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Mb. Speaker,— In submitting the annual Statement of the operations of the Public Works Department and the proposals for the current year, I may congratulate the House on the substantial progress made with our public works during last year. TOTAL BXPENDITUEE. The total expenditure, though not quite equal to that of the previous year, was still very satisfactory, being no less than £2,190,954 —namely, under the Public Works Fund and separate accounts £2,109,851, and under the Consolidated Fund £81,103. The following table shows, as regards the Public Works Fund and separate accounts, (a) the total expenditure since the inauguration of the public-works policy to the 31st December, 1890; (b) the similar expenditure between the Ist January, 1891, and the 31st March, 1911; (c) the gross total expenditure to the 31st March, 1911; and (d) the expenditure for the late financial year: —

i—D. 1.

Expenditure. Class of Work. A B C D Total to 1st January, Total to Year ended 31st December, 1891, to 31st 31st March, 31st March, 1890. March, 1911. 1911. 1911. Railways— £ t £ £ New construction ... ... ... 11,975,098 8,534,311 20,509,409 743,145 Additions to open lines ... ... 2,092,002 6,712,618 8,804,620 440,788 Eoads ... ... ... .. 3,575,804 5,349,137 8,924,941 *255,163 Public buildings .. ... ... 1,776,003 2,915,940 4,691,943 325,613 Immigration 2,144,386 83,846 2,228,232 9,441 Purchase of Native lands 1,191,137 877,966 2,069,103 2,976 Lighthouses, harbour-Works, and harbour- 880,095 188,751 1,068,846 8,427 defences Tourist and health resorts 203,273 203,273 5,912 Telegraph-extension ... 600/849 1,277,209 1,878,058 111,868 Development of goldfields ... ... 561,101 ; 285,858 846,959 10,845 Defence-works (general) ... ... 429,720; 480,262 909,982 6,071 Departmental ... ... ... 349,789 327,017 676,806 42,733 Development of water-power ... ... ... 9,369 • 9,369 1,020 Irrigation and water-supply ... ... ... 1,562 1,562 1,562 Payment to Midland Railway bondholders ... 150,000 150,000 Lands-improvement ... ... ... ... 62,152 62,152 11,125 Minor works and services ... ... 300,689 11,918 312,607 Cost and discount, raising loans, &c. ... 1,021,472 220,435 1,241,907 66,367 20,509,409 8,804,620 3,924,941 4,691,943 2,228,232 2,069,103 1,068,846 203,273 1,878,058 846,959 909,982 676,806 9,369 1,562 150,000 62,152 312,607 1,241,907 £ 743,145 440,788 *255,163 325,613 9,441 2,976 8,427 5,912 111,868 10,845 6,071 42,733 1,020 1,562 11,125 66,367 27,691,624 54,589,769 2,043,056 New Hutt Road ... 82,729 82,729 15,485 Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement ... 534,463 534,463 45,691 Account National Endowment Account ... ... 10,594 10,594 5,619 27,691,624 82,729 534,463 54,589,769 82,729 534,463 2,043,056 15,485 45,691 10,594 10,594 5,619 Totals 26,898,145 28,319,410 55,217,555 2,109,851 26,898,145 28,319,410 55,217,555 2,109,851 * Includes £1,000 subsidy granted to Woodville County Com icil.



WAYS AND MEANS. At the 31st March, 1910, the available ways and means for public-works purposes were .... .... .... .... .... £312,366 and further funds were received as under:— Under the Loans Acts of 1909 .... .... 350,002 Under the Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1910 ... .... .... 1,568,350 Under the New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 .... 66,390 Transfer from Consolidated Fund .... .... 800,000 Miscellaneous receipts .... .... .... 6,506 Making a gross total of .... .... £3,103,614 The ordinary expenditure of the year amounted to £1,892,851 ; debentures redeemed, £225; charges and expenses in respect of raising loans, £66,367; other charges, £4,126; thus bringing the total disbursements up to £1,963,569, and leaving a credit balance at the end of the year of £1,140,045. For the current year it is proposed to provide additional funds as under: — Balance of 1910 loan .... .... .... £181,650 Proposed loan of 1911 .... .... .... 1,500,000 Under the Aid to Water-power Works Act, 1910 500,000 Transfer from Consolidated Fund .... .... 500,000 Special provision for irrigation-works (section 20, Appropriation Act, 1910) .... .... 100,000 The above, with the balance brought forward, gives a gross total of £3,921,695. The estimated expenditure for public works for the current year (excluding separate accounts having their own ways and means) amounts to £2,921,000, leaving an estimated balance of £1,000,095 to be carried forward to next year. RAILWAY-CONSTEUCTION. The following sections of railway were opened for traffic during the last financial year or since its close :— M. oh. Opened. Hukerenuito Towai ... ... 4 30 ... 2nd May, 1910. Wellsford to Te Hana ... ... 3 27 ... 16th May, 1910. Huiroa to Te Wera ... ... 6 77 ... 20th June, 1910. Domett to Mina ... ... 3 63 ... Ist August, 1910. Ngahere to Blackball ... ... 3 40 ... Ist August, 1910. Lawrence to Big Hill ... ... 7 37 ... 4th October, 1910. Broken Eiver to Cass ... ... 15 22 ... 12th December, 1910. Kawakawa to Towai ... ... 21 18 ... 13th April, 1911. SeddontoWard ... ... 14 44 ... 15th April, 1911. Waimahaka to Tokanui ... ... 8 27 ... 20th September, 1911. Kioreroa to Onerahi (Grahamtown Wharf, Whangarei) ... ... 2 50 ... 2nd October, 1911. Total ... ... 91 35 In addition to the above, the following sections are approaching completion and will be ready to hand over to the Eailway Department for regular working shortly:— M. oh. Waikohu to Otoko ... ... ... ... ... 7 75 Te Wera to Pohokura ... ... ... ... ... 8 55 Kiwi to Tui ... ... ... ... ... 3 17 Westport to Te Kuha ... ... ... ... ... 5 74 Cronadun to Landing ... ... ... ... ... 8 40 Houipapa to Papatupu ... ... ... ... ... 3 42 Total ... ... ... ... ... 37 63



The total expenditure on rail way-works last year amounted to £1,183,033, made up as under : — £ Construction of new lines ... ... ... ... 743,145 Additions to open lines ... ... ... ... 360,926 Wellington-Hutt Railway Duplication ... ... ... 19,511 Railways Improvements Account ... ... ... 60,351 Total ... ... ... ... ... £1,183,933 I will now give a brief account of what has been done on the several railways which have been in hand during the year, and state what is proposed regarding each for the current year. Kaihu Extension. The formation on this line, carried out some years ago by the Kaihu Valley Eailway Company, has all been resurveyed and the line relocated. The widening and completion of the formation is now well in hand, and a start is about to be made with the erection of the bridges. Tenders for the bridges were invited, but the result was not satisfactory, and it has accordingly been decided to carry out the work under the direct control of the Department's Eesident Engineer. The expenditure during last financial year was small—namely, £2,327 ; but for the current year a vote of £15,000 is asked for. Kawakawa-Hokianga. Very satisfactory progress has been made with the works on this line, and ground has been broken at intervals over nearly the whole of the authorized section, and rail-laying at the Kawakawa end has been begun. Such good headway having been made, it will be desirable to have the second section of the line —namely, from Kaikohe to Horeke—authorized during the present session, and provision for this will be made in the Railways Authorization Bill accordingly. The expenditure on the line during last financial year amounted to £13,119, and for the current year a vote of £60,000 is asked for. X A W AX AWA-G EAH AMTOWN. This railway is now open for traffic for the whole distance between Kawakawa and Whangarei. The section between Hukerenui and Towai was opened in May, 1910, and the remainder of the line between Towai and Kawakawa on 13th April last. The extension from Whangarei to deep water at Grahamtown, including the Grahamtown Wharf, has also just been finished, and was handed over to the Railway Department for regular working on the 2nd instant. Last year's expenditure on this railway amounted to £65,936. For the current year a vote of £15,000 is required to meet the expenditure which has taken place since 31st March last, and to provide for a few finishing works. North Auckland. An exceptionally good year's work has been done on this railway. The section between Wellsford and Te Hana, 3 miles 27 chains, was opened for traffic on the 16th May, 1910, and the further section to Kaiwaka, 8 miles 65 chains, is approaching completion, the rails being iiqw laid into the Kaiwaka Station. The Ross Hill Tunnel was also completed and lined during the year. Work on the Otamatea and Bickerstaffe sections has been vigorously proceeded with, and contracts let for the Otamatea Bridge at Young's Point, and for a shipping wharf at the same place. A commencement has been made with the Bickerstaffe Tunnel, and the Maungaturoto Tunnel will shortly be taken in hand. The permanent survey of the line from Maungaturoto to McCarroll's Gap is proceeding and making satisfactory progress. It is proposed to ask Parliament to authorize a further extension of the line—namely, from McCarroll's Gap to the left bank of the Wairoa River, in the Maungaru Survey District—being an additional length of about twenty-five miles. This extension will connect with the Wairoa River, and thus enable water-borne freight to be brought to the railway from a considerable distance.



As soon as a suitable length of the railway at the Wairoa Eiver end can be surveyed, it is proposed to put construction in hand at that end and work southwards, so as to meet the construction parties already working from Te Hana northwards. The expenditure on the North Auckland Railway during the previous financial year was stated to be a record, but I am glad to say that last year's expenditure was even larger, having amounted to no less than .£73,042. For the current year a vote of £120,000 is proposed, Honourable members will recollect that during last recess a Eoyal Commission was appointed to inquire as to the best route for the extension of this railway north of McCarroll's Gap, and it is very pleasing to me to be able to announce that the Commission, after going very exhaustively into the matter and taking a large amount of evidence, came to a unanimous conclusion— namely, that the railway should be expeditiously constructed to a junction with the section of the Kawakawa-Hokianga Railway, now in course of construction between Kawakawa and Kaikohe, by a route lying to the westward of the Tangihua Range. The Commissioners report that the route selected traverses throughout its entire length a large area of rich pastoral land of uniform quality capable of carrying a large population when removed from its present isolation. I have already stated that provision will be made in the Railways Authorization Bill to sanction the construction of the first portion of the line recommended by the Commission. HtJNTLY-AwABOA. Honourable members will recollect that the construction of the first section of this railway, three miles in length, was authorized last session. A contract for the large combined road and railway bridge over the Waikato River has been let, and the work is now in progress. The survey of the remainder of the threemiles section has been started so that construction-works thereon can shortly be commenced. It is also proposed to ask Parliament during the present session to authorize a further section of the line, about four miles and a half in length. This extension, besides opening up much valuable coal-bearing country, will be in the direction of an easy saddle which exists towards the Waingaro and Raglan country, so that a further extension of the line in that direction will be practicable at a later date. Only a very small sum came to charge against last year's vote, but for the present year an appropriation of ,£20,000 will be required. Raetihi-Main Trunk. The opening of the North Island Main Trunk Railway has led to a considerable development of the sawmilling industry between Ohakune and Raetihi, and urgent representations have been made to the Government as to the necessity of a branch line of railway from either Ohakune or Rangataua to enable the numerous sawmills to gain access to the railway system, and also to connect the agricultural district of Raetihi with the Trunk line. Provision will accordingly be made in this year's Railways Authorization Bill for the construction of a branch railway for a distance of about nine miles. A vote of £15,000 is included in the-estimates to make a commencement with the work. East Coast Main Trunk. In my last year's Statement I mentioned that a commencement had been made with the section of this railway from Maunganui Bluff (Tauranga) to Te Puke. The formation-works on this section are now nearly finished, rail-laying has been begun, and a locomotive and ballast-wagons have been sent to Tauranga for use in ballasting the line. An extension of the line from Te Puke to Paengaroa was authorized last year, and this section is now being surveyed. As the construction-works will be of an easy character, it will not take very long to complete the formation, and it



is consequently desirable to have a further section authorized during the present session, and provision for this will be made in the Railways Authorization Bill. It is also proposed to put in hand a section of the line becween Waihi and Tauranga—namely, from Waihi to Athenree; also a westerly extension of the line already in course of construction, near Tauranga, as far as the right bank of the Wairoa River, a length of about eight miles. Provision for these extensions will be made in the Eailways Authorization Bill. On the Gisborne-Motu division of the railway a very large amount of work has been done. I mentioned last year that ballast-trains were being run as far as the Otoko Viaduct, but that they could not proceed beyond that point pending the completion of that structure. To enable rail-laying to be proceeded with, a cable-way was constructed across the Otoko Gorge, and by this means a locomotive was transported to the farther side of the river, and platelaying carried on for an additional four miles and a half. The viaduct is now nearing completion, and as soon as it is available for traffic ballasting can proceed for a considerable distance ahead. A very large amount of work has been done on the Eakaaroa and Matawai sections, and the formation now extends considerably beyond the Summit at 41 miles—namely, as far as the 43-mile peg. I mentioned last session that the expenditure during the previous financial year had been by far the largest on this line since the works were started, hut during last year the amount was even larger. In the Eailways Authorization Bill, 1910, provision was made for the construction of a section of the line from G-isborne towards Napier, and since its authorization a considerable amount of survey has been done, and during the present year it is proposed to put formation work in hand. It is intended this year to ask the House to authorize a section of the line from Napier towards Gisborne, and in anticipation of this being approved a surveyor has been sent to undertake the location of the first section. The expenditure on the different divisions of the Kast Coast Main Trunk Railway during last financial year was as under:— £ Tauranga-Paengaroa ... ... ... ... ... ... 15,292 Gisborne-Motu ... ... ... ... ... ... 68,668 Napier-Gisborne ... ... ... ... ... ... 131 For the current year the following votes are proposed: — £ Waihi-Tauranga ... ... ... ... ... ... 15,000 Tauranga-Paengaroa ... ... ... ... ... ... 30,000 Gisborne-Motu ... ... ... ... ... ... 85,000 Napier-Gisborne — North end ... ... ... ... ... ... 15,000 South end .. ... .. ... ... ... 20,000 Stbatfobd - Main Trunk. Very good progress has been made with the works on this line. The section between Huiroa and Te Wera was opened for traffic on the'2oth June, 1910, and the further section to Pohokura is finished, but is being rebained by the Public Works Department in consequence of its being required in connection with the construction of the next section. Goods and passengers are, however, being regularly conveyed not*only to Pohokura, but to the foot of the Whangamomona saddle on the next section, so that the settlers are reaping the benefit of railway communication. The Whangamomona Tunnel, which is over 30 chains in length, is proceeding satisfactorily, tbe bottom "headings" having already met, and enlarging to full size and lining is now being pushed on. Clearing and fencing on the Tahora section have been commenced, and the location survey of a further extension is in hand. Survey-work has also been in hand for some time at the eastern end of the line, and construction operations will be undertaken as soon as a section of convenient length has been finally located. The expenditure on this line last year amounted to £76,234, and for the current year I am asking for a vote of £100,000.



Mount Eomont Branch. The survey of the extension to the quarry-site is now finished, and clearing work lias been undertaken, not only on this section but also on the rope-incline road, and some earthworks are now in hand. The expenditure last year was .£BB2. For the current year a vote of £15,000 is provided. South Island Main Tbink. At the north end of this line the section between Seddon and Ward has been completed, and was opened for traffic on 15th April last, and considerable progress has been made with the formation of the Mirza section. Work has also been begun on the section to the Ure River authorized last session. It will be necessary to authorize a further section this year, and provision will accordingly be made in the Railways Authorization Bill for extending the line to the south side of the Kekerangu River, about eight miles and a half beyond the Ure River. At the south cud the section between Domett and Mina was completed and handed over to the Railway Department in August, 1910, and good progress has been made with the Parnassus section. The large combined road and railway bridge over the Waiau-ua River has been completed, and is already in use for road traffic. A commencement has also been made with the formation on the Mendip section, which was authorized last session. At this end of the line, also, it will be desirable to authorize a further extension, and provision will accordingly be made in the Railways Authorization Bill for another section, about ten miles in length, extending as far as the confluence of the Charwell and Conway rivers. Last year's expenditure on the railway amounted to £51,587 — namely, ,£21,111 at the north end and £30,476 at the south end. For the current year it is proposed to ask for a vote of £55,000 —namely, £'20,000 for the north end and £35,000 for the south end. Midland. At the Nelson end of this line the section between Kiwi and Tui has been finished, but as a matter of departmental convenience is still retained by the Public Works Department, though traffic for the settlers is being run over it. The work on the Glenhope section is also approaching completion, and it is expected that this section will be available for traffic about March next, when the whole line to Glenhope will be handed over to the Railway Department for regular working. A commencement will shortly be made on the further section between Glenhope and the confluence of the Hope and Buller rivers, the location survey of which is well in hand. It is proposed to ask for an authorization of another section of this line, about nine miles in length —namely, to the confluence of the Owen and Buller rivers, and provision for this will be made in the Railways Authorization Bill. At the Reefton end the section between Cronadun and the Inangahua Landing is practically finished, and work is in hand between the Landing and the Inangahua Junction. The exact site of the Junction Station has not at present been fixed, but surveys are now in hand to determine the best point for the crossing of the Buller River, as on this the question of the location of the Junction Station largely depends. A great deal of work has been done on the Canterbury-Westland portion of the line. In the Arthur's Pass Tunnel the " heading " has been driven for a total distance of lm. 6Weh., leaving 3m. 37 eh. yet to be pierced, and nearly a mile and a half has been enlarged to the full size and lined. A good deal of work has also been done outside the tunnel, and at the Otira end the embankment has now reached the bed of the Otira River, and some groins and protective works have been constructed. Some bank-formation has also been done at the Bealey end. Between Broken River and the tunnel the works have been in hand under the co-operative principle, and very satisfactory progress has been made. The



section between Broken Eiver and the Cass, 15 m. 22 eh. in length, was opened for traffic in December last, and a further section eleven miles long is approaching completion and is expected to be ready for traffic about the end of the current financial year. This section includes the bridges over the Cass and Waimakariri Rivers, and will carry the line up to the Bealey Valley, and reduce the distance which will have to be travelled by coach between the railheads to about fifteen miles. The expenditure on the different sections of the Midland Railway during the year was as under :— Nelson end ... ... ... ... ... ... . 23,861 Eeetton end ... ... ... ... ... . ... 15,675 Otira-Bealey... ... ... ... ... ... ... 73,179 Broken Eiver-Bealey... ... ... ... . ... 38,913 Total ... ... ... . . ... ... £151,628 For the current year the following appropriations are proposed: — Nelson end ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 35,000 Eeefton end ... ... ... ... .. ... ... 20,000 Otira-Bealey... ... ... ... . ... 90,000 Broken Eiver-Bealey... ... ... ... ... ... 50,000 Total £195,000 W kstport-Inanuaiiua. The first section of this railway between Westport and Te Kuha, 5 m. 74 eh., is finished, except the station-buildings, which are well in hand. On the completion of these buildings the section will be handed over to the Railway Department for regular working. Beyond Te Kuba the work is in progress for rather more than three miles, partly on the co-operative system and partly under small contracts let by public tender. The work is making ver} 7 satisfactory progress, and it will be necessary to ask this year for the authorization of a further section of the railway, and provision will be made for this in the Railways Authorization Bill. The expenditure last year was £18,557, and for the current year a vote of £30,000 is asked for. Ngahere-Blackball . 'I'his railway has been open for traffic for some time, but a good deal of work was done upon it last year, the expenditure having amounted to over £11,000. A few completion-works remained to be executed on :*lst March last, and a small vote of £2,000 to provide for these is included in the estimates. Gbeymouth - Point Elizabeth. The main line of this railway is complete with the exception of the centre rail, but some little work yet remains to be done on the back-shunt at the end of the line, where extensive slips have occurred. The whole railway will, however, be in working-order by the time the new State mine is in a position to put out coal. The expenditure last year amounted to £47,081, and for the current year a vote of £25,000 is asked for, and will be sufficient to complete the line. Ross-Mikonui. The local authorities in the Westland District—including the County Council, the Kumara, Hokitika, and Ross Borough Councils, the Hokitika Harbour Board, and the South Westland Railway League—have for sometime past asked for an extension of the railway from Ross to Waitaha, and the Government, after carefully considering the matter, proposes to undertake the first section of the line —namely, as far as Mikonui, a distance of about four miles. Formal authority for the construction of the line will be asked for in the Railways Authorization Bill, and a vote of £5,000 on account of the cost is



included in the estimates. This line will provide an outlet for a very large quantity of milling-timber as well as opening up a considerable area of agricultural land. Waimate Branch Extension. Petitions have from time to time been presented to Parliament praying for an extension of the Waimate Branch Railway from its present terminus at the Waihao Downs to Waihaorunga, and it is considered that the time has now arrived for the work to be taken in hand. Provision for a suitable extension of the line will accordingly be made in the Railways Authorization Bill, and a vote of .£5,000 has been included in the estimates to make a commencement with the work. Lawrence-Roxburgh. The section between Lawrence and Big Hill, 7m. 37 eh. in length, was handed over to the Railway Department for regular working in October, 1910. Work in the Big Hill Tunnel is now in hand, and the construction of the line to Beaumont is making satisfactory progress. The expenditure last year amounted to £3,894, and for the current year a vote of £'20,000 is provided. Catlin's -Waimahaka. At the Catlin's end of the line the Papatupu section—3 m. 42 eh.—-has been completed, but is retained by the Public Works Department for the present so as to facilitate the transport of ballast from the Houipapa Quarry to the sections of the line under construction. Further substantial progress has been made with the work on the Puketiio and Papatowai sections. The rails are now laid to Puketiro Station, three miles and three-quarters beyond Papatupu. So well are the works proceeding that it will be necessary to authorize a further section of the line during the present session, and provision will accordingly be made in the Railways Authorization Bill for a five-miles extension to near the confluence of the Back Creek with the Tahakopa River. At the Waimahaka end the section from Waimahaka to Tokanui has been completed, and was recently handed over to the Railway Department for regular working. It is proposed to ask the House to sanction the construction of a further section of the line in the direction of Catlin's—namely, from Tokanui to Block XII, Mokoreta Survey District, a length of about five miles and a half. The expenditure on the railway last year amounted to £56,592, and for the current year a vote of £80,000 is asked for—viz., £60,000 for the east end and £20,000 for the west end. Winton-Heddon Bush. For many years past the Government has been pressed to connect the rich agricultural district of Heddon Bush with the railway system, and it is felt that this very reasonable request cannot any longer be denied. The line from Winton to Heddon Bush would be of very moderate length, and as the country is exceedingly favourable for railway-construction it is believed it can be built for less than £4,000 per mile. Provision for it will therefore be made in the Railways Authorization Bill, and a vote of £10,000 as a first instalment of the cost of its construction has been included in the estimates. Orepuki-Waiau Extension. Even before the completion of the line to the Waiau (Tuatapere) an agitation arose for its extension to Waicola and Orawia, but as there was some doub;t as to the best route for the extension the matter was allowed to remain in abeyance for a time. It is now proposed to extend the line to Orawia, and provision for such extension will be made in the Railways Authorization Bill. A vote of £5,000 for the line appears in the estimates.



Total Appropriations for Railway-construction. In addition to the votes already mentioned, an appropriation of £110,000 is required for permanent-way materials for all lines ; also £2,500 for land-claims and liabilities on account of votes of previous years which have not been renewed ; also a vote of £2,500 for surveys of new lines, making the total proposed vote for railway-construction purposes £1,083,000. Other Railway-works. During the year under review the sum of £248,075 was spent in providing additional rolling-stock and workshop machinery for the working railways, and £112,851 in tablet appliances, signals and interlocking, telegraph and telephone extensions, water-services, sidings, wharves, reclamation-work, dwellings, reduction of grades and improving of curves, and additions to station accommodation, making the total expenditure under the heading " Additions to Open Lines " £360,926. Considerable progress has been made with the Dunedin-Mosgiel duplication, and gangs of men are now engaged in the tunnel and formation-work between Burnside and Mosgiel. The expenditure last year on railway duplications and contingent works was £95,347, made up as follows : — £ Wellington-Hutt duplication-works .... .... 19,511 New Hutt Road, including land for same .... 15,485 Auckland-Penrose duplication-works .... .... 75 Addington-Rolleston duplication-works.... .... "1,805 Dunedin-Mosgiel duplication and deviation of line 58,471 £95,347 For the current year provision has been made on the estimates to the extent of £85,324, namely :— & Wellington-Hutt duplication-works .... .... 1,324 New Hutt Road .... .... .... .... 14,000 Dunedin-Mosgiel duplication and deviation of line 70,000 £85,324 The amount proposed to be voted for the current year for " Additions to Open Lines " is £370,000, of which the sum of £225,000 is for new rolling-stock and additions to workshops machinery, and £20,000 for the new steamer for Lake Wakatipu. DEVELOPMENT OF WATER-POWEE. In pursuance of the intention announced in my last year's Statement, to appoint an Electrical Engineer, Mr. Evan Parry has been appointed to the position, and entered on his duties in July last. Much preliminary work has been carried out in connection with the Lake Coleridge scheme. The available market for power in the Canterbury District has been investigated and the requirements ascertained, and plans and specifications are in course of preparation for works to provide for an ultimate demand of 10,000-horse power, and tenders will shortly be invited for a first instalment of the plant. Arrangements are being made for completing the first section of the works in two years. It is estimated that a capital expenditure of about £375,000 will be required to efficiently instal the full 10,000-horse-power plant, and that when installed the district between Rangiora in the north and Timaru in the south can be supplied with electrical energy, with branch lines to the different farming centres. It is hoped to make the system serviceable to country residents as well as to the inhabitants and industries of the cities and larger towns. In this we have very striking precedents in Switzerland, France, Germany, and, latterly in England, where farms and cottages in rural districts are supplied with electricity for lighting and power purposes at cheap rates.

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The estimates of capital outlay and operating-expenses indicate that power can be supplied at about £6 10s. per horse-power per year for wholesale supply for distribution and for factories. Although the Lake Coleridge system is the first in importance owing to the urgent demand for an adequate supply of power in the city and suburbs of Christchurch, other available sources of electrical energy are receiving attention. An investigation of the available market in the Whangarei district, where hydro-electric power is available from the Wairua Falls, has been made, with satisfactory results, and preliminary steps are about to be taken for the development of power from those falls and from Lake Waikaremoana. The Electrical Engineer will visit both sources of power at an early date. It is of fundamental importance for the future development of this work that the fullest possible information should be collected with regard to the rainfalls and variations in flow of our principal rivers over an extended number of years. This information is essential in order that, as the population and the markets develop, accurate and reliable estimates may be formed of the waterpower available to meet the demands. For this purpose gauginga will be undertaken of all rivers and streams which are likely to be put under control. BAIL WAY ELECTRIFICATION. The conditions pertaining to the electrification of the Christchurch-Lyt-telton Railway are being investigated, and the requirements ascertained. It is anticipated that with a supply of power available from Lake Coleridge the conversion from steam to electric working will be profitable, and tenders for the work will be invited in due course with a view to its completion as soon as possible after the supply of current becomes available. After the application of electricity to the working of this line, its application to other sections will be considered. In the meantime all information on the subject is being collated, and the progress of electrification of railways in other countries is being carefully watched. In view of the rapid extension of electric working in France, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, United States, and England, it is intended to make a systematic study of the traffic and train movements throughout the Dominion, with the object of ascertaining definitely the power requirements of the different sections.' In other countries the electric working of railways, which has previously been limited to suburban services, is now being extended to main and branch lines, not only where the traffic is heavy, but also on lines with a comparatively infrequent service. The Department is consequently studying the application of electricity not only to suburban services, where its usefulness is undoubted, but also as an alternative to regrading, which is proving necessary on many of the main lines in order to cope with the increasing traffic. The use of electric traction would dispense with the necessity of regrading in a great many cases, inasmuch as steeper grades can be worked with electric haulage and at higher speeds than with steam-engines. On new lines also it would be possible to reduce the cost of construction considerably, and to expedite the work by the adoption of higher ruling maximum gradients than are possible with steam haulage, but which can be advantageously operated electrically. IRBIGATION AND WATER-SUPPLY. The surveys and explorations in connection with irrigation-works in Otago have been vigorously proceeded with during the year. In the Ida Valley, the irrigable area is divisible into several sections, each section requiring different treatment. It is intended to deal first with the southern section, which contains some of the best land, and the surface characteristics of which are such as to render it suitable for irrigation with a minimum of expense. The water required for this portion can be obtained directly by gravitation, the chief sources of supply being the Manorburn and the Poolburn, in each of which it is proposed to erect two dams at favourable



points in their upper reaches. One of the reservoirs will have a capacity of approximately 1,400 million cubic feet. The others, though not of such large proportions, will still be of very considerable extent, the total area of water impounded being 2,887 acres of varying depths up to 78 ft. As the rainfall in this region has in the past shown remarkable fluctuations, being in the years of greatest precipitation as much as two and a half times that of other years, it is probable that the dams which will be constructed will not till all at once, and possibly not for a year or two ; but when once filled there will be a large surplus from wet seasons available to assist during dry years. With the water available we expect to irrigate about 16,000 acres by gravitation. It will be possible, by pumping up the surplus water which will run off after the irrigation of the higher parts of the valley, to irrigate a second block situated lower down the valley; and, after some years of constant application of large bodies of water have caused the ground-water level throughout the valley to rise, a third area may even be served by pumping from the same source. As the water is being brought from the Manorburn into the Ida Valley district it falls, in one case, 220 ft. in a distance of 13 chains. This would be a good site for a hydro-electric-power station, from which power could be transmitted and used in pumping water from the Manuherikia River to irrigate a further section of the Ida Valley. The Cromwell Flat is a locality for the irrigation of which there has been an agitation for many years. The water of the Roaring Meg has been retained by the Government, and can be used by direct gravitation to serve practically the whole flat; and although, owing to the extreme porosity of the soil, it may be necessary to pipe a great many of the distributaries, the scheme has promising features. The landowners will be invited to enter into the agreements required by the Public Works Act, with a view to this scheme being authorized at an early date. The water-rights of the Last Chance Gold-mining Company have been purchased, which will render water available for the irrigation of such country as is suitable in the locality of Bald Hill Flat. The flat ground between Clyde and Alexandra, also the Moutere Flat and the Galloway Flat, for the irrigation of which there has been a great deal of local agitation, can probably be served from the Manuherikia River, and without expensive impounding-reservoirs. The irrigation of the Maniototo Plain is also being considered. With the water that could be impounded in the Serpentine Reservoir (10,000 million cubic feet) it would be possible to irrigate at least 65,000 acres of land, after making a liberal allowance for probable loss by evaporation, seepage, and waste; and, in the conveyance of this water from the reservoir to the land to be irrigated, power to the extent of about 9,000-horse power can be generated, which could be transmitted electrically to pump residual water to irrigate a further area, or used for industrial purposes. Coming now to the work which has been actually accomplished : The first scheme to be completed was the irrigation of the Steward Settlement, an area of over 21,000 acres lying immediately south of the Waitaki River. The water for this area is taken from the Waitaki, a never-failing source of supply, and led by means of a branching system of distributaries so as to command every section (except one small one) on the settlement. In carrying out the scheme, sixty-three miles of races were constructed, ranging from 18 in. to 12 ft. in width. To reduce the fall and prevent scour, forty-two masonry overfalls were constructed, and the races, where they run'over terraces, varying in height from 5 ft. to 30 ft., have been lined with concrete. Though the bulk of the races were not constructed in time for last year's harvest, a few of the settlers were able to make use of the water towards the end of the season, and the effect upon the crops was excellent. A portion of the Otekaike Settlement on the western side of the Otekaike River, and lying between the foothills and the Waitaki River, was surveyed, and a scheme of irrigation drawn up and put in hand. The whole of the main race, five miles in length, has been finished, and the major part of the distributaries



necessary to serve approximately 1,000 acres is almost completed, so that the water will be available during the ensuing irrigating season. The supply for this scheme is from the Otekaike River, in which the water disappears under the shingle for many months in the year. In order, therefore, to insure a supply during the period required, it was decided to bring the main race from a point some miles above the land to be irrigated where the river is confined in a rockbound gorge. Even there the bottom of the gorge is covered with over 10 ft. of shingle carrying much water. Here a coffer-dam was constructed and the shingle excavated down to solid rock, and a concrete diverting-weir built so that all the water flowing might be available. This was a work of considerable difficulty owing to the very porous nature of the shingle and the large quantity of water flowing therein. The water now runs freely from the intake to the end of the furthest distributary, even when only one Government head of water is turned through the intake sluice-gate. There are some splendid areas of land admirably situated for irrigation at various points along the Waitaki Kiver which are well worth consideration. In connection with irrigation generally, accurate gaugings of the Taieri and Manuherikia Kivers have been taken at high, low, and mean levels of the rivers, and, in the case of the Taieri, at many intermediate stages. The expenditure last year amounted to £7,980, of which the expenses in connection with the Steward Settlement and Otekaike schemes, amounting to £6,418, were charged to the Lands and Education Departments, and £1,562 spent in survey-work in connection with the Ida Valley and other schemes to the special vote for irrigation and water-supply. The vote proposed for the current year under this latter heading in the estimates now submitted is i' 30,000. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. The total expenditure on public buildings last year amounted to £432,750, being a considerable increase on that of the previous year. This was owing to the great expansion of business throughout the Dominion. The amount is made up as under : — £ New buildings (Class XX, Public Works Fund) .... 325,613 Maintenance-works (Class V, Consolidated Fund).... 49,566 Maintenance-works (Schools), (Class XV, Consolidated Fund) .... .... .... .... 57,571 £432,750 For the current year the following appropriations are proposed : — £ New buildings (Public Works Fund) .... .... 449,000 Maintenance-works (Consolidated Fund) .... .... 53,977 Maintenance-works (Schools), (Consolidated Fund) 90,300 £593,277 General. Under this head provision is made for-continuing work on the Cliristchurch and Invercargill departmental buildings ; for new Government Buildings at Hamilton, Gisborne, New Plymouth, and Masterton; for the completion of the Government Buildings at Hokitika ; for new offices for the Stamps and Native Departments in Wellington ; for making a commencement with the new Parliament Buildings ; and for sundry other items. In connection with the new Parliament Buildings, competitive designs were invited from architects practising within the Dominion, and four premiums, ranging from £1,000 to £200, were offered. The invitation met with a spirited response, and by 31st August, the closing date of the competition, thirty-three designs of a high average order of merit were received. In accordance with the conditions governing the competition, the Government secured the services of Colonel W. L. Vernon, formerly Government Architect of New South Wales,



and a distinguished member of his profession, to act as assessor and award the premiums. Colonel Vernon went very carefully into the merits of the various designs, and his report has already been published. Judicial. Courthouses. —The principal works undertaken were new buildings at Taumarunui, Opotiki, Waverley, and Petone ; and additions at Gisborne and Timaru. For the current year votes are asked for new buildings at Kaitaia, Kaikohe, Waipu, Auckland, Otorohanga, Ohakune, Eaetihi, Wanganui, Masterton, Takaka, Greymouth, Cheviot, and Methven; for additions at Hamilton and New Plymouth ; and for converting the police-station at Warkworth into a Courthouse. Gaols. —The principal expenditure last year was in connection with the new wing at Mount Eden, Auckland, the gaol at Invercargill, and the policegaol at Gisborne. The new votes include warders' cottages at Invercargill and Wellington, and provision for a reformatory farm. Police-stations. —The expenditure under this head was chiefly in connection with the erection or purchase of country and suburban stations. Owing to the increase of population in newly settled districts and the need of better buildings in the older settlements, a number of new structures were required, and during the year new stations were completed at Wellsford, Parnell, Frankton, Pongaroa, Otaki. Jolmsonville, Motueka, Blackball, Greymouth (police-gaol), and South Invercargill. Substantial additions were made at other stations, and suitable residential properties were purchased at Reinuera, Waitara, and New Plymouth (Fitzroy). Sites for new stations were also acquired in different localities. On this year's estimates provision is being asked for the erection of a number of very necessary buildings, some of them to replace rented premises, which are frequently inconvenient, and are responsible for a somewhat large annual charge against the Police Department. Among the more important works that are being proceeded with under last year's votes, and which will soon be completed, are additions to the Mount Cook (Wellington) Police-barracks, and a gymnasium and other accommodation at the Police-training Depot at Wellington South. Post and Telegraph. The expenditure on Post and Telegraph buildings is on the increase. The largest outlay last year occurred in connection with the new General Post Office in Wellington and the new Chief Post-office in Auckland, the expenditure on these two buildings during the year having amounted to £66,777. Other important offices that have been in hand are those at Helensville, Avondale, Mount Roskill, Frankton, Wairoa, Bull's, Westport, Waiau, Christchurch (Ferry Road), Addington, Rakaia, Waimate, St. Kilda, and a number of others. A valuable property has also been acquired at Wanganui. Owing to continued expansion of business, provision will have to be made for a considerable expenditure on building account this year in order to afford sufficient accommodation for carrying on the work with satisfaction to the public. As will be seen, there are large appropriations on account of the new buildings at Auckland and Wellington ; also votes for new buildings at Wellesley Street (Auckland), Ponsonby, Te Aroha, Hotorua, Manaia, Blenheim, Westport, Sydenham, Akaroa, Balclutha, and Kaitangata, and for a bulk-store at Wellington. Provision has also been made for new buildings at a number of other places. Votes are provided for the purchase of new sites or sites and buildings at Kawakawa, Hikurangi, Otahuhu, Raglan, Tokaanu, Wellington North, Adelaide Road (Wellington), Little River, and Ravensbourne.



Mental Hospitals. New laundry machinery has been installed at Auckland, and tenders have been invited for extensive additions to the buildings to meet present and future requirements. The Wolfe Bequest Reception-house has been completed and is in occupation. At Tokanui buildings for the new mental hospital necessary to relieve, but not to replace, the existing institutions are about to be erected at the extremity of the property nearest Te Puhi Railway-station. The area of land is 5,000 acres, and the intention is to build separate erections for the accommodation of each class and subclass of patients. There are very fine building-sites for this purpose sufficiently separated to eliminate the sentiment of a large institution. A start has been made in working the land, and when this can be extended by the labour of patients the proper-ty will be improved so much in excess of its cost that, quite apart from the ideal conditions for the treatment and classification of patients, it will be seen that the selection of this area was a very wise step. At Porirua the extensive additions were furnished, and immediately occupied. A second water-reservoir is being constructed, and many minor works have been carried out. The area of land in connection with the hospital is hardly adequate for the number of patients, and an additional area of eighty acres has been leased. The limited extent of land available will preclude any considerable extension of the buildings, but it is contemplated to make a moderate addition on the lines of the Wolfe Bequest Hospital in Auckland. At Sumryside a refrigerating-plant is being put in, and an extension of the single-room accommodation has been provided on the women's side. It is proposed to repeat here also the plan of the Wolfe Bequest Hospital in order that as many patients as possible may in the first instance be received and treated there instead of in the main institution. At Seacliff the dr) weather has demonstrated beyond question the necessity for an improved water-supply, and the necessary works are in progress. Some minor additions to the buildings are being carried out, and the accommodation at the auxiliary institution at Waitati is to be extended. Schools. During the year the sum of i'124,9'26 was expended out of the Public Works Fund on school buildings and £57,571 out of the Consolidated Fund. As usual, the greater part of this amount was paid to Education Boards, High School Boards, and other controlling authorities as grants for the erection of new buildings and additions, and for the purchase of sites and equipment, &c, for primary schools (including teachers' residences), secondary and technical schools, training colleges, and university colleges. The following were the principal works carried out directly under the control of the Government: Completion of the principal's residence and a classification cottage at the special school for boys, Otekaike; installation of a gas-lighting plant at Te Oranga Home (girls' reformatory), Christchurch; completion of a new wing at Burnham Industrial School; additional rooms for the staff and another cottage home at the Boys' Training Farm, Weraroa ; part purchase of land, buildings, stock, and equipment for the Boys' Industrial School, Stoke, Nelson; and four new Native schools, as well as additional accommodation at several existing ones. Wokkeks' Dwellings. On the supplementary estimates last year a vote of £ 15,000 was taken for workers' dwellings, and considerable preliminary work was done in pursuance of this appropriation. On the current year's estimates largely increased provision has been made —namely, for the acquisition of suitable sites, for road-formation to give access to same, and for the erection of suitable buildings. This work is being carried out under the direction of the Department of Labour.



Hospital Buildings. Under the heading of " Hospitals and Charitable Institutions " the principal items of expenditure were in connection with the Reefton Hospital, the St. Helens Hospital at Auckland, and the Auckland Veterans' Home. The current year's estimates provide for a renewal of the vote for a site and buildings for a new St. Helens Hospital, Wellington ; for a new St. Helens and site at Christchurch; for additional hospital accommodation at Rotorua; and some other minor works. Agricultural tbaining Works. Last year saw the completion and equipment of the training quarters at the Ruakura Farm of Instruction, and a number of lads are now in residence there. Further drainage operations have been carried out at Ruakura during the year. The land is very responsive to draining, and the marked improvement effected by this means since the farm was taken over has been a valuable object-lesson. Steps were taken last year to provide a permanent water-supply for Waerenga and Ruakura. At Weraroa stumping was carried out, which will enable more land to be brought under profitable cultivation. For the current year provision is made for the purchase of land for an experimental farm which it has been decided to establish in the South Island. New buildings required on experimental farms are also provided for. This is in continuation of the policy of gradually replacing the original buildings on the farms with buildings more in keeping with the character of the places, and better adapted for economically working them. ROADS AND BRIDGES. Liberal provision was made on last year's estimates for roads, and every effort has been made since the votes were passed to pash on energetically with the works. No time was lost in offering to local bodies the expenditure of such votes as it was anticipated they would be prepared to undertake. The expenditure of 1,503 items, totalling £292,116, was offered to local bodies, the offers in respect of the items provided for on the main estimates being made on the 15th and 16th November, and in respect of the supplementary estimates on the 12th and 13th December. When the offers to local bodies were made, they were invited to submit proposals for expenditure at as early a date as possible, and informed that authority would be issued so soon as such proposals had been approved. Between the 30th November and the 31st March no less a sum than £225,768 was authorized to local bodies and departmental Engineers, and between 31st March and 31st July authority for a further sum of £70,945 was issued. Some few local bodies declined to take up the items offered to them, others selected only those which presented little difficulty or expense in carrying out, and in almost every case where the local body was unwilling to undertake any particular work authority was promptly issued to the Department's local Engineer to carry it out. On the whole, however, the response may be regarded as quite satisfactory, so far as the willingness of local bodies to undertake work is concerned. Despite the fact that votes were made available at the earliest possible date, the expenditure at the 31st March had not reached the amount I anticipated. Of course, it will be understood that at that date there were many thousands of pounds' worth of work in hand under grants, much of which has since been completed. The system governing expenditure by local bodies of Government grants has been simplified as far as is consistent with properly safeguarding the expenditure of public money. Last session I announced the intention of the Government to give consideration to applications for grants where the local people were prepared to help themselves. A large number of substantial votes, on a pound-for-pound basis, were accordingly provided. The expenditure of these items has not so, far reached anything like the amount offered. In many cases this is doubtless



attributable to the fact that when the votes were provided local bodies had not completed their arrangements for loans. An increased number of applications has been received this year for grants on this basis. It is unnecessary to detail all the various works carried out during the year, but they may be summarized as follows : — New dray-roads constructed.... .... .... 362 miles. Dray-roads metalled .... .... .... 195 „ Bridle-roads converted to dray-roads.... .... 127 „ New bridle-roads constructed .... .... 202 „ Engineering surveys made .... .... .... 445 „ Dray-roads maintained .... .... .... 1,940 „ Bridle-roads maintained .... .... .... 1,073 „ Bridges constructed, 20 ft. in length or over .... 149 Stock-bridges .... .... .... .... 72 Roads on Goldfields. The authorizations last year under this head were £86,795, on account of which a vote of £53,420 was taken. The vor,e was made up of a large number of quite small items. It is proposed to continue to assist local bodies by means of grants and subsidies towards the construction of roads and tracks to enable plant and stores to bo conveyed to mines in course of development, and also towards the construction of tracks in new localities so as to better enable prospecting operations to be carried on. Total Approphiations fob Road-wobks. Last year's appropriations were as under : — £ Roads, &c .... .... .... .... 312,545 Backblock roads ... .... .... .... 230,720 Roads on goldfields .... .... .... .... 53,420 Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account.... 100,000 National Endowment Account .... .... .... 15,935 Land for Settlements Account .... .... .... 20,865 New Hutt Road .... .... .... .... 20,000 Maintenance of roads (Consolidated Fund) .... 30,000 T0ta1.... .... .... .... £783,485 The provision for the current year is as under : — £ Roads, &c. .... .... .... .... 253,865 Backblock roads .... .... .... .... 296,135 Roads on goldfields .... .... .... .... 50,000 Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account 100,000 National Endowment Account .... .... .... 19,350 Land for Settlements Account .... .... .... 20,000 New Hutt Road .... .... .... .... 14,000 Maintenance of roads (Consolidated Fund) .... 35,000 T0ta1.... .... .... ....£788,350 DEVELOPMENT OF GOLDFIELDS. The mining industry maintains its position. The production of coal in New Zealand is steadily increasing, and affords an indication of the continual growth of our industrial enterprises. The extension of the Kumara Water-race is nearing completion, and it is anticipated that the water will be available for sluicing before the end of the financial year. The pipes have been successfully laid across the bed of the Teramakau River, and this is, L believe, the first instance of such a work being accomplished in the bed of so swiftly flowing a river as the Teramakau. The amount expended last financial year on the development of our goldfields was £10,845, and a vote of £25,000 is proposed for the current year.



TOURIST AND HEALTH RESORTS. The expenditure on the Eotorua Electrical Works was chiefly for completing the power-house extension, which will enable the production of a higher power, and consequently admit of a greater number of connections. Some buildings works were also carried out at Kotorua, arid a bath-house has been erected at Tokaanu. Improvements have been carried out at various tourist resorts. For the current year a vote of .£ 15,000 is proposed, the principal works provided for being a sanatorium for workers and other buildings at Kotorua, purchase of Native-township land at Te Puia, and the new hostel at Mount Cook. TELEGRAPH-EXTENSION. The expenditure on telegraph and telephone extensions during the year amounted to £111,868. The number of miles of poles and wire erected and in course of construction were 427 and 2,457 respectively. Among the principal land-lines erected or under erection are the following: Auckland-Wellington, Hamilton-Paeroa, Gisborne-Te Karaka, Napier-Gis-borne, Napier-Waipawa, Wellingtou-Feathersfcon, Wanganui-Marton, Amberley -Cheviot, Springfield - Cass, Dunedin Oamaru, Dunedin-Middlemarch, and Invercargill-Winton. During the past year matters in connection with the installation of the wireless-telegraph system have been pushed forward with all expedition. A great deal of initial work has been undertaken in the selection of suitable sites A the acquiring of the necessary land, the formation of roads, clearing of sites, and the preparation of the plans and specifications for the buildings. Contracts have been let for the erection of two high-power stations, one at Awanui, north of Auckland, and the other at Awarua, near the Bluff. Both these stations will have a daylight range of 1,250 miles, and thus uninterrupted communication will be kept up with vessels to and from Australia. Medium|)ower stations, having a daylight range of 300 miles, are to be erected on Mount Etako, North Tinakori Range, near Wellington; at North New Brighton, near Christchurch; at Gisborne; and on the Government steamer " Tutanekai." The vote asked for this year, ,£175,000, includes liabilities amounting to £71,904 principally for telegraph and telephone material under order at the commencement of the financial year. LIGHTHOUSES, HARBOUR-WORKS, AND HARBOUR-DEFENCES. Lighthouses. The works undertaken during the year were —the completion' of the Jackson's Head beacon, the erection of an automatic explosive fog-signal at Patiti Point (Timaiu), and a track leading to the fog-signal at Godley Head. The new works to be provided for are —the erection of lights at Castlepoint, North Cape, and Chickens Islands ; the re-erection of the Tuahine Point Lighthouse, which had to be temporarily dismantled last year owing to serious land-slides; and the connection of another lighthouse with the telegraph system. For the works mentioned above a sum of ,£8,885 will be required, on account of which a vote of £4,500 is provided on the estimates. Harbour-woeks. The principal works carried out last year were—Wharf at Matata (Bay of Plenty); extensions of existing wharves at Mercury Bay, Omokoroa, and Karamea ; harbour-improvements at Matakana, Mokau, Havelock, Takaka, and Karamea; protective works at Westshore (Napier); alterations to the ponds at the Portobello fish-hatchery, and the installation of an oil-engine winch and protective works at Nugget Bay for the benefit of the fishermen at that place. For the current year, in addition to renewing the unexpended items on last year's appropriations, it is proposed to provide for the following: Wharves at Jtuakiwi (Whaingaroa), Marakopa, Needles (Manukau), Mahau (Pelorus Sound), lights at Shelly Beach and Beacon Point (Kaipara), wharf-extension at Little Wanganui, wharf and river improvements at Otaeo (Waiwawa), removal of looks (Kaipara Kiver), and increased grants or subsidies for—Lemon Point

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(Kawhia) Wharf, Wade River clearing, Matakana River improvements, Nugget Bay Landing and oil-engine, Kohukohu reclamation retaining-wall, and Karamea River improvements. The sum of £14,670 will be required for these works, on account of which a vote of £8,500 is proposed for the current year. Hahbour-pefences. A small amount of work was carried out last year, and a moderate expenditure will be necessary during the current year to provide for its completion. A vote of 43,000 for this purpose is provided on the estimates. WAIHOU AND OHINEMURI RIVERS IMPROVEMENT. A large amount of preliminary work has been done in pursuance of the Act passed last session to give effect to the recommendations of the Commission appointed to inquire into the silting of the Waihou and Ohinemnri rivers. The survey of the partially or totally destroyed agricultural lands is Hearing completion, and the plans are being compiled. Location-work in connection with the Ngararahi and Koutou deviations of the Waihou River has been completed, and contracts are being prepared with a view of inviting tenders for the full width of the cuts down to below high-water mark. The further excavating of the cuts to their full depth will be done by means of a suction dredge which is being specially designed for this river-improvement work. The Ngararahi Cut will be about 60 chains long and 170 ft. wide, while the ♦Koutou Cut will be about 10 chains long and 230 ft. wide. Instructions have been issued for the poisoning of the willows which encroach upon the channel of the Waihou River, and the extraction of the dead trees will be undertaken as soon as the poison has completed its work. Surveys have also been made in connection with the proposed removal of the Te Puke Wharf to a point below the Netherton Ferry. A vote of i' 20,000 for this work is included in the estimates. Gross Total Appropriations. In addition to the votes specifically referred to, the estimates include provision for the undermentioned services : — £ Departmental .... .... .... .... 48,000 Immigration .... .... .... .... 20,000 Lands-improvement .... .... .... .... 20,000 Contingent defence .... .... .... .... 20,000 thus bringing the total amount of the proposed appropriations, including special accounts, up to £3,145,674, against i' 3,248,210 voted and £2,039,508 actually expended last year. EMPLOYMENT ON PUBLIC WORKS. In accordance with the policy already outlined in the Financial Statement this year, the Government settlers who take up allotments under the proposed family land settlement system will, wherever possible, if they desire it, be employed part of their time on the public works to be promoted to give access to lands upon which they are settled. IRON INDUSTRY. In regard to the development of our iron-ores and ironsand, legislation will be introduced providing, in the alternative, for this purpose either by private enterprise or by the State. CONCLUSION. 1 have now reviewed the work of the past year, and given an epitome of the proposals regarding the current year. The votes proposed, while not excessive or extravagant, are nevertheless of an exceedingly liberal character, but are justified by the Government's policy of progressive development of the natural resources of the Dominion and of providing for the reasonable requirements of the people, and will admit of a satisfactory rate of progress being maintained with the various enterprises in hand. The works in progress and those proposed to be gone on with are all of a necessary character, and their execution will tend to still further advance the progress of the Dominion.


PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT, 1911. INDEX. TABLES. l> llt ;e No. I.—Total Expenditure:—Summary showing the Total Expenditure ami Liabilities on Public Works and other Services out of the Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1911 .. .. .. •! No. 2.— Yearly Expenditure out op the Public Works Fund up to 1910-1911 .. .. .. 8 No, 3.— Railways:—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Railways, including Valuation of Provincial Lines, to 31st March, 1911 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 No. 4.—Roads: —Statement showing Expenditure on Roads to 31st March, 1911 .. .. .. 5 Nos. 5 and sa.—Development of Goldfields : —Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Development of Goldfields to 31st March, 1911 .. .. .. .. .. .. 31 No. 6.—Telegraphs:—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Telegraphs to 31st March, 1911 H No. 7.—Public Buildings:—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Public Buildings to 81st March, 1911 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 37 No. B.—Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbour-defences: — Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Lighthouses Harbour-works and Harbour-defences to 31st March, 1911 .. 37 APPENDICES. Appendix A.—Expenditure for thk Yeah:—Audited Statement of Expenditure out of the Public Works Fund for the Year 1910-1911 .. .. '.. .. .. .. .. 10 B.—Total Liabilities:—Statement of all Liabilities of the Public Works Department outstanding on 31st March, 1911 .. .. .. .; .. .. .. I-' G.—Railways and Public Buildings Contracts: —Schedule of Contracts current on Ist April, 1910, and further Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1911 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 44 D.— Sleeper Contracts: —Schedule of Sleeper Contracts current on let April, 1910, and further Contracts entered into by the Public Worke Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1911 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 60 I , '..—Annual Report on Public Works, by the Engineer-in-Chief .. .. .. .. 58 P.—Annual Report on Public Buildings, bj the G ivernment Architect .. .. .. 67

I—D. 1.



TABLE No. 1. Summary showing the Total Expenditure on Public Works and other Services out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1911, and the Liabilities on that Date.

., . "3" , Total Net Expend!- dt ,^ d £ e ths Total Expenditure J£2%£%» Total Expenditure Table Works. ture to to ,„.,. •.„ and oontainin* 31st March, 1910. ' 31st ,££?£ , 911 . 31st March, 1911. njRg&f'feu. Liabilities. Total Expenditure Au L £Sl, s Con- Total Expenditure 31st March, 1911. «***-. Works. £ s. d. £ s. d, £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 3 Railways .. .. .. .. 26,457,577 6 7 1,104,070 17 10 27,561,648 4 5 636,640 12 11 28,198,288 17 4 4* Roads .. .. .. .. 8,669,778 3 9 255,163 5 4' 8,924,941 9 1 157,326 0 0 9,082,267 9 1 5 and 5a Development of goldfields .. .. 787,113 7 1 10,845 3 7 797,958 10 8 2,034 4 7 799,992 15 3 6 Telegraphs .. .. .. 1,766,190 14 9 111,867 13 1 1,878,058 7 10 71,904 0 0 1,949,962 7 10 7 Public buildings .. .. .. 4,367,274 18 5 325,612 1110 4,692,887 10 3 221.135 14 t> 4,914,023 4 9 8 Lighthouses, harbour-works, and har- 1,060,419 9 11 8,426 15 1 1,068,846 5 0 347 5 7 1,069,193 10 7 bour defence Departmental .. .. .. 634,073 1 7 -12,732 Iβ S 676,805 18 3 34 0 0 676,839 18 3 Developmental water-power .. 8,347 18 J 1 1,020 11 2 9,368 10 1 212 13 6 9,581 3 7 18 of 1878 Coal-exploration and mine-development 10,835 8 0 .. 10,835 8 0 .. 10,835 8 0 11 of 1877 Aiding works on Thames goldBelds .. 50,000 0 0 .. 50,000 0 0 .. 50,000 0 0 Immigration .. .. .. 2,218,790 16 5 9,440 15 1 2,228,234 11 6 22 0 0 2,228,253 11 0 Purchase of Native lands .. .. 2,068,413 11 1 2,976 0 0 2,071,38!) 11 1 .. 2,071,389 II 1 Defence .. .. .. .. 903,911 0 1 6,070 18 4 909,981 18 5 33 6 l<) 910,015 4 3 Charges and expenses of raising loans .. 1,241,932 3 3 C>. 25 9 6 1,241,906 13 9 .. 1,241,906 13 0 Interest and sinking fund .. .. 218,500 0 0 .. 218,500 0 0 .. 218.500 0 0 Rates on Native lands .. .. 68,671 16 10 .. 68,671 16 10 .. 68,671 16 10 Thermal springs .. .. .. 14,599 13 2 .. 14,599 13 2 .. 14,599 13 2 Tourist and health resorts .. .. 197,360 10 11 5,91] 19 6 203.272 Id 6 442 1 9 203,714 12 2 Lands improvement .. .. 51,026 12 3 11,126 9 I 62,152 1 7 1,973 12 0 64,125 13 7 Payment to Midland Railway bond- 150,000 0 0 .. 150,000 0 0 .. 150,000 0 0 holders Irrigation and water-supply} .. .. 1,562 s 1 1,562 8 1 10 0 1.503 8 1 £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 27,561,648 4 5 636,640 12 11 28,198,288 17 4 8,924,941 9 1 157,326 0 0 9,082,267 9 1 797,958 10 8 2,034 4 7 799,992 15 3 1,878,058 7 10 71,904 0 0 1,949,962 7 10 4,692,887 10 3 221.135 14 t> 4,914,023 4 9 1,068,846 5 0 347 5 7 1,069,193 10 7 Railways. Roads. Development of goldfieldg. Telegraphs. Public buildings. Lighthouses, harbour-works, and harbour defences. Departmental. Development of water-power. J Coal-exploration and mine-development. Aiding works on Thames goldfields. Immigration. Purchase of Native lands. Defence. Charges and expenses of raising Icmn3. Interest and sinking fund. Rates on Native lands. Thermal springs. Tourist and health resorts. Lands improvement. Payment to Midland Railway bondholders. 676,805 18 3 34 0 0 676,839 18 3 9,368 10 1 212 13 6 9,581 3 7 10,835 8 0 .. 10,835 8 0 50,000 0 0 .. 50,000 0 0 2,228,234 11 6 22 0 0 2,228,253 11 6 2,071,38!) 11 1 . . 2,071,389 II 1 909,981 18 5 33 6 l<) 910,015 4 3 1,241,906 13 9 .. : 1,241,906 13 0 218,500 0 0 .. 218.500 0 (I 68,671 16 10 .. 68,671 16 10 14,599 13 2 .. 14,599 13 2 203.272 Id 6 442 1 9 203,714 12 2 62,152 1 7 1,973 12 0 64,125 13 7 150,000 0 0 .. 150,000 0 0 1,562 8 1 10 0 1.503 8 1 ! Totals.. .. .. 50,944,816 13 0 1,896,801 15 5 52,841,618 8 5 1,092,106 10 8 53.933,724 19 1 recoveries on account of services of previous years — £ s. d. Railways .. .. 651 16 2 \ Development of goldfields 1,000 0 0 S8;{ (| 4 883 Buildings .. .. 945 »i o Purchase of Native lands 2.286 4 7 I Totals. Ijess recoveries on account of aervices of previous years — £ s. d. I Railways .. .. 651 16 2 Development of goldfields 1,000 0 0 I Buildings .. .. 945 0 0 Purchase of Native lands 2.2SG 1 7 £4.883 0 9 £4,883 0 9 Grand totals .. .. 50,944,816 13 0 1,896,801 15 5 52,836,735 7 8 1,092,106 10 8 53,928,841 18 4 Geand tot.\: Grand totals .. .. 50,944,816 13 0 1,896,801 15 5 52,836,735 7 8 1.092,106 10 8 53,928,841 18 4 53,928,841 18 4 Grand totals. I , i * Table 4 also contains details of expenditure under Loans to Local Bodies and other Accounts. \ Includes £200 charged to " Unauthorized." under Lands Improvement. thorized." J Previously included Does not include expenditure on Wellington-Manawatu Railway Purchase, Hutt Railway and Road Improvement, and Railways Improvement Accounts.



TABLE No. 2. GENERAL SUMMARY. Showing Net Yearly Expenditure out of Public Works Fund, 1889-90 to 1910-11.

<2—D. 1.

Total Net Expend] iture. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1911. Description of Services. 31et March, 1889. 1893-9«. 1896-97. 1898-99. 1899-1900. 1900-1. 1901-2. 1902-3. 1903-4. 1904-5. 1905-6. 1906-7. 1907-8. . 1308-9. 1909-10. 1910-11. 1889-90. 1890-91. 1891-92. 1893-93. 1894-95. 1895-96. 1897-98. £ 1,823 £ 817 £ £ 343 £ Cr. 10 £ 301 £ 105 £ £ £ £ 142 £ Cr. 7 £ 6,481 £ 8,753 £ 14,353 £ 9.132 £ 15,076 £ 17,003 £ ' 9,441 £ 2,228,232 £ 2,142,461 £ 867 £ 101 £ 242 70 385 214 139 Immigration Public Works Departmental 829,611 12,294 10,264 7,796 7,790 8,406 8,680 14,300 14,892 9,689 10,090 12,572 12,932 17,771 13,949 16,088 12,814 13,517 16,711 18,219 24,512 41,176 •42,733 676,806 Development of Water-power .. .. ■168 2,901 4,664 315 1,021 9,369 Irrigation and Water Supply f 1,562 1,562 Railways .. 13,624,500 289,601 Cr.29 180,021 154,417 Cr. 681 220,894 176,304 247,545 197,105 207,231 Cr. 334 351,600 374,192 417,937 717,723 1,333,940 759,752 828,704 779,891 1,021,265 1,227,880 1,093,535 1,116,184 1,128,400 1,104,071 Cr. 652 27,560,996 Payment to Midland Bailway Bondholders 150,000 150,000 Eoads :— Roads North of Auckland Main Roads Miscellaneous Roads and Bridges Roads to open up Lands.. Grants-in-Aid .. Village Settlements Local Bodies Roads on Goldflelds Miscellaneous .. 229,407 I 1,371,137 J 550,315 785,235 24,714 267 12,799 19,998 28,160 2,172 7,345 13*290 9,905 12,489 24,285 1,586 4,884 315 12,687 11,739 6,843 27,993 10,757 3,829 470 9,795 12,588 10,443 21,989 7,144 4,412 } 22*235 ■ 58,042 8,951 2,898 390 20,387 f 1 22'731 f 9,972 I 27*959 17,075 4*289 11,195 I 241,209 248,934 237,351 267,374 354,687 230,349 316,248 202,850 306,065 308,500 285,248 422,174 297,932 {229,537 147,987 319,245 Cr.91 19,490 17*577 *227 21,513 *207 32,578 49*569 46,550 48^039 48,417 47,573 51*690 45*594 26412 45*139 38*970 38,494 47,374 40*830 25^626 Cr. 1,270 Cr. 26, 519 5,532 Or. 64,954 Cr. 1,613 2SM«> Cr. 1,030 34 [ 765 Cr. 7,6'. I Cr. 573 Cr. 365 16,023 Cr.365 Cr' 365 Cr. 347 Developmentof Thermal Springs and Natural Scenery Roads to give access to North Island Trunk Railway Lands Improvement Account 42,040 "248 30 [289 17*841 89,207 108*168 103^555 Total, Roads 3,469,989 83,009 45,164 36,761 103,893 146,638 150,278 174,369 167,482 290,413 33,117 295,119 285,043 315,791 402,260 282,039 361,842 228,962 351,204 347,470 323,742 469,548 338,762 255,163 8,924,941 Development of Goldflelds .. .. ■559,996 1284 821 2,257 3,811 5,272 5,865 9,545 10,508 17,355 21,815 15,907 15,326 24,213 16,278 6,258 18,533 11,064 8,632 32,859 18,597 Cr. 1,000 10,845 Cr. 1,000 846,958 Purchase of Native Lands 1,150,360 28,194 17,925 52,397 57,187 Cr. 10,438 19,575 4,320 Cr. 2,428 78,985 349 Cr. 12 101,009 Cr. 37 61,503 53,182 Cr. 225 32,025 28,688 18,261 15,782 5,352 6,281 13,777 9,135 2,190 2,099 30,567 2,976 Cr. 2,286 Native Lands Purchase Account 163,411 129,000 61,503 Total, Land Purchases 1,150,360 28,194 17,925 52,397 66,324 80,877 101,346 163,411 128,963 52,957 32,025 28,688 18,261 15,782 5,352 6,281 13,777 9,135 2,190 2,099 30,567 690 2,069,104 Telegraph Extension 674,010 16,346 16,292 27,773 29,245 16,127 19,229 35,538 36,791 29,384 28,551 26,771 50,101 31,729 68,578 47,228 79,298 77,186 114,068 155,491 163,033 123,422 111,867 1,878,058 Public Buildings:— General (including Miscellaneous) Parliamentary Judicial Post and Telegraph Customs Quarantine Stations Mental Hospitals Public Health .. Hospitals and Charitable Institutions School-buildings Agricultural 183,559 13,962 245,264 141,503 4,750 3,525 277,092 I 83,324 819,514 7,256 11,246 1,376 18 2,880 9,892 709 409 8*930 454 8,901 1,009 13 16,914 1,588 2,779 6,843 5 11,887 621 209 5,262 3,154 666 3 18,957 2,551 6,822 11,487 3,542 12 306 13,633 3,724 27,341 6,194 647 10,935 6'561 20,000 1,127 8,178 9 14,806 7,504 16 16,404 14,797 466 12,727 5,888 385 8,764 20,636 11,109 5,168 17,667 3,957 9,883 19,682 13,483 107 17,712 5,594 3,039 29,630 20,954 875 2,607 18,872 12,513 4,424 28,728 40,361 2,066 424 16,743 9,031 1,503 33,224 74,686 6,630 10,964 602 25,978 53,918 8,719 15,812 6,315 4,291 87,089 2,504 9,021 697 13,083 16,008 13,018 15,949 4,265 1,204 42,721 1,362 2,232 71 15,899 38,419 7,903 16,235 7,926 4,786 69,223 2,618 14,216 1,047 35,192 43,918 414 8,049 1,765 10,259 109,459 2,707 16,260 4,119 28,938 43,724 47 7,987 7,497 15,576 100,197 1,690 39,635 6,172 37,211 62,262 2,507 15,296 4,402 11,153 102,340 5,543 41,964 3,157 31,606 68,574 233 19,839 319 7,259 98,103 6,103 44,044 237 22,295 117,815 12,707 15,717 14*130 10'167 3*540 57,790 883 Cr.' 140 7*500 7*999 15,000 160 15*000 837 700 22,143 819 23*864 1,328 43,403 520 899 49,256 447 5,141 38,681 971 1,200 38,606 535 §1*484 124,926 1,160 Total, Publio Buildings 1,722,493 35,473 22,820 34,791 31,101 44,032 54,190 76,529 70,579 73,585 107,267 115,426 121,364 145,600 197,454 216,192 117,328 165,312 227,026 226,035 285,521 277,157 324,668 4,691,943 Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defenoes:— Lighthouses Harbour Works Harbour Defences 118,015 309,32!) 442,376 1,551 589 7,293 "l89 2,477 6,642 2,612 650 2,495 234 3,861 3,314 6,067 866 4,667 2,180 568 2,547 3,727 1,777 10,158 3,333 365 5,328 1,017 1,540 3,960 2,060 3,421 6,678 6,082 1,373 6,126 6,206 1,773 2,885 2,167 1,308 2,515 962 2,684 1,300 2,963 1,541 1,417 2,867 2,578 7,481 4,439 7,297 6,762 4,548 5,372 1,470 4,092 2,865 7*347 4*563 3^976 Total, Lighthouses, <fcc. 869,720 9,433 2,666 7,347 11,205 6,588 3,145 7,409 11,600 5,295 15,662 9,026 6.C17 12,159 13,581 10,864 5,990 4,946 4,504 6,863 19,217 16,682 8,427 1,068,848 Rates on Native Lands 43,889 5,874 8,250 2,038 615 Cr. 8 415 561 340 332 136 347 744 673 571 471 666 631 548 695 I s;!7 ■2-1 68,672 Contingent Defence 35,569 14,874 I 429,719 5,000 10,554 10,360 13,867 42,810 37,650 146,875 37,005 38,723 46,588 18,574 10,766 4,977 6,071 909,982 Tourist and Health Resorts.. 11,260 10,949 15,643 17,508 15,888 42,271 45,048 24,286 14,508 5,912 203,273 Lands Improvement || 1,741 2,349 2,019 2,248 1,052 5,605 9,561 19,542 6,910 11,125 62,152 Charges and Expenses of raising Loans 224 1,021,472 3,084 Cr. 3,084 5,356 943 Cr. 6 5 Cr. 5 2S.322 1,460 5,620 Cr. 516 88,180 87,2i9 10,764 236 Cr. 5,175 Cr.8,487 575 17,715 Cr. 12,000 66,367 Cr. 66,392 1,241,907 Interest and Sinking Funds 218,500 218,500 Coal Exploration and Mine Development 10,835 10,835 Thermal Springs 11,749 2,587 204 14,600 Total Ways and Means Credits .. Grand Total—Net Expenditure 4,383 26,519 65,635 12,059 3,458 7,061! 573 705 370 590 347 516 7 5,175 2,035,145 8,487 26,189,304 481,346 308,633 325,977 480,468 485,002 590,940 683,336 659,836 865,172 915,736 992,876 1,309,020 2,142,786 1,514,444 1,796,841 1,321,510 1,730,687 1,909,687 2,183,245 2,022,876 1,891,918 52,836,735 * Includes " Unauthorized," £200. t Previously ii N.B. The figures in italics, prefixed bv " Cr.," are en The totals from 1892-93 to 1896-97, inclusive, i ncluded under Lands Irnproi ither recoveries on account oi inolude expenditure under N ptment. j f services of] fative Lauds Includes £: previous yea Purchase A< ,000 subsidy rs or receipti joount; anc ' granted to \ i-in-aid applii I from 1894-9 ff odville Coi mty Counci] m of expend inclusive, e 1, applied in reduction of iiture. sxpenditure under Lands loan in term! s of clause 2' of Approprii ttioa Act, 1911 ). §Exp< inditure re meed by £945 jrediced to services of pri jvioas year. || For pre . 'ious expend: iture see Roads Class. ed in redueti 15 to 1896-97, Improvemen it Account.



TABLE No. 3. EXPENDITURE on Railways to 31st March, 1911, and Liabilities on that Date.

ExPENDITUBE OUT OP PUBLIC WORKS FuND DUBING Yβ. .K 1910-11. Valuation of Works constructed by Provinces and . Midland Railway Company a. Lines of Railway. Total Expenditure by General Government to 31st March, 1910. New Works. Works on Open „ . ,. Permanent- Total New P""" - Construction. mJ ,. Works , 1 Expenditure under Special Acts during Year 1910-11.' Total Expenditure by General Government to 31st March, 1911. Liabilities. Total Expenditure and Liabilities, 31st March, 1911. Links op Railway. I Land-claims i and other |Old Liabilities. .'"■■ ■ '■ ' ': ,. :'•" : ' £ s. d. 55,044 17 1 161.852 17 1 267.853 5 5: 393,182 .17 0 1,454,990 2 7 j; 51,110 9 9 I •■■■■' ' £ s. d. j 2,326 15 1 13,118 19 6 9,725 0 0 56,211 5 10 73,041 ,14 5 i 29' 8 7 \ £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.'! £ s. d. 2,326 15 1 ... 13,118 19. 6 ! 9,725 0 0 1,778 0 0 ! 57,989 5 i0 0 0 j 77,528 14 5 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 57,371 12 2 13,118 19 6 172,095 10 2 326,165 16 2 470,712 11 5 1,482,502 0 10 29 8 7 51,110 9 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. 57,371 12 2 13,277 16 6 173,123 11 7 329,175 16 "2 493,444 7 0 1,4,82,502 0 10 17,609 14 7 51,110 9 9 J Kaihu Valley ..' . ; .. •■&><& Kawakawa to Hokianga .. • • Kawakawa (Opua Southwards) .. .-. j •• Whangarei to Kamo Extension .. ■■-.-.-■• ''■■'■■ North Auckland {Kaipara Northward) ,.. , r ; wi ; , Kaipara to Waikato Huntly to Awaroa .. - .. ». • - Cambridge Branch .. .. ■ .. Waikato to Thames — Hamilton to Te Aroha .. . - • • \\ Te Aroha to Thames .. Paeroa to Waihi Thames Valley to Rotorua — Morrinsville to Lichfield Putaruru to Rotorua Marton to Te Awamutu .. Tauranga to Paengaroa .. * - ; • • Gisborne to Motu .. . • • • Gisborne to Ormond Tramway Napier to Gisborne .. . - ■ ■ Wellington to NapierNapier to Woodville and Palmerston North Wellington to Woodville, including Te Aro Extension \ ' . , Wellington to Waitara —■ Wellington to Longburn (including WellingtonManawatu Railway Purchase) Foxton to Waitara .. Mount Egmont Branch Stratford to Ongarue .. Nelson to Roundell .. .. • •: Midland Railway— ;. :_.... Belgrove to Inangahua : ■ ■ Stillwater to Inangahua Brunnerton to Bealey Springfield to Bealey .,■... Westport to Ngakawau ..,,•■ Westport to Inangahua ...:.;. Ngahere to Blackball ...■■■ ■ ■ ■ . ,•:• Greymouth to Point Elizabeth .. .. Greymouth to Brunnerton Greymouth to Ross .. • • ....••' • • Picton to Waipara — \ V Picton Southwards ' ' Waipara Northwards Culverden to Hanmer (motor-cars and repairs to roads) [ Hurunui to Waitaki — Main Line .. .. • • '. Oxford Branch Eyreton Branch Lyttelton Branch .. • • Southbridge Bianch -• •• '■ •'■■• Springfield and Whitecliffs Branches Fairlie Creek Branch Waimate Branch Ashburton Forks Branch .. Upper Ashburton Branch Little River Branch Canterbury Interior Main Line — Oxford to Malvern .. ■. ' .. Whitecliffs to Rakaia .". ■ • Temuka to Rangitata .. Waitaki to Bluff— . .' . : , , Main Line, including Port Chalmers Branch 143,597 9 2 i 200,496 16 3 i 143,438 7 10 161,693 0 10 193,883 10 8 : 2,682,054 9 5 283,255 15 2 I 4,975 1 7 880,396 6 3 1,528,863 9 6 944,882 11 0 1,511,233 9 6 51,648 2 10 249,477 19 5 186,614 10 11 164,394 0 7 126,247 7 2 284,116 8 10 560,917 6 5 188,008 17 3 57,419 14 8 134,170 17 5 144,140 13 6 150,512 11 11 335,267 19 7 15,201 10 8 ; 68,667 11 8 130 14 10 2,000 0 0 882 1 7 76,233 11 6 ■ 23,860 15 9 15,675 2 1 73,179 10 6 38,913 6 2 18,557 9 3 11,015 16 11 47,080 16 11 '■'■ .. 29' 8 7 '.. 15,291 10 8 3,739 0 0 72,406 11 8 130 14 10 1 •I 2,000 0 0 I 882 1 7 9,800 0 0 I- 86,033 11 6 I 2,735 0 0 I 26,595 15 9 10,924 0 0 j 26,599 2 1 ! 73,179 10 6 4,974 0 0 i 43,887 6 2 517 13 1 323 4 11 27,436 13 7 2,516 6 4 1,975 17 6 523 1 2 7,745 3 5 382 5 8 1,633 17 1 25,597 13 0 4,377 12 8 5,586 11 3 6,766 4 7 261 12 2 1 0 0 Or. 63*10 3 58*12 8 Or. 1,817 12 2 5 0 0 ... 676 4 8 cl9,511 3 7 146,113 15 6 202,472 13 9 143,438 7 10 161,693 0 10 194,406 11 5 2,689,736 2 7 15,291 10 8 356,103 5 2 4,975 1 7 130 14 10 882,030 3 4 1,573,972 6 1 949,2«0 3 8 1,517,002 8 7 52,530 4 5 335,511 10 11 193,370 15 6 190,994 16 4 152,846 9 3 357,557 11 6 604,804 12 7 188,008 17 3 76,758 3 11 145,961 14 4 196,528 10 5 150,512 11 11 335,951 16 9 I ■'• 78,306 19 9 I 543,573 17 9 61,579 5 7 158 17 0 1,028 1 5 3,010 0 0 22,731 15 7 17,580 6 0 1,307 14 5 10,014 8 7 10 0 2,132 18 3 394 17 2 J 571 10 0 t 438,372 14 8 8,204 13 8 146,113 15 6 202,472 13 9 143,438 7 10 161,693 0 10 194,406 11 5 2,689,736 2 7 16,599 5 1 366,117 13 9 4,975 1 7 130 14 10 882,030 3 4 1,573,972 6 1 949,260 3 8 1,517,002 8 7 52,531 4 5 337,644 9 2 193,370 15 6 269,696 13 3 j 1,492,962 3 2 674,588 11 10 188,008 17 3 109,765 5 0 146,285 17 6 196,815 19 6 150,512 11 11 335,951 16 9 Kaihu Valley. Kawakawa to Hokianga. Kawakawa (Opua Southwards). Whangarei to Kamo Extension. North Auckland (Kaipara t NorthKaipara to Waikato. [ward). Huntly to Awaroa. Cambridge Branch. Waikato to Thames— Hamilton to Te Aroha. Te Aroha to Thames. Paeroa to Waihi. Thames Valley to Rotorua—. Morrinsville to Lichfield. Putaruru to Rotorua. Marton to Te Awamutu. Tauranga to Paengaroa. Gisborne to Motu. Gisborne to Ormond Tramway. Napier to Gisborne. Wellington to Napier— Napier to Woodville and Palmersten North. Wellington to Woodville, including Te Aro Extension. Wellington to Waitara— Wellington to Longburn (including Wton-Man'tu R'way Purchase). Foxton to Waitara. Mount Egmont Branch. Stratford to Ongarue. Nelson to Roundell. Midland Railway— Belgrove to Inangahua. f Stillwater to Inangahua. I Brunnerton to Bealey. Springfield to Bealey. Westport to Ngakawan. Westport to Inangahua. Ngahere to Blackball. Greymouth to Point Elizabeth. Greymouth. to Brunnerton. Greymouth to Ross. Picton to Waipara— Pictcn Southwards. Waipara Northwards. Culverden to Hanmer (motor-cam anjl repairs to roads). Hurunui to Waitaki— Main Line. Oxford Branch. Eyreton Branch. Lyttelton Bianch. Southbridge Branch. Springfield & Whitecliffs Branches.. Fairlie Creek Branch. Waimate Branch. Ashburton Forks Branch. Upper Ashbutton Branch. Little River Branch. Canterbury Interior Main Line— Oxford to Malvern. Whitecliffs to Rakaia. Temuka to Rangitata. Waitaki to BluffMain Line, including Port Chalmers- • Branch. Duntroon Branch. Ngapara Bianch. Fernhill Railway Purchase. Brighton Road Branch. Outram Branch. Lawrence Branch. Livingstone Branch. I 781 0 0 19,338 9 3 775 0 0 11,790 16 11 5,307 0 0 52,387 16 11 i ■ 33,007 1 1 324 3 2 287 9 0 272 15 7 411 1 7 468,851 17 5 267,366 8 9 3,834 0 0 21,110 16 11 ] 30,476, 2 1 I 4,298 0 0 ! 25,408 16 II 774 0 0 j 31,250 2 1 10,638 6 10 61 10 0 504,899 1 2 298,678 0 10 3,834 0 0 1,706 1 4 2,568 12 11 506,605 2 6 301,246 13 9 3,834 0 0 1,697,573 15 6 51,467 7 11 44,276 12 10 79,453 11 11 89,023 18 9 94,969 11 11 67,039 8 11 50,158 2 10 74,610 111 61,638 18 6 107,733 18 7 , ,1 1 35,108 13 9 61,801 1 1 1,734,483 10 4 . 51,467 7 11 44,276 12 10 80,618 13 11 89,423 18 9 94,969 11 11 67,039 8 11 50,158 2.10 74,6.10 1 11 61,638 18 6 107,733 18 7 I 316,135 0 0 2,050,618 10 4 51,467 7 11 44,276 12 10 421,118 13 11 89,423 18 9 94,969 11 11 142,163 8 11 50,158 2 10 74,610 1 11 61,638 18 6 107.733 18 7 '•■;■' 1,165 2 0 400 0 0 340,500 0 0 .. ' ... J • ■ 75,124 0 0 53.649 0 4 542 6 2 5,152 2 8 .. I, i 53,649 0 4 542 6 2 5,152 2 8 53,649 0 4 542 6 2 5,152 2 8 3,014,732 12 1 ■■ '■ 1 ; .. : • ■ 11,802 7 0 47 19 9 658,475 2 1 3,085,058 0 11 82,258 17 3 3,167,316 18 2 '. . ■ Duntroon Branch .. ' .. • • Ngapara Branch .. : ' Fernhill Railway Purchase Brighton Road Branch Outram Branch . Lawrence Branch .. Livingstone Branch .. .. i Waihemo Branoh . . ,-»— — '• ■— - 96,772 15 3 26,090 7 8 1,415 8 10 6,473 14 9 11,951 7 6 231,251 16 6 82,784 18 10 3,893 18 6 96,772 15 3 26,090 7 8 1,415 8 10 6,473 14 9 11,951 7 6 ! 235,145 15 0 I 82,784 18 10 33,190 18 8 37,500 0 0 58,009 0 0 12,829 0 0 29,691 0 0 134,272 15 3 84,099 7 8 1,415 8 10 19,302 14 9 41,642 7 6 235,158 10 0 82,784 18 10 33.190 18 8 .. 3,893 18 6 *7 15 0 vvainomo iiranon . . —■ *-r~ —. —— Catlin's River Branch Heriotfcurn Branch .. .. • ■ „■■'*. 11 : ; Waikaka Branch .. .. j .. ' j.. Waimea Plains Branch .. ' • • ■ • ■■■■■, Toitois Branch ... • • • ■' . : • - : Riversdale to Switzers Kelso to Gore Seaward Bush to Catlin's Otago Central Invercargill to Kingston — Main Line .. .. • Mararoa Branch Makarewa to Orepuki and Waiau .. j Thornbury to Wairio .. .. ■ • I Forest Hill Expenses of Railway Commissions and other Expenditure not chargeable to Individual Lines Surveys of New Lines — North Island Middle Island Permanent-way for Railway Department Rolling-stock Stock of Permanent-way materials, 31st March, 1910 .. .. £61,865 3 3 272,190 3 9 122,867 7 10 67,235 0 1 111,365 5 2 g2,480 4,3 78,243 12 4 602 2 5 151,629 9 5 1,280,433 9 9 45,290' 2 1 2,726 0 0 48,016 2 4 ""320,206 6 1 128,032 2 5 66,913 3 0 111,365 5 2 52,480 4 3 81,479 10 3 602 2 5 174,099 6 9 1,280,393 4 3 81 6 11 11 320,287 13 0 123,032 2 5 6P,913 3 0 111,365 5 2 52,480 4 3 81,479 10 3 602 2 5 175,734 4 9 1,280,393 4 3 Catlin's River Branch. Heriotburn Branch. Waikaka Branch. Waimea PJains Branch. Toitois Branch. Riversdale to Switzers. Kelso to Gore. Seaward Bush to Catlin's. Otago Central. Inveicargill to Kingston— Main.Line. Mararoa Branch. 1 Makarewa to Orepuki and Waiau. i Thornbury to Wairio. Forest Hill. Expenses of Railway Commissions, &c. f not chargeable to Individual Lines. Surveys of New Lines— North Island. Middle Island. Permanent-way for Railway Dept. Rolling-stock. 164' 14 7 Or. 321 17 1 3,075 : 17 H *> f\nK it 11 3,075 17 11 3,075 17 11 150 0 0 ll,30i 17 4 I 11,168 0 0 22,469 17' 4 22,4,69'17' 4 1,634 18 0 Cr. 4o' 5 6 307,432 4 2 27,216 18 7 2,259 2 9 309,691 6 11 27,216 18 7 328,285 18 8 91,937 5 2 401,628 12 1 27,216 18 7 326,108 17 0 2,052 18 3 J 2,052 18 3 2,052 18 3 126 10 8 Cr. 2 7 3 60,297 0 0 388,582 18 8 22,983 14 5 10,336 19 11 22,983 14 5 10,336 19 11 22,983 14 5 10,336 19 11 32.416 4 0 7,959 4 11 25,000 0 0 4,7S4,635 0 11 7 15 4 512 17 3 7 15 4 7 15 4 512 17 3 32,423 19 4 8,472 2 2 25,000 0 0 4,967,980 0 1 32,423 19 4 8,472 2 2 25,000 0 0 5,036,792 0 1 512 17 3 61,865 3 3 213,344 19 2 68,812 0 0 Stock of Permanent-way increased by £16,073 4 0 28,130,747 13 4 16,073 4 0 77,938 7 3 22,702 8 9 100,640 16 0 Stock of Permanent-way materials. Stock of Permanent-way materials, 31st March, 1911 .. .. £77,938 7 3 Total .. 64,266 0 0 727,929 17 2 .. Total. d28,146,820 17 4 663,663 17 2 360,926 8 9 Cr. 1,610 8 3 79,862 11 5 (229,314,029 6 5 1,787,741 5 6 636,640 12 11 dS 1,738,411 4 10 a Also includes value ior £150,000 paid to d( Improvement Act Account. d Includes air ibenture -holders un< lount expanded on j ler the Midland Railway Petitions Settlement A< lurchase of district railways, £477,487 7s. lid. :t Amendment Lot, 1903. 6 Expenditure under Railway Imp] >vements Authori: nation Act Accouni c Expenditure under Hutt Road and Railway



TABLE No. 4. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, Bridges, &c., out of the Public Works Fund, Consolidated Fund, and the New Zealand State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1910, for the Year ended 31st March, 1911.

3-D. 1.

Vote Item No. No. I ote 1 No. i Item I No. I Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. . 1 2 3 4 6 j 8 9 10 U 12 14 PUBLIC WORKS FUND. Roads, etc. North Auckland Road District Ahipara to Herekino Awanui to Dunn's Awanui to Fairburn (£1 for £1) Awanui to Mangatete, via Oturu Block Awanui to West Coast Chamberlain l:< Double-crossing Bridge to Awanui Double-crossing Bridge to Kaitaia Dairy Factory Fairburn Creamery to Flat Bush Faulkner Road (Ruapekapeka) Herekino Settlement Roads Mangonui . . Bay of Islands £ e. d. 77 8 0 475 0 0 150 0 0 11 6 0 8B 7 (5 128 12 0 Hi:t 10 0 180 12 0 15 20 23 24 J 25 ! Hodges Bridge Kaeo to Matauri Kaeo to Waiari Kaeo to Whangaroa (£1 for £1). (on aoooiin) of £800) Kaihu to Mangonui Bluff „ Bay of Islands Mangenui and Hllki: Mangonui Whan: 110 0 0 66 10 0 99 7 0 471 8 9 75 0 0 100 0 o loo o 0 27 28 29 30 31 32 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Kaikohe to Kawakawa, via Ngapipito Kiikolii to Rawene Kaimamaku to Helena Bay Kainiainakn to Mania Boundary Kaitaia to Ahipara Kaitaia to Awanui Etohukohu to Mangamuka Ferry .. Kohukohu Township roads (£1 for £2) Kllllli Lambly's Bridge Larmer's Road (Kaitaia) Maniari Village to Pukemiro Mangakahia Bridge to Houto Hokianga and Bay of Islands Hobson and Kaipara Hay of [elands . . Bay of Islands Hokianga and Hay of] i Whangarei Mangonui Hokianga Mangonui .. ,. Hokianga .. ,, Whangarei and Bay of [elands Hobsim and Kaipara Hokianga .. Bay of Islands Mangonui .. ., n • • »» Hokianga .. „ Bay of Islands . . ,, 77 (I (i 2 7 (I 300 0 (i 100 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 260 0 0 ■>r,2 16 1 80 0 0 60 0 0 129 19 10 50 0 0 28 3 0 160 0 0 49 11 1 285 2 0 76 16 0 25 0 0 60 0 0 49 19 0 60 13 8 100 0 0 70 3 (i 200 0 0 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 Mangataraire Mangatoetoe Mangonui to Cable-station Mangonui County flood-damagi , Maungataniwha Block roads MoCullough and Hood Road Moseoviti Road Ngapipito Stream Biidge Ngaruawahine Ohaeawai to Okaihau (Aim Aim Hill), (£1 for£l) Ohaeawai to Waitangi .. Okaihau to Horeke 59 61 62 64 66 (ili 67 08 71 I 72 ! 73 74 i 75 78 7!) 82 84 86 88 89 J 90 92 93 94 97 Okaihau to ketikeri Okaihau to Waihou Omapere Survey Distriot, Blocks IX and X Opanaki to Hokianga Opouteke River Bridge Opua Township Road .. Opuawhanga to Helena Bay ()|iua\vhanga to Whananaki Oram Factory to Fairburn Creamery Omni to Kohumaru Otiria Railway-station Road Otonga to Opuawhanga Owae Road (Upper) Peria to Victoria Valley Post-offioe 1'iirua Road and Deviation Rangiahua to Umawhero Rawene Hospital Road .. Ryder's Creek Bridge Takahue Village to Victoria Valley Road . . Taumarere to Opua Totara Foreshore (£1 for £1) Towai Railway-station Road Towai to Ramarama Towai to Ruapokapeka Utakura to Okaka Hokianga and Hay „ of Islands Bay of Islands Hokianga .. „ Hokianga and Hobson Hokianga Bay of Islands Whangarei Mangonui .. „ Bay of Islands Whangarei Bay of Islands .Mangonui \\ hangarei . . :,. Hokianga .. „ Mangonui ,, . . .. Bay of Islands Whangaroa Bay of Islands Hokianga 100 0 0 498 10 8 60 0 0 100 0 0 74 3 0 2(>3 17 4 1,115 5 5 100 (I (I ]tK> 0 0 60 o ii 150 0 0 66 12 4 50 0 <» 100 0 0 50 0 0 212 0 8 50 0 0 48 11 0 75 0 0 68 1 9 94 12 4 150 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 94 15 0 92 16 0 50 0 0



TABLE No. 4 -continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Electorate. Expenditure. Exp Net :>iMjditure. 112 98 99 100 105 107 109 110 111 113 116 117 123 124 129 130 132 133 135 137 138 Roads, etc. — continued. North Auckland Road District— continued. Victoria Valley Post-office to Fairburn Road llangonui .. Bay of Islands (west end) .. F3j Waiarohia Point .. .. .. Hokianga'! .. „ Waihou to Puketi .. .. .. Bay of Islands .. „ Waimamaku to Pakanae .. .. Hokianga .. I ,, Waimatanui to Tarawhati .. .. „ = . . „ Waiotu to Hukerenui (Galbraith's) . . Bay of Islands . . ,, and Whangarei Waiotu Railway-station to Jordan .. Whangarei . . „ Waiotu River to Ruapekapeka .. .. Bay of Islands .. ] „ Whakanokeneke Bridge .. .. .. ,, Whananaki Coast Road .. .. Whangarei Whangaroa Coast Road .. .. Whangaroa .. „ Mangapai to Mangonui Bridge (Upper) .. Whangarei .. Marsden Mangapai to Waikiekie (£1 for £1) .. „ Maungatapere School Hill (£1 for £1) .. ,, Maungatapere to Tangiteroria .. .. ., .. ,, McLaughlin's to Caves .. .. .. ,. .. ,, Otaika to Maungakaramea (£1 for £1) .. „ Paparoa to Waikiekie .. .. .. „ . . „ Parua to Taheke .. .. .. „ .. „ Poroti to Mangakahia Bridge .. .. „ .. Marsden and Bay nf Tsla.nrls £ b. d. Bay of Islands 50 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 396 17 0 14 3 t> 50 0 0 100 0 (I 50 0 0 154 7 9 50 0 0 50 0 0 Marsden .. 91 5 0 150 0 0 r>o o o 189 2 0 93 8 0 100 0 0 199 2 f> 300 0 0 Marsden and Bay 300 0 0 of Islands Marsden .. 100 II 0 50 0 0 425 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 420 14 11 £ s. d. 50 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 396 17 0 14 3 6 50 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 154 7 9 50 0 0 50 0 0 ni 5 0 150 <l 0 r>0 o o 189 2 0 93 8 0 100 0 0 199 2 fi 300 0 0 300 0 0 141 142 154 155 156 157 oi islands Ruakaka Valley .. .. . . „ .. Marsden Ruatangata Lower Road .. . . ,, . . ,, Waipu to Ruakaka .. .. . . ,, . . „ Whangarei to Kiripaka .. .. . „ .... Whangaroi to Whangarei Heads .. .. ,, Survey., acquisition, and legalization of road a, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &o. Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. 100 0 ii 50 0 0 425 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 420 14 11 919 14 2 82 1 10 158 160 919 14 2 82 1 10 Total —North Auckland £13 £13,600 14 7 3,600 14 7 163 164 167 169 170 171 172 173 174 178 182 183 184 186 188 189 191 Auckland Road District— Civil Road .. .. .. .. j Rodney .. Marsden Dibble's Bridge to Whangaripo Creamery . . ,, .. ,, Kaiwaka to Mangawai .. .. .. Otamatea .. „ Mangawai to Te Hana Railway-station .. Rodney .. „ Mangawai to Waipu (coast road) .. . . Otamatea .. ,, Mareretu to Bull's .. .. .. ,, Mareretu Central (£1 for £1) . . . . „ Matakana to Whangaripo . . .. ; Kodney .. ,, Maungaturoto to Brynderwin .. . . Otamatea .. ,, Pakiri to Whangaripo .. .. . . Rodney . . „ Waipu Gorge Bridge (£1 for £1) .. .. Whangarei and I Otamatea Waipu to Mareretu (Otamatea County sec- Otamatea .. • „ .. tion), (£2 for £1) Waipu to Waikiekie (Otamatea County sec- ,, .. „' tion), (£1 for£l) Wayby Road to Railway-station .. . . Kodney .. „ Ahuroa Railway-station to Komokoriki . . „ .. Kaipara Angel's to Creamery .. .. .. Otamal ea .. „ Arapohue Settlement Road, via Education Hobson Reserve (£1 for £1) Ararua .. .. .. . . Otamatea Aratapu to West Coast (through Domain) . . | Hobson Awaroa Creek Bridge .. .. . . Otamatea Awaroa River Canal to Matakohe-Tokatoka ,, Road Batley Road .. .. .. . . ,, .. ,, Birtle's Bridge to Paparoa—Maungaturoto ,, Road Burch's to Tokatoka-Mangapai Road . . ,, Burch's to Tokatoka-Matakohc Road .. j „ . . ,, Dargaville to Flaxmill Bridge .. .. ! Hobson' .. „ Ferry Yard improvement (£] for £1) .. ,, Helensville end of Auckland Road .. Waitemata .. „ Helensville to Port Albert (Rodney County Rodney .. ,, section) Hellensville to Port Albert (Waitemata j Waitemata County section) Homestead Road .. .. .. Otamatea .. „ .. j Hoyle Road (£1 for £1) .. .. ... Hobson Jackson Road .. .. .. .. Otamatec .. ECaipara and Marsden Cr. Cr. Cr. Cr. 30 0 0 59 13 10 129 9 3 50 0 0 118 6 5 2 4 0 49 18 9 50 0 0 100 0 0 9 13 0 121 19 0 74 18 9 24 18 9 50 0 0 32 19 11 r>o o o 362 Hi 3 20 8 2 150 0 0 2 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 11 12 <i 100 0 0 50 0 II r>0 o o 100 0 0 20 0 2 95 2 li 100 0 0 121 9 l> 0 Hi 0 192 194 197 199 20(1 203 205 206 207 208 212 215 216 218 220 223



TABLE No. 4- continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Vote Ho. Item No. 226 228 230 234 235 236 240 • 244 246 252 253 200 2( ; 1 262 263 [ 264 j 265 266 268 270 271 J 272 273 274 275 277 279 280 282 284 286 287 289 291 292 294 295 298 301 302 305 306 312 319 324 328 331 i 333 336 345 346 348 351 353 354 355 356 359 360 361 362 365 366 367 370 371 374 377 378 379 j Name of Work. County. Electorate. I Roads, etc. — continued. Auckland Road District — continued. Kaihu to Waima .. .. .. Hobscn .. Knipara Kaipara Flats to Tauhoa Railway-station Rodney . . ,, (through Section 7) Kirikopini to Mangakahia .. .. Hobson .. .. ,. Long Bridge (£1 for £ 1) .. .. .. Waitemata . . „ Lusk Road (£1 for £1) . . .. .. Hobson Makaiau to Komokoriki. . .. .. Waitemata and Rodney Makarau River Bridge (near Railway-station) Waitemata Maropiu to Kairara .. .. . . Hobson Matakohe to Tokatoka (Tokatoka end) .. Otamatea .. „ Mititai to Tokatoka .. .. .. Hobson and Otan n „ tea Mount Wesley to Kaihu .. .. Hobson .. .. „ Omano to Mangarata .. .. .. ,, . . ,, Omano to Maraekura .. . . .. „ Onehunga Stream to Kaipara Plats Railway- Rodney station Otamatea Road .. .. .. Otamatea .. ,, Pahi to Paparoa .. .. .. .. .. „ Paparoa to Matakohe .. .. .. .. .. ,, Paparoa to Maungaturoto .. . . .. . . ,, Paparoa to Waircrc .. .. .. .. .. „ Paradise Road .. .. . . Hobson .. .. „ Paton's Hill (£1 for £1) .. .. .. „ Port Albert to Wellsford Station (800. £1 for Rodney £1) Poyner's to Oniaru . . .. .. Otamatea Raupo to Creamery .. .. .. „ . . ., Rewiti to Waimauku .. .. .. Waitemata Ruawai to Awaroa Canal .. .. Otamatea Sill's Road .. .. .. .. I Hobson Smith's Canal Road .. .. .. Otamatea Stoney Creek Bridge .. .. .. Rodney Tangiteroria Bridge to Post-ollici'. . .. Hobson .. ,. Tangowahine to Mangakahia .. .. | „ Tauhoa Block to Ahuroa Railway-station .. Rodney . . „ Te Kowhai (£1 for £1) .. .. .. Otamatea Te Pahi to Hoteo Railway-station .. Rodney Tokatoka to Mangonui Bridge (Upper) .. Hobson and Otamatea Tokatoka Post-office Road to Creamery .. Otamatea .. „ Tokatoka Swamp (main access road) .. „ .. „ Waimauku t(i waikoukou .. .. Waitemata .. „ Whakapirau to Birtles . . .. .. Otamatea .. „ VVharehine to Wellsford Railway-station .. ' Rodney .. „ Albany to Cut Hill (£100, £1 for £1) .. Waitemata .. Waitemata .. Albany to Dairy Flat .. .. .. „ Greenhithe Wharf Road.. .. .. „ Puhoi Road District flood-damage (£1 for £1) Rodnev .. „ Strakas Hill (£1 for £1) .. Wade to Dairy Flat . . .. .. Waitemata Wainui to Kaukapakapa Railway-station .. „ .. Waitemata and Kaipara Waitemata River Bridge (River-head) .. ,, .. Waitemata Waiwera to Wainui . . .. .. ,, .. „ New Lynn to Huia .. .. .. .. .. Eden Swanson to West Coast . . . . . . „ . . „ Titirangi School Road .. .. .. ,, „ Waitakerei to Swanson .. .. .. „ „ Ardmore to Manurewa Railway-station (£1 Manukau .. Manukau for £1) Ardmore Range Road (£2 for £1) ..''.. .. „ Brookby to Papakura Railway-station, via ,. .. „ Alfreston (£1 for£l) Dow Road .. .. .. .. „ .. „ Great South Road to Whitford (£1 for £1) .. „ .. „ Howick Main Road (£1 for £1 .. . . „ .. „ Hunua to Railway-station .. . . „ .. „ Hunua Road District Hood-damage (C2 for £1) .. .. „ Maraetai to Clevedon .. . . .. ,, .. ,, Maongamaungaroa to Maraetai (£50, £1 for£l) „ .. „ Paparoa to East Tamaki Road (£1 for £1) .. Slippery Creek Bridge (£1 for £1) .. : „ .. „ Tamaki Bridge (Panmurc), (£] for it) .. „ .. „ Akaaka (ir.'ivl Reserve Road .. .. „ .. Franklin Ararimu .. .. . . .. „ .. „ Awaroa Landing Road (£400, £1 for £1). (on Raglan .. .. „ account of £1,000) Awaroa River Clearing ( lforfl) .. „ .. .. „ Name of Work. Net Expenditure. 1L> 100 0 0 150 0 0 25(i 8 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 21 0 ti 9 9 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 500 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 57 1 0 307 16 6 215 7 8 198 2 3 3 7 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 232 14 0 100 0 0 192 8 9 50 0 0 19 17 0 100 0 0 118 3 10 150 0 0 100 0 0 62 0 0 52 16 0 100 0 0 75 0 0 50 0 0 250 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 97 4 0 200 0 0 130 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 56 5 0 50 0 0 21 5 0 0 4 2 50 0 0 50 0 0 153 17 1 80 18 3 1 4 7 49 4 0 87 4 3 8 4 4 Or. 194 15 11 50 0 0 47 10 0 100 0 0 83 3 6


TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Ro ads, &c. — continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 12 382 386 390 393 395 397 398 402 404 406 412 418 420 421 423 424 426 428 439 441 443 444 445 446 452 453 455 459 460 462 463 464 465 4ti6 407 474 475 476 478 479 480 482 483 485 486 4<>1 492 502 503 Roads, etc. — continued. Auckland Road District— continued. Box Road .. . . .. .. Raglan I ii iiry to Tuakau (£1 for £1)' .. .. Manukau Glen Murray to Rangiiiri (£1 for £1) .. Raglan .. Gr.Ji eh to Palmer's .. .. .Manukau Henderson's to Kohunga (£1 for £1) .. Raglan .. Huntly to Kahmuhuru . . .. .. ,, Huntly to Pukemiro .. .. .. ,, .. Kawakawa Bay to Hauarah i Stream .. Manukau Koheroa Kopuku Stream Bridgi .. .. Waikato Maungatawhiri Stream to Maungatangi Stream Manukau (£37, £1 forfl) McKinnon Road .. .. .. Raglan .. Valley (£1 for £1) . . .. .. Manukau Ngaruawahia to Huntly West . . .. Raglan Opaheke Main Road .. .. .. Manukau Otaua Creek (snagging), (£1 for £1) .. „ Otoroheao Trig. Road . . .. . Raglan Palmer's Hill .. .. .. .. „ Puriri to Huntly (£1 for £1) .. . . „ Rutherford Road .. .. . „ Tahuna to Morrinsville .. .. ,. 1'iako .. Taniwha Gorge Road .. .. .. I Waikato Taniwha to Wairargi Railway-station .. „ Tauhei .. .. .. . . Waikato and Piako Tuakau Bridge to Pukekawa .. .. Raglan .. Tuakau Bridge to Raglan .. . . „ Tuakau Railway-station to Tuakau Bridge Manukau (£1 fcr £1) H'ainguro to Ngaruawahia .. ■• Raglan .. \Viii|>mia Vulley Road .. .. .. Waikato Wairoa Road Dietiiot bridges (£2 for £1) .. Manukau Wairoa Road District flood .... Waitangi Bridge (£1 for £1) . . .. .. .. j Waiiiku to Awhitu Waiuku to Pukekohe (£75, £1 for £1) Whangarata (£1 for£l) .. Coromandel County Hood-dum.- .. Coromandel Kaimarama Creek Bridge .. .. „ Kuaotunu to Opito Settlement .. .. i ,, Matatoke Road and drain .. .. j Thames Miranda to W T aitakaruru .. .. j ,, Ngataipua East .. .. .. „ Owaikanae Settlement Road .. .. Coromandel Pauhu to Cape Colvillc .. . . . . „ Pipi Creek Bridge and approaches . . Thames Thames County flood-damage (£1 for £1) .. „ Warahoe East .. .. .. . . „ Wharepoha District Road (£1 for £1) Netherton to Kerepehi .. . . Ohinemuri Netherton to Turua .. .. .. Ohinemuri and Thames Ohinemuri County flood-damage (£1 for £1) Ohinemuri Rangiora Road to Komata Railway-station Tahuna to Waikaka Te Rohia to Mangaiti Waikaka Stream Road .. . . . . „ Aotea to Raglan .. . . .. Raglan and Kawhia j Cogswell Road .. .. .. Raglan .. Eureka .Main Koad to Railway-station .. Waikato Hamilton Traffic Bridge (£1 for £1) .. Borough of Hamilton Heddon Road .. .. .. . . Raglan Kaniwhaniwha Stream Bridge (Steel's Cross- „ ing) Mangaokahu .. .. . . .. „ I'uniu Bridge .. .. . . .. Waipa and West Taupo Raglan to Waipa .. . . .. Raglan .. Ruapuke to Aotea .. .. .. ,, Te Mata to Ruapuke .. . . .. „ Te Toto Stream Bridge Tunaki .. .. .. .. .... Waingaro Springs to Te Uku Wuingaro to Waingaro Landing Wainui .. .. . . . . .... Waitetuna to Kauri Waitetuna to Whatawliata . . . . ,, Franklin >> • • Franklin and Waikato Franklin "„ '.'. Cr. '■'. „ Thames Ohinemuri .. ■ Ohinemuri and Thames Ohinemuri .. , j Waikato " £ s. d. 88 10 8 50 0 0 109 19 4 50 0 0 15 Iβ f> 17 19 5 12 18 6 237 19 8 4 0 0 0 18 0 13 1 6 20 11 »> 60 0 0 L00 0 o :S4 o o 50 (I 0 70 3 2 0 12 ii 76 19 0 161 8 3 340 0 0 1 0 0 64 13 6 140 0 0 100 0 0 475 0 (I 99 17 0 100 0 0 0 6 0 260 0 0 74 14 3 34 3 0 3 6 8 139 4 8 52 10 0 200 0 8 79 11 5 100 0 0 100 0 0 175 10 11 169 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 198 1 9 24 3 4 50 0 0 250 0 0 67 15 2 75 0 0 252 0 0 150 0 0 1 8 0 100 0 0 0 16 0 105 1 3 8 10 1 250 0 0 3,000 0 0 93 12 0 264 1 1 23 19 6 659 7 8 200 0 0 17 17 0 6 0 0 28 14 0 60 17 3 41 8 7 224 14 5 18 16 6 62 15 0 1,083 13 9 I 504 506 508 509 511 513 514 515 517 518 520 525 530 531 532 537 540 541 543 544 545 547 548



TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 12 549 550 552 557 55S 669 51 id 5115 567 1570 573 676 678 5S1 584 Roads, etc. — continued. Auckland Road District — continued. Waitomotomo bridges .. .. . . Raglan . . .. Waikato Wliaanga .. . .. . . „ .. .. ,, Whatawhata Swamp Road .. . Waipa . . .. „ I'n rich Pass to Taotaoroa .. .. Matamata .. Taurangs. Kakepuku Improved Farm Settlement .. Waitomo and \\ „ Taupo Kakepuku .. .. .. . . Ditto Kakepuku to Puniu Bridge .. . . Waitomo .. „ Raupara .. .. .. ■ • West Taupo .. „ Stanley Road (£1 for £1) .. .. j Piako and Matamata Tokunui to Wharepapa .. .. .. West Taupo .. „ W'aihou River Bridge (Mangawhero) . Piako .. .. „ A waiti Bridge .. .. .. Kawhia .. Taumarunui .. Hangatiki to Waitomo (£1 for £1), (on Waitomo .. „ ...count of £4,000) Buaroa Bridge .. .. .. i Awakino and Ka- ,, whia Kiuva .. .. .. .. Waitomo and West ,, Taupo Kawhia to Aotea .. .. .. Kawhia .. „ Mangatangi Bridge .. .. . . „ .. ,, Otorohanga to Ouruwlieio .. .. Waitomo . . „ I'irongia to Kawhia .. .. .. Kawhia and Wai- „ tomo Turitoa (Lvford's), (£60, £1 for £1) .. Waitomo Waiharakeke Bridge .. .. .. Kawhia .. „ Waitetuna to Aotea . . .. • .. Kawhia and Raglan „ Waitomo Stream Bridge .. .. Waitomo . . ,, Waitomo Valley (Ruakuri Caves) .. | „ .. ,, Wharauroa .. .. .. .. Kawhia . . „ Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. £ e. d. Ill 6 6 302 5 1 200 0 0 89 12 10 1 1 0 155 11 3 15 5 1 39 1 10 225 0 0 36 7 3 59 3 4 229 7 6 98 8 10 3 7 6 34 16 0 586 590 596 599 I 68 15 2 67 7 6 49 2 0 126 7 3 606 606 (507 608 609 611 612 25 0 0 81 19 6 238 11 10 3 7 0 115 17 11 16 12 6 400 7 4 613 614 1,501 2 3 4 3 0 615 658 10 11 Total —Auckland £25,078 11 616 617 619 622 632 634 636 63G 641 642 643 644 645 949 650 651 Tα i ranga Road District — Hairini Bridge and approaches .. .. Tauranga . . Tauranga Makctu to Waihi .. .. .. ,, Oropi Settlement .. .. „ Tauranga County tlood-damage (£250, £1 tor £1) Galatea to To Toko .. .. .. Whakatane . . Bay of Plenty Harper Road .. .. .. . Rotorua and Mata- ,, mata Kaharoa .. .. .. .. Rotorua .. „ Kakaramea Horso-track .. .. ,, .. ,, Maraetotara .. .. .. Whakatane .. ,, Matata to Otamarakau . . .. .. ,, Matata to Tamurenui Junction .. .. | ,, .. ,, Murupara to Ruatahnnn .. . . East Taupo and ,, Whakatane Orakci Korako Road .. .. .. East Taupo .. „ Rotorua to Lake Rotoina .. . . Rotorua .. ,, Rotorua to Ngongotaha Mount .. . . „ .. „ Rotorua to Taupo, via Atiamuri .. .. j Botorua and East Taupo Rotorua to Taupo, via Waiotapu .. Ditto .. .. „ South Road .. .. .. .. I Rotorua .. ,, Tarawera Bridge protection .. . . Whakatane .. ,, Tirau to Ngongotaha .. .. .. Rotorua and Mata- ., mata Waimangu Geyser to Kakaramea . . .. Rotorua .. ,, Waimangu to Lake Rotomahana .. ,, . . ,, Whakatano County flood-damage (£76, £ I for Whakatane .. ,, £1) Whakatane River Bridge (£1 for £1) Survey, acquisition and legalization of road;;. drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. 186 0 3 100 0 11 20 0 0 889 18 10 17 15 0 32 11 0 9 12 0 9 12 0 30 15 6 16 10 10 92 0 0 48 4 0 13 12 0 57 12 0 9 12 0 50 0 0 652 653 654 656 49 8 5 51 16 0 165 11 7 9 12 0 659 660 662 39 12 0 64 16 0 76 8 11 663 665 1,096 0 9 104 18 3 666 668 479 16 4 27 10 8 Total—Tauranga £3,749 7 3


TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.-continued.


Vote No. I ff m Name ol Work. Couuty. Electorate. .NO. J Roads, etc.— continued. GisBORNE Road District — 671 Gisborne to Waiapu, via Kai Inanga .. Waiapu .. Bay of Plenty 682 Mangatokerau .. .. .. .. Cook .. „ 685 Mata River Traffic Bridge (£1 for £1) .. Waiapu 687 Motu to Motu Bridge .. .. .. Waikohu 688 Motu River Bridge (renewing) .. .. Waikohu and Opotiki 692 Omaramutu to Te Whaite .. .. | Opotiki .. ,, 693 Opotiki County flood-damage .... ,, .. I ,, 695 Opotiki to Ohiwa (£1 for £1) .. . . 700 Peoples Road .. .. .. .. „ 702 Poututu to Motu (£1 for£l) .. .. Waikohu 703 Rakauroa to Tahora (£143. £1 for£l) 709 Te Waiti .. .. .. .. Opotiki 711 Tokomaru to Te Puia (£1 for £1).. . . Waiapu 719 Waikohu County flood-damage (£1 foi CI). . Waikohu 723 Waipiro to Te Puia .. .. .. Waiapu 724 Waiwhero Stroam Bridge .. . . Waikohu 726 WharekopaetoTahoraNo. 2(t2OO. i\ f,n CI) 727 Cook County flood-damage (i;I for II) .. Cook .. .. Gisborne 730 Gisborne to Wairoa County Boundary, via .. ■ ■ ■ ■ „ Tiniroto 733 Muriwai to Morere .. .. ■. „ .. .. I ,, 734 Patutahi to Gentle Annie .. . . „ .. .. „ 736 Te Arai Settlement (metalling), (on account) „ .. . . ,, 738 Wharerata to Mahanga .. .. .. Wairoa and Cook 740 Survey, acquisition, and legalization of loads. drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. 741 Supervision Item No. Name ol Work. Net Expenditure. £ s. d. I f>0 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 57 17 10 706 0 0 96 10 0 243 1 7 150 0 0 46 10 6 296 6 9 1 0 0 42 4 0 200 0 0 601 4 0 300 0 0 40 4 0 600 0 0 2,736 0 0 78 6 8 200 0 0 350 0 0 28 19 3 100 0 0 80 0 0 541 6 0 12 Total—Gisborne £7,845 9 7 £7,845 9 7 746 747 748 750 751 752 754 755 756 757 758 759 763 768 771 772 773 774 775 777 778 Taranaki Road District — 746 Awakino to Tirua Point (coast track) Awakino . . Taumarunui 747 Maire .. .. • • Waitomo 748 Mairoa (£1 for £1), (on account of £2,000) .. j 750 Mangakara .. .. .. ■ • Ohura 751 Mangaorino .. .. . • • • Waitomo 752 Mangatoro .. .. • • • • Clifton .. . . ,, 754 Marokopa River snagsrini; .. .. Kawhia and Awakina 755 Mataro (£1 for £1) .. .. .. Clifton .. 756 Matiere Township .. .. ■ • Ohura .. .. ,, 757 McNeish Road .. .. .. Awakino .. ,, 758 Mimi to Mokau .. .. ■ • Clifton .. 759 Miro .. .. .. ■ • • • Waimarino 763 Ngatarawa .. .. .. . • Awakino 768 Ongarue River Bridge (Taumarunui) .. Ohura and West „ Taupo 771 Orautaha River Bridge (Raetihi-Ohura Road) Waimarino 772 Otaraoa .. .. • • • ■ Clifton 773 Otuiti.. .. .. •■ •• Ohura .. .. „ 774 Owen Road .. .. . • ■ • Waitomo .. ,, 775 Parakoko .. .. ■ • • • ,, ■ • >. 777 Piko .. .. ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ Clifton 778 Poro-o-tarao to Taumarumii .. .. Ohura and West ,, Taupo 781 Putiki .. .. ■ • • • Clifton 783 Rotoaira to Wairaarino Railway-station .. Waimarino, West Taupo, and East Taupo 784 Taumarunui to Ohakune (£700. £1 for £1) .. Waimarino and West „ Taupo 785 To Kuiti to Mokau .. .. .. Waitomo and Awakino 788 Totoro (£1 for £1), (on account of £3,500) .. Waitomo .. ,, 789 Tumutumu to Waitomo .. .. ,, • • „ 790 Turipoto .. .. • • • • Awakino 795 Waiouru to Tokaanu .. .. .. Waimarino and East Taupo 797 Waitaanga North .. .. •. Ohura 798 Waitara River Bridge (Rerekino Road) .. Clifton .. .. ,, 800 Whenuakura .. .. ■ • ■ ■ Ohura 801 Bell's Falls Side Tracks .. .. .. Taranaki . Taranaki 802 Carrington .. .. . ■ • • „ ■ ■ » 806 Hill Road 807 Korito .. ■ ■ • • • • .. 808 Oxford Road (Upper), (£1 for £1).. 809 Pitone (£1 for£l) 810 Rahotu House to Bell's Falls 812 Upper Mangorei Road .. .. .. „ . . „ 33 12 0 7 16 0 108 8 10 92 10 0 5!) 4 6 f>7 6 :t 25 2 (I 99 15 6 20 18 5 49 19 7 650 0 0 131 4 2 21 8 0 Or. 396 19 0 92 3 1 75 0 0 7 1 0 11 9 8 0 8 0 95 0 0 24 8 4 50 0 0 30 IK (I :w 6 :s 3,730 4 II 12 17 9 37 13 0 17 8 0 111.9 8 90 13 7 219 5 4 23 3 0 30 0 0 278 4 2 50 0 0 65 0 0 170 0 0 25 0 0 34 17 0 99 4 6 781 783 784 785 788 789 790 795 797 798 800 801 802 806 807 808 809 810 812



TABLE No. 4- continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

o te "f™ Name of Work. County. Name of Work. County. Electorate BxpeSttqw. Klectorat?. Roads, etc.— continued. Taranaki Road District— continued. 112 813 Dawson's Falls .. .. .. Stratford 814 Dawson's Falls House to Stratford House .. „ 815 Moewatea Ridge .. . . .. Eltham 816 Okahu (Ngariki Road to Newall Road) .. Egmont.. 817 Rawhitiroa (£1 for£l) .. .. .. Eltham 818 Whenuakura Valley .. .. .. Hawera and Eltham 819 Wiremu (Ngariki Road to lhaia Road) .. Egmont.. 821 Autawa .. .. .. Stratford 822 Brewer (Strathmore to Mureott Road), (£1 Whangamomomv for £1), (on account) and Stratford 823 Junction Road (Purangi to Matau) .. Clifton .. 824 Kohi .. ' .. .. .. .. Whangamomoim . . 825 Lincoln and other roads (£1 for £1) .. Taranaki K2S Manjraehu Road to Waitiri .. .. Eltham and Stratford 829 ! Mangaehu (Upper), (£1 for £1), (on account) Whangamomona 830 Mangaone Road (access to Daggs) .. ' Clifton 831 Mangaone Stream Bridge (Rerekino Road) ,, KV2 Mangare .. .. . • • • Whangamomona 833 Mohakau .. .. . . ■ ■ Stratford 834 Mount Humphries Road .. ,, 830 Okara .. .. .. ■ ■ Whangamomona N3K Rimuputa .. .. .. . . Whangamomona and Clifton s:i!i Tahunaroa to Tirohanga . . . . Whangamomona S4 1 Tangarakau Valley Road s-tL , Tirohanga Creek Bridge .. • • ,, 843 Tirohanga Road .. .. .. ,, 844 Waitara Valley (Tangitu Road to Mangare ; Clifton .. Road) .. .. 84, r > Whangamomona Stream Bridge (Poaranjxi) Whangainomon.i 847 Tokaanu to Waihi .. .. •• East Taupo and West Taupo 848 Tokaanu Wharf Road .. .. . . East Taupo 850 Ahuahu .. • • • • • • Waitotara 851 Ahuahu Ferry .. • • • • ,, • ■ 852 Kauarapaoa . . .. .. .. | ,, 853 Koane .. •, • • ■ • Patea and Eltham 854 Maben .. .. • • ■ • Patea 855 Mataimoana .. .. •. ■ • ,, 856 Moeawatea Valley .. .. •. Eltham and Patea 861 : Wharariki .. .. • ■ • • Patea 871 Mangawhero River Bridge (Raupiu) .. Wanganui 873 Mataroa roads .. .. ■ • ■ • Rangitikei 875 Murray's Track (Mataroa to Rongoiti) .. „ 879 Ponga'roa .. ■ ■ • • • ■ Wanganui 882 ''■ Tauakira Block Road (deviation), (£500. £1 „ for £2) '883; Turakina Valley (extension) .. .. Waimarinn SS7 Wangaehu River Bridge (Addenbrook's) .. Wangnnui 888 Wangaehu River Bridge (Mangamahu) 889 Wangaehu River Bridge (Whiteman's) 893 Wanganui River Bridge (£1 for £3), (on account of £5,000) 896 Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pita, tramways, &c. 896 Supervision 897 Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote 898 Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridgee, tracks, &c. £ 8. d. Egmont . . 59 1 3 10 0 0 189 15 r> .. I 121 17 9 589 7 6 203 11 0 123 10 0 Stratford .. 121 12 0 600 0 0 300 0 0 109 7 3 250 0 0 5 12 0 19 19 4 99 18 1 5 9 10 407 11 0 146 11 6 6 2 0 386 3 10 151 16 9 123 11 11 136 2 11 164 11 11 28 2 0 472 2 2 7 4 (I Hawke's Bay .. 48 ti s 45 4 0 Patea . . 40 0 0 201 13 0 164 16 10 6 16 0 153 11 8 37 8 0 249 14 2 14 8 0 Rangitikei .. 248 3 2 300 0 0 1,000 0 0 100 0 0 .500 0 0 59 2 0 39 11 3 133 10 0 29 5 2 Wanganui .. 7 16 11 71<> :i 6 2,468 3 :S Or. 749 16 10 175 (i 0 Total —Taranaki .. .. | £17,338 6 7 I Wellington Road District — 900 NuhakaFerrj Service .. ■■ •• j Wairoa .. 901 Nuhaka River Bridge (Nuhaka Township) .. !IO2 Nuhaka to Tarawa .. •• ■■ ,, ■ ■ 903: Pohue to Titiokura Saddle .. .. ! Wairoa and Hawke's Bay 905 Tongoio Lagoon (deviation) .. .. Wairoa .. .. I 908 ' Wairoa County flood-damage (£3,100, £1 for „ .. £1) 911 Waitara to Pohukura .. .. „ 912 Aorangi (Mangatahi Settlements . . .. Hawke's Bay 918 Brow Road .. .. • • Waipawa Oiisborne 50 2 I 14 10 3 338 14 0 530 1 5 26 2 :. ■<;n\ 7 3 >y ■ • Hawke's Bay 79 s 0 150 0 0 101 10 0


TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Vote I tern No. No. Item J No. Name of Work. County. Klector&ta Name of Work. Net Expenditure. ! I-. , 915 917 919 920 i>21 923 i>24 926 929 933 936 938 941 947 948 950 951 956 956 958 I 960 ' 962 963 965 967 968 973 976 981 983 986 990 993 996 1002 1004 1008 100!) 1010 LOU 1013 1016 1017 1018 1024 L028 1041 104(1 1048 1057 1059 L065 IOCS IOSI 1083 1087 1093 1096 1101 1102 I 103 1108 1112 lilt 1115 inn Roads, etc.— continued. Wellington Road District— continued. Havelock North to Waimarama (£1 for £1) Hawke's Bay .. Hawke's Bay .. Kaikora Stream Bridge .. .. .. Waipawa .. ,, Mahora and Raureka Settlements .. Hawke's Bay Mangaohane .. .. .. .. ,. Mangatahi Settlement Puketitiri to Hot Springs .. .. „ .. ,, Puketitiri to Pakaututu Block .. .. ,, Run No. 11, Kaweka Survey District (access) ,, .. ,, Mangapurakau Stream Bridge (I'miniu Waipawa .. Waipawa Road) Piripiri Block .. . . .. .. Danncvirke .. „ Tamaki No. 1 to Law Road .. .. ,, . . „ " .. j Tangarewai River Bridge and approaches (£1 Waipawa .. .. .. for£l) Mangawharariki Bridge and approaches (CI Kiwitea.. .. Rangitikei for£l) Rangitikei Bridge (Omatane) .. .. Rangitikei .. ,, Rangitikei River Bridge and approaches . ,, .. I ,, (Taoroa), (£1 for£l) Cliff Road (£1 for £1) .. .. .. Kiwitea and Poha- | Oroua ogina Finnis .. .. .. .. Pohangina .. ,. Mangamako (Sandon Block) .. .. Kiwitea.. Mangapapa (£1 for £1) .. Mangarere .. .. .. .. „ .. .. I ,, Mangoira and Hare's Road (£1 for £1) .. Ohingaitito Pemberton (£1 for£l) .. .... Oroua River Bridge (London's Ford), (£ I for Kiwitea andPol £1) Qgina Pakihikura Bridu* .. •• ■ ■ Kiwii < lorge Road .. .. .. .. Kaiianga and Pahia-j Palmerston and tua Pahiatua iawatu River Bridge (Lower Gorge) .. Oroua and Kairanga Palmerston Ball»noetoManawatuGorge(£95,£l forfl) Pahiatua .. Pahiatua Esdale (£250, £1 for £1) . . .. ..[Weber .. Harding's Road Bridges.. .. . . Wbodville . . ,, Holder's Bluff (£1 for £1) Kaituna .. .. .. .. Akitio .. . . ,, Makuri to Pongaroa (£1 for £1) .. . . Akitio and Pahiatua ,, Mill Stream Road and Bridge .. . . Weber .. .. ,, Oringi (£1 for£l) .. .. .. Wbodville Otawhao .. .. .. .. ,, ■ • ,, Pongaroa to Waione (£1 for £1) .. .. Akitio .. .. ,, Tahukaretu .. .. .. ■ • Weber .. .. ,, Towai .. .. .. Akitio and Pahiatua ,, Tunakore Bridge .. . . .. Dannevirke .. ,, Waihi River Bridge (Lunt's) .. .. Akitio .. .. ,, Waikereru .. .. .. .. .... .. „ Weber to Herbert ville .. .. .. Weber .. .. ,, Alficdton to Tinui (£7, £1 for £1) .. Masterton and Masterton and Castlepoint Wairarapa Alfredton to Weber (£1 for £1), (on account of Mastorton and Aki- [Masterton and £2,000) tio Pahiatua Bowen Road (South) .. .. .. Eketahune .. Masterton Hukanui Stream Bridge (£1 for £1) „ Kopikopiko (£1 for£l) .. Beef Creek Road .. .. .. Wairarapa South .. Wairarapa Gladstone to Wharau (£1 for £1) .. Hoiki.. Maungaru to Ferny hurst .. .. Masterton Ngakonui .. .. .. . • Featherston Taueru Bridge (£1 for £1) .. .. Masterton Tinui to Whakataki (£1 for £4) .. .. Castlepoint Harris Road .. .. .. ■■ j Hutt .. .. Otaki Main Road, through Sections •"> to ll. BlookXV, Horowhenua .Mount Robinson S.I). Mount Cecil .. .. .. .. Hutt Pahautanui to Upper Hutt (CI for £1) .. ! „ Plimmerton to Pahautanui Rikiorangi Road to Mangaone Valley Road Horowhenua .. ,, .. (£lfor £2 10s.) Shannon to Eketahuna .. .. .. Horowhenua and ,, Eketahuna TararuaTrack (Otaki Forks to Mount Heotor) Horowhenua Waikanae Beach Road .. .. .. „ Hutt Pipe and Traffics Bridge .. .. Hut1 .. Hutt Mungaroa to Dpper Hutt .. .. ,, .. .. ,, Orongorongo .. .. .. .. ,, • . .. j „ Thomas Cn-ck Bridge .. .. .. „ .. .. | „ I £ a. d. 300 0 0 I 5 0 100 0 0 700 0 0 380 0 0 78 8 fi 180 10 5 165 3 2 3 15 0 386 14 I 22 0 0 225 (I 0 578 16 3 699 10 4 900 0 0 86 6 I" t99 0 11 100 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 34 7 8 724 10 (1 500 0 0 r>54 5 10 (17 12 4 >.m 16 7 47 5 8 *l,000 0 0 30 5 0 20 2 0 225 1 5 22 7 0 35 !> :i 87 1 3 349 12 0 132 15 0 154 9 4 224 14 0 262 4 11 (17 6 7 220 1 0 120 11 11 840 4 0 ::.-, o o 62 10 0 501 r> 7 50 0 0 124 0 0 150 0 0 115 18 6 100 0 0 200 0 0 356 1 10 50 0 0 200 0 0 75 0 0 241 0 0 III 12 1 500 o 0 0 8 2 49 Hi o 120 0 0 500 o o 100 0 0 100 0 0 47 7 2 * Paitl under authority of section *27 of the Appropriation Act of 1910.



TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

4—D. 1.

Vote Item .No. No Naino ol Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 12 1119 1120 1121 Roads, etc. — continued. Wellington Road District? — continued. Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. £ s. d. 174 12 1 1,512 10 (i 6 18 11 1122 122 2 2 Total—Wellington £20,365 11 5 Nelson Road District — Aaron's Creek Road Awaroa to Totaranui Barren's Flat Track (extension) Blackbird Valley Bonny Doon Road Brooklyn Creek (protective works) Burnt Section Road Collingwood Main Road (£1 for £1) Gardner Road (Upper Moutere) Glen Rae Harvey's Road James Road Lewis Flat River protection Mangarakau (£400, £1 for £1) Motueka River protective works Motueka Valley (Faulkener's) Moutere Mud-flat Pohara to Awaroa Riwaka Valley (South Branch) Rosedale Road Sherry Valley (Middle Branch) Stoney Creek Road (Belgrove) Supplejack Valley Takaka Hill Road Wai-iti Valley (Upper) Waitapu and Totaranui roads Baigent Road Braeburn Settlement (Tutaki Road) Clay Bank Cutting, Buller Road Mangles Valley.. Maruia, via Caslani's Matakitaki River protection Slips Road Takaka Motueka £ *. d. 50 0 0 160 Hi 10 56 11 3 48 8 0 71 13 (i 1(10 0 0 100 0 0 32 13 1 48 5 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 191 10 7 121 16 9 100 0 0 150 0 0 105 0 0 26 13 9 50 0 0 150 0 0 90 0 0 50 0 0 195 10 1 100 0 0 50 0 0 53 19 0 100 0 0 76 12 0 188 15 11 54 10 0 189 2 9 16 13 0 112H 1131 1132 1135 1130 1138 1141 1143 1140 1160 1151 1154 1150 1159 1161 1 162 1165 1172 1177 1179 1183 1185 1186 1188 1193 1196 1200 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1213 ! Waimea .. ! Collingwood Waimea Takaka Collingwood Waimea »» • • Collingwood Takaka Collingwood Waimea .. : Takaka Waimea .. j Takaka and Waimea Waimea Takaka Murchison Buller ,. .. )> • • Bullor and Motueka Buller 1214 1215 Warwick Junction to Main Road Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. 90 0 0 22 15 0 1216 1217 262 1 6 0 8 0 1218 1 12 0 Total—Nelson £3,345 8 0 Marlborouoh Road District — Brown Stream Bridge Pelorus Bridge to Tinline Rai River Bridge and approaches (Carluke) Rai Saddle to Havelock Marlborough Nelson 1220 1226 1228 1229 >> • • 2 19 11 251 5 9 2 19 11 100 0 0 Nelson and Wairau Nelson 1231 1232 1233 1234 1239 1240 1241 1243 1244 Wakamarina Wakamarina (West) Arapawa Island Awatere River to Clarence River Dumgree Railway-station to Upper Awatere Grassmere to Kaparu Havelock to Kaituna Horse-shoe Bend Kaituna Bridge (£1 for £1), (on account of £850) Kaituna - Tuamarina (protective works) (£150, £1 for £1) Sounds .. Marlborough Marlborough y> * • Wairau 50 0 0 42 9 0 93 5 5 160 0 0 150 0 0 144 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 542 12 5 1246 100 0 0


TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Vote Item No. No Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 12 1251 1252 1259 1262 1263 1268 ROADS, etc. — continued. Marlborotjgh Road District— continued. Picton to Grove Ure to Clarence Hundalee Road (Oaro) Kahautara to Conway (Hundalee) Kaikoura County flood-damage (£1 for £1) .. Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Marlboroujrli Kaikoura »» Wairau Hurunui II iVairau iurunui £ s. d. 353 10 3 500 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 473 15 10 124 10 0 1269 1271 395 10 6 22 2 9 Total—Marlborough Buller .. Motueka £4,359 1 9 1274 1280 1282 1283 1284 1287 1288 1290 1291 1292 1294 1296 Westport Road District — Collingwood-Heaphy Track to Karamea Little Wanganui River Bridge approaches .. Six-mile Valley Road Abattoir to Soap-factory and Orowaiti River Buller Road (loop line Nine-mile to Westport) ('arter Junction to Cape Foulwind Charleston to Grey County boundary Inangahua Junction Bridge McKenna Road Organ Road Waimangaroa Bridge to Beach Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision '.'. Bull'er '. . 30 0 0 •247 19 3 75 0 (I 96 10 0 193 4 2 10(1 0 0 200 0 (I 400 0 0 100 0 0 r>0 o 0 81 0 0 49 10 0 1297 456 14 0 Total—Westport £2,079 17 5 1301 1303 1305 1307 1308 1309 1311 1312 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1323 1324 1325 1320 1327 1328 1329 1331 1334 1335 1338 1340 1342 Westland Road District— Gilmer Road Inangahua River Bridge (right-hand branch), (Reefton-Maruia Road) Reefton to Maruia Blackball to Moonlight Cobden to Barrytown Grey River encroachment Main Grey Road Bridge (Reefton to Greymouth) Munn's Creek Bridge Upper Grey Road Upper Moonlight Arahura Bridge (Malfroy's) Arahura Valley Arthur's Pass Tunnel Road Awatuna Road and Bridge Big Wanganui Flat Big Wanganui River (Lower Ford) Big Wanganui River Bridge Bruce Road Camelback Road Clearwater Creek Bridge (Gillespie's) Copland Track Dorothy Falls Track Forks to Canoe Point Ferguson Road Haast to Harris Bridge Haast Pass Harris Creek Bridge (Hokitika Flat Road) (£lfor£l) Harris Creek Bridge (Christchurch Road, old) (£1 for£l) Kokatahi Roads (widening) Matakitaki Track (South Westland) Mikonui to Bold Head Morgan Road Municipal Road extension Otira Bridge (Upper) Otira Bridge (widening) IVterson Road and extension Roto Road (Waitangi) South Westland Thermal Springs Stafford Tracks Inangahua ty Grey" Inangahua Grey Inangahua Grey Westland M y* Grey Westland .. Buller ft Grey »» * • t t .. Grey and Buller Grey Westland " I Iβ 0 0 217 9 6 2.480 17 8 750 0 0 200 0 0 396 12 4 90 0 0 40 8 6 73 13 4 197 10 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 110 18 0 124 16 0 197 7 6 135 0 0 3,127 7 7 36 4 0 75 0 0 73 10 0 259 1 9 208 10 9 145 2 6 93 10 0 66 18 0 211 4 0 58 12 7 .- 1343 72 5 0 1351 L366 13C6 1358 1360 136] 1362 1363 1365 1367 1368 Grey Westland 240 8 0 93 8 0 71 19 9 50 0 0 197 1 3 73 10 3 16 16 0 142 10 0 70 0 0 37 16 0 150 0 0 j>



TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. Electorate. Net Expenditure. County. 1L> 1370 1371 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 Roads, etc.— continued. Westland Road District— continued. Two-mile Road (Arahura) Waiho River Foot-bridge Waitaha Village Road Waitaha Settlement Westland County Flood-damage Westland Ferry Service Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, inoklding assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Westland »» • • Westland £ s. d. 79 10 8 25 10 5 77 0 0 260 10 0 293 2 7 200 0 0 103 8 9 »» • • 1379 1381 496 16 7 15 14 0 Total—Westland £12,753 1 3 1382 1384 1385 1386 Canterbury Road District— Ashley Gorge Road (£500, £2 for £1) Conway RivSr to Waiau River Culverden to Hanmer East Oxford to Wharfdale (Richardson's Track) Mason River Bridge (£1 for £1) King Edward VII Road Ashley Cheviot Amuri Ashley Hurunui »> • • 600 0 0 250 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 »» • • 1387 1391 Amuri Selwyn and Mount Herbert Ashburton Selwyn Ashburton Wairewa Lyttelton and Riccarton Selwyn 778 3 9 424 13 1 1394 1396 1397 1404 1405 1406 1409 1410 1412 1414 1419 1420 1421 1423 1428 1430 1433 11437 1438 1440 1442 1443 1444 Carney Road Motukarara to Green Park Road Mount Somers to Mesopotamia Kinloch Settlement roads Morice Settlement Main Road Okain's Wharf Road Cave to Pareora River Clayton Road Daisy Hill Road (£1 for £1) Fairlie to Mount Cook (bridges) Lake Tekapo to Lake Pukaki Lyalldale to Pleasant Valley Road (£1 for £1) Mackenzie Pass Road Mount Cook Station Road Riverside Road Springs Road Twizel River Bridge Hakataramea River Bridge Pike's Point Road (£1 for £1) Shearer's Hill Road (£1 for £1) .. Wivimate to Waihao Forks (£1 for £1) Wallace Road .. .. Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Akaroa Mackenzie Waimate Mackenzie >» • • Waimate Mackenzie Ellesmere Geraldine 100 0 0 200 0 0 200 I 'I 405 14 4 189 12 0 650 0 0 100 0 0 41 10 0 50 0 0 722 i) 4 919 3 0 24 9 3 81 18 6 100 0 0 63 8 9 44 5 0 181 16 10 526 Iβ 0 49 9 2 12 17 9 31 7 6 100 0 0 41 10 3 »» • • Waimate Waitaki »» • • »» • • •» • • »» • • 1445 1446 421 7 3 0 7 6 1447 58 11 10 Total—Canterbury £7,869 11 1 Otaoo Road District— Ahuriri Gorge Track Ahuriri River Bridge Kauroo River Stock-bridge St. Bathan's to Hawkden Wharekuri Cutting Ardgowan Dunback to Macrae's Dunback to Pigroot Muddy Creek to County boundary Tarapuka Creek Bridge Blackstone and Homehills (access) Cambrian Settlement Block (access) Clyde Bridge to Settlement, west bank of Molyneux Edievale to Moa Flat Kelso to Heriot Lauder Railway-station to Lauder Runs .. Lawrence to Beaumont > i 1448 1449 1455 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1471 1475 1478 1479 1480 Waitaki Waitaki 100 0 0 969 14 6 237 9 4 34 7 0 J35 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 76 19 0 76 1 2 350 0 0 200 0 0 136 4 4 50 0 0 Waihemo Oamaru " »» • • Waitaki Maniototo Tuapeka Vincent 1484 1488 1490 491 Tuapeka >» 200 0 0 100 0 0 175 5 6 100 0 0 Maniototo Tuapeka >» Tuapeka and


TABLE No. 4- continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.


Voto Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. I 12 1492 1493 1495 14!l(i 1499 1500 1502 1504 1505 1509 1510 1512 1514 1517 1520 1521 1524 1525 1527 1538 1540 1543 1544 1545 1546 1552 1553 1554 1557 1560 1565 1566 1568 1570 1574 1676 1578 1579 1583 1584 1592 1602 1603 1604 1 (><).-. lliOll 1613 1615 1616 1622 1625 1627 1629 1631 1030 1637 1638 1639 1642 Roads, etc.— continued. Otago Road District— continued. Maniototo County flood-damage Manuhcrikia Footbridge (Springvale) Patearoa to Waipiata Roxburgh to Miller's Flat (east bank of river) Arrow to Crown Range Saddle Arthur's Point to Queenstown Bannoekburn Bridge (repairs) Bob's Cove to Glenorchy ('ardrona to Mount Barker Chatton to Pyramid (£1 for £1) .. ('romwell to Wanaka Glade House to Lake Wakatipu Glenorchy to Routeburn Greenstone and Eglington Bridges Lake Hayes to Arrow Bridge, via Baird's .. Lake Hayes to Shotover Bridge Luggate to Pembroke Lumsden to Balfour (£1 for £1) Martin's Bay to Kinloch Shotover Bridge (£1 for £1) Tarras to Lindis Pass Waipunama Bridge (£2 for £1) Anderson Bay Main Road Baytown Boundary to Camp Beach Road to Back Beach (Karitane) Gravesend to Taiaroa Hawksbury Bush Road Henry's Bush Road Hooper's Inlet (west side) Karitane protective works and road - approaches Otakau School Road Papanui Inlet roads' Pipikaretu Portobello Puketiraki Station to Seacliff Purakanui Native Reserve Quarry Road Rossiter Road Sheep-yards to Merton Railway-station Knell Road Wickliff Bay to Cape Saunders Lighthouse.. Clarendon to Maryhill ( larendon S.D., Blocks VI and XI Cragie Road Green Island to Taieri Mouth Maungatua Hill (£1 for £1) Taieri Beach to Punt Taieri County flood-damage (£1 for £1) Taieri Mouth Bridge (£1 for £1) .. Whare Flat, Silverstream Road Begg Road Black Bridge (Milton), (£1 for £1) Bowbell Flat to Lawrence (!airn Road Greenfield Settlement to Waitahuna Greenfield to Clydevale Punt (£1 for £1) Hardie's Road (Greenfield) Hillend to Waitahuna Bridge (£1 for £1) .. Kaitangata to Centre Road (Inch-Clutha), (£100, £1 for £1) Lakeside to Stirling (Morrisson's) Lawrence to Tuapeka West Loudon's Gully to Coast.. Milburn to Forthill (£50, £1 for £1) Mount Stuart (Hillend) Upper Barnego Settlement Road Wangaloa to Coombe Bay (£1 for £1) Back Creek Road Bew's Road (Wyndham Valley) Faddis Road Mitchell Road (Glenham), (£1 for £1) Mokoreta to Rimu Owaka to Railway-crossing Pomahaka River Bridge (£1 for £1), (on account of £700) Quarry Wilis to Waikawa Ratanui to Papatowai Samson Hill Seddon Road Maniototo Vincent Maniototo Tuapeka Lake Vincent Lake .. Southland Vincent Wallace and Lake Lake Wallace and Lake Lake Vincent Southland Lake .. Vincent Southland Peninsula Waikouaiti Peninsula Waikouaiti Peninsula Waikouaiti Peninsula »» • • Waikouaiti »» • - Tuapeka »» Wakatipu ( '!l diners Taieri If Bruce H II £ s. (1. .-,7 0 4 540 12 (i 100 0 0 150 0 0 .. I 97 10 0 100 I) (I (i'.t 1 fi 49 1!) l> 95 18 3 50 0 0 200 0 0 218 10 10 123 5 0 4 5 0 50 0 0 91 0 0 100 0 0 100 9 0 100 0 0 1,550 1!» 0 100 0 0 159 10 4 200 0 0 99 18 4 50 0 0 79 0 0 26 10 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 40 10 0 100 0 0 79 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 7 6 8 26 0 0 100 I 3 .. ! 30 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 87 10 0 50 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 938 11 8 Cr. 2,488 14 6 325 0 0 110 1 1 147 16 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 99 18 0 80 10 0 100 0 0 68 0 0 100 0 0 Peninsula Bruce .. Taieri Bruce Taiefi Taieri and Bruce Taieri Bruce .. ,, ■ ■ Tuapeka Bruce Tuapeka Bruce .. ,, . . . . ,, ,, . . . . 1643 1644 1646 1648 1651 1000 1664 K>li7 1009 1677 1689 1692 1697 1699 Tuapeka Bruce .. »» • • ■ • Clutha Southland Clutha Southland Clutha .. s> j> Clutha If If >> 100 0 0 87 18 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 67 15 0 100 0 0 23 17 6 100 0 0 105 17 10 45 12 2 45 2 0 129 11 3 100 0 0 689 2 0 Clutha and Tuapeka 1704 1-706 1707 1709 Southland Clutha .. IS 100 0 0 3 3 0 100 0 0 29 0 6 »» • *



TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Vote Hem Name of Work. County. Roads, etc. — continued. t iiwiio Road District— continued. 112 |1712 Taumata Settlement to Clinton (£150, £1 Clutha .. for £1) 1721 Alton No. 3 Block Roads .. .. Wallace.. 1724 Bcnmore-Limehills River Channel .. Southland Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 12 Clutha £ s. d. 253 10 7 Wallace Wallace and Awarua Wallace 72 16 6 200 0 0 1726 Bluff Harbour Endowment Road (£100, £1 for£l) ' 1733 Dipton Bridge (£1 for £1) 1734 Dipton to Caroline (£1 for £1) .. .. „ 1737 Feldwick Road.. .. Wallace.. 1745 Hill Road .. .. .. .. „ .. 1748 Koromiko (Merrivale) .. .. .. ,, .. 1753 Line of Hundreds (west of railway) .. ,, 1759 Manapouri to Flaxy Creek .. .. ,, 1702 Mather Road (£1 for £1).. .. .. ., 1704 Moffat and Forbes Koad (£1 for £1) 1768 Mossburn to Te Anau, via Manapouri ... „ 1709 Muir Road (Waicola), (£1 for £1) 1770 McFarlanc Road (£1 for £1) 1771 MeNeill's Road (Jacobs River Hundred), i „ (£75, £1 for£l) 1773 Nightcaps to Wrey's Bush (£1 for £1) 1780 Otapiri Gorge .. .. .. .. .Southland 1788 Station Road (Jacobs River Hundred) .. Wallace 1790 Sutton Road (Boggy Burn) .. .. Southland 1797 i Wairio Church Road (£1 for £1) .. .. Wallace 1799; Watson's Road (£1 for £1) 1800 Wild Bush to Pourakino (£1 for £1) 1808 i Gorrard's Road (£1 for £1) .. .. j Southland 1809 Gore to Kelvin (£1 for £1) 1810 Core to Pukerau (£1 for£l) .. .. 1812 Hcdsrc-hope to Mataura (£1 fcr£l) 1813 Hunter's Bush Road (£1 for £1) .. 1818 ' Mabel, Blocks IV and V (£50, £1 fir £1) .. ! J829 Oteramika, Block VII (Sections 39 to 32) .. 1831 Rakahouka tc Dacre (£1 for £1) .. 183.T Shepherd Bush (Oteramita) 1845 Waihopai River protective works (£1 for £1) ,, 1S49 Bransholnie to Makarewa (£1 for £1) .. ., 1852 Brookdale Road (Hokonui) 1858 Campbell and Fleming's Road (£1 for £1) .. 1859 Campbelltown Reserve .. .. .. ,, 1861 Chisholm's Road (Springhills) 1863 Cross Road (Spar Bush), (£1 fcr£l) .. „ 1864 Davidson Road (Hokonui) 1882 Gill Road (Grove Bush), (£1 for £1) 1883 Grove Bush Factory Road (£1 for £1) .. „ 1886 Hall and Acker Road (Otatara) 1888 Harold's Road .. .. .. Stewart Island 1891 Horseshoe Bay Back Road .. .. „ 1895 Kaipipi Road .. .. .. .. ,, 1904 Main Road North .. .. .. Southland 1914 Mclvor Road (£1 for £1) 1917 New River Bridge approaches (West Plains) ,, 1920 Ocean Beach Road (Bluff) 1921 Old Mill Creek Bridge and road .. .. Stewart Island 1922 O'Neil's Road (Block XXII, Invcrcargill Southland Hundred) 1924 Oughton to Weir's Road (£1 for £1) 1925 Point Road 1932 Scott Road (Hokonui) 1933 Sim's Road (£1 for £1) .. 1937 Springbank School North (£1 for £1) .. „ 1940 Stewart Island Main Road .. .. Stewart Islaud 1941 Tisbury Road (£1 for £1) .. .. Southland 1945 Tramway Road, Invercargill, Block XXII, „ Sections 20 to 35, and 36 1949 Waipapa Creek Road 1955 Winton, Blocks II and III (outfall drain) .. 1960 Zweiss Road (£1 for £1) 1961 Survey, acquisition, and legalization of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. 1962 Supervision 1963 Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote 1964 Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. 50 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 19 12 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 264 17 4 100 0 0 100 0 0 37 10 4 Mataura Awarua 50 0 0 182 2 11 31 12 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 70 0 0 75 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 75 0 0 50 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 60 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 174 5 0 200 0 0 89 12 0 177 0 0 150 0 0 112 15 0 400 0 0 150 0 0 75 0 0 20 11 6 123 16 6 190 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 192 7 6 35 4 6 150 0 0 150 0 0 37 13 4 75 0 0 7 16 4 483 P 1 1 19 9 72 19 0 Total—Otago £19,162 5 6



TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Vot« Mo. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net. Expenditure. Roads, etc. — continued. £ s. d. 606 5 0 112 1965 HHili 1967 Gk.neral— Compensation for injuViesJto[employees while in discharge of their duties, and contingent expenses in connection with same Engineering surveys Expenses incidental to the maintenance and improvements of roads Plant not chargeable to any particular work Roadmen's huts, storerooms, &c. Stone-crushers and road-making plant 142 15 6 7,282 18 5 1968 1969 1970 [162 0 0 275 7 10 62 15 5 Total —General £8,532 2 2 Vote No. 112—Total for 1910-11 .. ♦£146,079 7 0 i:i 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 Id Baokblocks Roads, etc. North Auckland Road District — Auckland Special Settlement to Mangakahia Awanui to Mangonui, via Taipa Broadwood to Herckino Broadwood to Runa Runa Duncan Road Great North Road to Otukai Haha Harnett Road Herd's Point to Takahue Bokianga Mangonui Hokianga Bay of Islands 111!) Iβ r> 24 9 H 272 17 2 192 15 8 201 2 7 92 14 0 112 0 0 13 3 0 320 4 8 »» • • Mangonui Hokianga Jl 12 Herekino to Kaitaia Herekino Settlement (access to Seotions 2(i and 27) Herekino to Whangape Horeke to Taheke, via Section I, Block XII, Mangamuka Survey District Huahua to Mangakino Huehue Huehue Block to Punakitere Settlement Road Humphrey's Road Kaeo to Upokarau Valley Kaikohe to Huehue I Mangonui and Hokianga Mangonui Hokianga 104 1 0 99 19 0 >» 13 11 96 19 5 46 18 6 Lβ Hi 17 117 17 8 100 0 0 98 16 10 18 111 20 Whangaroa Hokianga and Bay of Islands Ditto Hokianga 22 8 0 50 0 0 199 4 1 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 211 Kaikohe to Mangakahia Church Karaka to Rctokakahi Block Katui to Marlborough Settlement Katui to Waipoua Kereponia Kohukohu to Motukaraka, via Runa Valley Kohumaru .Miuigamuka to Oruru ,, • • Mangonui Hokianga Mangonui Hokianga and Mangonui Ditto Hokianga Mangonui Hokianga Mangonui 793 12 1 131 5 6 115 2 9 125 19 0 56 0 0 249 18 9 77 8 0 95 12 0 30 :;i 32 35 37 Mangamuka to Victoria Valley Mangatu to Katui Mangonui to Kohumaru Block, via Kenana Marlborough Association Maungataniwha Block VI (access to Sections 2 and 3) Motukaraka Creamery Road Newton Road Okaihau to Kaikohe Opouteke Block (access road) Opouteke to Mangakahia Opua to Waimate Oruru to Hikurangi Otaua Otukai to Mangatete, via Creamery Reserve Pakanae Block Road Paranui Pirikaha Raparapahoo .. Takahue to Herekino Takahue S.D., Block VI (access to Sections 13, 15, and 16) Takahue S.D., Block X (access) Takitu Te Karae Block Te Rio River Bridge Undeiwood Road Waimamaku to Opanaki-Hokianga Road .. Waima to Opouteke 320 17 1 69 3 4 105 10 0 49 16 6 144 0 0 38 39 40 42 r.i 41 46 46 47 49 52 53 r>4 56 66 Hokianga Bay of Islands Hokianga Bay of Islands Mangonui Hokianga Mangonui Hokianga Mangonui Or. 193 13 0 99 2 7 11 14 0 207 1 3 132 0 6 48 0 0 111 6 0 149 8 5 100 0 0 5 16 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 68 15 0 300 0 0 89 9 0 ♦» • • Hokianga Mangonui >» 57 58 60 (il 62 63 l>4 Hokianga »» • • Mangonui Hokianga Hokianga 47 16 0 14 10 0 3,391 16 9 3 15 4 61 13 0 245 18 3 245 9 0 • Includes £1,000 paid under authority of Section 27 of the Ap] ict. iropriation Act of 1910. Vide Harding's Koai bridges, Wellington


TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Vote Item No. No Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. 113 66 66 67 68 li!) 70 72 73 Baokblocks Roads, etc. — continued. Nokth Auckland Road District — continued. Waimatanui Waiote—Kumarau Waiotemarama Waipoua S.D., Section 26, Block XI (access) Wairau Block (access) Waoku Extension Block (access) Whakapaku roads Whangape to Mangonuiowae, via Rotokakahi Block Whangape Track Yarborough Road Maungakaramea to Tangiteroria Maungaturoto to Cove, via Rowsell's Hokianga Mangonui Hokianga Bay of Islands £ s. d. 322 11 6 382 9 3 290 12 6 183 13 2 64 1 9 299 6 3 96 6 6 212 3 3 74 75 76 77 »» * • Whangarei Whangarei and Otamatea Marsden 191 4 0 120 14 0 87 14 0 93 18 0 »» • • 79 Supervision 571 17 7 Total —North Auckland £12,930 5 10 80 82 85 86 Auckland Road District — Tangihua River Bridge Waipu to Mareretu (extension to Nutsford's) Avoca Settlement (West Road) Dargaville to Whangarei County Boundary Hobson Otamatea Hobson Marsden Kaipara Kaipara a n<1 Marsden Kaipara Kaipara and Bay of Islands Kaipara 150 0 0 5 12 0 50 0 0 360 13 6 88 89 Hukatere District roads Kaihu to Tarawhati Otamatea Hobson 71 18 10 200 0 0 90 Makarau Railway-station to West Coast Road Mangakahia Bridge to Mangakahia Church .. Rodney and Waitemata Hobson and Whangarei 30 12 8 !ll 92 94 Opanake Block (access road) Tangiteroria to Tangihua, Block II Hobson Koipara and Bay of Islands Kaipara Kaipara and Marsden Waitemata 817 7 8 7 3 6 178 5 4 99 Great Barrier Island (Harataonga to Port Fitzroy) Hetherington Road Kirikiri to Te Akau through Section 60 Klondyke Maungatawhiri to Waitakaruru No county 10 17 6 101 102 103 105 Raglan .. Franklin 45 6 0 1 4 0 93 16 9 63 7 10 »» 107 108 109 110 112 113 114 Moewaka Otau to Hunua Otau Road Ponganui Te Akau Block to Tuakau-Raglan Road .. Te Kirikiri Turner's Junction to West Coast (through Block VI, Awaroa) Wairoa River to Otau Whangape Parish (Sections 126, 127, and 128) Coromandel to Mercury Bay (continuation of main through road) (Jmntown to Whenuakite - Kaimarama Settlement to Waikawau Tairua to Hikuwai (Upper Landing) Kaihere Mangawhara Tahuna to Proctor's Torehapa Waikaka to Waitakaruru Waiti Karioi to Ruapuke Mountain Road Mangakino Pehehau Pehehau to Kaniwhaniwha Ruapuke Mountain Road Awaroa to Mahoe Awaroa to Waiharakeke Caves Road Hauturu »» • • • • Waikato and Thames Raglan Mamikau 80 5 3 176 17 0 120 5 6 75 1 4 301 18 10 34 6 8 159 4 10 Raglan 115 116 Manukau Raglan 46 3 3 83 8 0 117 Coromandel Thames 500 0 0 118 119 120 122 123 125 126 127 128 130 131 135 136 137 140 141 142 143 Thames Ohinemuri j Raglan Raglan and Kawhia Raglan .. »» • • Ohinemuri Waikato 250 0 0 100 0 0 20 11 1 22 11 8 14 6 0 99 11 9 10 1 10 10 0 1 96 14 3 17 1 0 . 40 16 0 169 14 6 38 5 8 45 3 0 300 10 3 205 1 3 113 4 0 140 0 0 »> * • ,, . . . . Kawhia.. Taumarunui .. ,, .. Waitomo Kawhia and Waitomo Waitomo Kawhia .. 144 145 146 147 Hauturu to Otorohanga Kaimango Kauri Kawhia to Marokopa River 161 11 1 3 12 0 136 2 11 279 13 8 ,, . . . .


TABLE No. 4-continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Expenditure. 113 148 149 150 151 152 155 156 157 158 159 160 162 Backblocks Roads, etc. — continued. Auckland Road District— continued. Kihi .. .. .. .. . . Kawhin. Kinohaku to Waiharakcke .. .. ,, . . Lemon Point to Te Maika Road . . .. .. . Mahoe .. .. .. .. ,, Mangaiti .. .. .. .. Waitomo Tapuae .. .. .. . . ,, Taumatatotara East .. .. .. Kawhia.. Taumatatotara West .. .. .. .... Te Maika .. .. .. .. „ . . Te Maika to Marokopa .. .. . . ,, .. Waihohonu .. .. .. .. Waitomo Supervision Taumaruni'i .. £ s. (1. 237 5 0 148 0 3 151 13 0 181 13 8 91 13 11 90 0 0 no 2 ii 8 15 0 216 19 6 74 17 3 38 7 7 806 7 10 Total—Auckland £8,044 4 2 £8,044 4 2 165 166 169 171 172 174 176 Taukanoa Road District — Clover Road .. .. .. .. Tatiranga Faulkner Road .. .. .. „ Kaimai .. .. .. .. Tauranga ami Matamata Kaituna .. .. .. .. Tauranga Karano .. .. .. .. ,, Ngamuawahine Rangiuru Settlement to Rangiuru-Mangoiv-w> Gorge Road Clayton Road .. .. .. .. Rotorua Dansey Road .. .. .. ., „ Hereperu North .. .. .. j Whakatane .. ■ Kaikokupu to Taheke .. .. .. Rotorua .. j Mamaku to Maraeroa-Oturoa Block . . „ Mangorewa Gorge to Mamaku .. . . ,, .. I Maniatutu .. .. .. .. j „ Ngawaro to Te Puke .. .. .. I Rotorua and TauTanranga 48 0 0 no Q n 98 S (I J K lii l \ a.; io o 133 1 0 61 7 0 0 16 f> n a i o i\ 48 0 0 98 8 0 46 10 (i 133 1 0 61 7 0 0 16 6 74 18 0 180 181 182 185 186 187 188 189 Bay of Plenty 16 r> o o in a Iβ "> 0 8 19 0 284 14 6 30 2 0 106 9 6 35 17 0 11 15 0 23 10 0 8 19 0 CIO A * A l> 106 9 6 ranga Pikowai North .. .. .. | Whakatane Pikowai South .. .. .. I Rotorua Pungarehu .. .. .. .. I Whakatane '.. i Puwhenua .. .. .. .. Rotorua Rangiuru to Mangorewa Gorge .. .. Rotorua and TauBay of Plenty and Tauranga Bay of Plenty 11 15 0 23 10 0 49 6 0 in 1O II 191 192 194 195 196 10 12 9 11 1 O A 49 6 0 40 12 0 10 12 9 11 18 0 74 11 10 202 203 204 ranga Waimana Gorge and deviation .. . . Whakatane Whataroa .. .. .. .. Rotorua Whirinaki Valley .. .. .. Rotorua and East Taupo 559 17 8 oo in i88 19 6 OK 1C A 559 17 8 88 19 6 25 16 0 205 Supervision 232 19 6 232 19 6 Total—Tauranga £2,074 5 9 £2,074 5 9 206 207 208 209 210 217 218 220 221 222 225 226 231 232 237 238 241 242 Gisborke Road District — Appleton Road .. .. .. Opotiki Armstrong Road .. .. .. Waikohu Fraser Road .. .. .. .. „ Kopuapounamu Valley .. .. .. Waiapu .. .. Kowhai .. .. .. .. Opotiki .. .. Neill Road .. .. .. .. Waikohu Oliver Road .. .. .. . . „ Opotiki to Motu .. .. .. Opotiki Pakihi .. .. .. .. „ Pakihi Road to Opotiki-Motu Road .. „ Philp Road .. .. .. Ruatuna to Ohiwa Landing .. .. „ Tokomaru to Mata .. .. .. Waiapu Tutaetoko .. .. .. .. Opotiki Waiawa River to East Cape .. .. Opotiki and Waiapu Waimata to Waiapu Inland Road (Todd's).. i Cook .. Waioeka River Main Road .. .. j Opotiki Waioeka River to Matawai .. .. Opotiki and Waikohu Waiotahi Valley .. .. .. Opotiki .. Whinray .. .. .. .. „ .. Ahimanu .. .. .. .. Cook Gisborne to Wairoa (deviation, via Te Arai „ Valley) Hangaroa to Tahora (Steele's) .. .. „ Mangapoike Valley (east end) .. .. Cook and Wairoa.. Tokanui .. .. .. .. Cook Supervision Bay of Plenty 76 3 0 500 0 0 1 *> t\ 250 0 0 at a "- 61 4 5 1 COT f\ 1 1,537 9 1 eo T-r ii 7(5 3 0 500 0 0 1 3 0 250 0 0 HI 4 f> 1,537 g l 58 17 11 538 15 9 251 4 0 88 17 11 57 11 0 38 1 3 150 0 0 143 7 3 84 4 0 191 Iβ ■> 34 5 0 381 2 0 84 4 0 111 i i - n 243 246 249 250 Gisborne 110 0 0 5 18 0 400 0 0 oil , in et 110 0 0 5 18 0 400 0 0 216 12 5 216 12 5 251 252 254 255 325 12 7 an ic ii 69 15 9 .i —. t in /\ 325 12 7 69 15 9 272 12 0 329 8 4 Total—Gisborne £6,173 19 10 £6,173 19 10


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

5—D. 1.


Vote Item No. No. ote Item Jo. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Name of Work. County. Net Expenditure. i i I 13 [3 257 258 259 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 [ 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 281 283 284 285 290 292 293 294 295 298 I 299 ■•{(HI 301 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 314 316 :iiti :si7 :iis 321 322 323 324 325 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 335 33H XS7 338 339 340 342 343 344 345 34(> 347 Backblocks Roads, etc. — continued. Taeanaki Road District— Arapae .. .. .. .. Waitomo .. Taumarumui .. Awakino Valley (Lower) .. .. Awakino .. ,, .. i Awakino Valley (I'pper) .. .. „ .. „ Horopito . . .. .. .. Waimarino .. ,, Huhatahi .. .. .. .. Ohura .. .. ,, Hunt Road .. .. . . . . Awakino . . „ Kaeaeae .. . . .. .. j Waitomo Kairimu . . .. .. .. Awakino Kairimu Stream bridges .. .. „ Kaitickr .. .. .. .. Waimarino .. ,, Kakahi .. .. .. .. Ohura Kakahi Stream Bridge . . .. .. ,, .. .. „ Karioi to Rangiwaea . . .. .. Waimarino Karioi to Waitangi .. .. .. ,, Kawautahi .. .. . . . . West Taupo and Waimarino Kie Kie .. .. .. . . Waitomo Kiriteheie .. .. .. . . Awakino .. „ Kiritehere Bridge .. .. .. „ .. ,, Kiwi .. .. .. .. .. Clifton Kohua .. . . . . . . Waitomo . . „ Kopuha .. . . . . . . Ohura Kumara . . .. .. .. Waitomo .. „ Kururaii .. .. .. . . Ohura .. Mahoenui to Totoro .. .. . . Awakino .. ,, Mangahoe .. .. . . . . Waimarino Mangakokopu .. .. .. .. Awakino Manganui .. .. .. .. ,, Manganui-o-te-ao . . . . .. Waimarino Manganui-o-te-ao Bridge .. .. ,, Mangaotaki Valley (Upper .. .. Awakino Mangapapa .. . . . . .. Ohura .. Mangapohue . . .. .. .. Waitomo, Awakino, and Kawhia Mangaturuturu .. .. . . Waimarino .. „ Marokopa River Bridge (Te Anga), (on ac- Awakino and ,, count) Kawhia Marokopa River to Mahoenui .. . . Awakino and „ Waitomo Marokopa Valley .. .. . . Awakino .. ,, Miroahuiao to Matiere .. .. . . Ohura and Wai- „ tomo Miroahuiao to Mangaotaki .. .. Waitomo .. ,, Mohakatino Valley .. .. .. Clifton .. Mokauiti .. .. .. .. Waitomo .. „ Moki .. .. .. .. • • Clifton .. Moteti- .. .. .. ■• Waimarino .. „ Ngapaenga .. .. .. . . Waitomo .. „ Ohura Road .. .. . . Stratford, Whanga- „ momona, Clifton, and Ohura Oio • • • • ■ • • • • • Waimarino and ,, West Taupo Otautn .. .. •• ■■ Waimarino Owhango .. •• ■• •• West Taupo Otunui South .. .. . . .. Ohura Paraheka .. .. .. . . Waitomo Parapara to Raetihi .. .. . . Waimarino .. „ Paro .. .. . ■ .. ■ ■ Waitomo Patua.. .. •• .. ■■ Waimarino Pehu Pirere.. .. •• .. - ; Ohura .. Pomorangi .. •• •. .. Awakino Pukearuhe .. . • • • ■ • Waitomo Pukekaha .. . . . . • ■ Waimarino .. „ Pokatea to Kokakonui .. .. .. West Taupo I'ungarehu .. . • .. ■ • Waitomo Raetihi to Ohura .. .. .. Waimarino Rerekino .. • • .. .. Clifton . . Retaruke River Bridge •■ .. ■■ Waimarino Retaruke Valley .. .. . . „ ■ ■ ». Retaruke Valley (I'pperj .. .. Waimarino Roto .. . ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ Ohura Ryan Road .. .. .. .. ,, .. . . „ Tangaiakau River Bridge (top orossing) .. Clifton .. Tangitu . • • • • • • • ., Te Maire .. .. •• .. West Taupo Te Rata .. ■■ •• •• Waimarino Tokorima Road to Wanganui River . . Ohura Tongaporutu to Mangaroa .. .. Clifton and Ohura £ b. d. .")L'4 0 0 453 L8 8 185 10 0 316 8 8 142 11 7 47 4 0 63 18 6 280 14 4 259 16 5 225 3 1 10 4 0 13 16 0 93 11 0 131 10 2 131 8 4 17 17 6 539 11 11 9(i 11 6 439 0 1 96 4 II 11 (i (i 138 r> (i 34 14 9 144 16 8 21 0 9 97 9 5 1.283 3 3 169 8 2 8 15 8 273 6 8 47 1 6 514 6 6 177 12 2 222 12 1 535 10 10 658 17 3 786 17 5 10 2 9 65 1 5 22 8 0 594 19 7 58 6 0 59 12 6 4,476 2 8 187 in 7 115 'ti 11 246 12 I 190 7 8 313 1 2 1.014 1 2 73 14 8 157 11 7 91 13 9 1 12 0 727 7 1 71 11 0 17 13 9 t>83 .-> 7 191 13 10 372 8 4 125 10 10 247 7 1 346 13 3 260 7 2 9 16 0 24 It) 0 87 lfi 10 279 19 2 38 18 3 90 7 7 211 13 4 1,264 2 8

I). 1.

TABLE No. 4- continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.- continued.


Note Item No No I Name of Work. Couuty. Electorate. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure. Net Expenditure. 13 348 350 351 363 364 366 356 357 358 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 372 373 374 :i77 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 38(> 387 389 390 I!.M Kin.u< ks Roads, bto. continued. Tak.waki Road District continued. Turoto .. .. ■■ ■• Ohuva .. .. Taumarunui .. Waikawau .. .. .. .. Awakino Waimarino to Retaruke .. .. Wajmarino Waipapa .. .. .. ■■ Waitomo Waipaua . . .. . . . . Awakino Wairere to Mokauiti .. .. .. Waitomo Waitawhena . . . . . . Ohura . . Wanganui Valley Road .. .. .. West Taupo Whakahaw . . .. . . . . Awakino Rawhitiroa .. .. .. .. Eltham and Patea Egmont Tangahoe (Whareroa to Rehu Village) .. Hawera .. ,, Kohuratahi .. .. ■■ ■ Whangamomona Stratford Manga .. .. .. .. Stratford Mangaoapa (Junction I toad to Mohakau Road < litI on and St rat ford Mangaowata .. .. .. .. Whangamomona Mar i Mat mi Township to Mangaoapa Road . Stratford and Clifton Matau Township to Tarawai .. .. Clifton .. Poarangi .. •■ ■■ ■■ Whangamomona ,, I'utikituiia Whangamomona to Wanganui River .. ., „ Ahoroa .. .. .. ■■ Patea .. .. Patea Aim Aim .. .. .. .. Waitotara Makakaho River Bridge .. .. .. Patea .. I Iniivta Opaku Puao .. .. .. .. Ridge Road .. .. .. Waitotara Valley Road .. Watershed Koad .. .. .. Waitotara and Patea Weiaweraonga .. .. .. Patea Karei u .. .. .. .. Rangitikei .. Rangitikei Mangahowhi • • •• .. •■ Wanganui Mangamahoe .. .. . . . . Raugitikei . . ,. Mason's to Parapara .. .. .. Wanganui and Waimarino Mataroa to Mangaweka .. .. Rangitikei Namunui Owhakura .. .. . . . . Wanganui Taihape to Waiouru .. . . . . Rangitikei .. ,, Te Komai .. . . . . . . Wanganui .. „ Turakina Valley .. .. . . Rangitikei .. ,. Upokonui . . . . . . . . Wanganui Wanganui River Road (Lett Hank) .. Wanganui and Wai- „ marino t s. <{. 38 19 0 839 12 2 210 (I !l r>!) 2 ."> l(i.-) .-, (I Mi? :. '.I 302 1 2 262 14 7 2!)!) IS li 1.212 I!) 2 422 11 !l i>:,!) hi :: 7 in ii 18 II lo 244 17 2 2! I 1 2 (12 II II 282 II 6 1 :t li 4!),S .1 8 248 4 8 177 10 ii :S71 !) s 664 9 7 60 r> ii 57 15 0 94 3 (I !)!> Hi S 130 !) :! 362 2 i> 2 S (i 122 s ii 63 17 2 117 14 7 1.202 li 7 ■Hi li (i 192 0 8 63 0 0 715 0 0 70 0 0 145 9 11 91 l(i li 2:!.i 17 (i 392 393 394 399 400 401 402 404 4Or, Supervision 1,600 5 2 Total —Taranaki £34,133 14 3 £34,133 14 3 40!) 40!) 410 411 412 414 416 41(5 417 419 420 422 432 435 437 439 445 in; 455 401 462 463 464 Wklltngtok Road Distrii i FrasertowE to Mangapoike River .. Wairoa .. .. Gisborne .. ■ Makaretu to Paparatii . . .. . . .... Mangaone .. .. .. .. .... Mangapahi .. .. .. .. .... Mangarewarewa .. .. .. .... .Matukihia . . . . . . . . .... Xuhaka River Road .. .. .. .... Omahanui to Whataroa .. .. ». ■ • Opoho .. .. . . .. .... Ruakituri River Bridge (Bootliman's) .. Wairoa and Cook ., Ruakituri Valley . . . . .. ,, Waikati . . . . . . .. Wairoa .. Makopua .. .. .. .. Rangitikei Pourangaki .. .. . . . . Ciwitea Conspicuous Road .. .. .. ,, . Oroua Kawakawa . . . . . . . . Akitio . . . . Pahiatua Marainanga .. .. .. . . ,, .. Piper Road . . . . . . . Pahiatua Waiowaka .. .. . . . . Akitio . . . . „ Manakau North .. .. .. Horowhenua .. Otaki Waikanae to Upper Huti .. .. Hutt .. .. Otaki and Hutt Waitohn Extension .. .. .. Horowhenua .. , Otaki Supervision 42S !l !l 277 12 i> 14!) Ml -I 75 0 0 20 0 0 127 11 0 :ils r> II 25 o :! loo o o 820 7 6 95 I 6 195 14 9 Is o (i S S li 24 10 !i 44 l.'i 9 242 3 0 165 is i; 135 9 11 ,-,o ii i: I2ii I I ii 110 I ii 71.". l(i 7 42.S !) !) 277 12 !) 14!) 10 i IT, 0 0 20 0 0 127 11 0 :ils r, II 25 o :! loo o o 820 7 6 95 I 6 1!)5 14 9 IS 0 (I S S li 10 !• 44 L3 9 242 3 0 165 is i; 135 9 11 ,-,o ii i: 126 II ii iin i i> 71.". Iti 7 Total— Wellington €4,21)4 12 8 t4,2H4 12 8



TABLE No. 4- continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Item No. No. Name of Work. County. irate. Net Kxpendlture. I I 113 Hack blocks Roads, rn . continued. Nil,son Road District— 165 Deep Bay to Section 4. Block XII. Frenob .Sounds .. Pass Survey I )ist rict .. 466 Alexander Bluff Road .. .. .. Waimea Hi'.i Burmeiater Road .. .. .. ,, 180 Karaka Road (West Wanganui) .. .. Collingwood 487 : Lee Valley .. . . .. .. VVaimea +!).( Tadmor to Baton 195 Wairoa Forks Block Road .. .. ,, 496 Wangapeka Settlement (Sherry Road) .. ,, 198 GUencairn to Maruia North Block .. Murchison 499 Glengarry 5ii(i (ilenroy to Maruia .. .. .. ,, 501 Gtlenroy to Rappahannook 502 Hope jurici ion to Lake Rotoroa .. .. ,, 507 Maruia River Bridge .. .. .. „ •Mis Maruia River Protection (MaruiaSouth Road) ,. 510 Maruia South Road .. .. .. ,, 51 I Maruia Valley .. . . .. .. ,, .11 Matiri River Road (East Bank) .. .. „ 515 Matiri River Road (West Bank) .. 518 Owen Junotion to Murchison Creek r.i , :; Supervision Nelson Motueka Bull.'. "" I " . . ,, E s. d. 53 8 ii 4f>7 (I III si 10 II 45 14 0 273 12 11 83 10 9 L68 18 10 103 4 2 !t 14 0 1 7 0 94 5 1 200 0 0 58 i> n I 10 0 0 IS (I 141 10 0 121 10 0 8 2 0 4:i 5 ii 43 Ml II 301 10 4 Total —Nelson . . £2,293 7 6 £2,293 7 6 \1 UILBOROUGH ROAD District— 52<i (!rail Bay to Manaroa .. .. .. Sounds .. 527 ('rail Bay to South-east Baj .. •• » 534 Mahau Sound . . .. .. .. ,, 537 Ohinetaha to Te Mahia .. .. .. „ 539 Skiddaw Run to Te Matau-a-Maui 54(1 Skiddaw to Ynoyca Bay .. •• >, .")41 Te Mahia to Portage Bay 542 Te Matau to Wet Inlet .. .. ."ilti Dryden's Bay to Endeavour Inlet r>49 Kcnepuru to Endeavour Inlet 554 Onahau Bay to Kenepuru Sound .. ,, r>57 Rook Ferry to Bartlett's Creek .. .. Marlborough 562 Whatamongo to Diffenbaoh .. .. Sounds .. 565 Puhipuhi .. .. .. .. Kaikoura 569 Supervision Nelson Wairau Wairau and Nelson .. Ditto .. I Wairau Hurunui 95 12 2 18 13 9 72 17 II 4 8 0 ] 0 0 72 1 5 80 1 II 69 4 3 S4 8 II 20 l<6 II I !M i 2 ti 65 18 ti 70 5 4 :i21 4 5 372 13 4 Total— Marlborough £1,539 7 6 £1,539 7 6 ■ Westport Road District— 671 Little VVanganui River Bridge .. • Buller .. 572 ; Mokihinui to Little VVanganui 573 Mokihinui River Bridge 575 Otumahana to Karamea Bridge (road deviation ) 576 Brighton Block Road .. 578 Supervision Motueka Buller 547 12 0 1 ,59 1 8 8 1.420 4 9 193 0 0 96 4 9 279 13 6 Total—Westport £4,128 3 8 £4,128 3 8 Wbstland Road District — 579 Brown Creek Road .. .. .. tlnangahua 580 Inangahua Landing to Coal Creek ■ ,, 581 Inangahua Landing to Brown Creek .. „ 588 Barrytown to Punakaiki .. . . Grey 584 Big River .. .. .. 585 Cameron's Terrace Road 586 Dunollie to Seven-mile .. 588 Meagher's Creek to Sea-beach 589 Porarari .. .. •. 590 ' Panakaiki .. .. . . 591 ' Rough River Track 592 Seven-mile Road bridges 593 Arawata to Cascade .. .. .. NVstland 594 Cook River to Karangarua .. . . ,, 595 Douglas Road .. .. .. .. ,, 596 Evans Road .. .. .. ■ • „ 597 I Harris Road .. .. .. .. Grey 598 Hatters to Haupiri .. .. .. ,, f>99 Jacobs to Karangarua (Hunt Creek) .. Westland . . Buller Grey . . Wi'Stland 118 14 2 90 o o 176 1 8 154 0 0 140 0 0 63 0 0 292 0 0 100 I) 0 207 10 0 228 10 0 181 0 0 443 17 ! 91 8 (I 192 0 0 100 0 0 179 10 0 45 0 0 371 0 0 102 13 8



TABLE No. 4- continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Not Expenditure. I ' IS Backblocks Roads, HTC. — continued. Westland Road District — continued. £ s. d. 601 Kokatahi (Upper) to Doughboy .. .. Westland .. Westland .. 157 16 5 602 Kokiri to Moana . .. .. Grey .. .. .. 90 0 0 604 La Fontaine Road and extension .. Westland .. .. .. 241 15 1 605 Maintain to Bruoe Bay (Paringa Landing) .. .. .. .. .. 87 18 0 608 Okuru Track .. .. .. 33 3 0 609 Omoeroa to Waiho .. .. .. .. .. ., .. 249 4 2 011 Robertson Road .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 181 0 0 612 Ross to Kokatahi .. .. .. „ .. .. .. 585 17 0 613 BoaUyRoad .. .. .. .. .. •• .. •• 87 12 0 614 Slatey Creek Footbridge (Larkin's) .. Grey .. .. .. .. 100 0 0 616 Waiho South .. .. .. .. Westland .. .. .. .11 0 0 617 Waikukupa Bridge .. .. .. ,. .. .. .. 42 11 7 r>20 Waitaha Settlement extension .. .. .. .. .. .. 141 3 3 t>21 Wall Road .... .. .. .. .. .. .. 407 5 6 l>22 Walsh Track (Cook River) .. .. .. .. .. .. 148 0 0 623 Wataroa Flat .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 286 10 0 624 Supervision .. .. .. .. .. . • 228 8 9 601 602 604 605 608 609 011 612 613 614 616 617 t>20 621 622 623 624 £ s. d. 157 16 5 90 0 0 241 15 1 87 18 0 33 3 0 249 4 2 181 0 0 585 17 0 87 12 0 100 0 0 51 0 0 42 11 7 141 3 3 407 5 6 148 0 0 286 10 0 228 8 9 Total—Westland .. .. .. .. £6,665 9 4 £6,665 9 4 Otago Road District— 631 Gregg Road (Otara) .. .. .. Southland .. Clutha .. 38 16 0 634 King Road (Otara) . . .. .. Clutha .. .. „ .. 50 0 0 635 Pascoe Road .. .. .. .. Southland . . „ . . 128 9 5 641 Hodgson Road (Kapuka) .. .. „ .. j Mataura .. 28 3 6 642 Killen Road (Oteramika) .. .. „ .. „ .. 50 0 0 646 Hughes Road (Otatara) .. .. .. „ .. Awarua .. 74 16 0 649 Lora Stream Bridge (Section 148, Forest Hill) .. .... .. 30 4 2 653 Taylor Gorge Road .. .. .. .. .. ., .. 146 19 4 654 Wi'nton, Block VIII .. .. .. ., . . ,. . . 191 5 0 655 Wood Road. Cuniplx-lltown .. .. .. .. .. .. 114 0 5 656 Supervision .. .. . . .. .. .. 212 8 7 631 634 635 641 642 646 649 653 654 655 656 Total—Otago . . .. .. .. .. £1,065 2 5 £1,065 2 5 ! I iBNBBAL — l>57 .Miscellaneous works ami servioes, inoluding .. .. 115 4 10 assistance towards the oonstruotion of roads, bridges, tracks. Jfco. l>57 Total—General .. .. .. .. £115 4 10 £115 4 10 Vote No. 113—Total for 1910-11 .. .. £83,457 17 8 127 Roads to open up Crown Lands. North Auckland Road District — 4 Kohumaru Block .. .. .. Mangonui . . Bay of Islands 262 6 0 6 J Mangakahia Block . . .. . Whangarei .. .. 114 3 1 7 1 Omawhake Blook .. .. - . . Bay of Islands .. .. 499 1 0 8 ! Opouteke Block .. .. .. Hokianga . . .. 482 1 10 11 Otepo Block .. .. .. .. Mangonui .. .. 115 0 0 12 Otukai Block .. . . .. .. „ .. .. 4 15 0 13 One Block .. .. .. .. . Whangarei and Hob- .. 297 13 4 son 18 Rotokakahi Block . . . . .. Hokianga .. ,, 18 4 0 20 Taeore Block .. .. . . . . Mangonui .. ,, 50 13 2 23 Tarawhati Block .. .. .. Hekianga .. .. 2,195 19 4 30 Range Blook .. •. ■ • ■ ■ Whangarei . . Marsden . . 12 12 3 Total—North Auckland.. .. .. .. £4,052 9 0 £4,052 9 0 Auckland Road District — 37 Te Akau Block .. . . .. Raglan . . .. Franklin . . 5.346 17 4 41 ! Mangaokahu Block .. .. . . „ . . Waikato .. 19 18 6 42 ! Korakanui Block .. .. .. West Taupo . . Tauranga .. 261 2 4 44 Wharepuhunga Block . . . . . . „ . . „ . . 127 8 6 47 Kaimango Block . . . . . . Kawhia .. .. Taumarunui .. 5 2 8 48 Kekepuku Block . . .. .. Waitomo and \\ „ .. 2 3 6 Taupo 57 Rangitoto Block .. .. .. Waitomo . . „ .. 3,451 14 7 Total— Auckland .. .. .. .. £9,214 7 5 £9,214 7 5


I). 1

TABLE No. 4- continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electoral.-. Net Expenditure. 27 66 67 Roads to open up Crown Lands — c&ntd. Tauranga Road District — 66 Manawahe Block .. .. . . Whakatane 67 Mangorewa—Kaharoa Block .. . . Rotorua Bay of I'len Bay of Plenty rity £ s. d. 243 0 0 201 7 3 £ s. d. 243 0 0 201 7 3 — — Total —Tauranga .. £444 7 3 £444 7 3 Gisborne Road District — 71 Koranga Block .. .. .. Waikohu 72 Oamaru No. 2 Block . . .. .. Opotiki 73 Oamaru No. 3 Block .. .. 74 Oamaru No. 4 Block .. .. 76 Tahora No. 2 North Block .. .. „ 79 Whitikau Block .. .. .. ,. • • 71 72 73 74 7<i 79 Bay of Pier Bay of Plenty nty 629 10 » 6 8 8 26 16 0 16 19 0 230 13 7 343 12 9 629 10 » 6 8 8 26 16 0 16 19 0 230 13 7 343 12 9 Total—Gisborne £1,254 0 9 £1,254 0 82 86 88 89 90 92 93 94 96 97 99 100 103 105 106 109 110 111 Taranaei Road District — 82 Aria Township Block .. .. . . Waitomo 86 Hikimutu Block . . .. . . West Taupo 88 Horopito West Block .. .. .. Waimarino 89 Iriwhata Block . . .. Ohura 90 Kahuwera Block . . .. .. Waitomo 92 Kakahi Village Settlement Block.. .. West Taupo 93 Kawautahi Block .. .. . . West Taupo and Waimarino 94 Kirikau Block .. .. . . . Waimarino 96 Mangaroa Township Block . . .. Ohura 97 Mangatiti Block .. .. . . Waimarino 99 Marangae Block .. .. . . Whangamomona 100 Matiere Village Block .. .. . Ohura 103 North Waimarino Block . . .. West Taupo 106 Ohakune No. 2 Block .. .. .. Waimarino 106 Ohakune Village Settlement Block .. „ 109 (Iwhango Block .. .. .. West Taupo 110 i Papakauri Block .. .. .. Awakino 1 J 1 Paraketu Block . . . . . Ohura anil Wai- I tomo 112 Rangataua Block .. .. .. Waimarino IJ4 Retaruke Block 115 Riariaki Block . . .. „ 117 ; Ruatiti Block .. .. .. .. „ 118 South Kaitieke Block .. . . .. „ 120 Tahuna Block .. .. .. .. Waitomo 123 Tupapanui Block .. .. .. Waimarinn J HO Ahu Ahu Block .. .. .. Waitotara 131 Rangitatau Block .. .. .. „ 134 Taonui-Maraetaua-Pukewhftkapii Block .. Wanganui Taumarunu ;; >, Patea" Rangitikei Taumarunui .. ni . . 22 17 0 290 6 10 14 3 0 898 11 9 2,288 8 4 0 18 6 80 14 4 0 ti 0 49 11 6 233 15 8 1,447 2 3 180 0 0 924 8 8 39 12 7 462 2 7 55 14 0 198 3 9 947 II 3 914 li I 357 6 3 954 0 4 1,347 1 6 302 9 7 6,362 9 0 Xi 3 11 Dili 10 (i 743 1 0 21 11 1 22 17 6 290 6 10 14 3 0 898 11 9 2,288 8 4 0 18 6 80 14 4 0 ti 0 49 11 6 233 15 8 1,447 2 3 180 0 0 924 8 8 39 12 7 462 2 7 55 14 0 198 3 9 947 II 3 112 114 115 117 118 120 123 130 131 134 Patca" Rangitikei 914 li I 357 6 3 954 0 4 1,347 1 6 302 9 7 6,362 9 0 33 3 11 Dili 10 (i 743 1 0 21 11 1 Total--Taranaki .. ..I £20,076 I) 9 £20,076 t> 9 I Wellington Road District— 136 Waipaoa Block .. .. .. Wairoa .. 137 Waimarama Block .. . . . Hawke's Bay 141 Kumeti Block .. .. . . . Dannevirke .. | Uisborne Hawke's Ba Pahiatua a (iisbome Hawke's Bay Pahiatua and Waipawa Pahiatua Waipawa and 134 1 0 3,056 10 6 990 19 5 125 0 0 859 li :i 92 I!) 6 44 0 8 2 9 6 134 1 0 3,056 10 6 990 19 6 Waiuawa 142 Makaretu Village Settlement Block .. Pahiatua 147 Makaretu Block .. .. . . Waipawa 148 Mangatera Block .. . . . . Dannevirke 149 Piripiri Block .. 150 Rokai Block Pahiatua Waipawa 125 0 0 859 li :i 92 19 6 44 0 8 2 9 6 Total—Wellington £5,305 6 10 £5,305 6 1(1 Nelson Road District— 161 Wairoa Forks Block . . .. .. Waimea 162 Glenroy Block .. . . . . Murchison 165 Maruia Block 167 , Mid Maruia Block 170 Rappahannock Block 171 Warwick Block Motueka Buller 21 10 3 184 18 0 3 9 0 648 0 6 305 9 6 5 3 0 Total—Nelson £1,168 10 3

1). -I


TABLE No. 4 —continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

No'" "no" 1 Name of Work. County. Electorate. E^a'ture. I I ' Roads t<> open it Crown I, whs' rontd. \Vi:sT>>nuT Road District £ s. d. 127 178 Kongahu Block .. .. .. TSuller .. .. Motueka .. ; 806 14 5 170 Mokihinui Block .. .. .. „ .. 2(14 Oil 150 Oparara Block .. .. .. .. .. 270 15 2 151 Otumahana Block .. .. .. .. .. r>0!) 1 9 Tot ill Westport . . . . . . . . £1,856 12 3 £1,866 12 3 Westland Road District 185 H.iast River Block .. .. .. Westland .. Westland .. 99 10 ii 185 00 10 (i Total Westland .. . . . . .. £99 19 (i £99 19 6 Otaoo Road District 189 Alton No. 3 Blook .. .. .. Wallace . Wallace .. 2.121 I.". 8 195 Waikawa, Blook II .. .. .. Southland .. Clutha .. 2!) 18 4 2(M) Wai mania Block .. .. .. .. .. Mataura .. (>3 Hi (> 189 195 200 Total -Otago .. . . . . . . . £2,218 10 4 Vote No. 127—Total for HMO II .. .. .. £45,690 10 4 128 Roads to open it National Endowment Lands. North Auckland I!<>\i> District — 128 1 Koutu Block .. .. .. .. Hokianga .. Bay of Islands 31 !i .. 2 Otakairangi Block .. .. .. Whangarei .. ,, is:i 18 r> :', Whakapara Block .. .. .. „ .. „ r>1 13 11 4 Ngunguru Extension No. 2 Block . . .. . . Marsden . . 14 0 1 2 3 4 Total North Auckland .. .. .. .. £468 r> !i Auckland Road Distrii i 5 Opanake Block (extension) .. .. Sobeon .. Kaipara .. 702 it 7 5 Total Auckland .. .. .. .. £702 !) 7 T Iran \ k i Ro id District 13 [riwhata Block .. .. .. Ohura .. .. Taumaruntii .. 2..~>i>l 4 lo Hi Otiniiii Block ..■*.. .. .. ,. .. .. „ .. ! 891 (i s 13 Total Taranaki . . . . .. .. £3,252 11 l> Nelson Road Distrii t 18 Wangamoa Block .. .. .. Waimea.. .. Nelson .. ."ill 8 0 21 I Lee River Extension Block .. .. ., .. Motueka .. 3.">8 A -I IS 21 59 8 o 358 4 4 Total Nelson . . . . .. . . .. £417 12 4 £417 12 4 Wbstland Road District 25 : Arnold Valley Block .. .. .. Grey .. .. Grey .. 603 Id 9 26 Clearwater Block .. .. .. Westland .. Westland .. 74 18 9 :!l Wai ho Lower Block .. .. .. ., .. „ .. 100 0 0 —.—, . , 28 26 31 603 Id 9 71 18 9 100 0 0 —, Total—Westland . . .. .. .. £778 9 6 £778 9 6 Vote No. 128- Total for 1010-11 .. .. .. £5,010 8 8 .. CONSOLIDATED FUND. Maintenance and Improvement of Roads. 20 I : Expenses incidental to the maintenance and .. .. £21),,"i(i2 9 U improvement of roads — You- 112. 113, 127, 128, and 20 .. .. .. .. *310,34SM2 8 Add expenditure for previous yeare .. .. .. f8,301,802 14 Ii Total expenditure to 31st March. 1011 .. .. £8,612,162 7 2 j _j I •Includes £1,000 paid under authorltj .if don 27 of the Appropriation Act of 1010. — Vide Harding"* Road bridges, Wellington District. t Includes expenditure foi oertaln jrears out of Native Land Purchase Account and Land.- Improvement Atoijiit. — Vide Table No. ■'.



TABLfc NO. 4— continued. R.OADS ON GOLDFIELDS. Vote No. 114.—Item No. 1. —Assistance towards the construction ami repair of £ s d roads. 4c. ... ... ... 741 7 11 £741 7 11 Auckland. Whangaroa County. t - v 4. Pupuke (Landing-Mines) ... ... ... ... ... 25y q' y t'oromandel County. 7. Cabbage Bay - Matamatakarakeke ... ... ... ... 40 q () 11. Cape Colville-Port Charles ... ... ... jqO () () 12. Coromandel—Knaotunu, via Matarangi ... [gg () ( , 17. Kaimarama-Waikawau ... ... ... ... 100 o 0 19. Kapanga Mine Road (metalling) ... ... ... 200 0 0 21. Kennedy Bay - Matamataharakeke ... ... ... 279 0 0 'I'l. Kikowhakarere - Cabbage Bay ... ... ... 150 [g ,x 2(>. Mercury Bay — Tairua ... ... ... ' 250 0 0 27. McliiHiclilinV - Waik.iwau Creek Track (widening) ji i<) n 29. Tiki Goldfield Road ... ... - )0 v 0 33. Tokatea — Kennedj Bay ... ... ... ... 250 o 0 34. Waitaia Company's Low-level Road ... ... .-,0 q q • !■">. Whitianga—Guratown ... ... ... ... igo 0 q Thames County. • !ii. Golden Belt Battery - Puketui ... . . 34 | () v 41. Hikuwai-Tairua ... ... ... . 154 \j (i 44. Kauaeranga \" a 1 It■ \ Koad ... ... •>-,() () 0 55. Puriri—Neavesville ... ... 104. 7 7 56. Puriri Valley Road ... ... ... I ID |- 0 59. Tairua -Broken Hills —Upper Landing . ... loin |n 61. Tapu-Gumtown ... ... ... ... ... 95 16 0 64. Thames—Hikutaia ... ... ... ... j.;-, | 68. I fpper Tararu Road ... ... ... 50 0 0 I'l. Waidtahi Road ... ... ... ... ... 50 (( ~ Thames Borough, 75. Karaka Creek (clearing) ... ... ... 100 0 0 7G. Waidtahi Aqueduct (repairs) ... -,o q (i Ohinemuri County. 11. Adeline-Mangakino ... ... ... .. 86 0 0 78. Bridge Road - Karangahaki ... ... 100 0 0 81. Oadman Road (Waikino—Waitekauri)... ... [gQ 0 0 83. Durbar Mine — Komata ... ... ... 100 0 0 85. Golden Cross Maratoto ... ... ... . . 57 |- g 87. Hikutaia - Paeroa ... ... .. jOO ,■. n 89. Hill Road - Talisman Mine ... ... ... 100 0 0 iH). Hoununga Road ... ... ... ... go 0 0 91. Karangahake—Rotokohu ... ... 100 (l ')'!. Komata Creek Road ... ... ... 100 0 0 93. Komata Creek - Battery ... ... ... I lo g 0 94. Komata Main Drain (£1 for t\) ... 5 g o 96. Kuriri Creek Drain ... ... ... ... -{0 0 0 UK). Mangakino Track ... ... ... ... ... q () KM. Maoriland Mine —Paeroa ... ... ... gg 0 0 10L , . Maratoto Road ... ... ~,, in n 103. Mill Road (£1 tor £1) ... ... 10n n 0 1 ,, '. Paeroa Hikutaia Road - Robinson's 35 0 (! [09. Paeroa-Te Aroha ... ... ... ... jgg q 110. Paeroa—Waitoa ... ... ... .>-o •> 1 113. Puke-Netherton ... ... ... ... ■)-,] ~ 115. Rahu Road — Cornish Town ... ... ... 99 jk q 116. Railway-Hill Road .. .. 100 0 0 118. Talisman Coal-hopper - Hill Road .. 45 0 0 !!!'. Thames Road - Komata Railway-station 7-; |-, 0 I "21. Waihi—Whanaramata ... ... ... 34 0 n 1"24. Waitawheta Road ... ... ... -,0 0 0 125. Waitav. lief a Road Deviation ( 9-, jg 0 !28. Waitekauri-Durbar ... ... 5 \ 0 0 I - .'!). Waitekauri Maoriland Mine ... ... SO 0 f) Piako County. 133. Waiorongoroai-Waitawheta .. ... ... ... 900 0 0 £6.824 15 0


I). 1

TABLE No. 4— continued. ROADS ON GOLDFlELDS— continued. Marlbohough. I'el or us Boad Board. £ s- d. 139. Kaituna-Tuamarina ■■• ••■ ••• ■■■ 10 ° ° ° i-100 i) o Nelson. Colling wood County. £ «• J--145. Bishop's Washout Bridge ■■■ ■•■ ■■■ v fi 146. Collingwood-Parapara ... ■•■ ••• vl x * ° L5l. Ruataniwha Bridge Takaka Count;/. 159. Pariwhakaho Bridge ... ■•■ 247 12 4 Waiinea County. 164. Kiwi Saddle-Crow River ... ••• ••• 18 J> 11 8 166. Rolling River-Battery-site ... ■•■ inn n n L 69. Wangapeka-Baton ... Butter County. 171. Brighton - Grey County Boundary ... ■■ ■■ •■■ 150 0 173. Bullock Creek f*> " 174. Carter's Junction - Bradshaw's Terrace ... |"J jf " 176. Channel Flat - Mackley's and bridge in n 181. Fairdown-Sergeant's Hill, via railway ... ... ••■ ■•■ -MB 10 U 183. Granity Creek (clearing) ... • ■• ■•• -*** » " 184. Granity Creek Southwards ... ... ■•• ■•■ ••■ ••■ n n 185. Granity Relief Channel ••• ■•■ " " 186. Harney Road \ OO ° ° 187. Harben Road ... ■■■ •■■ ■■■ - - •■■ j"" " " 189. Hector Roads ... • onn 0 0 190. Karamea Mud-flat ... ■■• ■■ ••■ - - - " " 191. Karamea Overflow Bridge ... ■■ ■■• ■•• ••• ■•• *™ " " 193. Lyell- Alpine Mine (widening) ... ... ■•• ••■ ••■ l °* o " 194. Lyell-Mokihinui ... ... •■■ ••• ■•■ - ■■■ " " 196. McPadden's - Gillow's Dam ... ... .... •■■ ••• ••■ » » 197. Millerton - Stockton Mine ... ■■■ ••■ ••• " " 199. Millerton Road (widening) ... ... •■■ ••• m n n 200. Millerton Township ...... ,nn n n 203. Mokihinui end of Westport Road ••■ *W '' " 204. Mohikinui-Little Wanganui River Road ... ... ■■ orn n n 205. Mokihinui-Ngakawau ■■■ ••■ ■■■ ■- j^' \ " 207. Mountain Creek Bridge ... ■•■ kl ]n n 208. New Creek Foot-bridge ... ■■■ ■■• ••• onn n n 214. Outlet- Road Birchfield ... 2 °« ( ' " ■1 1:r>. Oparara Bridge- South Beach ... ■•• f|» » " 216. Overflow Road-North Beach " '' 218. Pororari Foot-bridge ls >V U U 219. Promised Land-Allan's ... |0« » c ' 221. Seddonville Roads ... ... ■■■ •■• 19 in n 223. Seddonville - Mokihinui Mine (extension) ikon n 224. Specimen Creek Road Extension ...'... ■■■ lik n n 229. Wanganui-Wangapeka Road Extension-Mount Radiant LoO 0 v 230. Wilson's Lead Road, Addison's . ... ••■ ■•• °" ° Inangahiia County. 231. Big River-St. George's Mine , 0 0 233. Boatman's Road ... ... ••• ■■■ ••■ •■■ •" 235. Cronadun-Capleston ... ■■• <Cc\ \ v\ 239. Greymouth - Reefton - Upper Blackwater w 240. Inangahua Bridge tm a o 241. Just-in-Time Shaft-Victoria Range ~. « » 242. Landing-Blackwater ... ■■• inn n n 244. Main Grey Road-Lloyds, Blackwater '"' « " 245. Murray Creek Road i£* ' 247., Progress Junction -Slab Hut Creek ... ">" " '' 250. Slab Hut-Big River ••■ IH U



TABLE NO. 4— continued. ROADS ON GOLDPlELDS— continued. Nelson— continued. Murchison County. r a a 256. Mangles Valley Road ... ... ...... 50 0 0 257. Maruia Road, via Caslani's .. lor, n n 260. Shenendoah Track .. .'.'. "." ' "" 127 13 0 £9,386 9 5 Westland. Grey County. f , 261. Ahaura-Moonlight-Shellback ... ...' ... 75 0 6 262. Arnold Bridge (approaches) ... 34 j 10 () 263. Baxter's Creek Bridge, Moonlight . \ nn n n 264. Blackball - Healev's Gully ' -~ - „ 206. Cobden-Brighton ... ... ... q « 267. Cobden-Runanga ... ... ... ... 156 0 0 268. Cobden - Point Elizabeth, via Darkies Terrace... 60 0 0 269. Grey - Dunganville Bridges ... ... ... .jqq q q 270. Maori Creek - Maori Gully ... ... ... ... 124 0 0 271. McLean's Creek Track ... 17 0 O 272. Moonlight-Blackball .. onn ,\ 274. Nelson Creek - Bell Hill ... ... ... 300 0 0 275. Nelson Creek Footbridge ... ... 200 0 0 276. Paparoa Street, Roa 10 iq o 2(7. Paparoa-Taffy ... ... Un in n 278. Payne's Gully Track ... ... 530 0 0 281. Saltwater Bridge, Old Mareden Head... ... ' '37 16 0 282. Seven-mile - Nine-mile Bluff ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 283. Upper Moonlight Prospect ing Track ... 100 0 0 284. Tipper Moonlight Road ... ... ... ... j 5O 0 0 Brimner Boron</h. 286. Brunner-Blackball ... .. ... ... 142 2 8 Westland County. 292. Back Creek Road ... ... ... ... .. 100 0 0 293. Beach Road, Kumara ... ... ... 50 0 0 295. Cedar Creek Road ... ... ... ... .. 50 0 0 296. Deep Creek Bridge... ... ... onn n n 299. Gibbs Road ... ... ... ... . ." 5Q q q 304. Kumara Junction — Taramakau Road... . . jqo 0 0 306. Larrikins-Great Westland Road ... ... ... 60 0 0 308. Larrikins - Main Road ... ... ... ... 200 0 0 309. Larrikins Road Extension ... ... ... 300 q 0 313. Seddon's Terrace (road-widening) ... ... ... jOO 0 0 316. Upper Totara Road ... ... ... 100 0 0 317. Waimea Creek Footbridge ... ... ... ... 75 0 0 318. Westland Reefs Prospecting Track ... ... ... 200 0 0 319. Wilberforce - Westland Reefs ... ... ... ' 103 6 0 320. Woolhouse Road ... ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 Ross Borough. 321. Ross - Railway-station ... ... ... ... 300 0 0 £5,969 7 10 Otago. Waihemo Vounty. £ s d 322. Mount Highlay Mine Road ... ... ... ... 40 0 0 Tuapeka County. 324. Lawrence-Roxburgh Road ... ... ... ... jqo 0 0 326. Rae's Junction - Roxburgh ... ... ... ... 250 0 0 Vincent County. 328. Alexandra-Earnscleugh ... ... ... ... Iqq 1 10 329. Bannockburn Bridge ... ... ... ... 11l 10 9 333. Cromwell-Nevis ... . . ... .. ... 10q 0 0 Lake County. 339. Arrowtown—Macetown ..... qq ie ■> 340. Blue Slip, Skipper's ... ... ... .[, 214 7 9 345. Queenstown - Gentle Annie ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 £1,123 16 0 6— T>. 1. =====



TABLE No. 4— continued. ROADS ON GOLDPlELDS— continued. Southland. Wallace County. £ s. d. 356. Murchison Road ... ... ... •■■ ■■■ ■■■ ■•■ 75 0 0 357. Otautau Stream (protection). ... ... ... ... ... 48 9 8 359. Pahia Village Road ... ... ... ■■ •■■ •■■ 50 0 0 361. Riverton-Orepuki ... ... ... ... ••• ••■ ■•• 100 0 0 Southland County. 363. Charlton Dredging-claims ... ... ... •• ... ... 100 0 0 364. East Waikaka Road ... ... .. .. ... •• 100 0 0 366. Gill Road, Hokonui ... ... ... ... ... ... 200 0 0 367. Maitland - Little Waikaka ... ... ... •■ ■■• ■■■ 100 0 0 368. Makarewa River Bridge (£1 for £1) ... ... ... ... ... 123 1 7 370. Waikaia- Dredges Road (repairs) ... ... ... ■■■ •• 100 0 0 372. Waikaka Main Road - Coal Reserve ... ... ... ... ■■■ 50 0 0 374. Waikaka Valley Road - Dredging-claims ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 375. Waikaka Valley Main Road ... ... ... ■•■ ■■■ ■■■ 200 0 0 376. Waimumu Dredging-claims ... ... ■■■ ■ ■•■ ■■ 100 0 0 Stewart Island County. 378. Stewart Island roads ... ... ... ■ • ••■ 33 12 6 £1,480 3 9 £ s. d. Expenditure for year ended 31st March, 1911 .. . 25,626 0 8 Expenditure for previous years ... ... ■• ■■■ 869,653 7 5 Total expenditure to 31st March, 1911, on Roads on Goldfields ... £895,279 8 1



Development of Goldfields.— Table No. 5. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure for Water-races on Goldfields out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1911, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Expenditure. Liabilities. Locality and Name of Race. Survey and Construction, 1870-1910. Grants, Survey and Grants, Subsidies, Construction Subsidies, 1870-1910. 1910-1911. : 1910-1911. Totals. Authorities Authorities on Grants, Contracts. Subsidies. Totals. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Locality and Name of Race. on Construction. NORTH ISLAND. Auckland Pbovincial District — Thames Tairua Water-race Compensation, Thames Water-rac« R. Kelly's water-race, Mata Kuaotunu Sludge-channel Drain, Tβ Aroha West £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. cl. NORTH ISLAND. Auckland Provincial District — 80,708 19 3 Thames. 34 5 4 Tairua Water-race. 1,250 0 0 Compensation, Thames Water-race 40 0 0 R. Kelly's water-race, Mata. 230 0 0 Kuaotunu Sludge-channel. 61 0 0 Drain, Te Aroha West. 82,324 4 7 MIDDLE ISLAND. Westland Provincial District — Subsidies — 1,958 19 1 Hohonu. 2,005 0 4 Hibernian. 3,517 5 3 New River. 10,312 3 10 Kanieri. 223 19 6 Rimu Drainage tunnel. 1,554 10 6 Ross Sludge-channel. 2,762 17 2 Kumara Sludge-channel No. 2. 1,274 7 6 Kumara Sludge-channel No. 3. 1,151 10 8 Kumara No. 4 Main Tail-race. 5,666 14 11 Kumara No. 5 Main Tail race. 2,294 6 8 Trustees Main Tailrace.Waimea. 100 0 0 Branch Tail race to No. 4 Channel, Payne and party. 2,587 13 0 Kelly's Terrace Tunnel. 70 0 0 Quinn's Creek Water-race (purchase). 1,125 16 6 Raising dam, Loop-line. 200 0 0 Ngahere-Blackball. 444 4 5 , Donnelly's Creek Tail-race. 35 0 0 Purchase of Byrne, O'Hallahan, and Murdoch's water rights. 425 0 0 Jones Creek Storm-channel. 330 1 0 Back Creek Water-race. 108 18 0 Ford and Parly. Park Terrace. 181 14 G McConnon and Garner, Dilmans town. 75 12 0 Murchie and Benyon, Kumara. Government Works — 195,850 9 4 Waimea-Kumara. 14,152 17 7 Wainihinihi Water-race. 25,927 4 0 Mikonui. Nelson Provincial District — Government Works— 90,722 10 8 Nelson Creek. 257 16 7 Napoleon Hill. 16,10115 3 Argyle (Charleston). 244 9 0 Black's Point. 80,708 19 3 80,708 19 3: 34 5 41 1,250 0 0 40 0 0 230 0 0 61 0 0 . . 34 5 4 1,250 0 0 40 0 0 230 0 0 Gl 0 0 .. L MIDDLE ISLAND. Westland Provincial District — Subsidies — Hohonu Hibernian New River Kanieri Rimu Drainage-tunnel Ross Sludge-channel Kumara Sludge-channel No. 2 Kumara Sludge-channel No. 3 Kumara No. 4 Main Tail-race .. Kumara No. 5 Main Tail-race .. Trustees Main Tail-race, Waimea Branch Tail race to No. 4 Channel, Payne and party Kelly's Terrace Tunnel Quinn's Creek Water-race (purchase) Raising dam, Loop-line Ngahere-Blackball Donnelly's Creek Tail-race Purchase of Byrne, O'Hallalian, and Murdoch's water-rights Jones Creek St >rm-ehanuel Back Creek Water-race Ford and Party, Park Terrace.. McConnonand Garner, Dilmanstown Murchie and Benyon, Kumara Government Works — Waimea-Kumara Wainihinihi Water race Mikonui Nelson Provincial District — Government Works — Nelson Creek Napoleon Hill Argyle (Charleston) Black's Point 80,708 19 3 1,615 5 4 82,324 4 7! .. .. 3 7 0 12 5 8 21 5 0 15 6 191 19 6 1,955 12 1 1,992 14 8 3,496 0 3 10,310 18 4 32 0 0 1,554 10 6 2,762 17 2 1,199 7 6 75 0 0 1,151 10 8 5,666 14 11 2,294 6 8 100 0 0 •• 1,958 19 1 2,005 0 4 3,517 5 3 10,312 3 10 223 19 6 1,554 10 6 2,762 17 2 1,274 7 6 1,151 10 8 5,666 14 11 2,294 6 8 100 0 0 - - " * 2,583 3 2 70 0 0 4 9 10 2,587 13 0: 70 0 0! 1,125 16 6 200 0 0 444 4 5 35 0 0 1,125 16 6 200 0 0 444 4 5 35 0 0 100 0 0 330 1 0 321 18 8j 3 14 425 0 0 330 1 0 108 18 0 181 14 6 108 18 0 .. 181 14 6 .. 75 12 0 75 12 0 .. 195,850 9 4 14,152 17 7 25,927 4 6 .. .. :: • ■ 195,850 9 4 14,152 17 7 25,927 4 6 90,722 10 8 257 16 7 15,951 15 3 244 9 0 150 0 0 36,429 17 0 75 0 0 90,722 10 8 257 16 7 16,101 15 3 244 9 0 .. Carried forward 344,893 3 1 264 17 8 381,662 17 9, 1381,662 17 9 1 [


Development of Goldfields. -Table No. 5— continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure for Water-races on Goldfields out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1911, and the Liabilities on that Date— continued.


Expenditure. Liabilities. Total Locality and Name ok Race. Survey and Construction, 1870-1910. Grants, Subsidies, 1870-1910. Survey and ! Grants, Construction Subsidies, 1910-1911. 1910-1911. Totals. Authorities Authorities ! on on Grants, Contracts. Construction. Subsidies. Expenditure and Liabilities. Locality and Name of Race. Totals. Liabilities. Brought forward .. MIDDLE ISLAND— continued. Nelson Pbovincial District— cM. Subsidies — Jones, Baxter, and party, water race from Roaring Meg Bell Hill Co.'e Race .. Randall Creek Water-race Wills and party, water-race at Sulky Gully Otago Pbovincial District — Subsidies — Arrow Beaumont and Tuapeka Carrick Range Mount Pisgah Lawrence Drainage-channel .. Ophir Tail-race Muddy Creek Channel St. Bathan's Maerewhenua Artesian wells, Maniototo Improving water-supply, Oamaru Mountain Hut Water-race Government Works — Mount Ida Waipori Alexandra (purchase) Canterbury Provincial District— Subsidy — Ninety mile Beach Water-race Southland Provincial District — Subsidy — Round Hill .. General — Increased water-supply Departmental — Salaries, travelling, advertising, &c. £ s. d. k. s. d. 344,893 3 136,429 17 0 £ s. d 75 0 C £ s. d. £ s. d. 264 17 8 381,062 17 9< £ s. d. £ s. (1. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 381,662 17 9 800 0 0 500 0 0 322 18 2 218 0 0 612 10 0 4 6 2 640 0 0 9,249 13 1 200 0 0 3,092 19 0 1,150 0 0 850 0 0 2,314 4 0 1,065 0 020 0 0 1,600 7 9 4,879 12 0 73,832 10 6 11,263 1 0 16,956 7 3 800 0 0 500 0 0 322 18 2 218 0 0 612 10 0 644 6 2 9/249 13 1 200 0 0 3,092 19 0 1,150 0 0 S50 0 0 2,314 4 0 1,065 0 0 20 0 0 1,600 7 2 4,879 12 0 .. 800 0 0 500 0 0 322 18 2 218 0 0 612 10 0 644 6 2 9,249 13 1 200 0 0 3,092 19 0 1,150 0 0 850 0 0 2,314 4 0 1,065 0 0 20 0 0' 1,000 7 2 4,879 12 0 73,832 10 6 11,263 1 0 lti,956 7 3 MIDDLE ISLAND— continued. Nelson Provincial District — ctd. Subsidies — Jones, Baxter, and party, waterrace from Roaring Meg. Bell Hill Co.'h Race. Randall Creek Water-race. Wills and party, water-race at Sulky Gully. Otago Provincial District — Subsidies — Arrow. Beaumont and Tuapeka. Carrick Range. Mount Pisgah. Lawrence Drainage-channel. Ophii Tail-race. Muddy Creek Channel. St. Bathan's. Maerewhenua. Artesian wells, Maniototo. Improving water-supply, Oamaru. Mountain Hut Water-race. Government Works — Mount Ida. Waipori. Alexandra (purchase). Canterbury Provincial District— Subsidy — Ninety-mile Beach Water-race. Southland Provincial District — Subsidy — Round Hill. Gbnebal — Increased water-supply. Departmental — Salaries, travelling, advertising &c. - 73,832 10 0 11,26:-! 1 0 16,950 7 3 " 65 6 7 65 6 7 65 6 7 133 19 4 133 19 4 138 19 4 530 4 0 100 0 0 6,763 9 6 630 4 0 630 4 0 6,763 9 6 6,763 9 6 Totals 462,196 5 556,291 2 5 75 0 0 264 17 8 518,827 5 6 : 518,827 5 G Totals. SUMMARY. North Island Middle Island .. 80,708 19 3 1,615 5 4 462,196 5 550,291 2 5 82,324 4 7 264 17 8 518,827 5 6 264 17 8 601,151 10 1 82,324 4 7 518,827 5 0 SUMMARY. North Island. Middle Island. 75' 0 0, •• .. • J 75 0 0 i 601,151 10 1 Totals. Totals 542,905 4 8 57,906 7 9 • •



Development of Goldfields.—Table No. 5a. Statement showing Assistance towards Prospecting, and Miscellaneous Services, out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1911, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1910. Net Expenditure during Twelve Months ended :ilst March, 1911. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1911. Liabilities on 3lst March, 1911. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. £ s. d. Assistance towards prospecting .. 34,446 8 6 Oil boring, Kotuku .. .. 207 10 0 Purchase and expenses of diamond 10,948 2 7 and other drills Prospecting deep levels, ThamesQueen of Beauty shaft subsidy .. 25,000 0 0 Inspector's fee .. .. 500 0 0 Cost and expenses, purchase, plant, 6,867 6 6 &o. Lowering water, Queen of Beauty 400 0 0 shaft Deepening and unwateriDg Queen 9,205 16 6 of Beauty shaft Prospecting deep levels, Ross .. 15,019 4 i Purchase of Cassrell's and Bennett's 2,250 0 0 leaseholds, Paeroa Compensation proclamation of rivers 40,406 16 9 Water-conservation — Reports on Coromandel Harbour 80 12 G and Kuaotunu Shidge-channel Engineer's salary and expenses .. 3,219 0 2 Reports on Ross Flat .. .. I 284 10 8 Eweburn Reservoir .. .. 16,459 15 10 Gimmerburn Creek embankment 211 12 3 Greenland Swamp Dam .. 39 12 0 Home Gully Dam .. .. 1,028 0 6 Mauorburn Creek weir .. .. 457 1 7 Compensation, Owen Roberts .. 75 0 0 Telephone-line, Bannockburn to 50 0 0 Nevis Resumption of land .. .. 862 7 0 Water - supplies for Mining Townships— Waikino .. .. .. 2,568 0 0 Waitekauri .. .. .. 445 2 5 Karangabake .. .. .. 607 6 5 Mackaytown .. .. .. 351 0 0 Clyde .. .. .. 1,121 13 2 Alexandra .. .. .. 600 0 0 Ophir Ohinemuri River silting .. .. 3 12 0 Thames Drainage Board contribution 1,000 0 0 Kumara Water - race extension 427 9 8 across Teremakau River Waimumu Main Tail-race .. 1,450 b 3 Charlton Creek Main Tail-race .. 408 7 1 Advances to companies .. .. 10,200 0 0 Protective works," Stafford .. 100 0 0 Dam, Bow Bell Plat £ s. d. 3,237 2 3 610 7 11 9H 13 10 1,146 13 0 & s. d. : 37,683 10 9 I 207 10 0 : 11,558 10 6 25,000 0 0 500 0 0 6,966 0 4 400 0 0 9,205 16 6 15,019 i i 2,250 0 0 41,552 9 9 80 12 6 3,219 0 3 284 10 8 16,459 15 10 211 12 3 i 39 12 0 1,028 0 6 457 1 7 75 0 0 50 0 0 £ s. d. • £ s. d. 37,683 10 9 207 10 0 11,558 10 6 25,000 0 0 500 0 0 6,966 0 4 400 0 0 9,205 16 6 15,019 4 4 2,250 0 0 41,552 9 9 80 12 6 3,219 0 2 284 10 8 16,459 15 10 211 12 3 39 12 0 1,028 0 6 457 1 7 75 0 0 50 0 0 862 7 0 862 7 0 2,568 0 0 445 2 5 607 6 5 351 0 0 1,121 13 2 600 0 0 : 142 10 9 I 3 12 0 1.U00 0 0 5,212 2 5 2,034 4 7 2,568 0 0 445 2 5 607 6 5 351 0 0 1,121 13 2 600 0 0 142 10 9 3 12 0 1,000 0 0 7,246 7 0 142 10 9 4,784 12 9 1,450 6 3 408 7 1 10,200 0 0 286 5 5 300 0 0 j 1,450 6 3 408 7 1 10,200 0 0 286 5 5 300 0 0 18ff 5 5 300 0 0 Less Recovery on Account of Ex- 187,301 14 8 penditure of Previous Years— Muddy Terrace Sluicing Company 187,301 14 8 10,505 5 11 197,807 0 7 '2,034 4 7 199,841 5 2 1,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 Totals .. .. 187,301 14 8 187,301 14 8 10,505 5 11 196,807 0 7 2,034 4 7 198,841 5 2



TABLE No. 6. Statement showing the Expenditure on Telegraphs out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1911, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Line. Expenditure during Twelve Months ended 31et March, 1911. ~ Material issued Total Cost durExpenditure. from stores jng the year 'elcphone. Exchanges— Ashburton Auckland Blenheim Christchurch Dannevirke Duncdin Feilding Gisborne Greymouth Hamilton Hawera Hokitika Invercargill Levin Masterton Napier Nelson New Plymouth Oamaru Pahiatua Palmerston North Rotorua Stratford Thames Timaru Wanganui Wellington Westport Whangarei £ s. d. 815 7 0 15,505 11 10 74 3 10 2,641 3 4 30 l!t 9 2,002 9 3 518 1 2 522 2 11 175 8 1 164 16 8 99 (I 1 1 0 0 mm :, id 36 6 11 434 16 2 7,950 5 5 551 1 2 87 6 0 2,148 19 1 27 0 7 95 5 10 140 4 3 8 18 8 385 9 4 443 1 6 1,571 1 2 4,456 0 4 28 18 4 8 6 9 £ s. d. 764 15 7 5,686 6 7 244 8 1 5,619 8 3 217 17 9 4,095 4 1 1,792 7 2 2,056 13 1 256 11 1 463 10 10 719 8 2 23 5 2 889 12 10 342 8 10 1,115 5 5 18,153 14 1 1,211 3 3 976 13 3 1,567 0 9 54 8 11 539 13 0 107 5 11 221 1 3 880 0 0 509 0 11 1,611 1 5 7,484 15 5 102 19 10 70 2 5 £ s. d. 1,580 2 7 21,191 18 5 318 11 11 8,260 11 7 248 17 6 6,097 13 4 2,310 8 4 2,578 Iβ 0 431 19 2 628 7 6 818 8 3 24 5 2 1,585 18 8 378 15 9 1,550 1 7 26,103 19 6 1,762 4 5 1,063 19 3 3,715 19 10 81 9 6 634 18 10 247 10 2 229 19 11 1,265 9 4 952 2 5 3,182 2 7 11,940 15 9 131 18 2 78 9 2 Total exchanges 41,619 11 3 57,776 3 4 99,395 14 7 few Wires — Broadwood-Paponga Motukaraka-Broadwood .. Marangai-Utakura Okaihau-Marangai Russell-Opua Karetu Hukerenui-Tapuhi Hukerenui-Koraha Whangarei-Kaitara Whangarei-Onerahi Whangarei-Hikurangi Maungatapere-Kaitara Ngunguru-Matapouri Parua Bay - Onerahi Dargaville - Aratapu - Te Kopuru Mapau Warkworth-Streamlands-Tauhoa Warkworth - Leigh - Big Omaha .. Tauhoa-Mangakura Port Albert - Wharehine Helensville-Kumeu Helensville-Makarau Woodhill-Waimauku Oranoa Auckland-Matapouri Auckland-Waiwera Auckland-Pukekohe Auckland-Wellington (AuukliUid-Huropitu) Waiuku - Ruakohua Extension Otaua-Waiuku and PuruVAkaaka Pukekohe-Boinbay Mangatangi (Mercer-Kaiaua) Ngaruawahia-Mercer Hamilton-Ngaruawahia Hamilton-Paeroa Hamilton-Kawhia Cambridge-Rotoorangi . . Cambridge-Horahora Leamington-Rotoorangi .. Otorohanga-Raurimu Otorohanga-Honikiwi Otorohanga-Kiokio Piopio - Mangaotaki Mairoa-Marokopa Mahoenui-Paemako Tokirima (extension from Tatu) Raurimu—Katieke Amodeo Bay Extension Thames-Puriri .. Wharepoa Extension Omokoroa (branch off Tauranga-Waihi) .. 0 5 0 240 10 7 66 1 5 33 5 3 145 3 10 22 19 7 0 7 11 56 18 2 86 15 10 23 16 0 41 0 11 105 6 3 159 6 7 7 18 2 2 4 0 67 18 7 4 18 0 56 17 6 75 17 11 0 12 2 58 19 9 9 3 11 22 10 5 104 3 3 1 10 0 978 8 11 1 2 3 1 18 1 30 16 5 7 9 9 5 10 4 3 5 0 3 4 12 2 4 11 2 9 124 2 6 7 8 5 7 0 4 13 7 2 0 1 1 0 17 6 22 18 6 11 12 3 22 6 3 57 6 4 2 16 2 13 7 2 16 6 1 4 19 2 1 7 8 10 1 0 15 16 8 1 0 4 342 8 2 4 8 5 240 13 11 78 3 9 44 8 0 269 6 4 30 8 0 7 8 3 70 5 4 0 1 1 87 13 4 46 14 6 52 13 2 }27 12 6 159 6 7 65 4 6 2 4 0 70 14 9 4 18 0 70 4 8 92 4 0 5 11 4 60 7 5 19 4 11 38 7 1 1 0 4 446 11 5 1 10 0 2,005 0 7 20 0 8 140 8 6 54 13 1 12 12 1 148 7 4 46 0 3 1,027 17 11 300 12 3 1 15 (i 55 18 9 13 7 5 907 2 9 177 18 2 50 3 8 112 19 5 17 18 3 184 6 9 Sβ 2 3 170 16 9 60 11 10 46 17 1 11 9 6 1 8 0 1,026 11 8 18 18 5 138 10 5 23 16 8 5 2 4 143 6 4 46 0 3 803 3 4 147 14 11 224 14 7 152 17 4 1 15 6 27 19 4 0 10 0 822 9 8 145 9 7 21 0 0 96 7 1 8 15 6 82 17 5 40 15 0 136 14 5 40 4 6 5 3 3 0 8 6 1 8 0 27 19 5 12 17 5 84 13 1 32 8 7 29 3 8 16 12 4 9 2 9 101 9 4 15 7 3 34 2 4 20 7 4 41 13 10 11 1 0 Carried forward 4,228 17 1 3,492 17 3 7,721 14 4



TABLE No. 6—continued. Statement showing the Expenditure on Telegraphs— continued.

Expenditure during Twelve W 31st March, 1911. mths ended Line. i.',-,,n.wiii,,,-,. Material issued Expenditure. from stoIeB Total Cost during the Year. £ s. d. 4,228 17 1 £ s. d. 3,492 17 3 £ s. d. 7,721 14 4 Brought forward 'ew Wires— continued. Matamata-Okaria Whakatano-Opotiki Opotiki-Toatoa Opouriao - Waimeha Extension Rotorua-Taupo Rotorua-Okere Auckland-Wellington (Wcllington-Horopito) Kahukura-Rangitukia Hauiti - Tologa Bay Gisborne - Te Karaka Gisborne—Morere Wairoa—Nuhaka AVairoa-Frasertown Xapii-r—Gisborne (metallic circuit).. Tangoio Petane-Tangoio Napier-Otane .. Napier-Waipawa Waipawa-Waipukurau . . .. .; Porangahai i-Aohanga Weber Coaching Company's Stables Pongaroa-Glencoe—Akitio Pongaroa-R akaunui Pahiatua-Porangahau Pahiatua-Pongaroa Masterton-Featherston Masterton - To Nui - Castlepoint . . Wcllington-Kaiwarawara Wellington-Featherston Te Kohanga Upper Hutt - Mangaroa Awakino-Mangaawakino Okau-Kotare Okau-Rerekapa Urenui—Okoke Te Wera - Kiore Te Wcra (lead off Tahora) Kiore Extension (branch Stratford-Tahora) Puniwhakau-Taurakawa Stratford-Inglewood Midhirst - Makara Road Extension Mahoe-Tahutimoe Omoana-Moeroa Kaponga - Dawson's Falls Hawera - Inaha Extension Tokaora Ararata Extension Moumahaki Telephone Wavcrley-Kohi Kai Iwi - Ahuahu Ahuiti-Tetuhi Brunswick-Raorikia Makirikin-Upokonui Wanganui-Marton Wanganui-Rapanui Wanganui - Gonville Extension Wanganui - Waitotara - Waitotara Exchange Wanganui-Raetihi Ruanui-Ohakura Hunterville-Taihape Hunterville-Mangaonoho Waitangi (proposed new office) Tokorangi .. ... Bulls-Makowhai Marton Railway - Greatford Greatf ord-Bulls.. Raunui-Raketapauna Hui - Te Huri Palmerston-Foxton (metallic circuit) Pal m erston-Feilding Palmerston-Kairanga Kairanga Extension Kakariki Oroua Bridge - Tiakitahuna - Longburn (metallic circuit) Foxton - Rongotea - Bull's (metallic circuit) Karewarewa Levin-Otaki (metallic circuit) Rockville-Aorere Terakohe (Takaka-Totaranui) Orinoco (branch off Motueka-Tapawera) Nelson-Wakefield (metallic circuit) 77 '8 8 20 17 11 214 12 10 0 7 6 36 5 7 75 7 6 2,102 15 10 4 0 6 lie 15 9 195 0 8 48 9 3 959 8 6 45 17 2 0 6 2 110 6 6 212 1 8 12 12 0 3 2 10 121 10 6 20 11 3 125 3 11 176 13 1 251 0 4 275 9 2 3 12 0 26 17 4 5 9 0 81 19 6 139 2 10 49 14 0 3 13 0 52 2 2 64 6 3 50 4 8 62 12 3 16 17 3 5 13 3 0 17 1 12 2 5 1 0 2 53 16 9 0 11 4 69 11 8 131 10 6 187 6 0 72 11 9 3 0 0 211 1 6 60 12 6 0 5 0 29 7 11 158 17 10 • 3 010 41 15 8 155 17 9 5,686 16 9 4 19 3 25 10 10 38 16 9 192 15 8 62 1 10 56 17 11 76 8 6 53 3 5 0 10 6 344 14 9 34 1 6 222 14 6 39 8 10 45 6 8 15 5 11 135 5 7 293 14 0 85 13 4 56 1 11 494 17 7 24 4 11 32 9 5 25 16 8 67 11 1 0 13 0 124 19 9 55 0 7 9 3 2 6 12 1 84 8 6 95 14 7 179 13 1 106 16 7 179 15 9 217 13 8 0 7 6 78 1 3 231 5 3 7,780 12 7 8 19 9 25 10 10 157 12 6 387 16 4 62 1 10 105 7 2 1,035 16 11 99 0 7 0 10 6 0 6 2 455 1 3 34 1 6 434 16 2 52 0 10 3 2 10 166 17 2 35 17 2 135 5 7 125 3 11 470 7 1 336 13 8 56 1 11 770 6 9 27 16 11 59 6 9 31 5 8 149 10 7 139 15 10 174 13 9 55 0 7 12 16 2 58 14 3 148 14 9 145 19 3 242 5 4 16 17 3 5 13 3 0 17 1 86 5 0 1 6 2 161 7 0 7 18 9 126 10 7 131 10 6 214 16 9 172 3 1 3 0 0 401 2 6 93 3 11 6 4 10 217 18 2 55 9 6 166 17 1 189 9 10 63 6 9 8 18 8 0 11 0 10 0 2 34 11 2 258 17 0 93 8 10 0 10 0 315 17 1 349 5 4 42 8 3 7 12 7 8 7 5 76 3 3 71 2 9 0 12 6 68 13 10 16 8 7 10 0 4 6 4 0 0 1 0 74 2 7 107 10 3 7 7 5 56 18 11 J 27 10 9 99 11 4 2 8 0 139 8 10 148 2 6 25 5 0 0 11 0 0 11 0 0 11 6 190 1 0 32 11 5 5 19 10 217 18 2 53 1 6 27 8 3 41 7 4 38 1 9 8 7 8 m 9 8 8 : 34 11 2 258 17 0 0 11 2 92 17 8 0 10 0 106 7 9 143 8 11 209 9 4 205 16 5 42 8 3 4 19 9 7 6 5 47 7 7 57 18 9 2 12 10 1 1 0 28 15 8 13 4 0 0 12 6 59 13 0 10 0 0 1 3 0 1 19 0 0 1 0 9 0 10 6 8 7 8 17 4 4 5 0 Carried forward.. 11,583 2 5 14,448 14 6 26,031 16 11



TABLE No. 6-continued. Statement showing the Expenditure on Telegraphs— continued.

Expenditure di O1during Twelve Months ended list March, 1911. urinR T\s welve 1 mil ii Diarcn, , 1U11. Line. Line. Material issued ' Total Cost durfrom Stores. \ ing the Year. I issued Expenditure. tfftterial i from St issued tores. Brought forward few Wires — continued. Wakefield-Thorpe Kea Waimarie (fork off Westport-Seddonville) Corbyvale Cronadun-Inangahua Pleasant View Extension Granity - Millerton - Mine Creek Blackwater-Ikamatua (ircymouth-Runanga Hau (Cates Corner Extension) . . . . .. ■ ■ j Maruwai (French Pass - Stephens Island) . . .. Mahau - Te Mehia Bay .. .. .. ■ • ■ | OUucrau-Wharehunga .. .. .. •■ •■ Canvastown - Deep Creek Blcnheim-Pieton (metallic circuit) Blenheim-Molesworth Blenheim-Rcnwicktown Camden Extension Mason Hills Co ,, way - Waiana - Mason Hills Hawkeswood - Hundalce Extension Cheviot-Mina Amberley-Cheviot Amberley-Baleairn Amberley-Waikari Christchurch-Ainberley (metallic circuit) . . Chri.-t church - Addington Saleyards .. .. .. j Chriatchurch-Kumara-Cass .. .. . ■ .. I We t Melton - Halkett - Aylesbury .. .. . . Springfield-Cass .. .. • • • ■ Otira Deviation.. .. ■ ■ • • • • • Ashburton-Rakaia (metallic circuit) Rakaia-Lyndhurst .. .. • • • ■ • • Temuka-Clandeboye .. .. • • ■ • Clandeboye-Orton .. • ■ ■ ■ • ■ Timaru - Rao (Rao - Pareora) Pareora-Kingsdown St. Andrews - Pareora Extension . . Glenavy-Waitaki Extension Oamaru-Windsor .. • • • ■ • • • ■ j Oamaru-Ngapara .. .. • • • • ■ • Oamaru-Duntroon Oamaru-Maheno .. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Oamaru-Kakanui Oamaru-Hampden Naseby-Tiroiti .. .. • • • • • • • • I Dunedin-Oamaru (second trunk wire) Dunedin-Middlemarch .. Dunedin-Mosgiel (second trunk telephone circuit) Dunedin-Balclutha Whenuakoa Cromwell-Waitiri Cromwell-Clyde Sutton - Barewood Extension Clydevale-Wharetoa Clinton - Waiwera South Waipahi-Pomahaka Pukerau-Kaiwera-Otaraia Waikaka - Wendon Valley Waikaia-Paru Maitland - Merino Downs Merino Downs - Pupewhenua Mataura-Tuturau Mataura-Waimumu Invercargill-Winton (second trunk wire) Mabel Bush Extension Morton Mains - Kamahi Extension Tuatapere - Te Waewae Birchwood-Awapoto Wireless plant, G.P.O. £ s. d. 11,583 2 5 213 5 4 3 3 6 19 3 1 10 6 66 10 8 I 1 5 0 24 12 2 li II I) 7 3 7 2 15 6 2 11 (I 42 19 8 105 17 1 91 8 3 13 5 8 26 0 4 i 0 0 50 12 6 34 10 0 271 5 11 1 12 0 68 4 8 44 0 11 184 14 7 102 0 9 31 8 11 65 6 9 107 7 11 171 10 4 100 2 0 27 2 0 0 2 0 30 16 9 18 0 0 85 6 7 61 17 2 14 4 0 52 17 9 119 16 7 29 18 4 1,034 6 2 1,828 0 8 32 0 0 11 5 11 52 1 9 15 1 2 71 4 3 39 12 7 72 16 3 18 13 6 123 4 6 147 19 8 73 10 10 28 5 5 69 19 11 78 5 4 128 10 7 133 13 3 24 7 0 3 19 10 1 14 6 68 11 f> 140 4 8 £ s. d. £ s. d. 14,448 14 6 26,031 16 11 56 11 6 269 16 10 3 19 10 7 3 4 19 3 4 4 5 5 14 11 64 13 5 131 4 1 5 6 0 6 11 0 42 17 6 67 9 8 10 4 4 16 15 4 22 8 4 29 11 11 4 18 8 4 IK S 4 3 9 (i 19 3 5 12 3 8 3 3 29 17 0 72 16 8 22 2 0 127 10 1 116 8 4 206 16 7 14 0 0 27 5 8 f>2 0 8 78 1 0 3 8 7 3 8. 7 0 2 7 12 7 3 16 4 3 16 4 50 12 6 :>4 in 0 691 4 9 'Mil' 10 8 14 7 7 1"> 1!) 7 158 6 2 226 10 10 16 13 8 59 14 4 1 13 4 1 13 4 9 18 6 9 18 (i 28 12 1 213 6 8 240 19 11 343 0 8 31 8 11 282 16 10 348 3 7 99 14 6 207 2 5 36 10 4 J 208 0 8 21 6 IS 121 8 3 15 9 6 42 11 6 24 8 0 24 8 0 0 2 0 13 8 3 44 5 0 18 (I 0 2 18 i> 88 5 4 4 8 0 66 5 2 14 4 0 52 17 9 119 16 7 12 17 11 i 42 16 3 1,471 18 11 2,506 5 1 316 11 2 I 2,144 11 10 23 0 4 56 0 4 239 17 0 251 2 11 52 1 9 15 1 2 66 17 5 138 1 8 36 9 0 J 76 1 7 72 16 3 39 9 11 58 3 5 35 19 0 159 3 5 49 0 11 197 0 7 26 12 1 100 2 11 7 12 i> 35 18 2 17 8 0 ! 87 7 11 6 2 5 i 6 2 5 24 15 4 103 0 8 8 0 .") 136 11 0 58 6 5 191 19 8 24 7 0 30 13 7 '' 34 13 r> 14 11 0 16 5 6 18 1 6 86 12 11 140 4 8 £ 14,448 : 56 3 : 4 64 ] 5 42 1 10 22 4 1 4 ."> 1 29 1 22 116 14 r>2 3 0 3 1 691 14 158 16 J 1 1 9 1 28 1 240 1 282 J 99 1 36 1 21 15 24 13 2 1 4 12 1 1,471 1 316 1 23 239 1 66 1 36 39' 35 1 49 26 1 7 1 17 6 24 1 8 58 30 1 14 1 18 s. d 14 6 11 6 19 10 4 5 13 5 6 0 17 6 4 4 8 4 18 8 3 9 12 3 17 0 2 0 8 4 0 0 0 8 8 7 2 7 16 4 4 9 7 7 (i 2 13 r> 13 4 18 6 12 1 19 11 16 10 14 6 10 4 (i :s 9 i> 8 0 8 3 18 9 8 0 17 11 18 11 11 2 0 4 17 0 17 5 9 0 9 11 19 0 0 11 12 1 12 9 8 0 2 5 15 4 0 5 6 5 13 7 11 0 1 6 New wires 18,064 18 5 : 18,064 18 5 19,080 ] 19,080 11 11 3 3 37,145 9 8 Total Telephone Exchanges and New Wires Stock of materials decreased during year by 59,684 9 8 ' 4 59,684 9 8 76,856 ] 24,673 i 76,856 14 7 24,673 11 2 14 7 11 2 136,841 4 3 24,673 11 2 Total expenditure during year ended 31st March, 1911 . . 59,684 9 8 I 59,684 9 8 52,183 52,183 3 5 3 5 111,867 13 1 Total expenditure to 31st March, 1910 Total expenditure 1910-11 1,766,190 14 9 111,867 13 1 Total expenditure to 31st March, 1911 Liabilities at 31st March, 1911 1,878,058 7 10 71,904 0 0 Total expenditure and liabilities £1,949,962 7 Kl



TABLE No. 7. Statement showing the Expenditure on Public Buildings out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1911, and the Liabilities on that Date.

TABLE No. 8. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbour Defences out of Public Works Fund, to 31st March, 1911, and the Liabilities on that Date.

7— T>. 1.

Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1910. Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1911. Total Liabilities on Expenditure Authorities, j Total to Contracts, &c.,\ Expenditure 31st March, Hist March, and Liabilities. 1911. 1911. k e. d. Judicial .. .. .. 659,980 18 9 Postal and Telegraph .. 659,192 14 0 Customs .. .. .. 49,440 16 11 Offices for Public Departments 824,879 3 3 Mental Hospitals .. .. 584,920 14 9 Alexandra Depot, Wellington .. 8,083 9 6 School Buildings .. .. 1,754.889 15 7 Hospitals .. .. .. 113.862 18 4 j Quarantine Stations .. .. 0,863 19 5 Parliament Buildings .. 75,819 3 4 Parliament Building* : Alterations to streets surrounding grounds and purchase of land Government House, Wellington 25,001 8 7 (land and new building) Agricultural .. .. 30,155 3 11 Public Health .. .. 32.377 19 4 Miscellaneous .. .. 41,794 17 9 £ s. d. I 22,294 19 2 117,814 18 4 11,297 13 3 12,700 17 7 124,926 4 6 I 2,429 8 1 130 4 1 106 18 2 81,297 17 11 1,159 11 11 ; 1,448 3 10 £ s. d. £ s. d £, s. d 082,281 17 11 , 13,922 18 5 696,204 16 4 777,007 12 4 J14O,1H) 1 7 917,117 13 11 49,440 l(i I! .. 49,440 16 11 336,176 16 6 : 00,470 13 0 402,653 10 0 597,633 12 4 70 5 8 597,709 18 0 8,083 9 6 .. 8,083 9 6 11,879,816 0 1 .. 1,879,810 0 1 116,292 0 5 .. 116,292 0 5 6,803 19 r, .. 6,868 1!) 5 75,949 7 5 i 2 18 4 75,952 5 9 106 13 2 .. 100 13 2 56,299 1 6 97 11 5 56,390 12 1! 31,314 15 Id l<40 0 10 31,554 16 8 32,377 19 I .. 32,377 19 4 43,243 17 209 4 9 43,452 6 4 4,692,887 10 3 .. 4,914,023 4 9 945 0 0 .. 945 0 0 Less Reoovery from Westland Hospital and Charitable Aid Board 4,'.111,023 4 9 945 0 0 Totals .. 4,367,274 18 5 ;325,612 11 10 4,691,942 10 3 |281,186 11 6 I 4,913,078 4 9

Net Total Expenditure ' Expenditure during 12 to 31st March, Months ended 1910. , 31st March, 1911. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1911. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, &c, to 31st March, 1911. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Lighthouses. £ s. d. £ s. d. Akaroa 7,148 16 5 Brothers 6,241 0 0 Cape Brett 0 0 352 8 5 Cape Campbell 4,218 3 9 Cape Egmont . •• ■ 3,354 6 4 ; CapeFoulwind .. .. 6,955 9 1 Cape Kidnappers 2,109 11 7 Cape Maria van Diemen .. 7,614 13 11 CapePalliser 7,312 9 6 Cape Saunders .. .. •■ 6,006 0 3 Centre Island 5,785 19 0 Cuvier Island 7,405 9 11 Dieffenbacb. Point.. .. .. .. 71 5 3 East Cape 9.270 13 9 Fog-signals 1,656 15 2 461 4 2 French Pass Beacon .. .. 668 15 8 French Pass .. •• .. 1,427 17 5 Godley Head Fog-signal, protection .. L52 2 0 of road Hokitika.. 801 9 7 Jackson's Reef Beacon .. .. 3,180 0 Jackson's Head Beacon .. .. 837 11 5 832 9 2 Jack's Point 1,204 10 'J Kahurangi Point .. .. •• 9,528 1 1 £ s. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 11,237 3 5 4,218 3 9 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 1 2,109 11 7 7,014 13 11 7,312 9 6 6,066 6 3 5,785 19 0 7,405 9 11 71 5 3 9,270 13 9 2,117 19 4 668 15 8 1,427 17 5 152 2 0 £ s. d. £ a. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 11,237 3 5 4,218 8 9 3,354 G 4 6,955 9 1 2,109 11 7 7,614 13 11 7,312 9 6 0,066 6 3 5,785 19 0 7,405 9 11 1 0 (i 72 6 8 9,270 18 9 2,117 19 4 668 15 8 1,427 17 5 152 2 0 801 9 7 3,180 0 5 1,220 0 7 1,204 10 9 9,528 1 1 SOI 9 7 3,180 0 5 1,220 0 7 1,204 10 9 9,528 1 1



TABLE No. 8.—continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Lighthouses, Harbour-works and Harbour Defences, out of Public Works Fund— continued.

Total Expenditure to 31et March, 1910. Net Expenditure Total during 12 Expenditure Months ended to 31st March, 31st Maroh, 1911. 1911. Liabilities on T , . dSSBfc.. --f re to 31st March, T . ? n .r . 1911 Liabilities. Lighthouses— continued. £ s. d. j Kaipara .. .. .. .. 5,571 8 0 j Manukau Heads .. .. .. 600 13 11 Marine Store .. .. .. 499 11 3 Moeraki .. .. .. .. 2,943 1 11 Moko Hinou .. .. .. 8,185 11 0 Nugget Point (dwellings) .. .. 746 6 6 Portland Island .. .. .. 6,554 14 5 Puysegur Point .. .. .. 9,958 19 5 Stephen Island .. .. .. 9,454 18 5| Timaru .. .. .. .. 1,116 17 8 Tiritiri Cable .. .. .. 1,085 19 6 Tory Channel .. .. .. 353 7 7 Tuahine Point .. .. .. 884 6 7 Waipapapa Point .. .. .. 5,969 18 11 Miscellaneous, including expenditure 20,860 18 1 on s.s."Hinemoa" and "Stella" £ s. d. 5,571 8 0 600 13 11 499 11 3 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 746 C 6 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 9,454 18 5 1,116 17 3 1,085 19 b 353 7 7 884 6 7 5,969 18 11 20,866 18 1 £ a. d. 100 10 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. 5,571 8 0 600 13 11 499 11 8 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 746 6 6 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 9,454 18 5 1,116 17 3 l,0h5 19 6 353 7 7 984 17 1 5,969 18 11 20,866 18 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. 5,571 8 0 600 13 11 499 11 3 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 746 6 6 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 9,454 18 5 1,116 17 3 1,085 19 6 353 7 7 984 17 1 5,969 18 11 20,866 18 1 100 10 6 Total Lighthouses .. 178,515 13 9 178,515 13 9 1, 1,469 14 6 ,469 14 6 179,985 8 3 10 0 179,986 8 3 HARBOUB-WORKS. Awanui Wharf and shed .. .. 100 0 0 Horeke Wharf .. .. .. 352 6 6 Kaipara, removal of rocks .. .. 691 12 9 i Raupo, Otamatea, wharf repairs .. Cr. 80 8 9 Tangiteroria Wharf .. .. 200 0 0 Maungaturoto Wharf .. .. 250 0 0 Wharf at Howick .. .. 1,087 18 2 Manukau Wharf at Sandepit .. 150 0 0 Pollok Wharf, Manukau .. .. 150 0 0 Whangarei Heads Wharf .. .. 600 0 0 Waipu, improvement of river .. 900 0 0 Waiwera Wharf .. .. .. 350 0 0 Wade River, clearing .. .. 105 1' 6 ; Puhoi River, clearing .. .. 79 19 0 Awhitu Wharf .. .. .. 50 0 0 Matakana Wharf .. .. .. 556 10 3 Onehunga, examining-room and office 194 3 2 Oneliunga, dredging, &c, near wharf 758 8 3 Orua Bay Wharf .. .. .. 144 16 4 Port Fitzroy, Great Barrier Wharf .. 8 0 0 Huia Wharf .. .. .. 252 17 3 Graham Beach Wharf .. .. 50 0 0 Waitemata: Deep Creek Wharf .. 50 0 0 Warkworth Wharf .. .. 1 16 6 Waiuku Channel .. .. .. 357 11 6 Waiuku-Waikato Canal survey .. 11 6 2 Mercury Bay Wharf .. .. 253 14 6 Coromandel Wharf .. .. Cr. 0 10 0 Cabbage Bay Wharf .. .. 11 1 0 Omokoroa Wbarf .. .. .. 50 0 0 Uretara Wharf .. .. .. 100 0 0 Matata Wharf Opotiki Wbarf .. .. .. 500 0 0 Waikokopu Harbour .. .. 831 19 7 Wairoa Harbour .. .. ..' 1,500 0 0 Nuhaka. land for harbour purposes .. 141 12 6 Napier Harbour .. ■ .. .. 3,597 14 9 Mokau Wharf .. .. .. 312 13 9 Mokau River Improvements Waitara Harbour.. .. .. 2,000 0 0 Waikawau River, removal of rock at 50 0 0 entrance Patea River, removing eel-weirs .. 50 0 0 Patea River, snagging .. ■ • ' 100 0 0 Waitotara River, snagging .. .. 550 1 3 Manawatu River, snagging .. 214 13 3 Foxton Marine Reserve, Protection of 50 0 0 c Castlepoint Jetty.. .. .. 51 14 1 Picton, removal of old wharf .. 94 0 0 Haveloek Harbour .. .. 721 8 0 Wairangi Bay Wharf, Croixelles .. 58 13 8 Nelson, dredging harbour .. .. 2,806 15 8 ElmeJa Bay Wharf .. .. 150 0 0 Motueka Wharf, protection .. 300 0 0 Tata Islands harbour of refuge .. 1,733 1 7 Takaka Harbour .. .. .. 4 16 Collingwood Harbour .. .. 1,170 18 8 j Cr. 2" o o 42 12 9 75' 0 0 106' 0 0 50 0 0 250 0 0 50' 0 0 50 0 28 12 11 16' 0 0 123 14 8 100 0 0 352 6 6 689 12 9 Cr. 80 8 9 200 0 0 250 0 0 1,087 18 2 150 0 0 150 0 0 600 0 0 900 0 0 350 0 0 105 1 6 79 19 0 50 0 0 599 8 0 194 3 2 758 8 3 144 16 4 8 0 0 252 17 3 50 0 0 50 0 0 1 16 6 357 11 6 11 6 2 328 14 6 Cr. 0 10 0 11 1 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 500 0 0 831 19 7 1,500 0 0 141 12 6 3,847 14 9 312 13 9 50 0 0 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 32" 19 6 100 0 0 352 6 6 689 12 9 Cr. 80 8 9 200 0 0 250 0 0 1,087 18 2 150 0 0 150 0 0 600 0 0 900 0 0 350 0 0 105 1 6 79 19 0 50 0 0 632 2 6 194 3 2 758 8 3 144 16 4 8 0 0 252 17 8 50 0 0 50 0 0 1 16 6 357 11 6 11 6 2 328 14 6 Cr. 0 10 0 11 1 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 500 0 0 831 19 7 1,500 0 0 141 12 6 3,847 14 9 312 13 9 50 0 0 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 555 1 3 214 13 3 50 0 0 51 14 1 94 0 0 750 0 11 58 13 8 2,806 15 8 150 0 0 300 0 0 1,743 1 7 127 16 9 1,170 18 8 50 0 0 100 0 0 555 1 3 214 13 3 50 0 0 51 14 1 94 0 0 750 0 11 58 13 8 2,806 15 8 150 0 0 300 0 0 1, 748 1 7 127 15 9 1,170 18 8



TABLE No. 8-continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbour Defences, out of Public Works Fund — continued.

Net Total Expenditure Expenditure during 12 to 31st March, Months ended 1910. 31st March, 1911. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1911. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, Ac, to 31st March. 1911. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Haebour- works— continued. Pakawau Wharf Little Wanganui Wharf, wharf approach, and snagging river Karamea Wharf Karamea River improvements Karamea Harbour Light Westport Harbour Point Elizabeth Harbour Greymouth Harbour Hokitika Harbour Okarifco Harbour Okuru Wharf and River improvements Portobello Fish-hatchery Ponds Martin's Bay, removal of rock Martin's Bay shed Holyford River, removal of rocks Jackson's Bay Jetty Cape Campbell Lighthouse Jetty Kaikoura Jetty and Harbour Kaikoura Wharf Akaroa-Le Bon's Bay Wharf, repairs Lyttelton, reclamation-works, Sticking Point Port Levy Jetty Timaru Harbour Chatham Islands: Waitangi, removal and extension of wharf and store Chatham Islands: Shed at Pitt Island Taiaroa Heads Lighthouse, enlarging and repairing dwelling Moeraki Boat-slip Dunedin, St. Clair, protection of Ocean Beach Brighton Boat Harbour Waikouaiti River improvements Toitois Jetty Balclutha Jetty Nugget Bay, landing-slip, &c. Tautuku Wharf and River improvements Catlin's River, removal of rocks Catlin's River Jetty Queenstown Beacon Queenstown Jetty Stewart Island Wharf, Horseshoe Bay Stewart Island, snagging Fresh-water River Stewart Island: Wharf, Golden Bay Stewart Island: Wharf, Half-moon Bay Raising dredge " Hapuka " Grab dredge for harbour-works Miscellaneous £ s. d. 2 0 0 336 0 10 562 4 11 763 10 9 100 8 11 14,110 18 7 1,415 6 7 127,233 19 6 58,780 5 10 1,504 17 7 812 15 9 5 0 0 14 13 10 370 12 1 32 6 4 6 5 0 3,276 16 10 1,004 11 6 55 0 0 1,910 18 10 250 0 0 100,000 0 0 <J0 0 0 1 10 0 83 7 1 175 0 0 532 12 8 100 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 377 12 3 200 0 0 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 86 0 0 297 8 0 480 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 450 0 0 777 7 9 685 0 10 405 12 6 £ a. d. ( J4 0 0 2,889 11 8 125 0 0 £ s. d. 2 0 0 336 0 10 656 4 11 J 3,603 2 0 100 3 11 14,110 18 7 1,115 6 7 127,233 1<J 6 58,780 5 10 1,504 17 7 812 15 9 125 0 0 5 0 0 14 13 10 370 12 1 32 6 4 6 5 0 3,270 16 10 1,004 11 6 55 0 0 1,910 18 10 250 U 0 100,000 0 0 90 0 0 £ s. d. 296 0 0 £ B. (3. ■1 0 0 886 0 10 656 4 11 3,899 2 0 100 8 11 14,110 18 7 1,415 6 7 127,233 19 6 58,780 5 10 1,504 17 7 812 15 9 125 0 0 5 0 0 14 13 10 370 12 1 32 6 4 6 5 0 3,276 16 10 1,004 11 6 55 0 0 1,910 18 10 250 0 0 100,000 0 0 90 0 0 1 10 0 83 7 1 1 10 0 83 7 1 175 0 0 532 12 8 175 0 0 032 12 8 0 12 0 0 12 G 100 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 677 4 1 200 0 0 4 10 5 0 12 6 100 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 681 14 6 200 0 0 299 11 10 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 35 0 0 297 8 0 480 0 0 500 0 0 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 35 0 0 297 8 0 480 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 450 0 0 100 0 0 450 0 0 777 7 9 1 685 0 10 -'.{ 405 12 6 777 7 9 635 0 10 405 12 C Total Harbour-works .. 345,107 18 8 4,091 15 6 349,199 14 2 333 9 11 349,533 -1 1 Harbour Defences. Guns Ammunition War Office stores.. Torpedo-boats and torpedoes Submarine-mining stores Miscellaneous Works in Dominion Land for depots and batteries 147,768 18 10 24,531 6 7 9,933 10 9 20,203 13 7 17,665 2 2 18,009 5 10 260,356 5 3 38,327 14 6 i 147,768 18 10 24,531 6 7 9,933 10 9 20,203 13 7 17,065 2 2 18,009 5 10 263,221 10 4 38,327 14 6 147,768 18 10 24,531 6 7 9,983 10 9 20,203 13 7 17,665 2 2 18,009 5 10 263,234 (1 0 38,327 14 6 2,865 B 1 12 15 8 Total Harbour Defences.. 536,795 17 6 2,865 5 1 539,661 2 7 12 15 8 539,673 18 3 Grand total I L,060,419 9 11 1,060,419 9 11 8,426 IS 1 1,068,846 5 0 347 5 7 1,069,193 10 7




Prepared in compliance with Section 8 of the Public Works Act, 1908.

Sir, — Public Works Department, Wellington, 20th June, 1911. In compliance with the Bth section of the Public Works Act, 1908, I enclose a statement of the expenditure during the preceding financial year on all works and services chargeable to the Public Works Fund. I have, &c, EODEEIOK McKbNZIE, Minister of Public Works. The Controller and Auditor-General, Wellington.

Statement of Net Expenditure on all Works and Services chargeable to the Public Works Fund for the Year 1910-11.

G. J. Clapham, Accountant. H. J. H. Blow, Examined and found correct. Under-Secretary. Robert J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General. Notk. —Charges and expenses of raising loans not included in above figures. (Details on next, page.i

Class. Votes. Summary. Al Ti'n"!.'""" Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure. I I i i Public Works Fund. - „ , „ , . , t t. s. d. i, s. d. £ s. d. XVI 03 Public Works, Departmental .. 45,982 43,083 3 10 550 7 2 42,532 16 8 XVII 04-95 Railways .. .. .. 1,372,000 1,118,593 14 3 14,522 16 5 1,104,070 17 10 XVIII Bβ Development of Water-power .. 300,000 1,020 11 2 .. 1,020 11 2 XIX 97 Irrigation and Water-supply .. 10,000 2,112 1110 550 3 9 1,562 8 1 XX 98-106 Public Buildings .. .. 425,160 331,693 10 6 6,080 18 8 325,612 11 10 XXI 107-109 Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and 24,550 ; 8,613 17 2 187 2 1 8,426 15 1 Harbour Defences XXII 110 Tourist and Health Resorts .. 14,498 6,164 13 2 252 13 8 5,911 19 6 XXIII 111 Immigration .. .. .. 20,000 34,775 1 7 25,334 6 6 9,440 15 1 XXIV 112-114 Roads, Bridges, and other Public 596,685 261,147 14 1 6,984 8 9 254,163 5 4 Works XXV 1 Iβ Development of Goldfields .. 25,000 11,779 0 3, 933 16 8 10,845 3 7 XXVI 116 Telegraph Extension .. .. 140,000 127,513 8 10 15,645 15 9 111,867 13 1 XXVII 117 I Contingent Defence .. .. i0,400 6,084 16 4 13 18 0 6,070 18 4 CXVni 118-119 Lands Improvement .. .. 12,500 13,035 5 11 1,909 16 7 11,125 9 4 Unauthorized .. .. .. .. 426 7 3 226 7 3 200 0 0 Total Public Works Fund ..! 2,996,775 1,966,043 16 2 73,19211 411



/ote No. Name of Vote. Appropriation. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditur 93 Public Wokks Fund. Public Works, Departmental—■ Public Works, Departmental Railways— Railway-construction — I Kaihu Railway Extension .. Kawakawa-Grahamtown Kawakawa—Hokianga North Auckland Huntly-Awaroa East Coast Main Trunk— Tauranga-Paengaroa Gisborne—Motu .. Napier-Giabome Mount Egmont Branch Stratford—Ongarue Foxton - New Plymouth (Manawapau Deviation) South Island Main Trunk— North End .. .. .. South End Midland Railway— Nelson-Inangahua Reefton-Inangahua Otira-Bealey Broken River to Bealey .. Westport-Inangahua Ngahere-Blackball Greymouth — Point Elizabeth Lawrence—Roxburgh .. . . .. Catlin's-Waimahaka Riversdale-Switzere Orepuki-Waiau Land Claims, &c. Surveys, New Lines of Railway Permanent-way Materials £ 45,982' 15,000 65,000 40,000 100,000 20,000 25,000 80,000 5,000 15,000 100,000 2,000 20,000 30,000 30,000! 20,000 90,000 50,000 30,000 11,000 50,000 15,000 80,000 3,000, 2,000 2,500 1,500 100,000 £ s. d.1 43,083 3 10! 2,326 15 1 66,224 16 0 13,118 19 6 73,155 19 4 29 8 7 15,293 10 8 69,933 13 1 130 14 10: 882 1 7: 77,107 7 0 2,000 0 0 22,027 9 4 30,593 19 2 £ s. d. 550 7 2 288 10 2 114 4 11 2 0 0 1,266 1 5 873 15 6 916 12 5 117 17 1 £ s. d. 42,532 16 8 2,326 15 1 65,936 5 10 13,118 19 6 73,041 14 5 29 8 7 15,291 10 8 68,667 11 8 130 14 10 882 1 7 76,233 11 6 2,000 0 0 21,110 16 11 30,476 2 1 24,067 18 1 15,857 II 6 73,586 6 1 39,223 6 2 18,582 4 3i 12,311 6 9 47,090 3 5 3,943 5 6 56,718 16 (i 3,082 19 7 2,062 2 9 1,655 5 2 520 12 7 80,425 17 3 207 2 4 182 9 5 406 15 7 310 0 0 24 15 0 1,296 9 10 !) 6 6 49 7 0 126 16 10 7 1 s 9 4 6 2,513 17 3 23,860 15 9 15,675 2 1 73,179 10 6 38,913 6 2 18,557 9 3 11,015 16 11 47,080 16 11 3,893 18 6 56,591 19 8 3,075 17 11 2,052 18 3 Cr. 858 12 1 520 12 7 80,339 4 0 86 13 3 Total Vote, Railway-construction . . 1 1,002,000 1,002,000 751,952 9 9 8,808 0 8 ! 743,144 9 1 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 Additions to Open Lines Development of Water-power— Development of Water-power Irrigation and Water-supply— Irrigation and Water-supply Public Buildings— General Judicial Postal and Telegraph.. Agricultural Mental Hospitals Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Public Health School Buildings Workers' Dwellings .. .. .. Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbour Defences— Lighthouses Harbour-works Harbour Defences Tourist and Health Resorts — Tourist and Health Resorts Immigration—■ Immigration.. .. Construction and Maintenance of Roads, Bridges, i and other Public Works— Roads, &c. .. .. .. .. Backblocks Roads, &c. . . .. Road and othor Works'on Goldfields and Mineral Lands Development of Goldfields — Development of Goldfields Telegraph Extension— Telegraph Extension .. .. .. ... Contingent Defence— Contingent Defence Lands Improvement — Improved-farm Settlements .. .. Lands, Miscellaneous Unauthorized — Services not provided for 370,000 300,000 10,000 77,500 37,500 107,510 6,400 24,250 10,750 250 146,000 15,000j 5,100; 9,450' 10,000 14,498 20,000 312,545 230,720 ,. 53,420 25,000 140,000 10,400 8,000 4,500 370,000 300,000 10,000 77,500 37,500 107,510 6,400 24,250 10,750 250 146,000 15,000j 5,100; 9,450' 10,000 14,498 366,641 4 6j 1,020 11 2J 2,112 11 10 47,488 17 5 22,295 6 2 117,815 15 1 1,159 11 11 15,543 13 ll! 2,429 8 1! 124,960 17 11 1,469 16 2 4,278 15 ll! 2,865 5 1 6,164 13 2 5,714 15 9 550 3 9 3,208 5 2 0 7 0 0 16 9| 2,836 16 4' 34 13 5 0 ] 8 187 0 5 252 13 8 360,926 8 9 1,020 11 2 1,562 8 1 44,280 12 3 22,294 19 2 117,814 18 4 1,159 11 11 12,706 17 7 2,429 8 1 124,926 4 6 1,469 14 6 4,091 15 6 2,865 5 ' 1 5,911 19 6 111 20,000 34,775 1 7 25,334 6 6 9,440 15 1 112 113 114 312,545 230,720 , 53,420 150,821 7 3 84,695 0 11 25,631 5 ll! 5,742 0 3 1,237 3 3 5 r> S 145,079 7 0 83,457 17 8 25,626 0 8 25,000 11,779 0 3! 933 16 8 10,845 3 7 115 116 140,000 127,513 8 10 15,645 15 9 111,867 13 1 117 10,400 6,084 16 4 13 18 0 6,070 18 4 118 119 8,000 4,500 11,811 15 11 1,223 10 0J 1,663 16 1 246 0 6 10,147 19 10 977 9 6 426 7 3: 226 7 3 200 0 0 Total Public Works Fund .. .. .. i 2,996,775 2,996,775 1,966,043 16 2 73,192 11 3 1,892,851 4 11



APPENDIX B. STATEMENT of all Liabilities in respect of the Services of the Public Works Department outstanding at the Close of the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1911, prepared in Terms of Section 42 of the Public Revenues Act, 1910, and forwarded, as therein provided, to the Treasury.

Claee. Votes. Summary. Public Works Fund. XVI 93 Public Works, Departmental XVII 94 Railways XVIII 96 Development of Water-power XIX 97 Irrigation and Water-supply XX 98-102 Public Buildings.. XXI 109 Harbour Defences XXIV 112-113 Construction of Roads, Bridges, &c. Total. £ s. d. 34 0 0 .. 567,828 12 11 212 18 6 10 0 .. 221,135 14 6 12 15 8 . 157,326 0 0 Total. 946,550 16 7 Consolidated Fund. V 18-20 Public Buildings, Domains, and Maintenance of Roads 1,991 1 9 Othkb Accounts. 127 Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account 128 National Endowment Account Land for Settlements Account 10,376 0 0 1,161 0 0 2,485 0 0 •* I yv y^ 14,022 0 0 14,022 0 0 Vote No. Vote No. Name of Vote. Total. Total. £ b. d. & s. d. Public Works Fund. 93 Publio Works, Departmental 34 0 0 34 0 0 94 i Railway-oonstruction— Kawakawa-Grahamtown Kawakawa-Hokianga North Auckland Huntly-Awaroa Tauranga-Paengaroa .. Gisborne-Rotorua Mount Egmont Branch Stratford-Ongarue South Island Main Trunk, North End South Island Main Trunk, South End Midland— Nelson-Inangahua .. Reefton-Inangahua Otira to Bealey Broken River to Bealey Westport-Inangahua Ngahere-Blackball Greymouth-Point Elizabeth Lawrence-Roxburgh Catlin's-Waimahaka Permanent-way Materials 4,038 1 5 158 17 0 22,731 15 7 17,580 6 0 1,307 14 5 10,014 8 7 10 0 2,132 18 3 1,706 1 4 2,568 12 11 394 17 2 571 10 0 .. 438,372 14 8 8,204 13 8 33,007 1 1 324 3 a 287 9 0 7 15 0 1,716 4 11 22,702 8 9 567,828 12 11 i 96 Development of Water-power 212 13 6 'J7 Irrigation and Water-supply 10 0 Public Buildings— 98 General 99 Judicial 100 Postal and Telegraph 101 Agricultural 102 i Mental Hospitals I 66,786 8 0 .. 13,922 18 5 .. 140,110 1 7 240 0 10 76 5 8 221,135 14 6 Harbour Defences— 109 Harbour Defences 12 15 8 12 15 8



APPENDIX B— continued. STATEMENT of all Liabilities in respect of the Services of the Public Works Department — continued.

G. J. Clapham, Accountant. H. J. H. Blow, Public Works Department, 30th April, 1911. Under-Secretary

Vote No. Name of Vote. Total. n Public Works Fund— continued. £ s. d. Construction of Roads, Bridges, &o.— 112 Roads, Ac. 118 Back-blook Roads, &c. .. .. 111.996 0 0 45,330 0 0 157,326 0 0 157,326 0 0 Total, Public Works Fund.. .. 946,550 16 7 Consolidated Fund. Public Buildings, Domains, and Maintenance of Roads— 18 Publio Buildings 19 Government Domains 20 Maintenance and Improvement of Roada.. 1,540 12 6 2 9 3 448 0 0 1,991 1 9 Otheb Accounts. Opening up Crown Lands for Settlement Account — 127 Roads to open op Crown Lands .. National Endowment Account— 128 Roads to open up National Endowment Lands Land for Settlements Account (Roads portion) 10,376 0 0 1,161 0 0 2,485 0 0 Total, Other Accounts 14,022 0 0



APPENDIX C. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1910, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1911.

Date of Contract. Lines of Railway and Branches. Name of Contract. Name; of Contractor. Contract Date Amount to be Contract was of completed. completed. Contract. Remarks. Feb. 25, 1909 Kawakawa-Grahamtown „ 25, „ May 30, 1910 Feb. 17,1011 Mar. 20. „ „ 20, „ Oct. 19,1908 North Auckland April 15, 1910 July 29, „ „ .. .. Deo. 19, „ Feb. 13, 1911 .. 16, ., ,, •• „ 13, „ Huntly-Awaroa Oct. 31, 1910 Tauranga-Paengaroa Nov. 2, „ 2, „ Feb. 12, „ Gisborne-Motu Sept. 22, „ „ .... Dec. 16, „ 8, 1909 Stratford-Ongarue Sept. 20. 1910 RAILWAYS. Grahamtown Wharf .. .. . . D. McLean and Co. Supply of Ironbark Telephone-polee .. J. W. Wallace and Co. Ramarama Station Buildings .. . . H. G. Foster Two Platelayers' Cottages, Otiria . . .. G. M. Wright '„ „ .. H. G. Foster Grahamtown Station Buildings .. .. ,, Erection of To Hana Bridge and Wharf .. Brown and Sons Two Platelayers' Cottages, Kaiwaka . . W. Rowsell Hardwood Timber for Bridges .. . Dick Michael Topuni Station Buildings .. .. .. W. Brown and Sons Otamatea Bridge .. .. .. G. M. Fraser Kaiwaka Station Buildings .. .. W. Brown and Sons Huntly Bridge .. .. .. . . G. M. Fraser Supply of Ironbark Telephone-poles .. Fraser and Co. Two Platelayers' Cottages, Maunganui . . Vickery and Blick .. Te Puke .. T. E. Palmer Otoko Viaduct .. .. .. .. G. W. Griffiths and Co. Steel-plate Girder-spans .. .. .. Massey Bros. (Limited) Supply of Ironbark Telephone-poles .. J. W. Wallace and Co. Te Wera Station Buildings .. .. J. W. Boon Supply of Hardwood Piles and Timber for S. Brown (Limited) Bridges Pohokura Station Buildings .. .. R. J. Scott Supply of Ironbark and Hardwood Timber for S. Brown (Limited) Bridges Platelayers' Cottages, Hauwai and Ward . . Bythell and Co. £ s. d. .. Feb. 25, 1911 i Oct. 31, 1910 17,675 0 0 Aug, 25, 1909 May 12, „ 354 5 0 .. Sept. 30, 1910 ! Oct. 31, „ 655 0 0 .. May 17, lit II .. 692 5 2 820 0 0 2,290 0 0 . . July 19, 1909 ! Dec. 12, 1910 1,618 1 6 . . Aug. 15, 1910 J Aug. 4, „ 669 15 0 Jan. 29, 1911 .. 317 6 10 .. Mar. 19, „ .. 662 12 6 .. Aug. 13, 1912 .. 20,841 0 0 . . June 16, 1911 .. 051 11 2 . . May 13, 1912 .. 17,580 6 0 April 21, 1911 .. 520 0 0 .. Feb. 2, „ Feb. 28, 1911 729 0 0 2, „ .. 758 0 0 .. May 12, „ .. 11,773 0 0 .. Sept. 22, „ .. 3,002 0 0 .. June 15, „ .. 364 3 4 . . April 8, 1910 June 25, 1910 1,700 0 0 .. Jan. 20, 1911 .. 292 14 7 .. April 3, „ .. 1,290 0 0 . . Aug. 13, „ .. 338 9 8 .. Jan. 11, 191(1 May 24, 1910 845 0 0 Oct. 3, „ Feb. 13. 1911 Oct. 11, 1909 South Island Main Trunk (North End) Jan. 8, 1910 Ditto June 17, „ Dec. I), „ Hauwai Station Buildings .. .. ,, Ward Station Buildings .. .. .. C. Hegglun Supply of Hardwood Piles and Timber for J. W. Wallace and Co. Bridges Platelayer's Cottage, Mirza ,. J. MoKinley Waiau-ua Bridge.. .. .. .. G. M. Fraser .. May 8, „ Aug. 17, „ 623 13 0 .. Dec. 17, „ .. 2,855 11 0 . . June 6, 1911 .. 363 14 3 . . May 16, „ .. 367 17 6 . . Nov. 19, 1910 .. 20,467 4 0 Fell. l<). 1911 Slay 19, 1009 South Island Main Trunk (South End) Jan. 6, 1910 . Ditto Juno 28, „ July 4 April 19, „ Midland (Nelspn-Inangahua) Sept. 21, „ „ „ Kcli. 12, „ „ (Reefton-Inangahua) .. Mina Station Buildings .. .. H. Green Supply of Ironbark Telephone-poles . . Dick Michael Two Platelayers' Cottages, Mina .. .. I C. Calvert Platelayer's Cottage, Kaka .. .. ' W. E. Wilkes Steel-plate Girder-spans .. .. .. | Sanders Bros. Supply of Hardwood Timber and Piles .. ; S. Brown (Limited) . . June 6, „ July 6. 1910 2,380 3 9 . . Dec. 28, „ .. 149 3 4 .. Sept. 4, „ Oct. 15, 1910 680 0 0 . . July 19, ., June 7, „ 259 6 0 June 21, 1911 .. 365 18 6 .. Aug. 12, 1910 Jan. 31, 1911 622 19 9



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1910, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1911— continued.

B—l>, 1.

Contract Date of Lines of Railway and Branohes. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. to be Contract. ' completed. Date Amount Contract was of completed. Contract. Remarks. RAILWAYS— continued. £ s. d. Aug. 2,1910 Midland (Reefton-Inangahua) .. ' Two Platelayers' Cottages.. .. .. ! A. Wells .. .. Dee. 2,1910 Sept 27 .. Erection of Six Bridges .. .. .. H. J. Reynolds .. .. Mar. 27,1911 Aug. 1, 1907 „ (Otira-Bealey) .. Otira Tunnel J McLean and Sons .. Aug. 1,1912 Mar 8 1910 (Broken River- Bealey) SuppK of Fencing Material, Case Section .. ■ New Zealand Farmers Co-opera- May .11, 1U1U five Association of Canter- j bury (Limited) 18 ; Land Plan Survey .. .. .. i C. Hastings Bridge .. Aug. 18, „ June 6' ',', '., „ Supply of Hardwood Timber for Bridges .. E. F. Broad (Limited) .. Dee. 6, „ 28* " ' Supply of Ironbark Telephone-poles .. Dick Michael .. .. ,,28, „ Sept. 2a " '„ „ Steel-plate Girder-spans .. .. .. Scott Bros. (Limited) .. Sept. 22, 1911 Dec 14* " Station Buildings, Cass Section .. .. J. Forbes .. . . June 14, „ Wav 5' Westport-Inangahua .. . . No. 1 Formation Contract .. .. McWilliams and Andrews . May 5, 1912 '5' 2 „ .... ' D. McLellan .. . . „ o, „ >• • " '' 1 3 .. . . D. Hannon and Co. .. „ 5, „ 5 " '.'. \ ", 4 „ ■ ■ .. R. H. O'Brien and Party .. .. 5, „ '-' i " 5 F> .. .. McWilliams and Andrews .. .. 5, „ '-' " " „• 6 „ • • ■ ■ R- H. O'Brien and party .. .. 5, ,, ■vf' 01'iQii 7 .... Corbv and Foster .. .. Mar. 31, 1913 3j 10 „ .... Maxwell and Maun .. „ SI, „ 3j' ..'.'. I „ 12 ,, .... Redmond, Moore, and Cochrane ,, 31, ,, Jan 10* 1910 Ngahere-Blackball .. .. Station Buildings, Blackball (No. 3 Contract) Keleall and Son .. .. May 10,1910 "ll| M .. .. Station Buildings and Cottage, Blackball (No. 2 ' E. and W. Sweetman .. ,, 11, „ Contract) | p eb 21 „ .... Five Platelayers' Cottages, Blackball .. A. Cundy .. .. .. June 21, ., 18* 1911 ■• •• Gatekeeper's Cottage, Ngahere Railway Bridge „ .. .. ■■ May 18, 1911 Jan 4*1910 Greymouth - Point Elizabeth .. Supplv of Hardwood Timber for Bridges .. J. VV. Wallace and Co. .. July 4,1910 ,, . is .. Millar's West Australian Hard- Sept. lo, „ wood Company (Limited) Sept. 27, „ Catlins-Waimahaka .. .. Platelayer's Cottage, Puketiro .. .. A. McNeil .. .. Dec. 27, 1910 D ec |o „ .... Tepeka and Tokanui Station Buildings .. P. A. Lydcrs .. .. June 20,1911 Oct. Riversdaie-Switzers .. .. Station Buildings (No. 2 Contract) .. .. Sendertxm and Gerrie .. Feb. 15,1910 Jan. 27, 1911 544 10 0 647 0 0 599,794 0 0 Oct. 20, 1910 298 19 2 Aug. 13, .. 135 0 0 ; 529 10 6 298 6 8 1,678 14 S 4,022 10 6 4,768 6 8 5,40ti 0 0 2,279 0 9 ! 3,531 18 0 2,075 0 0 1,944 6 8 3,806 5 0 10,708 10 0 1,167 16 0 Sept. 10. 1910 1,410 11-6 ' June 7, ., 779 2 0 Sept, 5, ., 1,202 17 6 \ 324 3 2 Feb. 28, 1911 001 7 10 Sept, 19, 1910 1,140 4 7 Feb. 4, 1911 318 18 6 I .. 1,827 0 0 May 28, 1910 3,670 13 0


APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1910, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1911— continued.


Date of ... , „ Contract, Namo of ( °n tlact - Contractor's Name and Addreee. Coition. Compfett, Remarks. Auckland. May 25,1909 New Poet-office, Auckland Oct. 15, ,. Mental Hospital. Auckland — Wolfe Bequest Hospital Mar. 22, 1910 Courthouse, Taumarunui Maj 26, .. Post-oilier. Mount Roskill, Auckland .. 2'i. .. .. Frankton Junction.. 28. .. Courthouse, Opotiki .. 28, .. Post-office, Patutahi .. July 28, ,, .. Helcnsvillr 30. ., St. Helens Hospital, Auckland, Laundry Building Aug. 12. .. Gaol, Gisborne ,. I"). .. Post-office. Kawhia, Additions and Alterations Nov. 10, ., Police-station. Frankton Dec. 9, .. ., UVUsford 9, .. .. MorriiHvillc (lock-up, &c.) 10, „ Post-office. Taupo 13. .. Police-station, Parnell * 21, .. Post-office. Kohukohu 29, .. „ Matata .. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. £ a d .. J. and W. Jamieeon (Limited), Christchurch Nov. 25, 1911 I' .. 95,551 0 0 .. A. J.) Jenkin, Auckland .. .. April 16, 1910 July 25, 1910 0,098 0 0 T. Diokson, Tauraaninui .. . . Aug. 22, .. ; Oct. 27, ,, 566 12 0 .. \V. Ball, Devonport .. .. .. Oct. 26. .. Nov. 18, „ 1,696 r> 0 .. P. W. Wright, Auckland .. .. .,26, .. Oct. 12. .. 1,049 0 0 .. C. M. Grant, Opotiki .. .. .. Nov. 28, .. Feb. 10,1911 1,073 I 6 .. J. Oolley, Gisborae .. .. .. Sept. 28, ., Sept. 24, 1910 H'M 0 0 .. L. McKinstry, Auckland .. .. Feb. 28, 1911 Mar. 1, 1911 2,755 0 0 .. E. .Moil-is. Auckland .. .. . . Sept, 30, 1910 Nov. 25. 1910 493 0 0 .. J. Colley. Gisborne .. .. .. May 12, 1911 .. 3.700 0 0 .. C. Frankhum. Auckland .. .. Oct. 22. 1910 Oct. 18, 1910 292 2 II .. C. Jack. Hamilton East .. .. April 10, 1911 .. 878 0 0 .. T. H. Ashton. Kaiwaka. . .. .. May 9, „ .. 1,087 5 0 .. J. C. R. Watts, MorrinsviUe .. .. .Mar. 9, ,. .. 438 10 0 .. J, B. MoFarlane, Rotbrua .. .. „ 10, „ .. 1,134 0 0 .. F, W. Wright, EUenlie .. .. .. April 13. „ .. 1.08.-> Iti 10 .. W. Cook and Son, Waimate North .. ,, 21, ,, .. 890 0 0 .. C. M. Grant, Opotiki .. .. .. June 20, „ .. 77!> 12 (i HawKb's Hay. • Ian. 5, 1910 Post-office. Hastings, Manufacture and Erection of Turret-clock Feb. ."). .. ,, Wairoa July 18. .. .. QreenmeadowB Aug. I. .. Takapau .. VV. Littlejohn and Son, Wellington .. Aug. .3, 1910 .. 470 0 0 .. A. R. Gardiner, Wairoa.. .. .. Oct. 5, „ .. 3.100 0 0 .. Cairns and Paton. Havelock North .. .. 18. „ Dec. 14, 1910 656 0 0 .. J. L. Seott. Dannevirke .. .. Jan. 1,1911 Mar. 2,1911 1,120 0 II Taran \ki. June :f. lulu Courthouse, Waverley Nov. 8, .. Post-office. Rahotu .. •Ian. 2.~). 191] Police-station, Waverlev. Additions and Renovations Feb. 21, .. Post-office, Manaia .. Macfarlane and Son, Waverley .. .. Sept. 3, 1910 Nov. 5, 1910 390 0 0 .. H. Peterson and Co.. Irudewood .. .. Mar. 8, 1911 Mar. 31, 1911 l>72 o 0 .. S. J. Price. Waverley .. .. .. „ 8, „ .. 516 0 0 .. A. B. BurreU, Hawen .. .. .. Sept, 21, „ .. 3,333 0 0 Wellington. April li, 190!) Public Trust .Office, Wellington, Fittings July 16, ., ' Police-station, Pongaroa Oct. 11, ,, New Government House, Wellington, Joinery No. 1 Contract Nov. 5, .. ,, „ Wrought Oamaru Stone Jan. .-). 1010 ,, „ Joinery No. 2 Contract .. 2J, „ .. „ Wall-plaster Work .. I'Vk 12, ,, ,, „ Ornamental Plaster-work .. J. and A. Wilson (Limited). Wellington .. June 1, 1909 .. 7IS 0 0 .. Robertson and Whittaker, Pongaroa .. Dec. 15, .. June 27, 1910 74!) 0 0 .. Sanders Bros., Wellington .. .. ,,20, ., July 10. „ 848 18 0 .. F. E. Enemark, Wellington . . .. Jan. 7, 1910 June 28, „ 350 0 0 Prouse Timber Company, Wellington .. Mar. 16, ,, May 26, ,, 749 19 0 .. Marblette Patent Plaster Company, Welling- April21, „ June 4, „ 70s 10 0 ton .. T. Foley and Sons, Wellington .. .. May 12, „ „ 15, „ 420 0 0


APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1910, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1911— continued.


,P a * e Name of Contract, Contract. ; T-. j. r t> i t Amount ,, . , T j »j j Date for Date oi t Contractor's Name and Addreee. Completion. Completion. c<m ° ]a ct Remarks. Wklungton— -<■'•<! tinned. Oct. 27, 1909 Post-offioe, Wellington, Additions Nov. 15, „ Mental Hospital, Porirua, Addition to Auxiliary Building Dec. 24, ,, Government Insurance Buildings, Wellington, Electric Elevator Jan. 14, 1910 j Post-offioe, Bull's. Restoration April 19, ,, ' Police-station. Manners Street, Wellington, Additions July 2, .. Post-offioe, Levin, Additions Aug. 18. ,. Lineman's Cottage, Otaki Oct. 24, ,, ! Courthouse, Petone .. Dee. 9, ,, ; Post-office. Shannon .. „ 8, ,. Police-station, .lohnsonville 21, „ .. Otaki Feb. 16, 1911 Post-offioe, Kilbirnie 16, ,, Courthouse. Masterton PI BLIC BUILDINGS-comttmfd. . £ s d .1. and A. Wilson (Limited), Wellington .. Oct. 27. 1911 .. 96,923 6 0 J. Wood, Wellington .. . .. Mar. 31. 101(1 May 31, 1910 6,147 0 0, Anderson's Limited. Christohurch .. April 24, ,. Nov. 3, „ 612 0 0 W. H. Taylor. Bulls .. .. .. May 14. .. Oct. 31. „ 1,678 0 0 G. L. Wakelin, Wellington .. .. July 19, „ July 19, „ 512 18 0 W. Pringle, Weraroa .. .. .. Oct. 2. „ .. 447 0 0 T. A. Williams, Levin .. .. .. Nov. 18, „ Jan 19, 1911 415 0 0 a. a Smart, Wellington .. .. May 24, 1911 .. 1,264 0 0 W. Pringle, Weraroa .. .. .... 9, „ .. 1,089 0 0 G. L. Wakelin. Wellington .. .. April 8, „ .. 9« it 6 .1. S. Pole, Otaki .. .. .. ., 21, „ .. 735 0 0 Sanders Bros.. Wellington .. .. Oct. 10. „ . . 1,407 0 0 F. King and Son, Masterton .. .. Dee. Iβ, ,. .. 6.660 10 0 Nelson. June 29,1910 Police-station. HotneksJ Stilwell and Oo. (Limited), Motaaka .. Oct. 29, L910 Jan. 20. 1911 694 0 0 Westpokt. June 20,1910 Post-office, Westport .. Dec. 19, ,, Courthouse. Westport, Alterations and Additions Feb. 20,1911 Post-offioe, Westport, Clook and Bella .. E. Biynildeen, Westport .. .. June 20, 1911 .. 6,160 17 0 J. Craig, Westport .. .. .. Feb. II. .. Feb. 20, lit 11 209 10 :i W. LittVjohn and Son. Wellington . . .. . . 645 0 0 Westland. April 19, 1910 Polioe-station, (irevmouth, Additions Sept. 27, „ .. Blackball Feb. 18,1911 Post-offioe, Runanga .. Mordaunt and Drake, Greymouth .. July 19, 1910 : Dec. 31, 1910 839 17 0 Kelsall and Son, Grevmou'th .. .. Jan. 27, 1911 Feb. 23, 1911 688 8 3 E. and W. Sweetman, Greymouth ... June 18, „ .. 698 0 0 Canterbury. Feb. 16,1910 Safoty-cartridge Stole, Addington May 24, ,, Post-office, Waiau „ 25, „ : .. Addington June 20, ,, ,, Waimate Aug. 1, „ „ Rakaia ,, 15, ,, Courthouse. Timaru, Alterations and Additions Sept. 1, ,, Departmental Buildings, Christchurch .. ,, 23, ,, j Post-office, Ferry Road, Christchurch .. Dec. 8, ,, Police-station, Christchurch. Matron's Quarters Jan. 7,1911 Cottage at Lake Coleridge Feb. 15, „ Post-office, Amberley. . .. .. .. ,, 15, ,, ; ,, Culverdcn Mar. 24. ,, '■ ,, Leeston .. .. C. Calvert, Christ church .. ..! April 27. 1910 May 2,1910 388 8 9 Paynter and Hamilton, Christchurch .. Oct. 24. .. Sept, 13, „ 934 8 0 J. Taylor, Ghristehurob .. .. Sept. 25, „ Nov. 29, „ 1,054 0 0 C. Calvert, Christohuroh .. .. Feb. 20, 1911 Mar. 20. 1911 2,396 11 0 .. Mar. 1, ,. „ 18, „ 1,627 5 0 .... Nov. 15, 1910 Jan. 14, „ 947 15 0 J. and W. Jamieaon (Limited), Christchurch May 1, 1912 .. r>3.564 0 0 J. Taylor. Christehurch .. .. Mar. 23. 191 1 .. 1,235 0 0 1'ayiiier and Hamilton, Christchurch .. ., 8, „ Mar. 25. Hill 412 10 0 Paynter and Hamilton. Christchurch .. Mar. 7.1911 Mar. 25, 1911 410 0 0 C. Calvert, Christchuroh. .. .. Mav 15, „ .. 914 3 0 .... ..' 15, „ .. 932 18 0 F. Blogg, Christohurph .. .. .. : Aug. 24, „ .. 1,068 15 li



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1910, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1911— continued.

r, j.' j. Name of Contract. Contractor's Name and Address. Date for Date of Amount Completion. Completion. Co^^t. Re marl Otago and Soutioand. PUBLIC BUILDIN<JS- C o,Uin«*d. Aug. 3,1908 Government Insurance Buildings, Donedin .. .. .. H. Lydcrs, Dunedin Dee. 31, 1909 I\>sl-office. Pembroke. Alterations and Addition.- .. .. W. Henderson. Dunedin •Jan. 7,1910 Government Insurance Buildings, Dunedin, Electric Elevator .. A. and T. Burt (Limited). Dunedin Feb. 1, „ Otekaike Special School for Boys, Water-supply and Drainage .. J. and B. Scott, Dunedin April 14, ,, Departmental Buildings, tnvercargill .. .. .. .. Shields and Andrews, [nvercargill June 8, ,, Gaol, Inveroargill, Electric Lighting .. .. .. .. i Turnbull and Jones (Limited), Dunedin „ 22, „ Post-office. St. Kilda .. .. .. .. .. .. W. Jt Clark, Dunedin .. Oct. 20, ,, ,, Bannockljurn .. .. .. .. .. L. Arthur and I'. Thomas. Cromwell Nov. 5, ,, ,. Green Island .. .. .. .. .. C. Crimp, Green Island Dec. 9, ,, ,, Riverton .. .. .. .. .. .. P. A. Lyders, Dunedin „ 15, ,, Courthouse. Inveroargill, Repairs and Renovations . . .. W. Ashley, Inveroargill Jan. 6, 1911 Otekaike S|>ecial .School for Boys, Kitchen Administrative Block . . \V. Duncan and Son, Dunedin „ 6, „ Police-station, South Invereargill .. .. .. .. Ken and Brown, Invercargill ,, 27, ,, ,, Otautau, Additions and Renovations .. .. R. Scatter, Otautau Feb. 16, ,, Police-station and Post-office, Oamaru, Additions and Alterations .. Allan and Lindsay. Oamaru E s. d. .. I Aug. 3, 1909 Mav :i. 1910 10.740 ."". 0 .. Mar. 11, 1910 „' 18. .. 218 10 0 .. .July 7. .. Sept. 22. .. r>54 0 0 .. June 1. .. „ 10. .. i.742 0 0 .. April 14. 11)11 . . 12.3811 II 0 .. Dec. 8. 1910 .. 398 15 i> .. Nov. 22. .. Jart. 12. Kill 1,160 0 0 .. Feb. 20. 1911 .. 399 0 0 .. May 5, .. .. 1,070 0 0 .. June 9. .. .. 1,692 18 0 .. Jan. 11. .. Fel>. ti. 1911 214 10 0 .. Aug. 0. .. .. 2,207 7 (I .. May <i. .. .. 660 0 0 .. Mar. 3. .. .. 224 I S .. 30. .. Mar. 30. loll 214 7 0 : A,, kla* U . R0AD W0RK SOct. 28,1910 Mangatangi Stream Bridge, Te Maika Road .. .. .. Scott and Forsyth. Te Kuiti ,, 28, „ i Awaiti Stream Bridge .. .. .. .. .. ,, „ 28, ,, Stony Creek Bridge, noar Makarau .. .. .. F. James, Auckland Nov. 11, „ Huaroa Stream Bridge .. .. .. .. .. Scott and Forsyth. Te Kuiti Feb. 16, 1911 J Toi Bridge .. .. .. .. .. .. .. M. W. Forsyth, Te Kuiti Dec. 28. 1910 Mar. Iti. 1911 220 •""> 10 . . Jan. 28, 191 1 Feb. 27. „ 237 l> 1 „ 28, „ Jan. 25, „ 230 0 0 ., 11. ., .. 261 3 6 . . May hi. .. .. 230 14 7 Hawse's Bat. Juno 21, 1910 Metalling on Napier-Taupo Road . . .. .. .. Henrickson and Heffei man. Pohui Sept. 23, ,. Clydfl'ank Settlement Roads-Rotopara Road .. .. .. J. Kelliher. Wairoa ,, 23, ,, i ,, Maromauku Road .. .. .. ,, ,, 23, ,, .. Riuohangi Road Dec. 30, ,, Nuhaka River Bridge .. .. .. .. . . A. R. Gardiner, Wairoa.. .. Jan. 31, 1911 ; Nov. 12. 1910 .-»2li 10 11 . . Mar. 18. ., .. 2S4 19 7 ,. 18, .. .. 307 13 J „ 18. .. .. 174 15 H .. Oct. 30. .. .. 3,136 4 0 Takwaki. Feb. 14,1909 Road-formation. &e.. Ohiira (south of Parorae Stream) .. .. Cameron and Brooking, Stratford June 20, 1910 Bridge over Mokau River. Mapara Road .. .. .. Scott and Forsyth, Te Kuiti ,, 21. ,, Tangarakau River Suspension Bridge .. .. .. .. F. M. Grayling, New Plymouth .. Nov. 9, ,, Haunganui-o-te-ao River Bridge, Raetihi-Ohura Road .. .. W. D. McCalmont, Masterton Jan. 27, 191 1 Whangamomona River Bridge, Poarangi .. .. .. F. M. Grayling, New Plymouth . . Feb. 16, ., Ongarue River Bridge, Taumarunui .. .. .. .. D. McLean and Co., Wellington .. Mar. 25. ., Mokau River Bridge, Kahuwera Road .. .. .. .. Cure and Dixon. Cambridge .. June 14. 1909 Dee. 31. 1910 5,666 19 0 ,, 20, 1911 Jan. 7. 1911 424 16 II ,, 21, ,. .. 1,553 II II .. Aug. 9, „ .. 1,737 0 0 .. Sept. 27. .. .. 860 0 II .. Nov. 16, .. .. 1,170 o (I ., 25. .. .. 624 (I II



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1910, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1911— continued.

Date of Contract. Name of Contract. . „ , ... Date for Date of Contractor'* Name and Addreee. Completion. Completion. Amount of Contract. Remarks. Maelbobough. Feb. 16, 1911 I Rai and Brown River Bridges .. .. .. .. I RC DAD WORKS— continued. Barton Bros., Onamalutu .. .. Nov. 16, 1911 £ s. d. [ 1,100 3 0 „ Nelson. Jan. 4, 1909 Mokihinui River Bridge .. .. .. •■ • ■ Feb. 4, ,, Little Wanganui Road Bridge Mar. 27,1911 Metalling Road, Mokihinni to Little Wanganui .. Freeman and Griffiths. Westport.. .. July 4, 1910 V. Hill, Little Wanganui .. . . Nov. 4, 1909 April 22, 1910 Davis. Fraser. and Hvndman, St. Helen's, Aug. 27. 1911 Westport 3,801 13 3 1,137 0 0 1.M44 2 6 ■ Westlaxd. Mar. 15, 1910 Big Wanganui Bridge, South Westland J. O'Donnell, Wellington .. .'. Mar. 15, 1912 7,908 4 7 Otago and Southland. Roail -formation, Billing, Clearing, Forming, Metalling, &o., — Mar. 18, 1910 No. 1 Contract, Alton Survey District, Blocks I, III, and X ,, 18, ,, No. 2 Contract. Alton Survey District, Blocks II, III, and XI .. 18, „ No. 3 Contract, Alton Survey District, Block VI, Sections 9 and 10 (reserve for landless Natives) ,, 18, „ No. 4 Contract, Alton Survey District, Blocks X, XI, and III .. Oct. 10, ,, Ermedale Settlement, Omutu Creek Bridges Nov. 14, ,, Road-formation and Bridges Block XXIV, Invercargill Survey District, Wainiatua-Mokotua Road Mar. 4,1911 Hardwood Timber. Taieri Mouth Bridge XI and ill ey E I 10 We- (.'. Withington and Son, South Inveroargill Nov. 18, 1910 Mar. 30, 1911 „ 18, „ „ 30, „ ,, 18, „ „ 18, „ Feb. 25, 1911 J. Hamlyn .. .. .. .. Jan. 10, 1911 Mar. 31, Ryan, Dwyer, and Son. South Invercargill Feb. 14, „ 675 0 0 544 0 0 762 10 0 771 15 0 414 17 6 201 15 0 „ 28, „ Steel Reinforcing Burs, Taieri Mouth Bridge Millars West Australian Hardwoods Com- Sept. 4, „ pany (Limited), Wellington Otago Iron Rolling Mills Company (Limited), Burnside, Dunedin Stevenson and Cook, Port Chalmers .. July 18, 1911 W. Baird, East Inveroargill .. .. 18, „ 1,254 4 7 243 0 0 j 285 18 9 1,363 0 0 ,, 28, ,, Steel and Ironwork, Taieri Mouth Bridge „ 29, „ ! Ermedale Settlement, Road-metalling Wellington. MISCELLANEOUS. May 7, 1908 Seddon Memorial Dec. 17, 1910 Coal and Firewood Supply, Government Buildings, Auckland 17, ,, ,, Devonport and Forts Kdwards and Son, Wellington .. .. Nov. 11, 1908 Aug. 31, 1910 : .1. J. Craig (Limited). Auckland .. .. Mar. 31, 1912 „ .. 31. 1912 2,746 0 0 Schedule rates Westpokt. April 14,1910 Training- wall at Karamea, No. 1 Contract Feb. 17, 1911 .. No. 2 Contract J S. and R. Atkinson, Westport .. .. Oct. 13, 1910 Nov. 10, 1910 ' J. Foster. Westport .. .. .. Aug. 17, 1911 2,755 11 0 2,315 10 3 Wkstland. Aug. 22, 1910 Rifle Range, Cobden Sullivan Bros., Greymouth .. .. Nov. 22, 1910 Feb. 8, 1911 248 7 0

D.— l


APPENDIX D. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1910, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1911, showing Deliveries to the latter Date.

Date of Contract ' No - , o£ S . le 5If M ! Rate or Contractor's Name. Addrere. contracted toi, Place of Delivery. Agreement. Sleepe ' Date for Completion. Total D NOETH ISLAND. WHANGAREI DISTRICT. s. d. 5 Jan., 1910 .. Millar's West Australian Hard- Wellington .. 1,166, jarrah .. | 3 9 Giahamtown wood Company (800 puriri . . | (second).. 4 3 Opua crossing. . 21 Oct., „ .. Pullman and Leslie .. .. Matapouri .. .. l,0<Kl .. .. 4 3 „ 28 Dee., „ .. M. J. Nelson .. .. Kaihu .. .. 1,000 totara .. 3 3 Kaihu 20 Jan., 1911 .. E. Brenstrum .. .. Dargaville .. .. 900 puriri .. 3 11 „ 27 ,. „ . - G. N. Le Oore .. .. Porua Bay .. 1,000 .. .. 4 t> Grahanitown 2 Mar., „ .. V. Tornnson .. .. Jlaropiu .. 1.000 totara 3 3 } Maro P iu " 5 Jan., „ .. T.ltUneaad.Son..' .. Totara North j 21s . f , °f " 1,166 li) April, 1910. 30 Sept., 1910.. 27 Dec. „ .. 31 Mar., 1911.. 30 June, „ .. 30 , 880 21 July, 117 21 „ 36 21 ,. Nil 30 „ 18 Oct., „ .. 18 „ „ .. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. i; .lime, 1906 .. lv .McMillan .. .. Takekeroa, .. .. r>00 totara .. 3 3 Tahekeroa .. 7 Feb., 1908 .. V. G. Worker .. .. Wellsford .. .. r>00 „ .. 3 3 Wellsford 27 Jan., 1909 . . E. Brenstrum .. .. Dargaville .. .. 1,200 puriri . . 4 3 Helensvillc .. 29 Mar., „ .. C. Walker .. .. .. Tauhoa .. .. 1,000 totara .. 3 3 Hoteo 5 Oct., „ .. E. Brcnstram .. .. Dargaville .. .. 2,000 puriri .. 4 3 Helensville .. 10 Feb., 1910 .. W. H. Taylor .. .. Ahuroa .. .. 500 totara .. 3 3 Ahuroa 18 June, „ .. Dick Michael .. .. Sydney, New South 350/11 ft. by 8 in. by !• 6 Auckland Wales 6 in. ironbark 1 Aug., ,. .. K. Davie* .. .. .. Taurnarunui .. 2,000 totara .. :( (i Taringamutii 30 Sept., „ .. EYaeer and Co, •• ■• Grafton, New South 600/711. i> in. l>y 8 in. ; •"> 0 Auckland Wales by 6 in. ironbark 30 „ „ Moir and Rcxta .. .. Puhoi .. .. 3,000 totara .. 3 3 Ahuroa 6 Dec. „ .. E. Brenstrum .. .. Dargaville .. .. 350 puriri .. 4 3 Helensvillc .. 3 Oct., „ .. R. McMillan .. .. Makarau .. .. 300 totara .. 3 3 Makarau 6 Dec, 1906.. 31 Mar., 1908.. 27 July, 1909.. 30 Sept., „ .. 5 Oct., 1910.. 30 April, „ .. 18 Sept.. „ .. 4 June, ,, .. 1 July 9 Sept., 1911.. 20 Mar 3 Jan., „ .. Contract cancelled 512 j 13 June, 1910. 412 : 321 : Balance cancelled. 1,677 500 2K April, 1910. Nil 2.240 4 June, 1H10. 407 300 4 Deo., 1910. TAURANGA DISTRICT. I 7,050 hardwood .. 4 4 j I 21 Oct., 1910 .. Fraeer and Co. .. .. Grafton, New South I 510 .. 4 i> „ Wales 440 .. + S iamanga .. ( 200 ironbark . . ."> 3 I 21 Dec, „ .. Millar's West Australian Hard- Wellington .. 40,000 hardwood .. 4 6 „ wood Company ' 21 April, 1911.. Nil 21 June, 1911..



APPENDIX D— continued. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1910, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department, &c.- continued.

Date of Contract or Contractor's Name. Address. Agreement. No. of Sleepers Rate contracted for, and Class of g ,P Timber. ' Place of Delivery. D Total for Completion, j **£« Date of CompletioD. GISBORNE DISTRICT. 7 Sept., 1910 .. Southland Timber Company .. Dunedin s. d. 7,000 hardwood .. 4 4} Gisborne 7 -Mar., 1911.. Nil at June, 1910 .. Dick Michael .. .. Sydney, New .South ' Wales Iβ Aug., „ .. Richardson, Blair, and MoCftbe Wellington (Limited) 7 Sept., „ .. J. W. Wallace and Co. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. 1,080 hardwood cross- 5 3 ing 200 hardwood, 8 ft. 4 8 2,000 „ .. 3 10. Wellington .. .. 28 Dec, 1910.. 124 ..24 Aug., „ .. 200 7 Mar., 1911.. 1,620 24 Aug., 1910. SOUTH I 8 L A N D . 16 Dec, 1909 .. L. Zala .. .. .. I Okarito 10 May, 1910 .. C. O'Regan .. .. I Cronadun 10 ..' ,. .. J. Hunt .. .. . . „ 10 „ „ .. I W. Rea 12 June, ,, .. W. Fisher .. .. .. Nelson Creek 10 July „ .. W. A. Lawson .. .. Rimu 17 ., .. . ■ G. Henderson .. .. Kumara 26 „ „ L. Zala .. .. .. Okarito 2b .) uly, „ . . T. McMahon .. .. Cronadun 1 Aug., „ .. J. Bird .. .. .. Ngahere 15 „ „ \V. A. Sadler .. .. „ 15 ,, „ L. Stewart 15 ., ,, J. Moloney .. .. Woodstock 23 .. ,, K. Power .. .. .. Greymouth 23 , ., .. A. Richardson .. .. Kumara !t Sept. , , .. .. •). Minehan .. .. Ross 15 ., „ Baxter Bros. .. .. Greymouth 21 ., „ .. W.Duncan .. .. Hokitika .. 3 Oct., „ .. G. Feary .. .. .. Totara Flat 3 „ „ W. Wallace .. . . Kumara I) N"o\ .Jack Bros. .. .. .. Kotuku Iβ W. Hunt .. .. .. Nelson Creek 22 ., „ .. i Baxter Bros. . . . . Oreymouth WESTLAND DISTRICT. s. d. 2,100 silver-pine .. 3 3 2,000 „ .. 3 3 „ .. 3 3 500 „ .. 3 3 1,000 „ .. 3 3 1,500 „ .. 3 3 800 .. 3 3 500 „ .. 3 3 600 .. 3 3 2,000 „ .. 3 3 700 .. 3 3 800 .. 3 3 500 „ .. •{ 3 1,500 ' „ .. 3 3 500 „ .. 3 3 500 . . 3 •') 800 .. 3 3 1,000 „ .. 3 3 700 .. 3 S 600 „ .. 3 3 700 .. 3 3 1,000 „ .. 3 3 Gicyinouth .. Cronadun Ngahere Hokitika ■ Kumara Hokitika Cronadun Ikamatua Ngahere Hokitika Ross J Kumara Ross '• Baxter's Siding i Hokitika I Totara Flat .. Kumara Kotuku Ngahere ' Baxter's Siding .. 26 July. 1910.. . 2.100 .. 10 May ' 761 .. 10 „ „ .. 3.301 .. 10 „ „ .. 362 Immediate .. 846 1,399 789 600 £00 2,000 666 ••I " 8 1 500 1,500 ">00 500 800 1,000 700 .. 500 700 .. ' „ .. 1,000 26 July, 1910. Balance cancelled. 10 May, 1910. Balanee cancelled. 28 Jan., 1911. Balance cancelled. 23 Dec., 1910. 22 „ .Balance cancelled. . 24 Ang., "l910. 20 Mar., 1911. 10 Sept., 1910. 22 „ 4 Oct., 27 Nov., „ 7 „ 17 „ 8 Feb., 1911.



APPENDIX D— continued. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1910, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department, &c.— continued.

Date of Contract or Contractor's Name. Address. Agreement. No. of Sleepers t> °Z3n»" s £ r for Timber. bleeper. f to Date. Date of Completion. « Deo., 11)10 .. Thomas Mills .. .. Rotomanu .. 16 „ „ T. McMahon .. .. Cronadtra .. 18 „ „ .. G. Lawson .. .. .. Rimu 19 „ „ . . T. McMahon .. .. Cronadun .. 19 „ „ .. C. O'Regan 22 „ „ .. Jack Bros. .. .. .. Kotuku 22 „ „ .. Q. Fearv .. .. . . Totara Flat 20 Feb., 1911 .. Power and Walsh .. .. Greymouth 20 „ ,, J. Minehan .. .. Ross 13 Mai.. .. .. H. Allison .. .. .. Cronadun .. 20 „ „ .. G. Feary .. .. .. Totara Flat Various .. Various .. .. .. ! Various 7 Sept., 1910 . . I. W. Wallace and Co. . . Wellington .. WESTL AND DISTRICT— cnntin tied. s. d. 800 silver-pine .. 3 3 Rotomanu .. .. Immediate .. 800 3,000 „ .. 3 3 Cronadun .. .. „ .. 2 746 500 „ . . 3 3 Hokitika .. .. „ .. 407 <>00 ., . . 3 3 Cronadun .. .. „ .. 600 1.200 „ .. 3 3 „ .. .. „ .. 1,195 700 ., .. 3 3 Kotuku .. .. „ .. 672 1,500 „ . . 3 3 Totara Fiat .. .. „ .. 1490 1,000 ., .. 3 3 Ross .... 922 500 .. 3 3 „ .. .. „ .. 461 £00 „ .. 3 3 Cronadun .. .. „ .. 500 700 „ . . 3 3 Totara Flat .. .. „ .. 700 5,144 .. .. 3 3 Various .. .. „ .. 5,144 14,000 hardwood .. 4 :, Greymouth .. .. 7 Mar., 1911.. 3,382 6 Dec., 1910. Balance cancelled. 20 Dec," 1910. Balance cancelled. 14 Mar., "l911. 23 „ >■ 26 Jan., 1909 .. Southland Timter Company .. Dunedin 2fi „ 26 „ „ .. „ 28 May „ .. „ 28 „" „ .. , 28 ' „ 7 Sept.. l!)l(l .. Richardson, Blair, and McCabe. Wellington .. (Limited) Various .. .1. \V. Wallace and Co. .. „ CHRISTCHURCH DISTRICT. 05,800 hardwood .. .') ti LytteHon .. .. 26 Sept., 1909.. IU33O 242 .. 4 0| ' 26 242 183 •• 5 0 „ .. .. 26 „ „ .. 183 lr>0 .. ■ • 3 8 „ .. .. 28 Aug., „ . . 150 310 •• 4 2J „ .. .. 28 „ „ .. 367 250 • 5 2 „ .. . . 28 „ „ .. 250 290 ■ • 6 8 „ .. .. 28 „ „ .. 302 ■■ 8,000 .. .. .! Ill , 7 Mar., 1911.. 155 1.50(1 „ .. 3 8 J „ .. .. i Various .. 1,676 13 May, 1910. 13 „ 13 „ 14 April, „ 14 „ " 14 „ I 14 „ 29 July, 1910 .. Southland Timber Company .. Dunedin 25 Oct., ,, .. Cooper and Lumsden .. Tawanui 17 Nov., ., . . Richardson, Blair, andJMcCabe Wellington .. (Limited) 7 Sept., „ . . Ditto DUNEDIN DISTRICT. .. 2,000 to 3.000 hardwood I 3 6 Bluff .. .. , No date fixed .. 2,289 1,000 totara .. 3 3 Private siding, Catlin's, 25 June, 1911.. Nil 26 m. 71 ch. ( 7li hardwood .. ( 19 0 „ ,. 126 hardwood cross- : C.B.M., " ; No date fixed .. I ing I £64 (is. 10d. Bluff • ■ ) I j 12,000 hardwood .. 3 10 Dunedin .. .. 7 Mar., 1911.. I 12,000 „ .. 3 10 : Bluff .. .. 7 „ „ .. 3^051 3 Oct., 1910. * '



APPENDIX E. ANNUAL REPORT ON PUBLIC WORKS BY THE ENGINEER-IN-CHIEF. (Ist July, 191U, to 30th June, 1911.) The Engineer-in-Chief to the Hon. the Minister ok Public Wobks. Sik,— Public Works Office, Wellington, 30th June, 1911. I have the honour to sul mit the following report on the various works completed and in progress throughout the Dominion during the past year. RAILWAYS. Abstkact. The following table shows the expenditure and liabilities on Government railways in NewZealand up to the Slst March, 1911 : —

9—l). 1.

Total 0 Name of Railway. RaTlwav°oi- ' or Expenditure Liabilities to on 81st Marcb, 1911. Slei March, 1911. M. ch. Kaihu Valley .. .. •• •• •■ 58 17 '21 Kawakawa-Kaikohe •• •• •• •• 16 25 Opua Wharf-Grahamtown(Oneiahi) .. .. 5H (, ::| 18 North Auckland Main '1 runk Railway (from Helentvllle) 1 10 0 Htlensville - Te Awairutu, with Brandies .. .. I J 151 1 Hamilton-Thames, with Branches .. .. .. 7 r > Thames Valley - Kotorna 69 RS 69 83 Taurarga-Paengaroa, with Branch (part of) .. .. 18 29 Gieborne-Motu .. .. •• •■ ■• 53 ',; 28 74 Namer-Gisborne Wellington-Napier and Palmerston North (including Te Aro Extension and Greytown Branch) .. .. 288 12 238 12 Wellington-Waitara, with Branches .. .. .. 289 '27 285 59 j Stratford-Ongarue .. .. •• •■ ■■ 10] 0 22 68 North Island Main Trunk (Marton-Te Awamutu) .. '209 69 209 69 Picton-Waipara (South Island Main Trunk Railway)— Picton southwards .. .. .. •• 129 9 Waipara northwards .. .. .. .. 44 14 35 51 Nelson-Roundell , 22 73 22 78 Midland Railway* I 241 67 139 7 Westport-Ngakawau .. • ■ • ■ • ■ 19 56 19 56 Westport-Ngakawau Extension to Mokihinuif .. 7 12 7 12 Mokihinui Colliery Line* .. .. .. .. 3 69 3 69 Westport-Inangahua .. •. • • • • 26 0 Ngfthere-Blackball .. .. .. - • • • 3 40 3 40 Greymouth - Coal Creek .. .. .. .. 8 70 5 1 Greymouth-Brunner .. •• •■ •■ ? " T r,1 Greymouth-Ross 40 32 38 68 Culverden-Hanmer Motor-cars and Repairs to Road .. Hurunui-Waitaki, with Branches .. .. .. j 483 72 443 8 Canterbury Interior Main Line—Oxford-Temuka .. 83 0 11 44 Waitaki-Bluff, with Branches .. .. .. 616 68 514 54 Otago Central W2 56 134 76 Invercargill-Kingston, with Mararoa Branch .. .. 117 4 97 44 Forest Hill Railway—Winton-Hedgohope§ .. .. 12 40 12 40 . Western Railways .. .. .. .. • • 716 70 31 Preliminary Surveys Miscellaneous Stock of Permanent-way on hand Value of Permanent-way in hands of Railway Department Rolling-stock Total .. .. .. •■ 3,521 17 2,760 77 Provincial Government Links, ktc. Canterbury (lengths included above) Otago and Southland Gisborne to Ormond Tramway Midland Railway, valuation of works constructed t>y company £ s. d. £ B. d. 57,871 12 2 511,380 5 10 : 4.196 18 5 170.712 11 5 : 22,731 15 7 1,533,641 19 2 ' 17,580 6 0 492.0-24 17 1 856,099 12 3 15,291 10 8 1,307 14 5 356,103 5 2 10,014 8 7 130 14 10 I :'. 156,002 9 5 I 2,518,792 16 8 10 0 335.511 10 11 2,132 18 3 2,689,736 2 7 504,899 1 2 1,706 1 4 298,678 0 10 j 2,568 12 11 193,370 15 6 1,306,203 9 8 447,543 15 6 188,008 17 3 76,758 3 11 33,007 1 1 145,961 14 4 324 3 2 196,528 10 5 287 9 0 150.512 11 11 335,951 16 9 3,834 0 0 2,456,420 6 5 59,343 9 2 4,509,061 7 !) 1,723 19 11 1,280,393 4 3 336,908 5 6 j 22,983 115 328,285 18 8 40,896 10 10,886 19 11 77,938 7 3 22,702 8 9 25,000 0 0 4,967,980 0 1 68,812 0 0 '29,309,054 4 10 i 636,640 12 11 731,759 0 0 372,522 2 5; 4,975 17 '1683,460 3 1 ' ■ ■ - .. . Grand total 3,521 17 j 2,760 77 31,101,770 11 11 636,640 12 11 • The amount shown as expenditure represents the not nmount chareed against tile Dominion. I The funds for this extension—namely. £35.501 2s. lid-were provided by the Westport Harbour Board. • The funds for purchase of this line. £15.745, were provided by the Westport Harbour Board. ! The pendlture on this line us a tramway was made by the Lands Department. ides expenditure on railways under Hutt Koad and Railway Improvement, Railway Improvement Authorization Act and Wellington- Mauawatu Railway Purchase Act Accounts. ..._,, „ „ ..„ 1 Includes value for £150.000 paid to debenture-holders under the Midland Railway Petitions Settlement Act Amendment Act, 1908.



During the financial year a total length of 44 miles 56 chains of railway, as shown in the following table, was opened for general traffic : —

Appended hereto is a coloured diagram showing the lengths of railway opened for traffic each year since the initiation of the public-works policy. Kaihu Valley Railway (16 m. 67 eh. to 19 m. 24 eh.—2 m. 37 eh. in length). During the year arrangements have been made to extend this line from Kaihu to Waima, another 2 miles 37 chains The formation done by the old Kaihu Valley Railway Company had all to be resurveyed and the line relocated to suit this. This has been done, plans prepared, borings taken for bridges' of which there are four principal ones, a contract for their erection prepared and advertised, and now formation-work is just ready to be put in hand to complete the length so that the rails may be laid and the line opened for traffic. Kawakawa-Kaikohe Railway (16 m. 25 eh. in length). In November as the work slackened on the completion of the Opua-Grahamtown line, a start was made on the formation of the Ngapipito section of this line, 6 m. 30 eh. in length, and the men gradually moved on to this new work. To enable a proper junction station to be made and to suit all purposes, including the Turntable Hill road traffic, the Scoria Flat Station on the mam line to W hangarei was removed to the west about a mile to the junction of this line with the Kawakawa-Whangarei lme, and is now known as the Otiria Junction Station. All the sidings and buildings have been removed to this latter station, and the line laid in complete. , So far the work done this year has been chiefly clearing, draining, and earthwork in the heavy cuttings on the first 2 miles. Contracts for the timber and ironwork for the bridges have been prepared ; and progress will be somewhat retarded till the Ngapipito Bridges at 2£ m. are erected. Opua-Grahamtown Railway (58 m. 6 oh.). Kawakawa Southwards Section (7 to. 16 eh. to 19 m. from Opua Wharf) ; Ramarama Section (19 to. to 27 m 64 eh.); and Towai Section {16 m. to 21 m. Iron, Kamo).— Practically the whole of the work remaining unfinished on these sections at the date of my last report was duly completed durmg the year under review, and the line opened for general traffic on the 13th April, 1911, thus giving through railway connection between Opua (Whangarei) on the Bay of Islands and the present wharf at Extension from Kioreroa to Grahamtown (or Onemhi) (l)eepwater Section) (2 m. to 4 m. 50 eh.).— The balance of formation on this section at Onerahj. Station yard was completed. Rails were laid in the station-yard and the full ballasting over the whole section and in the station-yard and roadapproaches thereto was finished early in the year. The contractors for the erection of the deepwater wharf finished their work in November, and rails were laid on to it shortly afterwards. Various other minor works, such as culverting and drainage, including a stone wall 6 chains in length to prevent a slip at back of station-yard, were completed. The slopes of all banks exposed to the action of the sea were efficiently protected with heavy stone pitching, a quarry being opened up at Paiakiore for the purpose of obtaining the necessary material. The widening of formation at south side of Whangarei River Bridge was completed, as also was the fixing of balance-weights on lift span of the bridge. The oil-engine winch which is to operate the lift span has been ordered, and will be placed in position immediately it arrives. The telephone-line was continued from Kioreroa to Onerahi. A. contract has been let for erection of the Onerahi Station buildings, which comprise three cottages, Stationmaster's house, station buildings, goods-shed, and 6,000-gallon water-vat. A gravitation watersupply some 2J miles in length is being arranged to supply water to this station and wharf. It is anticipated that the section will be completed by the end of September.

Plan Mileages. Railway. Section. Length. Date of handing over to Working Railv Department. M. ch. M. eh. 16 0 to 20 30 Opua - Grahamtown (One- Hukerenui-Towai raki) North Auckland Railway ; Wellsford - Tβ Hana Stratford-Ongarue .. Huiroa - Tβ Wera South Island Main Trunk Dometfr-Mina Railway Midland Railway .. Canterbury ; Broken River - Case Ngahere-Blackball .. Ngahere-Blackball Lawrence-Roxburgh .. Lawrence - Big Hill i-Towa u M. ch. 4 30 1910. 2 May. 69 18 to 72 45 15 68 to 22 65 31 67 to 35 50 -TeH re Wer lina Q8 3 27 6 77 3 63 16 May. 20 June 1 An;, 12 18 to 27 40 ■y ; Bro >lv cei Hi i VI er 15 22 12 December. 0 0 to 3 40 21 76 to 29 33 Blackba -Big I ill G 1 ill 3 40 7 37 1 August. 4 October. 44 56



North Auckland Railway. Kaiwaka Section (62 m. 46 eh. to 81 m. 30 eh.). — Work on this section has now been eompletedjip to and including the Topuni Station yard at 77 m. 40 eh., with the exception of a small amount of ballasting, and includes the Te Hana and Mainene Bridges, the Mainene Tunnel and Topuni Bridge; the two latter were in hand last year. This portion of the section is now open for the carriage of goods and mails, and should be ready for handing over to the Working Railways Department for general traffic at an early date. Beyond the Topuni Station work on the remainder of the Kaiwaka Section is in an advanced stage: culvert and formation work is finished, and rails laid up to 78 m. 70 eh., which is the commencement of the cutting leading into Ross Hill Tunnel. Sleepers, rails, and fastenings are now through the tunnel, and ;i commencement has been made with the laying of permanent-way over the finished formation towards the Kaiwaka Station yard. Work in the tunnel is being pushed forward. A length of 10£ out of a total of 17 chains has been iully taken out and lined ; the tunnel-fronts are in, and but little of the enlarging remains to be done. September should see the tunnel completed. Beyond the tunnel, formation is finished to the end of the section at Kaiwaka Station yard. Formation of this yard is complete, and the erection of station buildings is in progress. Otamatea Section (81 m. 30 eh. to So m. 75 eh.). —At the end of last year work on this section had just been commenced. Construction of culverts and formation throughout the section to the Otamatea Bridge at 83 m. 75 eh., near Young's Point, is now in hand, including the erection of staging in be used in building a bank and 10ft. culvert at the Kaitara Stream. Formation of the Otamatea Station yard is also under way. Contracts have been let for the building of a bridge over the Otamatea at Young's Point, and also for a wharf at the same place. The bridge consists of twelve 41 ft. spans and five 100 ft. spans, the short spans being supported by concrete piles and reinforced-concrete piers, and the long spans on cylinder piers. Three platelayers' cottages are in course of erection at Otamatea. Bickerstaffe Section (83 m. 75 eh. to 88 in. 20 eh.). —During the year this section has been opened up and earthworks have now been more or less completed up to 86 m., being the south end of the first short tunnel on the Bickerstaffe Estate, and is now being driven and lined as it proceeds, being in somewhat dangerous ground. Some of the preceding formation, thioughout a distance of 25 chains, shows a tendency to slip, though not to an unexpected degree. About a mile on from the first tunnel a tramway about a mile long is to be laid from Maungaturoto Wharf to the south end uf the Muddy Creek Tunnel, in order to facilitate obtaining material by sea for lining the tunnel, as there is no suitable stone on the ground. The completion of the detailed survey of the line from 88 m. 20 eh. to McCarroll's (Jap at 96 m. 40 eh. for constructional purposes will be put in hand and finished off as soon as possible. Huntly-Awarua Railway (7 m. 34 eh. in length). On this railway, which was authorized last year, the first step has been taken in the erection of a bridge across the Waikato River at Huntly, a contract for which was let in February last, the contract sum being £17,580. The bridge is designed to carry both railway and road traffic, and consists of two 40 ft. and eight 100 ft. spans supported on concrete abutments and reinforced concrete piled piers. East Coast Main Trunk Railway. Tα v ranga-Vacrujarot i. Maunganui-Te Puke Section (13 in. 27 eh. in length). —On the 19th July, 1910, a party of men was started on preparatory work in clearing and preparing tracks with a view to commencing active operations on the construction of this railway. At the end of that month earthworks were put in hand, and by the 10th August seventy men were at work. On the 30th June, 1911, earthworks finished, or at any rate so far advanced as to admit of the permanent-way being laid for nearly half the distance. A small wharf has been built at Maunganui for the purpose of landing materials required in connection with the works. The formation of this section was for the most part easily constructed, but carrying the line through the swamps involved extensive drain-work, and where subsidence of banks has taken place necessitated a large amount of extra work being done. The line through these swamps will probably continue to sink for some time, and therefore requires considerable work to maintain levels. Permanent-way is laid to 3m. 30 eh. or about 1 mile out from the terminal station at Maunganui. Various rock-deposits at and in the vicinity of Mount Maunganui were examined, and it has been decided to obtain rock from Moturiki Island and crush it for ballasting purposes. A branch line about 1 mile in length from Maunganui terminal station to this deposit has been laid out and a site fixed for the crushing plant. Four platelayers' cottages have been built by contract at the two terminal stations of the section —viz., two at Maunganui and two at Te Puke. A temporary engine-shed, with pit, coal-store, enginetanks, store, and shops for carpenters and blacksmiths have also been erected. Gisborue-Motu. Utoko Section (23 m. 50 eh. to 31 m. 45ch.—7 m. 75 eh. in length).— At the 30th June last the bottom lift of ballast on this section was completed nearly to Otoko. Since then the line has been completely ballasted to the site of the Otoko Viaduct (31 m. 5 eh.). The Otoko Station yard, which is on the far side, cannot be ballasted until the viaduct, which is being built by contract, is available. Pending completion of the viaduct, a wire ropeway was thrown across the valley for the purpose of transporting materials on ahead. For the greater part of the year passenger and goods traffic has been regularly run by this Department. Construction-work on this section, notwithstanding its difficult nature, has stood remarkably well, and



with the exception of a washout at 26 m. 35 eh. only ordinary maintenance has been necessary. All fencing on this section has been completed. Work on the Otoko Viaduct has been in hand all the year and is now about three parts completed. All concrete-work is done excepting the finishing-oil of abutments. A large amount of the steel work has been prepared and the rest is in course of preparation. The finished portions consist of the main piers which are erected in position with most of the bracing. The plate-girders for pier-heads are ready, but not in place. Short end-span girders are in a similar condition and shop-work lias been commenced on the longer and main 66 ft. plate-girders. Rakauroa Section (31 m. 45 eh. to 38 m. 25 eh. — 6 m. 60 eh. in length). — Formation is nearly finished to 33 m. 15 eh., with the exception of slips to remove, a cutting at 32 m. 42 eh., a big filling at 32 m. 63 eh., and the bridge at 33 m. 12 eh., foundations for which are being started. From this latter point on to 36 m. 40 eh. formation is complete, but there are two considerable bridges still to erect, which are not yet started. From 36 m. 40 eh. on to the end of Rakauroa Section, which includes the stationyard, the formation-work is all in a very forward condition, but there still remains a big cutting at 37 m. 35 eh. and the bridge at 37 m. 50 eh. to finish and erect. A very great deal of cxi ra work has been occasioned through land-slides which have taken place between 31m. 35 eh. and ■'Win. 10 eh. At 32 m. 63 eh. a 10 ft. water-drive has been put through, the concrete lining of which is three parts completed. To enable the work-train to convey materials ahead of the big bank at 32 m. 63 eh. a deviation of a temporary character was run up a gully with a back-shunt down the other side, as there was no room to curve the line round, and this means was adopted to overcome the difficulty. A big gully at 33 m. 12 eh., which has to be bridged, was crossed by means of a temporary trestle. This and the deviation previously referred to allowed all supplies and materials to be taken forward by train for the Matawai Section, and also enabled jtlatelaying to proceed to 34 m. 10 eh. Levelling the stationsite at Rakauroa is nearly finished. The greater part of the fencing on this section has been done. Contracts have been let for the ironwork and timber required for the bridges. Matawai Section (38 m. 25 eh. to 44 m. 10 eh. — 5 m. 65 eh. in length). —From the commencement of this section at 38 m. 25 eh., formation, except the bridge at 38 m. 31 eh., is complete to 39 m. 45 eh., and the big cutting, which occurs at this latter point, has had a drive put through it for several chains, and two shafts have been sunk from the surface to enable material to be taken out as expeditiously as possible. From this on, with the exception of two cuttings which are well in hand, the formation has been completed to the summit of the grade at 40 m. 77 eh., the highest point on the line. The cutting on the top of this grade has not yet been all taken out, but beyond this again, to 42 m. 20 eh., formation is complete, and partially done to the end of the 43rd mile. The Matawai Section runs through country that has all until lately been standing bush, and consequently a large amount of stumping has been necessary. Fencing has been erected as far as 40 m. Location-survey work is proceeding on the next 2 miles, 44 m. to 46 m., which are almost ready for work. Stratford-Ongarue Railway. Te Wera Section (15 m. 68 eh. to 22 m. 65 eh. — 6 m. 77 eh. in length). —This section was handed over to the Working Railways Department on the 20th June, 1910. Since that date some work remaining uncompleted, and including a platelayer's cottage and two small traffic-bridges on a deviation of Ohura Road opposite Te Wcra Station, has been completed. Pohokura Section (22 m. 65 eh. to 31m. 40 ch. — B m. 55 eh. in length). —All platelaying and ballasting on this section, with the exception of part of the yard-work in Ngatimaru and Pohokura stationyards, has been completed. All fencing and the telephone-line are also complete. During the year 660 ft. of piping and 350 ft. of culverting were put down. Ngatimaru Station buildings have been completed, and Pohokura Station buildings are approaching completion. A bridge at 22 m. 67 eh. and a road-access bridge at Pohokura Station have been built. Only a few minor items require attention to completely finish the section. Goods traffic has been run since the 26th September, 1910, and passenger traffic since the 10th June last. Whangamomona Section (31 m. 40 eh. to 37 m. 53 eh. —6 m. 13 eh. in length). —The whole of this section has been cleared, and all earthworks are in hand. All road and creek diversions are complete except the road-diversion opposite 36 m. 70 eh. Fencing is complete up to 34 m. and in places where necessary up to the end of section. Rails have been laid up to 33 in. 71 eh., to which point the first lift of ballast has also been carried. A temporary siding has been put in at 33 m., near the foot of the Whangamomona Road saddle, and goods and passenger traffic are being carried thereto. During the year 1,100 lin. ft. of piping, 1,450 lin. ft. of wirter-drives, and 430 lin. ft. of concrete culverts have been constructed. The bridge at 31 m. 70 eh. is in hand, and timber is now arriving for some of the other bridges. The bottom headings of Whangamomona Tunnel (some 30J chains in length) met on 3rd April. 10 chains of the tunnel have been completed and lined, 14 chains fully excavated, and the other 6 J chains have still to be done and these two latter lengths lined. Tahora Section (37 m. 53 eh. onwards). —This section is cleared of bush to 38 m., and earthworks extending over the first 20 chains are in hand. Mount Egmont Branch Railway. The survey of the extension from 5 m. 64 eh. to the quarry-site near 8 m. 50 eh. is almost finished. Centre-line has been cleared from 5 m. 64 eh. to 6 m. 7 eh. and from 6 m. 20 eh. to 8 m. 10 eh. up the rope incline route, and clearing at foot station at 6m. 17 eh. is in progress. Earthworks are in hand from sm. 64 eh. to sm. 76 eh. A prospecting party is at work at the quarry-site driving under the rock in different places to find out the full extent and lay of the rock, and to test its quality.



South Island Main Trunk (Late Blenheim-Watpara) Railway. North End. Blind River Section (33 m. 45 eh. to 37 m. 7 eh.) and Ward Section (37 m. 7 eh. to 48 m. 9 eh.), (in all 14 m. 44 eh. in length) were completed and handed over to the Working Railways Department for general traffic on the 15th April, 1911. Mirza Section (48 m. 9 eh. to 51m. 45 eh. — 3 m. 36 eh. in length). —The formation of this section, which was untouched at the date of my last report, is now well in hand. Various concrete and pipe culverts and stream-diversions have been completed. A platelayers' cottage has been built at Mirza Station, and service workshops, stores, &c, at Ward Station. The formation of a further length, to the Ure River, is being put in hand. South End. Mackenzie Section (31m. 67 eh. to 35 m. 50 eh. —3 m. 63 eh. in length). —Work on this section was practically complete at the end of last year. What required to be done was finished off, and the line handed over to the Railway Department for general traffic on the Ist August, 1910, as far as Mina Station. Parnassus Section (35 m. 50 eh. to 44 m. 13 eh. — 8 m. 43 eh. in length). —The line on this section. after leaving Mina. rises over a saddle and then descends to the Waiau-ua River, which it crosses near the end of section. There are two intermediate station-sites—Phoebe and Spotswood. Formation and platelaying is now complete for about three miles, or as far as Phoebe ; thence to Spotswood, another 3 miles, line is nearly completed. Prom Spotswood to Parnassus the formation is light, and will be quickly disposed of. The bridge across the Waiau-ua —a combined road and railway structure (2,330 ft. long)—is finished and in use. Construction of the railway approach-banks is in hand, and heavy pro-tection-works are being put in. It was hoped to have this section complete by the end of February. but damage by flood which has occurred since the end of June may cause some delay. Mendif Section (44 m. 13 eh. onwards). —A commencement has been made in a few cuttings, and a service-road is under construction as far as 48 m. So far. practically only preliminary work has been dour.. Midland Railway. Nelson-Westland Section, North End. Tui (part of Manu) Section (46 m. 38 eh. to 49 eh. 55 eh. — 3 m. 17 eh. in length). —The work remaining unfinished on this section at the end of last year has been completed, including the erection of Tui Station buildings. Glenhope Section (49 m. 55 eh. to 59 m. 19 eh. — 9 m. 34 eh. (omitting short chainage) in length). — Earthwork from the end of Tui Section to the beginning of deviation at 57 in. 40 eh. lias been completed, except at small block cuttings at 53 m. 49 eh. through which only a gullet has been driven, 54 m. 34 eh. at overbridge, 55 m. 29£ eh. at saddle cutting, and 57 ni. 20 eh. A large slide in the saddle cutting at 55 in. 29| eh., which commenced in May last owing to a seam of soft material giving way at back of batter-line, has occasioned a good deal of trouble. Three parties are working at it, and it is anticipated that sufficient material will have been removed by the time the platelaying reaches that point to allow the rails to be laid through. Bushfelling and clearing on the deviation from 57 in. 40 eh. to 59 in. 15 eh. are completed to 58 m. 31 eh. A bridge at 50 m. 68 eh., consisting of five 20 ft. spans, has been built; also a bridge at 53 in. 16 eh., consisting of five 22 ft. and one 40ft. spans. All concrete-work at the piers has been completed, and the 40 ft. timber span has been erected. The 22 ft. plate-girders have come to hand, and riveting-up and placing on 'lie piers is in progress. Bridge at 55 in. 'M eh.. consisting of two 22 ft. and one Lo ft. spans. Concrete abutments and piers have been completed. Arched bridge at 55 m. 55 eh. : Concrete blocks were made for the arch, and erection of the bridge is in progress. The arch has been built, and wing walls and parapets are partially completed. Various water-drives, culverts, and pipe drains were put in where accessary. Platelaying south of Cat Creek was commenced in January, and has been extended up to the north cud ofthe bridge at '>:; m. i 1 eh., and siding has been laid at Kaka Station yard. The first lift of ballast ing is done up to 53 m. 14 eh., and the second lift up to 51 m. 73 eh., and boxing-in has all been done between Kiwi and Tui. A Dew stone crusher for ballast purposes has been erected at Kiwi, and is working satisfactorily. Fencing on both sides of the line from 48 m. 88 eh. to 52 m. 57 eh. was put up during the year. Nelson-Westland Section, South End. Cronadun-Landing Section (45 m. 40ch. to 54 m. — B m. 40ch. in length). The formation, which was well in hand at the beginning of the year, was completed, and platelaying put in hand. As soon as the rails reached the ballast-pit at Larry's Creek, ballasting was commenced, and has since been satisfactorily completed. A contract for erection of the bridges on this section was let in September, and completed in the following June. Two platelayers' cottages have been erected at the Rotokohu Station at 50 m. 17 eh., and another contract is now in hand for erection of station buildings at this and the Landing Station. Immediately on completion of the buildings the line can be opened for traffic. Arrangements are being made to put further work in hand on the first two miles of the next section, the big cutting and platelaying have been already completed as far as the Landing Bridge at 54 m. 28 eh.



( ' tinterbury-Westland Section, West End. Otira Section (50 m. 38 eh. to 51m. 40 eh.). —The only work done during the year has been the painting of the Rolleston River Bridge. A commencement was made with the painting of Goal Creek Bridge, but had to be discontinued owing to heavy frosts. GoodsJtritflie between Otira Station and the contractor's depot was run by the Railway Department. Arthur's Pass Tunnel Contract (51 m. 40ch. to 59 m. 40ch. 8 miles in length). The at 52 m. 67-22 eh. and ends at 58 m. 12-40 eh. At the Otira (west) end the bottom heading has been advanced from 53 m. 61 oh. to 54 m. 17 eh., a distance of 36 chains, or 10 chains more than last yea c; at the Bealey (east) end the heading lias been driven to 57 m. 75 eh., a distance of 6 chains for the year: thus 1 mile 47 chains of heading has been driven, leaving 3 miles 58 chains still to do. lining at the Otira end is finished to 53 m. 66£ eh., or 38| chains during the year. At the Bealey end it is complete to 57 m. 75f eh., or 14 chains for the year : total to date, 1 mile 16 chains complete. At the west end the bank which is being formed out of tunnel-spoil has been extended to 51 m. 78J eh., and has reached the bed of the Otira River. Groins and stone facing are being put in as protective works. Owing to the dry weather interfering with the supply of water for power purposes, work has had to be wholly or partially suspended on two occasions. £ At the Bealey end a 4 ft. culvert has been completed and some bank-formation work has been in hand in the Bealey Station yard. (Janlerbury-Westland Section. East End. Cass Section (12 m. 12 eh. to 27 m. 40 eh. -15 m. 22 eh. in length). Ballasting and platelaying were continued, and completed in time for handing the section over to the Working Railways Department on the 12th December, 1910. A contract for erection of Cass Station buildings was let and is getting on fairly well, but has not yet been completed. Bealey Section (27 m. 40 eh. to 41m. 46 eh. — 13 m. 75 eh. (deducting short chains) in length). — This section runs from Cass Station down the Cass River, up the Waimakariri and Bealey Rivers to junction with the end of the work included in the Arthur's Pass Tunnel contract. The line is mostly in the river-bed, involving a large amount of protective work. Formation to 35 m. was first put in hand, and is now in an advanced stage. Thence to 38 m. formation is well under way. but beyond that point not much work has been started yet. Protective works are nearly completed to 35 m. Boulders encased in wire crates, or gabions, is the method chiefly used for protection purposes, but a quarry has been opened up and large stone is being used for groins protecting the approaches to Cass. Waimal riri, and Bealey Bridges. Willow-planting is being done as a further means of protection. Platelaying has been carried on for 1 \ miles, or as far as Cass Bridge, and two lifts of ballast have been put down to the same point. Cass Bridge is complete except for the laying of the track. Piles are being driven for the Waimakariri Bridge, and the plate-girders for it are being made by contract and are due in September. Work has not yet been commenced on the Douglas Creek Bridge. Tinwhole of the section can probably be completed by December, 1912, if vigorously pushed cm. Westport-Inangahua Railway. Te Kuha Section (0 m. to sm. 74 eh. — 5 m. 74 eh. in length).- -With the exception of station buildings at Te Kuha, for the erection ol which a contract has been let, all work on this section has been completed. Cascade Section (5 m. 74 eh. to 12 m.- dm. 6ch. in length). Formation, &c, of this section has been carried out partly under co-operative contract and partly under ordinary contract. Work under the former system extends from sm. 74 eh. to 6m. 38 eh., and under the Litter from 6m. 35 eh. to 9 m. Co-operative contracts : The cutting through the rock spur from 5 in. 78 eh. to 6 m. 4 eh., and the bank from sm. 68 eh. to sm. 78 eh., were completed at the beginning of the year. The bank from 6m. 4 eh. to 6m. 7|ch. is almost completed. An 8 ft. by 8 ft. drive has been put through a cutting from 6m. 8 eh. to 6m. 10 eh. Material from this cutting is to be utilized in making the bank at 6m. 37 eh. when the tunnel is completed. The cutting is complete from 6m. 10 eh. to 6m. 13 eh. The approach to the tunnel at 6m. 15 eh. has been finished. Enlargement of the tunnel from 6m. 15 eh. to 6 m. 20 eh., from a top heading driven last year has progressed well, and the face excavation is now at 6m. 18-65 eh. The tunnel has been lined with'concrete, 12 in. thick, from the entrance to 0 in. 18-40 eh. All the blocks for the arch have been made. Although the excavation has all been in granite rock, the broken nature of the material has necessitated timbering all through. The cuttingapproach has been completed from 6m. eh. to 6m. 24 eh. Material therefrom is being tipped into the long bank at 6m. 38 eh. A trestle was built to carry the service-road over bridge-site at 6m. 36 eh. A 4 ft. arch concrete culvert has been built at 6m. 7 eh. in addition to these earthwork-co-operative contracts, bushfelling co-operative contracts have been let and completed from 7 m. 53 ch. to 9m. 40 eh. An average of forty men have been employed during the year. Ordinary contracts (6 m. 31 eh. to 9 m.) : In May, 1910, six contracts were let for formation from 6m. 35 eh. to 7 m. 38-3 eh. ; in March, 1911, five contracts, 6m. 46-6 eh. to 9 m. ; and in May, 1911, one contract for formation from 7 m. 38-5 eh. to 7 m. 46-6 eh., and for culverts from 7 m. 21 eh. to 7m. 47 eh. Work on the six contracts let in May, 1910, is about three-parts done ;on the other contracts work has practically only just been commenced. No. 1 contract (6 m. 31 eh. to 6 in. 70 eh.) : This work was commenced in May, 1911. An average of five men were employed, and 720 cubic yards have been excavated, extending from 6 m. 50 eh. to 6 m. 59$ eh.



No. 2 contract (6 m. 70 eh. to 7m. 2 eh.): During the year the cutting on this contract has been almost completed ; 10,460 cubic yards have been excavated. The bottom drive (12 ft. by 8 ft.) in the tunnel is in 2 chains. The material, though fairly hard rock, will require timbering. An average of nine men were employed during the year. No. 3 contract (7 m. 3 eh. to 7m. 13-5 eh.): This contract is well on towards completion, about 12.400 cubic yards of solid rock having been taken out. An average of seven men have been employed. No. 4 contract (7 m. 13-5 eh. to 7m. 21 eh.) : 16,000 cubic yards of material, partly rock, partly soft material, have been taken out. Two large blasts of 1,5001b. of gelignite each were successfully fired. An average of seven men have been employed. No. 5 contract (7 m. 22 eh. to 7m. 33 eh.) : This contract was commenced in September, 1910. 10,970 cubic yards of rock have been excavated. Excavation of a further 800 cubic yards will complete ihe contract. An average of nine men have been employed. No. 6 contract (7 m. 33-5 eh. to 7 m. 38-30 eh.) : Work is well on towards completion, 10,000 cubic yards of rock having been taken out. A slip of 2,000 cubic yards came down into the cutting and has been removed. The material in the cutting is fairly hard rock but very much broken. An average of eight men have been employed. No. 7 contract (7 m. 46-6 eh. to 8 m.) : This work was commenced in May last, and 4UO cubic yards have been taken out. The rock is very hard. No. 8 contract (Bm. to 8 id. 38'5ch.) : Work lias not yet been commenced. No. 9 contract (8 m. 42-4 eh. to Bm. 50-5 eh.) : About 280 cubic yards have been excavated. Work was commenced in June. Nos. 10 and 12 contracts (8 m. 50-5 eh. to Bm. 79 eh.) : These two contracts have only just been started. No. 11 contract (7 m. 38-50 eh. bo 7 in. 46-6 eh.) : Excavation on this contract has only just been commenced. The average number of men employed on these contracts so far has been forty-five. <;<>od progress is nofl being made by all the contractors, and the work promises to be done at a satisfai fcory rate. Ngahere Blackball Railway (3m. 40ch. in length). This line, with the exception of a gatekeeper's cottage at Ngahere Bridge and gates to the bridge. both of which are now in course of erection, was completed and handed over to the Working Railways Department on the Ist August, 1910. Greymouth- Point Elizabeth Collieries Railway Extension. Coal Creek Section (3 m. 69 eh. in length). —Fine weather enabled good progress to be made with this line. All the earthworks and platelaying on the main line have been completed, with the exception of the Fell brake rail. On the back-shunt at the terminal station, however, slips have caused a considerable amouni of trouble and extra work. Formation is well in hand, but a good deal of work yet remains to be done. Formidable slips are threatening, but by deviating the line somewhat it is hoped to considerably reduce the amount of work to be carried out. With the exception of one mi wo doubtful places, the main line is standing well, and will be almost free of slips of any magnitude. Work has been commenced on the Seven-mile Creek Bridge on the back-shunt line. Two piers are in course of erection, and foundations are ready for three more. The foundations for this bridge have opened jout disappointingly, and consequently involved considerably more work than was anticipated. Catlin's Waimahaka Railway. Catlin's End. Papatupu Section (24 in. 8 eh. h> '-/ m. 50ch. 3m. 12ch. in length). Work on this section has been completed, and the line is now ready to hand over to the Railway Department. The Public Works Department is, however, retaining control so as to facilitate haulage of ballast from Houipapa quarry, (ioods traffic for the convenience of settlers is being run. Puketiro Section (27m. 50ch. to -il n<. 30ch. 3m. 60ch. in length). Earthworks on this section have been very heavy, and numerous large slips have occurred. This part of the work is, however, now practically finished, the portion remai finished at the end of last year, being between 28 m. t0 eh. and 31 m. 26 eh., having been completed arid trimmed, except for a small amount of work in the Puketiro Station yard. Side ditching and water-tabling has been done to •';! tn. and also all creek-diversions. Puketiro Station has been formed by widening the cutting on saddle, and is practically finished excepi for south end approaches. Metalling will be dune when platelaying is carried to this point. Fencing on both sides is nearly complete, and various crossings hav< in. A pi loadingbank, and shelter-shed have been buih ai Papatupu Station, and a platelayer's cottage'erected at Puketiro. Rails have been laid from 28m. 44ch. to 30m. sch., and Papatupu sidings have been completed. Ballasting (two lifts and boxing) has been carried from 28 m. to 29 m. 73 eh., except on the high banks, which will receive attention when further subsidence has taken place. Both platelaying and ballasting would have been completed to Puketiro i>v this time had it not been for the delay in the supply of sleepers, which, though under co rom Australia .:ud six months overdue, have not arrived, the explanation being given that the floods over there have prevented them being obtained to time. Papatowai Section (31 m. 30 eh. to 37 m. — 5 tn. 50 eh. in length). —This section runs through very rugged country featured with the deepest gullies that have been met with on the line. Bushfelling,



clearing, and logging has been completed from 31 m. 68 eh. to 37 m. The bulk of the earthwork is being pushed on between 32 m. and 35 m. 52 eh., and good progress has been made during the past season, the climatic conditions having been fairly favourable. Benching was done on the seats of all banks on sloping ground, and stone drains put into all watercourses where culverts do not drain them, as far as 35 m. 45 eh. The greater portion of Avery's Creek bank, at 32 m. 44 eh., has to be made up from the north side, where the cutting is being worked in two places to facilitate the filling ; as soon as the weather improves sufficiently, double shifts will be worked. The cuttings on either side of the Matai Creek bank, at 33 m. 14 eh. are being taken out in two places, and double shifts are being worked in all four faces. Caberfeidh Station, at 33 m. 56 eh., is about half formed, and al7 chain road-diversion has been formed with spoil from cutting. Two creek-diversions have been cut, and twenty-one culverts, totalling 2,185 tin. ft., have been put in between 32 m. and 34 m. 37 eh. Quarries have been opened up at Avery and Matai Creeks for the purpose of supplying material for culverts. Forming and clearing for service tramway have been continued to 36 m. 12 eh., and rails laid and packed with corduroy to 35 m. 28 eh. Waimahaka End. Tohanui Section (24 m. 48 eh. to 32 m. 75 eh.— 8 m. 27 eh. in length).—Work on this section is nearing completion. The erection of Te Peka and Tokanui Station buildings, which is being carried out by contract, should be finished at an early date. It is anticipated that the line will be ready for handing over to Working Railways Department by the end of September next. Lawrence-Roxburgh Railway. Beaumont Section (29 m. 33 eh. to 35 m. — 5 m. 67 eh. in length). —Plans and specifications were prepared with a view to letting a contract for construction of portion of this section from 29 m. 34 eh. to 30 m. 29 eh. (including Big Hill Tunnel). Tenders were duly invited, but those received were considered altogether too high, and it was decided in March. 1911, to carry the work out on the co-opera-(dve-contracl principle. The accessary plant and machinery, including engine and air-compressor, were sent on to the work in the same month, and an air-pipe line laid into the tunnel-workings. Engineshed, store, coal-shed, and smithy were also erected. The fannel-approach cutting has been advanced from 29 m. 33-65 eh. to 29 m. 34-8 eh. and face of cutting, which was at 29 m. 72-4 eh. (north end) when work was resumed, has been advanced to 29 m. 71 eh., while the bank into which excavated material is being run has advanced to 29 m. 73-83 eh. The old bottom heading of the tunnel has been ret im be red and debris cleared and a start made on the face, which stood at 29 m. 54-64 eh., in April. This has now advanced to 29 m. 51 eh., being a total distance of 6o chains from the portal. In addition, a top stope, 8 ft. by 7 ft. on roof of heading has been driven from 29 m. 57 eh. to 29m. 54-93 eh., a distance of 207 links, and the first length of full arch excavated and timbered. Two 18 in. moulded concrete pipe culverts of a total length of 287 ft. have been completed, and a double 18 in. moulded pipe, 178 ft. long, is nearly complete. Excavation lias been done for another 18 in. moulded pipe, 188 ft. long. All necessary dray-roads, sledge-tracks, loading-banks, &c, for the cheap md expeditious handling of cement, coal, timber, &c, have been constructed. SURVEYS OF RAILWAYS UNDER CONSTRUCTION, NEW LINES OF RAILWAY, LAND, PLANS, ETC. Kawakawa-Kaikohe Railway. —All the surveys in connection with the location of this line from its junction with the Kawakawa -A\ hangarei Railway at Otiria to within a short distance of the town of Kaikohe have been completed. Kaikohe Ilokianqa Railway. —Several trial lines have been surveyed between these places during the past year, giving sufficient information to enable bhe exact route to be determined when required. Kaihu Valley Railway. The work (if reinstating the centre-line on the extension of this line to be ((instructed has been completed, together with the deviation in (lie vicinity of Waima Station. North Auckland Railway. — The permanent survey of this line has now been completed as far as Maungatuioto Station. f East Coast Railway (Taurqnga Southwards). —The permanent survej has been completed as far as Te Puke. Bast Cons! Railway (CUsborne Northwards). .---The permanent location survey has been carried to forty-six miles, which is about two miles beyond Matawai Station. Trial-line surveys are now being executed in continuation along two proposed routes to Opotiki. East Coast Railway (Gisbornc Southwards). -Trial-line work towards completion of the trial surveys which were undertaken some years ago has been in hand during the past year between Gisborne and Wairoa via the Te Arai and Mangapoike Valleys. Attention is now being devoted towards the completion of the former trial line via the Hangaroa Valley. Stratford-Ongaiitc The permanent survey of this line has now been completed for about 5 miles north of Whangamomona, and trial-line work has been completed as far as the Waingarara, a tributary of the Tangarakau. A commencement has been made with the location of the line at the Ongarue end. Mount Egmont Branch Railway. —The permanent survey of this line is just about completed. Midland Railway (North End). —The location of the permanent line lias been completed to Glenhope Station. Trial-line surveys for an extension beyond Glenhope are now in hand. A land-plan



survey of the Glenhope Section has been made, and the plans sent to the Lands and Survey Office for examination. The preparation of plans of the line as constructed between Kiwi and Tui is in hand. Midland (Canterbury End). —The location of the permanent line from the Cass to the termination of Arthur's Pass Tunnel contract has been completed. This completes the survey of the whole of this line between the east and west coasts. Westport-Inangahua. —Some trial-line surveys have been and are still in hand with a view to determining the merits of several alternative lines which have been suggested in connection with the position of the junction of this line with the Midland Railway between Eeefton and the Lyell. Blenheim-Waipara Railway (North End).- —The permanent survey of this line has been extended from Ward to near the Ure Eiver, a distance of 5 miles. Blenheim-Waipara Railway (South End). —The permanent survey of this line has been extended northwards from Parnassus for about 4 miles. ROADS AND BRIDGES. A considerable amount of work has been done under this head during the past year, as shown by the following table : — New dray-roads constructed .. . . .. .. .. 362 miles. Dray-roads metalled .. .. .. . . .. .. 195 ~ Bridle-roads converted to dray-roads .. . . .. .. 127 ~ New bridle-roads constructed .. .. .. . . .. 202 „ Bridges constructed 20 ft. in length or over .. . . . . 149 Stock-bridges . . .. .. .. . . .. .. 72 Engineering survey made .. .. . . . . .. 445 miles. Dray-roads maintained .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,940 „ Bridle-roads maintained .. .. .. .. .. 1,073 ~ The total expenditure on roads during the last financial year amounted to £310,350. The amount expended during the quarter ended 30th June, 1911, was £93,168. The following works, out of the great mass of the roadwork, are worthy of special mention :— Main Road between Gisborne and Opotiki. —The completion of a dray-road between these places has been carried a short distance north of Motu and for a considerable distance south of Opotiki, leaving a gap of moderate extent, which is being reduced as rapidly as funds will permit. The completion of the Ohura Road, a dray-road which will give access to the back country from Taranaki, is being pushed steadily on, and at the present time has been formed from Stratford to about half through the Tangarakau Gorge, and from the north end to within a short distance of the north end of the same gorge, leaving only a few miles to complete. The main road from the Waikato to Taranaki, via Te Kuiti and Awakino, has been improved for some distance by being metalled, contracts being let for the crushing of the necessary limestone rock. A length of 2 miles of metalling was carried out during the year, and tenders have been invited for the breaking of stone for a further length. Hodges' Bridge, Awanui. —The construction of this bridge is being carried out by the Department. All materials have been obtained. Opouteke River Bridge. —This bridge was finished early in the year. Hamilton Traffic-bridge. —This structure of steel was completed during the year by the Hamilton Borough Council, the work being subsidized by the General Government. Waipu Gorge Bridge. —A contract for the erection of a ferro-concrete bridge over the tributary of the Waipu River has been entered into. Waiwera Bridge. —Extensive repairs to this bridge are being carried out by the Waitemata County Council. Tamaki Bridge. —Extensive repairs to this bridge are being carried out by the Department for the local authority under a pound-for-pound subsidy. Huntly Bridge over the Waikato River. —This bridge is being erected for railway traffic, but a deck is being added to accommodate ordinary road traffic. A contract has been let during the year, and construction is now in hand. Waikato River Bridge at Ngaruawahia. —A survey of a site for this bridge has been completed for the purpose of enabling a separate bridge for road traffic to be erected in lieu of the present combined road and railway structure. Waipa River Bridge. —A site for this bridge has been surveyed, and plans of same prepared. Whakatane Bridge. —This bridge, which is situated on the main road between Whakatane and Rotorua, was completed during the year. It is constructed of reinforced concrete. During its construction it suffered considerable damage through a flood scouring out one or two of the piers. Motu River Bridge. —A new structure to replace the old decayed one has been erected across this river on the road between Motu and Opotiki. Ongarue Bridge, near Taumarunui. —A contract is in hand for the construction of this bridge. Retaruke River. —Two bridges across this river have been erected during the year, one on the Kaitieke Road, the other on the Pukeatua. Manganui-o-te-Ao River. —A bridge over this river on the road between Raetihi and Ohura is under construction. Mangawhero (Raupiu) Bridge. —This structure has been completed. Makakaho Bridge. —This has been completed by the Patea County.

10—D. 1.



Wkangamomona (Porangi) Bridge. —The construction of this bridge is proceeding under contract. Kohuratahi Bridge, over the Tangarakau River, is being constructed under contract. Wanganui Town Bridge (Dublin Street). —A design for this bridge has been prepared for the local authority, which is now inviting tenders for its erection. Inangahua Junction Bridge. —The renewal of the decayed parts of this bridge has been completed, the whole structure being now in good order. Little Wanganui Bridge. —This has been completed. Mohihinui Bridge. —The construction of this bridge under contract, which has been in hand for a considerable time, is now just about completed. Otira Bridge. —The renewal of the lower of the two bridges in the Otira Gorge has been completed. Big Wanganui Bridge. —This bridge is being erected under contract, and at the present time is about three-quarters completed. Waiau-ua Bridge. —This bridge, which is primarily a railway-bridge, has been decked to provide for road traffic. The structure was completed during the year, since when it has been in use. Mason River. —A heavy traffic-bridge over this river has been erected by the County Council. Hooker River. —A bridge over this river is under construction. Taieri Mouth Bridge. —The construction of this bridge is being carried out by the Department. Waiau River Bridge, Southland. —A contract for the erection of this bridge has been prepared, and tenders have been invited. In addition to the above-mentioned structures, a large number of small bridges have been erected. Working drawings of the following bridges have been prepared in the Head Office during the past year : Taieri Mouth ; Awaiti River ; Huaroa Stream ; Mangatangi ; Manganui-a-te-Ao ; Mason River; Huntly River; Nuhaka (re-erection) ; Waipu Gorge (concrete) ; Hodges Creek ; Waimana Road ; Whangamomona River ; Rai River ; Oroua (Menzies Ford) ; Tangarakau (Lower Crossing) ; Brown Road ; Tangarakau (Middle Crossing) ; Mokau ; Henderson's Pound (reinforced concrete) ; Wanganui Town Bridge ; Oraut:;ho Road Bridge ; Waiau (Tuatapere) ; Bealey Gorge; Big Wanganui (as amended) ; Aohanga Road Bridge ; Coal Creek ; Tongariro (Waikato River) ; Waioeka River Suspension Bridge. MARINE. Hokianga. —A contract for the erection of a boatman's residence has been prepared and a tender accepted. Plans have been prepared for a timber breastwork for the protection of some reclamation proposed in front of the Township of Kohukohu. Matakana. —Various improvements in the direction of removing some obstacles which impeded and restricted navigation have been effected. Cabbage Bay. —A survey has been made and plans prepared for the erection of a new wharf at Coromandel, and handed over to the local authority to carry out the work. Kaipara. —Shelly Beach Beacon : The reinforced-concrete piles for this work have been manufactured, and are now seasoning in readiness for the erection of the Beacon. A survey has been made of a portion of the channel of the Kaipara River in the vicinity of Mount Rex Wharf with the object of ascertaining the cost of removing the remainder of the rock, which forms a shoal in the bed of the river. Bickerstaffe Wharf. —This has been repaired, and is now in good order. Turanga Creek. —A plan was prepared for a new wharf. Lucas Creek. — A proposal to deepen this river for navigation purposes was investigated and reported upon. Waiapu. —An inspection and report were made of the work carried out by the local authority in connection with improvements to the wharf. Maraetai and Tauranga. —Portions of the foreshore at each of these places were examined, and reports prepared on the question of allowing the removal of sand. Tuahine Lighthouse. —An extensive landslip rendered the removal of the tower necessary, so a temporary light was installed pending the erection of a new permanent structure. Owing to the continued instability of the hill it was decided to build a concrete pedestal on the foreshore, on which the cast-iron tower with light apparatus would be placed. A contract for the construction of the concrete pedestal was prepared and let, and the work is now about half completed. Napier Lighthouse. —Some repairs and painting were carried out. Queen Charlotte Sound. —A small lighthouse consisting of an iron tower for carrying an automatic light was erected on Dieffenbach Point, at the junction of Tory Channel with Queen Charlotte Sound. Karamea. —The construction of a training-wall for the purpose of fixing the entrance to the river and improving the channel was put in hand by the letting of a contract for a length of 10 chains, which portion was completed in November last. Subsequently, a second contract was let for the construction of a further 6 chains, which work is now nearing completion. Godley Head Lighthouse. —The removal of some slips which caused some damage on the approachpath to the fog-signal have been removed and repairs effected. Brighton. —An inspection of the entrance to the river at this place was made, and a report prepared on some proposals for the improvement of the entrance for navigation by fishing-boats. Taieri River. —A report was prepared upon the deepening of the channel between the river and Lake Waihola. Nuggets Lighthouse. —Several improvements in connection with the ventilation of the lantern have been carried out. Nuggets Fishing-boat Landing. —During the past year an oil-engine winch has been placed in position on the foreshore. A long wire-rope has been supplied, and various conveniences have been erected



for the purpose of leading the wire-rope to the positions occupied by the boats when on shore. This work has been carried out supplementary to the construction of a small groin, which was completed last year, for the purpose of arresting the coastal sand-drift and forming a suitable beach for the reception of the boats. The whole scheme has answered so satisfactorily that the number of boats engaged in the fishing business has increased from two to nine, while the conveniences provided will enable the size of the boats to be increased, with the result that the fishermen have approached the Government with a view to the installation of a much larger winch. Okarito. —Some protection-work to prevent the river encroaching on the wharf has been carried out. IRRIGATION. Steward Settlement. —The works for completing irrigation of this settlement have been completed by the Department within the estimated cost, tenders having been previously invited, but declined owing to the lowest one being considerably in excess of the estimate. The settlers have already utilized the water for irrigation to some extent. In order to prevent encroachment on the settlement by overflows from the Awamoko River, a stopbank with protecting groins Ims been constructed. All the works in connection with the irrigation of this settlement are now completed. Otekaike Settlement. —A survey was made and plans prepared for the irrigation of this settlement by water derived from the Otekaike River, and a start was made with the construction of the races and headworks in April last, but up to the end of June, owing to floods in the river, not much progress had been made. Central Otago. — Ida Valley. —During the past year the survey-work in connection with headworks required and with the main distributing-races has been practically completed. Some further surveywork is required in connection with the minor distributaries. Considerable information has been obtained with a view of improvement of the Bonanza Race for the purpose of bringing in water from the Greenland dam, and for the purpose of first utilizing this water for the generation of power before its distribution for irrigation, the object being to obtain power for the purpose of pumping the tailwater into the main distributaries and so utilizing it over again. The question of constructing additional reservoirs on the Manorburn has been fully investigated, and a site for a dam selected which will enableja considerable addition to the available watershed to be made. Some surveys have also been completed with the object of diverting water from adjacent creeks so that it can be utilized for the irrigation of the Ida Valley. The information now in the hands of the Department will enable construction-works to be put in hand on"short notice when the agreement with the landowners and occupiers has been completed. Survey-work has also been carried out with a view to testing the practicability of pumping water from the Manuherekia River to supplement other waters for this irrigation-work. The total length of line surveyed and levelled during the year amounts approximately to 340 miles. The rigorous climate in this district considerably retards outdoor work during the winter time, so that practically the whole of the survey-work has to be confined to about eight months in the year. Alternative plans have been prepared for the additional dam in the Manorburn, and also for the main distributary race intake-weir, Moa Creek. Maniototo. —A small amount of survey-work was carried out to approximately locate the main distributing-races below the Linburn-Pataeroa Ford across the Taieri River. SEACLIFF MENTAL HOSPITAL WATER-SUPPLY. Plans in connection with this work have been completed, contracts prepared and submitted for approval, but no work has yet been carried out. UTILIZATION OF WATER-POWER. Kaituna Water-power Scheme. —The gauging of the outflow of Lake Rotoiti has been continued during the year. Huka Falls Power Scheme. —Similar gaugings have been continued during the year. Hutt Power Scheme. —Gaugings of the flow in the Hutt River have been continued during the year. Lake Coleridge Power Scheme. —In consequence of the decision of the Government to put in hand the construction of this scheme, the completion of the*surveys was put in hand, and up to the end of the year full information as regards the outlet tunnel and the diversion of the Acheron River was obtained. A survey has been made of a road to give access to the site of the power-station and the residences of the employees who will be engaged there. This work has been completed, and contracts have been prepared and entered into for the construction of the road. Plans have also been prepared for a bridge over the Acheron on this road. OHINEMURI SILTING. Survey-work in connection with the location of the Ngararahi and Koutou diversions of the Waihou River has been completed, and contracts are in course of preparation with a view of inviting tenders for a part of the work for the purpose of removing the silt from the river below the confluence of the Ohinemuri, and also for the purpose of generally clearing and enlarging the bed of this river in order that the flow of the flood-waters may be facilitated. Drawings for the construction of a suction dredge



with cutting-head on the suction-pipe are in course of preparation, and it is anticipated that they will be shortly completed, when tenders can be invited for the construction of the machine. TRAMWAYS. Takapuna Tramways. —During the year the construction of the Takapuna Tramways, which had been in hand throughout the previous year, was satisfactorily completed, the certificate enabling traffic to be run being given in December last. Proposals for altering and improving the siding accommodation at the Bayswater end were approved, and the work has been duly carried out. Improvements to the grades and curves have also been effected. Auckland Electric Tramways. —Plans of the Remuera duplication were approved in July, and construction immediately put in hand. The work was all finished and ready for traffic by the end of year. Plans for the Morningside extension were approved in March, but so far no work has been done. Drawings of ten new bogie-cars were approved, nine of which have been completed. The company has another fifteen cars on order. Three of these were completed and under examination at the end of year. Ten of these fifteen cars are being manufactured in the Dominion, and five are being imported. Air-brakes have been fitted to thirty cars. Wellington. —An extension of the Karori tramway to the Karori Park has been carried out during the year. The construction of an electric tramway to Wadestown has also been carried out. The duplication of a portion of the Kilbirnie route has been completed, likewise of two portions of the Thorndon Quay route. The construction of a second car-shed at Thorndon has been carried out. The removal of the centre poles supporting the overhead equipment along the single tracks forming the Thorndon Quay and Oriental Bay routes has been completed, with very great convenience to the working of the tramway and the safety of the public. The whole of the cars are now able to travel over these routes without restriction. The construction of the connecting-link between the tramway in Willis Street and that in the vicinity of the General Post-office has been put in hand. When completed, the Brooklyn cars will run through to the General Post Office, which will form the termination of the first section on that route. During the past year several new cars have been put in commission and several old ones have been reconstructed with a view to increased accommodation. As completed, these cars were duly inspected. Christchurch. —Burwood route : This section has been electrified. Burwood route extension to Beach : This section has been relaid with heavier rails. Cashel Street route (High Street to Canal Reserve) : The construction of this section has been completed, and the line is now in use. Antigua Street line to Spreydon : The construction of this section is nearing completion. Various loop-lines have been made or extended on the New Brighton, Edgeware Road, Cashmere Hills, Riccarton, Bealey Avenue, Cathedral Square, Worcester Street, Princes Street, Woolston, and Addington routes. A new lay-out is being put in at the car-shed entrance, Moorhouse Avenue. A number of cars have been built and passed for traffic. Invercargill. —During the past year the work of construction of the tramways in the town was put in hand by the Borough Council. DEFENCES. Various works in connection with defences have been carried out at Auckland, Wellington, and Dunedin. CONTRACTS. A complete schedule of contracts entered into during the year for the construction of works and also for the supplies of materials and the performance of various services is given in Appendix C. I have, &c, R. W. Holmes, M.lnst.C.E., The Hon. the Minister of Public Works. Engineer-in-Chief.



Enclosure to Appendix E. TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorized, Constructed, and Surveyed up to 31st March, 1911. NORTH ISLAND.

1 State of Line. Appropriation. Division. 1 s Section. Main Line. I Total. T3 to > to Under Forma-j tion. I Opened. Under laying. 1904-5 1905-6 1906-7 1907-8 1908-9 Date. 1909-10 1910-11 Total. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 IZ 4,3 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 15 16 17 18 19 Kawakawa M. chs. 7 16 I, Opua Wharf - Kawakawa M. chs. 7 16 M. chs. 0 57 M. ohs 7 73 M. ohs. M. ohs. M. chs. M. ohs. M. ohs. M. ohs. M. chs. M. ohs. ;. . M. chs. 1 M. ohs. M. ohs. M. ohs. M. ohs. M. ohs. M. ohs. M. chs. 7 16 M. ohs. M. ohs. M. ohs. M. ohs. M. ohs. Grahamtawn (Onerahi) M. ohs. '..:, I Kawakawa-Kamo .. 41 48 Kawakawa-Towai .. Towai-Hukerenui .. Hukeienui-Kamo .. Kamo-Kioreroa Kioreroa-Grahaiufcown Wbarf Kawakawa-Kaikohe Kaikohe-Hokianga .. Dargaville- Booms .. Booms-Waima Extension ... McCarrol's - Biokerstafle Bickerstaffe-Otamatea Otamatea - Kaiwaka Kaiwaka-Te Hana .. Te Hana-Wellgford.. Wellsford-Wajby .. Wayby-Tauhoa Tauhoa-Kaipara Flats Kaipara Flats-Wood-cock's Woodcook's-Ahuroa Ahuroa-Helensville.. Hslensville-Newm'rk't Penrose - Onehunga Wharf Auckland-TeAwamutu 21 18 4 30 16 0 6 52 2 50 0 61 0 33 3 29 2 27 1 16 21 79 4 63 19 29 8 79 3 66 21 18 '>. Mott lain 21 18 2 May, 1910 i . I " I 4*30 Kamo-Grahamtown 9 22 ii May, 1910 250 '.. - • * I * * '• - 4 30 ) :: :: :: :: :. } 27 2 I 2*50 *' i ! Kawakawa-Hokianga 34 12 16 25 17 67 17 21 2 37 49 31 8 17 16 25 17 67 18 10 2 37 49 31 8 17 9 65 17 67 6 40 Prelim. i - - . . i i Kaihu Valley Kaihu Valley 19 58 0 75 ... i . . . . '■ j J '' ■ :: '-I; . :: L :: j 17 ' 2, North Aucki. land Railway Kaipara Northwards 110 0 2 37 49 31 8 17 estim. estim. .. i :•■• • ■■:■: ; : .. :£ .. ! .. .'£.. ■ ■ i .. ' '. I •■..", \r." :■■'.:.: . ■!■,''. ,•:.;'" " j. 4 25 2 45 145 4 25 4 10 4 25 2 15 * • • ■ ■ • .. . j . . J ■ . 8 65 3 27 3 18 3 40 2 45 3 5 1 03 0 58 0 28 0 13 0 13 0 16 9 68 4 5 3 46 3 53 2 58 3 21 O UK 8 65 Ifl TVfT--- -t/Wrt 8 65 .. 16 May, 1910 1 Atlril 10(10. 1 April, 1909 .. 13 May, 1908 HJune, 1907 i u "NT,*.. i nAe .. 1 16 May, 1910 1 April, 1809 13 May, 1908 11 June, 1907 17 Nov., 1905 16 May, 1910 1 April, 1809 J " ,3 27 327 3,18 .. 3 40 2 45 a'io 3'18 /i'27 .. 1 13 May, 1908 2 45 .. 1 HJune, 1907 a. 5 .. 17 Nov., 1905 .. 18 May, 1905 .. 1 17 Nov., 1905 i :: 3 5 2 41 • • . ■:■■ V: ■■ J 183 30 k Kaipara- Kaipara-Newmarket 35 73 Waikato Onehunga Branch .. 2 73 Anfiklanrl-Wn, .. [fin 13 2 41 18 41 35 73 2 73 0 16 1 75 6 66 1 70 2 57 20 36 42 59 4 63 .. 1 18 May, 1905 18 May, 1905 i o rH 1 a OJ c3 -4-3 Uj m -a c 3 (S ,s % a "c bi a ta o I oq s rH OS B B "o u CD 03 s 3 s, ■5 a >. '3d 1 2 41 Kaipara-Newmarket Onehunga Branch .. 35 73 2 73 I I o CI • • ■"'••!: ...... 35 73 ■ ■ . :.:.. . • • 2 73 100 13 16 66 116 79 I ■ Auckland-Waikato .. Auckland- Penrose — Deviation via Beach Auckland City Branch —Kingsland Station to Auckland Station via Western Park and Freeman's Bay Pukekohe-Waiuku .. Huntly-Awaroa Paeroa-Pokeno Waikato-Thames 00 13 1 a 100 13 AuoKiana-vvaiKato .. iuu is Auckland- Penrose — Deviation via Beach 6 50 Auckland City Branch 2 60 6 50 2 60 Deviation via Beach Auckland City Branch 6 50 2 60 6 50 2 60 6 50 2 GO Prelim. CD —Kingsland Station to Auckland Station ■ " ••, - ; " ■ - ','.', >. ■ ■ .'"'■ ■ ■ via Western Park and Freeman's Bav 03 arm jjreeman s xsay Surveys, new Pukekohe-Waiuku .. 12 5 lines Huntly-Awaroa .. j 7 34 ■ '■'•-' Paeroa-Pokeno .. j 40 15 12 5 7 34 40 15 62 58 Paerata-Waiuku Huotly-Awaroa Paeroa Pokeno Frankton JunotionThames 12 5 7 34 i 40 15 62 58 .. 12 5 7 34 40 15 72 75 12 5 6 34 40 15 i"o & .2 3 . j I , . . V ■ ■ ■i. ■■ r. ■■ '[■ ■■ v • ■ .. •• i •■ ,.'/.. 62 S8 Waikato- Waikato-Thames .. 62 58 Thames PaeroaWaihi Paeroa-Waihi .. 12 40 East Coast Waihi - Opotiki, or 124 0 Railway East Coast Railway via Matata 10 17 ■- 1 Paeroa-Waihi Waihi - Opotiki, or East Coast Railway via Matata 12 40 124 0 12 40 41 0 1 30 13 70 41 0 9 Nov., 1905 IT» Paeroa-Waihi Waihi-Tauranga 41 "o 9 Nov. ,1905 ill .B ... 12 40 1 • • . j • ■ ! .. ! .. i 12 40 ... o 1 ■■ ■ Tauranga-Te Maunga Junction Xe Maunga JunotionTβ Puke Te Puke-Opotiki .. Mount Maunganui - Te Maunga Junction Buakura JunctionCambridge Morrinsville-Rotoru a i 0 4 0 4 0 ■■■'■'' i 9 0 1 15 10 15 9 0 Br.iiich .. i 27 70 0 4 27 466 70 0 9 13 70 0* 227 2 "o 2 n I ■■ ! Dlalicn . . . . -t Zl 4 27 vs u Hamilton- Hamilton-Cambridge 12 2 Cambridge Thames Val- Thames Valley-Roto 69 33 ley - Roto- rua rua Gisborne- Gisborne-Opotiki .. 93 36 Botorua Hamilton-Cambridge 12 2 12 2 3 14 15 16 .,..-.,.: .. ■;, .. j 12 2 Thames Valley-Roto rua 69 33 69 33 5 27 74 60 i -3 ■ .. d 69 33 93 36 Gisborne Wharf-Kai-teratahi Kaiteratah i-Karaka Karaka-Puha Pub a-Waikohu Bridge Waikohu Bridge-Wai-kohu Waikohu-Otoko Otoko-Rakauroa Rakauroa-Matawai.. Matawai-Motu Motu-Opotiki Napier-Wairoa River Wairoa River-Gisborm; Napier Spit-Woodville 13 10 2 45 15 55 ■ Gisborne-Opotiki ■i I ' ' I I •■ . i 5 5 1 75 3 29 0 35 0 71 0 24 5 76 2 19 3 29 0 67 .. 13 April, 1905 .. 20 May, 1907 .. 28 May, 1908 1 April, 1909 13 April, 1905 20 May, 1907 28 May, 1908 1 April, 1909 .2 i o o " \ o I 3 5 5 J I :: i« •■ :: :: \ :: : 2374 .. ! 3 29 .. I .. ••. ■■ ! ° 35 ! ■■ t 1 032 New survey } Napier-Gisborne .. 1120 0 Napier- Napier-Woodville .. 96 65 Wooaville i ana Palmers ton Woodville-Palmerston 17 21 North North Wellington- Woodville-Wellington 115 79 Woodville 7 75 6 60 5 65 8 0 41 2 58 0 62 0 96 65 0 32 0 32 8 27 7 12 5 65 8 0 41 2 58 0 62 0 111 70 0 70 8 0 41 2 58 0 1 62 0 ] 0 45 3 27 4 75 estim. Prelim. Prelim. 7 30 3 33 ,. 7 30 3 33 r£ ■S ■s a a t 'ft n> i I \\ i ! ■ ■ ......... I .. .. .. :• - :: ! r: :: :: ! \ ■'• J ■■ ■■ •■ J 96 CS 1120 0 96 65 15"5 ] 17 21 Woodville-Palmerston North Woodville-Wellington [Te Aro] Woodside-Greytown Kaitoke-Feathers ton Upper Huct-WoDdside Petone-Pigeon Bush 17 21 0 51 17 72 *- '.', \ .. 7Deo.,1908f .. I 1 Mar'., 1905 .. 1 April, 1908! .. 20 June, 1910 8 55 1 April, 1908 .. 10 Sep., 1904 1 June, 1907. .. 30 June, 1908! .. 13 Feb., 1909' 9 Nov.,1908: ... S — fi3 I- ■ ■' ■■' ' s 2 ... ■ o ■ ■ .-. - I-1 ■ I. - 1 U: I o 0 . .. I •• . H • • ! ■8 J I 4 72 1 "I £ .a 1-1 o [ H O % I I 13 1 • * I .'. . I .. . I .. j ■■ 17 21 • • ■ ■ ■• . J • • J ■ • 115 79 . ... ; ... ,,.. ..I.,;... 3 7 I '.'••:■ •■■'.' .'■' \. ■ " ■■ j ■• 83 37 .. .. 83 37 120 44 ■. I 72*29 .... 3 29 :: :: *' 5 o :: :: 2265 6 77 j i ■ - . . I,.. ■■ ■ ■ ■ I ■ ■ :'•: =• :: : I'.-:: :: I :: :: .. I 6 0 .. .. 6 0 I 50 58 .. . 5*70 •'■[". '.'. '.'. i ' .. 18 10 I .. .. ) .. 30 63 ! .. ! .. 84 58 .. J ....■ 35 65 ! .. .. 1 .. '■'■■■■ J.. ! .. .. 74 33 115 79 115 79 21 73 ] 137 72 - ■ *-' ■ * ■ -■ x Greytown Branch .. 3 7 Rimutaka, Coacli road Route .. 9 0 Inclin* TauherenikauRoute 21 30 Deviation ' Wai n u i - o - m a ta 3140 Surveys j Route Coast Route .. 52 0 . Coast Route .. 70 0 3 7 9 0 21 30 31 40 3 7 9 0 21 30 31 40 0 64 3 71 9 0 21 30 31 40 9 0 21 30 31 40 Prelim. 52 0 70 0 Petone-Pigeon Bush PetoncCarterton, via Martin borough Wellington-Longliurn Foxton-Patea Tuiakina-Matarawa Aramoho-Goat Valley Tunnel Kai Iwi-Okehu Nukumaru-Waitotara i Patea-New Plymouth I Breakwater Bull's Branch Aramoho-Wanganui ! Stratford-Toko Toko-Oruru .. j Oruru-Huiroa Huiroa-Te Wera .. I Te WeraPohokura .. Pohokura - Whangamomona ! Surveyed .. .. Mangaroa-Paketutu i ■ Aramatai-Hangatiki 52 0 70 0 52 0 70 0 52 0 70 0 Wellington-Manawatu 83 37 Foxton-New , Foxton-Patea .. 120 44 Plymouth ! Route Improvement 26 7 ! Surveys 83 37 120 44 26 7 83 37 120 44 11 67 7 40 15 76 14 75 : 99 33 135 39 11 67 7 40 11 67 7 40 3 60 3 0 72 29 11 52 3 60 3 0 84 1 3 60 3 0 Prelim. j Patea - Waitara and 72 29 I New Plymonth Bull's Branch .. 3 79 Wanganui Branch .. 3 29 Straiford- ! Stratford-Ongarue .. 101 0 Ongarue 72 29 3 79 3 29 101 0 3 79 ! 3 29 6 26 i 4 72 4 50 I ! 6 77 ! 8 55 6 13 2 23 0 40 i 0 36 0 35 1 16 0 65 3 79 5 52 6 66 5 28 5 5 8 13 9 40 6 13 3 79 : Prelim. I 0 - 53 5 40 Stratford - Ongarue-- 33 40 . i Deviations 14 0 Puketutu - Mangaroa 30 0 Deviation Opunake - Mountain 23 10 Road 22 0 25 58 Mount EgmonV 9 48 Branch Northlsland ! Marton-Te Awamutu 1209 69 : Main Trunk Railway ■ 63 27 33 40 14 . 0 I 30 0 63 27 33 40 14 0 30 0 63 27 33 40 14 0 30 0 Prelim. Prelim. Prelim. Prelim. ; Opunake-Eltham .. : Opiraake-Te Roti .. j Opunake-Stratford .. Manganui Section .. i Te-popo Section .. j ! Marton Junction- j Mangaweka Mangaweka-Taihape | Taihape Mataroa .. f Mataroa-Waiouru .. Waiouru-Brua .. j EruaTaumarunui .. ■ Taumarunui-Te Awamutu Ohakune to MokauRetaruke Divide Makatote Gorge-Ma-rae Kowhai Marae-Kowhai-Ohura Valley Ngaire Section Tangarakau Section Heao Section Ohura Section Waitara Section Urenui to Tangitu River Hastings-Te Awamutu 23 10 22 0 25 58 i 6 0 i 3 43 I 31 67 ?" 3 461 23 10 22 0 25 58 8 3 3 48 j 36 48 23 10 22 0 25 58 Prelim. Prelim. Prelim. 3 48 I 13 1 \ 5 7018 10 : 30 63 35 65 74 33 1 61 0 61 14 62 6 51 112 50 97 28 l = 6 20 80 53 J •• •• Central Route —Devia-! 30 0 tion Surveys ; 34 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 J 30 0 jPrelim. ! 34 0 34 0 34 0 34 0 Prelim. :: .. 20 0 20 0 . 20 ;0.J •20 0 20 0 Explor.; Ngaire-Ongarue .. |103 58 I Waitara-Tangarakau ! 46 75 . . . . Urenui Route .. 12 0 103 58 38 73 26 0 10 70 27 75 46 75 ! 12 0 ! I ! j 38 73 I 26 0 I 10 70 27 75 : 46 75 ! 12 0 38 73 26 0 10 70 27 75 46 75 12 0 Hastings-Te Awamutu 170 0 ' 46 75 12 0 170 0 ! l 170 0 2540 60 •• i I ! 170 0 170 0 Prelim. Prelim. ■ ~a7n )904 17 17 73 23 11 10 30 185 54 3 53 14 54 1159 27 Totals .. 2540 60 „ I 187 39 . 2728 19 1287 18 40 4 Totals .. • • 2540 6 17 73 23 11 10 30 lichfield pproxiru Jtanchei iate. s not m< tDatf jntioned ) of purchase. above, as the rails nave been taken up. Note.—Taon [i and L 1—D. 1.


TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorized, Constructed, and Surveyed up to 31st March, 1911- continued. SOUTH ISLAND.


Appropriation. ■-■ j '■ ■ - - i Division. Mileage. I Section. [ Main i ...Line*. SidiuRs. Total. ansr Under Under veyea. mation laying. ■ Date. State of Line. Opened. 1904-5. 1905-6. 1906-7. 1907-8. 1908-9. 1909-10 1910-11. Total. : '" " "" i 1 N.eLs.e..n..Roundell Midi an d Railway 2 • Nelson-Belgrove... Stillwat-er - BelgrQve ftnaTadmor) 3 M. ch. 22 73 148 65 4 -Nelson-Belgrove ,-.-■ Sfcillwater-Tteefton S. - Beef ton. S.,Baaf t on.EL N.-Cronadun Cronaiiun Laiidii g .. | Landing Inarig»»hua Inangaiiiia-Glenhope Glenhope-Tui- .. Tui-Kiwi .. Kiwi-Tadmor Tadmor-Koliatu Kohatu-Belgrove Briiwier-Otiia Rolleston Section .. Tunnel Contract Tunnel Contract-Cass Cass - Broken River.. i Broken River - Otarama O i arama-Springfield 5 M. ch. -22-73 37 30 1 .80 5 38 8 40 4 75 53 39 9 34 3 17 5 9 10 29 9 44 42 27 1 2 8 0 13 75 15 22 7 40 ■ 6 J M. eh. 2 52 4 79 . 1.0. 0 56 0 45 7 M oh. 25 45 42 29 .2 30 6 14 9 5 4 75 53 39 10 9: 3 51 5 38 11 18 10 26 45 15 1 % 8 0 14 15 16 51 7 70 8 M. oh. 9 M. oh. 10 M. oh. 11 ■• 31 Mar., 1907 7 Aug., 1908 12 .13 M. oh. M. ch. .13 14 15 16 M. ch. M. ob. M. ch. M. ch. .. I .. i'3O '.'. .... . . , ; . . i -IT: 18 M. ch, 19 M. eh. " 20 M. oh. 22 73 37 30 1 30 5 38 8 40 1 5*88 4 75 53 39 1 57 '.'. 10 29 '.'. Brunner - Springfield 0 55 0 34 0 29 0 69 0 62 2 68 4 78 2 59 3 17 18 Deo.', 1908 7 Aug., 1906 " i ■• 5"9 6v 9 ' 10 29 9 44 42 27 1 i 92 64 12 1 1 I 6 20 1 29 0 30 ,. 6 - 35 8"o 7 40 1 .. 1 i i 10 Dec, 1910 29 Oct., 1906 ■■ ' •■ .. i .. 7 40 .. 15 22 I 27 40 Blackball Railway GreymouthNelson Creek WestportNgakawau WestportNgakawau Extension Ngahere-Blackball 4 58 0 16 4 74 .■■'. 3 40 Ngahere-Blackball .. 3 40 1 20 4 60 16 July, 1910 3 40 3 40 Greymouth - Nelson Creek 7 51 Greymouth-Brunner-ton-Stillwater 7 51 6 18 13 69 7 51 Westport - Ngakawau Ngakawau -Mokihinui 19 56 Westport-Ngakawau 19 56 8 12 27 68 18 56 7 12 Ngakawau-Mokihi- ! nui I 7 12 1 18 8 30 ■ 7 12 Mokihinui Colliery Line Westport Inangahua Junction 3 69 Mokihinui-Seddonville 3 69 0 25 4 14 8 69 WestportInangahua 26 0 Westport -TeKuha.. Te Kuha - Inangahua Junction Greymou th - Runanga Colliery 5 74 20 6 0 10 6 4 20 6 17 6 3 0 5 74 State Colliery, or Coal Creek Railway Grevmouth-Point Elizabeth Colleries Extension 5 1 5 1 2 10 7 11 1 Dec, 1904 5 1.. .... J 5 1 3 69 Runanga Colliery-Point Elizabeth Collieries Greymouth-Hokitika 3 69 2 20 6 9 3 69 .. .. 7 10 .. •■• ■' GreymouthHokitika Kumara Branch HokitikaRoss Greymouth-Hoki-tika Kumara Branch 24 37 24 37 2 10 26 47 24 37 4 10 Kumara Branch 4 10 4 10 4 10 Hokitika-Ross .. 15 75 Hokitika-Ruatapu .. Ruatapu-Ross-Survey to Ross Township Ross-Waitaha Picton-Seddon Seddon Kaparu Kaparu-Ward Ward-Mii za Mirza-Kaikoura Kaikoura-Parnassus 7 10 7 21 1 44 0 61 0 69 7 71 8 10 1 44| 9 Nov., 1906 1 April, 1909 7 21 7 10 7 21 1 44 ,, New survey PiotonWaipara RoKS-Waitaha .. Picton - Kaikoura 10 0 98 30 10 0 33 45 6 30 8 14 3 35 46 66 30 59 3 26 0 76 1 20 0 40 10 0 36 71 7 26 9 34 3 75 46 66 30 59 10 0 Prelim. 10 I I o .£ 1 Pμ _a 00 _a "o I I *o ai to ■1-■4-1 O o 1-1 r-i CO a s 1 33 45 6 - 30 . 8 li Kaikoura - Par nassus Parnassus-Mina.. Mina-Waipara .. 46 66 30 59 335 J 30 59 Prelim. -. 8 43 35 51 Parnassus-Mina .. : Mina-Domett Domett-Tormore Tormore-Ethelton .. Ethelton-Scargill .. Scargill-Waipara Culverden-South Waitaki 8 43 3 63 3 10 5 28 8 51 14 59 206 7 070 8 43 4-53 8 43 I 1 Aug., 1910 14 Nov., 1906 21 Mar., 1907 3 Nov., 1905 363 j 0 66 9 24 !:: 3 10 .. .. I .. 5 28 .. .. ; 8 51 35 51 Main Line 0 51 1 2 64 68 9 22 15 61 270 75 "■ ! • • I HurunuiWaitaki, with Branches 206 7 206 7 ttranohet, — Rangiora-Oxford Eyre ton (from Main Line) Lyttelton 21 76 20 7 Rangiora-Oxford West Main Line V West Eyre ton-Bennett's Lyttelton - Christchurch Hornby-Southbridge Lincoln-Little River 21 76 20 7 2 36 1 61 24 82 21 68 21 76 20 7 6 26 6 26 6 26 6 26 25 31 22 45 • • 1 .. Southbridge Little RiverAkaroa 25 SI 42 10 25 31. 22 46 3 17 2 5 28 48 24 51 30 60 Reconnaissance Rolles ton-Springfield Springfield-Coalmine Darfield-Whitecliffs Whiteclifis to Bridge Rakaia-Methven 19 44 29-63 0 77 11 33 0 5 22 20 19 44 19 44 Prelim. I Springfield J 3 7 J 1 53 83 67 " 30 60 Whiteclifis 11 38 13 11 11 38 .. ;;■ ■;; ;; ;; ■ Rakaia-Ash-burton Forks Ashburton 22 20 2 65 25 5 22 20 29 46 Tinwald-Springburn Extension Washdyke-Eversley 27 29 2 17 36 5 1 52 29 1 2 17 38 50 217 27 29 86 5 2'45 . Opawa and Albury to Fairlie 55 8 Burke's Pass Wairoate Waimate Gorge i 42 8 21 Preliminary survey .. Studholme- Waimate Waimate-Waihao Downs 19 3 4 42 8 21 i' 3 0 54 19 3 5 45 8 75 19 8 Prelim. t-reum. ) 1 ) 5 ! S ••!'..:• I " ' - I ... .. pi § '■'■ '■'■ 'So 43 o a 3: GO * ' i * ' .1 •■ I •• 05 .... I .. .. I ■■ ■■ I :: :■: .a fc.-v ■ μ-i . . 1 0 .. ! I :: :: ] T3 O i 1 y. '.'. . a i 3 38 .. 1 :: :: £ '.'. '.'. a 'J i •§ 6 20 o . ... .. •• : - " j .. . . .. I :: :: " i . ... •-< :. J f.: .. I .. j .. ■; r '■ :: r: ■.-;-;! ■ ' ■ i 2'iJ0| I " .. i"7 37 (I .'. 4 42 8 21 I ... ... .. Canterbury Interior Main Line Oxford-Temuka .. 83 0 Oxford-Sheffield .. Surveyed Reconnaissance 11 44 21 7 50 29 0 27 11 71 21 7 50 29 21 "f 50 29 11 44 Prelim. .. .. WaitakiBlufi ancl Branches Main Line Ht'iinulles, — Duntroon Duntroon-Haka-teramea Ngapara . Livingstone 246 69 South Waitaki-Bluff 246 69 59 13 806 2 246 69 21 75 15 38 Pukeuri-Duntroon .. Duntroon - Hakateramoa Waiareka-Ngapara .. Windsor-Tokorahi .. Survey (trial) Palmers ton-Dunback Surveyed Inch Valley-Lime Kill 21 75 15 38 1 35 1 5 23 30 16 43 21 75 15 38 14 76 16 40 14 76 12 0 4 40 8 55 0 65 2 29 1 31 0 50 16 27 12 50 1 40 9 29 0 65 2 52 05 '.. .. Prelim. .. ' 14 76 11 75 0 54 4 40 Palmers ton-Wai-hemo In ch Valley Rail- • way Port Chalmers.. 9 40 0*65 8 55 2 29 6 23 *2 29 Green Island .. Green Island to Brighton Fernhill Colliery Line Kaikorai Valley ! Railway Outram Lawrence Lawrence-Rox-burgh 1 9 2 44 4 65 Glendermid - Port Chalmers '■■ Bumside-Saddle Hill Surveyed 1 9 2 44 4 65 3 40 0 m ■ 4 49 .. 1 9 2 44 3 16 4 65 4*65 1 60 Abbotsford to Fernhill Colliery Surveyed ... 1 60 0 24 2 i[ .. ! .. . I 1 60 2 60 2 60 .2 60 2 60 . 8 781 21 76 38 25 Mosgiel-Outram .. | Clarksville-Lawrenco Lawrence-Big Hill .. Big Hill-Beaumont.. Beaumont-Roxburgh Balclutha-Owaka .. : Owaka-Catlin's Catlin's-Houipapa .. Houipapa-Puketiro.. Puketiro-Tokanui .. I Tokanui-Waimabaka Waimahaka-Appleby Waipahi-Heriot 8 78 21 76 7 37 6 47 24 21 19 20 3 38 2 30 7 22 40 33 8 27 24 52 20 3 0 68 2 2 0 44 9.66 23 78j 8 1 6 47 24 21 21 3 3 68 2 39 7-32! i 40 33! 8 27 26 22 22 6 1 ' .. ' .. 1 Aug., 1910 : 0 76 , .. 8 78 21 76 7 37 5 51 24 21 Balclutha-Apple- ■ by Junction, or '■ Gatlin's - Sea- ' ward Bush 105 62' I 1 63 0 30 0 9 0 10 I .. ; 1 Aug., 1904 ..'■ .. 17 Deo., 1909 19 20 3 38 2 30 34 49 .. I 7 22 Prelim.j 5 64 I o art : 7 22 5 64 8 27 Waipahi - Heriot Burn , Heriot Extension Extension to Roxburgh, via Rae's Junction and Ettrick Via Spylaw Waimea Plains District Ry. Kelso-Gore 20 3 1 50 2 3 ... 8 27! .,.. 24 52 20 3 6 20 28 10 Heriot-Eadievale ... I Surveyed 6 20 28 10 0 45 6 65 28 10 28 10 .. 15 Feb., 1905 Prelim. .. 6 20 25 70 36 39 Surveyed Gore-Lumsden 25 70 36 39 1 34 ! 25 70. 37 73 25 70 Prelim, " ' 36 39 . - 24 0 Surveyed Preliminary survey.. Waikaka Seciior Riversdal e- Waikai a 9 58 14 22 12 65; 13 70 i'si 1 40 9 58 14 22 14 36 15 30 9 58' 14 22. Prelim. > .. .. 26 Nov., 1908: ... .. 1 Oct., i90 l J: .. 12*65 I 18*70 . i .. >' :: 12 65 13 70 Gore Waikaka .. Riversdale- Switzers Edendale-Toitois 12 65 13 70 13*70' .'. 19 30 Edendale-Glenham Surveyed Wingatui-Ida Valley Ida Valley-Omakau 9 36j 9 74 98 18 13 20 0 72 I 10 28 9 74 104 0 • 14 36 9 74 : 9 36 Obago Central Waitaki Bluff Main Line to Lake Hawea 182 56 562 1 16 • • ' . . • • I • • ... " 1 Sept., 1904 l\ ';', ; 13 2o| .. Il34 76 J Omakau-Chatto Creek Chatto Ck.-Alexandra [ Alexandra-Clyde' I Surveyed ■ • : Invercargill-Kingston Wharf i Lumsden- Mossburn 7 36 10 39 5 45 47 58 87 A 0 34 1 6 " 0 77 5.181 7 70 i 11 45 6 42 47 58 i| 92 19 .. 14 July, 1906J .. 15 Dec, 1906| .. 27 Mar., 1907 > .. • ■ ■ I .-..: >j ■". .- . . 7 36 .. 10 39 .. CC ,IK 7 36 10 39 5 45 47 58 ' .. I •■ 5 45 .. .. i I u v e r c gill-King-ston and Branch, LumsdenMararoa Invereargill-King-sfcon Lumsden-Mararos 87 A .. 87 i 30 0i 10 4o| 10 1 :11 40 .. i I ., 10 40 • • 1 ■•' y ! 1 i Surveyed .. \ Reconnaissance 8 20 11 20 8 20 11 20 ! Wintoii to Hedgehope Orepuki Branch 8 20 11 20 Preiim. 1 I Forest Hill Railway Western Railways 12 40! ; Winton - Hedgehope 12 40 0 65 i 13 25 . . 12 40 1 35 41 22 15 Makarewa-Orepuki .. Thornbury-Wairio .. 35 41 22 15 I 6 37 ' 64 13 I:: : I 35 41 22 16 Otautau Branch OrepukiWaiau River Orepuki-Waiau .. 13 30| Orepuki-Waihoaka .. ■ Waihoaka-Tuatapere Surveyed 4 48 8 7 0 55 0 58 1 10 I 5 26 1 9 17 0 55 .. lOot.,1909 " I 36 37 61 18 .. ' 8 7 '.'. 4 48 8 7 i 0 55 I ' ! 8 7 " i r .. I " Totals 2221 56 250 29 12472 5 522 29 1.431 32 27 79 8 5 1,481 32 >1 58 27 .. 23 32 31 48J i 30 2 2221 56 8 51 58 27 23 32 31 48| 30 2 1 1601 50



APPENDIX F. ANNUAL REPORT ON BUILDINGS BY THE GOVERNMENT ARCHITECT. The Government Architect to the Hon. the Minister of Public Works. Sir,— Public Works Office, Wellington, Ist July, 1911. I have the honour to submit the following report on the various building works carried out by the Department during the year ended 30th June last: — Viceregal Residence, Wellington. — The erection of this building was practically completed in September, 1910. Various alterations, additions, and improvements to buildings connected with the main residence were carried out; a fire service was installed throughout the main building, and also a system of local fire-alarm ; the new drive and entrance-gates were completed ; extensive alterations were carried out in connection with the drainage of the main building and outbuildings. Government House, Auckland. —This building was completely repaired and renovated before His Excellency took up his residence in March last. Electric light was installed, and drainage overhauled ; minor additions were made, and an independent fire-service main brought into the building. Departmental Buildings. Auckland.- —The floors in the additions to these buildings have been ventilated between joists, with a view to preventing recurrence of decay, which was showing in some parts. A considerable amount of fittings and shelving was supplied to different Departments during the year, and certain improvements were carried out. General maintenance was duly attended to as required. Public Works Workshop, Auckland. —Drawings and specifications have been preparedlfor erection of a new workshop in brick. Te Kuiti. —These buildings were put into a thorough state of repair. Thames. —Proposals have been submitted for collecting the drainage from the whole block of Government Buildings and taking it into a septic tank, from which it would pass to the borough drainage-system. Christchurch. —A contract for the erection of this building has been let, and a commencement made with the work. Excavations for foundations have been taken out. It has been found necessary to pile these, and of the piling required about two-thirds has been driven. Stonework is being prepared. Dominion Chambers, Dunedin. —The erection of the electric elevator was completed in September, 1910. Various subdivisional partitions of suites of rooms have been put in. Invercargill. —The contract for these buildings is approaching completion. The top floor is practically finished, and plastering on the ground floor is in a forward state. It is anticipated that the building will be ready for occupation by the end of October next. Post-offices. Whangarei. —Alterations to the Telephone Bureau have been made. First-floor sanitary arrangements have been connected with the borough drainage, and similar work is now in hand in connection with the ground floor. Kawakawa. —The present post-office building, Postmaster's and lineman's quarters, were painted inside and out and thoroughly renovated. Site for a new post-office has been surveyed and plans prepared. Wireless Telegraph-station, Awanui. —Site has been surveyed and plans prepared. Kohukohu. —A new post-office has baen built, the whole section has been filled in with sea rubble, and outer places pitched with stone. Kaeo. —A contract has been let for erection of a two-storied post-office. Auckland (new Chief Post Office). —The erection of this building, which is being carried out by contract, has advanced fairly well during the past twelve months. The whole of the walls and roof are finished ; the towers are in progress, and a commencement has been made with the side arches. Brickwork is complete, and stonework is almost finished. All steelwork is finished, staircases are built, coke-breeze concrete floors have been laid, and wooden floors and inside plastering are in hand. The installation of hot-water heating service and electric lighting is under way. Auckland. —Various minor improvements and repairs have been carried out. Mount Roskill. —A new brick post-office, with quarters, was completed in November. Kingsland. —Plans were prepared and a contract let for erection of a post-office and quarters in brick. Ellerslie. —A contract has been let for erection of a brick post-office with upstairs residence. Excavations have been taken out, and a commencement made with the brickwork. Takapuna. —Plans are being prepared for a new post-office. Port Albert. —A contract for additions and repairs was completed in November. Warkwarth. —A new post-office in wood, and including quarters, is in course of erection.

12—D. 1.



Helensville. —The contract for a new post-office in brick was let in July, 1910, and completed on Ist March, 1911. • P Jβ Otahuhu. —The repairs to this building, which were commenced at" latter end of last year, were completed. Waiuku. —Plans have been prepared for a new post-office. Mercer. —Alterations and improvements to this office, including the raising of foundations, have been made, and a lineman's cottage provided. FranMon. —The contract for a large new post-office, which was enteredfinto in May, 1910, was completed in October. Kirikiriroa. —Tenders were invited for erection of this building, but no satisfactory offers were received. It was decided, therefore, to carry out the work by day-labour. Foundations, walls, roof, brick front, and chimneys have been completed. Finishing-off work is now in hand, and it is anticipated that the building will be completed in August. Kawhia. —A building was purchased, moved up to the existing post-office, and the whole place thoroughly repaired and painted. Te Atvamutu. —Plans have been prepared and tenders invited. Te Kuiti. —Tenders have been called for additions to this building. Pularuru. —Plans were prepared and tenders invited for erection of a new post-office. Taneatua. —Tenders were invited twice for erection of this post-office. On the first occasion no tenders were received ; on the second occasion only one tender, which was not satisfactory, was received. It was therefore decided to do the work by day-labour. Materials have now been ordered. Matata. —This contract was nearly completed on the 30th June. Taupo. —This contract will be completed in July. Patutahi. —A new post-office was erected by contract and all fittings supplied. Te Araroa. —Plans and specifications were prepared and erection of the building carried out by Department by day-labour. Tohomaru Bay. —Additions to this office were carried out by contract. Manutuke. —The erection of a new post-office is being carried out by contract. Wairoa. —The contract for this building should have been completed in October, 1911, but is only now approaching completion. Rahotu. —This contract was completed towards the end of the year. Wanganui. —Extensive alterations and repairs to the old bank building, which has been purchased by the Postal Department, are in progress. Manaia. —A new brick building is in course of erection. Greenmeadows. —A new post-office has been erected. Takapau. —A new post-office was erected here during the year, and lighted throughout with acetylene gas. Hastings. —During the year a clock manufactured for this post-office was placed in position and bells hung. Porangahau. —A contract for additions to this building was let in March, and was in progress at the end of the year. Havelock North. —A site has been purchased for a post-office, and a cottage thereon removed to an adjoining section. The necessary data to enable plans to be prepared is being obtained. Waipawa. —A new telephone exchange and instrument-room was erected. Shannon. —Drainage-work in connection with the old building has been attended to, and a new post-office is in course of erection. Rangiwahia. —A contract for erection of a new post-office is in progress. Tikikino. —The erection of a new post-office was commenced on the 12th June. Lower Hutt. —A contract has been let for additions and alterations. Taradale. —A contract was let just after the close of the year for the erection of a new post-office. Porirua. —Plans for a new post-office have been prepared and tenders will be invited shortly. Kilbirnie. —A contract for erection of a new post-office in brick was let in February. It is anticipated the building will be finished early in August. Adelaide Road. —Private premises were purchased and converted into a post-office. Tinakori Road. —Private premises were purchased and converted into a post-office. Wellington General Post Office. —A considerable amount of maintenance and improvement-work was carried out during the year. Wellington (new Post-office). —At the end of the year the stonework had been carried as far as the top of the third-floor window-heads. The concreting of beams and columns had been fixed, and all steel in position except on tower floors. Part of the cornices in Grey Street frontage are fixed in position, and other work is well in advance of stone-work. Murchison. —A contract has been let for erection of a new post-office, and preparations are being made by the contractor to start work. Westport. —The erection of this building was commenced in July, 1910. The work is now well on towards completion, plastering and painting being the only work that remains to be done. A good deal of extra work was entailed by having to sink the foundations 6 ft. deeper than was anticipated. Granity. —A contract has been let for the erection of a new post-office. Piles have been placed in position, and drainage-work is now in hand. Addington. —A new brick post-office has been built. Amberley. —The erection of a new post-office in wood is almost completed. Ashburton. —Extensive alterations are in hand, and new latrines are being built.



Culverden. —The contract for erection of a new post-office in wood is almost completed. Ferry Road. —A new post-office in brick has been erected. Leeston. —This contract for building in wood is nearly finished. Rakaia. — The contract for erection of a new post-office in brick has been completed, and the building is in use. Sydenham. —A contract for erection of a new stone building has been let. Timaru. —A new bicycle-shed has been built, main building renovated, and a contract let for raising the clock-tower. Waiau. —The old post-office building has been removed and a new building in wood erected. Waimate. —A new post-office in stone and brick has been completed. The old building is being fitted up as shops. Bannockburn. —A contract was let for the erection of a new office in stone. Building was completed and opened in May. St. Kilda. — A contract for erection of a post-office in brick was let in June and completed in January. Balclulha. —A contract was let in April for the erection of a building in brick. Fairly good progress is being made with the work. I\<titangata. —A contract for erection of a new office in brick was let in April last. The contract is still in hand. Green Island. —The contract for erection of this building in brick, which was let in November, is nearing completion. Balfour. —Plans and specification have been prepared for erection of a new post-office. Riverton. —The erection of this building will probably be completed by the end of July. Courthouses. Auckland Supreme Court. —A contract for retaining-wall and fences along Eden Street frontage was completed in the latter end of 1910. Various other works for the improvement of the building were also carried out. Auckland Magistrate's Court. —A contract was let on the Ist June for additional strong-room accommodation. Foundations and brick walls are now in hand. Regrading of Courthouse lane, including the building of a retaining-wall and under-pinning a part of the building, was carried out by the Auckland City Council. Hamilton. —A contract for additions in brick to law library and prisoners' cell was let in June, and the work is now in progress. Opotiki.— This Courthouse was satisfactorily completed in February. Gisborne. —The additions to this building have been completed and necessary furnishing supplied. Waverley. —A new Courthouse was erected during the year. Petone. —A new Courthouse in brick has been erected. Masterton. —A contract for the erection of a new Courthouse in brick and stone was commenced in March, and good progress is being made. Cheviot. —A new Courthouse is being erected. Timaru. —Extensive alterations and additions have been made to fit the building for Supreme Court work. Dunedin Law Courts. —A contract for exterior renovations was let in May, but has not yet been completed. A contract for an additional prisoners' room (in brick) was let in April and completed in June. Invercargill. —Considerable renovations and repairs to this building have been carried out. Police-stations. Mount Eden. —The constable's residence was removed from one section to another and renovated and painted. A contract has been prepared and tenders invited for erection of a new police-station. Ponsonby. —A contract is being prepared for erection of a new station. Parnell. —A police-station, consisting of residence, office, and cells, has been built. Maungaturoto. —The police cells from Pahi have been removed and re-erected at Maungaturoto, and a plan of site for erection of a new station has been prepared. Wellsford. —The contract for police-station and residence, with lock-up and stables, was completed at the end of June. Frankton. —A new station, with residence and two-cell lock-up, was completed in April. Hamilton. —An office, new lock-up, stables, and other improvements to the premises are being carried out by the Department by day-labour, as no satisfactory tenders could be obtained for the work. The additions should be ready for use at the end of September. Morrinsville. —An office, including room for use as a Courthouse, and also cells and stables, have been erected. Te Kuiti. —Tenders have been invited for a residence and office, also cells. Fitzroy. —A building was purchased by the Police Department, and alterations and repairs to make it convenient for purpose of police-station were carried out by this Department. Waverley. —Part of this building, which was in a bad state of decay, was pulled down, four new rooms erected, and the whole of the building repaired and painted. Whangamomona. —A two-cell lock-up has been built. Raetihi. —A contract for additions, painting, and repairs is in progress.



Taihape (Constable's Residence). —A new building is in course of erection. Pongaroa. —A new police-station has been erected. Johnsonville. —A new police-station has been erected. Otaki. —A residence, withjoffice and outbuildings, has been erected. Manners Street, Wellington. —Additions in brick to this station were carried out. Newtown (Training Depot). —Extensive additions to this building are being carried out by contract. At the end of the year brickwork had been carried up to the first floor. Mount Cook (Station and Barracks). —A contract for extensive additions in brick was commenced in May, and work is progressing satisfactorily. Napier. —Tenders have been called for the erection of a residence for the Police Inspector. Motueka. —The erection of this building was completed in January. Wakefield. —Plans and specifications for a new station are in course of preparation. Westport. —The old Barrack building was removed. Blackball. —The erection of a new residence and lock-up was completed in March. Christchurch. —Station officer's and sergeant's residence have been thoroughly renovated and painted. A new cottage for use of the matron has been built in the station-grounds. Rangiora. —A contract has been let for erection of a sergeant's residence. Riccarton. —A sergeant's residence is being built. Duntroon. —A new lock-up was erected by contract and completed in June. South Invcrcargill. —A contract for this building was practically completed in May last. Mataura. —Plans are being prepared for a new station. Mental Hospitals. Auckland. —The boiler-power at this institution has been much improved. Two boilers in good condition, formerly in use at Mount View Hospital, have been built into position. The boiler-house has been practically rebuilt. Wolfe Bequest Hospital. —This building was finished in July, and provides accommodation for forty patients. Porirua. —A contract has been let for the construction of an auxiliary reservoir. Work will be commenced in July. Arrangements were made for the heating of the large building by means of hotwater pipes. Nelson. —A considerable amount of renovation and improvement work has been carried out and a morgue has been built. An estimate is being prepared of the cost of bringing the drainage into conformity with the borough system. Hokitika. —A complete system of hydrants has been installed, together with a 4 in. high-pressure water-service connected with the borough water-supply. Sunnyside. —A boiler-furnace in brick and and bakers' ovens have been built. The auxiliary building has been repainted, and various other minor works attended to. Seacliff.— Plane in connection with water-supply for this institution have been prepared and submitted for approval. Gaols. Mount Eden. —(West Wing) : The ground-floor is completed and in occupation. On the first floor all doors and windows are fixed in the cells, and work is finished except floors, joinery-work, and iron railings round balcony. All cells on this floor will be ready for occupation in about five weeks' time. On the second floor the outside walls, including towers, are five courses above floor-level. (South Wing) : Ground-floor is finished and in use. Cells on first floor are approaching completion. At the present rate of progress these two wings should be finished in about nine months. Waiotapu and Waipu Prison Camps. —Plans for hot-water heating were prepared, material forwarded to the camps and fitted up. Gisborne. —The erection of this building has been carried out by contract. Palmerston North. —Additions and alterations, comprising new day-room, rearrangement of cellaccommodation, Ycntilating-sashes, extension of yards, asphalting, altering position of conveniences, and renovating and painting all buildings were carried out by Department. Wellington (Terrace). —Several of the warders' cottages were connected with the drainage-system and fitted with electric light. Wellington (Mount Cook). —A new water-service was laid into the premises. Greymouth. —The contract for erection of this building has been completed. Lyttelion. —Drainage and water-supply works have been completed and quarters renovated. Timaru. —Tenders have been invited for a new detention-gaol. Invercargill. —The main building, including electric lighting, has been completed. Warders' and hospital quarters and chapel and school-room are well in hand. A bridge is being constructed across the Waihopai Stream to give access to the prison farm. Miscellaneous. Auckland St. Helens Hospital. —A brick laundry, with steam-heated drying-chamber, has been built. The hospital has been repainted. Te Araroa Native School. —The work of erecting additions, fencing, and repairing, and repainting was carried out by the Department. Whareaki Native School and Residence. —The buildings were added to, repaired, and painted.



Veterinarian's Residence, WallaceviUe. —Plans were prepared and tenders called for erection of this building. St. Helens Hospital, Wellington. —Levels and cross-sections of site for proposed building were taken. Plans of the building were subsequently prepared and a contract for erection of the building let in May. Fair progress had been made up to the end of the year. WallaceviUe Laboratory. — During the year an additional water-supply was brought in, and a destructor erected. Public WorJcs Store, Pipitea. —A new storage-shed with asphalt floor was erected. Parliamentary Buildings Grounds. —The fence-line on Charlotte and Molesworth Streets was set back, and trees and shrubs cleared away. Government Life Insurance Buildings, Wellington. —During the year extensive internal alterations to this building were carried out, principally owing to the installation of an electric elevator. Government Printing Office. —The steam-heating apparatus was completed, hydraulic and steam lifts repaired, a 500-volt electric motor installed, and additional lavatory accommodation provided. Old Parliamentary Buildings. —ln December a commencement was made with the work of reinstating the front portion of the building, and adding an attic story for the Valuation Department. Hot-water service and electric light were installed, and a new hot-water boiler fixed in basement. This work was nearly completed in June. Public Trust Office, Wellington. —A new strong-room has been built, and a safe-deposit room formed in the basement. Seddon Memorial. —A new iron railing with gates has been erected, and concrete paths laid. St. Helens Hospital, Ghristchurch.- —Plans for erection of this building have been prepared. Hermitage Accommodation-house, Mount Cook. —Foundations for a new hotel have been built. Otekaike School for Boys. —An order has been placed for an electrical tell-tale installation ; watersupply and drainage systems have been completed, and a contract was let in January for erection of the kitchen administrative block. This latter work is still in hand. The foregoing includes only new works of some importance and alterations and additions of an extensive character. A great many smaller works in the way of new buildings, additions, and alterations have also been carried out during the year, and ordinary maintenance, repair, and Government buildings has been attended to wherever necessary. I have, &c, John Campbell, The Hon. the Minister of Public Workj. Government Architect.

By Authority : Johm Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9ll.





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PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT. BY THE HON. RODERICK McKENZIE, MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS. 16th OCTOBER, 1911., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, D-01

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PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT. BY THE HON. RODERICK McKENZIE, MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS. 16th OCTOBER, 1911. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, D-01

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT. BY THE HON. RODERICK McKENZIE, MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS. 16th OCTOBER, 1911. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, D-01

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