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Presented to the House of Representatives, and ordered to he printed ORDERS OP REPERENOE.

Extracts from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Thursday, the 7th Day of July, 1910. Ordered, "That a Committee be appointed, consisting of ten members, to consider all matters relating to school-teachers, education, and public instruction generally, public-school training of teachers, higher education technical education, and manual instruction, and such other matters affecting education as may be referred to it; to have power to call for persons and papers ; three to be a quorum : the Committee to consist of Mr Allen, Mr. Hanan, Mr. Hardy, Mr. Luke, Mr. Poole, Mr. Sidey, Mr. Stallworthy, Mr. G. M. Thomson, Mr! J C. Thomson, and the mover."—(Hon. Mr. G. Fowlds.) Thursday, the 11th Day of At/gust, 1910. Ordered, '' That all petitions not finally dealt with during Session 11, 1909, stand referred to the same Committees they were referred to during the said session."—(Right Hon. Sir J G. Ward. Thursday, the 18th Day of August, 1910. Ordered, " That the report on the petition of F Tetley be referred back to the Education Committee for reconsideration." —(Mr. J Duncan.) Ordered, "That the report on the petition of J Smith be referred back to the Education Committee for further consideration, with a view to considering whether a scheme can be devised to meet this and similar cases."—(Mr. J Duncan.) Wednesday, the 31st Day of August, 1910. Ordered. " That the Education Amendment Bill (No. 2) be referred to the Education Committee."—(Hon Mr. Fowlds. Tuesday, the Bth Day of September, 1910. Ordered, "That the petition of M. A. E. Marchant be referred to the Education Committee."—(Mr. Sidey. Friday, the 21st Day op October, 1910. Ordered, " That the name of the Hon. Mr. Buddo be substituted for that of the Hon. Mr. Fowlds on the Education Committee."—(Right Hon. Sir J G. Ward.) Friday, the 28th Day of October, 1910. Ordered. " That petitions Nos. 638 to 686, inclusive, be referred direct to the Education Committee."— (Hon. Sir W J. Steward and others.) Tuesday, the Ist Day of November, 1910. Ordered, "That petitions Nos. 689 to 710, inclusive, be referred direct to the Education Committee."— (Hon. Sir W J Steward and others. Wednesday, the 2nd Day of November, 1910. Ordered, " That the petition of the Fairlie School Committee be referred direel to the Education Committee." —(Mr. Buxton.) Monday, the 7th Day of November, 1910. Ordered, " That the petitions of the Glenavy and Stony Creek School Committees be referred direct to the Education Committee."—(Hon. Sir W J. Steward and Mr. Allen.) Wednesday, the 9th Day of November, 1910. Ordered, " That the petition of the Stoneburn School Committee be referred direct to the Education Committee."—(Mr. Clark.)

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Thursday, the 10th Day of November, 1910. Ordered. ' That the petition of the Orton School Committee be referred direct to the Education Committee."—(Mr. Nosworthy. Friday, the 11th Day of November., 1910. Ordered "That the petitions of the Kakahu School Committee, the Milford School Committee the Silverstream School Committee/and the Sutherland School Committee be referred direct to the Education Committee. Ordered, *' That the petition of the Waihaorunga School Committee be referred direct to the Education Committee.''—(Hon. Sir W J Steward.) Thursday, the 24th Day of November, 1910. Ordered, "That the report of the Education Committee on the petition of T Walker be referred back to that Committee for reconsideration. —(Mr. Fisher. Thursday, the Ist Day of December, 1910. Ordered, "That petitions Nos. 795 to 804, inclusive, be referred direct to the Education Committee." ;Mr. Smith.)



Nos. 77, 78, 79, 80. Petitions of the Aramoho, Beaconsfield, Orautoha, and Tiriraukawa School Committees. Petitioners pray that the reduction of special capitation grants to School Committees, of 9d. per head, be reinstated. The Education Committee has the honour to report on the petitions above named that it has no recommendation to make. 18th August, 1910.

No. 118.—Petition of H. von Blaramberg. Petitioner prays for the favourable consideration of his claim for £5,000, with interest, made in 1895, for loss" of property, and employment as school-teacher The Education Committee has the' honour to report on the petition of H. von Blaramberg that it has no recommendation to make. 18th August, 1910.

No 13. —Petition of John Smith. Petitioner represents that ho was employed by the Education Department for forty-three years, between the years 1856 and 1907 as teacher and Inspector of Schools respectively, that, owing to his having to retire prior to the Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908, he was deprived of the full benefits of superannuation, and now appeals for relief The Education Committee has the honour to report on the petition of John Smith that it has no recommendation to make. 18th August, 1910.

No. Petitioners. Page. 518 Anderson, Charles, and others (School Committee), and 194 similar petitions Aramoho School Committee, and 53 similar petitions 6 77, 276 2,3 92 118 Bary, Charles, and 3 Blaremberg, C. A. V H. / 5 2 123 Cleave, Jane, and 9 others 3 141 Dowling, Mary, and 25 others 4 Education Amendment Bill (No. 2) 4 722 Foster, T. S., and 6 others 5 554 Glass, Charles, and 25 others 5 17 Harrison, Ada 3 320 Kapuni School Committee 4

No. Petitioners. Page. 620 337 Laby, Thomas H., and 12 others Lamb, W 0., and 100 others i 5 4 29 423 219 191 124 54/08 Madigan, Patrick Marchant, M. E. A. Mellsop, E. L. Menzies, J K, and 13 others McKean, T., and 10 others Mcintosh, A. 4 5 4 5 3 4 561 Rathbone, E. W G., and 3 others 3 13 120 Smith, John Southwick, Joseph Tetley, Frederick Tozer, A. J., and 62 others 2,4 3 3,5 5 18 561 688 59/08 Walker, Thomas Wilkinson, Catherine 5,6 4



No. 18.—Petition of Frederick Tetley Petitioner represents that he erected a schoolhouse at Nydia Bay Pelorus Sound, and that the final payment of £62 10s. was lost in transit by the wreck of the s.s. " Penguin," and he prays that he may be granted recompense. The Education Committee has the honour to report on the petition of Frederick Tetley that it has no recommendation to make. 18th August, 1910.

No. 17.—Petition of Ada Harrison Petitioner represents that she has not received a position in accordance with the recommendation of the Select Committee of last session, and requests that Parliament order that she receive a better position than she at present occupies as a teacher The Education Committee has the honour to report on the petition of Ada Harrison that it has no recommendation to make.

18th August, 1910. Nos. 123 and 124.—Petitions of Jane Cleave and 9 Others, and T McKean and 10 Others. Petitioners pray that an Act be passed to permit a Dominion referendum on the question of Bible-reading in State and National schools. The Education Committee has the honour to report on the petitions of Jane Cleave and 9 others and T Kean and 10 others that, inasmuch as these petitions are in the nature of a request to a private member of the House, this Committee recommends that they be referred back to the member presenting the same. 18th August, 1910.

No. 120.—Petition of Joseph 'Southwick. Petitioner prays that he may be granted a compassionate allowance through his having missed coming under the Teachers' Superannuation The Education Committee has the honour to report on the petition of Joseph Southwick that it has no recommendation to make. 25th August, 1910

No. 158.—Petition of E W G .Rathbone and 3 Others. Petitioners pray for special money grants to the art societies of New Zealand for the purchase of works of art. The Education Committee has the honour to report on the petition, of the art societies of NewZealand that in the opinion of this Committee assistance to works of this nature should at the present stage of the country's development, be given by local bodies or private individuals or hy both. 25th August, 1910.

No. 276.—Petition of the Aramoho School Committee (and 43 other Petitions of a similar character, as per Schedule attached hereto). Petitioners pray that the reduction of special capitation grant to School Committees of 9d. per head be reinstated. The Education Committee has the honour to report on the petitions above referred to that as the Committee understands the Government is dealing with this matter, it has no recommendation to make. 25th August, 1910.

Schedule. No. 277.—Mars Hill School. No. 299.—Pohangina School. „ 278.—Mosston School. tf „ 300.—Awahoa School, K ,i „ 279.—Sedgebrook School. „ 301.—Taoroa^School. ' „ 280.—Upper Tutaenui School. „ 302.—Waipuru School. „ 281.—Awahuri School.* „ 303.—Takaoro School. „ 282.—Bull's School. |M „ 304.—Makino Road School. „ 283.—Makohau School. „ 305.—Auroa School. „ 284.—Newbury School. „ 306.—Kelvin Grove School. „ 285. —Parewanui School. „ 307.—Haloombe School. „ 286.—Porewa School. „ 308.—Cheltenham School. „ 287.—Riverton School. „ 309.—Makotuku School. „ 288.—Taonui School. „ 310.—Hinau School. „ 289.—Turakina School. „ 311.—Colyton School. „ 290.—Ashhurst" School. „ 312.—Pukeroa School. „ 291.—Tapuae School. „ 313.—Campbell Street (Palmerston North) „ 292.—Table Flat School. School. ~ 293.—Rewa School. „ 314.—Longburn School. „ 294.—Waituna West School. „ 315.—Maxwelltown School. „ 295.—Pukeokahif School. „ 316.—Normanby School. ~ 296.—Hiwinui School. ~ 317. —Kai Iwi School. ~ 297. —Karowarewa School. „ 318.—Kakaramea School. „ 298.—Apiti School. „ 319.—Waverley School. *



No. 219.—Petition of Emma L. Mellsop. Petitioner prays that she may be placed on the list of those receiving superannuation. The Education Committee has the honour to report on the petition of Emma L. Mellsop that, while sympathizing with the petitioner, it regrets it cannot make any recommendation. 30th August, 1910.

No. 29 (1907, Session ll).—Petition of Patrick Madigan. Petitioner prays that he may be relieved from the liability of the maintenance of his stepson, now in St. Mary's Industrial School, Auckland. The Education Committee has the honour to report on the petition of Patrick Madigan that it has no recommendation to make. 30th August, 1910.

No. 59 (1908). —Petition of Catherine Wilkinson. Petitioner prays to be enrolled as a contributor to the Teachers' Superannuation Fund. The Education Committee has the honour to report on the petition of Catherine Wilkinson that, the Education Department having reported that the petitioner's case has been satisfactorily settled, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 30th August, 1910.

No. 54 (1908). —Petition of Alexander Mclntosh. Petitioner prays to be enrolled as a contributor to the Teachers' Superannuation Fund. The Education Committee has the honour to report on the petition of Mcintosh that, the Education Department having reported that the petitioner's case has been satisfactorily settled, this Committee has no recommendation to make. 30th August, 1910.

Education Amendment Bill, 1910 (No. 2). The Education Committee, to whom was referred the Education Amendment Bill, 1910 (No._ 2), has the honour to report that, having duly considered the provisions of the same, the Committee recommends that the Bill be allowed to proceed, subject to the amendments shown in the copy of the Bill hereto attached. 9th September, 1910.

N O . 320. Petitions of the Kapuni School Committee (and other School Committees, as per attached Schedule) Petitioners pray for restoration of special capitation grant. The Education Committee has the honour to report on the petitions of the Kapuni School Committee and of thirteen other School Committees, praying for restoration of special capitation grant, that, as the Government is dealing with the matter, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 21st September, 1910.

Schedule. No 321.—Otakeho School Committee. No. 324.—Horopito School Committee. 322.—Rawhitiroa School Committee. _„ 351.—Wangaelra School Committee and 8 others. "„ 323. —Tekoti School Committee.

Nos. 140 and 337.—Petitions of Mary Dowling and Others and William O Lamb and Others. Petitioners pray for additions to school-teachers' residences. The Education Committee has the honour to report on the petitions of Mary Dowling and others and William Oliver Lamb and others that, as the Minister is dealing with the matter, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 30th September, 1910.

No. 13.—Petition of John Smith. (Second Beport.) Petitioner prays that he may participate in the Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908. The Education Committee has the honour to report on the petition of John Smith that, having duly considered the petition, it adheres to its previous decision, and has therefore no recommendation to make. 22nd September, 1910.



No. 554 (1909, Session II). —Petition of Arthur Glass and 21 Others. Petitioners pray for new school building to be erected near Waerangi liailw ay-station. The Education Committee has the honour to report on the petition of Arthur Glass and others that, as the matter is one for the Education Board of the district to deal with, the petitioners be recommended to renew their application to the said Board. 22nd September, 1910.

Nos. 92, 191, and 423.—Petitions of Charles Bart and Others, J K. Menztes and Others, and M. E. A. Marchant, respectively (three petitions). Petitioners pray for amendment in superannuation. The Education Committee has the honour to report on the petitions of Charles Bary and others, J. K. Menzies and others, and M. E A. Marchant respectively that, in view of the fact that the discretionary power vested in the Teachers' Superannuation Board, under section 225, subsection (I), of the Education Act, 1908, was taken away by the Public Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908, without notice, the question of giving to these petitioners, and to those similarly situated, a further option of six months in which to join the Superannuation Fund be referred to the Government for favourable consideration 22nd September, 1910.

No. 561 (1909, Session LI). —Petition of A. J Tozer, of Levin. Petitioner prays for the release of his son, now at the Boys' Training Farm, Weraroa. The Education Committee has the honour to report on the petition of A. J Tozer, above referred to, that, having carefully considered the petition, and the evidence tendered to the Committee in connection therewith, it recommends that the petitioner's son be dealt with in accordance with the terms of a letter addressed by the Hon. the Minister of Education to Mr W H Field, M.P., bearing date the 21st January, 1910. 20th October, 1910.

No. 620. —Petition of Thomas H Laby and 12 Others (University professors). Petitioners pray for inquiry into the state of University administration and education in New Zealand. The Education Committee has the honour to report on the petition of Thomas H. Laby and 12 others that the Committee is of opinion that the petition should be referred to the Education Committee at the beginning of next session, in order that full investigation may be made, and, further, that the petition, with the departmental reports, be printed and circulated. [Vide Appendix 1.—13a.] 16th November, 1910.

No. 688. —Petition of Thomas Walker, of Weraroa. Petitioner claims £200 for work performed and material supplied in connection with the Weraroa Boys' Training Farm, and also compensation for wrongful dismissal. The Education Committee has the honour to report on the petition of Thomas Walker above referred to that it has duly considered the said petition, and has no recommendation to make. 24th November, 1910.

No, 18.-—Petition of Frederick Tetley (Second Report.) Petitioner prays for relief on account of money lost in the wreck of the s.s, " Penguin." The Education Committee has the honour to-report on the petition of Frederick Tetley that in the opinion of this Committee this matter is one for the Marlborough Education Board to deal with, and the Committee has no recommendation to make. 28th November, 1910.

No. 722.—Petition of T S Foster and Others, Petitioners pray that professors and lecturers on the staffs of the University colleges be included in the benefits of the teachers' superannuation scheme. The Education Committee has the honour to report on the petition above referred to that, as the Public Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Bill is not being proceeded with this session, the Committee refers this petition to the Government for consideration 28th November, 1910.

No. 18.—Petition of Frederick Tetley (Third Report.) Petitioner prays for relief on account of money lost in the wreck of the s.s. " Penguin." The Education Committee has the honour to report on the petition of Frederick Tetley that, on further consideration, the Committee recommends the Government to take such steps as will place the Marlborough Education Board in a position to pay the petitioner, if the Board thinks fit, the amount alleged to have been lost by him. 29th November, 1910.

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No. 688.—Petition of Thomas Walker. (Second Report.) Petitioner claims £200 for work performed and material supplied in connection with the Weraroa Boys' Training Farm, and also for compensation for wrongful dismissal. The Education Committee has the honour to report on the petition of Thomas Walker that, having further considered the matter, the Committee adheres to its former report, and has therefore no recommendation to make. 29th November, 1910.

Xo. 518.—Petition of Charles Anderson and Others (and 194 similar Petitions from rural School Committees as per Schedule attached). [Vide Appendix 1.-13b ] Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given; printing (1,400 copies), £4 2s. 6d,

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9lo.

Price 6d.]

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EDUCATION COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. SIDEY Chairman.), Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1910 Session I, I-13

Word Count

EDUCATION COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. SIDEY Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1910 Session I, I-13

EDUCATION COMMITTEE (REPORTS OF THE). (Mr. SIDEY Chairman.) Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1910 Session I, I-13

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