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Laid on the Table of the Houie by leave.

REPORT. Sir, General Poet OiHce, Wellington, 24th September, 1909. In obedience to your instructions, 1 visited the principal post, telegraph, and telephone offices in Europe, the United States, and Camilla 'lining my recent absence from New Zealand. I now have the honour to submit a report showing the result of my investigations. I have nol referred specially to any differences in practice which did not appear to me to give a better reeuli than our own, but have confined myself as far as possible to the question of economy in working combined with the provision of maximum facilities to the public. If the proposals recommended in my report are carried out, there should be an annual saving to the Department of, approximately, .£lO,OOO per annum, which 1 trust will be regarded as satisfactory. The greater part of this saying would be definite —that is to say, the staff could !«• reduced immediately the new system comes into operation. With the rapid extension of the Department, however, it should be possible to employ most of the displaced officers at other duties within a comparatively short space of time. I would add that at all the offices 1 visited I was shown the greatest courtesy, the principal officers not only of Government Departments, but of private companies, devoting to my inquiries much more time and attention than 1 had any righi to expect. It was a pleasure to find that the forward policy of the Postmaster-General and the methods of the New Zealand Post and Telegraph Department were favourably mentioned in quarters where I least expected them to be known. I have, &c, D. Robertson, Secretary. The Right Hon. Sir J. G. Ward, P. 0., K.C.M.G., Postmaster-General, Wellington. PoST-OFFJCF. Bim.DINOS. I examined a large number of buildings in various countries. In hardly two cases did I find the arrangements for the convenience of the public or the officers alike, the process of arriving nt a satisfactory arrangement being apparently subject to the views of the designer. The main point noticeable is, that in America and some other countries, the principle of the wicket—a small square window opening out on to a corridor—is adopted in preference to the open counter. In Great Britain and France the open counter is found in all principal offices, and, as this has proved so successful in New Zealand, 1 see no reason for recommending any alteration of the system. 1 was pleased to find that the plans of the Auckland and Wellington offices, whiofe were prepared before I left New Zealand, are, as the result of my inquiries, susceptible of little alters tion. Several mechanical appliances, such as conveyers, &c, can with advantage l>e added, but this, of course, does not affect the general arrangement of the accommodation to oe provided in the new buildings. I have referred to conveyers elsewhere. Back-stamping of I.etteps. For some time I have been of opinion that the back-stamping of letters, at any rate at the principal offices, was an unnecessary formality. With the despatch of mails two or three times daily from offices near at hand, and practically daily from one end of the country to the other, the tinio of posting of a letter as shown on its face is sufficient proof that it should have been received at a certain time. To mark the time of receipt may be a matter of interest to one person



in ten thousand; and in the event of a letter being mieeent the fad of miseending is known, if the date of receipt is of any advantage a< all, we should, to be logical, date-stamp a letter on its receipt not only at the office of delivery, but by the letter-carriers' sorter, and the letter-carrier who performs the tiniil operation of delivery. In the United States and Canada the date-stamping of received letters has ceased at certain with.mi any inconvenience to any one; and in London letters for the morning delivery are in.i baok-stamped. In the days when the posi was irregular and postages were high it was, no doubt, of advantage to be able to certify to the date of reoeipi at the delivering offices. This is a useless arrangement when letters occupy so short and so regular a time in transit as they do now. The process of back-Stamping letters is costly, and always results in delay. Moreover, the Qeoessity for back-stamping letters nullifies to a large extent anj sorting of transit letters which maj be made bj the office of despatch, To abolish the date-stamping of transit letters would result in great saving of time at central offices, as it would then be possible for inland offices to Bort and despatch forward letters in bundles, which nerd not be disturbed by the transit office. For example, an office like Palmerston North could without any inconvenience tie letters for Chrietchurch, Dunedin, foreign places, &c, in separate bundles, which on receipt at Wellington would simply be placed in the proper bags. At present, as letters have to be back-stamped, it is useless attempting any sorting of the kind. Another important advantage is that when no back-stamping is required every bundle of letters tied up can be faced with a slip bearing the name of the despatching officer. A- each bundle is being sorted at the office of receipt any mieeent letters can lie directly charged to the officer inissending them, and a record thus kept which is of infinitely greater advantage than an unexplainable gap between the date of despatch and receipt, as would Ih , revealed by the backstamping. I have no hesitation m recommending that the back-stamping of all letters cense forthwith. This will, I estimate, result in the saving of £1,000 per annum. Closing of M ul-b ios. In America numberless devices have been tried with the object of closing mail-bags without the use of twine. These range from a bag with a simple leather strap, staple and padlock, to bags which close mole or less automatically. The best device intended to be used with a padlock is, without doubt, the simplest one namely, a leather strap and staple; but, although such bags might be useful in connect ion with mails made up on railway-trains, their genera] use is not to Ih< recommended, owing to the trouble and expense of keeping a large supply of padlocks capable of being opened by keys of one pattern. After full consideration I have conic to the conclusion that the evil-smelling wax-pot could be dispensed with, and lead seals used by all offices. In London I found that lead seals were being used for all country mails with great satisfaction to the office. The Inspector of Post-offices lien has recently gone fully into the question, and, somewhat t> my surprise, I find that the adoption of lead seals will not only enable us to do away with the unsatisfactory wax seal, which as often as not arrives at its dest iiiation in a broken condition. but there will bo a saving of £900 per annum. An initial expenditure of £1,500 will, however, be required for steel punches. The proposal is one which I recommend. Stamp-vending Ma<-iiinks. Considerable interest has been displayed in stamp-vending machines of various patterns which have been submitted to postal administrations. The United States Post Office has not. I understand, yet come to a decision as to the best machine to adopt. In Germany and Belgian) I found the Abel machine, a German invention, outside the principal offices. This machine appeared to do its work well whenever I tested it. 1 did not have an opportunity of seeing the inside mechanism, but. judging from a sample machine of the same make which reached New Zealand two or three years ago. I should say that the mechanism is complicated and delicate. Indeed, it is alleged that if the mechanism gets out of order it is possible t" obtain a large number of stamps for one coin. The machine adopted by the British Post Office is that invented by Mr. Dickie, of this Department. In the latest model the mechanism has been reduced to a minimum, and it is difficult to find any fault with the machine. There is no doubt that the adoption of a reliable stamp-vending machine would materially reduce the work of clerks at the counter, and relieve congestion in the public lobbies of large postoffices. I understand that the proprietors of the Dickie machine are preparing one or two machines suitable for selling New Zealand stamps; but there seems to be too much delaj in submitting a practical machine to the Department. If the proprietors of the Dickie machine are prepared to install the machine within a reason able time. I would recommend that this type of machine be adopted by the Department. I do not consider that the Depaitnient would be warranted in purchasing the machines. It would !*■ better, at any rate at first, to allow the company to install machines in suitable places, a commission being allowed on the sale of stamps. The only objection to the use of the besi penii v-in-the-slof machine is that it is possible, by making a disc of the exact size and weight of a penny, to obtain stamps by fraud. The selective mechanism of the Dickie machine is, however, now so exact that it would be very unprofitable for any person to attempt to make discs for fraudulent purposes. Pahcet.-post. The very great increase in our parcel-post business within the last two or three years —the business has been more than doubled—naturally made the subject one which I considered to deserve very full inquiry.



When m commenced oui paroel-poel system a number of years ago we adopted the' British system in its entirety, it being overlooked or not considered of consequence thai the British Pos Offioe was, owing to the railways being in the hands of private companies, in a very different position to a country which owned its own railways, and where mutual ~ n -angements could be made between the Railway Hnd Post Office Departments which would be satisfactory to both. As instancing the difficulty which the British Port Offioe has to meet, it may be mentioned that, owing to the attitude of the railway companies, an extensive system ..f motor and other conveyances is used for carrying parcels between large centres and for overtaking the work between cities winch are lone distances apart. Nevertheless the office system in use in Great Britain of dealing witb parcels "is simple and effective. In gome way there has, during the past, been added n ; the system in New Zealand so many .-lurks and records that ,i has now become cumbrous m the extreme. There has Keen t<.,, greal "a tendency m>: , nlj in the panel-post hut in other branches to look upon isolated oases of loss as demanding all-round checks which eventually have cost large sums ot ,ey At present the position is thai a parcel in New Zealand is treated almost preoisely as a registered letter, records being kept and receipts taken on delivery. The British practice and the practice elsewhere prove that many of these are totally unnecessary, and should be abolished forthwith. , . \s regards the final adoption of a parcel-post system, however. I came to the conclusion that the German system, where the conditions of Stale ownership of railways arc the same as ours, could with advantage be adopted not only in the office system, but in regard to the lacdities afforded to the public in the direction of earning parcels of considerable weight. <>ur present maximum weight is 11 11... and there appears to be no good reason why this should not be extended for offices served by railwaj or, steamer t(., say, 2Cf lb. or 281b., or more. At the same time, I think it should be possible without risk of loss of revenue to recasi the parcel rates with the object of making a substantial reduction on parcels for delivery within five or ten miles oi the office "t postin- In the case of our large centres tins would attract a class of business which we at preeen do not handle. A similar arrangement in Germany gives the Post Office a practical monopoly of the city as well as tin- country parcel business; and if we are to extend our country business materially as suggested, the parcel-poet system will m> doubt be taken advantage of largely by farmers and others for sending small lots of produce to customers in the cities. This would, in any case, necessitate our providing our own conveyances [or the delivery of parcels, instead of the work being carried out by contract as at present. During my absence 1 find that the question of oity deliveries has been raised by the Assistant Postmaster, Auckland, and that his views are in the main those I took after a careful examination of the German system. There is no doubt that the present is a more or less critical period in the history of our p a reel- post, and that action taken ~,,w m the direction I have indicated will save endless trouble in future years. Concerning the details of the office system in use in Germany, the arrangements are excellent, and well worthy of adoption by us. No record of parcels is kept in offioe books, but ever\ person presenting a parcel presents with it a card bearing the name of the sender and the name of tin addressee of tin parcel. This card is immediately numbered with the same number as the parcel, and forwarded by letter-post to the offioe of delivery, where it is retained until ill.- parcel itself arrives by goods or other train. When the parcel reaches the offioe of delivery the card is marked with a coloured pencil, a different ...lour being used for each day of the week. A slip attached to the card is handed with the parcel t<. the delivery-carl, and the card itself liled as a record. All book keeping is thus avoided, while a perfect record of the parcel is kept. No receipts are taken from the addressee, tin , carter's slip being considered sufficient proof that the parcel was dulj handed Over. Aβ I have already explained, our system has become unnecessarily cumbrous. It is estimated, apart from any general alteration in the policy of the Department, that the substitution of the German card system and the abolition of receipts and other records, except where oially paid for at the usual registered-letter rat.', should result in a saving exceeding £1.000 g year. It is recommended that this detail ba brought int.. force forthwith, and that an early opportunity be taken of considering a change in our general policy. I do not propose that anj officers should be removed from the parcels-post branch, as the very rapid increase of business now going on should enable the present staff to l>c absorbed within a short time. Rural Delivbbibb. Probably no postal question has created more public interest in the United Stales during the last few years than that of rural deliveries. While the United States at one time lagged Considerably behind most other countries in the matter of letter-carriers' deliveries even in fairly populous places, the other extreme has now been reached, and deliveries are being made in more or lesfl spars.h populated country districts. Rural deliveries as arranged comprise, as a rule, delivery into special boxes at cross-roads and other convenient places, and collection from the same boxes. In addition, the schedule of the rural letter-carriers is so arranged that settlers who may attend at the cross-roads can do other postal business with the carrier. The cost of rural deliveries in ,!,,. (Jnited States last \ear amounted to about £7,000,000. As the system develops it is difficult I" estimate what the ultimate cos! will amount 1... Most of the more populous country districts are now in the enjoyment of rural-delivery facilities, and it is only natural to suppose that sparsely peopled places will gradually be given the same privileges. Notwithstanding the great COSI of the system as compared with the revenue derived, il is contended that the introduction of rural delivery has materially improved the social and economic conditions of rural settlers. Tt is estimated, for example, that the value of land in rural-delivery districts lias risen .'!"> to 45 per cent. This seems to be a somewhat optimistic estimate, but I was assured by a hiirh official in Washington that his inquiries had proved the estimate to be an



accurate one. Moreover, the actual or potential saving to farmers, who formerly had to lose, say, a half-day's work of themselves and teams to visit the market town once or twice a week for letters, is calculated at £120,000,000 ($600,000,000). It must be observed that in considering the question the distribution of post-offices in the United States was scarcely on the same liberal scale which has contributed so much to the success of the Port Otlice in New Zealand. It would be impossible for us, for example, to close post-offices on the establishment of a rural-delivery route, as is done in the United States, as bo many of our offioei are also telephone-offices, whicli must be kept open. While the Btage at which the United States rural delivery lias arrived is interesting, I am more or less doubtful whether the same effect could not have been largely attained by the establishment of post and telephone offices at short distances apart, as has been done in New Zealand, with the addition of boxes as used in Canada, as described hereafter. The system, as adopted in the United States, would not, I am convinced, suit New Zealand requirements, but an important modification is in force in Canada, and is well worth considering. Instead of appointing special letter-carriers, the services of the ordinary mail contractors or couriers are made use of. Like many other important developments this has only been rendered possible by what at first sight might seem unimportant. On the rural deliveries in the United State! settlers are required to provide their own collection and delivery boxes, which are usually erected in groups at crossroads. As the system extended, boxes of various patterns were introduced, with the result that there is great diversity in the style of the boxes, whicli results in loss of time in clearing them. In Canada nothing was done in the direction of 1 unal deliveries until the new rural-delivery box referred to, which is spoken of as an ideal one by officers of the United States I'ost Office, was invented. This box is so contrived that it can be cleared and letters deposited by a mail contractor without his getting off his home or Id&Tillg his vehicle. The box is erected at the side of the road away from traffic. It normally rests at the end of a long arm, and, if letters are in the I>"\, is placed at right angles to the arm. When letters are ready to be cleared, the arrangement of the arm enables the box to l>c drawn forward by the mail contractor by the end of his whip. After the box is cleared the arm automatic-ally runs back, and reassumes its position parallel to the road. I have obtained samples of these boxes, which seem to me to be admirably adapted to our requirements. As in Canada, the invention of this box appears to make rural deliveries possible in New Zealand without excessive cost to the Department. In Canada mail-carriers are paid 4s. per annum in addition to the amount of their contract for each box on their line of route. The settlers pay the cost of the box. So far the Canadian rural deliveries have been very successful, and highly appreciated by settlers, who have taken the matter up heartily. As practically all our mail routes are under oontraot, the Canadian system is one which 1 would recommend for adoption in New Zealand. The cost of clearing the boxes might be fixed at the same rate as in Canada, at whicli the cost would be £200 for each one thousand boxes, against which it is to be anticipated that business would materially increase. Considering the great advantages to country settlers, who would, by means of this box, practically have a post-office near their doors, the cost must be reckoned as slight. Halfpenny City Post. The most important recent innovation is the establishment of a halfpenny city post in Canada i.e., for a letter for delivery within the city where posted. While Germany has preceded Canada in this reduction of postage, the action of Canada is particularly interesting from a New Zealand point of view, as the question is one that has Imvii under discussion from time to time, and the experience of Canada will be of particular value. When J was in Ottawa the new postage-rate hail Ik<ii in force for a little over a year, and it appeared to be the general impression that the revenue was not likely to suffer. In confirmation of this the Postmaster-General kindly supplied me with the return of stamp-sales at a few of the larger offices for three months before the reduction of rates ami for the corresponding period of the succeeding year, when the I-cent rate was in force. Notwithstanding the depression in trade, I found thai the etamp-sales for the latter period were practically equal to those of the period before the reduced rates came into foroe. The Canadian office will no doubt continue to supply this Department with comparative returns, and, if the result continues to !„• as favourable, the Postmaster-General may later on consider the desirability of modifying our city rates. The question is, however, one that should be considered with caution. While I am inclined to think that, in conjunction with the greatly extended city deliveries I have elsewhere recommended, there would be no ultimate loss of revenue in reducing our city rate to Ad., I estimate the loss of revenue, allowing for a reasonable increase in the volume of correspondence, at £46,000 for the first year, L-.'i0,000 for the second, and £15,000 for the third year, after which the revenue would recover itself. It should lie remembered in this connection that a great proportion of matter which would fall into the letter-post in other countries, such as invoices, etc., has already in New Zealand the advantage of a halfpenny post. Collection ok Letters fhom Postinc-boxes. A postal officer visiting Germany cannot fail to be impressed with the great facilities offered in the larger cities for the posting of letters. Little attempt is made, as in England, to provide pillar boxes which will accommodate newspapers as well as letters: but a letter-box of a special pattern, adapted to be fixed to any convenient wall, is to be found every few yards. These boxes are contrived so that the clearance is effected by a messenger without his handling the letters. This is accomplished by means of a special collection-bag. The mouth of the hag is pushed into a device at the bottom of the box, the letters falling down into the bag. At the same time provision is made for indicating the time of the next clearance on the box. The bo] is simple, well adapted for its purpose, and of good design. A sample is being obtained. The use of similar boxes will be



a convenience t<, the public, and will no doubt at the sum,' time result in inoreased oorrespondenoi being posted There is no reason why a person in a populous city should have to walk more than a few yards to and a receptacle for letters. Pillar boxes for newspapers can still be provided at In addition to providing letter-boxes in the streets, it is noticeable that in America and Europe hotels and places of public resort are usually supplied with letter-boxes, which are cleared l.v the Poet Office There also exists an arrangemenJ in England under which, for a small annual fee, any firm posting a reasonable ~umber of letters is provided with a letter-box, which is oleared by"the Post Office at frequent intervals. An extension of posting-boxes in this direction might conveniently be made in New Zealand, and is recommended. RbGIBTUHD LETTERS. In New York a system of dealing with registered letters has been adopted which in some respects differs from that elsewhere. In the receipt given to the public, instead of entering the name of the addressee and the name of the sender, a receipt is given for the letter, which is described aa bearing a number. Attached to the reoeipl is a label similar to that used in the international gystem This label is detached and affixed to the letter, which thereafter follows the usual course. This system has the advantage over others of a great saving in time, as the giving ~t the receipt involves no more time than is required to impress it with the date-stamp. The receipi bears a printed serial number which corresponds to a.similar serial number appearing on the label affixed to the letter giving ample identification so far as the counter-«lerk is oonoerned; and, as every serial number has necessarily to be accounted for, no failure of entry can occur. Generally the lyetem is much or, the same principle as the checking of baggage on the American railroads. Any BTutem which results in the saving of tin,,' at the counter, while affording proper checks, is worthy of adoption; and I would recommend that the New York practice be followed at each of the principal offioes. Its adoption should result in a saving of staff, which before long may be estimated at £400 a year. Dead Letters. Letters bearing the name and the address of the sender are returned unopened by Chief Postmasters We go to a great deal of unnecessary trouble and expense by enclosing such letters in envelopes In Canada and the United States no envelopes are used, the letters being marked with a special stamp, usually representing a finger pointing to the address of the sender, and the words " Returned to sender/ This is perfectly understood by postal offioers, and gives no trouble. 1 would recommend this for adoption. The saving would be about £200 a year. Undeliverabi.e Letters. In Toronto I found a system in force under which undeliverable letters, except those addressed poste restante, are immediately returned to the sender, instead of being kept for any specified time in the hope of securing delivery to some other address. This appears to be a common-sense method of dealing with letters, particularly for those addressed to the large centres which cannot be delivered to the address given. It is considered that it is of more consequence to the sender of a letter to know without delay that delivery has failed than to suppose that the Post Office will somehow or other BUOOeed in delivering a misaddressed or faultily addressed letter. The adoption of the system in Toronto had, I was informed, met with the appreciation of senders of letters. A trial might with advantage be given in the four principal centres, the system being restricted to inland letters Organization of Citt Deliveries. In most new countries there is a proneness to exoeeeive centralisation of Post Office work in cities. This is best exemplified in the fact that the letter-carriers' deliveries in such extensive cities as Wellington and Auckland commence from the central office. Although suburban offices have for ■many years been in existence, they are practically all on the footing of receiving-offices only. The , effeoi of this is that a letter posted in a suburb for delivery in the same suburb has to make a journey to the central office, whence it is carried by a letter-carrier over the same ground. I have for some time been of the opinion that our practice might with advantage be amended with great satisfaction to the Department and the public. The question has been which was the best method to adopt, and with a view to ascertain this I have taken careful note of the systems in use in Europe ami America. These are somewhat varied. In America the use of pneumatic tubes of large diameter enables letters to lie handled with great rapidity. In two important cities in Germany the central system still applies, but in Berlin and other large cities a system of district offices is in force. . . , All these, however, have to give place to the simple and perfect district system of London, where the district office lias complete control over all sub-offices in its particular division, and performs the work of clearing its own pillar boxes and exchanging mails with other district offices. So splendidly is this work organized that it is the rule to drop a letter into a pillar-box in expectation of receiving a reply from any other district in two hours, or from any place in the district itself within about an hour. The radius of the districts being comparatively short, it is possible to make maiiv collections of letters by foot or bicycle messenger. It is well known to the Department that a great deal of post-office business is local —i.e., about S3 to l<l per cent, of the letters posted are for places within a radius of a few miles from the office of posting. With few deliveries in populous parts this business languishes, lint with frequent deliveries" the volume of business is capable of rapid increase. Any excessive centralisation naturally increases the time of post, and thus restricts the business done.

Inset F. 9.



For the last year or two the district-office buildings approved by the Postmaster-General have been designed of sufficient size to admit of greatly increased work, and I consider that it would be to our advantage to increase the powers of such offices as Te Aro and Wellington South in Wellington, and Newmarket, Ponsonby, Parnell, and Upper Symonds Street in Auckland, Sydenham in Christchurch, Dunedin North in Dunedin, and others as may be decided upon from time to time. The principal cities should be divided into postal divisions, and the public encouraged to address their letters to guoh divisions. As an example of how the system would apply, Wellington South would control, say, a district extending to the Basin Reserve <>n the one hand and Island Bay on the other. Instead of letters posted in the Wellington South district being collected by a messenger from the main office, they would be collected by a Wellington South collector; those for delivery in Wellington South would be delivered by a Wellington South letter-carrier, and others forwarded to the Te Aro district office or the main office. Ido not anticipate that this method would entail more than a very dighi increased cost at first, while at the same time the course of post would be greatly facilitated and the business correspondingly increased. Another important advantage would l>e that letters addressed to districts could be made up in separate hays by travelling post-offices, &c., and transmitted at once to the proper district without requiring to be sorted at the central office. The Department would thus be prepared for almost any emergency in the way of a large mail. Generally, I am of opinion that the time has come for an hourly delivery of letters in the populous parts of the four principal cities, with a tbriee-daily delivery in the suburbs, and this can only lie effected with economy and satisfaction by adopting the district-office system. The ii,creased frequency mif_ r lit be tried first in Wellington and Auckland. For postal work I cannot recommend pneumatic tubes. The large-diameter tubes necessary are very costly to install and to work. Elsewhere I am recommending pneumatic tubes of small diameter for transmitting telegrams to and from district and suburban offices, and for express letters. Office Appliances. Sorting-cases. In the United Kingdom and New Zealand, and possibly in one or two of the British colonies, the sorting-oases for letters are of the open-table pattern ; in the other countries I have visited the sortinir eases are of the upright pigeon-hole pattern : and, after carefully watching the sorting of letters in both ways, I am convinced that the pigeon-hole sorting-cases are not only superior as facilitating sorting and thus saving time, but that their use results in a great economy of space. On reaching London I found that the Controller of the London Postal Service, who had recently visited America, was evidently impressed by the advantage of the pigeon-hole cases, and had erected trial sections of such cases. There is senile diversity of opinion as to the precise form of the pigeon-holes. In New York the apertures are just large enough to take a letter of ordinary size, the larger letters being sorted in a separate set of pigeon-holes. By the New York method the operation of primary sorting or inland letters is dispensed with, thus saving one handling of letters. The restriction of size of the pigeon-holes makes a compact case into which a division of 180 to 200 post-offices can easily be made. In most other places where a primary sorting is made, the pigeon-holes for secondary sorting are generally large enough to take all sizes of letters. lam inclined to think that there is much to be said for the New York system, which could be applied to several of our New Zealand offices with a saving of time, and in some instances a saving of staff, and would recommend that it be given a trial. In any case, lam satisfied that no more of the old-style open sorting-tables, which are more costly than the pigeonhole cases, should be supplied to our offices. I obtained plans of all standard cases in use in the United States and Canada for use when required. The cases in Germany and France were much like those in use in America. In Fiance the horizontal partitions are made of glass, but I prefer the Canadian system of thin steel partitions. An ingenious arrangement of mirrors in the pigeonholes above the level of the eye was found in Canada, and is worth mention as obviating the possibility of letters being overlooked. In Merlin many of the large-sized pigeon-holes for primary sorting are provided with doors at the back to enable letters to be removed without disturbing the primary sorters. Facing-up Tablet. One of the most tedious operations in connection with postal work is the facing-up of letters taken from the poeting-boxes. At certain times of the day a large number of men is employed in arranging letters so thai they can be passed through the postmarking-maohine. I am glad to be able to report that, after long experiments, facing-up tables have been introduced into the Chioago Post-office which are said by the officials of that office to result in a saving of time of about 50 per cent. The plan of the table provides an endless belt travelling at its side. Into this, facing-up clerks drop letters on their edge—ordinary letters in one channel and large letters in another. The letters rapidly travel to a point alongside the postmarking-machine, where they are stacked in a convenient way for the operation of stamping. The advantage of the system is that the faoing up olerk uses both hands for picking up and dropping letters into the channels, instead of one hand for picking up and one hand for holding the letters. After personally trying the operation I am satisfied that one man can with these tallies face-up as quickly as two by the old method. The tables are arranged for six or eight men to work at the same time. A further modification of the system provides for letters running into the postmarking machine instead of being stacked prior to this ; but so far the modification is not a success. Tho cost of the tables should be inconsiderable, and if necessary they can be made in New Zealand.



Convey erg. (ireat attention has been paid in the United States and United Kingdom to the advantages of conveyers in large offices. In Chicago the system of conveyers, of which various kinds are provided t.i carry and distribute letters in small quantities, and to handle full mail-bags, &0., is very complete. In New York there is an excellent equipment, and in London the system is to be extended. Conveyers must of necessity be planned to suit the particular building in which they are to be used. As will readily be understood, they consist principally of travelling bands, with suitable devices for discharging letters at prearranged points. In Chicago one form of conveyer is provided with stations with selective stops, which arreel boxes at any point fixed upon by the despatcher. This is accomplished by providing the box with a stop or arm which is set to be operated upon by a corresponding device at its particular station. The principal officers in the United States and the United Kingdom speak very highly of the conveyers, and generally appear to look upon them as solving a difficult problem. The majority of the conveyers in use in America are made by the Lamson Company, who have had great experience at this class of work. For lifting bags from one floor to another the besi device I have seen is thai in Chicago. It consists of a series of scoop-like shelves large enough to take one bag. The shelves are attached to an endless chain. The bags are loaded and conveyed with great rapidity, and discharged without liLtsitation at the proper point. Kor the purpose of transferring hags from, an upper to a lower floor the ordinary lift lias been discarded in the larger offices in the United States, in Berlin, and in Paris, in favour of a spiral shoot. Our new offioea at A iickland -and Wellington should lie lifted with such conveyers as will result in a saving of time, and we should adopt the spiral shoot for conveying mail-bags from upper to lower stories. A conveyer of much interest is one in use in the Berlin Parcel-post Office. This consists of an endless chain travelling up a slope. At intervals the chain is provided with projections which engage with corresponding depressions or suchlike on the bottom of the paroel-posi baskets. Full baskets of parcels are by this means taken from one floor to another. Pos f marking-machine*. I carefully examined all the principal postmarking-maohines in use in the offices I visited. In the United Stairs the favourite machine is the Hey-Dolphin, for which is paid an annual rental of £Xi 6s. Hd. This machine is not bo fast as those in use in New Zealand, which are purchased outright for about the cost of one year's rental of the Hey-Dolphin. In Germany a machine much like ours is in use; but it costs more, and is no more efficient, if it is equally so. As our machines are made in New Zealand, and arc cheap, and equal to the best in use elsewhere, there is no need at present to consider foreign manufactures of the kind. A dding -mac hines. An interesting development of a mechanical appliance is the use by the Canadian Post Office of a number of adding-maehines, which are used at Ottawa to check the money-order accounts of the Dominion. By means of these machines an independent totalling of the amounts of the actual paid orders is made, and the result compared with the total on the Postmaster's accounts. A check is, in effect, made against totals of totals ami totals of details, the arrangement generally being for the totals of one section of the Money-order or Accountant's Office being balanced with another section. There is, of course, nothing very novel in the general method; but the novelty of using adding-maohinea in the way they are used is considerable. It is said by the Canadian Post Office that the results are very satisfactory from every point of view, including that ot' economy, and after seeing the working of the Department I am satisfied that there is a good deal in the statement. The machine in use in England and America is the Burroughs, an English invention, and the head office of the company in London, which 1 saw, has offered to send one of the machines to Wellington on free trial. This I recommend should l>e accepted, as I am convinced that the use of the machines in a systematic way would lead to economy in the Accountant's office. One particular advantage of the machine is that it is specially adapted for the use of women or junior clerks, whose special forte may not lie that of checking the additions of others with accuracy. With the machine there are no half measures, as the work must be accurately done. I may add that the United States Post Office is much impressed with the machine, and its adopting it largely. The cost of the latest improved machine is £90 each. I have full details of the Canadian system of checking, which it is not necessary to describe here. Aholishing Use of Envelopes fok Telegrams. As the Postmaster-General is aware, 1 have been endeavouring for a long time to devise a system under which it would be possible to do away with the use of envelopes for telegrams, in older to avoid the risk of error in addressing by a second clerk after the message leaves the telegraph-instrument. Our experiments have not been on satisfactory lines. When in Germany I went thoroughly into the system which has been in force there for very many pears, and am satisfied that no better method of closing the telegram without tl Bβ of an envelope can lie devised. Under the German system there is no marring of the form in opening, and when opened the address is dearly visible as part and parcel of the face of the form itself. Moreover, the form being rectangular, it is superior to those of grotesque shapes which are so frequently submitted to this Department. After the careful and exhaustive inquiry I made I have no hesitation in recommending the adoption of the system, which, owing to the reduction of despatch- and addressing-clerks



which would be possible, should reeuli in a saving of aboul £■'!.."ion a year. Another advantage of the system will be that, owing to the message passing through fewer hands, greafer secrecy will l>e maintained, while at the same time it is estimated that a saving of about three minutes should take place in the despatch of the telegram from the office. (hi hi: (lOPIBS OF TSLEOBAMS. For many years we have been keeping office copies of telegrams, using the office copies as accounting vouchers, which were eventually paired with the forwarded telegrams. This is a satisfactory check, but a very costly one, to say nothing of the faci thai the messages must pass through so many hands thai the secrecy of messages is not so perfect as it might be. The system, I may mention, follows that in use in Great Britain, where, as in New Zealand, the check is an intermittent one only. In other count lies, however, I find that office copies are not kept. After examining the system in ute in Germany, I am oonvinoed that we can, without the slightest difficulty or accounting-danger, dispense with the office copies. The method of accounting will lie greatly simplified, being made by the original telegrams without the labour of searching for their Copies, and there will be a large saving in stationery. The main point, however, is that a eon liderable number of officers in the Clearing-room will m> longer be required for the work of pairing telegrams. The present staff of the Inland Clearing room is a Clerk in Charge at £260, and .■>."> officers. The total salaries amount to £3,415 Under the proposed new arrangement the Clerk in Charge of the Foreign Clearing-room will !«■ able to supervise the Inland Room, and it is anticipated that 17 clerks in place of -i"> will overtake the work required, in addition to which 9 boy sorters at local offices can be dispensed with at a saving of £540. These together will show a saving of about £2,480. There will also In , a saving in printed forms of t'MH), and carbonic paper .tIHO, in addition to which, storage accommodation, labour removing bags of telegrams, (fee., will probably be less by £200 per annum. In all, a saving of £3,700 per annum can safely be set down as within the mark. Delivery ok Telegrams. <)iii method of paying boys a fixed salary for the delivery of telegrams has many disadvantages, especially in the larger cities. In all the principal countries I visited I found that payment for this work is made by results; and I would recommend that we adopt a similar system. Payment by results naturally induces the boy to use his best endeavours to make smart deliveries, and no injustice need be dune to any boy. A fair number of messages, giving a minimum day's pay, can be decided upon before the system commences. In all cases a minimum payment can be fixed irrespec tiva of the number of messages delivered. Tblegraph a pparatub. While in Europe I had an opportunity of examining the latest telegraph apparatus. Recent developments calling for remark are the invention of the Murray multiple] (an adaptation of certain principles of the Maudoi machine to tin 1 Murray devioe), which has the good points of the original Murray machine with tli" advantages of the multiplex working on one wire. The instrument is a fascinating one t<> watch, but when I saw it at work it did not appear to be sufficiently perfected to insure its being worked for any long time without mechanical troubles intervening. The Baudol multiplex instrument continues to be highly favoured, and is generally acknowledged to be the beel printing-instrument \et devised. I made a special trip to Paris to see the Pollak-Virag apparatus at work. So far this instrument has not been adopted by any Telegraph Administration, mainly on account of its requiring two wires. It is also stated that the induction is so great as to affect telephone-wires. I was otd\ able to see the machine working on short circuit, but its performance was most remarkable. The message is punched on a ribbon of paper b\ a machine with a typewriter keyboard, and is transmitted at the rate of speeil of forty thousand words an hour. liv a pair of mirrors and other mechanism i trolled by 'lie electric impulses the message is printed, or, rather, reproduced In photographic process, in a perfectly legible style of script. This instrument has great possibilities. In Great Britain 'he Wheatstone system was some years ago much used; but, although the trans milter was very fast, it was found that the number of clerks required to punch the messages on tape and write up from the Morse characters printed at the receiving end was so great as to render the system too costly to work except in cases of pressure. Recently, however, the invention of the Gell perforator with which one clerk can punch from eighty to one hundred messages an hour has enabled the number of clerks at the transmitting end to l>e much reduced. At the same time it occurred to the Edinburgh office that, instead of writing up from the receiving-tape, it would be sufficient if the tapes of messages for retransmission were pasted on sheets, the retransmitting operator winking from the Morse cha racters. As probably 50 to 60 per cent. of telegrams received in the large offices are for retransmission, a considerable saving of stall' was thus effected at the receiving end of the wire. On the whole the Controller in Edinburgh informed me that he considered that the Wheatstone instrument with the (Jell puncher ami the pasting of tape actually resulted in a saving of staff as compared with the Morse instrument. In London I was informed that the new method of working Wheatstone had given the instrument a fresh lease of life. One great advantage of the combination of the Cell p< rforator with the Wheatstone is that the perforating can be performed by persons having a knowledge of the typewriter but m> knowledge of manipulating the Morse instrument, while the translating of the Morse characters at the receiving end can be acquired by ;111 \ intelligent person in a few days. We have a couple of the Cell perforators in New Zealand, with which we might give a trial to the system between Auckland and Wellington. I also saw an instrument called a telewriter, by means of which a message written by any person is reproduced in fac-simile at the receiving end. This instrument is combined with the



telephone, and is only useful for short distances a< present. I understand it is to be further perfected, when, if satisfactory, we could make very good use of it (or the transmission of messages between suburban and chief otlices. Tk I. Hl' I ION B EXCHANGBB. On my arrival at Vancouver 1 was astonished in find that the number of telephone-exchange connections was about twice as many as those in Wellington, although the cities are about the same size, and Wellington rates are considerably cheaper. 1 was unable to account for this at the time, and could get no satisfactory explanation. In Europe 1 obtained information which 1 considered rendered it advisable that I should revisit America, where 1 went thoroughly into the question, and endeavoured to ascertain why ih; , proportion of telephones to population was- so much greater in cities of tin size of Wellington than in Wellington. A favourite answer to inquiries was thai the Americans had the telephone "habit"; but it took some time to resolve a general statement of the kind into useful information. Eventually 1 came to the conclusion that extraordinary exertions have been made in the last fe.w years to increase the number of telephone connections. In some cities, for example, it was considered that a new era in telephone-extension had begun when party wires, some of them carrying as many as twenty subscribers, were pushed in preference to single connections. As telephone-rentals on party lines were much lower than for individual lines, there was an extraordinary development, which eventually resulted in a more or less inefficient servioe. At the same time, the result hi educating the people to the us;' of the telephone had been attained, and telephone companies are rapidly inducing their subscribers to take connections on part v lines carrying no pore than the number of subscribers which the best authorities now consider the maximum which offers a perfect service. These numbers are. On city lines, 2 subscribers ;on suburban lines, 4 subscribers. The next method of increasing the number of subscribers was the facilities offered for the installation of branch exchanges, which now reach a large proportion of the total connections. It is very noticeable in Canada and America that in even comparatively small hotels a telephone is provided in every room. No charge is made to guests of the hotel for telephoning within the building or for incoming calls from outside, but all connections with the exchange are charged at a rate of 2Jd. to sd. each. Similar branch exchanges are to l>e found in nearly every business house. The two headings, party lines and branch exchange, .ire really responsible for the great use of the telephone. At the game time, unceasing efforts are made to increase the number of subscribers by personal canvass and otherwise, it being recognised that, notwithstanding the great development of the telephone within the last few years, the tiehl is still comparatively an open one. In tin' exploitation of the business the telephone companies are assisted by the almost universal system of the measured-rate charge — i.e., a charge for each call made over a certain number. For branch exchange work this is the only method that can well be employed, as no hotelkeeper is likely to go to the expense of paying a Hat rental for LOO or 200 telephones for the use of his guests. In such cases telephone-calls are purchased by the hotelkeeper at per thousand, and retailed by him at a price which will give him a reasonable profit and pay for the cost of his exchange-attendant. Similarly, to make party lines attractive it is advisable t" charge only a nominal rental, the calls being paid for. While 1 am not convinced that the measii red-rate system should be adopted in its entirety, I think it is likely that the rigid flat rate, as in use in New Zealand, is largely responsible for our failure to develop on the lines I have indicated, and it would be well to consider whether a measured rate could not be adopted for branch exchanges, Ac, which would give satisfaction alike to the Department and telephone-users: that is to say, the present Hat rate to be maintained for single connections, particularly with private residences, and a measured rate introduced for branch exchanges and party lines. If this were done, and a reasonable canvass made, I believe we should increase our exchange connections by 50 per cent. Pneumatic Tubes. It is some time since I brought up the question of the installation of pneumatic tubes in the principal centres for the purpose of conveying telegrams and express letters to and from suburban offioee. The only point in doubt was the best form of tube. With the exception of the pneumatic tubes in London, which have been installed for many years, practically all the modern pneumatic tubes of any value seem to have been erected by the Lamson Company. This firm has representatives in New Zealand, and is prepared to supervise the installation and guarantee its work. While the installation of pneumatic tubes can conveniently stand over until the new buildings at Auckland and Wellington are ready, it would be well to begin the preparation of plans of the routes proposed. The installation of the tubes should result not only in a great saving in time, but in a considerable reduction of staff in suburban offices. At present telegrams have t.. be transmitted by Morse instrument, which necessitates the employment of Mors:' operators at many suburban offices. When messages can be transmitted by tube these operators will not bo required. As the tubes proposed will be of sufficient diameter to carry single letters, a fair business will probably result from the sending of express letters, which can lie transmitted from point to point as speedily as telegrams. Sanitation. I'nsi office work is as a rule very dusty, but it was only in London that I found any satisfactory method of overcoming this, by the application of a preparation which appeared to be of a



slightly oily nature, named dustolio. Any dust rapidly settles on the floor, and does not again rise. The absence of dust in the London offioe was remarkable. Anything of the kind which can conduce so far to the health of postal officers as to eliminate the nuisance caused by dust ie worthy of adoption ; and I recommend that a quantity of the preparation be obtained for use wherever neoeuary. This particular preparation improves the look of the floor, and facilitates sweeping operational which can be carried on at any time without raising the dust. In Sun Francisco I saw a very complete suction plant for cleaning the building. This consisted of a central pump and reservoir, with metal tubes throughout the building, having standpipes at convenient places, to which hose-pipes can be affixed. A similar plant could with great advantage be installed in our new buildings at Auckland and Wellington. The cost of the installation should not be great, and would soon be recouped by the saving of cleaners and the rapidity with which the work of cleaning can be accomplished. Too much attention cannot be paid to the question of making office-cleaning really sanitary, instead of using methods which disturb dust and dirt without effectually removing it. (ileal attention is paid in Europe and Great Britain to the physical comfort of the staff. In all large offices airy dining-rooms and well-equipped kitchens are provided, where officers can obtain light meals ai a very moderate rate. Provision has been made in the plans of the Auckland ami Wellington offices for such refectories, which 1 hope will favourably compare with those in Europe. TIME-CLOrjKB. There is nothing new in the principle of time-clocks throughout a building, which are controlled by a master-clock; but the difficulty has l>een to find the most suitable kind. As it will be advisable t.i install luoh clocks m the new offices in Wellington and Auckland, 1 ascertained from the London Post Office that the most suitable master-clock is made by the Magneta Time-clock Company. The use of this system of clocks will effect a considerable saving of labour and expense, while the initial cost will probably not exceed that of individual clocks in each room. The matter of a system of clocks of the kind has often been considered in the Department; but I have been so far unable u> recommend any suitable pattern, most <>f those previously brought under notice being only partially effective. I am assured that the Magnets Time-clock is the survival of the fittest. Motor-cars for Mails. After looking into the question of the use of motor-ears for clearing letter-boxes in the larger cities and their suburbs, I have been compelled to come to the conclusion that until these vehicles are more reliable it is not advisable to alter the present system. So tar as 1 could learn, oars are successful in places like London, where the roads are asphalted, and where there are few hills, and where spare parts and repairs are instantly available. In London the Post Office work is performed by contract, and there are comparatively few self-propelled vehicles in use. It is recognised that the petrol-car is faster than horse-drawn vehicles, and it is the intention to require a greater proportion of cars to be used when tenders are called for tlie next contract. In Berlin a few cars are in use, and appear to do their wink well, but the Post Office relies principally on horse-drawn vehicles. This Department lias been experimenting for some time with motor-cars; but the frequent breakdowns have rendered the service very unsatisfactory. I would recommend that there be do further experimenting at present, and that the cars now in possession of the Department be disposed of. In calling for tenders for the city work at Auckland, Dunedin, and Chi istchurch, alternative offers might be invited for the use of motor-cars. We at present perform our own work at Wellington. Summary of Estimated Savings per Annum. Abolition of back-stamping ... ... ... ... ... 1,000 Use of lead seals ... ... ... ... ... ... 900 Parcel-post ... ... ... ... 1,000 Registered letters ... ... ... ... ... ... 400 Dead letters ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 200 Ise of self-addressed telegram form . .. ... . 3,500 Abolition of office copies of telegrams ... ... ... ... 3,700 .£10,700 XiiTK. Experience will probably show that the last item is underestimated by about £1,000. There will be a saving, not shown above, of from £60(1 to CI ,OOO per annum by the installation of facing-up tables of the Chicago pattern.

Approximate. Coxt of Paper. —Preparation, not given; printing l.fiSu cupieß), A' 7 Ss.

Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington- -1909.

Price 6d.)

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