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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 120 of " The Patents, Designs, and Trade Marls Act, 1908."

In pursuance of section 120 of " The Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act, 1908," I have the honour to submit my report on the operations of the Patent Office for the year .1908. The business of the office has been well maintained in respect of applications from residents of New Zealand, but fewer applications were received from those of other places, and the total number in 1908 is rather less than in the preceding year. The following table shows the number of applications received from places within and outside New Zealand for the last two years : — Year. New Zealand. Foreign. Total. 1907 .. .. .. .. .. 1,325 1,034 2,359 1908 .. .. .. .. .. 1,384 907 2,291 Increase .. .. .. .. 59 Decrease .. .. .. .. .. 127 68 The amount paid in fees was £5,470 6s. Id., £445 18s. sd. less than in 1907, in which year the revenue reached the highest point yet recorded. The expenditure, £2,822 3s. sd. in 1908 as compared with £2,602 4s. 10d. in 1907, shows a slight increase, due chiefly to extra work in affording facilities to those requiring information or availing themselves of the benefit of the Act, and various small items, particulars of which are given in Table A. It will be noticed, on reference to this table, that £1,206 Is. 6d., or 42 per cent, of the total expenditure, was in respect of work done by the Government Printing Office. The receipts from the commencement of the Act on the Ist January, 1890, to the end of the year 1908 exceed the expenditure during the same period by £44,451 19s. 9d. In New Zealand the expenditure for last year absorbed 51-6 per cent, of the revenue ; in the United Kingdom, 60-4 per cent. ; in the United States, 90-3 per cent. ; and, while such comparisons are possibly not of much value, it may be of interest to mention that during last year there was one official to 393 applications in New Zealand, one to 104 in the United Kingdom, and one to 82 in the United States. PATENTS. A greater number of applications was received from residents of New Zealand in 1908 than in the previous year. There was a falling-off in the applications from other places, and the total— i.e., 1,527 —is short of that for 1907 by ninety-one. The fees under this head amounted to £4,505 os. 9d., £342 less than in 1907. The fewer cases in which complete specifications were lodged and issue fees paid chiefly account for the difference, the amount received from other fees in 1908 being about the same as that collected in the preceding year. The number of applications with provisional specifications was the same as the number in 1907, 941 (941), the figures in parentheses throughout this report being the preceding year's total. The applications with complete specifications were about a hundred less, 586 (677), and the complete specifications lodged after provisional specifications were 46 short of the previous year's total —257 (303). The total number of specifications in 1908 was 1,784, as compared with 1,921 in 1907. The following table shows the proportion of applications accepted and to which exception was taken on the various grounds stated to the total number received :—

I—fl. 10.

Aooepted 'ithout Alteration. Accepted on Alteration. Not accepted, Without being questioned. After being questioned After being questioned. On Ground of On Ground Want of of Novelty. ; Informality. On Ground On Ground of Want of of Novelty. Informality. On Ground of Want of Novelty. On Ground of Informa ity. 65-4 12-2 3-8 31 5-3 12-2 3-8 31 8-2* 2-0* I I * These figu :ases the applicat igent has been he; ires show the position in the month in which the table was compili tions are still pending, and may be accepted with or without amenc ard in the matter. )d—i.e., May, 1909—but in some [ment after the applicant or his



Women inventors lodged 37 applications, 24 per cent, of the total number. The, absence of any very marked advance of recent years in the number of applications received from residents of New Zealand is probably due to some extent to the increased facilities afforded them of ascertaining the novelty of their inventions before applying for letters patent. The low fees and simple procedure such as obtain here lead to applications being made without inquiry into the novelty and feasibility of the inventions unless ready access is afforded to prior specifications on the subject, and placing this information within more easy reach of the inventors in the principal towns has no doubt resulted in their making further investigation into novelty, and thus has lessened the number of applications for inventions destitute of that essential feature. Reference to such former specifications also enables an applicant, or his agent, to properly define the novelty of an invention, and draw the specification so that, on the one hand, it will not endanger the patent by claiming too much, and on the other so restrict its scope as to render it, while valid, of little if any value. Excessive claims are in some measure checked by the office, but examination into novelty is not required by the Act, and no special provision is made for it. Countries from which Applications were received. A greater number of applications was received from residents of New Zealand in 1908 than in 1907, 1,013 as compared with 969. Of the remaining applications, 238 (321) came from Australia, 124 (133) from the United Kingdom, 40 (58) from other European countries, and 90 (113) from the United States. The applications from Australia show a very marked falling-off from 368 in 1906, and 321 in 1907, to only 238 in 1908. Nature of Inventions. The number of applications in each class, and page on which they will be found in the subject-list, are set out in Table I. Referring briefly to the leading classes, — Boots and Shoes form the subject of 60 applications —about the same as in the previous year-—chiefly in respect of bootmaking machinery, more than half the applications being by one American company, who now have no less than 150 patents granted or pending in New Zealand. Buildings and Buildiny-material. —The total in this case is also about the same as in the preceding year, reinforced concrete and the like structures, spouting-brackets, building-blocks, cement-manu-facture, and means for supporting and moving window-sashes engaging a fair amount of attention. Dairying. —ln dairying the number last year was slightly below that for 1907, the outstanding feature of inventions in this class being those relating to mechanical milking. Engines (including accessories, gearing, and motors generally) also number about the same as in 1907, turbines, water-wheels, and the like forming the subject of about 20 per cent, of these applications. Exterminating, and Traps. —So far as can be judged from the records of the office, more attention seems to be directed to destroying rabbits by means of fumes than to trapping and other methods of extermination, generating appliances forming the largest proportion of inventions in this class. Fibre-dressing. —Few if any of the industries of this country are so dependent as this on the employment of the best and most economical methods of manufacture, and it is satisfactory to find inventors still actively engaged in devising means for improving the machinery for taking the place of manual labour in the several operations necessary. Fire-alarms, &c. —These inventions are somewhat more numerous than usual, and chiefly refer to various means for giving an alarm by means of electricity. Gas-manufacture. —Acetylene, so far as can be judged from the number of applications for generators, &c, appears to be coming into more general use. Indicating, &c. —Though the interest in the subject is abating, devices for testing the temperature of baled goods continue to produce a certain number of applications. The appliances patented in connection with ships' compasses for recording the course and checking the steersman form an interesting feature of the remaining inventions in this class. Locks, &c. —Devices for securing windows always receive a certain amount of attention from inventors, and protection was applied for in respect of a fair number of inventions on this subject during the year. Medicines and Surgical Appliances. —Dental work, which has not hitherto occupied a prominent place in the field of invention in this country, forms the subject of a few applications, chiefly for casting inlays. Minerals (gold-saving, &c.) — Filtering, concentrating, and similar appliances are the most numerous of the comparatively few inventions under this head. Printing and Photography. —In this class inventions for type-casting and setting machines predominate, while inventions in respect of photography show a falling-off as compared with the number in former years. Raihvays. —Fewer applications are recorded in this class than in previous years. Couplings, maildelivery raid signalling apparatus, and trolly poles and heads have all engaged a certain amount of attention. Sheep and Cattle. —Cow-bails, sheds, and the like form a prominent feature of the inventions relating to this subject. Velocipedes continue to fall in number. As regards the general trend of invention, the inventions in respect of building, gas-manufacture, and a few other subjects show a slight tendency to increase ; a general decline is apparent in those in connection with dredging, gold-saving, fencing, and cultivating ; while there is little if any change in the number on other subjects,



International Convention. Fewer applications were made under the Convention, 39 in 1908, and 48 in 1907. The countries from which these applications were received are as follows : United Kingdom, 17 (30) ; Australia, 15 (9) ; and Canada, Germany, Holland, India, Sweden, Switzerland, and United States of America, 1 each. It is desirable that the special requirements of this office in respect of these applications be made more widely known, and steps are being taken in this direction which will probably result in an increased number of cases under the Convention. DESIGNS. A larger number of designs were registered in 1908 than in any previous year. Of the entries, 16 were in Class 1 (" articles composed wholly or partly of metal not included in Class 2 "), 1 in Class 2 (" jewellery "), 52 in Class 3 (" articles composed wholly or partly of wood, bone, ivory, papier mache, or other solid substances not included in other classes "), 3 in Class 4 (" articles composed wholly or partly of glass, earthenware, or porcelain, bricks, tiles, or cement "), 1 in Class 8 (" carpets and rugs in all materials, floor-cloths, and oil-cloths), 5 in Class 10 (" millinery and wearing-apparel, including boots and shoes "), and 1 in Class 12 (" goods not included in other classes "). TRADE-MARKS. The number of applications made in 1908 for registration of trade-marks was 685, or one more than in 1907. The receipts from this source amounted to £892 12s. 4d., or £110 ss. Bd. less than in 1907, fewer registrations and renewals of marks being effected, and assignments, &c, registered in 1908 than in the preceding year. Goods for which Tbade-marks registered. Out of the 685 applications received, 130, or 18 per cent., were in Class 42 in respect of " substances used as food or as ingredients in food," 9 more than in 1907. Increases also occur in Class 38 (clothing), 38 (32) ; in Class 45 (tobacco), 31 (18) ; in Class 13 (metal goods), 30 (22) ; and in Class 39 (paper and stationery), 23 (14). Fewer applications were made in Class 47 (oils, detergents, See.), 41 (56) ; in Class 3 (medicines), 49 (53) ; and there is little difference in the number in the other classes from that of the preceding year. Countries from which Applications were received. Rather less than half the number of applications received were from residents of New Zealand— 307, as compared with 303 in the previous year. Applications from the United Kingdom numbered 227, 40 more than in 1907 ; and from the rest of Europe, 52 (49). The number from the United States dropped from 60 in 1907 to 40 in 1908 ; the Australian applications from 114 to 66. GENERAL. Local Patent Offices. These offices were established at various places, in order that inventors throughout the country might be placed as far as possible on an equal footing in filing their applications at the earliest date possible. Six additions were made during the year to these offices, which are now situated at Auckland, AVhangarei, Thames, Waihi, Hamilton, Gisborne, New Plymouth, Napier, Wanganui, Taihape, Palmerston North, Masterton, Nelson, Blenheim, Westport, Greymouth, Hokitika, Christchurch, Ashburton, Timaru, Oamaru, Dunedin, Clyde, Gore, Queenstown, Invercargill. Arrangements were made during the year for applications for designs and trade-marks to be also left at these offices ; but as this is not provided for by the Act, the date of filing is still considered to be that on which the documents reach this office. In addition to sending one set of the complete specifications accepted to Auckland, Christchurch, and Dunedin in succession, to which reference was made in my former report, classified abridgments of inventions are now supplied to these offices, and, though at present not much referred to, will no doubt come more into use, and prove useful to inventors and others in readily ascertaining the nature of inventions patented. Opposition. Notice of opposition was lodged in respect of 23 applications. No appeals were heard during the year. Publications. The name indexes for patents from 1861 to 1889 and for trade-marks from 1868 to 1906 have been printed, but pressure of other business has prevented the publication of the other indexes referred to in my last report. It is desirable to proceed with this work as opportunity occurs, and to have the indexes available for use in this office and local patent offices, as well as for sale and distribution to the patent offices of other countries,.from whom similar publications are regularly received. It has been suggested from time to time that the specifications and drawings of all inventions patented at this office be printed, but the cost has stood in the way of the work being undertaken. The printing and circulating of the specifications and drawings of the inventions patented in connection with our principal industries could be effected at comparatively small cost, and would in my opinion have a stimulating effect on those industries, and I recommend that this work be undertaken.



Distribution of Forms and Information. During the year a fresh lot of forms, with printed information concerning the patenting of inventions and the registration of designs and trade-marks, were sent out to post-offices for the use of the public. The office is indebted to the Postal Department for enabling it to offer these facilities, as well as to it and the Railway Department for permission to display posters at the various post-offices and railway-stations. Patent Agents. Two names were added to the Register during the year, one that of a solicitor without, and the other after, examination. The total number of names on the Register at the end of the year was 69. Premises. While in many respects well suited for the business of the office, the present premises are very deficient in safe-room, the library is lacking in space and accessibility to the public at night, and there is no accommodation for models. Suitable premises for insuring the proper custody of specifications of inventions is a matter of some urgency, and. as more room is required for the library, the provision of further accommodation in the present building or elsewhere should, I submit, be made to enable the office and library to be suitably housed for some years to come. Library. As already stated, the library is rapidly outgrowing the space provided for it, some 30 ft. or 40 ft. of additional shelving being required every year. Each step in the world's manufacturing methods and appliances is with few exceptions the subject of a patent and is described in a specification available for inspection in the library of this office some time before being brought into actual use, and reference to these documents is necessary to obtain the early knowledge on which successful invention and competition in industry to a great extent depend. Every facility should in my opinion accordingly be afforded inventors, manufacturers, and others to inspect the English, American, and other specifications in the library of this office, and I should be glad if the library could be moved to premises where it could be open at night, and also if arrangements could be made for placing the full specifications of inventions of other countries for inspection in the libraries at Auckland, Christchurch, and Dunedin. Conclusion. The Appendix hereto contains : — paok Paper set at Examination for Registration of Patent Agent .. .. .. .. 5 And the following tables and lists, viz. : — A. Balance-sheet of Income and Expenditure for the Year ended 31st December, 1908 .. 5 B. Table showing Revenue and Expenditure for each of the Last Eight Years .. 6 C. Particulars of Fees received from the Ist January to the 31st December, 1908 .. 6 D. Staff of Officers, and Salaries .. .. . . .. . . .. 7 E. Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs and Trade Marks, recorded for the years 1890 to 1908 inclusive .. . . .. . . 7 F. Number of Provisional and Complete Specifications received, &c. .. .. .. 7 G. Table show'ng, over a Series of Years, the Number of Patents that were considered of Sufficient Value to be kept Alive by Payment of the Renewal Fees . . 8 H. Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1906, 1907, and 1908 .. .. 8 I. Table showing Number of Applications for the Different Classes of Inventions for each of the Years 1906, 1907, and 1908 . . . . .. .. .. 9 J. Number of Applications for Registration of Trade Marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1906, 1907, and 1908 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 K. Designs : Table showing Number of Applications in each of the Twelve Classes to end of 1906 and in the Years 1907 and 1908 respectively .. .. .. 10 L. Number of Applications to register Trade Marks, in the Fifty Different Classes, in each of the Years 1906, 1907, and 1908 .. .. . . .. .. 11 M. Alphabetical List of Applicants for Patents for the Year ended 31st December, 1908 .. 12 N. Classified List of Inventions for which Letters Patent have been applied for during the year ended 31st December, 1908 .. .. .. .. .. 29 0. Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks during the year ended 31st December, 1908 .. .. .. .. .. .. 44 P. Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Designs during the year ended 31st December, 1908 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 50 Patent Office, J. C. Lewis, Wellington, Ist June, 1909. . Registrar.




Paper set at Examination of Candidate for Registration as Patent Agent. [Each question must be answered upon separate sheets of paper. Time allowed, three hours.] 1. (a.) Compare a provisional with a complete specification. (6.) Point out the essential requirements of each. (c.) Upon what grounds may the Registrar of Patents refuse to accept an application for a patent ? 2. Sections 11 and 13 of the Patents Act give certain periods within which a complete specification must be filed and accepted. Can the applicant, notwithstanding these sections, obtain acceptance of his complete specification at any later time than the periods mentioned in the sections ? If so, state fully under what circumstances. 3. If an applicant for a patent, or a patentee, fails to make any prescribed payment within the prescribed time, what course should he pursue if he wishes to keep the patent alive ? 4. What is the value and effect of a provisional specification ? What is the position of an applicant for a provisional specification which has been accepted, should the invention be infringed ? 5. What amendments may be made in a specification ? State what is required to be done by a patentee who wishes to amend. If there is no opposition are the amendments made as of right ? and state the limit within which such amendments may be made. 6. Who may present a petition for revocation of a patent ? State the practice and procedure to be adopted and followed in petitions for revocation. 7. What is the position of a foreign inventor who finds that a person in the Dominion has, without any authority from him, applied for and obtained a patent in respect of his (the foreigner's) invention ? 8. What are the fees payable to the Registrar in respect to letters patent for an invention ? 9. What is meant by, — (a.) An invention for a combination ? (6.) That a specification shall particularly describe and ascertain the nature of the invention ? 10. A patentee uses the general term " fossil salt " when but one species of fossil salt will do : what effect, if any, would this have upon his patent if he sued for infringement ? 11. If a patentee really believes that a given process or given materials will carry out the invention, when in fact they will not, could this objection, if urged upon an application for infringement, have any effect upon the plaintiff's suit ? 12. In construing a specification what evidence will be accepted by the Court to enable it to construe the document ? Will the Court accept the interpretation of the specification by experts ? 13. What, shortly, are the provisions of the International Convention of 1883 as amended on the 14th December, 1900, and to what extent do they apply to New Zealand ? A.—Balance-sheet of Income and Expenditure for the Year ended 31st December, 1908. Income. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Patent fees ... ... ... 4,505 0 9 Salaries ... ... ... 1,088 11 O Design fees ... ... ... 40 1 0 Clerical assistance ... ... '240 6 0 Trade-mark fees ... ... 890 14 3 Copying specifications ... ... 28 11 3 Sale of Acts, Gazettes, Name Pees to Patent Office Agents ... 65 7 6 Index, &c. ... ... 34 10 1 Binding printed specifications, &c, presented to office by other countries* ... ... ... 46 0 0 Printing Patents Gazette* ... 920 8 0 Printing Patents and Trade-marks Name Index* ... ... 29 6 0 Other printing and binding* ... 210 7 6 Stationery ... ... ... 27 4 8 Stamps " ... ... ... 40 10 0 Books, patent laws, &c. ... 5 3 6 United States specifications ... 12 10 0 Telephone ... ... ... 7 0 0 Payments refunded ... ... 33 0 6 Typewriter ... ... ... 17 10 0 Card-section cabinet, &c 16 7 6 Incidental expenses ... ... 34 0 0 Balance for the year ... ... 2,648 2 8 £5,470 6 1 £5,470 6 1 • Printing and binding done and figures supplied by Government Printing Office.



B.—Table showing Revenue and Expenditure for each of the Last Eight Years.

C. —Particulars of Fees received from the 1st January to the 31st December, 1908.

Year. Receipts. Expenditure. Surplus. Year. Receipts. Expenditure. I Surplus. 1901 1902 1903 1904 £ s. d. 3,366 12 4 3,999 3 3 5,290 2 7* 4,642 19 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,205 15 2 2,160 17 2 1,344 17 1 2,654 6 2 1,657 1 5 3,633 1 2 1,775 17 11 2,867 1 7 1905 1906 1907 1908 £ s. d. 4,970 2 6 5,641 0 6 5,916 4 6 5,470 6 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,297 9 8 2,672 12 10 2,237 19 1 3,403 1 5 2,602 4 10 3,313 19 8 2,822 3 5 2,648 2 8 * Renewal feei i. In 1903 the r< :newal fees for all marks register! id prior to the a >mmencement oi f the Act of 1889 were payable. Note.—Pi rinting, bindin; g, and other items now debitei 1 to this office were not in for •mer years brought to charge

Number. Fees. Each. Amount received. Patents. Applications for patents with provisional specifications Applications for patents with complete specifications Complete specifications left after provisional specifications Applications to amend specifications Issue of letters patent Kenewal fees before end of fourth year from date of patent Renewal fees before end of seventh year from date of patent Notices of opposition Hearing objections Applications for enlargement of time for deposit of complete specifications On grant of such enlargement Applications for enlargement of time for acceptance of complete specification .. On grant of such enlargement Applications for enlargement of time for payment of fees On grant of suoh enlargement Notices of appeal to Supreme Court against deoisions of Eegistrar Searches .. .. .. Registration of assignments and licenses Certificates of such registration Copies of specifications and drawings Certifying copies.. Correction of clerical errors in specifications, &c. Registration of Patent Agent .. .. Miscellaneous 953 577 257 10 667 212 84 11 5 34 35 10 9 46 46 2 511 116 63 £ s. 0 10 0 10 0 10 1 0 2 0 5 0 10 0 0 10 2 0 0 10 1 0 0 10 1 0 0 10 1 0 1 0 0 I , 0 10 0 10 t 0 1 0 5 1 1 £ s. d. 476 10 0 288 10 0 128 10 0 10 0 0 1,334 10 0 1,060 0 0 840 0 0 5 10 0 10 0 0 17 0 0 35 0 0 5 0 0 9 0 0 23 0 0 46 0 0 2 0 0 25 11 0 58 0 0 31 10 0 94 0 9 0 15 0 3 5 0 110 0 8 0 15 13 1 Designs. Applications for registration of designs Search designs .. £4,505 0 9 80 1 0 10 0 1 40 0 0 0 10 Tbade Marks. Applications for registration of trade marks Registration of trade marks Registration of assignments Certificates of suoh assignments Notices of opposition Cancellation of trade marks Renewal of registration Additional fees where renewal fee is paid within three months after expiration of fourteen years Requests to correct clerical errors Copies of duplicate certificates Searches .. .. ... Advertisements : Cost of extra space in Gazette Miscellaneous 669 526 42 12 1 121 1 0 5 1 0 £1 & 2s. 0 5 1 0 0 5 1 0 0 10 £40 1 0 167 5 0 526 0 0 30 15 0 10 10 0 12 0 0 0 5 0 121 0 0 0 10 0 5 13 0 5 0 1 0 1} 15 0 0 13 0 8 11 9 8 11 6 5 6 1 £892 12 4 ♦ Per hour. t3d. >er folio of 72 words; Iβ. >er sheet, drawini <s. 1 For qu( irter of an hour.



D. —Staff of Officers, and Salaries. £ s. d. Begietrar* ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 400 0 0 Deputy Begistrar Clerk ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 185 0 0 Clerk ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 160 0 0 Clerk ... ... ... ... ... ■ ... ... 115 0 0 Cadet ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 50 0 0 Messenger ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 180 0 0 Office-cleaner ... ... ... ... ... ... 11 14 0 £1,101 14 0 * Also Begistrar of Copyright, nil.

E. —Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs and Trade Marks, recorded for the Years 1890 to 1908 inclusive.

F.—Number of Provisional and Complete Specifications received, &c.

Year. Patents. Designs. Trade Marks. Total. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 616 589 606 625 756 816 992 1,093 1,021 992 1,009 1,114 1,431 1,604 1,483 1,601 1,745 1,618 1,527 5 4 10 1 15 14 27 18 10 12 15 18 28 26 24 54 86 57 79 160 225 290 325 347 254 279 361 343 328 348 379 412 447 592 607 702 684 685 781 818 906 951 1,118 1,084 1,298 1,467 1,374 1,332 1,372 1,511 1,871 2,077 2,099 2,262 2,483 2,359 2,291

Number § ' cations w: [2 J Complete cations of Appli- Number i ith which cations w; 3 Specifi- Provisional lodged. tions l< I "Wit wh ' oh which Specific " sequen mber of ;ations for Complete jations subtly lodged. Number of Applications abandoned, Num lapsed, or Patenti refused. Total iberof ! NMnb « b sealed. ! App ° Uca _ tions. N.Z. 1890 242 1891 187 1892 202 1893 198 18941 278 1895 229 1896 J 299 1897 217 1898 199 1899 182 1900 160 1901 199 1902 163 1903 205 1904 200 1905 215 1906 230 1907 221 1908 365 Foreign. 207 207 191 178 166 201 275 303 305 297 321 353 357 368 321 355 405 456 221 N.Z. 107 126 160 197 251 307 318 444 419 382 441 459 767 859 754 827 866 748 149 Foreign. 60 69 53 52 61 79 100 129 98 131 87 103 144 172 208 204 • 244 193 792 N.Z. 27 29 40 51 69 75 68 87 102 84 97 119 274 238 198 222 227 160 Foreign. 17 25 16 24 16 34 33 41 29 55 36 28 65 54 74 86 100 88 N.Z. 202 191 237 262 352 403 439 481 447 409 452 458 690 801 700 783 843 * Foreign. 50 50 43 30 51 51 75 95 70 82 59 76 86 116 154 142 175 N.Z. 147 122 125 133 173 133 185 181 172 155 149 200 240 263 254 259 253 * Foreign. 217 226 201 200 176 229 293 336 332 346 349 380 415 424 375 417 474 616 589 606 625 756 816 992 1,093 1,021 992 1,009 1,114 1,431 1,604 1,483 1,601 1,745 1,618 1,527 * r 'hese figuri is are necei isarily inoo) ipleto, as ;he tirni for proceei ang furtl ier with th applici .tions hai not yet ixpirei .


G. —Table showing over a Series of Years the Number of Patents that were considered of sufficient Value to be kept alive by Payment of the Renewal Fees.

H.—Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1906, 1907, and 1908.


Year. Number of Applications received. J_ Number of Complete Specifications, received. xr m i,., »f Number of Number of ; jNumber oi p atentg on whioh Patents Letters Patent S e OO nd-term on which sealea ' Pee paid. i Final Pee paid. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 614 589 606 625 756 816 992 1,093 1,021 992 1,009 1,114 1,431 1,604 1,483 614 589 606 625 756 816 992 1,093 1,021 992 1,009 1,114 1,431 1,604 1,483 493 448 449 451 529 539 675 648 635 618 614 699 859 865 793 493 448 449 451 529 539 675 648 635 618 614 699 859 865 793 364 80 37 348 78 23 326 84 37 333 99 47 349 88 31 362 113 45 478 118 53 517 136 49 504 138 58 501 199 90 498 172 71 580 200 91 655 209 687 229 629 209 364 348 326 333 349 362 478 517 504 501 498 580 655 687 629 37 23 37 47 31 46 53 49 58 00 71 91

i New Zealand Argentina Austria Belgium Brazil .. Canada Cape Colony Denmark Ecuador Finland 1906. ! 1907. j 1908. 1,101 969 1,013 3 4 2 I 1 11 1 .... 12 13 G 1 1 .. 3 10 2 1 2 1 11 S 5 10 15 9 3 4 4 1 .. 1 1 3 2 3 1 1 .. 1 Natal .. New South Wales Norway Orange River Colony Queensland Rhodesia Russia.. South Australia .. Spain Sweden S*itzerland Tasmania Transvaal United Kingdom United States Victoria Western Australia 1906. 1907. 1908. 2 90 1 36 3 11 1 9 92 19 1 3 17 1 78 1 1 15 1 1 8 France .. Germany Holland Hungary India Italy .. Japan .. Mexico .. 22 6 119 92 187 22 9 2 6 8 133 113 180 7 8 4 10 11 124 90 115 12 Note.—A few applications were red Total more than the actual number of aj sived from joint applii >plications received. >nts resident in different countries; the figures will tl lerefore.


I.—Table showing Number of Applications for the Different Classes of Inventions for each of the Years 1906, 1907, and 1908.

On the pages referred to in the above table will be found lists of the inventions which are included in the various classes for the year 1908.



Class. I 1906. 1907. 1908. Page, j Class. 1906. 1907. 1908. Page. 1 t Advertising and displaying, signs, &c. Aeronautics Amusements, music, exer cisers, games, &c. Attaching and securing (in eluding bolts, lies, &c.) Boilers (steam) Boots and shoes Bottles, bottling and glassworking Boxes, cans, and casks (including buckets) Brewing, distilling, &c. Brooms and brushes (including mops) Building, construction „ (brick and cement, compositions and moulding) „ (windows and doors) Chemicals Cleaning, polishing, &c. Closets and urinals Coin-feed mechanism Cooling and freezing Cultivating and tilling Cutting and sawing and tools Dairying Drains and sewers Dredging and excavating (including rock-drills) Drying Electricity and magnetism .. Engines (air, gas, and oil) .. „ (steam), including rotary pumps (miscellaneous and engine-accessories) including current motors, solar motors, tide motors, wave motors, windmills, and miscellaneous motors Explosives, firearms, and targets Exterminating and trapping animals Fencing .. „ (strainers) Fibre-dressing (including ropemaking) Filters .. .. .. j Fire alarms, escapes, ladders, ' and extinguishers Food Furnaces and kilns (including smoke-consumers) Furniture and upholstery, desks, blinds, curtains, &c. Gas-manufacture for lighting, heating, or power purposes Harness (including horse, &c, covers) 8 23 2!) Harvesting and grading Heating and fuel-manu facture Illuminating (except gasmanufacture) Indicating, calculating, and measuring (including mois-ture-testers) Kauri-gum Kitchen utensils and cooking appliances (including ovens) Lifting, hauling, and loading Locks, latches, and hinges .. Marine and submarine (including lake and river engineering) Marking (tickets, labels, &o.) Medicines and surgical appliances (including ear instruments, dental work, Ac;.) Metal-working (including welding, stamping, and plating) Minerals (inoluding filtration, lixiviation, screens, &o.) Ditto (magnetic separators).. „ (stampers and pulverisers) Oils and lubricators Paints and painting Pipes, tubes, and hose Preserving Presses Printing and photography .. Pumps and sprayers (except rotary pumps) Racecourse accessories Railways and tramways Roads and ways, road-water-ing Seed-dressing, chaff-cutting, and threshing Seed-sowers Sewing and knitting Sheep and cattle (including veterinary appliances) Sheep shearing and clipping Shop and hotel fittings Stationery and paper Telephony and telegraphy (including phonographs) Tobacco Valves and cocks Vehicles „ (velocipedes) Ventilating Washing and cleansing Water-supplying Wearing-apparel Wools and hides Miscellaneous inventions not in other classes, as indiarubber manufacture, fishing appliances, &o. 14 37 IS 25 11 31 3T 37 8 3 46 2 1 23 i 40 29 29 38 32 25 37 24 10 j 13 2!) 41 (il 35 37 3 66 81 3 i 4 G2 00 19 ! 13 21) 29 30 3 03 7 33 1 25 38 38 32 29 \ 27 30 88 25 17 'AC, 22 IG 22 23 19 38 38 38 16 1 1 13 6 30 80 45 15 53 34 22 32 30 31 14 Iβ L8 IT 12 18 39 39 19 3 17 13 2 9 34 68 66 16 24 19 2G 6 7 17 6 7 12 4 5 14 18 18 22 39 51 77 69 12 6 10 9 81 81 81 32 8a 82 32 82 88 88 88 6 69 1 12 13 42 2 7 18 36 3 8 39 39 39 39 6 7 20 15 3 24 23 3 3 14 5 5 'AS 14 11 2 8 7 4 21 15 39 40 40 40 40 40 40 8 27 28 87 8 I 8 18 20 22 9 21 28 38 88 84 34 Iβ 34 39 84 4 70 11 8 73 8 3 54 5 40 40 41 7 10 14 41 13 4 27 18 10 33 8 5 25 41 41 41 10 12 7 34 6 27 80 18 7 14 29 1C 6 14 28 13 41 41 41 42 24 23 24 34 80 12 87 42 II -14 27 9 44 35 35 35 11 19 38 42 (i 21 4 39 3 14 7 0 40 GO 8 14 4 34 10 4 4 13 41 57 9 35 3 33 3 0 42 42 42 42 43 43 43 43 43 43 0 21 17 3 83 35 35 4 23 18 21 10 20 36 36 49 34 1C 36 30 26 88 36 41 22 18 37 Note. —Owing to some inveni .ctual number ol applications rei ions beii 3eived. ig clasi lifted ui ider moi ■e than one heading, the figures wil II total rather lore thi -n the


J. —Number of Applications for Registration of Trade Marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1906, 1907, and 1908.

K.—Designs.—Table showing Number of Applications in each of the Twelve Classes to the end of 1906, and in the Years 1907 and 1908 respectively.


1906. 1907. 1908. 1906. 1907. 1908. New Zealand 332 303 307 New Caledonia .. 1 Austria .. 1 1 New South Walrs 73 68 32 Belgium 2 Norway 1 1 Canada .. 5 3 Philippine Islands 2 Ceylon .. 3 8 Queensland 1 Cuba . 1 South Australia 1 1 Denmark •i 1 Spain 12 Egypt .. . 1 1 1 Straits Settlements 1 Fiji 1 Sweden 14 2 2 France .. 5 9 1G Switzerland 2 2 2 Germany 19 13 27 Tasmania 1 2 Holland 3 6 3 Transvaal 1 Hungary 1 United Kingdom 171 187 227 India .. 3 2 United States 70 GO 40 Italy 1 1 Victoria 10 41 32 Mexico 2 Western Australia 3 1 Note.—A few applications were recei total more than the actual number of app jived froi plication: l perse receiv ons giving addresses in two or more countries; tht ved. e figure! will therefore

Number of Applies itions. Class. Goods. 1890 to the end of 1900. 1907. 1908. 1 2 3 4 S (> 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 Articles made of — Metal (except those in Class 2) .. . w Jewellery Wood, bone, ivory, papier-mache, &c. Glass, earthenware, porcelain, bricks, tiles, and cement Paper (except hangings) Leather (including bookbinding) Paperhangings Carpets, rugs, floor-cloths, &c. Lace, hosiery Millinery and wearing-apparel (including boots, &c.).. Ornamental needlework on muslin and other fabrics .. Goods not in other classes Printed or woven designs on textile piece-goods „ handkerchiefs and shawls 129 34 38 12 52 2 2 10 39 2 3 16 1 52 3 1 32 2 5 10 1 1 1 Total .. 312 57 79 Grand total—1890 to end of 1908 .. 448

H. -10.

L.—Number of Applications to register Trade Marks in the Fifty different Classes, in each of the Years 1906, 1907, and 1908.


Olasses. Classification ol Goods. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1 Ghemioal substances used in manufactures, photography, or philosophical research, and anti-corrosivee Chemical substances used for agricultural, horticultural, veterinary, and sanitary purposes Chemical substances prepared for use in medicine and pharmacy Raw or partly-prepared vegetable, animal, and mineral substances used in manufactures not inoluded in other classes Unwrought and partly-wrought metals used in manufacture Machinery of all kinds, and parts of machinery, exoept agrioultural and horticultural machines included in Class 7 Agricultural and horticultural machinery, and parts of such maohinery Philosophical instruments, scientific instruments, and apparatus for useful purposes; instruments and apparatus for teaohing Musical instruments Horological instruments .. .. .. .. .. Instruments, apparatus, and contrivances, not medicated, for surgical or curative purposes, or in relation to the health of men or animals Cutlery and edge-tools Metal goods not included in other classes Goods of precious metals (inoluding aluminium, nickel, Britannia-metal, &c.) and jewellery, and imitations of such goods and jewellery Glass ■ Porcelain and earthenware Manufactures from mineral and other substances for building or decoration Engineering, architectural, and building contrivances Arms, ammunition, and stores not included in Class 20 Explosive substances Naval architectural contrivances and naval equipments Carriages .. .. .. .. • .. Cotton yarn and thread Cotton piece-goods of all kinds Cotton goods not included in Classes 23, 24, and 38 .. Linen and hemp yarn and thread Linen and hemp piece-goods Linen and hemp goods not included in Classes 26, 27, and 50 .. Jute yarns and tissues, and other articles made of jute not included in Class 50 Silk, spun, thrown, or sewing .. Silk piece-goods Other silk goods not included in Classes 30 and 31 .. Yarns of wool, worsted, or hair Cloth and stuffs of wool, worsted, or hair Woollen and worsted and hair goods not included in Classes 33 and 34 Carpets, floorcloth, and oilcloth Leather, skins, unwrought and wrought, and articles made of leather not inoluded in other classes Articles of clothing .. .. .. .. . • Paper (except paperhangings), stationery, and bookbinding Goods manufactured from indiarubber and guttapercha not included in other classes Furniture and upholstery Substances used as food or ingredients in food Fermented liquors and spirits .. .. .. .. .. Mineral and aerated waters, natural and artificial, including ginger-beer Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured Seeds for agrioultural or horticultural purposes Candles, common soap, detergents; illuminating, heating, or lubricating oils; matches ; and starch, blue, and other preparations for laundry purposes Perfumery (including toilet articles), preparations for the teeth and hair, and perfamed soap Games of all kinds, and sporting articles not included in other olasses Miscellaneous .. .. 16 21 22 2 21 16 21 3 4 50 3 53 13 49 7 5 6 12 17 25 21 10 21 7 8 18 7 7 7 4 10 9 10 11 11 1 6 1 1 9 3 12 13 14 14 25 4 14 22 11 11 30 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 1 5 8 3 4 9 5 3 1 8 5 2 10 5 3 1 10 4 14 1 3 12 1 4 16 1 7 4 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 3 6 2 3 5 4 a 4 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 41 27 8 138 17 6 39 32 14 6 1 121 46 16 18 1 56 38 23 12 2 130 25 11 31 2 41 58 48 46 29 27 49 50 7 63 1 53 7 43



[A dagger (t) indicates that an application has heen made for a prior date in accordance with the International and Intercolonial Arrangements.]

Abramowski, 0. L. M., and another (see Ambro Limited ; 24698). Ackley, G. S. ; brake-chain winding-mechanism ; 25248 ; 17th November. Acott, P. F. ; street-watering machine ; 24211; 3rd April. Adams, H. H. ; propeller ; 24946 ; 17th September. Adams, R. N. ; window-fastener ; 25186; 4th November. Adams, R. N. ; door-holder ; 25275 ; 25th November. Adams, R. N. ; tent-peg ; 25361 ; 14th December. Adams, R. W. ; siphon ; 24461 ; 28th May. A.G.E.S. Societa in accomandita semplice per l'Esercizio del Brevetti Granieri; axle ; (L. Granieri); 24889 ; 2nd September. Ahrens, O. L., and others ; meat-preserving ; 23895; Bth January. Aiken, E*; milking-machine ; 24577 ; 29th June. Aitken, R. M. j filter ; 24397 ; 15th May. Aitken, T. ; lime, &c, distributor ; 23907 ; Bth January. Aitken, T. ; liquid-distributor; 24240; 24th November, 1907-t Akhurst, H. ; brush ; 24949 ; 18th September. Albrecht, C. A., and another (see J. T. Hunter ; 24702). Aieock, F. A. ; billiard-table ; 23894 ; Bth January. Alcock, F. A. ; cushion-rail for billiard-table ; 24847 ; 27th August. Alexander, W. (see J. D. McLaurin ; 23963 and 25194). Alexanderson, E. F. W. ; current motor; 24119; 11th March. Alkemade, P. V. L. ; cleansing drinking-glasses; 24820; 20th August. Allan, A., and another; hot-air indicator; 24654; 14th July. Allan! A. T. W., and another ; roller-mil!; 25370 ; 18th December. Allan, C. F. F. ; oven ; 24877 ; 2nd September. Allan, F. M. ; kiln; 24433; 19th May. Allan, F. M. ; cement-clinker manufacture; 24606; Ist July. Allan, F. M. ; kiln ; 24909 ; 9th September. Allan, F. M. ; clinker for Portland cement; 24606; Ist July. Allen, T. C, and another ; speed gear ; 24207 ; 2nd April. Alley, C. H., and another ; nail-punch ; 25330 ; 9th December. Alley, F. L. ; boot-finishing machine ; 24513 ; 11th June. Almap-Marchant, C. W., and another ; umbrella ; 25367 ; 21st December. Ambro Limited ; food-composition ; (O. L. M. Abramowski and F. Rosing); 24698 ; 21st July. American Box-ball Company; game; (D. H. Talbert) ; 24095 ; sth March. Amsden, G. A. (see Lamson Consolidated Store Service Company ; 24436). Andersen, S. P., and another; teat-cup; 25184; 6th November. Anderson, A. C. ; agricultural implement; 24059; 25th February. Anderson, A. C. ; weight-indicator ; 24262 ; 10th April. Anderson, A. C. ; agricultural implement; 24059; 25th February. Anderson, A. H., and another ; threshing-machine ; 24646 ; 11th July. Anderson, F., and another ; valve ; 24506 ; 9th June. Anderson, G., and another; chilled-meat, &c, storing; 23881 ; 3rd January. Anderson, J., and another ; curd-rack ; 23984 ; 7th February. Anderson, J., and another ; milk and curd agitator ; 23985 ; 7th February. Anderson, J., and others ; board-cramp; 23923; 20th January. Anderson, 0., and another ; imitation marble ; 24046 ; 24th February. Andrew, G. R. ; dress-cutting chart; 24795 ; 13th August. Andrews and Beaven, Limited ; chaff-cutter ; (W. and F. 0. Andrews and A. W. Beaven); 24628 ; 7th July. Andrews, F. H. ; seaming-machine ; 24809 ; 19th August. Andrews, F. 0., and others (see Andrews and Beaven, Limited ; 24628). Andrews, L. W. D. ; disc talking-machine; 24705; 21st July. Andrews, R. ; plough-skeith ; 24728; 28th August. Andrews, W., and others; delivering liquors, &0., from bottles ; 24603 ; 2nd July.

Andrews, W., and others (see Andrews and Boaven, Limited ; 24628). Angus, C. ; contact, means for electrical circuit; 24078 ; 4th March. Anketell, 0. ; ironing-board ; 24757 ; 4th August. Anne of Lowenstein-Wertheim ; self levelling bunk ; 25174 ; 4th November. Anscombe, W. H. ; wire-splice shield ; 25161 ; 2nd November. Appleby, W. H. ; rolling-stock coupling ; 24359 ; 6th May. Arbuckle, A. J., and another ; separating ores from liquids ; 24900; 9th September. Arbuckle, A. J., and another ; filtering-apparatus ; 25128 ; 26th October. Arbuckle, A. J., and another; filtering-apparatus; 25180; 4th November. Arbuckle, A. J., and another (see H. H. Ravward and E. S. Baldwin ; 24180). Armstead, J., and another ; weed-eradioator ; 24499 ; 4th June. Armstrong, F. ; metallic alloy ; 24811 ; 19th August. Arthur, J., jun. ; elevator, Sea. ; 24719 ; 21st July. Ashcroft, A. ; kauri-gum treatment; 24000 ; 14th February. Ashton, O. (see United Shoe Machinery Company ; 24171, 24172, 25103). Aston, V. S. ; fibre-bleaching ; 24048 ; 21st February. Aston, W. ; fuel-economizer, &c. ; 24407 ; 19th May. Astrella, N. ; blanket-retainer ; 24307 ; 27th April. Auckland Sewing-machine Company, Limited; sewing-ma-chine; (W. T. Auckram) ; 25115"; 22rd October. Auckram, W. T. ; sewing-machine ; 24123 ; 9th March. Auckram, W. T. (see Auckland Sewing-machine Company ; 25115). August, H. ; wool-pack ; 23934 ; 21st January. Austin, E. C. ; spirit-level; 24258 ; 11th April. Austin, E. C. ; handle for tools ; 24594 ; Ist July. Austin, E. C. ; foresight for spirit-level; 25193 ; 6th November. Austin, T. H. ; rotary engine ; (W. K. Austin); 24382 ; 9th May. Austin, W. K. (see T. H. Austin ; 24382). Austral Canning Company Proprietary, Limited, The ; tin canister; (J.Webster);' 23999; 11th February. Auto-Hydraulic Limited ; elevator ; (A. E. Ilodder) ; 24013 ; 19th February. Auto-Hydraulic Limited ; liquid-container and valve-mechan-ism for elevator; (A. E. Hodder); 25230; 18th November. Avery, R. ; boot; 24182 ; 23rd March. A very, S. H. ; plaster; 24939; 18th September. Badger, M., and another, coin-freed postage-machine ; 24800 ; 13th August . Baechler, C. A. ; manufacture of casein ; 25331 ; 20th March.t Bagnall, H. N. ; anti-rattler for window-sash ; 24167 ; 21st March. Bailey, J. F. ; electric developer ; 25013 ; Ist October. Bailey, W. 8., and another; ink; 25159; 31st October. Baillie, J. ; tile ; 23953 ; 30th January. Baird, J. ; earth closet ; 25044 ; 7th October. Baker, C. A. ; clothes-peg box ; 24683 ; 15th July. Baker, R. P., and others ; liquid, &c, measuring apparatus ; 25319; 9th December. Baldwin, E. S., and another ; sheep-shearing cutter ; (S. L. Johnson and W. E. Culvert) ; 23885; 3rd January. Baldwin, E. S., and another ; filter-press ; (A. J. Arbuckle and A. Osborn); 24180 ; 26th March. Baldwin, H. S., and another : vessel-closure ; (Chellis-Hillmnu Company—E. D. Chellis); 24200 ; Ist April. Baldwin, E. S. ; wheel; (W. T. Smith); 24823 ; 20th August. Ballingall, C. ; gas-production ; 24367 ; Bth May. Ballinger, T. (see T. Ballinger and Co., Limited ; 24904). Bellinger, T., and Co., Limited ; cinder-sifter ; (T. Ballinger) ; 24904 ; 10th September. Bancroft, J. S., and another (see Monotype Machine (Colonial Patents) Syndicate, Limited ; 25145). Bancroft, W. (see Monotype Machine (Colonial Patents) Syndicate, Limited ; 25368). Barclay, W. R., and another (see United Shoe Machinery Company ; 23899). Barlow, E. C, and another ; metal can or box manufacture ; 24763 ; 6th August).




Barlow, E. E., and another ; metal can or box manufacture ; 24703 ; 6th August. Barnard,! , .; oyole-pedal olip ; 246(54 ; 14th July. Barnes, F. S. ; gate; 24672; 13th July. Barnes, F. S. ; draw-bar ; 24673 ; 13th July. Barnett, A. Q. ; tie-adjuster ; 24061 ; 27th February. Bartley, A. M. ; saw-attachment; 24758 ; 31st July. Barton, E. L. ; documont-file ; 24666; 14th July. Barton, E. L. ; aeronautical apparatus ; 24838 ; 25th August. Barton,!'.; chair; 24915; 12th September. Baruschke, 8., and another; exterminating animals and noxious insects ; 23971 ; sth February. Bastaam, F. ; roadway ; 24777 ; 10th August. Bates, A. (see United Shoe Machinery Company ; 23975, 21328, 25104, 25200, 25203, 25315, 25318). Bates, A., and another (see United Shoe Machinery Company ; 23899). Bates, A., and others (see United Shoe Machinery Company ; 24933, 25305). Bates, P., and others; spouting-brackot; 24797; 13th August. Bates, P., and others ; fire-kindler ; 24801 ; 14th August. Bayley, C. S. ; contact system for electric vehicles ; 24675 : 13th July. Bayley, 0. 8. ; trolly-head : 24764 ; 3rd August. Bayley, C. S. ; trolly-pole controller ; 24837 ; 25th August. Baylis, G. H., and another ; fan; 23890; 4th January. Beamish, J. H. ; ventilator ; 24955 ; 19th September. Beamish, W. ; animal-trap ; 24010 ; 15th February. Beamish, W. ; animal-trap ; 25287 ; 28th November. Beamish, W. ; flushiag-oistern ; 25288 ; 28th November. Beaney, H. ; friction-hoist ; 24805 ; 12th August. Beattie, J., and another ; vehicle-seat; 24542; 18th June. Beaven, A. W., and others (see Andrews and Beaven, Limited ; 24628). Beohman, H. F. (see W. E. Hughes; 24274). Beckett, T. ; water-heater for steam-boiler; 23966; 3rd February. Beckett,'!.; propelling vessels ; 24113; 10th March. Bedford, A. J. ; gaa-lamp lighter, &c. ; 245(12 ; 25th June. Beilby, C. 8. ; preventing racing of propeller ; 25221 ; 6th November. Belcher, T., and another ; safety guard for tram-car ; 24892 ; 3rd September. Belk, J. A. ; railway-fishplate ; 24415 ; 20th May. Bell, A. M., end another; ironing-machine; 24217; 3rd April. Bell, H., and another ; nail-head former ; 24409 ; 20th May. Bell, W. J., and another ; cow-bail ; 24515 ; 11th June. Bcllenger, R. ; milk-can ; 24816; 20th August. Bellingham, J., and another ; fireproof construction ; 24572 ; 27th June. Bellingham, J., and another ; ferro-concrete construction ; 24849; 28th August. Bellingham, J., and another ; ferro-conerote facing; 24988 ; 29th September. Benn, B. W. ; mflking-apparatus ; 23884; 3rd January. Bonn, B. W. ; milking-machine; 23929; 23rd January. Bennet, W. ; sole and heel; 2-4060 ; 24th February. Bennet, W. ; boot-heel ; 24091 ; 29th February. Bennett, G. A., and another ; tire ; 25369 ; 21st December. Bennett, J. ; screw-driver attachment; 24104 ; 6th March. Bennion, C. (see United Shoe Machinery Company ; 24083). Bennitt, F. ; roasting, &c, ore? ; (A. S. Dwight and R. L. Lloyd); 24084. Bentley, J. G. ; window-look ; 25241 ; 16th November. Berg, E., and another; tobacco-pipe; 24212; 3rd April. Berg, J. A. ; gig spring and frame ; 24155 ; 20th March. Berkel (see Van Bcrkel). Berry, E. D. ; skim-milk distributor ; 24463 ; 30th May. Berry, H. ; suction-gas plant; 24497 ; 6th June. Bertinshaw, G. J., and others; fire-grate ; 24945; 19th September. Bertrand, F. E. (see United Shoe Machinery Company; 25317). Betty, J. ; sash-lock ; 24151 ; I.9th March. Betty, J. ; gate-latch ; 24152 ; 19th March. Bevan, 1., and another ; valve ; 24506 ; 9th June. Bickerton, R. T. ; buffer ; 24848 ; 27th August. Bigelow, D. E. ; mineral screen ; 24318 ; 29th April. Billing, A. F. ; skirt-cutting chart; 24752 ; 31st July. Billington, J. E., and another (see J. T. Hunter; 24906, 25229). Billington, J. E., and others (see J. T. Hunter ; 24198). Bingham, E. ; cycle-horn, &c, actuator; 25059; 13th October. Bingham, H. N. ; mowing-machine tedder; 24739; 30th July.

Binns, W>, and another ; dust-arrester ; 23886 ; 3rd January. Birch, G. A., and another; pocket candle-case; 24446; 23rd May. Birley, G. ; shears. &c. ; 24255; 10th April. Blackham, W. H. ; hydrocarbon-engine hot and cold water attachment; (W. J. Teese); 24769 ; 7th August. Blackham, W. H. ; milking-apparatus ; 24790 ; 13th August. Blackham, W. H. ; ejector-governor ; 25310 ; 9th December. Blackwell, E. O. ; ship-ventilator ; 24384 ; 12th May. Blackwell, E. O. ; can-opening attachment; 24870; Ist September. Blackwell, E. O. ; thresher, &c., for peas; 24965; 22nd September. Blackwell, F. ; potato-digger ; 24504 ; 9th June. Blair, M., sen., and anothei ; lire-damp alarm ; 25294 ; 3rd December. Blair, W. J. ; acetylene-generator ; 24430 ; 22nd May.fl \i Blair, W. J., and another ; fire-dam]) alarm ; 25294 ; 3rd December. Blake, J. ; teat-cup ; 24034 ; 21st February. Blake, J. ; milking-machine pulaator ; 24488 ; 4th June. Blake, J. ; milking-machine vacuum-tank; 24489; 4th June. Blake, J. ; vacuum milking-machine ; 24733 ; 28th July. Blau, J. ; scent, &c., sprayer ; 24636 ; 9th July. Bleeck, W. A. F. ; battery ; 23991 ; 11th February. Bliss, F. W. ; bread, &c, cutter ; 24721 ; 24th July. Blum, J., and another ; rubber-manufacture ; 25231 ; 18th November. Blythe, H., and another ; ointment; 24387 ; 12th May. Boddington, H. ; window; 24314; 29th April. Bode, R. R. (see G. G. Turri ; 24079). Bodell, W. B. ; steam-vent for washing boiler; 24408; 19th May. Bodger, B. R. ; attaching hook and eye ; 24032 ; Bth July. Bohni, C. R. (see J. T. Hunter ; 24199). Bollard, R. F., and another ; saw-fence ; 25045 ; 7th October. Bollinger, C. F. ; puncture-closing compound ; 24554; 24th June. Bolton, H., and others ; brake ; 23994 ; 12th February. Bolton, T. ; fumigator, &c. ; 23705 ; 16th January. Bond, A. J. ; pedal-driving gear ; 25366 ; 21st December. Bond, T. R. ; hoe ; 24888 ; 4th September. Bondfield C. D. ; anti-rattler for window ; (G. W. Green); 24678 ; 17th July. Bone, C. S., and another ; acetylene - generator; 24077 ; 17th July. Booth, N. A. ; sash-fastener; 24041; 21st February. Borgstrom, A. H. ; butter-making apparatus ; 24229; Bth April. Borlaso, W. ; cycle-driving gear ; 25242 ; 16th November. Bostock, E. (see H. Bostock ; 24775). Bostock, H. ; boot and shoe ; (E. Bostock); 24775 ; 7th August. Bottrell, T> ; branding and castrating apparatus ; 24206 ; 2nd April. Bouton, G., and another (sec De Dion Bouton (1907) Limited ; 25284, 25397). Bowles, G. B. ; brake apparatus ; 25290 ; 13th December, 1907.t Bowling, T., and another; hot-air indicator; 24654; 14th July. Bowman, J., and others ; milking-machine ; 24015 ; 4th July. Bowron, G. W., and another; paint-mixer; 24478; 2nd June. Boyd, J., and another; advertising-device; 24300; 27th April. Boyd, J. A. ; game ; 23877 ; 3rd January. Boyd, J. A. ; step-ladder ; 23878 ; 3rd January. Boyd, J. A. ; box ; 24303 ; 25th April. Boyd, P. ; seed-sower ; 25274 ; 25th November. Boys, C. V., and another ; producing reciprocating motion ; 25312 ; 9th December. Brady, J. F. ; turbine ; 24818 ; 20th August. Brandt, P. ; hydraulic, &c, machine packing; 25198; 11th November. Branson, C. B. M. ; saddle-cover ; 25089 ; 17th October. Bray, W. C. ; cart-note case ; 25120 ; 23rd October. Brazenall, E. ; dredge-tumbler gear ; 24418 ; 10th May. Breck, T. M. ; gold-saving apparatus ; 24718 ; 20th July. Brenan, J. ; vehicle under-carriage ; 25019 ; 6th October. Bredehorst, O. ; spring cart; 24111; 9th March. Briggs, G. L., and another ; saw fence ; 25045 ; 7th October. British Automatic Aerators, Limited ; aerating-machine; (H. Pearce) ; 24024 ; 18th February. Broadbent, H. ; chair ; 25342 ; 14th December. Brock, M. (see United Shoe Machinery Company ; 25204). Brooks, D. M. ; air-compressor ; 25276 ; 27th November.




Brown, A. E. ; governing outflow of water from dams ; 24045 ; '24th February. Brown, E. A. ; anti-rattler for window ; 24102 ; Oth March. Brown, F. C, and another ; tube-mill feeding ; 24042 ; 21st February. Brown, F. C. ; ore-treatment; 24861 ; 28th August. Brown, F. O. ; tool-heating apparatus ; 25086 ; 16th October. Brown, F. J., and another; pipe-closing valve; 25251 ; 21st November. Brown, F. J., and another; hose-coupling; 25252 ; 21st November. Brown, Or. J. ; fecd-receptaole or bag for animals ; 24134 ; 13th March. Brown, G. P. ; tire-inflating device ; 24460 ; 30th May. Brown, G. P. ; steering-apparatus ; 24505 ; 9th June. Brown, J. A. ; cock and tap ; 25335 ; Bth December. Brown, J. C, and others ; docking and castrating apparatus ; 23997 ; Ist August, 1907.t Brown, J. E. C. ; explosive engine ; 25046 ; 9th October. Brown, J. H., and another (see E. C. E. Mills. P. Heyes, and W. J. Napier; 24312). Brown, J. P. ; window ; 24445 ; 26th May. Brown, M., and others ; anti-rattler for window; 24102 ; 6th March. Brown, R., jun. ; bottle-stopper; 23891 ; 15th January, 1907.f Brown, W. C. J. ; hair-tonic ; 24539 ; 17th Juno. Brown (see Chinnery-Brown). Browne, C. M., and another ; bootmaking method ; 24514 ; 11th June. Browne, E. H. ; wire-strainer ; 24104 ; 23rd March. Brownlee, T. W., and another; totalizator J 25090; 17th October. Bruce, H. ; drill ; 25400 ; 30th December. Bruton, J. ; lubricant; 24550 ; 23rd June. Buckland, A. W., and another ; asphalt; 25017 : sth October. Buick, M. E. ; knee-pad for scrubbing ; 24640 ; 9th July. Bulmer, G. N., and another ; teat-cup ; 24250 ; 9th April. Bulnicr, P. A., and another ; teat-cup ; 24250 ; 9th April. Bunting, A. ; milking-machine ; 25003 ; 30th September. Burges, A., and others ; flax-treating apparatus ; 25094 ; 20th October. Burges, A., and others ; flax-scutcher; 25095; 20th October. Burges, A., and others ; flax-treating apparatus ; 25090 ; 20th October. Burgott, C. 8. ; ship's- course recorder ; 24228; 7th April. Burke, H., and another ; pipe-closing valve ; 25251 ; 21st November. Burke, H., and another; hose-coupling; 25252; 2lst November. Burleigh, J. W. (see Zone Dynamo and Motor Patents Company, Limited ; 24867). Burnsi M. ; bale-grip ; 25088 ; 15th October. Burrell, W. ; crate ; 25099 ; 19th October. Burrows, H; dessicated-egg manufacture; 24125; 12th March. Burt, A. ; spout-making machine ; 24304 : 2nd May. Burton, A. R. E. ; bread-manufacture ; (W. H. J. Willson) ; 24018 ; 19th February. Bust, F. R. ; slaughtering-apparatus ; 24444 ; 22nd May. Butler, W. J. ; sewing-machine ; 25183 ; 31st October. Butterworth, E. J. ; distance-measurer ; 24233 ; Bth April. Butterworth, E. J. ; fire-grate ; 24729 ; 23rd July. Butterworth, E. J. ; distance-measurer ; 24803 ; 15th August. Butterworth, H. ; flooring, &c, composition ; 25217 ; 10th November. Button, I. ; halter ; 24438 ; 23rd May. Byron, A. H. ; wool-press ; 24357 ; Oth May. Byron, A. H., and others; wool, &c., press; 23980; 7th February. Byron, D. J., and others; wool, &<:., press; 23980; 7th February! Bythell, F. E. ; spouting-bracket; 24941 ; 18th September. Cairns, R. ; electrical plug ; 23911 ; 11th January. Calders, J., and another ; ticket-issuing case ; 24471 ; Ist June. Callender, W. W. ; wheel; 24184 ; 25th March. Calvert, W. E., and another (see E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward; 23855). Cameron, H. F. ; water-closet pan ; 25385 ; 24th December. Cameron, H. F. ; beer-tap ; 24978 ; 28th September. Cameron, T. C. ; non-refillable bottle ; 24511 ; 11th June. Campbell, A. ; fencing-dropper ; 24724 ; 22nd July. Campbell, A. ; hydraulic nozzle ; 24947 ; 19th September. Campbell, H. ; extension ladder ; 24030; 19th February. Campbell, W., and another ; flax-mahine ; 24734 ; 29th July.

Campbell, W., and another ; cow-bail; 24914 ; 12tli September. Campbell, W. A., and another ; detesting moisture in bales ; 241.12 ; 9th March. Cannell, A. ; show-stand; 25377; 21st December. Card, F. S., and another (see N. Guthridge ; 24122). Card, W. L., and another (see N. Guthridge ; 24122 and 24280). Carey, R. I l '. ; opening and closing doors; 23917 ; Kith January. Carpenter, A. W., and another; rubber - manufacture; 25231 ; 18th November. Carr, A. I. ; fencing-batten ; 24862 ; 28th August, Carr, S. ; llax-treating apparatus ; 24972 ; 25th September. Carr, W. ; valve-stem for tire ; 24008 ; Ist July. Carr, W. ; pontoon ; 24911 ; 9th September. Carr, W., and another; power-transmitter for currentturbine ; 25138 ; 26th October. Carr, W., and another ; current-motor ; 25333 ; Bth December. Castle, F. ; fire-alarm ; 24024 ; lith July. Castle, F.; trowel; 24920; 14th September. Castle, F.; fire-alarm ; 25058 ; 13th October. Cavartagh, J., jun. (see United Shoe Machinery Company ; 23915). Cavanagh, J. (see United Shoe Machinery Company ; 24330). Cederman, A., and another ; turbine ; 24522 ; 15th June. Cedermau, A., and another; locomotive-driving gear ; 24579 ; 29th June. Cederman, A., and another; steam-turbine; 24974; 25th September. Chalas, A.; nickel-recovery from ores; 24944; 19th September. Chalmers, W. ; lubricator ; 23982 ; 4th February. Chandler, C. N., and another; smoke-consumer; 24599 : 2nd July. Chapman,"C. C, and another (see E. Phillips ; 25178). Chapman, O. C. C. ; water-tap ; 24201 ; Ist April. Chapman, O. C. C. ; window-lock ; 24010 ; 6th July. Chellis, E. D. (see E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward ; 24200). Chellis Hillman Company (see E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward; 24200). Childs, H. ; swingle-tree and draught-equaliser; 24681 ; 15th July. Chinnery-Browa, D. A. ; toy ; 25280 ; Ist December. Chisnall, H. J., and another"; braces ; 24688 ; 18th July. Christie, J. ; electric-conductor conduit; 24679 ; 14th July. Christie, N. C, and another ; air-brake apparatus ; 24753 ; 30th July. Christie, T. R. ; induct-vent; 23955 ; 25th January. Christophersen, J. ; corkscrew ; 24252 ; 7th April. Church, E. S. (see National Cash Register Company ; 25117). Church, W. ; device for measuring" feet, &c. ; 24980 ; 29th September. Church, W.; bootmaker's measure; 24985; 29th September. Churchill, 0. (see G. G. Turri; 24440). Clark, E. L. ; pump; 25219; 10th November. Clark, J. S., and another ; milk-weigher; 25182; 2nd November. Clayton, C. W. ; insole ; 24169 ; 24th March. Clayton, M., and another; cooler and aerator; 25260; 24th November. Clemens-Horst, E. (see E. Clemens-Horst Company ; 24012). Clemens - Horst Company; hop-picker and separator (E. Clemens-Horst) ; 24012 ; 19th February. Clements, A. G. ; billiard-cue tip ; 25324 ; 10th December. Clennell, F., and another; propeller; 24952; 21st September. Clere, F. de J. ; wall; 24401; 16th May. Clifford, A. ; soap-cutter; 24050; 25th"February. Cloudsley, J. L., jun. ; gas-meter ; 23887 ; 3rd January. Clover, E. E. ; hand-washer, &c. ; 24118 ; 27th March, 1907-T Clow, T. R. ; windmill; 25218 ; lOtb November. Clutsam, F. (see W. E. Hughes ; 23995). Cochrane, D. ; lubricator ; 24832 ; 24th August. Cochrane, W. ; propeller ; 24053 ; 26th February. Cockerill, H. ; draught-excluder, &c. ; 24563 ; 25th June. Cocks, G. ; tool; 24817 ; 20th August. Coker, F. W. ; speed gear ; 24638 ; 7th July. Coldwell, A. V. ; fencing-wire coiling ; 24751 ; 31st July. Cole, T. T. ; fire-escape-door bolt; 23898 ; 4th January. Coleman, C. J. ; railway-signal; 24786 ; 1 2th August. Coleman, E. W. ; driving-gear ; 25133 ; 28th October. Coles (see Cowper-Colcs). Collett, A. W. ; friction-winch ; 25036 ; Bth October. Collins, H., and another; curtain-suspender; 24613; 4th July.




Collins, J. M., and another; flax-machine; 24859; 31st August. Collins, J. M., and others ; flax-treating apparatus ; 25094 ; 20th October. Collins, J. M., and others ; flax-scutcher; 25095; 20th October. Collins, J. M., and others ; flax-treating apparatus ; 25096 ; 20th October. Colombus, G. L. ; breeching-attachmetit; 24731 ; 28th July. Cometti, A., and another; motorcar wheel; 24970; 24th September. Connell, D. ; rotary motor ; 24004 ; 15th February. Continental C. and G. Rubber Company Proprietary, Limited ; tire-pump connection ; 24680 ; 15th July. Cook, J. ; flue-outlet; 24440 ; 20th May. Coombes, G. T. ; velocipede ; 24183 : 25th March. Coombs, E. ; plaster ceiling ; 23943 ; 29th January. Cooper, D. R. (see C. G. White ; 24292). Cooper, F. ; skeith-buckle ; 24545 ; 20th June. Cooper, F. ; shackle for plough-bridle ; 24546 ; 20th June. Cooper, F. ; grain-drill; 24938 ; 16th September. Cooper, I. H., and another ; elevator ; 25173 ; 4th November. Coozo, C. J. (see W. E. Hughes ; 23908). Corbett, F. J. (E. J. Keogh ; 22954). Cornu (see Lβ Cornu). Corry, A. W. 8., and another; nail-punch; 25330; 9th December. Cotterell, F. ; glass-bevelling machine ; 24880; 3rd September. Cotterell, F. A. G. ; motor-car ; 24049 ; 22nd February. Cotton, A. H. ; toy ; 23909 ; 24th January. Cotton, F. ; boiler-furnace ; 24390 ; 13th May. Cottrell, F. G. ; separating dust from gas ; 24218 ; 3rd April. Coulson, E. ; oil-engine ; 24161 ; 23rd March. Coulthard, F. ; saw-bench; 24441; 21st May. Courtis, H. B. ; carburetter ; 24162 ; 23rd March. Cousins, D. ; quartz-grinding apparatus; 24896; sth September. Couteur (see Le Couteur). Coventry, J. B. ; kettle ; 25239 ; 19th November. Cowper-Coles, S. O. ; cement-manufacture ; 24145; 18th March. Craw, G. ; flax-dressing apparatus ; 24810; 19th AugustCraw, G. ; flax-treating apparatus ; 24924 ; 16th September. Crawford, B. ; fire-box, &c. ; 23959 ; 28th January. Crawford, G. M. ; trolly-head ; 24890 ; 3rd September. Cron (see Le Cren). Cripps, J. F., and another ; securing rugs on horses ; 24029 ; 17th February. Critchfield, J. V., and another ; ail-brake coupling ; 24626 ; 6th July. Crocker, S. F. ; rifle-carrier ; 24555 ; Bth July, 1907.f Croft, H. ; round-about; 25072 ; 13th October. Crook, J. ; air-gas production ; 24710; 16th July. Cross, G. E. ; current and tide motor ; 25322 ; 9th December. Cross, G. E. ; branding-apparatus ; 25357 ; 15th December. Crosse, A. F. ; gold and silver extraction ; 24129 ; 12th March. Crowe, E. P. ; boring and straining appliance; 24791 ; 13th August. Cruiekshank, C. M., and another; bathroom, &c, steampreventer ; 25376 ; 23rd December. Cuff, J. C. ; water, &c, heater ; 23979 ; 4th February. Cull, J. E. L. ; smelting furnace ; 24190 ; 28th March." Cullen, F. J. ; sheep-shearing machine ; 24871 ; Ist September. Cummins, G. ; operating presser-bloeks of wool-press ; 23933 ; 24th January. Cunninghim, G., and another ; oil-extractor, <fee. ; 24285 ; 21st April. Currie, J. ; flax-washer ; 24969 ; 24th September. Cnthbert, J. ; fire-kindler, &«. ; 24331 ; 20th April. Cutler, W. ; propelling boats ; 24056 ; 26th February. Cuttriss, E. J., and another ; pneumatic wheel ; 24360 ; 6th May. Dabara, L. T.; handcuff, 24266 ; 10th April. Dabara, L. T. ; handcuff j 24567 ; 25th June. Dahl, C. ; vacuum milking-machine ; 24254; 10th April. Dahl, E. ; eot; 25087 ; 19th October. Dahlgren, G. S. ; cream-separator ; 25347 ; 16th December. Daily, J. J. ; saddle-cover ; 25257 ; 19th November. Dakin, F. T. ; clothes-peg ; 24531 ; 17th June. Dalton, J. H., and another ; bottle-stopper ;. 25043 ; 9th October. Dando, F. ; game. &c. ; 24713 : 23rd July. Darling, F. E. ; silver-coating fluid ; 25351 ; 24th December.

Davidson, J., and another; container-box, &c. ; 25253; 23rd November. Da vies, A. ; water-closet seat; 25163 ; 2nd November. Da vies, C. ; milking-machine vacuum - tank ; 24063 ; 27tL February. Da vies, G. L., and others ; fuel; 24648 ; 7th July. Davies, J. 8., and another; nail-head former ; 24409 ; 20th May. Davies, X. M., and others ; wheel; 24503 ; 14th November, 1907.t Davis, D. E., and others ; tii-e-cover ; 23944 ; 29th January. Davis, D. E., and others ; tire-cover ; 24131 ; 12th March. Davis, N., and others; musical instrument; 24790; 13th August. Davis, W. I. ; building tile ; 24392 ; 14th May. Dawaon, B. F. H. ; acetylene-generator ; 24362 ; 6th Hay. Day, S. H. ; whipple-tree ; 24649; Uth July. Deachman, I. ; milk-oan hoist j 24524; 16th June. De Dion. A., and another (see De Dion-Bouton (1907) Limited ; 25284, 25397). De Dion-Bouton (1907) Limited; fan for motor vehicle ; (A. De Dion and G. Bouton) ; 25284; 2nd December. De Dion-Bouton (1907) Limited; piessure-bearins* for bevel gear; (A. de Dion and G. Bouton); 25397 j 30th December. De Irabien, J. ; air-current turbine ; 25105 ; 21st October. Delage. M. P. V. (see J. R. Park ; 24136). De Laval, C. G. P. ; iron extraction ; 24088 ; 29th February. De Matteis, L. ; feeding current in electric railways ; (L. Perrocehio) ; 24021 ; 19th February. Dempsey, J. ; feeding breadstuff to oven ; 24291; 14th April. Deperdussin, A. : toy ; 25232; 18th November. De Peyrecave, L. F. M., and others ; rotary motor and pump ; 25197 ; 11th November. Desmoulirs, H. P. (see New Zealand Acetylene Gas Lighting Company, Limited ; 24744). Desy, L. A. (see J. W. Harris ; 24755). Deunert, F. A., and another; tire - inflating mechanism ; 24080 ; 4th March. Diaok, W., and another ; umbrella ; 25367 ; 21st December. Dickie, R. J., und another (see E. 0. E. Mills, P. Heyes, and W. J. Napier ; 24312). Dike, D. VV. ; knee-rest for milking-bucket; 24025 ; 17th February. Dillberg, G., and another; fibre-treatment; 24355; 6th May. Dion (see De Dion). Dixon, J. V., gate-latch ; 24370 ; 9th May. Dombrain, E. F., and another; heat and moisture tester; 25157 ; 27th October. Donald, D. ; lifting-jack ; 24044 ; 24th February. Donne. B. L., and another ; dust-remover ; (C. L. Russell) ; 24074; 2nd March. Donnelly, P. T., and another ; cow-bail ; 24515; 11th June. Doran, L. ; advertising-sign ; 24426 ; 20th May. Dorman, C. H., and another ; Tungsten combinations production ; 25135 ; 30th October, 1907.f Dossetor, D. R. ; billiard-table ; 24094 ; 30th May, 1907.t Douglas, J. S. ; trolly-pole controller ; 24244; 9th April. Dovey, H. E., and another; sewing-shield; 25125; 26th October. Dow (see C. A. Hamlin and Co ; 24277). Dow, G., and another; smoke-consumer, &c. ; 24599; 2nd July. Dow, P. ; distance-gauge for bowls ; 25155 ; 28th October. Dowd, J. M. ; plough draught, &c. ; 24165 ; 24th March. Dowden, R. R., and another; milk-weigher; 25182; 2nd November. Downey, E.; umbrella-holder for vehicle ; 24839 ; 21st August. Downey, W. J. C. ; wind-gauge, &o. ; 24578; 10th July, 1907'.f Dromgool, J. 0. ; slimes-filter; 24193; 31st March. Drummond, T. ; fencing-wire fastener; 25303; 3rd December. Dryland, H., and another ; fountain : 24641 ; Bth July. Dugins, W. F. ; boot, &c, fastener ; 25379 : 23rd December. Duncan, J. J. ; tire-cover ; 24132 ; 13th March. Duncan, P. and D., Limited; disc-harrow; (J. Keir) ; 24674; 15th July. Duncan, P. and D., Limited ; seed-discharge for drill ; (J. Keir); 25266; 24th November. Duncan, W. H. ; water-heater ; 24019 ; 19th February. Dunn, R. R., and another; brick-making composition; 25067 ; 10th October. Dunne, R. ; mitre-cutter ; 24107 ; 6th March. Durant, H. T. ; separating solids from liquids; 24475; 4th June,




Dwight, A. S., and another (see F. Bennitt; 24084). Dyason, J. P., and another; dish-washer, &c. ; 24707 ; 23rd July. Dyke, H. V., and another ; poultry-house ; 24388 ; 13th May. Dyne, W. H. ; chain-pipe wrench ; 24453 ; 28th May. Eady, W. N. ; grate; 24617 ; 3rd July. Easson, C. ; table ; 24536 ; 15th June. Eccleston, C. W. ; ore. concentrator ; 25081; 15th October. Edgar, J., and anothei ; tramcar, &0., life-saving catcher ; 24779; 7th August. Edlin, T. W. ; non-refillable bottle ; 25052 ; 10th October. Edmond, A., and another ; pin ; 25223 ; 13th November. Edwards, A. J. ; trolly-head ; 24030 ; 22nd February. K<lwards, T. ; rabble for ore-roasting furnace; 25101 ; 21st October. Electric Railway Improvement Company (see J. T. Hunter ; 24174). Electric Railway Improvement Company (see W. E. Hughes ; 24271, 24272,24273). Ell, H. C\, and another; threshing-machine; 24040 ; 11th July. Elliott, 0., and another ; billiard-table ; 25098 ; 19th October. Ellis, A. ; mattress ; 24220 ; 6th April. Ellis, A. W., and another ; reinforced concrete post; 24288 ; 15th April. Ellis, A. W., and another; reinforced concrete ; 24425 ; 19th May. Ellis, P. ; compressor ; 24840 ; 20th August. Elmsly, C. S., and others; spouting-bracket ; 24797 ; 13th August. Elmsly, 0.5., and others ; fire-kindler ; 24801; 14th August. Elvines, F., and another ; metal-saving mat; 23960 ; 31st January. Elvines, F., and another; metal-saving mat; 25152; 30th October. English, J. C. (see P. M. Newton ; 25234). Enalin, H. E. (see United Shoe Machinery Company j 24327). Eppler, E. (see United Shoe Machinery Company ; 24932). Erhardt, C. F. M. C. ; cuff-protector ; 24142 ; 13th March. Ericsson, A. J. ; grinding-machine ; 24022 ; 19th February. Eugster, 0. L. ; siphon head ; 24899 ; 6th November, 1907-t Evans, T., and Son (Poplar), Limited, and others ; rotary motor and pump ; 25197 ; 11th November. Evans, W. P., and another (see L. \V. Grayson; 24411). ICvening Star Company, Limited; box; (C. S. Smith) ; 24372 ; Bth May. Ewing, S. ; fire-extinguisher, &c. ; 25382 ; 24th December. Fagon, F. W. ; playing-card ; 24133 ; 13th March. Fairclough, H., and another; cycle-saddle cover; 24369; 9th May. Falkiner, R. ; sheep-shearing machine-joint; 24317; 29th April. Farmer, R. J. ; closet; 24181 ; 20th March. Faulkner, J. W. ; fire-proof cloth ; 24347 : 13th July. Fellows, G. R. ; gas-producer ; 24749 ; 28th July. Felstead, J. E. (see W. E. Hughes ; 24363). Fenton, J. ; clothes-drying apparatus ; 24693 : 20th July. Ferens, T. R. (see Reckitt and Sons, Limited ; 24505). Ferguson, A.; basket; 25110; 22nd October. Ferguson, J. S., and another ; container-box, &c. ; 25253 ; 23rd November. Ferris, A., and another; post-hole digger; 24961; 23rd September. Ffrench, R. V. ; branding-apparatus ; 24090 ; sth March. Finlay, D. W. ; chaff-cutter-knife sharpener ; 24275 ; 14th April. Finn, G. ; letter of advice, &c. ; 24997 ; Ist October. Finnane, D. ; fuel; 23949 ; 27th January. Firth, E. T. C. ; building-block ; 24979 ;' 24th September. Firth, T. ; horse-controller ; 24794 ; 13th August. Fischer, J. ; bale-fastener ; 25399 ; 30th December. Fitchett, J. ; lorry; 24778; 11th August. Fix, J. P., and another ; rat-trap; 24313; 28th April. Fleming, J. J., and others; ironing - appliance; 24235; 9th April. Fleming, T., and others; ironing-appliance ; 24235; 9th April. Fletcher, H. N., and others ; sun-blind ; 24032 ; 20th February. Fletoher, H. T. ; canvas buddle ; 25389 ; 29th December. Fletcher, W. H. ; cmshing-mill; 24230 ; Bth April. Fonseca, R. A. ; window-sash ; 24114; 10th March. Fonscca, R. A. ; cycle mud-guard ; 25278 ; 27th November.

Forbes, 0. V. ; boot; (J. T. Woolston); 24001 ; 14th July. Ford, J. ; candle-saver ; 25053; 10th October. Forrest, H. C. ; bottle-washing-machine rack; 2R313 ; 9th December. Forsyth, G. ; egg-carrier ; 24404 ; 30th May. Forsyth, G. ; egg-carrier; 24748 ; 30th July. Forsyth, G. ; toaster and griller ; 24773 ; 7th August. Forsyth, J., and another ; household cooler ; 25364 ; 21st December. Foster, A. E. S., and another; tobacco-pipe; 24212; 3rd April. Fowles, W. ; predigesled food; 25026; 7th October. Fox, H. A. ; enclosure-indicator for mail matter ; 25181 : sth November. Franklin, H. C. ; bicycle-pump tube ; 25305; ilsi December. Fraser, D. ; jig-saw; 25320; 11th December. Fraser, J., and others; recording deviations in vessel's course ; 24735 ; 27th July. Fraser, S. E., and others ; r.-eording deviations in vessel's course ; 24735 ; 27th July. Free, R. H.. and others ; board-cramp ; 23923 ; 20th January. French, T. ; gate, &c, post; 24950; 18th September. Frew, E, ; table bowls ; 24035 ; Oth July. Friend, J. E. ; turbine ; 24023 ; 10th February. Friese-Greene Patents Limited ; cinematographic apparatus ; (W. Friese-Greene); 24922; ]sth September. Friese-Greene, W. (see Friese-Greene Patents Limited ; 24922). Frith, H. ; window opener and fastener ; 24215 ; Ist April. Fry, H. A. ; acetylene-generator ; 24017 ; 10th February. Fry, R. J. ; horse-shoe blank ; 24121 ; 11th March. Fryklind, K. E. ; night-soil-treatment apparatus ; 24448 ; 27th May. Fryer, P. W. ; straw-elevator ; 25351; 16th December. Fulljames, E. V., and another ; beer, &c, cooler ; 2I!!)3S ; 23rd January. Fulton, R. N., and another ; vehicle-seat ; 24542; 18th June. Gadd, A., and another ; vegetable-fibre preservation ; 24355 ; 6th May. Gager, T.; kerosene-tin ; 25009 ; 2nd October. Gallagher, R. W. ; gas-meter-statement delivery apparatus ; 25255 ; 23rd November. Gane, C. E. ; milking-machine ; 24880 ; 4th September. Gardner, C. F. ; oil, &c, tank filler ; 24026 ; 17th February. Garey, T. ; manufacture of articles from waste rubber; 25078 ; loth October. Garey, W. E. ; electric-lamp holder ; 24992 ; 30th September. Garfortb, W. E. j respirator ; 24334 ; 28th April. Garforth, W. E. ;' respirator ; 24335 ; 28th April. Garforth, W. E. ; respirator ; 24336 ; 28th April. Garner-Jones, D. ; folding-chair ; 23926 ; 21st January, Gaut, J. ; camera ; 24062 ; 27th February. Gazzard, E. J., and another; mortise machine; 24814; 17th August. Gazzard, H. V., and another; mortise machine; 24814; 17th August. Geake, W. H. G. ; tennis shirt ; 24815; 20th August. Geary, J. ; necktie ; 24358 ; Oth May. Gee, W. C., and others ; sun-blind ; 24032 ; 20th February. Gellert, C. L. (see W. L. Grayson ; 24410). Gentles, H., and another; bottle-stopper; 25043; 9th October. Gerber (see Waechter-Gerber). Gerlach, 8., and another ; dish-washer ; 24707 ; 23rd July. Gibbins, D. ; rabbit-trap ; 24803 ; Ist September. Gibbon, J. ; drill-holder ; 24725 25th July. Gibbs, R. W., and another; phonograph-record cleaning; 23978 ; 3rd February. Giesen, W. 8., and another ; tire-cover ; 24208 ; 14th April. Gilberd, D., and another ; pile-driving apparatus ; 24844 ; 22nd August. Gilberd, D.. and another; friction-clutch; 25337; 17th December. Gilberd, G., and another ; pile-driving apparatus ; 24844 ; 22nd August. Gilberd, G., and another ; friction-clutch ; 25337 ; 17th December. Gilfedder, T. J. ; speed-indicator ; 23990 ; 10th February. Gilkes, R. ; protecting shop-fronts from dogs; 25029; 7th October. Gillespie, R., and another; determining moisture in wool, &c. ; 24841 ; 26th August. Gillies, A. ; teat-cup mouthpiece ; 24148 ; 18th March. Gillies, A. ; teat-cup mouthpiece ; 24315 ; 29th April. Gillies, A. ; teat-cup ; 24788 ; 12th August. Giorgi, O, ; ventilator ; 24047 ; 25th February,




Girdler, G. T. ; explosive engine ; 24075 ; 29th February. Given, T. G. ; tent-peg; 25344; 11th December. Glenister, G. W., and another; match-manufacture ; 24633 ; Bth July. Glenister, J. E., and another: match-manufacture; 24633; Bth July. Goddu, G. (see United Shoe Machinery Company ; 24329). Godfrey, W., and others; sun-blind; 24032; 20th February. Goetz, A., and another ; pasteurisation process ; 25247 ; 17th November. Goodwin, G. ; rein-holder, &c. ; 25355 ; 18th December. Gordon, F. E. A., and another; poultry-house; 24388; 13th May. Gottlieb, C. J. A. ; condenser or vapouriser ; 24592 ; Ist July. Gough, G. W. ; book-support; 24771 ; Bth August. Gouldbourn, J., and another (see United Shoe Machinery Company; 23976). Gouldbourn, J., and others (see United Shoe Machinery Company ; 23976, 24933, 25305). Gowdy, E. W. ; railway-coupling j 24717 ; 23rd July. Gowdy, E. W. ; rail-joint; 24940 ; 18th September. Grace, L. G. ; bicycle-fork ; 24690 ; 20th July. Graham, C. M. ; insulator ; 24561 ; 25th June. Graham, C. M. ; insulator-support; 24564 ; 25th June. Graham, C. W. ; wire-coiler, &c. • 24402 ; 16th May. Graham, S. ; fibre-manufacture ; 24691 ; 17th July. Grainger, G. W. ; concrete fencing-post; 24665 ; 14th July. Granieri, L. (A.G.E.S. Societa, &c. ; 24889). Grant, C. ; harrow ; 24981 ; 24th September. Grant, J. ; gate-fastening ; 24746 ; 28th July. Grant, J. H. ; fumigator ; 25030 ; 7th October. Gratama, W. D. ; vulcaniser ; 24267 ; 14th April. Graves, A. H., and another ; telephone ; 24103 ; 6th March. Gray, J. ; wheel-lubricator ; 25066 ; 9th October. Gray, J. ; wheel-lubricator ; 25126 ; 23rd October. Gray, J. ; spring-tine cultivator ; 25185 ; 4th November. Gray, R. ; billiard-cushion ; 25267 ; 25th November. Grayson, L. W. ; swivel-bearing;. (C. L. Gellert) ; 24410 ; 20th May. Grayson, L. W. ; lubricator ; (W. P. Evans and D. L. Shultz) ; 24411 ; 20th May. Grayson, L. W. ; lubricator ; (D. L. Shultz) : 24412 ; 20th May. Green, G. W. (see C. D. Bondfield ; 24678). Green, M. R. ; non-refillable bottle ; 23951 ; 30th January. Green, W. J. ; branding-machine ; 25286 ; 2nd December. Greene (see Friese-Greene). Greer, F. S. ; visible gas ; 24711; 6th April, f Greer, F. S. ; fumigator, &c. ; 24712 ; 9th April, f Gribble, M. ; window-sash lock ; 23989 ; 10th February. Grioe, J. ; bicycle-pump lock ; 24581 ; 29th June. Grice, J. ; cycle-lock; 24593; Ist July. Griffith, G. W., and another; ploughshare ; 25291 ; 3rd December. Grimmett, E. E. F. ; tire-pump ; 25166 ; 2nd November. Grote, L., and others ; fuel; 24648 ; 7th July. Grove, J. B. ; tread-holder for tire ; 23912 ; 14th January. Guinan, M. ; administering pills to horses; 24754; 31st July. Gulleford, R. H., and another ; flax-bleaching process ; 25027; 7th October. Gundrie, W. W. ; bucket-handle ; 24993 ; 30th September. Gunn, A. (see R. Reid and C. J. Stone ; 24175). Gunn, A. ; linoleum-glaze ; 24630 ; 7th July. Gurr, G., and another ; locomotive-alarm; 24647; 7th July. Gurr, T. S., and another; locomotive-alarm ; 24647 ; 7th July. Guscott, H. ; fencing-standard ; 24699 ; 18th July. Guthridge, N. ; ore-concentrator ; (W. L. and F. S. Card); 24122; 12th March. Guthridge, N. ; sizing-classifier; (W. L. Card); 24286; 21st April. Guthridge, N. ; ore-screen; (H. S. King); 24287 ; 21st ■ April. Hadaway, J. B. (see United Shoe Machinery Company; 24558). Hadida, H. ; stamp-affixer ; 24414; 20th May. Hadlee, G., and another ; bathroom steam-preventer ; 25376 ; 23rd December. Hagg, C. J. J., and another; milking-machine; 24246; 9th April. Haines, R. T. ; washing-machine ; 24097 ; sth March. Hall, A. A. ; washing-fluid ; 24583 ; 26th June. Hall, A. J. : gas-cut-off valve ; 24726 ; 25th July. Hall, F. R. ; composite pile ; 24065; 28th February, 3—H. 10,

Hall, T., and another; metal-saving mat; 23960; 31st January. Hall, T., and another; metal-saving mat; 25152 • 30th October. Hall, W. R., and another ; medicated tampon ; (E. M. Pond;; 24011 ; 27th June. Hallett, T. ; flax-washer ; 24756 ; 4th August. Hally, J., and another; tram-car life-guard; 24892; 3rd September. Hamlin, C. A., and Co. ; building-block ; (Miracle and Dow) ; 24277 ; 15th April. Hamlyn, W., and another; castrating, &0., appliance; 24473 ; 2nd June. Hampton, W. H., and others ; board-cramp ; 23923 ; 20th January. Hancock, J., and another; doll ; 24428; 22nd May. Hancock, J. C, and another; boot-stud and heel-plate; 25235 ; 18th November. Hancock, N. J., and another; weed-eradicator ; 244H9 ; 4th June. Hanman, J. L. ; pump; 24819; 20th August. Harbottle, J. (}., and another; flax-bleaching process : 25027 ; 7th October. Hardaker, L. ; wheel ; 24124 ; sth April. Hardaker, L. ; wheel; 24179 ; 20th April, 1907.f Hardie, J. ; chaff-cutter; 24783; 11th August. Hardinge, H. W. ; ore-disintegrator ; 24866 ; Ist September. Hardman, E. J., and another ; bucket, &c, handle ; 24510 : 9th June. Hardwick, J. E., and another; horse-collar; 24589; Ist July. Hardwick, W., and another; horse-collar; 24589; Ist July. Hardy, A. R. ; blind-hanger ; 24216 ; 3rd April. Hargreaves, J. ; ventilator ; 24076 ; 28th February. Hargreaves, J. ; ventilator; 24178; 23rd March. Harker, G. ; fumigator; 24959; 23rd September. Harkin, A. E. ; boot; 24741 ; 30th July. Harkin, A. E. ; table ; 24942 ; 18th September. Harriss, J. A.; mail-receiving, &c, apparatus ; (J. S. Lanier) ; 20th October. Harris, J. W. ; excavator ; (L. A. Desy); 24755 ; 3rd August. Harrison, C. ; fertiliser-manufactm'e ; 24351 ; sth May. Harrison, E. T. ; horse-bridle ; 24548 ; 22nd June. Harrison, F., and another; tungsten-combinations production ; 25135; 30th October, 1907.t Harrison, J., and another; animal-cover; 24141; 18th March. Hartley, W. ; incandescent-vapour lamp ; 24662 ; 14th July. Harvey, W. J. ; tire ; 23928 ; 21st January. Harvoy, W. J. ; air-retainer shield ; 25350 ; 15th December. Haughey, S. F. ; tire-inllator ; 25383 ; 24th December. Hawke, S. R. ; coating ships' bottoms ; 24323 ; 30th April. Hawkins, T. ; slop-pail ; 25372 ; 22nd December. Hayes, E. ; wire-coiler; 24516; 12th June. Hayes, L. ; snow-scoop; 24831; 20th August. Hayter, W. J. F. ; brick-manufacture ; 25279; Ist December. Hazard, J., and another ; cycle-saddle cover ; 24369 ; 9th May. Heenan, T. D. ; chaff-cutter-knife adjustment; 24400 ; 13th May. Heiden, C. V. ; piano ; 24977 ; 28th September. Heine, J. ; ridge-capping die ; 25142 ; 29th October. Henderson, G. W., and another; beer, &c, cooler; 23938; 23rd January. Henderson, W., and another; air-brake apparatus; 24753; 30th July. Hendricksen, D. P. ; seat-attachment to go-cart; 25363 ; 21st December. Hennah, W. H., and another; temperature-indicator, &c. ; 24071 ; 29th February. Hennah, W. H., and another; ship's - course - deviation recorder ; 24093 ; sth March. Hennah, W. H., and another; ships-course recorder and alarm ; 25008 ; 2nd October. Henning, G. ; motor-car hood ; 24342 ; Ist May. Henry, M. ; turnip-cutter ; 25015 ; sth October. Henry, W. ; window-sash ; 24299 ; 22nd April. Honshall, E., and another; cow-bail; 24140; 14th March. Hercus, J., and another ; pin ; 25223 ; 13th November. Hercus, J., and others ; lock ; 24999 ; 29th September. Herrenschmidt, H.; electric conducting-product manufacture ; 23913 ; 15th January. Herriok, A. B. (see W. E. Hughes ; 24271. 24272, 24273). Heirick, A. B. (see J. T. Hunter. 24174).





Herrick, M. ; milk-cooler; 24998; Ist October. Hervey, C. E. W., and another ; bucket, &c, handle ; 24510 ; 9th June. Herzog, G. ; hot-water boiler ; 24070 ; 26th February. Hesketh, H. H. ; electric time-alarm and gas-cut-off ; 24194 : 27th March. Hesketh, H. H. ; time gas-cut-off, with electric alarm ; 25338 ; 12th December. Heskett, T. J., and another ; iron, &c, manufacture : 24196; 31st March. Hesse, A. ; railway-signal apparatus ; 24368 ; 6th May. Hewson, ('. ; rail-joint; 24824 ; 20th August. Heyea, P., and others ; stamp, &c, vending machine ; (R. J. Dickie and J. H. Brown) ; 24312 ; 28th April. Heys, ,). E. ; egg-carrier ; 24851 ; 28th August. Hibberd, H. G. ; mineral-slimes lifting ; 24202 ; 31st Mf.rch. Higgins, M. ; escape of air in brakes detection, &c. ; 24281 ; 16th April. Higgs, W. G., and others; fuel-economizer; 24596; 2nd July. Hilford, J., and anotbe-; driving-belt, &c. ; 25336; 9th December. Hill, C, and another ; artificial denture ; 24671 ; 15th July. Hill, E., and others ; potato-grubber, &c. ; 24701; 18th July. Hillman (see Chellis-Hillman Company). Hitchcock, F., and another; cooler, &c. : 25250; 24th November. Hitchcn, W. T. ; gas-generator, &c. ; 25237; 19th November. Hoban, A. J. ; vehicle-brake ; 24006 ; 17th February. Hobbs, J. C. ; wax and oil extractor ; 24827 ; 19th August. Hobbs, W. ; dust-collector for tramway; 25263; 25th November. Hodder, A. E. (see Auto-Hydraulic Limited ; 24013, 25230). Hodge, C. E., and another ; teat-cup; 25184; 6th November. Hodges, J. F. C, and another ; ploughshare; 2529! ; 3rd December. Hodson, J. E. ; pneumatic-wheel tube ; 24620 ; 2nd July. Hoelle, J. ; washing-machine ; 24405 ; 19th May. Holbourns, J. G., and another (see W. E. Hughes ; 23970). Holbourns, J. G., and another (see J. T. Hunter; 24014, 24015). Holland, G. W. ; horse-shoeing appliance; 24525; 13th June. Hollingworth, A. ; tire ; 24658 ; 14th July. Homan, W. M. ; sun-dial ; 25270 ; 23rd November. Hommel, W., and another (see Metals Extraction Corporation, Limited ; 25296). Hooker, W. ; air supplying apparatus ; 23981 ; 7th February. Hooker, W. ; primary battery ; 24020 ; 19th February. Hope. E. ; spark-extinguisher ; 24858 ; 31st August. Hope, E, and another; artificial denture; 24671 ; 15th July. Hopkirk, J. ; vacuum-pump ; 24526 ; 16th June. Hopkirk, J., and another; agitating-apparatus ; 25393 ; 29th December. Hopping, C. H. ; teat-cup support; 24343 ; 2nd May. Horman, A. ; minnow ; 25004 ; 30th September. Horst (see Clemens-Horst). Hosch, E. P., and another ; rotary pump ; 24482 ; 4th June. H nilder Bros, and Co., Limited, and another; chilled-meat, &c, storing ; 23881 ; 3rd January. Houlker, W. ; cask; 24802; ]sth August. Howcroft, W. J. ; clothes-washer ; 24846 ; 27th August. Hudson, J. G., and another; signalling-apparatus; 24039; 22nd February. Hudson, J. G., and another; railway-signal apparatus; 24686 ; 18th July. Hudson. J. G., and others; ferro-concrete construction ; 24051 ; 25th February. Hudson, R., and Co., Limited ; box or case ; (R. G. Hudson) ; 24929; 12th September. Hudson, R. G. (see R. Hudson and Co.. Limited; 24929). Hughes, E. B. ; see-saw ; 25359 ; 17th December. Hughes, P. R. ; bale-fastener ; 25102 ; 21st October. Hughes, W. E. ; spouting-bracket; (C. J. Cooze) ; 23908 ; 13th January. Hughes, W. E. ; linotype-machine ; (Linotype and Machinery Limited — J. G. Holbourns and H. A. Longhurst) ; 23970 ; sth February. Hughes, W. E. ; pianoforte, organ, &c. ; (F. Clutsam); 23995 ; 12th February. Hughes, W. E. ; printing-machine ; (The Printing Machinery Company, Limited—H. F. Bechman); 24274; 14th April. Hughes, W. E. ; booklet for time-tables, &c. ; (J. E. Felstead); 24363 ; 7th May. Hughes, W. E. ; bonding rails ; (Electric Railway Improvement Company—A. B. Herrick) ; 24271 ; 14th April.

Hughes, W. E. ; rail-bonding apparatus ; (Electric Railway Improvement Company—A. B. Herrick); 24272; 14th April. Hughes, W. E. ; electrodes for welding, &c. ; (Electric Railway Improvement Company—A. B. Herrick) ; 24273 ; 14th April. Hume, A. G., and another ; label making and printing machine ; 24989 ; 30th September. Humphreys, E. W. ; plate-washer ; 24452 ; 28th May. Humphries, G. E. ; platform-support; 24887 ; 4th September. Hunter, G. M. K. ; fencing-standard ; 24160 ; 9th March. HuSter, J. D., and another ; curd-rack; 23984; 7th February. Hunter, J. D., and another ; milk and curd agitator ; 23985 ; 7th February. Hunter, J. T. ; typographical composing and printing machine ; (Linotype and Machinery Limited— J. G. Holbourns and H. A. Longhurst); 24014 ; 19th February. Hunter, J. T. ; justifying-apparatus; (Linotype and Machinery, Limited— J. G. Holbourns and H. A. Longhurst); 24015 ; 19th February. Hunter, J. T. ; metal-welding ; (The Electric Railway Improvement Company—A. B. Herrick); 24174; 25th March. Hunter, J. T. ; typographical composing-machine; (Linotype and Machinery, Limited—C. S. Woodroffe, H. Pearce, and J. E. Billington); 24198 ; Ist April. Hunter, J. T. ; incandescent-mantle manufacture; (C. R. Bohm); 24199 ; Ist April. Hunter, J. T. ; typographical composing-machine; (Linotype and Machinery, Limited—W. J. Rennie) ; 24529 ; 16th June. Hunter, J. T. ; typographical composing-machine; (Linotype and Machinery, Limited —H. Pearee and J. E. Billington); 25229; 18th November. Hunter, J. T. ; typographical composing-machine; (Linotype and Machinery, Limited—C. A. Albrecht and C. Muehleisen); 24702 ; 21st July. Hunter, J. T. ; typographical composing-machine; (Linotype and Machinery, Limited—H. Pearce and J. E. Billington) ; 24906 ; 10th September. Hunton, G. W. ; boot or shoe instep ; 24836 ; 25th August. Hurle, J., and others; milking-machine; 24615; 4th July. Hursthouso, E. W. ; lamp-pillar ; 25107 ; 21st October. Hursthouse, E. W. ; steam cooking-appa,ratus ; 25108; 21st October. Hursthouse, F. ; lamp-extinguisher ; 24765 ; 6th August. Hutchinson, G. ; seed-sower ; 24009 ; 18th February. Hutchinson, G., and another ; meat-safe ; 24884 ; 3rd September. Hutchinson, G. ; weighing-apparatus ; 24588 ; 30th June. Hutchinson, G. ; reading-stand ; 25056 ; 12th October. Hutchinson, G., and another; meat-safe; 25388; 24th December. Hutchinson, G. F. ; fluid pressure or suction motor ; 24730 ; 27th July. Hutehinson, J. H. ; transporting merchandise, &c. ; 24116; 11th March. Hutchinson, J. H. ; platform-transferrer; 24320; 25th April. Hutchinson, J. H. ; tipping-lorry ; 24885 ; Ist September. Hyde, G. ; extension-table ; 24043 ; 24th February. Hyde, G. ; extension-table ; 25192 ; 10th November. Hyde, G. ; holder for telephone-list; 24916 ; 12th September. Hytten, E. A. ; telephonic apparatus; 24138 ; 10th March. Ibbotson, E. ; washing-fluid ; 25329 ; 9th December. Imlay, W. L. ; lixiviator ; 24560 ; 25th June. Imlay, W. L. ; filter; 25113; 22nd October. Imlay, W. L. ; metal-extraction ; 25345 ; 15th December. Indahl, M. C., and another (see Monotype Machine [Colonial Patents] Syndicate, Limited ; 25145). Inglis, G. W. ; flax-machine ; 24333 ; 27th April. Innes, G. P., and another ; speed-gear ; 24207 ; 2nd April. Inwood, R. G., and another (see E. Phillips ; 25178). Irabien (see De Irabien). Irwin, P. S. ; preventing marine engines from racing ; 25040 ; 6th October. Iwikau, T., and another ; cow-bail; 24914 ; 12th September. Jack, A. ; gas-generator ; 24423 ; 21st May. Jackson, A. G. ; chaff-cutter riddle ; 24474 ; 2nd June. Jackson, F. H. ; scythe-handle grip ; 25262 ; 25th November. Jackson, F. J., and others; liquid-measuring apparatus; 25319; 9th December. Jackson, J. D., and others ; gas stove ; 25132 ; 24th October. Jackson, J. J., and another; tire-inflation mechanism • 24080; 4th March.

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Jackson, , !'.; scrub-cutter; 24544; 18th June. Jahraus, E. M. ; ore-concentrator; 24376; 11th May. James, A. ; tube or ball mill; (W. Neal); 24732-; 28th July. James, A., and others ; window-sash balance ; 25158 ; 30th October. James, F. H. ; target; 24762 ; 4th August. .James, W. J., and another; bootmaking method; 24514; 11th June. Jamieson, J., and another ; braces ; 24688 ; 18th July. Jane, H. ; water-heater ; 24365 ; 4th May. Janzon, M., and another ; imitation marble ; 24046 ; 24th February. Jarrett, A. ; kerosene-pump ; 25033 ; 7th October. Jeantet, M. (see M. Rutty ; 24868). Jeffrey, T., and another; flooring-compound; 23935; 27th January. Jellyman, W. A. ; removing turnips, &c, from throats of cattle ; 24602 ; 2nd July. Jenckel, G. M., and another; exterminating animals and noxious insects ; 23971; sth February. Jenkin, W. T. ; weighing-apparatus ; 24833 ; 22nd August. Jenkins, C. A., and another; air-brake coupling; 24626; 6th July. Jenkins, C. V. ; bevel-square ; 24476 ; 4th June. Jenkins, C. V. i fireplace; 24495; sth June. Jenkins, J. H. ; dynamo and motor ; 24398 ; 16th June. Jenkins, W., and others; gold-saving table; 25139; 29th October. Jenkinson, (J. H., and another; milk, &c, cooler; 24917; 14th September. Jensen, A. ; liquid-ripener ; 24644; 11th July. Jensen, I. R. ; marble-manufacture ; 23957 ; 31st January. Jensen, I. R., and another; flooring-compound ; 23935; 27th January. Jerram, A. E., and another (see United Shoe Machinery Company ; 23976). Jerram, A. E., and others (see United Shoe Machinery Company ; 24933, 25305). Jewell, C. A., and another ; lambs-tail removal; 24038 ; 22nd February. Johansen, H. V. ; piston ; 24366 ; 4th May. Johns, W. F. ; ear-marking appliance ; 24289; 15th April. Johnson, A. B. ; venetian-blind, &c, raiser; 25190; 6th November. Johnson, A. E., and another ; ink ; 25159 ; 31st October. Johnson, J. S. ; wheel-lock for go-cart; 24007 ; 17th February. Johnson, R. H. ; wash-tub ; 24770 ; 3rd August, Johnson, S. L., and another (see E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward ; 23885). Johnson, W. C. ; water-distributor ; 23880 ; 3rd January. Johnstone, R., and others; musical instrument; 24790; 13th August. Jolly, W. L. ; boot-sole ; 24500; 4th June. Jones (see Garner-Jones). Jones, A. E., and another; nipple-coupling for electric-wire pipe ; 25261 ; 25th November. Jones, G., and others; gold-saving shaking-table; 25130; 29th October. Jones, H. E. ; bicycle-pump holder ; 24612 ; 4th July. Jones, J. G. ; music-leaf clip ; 24537 ; 16th June. Jones, P. A., and another ; pasteurisation process ; 25247 ; 17th November. Jones, T. A. ; pencil-sharpener ; 24480 ; 30th May. Jones, W. W., and another ; revolving-sign ; 24834 ; 22nd August. Jowett, J. ; coal-gas manufacture; 24631 ; Bth July. Joyce, A. J. ; washing-fluid ; 24427 ; 22nd May. Jumeaux, C, and others ; ship's course deviation-recorder ; 24735 ; 29th July. Kaleski, R. L. S. ; knife ; ,24637 ; 6th July. Kannuluik, J.; closet-ventilator; 25211; 12th November. Karutz, C. ; bag-closing device; 25196; 11th November. Katene, W. ; fish hook and bait; 24653 ; 13th July. Keall, F. B. (see United Shoe Machinery Company ; 25201). Keen, W. M., and another ; rabbit-preserving; 24656; 11th July. Keesing, H. M. ; air-tank ; 25109 ; 17th October. Keir, J. (see P. and D. Duncan, Limited ; 24674, 25266). Kelly, H. A. E. ; cog-wheel; 24417; 19th May. Kelly, J. D., and others ; delivering liquors from bottles ; 24603 ; 2nd July. Kempshall, E. ; tire ; 24663 ; 27th August, 1907.t Kendrick, C. ; milk-cooler ; 24912 ; Bth September.

Kent, J. R. ; shoe ; 24232 ; Bth April. Kent, J. R. ; shoette-upper; 24857 ; 31st August. Kerr, J. H., and another ; detecting moisture in bales ; 24112 ; 9th March. Keyes, E. L. (see United Shoe Machinery Company ; 25314). Kibblewhite, J. T. ; sash-adjuster ; 24298 ; 22nd April. Kidd, J., and another; condenser; 25114; 22nd October. Kilborn, A. ; valve-mechanism ; 24843 ; 26th August Kilburn, B. E. D. ; explosive; 24527; 16th June. Killen, E. B. ; rubber wheel-tread ; 24270 ; 14th April. Killen, E. B. ; wheel; 24385 ; 12th May. King, E. E. ; boot-upper; 24479; 4th June. King, H. S. (see N. Guthridge ; 24287). King, T. S., and another ; vehicle-wheel; 243(i(>; 6th May. Kinney, A. F. ; sheep-dipping apparatus; 24881; 3rd September. Kinnerney, W. E. ; fire-extinguisher ; 240(57 ; 28th February. Kirkbride, J. L. ; tire ; 24092 ; 2nd March. Kirkby, E. H. ; fire-alarm ; 25268 ; 21st November. Klinger, R. ; stuffing-box, &c. ; 23883 ; 3rd January. Knight, C. M. ; sauce ; 24496 ; 4th June. Knight, S. H., and others ; tire-cover; 23944; 29th January. Knight, S. H., and others ; tire-cover ; 24131 ; 12th March. Knox, R., and another ; fresh-air inlet; 23964; 31et January. Knox, R. H. ; harvester-reel; 24109 ; 6th March. Knox, R. H. ; harvester-reel; 24432 ; 19th May. Koller, J. C. ; ore-treatment; 25127 ; 26th October. Kortlang, A. H. ; farm, &c, gate ; 23896 ; Bth January. Krause, A. H. ; parcel, &c, carrier ; 24538 ; 15th June. Kreissig, M. ; water-tap ; 24669 ; 14th July. Kristensen, K. B. ; motor ; 24766 ; 6th August. Kron, F. R. ; leather-production ; 24130 ; 12th March. Kyle, T. D. (see C. A. Macdonald ; 24706). Laing, D. ; cigarette ; 25065 ; 9th October. Lamb, G. ; door-holder ; 24806 ; 17th August. Lamb and Todd, Limited ; displaying and storing curtains ; (T. H. White); 25007 ; 2nd October. Lambert, F. A. ; fencing-post ; 24469 ; 28th May. Lamplough, F., and others ; rotary motor, &c. ; 25197; 11th November. Lamson Consolidated Store Service Company ; pneumatictube system ; (A. W. Pearsall); 24435; 23rd May. Lamson Consolidated Store Service Company ; cable-carrier apparatus ; (G. A. Amsden); 24436 ; 23rd May. Lamson Paragon Supply Company, Limited, and another; document-file; 24416; 20th May. Landells, W. G. ; branding-appliance; 24283; 21st April. Landon, J. M. ; talking-machine; 24120; 11th March. Landon, J. M. ; talking-machine ; 24708 ; 23rd July. Langdown, W. H. ; truss ; 24395 ; 15th May. Lamer, J. S. (see J. A. Harriss; 25112). Large, R. A. ; manure, &c, distributor; 25240; 19th November. Laurenson, J. 8., and another ; snow-board ; 24002 ; 15th February. Laut, C.| and others ; candlestick ; 25265 ; 24th November. Laut, J., and others ; candlestick ; 25265 ; 24th November. Laut, J. H., and others; candlestick; 25265; 24th November. Laval (see de Laval). Layer, A. F. ; printing-roller cleaner; 24485; 4th June. Lavery, J. ; plough, &c. ; 24559 ; 25th June. Lawrence, T., and another ; household cooler ; 25304 ; 21st December. Lawton, A. ; milk, &c, cooler ; 24037 ; 22nd February. Lawton, A. ; bracket for scaff Id-support; 24144; 18th March. Layton, W. J. S. ; chair-leg cushion ; 25352 ; 14th December. Lazarus, A. E. (see R. A. H. Lazarus ; 24582). Lazarus, R. A. H. ; candle-holder ; (A. E. Lazarus); 24582 ; 29th June. Lazell, E. W., and another (see H. S. Spackman Engineering Company ; 24540, 25005). Lean, R. F. ; lubricant; 25380 ; 24th December. Le Cornu, P. H. ; furniture; 25119; 23rd October. Le Couteur, J. G. ; horse-collar ; 24740 ; 30th July. Le Cren, W. J., and another; snow-board ; 24002 ; 15th February. Lederer, A. (see Westinghouse Metal Filament Lamp Company ; 24864, 24865, 24905). Leech, C. ; egg-beater ; 24305 ; 27th April. Leman, A. A. ; building-block ; 24406 ; 14th May. Le Marquand, C. W., and another ; heating liquids by exhaust ; 24660 ; 21st August.





Le Marquand, P. A., and another; heating liquids by exhaust; 24800 ; 21st August. Lennard, F. ; rotary engine ; 25195 ; 12th December, l'Jo7.t Le Roy, E. ; hammock, &c. ; 24879 ; 31st August. Levinson, W. ; cigarette-holder ; 25292 ; 2nd December. Lewes, C. ; spanner ; 25325 ; 10th December. Lewis, J. ; acetylene-gas generator ; 25136 ; 28th October. Lewis, P. J. ; wire-strainer ; 25320 ; 9th December. Lietz, W. F. ; receptacle for liquid; 24782; 11th August. Lietz, W. F., and another; paper, &c., receptacle; 24087; 18th July. Lietz, W. F., and another; plastic material; 25323; 10th December. Lightband, A. G., and another; composition of matter; 23958 ; 31st January. Lightband, C. D. ; vehicle-tire ; 24627 ; 7th July. Lightband, C. D. ; food for pigs, &c. ; 24980 ; 28th September. Lightband, C. D., and another; composition of matter; 23958; 31st January. Lightband, C. D., and others; tire-cover; 23944; 29th January. Lightband, C. D., and others; tire-cover; 24131 ; 12th March. Lindsay, H. E. ; correspondence-arrangement; 23996 ; 12th February. Lindsay, J. A. ; buffer-cylinder ; 24828 ; 19th August. Lindsay, R. N. R. ; compass ; 24099 ; sth March. Linotype and Machinery, Limited (see W. E. Hughes ; 23970). Linotype and Machinery, Limited (see J. T. Hunter ; 24014, 24015, 24198, 24529, 24702, 24906, 25229). Linstrom, F. O. ; plough; 24874; 2nd September. Linstrom, K. 1. ; milking-machine ; 25273 ; 11th December, 1907.t Littlewood, T. J., and another; footwear; 23901 ; 6th January. Lizzani, W. ; wash-board; 24090; 29th February. Lloyd, R. L, and another (see F. Bennitt; 24084). Lock, F. ; document file and binder ; 25143 ; 29th October. Locking, B. ; poison-gas generator ; 24530 ; Kith June. Locking, B. ; vermin-fumiga,tor ; 25250 ; 21st November. Logan, H. A.; billiard and dining table ; 24586 ; 30th June. Logan, H. A. ; bicycle-support; 24604 ; 3rd July. Loke, J. J. ; tile, &c, manufacture ; 25401 ; 29th October, f Lomas, J. ; apple-grader; 25206; 11th November. Long, T. F. ; thistle-exterminator ; 25298 ; 2nd December. Longhurst, H. A., and another (see W. E. Hughes; 23970). •Longhurst, H. A., and another (see J. T. Hunter; 24014, 24015). Loomes, C. ; wool-pack ; 24639; 10th July. Lopdell, J. F. ; fireplace-rack; 24893; 4th September. Lord, A. F., and another ; splicing-ear ; 25160 ; 31st October. Lord, A. F., and another; section-insulator; 25165; 2nd November. Love, W. J., and another; cement; 25031 ; 3rd October. Low, J., and another ; flax-machine ; 24859 ; 31st August. Low, J., and others ; flax-treating apparatus ; 25094 ; 20th October. Low, J., and others ; flax-scutcher ; 25095 ; 20th October. Low, J., and others; flax-treating apparatus; 25096; 20th October. Low, R. S. B. ; glazing-bar ; 25216 ; 12th November. Lowe, G. I. ; rail-joint; 24761 ; 4th August. Lowenstein (see Anne of Lowenstein-Wertheim). Luke, R. ; surface-dresser; 24153; 18th March. Luke, R. L. L. ; brooch-pin ; 24745 ; 27th July. Lund, J. P. H. ; ships' rudder ; 25371 ; 21st December. Lunt, O. ; bread-manufacture; 25311; 9th December. Lungley, C. F. ; iron and steel, &c, preserving; 24714; 23rd July. Luttrell, A. E., and another ; pump; 24482; 4th June. Lyell, A. ; railway-carriage coupling ; 24822 ; 20th August. Lyell, A. ; pudding-mould ; 24918 ; 14th September. Lyttleton, W. R. ; music-leaf turner ; 24897 ; Bth September. Maatschappij tot vervaardiging van Snij machines volgens " Van Berkel's Patent " en van andere werktuigen ; moatslicing machine ; (A. Roest); 24533 ; 17th June. Macallister, J. T. ; railway-carriage door actuator ; 24854 ; 29th August. Macalpin, A. T. ; sack-fastener ; 25018 ; sth October. Mac Arthur, A. ; weed-exterminator ; 24696 ; 20th July. McCarthy, A. J., and another; wheel; 24970; 24th September. McCarty, J. W. ; spanner ; 24975 ; 25th September. McCorkindale, N. M. ; plough ; 24618 ; 3rd July.

McDermott, P. J. , and another ; fountain; 24641; Bth July. Macdonald, C. A. ; butter-manufacture; (T. D. Kvle) ; 24706 ; 23rd July. McDonald, H. E. ; baling-press ; 24146 ; 16th April, 1907-t McDonald, R. ; swingle-tree hook ; 24466 ; 30th May. McDonald, R. J. ; shoe ; 25060 ; 9th October. Macdonald, V. ; casting dental inlays ; 24692 ; 17th July. McDonald, W. J., and another; milk-agitating apparatus; 25393 ; 29th December. McDonnell, H. W., and another; lubricator; 24462; 30th May. McDonough, T. ; wool-scouring, &c, machine ; 25343; 15th December. McDougall, E. G. (see J. T. Muir ; 23893, 25025). McEachern, W. ; lifting-jack ; 24835 ; 25th August. McElroy, W. J. ; mowing-machine ; 24629 ; 7th July. McElroy, W. J. ; scrub-cutter ; 24919 ; 14th September. MacEwan, G. H. ; milk and curd agitating apparatus; (R. W. D. Robertson); 24813; 17th August, McFaddin, W. O. ; drain-trap ; 24069 ; 26th February. McFeely, R. F. (see United Shoe Machinery Company; 24325, 24326). McGaffin, R. ; flax-catcher ; 24943 ; 17th September. McGeever, W. H. ; staff-working of railway, &c. ; 24821 ; 20th August. McGrath, M. J. ; coal-loading appliance ; 24694 ; 20th July. McGregor, G., and others; fuel-economizer; 24596; 2nd July. McGregor, W. P. S., and another ; wire-strainer ; 25075 ; 12th October. McHarg, J. ; perambulator-strap ; 25213 ; 12th November. Mclntire, C. S. ; chain-link casting ; 24703 ; 21st July. Mclntosh, A. M. ; mouth-gag ; 24419 ; 16th May. Macintosh, H., and another ; fan, &c. ; 23890 ; 4th January. Mclntyre, C. ; fumigating-appliance ; 24750 ; 31st July. Mclsaac, J. T., and another (see United Shoe Machinery Company ; 24451). Mclver, S. K. ; furnace and copper ; 24205 ; 2nd April. MoKee, C. ; record-book for brands, &c. ; 24403 ; 18th May. Mackey, J. ; tongs ; 24137 ; 10th March. McKellar, C. G. ; pelton-wheel; 24052; 24th February. Mackenzie, M. X., and others ; ironing-appliance ; 24235; 9th April. Mackenzie, N. H., and others; ironing-appliance; 24235; 9th April. McLaren, J. ; lead-headed nail; 24590 ; Ist July. McLaughlin, F. ; go-cart; 24935 ; 17th September. McLaurin, J. D. ; temperature-tester; (W. Alexander); 23963 ; 3rd February. McLaurin, J. D. ; temperature-tester (W. Alexander); 25194; 11th November. McLean, J. N. ; roofing-iron attaching; (W. Alexander); 23961 ; 31st January. McLellan, L. ; ferro-concrete-moiilding machine ; 24685 ; 18th July. McLeod, F. D. ; corrosion-prevention solution; 25111; 19th October. McLeod, J. H. ; cheese-vat; 25187 ; 7th November. McLuskie, A., and another ; ointment ; 24387 ; 12th May. Macmeikan, J.; cool chamber; (R. Rayson) ; 25171; 4th November. McMiken, S. D. ; metallurgical furnace; 25118; 20th October. McMullen, J. ; mail-bag receiver, &c. ; 2510(5; 21st October. McNabb, T. ; picture-frame making ; 25035 ; Bth October. McNeil, A. H. (see The Pearson Fire-alarm Limited ; 24352). McNicoll, R. W. ; cake-cooler ; 24573 ; 26th June. McPharlin, E. P. S. ; securing wire to posts ; 25023 ; 6th October. McPherson, J. S. ; broom, &c, bracket; 25041 ; 9th October. Madden, A. J. ; applying pressure to liquids ; 24027 ; 17th February. Madden, J. M. ; motive-power transmitter ; 25394 ; 29th December. Maddison, VV. ; railway sleeping - accommodation ; 23903 ; Bth June. Magnus, E. R. ; casting dental inlays ; 24502 ; 9th June. Magnus, E. R. ; mould for casting dental inlays ; 24534 ; 17th June. Mahon, G. L. ; hat-pin ; 24808 ; 18th August. Maighan, H. ; raising blinds ; 25076 ; 12th October. Main, J. E. ; lawn-trimmer ; 24954 ; 21st September. Main, T. T. ; food-preserving ; 24055 ; 26th February. Mainland, H. L. ; trap-attachment; 25332 ; 9th December. Main waring, W. E. ; telephone - disinfector ; 25010 ; 3rd October.


Alphabetical list op applicants for letters patent for 1908— continued.

Mainwaring, W. E. ; telephone-disinfeetor, &c. ; 25238; 19th November. Maiden, A., and another ; tar-treatment; 24552 ; 24th June. Maiden, W. J., and another; tar-treatment; 24552; 24th June. Mander, F. H. ; saw-frame-spacing device ; 24991 ; 30th September. Mann, C. B. ; notice plate ; 23914 ; 15th January. Mann, W. J. ; ferro-concreto pile ; 23910; 11th January. Marchant (see Alman-Marchant). Mardon, J. W., and others; ferro-concrete construction; 24051 ; 25th February. Mardon, J. W. ; ferro-conerete construction; 24051 ; 25th February. Mardon, J. W., and another; railway-signal; 24686; 18th July. Marks, H. J.; building-construction; 25210; 12th November. Marks, H. S. ; chaff, &c, cutter; 25209 ; 12th November. Marks, J. ; turbine ; 24143 ; 13th March. Marks, J. ; turbine; 24657; 11th July. Marks, L. ; stretching cloth, &c. ; 24149 ; 18th March. Marks, S. A. 8., and another; hat-fastening; 24798 ; 13th August. Marquand (see Le Marquand). Marriage, M. W., and another ; removing sand from castings ; 25391 ; 24th December. Marsh, R. F. ; spring mattress ; 24028 ; 18th February. Marshall-Thomas, J. ; cycle-stand ; 25299 ; 2nd December. Martin, G. P., and another; animal-cover ; 24141 ; 18th March. Martin, H. S. ; electrical-resistance device; 24789; 12th August. Martin, H. S. ; producing mechanical vibrations ; 25020 ; 6th October. Martin, R. A. ; clothes-line ; 24087 ; 4th March. Martyn, T. ; window-sash frame ; 24605 ; 3rd July. Martyn, T. ; board-joint; 24682; 18th July. Martyn, T. ; billiard-table; 24776; 10th August. Martyn, T. ; weathcrboarding ; 24781; 1 lth August. Marzi, D. ; telephone apparatus ; 24126 ; 12th March. Mascord, G. W. : motive-power transmission, &c. ; 24659 ; 14th July. Mason, J. ; gate-latoh ; 25129 ; 27th October. Mason, S. E., and another; food-preserving; 24784; 12th August. Massey, (.'. B. ; medicine ; 25360 ; 18th December. Matteis (see De Matteis). Matthews, C. H. ; billiard-table; 24163; 23rd March. Maunder, A., and another; provision safe, &c. ; 23918; 16th January. Maunder, R. M. ; curtain-pole suspender; 23904; 11th January. Maunder, R. M., and another; provision-safe, &c. ; 23918; 16th January. Maunder, R. M., and another ; curtain-lifter ; 24826 ; 22nd August. Maunsell, R. ; invalids' table ; 24422 ; 21st May. Maxim, H. P. (see Maxim Silent Fire-arms Company ; 25373). Maxim Silent Fire-arms Company; gun-discharge silencer; (H. P. Maxim); 25373 ; 23rd December. Maxwell, A. E. ; telephone-call, &c. ; 24110; 6th March. May, F. W. ; flax-washer ; 24971 ; 24th September. May, F. W. ; ballast-truck ; 25039 ; Bth October. May, J., and another ; bath ; 24381 ; Bth May May, M., and another ; bath ; 24381 ; Bth May. Mayne, J. P. ; milk, &c, cooler ; 23993 ; 12th February. Mayson, T. W., and another ; life-saving catcher for tramcar ; 24779 ; 7th August. Mead, W. C. ; cycle-handle bar ; 25021 ; 6th October. Meagher, J., and another ; reinforced-concrete post; 24288 ; 15th April. Meagher, J. , and another ; reinforced concrete ; 24425 ; 19th May. Meek, R., and another; billiard-table ; 25098; 19th October. Meharry, W. ; oiling traps, &c. : 24100 ; 6th March. Mellor, W. W. (see The Swiftsure Syndicate, Limited ; 23879). Merrill, C. W. ; recovering metals from solution ; 24994 ; Ist October. Merry, H. E. D. ; rock-drill feed-screw; 25289 ; 28th November. Metals-extraction Corporation, Limited; zinc-separation ; (W. Hommel and H. L. Sulman); 25296 ; .3rd December, 1907.f Metters, C. H., and others ; gas-stove; 25132; 24th October. Metters, J. T., and others ; gas-stove; 25132 ; 24th October.

Meuli, C. ; animal-cover fastening ; 24256 ; 10th April. Mieville, M. F. ; carburetted-air production; 25285 ; 2nd December. Millar, J. A. ; rowlock ; 23973 ; 6th February. Miller, H., and another; castrating, &c, appliance; 24473; 2nd June. Millis, R. ; speed-indicator ; 23954 ; 28th January. Millis, R. ; sheet-delivering apparatus ; 23965 ; 30th January. Millis, R. ; gold-saving process ; 24089 ; 29th February. Millis, R. ; flax-catcher, &c. ; 24106 ; sth March. Millis, R. ; tire-protector ;] 25064 ; 9th October. Mills, C.; securing heads of tools to handles ; 23942 ; 29th January. Mills, B. C. E., and others ; stamps, &c., vending machine ; (R. J. Dickie and J. H. Brown); 24312 ; 28th April. Millward, C. F. ; sack-filling device ; 24882 ; 31st August. Milne, J. A., and another ; current turbine ; 23948 ; 28th January. Miracle and Dow (see C. A. Hamlin and Co. ; 24277). Mitchell, H. C. ; paper-treatment; 24923 ; 4th July, 1906.f Mitchell, J. ; walling and partitions ; 24166 ; 20th March. Mitchell, J. ; wall, &c, construction ; 25057 ; 12th October. Mitchell, J. ; wall, &c,, construction ; 25070 ; 13th October. Mitchell, J. ; building-plaster; 25071; 13th October. Mitchell, J. W. ; bowling-green-levelling apparatus ; 24304 ; 24th April Mitchell, T., and another ; dust-arrester, &c. ; 23886 ; 3rd January. Mitchell, T., and others; candlestick; 25265; 24th November. Moffat, J. ; gate ; 24842 ; 26th August. Moffatt, H., and another; curtain-lifter; 24826; 22nd August. Moir, J. B. ; wash-stand ; 24801 ; 3rd September. Molloy, J. F., and another; overlay process for block-print-ing ; 24736 ; 29th July. Monotype Machine (Colonial patents) Syndicate, Limited; record-strip controller; (J. Bancroft and M. C. Indahl); 25145 ; 29th October. Monotype Machine (Colonial patents) Syndicate, Limited; composing-machine; (W. Bancroft); 25368; 22nd December. Monteath, L. M. M. ; flax-treatmei>t; 25073 ; 13th October. Moore, E. H., and another; securing animal-rugs; 24029; 17th February. Moore, J., and another; rabbit-preserving; 24656; 11th July. Moore, K. R. W. ; hair-pin ; 24101 ; 6th March. Moore, M., and another; iron manufacture; 24196; 31st March. Moore, W. ; wire-strainer ; 25307 ; 9th December. Morgan, D. ; collapsible mould ; 24204 ; 2nd April. Morgan, H. ; pump ; 24609 ; 29th June. Morgan, H. ; pontoon ; 24610 ; 29th June. Morgan, H., and another; current turbine; 23948; 28th January. Morley, G. H. ; cleaning drinking, &c, vessels; 25208; 1 lth November. Morris, J., and another ; hat-fastening; 24798; 13th August. Morris, J. H., and another; seed-sower; 25141; 29th October. Morris, T. ; vehicle-step ; 24091 ; 29th February. Monis, T. C. ; grate ; 24158 ; 20th March. Morrison, A. ; stern-tube of steamer; 24987 ; 29th September. Morton, W. ; current motor ; 24973 ; 23rd September. Morton, W., and others ; lock ; 24999 ; 29th September. Moscicki, L. ; nitrogen-oxide production ; 25148 ; 29th October. Mosle, C, and others ; meat-preserving process ; 23895 ; Bth January. Moss, E. ; fire-alarm, &c. ; 24498 ; 6th June. Moss, E. ; fire-alarm ; 24676 ; 16th July. Moss, E. ; fire-alarm ; 24984 ; 28th September. Moss, E. ; fire-alarm ; 25084; 15th October. Moss, E., and another ; heat and moisture tester ; 25157 ; 27th October. Mossong, L., and another; carriage - seat; 25131; 27th October. Muehleisen, C, and another (see J. T. Hunter; 24702). Muir, G. T., and others ; bedstead ; 25308 ; 9th December. Muir, G. T., and others; bedstead-frame cramp; (J. D. Muir); 25375 ; 23rd December. Muir, Q. T., and others ; bedstead-fastening device ; (J. D. Muir) ; 25378 ; 23rd December. Muir, J. D., and others ; bedstead ; 25308 ; 9th December. Muir, J. D. (see G. T., J. X., and T. M. Muir; 25375, 25378).





Muir, J. H., and others; bedstead; 25308; 9th December. Muir, J. X., and others ; bedstead ; 25308 ; 9th December. Muir, J. X., jun., and others ; bedstead-frame cramp ; (J. D. Muir); 25375 ; 23rd December. Muir, J. X., jun., and others; bedstead-fastening device (J. D. Muir) ; 25378 ; 23rd December. Muir, J. T. ; butter pounder and packer ; (E. G. McDougall); 23893 ; 7th January. Muir, J. T. ; dividing, &c, blocks of butter (E. G. McDougall) ; 25025 ; 7th October. Muir, T. M., and others bedstead ; 25308 ; 9th December. Muir, T. M., and others ; bedstead-cramp (J. D. Muir); 25375 ; 23rd December. Muir, T. M., and others ; bedstead-fastening device ; (J. D. Muir); 25378 ; 23rd December. Mulcahy, D. ; railway-ticket-issuing cabinet; (W. Watts); 24128 ; 12th March. Mulcahy, D., and others ; railway lever brake ; 23994 ; 12th February. Mullally, T. L. ; stack, &c, cover ; 24135 ; 13th March. Muller, J. L., and another; cinematographic plate; 24210; 31st March. Mulligan, J. ; hose-coupling (G. W. White) ; 24147 ; 18th March. Murchie, G. D., and another; coin-freed postage machine ; 24800 ; 13th August. Murchison, J. A. ; wire-strainer ; 24951 ; 17th September. Murnane, C. ; windmill; 23940 ; 29th January. Murphy, J. ; wheel; 24191 ; 28th March. Murray, A. C. ; bucket-handle ; 24105 ; 7th March. Murray, C. ; rope-grip ; 25328 ; 11th December. Murray, D. S. ; wool-bale grip; (R. Rogerson) ; 25144; 29th October. Murray, E. ; wheel; 24117; 11th March. Murray, W. ; spanner ; 25092 ; 16th October. Musgrove, F. ; amusement apparatus ; (W.Taylor); 25264; 25th November. Nance, C. W. ; air, gas, &c, extraction; 24054; 26th February. Nance, C. W. ; tanning-process; 24413; 20th May. Nance, C. W. ; preserving and storing comestibles ; 24704 ; 21st July. Nance, C. W., and another ; preservation of edible substances ; 24055 ; 26th February. Napier, W. J. , and others ; stamp, &c., vending machine; J (R. J. Dickie and J. H. Brown) ; 24312 ; 28th April. Nathan, H. ; animal-emasculator ; 24768; 7th August. National Cash Register Company; cash and credit register; (E. S. Church); 25117 ; 22nd October. National Wire-bound Box Company (see E. Phillips ; 25178). Neal, W. (see A. James ; 24732). Nees, B. H. ; metal coupling for wooden frame ; 25321 ; 7th December. Neich, C. R. H., and another; carriage-seat; 25131; 27th October. Neilson, M. M. ; sewage-treatment: 24487 ; 4th June. Nelson, C, and another ; trolly-head; 24507; 10th June. Nelson, G. ; refrigerator ; 25179 ; 4th November. Nelson, R. ; draught, &c, excluder ; 24501 ; 9th June. Nelson, W. ; lamp-ventilator, &c. ; 25034 ; 3rd October. Nesbit, E. ; braces ; 24353 ; sth May. Nesbit, E. ; shoulder-strap, &c. ; 24354 ; sth May. Nevill, E. ; Wire-coiler, &c. ; 24492 ; 4th June. Nevill, E. ; scrub-cutter ; 24493 ; 4th June. Newberry, S. B. (see Wilson's Portland Cement Company, Limited ; 24780). Newbould, M. G. ; electrical conductor cut-off; 24214 ; 3rd April. Newbould, M. G. ; electric tramway ; 24257 ; 11th April. Newbould, M. G. ; electrical conductor cut-off; 24280; 16th April. Newbould, M. G. ; alternating current cut-off ; 24393 ; 14th | May. Newcomb, R. S. ; closet or privy ; 25362 ; 21st December. Newth, W. H. D. ; vessel-holder ; 24600 ; 2nd July. Newton, P. M. ; talking-machine horn; (J. C. English); 25234 ; 18th November. New Zealand Acetylene Gas Lighting Company, Limited; acetylene generator ; (H. P. Desmoulins) ; 24744 ; 28th JulyNicholas, A. J. ; Fencing-wire attaching ; 24188 ; 27th March. Nicholls, B. S., and another; cooking-range; 24168; 24th March. Nicholls, F. W. ; butter-testing for moisture ; 24082 ; 4th March.

Nicholls, ,). H., and another; cooking-range; 24108; 24th March. Nichols, H. 0. ; slimes-treatment; 24321 ; 4th February, f Nicholson, H. A. ; beating-bar ; 25386 ; 24th December. Nicholson, H. A. ; flax-stripper ; 25387 ; 24th December. Nicol, W. A. W. ; motor-case repairing; 23936; 22nd January. Nightingall Gas Control Company, Limited ; gas lighter and extinguisher; (V. C. J. Nightingall) ; 25390; 23rd December. Nightingall, V. (!. J. (see Nightingall Gas Control Company, Limited ; 25390). Noad, J.(see Patent Hydro-carbon Limited ; 25398). Noble, J. R., and another; tube-mill-feeding method; 24042 ; 21st February. Noble, R. ; concentrating-table ; 24535 ; 17th June. Noffke, F. W. ; saw-set; 24518; 13th June. Nolan, J. J. ; grain-drill-driving gear ; 24324 ; 30th April. Nordberg, C. V. ; hop-stringer ; 24825 ; 18th August. Norman, J. E. ; manifolding-book ; 24787 ; 12th August. Norris, F. M. ; obviating use of window-sash weights ; 25140 ; 29th October. Norris, F. M. ; non-refillable bottle ; 25340 : 14th December. Norton, E. E. (see J. A. Whitman, 24722, 24723). Noyes, T. E. W. ; rock-drill chuck ; (G. Warren and J. V. fregoning) ; 24391; 13th May. Oakden. F. ; lime-burning process ; (E. Schmatolla) ; 25121 ; 21st October. Oakden, F. ; lime-burning kiln ; (E. Schmatolla) ; 25122 ; 21st October. Oakley, H., and another ; window ; 24512 ; 11th June. Oakley, H., and another ; snow-board; 24634; Bth July. Oakley, H., and another; flushing-cistern attachment ; (F. Wright); 24727 ; 25th July. O'Brien, J. G. ; gas-stove boiler ; 25124 ; 20th October. O'Callaghan, J. H. ; bicycle-pump ; 24213 ; 3rd April. O'Connor, D., and another ; paper, &c, receptacle ; 24687 ; 18th July. O'Connor, D., and another; plastic material; 25323; 10th December. O'Donnell, V. ; rope-makiug machinery ; 25080; 15th October. Offord, W. F. ; truss ; 24156 ; 19th March. Ohm, G. E.; magnetic separator ; 24302 ; 24th April. Oldman, V. G. ; bee-hive ; 24575 ; 29th June. Oldman, W. L. ; braces ; 24587 ; 30th June. Oliver, J. C. ; colander ; 25093 ; 20th October. Oliver, J. E., and another; advertising-device ; 24306 ; 27th April. Olson, C. F. ; roller-blind bracket ; 25272 ; 27th November. Orr, W. M. ; dredge-ladder roller ; 24011; loth February. ■ Orr, W. M. ; rope-grip ; 24040 ; 20th February. Osborn, A., and another (see H. H. Ray ward and E. S. Baldwin ; 24180). Osborne, A., and another ; ore from liquid separation ; 24900; 9th September. Osborne, A., and another; filtering-apparatus; 25128; 26th October. Osborne, A., and another ; filtering-apparatus ; 25180 ; 4th November. Osborne, C. H. ; vessels for containing liquid under pressure ; 23945 ; 29th January. Owen, F. ; oven-shelf ; 25225 ; 17th November. Owen, J. E. ; block or tile for sewer ; 25222 ; Kith November. Owen, J. W. ; sound-record; 24964; 22nd September, 1907. Oxychlorides (1907) Limited; sewage-treating method; (A. B. Thomson) ; 25100 ; 21st October. Packer, J. J. ; milking-machine ; 24356 ; 6th May. Packer, L. ; trouser-clip ; 24774 ; 10th August. Page, C. E. ; preventing horses from running away ; 24276 ; 14th April. Page, F. W. ; wire-strainer ; 25297 ; 3rd December. Page, W. V.; label - attaching to fabric; 23950; 27th January. Page, W. V. ; label - attaching to fabric; 25153; 26th October. Paladini, R. ; fan ; 25054 ; 12th October. Pallant, W. J. ; shoe-upper manufacture ; 24035; 22nd February. Palmer, T., and another; steam-turbine; 25156; 22nd October. Palmer, W. H. ; explosive ; 24371 ; Bth May. Pannett, J. A. ; lagoon-drainage system ; 24958 ; 22nd September.



Papworth, E., and others; potato-grubber, &c. ; 24701 ; 18th July. Park, A. J. ; picture-mount cutter ; 24260 ; 10th April. Park, A. .I. ; plan, to., marker j 24261 ; 10th April. Park. A. J. ; mitre-box ; 245(51) ; 23rd June. Park, A. J. ; cement-burning apparatus ; 24607 ; Ist July. Park, J. R. ; regulations of electric; potential ; (Pintch's Patent Lighting Company, Limited—O. Schaller); 23906 ; Bth January. Park, J. R. ; incandescent mantle ; (Welsbach Light Company of Australasia, Limited—M. P. V. Delage); 24130 ; 10th March. Parker, A. ; totalisator ; 24057 ; 20th February. Parker. A., and another ; label-making, &c, machine ; 24989 ; 30th September. Parker, E. A. ; window-fastener ; 25024 ; 7th October. Parker, T. ; coal, &c, distillation ; 25306; 9th December. Parsons, C. A. ; turbine-blade-shaping machine ; 23888 ; 3rd January. Par-ions, 0. A. ; turbine ; 25402 ; 30th December. Parsons, W. J. ; step-ladder ; 25069 : 13th October. Pascoe, W. J. W., and another ; milk-delivering apparatus ; 24239 ; 7th April. Patchett, J. ; threshing-machine ; 24508 ; 2nd June. Patent Hydro-carbon Limited ; hydro-carbon oil-treatment (J. Noad); 25398; 31st December. Paterson J. A. ; gas-generator ; 24772 ; Bth August. Paterson, J. A. ; gas-producer ; 25042 ; 9th October. Paterson, J. A. ; gas-apparatus ; 25104 ; 2nd November. Paul, C. H. R. ; pressing and ironing machine ; 25022 ; 6th October. Paulin, J. D. T., and another; ladder-platform bracket; 23986 ; sth February. Payne, F. W. ; water-lifting ; 23897 ; 4th January. Payne, F. W. ; obtaining power from running water ; 23983 ; 4th February. Peacock, J. ; tin-saving appliance ; 24176; 25th March. Peake, J. (jim. ), and another; steam-turbine; 24974; 25th September. Pearce, H. (see British Automatic Aerators, Limited ; 24024). Pearce, H., and another (see J. T. Hunter ; 24906, 25229). Pearce, H., and others (see J. T. Hunter ; 24198). Pearce, P. ; tree-felling shoe ; 23992 ; 12th February. Pearce, W. W. ; travelling-trunk ; 24195 ; 25th April. Pearce, W. W. ; necktie-holder ; 24225 ; 7th April. Pearce, W. W. ; writing-case, &c. ; 24226 ; 7th May. Pearsall, A. W. (see Lamson Consolidated Store Service Company ; 24435). Pearson Fire-alarm Limited-; fire-alarm; (A. H. McNeil); 24352 ; sth May. Pearson, (1. A. ; hose-coupling for brake ; 24377 ; 12th May. Pedersen, J. ; churn and butter-maker ; 24720 ; 21st July. Pennal, T. ; plough ; 24876 ; 2nd September. Penny, C. W. ; dray-loading apparatus ; 24990; 30th September. Perocchio, L. (see De Matteis ; 24021). Perry, A. M. ; cycle mud-guard ; 24785 ; 12th August. Peyrecave (see De Peyrecave). Phelps, J. ; building-plaster; 25220; 14th November. Philpott. A. ; milk-cooler; 24177; 21st March. Philpott. T. S. ; gas-burner ; 24221 ; 6th April. Phillips, E. ; box-blank-making machine; (National Wirebound Box Company—R. (1. lnwood and C. C. Chapman); 25178 ; 4th November. Pick, S., and another ; fire-escape crane ; 24316; 29th April. Pickering, P. ; flooring-cramp; 24282; 21st April. Piercy, E. C. ; milk heater and cooler ; 24716 : 23rd July. Pirn, 0. A., and another; zinc- and lead-foil manufacture; 24269 ; 14th April. Pinches, W. ; sand, &c, soap powder ; 24139; 12th March. Pintsch's Patent Lighting Company, Limited (see J. R. Park ; 23906). Pittler (see Yon Pittler). Pittler Universal Rotary Machine Syndicate, Limited ; rotary engine ; (J. W. Yon Pittler); 24484 ; 4th June. Pomeroy, J. ; steam-boiler furnace ; 24793 ; 13th August. Pomeroy, J., glass-washing appliance ; 25353 ; 14th December. Pond, E. M. (see W. R. Pond and W. R. Hall; 24611). Pond, W. R., and another; medicated tampon; (E. M. Pond) ; 24611 ; 27th June. Ponninghaus, A. M. ; water-heater ; 24337 ; 28th April. Ponninghaus, A. M. ; clothes-washer ; 24338 ; 28th April. Ponninghaus, A. M. ; clothes-washer ; (W. B. D. Ponninghaus) ; 24339 ; 28th April. Ponninghaus, W. B. D. (see A. M. Ponninghaus ; 24339).

Pool, F. W. ; vehicle-brake ; 25108 ; 3rd November. 1 Poole, A. H. ; hair-pad ; 24622 ; (sth July. Poole, D. A. ; teat-cup ; 25214 ; 12th November. Powell, W. J., .and another; offal-treatment; 26396; 30th December. Powrie, J. A. ; poultry, &0., feeding bin; 25082 ; 15th October. Powrie, J. A. ; water-strainer ; 25083 ; 15th October. Poynton, J. J., and another ; post-hole digger ; 24961 ; 23rd September. Preston, J. C. ; lamp ; 24875 ; 2nd September. Preston, J. R. ; hot-water supply ; 24245 ; 9th April. Printing Machinery Company, Limited (see W. E. Hughes ; 24274). Prior, A. ; box-manufacture ; 24845 ; 25th August. Pnlham, G. I). ; fire-brick ; 24421 ; 16th May. Pulley, C. F. ; wharf-deck-planing machine ; 23088 ; 10th February. Pulley, C. F. ; drift for rivet-hole ; 24470 ; Ist June. Quertier, H. ; track-cleaner ; 23925 ; 21st January. Quertier, H. ; umbrella ; 24058 ; 30th April. Quertier, H. ; seat, berth, &c, indicator; 2407.'! ; 27th February. Quertier, H. ; enumerating tally-indicator; 241811 ; 27th March. Quertier, H. ; carburetter ; 25130 ; 27th October. Quertier, H. ; recording and tallying device; 25341 ; 11th December. Quested, J. ; cheese-making appliance ; 25354 ; 4th December. Quin, W. ; trading-coupon ; 24585 ; 30th June. Raby, R. ; tap; 25309; 10th December, 1907. t Railton, E. J., and another; wool-fibre-scouring machine ; 24543 ; 18th June. Ramsay, A. ; tire-inflater ; 24373 ; Bth May. Ramsay, J. ; brake ; 243(il ; (ith May. Ramsay, W. D., and another; flooring substance ; 24234 ; Bth April. Ramsay, W. E-. S., and another; cow-bail; 24140; 14th March. Rami, A. R.. and another; curtain-suspender; 24(113; 4th July. Rann, A. R., and another ; roller-mill for tailings ; 25370 ; 18th December. Rapley, T. W. ; magnetic separator; 24883; 4th September. Rasmussen, H. P. ; auriphone ; 24290; 21st April. Rail, A., and another ; manifold copying-book ; 24553 ; 24th June. Rau, A., and another ; manifold copying-book; 25228; 18th November. Raw, L. H., and another; ramie-treatment; 24380; 12th .May. : Rayson, R. (see J. Macmeikan ; 25171). Rayward, H. H., and another ; cutter for sheep-shearing ; (S. L. Johnson and W. E. Calvert); 23885 ; 3rd January. Rayward, H. H., and another ; filter-press ; (A. J. Arbuckle and A. Osborn); 24180 ; 2Kth March. Rayward, H. H., and another; vessel-closure; (ChellisHillman Company—E. D. Chellis); 24200; Ist April. Reckitt and Sons, Limited ; liquid-sprinkler ; (T. R. Ferens); 245(55 ; 23rd June. Reichel, E. F., and another ; temperature-recorder ; 24247 ; 9th April. Reichel, E. F., and another ; temperature-recorder ; 24248 ; 9th April. Reichel, E. F., and another ; tire-alarm ; 24249 ; 9th April. Reichel, E. F., and another; temperature-recorder; 24279; Kith April. Reichel, L. T., and another ; temperature-recorder ; 24247 ; 9th April. Reichel, L. T., and another; temperature-recorder; 24248; 9th April. Reichel, L. T., and another ; fire-alarm ; 24249 ; 9th April. Reichel, L. T., and another; temperaturj-recorder; 24279--16 th April. Reid, A. W. ; milking-machine ; 25236 ; 18th November. Reid, E. C and another; wire-strainer; 25075; 12th October. Reid, R., and another; washing-compound; (A. Gunn) • 24175; 25th March. Rennio, J., and another; wool - fibre - scouring machine; 24543: 18th June. Rennie, W. J. (see J. T. Hunter, 24529).





Rentoul, 8., and another ; sound-record cleaning, &c. ; 23978 ; 3rd February. Reston, G. P., and another; block-printing overlay-process ; 24736 ; 29th July. Reynolds, E. C. ; bathroom-occupation indicator ; 24297 ; i3th April. Reynolds, H.; horse-racing starting-barrier; 25339; 12th December. Rice, T. ; potato, &c, peeler ; 25134; 28th October. Richards, G. C. ; fume-condenser; 24447; 27th May. Richardson, 1)., and another ; determining moisture in wool and hemp ; 24841 ; 26th August. Richardson, G. ; illusion-apparatus ; 23937 ; 23rd January. Richardson, G. J. ; window-dressing apparatus ; 24222 ; 3rd April. Richardson, W. G. ; flax-machinery ; 24154; 19th March. Richardson, W. G. ; centrifugal machine ; 25085; lfith October. Richardson, W. G. ; hemp-washing, &c. ; 25221; 13th November. Richmond, R. R., and others; wool-press; 23980; 7th February. Riddell, W. H. ; desk ; 24625 ; 6th July. Riddles, A. L. ; furniture-polish ; 24509 ; 9th June. Ridgway, G. ; filtering-machine ; 24098 ; sth March. Rissel, A. K. W., and another ; temperature-recorder ; 24071 ; 29th February. Rissel, A. K. W., and another ; ship-deviation-from-course recorder ; 24093 ; sth March. Rissel, A. K. W., and another ; recording deviation in ship's course, and sounding-alarm ; 25008 ; 2nd October. Ritchie, E. J. ; seat-spring ; 23974 ; sth February. Ritchie, T., and another ; acetylene-generator ; 24677 ; 17th July. Roach, R. J. ; spring-catch ; 23968 ; Ist February. Robb, P. R., and another ; candle-case; 24446; 23rd May. Roberts, C. ; tap ; 24962 ; 18th September. Roberts, E. ; spoil-pipe; 24812; 17th August. Robertson, A. 8., and others ; milking-machine ; 24615 ; 4th July. Robertson, A. M., and others ; milking-machine ; 24615 ; 4th July. Robertson, D. ; post-marker ; 24399 ; 13th May. Robertson, R. W. D. (see G. H. MacEwan ; 24813). Robertson, T. B. ; potato-peeler, &c. ; 24332 ; 27th April. Robertson, W. J. ; bunching-machine ; 24442 ; 22nd May. Robertson, W. J. ; brushmaking-machine ; 24443; 22nd May. Robins, A. ; produce-box ; 24950 ; 18th September. Robinson, F. A. ; garden-peg ; 24278 ; 14th April. Robinson, F. W. ; drill-socket; 25172 ; 4th November. Robinson, G. H., and others ; document-file ; 24416 ; 20th May. Robinson, W. F. ; time-table poster ; 24856 ; 31st August. Robson, A. ; gaslight-controller ; 24241 ; 6th April. Rocard, A. ; concrete pipe ; 24296 ; 13th April. Roebuck, W. J. ; adjustable foot for ladder ; 23919 ; 14th January. Roebuck, W. J. ; grip-bracket for platform, &c. ; 24621 ; 3rd July. Roebuck, W. J. ; post-coupling ; 25032 ; sth October. Roebuck, W. J. ; stepladder ; 25074 ; 13th October. Roebuck, W. J., and another; scaffolding-clamp; 23969; Ist February. Roebuck, W. J., and another; platform-bracket for ladder; 23986 ; sth February. Roest, A. (see Maatschappij, &c. ; 24533). Rogal, C. ; onion-digger ; 24670; 15th July. Rogers, A. W. ; rifle ; 24937 ; 17th September. Rogerson, R. (see D. S. Murray ; 25144). Rolland, H., and another (alias Zadoni) ; starch; 24263; 13th April. Rollo, J. A. ; oil-can ; 24995 ; Ist October. Rome (see Yon Rome). Rosenthal, M. ; heating-apparatus ; 23931 ; 21st February, 1907-t Rosing, F., and another (see Ambro Limited ; 24698). Ross, F. E. ; cowshed-bail ; 24519 ; 11th June. Ross, F. E. ; door for cowshed ; 24520 ; 11th Tune. Ross, F. E. ; portable cowshed-race, &c. ; 24521 ; 11th June. Ross, F. E. ; concreting wooden, &c, surfaces, 24571 ; 23rd June. Ross, F. E. ; sanitary apparatus ; 25295 ; 30th November. Ross, H. I. M. ; ventilator ; 24454 ; 26th May. Ross, J.; transferring clothes from washing-boiler; 25212; 12th November.

Ross, P. B. ; stirrup-iron ; 24491 ; 4th June. Ross, R. B. ; fire-screen ; 24396 ; 15th May. Rough, W. P. ; carburetter ; 24242 ; 9th April. Rough, W. P., and others ; anti-rattler for window ; 24102 ; 6th March. Rousset, J., and another; kinematographic plate; 24210; 31st March. Rowbotham, W. ; carpet-cleaner ; 24569 ; 2fith June. Rowe, G. R., and another ; electro - surgical appliance ; 24895 ; 7th September, Rowley, F. ; tennis, &c, ball ; 24591 ; 12th July, 1907.f Roy (see Le Roy). Royston, E. R. ; salt-melting apparatus ; 24043; 11th July. Runciman, J. ; harrow ; 24829 ; 20th August. Russ, C. E., and another; ironing-machine; 24217; 3rd April. Russell, C. L. (see B. L. Donne and P. H. Stacey ; 24074). Russell, F. (see T. Yabsley ; 24556). Russell, J., and another; revolving-sign; 24834; 22nd August. Russell, J. C, and another; splicing-ear; 25160; 31st December. Russell, J. ('., and another; section-insulator; 25165; 2nd November. Rutherfurd, J. S. ; weed-exterminator ; 24439 ; 23rd May. Ruthven, G. ; hock-boot for horse ; 24003 ; 15th February. Rutty, M. ; smoking-pipe ; (M. Jeantet) ; 24868 ; Ist September. Ryan, C. ; collar and tie fastener ; 23977 ; 6th February, 1907.t Ryan, E. T., and another; tire-cover; 24268; 14th April. Sainsbury, R., and others ; gold-saving shaking-table ; 25139; 29th October. Salomo, H. A. H. ; differential gear ; 25271 ; 26th November. Sanderson, J. ; water-tap valve; 24431 ; 19th May. Sandy, W. J. L. ; electrolyte ; 24982 ; 25th September. Saunders, M. ; obtaining power from the sea; 24259; 11th April. Schaller, O. (see J. R. Park ; 23906). Schlie, W. C. J. ; nailmaking-machine ; 24374 ; Bth May. Schmatolla, E. (see F. Oakden ; 25121, 25122). Schmidt, A. H. ; wire fabric for spring bed; 24219; 2nd April. Schmidt, H. D. ; eye ; 25281 ; 27th November. Schmitt, P. A., and others ; meat-preserving process ; 23895 ; Bth January. Schonberg, E. : grinding and crushing machine; 24455 ; 26th May. Schoop, M. U. ; soldering, &c, aluminium ; 23905; Bth January. Schou, E. V.; soap-manufacture; 25079; 15th October. Schulte, C. H., and another; doll: 24428; 22nd May. Schultz, D. L. (see L. W. Grayson ; 24412). Schultz, D. L., and another (see L. W. Grayson ; 24411). Scott, G. M. ; illuminated-advertising device ; 24695 ; 20th July. Scott, G. M. ; illuminated-advertising device ; 25068; 13th October. Scott, H. G. ; bottle-stopper ; 25037 ; Bth October. Scott, J. R. (see United Shoe Machinery Company ; 24173). Scott, W. ; table ; 24830 ; 21st August. Seed, T. ; ointment; 24927; 12th September. Seehausen, O. J. ; gas-generator; 24645; 11th July. Seifert, W. ; clutch mechanism ; 24742 ; 30th July. Seifert, W. ; flax-catcher, &c. ; 24743 ; 30th July. Seifert, W. ; flax-treatment; 25038 ; Bth October. Seifert, W. ; flax-treatment; 25395 ; 29th December. Seifert, W., and another; trueing-up beater-bar ; 23900 ; Bth January. Seifert, VV.. and another ; flax-machine; 24734; 29th July. Sewell, F. : increasing speed of propeller; 23939; 24th January. Shailer, P. H., and another; automatic coupling; 23922; 18th January. Shanks, P. J. ; bicycle-pump connection; 24459; 21st May. Sharp, A.; airspring ; 25245; 17th November. Shepherd, J., and another ; turbine; 24522; 15th June. Shepherd, J., and another ; locomotive driving-gear ; 24579 ; 29th June. Shepherd, J., and another; steam-turbine engine; 25156; 22ml October. Shepherd, T. M. ; weed-destroyer ; 24192 j 27th March. Sherlock, H. W. ; booc-anvil ; 24001; Bth February. Shields, J. ; flax-treating machinery : 23932; 21st January.




Shore, J. H. ; nut-lock ; 24650 ; 10th July. Shotton, E. J., and another; flooring-substance; 24234; Bth April. Sluiman, F. ; solar motor ; 24934; 17th September. Siddall, M. ; kettle ; 25028 ; 7th October. Sieurin, P. W. ; winch ; 24486 ; 4th June. Sigafoos, R. B. ; tunnelling-machine ; 24570 ; 26th June. Silver, W. ; sheep-shearing machine ; 24127 ; 12th March. Sim, W. ; milking-machine; 24170; 25th March. Sim, VV. ; weed-destroyer ; 24684 ; 13th July. Simon, H., Limited; flour-milling, &c. ; (L. M. Thomas); 25110; 20th October. Simmorids, P. R., and another; trueing-up beater-bar ; 23900; Bth January. Simpson, A. ; bicycle-driving gear ; 24072 ; 29th February. Simpson, R. M. ; separating metals; 24375; 11th May. Simpson, W. S. ; welding metals ; 23882 ; 3rd January. Sinton, W. ; sash-cord fastening ; 24300 ; 22nd April. Skelsey, F. W., and another; oement-manufaoture ; 25031; 3rd Ootober. Skilton, J. 0., and another; oil-extractor; 24285; 21st April. Skipage, C. R. ; cow-bail; 25249; 20th November. Slinger, A., and another; fresh-air inlet; 23664; 31st January. Sioman, C. J.; breeching and kicking strap; 24799; 12th August. Smart, G. C. ; friction-hoist; 24472 ; Ist June. Smart, H. ; spouting-bracket; 25167; 2nd November. Smart, T. C. ; fender for hearth ; 23930 ; 23rd January. Smiley, T. C. ; seat-adjuster ; 23920 ; 20th January. Smith, A., and another ; fire-alarm ; 24467 ; 14th July. Smith, A. J. ; lubricating axle-box ; 23916 ; 15th January. Smith, A. L., and another ; fire-alarm ; 24467 ; 14th July. Smith, A. R., and others ; docking, <fee, apparatus ; 23997 ; Ist August, 1907. t Smith, C. A., and others ; docking, &c, apparatus ; 23997 ; Ist August, 1907.t Smith, C. B. ; rotary printing-machine; 24913; 10th September. Smith, C. B.; spring bookbinding; 24930; 12th September. Smith, C. S. (see Evening Star Company, Limited ; 24372). Smith, D. H. ; plough ; 24574 ; 27th June. Smith, H. E. ; carburetter ; 25346 ; 15th December. Smith, H. F., and others ; musical instrument; 24790; 13th August. Smith, H. H., and another ; punching eyelet-holes ; 24150 ; 18th March. Smith, H. R. ; force pump ; 25006 ; 2nd October. Smith, H. R. ; rotary pump ; 25220 ; 13th November. Smith, I. A. ; bed back-rest; 24085; 4th March. Smith, I. B. ; musical instrument; 24494 ; 2nd June. Smith, J. A., and another ; tire ; 25369 ; 21st December. Smith, J. F. ; bicycle-ticket; 24429 ; 22nd May. Smith, R. J. ; lock ; 24667 ; 14th July. Smith, R. M. ; building-block ; 24033'; 20th February. Smith, R. M. ; building-block ; 24517 ; 27th March. Smith, R. W., and others; sash-balance; 25158; 30th October. Smith, S. M. ; ore-treatment; 24483 ; 4th June. Smith, T. D. ; boarding-clamp ; 24873 ; 2nd September. Smith, W. D., and another; ticket-issuing case ; 24471 ; Ist June. Smith, W. H. ; siphon ; 24253 ; Bth April. Smith, W. N. ; butter-cutter ; 24598 ; 2nd July. Smith, W. R. ; colouring paper, &c. ; 24869 ; Ist September. Smith, W. T. (see E. S. Baldwin; 24823). Smith, W. V., and another; food-preserving apparatus; 24784; 12th August. Snee, W. ; power-motor; 24386; 12th May. Snell, C. F. ; iron and polishing machine ; 24077. Snell, C. S., and another; elastic fluid-compressor ; 24528 ; 16th June. Snodgrass, J. ; cyanide-manufacture; 24595; Ist July. Soans, C. A., and another; telephone ; 24103 ; 6th March. Spackman, H. S. ; cement-burning apparatus ; 25189 ; sth November. Spackman, H. S., and another (see H. S. Spackman Engineering Company ; 24540, 25005). |gj Spackman, H. S., Engineering Company ; plastic composition, &c. ; (H. S. Spackman and E. W. LazellJ ; 24540; 17th June. Spackman, H. S., Engineering Company; cementitious materials; (H. S. Spackman and E. W. Lazell); 25005 ; 30th September. S]>eirs. D. ; oil-separation hot-well; 24295; 14th April. 4—H. 10.

Spoendlin, R. ; pump and motor ; 24243 ; 9th April. Spooner, A., and another; power-transmitter for turbine; 25138; 26th October. Spooner, A. E., and another; current-motor ; 25333 ; Bth December. Stacey, P. H., and another; dust-remover; (C. L. Russell); 24074 ; 2nd March. Stamp, J. W., and another ; offal-treatment; 25396 ; 30th December. Stedman, S. R. ; motor-cycle belt; 24456; 26th May. Stenhouse, W., and another; electro-surgical appliance; 24895; 7th September. Stephens, J. ; animal-trap ; 24197 ; 31st March. Stephenson, A. A. ; vapour light; 23956 ; 31st January. Stephenson, A. A. ; hydro-carbon vapouriser; 24458 ; 29th May. Stephenson, A. A. ; enriching coal-gas ; 24623 ; 6th July. Stephenson, A. A.; air-gas generator; 24907; 10th September. Stephenson, J. F. ; spring mattress ; 25146 ; 29th October. Stephenson, J. F. ; bedstead-joint; 25147 ; 29th October. Stephenson, J. F. ; mount for bedstead; 25175; 4th November. Stepney Spare Motor Wheel, Limited, and another ; 24503 ; 14th November, 1907.f Stevens, J. ; harness ; 23941 ; 29th January. Stevenson, J. P. ; playing-card holder ; 24350 ; 4th May. Stewart, G. T., and another; searing and docking knife ; 25256 ; 24th November. Stewart, G. T., and another ; variable gear ; 25258 ; 24th November. Stewart, G. T., and another ; automatic and variable pulley ; 25356; 19th December. Stewart, H., and another ; starch ; 24263 ; 13th April. Stewart, H. H., and another ; searing and docking knife ; 25256 ; 24th November. Stewart, H. H., and another; variable gear; 25258; 24th November. Stewart, H. H., and another; automatic variable pulley ; 25356 ; 19th December. Stewart, V. M. ; table-game apparatus ; 25188 ; 7th November. Stieber, A. J. ; folding-chair ; 24209 ; 2nd April. Stokes, H. W., and others; sash-balance; 25158; 30th October. Stone, C. J., and another ; washing-compound ; (A. Gunn); 24175 ; 25th March. Storey, G., and others ; fuel economizer ; 24596 ; 2nd July. Storey, W. J., and others ; fuel economizer ; 24596; 2nd July. Stott, C, and another ; totalisator ; 25090 ; 17th October. Strange, E. H., and another; zinc-and lead-foil manufacture; 24269 ; 14th April. Strassmeyer, J. ; attaching side rail to bed-post; 24308 ; 27th April. Strassmeyer, J. ; school-desk ; 24715 ; 23rd July. Stronach, J. ; wash-board ; 25012 ; Ist October. Stuart, C. H., and another ; elastic fluid-compressor ; 24528 ; 16th June. Stuart, J. W. ; harrow ; 24651 ; 13th July. Stubbs, F. ; cooking-range hot-water system; 25097; 16th October. Stubbs, F. ; draw-off-pipe apparatus; 25207; 10th November. Stubbs, F. ; hot-water system ; 25392 ; 23rd December. Sturgess, W. J.; looking-glass, &c, bearer; 24081; Bth March, 1907. t Styles, A. E. ; dray-brake ; 25077 ; 10th Octobei. Suckling, J. O. ; flushing-mechanism ; 25137 ; 28th October. Sully, W., and another ; automatic coupling ; 23922 ; 18th January. Sulman, H. L., and another (see Metals Extraction Corporation, Limited ; 25296.) Sumner, R., and another ; ramie treatment; 24380 ; 12th May. Sundberg, G. J. E., and another ; milking-machine ; 24246 ; 9th April. Sundercombe, L. R. ; signal apparatus ; 24737 ; 30th July. Sutherland, D. G. ; pigeon, &c, house protector; 23927; 21st January. Sutherland, D. G. ; mat-holder ; 24420 ; 20th May. Suttie, C.| and another ; flax-treatment; 24224 ; 4th April. Suttie, C, and another ; fibre-cleaner ; 24284 ; 16th April. Suttie, C, and another ; fibre-cleaner ; 24344 ; 29th April. Suttie, C, and another ; flax-dressing apparatus ; 24345 ; 29th April. Suttie, C, and another; flax-dressing machine ; 24346 ; 29th April.




Suttie, C, and another ; flax-oatcher ; 25269 ; 21st November. Swain, W. E. ; window; 25327 ; Bth December. Swarm, C. J. ; wire-rope grip; 23902 ; 30th January. Sweeney, J., and another ; condenser; 25114; 22nd October. Swiftsure Syndicate, Limited; butter'separation from milk, &o. ; (W. W. Mellor); 23879 ; 3rd January. Swindley, A. R. H. ; compass ; 23972 ; 6th February. Symes, H. ; lift-pump ; 24349 ; 30th April. Symons, A. T. G. ; clincher wire-dropper ; 24115: 9th March. Syvret, J. ; closet; 24903 ; 10th September. Tacon, R. ; spark-arrester ; 24066 ; 28th February. Talbert, D. H. (see American Box Ball Company ; 24095). Talbut, W. ; race-starting machine ; 25302 ; sth December. Tange, A. S. ; non-reflllable bottle ; 25301 ; 4th December. Tasker, A. L. J., and another ; flusher ; 23921 ; 27th July. Taylor, A. E. ; parcel-carrier ; 24532 ; 16th June. Taylor, D. ; file ; 24910 ; 9th September. Taylor, G. E. ; sterilising, &c, tablet; 25259; 13th December, 1907.t Taylor, I. F. ; fire-escape crane ; 24316 ; 29th April. Taylor, J. H. R., and others ; spouting-bracket; 24797 ; 13th August. Taylor, J. H. R., and others; fire-kindler; 24801 ; 14th August. Taylor, J. M., and another; window; 24512; 11th June. Taylor, J. M., and another ; flushing-cistern attachment; (F. Wright); 24727 ; 25th July. Taylor, J. M., and another; snow-board; (F. Wright); 24634; Bth July. Taylor, T., and others ; delivering liquor from bottles ; 24603; 2nd July. Taylor, W. (see F. Musgrove ; 25264). Teese, W. J. (see W. H. Blackham; 24769). Temple, E. ; gas-generator, &c. ; 25176 ; 4th November. Thew, H. E. ; sash-balance ; 25277 ; 27th November. Thew, H. E. ; harrow-attachment; 25404; 31st December. Thomas, A. ; reinforced concrete ; 25374 ; 23rd December. Thomas, G. F., and others ; fire-grate ; 24945 ; 19th September. Thomas, H. ; meat-slicing machine ; 25349 ; 12th December. Thomas, L. M. (see Henry Simon, Limited; 25110). Thomas, O. P., and others; fire-grate; 24945 ; 19th September. Thomas (see Marshall-Thomas). Thompson, A. ; go-cart spring ; 24310 ; 25th April. Thompson, A. 8., and another; boot-stud and heel-plate ; 25235; 18th November. Thompson, F. C. ; indicating and displaying device ; 24568 ; 26th June. Thompson, G. W. ; ladder ; 24477 ; 30th May. Thompson, J. ; boot; 24108 ; 6th March. Thompson, J. S. (see Thompson Type Machine Company; 24223). Thompson Type Machine Company ; type-casting maohine ; (J. S. Thompson); 24223 ; 3rd April. Thomsen, H. C. ; oooksfoot, &0., thresher; 23902; 9th January. Thomsen, H. C. ; thresher and seed-fanner ; 25002 ; 2nd October. Thomson, A. B. (see Oxychlorides (1907) Limited ; 25100). Thomson, C, and others ; hair-pin ; 25091 ; 17th October. Thomson, C, and others ; hair-pin ; 25091 ; 17th October. Thomson, C. E., and others ; hair-pin ; 25091 ; 17th October. Thomson, E. J., and another ; scaffolding-clamp ; 23969 ; Ist February. Thomson, J. S. ; button ; 24490 ; 4th June. Thomson, M., and others ; hair-pin ; 25091 ; 17th October. Thome, H., and another ; footwear ; 23901 ; 6th January. Thornton, A., and another; means for supporting a camera ; 25282; Ist December. Thornton, J. L., and another; briok, &c, making composition ; 25358 ; 17th December. Thorp, F. W., and another; propeller; 24952 ; 21st September. Thwaites, W. ; railway-point, &c., lock ; 25011; Ist October. Throsby, N. H. ; cream, &c, cooler ; 24389 ; 13th May. Tierney, J. W., and another ; producing reciprocating motion ; 25312 ; 9th December. Tiffen, J. ; chaff-cutter ; 24601 ; 2nd July. Tillie, M. ; button-hole-machine guide; 25i54 ; 27th October. Tink, J. H. ; wire-strainer ; 24894 ; sth September. Toles, J. K. ; fibre-cleaning apparatus ; 25149 ; 29th October. Toles, J. K. ; fibre-carrying, &c, reversing apparatus ; 25150 ; 29th October,

Toles, J. K. ; fibre-preparing, &c, cleaning-apparatus; 25151 ; 29th October. Tomkiee, A. G. ; metal shearing-tocl; 24642 ; 7th July. Tong, J. W., and another ; asphalt; 25017 ; sth October. Topliss, H. J. ; churn-lid ; 24547 ; 22nd June. Topliss, H. J. ; butter-packer ; 24549 ; 23rd June. Torr, A. C. V. ; clothes-peg; 24983; 29th September. Torr, F. J. ; wire-fence spreader ; 24551 ; 23rd June. Torrington, F. ; plunger for aerated-water apparatus ; 25123 ; 21st October. Trades Unionists' Sheep Shear Co-operative Society, Limited, and another ; sheep-shearing machine ; 24086 ; 4th March. Tregoning, J. V., and another (see T. E. W. Noyes ; 24391). Trembath, J. ; tire-cover; 24378; 11th May. Trembath, J. ; tube-protector; 24379; 11th May. Trengrove, W. H. ; internal - combustion engine; 25215; 12th November. Trengrove, W. H., and another; finger-protecting sewingshield ; 25125 ; 26th October. Trenwith, M., and another ; punching eyelet-hole's ; 24150 ; 18th March. Trevellian, F. H.; cash-register ; 23892 ; 6th January. Trevellian, F. H. ; cash-register ; 24523 ; 16th June. Trevellian, F. H. ; paper-ribbon printing, &c, machine; 24850; 28th August. Trevellian, F. H. ; cash-register ; 24901 ; 9th September. Trevellian, F. H. ; ruling and preparing paper ribbons; 25384; 24th December. Trewhella, 8., and another; roller-grip for band gearing; 25061 ; 9th October. Trewhella, 8., and another ; double-pinion-toothed gearing ; 25062; 9th October. Trewhella, 8., and another ; pawl and ratchet mechanism ; 25063 ; 9th October. Trewhslla Bros, (see B. and W. Trewhella). Trewhella, W., and another ; roller-grip for band gearing ; 25061 ; 9th October. Trewhella, W., and another ; double-pinion-toothed gearing; 25062 ; 9th October. Trewhella, W., and another ; pawl and ratchet mechanism; 25063 ; 9th October. Trotman, E. H. ; fertiliser manufacture ; 24902 ; 9th September. Tuck, C. J. ; hauling-block hook ; 24341 ; Ist May. Tuck, J. T. ; locking-nut bolts ; 23889 ; 3rd January. Tucker, E. St. G. ; spring-retaining device; 24619; 29th June. Turnbull, W. ; closet flush ; 24614 ; 4th July. Turner, H. G., and another ; rat-trap ; 24313 ; 28th April. Turri, G. G. ; piano-hammer repairing ; (R. R. Bode); 24079 ; 4th March. Turri, G. G. ; separator, &c. ; (C. Churchill); 24449; 27th May. Tyree, W. ; destruction of noxious animals; 24016; 6th September, 1907.f Tyree, W. ; destruction of noxious animals; 24031 ; 25th October, 1907-t Uddstrom, C. ; centring - device for circular-saw ; 24747 ; 28th July. Ullrich, G."; ore-separation ; 24064 ; 27th February. United Shoe Machinery Company ; heel-building machine ; (W. R. Barclay and A. Bates); 23899 ; Bth January. United Shoe Machinery Company; lasting-machine; (J. Cavanagh, jun.); 23915 ; 15th January. United Shoe Machinery Company; boot or shoe machine ; (A. Bates); 23975 ; 6th February. United Shoe Machinery Company; punching, &c, machine ; (A. E. Jerram and J. Gouldbourn); 23976 ; 6th February. United Shoe Machinery Company Press; (C. Bennion); 24083 ; 4th March. United Shoe Machinery Company; assembling parts of boots and shoes ; (O. Ashton); 24171 ; 25th March. United Shoe Machinery Company; pulling - over machine ; (O. Ashton); 24172 ; 25th March. United Shoe Machinery Company; sewing-machine ; (J. R. Scott); 24173 ; 25th March. United Shoe Machinery Company ; bootmaking - maohine; (R. F. McFeely); 24325 ; 30th April. United Shoe Machinery Company ; bootmaking - machine; (R. F. McFeely); 24326 ; 30th April. United Shoe Machinery Company; shoe-upper - lacing machine ; (H. E. Enslin); 24327 ; 30th April. United Shoe Machinery Company ; bootmaking - maohine ; (A. Bates); 24328 ; 30th April.




United Shoe Machinery Company; fastener - inserting machine ; (G. Goddu); 24329 ; 30th April. United Shoe Machinery Company; insole-operating machine ; (J. Cavanagh, jun.); 24330; 30th April. United Shoe Machinery Company; welt-slitting mechanism ; (E. E. Winkley and J. T. Mclsaac); 24451 ; 28th May. United Shoe Machinery Company; sole-levelling machine ; (E. E. Winkley); 24557 ; 25th June. United Shoe Machinery Company ; vamp-trimming machins ; (J. B. Hadaway); 24558 ; 25th June. United Shoe Machinery Company; sewing-machine; (A. Eppler); 24932 ; 17th September. United Shoe Machinery Company; work support-horn; (A. E. Jerram, J. Gouldbourn, and A. Bates); 24933; 17th September. United Shoe Machinery Company ; upper - conforming machine ; (0. Ashton); 25103 ; 21st October. United Shoe Machinery Company; press; (A. Bates); 25104 ; 21st October. United Shoe Machinery Company; heel-nailing machine; (E. A. Webster); 25199; 11th November. United Shoe Machinery Company ; resurfacing bed of press ; (A. Bates); 25200; 11th November. United Shoe Machinery Company ; tool - controlling mechanism ; (F. B. Keall); 25201; 11th November. United Shoe Machinery Company; sole-levelling machine; (E. E. Winkley); 25202; 11th November. United Shoe Machinery Company ; inseam-trimming machine ; (A. Bates); 25203 ; 11th November. United Shoe Machinery Company; lasting-machine; (M. Brock); 25204; 11th November. United Shoe Machinery Company; leather-skiving machine ; (A. E. Jerram, A. Bates, and J. Gouldbourn); 25305; 9th December. United Shoe Machinery Company; boot-machme; (U.. 1* Keyes); 25314 ; 9th December. United Shoe Machinery Company ; boot-machine-positioning apparatus ; (A. Bates); 25315 ; 9th December. < United Shoe Machinery Company ; boot-machine jack ; ((!. S. Wells); 25316 ; 9th December. United Shoe Machinery Company ; boot-sole machine ; (F. E. Bertrand); 25317 ; 9th December. United Shoe Machinery Company ; heel-finishing machine ; (A. Bates); 25318 ; 9th December. Upchurch, J. ; bench-stop ; 24807 ; 17th August. Van Berkei, W. A. ; sharpener for circular knives ; 24481 ; 4th June. Vause, R. ; ice-ohest; 24005 ; 12th February. Veitch, J. A. ; automatic train-stopping device ; 24580 ; 29th June. Vipond, J. L., and another; shirt-collar; 24804; 15th Vivian? A. W. H., and others ; fuel; 24648 ; 7th July. Yon Pittler, J. W. (Pittler Universal Rotary Machine Syndicate, Limited; 24484). Yon Rome, F. O. ; boot-upper ; 24186 ; 27th March. Yon Rome, F. 0., and another ; cool-storage safe ; 24884 ; 3rd September. Yon Rome, F. 0., and another ; meat-sate ; 25388 ; <S4tn December. Waechter-Gerber, J. ; vacuum-cleaning apparatus ; 25348 ; 12th December. Wakem, A., and others; potato-grubber, *o.; 24701 ; 18th Walden, W. G., and another; underpants; 24855; 29th August. , Waldie, D. H. ; transferring liquids from one can to another ; 24948; 18th September. Waldie, G. ; fibre-drying, &c;., mechanism; 24700; ,51st July. Walker, A. ; pencil-case ; 24322 ; 30th April. Walker, A., and another; removing sand from castings; 25391 ; 24th December. Walker, G. ; fibre-drying, &c, mechanism ; 247b0 ; 31st Walker, G. ; flax-cutting tool; 25162 ; 29th October. Walker J H., and another ; ball valve ; 24434 ; 18th May. Walker' P., and another ; ball valve ; 24434 ; 18th May. Walker R ; milk, &c, strainer ; 24928 ; 12th September. Walker! R. ; fusible plug ; 25254 ; 23rd November. Walker, R., and another ; milk-delivering a-pparatus ; 24ZM ; 7th April. . , Walker, R. A. ;j fore-carriage for cultivatmg-implemeni,; 23998; 12th February.

Wall, W. F. ; vessel-raising apparatus ; 24689 ; 20th July. Wallace, D. M. ; swingletree-end ; 24008 ; 18th February. Wallis, J. T. ; horse crush or holder ; 24792 ; 13th August. Walsh, E. J. ; semaphore signal; 24576 ; 29th June. Walter, R. A. 0. ; envelope ; 24265 ; 9th April. Walton, F. ; road-vehicle suspension-attachment; 24908;, 9th September. Walton, T. K. ; milk-preparation ; 25191 ; sth November. Ward, H. A., and another ; milk, &c, cooler ; 24917 ; 14th September. Ward, W., and another ; flush for cisterns ; 23921 ; 27th July. Warren, G., and another (see T. E. W. Noyes ; 24391). Wass, W., and others; sheep-shearing machine; 24086,; 4th March. Waters, R. J. ; fencing-wire fastener ; 24996 ; Ist October. Watson, F. A. H., and another ; lambs-tail removal; 24038 ; 22nd February. Watson, W. C, and others ; railway brake ; 23994 ; 12tn February. Watts, J. E., and others ; ferro-concrete construction; 24051 ; 25th February. Watts, W. (see D. Mulcahy ; 24128). Wattson, C. J. ; letter-card ; 24238 ; 7th April. Webber, E. ; hinge ; 24966 ; 21st September. Webster, E. A. (see United Shoe Machinery Company ; 25199). Webster, J. (see the Austral Canning Company Proprietary, Limited; 23999). Wells. C. S. (see United Shoe Machinery Company, Limited ; 25316.) Wells, E. S. ; butter-cutter ; 24468 ; 29th May. Welsbach Light Company of Australasia, Limited;(see i. X Park; 24136). Welsh, J. ; soap-saving device ; 24157 ; 19th March. Wepfer, K. A. M., and others; meat-preserving process ; 23895 ; Bth January. Wertheim (see Anne of Lowenstein-Wertheim). Westinghouse Metal Filament Lamp Company, Limited ; eleotric-lamp filament; (A. Lederer) ; 24864; Ist September. Westinghouse Metal Filament Lamp Company, Limited; electric-lamp filament ; (A. Lederer) ; 24865; Ist September. Westinghouse Metal Filament Lamp Company, Limited ; electric-lamp filament; (A. Lederer) ; 24905; 10th September. Westmoreland, G. ; spouting-braeket; 24264 ; 13th April. Westneat, C. H. ; temperature indicator; 23967; 3rd February. Whelan, D. J. ; four-wheeled tip-wagon; 23924; 18th January. Whett, A., and another ; brick-making composition ; 25067 ; 10th October. Whett, A. J., and another; brick-making composition; 25358 ; 17th December. Whitaker, C. G., and another; egg-carrier; 24652; 13th July. Whitburn, C. ; rabbit-trap ; 24457 ; 26th May. White, A. H., and another ; elevator and conveyor ; 25173 ; 4th November. White, C. G. ; animal-trap; (D. R. Cooper); 24292; 15th April. White, G. E., and others; liquid-measuring apparatus: 25319 ; 9th December. White, G. W. (see J. Mulligan ; 24147). White, H. E. ; skylight-bar ; 24231 ; Bth April. White, T. H. (see Lamb and Todd, Limited ; 25007). Whitehead, G. W. ; hand-pump ; 24541 ; 23rd June. Whitelaw, J. ; railway-sleeper ; 24697 ; 30th July. Whitclaw, J., and another ; nipple-coupling for electric-wire pipes ; 25261 ; 25th November. Whiter, S. E. ; roofing-tile ; 24584 ; 27th June. Whiteside, A. J. ; flax-dressing apparatus; 24953; 21st September. Whitley, V., and another ; egg-carrier ; 24652 ; 13th July. Whitman, J. A. ; clutch ; (E. E. Norton); 24722 ; 22nd July. Whitman, J. A. ; talking-machine (E. E. Norton); 24723 ; 22nd July. Whitney, C. B. ; faucet; 25170 ; 4th November. Whyte, C. G. C, and another; manifold-copying-book; 24553 ; 24th June. Whyte, C. G. C, and another; manifold-copying-book; 25228 ; 18th November. Whyte, E. J. ; milk-can ; 24936 ; 17th September. Wiggins, R. A. ; teat-cup ; 24068 ; 28th February. Wiggins, R. A. ; milking-machine ; 25177 ; 4th November.




Wiggins, W. ; scale on boilers prevention; 24957 ; 21st September. Wigzell, E. E. ; stamp-vending machine ; 24000; 14th July. Willetts, J. M. i chaff-cutter, &c. ; 24465 ; 30th May. Williams, A. G. R. ; gas-manufacture ; 24208 ; 2nd April. , Williams, A. G. R. ; gas-manufacture ; 24394 ; 14th May. |l Williams, A. G. R., and another ; lubricator ; 24402 ; 30th May. Williams, A. H. ; cheese-marker ; 24383 ; 12th May. Williams, C. H. ; fence-dropper ; 24311; Bth June. Williams, J. ; delivering mail-bags, &c. ; 24898 ; Bth September. Williams, R., and another; shirt-collar; 24804; 15th August. Williams, R. B. ; mop-wringer ; 24404 ; 18th May. Williams, R. B. ; mop-wringer ; 24921 ; 14th September. Williams, R. B. ; broom ; 25016 ; sth October. Wills, A. H., and others ; docking, &c., apparatus ; 239'J7 ; Ist August, 1907.-f Willson, W. H. J. (see A. R. E. Burton ; 24018). Wilshire, W. I. ; candle-extinguisher ; 23947 ; 29th January. Wilson, H. E. ; trolly-pole retriever ; 24738 ; 25th July. Wilson, H. E. ; trolly-pole retriever ; 24878 ; 31st August. Wilson, H. G. E. ; gas-burner ; 24319 j 25th April. Wilson, J. ; ferro-conorete construction ; 24185 j 27th March. Wilson, J. ; lever winch ; 25246 ; 17th November. Wilson, J. ; cement road ; 25300 ; 4th December. Wilson, J., and another ; driving-belt and pulley ; 25336 ; 9th December. Wilson, J. A. ; spring attachment for trace ; 24227 ; 7th April. Wilson's Portland Cement Company, Limited; cement; [8. B. Newberry); 24780 ; Bth August. Wilson, R. H. ; nipple for blow lamp ; 24340 ; 28th April. Wilton, J. J. ; attaching brake-wearing strips ; 23946 ; 29th January. Wimmer, K. H. ; coffee ; 25227 ; 18th November. Winkelmann, N. G. G. ; ash-pan ; 24709 ; 20th July. Winkley, E. E. (see United Shoe Machinery Company ; 24557, 25202). Winkley, E. E., and another (see United Shoe Machinery Company; 24451. Winn, S. ; bed-rest; 23952 ; 30th January. Winn, S. ; soap-holder ; 24187 ; 28th Maroh. Winn, S., and another ; paint-mixer; 24478 ; 2nd June. Winterburn, H.; oven ; 25000 ; 29th September. Wood, 8., and another ; trolly-head ; 24507 ; 1 Oth June. Wood, E. C. ; race-starting machine ; 24872 ; 3rd September. Wood, E. T. ; dust-excluder ; 25304 ; 3rd December. Woodhead, C. H. ; sign ; 25169 ; 3rd November. Woodley, A. J. ; animal-cover fastening ; 24450 ; 28th May. Woodrofie, C. S., and others (see J. T. Hunter ; 24198). Woolley, A. E. ; dust and draught excluder ; 24960 ; 23rd September. Woolley, T. ; match-boarding cramp ; 25243 ; 20th November. Woolston, J. T. (see O. V. Forbes ; 24661). Worms, A. J. ; surveying-peg ; 25055 ; Bth October. Worthington, H. ; tram-rail cleaner ; 24976 ; 28th September. Wright, A. H. ; advertising-apparatus ; 24159 ; 30th April. Wright, A. H. ; envelope - delivery machine ; 24236 ; 7th April. Wright, A. H. ; coin-freed weighing-machine ; 24237 ; 7th April. Wright, A. H. ; street map ; 24293 ; 14th April. Wright, A. H. ; vending, to., machine ; 24294 ; 14th April. Wright, A. H. ; advertising-device ; 24301 ; 22nd April. Wright, A. H. ; water-heater ; 24309 ; 24th April. Wright, A. H. ; programme fan ; 24348 ; 30th April. Wright, A. H. ; advertising-device ; 24437 ; 23rd May. Wright, A. H. ; advertising-apparatus ; 24700 ; 18th July. Wright, A. H. ; indicating-apparatus ; 24852 ; 26th August. Wright, A. H. ; game ; 24853 ; 13th September.

Wright, A. H. ; game; 241)25; 12th September. Wright, A. H. ; programme-holder and fan ; 24926 ; 12th September. Wright, A. H. ; net-attachment to table ; 24931 ; 14th September. Wright, A. H. ; prop; 24903; 19th September. Wright, A. H. ; advertising and displaying; 24967 ; 19th # September. Wright, A. H. ; telephone-list, &c. ; 25001 ; 28th September. Wright, A. H. ; hat-pin ; 25047 ; 10th October. Wright, A. H. ; lock ; 25048 ; 10th October. Wright, A. H. ; guard for playing table games ; 25040 ; 10th October. Wright, A. H. ; displaying telephone - list ; 25050; 10th October. Wright, A. H. ; cooker ; 25051 ; 10th October. Wright, A. H. ; advertising-display-sheet apparatus ; 25205 ; 11th November. Wright, A. H. ; advertising, &c, displaying; 25244; 17th November. Wright, A. H. ; advertising and display sheet ; 25293 ; 3rd December. Wright, A. H. ; display-sheets for advertising ; 25334 ; Bth December. * Wright, A. H., and another ; means for supporting a camera ; 25282 ; Ist December. Wright, A. H., and others ; lock ; 24999 : 29th September. Wright, F. ; straw-hat manufacture ; 24008 ; 14th July. Wright, F. (see J. M. Taylor and H. Oakley ; 24727). Wright, S. ; acetylene generator; 25014; sth October. Wright, W. C. ; wire-strainer; 24655; 11th July. Wright, W. W., and another; underpants; 24855; 29th August. Wrigley, E. ; flax-treatment ; 24424 ; 19th May. Wynyard, M. H., and another; flax-treatment; 24224 ; 4th April. Wynyard, M. H., and another ; fibre-cleaner ; 24284 ; 16th April. Wynyard, M. H., and another; fibre-holder; 24344; 29th April. Wynyard, M. H., and another; flax-dressing apparatus; 24345 ; 29th April. Wynyard, M. H., and another ; flax-dressing machine ; 24340 ; 29th April. Wynyard, M. H., and another ; flax-catcher ; 25269 ; 21st November. Yabsley, T. ; farm-gate ; (F. Russell) ; 24556 ; 25th June. Yarrow, M. (see Yarrow and Co. (Bolton), Limited ; 24203). Yarrow and Co. (Bolton), Limited ; pipe-joint; (M. Yarrow); 24203 ; 30th March. Yarrow, M. ; earthenware-pipe machine ; 24759 ; 31st July. Yeoman, H. W. ; bicycle-crank ; 24251 ; 10th April. Young, K. ; fire-alarm, &c. ; 23987 ; 10th February. Yourelle, T. 1., and another ; fire-proof construction ; 24572 ; 27th June. Yourelle, T. 1., and another; ferro-conorete construction ; 24849 ; 28th August. Yourelle, T. 1., and another; ferro-ooncrete facing- and liningplate ; 24988 ; 29th September. Zadoni (see H. Rolland ; 24263). Zechnall, L. ; incandescent lamp ; 25283; 12th May.f Zerbino, P. ; gate and lock ; 24707 ; 7th AuguA. Zercho, F. W., letter-card ; 24597 ; 2nd July. Ziele, C. W., and another ; suspender ; 24968 ; 21st September. Ziele, W. S., and another ; suspender ; 24968; 21st September. Ziemsen, F. C. ; cutting down water plants ; 25233 ; 18th November. Zone Dynamo and Motor Patents Company, Limited; dynamo electric machine; (J. W. Burleigh); 24867 ; Ist September.



I A dagger (t) indicates ii prior date in accordance with the International and intercolonial Arrangements.]

The number of inventions in each class, and j Advertising and Displaying. Advertising and displaying. (See Displaying, &c, apparatus.) Advertising-apparatus J A.H.Wright; 24700; 18th July. Advertising-device ; A. H. Wright ; 24301 ; 22nd April. Advertising-device; J. Boyd and J. E. Oliver; 24306; 27th April. Advertising-device ; A. H. Wright ; 24437 ; 23rd May. Display-sheet ; A. H. Wright : 25293 ; 3rd December. Display-sheet ; A. H. Wright; 25334 ; Bth December. Display-sheet and educational apparatus ; A. H. Wright ; 25244 ; 17th November. Display-sheet apparatus ; A. H. Wright; 25205; 11th November. Displaying, &c, apparatus; A. H. Wright; 24967; 19th September. Fan and programme ;A. H. Wright; 24348 ; 30th April. Fan and programme holder ;A. H. Wright; 24926 ; 12th September. Fan, ornamental ; H. Macintosh and G. H. Baylis ; 23890 ; 4th January. Furniture advertising device ; A. H. Wright; 24159 ; 20th March. Game, &c. ;A. H. Wright; 24853 ; 26th August, Illuminated advertising-device ; G. M. Scott; 24695 ; 20th July. Illuminated advertising-device ;G. M. Scott; 25068 ; 13th October. Illuminated advertising-sign ; L. Doran ; 24426 ; 20th May. Letter-box. (See Notice plate for.) Luminous sign ; C. H. Woodhead ; 25169 ; 3rd November. Map. (See Street map, &c.) Notice-plate for letter-box; C. B. Mann ; 23914; 15th January. Revolving sign ; J. Russell and W. W. Jones ; 24834 ; 22nd August. Sign. (See Illuminated Ac. device; Luminous sign ; Revolving sign.) Street map advertising scheme ; A. H. Wright ; 24293 ; 14th April. Vending and advertising machine ; A. H. Wright; 24294 ; 14th April. Window-dressing apparatus ; G. J. Richardson ; 24222 ; 3rd April. Aeronautics. Aeronautical apparatus ; E. L. Barton ; 24838 ; 25th August. Amusements. Amusement-apparatus ; F. Musgrove ; 25264; 25th November. Automatic piano. (See Musical instrument, self-playing.) Ball tennis; F.Rowley; 24591; 12th July, 1907. t Billiard and dining table ; H. A. Logan ; 24586 ; 30th June. Billiard-cue tip ; A. G. Clements ; 25324 ; 10th December. Billiard-cushion ; R. Gray ; 25267 ; 25th November. Billiard-cushion rail; F. A. Alcock ; 24847 ; 27th August, Billiard-table ; F. A. Alcock ; 23894 ; Bth January. Billiard-table ; D. R. Dossetor ; 24094 ; 30th May, 1907.f Billiard-table ; C. H. Matthews ; 24163 ; 23rd March. Billiard-table ; T. Martyn ; 24776 ; 10th August. Billiard-table ;R. Meek and O. Elliott; 25098 ; 19th October. Bowling-gre;n levelling; J. W. Mitchell; 24304; 24th April. Bowls. (See Table bowls.) Bowls, distance-gauge ; P. Dow ; 25155 ; 28th October. Card-holder. (See Playing-card holder.) Cinematograph. (See Kinematograph.) Cushion. (See Billiard, &c, cushion.) Dancing doll; C. H. Schulte and J. Hancock ;, 24428 ; 22nd Developer, electrical; J. F. Bailey ; 25013 ; Ist October. Doll. (See Dancing doll.) Distance-gauge. (See Bowls.) Game; F. Dando ; 24713; 23rd July. Game and advertising-device ; A. H. Wright; 24925 ; 12th September. • Game-apparatus, box-ball; American Box-ball Company ; 24095; sth March. Game, parlour-skittles ; J. A. Boyd ; 23877 ; 3rd January. Guard. (See Table-game guard.) Illusion apparatus ; G. Richardson ; 23937; 23rd January.

ige. on which it appears, are given in Table i. Keyboard-instrument; R. Johnstone, N. Davis, and 11. F. Smith ; 24790 ; 13th August. Kincmatograph; The Friese-Greene Patents, Limited; 24922 ; loth September. Kinematograph-plate. (See Class Printing.) Music-leaf clip ; J. G. Jones ; 24537 ; lGth June. Music-leaf turner ; W. R. Lyttleton ; 24897 ; Bth September. Musical instrument, self-playing; I. B. Smith; 24494; 2nd June. Observation-car. (See Illusion apparatus.) Optical toy. (See Toy.) Piano-felts, repairing ; G. G. Turri; 24079 ; 4th March. Piano, self-playing. (See Musical instruments, &c.) Pianoforte ; W. E. Hughes ; 23995 ; 12th February. Pianoforte ; C. v. Heiden ; 24977 ; 28th September. Playing-card construction; F. W. Fagon; 24133 ; 13th March. Playing-card holder ; J. P. Stevenson ; 24350 ; 4th May. Roundabout; H. Croft; 25072; ] 3th October. See-saw ; E. B. Hughes ; 25359 ; 17th December. Table, reversible-top ; C. Easson ; 24536 ; 15th June. Table-bowls ; R. Frew ; 24H35 ; tith July. Table-game apparatus; V. M. Stewart; 25188; 7th November. Table-game guard ; A.H.Wright; 25049; Kith October. Table-game net attachment; A. H. Wright; 24931 ; 14th September. Tennis-ball. (See Ball.) Toy ; A. H. Cotton ; 23909 ; 24th January. Toy, mechanical; D. A. Chinnery-Brown ; 25280 ; Ist December. Toy, optical ; A. Deperdussin ; 25232 ; 18th November. Attaching and Securing. Bale-fastener ; J. Fisher ; 24399 ; 30th December. Bale-grip; M.Burns; 25088; 15th October. Bales, securing tops of ; P.R.Hughes; 25102; 21st October. Catch. (See Safety-spring catch.) Grip for stitching bales ; D.S.Murray; 25144; 29th October. Hooks and eyes, attaching ; B. R. Bodger ; 24632 ; Bth July. Lock-nut; J. T. Tuck ; 23889 ; 3rd January. Nail, lead-headed ; J. McLaren ; 24590 ; Ist July. Nail-making machine ; W. C. J. Schlie ; 24374 ; Bth May. Nail-making machine ; J. B. Davies and H. Bell ; 24409 ; 20th May. Nut-lock ; J. H. Shore ; 24650 ; 10th July. Parcel-carrier; A. H. Krause; 24538; 15th June. Parcel-carrier ; A. E. Taylor ; 24532 ; 16th June. Safety-spring catch ; R. J. Roach ; 23968 : Ist February. Boilers {Steam). Condenser; J. Sweeney and J. Kidd ; 25114; 22nd October. Corrosion preventing solution ; E. D. McLeod ; 25111; 19th October. Scale, preventing formation of ; W. Wiggins ; 24957 ; 21st September. Water-heater for steam-boiler; T. Beckett; J3966 ; 3rd February. Boots and Shoes. Anvil; H. VV. Sherlock ; 24001 ; Bth February. Assembling parts of boots, &c. ; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 24171 ; 25th March. Beating-machine; F. L. Alley ; 24513; 11th June. Boot. (See Painter's boot.) Boot, &c, instep. (See Instep). Boot or shoe ; H. Bostock ; 24775 ; 7th August. Boot-machine ; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 24325 ; 30th April. Boot-machine ; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 24326 ; 30th April. Boot-machine ; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 24328 ; 30th April. Boot-machine ; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 25314 ; 9th December. Extension boot; R. Avery ; 24182 ; 23rd Maroh. Eyelet-punch ; M. Trenwith and H. H. Smith ; 24150 ; 18th March.





Eyelet-punching machine United Shoe Machinery Company ; 23976 ; 6th February. Fastener ; W. F. Dugins ; 25379 ; 23rd December. Fastener-inserting machine ; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 24329 ; 30th April. Foot-wear; H. Thome and T. J. Littlewood; 23901 ; 6th January. Heel-building machine; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 23899 ; Bth January. Heel-finishing machine ; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 25318; 9th December. Heol-nailing machine ; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 25199 ; 11th November. Heel, renewable ; W. Bennet; 24060 ; 24th February. Inseam-trimming machine; United Shoe Machinery Company; 25203; 11th November. Insole-operating machine; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 24330 ; 30th April. Instep ; G. W. Hunton ; 24836 ; 25th August. Jack, boot-machine; United Shoe Machinery Company; 25316 ; 9th December. Lacing. (See Shoe-upper lacing.) Lasting-machine ; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 23915 ; 15th January. Lasting-machine ; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 23975 ; 6th February. Lasting-machine ; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 25204 ; 11th November. Leather-skiving. (See Skiving-machine.) Measuring-device ; W. Church ; 24985 ; 29th September. Measuring-device ; W. Church ; 24986 ; 29th September. Painter's boot; A. E. Harkin ; 24741 ; 30th July. Positioning-apparatus ; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 25315; 9th December. Pneumatic sole. (See Sole, &c.) Press ; United Shoo Machinery Company ; 24083 ; 4th March. Press; United Shoe Machinery Company; 25104; 21st October. Pulling-over machine ; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 24172 ; 25th March. Resurfacing beds of presses ; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 25200; 11th November. Sewing-machine ; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 24173 ; 25th March. Sewing-machine ; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 24932 ; 17th September. Sewing-machine slitting-device; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 24451 ; 28th May. Shoe ; R, J. McDonald ; 25060 ; 9th October. Shoette-upper ; J. R. Kent; 24857 ; 31st August. Shoe or slipper ; J. R. Kent; 24232 ; Bth April. Shoe-upper lacing-machine; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 24327 ; 30th April. Skins, making boots, &c, from; C. M. Browne and W. J. James; 24514; 11th June. Skiving-machine ; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 25305 ; 9th December. Sole, detachable ; O. V. Forbes ; 24661 ; 14th July. Sole-levelling machine ; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 24557; 25th June. Sole-levelling machine ; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 25202; 11th November. Sole-operating machine ; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 9th Decenlber. Sole, renewable ; W. Bennet; 24060 ; 24th February. Sole, pneumatic ; W. L. Jolly ; 24500 ; 4th June. Spring heel. (See Heel, &c.) Stud and heel-plate ; J. C. Hancock and A. B. Thompson ; 25235; 18th November. Tool-controlling mechanism ; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 25201; 11th November. Upper ; W. J. Pallant; 24035 ; 22nd February. Upper ; F. O. yon Rome ; 24186 ; 27th March. Upper ; E. E. King ; 24479 ; 4th June. Upper-conforming machine ; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 25103 ; 21st October. Upper, whole-back ; J. Thompson ; 24108 ; 6th March. Vamp-trimming machine; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 24558 ; 25th June. Welt-slitting mechanism ; United Shoe Machinery Company ; 24451; 28th May. Whole-back boot. (See Upper.) Work-support horn; United Shoe Machinery Company; 24933 ; 17th September.

Bottles and Bottling. Bottle-stopper; R. Brown, jun. ; 23891 ; 15th January, 1907.f Bottle-stopper ; H. Gentles and J. H. Dalton ; 25043 ; 9th October. Bottle-stopper, dispensing ; H. G. Scott; 25037 ; Bth".October. Bottle-washing-machine rack; H. C. Forrest; 25313; 9th December. Corks, preventing blowing out; E. St. G. Tucker; 24619J; 29th June. Corkscrew ; J. Christophersen ; 24252 ; 7th April. Glass-bevelling machine ; F. Cotterell; 24880 ; 3rd September. Non-refillable bottle ; M. R. Green ; 23951 ; 30th January. Non-refillable bottle ; T.C.Cameron; 24511; 11th June. Non-refillable bottle ; T. W. Edlin ; 25052 ; 10th October. Non-refillable bottle ; A. S. Tange ; 25301 ; 4th December. Non-rofillable bottle ; F. M. Norris ; 25340 ; 14th December. Vessel-closure ; E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward ; 24200 ; Ist April. Boxes, Cans, and Casks. Basket. (See Waste-paper basket.) Box ; Evening Star Company, Limited ; 24372 ; Bth May. Box-blanks, wire-bound ; E. Phillips ; 25178 ; 4th November. Box, collapsible ; J. A. Boyd ; 24303 ; 25th April. Box-manufacture ; A. Prior ; 24845 ; 25th August. Box or case j R. Hudson and Co., Limited; 24929 ; 12th September. Bucket-handle ; E. J. Hardman and C. E. W. Hervey ; 24510 ; 9th June. Bucket-handle ; W. W. Gundrie j 24993 ; 30th September. Bucket-handle for tins ; A. C. Murray ; 24105 ; 7th March. Can or box manufacture ; E. C. and E. E. Barlow ; 24763 ; 6th August. Cask ; W. Houlker ; 24802 ; 15th August. Cheese-case-making appliance; J. Quested; 25354; 4th December. Container ; J. S. Ferguson and J. Davidson : 25253 ; 23rd November. Crate. (See Rabbit-crate.) Egg-carrier ; G. Forsyth ; 24464 ; 30th May. Egg-carrier ; G. Forsyth ; 24748 ; 30th July. Egg-carrier ; J. E. Heys ; 24851 ; 28th August. Egg-carrier crate : C. G. Whitaker and V. Whitley ; 24652 ; 13th July. Handle. (See Bucket-handle.) Kerosene-tin ; T. Gager ; 25009 ; 2nd October. Kerosene-tin handle. (See Bucket-handle.) Liquid receptacle or carrier; W. F. Lietz and D. O'Connor , 24687 ; 18th July. Liquid receptacle or carrier; W. F. Lietz; 24782; 11th August. Liquids, transferring to another can ; D. H. Waldie ; 24948 ; 18th September. Metal can. (See Can.) Produce-box ; A. Robins ; 24950 ; 18th September. Rabbit-crate ; W. Burrell; 25099 ; 19th October. Sprinkler-tin; Reckitt and Sons, Limited; 24565; 23rd June. Tins, tearing-strip device ; Austral Canning Company Proprietary, Limited ; 23999; 11th February. Travelling-trunk ; W. W. Pearce ; 24195.; 25th April. Waste-paper basket; A.Ferguson; 25116; 22nd October. Writing-case ; W. W. Pearce ; 24226 ; 7th May. Brewing, Distilling, and Wine-making. Hydrocarbon-oil, distillation of volatile spirit from ; Patent Hydrocarbon, Limited ; 25398; 31st December. Brooms and Brushes. Broom ; R. B. Williams ; 25016 ; sth October. Brush ; H. Akhurst; 24949 ; 18th September. Brushmaking-machine; W. J. Robertson; 24443; 22nd May. Bunching-machine ; W. J. Robertson ; 24442 ; 22nd May. Mop-wringer ; R. B. Williams ; 24404 ; 18th May. Mop-wringer ; R. B. Williams ; 24921; 14th September. Building. Bracket. (See Ladder-bracket, Scaffolding-bracket.) Brick and steel construction ; F. de J. Clere ; 24401; 16th May.




Building-construction; H.J.Marks; 25210; 12thNovember. Concrete and metal structures. (See Reinforced concrete.) Concrete compositions. (See Class Building — Bricks, Tiles, and Cement.) Concreting wooden and like surfaces ; F. E. Ross ; 24571 ; 23rd June. Cowshed, portable. (See Class Sheep and Cattle.) Facing and lining plates for walls ; T. I. Yourelle and J. Bellingham ; 24988 ; 29th September. Facing and lining plates for walls ; J. Mitchell; 25057 ; 12th October. Facing and lining plates for walls ; J. Mitchell; 25070 ; 13th October. Fire-proof construction ; T. I. Yourelle and J. Bellingham ; 24572 ; 27th June. Fire-proof construction. (See also such headings as Reinforced concrete, &c.) Flooring and matchboarding joints ; T. Martyn ; 24682 ; 18th July. Haystack-cover ; T. L. Mullally ; 24135 ; 13th March. Ladder-bracket; W. J. Boebuck and J. D. T. Paulin ; 23986 ; sth February. Matchboarding. (See Flooring and matchboarding.) Platform-bracket. (See Scaffolding-bracket.) Boinforced concrete construction ; J. G. Hudson, J. W. Mardon, and J. E. Watts ; 24051 ; 25th February. Reinforced concrete construction ; J. Wilson ; 24185 ; 27th March. Reinforced - concrete construction ; J. Meagher and A. W. Ellis; 24425 ; 19th May. Reinforoed-concrete construction ; T. I. Yourelle and J. Bellingham ; 24849 ; 28th August. Reinforced-concrete construction; A. Thomas; 25374; 23rd December. Beinforced-concrete facing and lining plate ; T. I. Yourelle and J. Bellingham ; 24988 ; 29th September. Reinforced-concreto pile or post; W. J. Mann; 23910; 11th January. Reinforced-concrete pile or post; J. Meagher and A. W. Ellis ; 24288 ; 15th April. Roofing-iron, attaching; J. N. McLean ; 23961 ; 31st January. Scaffolding-bracket; A. Lawton ; 24144 ; 18th March. Scaffolding-bracket; W. J. Roebuck ; 24621 ; 3rd July. Scaffolding-bracket ;, G. E. Humphries ; 24887 ; 4th September. Scaffolding-clamp; W. J. Roebuck and E. J. Thomson ; 23969 ; Ist February. Snow-board ; W. J. LeCren and J. B. Laurenson ; 24002 ; 15th February. Snow-board ; J. M. Taylor and H. Oakley ; 24634 ; Bth July. Spouting-bracket; W. E. Hughes ; 23908 ; 13th January. Spouting-bracket; G. Westmoreland ; 24264 : 13th April. Spouting-bracket; C. S. Elmsly, J. H. R. Taylor, and P. Bates; " 24797 ; 13th August. Spouting-bracket; F. E. Bythell; 24941 ; 18th September. Spouting-bracket; H. Smart; 25167 ; 2nd November. Tent-peg ; T. G. Given ; 25344 ; 11th December.'^ Tent-peg ; R. N. Adams ; 25361 ; 14th December.' Wall and partition ; J. Mitchell; 24166 ; 20th March. Wall and partition. (See Facing-plate for.) Weatherboarding ; T. Martyn ;' 24781 ; 11th August. Building {Bricks, Tiles, and Cement). Accelerator. (See Plaster composition and accelerator.) Artificial marble ;M. Janzon and O. Anderson; 24046 ; 24th February. Artificial marble, granite, &c. ; I. R. Jensen ; 23957 ; 31st January. Asphalt manufacture; J. W. Tong and A. W. Buckland; 25017 ; sth October. Brick arch. (See Fire-brick arch.) Brick-making composition; R. R. Dunn and A. Whett; 25067 ; 10th October. Brick-making composition ; A. J. Whett and J. L. Thornton'; 25358 ; 17th December. Brick-making process; W. J. F. Hayter; 25279; Ist December. Building-block ; R. M. Smith ; 24033 ; 20th February. Building-block ; C. A. Hamlin and Co. ; 24277 ; 15th April. Building-block ; A. A. Leman ; 24406 ; 14th May. Building-block ; R. M. Smith : 24517 ; 27th March. Building-block ; E. T. C. Firth ; 24979 ; 24th September. Building-block plaster. (See Plaster.)

Cement-manufacture; S. 0. Cowper-Coles ; 24145; 18th March. Cement-manufacture ; The Wilsons Portland Cement Company, Limited ; 24780 ; Bth August. Cement-manufacture ; Henry S. Spackman Engineering Company ; 25005 ; 30th September. Cement-manufacture ; W. J. Love and F. W. Skelsey ; 25031 ; 3rd October. Cement-clinker manufacture ; F. M. Allan ; 24606 ; Ist July. Fire-brick arch; G. D. Pulham ; 24421; 16th May .J Cemont-kiln. (See Class Furnaces and Kilns.) Flooring compound ; I. R. Jensen and T. Jeffrey ; 23935 : 27th January. Flooring compound; W. D. Bamsay and E. J. Shotton ; 24234 ; Bth April. Flooring and road-making composition ; H. H. Butterworth ; 25217 ; 10th November. Mould ; D. Morgan ; 24204 ; 2nd April. Mould for ferro-concrete ; L. McLellan ; 24685; 18th July. Plaster ; S. H. Avery ; 24939 ; 18th September. Plaster ;J. Mitchell; 25071 ; 13th October. Plaster ; J. Phelps ; 25226 ; 14th November. Plaster-ceiling ; X Coombs ; 23943 ; 29th January. Plaster composition and accelerator ; The H. S. Spackman Engineering Company ; 24540 ; 17th June. Tile ; W. I. Davis ; 24392 ; 14th May. Tile ;. S. E. Whiter ; 24584 ; 27th June. Tile for boiler furnace ; J. Baillie ; 23953 ; 30th January. Tile-manufacture ; J. J. Loke ; 25401 ; 29th October, t Tile for sewers ; J. E. Owen ; 25222 ; 16th November. Building ( Windows and Doors). Door-check ; H. Cockorill; 24563 ; 25th June. Door for cowshed ; F. E. Boss ; 24520; 11th June. Door-holder ; G. Lamb ; 24806 ; 17th August. Door-holder ; E. N. Adams ; 25275 ; 25th November. Door opening and closing mechanism ; B. F. Carey ; 23917 ; 16th January. Dust, draught, &c, excluder; R. Nelson; 24501 ; 9th June. Dust, draught, &c, excluder; H. Cockerill; 24563; 25th June. Dust, draught, &c, excluder; A. E. Woolley; 24960; 23rd September. Dust, draught, &c., excluder; E. T. Wood; 25304; 3rd December. Glazing-bar ; R. S. B. Low ; 25216 ; 12th November. Insect excluding device ; H. Boddington ; 24314 ; 29th April. Battling - preventer; M. Brown, E. A. Brown, and W. P. Rough ; 24102 ; 6th March. Battling-preventer ;H. N. Bagnall; 24167 ; 21st March. Rattling-preventer ; C. D. Bondfield ; 24678 ; 17th July. Sash ; W. Henry ; 24299 ; 22nd April. Sash-adjuster ; J. T. Kibblewhite ; 24298 ; 22nd April. Sash-balance; R. A. Fonseca ; 24114; 10th March. Sash-balance ; F. M. Norris ; 25140 ; 29th October. Sash-balance ; A. James, B. W. Smith, and H. W. Stokes ; 25158 ; 30th October. Sash-balance ; H. E. Thew ; 25277 ; 27th November. Sash-cord fastening ; W. Sinton ; 24300 ; 22nd April. Sash-lock ; M. Gribble ; 23989 ; 10th February. Sash, reversible ; T. Martyn ; 24605 ; 3rd July. Skylight-bar ; H. E. White ; 24231 ; Bth April. Window ; J. M. Taylor and H. Oakley ; 24512 ; 11th June. Window ; W. E. Swain ; 25327 ; Bth December. Chemicals. Cyanide-manufacture ; J. Snodgrass ; 24595 ; Ist July. Gases, purifying from dust, &c. ;F. G. Cottrell; 24218 ; 3rd April. Hydrocarbon-oil, distilling volatile spirit from ; Patent Hydrocarbon, Limited ; 25398 ; 31st December. Nitrogen, oxides of, producing ; I. Moscicki; 25148 ; 29th October. Salt-purifying apparatus?; E. B. Royston ; 24643; 11th July-Tar-treatment ; W. J. and A. Maiden ; 24552 ; 24th June. Tungsten combinations, producing ; F. Harrison and C. H. Dorman ; 25135*; 30th"October, 1907. t Gleaning, Polishing, and Grinding. Carpet-cleaner. (See Dust-extraotor.) Dust, collecting and removing from floors ; B. L. Donne and P. H. Stacey ; 24074 ; 2nd March.




Dust collector for tramways ; W. Bobbs ; 25203 ; 25th November. Dust -extractor; W. Rowbotham ; 24569; 26th June. Dust-extractor, vacuum; J. Waeohter-Gerbei ; 2;">:!4S ; 12th December. Furniture-polish ; A. L. Riddles ; 24609 ; 9th June. Linoleum glaze : A. Gimn ; 24(i.'S0 ; 7th July. Vacuum cleaner. (See Dust-extractor, vacuum.) Closets and Urinals. Closet; 3. Syvret ; 24903 ; 10th September. Closet; R. 8. Newcomb; 25362 ; 21st December. Closet, earth- ; J. Baird ; 25044; 7th October. Closet-pan; R. J. Farmer; 24181; 26th March. Closet-pan; 11. F.Cameron; 25385; 24th December. Closet-seat; A. Da vies; 25163; 2nd November. Flushing-apparatus; W. Ward and A. L. J. Tusker; 23921 ; 27th July. Flushing-apparatus; W. Turnbull ; 24614; 4th July. Flushing-apparatus ; J. M. Taylor and H. Oakley; 24727; 25th July. Flushing-apparatus ; J. O. Suckling ; 25137; 28th October. Flushing-apparatus; W. Beamish; 25288; 28th November. , Slop-pail; T. Hawkins: 25372; 22nd Deoember. Coin-freed Mechanism. Envelope-delivery mechanism ;A. H. Wright; 24236; 7th April. Postage-machine; G. D. Murohie and M. Badger; 24800; 13th August. Stamp and ticket vending machine ; E. C. E. Mills, P. Heyes, and W. J. Napier; 24312; 28th April. Stamp-vending machine ;E. E. Wigzell ; 24660; 14th July. Weighing-machine, coin-freed; A. H. Wright; 24237; 7th April. Cooling and Freezing. Ammonia-refrigerator ; G. Nelson ; 25179 ; 4th November. Beer-oooler ; E. V. Fulljames and G. W. Henderson ; 23938 ; 23rd January. .Compressor, elastic fluid- ; C. H. Stuart and C. S. Snell; 24528 ; 16th June. Condenser or vaporiser ; C. J. A. Gottlieb ; 24592 ; Ist July. Cool chamber ; R. M. and A. Maunder ; 23918 ; 16th January. Cool chamber ; J. Forsyth and T. Lawrence ; 25364 ; 21st December. Cool-storage safe; F. 0. yon Rome and G. Hutchinson; 24884; 3rd September. Cool-storage safe; F. O. yon Rome and G. Hutchinson; 25388 ; 24th December. Cool-storage process and apparatus ; Houlder Bros, and Co., Limited, and G. Anderson ; 23881 ; 3rd January. Cool-storage process and apparatus ; J. Macmeikan ; 25171 ; 4th November. Fan ; R. Paladini; 25054 ; 12th October. Fan for motor-car ; De Dion Bouton (1907), Limited ; 25284 ; 2nd December. Ice-chest; R. Vause ; 24005 ; 12th February. Meat-cooling process, &c. (See Cool storage, &<:.) Refrigerator. (See Ammonia-refrigerator.) Cultivating and Tilling. Cultivator ; A. C. Anderson ; 24059 ; 25th February. Cultivator fore-carriage; R. A. Walker; 23998; 12th February. Cultivator, spring-tine ; J. Gray ; 25185 ; 4th November.| Digger. (See Plough.) Disc plough ; J. La very ; 24559 ; 25th June. Disc plough ; D. H. Smith ; 24574; 27th June. Harrow, disc ;P. and D. Duncan, Limited; 24674; 15th July. Harrow, pivot; J. Runciman ; 24829 ; 20th August. Harrow, tine ; J. W. Stuart; 24651 ; 13th July. Harrow, tine and chain ;C. Grant; 24981 ; 24th September. Harrow, tine-attachment; H. E. Thew; 25404; 31stTOecember. Fertiliser-manufacture ; 0. Harrison ; 24351 ; sth May. Fertiliser-manufacture; E. H. Trotman; 24902; 9th September. ■• Offal-treatment ;1 J. Stamp and W. J. Powell; 25396 ; 30th December.

Plough ; N. M. McCorkindale ; 24618 ; 3rd July. Plough ; T. Pennal; 24876 ; 2nd September. Plough, digger ; F. O. Linstrom ; 24874 ; 2nd September. Plough, draught- ; J. M. Dowd ; 24165; 24th March. Plough, scrub-tucker attachment to ; R. Andrews ; 24728 ; 28th August. Ploughshare; J. F. C. Hodges and G. W. Griffith ; 25291 ; 3rd December. Potato grubber and cultivator; E. Hill, A. Wakem, and E. Papworth ; 24701 ; 18th July. Shackle for plough-bridle ; F. Cooper. ; 24546 ; 20th June. Skeith-buckle ; F. Cooper ; 24545 ; 20th June. Gutting and Sawing and Tools. Bench-stop; J. Upchureh ; 24807; 17th August. Bevel-square ; C. V. Jenkins ; 24476 ; 4th June. Boring and straining appliance; E. P. Crowe; 24791 ; 13th August. Can-opening attachment; E. O. Blaokwell ; 24870; Ist September. ('cut ring-device for saw-spindle ; C. Uddstrom ; 24747 ; 28th July. Chain pipe-wrench. (See Pipe-wrench.) Combination tool ; G. Cocks; 24817; 20th August. Cramp, boarding, &c. ; W. H. Hampton, J. Anderson, and R. 11. Free; 23923; 20th January. Cramp, boarding, &c. ; P.Pickering; 24282; 21st April. Cram |>, boarding, &c. ; T. D. Smith ; 24873 ; 2nd September. Cramp, boarding, &c. ; T. Woolley ; 25243 ; 20th November. Drift. (See Rivet-hole drift.) Drill; H. Bruce ; 25400 ; 30th December. Flax-cutting tool ; G. Walker ; 25162 ; 29th October. Flooring-cramp. (See Cramp.) Grooving-device. (See Rabbeting, &c, device.) Handle, tool- ; E. C. Austin ; 24594 ; Ist July. Handle, scythe- ; F. H. Jackson ; 25262 ; 25th November. Handle, securing tool to ; C. Mills ; 23942 ; 29th January. Hoe ; T. R. Bond ; 24888 ; 4th September. Jigsaw; D. Fraser; 25326; 11th December. Knife ;R.L. S. Kaleski ; 24637 ; 6th July. Matchboarding. (See Cramp.) Meat-slicing machine ; Maatschappij tot vervaardiging van Snijmachines volgens "Van Berkel's Patent" en van andere werktuigen ; 24533 ; 17th June. Meat-slicing machine ; H. Thomas ; 25349 ; 12th Deoember. Meat-slicing machine, sharpening ; W. A. van Berkel; 24481 : 4th June. Metal shearing-tool ; A. G. Tomkies ; 24642 ; 7th July. Mitre-box ; A. J. Park ; 24566 ; 23rd June. Mitre-box ; T. McNabb ; 25035 ; Bth October. Mitre-cutter ; R. Dunne ; 24107 ; 6th March. Mortise-machine ; E. J. and H. V. Gazzard ; 24814 ; 17th August. Nail-punch; A. W. B. Corry and C. H. Alley; 25330; 9th December. Picture-frame making. (See Mitre-box.) Picture-mount cutter ; A. J. Park ; 24260 ; 10th April. Picture-mount, &c, marker; A. J. Park ; 24261 ; 10th April. Pipe-wrench, chain ; W. H. Dyne ; 24453 ; 28th May. Post-hole digger ; A. Ferris and J. J. Poynton ; 24961 ; 23rd September. Rabbeting and grooving device; A. M. Bartley; 24758 ; 31st July. Rivet-hole drift; C. F. Pulley ; 24470 ; Ist June. Saw. (See Jig saw.) Saw-bench ; F. Coulthard ; 24441 ; 21st May. Saw-frame spacing-device; F. H. Mander; 24991 ; 30th September. Saw-fence; G. L. Briggs and R. F. Bollard; 25045; 7th October. Saw-set; F. W. Noffke ; 24518 ; 13th June. Screw-driver operating-device; J. Bennett ; 24104; 6th March. Scrub-cutter ; E. Nevill; 24493 ; 4th June. Scrub-cutter ; T. Jackson ; 24544 ; 18th June. Scrub-cutter; W. J. McElroy; 24919; 14th September. Scythe-handle}; F. H. Jackson ; 25262 ; 25th November. Shaping-machine for turbine-blades ; C. A. Parsons ; 23888 ; 3rd January. Shears, scissors, &c. ; G. Birley ; 24255 ; 10th April. Shoe for tree-felling ; P. Pearc? ; 23992 ; 12tli February. Spanner ; J. W. McCarthy ; 24975 ; 25th September. Spanner ; W. Murray ; 25092 ; 16th October. Spanner ; C. Lewes ; 25325 ; lOthVDecember. Trowel, gardening ; F. Castle ; 24920 ; 14th September.



Turnip-cutter ; M. Henry ; 25015 ; sth October. " Wharf-decking planer ; 0. F. Pulley ; 23988 ; 10th February. Wrench. (See Pipe-wrench, &c, spanner.) Dairying. Butter-cutter ; E. S. Wells ; 24468 ; 29th May. Butter-cutter ; W. N. Smith ; 24598 ; 2nd July. Butter cutter and wrapper : J. T. Muir ; 25025 ; 7th October. Buttermaking-apparatus, &o. ;A. H. Borgstrom ; 24229; Bth April. Buttermaking-apparatus, &c. ;C. A. Maodonald ; 24700; 23rd July. Buttermaking-apparatus, &c.; J. Pedersen; 24720; 21st July. Butter-packer ; J. T. Muir ; 23893 ; 7th January. Butter-packer ; H. J. Topliss ; 24549 ; 23rd June. Butter-separator ; The Swiftsure Syndicate, Limited ; 23879 ; 3rd January. Butter-tester. (See Moisture-tester.) Casein-manufacture ; C. A. Baechler : 25331 ; 20th March.f Cheese-marker j A. H. Williams ; 24383 ; 12th May. Cheese-vat; J. H. MoLeod ; 25187 ; 7th November. Churn and butter-worker ; J. Pedersen ; 24720 ; 21st July. Churn-lid ; H. J. Topliss ; 24547 ; 22nd June. Curd-and-milk-agitating device; J. Anderson and J. D. Hunter ; 23985 ; 7th February. Curd-and-milk-agitating device ; G. H. MacEwan ; 24813 ; 17th August. Curd-and-milk-agitating device; W. J. McDonald and J. Hopkirk ; 25393 ; 29th December. Curd-rack; J. Anderson and J. D. Hunter; 23984; 7th February. Liquid-ripener ; A.Jensen; 24644; 11th July. Milk, &c, cooler ; J. P. Mayne ; 23993 ; 12th February. Milk, &c, cooler ; A. Lawton ; 24037 ; 22nd February. Milk, &c., cooler ; A. Philpott; 24177 ; 21st March. Milk, &c, cooler; W. H. Throsby ; 24389; 13th May. Milk, &c, cooler ; C. Kendrick ; 24912; Bth September. Milk, &c, cooler ; G. H. Jenkinson and H. A. Ward ; 24917 ; 14th September. Milk, &c, cooler and aerator; M. Clayton and F. Hitchcock; 25260; 24th November. Milk, &c., cooler platform ; M. Herriok ; 24998 ; Ist October. Milk-can ; R. Bellenger ; 24816 ; 20th August. Milk-can ; E. J. Whyte ; 24936 ; 17th September. Milk, &c, strainer ; R. Walker ; 24928 ; 12th September. Milk-delivery apparatus ; W. J. W. Pascoe and R. Walker ; 24239 ; 7th April. Milk heater and cooler ; E. C. Piercy ; 247.16 ; 23rd July. Milk, preparing for freezing ; T. K. Walton ; 25191 ; sth November. Milk, skim-, distributor ; E. D. Berry ; 24463 ; 30th May. Milk-weigher; R. R. Dowden and J. S. Clark; 25182; 2nd November. Milking-machine ; B. W. Benn ; 23884 ; 3rd January. Milking-machine ; B. W. Benn ; 23929 ; 23rd January. Milking-machine ; C. Da vies ; 24063 ; 27th February. Milking-appliance ; W. Sim ; 24170 ; 25th March. Milking-machine ; G. J. E. Sundberg and C. J. J. Hagg ; 24246 ; 9th April. Milking-appliance ; C. Dahl; 24254 ; 10th April. Milking-appliance ; J. J. Packer ; 24356 ; 6th May. Milking-machine ; J. Blake ; 24488 ; 4th June. Milking-machine ; J. Blake ; 24489 ; 4th June. Milking-machine ; E. Aitken ; 24577 ; 29th June. Milking-machine ; A. B. and A. M. Robertson, J. Hurle, and J. Bowman ; 24615 ; 4th July. Milking-machine ; J. Blake ; 24733 ; 28th July. Milking-machine ; W. H. Blackham ; 24796 ; 13th August. Milking-machine ; A. Kilborn ; 24843 ; 26th August. Milking-machine ; C. E. Gane ; 24886 ; 4th September. Milking-machine ; A. Bunting ; 25003 ; 30th September. Milking-machine; R.A.Wiggins; 25177; 4th November. Milking-machine ; A. W. Reid ; 25236 ; 18th November. Milking-machine; K. I. Linstrom; 25273; 11th December, 1907-t Milking-machine teat-cup ; J. Blake ; 24034 ; 21st February. Milking-machine teat-cup; R. A. Wiggins; 24068; 28th February. Milking-machine teat-cup ; A. Gillies ; 24.148 ; 18th March. Milking-machine teat-cup ; P. A. and G. N. Buhner ; 24258; 9th April. Milking-machine teat-cup ; A. Gillies ; 24315 ; 29th April. Milking-machine teat-cup ; A. Gillies ; 24788; 12th August. 5—H. 10.

! Milking-machine teat-cup ; C. E. Hodge and S. P. Andersen ; 25184 ; 6th November. Milking-machine teat-cup ; D. A. Poole ; 25214 ; 12th No. vember. Milking-machine teat-cup support; C. H. Hopping ; 24343 ; 2nd May. Milking-machine vacuum-tank; C. Da vies ; 24063 ; 27th February. ! Milking-machine-valve mechanism ; A. Kilborn ; 24843 ; 26th August. Milking-pail knee-rest; D. W. Dike ; 24025; 17th February. Moisture-tester ; F. W. Nicholls ; 24082 ; 4th March. Pasteurising-apparatus. (See Milk-heater, &c.) Pasteurising-prccess ; A. Goetz and P. A. Jones ; 25247 : 17th November. Separator; G. S. Dahlgren ; 25347; Kith December. Teat-cup. (See Milking-machine teat-cup.) Vacuum milking-machine. (See Milking-machine, &c.) Drains, Sewers, efce. Air-inlet ; A. Slinger and R, Knox ; 23964 ; 31st January. Drain-trap; W. O. McFaddin ; 24069; 26th February. Induct vent; T. R. Christie ; 23955 ; 25th January. Nightsoil. (See Sewage.) Sewage, &c, treatment; K. E. Fryklind ; 24448 ; 27th May. Sewage, &c. ( treatment; M. M. Neilton ; 24487 ; 4th June. Sewage, Sec, treatment; Oxychlorides (1907), Limited; 25100 : 21st October. Dredging and Excavating. Dredge-tailings stacker; H. B. Murray; 25461 ; 16th January. Dredge-tumbler gear ; E. Brazenall; 24418; 16th May. Drill-holder ; J. Gibbon ; 24725 ; 25th July. Drill-socket; F.W.Robinson; 25172; 4th November. Excavator ; J. W. Harris ; 24755 ; 3rd August. Ladder roller for dredge ; W. M. Orr; 24011; 15th February. Rock-drill chuck ; T. E. W. Noyes : 24391 ; 13th May. Rock-drill feed-screw ; H. E. D. Merry ; 25289 ; 28th November. Tunnelling-machine ; R. B. Sigafoos ; 24570 ; 26th June. Drying. Centrifugal drying-machine; W. G. Richardson ; 25085; 16th October. Clothes-drying appliance ; J. Fenton ; 24<><KJ; 20th July. Clothes-line ; R. A. Martin ; 24087 ; 4th March. Clothes-line prop ; A. H. Wright; 24963 ; 19th September. Clothes-peg ;' F. T. Dakin ; 24531 ; 17th June. Clothes-peg ; A. C. V. Torr ; 24983 ; 29th September. Clothes-peg box ; C. A. Baker ; 24683 ; 15th July. Egg-drying; H. Burrows ; 24125; 12th March. Electricity and Magnetism. Alternating-current motors ; E. F. W. Alexanderson ; 24119 ; Uth March. Conducting-products, manufacture of; H. HerTenschmidt ; 23913 ; 15th January. Conduit; J. Christie ; 24679 ; 14th July. Coupling, nipple-, for wire pipes ; A. E. Jones and J. Whitelaw ; 25261 ; 25th November. Cut-off device ; M. G. Newbould ; 24214 ; 3rd April. Cut-off device ; M. G. Ncwbould ; 24280 ; 16th April. Cut-off device ; M. G. Newbould ; 24393 ; 14th May. Dynamo, electric-machine ; The Zone Dynamo and Motor Patents Company, Limited ; 24867 ; Ist September. Dynamo and motor for railway vehicles ; J. H. Jenkins : 24398; 16th June. Electrolyte ; W. J. L. Sandy ; 24982 ; 25th September. Insulator ; 0. M. Graham ; 24561 ; 25th June. Insulator-support; C. M. Graham ; 24564 ; 25th June. Potential, regulating ; J. R. Park ; 23906 ; Bth January. Primary battery; W. A. F. Bleeck ; 23991 ; 11th February. Primary battery ; W. Hooker ; 24020 ; 19th February. Resistance device ; H. S. Martin ; 24789 ; 12th August. Vibrations, converting to electrical variations ; H. S. Martin ; 25020 ; 6th October. Welding by electricity ; W. E. Hughes ; 24271 ; 14th April. Welding by electricity, clamp for; W. E. Hughes ; 24272 ; 14th April. • Welding by electricity, electrode for ; W. E. Hughes ; 24273 : 14th April. .. , ,





Engines (Air, Gas, and Oil). Compressor ; P. Ellis ; 24840 ; 20th August. Explosive engine ; G. T. Girdler ; 24075 ; 29th February. Explosive engine ; J. E. C. Brown ; 25046 ; 9th October. Fluid-pressure and suction motor ; G. F. Hutchinson; 24730 ; 27th July. Hot- and cold-water attachment to engine; W. H. Blaokham ; 24769 ; 7th August. Hot-air motor and compressor ; ('. H. Stuart and ('. S. iSnell; 24528 ; I (it h June. Internal-combustion engine; E. Coulson; 2410] ; 23rd March. Internal-combustion engine ) W. H. Trengrovc ; 25215; 12th November. Oil-engine. (See Internal-combustion engine.) Oil-tank filler ; C. F. Gardner ; 24026 ; 17th February. Engines (Steam), including Rotary Pumps. Ejector-governor; W. H. Blaokham ; 25310; 9th December. Exhaust, utilising, for heating liquids; P. A. and C. W. Le Marquand; 24860; 31st August. Governor. (See Ejector-governor.) Locomotive-driving gear; J. Shepherd and A. Cederman; 24579 ; 29th June. Motor ; K. B. Kristensen ; 24766 ; 6th August. Oil-separation in engine; D. Speirs ; 24295; 14th April. Packing ; R. Klinger ; 23833 ; 3rd January. Packing; P.Brandt; 25198; 11 th November. Piston ; H. V. Johansen ; 243<i(i; 4th May. Racing of engines, preventing; P. S. lrwin; 25040; 6th October. Racing of engines, preventing; ('. S. Beilby ; 25221 ; fith November. Rotary engine ; F. Lennard ; 25195 ; 12th December. 1907.f Rotary engine ; T. H. Austin ; 24382 ; 9th May. Rotary engine and pump; The Pittler Universal Rotary Machine Syndicate, Limited ; 24484 ; 4th June. Rotary pump ; A. E. Luttrell and E. P. Hosch ; 24482 ; 4th June. Rotary pump; J. L. Hantaan; 24819; 20th August. Rotary pump; F. Lamplough, L. F. M. de Peyrecave, and Thomas Evans and Son (Poplar). Limited; 25197; 11th November. Rotary pump ; H. R. Smith ; 25220 ; 13th November. Spark-arrester ; R. Tacou ; 24000 ; 28th February. Spark-arrester; W. Aston ; 24407; 19th May. Spark-extinguisher; E.Hope; 24858; 31st August. Turbine : J. E. Friend ; 24023 ; 19th February. Turbine; J.Marks; 24143; 13th March. Turbine; J. Shepherd and A. Cederman; 24522; 15th June. Turbine; J.Marks; 24657; 11th July. Turbine; J.F.Brady; 24818; 20th August. Turbine; A. Cederman and J. Peake, jun. ; 24974; 25th September. Turbine ; J. Shepherd and T. Palmer ; 25156 ; 22nd October. Turbine ; C. A. Parsons ; 25402 ; 30th December. Engines (Miscellaneous) and Engine Accessories. Air-compressor. (See Tide motor or compressor.) Air-current motor. (See Windmill.) Band-gearing roller-grip ; B. and W. Trewhella ; 25061 ; 9th October. Bearings for bevel gear; D- Dion Bouton (1907), Limited; 25397 ; 30th December. Bearings for shafting; L. W. Grayson; 24410; 20th May. Clutob ; J. A. Whitman; 24722; 22nd July. Clutch; W. Seifert; 24742; 30th July. Clutch, friction ; G. and D. Gilberd ; 25337 ; 17th December. Current-motor pontoon. (See Pontoon.) Current-turbine. (See Water wheel or motor.) Differential gear. (See Variable gear.) Driving-belt and pulley; J. Wilson and J. Hilford ; 25336; 9th December. Driving-gear ; E. W. Coleman ; 25133 ; 28th October. Friction clutch. (See Clutch.) (Scaring roller-grip. (See Band-gearing roller-grip.) Gear-train toothed pinion ; B. and W. Trewhella ; 25002 ; 9th October. Packing for hydraulic machine; P. Brandt; 25198; 11th November. Packing for stuffing box, &c. ; R. Klinger ; • 23883 ; 3rd January. Pawl and ratchet mechanism ; B. and "W. Trewhella ; 25063; 9th October. Pelton wheel. (See Water-motor, Pelton wheel.) Pinion-gear. (See Gear-train.)

Pontoon for current-motor ; H.Morgan; 24010; 29th June Pontoon for current-motor ; W. Carr ; 24911; 9th September. Power-transmitting device ;G. W. Mascord; 24659: 14th July. Power-transmitting device ; W. Carr and A. Spooner ; 25138 ; 26th October. Power-transmitting device; J. M. Madden; 25394; 29th December. Pump and motor ; R. Spoendlin ; 24243 ; 9th April. Reciprocating motion, producing; C. V. Boys and J. W. Tierney ; 25312 ; 9th December. Reversible and variable gear; G. P. Innes and T. C. Allen ; 24207 ; 2nd April. Roller-grip for band-gearing. (See Band-gearing, &c.) Shafting-bearings. (See Bearings.) Solar motor ; F. Shuman ; 24934 ; 17th September. Tide and current motor ; G. E. Cross ; 25322 ; 9th December. Tide and wave motor; M. Saunders ; 24259; 11th April. Tide motor or compressor; D. M. Brooks; 25270; 27th November. Turbine, air-current. (See Windmill.) Turbine, water-current. (See Water-wheel, &c.) Variable and reversible gear. (See Reversible gear, &c, above.) Variable gear; G. T. and H. H. Stewart; 25258; 24th November. Variable gear ; H. A. H. Salomo ; 25271 ; 20th November. Variable pulley; G. T. and H. H. Stewart; 25350; 19th December. Water wheel or motor ; F. W. Payne ; 23897 ; 4th January. Water wheel or motor ; J. A. Milne and H. Morgan ; 23948 ; 28th January. Water wheel or motor ; F. W. Payne ; 23983 ; 4th February. Water wheel or motor ; W. Morton ; 24973 ; 23rd September. Water wheel or motor ; G. E. Cross ; 25322 ; 9th December. Water wheel or motor ; W. Carr and A. E. Spooner ; 25333 ; Bth December. Water-motor, Pelton-wheel; C. G. McKellar ; 24052 ;24 th February. Wave-motor ; W. Snee ; 24386 ; 12th May. Wave or tide motor ; M. Saunders ; 24259 ; 1 lth April. Windmill; C. Murnane ; 23940 ; 29th January. Windmill; J. de Irabien ; 25105; .21st October. Windmill; T. R. Clow ; 25218 ; 10th November. Explosives, Firearms, and Targets. Explosive ; W. H. Palmer ; 24371 ; Bth May. Explosive ; B. E. D. Kilburn ; 24527 ; 16th June. Gun-discharge silencer; Maxim Silent Fire Arms Company; 25373 ; 23rd December. Magazine rifle ; A. W. Rogers ; 24937 ; 17th September. Rifle carrying-attachment ; S. F. Crocker ; 24555 ; Bth July, 1907. f Target; F.H.James; 24762; 4th August. Wind-gauge and vernier elevator ; W. J. C. Downey ; 24578 ; 10th July, 1907.-J-Exte.rminating and Trapping Animals. Animal-trap. (See Trap.) Gas, visible for testing; F. S. Greer; 24711 ; Oth April.f Gas, poisonous, destroying by. (See Fumigating, &c, apparatus.) Fumigating apparatus, composition, &c. ; T. Bolton ; 2370:") ; 10th January. Fumigating-apparatus, composition, &c. ; B. Baruschke and G. M. Jenckel; 23971 ; sth February. Fumigating-apparatus composition, &c. ; W. Tyree ; 24010; " 6th September, 1907.f Fumigating-apparatus com]H>sition, &c. ;W. Tyree ; 241131 ; 25th October, 1907.f Fumigating-apparatus composition, &c. ; B. lacking ; 24530 ; 16th June. Fumigating-apparatus composition, &c. ; F. S. Greer ; 24712; 9th April, f Fumigating-apparatus composition, &c. ; J. H. Grant; 25030 ; 7th October. Fumigating-apparatus composition, &c. ; W. T. Hitchen ; 25237 ; 19th November. Fumigating-apparatus composition, &c. ; B. Locking ; 25250 ; 21st November. Mouse, &c., trap. (See Trap.) Poison-gas generator. (See Fumigating, &c.) Thistle-destroying. (See Weed-destroying.) Trap, animal- ; W. Beamish ; 24010 ; 15th February. Trap, animal- ; C. G. White ; 24292 ; 15th April. Trap, animal- ; W. Beamish ; 25287 ; 28th November. Trap, mouse and rat ; J. Stephens ; 24197 ; 31st March.



Trap, rabbit- ; C. Whitburn ; 24457 ; 26th May. Trap, rat- ; H. G. Turner and J. P. Fix ; 24313 ; 28th April. Trap, rat- ; D. Gibbins ; 24803 ; Ist September. Trap, spring jaw attachment; H. L. Mainland; 25332; 9th December. Weed-destroying apparatus ; J. S. Rutherfurd; 24439; 23rd May. Weed-destroying apparatus ; W.Sim; 24084; 13th July. Weed-destroying composition ; T. M. Shepherd ; 24192; • 27th March. Weed-destroying composition ; A. Mac Arthur ; 240!)0 ; 20th July. Weed-destroying composition; T. F. Long; 25298; 2nd December. Weed-eradicator, electric; J. Armstead and N. J. Hancock; 24499 ; 4th June. Fencing. Batten; A. I. Carr ; 24802; 28th August. Concrete fencing and lining plate; T. I. Yourelle and J. Bellingham ; 24988 ; 29th September. Concrete post; V. A. Lambert; 24409 ; 28th May. Concrete post ; G. W. Grainger ; 24605; ]4th July. Coiling-machine. (See Reeling-apparatus.) Dropper; A. T. G. Symons ; 24115; 9th March. Dropper ; C. H. Williams ; 24311 ; Bth June. Dropper ; A. Campbell; 24724 ; 22nd July. Gate : A. H. Kortlang ; 23890 ; Bth January. Gate; T. Yabsley ; 24556; 25th June. Gate; F.S.Barnes; 24072; 13th July. ' Gate ; J. Moffat; 24842 ; 26th August; Gate-post j T.French; 24950; 18th September. Gate, opening and shutting; R. F. Carey; 23917; Kith January. Gate, sliding, automatic lock; P. Zerbino; 24767 ; 7th August. Post. (See Concrete poet.) Post-coupling; W. J. Roebuck ; 25032; sth October. Reeling-apparatus; C.W.Graham; 24402; Kith May. Reeling-apparatus; E. Nevill; 24492; 4th June. Reeling-apparatus ; E. Hayes ; 24516 ; 12th June. Reeling-apparatus; A. V. Coldwell; 24751; 31st July. Splicing-shield ; W. H. Anscombe ; 25161 ; 2nd November. Spreader ; F. J. Torr ; 24551 ; 23rd June. Standard ; G. M. K. Hunter ; 24160 ; 9th March. Standard ;H. Guscott; 24699 ; 18th July. Wire-coiler. (See Reeling.) Wire-fastener; A.J.Nicholas; 24188; 27th March. Wire-fastener ; R. J. Waters ; 24996 ; Ist October. Wire-fastener; E. P. S. McPharlin ; 25023; lit 1] October. Wire-fastener; T. Drummond ; 25303; 3rd December. Wire-Hplice shield. (See Splicing-shield.) Fencing (Strainers). Boring and straining appliance; E. P. Crowe ; 24791 ; 13th August. Wire-strainer ; E. H. Browne ; 24104 ; 23rd March. Wire-strainer; W.C.Wright; 24055; 11th July. Wire-strainer; J. H. Tint; 24894; sth September.f Wire-strainer; J. A. Murchison ; 24951; 17th September. VVirc-straincr ; W. P. S. Macgregor and E. C. Reid ; 25075 ; 12th October. Wire-strainer; F. W. Page ; 25297; 3rd December. Wire-strainer ; W. Moore ; 25307 ; 9th December. Wire-strainer ; P. J. Lewis ; 25320 ; 9th December. Fibre-dressing. Beater-bar; H.A.Nicholson; 25386; 24th December. Beater-bar, trueing-up ; F. R. Simmonds and W. Seifert ; 23900 ; Bth January. Bleaching-process ; V. S. Aston ; 24048 ; 21st February. Bleaching-process ; R. H. Gulleford and J. G. Harbottle ; 25027 ; 7th October. Catcher and conveyor ; R. Millis ; 24106 ; sth March. Catcher for fibre, &c. ; W. Seifert; 24743 ; 30th July. Catcher for fibre, &c. ; R. McGaffin ; 24943 ; 17th September. Catcher for fibre, &c. ; (.'. Suttie and M. H. Wynyard; 25269 ; 21st November. Flax-dressing apparatus. (See Fibre-machine.) Fibre-cleaner; C. Suttie and M. H. ■Wynyard ; 24284; 16th April. Fibre-cleaner; J. K. Toles ; 25149; 29th October. Fibre-cleaning and preparing apparatus ; J, K. Toles ; 25151 ; 29th October.

Fibre conveying and reversing apparatus ; J. K. Toles • 25150; 29th October. Fibre-drying, loading, &c, mechanism ; G. Walker ; 247(50 ; 31st July. Fibre-holder; C. Suttie and M. H. Wynyard; 24344; 29th April. Fibre-machine } J. Shields ; 23932 ; 24th January. Fibre-machine ; G. W. Inglis ; 24333 ; 27th April. Fibre-machine; C. Suttie and M. H. Wynyard ; 2434.); 29th April. Fibre-machine; C. Suttie and M. H. Wynyard; 24340; 29th April. Fibre-machine; W. Seifert and W. Campbell; 24734; 29th July. Fibre-machine; J. M. Ocllins and J. Low; 24859; 31st August. Fibre-machine; G. Craw ; 24924; L6th September. Fibre-machine ; A. J. Whiteside ; 24953 ; 21st September. Fibre-machine ; S. Carr ; 24972 ; 25th September. Fibre-machine ; J. M. Collins, J. Low, and A. Bulges ; 25000 ; 20th October. Fibre-machine and process ; G. Craw ; 24810; 19th August. Fibre-manufacture; S.Graham; 24091; L 7th July. Fibre-preparation; L. M. M. Monteath ; 25073; L3th October. Fibre-preserving; G. Dillberg and A. Gadd ; 24355; Oth May. Fibre-stripping machine; \V. (!. Richardson; 24154; 19th March. Fibre-stripping machine ; H. A. Nicholson ; 25387 ; 24th December. Fibre-scutcher ; J. M. Collins, J. Low, and A. Humes ; 26095 ; 20th October. Fibre-treatment; C. Suttie and M. H. Wynyard ; 24224 ; 4th April. Fibre-treatment ; E. Wrigley ; 24424 ; 19th May. Fibre-treatment; W. Seifert ; 25038; Bth October. Fibre-treatment; J. M. Collins. .1. Low. and A. Burgee; 250!)4 ; 20th October. Fibre-treatment; W. Seifert ; 25395 ; 29th December. Flax-washer; T. Hallett ; 2475<> ; 4th August. Flax-washer; J. Currie ; 24969 ; 24th September. Flax-washer and scraper; F. W. May; 24971; 24th September. Hemp-washing and saccharine-gum recovery ; W. (!. Richard son ; 25224 ; 13th November. Plastic material, producing; W. F. Leitz and D. O'Connor; 25323; 10th December.' Ramie treatment; L. H. Raw and R. Stamper ; 24380 ; 12th May. Rope-making machinery ; V. O'Donnell; 25080; 15th October. Saccharine-gum recover}'; W. (!. Richardson ; 25224 ; 13th November. Filters. Filter; W. L. lmlay ; 25113; 22nd October. Water-pressure apparatus :A. .1. .Madden ; 24027 ; 17th February. Water-strainer, &c.; J. A. Powrie ; -.">os:i ; 15th October. Fire Alarms, Escapes, the. (includini/ Ladders of all Kinds). Alarm ;C. H. Westneat; 23967 ; 3rd February. Alarm; K. Young ; 23987; lOth February. Alarm; L. T. and E. F. Reichel ; 2424!); 9th A] nil. Alarm ; A. and A. L. Smith ; 24467 ; Ist June. Alarm; E. Moss ; 24498; Oth June. Alarm; F. Castle ; 24024; 6th July. Alarm ; A. Allan and T. Bowling ; 24654 ; 14th .Ink. Alarm ; E. Mess; 24670; Kith July. Alarm; E. Moss ; 24984; 28th September. Alarm; F. Castle ; 25058; 13th October. Alarm; E. Moss ; 25084; 15th October. Ala.rm and recorder; A. K. W. Rissel and W. H. Hennah ; 2407J ; 29th February. Alarm and recorder; L. T. and E. F. Reiehel; 24247; 9th April. Alarm and recorder ; L. T. and E. F. Reichel; 2424S ; 9th April. Alarm and recorder ; L. T. and K. V. Reichel; 24279 ; 16th April. Alarm and recorder; The Pearson Fire Alarm, Limited; 24352 ; sth May. Alarm and sprinkler ; E. H. Kirkby : 25208 ; 21st November. Alarm, firedamp ; M. and W. J. Blair ; 25294 ; 3rd December.





Bolt for fire-escape door. (See Class Locks, Latches, &c.) Extinguisher; W. E. Kjnnerney ; 24067; 28th February. Extinguishing by gases ; S. Kwing ; 25382 ; 24th December. Fire-escape crane; I. F. Taylor and 8. Pick; 24316; 29th April. Fireproof screen ;R. B. Ross ; 24391); 15th May. Fireproof wire-cloth ; J. W. Faulkner ; 24347; 13th July. Fusible plug; R. Walker ; 25254; 23rd November. I lot-air indicator. (See Alarm, &c.) Ladder ; (i. W. Thompson ; 24477 ; 30th .May. Ladder-bracket ; W. J. Roebuck and J. D. T. Paulin ; 23956 ; sth FebruaryLadder, adjustable foot for; W. J. Roebuck; 2301!); 14th January. Ladder, extensible ; H.Campbell; 24030; 19th February. Ladder, step- ; J. A. Boyd ; 23878 ; 3rd January. Ladder, step- ; W. J. Parsons ; 25069 ; 13th October. Ladder, step-; W. J. Roebuck ; 25074; 13th October. Screen. (See Fireproof screen.) Temperature indicator or recorder. (See Alarm, &c.) Water-distributor; W.C.Johnson; 23880; 3rd January. Food. Bread-manufacture ; A. R, E. Burton ; 24018 ; 19th February. Brcadstufls, feeding, to oven ; J. Dempsey ; 24291 ; 14th April. Casein-manufacture ;C. A. Baechler ; 25331; 20th March, f Coffee, freeing from caffeine ; K. H. Wimmer ; 25227; 18th November. Dough-aeration; G. Lunt; 25311; 9th December. Flour milling and conditioning; Henry Simon, Limited; 25110 ; 20th October. Food composition ; Ammo Limited ; 24698; 21st July. Food, predigested; W. Fowles; 25026; 7th October. Sail-melting; K. R. Royston ; 24(143 ; 1 lth July. Sauce; CM. Knight; 24496; 4th June. Furnaces and Kiln*. Boiler-furnace; F. Cotton; 24390; 13th May. Boiler-furnace ; J. Pomeroy ; 24793 ; 13th August. Cement-burning apparatus ; A. J. Park; 24607; Ist July. Cement-burning apparatus; H. S. Spackman; 25189; sth November. Cement-kiln, rotary ; F. M. Allan ; 24909 ; 9th September. Cement-manufactute. (See Class Building — Bricks, Tiles, and Cement.) Eleotric smelting-device ; .J. E. L. Cull ; 24190; 28th March. Fire-bars, water-filled ; C. N. Chandler and G. Dow ; 24599 ; 2nd July. Kume-condenser ; Q.C.Richards; 24447; 27th May. Iron-extraction apparatus ;C.G.P. de Laval; 24088 ; 29th February. Iron-ore reduction and steel-manufacture; M. Moore and T. J. Heskett; 24196; 31st March. Lime, &c, kiln ; F. Oakden ; 25121 ; 21st October. lime, Ac, kiln ; F. Oakden ; 25122; 21st October. Metallurgical furnace. (See Ore-roasting furnace.) Ore-roasting furnace ; S. D. McMiken ; 25118; 20th October. Ore roasting and sintering apparatus ; F. Bennitt; 24084 ; 4th March. Rabble ; T. Edwards ; 25101 ; 21st October. Rotary kiln ;F. M. Allan ; 24433 ; 19th May. Rotary kiln ; F. M. Allan ; 24606 ; Ist July. Smoke-consumer ; C. N. Chandler and G. Dow ; 24599 ; 2nd July. Smoke-consumer and fuel-economizer ; W. Aston ; 24407 ; 19th May. Smoke-consumer and fuel-economizer ; W. J. and G. Storey, G. McGregor, and W. G. Higgs ; 24596 ; 2nd July. Furniture and Upholstery. Bed-clothes, preventing displacement cf ; N. Astrella ; 24307 ; 27th April. Bed-rest. (See Invalid's bed.) Bedstead ; J. Strassmeyer ; 24308 ; 27th April. Bedstead ; J. H., J. D., G. T., T. M., and J. K. Muir ; 25308 ; 9th December. Bedstead-fastening device ; G. T., T. M., and J. K. Muir ; 25378 ; 23rd December. Bedstead-frame cramp ; G. T., T. M., and J. K. Muir ; 25375 ; 23rd December. Bedstead-joint; J. F. Stephenson ; 25147 ; 29th October. Bedstead, ornamental mounts for ; J. F. Stephenson ; 25175 ; 4th November.

Blind, bracket for roller- ; C. F. Olson ; 25272 ; 27th November. Blind ; W. C. Gee, H. N. Fletcher, and W. Godfrey ; 24032 ; 20th February. Blind-hanger; A. R. Hardy ; 24216; 3rd April. Blind raising and lowering ;A. B. Johnson ; 25190; 6th November. Blind, Venetian, raising and lowering ; H. Maighan ; 25076 ; 12th October. Chair, easy ; T. Barton ; 24915 ; 12th September. Chair, folding- ; D. Garner-Jones ; 23926 ; 21st January. Chair, folding- ; A. J. Stieber ; 24209 ; 2nd April. Chair, folding-; H. Broadbent ; 25342; 14th December. Chair-leg tip ; W. J. S. Layton ; 25352 ; 14th December. Combination bed-room furniture; P. H. Le Cornu ; 25119; 23rd October. Cot; E. Dahl; 25087 ; 19th October. Curtain-pole suspender; R. M. Maunder; 23904; lltli January. Curtains, raising, lowering, &c. ; A. R. Rami and H. Collins ; 24613 ; 4th July. Curtains, raising, lowering, &c. ; R. M. Maunder and H. Moffatt; 24826 ; 22nd August. Curtains, raising, lowering, &c. ; A. B. Johnson; 25190; 6th November. Desk, school-; W. H. Riddell; 24625 ; 6th July. Desk, school-; J. Strassmeyer; 24715; 23rd July. Frame, metal joint for : B. H. Nees ; 25321 ; 7th December. Glass or cup holder ; W. H. D. Newth ; 24600 ; 2nd July. Hammock and swing-cot ; E. Le Roy ; 24879; 31st August. Invalid's bed ; S. Winn ; 23952; 30th January. Invalid's bed ; I. A. Smith ; 24085 ; 4th March. Mat-holder; D.G.Sutherland; 24420; 20th May. Mattress, spring ; R, F. Marsh ; 24028 ; 18th February. Mattress, spring ; A. Ellis ; 24220 ; 6th April. Mattress, spring ; J. F. Stephenson ; 25146 ; 29th October. Mirror, &c, bearings ; W. J. Sturgess ; 24081; Bth March, 1907-f Reading-stand; G. Hutchinson; 25056; 12th October. Self-levelling bunk ; Anne of Lowenstein-Wertheim ; 25174 ; 4th November. Table; C. Easson; 24536; 15th June. Table, extensible ; G. Hyde ; 24043 ; 24th February. Table, extensible ; G. Hyde ; 25192 ; 10th November. Table, folding-; W.Scott; 24830; 21st August. Table, invalid's ; R, Maunsell; 24422 ; 21st May. Table, revolving- ; A. E. Harkin ; 24942 ; 18th September. Wash-stand ; J. B. Moir; 24891 ; 3rd September. Wire fabric ;A. H. Schmidt; 24219 ; 2nd April. Writing-case, &c. ; W. W. Pearce ; 24226 ; 7th May. Ghs Manufacture, (for Lighting, Healing, or Power purposes). Acetylene-generator; H. A. Fry; 24017; 19th February. Acetylene-generator : B. F. H. Dawson ; 24362 ; 6th May. Acetylene-generator ; W. J. Blair ; 24430 ; 22nd May. Acetylene-generator ; T. Ritchie and C. S. Bone ; 24677 ; 17th July. Acetylene-generator ; N.Z. Acetylene-gas Lighting Company, Limited ; 24744 ; 28th July. Acetylene-generator ;S. Wright; 25014 ; sth October. Acetylene-generator; J.Lewis; 25136; 28th October. Air-carburetter. (See Carburetter.) Air-supply device ; W. Hooker ; 23981 ; 7th February. Air-supply device ;H. M. Keesing ; 25109 ; 17th October. Carburetter ; H. B. Courtis ; 24162 ; 23rd March. Carburetter; W. P. Rough ; 24242; 9th April. Carburetter; J. Crook ; 24710; 16th July. Carburetter ; A. A. Stephenson ; 24907 ; 10th September. Carburetter ; H. Quertier ; 25130 ; 27th October. Carburetter ; M. F. Mieville ; 25285 ; 2nd December. Carburetter ; H. E. Smith ; 25346 ; 15th December.. Coal, destructive distillation of ; J. Jowett; 24631 ; Bth July. Coal, destructive distillation of ; T. Parker ; 25306 ; 9th December. Cut-off and alarm ; H.H. Hesketh; 24194; 27th March. Dust, purifying gases from; F. G. Cottrell; 24218; 3rd April. Gas-manufacture ; A. (!. R. Williams ; 24208 ; 2nd April. Gas-manufacture; A. G. R: Williams ; 24394; 14th May. Gas-manufacture ; H. Berry ; 24497 ; 6th June. Gas-manufacture ; J. Jowett; 24631 ; Bth July. Gas-manufacture ; G. R. Fellows ; 24749 ; 28th July. Gas-manufacture ; E. Temple ; 25176 ; 4th November. Gas-manufacture ; T. Parker ; 25306 ; 9th December. Hydrocarbon-gas production; 0. Ballingall; 24367; Bth May. I Hydrocarbon-gas production ; A. Jack ; 24423 ; 21st May.




Hydrocarbon-gas production ; A. A. Stephenson ; 24458 ; 29th May. Hydrocarbon-gas production; C. J. A. Gottlieb ; 24592 ; Ist July. Hydrocarbon-gas production; 0. J. Seehausen; 24645 ; 11th July. Hydrocarbon-gas production; J. A. Paterson ; 24772; Bth August. Hydrocarbon-gas production ; J. A. Patereon : 25042 ; 9th October. Hydrocarbon-gas production; J. A. Paterson; 25164; 2nd November. Hydrocarbon-gas production ; Patent Hydrocarbon, Limited ; 25398; 31st December. Mixed gases or vapours ; A. A. Stephenson ; 2395(i ; 31st January. Mixed gases or vapours ; A. A. Stephenson ; 24623 ; 6th July. Tar-treatment; W. J. and A. Maiden ; 24562; 24th June. Vapouriser. (See Hydrocarbon-gas produotion.) Harness (including Horse-covers). Animal-cover j E. H. Moore and J. F. Cripps; 24029; 17th February. Animal-cover ; J. Harrison and G. P. Martin ; 24141 ; 18th March. Animal-cover; (.'. Meuli; 24256; 10th April. Animal-cover; A. J. Woodley ; 24450; 28th May. Breeching and kicking strap; 0. J. Slomiiu ; 2470!); 12th August. Breeching-attachment; G. L. Colombue ; 24731; 28th July. Bridle ; B. T. Harrison ; 24548 ; 22nd June. Feed-bag for horses ; <;. ,J. Brown; 24134; 13th March. Baiter or headstall ; I. Button; 24438; 23rd May. Harness ; J. Stevens ; 23941 ; 29th January. Hock boot for horses ; G. Ruthven ; 24003 ; 15th February. Horse-collar; W. and J. E. Hardwick ; 21589; Ist July. Horse-collar; J. G. Le Couteur ; 24740; 30th July. Horse-controller; T. Firth ; 24794; 13th August. Horse-shoe manufacture ; R. J. Fry ; 24121 ; 11th March. Horse-shoeing appliance; G. W. Holland; 24525; 13th June. Saddle-cover; ('. B. M. Branson; 25089; 17th October. Stirrup-i ; P. B. Ross j 24491; 4th June. Harvesting. Apple-grader; J. Lomas ; 25206; 11th November. Harvester, thresher, &c, foi peas ; E. O. Blackwell; 24965 : 22nd September. Hop picker and separator ; The E. Clemens Hoist Company ; 24012 ; 19th February. Hop-stringer; C. V. Nordbcrg ; 24825; 18th August. Lawn-trimmer ; J. E. Main ; 24954 ; 21st September. Mowing-machine; W. J. McElroy ; 24629; 7th July. Mowing-machine tedder; H. N. Bingham ; 24739; 30th July. Onion-digger; C. Rogal ; 24670; 15th July. Potato-digger ; F. Blackwell; 24504 ; 9th Juno. Reel; R. H. Knox ; 24432 ; 19th May. Reel-blade ; R. H. Knox ; 24109 ; 6th March. Heating. Ash-pan; N. G. G. Winkelmann ; 24709; 20th July. Blow-lamp nipple ; R.H.Wilson; 24340; 28th April. Boiler. (See Gas-stove boiler, Hot-water circulating-boiler.) Burner, room-heating; M. Rosenthal; 23931 ; 21st February, 1907.t Fender ; T. C. Smart; 23930 ; 23rd January. Fire-kindler ;J. Cuthbert; 24331; 30th April. Fire-kindler; C. S. Elmsly, J. H. R. Taylor, and P. Bates : 24801 ; 14th August. Fireplace; C.V.Jenkins; 24495; sth June. Fuel-manufacture ; D. Finnane ; 23949 ; 27th January. Fuel-manufacture ; A. W. H. Vivian, G. L. Davies, and H. Grote ; 24648 ; 7th July. Fuel-manufacture, coal distillation ; T. Parker ; 25306 ; 9th December. Fuel, treatment of coke for ; J. Jowett; 24631 ; Bth July. Fuel, treatment of tar for ; W. J. and "A. Maiden ; 24552 ; 24th June. Gas-stove; J. I). Jackson, J. T. and C. H. Metters ; 25132; 24th October. Gas-stove boiler ; J. J. O'Brien ; 25124 ; 20th October. Grate ; W. N. Eady ; 24617 ; 6th July.

Grate ; E. J. Butterwcrth ; 24729 ; 23rd July. Grate ; O. P. Thomas, G. J. Bertinshaw, and G. F. Thomas ; 24945; 19th September. Hot-water circulating-boiler; G. Herzog; 24070; 26th February. Hot-water circulating-system ; F. Stubbs ; 25392 ; 23rd December. Hot-water draw-off apparatus ; F. Stubbs ; 25207 ; 10th November. Hot-water supply ; J. R. Preston ; 24245 ; 9th April. Hot-water supply and fire-box ; B. Crawford ; 23959 ; 28th January. Hot-water system for range; F. Stubbs; 25097; 16th October. Incandescent-heat radiator ; J. R. Park ; 24136 ; 10th March. Liquid heater and pasteuriser ; A. M. Ponninghaus ; 24337 ; 28th April. Tar-treatment. (See Fuel, &c, above.) Tool-heater ; F. C. Brown : 25086 ; Kith October. Water-heater ; J. C. Cuff ; 23979 ; 4th February. Water-heater ; W. H. Duncan ; 24019 ; 19th February. Water-heater ; A. H. Wright; 24309 ; 24th April. Water-heater ; H\ Jane ; 24365 ; 4th May. Illuminating (except Gas-manufacture). Candle-case. (See Pocket candle-case.) Candle-extinguisher ; W. I. Wilshire ; 23947 ; 29th January. Candle-holder ; R. A. H. Lazarus ; 24582 ; 29th June. Candle-saver; J. Ford ; 25053; 10th October. Candlestick, spring-bracket folding; C, J. H., and J. Laut, and T. Mitchell; 25265 ; 24th November. Electric-lamp filament ; The Westinghouse Metal Filament Lam]] Company, Limited ; 24864; Ist September. Eleotrio-lamp filament; The Westinghouse Metal Filament Lamp Company, Limited ; 24865; Ist September. Electric-lam]) filament ; The Westinghouse Metal Filament Lamp Company, Limited ; 24905 ; 10th September. Electric-lamp holder; W. E. Garey ; 24992 ; 30th September. Electric-lamp plug ; R. Cairns ; 23911; 11th January. Extinguishing-device for lamp ; F. Hursthouse ; 24765; 6th August. Filament. (See Electric -lam p filament.) Gas-burner ; T. S. Philpott; 24221 ; 6th April. Gas-burner; H. G. E. Wilson ; 24319; 25th April. Gas cut-off device ; H. H. Hesketh ; 25338 ; 12th December. Gas cut-off valve ; A. J. Hall ; 24726 ; 25th July. Gas-lamp lighter and extinguisher; G. Robson; 24241 ; 6th April. Gas-lamp lighter and extinguisher ; A. J. Bedford ; 24562 ; 25th June. Gas-lamp lighter and extinguisher; Nightingall Gas Control Company, Limited, 25390 ; 29th December. Incandescent-gas lamp ; L. Zeehnall; 25283 ; 12th May. J Incandescent-mantle ; J. T. Hunter ; 24199 ; Ist April. Incandescent-mantle and gas-heater ; J. R. Park; 24136 ; 10th March. Incandescent oil or vapour lamp ; J. C. Preston ; 24875 ; 2nd September. Incandescent-vapour lamp ; W. H. Hartley ; 24662 ; 14th July. Lamp pillar or post; E. W. Hursthouse ; 25107 ; 21st October. Match-manufacture; J. E. and G. W. Glenister; 24633; Bth July. Pocket candle-case ; P. R. Robb and G. A. Birch ; 24446 ; 23rd May. Tungsten filament. (See Electric-lam]) filament.) Indicating, Calculating, and Measuring. Baled-goods-moisture tester; W. A. Campbell and J. H. Kerr; 24112; 9th March. Baled-goods-moisture tester ; D. Richardson and R. Gillespie ; 24841 ; 26th August. Baled-goods-moisture-and-temperature tester ; E. Moss and E. F. Dombrain; 25157 ; 27th October. Baled-goods-temperature tester; J. 1). McLaui'in ; 23963; 3rd February. Baled-goods-temperature tester; J. I). McLaurin; 25194; 1 lth November. Bath-room, &c, indicator. (See Seat, room, &c, indicator.) Compass, marine self-registering ; A. R. H. Swindley ; 23972 ; 6th February.




Compass, marine self-registering ; W. H. Hennah and A. K. W. Rissel; 24093 ; sth March. Compass, marine self-registering ; ('. S. Burgon ; 24228; 7th April. Compass, marine self-registering ; J. and S. E. Fraser and C. Jumeaux ; 24735 ; 29th July. Compass, marine self-registering ; W. H. Hennah and A. K. W. Rissel; 25008 ; 2nd October. Distance-measuring instrument; E. J. Butterworth ; 24233 ; Bth April. Distance-measuring instrument ; E. J. Butterworth ; 24803 ; 15th August. Gas-meter ; J. L. Cloudesley, j un. ; 23887 ; 3rd January. Gas-meter-statement-delivery apparatus ; R. W. Gallagher ; 25255 ; 23rd November. Indicating and displaying device ; F. C. Thompson ; 24568 ; 26th June. Indicating-apparatus ;A. H. Wright; 24852 ; 26th August. Liquid-measuring apparatus ; (!. E. White, R. P. Baker, and F. J. Jackson ; 25319 ; 9th December. Recording and tallying device ; H. Quertier ; 25341 ; 11th December. Seat, room, &c, indicator; H. Quertier ; 24073; 27th February. Seat, room, &c, indicator ; E. C. Reynolds ; 24297 ; 13th April. Ships-course recorder. (See Compass, marine, &c.) Speed-indicator for automobiles; R. Millie j 23954; 28th January. Speed-indicator for vehicles, &c. ; T. J. Gilfedder ; 23990; Uth February. Spirit-level; E." C. Austin ; 24258; 11th April. Spirit-level foresight ; E. C. Austin ; 25193 ; 6th November. Sun-dial; W. M. Homan ; 25270; 23rd November. Surveying-peg ; A. J. Worms; 25055; Bth October. Tallying-apparatus ; H. Quertier ; 24189 ; 27th March. Temperature-indicator; C. H. Westneat; 23967; 3rd February. Ticket-issuing case ;D. Mulcahy ; 24128; 12th March. Ticket-issuing case; W. U. Smith and .1. ('aiders; 24471; Ist June. Totalisator ; A. Parker ; 24057 ; 26th February. Totalisator apparatus ; C. Stott and T. W. Brownlee ; 25090 ; 17th October. Weighing-apparatus; G. Hutchinson; 2458S ; 30th June. Weighing predetermined quantities ; W. T. Jenkin ; 24833 ; 22nd August. Weight-indicator ; A. C. Anderson ; 24262 ; 10th April. Kauri Qvm. Kauri-gum treatment ; A. Ashcroft; 24000 ; 14th February. Kitchen Utensils. Brush or broom bracket; J. S. McPhorson ; 25041; 9th October. Cake-cooler; R. W. McNicoll; 24573; 26th June. Colander ; J. C. Oliver ; 25093 ; 20th October. Cooker; A.H.Wright; 25051; 10th October. Cooking-apparatus, steam ; E. W. Hursthouse ; 25108 ; 21st October. Cinder-sifter ; T. Ballinger and Co., Limited ; 24904 ; 10th September. Cooking-range; B. S. and J. H. Nicholls; 24168; 24th March. Dish-washer; J. P. Dyason and B. Gerlach; 24707; 23rd July. Egg-beater ; C. Leech ; 24305 ; 27th April. Fire-box and boiler for range ; B. Crawford ; 23959 ; 28th January. Fireplace-rack; J. F. Lopdell; 24893; 4th September. Gas-stove ; J. D. Jackson, J. T. and C. H. Metters; 25132 ; 24th October. Grate; T.C.Morris; 24158; 20th March. Kettle ;M. Siddall; 25028 ; 7th October. Kettle ; J. B. Coventry ; 25239 ; 19th November. Meat and bread cutter ; F. W. Bliss ; 24721 ; 24th July. Oven, cabinet, insulated; C. F. F. Allan; 24877; 2nd September. Oven, cooking- ; H. Winterburn ; 25000 ; 29th September. Oven-shelf; F.Owen; 25225: 17th November. Plate-washer ; E. W. Humphreys ; 24452 ; 28th May. Potato-peeler, &c. ; T. B. Robertson : 24332 ; 27th April. Potato-peeler, &c. ; T. Rice ; 25134 ; 28th October. Pudding-mould ; A. Lyell; 24918 ; 14th September.

Toaster and griller ; G. Forsyth ; 24773; 7th August. Tongs for lifting cocking-utensils ; J. Maokey ; 24137; 10th March. Lifting, Hauling, and Loading. / Coal-loading appliance ; M. J. McGrath ; 24694 ; 20th July. Crane for fire-escapes, &c. ; I. F. Taylor and S. Pick ; 2431(1; 29th April. Elevator and conveyor; J. Arthur, jun. ; 24719; 21st July. Elevator and conveyor; I. H. Cooper and A. H. White; 25173 ; 4th November. Friction hoist ;G. C. Smart; 24472 ; Ist June. Friction hoist; H. Beaney ; 24805 ; 12th August. Friction winch ;A. W. Collett; 25036 ; Bth October. Hauling-block hook ; C. J. Tuck ; 24341 ; Ist May. Hoist for milk-cans, &c. ; I. Deachman ; 24524 ; Kith June. Lever-winch; J.Wilson; 25246; 17th November. Loading-apparatus for drays ; C. W. Penny ; 24990 ; 30th September. Lifting-jack ; J). Donald ; 24044 ; 24th February. Lifting-jack ; W. McEachern ; 24835; 25th August, Pawl and ratchet mechanism ; B. and W. Trewhella ; 25063 ; 9th October. Platform-transferrer; J. H. Hutchinson; 24320; 25th April. Rope-grip ; C. J. Swarm ; 23962 ; 30th January. Rope-grip ; W. M. Orr ; 24040 ; 20th February. Rope-grip; (.'.Murray; 25328; 11th December. Straw-elevator ; P. W. Fryer ; 25351 ; 16th December. Tip-wagon ; D. J. Whelan ; 23924 ; 18th January. Transporting-apparatus ; .J. H. Hutchinson; 24116; 11th March. Winch ; P. W. Sieurin ; 24486 ; 4th June. Locks, Latches, and Hinges. Fire-escape-door bolt ; T. T. Colo ; 23898 ; 4th January. Gate-latch; J.Betty; 24152; 19th March. Gate-latch ; J. Y. Dixon ; 24370 ; 9th May. Gate-latch ; J. Grant; 24746 ; 28th July.' Gate-latch; J. Mason ; 25129; 27th October. Gate, sliding, automatic lock; P. Zerbino ; 24767 ; 7tli August. Handcuff; L. T. Dabara ; 24266 ; 10th April. Handcuff ; L, T. Dabara ; 24567 ; 25th June. Hinge ; E. Webber ; 24966 ; 21st September, Lock; A. H. Wright, W. Morton, and J. Herous : 24999; 29th September. Lock ; A. H. Wright; 25048 ; 10th October. Mortice-lock ; R. J. Smith : 24667 ; 14th July. Sack-fastener ; A. T. Macalpin ; 25018 ; sth October. Sack-fastener ; C. Karutz ; 25196; 11th November. Sash-fastener. (See Window-lock.) Window-lock ; M. Gribble ; 23989 ; 10th February . Window-lock; N. A. Booth ; 24041; 21st February. Window-lock ; J. Betty ; 24151 ; 19th March. Window-lock ; H. Frith ; 24215 ; Ist April. Window-lock : O. C. C. Chapman ; 24616 ; 6th July. Window-lock ; E. A. Parker ; 25024 ; 7th October. Window-lock; R. N. Adams; 25186; 4th November. Window-leek ; J. G. Bentley ; 25241 ; 16th November. Window-opener, &c, H. Frith ; 24215; Ist April. Marine and Submarine. Dam, governing outflow from ; A. E. Brown ; 24045 ; 24th February. Flash-signal apparatus; L R. Simdercombe; 24737; 30th JulyLakes, &c, drainage of ;J. A. Pannett; 24958 ; 22nd September. Pile or pillar ; F. R. Hall ; 24065 ; 28th February. Pile-driving apparatus; D. and G. Gilberd; 24844 ; 22nd August. Propeller ; F. Newell ; 1>393!) : 24th January. Propeller; W. Cochrane ; 24053; 26th February. Propeller; T.Beckett; 24113; 10th March. Propeller and steerer, manual; W. Cutler ; 24056 ; 2611 i February. Propeller, auxiliary; H. H. Adams; 24946; 17th September. Propeller, reversible ; F. Cleimell and F. W. Thorp ; 24952 ; 21st September. Rudder; J. P. H. Lund : 25371 ; 21st December. Rowlock; .I.A.Millar; 23973; 6th February. Ship's bottoms, copper coating ; S. R. Hawke ; 24323; 30th April. Ship, stranded, floating ; W. F. Wall ; 24689 ; 20th July.




Steering-apparatus; G. P. Brown; 24505; 9th June. Steering-apparatus, manual ;W. Cutler; 24056; 26th February. Stern tube ; A. Morrison ; 24987 ; 29th September. Water plants or weeds, cutting down : F. C. Ziemsen ; 25233 ; 18th November. Marking. Bicycle-ticket; J. F. Smith ; 24429 ; 22nd May. Brand and earmark recoid-book ; C. McKee ; 24403; 18th May. Branding and castrating apparatus ; T. Bottrell ; 24201) ; 2nd April. Branding-apparatus; W. J. Green; 25286; 2nd December. Branding-apparatus; Q. E. Cross ; 25357; 15th December. Branding-apparatus, self-heating ; W. G. Landells ; 24283 ; 21 si April. Earmarker ; W. F. .lohns ; 24289 ; 15th April. Electric branding-apparatus ; R. V. Ffrench ; 24900 ; sth March. ( Sarden-peg ; F. A. Robinson : 24278 ; 14th April. Label, attaching to fabric: \V. V. Page; 23950; 27th January. Label, attaching to fabric; W. V. Page; 25153; 26th October. Post-marking machine ; D. Robertson ; 24399 ; 13th May. Medicines and Surgical Appliances. Artificial eye ; H. D. Schmidt ; 25281 ; 27th November. Artificial teeth ; E. Hope and C. Hill ; 24671 ; 15th July. Auriphone: H. P. Rasmussen ; 24290; 21st April. Dental inlays casting ; E. R. Magnus ; 24502 ; 9th June. Dental inlays easting ; E. R. .Magnus ; 24534 ; 17th June. Dental inlays casting ; V. Macdonald ; 24692 ; 17th July. Denture. (See Artificial teeth.) Eye. (See Artificial eye.) Fumigating-apparatus; C. Molntyre ; 24750; 31st July. Fumigating-apparatus; G. Harker ; 24959; 23rd September. Electric developer ; .]. F. Bailey ; 25013 ; Ist October. Electro-surgical appliance; G. R. Rowe and W. Stenhouse ; 24895 ; 7th September. Hair-tonic ; W. (i. J. Brown ; 24539 ; 17th June. Medicated tampon ; W. R. Pond and W. E. Hall ; 2461 I ; 27th June. Medicine; C. B. Massey; 25360; 18th December. Mouth-gag; A. M. Mclntosh ; 24419; 16th May. Ointment; H. Blythe and A. McLuskie ; 24387"; 12th May. Ointment; T. Seed ; 24927; 12th September. Truss; W. F. Offlord ; 24156; 19th March. Truss ; W. H. Langdown ; 24395 ; 15th May. Mehd-workinq. Alloy; F.Armstrong; 24811; 19th August. Aluminium-welding. (See Welding.) Buffer-cylinder manufacture; J. A. Lindsay; 24828; 19th August. Castings, removing sand from ; A. Walker and M. W. Marriage ; 25391 ; 24th December. Die. (See Ridge-capping die.) Foil. (See Metal foil.) Iron and steel manufacture ; M. Moore and T. J. Heskcl I ; 24196 ; 31st March. Iron- and steel - preserving composition ; C. F. Lungley ; 24714 ; 23rd July. Iron extraction ; 0. G. P. de Laval; 24088 ; 29th February. Links, casting ; C. S. Mclntire ; 24703 ; 21st July. Metal-foil manufacture ; E. H. Strange and O. A. Pirn ; 24269; 14th April. Rail-bond. (See Welding metals.) Ridge-capping die ; J. Heine ; 25142 ; 29th October. Sheet-delivery apparatus ; R. Millie ; 23965 ; 30th January. Silver-coating fluid ; F. E. Darling ; 25381 ; 24th December, j Spout-making machine ; A. Burt ; 24364 ; 2nd May. Welding aluminium ; M. U. Schoop ; 23905 ; Bth January. Welding metals ; W. S. Simpson ; 23882 ; 3rd January. Welding metals, electrodes for; W. E. Hughes; 24273 ; 14th April. W 7 elding metals, homogeneously; J. T. Hunter; 24174; 26th March. Welding metals, homogeneously ; W. E. Hughes ; 24271 ; 14th April. Welding metals, homogeneously ; W. E. Hughes ; 24272 ; 14th April.

Minerals, Buddie, rotary ; Ef. T. Fletcher ; 25389 ; 29th December. I Concentrator. (See Ore-concentrator.) Cyanides, recovering materials from ; C. W. Merrill ; 24904 ; Ist October. Cyanides, separating, from slimes ; J. C. Dromgool; 24193 ; Blst March. Filter-press; H. H. Rayward and E. S. Baldwin; 24180; 26th March. Filtering-apparatus ; W. L. Imlay ; 25113 : 22nd October. Filtering-apparatus : A. J. Arbuckle and A. Osborne ; 25128 ; 26th October. Filtering-apparatus ; A. J. Arbuckle and A. Osborne ; 25180 ; 4th November. Filtering-apparatus ; 0. Ridgway ; 24098 ; sth March. Gold-extraction ; A. F. Crosse ; '24129 ; 12th March. Gold-saving apparatus ; T. M. Breck ; 24718 ; 20th July. Gold-saving shaking-table; R. Sainsbury, (1. Jones, and W. Jenkins ; 25139 ; 29th October. Gold, separating, from sand, silt, &c. ; R. Millie ; 24089 ; 29th February. Lixiviator ; W. L. Imlay ; 245(50 ; 25th June. Metal-extraction; J. C. Roller; 25127; 26th October. '. Metal-saving mat; T. Hall and P. Elvines; 23900; 31st January. Metal-saving mat; T. Hall and P. Elvines; 25152; 30th October. Nickel-recovery from siliceous ores ; A. Chalas ; 24944; 19th September. I Ore-concentrator; N. Guthridge ; 24122; 12th March. Ore-concentrator; E. M. Jahraus ; 24376; 11th May. Ore-concentrator ; R. Noble ; 24535 ; 17th June. Ore-extraction ; W. L. Imlay ; 25345 ; 15th December. Ore-screen ; N. Guthridge ; 24287 ; 21st April. I Ore-screen; D. E. Bigelow ; 24318; 29th April. Ore-separator; C. W. Eccleston; 25081; 15th October. Ore-treatment; S. M. Smith ; 24483 ; 4th June. Ore-treatment; F. C. Brown ; 24861 ; 28th August. Rotary buddle. (See Buddie.) Separator; R. M. Simpson: 24375; 11th May. Separator ;A. J. Arbuckle and A. Osborne ; 24900: 9th September. Separator or classifier ; G. G. Turri; 24449 ; 27th May. Separating solids from liquids ;H. T. Durant; 24475 ; 4th June. Sizing-classifier ; N. Guthridge ; 24286; 21st April Siliceous ores. (See Nickel, recovery from.) Slimes, lifting ; H. G. Hibberd ; 24202; 31st March. Slimes-treatment ; H. (5. Nichols ; 24321; 4th February.■(■ Tin-saving appliance ; J. Peacock ; 24176; 25th March. Vacuum-filter; R. M. Aitken; 24397; 15th May. Zinc-separation ; Metals Extraction Corporation, Limited ; 25296; 3rd December, 1907.f Minerals {Magnetic Separators). Magnetic separator ; G. rilrich ; 24064; 27th February. Magnetic separator ; G. E. Ohm ; 24302 ; 24th April. Magnetic separator ; T. W. Rapley ; 24883; 4th September. Minerals (Stampers and Pulverisers). Centrifugal crushing-mill; W. H. Fletcher; 24230; Bth April. Grinding-apparatus ; A. J. Ericsson ; 24022; 19th February Grinding-apparatus; H. W. Hardinge; 24866; Ist Sap tember. Grinding-apparatus ; D. Cousins ; 24896 ; sth September. Grinding-apparatus, preventing breakdown of; E. Schon berg ; 24455 ; 20th May. Roller-mill; A. T. W. Allan and A. R. Rann ; 25370 ; 18th December. Tube or ball mill; A. James ; 24732 ; 28th July. Tube or ball mill feeding-device; J. R. Noble and F. ('. Brown ; 24042 ; 21st February. Oils and Lubricators. Axle-lubricator ; D. Cochrane ; 24832 ; 24th August. Disc-clutch lubricant; J. Bruton ; 24550 ; 23rd June. Forced-feed lubricator ; W. Chalmers ; 23982 ; 4th February. Gas- and oil-engine lubricant ;R. F. Lean ; 25380; 24th December. Loom connecting-rod lubricator; L. W. Grayson : 24411 • 20th May. Lubricator ; H. W. McDonnell and A. G. R, Williams : 24402 ; 30th May.




Oil-can ; J. A. Rollo ; 24995 ; Ist October. Oil extractor and filter ; J. 0. Skilton and G. (Cunningham ; 24285 ; 21st April. Shafting-lubricator ; L. W. Grayson ; 24412 ; 20th May. Wax and oil extractor ; J. C. Hobbs ; 24827 ; 19th August. Wheel-lubricator ; J. Gray ; 25120 ; 23rd October. Paints and Painting. Colouring paper for linen-manufacture ; W. R. Smith ; 24809 ; Ist September. Paint-raixer; S. Winn and (J. W. Bowron ; 24478; 2nd Juno. Pipes, Tubes, and Hose. Concrete pipe ; A. Rocard ; 24296; 18th April. Earthenware-pipe machine ; M. Yarrow; 24759; 31st July. Flexible-jointed spoil-pipe ; E.Roberts; 24812; 17 th August. Hose-coupling; J. Mulligan ; 24147; 18th Maroh. Hose-coupling ; G. A. Pearson ; 24377 ; 12th May. Hose-coupling; F. J. Brown and H. Burke; 25252; 21st November. Pipe or main joint; Yarrow and Co. (Bolton), Limited; 24203 ; 30th March. Seaming-machine ; F.H.Andrews; 24X09; 1 9th August. Preserving. Food-preserving apparatus ; S. E. Mason and W. V. Smith ; 24784; 12th August. Meat-preserving process; 0. L. Ahrens, P. A. Schmitt, C. Mosle, and K. A. M. Wepfer ; 23895 ; Bth January. Pasteurisation process ; A. Goetz and P. A. Jones ; 25247 ; 17th November. Preserving eggs, meat, and fish ; T. T. Main and 0. W. Nance ; 24055 ; 26th February. Preserving and storing food ; 0. W. Nance ; 24704 ; 2 1 st July. Rabbit-preserving process ; W. M. Keen and J. Moore ; 24656 : 11th July. Sterilising or preservative tablets; G. E. Taylor; 25259; 13th December, 1907.f Presses. Baling-press. (See Wool, &c, press.) Wool, &c, press ; A. H. and D. J. Byron and R. R. Richmond ; 23980 ; 7th February. Wool, &c, press; H. E. McDonald; 24146; 16th April, 1907-t Wool, &c, press; A. H. Byron; 24357; 6th May. Wool-press, operating preseer-blook of ; G. Cummins ; 23933 ; 24th January. Printing and Photography. Camera ;J. Gaut; 24062 ; 27th February. Camera-support; A. Thornton and A. H. Wright; 25282 ; Ist December. Cinematograph plate; J. L. Muller and J. Rousset; 24210; 31st March. Justifying-mechanism. (See Type-casting machine, &c.) Label-making and printing machine; A. Parker and A. G. Hume ; 24989 ; 30th September. Linotype. (See Type-casting machine, &c.) Printing and lithographic roller, cleaning; A. F. Layer; 24485 ; 4th June. Printing-press ; W. E. Hughes ; 24274 ; 14th April. Process-block-printing overlay; G. P. Reston and J. F. Molloy ; 24736 ; 29th July. Record-strip. (See Type-casting, &c.) Ribbons, printing, 4c, paper; F. H. Trevellian ; 24850: 28th August. • Ribbons, ruling and preparing ; F. H. Trevellian ; 25384 ; 24th December. Sales-book-printing machine; C. B. Smith; 24913; 10th September. Type-casting machine ; W. E. Hughes ; 23970 ; sth February. Type-casting machine ; J. T. Hunter ; 24014; 19th February. Type-casting machine ; The Thompson Type Machine Company ; 24223 ; 3rd April. Type-casting machine ; J. T. Hunter ; 24529; Kith June. Type-casting machine ; J. T. Hunter ; 24702; 21st July. Typa-casting machine; J. T. Hunter; 24906; 10th September. Type-casting machine ;J. T. Hunter; 25229; 18th November. Type-casting-machine justifving-mechanism ; J. T. Hunter; 24015 ; 19th February. Type-casting-machine multiplex-device ; Monotype Machine (Colonial Patents) Syndicate, Limited ; 25368; 22nd December.

Type-casting-machine record-strip device ; Monotype Machine (Colonial Patents) Syndicate, Limited; 25145; 29th October. Type-casting-machine quadding-mechanism ; J. T. Hunter ; 24198 ; Ist April. Pumps (except Rotary Pumps). Air-exhausting apparatus; C. W. Nance; 24054; 26th February. Air-exhausting apparatus; J. Hopkirk ; 24526; Kith June. Double-acting pump ; H. Morgan ; 24609 ; 29th June. Force-pump ; H. R. Smith ; 25000 ; 2nd October. Fountain, ornamental ; H. -Dryland and P. J. McDermott; 24641 ; Bth July. Hand-pump ; G. W. Whitehead ; 24541 ; 23rd June. Kerosene-pump ; A. Jarrett; 25033 ; 7th October. Lift-pump; H. Symes ; 24349; 30th April. Pump and motor ; R. Spoendlin ; 24243 ; 9th April. Scents or essences, diffusing ; J. Blau ; 24030 : 9th July. Siphon; W. H. Smith ; 24253; Bth April. Siphon : R. W. Adams ; 24461 ; 28th May. Sprinkling-device ; Reckitt and Sons, Limited ; 24565 ; 23rd June. Suction and force pump; E. L. Clark; 25219; 10th November. Vacuum-pump. (See Air-exhausting apparatus.) Water-distributor ; VV. ('. Johnson : 23880 ; 3rd January. Racecourse Accessories. Race-starting machine ; E. C. Wood ; 24872 ; 3rd September. Race-starting machine ;W. Talbut; 25302 ; sth December. Race-starting machine ;H. Reynolds; 25339; 12th December. Railways and Tramways. Alarm, locomotive- ; T. S. and G. Gurr ; 24647 ; 7th July. Ballast-truck ; F. W. May ; 25039 ; Bth October. Brake; J.Ramsay; 2436] ; 6th May. Brake ; W. C. Watson, H. Bolton, and D. Mulcahy ; 23994 ; 12th February. Brake ; G. B. Bowles ; 25290 ; 13th December, 1907. f Brake, air- ; C. A. Jenkins and J. V. Critchfield ; 24026; 6th July. Brake, air- ; N. C. Christie and W. Henderson ; 24753 ; 30th JulyBrake, air-escape signal ; M. Higgins ; 24281 ; 16th April. Buffer ; R. T. Bickerton ; 24848 ; 27th August. Buffer-cylinder; J. A. Lindsay; 24828; 19th August. Conductor. (See Splicing-ear, &c.) Contact system. (See Electricity-supply system.) Coupling \ E. W. Gowdy ; 24717 ; 23rd July. Coupling ;A. Lyell; 24822 ; 20th August. Coupling, automatic ; P. H. Shailer and W. Sully : 23922 ; 18th January. Coupling, automatic ; W. H. Appleby ; 24359 ; 6th May. Door-actuator for carriages ; J. F. Macallister ; 24854 ; 29th August. Dust - collector for tramways ; W. Hobbs; 25263 ; 25th November. Electric tramway ; M. (J. Newbould ; 24257; 11th April. Electricity-supply system; L. de Matteis; 24021 ; 19th February. Electricity-supply system ; C. Angus ; 24078 ; 4th March. Electricity-supply system ; C. S. Bayley ; 24675 ; 13th July. Fish-plate. (See Rail-joint.) Insulator. (See Section-insulator, &c.) Life-saving catcher for trams, &c. ; T. W. Mayson and J. Edgar ; 24779 ; 7th August. Life-saving guard for trams, &c. ; T. Belcher and J. Hally ; 24892 ; 3rd September. Mail-bag-delivery apparatus; J. Williams; 24898; Bth September. Mail-bag-delivery apparatus; J. McMullen; 25106; 21st October. Mail-bag-delivery apparatus, &c. ;J. A. Harriss; 25112; 20th October. Kail bond or weld ; J. T. Hunter ; 24174 ; 25th March. Rail-bonding apparatus ; W. E. Hughes ; 24272 ; 14th April. Rail-bonding electrode ; W. E. Hughes ; 24273 ; 14th Apri I. Rail-bonding method ; W. E. Hughes ; 24271 ; 14th April Rail-cleaner. (See Tram-rail cleaner.) Rail-joint ; G. I. Lowe ; 24761 ; 4th August. Rail-joint; C. Hewson ; 24824; 20th August. Rail-joint; E. W. Gowdy ; 24940; 18th September. Rail-joint, fish-plate ; J. A. Belk ; 24415 ; 20th May. Railway-point lock ; W. Thwaites ; 25011; Ist October. , Section-insulator for tramway ; J. ('. Russell and A. F. Lord : 25165; 2nd November.



Semaphore. (See Signalling-apparatus.) Signalling-apparatus; J. G. Hudson and J. W. Mardon ; 24039 ; 22nd February. Signalling-apparatus ; A. Hesse ; 24368 ; 6th May. Signalling-apparatus; C. J. Coleman ; 24786; 12th August. Signalling-apparatus; J. G. Hudson and J. W. Mardon : 24686 ; 18th July. Sleeper ; J. Whitelaw ; 24697 ; 20th July. Sleeping-compartment; W. Maddison ; 23903 ; Bth January. Snow-scoop ; L. Hayes ; 24831 ; 20th August. Splicing-ear for electric conductor ; J. C. Russell and A. F. Lord ; 25160 ; 31st October. Staff - working system; W. H. MoGeever j 24821; 20th August. Stopping trains when signal at danger ; J. A. Veitch ; 24680 ; 29th June. Track-cleaner; H. Quertier ; 23025; 21st January. Tram-rail cleaner; H. Worthington ; 24976; 28th September. Trolly-head ; A. J. Edwards ; 24036 ; 22nd February. Trolly-head; C. Nelson and B. Wood ; 24507; lOth June. Trolly-head ; C. S. Bayley ; 24764 ; 3rd August . Trolly-head; G.M.Crawford; 24890; 3rd September. Trolly-pole controller : J. S. Douglas ; 24244 ; 9th April. Trolly-pole controller ; C. S. Bayley ; 24837 ; 26th August. Trolly-pole retriever ; H. l<:. Wilson; 24738; 25th July. Trolly-pole retriever; H. l<:. Wilson ; 24878; 31st August. Roads mid Ways. Cement road ; J.Wilson; 25300; 4th December. Dust-allaying, &c, medium; T. Mitchell and W. Binns ; 23886 ; 3rd January. Liquid-distributor; T. Aitken ; 24240; 24th April, 1907. t Roadway ; F. Basham ; 24777 ; 10th August, Street-watering machine ;P. F. Acott ; 24211 ; 3rd April. Seed-dressing, Chaff-cutting, and Threshing. Chaff and root cutter ; H. S. Marks . 25209 ; 12th November. Chaff-cutter; J. Tiffen ; 24601; 2nd July. Chaff cutter and bagger ; J. M. Willetts ; 2441 i.") ; 30th May. Chaff-cutter feed mechanism; J. Hardie ; 24783; 11th August. Chaff-cutter-knife adjuster; T. I). Heenan; 24440; 13th May. Chaff-cutter-knife sharpener ;D. W. Finlay ; 24275 ; 14th April. Chaff-cutter mouth ; Andrews and Beaven, Limited ; 24628 ; 7th July. Chaff-cutter riddle ; A. G. Jackson ; 24474 ; 2nd June. Cocksfoot-thresher ; H. C. Thomsen ; 23902 ; 9th January. Cocksfoot-thresher and sesd-fanner ; H. C. Thomsen ; 25002 ; 2nd October. Sack-filling device ; C. F. Millward ; 24882 ; 31st August. Surface-dresser for seeds ; R.Luke; 24153; 18th March. Threshing-machine ; J. Patchett; 24508 ; 2nd June. Threshing-machine, suction-dressing apparatus ; A. H. Anderson and H. C. Ell ; 24646 ; 11th July. Seed-sowers. Grain-drill; F. Cooper ; 24938 : 16th September. Grain-drill driving-gear ; J. J. Nolan ; 24324 ; 30th April. Lime and manure distributor; T. Aitken; 23907 ; Bth January. Manure, &c, distributor; R. A. Large ; 25240; 19th November. Seed discharge for drill; P. and D. Duncan, Limited ; 26266 ; 24th November. Seed-sower; G. Hutchinson ; 24009; 18th February. Seed-sower ; J. H. Morris ; 25141 ; 29th October. Seed-sowing attachment; P. Boyd ; 25274 ; 25th November. Sewing find Knitting. Button-hole machine ; M. Tillis ; 25154 ; 27th October. Finger-protecting sewing-shield ; W. H. Trengrove and H. E. Dovey ; 25125 ; 26th October. Sewing-machine; W. T. Auckram ; 24123: 9th March. Sewing-machine ; The Auckland Sewing Machine Company, Limited; 25115; 22nd October. Sewing-machine: W.J.Butler; 25183; 3 let October. Sheep and Cattle. Bee-hive ; V. G. Oldman ; 24575 : 29th June. Branding and castrating apparatus ; T. Bottrcll ; 24206 ; 2nd April. Castrating-apparatus ; H. Nathan ; 24768 ; 7th August. 6—H. 10.

Castrating and docking apparatus ; C. A. Smith, J. C. Brown, A. R. Smith, and A. H. Wills; 23997 ; Ist August, 1907-f Castrating and docking apparatus ; W. H. Hamlyn and H. Miller ; 24473 ; 2nd June. Cats, excluding, from pigeon-houses; D. G. Sutherland ; 23927 ; 21st January. Cauterising. (See Searing.) Cow-bail; E. Henshall and W. E. S. Ramsay; 24140; 14th March. Cow-bail; F.E.Ross; 24519; 11th June. Cow-bail; W. J. Bell and P. T. Donnelly; 24515; 11th June. Cow-bail; \V. Campbell and T. Iwikau ; 24914; 12th September. Cow-bail; C. R. Skipage ; 25249 ; 20th November. Cow-shed, portable, and race; F. E. Ross; 24521; 11th June. Cow-shed, sanitary apparatus for; F. E. Ross; 25295; :!(M b November. Docking and searing knife ; (i. T. and H. H. Stewart ; 25256 ; 2411] Xovein bet , . Food for pigs, poultry, &c. ; CD. Lightband ; 24980; 28th September. Hock-boot fpr horses ; (!. Rutin en; 24003; 15th February. Horse crush or holder ; J. T. Wallis ; 24702; 13th August," Pills, administering to horses; M. Guinan ; 24754; 31st • Inly. Poultry- and stock-feeding bin ; J. A. Powrie ; 25082 ; loth October. Poultry-house ; F. E. A. Gordon and H. V. Dyke ; 24388 ; 13th May. Searing lamb's tails ; C. A. Jewell and F. A. H. Watson ; 24038 ; 22nd February. Searing-knife. (See Doc-king and searing-knife.) Sheep-dipping apparatus; A. F. Kinney; 24881; 3rd Se i it ember. Slaughtering-apparatus; F. R. Bust; 24444; 22nd May. Turnips, removing from throats of cattle; W. A. Jellyman ; 24602; 2nd July. Sheep Shearing and Clipping. Rotary motor ; D. Connell ; 24004 ; loth February. Sheep-shearing machine ; W. Wass and The Trades Unionists' Sheep Shear Co-operative Society, Limited ; 24086 ; 4th March. Sheep-shearing machine ; W. Silver ; 24127 ; 12th March. Sheep-shearing machine ;F. J. Cullen; 24871 ; Ist September. Sheep-shearing-machine cutter; E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward ; 23885 ; 3rd January. Sheep-shearing machine, universal joint for ; R. Falkiner; 24317 ; 29th April. Shop and Hotel Fittings. Aerating-machines ; British Automatic Aerators, Limited ; 24024; 18th February. Aerated waters, regulating pressure of; F. Torrington; 25123 ; 21st October. Cable-carrier apparatus ; Lamson Consolidated Store Service Company ; 24436 ; 23rd May. Cash-register ; F. H. Trevellian ; 23892 ; 6th January. Cash-register ; F. H. Trevellian ; 24523 ; 16th June. Cash-register ; F. H. Trevellian ; 24901 ; 9th September. Cash and credit register ; National Cash Register Company ; 25117 ; 22nd October. Curtains, displaying and storing ; Lamb and Todd, Limited ; 25007 ; 2nd October. Liquids, delivering, from bottles ; J. D. Kelly, W. Andrews, and T. Taylor ; 24603 ; 2nd July. Liquids, vessel for containing, under pressure ; C. H. Osbcrne ; 23945 ; 29th January. t*neumatic-tube system; Lamson Consolidated Store Service ; 24435 ; 23rd May. Shop-fronts, protecting from dogs; R. Gilkes ; 25029; 7th October. Show-stand, revolving ; A. Cannel] ; 25377 ; 21st December. Siphon-head; O. L. Eugster ; 24899; <sth November, 1907. f Stationery (Office Requisites, dkc). Account and letter form ; G. Finn ; 24997 ; Ist October. Bookbinding elastic ; 0. B. Smith ; 24930 ; 12th September. Book-support; G. W. Gough ; 24771 ; Bth August. Cart-note case ; W. C. Bray ; 25120 ; 23rd October. Compass, adjustable; R. N. R. Lindsay; 24099; sth March. Copying-book. (See Manifold, &c, book.) Coupon. (See Trading-coupon.) Enclosure-indicator ; H, A, Fox ; 25181 ; sth November,





Envelope ; R. A. O. Walter ; 24265 ; 9th April. File or binder; The Lamson Paragon Supply Company, Limited, and G. H. Robinson.; 24416; 20th May. File or binder ; E. L. Barton ; 24666 ; 14th July. File or binder ; D. Taylor ; 24910 ; 9th September. File or binder, loose ; F. Lock ; 25143 ; 29th October. Ink ; A. E. Johnson and W. B. Bailey ; 25159 ; 31st October. Letter-card ; C. J. Wattson ; 24238 ; 7th April. Letter-card ; F. W. Zeroho ; 24597 ; 2nd July. Letter-form. (See Account and letter form.) Letters, arranging in alphabetical order; H. E. Lindsay ; 23996 ; 12th February. Manifold copying-book ; C. G. C. Whyte and A. Rau ; 24553 ; 24th June. Manifold copying-book; J. E. Norman; 24787 ; 12th August. Manifold copying-book ; C. G. C. Whyte and A. Rau ; 25228 ; 18th November. Paper surfaces ; H.C.Mitchell; 24923; 4th July, 1906.f Pencil-case and educational appliance ; A. Walker ; 24322 ; 30th April. Pencil-sharpener; T..A. Jones; 24480; 30th May. Stamp-affixer ; H. Hadida ; 24414 ; 20th May. Telephone-list and display-sheet; A. H. Wright; 25001 ; 28th September. Telephone-list and display-sheet; A. H. Wright; 25050; 10th October. Telephone-list, holder of ; G. Hyde : 24916 ; 12th September. Time-table booklet; W. E. Hughes ; 24363 ; 7th May. 'rime-table poster ; W. F. Robinson ; 24856 ; 31st August. Trading-coupon ; W. Quin ; 24585 ; 30th June. Telephony and Telegraphy. Phonograph; J. M. Landon ; 24120; 11th March. Phonograph ; L. W. D. Andrews ; 24705 ; 21st July. Phonograph ; J. M. Landon ; 24708 ; 23rd July. Phonograph amplifying-horn ; P. M. Newton ; 25234 ; 18th November. Phonograph-record ; J. W. Owen ; 24964 ; 22nd September. Phonograph-record, brush for ; R. W. Gibbs and B. Rentoul; 23978 ; 3rd February. Phonographs—alternate-operating device ; J. A. Whitman ; 24723 ; 22nd July. Talking-machine. (See Phonograph.) Telegraphone apparatus ; E. A. Hytten ; 24138 ; 10th March. Telephone call, &c, recording-apparatus; A. E. Maxwell; ' 24110; 6th March. Telephone-disinfector; W. E. Mainwaring; 25010; 3rd October. Telephone-disinfector; W. E. Mainwaring; 25238; 19th November. Telephone, loud-speaking ; D. Marzi; 24126 ; 12th March. Telephone party-line ; C. A. Soans and A. H. Graves ; 24103 ; 6th March. Tobacco. Cigarette ; D. Laing ; 25065 ; 9th October. Cigarette ; W. Levinson ; 25292 ; 2nd December. Tobacco-pipe; A. E. S. Foster and E. Berg; 24212 ; 3rd April. Tobacco-pipe ; M. Rutty ; 24868 ; Ist September. Valves and Cocks. Ball-cock ; J. H. and P. Walker ; 24434 ; 18th May. Beer-tap. (See Tap.) Faucet; C. B. Whitney ; 25170 ; 4th November. Mixing valve or tap ; C. M. Cruickshank and G. Hadlee ; 25376 ; 23rd December. Straightway-valve; I. Bevan and F. Anderson; 24506; 9th June. Tap ; O. C. C. Chapman ; 24201 ; Ist April. Tap ; M. Kreissig ; 24669 ; 14th July. Tap ; J. A. Brown ; 25335 ; Bth December. Tap, beer- ; H. F. Cameron ; 24978 ; 28th September. Tap, detachable ; C. Roberts ; 24962 ; 18th September. Tap, gas- ; R. Raby ; 25309; 10th December, 1907. f Tap-valve , J. Sanderson ; 24431 ; 19th May. Valve mechanism ; A. Kilborn ; 24843 ; 26th August. Valve, pipe-closing ; F. J. Brown and H. Burke ; 25251 ; 21st November. Vehicles. Axle ; A.G.E.S. Societa in accomandita semplice per l'Esercizio dei Brevetti Granieri; 24889 ; 2nd September. Axle-box; A. J. Smith ; 23916; 15th January. Brake ; A. j. Hoban ; 24006 ; 17th February. Brake ; F. W. Pool; 25168 ; 3rd November. Brake-block wearing-strip; J. J. Wilton; 23946; 29th January,

Brake-ohain winding-mechanism ;G. S. Aokley; 25248 : 17th November. Brake, dray ; A. E. Styles ; 25077 ; 10th October. Draw-bar ; F. S. Barnes ; 24673 ; 13th July. Gig spring and frame ; J. A. Berg ; 24155 ; 20th March. Go-cart; F. McLaughlin ; 24935 ; 17th September. Go-cart safety-strap; J. McHarg ; 25213; 12th November. Go-cart seat-attachment; D. P. Hendricksen ; 25363 ; 21st December. Go-cart spring ; A. Thompson ; 24310 ; 25th April. Go-cart wheel-lock ; J. S. Johnson ; 24007 ; 17th February. Hood and cover for motor-car, &c. ; G. Henning ; 24342 ; Ist. May. Oiling-device for traps, drays, &c. ; W. Meharry ; 24100 ; 6th March. Rein-holder and wheel-lock; G. Goodwin; 25355; 18th December. Runaways, preventing ; C. E. Page ; 24276 ; 14th April. Seat; C. R. H. Neich and L. Mossong ; 25131 ; 27th October. Seat-adjuster; T. C. Smiley ; 23920; 20th January. Seat-adjuster; J. Beattie and R. N. Fulton; 24542; 18th June. Spring-cart; O. Bredehorst; 24111; 9th March. Step for vehicle ; T. Morris ; 24091 ; 29th February. Suspension device. (See Under-carriage, &c.) Swingletree ; S. H. Day ; 24649 ; 11th July. Swingletree and draught-equaliser ; H. Childs ; 24681 ; 15th July. ■ Swingletree-end ; D. M. Wallace ; 24008 ; 18th February. Swingletree-hook ; R. McDonald ; 24466; 30th May. Tipping-lorry ; J. Fitchett; 24778 ; 11th August. Tipping-lorry ; J. H. Hutchinson ; 24885 ; Ist September. Tire ; W. J. Harvey ; 23928 ; 21st January. Tire ; C. D. Lightband ; 24627 ; 7th July. Tire, rubber ; E. B. Killen ; 24270 ; 14th April. Traces, spring attachment for ; J. A. Wilson; 24227 ; 7th April. Umbrella-holder for vehicle ; E. Downey ; 24839 ; 21st August. Undercarriage ; F. Walton ; 24908 ; 9th September. Undercarriage ; J. Brenan ; 25019 ; 6th October. Wheel; L. Hardaker ; 24179 ; 20th April, 1907.+ Wheel ; W. W. Callender ; 24184 ; 25th March. Wheel; J. Murphy ; 24191 ; 28th March. Wheel; E. B. Killen ; 24385 ; 12th May. Wheel; J. Gray ; 25066 ; 9th October. Wheel-lock. (See Go-cart wheel-lock, Rein-holder and wheellock.) Whipple-tree. (See Swingletree.) Vehicles ( Velocipedes). Air-retainer shield ; W. J. Harvey ; 25350 ; 15th December. Air-spring ; A. Sharp ; 25245 ; 17th November. Belt for motor-cycle ; S. R. Stedman ; 24456 ; 26th May. Bicycle. (See Cycle.) Cycle ; L. G. Grace ; 24690 ; 20th July. Cycle cog-wheel; H. A. E. Kelly ; 24417 ; 19th May. Cycle-crank ; H. W. Yeoman ; 24251 ; 10th April. Cycle handle-bar ; W. C. Mead ; 25021 ; 6th October. Cycle horn-actuator ; E. Bingham ; 25059 ; 13th October. Cycle-lock ; J. Grice ; 24593 ; Ist July. Cycle-mudguard ; A. M. Perry ; 24785 ; 12th August. Cycle-mudguard ; R. A. Fonseca ; 25278 ; 27th November. Cycle-pedal clip ; T. Barnard ; 24664 ; 14th July. Cycle-pedal driving-gear. (See Driving-gear.) Cycle-pump connection ; P. J. Shanks ; 24459 ; 21st May. Cycle-pump connection ; The Continental C. and G. Rubber Company Proprietary, Limited ; 24680 ; 15th July. Cycle-pump lock. (See Tire-inflator lock.) Cycle-pump tube ; H. C. Franklin ; 25365 ; 21st December. Cycle stand or support; H. A. Logan ; 24604 ; 3rd July. Cycle stand or support; J. Marshall-Thomas ; 25299 ; 2nd December. Driving-gear, cycle ; A. Simpson ; 24072 ; 29th February. Driving-gear, cycle ; A. J. Bond ; 25366 ; 21st December. Driving-gear, motor-cycle ; W. Borlase ; 25242 ; 16th November. Motor-car ;F.A. G. Cotterell; 24049 ; 22nd February. Motor-case, repairing; W. A. W. Nicol ; 23936; 22nd January. Pump. (See Tire-inflator.) Puncture-closing compound ; C. F. Bollinger ; 24554 ; 24th June. Saddle-cover; J. Hazard and H. Fairclough; 24369; 9th May. Saddle-cover; J. J. Daily ; 25257 ; 19th November. Seat-spring ; E. J. Ritchie ; 23974 ; sth February. Speed-gear ; F. W. Coker ; 24638 ; 7th July. Tire ; J. L, Kirkbride ; 24092 ; 2nd March,



Tire ; J. E. Hodson ; 24620 ; 2nd July. Tire ; A. Hollingworth ; 24658 ; 14th July. Tire; E. Kempshall; 24663; 29th August, 1907. f Tire ; G. A. Bennett and J. A. Smith ; 25369 ; 21st December. Tire cover or prctector ; D. E. Davis, C. D. Lightband, and S. H. Knight; 23944 ; 29th January. Tire cover or protector ; L. Hardaker ; 24124 ; sth April. Tire cover or protector; S. H. Knight, D. E. Davis, and C. D. Lightband ; 24131 ; 12th March. Tire cover or protector ; J. J. Duncan ; 24132 ; ]3th March. Tire cover or protector; W. B. Giesen and E. T. Ryan ; 24268; 14th April. Tire cover or protector ; J. Trembath ; 24378 ; 11th May. Tire cover or protector ; J. Trembath ; 24379; 11th May. Tire cover or protector ; R. Millis ; 25064 ; 9th October. Tire-inflator; F. A. Deunert and J. J. Jackson ; 24080; 4th March. Tire-inflator ; J, H. O'Callaghan ; 24213 ; 3rd April. Tire-inflator ; A. Ramsay ; 24373 ; Bth May. Tire-inflator ; G. P. Brown ; 24460 ; 30th May. Tire-inflator ; E. E. F. Grimmett; 25166 ; 2nd November. Tire-inflator ; S. F. Haughey ; 25383 ; 24th December. Tire-inflator lock ; J. Grice ; 24581 ; 29th June. Tire-inflator lock ; H. E. Jones ; 24612 ; 4th July. Tire tread-holder ; J. B. Grove ; 23912 ; 14th January. Valve-stem for tire ; W. Carr ; 24608 ; Ist July. Velocipede ; G. T. Coombes ; 24183 ; 25th March. Wheel; E.Murray; 24117; 11th March. Wheel; T. M. Davies and The Stepney Spare Motor Wheel, Limited ; 24503 ; 14th November, 1907. t Wheel ; E. S. Baldwin ; 24823 ; 20th August. Wheel: A. Cometti and A. J. McCarthy ; 24970; 24th September. Wheel, pneumatic ; L. Hardaker ; 24124 ; sth April. Wheel, pneumatic ; E. J. Cuttriss and T. S. King ; 24360 ; 6th May. Ventilating. Ventilator ; C. Giorgi; 24047 ; 25th February. Ventilator ; J. Hargreaves ; 24076 ; 28th February. Ventilator ; J. H. Beamish ; 24955 ; 19th September. Ventilator, closet; J. Kannuluik ; 25211 ; 12th November. Ventilator, double current; H. I. M. Ross ; 24454 ; 26th May. Ventilator, lamp ; W. Nelson ; 25034 ; 3rd October. Ventilator, roof extract; J. Hargreaves ; 24178 ; 23rd March, Ventilator, ship ; E. O. Blackwell; 24384 ; 12th May. Ventilator, window ; J. P. Brown ; 24445 ; 26th May. Washing and Cleansing. Bath ; J. and M. May ; 24381 ; Bth May. Clothes, transferring from copper, &c. ; J. Ross; 25212 ; 12th November. Clothes-washer ; W. J. Howcroft; 24846 ; 27th August. Copper. (See Washing-copper.) Glass-cleaner, &c. ; P. V. L. Alkemade ; 24820; 20th August. Glass-cleaner, &c. ; G. H. Morley ; 25208 ; 11th November. Glass cleaner, &c. ; J. Pomeroy ; 25353 ; 14th December. Ironing and polishing machine ; C. F. Snell; 24077 ; 27th February. Ironing and pressing machine ;C.H. R. Paul; 25022 ; 6th October. Ironing-board ; C. Anketell; 24757 ; 4th August. Ironing-machine; A. M. Bell and C. E. Russ ; 24217; 3rd April. Ironing-machine ; T. and J. J. Fleming and M. K. and N. H. Mackenzie ; 24235 ; 9th April. Sandsoap powder ; W. Pinches ; 24139 ; 12th March. Starch ;H. Rolland {alias Zadoni) and H. Stewart; 24263 ; 13th April. Soap-cutter ; A. Clifford ; 24050 ; 25th February. Soap-holder ; S. Winn ; 24187 ; 28th March. Soap-manufacture ; E. V. Schou ; 25079 ; 15th October. Soap-saving device ; J. Welsh ; 24157 ; 19th March. Steam vent for wash-houses, &c. ;W. B. Bodell; 24408 ; 19th May. Steam vent for wash-houses, &c. ; J. Cook; 24440; 20th May. Wash-board ;W. Lizzani; 24090 ; 29th February. Wash-board ; J. Stronach ; 25012 ; Ist October. Washstand ; J. B. Moir ; 24891 ; 3rd September. Washing-copper and furnace ; S. K. Mclver ; 24205 ; 2nd April. Washing fluid or compound ; R. Reid and C. J. Stone ; 24175 ; 25th March. Washing fluid or compound ; A. J. Joyce ; 24427 ; 22nd May. Washing fluid or compound; A. A. Hall; 24583 ; 26th June. Washing fluid or compound; E. Ibbotson ; 25329; 9th December. 7—H. 10.

Washing-machine ; R. T. Haines ; 24097 ; sth March. Washing-machine ; A. M. Ponninghaus ; 24338 ; 28th April. Washing-machine ; A. M. Ponninghaus ; 24339 ; 28th April. Washing-machine ; J. Hoelle ; 24405 ; 19th May. Washing-tub ; R. H. Johnson ; 24770 ; 3rd August. Washing-tub attachment; E. E. Clover; 24118; 27th March, 1907.f. Wool, &c, washing machine ; E. J. Railton and J. Rennie ; 24543 ; 18th June. Wool, &c, washing and drying machine ; T. McDonough ; 25343 ; 15th December. Water-supplying. Hydraulic nozzle ;A. Campbell; 24947 ; 19th September. Water-elevator; Auto-Hydraulic Limited; 24013; 19th February. Water-elevator tanks and valve-mechanism ; Auto-Hydraulic Limited ; 25230 ; 18th November. Water-strainer. (See Class Filters.) Wearing-apparel. Braces. (See Trouser-suspender.) Brooch-pin ; R. L. L. Luke ; 24745 ; 27th July. Button ; J. S. Thomson ; 24490 ; 4th June. Clip. (See Trouser-clip.) Cloth-stretcher ; L. Marks ; 24149 ; 18th March. Collar ; J. L. Vipond and R. Williams ; 24804 ; 15th August. Collar and tie fastener ; C. Ryan ; 23977 ; 6th February, 1907-f Cuff-protector ; C. F. M. C. Erhardt; 24142 ; 13th March. Dresscutting-chart; A. F. Billing ; 24752 ; 31st July. Dresscutting-chart; G. R. Andrew ; 24795 ; 13th August. Dress-holder. (See Skirt, &c, holder.) Hair-pad ; A. H. Poole ; 24622 ; 6th July. Hair-pin ; K. R. W. Moore ; 24101 ; 6th March. Hair-pin; C, C. E., C, and M. Thomson; 25091 ; 17th October. Hat, fastening for ; J. Morris and S. A. B. Marks ; 24798 ; 13th August. Hat, straw ; F. Wright; 24668 ; 14th July. Hat-pin ; G. L. Mahon ; 24808 ; 18th August. Hat-pin ; A. H. Wright; 25047 ; 10th October. Knee-pad ; M. E. Buick ; 24640 ; 9th July. Necktie ; I. Geary ; 24358 ; 6th May. Necktie, adjustable for double collar ;A. G. Barnett; 24061 ; 27th February. Necktie-holder ; W. W. Pearce ; 24225 ; 7th April. Pin ; A. Edmond and J. Hercus ; 25223 ; 13th November. Pin. (See also Hair-pin, Hat-pin.) Respirator for miners, &c. ; W. E. Garforth ; 24334; 28th April. Respirator for miners, &c. ; W. E. Garforth ; 24335 ; 28th April. Respirator for miners, &c. ; W. E. Garforth ; 24336 ; 28th April. Shirt. (See Tennis-shirt.) Skirt and bodice holder ;E. Nesbitt; 24354 ; sth May. Straw hat. (See Hat, &c.) Tennis-shirt; W. H. G. Geake ; 24815 ; 20th August. Tie. (See Necktie.) Trouser-clip ; L. Packer ; 24774 ; 10th August. Trouser-suspender ;E. Nesbitt; 24353 ; sth May. Trouser-suspender ;W. L. Oldman; 24587 ; 30th June. Trouser-suspender ; H. J. Chisnall and J. Jamieson ; 24688 ; 18th July. Trouser-suspender; C. W. and W. S. Ziele ; 24968; 21st July. Umbrella ; H. Quertier ; 24058 ; 30th April. Umbrella ; C. W. Alman-Marchant and W. Diack; 25367 ; 21st December. Underpants ;W. G. Walden and W. W. Wright; 24855; 29th August. Wool and Hides. Tanning and leather production; F. R. Kron; 24130; 12th March. Tanning-process, &c. ; C. W. Nance ; 24413 ; 20th May. Woolpack ;H. August; 23934 ; ,21st January. Woolpack ; C. Loomes ; 24639 ; 10th July. Miscellaneous Inventions. Composition of matter ; C. D. and A. G. Lightband ; 23958 ; 31st January. Fish hook and bait; W. Katene ; 24653 ; 13th July. Minnow, artificial; A. Horman ; 25004 ; 30th September. Rubber-manufacture ; T. Gare ; 25078 ; 15th October. Rubber manufacture, artificial- ; J. Blum and W. Carpenter; 25231 ; 18th November. Vulcaniser ; W. D. Gratama ; 24267 ; 14th April.




[Note. —The class is put within parentheses.]

Aachener Stahlwaarenfabrik Actien Gesellschaft, Aachen, Germany ; (6); 7278 ; 16th April. Abdulla and Co. (Limited), London, England; (45); 7273; 14th April. Abdulla and Co. (Limited), London, England ; (45) ; 7393 ; 16th June. Actien Gesellschaft der Eisen und Stahlwerke vorm Georg Fischer, Schaffhausen, Switzerland ; (13); 7417 ; Ist July. Adams, J., and Co., Auckland, New Zealand; (42); 7261; 7th April. Adams, J. H., and Co., Auckland, New Zealand ; (6) ; 7619 ; 19th October. Adams Limited, Christchurch, New Zealand; (13, 22, 40); 7703-4, 7742 ; 18th December. Adelaide Bottle Co-operative Society (Limited), Kent Town, South Australia ; (15); 7248; 2nd April. Aeolian Company, New York, United States America ; (9) ; 7264 ; Bth April. Agricultural and Pastoral Food Company (Limited), Wellington, New Zealand ; (2); 7097 ; 14th January. Agricultural and Pastoral Food Company (Limited), Wellington, New Zealand ; (42); 7182; 17th February. Agricultural and Pastoral Food Company (Limited), Wellington, New Zealand ; (42); 7201; 27th Februaiy. Agricultural and Pastoral Food Company (Limited), Wellington, New Zealand ; (42); 7395 ; 18th June. Aktiebolaget Rotator, Sodertelje, Sweden; (7); 7291, 2; 29th April. Alby United Carbide Factories (Limited), London, England; (1); 7615 ; 15th October. Alcock and Co. Proprietary (Limited), Melbourne, Victoria ; (49); 7194; 19th February. Alcock and Co. Proprietary (Limited), Melbourne, Victoria ; (40); 7645 ; 28th October. Allcock Manufacturing Company, New York, United States America, and Birkenhead, England; (3); 7461, 2, 3; 24th July. Allcock Manufacturing Company, New York, United States America, and Biikenhead, England ; (3); 7573 ; 22nd September. Andrew, J. H., and Co. (Limited), Sheffield, England ; (6, 12, 13); 7690, 1,2; 23rd November. Andrew, J. H., and Co. (Limited), Sheffield, England ; (6, 12, 13); 7693, 4, 5 ; 23rd November. Archer, A., and another, Wellington, New Zealand; (48); 7290; 29th April. Arkell and Douglas Incorporated, Melbourne, Victoria ; (42); 7448; 17th July. Associacion de Fabricantes de Tabacos de la Habana, Havana, Cuba ; (45): 7518 ; 19th August. Australian Kodak (Limited), Abbotsford, Victoria; (1); 7489, 92 ; 10th August. Australian Kodak (Limited), Abbotsford, Victoria; (8); 7494, 5 ; 10th August. Australian Kodak (Limited), Abbotsford, Victoria; (39); 7491, 3, 7, 8 ; 10th August. Australian Kodak (Limited), Abbotsford, Victoria; (8, 39); 7490, 6 ; 10th August. Australian Milk Ferment Proprietary, Sydney, New South Wales (see C. J. Carroll, U. R. Hall, A. Griffith). Bagley and Wright (Limited), Manchester, England ; (23); 7542 ; Ist September. Bailly, P., and Cie, Paris, France ; (38); 7473 ; 29th July. Bain, J. X., Christchurch, New Zealand; (48); 7566; 14th September. Baker, W., and Co. (Limited), Boston, United States America ; (42); 7287 ; 29th April. Balsa Hermanos, Vera Cruz, Mexico ; (45); 7440; 11th July. Balsa Hermanos, Vera Cruz, Mexico ; (45); 7629; 22nd October. Barraud and Abraham (Limited), Palmerston North, New Zealand; (46); 7095; 11th January. Barraud and Abraham (Limited), Dannevirke, New Zealand ; (43); 7407 ; 25th June. Barry, D. J., Gisborne, New Zealand; (43) ; 7607 ; Bth October. Barry, 8., Auckland, New Zealand ; (8); 7402 ; 24th June. Barrios Diamond Company (sec; S. P. Harris and A. E. C. Tovey). Bartlett, W. H., Auckland, New Zealand ; (39); 7476, 7, 8 ; 30th July. Bartlett, W. H., Auckland, New Zealand ; (39) ; 7633 ; 22nd October,

Beck and Co. (see Kaiser Brauerei). Beckett, F. P., Christchurch, New Zealand ; (42); 7508 ; 17th September. Begg, C, and Co. (Limited), Dunedin, New Zealand ; (0); 7294 ; 29th April. Benjamin, D., and Co., Dunedin, New Zealand ; (14); 7479; 30th July. Bergedorfer Eisonwerk Aktien Gesellschaft, Sande, Germany ; (7); 7647 ; 31st October. Bernese Chocolate Works (Tobler and Co., Limited), Berne, Switzerland ; (42); 7701 ; 24th November. Be.ry, H., and Co., Christchurch, New Zealand ; (42); 728ti ; 29th April. Berry, H., and Co., Christchurch, New Zealand ; (42); 7415 ; Ist July. Berry, H., and Co., Christchurch, New Zealand ; (6, 12, 42); 7708, 7710, 7711 ; 2nd December. Bidwell, Bid well, and Co., Axminstev, England ; (50) ; 7154 ; 29th January. Billson, H. E., Christchurch, New Zealand ; (50); 7451 ; 18th July. Bing, Harris, and Co. (Limited), Dunedin, New Zealand; (38); 7206 ; 3rd March. Bishop and Sons (see Finsbury Distillery Company). Bjornstad, M., Auckland, New Zealand ; (3); 7262 ; 7th April. Blake, H. D., London, England ; (17); 7277 ; 16th April. Blythe and McLuskie, Wanganui, New Zealand ; (3) ; 7399 ; 20th June. Bond and Bell, Auckland, New Zealand ; (42); 7254 ; 4th April. Bowron Bros, and Co. (Limited), Christchurch, New Zealand ; (37); 7560; 11th September. Braadland, J. Stavanger, Norway; (42); 7546 ; 2nd September. Braby, F., and Co. (Limited). London, England ; (14); 7480 ; 30th July. Bray Bros., Wellington, New Zealand; (42); 7214; 16th March. Bray Bros., Wellington, New Zealand ; (42); 7246 ; Ist April. Bray Bros., Wellington, New Zealand ; (42); 7646: 29th October. Brice, W., and Son, Christchurch, New Zealand; (48) ; 7367, 8, 9, 70 ; sth June. Bristol-Myers Company, New York, United States America ; (3); 7648 ; 4th November. British-American Tobacco Company, London, England ; (45); 7683 ; 19th November. British Leather Cloth Manufacturing Company (Limited), Hyde, England ; (36) ; 7322 ; 13th May. British Oil and Cake Mills (Limited), (Pearson, Beckett, and Co., Branch); Glasgow, Scotland, and London, England ; (2); 7298 ; 30th April. Brocas, T. N., Opotiki, New Zealand ; (50); 7236 ; 26th March. Brown and Sons, Te Kopuru, New Zealand ; (3); 7529 ; 25th August. Brown, Barrett, and Co. (see J. M. Geddes). Bryant and May (Limited), London, England; (47); 7355, 6, 7 ; 28th May. Bryant and May (Limited), London, England ; (47); 7443 ; 14th July. Bryant and May (Limited), London, England ; (47); 7~>74 ; 22nd September. Bryant and May (Limited), London, England ; (471; 7628 ; 21st October.' Bryant and May (Limited), London, England; (47); 7713, 14, 15, 16 ; 2nd December. Buffalo Specialty Company, Buffalo, United States America ; (50) ; 7235 ; 25th March. Bunz, C. F., Christchurch, New Zealand ; (42) ; 7288 ; 29th April. Burgess, Fraser, and Co., New Plymouth, New Zealand; (42); 7204 ; 29th February. Burgon and Ball (Limited), Sheffield, England ; (6); 7145; 23rd January. Burroughs, Wellcome, and Co. (see H. S. Wellcome). Burtt, F. M., Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand ; (45); 7265 ; Bth April. Bush, T. (see Union Clothing Company). Butterworth Bros., New Zealand (Limited), Dunedin, New Zealand ; (38); 7643 ; 29th October. Bycroft Limited, Auckland, New Zealand ; (42); 7208 ; 6th March,




Candy, R., and others, Melbourne, Victoria; (3); 7457, 8; 23rd July. Canterbury Dairy Company, Christehurch, Now Zealand ; (42); 7153 ; 29th January. Canterbury Frozen Meat and Dairy Produce Company (Limited), Christehurch, New Zealand ; (42); 7570 ; 17th September. Carbona Products Company, Newark, United States America ; (50); 7707 ; 28th November. Carder Bros, and (Jo., Auckland, New Zealand; (16); 7360J; 30th May. Caribonum Company (Limited), Leyton, England; (39); 7416 ; Ist July. Carmine, J. P., Westport, New Zealand ; (60); 7639 ; 23rd October. Carroll, C. J., and others, Sydney, New South Wales ; (42); 7332 ; 20th May. Caselberg, L., and Co. (Limited), Wellington] New Zealand ; (44); 7311 ; 9th May. Caselberg, L., and Co. (Limited), Wellington, New Zealand ; (44); 7580 ; 24th September. Celluloid Company, New York, United States America ; (38) ; 7709 ; 23rd December. Champion and Slee (Limited), London, England; (15, 42); 7501, 2; 11th August, Chappell, Allen, and Co. (Limited), Bristol, England; (38); 7758 ; 23rd December. Chath'eld, R. P., Sydney, New South Wales ; (3); 7595; 2nd October. Chatfield, R. P., Sydney, New South Wales; (3); 7611; 15th October. Cheetham Salt Proprietary (Limited), Geelong, Victoria ; (42); 7614 ; 15th October. Chiswick Soap Company, Chiswick, England ; (50); 7730 ; 15th December. Chloride Electrical Storage Company (Limited), Manchester, England; (8); 7157; 30th January. Chrystall and Co. (see Neill and Co., Limited). Coles, G. A., and Co., Auckland, New Zealand; (38); 7266, 7 ; 9th April. Colgate and Co., New York, United States America; (2); 7757 ; 23rd December. Collett and Co., New Plymouth, New Zealand ; (42); 7587, 8, 9, 90, 1,2; 29th September. Collett and Co., New Plymouth, New Zealand ; (42); 7677 ; 18th November. Colombo Commercial Company (Limited), Colombo, Ceylon; ' (42); 7366 ; sth June. Commonwealth Oil Corporation (Limited), Sydney, New South Wales ; (18, 47); 7650, 1 ; 4th November. Commonwealth Oil Corporation (Limited), Sydney, New South Wales; (13); 7723; 9th December. Commonwealth Oil Corporation (Limited), Sydney, New South Wales ; (47); 7649, 52 ; 4th November. Components Limited, Boumbrook, England; (22); 7756 ; 22nd December. Cookson and Co. (Limited), Newcastle-on-Tyne, England; (1); 7296; 30th April. Cooney's Manufacturing Company (Limited), Dublin, Ireland ; (50)"; 7712 ; 2nd December. Cooper, W., and Nephews, Berkhamsted, England; (2); 7420, 1 ; Ist July. Cooper, W., and Nephews, Berkhainsted, England; (2); 7470, 1 ; 28th July. Cowan and Co. (see J. Watson). Crane and MacMahon, New York. United States America; (50): 7274, 5 ; 14th April. Cripps, G. 0., Dunsdin, New Zealand ; (42) ; 7373 ; FBth June. Crompton and Co. (Limited), London, England ; (8); 7403 ; 24th June. Crosby, F., and Son, Auckland, New Zealand ; (50); 7753 ; 19th December. Cycle and Motor Supplies (Limited), Wellington, New Zea- ' land ; (22, 47); 7379, 80 ; 11th June. Cycle and Motor Supplies (Limited). Wellington, New Zealand; (6); 7512; 14th August. Dadson, A. J. (" Koko-Maricopas Company"), Sydney, New South Wales; (48); 7736; 17th December. Daglish, J., Mosgiel, New Zealand ; (3); 7426 ; 7th July. Daglish, J., Mosgiel, New Zealand ; (3); 7547, 7548 : 2nd September. Dainties Limited, Christehurch, New Zealand ; (42); 7205 ; 29th February. Dainties Limited, Christehurch, New Zealand ; (42); 7327 ; 19th May.

Dainties Limited, Christehurch, New Zealand ; (42); 7634 ; 22nd October. Dampney, J., and Co. (Limited), Cardiff, Wales ; (1); 7520 ; 21st August. Davies, G., Christehurch, New Zealand ; (38); 7452 ; 18th July. Davis.fcJ. W., Wellington, New Zealand; (50); 7405, 6; 25th June. De La' Rue, T., and Co. (Limited), London, England; (39) 7521*; 21st August. Denne, H. R., Ilford, England ; (38) ; 7217 ; 18th t March. De Pelichet, McLeod, and Co., Hastings, New Zealand ; (42); 7617 ; 16th October. De Schryver, T., Auckland, New Zealand ; (50) ; 7279, 80 ; 21st April. Dewar, J., and Sons (Limited), Perth, Scotland, and Sydney, New South Wales ; (43); 7114,5; 15th January. Dewhurst, J., and Sons (Limited), Skipton, England ; (23) ; 7543 ; Ist September. Dewsbury, J., and Son, Walsall, England ; (13); 7680; 18th November. Dick, F. (see P. Dick). Dick, P., Wurtemberg, Germany ; (13); 7585 ; 28thJSeptember. Dick, R. and J. (Limited), Greenhead, Scotland; (40); 7314, 15, 16 ; 11th May. Dickie, W., Waverley, New Zealand ; (42); 7427 ; 7th July. Dillicar Bros., Hamilton, New Zealand ; (42); 7429 ; Bth July. Dixon, E. S., Palmerston North, New Zealand ; (15) ;• 7531 ; 25th August, , Doble, F., and Sons, London and Dewsbury, England ; (34) ; 7729; 15th December. Drake, J. F., Milton, New Zealand; (42); 7581 ; 25th September. Drake, J. R., and others, Melbourne, Victoria ; (3); 7457, 8 ; 23rd July. Dufaur, E. 8., Auckland, New Zealand ; (42); 7475 ; 30th July. Dufaur, E. 8., Auckland, New Zealand; (42); 7579; 24th September. Duintjer, Wilkins, Meihuizen, and Co., Veendam, Holland ; (42); 7349 ; 27th May. Eadie Manufacturing Company (Limited), Redditch, England; (13,22); 7024, 5 ; 21st October. " E.C. " Powder Company (Limited), London, England; (20); 7626, 7 ; 21st October. Ellin, T. R., Sheffield, England ; (5) ■ 7600, 3 ; 6th October. Ellin, T. R., Sheffield, England ; (12); 7601, 4 ; 6th October. Ellin, T. R., Sheffield, England ; (13); 7602,5; 6th October. Ellis, R., Melbourne, Victoria ; (6); 7293 ; 29th April. Ellis and Manton, Wellington, New Zealand ; (42); 7606 ; 7th October. Engelbert, H., Wellington, New Zealand ; (13); 7136; 20th January. Erith Oil Works (Limited), London, England; (42); 7323, 4 ; 16th May. Escoffier (1907) Limited, London, England; (42); 7419; Ist July. Etablissements Farcy and Oppenheim (Societe Anonyme), Paris, France ; (38); 7209 ; 7th March. Evelyn, E. S., Auckland, New Zealand ; (2) ; 7630 ; 22nd October. Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino, Turin, Italy; (22); 7116; 16th January. Fairbairn, T. 8., and Co., Dunedin, New Zealand; (47); 7365 ; 4th June. Farbwerke vorm Meister Lucuis and Briining, Hoeehst, Germany; (3); 7522; 21st August, Farmers' Sanitary Pan Company of New Zealand, Auckland, New Zealand; (2); 7564; 12th September. Farrow and Co. (see J. Farrow). Farrow, J., Boston, Holbeach, and Old Fletton, England ; (42); 7318 ; 12th May. Felten and Gmlleaume Lahraeyerwerke Actieu-Gesellschaft, Mulheim-am-Rhein, Germany ; (5); 7224, 6 ; 25th March. Felten and Ouilleaume Lahmeyerwerke Actien-Gesellschaft, Mulheim-am-Rhein, Germany; (13); 7225, 30; 25th March. Felten and Guilleaume Lahmeyerwerke Actien-Gesellschaft, Mulheim-am-Rhein, Germany ; (6, 8, 18, 21, 40); 7227, 9, 7231, 2, 4 ; 25th March. Felten and Guilleaume. Lahmeyerwerke Actien-Gesellschaft, Mulheim-am-Rhein, Germany ; (7, 30) ; 7228, 7233 ; 25th March. Felten and Guilleaume Lahmeyerwerke Actien-Gesellschaft, Mulhcim-am-Rhein, Germany ; (13); 7245; Ist April. Felten and Guilleaume Lahmeyerwerke Actien-Gesellschaft, Mucheim-am-Rheim ; (13); 7263 ; Bth April.




Fergusson, A., and Co. (Limited), Glasgow, Scotland; (1) ; i ■ ,7486 ; 7th August. Fergusson and Mitchell, Dunedin, New Zealand; (39); 7213; 13th Mai eh. Field, A. N., Wellington, New Zealand ; (39); 7608 ; 12th October. Field and Co., Fruit Merchants (Limited), London, England ; (42); 7312, 13; 11th May. Finn, G., Khandallah, New Zealand; (50); 7183; 17th February. Finsbury Distillery Company, London, England; (42); 7571; 22nd September. Fleming and Co. (Limited), Gore, New Zealand ; (42); 7164 ; 4th February. Flyger, C. T., Palmerston North, New Zealand ; (42); 7580 ; 29th September. Frew, 8., Dunedin, New Zealand ; (49); 7485 : 7th August. Froggatt, T. C, and another, Walsall, England ; (37); 7092 ; Bth January. Galena Signal Oil Company, Pennsylvania, United States America; (47); 7113; 15th January. Gallagher Limited, Belfast, Ireland; (45); 7536; 26th August. Galloway, F. H., Sydney, New South Wales ; (3); 7196 ; 21st February. Gandv Belt Manufacturing Company (Limited), Seacombe, England ; (25); 7300 ; sth May. Garland, T. H., and Son (see T. H. and T. T. Garland). Garland, T. H., and Son, Auckland, New Zealand; (42); 7142 ; 21st January. Garland, T. H., and Son, Auckland, New Zealand; (42); 7425 ; 4th July. Garland. T. H. and T. T., Auckland, New Zealand ; (50) ; 7195; 20th February. Geddes, J. M., " Brown, Barrett, and Co," Auckland., New Zealand ; (42); 7657 ; 21st November. Giles, J., and Sons (Limited), Bristol, England ; (50); 7558 ; 10th September. Gillette Safety Razor Company, Boston, United States America; (12); 7433; 11th July. Gillette Safety Razor Company, Boston, United States America ; (48, 50); 7655, 6 ; 6th November. Glasgow Lead and Colour Works (see A. Fergusson and Co., Limited). Glyn-Jones and Pearson, Wellington, New Zealand ; (48); 7276; 15th April. Godfrey, W., Wellington, New Zealand ; (50); 7148 ; 27th January. Gollin and Co. Proprietary (Limited), Wellington, New Zealand ; (38) ; 7334 ; 21st May. Gollin and Co. Proprietary (Limited), Wellington, Now Zealand ; (38); 7456; 21st July. Gollin and Co. Proprietary (Limited), Wellington, New Zealand ; (38); 7724 ; 10th December. Goodfellow Limited, Hamilton, New Zealand; (6, 42); 7662, 3 ; 10th November. Goodlass, Wall, and Co. (Limited), Liverpool, England; (1); 7239, 41, 43 ; Ist April. Goodlass, Wall, and Co. (Limited), Liverpool, England; (4); 7240, 42, 44 ; Ist April. Gramophone Company (Limited), London, England; (8); 7739 ; 17th December. Greathead, R. (see W. Reed, jun., J. R. Drake, and R. Candy). Great Northern Brewery (Limited), Auckland, New Zealand ; (43, 15, 42, 44); 7516, 7514, 5, 7517 ; 17th August. Green, T. H., and Co., Chiistchurch, New Zealand; (42); 7511 ; 14th August. Green, T. H., and Co., Christchurch, New Zealand ; (42) ; 7525 ; (82nd August. Griffith, A., and others, Sydney, New South Wales ; (42); 7332 ; 20th May. Guest, H. W., Windsor, Victoria ; (48) ; 7720 ; 4th December. Gurr, T. J. C, and Co. (Limited), Wanganui, New Zealand ; (43); 7338 ; 22nd May. Guyot, C. (see P. Bailly and Cie). Hall, A. M., Ellerslie, New Zealand; (47); 7565; 12th September. Hall, G. R., and others, Sydney, New South Wales ; (42); 7332 ; 20th May. Hamon, G. R., Masterton, New Zealand ; (3); 7528 ; 25th August. Hancock and Co. (New Zealand), (Limited), London, England, and Auckland, New Zealand ; (15); 7098 ; 15th January. Hancock and Co. (New Zealand), (Limited), London, England, and Auckland, New Zealand ; (43); 7151; 30th January.

Hancock and Co. (New Zealand), (Limited), London, England, and Auckland, New Zealand ; (15); 7255; 7th April. Hancock and Co. (New Zealand), (Limited), London, England, and Auckland, New Zealand ■ (16); 7256; 7th April. Hancock and Co. (New Zealand), (Limited), London, England, and Auckland, New Zealand ; (42); 7257 ; 7th April. Hancock and Co. (New Zealand), (Limited), London, England, and Auckland, New Zealand ; (43); 7258 ; 7th April. Hancock and Co. (New Zealand), (Limited), London, England, and Auckland, New Zealand ; (44) ; 7259 ; 7th April. Hancock and Co. (New Zealand), (Limited), London, England, and Auckland, New Zealand ; (45) ; 7200 ; 7th April. Hardley and Hardley (Limited), Auckland, New Zealand ; (13); 7734; 17th December. Hardley and Hardley (Limited), Auckland, New Zealand : (16,18); 7764,5; 29th December. Hargreaves Bros, and Co. (Limited), Hull, England ; (50); 7684, 5 ; ] 9th November. Harper and Co. Proprietary (Limited), Melbourne, Victoria ; (42); 7247 ; 2nd April. Harris, J. J., Wellington, New Zealand ; (47); 7413 ; 27th June. Harris, S. P., and another, Melbourne, Victoria; (14), 7200 ; 27th February. Hartman, F., Sinalco-Aktiengesellschaft, Detmold, Germany ; (44); 7759, 60, 1, 2 ; 23rd December. Haseier, W. H., Birmingham, England ; (14) ; 7391, 2 ; 16th June. , Hasell, A. H., Melbourne, Victoria; (2); 7197; 21st February. Hawkins, L., Dunedin, New Zealand; (3); 7671 ; 13th November. Hayman and Co., London, England : (14); 7289; 29th April. Hayman and Co., London, England ; (10); 7329; 20th May. Hayman and Co., London, England ; (45) ; 7330 ; 20th May. Hayman and Co., London, England; (SO); 7642; 28th October. Hayman, P., and Co., Wellington, New Zealand ; (22) ; 7503 ; 11th August. Hayman, P., and Co., Wellington, New Zealand; (50); 1 7640 ; 24th October. Hayman, P., and Co., Wellington, New Zealand ; (10, 12, 48); 7673, 4, 5 ; 16th November. Hazard, W. H., Auckland, New Zealand ; (4, 12, 19, 20, 37, 38, 49); 7744, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 50 ; 19th December. Heat, Light, and Supplies Company (see F. J. kSkelton). Henderson, W. P., Palmerston North, New Zealand ; (3) ; 7253 ; 3rd April. Henderson, W. P., Palmerston North, New Zealand ; (3); 7335 ; 22nd May. Hennessy, J., Auckland, New Zealand; (3); 74(>4; 25th July. Hercus, J., and others, Dunedin, New Zealand ; (13) : 7596 ; 3rd October. Hislop, J., Dunedin, N«w Zealand; (10); 7150; 28th January. Hoare and Co., Auckland, New Zealand ; (38) ; 7319 ; 11th May. Hoffmann Manufacturing Company (Limited), London, England ; (6, 13); 7754, 5 ; 22nd December. Hollin's Mill Company, Manchester, England; (24); 7654; 4th November. Hope-Johnstone, C. H. E., Aramoho, New Zealand ; (42) ; 7450; 17th July. Howlett and White (Limited), Norwich, England; (38); 7091 ; Bth January. Hoyle's Prints (Limited), Manchester, England : (24); 7137 ; 20th January. Hoyle's Prints (Limited), Manchester, England ; (24); 7284 ; 27th April. Hughes and Cossar, Auckland and Wellington, New Zealand ; (4?); 7530 ; 25th August. Hutchinson and C;>. (Limited), Sydney, New South Wales ; (48); 7J77, 8; 12th February. Hutton, R., Balclutha, New Zealand; (50); 7172; 6th February. Hyde, A., Tβ Awamutu, New Zealand; (44); 7237; 26th March. Hygienic Company (Limited), London, England ; (3); 7/>64 ; 4th June. Ideal Concrete Machinery Company, South Bend, United States Ameiiea ; (18); 7432; 11th July. Imperial Export Company (Limited), Toronto, Canada; (50); 7184, 5, (i; 18th February. Indian Tea Planters' Combination, London, England ; (42); 7418 ; Ist July.




Internationale Guano-En superphosphaatwerken, Zwyndrecht, Holland ; (2); 7271 ; 13th April. Irvine and Stevenson's St. George Company (Limited), Dunedin, New Zealand ; (42); 7661 ; 7th November. Jacobs and Co., Dunedin, New Zealand ; (42); 7441 ; 14th July. Jacobs, L., London, England ; (3); 7299 ; sth May. Jakins, W. H. (see Canterbury Dairy Company). Jameson, J., and Son (Limited), Dublin, Ireland; (43); 7400; 22nd June. Jamieson, R., and Co., Dunedin, New Zealand ; (34); 7620 ; 19th October. Jamieson, W. F., Auckland, New Zealand ; (45); 7281, 2 ; 21st April. Johnson, E. M., Woodville, New Zealand; (42); 7482; 31st July. Johnstone (see Hope-Johnstone). Jones Bros, and Stevens (see C. G. and D. E. A. Jones and J. G. Stevens). Jones, C. G. and D. E. A., and another, Otaki, New Zealand ; (50); 7090 ; 4th January. Jones (see Glyn-Jones). Josephson, C. 0., Wellington, New Zealand; (38); 761«: 16th October. Jowers, J., Gisborne, New Zealand; (42); 7 J 98; 22nd February. Kaffee Patent Aktiengessllschait, Bremen, Germany : (42); 7700 ; 24th November. Kaiser Brauerei Beck and Co., Bremen, Germany; (43); 7295 ; 29th April. Kayser, Ellison, and Co. (Limited), Sheffield, England; (5, 6, 12, 13); 7506, 7, 8, 9 ; 13th August. Kendall, Dr. B. J., Company, Enosburg Falls, United States America ; (2); 7474 ; 29th July. Kia Ora Mineral Water Company (see E. K. Samuel). King, N., New Plymouth, New Zealand ; (46); 7481 ; 31st July. Kunkelmann and Co. (see F. T. Kunkelmann). Kunkelmann, F. T., Reims, France ; (43); 7249, 50; 2nd April. Kodak Limited, London, England ; (8, 39); 7175, 6 ; 12th February. Koko-Maricopas Company (see A. J. Dadson). Kufeke, F., Glasgow, Scotland ; (3); 7122 ; 16th January. Lamont and Co. (see W. J. Webster). La Societe Anonyme Le Ferment Established, Paris, France ; (3, 42); 7251, 2 ; 2nd April. Laurie, W. S., and Co., Auckland, New Zealand ; (42); 7610 j 15th October. Laxo-Tonic Pill Company, Sydney, New South Wales ; (3); 7117; 15th January. Laxo-Tonic PUI Company, Sydney, New South Wales ; (3); 7688 ; 19th November. Leather Cloth Company (Limited), London, England ; (30); 7550, 1, 2, 3 ; 3rd September. Lee, A. L., Christchurch, New Zealand ; (3); 7386 ; 12th June. Lever Bros. (Limited), Sydney, New South Wales, (47, 48); 7118,9,7120,21; 16th January. Libarty and Co. (see A. L. Liberty). Liberty and Co. (Cymric), (Limited), London, England ; (14); 7666, 9 ; 11th November. Liberty and Co. (Limited), London, England; (24, 31); 7667,8; 11th November. Liberty, A. L., London, England ; (24, 30); 7389, 90 ; Kith June. Liebig's Extract of Meat Company (Limited), London, England j (42); 7519 ; 20th August. lagging and Froggatt (see E. Liggins and T. C. Froggatt). Liggine, E., and another, Walsall, England ; (37); 7092 ; Bth January. Linotype and Machinery Limited, London, England ; (6); 7504 ; 12th August. Lipton Limited, London, England; (42); 7133, 4; 16th January. Litchfield, F. C, East Tamaki, New Zealand ; (42); 7499 ; 1 lth August. Loasby, A. M., Christchurch, New Zealand; (3); 7353 ; 28th May. Lohmann and Co., Sydney, New South Wales ; (2); 7317 ; Bth May. Lohmann and Co., Bremen, Germany, and Sydney, New South Wales ; (42); 7702 ; 26th November. Lux Limited, Melbourne, \ ictoria ; (13); 7212; 12th March. Lyes, J. W., Christchurch, New Zealand ; (3); 7487 ; 10th August.

Lynda Soap Making and Trading Company (Limited), Gisborne, New Zealand ; (47); 7138, 9, 7140"; 21st January. Lynda Soap Making and Trading Company (Limited), Gis- || borne, New Zealand ; (3); 7141; 21st January. Lyttle Bros., Masterton, New Zealand; (22); 7449; 17th July. MaoEwan, J. 8., and Co. (Limited), Wellington, New Zealand ; (42); 7537,7538; 28th August. MaoEwan, J. 8., and Co. (Limited), Wellington, New Zealand ; (39, 24, 42); 7635 v 6, 7 ; 23rd October. MacEwan, J. 8., and Co. (Limited), Wellington, New Zealand ; (42); 7537 ; 28th August. Maguire, Miller, and Co., Liverpool, England ; (47); 7301 ; sth May. Major and Co. (Limited), Kingstoii-upon-Hull, England; (1); 7348; 27th May. Marshall and Summers, Milton, New Zealand ; (22); 7283 ; 24th April. Maspero Freres (Limited), London, England, and Cairo, Egypt; (45); 7442; 14th July. Massey, C. 8., Christchurch, New Zealand ; (3); 7751 ; l'Jth December. Matthews, 0. H., Wellington, New Zealand ; (49); 7638 ; 23rd October. Matthews, J., Sydney, New South Wales ; (1, 42); 7146, 7 ; 23rd January. Matthews, J., Sydney, New South W T ales ; (42); 7173 ; 6th February. Matthews, J., Sydney, New South W T ales ; (4); 7188; 10th February. Matthews, J., Sydney, New South Wa'«s ; (22, 60) ; 7152, 0 ; 28th January. McConnell's Distillery (Limited), Stromness, Orkney, and London, England ; (43); 7401; 24th June. McKinlav, R., and Sons, Dunedin, New Zealand ; (38); 7658, 9, 60 ; 6th November. Meister Lucins and Briining (see Farbwerke). Mercer and Mitchell, Dunedin, New Zealand ; (42); 7302 ; 7th May. Messenger Corset Company (see A. G. Parry). Millar and Giorgi, Palmerston North, New Zealand ; (38); 7488 ; 10th August. Milne, G., Christchurch, New Zealand ; (22, 50); 7152, 6 ; 28th January. Mitchell, G. D., Prahran, Victoria ; (8); 7459 ; 23rd July. Mitteldeutsche Gummiwarenfabrik, Louis Peter A. G. ("Peter Union Tire Company "), Frankfort-on-the-Main, Germany, and Melbourne, Victoria ; (40); 7717 ; 3rd December. Moore, G., Masterton, New Zealand ; (4); 7722 ; 4th December. Moore Manufacturing Company (Limited), Dunedin, New Zealand ; (50); 7672 ; 16th November. Moores, J., and Sons, Denton, England ; (38); 7505 ; 13th August. More, I. (J.), Duntroon, New Zealand ; (47); 7388 ; 15th June. Morton, W., and others, Dunedin, New Zealand; (13); 7596 ; 3rd October. Moseley, D., and Sons (Limited), Manchester, England; (40); 7223; 25th March. Mouldey, E. C, and Sons, Christchurch, New Zealsind; (43); 7725; 10th December. Mumm, G. H., and Co., Rjims, France ; (43); 7093 ; 10th January. Muralo Company, New York, United States America ; (1); 7545 ; Ist September. Mushet, R. (see S. Osborn and Co., Limited). Niipier Brewery Company (Limited), Napier, New Zealand ; (43); 7431 ; 11th July. Nathan, J., and Co. (Limited), Wellington, New Zealand ; (42); 7333 ; 20th May. National Air Gas Company (Limited), London, England; (18) ; 71(>6, 7 ; sth February. National Air Gas Company (Limited), London, England; (50); 7168 ; sth February. Neill and Co. (Limited), Dunedin, New Zealand; (42); 7342 ; 23rd May. Neill and Co. (Limited), Christchurch, New Zealand ; (42); 7540 ; Ist September. Newth, W. H. D., Christchurch, New Zealand; (2); 7410; 25th June. New Zealand Brick, Tile, and Pottery Company (Limited), Auckland, New Zealand ; (16); 7326; 19th May. New Zealand Powell Wood Process Limited, Rangataua, New Zealand ; (50); 7567; 16th September. New Zealand Provision and Produce Company (W. Wood, proprietor), Christchurch, New Zealand ; (47); 7526 ; 22nd August.




Nixey, W. Q., London, England ; (50) ; 7347 ; 27th May. Noilly, Prat, and Cie, Marseilles, France ; (43); 7422 ; 2nd July. North British Rubber Company (Limited), Edinburgh, Scotland ; (40); 7341 ■ 23rd May. North British Rubber Company (Limited), Edinburgh, Scotland ; (38) ; 7376 ; 9th June. North-western Cyauamide Company (Limited), London, England ; (2) j 7523 ; 21st August. Old Bleach linen Company (Limited), Randalstown, Ireland ; (27, 28); 7336, 7 ; 22nd May. Ong Sam Leong and Co., Singapore, Straits Settlements; (42); 7678 ; 18th November. Osborn, 8., and Co. (Limited), Sheffield, England ; (5, 6, 12, 5, 6, 12, 13); 7123, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 30 ; 16th January. Osborn, S., and Cc. (limited), Sheffield, England; (13); 7126 ; 16th January. Osborn, S., and Co. (Limited), Sheffield, _ England ; (5, 6); 7131, 2; 16th January. Paling, W. H., and Co. (Limited), Sydney, New South Wales ; (9): 7423 ; 2nd July. Peabody, H. W., and Co., New York, United States America, London, England, and Sydney, New South Wales ; (1); 7143 ; 23rd January. Park, W., and Co., Wigan, England; (13); 7726; 15th December. Parry, A. G. ("Messenger Corset Company"), Chiistohuroh, New Zealand; (38); 7689; 19th November. Pears, A. F. (Limited), London, England ; (48); 7352; 28th May. Pears, A. F. (Limited), London, England ; (48) ; 7513 ; 15th August. Pearson, Beckett, and Co. (see British Oil and Cake Mills, Limited). Peek, Frean, and Co. (Limited), London, England; (42); 7468 : 28th July. Peel, W., Wellington, New Zealand ; (2, 47); 7737, 8 ; 17th December. Penberthy Injector Company, Detroit, United States America; (6); 7220 ; 25th March. Perks, Dane, and Co. Propiietary (Limited), Melbourne, Victoria; (1); 7165; sth February. Peter Union Tire Company (see Mitteldeutsche Gumraiwarenfabrik, Louis Peter A. G.). Pstrolite Limited, Lambeth, England; (13); 7297; 30th April. Petrolite Limited, Lambeth, England; (13); 7447; 16th July. Phillips, G., and Sons, London, England ; (45); 7100, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 ; 15th January. Philips and Pike, Wellington, New Zealand ; (45) ; 7465, 6, 7 ; 28th July. Pickering, E. A., London,|England ; (3); 7215, 16; 18th March. Pickering, J., and Sons (Limited), Sheffield, England; (50); 7331 : 20th May. Pommery Fils and Cie, Lse, Reims, France ; (43); 7555, 6, 7 ; Bth September. Postum Cereal Company (Limited), Michigan, United States America; (42); 7211; I Ith March. Powell, F. F., and another, Wellington, New Zealand ; (48); 7290 ; 29th April. Prestwick, S. and J., Manchester, England; (24): 7272; 13th April. Price's Patent Candle Company (Limited), London and Battersea, England ; (47); 7460; 23rd July. Pruden, T. A., Tauranga, New Zealand ; (2); 7414; 29th June. R&ad, T., Perth, Western Australia ; (3); 7321: 13th May. Rainbow Dye Company, New York, United States America; (1) ; 7339; 23rd May. Ranish, H., Martinborough, New Zealand ; (42); 7721 ; 4th December. Reading and Hoppy, Christchurch, New Zealand; (48); 7752; 19th December. Reokitt's (Oversea) (Limited), Wellington, New Zealand; (50); 7641 ; 28th October. Reddaway, F., and Co. (Limited), Manchester, England; (35); 7664; 11th November. Reed, W., jun., and others, Melbourne, Victoria; (3); 7457, 8 ; 23rd July. Reid, R., Aramoho, New Zealand ; (47); 7162; 31st January. Reid, S., Dunedin, New Zealand ; (39); 7219: 24th March. Richardson (see Johnson-Richardson). Robertson, J., and Sons, Paisley, Scotland ; (42); 7189, 90 ; 19th February.

Robertson, R. T., Wellington, New Zealand ; (43); 7510 ; 14th August. Robin, F. de J., Wellington, New Zealand; (42); 7207; 41 li March. Robson, R., and another, Gore, New Zealand; (48); 7500; 11th August. Roche, J. A., Dunedin, New Zealand ; (50); 7326 ; 16th May. Rooke, Torapsitt, and Co., Melbourne, Victoria; (2); 7<i44; 29th October. Rodger, J., and Co., Christohurch, Now Zealand ; (49) ; 7238 ; 28th March. Rodger, J., and Co., Christchurch, New Zealand ; (49) ; 7676 ; 16th November. Rose Perfumery Company, Wellington, New Zealand ; (48): 7575 ; 22nd September. Rosine Chemical Company, Wellington and Lower Hutt, New Zealand ; (42); 7593 ; 30th September. Royal Worcester Corset Company, Worcester, United Stales America ; (38); 7340 ; 23rd May. Royds Bros, and Kirk (Limited), Christchuieh, New Zealand ; (42); 7444, 5, 6 ; 15th July. Rubinstein, H., Melbourne, Victoria; (48); 7155; 29th January. Rubinstein, H., Melbourne, Victoria ; (48); 7863;; 4th June. Rubinstein, H., and Co. (see H. Rubinstein). Rue (see De La Rue). Ratter, 1., and Co., Mitcham, England ; (45); 7576 ; 23rd September. Safety Non-explosive Reservoir Company (Limited), 'London, England; (13); 7541; Ist September. Samuel, E. X., Auckland, New Zealand ; (44) ; 7320 ; 13th May. Sanatogen Company, London, England ; (3, 42) ; 7383, 4 ; 12th June. Sankey, J., and Sons (Limited), Bilston, England; (13); 7533, 4, 5 ; 26th August. Sargent and Wilson, Christchurch, New Zealand ; (42); 7303 ; 7th May. Sargood, Son, and Ewen, Auckland, New Zealand; (35); 7408, 9 ; 25th June. Sargood, Son, and Ewen, Dunedin and elsewhere, New Zealand ; (38); 7483 ; 4th August. Sargood, Son, and Ewen, Dunedin and elsewhere, New Zealand ; (38); 7582 ; 28th September. Schlaiker, H., and another, Gore, New Zealand ; (48): 7600; 11th August. Schryver (see De Sehryver). Scott, G., Christchurch, New Zealand ; (42); 7472 ; 29th July. Scoular, W., and Co., Dunedin, New Zealand; (42); 7705; 26th November. Scoular, W., and Co., Dunedin, New Zealand ; (42); 7740, 1 ; 18th December. Scaly, T., New York, United States America; (4); 7163; 31st January. Seaton, H. H., Wellington, New Zealand; (14); 7549; 3rd September. Selz, Schwab, and Co., Chicago, United States America; (38); 7112; 15th January. Shacklock, H. E. (Limited), Dunedin, New Zealand; (6) ; 7578 ; 23rd September. Sharland and Co. (Limited), Auckland, New Zealand; (I); 7203 ; 29th February. Sharland and Co. (Limited), Auckland, New Zealand ; (I); 7527 ; 25th August. Shaw and Wood, Hastings, New Zealand ; (42); 7554; sth September. Shelton, F. J., Wellington, New Zealand; (1); 7174; Bth February. Shinier, S. J., and Sons, Milton, United States America ; (6) ; 7632 ; 22nd October. Shrimski, A. E., Auckland, New Zealand ; (38); 7371 ; Bth . June. Simms, H. 8., Hamburg, Germany; (9); 7396, 7; 17th June. Simon, J., and Cie, Lyons, France ; (48); 7621,2,3; 201 h October. Sissons Bros, and Co. (Limited), Bankside, England; (I); 7681 ; 18th November. Skelton, Frostick, and Co. (Limited), Christchurch, New Zealand ; (38); 7328 ; 19th May. Smith and White, Auckland, New Zealand; (18); 7149: 28th January. Sooiete d'Hygiene le Negri Pipoz, Paris, France ; (50) ; 7679 ; 18th November. Souter, F. T. E., London, England ; (3) ; 7727 ; 15th December. Speaker, G. R., and Co., London, England ; (50); 7218 ; 19th March.




Spinks, E., Petone, New Zealand ; (3) ; 7454 ; 21st July. Steedman and Co., London, England; (3); 7631 ; 22nd October. Stevens, J. G., and others, Otaki. New Zealand ; (50) ; 7090 ; 4th January. Stewart, Dawson, and Co. (New Zjaland), (Limited). Wellington, New Zealand ; (14); 7733 ; 15th December. Stoltz, G. C, Sydney, New South Wales ; (18) ; 7653 ; 4th November. Stone's (see Finsbury Distillery Company). Sudso Company of New Zealand (see R. Reid). Suggate, F. C, Auckland. New Zealand; (18); 7469; 28th July. Surburg Company, New York, United States America ; (45) ; 7210 ; 10th March. Swift and Co., Sydney, New South Wales ; (42) ; 7424 ; 3rd July. Sydney Soap and Candle Company (Limited), Sydney, New South Wales ; (40) ; 7350, 1 ; 28th May. Sydney Soap and Candle Company (Limited), Sydney, New South Wales ; (50) ; 7616 ; 15th October. Symonds, A. C, and Co., Wellington, New Zealand ; (3) ; 7670; 13th November. Tame, W., Dunedin, New Zealand ; (1); 7343 ; 26th May. Tame, W., Dunedin, New Zealand ; (2, 3, 39, 42, 47, 48, 50) ; 7304, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ; Bth May. Tame, W., Dunedin, New Zealand; (3, 42, 47, 50); 7158, 9, 60, 1; 31st January. Tame Chemical Stores Company (see W. Tame). Teacher, W., and Sons, Glasgow. Scotland; (43); 7532; 26th August. Thames Valley Co-operative Dairying Company (Limited), Paeroa, New Zealand ; (42) ; 7728 ; 15th December. Thermos (Limited), London, England; (13, 14, 16, 18,50); 7084, 5, 6, 7, 8 ; 3rd January. Thompson, W. A., and Co., Auckland, New Zealand ; (22); 7387; 15th June. Thomson, J. S., Auckland, New Zealand; (42); 7202; 27th February. Thomson, W. S., and Co. (Limited), London, England ; (38); 7374, 5 ; 9th February. Timaru Dairy Company, Timaru, New Zealand ; (42); 7763 ; 29th December. Tingey, R. and E., and Co. (Limited), Wellington, New Zealand ; (1); 7577; 23rd September. •Tobler and Co. (Limited) (see Bernese Chocolate Works). Tonkin and Co.. Dunedin, New Zealand ; (42); 7583, 4 ; 28th September. Tootal, Broadhurst, Lee Company (Limited), Manchester, England ; (24) ; 7434, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ; 11th July. Tovey, A. E. C, and another, Melbourne, Victoria ; (14) ; 7200 : 27th February. Tower, A. J., Company, Roxbury, United States America ; (38) ; 7544 ; Ist September. Tower Tea Company (Limited), London, England; (42); 7187 ; 18th February. Trotman, H. W., Wellington, New Zealand ; (42) j 7559 ; 11th September. Tucker, W. F., and Co., Auckland, New Zealand; (42) ; 7561, 2, 3 ; 12th September. Turnbull, W. and G., and Co., Wellington, New Zealand; (42) ; 7378; 11th June. Tyree, A., and Co. (Limited), Christchurch, New Zealand ; (38); 7359 ; 30th May. Tyree. A., and Co. (Limited), Christchurch, New Zealand ; "(5); 7096; 14th January. Tyree, A., and Co. (Limited), Christehurch, New Zealand ; (5); 7181 ; 17th February. Unbreakable Pulley and Mill-gearing Company (Limited), Manchester. England; (6); 7144; 23rd January. Union Bag and Paper Company, Jersey City, United States America ; (39) ; 7718. 9 ; 3rd December. Union Clothing Company, Wellington, New Zealand ; (38); 7180; 15th February.' Union Oil. Soap, and Candle Company (Limited). Auckland, New Zealand ; (47); 7569; 17th September. Vinolia Company (Limited). London, England ; (48); 7735 ; 17th December. Vvse, Sons, and Co. (Limited). London, .England; (38) ; 7199; 26th February. Wairarapa Farmers' Co-operative Association (Limited), Wellington, New Zealand ; (47, 42); 7731, 2; 15th December. Wakelin Bros., Carterton, New Zealand ; (42) ; 7599 ; sth October. Ward, G. and S. 1., North Melbourne, Victoria ; (6); 7682 ; 18th November. Wallace and Kecsing. Auckland, New Zealand ; (42); 7268 ; 9th April.

Wallaert Freres, Lille, France ; (23) ; 7411 : 26th June. Warnook Bros., Auckland, New Zealand ; (47) ; 7358 ; 28th May. Warnook Bros., Auckland, New Zealand; (47); 7412; 27th June. Warnock Bros., Auckland, New Zealand ; (47); 7524; 21et August. Warnook Bros., Auckland, New Zealand ; (47) ; 7609 ; 15th October. Watson and Co. (Leek), (Limited), Leek, England; (23): 7484; 7th August. Watson and Co. (Leek), (Limited). Leek, England : (30) ; 7191. 2, 3 ; 19th February. Watson, A., and Co., Newoastle-on-Tyne, England ; (42) ; 7612 ; 15th October. Watson, J., Port Chalmers and Mataura, New Zealand ; (42); 7404 ; 24th June. Watson, J., and Co., Dundee, Scotland; (43); 7430; Bth July. Wattson, C. J., Dunedin, New Zealand ; (39); 7270 ; 10th April. Webster, J. (" Lamont and Co."), Glasgow, Scotland ; (43); 7594 ; 2nd October. Wellcome, H. S. (Burroughs, Wellcome and Co.), London, England ; (3); 7221 ; 25th March. Wells, M., and Co., Manchester, England ; (47); 7354 ; 28th May. Wertheim, H., Melbourne, Victoria ; (9); 7222 ; 25th March. Whangarei Co-operative Dairy Company (Limited), Whangarei, New Zealand ; (42); 7269 ; 10th April. White, A. J. (Colonial) (Limited), London, England ; (3) ; 7766, 7, 8 ; 30th December. White, T., Wairareka, New Zealand : (3, 42) ; 7372, 7 ; Bth June. Whitfields Bedsteads (Limited), Birmingham, England ; (41); 7665; 11th November. Wliitlock, F., and Sons, Wanganui. New Zealand; (44) ; 7089; 4th January. Wiggins, Teape, and Co. (Limited). London, England ; (39) ; 7453 ; 20th July. Wilcox and White Company, Meriden, United States America ; (9); 7169, 70, 1 ; sth February. Williams, J. L., Auckland, New Zealand ; (42); 7179; 13th February. Wills, W., Dunedin, New Zealand ; (42); 7743; 19th December. Wilson, L. M.. Christchurch. New Zealand; (42); 7361; Ist June. Wilson, L. M., Chvistchurch, New Zealand; (42): 7398; 19th June. Wilson, Williams, and Co. (see J. L. Williams). Wilson, W. S., Winton, New Zealand ; (39); 73H2 ; Ist June. Wilton. G. W., and Co. (Limited), Wellington. New Zealand ; (3); 7706 ; 27th November. Winchester Repeating Arms Company, Connecticut, United States America ; (19) ; 7696, 7. 8, 9 ; 23rd November. Winter, J. S., Company (see Hutchinson and Co., Limited). Wiseman, J., and Sons (Limited), Auckland, New Zealand ; (37); 7455 ; 21st July. Witting Bros. (Limited), London, England; (15); 7394; 17th June. Wittkampf, B. A. J., Schiedam, Holland ; (43); 7135; 17th January. Wood, W. (see New Zealand Provision and Produce Company). Wood-Milne (Limited), Preston, England; (40); 7572; 22nd September. Woodrow, J., and Sons (Limited), Stockport, England ; (38) 7385; 12th June. Woods, W. J., Shoe Company, Auckland, New Zealand ; (38) ; 7094 ; 1 lth January. Wouldham Cement Company (Limited). London, England ; (17); 7613 ; 15th October. Wright. A. H., Dunedin, New Zealand ; (49) ; 753!); -29th August. Wright, A. H., Dunedin, New Zealand; (39. 41); 7597,8; sth October. Wright, A. H., and others, Dunedin, New Zealand; (13) ; 7596 ; 3rd October. Wylie, W., Wellington, New Zealand ; (42); 7428 ; Bth July. Yencken, E. L., and Co. Proprietary (Limited), Melbourne, Victoria; (1,15); 7381,2; 12th June. York, T.. Woolston, New Zealand ; (42); 7285; 27th April. Young's Chemical Company (see T. W. Young). Young, T. W. ("Young's Chemical Company"). Wellington, New Zealand ; (2) : 7686, 7 ; 19th November. Zealandia Soap and Candle Company. Woolston, New Zealand ; (47); 7344, 5, 6 ; 27th May. Zealandia Soap and Candle Company (Limited). Wooleton, New Zealand ; (47) ; 7344, 5, 6 ; 27th|May.




[Note. —The class is put within parentheses.]

Alcock and Co. Proprietary (Limited), Melbourne, Victoria ; (3); 396 ; 29th July. Berry, D. A., and others, Northampton, England; (10) ; 415 ; 18th November. Black, J., Auckland, New Zealand; (3); 418-443 ; 24th November. Brown, J. H.. and others, Northampton, England; (10); 415; 18th November. Capron, C, London, England ; (3); 372 ; 16th January. Carrara Ceiling Company (Limited), Wellington, New Zealand ; (3) ; 376 ; 4th March. Carrara Ceiling Company (Limited), Wellington, New Zealand ; (3) ; 377, 8 ; 10th March. Carrara Ceiling Company (Limited), Wellington. New Zealand ; (3) ; 380 ; Ist April. Carrara Ceiling Company (Limited), Wellington, New Zealand ; (3); 383 ; sth May. Carrara Ceiling Company (Limited), Wellington, New Zealand ; (3) ; 384 ; 14th May. Carrara Ceiling Company (Limited), Wellington, New Zealand; (3); 391-5 ; 28th July. Carrara Ceiling Company (Limited). Wellington, New Zealand ; (3); 400-2; 12th August. Carrara Ceiling Company (Limited), Wellington. New Zealand ; (3); 403-6 ; 15th August. Colonial Tinware and Japanning Company (see E. Townsend and J. W. O'Sullivan). Cren (see Lo Crcii). Crown Ironworks Company (see W. J. Le Cren and J. B. Laurenson). De Dion Bouton (1907) (Limited), London, England ; (1) ; 370, 1 ; Kith January. Dixey, W., Christchurch, New Zealand; (1); 385; 18th May. Dunlop Rubber Company of Australasia (Limited), Melbourne, Victoria; (12); 412; 4th November. Escott, W., Dunedin. New Zealand ; (3); 375 ; 24th February. Fraser Bros., Invercargiil, New Zealand; (1); 408; 4th September. Glover, A. (!,, Wellington, New Zealand ; (8) ; 407 ; 27th August. Grazzini, ('., Wellington, New Zealand; (3); 410; 28th October.

Gurney, F. E., Wellington, New Zealand ; (3); 390 ; 2nd July. Langmuir, Sim, and Co., Invercargiil, New Zealand ; (1) ; 387 ; 18th June. Laurenson, J. 8., and another, Christchurch, New Zealand ; (4) ; 379 ; 18th March. Le Cren, W. J., and another. Christchuroh, New Zealand ; (4) ; 379 ; 18th March. McLaughlin, F., Wellington, New Zealand ; (1); 413,4; 12th November. Moseley, D., and Sons (Limited), Manchester, England ; (3); 386 ; 16th June. Muir, G. T., T. M., and J. K. (J. F. Stephenson), Melbourne, Victoria; (1); 444; 2nd December. Muir, J. and T., Melbourne, Victoria; (1); 41fi, 7; 18th November. Muir, J. and T., Melbourne, Victoria; (1); 446, 7; 23rd December. O'Sullivan, J. W., and another, Wellington, New Zealand ; (1); 411 ; 28th October. Pallant, W. J., Palmerston North, New Zealand ; (10) ; 374 ; sth February. Regal Shoe Company, Boston, United States America; (1); 382 ; 30th April. Rodda, W. P., St. Kilda, Victoria ; (1); 445; 23rd December. Roseman, S. G., Auckland, New Zealand ; (3) ; 397 ; 29th July. Sargood, Son, and Ewen (Limited), Dunedin, New Zealand ; (10); 398, 9; 4th August, Sargood, Son, and Ewen (Limited), Dunedin, New Zealand ; (10); 409; 28th September. Spear, H., Wellington, New Zealand ; (4); 381 ; 3rd April. Stephenson, J. F. (see G. T. Muir and others, No. 444). Thornton, F. H., and others, Northampton, England ; (10) ; 415 ; 18th November. Tisch, C. H., Ashburton, New Zealand; (3) ; 389; 29th June. Townsend, E., and another, Wellington. New Zealand ; (1) ; 411 ; 28th October. Wilson, T. J., Nelson, New Zealand; (1); 448; 31st December. Witting Bros. (Limited), London, England; (4); 388; 24th June.

Approximate cost of paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (1,500 copies), £39 19s.

Authority : John Mackav, Government Printer. Wellington.—l9o9.

Price Is. 3d.]


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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS: TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1909 Session II, H-10

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS: TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1909 Session II, H-10

PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS: TWENTIETH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1909 Session II, H-10

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