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F.- 5.

] 909. NEW /EALA X D.


Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly in accordance with the requirevients of Section 30, Subsection (4), of the Regulations made by Order in Council of the 2nd May, 1908, under " The Post and Telegraph Classification and Regulation Act, 1890," and its amendments.

I—F. 6.



The Post and Telegraph Departmental List. mHP foiiowine is the list of persons employed in the Post Ottice and Telegraph Service, showuig the details of the T provided for under the proVisions of "The Post and Telegraph Aot. 1908,» and the for the financial year ending the 31st March, 1910. J. G. WARD, ir> t Postmaster-General and Minister of Telegraphs. General Post Omce, Wellington, Ist April, 1909. POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION. RMTMMOBS-d Deputy Commissioner of Stamps and Registrar of Deeds; 6, Government Life Insurance Agent; Registrar of Births Deaths and Marriages ; d. Lands and Customs Officer; c, Customs Officer, Mining Registrar and Receiver of Revenuf' /, Deputy Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages; g, Registrar of Electors; h, Harbourmaster; «', District Land Officer; ;, Rogistrar of Births and Deaths. _ f Length "I « Date or Service on ■; n,.murks | Name. Portion. Am-.;...*- 3lßt , Mlv ,.„, £ K< ">*»">• | mem. lgo9 « S3 FIRST DIVISION. Y. M. 11. i , D ' n Secretary .. •• 25/3/73 30 0 7 1.000 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1876. \ I!ogSTk D - :: :: wv<* « « <•• **> a™^ 21/12/09. g Morr i BfW . R Assistant Secretary and Inspector 1/5/70 33 11 0 800 From Ist July. 190 ft CLERICAL DIVISION. First Class. (First GRADE).-From £550 to £600, by Two Annual Increments of £25 each. ~, „ T v„.„u Uncinoer 1/11/07 311 11 0 575 Resigned,3o/6/73; reop--1 Meddings, W. G. ■■ Telegraph Engineer .. •■ •/"/<•« pointed, 1/1/75. t a Chief Postmaster . 12/1/64 43 0 20 575 Resigned, 1/7/08; reap. 2 Hutton, J. A. .. • • thief Postmaster / pointed, 28/2/70. Ftrst Class (Second GRADE).-From £500 to £626, by One Increment of £25. 1 Orchiston,.! Telegraph Engineer J6/1/T4 95 2 17 525 Q^% 2 Furby, W. S. .. • ■ » ■ • 20/2/65 to 30/9/0.".. n n •• 1/1/67 42 3 0 525 J gSAV 1 * :: Chief Postmaster .. W6B 40 9 0 626 I »r G st - G - :: -p^--^ offi - :; 3HI S Mp*.win ~ 7 Buckley, T. .. ■ • Chief Electrician I I appointed, 18/8/79. or, Chief Postmaster .. •■ 12/5/63 37 10 3 525 Resigned, 31/10/05; re--8 Stevens, S. P. .. ■• Chief Postmaster appointed, 17/11/78. ~„ „ .... 15/8/73 36 717 525 » Miller, D. a .. ■• » 1/2/74 ;j .-, 2 0 525 Resigned, 10/4/75; re--10 Waters, F. V Chief Oert •• appointed, 1/0/75. C.S. Sen. Exam., 1879 11 Dall,G.B. .. -. Inspector of Post 01. 5/7/75 33 827 525 M G«,W. .. TetgrXEngineer •• - WW 38 11 »0 600 Second Class -From £440 to £475, by One Annual Increment of £20 and One of £16. , Harrington, H. W. ' .. Officer in Charge .. 23/5/65 43,0 9 475 2 Hawk, C. H. M. » 27/3/67 12 0 4 4(io 3 Martin, B. N. .. • • 1/4/70 39 0 0 400 o !25£5.w." :: c«r«-. :: vw g 6 Sheath, J. ft. ■ • • " 27/8/66 42 7 5 400 7 Sampson, G. W. ■• » 16/5/76 32 10 10 460 S Senn, E. V. .. •• » 25/4/70 32 11 0 400 9 Chancy, W. J. B • • 14/7/71 37 8 18 460 !? SffiW'!. :: i-^-- ***. :: 33 326 s /5/84; rea p. 12 Ward, W. T. b.. ■■ Postmaster V /'« pointed, 22/12/84 II Hnarinf HA R •• Assistant Controller of M.O. and 15/6/83 25 916 400 Matric, 1888 13 Huggin?, H. A. *. g an(J Aasigtan( . AccounUnt


POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. | Date of Length of & Name. Position. Appoint- 8 Remarks. a ment. • J Third Ci.ass.—From £385 to £425, by Two Annual Increments of £20 each. v. M. D. £ 1 Tait, R. .. .. Assistant Postmaster .. .. 14/8/66 42 718 405 2 King, T. T. .. .. Assistant Inspector of Post Offices 21/9/74 34 611 405 3 Curtis, P. .... „ „ 1/0/71 37 10 0 405 4 Black, J. .. .. Controller of Stores .. .. 20/4/00 40 612 405 Resigned, 31/3/74; reappointed, 1/9/76. 5 Williamson, J. C .. Second Clerk, 8.0. .. .. 1/7/77 31 9 0 405 6 Dryden, A. P. .. .. Assistant Postmaster .. .. 1/8/78 30 8 0 405 7 Kissel, H. .. .. Assistant Inspector of Post Offices 19/3/77 32 013 405 8 Stevens, J. H. .. .. „ „ 1/9/72 30 7 0 405 9 Chisholm, W. E. .. Assistant Telegraph Engineer .. 1/11/77 31 5 0 405 10 Northcroft, E. 6 .. Chief Postmaster .. 17/4/71 37 11 4 405 11 Logic, H. b, c .. .. „ .. .. 1/6/71 37 10 0 405 12 St. George, D. 4, c .. „ .. .. 1/5/70 38 11 0 405 13 Renner, W. H. 6 .. „ .. .. 1/3/70 39 1 0 405 14 Gannaway, E. C. .. Assistant Postmaster .. .. 15/2/75 34 114 405 15 Burton, C. H. .. .. „ .. .. 10/4/70 32 1121 405 16 Ooe, \\. .. .. Assistant Inspector of Savings Banks 17/9/77 31 0 14 405 17 Mann, C. B. .. .. Controller of Stores .. .. 12/9/79 29 620 385 Fourth Class.—From £330 to £370, by Two Annual Increments of £15 each, and One of £10. 1 Xicholls, W. H. S. It .. Chief Postmaster .. .. 23/2/70 39 1 0 300 From 15th Feb.. 1910. 2 Bu h. J. L. .. .. Assistant Officer in Charge .. 19/6/67 41 '9 12 345 3 Hill, C. b, c .. .. Postmaster .. .. .. 11/0/(17 41 920 345 4 Crow, W. .. .. Private Secretary .. .. 1/11/77 31 5 0 345 Matric, 1890. Lent to .Minister of Education and Public Health. 5 Gannawav, F G .. Assistant Officer in Charge .. 1/1/73 30 3 0 345 (5 Aitken, T. .. .. Accountant, C.P.O. .. .. J/3/75 34 1 0 346 7 Beswick, W. .. „ „ .. .. 20/3/74 35 012 345 8 Stokes, F. S. .. .. „ „ .. .. 1/10/74 34 6 0 345 9 Dodd, F. H. .. .. Officer in Charge .. .. 1/9/73 34 915 345 Out of service from 31/8/80 to 16/6/81. 10 Talbot, A. J. C. .. Assistant Officer in Charge .. 1/4/75 33 4 10 345 Out of service from 31/8/80 to 22/4/81. 11 Wyatt, H. P. de K. .. „ .. 1/1/74 35 3 0 345 12 Booth, R. .... „ .. 15/2/74 35 114 346 13 Tovey. A. 0. .... „ .. J/8/77 31 8 0 345 14 Pickett, J. J. fc, c, c, I .. Postmaster .. .. .. 13/1/75 34 219 345 15 Whelan. C. 6, c .. .. „ .. .. .. 28/1/75 34 2 4 345 16 Mann. A. W. b, c .. „ .. .. .. 19/6/75 33 912 345 17 Furby, G. F. 6 .. .. „ .. .. .. 17/2/70 39 1 12 345 18 Halliday, C. C. b, c .. „ .. .. .. 11/3/67 42 021 315 19 Inder, S. 6 .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/11/74 34 5 0 345 20 Baird, R. M. .. .. Electrician .. .. .. 17/8/77 31 715 345 21 Shrimpton, E. A. .. Assistant Telegraph Engineer .. 12/4/89 19 1120 846 22 Giller, H. A. .. .. Accountant, C.P.O. .. .. 1/6/76 32 10 0 345 23 Heinitz, R. .. .. Chief Draughtsman .. .. 7/4/88 20 11 24 330 I'ifth Class.—From £275 to £315, by Two Annual Increments of £15 each, and One of £10. 1 White, P. P. 6, c .. Pi .. .. .. 1/11/70 38 5 0 316 2 Nicholas, CE. b .. „ .. .. .. 1/11/70 38 5 0 315 3 Walsh, W. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 15/1/76 33 217 315 4 Salmon, T. B b... .. „ .. .. .. 1/10/74 34 6 0 315 5 Dansey, R. D. 6 .. „ .. .. .. 12/9/70 38 619 315 6 Haszard, S. F. b .. „ .. .. .. 1/9/74 34 7 0 315 7 Norton, C J. 6 .. .. „ .. .. .. 21/3/74 35 011 315 8 Drake, W. C. 6, c .. „ .. .. .. 1/1/72 37 3 0 315 9 Black, R. C. 6, / .. „ .. .. .. 19/8/72 36 7 13 315 10 Houlihan, R. F. .. Assistant Officer in Charge ... 1/11/70 38 5 0 315 11 Corliss, M. C. .. .. Officer in Charge .. .. 1/11/69 39 5 0 315 From Ist July, 11" 1: 12 Hester, T. S. .. Postmaster .. .. .. 1/11/71 37 5 0 315 13 Robertshaw, F. J. b, <■ .. „ .. .. .. 20/6/74 34 911 290 14 Dawson, H. W. b, c .. „ .. .. .. 20/6/73 35 911 2. 11 15 Empson, G. A. b, / ' .. „ .. .. .. 1/9/74 34 7 0 306 16 Rule, J. G. .. .. Chief Mail Clerk .. .. 23/9/73 35 6 8 890 17 Hudson, G. V. .. .. Principal Clerk, Postal Division .. 1/2/83 26 2 0 290 18 Isbister, W. .. .. Relieving Postmaster .. .. 3/2/74 35 120 290 19 Davis, E. H. 6 .. .. Postmaster .. .. .. 1/7/73 35 9 0 290 20 Ward, T. .. .. „ .. .. .. 9/10/79 29 5 22 290 21 Staples, F. J. .. .. Chief Mail Clerk .. .. 21/10/78 30 511 290 22 Palmer, F. .. .. Controller of Telegraph Workshops 12/5/97 11 10 20 290 23 Hawley, F. C. .. .. Senior Check Clerk .. .. 1/11/73 85 5 0 290 24 Greatbatch, H. G. .. „ . .. .. 1/10/77 31 0 0 290 25 Treweek, C. .. .. „ .. .. 16/10/78 33 5 10 290 26 Grocott, H. D. .. .. Chief Correspondence Clork, Prime 24 3 19 290 Minister's Office




POST AND TELEGRAPH, CLASSIFICATION— continued. *" i, , • Lenbjth of .• CO Date Of a HVV w.« nn J — - | Name. Position. Appoint- 3^f V liarel J , £ Remarks. § ment. 1909 £ 55 Fifth Class. From £275 to £315, by Two Annual Increments of £16 each, and One of £10— continued. y. m. ii- £ 27 Dale, .1. ( Chief Clerk, C.P.O 18/11/73 35 4 13 290 28 Woon, J. R , •• •• 1/8/7* 34 8 0 290 29 Harle, G. H <V»/78 so 6 25 290 30 Smallbone GF B .. ~ „ .. •• 16/1/74 35 217 290 31 Harwood, P. G Second M.O. and S.K. OlerkJ .. 11/5/80 28 10 20 290 From 27th July, 1909. 32 Alexander, A. .. .. Chief Mail Clerk .. .. 1/2/78 31 2 0 290 33 Porrin, F „ .. •• 1/2/84 25 2 0 290 34 Oxley, A. \Y. W. .. Assistant Officer in Charge .. 1/1/77 32 3 0 290 35 Bonrke, L. W. . . .. Senior Check Clerk .. .. 8/7/78 30 824 290 36 Chegwidden, W. .. First Clerk, A.B. .. .. 1/1/80 29 3 0 290 37 Kellv. R. D. .. .. Accounts Clerk .. .. 26/3/83 26 0 6 290 38 Keefe, R. b. c% .. .. Postmaster .. .. .. 16/10/75 33 516 290 From Ist Jan., 1910. 39 Owens, J. 6 1/8/74 34 8 0 290 40 Redmond, J. C... .. Record Clerk .. .. .. 3/8/85 23 729 290 41 Andrews, W. A. .. Principal Clerk, Telegraph Division 20/3/79 30 012 275 42 Markmann, A. T. .. Principal Clerk, Staff Division .. 8/12/90 18 324 275 Sixth Class. F»om £200 to £260, by Four Annual Increments of £15 each. 1 Frazer, J. D. .. .. Senior Registered-letter Clerk .. 21/1/63 40 211 200 2 Jeesup, W „ • • 18/6/74 34 913 200 3 Cuthbertson, W. F. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/1/70 39 3 0 200 4 King, J. 6, c .. .. Postmaster 1/10/76 32 0 0 260 5 Lecocq, T. W. 6, c, c .. „ 1/1/79 30 3 0 260 6 Dempsey, W. H. b, c .. „ 15/5/74 34 10 17 260 7 Stanton,S. G. 6, c 15/4/73 35 1116 260 8 Benner, A.6,0 18/2/74 35 111 260 9 Brown, J. 6, c 1/1/77 32 3 0 260--10 Wheeler, J. H. b, c .. „ 1/9/73 35 7 0 260 11 MacDermott, W. C. .. „ .. .. •■ 1/1/70 33 3 0 260 12 Winterburn, A. A. b, c .. „ 1/2/73 35 1 2 260 Resigned, 30/6/77 ; reappointed, 15/6/78. Out of service 30/11/80 to 14/1/81. 18 Reid T. .. .. Chief Clerk, C.P.O. .. .. 1/12/74 34 4 0 260 Out of service rom 3J/7/80 to 1/9/80. 14 Wylie, J. T. 6 .. .. Postmaster .. .. .. 21/3/74 35 011 260 15 Walker, J. A. .. .. Senior Counter Clerk .. .. 17/8/72 30 715 200 16 Harrington, E. J. b, c .. Postmaster .. .. .. 1/2/73 30 2 0 260 17 Fowler. R. G. .. .. Senior Counter Clerk .. .. 1/1/74 33 4 0 260 Out of service from 31/10/80 to 1/10/82. 18 Sunley, E. ... .. „ 30/3/77 32 0 2 200 19 Hill, S. C Senior Panels Clerk .. .. 12/5/73 35 10 20 260 20 Aitken, J .. .. Chief Clerk, C.P.O. .. .. 1/5/74 33 3 0 260 Resigned, 9/7/79; reappointed, Railway Department, 13/9/79. Resigned, 10/12/81 ; • reappointed, Post and Telegraph Department, 8/6/83. 21 Absolum, A. 6 .. .. Postmaster .. .. .. 20/6/74 34 911 860 22 Gilbert, H. E. 6, c .. „ 1/11/73 35 5 0 260 23 'fait, J. 6 9/8/75 33 7 3 260 24 • Brame, .. „ 1/7/74 34 9 0 260 25 Jeffries, H. 6, c .. „ 11/11/73 35 4 20 260 26 Barnard, F. H. 6 .. ~ 15/4/73 35 11 16 260 27 Beswick, J. G. 6, c .. „ 1/1/75 34 3 0 260 28 Roberts, V. 6, c, g .. „ 1/7/73 33 216 260 Resigned, 31/8/77; re. appointed, 10/0/79. Out of service from 31/8/80 to 1/6/81. 29 Vause, J. P. b, c .. „ 24/4/76 32 11 7 260 30 Clark, A. 6, / 1/12/72 30 4 0 260 31 Cumming, S. .. .. Senior Clerk and Telegraphist .. 1/4/74 35 0 0 260 32 Callaghan, W. .. .. Chief Clerk, C.P.O. .. .. 23/4/79 29 11 8 260 C.S. Jun. Exam.. 1879. 33 Lambie, T. .. Senior Telephone Exchange Clerk 1/6/78 30 10 0 260 34 Atkinson, R .. „ 1/9/79 29 7 0 260 Matriculation, 1876. 35 Keefe, W. E „ 1/1/79 30 3 0 260 36 Macandrew, A. W. .. Mechanician .. .. .. 1/9/87 21 7 0 260 37 Cornwall, H. 0... .. Postmaster and Resident Commis- 1/11/83 25 5 0 260 Lent to Cook and other sioner at Niue I s 1 a nd s Administra. tion until July, 1912. 38 Coombe, H. G Chief Clerk, C.P.O 3/3/75 34 0 29 260 39 Greatbatch, E. b .. Postmaster .. .. .. 1/4/77 32 0 0 260 40 Melton, J. .. .. Second M.O. and S.B. Clerk .. 12/5/73 35 10 20 260 41 Ashton, W. M. 6, c .. Postmaster .. .. .. 11/5/74 34 10 21 260 From 15th Feb., 1910. 42 Livick, W. D. .. .. Senior Clerk .. .. .. 12/4/76 32 1119 260 43 Menzies, W. W. b, c .. Postmaster .. .. .. 1/5/74 34 11 0 245 44 Dommett, W. H. .. Senior Telegraphist .. .. 10/5/76 32 10 22 260



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. 8 Date of length of £ 1 Name. Position. Appoint- ststMMch -3 Remarks, s ment. 1909 ' * y. Sixth Class From £200 to £260, by Four Annual Increments of £16 each— continued. v. M. d. £ 45 Logan, S. F. 6, c .. Postmaster .. .. .. 24/4/76 32 11 7 245 46 Willcox, W. A. S. .. Senior Telegraphist .. .. 19/8/76 32 713 260 47 Lucas, A. H „ .. .. 25/3/78 31 0 1 JB6O 48 Seymour, C. A. b. < .. Postmaster .. .. 21/3/74 35 011 " 260 49 Harding, W. A. b, c, g,h .. „ .. .. .. 1/4/75 34 0 0 245 From Ist Feb., 1910. 59 Craig, A. b, c, g . .. „ .. .. .. 0/0/76 32 915 245 51 Clemett, A. D. 6, c,. .. „ 1/8/76 32 8 0 52 Sarjeant, J. 6, c . . .. „ 12/4/75 33 1119 215 53 Bates, H. D Check Clerk 15/5/74 34 10 17 260 54 Cavell, A. T. b, / .. Postmaster .. .. .. 19/4/79 29 1112 246 55 Sustins, D. G. b, c .. „ .. .. .. 19/8/76 30 11 13 245 Out of Bervioe from #1/8/80 to 1/5/82. 56 Day, G. F. 6, c 1/2/73 30 2 0 245 57 Egginton, F.b.c .. „ 1/12/76 32 4 0 245 68 Hay, J. 6, c 15/11/78 30 4 16 245 59 Salmon, J. W 1/11/75 33 5 0 245 60 Alexander, J. .. .. Second Senior Check Clerk . .. 19/4/79 29 1113 260 61 Burr, E. A. .. .. Check Clerk .. .. .. 8/7/78 29 3 7 260 Out of service from U/IJ/80 to 27/4/82. 02 White, E. J. b, c .. Postmaster .. .. .. 15/11/78 29 416 63 Berry, A. J. b. c .. „ 1/11/74 34 5 0 245 64 Poynter, J. G. b, c .. „ 1/1/77 32 3 0 215 (15 AnselJ, C. .. .. Senior Telephone Exchange Clerk 12/9/79 29 620 260 66 Boyne, It. fc, <.. .. Postmaster .. .. .. 25/3/78 31 0 7 245 67 Bayliffe, R. A. 6, c, g .. „ 7/4/79 29 1124 245 68 Canavan, C. H. D. .. Assistant Officer in Charge .. 19/4/79 29 11 8 260 69 Green, J. E. .. .. Check Clerk .. .. .. 1/6/81 27 10 0 260 70 James, J. 6 .. .. Postmaster .. .. .. 15/3/78 31 017 245 71 Tregonning, W. N. b,c, g.. „ 9/7/77 31 8 23 245 72 Kirker, T „ 15/2/74 35 114 245 73 Redmond, J. b. c .. „ 1/7/78 30 9 0 245 74 Algie, J. A. 6, c 1/7/76 32 9 0 245 76 Stephenson, W. b .. .. 25/3/78 31 0 7 260 7tt Lechner, R. K. /, „ 18/1/75 34 2 14 260 From Ist Jan., 1910. 77 Kemp, G. T. .. .. Assistant Electrician .. .. 22/7/85 23 810 260 78 Umbers, J. C. A. .. Senior Counter Clerk .. .. 6/1/79 30 226 260 79 Tabuteau, J. M. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/12/70 38 4 0 200 Senior Exam., 1870. 80 Crow, J. .. .. Clerk to Officer in Charge .. 1/8/77 318 0 200 81 Johnston, J. .. .. Clerk in Charge of Letter-carriers. . 1/5/79 29 11 0 200 82 Moloney, M. .. .. Mechanician .. .. .. 1/9/94 14 7 0 245 83 Ferens, W. H. .. .. Head of Mail Staff .. .. 14/4/75 33 11 17 200 84 Bagshaw, R. ft .. „ .. • • 3/7/75 33 7 29 260 85 Turner, H. G. .. .. Postmaster .. .. 15/8/76 33 716 245 86 Hooper, J. R. .. .. Senior Parcels Clerk .. .. 12/2/77 32 120 260 87 Martin, R. L. .. .. Clerk in Charge of Letter-carriers. . 19/2/77 32 1 13 200 88 Haydon, J. .. .. Senior Registered-letter Clerk .. 1/4/77 32 0 0 200 89 Collins, J. F. .. .. Mail-room Supervisor .. .. 10/9/77 31 021 260 90 Kilfoyle, T. .. .. Postmaster .. .. .. 1/10/77 31 6 0 260 91 Cox, C. J. .. .. Head of Mail Staff ... .. 1/3/78 31 1 0 260 92 Maskew, T. A. B. .. „ .. •■ 1/8/78 80 8 0 260 93 Scutt, W. .. .. Second M.O. and S.B. Clerk .. 1/10/78 30 6 0 260 44 Matthews, N. .. .. Senior Registered-letter Clerk .. 15/2/79 30 114 200 C.B. Jun. Exam., 1886. 96 Worthington, W. .1. .. Accountant, C.P.O. .. .. 27/3/79 30 0 5 860 96 Jones, A. W. .. .. Head of Mail Staff .. .. 15/4/79 20 1116 260 97 Jones, A. M. .. .. Second M.O. and S.B. Clerk .. 23/4/79 29 11 8 860 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1880 '18 Stuart, A. H. .. .. Head of MaU Staff .. .. 1/5/79 29 11 0 860 99 Brook, W. .. .. Third M.O. and S.B. Clerk .. 16/6/79 29 915 260 100 Wiren, I. E. .. .. Senior Despatch Clerk .. .. 1/5/79 20 11 0 200 101 Houston, W „ .. •• 1/7/82 20 9 0 260 102 Youngman, H. G. 6, c .. Postmaster .. .. .. 9/7/77 31 823 245 103 Porter, R. W. .. .. Accountant, C.P.O. .. .. 28/7/78 30 8 3 260 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1880. 101 Spiers, T. G. .. .. Third M.O. and S.B. Clerk .. 12/2/79 30 117 260 10> Crombie, J. .. Accountant, C.P.O. .. .. 1/7/79 29 9 0 260 106 Newman, C. A... .. Third M.O. and S.B. Clerk .. 27/1/80 29 2 5 260 107 Clarke, A. G „ •. 1/2/82 27 2 0 200 108 Johnson K. T. 11. .. Principal Clerk. Mo. Division .. 5/1/80 25 2 7 260 Resigned, 31/12/80; re appointed, 21/1/85. IOJ Bailey, W. h .. Postmaster .. .. .. 1/5/77 31 11 0 245 110 Chisholm, F. I. .. Senior Clerk 1/11/78 30 6 0 260 111 Daniel S. G. .. Clerk in Charge of Letter-carriers 1/2/81 28 2 0 260 112 Cork, H. H. .. Senior Clerk and Telegraphist .. 28/5/83 25 10 4 245 113 Aberorombie, F. J. •• Clerk in Charge of Letter-carriers 16/1/79 31 2 10 245 114 Fox, D. H. b. c.. .. Postmaster .. .. .. 9/7/77 31 823 245 115 Russell, J. A Check Clerk 1/8/83 25 8 0 245 116 Price, 0. M. .. .. Senior Clerk and Telegraphist .. 1/4/81 28 0 0 245 117 Keary H .. Check Clerk .. .. .. 26/10/83 25 5 6 245 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1881. 118 Brennan, J Clerk 2/2/85 24 127 245 119 Clark, E. .. .. Postmaster' .. 23/12/72 36 3 9 245 120 Israel E. A. .. .. Senior Mail Clerk .. .. 14/4/79 29 1117 245 C.S. Jun. Exam.. 1880. 121 Heron, A „ •• •■ 1/4/82 27 0 0 846 122 Stopp, E. G Chief Clerk, C.P.O 1/6/83 25 10 0 245



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. S Date of Length of | Name. l'osition. Appoint- fngfjiarch -2 Remarks. a ment. 1909 • a Sixth Class.—From £200 to £260, by Four Annual Increments of £15 eaoh— continued. y. m. d. £ 128 McDougall. J. G. .. Chief Clerk. C.P.O. .. .. 1/11/83 25 5 0 245 121 Mall, .1. W. .. .. Check Clerk .. .. .. 12/9/79 29 620 245 125 Blackmore, H. .. .. Senior Mail Clerk .. .. 24/3/83 20 0 8 245 120 Roberts, A. J. A. .. Sectional Oterk .. .. 1/2/85 24 2 0 245 C.S. Sen. Exam.. 1906. 127 Poole, F. W. .. .. Check Clerk .. .. .. 1/10/73 35 0 0 245 I2S Keys, G. A. h .. .. Postmaster .. .. .. 1/2/77 32 2 0 230 129 Hyams, I. .. .. Clerk to Officer in Charge .. 25/2/78 31 1 7 245 130 Blakley, W. J. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. 1/11/78 30 5 0 230 At maximum. 131 Bevan, P. .. .. Check Clerk .. .. 15/11/78 30 4 16 245 132 Yates, W. C. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/3/79 30 1 0 245 133 O'Connell, M. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/3/79 30 1 0 245 134 Young, W. F. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/3/79 30 1 0 245 186 Bell, C. .. .. 25/3/79 30 0 7 245 136 Bean, E. R. de L. b, c .. Postmaster .. .. .. 15/4/79 29 1117 245 137 Macaulay, S. U. .. Check Clerk .. .. 19/4/79 29 1113 245 138 Stewart, W. F. Y. .. Instructor, Learners' School .. 19/4/79 2111113 245 189 Williams, F. .. .. Check Clerk .. 1/10/72 28 4 0 245 Out of service from 31/8/80 to 1/11/88. 140 Howard, W. R. .. „ .. .. .. 28/4/82 20 11 4 245 111 Anderson, V. R. „ .. .. .. 1/6/83 25 10 0 215 142 Crichton, I. P. .. .. Senior Parcels Clerk .. .. 1/11/83 25 5 0 260 143 Smith, W. B. .. .. Clerk to Officer in Charge .. 1/2/83 20 2 0 245 144 Macdonald. D. b, r .. I' .. .. .. 1/1/85 24 3 0 245 145 McGregor, A. E. .. Technical Officer .. .. 1/2/85 24 2 0 245 IHi McNickle, W. 6, c .. P.. .. .. 1/2/85 24 2 0 245 C.S. Sen. Exam., 1892. 147 Bennett, H. I. .. .. Check Clerk .. .. .. 1/2/85 24 2 0 245 148 Cowles, E. P. .. .. Clerk, Telegraph Engineer's Office 1/7/86 22 9 0 245 Hi Jennings, P. Q. .. „ 1/12/85 23 4 0 245 150 Gibbs, A. .. „ „ 1/6/96 12 10 0 245 C.S. Sen. Exam., 1901. 151 Kennedy, W. F. .. Senior Clerk and Telegraphist .. 15/11/78 30 416 215 152 Woods. G. W. .. .. Check Clerk .. .. .. 1/9/79 29 7 0 245 163 McHattie, J. .. .. Senior Clerk and Telegraphist .. 12/9/79 29 6 0 245 154 Levy, G. .. •• Sectional Clerk .. .. 1/1/80 2!) 3 0 260 From 16th July, 1909. 155 Gibson, T. H. .. .. Chief Clerk's Assistant, C.P.O. .. 26/10/83 25 5 6 245 150 Cow, W. J. .. .. Principal Correspondence Clerk .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 260 C.S. Sen. Exam., 1899. 157 Marriott, E. H. .. Technical Officer .. .. 1/4/93 16 0 0 230 From Ist Dec, 1909. 158 Howard, A. H. S. .. Senior Mail Clerk .. .. 1/2/84 25 2 0 245 159 Forrest, W. .. .. Check Clerk .. .. .. 1/4/82 27 0 0 245 160 Menzies, G. .. .. Accountant, C.P.O. .. .. 18/4/84 24 11 13 245 161 Jenkins, D. A. .. .. Sectional Clerk .. .. 11/3/86 23 021 245 162 Edscr, ft .. Relieving Postmaster .. .. 12/9/79 29 6 20 230 From 14th April, 1909. .163 Poole, W. N. 6, / .. Postmaster .. .. .. 22/10/77 30 11 10 230 Out of service from 31/8/80 to 1/3/81. 164 McLeod, A. 6 .. .. „ .. .. .. 22/10/77 31 510 230 105 Kin./, A. V. b,c .. „ .. .. .. 10/4/79 29 1121 230 100 Ingpen, F. A. B. 6, c .. ~ .. .. .. 19/4/79 29 1113 2.10 167 Pirani, A. S. 6, c .. .. .. .. •.. 19/4/79 29 1113 230 C.B. Jun. Exam., 1884. 108 Blaklev, R. b 1/5/79 20 11 0 230 169 Norria, A. C. 6, c .. „ .. .. .. 19/4/79 29 1113 230 170 McCrea, J. C. .. .. Senior Clerk and Telegraphist .. 1/9/88 20 7 0 245 From 15th Feb., 1910. 171 Capstick, R, .... „ .. 12/9/79 20 620 245 172 Braithwaitc, A. E. .. „ .. 12/9/79 29 620 245 173 Hale, T. .... „ .. 23/1/80 29 2 9 245 174 Percy, It. W. .. .. Relieving Postmaster .. .. 1/3/80 29 1 0 245 175 De fourettes, A. H. .. Senior Clerk and Telegraphist .. 1/4/80 29 0 0 245 170 Fordham, A. E. „ .. 1/10/80 28 6 0 245 177 Johnston, S. J. .. .. Relieving Postmaster .. .. 9/1/82 27 216 245 178 McKinnon, W. .. .. Senior Clerk and Telegraphist .. 1/2/82 27 2 0 245 179 Ramsay, A. „ .. 1/4/82 27 0 0 245 180 Ivory, D. E. .. .. Postmaster .. .. .. 31/7/82 20 8 1 245 181 Brebner, F. .. .. Relieving Postmaster .. .. 1/2/83 20 2 0 245 182 Hewitt, A. W. P. .. „ .. .. 1/2/83 20 2 0 245 183 MUller, A. J. 6, c .. Postmaster .. .. .. 1/2/83 26 2 0 245 184 Missen, B. T. .. .. Senior Clerk and Telegraphist .. 1/3/83 26 1 0 215 185 Clare, H. W „ .. 1/2/83 20 2 0 245 186 Ross, R. G. .. .. Clerk to Officer in Charge .. 21/5/83 25 10 11 245 187 Dixon, ft .. .. Relieving Postmaster .. .. 1/8/83 25 8 0 245 188 Bosworth, J. T... .. Counter Clerk .. .. .. 1/11/83 25 5 0 245 • 189 Martin, R. .. Relieving Postmaster .. .. 15/7/84 24 817 245 190 Bedford, A. E. .. .. Accountant, C.P.O. .. .. 14/8/84 23 718 245 191 Fookes, H. E. .. .. Check Clerk .. .. .. 1/2/85 24 2 0 246 192 Herd, J. A. .. .. Senior Clerk and Telegraphist .. 1/2/85 24 2 0 245 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1884. 193 Patterson, J. .. Accountant, C.P.O. .. .. 1/2/85 24 2 0 245 194 O'Gorman, J. P. .. „ „ .. .. 1/4/85 24 0 0 245 195 Simons, W. H. .. .. Senior Clerk and Telegraphist .. 1/6/85 23 10 0 230 196 Fountain, G. ft .. Assistant Parcels Clerk .. .. 1/3/86 23 1 0 230 197 Aston, F. .. .. Check Clerk .. .. .. 1/9/84 24 7 0 245 198 Rudd, G. W. .. .. Head of Mail Staff .. .. 1/4/86 23 0 0 230 199 Craig, F. W. .. .. Check Clerk .. .. .. 1/5/86 22 11 0 230 From Ist Feb., 1910; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1889. 200 Scully, F. M. .. .. Accountant, C.P.O. .. .. 1/9/86 22 7 0 230 From sth Aug., 1909 C.S. Jun. Exam.



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. t Date of Length of £ g Name. Position. Appoint- 3 Remark*. g ment - lgoo. ' 3 Sixth Class.—From £200 to £260, by Four Annual Increments of £15 each— continued. T. M. d. £ 201 Ayling, S. .. .. M.O. and S.B. Clerk .. .. 1/1/87 22 3 0 230 From 2nd Sept., 1909. 202 Laurenson, J. .. .. Senior Clerk and Telegraphist .. 1/2/87 22 2 0 230 From 4th June, 1909. 203 Caldwell, L. V. .. .. Accountant, C.P.O. .. .. 16/3/87 22 016 230 From 12th Aug., 1900. 204 Anquetil, F. P. L. .. „ „ .. .. 7/11/84 24 424 245 205 Elliott, A. .. .. Check Clerk .. .. .. 1/4/87 22 0 0 230 • From 19th Feb., 1910. 206 O'Connor, R. C. .. Shorthand-writer and Typist .. 1/12/88 20 4 0 230 From 16th Aug., 1909. 207 Steele, A. H. .. .. Accountant, C.P.O. .. .. 1/5/90 18 11 0 230 From Ist Nov., 1909. 208 Esson, W. I Check Clerk .. .. .. 5/11/89 20 427 230 From Ist Feb., 1910. 209 Coad, W. T. .. .. Relieving Postmaster .. .. 1/9/88 20 7 0 230 From Ist Oct., 1909; C.S. Sen. Exam., 1902. 210 Powell, J. R. .. .. Delivery Clerk .. .. 7/2/85 24 122 245 211 McCrea, H. G. .. .. Head of Mail Staff .. .. 20/8/83 25 712 245 212 Nioholls, C. H. W. .. Assistant Controller of Stores .. 1/3/89 20 1 0 245 213 Bree. H. 0. M. .. .. Principal Teller .. .. 9/5/91 17 10 23 230 From Ist Oct., 1909; C.S. Sen. Exam., 1896. 214 Roberts, A. .. .. Senior Despatch Clerk .. .. 1/6/84 24 10 0 230 215 Harton, C. B. .. .. Sectional Clerk .. * .. 1/8/88 20 8 0 230 From Ist Oct., 1909. 216 Edwards, H. D. .. Principal Teller .. .. 1/5/90 18 11 0 230 From 3rd Sept., 1909; C.S. Sen. Exam., 1906. 217 Lye, R. W. G. .. .. Clerk, Telegjaph Engineer's Office 16/2/91 18 1 13 230 From Ist June, 1909. 218 McManaway, O. T. .. Senior Despatch Clerk .. .. 1/8/84 24 8 0 230 From 13th Jan., 1910. 219 Gillespie, J. .. .. Check Clerk .. .. .. 16/12/92 10 315 230 From Ist Feb., 1910. 220 Broadfoot, J. E. .. Assistant Record Clerk .. .. 1/5/91 17 11 0 230 From Ist Oct., 1909 j Matric., 1899. 221 Tanner, W. A. .. .. Property Clerk .. .. 5/8/95 13 7 27 230 C.S. Sen. Exam., 1906. 222 Plank, C. S. .. .. Assistant Electrician .. .. 1/10/95 13 6 0 230 From Ist Nov., 1909; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1901. 223 Horneman, H. S. .. Senior Telephone Exchange Clerk 1/5/86 22 11 0 230 From 16th Mar., 1910. 224 Eberlet, F. F. W. .. „ 1/11/85 23 5 0 230 From 19th June, 1909. 225 Furby, F. W. .. -. Assistant Staff Clerk .. .. 7/4/98 10 1124 216 C.S. Sen. Exam., 1905. 226 Jordan, J. B. .. .. Relieving Officer .. .. 12/4/98 10 1119 215 C.S. Sen. Exam., 1903; A.1.A.N.Z., 1907. 227 Rose, G. G. .. .. Clerk and Translator .. .. 1/8/99 9 8 0 215 M.A. (Honours), 1903. 228 Severne, G. K. .. .. Clerk, Telegraph Engineer's Office 1/4/01 8 0 0 215 229 McGuire, P. D. b .. Postmaster .. .. .. 1/4/80 29 0 0 245 230 Kiernan, H. W. ft, c .. „ .. .. .. 15/11/78 28 5 0 245 Resigned, 15/5/80; reappointed, 1/5/82. 231 Worsfold, G. .. .. Delivery Clerk .. .. 16/9/84 24 615 245 232 McGhie, G. .. .. Senior Mail Clerk .. .. 1/5/85 23 11 0 230 233 Johnston, A. J. W. ft. g.. Postmaster .. .. .. 1/2/85 24 2 0 245 234 Turner, F. G. .. .. Foreign-mail Clerk .. .. 1/1/87 22 3 0 215 235 Cooper, G. R. .. .. Senior Parcels Clerk .. .. 12/10/85 23 520 230 236 Veitch, R. D. .. .. Clerk, Telegraph Engineer's Office 1/5/90 18 11 0 215 237 Crow, R. .. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 1/4/87 22 0 0 215 Matriculation. 1892. 238 Louisson, J. 5... .. Senior Telephone Exchange Clerk 1/8/89 19 8 0 215 239 Piesse, F. G. B. .. „ 1/5/90 18 11 0 230 From 30th Sept., 1909. 240 Carmine, L. J. .. .. Check Clerk .. * .. 1/2/85 24 2 0 215 From Ist July, 1909. 241 Mahoney, W. J. .. Senior Clerk and Telegraphist .. 1/2/85 24 2 0 230 242 Jackson, A. G. .. .. Chief Clerk's Assistant .. .. 1/1 /87 22 3 0 215 243 Moore, ft E. .. .. Senior Clerk and Telegraphist .. 16/2/85 24 113 230 244 Esson. .\l. B. .. .. Senior Telegraphist .. .. 5/11/89 19 427 215 245 Allan, H. W. .. .. Check Clerk .. .. .. 16/2/91 18 113 215 246 Donald, H. P. .. „ .. .. .. 10/2/91 18 1 13 215 247 Fisher, W. .. .. „ .. .. .. 20/8/90 18 7 12 215 248 Williams, J. M. .. „ .. .. .. 1/5/90 18 11 0 215 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1890. 249 Faulks, D. .. .. „ .. .. .. 9/12/90 18 323 215 250 Diamond, W. M. H. .. Senior Clerk and Telegraphist .. 1/5/92 10 11 0 215 251 Part on, D. E. .. .. „ 1/11/95 13 5 0 215 C.S. Sen. Exam., 1908. 252 Sims, W. E. .. .. Accountant, C.P.O. .. .. 21/1/89 20 211 215 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1886. 253 Cummings, H. L. .. Assistant Electrician .. .. 1/0/90 12 10 0 215 From 16th July, 1909. 254 Rowe, E. .. .. Senior Telephone Exchange Clerk 1/3/90 19 1 0 215 255 Wilding, H. .. .. „ 1/12/84 24 4 0 215 266 Gage, E. C. .. .. Assistant Electrician .. .. 1/4/98 11 0 0 200 Seventh Class.—From £120 to £220, by Four Annual Increments of £15 each, and Four of £10 each. 1 Vine, C .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/1/72 37 3 0 220 2 Reid, P. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. .. 6/10/75 33 526 200 At maximum. 3 Kivell, J. A. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/5/77 31 II 0 210 4 Crawford, A. W. .. Clerk .. .. .. .. 1/9/77 31 7 0 220 5 Harrington, W. J. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 15/1/74 '34 017 220 Resigned, 31/12/81 ; reappointed, 1/3/83. 6 Wickstead, J. .. .. Postmaster .. .. .. 22/3/75 34 010 210 7 Oldham, F. St. J. .. Counter Clerk ..• .. .. 21/3/74 35 011 220 8 Millar, T. L. 6, c .. Postmaster .. .. .. 1/4/75 34 0 0 200 9 Warne, L. ft .. .. „ .. .. .. 10/4/75 33 11 15 200 Lineman. 10 Maguire, T. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/11/76 32 5 0 220 11 Somerville, G. 6, c .. Postmaster .. .. .. 20/12/76 32 312 190



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. i Date of tZtHcll 6 | Name. Position. Appoint- J3 Remarks. a ment - 1909. 3 Seventh Class.—From £120 to £220, by Four Annual Increments of £15 each, and Four of £10 each—continued. Y. M. D. £ 12 Murray, W. .. .. Telegraphist . . .. .. 1/1/77 32 3 0 220 13 Falkiner, E. J 1/1/77 32 3 0 220 14 Frank, G. H 18/9/77 31 0 14 220 15 Hollywood, J. ft, / .. Postmaster .. .. 15/1/76 33 217 210 16 Coffey, E Telegraphist 25/2/78 31 1 7 220 17 McKenzie, .1 8/7/78 30 8 24 190 18 Lovell, M 15/11/78 80 4 16 220 19 Rankin, T 15/11/78 80 4 16 220 20 Ferguson, J 16/12/78 SO 3 16 220 21 Greatbatch, J. R, 1/4/79 30 0 0 220 22 Stott, L.ft. c .. .. Postmaster 1/4/79 30 0 0 210 23 Courts, J. r .. 14/4/79 2(1 11 18 220 24 Harrison, B.R Clerk 15/4/79 29 1116 220 25 Baxter, J. W Telegraphist 19/4/79 29 1113 220 26 Brosnan, J. A .. 19/4/79 29 1113 220 27 Harris, H. C • 19/4/79 29 11 13 220 28 M,Ouire,J.J • •• 1/5/79 29 11 0 220 29 Anderson, R Clerk 1/7/79 29 9 0 220 30 Keys. D Telegraphist .. 23/8/79 29 7 9 220 31 Morris, W. H ~ - 12/9/79 29 020 220 32 Potter, S 12/9/79 29 6 20 220 33 Scott, W l/l/*» 29 3 0 220 34 Oodfrev It H „ .. •• 1/3/80 29 1 0 220 35 Oliver F J '" •• V vs " - s 320 220 Resigned, 8/3/84; re U * appointed, 20/10/84 36 Erskine, A »/3/78 31 023 220 37 Gourley, H 20/0/74 34 9 11 220 38 Ballantine, T. A 1/7/81 27 9 0 220 39 Potter, C. F , 1/3/82 27 1 0 220 40 Hale, A. H. 6, c .. .'. Postmaster 30/5/82 26 10 2 200 41 Cassels, W Telegraphist 1/2/83 26 2 0 220 42 Winstanley, .1. S. .. J'ostmaster 1/2/83 26 2 0 220 43 Tucker, S.J Telegraphist 1/2/83 20 2 0 220 44 Ross, C.O 1/4/83 26 0 0 220 45 Hansbery, M. F 1/5/83 25 11 0 220 46 Knapp,W. A , 1/2/83 26 2 0 22 47 Puree 1 T N .. „ V 6 /83 25 10 0 220 ts Thompson, E.D. .. Z 1/0/83 25 10 0 220 49 Macalister, P. J. S. „ 26/10/83 25 5 6 220 50 Tucker, W. C „ 20/10/83 25 5 0 220 51 Murdoch, A. C. W. „ 26/10/83 25 5 6 220 52 Ross J , • • 20/10/83 25 5 0 220 53 Thompson, W. R. ft. c . . Postmaster 26/10/83 25 5 6 220 54 Bushell, J Telegraphist 26/10/83 25 5 6 220 55 Oarr IF „ •• •• 26/10/83 25 5 0 220 56 Waters J V ll / 83 25 5 ° 22 ° 57 Falck E N " ". 12/11/83 25 420 220 58 Wyatt, K. .. 1/3/84 25 10 220 59 Lawlor, D. H Clerk .. .. 9/2/85 24 120 220 SSSTAt :: ?S2f :: :: :: HSR il VI | ll bf J ' • - Te,egraphist - :: :: i#s It \I US SSsriV-" : : II ■ ■■ ■■ SSSi'SSi.-* 66 Canffing Wft " .. Postmaster .. .. 1/0/85 23 10 0 220 67 Telegraphist . 1/0/85 23 10 0 220 08 Hounsell, A. E J/J/M 23 0 0 220 09 Johnson, G. G /0/85 28 0 0 220 70 Hunt, H. G. ft. c .. Postmaster / ;/86 23 0 0 200 71 Moore A F ft .. • • ■ • • • 1/0/85 23 10 0 220 ?2 BunmgW '.: Teleg aphist 4/0/85 23 920 220 ■A K«»ll % 1/0/83 23 329 220 Out of service from 73 Knell,* „ 7/9/87 to 10/3/90. 74 Ramsay, J. ft.,,. .. Postmaster 16/11/83 25 4 15 210 ?6 S j a tw "-" :: :: :: :: :: &% S! I » 7? McKirtrilj-ft.. :, JB/8/83 25 7.7 200 78 Kingsley.H.L Telegraphist .. 1/12/90 18 4 0 210 79 Booker, C 1/7/84 24 9 0 220 80 Barlow, B. U 2.1/9/84 24 6 8 220 81 Ormeby, Q. I Postmaster 10/3/85 24 022 220 82 Bott.fl A Telegraphist /4/85 24 0 0 220 83 Reid Tft .. Postmaster .. .. •• 1/6/86 22 10 0 210 84 docker, J. R. ft. r .. , 1/7/89 19 90 2 0 85 , Rogers, CO Clerk.. .. .. /7/89 19 9 0 210 86 Nugent,.!. S „ .. 1/8/75 33 8 0 220 87 Mortimer E E ...... •• •• 27/H/88 M t) * iiv 88 Perry a A . .. „ >/l/ 70 30 3 0 220 Non.-OfJ.ceni in any group W ho M names are bracketed entered the clau on the'wniedate. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically 2—F. 5.



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— anitinued. | Date of Length of £ Name. Position. Appoint- | Remarks, a men*. 190g J3 Seventh Class.—From £120 to £220, by Four Annual Increments of £15 each, and Four of £10 each— continued. Y. m. d. £ 89 / Adamson, W. J. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/6/85 23 10 0 220 90 Boland, T. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 8/3/83 26 024 220 91 i Gowing, F. E. W. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 1/4/93 10 0 0 210 Temporary—2sth June, 1890, to 31st March 1893. 92 \McKenzie, A. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/7/85 23 9 0 220 93 Bull, E. N. .. .. „ .. .. .. 22/5/89 19 10 10 210 94 Thome, J. c .. .. Postmaster .. .. .. 1/11/87 21 5 0 210 90 Kirk, J. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/12/87 21 4 0 210 96 Young, P. A. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/10/88 20 6 0 210 97 Creagh, A. T. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/7/89 19 9 0 210 OS Coster, W. .. .. „ .. .. .. 10/9/85 23 621 220 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1892. 99 Mansell, P. D. .. .. „ .. .. .. 2/6/84 24 9 29 220 100 Holt, J. A. 6, c.. .. Postmaster .. .. .. 1/5/85 23 11 0 200 101 Ford, M. B. .. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 1/12/87 21 4 0 210 102 | Finnegan, B. J. .. 8/4/90 18 1123 210 103 -j France, J. J. 6, c .. Postmaster .. .. .. 5/11/89 19 427 210 104 [ Hannah, C. W. .. Clerk .. .. .. .. 16/1/89 20 216 210 106 Illingworth, G. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/5/90 18 11 0 210 100 Hughes, R. .. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 11/9/76 32 620 220 107 Cole, T. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/2/85 24 2 0 220 108 Crawshaw, S. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/8/85 23 8 0 220 109 Hodgson, J. W. .. „ .. .. .. 18/5/86 22 10 14 210 110 Jansen, C. W. ft .. Postmaster .. .. .. 1/4/86 23 0 0 220 111 Kidson, C. .. .. „ .. .. .. 8/2/89 20 121 210 112 J Marriner, E. W. .. Clerk .. .. .. .. 28/1/89 20 2 4 210 113 ] Mathews, A. E. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 4/6/88 20 927 210 114 I Pickford, H. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/3/87 22 1 0 210 115 | Thomas, H. .. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 1/4/87 22 0 0 210 116 Williams, J. T. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/9/88 20 7 0 210 117 | Williams, R. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/3/89 20 1 0 210 118 (Worth, G. .. „ .. .. .. 1/10/84 24 6 0 220 119 Carlaw, J. .. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 1/3/83 20 1 0 220 120 Sykes, A. .. .. .. .. 9/10/82 20 523 220 121 Scott, A. J. L. .. .. Letter-carriers' Sorter .. .. 1/8/77 31 8 0 20n 122 Hart, G. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. .. 1/12/85 23 4 0 220 1.23 Richards, J. H... .. .. .. 1/10/84 24 0 0 220 124 Boyd, R. H. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 23/1/90 19 2 9 210 125 Canning, F. 5... .. „ .. .. .. 5/12/89 19 327 210 I2(i Caven, W. M. .. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 1/7/89 19 9 0 210 127. Chapman, F. W. .. „ .. .. .. .. 14/11/82 20 417 220 128 Clinch, G. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/7/89 19 9 0 210 129 Cooper, W. .. .. Counter Clerk .. .. .. 1/1/85 24 3 1 220 130 Duff, H. E. .. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 1/6/88 20 10 0 210 131 Goodger, D. S. b .. Postmaster .. .. .. 1/5/90 18 11 0 200 132 Hawke, G. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 17/12/89 19 315 210 f33 "> James, G. T. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/8/86 22 8 0 210 134 Jamieson, J. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. .. 1/11/88 20 5 0 210 Matriculation, 1895. 135 Joll, T. .. .. .. .. 1/6/89 19 10 0 210 136 Kerr, J. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/3/90 19 1 0 210 137 Martin, J. T. 6 .. Postmaster .. .. .. 17/4/89 19 11 14 210 138 Naumann, C. G. 0. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 1/5/89 19 11 0 210 139 Oliver, F. ft, c.. Postmaster .. .. .. 1/5/87 21 11 0 210 140 Penlington, F. W. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 1/9/89 19 7 0 210 141 I Pratt, G. S. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/3/90 19 1 0 210 142 Leslie, A. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. .. 27/11/81 27 4 4 210 143 Peebles, R. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/5/90 18 11 0 210 144 rßest, G. H. C... .. ~ .. .. .. 20/8/90 18 712 210 145 Bolton, S. J. .. .. Clerk ~ .. .. .. 16/2/91 18 113 210 140 Brodie, B. E. S. .. .. .. 16/2/91 18 113 210 147 Bull, L. J. .. .. Postmaster .. .. .. 1/5/90 18 11 0 210 148 Burns, M. N. .. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 20/8/90 18 712 210 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1890. 149 Castle, H. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 20/8/90 18 712 210 150 Coney, V. I. .. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 5/11/89 21 426 210 151 Dempsey, C. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 1/10/88 20 6 0 210 152 Dickson, M. C... .. „ .. .. .. .. 16/2/91 18 113 210 153 Drake, W. J. .. .. Counter Clerk .. .. .. 1/7/88 20 9 0 190 154 Fogo, R. H. .. .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 11/2/90 19 118 210 155 Gibbons, T. F. ft Postmaster .. .. .. 1/5/90 18 11 0 210'": 156 Hart, G. A. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 20/8/90 18 712 210 Matriculation, 1887. 157 Hunter, J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 20/8/90 18 712 210 158 Johnston, S. A. .. „ .. .. .. 1/5/90 18 11 0 210 159 Johnston, W. T. .. „ .. .. .. 20/8/90 18 712 210 160 Kearney, J. J... .. Clerk.. .. .. .. 16/2/91 18 113 210 Ml King, A. W. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 23/2/91 18 1 9 210 102 I Mansell, W. A. ft .. Postmaster .. .. .. 1/2/90 19 2 0 210 163 Mullins, H. D. .. .. Telegraphist •.. .. .. 1/5/90 18 11 0 200 104 I Mulvey, J. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 16/2/91 18 113 210 165 | McKee, W. ... .. „ .. .. .. 1/5/90 18 11 0 210 Note— Officers In any group whose names are braoketed entered the class on the same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabeticallyi'


F.— 5

POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued S of Length of i A < Ijase OI fiprvic,' nil P i. I Name. Position. Appoint- Mim ., £ Remarks. a mont. ~m « Seventh Class. —From £120 to £220, by Four Annual Increments of £15 each, and Four of £10 each— continu d. v. m. v. £ 106 McLaren, J. .. .. Telegraphisl .. .. .. 1/5/90 18 11 0 210 167 Palmer, T Clerk 1/6/90 12 10 29 210 Resigned, 29/4/91 .re appointed, 1/4/97; temporary, 22/6/91 to 31/3/97. 108 Pope, T. 1/11/89 19 5 0 210 169 Pratt, W. J. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 16/2/91 18 113 210 170 Purdue, G. B Clerk 13/8/88 20 719 210 171 Rout, F. E 1/12/89 lo I 0 210 172 Ryan, J. J. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/5/90 18 11 0 2)0 173 Shorland, G. K. .. Clerk 1/7/89 10 9 0 210 174 Snaith, A. E. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 10/2/91 18 118 210 C.B. Jun. Exam., 1890. 175 Williams, A. (1 16/2/91 18 113 210 170 Williams, A. V. .. Clerk 16/2/91 18 113 210 177 \ Williams, W. H. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/10/89 10 0 0 210 178 f Berndtson, F. E. .. , 1/8/91 17 8 0 210 179 Brooker, F. J Clerk 1/3/92 17 1 0 210 180 Carter, W. H 1/3/92 17 1 0 210 181 Chambers. P. S. H. .. , 26/12/89 19 3 0 210 182 Bryant, W. E. .. Telegraphist 1/7/89 19 9 0 200 183 Bussey, H. b .. Postmaster .. .. .. 1/3/95 14 1 0 200 184 Cotter, W Clerk 1/3/92 17 1 0 210 185 Curtayne, J. 6 .. Postmaster 14/8/90 18 718 200 186 Egan, P. F Telegraphist 23/6/90 18 9 8 210 187 Faber, F. W Clerk 30/12/91 17 3 2 210 188 -. Hounsell, H. Richard .. „ 5/6/91 17 926 210 189 Kelly, J.J. F Telegraphist 19/3/90 19 013 210 190 Mill A •• •■ •• 1/4/91 18 0 0 210 From Ist October, 1909. 191 Morrish G H „ •• •• •• 3/3/92 17 029 210 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1895. 192 Morton,'J." ".'. 21/6/90 18 910 210 193 Paterson, E. F 1/5/90 18 11 0 210 194 Scott, W. A Postmaster 1/8/86 22 8 0 210 195 Shearman, H. V. C. ..Clerk 14/3/92 17 018 210 196 'Webster, W Telegraphist 18/8/90 18 7 14 210 197 f Allan, W. M. .. .. 1/2/93 16 2 0 210 198 Bennett, A. P 1/10/92 10 0 0 210 199 Coles, H. G. F. .. Clerk 1/3/91 18 1 0 210 200 Cribb, C. W. E. .. Telegraphist 1/4/89 20 0 0 210 201 Fildes.H. E. M. .. Clerk 17/2/93 16 111 210 ■'02 -I Gallagher, B 1/9/92 10 7 0 210 C.S. Jun. Examination. 203 Holmes, James .. Telegraphist 24/2/93 16 1 5 210 204 Holt, C. K. .. .. ~ •• •• •• 1/4/93 10 0 0 210 205 Nich'olls, A. J. •• Clerk 1/7/90 18 9 0 210 206 I Williams, S. J. c .. Postmaster 1/6/91 17 10 0 200 207 Murray, J. J Clerk 1/7/92 10 8 21 2 0 208 Redmond, G /9/84 4 0 2 0 209 fAnderson, L ~",,„," " MJnX '- ° « •>lO Beamish F. E. .. Assistant Sectional Clerk .. 1/11/9.1 16 8 o 220 211 Meakley.J .. •■ Clerk 22/11/89 19 419 210 from 7tL March, 1910, 212 Brocks, V Telegraphist 1/9/93 15 7 0 210 213 Cartels. F Clerk 14/7/90 18 818 210 214 Clark, G. W. A. .. Telegraphist 26/11/93 16 4 5 210 215 Critchley, R 20/2/91 8 1 9 -10 210 Dollimore, E. ft. r .. Postmaster 1/7/93 16 9 0 200 217 Doull, W. F Telegraphist 1/4/93 J6 0 0 210 218 " Fitchett, A. ft.-■ •• Postmaster 1/2/71 38 2 0 210 219 Fitzgibbon, E. .. Counter Clerk 1/4/84 20 0 0 2 0 220 Fritchley.C Telegraphist 1/7/92 18 9 0 210 221 GibbsWJ. ft •• Postmaster .. .. .. 18/3/93 10 014 210 222 Gourley P. .. .. Clerk 1/9/90 18 7 0 210 223 Ha"ock\H Telegraphist 1/4/92 17 0 0 210 224 Harris, G. H Clerk 1/7/89 9 9 0 2 0 225 Harrison, H. B. .. Telegraphist 8/9/90 8 023 210 226 -! Jordan JW. ft .. Postmaster .. .. .. 27/6/93 16 9 4 200 227 KUngL-N .. Telegraphist 1/8/93 15 8 0 210 C.S. Jun. Exam.. 1894. 228 Lawes,J.V 1/6/93 15 10 0 210 •»29 Leahv W J .. •• •• ■■ 24/4/90 18 11 7 210 ">3O McGUvray M. .. Clerk 1/10/90 18 6 0 210 232 McLean, J. M Telegraphist 22/1/94 8 210 233 Moore, F. W Clerk 8/7/93 16 8 4 2 0 234 Morton, F. E. J. V 16/1/93 16 215 210 235 Monro, A. W... .. Telegraphist 1/7/92 16 821 2 0 236 Noble, J /1/93 16 3 0 210 937 Palmer AS. •• ~ •■ •• •• 1/9/93 15 7 0 210 111 21/1/93 16 2 11 210 238 Ross, CW. •• » •• Mnia* v o n oin US SStlt:: :: <**"■ :: :: :: I ®S # ? 2 4° sS 041 Ward WE. . •• Telegraphist 1/7/89 49 9 0 210 242 White CW . .. .. 10/7/93 15 822 210 2« IK.H.A." .. 1 V 7/93 1215 9 0 210 Nora.—Officers in any group whose names are bracketed entered the class on the same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically.



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. 1 Date of Length of £ Name. Position. Appoint- 3 5 Remarks. | ment - 1909. ' & Sk\i;mii CLASS. From t'l2o to £220, by I' Annual Increments of £15 each, and Four of £10 each—continued. Y. M. D. £ 244 Fanlks, J. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/11/91 17 5 0 210 245 Matheson, 0. W. . . Clerk .. .. 1/1/93 10 3 0 210 246 Wimsett, A. F. .. „ .. .. .. 14/8/90 18 714 210 247 Allwright, W. H. T .. .. .. 1/8/94 14 8 0 210 248 (• Baxter, W. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. 11/2/95 14 118 210 249 Brooks, A. H- .. .. Despatch Clerk .. .. 2/6/84 24 920 210 250 Brown, E. N. S. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 7/2/95 14 122 210 251 Callander, R. A. „ .. .. 12/2/95 14 117 210 252 j Delany, V. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/9/94 14 7 0 210 253 English, H. A... .. Clerk .. .. 14/8/95 13 718 210 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1898. 254 | Hazleton, G. W. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/1/95 14 3 0 210 255 "j Hoskins, P. D. .. Assistant Accounts Clerk .. 11/6/94 14 920 220 256 Ingram, C. R. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 7/2/95 14 122 210 257 Jarvie, W. F. .. Telegraphist .. .. 7/2/95 14 122 210 258 King, W. W. . . „ 1/9/93 15 7 0 210 259 Sage, J. L. .. .. Clerk .. .. *.. 20/8/94 14 712 210 200 Shanks, A. H. . . .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/3/95 14 1 0 210 261 IWhitmore, E. H. Postmaster .. .. 1/12/95 13 4 0 210 262 Williams, .I. A. .. .. Clerk * .. .. .. 1/6/83 25 10 0 210 263 Hamlin, 1). C. P. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/11/92 10 5 0 210 204 Sutton, T. W. .. Clerk .. .. 17/11/94 14 4 14 210 205 Broadbent, W. .. .. .. .. 21/1/96 13 211 210 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1900. 200 Walsleben, H. J. L. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/1/90 13 3 0 210 267 Mayer, W. J. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 7/2/95 14 122 210 268 Burgess, A. W. .. .. „ .. .. . . 22/2/95 14 1 7 210 269 Keinan, C. W. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 22/1/95 14 210 210 270 Cook, F. C. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 11/3/95 14 021 210 271 [Dickie, R. J. .. .. .. .. .. 19/11/91 17 413 200 272 Guinness, B. M. V. .. Foreman Lineman .. .. 1/1/68 41 3 0 210 273 Henderson, J. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/4/95 14 0 0 210 274 Kivell, A. .. .. .. .. 1/4/87 22 0 0 210 275 Larcombe, F. .. .. .. .. 8/3/89 20 024 210 276 J Leese, C. .. .. Foreman Lineman .. .. 1/2/95 14 2 0 210 277 Milne, H. C. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/4/96 13 0 0 210 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1894. 278 Panting, C. W. J. .. Mechanician .. .. .. 1/4/96 13 0 0 210 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1897. 279 Smith,.!. .. .. Foreman Lineman .. .. 1/2/95 14 2 0 280 | Tyrrell, P. W Clerk 1/1/93 10 3 0 $10 281 | Wilson, J. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/83 25 10 0 *210 282 Nixon, R. C. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/1/95 14 3 0 210 283 Boagey, G. .. „ .. .. .. 27/2/95 14 1 2 210 284 Gilbertson, .1. T. .. „ .. .. .. 1/3/95 14 1 0 210 285 i Murdoch, A. J. .. „ .. .. .. 1/2/95 14 2 0 210 286 |Shelton,A. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 9/2/93 16 120 200 287 Webster, W. J. .. .. .. .. .. 1/12/92 10 4 0 210 288 I Chittenden, A. A. .. .. .. .. 17/4/93 15 11 14 210 From Ist May. 1909. 289 (Robinson, A. C. .. .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 210 From Ist May, 1909; oiin i, nxi r> C - S - Jun - Ex ™-. 190o! 290 Pepperell, H. G. .. .. .. .. 1/3/93 Hi I o 200 ooi sac'5 ae '. J ' . '• " „,',' , 17/5/93 15 10 15 210 From 11th Sept., 1909. 292 Keating, A. 0. .. .. Telegraphist .. 8/7/95 13 824 210 From 11th May, 1909. !n? A? dr rS' £ J „ ," 17/4/93 15 1115 210 From 26th May, 1909. 294 fCoad, S. J Clerk 1/8/96 12 8 0 210 From Ist June, 1909. 295 Dawson, A. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/0/90 12 10 0 200 C.S. Jun. Exam 1902 296 Fairbairn, J. C. .. Clerk .. .. .. l/ti/96 12 10 0 220 From Ist June, 1909; ... _ , „ C.S. Sen. Exam., 1907.' 297 Fisk, H 16/2/91 18 113 210 298 Magee, B .. .. Telegraphist 1/7/94 14 9 0 210 From Ist June, 1909. 299 Mcintosh, Duncan M. .. „ 1/6/96 12 10 0 210 From Ist June, 1909; ..„-!„...,_ ,„ , Matric, 1902. 300 Robins, F. S Clerk 1/6/96 12 10 0 220 From Ist June, 1909; <aai o__,l a -x, , t . . C.S. Sen. Exam., 1897! 301 Scott, A. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/8/96 12 10 0 210 From Ist June, 1909; M „,, .. D . __. Matric, 1899. t™ W " " C,erk 1/7 / 93 ,r> ° ° 2l ° ¥lorn 12th Feb., 1910. 303 I Withers, F. T. .. „ 4/7/92 10 827 210 304 Pretsch, F. J. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 210 From Ist June, 1909; oo- ox m ■ a th r, r „ , C.S. Jun. Exam., 1895. 300 St. Clair, A. E. .. .. Counter Clerk .. .. .. 1/4/86 23 0 0 210 306 Diamond, C. H. Clerk .. .. .. 1/8/87 21 8 0 210 307 Howrth, S. H. .. .. Assistant Mechanician .. .. 1/1/97 12 3 0 210 308 Betty, W. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/8/83 25 8 0 210 309 Robertson, J. A. .. Telegraphist 7/2/95 14 122 210 From 7th Feb., 1910 JlO Dunne, St. J. J. .. Clerk 10/2/96 13 120 210 From 10th Feb., 1910. 311 De Lambert, R. .. 1/9/97 n 7 0 2 10 From 22nd Feb., 1910; 312 Moore, G.V.T. .. Telegraphist. 1/3/94 15 1 0 210 313 Guinness, F.H Clerk 6/3/96 13 0 26 210 From 6th March, 1910. Sort. -Officers in any group whose names are bracketed entered the class on the same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically.



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. 1 Date of Length of £ a Name. Position. Appoint- ■s?tMarch 4 Remarks. a ment. lm • g PS Skventh Class.—From £120 to £220, by Four Annual Increments of £15 each, and Four of £10 each— continued. y. M. d. £ 314 /Brook, E. .. .. Counter Clerk .. .. 6/3/90 19 026 210 315 Rattray, A. M. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 6/4/92 10 1126 200 316 Stewart, F. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/4/93 10 0 0 200 317 1 Watts, J. H. .. .. Counter Clerk .. .. .. 4/8/90 18 7 18 210 318 Yates, A. W. L. .. „ .. . .. 8/1/83 20 224 210 319 (Young, A. F. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 1/7/89 19 9 0 210 Out of service from 20th Feb., 1900, to 6th August, 1900. 320 Levy, M. J. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/7/79 29 9 0 210 321 West, F. H. .. .. „ .. .. .. 15/6/92 16 916 210 From 19th May, 1900. 322 Dansey, G. R. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 22/5/96 12 10 10 200 From 22nd May, 1909. 323 f Anderson, W. H. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 200 From Ist June, 1909. 324 Bush, A. S. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 200 325 Campbell, A. H. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 200 320 Clarkson, C. H. N. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 200 327 Clifford, H. G. E. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 200 328 Davis, H. G. .. .. „ .. ..' .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 200 320 Doull, R. M. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 200 330 Flower, L. .. .. „ .. .. .. 10 0 200 331 Fuller, G. S. .. .. „- .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 200 332 Gollan, D. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/6/97 11 10 0 200 From Ist June, 1909; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1898. 333 Hansen, H. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 200 From Ist June, 1900. 334 Henderson, R. T. J. ft, ,-.. Postmaster .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 200 335 Hickson, H. C. .. Clerk .. .. .. l/6/96| 12 10 0 200 336 Hunter, A. W... .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 200 337 - Kilvington, G. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 200 338 Livick, H. 0. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 200 339 McAllister, W. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 200 340 McDonald, L. G. .. „ .. .. ... 1/6/96 12 10 0 200 341 McKenzie, D. M. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 2tlo 342 McLean, J. W. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 200 343 McLennan, M. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 200 344 Philp, G. L. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 200 345 Pulleng, W. R. K. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 200 346 Quinlan, J. C. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 200 347 Roche, E. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 200 348 Saywell, F. M... .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 200 349 Sigley, C. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 200 350 Smith, J. R. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 200 351 Steven, J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 190 352 Townsend, R. L. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 200 353 ( Whelan, CM... .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 200 354 Grimes, H. A. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 11/6/96 12 920 200 From Ist Jan., 1910. 355 Minifie, C. F. N. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 17/6/97 11 914 200 From 17th June, 1909. 356 McLaughlin, P. .. .. Postmaster .. .. .. 19/6/03 5 912 190 Lineman. 357 Morris, A. W. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 2/5/96 12 10 30 200 From 12th July, 1909. 358 O'Leary, D. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 20/9/97 12 812 200 From 20th July, 1909; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1895. 359 f Burfoot, R. T. .. .. „ .. .. .. 4/6/91 17 927 200 From Ist Jan., 1910. 360 \ Clayton, F. A. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/8/96 12 8 0 200 From Ist Aug., 1900. 361 (Connell, J. S. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/8/94 14 8 0 200 362 Hogg, J. M. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/11/94 14 6 0 200 From Ist Sept., 1909. 363 Eraser, C. N. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/1/91 18 3 0 200 364 Eddy, S. P. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 21/11/92 10 411 200 From 24th Aug., 1909. 305 Seelen, A. G. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/3/90 19 1 0 210 From 13th Oct., 1909. 366 Price, H. L. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/11/96 12 5 0 200 From Ist Nov., 1909. 367 Wakelin, W. R... .. Clerk .. .. .. 16/11/96 12 415 200 From 16th Nov., 1909. 368 Darby, W. D. .. .. „ .. .. .. 29/1/97 12 2 3 200 From 29th Jan., 1910. 369 Noake, R. W. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/2/95 14 2 0 200 From Ist Feb., 1910. 370 Whyte, J. H. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/8/93 15 8 0 200 From sth Feb., 1910. I ent to Defence Dept. 371 Parsons, E. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 7/2/95 14 122 200 From 7th Feb., 1910. 372 Ross, H. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/5/92 16 11 0 200 373 Martin, J. T. .. .. .. .. .. 11/2/95 14 118 200 From 11th Feb., 1910. 374 Wright, O. J. .. .. . „ .. .. .. 1/3/97 12 1 0 200 From Ist March, 1910. 375 Jackson, E. M. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 12/2/94 15 117 200 From 15th March, 1910. 376 King, F. G. '.. .. „ .. .. .. 18/3/97 12 014 200 From 18th March, 1910. 377 ( Burnett, F. A. F. .. Despatch Clerk .. .. 1/3/84 25 1 0 210 378 \ Rutherford, W. .. Second Telephone Exchange Clerk 1/6/85 23 10 0 200 At maximum. 379 ( Cates, G. H. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 14/8/93 15 718 190 380 I Free, W. R. H. .. „ .. .. .. 1/4/93 16 0 0 190 381 ] Harrison, S. M. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/4/98 11 0 0 190 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1899. 382 I Lakeman, H. G. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/4/98 11 0 0 190 383 Stevens, P. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 6/2/95 14 1 23 190 384 Walton, J. L. .. .. „ .. .. .. 16/1/93 16 216 190 385 Downer, A. W. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/4/93 16 0 0 190 386 Price, F. R. .. .. „ .. .. .. 25/5/97 11 10 7 190 387 Neville, J. N. .. .. „ .. .. .. 28/5/97 11 10 4 190 Note. —Officers in any group whose names are bracketed entered the class on the same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically.



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. « Date of Length of | Name. Position. Appoint- * Remarks. o meut. lflo9 ' a Skventh Class.—From £120 to £220, by Four Annual Increments of £16 each, and Four of £10 each— continued. Y. M. 11. £ 388 / Crawshaw, R. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 190 389 De la Mare, P. J. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 190 390 ! Holmes, Joseph .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 190 391 1 Horneman, J. W. „ .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 190 392 Jones, C. E. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 190 393 I Mcintosh, H. H. .. • „ .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 190 394 Shanks, F. J. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/6/97 1110 0 190 395 Cook, 0. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 14/6/97 11 917 190 396 McKay, W. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/7/97 11 9 0 190 397 Robertson, J. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/9/96 12 7 0 190 Matric, 1008. 398 ( Allan, R. I. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/9/97 11 7 0 190 399 McLean, G. L... .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/9/95 13 7 0 190 400 ( Porteous, D. P. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/9/96 12 7 0 190 401 Grocott, H. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 11/9/99 9 620 200 C.S. Sen. Exam., 1909. 402 Marshall, A. .. ~ .. .. •• 1/12/97 11 4 0 190 Matric, 1902. 403 Hutchinson, W. A. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 11/10/97 11 521 190 404 Dunne, V. .. .. Clerk .. .. • .. 9/9/01 7 623 190 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1903. 405 Mannix, T. .. .. .. .. .. 1/1/92 17 3 0 200 406 McLean, A. A. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 190 407 Miscall, A. J. .. .. Clerk ... .. .. 1/4/94 16 0 0 190 408 Brookes, J. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 3/6/97 11 928 200 From Ist Sept., 1909. 409 Parker, B. H. .. .. „ .. .. .. 8/9/97 11 623 190 410 Grant, S. A. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 14/10/97 11 517 190 Lent to Defence Dept. 411 Bach, R. A. .. .. .. .. .. 1/5/93 15 11 0 210 From 9th March, 1910. 412 Steel, J. T. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 19/11/91 17 412 200 From 29th Dec, 1909. 413 Hickey, M. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 6/2/95 14 1 23 190 414 Sullivan, H. F. .. .. .. .. .. 1/2/94 15 2 0 190 415 Morland, M. .. .. „ .. • • • • 1/1/91 18 3 0 200 From 4th Jan., 1910. 416 Browne, A. L. .. .. Postmaster .. .. .. 25/2/03 6 0 4 190 Lineman. 417 Russell, H. J. .. .. Telegraphist ~ .. .. 10/2/96 13 120 190 418 Robertson, F. E. „ .. .. .. 17/6/89 19 9 14 190 419 /Cook, A. E. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/4/98 11 0 0 190 420 Francis, F. H. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/4/98 11 0 0 190 421 Kerr, W. M. .. .. „ .. .. .. 21/4/96 12 1110 190 From 21st April, 1909. 422 ! Kroner, G. F. W. .. Clerk .. .. .. 3/1/99 10 229 190 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1898. 423 . Leabourn, H. ft, c .. Postmaster .. .. .. 1/3/90 19 1 0 190 424 McNamara, G... .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/4/98 11 0 0 190 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1899. 425 Mainwaring, W. E. .. Telegraphist .. ... .. 1/4/95 14 0 0 180 At maximum. 426 Parker, W. A. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/4/96 14 0 0 190 427 V Youngman, T. E. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/12/99 9 4 0 190 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1904. 428 Roberts, S. .. .. „ .. .. .. 12/3/00 9 020 190 From 6th May, 1909. 429 Taylor, S. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 27/5/96 12 10 5 190 From 27th May, 1909. 430 /Cooke, N. W. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/6/97 1110 0 190 From Ist June, 1909. 431 Eccleton, P. J. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 190 432 Green, H. A „ 1/6/96 12 10 0 190--433 Henley, B. R. .. .. „ 1/6/97 1110 0 190 434 , Isdell, O „ 1/6/96 12 10 0 190 435 Leslie, A „ 1/6/99 910 0 190 436 Mounstephen, W. J. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 190 437 Seward, S. T Telegraphist 1/6/96 12 10 0 190 438 V Teague, M „ 1/6/96 12 10 0 190 439 Teasdale, W. B. .. „ .. .. .. 8/6/97 11 9 23 190 From Bth June, 1909. 440 Gerard, W. A. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 10/6/97 11 921 190 From 10th June, 1909. 441 Davis, A. N. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 190 From 14th June, 1909. 442 Harriss, G. R. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/7/97 11 9 0 190 From Ist July, 1909. 443 Syms, F. M. .. .. „ .. .. .. 28/6/94 14 9 3 190 From 23rd July, 1909. 444 Vivian, W. E. .. .. „ .. .. .. 24/7/99 9 8 8 190 From 24th July, 1909. 445 Eggleton, C. H. .. „ .. .. 11/9/97 11 6 20 190 From 11th Sept., 1909. 446 McLellan, H. C. .. Clerk .. .. .. 12/9/98 10 619 190 From 12th Sept., 1909. 447 Macalister, S. .. „ .. .. .. 25/9/99 9 6 6 200 From 25th Sept., 1909; C.S. Sen. Exam., 1908. 448 Ross, J. .. •• Telegraphist .. .. .. 29/9/97 11 6 2 190 From 29th Sept., 1909. 449 Jordan, J. S. .. .. „ .. .. •• 1/11/98 10 5 0 190 From Ist Nov., 1900. 450 1 Herdraan, L. H. „ .. .. 1/12/98 10 4 0 190 From Ist Dec, 1900. 451 1 McGrath, J „ 1/12/99 9 4 0 190 452 1 Barnard, F. W. „ .. .. .. 1/3/99 10 1 0 190 From Ist March, 1910. 453 Hazleton, A „ 1/3/99 10 1 0 190 •1 I Roberts, R. T. C. .. „ 1/3/97 12 1 0 190 455 Mulvey, D. .. .. „ .. .. .. 6/3/99 lo 026 190 From 6th Maroh, 1910. 456 Flett, N. C. .. .. „ .. .. •• 10/3/97 12 022 190 From 10th March, 1910. 457 Howard, J. G. .. .. Clerk .. .. 1/7/97 11 9 0 190 458 Thomas, A. H 1/7/89 19 9 0 190 459 Combs, H. E. .. .. .. .. .. 27/1/00 9 2 6 200 From 27th Jan., 1910; C.S. Sen. Exam., 1909. 460 f Adams, J. F. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 5/10/99 9 527 180 461 Anderson, R. G. . . Clerk 1/4/90 10 0 0 180 462 Cameron, J. Y. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 12/2/00 9 117 180 463 Card, A. B „ ' 23/3/00 9 0 9 ISO Nora.—Officers m any group whose names are bracketed entered the class on the same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically.



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. | Date of Length of £ 3 Name. Position. Appoint- gist March A Remarks. a meut. im • g Seventh Class.—From £120 to £220, by Four Annual Increments of £15 each, and Four of £10 each— continued. Y. M. D. £ 464 Crofts, E. R. .. .. Counter Clerk .. .. .. 26/3/90 19 0 6 200 465 Drake, W. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 26/3/00 9 0 6 180 466 Edmonds, A. B. .. Supervisor, Telephone Exchange .. 16/11/89 19 415 2iki 167 - 1 Gearey, J. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/4/99 10 0 0 180 468 Horn, W. T. .. .. „ .. .. .. 15/2/00 9 114 180 469 I nnes, D. .. .. Mechanician .. .. .. 1/10/99 9 6 0 200 470 MoDermott, J... .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/4/00 9 0 0 190 C.S. Sen. Exam.. 1909. 171 McGregor, LI. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 9/3/00 9 023 180 472 Paine, W. .. .. Postmaster .. .. 21/5/01 810 11 190 Lineman. 473 Rodger, K. M. .. Clerk .. .. .. 13/7/99 9 819 180 474 [Steel, C. J. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/5/99 911 0 180 475 Rudman, E. W. .. „ .. .. .. 11/4/00 8 1120 180 From 11th April, 1909. 476 Eagles, F. G. A. .. Clerk .. .. .. 20/4/98 10 1111 180 From 20th April, 1909. 477 White, E. .. .. „ .. .. .. 22/4/01 711 9 180 From 22nd April, 1909; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1900. 478 Hamilton, J. .. .. .. .. .. 23/4/01 711 8 180 From 23rd April, 1909; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1902. 479 Sutton, W. W. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 23/4/00 811 8 180 From 23rd April, 1909; Matric, 1906. 480 Wilson, W. W. .. .. „- .. .. .. 1/5/00 811 0 180 From Ist May, 1909. 481 Mathews, F. W. .. Clerk .. .. .. 15/5/01 710 17 180 From 15th May, 1909; C.S. Jun. Exam., loo::. 482 Graham, C. .. .. „ .. .. .. 22/5/99 910 10 180 From 22nd May, 1000. 483 Snell, J. .. .. .. .. .. 29/5/00 810 2 190 From 29th May, 1909: C.S. Sen. Exam., 1906. 484 Wilton, F. .. .... .. .. .. 30/5/98 10 10 12 180 From 30th May, 1900. 485 (Hogg, W. A. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/6/99 910 0 180 From Ist June, 1909. is.; Mcintosh, Douglas M. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/99 910 0 180 487 iPearse, H. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/97 11 10 0 180 488 (Stewart, O. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/00 810 0 180 489 Dinniss, G. E. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 13/6/99 9 918 180 From 13th June, 1909. 49U Campbell, A. P. J. .. .. .. .. 19/6/99 9 912 180 From 19th June, 1909. 491 Jones, T. C. H. .. .. „ .. .. .. 21/6/97 11 910 180 From 21st June, 1909. 492 Jenks, G. .. .. „ .. .. .. 23/6/97 11 9 8 180 From 23rd June, 1909. 493 Drake, J. .. .. .. .. .. 30/6/00 8 9 1 180 From 30th June, 1909. 494 Cropp, R. .. .. Postmaster .. .. .. 1/2/95 11 10 0 190 From Ist July, 1909. Resigned, 28/2/03; reappointed, 1/7/05. 495 ( Cunnold, F. L... .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/7/99 9 9 0 180 From Ist July, 1909. 496 Eccleton, J. T. .. „ .. .. .. 1/7/00 8 9 0 180 497 J Levien, S. H. A. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/7/97 11 9 0 180 498 "i Madden, J. .. .. .. .. .. 1/7/01 7 9 0 180 From Ist July, 1909: C.S. Sen. Exam., 1901. 499 I Williams, 11. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. 1/7/97 11 9 0 180 From Ist July, 1900. 500 Boyce, W. C. .. .. „ .. .. 4/7/99 9 828 180 From 4th July, 1000. 501 Coughlan, M. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 16/7/00 8 815 180 From 16th July, 1909. 502 Underwood, J. J. H .. .. .. 1/9/03 5 7 0 190 From Ist Sept., 1909. 503 Strang, R. A. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/8/99 9 8 0 180 From Ist Aug., 1000. 504 Harris, V. S. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 4/5/98 10 10 28 180 From 4th May, 1900. 505 Maskew, G. A. .. .. .. .. .. 1/5/00 811 0 180 From 11th Aug., 1909. 506 McLeod, H. G. .. .. .. .. .. 6/11/99 9 425 180 From 16th Aug., 1909. 507 Thomson, J. T. .. .. „ .. .. .. 17/8/99 0 715 18(1 From 17th Aug., 1909 508 McLean, J. .. „ .. .. .. 18/8/99 9 714 180 From 18th Aug., 1900. 509 Smith, W. P. .. . . Telegraphist .. .. .. 19/8/99 9 713 180 From 19th Aug., 1909. 510 Ladley, W. E. H. . Clerk .. .. .. 28/8/99 9 7 4 180 From 28th Aug., 1900. 511 Bain, .1. S. .. „ .. .. .. 1/2/90 19 2 0 190 512 Willett, W. .. .. „ .. .. .. 22/7/01 7 810 180 From 22nd July, 1909; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1897. 513 Colebrook, H. J. D .. .. .. 1/10/95 13 6 0 180 From Ist Oct., 1000. 614 Hodge, F. V. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/10/99 0 6 0 180 515 Hyde, F. K. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/10/98 10 6 0 Iso 510 Marshall, A. L. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/10/99 9 6 0 180 517 Murphy, J. Leonard .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/7/00 8 9 0 180 From Ist Oct., 1909; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1899. 518 Mangos, N. D. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 16/10/99 9 516 180 From 16th Oct., 1909. 519 Whatman, J. P. .. Clerk .. .. .. 22/10/00 8 5 9 180 From 22nd Oct., 1909. 520 (Kyle, H. S. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/11/00 8 5 0 180 From Ist Nov., 1909. 521 | O'Gorman, J. J. .. „ .. .. .. 1/11/00 8 5 0 180 522 (Cntforth, P. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/12/00 8 4 0 190 From Ist Dec, 1909; c.S. Sen. Exam., 1909. 523 1 Kilgour, C. C. W. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/12/00 8 4 0 180 From Ist Dec, 1909. 524 I Ross, A. H. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/8/99 9 8 0 180 525 Brooker, S. W. B. .. Clerk .. .. .. 12/12/98 10 320 180 From 12th Dec, 1909. 526 Mathieson, C. A. „ .. .. .. 18/12/99 9 314 180 527 Burrows, G. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 19/12/00 8 313 180 From 19th Dec, 1900. 528 I McCawe, T. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/5/00 811 0 180 From 23rd Dec, 1909. 520 | Wallace, A. N. .. .. „ .. .. .. 23/12/99 9 3 9 180 530 I Hounsell, H. Reginald .. „ .. .. .. 27/12/00 8 3 5 180 From 27th Dec, 1909. 531 iMacey, L. L. .. .. „ .. .. .. 27/12/99 9 3 5 190 From 27th Dee., 1909; C.S. Sen. Exam., 1909. NOTE—Officers in any group whose names are bracketed entered the class on the same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically


POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. g Date of Length of £ | Name. Position. Appoint- | Remarks. 3 ment - 1909. 1 S5 Seventh Class.—From £120 to £220, by Four Annual Increments of £15 each, and Four of £10 each— continued. Y. M. d. £ 532 Robinson, F. T. .. Telegraphist 30/12/00 83 2 180 From 30th Dec, 1909. 533 Ward J E „ .. • • • ■ 1/1/01 83 0 180 From Ist Jan., 1910. 534 Browne 'w' G „ •• •■ •• 2/1/01 82 29 180 From 2nd Jan., 1910. 535 Newton'J . „ •• •• •• 7/1/95 14 225 180 From 7th Jan., 1910. 530 Brady j R ~ •• •• •• 24/1/01 8 2 7 180 From 24th Jan., 1910. 537 I Dingwall A „ .. •• •• 6/1/99 10 626 180 From Ist Feb., 1910. 538 -'McCready, D 1/2/00 9 2 0 180 539 (Nicholls, W.K. .. „ 1/2/01 8 2 0 180 «. _. » 540 Graham, A Clerk 12/2/00 9 117 180 From 12th Feb., 1910. 541 Chambers, C. A. .. Telegraphist 20/2/00 9 112 180 From 20th Feb., 1910. 542 Nicholls, C.B „ 21/2/00 9 1 8 180 From 21st Feb., 1910. 543 Allan D T „ .. • • ■ • 26/2/00 9 1 3 180 From 26th Feb., 1910. 544 Pearc'e, W. J. m". .. Clerk 28/2/01 8 1 1 180 From 28th Feb., 1910. 545 Flett, A. I Telegraphist 1/3/00 9 1 0 180 From Ist Mar., 1910. 546 Clouston, J. P. P. .. Clerk 4/3/01 8 027 190 From 4th Mar., 1910; C.S. Sen. Exam., 1907 547 Edwards, J. H. .. Telegraphist 9/3/00 9 023 180 From 9th Mar., 1910. 548 (Pachnatz, F. A. 12/3/00 9 020 180 From 12th Mar., 1910. 549 - Packard, L. G. C. B 12/3/01 8 020 180 550 (Reynolds, R. B. .. Clerk 12/3/01 8 020 180 ~ ~ 551 Whelan, T. H Telegraphist 13/3/00 9 019 180 From 13th Mar., 1910. 552 (Allan, J. C 14/3/00 9 018 180 From 14th Mar., 1910. 553 ' Aldridge, W. P. 14/3/01 8 018 180 554 (Furrie,J. W 14/3/01 8 018 180 ~ ~ 555 Romeril, A. W. 15/3/00 9 017 180 From 15th Mar., 1910 556 Donovan, A Clerk 18/3/02 7 014 180 From 18th Mar., 1910; c g gen Exam>> 19fj2 557 Fletcher, J. H 19/3/01 8 013 190 From 19th Mar., 1910; C.S. Sen. Exam., 1907. 558 Dawson, W.I 25/3/01 8 0 6 190 From 25.1, Mar., 1910; C.S. Sen. Exam., 1905. 559 Foote, G 27/3/01 8 0 4 180 From 27th Mar., 1910 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1900. 560 fAmos, F. O Telegraphist 12/3/00 9 020 165 561 Anton, A. G Clerk 12/2/00 9 117 105 562 Barrett, J. F. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/4/00 9 0 0 105 563 Bauckham, C. D 1/11/99 9 5 0 105 564 Beck, J. R Mechanician 1/7/03 5 9 0 190 Formerly temporary. 565 Camp, C. G Clerk 9/10/99 9 523 105 566 Copeland, T. M. .. Telegraphist 12/3/00 9 020 105 567 Coyle, E Clerk 12/2/00 9 117 165 568 Duffield, J. H. .. Telegraphist 4/12/99 9 328 105 569 J Fox, F. D 1/4/00 9 0 0 105 570 Hatton, D. L 13/3/99 10 019 105 571 Hill, L , 1/4/00 9 0 0 166 572 Johnston, C.E 1/4/98 11 0 0 105 573 Jones, H. C , 1/4/00 9 0 0 105 574 Longdin, G. H. .. Mechanician .. .. .. 3/10/90 18 529 190 575 McDonald, J Clerk 1/1/99 10 3 0 105 576 McQuinn, J 5/6/99 9 926 105 577 Mouatt, R. W. .. Despatch Clerk .. .. 1/4/85 24 0 0 165 578 IStichburv, M. H. .. Clerk 2/5/98 10 10 30 105 579 Wilkie, WJ 9/4/01 7 1122 180 From 9th April, 1909: C.S. Sen. Exam., 1907. 580 (Graham, D. J Telegraphist 12/4/00 8 1118 165 From 12th April, 1900. 581 i Stubb'erfield, F. G. T. .. Clerk 12/4/00 8 1118 105 „ , 582 Spiller, I Telegraphist 15/4/01 7 1116 105 From 15th April, 1909 ; r C.S. Jun. Exam., 1904. 583 Coghlan, E. E Clerk 30/4/00 811 1 165 From 30th April, 1909. 584 Prideaux LR . „ 1/5/99 911 0 165 From Ist May, 1909 585 Patterson AH .. 3/5/00 810 28 165 From 3rd May, 1909. 586 McgTh. . •• ,: •• ••• •• 7/5/01 010 25 180 From 7th May, 1909; C.S. Sen. Exam., 1909. 587 Lawn E H .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 9/5/00 810 22 105 From 9th May, 1909. 588 Dixon, P. .. .. *7 11/5/01 710 21 105 From 11th May, 1909: C.S. Jun. Exam., 1900. 589 Gilbert W Clerk 13/5/01 710 19 165 From 13th May, 1909; Matric, 1901. 590 Porteous,R. M 14/5/02 610 18 165 From Hth May, 19011; C.S. Sen. Exam., 1905. 591 Walsleben F. W. C. .. Telegraphist 15/5/01 710 17 105 From 15th May, 1900. 592 Black D 17/5/00 810 15 105 From 17th May, 1909. 593 White DN .. 18/5/01 710 14 105 From 18th May, 1909. 594 PaseoeEN " 22/11/01 7 410 105 From sth June, 1900. 595 tVReUIv J P ' 12/6/01 7 919 105 From 12th June, 1909. 596 Rutherford, D. :.' .. Clerk 23/6/02 6 918 165 From 23rd June, 1909: C.S. Sen. Exam., 1906. 597 Thomas, A Counter Clerk •. 1/6/96 12 10 0 190 From 2nd July 1909. 598 PikiXT.M Clerk 8/7/01 7 824 165 From Bth July. 1909: Matric, 1901. fJOTS— Officers In any group whose names are bracketed entered the class on the same date, such officers' names are entered alphabetioally.



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. | Date of Length of £ a Name. Position. Appoint- gi B tM a *cl? * Remarks. o meat. ' * Seventh Class.—From £120 to £220, by Four Annual Increments of £15 each, and Four of £10 each— continued. Y. M. D. £ 50.1 Strang, D. R. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/8/00 8 8 0 105 From Ist Aug., 1909. 660 Tait, R. F. .. .. .. .. 1/8/98 10 8 0 105 Oi il May, R. G. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 18/4/01 7 1113 105 From 4th Aug., 1909. 002 Jenkins, W. M. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 180 603 Nelson, G. .. .. „ .. .. .. 8/8/98 10 724 165 From Bth Aug., 1909. 604 Matheson, T. A. D .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 105 From sth Sept., 1909. 005 l.ouisson, J. A. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 8/9/00 8 623 165 From Bth Sept., 1909. 606 Craig, J. M. .. .. „ .. .. .. 13/9/00 8 618 105 From 13th Sept., 190!'. 607 Leeden, A. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 15/9/02 6 616 165 From 15th Sept., 10(10; .Matric, 1907. 608 Dickson, J. J. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. I/10/01 7 6 0 165 From Ist Oct., 1900. 609 Jones, R. G. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/10/01 7 6 0 166 From I Oct,, 1909; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1901. 610 Larsen, J. P. .. .. „ .. .. .. 25/3/01 8 0 6 105 From Ist Oct.. 1000: C.S. Jun. Exam.. 1900. 611 Cornwell, T. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 7/10/01 7 525 160 From 7th Oct., 1909; C.S. ■Inn. Exam., 1901. 012 Clark, G. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 15/10/00 8 517 105 From 15th Oct., 1909. 613 Crawford, T. M. .. „ .. .. .. 21/6/99 9 910 165 From 16th Oct., 1900. 614 Twose, R. H. .. .. Clerk - .. .. .. 28/10/01 7 5 4 105 From 28th Oct., 1909; Matric, 1901. 615 Ardell, D. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 28/4/00 811 3 105 From 28th April, 1909. 010 Buckrell, J. F. .. .. „ .. .. .. 12/3/00 9 020 105 From 11th Nov., 1011.i. 617 Caird, J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 13/11/00 8 418 105 From 13th Nov., 1900. 618 Brackenridge, .1. M. .. Clerk .. .. .. 23/11/00 8 4 8 105 From 23rd Nov., 1900. 619 Vause, C. J. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 10/12/00 9 321 105 From 10th Dec, 1909. 620 Urquhart, G. S. S. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/7/99 9 9 0 105 From Ist July, 1909. 621 Delahunty, P. V. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 15/12/00 8 317 105 From 15th Dec, 1909. 022 Jackson, G. F. .. .. Clerk .. ..' . 31/12/00 8 3 0 105 From 31st Dec. 1909. 623 | Smith, W.J. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 6/1/00 9 226 166 624 (Davies, J. .. „ .. .. .. 1/1/01 8 3 0 105 From Ist Jan., 1010. 025 Traynor, J. .. „ .. .. .. 30/5/01 710 2 165 626 (Ward, A.M. G. .. „ .. .. .. 13/3/01 8 019 166 627 Crump, W. B. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 3/1/01 8 328 105 From 3rd Jan., 1910. 628 Hope, W. P. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 8/1/01 8 223 165 From Bth Jan., 1910. 629 MeGilp, C. .. „ .. .. .. 9/1/01 8 222 105 From 9th Jan., 1910. 630 Soanlan, V. J. .. „ .. .. .. 10/1/01 8 221 105 From 10th Jan., 1910. 631 Gamble, C. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/2/02 7 2 0 105 From Ist Feb., 1910: Matric, 1899. 632 Blewett, E. R. .. .. „ .. .. .. 20/2/00 9 1 9 165 From 20th Feb., 1910. 633 Byres, W. J. .. .. .. .. 20/2/03 0 1 9 105 From 20th Feb., 1910: C.S. Jun. Exam.. 1904. 634 Forgie, L. C. .. .. „ .. .. 22/2/01 8 1 7 180 From 22nd Feb., 1910; C.S. Sen. Exam., 1909. 635 Jackson, P. .. .. .. .. .. 1/2/00 9 2 0 105 From Ist Feb., 1910. 036 Brown, G. W. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 27/2/01 8 1 2 165 From 27th Feb., 1910. 637 Kelly, H. Q. . . .. „ .. .. .. 1/3/02 7 1 0 165 From Ist Mar., 1910. 638 Allen, C. H. .. .. „ .. .. 2/3/01 8 029 165 From 2nd Mar., 1910. 639 (Garth, F. H. .. „ .. .. .. 4/3/01 8 027 166 From 4th Mar., 1910. 640 Patton, R. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 4/3/01 8 027 105 641 (Pooley, F. C. G. .. „ .. .. .. 4/3/01 8 027 166 642 Tyrrell, C. E. .. .. ~ .. .. .. 5/3/01 8 026 165 From sth Mar., 1910. 643 Clark, R. J. .. .. „ .. .. 9/3/01 8 022 105 From 9th Mar., 1910. 644 Meredith, W. J. .. „ .. .. .. 15/3/01 8 016 105 From 15th Mar., 1910. 645 itichards, V. M. .. „ .. .. 21/3/02 7 011 165 From 21st Mar., 1910. 646 Hall, J. .. .. „ .. .. •- 19/4/01 711 12 165 From 19th April, 1909: C.S. Jun. Exam., 1905. 647 Norgrove, L. A. .. „ .. .. .. 8/9/97 11 623 166 648 Cockerill, H. W. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/6/01 710 0 150 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1007. 649 Petchell, H. C. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 24/5/01 710 8 165 From 24th May, 1009: C.S. Jun. Exam.. 1004. 650 Hall, J. W. .. Clerk .. .. 14/10/89 19 5 18 190 651 Connery, T. D. .. .. Counter Clerk .. .. .. 1/4/90 19 0 0 190 652 Orams, J. A. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 25/5/97 1110 7 165 From 25th .May, 190!'. 653 Polkinghorne, A. P. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 18/8/02 0 714 165 From 18th Aug., 1909: C.S. Jun. Exam., 1908. 654 Mathias, J. V. H. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 166 From Ist Sept., 1909. 655 Mulligan, A. W. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 5/9/01 7 627 165 From sth Sept., 1909; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1905 656 Smith, A. .. .. „ .. .. .. 0/9/01 7 620 165 From 6th Sept., 190 i; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1900 657 Davis, L. S. .. .. „ .. .. .. 12/3/00 9 020 150 From 11th Dec, 190 I. 658 Clark, George .. .. „ .. .. .. 28/11/01 7 4 3 165 From 28th Nov.. 1909; (I.S. Jun. Exam., 1! 05. 659 Dale, C. .. .. „ .. .. .. 28/11/01 7 4 3 105 From 28th Nov., 1909; C.S. Jun. Exam.. 1905. 660 Herbert, D. A. .. .. „ .. .. .. 28/11/01 7 4 3 105 From 28th Nov., 1909; Matric, 1907. 661 Hutchens, W. .. .. „ .. .. ■• 16/10/00 8 516 150 Matric. 190 H. N'otk.—Ofnosn i" any group whoM namm >iv bracketed entered the dus< cm toe same date. Such officer*' name are entered alphabetic: iv .'! -F. 5.




POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. i Date of length of £ f Name. Position. Appoint- |}!J\S , ?L2? * Remark. | men '- 1999. ' $ Seventh Class.—From £120 to £220, by Four Annual Increments of £15 each, and Four of £10 each— continual. Y. M. D. £ 662 (Payne, W. H. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 18/2/07 2 113 105 From 18th Feb., 1910. 013 (Williams, F. .. .. • „ .. .. .. 18/2/07 2 113 105 664 Murphy, J. Lennox .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/3/01 8 1 0 105 From Ist Mar., 1910. 065 Hooker, D. H. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 7/3/01 8 025 105 From 7th Mar., 1910. 606 f Angove, A. N. F. .. „ .. .. .. 1/4/01 8 0 0 150 667 I Armstrong, B. J. .. „ .. .. .. 1/12/98 10 4 0 150 668 I Barnett, W. H. .. Clerk .. .. .. 8/7/01 7 824 150 009 | Bateman, A. O. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/1/02 7 3 0 150 From Ist July. 1909. 070 Bateman, J. B. .. „ .. .. .. 5/9/01 7 027 160 071 Beavis, D. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/1/02 7 3 0 150 From Ist July, 1909 072 Bice, A. .. .. „ .. .. 4/3/01 8 028 160 673 Boyne, N. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/10/01 7 6 0 160 674 Bramley, R. J. .. „ .. .. .. 1/7/01 7 9 0 150 075 Brown, J. F. .. .. ' „ .. .. .. 1/11/01 7 5 0 150 From Ist May, 1909. 076 Browning, C. A. J. .. „ .. .. .. 4/7/02 6 828 150 677 Burge, R. E. B. .. „ .. .. .. 5/11/01 7 427 150 From sth May. 1909. 078 Cameron, A. C. .. „ .. .. •.. 10/9/01 7 522 150 079 Castleton, P. H. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/01 710 0 150 680 Clark, T. W. .. .. „ .. .. .. 25/2/02 7 1 4 150 From 25th Aug., 1909. 681 Cooper, W. G. .. .. „ ... .. .. 3/5/01 710 29 150 682 Cox, R. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/5/01 711 0 150 683 Craigie, D. H. .. .. „ .. .. .. 24/6/02 6 9 7 150 084 Cummings, T. A. .. „ .. .. .. 7/5/02 010 25 150 685 Davis, G. E. H. .. „ .. .. .. 3/5/02 010 28 160 686 Dawson, A. .. .. „ .. .. .. 23/5/02 610 9 160 687 Dephoff, F. H. .. „ .. .. .. 23/5/01 710 9 150 638 Duffield, W. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/2/02 7 2 0 150 From Ist Aug., 1909. 689 Enright, J. P. .. .. „ .. .. .. 15/2/02 7 114 150 From 15th Aug., 1909. 09.1 Fraser, A. F. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/1/02 7 3 0 150 From Ist July, 1909. 091 Fredric, A. A. E. .. Clerk .. .. .. 17/6/01 7 914 150 692 Freeman, H. P. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/0/01 710 0 166 093 Gladding, W. J. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/8/97 11 8 0 166 094 Goer, A. J. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 11/10/01 7 521 150 From 11th April, 1909. 095 Graham, J. W. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/11/02 0 5 0 150 From Ist May, 1909. 690 Grant, J. V. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 23/5/02 010 9 150 697 Harrison, S. .. .. „ .. .. .. 3/4/01 7 1128 160 698 Hewitt, P. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 28/4/02 011 3 150 699 Hills, L. L. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/1/02 73 o' 150 From Ist July, 1909. 700 Hoffmeister, W. A. R. .. „ .. .. .. 1/10/01 7 6 0 169 701 Holmes, S. R. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 16/10/02 6 510 150 From 10th April, 1909. 702 Holmes, W. R. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/5/02 011 0 150 703 Hope, A. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/10/01 7 6 0 150 704 Hosking, A. E. .. „ .. .. .. 23/10/99 9 5 9 160 705 Hulbert, E. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 18/5/01 710 14 150 706 Humphrey, J. A. .. „ .. .. .. 16/9/02 6 615 150 707 Jacobs, L. A. E. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/10/01 7 6 0 160 708 -! Johnson, F. J. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/5/00 811 0 160 709 Johnson, H. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/10/01 7 6 0 150 710 Jones, N. V. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/4/02 7 0 0 160 711 Keller, A. .. .. „ .. .. .. 3/5/01 7 929 150 712 Linton, A. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 17/6/01 7 914 150 713 Lowe, F. A. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 6/3/02 7 020 150 From 6th Sept., 1909. 714 Lynch, H. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 14/9/01 7 617 150 From Ist July, 1909. 715 McDonnell, H. .. Clerk .. .. .. 3/9/00 8 628 165 716 Mclsaac, N. R. .. .. .. .. 17/12/01 7 315 150 From 17th June, 1909; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1905. 717 McLaren, J. A. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 28/11/01 7 4 3 150 From 28th May, 1909. 718 McPherson, J. A. .. Clerk .. .. .. 2/5/01 710 30 160 719 Marshall, E. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 7/9/01 7 625 15(1 720 Manxies, If. B. .. „ .. .. .. 18/4/01 711 13 160 721 Mil burn, J. A. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/1/02 7 3 0 150 From Ist July, 1909. 722 Mitchell. R. F. .. „ .. .. .. 13/4/01 711 18 150 723 Moore, W. W. .. .. „ .. .. .. 7/10/01 7 525 150 From 7th April, 1900. 724 | Morgan, G. A. .. „ .. .. .. 28/11/01 7 4 3 150 From 28th May, 1909. 725 Mulholland, J. G. .. „ .. .. .. 1/1/02 7 3 0 150 From Ist July, 1909. 726 I Mullins, T. E. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/4/07 10 0 0 166 727 Nind, F. G. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 28/11/01 7 4 3 150 From 28th May, 1909. 728 j O'Connor, J. D. .. „ .. .. .. 6/9/01 7 026 150 729 I Ogilvie, W. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 26/2/01 8 1 4 150 730 | Pearson, G. E... .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/3/02 7 1 0 150 From Ist Sept., 1909 731 | Peek, W. H. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/1/02 7 3 0 160 From Ist July, 100! I. 732 | Redmond, J. T. .. „ .. .. .. 13/9/01 7 618 150 733 | Robertson, A. .. .. „ .. .. .. 13/10/02 0 519 150 From 13th April, 1909. 734 | Ross, D. W. .. .. „ .. .. .. 2/4/02 Oil 29 150 735 | Rowan, W. B. .. ~ .. .. .. 24/9/01 7 6 7 150 736 I Scott, R. R. I. .. „ .. .. .. 11/4/02 0 1120 150 737 | Smith, W. A. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 6/4/00 8 1124 150 738 j Spurdle, A. T. .. .. Telegraphist .'. .. .. 1/2/01 82 0 150 739 | Stain ton, H. H. .. „ .. .. .. 1/4/02 7 0 0 135 740 | Strang, T. R. .. .. „ .. .. .. 9/4/01 711 22 1611 Note —Officers in any group whose names are bracketed entered the class on the same late, Such officers' names are entered alphabetically.


POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. 8 Date of length of £ | Name. Position. Appoint- guj m 0 * Remarks. | meD< - 1909. ' tg Skventh Class.—From £120 to £220, by Four Annual Increments of £15 each, and Four of £10 each— continued. Y. M. D. £ 741 | Tasker, C. B. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 12/5/99 9 919 150 742 j Tavendale, G. .. . . Telegraphist .. .. .. 24/9/01 76 7 150 743 | Thompson, H. V. .. „ .. .. .. 1/10/01 7 6 0 150 744 I Titchener, L. H. .. „ .. .. .. 2/7/01 7 829 150 745 | Tremain, C. W. 11. .. „ .. .. .. 13/5/01 710 19 135 740 Watson W. J. T. „ .. .. .. 1/11/02 0 5 0 169 From Ist May, 1909. 747 Webb, R. J. P. .. „ .. • • 1/6/99 910 0 150 748 Webster, J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 25/2/01 8 1 4 150 From 28th May, 1909. 749 Whinray, W. J. L. .. Clerk .. .. .. 14/1/02 7 218 150 From 14th July, 1909. 750 Wiles, H. M. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/10/01 7 6 0 160 751 I Wilson, R. D. .. .. „ .. .. 1/10/01 7 6 0 15" 752 McKenzie, W. R. .. „ .. .. .. 2/4/02 0 1129 136 From 2nd April, 1909. 753 t.raham, A. .. .. „ .. •• •• 3/4/02 6 1128 186 From 3rd April, 1909. 751 McKay, A D.I). .. „ .. .. •• 4/4/02 6 1127 L's From 4th April, 1909. 755 Honeyfield, L. H. .. Clerk 1/7/98 10 9 0 150 750 Hyres GW. .. .. .. •• •• 12/3/00 9 020 136 From 12th April, 1909. 757 Burdekin C. B .... .. .. .. 14/10/03 5 518 135 From 14th April, 1909; C.S. Sen. Exam., 1906. 788 Hargreaves, J. .1. Telegraphist .. .. .. 25/4/01 711 6 136 From 25th April, 1909. 759 Carter, W. E. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/5/02 011 O 1.15 From Ist May, 1909. 760 Foster, H. C. .. .. Telegraphist* .. .. .. 14/5/02 610 18 135 From 14th May, 1909. 761 Pipe SE. .. •• Clerk .. .. .. 16/5/01 710 10 135 From 16th May, 1909. 702 Sheen R .... .. •- •• 17/5/02 010 15 135 From 17th May, 1909. 703 Browne, C. W. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 18/5/02 610 14 135 From 18th May. 1909. 704 Davies, .]. L. .. .. „ .. • ■ • • 18/5/03 510 14 135 106 M.-Glone, P. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 19/5/02 010 13 135 From 19th May, 1909. 760 M.Cahev, W. B. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 21/5/02 010 11 135 From 21st May, 1909. 707 O'Sullivan, J. T. .. Clerk .. .. .. 22/5/02 010 10 135 From 22nd May, 1909. 768 French, A. .. .. „ .. • • • • 23/5/02 010 9 135 From 23rd May, 1909. 709 Mitchell, D. G. . . Telegraphist .. .. .. 25/5/03 510 7 135 From 25th May, 1909. 770 Rogers, A. G. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 2/2/02 7 127 135 From Ist June, 1909. 771 Smith, S. H. 8... .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/8/93 9 412 180 From Ist June, 1909. Resigned, 12/2/01 ; reappointed, 1/6/07. 772 Stott AL H . „ .. •• •• 1/6/03 510 0 136 From Ist June, 1909. 773 Lamb, H. A. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 4/6/02 6 927 135 From 4th June, 1909; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1903. 774 Lattimore D.l .. .. •• •• 5/6/02 0 9 0 135 From sth June, 1909. 775 i Churches' T A „ .. •• 13/6/02 0 918 150 From 13th June, 1909; C.S. Sen. Exam., 1907. 776 J Hitt J .. .... .. •• ■• 1/10/01 7 6 0 136 From 13th June, 1909; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1906. 777 Robertson, C. R. H .. „ 13/6/02 6 918 135 From 13th June, 1909; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1902. 778 ißridires F.l. <'. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 15/6/03 5 916 135 From 15th June, 1909. 779 (Wilson, J. F. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 15/6/03 5 916 150 From 15th June, 1909; C.S. Sen. Exam., 1907. 780 Trim, C. J. H. .. .. Second Telephone Exchange Clerk 1/6/90 18 10 0 180 781 Clinkard. C. H. . .. Clerk .. .. .. 20/6/02 0 911 135 From 20th June, 1909; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1902. 782 Jackson, W. J. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/4/02 7 0 0 150 783 Massev A F „ .. •• •• 21/6/02 o 910 135 From 21st June, 1909. 784 PearseA V ~ ■• 24/0/02 6 9 7 135 From 24th June, 1909. 785 Wilson WA. '.'. .. Clerk .. .. .. 30/0/02 0 9 I 135 From 30th June, 1909. 786 , Boves.'R. Y. .. .. Telegraphist .. •• 1/7/02 69 0 135 From Ist July, 1909. 787 Corbett, A. J. E 1/7/02 o 9 0 135 .. „ 788 Eastick, G. A , 1/7/02 0 9 0 150 From Ist July, 1909; C.S. Sen. Exam., 1908. 789 Faraa G J . „ •• •• •• 18/5/01 710 14 135 From Ist July, 1909. 790 | Purcell, j. B 1/7/02 0 9 0 135 791 Sullivan. T , 1/7/02 6 9 0 135 .. 792 Kemp H R . „ ■ • • • ■ • 8/7/02 0 824 135 From Bth July, 1909. 793 Andrews F L . „ • • • • • • 10/7/02 0 822 135 From 10th July, 1909. 794 Miles, P.V. R. C. .. „ 10/7/02 o 822 135 795 Munn, H. A 10/7/02 0 822 135 796 I Robertson, A. M. .. ~ ■• 10/7/02 0 822 135 797 I Williams, E. J 10/7/02 6 822 135 .. 798 Rodman, H. R Clerk il/7/01 7 821 135 From 11th July, 1909. 799 List O E .. Telenraphisl .. •• 1/8/99 5 329 180 From 19th July, 1909. Resigned, 16/3/03 ; re appointed, 19/7/07. 800 Fowler G E .. ~ •• •• •• 26/7/02 0 8 6 135 From 26th July, 1909. 801 Douglas, A. j. .'. .. Clerk 1/11/01 7 5 0 135 From Ist Nov., 1909. 802 Craddock, 0. J. G .. Telegraphist 1/7/99 9 9 0 135 From 27th July, 1909. 803 / Bringezu, H. F. G. .. Clerk 30/7/02 08 2 135 From 30th July, 1909 804 I Copping, H. J 30/7/07 1 8 2 105 From 30th July, 1909; FF 6 C.S. Sen. Exam., 1009. 805 iKenealv TM. ~ ■• •• 30/7/03 5 8 2 135 From 30th July, 1909. 806 I O'Sullivan, j" 30/7/07 I 8 2 105 807 (HiHiker, A. 8. .. .. „ •• •• •• 26/5/02 610 6 135 From Ist Aug., 1909 808 ( Venimore, C. H. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/4/02 70 0 135 ,\ OTB—Officers in any group whose names are bracketed entered the class on the same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically




POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. 'Z Date of Length of g Name. Position. Appoint- - Remarks 3 meut. ]909 • a Skvkntii CLASS.—From Ul2O to £220, by Four Annual Increments of £15 each, and Four of £10 each— continued. Y. M. D. £ 800 ,Adamson, G. W. .. Clerk .. .. .. 3/9/02 6 628 135 From 3rd Sept., 1909. 810 JKear. F. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 3/9/02 66 28 135 811 McCarthy, G. W. .. „ .. .. .. 3/9/02 6 628 135 812 j JlcFarlane, F. L. .. „ .. .. .. 3/9/02 6 628 135 813 I Owens, W. T. H. .. „ .. .. .. 3/9/02 06 28 135 814 Leeming, C. .. „ .. .. .. 9/9/07 1 022 180 From 9th Sept., 1909. 815 (Gilnllan, H. .. „ .. .. .. 15/9/02 0 616 135 From 15th Sept., 1909. 816 Kiely, Matthew „ .. .. 15/9/02 0 616 136 817 I Monaghan, J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 15/9/02 66 16 135 818 Brian, C. E .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 23/9/03 5 6 8 135 From 23rd Sept., 1909. 819 Hoflmeister, A. H. T. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 27/9/02 6 6 4 135 From 27th Sept., 1909. 820 Brown, W. H. G. .. .. .. .. .. 1/10/07 1 6 0 135 From Ist Oct., 1900. 821 MoArthur, F. C .. „ .. .. .. 1/10/07 I 6 0 150 822 Sanders, H. J. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/10/02 0 0 0 135 823 Robertson, H. M. C. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 4/10/07 I 528 105 From 4th Oct., 1909 824 Higginson, W. 8. Inspector of Telegraph Message Boys 14/10/01 7 518 180 From 14th Oct., 1909; * " C.S. Jun. Exam., 1904 825 Hirst, H. Q. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 16/10/02 0 510 135 From 16th Oct., 1909. 820 Harkness, J. LM. .. Clerk .. .. .. 20/10/02 6 512 136 From 20th Oct., 1909. 827 Dawson, H. T. .. .. Telegraphist-'.. .. .. l/H/07 1 5 0 180 From Ist Nov., 1909. 828 Bishop, P. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/11/88 20 5 0 180 829 Bentley, A. .. „ .. .. 1/1/08 1 3 0 190 From Ist Jan., 1910. 830 Brent, H. C. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/12/04 4 4 0 135 From Ist Dec, 1909; C.S. Sen. Exam., 1907. 831 JMoMahon, T. .. .. .. .. .. 19/4/01 7 1112 180 From 19th April, 1909. 832 Richter, J. O. .. Draughtsman .. .. .. 1/12/07 1 4 0 200 From Ist Dec, 1909. 833 (Ross, N. V. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/12/03 5 4 0 135 834 Whiting, E. J. L. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 7/12/03 5 325 135 From 7th Dec, 1909. 835 Gray, J. T. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/1/03 0 3 0 135 From Ist Jan., 1910. 830 Williams, D. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/1/03 0 3 0 135 857 Martin. .1. S. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/4/03 0 0 0 135 From 3rd Jan., 1910. 838 Moynihan, C 1.. .. „ .. .. .. 11/1/03 0 221 135 From 11th Jan., 1910. 839 Beattie, W. H. .. .. „ .. .. .. 13/1/08 1 219 165 From 13th Jan., 1910. .MO Stevens, F. J. .. .. „ .. .. 20/1/04 6 212 135 From 20th Jan., 1910. 841 i Kerslake, A. E. .. „ .. .. .. 1/2/04 5 2 0 135 From Ist Feb., 1910. 842 j Steele, T. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/2/04 5 2 0 135 843 Carr, J. T. .. .. Clerk .. .. 2/2/03 6 127 135 From 2nd Feb., 1910; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1905. 844 Shaw, O. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 4/2/04 5 124 135 From 4th Feb., 1910. 845 McNeil, A. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 5/2/02 0I 24 135 From 6th Feb., 1910. 846 Lawn, V. C. .. .. ~ .. .. .. 8/2/04 5 121 135 From Bth Feb., 1910. 847 Quin, W. ,1. .. Clerk .. .. 20/2/03 6 1 9 135 From 20th Feb., 191 a 848 Cartwright, H. .1. .. „ .. .. .. 21/2/02 7 1 8 135 From 21st Feb., 1910. 849 Carthy, R. C. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 24/2/03 6 1 5 136 From 24th Feb., 1910. 850 O'Reilly, C. J. M. A. .. „ .. .. .. 26/3/00 9 0 6 135 From 6th Mar., 1910. 851 Jones, A. R. .. .. „ .. .. .. 7/3/04 5 025 135 From 7th Mar., 1910. 852 Downes, W. G. .. .. „ .. .. .. 9/3/03 6 023 135 From 9th Mar., 1910. 853 Mclsaac, C. B. .. .. ~ .. .. .. 14/3/03 60 18 135 From 14th Mar., 1910. 854 Popple, F. W. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 30/11/96 0 9 3 180 From 15th Mar., 1910. Resigned, 16/8/02; reappointed, 15/3/08. 855 Had Held, J. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 17/3/03 6 016 135 From 17th Mar., 1910. 856 Napier, A. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 19/3/03 0 013 135 From 19th Mar., 1910. 857 Clark, T. F. ... .. .. .. .. 12/9/02 0 619 135 From 12th Sept., 1900. 858 (Andrew, C. T. .. .. .. .. .. 23/3/04 6 0 9 135 C.S. Sen. Exam., 1908. 859 JMidgley, M. .. .. .. .. 23/3/03 0 0 9 135 From 23rd Mar., 1910. 860 (Simpson, W. T. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 23/3/0.; 0 0 9 135 801 King, L. S. R. .. .. „ .. .. .. 25/3/03 0 0 7 136 From 25th Mar., 1910. 862 Pyne, A. W. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 26/3/03 0 0 6 135 From 26th Mar., 1910. 803 Fitzgerald, J. P. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 28/3/04 5 0 4 110 864 Burton, J. .. .. Assistant Exchange Clerk 1/12/96 12 4 0 105 865 Coughlan, R. J... .. Sec I Telephone Exchange Clerk 1/6/96 12 10 0 180 From Ist Oct., 1909. 866 Erclcs, .1. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. '.. 1/10/93 11 521 136 Out of errioe from l :: 03 to 10/3/07. 867 Irwin, .1. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 1/2/93 16 2 0 105 868 Wealleans, Y. C. Second Telephone Exchange Clerk 27/2/94 15 1 2 166 869 Cummings, J. .. .. Counter Clerk .. .. .. 7/2/95 14 1 22 180 870 Bolton, W. E. .. .. „ .. .. 2/2/95 14 126 180 From 19th Feb., 1910. 871 Thomson, J. F... .. Assistant Despatoh Clerk .. 1/6/96 12 10 0 165 872 Eraser. \\. R. .. .. Counter Clerk .. .. .. 24/8/96 12 7 8 105 873 Quinn, W. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk 1/3/97 12 1 0 105 874 Brackenridge, J. Counter Clerk .. .. .. 1/7/97 11 9 0 105 875 Burgess, W. H. .. .. „ .. .. .. 24/7/97 118 0 105 876 Ellison, F. J. .. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk 1/4/98 11 0 0 150 877 Harris, J. J. .. .. Counter Clerk .. 1/7/98 10 9 0 105 From Ist July, 1909. 878 Year, E. W. . . .. „ 1/1/99 10 3 0 106 879 Hickson, A. E. L .. Assistant Counter Clerk .. .. 3/3/99 10 029 105 From 3rd Mar., 1910. 880 Parker, G. C. .. .. „ ' .. .. 1/3/00 9 1 0 105 From Ist Mar., 1910. 881 Clark, P. N. . . Counter Clerk .. .. 24/12/00 8 3 7 165 From 24th Dec, 1909. 882 Magee, R. B. „ .. .. 11/2/01 8 118 150 From 11th Feb., 1910. 883 Stanley, A. G. .. „ .. .. 20/2/00 9 1 9 165 From 20th Feb., 1910. 884 Heffernan, E. F. J. .. „ .. .. .. 1/3/01 8 1 0 165 From Ist Mar., 1910. .Note — Officers in any group whose Damai an bracketed entered tbe class on the same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically.



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. ® Date of Length of I Name. Position. Appoint- S Remarks. a ment. im ' * Sevkntii Class.—From £120 to £220, by Four Annual Increments of £15 each, and Four of £10 each— continued. Y. m. d. £ 885 Williamson, D. .1. .. Assistant Counter Clerk .. .. 14/3/01 8 018 150 From 14th Mar., 1910. 886 Mcßoberts, EO. .. Counter Clerk .. .. .. 29/10/03 5 5 3 150 From 10th Oct., 1909. 887 Brooks, H. H. .. .. Assistant Counter Clerk .. .. 3/5/01 710 29 135 From 3rd May, 1909. 888 Carmine, J. P. .. .. „ .. 1/1/02 7 3 0 135 From Ist Jan., 1910. 889 O" Donovan, J. F. .. „ .. .. 14/1/02 7 218 135 From 14th Mar., 1910. 890 Ogilvie-Grant, T. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/12/07 1 4 0 105 From Ist Dec, 1909. 891 Greig,J. C. .. .. ~ .. .. .. 11/3/01 80 21 150 From 11th March, 1910. 892 MoDermott, L. H. .. Assistant Dospatch Clerk .. 12/3/00 9 020 150 893 Wilkinson. G. E. .. Clerk .. .. .. 23/7/00 1 8 9 135 C. 8. Jun. Exam., 1908. 894 Allen, C. J. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 6/4/08 0 1125 165 From 6th April, 1909. 895 Barry, T. J. J. .. .. Counter Clerk .. .. .. 8/4/01 6/11/23 135 From Bth April, 1909. 890 Sullivan, J. L. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 8/4/08 0/11/23 165 897 Taylor, A. S. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 17/4/00 8 1114 150 From 17th April, 1909. 898 Kraliagen, F. A. .. Assistant Counter Clerk.. .. 11/9/01 7 620 135 899 Stitt, A. J. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 20/5/01 710 12 135 From 20th May, 1909. 900 Pavitt. K. M. .. .... .. .. .. 1/6/08 010 0 165 From Ist June, 1909. 901 Chant, M. W. .. .. .. *.. .. 1/4/00 4 713 150 From 21st June, 1909. Resigned, 3/2/04; 1 ransferred fromPolico Department, 21/6/08. 902 f'assidy, R. W. .. .. .. .. .. 8/2/00 8 121 150 From Ist Jan.. 1010. 903 Burke, P. J. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/8/99 3 510 150 From 22nd July, 1000. Resigned, 30/4/02: reappointed, 22/7/08. 904 Gamble, E. C. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 30/1/01 3 120 150 From Ist Aug., 1909. Resigned, 18/7/03; reappointed, 1/8/08. 905 McCnrdy, D. A. .... .. •• •• 1/2/04 5 2 0 150 From Ist Oct., 1909; C.S. Sen. Exam.. 1909. 906 Palmer, A. E. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/8/03 5 8 0 135 From Ist October, 1909; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1903. 907 Cameron, J. F. .. .. „ .. •• 28/10/08 0 5 4 166 From 29th April, 1909. 908 Jones, S. Y. .. .. „ .. .. 25/6/04 4 9 0 135 From 26th Dec, 1909. 909 Everiss. E. .. .. Clerk .. .. 1/5/00 811 0 150 From 2nd Aug., 1909. 910 Hamilton, H. A. „ .. .. .. 20/3/05 4 011 135 From 20th Mar., 1910j C.S. Sen. Exam., 1909. 911 fAmos, J. C. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 25/6/03 5 9 0 120 912 ! Ashlev, R. L. .. .. Clerk .. .. 22/8/02 0 710 120 913 ! Banks, B. A. N. .. 18/11/01 7 413 120 914 I Bardsley, P. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. 14/3/04 5 018 120 915 I Bradshaw, W. J. .. „ 9/3/05 4 023 120 916 I Bristol, E. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/4/04 5 0 0 120 917 ! Broadbent, J. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. 14/3/04 5 018 120 918 I Brophy, T. M... .. „ .. .. 1/7/03 5 9 0 120 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1906. 919 Buchanan, .1. W. .. Clerk .. .. .. 28/9/03 5 6 3 120 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1904. 920 Bunckenburg, G. V .. 1/11/03 5 5 0 120 921 Burns, L. A. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 9/3/04 5 022 120 922 Carroll, P.N Clerk 22/2/05 4 1 7 ISO 923 Clarke, W. R. H. .. Telegraphist .. .. 1/10/04 4 0 0 ISO 924 Coleman, W. K. .. Clerk .. .. .. 7/9/00 4 023 120 Resigned, 8/4/03; reappointed, 9/4/07. 926 Coles, A. H. .. .. .. •• 1/6/02 610 0 120 926 Coles, W. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 2/6/02 6 929 120 927 Cook, M. C „ ' 28/5/07 110 4 120 928. Coombes, A. V. .. Clerk 11/0/03 5 920 120 929 Courtney, J. .. .. „ ■• •• ■• 10/8/03 5 722 120 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1903. 930 Cowan, G.J. F. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 28/11/04 4 4 3 120 931 Cox, T. G Clerk 2/2/03 6 127 120 932 Cummins, M. W. W 17/2/02 7 112 120 933 Davidson, A. J. .... 1/10/01 7 6 0 120 934 Dingwall, F. W. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 15/5/03 510 17 120 935 Dinnison, D. H. .. Clerk .. .. 23/3/05 4 0 9 120 936 Doggett, J. E. . . .. Telegraphist .. .. 24/3/03 6 0 8 120 937 Downes, W. G. .. „ 9/3/03 6 023 120 938 Drury, O. P. .. .. Clerk 18/12/02 63 14 120 939 Edwards, C. K. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 21/5/03 510 11 ISO 940 Evans, W. E „ 21/9/03 5 610 120 941 Excell, J. ■• ■• •• 8/3/04 5 024 120 942 Floyd, T. L 1/4/02 7 0 0 120 943 Gilbert, G. M 28/12/03 5 3 4 120 944 Gray. J. M 14/4/03 511 7 120 945 Griffith, J. P •• 10/3/04 5 014 120 946 Griffiths, E 1/7/03 5 9 0 120 947 Hare, R. R 1/4/04 5 0 0 120 948 Harre, K. H Clerk 12/8/01 7 720 120 949 Head, G. C. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. 10/11/04 4 425 120 960 Heeney, J 12/2/04 6 1 10 120 951 Hester, P. L. .. .. „ •• •• •• 1/6/96 9 916 120 Resigned, 1/8/98 ; nappointed, 14/4/99 ; resigned, 30/11/01 ; reappointed, 3/5/04. 952 Hewitt, B. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 10/9/03 5 621 120 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1903. 953 Hillmer, A. R. F. .. Telegraphist 5/12/03 5 327 120 954 Hitt, F. .. .. „ 2/6/06 210 30 120 Note. Officers in any group whose names are bracketed entered the class on the same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabetical!).



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. i Date of Length of g Name. Position. Appoint- astMMeh £ Remarks. s m «nt. 1909 . ' * Seventh Class.—From £120 to £220, by Four Annual Increments of £15 each, and Four of £10 each— continued. Y. M. D. £ 955 Hollis, A. J. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 25/5/03 510 7 120 950 Hopkins. F. A. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/3/05 4 1 0 120 957 Israelsen, W. J. G. .. Clerk .. .. .. 5/11/04 4 420 120 958 Jackson. \V. E. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/1/04 5 3 0 120 959 Jelliooe, R. L. .. .. „ .. .. .. 7/5/04 410 25 120 CJ3. Jun. Exam., 1907. 960 ! Jenks, P. W. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/11/03 5 5 0 120 961- Johnston, H. .. .. „ .. .. .. 7/8/03 6 725 120 962 Rear, E. .. „ .. .. .. 10/12/03 5 322 120 963 Laing, W. A. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/5/02 611 0 120 964 Lambie. T. O. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 14/3/04 5 018 120 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1905. 965 Lindsay, J. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 9/4/03 5 1122 120 966 Little, W. S. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/5/03 511 0 120 967 Lloyd, G. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/5/03 511 0 120 968 Lowe, L. A. .. „ .. .. .. 14/3/04 5 017 120 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1904. 969 McFarlane, B. . . .. Telegraphist .. .. 15/11/04 I 416 120 970 MoKeown, W. J. A. .. ~ .. .. .. 7/7/02 6 825 120 071 MoNamee, J. .. .. Clerk .. .. • .. 1/7/03 5 9 o 120 972 Malthus, H, L. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/2/05 I 2 0 120 From Ist Oot, 1909. 973 Martin, A. ,1. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/3/01 8 1 0 120 974 Menzies, 0. E. . . .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 21/6/03 511 II 120 975 Miller. II „ 23/10/04 4 5 8 120 976 Minoher, T. E. J. .. „ .. •• •• 14/12/03 5 318 120 977 Morrison, T. J. A. .. „ .. .. .. 14/7/02 0 818 120 978 Nicholas. G. J. .. „ .. .. .. 7/7/02 6 826 120 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1907. 979 Ollerenshaw, E. 8. .. „ .. •• •• 8/11/03 5 423 120 980 Palmer, E. G „ 21/2/05 4 1 8 120 981 Parker, A. W. .. „ .. •• •• 26/5/02 410 12 120 Resignexl, 19/3/05; re a]>pointed, 12/3/07. 982 Peimey, J. G. .. .. „ .. ■• •• 26/8/01 6 8 4 120 Resigned, 31/8/06: re appointed, 3/8/07. 983 Probert, 8. B. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 26/9/05 3 6 5 120 984 Proudfoot, W. G. C. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 12/5/03 510 20 120 985 Quick, R „ 6/3/05 4 026 120 986 Roberta, W. H. L. .. „ .. •• •• 26/4/03 511 5 120 987 Robertson, E. G. .. „ .. .. •■ 20/8/04 4 712 120 988 Robinson, C.E .. Clerk .. .. .. 19/8/03 6 713 120 989 Rosie, A. M. .. .... •• •• •• 1/1/04 5 3 0 120 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1906. 990 Sarrinson, W. M. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 21/4/04 411 10 120 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1904. 991 Sawyer, W. A ~ 13/11/04 4 319 120 992 Schmidt. .I. A... .. Clerk .. .. .. 1/12/03 5 4 0 120 993 Scott. C. E. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/5/03 511 0 120 994 Seldom H. N Clerk 5/5/02 610 27 120 995 Simpson, M. M. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 7/10/03 5 525 120 996 Sissons. R. E „ 7/5/07 110 25 120 ',197 Snell. A „ 10/12/03 6 322 120 998 Stevens. C. F „ 1/3/05 4 1 0 120 999 Strang, A Clerk 23/12/03 5 3 9 ISO 1000 Stuart. A. P. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 29/2/04 5 1 1 120 1001 Swap AW... .. „ .. •• •• 1/3/04 5 1 0 120 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1904. 1002 Temple, P. P 21/4/03 5 1110 120 1003 Thompson, 0. M. .. „ .. .. •• 25/9/03 5 6 6 120 1004 Traue, W. .. •• Clerk .. .. .. 12/5/02 010 20 120 1005 Velvin, .1. W. .. .. .. •• •• 23/12/03 5 3 9 120 1006 Wall. W. J „ 17/5/03 510 15 120 1007 Wheeler, R. 8.. . .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/8/04 4 8 0 120 1008 Whitehead, C. 1.. .. Clerk 11/4/04 4 1120 120 C.S. Sen. Exam., 1900. 1009 Williams, 11. O. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 16/1/03 6 216 120 1010 Williamson, G. B. .. Clerk .. .. .. 21/3/04 5 011 120 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1904. 1011 Winstone, H. J. K. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 15/9/06 2 616 120 1012 Wogan R 8 .. „ .. •■ •• 2/3/04 5 029 135 C.S. Sen. Exam., 1909. 1013 I Wright' E. R , 8/7/04 4 824 120 1014 Harrison, O. L. T. .. Clerk .. .. .. 5/4/04 4 1126 120 From sth April, 1909: C.S. Jun. Exam., 1906 1016 iGwynne, C. J. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 15/4/05 3 1116 120 From 15th April, 1909. 1016 McFadyen, J. W. .. Clerk .. .. .. 15/4/05 3 1116 120 1017 Cade, W. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 17/4/03 511 14 120 From 17th April, 1909. 1018 Brown J G .. „ •• •• •• 18/4/05 311 13 120 From 18th April, 1909. 1019 Ward C .. „ •• •• •• 19/4/04 4 1112 120 From 19th April, 1909. 1020 King'A E .. „ •• •• 21/4/04 4 1110 120 From 21st April, 1909. 1021 Smith 8. J. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 22/10/06 2 510 120 From 22nd April, 1909 C.S. Sen. Exam.. 1909. 1022 Pike At) .. " .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 24/4/08 011 7 120 From 24th April, 1909. 1023 |De Bakker, B Clerk 1/5/04 411 0 120 From Ist May, 1909. 1024 Warner, A. 8. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/5/04 411 0 120 1025 Winchcomb, W. C. .. „ .. .. .. 1/5/04 411 0 120 1026 Hansmanu, F. A. .. „ 10/5/04 410 22 120 From 10th May, 1909. 1027 Lenihan B P.. „ .. •■ •• 12/5/03 510 20 120 From 12th May, 1909. 1028 Burge CH. .. .. Clerk '.. .. .. 20/6/04 410 12 120 From 20tb May, 1909. 1029 I Bayliffe, R. E „ 24/6/04 410 8 120 From 24th May, 1000. 10301 Dolan, J. J Telegraphist 24/5/04 410 8 120 1031 Binley J V .. „ .. •• •• 25/5/04 410 7 120 From 25th Ma v. 1909. 1032 Shearman, W. P. J. .. Clerk 21/12/04 43 11 120 From Ist June, 1909; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1902. NOtS—Officer! In any group whose names are bracketed entered the class cm (he same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically.



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. « Date of Length of 1 Name. Position. Appoint- A Remarks § ment. lgog ' J SivKvrn Class.—From £120 to £220, by Four Annual Increments of £15 each, and Four of £10 each— cotUiuu ,1. Y. M. D. £ 1033 Silverwood, E. T. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/6/05 310 0 120 From Ist June, 1909. 1034 Hawke H „ ...... 5/0/05 3 920 120 From sth June, 1909 j c.S. .Inn. Exam., 1906. 1035 Port FT. .. .. „ .. .. ' .. 14/0/05 3 917 120 From 14th June, 1909. 1036 Bucket! S .. .. „ .. .. .. 27/0/04 4 9 4 120 From 27th June, 1909. 1037 Thomson G \ .. „ .. •• •• 30/6/03 6 9 1 120 Prom 30th June, 1909. 1038 Mason, 8. B „ 1/7/0-4 4 9 0 120 From Ist July, 1909. 1089 Brough, M. .. .. Assistant Counter Clerk.. .. 4/7/07 I 8 28 120 From 4th July, 1909. lop i Samuels, L. V. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 6/7/04 48 20 120 From 6th July, 1909. 1041 Clifford VW. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 11/7/04 3 821 120 From 11th July, 1909. 1042 Buchanan, R. A. Telegraphist .. .. .. 13/7/05 3 819 120 From 13th July, 1909. lo43Knapp,A. .. .. Clerk 14/7/04 4 slB 120 From 14th July, 1909. 1044 Cnmberbeaoh, D. L. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 19/7/05 3 813 120 From 19th July, 1909. 1045 Schmidt, f. .I. ';. .. Clerk 22/7/04 4 810 120 From 22nd July, 1909; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1904. 1046 Phillips, A. W. .. .. „ .. •• •• 1/8/04 4 8 0 120 From Ist Aug., 1909. 1047 Andrews, F. D. .. .. „ .. ..« •■ 28/7/03 6 s I 120 From Kill, Aug., 1909. Appointed to Railway Department, 28/7/03'; transferred to I'ost and • Telegraph Department, 16/8/07. 1048 I Fountain, V. 8. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 18/8/04 4 714 120 From 18th Aug., 1909. 1049 Soung, J.G , 18/8/04 4 714 ISO 1050 Lanigan, M. .. „ .. .. •• 19/8/04 4 713 120 From 19th Aug., 1909. 1051 Harvey, H. S „ 21/8/07 1 711 120 From 21st Aug., 1909. 1052 , Cox, S. C. O. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 22/8/04 4 710 120 From 22nd Aug., 1909. 1053 Krebs, W. M , 22/8/04 4 710 135 From 22nd Aug., I'M 19 ; C.B. Sen. Exam.. 1909. 1051 M,:Satty, C. 8... .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 22/8/04 4 710 120 From 22nd Aug., 1909. 1055 (Thomas. F. H 22/8/04 4 710 120 1066 Maroussen, C. D. .. Clerk .. .. .. 2/9/04 4 029 120 From 2nd .Sept.. 1909. 1067 Craig, W. M .. .. Assistant Counter Clerk.. .. 24/0/02 6 2 4 120 From 3rd Sept.. 1909. Resigned. 29/2/111 ;re appointed, 1/0/04 ; resigned, 30/4/06 ; reap pointed. 3, 9/07. 1058 Turner, F. V. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/7/02 3 325 120 From 11th Sept, 1909. Resigned, 0/4/04 ; reappointed. 11/9/07. 1059 Sotheran, O „ 13/9/05 3 018 120 From 13th Sept.. 1909. 1060 Burrows, E. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 14/9/04 4 017 120 From 14th Sept, 1909. lotil Wiggs, T. C. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 18/9/05 3 013 J2O From 18th Sept., 1909. 1062 Molt/.en, C. H Clerk 5/10/04 4 527 120 From 21st Sept., 1909. 1063 Brabant, L. L. P 23/9/03 6 0 8 120 From 23rd Sept., 1909. 1064 Williams, R. E... .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 23/9/04 4 0 S 120 1066 f Boyle, W. C Clerk 29/9/05 3 8 2 120 From 29th Sept., 1909. 1000 Cole, H. J „ 29/9/05 3 li 2 120 1087 iMulvihill, T. H. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 29/9/05 3 6 3 120 1068 Hogg J J .. . .. •■ •• 5/10/05 3 527 120 F»om 6th Oct., 1909. 11109 Mulholland, G. R. O. .. „ 15/4/05 311 10 120 From 9th Oct, 1909. 10701 Cooks, J. H. .. .. Assistant Counter Clerk.. .. 10/10/02 6 616 120 From 10th Oct.. 1909. 1071iMcKitterick, J. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 16/10/05 3 616 120 1072 Paton, T. .. .. „ .. •• •■ 19/8/04 4I 27 120 From 21st Oct., 1909. Resigned, 4/5/07 : reappointed. 31/8/06. 1073 Sinclair, J. I „ 13/11/05 3 418 120 From 27th Oct.. 1009. 1074 Brown T .. .. Clerk .. .. 1/11/04 4 5 0 120 From Ist Nov., 1909. 1075 Apperley, G. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 3/11/05 3 428 120 From 3rd Nov., 1909. 1076 Bar«h,B V . „ .. •• •■ 13/11/05 3 418 120 From 13th Nov., 1909. lo77,Umb,'p Clerk 8/7/04 4 824 120 1078 Tremewan, H. M. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 14/11/04 4 417 120 From 1 4th Nov.. 1909. 1079 Kiely, Martin .. .. ~ 24/11/04 4 I 7 120 From 24th Nov., 1909. 1080 Gillman, N. R 5/12/04 4 327 120 From sth Deo., 1909. 1081 Cunic .I \ „ ...... 12/12 04 4 320 120 From 12th Dec., 1909. 1082 Gundy \V A .. „ .. .. •• 14/12/04 4 318 120 From 14th Dee., 1909. 1083 Schaab, M. J „ 17/12/04 4 315 120 From 17th 1 lee 1909. Los I McGregor, J. 0... .. Telegraphist 19/12/03 3 313 120 From 19th Deo., 1909. 1085 Wilson T A ~ ...... 21/12/05 3 311 120 From 21st Dec, 1909. 1086 Irving EG. . .. „ .. ■■ ■• 23/12/04 4 3 9 120 From 23rd Dec, 1909. 1087 Webb"R J „ .. ■• 28/12/04 4 3 4 120 From 28th Dec, 1909. 1088 Chamberlain, K. <.' 30/12/04 4 3 2 120 From 30th Dec.. 1909. 1089 i Fielder, .1 Clerk 1/1/06 I 3 0 120 From Ist Jan., 1910. o'.io Laybourn, A. H. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/1/06 3 3 0 120 LO9l Thayer, H. R Clerk 22/12/02 6 310 120 1092 Duffv TEA .. „ .. .. .. 3/1/00 3 229 120 From 3rd Jan.. 1910; C.S. Jun. Exam.. 1906. 1093 Godye, J. H. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 4/1/00 32 28 120 From 4th Jan.. 1910. Hi9l Smith H J „ .. •• •• 5/1/05 4 227 120 From sth Jan.. 1910. 1096 Cook W Clerk .. .. .. 0/1/04 5 226 120 From Oth Jan., 1910. 1096 Mahon, 8. C Telegraphist 11/1/05 4 221 120 From Uth Jan., 1910. ' 1097 Grenfell W H .. .. •• 15/1/00 3 217 120 From 16th Jan., 1910. 1098 Forrester, R.O .. 17/1/05 ! 215 120 From 17th Jan., 1910. Hon. Offlcera in any groan whose aamee an bracketed entered the class on the mine date. Such ultlcrrs' names are entered alphabetically.



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. 8 DateoJ Le»S<hof A a Name. Position. Appoint- 2*™ 1 ,™ 00 3 Remarks s mem - J909 ' $ Sbvknth Class.—From £120 to £220, by Four Annual Increments of £15 each, and Four of £10 each— continual. Y. M. D. £ 1099 (Huse, O. D. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 1/2/05 4 2 0 120 From Ist Feb., 1910. lliMiMinogue, W. J. .. „ 1/2/00 3 2 0 120 1101 Galbraith, R. ('. .. „ .. .. •• 14/11(11 0 4 3 120 From 12th Feb., 1910. Resigned, 31/1/07 ; reappointed. 12/2/08. 1102 Ryan, H. L. .. .. „ .. .. •• 12/2/00 3 118 120 From 12th Feb., 1910. 1103 Anderson, M. P. .. „ .. •• 10/2/00 3 113 120 From 10th Feb., 1910. 11041 Goodwin RF. .. „ .. .. .. 19/2/06 3 110 120 From 19th Feb., 1910. 1106 Mulligan, F.C „ 19/2/06 3 110 120 1106 I'nrdie, W. C. .. .. Clerk .. .. .. 19/2/06 3 110 120 From 19th Feb.. 1910; C.B. Senior Exam., 1907. 1107 Jamieeon, L. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 20/2/05 4 1 9 120 From 20th Feb., 1910. 1108 Christiansen, J. C .. „ 26/2/06 3 1 4 120 From 26th Feb.. 1910. I 100 Simpson, R.G „ 1/3/06 3 1 0 120 From Ist Mar., 1910 1110 Kidd I M .. .. „ .. .. •• 5/3/06 3 026 120 From sth Mar., 1910. 1111 Hansen M. C. . .. „ .. .. •• 8/3/05 4 024 120 From Bth Mar., 1910. 1112 Healey L. H. . . .. „ .. •• ■■ 11/9/05 3 720 120 From 12th Mar., 1910. 1113 Wilson W. P. .. „ •• •• •• 21/3/06 3 011 120 From 21st Mar., 1910. 1114 Sowerb'y J. H. .. .. „ .. .. .. 27/3/06 3 0 5 120 From 27th Mar., 1910. 1116 Keane C. D. . .. Clerk .. .. .. 28/3/05 4 0 4 120 From 28th Mar., 1910. 1116, Churchill, W. A. .. „ * 1/4/02 7 0 0 J65 From 25th May, 1909. 1117 Ford, G. W. .. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 1/6/96 10 1 4 150 From Ist Dec, 1909; out of service from 4/3/01 to 1/12/03. 11181 Hill J •• •• Clerk •• •• •• 7/12/00 8 324 150 From Bth Aug., 1909. 1119 Ingram D R .. „ .. •• •• 16/9/03 5 615 120 From 16th Sept., 1909. 1120 Johnson, H.J. B 6/6/04 4 925 120 From 4th Oct., 1909. 1121 Kerr, F. .. .. „ .. •• •• 29/6/03 6 9 2 140 From 19th July, 1909. 1122 J. L. .. .. „ .. .. .. 5/3/99 10 0 27 166 From Ist Sept., 1909. Eighth Class.—From £50 to £110, by Four Annual Increments of £15 each, with Lodging-allowance of £26 for the First Year, £20 the Second, and £12 the Third, when Officer stationed from Home. 1 Sullivan, J Cadet 1/4/05 4 0 0 110 2 Benge T N .. •• •• 20/4/05 311 11 110 From 20th April, 1909. 8 Rudman, S. S , 1/8/04 4 8 0 110 From 24th April, 1909. 4 Newall W R. . • • • • • 1/6/05 310 0 110 From Ist June, 1909. 6 Mortimer E E .. „ .. .. .. •• 16/6/05 3 915 110 From 26th June, 1909. 6 Turner, S. G 26/6/05 3 9 5 110 7 Kennedy F .. „ .. .. .. .. 17/7/05 3 815 110 From Ist Jan., 1910. 8 Carrad CS. .. •• •• 24/7/05 3 8 8 110 From 24th July, 1909; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1906. 9 O'Brien BJ. .. „ .. .. .. ■• 10/8/05 3 722 110 From 10th Aug., 1909. 10 Jeffery C A .. „ .. .. .. .. 14/8/05 3 718 110 From 14th Aug., 1909; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1906. 11 Oyer W J .. •• 1/9/05 3 7 0 110 From Ist Sept., 1909. 12 Gallop J F . .. „ .. .. .. •• 8/9/05 3 623 110 From Bth Sept., 1909. 13 Hayman AH .. „ .. .. .. •• 18/9/05 3 613 110 From 18th Sept., 1909. 14 Moore WM. . „ .. .. ■• •• 25/9/05 3 6 6 110 From 25th Sept., 1909. 15 Reader DH. .. .. •• 1/10/05 3 6 0 110 From Ist Oct., 1909. 10 Moore H D .. „ .. .. .. •• 7/10/05 3 525 110 From 7th Oct., 1909. 17 Beatti'e RJ. .. .. •• •• 15/11/05 3 416 110 From 15th Nov., 1909. 18 Steele, J. T. .. .. .. •• 17/11/05 3 414 110 From 17th Nov., 1909. 19 Eagle,' J. .. .. Assistant and Messenger .. 25/11/05 3 4 6 110 From 25th Nov., 1909. 20 PeUow A .. Cadet.. .. .. .. 27/11/05 3 4 4 110 From 27th Nov., 1909. 21 Walker, H. V , 27/11/05 3 4 4 110 22 O'Brian CF. .. •• •• 22/12/05 3 310 110 From 22nd Dec, 1909. 23 Gair G W .. •• •• 23/12/05 3 3 9 110 From 23rd Dec, 1909. 24 Boyes L T .. •• •• 3/1/06 3 229 110 From 3rd Jan., 1910. 25 Coira'pFA .. ■■ ■■ 16/1/06 8 216 110 From 16th Jan., 1910. 26 Allison FC M* .. •• •• 17/1/06 3 215 110 From 17th Jan., 1910. 27 MacMo'rran, J 5/2/06 3 224 110 From sth Feb., 1910; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1906. 28 Johnson, J. E. .. .. .. •• 7/2/06 3 122 110 From 7th Feb., 1910. 29 Andrews, A. .. „ .. .. • • • • 16/5/06 210 16 80 From 16th May, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 30 Ensor E .. „ .. .. .. .. 1/6/06 2 9 0 80 From Ist June, 1909. 31 Jackson, W. C. M. 21/3/06 3 011 110 From 21st Mar.. 1910. 32 Lind, C. .. .. • • ■ • 6/4/06 3 025 80 From 6th April, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 33 McKay, R. F. .. .. .. •. 2/5/06 210 30 80 From 2nd May, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 34 McNeish, A. W. . • ■ • • • 12/5/06 210 20 80 From 12th May, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 35 Nisbet, P. D. .. .. „ .. .. •• •■ 5/4/06 2 1126 80 From sth April, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 36 c-rr A . . • ■ • 12/5/06 210 20 80 From 12th May, 1909. 37 Renner, C. R. .. • • ■ • • • 2/5/06 210 30 80 From 2nd May, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 38 Ryan, D. M. .. .. • • • • 26/6/08 2 9 5 80 From 26th June, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 39 Sharpin L. W •• •• ■• 9/3/06 30 23 110 From 9th Mar. 1910. 40 Walsh, J 9/3/00 3 023 110 41 Keaney A J .. „ .. .. •• 10/4/00 211 22 80 From 10th April, 1909; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1905 42 Willis, A. L. M. .. .. •• 16/5/06 210 16 80 From 16th May, 1909 Lodging-allowance, £12 43 McNiece W.J... •• •• •• 21/2/06 3 1 8 110 From 21st Feb., 1910. 44 Donnelly, G. '.. .. „.. . • • • • • 8/6/06 29 23 80 From Bth June, 1909 Lodging-allowance, £ Notk— Officers in any group whose names arc bracketed entered the class on the same date. Such officers' names arc aateced ilplialx'tic uly



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. ® Date of l.cngthc.f £ Name. Position. Appoint * Remarks. a ment. lgo9 • a Eighth Class.—From £50 to £110, by Four Annual Increments of £15 each, with Lodging-allowance of £26 for the First Year, £20 the Second, and £12 the Third, when Officer stationed from Home— continued. Y. M. D. 45 McGrath, W. .1. .. Cadet.. .. .. .. 14/7/06 2 818 80 From 14th July, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12 40 Twicllc, IS. S. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 27/2/06 3 1 2 110 From 16th Nov., 1909. 47 Smith. H. D. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 5/3/06 3 027 110 From sth Mar., 1910; Matric-., 1904. 48 Popple, G. L. .. ... .. .. 15/6/06 2 917 80 From 15th June, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12 49 Steel, L. H. .. .. .. .. 2/5/06 210 30 80 From 2nd May, 1909; C.S. Jnn. Exam.. 1907. 50 Harris, S. J. W... .. „ .. .. .. .. 24/5/06 210 8 80 From 24th May, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 51 Mayo, C. G. .. .. .. .. 1/6/06 2 9 0 80 From Ist June, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 52 Mark, T. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 26/3/06 3 0 6 110 From 26th Mar., 1910; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1905. 68 Sleightholme, L. .. .. .. 26/1/06 3 2 6 80 From 4th April, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 64 Simmonds, H. .. * .. .. .. 23/4/06 211 8 80 From 23rd April, 1909. 55 Holland, J. W. .. .. .. .. 26/4/06 211 5 110 From 26th April, 1909. .56 Mason, P. H. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 2/5/08 210 30 80 From 2nd May, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 57 McCowatt, D. R. .. Cadet and Letter-carrier .. 14/5/06 210 18 110 From 14th May, 1909. 58 Lucas, H. C. .. .. Cadet.. .. .. .. 5/3/06 3 027 80 From 26th May, 1909. 69 Bonner, C. E. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 6/6/06 2 925 80 From 6th June, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 60 Stephenson, J. B. .. „ .. .. .. 21/6/06 2 910 80 From 21st June, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 61 Campbell, G. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 22/6/06 2 6 9 110 From 22nd June, 1909. 62 Rowe, C. F. .. „ .. .. .. .. 1/7/06 2 9 0 80 From Ist July, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 03 Adamson, H. G. X .. .. .. 11/7/06 2 821 80 From 11th July, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 64 Agar, C. A. F.J. .. „ .. .. .. .. 11/7/06 2 821 80 From 11th July, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 65 Quayle, T. J. .. .. .. .. 16/7/08 2 816 80 From 16th July, 1909. Lodging-allowance £12. 66 Burrell, J. G. .. .. ,; .. .. .. .. 23/7/03 4 6 8 80 From 30th July, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. Resigned, 28/2/05; reappointed, 30/7/06. 67 Cowie, J. A. .. .. .. .. 26/2/06 3 1 4 110 From 26th Feb., 1910. 68 McGilligan, M. J. .. .. .. 2/8/06 2 730 80 From Ist Aug., 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 69 Robinson, F. C... .. .. .. 16/8/06 2 716 80 From 16th Aug., 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 70 Robins, G. H. .. .. .. .. 31/8/06 2 7 1 80 From 31st Aug., 1909. 71 Brooks, C. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 15/9/06 2 616 80 From 15th Sept., 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 72 Lawson, A. E. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 15/9/06 2 616 80 From 15th Sept., 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 73 Clarke, CM... .. .. .. 15/9/06 2 616 80 From 15th Sept., 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 71 Hubbard, F. C. .. „ .. .. .. .. 15/9/06 2 616 95 From 15th Sept., 1909. I.' ™! g i mi-allowance, £12. C.S. Sen. Exam., 1909. 75 Kay, A. .. .. .. .. 15/9/06 2 616 80 From 15th Sept., 1909. 70 McGahan. M. R. D. .. „ .. .. .. .. 15/9/06 2 616 80 From 15th Sept., 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 77 Morrison, A. T. .. .. .. 15/9/06 2 616 80 From 15th Sept., 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 78 Rutherford, J. T. .. .. .. 15/9/06 2 616 80 From 15th Sept., 1909. LodL'ing-allowanoe, £12. 79 Woods, W. G. C. .. „ .. .. .. .. 15/9/06 2 616 80 From 16th Sept., 1909. 80 Appleton, W. .. .. .. .. 8/10/06 2 524 80 From Bth Oct., 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12; C.S. Sen. Exam., 1909. 81 Berry, J. H. .. .. .. .. 18/10/06 2 514 80 From 18th Oct., 1909. 82 O'Gradv. F. J. .. .. .. .. 4/10/06 2 528 80 From 4th Oct., 1909. 83 Clark, C. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 1/11/06 2 5 0 80 From Ist Nov., 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 84 Wells, F. R. A. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 2/11/06 2 429 80 From 2nd Nov., 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 86 Walker. .I. V. .. .. Cadet and Messenger .. .. 3/11/06 2 428 80 From 3rd Nov., 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 86 Mayo, C. L. .. .. Cadet.. .. .. .. 24/4/05 311 7 110 From 16th May, 1909. 87 Toms. C. .. .. .. .. 28/11/06 2 4 3 80 From 28th Nov., 1909. 88 Smith. D. R. .. .. .. .. 3/12/06 2 329 80 From 3rd Dec, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 89 Birnie. G. .. ..*„.. .. .. 1/4/06 3 0 0 110 90 Nicholls, C. L. .. .. .. .. 7/12/06 2 325 80 From 7th Dec, 1909. 91 Thompson, H. J. .. „.. .. .. .. 7/12/06 2 325 80 4—F. 5.



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. S Date of s L e c r n v Tceo°n P 1 Name. Position. Appoint- g£fig&, - Remark. EIGHTH Class.—From £50 to £110, by Four Annual Increments of £15 each, with Lodging-allowance of £26 for the First Year. £20 the Second, and £12 the Third, when Officer stationed from Home— continued. 92 Blackwell, T. G. .. Cadet 8/12/06 2 324 80 From Bth Doc, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 93 Anderson, F.W 8/12/06 2 324 80 From Bth Dee., 1909. Lodging-allowance, 112. 94 Lockie C J W .. .... •• •■ •■ 1/4/06 3 0 0 110 96 Goodwiri A . " W9/05 37 13 110 From 18th Sept., 1909. 96 Wallace 'b'd ' . „.. .. . .. 8/12/06 23 24 80 From Bth Dec, 1909. 97 Kggleston. R. K." .. 19/12/06 2 313 80 From 19th Dec 1909. 98 McClenaghan, J. F. .. , 21/12/06 23 10 110 From 7th May, 1909 99 Patrick, H. M 1/1/07 2 3 0 110 From Ist Jan., 1910: C.S. Jun. Exam., 1906. 100 Antwis, A H/2/07 2 118 80 From 11th Feb., 1910. Lodging-allowance, 2,12. 101 (ioodwin, J. A 11/2/07 2 121 65 Lodging-allowance £20. 102 Patterson H .. 1/5/06 211 0 110 From 4th July, 1909. m KendTeFJ." " .. „ .. .. ' .. * •• 7/2/07 2 122 80 From 7th Feb.. 1910. Lodging-allowance, £12. 104 Barker, H. 0 H/2/07 2 118 80 From 11th Feb., 1910. Lodging-allowance 11 2. 11,5 O'Brien, J. G 11/2/07 2 118 80 From 11th Feb., 1910. Lodging-allowance, £12. 106 McMullan,.! 14/5/00 210 8 110 From 14th May 1909 107 Ranch. J.N 23/2/07 2 16 80 From 23rd Feb., 19 0. Lodging-allowance, £12. 108 Colman KG .. •• •• 28/2/07 2 1 4 80 From 28th Feb., 1910. 09 LevTn F A 27/2/07 2 1 5 80 From 27th Feb., 1910. 110 Pike MA' " 28/2/07 2 1 1 110 From 11th June, 1909. 111 McCalman,L. H. .. Cadet and Messenger .. .. 1/3/07 2 1 0 80 From Ist Mar., 1910. Lodging-allowance, £12. 112 Cook H. .. .. Cadet.. .. .. .. 4/3/07 20 28 80 From 4th Mar., 1910. Lodging-allowance, £12. 11't Carrie WJ D .... .. •• •• 4/3/07 2 028 80 From 4th Mar., 1910. 114 Rndlav, W '.. .. ,! 17/4/07 111 14 80 From 17th April, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12 ; C.S. Sen. Exam., 1908. 115 Hall, A , fi/3/07 2 026 110 From 6th Mar., 1910; C.S. Sen. Exam., 1908. 116 Schulenburg, J. T. .. „ 10/8/05 37 22 110 From 10th Aug., 1909; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1906. 117 Scales, R. D 13/3/07 2 017 80 From 13th Mar., 1910. Lodging-allowance, £12; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1906. 118 Deehan JE. . .. Assistant and Messenger .. 16/3/07 2 016 80 From 16th Mar., 1910. 119 St George, G. E. .. Cadet 22/3/07 2 010 80 From 22nd Mar., 1910. Lodging-allowance, £12 120 Furniss F G . .. , 25/3/07 20 7 80 From 25th Mar., 1910. 121 Coard!j. W , 25/3/07 2 0 7 80 From 25th Sept., 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12 122 Townes, J. W. .. .. Assistant and Messenger .. 1/4/07 2 0 0 65 Lodging-allowance, £20. 123 Connell,'W. J. R. .. Cadet and Messenger .. .. 13/4/07 111 18 65 124 (Lean, J. W Cadet 23/4/07 111 8 65 .05 W „ . .. •• •• 23/4/07 111 8 05 Ixidging-allowance, £20. I*6 Osborn t'A .. •• •• 23/4/07 111 8 05 27 ConfflltonA' 2/1/04 6 230 110 From 13th July, 1909. 128 McSherry A t'f " " 4/4/06 2 1126 110 From 4th April, 1909. 129 McEachan, C. N. .. „ 26/4/07 111 5 65 Lodging-allowance, £20. 130 Sutherland, B. S 29/4/07 111 2 65 „ 131 Pritchard. J. S , 2/1/04 5 230 110 From 14th July, 1909 134 Harder W 1/5/07 111 0 05 Lodging-allowance, £20. 138 , Johnston, A. E 1/5/07 111 0 69 134 Constant, V. C. .. „ 2/5/07 110 30 65 135 Riddell. E. W. H ' •• •• 4/5/07 110 28 65 130 Auld, F 6/5/07 110 26 65 137 Osborn, E. E. .. .. Cadet and Messenger .. .. 8/5/07 110 24 65 138 Robertson, D. M. .. Cadet 12/11/00 2 419 80 From 12th Nov. 1909. ~,. cnrmaek I .. ...... 21/6/06 2 910 110 From 21st June, 1909. in Culleton'j'L ' '.'. 1/1/03 6 3 0 110 From sth Nov., 1909. 41 Church gV ' ... 21/5/06 210 11 110 From 21st May, 1909. 142 Mahon'jV " " 21/12/06 2 311 11" From 21st Dec, 1909. 143 (Brooks, j. K. .. .. ■• •• 25/5/07 110 7 05 Lodging-allowance, £20. 144 Toner, H , 25/5/07 110 7 05 145 (Andrew, N. C 27/5/07 110 5 05 110 iKeven, R. H , 27/5/07 110 5 05 117 Fryer R H „ .. •• •■ •• 18/7/06 2 814 11) From 18th July. 1909. 148 Shand All •• •• •• 30/5/07 1 10 2 05 Lodsing-allowance, £2(1. 140 iClirke*W f' '.. „ •• •■ •• 20/6/00 2 911 11 From 20th June, 1900. 1-0 , Loader, M. 1). '.'. .. ,'. .. '■■ •• •• 31/5/07 110 1 65 Lodging-allowance, £20. 151 tßovd F H ~ .. •• •• 1/6/07 110 0 65 Lodering-allowance, £20: ) y ' ' ' " C.S. -Inn. Exam., 1906. 152 '1 McCleUand, E 1/6/07 110 0 05 Notk —officers in any (zremp whose names are bracketed enteral tho class on the same data. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically



i'OST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. L n , Length of £ | Name. Position. Anoint | KomarkB . g ment. 1909 £ Eighth Class.—From £50 to £110, by Four Annual Increments of £15 each, with Lodging-allowance of £26 for the First Year, £20 the Second, and £12 the Third, when Officer stationed from Home— cont.mud. Y. M. D. £ 153 i Shrimpton, C. G. .. Assistant and Messenger .. 4/6/07 1 927 66 154 i Toms E R Cadet 4/6/07 1 927 05 Lodging-allowance, £20. 155 Whiteman, W. F. C 8/6/07 1 923 115 150 Hunt, J. E 10/6/07 1 921 95 From 10thi Dec 908; C.S. Sen. Exam.! 1909. 157 Loader EJ. G. .. • • • • 10/6/07 1 921 65 Lodging-allowance, £20. 158 DeCourcy, J. R. J 5/6/07 1 920 05 159 Reid W „ . •• •• •• 20/6/07 1 911 68 160 Coulam.G. H. " .. „ 1/1/07 23 0 110 From Ist Jan., 1910 161 Neal H ...... 2/7/07 1 830 05 Lodging-allowance, £20. 102 Amb'ridge.F.C.'" .'.' ,',' .. 4/7/07 1 827 80 From 18th April, 1909. lli's Rvan H R .. .. •• •• 5/7/07 I 8 20 05 Lodging-allowance, £20. 104 Jury R F 19/5/06 210 13 110 From 19th M ,y, 1909. 165 Skell'ern; H. '.'. 6/7/07 1 826 65 Lodging-allowance .£2o. 100 Cooke, C. W. G 1/7/06 2 9 0 110 From Ist July, 19 167 Little, H. H 27/8/06 2 7 5 10 From.27th Aug., 1909 168 Monahan, J. .1 Cadet and Messenger ~ .. 22/7/07 1 810 05 Lodging-allowance, £20 109 i Thomson, T. W. .. Cadet.. .. .. .. 24/7/07 1 8 8 05 170 I Wilson C E 3/7/05 38 29 110 From 21st May, 1909. 171 Stafford W J - .. • • • • 25/7/07 1 8 7 05 Lodeine-allowance, £20. 172 Robertson, S. C." 26/8/07 17 6 65 C.S. .I,m Kxain . 1008. 173 McFadven J W 15/4/05 311 10 110 From 15th April. 19(19. 174 (ones il 15/2/07 2 114 110 From 15th Feb., 1910. 175 Pankhurst, E. A. .. ', 2/9/07 1 629 05 Lodging-allowance, £20. 170 Hancock G L ...... 3/9/07 I 628 65 1?? £LKd.s .. :: :: :: ww »»» *> v r':^ [^-i ::z ; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1908. 178 Thomson, H. C .. •• 29/4/07 111 3 80 From 29th April, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 179 (Fitzgerald, (I. P 20/9/07 I Hll 05 Lodging-allowances £20. 150 <W D .... 9/6/06 2 922 95 From 9th June, 1909. 18, |Gunn,W. '.'. V. .. 29/10/06 25 3 lio From 29th Oct., 1909. 182 Head AW" . •• •• •• 12/2/07 2 117 IK> From 12th Feb., 19ia 183 McKe'nzie, M. P.. .. , 1/8/06 28 0 110 From Ist Aug., 190!. 151 I ogilvie, S. A 2/5/05 310 30 110 From 2nd May, 1909 IS-, Ouavle A A „ .. .. •• •• 20/9/07 1 611 05 Lodging-allowance, £20 186 ISmith/H-'c." I. 20/9/07 1 611 05 187 Stephen J .. •• •• 20/9/07 1 611 65 ISS W. J. .. „ 27/7/06 28 4 110 From 27th July, 1909. 189 Baillie DA „ . •• ■• •• 21/9/07 1 610 05 I oil McKin'non, A. D '. l/H/06 2 5 0 110 From Ist Nov., 1909. 191 Bowden, K. R 30/9/07 16 1 05 102 (Burn (i M •• •• •• 10/9/06 20 21 110 From 10th Sept., 1909. 193 ,Chapiin,'c. S 1/10/07 1 0 0 05 Lodging-allowance. £20; r C.S. Jun. Exam., I'.ioo. 194 Gill J W . •• •• •• 18/4/05 311 13 110 From 18th April, 1909. ■ok p 'i '[(.' ..... 7/10/07 1 525 05 Lodging-allowance, £20 ; ' . •• C.S. Jun. Exam., 1900. 196 McLaren, P. S Assistant and Messenger .. 20/9/06 2 611 80 From 16th May, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 197 West, J. W. M. .. Cadet 1/12/05 2 216 110 From Ist Dec 1909. Resigned, 31/8/06 ; reappointed, 16/10/07. 100 |{ ird w T 21/10/07 1 511 65 too (Chapman, F. C." .. „ 5/8/07 17 27 80 From sth Aug., 1909. " I Lodging-allowance, £12. 200 Melville, J. A 7/11/07 1 424 05 201 Hvland M ... .. •• •• 12/11/07 1 419 05 Lodging-allowance, £20. 202 Dolan T H ' 13/11/07 1 418 05 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1906. 20T K»™ PI .. ■• 10/11/04 4 421 110 From 10th Nov., 1909. "04 Purdom'LS ". '.'. ','. '.. 10/1/07 2 222 11(1 From 10th Jan., 1910. 205 Davidson, C. J. H 2/12/07 1 330 05 Lodging-allowance, £20. 206 , Hollywood, R. W. J .. Cadet and Messenger .. .. 2/12/07 1 330 05 207 Brockett, R. O. .. Cadet 5/12/07 1 327 05 208 Coira PVB ... •■ •• •• 6/12/07 1 326 05 209 Anderson TJ. .. •• •• 11/12/07 1 321 05 Lodging-allowance, £20. 210 STf •• •• 12/3/07 2 020 110 From 12th Mar., 1910. 211 Carmine, L. V.'k. '.'. ',', H/12/07 13 21 05 212 Drummond, D. A. V. C. Cadet and Letter-carrier .. 13/12/07 1 319 66 "13 Fisher, E. H Cadet 11/12/07 1 321 05 Lodging-allowance, £20. ■>14 Fletcher H. J. •• H/12/07 1 321 05 215 Flowellen, J. J. .. „ 10/6/07 1 921 80 From 10th June, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 2i« Gundy WE. „ .. •• •• •• 11/12/07 1 321 05 Lodging-allowance, £20. 017 i Laffert'v C j"' „ .. ■• ■• •■ H/12/07 1 321 05 218 Lake LA .. •• •• H/12/07 1 321 05 Lodging-allowance, £20. 219 Overend, G. A." '.'. 11/12/07 1 321 65 220 Poison A „ : 11/12/07 1 321 05 221 Tavlor' G' R ' 26/11/06 2 4 5 110 From 26th Nov., 1909. 22" Troughton, A. G. '.'. •• H/2/07 2 118 110 From 11th Feb., 1910. 223 Wood, L. G 1/4/06 3 0 0 80 NOTE—Officers in any group whose BamM arc bracketed entered the class on the same date. Such officers' names arc cnterc-d alphabetically.


POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. S Date of Length ol ± Name. Position. Appoint- c ( e r ° n 8 Retr-arks s mcnt. ,cinn a 55 1909 sB Eighth Class.—From £50 to £110, by Four Annual Increments' of £15 each, with Lodging-allowance of £26 for the First Year, £20 the Second, and £12 the Third, when Officer stationed from Home— contimud Y. M. D. £ 224 Bruce, L. F. .. .. Cadet.. .. .. .. 16/12/07 1 316 66 225 Mount fort, R. C. .. „ .. .. .. 19/12/06 2 313 110 From 19th Dec, 1909. 228 Brunt, H. J. .. .. .. .. 5/10/04 4 527 110 From sth Oct., 1909 C.S. .Inn. Exam„ 1904. 227 Chapman, F. L. .. .. .. 1/1/08 13 0 05 228 Phillips, E. M. .. .. .. .. 8/1/08 1 224 05 220 McElligott, R. T. .. „ .. .. .. .. 13/1/08 1 219 05 230 Davis, J. B. .. .. .. 17/2/08 1 113 65 231 Hanratty, J. P. J .. .. 23/2/08 1 1 7 05 232 | Hamblin, R. .. .. .. .. 25/2/08 1 1 5 05 C.S. Jnn. Exam., 1907. 233 | Hodson, V. .. .. Cadet and Messenger .. 27/8/07 1 7 5 80 From 27th Aug., 1909. Lodging-allowanoe, £12. 234 ! Jackson, T. A... .. Cadet.. .. .. .. 25/2/08 115 05 C.S. Jun. Exam. 1907. 235 j Price, J. W. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 16/7/06 2816 I lo From 16th July, 1909. 230 Simpson, J. .. .. .. .. 25/2/08 1 1 5 66 C.S. Jnn. Exam., 1907. 237 Hastedt, F. W. .. .. .. 20/5/07 110 12 80 From 20th May, 1909. 238 Boardmau, A. 8. .. .. «.. 9/3/08 1 023 86 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1907. Lodcing-allowanoe, £20. 239 Johnston, H. A. .. .. .. 10/3/08 1 022 05 C.S. Jnn. Exam., 1907, 240 Rea, E. J. .. ... .. .. 20/11/07 1 4 5 80 From 26th Nov., 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12 241 Shakes, H. G. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 16/3/08 1 016 65 212 I Brogan, V. J. .. .. .. .. 19/3/08 1 013 65 243 j Hardball, S. G. M. .. „.. .. .. .. 20/3/08 1 012 65 244 Breen, J. .. .. .. .. 17/7/05 3 815 110 From 17th July, 1909 ; C.S. Jun. Exam.. 1908. 215 Dunwoodie, E. E. .. .. .. 30/3/08 10 2 05 240 Middleton, F. C. .. „.. .. .. .. 31/3/08 10 1 05 Lodging-allowance, £20. 247 Milne, E. A. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 12/4/07 111 19 80 From 12th April, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 248 McGrane, J. T. .. .. Assistant Counter Clerk .. 1/9/04 4 7 0 110 From 7th Sept., 1909; c.S. Jun. Exam., 1907.' 249 Brooks, T. R. .. .. „ .. 9/4/06 211 23 96 From 9th April, 1909. 250 Thompson, E. A. .. ~ .. 20/8/06 2 712 95 From 20th Aug., 1909 251 Martin, T. W. .... „ .. 15/9/06 2 Old 96 From 15th Sept., 1909 252 Mills, W. E. .... „ .. 12/2/07 2 117 95 From 12th Feb., 1910. 253 Chivers, J. .. .. Cadet.. .. .. .. 7/4/00 2 1124 96 From 7th April, 1909. 254 Donnelly, J. F. .. „ .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 o 0 110 255 Dell, F. .. .. .. .. 13/5/07 110 19 so From 13th May, II 250 Hampton, J. H. .. „ .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 86 From 9th April, 1909. Lodging-allowance. E2O. 257. | Lattimore, O. V. .. .. .. 1/4/08 1o o 66 From 9th April, 1909. 258 Logan, V. A. .. .. .. .. 3/3/06 30 29 96 From 26th May, 1909 259 I Walker, \V. 11. . . .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 65 From 9th April, 1909. Lodging-allowance-. £20; 200 O'Brien, F.J. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 15/4/08 Oil 10 05 From 15th April, 19H9. Lodging-allowance, £20. c.S. Jun. Exam.,. 1908. 201 Jones, H. J. .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 o o 66 From 14th April, 1909, 202- Barnett, W. J. .. .. Assistant Counter Clerk .. .. 1,8/12/07 I 314 66 From'Mth Deo., 1909. 203 Blundell, K. M. .. .. Cadet.. .. .. .. 23/4/08 011 8 65 From 23rd April, 1909. Lodging allowance. £20j C.S, Jun. Exam., 1908. 204 Hilliard, J. L. .. .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 66 From 25th April, 1909 265 | Francis, T. A. .. '.. .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 05 From 20th April, 1909. Lodging-allowanoe, E2O, 200 Holmes, P. D. .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 66 207 (Powley, A. S. .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 05 From 26th April, 1909 208 f Allan, G. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 30/7/07 1 8 2 80 From 30th July, 1909. Lodging-allowance. £12. 209 Bines. F. W. .. .. „ .. .. .. 8/2/07 2 121 80 270 Climo, XV. R. .. .. .. .. 8/4/07 111 23 80 From Bth April. 1909. Lodging-allowanoe, £12 271 Condie, C. A. .. .. .. .. 23/7/00 2 8 9 110 From 11th Feb., 1910 272 I Foster, R. .. .. .. .. 20/5/00 210 6 80 From 20th May. 1909. Lodging-allowance. £12. 273 Hutton, A. .. .. .. .. 20/5/07 110 12 80 From 20th May, 1909. 874 Loveridge, G. .. .. .. .. 10/4/07 1 1121 05 From 10th April 1909 275 Ma.<e. A. I!. .. .. „ .. .. .. l/12/oo 2 4 0 110 From Bth Feb., 1910 270 Maddison, E .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 23/2/07 2 I 9 96 From 23rd Feb., 1910 277 Shaw. A. B. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 25/Ki/oo 2 5 7 96 From 26th Oot., 1909 278 { Steward, XV. R. H. .. „ .. .. .. .. 15/0/05 3 910 96 From 16th June, 1909. 279 I Hcalv. J. D. G.. .. Cadet and Messenger .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 05 From Ist May 1909 280 [Richardson, A.. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 I o 0 66 „ 281 Haliburton, G. L. .. Cadet.. .. .. .. 31/12/00 2 3 1 95 From 31st Dec 1909 282 Hodson, F. S. .. .. „ .. .. .. 8/5/08 010 24 66 From Bth Maj 1909. Lodging-allowance, £20. Matric, 1908. 283 Burrows, H. .. .. .. .. 11/5/08 010 21 66 From 11th May, 1909. I.odging-allowance, £80. 284 jlncc, N. S. .. .. .. .. 11/5/08 010 21 65 From 11th May, 1909 283 1 Scott, R. F. C. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 11/5/08 010 21 65 From 11th May, 1909; c.S. Jun. Exam., 1909.' Not*.—Officers in any group whose names are bracketed entered the class on the same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically




POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION—continued. v Date of Length of £ ■f Name. Position. Appoint- | Remarks. 3 ment. im * z Eighth Class.—From £50 to £110,.by Four Annual Increments of £15 each, with Lodging-allowance of £26 for the First Year, £20 the Second, and £12 the Third, when Officer stationed from Home.—continued. Y. M. D. £ 280 Forward, A. R Cadet 1/4/08 1 0 0 65 From 22nd May, 1909. Lodging-allowanoe, £20. 287 Priori I* I „ •• •• •• •• 25/11/07 14 6 80 FVom 25th Nov., 1909; C.S. Jnn. Exam., 1907. Lodging-allowanoe, £12. 288 Clark, H. J 2/6/08 0 929 65 From 2nd June, 1909. Lodgmg-allowance, £20. 259 Martin, R U/W/W 2 521 95 From 11th Oct., 1909; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1907. 290 Ruliino FA..- 21/2/06 3 1 8 110 From 21st Feb., 1910. 291 [Bishopriok, G. H WOB 10 0 65 From 15th June, 1909 292 IFoubv. D. E. .. .. „ .. •• •• •• 15/0/O8 09 10 66 From 15th June, 1909. Lodging-allowanoe, £20. 298 Milner C E C •• •• •• V 4/08 1 0 0 65 Lodging-allowance, £20. 204 Parlitt A.F „ 1/4/08 1 0 0 65 From 18th May, 1909. , Lodging-allowance.'2o : C.S. Jun. Exam., 1908. 295 Pcglcr B. T. .. • ■ • ■ • • 2/7/08 08 30 65 From 2nd July, 1909. Lodging-allowanoe, £20. 290 Dorn,P.C 1/4/08 10 0 65 From 'ill, July. 1909. Lodging-allowance, £20. 297 Hogan,P.J 1/4/08 1 0 0 65 From 18th April, 1909. Lodgmg-allowance, £20; C.S. .Inn. Exam., 1908. 298 Croker.R. M 21/8/06 2 711 95 From 21st Aug., 100!! 299 f Anderson, W , 4/11/07 1 427 80 From 4th Nov., 1909. Lodgmg-allowance, £12. SHI Bringezu, E 1/4/08 1 0 0 65 From 30th July, 1909. Lodgmg-allowance, £20. 301 Bums, J. D 1/4/08 1 0 0 86 From 30th July, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £20. •to" Carmodv C W .. .. •• •• 1/4/08 I 0 0 66 From 30th July, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £20. 304 Drew, C R , 1/4/08 1 0 0 65 From 30th July, 1909. Lodgnm-allowance, £20. 305 Edmonds, A. G. C 20/1/06 3 212 110 From 20th Jan., 1910. 300 Flliston T C ... • • • • • • 1/4/08 1 0 0 05 From 30th July, 1909. 307 Flvnn. i'.J. '.': .. ~ 29/3/07 203 80 From 29th Mar., 1910. Lodgmg-allowance, 112. 308 Gray.C 1/4/08 10 0 05 From 30th July, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £20. Hic.inso,,. C. F 1/12/07 14 0 80 From Ist Dec, 1909. '•10 1 rst V E 8/2/06 312 0 110 From Bth Feb., 1910. 311 Hunter, J. a.': .. 24/6/07 197 65 From 24th June. 19119 Lodgmg-allowanoe, £20. ~o InpMon H ... •• •• •• 1/1/06 3 3 0 95 From Ist Jan., 1910. •m Kent \\ H " ' 10/3/00 3 022 110 From 10th .Mar., 1910. 3U Manner A. E. " , ■'• l/ 4 / ,,H ] ° 0 66 From 30th July, 1909. 315 Power, J." ".. .. „ 29/8/07 17 3 80 From 29.1, Aug.. 1909. Lodgmg-allowance, £12. 110 Schaab FS •• •• •• 28/7/00 2 8 4 95 From 28th July, 1909. 317 Watson A R... •• •• •• 1/4/08 10 0 65 Lodging-allowance, £20. 318 Wenham, W. R. .. ~.. ..' ■• •• 16/4/07 111 16 80 From 16th April, 1909. Lodgmg-allowance, £12. 319 "White, M. A 1/4/08 10 0 65 From 30th July, 1909. Lodgmg-allowance, £20. •»<¥» Whitehead H .... •. • • • • 19/3/07 2 013 05 From 19th Mar., 1910. 83? MUtarOF. .. '• "•• ■■ ■■ •• 22/9/06 1510 65 From 31st July, 1909. Resigned, 30/6/07; reappointed, 31/7/08. 3228 Madden, G. P 28/7/06 2 8 4 95 From 28th July, 1909 323' Black, K.W.A , 1/4/08 1 0 0 05 From Ist Aug., 1009. - ' ~ Lodging-allowanoe, £20. 3*4 I'allaghan, J. R. .. „ 28/8/03 57 4 110 From 28th Aug. 1909. 325'Coutts <; L. .. .. Cadet and Messenger .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 65 From Ist Sept., 1909. 3"0 I'enoerell L. H. .. Assistant Counter Clerk. . .. 1/11/04 45 0 110 From Ist Nov., 1909. m.MoCrory.A Oadel 14/9/08 0 617 66 From Mth Sept, 1909. ' Lodging-allowance, £20. -s i Robinson C W „ .. •• •• 14/9/08 0 617 66 From 14th Sept., 1909. :. „ 10/7/07 18 22 05 From .10th lul.v. 1909. Lodging-allowance, £20; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1900. 380 Wiltshire. A. G. .. Cadet and Messenger .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 05 From 1 0th June, 1909. r P.,RH „ •• •• 15/5/08 010 17 65 From Ist Oct, 1909. 332 Bold' R. A. '.'. '.'. Cadet 2/10/07 1 530 65 From 2nd Oct., 1909. ' Lodging-allowance, £20. 333 Husband, H. A ' 1/4/08 1 0 0 65 From 19th Oct., 1909. Lodgmg-allowance, £20; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1908. 334 Oliver, P. .. .. „ •• •• •• •• 18/4/06 2 1113 95 From 18th July, 1909. S ote— Officers in any (iroup whose names are bracketed entered the class en the same date Snch officers' names are entered alphabetically.



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. 3 D(Ue of Length of Kama Position. Appoint * Remarks. | men » 1909 ' % Eiohth Ci.ass.—From £50 to £110, by Four Annual Increments of £15 each, with Lodging-allowance of £26 for the First Year, £20 the Second, and £12 the Third, when Officer stationed from Home— continued. Y. M. D. £ 335 (Mathieson, A. J. .. Cadet.. .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 65 From 30th Oct., 1909. Lodging-allowance, £20 ; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1907. 336 (Roa, F. J. ..'■ .. .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 65 From 30th Oct., 1909. Lodging-allowance, £20; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1907. 337 Roonev, G. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 1/11/08 0 5 0 65 From Ist Nov., 1909. 338 Waters, 0. F. A. .. „ .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 66 From 13th Nov., 1909. Lodging-allowance, £20. 339 James, R. S. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 1/6/08 010 0 05 From 18th Nov., 1909. Locli;ing.allowance, £20; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1908. 340 Condon, P. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 1/0/08 010 0 05 From 19th Nov., 1909. LodL'ing-allowance, £20 ; C.S. .Inn. Exam.. 1908. 341 Down, H. J. .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 o 0 05 Lodging-allowanoe C2o : (' S. Inn. Exam.. 10OS. 342 i Leadbeater, L. W. J. .. „ .. .. .. .. 7/5/00 210 25 05 From 7th May, 1909. 343 i Ridgway, A. C. .. .. .. 10/3/08 1 022 80 From loth Mar.. 1910. * Lodging-allowance, £12 ; c.S. Jun. Exam.. 1907. 344 McKee, J. R. .. .. .. .. 21/12/08 0 311 65 From 21st Deo., 1909. 345 Harrison, C. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 65 From 2nd Jan.. 1910. Lodging-allowance, £20. 346 Spelman, W. T... .. .. .. 1/4/07 2 0 0 05 Lodging-allowance, £20. 347 Sclater, D. C. .. .. .. .. 10/7/00 2 810 80 From Kith July. 1909. 348 Lennon, C. J. .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 o (i 05 Lodging-allowanoe, £20. 349 Ellis, W. R. .. .. .. .. 1/2/09 0 2 0 65 From Ist Feb., 1910. Lodging-allowanoe, £20; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1907. 350 Stehr, S. M. W... .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 O 66 From Ist Feb., 1910. 351 Parrant, L. P. .. .. .. .. 30/3/07 2 o 2 95 From 30th Mar., 1910. 352 Keele. T. M. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 65 From sth Feb.. 1010. 353 I Mitchell, J. H. .. .. .. .. 5/2/09 0 124 05 354 Wilson. (I. .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 66 JYom 14th May, 1909. 355 Oppenheim, 8. E. .. .. .. 20/7/08 0 812 65 From Bth Feb., 1910. Lodging-allowance. t2O. 350 Easthope, E. R... .. „ .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 65 From 7th Sept,, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £20. 357 Egan. I. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 o o 05 From sth May, 190 ft 358 Smith, XV. K. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 16/3/08 1 016 80 From 10th Mar.. 1910. Lodging-allowanoe, ti2; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1900. 359 Handcock. 8. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 66 From 12th Jan., 1910. 300 Tremain, X. L. . . .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 66 From 13th Jan., 1910. 301 .Evans, J. W. .. .. Cadet and Letter-oarrier .. 18/0/07 1 913 80 From 18th June, 1909. 362 j Montgomery, W. P. .. Cadet.. .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 85 From 15th Sept., 1909. Lodging-allowanoe, £20. 363 1 Roberts, S. .. .. .. .. 15/2/09 0 115 05 From 15th Feb., 1910 j C.S. Jun. Exam.. 1908. 364 Osborne, A. H. .. .. .. .. 18/2/09 0 111 05 From 18th Feb., 1910; c.S. Jun. Exam., loos. 305 i Johnston, W. F. Kent- .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 86 From 22nd Feb., 1910. 366 1 Toner, J. .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 65 From 22nd Feb., 1910. Lodging-allowance, £20 : C.S. Jun. Exam., 1909. 307 Fahoy, H. R. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 05 From 23rd Feb., 1910. Lodging-allowance, £20. 308 Brown, G. B. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 1/3/09 0 1 0 05 From Ist March, 1910; C.S. Jun. Exam.. 1908. 369 Hay, G. G. .. .. .. .. 18/2/07 2 111 95 From 18th Feb., 1910. 370 Salmond, J. A. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 4/3/09 0 028 65 From 4th Mar., 1910. Lodging-allowance, £20; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1908. 371 .Ferguson, J. A... .. .. .. 26/4/07 111 5 80 From 26th April, 1909. Lodging-allowaiif c, £12. 372 Kivell, E. H. .. .. .. .. 8/4/07 11123 80 From Bth April. 1909. 373 McDonald, G. .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 65 From 10th Mar.. 1910. I odging-allowance, £20. 374 Ibbetson, O. G. B .. .. .. 1/11/06 2 5 0 95 From Ist Nov., 1909. 375 Sherlock, A. G. A. .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 65 From 16th Mar. 1910. Lodging-allowance, £20. 376 (Cody, D. G. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 65 From 18th Mar., 1910; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1907. Lodging-allowance, £20. 377 I Cody, J. .. .. .. .. 18/12/06 2 314 95 From 18th Dec., 1909; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1907. 378 Mathieson, C. H. .. .. .. 1/11/04 4 5 0 110 From Ist Nov., 1909. Nors. —Officers in any group whose names are bracketed entered the class on the same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically.



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. Z Date of Length of I Name. Position. Appoint -2 Remarks, o ment. lgo9 • a Eighth Class.—From £50 to £110, by Four Annual Ineremen's of £15 each, with Lodging-allowance of £26 forthe First Year, £20 the Second, and £12 the Third, when Officer stationed from Home.— continued. Y. m. D. £ 379 Murray. J. .. .. Cadet.. .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 65 From 18th Mar., 1910. 380 Beale H. . .. „ .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 65 From 22nd Mar., 1910. 381 Hollyman, H. L. .. „ .. .. .. .. 14/11/06 2 417 65 From 16th Dec, 1909. 382 Laws, SF. 11... .. „ .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 65 From 25th Mar., 1910. Lodging-allowance, £20. 383 | Loveridge, L. C. B. .. „ .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 65 From 29th Mar., 1910. Lodging-allowance, £20. 384 (May, F. R. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 6"> From 29th Mar., 1910. Lodging-allowanoe, £20. 385 Murch, A. G. .. .. „ .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 65 From 14th May, 1909. Lodging-allowanoe, £20. Female Staff. Ninth Class (First Grade). —From £160 to £180, by Two Annual Increments of £10 each. 1 Mouat, B. J. .. Postmistress .. .. .. 1/1/74 35 3 0 170 2 Yorston, E. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 20/2/78 31 1 9 170 3 Ninnis, F. .. .. Senior Telephone Exchange Clerk 16/2/85 24 113 170 4 Johnston, V. .. .. Bookkeeper .. .. .. 29/12/90 18 3 3 170 5 Lundon, M. .. .. Counterwoman .. 14/1/91 18 218 170 6 Scully, A. E. .. .. Supervisor, Telephone Exchange .. 4/5/92 16 10 28 170 7 Luckie, A. A „ „ .. 1/5/92 16 11 0 170 8 Houchen, M. .. .. „ „ .. 3/6/92 10 928 170 9 Powell, L. A. .. .. „ „ .. 1/6/92 16 11 0 170 10 Bowon, H. E. .. .. Postmistress .. .. .. 1/7/08 0 9 0 170 C.S. Sen. Exam., 1908. Ninth Class (Second Grade). —From £130 to £150, by Two Annual Increments of £10 eaoh. 1 Bermingham, E. .. Cadette .. 11/12/74 34 321 140 2 Harris, E. .. .. „ .. .. .. 29/9/90 18 6 2 140 3 Kenny, B. M. .. .. „ .. .. .. 20/12/90 18 312 140 4 MoLeod, M. A. M. .. „ .. .. .. 1/5/92 16 11 0 140 5 Smith, C. M. A. .. „ 6/8/96 12 7 26 140 6 Asquith, M. A. .. .. „ .. .. .. 12/7/97 11 820 140 C.S. Sen. Exam., 1899. 7 Dansey, I. R. .. .. Postmistress .. .. .. 1/5/92 10 11 0 140 8 Mackay, M. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 15/8/02 6 717 140 Matric, 1890. 9 Hutchison, M .. .. Supervisor, Telephone Exchange .. 1/5/92 16 11 0 140 10 Cullen, M. .. .. „ „ .. 1/6/92 Kill 0 140 II Pottit, B. H. .. .. „ „ .. 1/5/92 16 11 0 140 12 Cameron, G. F. .. .. „ „ .. 1/5/92 16 11 0 140 13 Baldey, S. H. .. .. Postmistress .. .. .. 1/7/08 0 9 0 140 14 Brooke, C. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/7/08 0 9 0 140 15 Scully, I. L. .. .. „ .. .. . • 1/7/08 0 9 0 140 10 Stewart, E. K. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/7/08 0 9 0 140 17 Webb, J. A „ 1/7/08 0 9 0 140 18 Brown, J. M. .. .. Telegraphist .. .. .. 2/1/97 12 230 130 Tenth Class.—From £50 to £120, by One Annual Increment of £10, Two of £15 each, and Three of £10 each, with Lodgingallowance of £20 for the First Year, and £10 the Second, when Officer stationed from Home. 1 Warren, E. E. .. Cadette .. .. .. 1/5/92 10 11 0 120 2 Minnitt, A. .. „ .. .. .. 1/5/92 16 11 0 120 3 Michelle, A. C. H. .. „ .. .. .. 18/8/03 5 714 110 4 Phillips, T. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/3/04 5 1 0 100 5 Dabinett, M. J. .. Assistant and Messenger .. 1/2/06 3 2 0 90 From Ist Feb., 1910. 6 Comeskey, W. V. M. .. ~ .. 6/3/06 3 026 90 From 6th Mar., 1910. 7 Shields, E. .. .. Assistant .. .. 10/1/06 3 221 90 From 10th Jan.. 1910 8 Young, M. A .. .. Cadette .. .. .. 12/2/06 3 120 110 From 12th Feb. 1910 9 Campion. S. E.. Assistant and Messenger .. 1/4/06 3 0 0 75 10 Mills, E. G. .. .. Cadette .. .. .. 27/8/06 2 7 5 90 11 Spencer, B. A. .. .. „ .. .. .. 29/9/06 2 6 2 75 From 29th Sept., 1909. 12 Wright, M. I. .. .. „ .. .. .. 12/10/06 2 620 90 From 12th Oct., 1909. 13 Martin, E. S. .. .. „ .. .. .. 8/11/06 2 424 100 14 Milligan, E. J. .. .. Assistant .. .. .. 9/12/06 2 323 75 From 9th Dec, 1909. 15 Rapley, E. M. .. .. Cadette .. .. .. 10/3/00 9 022 110 From 7th Feb., 1910. 16 East, E. W. .. .. Counterwoman.. .. .. 21/11/07 1 410 110 17 Millar, F. E. .. .. Cadette .. .. .. 1/4/07 2 0 0 60 18 Corsbie, G. C. M. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/07 110 0 90 i!> Troup, A. D. .. .. „ .. 12/8/07 1 720 60 20 Farmer, G. B .. .. „ ' .. .. .. 9/9/07 1 622 120 21 Downard, E. J. R. .. „ .. .. 14/10/07 1 518 100 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1904. 22 Seymour, M. .. .. Assistant .. .. 1/11/07 15 0 75 From Ist Nov., 1909. 23 Anderson, C. M. .. Senior Telephone Exchange Clerk 1/5/92 Kill 0 120 24 Aherne, A. D. .. .. Supervisor, Telephone Exchange .. 23/5/92 10 10 9 120 25 Alexander, R. E. E. .. Cadette .. .. .. 2/4/04 4 1129 100 From 2nd April, 1909; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1904. 26 Polley, N. T. .. .. Cadette .. .. .. 23/12/07 1 3 9 100 27 Empson, S. V. .. .. Assistant .. .. .. 18/1/08 1 214 60 28 Hamilton, J. B. .. Cadette .. .. .. 13/1/08 1 219 120 From 13th Jan., 1910. 29 Gudgeon, I. M. . .. Assistant .. .. .. 1/2/08 1 2 0 75 From Ist Feb.. 1910. 30 Green, M. A. .. . . Cadette .. .. .. 1/3/08 1 1 0 100 31 Hay, I. .. .. Assistant .. .. 29/3/07 2 0 3 75 From 29th Mar., 1910. 32 Sleightholme, D. H .. .. .. 5/3/08 1 027 60 Note.—Officers in any group whose names are bracketed entered the class on the same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically.



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION—continued. S Date of Length of 1 Name. Position. Appoint- 0 ", £ K. marks. a meut. 1909 « Temth Class.—From £50 to £120, by One Annual Increment of £10, Two of £15 each, and Three of £10 each, with Lodgingallowance of £20 for the First Year, and £10 the Second, when Olfioor stationed from Home— continued. Y. M. D. £ 33 Jordan, C. M. .. .. Cadette .. .. .. 30/3/08 1 0 2 100 C.S. Jun. Exam.. 1902. 34 Aldridge, M. L.. .. Assistant .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 120 35 Martin, H. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 100 36 Joyce, V. I. .. Counterwoman .. .. 17/11/02 6 414 100 37 Williamson, M. V. .. „ .. .. 29/4/01 711 2 100 38 Maokay, P. E .. .. 5/4/99 9 1126 100 39 Butler, A. .. .. .Wistant .. .. .. 1/6/93 15 10 0 120 From 2nd Nov., 1909. 40 Leach, R. E. .. .. Counterwoman .. .. 7/8/94 14 725 120 From Ist Jan.. 1910. 41 Piloher, P. M. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 90 12 Stevens. 11. F. A. .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 120 43 Mackenzie. N. .. .. Cadette .. .. .. 22/4/08 011 9 60 From 22nd April, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £10. 44 Affleck. A. 0. .. .. „ .. .. •• 8/5/08 010 24 90 From Bth May, 1909. 15 Orespin, E R .. .. Second Assistant .. .. 1/6/08 010 0 90 From Ist June, 1909. 40 Poole, L. Z. .. Cadette .. .. .. 1/6/08 010 0 60 47 Wilkin, V. E. .. .. „ .. . 8/6/08 0 923 60 From Bth June. 1909. 48 MiUigan, C. E.. .. Postmistress .. .. .. 18/6/08 0 913 75 From 18th June, 1909. 19 Abbot, E. W ' „ 1/7/08 0 9 0 90 50 Aiul.-ir.oii. M. .. .. „ ... .. •• 1/7/08 0 9 0 75 51 Baillie. A. L „ 1/7/08 0 9 0 90 52 Beehan, R. T. .. .. Cadette .. .. .. 1/7/08 0 9 0 100 C.S. Jim. Exam., 1897. 63 Boardman, L. .. .. Postmistress .. .. .. 1/7/08 0 9 0 100 54 Campbell. H, J. „ 1/7/08 0 9 0 90 From Ist July, 1909. 55 C. A. .. .. Cadette .. .. .. 1/7/08 0 9 0 100 56 Coffey, A. M. P. .. Assistant .. .. .. 1/7/08 0 9 0 100 57 Co..k! M. M. B. .. Counterwoman .. .. 1/7/08 0 9 0 90 58 c .. C „ 1/7/08 0 9 0 100 59 Dines, M. J. •• •• Post mistress .. .. .. 1/7/08 0 9 0 120 60 Driscoll, E. J „ 1/7/08 0 9 0 110 61 Duffy, W „ 1/7/08 0 9 0 100 62 Duncan, S „ 1/7/08 0 9 0 90 63 Edmonds, J. M. .. „ ' .. .. 1/7/08 0 9 0 100 64 Gallagher, M. J. .. Assistant .. .. .. 1/7/08 0 9 0 120 65 Glanvill, R. J. .. Postmistress .. .. .. 1/7/08 0 9 0 120 66 Goodger, F „ 1/7/08 0 9 0 120 67 Gough, E 1/7/08 0 9 0 110 08 Grant, C. I „ 1/7/08 0 9 0 90 69 Gubb, H „ 1/7/08 0 9 0 90 70 Gunn, il. M. (I. .. „ 1/7/08 0 9 0 90 71 Hall, A. E 1/7/08 0 9 0 100 72 Hay, C „ 1/7/08 0 9 0 120 73 Honan, T. A „ 1/7/08 0 9 0 100 74- Humphreys, K. F. G. .. „ 1/7/08 0 9 0 120 75 Inder. A.'L „ 1/7/08 0 9 0 120 76 KUrby, 0. J „ 1/7/08 0 9 0 110 77 Laurent. L. M. .. „ 1/7/08 0 9 0 120 78 Lowrie, R „ 1/7/08 0 9 0 90 79 Lynch, A. .. .. Assistant .. .. .. 1/7/08 0 9 0 90 80 McCarthy, M .. .. Relieving Postmistress .. .. 1/7/08 0 9 0 120 81 MeGaviii, .1. SG. .. Assistant .. .. .. 1/7/08 0 9 0 110 82 MoKeniie, M. H. .. Postmistress .. .. .. 1/7/08 0 9 0 90 83 Malcolm, E... .. 1/7/08 0 9 0 90 84 Marryatt, A. .. „ 1/7/08 0 9 0 100 85 Martin, J. A „ 1/7/08 0 9 0 100 86 Mathewß, E. A. .. „ 1/7/08 0 9 0 120 87 Melling, LH. .. .. Assistant .. .. .. 1/7/08 0 9 0 120 88 Murphy, A. .. Postmistress .. .. .. 1/7/08 0 9 0 90 89 Peat, Si. W. C. .. Relieving Postmistress .. .. 1/7/08 0 9 0 110 90 Seymour, C. .. • .. Assistant .. .. .. 1/7/08 0 9 0 120 91 Sinclair. A 1/7/08 0 9 0.110 92 Smith, V. G. .. .. Postmistress .. .. .. 1/7/08 0 9 0 75 93 Sullivan. E. F. .. ~ 1/7/08 0 9 0 90 94 Thwaites, E. M. L. .. „ .. .. •• 1/7/08 0 9 0 75 95 Verdon, L .. 1/7/08 0 9 0 90 96 Williams, P. H. .. „ 1/7/08 0 9 0 100 97 IWvl.e. M. E „ ' 1/7/08 0 9 0 75 98 Mountier, L. R... „ .. .. 20/7/68 0 812 90 From 20th July, 1909. 99 MoKeohnie, J. C. .. Cadette .. .. .. 28/7/08 0 8 4 90 From 28th Oct., 1909. 100 Driscoll. E. M. .. .. Counterwoman .. .. 29/7/08 0 8 4 60 From 29th July, 1909. Lodging-allowanoe, £10. 101 Beck R I .. „ •• •• 27/8/08 0 7 5 90 From 27th Aug., 1909. |('2 Richardson, R. .. .. „ .. •• 1/9/08 0 7 0 100 From Ist Sept.. 1909. 103 Woodman, R. .. .. Postmistress .. .. .. 4/9/08 0 627 60 From 4th Sept., 1909. Lodging-allowanoe, £10. IU4 Greatbatoh, EF. .. Cadette .. .. .. 12/10/08 o 520 60 Fiom 12th Oct., 1909. liis Buehan JH. . .. „ •• •• ■• 8/11/08 0 423 90 Front Bth Nov., 1909. 100 Hamilton. M. .. .. Telegraphist ..■ .. .. 17/11/08 0 414 110 From 17th Nov., 1909. 107 Hicks.m, A. M. A. .. Postmistress .. .. .. 12/12/08 0 320 60 From 12th Dec, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £10 Ncitk. oilier- in any «rcuip whose name) :u.- bracketed entered the claw <>" the same date, such officers' names are entered alphabetically.



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. $ Date of Length of £ I Name. Position. Appoint- Jj Remarks. 3 meat. lgo9 ' g Tenth Class. -From £50 to £120, by One Annual Increment of £10, Two of £15 each, and Three of £10 each, with Lodgingallowance of £20 for the First Year, and £10 the Second, when Officer stationed from Home— continued. Y. M. D. £ 108 I Coad, M. A. .. .. Assistant Supervisor, T.E. .. 1/5/92 16 11 0 120 From Ist Jan., 1910. 109 Larkin, K. E „ „ ■• 1/5/92 16 11 0 120 110 Pirie, M. A. .. .. Senior Bureau Attendant .. 1/5/92 10 11 o 120 111 Seed, J. G. .. .. Assistant Supervisor, T.E. .. 1/5/92 Kill 0 120 112 Truman, B „ „ •• 1/5/92 16 11 0 120 113 Lundon, H. 11 .. Senior Bureau Attendant .. 25/5/92 16 10 7 120 114 Palmer, H „ •• 4/4/93 15 1127 120 115 Cameron, A. J. Assistant Supervisor, T.E. .. 1/6/93 15 10 0 120 116 Hamlin, C. Z. A. Senior Bureau Attendant .. 1/6/93 15 10 0 120 117 Liohenstein, D. .. Assistant Supervisor, T.E. .. 1/6/93 15 10 0 120 lis Payne, A. R. .. .. Cadette 1/6/93 15 10 0 120 119 Grimstone, C. E. M. •■ Supervisor, Telephone Exchange .. 1/1/94 15 3 0 120 120 I Ingles, M. F. .. Postmistress .. .. .. 1/1/94 15 3 0 120 121 I Millar, M. D. .. .. Senior Bureau Attendant .. 1/3/94 15 1 0 120 122 Crombie. J .. •• 13/8/94 14 719 120 123 Corsbie, E. M . •• 20/8/94 14 712 120 124 Mills, U. E .. •■ l/H/94 14 6 0 120 125 ' Butterlield, L. A. .. ■• 18/2/95 14 111 120 126 Moir, L.L.C •• 17/6/95 13 914 120 127 Downes, S. M. E. .. * .. .. 1/12/95 13 4 0 120 128 j Fitzgerald, M. B. „ ■• 1/12/95 13 4 0 120 129 I Goldsworthy, A. M. .. Postmistress .. .. 1/1/09 0 3 0 75 130 ' McCoy, E. C Cadette 1/1/09 0 3 0 60 From Ist Jan., 1910. 131 Dean, A. L. B. .. .. Postmistress 6/1/09 0 226 60 From 6th Jan., 1910. Lodging-allowance, £10. 132 Wilson, M Cadette 16/1/09 0 216 90 133 Borrv, 0. .. Counterwoman .. 23/1/09 0 2 9 60 From 23rd Jan., 1910. 134 Gudgeon, M. A. M. . . Assistant 25/1/09 0 2 7 60 From 25th Jan., 1910. Lodging-allowance, £10; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1903. 135 Curnow A L , ■• 28/1/09 0 2 4 110 From 28th Jan., 1910. 130 Keasberry, A Postmistress 17/2/09 0I 12 60 From 17th Feb., 1910. Lodging-allowance, £10. 137 Cooksey, A. (}. 4/3/09 0 028 00 From 4th Mar., 1910. Lodging-allowance, £10. 138 McGrath, K. M Cadette 15/3/09 0 017 00 From 15th Mar, 1910. Lodging-allowance, £10. 139 Rickard, E. C. .. .. Postmistress 25/3/09 0 0 7 60 From 25th M..r., 1910. Lodging-allowanoe, £10. Eleventh Class.—From £40 to £100, by Six Annual Increments of £10 each, with Lodging-allowance of £26 for the First Year, £20 the Second, and £12 the Third, when Officer stationed from Home. 1 Pollaschek, R. A. .. Cadette, Telephone Exchange .. 1/5/92 Kill 0 100 2 Cardno, M. D „ •• 21/1/95 14 211 100 3 Wilson, M. J. XV. .. ~ ■• H/3/95 14 021 100 4 Peacocke, E. G. L „ • • 18/3/95 14 014 100 5 /Jacobs, E .. ■• 1/12/95 13 4 0 100 0 'McGregor, M .. •• 1/12/95 13 4 0 00 7 Stanton, M ~ •• 1/12/95 13 4 0 00 8 Wheeler, L. W ~ •• 1/12/95 13 4 0 00 9 Burton, C. A „ •• 1/1/96 13 3 0 100 10 Cawley, A .. .. 1/1/96 13 3 0 100 11 Clear/, W. R. B. .. „ .. .. 1/1/96 13 3 0 100 12' Kenealy.C „ ~ •• 1/1/80 13 3 0 100 13 , O'Malley, T. M ~ • • 1/1/96 13 3 0 100 14 Uhirley, M. E „ .. 1/1/96 13 3 0 100 15 Harris; D. A .. 1/2/96 13 2 0 00 •16 Simpson, H. MoR » •• 1/7/86 12 90 00 17 Buchanan, S. E .. .. 17/2/97 12 112 00 18 (Jones, M. H „ •• 29/3/97 12 0 3 00 19 1 Peebles, G.L .. •• 29/3/97 12 0 3 100 20 Williams, E.E „ •• 1/7/97 11 9 0 00 21 Hewer, M. E „ 1/9/97 11 7 0 00 22 Reed, M. J. A .. •• 29/3/98 11 0 3 100 23 Dudley, E. H » •• 18/4/98 10 11 13 00 24 Whelan KM .. „ „ •• l/ 5/98 10 11 0 100 25 .. I •• V 7/88 10 9 0 100 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1898. 26 Willis, I'M ~ .. •• V 7/98 10 827 100 27 Houlahan, M. E „ •• 26/6/99 8 9 600 28 Vincent, EM ~ •■ 29/1/00 9 2 3 00 29 Nelson, M. L ~ •• 22/2/00 9 110 01 0 McCallon C E „ „ •• 21/3/00 9 011 100 3 Hay AE M •• 25/8/00 8 6 6 100 3- Key; IM. '.'. „ •• WlO/00 85 16 100 H Bundle AE. " .. •• 20/11/00 8 411 100 M Stewart, J » •• 22/11/00 8 4 9 100 5 -Hamlin A. M ~ 2/1/01 8 229 100 30 i Moloney, A. M „ •• 2/1/01 82 29 100 Note—Officers in any poop we v -an breehated entered the cla»- ra the I date. Booh oOosn' nam*) are entered alphaheti. •'!!>. 5—F. 5.


POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. | • Date of Length of £ 9 Name. Position. Appoint- 31" Maarch £ Remarks. 3 men*. 1909 • a Eleventh Class.—From £40 to £100, by Six Annual Increments of £10 each, with Lodging-allowance of £26 for the First Year, £20 the Second, and £12 the Third, when Officer stationed from Home— continued. Y. M. D. £ 37 Hamilton, B. E. Cadette, Telephone Exchange .. 8/4/01 7 1123 100 38 Lindsay, J. M. .. .... 9/4/01 7 1122 100 39 Hallett, V. E. .. .... 26/4/01 711 5 100 40 McFedries, C. .. .... .. 11/6/01 7 920 100 II Yates, E. T. .. .... .. 12/6/01 7 919 100 42 Edwards, K. Whitbread .. ~ .. 14/8/01 7 718 100 43 Goldie, E. A. .. .... .. 21/9/01 7 610 100 44 Hyams, L, .... 6/1/02 7 226 100 45 Lilburne, A. M. .... 18/1/02 7 214 100 46 McSherrv, M. .. .... .. .. 27/1/02 7 2 6 100 47 Eglin, A. W. .. .... „ 3/2/02 7 126 100 48 Moore, C. L. .. .... 17/3/02 7 015 100 49 Fraser, J. .. .... . .. 1/5/02 711 0 100 50 Blackett, ('. M. .... .. 26/5/02 610 6 100 51 Loonev, E. J. .. .. 28/5/02 610 4 100 52 Slattery, D .... .. ... 29/5/02 610 3 100 53 Schmidt, G. M. .... 18/8/02 6 714 100 From 18th Aug., 1909. 54 Macshane, L. . . .. „ .. .. 29/9/02 0 6 3 100 55 Meacham, M. .. .. „ .. 1/10/02 6 6 0 100 56 1 Gunn, J. E. E.. . .... * .. .. 27/10/02 6 5 5 100 57 "| Kerr, M. C. F. . . .. „ .. 27/10/02 0 5 5 100 58 Bridges, V. A. .. .. „ 29/10/02 0 5 3 100 59 (Day, E. W. .. .... 10/11/02 0 421 100 60 "| Stuart-Forbes, B. F. 10/11/02 0 421 100 61 Flynn, K. M. ...... .. 11/11/02 6 420 UK) 62 Blennerhassett, A. .... .. 1/12/02 0 4 0 100 03 Young, E. K. .. .... 3/12/02 0 329 100 64 (O'Connor, M. J. .... .. 1/1/03 6 3 0 100 86 Umbers, M. N. T. .... ~ .. 1/1/03 6 3 0 90 From 7th Sept., 1909. 66 I Woolsey, E. L.. . .... .. 1/1/03 6 3 0 100 67 Duigan, A. G. .. .... .. 26/1/03 6 2 6 100 68 Sandford, G. M. .... 16/2/03 6 113 100 From 16th Feb., 1910. 69 Monaghan, M. .. .... ~ .. 23/2/03 6 1 6 100 70 Haultain, C. T. . . .... .. 16/3/03 6 010 100 71 Roulston, M. J.. . . 18/5/03 510 14 100 From 18th May, 1909. 72 (Keogh, N. E. M. .... ~ 29/6/03 5 9 2 100 From 29th June, 1909. 73 Moslev, A. A. .. .... 29/6/03 5 9 2 100 74 (Olliver, 11. M. .. .... 29/6/03 5 9 2 100 75 Healcy, F. .. .... 13/7/03 5 819 100 From 13th July, 1909. 70 Pattle, H. M. .. .. „ .. 3/8/03 5 729 100 From 3rd Aug., 1909. 77 Dwyer, J. .. ... 28/8/03 5 7 4 100 From 28th Aug., 1909; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1899. 78 Miller, M. D. .. .... 14/9/03 5 617 100 From 14th Sept., 1900. 79 Ryan, L. A. .. .... . 16/9/03 6 616 100 From 16th Sept., 1909. 80 Seaton, E. B. .. ... 12/10/03 5 520 100 From 12th Oct., 1909. 81 Lingard, A. J. .. .... 5/11/03 6 426 100 From sth Nov., 1909. 82 ( O'Sullivan. M. .... 23/11/03 5 4 8 100 From 23rd Nov., 1909. 83 1 Revell, S. L. . . .. 23/11/03 5 4 8 100 84 Meenan. M. T. . ... 17/12/03 5 316 100 From 17th Dee., 1909. 85 I Burgess, E. C .. .. 21/12/03 5 311 100 From 21st Dec, 1909. 86 1 Walker, D.J. . ~ .. 21/12/03 5 311 100 s7 Byrne, M. .... .. 28/12/03 6 3 4 100 From 28th Dec, 1909. 88 King, I. L. M. .. .. '2/2/04 6 227 100 From 2nd. Feb., 1010. 89 Williamson, V. A. .. .. 15/2/04 5 I 14 100 From 15th Feb., 1910. 90 1 Bishop, M. M. ... 16/3/04 5 016 100 From Kith .Mar., 1910. 91 1 Clapcott, H. V. .. „ 16/3/04 6 010 100 „ „ 92 Pike, M. F. C. ...... „ 5/4/04 4 1120 90 From sth April, 1909. 93 1 Aitchison, A. L. M ~ 9/5/04 410 23 90 From 9th May, 1909. 94 | Gregan, A. J. .. 9/5/04 410 23 90 95 Anthony. E. B. .. .... .. 16/5/04 410 16 90 From 16th May, 1909. 96 Cassiclv, M. A. .. .... .. 24/5/04 410 7 90 From 24th May, 1909. 97 Roseingrave, M. E. . . .. .. 21/6/04 I 910 90 From 21st June, 1909. 98 Redward, I. M. .... .. 23/6/04 4 9 8 90 From 23rd June, 1909. 99 Puflett, H. M. . . .... .. 1/8/04 4 7 0 90 From Ist Aug., 1909. 100 Nicholls, E. H. I. .... .. 12/9/04 I 019 90 From 12th Sept. 190*1. 101 Ross, E. .. .... .. .. 19/12/04 4 313 90 From 19th Dec, 1900. 102 Matheson, M. S. ... . . 20/12/04 4 312 90 From 20th Dec. 1909 103 Knott, R. A. .. .... .. 2/1/05 4 229 90 From 2nd Jan., 1910. 104 Watson, X. V. M. . . ~ 6/2/05 4 123 90 From 6th Feb., 1910. 105 McHutcheson, M. P ~ 13/2/05 4 118 90 From 13th Feb., 1910 106 Brett, V. E. T. . . .... ~ 25/2/05 4 1 4 90 From 25th Feb., 1910. 107 Dennehy, M. E. .... .. 8/3/05 4 024 90 From Bth Mar., 1910. 108 Deighton, R. M. M ~ 1/4/05 4 0 0 80 109 Johnston, I. L. .. ~ 4/5/05 310 27 80 From 4th May, 1909 110 Robb, E. M. ~ 26/6/05 3 9 5 80 From 26th June, 1909. 111 Stace, M. J. .. ~ 1/7/05 3 9 0 80 From Ist July, 1909 112 ( Stack, M. R. .. .... ... 10/7/05 3 822 80 From 10th July, 1909 113 1 Jacobs, K. A. .. .... .. 10/7/05 3 822 80 114 Corliss, E. C. .. .. ~ .. 17/7/05 3 815 80 From 17th July, 1909. Notk —Olflrer-c in any group wlnw names are bracketed entered the class on the same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabettoally



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued, i Date of Length of £ | Name. Position. Appoint- £ Kemarke ment - 1909. ' 2 25 Ei.kventh Class.—From £40 to £100, by Six Annual Increments of £10 each, with Lodging-allowance of £26 for the First fear, £20 the Second, and £12 the Third, when Officer stationed from Home— continued. V. M. D. £ 115 Cagney, C. .. . Cadette, Telephone Exchange 24/7/05 3 8 8 80 From 24th July, 1909. 116 Spurdle, A. M .. 3/8/05 3 729 80 From 3rd Aug., 1909. 117 Scully M T .. ■ • 28/8/05 3 7 4 80 From 28th Aug., 1909. 118 I Mack'ay EM . 18/9/05 3 613 80 From 18th Sept., 1909. 119 Young, V. I. .. '.'..'. .. .. 18/9/05 3 813 80 120 O'Connell E T ~ . ■■ 25/9/05 3 6 3 80 From 25th Sept., 1909. 121 ' Brandon G X . „ 18/10/05 3 514 80 From 18th Oct., 1909. 122 i Edgelow,' K. I. .... „ .. 18/10/05 3 514 80 123 Louth I J .. • ■ 24/10/05 3 5 8 80 From 24th Oct., 1909. 124 Mantell, E. M ~ 30/10/05 3 5 2 80 From 30th Oct., 1909. 125 l Caffery MR 7/11/05 3 524 80 From 7th Nov., 1909. 126 i Dewar.'M. C .. 7/11/05 35 24 80 " „ 127 i Corbett HVI \ , „ .. 27/12/05 3 4 5 SO From 27th Dec, 1909. 128 i Evans, I. M • . 27/12/05 3 4 5 80 129 ( Lewis E E ■ ■ 28/12/05 3 4 4 80 From 28th Dec, 1909. 130 i Spencer, K. A. II ... 28/12/05 3 4 4 80 131 Barkley L V .... 2/1/00 3 230 80 From 2nd Jan., 1910. 132 Ony.AVT. '.'. .... 2/1/00 3 230 80 133 iHird, A .. •■ 2/1/06 3 230 80 134 Kelly KB ... 3/1/06 3 229 80 From 3rd Jan., 1910. 135 ( Crea'gh/A.'G. A. Bra/.ie, 4/1/06 3 228 80 From 4th Jan., 1910. 136 I Hodson, M. L. C 4/1/00 3 228 80 137 Webb AM A C , .. 26/1/06 3 2 6 80 From 26th Jan., 1910. 138 Jones' I M .. • • 1/2/06 3 2 0 80 From Ist Feb., 1910. 139 (law F L .... 17/2/00 3 112 SO From I7th Feb., 1910. 140 Hornibrooke, C.A. '.'. . „ 5/3/06 3 027 SO From sth Mar., 1910; C.S. Jun. Exam.. 1904. 141 Fitzgibbon, E. I -, •• 9/3/06 30 23 80 From 9th Mar., 1910. 142 Cowern I A ~ • • 12/3/06 3 020 SO From 12th Mar., 1910. 143 Rvan MM •• 19/3/06 3 013 80 From 19th Mar., 1910. 144 Smith M A ... 22/3/06 3010 SO From 22nd Mar., 1910. 145 Lvsac'ht L E .... 26/3/06 3 0 6 80 From 20th Mar., 1910. 146 | Hastings, A. J. ... „ .. 2/4/06 2 1129 70 From 2nd April, 1909. 147 | TaskerfM. E .. 2/4/06 2 1129 70 „ „ 148 Black F M •• •• 13/4/06 211 18 70 From 13th April, 1909. 149 Rigbv Lg' " '. •■ 14/4/06 2 1117 70 From 14th April, 1909. 150 Thompson, M. L ... 16/4/06 2 1115 70 From Kith April, 1909. 151 Russell, A. D ■• 19/4/06 2 1112 70 From 19th April, 1909. 152 iCrozier N J 7/5/06 210 25 70 From 7th May, 1909. 153 i Nolan EG' " •• •'• 7/5/06 210 25 70 From 7th May, 1909. 154 Howard F L " •• 16/5/06 210 16 70 From 9th July, 1909. 155 Mathieson/G. E. .... •• 1/6/06 210 0 70 From Ist June, 1909. 156 ( Macdonald, R. J 5/6/06 2 926 70 From sth June, 1909. 157 i Thompson, E. X •■ 5/6/06 29 26 70 ~ „ ■ 158 Sisson, A. G 9/7/06 2 823 70 From 9th July, 1909. 159 Watt B I .... 9/7/06 2 823 70 160 l Clark' E .... 16/7/06 2 816 70 From 16th July, 1909. 161 ißoseVc ' .... 16/7/06 2 816 70 162 Poole'l M .... 1/8/06 28 0 70 From Ist Aug., 1909. 163 Forde, M. A. G. .... • • 6/8/06 2 726 70 From 6th Aug., 1909. 164 Baker L 8 .... 13/8/06 2 719 70 From 13th Aug., 1909. 165 McConviile,' L. '.'. .... •• 17/8/06 2 715 70 From 17th Aug., 1909. lfifi Dnnlon N X ■• 1/10/06 2 6 0 70 From Ist Oct, 1909. 67 Ha on m' l" „ .. 1/11/06 2 5 0 70 From Ist Nov., 1909. 68 \ I ' • • 3/12/06 2 329 70 From 3rd Dec, 1909. 169 'McDonald MS „ .. •■ 11/1/07 2 221 70 From 11th Jan., 1910. HO /ChodowskVH.S. :: .. .. 14/1/07 2 218 70 From 14th Jan., 1910. 171 I Cowie. M. H. C .. ■• 14/1/07 2 218 70 172 Eraser, E.J. M „ •• Wl/07 2 218 70 173 lOgilvie, F. A „ •• 14/1/07 2 218 70 74 I Roche, E .. •■ 14/1/07 2 218 70 175 Hno-an I . 15/1/07 2 217 70 From 15th Jan., 1910. 70 Ballans I M ■ • •• 17/1/07 2 215 70 From 17th Jan., 1910. 77 MclZc EL. '" i. .. •• 19/1/07 22 13 70 From 19th Jan., 1910. 78 (Fleutv iT •■ 21/1/07 2 211 70 From 21st Jan., 1910. W Greeiu/A.'o. '.'. .. ~ .. •• 21/1/07 2 21. 70 ISO IMcGrath V I. ~ .. 21/1/07 2 211 70 81 Gecson M ■■ 24/1/07 2 2 8 70 From 24th Jan.. 1010. 82 (Armstrong, F. I. .. .. 1/2/07 2 20 70 From Ist Feb., 1910. 83 1 Theobald M L ... ~ 1/2/07 2 2 0 70 84 EasHione M I 4/2/07 2 125 70 From 4th Feb., 1910. 85 Wo FA •• H/2/07 2 118 70 From 11th Feb.. 1910. M Coite P " • 12/2/07 2 117 70 From 12th Feb., 1910. 87 GaUowav J V." '■'. ~ 1 8 / 2 /°7 2 111 70 From 18th Feb., 1910. 88 FUler F G .. •• 21/2/07 2 18 70 From 21st Feb., 1910. 89 WilonLVL :: :: .I ~ .. 1/3/07 210 70 FromMMar.. 1910. oil n,ff C / • 5/3/07 2 027 70 From sth Mar., 1910. 91 Belcher C F '.'.", • «/ 3 /07 2 026 70 From 6th Mar., 1910. 92 lovce L M " .... ~ •■ 11/3/07 2 021 70 From 11th Mar., 1910. ,93 Montgomery, E.M. .... ~ •• 15/3/07 2 017 70 From 15th Mar.. 1910. . NoTE ._OUlcers in any group whose names are bracketed entered the class on the same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically.



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. S Date of Length of | Nama Position. Appoint- * Remarks. o nient. igo9 • a 7. F'levknth Class.—From £40 to £100, by Six Annual Increments of £10 each, with Lodging-allowance of £20 for the First Year, £20 the Second, and £12 the Third, when Officer stationed from Home— continued. S . M. D. £ 194 May, O. E. .. .. Cadette, Telephone Exchange .. 2/4/07 111 29 60 From 2nd April, 1909. 195 i Smith, T. A. 'I. . . „ .. 2/4/07 I 1129 60 From 2nd April, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12 196 O'Donnell, M. .. .. „ 8/4/07 111 23 60 From Bth April, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 197 Munro, M. M. .. .. „ .. 16/4/07 111 6 60 From 15th April, 1909. 198 | Clark, A. B. .. .. „ „ 18/4/07 111 13 60 From 18th April, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 199 I McPherson, A. .. .. „ „ •• 18/4/07 111 13 60 From 18th April, 1909. 200 Foley E. C. .. .... „ 22/4/07 111 9 60 From 22nd April, 1909. 201 Godsell, C. M. .. .... .. .. 22/4/07 1 11 9 60 From 22nd April, 1909 Lodging-allowance, £12. 202 jKeneally, M. .. .. „ ~ .. 22/4/07 I 11 9 60 From 22nd April, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 203 Iwillcocks, V. I. .. ~ 22/4/07 111 9 60 From 22nd April, 1909. Lodgin"-allowance. £12. 204 lnman, R. D. .. „ .. .. 2/5/07 110 30 60 From 2nd May, 1909. 205 Broadioot, E. E. .. „ „ .. 10/5/07 110 22 60 From 10th May, 1909. 206 Hannagan, C. .. „ - „ .. 13/5/07 110 19 60 From 13th May, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12 207 Paton, G. .. .. „ „ • • 15/5/07 110 17 00 From 15th May, 1909 Lodging-allowance, £12; (1.8. Jun. Exam., 1907. 208 Brown, M. R. .. .. „ „ .. 20/5/07 110 12 60 From 20th May, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 209 King, J. C. .. .. „ „ • • 22/5/07 110 10 00 From 22nd May, 1909; Matric, 1906. 210 | Dean, M. E. .. .. „ „ .. 27/5/07 110 5 60 From 27th May, 1909. 211 'McCarthy, E. J. M. .. „ .. 27/5/07 110 5 60 212 Parker, L. H. .. .. 27/5/07 110 5 60 From 27th May, 1909. ( Lodging-allowance, £12. 213 Muir, E. M. D. .. .. „ ~ .. 28/5/07 110 4 60 FTom 28th May, 1909. 214 Kenning, A. R. .. „ „ .. 29/5/07 110 3 (iO From 29th May, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 215 Sellars, P. M. .. .. „ „ .. 30/5/07 110 2 00 From 30th May, 1909. I ,oc I ging -allowance, £ 12. 216 Holmes, V. M. .. .. „ .. 1/6/07 110 0 00 From Ist June, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 217 Murphy, K. B. .. .. „ „ 17/6/07 1 914 00 From 17th June, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 218 Heenan, W. .... „ „ .. 10/7/07 I 822 00 From 10th July, 1909. Lodging-allowance. El 2. 219 Spiers, E. M. .. .. „ „ .. 12/8/07 1 720 00 From 12th Aug., 1900. 220 (Mason, P. .. .. „ •• 19/8/07 I 713 00 From 19th Aug., 100.. Lodging-allowance, £12. 221 (Peters, C. L. .. .. „ „ •• 19/8/07 1 713 00 From 19th Aug., 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 222 (Blick, C. A. .. .. „ .. 26/8/07 I 7 0 00 From 26th Aug., 10(10. Lodging-allowance, £12. 223 (stubbs, F. L. .. .. „ ~ •• 26/8/07 I 7 o 00 From 26th Aug., 1909. Lodging-allowanoe, £12. 224 (Clouston, M. .. .. „ „ .. 2/9/07 I 029 00 From 2nd Sept., 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 225 J Johnson, H. E... .. „ •• 2/9/07 1 029 60 From 2nd Sept. 1900 Lodging-allowanoe, U-. 226 iMander, 1. E. .. .. „ „ .. 2/9/07 1 620 00 From 2nd Sept., 1909. 227 Hay, E. G. .. .. „ „ •• 12/9/07 1 619 60 From 12th Sept., 1900. Lodging-allowance, Cl 2. 228 Bohan, M. D. .. .. „ „ .. 28/10/07 15 4 00 From 28th Oct., 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 229 /Guthrie, K. C. .. .. •. •• 1/11/07 1 6 0 00 From Ist Nov., 1909. Lodging-allowance, tl2. 230 JLindop, J. H. .. .. „ ~ .. 1/11/07 15 0 60 FYom Ist Nov., 1909. 231 | McCarthy, W. M. .. ~ „ .. 1/11/07 1 6 0 60 From Ist Nov., 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 232 l.McMullan, M. A. .. „ ~ .. 1/11/07 I 8 0 60 From Ist Nov., 1909. Lodging-allowance, £I 233 Anderson, E. ( . .. „ ~ .. 7/11/07 1 424 00 From 7th Nov., 1909. 234 Mulhane, C. .. .. „ .. 8/11/07 1 423 00 From Bth Nov., 1909. 235 /Bradford, E. M. .. ~ •■ 12/11/07 1 419 00 From 12th Nov., 1909. 236 Mirams, A. I. .. .. „ •• 12/11/07 I 419 00 From 12th Nov., 1909. Lodging allowance, £12. 237 "j Ruddy, E. M. .. .. „ .. •• 12/11/07 1 419 60 From 12th Nov., 1909. Lodging-allowance, i 12. 238 ISloman, G. E.. .. „ „ 12/11/07 I 119 60 From 12th Nov., 1909. 239 | Bond, R. J. .. .. „ „ .. 14/11/07 I 417 00 From 14th Nov., 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 240 Cussen, L. A. .. .. „ „ •• 14/11/07 1 417 80 From 14th Nov., 1909. ( Lodging-allowanoe, £12. >'ote.—Officers in any group whose names are bracketed entered the class on the same date. Such officers" names are entered alphabetically.



b\— s

POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. i Date of Length of & I Name. Position. Appoint- £ Remarks, s meiit. 1909 £ z Ei.kvk.nth Class.—From £40 to £100, by Six Annual Increments of £10 each, with Lodging-allowanoe of £26 lor the First Year, £20 the Second, and £12 the Third, when Officer stationed from Home— continued. Y. M. U. £ 241 | Cogswell, E. M. .. Cadette, Telephone Exchange 18/11/07 1 413 60 From 18th Nov., 1909. 242 I Hogan. (I. T. .. .. „ „ •• 18/11/07 I 413 oo 243 O'Connell, A. M. .. „ „ .. 18/11/07 1 413 60 . 244 (Rauzi, M. I „ .. 18/U/07 1 413 00 245 Masters E S .. „ „ •• 20/11/07 1 111 60 From 20th Nov., 1909. 246 .Ooe L .. „ .. 25/11/07 1 4 6 60 From 26th Nov., 1909. 247 Hooper, E. C , „ •■ 25/11/07 1 4 o oo 248 J McKenna, J. S. .. „ „ ■• 25/11/07 1 4 6 00 From 25th Nov., 1909 Lodging-allowance, £12 249 W'rotitt I) „ „ ■• 25/11/07 1 4 6 00 From26thNov., 1909. 250 Trembath, D. .. „ „ .. 26/11/07 1 4 5 00 From 20th Nov., 1909 Lodging-allowanc. . £12. 251 11.,, M. .. .. „ „ •• 9/12/07 1 323 00 From 9th Dec., 1909. Lodging-allowance, £12. 252 Robinson, B. I). .. „ „ •• 1/1/08 1 3 0 00 From Ist Jan., 1910. 253 .(.criai.l. E. L. .. .. „ „ • •• 2/1/08 1 230 00 From 2nd Jan., 1010. Lodging-allowance, £12. 254 Gilmer, 1. I. .. .. „ ~ •• 2/1/08 1 230 00 From 2nd Jan., 1910. Lodging-allowanoe, t'l2. 265 Hassard, E. C. .. .. „ „ .. 2/1/08 I 230 00 From 2nd Jan., 1910. Lodging-allowance, £12. 256 Mahony, K. M. .. „ •• 2/1/08 1 230 00 From 2nd Jan., 1910. Lodging-allow iinoe, £12. 257 Murdoch, L. .. .. „ „ .. 2/1/08 I 230 60 From 2nd Jan., 1910, Lodging-allowance, £12. 258 Bolt, R. a .. .. „ •• 3/1/08 I 229 00 From 3rd Jan., 1910. ••59 , Bulklev E „ „ •• 6/1/08 1 226 00 From 6th Jan., 1910. 260 ' Cohen, M. S „ .. 6/1/08 1 220 00 From oth Jan., 191". Lodging-allowance, £12. 201 U'outts, A. J. .. .. „ „ .. 6/1/08 I 220 00 From 6th Jan., 1910. Lodging-allowanc.. £ 1 2. 262 Kidd, E. W. .. .. „ „ •• 6/1/08 1 226 00 From 6th Jan., 1910. / Lodging-allowance, £12. 263 IMoGrath, M. A. .. „ „ ■• 0/1/08 1 220 (iO From Oth Jan., 1910.. Lodging-allowance, £12. 201 Piper. E. W. .. .. „ „ .. 0/1/08 12 20 00 From Oth Jan., 1910. Lodging-allowance, £12. 265 Simkin, M. K. .. .. „ „ ■■ 6/1/08 1 226 00 From 6th Jan., 1910. Lodging-allowance, £12. 266 Tavendale, E. H. .. ~ •• 0/1/08 1 220 lid From Oth Jan., 1910. \ Lodging-allowance, £12. 267 Witheford O .. „ „ .. 7/1/08 I 225 00 From 7th Jan., 1910. 208 Flias \1 .. „ „ .. 8/1/08 I 224 60 From Bth Jan., 1910. 269 iMcLeVd. C. M „ .. 8/1/08 1 224 oo From Sth Jan.. 1910. Lodging-allowance, £12. 270 MethereU, A. L. .... „ .. 8/1/08 1 224 60 From Bth Jan., 1910. Lodging-allowance, £12. 271-NRhind E. M. „ „ •• 8/1/08 1 224 60 From Sth Jan., 1910. 272 Walsh! C. M. .. . „ •• 8/1/08 1 224 00 From Bth Jan., 1910. Lodging-allowance, £12. 273 Whitehead, A. J. .. „ •• 8/1/08 1 224 00 From Sth Jan., 1910. Lodging-allowance. £I 2. 271 M.Gill. A. F. .. .. .. •• 9/1/08 I 223 00 From 9th Jan., 1910. Lodging-allowan >75 McGallan D . „ •• 13/1/08 1 219 00 From 13th Jan., 1910. 270 OookerflL B. B. .. .. ~ •• 17/1/08 1 215 60 From 17th Jan., 1910. Lodging-allowance, £12. 277 (Evans, N. C „ •• 27/1/08 1 2 5 60 From 27th Jan., 1910. 278 i Lloyd, M. E „ •• 27/1/08 1 2 5 60 279 Walsh, J. H • •• 1/2/08 12 0 60 From Ist Feb., 1910. Lodging-allowanoe, £12. 280 Keaney, A. E. .. .. „ „ • • 4/2/08 1 126 00 From 4th Feb., 1910. Lodging-allowance, £12. 281 Kavaney, M. J. .. „ „ •• 14/2/08 1 110 00 From 14th Feb., 1910. Lodging-allowance, £12. 282 Kiernan, M. .. .. „ ~ • • 17/2/08 1 113 00 From 17th Feb., 1910. Lodging-allowance, £12. 283 McComisky, M. M .• 24/2/08 116 00 From 24th Feb., 1910. Lodging-allowance, £12. •>B4 Bolton CD .. „ „ .. 5/3/08 1 027 00 From sth Mar., 1910. 285 [nee, C. C .. .. „ „ 11/3/08 1 021 00 From 11th Mar., 1910. Lodging-allowan.e. £12. 280 Barry, E. .. .. „ „ •• 16/3/08 1 016 00 From 16th Mar., 1910. Lodging-allowance, £12. 287 i Hogan, M. B. .. .... 1/4/08 1 0 0 60 Lodging-allowance, £20. 288 i Ward. R. T 1/4/08 1 0 0 60 •'SO Sole IL C. ■• •• •■ 13/4/08 011 18 ,50 From 13th April. 1909. eon y \[ .... .. .. 16/5/08 010 16 50 From Kith May, 1909. 291 Foley, M. V. ~ •• •• 18/5/08 010 14 50 From 18th May, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £20. Nots. -Officers in any group whose names are bracketed entered the cla*- on the tune date. Such offleen' names are entered alphabetically.

F. -5


POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. i Date of Length of £ a Name. Position. Appoint- A Remarks. B meut - 1909. ' <g Ei.kvkntii Class.—From £40 to £100, by Six Annual Increments of £10 each, with Lodging-allowanoe oi C 26 for the First Year, £20 the Second, and £12 the Third, when Officer stationed from Horne — continual. Y. M. D. £ 292 Skerrett. I). M.. Cadette, Telephone Exchange .. 30/5/08 010 2 50 From 30th May, 1909--lodging.allowance, £20. 293 iColvin, H. M. .. .. „ ~ •■ 1/6/08 old 0 60 From Ist June, 1909. 294 (Davern, E. C. .. .... •■ 1/6/08 010 0 60 From Ist June, 1909. Lodging-allowance, £20. 095 (Campbell \C B .. ~ ~ .. 4/0/08 09 27 50 From 4th June, 1909. 296 "(Hart, M.C •• 4/6/08 0 927 50 297 Slade, M. .. .... .. .. 7/0/08 0 924 60 From 7th June. 1000. Lodging-allowance. £20. "98 /Budd X A .... .. 8/6/08 09 23 60 From'Bth June, 1909. 299 IRichtor, G. C •• 8/0/08 0 923 60 300 I Simpson. B. E ■• •■ 8/0/08 09 23 60 301 (Toland, R. J. •• .... •. •• 8/8/08 00 23 60 From Sth June 1909. Lodging-allowance. £20. 302 Ibbotson, F. E. . . .... ... 20/7/08 0 812 50 FronTiOth July, 1909. Lodging-allowance. £20. 303 Goodey, R. E ■• •• 1/8/08 08 0 60 From Ist Aug., 1909. Lodging-allowanoe, £20. 304 Whitaker, A. 11. .. * ~ •• 2/4/04 39 10 80 From 4th Aug., 1909. Resigned, 14/5/07 ; reappointed, 4/8/08. 305 Williamson. A. .I. .... „ .. 4/8/08 0 728 50 From 4th Aug., 1909. 306 Rainger. C. J •• 'VB/08 07 27 50 From sth Aug., 1909. Lodging-allowanoe, £20. 307 Buckley, C. It. .. .... .. •• 17/8/08 0 715 60 From I7(h Aug., 1909. Lodging-allowance, £20. 308 Jones A M •• •• U/9/08 0 020 50 From 11th Sept., 1909. 309 (Harming 0.1 .... ~ •• 14/9/08 0 617 60 From 14th Sept., 1909. 310 Martin,!. M. M. .... - •• '4/9/08 0 017 50 311 Trevethick M J .. „ .. .. 21/9/08 0 610 50 From 21st Sept., 1900. 312 (Dawes 111 „ ■- •■ 1/10/08 0 6 0 60 From Ist Oct., 1909. 313 (Hatch, E. '.'■ •• „ ■• •• 1/10/08 06 0 50 From Ist Oct., 1909. Lodging-allowance, £20. 314 Clark lE' .. •• 12/10/08 0 520 50 From 12th Oct., 1909. 315 Ramsay, E.I. '.'. .. .. •• 2/11/08 0 429 50 From 2nd Nov.. 1909. Lodging-allowance. £20. 316 Robinson, M.W „ •■ 12/11/08 0 419 60 From 12th Nov.. 1909. Lodging-allowance. £20. 317 Falok, B. A. .. • • .. •• 14/11/08 0 417 60 From 14th Nov., 1909. Lodging-allowance, £20. 318 (Miller. C. A. .. .. „ .. •• 16/11/08 0 415 60 From 16th Nov.. 1909. Lodging-allowance. £20. 319 (Oxenhaiii. M. S. .. ~ „ •• 16/11/08 0 415 60 From 16th Not., 1909. Lodging-allowance. t2n. 320 Johnson, B. J » •• 17/11/08 0 414 50 From 17th Xov. 1909. Lodgmg-allowance. £20. 321 Lan. aster. F. 11. .. ~ •■ 18/11/08 0 413 50 From 18th.Not., 1909. Lodgmg-allowance, £20. 322 Morris, I. M. .. .... •• 8/12/08 o 324 50 From Bth Dec, 1909. Lodging-allowance. £20. ,». rviflith n X •• •• 18/12/08 0 314 70 From 18th Deo., 1909. Dickinson Vc .. •• •• 22/12/08 0 310 50 From 22nd Dec, 1909. W Moiarm F \1 T .... „ •■ 28/12/08 O 3 4 50 From 28th Dec. 1909. 520 , Lv-ms.-'s. V. ' •• •■ 4/1/09 02 28 50 From 4th Jan.. 1910. Lodging-allow,nice. £20. ~.,- M„„. /or M .. „ •• 4/I/O0 o 228 50 From 4th Jan.. 1910. 328 :: .. - •■ •• 4/1/O0 o 22S 50 329 Barber,'A. E ■• ■• 6/1/00 0 227 50 From sth Jan.. 1910. Lodgmg-allowance, £20. <urn Rvan A I •• 12/1/09 0 220 50 From 12th Jan., 1910. Ttl Eastwood. M ". '.. ■■ ■■ 15/1/09 0 217 60 From 15th Jan.. 1 OHi. £n Low F I " •• •• 8/2/09 0 121 60 From Sth Feb.. 1910. : m Maekav I ". .. ■■ ■■ 1/3/09 010 50 From Ist Mar.. 1910. VU Watt F M • • 17/3/09 0 016 50 From 17th Mar.. 1910. 335 /Feltoii.'.M. C. •• 22/3/09 0 010 50 From 22nd Mar., 1910. j Lodging-allowance. £20. 336 Griffin. E. F. .... .. 22/3/09 0 010 50 From 22nd Mar.. 1910. Lodging-allowan ~..- ifortin R . .. .. 22/3/09 0 010 60 From 22nd Mar.. 1910. 338 MehatTev. V. M." '.'. » •■ 22/3/09 0 010 50 From 22nd Mar., 1910. Loagiiig-allowanoei £20. 33U Penney, G. M. P •• 22/3/09 0 010 BO From 22nd Mar., 1910. Lodging-allowance. £20. 340 Schadlek, E. M. P » •• 22/3/09 0 010 50 From 22nd Mar., 1910. :U1 Thompson. F. A. .... - •• 22/3/09 0 010 60 Front 22nd M«.. 1910. Lodging-allowance. £20. 342 Dunn, H. M » " 29/3/09 0 0 3 50 From 29tb Mar., 1910. Lodging-allowance, £20. Nois.—ottlcers in any group whose u.uiies are bracketed enter..l the class on the lams oste. Buoh offlcerV oamei are entered alphabetically.



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. | Date of Length of g q Name. Position. Appoint- 3 Remarks a ment. ' 1909 ' | NON-CLERICAL DIVISION. Twelfth Class (First Grade).—From £180 to £200, by Two Annual Increments of £10 each. Y. m. d. £ 1 Harris, J. J. .. .. Letter-carriers' Sorter .. .. 18/2/78 31 111 190 2 Smith, A. .. .. „ .. .. 1/1/79 30 3 0 190 3 Willis, E. F. .. .. „ .. .. 16/6/77 31 915 190 4 McCullough, W. .. „ .. .. 20/8/83 25 712 190 6 Kepple, W. .. .. „ .. .. 1/1/79 30 3 0 190 6 Russell, C. J. .. .. „ .. .. 22/9/90 18 6 9 190 7 Anderson, W. .. .. „ .. .. 23/6/86 22 9 8 100 8 Brooks*, J. .. „ .. .. 14/3/87 22 018 190 9 Hughes, J. .. „ .. .. 1/1/79 30 3 0 180 10 Turner, M. .. .. „ .. .. 7/1/84 25 2 5 190 11 Corbett, E. J. .. Sorter .. .. .. 7/3/83 26 025 190 12 Kofoed, M. G. .. .. Foreman Lineman .. 1/7/03 5 9 0 190 From Ist Aug., 1909. 13 Martin. W. .. „ 1/4/86 23 0 0 190 From Ist Jan., 1910. 14 Yon Rotter, L. I. Assistant Mechanician .. .. 1/11/00 8 5 0 190 From Ist July, 1909. 15 Poole, F. C. .. Foreman Lineman and Mechanician 1/6/97 11 10 0 180 Formerly temporary. 10 Hodge, C. E. .. .. Mechanician .. .. .. 1/8/06 2 8 0 190 From Ist Dec, 1909. 17 Rule, F. .. Foreman, Conduit System .. 8/12/07 1 324 200 18 Gannaway, A. .. Mechanician .. .. 1/6/08 010 o I'M! From Ist June, 1909. Formerly temporary. 19 ( Cameron, B. D. .. .. .. 1/7/08 09 0 190 From Ist July, 1909. Formerly temporary. 20 I Duffiold. F. W. . . .. .. .. .. .. 1/7/08 0 9 0 190 From lit July, 1909. Formerly temporary. 21 Piper, C. A. .. „ .. .. .. 3/8/08 0 729 190 From 3rd Aug., 1909. Formerly temporary. 22 Bardic, J. P. .. .. Letter-carriers'sorter .. .. 1/1/79 30 3 0 ISO TwiM.iTii Cuss (BBOOND Grape).— From £150 to £170, by Two Annual Increments of till each. Sorters. 1 Morris, G. L. .. .. Letter-carriers' Sorter .. .. 18/6/97 11 913 170 2 Jenkins, W. I). .. .. „ .. .. 10/9/90 18 621 170 3 Abercrombie, W. A. .. „ .. .. 1/4/87 22 0 0 170 4 Miles, A. .. .. „ .. 1/2/95 14 2 0 170 5 Allen, M. .. .. Sorter .. .. .. 24/9/79 29 6 7 170 6 Gibson, A. P. .. „ .. .. .. 1/2/83 26 2 0 170 7 Smith. W. .. .. „ .. .. .. 13/10/84 24 5 19 170 8 Green, S. J. .. .. „ - .. .. .. 1/3/84 25 1 0 170 9 Keast, S. H. .. .. Letter-carriers' Sorter .. .. 1/4/91 18 0 0 170 10 Hannington, G. . . „ .. .. 1/8/86 22 8 0 170 11 Cassin, H. J. Sorter .. .. 1/6/90 18 11 0 170 12 Stapleton, D. H. „ .. .. 1/1/89 20 3 0 170 13 Jones, T. E. .. .... .. .. .. 10/8/93 15 722 170 From Ist Aug., 1909. 14 Reeve, H. W. .. .... .. .. .. 1/4/87 22 0 0 100 15 Fowles, H. 0. .. .... .. .. .. 9/6/92 16 922 100 16 Smith, J. W. .. .... .. .. .. 1/7/94 14 9 0 170 17 Palmer, J. S. .. „ .. .. 15/9/97 11 816 170 18 White, A. J. S. .. .. Letter-carriers' Sorter .. 12/12/92 16 3 0 170 19 Crawford, A. J... .. Sorter .. .. 8/12/91 17 324 100 20 Stubley, C. .. .... .. .. 1/5/94 14 11 0 160 21 Bond, J. H. P. .. „ .. .. 1/8/95 13 8 0 160 22 Robertson, A. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/4/02 7 0 0 160 23 (Buck. F. L. .. Letter-carriers' Sorter .. 15/3/99 10 017 160 21 Gunner, L. E. .. .. „ .. 13/3/99 10 019 160 25 (Thiele, F. C. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/00 9 0 0 160 26 Easton, W. T. .. .. Sorter .. .. .. 21/7/98 10 811 160 From 30th July, 1900. 27 Cooke, J. G. .. „ .. .. .. 1/5/01 711 0 160 From 20th Aug., 1909. 28 Jacobs, J. H. .. .. .. .. .. 1/1/99 10 3 0 160 From Ist Sept, 1909. 29 Curran, H. J. .. .. .. .. .. 1/9/03 5 7 0 100 30 Johnson, J. S. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/9/03 5 7 0 160 31 Chappell, P. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9/8/99 9 723 160 From 21st Nov., 1909. 32 Edwards, C. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/97 11 10 0 150 33 Auger, C. .. .. Letter-carriers' Sorter .. .. 6/11/99 9 425 150 34 Bateman, XV. W. .. Sorter .. .. .. 14/3/00 9 018 150 35 Burrow, J. .. .. .. .. .. .. 12/1/05 4 2 0 150 36 Vincent, R. H. .. .. .. .. 1/9/03 5 7 0 150 From 10th June, 1909. 37 Fryer, S. A. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/9/03 5 7 0 150 From 15th Jan., 1910 38 Smith, W. H. .. .... .. .. .. 23/3/00 9 0 8-150 From Ist Aug., 1909 39 Grindrod, A. W. .... .. .. .. 26/1/01 8 2 5 150 40 Parker, F. .. .... .. .. .. 1/9/04 4 7 0 150 From Ist Sept., 1909. 41 Frasi, P. C. .. .... .. .. .. 1/5/00 811 0 150 From 24th Oct., 1909 42 Lochoad, D. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 4/10/01 7 527 150 43 Ellis, G. .. .. „ .. .. .. 2/11/00 84 28 150 From 2nd Nov., 1909. Note.—Officers in any group whose names are bracketed entered the class on the same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically.

F.— 5


POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. "> Date of Length of £ | Name. Position. Appoint- ** Remarks a ment. • 1909 . ' | Twelfth Class (Third Grade). —From £110 to £140, by Three Annual Increments of £10 each. Sorters. V. M. D. £ 1 Hammer, G. .. .. Sorter .. .. 19/12/04 4 313 140 2 Martin, A. M. . . .. .. .. .. .. 17/10/00 8 514 140 3 Scott, W. A. .. .. .. .. 29/4/01 711 3 140 From 29th April, 1909. I O'Sullivan, J. P. .... .. 1/2/06 3 2 0 140 From Ist Feb., 1910. 5 Scully, J. .. .... .. .. .. 2/2/03 6 127 140 From 19th June, 1909. 6 Carter, R. H. .. .... .. .. .. 18/9/05 2 613 140 7 Conrick, J. M. .. .... .. 14/8/99 9 718 140 8 Scott, H. J. .. .. .. .. 31/7/00 8 8 1 140 9 McCulloch, A. S. .. .. .. .. .. 7/3/01 8 024 130 10 Carter, T. R. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/1/06 3 3 0 120 11 Treacy, J. P. .. .... .. .. .. 2/4/03 5 1129 120 From 11th Mar., 1910. 12 ' Iraham, W. L. .. .... .. .. 1/9/04 4 7 0 110 From 27th May, 1909. Twelfth Class (Fourth Grade). —From £50 to £JOO, by Five Annual Increments of £10 each. SORTERS. 1 Pain, H. R. .. .. Sorter .. .. .. 1/3/07 2 10 90 From Ist March, 1910. 2 McLeod, H. D. .. * .. .. .. 1/7/07 1 9 0 80 From Ist July, 1909. Twelfth Class (Second Grade). —From £150 to £170, by 'I'wo Annual Increments of £10 each. 1 Arns, F. .. .. Lineman .. .. .. 1/1/74 35 3 0 170 2 Rowe, R. J. .. „ .. .. 1/1/75 34 3 0 170 3 Louisson, W. W. .. ~ .. .. .. 1/5/77 31 11 0 170 4 Clarkson, G. 11. .. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 15/5/77 31 10 17 170 5 O'Brien, P. F. .. .. Lineman .. .. .. 18/6/77 31 913 170 6 MoKenzie, J. A. .. „ .. .. 23/12/77 31 3 9 1741 7 Seward, W. H. .. Nightwatohman .. .. 1/5/78 30 11 0 170 8 Anthony, T. J. . . .. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 13/11/78 30 4 18 170 9 Thomas, H. .. .. Messenger .. 1/1/79 30 3 0 100 10 Jackson, R. .. .. Lineman .. .. 1/2/80 29 2 0 170 11 Batkin, L. R. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/2/86 23 2 0 170 12 Paterson, G. S. . . .. Letter-carrier ~ .. .. 1/9/81 27 7 0 170 13 Johnstone, J. 11. .. Machinist .. .. 1/9/81 27 7 0 170 14 Hargood, J. D. . . Lineman .. .. 1/2/95 14 2 0 170 Formerly temporary. 15 Rosie, S. B. .. „ .. .. .. 1/2/95 14 2 0 170 16 Findlay, J. A. .. „ .. .. .. 1/2/95 14 2 0 170 17 . McGrath, J. .. „ .. .. .. 1/2/95 14 2 0 170 18 Bagshaw, D. S. . . .. .. .. 1/2/95 14 2 0 170 19 Wait, J. .. .. .. 1/8/95 13 8 0 170 20 Bellingham, W. .. Letter-carrier .. .. 20/10/82 20 5 6 170 21 Brown, W. W. .. .. Lineman .. .. 1/2/95 14 2 0 170 Formerly temporary. 22 Mulrooney, W. J. .. Letter-carrier .. .. 1/11/83 25 6 0 170 23 Shoard, E. H. .. . . „ .. 1/7/84 24 9 0 170 24 Evans, W. E. .. .. .. .. .. 1/9/82 20 7 0 170 25 Kidson, C. B. .. .. Lineman .. .. .. 1/2/83 26 2 0 170 26 Newton, W. R. .. .. „ 1/9/83 25 7 0 170 27 Webber, H. G. .. .. „ .. .. 1/2/84 25 2 0 170 28 Stewart, J. .. „ .. .. . . 1/2/95 14 2 0 170 Formerly temporary. 29 Fletcher, W. R... .. Senior Messenger .. .. 1/1/87 22 3 0 160 30 Carrick, F. H. .. .. Letter-can i. .. .. 21/1/87 22 211 170 31 Woott'on, J. W... .. Messenger .. 14/3/87 22 018 160 32 Wilson, S. N. B. .. Lineman .. .. .. 1/2/95 14 2 0 170 Formerly temporary. 33 Fyson, A. J. .. Letter-carrier .. .. 1/5/79 21 1 1 170 Out of service from 3/10/82 to 1/6/82, and from 14/12/84 to 13/2/93. 34 Childerhouse, J. R. .. .. .. 1/7/87 21 9 0 170 35 McArthur, H. .. .. .. .. .. 23/7/88 20 8 9 170 36 Walters, S. A. .. .. Messenger .. .. 1/10/88 20 6 0 160 From 7th Oct., 1909. 37 McGill, H. H. .. ~ .. .. 1/6/89 19 10 0 160 38 Finch, T. W. .. .. Lineman .. .. .. 1/8/90 12 8 0 160 Formerly temporary. 39 Hume, J. A. .. ~ 18/10/98 12 5 14 170 40 Hawthorn, M. XV. .. .. .. 1/2/00 9 2 0 170 41 Parmenter. G. 11. „ .- .. 1/4/00 9 0 0 170 42 Brock, H. G. 0. „ .. .. 1/10/00 8 6 0 170 43 Millar, XX. M. .. . . Letter-carrier . . . . 1/3/91 18 1 0 170 44 Jordan, T. A. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. 1/3/92 17 1 0 160 45 Hodgen, A. Lineman .. .. 1/8/00 8 8 0 170 Formerly temporary. 46 Fitzsimmons, .1. \. „ .. .. 1/7/03 5 9 0 170 47 Clare, G. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25/9/91 17 6 6 170 From 31st May, 1909. 48 Bowley, E. J. . . .. .. 1/2/95 14 2 0 160 Formerly temporary. 49 DeCourcy, J. .. .. „ .. .. 1/2/95 14 2 0 160 50 Burrell, W. .. .. .. :. 21/8/95 13 7 11 160 51 Stephenson, XV. H .. .. .. 1/5/99 9 110 160 52 Newson, H. H. . . .. ~ .. .. .. 1/2/00 9 2 0 160 63 Colvin, D 1/7/03 5 9 0 160


POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. 9 Date of Length of £ g Name, l'osition. Appoint- £ Remarks. a ment. 1909. ' £ Twelfth Ci ass (Skcond Grade). —From £150 to £170, by Two Annual Increments of £10 each— continued. Y. M. D. £ 54 Fleming, P. P. .. .. Letter-carrier ~ .. .. 12/12/91 17 320 160 55 Dabinett. A. K. H. Lineman .. .. .. 1/7/05 3 9 0 170 Formerly temporary. 66 Sergeant, C 1/7/03 5 9 0 160 • „ 57 O'Sullivan, D 1/7/03 5 9 0 160 58 Storey, F. R. .. . . Letter-carrier .. .. 10/1/93 16 222 160 69 Coad, A. .. .. .. .. 12/1/93 16 2 20 160 00 Cassells, B. J. .. .. „ .. 26/12/92 16 3 5 160 01 McQueen. G. K. .. 1/6/93 15 10 0 160 62 Connell, XV. .. .. Messenger .. 1/1/95 14 3 0 160 63 Mcintosh, F. \V. Letter-carrier .. 17/4/95 13 11 15 160 64 Dickson, W „ ■. 13/2/95 14 1 14 160 65 Aldridge, G. h .. .. Lineman (Postmaster) .. . 1/4/02 7 0 0 160 Formerly temporary. 66 Rush, F. B 1/7/03 6 9 0 160 67 Bush, F.H. .. .. Letter-carrier .. .. 4/9/99 9 628 160 OS Davey, W. H. .. .. Head Messenger 2/10/04 4 530 160 69 Watson, J. XV. .. .. Letter-carrier .. .. 1/5/96 12 11 0 160 From Ist May, 1909. 7" Ranner, C. A. .. .. Lineman .. .. • 1/9/07 1 7 0 160 Formerly temporary. 71 Condon, T 1/9/07 1 7 0 160 72 I Hopkins, H. J. .. .. 1/9/07 I 7 0 160 From Ist Sept., 1909. Formerly temporary. 73 McKenzie. R. J. .. .. .. 1/9/07 1 7 0 160 Formerly temporary. 74 O'Brien, E A 1/0/07 1 7 0 100 75 Quin, J V 9/07 1 7 0 160 70 Wvlie, J 1/9/07 1 7 0 160 77 'Campbell, B , 1/11/07 1 6 0 170 78 ' McKenzie, J. H. Lineman and Mechanician 1/11/07 1 6 0 100 From Ist Nov., 1909. Formerly temporary. 79 Hathaway, L. L. .. Assistant Exchange Clerk .. 8/2/95 13 121 160 From Bth Feb., 1910. 80 Mcintosh', J Lineman 1/3/08 1 1 0 160 From Ist Mar., 1910. Formerly temporary. 81 Beveridge, P. D. .. Mechanician .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 170 82 Henry, D. .. .. Lineman .. .. 1/5/08 011 0 17" Formerly temporary. 83 Stewart, J. .. .. Senior Lineman .. .. 30/6/08 0 9 1 170 From 30'h June, 1909. 84 /Flauntv, C. A. .. .. Mechanician .. .. 1/7/08 o 9 0 170 From Ist July, 1909. j Formerly temporary. 85 Leonhardt. E \ 1/7/08 0 9 0 170 From Ist' July. 1900. Formerly temporary. 86 < List, S. J. .. .. Mechanician and Lineman .. 1/7/08 09 0 170 From Ist' July, 1909. Formerly temporary. 87 Ryalls, R. A. .. .. Mechanician .. .. .. 1/7/08 09 0 170 From Ist July, 1909. Formerly temporary. 88 Wnnan, R. C... .. „ .. •• •• 1/7/08 09 0 170 Formerly temporary.' 89 Claridge, G. C. .. .. „ .. •• 1/9/08 07 0 160 From Ist Sept., 1909. Formerly temporary. 90 Blandford, M. D. .. Lineman 1/11/08 0 6 0 160 From Ist Nov., 1909.' 91 Sower, W. .. .- .. •• •• 11/1/09 0 221 160 From 11th Jan., 1910 92 Crawford A • 21/9/01 7 610 150 Formerly temporary. 93 Malcon, P. J. '.'. '.'. '~ 1/10/02 6 6 0 150 94 Sidford, A. H 1/6/97 11 10 0 150 95 Obery R 19/6/03 5 912 150 Formerly temporary. 96 Towiisend, W. R. J. !! ,',' 1/7/03 59 0 150 97 Ingram, E 23/9/03 5 9 8 150 98 Kirk, J. G 17/5/0* *™ 15 150 99 Holdsworth, G. X 1/6/04 410 0 150 100 Wainhouse, W. H ■• • 15/10/04 4 517 150 101 Yon Stunner, F. M 1/4/05 4 0 0 150 102 Winter, I). II 16/8/05 3 716 150 103 /Cotter. J 1/9/05 3 7 0 150 104 Lambly, P. W 1/9/05 3 7 0 150 105 Mason, W.H ■• 1/9/05 3 7 0 150 100 Norrell, P 1/9/05 3 7 0 150 107 Parker, T. C •■ ■• 1/9/05 3 7 0 150 los Scott. C. H 1/9/05 3 7 0 150 109 Guinness, L. F 1/12/05 3 4 0 150 110 Harvey, J. J 1/3/06 3 1 0 150 111 Ewbank, F. .. Letter-carrier .. 1/4/01 8 0 0 L>o 112 Gestro, J. 1 23/4/01 711 8 150 113 Heiford, W 17/10/01 7 515 150 114 Aitken, W. S 28/12/01 7 3 4 150 115 Curtis, C. W. .. 1/4/02 7 0 0 150 116 Plimmer, F. D 1/4/02 7 0 0 150 117 Sullivan, I, M. J 1/4/02 7 0 0 150 118 Healev, E. A 3/5/00 810 28 150 119 CapilL'j. L H/5/96 12 10 21 150 120 Black, T. M 5/4/00 8 1126 150 121 Lvon W. F 9/8/98 10 7 23 150 122 Taylor. E. H 1/2/01 8 2 0 150 123 Newick, H. A ' 27/2/01 8 1 2 150 124 O'Brien. E. .. ... 10/9/00 8 621 150 125 Campbell, D 1/4/01 8 0 0 150 gOTE. officers In any group whose names are bracketed entered the class on the same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically. 6—F. 5.




I'nsT AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION continued. S Date of Length of £ I Name. Position. Appoint 3 ",J March £ Remarks. o meut. xm ' = •/: Twelfth Class (Second Grade). —From £150 to £170, by Three Annual Increments of £10 each— continued. y. M. D. £ 126 Loose, A. E. .. Letter-carrier .. .. 18/5/01 710 14 160 127 Warner, C. .. „ .. .. 17/9/01 7 614 150 128 I'earec, H. A .. .. .. 5/10/01 7 526 150 129 Lookhart. J. .. .. .. •• •• l/11/oi 7 5 0 150 150 Plimmer, G. 11. XV. .. .. .. .. 21/2/98 11 I 8 150 131 Breeze. J. .1 .. .. .. 17/5/98 10 10 15 150 132 Bull, H. C. 19/12/01 7 313 150 133 Blewett. H. A. . . 5/5/02 610 27 150 134 Walsh, W. I). . .. 26/5/02 610 0 150 135 Kevmer. XV. J. .. .. 1/3/95 II 9 5 150 Out of service from 10/2/04 to 3/0/00. 130 Cox, A. H. F .. 1/11/00 8 5 0 150 137 Harding, C. W. . . 1/4/01 8 0 0 150 13s Baynea, W. F. .. . 30/9/01 7 6 1 150 139 N'ankervis. A. C . .. .. 1/6/02 010 0 150 llii Craig, J. F. .. ~ .. 24/0/02 0 9 7 150 111 Barclay, J. ('. .. ~ . . *. . 23/5/02 010 9 150 142 Webster, D. .. . „ .. 8/3/02 7 024 150 143 Dcrhie. A. I). .. „ .. 22/11/01 7 310 150 144 Cotter, F. P. .. .. Lineman - .. 1/8/07 1 8 0 160 145 ()*Hagan. M. .. .. .. .. 1/8/07 1 8 0 150 140 IVllctt. A. A. .. .. .. 23/4/00 2 11 R 160 147 Wilton. 11. M. .. . .. .. .. 1/5/00 2 II 0 160 148 Ingram, E. .. .. •• •• 80/6/06 210 2 160 I4C Burke. A 11. .. .. .. .. 1/8/06 2 8 0 150 160 (Edwards, W. D. .. .. 1/9/07 1 7 0 150 Formerly temporary. 161 'Ferguson, G. 11. .. .. .. 1/9/07 1 7 0 160 152 Hunter, J. W 1/9/07 1 7 0 150 153 Lease, E. .. .. .. ■• •• 1/9/07 1 7 0 150 151 lobery, 8. P. .. .. ■■ 1/9/07 1 7 0 150 155 Allen. T. .. .. 1/10/07 I 0 0 150 150 Tablev, J. 8. .. .. „ .. •• •• 1/11/07 1 6 0 150 157 Stone, W. A. .. .. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 26/8/01 7 7 6 150 108 [Gibbs, W. H. .. .. Lineman .. .. .. 1/3/08 1 1 0 150 Formerly temporary. 159 . Robertson. J. .. .. „ .. .. 1/3/08 1 1 0 150 100 Robinson. ,I. W. .. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 12/4/99 911 19 150 From Ist June, 1909. 101 Worsfold. W. .. .. Messenger .. .. 1/5/98 mil 0 150 From 10th Aug.. 1909. I6J Wyatl, P. H. .. .. Lineman .. .. .. 18/0/07 1 913 150 From Ist Sept.. 1909. Twelfth Cuss (Tnll:i. Ci.un:). From £110 to £140, by Three Annual Increments of £10 each. 1 Williams, W. F.... .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 11/2/95 14 118 140 2 Clarke, P. J. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 8/6/96 12 923 140 3 Oliver, E. W „ .. .. 1/7/97 11 9 0 140 4 (Greenwood, J. H. J. .. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 1/9/03 5 7 0 140 6 |Shorter, XV. C „ 1/9/03 6 7 0I K> 8 Sinclair, J .. •• .. 4/10/03 6 528 140 7 Elias, J. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 1/4/99 10 0 0 140 8 Farquhar, A. 1.. . .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 1/2/00 9 2 0 140 0 London, J. 11. .. .. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 1/9/04 4 7 0 140 10 Brogan, L. G. .. .. ~ .. .. .. 1/10/04 4 6 0 110 II McLellan, J. C. . . .. „ .. .. 16/3/04 6 016 140 12 I Coffey, J. J. .. .. .. .. .. 18/9/05 3 613 140 From 18th Sept., 1909. 13 iWakelin, S. I) ~ 18/9/05 3 613 140 14 Torrance, G. M. .. .. .. 8/3/04 5 024 140 From Ist Feb., 1910. 15 iCouper, R. K. .. ~ .. .. 19/2/06 3 1 9 140 From 19th Feb., 1910. 16 i Turner, A. J. . .. „ 19/2/06 3 1 9 110 „ ■ 17 Mace, A. E. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 12/3/00 9 020 140 From 12th Mar., 1910. 18 Smith, C. .. .. Le'ter-carrier .. .. .. 26/3/06 3 0 6 140 From 20th Mar., 1910. 10 Sinden, W. F. .. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 1/1/01 8 3 0 140 From Ist Jan., 1910. 20 Hankins, M „ 1/4/01 8 0 0 140 21 Miller, A. M. .. .. Letter-carrier .. .. 11/4/00 211 20 130 22 Quinn, T. M 14/7/06 2 818 ISO 23 (de Vere, A. 11. . .. .. .. .. .. 30/7/06 2 8 2 130 24 (Kitching, F. 11. .. „ .. .. .. 30/7/06 2 8 2 130 25 Burnett, S. .. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 26/6/01 7 9 0 130 From 26th June, 1909. 26 Porter, W. .. 16/11/01 7 415 13(1 From 16th Nov., 1909. 27 Rawles, A. W. „ .. 15/1/01 8 217 130 From 15th Jan., 1910. 28 Walker, XV. O. .. Letter .airier .. .. .. 1/11/02 0 5 0 130 29 Cottingham, H. .1. .. .. .. 2/6/03 5 929 130 30 Hamilton. W „ .. .. .. 12/6/03 5 919 130 31 Watson, J .. .. •• 11/8/03 5 420 130 32 Ridyard, G. A. .. .. .. .. 3/8/06 2 729 130 33 Brodie, J. .. .. .. .. .. 6/8/00 2 726 130 34 Higgs, S. .. .. 9/8/06 2 723 130 35 Don, A. M. .. .. .. .. 13/8/00 2 710 130 30 Strachan. D. C. W. .. Messenger .. .. .. 1/8/02 0 S 0 130 37 Bailey, S. .. .. Letter-carrier .. .. 23/8/00 2 7 9 130 38 Walker, H. .. .. Postmarin Machinist.. 27/8/06 2 7 5 130 , ,tk -eh t In in\- ■irimn w»i me -i me .re Uneke'ed entered the class on the s.ime date. Such offir-ers' names are entered alphabetically.


POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. v ty t f .Length of 1 Name. Position. Appoint- | Remarks 3 meut - 1909. & !5 Twelfth Class (Third Grade).—From £110 to £140, by Three Annual Increments of £10 each— continued. y. M. d. £ 39 Goodman, J. S Letter-carrier 28/8/06 2 7 4 130 40 Newton, H. G 30/8/00 2 7 2 130 41 Hanratty, P 3/9/06 2 628 130 42 Ormandy, W. J 19/9/00 2 012 130 43 I Gill, A. .. .. 1/10/00 2 0 0 130 44 I McDonald, A. M. R. .. •• 1/10/06 2 6 0 130 45 as—.» la.. 25/3/01 5.1 1 ,30 o^-m^ 46 Booker, G. R. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 5/6/01 79 20 130 From Ist Jan., 1910. . 47 Whitwell, G. .. .. Messenger .. .. .. 22/10/06 26 10 130 48 Jackson, A Letter-carrier 14/5/00 4 023 130 Out of service from 1/1/02 to 25/10/06. 49 Cox. W. J 15/12/03 5 317 130 50 Walker W ........ 17/6/03 5 914 130 5i AutrH " " " W* sl™ ! :i ° 52 Dickey, S. L 1/11/06 3 5 0 130 53 Paraone.R. H •' 13/1/04 6 219 130 54 Harris B(J „ ■• •• •• 22/9/04 310 7 130 Out of service from 64 Harris, K. v 1/3/06 to 30/10/06. 55 Martien, J. G 5/12/00 2 327 130 50 Moffatt, R Messenger 10/12/00 2 322 130 57 James. C. E. .. .. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 17/12/03 5 315 130 58 (Bramley, B 1/1/07 2 3 0 130 59 Vaughan.T. D 1/1/07 2 3 0 130 00 |Woolley,F 1/1/07 2 3 0 130 01 Chirnside,J 25/5/03 510 7 130 02 Hannan, J. J Junior Exchange (aerk .. .. 21/9/03 5 610 130 03 Phillips, C. E. .. .. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 11/2/07 2 118 130 04 Coghlan,G. A 18/2/07 2 111 130 05 Hulbert E. J 14/9/05 3 0 17 130 « i Bell W J • • » 7/3/07 2 025 130 7 SssevF'J " 7/3/07 20 25 130 8 ftdi .'. '•• .: »/ ; VO7 2 0 21130 9 King P. T. H/3/07 2 021 130 70 Whiteombe, J. B 11/3/07 2 021 130 71 Callaghan, W. H. . Messenger 15/3/07 2 017 130 72 Harvie W. E Letter-carrier 18/3/07 2 014 130 73 Enps FW. .. •• Lineman .. .. -• 1/4/07 2 0 0 140 Formerly temporary. 74 Jones G. H. .. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 20/2/00 7 7 2 140 Resigned, 8/1/06; reappointed, 15/7/07. 75 Rees P.) T .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 21/10/01 75 11 130 From 2nd April, 1909. 76 Thomson W. A. J. B. .. Messenger 8/4/07 11123 130 From Sth April. 1909. 77 Bowles F .. Letter- ca. rier 1/5/07 111 0 130 From Ist May, 1909. 78 Rvan CE J .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 12/5/02 710 20 130 From 12th May, 1909. 79 Turner A R '. .. Letter-carrier 13/5/07 110 19 130 From 13th May, 1909. so Hooker S W „ 17/5/07 110 15 130 From 17th May, 1909. 81 , Camiibell M ". '■'. 20/5/07 110 12 130 From 20th May, 1909. 82 CoZd ES. ." .. 20/5/07 110 12 130 83 Murray DC .. 20/5/07 110 12 130 84 (Roper y R W .: .. Z 20/5/07 110 12 130 85 Glvnn J J .. •• Messenger 31/5/07 110 1 130 From 31st May, 1909. 80 Clancy E .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 6/6/01 7 925 130 From 6th June. 1000. 87 Mackav J M . .. Letter-carrier 1/6/o*7 110 0 130 From Ist June, 1900. 88 StittT ~ •• •• 2/7/07 1 830 130 From 2nd July, 1909. so Fowler A C P." '• Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 3/7/02 68 29 130 From 3rd .Inly, 1000. 90 Ohivers' G. B Messenger 6/7/07 1 826 130 From 6th July, 1909. 91 Evensen RA .. .. Letter-carrier 12/7/07 1 820 130 From 12th July, 1909. 09 Ml! EG 13/7/07 1 819 130 From 13th July, 1909. ,'.: r* n w ■• •• 15/7/07 1 817 130 From 15th July. 1909. 04 f Berry, A. •'•' •'.' 15 /7/07 18 17 130 I, Rovle A 15 /7/07 1 817 130 96 Coilye'r. A. P. '.'. ■• 22/5/04 3 027 130 From 15th July 1909. ( J Resigned 30/9/0o; reappointed 15/7/07. 07 Morris H V ...... 15/7/07 I 817 130 From 15th July, 1909. 98 W.'j. H. '.'. Chauffeur 15/7/07 1 817 140 From Ist Oct. 1909. 99 Simpson J .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 22/7/01 7 810 130 From 22nd July, 1909. 100 Ktepatri'ck; .1. A. ..Letter-carrier.. .. 2/6/02 6 929 130 From 30th July, 1000. 101 Trewern W .. .. „ •• •• •• 19/5/03 510 13 130 02 Jones,F. . " 1/3/01 8 1 0 130 103 Wren,i,A. J. T 21/3/01 8 011 130 104 Hatten, C. G Messenger 3 ? / / 7 /°J ! on lon 105 Riddick. L. W. .. Letter-earner .. .. .. 1/1/05 4 3 0 1,10 106 Pollard M O. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 1/8/02 6 8 0 130 07 Leach T W .. Letter-carrier 14/8/07 1 718 130 From 14th Aug., 1909. 08 Si I! •■ -, 26/5/02 4 924 130 From 14th Sept. 1909. Resigned, 31/8/05 ; reappointed, 14/9/07. ■no ill»n H R •■ •• •• 24/9/03 5 6 7 130 From 24th Sept., 1909. iVo H 7„t AVV T " . • • • • 6/1/04 52 26 130 From 30th June, 1909. 11l Donald D .'.' •'•' » ■• •• " 6/12/02 63 26 130 From 30th July, 1909. NOTK.—OfHcers in any group whose names are bracketed entered the class on the same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabcticaliy.


P.— 5


POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. 8 Date ot Length of £ Name. Position. Appoint- 4 Remarks. g ment - ' 1909. ' 3 Twelfth Class (Third Grade). —From £110 to £140, by Three Annual Increments of £10 each— continued. Y. M. D. £ 112 Birnie, A. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk . . .. 1/10/02 6 6 0 130 From Ist Oct., 1909. 113 (Spear, R. .. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 7/10/07 I 525 130 From 7th Oct., 1909. 114 J Stirling, P. G. G. .. „ .. .. .. 7/10/07 1 525 130 115 (Wright, J. T. .. .. „ .. .. .. 7/10/07 1 525 130 110 Coarcl. 8. .. .. ~ .. .. .. 10/10/07 1 522 130 From 10th Oct., 1909. 117 < Inkling, H. A. C. .. „ .. .. .. 29/10/07 1 5 3 130 From 29th Oct., 1909. 118 Costelloe, T. F. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/11/07 1 5 0 140 119 Cole, A. F. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 14/11/02 0 417 130 120 Johnson, F\ XV. . . Utter-carrier .. .. .. 25/11/07 1 4 6 130 From 25th Nov., 1909. 121 Morgan, E. E. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 9/12/01 7 323 130 From Oth Dec, 1909. 122 Power, J. W. .. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 11/12/07 I 321 130 From 11th Dec, 1909. 123 1 Quilter, C. .. .. „ .. .. .. 11/12/07 1 321 130 124 Pascoe, L. S. .. .. Messenger .. .. .. 1/2/08 1 2 0 130 From Ist Feb., 1910. 125 ; Clarkson, T. W. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 9/2/03 6 120 130 From 27th Dec, 1900. 126 j Cress well, G. N. .. „ .. .. .. 27/12/07 I 3 6 130 127 Albright, W. .. .. Messenger .. .. .. 1/1/08 I 3 0 130 From Ist Jan., 1910. 128 [ Conner, a .. .. „ .. .. •.. 1/1/08 I 3 0 130 129 I Daniels, F. W. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/1/08 I 3 0 130 Lin Kirby, J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/1/08 I 3 0 130 131 -| Lambeth. T. B. .. „ ... .. 1/1/08 I 3 0 130 132 Murphy, P. P. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/1/08 1 3 0 130 133 Palter, J. G. T. • .. Letter-carrier .. .. I '1/04 5 3 0 130 134 \R<«d C. J. .. „ .. .. .. 1/1/08 1 3 0 130 135 Morris, J. T. .. .. „ .. .. .. 3/1/08 1 229 130 From 3rd Jan., 1910. 130 Jago, L. R. .. .. Junior Exohange Clerk .. 4/1/02 7 228 130 From 4th Jan., 1910. 137 1 Brown. F. M. W. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 0/1/08 I 220 130 From Oth Jan., 1910. LIS McEwan, C. 11. .. „ .. .. .. 6/1/08 I 220 130 130 ISiss.ul, G. V. .. .. „ .. .. .. 6/1/08 1 226 130 140 Meek, J. McK. H. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 7/1/02 7 225 130 From 7th Jan., 1910. 14"l Castleton, W. .. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 7/1/08 I 225 130 From 7th Jan.. loin. 142 M.Mahon, M. S. .. „ .. .. .. 9/1/08 I 2 23 130 From 9th Jan., 1910. 143 iPugh, C. H. .. ~ .. .. .. 13/1/08 I 219 130 From 13th Jan., 1910. 144 Whale, G. W. .. .. „ .. .. .. 18/1/08 I 219 130 145 Stokes. B. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 20/1/08 1 212 130 From 20th Jan., 1910. 146 Scully. M. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 2/2/02 7 127 180 From 2nd Feb., 1910. 147 Parsonage, 11. 1. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 17/2/08 1 113 130 From 17th Feb., 1910. 148 Aitken, G. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. 20/2/03 6 1 9 130 From 20th F"eb., 1910. 149 King, H. T. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 20/2/08 I 110 130 150 Deacon, J. W. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/4/03 6 0 0 130 From 25th Feb., 1910. 151 Foster, W. J. .. .. Messenger .. .. .. 9/3/08 I 023 ISO From Oth Mar., 1910. 152 Holmes, E. T. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 9/3/08 I 023 130 153 Murray, G. .. .. „ .. .. .. 10/3/08 1 022 130 From 10th Mar., 1910. 154 Williams, J. H .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/10/03 5 6 0 130 From 22nd Mar., 1910. 155 /Bruce, L. R. St. P. „ .. .. .. 23/3/0S I o 9 180 From 23rd Mar., 1910. 156 Chorley, A. J. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21/8/06 I 2 9 130 From 23rd Mar., 1910. Resigned, 20/10/06 ; reappointed, 23/3/08. 157 Paterson.C.C... .. .. .. 23/3/08 I 0 9 130 From 23rd Mar., 1910. 168 \ Scott, D. H. .. .. .. .. .. 23/3/08 I 0 9 130 159 Chandler, J. A. .. .. .. .. .. 27/3/08 1 0 5 130 From 27th Mar., 1910. 160 Mclndoe, A. .. .. .. .. .. 1/1/01 8 3 0 120 161 Mac Donald, A. J. .. Junior Mechanician 1/4/08 1 0 0 120 162 Watts, G. R. .. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 3/4/02 6 1128 120 From 3rd April, 1909. 163 Rowan, J. D. .... „ .. 6/4/07 111 26 120 From Oth April, 1909. 164 Adcock, F. J. .. „ 16/4/02 611 15 120 From 16th April, 1909. 165 Wanden, N. W... .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 6/5/03 510 26 120 From 6th May, 1909. 166 Grace, R. .. .. „ .. .. 19/12/02 0 313 120 From 15th May, 1900. 167 Fitzgerald, P. J. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 23/5/02 610 9 120 From 23rd May, 1900. 168 Hill, A. F. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 26/5/02 610 6 120 From 26th May, 10110. 169 Hathaway, J. W. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 8/6/03 5 923 120 From Bth June, 1900. 170 Black, J. J. A. .. .. „ .. 4/7/02 6 828 120 From 4th July, 1000. 171 Brown, L. A. .. .. Messenger .. 14/10/05 3 518 120 From 6th Aug., 1909. 172 Pacey, A. W. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 27/8/02 0 7 5 130 173 Goodmanson, J. XV. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 1/9/02 0 7 0 120 From Ist, Sept., 1000. 174 Anderson, J. L.. . .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 2/7/01 7 830 120 From Sth Oct., 1909. 175 WUliams, H. A... .. „ .. .. 22/10/02 6 510 120 From 22nd Oct.. 1000. 176 Pooley, A. W. T. .. „ .. .. 16/11/01 7 415 120 From Kith Nov., 1909. 177 Anderson, L. .. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 6/12/02 6 326 120 From 6th Dec, 1909. 178 Wells, C. A. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 15/12/03 5 317 120 From 15th Dec. 1909. 179 (Henderson, T. H. .. „ .. .. 29/12/03 6 3 3 120 From 29th Dec, 1909. 180 1 Sneesby, A. H. .. .. „ .. .. 29/12/03 6 3 3 120 181 Wiggins, E. A. .. .. „ .. .. 20/2/03 6 1 9 120 From 15th Feb., 1910. 182 McUan. A. L. .. .. „ .. .. 20/5/03 510 12 120 From Ist Mar., 1910. 183 Poole, XV. H. .. .. „ .. .. 2/3/03 6 030 120 From 2nd Mar., 1910. 184 Stubberfield, F. E. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 16/3/08 1 016 120 From 16th Mar., 1910. 185 j Peskett, H. O. .. .. Mail-cart Driver .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 180 Formerly temporary. 186 \ Sutton, W. R. .. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 O 120 187 (Vosper, A. .. „ :. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 120 188 Mulholland, C ... .. ~ .. .. .. 27/4/08 011 4 120 From 27th April, 1909. 189 Hackshaw, J. J. .. „ .. .. .. 4/5/04 410 28 120 From 4th May, 1909. .Note — Ottlcers in any group whose names are bracketed entered the class on the same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically.



POST AND IKLEORAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. I Date of l? r D &*?L t | Na,ue - Hc "« lsa ' A^oi ?»- 31s March, | *•»•*• £ n,<,r,t 1609 5 I'wKi.FTii Class (Third Crade).—From £110 to £140, by Three Annual Increment* of £10 each— continued. Y. M. D. £ 100 Palmer, E. O. .. .. P.O. Messenger .. .. 6/5/08 010 27 120 From 6th May, 1909. 191 Whaley, R. (1. „ 21/5/08 010 11 120 From 21st May, 1909. 192 Fisher, F. F. .. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 27/5/ OS 010 5 120 From 27th May, 1909. 193 Moore, F. W. H. .. Mechanic .. 1/6/08 010 () 120 From Ist June", 1909. 194 (Torbot, J. B. P. Letter-carrier . .. 1/6/08 010 0 120 195 INewby, J. G. .. Lineman 19/6/08 o Ql2 140 196 Brook, W. C. .. .. „ .. .. .. 30/6/08 o 9 1 140 107 Green, C. .. Utter-carriei .. .. 1/7/08 0 9 0 120 From Ist July, 1909. 198 (MoKersoy. J. .. .. Mechanic 1/7/08 0 9 o 140 Formerly temi>orarv. 199 Parker, J. .. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 1/7/04 49 0 120 From Ist July, 1909. 200 | Woodall. P. .. Lineman .. 1/7/08 o 9 o 140 From Ist July, 1900. Formerly temporary. 201 Harry. J. F. .. P.O. Messenger .. .. 6/7/08 o8 26 120 From 6th July, 1909. 202 Mantell, F. M. .. .. Letter-oarriei .. .. 4/5/04 410 28 120 203 Robinson, H. W. .. .. 21/7/08 0 811 120 From 21st July, 1909. 204 Butterffeld, A. E. „ .. .. 1/8/04 48 0 120 From Ist Aug.", 1909. 205 f Archer, A. C. .. „ ... .. 10/8/08 0 722 120 From 10th Aug., 1909. 200 iLawrenoe.K. L. ~ .. 10/8/08 O 722 120 „ 207 Doyle, J. P.O. Messenger 28/9/08 0 8 3 140 From 28th Sept., 1909. 208 Mahonv, W. (I. . Letter-Carrier .. .. 1/10/04 4 6 0 120 From Ist Oct., 1909 209 Carter, R. T. G. „ .. .. .. 26/10/08 0 E 6 190 From 26th Oct., 1909. 210 M.UcL M. L. .. „ .. .. l/ii/os 0 5 o 120 From Ist Nov., 1909. 211 Marriott. F. P.O. Messenger .. 15/11/08 0I 10 120 From 15th Nov.. 1909. 212 King, F. E. .. Letter-carrier .. .. 21/1104 4 410 120 From 21st Nov., 1909. 213 Key, J. C. .. „ .. .. .. 23/11/08 o 4 S 120 From 23rd Nov., 1909. 214 Perkins, J. „ .. 23/11/08 0 4 8 120 215 Smith, F. N. .. .. P.O. Messenger .. 29/1 l/os o 4 2 120 From 29th Nov., 1909. 210 Kelly, O. A. .. „ l/12/os 0 I 0 120 From let Deo., 1909. 217 Pearce, W. P. .. .. Letter-carrier .. .. 9/12/04 4 323 120F"From 9th Dec, 1900 2JB Kidman, H. N. J. .. 15/12/01 I 317 15th Dec, 1900. 219 Burnett, S. \\. .. .. P.O. Messenger 6/1/09 0 220 130 From Oth Jan., 1910. 220 'Anderson,.!. .. .. Chauffeur 13/1/09 0 219 140 From 13th Jan.. 1010. 221 (Chandler, H. F. .. Lineman 13/1/00 o 210 140 F ro m 13th Jan.. 1910. „. , _ FornurU temporary. 222 Osmond, F. A. .. .. Utter-carrier .. .. 20/1/09 o 212 120 From 20th Jan 1910 223 (Golding, W. S. 11 .. „ .. .. 24/1/09 o 2 s 120 From 24th Jan., 1910 224 (Tait, F. J. .. .. Mail-cart Driver .. 24/1/00 o 2 s i:{o 225 [Bishop, H. .. Utter-carrier .. 25/1/00 0 2 7 120 From 26th Jan., 1910. 226 (Cutler. C. J. I\ .. .. 25/1/09 o 2 7 120 227 Clancy, W X .. „ 28/1/06 I 2 I 120 From 28th Jan., 1910. 228 Herbert, A. M. .. 1/7/04 4 9 0 120 From 31st Jan., 1910. 229 (Rogers. F. M. .. # .. P.O. Messenger .. 8/2/09 0 121 120 From Bth Feb, 1910. 230 (Trout, F. .. Mounted Messenger .. 8/2/09 OI 21 120 •-Ml Brooke, E. R. C. .. Utter-carrier 14/2/00 oI 15 120 From 14th Feb.," 1910. ~,,,,,,„ _ C.S. Jun. Kxani., 1899. 232 Hai land. S. .. .. Chauffeur and Horse-drivei 21/3/00 on II |lo From 21st Mar 1910 22 ) l .' 1 A ,"" , '>' 1 - •• • Messenger .. 22/3/00 0 010 120 From 22nd March, 1910. 234 Liddle, L. G. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. 3/4/03 5 1128 110 From 3rd April. 1909. 235 Bennett, S. A. .. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk 1/5/03 511 0 110 From Ist May 1909 230 Williamson, H.I. .. Junior Exchange Clerk . . 7/10/03 5 525 110 From 7th Oct., 1909 237 Park, A. .. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk . . 1/2/04 5 2 0 110 F.iom Ist Feb., 1910. 238 Ingham, H. .. .. Junior Kxoh.'inge Clerk .. 7/1/04 5 225 110 239 Powell. A 11. K. „ 17/2/04 5 112 110 Prom 17th Feb.. 1910. 240 McAffer J .. .. „ .. 18/2/04 5I II 110 From 18th Feb.. 1010. 241 (Wilson. G. L. .. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 18/2/04 5I II I 111 242 Ambridge, H. E. .. Utter-carrier .. .. 9/6/04 49 22 110 243 Farquhar, XV. T. .. Junior Kxchange Clerk . . 5/12/04 4 327 110 From sth Deo 1909 ** jy l £* L 'A. .. .. .. .. 23/2/05 4 1 0 110 From 23rd Feb., 1910. 245 McPhail, 1. \\.. . Lettei carrier .. .. 1/4/05 4 0 0 110 240 Richardson, R. .1. , 8/4/05 811 88 110 From Bth April. 1909, 24, Horn, A. J .. 10 4/05 3 1121 110 From 10th April, 1909. 248 seabourn, G .. .. .. 12/9/05 3 619 110 From 12th Sept.. 1000 24' i Hatchard.H 15/9/05 3 010 110 From 15th Sept., 1900 250 Leslie, RB 22/9/05 3 6 9 110 From 22nd Sept.. 1900. 251 Beekie, J. A 25/9/05 3 0 6 110 From 25th Sept., 1909. 252 Aitchison, S. A. (.. 16/10/05 3 516 110 From 16th Oct., 1909 253 Aitken.R .. 27/10/05 3 5 5 110 From 27th Oct.. 1909. 2! %?Z™' T \,y-.r '• '/ 12 /° 5 8 4 ° "° Prom Ist Dec., 1909. 255 OBnen, W. I 26/3/00 3 0 6 110 From 26th Mar., 101 o. Tvi ii.i in ( ..ess (Fourth Crank). From £50 to £100, by Five Animal Increments ~t £10 each. 1 Cash, J. .. .. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 1/5/02 011 0 100 I S untei \ H " 13/5/02 610 19 100 £, y ,' U A ■ ■ ■• " ' 19/5/02 610 13 100 4 Gould, M. E. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18/5/03 510 14 100 Soil i itti.ers in any group whose names are bracketed entered the class oo the same on*, such officers' aamH are sutured dplmbclieallj.



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION—continued. t Dated Le»i?th of g g Name. Position. Appoint- ntrMarch £ Remarks | ment. ' im ' a i« i i.rrii CLASS (Fourth Grade). —From £50 to £100, by Five Annual Increments of £10 each— continued. Y. M. D. £ 5 Rafter, M. E. .. . . Utter carrier .. .. .. 29/6/03 5 9 3 100 o Campbell, C. W. G, .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 1/7/03 5 9 0 100 From 10th Nov., 1909 c.S. Jnn. Exam., 1909. 7 Killner, G. 0. .. .. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 13/7/03 5 810 KM) 8 Hatton, H. E. .. .. „ .. .. .. 28/7/03 5 S 4 100 9 Crozier, A. E. S. .. Junior Exchange Clerk . . 8/10/03 5 524 90 From 2nd April, 1009. 10 i Bryant, E. D. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 17/12/03 5 315 100 11 | O'Brien, C. J. .. .. „ .. .. . • 17/12/03 5 315 100 12 Donovan, J. .. „ .. 152/04 5I 14 KM) 13 Jones, C. H. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk . . . 1/6/04 410 0 90 From 26th July, 1909. 14 Jordan. C CM. .. Utter-oarrier .. 1/8/04 4 8 0 100 15 Partridge, T. B. .. „ .. .. 8/8/04 4 724 100 10 Benson, 0. F. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk . . 12/9/04 4 619 100 Prom 12th Sept., 1909. 17 Norris, S. A. .. .. Messenger .. .. .. 12/10/04 4 520 100 18 Millar. G. F. G... .. Letter-carrier .. .. 16/11/04 4 415 KM) 19 Winter. H. F. .. .. „ .. .. 18/11/04 4 413 KM) 20 MoKemue, N. A. .. „ .. .. V. 28/11/04 4 4 3 KM) 21 Brown, R. H. .. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 30/1/05 4 2 2 100 From 30th Jan., 1910. 22 Sullivan, C. .. .. Utter-carrier .. 21/2/05 4 1 8 100 23 Lyon, C. F. .. .. ~ -.. .. 1/4/05 4 0 0 100 24 O'Brien, M. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk . . 11/4/05 3 1120 HM) Prom 11th April, 1909. 25 Ross, V. J. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 17/4/05 311 14 90 From 17th April, 1909. 26 Olliver, L. T. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 19/6/05 3 912 KM) From 19th June. 1909. 27 Griffiths, G. E. .. .. ~ .. .. 21/6/05 3 910 KM) From 21st June, 1909. 28 Olson, I). W. .. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 22/6/05 2 9 9 KM) From 19th Sept., 1909. 29 Sundborn, J. L. A. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 29/6/05 3 9 2 KM) Prom 29th June, 1909. 30 Wallace. X. K. S. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 7/7/05 3 525 limi Prom 7th July, 1909. 31 A.Unison. W. H. J. .. Utter-carrier .. .. 17/7/05 3 816 100 From 17th July, 1009. 32 Moore, W. F. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 25/8/05 3 7 7 KM) Prom 26th Aug., 1909. 33 Woodford, A. R. .. „ .. 28/8/05 3 7 4 90 Prom 28th Aug., 1909. 34 Ross, A. J. .. Distributor .. .. .. 1/9/05 3 7 0 90 From Ist Sept.. 1909. 35 Unchurch, A. L. Utter-carrier .. .. 4/9/05 3 027 KM) From 4th Sept., 1909. 88 Worsfold, R, H. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. 18/9/05 3 013 100 From 18th Sept., 1909. 37 Hughes, E. J. .. .. „ .. •• 19/9/05 3 012 100 From 19th Sept, 1909. 38 Fraser, A. J. .. .. Telephonist .. .. 1/12/05 3 4 0 KM) From Ist Dec, 1909. 39 Patterson, J. .. Distributor 8/12/05 3 324 80 40 Campbell, M. .. .. Utter-carrier .. .. 18/12/05 3 314 90 From sth May, 1909. 41 Goodraaiison. E. M. .. Junior Exchange Clerk . . 27/12/05 3 3 6 90 From 9th April, 1909. 42 Booth, H. .. „ 1/1/00 3 3 0 oo From 3rd May, 1909. 43 Carvev. I. A. .. .. „ .. .. 1/1/06 3 3 0 90 From 22nd (let.. 190!). ii Murphy. J. P. .. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 2/1/06 32 30 100 Prom 2nd Jan., 1910. 45 Kerr. H. .. „ •• •• •• 15/1/00 3 217 KM) . From 15th Jnn., loin. 10 Ward. A. S. Junior Exchange Clerk . . .. 22/1/00 3 210 90 From 22nd Jan., 1010. 47 Ainsworth. W. II Letter-carrier .. .. .. 14/2/00 3 115 100 From 14th Feb., 1910 IS Wvllie, J. A. .. „ •■ •• •• 15/2/06 8I II KM) From 15th Feb.. 1910. 49 . Brackenridge, H. M. ~ Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 19/2/00 3I 10 KM) From 1 0th Feb., 1910. 50 , McKeague, J. V. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 19/2/00 3I 10 KM) 51 Queree, J. E. .. .. .. .. .. 20/2/06 3 I 9 Kill From 20th Feb., 1910. 52 (Hallett, li. S. M. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 21/2/06 3 1 S KM) From 21st Feb., 1910. 53 IMoßryde, A. E. „ .. .. 21/2/06 3 1 8 100 54 Hannan, J. .. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk 22/2/06 3 1 8 90 From 22nd Feb., 1910. 55 Dome. J. F\ .. .. Utter-carrier .. .. 1/3/06 3 1 0 KM) From Ist Mar.. 1910. 56 Wiley, A. L. .. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 10/8/08 3 022 lIMI From Kith Mar., 1910. 57 , Huston, R. J. .. Letter-, airier .. .. .. 1/4/00 3 0 0 90 From Ist Oct., 1909. 58 I Sinclair, C. R. .. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. l/4/(M» 3(I I) 80 69 Smyth... 11. 11. .. .. Distributor .. 1/4/00 3 0 0 80 60 (Taylor, N. O. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 1/4/06 30 0 00 61 Bray. J. C. .. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 30/4/(Mi 21] I oo Prom 30th April, 1909, 62 (Harden, A. .... „ .. 1/5/06 211 0 90 From 3rd Jan., 1910. 03 iLoftus, L. R. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 1/5/06 211 0 90 From Ist May. 1909. HI Pitcher, F. R. .. .. Messenger and Uttei -carrier 14/5/06 211 IS 70 65 Ancell, R. C. .. .. Utter-oarrier .. .. .. 16/5/06 2 1010 oo From 17th July, 1909. 66 (Boggs, F. J. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk 21/5/00 210 11 80 From 21st May, 1909. 07 Menzies, R. S. .. .. Distributor .. .. .. 21/5/06 210 11 80 OS I Parli, F. .. Utter-oarrier .. .. .. 21/5/00 210 II 90 09 Hale, J. H. .. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk 26/5/00 210 6 SO From 20th May, 1909. 70 Retter, H. L. .. .. Utter-carrier .. .. 31/5/06 2 111 1 90 From 31st May, 1900. 71 Pease, C. H. J. .. .. „ .. 1/6/06 210 0 90 From Ist June, 1909. 72 Lythberg, E. o. .. „ •• 2/6/06 29 29 90 From 2nd June, 1900. 73 Norman, H. E. .. .. „ .. • • 5/6/06 2 926 90 From sth June, 1909. 74 White, J. T. M... .. „ .. • ■ 7/6/06 2 924 90 From 7th June, 1909. 75 White, J. A. S. .. .. „ .. •• •• 13/6/06 2 918 90 From 13th June, 1909. 76 Elliott, J. W. .. . Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 14/6/06 2 917 80 From 14th June, 1909. 77 (Jaspers, P. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. 18/6/06 2 913 90 From 18th June, 1909. 78 (Player, F. W. .. .. Distributor .. .. 18/6/06 2 913 80 79 de Berry, W. R. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 1/7/06 29 0 90 From 22nd Mar., 1910. 80 ( McDonald, J. F. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 1/7/06 2 9 0 90 From Ist July, 1909. 81 Murphy, J. T. .. .. Assistant Despatch ('lerk .. 1/7/00 2 9 0 90 82 I Smith, T. R. A .. „ .. 1/7/06 2 9 0 90 Sotm -Officers in any group whoso names are bracketed entered the class on the same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically.



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. <3 Date of Length of i 3 Name. Position. Appoint- suj: V Ma,°h £ Remarks. | ment ' 1909. ' £ Twelfth Clash (Fourth Grade).—From £50 to £100, by Five Annual Increments of £10 each— continued. v. K. 0. £ 83 (Hartland, F. C. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 2/7/08 I 880 90 From 2nd July. 1909. 84 i Walker. L. de R. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 2/7/06 2 830 00 88 Meredith, P. 8... Jurjior Exchange Clerk .. .. 9/7/oo 2 823 90 Prom 9th July, 1909. SO Milroy, F. .. Distributor .. .. .. 11/7/08 2 821 90 From 13th Aug., 1909. S7 Menelaus, G. .. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 12/7/06 2 820 70 From 12th July, 1909. 88 Fisher, A .. .. .. .. .. 13/7/06 2 819 90 From 13th July, 1000. 89 Neal, R. A. .. Messenger .. .. .. 14/7/06 2 818 90 From 14th July, 1909. ■90 Lane, B. W. .. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 16/7/00 2 816 90 From 14th Nov., 1900. 91 Newport, G. F. .. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 17/7/06 2 815 90 92 Colhoun. R . Messenger .. .. .. 18/7/06 2 814 90 From 17th Aug., 1909. 03 Brooke, G. .. . Utter-carrier .. .. .. 26/7/06 2 8 6 90 From 26th July, 1909. 0 1 iMcKenzie, H. C. .. .. .. .. 6/8/00 2 726 90 From 6th Aug., 1909. 96 J O'Brien, J. .. .. .. .. .. 6/8/06 27 26 00 96 I Smith, W. A. .. 6/8/06 2 726 90 97 (Berridgc, N. .. .. .. .. 8/8/06 2 724 00 From Bth Aug., 1909. 98 IShea, T. E. 8/8/06 2 724 90 99 Jones, W. T. T.. . .. .. .. 20/8/06 2 712 90 From 20th Aug., 1909. 100 Schmelz, F. C. „ .. .. .. 1/9/06 2 7 0 90 From Ist Sept., 1909. 101 Shaw, J. .. •• Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 3/9/06 2 628 90 From 3rd Sept., 1900. 102 Olver, D. .. .. Utter-carrier and Messenger .. 12/9/00 2 019 00 From 12th Sept., 1909. 108 Keven, H. A. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 17/9/06 2 614 90 From 17th Sept., 1909. 104 (Langley, E. M.. . .. Distributor .. .. .. 19/9/06 2 612 80 From 19th Sept., 1909. 100 iStainton, F. H. B. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 19/9/06 2 612 SO 100 (Newman, J. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 24/0/06 2 6 7 SO From 24th Sept., 1909. 107 Rigby, C. G. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 24/9/06 2 0 7 90 108 I Walsh, H. V. .. „ .. .. . • 24/9/06 2 6 7 90 109 Carroll, P. J. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 1/10/06 2 6 0 80 From Ist Oct., 1900. 110 Brown, A. W. .. .. Distributor .. 11/10/06 2 521 90 From 11 th Oct., 1909. 111 Power, W. J. .. .. Messenger .. .. .... 22/10/06 2 510 90 From 22nd Oct., IIMIO. 112 IPringie, H. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 22/10/06 2 510 90 113 White, C. 0. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 23/10/06 2 5 9 90 From 23rd Oct., 1909. 114 Hawker, A. E. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 25/10/06 2 5 7 100 11. Fowler, L. S. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/11/06 2 5 0 90 From Ist Nov., 1909. 110 i McMaster, J. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1/11/06 2 5 0 90 From Ist Nov.. 1909 0.8. Jun, Exam., 1900. 117 Forrester, R. .. „ .. .. 12/11/00 2 419 90 From 12th Nov., 1909. lis Baughan, H. E... „ .. .. .. 13/11/00 2 418 00 From 13th Nov., 1909. 119 IJohanson, H. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 19/11/06 2 412 90 From loth Nov., 1900. 120 1 Radford, H. F... .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 19/11/06 2 412 90 121 Lattimore, J „ 20/11/06 2 411 90 122 Viokers, F. L. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 4/12/06 2 328 90 From 4th Dec, 1909. 123 (Dudley, T. H. .. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 10/12/06 2 322 90 From I Oth Dee., 1909. 124 1 Thornton, C. W. .. ~ .. .. •• 10/12/06 2 322 90 126 McCall, A. .. .. ~ .. .. •• 13/12/06 2 319 90 From 13th Dec, 1909. 120 Biggar, J. E. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 27/12/06 2 3 6 90 From 27th Dec, 1909. 127 James, C. L. .. .. „ '.. .. 28/12/06 2 3 4 90 From 28th Dec, 1909. 128 Lee, H. O. .. .. „ .. .. 1/1/07 2 3 0 90 From Ist Jan., 1910. 129 Pettit, R. W. .. Utter-carrier.. .. .. 1/1/07 2 3 0 90 From Ist Jan., 1910. 130 Hughes, A. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 15/1/07 2 217 90 From 15th Jan., 1910. 131 Bason, W. M. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 24/1/07 2 2 8 90 From 24th Jan., 1910. 132 (Cochrane, F. .. „ .. .. .. 1/2/07 2 2 0 90 From Ist Feb., 1910. 133 Findlay, W. T... .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 1/2/07 2 2 0 90 134 I Ward, H. V. .. „ .. .. 1/2/07 2 2 0 90 135 Weaver, W. J. .. .. Messenger .. .. .. 4/2/07 2 125 90 From 4th F"eb., 1910. 136 Millar, T. .. .. Distributor .. .. .. 12/2/07 2 117 80 From 12th Feb., 1910. 137 Cartwright, O. A. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. 13/2/07 2 116 90 From 13th Feb., 191 '. 138 iFu.ll, F. P. Utter-carrier .. .. 18/2/07 2 111 90 From 18th Feb., 1910. 189 Reidy, J. R. .. .. „ .. .. .. 20/2/07 2 1 9 90 From 20th Feb., 1910. 140 i Hadlee, W .. .. „ . • • • • • 20/2/07 2 1 9 90 141 Pearce, S. L. .. .. Messenger .. .. .. 25/2/07 2 1 4 90 From 25th Feb., 1910. 142 Roberts, T. A. .. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 26/2/07 2 1 3 90 From 26th Feb., 1910. 143 i Brougham, L. F. .. „ .. .. .. 28/2/07 2 1 1 90 From 28th Feb., 1910. 144 I Skinner, T „ 28/2/07 2 1 1 90 115 Clark, A. E. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 1/3/07 2 10 90 From Ist Mar., 1910. Hi Jones, T. G. A. .. .. Messenger .. .. .. 27/4/00 211 4 00 From 3rd Mar., 1910 147 Bownter, W. H. .. „ .. .. 4/3/07 2 028 90 From 4th Mar., 1910. lIS Christian, O. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. 5/3/07 2 027 80 From sth Mar., 1910. 149 Mc Lend, R. D. .. .. „ .. .. 5/3/07 2 027 80 150 Cattanach, H. A. .. .. .. 8/3/07 2 024 90 From Bth Mar., 1910. 151 Harris, J. X. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 11/3/07 2 021 90 From 11th Mar., 1910. 152 Johnson, O. 8... .. Messenger .. .. .. 12/3/07 2 020 90 From 12th Mar., 1910. 153 .Outtrim, A. H. .. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 12/3/07 2 020 100 154 Huse, A. E. .. .. „ .. .. .. 14/3/07 2 018 90 From 14th Mar., 1910. 155 Harper. R. B. .. .. Messenger .. .. .. 22/3/07 2 010 90 From 22nd Mar., 1910. 156 'Marshall, D. .. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 1/4/07 2 0 0 80 157 Tyler, E. H. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 1/4/07 2 0 0 70 158 Hope, C. „ .. .. 2/4/07 111 29 70 From 2nd April, 1909. 159 Crosson, (i. B. .. Utter-oarrier .. .. .. 8/4/07 1 1123 80 From Sth April, 1909. 160 Drake, M. „ .. .. 9/4/07 111 22 80 From 9th April, 1909. 101 Copestake, X. .. .. „ .. .. 10/1/07 111 21 80 From 10th April. 1909 162 i McNeill, •I .. Messenger .. .. 10/4/07 111 21 80 Note. —Officer* in any group whose name* are bracketed entered the class on the same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically.


POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continuaI. S Date of Length of £ I Name. Position. Appoint- ~ Remarks. 3 ment. ' lgn9 • | Twelfth Class (Fourth Grade). —From £60 to £100, by Five Annual Increments of £10 each— continued. y. M. d. £ 163 Sullivan, J. .. .. Messenger .. .. .. 13/4/07 111 18 80 From 13th April, 1909. 104 Smith, G. 11. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 15/4/07 111 16 80 From 15th April, 1909. 166 Prendergast, P. . . .. Distributor .. .. .. 18/4/07 111 13 70 From 18th April, 1959. 166 Terrace, D. .. .. Junior Exchange Olerk .. .. 22/4/07 111 9 80 From 22nd April, 1909. 107 Cox, E. W. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 1/5/07 111 0 80 From Ist May, 1909. 168 McCormick, J. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 6/5/07 I 10 26 70 From oth May. 1909. 169 i Darby, T. L. .. ".. Distributor .. .. .. 18/5/07 110 14 70 Prom 18th May, 1909. 170 i Sawyer, J. R. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18/5/07 I 10 14 80 171 i Fitzgerald, J. .. .. .. .. .. .. 27/5/07 110 5 70 From 27th May, 1909. 172 i Kennedy, E. .. .. „ .. .. .. 27/5/07 1 10 5 70 173 Spiers, J. C. .. . . Utter-carrier .. .. .. 29/5/07 110 3 80 From 29th May, 1909. 174 | Bigwood, R. O. ~ .. .. .. 1/6/07 110 0 SO From Ist June, 1909. 175 ' Cross, P. D. S. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/07 110 0 80 From Ist Mar., 1910. 176 , Robertson, T. R. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/07 1 10 0 SO From Ist June, 1909. 177 I'Tait, F. J. .. „ .. .. .. 1/6/07 110 0 SO 178 (Goring, E. N. .. .. Distributor .". .. .. 4/6/07 I 9 27 70 From 4th June, 1909. 179 i Minnis, H. W. .. .. Messenger .. .. ... 4/6/07 1 927 80 180 Sutherland, R. M. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 5/6/07 1 926 70 From sth June, 1909. 181 Allan, C. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 6/6/07 I 925 SO From 6th June, 1909. 182 Rolib. P. I). .. .. ... .. .. 8/6/07 1 923 90 183 F'erguson, P. .. .. „ .. .. .. 11/6/07 1 920 80 From 11th June, 1909. 184 Mairs, F. .. .. „ .. .. .. 12/6/07 1 919 80 From 12th June, 1909. 185 I Maxey, W. D. .. .. „ .. .. .. 17/6/07 1 914 80 From 17th June, 1909. 186 | Urquhart. F. A. .. Messenger .. .. 17/6/07 1 914 SO 187 Purcell, W. K. .. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 21/6/07 I 910 SO From 21st June, 1909. 188 Walden, H. L. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 23/6/07 1 9 8 70 From 23rd June. 1909. 189 Stewart, T. H. .. .. Distributor .. 24/6/07 I 9 7 70 From 24th June. 1909. 190 Rvan, E. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 26/6/07 19 5 70 From 26th June, 1909. 191 Shearman, J. F. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 26/6/07 1 9 5 SO 192 , Allen, W.R. .. .. „ .. .. 1/7/07 1 9 0 SO From Ist July, 1909. 193 ! Richardson, T. L. .. .. .. .. .. 1/7/07 1 9 0 80 194 Robins, F. A. .. .. Bureau Clerk .. .. .. 1/7/07 1 9 0 70 From Bth Nov., 1909. 195 I Steward, A. H. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 1/7/07 1 9 0 80 From Ist July, 1909. 196 Peat, C. R. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 3/7/07 1 829 70 From 3rd July, 1909. 197 Armstrong, C. \. „ .. .. 5/7/07 1 827 70 From sth July, 1909. 198 Harlen, T. .. .. „ .. .. 20/7/07 1 812 SO From 20th July, 1909. 199 Miller, T. M. .. .. „ .. .. 29/7/07 I 8 3 SO From 29th July. 1909. 200 Coates, W. J. .. .. Messenger .. .. 5/8/07 1 727 80 From sth Aug., 1909. 201 Uveday, A. E. Utter-oarrier .. .. .. 9/8/07 I 723 80 From 9th Aug., 1909. 202 Scott. F. L. C. .. „ .. .. 10/8/07 1 722 80 From 10th Aug., 1909. 203 Griffiths, J. G. C. .. .. .. .. .. 16/8/07 I 716 80 From 16th Aug., 1909. 204 Day, T. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 19/8/07 I 713 80 From 19th Aug., 1909. 205 Sturm, E. W. .. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 19/8/07 1 714 70 „ „ 200 (Balneaves, J. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 26/8/07 1 7 6 80 From 26th Aug.. 1909. 207 j McGrail, H. S. .. .. „ .. .. .. 26/8/07 1 7 6 80 208 Dee, D. P. .. . . Junior Exchange Clerk .. "*.. 27/8/07 1 7 5 80 From 27th Aug., 1909. 209 Gribble, H. .. Messenger . .. 28/8/07 1 7 4 80 From 28th Aug., 1909. 210 iHickey, P. J. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 2/9/07 1 629 70 From 2nd Sept., 1909. 211 'Hvnes, W. .. .. Messenger .. .. .. 2/9/07 1 629 80 212 Loane, H. S. .. .. Utter-carrier and Messenger .. 2/9/07 1 629 SO .. „ 213 I Taylor, R. S. .. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 2/9/07 1 629 so 214 Shepherd, M. N. .. .. .. .. .. 3/9/07 1 628 80 From 3rd Sept., 1909. 215 Southgate, F. H. .. „ .. .. .. 9/9/07 1 623 80 From 9th Sept., 1909. 216 (Rutton, A. H. .. „ .. .. .. 16/9/07 1 616 80 From 16th Sept., 1909. 217 | Clark, O. R. D. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 16/9/07 1 616 80 218 Signal; W. C. .. . Messenger .. .. .. 18/9/07 1 614 SO From 18th Sept., 1909. 219 (Cahill, H. R. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. 20/9/07 I 612 70 From 20th Sept., 1909. 220 Edwards, R. .. Distributor .. .. .. 20/9/07 1 612 70 221 I Hay, J. W. .. .. Utter-carrier .. .. 20/9/07 16 12 80 222 Roberts, W. N. J. „ .. .. 21/9/07 I 611 80 From 21st Sept., 1909. 223 /Cummins, J. .. .. .. .. .. 23/9/07 1 6 9 SO From 23rd Sept., 1909. 224 Miller, R. O. .. .. Messenger .. .. .. 23/9/07 16 9 70 225 1 Petersen, F. A... .. Distributor .. .. .. 23/9/07 1 6 9 70 226 I Williams, N. P. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 23/9/07 I 6 9 80 227 fCate, E. W. .. .. „ .. .. .. 25/9/07 1 6 6 80 From 25th Sept., 1909. 228 I Hayes, J. W. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 25/9/07 I 6 6 70 229 Saunders, J. S. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 26/9/07 1 6 5 70 From 26th Sept., 1909. 230 Aisker. F. W Junior Exchange Clerk . . 27/9/07 16 4 70 From 27th Sept., 1909. 231 (Blyth, D. E. .. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 1/10/07 I 6 0 80 From Ist Oct., 1909. 232 Cleary, F. P. .. .. .. 1/10/07 16 0 80 233 i Schmelz, W. A. .. ~ 1/10/07 I 6 0 80 234 Poynter, H. S. .. .. .. .. .. 7/10/07 1 525 80 From 7th Oct., 1909. 236 Pitts, C. E. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 8/10/07 1 524 70 From Bth Oct., 1909. •'3O Storey, M. .. .. Distributor .. .. .. 16/10/07 1 516 70 From 16th Oct, 1909. 237 Collins. W. .. Utter-carrier .. .. 23/10/07 I 5 9 80 From 23rd Oct., 1909. •>3H llallam. W. E. . .. .. .. 26/10/07 1 5 6 SO From 20th Oct., 1909. 239 Morcom, G. V. .. Distributor .. .. .. 28/10/07 1 5 4 70 From 28th Oct., 1909. 240 Grinlinton, V. (. Junior Exchange Clerk . . .. 4/11/07 1 427 70 From 4th Nov., 1909. •'4l Sloan, D. . .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 9/11/07 1 422 80 From 9th Nov., 1909. 242 Barker, F. C. .. .. Messenger .. .. .. 12/11/07 1 419 SO From 1 2th Nov., 1909. 243 Garnham, J. H. . .. Assistant Despatch Ctork .. 17/11/07 I 414 70 From 17th Nov., 1909. Xotb. Officers ii y group whose names are In i keted entered the class on the same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically.




POST ANDjTELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. 3 DfLto nf Length of £ 1 Name. Position. Appoint- A Remarks. = ment. igog ' a Twelfth Class (Fourth Grade). —From £50 to £100, by Five Annual Increments of £10 each— continued. y. M. D. £ III Houston,!'. .. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 18/11/07 1 413 80 From 18th Nov., 1909. 215 Minogue, M. .. .. Messenger .. .. .. 18/11/07 1 413 80 24(, (Rivers, CW. .. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 18/11/07 1 413 80 247 Cotterell, C. E. .. .. .. .. .. .. 22/11/07 1 4 9 SO From 22nd Nov., 1909. 248 .Day, A. .. .. , .. .. .. 22/11/07 1 4 9 SO 219 Brake, R. I. .. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 23/11/07 14 8 70 From 23rd Nov., 1909. 260 i Casley, A. W. .. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 25/11/07 1 4*6 80 From 25th Nov., 1909. 261 Gordon, XV. A. .. .. Messenger .. .. .. 25/11/07 1 4 6 SO From 27th Dec, 1909. 262 .Newton, S. .. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 25/11/07 1 4 6 SO From 28th Mar., 1910. 253 I Rusden, N. B. H. .. Messenger .. ... .. 25/11/07 14 0 SO From 86th Nov., 1909 251 File, A. O. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 27/11/07 1 4 4 70 From 27th Nov., 1909. 255 (Caird, D. .. .. Messenger .. .. .. 1/12/07 14 0 so Prom Ist Dec, 1909. 250 Stanley, J. B. E. .. Utter-carrier .. ... .. 1/12/07 1 4 0 so „ 257 Winkler, G. T. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/12/07 1 4 0 80 258 ' Worthington, E. S. .. ~ .. .. .. 1/12/07 1 4 0 80 259 McKenna, J. F. .. .. .. .. 12/12/07 1 320 SO From 12th Dec., 1909 200 Southen, F. H. .. .. „ .. .! .. 13/12/07 1 319 SO From 13th Dec., 1909 261 Brown, G. O. .. .. Messenger .. .. .. 14/12/07 1 318 80 From 14th Dec, 1909 202 (Boyle, T. J. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 16/12/07 13 16 70 From 16th Dec, 1909. 203 Brightwell, B. P. .. Mail-carrier and Messenger .. 16/12/07 1 316 SO „ „ 264 Olsen, O. E. W. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 16/12/07 1 316 SO 205 ' Sherman, G. A. .. Distributor .. .. .. 16/12/07 1 316 SO 200 Bateman, P. L. .. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 18/12/07 1 314 70 From 18th Dec, 1»09. 267 (Deans, J. .. .. Unci-carrier .. .. .. 23/12/07 1 3 9 80 From 23rd Dec, 1909--268 Hogg, W. .. .. Telegram Sorter .. .. 23/12/07 1 3 9 00 269 Macfarlane, J. C. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 23/12/07 1 3 9 SO From 23rd Dec, 1909 270 I Sergison, W. J... .. „ .. .. .. 23/12/07 1 3 9 Ml 271 Green, I. S. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 24/12/07 1 3 8 80 From 24th Dec, 1909. 272 Jory, G. L. .. .. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 27/12/07 1 3 5 SO From 27th Dec, 1909. 273 Murphy, B. .. .. „ .. .. .. 1/1/08 1 3 0 80 From Ist Jan., 191 o. 274 Brown. G. .. .. .. .. .. 1/1/08 1 3 0 SO „ ' „ 275 iHoran, F. A. .. .. Messenger .. .. .. 2/1/08 1 230 SO Prom 2nd Jan., 1910. 276 iLind, A. J. .. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 2/1/08 I 230 80 277 Me-. H. XV. J. .. .. „ .. .. .. 9/1/08 1 221 80 From 9th Jan., 1910. 278 Aitken, C. J. .. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 10/1/08 1 222 70 From 10th Jan., 1910. 279 McHugh, E. .. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 11/1/08 1 221 80 From 11th Jan., 1910 280 Billing, T. H. .. .. „ .. .. .. 13/1/08 1 219 SO From 13th Jan., 1910. 281 [Crombie, J. W... .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 13/1/08 1 219 70 282 ] Ingpen, B. K. .. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 13/1/08 1 219 SO 253 Lawson, A. L. G. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 13/1/08 1 219 70 284 Rowe, J. P. .. .. Messenger .. .. .. 13/1/08 1 219 80 285 Sisley, G. H. .. .. Distributor .. .. .. 13/1/08 1 219 70 286 Sole, C. E. .. .. Messenger .. .. .. 13/1/08 1 219 SO 287 'Thompson, G. J. .. Distributor .. .. .. 13/1/08 1 219 70 2SS Ryan, F. N. .. .. Bureau Clerk .. .. .. 14/1/08 1 218 70 From 14th Jan., 1910. 289 Anstis, E. W. .. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 15/1/08 1 216 80 From 15th Jan., 1910. 290 Robertson, G. F. M. .. .. .. .. .. 16/1/08 1 216 80 From 16th Jan., 1910. 291 Percy, G. V. .. .. „ .. .. .. 20/1/08 1 212 SO From 20th Jan., 1910. 292 Kortegast, J. J. .. Messenger .. .. .. 28/1/08 1 2 4 80 From 28th Jan., 1910. 293 (Kerr, J. T. H. E. .. Distributor .. .. .. 1/2/08 1 2 0 70 From Ist Feb., 1910. 294 Liddy, J. P. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 1/2/08 1 2 0 80 295 (Smith, H. J. H. .. „ .. .. .. 1/2/08 1 2 0 80 296 Downes, E. G. .. .. Distributor .. .. .. 3/2/08 1 127 70 From 3rd Feb., 1910. 297 Miller, G. F. S. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 9/2/08 1 121 80 From 9th Feb., 1910. 29S •Moore, J. G. .. .. Letter-carrier .. .. .. lfi/2/08 1 114 so From loth Feb.. loin. 899 Nevin, J. .. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 22/2/08 1 1 8 70 From 22nd Feb., 1910. 300 Paton, J. S. .. .. Messenger .. .. .. 24/2/08 1 1 6 80 From 24th Feb., 1910. 301 i Whyte, C. M. .. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 28/5/06 210 4 SO 302 Greener, A. H. .. .. ,r .. .. .. 26/2/08 1 1 4 80 From 26th Feb., 1910. 303 McDonnell, H. J. .. „ .. .. .. 1/3/08 1 1 0 SO From Ist Mar., 1910. 304 Parmenter, H. E. .. Distributor .. .. .. 16/10/07 1 516 70 „ 305 Ford, H. .. .. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 2/3/08 1 030 SO From 2nd Mar., 1910. 306 Davis, G. H. .. .. „ .. .. .. 25/9/07 16 6 80 From 3rd Mar., 1910. 307 de Berry, C. F. F. .. „ .. .. .. 5/3/08 1 027 SO From sth Mar., 1910. 308 Wilson, H. F. .. .. „ .. .. .. 7/3/08 1 025 80 From 7th Mar., 1910. 309 Blaekie, I. D. P. .. Distributor .. .. .. 9/3/08 1 023 70 From 9th Mar., 1910. 810 Mahon, H. XV. .. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 9/3/08 1 023 80 311 Belk, R. W. .. .. .. .. .. 17/3/08 1 015 80 From 17th Mar., 1910. 312 Uurenson, J. .. .. Distributor .. .. .. 19/3/08 1 013 70 From 19th Mar., 1910. 313 McKenzie, H. A. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 28/3/08 1 0 4 SO From 28th Mar., 1910. 314 Blackmore, J. T. .. Mail-carrier and Messenger .. 11/2/07 2 121 00 316 Anderson, J. S. .. Telegram Sorter .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 00 310 Bale, R. J. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 O 60 317 Blaekie, G. J. A. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 I) 00 318 Clayton, E. J. .. Distributor .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 o O 00 319 Cropp, C. C. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 00 320 Don, G. E. .. .. Distributor .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 00 321 Henderson, W. A. .. Telegram Folder .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 00 322 Herd, T. R. .. .. Telegram Sorter .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 00 323 Hicks, W. J. .. .. Distributor .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 00 324 Howe, L. A. S. .. Telegram Sorter .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 00 Note. —Officers in any group whose names are bracketed entered the class on the same date Such officers' names are entered alphabetically 7—F. 5.


POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. ' Date of Length of £ | Narue. Position. Appoint- "Ij; 5 Remarks | ment - 1909. ' i Tw i i.itii Clam (Fouhtii Geadb). —From £50 to £100, by Five Annual Increments of £lo each — continued. Y. M. D. £ 325 | Hunter, R. E. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 60 326 Laffertv, L. L... Telegram Folder .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 00 327 | Lawsori, P. S. .. .. Distributor .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 10 328 | McCarthy, L. I. J. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 00 320 McDougal], 8. I. .. Messenger .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 00 330 | McFadzen. I. A. .. Telegram Sorter .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 00 331 rtackav, G. .. ~ .. ■• 1/4/ os 1 o 0 80 332 | Miller, 0. .. Telegram Folder .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 00 333 | Milne, H. D. .. .. Distributor .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 00 334 | Munn. R. R. .. .. Telegram Folder .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 00 335 | Murphy. T. .. .. Distributor .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 00 330 I Napier, W. L , 1/4/08 I 0 0 60 337 | Osborne, A. G. .. Telegram Folder .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 00 388 , O'Sullivan, E. B. .. Telegram Sorter .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 " 00 339 Pickering, G. B. .. Distributor .. .. .. 1/4/08 I (I () 00 340 I Pollard. A. J „ 1/4/08 I 0 o 00 341 I Pratt. P. J -• •• '■■ 1/4/08 1 0 0 60 342 | Price, W. G. .. .. Telegram Folder .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 00 343 Sparkes, E. P. .. .. Distributor .. .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 60 344 Drew. A. .. .. Utter-oarrie* .. .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 7o 346 Grey. (i. J. .. .. Messenger .. .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 o O 00 346 Williams, H-F... .. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 1/4/os l o 0 100 347 Burn W D. .. .. Messenger .. .. .. 1/408 1 0 0 00 From Ot Ii April, 1900. 348 Cowper, A. H. .. .. Utter-oarrier.. .. .. 1/4/08 1 o o 60 From Bth July, 1909. 849 McLaren. C. A. .. .. „ .. ■• •• 9/4/08 oil 22 60 From 9th April, 1909. 31 Idershaw, N. N. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 26/10/07 I 6 7 80 From 19th April, 1909. 351 Round, C. 8. .. .. Messenger .. •■ 1/4/08 1 0 o 60 From 22nd July, 1909. 352 Downer, G. E. .. •• ■• ■• •• •• 1/4/ os lo 0 80 From 27th April, 1909. 353 Dunckley, C. M. L .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 60 From Ist May, 1909. 351 Middleton, G. E. .. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 60 355 Naylor A. G. .. .. Letter-carrier and Messenger .. 1/4/os 1o o 60 350 Wright, 8. N. .. .. Utter-oarrier .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 60 357 Honor.'-. E. N. .. .. „ •- ■• •• 1/4/ os 1 o 0 60 Prom 4th May, 1909. 358 Rodman. A. K. . . .. Telegram Sorter .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 60 359 . Hmdon. J. \. .. .. Utter-carrier .. .. .. 6/5/08 010 25 60 From Oth May, 1909. 360 Longney, L. H. .. 6/4/08 1 0 0 70 301 Shorn, W. J. .. ■• Telegram Folder .. .. 1/4/os 10 0 60 From 7th May, 1909. 362 Gilliok, .1 - •• •• 1/4/08 1 0 " "" 303 Mekitterirk. A .. •• •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 80 •104 Napier PN. .. Telegram Sorter .. .. 1/4/os 1o o 60 Prom 11th May, 1909. 365 Little, J. A Messenger 11/8/08 1 721 60 From 13th May. 1909. 366 Bierre, H. 8 Distributor 1/4/ os 1 0 0 80 From 14th May. 1909. 367 Blanshard, G. H. .. Messenger .. .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 60 368 Cornwall, J. M .. Letter-carrier .. -. .. 14/6/08 010 18 70 369 Mcßean, H. B. .. Distributor .. .. •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 60 370 Wallace, E. E. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 80 371 Daw H. R- -• .. Utter-oarrier .. •• •• 1/4/09 10 0 60 From 18th May, 1909. 372 Mulholland, W. C. B. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 19/6/08 oln 13 00 From 19th May, 190!. 373 McKoy, G. A.R. .. Letter-carrier 20/5/08 010 12 oo From 20th May, 1901. • t7 4 Hut-.... \ •• •• •• 25/5/ os 010 7 60 From 15th May, 1909. 375 Cullen A. A - - ,; "' " s "'" 8 I,HI •74 i ~,. |.- \v . .. .. .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 o 0 00 From 29th May. 1909. 377 Billing W A , •• •• 1/4/ os 1 0 0 60 From Ist June, 1909. 378 Whithara, W. .1. .. „ 1/4/08 I 0 0 80 379 Wilkinson, E. C. Beresford ~ 1/6/08 010 0 80 From Ist June. 1909; C.S. Jun. Exam., 1907. 380 Coad, C. C „ ' 1/4/08 1 0 0 60 From 2nd June, 1909. 381 O'linn r P M ~ •• •• •• 1/4/08 1 O 0 00 58" M-Nc-'ill. H. L. .. •• •• •• •• 8/6/08 .0 923 60 From Sth June, 1909. 383 Smith P. G. .. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 8/6/08 09 23 60 384 Brady. F. C .. .. Distributor .. .- •• 1/4/08 10 0 60 From 11th June, 1909. 355 Roche. J. .. .. Telegram sorter .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 60 386 |Vi llv F Utter-oarrier 19/6/08 0 912 60 From 19th June. 1909. 387 Calch-r.H. M 1/4/08 1 0 0 80 From 22nd June, 1909. 388 Irvine, C. .. .. Assistant .. .. .- 1/4/ os 100 60 389 Kennev. L. ('. ... .. Telegram Sorter .. .. 1/4/08 1 o o 60 390 |!i av i 0I ; || c . Messenger 1/4/ os 1 0 0 80 Prom 84th June, 1909. 391 Smith, J. E. .... .. '/4 /iis I " " » 392 Mexted, H. 8. .. .. Junior Exchange- Clerk .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 60 From Ist July. Km hi. 393 Tiunew J. G. .. •• Assistant Despatch Clark .. 1/4/os 1 0 0 80 394 White II s. .. Telegram Folder .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 80 395 Taylor EG .. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 7/7/08 08 26 60 From 7th July, 1909. 396 Robertson. W. B. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. •• 1/4/os 1o <> oo From Bth July, 1909. 397 Skinner. F. J Letter-carrier 13/7/08. 0 819 80 From 13th Jury, 1909. 398 Watts VNB. .. .. Letter-carrier and Messenger .. 1/4/os Io o 80 „ 399 Pears,,',, \ L. . .. Messenger 1/4/08 1 0 0 60 From 18th July, 1909. 400 s„,l(.'i| .. Telegram Soil.-, .. .. 1/4/ OS I (I 0 60 From 24th July. 1009. 4oi Behrena W E . .. Letter-carrier .. .. •• 1/4/08 I 0 0 60 From 27th July, 1909. 402 Borland. X- II '/4/«« 1 0 0 80 From Ist Aug., 1909. 4o:j Erioksen, J. J. .. •• Assistant Despatch Clark .. 1/4/08 1 o o 60 40-1 Freeman, O. V. .. •• Distributor .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 60 405 Jaspers, E. H. .. ~ Letter-carrier .. .. .. 1/4/os l o o 80 NOTE.—Officers in any group whose names are bracketed entered the clue ,ml he tame date. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically.



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. 8 Date of Length of A 1 Name. Position. Appoint- - Remarks. 3 ment - 1909. 5 7\ Twelfth Class (Fourth Grade).—From £50 to £100, by Five Annual Increments of £10 each— continued. Y. M. D. £ 406 Johnson, F. H. .. Telegram Sorter .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 00 From Ist Aug., 1909. 407 Johnson. J. E. .. .. Junior Lineman .. .. 1/8/08 0 8 0 till 408 O'Leary, P. C-& •• Telegram Son.-. .. .. 1/4/08 100 60 .100 Grubb'j. A. .. .. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 o o oo From 3rd Aug., 1909. 410 Gray H J ... .. .. .. 1/4/os 1 o o oo From 10th Aug., 1909. 411 Dunbar, P. J. '.. .. Distributor .. .. .. 1/4/ OS Io o 0O From 11th Aug., 1909. 412 Johnston. H. A... .. Messenger .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 80 from 12th Aug., 1909. 413 Wallace, P. .. .. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 (I (I 00 from 16th Aug., 1909. 414 Pooock. N. C. .. .. Messenger .. .. .. 1/4/08 10 o 80 from 17th Aug., 1909. 415 O'Hara W. H 1/4/08 1 0 0 BO from 19th Aug., 1909. 410 Taylor.rLA Letter-carrier 1/4/08 1 0 0 60 from 21st Aug., 1909. 417 Mayo E. R. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 1/5/08 011 0 60 from 27th Aug., 1909. lis Hallett. A. S. .. .. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 o 00 From Ist Sept., 1909. 119 Smith. S. H. .. .. Assistant Despatch Clerk .. 4/9/08 0 027 OH) i2o Wiiiteringliam, J. U. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 1/4/os 1o 0 60 from 7th Bept., 1909. 421 Miluer.C. U. .. .. Messenger .. .- .. 1/4/os 1 o o 60 From 22nd Sept., 1909. 422 Craig W. I) Letter-carrier .. ..' .. 1/4/ OS 1 0 O 00 from 28th Sept., 1909. 423 Bonasbie.M 1/10/08 0 6 0 100 424 Phillips H. .. .. Utter-carrier and Messenger .. 4/5/08 010 28 60 from 6th Oct., 1909. 125 White-house. 11. (). .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 1/4/08 1 o 0 80 from 22nd Oct., 1909. 426 Brooker, L.N. .. .. Letter-oarrieT and Messenger .. 1/4/08 10 0 60 From Ist Nov., 1909. 427 Heaphy. E. P. .. -■ Letter-carrier .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 o 60 428 Maxwell US ...... 1/4/08 1 0 O 80 From 2nd Nov.. 1909. 429 Dunstan',E. '.'. '.. 1/4/08 1 0 9 80 From 3rd Nov.. 1909. 430 Smith W \ •• •• •• 1/4/ os 1 o 0 80 From 24th Nov., 1909. 431 Bates,' R. P Messenger 1/4/08 1 0 0 60 From Ist Deo., 1900. 432 Gibens, F. J. R. .. Assistant Des)«itch Clerk .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 60 433 Hudson, W. C. E. .. Letter-carrier .. .. .. I 1 os 1 o 0 60 434 Miller. J. R. .. Messenger .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 o o oo 435 Scott. J.C. .. .. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 o 0 80 436 Thomas. F. .. .. Telegram Sorter .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 80 437 Bail.v XV. H. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .- 1/4/ os 1 0 0 60 From 4th Deo., 1909. 438 Boyd, G. A Letter-carrier 1/4/ os 1 0 0 60 From 7th Dec., 1909. 439 Peterson, J. A. A. .. Messenger .. .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 80 440 Bolster TR ..... 1/4/os 1 o o 60 From Bth Dee., 1909. 441 Malcolm. R. J Letter-carrier 1/4/ os l 0 0 60 From 10th Deo., 1909. 142 ooutts,T.W. J. .. Distributor 1/4/08 1 0 0 60 from 14thDec., 1909. 443 Silverwood. A. E. Letter-carrier .. .- 1/4/08 1 0 0 60 444 Smith, E. J. .. .. Messenger .. .. -• 14/12/08 o 3is 60 445 Dempsey, J. B Letter-carrier 1/4/ os 1 0 0 90 From 21st Dec, 1909. 446 Keetley.G.S. .. •• Messenger .. .. •■ 1/4/ os 10 0 80 447 Davidson, W. N. .. Letter-carrier 24/12/08 0 3 8 Kh) C.B. Jun. Exam, 1902. 448 Sliapcott. R. H Telegram Sorter .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 60 From 29th Dec., 1909. 449 Dykes, T. O. .. .. Junior Exchange Ctork .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 80 From Ist Jan., 1910. 450 Redpath, T. .. .. Messenger .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 60 451 Cotter, T. M Distributor 1/4/08 10 0 60 From 1 lth Jan.. 1 910. 452 Tempero, H Letter-carrier 1/4/08 1 0 0 80 From 12th Jan.. 1010. 453 Bullard. L. E. O. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 80 From 13th Jan., 1910. 454 Colliding, C. J. .. .. Telegram Folder .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 0 0 00 455 WaUreu. H. A Telegram Sorter .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 I) 00 From 20th Jan.. 1910. 456 Battersby, T. L, .. „ •• •• 1/4/08 10 0 00 From 29th Jan., 1910. 457 LanrfonLT. H Letter-carrier 1/4/08 l 0 0 80 From Ist Feb.. 1910. 458 Thorburn. A. 8 1/V"8 1 " " 80 .. ~ 450 i;„,,e1l W 11. .. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 1/4/ Oslo o oo From 4th Feb.. 1910. 460 King DS .. .. Letter-carrier and Messenger .. 1/4/ OS 10 0 80 From 6th Feb., 1910. 461 Falconer, W. C. .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 00 From Bth Feb., 1910. 462 Peaohlev. G. A... Letter-carrier .. .. •• 1/4/os I o 0 60 463 Sheldon' H J D .. ■• .. I 4OS I O 0 60 From 13th Feb.. 1910. 404 McLucK.e. A. A. .. Messenger 1/4/08 10 0 60 From 23rd Feb., 1910. 405 Griffiths, T. T. .. .. ~ .. •• •• ' 4/08 10 0 60 From Ist March, 1910. 466 Mitchell,' V. ..' .. Assistant Des)>atch Clerk .. 1/4/08 10 0 60 4*7 Person, R. .. .. Jimior Exchange Clerk .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 60 468 Turnbull, R. .. .. Letter-carrier .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 60 400 McLean, C. L „ 1/4/08 1 0 0 00 from 4th March, 1910. 470 Riddell R .. .. „ •• •• •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 60 From Oth March, 1910. 471 Trim F E ". .. Telegram Folder .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 00 From Bth March, 1910. 472 Raxworthy, C. H. .. „ .. •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 60 From 11th March. 1910. 473 Haul-y f .. Junior Exchange Clerk .. .. 1/0/08 0 9 0 60 From 12th March, 1910. 474 Yorsion RCM .... 22/3/09 0 010 00 From 22nd March. 1910. 475 Kcane, D. T. ' .'. '.. Letter-carrier 1/4,08 10 0 00 From 24th March, 1910. Telegraph Message Boys. 1 Dolphin, D. E. .. .. Telegraph Message Boy .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 2 Hale, J. R „ •• •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 3 Lawrenson, A. H. .. „ ..... 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 4 Grey, G.J „ •■ •• 1/4 08 1 0 0 lo 5 (Armour, F. D „' .. •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 6 1 Campbell, J „ •• •• 1/4/08 10 0 40 7 Parsons, A. E. J. .. „ .. •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 8 Bennett, V.J „ •• •• 1/4/ OS 1 0 0 40 9 Sullivan, J. F „ •• •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 10 Mcintosh, G „ •- •• 1/4/ OS 10 0 40 Mote.—Officers in any uroup whose names an- bracketed entere.l the class on the same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically.



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. S Date of Length of ,; Name. Position. Appoint- sl st March £ ««"\arks. | ment. lgo9 • a Tei egkaph Message Boys — continued. Y. m. d. £ 11 Gilmer, H. T. .. .. Telegraph Message Boy .. .. 1/4/ OS 10 0 40 12 (Treaoy, H. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 40 13 Hunt, V. S. .. .. „ .. . 1/4/ OS 1 o 0 40 14 Olausen, XV. R. .. .. „ ... . 1/4/ OS I o 0 40 15 McEvoy, J. N. .. .. „ .. . 1/4/08 I O 0 40 10 Bradley, J. F. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 I) 40 17 , U'aldin. T. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 O 0 40 Is Cross, P. H. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 10 0 40 19 Davies. K. C. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS lot) 40 20 Haughie. W. 8... .. „ .. 1/4/08 10 0 40 21 (Doran. E. .1. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 0 0 40 22 (Thomas. G. (. .. .. „ .. .. 1/1/08 10 0 40 23 I Burns, F". J. D. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 40 24 I Sid well, Jessie K. .. Telegraph Messenger .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 25 Craig, F. L. .. .. Telegraph Message Boy .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 20 U'iekstead, \\. S. .. „ .. * .. 1/4/ OS I 0 0 40 27 Brown, A. H. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 28 Berry, XV. T. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 29 Butler, R. J. .. .. ~- .. .. 1/4/08 1 t) 0 40 30 Bain, E. M. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 o 0 40 31 Murphy, P. J. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 40 32 Stephenson. M. .. .. „ .. .. i/4/0S 1 0 0 40 33 Hancox. J. C. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 0 0 4fl 34 Miller. H. A. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 4C 35 Cardno. R. W. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 o o 4C 30 (Gerard, 8. T. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 o o 40 37 - Lippitt, C. F. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 38 | Parnell, H. W. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 30 i Humphreys, E. T. .. „ .. ~ 1/4/08 I 0 0 40 to i Wemyss, Catherine M. C. Telegraph Messenger .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 0 0 40 41 Wilson, J. M. .. .. Telegraph Message Boy .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 40 12 Power. T. F. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 0 0 40 43 Helgesen, J. L. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 40 44 James, N. R. H. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 40 45 Andrew, J. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 0 0 40 46 Ferguson, C. E... .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS I O 0 40 47 Miller, D.O. .. .. P.O. Boy Messenger .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 (I 40 48 . Brown, XV. C. .. .. Telegraph Message Boy .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 49 | Templeton, M. E. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 50 MeQuarrie, J. D. .. „ .. .. 1/4/os 100 40 51 Stirnpson, w. A. .. „ .. .. 1/4/os 100 40 52 (Spinley, W. H. B. .. „ .. .. 1/4 08 100 40 53 Sutherland, J. M. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 10 0 40 54 (Tail. A. R. .. „ .. .. 1/4*oB I 0 O 40 55 (North, P. W. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4 OS 10 0 40 50 1 Williams. W. C. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 0 (1 lo 57 (Moore, W. G. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 4<J 58 (Mundie, J. D. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 59 1 Barr, C. W. M. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 60 (Zaffer, R. A. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 40 61 (Buckton, L. T. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 0 0 40 62 Lilley, XV. R. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 10 0 40 63 (Turner. F. E. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 10 0 40 64 Lake. A. G. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 40 65 Murphy, J. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 0 0 40 66 (Cuff, J. T. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 10 0 40 67 j Liddell, T. R. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 0 0 40 08 I Pettengell, A. E. .. „ .. .. 1/4/oS 1 0(I 40 09 Barton. V. P. .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 70 Knock, J. E. .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 40 71 F'innerty, W. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 72 ( Clark, A. C. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 73 Greenslade, J. E. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 40 74 Meliitvre. G. A. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 10 0 40 75 Sears. W. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 76 Dumbleton, R. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 40 77 , Wind. I-'.. W. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 78 Philpor, XV. E. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 40 79 Harrison. Mildred L. .. Telegraph Messenger .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 40 80 Osborne, A. .. Telegraph Message Boy .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 40 51 Goodman, H. F. T. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 10 0 40 82 Morrison, D. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 40 83 Baxter, N. .. ... „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 84 Dalley, A. M. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 85 Latimer, R. A. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 40 86 Backhouse, J. XV. C. „ . .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 87 Martin. A. O. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 88 ( Kennedy, J. W. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 89 \ Matthews, W. A. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 90 (McNeish, G. F. .„ „ .... 1/4/08 10 0 40 Note.—Officers in any group whose names'are bracketed entered the class on the same date. [ Such officers' names are]entered alpnabecicallv



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. • Date of Length of i Name. Position. Appoint- * Remarke. 3 ment. lgo9 | Telegraph Message Boys— continued. Y. M. D. £ 91 f Godfrey, U. W. .. Telegraph Message Boy .. .. 1/4/08 100 40 02 Murphy, J. M. .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/os I 0 0 40 93 | Read, A. E. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS I I) 0 10 94 (Leers, M. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 06 Moore, J. C. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 100 40 96 ( Phillips, T. C. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/os 1 0 0 40 97 Coad, C. 0 ~ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 98 Kernel, R. T. .. .. „ .. ..II '08 I 0 0 40 99 . Brooke, A. Grace .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 100 40 100 I Burrowes. A. T. .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 100 40 101 Knight, R. J. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/os 10 0 40 102 i Matthews. F. J. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 40 103 I Robinson, R. W. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS I 0 0 40 104 Winstanloy. !•'. H. .. ~ .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 40 106 Cantwell, P. W. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 40 106 | McNamara, H. .. .. ... .. 1/4/ OS 1 o o 40 107 Bond, V. R ~ .. •• 1/4/08 I 0 0 40 108 ,Delaney, P. .. .. ~ .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 40 109 (Fredericks, H. S. .. . .. .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 40 110 iHickey, P. S „ .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 40 111 Boagey, E. R „ .. • • 1/4,08 10 0 40 112 Duff, G „ •• •• 1/4/08 10 0 40 113 (McDonald, J. L. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 114 ITreweek, S. C. F. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 115 (Moor, F. W „ .. •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 116 | Newton, A. R ~ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 117 Skeen, R. W „ .. .. 14/08 1 0 0 40 118 (Hancock, J ~ .. •• 1/4/08 I 0 0 40 119 (Stanley, S.H „ .. •• 1/4/08 I 0 0 40 120 (Jones, J „ •• •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 121 1 McKenzie, N. H. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 122 Audley, R. B „ .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 40 123 Pickering, E. H. R. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 40 124 ,Greig, A. J „ .. •• 1/4/08 10 0 40 125 Parmenter, L. J. .. „ .. •■ 1/4/08 40 126 ißudman, C. I ~ .. •• 1/4/08 I 0 0 40 127 (Gregory, E. J „ .. •• 1/4/08 10 0 40 128 -MoDavitt, F. G. .. „ .. •• 1/4/08 10 0 40 129 (Sustins, R „ .. •• 1/4/08 10 0 40 130 Brewer, H. R. .. .. Messenger and Assistant .. 1/4/08 0 0 40 131 iMcGrath, G. .. .. Telegraph Message Boy .. .. 1/4/os 1 0 0 40 132 | Warren, XV. V „ .. . • 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 133 Home, H. W „ •■ •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 134 (Allardice, W. H. .. „ .. •• 1/4/08 1 0 o 40 135 iMcehan, J. T „ .. •• 1/4/08 I 0 0 40 136 Dannefierd, I „ .. • • 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 137 Middlomiss, W. E. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 138 Ward, J. J „ .. •• 1/4/08 I 0 0 40 139 Donovan, A. J .. • • 1/4 08 1 0 0 40 140 Robertson, W. D. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 o o 40 141 Horn, R. L „ .. •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 142 Milligan, J. J „ .. •• 1/4/08 10 0 40 143 McCarthy, R. H. - .. „ .. •• 1/4/08 I 0 0 40 144 (Bennett, R. A „ .. •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 115 Biigg, M. E „ .. •• 1/VOB I 0 0 in 148 Freeman, G „ .. •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 147 Ridings, E. Ada .. „ .. •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 148 (Barrett, J. C „ .. •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 149 Stafford, S.F „ .. •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 150 Sullivan, P. O ~ .. •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 151 (Hastedt, R. C ~ .... 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 152 , Hornblow. J. A. .. .. .. •■ 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 153 (Bell, C.J h .. •• 1/4/ OS 1 0 0 40 15 1 Keven, E. S „ •• •• 1/4/08 10 0 10 155 McCormick. W. S. .. .. .. •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 150 , Shields. K. N. A. .. „ .. •• 1/4/ OS 10 0 40 157 'Stephen. E. A ~ .. •• 1/4/08 I 0 0 4C ISS Kite, G. W „ .. •• 1/4/08 I 0 0 C 150 Smith, A. R. ... .. „ .. •• 1/4/ OS 1 0 0 40 100 Smyth, J. A „ .. •• 1/4/08 10 0 40 101 Muse. H. O „ •• •• 1/4/ OS 1 0 0 40 102 Coleman, G. C „ •• •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 163 (MoGrath, D „ •■ •• 1/4/08 I 0 0 40 104 Panting, F. W. .. „ .... 1/4/ OS 10 0 40 165 (Trustrum, E. A. .. .. .. •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 166 Coburn, W. R „ •■ •• l/ 4/»« I » " 40 167 Fenton, E. I • „ •• 1/4/08 I 0 0 40 168 Scott, A. N „ •■ •• 1/4/08 0 0 40 169 Hathaway, A. D. .. .. .. •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 170 Crosby. W. G .. •• •• l W m '° " W 171 Kuhtie. W. W „ •- •• 1/4/08 10 0 10 Note. -Officer- la any froep whoso aamai an bracketed entered the elan on the sen.- date. Such olncere' names are entered alphabetically B—F. 5.



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. a Date of Length of £ Name. Position. Appoint- .""!''''.''" ", n a Remarks. § ment. ~IBV ooo ' * Telegraph Message Boys— continued. Y. m. d. f 172 Quayle, A. F. C. .. Telegraph Message Boy .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 lo 173 Hamilton. XV. J. .. „ .. ..II "S 1 o 0 10 174 (Cotter, H. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 175 Driver. A. S. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 I II I) 40 176 (Hoskins, J. S. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 I (I II 40 177 1 hooker, A. E. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 I II o 40 178 IMoGiven, C. W. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS I 0 0 40 179 l);iines, H. .. .. P.O. Boy Messenger .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 0 0 40 ISO Carter, A. R. .. .. Telegraph Message Boy .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 II II 40 181 Dunckley, A. T. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 10 182 iGrey, S. W. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 40 IS3 , Semple, A. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 I o o lo 184 Moore, C. J. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 10 185 .Ryan, E. .. .. „ .. ..II 08 I 0 0 40 186 i Thompson, I* C. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 IS7 Wimsett. H. A... .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 (I 0 4(1 188 Bailey, XV. L. .. .. „ ..... 1/4/os 1 o o 40 189 Laurancc, F. J. B. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 190 Eraser, G. . .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 10 191 Tvler, F. W. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS I 0 (I 40 192 Russell, J. G. .. .. „ .. .. I/4/0S 1 (I o 10 193 Ellis, F. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS I 0 0 40 194 (Comer, F. W. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 0 0 40 195 iMcGahan, P. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 190 Daly, W. J. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 I) 40 107 [ Hanks, 11. K. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 198 ]Harper, W. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 40 199 (Turner, J. C. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 I o 0 40 200 Johns, A. F. .. .. „ .. .. I/4/0S 1 O II 40 201 Illingworth, C. A. W. .. ~ ... .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 202 McLeod, W. V. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 203 Harbison, W. T. .. „ .. .. I 1/08 I 0 0 10 204 i Benjamin, L. A. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 0 0 40 205 (Stuart, F. A. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 o o 40 205 Hodgkinson, A. .. P.O. Boy Messenger .. .. 17/6/07 1 914 40 207 Gallagher, XV. J. .. Telegraph Message Boy.. .- I lus 100 40 208 Toeker, F. L. .. .. „ .. .. I I on 1 0 o pi 209 Cormick, J. .. .. „ .. .. 1,4,08 1 0 0 40 210 Edwards, E. J.. .. „ .. .. I I as 1 o o 40 211 Beach, H. L. .. .. „ .. .. I I 08 1 0 0 40 212 Robertson, W. C. C. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 o o 40 2ia McLeod, W. R. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 0 0 40 214 Cormack, J. H. .. „ .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 215 Howard, F. D. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 O pi 216 Lynch, J. H. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 217 (Dunn, P. D. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 218 "(May, E. P. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS I II O 40 219 (Auld, R. W. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 40 220 Holden, B. A. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 o lo 221 Pauling, J. F. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 222 Stafford, J. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 O 40 223 Colville, G. A. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 o 40 224 Lightwood, H. C. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 225 McF'arlane, \\. A. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 0 0 40 226 (Finlinson, J. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 O 0 40 227 Hitch, L. J. W. .. ~ .. .. 1/4/08 1 (I 0 40 228 Brownlie, S. W... .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 229 Hall, S. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 230 (Bamforth, J. H. S. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 231 1 Thompson, L. A. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 o 11 In 232 (Grierson. J. 0. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 0 0 10 233 Hardie, E. C. .. .. ~ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 0 0 40 234 I Stone, W. F. H. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 o 40 235 Wooilett, IV. 11. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 0 0 40 230 IForster, F. J. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 o 40 237 , Miller, H. J. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 o o 40 238 Goodhall, H. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 (I 0 40 230 Cains, J..M „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 IO 240 Pen-in. XV. B. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 241 Kinghau, XV. J. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 0 0 40 242 ( Baggs, A. D. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 248 Pope, L. G. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 211 Smyth, R. P. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 40 245 Foord, W. H. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 40 240 ißeveiidge, C. J. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 247 Button, G. A. T. .. P.O. Boy Messenger .. .. 10/9/1)7 1 015 40 248 Dickson, C. H. . . .. Telegraph Message Boy.. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 249 Campbell, P. G. .. „ • .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 40 250 Barker, T. F. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 251 1 Egginton, N. A. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 252 Paul, CW. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 o 11 411 253 (Wallis, A. R. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 Xotk.—Officers In any group whose names arc braoketed entered the class on the same date. Such officers' namea are entered alphabetically



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. a Date of Length of g | Name. Position. Appoint 3 i®tMarch A Kemarke. S ment - ' 1909. ' J 55 Tkleqraph Message Boys— continued. Y. M. D. £ 254 (Bergersen, H. K. .. Telegraph Message Boy .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 255 Churchill. G. A. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 (I 40 250 !■ Inwood, E. J. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 0 (I 40 257 I Parker, A. R. J. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 0 0 40 258 iVoyce, G. H „ .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 40 259 Williams, A. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 260 Lester, C. W. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 40 261 Watt, A. W „ .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 262 Hopper, H. M „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 263 (Griffiths, C. X „ .. 1/4/08 1 (I 0 40 264 'Mackey, J. F. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 40 265 Pearman, H. H. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 o 0 40 200 I Simpson, W. L. .. „ .. ..I I'OS I o o 40 267 (French,!' „ .. ... 1/4/ OS 1 0 I. 40 268 IGundy, A. H „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 o o 40 269 (Anstis, T. E „ .. .. 1/4/os 1 o o 40 270 ißobb, D. T „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 o o 40 271 /Furness, A. W. .. „ ..' .. 1/4/ OS I 0 0 40 272 Ingle, E „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 0 o 40 273 James, W. H „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 274 - Jarman, N. S. .. . „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 o 0 40 275 Lockwood, G „ .. •• 1/4/ os 1 0 0 40 270 Pawelka, J. A .. .. ■ .. 1/4/ OS I o o 40 277 'Ran. \X. J .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 40 278 Jack, E. .. .. .. .. •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 lo 279 Mullins, O. J .. •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 280 Morganti, P. A. .. ~ .. ■• 1/4/ OS 1 o o |o 281 Pedler, J. W. P. .. .. .. •• 1/4/08 10 0 40 282 Bennett,!'' „ •• •• 1/4/ OS I 0 0 40 283 , Edwards, G. R. .. „ .. • • 1/4/08 I 0 0 40 284 'Heeney, J. H „ .. •• 1/4/ OS 10 0 40 285 Ruscoe, W. J. F. .. „ .. •• 1/4/08 I 0 0 40 280 I Watt. EL „ 1/4/08 10 0 40 287 (Anderson, T. G. .. „ .. •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 288 ' Stanley, J. L „ .. •• 1/4/08 111 (I 40 289 Weir, F.J „ •• •• ' '> " s I " " 40 290 Gulleford, G. G. .. „ •• •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 291 MacPherson, J. S. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 292 Dawson, F. S. li. .. „ ■• •• 1/4/08 I o o 40 293 Lendrum, T. B „ .. 1/4/ OS 10 0 40 294 /Breach, C. H „ .. 1/4/08 10 0 40 295 Clarke, W. A „ .. •• 1/4/08 10 0 40 296 (Price, G. A .. .. •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 297 j Walker, Eveline .. „ .. •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 298 I Wiltshire, J. A. .. „ .. •• 1/4/ OS 10 0 40 299 Skellon, B. B „ .. •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 300 Amos. A. .I. W... .. P.O. Boy Messenger .. .. 8/11/07 1 423 40 301 Simpson, H. W. .. Telegraph Message Boy.. .. 1/4/ OS 1 0 0 40 302 .Beck, C. H „ .. •■ 1/4/08 1 0 0 lo 303 (Dean, A. H „ .. •• 1/4/08 10 0 40 304 Jordan, R „ •• •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 lo 305 (McKay, J. H „ •• •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 306 iNees, A. E ~ •■ •• 1/4/08 10 0 40 307 Simpson, A. J „ •• •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 308 Coutts, W. C „ •• •• 1/4.08 1 0 0 40 309 iMcKenzie, R „ •• •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 310 iPhinix, A „ ■• •• 1/4/ OS I I) 0 40 311 Ross, D „ ■■ •• 1/4/08 40 312 Caldwed. H. M. .. „ .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 313 Weller, J. R „ •• •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 314 (Anderson, P. D. .. „ .. •• 1/4/08 10 0 40 315 'Johnston, G „ •• •• 1/4/08 10 0 40 310 McLennan,K „ .. •• 1/4/08 10 0 40 317 Maxwell, C. G „ •• •• 1/4/08 10 0 40 318 Piercy, G. H .. .. •• 1/4/08 10 0 40 319 Simpkins, J „ •• •• 1/VOB 10 0 40 320 /Baillie, N. A „ >• •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 I 321 ! Brinson, J. W „ .. •• 1/4/08 10 0 W 322 Wendelken, C. XX. .. ~ .. •• 1/4/08 0 0 40 323 I Woodsford, A. E. .. . •• •• 1/4/08 10 0 40 324 i Musgrave, H. A. D. .. „ .. •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 325 (Stack, E. B „ .. •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 326 RyalLE „ •■ •• V* 08 I 0 0 lo 327 (Beavon, T. G „ •• •• 1/4/08 I 0 0 40 328 Spooner, E. J „ •• •• 1/4/ OS 10 0 40 329 lYVoolford. F. .1. .. „ •• •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 lo 330 Sharrock, L. J. .. „ •• •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 331 Hunt, C. S „ •• •• 1/4/08 1 0 0 m 332 Briggs, D ;, •• •• 1/4/08 10 0 lo 333 Willis, S. H „ •• •- 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 .N'OTB — Officers in any group whose names aro bracketed entered the class on the same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. 8 Date of Length of £ 1 Name. Position. Appoint- jj Beuiarks. 5 ment. lgo9 « Telegraph Message Boys— continued. Y. M. D. t 334 I Barkwith, A. D. .. Telegraph Message Boy .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 40 335 | Crawshaw, A. L. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 lo 330 Evans, J. T „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 337 Laird, L. A ~ .. .. 1/4/08 1 O 0 40 338 Ralph, J. W. A. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 339 \ Thompson. A. E. .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 340 (Julian, G. H „ .. .. 1/4/08 10 0 40 341 I Springer, R. 8... .. ~ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 342 Melville, G. A. S. .. „ .. . • 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 343 .Foster, F „ .. .. 1/4/08 100 lo 311 Stechmann, R. S. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 10 345 DiUicar. E. R. .. .. „ .. .. I/4/0S 1 0 0 40 340 Manton, J. M. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS I o () 40 347 (F:ves, E. E. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 348 Hocking, W. 11. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 o 40 349 jNewth, C. H. .. .. ~ .. •• 1/4/08 I 0 0 W 350 Phin. R. M. .. P.O. Boy Messenger .. .. 1/4/08 1 O 0 40 351 I Riddell, A. F. .. .. Telegraph Message Boy .. *.. 1/4/os Io o pi 352 Graham, V. A. . . .. .. .. .. I/4/0S I o I) 40 353 (May, W. 11. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 o 0 lo 354 Huekstep, A. C. .. ..* .. .. 1/4/ OS I 0 0 40 366 Elliott, J. C. H. .. .. .. ■• 1/4/08 I O (I lo 350 Lange, XV. P. .. .. „ •■ •• 1/4/ os I 0 0 40 357 > Benson, J. B. P. J. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 (I 40 358 iSpragg, G. H „ .. .. 1/4/os I 0 0 40 369 I Allen, A. P. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/os 40 360 iLearey, H. (1. .. .. ~ .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 lo 301 (Allan, H. H. .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 40 362 'Cates, C. .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/ OS I 0 0 W 303 , O'Brien, J. F. . . .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 0 0 10 364 I Fowler, B. •'. .. .. •■ 1/4/08 1 (I o In 305 Sutherland, I>. .... „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 (I I) 40 366 O'Neill. .I. W. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 o o 40 367 Shearer, F. J. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 0 0 40 308 MoUoy, B.J. .. .. ~ .. .. 1/4/08 40 .too Oonnon, T. G. .. .. „ .. •• 1/4/08 I 0 0 lo 370 (Ryan, W. .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 40 371 Coleman. E, A... .. ~ •• .. 1/4/ OS IO 372 Henderson, W. .. .. ~ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 lo 373 /Franks, A. L. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 10 374 Haley, \\. J. .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 I" 375 McKechnie, R. W. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 Q lo 370 I Ramage, F. M. B. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 o o |o 377 'Roche, W. .. .. „ •• •• I/4/0S 1 0 o |o 878 Wells, R. G. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/os l o o in 370 lslip, E. E. .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 Q lo 380 Person, R. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/os 1 o o lo 381 Smith, S. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 40 382 Oevaney, T. M. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 4o 383 O'Connor, S. J. . . .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 0 0 40 384 (Roche, MJ. J. .. ~ .. .. 1/4/os I o o m 386 [Simpson, D. R. J. .. „ .. .. 1/4/os Io o in 386 Alexander, J. D. K. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 40 C.S. Jun. Exam., 1907 387 Aston, F. C. .. .. .. .. •• 1/4/os I o o pi 388 tfoUoy, V. W. .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 lo 389 Rowland, J. B. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS I no lo 390 'Rudman, G. W. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 I o O 40 391 /Biggs, N. N. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS I 0 o lo 392 James, J. H. L. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 o Q 40 393 ■ Moriarty, M. .. .. „ .. .. I/4/0S I 0 I) 40 394 Morrison, C. R... .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 100 lo 395 'Pearee, W. W. P. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 (I In 396 Smale, T. P. .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/os I () o 40 397 Downes, P. O. .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/os 1 o o lo 398 Thompson, M. .1. .. ~ .. .. 1/4/ OS I o o p. 399 Old, P. .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/ OS I 0 0 40 400 McCormic-k, P. J. .. .. - .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 lo 401 Weld, H. .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 lo 402 (Barney, G. R. B. B. .. ~ .. .. 1/4/os 1 o o 40 403 Kemble, L. R. .. .. ~ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 lo 404 (Rowe, M. D. ..• .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 0 o lo 405 Grillin, J. F. .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 1 O o lo 406 Doyle, P. E. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS I o 0 lo 407 Boundv. S. T. XV. P.a Boy Messenger .. .. 1/3/08 I 1 o 40 40S Boyes, P. a .. •• .. •• •• 1/3/08 II 0 40 409 l Campbell, H. I). .. Telegraph Message Boy. . .. 1/4/ OS I (I II lo 410 ! Peterson, N. W. .. „ .. 1/4/os I () o 40 til 1 Thornton, H. S. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 X) 412 (Wilson, N. E. .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 0 40 413 Cockcroft, J. W. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 Note. —Officers in any group whose names are bracketed entered the class on the same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically.



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. Z «, Date of Length of I Name. Position. Appoint- 31 XM C *ch A Remarks. s ■"«>«• ' 1909. ' 3 Telegraph Message Boys— continued. v. m. d. £ 414 Wade, XV. .. .. Telegraph Message Boy.. .. 1/4/08 10 0 lo 415 Herring, A. E. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 I 0 I) 40 416 (Dunn, P. A. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 o o 40 417 i Ridgley, J. A. A. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 lo 418 Steele, J. W. ~ .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 o o 40 419 Aimer, K. .. .. „ .. .. 1/4/08 1 0 0 40 420 Davies, A. R. W. „ .. .. 1/4/ OS 1 O Q 40 421 Muir. A. C. .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/ OS 10 0 40 422 (Gall. N. J. .. .. .. .. 0/4/08 (I II 25 40 From Oil. April, 1900. 423 (O'Connor, E. H. F. A. .. „ .. .. 0/4/08 0 1125 40 424 I Briggs. !•'. H. .. .. .. .. .. 10/4/08 011 20 40 From 10th April, 1909. 425 1 Ralph, H. S. .. .. '.. .. 10/4/08 0 1120 lo 426 Donald, A. R. .. .. . .. .. 13/4/08 011 IS 40 From 13th April. 1909. 427 Short, F. W. .. .. „ .. .. 14/4/08 (111 17 40 From 14th April. 1909. 428 Robinson. L. M. „ .. .. 16/4/08 oil 18 40 From 10th April. 1909. 429 Duff. G. K. .. .. „ •■ •• 18/4/ OS 011 13 40 From 18th April. 1909. 130 Christie. G. D. .. .. .. .. .. 2o Cos 011 11 40 From 20th April. 1909. 431 Shirley. G. W. C. „ ... .. 25/4/08 (I II 0 40 From 10th Augiisl. 1 909. 432 Whitham, L. A. .. „ .. •■ 28 1/08 011 8 lo Prom 26th April, 1909. 433 ( Bright. XV. N. .. .. „ ■• •• 27/4/08 oil 4 40 From 27th April. 1009. 434 Griffith. V. C. O. .. ... .. .. 27/4/ OS oil 4 40 435 (Poole, F. A. A... .. .. .. .. 27/4/68 oil 4 40 130 Keohan. P. E. .. .. .. .. •■ 28/4/08 Oil 3 40 From 28th April, 1900. 437 Berry, A. E. .. .. „ .. .. 1/5/08 oil 0 40 From Ist May, 1800. 438 | Dooling, D. J. .. .. .. .. .. 1/5/08 Oil II lo 439 Duncan. H ~ •• •• 1/5/08 Oil 0 10 110 l-'.w-rton. F. S. .. .. .. .. .. 1/6/08 Oil 0 40 111 Gilffllan, M. .. .. .. •• 1/5/68 oil o 40 442 | Hiils,-. W. 11. .. .. „ •■ •• 1/5/08 Oil II Hi 443 | Ross, C. .. .. .. •• •• l/5/'»8 Oil II lo 444 Wood, F. P. .. .. „ •■ •• 1/5/08 Oil 0 lo 445 \Woods,P.W. .. .. .. .. 1/5/08 (111 0 40 140 (Bremner, I). .■ „ •• •■ 2/5/08 010 80 10 Prom 2nd Max. 1909. 147 Oollingwood, C. H .. „ .. .. 2/5/os 010 80 10 us Chittenden, B. .. .. •• .. •• 4/6/08 0102s 40 Prom 4*h May, 1909. no Sanders, A. B „ .. .. 4/5/08 0102s 40 450 'Donaldson. P. W. .. „ .. 9/5/08 010 23 40 Prom 9th May, 1909. 451 1 Hunt. V.J ■■ •• •• 9/5/08 0 II) 23 40 462 \l. N'.-elv G .. .. •• •• •• 11/5/08 010 81 lo Prom 11th May, 1909. 453 Qandell, J. S. ■■ •• •• ■■ •• 15/6/08 01017 40 Prom 15th May, 1909. i.m (Anderson, Bethia .. Telegraph Messenger .. .. 18/5/os 010 14 4o Prom 18th May, 1909. 166 Julian, L. Pearl .. „ .. .. 18/5/08 010 14 40 450 I Scott, J. 8. •• •• Telegraph Message Boy.. .. 18/5/08 O 111 14 40 457 Lidch-ll X.XV... .. „ .. 20/5/08 1)10 12 40 From 201 hMa v. 1 900 m Uquith, 8. C. .... „ .. .. 25/5/ OS 010 7 lo Prom 25th May, 1909. 459 Ben .11... •• .. •■ 29/5/08 oln 3 40 from 29th May, 1909. 160 Mirahain. XV. P. .. „ .. .. 30/5/08 010 2 40 From 30th May. 1009 401 Wlerson. J. G. .. „ .. .. 1/6/08 Oil) O 40 From Ist June. 1909. 462 Bell, G. G „ •• •■ l/«/ 08 010 0 40 403 Braddock, K. F. L .. „ .. .. 1/6/ OS 010 o 40 404 Cameron. A. B. .. •■ •• •• l/«/ 08 OKI 0 40 465 Christiansen. F. J. .. .. .. .. 1/0/ OS (III) I) 10 460 Barnshaw, T. L. .. .. .. •• l/0/os 0 4o 467 Egarr, F. L „ •■ ■• '/0/os 010 0 lo 408 Glanfield, 1) „ •■ •• I/O/OS old 11 40 469 1 Green, B. R „ •■ I/O/OS Old 0 40 170 llalnson. C „ •■ •• I/O/OS II 10 O 40 471 Kellawav. G. T. .. Boy Sorter .. .. .. I 0/OS 1)10 0 40 472 Ken G. W. •• .. Telegraph Message Boy.. .. I/O/OS 010 0 40 From Ist June, 1909. 473 Parkinson. V. ■I. .. ~ .. .. 1/8/08 010 9 40 474 Shewan. W. H. .. .. .. ■• 1/0/08 OKI 0 to 475 Stevenson. A. T. .. .. .. .. 1/0/08 010 0 lo 470 Walters, P. L ~ .. •• 1/0/08 010 o in 477 M,-Clure F. K. .. .. .. .. •• 4/0/08 O 027 40 From 4th June. 1909. 478 I Haker E \ .. .. .. .. .. S/O/OS II 923 40 From Sth June. 1909. 479 I Brown, J. A. B> .. „ •• «/«/08 0 923 to 480 , Hohinan, H. V. .. „ .. .. S/O/OS 0 023 10 481 ' Wilson. N. A. .. .. Boy Sorter .. .. 8/0/ OS 0 923 10 482 Hardy, T. G. .. .. Telegraph Message Boy.. .. 9/6/08 0 922 40 From 9th June. 1909. 483 fArdley 0. L. • • ~ •• 11/6/08 0 990 40 From 11th June. 1909 484 Mercer, W. A. R .. 11/li/08 0 920 40 485 ', Sloan. F. L „ .. •• 11/0/08 8 9SO 40 486 I Weir, Q „ •• •• 11/6/08 0 9SO lo 487 Clare, E. L. .. .. „ ■• •• 12/6/08 o 919 40 From 12th June, 1909 488 , Corkill, A. D. .. „ ■• •• 15/6/08 0 91H 40 Prom 16th June, 1900 489 Low, P.O. V .. •• 15/8/08 0 918 40 490 ■* Oliver, H. O .. 15/6/08 0 916 lo 491 J Roche. II .. .. •- 15/6/08 0 910 111 492 'Tonge, W •„ •• •• 15/0/08 (I 910 40 493 Sherwin, S. 1). .. .. „ .. 16/6/08 0 915 40 From 10th June. 1 009 Vote. Officers in any group whose names are bracketed entered the class on the same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. | Date of Length of £, I Name. Position. Appoint- JirtMarch A Remarks. o ment. lgo9 • | Telegraph Mmsaoe Boys— continued. Y. m. d. £ 194| Houst ridge. F. F. .. Telegraph Message Boy.. .. 18/6/08 0 913 40 From 18th June, 1909. 495 (Alsop. A. W. .. ~ .. .. 20/6/08 0 911 40 From 20th June, 1909. 496 Langley, H. T. .. .. „ .. .. 20/6/08 o 911 40 497 .(McNeil, C. R. .. .. .. .. 20/6/08 0 911 40 498 I Dowling, J. V. .. .. ~ .. .. 22/6/08 0 9 9 40 From 22nd June, 1909. 499 I Hargood. H. H. Boy Sorter .. .. .. 22/6/08 0 9 9 40 .500 Neill. V. G. .. .. Telegraph Message Boy.. .. 23/6/08 0 9 S 40 From 23rd June. 1909. 501 Fowke. L. J. N. „ .. .. 24/6/08 0 9 7 40 From S4th June, 1909. 602 Urwin. J. H. .. „ .. •• 29/6/08 0 9 2 40 From 29th June, 1909. 503 Raynor A. E. .. .. „ •■ .. 30/6/08 o 9 I lo From 80th June, 1909. 504 , Be'tts. C. L. .. .. „ .. •• 1/7/08 o 9 0 4o From Ist July, 1909. 505 Grantham. J. D. .. „ .. .. 1/7/08 0 9 0 W 506 Livingstone, B. V. .. „ .. .. 1/7/08 o 9 0 40 507 Lorigan. C. XV „ .. .. 1/7/08 0 9 0 40 508 Marley, G ~ •• •• 1/7/08 0 9 0 40 509 Miller. P. S „ •• ■• V 7/08 0 9 0 lo 510 O'Connor. .I. F. .. „ .. .. 1/7/08 0 9 II 40 From Ist July. 1909 C.S. Juu. Exam.. 1908 511 BohoAeld, J. W. .. „ •• •• 1/7/08 0 9 0 4o From Ist July, 1909. 512 Wause, N. R » •• •• 1/7/08 09 0 4o 513 Waterman A. .. .. „* •■ •• 4/7/08 0 828 40 From 4th July. 1909. 514 Bree W L .. „ •• •• 0/7/08 0 826 40 From 6th July. 1909. 515 Jury' 8 1) •• •• .. •• •• 7/7/08 08 86 40 From 7th July, 1909. 516 lEnsom FW. .. .. „ .. •■ 8/7/08 0 821 10 Prom Bth July, 1909. 517 iMoMaster, T. W. .. „ •• •• 8/7/ os 0 524 40 518 Bishopri.-k. C. E. .. „ .. .. 9/7/08 08 S3 4o From 9th July, 1909. -,19 Whitehead, B. .. •• ~ •• •• 16/7/08 0 810 to From 16th July, 1909. 520 Neilsen MP .. ~ •• •• 18/7/08 o 814 40 From 18th July, 1909. go] Morgan G0... .. ~ •• •• 20/7/08 0 812 40 From 20th July. 1909; C.S. Jun. Exam.. 1907 522'■ Solomon, E. J ~ •• •• 27/7/ os 0 8 5 40 Prom 87th July, 1909. 503'Switwr CI- .. ~ •■ •• 31/7/ os os I 40 Prom Slst July, 1909. V' 4' ' Bater R N . •• „ •• •• 1/8/08 0 S 0 40 From Ist Aug., 1909. 525 iDobson, A. E „ .. •• 1/8/08 <» 8 0 40 526 I Fairlie. H. V „ ■• •• 1/8/08 0 8 O 40 527 - Hazeldine. I). H. .. „ .. •■ 1/8/08 0 8 0 40 528 ILonergan. C. S. .. „ .. •• 1/8/08 0 S (I 40 529 I Walsh. J. R. F. .. „ •• •• 1/8/08 0 8 II 40 530 * Weston. W. N „ •• •• 1/8/08 08 0 10 531 Huston. R. M ' ~ •• •• VB/08 0 729 40 From 3rd Aug., 1909. 532 Stanley WS T .. .. •• •• 5/8/08 o 727 40 From Sth Aug., 1909. 533 iDonaeti 1> B .. „ •• •• S/8/08 07 24 40 From Bth Aug., 1909. 534' Flowerdav. H „ •• •• 8/8/08 0 724 lo .. 535 Bateup R ■■ •> •• •• 17/8/08 o 715 10 From 17th Aug.. 190!). 530 Henderson, W. ft .. „ •• •• 17/8/08 0 715 40 537 Nevlon M T . „ .... 21/8/08 0 711 lo From 21st Aug., 1909. 538 Roderioue,' B. '.. ■■ „ ■■ ■■ *»/8/»x 0 7 8 40 From 26th Aug., 1909. 530 Drvs.lale W. J „ •• •• 37/8/08 0 7 5 40 Prom 37th Aug., 1909. 540 /Cameron. H „ •• •• '/9/08 07 0 40 From Ist Sept., 1909. 541 Ettershauk. L. R. * .. ~ •• •• 1/9/08 0 7 0 4.1 .542 Foster. J. N „ •• •• 1/9/08 0 7 0 40 543 Hansen. W. H •• •• 1/9/08 0 7 0 40 .544 Lucas. E. H ~ •• •• f/9/08 07 0 40 545 - O'Brien. Gertrude .. Telegraph Messenger .. .. 1/9/08 0 7 II 40 546 Robertson, A. .. .. Telegraph Message Boy.. .. 1/9/08 0 7 0 40 547 Spraggon, H. A. .. » • • • • 1/9/08 0 7 0 40 548 Voigt,F. E. P „ •• •• 1/9/08 07 0 40 549 Waters, A n ■■ ■■ 1/9/08 0 7 0 40 550 * White W J ~ •• •• 1/9/08 07 0 40 551 (Bradley EP. . ■.. » •• •• 7/9/08 00 24 40 Prom 7th Sept., 1909. 552 5.«D.G.R.:: .- :, •• •• 7/9/08 00 24 40 553 Neilsen VC. . .. „ •• •• 7/9/08 0 024 40 554 f Roxburgh' W . .. „ ■• ■• 14/9/08 o 017 40 From 14th Sept., 1909. 555 i Thompson', G. S. .. „ •• •• 14/9/08 0 617 40 556 King, L. J. .. •• Messenger and part-time letter- 10/9/08 06 15 40 carrier 557 Hanh/ail J .. •• Telegraph Message Boy.. .. 17/9/08 0 614 10 Prom 17th Sept., 1909. ?K8 (ltaXp j „ •■ •• 21/9/08 II 610 40 From 21st Sept.. MM 19. 559 1 Stewart HB H " „ •• •• 21/9/08 0 810 lo 560 Cummerneld, Myrtle M. !. Telegraph Messenger .. .. 28/9/08 0 6 8 40 Form 83rd Sept., 1909. sftl sJkern [i.\l ■■ Telegraph Message Boy.. 27/9/ OS 0 6 4 40 From 37th Sept., 1909. 56* Boy" EH J-'- ■• „ •• •■ 1/10/08 0 6 0 40 Prom Ist. Oct., 1909. 563 [Caic'AiH ~ J/JO/Jg 0 J 0 40 564 Cartwright, (. A. ~ ~ •• •• / 0/08 0 0 40 565 I Church, W. T. .. .. ~ •• •• 1/10/08 00 o 40 500 Edlm.A ~ ■• ;/10/08 0 0 0 Hi 567 Hartmann. ft .. .. .. •• ■• / 0/08 b 508 Riddell, J ... •• •• 1/10/08 0 6 0 40 Mfl Yates W •• .. .... 1/10/08 0 6 0 40 570 , Evci-nde,; P. W. .. „ 5/10/08 0 527 40 Prom sth Oct., 1909. 571 Hardie, H. W. . . .. „ •• •• 5/10/08 0 027 40 572 (SoSan,F.l ~ •• •• 5/10/08 0527 40 Note Otticore in any group whose names are bracketed entered the clans on the same date. Such officers' names are entered alphabetically.



POST AND TELEGRAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. i Date of Length of a Name. Position. Appoint- j* Remarks. § mBnt - 1909. 1 TiXKORAPH Mkssauk Boys— continued. Y. M. B. £ 573 Mann C. XX. .. .. Telegraph Message Boy .. .. 10/10/ OS o 522 40 From 10th Oat., 1909. .74 Wells F \. .. .. ~ ' ■• •• 14/10/ os o 518 40 From 14th Oct., 1909. ,75 [Mansell c B. .. .. „ .. .. 15/10/os o 517 4o Prom 15th Oct., 1909. 676 Pybus, A.C.L. .. „ .. •• 15/10/08 0 517 40 577 Istewart.H. B „ . .. 15/10/08 0 517 hi 578 \iik.n .1F... .. „ . .. 19/10/08 0 513 40 From 19th Oct., 1909. 579 Colvin.H. A „ .. •• 19 10/08 0 513 40 580 Barrett I! J. .. .. „ •• •■ 20/10/ os o 512 40 From 20th Oct., 1909. 581 Barratl W D „ .. •• 22/10/ oS 0 510 4o From 22nd Oct., 1909. 582 iCunningham, W. 8. .. „ .. .. 20/10/08 0 5 6 40 Prom 26th Oct., 1909. 588 Reid, sTb „ .. •• 26/10/08 o 5 0 40 584 i Smith. W. T „ .. •• 26/10/0S II 5 0 40 586 Humphrey, B. ft .. „ .. •■ 27/10/08 0 5 5 40 Prom 27th Oct., 1909. 586 U.i.e,, I.' I). S. .. „ .. .. 27/10/08 0 5 5 lo „ „ )S7 Evans J E „ .... 30/10/08 0 5 2 40 From 30th Oct., 1909. SSS Clarkson, W. M .. „ .•« •• 1/H/OS 0 5 o 40 Prom Ist Nov., 1909. 559 Curry, C. J. H „ .. •• l/U/os o 5 o 40 590 llaigh. .1 „ •• •• '/'I/OS o 5 o 40 591 Hvland. F - „ •• •• l/H/08 0 5 II 40 592 , Maefarlane, R. G. W. .. „ .. .. 1/11/08 0 5 (I 40 593 Istitt, P ~ •• •• 1/11/08 0 5 O 40 Vil Kill L<i .. .. ~ •• •• 2/11/08 o 429 40 From 2nd Nov., 1909. 595 Paton J F .. „ .... 3/11/ OS 0 428 40 From 3rd Nov., 1909. v' M ; iLane'D C . „ .... 9/11/os o 422 40 From 9th Nov., 1909. 597 Stoning. A. N. .. „ •• •• 9/11/08 O 422 40 598 Madsen. F. B „ .. •• 13/11/08 0 4IS 40 From 13th Nov., 1909. -~,., Byme in „ .... 14/11/08 o 417 40 From 14th Nov., 1909. 000 Coombe, E. A. E. .. „ .. •• 14/11/08 0 417 40 001 Covle P. .. .. Boy Sorter .. .. 10/11/08 o 415 40 002 Grifto \l •• •■ Tefograph Message Boy.. .. 20/11/08 o 411 40 From 90th Not., 1909. 003 Stobie CW. .. .. „ •• ■■ 22/11/ os o 4 9 4o Prom 22nd Nov., 1909. ~,,( CookC \ .. ~ •• •• 23/11/08 o 4 S 4o From 23rd Nov.. 1909. 806 Even,.. A. G. J. .. „ •• •• 23/11/08 o 4 S 40 000 Jones. C. W „ •• •• 23/11/08 0 4 S 40 807 ' Perrett, E. J „ •• •• 23/11/08 0 l 8 40 Otis Crombie, H. W. .. „ .. ■■ 24/11/08 0 t 7 Jo Prom 24th Nov., 1909 Hon I!,,we II C .. .. „ •• •• 28/11/08 0 4 5 40 From 26th Nov., 1909 619 Bowman II .. .. „ •• •• 1/12/ os 0 4 o 4ii From Ist Dec, 1909. Oil Clavdcn.'.l „ •• •• 1/12/08 0 4 0 40 012 Creelman, C „ •• •• 1/12/ os o 4 o 40 (113 Dawson. S „ •• •■ 1/12/08 0 4 0 40 614 J Doyle. R. C „ .. •• 1/12/08 0 4 0 lo 615 \ Halpin, H. E „ . •• 1/12/ OS 0 4 (» 40 616 Knight, F. O „ • •• 1/12/08 0 4 0 40 017 Ludlow. O.J „ •• 1/12/08 0 4 0 10 018 Mitchell, E.J „ •■ •• 1/12/08 0 4 0 40 on. Isherson, T. V „ ■• •• 1/12/08 0 4 o 40 890 Robertson, J. A. .. „ .. •• 4/12/08 0 328 40 From 4th Dec, 1909. go] D, v L \ .. . „ .. •• 7/12/08 o 325 40 From 7th Dec, 1909. 692 .Cowlin.'. W. E „ .. •• 14/12/08 0 3IS 40 From 14th Dec. 1909. 623 ' Davern, H. J „ ■• •• 14/12/08 0 318 40 024 HawUen, C. G. .. „ .. •• 14/12/08 0 3IS In 025 (Williams. EC .. „ •■ ■• 14/12/ OS 0 318 40 020 Hiudmarsh. K. Si. J. .. ~ .. .. 17/12/ OS 0 316 40 From 17th Dec, 1909. 027 [Morris, EC ~ •• •• 17/12/08 0 315 40 698 Matthews W „ .... 19 19/08 0 313 40 From 19th Dec, 1 909. 029 .Johnson. (! „ .. •■ 21/12/08 0 311 40 From 21st Dec, 1909. 030 Muir. W. A „ •• •• 21/12/08 0 311 40 031 | Gates. E. J .. •• •• 91/19/08 0 311 lo 632 Foden E S „ .... 29/12/08 0 310 4o From 22nd Dec. 1 '.Mill 033 (Kcllv.'.l.V '.'. '.. „ •• •• 99/19/08 0 310 40 034 \nclerson. G. B. .. „ •■ •■ 88/18/08 0 3 4 40 From 28th Dec, 1909. 035 (Edmonds, C. O. .. „ •• •• l/l/oo 0 3 0 40 Prom Ist Jan., 1910. r.30 Evans, W. H ~ .. •• 1/1/09 0 3 0 10 637 Smith. XV. 0 „ •■ •• '/l/ol» 0 3 0 40 038 Vincent, A. I „ •• •• 1/1/09 0 3 0 40 630 Irvine G. R. ft .. „ •• •• 4/1/09 <> 228 40 From 4th Jan., 1910. 640 Campbell, R. J. .. ~ •• •• 12/1/09 0 220 40 From 12th Jan., 191(1. , i4 l rv,,v \v I „ ... 13/1/09 0 219 40 From 13th Jan., 1910. 042 fßoswell R .. ~ •• 14/1/09 0 218 40 From 14th Jan., 1910. 043 I Edgar. A „ •• •• W/l/09 0 218 40 044 Lvuskev. G. B „ • •• 14/1/09 II 218 40 646 M.Kei.'h. J. W. .. „ • ■• 14/1/09 0 2IS 40 646 iMcKcnsie, 11. .I.e. „ •- •• 14/1/09 0 2is m 047 llnkster R J „ .... 18/1/09 o 214 40 From 18th Jan., 1910. 648 Wright.' E „ •■ ■• 18/1/09 0 214 40 ~p, Profit! T ' „ •• •• 19/1/09 O 213 40 From 19th Jan., 1910. 050 I Robb. X l>. " .. „ •• •• 19/1/09 0 213 40 051 Kane, J. .. .. „ •• •• 29/1/09 0 2 3 40 From 29th Jan., 1910. Hon 1 Offlcers in any group whose names are bracketed entered the class on the nuns date, siu-h oOo»r«' names are enter.-.l alphiihetically.



POST AND TET.EORAPH CLASSIFICATION— continued. £ Date of Length of £ Name. Position. Appoint. jut March * Remarks. | ment ' ' 1909. ' 5 Teleoraph Message Boys — continued. Y. M. D. £ 662 /Boskill, H. .. .. Telegraph Message Boy . . .. 1/2/0!) (I 2 0 +0 From let Feb., 1910. 60S Brown, W. M.. .. „ .. .. 1/2/09 0 2 0 40 6M Buekeridge, E. H. .. „ .. 1/2/09 o 2 0 4o 6SS I O'Connor, M. W. .. „ .. .. l/2/oit 02 0 40 666 OLeary, T. M. .. „ .. .. 1/2/09 0 2 0 40 667 Parnell, E. E. .. .. „ .. 1/2/09 (t 2 0 40 658 Paul. W. J. .. .. „ . .. 1/2/09 0 2 0 40 669 Toomer, A. H. .. .. „ ... 1/2/09 0 2 0 40 860 Wells. A. F. .. .. .. .. 1/2/09 o 2 o 40 From Ist Feb., 1910; Matric, 1908. 00] Williams. T. H. A. .. „ .. .. 1/2/09 0 2 0 4o From Ist Feb., 1810. 60S I Young, B. H. .. .. „ .. .. 1/2/09 0 2 0 40 063 Revell. ('. B. .. .. „ .. 2/2/09 0 127 40 From 2nd Feb.. 1910. 604 Cotter, J. .. .. „ .. .. 3/2/09 0 I 2ii 40 Prom Brd Feb., 1910. 665 (Anderson. F. H. .. „ ... 5/2/09 0I 24 40 From 51 li Feb., L9lO. 660 ISalmond, G. 0... .. ~ .. •.. 5/2/09 0 124 40 607 , Denneliv, E. 5... .. „ .. .. 8/2/09 0 121 40 From Bth Feb., 1910. 668 | Duncan, F. 11. R. .. „ .. . 8/2/09 01 21 40 609 Could. E. .. „ .. .. 8/2/09 0I 21 40 670 - Hogg, T. A. .. .. „ . ■• 8/2/09 0 121 40 671 Lehndorf, M. W. .. . 8/2/09 o 121 4o 672 Prebble, P. 8. .. .. •• 8/2/09 0 121 40 678 ' C. A. .. .. ..■ .. 8/2/09 0 121 40 674 f Allaopp, J. 0. .. .. .. .. 11/2/09 o 118 40 From 11th Feb., 1910. 675 [White, 8. L. •• - •• U/2/09 o 118 40 676 MacLeod, R. 8... .. .. .. 13/2/09 01 16 40 From 13th Feb., 1910. 677 fGuthrie, W. P... .. „ .. 15/2/09 0 114 40 From 15th Feb., 1910. 678 'Moore, C. J. 8... .. „ 15/2/09 0 1 14 40 679 Sage.W.G. .. .. „ •• •■ 15/2/09 0 114 4o 680 I Williams. S. J „ 15/2/09 0 1 14 40 681 Learj I. .. .. •• •• •• 16/2/09 0I IS 40 From 16th Feb.. 1910. 682 I Stafford, R. J. .. .. „ .. 17/2/09 0 112 40 From 17th Feb.. 1910. 888 Young, A „ •• 17/2/09 0 112 40 684 Koran. E. A. .. .. „ .. .. 19/2/09 0 110 40 From 19th Feb., 1910. 685 Bryant. F. 0. .. .. „ .. •• 21/2/09 0 1 8 40 From 21st Feb.. Kilo. 686 | Cormiek, J. C. .. .. „ .. .. 22/2/09 0 17 40 From 22nd Feb.. 1910. 687 J Hendry, D. G. .. .. „ .. .. 22/2/09 0 I 7 40 688 [Roane, T. .. ■• ~ .. ■• 22/2/09 o 1 7 40 689 Trnssell, L. A. .. .. „ .. .. 23/2/09 0 16 40 From 23rd Feb.. 1910. 690 Davidson, L. L... .. „ .. .. 24/2/09 0 I 6 40 From 24th Feb.. 1910. 091 /Aitken C. B. .. .. „ .. .. 1/3/09 0 1 0 40 From Ist Mar.. 1910. 692 | Avison, N. S „ .. •• 1/3/09 0 10 40 693 Barden, H. W „ .. .. 1/3/09 o 1 0 (n 694 Browne, J. S. .. .. „ .. .. 1/3/09 0 10 40 695 Chrutopheraen, E. O. E. „ .. .. 1/3/09 0 1 0 40 696 - Hislop, B. .. .. „ . • • • 1/3/09 0 1 0 40 697 Perrett. E. E. A. .. .. .. .. 1/3/09 0 10 4(1 698 Ralph. J. C. A... .. .. .. .. 1/3/09 0 1 0 40 699 Searie, W. 0.8. .. ~ •■ •■ 1/3/09 o l o 40 700 Terry, H. J. .. .. ~ .. •• 1/3/09 o I o 40 701 Wiabart, J. A „ .. •• 1/3/09 0 I o 10 702 Hendry, R. A. G. .. „ .. .- 2/3/09 o0 80 40 From 2nd Mar., 1910. 703 Dick, G. 8. .. •• .. •■ •• 4/3/09 o 028 40 From 4th Mar., 1910. 704 McKeesick, J. P. .. .. •■ •• 6/3/09 0 086 40 Prom 6th Mar., 1910. 705 iDobba, G. J. .. •• >. •• •• 8/3/09 0 084 40 From Bth Mar.. 1910. 700 , Mirshall, W .. .. •• 8/3/09 0 024 40 707 Ryan I). C. .. .. .. •• ■■ 9/3/09 o0 23 40 From 9th Mar., 1910. 708 iMackay, J. A. (i. .. .. .. .. 11/3/09 0 021 40 From 11th Mar., 1910. 709 , Sanderson. W. D. .. .. •• 11/3/09 O 081 40 710 I Diggins, J. F. .. .. „ .. •■ 12/3/09 0 020 40 From 12th Mai-.. 1910. 711 Power, 8. A. .. .. .. •• •• 12/3/09 0 080 I" 712 i Clayton, H. R. .. .. .. •• •■ 15/3/09 o0 17 40 From 16th Mar.,1910. 713 [Otway.F.D .. •■ ■• 15/3/09 0 017 40 714 Ptioe, A. A. .. .. ■• 18/3/09 o 014 40 From 18th Mar., 1910. 715 Umerton, H. .. .. .. •• •• 22/3/09 o 010 40 From 28nd Mar., 1910. 716 i Fit/.water. W. .1. .. .. .. .. 24/3/09 0 0 8 40 From 24th Mar.. 1910. 717 iMeroer, 8. M - •• •■ 24/3/09 0 0 8 40 718 Hepburn, A. S - ■■ •■ 80/8/09 0 0 2 4o Prom 80th Mar., 1910. Notk. Offleen iii any group whoM iiiiiiu-s an bracketed entered the class os the Mm dale. s i"-li officers' names an entered alphabetically. Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given ; printing (2,700 copies), ±'101 (is. Od.

By Authority : John Mackay. Government Printer. Wellington. —1909

Price St. 3d "


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POST AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENTAL LIST FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1909-1910., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1909 Session II, F-05

Word Count

POST AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENTAL LIST FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1909-1910. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1909 Session II, F-05

POST AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENTAL LIST FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1909-1910. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1909 Session II, F-05

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