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Tresented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

TABLE OF CONTENTS. Part I.—Statk Afforestation in New Zealand, Part ll.—Review of Year's Operations. 1911. Page , p "8? General Remarks .. .. .. ..29 Reasons for Afforestation .. .. .. 1 Summary of Operations in the Nurseries .. .. 31 Demand for Timber .. .. .. .. .i Summary of Operations in the Plantations . SJ Inauguration of Afforestation .. .. .. .i Appendix A (ForeM-lree Growing in the North Island). Appendix A {Tree-growing Operations in the North Niiis. rv and Plantation Work in Rotorua District .. (i Island, 1910-11). Raising Trees from Seed .. .. .. 7 | Counting the Trees .. .. .. .. Xt Linng-out .. .. .. .. .. 8 Prison Labour .. .. .. . . XI Sending Trees to Plantations .. .. .. 9 <■ Karere" Convalescent Camp .. . . .. 34 Plantation work .. .. .. .. 10 | Thinning Plantations .. .. .. .. 34 Survey-work .. .. .. .. .. 35 Appendix B (Forest-tree Grouting in the South Island). Forestry Literature .. .. .. .. 35 Introductory Remarks .. .. .. ..11 Proposals for 1911-12 .. .. .. ..35 Tree-seeds .. .. .. .. ..11 Conclusion .. .. .. .. ..35 Preparation of Ground for Seed-sowing .. . . 12 Rotorua Nursery .. . . .. .. 36 Seed-sowing .. .. .. 12 Whakarewarewa Plantation .. .. 40 Tending Seed-beds .. .. .. .. 14 Waiotapu Plantation .. .. .. .. 45 Wrenobing .. .. .. .. .. 14 J Ruatangata Nursery .. .. .. ...">() Lifting and Lining-out seedlings .. .. ..14 Puhipuhi Plantation .. .. .. .. .".1 Tending Transplanted Trees .. .. 16 Lifting and bundling Trees for Transference ..I<S . ~ „,„ - . . . „ , Transport of Trees 17 Appendix B (Tret-pomng Operations in At South Fenoing Areas acquired for Tree-planting.. .. 17 Island, WIU 11.) Extermination of Ground-game .. .. .. 17 Climatic Influences .. .. .. .. 53 Formation of Fire-breaks .. .. 18 Output of Trees, and Acreage planted .. .. 53 Clearing and Draining .. .. .. 18 Trees raised and Expenditure incurred .. .. 53 Pitting for Tree-planting .. .. 19 Brief References to Tree-growth .. .. 54 Tree-planting Methods and Climatic Influences .. 20 Revision of Records and Subdivisional Plans .. 54 Planting-systems adopted .. .. .. 20 Correspondence Class on Forestry .. .. 54 Labour and Supervision .. . . .. 21 Fire-breaks .. .. .. .. .. r>4 Summary of Costs .. .. .. .. 22 Free and Prison Labour .. .. .. 55 Advisory Work to Public Bodies.. .. .. 55 Appendix C (Schedules of Trees in Plantations). General .. .. .. .. .. 55 Number and Variety of Trees planted in North Island 23 to Number and Variety of Trees planted in South Island 24 H . j r Conical Hills Plantation, Otago .. .. ..61 Appendix D (Forest Diseases and their Relation to Waitahuna Plantation, Otago .. ..63 PP Afforestation). Eweburn Nursery, near Naseby, Otago .. ..64 T . , . • _ " ' 9 r Naseby Plantation .. .. .. .. l>7 Introduction .. 2o Gimmorburn P i anta tion Reserve .. 68 Forests " 20 Hanmer Springs Nursery, Canterbury .. \\ 69 Present Condition of the Plantations .. ..26 Han mer Springs Plantation, Canterbury .. ..72 Rotorua Nursery .. .. .. .. 2G Tapanui Nursery .. .. .. .. 27 F^Tr 8 o c s B pe°ct: he V. \\ 28 Maps to acompa*. Rspokt (bo UND at En D o, Control-measures .. .. .. ..28 KhPORT). Line of Action to adopt .. .. .. 28 Showing Whakarewarewa Nursery and Plantation. Acknowledgements .. .. .. 29 Showing Waiotapu Plantation,

I—C. Iβ.



Sir, — Department of Lands, Wellington, 3rd July, 1911. I have the honour to forward herewith a comprehensive report on State afforestation in this Dominion. For convenience sake, it has been divided into two parts, each of which deals thoroughly with phases of the subject. Part I contains a clear statement of the reasons which induced the Government to commence and continue tree-planting operations in New Zealand, and shows the methods adopted in each Island at the State nurseries and plantations. Part II comprises the annual reports by the officers in charge of tree-planting operations, showing what has been done in this respect during the year ended 31st March, 1911. Plans showing the areas planted with the principal species of timber trees at the chief North Island stations are attached. There are also numerous illustrations which indicate in an effective manner the modern methods of tree-planting. Finally, a plan of each Island is attached, showing the locality (if the various nurseries and plantations belonging to the Afforestation Branch of this Department. I have, &c, William C. Kensington, Under-Secretary for Lands. The Right Hon. Sir J. G. Ward, Bart., K.C.M.G., Minister of Lands, and Commissioner of State Forests.

PAKT I.—STATE AFFORESTATION IN NEW ZEALAND, 1911. Reasons for Afforestation. Considering the apparently vast extent of our indigenous forests, the fine quality of our principal timbers, and their varied usefulness, it has often been the subject of much comment that it is considered necessary by the Government of this Dominion to inaugurate a policy of reafforestation. It can, however, readily be understood that the full facts of the case must be known and comprehended before it is possible to demonstrate clearly and cogently the reasons that have actuated the Government in the past and at the present time. In the report on " Forestry in New Zealand," published in 1909, statistics were given showing in detail the present estimated supply of timber from all classes of native trees, and the probable demand for timber in the future, and the conclusions then arrived at apply with even greater force at the present day. Before recapitulating them, however, it is desirable to explain briefly the nature of our indigenous trees, and their various drawbacks and good qualities. New Zealand possesses a large variety of trees in its native forests, there being no less than eightysix different varieties known to botanists. The majority of these are, unfortunately, useless for commercial purposes to any great extent, through various causes, and, as a matter of fact, the following trees are practically the staple supply of the timber trade : — Kauri (Agathis australis). —Grows only in the Auckland District. The girth of marketable trees range from 4 ft. to 30 ft., and sometimes more, the general average being about 12 ft., and the contents about 3,000 ft. There is no pine in the world superior for all-round use. It is used for joinery, furni-ture-making, house-building, ship, yacht, and boat building, wharves, bridges, railway, and other works, but is well adapted for high-class joinery, and internal fittings, carvings, &c. When con veiled into veneers it is highly prized. Unfortunately, it takes from six hundred to three thousand six hundred years to attain its full size, and as it is very inflammable, its growth and preservation is a master of considerable difficulty. Totara. —Totara is found throughout the whole of New Zealand except in the Nelson District, though the bulk of the supply is in Wellington, Auckland, Hawke's Bay, and Westland. It is very durable, and of all New Zealand timbers is the best for resisting the ravages of the teredo, and consequently has been largely used in the constructiqn of wharves, bridges, &c. It also lasts well in contact with the ground, and is utilized largely for general building and joinery purposes, telegraphposts, railway-sleepers, fencing-posts, &c. The mottled variety is much sought after for panels, furniture, inlaying, &c. Its chief drawback is that it is somewhat brittle, but it is probably the best timber for general building purposes in the Dominion. Rimu, or Red-fine. —This is the principal timber in the New Zealand forests, and is extensively used for building, joinery, &c. The figured variety is often beautifully grained, and is much in demand for furniture. It is a most valuable wood, owing to its wide adaptability and comparative cheapness. Though not equal to totara or kauri, yet, owing to its greater cheapness, it is more largely used. Kahikalea, or White-pine. —This timber is also in great demand throughout the whole of the Dominion. It is found chiefly on low-lying or swampy land, and grows in all parts of the Dominion. Its lasting qualities vary, but, unfortunately, the dry rot and borer find it comparatively easy prey, and therefore it is not much used for general building purposes. Its greatest use is for making butterboxes, for which purpose no substitute has yet been found, and large quantities are exported to Australia for this purpose.



Matai. —The next timber in importance is matai, or black-pine, which is a very heavy bul shortgrained timber. It is used for building purposes, and especially for weatherboards and flooring; also for small bridges and fencing purposes. It is second only to totara for durability, but is inclined to brittleness. It is found all over the Dominion in fairly large quantities. The only other timbers in New Zealand which are used to any extent for general purposes arc. I'itriri. a very hard and tough wood, which makes good sleepers and posts, and is very durable. It ia largely used for railway-works, bridge-stringers, and truck-frames. In weight, colour, and texture it somewhat resembles rosewood, but the figured varieties- are marked like walnut. It is also largely used as veneers. Rain, which is mostly used for firewood, is a hard, heavy, tough and very strong wood, mostly straight-grained, and used to a limited extent by wheelwrights, and as arms for telegraph-posts. The. various " Birch's " (or " beeches," as they should be designated), which grow plentifully all over the Dominion, aro being used for railway-sleepers very extensively in the Wellington District. Fmjus fusca has also been exported to Australia from the Westland and Southland Districts. The other trees are used to such a limited extent, and chiefly for limited local requirements, that they do not meet the growing demand for superior timbers. The peculiar characteristics of these trees must be carefully taken into account when considering the possibility of relying on their perpetuation, whether by way of natural regeneration or systematic reafforestation. First and foremost is the great drawback that all the indigenous trees suitable for conversion into marketable timber require such an inordinate length of time to grow and arrive at maturity ; although, owing to the comparatively recent settlement of New Zealand by Europeans, it is impossible to arrive with absolute accuracy ai the exaci length of time required by each tree to mature under average conditions, the approximate times previously given are as nearly correct as it is practicable to insure. Secondly, in consequence of nearly all our native trees being surface-rooters, their adaptation for general afforestation in open lands is practically prohibited through the damaging effects of exposure to sun and wind. Thirdly, most of these trees require special treatment to be raised with success, and need considerable shade from the seedling to the adult stage, which can only be afforded by planting them amongst partially cleared forest land, where the natural undergrowth provides the requisite amount of protection. In such a case, the annual clearing of undergrowth tending to suppress the tree-plants would be of such an exhaustive and expensive character as to prohibit the economical growth of native tree-plants. Fourthly, the principal exotic trees suited for commercial purposes take from one-fourth to one-tenth the time to attain maturity that the local product does, so that it is possible to raise on an average from three to five crops of larch or pine during the same time that it would take to raise one crop of totara or rimu. Under these circumstances, it has been generally recognized it is out of the question to attempt to renew the indigenous trees for future commercial purposes, except to a very limited extent, and all that can be done is to conserve the remaining supply as far as practicable so as to allow sawniilliiig to proceed under conditions that will insure the greatest possible use being made of the existing timber. The timber-cutting, and forest regulations for years past have been devised with the utmost care to accomplish this result, and, considering the remarkable increase that has taken place of late years in the timber industry, no adverse criticism can justly charge the administration of our native forests with any undue locking-up of natural resources. To assist the progress of settlement, it has been imperative that every facility should be afforded the building and allied trades to obtain cheap and accessible timber ; and, as the periodical fires —that it has been impossible to prevent —continually ravage the portions of the forests nearest to settlement, it has been a wise policy to permit as much marketable timber to be used as was needed by the farming community and the building trades, and so serve a twofold purpose —viz., the gradual clearing of forest country adapted for settlement, and its opening for occupation and fanning, and the development of the building and constructive trades to cope with the unceasing demand that a growing population constantly makes upon their resources. Moreover, it must not be overlooked that some of the most fertile and productive soil and country in the Dominion was to be found in those very forests that contained the most valuable timber. The vanished Seventy-mile (or Forty-mile) Bush, in the southern part of Hawke's Bay, and extending to and around Pahiatua and Eketahuna ; the Awarua Forest, between Taihape and Mangaweka; and the numerous stretches of forest in the Auckland District all at one time stretched across and occupied mile upon mile of country that now supports a large and thriving population; and it would have been as useless and as difficult a matter to preserve these magnificent forests in their entirety, whether for aesthetic, sentimental, climatic, or commercial reasons, as it would have been to have prohibited the spread of settlement and the onward march of civilization. But the Government, whilst permitting the gradual conversion of these forests, has never lost sight of the fact that it was necessary to maintain the timber-supply of the country, and to provide for its needs in the future. One of the earlier methods of inducing the planting of suitable trees was by means of " land-grants," a settler being given a free grant of Crown land if he planted a certain portion of his freehold land in suitable trees. This system was chiefly confined to the Canterbury District, though it was partially adopted in the Auckland and other districts, but only to a very limited extent. In Canterbury, where the system came into force in the early seventies, as much as 2 acres of Crown lands for 1 acre put down in plantation was sometimes granted, and every inducement was offered to the settlers to put down part of their farms in plantations. Several large plantations may now be seen in North Canterbury that were established by means of this method. As, however, it did not meet the growing needs of the country, the system was discontinued, and it came to pass that the methods of State afforestation that had proved so successful in older countries eventually came to be adopted in New Zealand.



Demand for Timber. In common with every manufacturing country in the world, the steady increase in demand for timber Eor commercial purposes has been experienced in New Zealand, and the following table shows how the timber industry has grown : —

To cope with the present demand taxes all the resources of the Dominion, as the supply of our indigenous forests is rapidly diminishing, as will be seen by the following estimates : — Estimated amount of Milling-timber Year. remaining in our Forests. 1905 .. .. .. .. • .. .. 41,723,574,800 sup. ft. 1907 .. .. .. .. .. .. 35,785,873,467 1909 .. .. .. .. .. .. 33,060,883,437 Judging from the vast quantity of forest that was not likely to be available for sawmilling, either through unsuitability of timber, difficulty of access, or cost of cutting and transport, and taking into consideration the loss annually experienced through accidental fires, and the fact that a large part of the timber stands on Native and private land which may be required for settlement purposes, thereby necessitating the felling and destruction of the timber, it was estimated in 1909 that the indigenous forests of New Zealand will not cope with the full demand for sawn timber for a longer period than from thirty-five to forty years, bearing in mind the fact that a certain amount of foreign timber will be arriving continually so as to ease the strain on local resources. Under these circumstances it will be understood why the Government deemed it advisable, many years ago, to inaugurate a system of tree-planting that would gradually take the place of the native forests and timber-supply. Inauguration ok Afforestation. The problem before t lie Government was faced in a systematic and comprehensive manner. Three experimental plantations of various trees, aggregating about 15 acres, were started on the Kaingaroa Plains, between Taupo and Rotorua. Another plantation of 15 acres was started at Tarukenga, on the Rotorua Railway line, and another of 6 acres at Mamaku, not far away. These latter plantations were for the purpose of providing timber for railway requirements. Part of the Rotorua Town Belt was also planted. Encouraged by the success of these preliminary experiments, a Forestry Branch of the Department of Lands was started in 1896, and three nurseries established, two at Tapanui and Eweburn in the Otago District of the South Island, and the other at Whakarewarewa, near Rotorua, in the North Island. The idea was conceived that, coincident with railway-extension, one or two central nurseries in each Island were sufficient for the growth of tree-plants, which could be distributed at various places in the district, according as circumstances warranted the extension of the system. Later on, another nursery was formed at Hanmer, in the Canterbury District (South Island), and attempts were also made to establish nurseries at Starborough, in the Marlborough District (South Island), and Ruatangata, near Whangarei (North Island), but from various causes these latter two nurseries, with the plantations attached to them, were not altogether a success, and have been discontinued. It must not be overlooked that New Zealand was the first antipodean country to face the problem of State afforestation, and that it was only by means of continuous experiments and the greatest care and forethought that the Department was able to advance on satisfactory lines with due regard to economy and efficiency. It was inevitable that some out of the many species of trees planted should not have proved so great a success as others, whilst the rapid expansion of domestic trades and industries has demonstrated the inadequacy of the original operations, and induced the Government to enlarge its annual provision for the continued extension of plantations to a scale more commensurate with the exigencies of the case. It must also be distinctly explained that if the present operations do not, in the opinion of some persons, represent that degree of magnitude that are deemed necessary in order to satisfy the whole of the future demand for timber in New Zealand, there are good and sufficient reasons for proceeding cautiously in the meantime. Although the foreign supply is more or less an unknown quantity, yet it is practically certain that the supply of eucalyptus from Australia, and pine from Siberia. Manchuria, and possibly Korea, together with the Douglas fir from Western Canada, will for generations to come satisfy to a very large extent the continuous demand for sawn timber in New Zealand, and that the remaining forests of the Dominion will also be available for some considerable time to assist in supplying the requirements of the commercial community. Moreover, it is essential that the characteristics of exotic trees planted in the State plantations, and their growth and progress in the climate

i Year. Number of Mills. Hands employed. Output tor fear-Cutting-oapaoity per Annum. 886 895 900 905 'JOT 909 i 220 299 334 414 411 423 3,890 4,055 6,085 6,912 7,139 7,414 Sup, ft. 163,740,546 191,053,466 261,583,518 413,289,742 432,031,611 413,868,919 Sup. ft. 704,930,600 718,940,000 755,465,480 i



and soil (if this country as compared with their growth elsewhere, together with their respective liability to or immunity from disease, shall be thoroughly studied and ascertained (and this cannot be done in a few years), before the inhabitants of the Dominion are committed to such a large increase in expenditure as would be necessary to insure the future maintenance of the timber-supply from New Zealand sources. Hitherto the operations of the Forestry Branch have been more successful than was anticipated at the commencement of the project, but the losses that have been experienced have been quite large enough to convince the authorities that it is the best policy to proceed with due caution, and not to suddenly enlarge the operations, but rather to expand them very gradually after repeated experiments and results have proved the advisability of doing so under certain conditions. It will be interesting to trace the evolution of the present system from the conditions that appeared to the Government to dominate the position at the time the afforestation policy was decided upon in 1896. They may be said to include : — (1.) The recognition of the principle that land suitable for settlement should not be interfered with for the purposes of tree-planting. (2.) The desirability of utilizing Crown land as far as practicable. (3.) The selection of localities for the plantations which would be fairly accessible from existing lines of railway, and which would, in the future, be conveniently situated to the probable trade centres. (4.) The selection of areas of open land that were not in proximity to standing forests, but the climatic conditions of which appeared suitable for tree-growing operations, and whose soil seemed sufficiently good for the purpose. Owing to the varied nature of the climate, soil, and conditions in different parts of New Zealand. and the necessity of the officer in charge of operations being thoroughly acquainted with local conditions, it was not deemed advisable to engage a foreign expert to superintend operations, but the services of a young and enthusiastic New Zealand nurseryman were engaged at the commencement of the work, and the results that were achieved under his advice from the very start were a convincing proof of the wisdom of the course adopted. A careful and continuous study of tin , latest publications and methods in vogue on the Continent and elsewhere has been the practice laid down for the guidance of all officers of the Forestry Branch, and as the work of tree-planting in this Dominion becomes more and more important and extensive, it is probable that further steps will be taken by the Government to keep the branch in touch with foreign systems and methods. The late Mr. Henry Matthews was the officer whose appointment as Chief Forester inaugurated the formation of the Forestry Branch, and from 1896 to his unexpected death in 1909 he had the sole technical control of the tree-planting operations, and to him must therefore belong much of the credit or otherwise of the planting accomplished during this period. Since his death the technical direction of affairs has been intrusted to two Superintending Nurserymen, one who resides at Whakarewarewa, and supervises operations in the North Island, and the other who resides at Tapanui, and controls all the South Island operations. These two officers keep a careful watch over the several nurseries and plantations under their control, and are responsible for the rearing and planting-out of all the treeplants in each Island. In charge of each State nursery is a Nurseryman, and in charge of each State plantation is a Forester. These officers direct the work of the labourers and others employed under them, and are carefully trained in the respective duties required of them and their staffs. The Minister in charge of the State forests anJ all afforestation-work is the Commissioner of State Forests, and each year he lays before Parliament a report on the year's operations. The permanent officer in charge of the branch is the Under-Secretary of Lands, who has supreme administrative conl col over all operations ; and it is to him that the Superintending Nurserymen report, and from him that they take instructions. The financial considerations and all forestry problems that arise from time to time are dealt with by hm. The cost of afforestation operations is defrayed by the gale of timber in State forests, supplemented by a. contribution from the Consolidated Fund annually voted by Parliament. Owing to the youth of the plantations, and the immaturity of the timber therein, no ret inns have yet been derived from them, but it is hoped that in a few years' time a small revenue may be received, which will grow gradually larger as thinnings are available for disposal. When an assured return of thinnings is available in sufficient quantity there may be a possibility of utilizing them for wood-pulp purposes. This is a matter for future consideration, as it depends largely as to whether the timber grown is suitable for that purpose. To enable a complete knowledge to be gained of the conditions under which tree-planting operations are carried out, it may be well to set out in detail the work of the Superintending Nurserymen, and in Appendices A and B herewith each of these officers narrates the methods and system adopted by him in the nurseries and plantations under his control, from the purchase of the seed to the final transplanting of the young trees from the nursery-beds to the plantation in which they will permanently grow. Generally speaking, it will be seen that most of the seed is procured abroad until our own trees are large enough to become seed-producers —say, in ten years' time—and that the trees now grown in the State nurseries and plantations are those that continental experience and the results of experiments in New Zealand have shown are best fitted for the soils and climate of this country. In Appendix C is given a full list of all trees grown by the State, and the various qualities and uses to which their timbers can eventually be put. The primary object of the Government is purely utilitarian,. as only those trees are grown that are suitable for commercial purposes, and the fact that the formation of plantations will in many cases enrich the soil, regulate to a slight degree the temperature, and conserve the rainfall is more or less secondary, although no efforts have been spared to gain the greatest possible benefits from the operations of the State in this respect.

C, — Iβ.

Now, the full and detailed reports of the Superintending Nurserymen will show how carefully and systematically the preliminary work is carried out, and how advantage is taken of the knowledge gained abroad to carry on work in this far-off country under as favourable conditions as possible : but after all thai is possible has been accomplished in this respect, another danger crops up and needs the most skilful attention to enable its evil effects to be checked and counteracted. In almost every country in the world where forestry operations have been carried on it has been found that sooner or later forms of plant-disease inevitably make their appearance. In some instances great havoc has been worked, whilst of late years modern methods and discoveries, have largely diminished the attendant dangers. It is of the utmost importance that in this fruitful land, where the conditions are so eminently favourable to plant-growth, that the equally favourable conditions to the formation and dissemination of plant-disease should be continuously and carefully watched, so that the smallest outbreak of any kind of disease may at once be notified, and every possible precaution taken to deal with it at the very commencement of its attack. Up to the present the indications of disease have been very small, but in order that the scrutiny of the officers of the Forestry Branch may be directed into the proper channels, and that the best advice may be available on this point, a special examination has recently been made by the Biologist of the Department of Agriculture, who has supplemented the constant supervision of the officers with a personal inspection in their company, and his report upon the health of the plants and their comparative freedom from disease will be found in Appendix D attached to this report. As time goes on, and the trees attain a greater age. whilst the area under plantation annually increases, such inspections will be made at frequent intervals ; and by a rigid scrutiny of all plants apparently suffering from any disease or trouble, it is hoped that disease may be kept well in check, and never permitted to spread beyond a confined radius where it originates. Seeing that the plantations are still young, and that their area only extends to about 15,(MK) acres. it has been possible to carry on operations with a somewhat inexpensive staff of officers, and no great expenditure in the way of administration has yet been necessary. It has been absolutely necessary to employ the funds at the disposal of the Forestry Branch to their fullest extent in the direction of treeplanting, and consequently a rigid check has been kept upon all outlay that was not immediately and directly needed for present operations. In the future it will undoubtedly be necessary to increase the staff and provide for duties and needs that have as yet hardly entered into practical consideration. Even under these conditions, however, it is essential that no lavish expenditure shall be entered upon, but that the best possible results shall be attained from every new departure. As the scope of operations widens, it will undoubtedly be necessary to select and specially educate a few able and intelligent young New-Zealanders to fill the positions that will later on be required for the development and skilful management of the State plantations, and it is thought that a practical training in the nurseries and plantations of the branch, combined with a university education comprising those subjects specially appertaining to forestry (such as botany, entomology, geology, agricultural chemistry, and other subjects included in the degree of Bachelor of Science), and possibly a visit to the best schools and works in England and the Continent, will enable the operations of the Government to be conducted with the highest degree of economy and efficiency, and insure the best results being attained from past and future expenditure. Every day increases the store of knowledge and literature appertaining to scientific forestry, and it is of the utmost importance that the training and methods of the officers of the branch should be as complete and efficient as it is possible to insure. At the present time both of the Superintending Nurserymen conduct a winter class, in which all the nurserymen and officers under their control have an opportunity of learning all that can lie taught them of the work of their profession, and useful reference libraries have been established in each Island at the headquarters. The keenness and intelligence of the members of these classes is in the highest degree praiseworthy, and reflect the greatest credit on their instructors, and their individual efforts to advance in knowledge and usefulness. Seeing how far the operations of any particular industry or business extend in modern days, and from what numerous sources it is necessary to gain information and assistance in order to achieve the best results, it will naturally be easily understood that the occasional services and advice of various officers of the Government service may from time to time be requisitioned for, and availed of, in connection with the, work of tree-planting. A periodical inspection by a skilled biologist, an occasional examination by an agricultural chemist, visits by modern botanists and entomologists, for instance, will be of immense use in aiding the efforts of the permanent officers of the Forestry Branch : and it may be advisable later on to form a special advisory board of such experts, who would from time to time study and report upon any extraordinary or unexpected development in connection with the operations, and advise (if necessary) upon the general questions affecting the work of afforestation and timber-conservation. It is, however, to be distinctly understood that though it is essential to keep a watchful eye upon modern developments, and to display a foresight compatible with the importance of the subject, it is quite out of the question to lay down any hard-and-fast rules as to future management and administration, and the Government will in all cases be guided by the exigencies of each case as it arises, and meet the problems that constantly arise with tkfl best means at its disposal. and in accord with the special circumstances of the matter. Possible future changes are merely indicated to show that the Government is fully alive to the needs of State afforestation in all its varying phases, and is facing future needs with foresight and discrimination.




APPENDIX A. XTUSERY AND PLANTATION WORK IN THE ROTORUA DISTRICT. [By H. A. Uouuie, Superintending Nurseryman, Whakarewarewa.] The annual reports of the work done by the State Forests Branch during the twelve years of its existence have from time to time given much information relating to the success or otherwise of the various species of trees tried, the extent of work done, and the expenditure incurred. For the benefit of farmers and others who find it necessary to grow trees, it is now proposed to amplify this information somewhat by giving a brief account of the methods used in propagating the trees and Forming the plantations in this district. Many useful publications dealing exhaustively with the propagation of trees are easily obtainable, so that in this article it is not intended to detail every known system, but rather to describe only the methods which have been adopted here, and which have been found to give the best results in every respect. The Rotorua Nursery, where trees are grown for supplying the Whakarewarewa and Waiotapu Plantations, was established in 1898. It is excellently situated about two miles from Rotorua Post office, and has a north-western aspect, while on the southern side a range of hills affords protection from the early morning sun and cold southerly winds. The largest portion of the property is level, or nearly so, the gradient in the parts under cultivation in no place exceeding 1 in 20. The soil is similar to the general run of land in this district, being of a light pumiceous nature, easily worked, and requiring no artificial draining. Generally such land in a virgin state carries a strong growth of bracken on the slopes, while on the lower-lying parts either manuka-scrub or tussock is usually found. For forest-tree-nursery purposes the soil is perhaps equal to any in the Dominion. It is fairly rich in mineral matter, has a not inconsiderable amount of humus, and a wonderful capacity for holding moisture without becoming waterlogged. This last fact is very apparent in grass paddocks which have been established for some time, and where the land has become consolidated by stock. Through a dry summer the grass will retain a greenness that is absent in most other districts. Continuous tilling such as is necessary in a nursery causes the humus to deteriorate very quickly, and it is absolutely essential that this should be replaced by green manuring, hence an area that is sufficient to permit of change of crops is necessary. Of the manures, lime was applied on all new land broken up for the first time. Bonedust and superphosphate are also used for many crops, but on the seed-beds, which carry dense crops of young trees, stable manure is largely employed. The nursery-area has been laid out into " breaks " 3 chains wide, divided by 20 ft. roads. These breaks are further divided by cross-roads at convenient distances, and by hedges for shelter purposes. Water-pipes are laid throughout the entire area, with standpipes at convenient points for watering the seedlings and puddling the trees. Raising Trees from Seed. With few exceptions, all the trees produced in this nursery have been raised from seed. The chief sources from which supplies of seed are procured are as yet necessarily in the Northern Hemisphere, the seed of those species indigenous to North America being procured in North America, while European species are procured in England or Europe. Seeds of a few species are now saved in New Zealand, Pinus insignis, Pinus muricata, blue-gum, oak, ash, and birch being the principal ones, and these are usually of a high germinative quality. Much of the germinative power of imported seeds is lost by the time we are ready to sow them, but nevertheless the cost of seed for a thousand trees is reasonably low. as will be seen by the following table : —

Table comparing the Germinative Quality of Several Species of Tree-seeds; Cost of Seed for 1,000 Trees; also Amount of Seed usually sown per Square Yard.

As a rule, seed-sowing in this district commences in October, and continues well into November, until the work is completed, the method being as follows : The land, which has been top-dressed with well-rotted stable manure, and ploughed during the early part of the previous winter, is formed into beds 6 ft. wide, with an alleyway of 2 ft. between each bed. The beds are then top-dressed with bonedust and superphosphate, and raked level. On one edge a wire line is strained tight, and secured in several places with iron pins. A heavy hardwood roller (see plate No. 1) is then slowly drawn over the bed, care being taken to keep the edge of the roller against the wire to insure straightness. The dimensions of the roller are : Length, 6 ft. ; diameter at the widest parts 12 in., and 11 in. at the narrow parts ; the wide divisions are 13 in. across and the narrow ones 4 in. When the roller passes over the

Name of Tree. Average Num- Percentage Cost of Seed Amount of her raised per of per Seed sown per Pound of Seed. Germination. 1,000 Trees. Square Yard. Remarks. European larch lorsican pine .. leavy or bull pine Veymouth pine )ouglas fir 'inus insignis led wood Eucalypti 3,500 5,500 3,200 2,000 5,400 11,000 1,200 22,000 4-0 8-0 25-0 , 0-23 13-5 LO-0 1-22 Not known s. 0 0 3 6 2 0 12 0 a. 9 8 4 16 4 7 3 I 2 1 If n i i ok European seed. American seed. New Zealand seed. American seed. Australian seed.



ground it loaves four depressions 13 in. wide and \ in. deep, in which the seed is sown by hand. When the whole bed has been sown the roller is brought back over it, and presses in the seed to an even depth throughout. The seed is then covered with soil which has been screened and made free of large lumps. The roller referred to was introduced into the State nurseries by the late Mr. H. J. Matthews, a somewhat similar system having been in force in Germany, and I know of no method whereby seeds can be sown in quantity with such efficiency combined with cheapness. The 4 in. space between each bed serves as a means whereby the seedlings can be wrenched, and during the summer this space is kept well stirred up with hoes in order to catch as much as possible of the rainfall. When the seed is covered, seed-frames with hessian or unwashed paperhanger's scrim stretched over them are placed on the beds for the double purpose of protecting the seed from the birds and excluding the light sufficiently to allow of germination taking place. The two months following the sowing of the seeds is perhaps the most critical period of the year's operations. Constant care is required in order to cope with " damping off," which may be accelerated either by excessive rain, strong growth of weeds, or a calm humid atmosphere. Usually the trouble cannot be prevented, but the evil results can be much reduced by keeping the seedlings free from weeds. and raising the seed-frames to allow of a good circulation of air amongst the young trees. (Plate No. 2 shows the manner of raising the seed-frames.) The length of time that it is permissible to leave the seed-frames on the young trees is determined by the weather-conditions during the summer months, and also to a less extent by the species of trees. It has been found in this nursery that generally a hot dry summer has less ill effect upon larch-seed-lings if they are protected by the hessian shading. On the other hand, no marked difference is noticeable with the seedlings of Corsican pine, and as a rule the shading is removed from these as soon as they have produced the secondary leaves. Whenever shading is removed, however, the seedlings are gradually prepared for the change by propping up the frames so that the sun strikes them gradually and for a short period only each day, and this procedure goes on until the leaves are somewhat hard to the touch. In this nursery all shading is, as a general rule, removed by the middle of March, and if possible dull weather is chosen for doing the work. Before entering upon a description of the further progress of the seedlings through the nursery, a few general remaks as to the most suitable age and size for sending trees to the plantations seem advisable. Amongst nurserymen and foresters much difference of opinion exists upon this question, and there is undoubtedly room for such, as local conditions will in each case go a long way towards shaping out a general policy to follow. On one point, however, there seems to be a consensus of opinion— —namely, that trees must have a good fibrous-root system if success in transplanting is to be assured. The root-growth of trees varies considerably according to species. Some, such as spruce, keep very much to the surface, and have a mass of fibrous roots, and practically no tap-root. Birch and alder usually develop several strong roots which spread in the surface soil and from which rootlets are sent down into the subsoil. Oak, ash, larch, Corsican pine, and heavy pine produce decidedly strong taproots, which descend well into the subsoil, and from which rootlets of varying sizes are given off. It is through the small rootlets or root-hairs that the tree absorbs the soil-moisture, and consequently a tree which has a fair amount of such roots, as a rule, suffers very little when transplanted. Those trees which produce a strong tap-root with little or no fibrous roots are the kinds which usually transplant badly. Corsican pine, Canary Island pine, and eucalypti are instances of this. Deciduous trees, such as oak, ash, and larch, although producing more or less strong tap-roots, do not need the fibrous root to insure successful transplanting to the same extent as is necessary with the evergreen pines and eucalypti. In order to cause trees to produce fibrous roots, it is necessary to prune the main root or roots either before or after the trees are lifted. If this is done before the trees are lifted it is termed " wrenching." This consists in cutting off about one-third of the root-growth by inserting a sharp spade on each side of the row of trees. The spade is held at an angle of about 45°, and is pushed well under the trees, care being taken that only the extreme ends of the tap-root and rootlets are severed (see plate No. 3). In this nursery " wrenching "is usually done in the spring, and generally only those trees which it is intended should remain in the same position for more than one year are so treated. In addition to improving the root-growth " wrenching " is beneficial in that it prepares the trees for removal by arresting the growth somewhat, and causing the wood to ripen and become hard, thus lessen ing the chance of death occurring when transplanting takes place. When trees are lifted for transplanting in the nursery for a further period the roots are trimmed with sheep-shears in order to bring about the same result as is aimed at in " wrenching," but even in cases of this sort " wrenching " may also be done with advantage where trees making quick soft growth are being dealt with. Many parts of the plantation-areas on which trees are planted are much exposed to strong winds. This applies e'hiefly to hill-tops and ridges, where the comparatively dry soil is another factor which militates against successful planting. Altogether, the conditions prevailing on the plantation reserves are unavoidably somewhat more severe than those pertaining to the nursery where the soil is subjected to frequent tillage. As the result of experiments extending over some years, it has been found that comparatively small trees transplant much better than large ones, and that seedling-trees, or trees which have never been transplanted in the nursery, succeed as well as transplanted ones, provided they have been well" wrenched." It is somewhat difficult to define a " small " tree, as the different species that are grown vary considerably in their growth, but, to give some indication of what is meant, the average size of trees usually sent from this nursery is somewhat as follows : Larch, 12 in. ; Corsican pine and heavy pine, 6 in. ; Weymouth pine, 5 in. ; Douglas fir, 8 in. ; eucalypti, 6 in. Another very strong argument, in favour of using small trees is that the cartage and handling costs less than is the case with large ones. To give some idea of what this means, it may safely be said that each tree which is grown in the nursery is handled, on the average, six times through the processes of sizing, lining-out, lifting and tying into bundles, carting, heeling-in, and finally planting in the permanent position on the plantation.


Wrenching Seedlings, Rotorua Nursery.

Face page A'.]

Lining-out Seedlings, Rotorua Nursery.


Seed-frames, showing Method of propping up and scrimming, Rotorua Nursery.

Hardwood Roller used for forming Seed-beds, Rotorua Nursery.



The terra "sizing." which is used frequently in this article, refers n> the grading of trees into various sizes in order thai each tree when planted out will have a suitable neighbour, and the Btruggk foT existence consequent upon close planting evened up as much as possible. The fact of there being a proportion of small trees in a bed or seedlings is often due to them being too thick, thus causing the strong trees to suppress the weak ones. Rut even if seeds of some trees are sown ever so thinly there is always a smaller or greater proportion of very weak trees. This fact is more noticeable with European larch than any other tree grown in this nursery, and. as a rule, from 5 in 10 per cent, of a crop of this species are so stunted and weak that no amount of nursing would ever make decent specimens of them. From seeds saved oil' immature trees there would probably he a large percentage of such degenerates, Inn in practicallj every case there is a proportion of trees which ir is undesirable to perpetuate. The saving of these "culls" has never been attended willi success in this nursery, and it is considered better to destroy them as seedlings than spend money in transplanting and nursing them. Selection of trees by " sizing " has a direct influence upon the results obtained in the plantations, in that it helps towards uniformity of treat nlent, degenerate t ices or t rees prone to disease never find their way into the plantation, while the elimination of misshapen trees reduces the necessity for pruning. LINING-OUT. Amongst nurserymen tins ;s a common term expressing the planting of seedlings into rows in the nursery. The cost of this work .s usually about Is. lid. per thousand trees, and the method is as follows : The nursery beds, which are •'! chains wide, are divided off into portions not exceeding 3 chains in length. At each end of one of these divisions a furrow is thrown up with a plough, and these are raked fairly level. Wire lines are then stretched across the lied, and the planters, who are furnished with a small bag oi trees and a bricklayer's trowel, space themselves along the line, and plant out the trees at from 2to I in. apart, according to the size. Immediately the whole row has been planted the plough throws up a furrow against it. and this is levelled off and the line shifted on to it in readiness lor plant ing another row. The planters in the meantime walk across to the other end of the bed and plant a row of trees there, the plough following as before slated. The rows are thus kept going on both ends of the bed. and Ihe distance between them is gradually decreasing until they meet in the centre. Lining out adds, of course, to the cost of growing trees, and as far as possible it is avoided in this nursery. Trees which grow fairly last as seedlings have to be lined out in order to check the growth, because if left in the seed-beds they would become overgrown and unsuitable for transplanting. In some cases it is possible to curtail the work of lining-out considerably by removing from the seed-beds and lining out only the largest of the trees, but the ex ten I ol the work is always uncertain. as so much depends upon the weather experienced during the firs! s;.\ months following the sowing of the seeds. As a rule, about 30 per cent, of the seedlings have to be lined out, the remainder being urown in the seed-beds unti] they are of a suitable size for sending to the plantations. Owing to the difference in the rate of growth of the several species of trees dealt with, a uniform treatment of the trees after they are raised from seed is not possible. The principal kinds grown are larch. Corsican pine, heavy pine, remarkable pine Weymouth pine. Douglas fir. and apple-scented gum. A brief description of these species is given liereunder : European Lurch. Seed of this varies considerably in quality, but it has been found that good results are generally obtained by sowing it at the rate of about 2oz. pel'square yard. Sowing is usually done in October, and for the eight following months the beds are tended by way of weeding, &c. During that period probably 25 per cent, of the trees will have reached 6 in. in height, while the remainder are barely 1 in, high. In the month of July the large trees are carefully removed from the beds and transplanted into rows in the nursery, where they remain until the following May. when they are again lifted and despatched to the plantations. These trees are termed "one year" ones — i.r., one year in seed-beds and one year lined out. The small I rees which were left in the seed-beds will. during the same period, have made somewhat stronger growth than the thinnings which were lined out. and. although they vary in size, as a rule 90 per cent, of them are of a suitable size for sending to the plantation. When these " two-year-old " seedlings are sized the small trees which are not large enough for permanent planting may be " lined out "' in the nursery for another season, but generally it is not advisable to do so. as these are culls or inherently weak trees, and it is questionable if they would ever reach a profitable maturity. Corsioan Pine. Next to European larch this pine predominates in the tree-planting operations. Good seed is generally procurable, and when sown at the rate of 1 oz. per square yard the space available for each seedling is usually found sufficient lor its requirements. Unlike the larch, this pine makes very regular growth, so that the bulk of the seedlings are usually of an even size. This regularity of growth makes it possible to grow this species for a longer period in the seed-beds without thinning than is possible with the larch, and it is seldom necessary to transplant the seedlings as " one-year olds" into the nursery rows. Corsican pine produces a strong tap-root with very lew fibrous roots, and requires to be well " wrenched in order to make the transplanting of them a success. " Wrenching " is performed in the spring, and the trees are sent out from the nursery for permanent planting, the second April after they are sown i.e., as t wo-year-o!d seedlings. The cost of transplanting into nursery rows i.s therefore avoided in the case of this pine. Pinus ponderosa (the heavy or bull pine).—The seed of this valuable American timber-tree is. as a general rule, easily procured, although last year was an exception in this respect. In regard to size. the seed is somewhat larger than that of the Corsican pine, and on this account it is sown at a somewhat heavier rat.' than thai species : ljoz. to the square yard gives good results. This species makes an even quick growth in the seedling stage, and it is necessary to transplant the seedlings into nursery rows, as if they are left in the seed-beds for two years the growth is too rank. All trees of this species ale senl from the nursery to the plantations as " two-year-olds,"

2—C. Ib.



Pinus Strobus (Weymouth pine). —Seeds of this species are sown ai the rate of H oz. to the square yard, and, as a rale, the germination is poor. The growth is very slow in the seedling stage, and on this account the seedlings are seldom " lined out," but sent to the plantations direct from the two-year-old beds. Pinus radiata (the remarkable pine), better known as Pinus ituignie, is 8 very fast grower, and seedlings six months old are usually large and strong enough to send to the plantations for permanent planting. Seed is sown in October, at the rate of 1 oz. per square yard, and in the following March or April the seedlings are lifted, the roots pruned, and then " heeled in " for about a month. This treatment is necessary in order to cause the rapid soft growth to ripen and harden off, and render the plants fit for further transplanting to the plantation-areas. Pseudo-tsw/a Douglasii (Douglas fir). —The seed of this tree is becoming more difficult to obtain, and the gerininative quality varies greatly, but it is generally satisfactory if sown at the rate of 1| oz. per square yard. This species is treated in a similar manner to Pinus poriderosa. Eucalyptus Stuartiann (apple-scented gum of Tasmania). —Sowings of this species are made at the rate of about 1£ oz. to 8 square yards. The seed, which is sown in November, is exceedingly small. and unless it is carefully sown or mixed with sand the seedlings will be much too thick. Owing to the rapid growth made by this, and in fact all gums, it is necessary thai they should be planted out permanently at the seedling stage. The treatment of gum-seedlings is the same as is described under Pinus radiata. Sending Trees to Plantations. All trees before leaving the nursery are counted into bundles of twenty-five, and tied with strips of flax. The bundles are then brought together, and the straggling ends of the roots are trimmed off with a pair of sheep-shears. Next the roots are dipped in a tub containing a " puddle " of soil and water mixed to a fairly fluid consistency. This process is commonly called " puddling," and is necessary to counteract the drying effect of the air upon the roots whilst the trees are being lifted. A trench is then prepared with a spade, and the bundles of trees " heeled in " until it is convenient to send them to the plantations. Tools and Implements used. As far as possible, all cultivation is done by horse-labour. Eeid and Gray's double ajid single furrow ploughs are used, and for the small breaks the short American ploughs are found very con venient. For general summer cultivation the Planet Jr. two-horse and the Syracuse spring-tooth cultivators are used. Amongst the trees the weeds are kept in check mostly with two-wheeled Iron Age hoes and Dutch hoes. A general assortment of spades, forks, and other garden tools is. of course, required, but the use of these is confined mostly to the lifting of the trees. i Cost of Operations. The costs of the various operations are as follows : Per thousand —Sizing, 2s. ; lifting lined-out trees for sending to plantations, 2s. 6d. ; lining-out seedlings, Is. 6d. ; weeding, 9d. ; sowing, 2s. These costs represent actual labour expenses, without taking into consideration cost of plant, buildings, and upkeep of same. Taking an average of the total expenditure and trees since the inception of the nursery, the raising of trees has cost 18s. 6d. per thousand. PLANTATION-WORK. [By D. J. Buchanan, Plantation Foreman, Whakarewarewa Plantation! The land on the Whakarewarewa Plantation is principally of a very rough, broken, often precipitous nature, varying in height from 1,200 ft. to 2,500 ft. above sea-level, and covered for the most part with a dense growth of fern, tutu, and various native shrubs, which has to be cleared off before planting operations can be commenced. Where the growth is chiefly manuka it is cut down, left to dry for a time, and then burned off ; but if the area to be planted is covered with fern and tutu a firebreak 1 chain in width is cleared around it, and a fire put through the block. After the fire the growth which then remains standing is cut down, slashers and fern-hooks being used for the purpose. Burningoff is usually done in February or the beginning of March, when the conditions are most favourable and a good burn is assured. When the land has been cleared, roads and sledge-tracks for the distribution of trees are formed, and pitting is at once commenced. The method of pitting employed, and the one feund to be the moftt successful, is by means of the wire line. This line consists of a number of links of No. 12 galvanized fencing-wire, the length of each link corresponding to the distance between the pits ; for conifers a line having I ft. links is used, and for eucalypti the links are 6 ft. in length. Eighty of these links are contained in a full line, which is found quite sufficient for one man to pull tight. To each end of the line a heavy iron pin is attached, and three sighting-poles—one at each end and one in the middle—are used to keep the line straight. These poles are first set up in a straight line in the direction the rows are required to run, and the line is stretched tightly against the poles, and the pits are then dug all along one side of the line, at the end of each link. The digging of the pits in the pumice soil is a simple matter ; with a No. 2 Black spade a deep square sod is lifted out and placed upside down in the hole from which it was taken, and roughly broken up. When the first row of pits is completed the sighting-poles are shifted out. forming a second line parallel with the first, the distance between the rows being in all cases equal to that between the pits. In the second row the pits do not come opposite those in the first, but midway between them ; to do this the line in the second row is drawn half a link beyond where it was pegged the first time, and on the third row is again drawn back, so that the pits in every alternate row are opposite. This method of pitting approaches that known as the triangular form, in which the trees are spaced out to form equilateral triangles, thus giving an equal growing-space to each tree.



For convenience in handling, the trees are put up in bundles of twenty-five, and are conveyed from the nursery in covered wagons, up to 100,000 plants being carried in a load. The plantation adjoins the nursery, but the land has been gradually planted up until, at the present time, the trees have to be carted a distance of five miles and a half by wagon, and from a mile to a mile and a half further by sledge. When a wagon-load of trees arrive they are at once " heeled in " in trenches, in order to keep the roots of the plants moist. Deciduous trees, such as larch, are packed much more closely in the trenches than pines, which, owing to their thick bushy foliage, if packed very closely and left for any time in the trench, arc very liable to become heated. From the main trenches on to the ground to be planted the trees are carted liv sledge, and are again placed in trenches, where they will be most convenient to the planters. The sledge used for this purpose has a short runner on either side in front and a pair of low wheels behind ; the wheels making pulling up hill much lighter, and when coming down an incline the runners in front act as a brake, and prevent the sledge leaving the track. This vehicle can be used on fairly rough country, and carries a load of 20,000 average-sized plants. The planters each carry their own trees, using a canvas bag 18 in. long by 12 in. deep, which will hold from two to three hundred larch or pines ; in dry weather, however, when there is a danger of the roots becoming dry, not more than a hundred are carried. Old spades which have been worn too much to be of any further use for pitting are converted into handy planting-tools by cutting off part of each .side of the blade, leaving it 6 in. wide at the top and tapering to i in. at the bottom or cutting-edge. , Although several kinds of planting-tools have been used here, this has proved to be the handiest and most efficient of any. In operation, the plant ing-spade is driven deeply into the centre of the prepared pit, and then drawn forward, leaving an opening in the soil behind it in which the plant is inserted, care being taken to place the root in proper position. The spade is then withdrawn, and the soil round the plant trampled firmly. Planting commences in April with the pines, after which the larch are put in, and then the eucalypti, the season, as a. rule, finishing about the end of August. The cost for labour, preparing land, and planting is as follows : pitting, 9s. per thousand ; planting, 7s. per thousand ; clearing, £1 per acre. These figures represent a fair average, but much depends upon the nature of the land being dealt with. Steep country makes both pitting and planting more costly, while some land will cost as much as £2 per acre to clear, and on other portions no clearing is required.

APPENDIX B. FOREST-TREE GROWING IN THK SOUTH ISLAND. [By X- <■■ ROBINSON, Superintending Nurseryman, Tapanui.] Introductory Remarks. The afforestation-work conducted by the State in the Dominion has, since its initiation, received the whole-hearted support of many enthusiastic tree-growers; but with each succeeding year the increasing prominence of our young artificial forests has atracted the attention of the general public, who. on becoming enlightened regarding the annual progress made, not infrequently express their surprise at the magnitude of the undertaking. As might be expected, the presence of flourishing State plantations of timber trees in the various districts throughout the Otago and Canterbury Provinces stimulates the desires of farmers and others to produce similar results, and officers of the Department are frequently called upon to supply such information as will materially assist intending tree-planters. Although certain rules for general guidance have been maintained since the inauguration of the Forestry Branch, it has only been through a sustained series of experiments, together with the introduction of new practical ideas from various sources, that the present measure of success has been attained. This condensed article on tree-raising methods adopted in the South Island nurseries and associated plantations is prepared with the object of conveying to readers information which recent correspondence and personal inquiries show is mostly solicited. By the actual observance of the various works in progress, however, more productive knowledge is rained than from any literary source, and departmental officers are ever ready to give a practical demonstration to those contemplating tree-planting. Whilst the effect of desired brevity and compulsory omission of much detail will be apparent throughout this paper, its object will be accomplished, however, if a concise practical review of the leading items of labour essential in raising seedlings and creating plantations up to their present stage is portrayed. Tree-seeds. Oμ learning that the conifer-seed used was chiefly obtained from a foreign market Europe and America visitors to the nurseries have advanced theories supporting opinions to the effect that seeds gathered in the Dominion would possess greater germinative qualities, be cheaper, and the resulting plants more speedily adapt themselves to existing conditions. These opinions are partially correct, but the increased expense attached to local cone-gathering and subsequent extraction of an approximate Bcwt. "I seed annually, together with the questionable practice of tree-raising from seed which had perhaps been taken from comparatively youthful trees, has, up to the present, prohibited the utilization of home-grown seed of most of the pine, larch, and Abies families. The transportation of certain kinds of seed over long distances, and more especially on sea voyages, often accelerates the decomposition of



seed-kernels. Thick-meated or soft seeds quickly show signs of dryness when stored in a dry place, or, on the other hand, become too moist when placed in a cool situation. A medium and uniform temperature is generally favourable for the successful transport of any seeds, although further precautions in the form of hermetically sealed packages, or packing in finely powdered charcoal, are resorted to in many cases. Small amounts of such seed as Pinus insignis and /'. muricata gathered from mature trees growing in the Dominion have been obtained annually, and such success has attended these sowings that on our plantations reaching a more mature age we hope to become practically independent of foreign supplies. Certain exotic trees may take generations before becoming acclimatized to the conditions obtaining in New Zealand, and, although such trees may thrive, and yield prolific crops of seed, which on being sown produce strong plants, we do not vet possess sufficient knowledge to state with any degree of certainty if such vigour will lie maintained during the life of the plant. Well-bodied seeds from a healthy mature tree ncit only possess greater germinative qualities, l>ut are also capable of enduring more adverse conditions after sowing. The possession of these facts has influenced the action of the seed-collect,,is for the Department in gathering only from specially selected i rees. During the past four years very limited sowings of hardwoods have been undertaken, simply because the nature of the ground now being operated upon is more suitable for coniferous tree-growing. No difficulty is experienced in securing any desired quantities of hardwood seeds—oak. sycamore which, on falling during tl(e autumn period, are easily swept up and conveyed to the nurseries in sacks. It is customary to devote more care to tin gathering o! English ash. aider, beech, &c. : and in these cases hand-picking direct from the parent Uue has been found to give tin' best results. Before germination is possible, the external covering of the ash-seed requires to be in a decayed state, which is usually broughi about by pitting in a mixture of sand and soil immediately the seed is collected about the latter part of May. If the contents of the pit are kept damp, and periodically " forked." the gradual decay o! i hi' seed-shell is brought about alter twelve months, when sowing may lie undertaken. Seed-testing is always resorted to before finally preparing the seed-beds, as the quality of the s I at all times influences the density of sowing. In dealing with acorns, a trough half filled with water is used, and on emptying a reasonable quani ity of the seed into this receptacle, and stirring t he whole, the inferior acorns will immediately rise to the surface. A large proportion of such seed will germinate if sown ; but experience proves that the resulting plains do not attain youthful vigour to such a degree as the heavier seed, and should lie discarded. The vitality of other varieties is ascertained by simply cutting them open with a penknife. The appearance of pine-seed kernels is ofttimes deceptive, for whilst the desired milky substance is discernible at the first glance, closer examination reveals the existence of a small cavity between the shell and kernel —a state which generally accompanies seed-decay. A further test of germinative capacity can lie made by placing, say. two hundred seeds on a plate which has been covered with a piece of damp flannel. The plate should lie allotted a dark place, and care taken that the flannel retains its moisture. Irregular germination will eventuate from such an experiment when stale or immature seed has been used : lint on ((uniting the number which sprout, ii is possible to estimate fairly accurately what may I xpected m the general sowing. Preparation of Ground for Seed-sowing. Climatic conditions experienced at the three South Island nurseries are sufficiently favourable tor raising the hardier varieties oi timber trees, and in this connection it has been possible to adhere in a general working-system, which, however, receives slight, modifications according to the variations of the seasons. The ground selectee! for the raising of seedlings at each nursen is neither of an exceptionally rich nor damp nature, hut of fair fertility, moderately compact, well drained, and provided with a reasonable amount ol sheltei from the prevailing winds. It is also imperative that a fairly level surface lie available, otherwise, in all probability, the smaller seeds sown will lie washed away if subjected to a heavy fall of rain. Although our germinating-grounds have been specially selected, it occasionally happens that we are compelled through the presence of Ihe destructive bark-eating grass-grub (Odomtria lealandia) to confine the season's sowing operations to a less-culti-vated area, which has been previously utilized lor transplanting purposes: and in this case the amount of preliminary labour in connection with the preparation of ground is. of course, considerably increased. It is not always practicable to adhere ngidlv to any fixed method in transforming the surface-soil from its rough consolidated condii ion to a sufficiently line state for the reception of seeds : but the following procedure, very briefly described, possesses many advantages, and is generally adopted : — 1. Assuming that we are about to operate on virgin ground, the lirsl point of importance will be the removal of any heavy surlace vegetation, preferably by burning, after which the area should he trench-ploughed to a depth of aboul I I in. This first heavy plough-work (which Usually costs I 7s. (id. pci- acre) is generally undertaken by private contract in the late springtime, to permit of the ground becoming sufficiently settled to receive a second cross-ploughing before winter. 2. Previous to the second working, a light dressing of decayed stable manure is applied, and two small ploughs are then brought into requisition, the leading one taking the opening furrow to a depth of from 6 in. to 8 in., whilst the following plough (from which the mould-board has been removed) is directed over the same course, and stirs up tin- subsoil to a further depth of from \ in. to f> in. By this means the ground is thoroughly loosened some I 2 in. or I I in. deep, and the gradual incorporation of surface with subsoil is almost as effectually accomplished as by the old and less speedy trenching liv hand method.



3. By the advent of spring, through its lengthened exposure to air, moisture, and frosts, the upturned soils should be in a state of pulverization, although it is customary to again stir the whole thoroughly with a Planei Jr. cultivator, alter which a few strokes with the harrows should complete the initial process of preparation. Seed-sowing. Coniferae. Undoubtedly the most important and interesting item of labour connected with tin' nursery-work is the propagation by seed of the various species of Coniferae, which includes larch, pines, and spruces. This operation is generally carried out during the month of October, when sap is most active; l>ut as the actual Bowing of small seeds can only lie performed successfully in comparatively calm weather, frequent intermissions are not unusual. The arrangement of seed beds requires some little forethought. Although a casual observer is inclined to discredit the necessity of keeping lines of trees and beds straight and parallel, more intimate acquaintance with the work shows that the little extra labour thus entailed nol only im proves the appearance of the tree-raising station, but also promotes economy in the working of small blocks of ground. The seed-bed area having been measured a 1 each end. iron pegs are driven in the exact width of beds, which vary according to the size of frames being used. Between each seed-bed, which may be either 27 in.. -'(I in. 42 in., or 72 in. wide, an alleyway or path, for convenience in weeding, &C., is marked oil. measuring from 21 in. to 27 in. in width. Three or four light win- lines are then stretched across the block, and attached to corresponding pegs, after which the building of Ihe beds is com meiiced . Experience has shown that the rougher the nature of the soil being operated upon the greater the necessity in the first place of elevating the seed-beds, and as the soil lor this purpose is taken from the alleyways, a hollow remains, into which all lumps are drawn when raking is in progress. A light dressing of bonedusi or superphosphate, according to fertility and soil-requirements, is then applied to the beds in their rough stale and thoroughly incorporated with the soil by 1 he agency of small sixtoothed potato-drags, which also take the place of rakes in drawing off the larger stones and lumps of claw A perfectly tine and uniform surface is lastly prepared by the most skilled workers, who. after pushing and drawing the toothed side id' the rakes across the bed. and extracting any small pea-like lumps, reverse the tool, and conduct what is termed the final " back-raking." The bed should now be nearly an inch higher than the adjoining alleyways, and in readiness for sowing. To diretf the roller, the line is again connected at each end of the bed. and a wooden cylinder is drawn by two men (as shown in illustration). Four surface impressions, about 12 in. in width, are thus regularly formed. Several smaller sizes of similarly ((instructed contrivances are used, and are manipulated in precisely the same manner. Immediately the rolling - process has extended to the end of the " break" seed-sowjng is Commenced, and on the return journey the sowers precede the roller, which firmly presses the s I to the required depth. It may here be mentioned that the ground should not be in an absolutely dry condition, as in this slate it is impossible to imbed the seed with the desired lirmness. A certain amount of dampness is essential to insure success, although on no account should the work be attempted when the soil is in so moist a condition as to adhere to the working-tools. The firmly pressed seeds may now be covered with a composition of finely sifted soil. sand, and ashes, to whitji is added during the mixing-process a light dusting of bonedust. Thi' correct deptll for sowing varies according to the size of the seed, so that English birch (which is usually sown broadcast) receives merely sufficient top-dusting to keep it iv its place, whilst the heavier seed of. say. Pinus Benthamiana would require to be under the surface to a. depth of about J, in. Generally speaking, we adhere as nearly as possible to the recognized formula, and endeavour to effecl a uniform covering which will, on examination, disclose the seeds at a deptll of about one and a half times their own diameter. Density of sowing calls lor a few special remarks, although no attempt can be made here to introduce technical detail ,it any length. To regulate the desired crop, sowers must bear iv mind at Ihe outset the uerminat ing-ca pacily of the seed being operated with: ami this information is obtained by test inn , as previously mentioned. The larch-seeds when subjected to a test give mosl inconsistent results : one season perhaps 18 pel- cent, germinating, whilst in the ensuing year probably only one-sixth of this percentage may be reckoned upon. This fact alone will amply demonstrate how impossible it is to conform to any fixed rules regarding thickness in sowing. Included m tin' table apportioned hereto will be found an estimated average number ol seeds required for sowing over I square inch of ground. The voting seedlings are protected from birds and wind by covering (he beds with frames IS ft. long, and of various widths, the most convenient size being (> ft. wide. The sides are made of (i in. by I. 1 , in. black-pine or totara, and are secured by four cross pieces of | in. piping, which are then affixed to the sides by means of bored flanges. To give further rigidity to the frame, a piece of angle nun. ]}, in. by I in., is screwed to each end. and finally small J-in.-mesh netting is stapled over the top. It was generally conceded during the early stages of tree-raising in the southern nurseries that additional shelter would not be conducive to the health of seedlings, and would probably accelerate "damping oil"' the common fungus disorder which develops under moist and close atmospheres. crowding, and indifferent watering. Of recent years, however, all seed-frames have been covered with No. 0 scrim. 6 ft. wide (which may be purchased at a wholesale rate of about 2.1(1. per yard), without influencing the "damping oil'" In any extent. After the young plants have become well established. this covering is removed, and the gradual tilting of frames harden off seedlings sufficiently to permit of their being taken oil a few weeks later.



Hard/woods.— Raising of the hardwoods oak. ash, eyeamore, walnut, chestnut, &c. is a com* paratively easy matter when compared with the system adopted foe Coniferae, as already explained ; but, nevertheless, deep tillage is essential if successful results are to he anticipated. On roughly raking the whole length of the plot to lie sown to a width of about .'? ft., a line is tightly stretched and attached to pegs at each end. Along this line a uniform drill the exact width of the spade is formed, varying in depth according to the variety and size of the seed being sown. On completion of this drill, the seeds are deposited therein, and the surface-soil, which had by this time become hard through employees moving about, is thoroughly stirred up again by the aid of a one-horse Plane! cultivator. The Levelling-process is now repealed, and t lie line brought forward about "JO in., which provides lor an alleyway of about 12 in. in width between the drills. Again a drill is formed as before, and the soil removed therefrom is now used to cover the exposed seeds in the previously prepared drill. In the following table information is disclosed relative to the cost of the principal varieties of seed sown in the South Island nurseries, number of seedlings raised per pound, &c. Although results for some years past have been reviewed in arriving at these figures, and a fair average is presented, the inconsistency both of seed-vitality and variation in size renders the compilation of a thoroughly incontestible estimate impossible: —

Tending Seed-beds. As may In , expected, the greatest care and discretion must be employed in executing the various items of labour directly associated with the tending of forest plants up to the yearling stage. During the currency of a dry season occasional applications of water are necessary, and this is conducted by means of water-pipes, with conveniently situated standpipes. to which are attached hoses with finespray nozzles. In this connection, however, it is wiser to moisten the ground thoroughly at limited intervals than adopt a practice of almost incessant surface-watering, which experience proves nol only accelerates the formation of a hard, crusty surface, lint induces " daniping-off." The removal of weeds from among seedlings is generally repeated two or three times during the season, and is undertaken preferably when tin , ground is in a thoroughly moist condition. Small pocket-knives after the l'ainpa style are used, and by keeping a keen edge on them it is an easy matter to sever the weeds a little below the collar, without disturbing the seedlings. It is often advantageous to pull up gently by the spreading roots such weeds as sorrel after the young trees are well advanced. although the adoption of this method during the period of seed-germination would give rise to unquestionable failure. By February the young plants should be growing vigorously, and all scrim-covering may then be dispensed with. To minimize the risk of an abrupt cessation in the progress of seedlinggrowth, a simple " hardening-off " system is adhered to. Seed-frames are tilted up on one side, and held in that position by specially made bars or blocks of wood. A greater circulation of air is thus permitted to encompass the germinating-ground. and. after about a fortnight of such treatment (or early in March) the permanent removal and stacking of frames may be carried on with perfect safety. Wrenching. The success we ha\e achieved iii transplanting young pines, evergreens, and seedlings generally that produce lengthened tap-roots is attributed largely to a system of wrenching, which is performed by two employees, who are provided with specially sharpened spades, Each man stands on opposite sides of the drill being lifted, and by brisk foot-pressure drives the spade full depth at such an angle

Varietj cif Seed. ■« 'tlr fe r £gr -° m - """"' 1 jari\ Buropaefl leptofepia I'inus Laricio .. austriaca strobue .. ponderosa Benthamiana murkata.. radiata .. I'ircji ezoelsa sitchnisis Pseudo-tsuga taxifolia Kraxinns excelsior „ americanus Queicue pedunculate Kagus svlvatica Betula alba Juglana regia .. ('astanra vrsrn Veer pseudo-platanue saccharum 'Thuja plicata .. (lupreeHUB Lawsoniana Alnus glutinosa Kobhiia pseudo-acacia . . A verages s. rl. s.'Jd. 2 9j 72.:lOO 3,2 Id 1 , :W T, R, H Europe. g 8 98,800 3,800 2 fl 24 T :i :!.', 28,900 ' 8,400 0 5j IH T, R, H .■ill" 19,320 5,800 0 8 14 T, IS. H .. L2 5 21,620 1,200 10 4 lit T, R, H America. .. II 1.1 9,800 4,600 2 :!• 12 T, K. H , .. II 10 S.840 2,740 4 4] li T. R, H ! l.-> !t 24,260 8,300 I 10} 17 T. H New Zealand. :i ii ls.2.")(l li.8(Mi Oβ] II T. H 1 *!, 50,310 9,200 0 2| 2<l T. H Europe. . . I!) f 187,000 17.10(1 I l| 32 T. H .. V.i 7 37,320 3,900 3 -V; 18 T, K. H Amerioa. 14 8,260 1,500 0 lOl 5 T New Zealand. :i (i S..-)00 I.8OO 1 llj (i T America. 0 o. , . 120 90 o .->! I T. H New Zealand. 6 9 996 886 r> 3 3 T III r>00.000 1,200 0 5j 52 T, H. H (l ."">.', io 30 L3 LOj o. 1 , T il l<, 104 80 4 2 0| T 0 8" 4,890 l.iioo 0 •"> ii T 1 i> 5,376 5oo 0 !i 8 T America. 4 2 325,600 32,000 0 Ii 34 T New Zealand. 8 6 116,300 14,500 0 7" 20 T, H (I JO I 120.400 7,640 0 Ij ::i T. R, II 13 18,866 2.800 0 6j 12 T. H. H 6 8j (.7,098 .-),(i22 -2 3j I6j ... T — Tapanui N'uisn-> ; II Hanmer Springs ffursery; H Ranforl] Efunery.



as will cleanly cut the roots near the extremity. By a gentle leverage on the spade-handles the soil containing plants is slightly raised, and on withdrawing the tools the crevices formed on each side are closed by tramping. This operation is usually conducted in the early autumn, so that sufficient time is given plants to recuperate ; and transplantation is facilitated by the consequent formation of numerous fibrous rootlets in place of straight tap-roots. Lifting and Lining-out Seedlings. As the nurseries at Tapanui, Ranfurly, and Sanmer Springs transfer an approximate 3,750,000 seedlings annually from beds to nursery-lines, it will lie readily understood that the handling of this large number during the months of September and October by thirty-six employees requires to Iμ , (■(inducted with as little delay as possible. Through the winter and early spring months the lifting of young plants is steadily carried out. and if it is possible to complete this labour during the dormant season of vegetation, so much the better, as the roots of plants invariably suffer when exposed to air after the sap lias become active. Various rudimentary principles are generally acknowledged in dealing with the different kinds of trees raised, hut the precise method chosen is regulated according to the vigour of seedlings. Such trees 38 larch. Oregon pine. oak. sycamore, walnut, chestnut, alder, ash, and some of the quick-growing pines Pinus insignia, Pinus muricata, Pimu Torreyana, Pinus Benthamiama are usually transplanted into lines when one year old, whilst it is customary to allow the less speedy growers — Pinus Larieio, P. strdbka, P. austrioca, Picea exceha, I', sitchenais- an additional year's development in beds before lifting. Assuming that we are about to deal with a bed of larch : Ordinary digging-forks are used to loosen the trees, which are subsequently pulled up evenly, deposited carefully into shallow boxes, and conveyed to the sizing-shed— a building fitted lip with benches, puddle-tubs. &c., for the convenient handling of trees. The classification or si/.ing-work is now undertaken, and each workman is able to sort out and arrange ill two or three sizes between 20.(MX) and :SO.IMK) plants daily. This treatment is followed by a light root-trimming with ordinary sheep-shears, and the young trees are then immersed in a liquid composition of soil, cow-manure, and water of the consistency of thin paste, which affords protection to rootlets against wind and sun. Although the puddling-process is exceedingly simple. faulty uneven work is always revealed by the speedy withering of seedlings. The uniformity generally of pine-beds renders the sizing of these conifer seedlings more simple, and in many cases it is advantageous to lift. trim, and puddle them direct from the germinating-ground without any classifying. Success in lining-oul operations cannot reasonably be anticipated unless every precaution is taken to proteel tin plant-roots from the drying influence of sun and wind ; and on completion of the sizingwork. all seedlings are placed thickly in small trenches, care being taken to cover the roots thoroughly with tine soil, which is then lightly tramped. By this " heeling-in " process the seedlings not only retain a well-preserved state until required for transplanting, but are more easily handled by planters. Having indicated the methods adopted in dealing with the young plants up to the "lining-out " stage, it is desirable now to briefly describe the manner in which the transplanting is conducted. In a well-regulated system of tree-raising, provision should not only be made for the rotation of crops, but transplanting-compart incuts should be permitted to lie fallow periodically- say. once in every three or four years and occasionally receive a dressing of lime or other suitable fertilizer. The cultivating of an oat or clover crop up to a certain stage and then ploughing under is also an effective way of restoring soil-fertility ; but of late years the increased number of grass-grubs in the ground immediately after a green crop has been turned under made it imperative to dispense with this custom. Before commencing " lining-out " operations, it is a wise policy to test the working-depth of ground, which should be in a perfectly free state for at least 12 in. or 14 in. below the surface. Assuming that we are about to plant an area .'i chains long by 2J chains wide (an averaged-sized " break "). the first point of importance is the digging of two spade trenches from end to end. on the extreme outer edges of the " break." A W'iard hillside plough, drawn by two horses, is then introduced, and being fitted with a swinging reversible mould-board is able to work backwards and forwards along the one side, stirring the soil to a double depth of about 12 in., until a sufficient width has been ploughed. The workmen whose duties consist of levelling the ground then come along the plough-furrow, and. by brisk movements to and fro with light potato-drags, quickly form a fine uniform surface. The ploughman and levellers now move to the other side of the " break," and similarly prepare the ground, whilst each planter (who is supplied with a bricklayer's trowel and canvas bag lor holding trees) takes his allotted place along the line in readiness for planting. A light No. 12 gauge wire is now stretched over the prepared surface from end to end. and. on being tightened by a specially designed strainingmachine, is sighted by the leading planter. It is often necessary for one of the experienced workers to " spring" the wire before perfect straightnees is attained, after which each planter pegs down the line with the iron pin provided, and proceeds to plant. The distance between seedlings in nursery lines varies slightly according to the age and strength of the plants, although, after much experimenting, we find that not only is the tending of the lined-out trees facilitated by medium planting of loin, between the lines, with plants about 2£ in. apart, but sturdier trees, possessing good leaders and protecting lateral branches, are produced. It will thus be seen that we are able to transplant about 246,000 seedlings on an acre of ground, after due allowances for borders and centre alleyway are made. Amongst the varieties that develop sufficiently for transference to plantations when two years old may be mentioned larch, Oregon pine. oak. ash, sycamore, birch, alder, acacia, Pimu rodiata, P. muricata ; whilst an additional year's growth in nursery is usually allowed the slower-growing spruce fir, Sitka spruce, Pinus Laricio, P. austriaca, P. strobus, P. ponderosn. The adoption of a general planting rule is not rigidly adhered to in connection with the latter-mentioned trees, for a 1



both ETanmer Springs and Ranfurly Nurseries yearling pines are lined out most successfully, and permitted to occupy the same position for two years; whilst a 1 Tapanui Nursery greater success is attained by transplanting two-year-old seedlings, and allowing only one season for development before permaneni removal. Seedlings arc conveyed in shallow boxes direct bom the " heeling-in " quarter io ihe planting-ground, and placed in convenieni positions there. Every effori is made to conduct the lining-OUt work with workmen who have previously had special training, as some time must elapse before a casual worker becomes proficient or smart enough to hold his own along tin- line. The planter, after putting a sufficient number of t ices in his bag (which is strapped round the waist) to complete his " break," firmly grasps the trowel with one hand, whilst with tl ther he separates about hall a dozen plants. Then, assuming as comfortable a position as possible, with the right loot well hack into the trench, he thrusts his trowel deeply into the ground, the left edge touching the line, and the right aliout j in. further out. A vertical crevice for the reception of the tree is then formed l>v the operator simply drawing the trowel towards him. and into which the tree is quickly placed, as near the line as possible. Briskly withdrawing the trowel, it i< again utilized in pushing a little soil against the plant, and the operation is completed by the application of Tool-pressure to the base of the young tree. 'The next plant is similarly dealt with at aliout :M in. distant : and the planter, working line to the light, continues in this manner until his allotted " break " is finished. The arrangement of the planting and ground-preparation gangs is so effected that one keeps the other Steadily occupied. After completing the planting of one line, a width of about I ft. is ploughed and levelled, and the line again brought forward 10 in. The number of plants lined out per man daily depends to some extent upon the nature of the soil worked. It is. however, not unreasonable to exped a trained stall' of planters to handle between B,(MK) and IK.OOO plants each in a day of eight hours, although this does noi include the preparation of ground. In the plant-sorting operation a small percentagejof undeveloped seedlings generally remain, and these are lined in closely. The plants arc placed about j in. apart, in lines 10 in. between : but as the resulting trees mostly develop into unsatisfactory, spindly specimens, which rarely succeed when planted permanently m exposed situations, the lining-in treatment is discarded as much as possible. There is no doubt that the unnecessary crowding of plants in nurseries is often conducive to badly ripened wood, and consequent failure in operating with even the hardier varieties, Tending Transplanted Trees. Climatic conditions influence largely the extent of work necessary in keeping the nursery free from weeds and the surface-soil in an open state. The drier the season the less the expense essential in keeping the " breaks" of trees in good order. Dutch-hoeing between the , lines is resorted to some few weeks .liter the transplanting-labour is completed. This has the effect of breaking the surfacecrust, and paves the way for the later machine-hoeing. The manipulation of the small Planet wheelhoe is extremely simple, and requires but little explanation here. The machine is lifted with six cultivator-teeth. I in. in width, three of which stir up the soil between each line. On fastening to the arch a light rope with handle-bar attachment, a workman is able to steadily draw the hoe all day without feeling the least fatigue. The hoe follows precisely the same course as the man in front- viz.. straddling the line of trees : bin the guiding of the machine is done by another workman, who firmly holds the handles, and walks along the last cultivated row, so that on the return journey his footprints are obliterated. The suppression of weed-growth close to young trees cannot be accomplished by the wheel-hoe method, as in attempting to run the cultivator-teeth very closely to the lines there is a decided risk of disturbing the root-system of the growing plants, with disast roils results, lland-w ling is thus resorted to. Employees are provided with small weeding-forks, an;l in a kneeling position extract by the roots all foreign weed-growth principally sorrel, spurrey-weed. and shepherd's purse which is deposited in rows about six lines apart. The weeds thus accumulated are then drawn into heaps and removed preferably by means of a hand-barrow. Although in past years we have successfully omitted the early autumn ■■wrenching" process when the season's growth has matured early, there can be no question that checking the progress of late-growing evergreen and deciduous trees is helpful in bringing about the desired hardening-off state so necessary in tree-growing when carried on in districts where severe winters are experienced. Lifting ami bundling Trees k<>r Transference to Plantations. The distribution to State plantations, domains. Sc, of an approximate 3,120,000 trees annually from the nurseries at Tapamii. Ranfurly, and Ila inner Springs necessitates bre< lifting being commenced immediately the season's growth has matured. We endeavour to make a start towards the latter part of April, but perhaps the presence of autumnal foliage on larch, rowan, or birch offers the most accurate guide as to how early the removal of trees may be undertaken. The systems adopted in treelifting from nursery lines vary somewhat, for whilst one man may conduct the actual spade-lifting of small two-year-old trees, a, correspondingly increased cost and labour are involved when dealing with more advanced stock. It is essential, however, that all trees must be loosened to such aii extent thai no mutilation of roots will eventuate when " pulling-up "is being undertaken. The lifting of a line of medium-sized trees is expeditiously carried out by two workmen, who inserl their sharpened spades on each side of the trees, some "> in. distant. On applying simultaneous foot-pressure tin- spades are driven down until they almost touch, cleanly cutting all roots 'hat come into contact. Alter this treatment has been applied to several lines, a workman follows up the lifters, pulling up and counting into twenty-fives nil well-developed trees. The employee in charge of the tying operation, having previously prepared a number i.l flax strips of required thickness and Length, fastens ;■. tie around each bundle, just above the collar. Bundles secured in this mann< t are then removed by hand-cart to the end of the " break." where they undergo a final root-trimming and puddling process. Tree-roots



are shortened so that there is ao liability of cramping when permanent planting is in progress, whilst the immersion in a puddle of soil and water lias the far-reaching effect of protecting the root-system from exposure, generally so unavoidable during transit. All bundles arc now temporarily heeled in. and if the soil be well firmed, the transferee I trees to plantation may be delayed for a month or more without risk being incurred. Poorly-developed trees, or those possessing double Leaders, should now be pulled up and carted to the sizing-shed, where removal of superfluous shoots and final classifying is conducted. Undergrown trees are usually put aside, and eventually lined out again ; but malformed specimens are ai once rejected and committed to the rubbish-heap for conversion into ashes. Of course, it is not always possible or desirable to carry out the bnndling-work on any fixed principle—for instance, when large-sized trees are being dealt with the bundles cannot be securely fastened with one tie only. The shorteningin of lateral branches is also a necessary labour with some varieties, and attention to details of this kind before transferring trees from the nursery considerably reduces the Future maintenance item of expense. Transport of Trees. Local plantations are connected with each tree-raising station, and the transportation of trees —which is effected by specially constructed hooded wagons, each with a maximum carrying-capacity of 30 cwt. —presents no difficulties. The proximity of the Hanmer Springs Plantation, to the district nursery (between two and three miles) permits of two trips daily being made when circumstances warrant. Our Otago stations, however, are not so fortunate in possessing suitable adjacent planting areas, and the return wagon journey in each case occupies a full day. The ground at present being operated upon at Naseby is situated about nine miles from the associated nursery at Ranfurly, whilst the distance between Conical Hills Plantation and Tapanui Nursery is recognized as thirteen miles by road. Perhaps the most arduous journey is the latter-mentioned one. during which the negotiation of several steep inclines make it compulsory to work a five-horse team. In loading the trees from the nursery trenches to the wagon, all bundles are counted and recorded in a duplicate delivery-book, which is taken by the driver, and duly handed to the receiving Forester for acknowledgment and recepit. Visitors frequently show curiosity with regard to the number of trees delivered in one wagon-load. When one considers the difference in size and weight between bundles of various trees grown, credence must be given to the fact that three-year-old oak are frequently six times more bidky, and therefore require a correspondingly greater amount of cartage than pines of the same age. As many as 100,000 small two-year-old larch and pines have been conveyed to the planting-ground in one load, whilst, on the other hand. 7.000 oak have at times constituted a still heavier load. It is somewhat difficult to determine accurately what number forms an average wagon-loud of trees of an approximate 25 cwt., but based on the past season's carting, the number works out at 2!).(K)0, and the transport cost at 6fd. per 1,000 trees. In cases where railing or shipping of plants is inevitable, a totally different packing course is followed. The deciduous and hardier trees are encased in a covering of wheat straw, and made up into the familiar bottle-shaped bundles, although the inclination to ''heating" of pines and other evergreens make it a wiser policy to use crates or partially latticed cases when dealing with these varieties. Fencing Areas acquired for Tree-planting. The presence of rabbits and hares in each district where planting operations are being carried out make it absolutely necessary to enclose each area by a combined stock- and rabbit-proof fence, .'{ft. i) in. to 4 ft. in height. The requirements of no two districts are exactly similar, and the type of fence constructed, of course, varies. At Conical Hills and Naseby Plantations kowhai posts are erected a chain apart, with seven divisional standards. Three plain wires make an excellent support to the 42 in. wire netting, which is securely let into the ground to a depth of 6in. The rigidity and stock-resisting character of the fence is much increased by one and sometimes two barb wires being fixed near the top. Miles of this class of fencing have been constructed at an average cost of £1 6s. (id. per chain. At one period so troublesome were the hares at Naseby Plantation through gaining access to the planted area by jumping that an additional attachment to the top of the original fence of one-half width of netting was necessary before an effective barrier was created. There being no liability to the ingress of cattle at Hanmer Springs, the height of the divisional fences was accordingly reduced, and barb wire was not required. Angle iron (ljin. by ljin.) also proved a worthy substitute for posts at this station, and. being much lighter and less bulky, the carriage expenses wen' considerably curtailed. Extermination of Ground-game. Precautionary measures having been taken against the further entry of rabbits, the extermination of the pesl may now be commenced in the enclosure. To Facilitate the eradioating-work, large areas are subdivided into blocks of aboul 500 acres by temporary netting Fences, which are dismantled and re-erected as occasion requires. On a plantation staff we generally include an expert rabbiter, who, with his dogs, ferrets, and traps, is fully occupied until the area is clear. Periodically, phosphorized pollard is laid; but, although occasionally successful results issue from this practice, it is mostly the young rabbits thai tall a prey to the poison. A Suddeth fumigating-machine for pumping carbonbisulphide fumes into the burrows is also used, but this method is only satisfactory when the ground is

•3—C. Ib.



(if a clayey composition, as in operating the fumigator on sandy 01 gravelly soils the poisonous gas escapee, 01 else an insufficient amouni penetrates the boles to complete the asphyxiation of the rabbits. Absolutely the most effective mode of ridding any enclosures of the peel is to trap continually, and systematically dig oul burrows arid under-runners. An occasional " drive " by the full strength of the gang is often the means of cornering a number of hares, which are thus easily caughi by greyhounds or shot by aimed members of the hunting party. The enforcemeni of these stringent measures to extirpate such ground-game before the commencenlent of planting is occasionally referred to lightly by those unaware of the immense amouni of damage resulting Erom the presence of the pest. Although the ravages of both hares and rabbits are not at all restricted to any special period of the year, perhaps during frosty weather, or immediately following a fall of snow, when the young tree-tops become very conspicuous, the injury created is greatest. Tin' destructive animals appea] to lie more partial to larch and ash. and the various pines also rarely escape ihe injury of having their leaders bitten off: by the judicious cutting-back to ground-surface of such injured deciduous trees as ash. oak. and sycamore, and subsequent disbudding when the young shoots make their appearance, it i.- possible bo effect a remedy. Imt with larch or pines the result of such treatment is more problematical, and these varieties rarely respond in the manner desired to any such artificial measures. Although the amouni of damage occasioned by the entry of both tin , red and fallow deer into our southernmost plantations has not. so far, been extensive, there is not the slightest doubt l>lll that wholesale destruction to young trees would eventuate if the animals were allowed to remain in the enclosures lot any Length of time. Formation ok Fire-breaks. Perhaps fire-prevention is one of the most difficult problems attached to our afforestation-work. Notwithstanding our experience of one or two conflagrations of a mor< or less serious nature, any person sufficiently interested to fully examine the method adopted for guarding against the ingress or spread of fires will realize tin , immense amount of labour done in this direction. Continental ideas are freely introduced as far as the actual lire-break allocations are concerned, and our system cannot in justice be denounced because a conflagration originates amongst the trees through carelessness or mishap by perhaps a, visitor. Through the presence of rank fern and tussock lergrowth up t ertain stage, a, continual source of danger is apparent ; but with the advancement of trees a canopy is formed, and the eventuating shade soon kills out all undergrowth. The fern. tutu, and other vegetation is then rapidly converted into moisture-retaining bumus, and the risk of surface fires from this stage is considerably minimized. If the planting-ground possesses a fairly even surface, blocks of about 300 acres are intersected Iα Inclines from I to '2 chains in width, although in hilly country every effort is made to locate (he lire breaks on the leading ridges, so that equal advantage of combating any outbreak may be gained, no matter from which quartei the wind, is blowing. The formation of roads for vehicular traffic is also undertaken in the centre of fire-breaks, although where the gradient makes haulage impossible deviations are made to one side or the other. Another safeguard, and perhaps the most important, is the boundary fire-break, which is usually half a chain in width, and follows as nearly as possible tin , fence-line. Along Ihe interior of this outer break, or fringing the plantation, two or more rows of the partially lire resist ing English birch are planted, and by keeping the surface free from inflammable vegetation by ploughing or cultivating, any encroaching giass-lires may be easily suppressed before any damage is done. The internal firebreak course being decided upon, a heavy double-furrow plough drawn by live horses is then requisite d. and by gathering the furrows to the centre, and gradually working to the desired width, a serviceable road-crown is thus made, in addition to the preliminary labour connected with fire-barrier formation. Either ploughing, discing, cultivating, or harrowing fire-breaks is commenced towards the latter pan of spring, after the. transport of trees from nurseries is completed : this gives ample time to finish all horsework before the grass reaches the seed ing-stage. A constant vigilance Eor any out break of lire during the summer mont hs is maintain! d by the adopt ion of a, eyetem of patrol dut v, which is undertaken on holidays and Sundays by any one employee. The annual expense thus incurred is only trilling, but with such precaution a feeling of greater security exists amongst responsible officers of plantations. In conspicuous places lire-notices are erected, and serve to warn persons frequenting the locality of the danger associated with the lighting of fires and of the penalty enforced should any outbreak extend to the planted reserve. It may be interesting to mention that throughout the South Island plantations thirty-six miles of combined roads and fire-breaks, averaging 50ft. in width, arc cultivated annually, and the expenditure attached to this item alone reaches £138 per annum. When one considers that over 218 acres are actually ploughed and cultivated in this maintenance and formation labour, the amount per acre 12s. Bd. will appear to be a perfectly reasonable figure. There is. however, every reason to anticipate that in tin near future we shall not require to be burdened with this liie-bieak labour, as the conversion of our present internal lanes into giazing-areas, and judiciously stocking them with sheep, should bring about equally effective results. Clearing and Draining. Much importance must be attributed to the preliminary clearing-work, as the thorough removal of ma 11 ilka scrub, fern, tutu, dan thorn a gra.s,s. etc.. by cutting and burning not only facilitates pitting and planting operations, bill influences to some extent the amount ol subsequent maintenance work-. If


View of Portion of Rotorua Nursery.

Fare page IS.]

Lifting, bundling, trimming, puddling, and heeling in Larch.


Preparation of Seed-beds and Seed-sowing, Tapanui.

Larch and Birch growing on Dredged Tailings, Waitahuna Plantation.



a clear surface has been attained by cutting and burning, the probability of the tender tree-leaders becoming interfered with by strong surrounding vegetation is more remote, although in sheltered gullies fern re-establishes itself with amazing rapidity. Much discretion requires to be exercised in firing tussock country, and this work is usually conducted when a full emergency gang is available. In sheltered gullies, where vegetation is generally mosi luxuriant, burning is preceded by mowing with short stout scythes or sickles. Draining to any considerable extent has nut. up to the present, been undertaken in any of the plantations, simply because of the limited amouni of swampy ground available, together with the measure of success thai has attended the introduction of such trees as alder and poplars to wei lowlying situations, it has been found imperative, however, to occasionally form ditches to carry off excessive surface water; but, with the establishment of trees, the functions of these ditches become disorganized by roots and fallen leaves. Much benefil is sometimes derived from judiciously formed open side drains on steep hillside-, thai are partially destitute of vegetation, as such a precaution greatly relieves the consequeni erosion when planting operations aTe in progress. Pitting fob Tbee-planting. .Much diversity of opinion exists as to which method of preparing pits for the reception of trees combines the desired economy with successful results. It would, however, be purely speculative to saj thai any particular system could be advantageously adopted under any conditions whatever ; and we accordingly endeavour to direct the pitting-work by whichever met hod may be most suitably applied to the surface-conditions of ground being operated upon. The following four distinct processes of ground preparation are recognized, each one meriting its adoption as circumstances demand: (I) Spade-pitting, (2) grubber-pitting, (3) scuffling ground (or " spotting '"). (4) hole-boring. The first method is generally employed where the ground is easily worked, and either a No. 2 or No.:! Black's spade may be used. All vegetation is cleared over a surface of 12 in. to 14 in. square, and I lie hole, measuring >< in. square and lo in. deep, with t he front side sloped in such a manner as to reduce the bottom space of pit. is prepared in the centre. Where the soil is lighi it is customary to merely reverse the sod in the pit ; but. when dealing with ground of a more argillaceous composition, the contents of the hole arc placed on the front edge of the pit. where the action of rain and frosts reduces it to a pulverized and otherwise favourable state for placing againsi the tree-roots. In the early stages of our affoiestafion-work" slightly more than CI His. per thousand, was paid for pil making ; but we are now able to ca.irv on precisely similar work at ">o per cent, cheaper rate. In the second method a grubber-pick is used. A eurface-clearing is made, as before mentioned. by a well-directed blow oi two with the tool, after which a of 12 in. by '■• in. is worked up roughlj to a. depth of about 10 in., and allowed to remain in this state until Ihe planting season arrives. Such pronounced success has attended, repeated trials oi this mode of pitting that ii is now being almost exclusively adopted at the South Island plantations. No difficulty is experienced in getting employees to undertake the grubber-pitting at 12s. (id. per I*ooo, and at this rate an average wage of about Ks. per day is earned individually. In operating on light, porous, or gravelly soils with small plants, scuffling ground (or " spotting ") is frequently resorted to with fair results. This work ((insists of clearing a small space I:! in. square. either with a spade or mattock, and is carried on by (lav-labour at Bs. lid. per thousand. As the " spotting " is inseparable from slit or bar-planting, much discretion must be exercised in selecting only the most favoured situations fm this mode of pitting, and even then equal success with the previously explained system cannot rationally be anticipated, as uo matter how carefully a plant is inserted in the ere vice formed by the planting-bai or spade, the roots invariably assume a cramped, unnatural position. During the past yeai the successful manipulation in Germany and Austria of an ingeniously eon trived hole-boring machine for tree-planting induced the Department to import one. and although we have not yet worked the Rohrwieser Hollow Borer to any greal extent, our operators should, on becoming more familiar with the use of the machine, be able to a thousand holes per day on suitable ground. The borer, which is purely a slit cylindrical auger, enters the ground by means of a rotary cutting motion, and by the application of a steady revolving pressure is forced to a desired depth. On withdrawing the machine a reversible Iwist of the handle-attachment enables the operator lo deposit the soil near (lie plant hole, which has a diameter of almost I in. Planting by ihis system is scarcely practicable where coarse vegetation exists: but a, season's experimenting should enable officers to state with every degree of ceitainty the desirability of introducing the machine into the plantations generally. Absolute straightness i:i lines of trees is not at all essential, although general uniformity is aimed at. Of the two methods at present employed lor keeping lines of pits straight, perhaps sighting by mean? of poles possesses most advantages. A sighting-rod, which is usually about ."> It. long, and painted black and white alternately, is set up at each end of the planting " break," and between these rods, directly in line, another sighter or two are placed. Pacing the poles from the low-est end of the line the workman keeps at least two sighters before him, and on completion of each pit advances 4ft., and again places his spade in line with the poles. This order continues until the required length is pitted. On fairly level ground it is possible to run the lilies absolutely parallel by using a square at each end. but when operating on rough undulating country .such accurate pitting is not attainable. On completion of the lirst line of pits, the rods ate shifted over Bft., sighted again, and holes prepared immediately opposite those in the lirst line. We are now able to ma.rk out the intervening line along which the pits are made, half-way between those in the first and third lines. An employee quickly becomes adept in sighting and spacing, and although a measuring-stick is sometimes carried, the pit-


maker is able to measure correctly with his spade, to whioh an allowance of an additional '.I in. gives him the usiiiil planting-space I It. At ETanmer Springs (where prison labour is employed) a specially designed pitting-line has been used for some years, and very accurate work is performed, even by int.illv inexperienced men. Some 7(1 or 80 links. I ft. in length, are constructed from No. 16 gauge wire, and jointed together. On this line being stretched across the pitting ground in bhe desired direction, si mined, and finally made secure .it both ends, each prisoner takes his allotted place, and opens a similar number of pits immediately opposite the link-joints, after which the line is broughi forward 4ft., set parallel to the preceding one, and again pegged in readiness for pitting. Care is taken to have pits opposite each other in every other line. The daily number of spade-pits prepared individually by prisoners depends to a greal extent upon the class of ground being afforested. On light easily worked soils as many ac 700 each have been made in a day of eighi hours ; whilst on ground of a hard gravelly nature a similar amount of energy will be required to form 350 holes. Tree-planting Methods and Climatic [nfluencbs. Before expressing definitely the recognized most suitable time for tree-planting, attention mighi lie directed to the effect upon which our changeable climate has in the matter. In certain seasons abundance of moisture is available from the time of planting onwards, and prospects of success are siill further enhanced by the prevalence of a comparatively mild yel moist winter. Under these conditions the losses in plant ing-out rarely exceed 4 per cent., although when a severe winter is followed by almost persistent winds and a prolonged absence of moisture, it is not unusual bo record as high an 8 per cent, in transplantation failures. Without a iloulit greater problems have to lie faced in conducting our work in Central Otago. (•wing to the severity of winter frosts (on one occasion the thermometer registering as low as I i degrees Fahr. below zero), which are at times responsible for completely lifting newly planted trees out of the ground, we endeavour to commence the planting-work at Naseby about the early part of August, by which time the surface-soil is relieved of Erost. The conditions obtaining a 1 Ta.panui and Hanmer Springs Plantations are. Eortunately, much milder, and actual planting is often entered upon before tin , end of April, and continued with occasional intermissions until the beginning of October, during which period between two and a half and three million Eoresl trees are planted out. The mode of preparing pits having already been alluded to. a. few brief remarks will be sufficient to explain the planting in operation. Where practicable a light spring dray is used to convey trees from the temporary depots to the planters ; but the hilly and otherwise rough nature of a. great proportion ol the ground being planted makes it necessary to employ a packhorse, which, with heavy woven baskets, urn iach side of I he saddle, is able to distribute from conveniently arranged trenches a sufficient number of lives to keep from fifteen to twenty planters fully occupied. • By keeping a, record of trees thus dealt out. the employee in charge of the packhorse or dray is able to check tin' number of trees planted daily. Kor earning trees, canvas bags, 17 in. long and I 1 in. wide, with shoulder-straps, have given most satisfaction. Although tree-planting was m former years earned on by two operators (one holding the plants and the other oeing the spade), the equally effective and certainly more economical method of single planting is now employed. The adherence to the following points, as a rule, is maintained, although at times deviations are both necessary and desirable. Assuming thai tree-planting is being carried out in grubber-pits :By a well-directed blow or two with tin , spade an upright back is formed on the side away from the prevailing wind, and on withdrawing the soil a sufficiently deep crevice is opened to comfortably insert the roots of the trees straight down. The planter—holding the young tree in one hand, with its root collar on a. line with the ground-surface- presses the most pulverized soil available against the roots. and by applying foot-pressure makes the young trees perfectly firm, and more able to withstand the injurious effects of high winds. Ai each plantation this class of planting is carried on by day-labour, at an average cost of LOs. sd. per thousand, each man being able to plant from 700 to 800 daily without undue exertion. At Conical Hills Plantation, where rough Steep hillsides are being afforested, over a million trees were planted by contract last season under this system at 12s. (id. per thousand. Specially careful supervision is essential during the progress of any contract-work, although the result of the experiment justifies iis repetition. Spade-pit planting has been principally carried on at Otago Central and Hanmer Springs I'lantafions. and al the latter station the prisoners connected ol'ttimes make excellent planting-tallies. which, under fair conditions, not infrequently reach 800 per man daily. It invariably happens, in operating over large areas of ground, that small portions of a light or stony nature are encountered. The " notching" or "bar-planting" methods, which are ihe cheapest forms of planting recognized by officers, are then frequently introduced with advantage. A planting bar, which is about 5 ft. in length, weighs 8i lb. The handle is made of fin. gas-piping, to which is welded a wedge-shaped steel-pointed foot 10 in. long and -tin. across the top. tapering to 2 in. at the extremity. In manipulating the bar on scuffled spots prepared, the operator, by two or three driving movements, forces the tool into the ground some i) in. deep, and by working the handle backwards and forwards a crevice is formed, into which the young plant is thrust. The opening is then closed by again driving the bar into the ground a, couple of inches distant, and prizing the soil towards the plant. In computing the average cost of dealing with trees by this or the similar spade-notching—about Bs. 6d. per thousand- allowance must be made for the rough nature of tin , surface generally associated with dibbling and notching work. Failures in transplanting by bar are often traced to the omission of the necessary final heel-firming, without which no great success in any method will be realized.




Planting-systems adopted. The impossibility <il explaining thoroughly in the limited space available the planting-systems in vogue and ultimate results anticipated will perhaps be appareni to lenders. Touching lightly ou a subject of almost paramount importance in tree-growing for profit lias, too, a tendency to ((infuse iviiher than educate one desirous of receiving a general idea of how the work is being conducted. li is. however, desirable to make a lew abbreviated references to our present position, without dwelling too freely on the more speculative future of thinning, under-planting, felling, and timber-utilization. By judicious blending of our practical knowledge of the requirements of the country, extending over fifteen years, with advanced continental practices, it is not a very difficult matter to determine appropriate modes of associating various trees in plantations. Adverse criticism on some of our earlier experimental labour is occasionally uttered by persons who evidently fail to realize thai without such experiments a suitable general working-basis would never lie arrived at. Much knowledge has been gained regarding association of trees and afforestationwork in the various stages by private planters, who do nol hesitate to diffuse any information solicited by the departmental officers, and in this way also help to lighten the experimental work. No matter from what point of view the study of planting-SYStems is taken, high forest stands out pre eminent in beine. specially adapted here for the raising of timber of a desired marketable size. This high-forest system, which may be arrived at by a judicious mixture of varieties suitable for the existing soil and climatic conditions, or by planting suitable light-demanding varieties pure, and eventually introducing shade-enduring species alter thinning has been commenced, is now being adhered to. In the first place, close planting is absolutely necessary lor ground-protection, and the inducement of Straighi branchless boles. Certain varieties exhibit greater tendencies to produce strong lateral branches such as Cupressus macroearpa and uaturally these varieties should be confined to an unusually small growing-space about .'Sit. apart. On the other hand, the forceful nature of the leaders of eucalypti make it possible to attain equally satisfactory results by planting these as much as (i ft. between each tree. The light-demanding Larix europaea constitutes one of the most important varieties at present being grown. It is easily raised and transplanted, and up to quite recently has shown decided partiality to all tried situations. Most writers affirm that the growing of a thoroughly healthy crop of larch is a sylvicultural impossibility, owing to its susceptibility to a fungoid disease. There is no doubt that in mixed planting the liability to disease is more remote : but repeated experiments in associating larch in their youth with other trees of commercial value have clearly indicated the undesirability of substituting our present pure-planting for any mixed system. At the present time larch is planted at 4 ft. apart, and we anticipate being able to conduct the first thinning operations which will merely consist in removing the dominated or suppressed trees —when plantations are from fifteen to twenty years old. From that time onward periodical thinnings will be undertaken, and be followed by the gradual introduction of shade-bearing species of the Oregon pine or Thuja plicala types. Such trees as Picea exoeiea, Picea sitchensis, Pseudo-tsuga taxifoUa, Fraxinus excelsior, Quercus pedunculata, PmuB auMriaca, Pinus l.<iri<i<>. Pinus ponderosa, and Pinus *tr<>l>us have been planted pure in suitable localities; but in the cases of the thinly foliaged trees underplanting will subsequently have to be resorted to. Several large compartments have been filled with a mixture of English ash and spruce fir, and although both varieties have proved intensely slow growers in their youth, where the soil is of good fertility a uniform progress is being maintained. For the ultimate crop Pinus ponderosa is being nursed by Pinus Laricio, and both species are keeping well together. The yellow-pine, however, being the most valuable tree lor succeeding under adverse conditions, is generally allotted the more exposed rocky situations where pure planting is followed. The Department has practically ceased raising the. undesirable Acer pseudo-platanus and Acer saocha/rum, both of which have proved to be utterly unsuitable for planting, even on semi-sheltered hillsides. In several deep gullies sycamore are making excellent progress ; but as the more valuable ash also thrives under these conditions, the latter tree is now receiving preference. The swaying influence of winds on trees becomes more pronounced the higher the altitude. Although we endeavour to partially restrain this ill effect by planting double lines of fast-growing shelter-trees — Pinus insignia or Pinus muricata —where practicable, little or no assistance in this direction can be rendered those trees occupying positions upon steep exposed hillsides. Labour and Supervision. The raising of about three million trees and afforestation of 1,025 acres annually, together with the allied maintenance-labour in pruning, &c, the previously planted 3,612 acres, involves an outlay of some £7.670. and provides employment throughout the year for an average number of sixty-four men. These figures, however, do not include prison labour, which is confined to the Haimier Springs station, where the hearty co-operation of the Justice Department is responsible for tin , substantial saving effected in dealing with the permanent planting-work there. After due allowance is made for domestic and camp-maintenance duties, about ten prisoners are available, and the annual value of their treeplanting work may be computed at £57 per man. The total expenditure thus devoted to afforestation in the South Island section may be more accurately set down at £8.067. Although the Hanmer Springs tree-planting camp is a comparatively small one when compared with similar institutions in the North Island, equally satisfactory results are attained. Naturally, the amount of labour performed varies according to the nature of the ground being operated upon, and it would indeed be decidedly unfair to expect our llamner Springs workers to prepare daily on the existing hard gravelly surface a corresponding number of pits to those working on light pumice lands.



Both nursery and plantation free employees are paid at the rate of from 7s. to 9s. per day, according to length of eervice and abilities : whilst from a general return recently drafted ii was ascertained thai contractors in executing the various works earned an average of slightly over Bs. per day individually. This reveals a decided advance m the rate of wages paid by the Departmeni since the initiation of the present afforestation scheme come fifteen years ago, when tree-planters were available a 1 from 6s. to 7s. per day. By the inclusion on the staff of one or two men skilled in carpentry, borse-shoeing, blacksmithing, and saddlery-work much time is saved, besides providing steady employment to those who would otherwise be idle through wet weather. As a rule, very little difficulty is experienced in securing the desired number of tree-planters, although during the harvesting and shearing periods specially attractive offers from farmers occasionally induce our employees to temporarily leave the service of t h< , Depart ment. only to find on again making application thai the vacancy thus created has been filled. The arrangement of controlling the technical work at each station may be briefly described as follows: At each plantation a foreman is appointed, and is made responsible to the local Nurseryman in charge for work- carried on. By periodical visits to nurseries and plantations, the Superintending Nurseryman (who is also Nurseryman in charge at Tapanui) is able to direct operations and account to the Departmental Under-Secretary for all results obtained. An assistant Nurseryman, or leading hand, is also retained at each nursery to supervise the work during any temporary absence of the officer in charge. Whilst a foreman may confidently direct tree planting work with a gang of twenty-five or even thirty skilled men. he could not reasonably be expected to maintain the necessary hold upon a similar-sized inexperienced gang of workers, some of whom, however, speedily become (puck adept planters, while others require rather more training. The Gaoler in charge at Elanmer Springs (amp is responsible to the Justice Department for the welfare of the prisoners: and. on becoming acquainted, through the plantation foreman, with the desires of the Forestry Branch, apportions a warder to each working-gang of from four to ten prisoners. according to the nature of the labour undertaken and tin , numerical strength of the camp. Much aid is rendered the plantation foreman by warders, who soon become Competent overseers, and. as a rule, willingly assist in keeping the records of work daily performed. Summary of Costs. In computing the anticipated returns from our afforestation-labour, a vast amount of speculative matter requires to be presented. As milling from private artificially raised forests in the Dominion has been carried on in an extremely limited scale, little or no practical experience has been gained in this direction by officers, and it necessarily follows that in referring to any future yields. Sec., we endeavour to judiciously blend our knowledge of tree-culture with the most advanced principles of sylviculture. This paper is merely designed to illustrate what has already been accomplished by the Department, and space forbids submitting a detailed statement of what revenue might eventually lie expected from the out lav. The following information will serve to show at a glance the actual average expendi t ure now incurred in raising t rees, establishing a plantal ion, and t he general upkeep of same for a period extending over ten years. No provision is made for the initial value of the land or buildings, and the fencing item is based on the assumption that an area of about I.(MM) acres is being afforested : Nursery-work. t; a. (I. t: s. (i. Initial expenses in formation of nursery .. .. ..009 Tree-seed cost . . . . . . ' . . . . ..021 Seed-sowing .. .. .. .. .. ..005 Tending one-and two-year-old seedlings .. .. .. o 011 Lifting and lining out seedlings .. .. .. .. 0 110 Tending lined-out seedlings .. .. .. ..034 Lifting and bundling for plantations .. .. ..025 Transport of trees . . . . . . . . ..005 Tools, implements, repairs, &c. .. .. .. ..003 General maintenance-work .. .. .. ..016 Supervision . . .. .. .. .. ..001 Cost of raising I,(XX) trees fot plaiftation •• .. 014 <> Fencing .. .. .. .. .. ..032 Rabbiting and clearing .. .. .. .. .. 0 5 (i Pitting for tree-planting .. .. .. .. .. 012 4 Tree-planting (including distribution of trees) .. .. o 13 2 Format ion of roads and fire-breaks .. .. 0 0 II General maintenance for ten years .. .. .. 0 12 2 Tools, implements, repairs, &c. .. .. .. ..01.'! Supervision . . . . . . . . . . ..053 Cost of planting and upkeep of 1,000 trees .. .. 2 13 i) Total raising and establishing cost .. .. .. £3 8 3 As about 2,722 trees are usually planted over an acre of ground, it will thus be seen that the lota estimated expenditure connected with the creation and subsequent maintenance of an acre of plantation up to ten years old will approximately reach l!> ss. '.Id., and the corresponding value for a well-grown plantation of forest trees cannot reasonably be reduced below £15 to £20.





Xaraes of Trees. Trees planted Trees planted in Plantation. 1 in Plantation. Tieee at present in Plantation. Botanical Name. Common Name. Wluikiirewarewa Plantation. Waiotapu Plantation. Puhipuhi Plantation. Totals. Whakarewa- .... „ , . , . n wa Waiotapu Puhipuhi Plantation. Plantation. Plantation. Totals. Acacia melanoxylon Acer sacchaium . . paeudo-platanus Aesculus hippocastanum Alnus glutinosa Betula alba Castanea sativa Catalpa speciosa . . Corylus avellana .. Cupressus Lawsoniana Eucalyptus Fraxinus americana Hikora ovata Juglans cinerea nigra regia Juniperus virginiana Larix europaea Liquidambar styraciflua Picea excelsa „ sitchensis Pinus austriaca canariensis „ contorta Coulterii densiflora . . excelsa halapensis . . Jeffreyii ,, Lambertiana Laricio Blackwood Sugar-maple Sycamore Horse-chestnut .. Alder .. Silver-birch Sweet chestnut . . Hardy catalpa . . Filbert Lawson's cypress Australian gums . . American ash Hickory Butternut Black walnut .. Walnut Red cedar European larch . . Sweet gum Norway spruce . . Tideland spruce .. Austrian pine Canary Island pine Twisted pine Coulter's pine Japanese red-pine Blue-pine Aleppo pine Jeffrey pine Sugar-pi i ii' .. i Corsican pine ■ ■! 125.214 32.536 232 25.993 6.585 15.516 222.! 25 3.017.115 3.500 2.651 3,402 25, 1 10 670 5.353.170 1.700 197,078 97.368 286.068 390 2,325 1.046.300 1.296 50 2.0(10 39.230 1.325 50 660 11,367 715,630 13.084 8.440.(120 2.650 15,625 1,238.243 375 8,700 605 300 63.550 4,553 1.325 3.835.150 5.600 2oo 1.417.680 320 2.575 6,490 2.650 12.450 132.110 50 32.536 l>32 27.993 45,815 16.841 222.375 660 11,367 5.150.425 321 1 6,075 2,651 9.892 38.194 3,320 13.793.190 1.700 199.728 155.443 1,524.311 375 9,090 605 2,325 300 63,550 1.553 1.325 4,881.450 123.171 1.296 32.536 . . ['. 25,993 6,585 39.230 11.367 1,986.142 72.000 981.500 13.800 670 5,087,335 8,010.580 1.700 195.025 91,175 283,655 1,084,975 3.700 605 2.325 300 3.693 1.325 852.525 3,187,260 124,470 32,536 25,993 45,815 11.367 3.039,642 13.800 670 13,097,915 1.700 195,025 91,175 1.368,630 3.700 605 2,325 300 3.693 1.325 4,039,785




APPENDIX C- continued.

Name of Trees. Botanical Name. < lommon Name. Name of Trees. Whakarewarewa Plantation. Trees planted in Plantation. Waiotapu Puhipuhi Plantation. Plantation. WhakarewaTotals. tewa Plantation. Trees at present in Plantation. Waiotajm Puhipuhi Plantation. Plantation. Totals. Pinus muricata .. .. ■ • Bishop pine „ Murrayana .. .. . • Lodgepole pine .. „ ponderosa . . .. • • Heavy pine Benthamiana .. . . Bentham's pine . . „ radiata .. ■■ •• Remarkable pine. . resinoea . . . • ■ • American red-pine „ rigida . . . . • • Pitch-pine Sabiniana .. .. • • Nut oi gray pine sylvestris . . . . • . Scotch fir strobus . . . . .. Wcvmouth pine . . Thunbergii . . .. • . Japanese black-pine .. Torreyana .. .. . ■ Torrey's pine .. taeda .. . . • • Torch-pine Platanus orientalis .. • ■ Oriental plane . . Podocarpus dacrydioidee .. •• White-pine (N.Z.) totara .. • • Totara Hallii.. .. Populus . . . . ■ ■ ■ • • Poplar (varieties) Psemdo-tsuga Douglasii .. . . Douglas fir Pyrus aucuparia .. . . • ■ Mountain ash Quercus pedunculate .. • • EngUsh oak Robinia pseudo-acacia .. . • Locust ti Sequoia gigantea .. .. • • Bi M tree ,, eempervirens .. ■ ■ Redwood Thuja plicata .. .. • • White cedar Ornamental shrubs and leguminous plants 7.445 12.450 587.225 19.600 147. Son 25 700 1.320 1,100 3,900 600 181.860 600 1.200 100 '. '. 92.49 1 .. ■■ 2,850 '1.430 i IT KOK 1 A A 57.050 18.500 4,100 868.500 275.600 73.200 2.100 12,200 200 153.650 5i id 4.230 565.700 200 L,825 95.537 35,680 6.250 106.225 330 115.875 30.915 14.775 53.486 1C 9'}C Qβ! 9 1Q9 V7fl 82,995 6,320 16,550 LO.225 1.455,725 505,650 295.200 19.600 221,000 147.800 2.100 12.200 25 25 200 153,650 700 700 1.820 1.320 1,100 1,100 3,900 1,900 4.230 565.700 200 2.425 600 313.077 148,758 6.850 1.200 106.325 330 239,281 90.673 17.625 2.850 f>2.916 475 43,800 18.500 4,100 847,200 238.275 73,200 2,100 12,200 200 150,300 89.712 13.900 34,936 13 996 ->54 1 000(100 68.620 14.325 1,352,850 257,875 221.000 2,100 12.200 25 200 150.300 700 1,320 1,100 1.900 600 238,470 i>0.073 Hi. 750 35.411 •24.566.890 Totals ■ 11.535.744 ' 11,535.7)1 L6,236,86] 16.236.W1 2,133.020 2,133,520 29,906,125 2y,»U0,120 ' 9,041 >.»WD 9,640,636 10,»ZD,2U4 l.llinj.UUU 13,926,254 ; 1,000,000 24,566,89< ii,W),O3^ ;




APPENDIX D. FOREST DISEASES AND THEIR RELATION TO AFFORESTATION. [By A. H. Cockayne, Biologist, Department of Agriculture.] Introduction. "The welfare of the human race is closely connected with that of our trees, and any work looking to their better protection makes for the advancement of mankind. , ' —Felt. The adequate conservation of trees from their insect and fungoid enemies constitutes one of the most important branches of modern forestry. This science of forest pathology is of quite recent origin. and each year its importance in the economy of timber-production is being more dearly recognized. At the present time many European countries, India, and the United States —in fact, all countries with efficient forest services—pay special attention to the diseases of forests. Clearly do they recognize that the keeping of the trees healthy is one of (he most important of all the problems of Eorest-mam meut. nor do they hesitate to expend large sums annually to this end. So fat , , no attention has been paid in New Zealand to forest pathology, bul the study of the diseases that are liable to become serious is a matter to which, sooner or later, earnest consideration must lie given. The two most potent factors that arc apt to cause the wholesale destruction of the lures' air fires and diseases. The terrible significance of the former is clearly appreciated even by the layman. The destructive effects of fire are so rapid and so apparent, as they are naturally regarded as the most serious of all menaces to successful extensive tree-culture. On the other hand, the effects of disease are. in general, rather slow in action, and their insidious effects arc often passed over unnoticed until it becomes too late to apply remedial methods. Nevertheless, the cumulative efieel of diseases in the forest is admitted by experts to be even more disastrous than lire. In the national forests of the United States the loss due to insects

4—C. Ib.

Name of Tree. . Common Name. KrttaS. Uses to which TimhiT may !»■ put. Acer pseudo-platanus .. . . Sycamore .. 280,400 ., saccharum . . .. Sugar-maple . . ."{,+2.1 Aesoulus hippooastanum .. Horse-chestnut .. 2,025 Alnus glutinosa .. .. Alder .. .. , 82,730 Betula alba .. .. .. English birch .. 210,946 Castanea sativa .. .. Spanish chestnut .. 2.lf>d Catalpa speciosa .. .. Hardy oatalpa .. j 50 Oorylus avellana .. .. Filbert .. .. 860 < Vtisus laburnum .. .. Laburnum .. lii.ST.l Eucalypti (vara.) .. .. (Jums .. .. 4,260 Fagus sylvatica .. .. English beech .. J 1,250 Fraxinus exoelsior .. .. „ ash . . 132,560 „ americana .. .. American ash .. i 12,860 Kriselinia littoraliR .. .. Broadleaf .. 2,350 .luglans regia .. .. .. Walnut .. .. 37,130 Larix europaea .. .. European larch .. 4,773,361 ,, leptolepis .. .. Japanese larch .. I 2,850 Picea excclsa .. .. .. Spruce fir .. 1,187,225 „ sitchensis .. .. Tidcland spruce .. 166,505 ,, canadensis .. .. White spruce .. 1,400 I'iniis austriaca .. .. Austrian pine .. 1,634,524 ,, Bonthamiana .. .. Benthaiirs pine .. ; 140,400 „ contorta .. .. Twisted pine .. 1,325 ,, halapensis .. .. Aleppo pine .. I ..'!2."> „ Jeffreyii .. .. Jeffrey pine .. 250 i „ Laricio .. .. .. Corsican pine .. 2,343,605 ,, maritima . . .. Cluster pine .. 7,000 ,, muricata .. .. Bishop's pine .. 16,440 „ ponderosa .. .. Bull pine .. H02,986 ,, radiata .. .. .. .Monterey pine .. 17,150 „ rigida .. .. .. Pitch-piiie .. 2.312 ,, atrobus .. .. .. Weymouth pine .. 10,705 ,, Torreyana .. .. Torrey's pine ..I 140 Pseudo-t.suga taxifolia .. .. Oregon pine . . 2(17,205 Populus (vars.) .. .. Poplars .. .. 17,875 I'vrus aucuparia .. .. Rowan tree .. .">. 1 !);"> Quercus pedunculate. .. .. English oak .. 376,660 Robinia pseudo-acacia .. .. Black locust .. 86,025 Salix (vara.) .. .. .. Willows ,. . . 2,000 j .Sequoia sempervirens .. .. Redwood .. 2(10 Sophora tetraptera .. .. Kowhai . . .. 1 ,875 Thuja plicata .. .. .. 1'acitic red cedar .. 2.~> rinius carapestris .. .. English elm .. 775 ; Ornamental trees and shrubs .. .. 4,747 : l'i 1 1 1 1i t ure, reels, Mocks. &c Turnerj. rollers, Furniture. Cigar-boxes, brooms, charcoal. Bobbins, clogs, staves. &<■. Fenoing, furniture. Sleepers, fenoing- poles. i !ai ring, inlaying. Polios, building construction. Piano-making, tools, furniture. < 'oach- building, tool-handles. Fencing material, building-piles. Gunstocks, furniture, &c. Fencing, pit-props, gates, &c. Moulding-poles, flooring, paper-pulp. Building construction, poles, scaffolding, joinery. Sic. Ditto. j " » Ship-masts, building material. Packing-cases, brake-blocks. Turnery, oarving. Furniture, ship-building, >V<'. Fencing, oabinetmaking, &c. Crioket-bats, charcoal. Cabinetmaking, joinery. &<■. Fencing, dowella, joinery. Shingles, fenoing, weatherboards. Pulley-blocks, wheelbarrows, &c. ♦Total .. .. .. 12,732,915 * Also r>0.000 treee in the Kaincliff Plantation, n< lot enumerated above.



alone is put down by Dr. Hopkins at the sum of £20,000,000 sterling annually, and the timber destroyed by fungi will more than double these figures -and that for one single country alone. Facts such as these should impress on any one the greal necessity of disease-control in forests. Especially is iliis so in artificial ones, which naturally involve the expenditure of large sums of money before any return can be expected from them. The protection of a. crop up to the point of harvesting is one of the fundamental principles of agriculture. This is even more important with regard to forests, us they are the slowest of nil crops to mature, and their destruction by disease involves not only the loss of the money that has been expended, but also the labour of many years. The Damage caused by Disease. The diseases of forests are caused by both insect and fungi, each class being of equal importance so far as its destructive effects are concerned. It has been conclusively demonstrated that certain species of both insects and fungi are the direct cause of the death of forest trees of all ages, and that from time to time they increase to such an alarming extent that their depredations assume the character of a destructive invasion, which may result in the death of a, large percentage of tin , best timber over thousands of square miles. At no period in the life of a. forest are the trees secure from attack. In general, however, it can be stated that the greatest losses may occur when they are attaining maturity. Full-grown trees are naturally of less vigorous growth than younger ones, and they have not the same power of recovery from infection. Certain diseases, however, on the other hand, are of danger only when the trees are small —there are. in fact, a succession of diseases, each of which may be of some particular significance right from the sowing of the seed to the cutting of the mature timber. Although tree-planting has been undertaken for many years past in New Zealand, it has, with the exception of the work of the Forestry Branch of the Department of Lands and Survey, been in the nature of comparatively small and isolated plantations, which give no indication of the diseases that will have to be feared in extensive forests composed of in many cases pure plantings of a single species. The example of the gum-tree scale [Eriooocous coriaeeus) in the blue-gum plantations of the South Island, where very extensive damage has been done, shows that it is not to lie expected that our artificial forests will be in any way less liable to the attacks of disease than is the case of other countries. In fact, so far as plant-diseases are concerned, the conditions in New Zealand seem to he especially suitable for their development. Although the vast majority of our most serious ones are of foreign origin, it must be remembered that this is all the more significant when it is considered that our tree-planting is almost entirely confined to exotic species. The destructiveness of any particular disease cannot, however, be gauged by its effects in other countries, for in many cases diseases of comparative insignificance in their original home have become in New Zealand of prime importance. The reverse is often the case : many serious diseases of other lands when imported here seem to be of little importance. The San Jose scale in certain countries, one of the most dreaded of destructive insects, is a case in point. DIKKASE-CONTROL IN NATURAL AND PLANTED FORESTS. There is a great and essential difference in the action of diseases in natural and planted forestsThis is, in the main, due to the fact that the trees comprising the natural forest vary greatly in age, and that the individuals liable to attack may be quite widely separated from each other; whereas in planted trees whole blocks will be composed of individuals of the same age. Thus in many cases a disease-invasion in a natural forest may result in only a percentage of the trees being immediately destroyed, but the variation in the size and age of the trees is likely to cause them to be gradually desi roved, and each year a certain number will die. In planted forests, disease attack, owing to the uniform growth of the trees and the equal susceptibility of the individuals to infection, may result in the entire destruction of the whole plantation within a very few years. This has been well shown in European forest plantings, where whole forests of larch have I n swept away through the attack of the larchcanker. In New Zealand, owing to the fact that our natural forests do not in the majority of cases reproduce themselves after lumbering, and are in consequence annually diminishing, disease-control will in future years be confined almost entirely to our planted areas, and their adequate protection will become one of the most important problems in our forestry operations. Present Condition of the Plantations. The plantations under the supervision of the Foi*>stry Branch, although all of recent origin, the oldest being not more than twelve years' growth, already comprise many thousands of acres. So far, the main planting has taken place on the pumice lands of the kotorua district, but there are extensive areas under trees in the South Island, notably at Hanmer. and in the vicinity of Tapanui. Recognizing the importance of disease-control, the Under-Secretary of Crown Lands desired me in inspect the various plantations in both Islands, and report on their present conditions so far as the presence of injurious insects and fungi are concerned. Accordingly, during the past summer 1 have visited the main plantations and nurseries where the trees are grown prior to being planted out. As one of the main branches of forestry operations at present is the production of the young trees from seed, the prevalence of disease in the nursery beds may well be dealt with first. Rotorua Nursery. The nursery at Rotorua is remarkably free from any very injurious diseases, as the small percentage of losses amongst the seedlings amply testify. The main trouble that has to lie contended with is the


native grass-grub (Odontria zealandica). This beetle, so well known in the larval form as one of the most destructive pasture-insects, is liable to cause extensive damage to seedling trees by eating through the main root just below the ground-surface. The methods that are adopted at all the nurseries of fallowing a certain number of seed-beds and by continuously cultivating them during the summer — have, however, kept this pest in sufficient check to render it comparatively harmless. It is, however, always liable to occur in more or less destructive numbers : but if the present methods are continued, it will never cause any serious loss. A disease which occurs especially amongsi the Larch-seedlings, the New Zealand root-fungus (Htisdlinia radiciperda). causes a good deal of loss. This fungus, which is generally found in country that formerly carried forest, is one of the most serious of our native fungi so Ear as tree-destruction is ooncemed, and its worst feature is its power of remaining in the living state in the soil for several years. The methods adopted against the grass-grub will probably be found sufficient to keep ihis fungus in check in the seed-beds. In certain cases it may be found necessary to lime more heavily than at present, and in cases of very bad attack the ground may have to be rested and kept cultivated for several years. These two diseases are the main ones that are present in the nursery beds a 1 Rotorua, and it is fortunate that none of the serious seedling-diseases such a.s Phytophthora omnivora and Herpothichia nigra often the cause of widespread destruction in European forest-nurseries— have as yet made any appearance. The latter disease is often of such violence as to necessitate the abandonment of nurseries established at greal cost and labour. Special attention should always be paid to any undue loss in the Beedling-beds, and the causes should ai once be investigated, and in that case any local infection could be dealt with before it had" assumed a too serious character. The majority of the seed used being of foreign origin, there is always a liability to being introduced owing to this reason. Tapanui Nursery. The Tapanui Nursery is remarkably free from any disease, the grass-grub being the main one that has to be fought against, but the excellent methods of control adopted reduce its effects to a. minimum. The large extent of pasture land in the vicinity of the nursery will always render this insect of importance, as infection from without will always occur more or less. The seedling-trees at Tapanui were at the time of my visit looking really splendid, and the large breaks of sturdy uniform young trees could not have been bettered. It is doubtful and this also refers to the Rotorua Nursery if in any part of the world the raising of seedling-trees is carried out with more success than at the Tapanui Nursery. I have no recommendations to make regarding the nurseries other than that suggested previously. In the practice of raising trees the Forestry Branch has set an extremely high standard, and it is certainly not an exaggeration to say that in this part of the work there can be very little to learn from other countries where afforestation is carried out. The Diseases of the Planted Trees. Rotorua and Waiotapu. The plantations are. on the whole, in an extremely healthy and vigorous condition. A certain number of diseases are, of course, present, but none of them an , of a character that are liable to be the cause of future damage. The New Zealand root-fungus appears to attack isolated individuals of the larches, and when , ever this occurs the trees should be removed and burnt, and the soil well limed ; or. better still, a. little sulphate of copper should be spread on the ground ; it will also be advisable not to replace the trees for two or three seasons. The pine white-aphis (Chermes laricis) is fairly abundant on some of the pines, but it appears to select trees that are of weak constitution, and will probably more or less disappear when the trees are older. An introduced Australian weevil (Oxyops concreta) is extremely serious on the few blue-gums that have been planted, and, largely owing to this insect, its cultivation has been abandoned. 1 should advise the gradual removal of all the trees (there, are not many) of this species of gum. and replace t hem with those which have been shown to be immune from the attacks of this insect. Another Australian based (Psylla acaciae-baileyana) is at present on the plantations of black- wattle (Acacia decurrens), but so far has done little harm. If it should be found to be on the increase, it will be well to introduce those natural enemies that keep it in check in its native home. Tapanui (Conical Hills and Dusky). The plantations at Tapanui can at present be looked upon as virtually free from any diseases. There is a small amount of pine white aphis, but not sufficient to cause any alarm. During the summer a considerable, amount of defoliation occurred amongst tin , larches, and it was feared that the destructive larch needle-cast (SphaereMa laricina) had made its appearance. This, lam happy to say, is quite without foundation, the cause being due entirely to the unusually dry summer that had been experienced. After the breaking oE the drought the fallen leaves were all replaced by a. fresh healthy growth, and at the time of my visit the trees were in perfect condition. I was agreeably surprised ;it the absence of the spruce red-spider (Tetronchus bimaculatus), which is at present giving indications of becoming a serious menace to the successful growing of certain species of Abies in the Canterbury District.




Hammer. The only disease of importance ai present in the ETanmer Plantations is the birch green-fly (Aphis betuli), which has done a .considerable amount of damage to the foliage of the birch-treee thai were originally planted as shelter-belts for the slower-growing trees. As. however, these trees will soon have outlived their usefulness, the appearance of the insect, which restricts its attacks to the birch, need not be viewed with any apprehension. The pine white-aphis is also fairly abundant, being chiefly found on the Austrian pine. 1 noted with regret that the trees of certain species o|' Abies in the sanatorium grounds are badly affected with the spruce red-spider. This insect is evidently one which will in future be the cause of damage to any Abies plantations that are made in the Banmer district. From tin , above, it will lie seen that the present conditions of the Department's plantations are in a, highly satisfactory condition so far as plant-diseases are concerned. Future Prospects. Prom the fact that the plantations are in a perfectly satisfactory condition from the disease point of view, it must not be inferred that they will always remain so. The liability to infection will yearly become more intensified, and the problem of control which is at present almost non-existent will, without doubt, become a serious factor. The large amount of pure planting that is taking place. which is necessary if the forests are to be brought to the highest pitch of efficiency, will in itself cause tin , disease-control, problem to lie an acute one. That serious diseases will appear sooner or later is incontestable, and the Department must on no account lose sight of this fact. To be forewarned is to be forearmed, and the successful control of forest diseases must largely depend on methods of sup pression being taken in hand before they have assumed a grave character. With regard to our planted forests, it is probable that the efforts will have to be directed almost entirely against introduced fungi and insects. 11 is unlikely that any of our native diseases will ever become of any serious menace. This is of great importance, as with a knowledge of the work that has been accomplished against these diseases in other countries, the position will be simpler in certain respects than if new and unknown diseases had to be contended with. (JONTROL-MEASUR ES. It is not proposed to deal in this article with the various methods that have been adopted to cope with the insect and fungoid of forests ill other countries. In the control of any particular disease, although the main features may be similar in different countries, a knowledge of the local conditions correlated with the habits or life-history of the organism or insect under tUseussion must of necessity figure largely in its successful control. So far. in New Zealand, the problems of plant-hygiene have not been sufficiently studied in their relation to local conditions, but in most cases the adoption in extenso of the methods advocated in other countries has been followed. Certainly in many eases this has probably been the most rational procedure to adopt, but where the life-history of any particular disease follows a, different course to that ill those countries where the disease has been studied, it follows that the ordinary control-methods may not lie at all applicable. This is well shown in the case of woolly aphis of fruit-trees (Schizmtnini lamigera), the control of which will not be properly worked out for New Zealand until we are in possession of careful studies on the life-history of the insect. \n the control of forest diseases in New Zealand it is obvious that the first requisite will be a thorough understanding of the causal influences that render them especially injurious. The elimination of these causative factors will naturally form the basis of successful disease-control. The Line of Action to adopt. At the present time the most important work that should be done is a periodical inspection of all the planted areas to ascertain the exact position with regard to the presence of disease. These inspections could for some time to come take place not oftener than once a year, but when any special diseases are discovered it will be advantageous to visit all affected areas fairly frequently, to ascertain if the disease is one that, under the local conditions, shows any signs of becoming dangerous. At the first signs of serious injury strenuous efforts at control will have to be made, and the methods adopted in other countries will have to be applied, modified or supplemented as the case may be by a study of the local conditions. Any sickness or mortality of the trees that may occur must at all times be fully investigated, and tin; causes ascertained, for until the exact cause is known it will, of course, be impossible to formulate any line of action that should be taken. All responsible officers in the employ of the Forestry Branch should make themselves conversant with the broad principles that underlie the problems of forest-disease control. This can be and is being done by a study of the literature that, is rapidly growing up, and which is easily obtainable. With the increase of the areas planted, in time the work of the individual will become more and more specialized, and it is probable that finally there will be some who devote all their time to forest pathological matters. There will be open two channels from which to recruit the ■personnel for this work—either by the employment of trained foreign specialists, or, as seems preferable, the training of certain of the New Zealand young men entering the forestry service as cadets, and who show some special aptitude for this class of work. This latter method would appear to be the more rational one. for a knowledge of the local conditions must in all cases have an important bearing on the effectiveness of the individual. There is. too. plenty of tune in which these ollicers could be made efficient, for these services will not be urgently required for some years yet.


Two-year-old Seed-beds, Tapanui Nursery.

Machine and dutch-hoeing Lined-out Trees.

Fare page 28.[


Larch planted Five Years in Conical Hills Plantation.

Pinus austriaca and Larch, Conical Hills Plantation.



Acknowledgments. In connection with my inspection of the various plantations, my thanks are especially due to the Superintending Nurserymen, Mr. If. A. Goudie and Mr. R. (!. Robinson, who gave me every facility Eor carrying i>ui my work. They also clearly recognize the importance of disease-control in afforestation, and are fully impressed with the necessity for immediate action should any serious disease appear m the plantations under their control. To Mr. W. c<. Morrison. Nurseryman ai Eanmer, I musi also express my thanks for his assistance. Lastly, to Mr. Jourdain of the Head Office, who not only accompanied me through the Etotorua district, but also gave me much valuable advice, my thanks are due. PART [I.—REVIEW OF FEAR'S OPERATIONS. A perusal of the reports of tin' several stations discloses the fact that the afforestation operations during the year have been very satisfactory. Through the South Island generally the weather-condi-tions have been somewhat unfavourable owing to the comparatively low rainfall, while in the North Island fairly favourable weather was experienced, except that one short spell of dryness in the autumn was responsible for a cessation of growth during that period. In the four nurseries, 8,951,045 trees were raised from seed during the year, and 7.588.285 trees were sent to the plantations. The area of land under plantations was increased l>\ l'.oOO) acres : making a, total of 16.310J acres planted since the commencement of operations. The stock of trees in the nurseries at the -'ilst March. 1011. was 21,786,740, and of this Dumber about nine million will lie transferred to the plantations during the coming winter. Prison Labour. The employment of prisoners at the plantations continues to be satisfactory, although the number employed during the year has been considerably less than last year. An average daily number of 41-2 prisoners performed work to the value of £3,744 6s. 9d.. and since prison labour was first utilized for this purpose the total value of work done is £32,265 Is. -td. Of the nature of the work performed, details appear in the reports supplied by the officers in charge, and, as much has been said in previous reports of the exceedingly valuable asset that the prisoners are building up for the country generally, it will suffice to say here that the scheme of employing prisoners should be continued, and. if opportunity affords, extended. At Hanmer Springs and Whakarewarewa Plantations tree labour has been employed in addition to the prison labour, bin at Waiotapu. where the largest prison camp is situated, almost all of the new country has been planted by prisoners. The remainder of a block in this locality of some T.iHM) acres will be allorested during the coming winter, and further planting will then be undertaken on a block of 30,000 acres of Crown lands recently reserved for this purpose on the Kainga roa Plains adjoining the present plantations in the Waiotapu Valley. A central position on the new reserve has been selected, and it is intended to shift the prison camp to the new site —some thirteen miles distant from the present one—towards the end of the current year. Extension-work in Central Otago. The initial fencing-work in connection with the recently acquired 1,200 acres of undulating ground immediately adjoining the Naseby Reservoir has completed, and the result of the first season's planting has justified the opinion formed regarding its adaptability for afforestation purposes. It is very evident that more surface moisture is available on the new area. and. as arrangements bave been made to collect information by inaugurating a meteorological station here, it will be interesting to compare records obtained with those taken on the Maniototo Plains. Preparations are well in hand for dealing with considerably over half a. million trees at Naseby during the approaching planting season, and this number greatly exceeds that operated with in any previous year in Central Otago. Survey Plans. Subdivisional plans of Waiotapu and Whakarewarewa Plantations have been completed, and. together "itli full information relative to the species of trees and acreage planted, accompany this report. As each of the smaller southern plantations possess defined boundaries, the necessity for havinu a survey made of these stations has not been so urgent, although every effort will be directed in presenting full working-plans of all plantations not already published in the ensuing returns.



Forestry Literature. Every assistance has been extended to officers controlling the afforestation-work in creating valuable reference libraries, which have been made available to any departmental employee desirous of improving himself in matters associated with the work. In addition to this, the Superintending Nurserymen have each conducted a correspondence class (as referred to in detailed reports) very satisfactorily, and the various subjects discussed throughout the term will certainly lead to still further improvement in our working-system generally. Cost op the Work. Summaries are appended hereto, showing in a condensed form the result of the operations for the year and since the initiation of the afforestation-work in 1896. As far as is possible, this information has been given in such a manner as will facilitate a comparison between each of the stations, and at the same time present the salient features of the work in an easily accessible form. The average cost per thousand for raising trees in nurseries from 1896 to 1911 has been £2 4s. 9d., but it should be pointed out that this is not a fair representation of the present position, inasmuch that three of the nurseries—viz., Starborough, Kurow, and Ruatangata where climatic conditions are against the wort have been closed. A perusal of the summary in question will show that at tin , two largest nurseries Tapanui and Rotorua—the cost of raising trees has been about £1 per thousand, and. as far as can be foreseen, the cost for the next few years will remain much the same. Turning to the summary of operations in plantations from 1896 to 1911 it will be seen that the average costs of planting one thousand trees has been £3 6s. 5d., while the cost of every acre planted has been £7 14s. The cost of the work naturally depends very largely upon the climatic conditions and nature of 1 lie soil, hence the figures for each station vary considerably. It should also lie men tioned that at stations where prison labour is employed the value of such labour has been regarded as an expenditure for the purpose of working out these averages. Taking the cost of raising the trees in the nurseries, together with the expenditure incurred mi the plantations, it is found that on the average each acre of plantation has cost £13 15b. Included in these calculations are the stations which have before been mentioned as having been closed, and where the poor results were largely due to the adverse climatic conditions. Again, much valuable experimental work lias been undertaken, and the expenditure on this is not likely to recur. At Dusky Hill Plantation the cost has been excessive, owing to the greater part of the area having to be replanted, as the result of a destructive fire in 1908. occasioned by the carelessness of a fisherman. The outlook for the future is much more encouraging. At the principal stations now in existence the work is at preseni being conducted on etrictly economical lines, and the records show that the cost for forming the plantations varies from £6 to £7 per acre. Detailej) Reports. A report by the Superintending Nurseryman for the North Island will he found in Appendix A following, and the report by tin . Superintending Nurseryman for tin . South Island in Appendix 15.



Summary of Operations in Nurseries from 1896 to 1911.

Summary of Operations in Nurseries during Year.

Total Expenditure. Trees in Nursery.;„.,.: Oiitimf n( TYi>(.< .... ., Deductions, uutput ot lives. Kstiinated ., ' r Estimated Suasion Jjj h J» "£-* X( , T(1I(ll . &«* *«--• j J«-f fiSA estimation. during Year. Year. Tree-giowing. Total. „ ... , Deductions, Estimated , Trees in ,{' - v . Estimated , Sto - ka, . DeaWut Trees raise,! W chHI - V Over- dun "^ U ' ar - estimation. Output of Trees. . Estimated Xe,To,a,. A™ Trees sent Tr ee V ent j£~* during Year. Year. '•"• I I ! J I I " t s. d. £ e. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Rotorua .. .. 706 13 1 519 0 4 3,367 2 10 4.592 16 3 9,924.401 .. 3,316,250 13.240,651 0 6 1 4.301,525 1,496 8,937,630 Ruatangata .. .. 130 16 8 18 7 9 242 7 0 391 11 5 350.000 .. .. 350,000 1 0 7 319.950 3,950 26,10O : Tapahui .. .. 176 18 0 156 17 7 1.415 17 0 1,749 12 7 5,5*27,500 432,900 2,821.245 7,915,845 0 3 10 1,493,605 71,695 6,350,545 Eweburn .. .. 160 0 0 27 10 2 637 11 4 825 1 6 1,991,650 257.370 343,350 2,077.630 0 6 JO 326.300 1,065 1J5O!265 Hanmer Springs .. 146 0 0 352 11 3 890 0 7 1.388 1110 5.602.680 2,121,775 12,470,200 5,951.105 0 2 7 1.146,905 82,000 4.722.200 1 s. il. £ 9. d. 3.367 2 10 4,592 16 3 242 7 0 391 11 5 1.415 17 0 1.749 12 7 637 11 4 825 1 6 890 0 7 1.388 11 lu 9,924,40] 350.000 5,5"27,5O0 1,991,650 5.602.680 3,316.250 432,900 2,821,245 257.370 343,350 2.121,775 2.470,200 £ 13,240,651 0 350,000 1 7.915.845 0 2,077.630 (i 5,951.105 0 8. (I. 6 1 0 7 3 10 (i K) 2 7 4.. S< )1.525 .'519.950 1,493,605 326,300 1.146,905 1,496 3,950 71.695 1,065 82,000 8,937,630 26,100' 6,350,545 1J5O!265 4,722,200 i Totals and averages 1,320 7 9 1,074 7 1 ! 6,552 18 9 8,947 13 7 23,396,231 2,812,045 ! 8,951,045 j 29,535,231 0 8 0 7,588,285 160,206 21,786,740 J NOTE. —The number of trees si ut from nurseries is arrived at l>y counting in detail, but the number in stock is only an estimate, subject to revision the next year. See explanation on page 33. * Destroyed when nursery was closed.

I I Total Expenditure. Deductions (Deaths. Overestimalion. &c). Output of Tieee. To Plantations. Name of Xuisery. Supervision and Clerical. Permanent Works. [iture. Tree-growing. Total. Estimated dumber of Trees raise* 1. i Cost per Thousand. Rotorua Rnatangata Tapanui Hiinmer Springs Starborough £ a. (I. 2,284 6 8 797 2 8 1.775 12 11 1.051 9 0 745 0 0 423 13 3 205 0 0 E s. (I. 4.183 2 11 1.278 19 4 3.827 2 1 2.779 11 9 2,464 7 7 2,756 17 3 1.750 7 2 e s. ,i. 52,360 13 6 6.633 6 3 15,218 7 8 8,075 14 2 5.016 12 0 6.075 16 7 1,114 15 5 i £ s. d. 38,828 3 1 8,709 8 3 20.821 2 8 11.906 14 11 8,225 19 7 9.256 7 1 3.070 2 7 37,336,705 2.(167.868 19,886,145 5,190,867 12.198.800 3.223.200 219.000 6 s. d. 0 18 6 2 15 2 1 0 11 2 5 10 0 13 6 2 17 5 5 2 0 454.036 4,361.564 1.454,495 2.608,895 163,680 46,540 27,632.804 766,271 2,133,520 -VI .212 8,502,395 671,641 1.918.540 67.567 4.785.705 82.000 L679.765 1.379.845 172.460 Totals and averages - 7.282 4 6 19.040 8 1 74,495 5 7 100,817 18 2 80.722.675 . the Ruatangata Nursery, and is explained in the detailed report 2 4 9 9,089,210 ! 46.652.729 3,193,991 A discrepancy of 464,036 appears ii on tin- nursery, Bee paifc 61.



Summary of Operations in Plantations from 1896 to 1911.

Summary of Operations in Plantations during Year.

Trees. Name of Plantation. J-J- *g- M. Super™ , planted on and from replace i, . .,, . , „ T r New Area. Clerical. Nursery. Losses. £ s. d. Whakarewarewa .. 1.552.325 277.800 1,274,525 510 0 6 Waiotapu .. .. 2,749,200 278,350 2.470.850 472 0 0 Puhipuhi .. .. 319,950 319,950 .. 131 0 0 Dusky Hill .. .. 24.630 24,630 .. 175 0 0 Conical Hills .. 1,468,975 89,275 1,379,700 255 0 0 Waitahuna . . . . . . .. . . 10 0 Gimmerburn . . . . .. . . 24 0 0 Naseby .. .. 326,300 24,550 301,750 90 0 0 Hanmer Springs .. 1,146,905 34,200 1.112.705 285 0 0 Expenditure. Formation. Buildings, Planting General m . ■ Roads, Operations. Upkeep. Fencing. I' s. .1. t s. d. t s. d. £ s. d. 296 8 10 2.520 5 6 1,332 13 10 4,659 8 8 397 18 0 2.629 1 5 710 2 10 4.209 2 3 25 3 2 179 11 !) 642 7 1 978 2 0 103 12 10 .. 178 18 6 457 11 4 129 6 11 2.011 3 4 820 0 1 3,215 10 4 5 7 10 6 7 10 7 19 0 . . 60 1 0 92 0 0 159 12 4 406 7 1) 211 8 !) 867 8 10 386 4 7 1.447 12 7 310 2 1 2,428 19 5 New Area planted. Acres. 667| 9O7i 5()6| 110 4O8| Cost per Thousand Trees planted. 2 6 10 1 4 9 1 7 4 1 7 2 1 6 0 cost per ; i y ral Acre X I*"'! , planted. Pf Aci ! e 1 planted. £ s. (1. £ a. .1. 4 9 3 0 5 10 3 7 4 0 2 8 0 10 9 0 4 3 :', 14 5 0 8 7 0 9 10 0 6 11 3 13 11 1 18 5 3 10 10 0 4 4 Totals and averages 7,588,285 I 1,048,755 6.539.530 1.943 0 6 : \_ 1,506 5 8 9,194 2 4 4,271 2 0 16.914 10 6 2.6001 1 10 5 3 15 2 0 10 3

Trees. Expenditiii ,. „, . Number fe § a Number mi o ■ • Formation. i I Expenditure. Cost Formation. Total per Buildings, Planting General m , . Area _, Roads. Operations. Upkeep. T(>tal - planted. Trees Fencing. planted. i i i re. Genei i. Upkei j •ial ■(■)). C Total ] Area The Total. planted. T pla i Cost per "11. Sill frees inted mil Cost p€ Acre planter Cost per \'. v, " rM Aci l l' k "-l' planted. P? r A( 'T 1 ; planted. er d. Genei pel , Ac planti e s. (I. £ s. d. £ s. Whakarewarewa .. 11,426.019 109.725 1,895.108 9,640,636 2,429 19 10 2,307 3 4 21.003 13 Waiotapu .. .. 16,153,740 83.121 2.310.607 13.926.254 3,114 3 0 2,740 10 11 23,086 18 1'uhipuhi .. .. 2,133,520 .. 1,133.520 1.000.000 932 9 7 -597 12 0 4.572 5 Dusky Hill .. 2.965.837 .. 785.000 2.180,837 1.317 4 2 1.138 16 8 7,426 17 Conical Hills .. 5.494.533 .. 329.671 5,164,862 1.653 9 4 1.865 6 8 10.237 11 Waitahuna .. 42,025. .. 11.500 30,525 27 9 0 61 1 1 74 0 Gimmeibum .. 936,235 .. 783.339 152.896 302 16 8J 514 13 11 984 4 Naseby .. .. 826.230 .. 114.026 682,204 397 19 2 571 15 3 1,573 15 Hanmer Springs . . 4.785.705 . . 833,754 3.951.951; 1.281 18 0 3.077 6 8 6.778 12 Dumgree .. .. 1.679.765 .. 1.110.125 569.640 764 2 6 4.162 2 2 3,802 11 Rainclifl .. .. .. .. .. 50,000 I & s. <1. £ s. d. £ e. il. £ a. d. Acres. £ s. d. 2,307 3 4 21.003 13 6 6.520 9 6 32.261 6 2 4.634 2 8 2 2.740 10 11 23.086 18 7 4,158 15 0 33.100 7 6 5,423£ 1 17 3 •597 12 0 4.572 5 10 2,997 13 0 9.100 0 5 1.200 5 8 3 1.138 16 8 7.426 17 4 : 2.576 3 5 12.459 17 845 3 8 1 1.865 6 8 10.237 11 5 3.798 16 6 17.555 3 11 1,897 119 7 61 1 1 74 0 9 40 9 9 203 0 7 11 2 8 5 514 13 11 984 4 0 809 5 10 2,611 0 5 173 5 10 11 571 15 3 1.573 15 9 1,101 7 9 3,644 17 11 260 5 2 10 3,077 6 8 6.778 12 6: 2.061 14 4 13.199 11 6 1,451ft 1 14 3 4,162 2 2 3.802 11 9 1.288 14 0 10.017 10 5 209 * 1,104 12 5 206 j * <1. £ 6 6,520 7 4,158 10 2,997 4 2.576 5 3,798 9 40 0 809 ii 1.101 6 2.061 9 1.288 : 9. 9 15 13 16 9 5 : 7 14 14 d. £ s. (1. Acres. £ 6 32.261 6 2 4,634 2 0 33.100 7 6 5,423£ 1 0 9.100 0 5 1.200 5 5 12.459 17 845 3 6 17.555 3 11 1.897 1 9 203 0 7 11 2 10 2,611 0 5 173 5 : 9i 3,644 17 11 260 5 4 13,199 11 6 1.4:51ft l Oj 10.017 10 5 209 1,104 12 5 206 S. 8 17 8 8 19 8 io : 14 d. 2 3 3 1 7 5 11 io : 3 £ s. 5 0 4 15 4 10 9 5 5 7 6 11 15 1 14 0 4 L3 * £ s. d. £ s. d. 5 0 0 1 8 0 4 15 6 0 15 5 4 10 3 2 10 0 9 5 3 3 10 5 7 9 2 0 1 6 11 9 3 13 6 15 1 10 4 13 7 14 0 4 4 4 8 4 13 4 1 8 4 * * .1. £ s. 0 1 8 6 (i 15 3 2 lu 3 3 1 91 2 0 9 3 13 l<) 4 13 4 4 4 4 1 8 * * * * Totals and averages 46.443.609 192.846 9.336.650 37,349.805 12,22111 3 17.036 8 8 79,540 11 5 25.353 9 1 135.256 12 10 16,310£ 3 6 5 7 1 I 0 2 12 * Reliable records not available.

C. -Ip.

APPENDIX \. REPORT ON TREE-GROWING OPERATIONS IX THE NORTH ISLAND. IfllO-U. [By the Superintending Nurseryman, Rotoraa:] Afforestation-work ai the North Island stations has been attended with much success, which is due in a great measure bo the Favourable weather experienced during the year. Although the rainfall was exceedingly l<>%v. if was Eairly well distributed over each month "I the year. One very dry spell was experienced during .January and the greater part of KVbruary. but practically no losses were occasioned thereby. The record of rainfall and temperature attached to the report on Rotorua Nursery may lie accepted as giving an indication of the weather experienced in this distrid generally. In tin' nurseries. 3,316,250 trees were raised during the year, making a total to date of 40,004,573. The output of trees from nurseries during the year amounted to l.i>2<>.'.>2l. and the number sent out to date is 30,586,807. Trees in nurseries at 31s1 March numbered 8,937,630. The difference between the sum of trees sent out and stock- in hand compared with the number raised is I8O.13(>. which represents deaths in trees grown at Ruatanuata Nursery. 26,100 trees totara, destroyed when the nursery was closed, and to n very large extent an overestimation of stock at that nursery for some years. CODNTING THE TREES. It will be readily understood that for stock-taking purposes the only method of arriving at the number of trees in a, nursery is by counting portions, and averaging the whole on the counts obtained. The numbers given in the schedules of trees in stock must therefore lie underst I as being approximate only. When sending trees out from the nursery they are counted into bundles, each containing twenty-live trees, so that the numbers given as being sent out may be relied upon aa being accurate. It has been customary to show in the summaries and elsewhere the number of trees raised in each nursery from the time of its inception, and the best method by which this can be arrived at is by adding the total of trees sent out to the estimated number in Ihe nursery. As ;i consequence, it Follows that it is impossible to have a.n uninterrupted succession of figures balancing year after year. Another question which has a, close bearing upon this subject is the counting of deaths amongst the nursery stock. This is even more impossible than counting the whole stock. A 2-per-cent. death rate in s l-bcds containing 5,000,000 trees would, mean the loss of 100,000 trees, yet such a loss, if evenly distributed over the beds, would not be noticed unless each of the deaths occurred at the same time. When stock-taking it has been usual to allow a. margin for probable overestimation and losses. The total of seed-beds arrived at by averaging is reduced by one-third, and tin 1 lined-out trees by onetilth, ami this method lias been proved to give a reasonably accurate count of the. stock. Prison- Lahour. The work performed by the prison labour it the Whakarewa.ivwa. and Wa.iotapu Prison Camps during the year is valued at £3,347 7s. Id., which shows an average of £98 15s. sd. for each of the 33-89 prisoners employed. In placing a value upon the work done by prisoners, the cost of similar workperformed by free labour is taken as a basis ; thus, pitting is valued at 7s. (id. per thousand, and this work" by free labour during the year cost 9s. I Jd. per thousand. Planting is also valued a! 7s. (id. per thousand, and Ihe cost of this by free labour «as 7s. 3d. Much depends upnii 1 In' class of land on which the work is done, and the cost by free labour varies accordingly. The rates of values a--, given above lor prison labour is therefore considered fairly average ones. Details of the work performed by prisoners during the year and since prison labour was first employed is here given : — Wha.kaivwarewa Plantation Average daily number of prisoners employed during year. 10*44. Average daily number of prisoners employed since camp started. 11 ■•">•>. Value durimj Vaiuo mc I lamp Sear, 1910 11. <l. 1904 to 191 I. I B. .1. V. s. (I. Clearing land for tree-planting .. .. 258 In 0 1.287 I 8 Pitting .. .. .. .. .. inn II :; tBl 11 6 Tree-planting .. .. .. 47 2 () 1,273 I 5 Roadmaking .. .. .. .. .. 642 11 9 Fencing .. .. .. .. .. 7 13 0 Buildings, new erections and alterations to .. .. 205 16 o Formation of lire-breaks. Bus. .. .. 75 I!) 5 :>)2 5 || General upkeep of plantation .. .. 131 15 0 1.010 || :; General repairs .. .. .. .. 11 i I :'. 306 13 11 Miscellaneous works .. .. .. 2:; 11 I ill :( 5 Tn+ela c<ir- /. •; PS fiS7 IK 111

6—C. Lb




Waiotapu Plantation Average daily number prisoners employed during the your, 23 - 45. Average daily number prisoners employed since camp started, 27-27. Value durinjr Value since Camp fear, 1010-11. tarted, 1904 to L9ll. £ s. d. £ s. d. Clearing land for tree-planting .. .. 310 10 0 5,600 4 3 Pitting .. .. .. .. .. 586 14 6 (5.27(1 19 10 Tree-planting .. .. .. .. 868 3 0 5,773 11 2 Roadmaking .. .. .. .. 5 19 0 !!H 19 10 Fencing .. . . . . . . .. 399 2 X Buildings, new erect inns and alterations '■ . . 12 13 fi 340 12 10 Formation of fire-breake, Ac. .. .. 80 0 0 131 7 6 Genera] upkeep of plantation .. .. 380 II 1 2,870 1 2 General repairs .. .. .. .. 125 16 0 137 16 6 Totals £2,390 7 1 £22,315 15 f> Judging from the results obtained in the plantations, prison labour is a decided success, and an extension of this system would be advantageous, provided the prisoners were available. Both the prison camps in this district have during the year been somewhat short of men. and it has been necessary to employ more free labour in order to get the work accomplished. The prison camp ai Waiotapu will be shifted about next November to a new site on the Kaingaroa Plains, where a large block of land hae been reserved for afforestation purposes. Preparations for this are now under way, and include the formation of a paddock, the procuring of a water-supply, and the preparation of a site for the camp. The telephone-line is four miles distant from the site chosen for the camp, which will necessitate the laving of a branch line for that distance. Very few places exist on these vasi plains where water can lie obtained in any quantity, so that in choosing a site for the prison camp almost every other consideration was subordinate to the question of an adequate supply of water. This, fortunately, has been procured about half a mile from one of the small experimental plantations formed on the plains some twelve years ago. Portion of this plantation will be felled for a camp-site, but it is intended to leave sufficient trees to provide shelter from the cold winds. When commenting upon the question of shifting the pris amp in last annual report, it was suggested that in order to avoid shifting camp so frequently a central camp should be formed, with small outlying camps a few miles distant from the central camp, but the apparent difficulty of selecting a sufficient number of prisoners who are suitable for tree-planting camps rules this suggestion out as undesirable. Such a scheme would be possible only if the camp could be kept up to the full strength continually. " Karere " Convalescent Camp. This'camp, which was established for the purpose of giving healthy employment to convalescent consumptive patients, has not been as successful as was anticipated, owing ciiielly to the difficulty in finding suitable work for such persons. The planting of trees can perhaps be performed as well by a, convalescent consumptive as by a healthy individual, but this work lasts only about five months of the year, and the diffipulty mentioned was experienced in providing a, sufficiently light employmeni for them during the remainder of the year. Clearing land and digging pits were tasks which but few of the men could perform, and, as these compose the principal works undertaken on the plantations during the summer months, it was necessary to close the camp towards the latter part of the year. The land available for tree-planting is every year becoming farther away from the camp, and if the employment of this labour is to be continued it will be necessary to shift the camp nearer to the work. One of the chief causes for grumbling hae been the long walk to and from work, lint this could not be avoided. Thinning Plantations. Some of the oldest parts of the plantations will soon require attention by way of thinning; and. in anticipation of this, it may be as well to touch upon this question generally. To what extent a plantation should be thinned depends very much upon the object aimed at in forming the plantation. A plantation subjected, to severe thinning, or one formed with a wide distance between the trees, would produce limber full of knots, while the annual rings would be wide apart, thus causing coarseness of grain, which, in a coniferous tree particularly, is undesirable. Trees planted close together and grown until maturity with a complete leaf-canopy produce timber fine in grain and free from Idiots. The severity of the thinnings or the frequency of same has, therefore, a, large influence upon the quality of the article produced. A quick return can be got from a, plantation by the first method but the produce is low in quality. By way of experiment a small area of the larch-plant at ion at Whakarewarewa was last year cleaned, liv removing all the dead bracken and other debris, in order to better enable observations as to the rate of growth of the trees to be made. These trees were planted in 1901, and although many of the lateral branches within (i ft. of the ground were dead and could be broken of! clean to the trunk of the tree, there was a large number of branches which still had life in them, and when broken off left a small jagged end. which, if left, would cause a defect in the timber, and probably an entrance for a disease affecting the trees. The cost of trimming ofE these branches close to the trunk made it apparent that the thinning of the whole plantation should be deferred for a while longer, because the work could be more economically performed if such growth could be knocked oil' with the back of a slasher.



About one-third <>l the trees wre etroug, healthy, dominating specimens, the came proportion were beginning to show evidence that the struggle for existence was becoming too keen, while the remainder were either suppressed or dead. The thinning-out of all the dead or suppressed trees would benefit the remaining ones, but at the present time the dense, tangled mass of bracken and tree-branches make it almost impossible to gel in amongst the tiers, and the work could only be carried on at great expense about £t per acre. If it wen' possible to dispose oi the thinnings, this would put the question in quite a different light, but the only probable use for the thinnings is [or fuel, and in this district, when , the native timbers Eor this purpose are abundant, the disposal of thin larch sticks would be difliciilt. The conclusion arrived at is that about the twelfth year from the time of planting a larch-plantation may be thinned without unnecessary expense. By thai time many of the branches will have dropped off. and what still remain will be sufficiently brittle to knock off easily. Although larch is a light-loving tree, it is evident that if will remain in close plantation for ;> considerably longer period in this part of New Zealand than is considered advisable in Great Britain or parts of Europe. A difference in this respect would probably be found between the North and South Islands of New Zealand, according principally to the amount of sunshine recorded at different parts. When this area was cleaned and thinned, a number of different trees were planted under the larch in order to ascertain the amount of shade they would endure. Thuja gigantea and totara bear the shade well. Douglas fir and Wcyinoiith pine require considerably more light, while the other species planted were not suitable lor bearing shade except in a, very slight degree : these were beavy pine. Californian redwood, Catalpa speciosa, and Eucalyptus Sluortiamt. Survey-wokk. Accompanying this repori are plans of Whakarewarewa and Waiotapu Plantations, showing the areas under different classes of trees, and the roads and lire-breaks. When afforestation was first started here the yearly operations were much smaller in extent than they aie at present, and there was not the same necessity for subdivisional plane as now. As a. consequence, much of the data relating to the date of planting and number of trees in each compartment is somewhat obscure, but the tables which have been prepared showing this information is as accurate as was possible under the circumstances, and it is sufficient Ear all practical purposes. These tables give the approximate number of trees at present existing m each block, and for comparison I he actual number planted is also shown. The difference between the number planted on new area, and that shown as trees existing is accounted for by numbers of trees grown experimentally in the early years of the operations in this district, and afterwards found unsuitable. The greatest losses were amongst eucalypti, many species of which were tried and found to be too tender. Catalpa s/icci<>.*ti also accounts for a large number, while the Californian redwood, which were mixed with the larch, are reckoned as being all dead. The actual number of trees planted, while being of a. certain value for statistical purposes, does not convey as much information as does a. record of the area planted. These numbers will be wholly unrepresentative of the growing stock as soon as thinning commences, and this is actually the case im« in a few of the oldest blocks, where a proportion of the trees have succumbed in the struggle for existence. Forestry Literature. The besi publications on forestry and allied subjects are being procured for circulating amongsi the officers of the Department, and it is intended to gradually work up an index of nil volumes in the Library. During the year papers on set subjects were written by officers, and the prize of £2 given by the Department for the best paper of the year was won by Mr. R. Glass, Plantation Foreman at the Whakarewarewa Prison Camp. Proposals fob 1911-12. Rotorua Nursery. The available stock of trees suitable for permanent planting, numbering 5,000,000, will be sent to the plantations during the coming winter. Whakarewarewa Plantation. —Preparations are now well under way for planting 2,000,000 trees. An area, of 740 acres will thus be added to the plantation during the year. It is anticipated that the general upkeep will be unusually heavy next summer, owing to the strong growth of bracken which is prevalent on some of the steep hills recently planted. The work at this station is gradually becoming further away from the Rotorua Township, and it is intended to erect several huts for the accommodation of the free, labourers. Tents have been used in the past, but these, besides being uncomfortable during the cold winters, are costly when the upkeep and renewing of them is taken into consideration. Waiotapu Plantation. Afforestation-work to be undertaken includes planting an area of 1,100 acres with 3,000,000 trees. The shifting of the prison camp as mentioned elsewhere, and the upkeep of the plantation generally. Huts for workmen will also lie erected, as there is no accommodation obtainable at Waiotapu, and once the prison camp is shifted the work will have to lie undertaken by free labour entirely. Puhi/puhi Plantation. —It is intended to try and get a local settler to act as caretaker of this plantation. A large p;irt of the area will require no attention for some years, or until thinning is necessary: and beyond the da.nger from lire, which exists at any of the plantations, the work here will be principally confined to the prevention of trespass by either persons or stock and the apprehension of offenders. Conclusion. I am much indebted to the Plantation Foremen and the staff generally for the able and cheerful assistance received in carrying on the work. From the Prison Department's officials with whom we are


associated at the tree-planting camps much valuable assistance lias been received. I am particularly grateful to the Gaolers for the interest they have taken in the work, and their ready assistance in helping it along. Mr. E. H. Taylor, clerk, left the service at the end of February, and was succeeded by Mr. W. Montgomery,of Rotorua Nursery. Mr. S. Curie, Nursery Foreman at Rotorua Nursery, was retrenched when the Ruatangata Nursery was dosed, and was succeeded by Mr. A. Gordon, Nurseryman iji charge, Ruatangata. Mr. Mason. Plantation Foreman at Puhipuhi Plantation, was transferred to Waiotapu Plantation, where be fills a similar position. H. A. Gocdie, Superintending Nurseryman, North Island.

Rotorua Nursery. (Area ol enclosure. 163 acres; altitude, approximate. 1.000 It.) The operations at this nursery during the past year have been attended with much success, which is due in a large measure to the favourable weather experienced. The rainfall amounted to 39-58 in. falling on 137 days, and is the lowest tall ever recorded in this nursery. Lasl year 76-67 in. fell on 173 days. The minimum temperature recorded during the year was 23' on the 25th June, and the maximum K7~ on the 31st January. The temperatures show very little variation from last year, when the minimum and maximum was 24° and 88°, in July and December respectively. Seedling Trees. Trees raised during the year are estimated at 3,316,250, and their value £3,302. The usual quantities of seeds were sown, and the percentage of germination is up to the average, although in one or two instances very poor results were obtained. Details of the crops raised will be found in Schedule V attached, and the following remarks on the different species grown may be interesting : Larch (Larix curofaea). —Five hundredweight of seed was sown, resulting in about 2.000.000 plants : the percentage of germination being 4. This result is up to the average, and the growth made by the young seedlings is remarkably good, fully 40 per cent, of them being 6 in. high. The dry weal her experienced during January and February was commencing to have an ill effect upon the crop, but timely rains early in March soon freshened them up. and practically no loss occurred. Austrian Vine {Pinus austriaca). —From 14 lb. of seed 17,000 trees were raised, 5 per cent, being the rate of germination. The growth is well up to (h< , average. Corsican Pine (Pinus Larido). 900,000 trees were raised from 3 cwt. of seed, the rate of germina lion being 8 per cent. Exceptionally good growth has been made by the seedlings, fully 50 per cent, being 2 in. high ; but the rate of germinal ion is low in comparison to last yea r, when 33 per cent, of ihe .seeds produced trees. Sugar-pine (Pinus Lambertiana). The crop raised from 13 lb. of seed an ted to 12.000; germination being at the rate of I I per cent. The seed, of this pine is exceptionally large, there being about 2.000 to the pound ; and on this account it is an expensive tree to grow. Good growth has 1 n made by the seedlings. It is not intended to grow further quantities of this pine, as the cost is too high. Heavy Pine (Pinus ponderosa). The crop raised from 13 lb. ol seed numbered 100,000. Rate of germination, 25 per cent. This is low compared with last year, when HO per cent, of the seed germinated. Splendid growth has been made by the seedlings, and it is probable that the whole of them will require to be lined out next spring. Monterey /'hie (Pinus insignia). A very poor crop resulted from the 25 lb. of seed sown. These QUmbei 50,000, showing that the rate of germination was about 10 per cent. Last year 50 per cent. of the seeds germinated. As usual, this species has made good growth, and the whole of the crop will be fit for permanent planting during the coming planting season. Benthom's Pine (Pinus ponderosa var. Benthamiana). —A fairly good crop, 10,000 trees, resulting from 151b. of seed sown. Rate of germination, 10 per cent. Good growth has been made by these seedlings, and they will probably need to be lined out next spring. Weymouth Pine (Pinus strobus). —This is the poorest crop of this species ever raised here, the germination of the seed being at the rate of 0-23 per cent. Two thousand seedlings were produced from 30 lb. of seed, which goes to show how inferior was the quality of the seed. A small sample packet of seed was received from the Forestry Department in Canada, and this germinated at the rate of 10 per cent. A trial lot of European-saved seed is being procured for next year's .sowing. Doughs Fir (Pseudo-tsuga Bouglasii). This is a good crop. From 30 lb. of seed 120,000 trees were raised, the rate of germination being 10 per cent. Excellent growth has been made by the seedlings. most of which are 3 in. high, and it will be necessary to transplant them into nursery rows next spring. Apple-scented (linn (Eucalyptus Stuartiana). From 3 Ib. of seed sown probably 300.000 seedlings resulted, but a,s only about one-third of these will make sufficiently strong growth, they have been estimated for stock-taking purposes at 100,000. This latter number will suffice for planting the area set aside for eucalyptus this coming winter. As usual, this species has made strong growth, and all the available plants will be permanently planted as one-year-olds. Experimental Lots. — The following species were raised for experimental purposes: Pinus canariensis, densiflora, Massoniana, Monticola, and Tsuga Mertensiana. With the exception of the last-named, seed of all these species were presented by foreign Governments or societies. Specimens of each will be planted, and results noted for future guidance. All of the pines made good, growth. /'. canariensis being particularly noticeable in this respect. /'. MassowUma is a, synonym of /'. Thun bergii, the latter being now recognized as the correct name for this species. It is a native of Japan, being argely planted in thai country lor all purposes ; it is used for sea-coast planting, is planted for fuel.




and finds a place in most private gardens and temple-enclosures. Pinus densiflora is also a native of .Japan, where it is as highly esteemed as /'. Thunbergii. P. Monticola is a large-growing tree ; native of the mountain-ranges of North-west America. The wood is suitable for the same purposes as the Weymouth pine. Tsm/ii McrlcHsiinitt is a native of Western North America, where it has a wide range from California, to Alaska,; it is » valuable timber tree. The genus embraces the hemlock' firs, which are closely allied in character to the larches and spruces. This species, like spruce, is very slow-growing in the Etotorua district, and the seedlings raised this year are no exception to this rule. Two-year-old Seedlings. Gorsican Pine {Pinus Laricio). —This was the principal crop in this class, and is the finest lot of trees ever raised here. All are healthy, have made strong growth, and probably 90 per cent, of them will be fit for permanent planting next winter. Ewopem Larch (Larix europaea). — This crop is not as good as usual, which is due to the very dry weather experienced in the first two months of 11)11. GraSS-gnib, too. has been prevalent, and there are several small patches in each bed where the presence of this pest is very not icea ble. The rootfungus (Rosselmia radiciperda) has not been responsible lor so much damage as in former years. This disease is being investigated, and our observations up to the present time would seem to indicate that the root-fungUS has an injurious effect only where the roots of the larch have been damaged either by tin- implements or by the gra s-grub. This view is partly confirmed by the tact that perfectly healthy specimens of larch have been lilted, showing large quantities of Mycelia adhering to the roots. It is proposed to desist from " wrenching" the larch for a year or two. in order to ascertain if this view of the matter is a oorreci one. Western Lurch (La/rix occidental/is). In last year's report it was stated that this species was of a, slower rate of growth than the European larch, and the growth made by the plants during the. past year confirms the statement. It is quite as susceptible to the root-troubles as the European larch. Other trees mentioned in the schedule attached have mostly made good growth, and will be transferred to the plantations during the coming winter. Lined-OUt Trees. Very satisfactory growth has been made amongsi all species of trees ; the pines being unusually good, and the larch just about the average. The bulk of these trees will be available for sending to the plantations next winter. Trees sent to the plantations, etc.. during the year numbered 1,303,021, and their value IT.fiON '.Is. lOd. The totals to date are 28,399,075 trees, valued at £60,618 IKs. 6d. Seed-sowing was conducted under very good weather-conditions during the months of October anil November. An experimental sowing of one bed each of larch and Corsica)! pine was made early in September, but the results were unsatisfactory, probably owing to there being insufficient warmth in the soil. This trial sowing was made in order to ascertain what difference upon the growth of the seedlings would result; but, although the growth was considerably greater, the rate of germination was so low as to make a repetition of such early sowing undesirable. The last three months of I'.tlll were somewhat damper than usual, hence weeding has I n an unusually heavy item of expenditure. Sorrel is the most common of the weeds to be contended with. and. owing to the underground stems, it is somewhat difficult to keep in check in the seed-beds. Lining-out. This work was commenced on tin' 13th July, and completed on the 31et August, the number of trees dealt with being 2,500,000. The average cost for this work was Is. 9d. per thousand. Sizing of seedlings cost 2s. per thousand, and lifting lined-out trees in readiness for sending to the plantations cost 2s. 3d. per thousand. Horse-feed. There were i") tons of oaten sheaf grown and harvested in prime condition; while the previous year's stack, amounting to IT lons, was charted. Cropping of this soil may be regarded as profitable; bul during the period that the crop occupies the land the weeds make great headway, so that it is not desirable to use land on which it is afterwards intended to grow crops of trees. For growing horse-feed only an additional area of II acres wa.s I ing-fenced, and this was sown, down in oats during March. 1911. One of the horee paddocks which lias I n down lor ten yea is was ploughed, and it is intended to put this in oats next sprint;. A five-roomed cottage was erected during the year for the use of the Nursery Foreman, whose duties compel him to live close to the work. Two new wagons were purchased to replace the old ones. The type of wagons bought are common in this and most country districts. They are strongly built, with no springs, and a body which can be removed ; while the under-cavriage has a. sliding reach, making the vehicle adaptable for carrying long lengths of timber. These wagons will be mostly occupied in carting trees to the Waiotapu Plantation. A lighter spring wagon was also purchased for supplying the Whaka rewarew a Plantation with trees. Proposals for 1911-1912. —1t is estimated that between five and six million trees will be available for sending to the plantations this coming winter. Of these, the majority are pines, and, as it is advisable to plant pines before the actual dormant season arrives, an early start will be made in sending them out. This will necessitate an increased expenditure in labour for about the first three months of next yerr. or until all the pines have been lifted and despatched to the plantation. The larch, which transplant as well in the spring as in the autumn, will not be handled until all the pines have been dealt with. Manuring. The nursery soil, with frequent tillage and cropping, has lost much of its natural fertility, owing to the decomposition of the humus. Artificial manures, while improving the productive capacity, have very little effect upon tin' physical properties of the soil, especially is this so when' the crop is taken right out of the ground, as is the case with young trees. There is not even stubble left to plough in. to form humus, as for instance alter an oaten crop. To improve the soil-conditions, it is proposed that all vacant laud next spring be sown down with a leguminous or cruciferous crop for ploughing in. and each puce of land as it becomes vacant will be similarly treated.



Further accommodation lor vehicles and implements is required. An addition to the present lean-to at the. buck of the stable would meet the case in the most economical manner. The average number of workmen employed during the year was 30-35. Schedules showing stock of trees in hand at 31st March, and trees sent out during the year, are attached, along with information relating to expenditure and values. The following is a record of the temperature and rainfall for the year : —

Schedule I.

Schedult 11. Statement oj Expenditure. For Year. To Date. Tree planting and maintenance c s. d. t s . d. Tree-growing .. .. .. .. 2,043 11 6 20,26-1 it 6 General maintenance and repairs .. 312 13 7 3.261 10 I Tree-seeds .. .. .. .. 258 6 0 2.151 13 3 Manures .. .. .. .. 92 19 8 869 3 9 ITorse-feed, purchased and grown .. 222 14 3 1,356 10 1 Miscellaneous works .. .. .. 49 11 <i 274 3I I Stock and material—Tools, implements .. 76 10 0 882 Hi it Permanent works- — Buildings .. .. .. .. 392 15 11 2,748 19 2 Nursery-formation .. .. .. 40 14 (i 2.208 18 2 Fencing .. .. .. .. 27 13 7 215 8 2 Water-supply .. .. .. .. .. 660 18 10 Seed-frames' .. .. .. .. 8 12 8 1,649 4 9 Supervision and clerical— Proportion of Superintending Nurseryman's salary .. .. .. .. 300 0 n Proportion of Foreman's wages. Nurseryassistant and Cadet's salaries .. 356 13 1 1.742 11 7 Clerical assistance .. .. .. 150 0 0 541 15 I £4,592 16 3 £38,828 3 I

Schedule III.-Trees Account.

i Mouth. Number of Rainfall. Days Rain fell. Temperature. Maximum. Minimum. Number "I Days Frosta occurred. ! 1910. Inches. 1-31 9 3-77 12 4-60 18 5-40 I (i 5-15 13 1-77 11 4-89 13 2-63 7 4-25 IT) Degrees. Degrees. 74 29 68 28 65 23 (i:i 24 64 25 68 30 73 25 82 40 79 37 :; (i I I ID !l 7 I April May June July August September .. October . . . November . . December .. I III I. January February March 0-56 4 2-84 L0 2-41 i) 87 40 82 Hi 83 42 Totals 39-58 137 47

During the Year. Since 1896 to Date. Since 1896 to Date. Estimated Estimated j'jHiiinairii Cost Cost of Reining oSSm » Nuinber. of Raising Number.- and Maintcimnee. ,ls ' ' l1, '"""' • per Thousand. per Thousand. E s. d. £ b. (I. £ s. (1. Trees raised .. .. .. 3,316,250 0 6 1 37,336,705 0 18 (i 73,500 16 6 Trees sent out .. .. 4,303,021 .. 28,399,075 .. 60,518 18 6 Balance in stock .. .. .. 8,937.630 .. 12,981 18 0 Value of land, improvements, and stock (Property Account) .. .. 8.406 I it I Total value .. .. .. .. 21,387 19 9



Schedule IV. — Property Account. £ i>. d. Land (160 acres); Crown [and, not charged to Forestry Account Buildings .. .. .. . . .. .. .. 2.500 0 0 Stock Improvements .. .. .. .. .. .. 2.700 0 U Fencing .. .. .. .. .. .. 150 o o Stores iii hand .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,056 I 9 £8,406 I 9

Schedule V.-Details of One-year-old Trees, sown 1910-11.

Two-year-old Trees, sown 1909-10.

Three-year-old Trees, sown 1908-9

Nftlllfi Of Tree. Number in Height in Amount Value Si i din as. inches. BOwn ThouRaud . KoniRrks. Eucalyptus Stuartiana .. .. 100,000 Larix europaea .. .. ..2,000,000 Pinua auatriaca .. .. .. 17,000 canariensis .. .. 4,000 densiflora .. ■ . • 50 ., Lambertiana .. .. 12,000 .. Laricio .. .. .. 900,000 Massoniana .. .. 100 Montioola .. .. .. 100 , , ponderosa.. .. .. 100,000 (var. Benthamiana) 10,000 .. radiata .. .. .. r>0.000 „ strobus .. .. .. '2,003 Pseudo-tsuga DougUMi .. .. 120.0(11 Tsuga Mertensiana .. .. 1,000 Totals .. .. .. 3,316,250 lb. oz. £ 3. d. £ r. d. fi 3 0 0 10 0 .50 0 0 . 2-6 560 0 10 0 2,000 0 0 1 14 0 1 0 0 17 0 0 0 10 10 0 4 0 0 1 0 110 0 0 10 2 43 0 1 5 0 15 0 0 2 336 0 10 0 000 0 0 1 0 110 0 0 2 0V Good srnwtli. 1 01100 020 U 43 0 10 0 100 0 0 I. 1 , 18 0 1 S 0 12 10 0 0 25 0 10 0 50 0 0 1 :!0 0 10 0 2 0 0 3 30 0 1 5 0 lf)0 0 0 1 10 1 5 0 1 5 0 3,302 0 0

Name of Tree. Cupresaus thurifera Praxinus americana Larix europaea oocidentalis Tjiquidambar styraciflua Picea canadensis PinUR Coulterii Jeffreyii Lambertiana Ijaricio .. ponderosa scopulorum resinosa atrobus teocote Taxoclium distichum . . Tsuga canadensis occidentalia Sequoia sempervirens .. Totals Number Number in Height Value in Seed- Nursery- In per Total Value. Remarks, beds, lines. Inches. Thousand. £ s. a. £ s. d. I 400 COO 2 5 0 I 1 17 0 Very fast. BOO .. f, 15 0 0 12 f> Pair. B00.000 600,000 12 j I 5 212,860 0 0 Oood growth. I A O U ) 60 LOO R I I jJJ ]} ! 0 6 6 Slow growth. I .000 4 2 10 0 2 10 0 Very good. ■HO .. 2 1 10 0 0 15 0 Siow growth. 600 5 2 10 0 1 5 0 Good enwth. 4,000 4 a io o m> o o 200 .. 5 1 10 0 0 6 0 . 2,260,000 1.500.000 r, : ' '' J'li.mTio 0 Very good. 110,000 TO.Odil 5 ! ' j || ' 296 (I 0 I1 2 5 0 J ■"'()() 1.500 5 I J JO 0 1 4 1Q Q GoO(J growth 800 200 3 ' I "J °l 0 19 0 Slow growth. & U ) III 12.cmi .. s 15 0 15 0 0 1,000 4.000 4 ' \ !'' ?'• Iβ (I 0 Very good. 80 8 -i 5 0 (I 1 (i 900 .. "2 1 S 0 1 -2 6 Slow growth. 1,000 .. 4 1 Id (i 1 10 0 Fnir growth. 4,000 i, 6 0 0 24 (I ii . 3,180,350:2,185,930 .. .. 8,913 5 0 5,866,280

Name of Tice. Number in Height Value T t , Nnrxery- in per Vnliw Remarks, lines. Inches. Thousand. N a "" .lnus glutinosa .. jarix europaea . . 'inus ponderosa 'aeudo-tauga Douglasii .. 'huja gigantea Totals I £ s. d. £ s. H. 400 ft 3 0 1) 14 0 Pair growth. 50,000 12 13 0 0 151) 0 0 Good growth. •200,000 ". I 3 0 0 fiOO 0 0 4,000 0 13 5 0 13 0 0 700 0 3 10 0 2 9 0 255,100 .. .. 7G6 13 0



Trees transferred from Nursery to Plantations, &c., 1910-11.

H. A. GouniE, Superintending Nurseryman, North Island.

WIIAK A I! K\V A R KWA I ' I.A NTATK IX. (Area, 9,024 acres; approximate altitude, 1,200 ft.) During the pasl year lives to the number of 1,552,325 were received from the Rotorua Nursery. Of tins number, 1.274,52") were planted on a new area of fi(>7j acres, and 277,800 were used to replace failures in former planting. Tin , estimated number of trees in the plantation is it.640.161. occupying an area of 4,634 acres. Prison Labour.- The average daily number employed was 10-||. and their work was valued a 1 £957 (is. 3d., or an average per man of £91 1 -is. Id., showing an increase of CJ!> 2s. (id. mi the average earnings per man lor the previous year. The Prison Department's officers have done their utmost to make the work a success. A new oil-engine and power pump wen' installed to replace (he old pump and windmill, which were completely worn out. The >iew plant is giving every satisfaction, and there is now no difficulty in keeping the camp well supplied with water. Consumptive Convalescents.—The Karere Camp consumptive convalescents resumed work in .Match. I.) 10. preparing pits to the number of 144.380. and planting 252,175 trees. At the end of the planting season they were given employment at maintenance-work, which consisted chiefly of clearing growth amongst the younger trees until February of the present year, when they again started pitting. The men, however, found the work too hard for them, and, consequently, as t here was nothing else lot , them 1,, do. the camp had to be closed. All the planting within three miles of the camp will be finished within a few weeks, so that there is not sufficient inducement to open it for the coming season's work. The average daily number of men employed was 4-43. and their total earnings amounted to £434 17s. 3d. Fnr Labour. - An average daily number of 24-84 men were employed, and the average cost of I he various works undertaken was as follows : Clearing for tree-planting. £1 15s. 9Jd. per acre : pitting, ;is. IJd. per thousand; planting. 7s. 2fd. per thousand: pitting and planting, 12s. per thousand: planting blanks. I Is. 5cL per thousand :63 chains of lire-break were formed, at ;< cost of ss. I*j<l. per

Height Value Where sent. Name of Tree. Nuinlwr. in per Total Vnlne. Remains. Inches. Thousand. £ b. d. £ s. .1. , Larix europaea .. 142,100 12 2 5 0 994 14 o 245,450 12 15 0 300 10 3 ' „ .. .. 288,050; 12 10 0 288 13 0 Results of all trets Waiotapu nanta j p inlla por( i orosft .. 828,000 8 2 5 o 720,15 o - | lamed are satis,Ion „ Laricio.. .. 1.130,250 4 2 5 0 3,221 11 3 factory. I „ .. 11,450 4 3 0 0 34 7 0 * „ strobus.. 2,300 3 3 0 0 6 18 0 ' 1 ___ 2,749,200 5,579 15 0 / Alnus glutinosa .. 2,200 6 2 0 0 4 8 0 Eucalvptus Stuartiana .. 508,925 4 0 10 0 254 9 3 Liquidambar stvraciflua 1,700 6 1 5 0 2-2 6 Larix europaea ' 30,000 12 3 0 0 108 0 0 20,000 12 2 5 0 45 0 0 „ .. .. 453,950 12 1 5 0 567 8 9 Results of all trees Whakarewarewa Pinus Laricio .. .. 77,000 4 2 5 ol 173 5 0 . planted are satis. plantation „ Murrayana 2,225 4 2 5 0 5 0 1 factory. „ ponderosa .. 20::, 550 3 2 5 0 502 19 9 | „ radiata.. 147,800 0 10 0 147 16 0 I'seudo-tsugaDouglnsii. . 21,125 5 2 10 0 52 16 3 Sequoia sempervirens 15,000 4 10 0 60 0 0 Thuja gigantea 2,850 I 3 0 0 silo 1,552,325 2,021 10 7 Local bodies, schools, Shelter-trees and shrubs 1,496 .. .. 0 IS 3 and Councils Summary. Where sent. Description. Number. Value. t s. (1. Whakarewarewa Plantation .. .. Details above . .. I 1,552,325 2,021 10 7 Waietapu Plantation .. .. .. 2.719,200 .,.579 15 0 Local bodies, schools, and Councils .. .. „ .. .. 1,190 6 18 3 Totals .. .. .. .. 4,303.021 7,608 9 10 7,608 ',« 10

Faa /iiiijc 40.]


Lining-out Seedling Pines, Tapanui Nursery.

Weeding One-year-old Seed-beds, Tapanui Nursery.


Wrenching and weeding Pines, showing Protecting Frames.

Loading 30,000 Larch for Plantation.


C —1b

chain : 518,225 trees were put in by a combined system of pitting and planting at one operation ; the plants were small and easily carried, and the pits were dug with the planting-spade, being only aboul half the size of the usual pit. Where the growth of fern is very heavy this system cannot be recommended, as the old pits are difficult to find when replacing failures, and the trees themselves are hard to see when clearing growth among them. Where the ordinary-sized pit is used it serves to maintain a small cleared space immediately around each of the young trees, and thus makes any subsequent work amongst them easier to carry out. Owing to the roughness of the area planted during the pasi .season, the greater portion of the trees had for a considerable distance to be packed on horseback. A sum of £48 14*. LOd. was spent in survey- wmk ; the boundaries of all the differeni blocks being accurately fixed for the preparation of the new plans. In maintenance-work the heaviest expenditure was incurred in clearing growth amongst the trees. As the country now being planted is all heavy fern land, this work is annually increasing, and conee <|iiently a larger staff has to be employed to cope with it. By ploughing and disc-harrowing, the fire-breaks were kept in good order: and some necessary pruning was done amongst the larch and Oregon pine. In the oldest block of blackwood {Acacia melanoxylon) about 20 per cent, of the trees were a fast-growing wattle, which completely outstripped the blackwood in rate of growth, and threatened to seriously damage them. This was caused by mixed seed having been supplied to us, and in seedling state the two species were so similar in appearance as to cause the mixture to go unnoticed. These trees have been planted for about six years, and the wattle ranged from 40 ft. to 60 ft. in height, so that it became necessary to cut them out in order to protect the more valuable blackwood. The thinnings were converted into firewood, of which there was nearly 100 cords, and this will be sold as opportunity affords. Pits to the number of 698,000 are now available for the coming season, when it is expected that slightly over two million trees will be dealt with. Owing to the dry weather experienced during the summer months, the trees planted during the past season have made slightly less than the average growth, but the percentage of failures is no greater than that of previous years. The number of deaths were greatest amongst Pinus radiala. which were fast-grown tender plants, and planted on country at a considerable elevation where they were much exposed to the cold winds which prevailed for some time just after planting. Amongst Eucalyptus Stnartiana, which were planted on a' similar class of land, there are also rather more failures than usual. Practically all the land suitable for this species has been planted, and any plantings of eucalyptus made in the future will be confined to very small areas. Although the growth made by the larch is very poor, very few deaths have occurred, and the same may be said of Pinus Laricio and Pinus pomlrrosa, but the growth made by both the. latter species is better than that of the larch. Small plantings of Douglas fir and Thuja gigante.a have both done very well, but the same cannot be said of the redwood, which, being on bare ground, were cut down by frost soon after planting. Two severe frosts in October checked the growth of the, larch over a considerable part of the plantation, but the trees had quite recovered by the end of the year. Amongst the established trees no effects of the dry weather are noticeable, and the rate of growth has been quite equal to that of previous years. A statement of the expenditure incurred during the year is attached. Schedule 11. Statement of Expenditure. For Year. To Date. Planting operations and maintenance — £ s. d. f s. d. General utilization .. .. .. t>B 17 7 68 17 7 Tree-planting .. .. . . 483 5 5 4,854 1 I Pitting .. .. .. 708 19 7 5,280 3 4 Clearing .. .. .. .. 1.000 13 L 0 6,864 11 5 Cartage of trees.. .. .. .. 21 17 7 281 18 5 General upkeep of plantation .. .. 1.332 13 10 6,520 9 6 General repairs .. .. 70 0 4 649 12 r> Horse-feed .. .. .. .. L5O 19 2 697 5 6 Permanent works — Fencing .. .. .. .. l>l 7 <; 1,085 14 10 Eoadmaking .. .. .. .. .. 1,011 611 Formation .. .. 118 4 10 764 8 4 Buildings .. .. .. . . .. 1,069 3 7 Water-service . . . . . . . . 86 8 9 86 8 9 Stock, implements, &c. —-Tools, implements .. 85 19 i> 597 4 r> Supervision and clerical — Salaries— Supervision of free labour .. .. 268 0 6 1,566 18 9 prison labour .. .. 195 0 (I 863 1 1 Nurseryman's proportion of clerical assistance .. .. .. .. 47 0 0 4.659 8 8 32.261 6 2 Estimated value of prison labour (apportioned in above items) .. .. .. .. 957 0 3 5,687 15 10 Actual expenditure .. .. £3.702 8 r> £26,573 10 4 (i—C. 18.



Schedule 111. Trees Account. Number. Trees received during the year .. .. .. .. .. 1.552,325 Less, to replace blanks .. .. .. .. .. 277,800 Planted on new area .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,274,525 Previously planted .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,366,111 Total number planted on 4,634 aorea (average age. [our years) .. 9,640,636 Schedule IV .- — Property Account. i * <| Land (9,024 acres) ; Crown land, not charged to Forestry Account Buildings ... .. .. .. .. .. .. 900 0 d Improvements .. .. .. .. .. .. 1.800 0 0 Fencing .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. 950 0 0 Stores in hand .. .. .. .. .. 179 4 0 £3,829 4 0 Balance-sheet. g f Total expenditure .. .. ... .. .. .. 32,261 6 2* Less Property Account .. .. .. .. .. 3,829 4 0 Cost of operations .. .. .. .. .. .. 28,432 2 2 4.634 acres planted (average age, four years) ; cost per aore .. £5 0 0 Estimated value of plantation per acre .. .. .. .. £9 15 0 *jPiieon labour include"l.

Table showing approximately the Trees of present in Whakarewarewa Plantation (to accompany map).

1 1 Area 11 planted. Name of Tree. Year of Planting. Number of Trees planted. Remarks. ■( Aores. 58-5 ] Pinus'Laricio ,, Taustriaca .. Sycamore Silver biroh Redwood 1901-2 .. 12,900 60,280 15,736 5,350 4,900 Mixed with pines. Planted pure. Mixed with pines. I 58-4 1900 1 .. 99,106 I 80-3 ■ 80-3 Austrian pine Redwood Sycamore 108,000 8,830 10,800 I '-Mixed. » 133,630 91-7 0,| 380 3-5 Larch Redwood Larch Redwood Larch Redwood Larch Birch .. Oriental plane .. Eucalyptus Walnut 1901-2 . . 1902-3 .. 1903-t '.. 1909-10 '.'. 1902-3 .. 75,445 8,435 139,840 12,300 13,000 483 : 2,000 ! 955 ' 960 48,350 5,000 I Planted in mixture. / Planted pure. ,, 1903-4 ! '. it • • Planted pure, mostly species amygdalina. Planted purr. 133-9 306,758 71-4 J Larch Douglas fir 1905-0 .. 135,000 52,233 I Planted in mixture. »> ■ • 71-4 187,233 42-7 J Larch Douglas fir 1900-7 .. 83,400 28,025 - Planted in mixture. 6 »» • • 42-7 111,425



Table showing approximately the Trees at present in Whakarewarewa Plantation —continued.

1A i || plintwl. Name of Tree. of Plant-inn. q -Number of Trees planted. Remarks. ■"• I Acres. 9 . n ' Blackwood .. .. 1905-6 .. Zo '° , „ .. .. 1906-7 .. ..I e -| Inarch .. i Douglas hr I 42-9 Blackwood .. .. | 1907-8 . . \ 167-7 Eucalyptus .. .. 1906-8 .. J 25,500 i u , , , leisoo L-Heitedpure. 10,000 ! ,„ -,.'-„- Planted in mixture. t72,2OO Planted pure. 213,150 Planted pure, composed ohiefly of 1C. amyycUi Una and Stuartiana. I I _ 1 244-1 349,885 — i 950 Mixed with larch. 280 Planted pure. 48,000 ] 10,525 8,800 1,830 89,402 20,000 157,898 L96.026 91,175 60,000 1,000 Mixed with planes. f „» I Oriental plane .. .. 1902-3 .. 02 1 Birch 400 Eucalyptus pauoiflora . . ,, Hi Larch'.. .. .. .. l>2 Walnut 21 Blackwood 7-] I Eucalyptus Stuartiana .. „ 170-3 \ ■ ,, amygdaliua .. „ „ Stuartiana .. 1005-8 .. ..._' Norway spruce .. .. 1906-7 .. i I ideland spruce.. . . „ 40-11 Eucalyptus pauoiflora . . 1908-8 .. 0-8 Larch .. .. .. 1909-10 .. 7-1 379-8 8 05-7 Euoalyptue .. .. 1899-1905 ( 80-8 Eucalyptus .. .. 1906-6 .. 9 4ti-0 Corsioan pine .. .. 1907-8 .. ( !)■(! Larch .. .. .. „ 135-8 ....i Alder .. .. .. 1903-4 .. °' u .. .. 1904-5 .. 170-7 , Laroh .. .. .. 1905-0 .. Ol-ii Euoalyptue 11-0 Larch .. .. .. 1906-7 .. , n ' Pinus taeda .. .. „ 1U ' „ Thunbergii -, - ,, Sabiniana .. „ „ muricata .. .. „ Corsican pine .. .. 1907-8 Red cedar .. .. „ 1-2 Lombardy poplar .. 1908-9 .. 684,894 100,550 Planted pure. I 102,700 Planted pure. 121,532 23,8(111 248,032 (i 2,003 Planted pure. 15,842 Planted on river-banks. 477,150 Planted pure. 115,717 30,00(1 1,100 700 25 850 144,517 670 000 334-1! 789,174 II 51-0 '< Larch .. .. .. 1905-6 .. 2-0 Alder .. .. .. 1903-4 .. I _ -1 Pinus Torreyana .. 1905-0 .. I ,, muricata .. . . ,, 184-3 Euoalyptus .. .. „ 12- „„( Pinus'densinora.. .. 1906-7 .. I „ rauricata .. .. „ l Ijarch .. .. .. 1908-9 .. 125-8 Redwood I Liquidambar styraoiflua .. 1010-11 .. 134,000 Planted pure. 5,948 Planted pure, on river-banks. 1,320 Planted pure. 3,770 234,260 2,325 850 305,700 Planted in mixture. 24,000 400 Experimental. 317-8 578,563 I 0-7 Pinus muricata .. .. 1906-7 .. 13 175-0 Laroh .. I 0-8 Alder 1910-11 .. 176-5 S5(i Planted tor shelter. 470,500 Planted pure. 2V200 Planted on river-banks. 479,550 (\ Larch .. .. .. 1000-7 .. " — Dou g ,a;-ar .. .. "T !! I Redwood .. .. ,, 323,500 ' Planted pure. 766,800 Partly pure. 30,250 Mixed with larch. 11,860 — 469-6 . I 90 Blackwood .. .. 1008-0 .. i 300-7 Eucalyptus .. . 1908-111 .. 406-7 1,137,400 0,775 Planted pure. r>04.250 Planted pure. Sluniiiaiin speeies. 511,025 ' 1 I 66-6 (,'orsioan pine .. .. 1907-8 I 4,,J - 8 , , 1909-10 .. 521-4 146,805 Planted pure. .">(i.">,125 579,000 1,291,020



Table showing approximately the Trees at present in Whakarewarewa Plantation — continued.

Summary showing Area <>l Wluikarewarewa Plantation (£,(i34 "ff* '" trees). How oooupied. Acres. Larch .. .. .. ~ .. .. .. .. 2,074-8 Pine .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 859-8 Blackwood .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 79-0 Eucalypti .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,476-3 Walnut .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . 9-7 Spruce, picea, Pseudo-tsuga .. .. .. .. .. .. I 19-0 Birch .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5-8 Alder .. .. . . .. . . .. . . . . 8-8 Poplar .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1-2 Roads, tracks, and fire-breaks .. .. .. .. .. 387-5 Swamps and creeks .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 242-0 Unplanted land .. . . .. . . . . .. . . 3.553-2 Land suitable for planting .. .. .. .. .. .. 109-2 Horse-paddocks . . . . .. . . . . . . .. | Residence reserves . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 98-5 Rotorua water-pipe reserve. &c. . . . . . . . . . . J Total .. .. .. .. .. .. 9,024-8 Summary of Trees />!<tnt<-<l. How used. Number. Numbers on plantation at present daj' — Contents of numbered blocks .. .. .. .. .. 9,640,161 Ornamental and shelter trees at prison camps .. .. .. 475 Total trees now living .. . . .. .. . . 9.640,636 Numbers planted to replace failures. &c. Experimental trees not suited to district . . . . .. 266,305 Used to replace deaths .. .. .. .. .. 1,628,803 11,535,744 Less trees raised from seeds sown m situ .. . . .. 109.725 Trees received from nursery .. .. .. .. .. 11,426,019

ptated. : Name of Tm-. Area planted. fui *• of Trees Remarks, of Planting. pi Bn t e d. Year of Planting. Number of Trees planted. Acres. 1 17 ! Corsican pine 1907-8 .. 187,766 Planted pure. 1008-0 .. 150,925 Planted pure, and partly in mixture with heavy pine. o 1B .o Heavy pine ■ n ° A I! Bentham's pine j i Murray's pine I Austrian pine . . ('orsiean pint' 38-2 Larch 280,37.") .. 19,600 Planted pure. 10,225 ] 15,375 1000-10 .. 15,000 88,524 353-5 876,780 142-4 ' Larch 2-3 : Douglas tir I J Larch .. j.j 8 Douglas fir I (ledar .. I1 Reniarkable pine " ' Corsioan pine ' Heavy pine 201-8 Euoalyptus 1909-10 .. 331,476 Planted pure. 6,100 1910-11 . . 302,738 Mostly pure. 20,575 Mixed with larch, alternate rows; experimental. 2,850 Ditto. 147,800 Pure, in rough country with heavy bracken ; uneven distance. „ . . 73,000 Wanted pure. . . I 216,275 ,, .. 285,875 Planted pure, apeoies Stuartiana. IS 726-3 46-n Larch 1,476,689 1010-11 .. 1)7,212 Planted pure. III I'll I Redwood 200 I Liquidambai Btyracinua .. 20-0 1000-10 .. 5,575 Pure, planted around banks ol lake. linn ii.. 14,300 1,300 I , nrc. planted experimentally. 21,175 i



Summary of Trees growing on Numbered Blocks on Whakarewarewa Plantation. Larch.. 5,087,335 Pines.. 1,831,245 Blackwood .. .. .. 123,174 Eucalypti .. .. .. .. 1,986,142 Walnut .. .. .. 13,800 Douglas fir 148,758 Birch .. .. .. .. .. .. •• 6,585 Alder .. .. .. 25,993 Poplar .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 600 Redwood .. 90,673 Sycamore . . .. . . . . . . . . 32,536 Oriental plane . . . . . . . . . . .. 1,900 Norway spruce .. .. .. .. .. .. ] 95,025 Tide-land spruce .. .. .. 91,175 Red cedar . . .. .. .. .. 670 Sweet gum .. .. .. . . .. .. .. 1,700 White ml;..- .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,850 9,640,161 D. J. Buchanan, ■ Plantation Foreman.

Waiotapu Plantation. (Area. 7,695 acres ; approximate altitude, 1,200 ft.) Trees to the number of 2,749,200 were received from Rotorua Nursery during the year, and of this number, 2,470,850 were planted on a new area,, while the balance- -278,350 were used to replace deaths in Eonner years' planting. The trees were planted partly by tree and partly by prison labour. Prisoners planted 2,146,325 on new area, and 102,250 to replace failures ; while the free labour planted 324,525 on new area, and 176.100 to replace failures. Since work commenced at this plantation, 16.153,740 trees have been planted ; 14,309.451 were used in planting new area., and the balance—■ 1,790,690—represents those required from time to time to replace failures. An estimate of the actual number of trees now in the plantation is 13,926,254, and the area planted 5,423J acres, details of which are contained in the schedules and summaries appended hereto. The results amongst the trees planted during the year are most satisfactory. Corsican pine, which composed the greatest part of the trees planted, have done especially well. With the larch the usual good results were obtained. Heavy pine has not succeeded us well as usual, owing to the planting being delayed well into the dormant season. This pine we have come to regard as the hardiest one we plant, so that the poor results can safely be attributed to the planting being done in mid-winter. All pines should be planted before the ground becomes too cold ; but it is sometimes impossible to do this, as there are usually a large number of trees to be handled, and the number of prisoners varies considerably. Most of the deaths replaced were in the previous year's planting of Corsican pine. The deaths in the larch were hardly appreciable, and even if deaths are replaced in these, they never catch up to the former year's planting, and are very liable to be destroyed by rabbits and hares, which are attracted by the newly disturbed soil. The older portions of the plantation continue to make good progress, the principal labour expended on them being the maintenance of the fire-breaks and keeping the bracken-growth down when? the trees are likely to be damaged by such growth. Where the trees are large and with interlacing branches. the fire-breaks are being sown down with grass and clovers. The parts treated last year in this manner have done fairly well. Hurdles were erected across them in several places, and sheep belonging to the Prisons Department kept the grass grazed, thus keeping down any growth that was likely to carry fire. So far, there is not a very large portion of the fire-breaks that can be treated in this manner, as many of the blocks of trees are still open enough to permit sheep to get in amongst them, and the only way in which a fireproof break can be. maintained is by cultivating. During the year new fire-breaks formed amounted to 80 acres, being principally on the fence-boundaries adjoining public roads, and brackenand fern-covered country owned either by the Natives or the Crown. This completes the fire-breaks, so far as the present enclosure is concerned, and the maintenance of these will entail a considerable amount of labour for about four years, or until such time as they can safely be sown down in grass and grazed. Prison Labour. —The employment of prisoners continues to give satisfaction, the only fault being that we cannot get enough of them. To the officers of the Prisons Department much credit is due for the able manner in which they have assisted in carrying out the various works. Mr. Roberts, the Gaoler, who was in charge here for over three years, was transferred to Wellington Prison last June. During his service here lie rendered great assistance to this Department by the cordial manner in which he co-operated with us for the common good of the Government at Waiotapu. The value of the work done by the prisoners during the year was £2.390 7s. Id., which averages £101 18s. 7d. for each of the 23-45 men employed. A road is at present being formed through the land to be planted this year, and, when fim'shed, every part of the plantation-area will be easily accessible with a buggy from the prison camp. For the coming planting season the prisoners have dug slightly over two million pits. There will lie no difficulty in planting these, and if the numbers of prisoners were increased to the full capacity of the camp, four million trees could be planted, as the work is within easy walking-distance of the camp. This latter number would complete the present enclosure. Rabbits and hares have increased at a rapid rate in this district, owing perhaps to the shelter afforded by the growing trees, and it has been necessary to



keep up a constant war with them, in order to prevent damage being done to the young trees. At this work a prisoner has been almost constantly employed, and with traps, poison, and dogs something like two hundred rabbits a month have been destroyed. These pests take a heavy toll of the trees when newly planted; but when once the trees become established, and the bracken and other weeds spring into growth again, they keep more to the open fire-breaks, where they find sufficient feed without molesting the trees. One of the buildings at the old camp-site was thoroughly renovated and a room added by a carpenter prisoner, for the use of the plantation foreman. The foot-bridge across the Waiotapu Stream was strengthened in order to permit of light buggies and motor-cars being taken over it. The bulk of the material for this work was obtained in the bush reserve near Galatea, and the work was done by a prisoner. Free Labour. —-The total area of the plantation enclosures is 7,695 acres, while the distance round the outside boundary is something like fifteen miles. Such an extent of country could not be profitably worked from the prison camp, and for this reason free labour has been employed. During the year the average number of free men employed daily was 10-38, and their work was mostly situated at the remote parts of the block some miles from the prison camp. In addition to the general upkeep of the plantation, the free men planted 324,525 trees on new area, and replaced failures in last year's planting to the number of 176,100. There were 855,025 pits dug, at an average cost of ss. 9d. per thousand. Some years ago the Government decided to offer employment on this plantation to discharged prisoners who, when serving their sentences, had conducted themselves in an exemplary manner, and so far there is no reason for regretting the decision. Many of the men employed have given entire satisfaction in every respect ; they all thoroughly understand the work ; and that the employment is acceptable is evidenced by the number of applications for work received from prisoners whose sentences have nearly expired. Extension of Plantations. —lt is proposed to shift the prison camp to a site some thirteen miles distant from the present camp, where a block of 30,000 acres has been reserved for afforestation purposes. Preparations for this work have been in hand for some months : and as one of the first considerations is an adequate supply of water, this matter was the first one dealt with. Last winter a bore was put down, which lias proved successful, and it has now been decided to dam a. small stream in a. gully half a mile distant, and lift the water by means of an oil-engine and a. pump. Fifty acres of land have been ploughed, and will be enclosed shortly, the fencing-posts being obtained in a bush about four miles distant. The prison camp will be placed inside one of the small experimental plantations, where excellent shelter will lie obtained from the prevailing winds. It is probable that the camp will !»• shifted between October and December next. The expenditure for the year amounted to £1,818 15s. 2d.; details of which are attached hereto. The following is a record of the temperature and rainfall for the year :—

Schedule I.

Schedule ll. — Statement of Expenditure. For Year. To Date. Planting operations and maintenance — £ s . d. £ c. d. Tree-planting .. .. .. 993 19 3 6,251 19 !> Pitting .. .. .. .. 835 6 0 6,636 13 1 Clearing .. .. .. .. 394 7 3 5.966 0 0 Cartage of trees .. .. .. 56 10 3 529 17 5 General upkeep of plantation .. .. 710 210 4,158 15 0 General repairs .. .. .. 148 3 4 285 1 0 Horse-feed .. .. .. .. 179 16 I 676 16 6 v Carried forward . . .. .. £3,318 5 3 £24,505 2 9

Month. Rainfall. Number of Days Rain fell. Temperature. Maximum. Minimum. Number of Days Frosts occurred. 1910. April May June July A.ugus1 September .. October November .. December . . Fnches. 140 4-30 4-83 5-54 3-98 1-35 2-37 307 1-66 2 13 16 1!) . 12 11 11 9 9 Degrees. Degrees. 72 25 67 24 66 23 64 lit 64 21 70 26 76 22 82 30 80 80 6 8 II 10 11 7 4 1 I 191 1. January February March 0-80 1-83 0-42 3 7 4 84 8] 84 32 79 34 1 Totals 31-55 116 63


Schedule ll. — Statement of Expenditure —continued. For Year. To Date. £ 2. d. £ 6. d. Brought forward .. .. .. 3,318 5 3 24,505 2 9 Permanent works- — Fencing . . .. .. .. 70 19 3 2,093 16 1 Roadmaking . . .. .. .. 5 19 0 491 19 10 Formation .. .. .. .. 220 17 I 915 1 4 Buildings .. .. .. .. Bfi 9 4 1,246 111 Stock. Implements, &<■.- Tools, implements .. 34 12 1 73:-! 19 7 Supervision and clerical— Salaries— Supervision of free labour .. .. 185 00j Supervision of prison labour .. 240 do ~ ... ~ ■vT > i.- £ii .5.114 3 0 Nurseryman s proportion of clerical assistance . . .. . . 47 00) 4,209 2 3 33.100 7 6 Estimated value of prison labour (apportioned in above items) .. .. .. 2,390 7 1 22,315 15 9 Actual expenditure .. ... .. £1,818 15 2 £10,784 11 9 Schedule 111. — Trees Account. Number. Trees received during year . . . . . . . . .. 2,749,200 Less, to replace blanks .. .. .. .. .. 278,350 Planted on new area .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,470,850 Previously planted .. .. . . .. .. .. 11,455,404 Total number planted on 5,423£ acres .. . . .. 13,926,254 Schedule IV.—Property Account. £ s . <i. Land (7.695 acres) ; Crown land, not charged to Forestry Account .. Buildings .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Stock Improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,300 0 0 Fencing . . .. . . .. .. . . .. 1,900 0 0 Stores in hand .. .. .. .. .. .. 456 16 8 £4,656 16 8 Balance-sheet. £ s. d. Total expenditure .. .. .. .. .. .. 33,100 7 6* Less Property Account .. .. .. .. .. 4,656 16 8 Cost of operations .. .. .. .. .. .. £28,443 10 10 5,423J acres planted (average age, four years) ; cost per acre .. £4 15 6 Estimated value of plantation per acre . . .. .. £9 10 0 * Prison labour included.

Table showing approximately the Trees at present in Waiotapu Plantation (to accompany map).


II Area pq § planted. to / Xamfi of Tree. Year of Planting. Number of Trees planted. ltumarke. Acres. * 1 ( Larch 126-85 j Weymouth pine ( Austrian pine .. .. 1906-7 .. 88,425 22,900 238,950 Planted pure. j 1 r Austrian pine Heavy pine Weymouth pine Larch Twisted pine Blue-pine 138-90 . Sugar-pine Lodgepole pine Pitch-pine American red-pine Austrian pine .. Corsican pine Austrian pine .. 1905-6 .. ','. 1906-7 '.'. .. 1907-8 .. !! 1908-9 !.' .. 1909-10 .. 350,275 30,300 7,050 37,450 154,575 3,000 K200 75 4,100 6,200 2,100 97,200 5,000 2,000 Planted in mixture Planted pure. Mixed with C'orsiean pine. Planted pure. 2 138-90. I 349,250



Table showing approximately the Trees at present in Waiotapu Plantation— continued.

■jf-i Area || planted. Name of Tree. Year of Planting. Number of Trees planted. K' marks. I! 4 Acres. Austrian pine Bentham's pine Corsican pine Heavy pine ,,.,., Austrian pine .. 143 ' 3 1 Birch .. j Larch I Austrian pine ' Ooirican pine I Birch Austrian pine Heavy pine Weymouth pine Douglas fir Birch Bentham's pine Austrian pine Heavy pine Larch Corsican pine Austrian pine o 0no Heavy pine 3000 - Birch .. Bentham's pine Weymouth pine.. Pitch-pine Bentham's pine Austrian pine I nrsiean pine »» • • Weymouth pine Austrian pine .. Heavy pine Corsdoan pine .. 1900-1 .. 12,000 3,400 .. 1002-:! .. 27,450 13,804 13,556 .. 1903-4 .. 5,000 37,800 .. 1004 5 ., 32,000 . . 1906-7 . . j 81,000 .. 1910-11 .. 25,000 251,010 . . 1901-2 . . 20,100 . . 1902-3 . . 156,587 41,721 9,400 .. 1903-4 .. 18,480 6,525 0,900 135,457 52,675 11,160 .. 1004-.-) .. 5,760 76,250 77,275 775 15,100 12,775 6,000 . . 1905 li .. 18,825 16,000 20,000 . . 1906-7 . . 4,000 . . 1907-8 . . t 8,750 31,500 . . 1909-10 .. 14,325 7,650 .. 1910 II .. 5,000 Mixed. i I I Pure : shelter-hells. ' Pure. i Pure; shelter-belts. •Mixed. Mixed with Austrian pine. ,, Corsiean pine. Pure. '-Mixed. Pure. 4 300-0 - 1 Mixed with Weymouth and Bentham pines Partly mixed with f'orsican pine. Pure." Mixed with Austrian pine. Pure. Mixed. i Mixed with Douglas fir. Mixed with heavy pine. Mixed. I Pure. 778,970 5 f I Eucalyptus Douglas fir Birch Douglas fir Corsican pine Heavy pine „„, _. Austrian pine . Z3875 -j Larch .. ( o niter's pine . . I Corsican pine Larch .. ('(irsican pine 1902-6 .. 60,000 . . 1902-3 .. 11,712 880 . . 1903-1 . . 9,520 52,650 . . 1904-5 . . 3,000 30,000 37,980 175 .. 1905-6 .. 7,000 .. 1906-7 .. 500 . . 1907-8 . . 107,000 . . 1909-10 .. ! 17,625 .. 1910-11 .. ! 10,725 Mixed with larch. „ Corsican pine. Pure; shelter-belts. I Mixed. ' Mixed. Pure. 233-75-1 »> Mixed with eucalypti. Pure. 348,767 6 Corsican pine Bentham's pine Remarkable pine 4!Hi-!t- Larch • ' j :; :: :: Corsican pine .. 1901-2 . . 4,425 2,500 .. 1903-4 . . 2,425 .. I 1904-5 .. 74,925 .. J 1905-6 . . . 721,125 . 1906-7 .. 511,000 .. 1909-10 .. i 5,000 15,775 Pure. Pure; shelter-belt. I'ure. \ 6 496-9-i », 1,337,175 1.337,175 7 I Remarkable pine Blackwood ! Remarkable pirn I Bishops pine 163-757 Eucalypti Sugar-pine iistrian pine Corsican pine , Larch .. .. 1903-4 .. 1.775 1,256 .. 1904-5 .. 1)9,000 48,800 „ . . 12,000 . . 1906-7 .. 1,250 19,050 .. 1907-8 . . 180,000 50,930 1.775 l,2r>(i 1)9,000 43,800 12,000 1,250 19,050 180,000 50,930 Pure ; shelter-belt. Pure. i 7 163-75 Mixed with larch. Pure. Mixed with eucalypt i. 379,061


C— lb

Table showing approximately the Trees at present in Waiotapu Plantation —continued.

7—C. Iβ.

|l plan'.;' I. Name of Tree. Acres. Year Number ofP.anting. £*»» Remarks. I White cedar Bentham's pine Heavy pine Corsican pine 1 Jeffrey pine ('orsican pine Heavy pine White cedar .. 1900-7 .. 13.500 Pure. 13,225 43,850 102,300 3,675 .. 1907-8 .. 260,000 178,275 400 675,225 / Larch .. ,j „.,_ ., j Bentham's pine Larch .. I ('orsican pine .. 1906-7 .. 74,925 Pure. .. 1907-8 .. 55,825 086,000 .. 1910-11 .. 10,000 820,750 ( Larch 10 213-0 J .... .. 1907-8 .. 475,000 Pure. .. 1909-10 .. 47,925 1910 11 .. 62,100 585,025 (Austrian pine Larch Austrian pine .. ('orsican pine 11 3750 Larch .. Corsican pine Heavy pine ( Larch .. ('orsican pine .. 1906-7 .. : 38,900 Pure. .. 1907-8 .. 193,020 ..I 91,900 181,685 .. 1908-9 .. 04,700 60,000 1909 10 .. 18,375 353,225 .. 1910-11 .. 20,000 12 Larch 12 135-0 J " '• ,, . . . . Corsican pine 135-0 1,021,805 1907-8 .. 121,000 Pure. .. 1909-10 .. 25,225 1910-11 .. | 216,700 .. I 22,000 1 , 384,925 13 / Weymouth pine 1 Heavy pine 13 375-75 - Corsican pine Larch .. / 375-75 1908-9 .. 2,800 Pure. 42,000 I M . , .. | „ .. 130,600 i Mlxe(l - 535,930 Pure. .. 1909-10 .. 254,340 I Larch 14 388-5 i Bentham's pine I Corsican pine I Larch 4 ( 388-5 I 905,670 .. 1908-9 .. I 12,000 Pure. .. 1909-10 .. ! 507,440 59,500 , 99,480 , A1,xe(l - .. 1910-11 .. 270,075 Pure. 948,495 i Larch .. 15 525-0 Douglas fir .. Corsican pine I Weymouth pine 5 I 525-0 I .. 1909-10 .. 1,155,920 i ,,. , 50,000 1 M,X<> "- 206,345 i „. , 1,449,240 / Heavy pine Bentham's pine .„ .„,. .,- Corsican nine 1(1 • m ' 2 '' Larch.. | Corsican pine \ Larch .. ( 0 394-25 .. 1908-9 .. 36,525 ) 63,000 Mixed. 241,850 ) 520,900 Pure. .. 1909-10 .. 00,375 .. 1910-11 .. 67,950 I I Birch I Larch 17 145-251 „ .. Weymouth pine I Corsican pine I 996,600 .. 1908-9 .. 5,950 Pure; shelter-belts. 244,900 Pure. 1910-11 .. 47,600 2,300 128,100 .7 145-25 j 428,850



Table showing approximately the Trees at present in Waiotapu Plantation —continued.

Summary ol Trees /rfrwtrt/. How used. Numbers. Numbers on plantation at, present day— Contents of numbered blocks.. ' .. .. .. .. 13,878,463 On fire-breaks .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,367 Ornamental and shelter trees at prison camp .. .. .. 34,936 Experimental trees .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,488 Total trees now living .. .. .. .. .. 13,926,254 Numbers planted to replace failures, &c. — Leguminous plants used as bait for rabbits and hares .. .. 1,425 Ornamental trees destroyed by rabbits and hares . . .. 16,000 Experimental trees not suited for district .. .. .. 757,214 Used to replace deaths .. .. .. .. .. 1,535,968 16,236,861 Less trees raised from seed in situ .. .. .. 83,121 Trees received from nursery .. .. .. .. .. 16,153,740 Summary showing Ana of Plantation (6,£2850 acres in trees). How occupied. Acres. Larch .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,967-95 Pine .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,269-10 Eucalypti .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 180-50 Birch .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5-95 Roads, tracks, and fire-breaks .. .. .. .. .. 312-25 Land unsuitable for planting, including swamps, creeks, horse-paddocks. and residence reserves .. .. .. .. .. 282-55 Unplanted land .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,676-70 7,695-00 Summary of Trees growing on Numbered Blocks on Waiotapu Plantation. Larch .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,010,580 Pines .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5,651,785 Blackwood .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,256 Buoalypti .. .. ... .. .. .. .. 72,000 Douglas fir .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 89,712 Birch .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 39,230 White cedar .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 13,900 13,878,463 R. Moßae, Plantation Foreman.

RUATANOATA NURSERY. As foreshadowed in last annual report, operations at this station censed on the 30th September, 1910. The horses and tools, to the value of £157 6s. 9d., were sold, and the balance of the tools were transferred to the Rotorua district, for use at the several stations.

ae || Area g § planted. ptotod. Name of Tree. Name of Tree. Year Number of Planting. Remarks. 18 Acres. I WYymouth pine ,.,. ,. ' Corsican pine Heavy i>1110 I Larch 1908-n .. 10,950 ) 101,050 Mixed. 2,000 J 51,070 Pure. 171,070 19 417-7") Corsican pine 1910-11 .. ! 1,134,200 Pure. 2(1 19e-5-' Heavy pine .. Larch .. 196-55 1910-11 .. 323,000 Pure. 173,100 490,100

C — b

Pitting with Spade, Grubber, and Hole-borer for Tree-planting.

Face page 50.]

Pure Larch Plantation, Conical Hills


Planting Larch on Tussocky Plain, Hanmer Plantation.

Operations in Hanmer Nursery.



During the six months of the year previous to closing, trees to the number of 323,900 were sent out from the nursery ; 319,950 of these were transferred to Puhipuhi Plantation, and the balance (3.950 totara) were supplied gratis to fanners and others. The total output of trees from the nursery from its inception to 1911 was 2,187,732, and the total number raised 2,667,868, thus showing a difference of 480,136. This discrepancy was caused by overestimating the stock for several years, and by the deaths of puriri and other trees unsuitable for the locality, as follows : Overestimation of stock and deaths of Jrees unsuitable for the locality, 394,036 ; deaths of puriri, 60,000 ; and 26,100 unsaleable or destroyed trees which were in the nursery when it was closed. The number of deaths in trees unsuitable for this locality may seem to be unduly large, but it must be remembered that this nursery was specially set aside for experimenting with Australian hardwoods, and therefore a large number of failures was only to be expected before the most suitable species to grow could be determined. For the six months of 1910 ended 30th September the expenditure amounted to £260 14s. 9d., £19 7s. Id. of this amount being expended in grass-seed for sowing down 22 acres of the nursery prior to closing. This was done with the object of keeping down the growth of weeds and gorse which was likely to follow if the land was left vacant. The average number of men employed during the six months was 2-36. Schedule ll. — Statement of Expenditure. For Year. To Date. Tree-planting and maintenance — £ s. d. £ b. d. Tree-growing .. .. .. 75 4 3 3,309 11 7 General maintenance and repairs .. .. 96 15 2 845 4 7 Tree-seeds .. .. .. .. .. 226 1 0 Manures .. .. .. .. ..1460 78 11 I Horse-feed, purchased and grown .. .. 514 9 743 0 4 Miscellaneous works .. .. .. 3 17 6 150 17 10 Stock and material —Tools, implements .. .. .. 411 15 2 Permanent works — Buildings .. .. .. .. .. 687 7 8 Nursery-formation .. .. .. 19 7 1 1,173 4 2 Fencing .. .. .. .. .. .. 85 1 11 Water-supply .. .. .. .. .. 76 17 6 Seed-frames" .. .. .. .. .. 173 12 9 Supervision and clerical — Proportion of Superintending Nurseryman's I salary .. .. .. 25 0 o[ 732 6 0 ■ Proportion of Nurseryman's "alary .. .. 85 0 01 Clerical assistance .. .. .. 20 16 8 64 16 8 £391 11 5 £8,708 8 3 11. A. Oornirc. Superintending Nurseryman.

Puhipuhi Plantation. (Approximate area, 1,200 acres; altitude, 1,000 ft.) Owing to the closing-down of the Ruatangata Nursery on the 30th September, 1910, trees to the number of 319,950 only were received from the nureery, and these were all used in replacing failures in the previous years' plantings. Since work commenced at this plantation, 1,933,313 trees have been planted on a new area. This plantation was supplied with trees from the Ruatangata Nursery, and like that station, a very large amount of experimental planting was done. Species tried were : totara, Hall's totara, white-pine, puriri, hardy catalpa, American ash, California!! redwood, black walnut, hickory, red cedar, tideland spruce, Douglas fir, Tasmania!) blackwood, and twelve species of eucalypti. Of the coniferous trees, the only one that has succeeded is Pinus muricata. Very few of the eucalypti were suitable, and all have died with the exception of Eucalyptus Stuartiana, E. rostrata, and E. retinifera. The best portions of the plantation have been reserved, and this amounts to about 1,200 acres. It is difficult, owing to the number of failures, to arrive at an estimate of the number of trees actually on the plantation, but this can safely be put down at 1,000,000, composed principally of the three above-mentioned species of eucalypti. Since the Ist October two men only have been employed to keep the fire-breaks in order, clear the growth amongst the trees, &c, and their time has been fully occupied up to the present time in attending to these works. As the fire-breaks are now all in thorough order, it has been decided to get a settler close at hand to act as caretaker of the plantation. Unfortunately, in February last a fire occurred in the plantation, and before it was extinguished 23 acres of eucalypti and 6 acres of totara were burnt over. The totara were totally destroyed, but by cutting the eucalypti off level with the ground a large number of them will throw up young shoots and thus form new trees. The roots of these trees have not been very badly damaged, and it is hoped by this means to lessen the extent of the damage considerably. Up to the present it has not been ascertained whether the fire was the result of an accident or wilfully caused.



The following is a record of the rainfall and temperature for the year

Schedule I.

Schedule ll. — Statement of Expenditure. For Year. To Date. Planting operations and maintenance — £ s . d. £ s. d. Tree-planting .. .. .. .. 26 16 11 1,106 111 Pitting .. .. .. .. 54 3 0 1,552 14 0 Clearing .. .. .. .. .. 77 4 0 963 17 0 Cartage of trees .. .. .. .. 10 12 10 179 13 3 General upkeep of plantation .. . . 642 7 1 2,997 13 0 General repairs .. .. .. .. 510 3 138 11 7 Horse-feed .. .. .. .. 3 18 3 33 16 3 Permanent works —■ Fencing .. .. .. .. 26 9 8 471 0 3 Purchase of land .. .. .. .. .. 10 4 3 Formation .. .. .. .. .. 36 13 0 Buildings .. .. .. .. .. 355 4 9 Stock, implements, &c. —Tools, implements .. .. 322 1 7 Supervision and clerical—■ Salaries — Supervision of free labour .. .. 85 0 0| ~ prison labour .. .. .. ■ 932 9 7 Nurseryman's proportion of clerical assistance 46 0 0) £978 2 0 £9,100 0 5 Schedule lll. — Trees Account. Number. Trees received during year .. ~ .. .. .. 319,950 Less, to replace blanks . .. .. .. .. .. 319,950 Planted on new area .. .. .. .. .. .. Nil. Previously planted .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,000,000 Total number planted on 1,200 acres (average age, two years) .. 1,000,000 Schedule. IV. — Property Account. £ s. d. Land (1,200 acres) ; Crown land, not charged to Forestry Account Buildings .. .. .. .. .. ' .. .. 300 0 0 Stock .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Nil. Improvements .. .. .. .. .. .. 32 0 0 Fencing .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 450 0 0 Stores in hand .. .. .. .. .. .. .. |73 611 £855 6 11

Mouth. 1910. April May June July August September .. October November .. December .. I l Number of Temperature. Rainfall. Days Rain fell. ,, ,, Maximum. Minimum. Inches. Degrees. Degrees. 1-66 15 65 42 13-38 20 62 38 9-99 21 64 35 13-03 25 60 40 8-55 18 64 36 4-55 11 64 40 7-97 18 66 44 8-28 17 79 44 7-04 9 83 44 Numlxr of Days Frosts occurred. 1011. January February March 3-35 11 87 46 7-82 11 81 48 2-90 18 78 48 I ! I Totals 88-52 I!) I



Balance-sheet. £ ■. <\. Total expenditure .. .. .. .. .. .. 9,100 0 5 Less Property Account .. .. .. .. .. 855 (i J 1 Cost of operations .. . . . . .. .. .. 8,244 13 (i 1,200 acres planted (average age; two years) .. .. .. £4 1(1 .'! Estimated value of plantation per acre .. .. .. .. £8 12 0 H. A. Goudie, Superintending Nurseryman.

APPENDIX B. REPORT ON TREE-GROWING OPERATIONS IN SOUTH ISLAM). [By the Superintending Nurseryman, Tapanui.] Climatic Influbni In reviewing operations conducted over the South Island section during the past twelve months special notice might be directed upon the most trying conditions under which the work had to be performed. Each officer makes forcible references to the prevalence of a partial drought experienced din-ing the spring months —a period when a moderate amount of moisture is essential to successful seedgermination and tree-planting results. The position, however, was somewhat improved with the advent of summer, and it is interesting to note that the average precipitation of 4-55 in. of rain registered in December had a most reviving effect upon semi-dormant trees on both nurseries and plantations. A perusal of the detailed reports will disclose the attainment, generally, of a very reasonable measure of success, although it is fortunate that each tree-raising station was well stocked with seedlings, otherwise the increased number of deaths, through failures in transplanting and intensified ravages of the grass-grubs, would have taxed our resources to such an extent as to seriously interfere with the ensuing year's output. The importance of possessing a few hundred thousand young trees in excess of immediate requirements is thus impressed upon one, and further facilities will accordingly be given officers in future in creating a more liberal margin between the desired year's output and trees available by lightly supplementing the seed-supply. Output of Trees and Acreage planted. The number of trees transferred to nurseries and plantations, domains, and other public institutions is 3,121,570, being a considerably increased output on any previous season. Of this number, 2,966,810 were utilized in extending the State forests, where active preparations are now being made for the reception of an approximate three million trees during the coming planting period. With each succeeding year the requests for distribution of trees to public bodies become move numerous, but as the adherence to a systematic planting scheme arranged well in advance of the i rans porting season is necessary, it is not possible to comply with these outside needs without affecting the afforestation operations generally ; and, moreover, the Department has, up to the present, adopted the prudent attitude of only supplying trees to domains, &c, after plantation requirements have been fulfilled. The year's planting was carried on over 1,025| acres, which has increased the total area planted to 4,637| acres, containing 12,732,915 trees (as per table submitted in an accompanying special report). Due allowances have been conceded for the deaths resulting from the deplorable fire experienced at the abandoned Dumgree Plantation some months ago. Comprehensive summaries of all works undertaken have been compiled, and under the plantation statements various concentrated items of interest hitherto omitted are displayed. It will be noticed that since the initiation of the work no less tha.ii 2,512,115 trees have either been destroyed by the agency of fire or failed to succeed where planted, thus necessitating the replanting of blanks with a more suitable variety. The fact of much experimental work being conducted, and consequent high death-rate, must not be overlooked. Moreover, by a critical observance annually of the conditions under which the various trees may be associated and grown advantageously, it is only rationable to believe that, given normal climatic conditions, this high death-rate will be speedily lessened. Trees raised and Expenditure incurred. Some 5,634,795 seedlings were raised during the year, at an average cost of 2s. 4|d. per thousand. At Hammer Springs and Tapanui Nurseries a corresponding rate (Is. 6d.) in tree-raising is recorded, and the increased cost at Ranfurly can only be attributed to the small quantity of seeds dealt with, together with the undesirable presence in seed-beds of the small thread-like worms alluded to elsewhere. In comparing the rates at which any item of labour is carried out, it may be pointed out that the greater the magnitude of the undertaking the more favourable should be the results disclosed ; hence we cannot reasonably expect the smaller station at Ranfurly, with its almost similar upkeep-cost, to furnish such comparable records as those obtainable from larger nurseries.



The three nurseries now contain 12,823.010 trees, of ages ranging from one to four years, representing a value (as per schedule), of £20,636 17s. Id., and from this number will be drawn the coming winter's anticipated output of slightly over three million trees. An expenditure of £3,964 15s. lid. was incurred in the combined nurseries, which, with the inclusion of amounts recorded against the abandoned Starborough and Kurow Stations, increases the total expenditure to date to £53,280 6s. 10d. On the plantations £7,067 17s. 7d. was expended during the year, inclusive of prison labour, and the total amount to date apportioned to areas in the South Island where afforestation has been carried on, reaches £60,794 18s. 9d. Brief References to Tree-growth. Although each officer has detailed at some length the individual progress of trees connected with his station, it may not be out of place to again allude to the subject from a general point of view. By reason of its fast-growing capabilities and recognized timber-value Larix eumpaea has generally been looked upoti as being, perhaps, the most meritorious tree for extensive planting ; but recent developments must surely shake the confidence of those holding this opinion. The dryness of the past two seasons has prominently brought to light the extreme sensitiveness of our European larch to drought, whilst, on the other hand, such pines as Pinus Laricio, P. ponderosa, and P. austriaca have exhibited their customary vigour, and adapted themselves to the temporary altered conditions without an apparent cessation of progress. At Dusky Hill Plantation symptoms of the leaf-shedding fungus Sphrodla laricina were at one time prominent ; but towards the latter part of the summer bounteous rainfalls had the desired effect of freshening up the whole plantation to such an extent that no traces of any disease are now apparent ; and this opinion is shared by Mr. A. H. Cockayne, Biologist to the Agricultural Department, who visited the plantation recently, but did not detect larch-disease in any form. The question of curtailing to some extent the output of larch, and replacing the deficiency thus created with pines, is worthy of earnest consideration. Revision of Kkcords and Subdivisioxal Plans. Much clerical work has been devoted to the rearrangement of statements for displaying annual records in a comprehensive form. Every effort has been directed towards tabulating all items of expenditure for rapid comparison, and in framing the table relating to trees growing on plantations it has been quite impossible to adhere to the preceding returns. The presentation of subdivisional working-plans was also aimed at, but as circumstances did not permit of their completion in time, the whole matter will be omitted here, and given special consideration in the subsequent annual reports. Correspondence Class on Forestry. The idea outlined in last report of instituting a correspondence class with an associated library for the benefit of officers of the Department was successfully launched, and much enthusiasm has been shown throughout the term by those connected. A syllabus embracing all practical subjects was drafted, and each officer prepared and submitted his monthly composition. In transmitting replies, a review of each officer's paper preceded my own remarks and instructions, and in this way the blending of practical knowledge with the advanced literary efforts of the most modern continental writers had a decidedly beneficial effect upon the staff generally. The volume of work (some 400 pages of writing) inseparable from the undertaking was rather in excess of expectations, and had to be attended to during the evenings. To incite further interest, the Hon. the Minister of Lands offered a prize of two guineas for competition for the best paper, which, after an exceedingly close contest, was won by Mr. W. T. Morrison. For sustained excellence throughout the term a trophy donated by myself was awarded to Mr. W. T. Morrison. The library on forestry literature has been brought up to a very high standard, and officers are now able, on Application, to secure any of the works of recognized writers on the various branches of sylviculture. Fire-breaks. Provision against the spread of fire as at present being adopted is perhaps one of our most costly recurring items of labour, and during the past year much deliberation has been applied in formulating a practical, economical, and effective scheme to supersede the present cultivation-work. Some thirtysix miles of fire-barriers, averaging an approximate 50 ft. in width, were ploughed, cultivated, disced, and harrowed last year. This horse-work necessitated an outlay of £115 10s., besides greatly depreciating (through the rough nature of the ground) the value of the implements used. Probably the most judicious means of decreasing the maintenance-cost without impairing the efficiency of the firelines would be to erect cheap sheep-proof fences along each side of the main fire-breaks, and after sowing down in grass, keep the area well stocked with sheep during the spring and summer periods. It is just possible, however, that these grassed barriers would eventually become overgrown with tussocks and other undesirable vegetation from seed maturing in the immediate vicinity ; but this knowledge can only be gained by experimenting.



At Dusky Hill and Conical Hills Plantations fires are most likely to originate from the fringing Pomahaka Reserve, and there is no doubt that an immense amount of benefit would be derived from the presence of any stock there, provided the animals were not permitted to wander over the planted areas. Free and Prison Labour. The amount of free labour absorbed by the nursery and plantation work was 69-5 men, which is somewhat in excess of former years. This was not unforseen, as the numerical strength of the prison camp became unavoidably curtailed through more urgent work requiring to be attended to elsewhere. After due allowance, for domestic and other camp duties, 7-31 prisoners have been available for planta-tion-labour, and the annual value of their work is computed at £56 14s. 2d. per man. It cannot be claimed that the ground being operated upon at Hanmer Springs is eminently suitable for the utilization of prison labour, as the gravelly nature of the surface forbids the rapid preparation of pits, so noticeable amongst gangs operating on the light pumice lands. The former high quality of the work performed, however, has been maintained, and the success achieved is in a great measure due to the officers of the Justice Department, who are keen to accomplish favourable records. The difficulty heretofore experienced in securing suitable tree-planters was not repeated this season, but probably the adoption of contract-work, when practicable, makes the labour more attractive to workers. Advisory Work to Public Bodies. The increasing solicitations from Domain Boards and private persons for advice relative to treegrowing generally have been attended to with despatch. Every effort is made to transmit information to applicants, whose desires for demonstration of the methods adopted by the Department are acceded to when possible. Much interest and capability were displayed by the Burnham Industrial School boys during the progress of the preliminary seed-sowing and " lining-out " work. Under departmental supervision, very fair results were attained, and, by adhering to the system advocated, the institution should be easily able to produce the desired number of trees for the proposed plantation extension. About a thousand appropriate native trees and shrubs were planted on Pudding Island, in Otago Harbour, and have succeeded beyond expectation. As may be expected, the greater proportion of the failures is attributable to " wind shaking " ; but the isolation of the planted area forbade the almost constant attention in the way of " firming," so essential in the creation of well-grown shrubberies or plantations occupying highly exposed positions. General. Computing on the present planting basis, sufficient ground is available at both Nascby and Conical Hills Plantations for some three or four years ; at Hanmer Springs, however, the ground enclosed will only meet requirements for another year, and the early resumption of an additional area for extension purposes is advisable. The correspondence was somewhat larger than usual, some 2,818 inward and outward letters and reports being recorded, and necessitating the usage of postage-stamps to the value of £16 6s. 2d. Beyond the retirement of Mr. L. B. Archibald, and the engagement of Mr. J. Hetherton as clerical assistant, no changes in the staff have been necessary, and 1 have to express my thanks to all officers for the efficient manner in which they have carried out their duties. R. G. Robinson, Superintending Nurseryman, South Island.

Tapanui Nursery, Otago. (Area. 120 acres ; altitude, 500 ft.) Our tree-raising work is influenced largely by climatic conditions, which during the past few years have been so changeable that it has been quite necessary at times to ignore previously recognized principles in conducting operations. Rain fell on 159 days, with a total precipitation of 28-29 in. This record is about 9 in. below the annual average for the past eleven years, whilst over the same period an average of 146 wet days were experienced annually. Fortunately, no unseasonable frosts have had to be contended with ; and to the extreme mildness of the winter months, during which only twenty-five frosts were registered, may be partially attributed the unusual measure of success attained generally. The highest shade temperature (90°) was recorded in February, and the lowest (25°) in July. Seedlings. —It is gratifying to be able to state that exceptionally fine results have been achieved this season in each branch of our nursery-work. The initial seed-sowing labour was unavoidably delayed until the second week in October, when timely showers converted the arid surface-soil into a desirable state for the reception of seeds. Irregular germination resulted, owing to the consequent dry spell; but after a duration of about six weeks the seedlings were found to be evenly distributed throughout the beds, and now number close on three millions. The success of the Larix eurapaea is perhaps most noteworthy, as from 250 lb. of seed 2,000,000 trees were raised. A comparatively small sowing of 48 lb. of Pinus Larido resulted in 320,000 sturdy plants ; and this number, supplemented by surplus two-year-old seedlings of the same variety, will be ample to meet the next year's requirements.



After a liberal trial of the much-favoured shelter-tree Pinus muricata it has been decided to revert to the formerly used Pinus radiata for creating shelter-barriers, as although the latter pine is more brittle, susceptible to frosts, and apt to break off near the top during the prevalence of high winds, the former species, owing to its faulty lateral-rooting system, is persistently being blown over, and consequently cannot be expected to form a durable wind-break. From 6 lb. of. Pinus radiata seeds 27,000 plants were raised, and have developed strongly. We were fortunate in obtaining what appears to be true Pinus ponderosa seed, and from 39 lb. sown, some 210,000 plants were realized. Smaller sowings of other pines were equally satisfactory. Perhaps the Picea sitchensis crop of 130,000 seedlings from 3 lb. of seed is the most productive issue for some years, and Pseudo-tsuga taxifolia, although scarcely up to the average in germination, have grown with unusual vigor. Small quantites of Acacia dealbala and A. decurrens, Cwpressus Lawsoniana, C. macrocarpa, and various species of the eucalypti family were experimented with favourably, as a perusal of the associated tree-schedule will disclose. Notwithstanding the dryness, water was only applied artificially to seed-beds on two occasions, but care was taken to retain the scrim covering on frames until March, so that seedlings would benefit by the increased humidity thus fostered. Tree-growth. —Tree-growth throughout is much above the average, particularly in the larch-breaks, where scarcely a transplantation failure is noticeable. A minute inspection, however, will show that the grass-grubs have destroyed a small percentage. Almost equally well-rooted pines are available for permanent planting, although only medium success attended the lining-out of some thousands of small one-year-old P. Laricio. Some 1,600,000 trees have developed sufficiently for permanent planting during the coming winter. This anticipated output would be materially increased by including small-sized two-year-old trees. but the fallacy of transferring undergrown stock to exposed positions is usually exemplified by subsequent heavy plantation losses. " Wrenching " was deferred until late in March, when heavy rain, thoroughly saturating the ground, permitted this operation to be conducted with every degree of safety. Lining-out was commenced on the 6th August, and during the following eight weeks some 2,100,000 one- and two-year-old seedlings were removed from beds to nursery lines, at Is. 7d. per thousand. An approximate 89,000 smaller plants were also lined in closely at Is. Id. per thousand, but wherever possible this method should be discountenanced, as " drawn-up " weakly specimens are generally produced in this way, and rarely succeed even when placed in the most favoured situations on plantations. Buildings, Improvements. —No accommodation being available locally, it was decided to erect a small cottage within the grounds for the horseman, whose duties necessitate his almostj constant presence at the nursery. The building is now almost completed, and will be tenanted before the transporting season is far advanced. To permit of all implements being systematically arranged under cover when not in use, an additional open shed was constructed. This building will also be brought into requisition for packing and sizing trees during unsuitable weather for outdoor labour. Two flood-gates and protecting concrete walls in Whisky Creek, over which our boundary-fence lines cross, were completed, and, judging by the present stability of the structures, they should be entirely effective in reducing to a minimum the future scouring of the creek-bed. All shelter and ornamental plantations attached to this station have made remarkable growth, and as trees were well established and each succeeding year the weeds were becoming more troublesome, the whole of the area planted was sown down in grass, with good effect. Well-grown specimens of trees in stock, together with a few more rare varieties received in exchange, were utilized in creating an ornamental fringe in the vicinity of the lower sizing-shed, whilst an undrained piece of ground, also conspicuous, was planted with English ash for working under the coppice system. The somewhat neglected appearance of another small area has also been relieved by flax-planting, and, being adjacent to the bundling-shed, ties will thus be conveniently procured from this source. Horse-feed. —About 17 tons of prime oaten sheaves were harvested from 12 acres, and the double cutting of 4 acres of rye and clover yielded close on 7 tons of this winter feed. The carrot-crop proved to be exceedingly slow in beginning, but having since made a good recovery, probably 6 tons of this produce will be duly lifted and pitted. Water-supply. —During the springtime the absence of water in horse-paddocks and Whisky Creek demanded attention, and immediate steps were taken to convey water by means of f in. pipes from the small upper reservoir to the extension nursery, a distance of some 60 chains. Standpipes were erected at horse-paddocks and sizing-shed, and also at'convenient positions adjacent to the seed-beds. Sufficient pressure was obtained to allow of one hose being used, and the result has fully justified the expenditure incurred. The annual expenditure amounts to £1,749 12s. 7d., providing employment for 11-16 men, and expenditure to date is £20,821 2s. Bd. The year's output to plantations, public institutions, &c, is 1,565,300 trees, which are valued at £4,566 ss. Id. (as per schedule), and the transportation of a similar number is anticipated dining the coming season. Eevised statements of expenditure, Property Account, Trees Account, and meteorological records are appended.


C— lb

Schedule I.

Number of Temperature. Number of Month. Rainfall. Days Days Froste Rain fell. « . ■«,. . occurred. Maximum. Minimum. 1910. Inches. Degrees. Degrees. April .. .. .. 3-26 14 69 28 I May .. .. .. 1-37 14 . 71 35 June .. .. .. 2-55 2(1 62 30 4 July .. .. .. 2-52 IK 52 25 10 August .. .. .. 1-91 13 65 31 5 September .. .. .. 2-03 11 70 31 8 October .. .. .. 3-32 13 73 32 2 November .. .. .. 1-33 11 88 37 December .. .. .. 4-36 17 84 40 , 1011. January .. .. .. 2-31 8 82 42 February .. .. .. 0-83 7 90 41 March ' .. .. 2-50 13 81 34 Totals .. .. 28-29 159 .. .. 25 Schedule ll. — Statement of Expenditure. Tree-planting and maintenance — £ B . d. £ s. d. Tree-growing .. .. .. .. 791 7 7 10,893 18 II General maintenance and repairs .. 363 811 1,959 18 II Tree-seeds .. .. .. 117 16 1 956 4 5 Manures .. . . .. .. 18 10 6 189 4 5 Horse-feed, purchased and grown .. 68 10 3 1,080 4 9 Miscellaneous works .. .. . . 56 3 8 139 1 3 Stock and material—Tools, implements .. 36 0 6 935 11 3 Permanent works — Buildings .. .. .. .. 46 15 5 1,623 12 II Nursery formation .. .. .. 4 19 4 496 I 0 Fencing .. . . .. .. . . 548 5 8 Water-supply .. .. .. .. 70 2 4 223 11 3 Supervision and clerical — Proportion of Superintending Nurseryman's salary .. .. .. . . 40 0 I) 269 (I 0 Proportion of Nurseryman's salary .. 70 0 0 1,369 14 II Clerical assistance .. .. .. 66 LH 0 136 18 0 £1.749 12 7 £20.821 2 8

Schedule III. — Trees Account.

Schedule IV. — Property Account . £ s. (I. Land (120 acres) : Crown land, not charged to Forestry Account Buildings 1.623 12 11 Stock 199 0 0 Improvements .. .. .. .. .. .. 719 12 3 Fencing .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 548 5 8 Stores in hand .. .. .. .. .. .. 752 16 3 £3,843 7 1

B—C. Iβ.

I During the Year. Since 189(> to Date. KstimaU'<l Value, .. , Cost ., . , Cost of Raising as Schedule V. Number. , of Raisinf _ r Number. ,,„, Maint ,., lanc S e . £ s. (I. £ g. d. £ s. d. Trees raised .. .. .. 2,821,245 210 13 10 19,886,145 20,821 2 8 Trees sent out .. 1.565.300 .. 9,174.036 9.605 6 10 j Trees, deaths .. .. 432,900 .. 4,361,564 4.566 10 11 1 ' ■ 7 Balance in stock .. .. .. 6.350.545 .. 9,594 10 I Value of land, improvements, and stock (Property Account) .. 3,843 7 I Total value .. .. .. .. 13,437 17 8



Schedule V. — Details of One-year-old Trees, sown 1910-11.

Two-year-old Trees, sown 1909-10.

Three-year-old Trees, sown 1908-9.

Name of Tree. Number in Height in sd ™|! e | Tota i Va i ue . Seed-beds. luches. housaiid. Remarks. Larix europaea Pinus austriaoa Larioio ponderosa Benthamiana „ maritima muricata radiata .. „ strobus 2,000,000 4,700 820,000 210,000 19,000 8,800 I 5,000 27,000 1,500 2 2 2 2i 2J 4 4 4 14 lb. £ s. d. 250 10 0 1 10 0 48 10 0 39 10 0 15 115 0 OJ 1 0 0 1 10 0 6 10 0 1 10 0 £ s. d. 2,000 0 0 Excellent crop. \ 14 0 Well-grown plants. 320 0 0 210 0 0 23 15 0 3 10 0 Strong growth. 5 0 0 27 0 0 1 10 0 j Germinated poorly. canadensis „ scopulorum Pseudo-tsuga taxifolia .. Picea sitckensis 200 70 75,000 130,000 75 700 5 H H i 2 oz. 1 10 0 1 10 0 lb. 12 15 0 3 15 0 oz. 1 1 10 0 lb. 2 10 0 0 4 0 Sturdy plants. 0 1 4 j 98 15 0 Thin crop. 162 10 0 Pine even crop. Abies Nordmanniana .. 0 2 3 ' Experimental. Betula alba 0 14 0 Germinated poorly. Cupressus macrocarpa .. Lawsoniana .. Acaoia dealbata deourrens Eucalyptus Stuartiana .. Amygdalina , coriacea • „ Gunnii Gytisus proliferate Various trees 1,300 10,000 2,000 4,000 1,500 1,500 800 1,600 1,500 300 3 1 G 6 8 5 4 9 '.) 2 oz. 1 10 0 2 10 0 2 10 0 4 10 0 1 0 10 0 1 0 10 0 1 0 10 0 1 0 10 0 i 0 10 0 10 0 1 6 0 : Experimental. 10 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 0 8 0 0 16 0 0 15 0 0 G 0 9 S73 Ifi 7 Totals 2,821,245 2,873 16 7 !4,H73 Iβ 7

Name of Tree. Number Number in in Seed-beds. Nurserylines. Height in ! I Inches. Value per Thousand. Total Value. Remarks. 12 I 13 J £ s. d. 15 0} 2 r> oj 1 5 0) 2 5 0} 15 0 2 5 0 15 0 2 0 0 1 5 01 2 5 0/ 2 0 0 3 0 0 £ s. d. Larix europaea .. 133,000 447,000 1,17a 0 0 Well-grown trees. Pinus Laricio „ ponderosa murioata .. Fraxinus excelsior „ americanu 1,600,000 i 100,000 215,000 J .. 9,500 18,800 3,700 3 10 4 . 6 2,225 0 0 268 15 0 21 7 6 23 10 0 Poor growth. 7 8 0 Botula alba 6,000 4,000 "{ 16 10 0 Strong trees. ■\lnus glutinosa .. Pyrus aucuparia 16,000 100 6 18 32 0 0 0 6 0 Totals 1,972,800 580,300 2,553,100 , I 3,766 16 6

Name of Tree. Number in Nurserylines. Height in Inches. Value per Thousand. Total Value. Remarks. I Larix europaea .. Pinus ftustriaca .. „ Laricio „ ponderoea Benthamiana Pioea excelsa sitchensie .. Pseudo-tsuga taxifolia Quercus pedunculata Praxinus excelsior Betula alba Acer pseudo-platanu9 Alnus glutinosa .. Fagus sylvatica .. Thuja gigantea .. Tsuga canadensis Pyrus aucuparia Cytisus laburnum Various trees 163,400 22,000 391,000 264,200 100 36,400 27,700 1,800 100 22,700 4,600 500 2,700 100 35,500 1,800 150 150 1,300 15 ;> C 4 18 4 4 4 40 9 12 12 18 24 6 3 48 30 12 £ b. d. 3 0 0 3 0 0: 3 0 0 ! 3 0 0 ; 3 5 0. 3 0 0, 3 5 0: 3 5 0 i 3 0 0' 3 0 0 1 3 0 0 2 15 0 3 0 0 3 5 0 3 10 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 3 10 0 8 0 0 £ s. d. 490 4 0 60 0 0 1,178 0 0 ; 792 12 0 0 6 6 I 109 4 0 90 0 6 5 17 0 0 0 0 i 68 2 0 13 16 0 1 7 6 I 8 2 0 ! 0 0 6 i 124 5 0 5 8 0 0 12 0 0 10 6 3 18 0 These trees have de |- veloped into fine fibrous-rooted stock. Totals 976,200 2,953 17 6 I


C— 1b

Trees transferred from Nursery to Plantations, &c.-1910-11.

R. G. Robinson, Superintending Nurseryman.

Dusky Hill Plantation. Otaoo. (Area, H45 acres ; altitude, 400 ft. to 800 ft.) Perhaps in no previous year have the trees growing throughout this plantation been taxed to such an extent through dearth of moisture during the spring-and summer months. At one period the larch foliage assumed a most unhealthy tint, and fears were momentarily entertained that the trees had developed the leaf-shedding fungus {SphoereUa laricina). On investigating, however, the roots were found to be in a perfectly healthy state, although an almost entire absence of moisture in the ground for some 2ft. from the surface was disclosed. This fact alone was sufficient to account for the premature shedding of needles from the lateral branches; but witli the advancement of the season, and gradually increasing rainfalls, tree-growth became more vigorous, and foliage partially resumed its norma] colour. The outstanding feal hit of t be review of annual progress made by the plantation is the exceedingly line growth of the spruces — Picea excelsa and P. sitchensis —which have made an average increase in height of about 13 in. When allocated in exposed positions the spruces during their youth rarely escape having their leaders broken by the agency of either winds or hailstones : but the absence of such influences this season has permitted the trees to advance quite unmolested. No evidence of exist ing diseases of any kind is apparent amongsi the I'icm blocks, and il is reasonable to believe that as local conditions are so dissimilar from those in Canterbury, where the minute red spider is proving so

Where sent. Name of Tree. Number. in ™. alue Inches. Thousand. i i Where sent. Total Value. Remarks. £ s. a. f Larix europaea .. .. 60-2,275 14 3 0 0 Pinus Laricio .. .. 625,350 12 3 0 0 austriaca .. .. 28,000 12 3 0 0 por.derosa.. .. 50,275! 12 3 0 0 Benthamiana .. 8,060 14 3 5 0 Pioea excelsa .. .. 56,-175 LO 3 0 0 „ sitchensis .. .. 15,050i 12 3 0 0 Conical Hills Plan- I Pseudo-tsuga taxifolia .. 16,600 ID 8 5 0 tation Betula alba .. .. 18,626 15 3 0 0 Alnus glutinosa .. .. 7,900 14 3 0 0 Praxinus excelsior .. 10,225 15 3 0 0 Quercus pedunculata .. 18,050 16 3 0 0 : Acer pseudo-platanus .. 1,025 10 [ 2 15 0 I : Fague sylvatica .. .. 4,260 1 14 10 0 Sequoia sempeivirens .. 200 15 i 4 (i 0 { Thuja plicata .. .. 36 12 4 0 0 r £ s. a. 1,806 16 6 1,876 1 0 85 16 0 150 16 6 26 3 3 169 8 6 45 3 0 58 19 0 37 5 0 28 14 0 48 13 6 54 3 0i 2 16 4 17 0 0 0 16 0 0 2 0 The partial drought experienced was mainly responsible for a slightly increased death-race here. J Conical Hills Plan- | tation 1,468,976 .. I Larix europaea .. .. 2,000 14 3 0 0 Dusky Hill Planta- Pinus Laricio .. .. 19,000 12 8 0 0 tion 1 Picea excelsa .. .. 2,000 10 3 0 0 ( Querous pedunctilata .. 1,630 16 3 0 0 4,398 13 7 6 0 0' 57 0 0, 0 0 0 4 17 9 j I These trees were used I for replanting purj poses. 24,630 .. 7a 17 y i Conical Hills Planta- ! As per details above .. 1,468,975| tion Dusky Hill Planta- » .. 24.630 1 .. tion ftweburn Nursery .. i Thuja plicata seedlings .. 1,000 Clyde Domain Board ; Assorted trees .. .. 165 .. Pudding Island .. Native trees and shrubs .. 216; Education Depart- ! Assorted trees .. .. I 500 ment, Otekaike Riverton Domain Sycamore .. .. 275 Board Industrial Schools, Treee and seedlings .. 5,850 Burnbam Te Oranga Home .. Assorted trees .. .. 734 Rabbit Island Do- „ .. .. 750 .. main Board School Committee, „ .. .. "200 Becks Recreation Grounds, „ .. .. 550 Cromwell Swinbum Cemetery „ .. .. 200 Dunedin Corpora- Pine and laroh seedlings .. 60,000 tion Acclimatization So- Assorted trees .. . . 'JO0 ciety, Clinton Sanatorium, Palmer- „ .. .. 355 ston Totals .. .. 1,565,300 .. 4,398 13 7 73 17 9 1 0 n 0 11 ! 2 2 9 1 15 0 0 18 9 7 V.I 6 2 11 5 8 0 0 I) 1-1 ii 1 18 0 0 14 0 (ill I) ii 1 II, i 8 17 0 ■4,566 5 1



destructive to the Picea sitchensis. the growing of the tideland spruce in this district may be successfully accomplished. In sheltered situations the Quercus pedunculata continue to register an annual vertical growth of about 18 in., whilst even more rapid headway is discernible among the Fraxvnus excelsior compartments. The Fraxinus americma are decidedly more frail trees than the English variety ; but, nevertheless, are now beginning to develop favourably. Although Pinus austriaca grew with greater rapidity in the early stages, Pinus Laricio is now gradually proving its superiority, both as a faster grower and more healthy forest tree. Isolated specimens of the former variety are at times literally covered witli an aphis, which, however, docs not appear to lessen the vigour of the tree to any extent, but certainly creates a disfigurement. It is now evident that the Japanese larch (Larix leptolepis) is no more able to wit listand a partial drought than the European species ; and of the two varieties, growing under precisely the same conditions, the latter one has certainly recovered more speedily and grown with greater uniformity. Some six years ago an exceptionally severe host accounted for the destruction of a natural broadleaf bush, and the area thus deforested was eventually underplantcil with walnuts and chestnuts. These trees have succeeded beyond expectations, and will now probably average 9 ft. in height; whilst from a number of specimens fully matured nuts were gathered this year. Apart from the planting of some 24,630 trees (as per schedule), which were used purely for replanting purposes, the two employees engaged at this station have devoted their time to the general maintenance-work, and included in this labour may be mentioned tree-pruning, removing coarse growth from around young trees, repairing roads and water-tables, rabbiting, and caretaking. Buildings. —A most satisfactory result attended the uniting of the unused huts, and quite a substantial dwellinghouse is now available for the foreman. A combined wash and coal house has also been erected by our own labour, besides sundry improvements effected to immediate surroundings. Presence of Deer. With the increase of shelter, and consequent difficulty in locating their where abouts, the red-deer are causing rather more damage to young trees than formerly. The ravages of the destructive animals are chiefly confined to ash-saplings, which usually receive such extensive damage as to necessitate immediate cutting-back to ground-surface. Employees receive authority from time to time to destroy deer ; but rarely get an opportunity to fire at the anmals from an effective distance. Rabbiting. —The ill effects arising from a dry season was again brought into prominence by the Pomahaka River failing to check the ingress of rabbits from opposite properties, which, of course, are not so free from the pest. Fortunately, no great difficulty is experienced in trapping, although some little time generally elapses ere the haunts of the intruders are known. An expenditure of £457 Us. 4d. was incurred during the year, giving employment to two men. and the total to date reaches £12,459 Is. 7d. The value attributed to buildings, fencing, &c, is recognized at £1,010 195.. whilst the total cost of tree-planting operations since initiation amounts to £11,439 2s. 7d. Details of expenditure. Trees Account, Property Account, and balance-sheet are appended. Schedule ll. — Statement of Expenditure. Pot Year. To Dale. Planting operations and maintenance £ s. d. t s. d. Tree-planting .. .. .. .. .. :i.094 16 2 Pitting.. .. .. .. .. .. 3.619 2 7 Clearing .. .. .. .. .. 496 5 II Cartage of trees . . .. . . . . 216 12 8 General upkeep of plantation .. 157 7 7 2,410 14 7 General repairs .. .. .. 14 16 •""> 52 19 11 Horse-feed 6 14 6 112 8 II Permanent worksFencing .. .. .. .. .. 258 2 3 Formation .. .. .. .. .. 366 7 _' Buildings .. .. .. .. 103 12 10 368 18 6 Stock, implements, &o.—Tools, implements .. .. 145 8 9 Supervision and clerical— Salaries — Supervision of free labour .. .. L6O 0 0 '.c>r> Hi 0 Nurseryman's proportion of clerical assistance .. .. .. 25 0 0 361 N 2 £457 11 4 £12,459 1 7 Schedule 111. — Trees Account. Number. Trees received during year .. .. .. .. .. -M.630 Less to replace blanks .. .. . . .. .. 24.630 Planted on new area Previously planted .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,180,837 Total number planted on 845 acres (average age, seven years) .. 2,180,837


Lifting and bundling Young Plants, Hanmer Nursery.

Prison Camp, Hanmer Springs, showing Area now being operated.

Face page 50.


Pinus ponderosa and Pinus austriaca, Nasery Plantation.

Tree-planting with Spade and Planting-bar.



Schedule IV. — Property Account. t (( Land (845 acres) ; Crown land, not charged to Forestry Account Buildings .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 368 18 (i Stock Improvements .. . . . . . . . . .. 366 7 2 Fencing .. . . . . . . .. . . . . 258 2 3 Stores in band .. .. .. .. .. .. 26 II I E1.019 19 0 Balance-sheet. £ b. d. Total expenditure .. .. .. .. .. .. 12,459 I 7 Less Property Account .. .. .. .. .. 1,019 19 0 ('iisi c>l operations (846 acres planted ; average age, seven years) .. £11.439 2 7 Estimated value of plantation per acre .. .. .. .. til o o P. Benfell. Plantation Foreman. H. (i. Robinson, Superintending Nurseryman.

Conical Hh.i.s Plantation, Otago. (Area. 3.672 acres ; altitude. 400 ft. to 1.050 ft.) It is again possible to render n favourable review of tree-growth generally and amount of work performed a 1 this station during the pasi year. The effeci of intense dryness throughout almost the whole summer period has not been so conspicuous here as a 1 the other local plantation, and perhaps premature fall of needles from the lower branches of larch occupying exposed westerly positions is the only indication thai I he absence of sufficient moisture has been keenly felt by plant-life. The animal development of trees somewhat exceeded that of the previous year, although in either ease vigorous headway cannol be claimed. It is not surprising that La/rix europaea have again grown with greater uniformity and vigour than other trees planted : but where occupying stony surfaces, in company with pines, they have latterly assumed a somewhal parched appearance, whilst evergreen conifers appear to find the position to their liking. The variation in the progress of Picea excelsa is due principally to the amount of shelter provided. On the mosl elevated sites perhaps an annual vertical growth of 4 in. has been made by the spruces, whilst exceedingly fine specimens, increasing in height about loin, annually, are prominent throughout gullies and semi-sheltered Hats. None of the , pines appear to be influenced to any great extent by the dry weather, and particularly prominent in this respect is the Pinus penderosa, which maintain a yearly growth of from 6 iii. to 12 in. On all occasions /'. Litririn are allotted more favoured situations than the former species, both as regards shelter and soil, and probably this consideration is responsible for the more speedy headway being made by the Corsioan pine. The iido-i.siiiju, taxifolia have escaped injury from high winds, which, fortunately, were not prevalent during that period of greatest activity in growth, when Oregon pine leaders are very easily broken off. Fortunately, our projected hardwood-plant ing has not been adhered to, as neither ash, oak. nor svc;i niniv have made the expected headway, even in the most select spots. We still retain the belief, however, that when shelter is made available by the faster-growing trees in the vicinity, the hardwoods will then respond to the altered conditions. Our season's experimental work included a trial planting of Sequoia sempervirens and Thuja plicata. The result indicates thai both varieties will undoubtedly succeed, and arrangements will accordingly be made to raise a limited number annually in the associated nursery. About 2(MI Vagus sylvatica were also experimented with, and specimens put on 16 in. of growth. As one of the chief characteristics of this tree is its shade-enduring capabilities, it will be interesting to note its future progress, particularly as in the course of a lew years a system of under-planting will require to be established. Arrangements are now in hand to introduce Cupressus macrocarpa into plantations. Although strong lateral branches are usually connected with,this lice, close planting—about 3ft. apart —will have the desired effect of stimulating the upright growth at the expense of the side branches. Tree-planting. During the yeai 1,468,976 trees (over 506j acres), as enumerated in tiee schedule. were planted, principally by contract, at 12s. 6d. per thousand. This price is slightly in excess i>l similar work at other stations, but the rough tussocky hills and abrupt fern-clad gullies now being operated upon make it impossible to conduct the work at reduced rates, although the proximity of the camp to the ensuing year's planting-ground may induce employees to arrange for an adjustment in contract prices in favour of the Department. Although on no previous occasion has contract planting been attempted, the excellence of the work, combined with the desired speed, justifies a repetition of the system. Notwithstanding the unfavourable season, probably (i per cent, would cover the planting-losses. On No. 1 Block the .small maintenance gang of three workers were fully occupied in replanting some 89,275 failures, which are mostly found amongst the asli and sycamore blocks. Pitting. The required number of grubber pits were prepared by contract at 12s. 6d. per thousand. This rate may Vie regarded with mutual satisfaction by both the Department and employees, who require to work steadily for fully eight hours daily to complete 700 pits up to the specified standard.



Several trials were made with the recently imported bole-borer, the working of which is briefly described in another portion of the report. On the cleared areas an operatoi can easily prepare 800 holes daily, and with practice this number should be increased fully 25 per cent, without overexertion on the part of the manipulator. Before the advent of the coming planting eeason an extended trial of the machine over an acre or two will be made, and it is more than likely that the result of .same will influence our future planting-work. Fire-breaks. —The yearly increasing labour essential in keeping our fire-breaks in an effective state may be gauged from the fact that two teams of horses were employed for about two months in ploughing, discing, and cultivating these intersecting fire-lines, which extend over an aggregate distance of about nine miles, and average about a chain in width. The caretaking service was maintained on Sundays and holidays during the summer months, and it is gratifying t<> be able to report the entire absence of any outbreak of fire. Knbbitini/. Since the acquirement of this property incessant warfare has been directed against the rabbit pest. Naturally, the rough nature of the ground makes effective work difficult, and it is improbable that we could have continued planting in safety had the divisional fencing scheme not been introduced. By this means we are able to eradicate the rabbits over an area, large enough to contain one year's planting, after which the labbitei. with his traps, (logs, ferrets, fumigator. and poison, devotes his energies in preparing another block for the ensuing season. It has been necessary this year to occasionally provide assistance to the rabbiter. who has accounted for close on five thousand of the destructive animals during the twelve months under review. General Maintenance. The increasing expenditure allocated under this heading was nut unforeseen, as with each year's planting an additional 5(10 acres or more of trees require I" be attended to in I he form of pruning, removal of interfering grass - growth , replanting failures. &c. In arriving at the upkeep-cost (Bs. 7Ad. per acre) consideration has also been given to fire-break labour, horse-shoeing, and repairs. Revision of Records. — In examining the concentrated statements herewith, it will lie seen that credit to the extent of some 700,000 trees given for the previous planting has been withdrawn. In accounting for this, it might be explained that when the acorn- planting scheme was being applied each seed germinating was duly credited as 8 tree planted. The whole venture was not attended with success, as. although the acorns freely germinated and developed into .sturdy yearling oaks, their consequent annual progress was so disappointing that replanting the whole area with more suitable varieties was unhesitatingly adopted, but up to the current year no deduction from the original totals was made for this wholesale replanting. By a careful analysis of trees planted, and a liberal allowance lor deaths .since initiation, it was ascertained thai a! the present time there are. at this station. 5,164.862 forest trees., occupying an area of some 1.897 acres. The expenditure for the vea.r was £3,215 IDs. Id., which provided employment Eor 235 men. Since the beginning of operations here £17,555 .'is. Mil. has been expended, tin , details of which may be seen on reference to tables appended. Schedule 11. Statement <ij Expenditure. For Year. To Date. Planting operations and maintenance t s. <i. t s. <i. Tree-planting .. .. .. .. 915 11 I 3,863 2 <i Pitting .. .. .. .. 1,042 0 :S 5,453 II 10 Clearing .. .. .. .. .. 648 3 8 Cartage of trees.. .. .. .. •",:! 12 I) 272 10 5 General upkeep of plantation .. .. 769 16 it :i.:i77 7 4 General repairs .. .. .. .. 23 1 10 342 Hi '.) HWse-leed .. .. .. T< I (i 78 12 5 Permanent works — Fencing .. .. .. .. (Ml 15 3 1,105 19 II Formation • .. .. .. .. 259 11 10 Buildings .. .. .. .. 20 17 7 244 5 I Stock, implements. &c.—Tools, implements .. 814 1 255 10 (i Supervision and clerical— Salaries — Supervision of free labour 175 0 0 1,200 0 0 prison labour Nurseryman's proportion of clerical assistance .. .. .. 80 ii (i 15:5 9 4 £3,215 in I £17,565 311 Schedule 111.- Trees Account. Number. Trees received during the year .. .. .. .. .. 1,468,975 Less to replace blanks .. .. .. .. .. 89,275 Planted on new area .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,379,700 Previously planted .. .. .. .. .. 3,785,162 Total number planted on 1,897 acres (average age, four years) .. 5,164,862



Schedule IV. — Property Account. £ s il Land (3,672 acres) ; Crown land, not charged to Forestry Ac-count .. Buildings .. .. . . . . .. .. .. 244 5 4 Stock Improvements .. .. .. .. .. .. 259 11 10 Fencing .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1.105 19 0 Stores in hand .. .. .. .. .. .. 159 15 4 £1.769 11 6 Balance-sheet. k. s. d. Total expenditure .. .. .. .. .. .. 17,555 3 II Less Property Account .. .. .. .. .. 1,769 II ti Cost of operations .. .. .. .. .. ..£15,785 12 5 1.897 acres planted (average age, four pears). Estimated value of plantation per acTe . . . . . . . . £9 10 I) H. Howe, Plantation Foreman. l<. (i. Robinson. Superintending Nurseryman.

Waitahuna Plantation, Otago. (Dredged area, 11 acres ; altitude, 331 ft.) It is very evident by the continued vigorous headway being made by trees growing here that abandoned dredged areas may be speedily ((inverted into flourishing plantations of forest trees. Of the fifteen varieties introduced for experimental purposes. Fraxinus excelsior, Fraxinus americana, Acer saccharum, .!<■</■ pseudo-platanus, and Robinia pseudo-acacia have failed to succeed, whilst Quercus pedunculata and Picea excelsa thrive only when occupying positions where large proportion of clay and fine silt is incorporated with the dredged tailings. The growth of each of the other varieties planted is decidedly satisfactory, and compares quite favourably with that recorded at our most progressive stations. Planting began four pears ago. and European larch. English birch, and alder have now attained a height of from II) ft. to 12 ft. ; although somewhat slower, Psendo-tsuga taxifolia. Pinus austriaca, Pinus Larioio, Pinus ponderosa, and Pinus murieata are making from 15 in. to 18 in. of vertical growth annually, and possess a most healthy appearance. Immediately on ascertaining the relative values of the trees being experimented with, all unsuitable kinds were replaced by cither larch, pines, or birch, and. notwithstanding the present irregular look of the plantation generally, each succeeding year's growth should create greater uniformity. An expenditure of £6 7s. 10d. was incurred in maintenance-work during the year, and. contrary to expectations, little trouble is now being experienced in keeping gorse and broom in check. After an additional two year's growth, no danger to " tree-leaders " should accrue from the presence of a few clumps of the noxious plants, which will lie gradually killed outright by growing trees. Detailed statements of expenditure. &c, arc appended. Schedule /1. Statement oj Expenditure. Per Yi-ur. To Date. Planting operations and maintenance t ,|. t s . f i Tree-planting . . .. .. .. • .. . . 20 2 0 Pitting .. .. .. .. . .. 27 fi o Clearing .. .. .. .. .. 23 II :! Cartage of trees .. .. .. .. .. 3 0 0 General upkeep of plantation .. ' . . ..5710 :)7 2 3 General repairs .. . . .. .. .. 4l> i> Horse-feed Permanent works — Fencing .. .. .. .. .. .. 57 11 1 Formation .. .. .. . . .. .. 310 0 Buildings Stock, implements, &c.—Tools, implements Supervision and clerical — Salaries — Supervision of free labour .. .. ..100 9 0 II prison labour Nurseryman's proportion of clerical assistance .. .. 18 9 0 £6 7 10 £203 0 7


Schedule lll. — Trees Account. Number. Trees received during year Less to replace blanks Planted on new area Previously planted .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 30,525 Total number planted on 11 acres (average age, three years).. .. 30,525 Schedule IV. — Property Account. £ s. d. Land (11 acres) ; Crown land, nol charged to Forestry Account Buildings Stock .. .. .. .. .. .. ■ .. Improvements . . . . .. .. .. . . .. 3 10 I) Fencing .. .. .. .. .. .. 57 11 1 Stores in hand £61 1 1 Balance-sheet. £ s. d. Total expenditure .. .. . . .. .. . . 203 0 7 Less Property Account .. .. .. .. ..6111 Cost of operations (11 acres planted ; (average age, three years) .. £141 19 6 Estimated value of plantation per acre .. .. .. ..£920 R. G. Robinson, Superintending Nurseryman .

Ewbburn Nursery, near Naseby, Otago. (Area, 49 acres ; altitude, 1,400 ft.) « During the year the rainfall has been a little heavier than the previous one, the total being 15-61 in. on ninety-two days. The highest reading of the thermometer in the shade was 84° on the 10th and 16th November, and the lowest 10° (22° of frost) on the 25th September. The ground-temperature of the same date was 5° (27° of frost). Frost occurred on 137 nights in the screen and on 192 nights on the ground. The weather this year, compared with last, has been very much wanner, and, although more rain has fallen, it has been drier in the months of February and March, and. in consequence, the drought became very serious. The average heat for the month of March last was 66-35°, and for the corresponding month of this year 72-22°, which with the scanty rainfall in February accounts in a measure for the drought. The work of sowing seeds was commenced on the 20th October and finished on the 26th, but owing to the unfavourable season the crop has not been too satisfactory, especially amongst the larch. Tinlatter came away very evenly in the first stages until the dry set in, and to make matters worse, large numbers were eaten off by a small white worm resembling a small eel. Pinus Laricin are a very even crop, but not so thick as usual, yet, nevertheless, are a fair crop. Watering had to be resorted to day after day, owing to the want of rain during the latter part of the summer, which has greatly raised the cost of production. The water-supply is not sufficient, and during the winter months 1 would recommend that a better supply be laid on by the use of a larger pipe at the intake of the dam. The seedlings as a whole are very sturdy, and better results can be obtained from pines than larch. The work of lining out was commenced on the sth September, the weather being most unfavourable, owing to the high winds, which made the work irksome to the men. and harder on the trees. A total of 918,953 trees were lined out, a 1 an average cost of Is. 7d. per thousand, and, notwithstanding the depredations of the grass-grub and the drought combined, the average strike has been excellent. It is usually thought in this dry region that constant watering is carried out on the lined-out trees, but this has never been the practice, nor have we the water at hand to do so, and it is simply an evidence of what can be done by constant cultivation. The probable number of trees that are sufficiently advanced for their removal to the plantation is 708,133. The number of trees sent out to the Naseby Plantation was 326.300, and 1,065 to nurseries and public bodies, their value being £1,064 14s. Id. The number of trees in the nursery at the 81st March. 1911. is 1.750,265, and their value is £3,489 Is. P* Taking the work as a whole, the year has been very satisfactory, and with a better supply of water and the shelter-breaks getting higher and thicker, good results should be accomplished in the future. The expenditure for the year amounts to £825 Is. 6d., and the total to date £11,906 14s. lid., which gave employment to 4-6 men.




All buildings, harness, tools, &c, have been kept in good repair; but the building will require to We painted during the incoming year. Details of accounts are appended.

Schedule I.

Schedule II. — Statement of Expenditure. For Year. ToDntc Tree-planting and maintenance — t B . d. £ c. d. Tree-growing .. .. .. .. 400 6 2 4,817 10 7 General maintenance and repairs . . . . 156 0 7 2,269 19 7 Tree-seeds .. .. .. 37 8 t> 446 9 3 Manures .. .. .. .. .. 40 15 3 Horse-feed, purchased and grown .. .. 43 16 7 456 011 Miscellaneous works .. .. .. . . 44 18 7 Stock and material — Tools, implements .. •"> 11 (i 787 7 8 Permanent works — Buildings .. .. .. .. .. 758 18 l> Nursery-formation .. . . .. .. 624 18 4 Fencing .. .. .. .. .. 340 1 0 Water-supply .. .. .. 21 18 8 268 6 7 Supervision and clerical — Proportion of Superintending Nurseryman's salary .. .. •• .. 25 0 0 421 7 4 Proportion of Nurseryman's salary .. 130 0 0 600 1 8 Clerical assistance .. •• .. 5 0 0 30 0 0 £825 1 6 £11,906 14 11

Schedule II. — Tree Account.

Balance in stock .. ..' .. 1,750,265 .. 3,489 1 i> Value of land, improvements, and stock (Property Account) .. 2,476 4 7 Total value .. .. .. .. 5,965 5 7

9—C. Iβ.

Month. Rainfall. Number of Davs Rain fell. Temperature. Maximum. Minimum. NumBer oi Days Frosts ocourred. 1910. April May June July August September .. October November .. December .. •• I Inches. 0-66 0-61 Ml 0-62 0-82 113 21L 116 3-58 3 10 I'2 8 (5 6 5 13 Degrees. Degrees. 72 18 72 22 w i<.) 52 • I 12 60 . 20 68 10 71 24 84 30 81 31 17 11 25 26 23 15 6 4 1 inn. January February March ' 1 2-08 0-32 141 4 8 83 30 84 29 82 2!) 3 2 4 Totals 15-61 15-61 92 92 137 137

During the Year. Since I (!)6 to Date. -NT 1 COS1 Nnmber - of Raising. Number. Cost of Raising ami Maintenance. Estimated Value, as Schedule V. Trees raised .. Trees sent out Trees, deaths E .<. d. 343,350 ; 71 10 7 327,365 157.370 5,190,867 1,986,107 £ s. d. 11,906 14 11 4,555 13 9 £ s. (I.



Schedule IV.—Property Account. t B c) Land (50 aores) ; Crown land, not charged bo Forestry Account. Buildings .. . . . . . . . . . . . • 787 7 8 Stock .. .. .. .. .. .. •• 109 7 5 Improvements .. .. .. .. .. .. 893 411 Fencing .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 340 I 0 Stores in hand . . .. . . . . . . 346 3 7 £2,470 I 7

Schedule V. — Details of One-year-old Trees, sown 1910-11.

Two-year-old Trees, sown 1909-10.

Three-year-old Trees, sown 1908-9.

Trees transferred from Nursery to Plantations, &c., 1910-11.

A. W. Bojsekts, Nurseryman in Charge.

Name of Tree. Beed-ljecls. Indies. sown Thousand. Remarks. ?inue Laricio .. ponderosa arix europaea 150,600 63,750 1 MO, 000 2 •2 3 Hi. 28 ■28 us £ 8. d. i .t s. d. 10 0 150 12 0 Even, tbin crop. 10 0 62 15 0 10 0 130 0 0 Germinated well, but badly attacked by grubs. Totals 343,850 343 7 0

Name ot Tree. 'inus Laricio .. ponderosa Totals .. Number Number in Height Value iu Nursery- in per Total Value. Remarks Seed-beds. Hoes. Inches. Thousand. t s. d. ii s. d. 600,0U0 .. i 1 S 0 750 0 0 Strong plants. 98,800 .. 4 L 5 0 138 10 0 698,800 .. .. .. 873 10 0

Name of Tree. Number in Height Value Nursery- in per Total Vβ lue. Remarks, lines. Inches, Thousand. Kemavks. PinUS Laricio ponderosa ttenthamiana.. ] -arix europaea £ b. a. £ s. a. .. 503,600 7 I 3 10 01 UM ' 2 1T C ) These tree8 ave a11 done vety 110 12 r 7 8 0 0 330 7 6 well, and will be transferred to 62 ' 040 !j a g 0 go] ,' 6 Naseby Plantation during the MJ.l..n 10 3 0 0 97 7 0 J coming winter. Totals .. 70S,115 .. .. 2,272 4 0

Where scut. i Naseby Plantation I Clyde Domain .. ( Nil inn of Tree. Phius Lariuio .. ponderosa Renthamiana Larix europaea.. Pyrus aucuparia Cytisus vulgaris I'inus Laricio .. JBenlhamiana Larix europaea.. Pyrus aucuparia Cytisus vulgaris Pyrus aucuparia Cytisus vulgaris Pyrus aucuparia N-.,,,.,,,,,. Height Value i>er dumber. inln( .,, es Thousand. £ s. d. 1(>.!, 100 IS 3 10 0 ■27,375 10 3 0 0 26,250 10 8 0 0 10!),075 15 3 0 0 50 24 4 10 0 50 i 24 3 0 0 100 ' 80 3 10 0 50 i 10 3 0 0 50 18 3 0 0 25 24 I 10 0 25 21 3 0 0 300 24 4 10 0 215 24 3 0 0 200 24 4 1(1 0 Total Value. ! Remarks. t s. d. 571 18 0 1 82 14 b 78 15 0 ; i 327 4 6 0 4 6 -a 0 3 0 ' to 0 7 0 0 3 0 fa 0 8 0 J 0 2 8 I g 0 16 ! a> 17 0 = 0 12 10 0 18 0 J hauder School. Kecks I ( Tapanui Nursery H;iinner Springs Nursery Totals .. 327,365 l,0(»4 14 1



Naseby Plantation. (Area, 1,350 acres ; altitude, 2,300 ft.) During the year the removal of the fence from the commonage-site has been carried out. and an area of I.'200 acres been acquired from Run 219c, Naseby, and on which the fencing has been erected. In order to facilitate the work, as the season was advancing, only a small portion was fenced, bin the whole area is al present being enclosed in readiness for the coming spring. Owing to there being bo much haulage and dismantling, &c, of fencing materia], the average coe1 of maintenance has been greatly increased, and is therefore hardly a fair average. During liisi season 156.075 trees wen , transferred to Naseby Commonage site, and of these. 31,240 still remain in the trenches. Some 05.925 were used on the commonage-area, which was eventually abandoned, and the remainder, having died in the trenches, should not be put down as failure? on the new or old area. The remaining trees could not be removed owing to the lateness of the season, but will be transferred during the incoming spring. Thej - e were 326,300 trees removed to the new area from the nursery, and I am sorry to have to report that of these 24.550 had to be thrown out as they died in the trenches. These were some of the first trees lifted and bundled in order to be sent to Conical Hills Plantation. Inii were retained here as the Government acquired the extension property later, and. consequently, the trees remained too long in the bundles before being planted out. Pitting was commenced in July, but as the ground was too hard owing to the frost, good progress could not be made at first, but during the months of September and October better progress was made. The spot ie an ideal one for trees, but, owing to the turfy nature of the ground, it requires to be all pitted before the winter, in order to pulverize the soil ; and this is being done for the reception of the trees during the coming spring. Trees planted out are doing very well, and Erom nil appearances the percentage i>1 deaths will be very small, the larch especially having done exceedingly well. The trees on the old site are making excellent growth, and a plan of the urea subdivided into blocks has been compiled. The number of trees planted on the new area is 301,760, at an average cost of I Is. 8d. per thousand. The total number planted to date in the old and extension area is 682.204. Some 360,750 grubber pits were made, at an average cost of 10s. 9d. per thousand, and of these 59,000 remain open for the trees during the next spring. The expenditure for the year is £867 8s. 10d.. and the expenditure to date is £3,644 17s. lid. A hut was erected during the year by the employees, and another removed from Gimmerburn. Two tents on frames were also erected on the ground. The average number of men employed was 5-5, day-labour. During the incoming year a thermometer and rain-gauge are to be installed at this station. Details of accounts are appended. Schedule II.—Statement of Expenditure. For Year. To Date. Planting operations and maintenance — t s . d. t s. d. Tree-planting .. .. .. .. 191 5 5 696 5 11 Pitting .. .. .. .. .. 193 18 4 764 10 3 Clearing .. .. .. .. .. .. 20 17 10 Cartage of trees .. .. .. 21 4 0 92 1 9 General upkeep of plantation .. . . 203 10 3 928 19 3 General repairs .. .. .. .. 7 18 6 7 18 6 Horse-feed .. .. .. .. 164 10 0 Permanent works— Fencing .. .. .. .. .. 112 l<) 1 480 2 >> Formation . . .. .. . . . . 5 0 0 Buildings .. .. .. .. .. 47 2 3 86 0 0 Stock, implements, &c. —Tools, implements .. .. 1 12 (> Supervision and clerical — Salaries — Supervision of free labour .. .. (50 0 0 248 10 II Nurseryman's proportion of clerical* assistance .. .. .. 30 0 0 149 8 :i £867 8 10 £3,644 17 11 Schedule Til. — Trees Account. Number Trees received during the year .. .. .. .. .. 326,300 Less to replace blanks .. .. . . .. .. 24.550 Planted on new area .. .. .. .. . . .. 301,750 Previously planted .. .. .. .. . ■ ■ • 380,454 Total number planted on 260 acres (average age. five years) . . 682.201 10—C. Iβ.



Schedule IV. — Property Account. £ s d Land (1.350 acres) ; Crown land, not charged to Forestry Account Buildings .. .. .. .. .. ' .. .. 85 0 0 Stock Improvements .. .. .. .. . . . . ..500 Fencing .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 480 2 9 Stores in hand .. .. .. .. .. .. ..259 £572 8 (i Balance-sheet. t s. d. Total expenditure .. .. .. .. .. .. 3.644 17 II Less Property Account .. .. .. .. .. 572 8 f> Cost ol operations (260 acres planted; average age, five years) ..£3.072 9 - r > Estimated value of plantation per acre .. .. .. .. £I<> o o T. Screen, Plantation Foreman. A. W. Roberts, Nurseryman in Charge.

GIMME R B U R N PLANTATION RES E R V 8.. (Area, 420 acres ; altitude, 1,200 ft.) Owing to this area being abandoned as far as further tree-planting is concerned, there has been no planting done during the year, but keeping the fire-breaks and fence in order has been attended to. During the year account was made of the trees standing, and h sketch of same prepared, apportioning the various trees into blocks. The trees as a whole appear to be making better progress now that they are. becoming more established, especially larch in places where the soil is suitable to their requirements. In some instances they have attained a height of 20 ft. ; others again are not more than 3 ft. for the same period. The pines aie slower, but are putting on more even growth than the former, and in places are beginning to cover the ground. During the year 32 acres of land were broken up and sown down in oats for horse-feed, and yielded about 22 tons of chaff. This is not a very heavy yield as compared with other seasons, and no doubt the continued drought is accountable for the shortage. The sheaf is, however, very short and clean, and will make excellent chaff. During the year 5 tons of chaff were transferred to Eweburn Nursery and 2 tons to Tapanui Nursery, valued at £28. The expendituie for the year amounts to £92. Schedule II. — Statement ol Expenditure. For Year. To Date. Planting operations and maintenance — t s . d. C s. d. Tree-planting .. .. .. .. .. 857 4 :i Pitting .. .. .. .. .. .. 29 9 0 Clearing Cartage of trees .. .. .. .. .. 97 10 9 General upkeep of plantation . . .. 13 12 1 379 8 5 General repairs .. .. .. .. .. 913 5 Horse-feed .. .. .. .. 46 811 420 4 o Permanent works— Fencing .. .. .. .. .. .. 387 11 2 Formation .. .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Buildings .. .. .. .. .. .. 57 3 9 Stock, implements, &c. Tools, implements .. 7 19 o 19 19 0 Supervision and clerical— Salaries— Supervision of free labour .. .. 10 0 0 223 0 0 Nurseryman's proportion of clerical assistance .. .. .. .. 14 0 0 79 16 8 £92 0 0 £2.611 0 5



Schedule 111. — Trees Account. , T , Number. Trees received during the year Less to replace blanks Planted on new area Previously planted .. ..... .. .. .. 152,896 Total number planted on 173 acres (average age, five years) .. 152,896 Schedule IV. — Property Account. Laud (420 acres) ; Crown and, not charged to Forestry Account Buildings .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 57 3 9 Stock Improvements .. .. .. .. .. .. 50 0 0 Fencing .. .. .. .. .. .. 387 11 2 .Stores in hand .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 19 0 £514 13 11 Balance-sheet. t; 8> j. Total expenditure .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,61] 0 5 Less Property Account .. .. .. .. .. 514 13 11 Cost of operations (173 acres planted ; average age, five years) .. £2,096 6 6 Estimated value of plantation per acre .. .. .. .. £10 0 0 A. W. Roberts, Nurseryman in Charge. Hanmer Springs Nursery, Canterbury. (Area, 40 acres ; approximate altitude, 1,225 ft.) Rain fell on 110 days, with a total precipitation of 44-68 in., the maximum monthly fall being 6-11 in., during the month of June. The highest shade temperature (85°) was registered on the 25th November, and the lowest (20°) on the 17th May and the 21st June. Although a heavier rainfall was experienced during the year by 0-94 in. than that of last year, the number of days on which ruin fell was less by twenty-nine days, thus showing a very uneven distribution of moisture throughout the year. Extremely dry weather was experienced during the early spring and autumn, but the summer months were fairly moist, sufficient rain falling to maintain an even, and in the case of larch, a fairly rapid growth. The spring drought was, however, severely felt, coming as it did during the latter part of and immediately subsequent to the completion of lining-out operations. The larch, being planted earlier in the season, did not suffer so greatly as the pines, as they were well established before the drought set in, and the death-rate could be put down at from 10 to 12 per cent. The pines, however, were very severely dealt with, as the diought had set in just before the completion of planting operations, and continued for some five or six weeks following. The death-rate was therefore very high, being from 25 to 30 per cent., and the growth of the trees throughout the rest of the season was poor. A number of alder cuttings was also planted, but a " strike " did not eventuate owing to the dryness of the season. Lining-out was commenced on the 26th August and was completed on the 18th October, the latter part of the operation being carried out under most adverse circumstances. Two beds of Pinus Laricio were left for the following season, and the young plants have made excellent growth. These trees will now require to be left in the nursery lines for one. year only. A total of 1,452,000 seedlings were dealt with, at a cost of Is. sd. per thousand. Trees to the number of 1,146,905 were transferred 4o the plantation during the year, valued at £3,442 10s. 5d., and 82,000 seedling larch were sent to Tapanui Nursery, valued at £82 ; making a total of 1,228,905 for the year, and 4,867,705 to date. The total number of trees raised .since initiation is 12,198,800, and those raised during the year total 2,470,200. The estimated number at present on the nursery is 4,722,200, and the number available for the coming season's planting is 1,040,000. Seed-sowing was commenced on the 25th October, and was completed on the 31st. The results have been fairly successful, a very sturdy crop eventuating, but the seeds germinated somewhat, thinly especially larch, Pinus Laricio, P. Benthamiana, P. austriaca, P. muricata, and Pseudo-tswja taxifolia. On the other hand, P. ponderosa, P. insignis, Picea sitchensis, and Cupressus Lawsoniana germinated excellently. Growth has been good throughout the seed-beds. Formation. —Before lining-out was commenced, a considerable amount of draining and levelling was necessary. All low-lying portions of the new nursery-area were thoroughly tile-drained, and this work was also carried out on the older area.



Water-supply. —The water-supply at the nursery continues to give satisfaction, although additional pressure would be most desirable 111 case of any outbreak of fire. Buildings. —The additions to the nurseryman's house were completed during April, but the erection of a bathroom and woodhouse would be much appreciated. A roof of corrugated iron replaced the felt roofing of tin' office, as most of the hitter material was blown off during a heavy gale. A substantial extension was attached to the workshop, and the accommodation now meets all requirements. A clay floor was put down in the smithy. Horse-feed. Good crops of clover and. rye hay were harvested in good condition for winter feed. An autumn sowing of 12 acres of oats yielded a good crop, which was harvested during January. Maintenance-work. This work- consisted principally in repainting building and vehicles. The repairing of tools, vehicles, and implements was also carried on. Manures. —A sowing of 6 tons of lime was distributed over the vacant areas set aside for seedsowing and lining-out, and was thoroughly worked in with harrows and cultivator. I'lsix. Hares and rabbits were not troublesome, and no damage was done to young trees. The grass-grub was again in evidence, however, and. did very considerable damage to seedling larch. The estimated output was thus reduced by from 30 to 40 per cent. The grubs have also made then- appearance amongst this year's seedling Larch, and it is feared that the loss from this source will be again a heavy one. The sowing of " aptorite " has been tried as a means of dealing with the pest, but sufficient time has not elapsed since its application to enable a decision to be arrived at as to results. An average of 7-01 men were employed on the nursery throughout the year. Statements of expenditure and values, together with records of rainfall for the year, are appended.

Schedule I.

Schedule 11. Statement <>/ Expenditure. For Year. To Date. Tree-planting and. maintenance — t B , j. £ X ,|. Tree-growing .. . . . . .. 596 18 0 3,499 7 I General maintenance anil repairs .. .. 98 •'! 9 437 6 -I Tree-seeds . . . . . . 85 16 6 177 0 3 Manures .. .. .. 10 15 7 18 19 8 Horse-feed, purchased and grown .. .. (>9 7 9 409 6 I Miscellaneous works .. .. .. 28 19 0 144 12 I Stock and material Tools, implements .. 31 16 •"> 531 18 1 Permanent works — Buildings .. . . .. . . 226 r> I !iM I 6 (i Nursery-formation . . .. . . 92 12 5 152 .'! 9 Fencing .. .. .. .. Ll7 6 55 18 5 Water-supply .. .. .. .. .. 140 610 Supervision and clericalProportion of Superintending Nurseryman's salary .. .. .. 35 () 0 115 0 0 Proportion of Nurseryman's salary .. 101 0 0 590 0 0 Clerical assistance .. .. 10 0 0 10 0 0 £1,388 11 10 £8,225 19 7

Mouth. Rainfall. Numbei of Days lUiu fell. Temperature. Minimum. Maximum. Number of Days Frosts occunwl. I'JJO. April May June July August September .. ((ctober November .. December .. 1911. January February March .. Inches. 4-12 3-22 611 5-67 :5-78 2-53 1-30 I -115 5-70 t-08 5-93 0-29 7 » 11 16 11 ii I 6 l(> 9 3 Degrees. 73 72 70 57 65 71 71 85 81 82 85 81 Decrees. 27 1 20 10 20 13 21 11 24 9 27 7 30 3 32 1 37 32 I 36 38 Tut als 44-68 110 56



Schedule III. — Trees Account.

Schedule IV. — Property Account. £ s. d. Land (40 acres) ; frown land, not charged to Forestry AccountBuildings .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 984 6 6 Stock .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 115 0 0 Improvements . . .. .. . . .. .. . . 892 4 7 Fencing .. .. .. .. .. .. 55 18 5 Stoics in hand .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 662 11 0 £2,710 0 6

Schedule V. — Details of One-year-old Trees, sown 1910-11.

Two-year-old Trees, sown 1909-10.

During the Year. Since ]i Since 189(5 to Date. 896 to Date. L'. 1 i t>to 4 ikfl Ketimated Estimated *-« £&£ Number. Cost of Raising and Maintenance. Value, as Sohednle V. Trees raised .. Trees een1 inn .. Trees, deaths .. £ s. (1. 2,470,200 180 3 4 1,228,905 709 17 3 2,121,775 12.198,800 4,867,705 j a s. 8,225 19 3,282 7 d. 7 ! 6 E S. (I. Balance in stock, 4,722,20 Value of land, improveme K) trees nts. and stock (Property Account) 7,553 2,710 5 0 6 6 Total value .. 10,263 6 0

Nauiu of Tree. Number Height in in Seed-beds. Inches. Value Seed Sown. per Total Value. Thousand. Keinarks. Larix europaea Pinus Larioio .. poodero.-ii Benthamiana „ muricata Insignia .. auatriaca Picea sitchensis Pseudo-tsuga taxifoli* .. .. 1,300,000 4 .. 900,000 2 130,000 2 30,000 8 5,000 5 22,000 5 3,000 3 30,000 1 40,000 2 lb. 168 140 30 15 04 8 1 8 £ s. d. 10 0 1 0 0 10 0 10 0 1 0 0 10 0 10 0 1 5 0 15 0 £ s. d. 1,300 0 0 , 900 0 0 I Thiu orop ; sturdy 130 0 0 I- plants; attacked by SO 0 0 [ grub. 5 0 0 ) 22 0 0 Pine orop. 3 0 0 Poor. 37 10 0 Good crop. 50 0 0 Thin orop; sturdy plants. 15 0 0 Good orop. 0 8 0 Thin orop. ■2,49:2 18 (I Cupressus Lawsoniana .. Biota orientalis Totals 10,000 1 200 lj .. 2,470,200 I 1 oj 868* 1 10 0 2 0 0

Nairn' <>t Tree. Number Number In in Nursery-Sued-beds. < lines. Height in Inches. Value per Thousand. Total Value. KeniHiks. Laiix eui'opaca Pinus Larioio pondorosa lnuiicata Gupressus Lawsouiana, Thuja gigantea Pseudo-tsuga taxifolia Alnus glutinosa 400,000 .500,000 550,000 150,000 6,600 400 HO0 3,300 1/200 18 i 3 3 8 10 8 8 11 £ s. d. 2 5 0 15 0 2 5 0 •2 5 0 '2 5 0 2 0 0 8 0 0 2 10 0 2 0 0 £ 8 J ill I!) 0 0 625 0 0 1,237 |0 0 387 10 0 14 12 G 0 16 0 1 16 0 8 5 0 2 8 0 Splendid growth. Pine crop. Poor crop. Good growth. Totals 500,0(X» 1,112,000 3,127 17 6



Three-year-old Trees, sown 1908-9.

Trees transferred from Nursery to Plantations, &c., 1910-11.

YV. G Morrison, Nurseryman in Charge.

FTanmek Springs Plantation, Canterbury. (Area, 2.568 acres ; altitude, l.L'i , -") It.) Although not quite successful a season as that of last year, which was h record one in the matter ill tree planting and tree-growth., the past season compares very favourably with it. considering the extreme dryness of the early spring months, when moisture was more needed than any other time. Of the trees dealt with during the season, pines Buffered only slightly from the dryness, and a smal' percentage of deaths is recorded ; larch, however, were very severely interfered with, and the death rate amongst them was considerably higher than in past seasons. Taking operations throughout, however, the percentage of deaths would nol be above 12 ot 15, which is comparatively low considering ihe difficulties met with. Excellent growth has been made by all trees during the pasi year, with the exception of two varieties — Pken eitchensis and Pseudo tsuga taxifolia —these two having made very little headway. Larch has again demonstrated its adaptability to this locality by rapid progress. Trees of this variety planted last season have made a vertical growth of from -tin. to 18 in., and those planted (hiring previous years, and which have become established, have put on a growth of from 2 ft. to I ft. 6 in. All varieties of pirns have done exceedingly well, and have increased in height to an average of about 10 in. The total number of trees planted during the year was 1,146,905; of this number. 34.200 were used to replace failures in former planting, and 1.112,705 were planted on an area of 4O8 : | acres, making a total area, of 1,451| acres now under forest, containing trees to the numbei of 3,951,951. It was found necessary to do a large amount of clearing before pitting operations could be commenced, some 283 acres being dealt, with. About three miles of ra.bbit-pioof fencing were erected to enclose part of the new area, recently acquired. Fret Labour. — An average of five men was employed on day-labour and 7*83 on contract-work. The cost of pitting wa> Ise. per thousand ; tree-planting, 7s. 3d. pei thousand : clearing, I Is. (id. per acre : fencing, 4s. 4d. per chain. Pitting. —Pits to the number of 8(16.880 were dug during the year. The numbei available for the coming season's planting is 144.500. Tree-planting. —A total of 745,985 trees were planted out permanently on new area. A large proportion of the proposed planting-area was covered with heavy scrub, and of this, about 209 acres were cut and burned before pitting was commenced.

N«me of Tre Name of Tree. oc. Number in Height Value Nursi in per Total Value, lines. Indies. Thousand. Remarks. 'inue austtiaca .. „ ponclerosa HeiiUiaimana i e s. a. e b. a. 400,000 13 a 0 0 L.200 0 0 190,000 'J 3 0 0 570 0 (I 50,000 9 3 5 0 16-2 10 0 Very sturdy plants. Totals 640,000 .. .. 1,932 10 0

Where Sent. Name of Tree. Number. He i i '; ht Value per Inches. Thousand. Total Value. Remarks ( 1 a n in e i Springs Plantation Larix europaea .. Pinus Laricio austriaca . . ponderosa .. muricata .. Pseudo-tsuga taxifolia Alnus glutinosa .. .. 586,575 264,920 226,470 49,390 4,350 7,200 8,000 £ s. d. 16 3 0 0 13 3 0 0 18 3 0 0 10 3 0 0 14 3 0 0 11 3 5 0 12 3 0 0 £ s. d. 1,759 14 6 794 15 3 679 8 3 148 3 5 13 1 0 23 8 0 24 0 0 82 0 0 Sturdy plants. Strong plants. Cuttings, verypoor take. Strong plants. 'apanui Nursery .. Larix europaea .. 82,000 , 8 10 0 Totals 1,228,905 3,524 10 5


Type of Buildings used as Stable and Workshop, Tapanui Nursery.

Pinus austriaca at Eweburn Nursery.

Face page l-'-l



Formation. —Under this heading the ploughing of fire-breaks was the principal work carried on. some four miles being broken up for the first time. The forming of road-cuttings and culverts also engaged attention in order to give access to planted areas. Grading operations were also oair.ied out in several swampy areas. General Upkeep. —Under this heading the reploughing of fire-breaks was one of the principal works carried on, some twelve miles of ground being turned over, thus providing an effectual barrier to fires. The replanting of failures on No. 1 Plantation was pushed on. Pruning and cutting of double leaders were also carried on over the greater part of the same area. A heavy north-west gale in the late autumn did damage to trees, a large number being blown over, and requiring immediate straightening and firming. Buildings. —A camp was formed for the workmen at a spot convenient bo the area being operated upon. All material required for the erection of the new huts at the prison camp was carted from Culverden by the nursery team of horses. Pests. —Both rabbits and hares have been kept well in check by dog? and guns, and very few of either of these pests are now within the enclosed area. A green aphis appeared on the Betula alba during the summer, and, spreading rapidly from tree to tree, soon affected the whole of this variety. While dealing with some lightly, others were severely attacked, and in some instances entire defoliation ensued. A white blight has appeared on Austrian pine in isolated cases, but, with the exception of one or two trees, no damage has so far been done. Prison Labour. —The number of prisoners available for forestry operations throughout the year was very small, a daily average of only 7-31 men being employed; consequently, the total value of this labour for the year is very much below that of former years, although the quality is up to the average. Accommodation is available for forty prisoners, but the number of men in camp during the year has usually been below twenty, thus necessitating the employment of additional free labour to cope with the work in hand. Details and values of work are as follows : Pitting (129,230 pits), £96 18s. 6d. ; tree-planting (366,120 trees), £183 os. Bd. ; formation, £20 18s. 6d. ; clearing 74 acres, £62 12s. 9d. ; general maintenance, £1 10s. ; horse-feed, £1 7s. ; fencing, 12s. Total value for the year, £396 19s. 5d., which works out at £56 14s. 2d. per man for the year. Statements of values and expenditures are appended. Schedule ll. — Statement of Expenditure. For Year. To Date. Planting operations and maintenance — t c. d. £ c. d. Tree-planting .. .. .. .. 459 15 2 2,388 15 6 Pitting .. .. .. .. .. 749 1 8 3,251 15 7 Clearing .. .. .. 214 19 3 1,078 1 11 Cartage of trees .. .. .. 23 16 6 59 19 6 General upkeep of plantation .. .. 276 10 0 1.926 14 3 General repairs .. .. .. .. 3 2 4 11 210 Horse-feed .. .. . . 30 9 9 123 17 3 Permanent works— Fencing .. .. .. .. .. 270 16 10 1,021 13 11 Formation .. .. .. 41 14 10 972 18 7 Buildings .. .. .. 43 8 10 722 0 9 Stock, implements, &c. —-Tools, implements .. 30 4 1 360 13 5 Supervision and clerical— Salaries — Supervision of free labour .. .. 160 0 0 611 14 4 „ prison labour .. .. 80 0 i> 342 16 8 Nurseryman's proportion of clerical assistance .. .. .. 45 0 0 327 7 0 2,428 19 3 13,199 11 6 Estimated value of prison labour (apportioned in above items) .. .. ..' .. 396 19 5 4,261 9 9 Actual expenditure .. .. .. £2,031 19 10 £8,938 1 9 Schedule. 111. Tree Account. Number. Trees received during the ycni .. .. .. .. .. 1.146,905 Less to replace blanks .. .. .. .. .. 34,200 Planted on new area .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,112,705 Previously planted .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,839,246 Total number planted on 1,451$ acres (average age. six veins) .. 3,951,951



Schedule IV. — Property Account. « (1 Land (2,568 acres) ; Crown land, not charged to Forestry Ac-count Buildings .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 722 0 t> Stock Improvements .. .. .. .. .. .. 2.051 (I li Fencing .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,021 13 11 Stores in hand .. .. .. .. .. .. 123 18 7 £3,918 13 9 Balance sheet. y. c. d. Total expenditure .. .. .. .. .. .. 13,130 l."> I Less Property Account .. • .. .. .. .. 3,91H L 3 9 Cost of operations (1,451$ acres planted; average age, six pears) .. £H. 212 I 7 Estimated value of plantation per acre .. .. .. .. £10 lo 0 A. J. BOYDELL, Plantation Foreman. \V. G. Morrison. Nurseryman in Charge

A/,f,,v., In 11,- Co.-1 vi Paper.— Preparation not given; printing [1,600 copies, Including Illustrations and maps), £124.

Sv Authority: John MaCkay. Government 1 Printer. Wellington. 1911.

Price Us. 3d.}






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Bibliographic details

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS: STATE AFFORESTATION IN NEW ZEALAND (REPORT ON)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, C-01b

Word Count

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS: STATE AFFORESTATION IN NEW ZEALAND (REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, C-01b

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS: STATE AFFORESTATION IN NEW ZEALAND (REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1911 Session I, C-01b

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