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Laid before Parliament in pursuance of Section 88, Subsection (c), of the Police Force Act, 1908.

The Board has to report that under the legislation of last session its functions cease to-day, and hereafter the members of the Police Force will become contributors to the Public Service Superannuation Fund, and be subject to the provisions of the Public Service Superannuation Acts. During the year ended 31st March, 1910, one sergeant-major, one detective, two sergeants,, and eleven constables were retired with annual allowances under the Act and placed on the Fund. The particulars are as follows : —

There were on the 31st March, 1910, three ex-inspectors, one sergeant-major, twenty-one ex-sergeants, fifty-five ex-constables, five ex-detectives, and two widows on the Fund, their aggregate annual allowance being £8,231 Bs. The following Pensioners died during the year:—

The balance-sheet and statement of receipts and disbursements are hereto annexed, as required by section 38 of the Police Force Act. It will be seen that on the 31st March there was a balance to the credit of the Fund of £32,204 7s. Id., being an increase of £490 19s. 3d. on the amount at the corresponding date of the preceding year. Under the provisions of section 23 of the Public Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1909, the Police Provident Fund is merged in the Public Service Superannuation Fund, and the balance has accordingly been transferred to the last-named fund. J. G. Findlay, Chairman.

Kank and Name. Age. Length of Service. Annual Allowance. Section of Act under which retired. Jonstable Abrarns, Jonas Ambrose „ Brosnahan, Denis iergeant Conn, Christopher Jonstable Dillon, John .. „ Eccleton, Joseph )eteotive Fitzgerald, Garrett Jonstable Mewellen, Samuel „ Knapp, Charles „ Law, Edward Henderson Lloyd, David iergeant major Mason, William Thomas .. Jonstable Mulholland, Hugh „ O'Brien, Michael „ Stewart, George iergeant Watt, John 62 56 64 54 63 44 65 64 58 71 64 65 49 65 56 Years. 32 30 36 27 27 22 27 42 36 27 41 36 30 35 21 £ s. d. 92 9 4 86 13 9 131 8 0 104 0 6 78 0 4 118 12 6 78 0 4 104 0 6 104 0 6 78 0 4 136 17 6 104 0 6 86 13 9 101 2 8 125 18 6 27 26 27 28 27 28 27 27 26 27 27 27 26 27 28

Name. D*te of Retirement on Pension. Annual Life Allowance. Date of Death. ibrams, Jonas Ambrose .. Sarlow, John i-reene, Bernard .. layes, John ' .. laodonell, Ewen lurray, William itapelton, Richard 31st March, 1909 30th April, 1905 .. 19th October, 1900 28th February, 1900 31st December, 1908 31st May, 1910 .. 31st January, 190Y £ s. d. 92 9 4 120 9 0 120 9 0 54 15 0 225 10 0 88 15 9 125 18 6 1st October, 1909. 4th February, 1910. 3rd April, 1909. 21st February, 1910. 26th August, 1909. 3rd February, 1910. 20th June, 1909.

H 16a.

Balance-sheet of the Police Provident Fund, under Section 38 of the Police Force Act, 1908, for the Year ended 31st March, 1910. Dβ. £ s. a. ! Oβ. £ s. d. Balance on Ist April, 1909 .. .. 31,813 7 10 t Life allowances paid to ex-members of the Contributions .. .. .. 7,726 3 0 Force .. .. .. .. 7,905 5 0 Fines .. .. .. .. 53 15 0 Annual allowances to widows .. .. 37 10 0 Life allowances recredited— Contributions of deceased members granted Greene, B. .. .. .. 10 0 9 i to widows and children .. .. 547 18 1 Hayes, J. .. .. .. 411 3 I Refund of part contributions on retirement 501 2 3 Macdonell, E. .. .. .. 18 15 10 Dwyer, J., amount overpaid to fund .. 2 0 0 Murray, W. .. .. .. 7 8 0 Public Trust Office commission .. .. 113 19 3 Stapleton, R. .. .. .. 10 9 111 Balance .. .. .. .. 32,204 7 1* Proceeds of sale of unclaimed property, and cash found .. .. .. 103 18 9 Interest added by Public Trust Office .. 14 18 4 Interest on investments .. .. 1,549 3 0 ( .i r ! i&Mi2_r_B gMi2_i.j * Includes ,£607 ss. 10d. accrued interest. J. G. Findlay, Chairman. Examined and found correct. —Eobbbt J. Collins, 29th April, 1910. Controller and Auditor-General.

Statement of Eeceipts and Disbubsbments of the Police Peovident Fund for the Year ended 31st March, 1910, under Section 38 of the Police Force Act, 1908. Dβ. Receipts. £ s. d. Cβ. Disbursements. £ s. d. To Balance on Ist April, ! By Life allowances paid to ex-members of 1909 .. .. £31,813 7 10 the Force during the year ended the ' Less accrued interest 31st March, 1910, as follows:— to 31st March, 1909 549 110 Abrams, Jonas A. .. .. 46 4 10 31,264 6 0 Addison, James .. .. 93 1 6 Contributions from Auckland District 1,407 12 6 Barlow, John .. .. .. 101 16 2 Thames "„ 308 6 11 Bell, John .. .. ..' 120 9 0 Napier „ 393 16 3 Benjamin, Lionel D. .. 123 9 10 „ Wanganui „ 751 5 9 Briggs, John .. .. .. 90 6 9 Wellington „ 1,413 2 1: Brosnahan, Denis .. .. 65 0 6 ■ „ Greymouth „ 337 0 10 ! Browne, James U. .. .. 49 2 5 Christchurch „ 1,280 19 11 Christie, Andrew .. .. 54 15 0 Dunedin „ 905 16 1 Chrystal, William L. .. .. 140 10 6 Invercargill „ 362 8 4 ] Clarke, Andrew .. .. 120 9 0 Treasury .. 558 7 6 Clarke, Henry .. .. .. 82 2 6 Postal Department 7 6 10 Conn, Christopher .. .. 108 8 1 Pines .. .. .. .. 53 15 0 Costin, Patrick .. .. 49 2 6 Life allowances recredited — Crozier, Alexander .. .. 104 0 6 Greene, B. .. .. .. 10 0 9 Dillon, John .. .. .. 60 13 10 Hayes, J. .. .. .. 411 3 Bccleton, Joseph .. .. 71 10 4 Macdonell, E. .. .. .. 18 15 10 \ Farmer, John .. .. .. 98 11 0 Murray, W. .. .. .. 7 8 01 Finnerty, James .. .. 82 2 6 Stapleton, R. .. .. .. 10 911 j Fitzgerald, Garrett .. .. 84 310 Proceeds of sale of unclaimed property, Fleming, John .. .. .. 115 8 7 and cash found .. .. .. 103 13 9 Flewellen, Samuel .. .. 54 10 7 Interest added by Public Trust Office 14 13 4 Franklin, James .. .. 71 3 6 Interest on investments .. .. 1,490 19 0 Fraser, Charles .. .. 113 15 2 Fretwell, Henry .. .. 73 0 0 Geerin, Michael J. .. .. 118 18 7 Grace, Martin .. .. .. 149 19 1 Gray, Archibald .. .. 75 2 7 Greene, Bernard .. .. 10 0 9 Hayes, John .. .. .. 53 12 2 Hobson, John M. .. .. 57 9 9 Howard, Thomas .. .. 54 15 0 Hughes, Edwin C. .. .. 60 4 6 Jeffries, John .. .. .. 98 11 0 Johnston, Henry .. .. 79 7 9 Joyce, Michael .. .. 68 8 9 Kelly, Joseph S. .. .. 118 18 7 Kelly, Robert .. .. .. 71 3 6 Knapp, Charles .. .. 52 0 6 Latimer, David .. .. 70 11 4 Law, Edward H. .. .. 17 6 10 Lloya, David .. .. .. 58 10 4 Macdonell, Ewen .. ... 93 19 2 Maddem, William .. .. 63 11 5 Marsh, Nicholas .. .. 72 4 9 Mason, William T. .. .. 22 16 4 Miller, William H. .. .. 49 2 5 Moon, Alfred M. .. .. 105 7 10 Mulholland, Hugh .. .. 17 0 8 Mulville, William N. .. .. 91 5 0 Murray, William .. .. 82 3 8 MoCabe, John .. .. .. 84 17 3 McOhesney, George .. .. 75 2 7 McClellan, William J. ~ .. 65 14 0 McDonald, Alexander .. .. 110 8 3 McDonald, Charles .. .. 93 1 6 McGorman, John .. .. 87 12 0 McGovern, Francis .. .. 240 0 0 -Carried forward .. .. £40,704 15 10 Carried forward .. .. £4,743 G 3




Statement of Receipts and Disbursements of the Police Phovident Fund, &c— continued. DR, tj v, , R <x**P<*. £ s. d. Cβ. Disbursements. £ s d Brought forward .. .. 40,704 15 10! Brought forward .. .. 4,743 6 3 Nash, John .. .. .. 95 2 4 Neill, Robert .. .. .. 101 8 9 Nolan, Patrick.. .. .. 84 17 3 O'Brien, Michael .. .. 65 0 6 O'Connor, James .. .. 71 3 6 O'Grady, Thomas .. .. 120 9 0 O'Malley, James .. .. 125 18 6 O'Neill, Patrick .. .. 120 9 0 Pardy, William S. .. .. 213 6 8 Pender, Peter .. .. .. 240 0 0 Pratt, James .. .. .. 76 13 0 Rist, William J. .. .. 84 17 3 Roche, Maurice .. .. 68 8 9 Roche, Michael .. .. 87 12 0 Eutledge, Charles .. .. 131 8 0 Ryan, John .. .. .. 68 8 9 Ryan, William H. .. .. 104 o 6 Salmon, Henry .. .. 84 17 3 Scott, Nixson .. .. .. 84 17 3 Shirley, Paul .. .. .. 110 8 3 Stanley, Joseph .. .. 73 18 3 Stapleton, Richard .. .. 38 9 8 Stewart, George .. .. 42 211 Walker, Maxwell .. .. 93 13 8 Walker, William (ex-oonstable) .. 65 14 0 Walker, William (ex-sergeant) .. 91 1 6 Watt, John .. .. .. 31 9 9 Weatherley, James .. .. 89 11 6 Whelan, Thomas .. .. 98 11 0 White, Tnomae .. .. 80 3 0 Wild, Frederick .. .. 98 11 0 Williams, Walter .. .. 87 8 11 Willis, Hubert ~ .. 38 15 7 Willoughby, William .. .. 93 1 6 By Annual allowances to widows— Madden, Mrs. M. A. .. .. 19 10 0 Smith, Mrs. L. B. .. .. 18 0 0 Contributions of deceased members granted to widows and children — Abrams, Mrs. M. E. . .. .. 108 10 1 Buttimore, Mrs. E. .. .. 65 19 10 Gongh, Mrs. B. T. .. .. 97 9 10 Macdonell, Mrs. C. .. .. 170 16 8 McPhee, Mrs. E. .. .. 105 1 8 Refund of part contributions on retirement — Andrew, James .. .. 35 0 3 Brophy, Edward .. .. 36 6 6 Clay, George H. .. ~ 5 3 7 Cleeve, George L. .. .. 3 7 9 Cripps, James T. .. .. 5 13 0 Curtin, Michael J. .. .. 21112 Douthect, Andrew G. .. 33 14 1 Doyle, William J. .. .. 10 6 7 Duddy, Patrick .. .. 48 1 9 Forward, Francis H. .. .. 11 19 2 Gardiner, William J. ■.. 8 8 5 Glass, John V. .. .. .. 33 10 6 Hall, Samuel .. .. .. 3 19 11 Holbrook, James .. .. 318 2 Hood, Samuel .. .. .. 3 11 1 Laybourn, Robert E. .. .. 3 3 2 Mills, Frederick .. .. 2 0 11 McDonald, David .. .. 33 14 6 McGaffin, Robert J. .. .. 9 16 9 McGrath, Charles U. .. .. 112 4 McKay, Gilbert E. .. .. 717 4 McKenzie, Duncan .. .. 1 410 Noonan, Harold .. .. 1 2 10 Oswald, Robert C. .. .. 4 6 0 Phillips, Frank .. .. 6 0 8 Procter, James R. .. .. 19 2 Sheehy, Patrick .. ~ 7 2 4 Storey, Dawson R. .. .. 64 1 7 Turner, James J. .. .. 615 3 VeHsey, Frederick A. .. 2 17 7 Wallace, Henry R. .. .. 7 2 4 Warwick, Arthur 0. .. .. 16 8 3 Watson, John E. .. .. 5 15 3 Williams, George .. ~ 53 19 3 Dwyer, J., amount overpaid to Fund 2 0 0 Public Trust Office commission .. 113 19 3 Balance .. .. .. ~ 31,597 1 3 £40,704 15 10 £40,704 15~10 J. G. Findlay, Chairman. Examined and found correct. —Robert J. Collins, 29th April, 1910. Controller and Auditor-General. Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given ; printing (1,500 copies), £2 18s. 6d.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9lo.

Price 3d.~\

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Bibliographic details

POLICE PROVIDENT FUND: FINAL REPORT OF BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION, YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1910., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1910 Session I, H-16a

Word Count

POLICE PROVIDENT FUND: FINAL REPORT OF BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION, YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1910. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1910 Session I, H-16a

POLICE PROVIDENT FUND: FINAL REPORT OF BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION, YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1910. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1910 Session I, H-16a

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