prank Mitchell .. .. Dnnedin. Coombe. Gilbert Walpole .. .. Xclson. Wilson, Hcniv Berben .. .. Dunedin. Davey, Stanley Edward .. .. Wellington. ■ Wilson, Robert Alexander .. .. New Plymouth. Downing, William Gibson .'. .. Oamaru. Woodford, Alfred James Claude .. Wellington. Falconer, Ernest Gordon .. .. Invercargill. Foote, George .. .. .. Wellington. _ ... Ginger, Barton Albert .. .. Wanganui. Passed in Two Subjbcts. Hall, Lionel William Baird .. Wellington. Adamson, Norman James .. .. Wellington. Hunter, .lames .. .. .. Dunedin. Barker, Ernest Christopher .. Christchuroh. Jamieson, Hannah Stewart .. Inveroargill. Beresford-Wilkinson, Ernest Charles Wellington. Jones, Albert Henry Thimbleby .. Xclson. Black, John Wilkinson .. .. Wellington. Jonee, Philip Henry .. .. Wellington. Bradshaw, William Jackson .. Napier. Keys, Percy Leonard .. .. Dunedin. Browning, Cecil John Arthur .. Napier. King, Wallaoe Watson .. .. Invercargill. Buohanan, Joseph Wesley .. Christchurch. King, Wilford Bertrand .. .. Dannevirke. | Chapman, ETranois Leslie .. .. Wellington. Lewington, Ernest William .. Wellington. Cooke, Rudolph Gratton .. .. Auckland. McClelland, Edmund .. .. Christonuroh. Coppook, Robert Rowland.. .. Wellington. McDowall. Samuel .. ■ ■ Wellington. Coughlan, Richard James .. .. Auckland. MoElligott, Riohard Thomas .. Wellington. Edwards, Edmund John .. .. Christohuroh. McEwan, Charles Daniel .. .. Wellington. Gilbert, Charles Edwin .. .. Wellington. .Melvor, Frederick .. .. Dunedin. Glastonbury, Frank Godfrej .. Dunedin. McKay. Donald .. .. .. Wellington. i low. Reginald Ronald .. .. Wellington. McLean, John Murdoch .. .. Wellington. Green, Eric Wallace .. .. Dunedin. MeMillan, Donald Gordon .. .. Wanganui. Haigh, George Mofiatl .. .. Wellington. Manuera, Hohia .. .. .. Wellington. Hurle, Herbert Stenneti .. .. Wellington. Miller, Claude Oswald .. .. Wellington. Keating, Arthur Osoar .. .. Christchurch. Munn. Henry \rthur .. .. Christchurch. j Kennedy. Archibald Patrick Leslie .. Dunedin. Murray, Colin Campbell .. .. Wellington. Kururangi, Teretui .. .. Now Plymouth. NewalL Walter Richard .. .. Napier. tfoCalman, Laurence Harry .. Wellington. N'iven, Ellen Grace .. .. Westport. Maokay, James Molndoe .. .. Dunedin. Parker, Albert Watson .. .. Whangarei. MoGahan, Miohael Robert Douglas.. Wellington. Paterson, Stanley Gordon .. .. Dunedin. McLean, James Wyllie .. .. Auckland. Playne, Clarence James .. . . Wellington. Mason, Percy Herbert .. .. Auckland. Pratt, Percival Justin .. .. Wellington. Wilner, Charles Edward Claud .. Wellington. Prescott, Arthur Joseph .. .. Auckland. Morgan, Grosvenor Andrew .. Wellington. Proudtoot, William Gladstone Claude Wanganui. O'Dowd, John Patrick .. .. Wellington. Roberts, Hazel Nellie .. .. Whangarei. O'Leary, Jeremiah Cornelius .. Wellington. Robinson, Edwaid George .. Gisborne. i I'otl. Leo John .. .. .. Auckland. Ross, David William .. .. Dunedin. I Purdue, George Bartholomew nvercargill. Ryan, Nicholas Joseph .. .. (iisborne. J Rabone, Clarence. Noble .. .. Wellington. Sawors, David George .. .. Wellington. Roberts, William Henry Lyttelton .. Westport. Searell, Stanley Luscombe .. Wellington. Robertson, Alexander Siurniv .. New Plymouth. Slocombe, Arthur Tom .. .. Invercargill. Ryan, Horace Laurence .. .. Wellington. Smith, Oscar Charles .. .. Dunedin. Selby, Albert .. .. .. Wellington. Smyth, Joseph Alfred .. .. Wellington. Stainton, Frank Harold Bates .. Auckland. Steel, Leslie Harvey .. .. Ashburton. Steel, Charles .hi me .. .. Napier. Tattle, Leonard Walter .. .. Wellington. Traue, William Thomas .. .. Blenheim. Titchener, Lionel Hugh .. .. Auckland. Weir, Gerald Hill.. .. .. Wellington. Ward, Thomas Compton .. .. Wellington. White, Horace Stevenson .. .. Auckland.

TEACHERS , CERTIFICATE EXAMINATIONS. 1. Passed bob Class It. | Passed cob Class c. Candidate. Examination Centre. Candidate. Humiliation Centre. Arnold, Cuthbert Frederick .. Christchurch. Achcson. Catherine Edith Ann .. Dunedin. Bowater, Harold Riohard .. .. New Plymouth. Allan. Orlanno Lincoln .. .. New Plymouth. lioycc. Charles George Morton .. Nelson. Allison. Herbert Harold .. .. Christchurch. Burt, Sarah Macalister Ramsay .. Invercargill. Ambrose, Clarice Mary .. .. Christchurch. Colquhoun. Mary Houston.. .. Dunedin. Anderson, Isabella Cameron .. Auckland. Gilmour, Richard Smyth .. .. Wellington. Astbury, Henry Edward .. .. Wellington. Gow, Alexander .. .. .. New Plymouth. | Austin, Leslie Gordon .. .. Christohuroh. Griffin, Thomas Joseph .. .. Nelson. Bagnall, Alioe Mabel Gladys .. Auckland. Hilgendorf, Francis .. .. Hokitika. Bailey, Wenonah ... .. Wellington. Hird, William Edward .. .. Kelson. Bartrum, Charlotte Amy Dorothy .. Tiniaru. Hunter. Robert Russell .. .. Dunedin. Baylies, Margaretta Alioe .. .. Auckland. Jackson. Herbert Wesley .. .. Wanganui. Ileal lie. Ethelwyn Jane .. .. Oamaru. Lawless, Cyril Norman .. ■■ Dunedin. Beeohey, Frederiok James .. .Masterton. Livingstone, Fanny Ruth .. .. Christchuroh. Helton. Joseph .. .. .. Wanganui. Luke, Bertha Alice .. •■ Dunedin. Bishop, Walter John .. .. Auckland. Maoky, Samuel Henry .. .. Whangarei. Bissell, Edward .. .. .. Napier. Murray. Irene Jane .. ■■ Christchurch. Bisset, Caroline Annie Beatrice .. Wellington. Nightingale, Henry John .. .. Masterton. Blomquiat, Henrietta Valeric .. Dunedin. Rodger, William .. .. •• Dunedin. Botting, Robert William Stanley .. Dunedin. Salmond, Mary .. ■• ■■ Dunedin. Bottrill, Christopher George .. Auokland. Stewart, Charles Alexander .. Dunedin. Bowler, Frederiok Henry . .. Christchurch. Thomas, William WebsteT .. New Plymouth. Bradfield, Jessie .. .. .. Dunedin. Wesi. William MoDonald .. .. Christohureh. Bradstook, Leonard Ballard .. Masterton. WUkins, Thomas Jacques Cuthbert . Christchuroh. Brett, Reginald Edward .. .. Auokland.


Teachers" Certificate Examinations continued. Candidate. Examination Centre. Candidate. Kxiiniinutioi! Centre. Brewer, E3la Marion .. .. Blenheim. Mcßae, Alexander Petel .. .. Christchimli. Brims, Elizabeth Swanson.. .. Dunedin. MoSweeney, Honora .. .. Timnru. Bringane, Alexander .. .. Dunedin. Marwick, John .. .. .. Oamani. Broadgate, Frederick Lawrence King Auckland. Metier, John .. .. .. Palmerston North. Brown, Jonathan .. .. Dannevirke. Melody, William John .. .. Wanganui. Buohanan, Marion Agnes .. .. Timaru. Merrington, Alfred Riohard .. Auckland. Burgess, Emily May .. .. Masterton. Meyenberg, Arthur Maurice .. Wellington. Callaghan, Francis Raymond .. Chrietohuroh. Miller, Andrew Lindsay .. .. Dunedin. Carriok, Hilda .Marie .. .. Dunedin. Minchin, Alice Ethel .. .. Hamilton. Caskey, Margaret.. .. .. Christohurch. Minnis, Kathleen Luoy .. .. Christohuroh. Choat. Ethel Etegina .. •• Christohurch. Mitchell, Emily .. .. .. Dunedin. Clemance, Eerbetf John .. .. Wanganui. Mitohell, Maggie .. .. .. Whangarei. Coleman, Bernard Francis Peter .. Nelson. Molloy, John jos.-jih .. .. Auckland. Collins, Charles Frederick .. .. Timaru. Moodie, Bedford I'im .. .. Christohuroh. Coltman, Archibald Kussell .. Auckland. Murphy, Arthur l'hili|i .. .. Wellington. Cornwell, Edith Mary .. .. Christohurcb. Neale, Clara Isabel .. .. Dunedin. Cowan, Robert .. .. .. Dunedin. Partridge, Ernest. . .. .. Dunedin. Craig, Margaret (ii) .. .. Auckland. Patterson. Edward John Dillon .. Auckland. Crombie, Jane MoChesney .. Christehurch. Philip, William Hill .. .. Wellington. Cunningham. .Margaret Mary .. Hokitika. Phillips, Annie Amanda .. .. New Plymont h. Cushin, John Alfred .. .. Invereargill. I'hilli|is, Henry Vincent .. .. Wellington. Dallas, Thomas White .. .. Dunedin. Philpott, Sarah Adeline .. .. Christchureli. Dallasion. Charles William .. Wellington. Printzen, Doris Margarita .. .. Wellington. Day, Norman Daroj .. .. New Plymouth. Proudlock, Margaret Ann .. .. Timaru. Deuar, Janet Bethia .. .. Dunedin. Purves, Thomas Burton .. .. Dunedin. Diack, William Alexander.. .. Invereargill. Baikes, Francis Campbell .. .. Wellington. Dunoan, Phyllis .. .. .. Oamnru. Ramsay, Harold Vivian .. .. Auckland. Dungan, Emma Amies .. .. Christchureli. Rapson, George Walter .. .. Auckland. Everett, Gladys Gordon .. .. Nelson. Rennie, Jessie Glencairn .. .. Dunedin. Fathers, Harold Thomas Malcolm .. Wellington. Ritchie, Helen .. .. .. Christohuroh. Feist, Hannah Elizabeth . . .. Auckland. Robson, Bertha .. .. .. Christchurch. Feist, Lily .. ■ • • ■ Masterton. Rockel, Cecil Ferdinand .. .. Palmerston North Fletcher, Raymond. .. .. Auckland. Rope, Charles Manfred .. .. Auckland. Flux, Gwondolyn Mary .. .. Wellington. Ross, Hilda .. .. .. Dannevirke. Fogolberg, Hilina Elvira . ■• Wellington. Roulston, James David .. .. Dunedin. Ford, Norah Bayly Isabella .. New Plymouth. Rowntree, Ernest Henry Walt.ham .. Wellington. Foster, Kate .. .. . . Wellington. Russell, Magdalen Laura .. .. Auckland. Frayne, Leonora .lane .. .. Wellington. Salmond, Elizabeth Isabel .. Dunedin. Gamble, Victor John .. •• Christchurch. Sapsford, Elsie Florence Lou .. Christchureli. Gasparioh, Joseph George .. .. Auckland. Searle, Ernest Albert .. .. Oamaru. Gaudin, Grace Beatrice .. .. Wellington. Selby, Bertha Graceahelle . .. Invereargill. Gibson, Helen Frances .. .. Wanganui. Service, William Albert .. .. Oamaru. Glanville, Ellen .. .. .. Dunedin. Skelley, Harriette Mary .. .. Masterton. Goodall. Alexander .. .. Timaru. Smart, John Thomas .. .. Timaru. Goulding, Sarah Fra&oee .. .. Oamaru. Smith, Coralie Frances .. .. Auckland. Grant, John Black .. .. Dunedin. Smith, Florence Ethel .. .. Ashburton. Gray, Catherine .. .. .. Masterton. Somerville, George Arthur .. Auckland. GrenfeU, Arthur Fitohett .. .. Dunedin. Southcy, Charles Carrington .. Auckland. Griffiths, Gwladys Irene Kathleen .. Auckland. Sproat, William Albert .. .. Dunedin. Grigg, Stella .. .. .. Thames. Stanton, Alice Kililli .. .. Auckland. Hail. Alfred Joseph Charles .. Auckland. Stewart, James Garfield .. .. Invereargill. Hall, Harry Frederick .. .. Auckland. Stubbs, George Henry .. .. Auckland. Hartstonge, Daniel .. . . Dunedin. Sustins, Nolan .. .. . . Christchurch. Hawke, John Peter .. .. Dunedin. Sutherland, Margaret Alexandrine .. Dunedin. Henderson, Douglas Dalryniplc .. Wanganui. Taylor, Elizabeth Margery. . .. Thames. Hoey, Reuben Leslie .. .. Auckland. Thomas, Taliesin .. .. Wanganui. Hogwood, Edward James Leslie .. Auckland. Thompson, Alfred William.. .. Palmerston North. Honore, Abraham Thomas .. Auckland. Thwaites, Leonard James William .. Christchureli. Hook, Peroy John .. .. Auckland. Turner, Nellie .. .. .. Christchureli. Hosking. George Frederiok Charles .. Auckland. Voss, Ruby Evelyn .. .. Christchureli. Hulslon. Clara Annie Marguerite .. Christchurch. Walton, William Llewellyn .. Dunedin. Hunt, Ellen Jane.. .. ■• Wellington. Webber, John Oswald .. .. Timaru. Hunt. Sarah Alice .. .. Auckland. Western, Mildred .. .. Auckland. Jackson, Beryl Annie .. .. Auckland. White, Eliza .. .. .. Dunedin. Jackson. Patrick Montague .. Christohurch. White, Olive Josephine Margaret .. Dunedin. Jeans, Eana Blyth .. .. Dunedin. White, Percy Henry .. .. Dunedin. Johnson, Minnie Maria .. .. Auckland. Whiting, Dorothy Hazel .. .. Auckland. Kennedy, Jemima .. .. Invereargill. Wilks, Doris Emily .. .. Auckland. Kenny, Arthur Alphonso .. .. Auckland. Wilks, Frank .'. .. .. Auckland. Kibblewhite, Bruoe Melville .. Hamilton. Williams, Verona Bell .. .. Christchurch. Kininnionth. Helen Mary .. .. Chrifltohuroh. Wilson, David George .. .. Christchureli. Layoook, Irene Lilian .. .. [nveroargill. Wilson, Elizabeth .. .. Dunedin. Lockwood, Helena . . .. Christchureh. Wilson, Henry Leonidas .. .. Napier. Long, Edgar Robert .. . . Whangarei. Wilson, Mabel .. .. .. New Plymouth. Lovell-Smith, Constanoe Isabel .. Christohurch. Wilson, Marion .. .. .. Dannevirke. McAllister, Ruby Elizabeth .. Napier. Wishart, Alice Ethel .. .. Than, MoCormao, Margaret Mary .. Christchureli. Wood, Ernest Alex .. .. Auckland. Mac Donald, Isabel Catherine .. Napier. Woodhouse, Bertha Jane .. . . Dunedin. McDonnell, Mary (i) .. .. Greymouth. Worboys, Joseph Harrison .. Wellington. McDougall, Isabel .. .. [nvercargill. Wylie, Annie .. .. .. Thames. Maofarlane, Samuel George .. Christchurch. Wylie, Clare Elizabeth .. .. Dunedin. MoGeohie, John William .. .. Auckland. Yortt, Caroline Elizabeth .. .. Auckland. McGill, Robena Leckie .. .. Timaru. McKenzie, Ida Brown .. Dimedin. Pasbisd Km Clabs D. McKinnon, Margaret Jane Weir .. Whangarei. Mackintosh, Charlotte Elizabeth .. Christchurel,. Anderson, Mary .. .. .. Auckland. MoLellan, Ellen .. .. .. Dunedin. Andrew. Hazel Jane .. .. Wanganui. McLennan. EJffie Wilhelmina .. Auckland. Andrew. Riohard Edward .. .. Auckland. McNallv, May Rosalvn .. .. Christchureh. Applegate, Frances Lois . . .. Thames. McNaughton, Margaret .. .. Invereargill. Aris, May Frances .. .. Wellington.




Teachers' Certificate Examinations — continued. Candidate. gixamination Cwitrc-. I Candidate. examination Centre. Armstrong, William Thomas . . Auckland. Eckley, Jessie . . .. . • Auckland. Arnott Lillian Florence* .. .. Christchurch. Eggleton, Thomas Edreri .. .. Dunedin. Ashby, Milliconl Jim .. .. Auckland. ElLey, Ethel Maud .. .. invercargill. Baird, Thomas .. .. .. Invercargill. Ellis, Flora . . .. .. Dunedin. Bargh, Grace .. .. .. Dannevirke. Ellis, Frances Emma .. .. Dunedin. Barkley Mabel .. .. .. Hamilton. England, Walter .. .. .. Auckland. Barnett, John .. .. .. Wellington. Enting, Zelma Amelia Elfrida .. Dannevirkc. Barriball, Gertrude Elizabeth .. Auckland. Spps, Fanny Alioe .. ... Napier Barth, Irene .. .. • • Dunedin. Evetts, Carvell Eli .. .. New Plymouth. Bastin, Ida Elvina .. .. Wellington. Fairweather, Daisie .. .. Christohuroh. Batkin, Mildred . ... .. Auckland. Fenton, Mattic . . .. .. Auckland. Bayfield, Mary Gertrude DOyly .. Hamilton. Foley, Veronica May .. .. Auckland. Bean, Louisa Lawton .. .. Greymoulli. Fordyce, Andrew Bruce .. .. Auckland. Beck Constance .. .. Timaru. Forsyth, Dorothy Christina Ivy .. Invercargill. Beckett, Shirley .. .. .. Timaru. Foster, Mabel Kate .. .. Auckland Bell Ivy Ellenor .. .. .. Auckland. Foster, Rhoda Louise- .. .. Chnstchurcn. Bell, Muriel Frances .. .. Auckland. Fraser, Elizabct li .. .. Invercargill Bennett, William James .. .. Timaru. Freeman, Hilda Franoes .. .. Christchurch. Benton, Cora Cecilia .. .. Dannevirke. Fyers, Christina .. .. .. Auckland. Beresford, Gertrude Ellen .. .. Dunedin. Gainsford, Mabel Evelyn .. .. Christchuren. Berg Frederick Roland N'iliblci I .. Christohuroh. Gallon, Mary Cecilia .. .. Auckland. Berry, Amy Mildred .. .. Auckland. Ganley, Hilda Eileen .. .. Auckland. Best, Thornton Richard .. .. Westport. Garland, Violet .. .. .. Chnstchurch. Black, Hilda .. .. .. Dunedin. Gibbons, John Miln .. •• Wanganui Blackett, Isabella Hume .. .. Auckland. Gibson, Inez Roberta .. .. Chnstchurch. Blackmore, Winifred Mary .. Christchurch. Gilling, Clarence Dudley .. .. Chnstchurch. Booth, Atwood Wigzell .. .. Wanganui. Goodwin, Frank Russell . . .. Auckland. Bowden, John .. . . . ■ Christchurch. Gordon, Charles Stanley .. . . Masterton. Bowler, Daniel Cornelius .. .. Napier. Gordon, Forbes Bruce .. .. Hamilton. Braddock, Catherine Christ inn .. Wellington. Graham, John .. .. •• Dunedin. Brann, Grace Ludlow . ... Napier. Grant, Colin Campbell .. .. Masterton. Brewer, Elsie Harriet Tin lor .. Blenheim. Grey, Alan Stuart .. .. Auckland. Broad, Rowland Prows .. .. Wanganui. Grey, Eva Ellen .. .. .. Dunedin. . Brooke, Una Margery .. .. Oamaru. Grigg, Hilda Mary .. .. Whangarei. Brooker, Nellie Frances Haynian .. Christchurch. Gunn, Elizabeth Martha .. .. Wanganui. Brooking, Lilian Gisborne. Hall, Edith Jane Dunedin Brown, Alexandra Mary .. .. Masterton. Hames, Gilbert Martin .. .. Auckland. Brown, Donella .. .. .. Dannevirke. Hamilton, Violet Arbor .. .. Invercargill. Browning Claude Amphias . . Palmorston North. Hanham, Dorothy Lilian Maud .. Christchurch. Buckley, Maude Aline Adella .. Christchurch. Hare, Ada Elizabeth Haskell '.. Auckland. Bunyan, IsabeUa Annie . . .. New Plymouth. Hare, Minnie Kathleen Masterton. Burbush, Nellie Maria .. .. Palmerston North. Harre, Horace Romano .. .. New Plymouth. Burge, Agnes Hilda .. .. Masterton. Harrison, Emily Violet Fay .. Dunedin. Burgess, William Henry .. .. Palmerston North. Hathaway, Martha .. .. Auckland. Burt John .. .. Invercargill. Hawkins, Benjamin George . . Gisborne. Cameron, Duncan . . .. Christchurch. Hayes, Mary Charlotte .. . . Ashburton. Carson William .. .. .. Auckland. Hayson, Bertrand William .. Auckland. Gartner, Robert Collingwood .. Westport. Hayward, Myrtle Alice Elizabeth . . Invercargill. Cartwright, Jessie Millicent .. Auckland. Hedges, Ivy Laura .. .. Auckland. Casey Mary .. .. .. Wanganui. Herdman, Eleanor Jane .. .. Masterton. Castle, Arthur Penfold .. . . Wellington. Hickman, Nora Madeline .. .. Christchurch. Chappie, Dora Valeric Bessie .. Timaru. Hoare, George Harry .. ■ • Christchurch. Chappie, Leonard Jam. s Bamernft .. Timaru. Hood, Marion Carmichael .. .. Wellington. Church, George Paget .. .. Auckland. Hull, Eva Dannevirke. Clark, Dinah .. .. .. Auckland. Hunter, Annie Elizabeth .. .. limaru. Clark Rose Louisa .. .. Christchurch. Jamieson, Catherine .. .. Wanganui. Clemance, Alice Emma .. .. Wanganui. Jomison, Winifred Jane .. .. New Plymouth. Coddington, Edward George .. New Plymouth. Jenson, Emma Hansine .. .. Wellington. Cody, Ellen Martha .. .. Wanganui. Jessop, Violet Eveline .. .. Timaru. Cody, George .. .. .. Invercargill. Johnson, May Oliver .. .. Thames Colquhoun, John Alexander .. Dunedin. Johnson, Winifred .. .. Auckland. Colthart, James .. . . .. Christchurch. Jones, Constance Evelyn .. .. Nelson. Cook, Ethel Harriett .. . . Palmerston North. Jones, Florence Mary De Vaynes .. Auckland. Cornish, Elizabeth Jane .. .. Dunedin. Joyce, Neville Stanley .. .. Timaru - Cornwall, Ivy Leonora Louis, .. Greymouth. Kay, James .. .. .. Whangarei Corpe, Lewis Victor .. .. Palmerston North. Keith, Lilac Gordon .. .. Christchurch. Cowan, James George .. .. Dunedin. Kelly, Lucy Whangarei. Coward, Alice Mary .. .. Blenheim. Kendon, Cecil Whitworth .. .. Auckland. Cowen, Martin Dunedin. Kennedy, Margaret .. .. limaru. Crawshaw, Linda Jessie .. .. Timaru. Kenny, Katherine . . .. Auckland. Oickott, Atholl Glassford .. .. Auckland. Kibblewhite, Forrest Gordon .. Hamilton Crickett, Nellio Auckland. King, Lilian Eva .. .. Chnstchurch. Crook. Harold Llewellyn .. .. Auckland. Lake, Lulu Agnes .. .. Auckland. Cuthbertson George Isaac .. Timaru. Lange, Olive Beatrice .. .. Gisborne. Daldy, Rhoda Catherine .. .. Thames. Langford, Katherine Agnes .. Invercargill. Dalzell, Flora .. .. .. Christchurch. Larking, Frank Campbell .. .. Dunedin. Davey, George Henry .. .. Palmerston North. Lawrence, Dorothy Smith .. .. Timaru. Davie Frederick William .. .. Palmerston North. Lawry, Raymond Alexander Reid .. Christchurch. Day, Esther Marian .. .. Wanganui. Lee, Mary Ellen Wellington. De Renzy Elizabeth . . .. Auckland. Lindsay, Colin McKenzie .. .. Invercargill. Dick David .. .. Timaru. Longdill, Kate Winifred .. .. Auckland Duggan, John .. .. .. Wellington. Lopdell, Francis Cecil .. . . lnveroargill. Duncan, Jessie Agnes .. .. Dunedin. Louch, Isabella .. .. .. Wellington. Dunn, Minnie Allan .. .. Timaru. Lymburn, Janet . . .. .. Dunedin. Dwyer, Eveline Grace .. .. Greymouth. Lynn, Ruth .. . . .. Dunedin. Eagar, Edward Fitzgerald .. .. Wellington. Mac Arthur, Arthur Duncan .. Dunedin. Eagar, Olive Fitzgerald .. . . Wellington. Mo Arthur, Sarah Ann Westoby .. Chnstchurch. Eaglesome, Mary Elizabeth .. Christchurch. MacClure, Bertha Catherine .. Wanganui. Earl, Charlotte Mary .. .. Napier. McConaughy, May Agnes .. .. Auckland. Earle, William John .. .. Auckland. Macdonald, Alexandrina .. .. Christchuich.


Teachers' Certificate Examinations — continued. Candidate. Examination Centre. Candidate. Examination Centre. MoDonald, lvon Fraser .. .. Whangarei. j Sievwright, Mary Helen .. .. Wellington. McDowell, Edith Martha .. . . Invercargill. Simmons, Olive Lenore .. .. New Plymouth. McEwan, Edith Craig .. .. Gisborne. Sissone, Barbara Mary .. .. Auckland. McEu an, Flora .. .. .. Invereargill. j Smith, Ellen .. .. .. Westport. McGregor, Eva .. .. .. New Plymouth. Smith, Frances Nannie O'Hara .. Nelson. McHutcheson, Elsie Wallis .. Invercargill. Southern, Grace .. .. .. Invereargill. Mclntyre, John .. .. .. Auckland. Spencer, Jane .. .. .. Invercargill. Mclntyre, John .. .. .. Timaru. Squire, Annie Venn .. .. Napier. Mclntyre, Sophie .. .. Dunedin. ! Squire, Ethel Florence .. .. Timaru. Mclsaae, Catherine Mary .. .. New Plymouth. i Steel, Christina .. .. .. Invereargill. Maekay, Ann Eliza .. .. Christehurch. Stevens, Brenda Edith .. .. Hamilton. McKenzie, Ivy Verena .. .. Masterton. Stevens, Gladys Muriel .. .. Hamilton. McKenzie, Lionel Alexander .. Invercargill. Stitt, Annie Beatrice .. .. New Plymouth. Mackie, Howard James .. .. New Plymouth. Stobo, James .. .. .. Invercargill. McLay, Alice Eva .. .. Dunedin. Store 3', Robert Henry Gordon .. Timaru. McLean, Elizabeth Margaret Roy .. Auckland. Strong, Marion Elizabeth .. .. Christchurch. McMullan, Esther .. .. Dunedin. Sunaway, Flora Phyllis Maria .. Timaru. McNaughton, Marian Elizabeth .. Auckland. Swap, Josephine Agnes Ewen .. Timaru. McPherson, Delia Harvey .. .. Auckland. Tansey, Mary Jane .. .. Westport. McPherson, Jeanio Chalmers .. Dannevirke. Tatton, Joseph Arthur .. .. Auckland. Mcßae, Flora .. . . .. Nelson. Taylor, Florence Theresa .. .. Napier. McSweeney, Morgan Patrick . . Timaru. Taylor, Helen .. .. .. Dunedin. .Mahony, Florence Nightingale .. Auckland. Taylor, Muriel Eveline .. .. Dannevirke. Maider, Sophia Jane Jessie Mary .. Invereargill. Telfer, Violet Mildred .. .. Whangarei. Main, Agnes .. .. . . Wellington. Tremewan, Maurice Allison .. Wanganui. Malone, Hiohael .. .. . < h-eymouth. Turley, Lilian Margaret .. .. Napier. Marsden, Grace Emily .. .. Christchurch. Turner, Gertrude May Dyke .. Christchurch. Miles, Melvina Antoinette .. .. Christchurch. Turner, Lillian .. .. .. Christchurch. Mills, Alice .. .. .. New Plymouth. j Turner, Marian Janet .. .. Ashburton. Mills, Elsie Evelyn .. .. Christchurch. j Tweedie, Helen Mary Caroline .. Invorcargill. Moore, Lily Cutler ... .. Timaru. Vialoux. Kate Vernon .. .. Auckland. Morton, Agnes .. .. .. Invercargill. Voysey, Alice .. .. .. Palmerston North. Moxham, Ruth May .. . . Wellington. Waldie, Annie .. .. .. Timaru. Mushet, Mildred Elsie .. .. Auckland. Walker, Annie Elizabeth Ewing .. Christchurch. Nesbit, James William .. .. Dunedin. Watt, Malcolm McPherson .. Dunedin. Neumann, Alice Mary .. .. Blenheim. Webb, Alico Hewett .. .. Wellington. Neumann, Monica Magdalene . . Blenheim. Webb, Beatrico Jane Hampton .. Invercargill. Nicoll, Jessie Jane .. .. Dunedin. Webber, Elsie Elizabeth .. .. Auckland. Nightingale, Emily Mary .. .. Christchurcli. WeitzeL Marie Henrietta .. .. Wellington. Norris, Mabel .. .. .. Auckland. Wenmouth, Ellen Elizabeth .. Christchurch. O'Callaghan, Mary Kate .. .. Napier. Wiiarfe, Annie Eileen ■ .. .. Auckland. O'Connor, Daniel .. .. Dunedin. Whibley, John Chalmer .. .. Dannevirke. O'Donnell, Anne Norah .. . . Christchurch. Wbitcombe, Myra Julia .. .. Christchurch. Oliver, Mabel Louisa .. .. Auckland. White, Angusina .. .. .. Wellington. O'Neill, Catherine Elizabeth .. Hamilton. White, Roso Annie .. .. Dunedin. Opie, Ronald .. .. .. Christchurch. Wiesner, Hemnine Louise .. Wellington. O'Reilly, Mary .. .. .. Greymouth. Wilkinson, Isabella Ann .. .. Christchurch. Orr, Marion Johanna Newton .. Dunedin. Willcox, Dorothy Maud .. .. Christohuroh. O'Sullivan, Una Mary .. .. Hokitika. Willetts, Elizabeth .. .. Hokitika. Palmer, Arthur Freeman .. .. Palmerston North. Williams, Margaret Mary .. .. Hokitika. Parkinson, Arnold Edward Henry .. Wellington. Williams, Owen William .. .. Christchurch. Peart, Catherine Louisa .. .. Hamilton. Wilson, Jessie .. .. .. Dannevirke. Peele, Mildred Kthel .. .. Christchurch. Wilson, Louisa Nellie .. .. Dannevirke. Pogler, Amy Beatrice Allen .. Auckland. Wilson, Mary Elizabeth .. .. Hokitika. Phillips, Elizabeth Mary .. .. Auckland. Wood, Amy Elizabeth .. .. Auckland. Phillips, Lucy .. .. .. Auckland. Wood, Horace William .. .. Palmerston North. Phipps, Doris Douglas .. .. Auckland. Worsley, Alice Muriel .. .. Auckland. Pinder, Constance Marshall .. Napier. Wright, Madge Helen .. .. Christchurch. finder, Fanny .. .. .. Napier. Wright, Violet Mary .. .. Hokitika. Piper, George Manning .. .. Christchurch. Wylie, Ada Elizabeth .. .. Auckland. Pitcher, Susan Mary Ellen.. .. Palmerston North. Yardley, Agnes Mabel .. .. Invercargill. Pitt, Alfred Wilson .. .. Nelson. Yates, Frances Edith .. .. Christchurch. Pointon, Monica Christina .. Christchuroh. Young, Albert Victor .. .. Palmerston North. Pratt, William Stanley .. .. Christchurch. Young, Margaret .. .. Invercargill. Prentice, John On - .. .. Invercargill. Priest, Esther Elizabeth .. .. Wellington. LI. Obtained Partial Pass I'ob Class A. Prince, Grace .. .. Christchureh. Ainees, Arthur Hewton Ross .. Christchurch. Purnell, Herbert Francis .. .. Auckland. Quinn, Annie Auckland. Obtained Partial Pass tor Class C. Raikes, Alice Olive .. .. Nelson. Ramsay, Jane Gardner .. .. Napier. Andrew, Richard Edward .. .. Auckland. Rashleigh, Clara Judith .. . . Wellington. Archey, Gilbert Edward .. .. Christchuroh. Ray, Lydia Maud .. .. Palmerston North. Arnott, Lillian Florence .. .. Christchuroh. Revell, George Charles .. .. Auckland. Astley, Gladys Cicely Annie .. Auckland. Rickman, Frances Muriel .. .. Timaru. Baigent, Beatrice Lillian Muriel . . Nelson. Ritchie, Frances Mary .. .. Chatham Islands. Baston, Florence Inverern .. Auckland. Rivers, Mary Adelia " .. .. Greymouth. Baylis, Olive Ethel .. .. Invercargill. Robinson, Barbara Jane . . .. Greymouth Bonnett, William James .. .. Timaru. Rockel, Felix Ernest Sydney .. Wanganui. Bilkey, Edniond Edward .. .. Auckland. Rogers, Herbert . . .. • .. Auckland. Blaekett, Florence Mary .. .. Auckland. Ronaldson, Frances Elizabeth .. Timaru. Blaekett, Isabella Hume .. .. Auckland. Roscoe, Elda Helena .. .. Christchurch. Blaokmore, Winifred Mary .. Christchureh. Russell, Lilly .. .. . ■ Dannevirke. Blue, Jessie .. .. .. Dunedin. Sage, Constance Marion .. .. Christchurch. Booth, Atwood Wigzell .. .. Wanganui. Seeats, Ethel Florence Alice .. Auckland. Borthwiok, Phoebe Fullerton .. Christchurch. Scott, Mary .. .. .. Invercargill. Brown, Edward .. .. .. Dunedin. Scaly, Alfred Desmond .. .. Auckland. Brown, Lillian Annie .. .. Christchureh. Shaw, John Leslie .. .. Auckland. Brown, William Binet .. .. Wellington. Shaw, Norman Francis .. .. Auckland. Burden, Mary Witherden .. .. Napier. Shepherd, Mildred Florence .. Christchurch. Burton. Eva .. .. .. Napier.

5—E. 8.




Teachers' Certificate Examinations — continued. Candidate. Examination Centre. . Mate. Examination Centr. Caigou, Charles Alexander .. Wanganui. O'Brien, Grace EMen .. .. Nelson. Ohatwin, Fanny May .. .. Wanganui. Peart, Catherine Louisa .. .. Hamilton. Clachan, Mary Crawford .. .. Wellington. Phipps, Doris Douglas .. .. Auckland. Clark, Dinah .. .. .. Auckland. Pirrit, Ruth .. .. •* .. Auokland. Colquhoun, John Alexander .. Dunedin Player, Winifred Gladys .. .. Napier. Comes, Henry Alexander .. .. Auckland. Potts, Elizabeth Agnes .. .. Dunedin. Cowie, Norman Andrew MoLeod .. Invercargill. Priest, Ksther Elizabeth .. .. Wellington. Crawford, Ivy Irene .. .. Dunedin. Quigley, Herbert Sydnej VloGowan.. Dannevirke. Crawley, Janet Luoy .. .. Dunedin. mussen, Teresa .. .. Greymouth. Dick, David .. .. .. Timaru. Reeves, William Henry .. .. Timaru. Dickie, William .. .. .. Christchurch. Reid, Albert Sidney .. .. Invercargill. Dobson, Myra .. .. .. Christchureh. Rendle, Charles Arthur . . .. Dannevirke. Duggan, John .. .. .. Wellington. Iteynell, Lilian Gladys . . .. Wellington. Duncan, Stuart .. .. .. Palmerstoii North. Richardson, Alfred Edwin Bertram.. Auckland. Easther, Anna Constance Wharion .. Dunedin. Ritchie. Eliza Jane .. .. Christchureh. Ellis, Harold Lewis .. .. Gisborne. Robortshaw. Allan Keith '.. .. Whangarei. Ensor, Edna Jean .. .. Ohristehureh. Rogers. Edward Henry .. .. Palmerston Norl h I'airweather, Daisie .. .. Christchureli. Ross. Annie .. .. .. [nveioargill. Ferrier, Ethel Beatrice .. .. Timaru. Rudd, Mildred .. .. .. Christchurch. Kinlier, Janet Charles .. .. Dnnedin. Sage, Constance .Marian .. .. Christchureli. Kitchett. Jessie Hannah .. .. Wanganui. Shroeder, Peter .. .. .. Invercargill. Fleming, John James William .. Dunedin. Silcoek, Frederick Arthur . . .. Christchureh. Fogelbergi Noima Emmeline .. Wellington. Silvester, Vera .. .. .. Hamilton. Fordyoe, Andrew Bruce .. .. Auckland. Simpson, Anne .. .. .. Timaru. Fraser, Helen Mary .. .. Christchureh. Stanton, Alice Jane .. .. Wellington. lute, Evelyn .. .. .. Invercargill. Statham, Isabella Mary .. . . Auckland. Garrey, Phoebe .. .. .. Dunedin. Stevens, Brenda Edith .. .. Hamilton. Gaze, Frederick John .. .. Wanganui. Stevens, Percy Edward .. .. Auckland. Gibb, Annie Helen .. •■ Dannevirke. Suckling, Gertrude Annie .. .. Christchureh. Qfllandere, Catherine Bmily .. Auckland. Tait, Helen Mai .. .. Invercargill. Grant, Henry Alexander .. .. Christohuroh. Telfer, Violet Mfldred .. ■ .. Whangarei. Grant, John Buchanan .. .. Dunedin. Tidinarsh, Henry Herbert .. .. Auckland. Griffiths, George Frederick .. [nveroaigill. Timewell, Dorothy Elfreda .. Auokland. Guy, Sarah Helen .. .. Dunedin. Tremewan, .Maurice Allison .. Wanganui. Haggitt, Doris Evelyn .. .. Wellington. Trounson, Ida Marj .. .. Auckland. Hames, Gilbert Martin .. .. Auckland. Troy, Ellen Xora .. .. Hokitika. Hardcastle, Alan Arthur .. .. Timaru. Turner, Edith Mary .. .. [nveroargill. Hanlen, Cecil John .. .. Whangarei. Tyerman, Marjorie Grace .. .. Palmerston North. Hare, Emma Jessie .. .. Dunedin. Ullmer, Frederica .. .. Wellington. Harris, Myrtle Dorothy .. .. Christchureh. Vause, Harry .. .. .. Auckland. Harrison, Robert Johns!one .-. Auckland. Veale, Alice Elizabeth .. .. Auokland. Harvey, George .. .. .. Dannevirke. Walls, Man Raohel .. .. Wellington. Haslett, Aileen Isabel .. .. Dunedin. Webber. EMe Elizabeth .. .. Auckland. Henderson, Hubert .. .. Palmerston North. Webster, Robert Stephen .. .. New Plymouth. Howard, Gladys Hilda .. .. Whangarei. Wells, John-Fitzpatrick .. .. Blenheim. Hiekey, Stella .. .. .. Auckland. West, Maria Amelia .. .. Dunedin. Hill, Arthur John .. .. Auckland. Wost, Martha Charlotte .. .. Palmerston North Hilliard, Kathleen .. .. Blenheim. White, Angusina .. .. .. Wellington. Hind, Florence Mary .. .. Wellington. White, James .. .. .. Dunedin. Hodges, Muriel Emily .. .. Timaru. Wie Bertha .. .. Wellington. Hopkirk, Susanna Margarel .. Dannevirke. Wilson, James Reid .. .. Christohuroh. Howell, Krank Grose .. .. Palmerston North. Wilson, Robert Noble .. .. Dunedin. Howie, Richard Arthur .. .. Wanganui. Windust, Patience Amelia . . .. Auckland. Hutton. Alexander Louis .. .. Auckland. Woodruffe, Ida .. .. .. Wanganui. Hutton, Pearl Eugenia .. .. Dunedin. Johns, William Henwood .. .. Auckland. Obtaixkh Partial I'ass for Class D. Jones, Lina Maude .. .. Christchureh. Adam, Arthur Ernest .. .. Dunedin. Jones, Ruth Bransoombe .. .. Auckland. Adams, Robert William .. .. Timaru. Kirk, George William .. .. Nelson. Agnow, George .. .. .. [nveroargill. Knox, Eliza .. .. .. Ashburtoii. Allen, Frederick Norman .. .. Auckland. Ladley, Blanche Ada Eunioe .. Blenheim. Andrews, .Margaret Sylvia .. .. Auckland. Laing, Archibald Morrison.. .. Auokland. Anthony. Annie Muriel .. .. Wanganui. Large, Elsie Alice .. .. Christchureh. Argyle, Doris Winifred .. .. Palmerston North Larking, Frank Campbell .. .. Dunedin. Aylmer, Dorothy .. .. Timaru. Lea, Albert George .. .. Invercargill. Baigent, Harold Rupert .. .. Auckland. Lloyd. Ada (Vlia .. .. .. Christohuroh. Baker. Edward Stanley .. .. New Plymouth. Loudon, Agnes Lang .. .. Dunedin. Baldwin, lima Mildred .. .. Dannevirke. Lucas, Annie Louise .. .. Christchureh. Barnett. Arthur James .. .. Christchureh. Lymburn, Janet .. .. .. Dunedin. Barr, Samuel Douglas .. .. Auckland. Mac Arthur, Arthur Duncan .. Dunedin. Barton, Mary Victoria .. .. Auckland. McArthur, Jessie Euphemia .. Now Plymouth. , Bass, Elsa Gladys .. .. Auckland. McElwain, Myrtle .. .. Auckland. Bates, Daisy Margaret .. .. Auckland. McGreal, Michael .. .. Auckland. Bates, Winifred Rosa . . .. Wanganui. Mclntyre, Sophie .. .. Dunedin. Battersby, Florence Adele .. Auckland. Mackellar, Lena Mary .. .. Wellington. Beamish, Marion Gillman . . .. Wanganui. McKinnon, Roderick Angus .. Auckland. Beattie, James .. .. .. Christchureh. MoLay, Alioe Eva .. .. Dunedin. Beehan, Phyllis Inez Lucille .. Auckland. McMullan, Esther .. .. Dunedin. Bennett, Aileen .. .. .. Christchureh. Mavne. Helga Marian .. .. Christchureh. Berntsen, Alberta Matilda .. .. New Plymouth. Mead, Beatrix .. .. .. New Plymouth. Berry, Laxton George .. ' .. Palmerston North Menzies, George Gibb .. .. Dunedin. Berry, Sarah Selena Latham .. Timaru. Moller, Mary Elizabeth .. .. Hokitiku. Berryinan, Adeline Lorna .. .. Auckland. More, Christina Agnes .. .. Christchureli. Bertrand, George Frederick .. New Plymouth. Morrison, Malcolm John .. .. Dunedin. Billcns, Emmie .. .. .. Palmerston North. Mottram, Francis John .. .. Christehurch. Black, Adeline Louisa .. .. Timaru. Moxham, Ruth May .. .. Wellington. Blake, Olive Mary .. .. Wellington. Moyle, Mary Annie . . .. Timaru. Bodkin, Evelyn Edith .. .. Dunedin. Newhook, James Lawrence lmrie .. Auckland. Bond, Alice .. .. .. Auckland. Newton, William Henry .. .. Hokitika. Bonnin, Winifred Mary Louise .. Dunedin. North, Robert Henry .. .. Christchurch, Boswoll, George .. .. .. Auckland.


Teachers' Certificate Examinations— continued. Candidate Examination Ctnt™. Candidate. Examination Centre. Boswell, Mary McLaren .. .. Thames. Hogan, Teresa Margaret .. .. Greymouth Bourke, Hannah Jane .. . . Dunedin. Horrell, Elizabeth Denny Hope .. Christchurch Box, Lucy Ethel Wellington. Howie, Helen Merrie .. .. Invercargill Braik, Peter . .. Auckland. Hunt, Olive Edith .. .. Christchurch. Bremner, \ ictor Herbert Thomas . . Dunedin. Hunt, Winifred Isabel .. Auckland Brereton, Maud Augusta .. .. New Plymouth. Jacksou, Dorothy Esther . " Mastertou Brewer, Gertrude Faith .. .. Blenheim. Jackson, Lucy Aidney .. ..' Masterton Briggs, Charles Raymond .. .. Auckland. Jamieson, Ellen Georgina .. " Palmerston North Brogan, Agnes Patricia .. .. Dannevirkc. Jeffs, Maude Catherino Anne Hamilton Brown, Isabella .. .. .. Inveroargill. Johnston. Mary Gibb . Masterton Brown, Maxwell Stewart .. .. Wellington. . Jordan, Gladys Nellie .. Nelson Brown, Walter Andrew .. .. Christchurch. Kay, Hubert .. .. " Auckland Bryant, Bella Adelaide .. .. Palmerston North. Kelly, Elizabeth .. .. 4shburton Buohan, John .. .. .. Dunedin. Kelly, John Augustus .. Auckland Burgess, Christina .. .. Dannevirko. Kerr, Catherine .. .. .. Christchurch Barnard, Florenoe Luoy .. .. Oamaru. ■ Kidd, Ivy Blanchard .. .. Auckland Caigon, Melba .. .. .. Nelson. Kilgour, Jean Gunn Henderson .. Dunedin Calder, John Kinloch .. .. Dunedin. Killen, Thomas Young .. .. Auckland. Campbell, Franoei .. .. Blenheim. King, Emily Alice . invercargill Campbell, Mart] .. .. Christchurch. Knox, Ellie .. .. .. New Plymouth. Carmody, James . . .. .. Wanganui. Larcombe, Albert Frederick Wanganui Cartwright, Walter Howell .. Timaru. Lazarus, France- .. Wellington dial win, Georgina Beatrice .. Wanganui. Lees, Eliza Anne .. .. Wellington Clachan. William James . . .. Wellington. Le Gallais, Owen .. Auckland Clarke, Mildred .. .. .. Christchurch. Le Pine. Inez Edna .. " ~nd Clemanoe, Grace Anna Dora .. Wanganui. Look, Albert Dudley .. . Wanganui Chinan, Johanna .. .. .. Greymouth. Look, Bertha,- .. .. Wellington. Cockerill, Myrtle Margaret .. Tnvercargill. Loughlin, Mary Gertrude .. Christchuroh Cole, Mary Frances .. .. Auckland. Lowrie, Annie Winifred .. .. Auckland CoUerton, Elizabeth Catherine .. Masterton. Mcßeth, Helen Alexa .. .. Westport Cook, Fred .. .. .. Napier. MoCarroll, Sarah Adeline .. .. Whangarei. Copland, Douglas Berry .. Timaru. McCowan, Henry . . .. .. Auckland Copland, Helen Shepherd . . .. Timaru. .McDonald, Catherine- Isabella Invercargill Coupland, Cushla Mary .. .. Wellington. McGlashan, Peter.. .. Invercargill Cowie, Alfred Cranstone .. .. Wanganui. MoKelvy, Mary .. .. .. Timaru. Crabb, Janet Lookhart .. .. Palmerston North. Mackenzie, John (i) .. . . Dunedin. Craig, Beatrice .. .. .. Dunedin. Mackenzie, John (iil .. .. Dannevirke. Crandle, Henry Edward .. .. Wanganui. Be, Jane .. .. New Plymouth Currie, Isabella Todd .. .. Dunedin. MoKinnon, Charles .. .. Timaru. Cusscn, Eily Benedict .. .. Hamilton. McLaughlan, Margaret Mary .. Invercargill Dagg, Evaline Elizabeth .. .. Masterton. McLean, Jessie Margaret .'. .. Christchurch. Dalziel, Ida Mary ... .. Christchurch. Maguiness, Stanley Marshall .. Christchurch Dare, Elizabeth Ann .. .. Thames. Mahony, Mabel Annie .. .. Wanganui Davies, Hilda Violet .. .. Nelson. Mandeno, Isabella Graham .. Auckland.' Dee, Margaret .. .. . . Christchurch. Marten. Agries Muriel .. .. Wellington. Donnelly, Sarah . . .. .. Napier. Martin, Robert Frederick .. .. Auckland. Dron, Douglas Alexander . ... Nelson. Martyn, Frances Rose .. .. Oamaru. Edmonds, Florrie Martha .. .. Wellington. Mason, Alice Mary .. .. Christchurch. Engebretsen, Arthur John .. Palmerston North. Mason, Isabella Woodside .. .. Dunedin. Farrell, James Patrick .. .. Auckland. Mead, Irene Winifred .. .. Nelson. Fenton, Henry Clare .. .. New Plymouth. Mehaffey, William George .. .. Invercargill. Kinlavson, Annabella Margaret .. Whangarei. Merton, Sybil Mary .. .. Christehurch. Fitt, William Frederick .. ■ .. Palmerston North. Miles, Lilian Neale .. .. Christchurch! Forne, Kate .. .. .. Napier. Miller, Edith Phoebe .. .. Wellington. Foster, Kate Muriel .. .. Timaru. Miller, Jane Bell .. .. .. Invercargill. Frew, Mary Marshall .. .. Invercargill. Miller, John Inglis .. .. Invercargill. Frude, Dorothy Annie .. . . Napier. Milligan, Maud .. .. .. Napier. Garmson, Jane Elizabeth .. .. Invercargill. Moloney, Hilda Adeline .. .. Auckland. Gibson, Grace Sanderson .. .. Dunedin. Monfries, Abigail .. .. Dunedin. Gifford, Jessie Cameron .. .. Invercargill. Montagu, Grace Maud .. .. Greymouth. Gilbert, Edith Elizabeth .. .. Dunedin. . Morgan, Gladys Rowena .. .. Christchurch. Gilbert, John Killen Wilson .. Auckland. Moriarty, Michael Henry .. .. Greymouth. Gledstanes, Helen .. . Auckland. Moroney, Ellen Frances .. .. Wanganui. Gleeson, Alice Rebecca .. .. New Plymouth. Mortimore, Archer Ernest .. .. Blenheim. Golden, Agnes .. .. .. Timaru. Mosley, Alexander Miller .. .. Dunedin. Goodyear, Catherine Alice .. Auckland. Mountfort, Jane Maria .. .. Palmerston North. Gray, Evelyn .. .. .. Invercargill. Muir, Grace Catherine .. .. Dunedin. Gray, Laura .. . .. Palmerston North. Munro, Martha Carisma .. .. Wellington. Greenwood, Fred Wilson .. .. Ashburton. Murphy, Ellen .. .. .. Auckland. Grieve, William .. .. .. Invercargill. Murray, Aileen Maybird .. .. Masterton. Gunning, Edith Myra .. .. Palmerston North. Murray, Norman Hartridge .. Palmerston North. Hall, Andrew .. .. .. Invercargill. Musgrave, Ethel Marion .. .. Christchurch. Hall, Harold Chelsea .. .. Dunedin. Nelson, John Smith .. .. Dunedin. Handcock, Georgina .. .. Auckland. O'Brien, Ellen Mary .. .. Wellington. Bandley, Agnes Ellen .. .. Christchurch. O'Connor, Bridget Anne .. .. Christchurch. Hardy, Winifred .. .. .. Whangarei. O'Connor, Eugene .. .. Timaru. Harper, Mary Leslie .. .. Invercargill. O'Donnell, Ellen .. .. .. Christchurch. Harris, Margaret Agnes .. . . Palmerston North. O'Neill, Delia .. .. .. Christchurch. Harris, Rosana .. .. .. Timaru. Parr, Esther Agnes .. .. Timaru. Harrison, Minnie Gladys .. .. Auckland. Pedersen, Anna Deborah .. .. Napier. Harvey, Charlotte Theodora .. Masterton. Pirritt, Bella .. .. .. Auckland. Hayes, Edith Mahalah .. .. Ashburton. Power, Catherine Frances .. .. Westport. Henderson, Catherine Milner .. Wellington. Power, Mary Evelyn .. .. Wellington. Henderson, Elizabeth Oughton .. Oamaru. Prebble, Jane Winifred .. .. Christchurch. Hewitt, Lucinda .. .. .. Auckland. Prentice, George Sidney .. .. Wanganui. Hicks, Cedric Stanton . . .. Dunedin. Purvis, Patience Isabella .. .. Dunedin. Hiddlestone, Bernice Gordon .. Auckland. Rankin, Elsie Elizabeth .. .. Auckland. Hitchings, Gladys Margaret Naomi.. Wellington. Rasmussen, Henry Peter .. .. Greymouth. Hodkinson, Sarah .. .. Auckland. Rattray, Joan .. .. .. Timaru. Hogan, Gertrude Mary .. .. Wanganui. ' Risk, Clara Redman .. .. Westport.

6—E. 8.




Teachers' Certificate Examinations — continued. Candidate. Examination Centre. Passed in Thrbk Subjects koi: Class C. Rist, Bridget .. . . . . Auckland. Candidate. Examination Centre. Ritchie, Christina Marion . . .. lnvercargill Anderson, Alexander Knox .. Dunedin. Robbie, Annie .. .. .. Greymouth. \ylmer, Mcrcv Frances .. .. Timaru. Robertshaw, Mary Alice .. .. Auckland. Baigent, Harold Rupert .. .. Auckland. Robertson, Mary Lucille .. . . Whangarei. Bain> Auc ii ev Constance .. . . Christehurch. Eoche, Augustine Dalton .. .. Dunedin Barton, Lucy Pranoes Kindei .. Auckland. Rogerson, Fnnme Madge .. .. Auckland. Battersby, Florence Adele .. Auckland. Ross, Nellie .. .. .. Auckland. Blair; Isabella .. .. .. Dunedin. Rothwoll, Leah Elizabeth .. .. Wellington. Brcmner, Victor Herbert Thomas . . Dunedin. Russell, Helen Gavin .. .. Greymouth. Burns> Wil]iam Gcorgn . .. Dunedin. Russell, Janet Ivy .. .. Wanganui. Hyers, Mary Hall.. .. .. Timaru. Salmon, Edith Jane .. . . Auckland. Campbell, Alice .. .. .. Masterton. Sargent, Edward Allied .. .. Wanganui. Coddington, Edward Ceorge .. New Plymouth. Satchell, Ruth Harriet .. .. Christchurch. Compton, Glady .. .. .. Christohuroh. Sawell, Robert GOktaon Allan .. Dunedin. Cowcn, Martin' Dunedin. Sawors, Lucy Marion Love .. lnvercargill. Oabb, LUian I. .. .. Palmerston North, Scott, Peter .. .. .. Dunedin. Craig, Beatrice Dunedin. Scrymgeour. David Neil McCulloch .. Dunedin. Fossette, Walter Ernest William Sham, Mildred May .. .. Nelson. Richard Wellington. Shaw, Ethel Dunedin. Gascoigne, Laurel Louise .. . . Wellington. Sinclair, Bertha Marion .. .. Napier. Gordon, Martha Elizabeth .. Auckland. Sixtus, Bertram Emil .. .. Napier. Grant, Colin Campbell .. .. Masterton. Smith, Grace Montgomery.. .. Dunedin. Hanham, Dorothy Lilian Maud .. Christchurch. Smith, Jane .. .. .. Dannevirke. Hayter, Ernest '.. .. .. Whangarei. Smith, Violet May .. .. Auckland. Hewlett, Theophilus Norris .. Nelson. Snadden, George .. .. kelson Hill, Constance .. .. .. Dannevirke. Sneesby, Myrtle Gladys .. .. Christchurch. Humphrey, Ernest .James .. . . Dannevirke. Soppett, Margaret Eileen Traeoy .. Hamilton. Jaokson, Luoy Aidney .. .. Mastorton. Sorensen, LUian Ivy .. • • Palmerston North. j arratt> Herbert .. .. Napier. Spears, William Henry .. .. Dunedin. Jullj Glad M Chrietohuroh. Stainton, William Houkamau .. Wellington. Kelly, Lucy .. .. Wanganui. Stanton, John Aithur .. .. Auckland. KellV, Thomas .. .. .. lnvercargill. Stevens, Herbert Morris .. .. Dunedin. Kennft) Mona Ray Ashburton. Stevens, Mary Elizabeth .. .. Masterton. Kewxy, Katherine .. .. Auckland. Stewart, Daisy Cecilia .. .. Auckland Lee, Mary Josephine .. .. Westport. Strachan, Leslie Eldred .. .. Christchurch. Le Pine, Inez libu, .. .. Auckland. Strack, Unti May .. .. Wanganui. Lindsay, Colin McKenzi,- .. .. lnvercargill. Swan, Mary Jolly • • • • • Dunedin. Luke> Gabri( , l Mason Dunedin.' Taylor, Blanche Isabel .. .. Nelson. Lvall William Carnegie .. . . Timaru. Taylor, David .. .. Palmerston North. Macalister, Ria . .. .. Blenheim. Taylor Elizabeth Susan Mary .. Auckland. Mclntyre, John (ii) Timaru. 'leesdale, William Dawson .. Whangaroi. Mclvor, Margaret Johannah .. Oamaru. Thomas, James Arthur .. .. New Plymouth. McKenzie, Lionel Alexander . . [nvercargill. Thompson Horcnce •• ■■ Christchurch. Martin, William Arthur Gordon .. Inveroargill. Thomson, Violet Ermehnda Duckers Dunedin. Massam, Joseph Arthur .. .. Auckland. Thorp, Lucy Sophia .. .. Thames. Menzies, Alexander .. .. Auckland. Topp, Edgar Charles .. .. Christchurch. Menzies, David Christohuroh. Tracy, Ada Randall .. .. Auckland Menzies, James Kerr .. .. Dunedin. Treacy, Kathleen.. .. .. lnvercargiU. Meyer, Frances Irene .. .. Napier. Tucker, Leonard Edmund .. .. Wanganui. Mowbray, Lucy Ord .. .. Wellington. Tuthdl, Mary Hannah .. .. Auckland. Murphy, Clarence John .. .. Hamilton. Tutton, Fanny Robertha .. .. Christchurch Murphy, Ellen . . ... . . Auckland. Vickers Mabel .. .. New Plymouth. O'Connor, Daniel . . Dunedin. Waddell, Myra Beatrice .. Auckland. Pratt, Edward Thames. Wagstaff, Wilfred Llewellyn .. New Plymouth. Prentice, John On- .. .. Inveroargill. Walker, Ethel May .. .. Auckland. Reader, Guv Howard .. .. Blenhein? Wa ker Lillie . .. . . Auckland. Revell GeQ - charkw Auckland. Wash, James Joseph .. .. Christchurch. Rout, Blanche Catherine .. .. Christchurch. Walshe Elizabeth Ann .. . . Dannevirke. Rowntree, Ethel Christchureh. Ward, Dorothy Isabel .. 4 . Sinclair, Vere Christina . . .. Dunedin. Whitoombe, Edna Marguerite .. Christchurch. Sissons, Thomas Hall .. .. Auokland. White, Dorothy Helen .. .. Christchurch. Skelley, Mary Emma Catherine .. Blenheim. White, Edith Elizabeth .. .. Ashburton. Smith, Charfos Henry .. .. Auokland. Wiesner ]Mml.y hdith .. .. Napier. Smith, Jessie Ruby ' .. .. Hamilton. Wilson, Frederick Hardy .. Dunedin. Stephen, Mary Winifred .. .. Westport, Withers, Arthur James Theodore .. Christchurch. Strong, Marion Elizabeth .. .. Christchureh. Woodford Alice Ohve Marmn .. Auckland. Swan, Mary Joll- .. .. Dunedin. Worrall, Hilda Annie .. .. Auckland. Thompson, Laura Eleanor .. Wellington. Worthington Minna Louisa . . Auckland. Thomson, Violet Ennelinda Duckers Dunedin. Wyhe, Ehzab th Tuffs .. Dunedin. Teoman, Francis Auckland \ eats. Douglas Duncan Mearns Wei ington. Th Mary Gl . rtni< | ( . Christie . . Dunedin. Zimmermann, Johannes Ehrenfried.. Auokland. Tracy, Ada Randall .. .. Auckland. Warwick, Robert Samuel .. .. Palmerston North. in. Passku B fxv. s, WECTS kok CLAS s <~ Hewiu :. :: SKSESCBurton, Ormond Edward . .. Auckland. Webb, Beatrice Jane Hampton .. [nvercargill. MacLeod, John Donald .. .. Whangarei. Webb, Hannah Morgan .. .. tnvero Smith, Margaret (iii) .. .. Dunedin. Whitelaw, George .. .. Christohuroh. Tait, Harold Douglas .. .. Oamaru. Widdowson, Florence Anne .. Dunedin. Passed in Two Subjects. Passed in Four Subjects foe Class ('. , _ . . Andrews, Margaret Sylvia .. Auckland. Docherty, Peter .. .. .. Auckland. Anthony, Ida Margarette .. .. Wanganui. Hicks, Cedric Stanton .. .. Dunedin. Baker, Elizabeth Elsie .. .. Chrietohuroh. Johnston, John George .. . . Dunedin. Barker, Alice Maud Man- .. .. Wellington. McCormick, Daniel Thomas .. Palmerston North. Barr, Samuel Douglas . . . . Auckland. Nelson, John Smith .. .. Dunedin. Beattie, John William George .. Dunedin. Rule, William Bramwell . ... Christchurch. Bcgg, Thomas . . .. Dunedin. Stephenson, George Fisher. . ~ Auckland Bell, Ivy Ellenor .. .. Auokland,



Tkachers' Certificate Examinations continued. Candidate. Examination Centre. Candidate.. Exaininatlou Centre. Burton, Alfred Fordyee .. .. Auckland. Cuthberteon, George Isaac.. .. Timaru. Campbell, Mary Jane .. .. Napier. Dalzcll, Flora .. .. .. Christehurch. Carriok, Mary Elizabeth .. .. Westport. Ditfort, Mabel Lilian .. .. Christchuroh. Carson, William .. .. .. Auckland. Doak, Mary Frame .. .. Oamaru. Castle, Arthur Penfold .. . . Wellington. Drummcy. Agnes Jerina .. .. Dunedin. Chappie, Dora Valeric Beesie .. Timaru. Duncan, Gwendoline . . .. Oamaru. Church, George Paget .. .. Auckland. Dunn, Minnie Allan .. .. Timaru. Cowan, James George .. .. Dunedin. Eagleeome, Mary Elizabeth .. Christchuroh. Crawford, Bertha .. .. Dunedin. Eastgate, Florence Thorpe .. Auckland. Daldy, Rhoda Catherine .. .. Thames. Eastgate, Mildred Mira .. . . Auckland. Dempsey, Kate .. .. .. Wellington. Eggleton, Ada Laurinn . . . . Invercargill. Dron, Douglas Alexander .. .. Nelson. Efley, Ethel Maud .. . [nveroa Karl. Charlotte Mary .. .. Napier. Ferguson, Man'lsabella .. .. Auckland. Elliott, Evelyn Margaret .. .. Masterton. Fitch, Gladys .. .. .. Christchureh. EUis, Flora .. .. Dunedin. Gawn, Elizabeth Clarke .. .. Dunedin. Ferguson, Eva Lilian .. .. Christehurch. Gilbert, Edith Elizabeth .. .. Dunedin. Fieldhouse, Joseph Harold .. Masterton. Gillespie, Margaret . . .. Dunedin. Grey, Alan Stuart .. .. Auckland. Gillespie, Sarah .. .. .. Dunedin. Haden, Helena Irene .. .. Christehurch. Gordon, James Alexander .. .. Christehurch. Hall, Edith Jane .. .. Dunedin. Hammond, Eva .. .. .. Timaru. Hare, Minnie Kathleen .. .. Masterton. Hare, Ada Elizabeth Haskell .. Auckland. Hayes, Mary Charlotte .. .. Ashburton. Hart, Nathalie .. .. . . Timaru. Henderson, Margaret Elizabeth Alice Hokitika. Hay, Alice Margarei . . .. Dunedin. Hickman, Nora Madeline .. .. Christchuroh. Hayter, Reuben .. .. .. Auckland. Iverach, Isabella Margaret.. .. Timaru. Hogan, Catherine Bridget .. .. Greymouth. Jessep, Violet Eveline .. .. Timaru. Hoggan.-, Alexander .. .. Dunedin. Keith, Lilac Gordon .. .. Christohuroh. Kennedy, Margaret .. .. Timaru. Lawry, Bertha Mabel .. .. Timaru. Kerslake, Ida Maud .. .. Palmerston North. Livingstone, Ethel May .. .. Christchuroh. Lang, Charlotte Margaret .. .. Auckland. Lopdell, Francis Cecil .. . . Invercargill. Lewis, Ruth . . .. .. Nelson. Lynn, Ruth .. .. .. Dunedin. McDonald, Catherine Isabella .. [nvercargill. McCullough, Dorothy Louise .. Christchurdi. MoKenzie, Alexander .. .. Palmerston North. McDonald, Elizabeth Margaret .. Dunedin. .McKinnon, Malcolm .. .. Auckland. McDonald, Sarah Helen .. .. Dunedin. McNaughton, Marian Elizabeth .. Auckland. McGonagle, Caroline Minnie .. Palmerston North. Macsporran, Grace Gordon .. Auckland. Maokay, Cordon .. .. .. Auckland. Martelli, Irene Mona .. .. Palmerston North. McKenzie, Frank Ezekiel .. .. Palmerston North. Mason, Isabella Woodside . . .. Dunedin. Mackenzie, John (ii) .. . . Dannevirkc. Mead, Mary Gertrude .. .. Whangarei. McLean, Elizabeth Margaret Roy .. Auckland. Mills, Elsie Evelyn .. .. Christchuroli. MoLean, Jessie Margaret .. .. Christehurch. Mitchell, Janet Louise .. .. Dunedin. Mandeno, Isabella Graham .. Auckland. Mushet, Mildred Elsie .. .. Auckland. Matthews, James .. .. Wellington. Neilson, Leslie Robert .. .. Wanganui. Merton, Sybil Mary .. .. Christehurch. O'Connor, Eugene .. . . Timaru. Morton, Agnes .. .. .. Invercargill. O'Donnell, Ada Rose . . .. Dannovirke. Moslcy, Alexander Miller .. .. Dunedin. Ohlson, Athol William Merrill .. Auckland. Newton, Elsie Phcebe .. .. Thames. O'Noill, Mary Maude .. . . New Plymouth. Noble, John .. .. .. Greymouth. Pearce, Elsie Mary .. .. Christehurch. Oliver, Mabel Louisa .. .. Auckland. Piper, George Manning .. .. Christehurch. Orr, Marion Johanna Newton .. Dunedin. Power, Mary Evelyn .. .. Wellington. Prince, Grace .. .. .. Christehurch. Ratliff, Alfred Janes .. .. Auckland. Proctor, Francis Joseph .. .. Wellington. Roscoe, Elda Helena .. .. Christehurch. Ralph, George Henry .. .. Masterton. Ross, Gertrude Ethel .. . . Auckland. Rudall, John Henry .. .. Auckland. Russell, John Whitworth .. .. Wanganui. Russell, David .. .. .. Auckland. Scannell, Margaret Agnes .. .. Timaru. Rutherford, Donald Alexander John Dunedin. Sinclair, Cecil Margaret .. .. Dunedin. Ryan, Agnes .. .. .. Christehurch. Sommers, Mary .. .. .. Christehurch. Salmon, Edith Jane .. .. Auckland. Squire, Ethel Florence .. .. Timaru. Scott, Mary .. .. .. Auckland. Taylor, Helen .. .. .. Dunedin. Shaw, Ethel .. .. .. Dunedin. Wallace, Elizabeth Janet .. .. Dunedin. Shiers, Mary .. .. .. Timaru. Watkins, Beatrice Jessie Battisoombe Christchurcli. Simpson, Henry George Edward .. Invercargill. Wharfo, Annie Eileen .. .. Auckland. Soundy, Arthur Walden .. .. Wellington. Williams, Margaret Mary .. .. Hokitika. Squire, Maude Helen .. .. Christehurch. Wilson, Jessie .. .. .. Dannevirkj. Stevenson, Elsie Miriam .. .. Christehurch. Wilson, Margaret McDonald .. Wanganui. Sunaway, Flora Phyllis Maria .. Timaru. Sutherland, Frederick Robert Hughes Dunedin. Symee, Adelaide Laurel .. .. Nelson. IV. Special Mention. Turner, Lillian .. .. .. Chriatchurcli. . Twecdie, Helen Mary Caroline .. Invercargill. L 0 1?' Vo , ca ' Musl0 ' C^ ss D .\ Watt, Malcolm MePnerson . . .. Dunedin. Archoy, Gilbert Edward Christehurch, Zoology, Class C. Whibiey. John Chalmer .. .. Dannevirkc garton Mary Victoria, Auckland, Botany Class D. Whitoombe, Myra Julia .. .. Christohuroh. {* at f, Daisy g f r f' Auckland Vocal Music, Class D. Wiseman Dorothy Mabel Wan«nnni Bayhs, Olive Ethel, Invercargill, Latin, Class C. Bell, Ivy Ellenor, Auckland, Vocal Music, Class D. , , Braik, Peter, Auckland, Arithmetic, English, Class D. FABSKD in Oμ: subject. Brims, Elizabeth Swanson, Dunedin, English Language and Argyle, Doris Winifred .. .. Palmereton North. Literature, Class C. Badger, Holly Helen Hanson .. Auckland. Broad, Rowland Prows, Wanganui, < teography, Elementary Heck. Constance Ada .. .. Timaru. Human Physiology, Methods of Teaching, Class D. Berryman, Adeline Lorna .. .. Auckland. Brooke, Una Margery, Oamaru, Freehand Drawing, Class D. Bowden John .. .. .. Christchureh. Buchan, John, Dunedin, Model Drawing, Class D. Bowler. Frederick Columbus .. New Plymouth. Buckley, Maude Aline Adella, Christchureh, Freehand DrawBremner, Hannah Adelaide .. Dunedin. ing, Class D. Brick, Elizabeth .. .. .. Christehurch. Callaghan, Francis Raymond, Christohuroh, Physiography, Brown, Maxwell Stewart .. .. Wellington. C. Cartwright, Arietta .. .. Timaru. Gartner, Robert Collingwood. Westport, Physical MeasureCassidy, Mary Catharine .. .. Christchurcli. ments, Class D. Cavell, Elizabeth Beatrice.. .. Inveroargill. , Castle, Arthur Penfoli I, Wellington, Chemietry, Class C. Crickett, Nellie .. .. .. Auckland. Church, George Paget, Auckland, Agricultural Botany. Currio, Isabella Todd .. ~ Dunedin. . Class C.



Teachers' Certiioate Examination— continued. Coiquhoun, John Alexander, Dunedin, Pure Mathematics, I Miles, Melvina Antoinette. Christchureh, Freehand Drawing, Heat and Light, Class C; Magnetism and Electricity, Elo- I Class D. mentary Mechanics, Class D. ' Moyle, Mary Annie, Timaru, Latin, Class C. Oorpe, Lewis Victor, Palmerston North, Book-keeping and i Mushet, Mildred Elsie, Auckland, Elementary Human PhyCommercial Correspondence, Zoology, Class D. siology, Class D. Crawley, Janet Lucy, Dunedin, Logic, Class C. Neale, Clara Isabel, Dunedin, Psychology and Ethics, Class C. Cunningham, Margaret Mary, Hokitika, Vocal .Music, Class D. Norris, Mabel, Auckland, Arithmetic, Class D. Dempster, Norman Harrison, Dunedin, Economics, Class C. O'Brien, Ellen Mary, Wellington, Freehand Drawing, Class D. Duggan, John, Wellington, Elementary Human Physiology, Partridge, Ernest, Dunedin. English Language and literature, Class D. Latin, Class C. Earle, William John, Auckland, Botany, Class D. Phillips, Henry Vincent, Wellington, Physiography, Class (.'. Fathers, Harold Thomas Malcolm, Wellington, Physiography, Philpott, Sarah Adeline, Christchurch, Arithmetic, Class D. Class ('. Player, Winifred Gladys, Napier, French, Class C. Milling, Clarence Dudley, Christchnreh. Model Drawing. I'uinell, Herbert Francis, Auckland, Arithmetic, Mathematics. Class D. Class D. Grant, Henry Alexander, Christchurch, Commercial Geo- | Ramsay, Harold Vivian, Auckland, Geometrical Drawing, graphv. (In C. Class D. Handley, Agnes Ellen, Christchurch. English, Class D. Reid, Albert Sidney, Invercargill, Pure Mathematics, Frenoh, Harrison, Robert Johnstone. Auckland, Arithmetic, Class D. < 'lass ( . Henderson, Catherine Milner, Wellington, Vocal Music, Robertshaw, Allan Keith, Whangarei, Geometrical Drawing. Class D. Class D. Hicks, Cedrio Stanton, Dunedin, Chemistry, Class C. Rule, William Bramwell, Christchurch, Economics. Latin. Hill, Arthur John, Auckland, English Constitutional History, Psychology and Ethics, Class C. Class C. Salmon, Edith Jane, Auckland, Vocal Music, Class i). Hind. Florence Mary, Wellington, Psychology and Ethics, Sawers, Lucy Marion Love, Invercargill, Arithmetic, ElemenClass C. tary Mathematics, Class D. Iveraeh, Isabella Margaret, Timaru, Latin, Class C. Scaly, Alfred Desmond, Auckland, Vocal Mueio, Class 1). Kay, Hubert, Auckland, Book-keeping and Commercial Cor- Service. William Albert, Oamaru, Agricultural Botany, respondenee, Class D. Class C. Kendon, Cecil Whitworth, Auckland, Model Drawing. Class D. Sham, Mildred May, Nelson, Vocal Music, Class l>. Kerr, Catherine. Christchurch, French, Class D. Stanton, John Arthur, Auckland. Model Drawing, Physical Lang, Charlotte Margaret. Auckland. Model Drawing, Measurements, Class D. class D. Stephen, Mary Winifred, Westport, Dairy-work, Class C. Lawry, Raymond Alexander Reid, Christohuroh, Methods of Stevens, Gladys Muriel. Hamilton. Botany. Model Drawing, Teaching, Class D. ('lass D. Lock, Albert Dudley, Wanganui, Book-keeping and Com- Stewart, Charles Alexander, Dunedin. Methods of Teaching. mercial Correspondence, Class D. Class D. Loudon, Agnes Lang, Dunedin, Pure Mathematics, Class C. Sustins, Nolan, Christchureh, Agricultural Zoology. ('lass ( ; McDonnell, Mary. Greymouth, Commercial Geography, Methods of Teaching, Class D. Class C. ! Tait, Harold Douglas. Oamaru, Latin, Class C. McDowell, Edith Martha, Invercargill, French, Class D. Tansey, Mary Jane. Westport. English, Geography, GeoMacky, Samuel Henry, Whangarei, Agricultural Botany, i metrical Drawing, Class D. Class < . Taylor, David, Palmerston North, Zoology, Class D. McPherson, Delia Harvey, Auckland, Zoology, Class D. Taylor, Muriel Eveline, Dannevirke, Brush Drawing, Class l> Marsden, Grace Emily, Christchurch, Geography, Model Draw- Thomas, James Arthur, New Plymouth. History and Civics, ing, Shorthand, Class D. Class D. Melody, William John, Wanganui, Principles and History of Tucker, Leonard Edmund, Wanganui, Arithmetic, English, Education, Class C. Class D. Menzics, David, Christchurch, Vocal Music, Class D. Waddell, Myra Beatrice, Auckland, Botany, Class 1). Menzies, George Gibb, Dunedin. Pure Mathematics, Class ('. Williams, Owen William, Christchurch, Vocal Music, Class D.

A ('nst of paper. — Hrepaviiciou. not seivhti ; printing (3,600 copies), £86.

Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington. 1911.

Price In

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EDUCATION: ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS. [In continuation of E.-8, 1910.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, E-08

Word Count

EDUCATION: ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS. [In continuation of E.-8, 1910.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, E-08

EDUCATION: ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS. [In continuation of E.-8, 1910.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, E-08

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