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Laid before Parliament in pursuance of Section 91 of the Government Raihvaijs Act, 1908. In accordance with section 91 of the Government Eailways Act, 1908, the Board has the honour to transmit, for the information of Parliament, its report and balance-sheet for the year ending 31st March, 1911. The accounts show that members actually contributed £57,008 6s. lid. (including £474 19s. 7d., being arrears paid by the Wellington and Manawatu Eailway Company's staff, and £82 3s. 4d. for broken service, purchased in terms of section 18 of the Public Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1909); contributions due and not paid, £3,860 9s. 4d. ; fines paid, £560 2s. 6d. ; fines due and not paid, £13 10s.; allowance overpaid refunded, £1 7s. Bd. ; donation, £1 10s.; payment from Consolidated Fund, £25,000; interest received, £9,219 14s. 9d.; interest accrued and not paid, £2,530 3s. 7d. (less interest accrued 31st March, 1910, £2,508 6s. 6d.). These amounts, together with the sum of £173,876 Is. Bd. brought forward from last year, bring out an aggregate of £269,562 19s. lid. on the debit side. ' The superannuation allowance actually paid during the year amounted to £45,762 12s. 7d., and allowances amounting to £66 9s. lid. were due but not paid, representing grants to 708 members of the Eailway service who have either voluntarily resigned or been retired as medically unfit. Allowances amounting to £5,740 16s. lid. were paid in respect to 152 widows and 262 children dependants of deceased members of the service who had not retired on superannuation at the time of their death, and £7 Is. 6d. due to widows and orphans remained unpaid; payments amounting to £216 16s. 3d. were made to the legal representatives of deceased members under section 86, subsection (c), and £784 10s. 6d. under section 82, subsection (6), of the Act. A sum of £8,749 18s., representing contributions of members of the service who voluntarily retired or whose services were otherwise dispensed with during the year, was refunded to the members concerned, in accordance with the provisions of the Act; and £254 Is. 3d., contributions due, still remain to be refunded under this head. Fines remitted to members amounted to £3 as.; travelling-expenses of members of the Board, £47 15s. ; contributions transferred to Public Service Superannuation Fund, £121 os. 7d. ; and commission paid to Public Trust Office, £565 19s. 6d. ; making a total of £62,320 125., and leaving a balance of £207,242 7s. lid. to the credit of the Fund on the 31st March, 1911. The following show the balances brought forward at the end of each year, and also the annual value of the allowances actually granted by the Board in each year:— Balance forward. Allowance granted. £ s. d. € s. d. 1903 ... ... ... ... 7,056 11 9 1904 ... ... ... ... 40,357 17 3 12,010 14 8 1905 ... ... ... ... 68,670 7 8 8,519 7 8 1906 ... ... .. •■• 90,984 11 10 6,348 13 7 1907 .. ... ... ... 110,736 12 3 4,398 14 11 1908 ... ... ... ... 126,642 18 11' 7,332 711 1909 .. 157,151 14 9 6,359 11 0 1910 ... ... 173,876 1 8 11,828 0 6 1911 ... ... •• 207,242 7 11 8,064 11 5 64,862 1 8 Less members died, &c. ... ... ... ... L 0,717 15 11 Annual liability at 31st March, 1911 ... ... ... 54,144 5 9



The amounts shown in the list attached to the balance-sheet are those actually disbursed during the year, and do not represent the total annual allowances granted by the Board to the 31st March, 1911, which were, — £ s. d. Life allowances on account of voluntary retirements (706 persons) 50,334 13 7 Life allowances on account of retirements as " medically unfit" (116 persons) ... ... ... ... ... 6,892 10 1 Allowances to 175 widows and 344 children ... ... ... 7,634 18 0 Total annual allowances granted ... ... £64,862 1 8 One hundred and forty-one beneficiaries have, however, died since the inauguration of the Fund, including thirty-four during the year under review, and eight members who had been placed on the Fund as "medically unfit" resumed duty. The Fund was relieved of an annual liability of £8,890 15s. Bd. in respect to these one hundred and forty-nine members. One hundred and three children have reached the age of fourteen years (twenty-six during the past year), four children have died, seventeen widows remarried (three during the past year), and seven widows died, lessening the liability of the Fund by an additional £1,827 os. 3d. per annum. One thousand and sixty-one persons were actually on the Fund at the 31st March, 1911, involving an annual liability of £54,144 ss. 9d. J. A MILLAK, Minister of Eailways, Chairman of the Board of Administrators. Hkvknue Account of the Government Eailways Superannuation Fund under Section 90 of the Government Eailways Act, 1908, for the Year ended 31st March, 1911. Dr. i. s. d. Or. £ s. d. t a. d. To Balance brought forward on let April, By Life allowances paid 45,762 12 7 1910 .. .. .. .. 173,876 1 8 Life allowances due Contributions paid .. £57.008 fill not paid.. .. 66 011 Contributionsdue not 45.829 9 b paid .. .. 3,860 9 4 Allowances to widows 60.868 16 3 and orphans paid.. fc5,740 16 11 Fines paid.. .. £560 2 6 Allowances to widows Fines due not paid .. 13 10 0 and orphans due 573 12 6 not paid.. .. 7 16 Allowance overpaid refunded .. 17 8 5,747 18 5 Donation .. .. .. .. 110 0 Payments under section 86 (c) .. 216 16 3 Payment from Consolidated Fund .. 25.000 0 0 Payments under section 82 (6) .. 784 10 6 Interest received .. €9,219 14 9 Contributions reInterest accrued not funded .. .. £8,749 18 0 paid .. .. 2,530 3 7 Contributions due to — be refunded not paid 254 1 S 11,749 18 4 9.003 19 3 Leas interest accrued Fines refunded .. .. .. 3 5 0 31et March, 1910.. 2,508 6 0 Travelling - expenses of members of 9,241 11 10 Board .. .. .. .. 47 15 0 Contributions transferred to Public Service Superannuation Fund .. 121 5 7 Public Trust Office commission .. 565 19 6 Amount of Fund at close of year .. 207,242 711 £269,562 19 11 £269,562 19 11 Examined and found correct. —Eobert J. Collins, 14th June, 1911. Controller and Auditor-General Balance-sheet of the Government Eailways Superannuation Fund under Section 90 of the Government Eailways Act, 1908, for the Year ended 31st March, 1911. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Fund e.n per Revenue Account above .. 207,242 711 In hands of Public Life allowances not paid .. £66 'J 11 Trustee .. .. 201,165 17 8 Widows' allowances not paid 7 16 Interest accrued not 73 11 5 due .. .. 2,530 3 7 Contributions duo to be refunded not 203,696 1 3 paid .. .. .. ' .. 254 1 3 Contributions and fines in transit.. .. 3,873 19 4 £207,570 0 7 £207,570 0 7 J. A. Millar, Chairman of the Government Eailways H. Davidson, Superannuation Fund Board. Chief Accountant, New Zealand Eailways. Examined and found correct. —Eobekt J. Collins, 14th June, 1911. Controller and Auditor-General.


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Statement of Eeoeipts and Disbursements of the Government Railways Superannuation Fund for the Year ended 31st March, 1911, under Section 90 of the Government Railways Aot, 1908. Receipts. £ a. d. £ s. d. Balance in hands of Publio Trustee on 31st Maroh, 1910.. .. .. .. .. 171,867 15 2 Contributions by staff: — Head and departmental offioes .. .. .. .. .. 4 612 6 7 Kawakawa Seotion.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ' 104 0 0 Whangarei Seotion.. .. .. .. . . .. .. 316 7 9 Kaihu Section .. .. .. .. .. ~ 130 0 0 Gisborne Seotion .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. J67 2 1 North Island main linos and branches .. .. .. .. .. 23,659 8 2 South Island main lines and branches .. .. .. ~ 24,136 18 10 Weatland Seotion .. .. .. .. .. .. . ~ 7 8 Westport Seotion .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 851 13 3 Nelson Section .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 394 10 2 Pioton Seotion .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 394 15 q '. Lands and Survey Department .. .. .. .. .. .. 219 0 Justice Department .. .. .. .. ~ ~ 7 3 3 Arrears of contributions by late employees of Wellington and Manawatu Railway ■:■ iCompany .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 474 19 7 Paid in respeot of broken service as provided in section 18 of the Public Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Aot, 1909 .. .. .. 82 3 4 Contributions transferred from Public Servioe Superannuation Fund .. 17 12 0 57,008 6 11 Fines .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 560 2 6 Superannuation allowance overpaid to member who resumed duty .. .. .. 17 8 Donation per General Manager .. .. .. .. .. ~ ~ ]10 0 Payment from Consolidated Fund in terms of seotion 19 of the Public Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1909 .. .. .. .. 25,000 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..! .. 9,219 14 !) 263,158 17 0 Disbursements. Cr. (Continued.) Life allowances paid to— £ s. d. Life allowances paid to— .fc s. d. Chisholm, D. E. .. .. .. 115 19 0 Parris, H. .. .. .. .. 51 3 0 Campbell, G. .. .. .. 42 0 0 Sadler, R. .. .. .. .. 76 6 0 Wright, C. .. .. .. .. 60 0 0 Page, G. .. .. .. .. 47 9 0 McDonald, J. .. .. .. 67 11 0 Burke, T. .. .. .. .. 43 16 0 Walters, J. .. .. .. .. 70 19 0 Wiloock, G. .. .. .. .. 83 10 0 Hoban, J. .. .. .. .. 128 17 0 Meager, T. B. .. .. .. 81 8 0 Luoas, J. .. .. .. 45 13 0 Grace, G. .. .. .. .. 54 16 0 Faulkner, J. .. .. .. .. 43 16 0 Greer, B. .. .. .. 43 16 0 Croft, B. .. .. .. .. 49 6 0 Atkinson, W. .. .. .. 65 15 0 Chapman, J. .. .. .. 59 17 0 Macdonald, J. .. .. .. 66 18 0 Green, T. .. .. .. .. 52 3 0 Ballinger, T... .. .. .. 62 12 0 Sharp, R. .. .. .. 45 13 0 Bailton, G. .. .. .. .. 55 4 7 Mussen, C. .. .. .. .. 45 13 0 Thome, H. .. .. .. .. 54 16 0 McDowell, W. .. .. .. 86 2 0 Payne, F. .. .. .. .. 49 6 0 Kennelly, T... .. .. .. 52 8 0 MoEwen, W. .. .. .. 41 2 0 Divehall, R... .. .. .. 47 9 0 Boberts, W. .. .. .. .. 99 13 0 Condon, R. .. .. .. .. 54 5 0 Atkins, T. .. .. .. .. 58 9 0 Forsyth, J. C. .. .. .. 59 17 0 Egan, T. .. .. .. .. 38 7 0 Grant, J. .. .. .. 102 0 0 Rhodes, J. .. .. .. .. 25 1 0 I'Anson, J. M. .. .. .. 112 14 0 Horsnell, S. .. .. .. .. 75 13 0 Austen, T. .. .. .. .. 49 6 0 Fraser, E. .. .. .. .. 51 0 0 Hodges, E. .. .. .. .. 52 3 0 Gilroy, J. .. .. .. .. 63 8 0 Irving, J. .. .. .. 61 1 0 Chambers, T. J. .. .. .. 81 8 0 Knight, J. .. .. .. .. 45 13 0 Gorringe, R... .. .. .. 48 18 0 Wesley, W. .. .. .. .. 102 18 0 Mollwraith, W. .. .. .. 35 9 0 Morse, G. .. .. .. .. 51 13 0 I Millar, C. .. .. .. .. 40 3 0 Copley, A. .. .. .. .. 66 0 0 Fisher, T. .. .. .. .. 52 2 8 Woods, T. .. .. .. .. 43 1 0 Diffey, W. .. .. .. .. 38 7 0 Dunbar, J. .. .. .. .. 93 18 0 Carter, L. .. .. .. .. 51 2 0 Neville, P. .. .. .. .. 87 13 0 Bennett, R. .. .. .. .. 58 8 0 Firth, N. .. .. .. .. 65 15 0 Ford, P. .. .. .. .. 51 2 0 Clarke, M. .. .. .. .. 49 6 0 Bouse, P. .. .. .. 68 2 0 Kirkwood.J. .. .. .. 43 16 0 Wakeling, J. .. .. .. .. 56 7 0 Stark, T. .. .. .. 43 16 0 Graham, J. .. .. ' .. .. 66 10 0 MoHugh.G... .. .. .. 68 9 0 Walsh, M. .. .. .. .. 38 7 0 Fisher, C. .. .. .. .. 49 6 0 j Hook, J. .. .. .. .. 27 8 0 Meyenberg, W. .. .. .. 49 11 0 Horsnell, H... .. .. .. 34 14 0 O'Connor, J. .. .. .. 73 1 0 Anderson, C. .. .. .. 43 16 0 Haines, C. W. .. .. .. 109 18 0 Croskery, J. .. .. .. .. 49 6 0 Smith, J. .. .. .. .. 49 6 0 King, F. W. .. .. .. .. 47 9 0 Lowney, M... .. .. .. 49 6 0 Bryant, W. .. .. .. .. 38 7 0 Johnston, B. .. .. .. 51 3 0 Hardy, J. .. .. .. .. 60 5 0 Manhire, R... .. .. .. 52 19 0 Neil, J. .. .. .. .. 44 5 0 Towler, F. .. .. .. .. 47 17 0 Ellis, J. A. .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 Heaton, C. .. .. .. .. 58 14 0 Bichards, D. .. .. .. 88 14 0 Capper, E. H. .. .. .. 47 9 0 Devlin, H. .. .. .. .. 36 10 0 Sweeney, D. .. .. .. 43 16 0 Webster, C. A. .. .. .. 58 12 0 Rogers, G. .. .. .. .. 43 16 0 Wells, H. .. .. .. .. 48 0 0 Coggins, G. .. .. .. .. 56 7 0 Earl, J. .. .. .. .. 42 0 0 O'Brien, M. .. .. .. .. 45 13 0 Conley, J. .. .. .. .. 33 8 0 Davis, J. .. .. .. 37 11 0 Timras, J. .. .. .. .. 38 7 0 Bandeen, J. .. .. .. .. 67 16 0 Hope, W. .. .. .. .. 58 9 0 Cunningham, H. .. .. .. 34 14 0 Sinolair, J. J. .. .. .. 43 16 0 (Continued.) (Continued.)



Government Railways Supebannuation Fund. —Disbuksements — contd. Cr. (Continued.) (Continued.) Life allowances paid to— . £ b. d. j Life allowances paid to- £ s. d. Elwood, J. .. .. .. .. 44 12 0 Tonkin, J. .. .. .. .. 60 10 0 Tindale, E. .. .. .. .. 77 0 0 Mcllroy, R. .. .. .. .. 80 17 0 Reynolds, J. . . .. .. 51 3 0 Burnby, C. .. .. .. .. 52 19 0 Crawley, W. .. .. .. .. 87 15 0 Dowden, A. .. .. .. .. 47 7 0 Hill, T. .. .. .. .. 38 7 0 Sweet, G. .. .. .. .. 49 6 0 Boyd, T>... .. .. .. 57 0 0 Olsen, T. .. .. .. .. 47 9 0 Perm, H. .. .. .. .. 88 3 0 Home, A. .. .. .. .. 36 10 0 Scott, J. .. .. .. .. 5 4 0 Smart, T. .. .. .. .. 58 5 0 Paice, G. .. .. .. .. 60 10 0 Russell, P. .. .. .. .. 63 5 4 Austin, J. .. .. .. .. 67 16 0 Adams, H. .. .. .. .. 49 6 0 Pelrie, J. .. .. .. .. 95 8 0 Stevenson, W. ~ .. .. 58 8 0 Sanndercock, J. .. .. .. 45 13 0 Moore, R. .. .. .. .. 71 15 0 Logan, W. .. .. .. .. 74 7 0 Freeman, H. It. .. .. .. 59 17 0 Brophy, M. .. .. .. .. 52 19 0 Johnson, C. W. .. .. .. 48 0 0 Harris, J. .. .. .. .. 38 7 0 Craven, H. .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 Roskruge, T. F. .. .. .. 80 0 0 Cocksedge, J. .. .. .. 62 12 0 Fife, A. C. .. ' .. .. .. 379 3 0 Wyatt, J. .. .. .. .. 42 0 0 Brooks, J. .. .. .. .. 63 0 0 Peterkin, T. A. .. .. .. 175 15 0 Kelliher, C. .. .. .. .. 51 2 0 Hillier, W. .. .. .. .. 121 0 0 O'Malley, M .. .. .. 34 14 0 Gunner, J. .. .. .. .. 66 16 0 Sim, J. .. .. .. .. 50 16 0 Allan, P. .. .. .. 54 10 0 Gatee, S. .. .. .. .. 38 7 0 McAleer, R. J. .. .. .. 49 11 0 Quilici, P. .. .. .. .. 45 10 0 Efford, J. A... .. .. .. 65 15 0 Leathwick, B. T. .. .. .. 108 10 0 Dixon, H. .. .. .. .. 73 1 0 Cooper, R. .. .. .. .. 56 15 0 Griffiths, J. .. .. .. .. 74 12 0 Gieseg, H. .. .. .. .. 40 3 0 Trevella, S. .. .. .. .. 64 14 0 Young, T. .. .. .. .. 87 13 0 Esther, R. T. .. .. .. 30 0 0 Mayer, J. P. .. .. .. 56 12 0 Cairns, W. .. .. .. .. 65 15 0 Clarke, W. .. .. .. .. 81 8 0 Moore, P. .. .. .. 49 6 0 Oldham.J. W. .. .. .. 87 0 0 Eccles, T. .. .. .. .. 55 8 3 O'Connor, B. .. .. .. 36 10 0 Emerson, T... .. .. .. 66 10 0 Ashby, T. .. .. .. .. 49 6 0 Crisp, J. .. .. .. .. 70 19 0 Boyle, J. .. .. .. .. 36 10 0 Sadler, W. .. .. .. .. 50 2 0 Templeton, S. .. .. .. 35 9 0 Gulliver, W. J. .. .. .. 83 0 0 Elsom, J. .. .. .. 52 3 0 , Graham, T. .. .. .. .. 33 8 0 Heinemann, F. .. .. .. 52 19 0 Woodbury, J. .. .. .. 93 18 0 Alexander, W. .. .. .. 132 0 0 Bailey, I. .. .. .. 51 3 0 Winter, W... .. .. .. 51 3 0 Dewe, E. .. .. .. .. 54 16 0 M«tbeson,J. .. .. .. 52 6 0 j Loomes, C. .. .. .. .. 51 3 0 O'Cailaghan, C. .. .. .. 40 3 0 j Course, G. .. .. .. .. 80 17 0 Voyce, H. .. .. .. .. 51 2 o'■ Tanner, J. .. .. .. .. 52 19 0 Bclt.n, W. .. .. .. .. 60 13 0 Shann, G. .. .. .. .. 50 2 0 Rowse, J. .. .. .. .. 19 19 0 Shnffill, W. .. .. .. .. 49 6 0 Potter, T. .. .. .. .. 56 7 0 Power, T. .. .. .. .. 36 10 0 MiKenzie, S. .. .. .. 49 6 0 Fitzgerald, O. .. .. .. 49 6 0 Ingles, A. .. .. .. 49 4 0 Foster, C. .. . .. .. 60 1 0 Sharp, J. .. .. .. 65 15 0 Fyfe, A. .. .. .. .. 93 18 0 Mainwaring, E. G. H. . .. 115 0 0 Cleverley, C. .. .. .. 82 4 0 Kirk, A. R. .. .. .. .. 66 0 0 Alexander, W. .. .. .. 84 10 0 Ronan, W. .. .. .. .. 42 0 0 Broad, G. .. .. .. .. 86 2 0 Charles, W. .. .. .. .. 25 11 0 Stagg, W. .. .. .. 42 0 0 Taylor, A. .. .. .. .. 125 0 0 White, G. .. .. .. .. 45 0 0 Hoskin, J. .. .. .. .. 48 1 0 Gordon, J. .. .. .. .. 54 18 0 Bishop, C. .. .. .. .. 48 18 0 Verey, W. A. .. .. .. 65 4 0 Cavanagli, B. .. .. .. 52 19 0 Fee, E. .. .. .. .. 43 16 0 Lawrell, H W. .. .. .. 94 10 0 Bmeal, W. .. .. .. .. 66 18 0 Robinson, J... .. .. .. 50 4 0 Fuller, J. .. .. 51 3 0 Cllick, U. .. .. .. .. 42 0 0 Tank, R. .. .. .. .. 49 6 0 Shirley, J. W. .. .. .. 25 9 0 Gilbransen, L. .. .. .. 29 4 0 Symons, C. .. .. .. .. 36 10 0 Moore, G. .. .. .. .. 81 0 0 Collier, C. .. .. .. .. 67 16 0 Frost, J. E. .. .. .. .. 50 18 0 Dowrick, W. .. .. .. 56 7 0 Horgan, J. .. .. .. .. 43 16 0 Ruseell, J. .. .. .. .. 38 7 0 j Chapman, G. .. .. .. 77 9 0 Martin, T. .. .. .. .. 73 1 0 Cairns, P. .. .. .. .. 45 7 0 Stewart, J. .. .. .. .. 95 0 0 Mitohell, A. .. .. .. .. 68 9 0 Joyce, T. .. .. .. .. 51 2 0 Elvines, F. .. .. .. .. 78 5 0 Sweeney, 8... .. .. .. 40 3 0 Hamson, W... .. .. .. 70 17 0 Hood.C. .. .. .. .. 38 7 0 Smith, J. .. .. .. .. 190 0 0 Booker, H. .. .. • .. .. 51 3 0 , Finnic, J. .. .. .. .. 79 9 0 Burgess, T. .. .. .. .. 40 3 0 Sheridan, H. .. .. .. 65 15 0 Marcus, C. A. .. .. .. 172 10 0 Tull, B. .. .. .. .. 58 8 0 Gallagher, F. .. .. .. 47 9 0 James, R. .. .. .. .. 56 12 0 Galloway, T. .. .. .. 84 18 0 Scott, D. .. .. .. 43 16 0 O'Malley, J. .. .. .. .. 56 12 0 Ewing, R. .. .. .. 52 1 0 Matthewson, J. .. .. .. 155 0 0 Carrell, J. .. .. .. .. 57 13 0 Redpath, J. .. .. .. .. 62 3 0 Greenwood, R. W. .. .. 54 15 0 Nimmo, T. .. .. .. .. 73 1 0 Slater, J. .. .. .. 36 2 0 Phillips, J. .. .. .. .. 36 10 0 Milroy, J. .. .. .. 54 16 0 Wisharc, A. .. .. .. .. 80 13 0 Stevens, M. .. .. .. .. 21 18 0 Olson, C. M. .. .. . 66 0 0 Mills, C. .. .. .. .. 43 16 0 Smith, T. .. .. .. .. 71 15 0 Stubbs, A. .. .. .. .. 79 16 0 McCormick, Mrs. A. . . .. .. 51 13 0 Gordine, A. .. .. .. .. 69 10 0 Bishop, T. .. .. .. .. 86 2 0 Varcoe, J. .. .. .. .. 58 8 0 Graham, H... .. .. .. 35 0 0 Whitehead, J. .. .. .. 49 6 0 Lunham, H. .. .. .. 45 13 0 Harms, N. .. .. .. .. 51 3 0 Barr, W. L. .. .. .. .. 79 8 0 Staunton, J... .. .. 40 3 0 Mitchell, C. F. .. .. .. 36 10 0 Newlands, J. .. .. .. 87 18 0 Silva, J. .. .. .. .. 38 7 0 Thompson, W. .. .. .. 27 8 0 Moir, R. .. .. .. .. 24 16 0 Auton, M. .. .. .. .. 32 4 0 (Continued.) (Continued.)

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Government Railways Superannuation Fund.—Disbuhsements— contd. Cr. (Continued.) (Continued.) Life allowances paid to— • £ s. d. Life allowanoee paid to — £ s. d. Such, W. P... .. .. .. 80 17 0 Wall, W. .. .. .. .. 52 19 0 Liddell, G. .. .. .. .. 60 5 0 McDonald, J. .. .. .. 51 3 0 Fitzhenry, W. .. .. .. 54 16 0 Barnett, J. .. .. .. .. 60 1 0 Cockburn, J. .. .. .. 42 0 0 Barber, A. .. .. .. .. 45 8 0 Gibson, L. .. .. .. .. 62 12 0 Sloan, P. .. .. .. 54 16 0 Walton, J. .. .. .. .. 56 12 0 Tate, W. .. • • .. 56 15 0 Griffiths, J. .. .. .. .. 71 15 0 Loan, J. .. .. .. .. 56 15 0 Shinkwin, C. .. .. .. 27 8 0 Laws, T. .. .. .. .. 68 9 0 Delaney, W. .. .. .. 48 16 0 Duncan, R. .. .. .. .. 62 12 0 Connal, R. .. .. .. .. 60 5 0 Sweetman, F. .. ~ .. 46 11 0 Eadie, J. .. .. .. 97 1 0 Robins, G. .. .. .. .. 43 16 0 Evans, R. .. .. .. .. 52 1 0 Staunton, J.. . .. .. .. 62 12 0 Thome, G. .. .. .. .. 40 3 0 Crisp, J. .. .. .. .. 130 0 0 Round, E. .. .. .. .. 69 8 0 Barry, M. .. .. .. .. 42 18 0 Summers, G. .. .. .. 46 11 0 Hollinger, T. .. .. .. 45 13 0 Robertson, A. .. .. .. 60 13 0 Tun.bull, A. .. .. .. .. 11l 14 0 Undrill, T. .. .. .. .. 45 18 0 MeKelvie, 8. .. .. .. 75 2 0 Wells, W. .. .. .. .. 64 14 0 Stewart, J. .. .. .. .. 100 3 0 Miller, J. .. .. .. .. 66 10 0 Lowe, F. C... .. .. .. 65 15 0 Felton, G. .. .. .. .. 270 16 8 "Shaw, F. .. .. .. 66 16 0 Hare, A. .. .. .. .. 60 10 0 Day, F. .. .. .. .. 39 18 0 Verdon, B. .. .. .. .. 135 13 0 McWilliams, A. .. .. .. 170 0 0 Packman, A. .. .. .. 90 0 0 Sinclair, A. .. .. .. . 102 0 0 Ferguson, R. .. .. .. 42 0 0 Duncan, J. .. .. .. .. 58 9 0 Dellow, W. S. .. .. .. 68 2 0 Piper, J. W. .. .. .. 236 13 0 Ingram, C. E. .. .. .. 124 13 0 Sn'addon, A. .. .. .. 72 0 0 Fowke, T. M. .. .. .. 104 7 0 Joiner, G. .. .. .. .. 56 12 0 Cottam, G. H. .. .. .. 113 13 0 Sparks, J. .. .. .. .. 76 10 0 Anderson, R. .. .. .. 70 19 0 Gnvey, J. .. .. .. ~ 57 10 0 Wylie, N. B. .. .. .. 63 0 0 Holmes, J. .. .. .. .. 83 9 0 Bryant, E. .. .. .. .. 52 19 0 Jones, H. J. .. .. .. .. 91 13 0 Hodge, W. .. .. .. .. 82 3 0 Coom, J. .. .. .. 435 0 0 Kulsoh, C. A. .. .. .. 81 8 0 Gibb, H. .. .. .. .. 78 5 0 Smith, A. G. .. .. .. 62 2 0 Sloan, W. J. .. .. .. 97 16 0 Power, W. .. .. .. .. 51 0 0 Chunn, J. .. .. . .. 71 15 0 Hansen, G. .. .. .. .. 51 3 0 Qualey, M. .. .. .. .. 36 10 0 Draper, G. D. .. .. .. 92 0 0 Jones, J. F. .. .. .. .. 109 8 0 Osborn, J. .. .. .. .. 51 3 0 Loader, J. .. .. .. .. 82 3 0 Lobb, J. H. .. .. .. .. 49 6 0 Cory, M. .. .. .. .. 75 13 0 Sellars, G. .. .. .. .. 66 16 0 Butler, J. .. .. .. .. 79 16 0 Staunton, T... .. .. .. 56 12 0 Wright, J. .. .. .. .. 62 12 0 Hutchinson, J. C. .. .. .. 66 18 0 O'Dounell, J. .. .. .. 43 16 0 Burke, J. .. .. .. 42 0 0 Dixon, C. .. .. .. .. 50 2 0 Pope, F. J. .. .. .. .. 67 16 0 Garrard, G. .. .. .. .. 60 16 0 Webster, W. .. .. .. 64 6 0 Serpless, J. .. .. .. .. 64 14 0 Pedlow, J. .. .. .. .. 52 19 0 Power, W. E. .. .. .. 60 0 0 Thomas, J. .. .. .. .. 106 8 0 Sherris, J. .. .. .. .. 127 5 0 Ramage, R. .. .. .. .. 62 12 0 Ross, R. .. .. .. .. 82 3 0 Conland, G. .. .. .. .. 63 16 0 Atyeo, A. .. .. .. .. 63 0 0 Yardley, T. G. .. .. .. 88 19 0 Dennis, T. .. .. .. .. 107 12 0 McKellar, A. .. .. .. 83 7 0 Noble, T. .. .. .. .. 90 8 0 Hislop, J. .. .. .. .. 63 0 0 Burton, A. .. .. .. .. 60 10 0 McNeil, W. P. .. .. .. 113 13 0 Whelan, E. .. .. .. .. 56 7 0 Stephens, W. H. .. .. .. 75 13 0 George, E. .. .. .. .. 95 0 0 Cameron, J... .. .. .. 56 12 0 Gibson, G. .. .. .. .. 64 9 0 Walsh, L. .. .. .. .. 45 13 0 Brown, D. .. .. .. .. 70 9 0 Millar, R. .. .. .. .. 73 19 0 Williamson, A. .. .. .. 42 4 0 Thacker, H. .. .. .. ... 88 0 0 Robertson, J. F. .. .. .. 148 15 0 Wakelin, W. T. .. .. .. 76 14 0 Semple, W. .. .. .. .. 45 18 0 Symons, J. .. .. .. .. 66 16 0 Kerr, J. .. .. .. .. 126 3 0 Glenny, I. W. .. .. .. 117 7 0 Hurndell, H. .. .. .. 62 12 0 Smvth, R. .. .. .. .. 52 3 0 Mullan, T. .. .. .. .. 112 10 0 Gillman, G. F. .. .. .. 69 0 0 Nicol, J. .. .. .. 99 0 0 Leamy, J. .. .. .. .. 21 18 0 Currie, J. .. .. .. 63 2 0 Trounce, R. D. .. .. .. 49 6 0 Schneider, F. .. .. .. 87 13 0 Burgess, J. .. .. .. .. 37 11 0 Crombie, W. .. .. .. 171 12 0 Duffy, A. .. .. .. .. 109 11 0 Hannay, W. M. .. .. .. 233 7 0 Frame, J. .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 Newman, W. .. .. .. 67 3 0 Wellsted, G. G. .. .. .. 126 11 9 Bowlor, P. .. .. .. .. 54 3 0 Murdoch, J. .. .. .. .. 110 0 0 Grierson, A. .. .. .. .. 99 0 0 Mason, W. .. .. .. .. 103 6 0 Kendall, W... .. .. .. 52 3 0 Kay, J. .. .. .. ' .. 96 0 0 Dcennan, J. .. .. .. .. 104 7 0 Dineen, D. .. .. .. .. 52 19 0 Robinson, T. W. .. .." .. 43 16 0 Dow, R. .. .. .. .. 58 14 0 Foster, C. H. .. .. .. 107 5 0 Watt, N. .. .. .. 84 18 0 Newlands, W. .. .. .. 63 8 0 How, C. .. .. .. .. 103 6 0 Hull, H. .. .. .. .. 77 9 0 Webb, H.J... .. .. .. 103 6 0 Irwin, J. .. .. .. .. 60 5 0 Blockley, T. .. .. .. .. 52 19 0 McPherson, D. .. .. .. 110 17 0 Stanley, T. .. .. .. .. 109 11 0 Patrick, A. .. .. .. .. 88 14 0 Butt, E. .. .. . .. 39 3 0 Crutch, C. .. .. .. .. 160 0 0 Dumbleton, W. .. .. .. 66 16 0 Jones, S. .. .. .. .. 71 10 0 Beamish, C. .. .. .. .. 78 5 0 Barclett, G. .. .. .. .. 83 i 0 Shardlow, B. .. .. .. 29 15 0 Gillespie, J. .. .. .. .. 73 1 0 Oliver, H. .. .. .. .. 43 1 0 Pert, J. .. .. .. .. 73 13 0 Kemp, W. . . .. .. .. 96 7 3 Bolomon, W. .. .. .. 45 18 0 Dervan, A. .. .. .. .. 14 12 0 Groves, W. W. .. .. .. 68 9 0 Doherty, J. .. .. .. .. 66 16 0 Church, J. .. .. .. .. 84 10 0 Luke, R. H. .. .. .. .. 56 7 0 , Hallberg, H. .. .. .. 52 0 0 Pullin, W. .. .. .. .. 64 14 0 Forman, J. .. .. .. .. 71 10 0 (Contintud.) (Continued.)



Government Railways Superannuation Fund.—Disbursements — contd, Cr. (Continued.) (Continued.) Life allowances paid to— £ s. d. Life allowanoes paid to— £ s. d. King, W. .. .. .. 54 3 0 Hynes, T. .. .. .. .. 86 13 0 White, G. W. .. .. .. 124 13 0 Davidson, A. .. .. .. 182 0 0 Mealy, M. .. .. .. .. 77 9 0 Braes, J. .. .. .. 117 8 0 Pitzpatriok, C. .. .. .. 101 2 0 Stanton, W... .. .. .. 52 19 0 Finlayson, P. .. .. .. 65 0 0 Weir, R. .. .. .. 104 7 0 Silvester, A... .. .. .. 75 17 0 Qaynor, 6. .. .. .. .. 58 10 0 Mathie, A. .. .. .. .. 56 7 0 Brown, T. .. .. .. .. 63 0 0 Kennedy, R. .. .. .. 98 18 0 Cussen, M. .. .. .. .. 56 7 0 Howe, G. .. .. .. .. 82 7 0 Ames, W. .. .. .. .. 110 17 0 Wilson, G. G. .. .. .. 165 15 0 O'Hara, J. .. .. .. .. 84 10 0 McLean, J. .. .. .. .. 133 10 5 Clark, W. C. .. .. .. 69 18 0 Alpe, S. .. .. .. .. 99 0 0 . Hunt, T. .. .. .. .. 64 6 0 Barbor, H. \V. .. .. .. 91 13 0 Sutherland, J. .. .. .. 69 7 0 Tullocb.J. .. .. .. .. 82 3 0 Perry, W. .. .. .. .. 38 14 7 Curtin, D. .. .. .. .. 62 17 0 Burbery, C. .. .. .. .. 56 7 0 Shorten, J. .. .. .. .. 47 2 0 Bass, W. .. .. .. .. 175 0 0 Carrington, C. J. .. .. .. 63 0 0 Bryden, R. N. .. .. .. 65 0 0 Gronwall, H. E. .. .. .. 42 3 0 Robinson, G. .. .. .. 42 3 0 Kennedy, W. .. .. .. 69 7 0 Garter, S. M. .. .. .. 128 7 0 Mullaney, M. .. .. .. 75 17 0 Sinclair, J. .. .. .. .. 76 14 0 Lntton, J. .. .. .. .. 56 7 0 Giohard, W... .. .. .. 69 6 0 White, J. .. .. .. .. 93 7 0 Hutchins, T. .. .. .. 63 13 0 Neilaon, T. .. .. .. .. 96 0 0 Moreland, J. .. .. .. 62 13 9 Styles, A. .. .. .. .. 49 17 0 Reeve, A. J... .. .. .. 75 2 0 Porteous, G. .. .. .. 82 7 0 Groves, R. .. .. .. .. 51 0 0 Morse, C. .. .. .. .. 86 13 0 Atherton, R. .. .. .. 39 0 0 Smith, H. .. .. .. .. 133 7 0 Aubrey, A. .. .. .. .. 58 10 0 Murdoch, J... .. .. .. 103 7 0 Broug'h, J. .. .. .. .. 73 1 0 Illingworth, G. .. .. .. 180 0 0 Johnston, G. .. .. .. 79 18 0 Purcell, S. .. .. .. .. 86 13 0 Lepper, C. .. .. .. .. 68 4 8 Beagley, ,T. .. .. .. .. 62 12 0 Henderson, W. M. .. .. .. 32 17 0 Lyons, J. .. .. .. .. 58 10 0 Handisides, D. .. .. .. 128 5 0 Day, J. .. .. .. .. 165 0 0 Milne, J. .. .. .. 47 7 9 Green, W. R. .. .. .. 29 4 0 Pickard, T. .. .. .. .. 58 15 11 Spring, D. .. .. .. .. 93 0 0 Hancock, H. J. .. .. .. 53 3 6 Auld, E. .. .. .. .. 39 0 0 Stephenson, C. .. .. .. 56 15 11 MoDougall, J. .. .. .. 71 10 0 Rosoman, G. .. .. .. 49 12 9 Griffith, J. .. .. .. .. 71 10 0 Butler, E. .. .. .. .. 67 15 9 Gall, W. .. .. .. .. 76 14 0 McAuliffe, W. .. .. .. 59 11 8 Williams, A. .. .. .. 130 0 0 Owen, J. .. .. .. 117 13 1 Goodall, J. .. .. .. .. 59 9 0 Long, J. .. .. .. .. 61 11 1 Cameron, 8... .. .. .. 71 10 0 Bennett, R. .. .. .. .. 88 0 0 Stewart, R. W. .. .. .. 82 3 0 Mookett, S. .. .. .. .. 67 6 4 Hyndman, A. .. .. .. 56 7 0 Nicholson, S. .. .. .. 122 2 2 Healey.'L. .. .. .. .. 77 9 0 Thomson, M. G. .. .. .. 75 4 8 Flynn, G. G. .. .. .. 110 17 0 Eadie, J. .. .. .. .. 51 13 10 Campbell, C. .. .. .. 25 11 0 Jones, T. .. .. .. .. 22 6 0 Cole, G. .. .. .. .. 19 10 0 McParlane, I). .. .. .. 28 5 0 Jelfs, W. .. .. .. .. 107 12 0 Stimpson, H. .. .. .. 64 10 10 Bchulenberg, L. .. .. .. 58 10 0 Curson, H. .. .. .. .. 70 11 1 McNeely, J... .. .. .. 73 13 0 Stuart, L. J. .. .. .. 90 2 9 Revel), J. K. .. .. .. 60 5 0 Bolton, J. .. .. .. .. 47 12 3 Rodgers, J. .. .. .. .. 86 2 0 Diamond, T. .. .. .. 54 5 7 Turnbull, E. .. .. .. 54 3 0 Williams, D. .. .. .. 34 6 6 Miller, J. .. .. .. .. 75 17 0 Jones, J. R. .. .. .. .. 36 0 3 Moore, S. M. .. .. .. 66 13 0 Lyons, J. .. .. .. .. 42 9 2 Mclntyre, A. .. .. .. 57 13 0 I Berry, P. G... .. .. .. 82 4 0 MoLean, D. .. .. .. 113 8 0 Harris, P. .. .. .. ~ 42 2 7 Maedonald, A. V. .. .. .. 246 13 0 Pascoe, H. .. .. .. .. 49 6 3 McKeown, T. .. .. .. 67 3 0 Barr, M. .. .. .. 74 13 5 O'Neill, W. .. .. .. .. 54 0 0 McGahan, T. .. .. .. 50 11 4 Bowyer, J. H. .. .. .. 78 5 0! ' Salisbury, J. .. .. .. 72 0 0 Grover, E. .. .. .. .. 73 13 0 Miller, R. .. .. .. .. 45 12 8 Chattaway, R. H-. .. .. .. 24 5 0 Curtis, 8. .. .. .. .. 19 15 1 Panning, 8... .. .. .. 90 0 0 Lowden, D. C. .. .. .. 44 10 7 Jenkins, T. .. .. .. .. 84* 15 0 Climpson, W. .. .. .. 42 12 5 Green, G. .. .. .. .. 51 3 0 Praser, A. .. .. .. .. 38 10 6 Roberts, W... .. .. .. 61 1 0 Fox, J. .. .. .. .. 80 16 8 McKinnon, J. .. .. .. 58 14 0 Smith, J. H. .. .. .. 68 18 8 Hendren, J... .. .. .. 23 13 0 - Brooker, T. W. .. .. .. 12 12 10 Slight, J. .. .. .. .. 107 12 0 Ryan, T. .. .. .. .. 27 7 6 Sequin, W. .. .. .. .. 29 4 0 Westbury, G. .. .. .. 49 15 5 Fowke, C. E. .. .. .. 117 8 0 Wraight, W. .. .. .. 49 8 7 Hepburn, R. .. .. .. 63 8 0 Thomeon, D. . .. .. 53 19 8 Sherwood, S. .. .. .. 64 9 0 Wood, G. .. .. .. .. 20 710 Arthur, T. .. .. .. .. 466 13 0 Griffin, W. H. .. .. .. 50 14 6 Grant, A. .. .. .. .. 408 7 0 Blaok, G. .. .. .. .. 47 1 8 Keenan, J. .. .. .. .. 21 13 0 Vasta, C. .. .. .. .. 47 10 10 Harrison, J... .. .. .. 62 12 0 Olive, S. T. .. .. .. .. 24 11 9 Hill, H. .. .. .. .. 54 3 0 Bratherton, F. G. .. .. .. 38 15 0 Tilleyshort, C. .. .. ■ ■ 98 20 ! McNeill, J. .. .. .. .. 27 15 9 Alderton, W. H. .. .. .. 128 7 0 Payton, R. .. .. .. .. 17 17 0 Brown, W. .. .. .. .. 68 2 0 Keat, L. I. .. .. .. .. 43 2 1 Watts, C. W. .. .. .. 58 10 0 Halliday, W. .. .. .. 13 12 7 Eggleton, J. .. .. .. 84 5 0 Ailken, W. .. .. .. .. 17 18 2 Brown, A. .. .. .. •• 88 18 0 Steel, J. .. .. .. .. 17 14 10 Slade, T. .. .. .. 49 17 0 Allen, M. .. .. .. .. 28 4 6 Olver, W. .. .. .. .. 58 10 0 Fleming, J. .. .. .. .. 513 8 Burgess, H. .. .. .. .. 49 17 0 Bogle, J. K. .. .. .. .. 36 17 2 (Continued.) (Continued.)



GoVEKNMENT RAILWAYS SUPERANNUATION FUND. — DISBURSEMENTS — COtltd. Cr. (Continued.) (Continued.) Life allowances paid to— £ s. d. Allowances paid to widows and orphans £ a. d. Sleeman, J. .. .. .. .. 19 5 10 for period 20th Maroh, 1910, to 18th Maxwell, E... .. .. .. HI 6 0 March, 1911 (52 weeks)— continued. Heald, C. A. .. .. .. 35 15 8 Evans, E. J. .. .. .. 17 W 1 Hughes, S. .. .. .. .. 23 4 3 ; Buchanan, M. G. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Hayward, J... .. .. .. 211110 Murphy, M. A. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Instone, J. .. .. .. .. 19 3 8 Lawson, M., and child .. .. 30 19 1 Wilson, H. .. .. .. .. 13 8 5 Meager, K. A. .... .. 17 19 1 Skeats, J. .. .. .. .. 20 10 5 Martin, A., and ohild .. .. 30 19 1 Vickery, A. T. .. .. .. 18 411 Johnston, M. .. .. .. 16 11 5 Maloney.T... .. .. .. 15 13 1 Nelson, M. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Wilson, James .. .. .. 12 510 Meredith, A. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Hand, J. .. .. .. .. 11 2 2 Haynes, S. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Mahon, H. .. .. .. .. 15 6 3 Fleming, W. A., and ohild .. .. 30 19 1 Turner, E. .. .. .. .. 13 2 4 Kelly, C. M., and three children .. 52 12 8 Bagley, T. .. .. .. .. 9 710 Orr, J. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Durry, G. B. .. .. .. 18 9 6 Murchie, S. M., and ohild .. .. 30 19 1 Sutton, J. .. .. .. .. 12 1 2 Bracefield, J. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Beale, W. .. .. .. .. 916 2 Wheeler, C, and child .. .. 30 19 1 Holmes, H. .. .. .. .. 11 0 5 Gilmer, E. M., and child .. .. 30 19 1 Shadweil, E. .. .. .. 10 6 4 Children (three) of the lato G. Elliott .. 34 15 0 Kane, A. .. .. .. 16 14 5 Dowland, A., and ohild .. .. 25 16 3 Derry, C.J... .. .. .. 10 17 6 > Pedlow, 8., and two ohildren .. .. 43 19 1 MoLellan, J. .. .. .. 17 1 6 Currie, J. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 White, J. .. .. .. .. 8361 Dunn, A., and two ohildren .. .. 43 19 1 Matheson, T. .. .. .. 10 15 2 Close, M. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Stenton, J. .. .. .. .. 26 8 8 Children (two) of the late D. Haining .. 26 0 0 Dawes, P. J. .. .. .. 62 14 3 ' Buane, J., and four children .. .. 67 4 10 Martin, J. .. .. .. .. 5 9 7 Venn, M. J. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 McPherson, C. .. .. .. 318 7 I Keyte, E. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Davis, W. H. .. .. .. 4 12 4 Children (two) of the late J. S. Smith .. 26 0 0 Maokie, T. .. .. .. .. 119 10 Walton, E. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Dallard, G. .. .. .. .. -2 4 9 Children (three) of the late W. H. Thomas 39 0 0 Richardson, B. .. .. .. 5 9 5 McPherson, M., and child .. .. 30 19 1 Lane, C. .. .. .. 15 1 1 Child of the late T. Smith .. .. 13 0 0 MoEwen, D. .. .. .. U 5 0 Gifford, M. M., and child .. .. 35 14 5 Rodgers, W... .. .. .. 37 6 8 Meadowcroft, E., and three children .. 56 19 1 Christie, T. .. .. .. .. 39 2 6 Child of the late A. B. Reed .. .. 13 0 0 Nichols, I. .. .. .. .. 48 18 4 Jamieson, M. J. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Love, J. .. .. .. .. 32 3 4 Child of the late F. W. Styles .. .. 13 0 0 Ruddle, W. .. .. .. .. 716 6 Stewart, E. M., and two children .. 43 19 1 Lafferty, J. .. .. .. .. 715 2 Muir, 8., and child .. .. .. 23 11 3 Mclntyre, A. .. .. .. 35 9 7 Beaton, E., and four ohildren .. .. 69 19 1 Barr, A. .. .. .. .. 25 10 3 Chalmers, A. .. .. ... 17 19 1 Barter, T. .. .. .. .. 38 7 1 Nixon, M. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Brebner, A. (i. .. .. .. 97 15 7 McCuesney, C. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Anderson, J. .. .. .. 'J 13 7 Colthorpe, E., and child .. .. 30 19 1 Shea, W. .. .. .. .. 60 0 0 Jones, A. 8., and two ohildren .. 31 1 3 Butler, J. .. .. .. .. 35 510 Clare, E. 1., and four ohildren .. .. 69 19 1 Scott, T. .. .. .. .. 113 13 0 Froggatt, L. A. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Evans, G. .. .. .. .. 11 11 7 Kerr, E. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Salisbury, E. .. .. .. 46 11 2 Children (two) of the late C. Sheehan .. 26 0 0 Telford, J. .. .. .. .. 25 15 5 Children (two) of the late W. H. D. Pachnatz, P. .. .. .. 48 7 0 Warren .. .. .. .. 26 0 0 Gladwin, T. .. .. .. .. 9 8 6 Layton, E. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 McQueen, L. .. .. .. 24 15 10 Hastings, A., and four children .. 69 19 1 Ansell, J. K. .. .. .. 34 19 9 McCullough, S. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Maolay, B. .. .. .. .. 2 10 7 Bryant, H., and three children .. 53 16 11 Jolly, W. S. .. .. .. .. 9 19 6 Brown, H., and three ohildren .. 56 19 1 Lancaster, B. .. .. .. 36 2 6 Abraham, E. A. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Watt, J. D... .. .. .. 27 17 3 Holland, A., and child .. .. 30 19 1 Hart, J. .. .. .. .. 60 15 4 Nicol, L. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Watt, E. .. .. .. .. 14 9 0 Maher, M. L., and two ohildren .. 43 19 1 Dodd, J. .. .. .. 15 14 3 Lawson, E. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Cavanagh, T. J. .. .. .. 8 7 0 Thornton, J., and four children .. 54 11 7 Fromont, E. .. .. .. 20 10 9 Edwards, M. E., and three ohildren .. 47 9 1 Wylie, L. .. .. .. .. 22 13 9 Livingstone, M. C, and child .. 30 19 1 Dobson, B. .. .. .. .. 73 7 0 Cole, M. A. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Phillips, A. .. .. .. .. 29 6 1 Alexander, H. E., and two children .. 31 19 10 i Jonas, M., and ohild . . .. .. 30 19 1 45,785 18 2 ' ! Seaman, C. M. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Less repayments to Fund— k a. d. Hood, A. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Hanham, J. .. 21 11 9 Shannon, A., and three children .. 56 19 1 Bodgerson, J. .. 12 6 Sullivan, M., and three children .. 56 19 1 Marshall, C. .. 0 11 4 Yates, M., and four children .. .. 6119 10 '23 5 7 : Richards, A. J., and two ohildren .. 43 19 1 Moore, M. A., and two ohildren .. 43 19 1 £45,762 12 7 Hesp, S. A. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Home, A. J., and two ohildren .. 34 5 6 Allowances paid to widows and orphans McCarty, J., and two ohildren .. 43 19 1 for period 20th Maroh, 1910, to 18th Syms, E. M. .. .. .. 17 19 1 March, 1911 (52 weeks)— £ s. d. Young, A., and ohild .. .. 30 19 1 Children (two) of the late W. G. Sherburd 26 0 0 Children (four) of the late J. Bennett .. 41 7 2 Sadaier, M. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 McNab, C. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Lewis, A. E., and two ohildren .. 43 19 1 O'Reilly, E., and six ohildren .. .. 95 19 1 Levett, K. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Mao Curdy, C. E., and two children .. 43 19 1 Johnsen, I. M. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Dolan, M., and ohild .. .. 24 1 3 Long, M. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Evans, M., and three ohildren .. m 49 9 1 Murie.J. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Turner, B. C, and ohild .. .. 30 19 1 MoDowell, B. A., and three ohildren .. 56 19 1 Dickson, 1., and two ohildren .. .. 43 19 1 (Continued.) (Continued.)



GovBENMBNT Eailwayn Supeeannuation Fund.—Disbdksements — contd Gr. (Continued.) (Continued.) Allowances paid to widows and orphans £ a. d. I Allowances paid to widows and orphans £ a. d. for period 20th March, 1910, to 18th for poriod 20th March, 1910, to 18th March, 1911 (52 weeks)— continued. March, 1911 (52 weeks)— continued. Children (three) of the late P. McDonnell 39 I) I) Child of the late W. MacLeod.. .. 9 3 8 Children (three) of the late W. Mundy.. 39 0 0 Keen, 0. E. .. .. .. .. 5 7 5 Andrews, M. L., and three children .. r>6 19 1 Child of the late G. B. Monson .. 18 0 0 Less repayments to Fund— 5,746 7 7 Galvin, M. .. .. 17 19 1 Wilson, P. H. .. .. .. 510 8 Watt, M. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Robinson, B. .. .. .. 17 19 1 £5,740 16 11 Andrews, S. A. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Children (two) of the late C. W. Wise .. 26 0 0 Payments to legal representatives of the Smith, M. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 ■...' under - named deceased beneficiaries Stirling, M. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 -under the provisions of section 86 (c) Martin, J., and four ohildren .. .. 69 19 1 of the Government Railways Act, Durrant, E. A., and three ohildren .. 56 910 r 1908, viz.:— Greig, S. E. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Late R. Watt- £ s. d. Heyoock, C. G. H., and two ohildren .. 43 19 1 Contributions .. .. 71 17 7 Armstrong, M., and four children .. 69 19 1 Compensation .. .. Nil Denison, M. J., and ohild .. .. 28 11 5 Lewton, J. E., and child .. 30 19 1 71 17 7 Carter, E. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Less superannuation allow- 46 911 Byrne, E. L., and child .. .. 30 19 1 anoe paid — 25 7 8 Faulkner, M. T., and three ohildren .. 56 19 1 Late T. J. Cavanagh— Schrader, E. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Contributions .. .. 73 9 4 Cooper, M. A. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Compensation .. .. Nil Sammons, C. .. .. . . 17 19 1 Winter, A. H. S. . . 17 19 1 73 9 4 Watkin, A. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Less superannuation allow- 23 1 11 Robb, M. .. .. .. . . 17 19 1 anoe paid 50 7 5 McNeill, C, and five ohildren .. . . 82 19 1 Late E. Fromont— Campbell, E. J., and child .. .. 30 17 8 Contributions .. .. 112 8 9 Thompson, A., and two children .. 43 19 1 Compensation .. .. Nil Hanlon, M. E., and six children . . 94 11 3 Courtney, G. A., and three children 56 19 1 112 3 9 Cairns, R., and seven children .. 108 19 1 Less superannuation allow- 52 18 10 Walker, E., and child .. .. 30 39 1 anoe paid 59 4 11 Keleher, M., and child .. .. 27 10 6 Late J. Dodd— Shaw, M. J., and three children .. 52 10 6 Contributions .. .. 75 2 8 Allan, J. H., and child .. .. 23 1 11 Compensation .. .. Nil Edge, J. S., and four children. . .. 69 19 1 Major, E., and child.. .. 30 19 1 75 2 8 McGregor, E. .. .. .. 17 19 1 Less .superannuation allow- 55 1 7 Clark, X., and four ohildren .. .. 65 8 4 ance paid 20 1 1 Davies, L., and two children .. .. 43 19 1 Late A. PhillipsYoung, L. M., and two children .. 43 19 1 Contributions .. .. 91 1 3 Templeton, E. J., and two children .. 43 19 1 Compensation .. .. Nil Forrester, G. .. .. .. 17 19 I Guy, A. F., and four children .. .. 69 19 1 91 1 3 Allan, M., and ohild .. .. .. 30 19 1 Less superannuation allow- 29 6 1 Tasker, E. P., and child .. .. 30 19 1 ance paid 61 15 2 Sole, O. E., and four children .. .. 69 19 1 Taylor, A., and two children .. .. 43 19 1 Payments to legal representatives of the Redway, E. .. .. .. .. 17 19 1 under - named deceased beneficiaries Dambrogio, H. A., and four children .. 69 19 1 under the provisions of section 82 (6) Smitheram, M. J., and six children .. 116 15 7 of the Government Railways Aot, Fromont, C. E., and six children .. 104 5 8 j 1908, viz. :— Wakefield, S. E. M., and two children .. 40 10 4 Late T. S. Henderson— £ s. d. Taylor, M., and three ohildren .. 59 12 4 ! Contributions .. .. 216 3 9 Gaitt, M. E., and two children .. 37 5 5 Compensation .. . 287 14 10 Edwards, G. A., and child .. .. 29 3 5 503 18 7 Frei, E. .. .. .. .. 16 1 8 Late T. A. Aldridge— Morrell, A. A., and six children .. 83 11 4 Contributions .. .. 136 0 4 Archer, L. E, .. .. .. 12 1 1 Compensation .. .. 144 11 7 Barry, A. .. .. .. .. 13 4 6 280 11 11 Rooks, A. .. .. .. .. 12 12 6 Macfarlane, W. G. M., and two children 31 6 0 Contributions refunded to members who Children (seven) of the late J. Kennelly 50 0 0 have left the service .. .. .. 8,749 18 0 Kennedy, M. A., and child .. .. 18 2 6 Fines remitted and refunded .. .. 3 5 0 Pringle, E., and ohild .. . . 16 3 5 Travelling-expenses of members of Board Palmer, A., and three children .. 23 19 7 'attending quarterly meetings .. .. 47 15 0 Flint, M. A., and two ohildren .. 20 0 0 Contributions transferred to Public Service Theßsman, J., and three ohildren .. .14 9 8 Superannuation Fund .. .. 121 5 7 Bell, E. C. .. .. .. .. 415 2 Publio Trust Offioe commission .. .. 565 19 6 Robertson, M. .. . . .. 9 2 9 Balance of receipts over disbursements .. 201,165 17 8 Irvine, A. .. .. .. 316 1 Child of the late J. Spencer .. .. 8 2 2 £263,158 17 0 (Continued.) J. A. MILLAK, Chairman of the Government Eailways H. Davidson, Superannuation Fund Board. Chief Accountant, New Zealand Eailways. Examined and found correct.—Eobeet J. Collins, 14th June, 1911. Controller and Auditor-General.

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given; printing (15,500 copies), £23 lOe.

Authority : John MAfKAY, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9ll.

Price 6d.\

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GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS SUPERANNUATION FUND: REPORT OF BOARD., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, D-05

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GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS SUPERANNUATION FUND: REPORT OF BOARD. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, D-05

GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS SUPERANNUATION FUND: REPORT OF BOARD. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, D-05

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