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Return to mi Order <>j the House, of Representatives dated the 7th September, 1910. Ordered, " Thai there !«■ laid before this House a return showing the following: (1) The amount to oredil of the Coal-miners' Belief Fund and SicU and Accident Fund on the 31s1 March, L9lO j (2) the amounts subscribed during the year by the owners of every ooal-mine to the Coal-miners' Relief Fund and the Sick and Accident Fund ; (3) the applications made under the Coal-mines Act. 1908, on the Coal-miners' Relief Fund and the various Sick and Accident [funds, giving the name of the applicant, the district, and the reason for applying for assistance : (4) the total number of applications granted, and the total amount paid."—(Mr. Poland.)

(1.) The Amount to Credit of the Coal-mtnebs' Relief Fund and Sick and Accident Fund on the 31st March. 1910. £ s. d. Coal-miners' Relief Fund .. .. .. .. .. 5,085 210 Sick and Accident Fund .. .. .. .. .. 9,937 19 6

(2.) The Amounts subscribed during the Year 1909-10 by the Owners of every Coal-mine to the Coal-miners' Relief Fund and the Sick and Accident Fund. Subscribed to the Coal-miners , Relief Fund. 0™ of Ooal-mine. J—,. Owner of Coal-mine. J^, £ s. d. £ s. d. Acton-Adams, P... .. .. 0 13 Clyde Collieries Company .. .. 1 Hi 0 Alexandra Coal-mining Company (Li- Couser, J. .. .. .. v 3 5 mited) .. .. .. 2 9 5 Coglen, — .. .. .. 113 10 Allandale Coal Company (Limited) .. 8 4 5 Coal Qreek Collieries .. .. 010 7 Barber and Shaw .. .. 015 (i Coal-miners' Relief Fund .. .. o ti li Beaidsmore, A. .. .. .. 015 7 Craig, J. .. .. .. 216 11 Beattie, Colbeck, and Co. .. .. 10 4 I Cromwell and Bannockburn Collieries Beck, M. .. .. .. << 15 4 Company .. .. .. 7 3 0 Beere, A. .. .. .. o 2 5 Deans. .I. ' .. .. .. 10 811 Bond Bros. .. .. .. I 010 Dougherty, .. .. .. 0 0 6 Brooke, G. W. .. .. .. 0 5 1 Drury Brick and Collieries Company 0 0 l<) _ „ ,„ i 2 8 3 Duncan. J. .. .. .. OLS 5 Broome Bros, and Browne .. | Q ]7 g „ „ ~ Bruce Railway and Coal Company .. 13 13 5 Edge, A. A. .. .. .. :> 711 Burgees, W. C. .. .. .. 2 Enright, J. .. .. .. 05 3 Cameron, D. .. .. .. 2 14 Espie, J. .. .. .. 0 2 5 Cairnmuir Coal Company .. .. 5 6 6 Fernhill Coal Company .. .. o(i7 Cain, A. .. .. .. 3 ( .) 0 Freeman's Mine .. .. .. 21 4 3 Christie Bros. .. .. ..25 13 4 Fry. ('. .. .. .. .. L 7 0 Clark, J. .. .. .. 0 10 Kaii-bairn. S. H. .. .. .. 0 17 Clarke. S. .. .. .. 113 2 G-enge, B. .. .. .. 011 11

I—('. 3d.



Subscribed to the Coal-miners , Belie/ Fund —continued. \ Jf Owner of Coal-mine. s.lwriCl. Owner of Coal-mine. bribed. E s. (I. £ s. d. Gibeon and Harris .. .. 016 3 Penman, R. .. .. .. <) 4 8 Graham. B. .1 0 4 4 Park, F. 013 3 Gray, J. .. .. .. 10 11 Poole, E. .. .. .. 012 Green, T. .. •• ■• 11 14 6 Paparoa Coal Company .. .. 14 19 11 Same, A., and Sons .. .. 2 711 Progress Mines .. .. .. 15 9 .. .. .. 0 6 5 Puponga Coal Company .. .. 26 10 9 ffikurangi Coal Company .. .. 12111 8 Ritohie, R. .. .. .. u8 3 Hall and Black .... ..100 ( 012 10 Hit or Miss Colliery .. .. 0 117 Ramsay Bros. .. .. .. 0 115 HeftnanCoal-pit.. .. 0 10 6 I 0 19 8 Hughes .1 .. ..(tilt! Raymond and Co. .. .. 090 Hunt, W. ' 0 + 7 ( I) 8 7 Button, C. H 0 2 4 Riddle, C. E 0 9 8 Jones. R 0 2 7 I 0 8 9 Jones. W. .. .. .. 5 0 8 Rhodes, J. . . .. .. 0 2 5 Johnstone and Shore .. .. 0 6 0 St. Andrew's Coal-mine .. .. 018 9 Johnston.-. .1. E. .. .. 0 3 2 Sanderson, J. .. .. .. 0 711 Jubilee Coal Company .. .. 21 010 Scott, C. ... .. .. 016 8 Knuckey and Junker .. .. BL9 7 Seaforth Coal Company .. .. Oil Knight, William .. .. .. 215 2 Shore and Barber .. .. 0 810 Kyle. William .. .. .. 18 9 Shaw, B. K. .. .. .. 011 5 Landslip Coal-pit.. .. .. 2 5 3 Sheddan, .. .. .. o 6 2 Levick W. .. .. .. 013 5 Shag Point Coal Company.. .. 0 2 0 Lines, J. .. .. .. 111 6 Sleeman, C. L. .. '.. .. 219 7 Lischner, W. .. .. • • -2 4 5 Springfield Col liny .. .. 015 2 Lloyd, J. .. .. .. 113 10 Spenoe, .. .. .. 019 10 Loudon, J. .. .. .. 2 13 Lrvick, H. .. .. .. 0 5 7 Mackie, N. .. .. .. 02 0 State Coal-mine, Seddonville .. 141 8 I Maslin, T. .. . . .. 3 9 8 Stockton Coal Company .. .. 28 3 7 Mathias Bros. .. .. .. 311 2 Stony Creek Company' .. .. 010 Mataura Collieries Company .. 714 2 Stubbs, G. H. .. .. .. 9 2 2 Mount Somers Coal Company .. 519 5 Smith, W. .. .. .. 0 6 4 Moss Bros. .. ..' .. 0 6 3 Smith, Jos. .. .. .. 0 0 In Murray Creek Coal-mine .. .. 019 0 Tait, J. R. .. .. .. 2 13 Me Brill.-. A. .. .. .. 0 0 3 Taylor. J. .. .. .. 0 13 McColl, D. .. .. .. 17 7 Thomas, R. .. .. .. 010 8 McDougall, R. .. .. .. 010 4 Taratu Railway and Coal Company 15 10 LO McGill, J. - (i 10 6 Voigt, W. J. " 00 4 McGill. D. F. .. .. .. t)l7 Waimumu Colliery .. .. 1 13 7 McGiickin. S. .. .. .. 0 210 Waitahu Coal Company .. .. 015 0 McKenzie and Co. .. .. 3 4 7 Wairio Coal Company .. .. 015 9 Mil'h.-rson 8r05... .. .. 2 510 Walker, George .. .. .. 0 2 8 McSkimming and Son .. .. 112 Walker, J. .. .. .. 0 4 1 Nelson, James . . .. . . 0 3 2 Watson, D. L. .. . . .. 0 2 2 New Zealand Coal and Oil Company 124 14 0 White, J. .. .. .. 017 2 Nightcaps Coal Company .. .. 'rl i 1 Westport-Stockton Coal Company .. 86 3 2 Nimmo, W. .. .. .. 1 15 o Wiflowbank Collieries ..• .. 13 6 New Alexandra Coal Company .. 12 5 Willetts, J. E. .. .. .. 0 14 Northern Coal Company .. .. 31 4 t> O'Donnell, J. .. .. .. 0 4 8 ■ Total .. .. .. £913 12 3 O'Higgins.C. .. .. .. 04 0 Osborne, W. .. .. .. 0 7 2

Subscribed i<> the Sick and Accident Fund, XT , ~. Amount NwneofMine. subscribed. £ s. d. Blackball .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 242 7 10 Brunnei .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 78 1 9 Cardiff Dennißton .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 727 9 4 lltmtly .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 201 8 0 Millcrton .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 442 13 1 Point Elizabeth .. .. .. .. .. 452 9 5 Stockton .. .. .. .. .. .. Total .. .. .. .. .. ..£2,144 9 5



(3.) The Applications made under the Coal-mines Act, 1908, on the Coal-miners' Relief Fund and the various Sick and Accident Finds, giving the Name of the Applicant, the District, and the Reason for applying for Assistance.

Applications on the Coal-miners' Relief Fund.

Name of Applicant. District. Reason for applying for Assistance. I Dobbs, J. .. Mellor, T. .. Kraser. .1. Johnson, F. .. Roderick, R... Johnson, A. .. Ward. J Allan. B Roderick, P... Irving, E. Miller, G. .. Mack, W. .. Moreland. A. Praser, R. ... Johnson, P. .. Williams. L. ... Goodhue, H... (lirvan. R. . . Dickson. R. . . Goodhue, G. Guliforcl. J. .. Lennon, .1. .. McKililev. W. Cook, T. Armstrong, P. Phillips, M. .. Hicks, 8. Mclimis, J. .. Walker, R. H. Dimmock, T. Henderson, F. Myatt, J. Dnnsmuir, J. Sullivan, William Young. John Ross. K. Stevens, H. . . Mills, J. Harris, A. Ross, D. Callon, J. .. Widdowson. B. Ealdane, P. .. Marshall, .1. . . Hale, M. Tvmlall, H. . ." Blackburn, •). Beanie, W. Newton, F. .. Young, William J, )5 Sullivan, William Hall. Alexander Harris, Reuben Scrimgeonr, James Dyer, John Walker, R.J. Best, C. J. .. Skyring, W. .. Hoffman, A. . . Taylor, A. H. I Hikurangi *■ )) )) )> 55 55 55 55 )5 55 55 55 55 55 55 Kiripaka *• Mercer 55 * ' 15 Whangarei Mokau .. Stockton .. ») • • ») * • ») * • 55 • ' 55 * * 55 ' * 55 • • 55 • * 55 * * 55 • • 55 * * 55 * ' 55 • ' 55 * ' Puponga .. )) • • )> * • )» ■ • • * Strained muscles of abdomen. Bruising-injury to chest and arms. Fractured sternum. Injury to foot. ..' leg. ,, back, and internally. eve. Teiio-synovifis of the right aim. Sprained wrist. * Injury to hip and trunk. ,, back. Left clavicle and two ribs broken. Injury to little linger of hand, eve ,, left knee, and small bone in right leg broken. ,, hand. ,, shoulder. Finger broken. Instep injured. Injury to knee. Injured shoulder and broken collarbone. Jarred hand. .. Thigh fractured. Struck by piece of coal. Injury to head. . . j ,, arm. Poisoned hand. leg. Strained hip. Ventral hernia. Bruised leg. Injury to back. Synovitis of left knee. Injury to eye. linger. >> n ,, ,, bladder, hip. and side. toe. ,, ankle. ,, foot. >? ,, back. ■ • i, toe. Pracl tired seal)). . . "Injury to side. ,, hand. ,, ankle. . . ' ,, lingers. .. | „ thigh. . . . ,, ankle. . . | ,, arm. • ■ j „ leg. . . ! ,, shoulder. ,, hand. ,, back. . . ! ,, foot. ,, back. >> )> ,, foot. „ linger. ,, elbow. leg.



Applications on the Coal-miners' Relief Fund -continued.

Name of Applicant. District. Reason tor a|i|>lvin<r lor Assistance. Crook. Cecil .. Byers. A. Dawson, \\. Kirk. D Harris. ('.'.. Prior, E. Farquhar, E. Bell, D. Curtis. C. Ford, H Chester. H. .. Ritchie. .I.' .. Allan. A Thorn. \V. Caile, R Cumming, V. Smith. .). Hopkinson. .). Chadwick, K. McMaster, H. Appleyard, H. Campbell, J. ('.. jun. .. Hinks. .John Plant. John Wallace. George Plant, John Nicol. Arthur Timpson, (I. H. Long, William Riddle. C. E. Burt, George Douglas. Thomas Walker. .1. R. McLachlan. Daniel Puponga.. Paparoa .. ,, ,, ,, Seddonville - • j) • • j) • • >> )>. • • 3J • • >S • ' >5 • • >> ' • >5 • • >> • • j> Glentunne] • • >> Mount Somers • • i? Albury .. Shag Point Abbotsford • • >> Injury to knee. ,, boe. „ chest. foot. „ knee. fingers. „ elbow. „ back. ,, foot. >> j) finger. „ knee. finger. leg. finger. ,, hack. ,, hand. „ foot. finger. ,, hand. Hernia. Lacerated finger. Strain of heart. Crushed forefinger. Bruised wrist. Poisoned hand, finger. Strain of heart. Suffocated. ('(mi used shoulder. Injured finger. Bruises of genitals. Crushed finger. 55 >> Park, Thomas McDonald. Hugh < >gg> A Campbell, Robert Love. Alexander McLachlan. John Allan. James McNeill, William ( lameron, Duncan McYie, Robert Penman, Robert McCracken, John McNeil. Archibald Say, James Rogers, Albert, jun. . . Waters. Thomas Hunnichan, C. Statham. Robert Dixon, Thomas McGhee, George Helm, Lewis.. Johnson. ( Ihristopher .. Sharp, Robert .Miller. Thomas Stubbs, Herbert Matchett, Arthur Terry, Joseph Bartrum, Claude Russell, Peter Patterson, Peter Johnson, Christopher, sen. • • >> • • >> • • ?! Green Island .. Saddle Hill 1 I? • • >> ■ ' 55 Milton .. Taratu .. Sterling .. .. ! Kaitangata • • I >> ■ • J • • )) ' ' )> r> • * 7) • * ! J) • ' )5 ■ ■ J) . . : ,j .. • * )) • * J> • * J' •• J „ >> Injury to left lei; and ankle Bruised back. Wound on foot. Lacerated finger. Strain of right knee. St rained muscles of back. Contusions of foot. Crushed foot, broken hones. Contused wound of scalp. Injured fingers. Strained muscles of hack. Bruised hand. hip. and shoulder. Burns of face, chest, arm. and hand. Strained muscles of back. Bruised knee. Pick wound of finger. Scalp-wound. Strain of muscles of heart. Wound of right eye. Contusion of hand. Bruised finger. Contused wound of hand. Bruised and inflamed hand. Scalp-wound. Strained muscles of loin and shoulder. Bruised leg. Sprained ankle. Scalp-wound. Bruised thumb. thigh. Dislocated hip, scalp-wound, and abrasion: of back.



Applications on the Coal-miners' Relief Fund —continued.

Applications on Sick and Accident Fund.

Name of Applicant. District. Reason for applying for Assistance. Burns, Robert Dallas, David Waddingham, David .. Hall, Thomas Qriffen, James Rutherford, William .. Anderson, David Wilson, Walter A. Maunder, William Buileigh, Robert Bonnie, Boyd Telford, Alexander Hill, George Waters, James Pilling, George Mason, William Henry Heard, John. . Westfield, Albert Rogers, William Houston, William Mackie, Nesbit Beardsmore, Ben Davidson, David Anderson, William Spence, James Winterburn, C. Mills, John Clarkson, Samuel Donaldson, Benjamin. . Marsh, William Whelan, H. M. McNamara, G. O'Dowd, John Kinraid, Henry Maider, Andrew Matthews, E. H. Tweedie, G. .. McLay, W. .. McGiU, D. T. Young, Thomas Sommerville, James .. Ford, Joseph Vickers, C. A. Pennell, John Caithness, David Nolan, William Thomson, Alexander .. Glittery, Arthur Kaitangata .. Compound fracture of left thumb. ,, .. Haemoptysis and pneumonia. ,, .. Bruised side. .. „ finger. ,, .. Strain of chest-muscles. ,, .. Lacerated and contused fingers. „ . . Contusion of hand. ,, . . Strained muscles of back. j) • • )> ,, . . Bruised leg and ankle. .. J elbow. .. I „ finger. ,, . . Contusion of foot. ,, .. Bruised finger. ,, .. Crushed finger. ,, .. Bruised heel. ,, .. Scalp-wounds, bruised back, fracture of forearm, loss of forefinger, little finger amputated. ,, .. Crushed and lacerated finger. ,, .. Bruised face. ,, .. Strained muscles of back. ,, .. Wound of cornea. .. i ,, .. Scalp-wound. .. : „ .. Bruised right foot. ,, .. Wounds of scalp and forehead. „ . . Bruised shoulder and sprained ankle. „ .. Strain of back. ,, .. ,, abdominal muscles. ,, .. I Strained muscles of hip. ,, .. ! Contused and lacerated thumb. „ .. Bruised great toe. Coal Creek Flat .. Strained muscles of back. „ .. Sprain of wrist. Alexandra South . . Pick wound of leg. .. „ .. Crushed thumb. Cardrona.. .. Wound of cornea. Gore .. .. Killed by fall of coal. Croydon .. .. Bruised back and crushed finger. East Chatton . . Fractured rib. Waikaka Valley .. : Sprain of ankle. Waikaia .. .. Crushed finger. „ .. .. Strain of muscles of back. ,, .. .. Strained muscles of back. j „ .. .. Injured foot. ,, . . . . I ,, Mataura .. . . Dislocation of shoulder. Wyndham . . • Compound fracture of bridge of nose, injuries to hand and eyes. Nightcaps .. Sprained ankle. ,, .. Cut and contusions of foot.

Name of Applicant. District. *tt5S3%" Reason for applying for Assistance. Name of Applici Name of Applicant. cant. District. lleasou for applying lor Assistance. Stubbs, W... .. Hnntly .. Burnt hand. Kinson, J. .. .. „ ■■ Injury to hand. Broadbent, E. .. „ ... ,, ankles. Gavin, H. .. .. „ .. „ eye. Tunny, T. .. .. „ .. „ face. Tako Tamo.. .. „ . • „ side. Clark, J. .. „ • • ! „ thumb. Bruoe, A. .. .. „ • ■ ., flnger. Buchanan, A. iSalmond, •). (ann, V>. .. Hincho, J. Owens, R. .. May, G. Kruger, H. E. Edwards, G. .. Huntly . . Injury to ej e. ,, ankle. „ back. ,, eye. back. „ hand. ,, eye.



Applications on Sick and Accident Fund —continued.

Nam, of A,*..™,,,. District. , * N™e of Applic, Name of Applicant. ,nt. Oistrict. Kfason for applying for Assistance. Bethridge, C. •• Huntly .. Injury to l>a<k. Honey, A... Rotano, T „ •■ .. fingers. Asheroft,W. Smith, c btok. rwiggerS. Jenkins, J - ride and Unswortb, W. back. Brabban, ■). 1 • Griffiths, J •• » u ' sticl, '- MKJuiim.-ss h. Parks, J ■• Rupture. Dooherty, M. Healey.W „ •• Injury to hand. Potte, H. .. Raynor, W. ■• „ •• - Sneers. Meadows, H. Berryman,G. .. „ ■• .. back. podds .1. .. O'Donohue, P. ... „ ■• » », ,!.'%, " Calligan, H. .. „ •• .. thumb. *&, SI .. Patterson, J. •■ „ •• » ha " d - i'* 11 *', f" ™ Lowen, A. K. .. „ •• .. a « kl «- Donaldson, T. Molntosh, J. .. ey e - r " x - •'• _•■ Russell. M „ •• » ""Wβ- Mwston.E. Bobb,w „ •• » eye- , i; re ;!" an --'- Lovellc ■• » Wi.U's. Moffltt-ft .. Singer l> •• ». •• ■■ thumb. Whiteneld, G. HeaLev, T. '.'. '■'■ „ •• ■■ J"*"*- < Word. M. Sheppherd,E. .. „ •■ » han(l - Walsh, N. .. Haskins, W. .. eye. Young, J. .. Mvles, K „ •■ ■• elbow. Watter, J. .. Swann, 1) „ •• » . •• McGuinneee, C. Shandley, E .. >J ack - , B , ark( ' r ' R - ■ Baunden, D. .. „ •■ Hernia. Monnsey, J. Ootttts, D „ •• Injury to hand. Arkley, A... Patterson, W. .. „ •• ■■ eye. Loarmonth. l>. Inglis,- .. •• ,, •• •• a ,ve ?'w '• Bu.hanan, A •■ , ;. w :. ■ ' Dennis, W „ ■■ •• K.ddoll \\. Milman, S „ •• ■• H 0 " 1 - ' - ' Totall. R „ •■ •• Binnie,J. .. Kin- I » •• Qu&y, H. .. McGui,l. .. .. „ •■ •• xa '; , l ll 'p 11 ' Steele, J ■• \, 1 >,.<-1<U-. 1. Johnson,P. •• „ •• •• ,", u u Crawford..!. .. „ .. •• Caldwell, W. Healey.J .. •• •• gtarr- D - •• Naughton,F •• • ■ • ■ Bavnan. V •• Hitehic, l>... Burrows,.!. .. „ •• •• nsworth. .1. MoQregor.A. .. „ •• •• Richardson, I. Tahau,-.. .. " •• •• M, 'r' ! V Tennant, J. W. .. „ • • ';':"'»"»• J I'awson.T „ •• •■ MitoheU, G. GilmouV.J „ •• •• al,,r. \\ ij.,: r i a .. lnjiirv to l<'a. Megson, E. .. Bateeon,A ' •• •• v a 'f' ,'• " Cairns, 3 „ •• •• Steele, J. .. Dunsmuir. A. .. „ .. • • 5T n t Crookson, P. •■ .. •• ■• v t ' , V Milne. W , •• •■ Crawford... Plemtog.G. •• >. •• •• amsou.W. Johns,,,.. .1 „ .. •• Burne8,W... Redshaw.W. .. „ •• ■• . I Haw.scr, \\ Mason. V. K. .. „ •• Injury to arm and 1 Kcdway, H. lcji. Bethridge, C. .. „ •■ ■• ,", ,llkrl '■'• • • Ca-lman. A. .. „ ■■ •■ ,'' ' Jones. A „ •■ [njury to finger. (aldwcll. J Campbell, W. .. „ •■ •■ «.™- V,""'," f ""T" u Hately, 1) ., •• - foot - Jf^T ,^, » •• •■ ""■■ ; ,"' - , i ,. P v« v „ eye. Pickles, J. .. IZT'W •■ " Ritchie, U.. Robb,W. I: ■• ,, •■ •• J Richardson,'!'. VUlntosh. K. .. „ •• .. *>«*• Kelso,R. .. Knapper, V. .. „ •• •• eye. , Hannan.D. Raynor, F „ ■• >• '»»"<'• M.rsonlv .. Stone, P , •• .. leg- Ala( ; k - N- ■• Wat kins. I, .. » Steele, J. .. Wcatherall, H. .. , hand. Haming, W. Walker J. .. Dennistoii Accident. Kelly, J. .. Tkniniu (' ., » Crawford, J. i nomas, \ . • • »> _ ... Fairlev. J „ » Kedwav, H. .. » Kill,,,, W caldwell, J. •• -. PhimestenC. Tatton,S „ » f^\\ Cumtiring,W. .. » ,™*' | A , H ' w H i •! Mitohell, I , . f'olligan, K. .... ,. "• ■ • Newton, T I- . » I Bowes, J. .. Denniston »» J? ,» ,» Accident. >> >' »» " >> »t )> Permanent d i t ablement. Accident. „ " »» ,i



Applications on Sick and Accident Fund —continued.

Name of Applicant. District. Kinsoii for applying for AeslBtanci'. Name of Applicant. District. Kt'usoii for applying for Assistance Lamb, (J. .. Ralph, K. .. Rutledge, (i. Miller, T. .. Pry, T. Friend, ('. .. Cavanagh, W. (iear. T. ( raring, 1). .. Keilar. VV. .. Wheat ley. .1. Stephens, •). Rodwell, W. Stokes. .I. .. Bottom, K... Ha\. .1. Preston, I)... Hargreaves, T. Partington, S. Shirley, A. .. Woodward. .1. Vurlow, F. .. Lloyd. D. .. ('aiiievon, E. Huston. J. . . Miller, 0. .. Butterick, W. Simpson. .1. Shaw. ('. Sharp. VV. . . Woollev. A. Hepburn, ('. Turner. H. .. Dillon, T. . . Walker, .1. . . Miller,— .. Thomas, ('... (lumming, W. Megson, E... Hay. .1. .. Keilcr. W. . . Vurlow, F. .. Lloyd. D. .. Woodward, J. Woolle.v. A. Turner. H. .. Burton, (i. .. Ann in, W. .. Olsen, W. . . Hill, A. Lake, W. .. Andrews, •). Power, E. .. Harry. S. .. Bosnio, M. .. Haining, W. Mitchell. T. McCartney. I!. Prior, T. ' .. Shirley. A. . . Brififrs, V. . . McLaughlin, -I. Richardson, T. Piokering, L. Ftodgers, W. .1. West lake. .1. Hart. H. .. Osbourne, (I. Edge, H. .. Andrews. .1. Druery, J ... I'nsworth, -I. Sowerhv, (i. l.carinonth. I •. MoQueen, 0. Harlv. -I. .. M.liill. .1. .. R. .. Hodgette, W. Muir, .1. Seymour. R. Pratt, T. .. Denniston Accident. Permanent d isablement. Fatal accident. Accident, Jepheoate, A. Shaw, C. .. QiUovitoh, B. Pilkington, J. Stokes, L. . . Spencer, A... Dargarville, Ft. Moslev. J. .. Mitchell. Q. Saunders, A. Callaghan, P. Oldham, E. J. MitcheU, J... Lamb, R. .. Burdon, <!... Cronin, J. .. Young, .1. .. Moslcv. A. .. McDonald, T. Neighbours, A. Piokering, -i. Ashoroft, W. Walsh, J. .. Payne, (;. .. dapperton, 'I'. Clark, VV. .. White. A. .. Hudson, -I... Thomas, ('... ;; Denniston Accident. Permanent d i a ablement. Accident. dimming, VV. Megson, E... Hay, J. Burton, G. .. Osborne, < i. Andrews, .). Muir, J. .. Cullasrhan, P. Oldham, E. .1. .Mitchell. <:. Lamb, EL .. Bunion, (I.. . Mosley, A. . . McDonald. T. Pickering, J. Asherofl. VV. Walsh..!. .. dapperton, T. Clark, W. .. Hudson. .1.. . Moslcv. J. .. Tinetti, .). .. Phimester, ('. Robur, F. .. Brown, .J. .. Donaldson, T. Gill, F. Melson, V. .. Marsdeti, T. Wells, A. . . Wrightson, R. Banee. E. . . •larvis, (!. Hamilton, A. Mollier, H. .. Whittle. A... ('raw ford. .1. Ulingworth, C. Arkley, R. .. Harry, M. .. Watson, A... Dale. H. .. Price, R. .. Blllliie. W. . . Donaldson. T. Speedle, 8. .. Kendall. J... Thomas, L... Edwards, E. Pox, A. .. Stobba, F. .. Mahcr, W. .. Hudson, .1 ,, * * i ti " •



Applications on Sick and Accident Fund —continued.

Name of Applicant. Smith, A. .. Jones, R. .. Harris, W. . . Mclnerney, J. (iillons, (J. . . Robinson, J. Robertson, T. Killen, W. .. Trevetl, D... Saunders, A. Hinks, J, Lewis, N. .. Gallon, J. .. Brown, ('. .. Stephens, P. Sheridan, J. Hart-wig, E. Tomkies, A. ( larlyon, S... Henderson, R. Woodger, B. Joeephe, .1... Moore, (J. . . Dowds, W... Strange, T. Harvey. .1... Cunningham, J. Boylson, J. Maunder, H. Neal, H. .. Gibson, — .. Rodgers, Patten, H. .. Franklin, A. Ivells. W. .. Dawson, I*. Josef, D. .. Krrington, I ,, . Mulcare, E. Rowe, H. .. Hennessey, P. McDonald, R. Isaacson. 6. Sadler, T. .. Boldt, J. . . Median, .lames Boldt, .1. .. Floyde, R. .. Carter, H. .. Isaacson. ('. Connor, Q. .. Dennis. M. . . (Jilmour, J. .. Spiers. ('. . . .lamiesoy, P. BrignalL H. Grindle, ('•... Uiiins, W. . . MoRenzie, < '•. Slowen, D... I'Vll, E. ( Ireen, A. . . IlliiiL'Worth, ('. Johnston, J. Qilroy, J. .. Green, A. .. QHngworth, ('. Gilroy, J. .. Johnston, J. Bond, ('. .. Oustarvenson, <!. Leach, W. .. McDougall, W. Kerr, J. Bannan, D. Leakey, T... MoKinnon, D. Leitoh, J. .. Mason, J. .. Parry, R. .. Men [man, F. Newburn, T. Qorden, A... Manderson, J. ;; I Dlefcrloi Reason for applying DiBtnct. for A88i8tance> Denniston | Accident. it '» ♦» »> »» *» ♦» ♦» Stookton.. »> • • v BlackbaU.'. „ .. Fatal accident. „ .. Accident. Name of Applloai PhilUps, E... McLean, R. I5ehm, B. .. Sorderuian, A. Leitch, W. .. Corilli, J. Auld, T. .. Melvor, S. .. Allan, C. .. Brownlee, V. Gabriel, V. Johnston, J. Quthberlett, ('. MiLnskie, R. Sazeldine, J. Bourke, P. .. Morris, (i. . . Finlay, M. .. ' Hazeidine. ('. Scott, J. .. Small, A. .. Kennedy, C. Fisher, P. .. Senior, J. Rooney, J.. . Devlin, J. .. Guthberlett, C. Bourke, F. .. Senior, H. .. Hughes, S.. . Kennedy, ('. Henderson. J. Griffiths, A. Devlin, .1. . . Griffiths, A. Hughes, S... Ward. VS\ .. Collins. ('. .. Boddy, A. J. Marshall. W. Etobson, \\. Strongman, \\. Tail, W. .. Satherwaite, T. Brown, J. Southward, J. McCarthy, D. Yates, J. .. Henderson, W. Retson, J. .. Sheard, J. W. Hodson. Murray, W. Moore, R. .. Smith, R. .. Anderson, J. Caldwell, W. Bowes, T. .. Warlow, S.. . Mooree, \V. Strongman, <!. h'islier. .1. Ward, W. .. Murray, W. Yates,' J. .. Caldwell, W. Pieher, J. .. Robson, W. Kear, E. (iarvin, J. .. Jones, J. Parker, J. .. Browdcr, J. McGahan, T. Guy, J. Speeding, R. Griffin, M. .. Glover, .1. .. Murphy, J.. . [sherwood, T. Poster, (i. .. Masters. .1.. . Pattinson, c.' "*■ Naiur of Applicant. mt. District. sason lor applying for Assistance. Blackball Accident. >> ■ • )♦ « " " Brunnei .. » ♦♦ • ■ " »» • • '» „ tf • • *9 )» • • »» n Point Kliza beth Ditto m .. „ »» • • »♦ „ " »i • • »»



Applications on Sick and Accident Fund —continued.

2—C. 3d.

-Name of Applicant Xame of Applicant. it. District. R r«ff"" Named Anient. District. Reason for applying for Assistance. Southward, J, Tyson, J. L. Parker, J. .. A\ans, \V. . . Nelson, A. . . Anderson, .1. McPheo, J. Stevens, \V. Boddy, A. .). Martin, H. Stephens, ('. Webb, R. . . Holden, E... McGahan, T. Knight, H... Price, J. .. Dymond, J. Smith, J. . . Seddon, \Y. Yates, J. .. Caldwell, W. Kear, E. .. Ishorwood, T. Southward, J. Tyson, J. . . Price, J. Boddy, A. J. Dymond, J. Smith, J. .. Seddon, W. Satterwaite, D. Arlow, S. .. Andersonn, J. Manson, V. Harrison, .1. Rogers, P. .. Birch, J. .. Rogers, C. . . Short, F. . . Brooks, A. .. Wood, W. . . McDonald. A. J. Leech, R. . . Ward, W. . . Pickup, R. .. Steel, A. . . Yates, J. Point Elizabeth Ditto .. „ " " " .J .. 55 55 55 »» :: :'; :: 55 II . . Accident. Johnson, D. . Bryson, J. .. j Guy, F. Parkes, J. . . Griffiths, T. ,, Drinkwater, .1. . Arthur, W... Buchanan, W. Austin, G. .. ,. Williamson, J. Closs, W. .. „ | McMinn, P. „ Pattison, H. „ Maddison, W. (albert, J. .. Clanperton, T. „ Southam, A. Hodgson. .1. Duffield, .1... Davidson, T. Daly, D. .. Oldham, <1. Millcrton.. Accident. Permanent d i s ablement. Accident. Billyman, L. Burke, A. .. .McGill, J. .. Drinkwater, J. Austin, (i. .. Pattinson, H. Duffield, J... „ Eggleton, D. Fletcher, H. Guy, D. .. „ Mutton. .1. .. Daly, D. .. „ Johnson. W. „ Gilmour, P. Pruitt, A. .. „ Corcoran, .1. „ Russell, R. .. „ Thomas, C... „ Barber, W... Guy, D. .. Blair, W. .. ,, Campbell, J. „ O'Regan, -J. „ Leach, W. .. Permanent d i s - Irwin, G. ablement. Jones, J. Fatal accident. Warren. \Y. Accident. Nickolls, J... Petrie, G. .. „ Gilmour, A. Parnell, R. .. „ Hayward, J. ,, Dawson, Ci. Kay, J. .. „ Brown. P.. .. ,, Newman, J. Revis, P. .. O'Brien,.!... Parnell, R. Kidd, A. .. „ decides, G... Gilmour, P. Birehfield, H. Pfeffer, J. .. .. .. :: :: :: 55 15 . . • * 55 :: :; :: :: ! :: :: 55 »» »» 55 Fletcher, F. Kear, E. .. Isherwood, T. Rogers, P. .. Birch, J. .. Ward, W. .. Houghton, H. Glynne, W. Manderson, P. Cruickshanks, P. Grant, A. .. Cook, J. .. McDonald, A. J. Johnson, J. H. Caldwell, W. Sittleton, J. Marshall, F. Higson, J. .. Straghan, J. Shaw, W. .. Porring, J. .. Robinson, G. Robson, W. Gibbs, A. .. Brookes, F. Edwards, J. O'Donnell, J. Short, F. .. Tonlinson, F. Downes. Q. Oldham, Q.I Billyman, L. Burke, A. .. McGill, J. .. l'feffer. J. . . • • »» . . 5* 55 Millerton. . 55 Permanent d i a ■ ablement. Accident. McGill, J. .. „ Austin, G. .. „ Pattinson, H. Daly, D. .. Petrie, G. .. O'Brien, .1... „ Gilmour, P. Welsh. M. . . Burt, J. Callow. J. .. Fatal accident. Pearson. T. Accident. Kellv. P. .. Hill.' A. Chambers, S. Hardy. S. .. „ Husband, E. . 55 55 »5



Applications on Sick and Accident Fund —continued.

(4.) The Total Numbbk of Applications granted and the Total Amount paid. Applications Amount granted. paid. £ s. d. Coal-miners' Relief Fund .. . . . . 174 653 0 4 Sick and Accident Fund .. .. .. 730 2,243 0 7 Grand totals .. 904 £2,896 0 11 H. J. H. Blow, Under-Secretary. Mines Department, Wellington. 2nd December. 1910.

Approximate ('o*t of Paper. —Preparation, not given : printing (1,400 copies), £10 £»s.

liy Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9lo.

Price (id. |

Maine of AppUcnnt. Jackson, S. Naunders. E. Davis, W. Buchanan, \\ Shanagan, A. Mclntyre, \V. \rmstrong, J. Tunnicliff, M. Quinlan, M. wad, j. .. Maher, J. Fisher, W. .. Ridley, \V.. . Porter, \\. .. McCarthor, R. Mohran, J ... Martinie, J. Austin, .). .. Pattinsou, R. McGUl, J, .. Daly, D. •. Wild, J, .. Porter. W. .. Mohran, J... Marting, .).. . Hodgson, T. Petrie, E. .. Morganty, P. Dhtriot. ■■Mass* Millerton. . Accident. • • i » ■ ■ ■> ,, Permanent i! i s - ablement. . . Ditto. ,. .. Accident. [Tame of Applicant. Ridley, W... Laird, D. . . Brosnahan, J. Hanes, B. .. Hirchfield. H. O'Connor, J. Taylor, J. H. (Spencer, F. II. Hodgson, T. Robinson, J. Findley, W. Rowan, A. L. Priest, E. .. Pirthan.R. .. O'Gorman, .1. Halden, S. .. Steel, C. .. Webb, R. .. Rowan, A. L. Borish, B. .. Day, .1. N... I lowlands, J. I Campbell. .1. Shaw, S. .. Rylett, A. .. O'Connor, J. Watson, ('. P. Mohan. M. .. District. Millerton.. ■ ■ „ District. Kcason for ap for Assistai Aooident. Reason for applying for Assistance I'piy UICIV

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COAL-MINERS' RELIEF FUND AND SICK AND ACCIDENT FUND (PARTICULARS RELATIVE TO OPERATIONS OF THE)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1910 Session I, C-03d

Word Count

COAL-MINERS' RELIEF FUND AND SICK AND ACCIDENT FUND (PARTICULARS RELATIVE TO OPERATIONS OF THE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1910 Session I, C-03d

COAL-MINERS' RELIEF FUND AND SICK AND ACCIDENT FUND (PARTICULARS RELATIVE TO OPERATIONS OF THE). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1910 Session I, C-03d

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