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presented to Parliament pursuant to the provisions of the Public Service Classification and Superannuation Act, 1908.

REPORT. S H t?,Mi rd « hM the Q h0n0Ur t0 the following report upon the transactions in connection with trie Fublic Service Superannuation Fund. The Revenue Account, Balance-sheet, and statements regarding membership and retiring and other allowances will be found appended. l > 3 g Contributors—The following table contains particulars of new contributors who joined the scheme during the year:— J BU lnL

Rate per Cent, of Contribution f Number. provided by the Act. Male. Female. Total. nnual la! ary. Annual Contributions. '5 6 7 8 9 10 ly transfer, 6% 253 79 48 37 20 72 1 166 16 12 8 3 2 419 95 60 45 23 74 1 £ s. d. 29,669 16 8 13,298 10 10 9,299 11 8 7,818 2 6 3,937 1 8 13,663 19 2 190 0 0 £ s. d. 1,483 9 10 797 18 3 650 19 5 625 9 0 354 6 9 1,366 7 11 11 8 0 Total ... 510 207 717 77,877 2 6 5,289 19 2


The following table contains particulars of the public servants who were contributing to the Fund at the end of the year (after allowing for deaths, retirements, and withdrawals), grouped according to their respective rates of contribution : —

Full particulars regarding contributors, including those who have retired from the Government service and are now on the fund, will be found in the statements appended. Retiring and other Allowances .-Pensions for £19,747 14s. 9d. per annum were granted during the year, as follows: For age or length of service, £17,038 8e Bd. per annum to 153 members (147 male and 6 female members). For medical unfitness for duty, £1 958 bs. Id. per annum to 19 members (all male). To widows and children of deceased members £504 per annum to 28 widows, and £247 per annum to 19 children The allowances in the case of two widows, and one child were deferred under section 45 until 23rd May, 1916, 28th August, 1918, and 3rd July, 1922, respectively. . „.,, a Q j The largest "retiring-allowance granted during the year to a contributor was £033 6s. Bd., and the smallest £8 Bs. 10d. per annum, while the average was £110 Bs. lid. The total retiring-allowances for the year (£19,747 14s. 9d.) may seem unusually large as compared with the previous year (£8,950 18s. IOd), but it must be remembered that were entitled to a sum of £54,786 6s. Id. compensation accrued under the Civil Service Act 186b, if they had not become participants of the Fund under the Public Service Superannuation Act. Eight retiring-allowances were discontinued by death, and 3 children reached age 14, and their allowances consequently expired. »*„*■•» im i ■ 4.1 The annual amount payable at the close of the year was £27,588 17s. lOd., as shown in the statement attached. . Income.— The total income for the year was £108,339, made up as follows:Members'ordinary contributions ... ■•• ••■ ■•• 81 ' 6^ Transferred from other funds ... ••• ■•■ ••• Ai Members' contributions to enable previous service to be counted, as provided by the Act ... ... ••• ■•• - J'jgJ Contributions from Government ... ••• ■•• •■■ 'Yon Fines ... •■■ ■•• ••• •■• 5 3ig Interest ... ••■ •■• , •■■ Total income for the year ... .-• ••■ 108,339 Eleven contributors availed themselves of the provisions of section 50 of the Amendment Act, enabling them to count previous service by paying five years' contributions. The amount so paid " o^oo.—The pensions paid to retired contributors or to the dependants of deceased contributors during the year amounted to £17,862 ss. 9d.-viz., £17,051 9s. 4d. to members, and £810 16s. sd. to widows and children. „ ■ Refunds of contributions to contributors who have left the service amounted to £3,464 2s Sd., while the refunds to personal representatives of deceased contributors amounted to £148 7s. 6d One contributor elected under section 38 to receive a refund of his contributions amounting to £20 11s. Bd., plus his compensation from the Government under the Civil Service Act, 1866, in lieu of a retiring-allowance. •.-,., ■ ■ c Three contributors were transferred to other Funds in accordance with the provisions of section 48 of the Amendment Act, and their contributions, amounting to £4 lie 6d were accordingly transferred to such other Funds. The salaries of the staff (excluding that of the Secretary, paid out of the Consolidated Fund as provided under section 25 of the Act) and other office expenses were £672 16s. Bd. and £43 18s. 3d. respectively. _ , The travelling expenses of the elected members of the Board amounted io £62 4s. Id The Public Trustee's charges for commission (at the rate of \ per cent, on all contributions received, excluding the Government contribution of £20,000, and 5 per cent, on all interest collected, excluding interest paid by ,his own office), including that accrued due, amounted to £659 19s. Bd,


Rate per Cent, of Contribution — as provided by the Act. Male. Number. Female. Number. I Total. Annual Salar; Annual Contributions. 5 6 7 8 9 10 3,314 784 640 528 474 734 597 94 62 42 24 29 3,911 878 702 570 498 763 £ s. d. 406,203 18 4 155,980 12 6 139,156 5 0 126,941 19 7 126,506 13 4 190,207 17 6 £ s. d. 20,310 3 11 9,358 16 9 9,740 18 9 10,155 7 2 11,385 12 0 19,020 15 9 Total ... 6,474 848 7,322 1,144,997 6 3 79,971 14 4


Accumulated Funds. —These amounted at the end of the year to £154,548. The Balance-sheet.—On the 31st December the total assets of the Fund, which include provision for the outstanding accounts, amounted to £157,457. The balance-sheet appended gives full particulars as to the assets. In terms of the Act the moneys received on account of the Fund are placed with the Public Trust Office for investment, and at the close of the year were invested by the Public Trustee as follows :— £ s. d. On mortgage at 5 per cent. ... ... ... ... 85,735 0 0 ~ 4| per cent. ... ... 57,500 0 0 In common fund at 4 per cent. ... ... ... ... 5,105 9 5 £148,340 9 5 General.— Since the date of the last report the Public Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act of 1909 was passed. By this Act the following important changes (to take effect from Ist April, 1910) have been made in the scheme :— Contributors who, before becoming entitled to a retiring-allowance, are compulsorily retired after twenty service, for any reason other than misconduct, shall receive, in addition to refund of contributions, interest at 3J per cent, thereon. Retiring allowances may now be granted before the qualifying age or length of service, subject to approval of the Minister, who may impose conditions as to payment to the Fund or otherwise, if the following qualifications are complied with : — 1. If a contributor's age is not less than sixty years (male); fifty years (female). 2. If a contributor's length of service is not less than thirty-five years. 3. If a male contributor's age is not less than fifty-five years, "and his service not less than thirty years. The time imposed by section 50 of the Amendment Act, 1908, within which a contributor must pay five years' contributions to enable him to bridge a break of less than one year has been extended until the 10th October, 1910. To all contributors joining the Fund after the 24th December, 1909, the maximum pension which can be granted is fixed at £300. The option allowed to officers in the service who neglected to join at the proper time of becoming contributors on conditions to be fixed by the Board ceased on the 31st March, 1910, after which only persons permanently appointed subsequent to that date to the service become contributors of the Fund. The Police Provident Fund is to be merged into the Public Service Superannuation Fund as from the Ist April, 1910, and an additional member is to be elected to the Board within three months after that date by contributors in the Police Department. The members of the Police Force from that date will be under the same conditions in regard to superannuation as the rest of the Public Service, except that they have an additional benefit in that a special retiring allowance may be granted to a member rendered medically unfit by injuries received in execution of duty. The annual Government contribution to the Public Service Superannuation Fund is increased from £20,000 to £23,000. It will be noted that these amendments are mainly in the direction of improving the benefits already provided under the Act, and the service has therefore good reason for gratification at their becoming law. D. Buddo, Wellington, 14th April, 1910. * Chairman.

Public Service Superannuation Fund, Revenue Account for the Tear ended 31st December, 1909. £ s. d. I Betiring-allowances— £ s. d. Amount of funds at the beginning of the To members .. ... .. 17 051 9 4 year .. .. .. .. 71,481 1 5 To widows and children .. .. '810 16 5 Members' contributions— Contributions returned— Under section 29 (ordinary) .. .. 81,610 0 1 Under section 46, A. A.* (left service) 3,454 2 8 Under section 50, Amendment Act, 1908 1,253 4 2 Under section 42 or 43 (death) .. 148 7 6 Transfers from other superannuation Under section 38 (retirement) .. 20 11 8 funds .. .. .. .. 27 6 0 Transfers to other superannuation Government contribution .. ». 20,000 0 0 funds .. .. .. 4 11 6 Fines .. .. .. .. 130 1 6 Compensation (seotion 32, (f) ) .. 2,343 4 8 Interest .. .. .. .. 5,318 10 11 ExpensesSalaries .. .. .. .. 672 16 8 Office expenses .. .. .. 43 18 3 Board members' travelling-expenses 62 4 1 Public Trust commission .. .. 659 19 8 Amount of funds at the end of the year .. .. .. .. 154,548 1 8 £179,820 4 1 £179,820 4 1

♦ Amendment Act, 1908.




Balance-sheet at the 31st December, 1909, Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. Fund as per Revenue Account .. 154,548 1 8 Amount invested with the Public ♦Retiring and other allowances due, in Trustee .. .. .. .. 148,340 9 5 course of payment— * Contributions due, in transmission — Members .. .. .. .. 373 19 2 Under section 29 (ordinary) .. 7,449 3 3 Widows and children .. .. 21 12 8 *3?ines due, in course of transmission .. 419 6 *Refunds of contributions due, in course "Interest — of payment— Due, in course of transmission .. 16 10 7 Under section 46 A. A.,f (left service) 412 11 6 Accrued, but not due .. .. 1,646 0 3 Under section 42 or 43 (deaths) .. 30 0 7 Transfers to other funds due, in course of payment .. .. .. 211 8 'Compensation due, in course of payment 1,724 12 6 Unclaimed contributions .. .. 12 8 1 Suspense Account (contributions paid in advance and in error) .. .. 26 13 5 'Expenses due, in course of paymentPublic Trust commission (accrued but not due) .. .. .. 301 2 1 Office expenses .. .. .. 3 9 8 £157,457 3 0 £157,457 3 0 * Included in the corresponding items in the Eevenue Account. + Amendment Act, 1908. Amelius M. Smith, Secretary. M. Feaseb, N.Z.S.A., Accountant. Wellington, 7th April, 1910. Examined and found correct. —Robeet J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General. 12th April, 1910.

Public Service Superannuation Fund. Statement of Contributors for the Year ending 31st December, 1909.

Particulars of Contributions discontinued during the Year.

Progress of Contributors since Date of Establishment of the Fund to 31st December, 1909.

M. N Number. dumber P. r. Total. Annual Salary. Annual Contributions. Contributors at the beginning of the year New contributors entered during the year Contributors transferred from other funds Increase by promotion during the year 6,469 509 1 766 207 7,235 716 1 £ s. d. 1,112,235 8 9 77,687 2 6 190 0 0 58,283 18 4 £ s. d. 79,831 0 7 5,278 11 2 11 8 0 3,425 9 1 Total .. 6,979 973 7,952 1,248,396 9 7 88,546 8 10 Contributions discontinued during the year .. 505 125 630 103,399 3 4 8,574 14 6 Total contributors at end of year .. 6,474 848 7,322 1,144,997 6 3 79,971 14 4

How discontinued. Number. Amount paid on Retirement. Retiring and other Allowances granted. Annual Salary. Annual Contributions, M. F. Total. By death before retiring-allowance entered upon (sees. 42 and 43) By retirement before retiring-age (sec. 46, A. A., 1908) By retirement medically unfit (sec. 36) .. By retirement at retiring-age or for length of service (sec. 35) By transfers to other funds By reduction 36 1 37 118 417 £ s. d. 7,667 6 8 £ s. d. 666 18 10 £ s. d. 148 7 6 £ s. d, *676 0 0 299 46,581 18 4 3,058 8 5 3,454 2 8 19 148 19 6 154 6 4,727 13 4 42,838 15 0 444 9 10 4,283 17 6 20 11 8 1,958 6 1 17,038 8 8 3 3 120 0 0 1,463 10 0 6 0 0 114 19 11 4 11 61 .. Total 505 125 630 103,399 3 4 8,574 14 6 3,627 13 4' *19,672 14 9 i Includes annul, * - Includes annuil (includes annuil ;y of £: ;y of £: by of £: 18 def. L8 defi 13 def i irred u] srred ui srred ui ider section 45 to ider section 45 to ider section 45 to !3rd May, 1916. !8th August, 1911 ird July, 1922.

M. N Number. dumber F. r. Total. Annual Salary. Annual Contributions. Total entered Total discontinued 7,239 765 1,024 176 8,263 941 £ s. d. 1,291,027 15 5 146,030 9 2 £ s. d. 92,020 5 4 12,048 11 0 Total existing at 31st December, 1909 6,474 848 7,322 1,144,997 6 3 79,971 14 4

Public Service Superannuation Fund. Statement of Retiring and other Allowances for the Year ending 31st December, 1909.


Amelius M. Smith, Secretary. M. Fraser, N.Z.S.A., Accountant.

Wellington, 7th April, 1910. Examined and found correct.— Eobert J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General. 12th April, 1910.

Progress of Retiring and other Allowances since Establishment of the Fund to 31st December, 1909.

Particulars of Retiring and other Allowances discontinued during the Year.


Section 85: On Attainment of Retiring-age or for Length of Service. Section 36: Medically unfit. Section 42: Widows. • Sections 42 (c), and 43 (a): Children. Total Retiring and other Allowances. Ni [mb< T. Annual Amount. ximber. Annual Amount. Number. Annual Amount. Numbi M. F. !1\ Annual Amount. Number. M. F. I Annual Amount. M. F. o M. TT £ F. 15 R3tiring and other Allowances — Existing at beginning of year .. Granted during year at retirement Granted during year after retirement 71 147 2 I ■ * i 73 153 £ s. a. 6,600 9 9 17,038 8 8 17 19 3 20 I 19 J £ s. d. 1,838 9 1 1,958 6 1 13 26 I 2 I £ s. d. 234 0 0 *468 0 0 36 0 0 10 j 6 5 11 3 15 J 20 1 2 16 16 3 £ s. d. 208 0 0 t208 0 0 39 0 o f455 0 0 39 0 0 98 ! 24 171 ! 43 .. j 5 269 72 9 2 122 214 5 £ s. d. 8,880 18 10 •fl9,672 14 9 75 0 0 ■" Total Discontinued during year 218 IT 226 i I 23,638 18 5 323 13 8 36 4 3 39 4 ■ ! 3,796 15 2 677 2 1 41 "738 0 0 35 ! 3 341 11 *f28,628 13 7 1,039 15 9 - Existing at end of year .. 214 — 8 — 23,315 4 9 32 ! 3 35 3,119 13 X 41 *738 0 0 14 18 32 |416 0 0 260 70 j |33O *f27,588 17 10 222 I I I

How discontinued, — By death .. By expiry .. 4 4 323 13 8 4 4 677 2 1 8 1 8 3 1,000 15 9 39 0 0 ■• 1 2 ' 3 | 39 0 0 2 - Total 4 I 677 2 1 1 2 3 39 0 0 9 2 1,039 15 9 4 323 13 8 .. 4 11

Total granted Total discontinued Total existing at 31st December, 1909 ..219 8 227 23,695 18 5 36 3 39 3,796 15 2 I 41 *738 0 0 15 21 36 f468 0 0 270 73 343 *f28,698 13 7 5 •• 5 380 13 8 4 .. 4 677 2 1 | .. 1 3 4 52 0 0 10 3 13 1,109 15 9 ..214 8 222 23,315 4 9 32 3 j 35 3,119 13 l| 41 *738 0 0 14 18 32 f416 0 0 260 70 330 *f27,588 17 10 t I Includes annuity of £18 deferred under section 45 to 23rd May, 1916. 1 Includes annuity of £18 deferred under section 45 to 28th August, 1918. t Includes annuity of £13 deferred under section 45 to 3rd July, 1922.



PUBLIC SERVICE SUPERANNUATION FUND. List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st December, 1909. Under Section 35 (Age or Length of Service).

.egistered No. Name. Annual Amount. 121 85 122 64 247 193 238 123 192 124 222 65 125 224 254 208 6 40 7 66 194 48 200 126 127 128 117 239 259 129 9 191 130 131 10 244 133 134 11 135 13 232 225 136 49 137 70 207 14 260 256 83 100 138 15 16 67 139 140 204 50 Adair, W. Alfrey, A. Allingham, E. Anderson, J. J. Anderson, E. C. Annand, W. Arden, F. J. ... Armstrong, A. ... Arnott, J.... ... Arns, F. ... Atkinson, James ... Austin, Thomas Barclay, W. M. deE. Barr, James ... Barron, Alex. ... Barron, David Barron, John ... Beasley, Kate ... Beere, G. A. Bell, James Bellett, T. D. Bentley, W. H. Benzoni, C. T. Biggs, Mrs. M. D. ... Black, Prof. J. G. ... Black, John Black, M. J. Blackmore, J. C. ... Blake, Francis Blake, W. J. Bloxam, A. E. Blundell, Henry ... I Bond, William Bratby, J. H. Brock, Sarah Bronberger, 0. K. ... Buller, F. T. H, ... Burke, Julia Burrows, P. F. M.... Bybles, A. E. E. ... Campbell, Duncan ... Carr, Henry H. Caverhill, T. W. ... Chilton, Thomas Christie, Walter Cleary, M. M. Clough,T. E. Corbett, L. Cox, O. C. Craig, W. L. Cunningham, C. A.... Dick, John Dickson, James Dodd, M. M. Donovan, Edward .'. Douglas, C. E. Douglas, Thomas ... Driscoll, J. Drummond, John ... Erecson, J. F. E. ... Evans, W. B. £ s. d. 31 14 6 17 13 10 20 8 8 74 10 8 58 6 0 34 16 9 17 6 0 145 16 0 18 14 2 97 13 10 40 18 9 23 9 6 82 8 0 31 12 0 533 6 8 350 0 0 96 5 0 12 9 9 48 6 5 46 7 2 45 4 9 41 2 10 87 7 1 10 11 2 26 3 11 199 5 3 49 14 1 69 14 0 58 13 0 32 10 2 207 16 8 247 1 11 31 2 9 212 16 9 66 9 2 17 17 0 106 13 4 28 19 10 47 13 4 84 14 3 77 13 8 88 3 6 48 1 0 111 3 9 126 13 4 266 13 4 142 9 3 79 12 0 81 6 8 59 13 3 102 11 0 20 18 0 125 6 8 30 2 5 35 9 6 85 0 0 92 11 2 18 0 0 186 6 1 104 0 3 90 8 4 Carried forward ... 5, 5,425 18 ,425 18 1 1

Registered No. Name. • Annual Amount. 141 143 249 144 226 68 51 195 227 228 52 245 199 53 78 43 262 142 17 18 197 252 145 146 147 229 196 148 234 149 150 151 152 82 3 253 198 153 154 255 243 210 20 55 211 113 155 79 212 69 156 213 101 22 24 217 157 47 158 214 Brought forward ... Fair, P. T. Flannery, M. Forster, W. L. Frankham, Walter... Franklin, W. ... i Fraser, Alex. ... Fullarton, B. Furniss, J. B. ... Galvin, P. Gardner, E. ... Gibson, J.... ... Gill, E. W. Gould, Mrs. E. S. .... Graham, C. C. ... Grant, John ... I Greenwood, G. L. ... Grix, J. J. D. .„ Hall, T. W. ... | Hargood, H. H. Harlow, W. B. Hawkins, G. F. K... Hawley, J. E. Heidenstrom, C. P. S. Heron, Mrs. S.Hill, George Hird, W. J. Hodge, J. G. Holz, J. ... Hume, Arthur Humphries, Thomas Hursthouse, C. W.... Hustwick, T, H. ... Ironside, Alex. Jacobs, N. Janion, Charles Jeffries, Henry Johnson, G. J. H. ... Johnson, H. D. Jones, Edmund Jordan, George Kennaway, Sir W Kenny, H. E. Kent, Samuel Kilfoyle, F. King, John King, W.J. Knowles, Walter ... Larchin, Thomas ... Laseron, E. W. Lawton, James Lloyd, J. O. Loveday, L. W. Macdonald, J. S. ... MacGoun, D. M. ... MacKenzie, G. MacLean, A. H. Mair, W. G. March, J. E. Marr, Beaton Martin, George £ s. d. 5,425 18 1 70 6 0 194 8 11 29 16 0 88 12 6 166 3 6 150 6 3 120 9 11 19 6 7 67 6 0 61 10 0 13 0 10 53 4 0 8 8 10 180 0 0 76 4 7 247 10 0 152 17 0 63 4 0 36 5 8 42 0 0 23 19 4 35 2 0 44 19 7 24 14 5 20 10 1 27 18 0 57 8 0 83 3 5 339 5 11 466 13 4 341 4 4 64 14 9 115 8 10 47 11 7 53 6 8 152 8 11 13 0 0 119 8 0 59 4 5 106 4 0 474 15 0 179 9 0 80 12 0 78 1 5 190 11 8 3 13 0 55 5 4 204 16 2 44 6 7 83 5 0 117 18 0 169 18 0 90 19 11 48 0 0 ' 82 10 0 178 15 11 131 13 2 265 3 8 53 15 0 101 9 5 Carried forward ... 12,098 2 6



List of Retiring and other Allowances current on 31st December, 1909 — continued. Under Section 35 (Age or Length of Service) —continued.

Amelius M. Smith, Secretary. Wellington, 7th April, 1910. M. Frasee, N.Z.S.A., Accountant. Examined and found correct.—Robert J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General. 12th April 1910.

iegistered No. Name. Annual Amount, 215 205 44 159 257 56 87 88 160 45 161 202 57 21 81 223 163 162 107 264 89 58 246 164 206 75 218 5 219 25 165 118 166 167 95 168 103 59 26 27 28 169 170 171 30 98 172 173 31 174 34 Brought forward... Martin, Henry Martin, William Mason, Henry Meddings, W. G. ... Medland, E. H. Miller, Eobert ... Mills, Alfred Mitchell, James Moffatt, James Monaghan, Charles Montgomerie, J. A. Moore, George Moore, John ... Morcom, George Morrow, Arthur Munro, Donald Murphy, S. Murray, W. D. B, ... McEnnis, James ... McGonagle, E. McKay, Alex. McKeilar, John McLaren, James ... McLeod, W. A. Neale, John O'Callaghan.W.G. P. O'Neill, W. C. Oxner, B. E. Palmer, W. J. Parlane, William ... Pearson, John Perry, John Peterson, William . . Poynter, J. B. Price, I. G. Pyper, Alex. Eafter, Thomas Eaymond, J. W. Bead, E. K. Eeade, George A. ... Eevell, F. W. Eoberts, J. M. Eobertson, Andrew... Robinson, G. F. Eodger, James Boss, George Euncie, W. G. Bussed, C. J. Sage, Clifford Sampson, Andrew E. Schwartz, A. J. B.... £ b. d. 12,098 2 6 110 5 10 51 2 4 51 2 0 300 12 10 106 9 0 13 10 1 61 5 4 77 11 7 34 10 7 104 0 0 218 15 5 103 6 10 125 0 0 81 15 7 199 10 9 17 5 0 32 19 4 222 0 8 366 13 4 21 11 0 240 4 5 71 13 11 45 1 0 49 1 7 105 19 11 210 10 0 28 17 8 19 14 9 55 4 8 86 17 10 81 11 7 16 11 4 27 7 0 31 13 9 144 16 9 34 10 5 79 19 0 58 11 8 75 12 10 233 6 8 41 14 8 186 5 4 41 10 0 218 15 6 46 9 7 24 10 3 215 15 3 53 14 11 89 8 11 95 8 7 69 7 8 Carried forward ... 17,177 17 5

Registered No. Name. Annual Amount. 175 108 109 33 176 94 32 114 220 46 120 177 178 106 271 80 35 179 180 181 36 110 60 263 182 37 221 183 90 92 258 111 184 104 185 112 186 38 187 188 62 251 236 189 76 241 190 63 231 105 Brought forward... Seager, E. W. Sessions, W. E. Shand, MissE. W.... Shanks, C. B. Shannon, G. V. Sheridan, P. Shirley, T. E. Smith, H.... Seth-Smith, H. G. ... Smith, L.... Smith, William Snodgrass, J. Spencer, W. C. E. ... Stevens, G. T. Strauchon, T. H. ... Sutton, W. A. P. ... Taylor, H. S. Taylor, James Tennent, R. Thorn, W. A. Thompson, Henry .. Thompson, Samuel... Thomson, James E. Thomson, John Thorburn, J. Tole, William Trent, Henry Tuckey, Eev. H. E Turnbull, E. Ussher, E. E. Waddell, Ed. Wadie, H. T. Walmsley, F. J. M. D. Walsh, David Ward, T. L. F. Wame, L. Watkis, E. P. Weaver, J. H. Webb, Col. W. H. ... Welch, Jos. S Williams, W. H. ... Williamson, G. M. ... Willis, Alex. Wilson, F. J. Witheridge, J. Withers, W. Wolff, Bernard Wood, Charles Wright, John Young, E. A. £ s. d. 17,177 17 5 58 15 6 228 17 10 18 13 4 231 5 0 275 10 2 335 4 3 77 12 6 81 18 4 51 13 5 246 13 4 146 13 4 171 4 0 70 9 3 69 11 6 55 18 2 19 18 5 47 2 0 29 19 8 71 15 0 98 12 3 170 0 0 248 17 10 75 0 0 102 14 0 25 12 4 79 12 1 312 19 0 27 0 5 43 16 4 339 18 11 103 14 0 212 4 6 236 14 2 101 10 7 42 18 7 104 1 0 50 5 5 56 18 8 243 5 0 214 9 7 63 18 10 25 11 0 282 12 8 200 12 6 100 17 2 59 11 0 50 5 5 67 10 0 35 4 10 72 4 3 Total ... 23,315 4 9



Under Section 36 (Medically Unfit).

Wellington, 7th April, 1910.

Amblius M. Smith, Secretary. M. Feasbb, N.Z.S.A., Accountant.

Examined and found correct.—Bobert J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General. 12th April, 1910.

Under Section 42 (Widows and Children).

Amelius M. Smith, Secretary. Wellington, 7th April, 1910. M. Fraser, N.Z.S.A., Accountant, Examined and found correct. —Robert J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General. 12th April, 1910. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation (not given; printing (1,500 copies), £6 10s.)

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9lo.

Price 6d.]

Registered No. Name. Annual Amount. 248 41 39 132 86 42 233 74 96 116 84 266 209 242 237 235 924 54 Barraud, F. Beasley, E. T. N. ... Bell, John Buckle, E. Clegg, A. J. Connell, Alex. Cook, John Cutler, A. H. Dow, David Gee, George Gentles, James Greene, Francis Grey, Thos. F. Hargood, J. D. Howe, Eobt. Ibbetson, G. E. H... Jackson, E. Jones, Thomas £ s. d. 109 4 0 98 16 4 155 0 0 88 5 8 63 12 1-0 90 13 4 90 12 0 34 11 2 74 16 2 36 8 1 83 11 5 49 2 0 157 6 0 65 15 0 55 13 0 179 18 0 123 4 9 51 15 1 Carried forward ... 1,608 4 10

Registered No. Name. Annual Amount. 1 250 240 265 7 216 97 203 23 115 73 29 230 119 2 77 4 Brought forward... McKellar, M. J. ... Manley, N. B. K. ... Mooney, Thos. Moss, Jesse t .\ Mundy, E. J. Murphy, E. McCabe, Kate McGowan, E, S. ... Mclsaac, W. E. ... Pickford, T. H. Eeady, Lizzie Eichardson, T. E. ... Eoberts, G. J. Eogers, C. P. Samuel, Fredric Smyth, James E. ... Wheeler, J. M. £ s. d. 1,608 4 10 34 0 0 103 4 0 30 7 0 35 18 0 55 8 3 60 16 0 22 18 8 262 11 11 71 11 2 53 17 3 28 3 4 104 3 4 296 4 8 28 18 9 153 0 0 119 12 7 50 13 4 Total ... 3,119 13 1

Regd. No. Name. Annual Amount. 11 Regd, No. Name. Annual Amount, W. 1 W. 12 W. 13 W. 2 W. 14 W. 10 W. 7 W. 38 W. 23 W. 26 W. 29 W. 28 W. 32 W. 36 W. 3 W. 4 W. 31 W. 18 W. 8 W. 40 W. 45 W. 11 W. 34 W. 19 Biddell, Mrs. Susannah Blandford, Mrs. Elizabeth Budge, John Archibald (child) ... Burgess, Mrs. M. M., and 4 children Burns, Clements Nisbett (child) ... Butler, Mrs. Mary A., and 1 child Cleland, Mrs. Annie M. Devereux, Mrs. M. P. ... Edger, Mrs. Augusta A. Fannin, Mrs. Georgina E. Featon, Mrs. Sarah Ann Fountain,Mrs. Jane M.,and 1 child Greatbatch, Adeline Annie C. (child) Harrison, Mrs. Lydia ... Horwood, Mrs. F. E., and 1 child Houchen, Mrs. Mary ... Hume, Mrs. Jane Hunter, Mrs. Marie, and 2 children Hurrell, Mrs. S. C, and 1 child ... Jackson, Mrs. Kate, and 2 children *Jackson, Mrs. Lucy, and 1 child Johnstone, Mrs. Mary ... Kilvington, Mrs. Nina, and 1 child Latham, Mrs. Harriet ... £ 18 18 13 70 13 31 18 18 18 18 18 31 13 18 31 18 18 44 31 44 31 18 31 18 s. d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. 35 IW. 24 W. 15 W. 30 W. 41 Brought forward Livick, Mrs. Louisa Matthews, Mrs. Grace Annie McLean, Mrs. C. E. ... fMcPhail, Mrs. Mary F. Newby, Mrs. Sarah C., and 2 child- £ 599 18 18 18 18 44 s. d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 W. 37 W. 5 ren . 18 83 0 0 0 0 W. 20 jW. 21 W. 42 W. 27 W. 9 W. 22 W. 6 W. 43 W. 44 W. 39 W. 17 W. 25 W. 33 Pascoe, Mrs. Jane Eamsay, Mrs. Elizabeth, and 5 children Eeeve, Mrs. M. E. W., and 1 child Eeid, Mrs. Mary Eichardson, Mrs. Augusta M. Scott, Mrs. Te Anu ... Sparrow, Mrs. Mary J. Staunton, Mrs. E. M. ... Summers, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Tillman, Mrs. Eugenie ... Turnbull, Mrs. Alice ... Turner, Mrs. Jane Upham, Mrs. Edith, and 6 children Waddell, Mrs. Elizabeth Wall, Mrs. Margaret G., and 1 child 31 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 96 18 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total ... 1,154 0 0 Carried forward 599 0 0 » f Widow's allowance 1 Child's allowanoe d f Allowance deferred v deferred under leferred under si mder seotion 45 section 4! iction 45 until 23t: until 28th August, 1918. intil 3rd July, 1922. May, 1916.

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Bibliographic details

PUBLIC SERVICE SUPERANNUATION BOARD (SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE), FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1909., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1910 Session I, H-26

Word Count

PUBLIC SERVICE SUPERANNUATION BOARD (SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE), FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1909. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1910 Session I, H-26

PUBLIC SERVICE SUPERANNUATION BOARD (SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE), FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1909. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1910 Session I, H-26

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