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1909. NEW ZEAL AN D.

EDUCATION: ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS. [In continuation of E.-1a, 1908.]

Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

The Inspectok-Genekal of Schools to the Hon. the Minister of Education. ". — Education Department, Wellington, 3rd August, 1909. I have the honour to present the following report of the annual examinations conducted by the Department for the various purposes of Junior National Scholarships, Junior Free Plac. secondary schools, district high schools, and technical schools, Senior Free Places in secondary schools and district high schools, for admission to or promotion in the Civil Service, and for teachers' certificates. The examinations were held between the 9th and the 19th days of December, 1908, and between the sth and the 18th days of January, 1909, at the thirteen'towns which are the seats of Education Boards, and also at Alexandra, Aratapu, Arrowtown, Ashburton, Balclutha, Chatham Islands, Dannevirke, Gisborne, Gore, Hamilton, Hastings, Hawer'a, Lawrence.' Levin, Marton, Masterton, Naseby, Oamaru, Opotiki, Pahiatua, Palmerston North, Paparoa, Patea| Kangiora, Beefton, Eivertou, Stratford, Takaka, Tapanui, Tauranga, Thames, Wairoa, Westport' Whangarei. The total number of candidates entering for the December and January tests jointly was 6,117, or 573 more than in the preceding year. Of this total the number actually present at examination was 5,519, the difference (598) being accounted for partly on the usual grounds, and partly by the operation of a new clause in the Begulations for Senior Free Places, under which a number of candidates recommended on an accrediting principle therein embodied were exempted from examination, and accordingly did not present themselves. In the several examinations the following were the numbers present: For the Junior National Scholarship and Junior Free Place Examination, 1,765; for the Civil Service Junior and allied examinations, 2,158; for the Civil Service Senior Examination, 373; for Certificate Examinations, 1,223. It may further be noted that thirty-eight of the candidates so recorded were candidates for both Senior and Junior Civil Service Examinations, and that one of the candidates for a teacher's certificate was also a candidate for the Civil Service Senior. The Department's examination for Junior National Scholarships is now used by all the Education Boards of the Dominion for the award of their Junior Scholarships, superseding thus without exception any examination locally conducted in earlier years for this purpose. For the award of their Senior Scholarships the Boards commonly, but not exclusively, use the Civil Service Junior Examination. Apart from this extension of its functions, the Civil Service Junior Examination is employed for a variety of purposes. Either in its proper competitive form, or with certain modifications in selected subjects to meet the needs of a non competitive qualification, it is thus used not only as an entrance examination for the Civil Service of the Dominion, but as a scholarship examination, an examination for the Senior Free Place qualification in secondary schools and district high schools, an examination for pupil-teachers of the second or third years, and a qualifying examination for the probationer appointments recently instituted under an amendment of the Education Act. The following table gives a comparative statement of the number of candidates examined under the principal groupings during the past four years :— 1905-6. 1906-7. 1907-8. 1908-9. Junior National and Education Board Scholarships and Junior Free Places 790 1,458 1,475 1,765 Civil Service Junior, Senior Free Places, Education Board Senior Scholarships, First Pupil-teachers ... 1,305 2,123 2,173 2,158 Teachers D and C ... ... ... 749 1,051 1,184 1,223 Civil Service Senior ... ... 141 JB3 231 373 2,985 4,815 5,063 5,519

I—E. 8.



The results of the Junior National Scholarship Examination were made known on the 20th January, those of the Civil Service Junior Examination on the 23rd January, those of the Civil Service Senior Examination on the 12th February, those of the examination for the Education Boards' Senior Scholarships and for Senior Free Places on the 23rd January, and those of the teachers' examinations on the 19th February. To get the results ready for the Gazette notice at the earliest moment every effort has always been made ; but various causes —chiefly the large increase in the number of candidates and the varied applications of the examinations for which separate schedules are necessary—have made it increasingly difficult to furnish the more distant centres with reliable information in good time for all the purposes required. It has been decided accordingly to bring the Civil Service Junior Examination forward in future by a few weeks. At the close of the current year it will be hel<l immediately before, not, as hitherto, immediately after, the Matriculation Examination of the University, in which a number of Civil Service candidates are also commonly engaged. Of the total number of candidates that sat for the Junior National Scholarship and Junior Free Place Examinations, 1,304 were candidates for scholarships, and 461 for free places only. On the result of the examination 645 attained a scholarship qualification, and (including this number) 869 qualified for free places in secondary schools. The highest percentages of marks gained in the various subjects of this examination were as follows: English, 86; arithmetic, 100; geography, 98; general paper, 89; drawing, 88. The highest percentage gained by any one oandidate on the whole examination was 83. Of the 2,158 candidates examined for the Civil Service Junior Examination in its varied applications, 1,411 were candidates under the provisions of the Civil Service Eeform Act. In this class 896 of the number passed, the examination, 272 of them with credit. Pupil-teacher candidates in the service of Education Boards numbered 83, and there were also 363 competitors for Senior Board Scholarships, inclusive of 9 and 125 respectively who were at the same time candidates for the Civil Service. In the whole of the examination the candidates that passed, and thereby, whether so specially desired or not, satisfied the examination requirements for Senior Free Places in secondary schools or district high schools, totalled 1,35(5. Of the 373 Civil Service Senior candidates, 64 came up to complete examinations in which they had already been partially successful. In all 64 passed the whole examination (two of them with distinction), and the work of 218 in addition was accepted by the Department in two or more subjects towards the full qualification. The numbers of candidates that entered for different stages of the Teachers' Certificate Examinations, with their status at the time of entry, are shown in the subjoined table : —

[Note. —The columns of the table are not mutually exclusive, a number of the candidates being entrants for more than one class of certificate.] Of the total number of candidates in this group, 430 completed the requirements as follows: 15 for Class B, 181 for Class C, and 234 for Class D ; 367 others obtained " partial pass"—4 for Class A, 5 for Class B, 126 for Class C, 232 for Claae D. There were 204 whose work in a section consisting of one or more separate subjects was accepted towards Class C by the Department, and 262 candidates, besides 153 absentees, failed to improve their status. The joint expenses of both groups of examinations amounted to £4,483 7s. Bd., exclusive of the cost of printing and of clerical work. The fees paid by candidates totalled £3,375 15s. Attached to this report are lists of the examiners, and of the successful and partially successful candidates. The examination-papers, with an appendix containing criticisms and suggestions made by the examiners, have been printed separately. I have, &c, G. Hogben, Inspector-General of Schools.

Examinations previously passed. toil i iiiil III til O fe fe pS| pi) a! d O ft Nil Matriculation ... Partial pass for Class E Class E Partial pass for Class D ... Class D Higher examinations 18 243 30 4 2 50 220 ... 1 1 11 9 12 ... 81 ... ... 229 4 181 ... ... 393 6 ... 42 2 297 271 3 21 314 181 443 Totals 733 482 31 276 8 733 482 31 276 1,530




Andrews, W. D., B.A. Bakewell, Frederick H., M.A., Inspector of Schools Barnett, J. Maughan Bell, A., M.A., Inspector of Schools Blunt, T. G. E., M.A., Professor, Canterbury College Bossence, C. E., Inspector of Schools Bourne, Charles F., M.A. Brock, William, M.A., Inspector of Schools Burnside, William A., M.A., Inspector of Schools Chilton, Charles, M.A., D.Sc, Professor, Canterbury College Clark, E. H., Technical School, Wanganui Cockburn, F. C. J., Technical School, Auckland Corfe, C. C, M.A. England, Miss M. Foster, Thomas S., M.A., Inspector of Schools Garrard, C. W., 8.A., Inspector of Schools Gill, Mrs. Mary Gilray, T., M.A., F.E.S., Professor, Otago University Gow, J. G., M.A., Inspector of Schools Greene, W., Technical School, Palmerston North Hendry, Mrs. E., M.A. Hight, James, M.A., Litt.D., Canterbury College Howell, Johu H., M.A., B.Sc, Technical School, Christchurch Hudson, W. B. Hunter, Thomas A., M.A., B.Sc, Professor, Victoria College Jackson, Vincent W., 8.A., Technical School, Auckland Kirk, H. 8., M.A., Professor, Victoria College Laing, E. M., M.A., B.Sc. La Trobe, W. S., M.A., Director, Technical School, Wellington

Lawrell, Miss M. E., M.A. Levi, Phineas, M.A. Malcolm, J., M.D., Professor, Otago University Marchant, Miss M. E. A., M.A. M;ii shall, P., M.A., D.Sc, F.G.S., Otago University Meek, A. E., M.A., LL.B. Merton, Mrs. Gertrude Mulgan, E. X., M.A., Inspector of Schools Park, J., M.A., Inst.M.E., Professor, Otago University Payton, E. W., Elam School of Art, Auckland Percy Smith, S. Picken, D. X., M.A., Professor, Victoria College Pitkethly, GeorgeE.,A.B.C.A..TechnicalSchool, Wellington Eichardson, C. E. D..8.A., Inspector of Schools Bicbardson, H. L., E.8.A., Technical School, Wellington Eiehardson, J. H., F.F.A., F.I.A.V. Eowe, T. W., M.A., LL.B. Segar, H. W., M.A., Professor, University College, Auckland Spragg, Silas, Chief of Hansard Staff Stocker, Basil, M.A. Strachan, D. A., M.A., Inspector of Schools Strong, T. 8., M.A., B.Sc, Inspector of Schools Tennant, John S., M.A., B.Sc, Inspector of Schools Thomson, G. M., F.L.S., F.C.S. Thornton, Sidney W., A.S.A.A., F.C.1.5., F.N.Z.A.A. Varney, Arthur, Technical School, Wanganui Ward.'w. F., M.A., LL.B. White, D. E., M.A. yon Zedlitz, G. W., M.A., Professor, Victoria College





I. Candidates that have passed the Junior National Scholarship Examination (arranged in Order of Merit).

No. and Candidate. Kclucntion District. _ I No. and Candidate. Education District. i a 1. Bardcastle, Dorothy C. .. South Canterbury .. 2. Paterson, Mary H. .. Otago ... McClurg, Doris I. .. North Canterbury .. -I. Bewat, Brian W. .. Otago 5. de Boo, Leopold R. .. North Canterbury .. c. Smith, Noil H. .. .. Auckland 7 Mackenzie, Norman M. .. Otago 8. SI e. en, John P. .. South Canterbury .. 9. Allen, Ivan M. .. .. Auckland Hi. Dickinson, John S. .. Auckland I). Gaze, Doris K. .. Auckland Kemp, Berber! <•. .. Wellington 13. Harris, Roy .. .. Wanganui II. McKentie, Edith E. .. Auckland 15. McDougall, Sydney G. ., \ Otago Hi. Taylor, Archibald .. j Wanganui 17. O'Connor, Michael B. .. Soutli Canterbury.. Smith, Donald V. G. .. Wellington 19. Hewat, Alexander S. .. Southland 20. Iverach, John A. D. .. South Canterbury.. 21. Mac farlane, Douglas G. .. Auckland 22. Brosnan, Johanna M. .. Otago 23. Bailey, Raymond H. .. Hawke's Bay 24 Robertson, Lawrence W... Wellington 26. McCarthny, Sydney C. .. Auokl McCartney, Dorothy .. Southland 27. I'orteous, Dorothy M. .. Wanganui 28. Treadwcll, James G. .. Wanganui Kime. Gratis H. .. Wanganui 30. Junker, Dorothy F. E. .. Nelson .. 31. Falkner, Lilian Et. .. Marlborough Craig, Mary I. .. .. Hawke's Bay 33. Watt. John D. .. .. Otago Turnbull, Mary I. .. Otago 35. Bayman, Benjamin F. .. South Canterbury.. 36. Anderson. Evangeline E... Southland 37. Bradfield, William L. .. Wanganui 38. Ambury, Olive C. .. Taranaki 39. Possenniskie, Harold L. .. Auckland 40. Maelenuan. Norman M. . . Otago 41. Farnie, Winifred ('. .. South Canterbury.. Gold, Ailsa L. .. .. Wellington Pope, Theodora H. .. Wellington 44. Jory, Norman A. .. Auckland 45. Cocker. William H. .. Wanganui Kerr. Qerda M. .. Otago 47. Diehl, Alan .. .. Wellington Duckmanton, Walter T. .. North Canterbury.. Wyllie, Irene K. .. Taranaki 50. Carter. Charlie L. .. Southland 51. Blackie, Margaret P. .. Otago Davis, Edith E... .. Otago Hudson, Abram W. .. North Canterbury.. 54. Kennedy, John W. .. Auckland Mainland, Dorothy J. M... i Wellington Suckling, Alma R. .. North Canterbury.. 57. Day, Cyril V. .. .. Taranaki Dornwell, Frank E. .. Wellington Mackenzie, Clutha .. Otago St ringer, Ada E. W. .. Otago 61. Oldridge, Lydia L. .. j North Canterbury.. 62. Cocker, Alice .. .. j Taranaki Howe, Cecil H. R. .. South Canterbury.. 64. Huband, Cyril A. .. Auckland 66. Butterfield, Alice M. B. .. Hawke's Bay . .. Hume, Jeanie C. .. Auckland Morris, James W. .. Nelson Smith, Charles F. M. .. Taranaki 69. Slocombe, Charles S. .. Southland 70. Kinloch, Richard E. D. .. Auckland 661 667 666 627 625 624 623 619 616 613 nil till 609 608 606 604 603 603 601 698 .".97 696 693 588 586 686 686 584 584 682 581 581 680 680 578 574 573 571 669 666 666 666 565 564 562 562 561 661 561 558 557 557 557 556 556 556 555 555 555 555 554 553 553 552 551 551 551 551 550 549 Scott, Alberta .. Waddingham, George E. . . 73. Johnson, Valeria Schroder, John EL B. 75." Brokenshire, Eleginald .1. .. Houghton, Evangaline M. McLeod, Ian R... .Morris. William H. Scott. EmUy G. so. Hanlon, Avis ].. Hullaclinc, John 11. Marshall, Leonard 11. Reed, Gordon .1. 84. Dryden, Albert J. Hey wood, Cyril C. F. 80. Qoodfellow, Margaret J. .. 87. Baxter, Frederick W. McCaakjll, Jessie D. McHarrie, Irene.. 90. Anderson. Eric .1 Bayly, Albert R. Dempsey, Daisy 1. Holden, Vernon W. 94. Lusk. David A. 86. Moore, .lames F. C Wilson, James A. !>7. Bosie, Donald P. H. 98. Cmnmin. Frank K. Hntton. Bruce .lull. Phyllis L. .. Logan, Irene M. 102. Ellis. Sydney R. Grigg, Albert J... McCaw, Alfred J. 105. McCabe, George L. Si.irk. Berber! A. 107. Kiisoll. John 108. Pinfold, Basil H. B. Wvlie, ]_eslie T... 110. Kent, Leslie R. 111. lieer, Violet A. .. < lottos, George W. Larking, Horace G. H. lit. Adams. Edward L. Ball. Douglas G. Carson, Francis E. Craw ford, William Langdale, Gladys M. Patterson, Ernest D. 120. O'Leary, Leslie A. 121. Deem, John S. L. Hardy, John L. 123. Hall, Elsie J. .. Hall; Percival T. Hobman, Beatrice Pirrit, John C. .. 127. Batters by, George H. Searell, Thomas A. Sinclair, Margaret 130. Angland, Nora Hotop, Wilbert L. Scott, Dorothy J. Shanahan, Kate 134. Cathie, Effie 11 Stevens, John R. 136. Senior, Stanton E. Wilton, Reginald N. 138. Cook, Alma A. .. Hindmarsh, Irene I. Taylor, Grace I... v A A V T A C t. I A s <: s 0 A A A S V ( T A A '1 V I ( A f. S V A A A ( A > ( -N ,1 J> V > Y \ ( A A A V (' IS N V A A N 0 S (J A A V S A V s ! o Wellington Auckland Auckland Westland Taranaki Auckland Otago Nelson Hawke's Bay Auckland Southland Otago Sunt bland Otago Auckland Auckland Auckland Smith Canterbury.. Wellington Otago Taranaki Auckland Auckland Taranaki Westland Hawke's Bay Otago North Canterbury.. Auckland Hawke's Bay Southland Wellington Auckland Auckland Auckland Otago Auckland North Canterbury.. Otago North Canterbury.. Auckland North Canterbury.. Wanganui North Canterbury.. Wanganui Wanganui Otago Auckland Auckland Auckland Wanganui Otago North Canterbury .. North Canterbury .. Wellington Auckland Auckland North Canterbury .. Otago South Canterbury .. Otago Auckland Auckland Wellington Southland Auckland Wellington South Canterbury .. Nelson Otago Wellington Auckland Auckland SVeetland l'aranaki Auckland Otago Nelson Hawke's Bay Auckland southland Otago Southland Otago Auckland Auckland Auckland south Canterbury.. Wellington Otago l'aranaki Auckland Auckland l'aranaki Westland Hawke's Bay Otago North Canterbury.. Auckland Hawke's Bay Southland Wellington Auckland Auckland Auckland Otago Auckland North Canterbury.. Otago North Canterbury.. Auckland North Canterbury.. Wanganui North Canterbury.. Wanganui Wanganui Otago Auckland Auckland Auckland Wanganui Otago North Canterbury .. North Canterbury .. Wellington Auckland Auckland North Canterbury .. Otago South Canterbury .. Otago Auckland Auckland Wellington Southland Auckland Wellington South Canterbury .. Nelson Otago . 549 . 549 . 548 548 , 547 547 , 547 547 547 546 546 646 646 545 545 544 543 543 543 542 542 542 . 542 541 640 540 . ; 539 638 . 538 638 538 537 . . 537 537 535 535 634 533 533 532 531 531 531 030 . 530 530 530 . 530 . 530 529 528 528 527 527 527 . 527 526 . 526 526 . 626 525 525 525 524 524 523 523 622 522 . . 522



I. Candidates that have passed the Junior National Scholarship Examination (arranged in Order of Merit) — continued.

No. and Candidate. Education District. i N'o. and Candidate. Education District. S 5 V. 141. Cromptoii. Herbert M. Shanks. Agnes N. 143. McDonald. Gordon F. MoKillop, Edgar R. Moore, Hector .1. 146. Allen. Clarence V. Flux. Arthur L. Glasgow. John .M. H anion, John R. Risliweirth. Erie K. Taylor. Lionel B. Walker, Douglas J. B. Wilson. Gordon C. 154. ( oniric. William F. Smith. Lilian A. 156. Boyd, Thomas G. ."lark. Bellmar A. Greatbatch, Elsie B. I'av. Elizabeth B. 160. Jacobson, Victor E. MoArthur, ((race 162. Elaigh, KateJack. Marion P. Keiiiuilc -.. Joseph <!. Russell, John 11. If. 166 Miliowall. Margaret McKenzie. Leonard Parkinson, Graham B. 169. dements, At hoi J. Fenton, Alice Boldaway, May A. Stevenson. Charles Turnpenny, William J. 174. stokes. Isabella B. Thompson, Arthur L. Wilson, Naylor W. 177. Kippenberger, Karl H. 178. Ritchie, Annie P. Robertson, Henrietta \l. .. 180. Maule, I.e .lie .1. Sanson. Henry S. M. Stewart. Gordon 183. Campbell, Colin .1. Ilar|icr. James . . I'licliaid. Ivor G. 186. Burke. Patrick J. Fletcher, Mabel F. Frascr, Ha/.cl J... Etobb, John ('. .. 190. Knapp, Alfred W. 191. Allen, Eleanor E. (atto. John Herbert W. jMarcroft, Frank A. Wake, llereward L. Winter. Ramsay M. 197. Grout. Henry ('. E__xy, David In.c. Frank .M. Sheat, Laura L. B. Stafford, Fred 202. Haase. Arthur ('. Rresaiits. Evelina A. 204. Bell. Cecil Robert Cram, Fred A. .. Mc( .hie. John G, 207. Kircher. Arthur J. Robinson. Leslie Bond 209. Boswell. Arthur McGinley, Harold Vincent MaoPhee, Dnnc-an Wells. May 213. Davios. Frantia ('. 214. Greenslade, Charles Mills.. McDonald. Jean 0. Quigley. Middleton 8. Spencer, Harrison N. 218. Ward, William S. Wilson, Thomas F. G. 220. Browne. Ruth A. L. Chappell, Percy A. Jackson, Ebbie Skinner, Doris M. A. 224. Richmond, Norman M. Smith, Constance I. H. Twining, Horace J. North Canterbury .. 621 Otago .. 621 IM ago .. .. 5211 Southland .. 620 Auckland .. 620 Taranaki .. 6] 9 Wellington .. 519 Wanganui 519 .. 519 Wellington .. 519 Auckland •. 519 Auckland .. 519 Auckland .. 519 Auckland .. ! 518 Marlborough .. 618 North Canterbury .. , 517 Auckland . . 517 Wellington .. 517 Southland .. 517 Wellington .. 616 Ninth Canterbury.. 616 Wellington ( .ago .. .. 616 Auckland .. 516 Auckland .. 516 Wellin . . 514 Wanganui .. 514 Wellington .. 514 Otago .. 513 Auckland .. 513 Wellington .. 513 Otago .. .. 513 North (lanterbury.. 518 Otago .. ..512 Wellington .. 512 Ninth Canterbury.. 512 North Canterbury.. 511 Wellington .. 510 Nelson .. .. 510 Wanganui .. 609 Wanganui .. 609 Southland Taranaki Otago .. .. 608 Marlborough .. 608 Wellington .. 507 Nelson .. .. 607 Auckland .. 507 Auckland .. 507 Nelson .. .. 606 Wellington .. 504 Southland .. 604 South Canterbury.. 504 Auckland .. 504 Taranaki Auckland .. 504 Hawke's Bay .. 503 Wellington .. 503 Auckland .. 503 Mel .ni .. .. 503 Hawke's Bav .. 503 Auckland 502 North Canterbury.. 602 (it airo .. .. 601 .ui°kland .. 601 Otago .. ..501 Wellington .. 600 Wellington .. 600 Auckland .. 199 Auckland .. 499 Hawke's Bay . . 199 South Canterbury.. 199 Southland ' . . 198 Otago .. ..497 Hawke's Bay .. 197 Hawke's Bay . . 497 Auckland .. 497 Otago .. .. 496 North Canterbury. . 496 Westland .. 495 Wellington .. 495 South Canterbury.. 495 Wellington .. ,495 Wellington .. 494 Auckland .. 494 Auckland .. 494 227. Lyford. Frank A. Smith. Harold J. 229. Christophers, Quintin G. .. (kroube, Gweneth \l. l.awry. Hollo S. Mackry. Isabella C. McNab, Grace Chalmers .. Wattio, Angus .1. 235. Crocome, Eleanor A. Hewin, Mabel A. 1 .e-sants. Philip T. Vernon, William S. 289. Brown. Lilian A. . o\. George T. .. ElifTc. Rachel C. Fairbrother, Freda N. Francis, Doris A. Baszard, Ivy F. I-'. Ric ,-. Stephen ll. Stainton, John N. Tin-ley. Frank F. \\ ilkinson. Ashley A. Wyatt. Alexander •). 250. Allan, Elizabeth S. Fa Ha. Hugh T. .. Lusty. Horace ('. Sargisson, Cara .. Scruugeour, Robert V. 255. Douglas, Allan R. McGregor, Roy .. Toomath, Roderick W. 258. Davis, William . . UcDougall, Elsie A. Mclnnes, Ralph S. 261. Anderson, Phyllis Barton, Vivian Bestall. Leonard D. Gibson, Elizabeth R. .lackman. Clarence V. .lull, Ruth M. .. Livermore, Percy S. Player, ilerald G. 269. Bull, Thelma T... (lampbell, Gladys O. Throp, Albany L. Watson, Ellen E. 273. Bond, Margaret E. Innes, Etoea M. Pearce, Lilla M... 276. Craig, Delwyn H. Dicker, Kathleen M. Kennedy, Irene M. Nicol, Kathleen A. Omand, John W. Wade. Alfred R. 2S2. Bennett, Edith M. Ilavies. Florence- A. (lair. Rosabel M. E. Lassen, Dorothea 286. Cow icy. (Hive M. Marshall, Thomas II. Petersen, Martha .1. Robertson, Colina A. 290. Day. Edward V. G. Klcnincr. Lily .M. Smith. Mav M. 1). 293. Biggar, Isabella S. New tun. Aubrey W. Watson, Barbara E. 296. Graham, Andrew I. Hay, \\ illiamina 298. Borrows, William L. Skidmore, .lames J. Teychenne, Godfry L. Till, Norman J... 3ii2. Bary, Leonard .1. Bramwell. Oswald (!. Lusk. Grace H. .. Roxburgh. Helena W. Walters. Albert 307. Bingham. Dorothy F. Clark, Lionel Green, Rlwin S. Hampton. Lily W. Hurrell, John McKenzie, Doris H. North Canterbury.. 493 .. 493 Southland .. 492 Wellington .. 192 Wellington .. 492 Southland . . 492 Smith Canterbury.. 492 Nelson .. ..492 Otago .. ..491 Auckland .. 191 North Canterbury.. 491 Wanganui .. 491 Auckland .. 490 Wanganui .. 490 Auckland .. 490 Wanganui .. 490 Wellington .. 490 Auckland .. 490 Auckland .. 4911 Wellington .. 490 lackland .. 490 North Canterbury.. 490 Auckland ' . . 490 Southland .. 189 North Canterbury.. 489 Wellington ' .. 489 Hawke's Bay .. 489 Wellington .. 489 Wanganui .. 488 North i lanterbury.. 488 Wellington ' .. 488 487 Southland .. 487 ! Otago .. ..487 ; Auckland . . KSli I Otago . . . . 48fi i Hawke's Bav 486 Auckland .. 486 North Canterbury.. 4M'i ! North Canterbury.. 486 Wellington .. 486 Wellington .. 186 . Wellington .. 485 Auckland .. 485 Otago .. .. 186 .. 4S5 Auckland .. 484 Marlboro- .. 484 Wanganui .. 484 Auckland .. is:: Otago .. .. 483 North Canterbury.. 483 Wellington ' .. 488 . . 483 Auckland .. 183 South Canterbury.. 482 ! Auckland 482 .. 482 Wanganui .. 482 And. I . . 481 Auckland .. 481 Southland .. 481 Taranaki. . .. 481 North Canterbury.. 480 Taranaki. . .. 480 Otago .. .. 480 Southland .. 479 Wellington .. 479 Auckland .. 479 Wanganui .. 478 o .. ..478 Wellington . . 477 Hawke's Bay .. 477 Wellington .. 477 Auckland .. 477 Marlborough .. 475 Wanganui .. 475 Taranaki.. .. 475 North Canterbury.. 475 Auckland .. 475 Hawke's Bay . . 474 Wanganui .. 474 Otago .. ..474 Auckland .. 474 Wellington .. 474 Auckland .. 474



I. Candidates that have passed the Junior National Scholarship Examination (Arranged in Order of Merit) — continued.

No. and Candidate. Education _ __; H No. and Candidate. Education Di«trie-t. 3 E i 313. BilhlilT. Harold S. .. North Canterbury.. 473 Dwyer, Ceoilia M. .. Wellington .. 473 Hawk. Enid M. .. .. Auckland .. 473 Macfarlane, Allan E. .. Hawke's Bay .. 473 Stedman, Ralph A. .. Hawke's Bay ■ .. 473 318. Bollinger, Marjorie J. .. Taranaki.. .. : 472 Coxhead, Cyril H. .. South Canterbury.. 472 Waters, Barbara A. A. .. Wellington .. 472 321. Baiter, Ivan B... .. Southland .. 471 Cooper, Bertie .. .. Auckland .. 471 Heine. Erie .. .. Wellington .. 471 McDougall, James M. .. Auckland .. 471 Marryutt. Winifred E. H. Otago .. ..471 E_ck, Leslie G. .. .. Auckland .. 471 Thorns, Arthur G. .. Wanganui .. 471 328. O.uindl. Philip S. N. .. Auckland .. 470 Bay, Daniel .. .. Nelson .. .. 470 Humphreys, Lavinia A. .. North Canterbury.. 470 Russell, Arthur J. .. Auckland .. 470 832. Greig, Gilfillan A. .. North Canterbury.. 469 Law, Chrissie .. .. Taranaki.. .. 469 Lee, Archibald W. .. Auckland .. 469 Matthews, Frederick C. .. Wellington .. 169 Rusht..ii. Erie V. .. Wellington .. 169 Tyerman, Harold 15. .. Hawke's Bay .. 469 33S. Kelly, Revel E... .. Auckland .. 468 McMath. Thomas C. .. Southland .. 468 Muir. Douglas L. .. Hawke's Bay .. 168 Ranis. Albert J. K. .. North Canterbury.. , 468 342. Bradaliaw, Gerald B. .. South Canterbury.. 467 Chillingworth, Eva .. North Canterbury.. 167 Clark-Walker, Veida M. .. Auckland 467 Maokay, Robert A. .. North Canterbury.. 167 Waterworth. Eleanor E. .. Auckland .. 467 Wilson, Harold .. .. Auckland .. 167 Wright, William B. .. Auckland .. 467 349. Fowlcs. Lucy M. .. Wellington .. 466 Francis, Archibald G. .. Auckland .. 466 351. Berry. Rat rick T. .. Auckland .. 466 Faweett. Ivy L... .. Taranaki.. .. 465 Waterworth, George E. .. Auckland .. 465 364. Carter, Kathleen D. .. Auckland .. 164 365. Christiansen, Olga H. .. Wellington .. 464 Oloustou. Then. M .. Nelson .. .. 464 Leach, Dorothy K. .. Nelson .. .. 464 Me Arthur. Charles B. .. Wellington .. 464 Monro, George .. .. Southland .. 464 Timmins, William S. L. .. Soutli Canterbury.. 464 Will.-. Lv.ill .1. .. .. South Canterbury.. 464 362. Jenkins, Clifford E. .. Auckland .. 463 363. Evenden, Frances P. .. Westland .. 462 Qibbs, Theodore .. North Canterbury.. 462 Sail, Harold T... .. Southland .. 462 Jones. William F. S. .. South Canterbury.. 462 livid. Arthur A... .. Southland .. 462 368. Boyd, Alexander C. .. Wellii .. 461 Jervis. Vincent Q. .. Otago .. .. 461 I-ogan, William M. .. Otago .. .. 461 Otter, Robert A. .. Auckland .. 461 Woods, Jack .. .. Wellington .. 461 873. Gabey, Clarence J, .. South Canterbury.. 460 Stevens, William E. .. Auckland .. 460 White, Charles E. E. North Canterbury.. 460 376. Drees, Henry .. .. otago .. .. 459 lie e in in. Alan L. .. Wellington .. 459 Gernhocfcr. Amy M. .. Taranaki.. .. 459 Harper, Annie .. .. Southland .. 459 Kirliy. Emma E. J. .. Marlborough .. 459 Newell, Gwenda S. .. North Canterbury.. 459 Phillips, Irene M. C. . . Auckland . . 459 Thompson, Leonard .. Marlborough .. 459 384. Richardson, Leslie A. .. Otago .. .. 458 Etosevear, Henry O. .. otago .. .. 458 Tingey, Clarice N. .. i Wanganui .. 458 387, McNiven, Reginald L. .. . Wanganui .. 457 388. Chatwin, Lothiar A. Wanganui .. 456 Hoddinott, Rubena A. .. North Canterbury.. 156 Hunter, Charlotte Nelson .. .. 456 Lambert, Lilly .. .. J Hawke's Bay .. 456 Laws, Sector P. Hawke's Bay .. 456 Mason. I/ola C. .. North Canterbury.. 466 Wratt, Richard W. M. Wanganui .. 456 396. Buddy, Georgina .. South Canterbury.. 455 MacCurdy, Elsie D. .. Wellington .. 455 Trigger, Doris K. .. Taranaki.. .. 455 398. Brodie, George E. S. .. Southland .. 454 McDermott, Hugh K. McLean, .Mary E. F. Mexted. Gordon W. Rassmore, Frederick J. . . 403. Brame, Blanche 0. Cresswell, James K. Hill, Mary A. .. Meyers, Emily S. Sarten, Corah V. Simmers, Elisabeth K. A. Thruston, Herbert F. .. Wild, Geoffrey V. 411. Bennett, Louis A. Mannion, Timothy E. Smith. Oswald J. Wall, John & .. 415. Bain. Monica T. . Brown, Russell T. Doyle, John S. .. Payne, Godfrey F. Scrimshaw, Harry N. 420. Hall, Erie- A. .. Reynolds, Harry E. Sutton, John P. C. 423. Grainger, Arthur R. 424. Ferguson, Isabel 0. Kibblewhite, Daisy M. C. Lauionson, Karl H. Tait, l-iipliami.i D. 428. Booth, Alfred N. Greene. Margaret 0. Porter. I.vclyn S. 431. Bennetts, Barold E. Davey, Richard S. Hanson. Freelriek M. II. Billiard, Aileen Hul I on. William B. i lughton, John L. Reai'ce. Owen D. Robertson, James IL 439. Denize, Mary L. H. Howell, Winifred Lee, Ernest W. Mably. Leslie W. P. Young, Ella 444. Bell. Hilda M. .. Miller. Ernest J. Renin, Francis D. Warsaw. Leah 448. Baveistock. Barry Fitt, Sidney F. .'. Hastings, Naomi lliillis. Essie M.. . Holmes, Iteta M. Kennerley, John S. Knuckey, William McDonald, Douglas D. Read. Gwynneth M. M. .. 457. Lovatt, Dorothy B. 458. Baigh, Isabel Hogg, F.rie R. .. Milnes. Ruby 0. 461. Pickering. l_eonard 462. Auld, Mark C. .. Callinan, John S. Win, Ida B. 465. Clementson, Kathleen Douglas, Keith Forrest, Grace I. Johnston, Mary E. Low, Edward Q. Millar, William M. 471. Cade, Lillian M. Fraser, Ivy M. .. MoRae, Murdoch A. Powell, Peter C. McE. .. Reynolds, Stephen O. Smith, Reginald T. Taylor, Ida Wilkinson, Lila M. 479. Cauty, Enid M. Elliott, Evelyn E. Gray, Maxwell C. Jenkins, Frank M. Kirk, Allan A. .. Rennie, Doris C. Auckland .. \ 454 Auckland .. j 454 Wellington . . 454 Otago .. .. I 454 Otago .. .. 453 Marlborough .. 453 Otago .. .. 453 North Canterbury.. 463 Wanganui .. 453 South Canterbury. . 453 Auckland .. 453 Southland .. 453 Nelson .. .. 452 Auckland .. 462 Otago . . . . 152 North Canterbury.. 162 Wanganui .. 451 Otago .. .. 451 Hawke's Bay .. 451 Wanganui .. 451 South Canterbury.. 461 ■li. .. 150 Auckland .. 460 Marlborough .. 450 Auckland .. 119 South Canterbury.. lis Wellington .. 448 Wellington .. I Is Southland .. lis Nelson .. .. He; Hawke's Bay .. i H> Wanganui .. 446 South Canterbury.. 445 Auckland . . 445 Wellington .. 445 Marlborough .. 446 South Canterbury.. 446 Soul bland .. 115 Wellington .. I 445 Auckland .. 445 Auckland .. 444 Southland .. 444 Wellington .. 444 North Canterbury.. 444 Otago .. .. 444 Wanganui .. 443 Auckland .. 443 Wellington .. 443 Otago .. .. 443 North Canterbury.. 442 Auckland .. 442 Otago .. .. 442 Wellington . . 442 North Canterbury., i 442 Auckland .. I 442 Wanganui . . 442 Wellington .. ! 442 Marlborough .. 112 Auckland .. 441 Wellington .. II" Hawke's Bay .. tin Wellington " .. I 440 Wellington .. I 439 Taranaki .. ! 438 Auckland .. 438 Nelson .. .. 438 Otago .. .. 437 Wanganui .. 437 Auckland .. ,437 North Canterbury .. 437 Auckland .. 437 Wellington .. 137 North Canterbury . . 486 Westland .. 436 Hawke's Bay .. 436 Wellington .. 436 North Canterbury.. 436 Auckland .. 436 Taranaki .. 436 Otago .. ..436 Wellington .. 435 Otago .. ..435 Wellington .. 435 Wellington .. 435 North Canterbury.. 435 South Canterbury.. 435



I. Candidates that have passed the Junior National Scholarship Examination (arranged in Order of Merit) — continued.

No. and Candidate. Education District. fl E 1 a No. and Candidate. Education District. j_i 3 T: Smith, James C. .. Otago Stewart. Elma M. .. Wellington 1ST. Hon, Helen P. .. .. Otago James, Rosalie .. .. 'l'aranaki Soarrow, Norman D. .. Wanganui 100. Craig, Ralph F. .. Auckland Martin. Robert H. Otago Hcicinever, Dorothy .. Hawke's Bay m. Jones, Keith D... .. j Wellington • 91. Agnes M. .. Marlborough 196. -lien, Bertha E. .. Auckland Matheson, Clara R. .. Otago I'rieliaid. Alice M. .. Wellington Ddy, Ward H. .. .. Wellington 199. Ayling, Herbert .. Wanganui Cotter, William M. .. Hawke's Bay Old, Clara . . .. Taranaki Power, Mary A... .. Nelson Somerset, Hugh C. D. .. North Canterbury.. Walker. Edward H. .. Auckland »06. Erskine, Mabel . . .. Auckland. Oood. William 8. .. Auckland Bioks, Margaret A. .. Southland La Petit, Edward G. V. . . Auckland Morgan. Mary E. .. Wanganui Rnsser, May E. .. Auckland Wilson, Isabella G. E. .. North Canterbury.. >12. Cooper. John V. . . Hawke's Bay Croeombe, Leonie E. .. Auckland Mabin, Constance S. R. .. Wellington McKenzie, Eva D. .. Hawke's Bay Wilson, Ernest .. .. Otago >17. Horner, Algeon II. .. Otago James, Isabella J. .. Otago Pigott. Mary A... .. Wanganui Taylor, Dora G. .. Wellington Taylor, Joel ('. .. .. Nelson >22. Francis, Robert S. R. .. North Canterbury.. Glanville, Alice .. .. Otago Parker, Florence M. .. I Wanganui Rohan, Esther M. . . Auckland >26. Abernethy, Kenneth S. .. North Canterbury.. Chegwiddcn, William V. .. Wellington Colson, Eric D. .. .. 'l'aranaki Gibbs, Catherine M. .. Wellington Morton, Hubert C. .. Wellington Turvey, Dorothy G. .. North Canterbury.. i.32. Adair, George E. .. ' Hawke's Bay Barr, James .. . . Auckland Battershill, Eric H. .. Hawke's Bay Leys, James R. R. .. Wellington Vosper, Ellen A. .. Nelson Watkins, Christina C. G. North Canterbury.. 138. Betts, Emily D. . . Nelson Goss, Philip H. .. .. Taranaki Southgate, Francis W r . .. Wellington >41. Jenkins, Amy L. . . Wanganui Rutherfurd, Frank I. .. Wellington Valpy, Ernest N. .. Otago Waterson, Ivy L. E. .. Wellington WoodrolTe, Ivan D. .. Auckland )46. Gadsby. Norman B. .. Wanganui Haselden, Alice W■'. .. ' Auckland Parsons, Sydney H. .. Wellington 549. Butler, Herbert' W. .. Auckland Craig. Bella .. .. Auckland F.riksen. Hans c. .. Hawke's Bay Warner. Muriel A. .. Wanganui .53. Bayne. Eleanor G.- .. | Auckland Campbell, Albert R. .. Auckland McKenzie, Jessie C. .. Southland Parsons, Margery W. .. Auckland >57. Best, Sarah E. .. .. Wellington Brass. ..lister J. .. Southland Chamberlain. Una (!. .. Auckland Christie, Bessie D. .. Wanganui ('unningham, Peter N. . . Otago Finlay, Jessie R. .. Auckland McKenzie, Ernost F. .. Hawke's Bay Newton, Ellen E. .. North Canterbury.. Watson, Doris I. .. Wanganui 435 435 434 434 131 433 433 433 432 431 430 430 430 430 429 429 429 429 429 429 428 428 428 428 428 428 128 127 127 427 127 427 126 426 426 426 126 425 425 425 425 121 424 424 424 424 424 423 423 423 423 423 423 422 422 422 421 421 421 421 421 420 420 42H 419 419 419 419 418 418 418 118 117 417 117 417 417 417 417 417 417 Williamson, Leslie J. .. j Wellington Wood, Rona M... .. Auckland Woodward, Leslie G. .. Hawko's Bay 569. Chant. Zoo.T. .. .. Wellington' Dempster, Olive I. .. Southland Ferguson, John R. .. South Canterbury.. Simpson. Roy D. Auckland Wright, John B. .. Auckland 574. Barker. Wilfred (.. .. Ralnierslun North.. Hessell. Jim .. Auckland Ran-. Muriel 1. II. .. Auckland 577. Barnett. Howard .. Auckland Haigh, Ethel II. .. Otago Ball, Roland C. .. Wellington White, Cedrio W. .. Hawke's Bav 681. Martin, Joseph T. .. Otago Thorn, John K. .. Nelson •583. Hope. Arthur .. .. Southland Kinipton. Edna E. .. South Canterbury.. La Roche, Clarence .. Wellington MacCaUum, Hugh .. otago Wilson. Herbert 0. .. Wellington 588. Budson, Amy II. .. Wellington MacLcan. Henry A. .. Auckland Whittington, Charles .. Hawke's Bay 591. Barrett. Ernest II. .. Southland Greenwood, Ivy M. .. Soutli Canterbury.. Langridge, Ivy C. .. South Canterbury.. Mack. Florence G. .. Wellington 595. Bill, Frances M. .. Auckland Suitable, Harlequin G. .. Auckland McDonald, Donald R. .. Auckland Auckland hall. Herbert V. F. .. Auckland Robinson, l\an(. .. Auckland 601. <'midline., George M. .. North Canterbury.. ( in rii-. (leorge D. .. Auckland Gilmour, Ernest M .. otago Gribbin, Clinton R. .. Anti-land Thorp, Thomas 11. .. Hawke's BayWatt, John (>. P. .. North Canterbury., Woolford, Lillian F. .. Wellington 60S. Bicker, Hilda D. .. Auckland Bishop. Ivy .1. W. .. Wanganui Gane, Alice R. .. .. Marlborough Wake, Barry C. .. Taranaki Whitbread, Stella J. .. Auckland 613. Findlay, John F. Southland Parkinson. Arnold W. .. Grey Ferry, William H. .. Wellington 616. Chapman, Clement II. .. Wellington Finlayson, Barbara A. . . Wanganui Monaghan. Virginia E. .. Wellington Sankey, Edith li. .. Auckland 620. Beard. Leonard A. D. .. Wellington Gedney, Clarice E. .. Southland Jameson. William A. .. Southland Lawry, Thomas II. V. .. Hawke's Bay Loveridge, Raymond C. .. Nelson Rodgers, Gertrude .. Auckland Wilkinson, Ada C. .. Auckland 627. Oliver. Helena L. .. Otago Taylor, Ayda V. .. Wellington 629. Burchmore, Nellie .. Auckland Honcyfield, Victor M. .. Wanganui MeMurray, Wilfred L. .. Auckland 632. Burrow. Wallaoe J. . . Auckland Dennerley, Hazel E. .. Auckland Jonson, Lavinia J. .. Hawke's Bay .Mar hall. Albert .. Otago Turnoy, Frances I. .. Auckland Whitelaw, Enid J. ____. .. Auckland 638. Bayldon, John .. . . Auckland Blyde, Wilfrid H. .. Taranaki Holland, Richard A. .. Wellington Maodohald, Jean C. .. Hawke's Bay Matindoe, Margaret L. .. Southland Milne, Alexander .. Otago Pope, Harold F. .. South Canterbury.. Wilson, Alexandor G. .. Wellington 417 417 417 416 416 416 416 till 115 415 415 414 414 414 414 413 413 412 412 412 112 412 411 411 411 410 410 llll Ill) 409 409 4iill 109 409 409 408 4118 408 108 1118 1118 108 407 407 107 lii7 407 406 406 406 406 405 405 405 401 404 404 101 till 104 103 103 402 402 101 401 401 101 401 401 400 41)0 400 400 460 400 400 400



11. Candidates that have satisfied the Examination Requirements foh Junior Free Pl.m i> either at the junior national scholarship examination or at the special examination for Junior Free Places (arranged in Alphabetical Order).

Candidate. E&ducatloD District. Abernethy, Kenneth iS. .. .. North Canterbury. Adair, George E. .. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Adams, Edward 1... .. .. North Canterbury. Adams, Leslie G. S. .. .. Wellington. Agnew, Ellen .. .. .. Southland. Alexander, Mervyn C. .. .. Auckland. Allan, Elizabeth's. .. .. Southland. Allen, Bertha E. .. .. .. Auckland. Allen, Clarcnee V. .. .. Taranaki. Allen. Eleanor E. .. .. .. Wellington. Allen, Ivan M. .. .. .. Auckland, Ambury, Olive C. .. .. .. Taranaki. Anderson, Eric J. .. .. .. Otago. Anderson, Evangeline E. .. .. Southland. Anderson, Phyllia .. .. .. Auckland. Andrews. Charles G. E. .. .. Auckland. Angland, Nora .. .. .. South Canterbury. Arundell, William J. S. .. .. Auckland. Auld, Mark C .. .. .. Taranaki. Ayling, Herbert .. .. .. Wanganui. Bailey, Raymond H. .. .. llawko's Bay. Bain, Monica T. .. .. .. Wanganui. Ball. I>■ mil; <■. .. .. .. Wanganui, Ballard, Dora J. .. .. .. Auckland. Barker. Peter .. .. .. Wellington. Barker. Wilfred '•. .. .. Wanganui. Barker, W inihcd CM Wellington. Barnett, Howard .. .. .. Auckland. Barr, .1 . . .. .. Auckland. Barrett, Ernes! 11. .. .. Southland. Hani'-. Mary M. . . .. .. Southland. Barton. Vivian .. .. .. Otago. Barton, William 11. .. .. Auckland. Bary, Leonard J. .. .. .. Marlborough, Battersby, George 11. .. .. Auckland. Battenhill, IJi' , H. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Baverstciek. Harry .. .. North Canterbury. Baxter, Frederick W, .. .. Auokland. Baxter, Ivan B. .. .. .. Southland. Bayldon, John .. .. .. Auckland. Bayly, Albert l<. .. .. .. Taranaki. Bayne, Eleanor G. .. .. Auckland. Bayne, William R. .. .. Auckland. Beale, Geoffrey H. .. .. Auckland. Heanl. Leonard A. I). .. .. Wellington. Beck, William <'. .. .. .. Auckland. Bedliui.'ton, Roy P. .. .. Auckland. Boer, Violet A. .. .. Auckland. Bell, Cecil R. .. .. . . Otago. Bell, Hilda \l. .. .. .. Wanganui. 8011, John If. .. .. .. Auckland. Bennett, Edith M. .. .. South Canterbury. Bennett, Louie A. .. .. Nelson. Bennetts, Harold E. .. . . South Canterbury. Berry, Agnes .. .. .. Auokland. Berry, Norman .. .. .. Wellington. Berry, Patrick T. .. .. .. Auckland. Beat, Sarah E. .. .. .. Wellington. Bestall, Leonard D. * .. .. Hasvke's Buy. ISctts. Kiiiily I). . . . . Nelgon. Bicker. Hilda V. .. .. .. Auckland. Biggar, Isabella 8. .. .. Southland. BillclilT, Harold 5... .. .. North Canterbury. Bingham, Dorothy F. .. .. llawlie's Bay. Bishop, Ivy •I. W. .. .. Wanganui. Blaokie, Margaret P. .. (> Blyde, Wilfrid H. . . .. .. Taranaki. Book, Emma A. .. ... .. Auckland. Boddv. Georgina .. .. .. South Canterbury. Bolland, Richard A .. .. Wellington. Bollinger, Ifarjorie J. .. .. Taranaki. Bond, Margaret E. .. .. Auckland. Booker, Alan H. .. .. .. Auckland. Booth, Alfred N. .. .. . . Xel.son. Borrows, William L .. .. Wellington. Bos well, Arthur .. .. .. Auckland. Bowden, Gladys J. .. .. Auckland. Bowen, Klsiie H. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Boyd, A ; exiinder C. .. .. Wellington. Boyd, Ihomiu (!. .. .. .. North Canterbury. Bradficld, William ].. .. .. Wanganui. Bradshaw, Gerald B. .. .. South Canterbury. Brain, li'Snu M. -. .. Auckland. Brame, Blanche 0. .. .. Otago. Bramwel], Oswald G. .. .. Wanganui. Brass, Alister J. .. .. .. Southland.

Candidate. Education District. Biemner, William G. B. .. .. Hawke's Bay. BiUley, Gilbert F. .. .. Wellington. Brodie, George E. S. .. .. Southland. Brokenshire, Reginald .T. .. Taranaki. Brosnan, Johanna M. .. .. Otagc Brown, Geoffrey M. .. .. Auckland. Brown, Lilian A. .. .. .. Auckland. Brown. Russell T. .. .. Otago. Browne, Ruth A. I;. .. .. Westland. Buchanan, Elsie K. G. .. .. Wellington. Bull, Thelma T. .. .. .. Wellington. Burchmore, Nellie .. .. Auckland. Burke, Patrick .1. . . .. .. Wellington. Burns, William 8. .. .. Auckland. Burr, Kathleen M. .. .. Auckland. Burrow, Wallace J. .. .. Auckland. Bushnell. Ina A. .. .. .. Hawko's Bay. Butler, Herbert W. .. .. Auckland. Butterfield, Alice M. B. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Cade, Lillian M. .. .. .. North Canterbury. Cadenhead, Jean ('. .. .. North Canterbury. Cadenhead, Margaret I. .. .. North Canterbury. Callinan, John S. . . .. .. Auckland. Campbell, Albert R. .. .. Auckland. Campbell, Colin .1. .. .. Taranaki. Campbell, Gladys ' I .. .. Auckland. <ampbell, Lachlan .. .. Hawke's Bay. Campbell, Robert .. .. .. South Canterbury. Carrington, Athol E. . . .. Otago. ('arson. Francis E. .. .. Wanganui. Carter, Charlie L. .. .. .. Southland. Carter, Kathleen 1). .. .. Auckland. < 'arter, Stanley ''. .. .. Auckland. Cathie, Effio M. .. .. .. Wellington. Cato, John .. .. .. Southland. t'auty, Enid M. .. .. .. Wellington. Chamberlain, Una C. .. .. Auckland. Chant, Zoo T. .. .. .. Wellington. Chappell, Peroy \. .. .. Wellington. Chapman, Clement H. .. .. Wellington. Chatwin, Lothair A. .. .. Wanganui. Chegwidden, William V. .. .. Wellington. Chillingworth, Eva .. .. North Canterbury. Christiansen, Olga 11. .. .. Wellington. Christie, Bessie D... .. .. Wanganui. Christophers, Quintin (1. .. .. Southland. Clark, Bollmar Annie .. .. Auckland. Clark, Lionel .. .. .. Wanganui. Clarke, Leonard 11. .. .. Auckland. Clark-Walker, Veida M. .. .. Auckland. Clements, Athol J. .. .. Otago. Clementson. Kathleen .. .. Otago. Cloherty, Elizabeth .. .. Hawke's Bay. Clouston, Theo. M. .. .. Nelson Cocker, Alice .. .. .. Taranaki. Cocker, William H. .. .. Wanganui. Colson, Eric 1). . . .. .. Taranaki. Compton, Aileen VL .. .. Southland. C'ompton, Maxwell William .. North Canterbury. Compton, Olive M. .. .. Southland. Comrie, William l'\ .. .. Auckland. Condliffe, George M. .. .. North Canterbury. Connell, Philip 8. N. .. .. Auckland. . Alma A. .. .. .. South Canterbury Cooper, Bertie .. .. .. Auckland. Cooper, John V. .. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Cotter, William M. .. .. - Hawke's Bay. Cotton, George W. .. .. North Canterbury Cotton, Horace .. .. .. Hawko's Bay. i Cowan, Effio A. . . .. Hawke's Bay. ' Cowley, Olive M. .. .. .. Auokland. Cox, George T. .. .. .. Wanganui. Coxhead, Cyril H. .. .. South Canterbury Cozons, Eleanor .. .. .. Wellington. Craig, Bella .. .. .. Auckland. Craig, Delwyn H. .. .. .. Auckland. Craig, Mary I. .. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Craig, Ralph F. .. .. .. Auckland. Crarer, Norman W. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Crawford, William .. .. Otago. Creeswell, James K. .. .. Marlborough. Crocombe, Eleanor A. .. .. Otago. Crocombe, Leonic E. .. .. Auckland. Crompton, Herbert M. .. . . North Canterbury, Crothers, Sarah .. .. .. Wanganui. Crum, Fred A. .. ~ ~ Auokland,



11. Candidates that have satisfied the Examination Reqiikiimexts fok Junior Fkee Places, EITHEK AT THE JUNIOR NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP EXAMINATION OR AT THE SPECIAL EXAMINAI lON fok Junior Free Places (arkanged in Alphabetical Order)— aontmmd.

Canrtida'e. Education District. Cummin, Frank R. .. .. North Canterbury. Cunninghame, Peter N. .. .. Otago. Curie, George I). .. .. .. Auckland. Davey, Richard S. .. .. Auckland. Davidson, Margaret B. .. .. Otago. DavicH. Florence A. .. . ■ Auckland. Davies, Francis C... .. .. Southland. Davis, Edith K. . . .. . • Otago. Davis, Norman .1. 15. .. .. Wellington. Davis, William .. .. .. Otago. Day, Cyril V. . . .. .. Taranaki. Day, Ed ward V. G. .. .. North Canterbury. Deem, John S. L. .. .. .. Wanganui. Deinpsey, Daisy I. .. .. Auckland. Dempster, Olive 1. .. .. Southland. Deniie, Mary L. H. .. ■• Auckland Dennerly, Hazel E .. .. Auckland Dicker, Kathleen M .. • • Otago. Dickinson, John S. .. .. Auckland. lliehl. Alan .. .. •• Wellington. Dimmock, Albert (i. .. ■ .. Auckland. Donald, Ernest \\. .. • • Otago. Dornwell, Frank E. .. .. .Wellington. Douglas, Allan R. .. - - Wanganui. Douglas, Keith .. .. .. Wanganui. Douglas, Thomas C. .. . • Auckland. Dow, Helen P. .. • • Otago. Doyle, John S. .. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Drees, Henry .. .. • • Otago. Drury, George (i. ('. .. .. Southland. Dryden, Albert J. .. •• Otago. Duckmanton, Walter T. .. •• North Canterbury. Dunn, Mary .M. .. •• •• Auckland. Dwyer, Cecilia M. .. •• Wellington. Elliffe, Rachel C. .. .. •• Auckland. Elliott, Evelyn E Otago. Ellis, Sydney R. .. .. ■ • Wellington. England, Fanny A. .. •• North Canterbury. Ensoll, John .. .. • • Auckland. Eriksen, Hans C Hawke's Hay. Erekine, Mabel Auckland. Evenden, Frances 1 , . .. .- Westland. Fairbrother, Freda X. .. .. Wanganui. Falkner, Lilian E... .. • • Marlborough. Falla, Hugh T North Canterbury. Farnie, Winifred C. • • ■ • South Canterbury. Fawcett, Ivy L Taranaki. Fawcett, William H. .. •• Auckland. Penton, Alice Auckland. Ferguson, Isabel <). .. ■• Sooth Canterbury. Ferguson. Jessie G. C. H. .. ■■ Southland. Fergusson, John Reid .. .. South Canterbury. Field, Angus C Auckland Findlay, Alice M. .. • • • • Southland. Findlay, John F. .. .. • ■ Southland. Finlay, Jessie R Auckland. Finlayson, Harbara A Wanganui. Fisher, Roy J Auckland. Fitt, Sidney F Auckland. Fletcher, Mabel P. .. • ■ JJelson. Flux, Arthur I Wei mgton. Forrest, Grace I Auckland. Forsythe, John A. .. •■ WeMngton. Kowles, Lucy M Wei ington. Francis, Archibald G ;*!"*'• Francis, Doris A V J ellm^ on ; , Branch, Robert 8. R North Canterbury. Eraser, Hazel J Auck and - Fraser, Ivy M Westland Fraser, Rowona la ' ld - Freeman, Alan L. .. •• Wellington. Gabey, Clarence J. .. ■• South Canterbury. Ga.lsbv, Norman I? Wanganui. Gair, Rosabel M. E OtagO. Gane, Alice R Marlborough. Garland, Hassell G. F Otago. Gaze, Doris X \ Gedney, Clarice E. .. • • Southland. George, Douglas (i. .. •• Otago Gernhoefer, Ann \1 Taranaki. Gibbs, Catherine M Wellington. Gibbs! Theodore .. .. •• North Canterbury. Gibtfro, Elizabeth R Auckland (Jill, Dorothy C North Canterbury. (Jills, Kvelvn 11 Wellington. Gilmour, Ernest M Otago. Girdwood, Bertram A Auckland. Glanville, Alice Otago. Glasgow, John M Wanganui.

2—E. 8.

Candidate. Education District. Gold, Ailsa L .. .. ■ • Wellington. Good, William S. .. .. .. Auckland. Goodfellow, Margaret J. .. .. Auckland. Gordon, Alan T. .. .. •• Auckland. Gom, I'hilip 11. .. .. .. Taranaki. Graham, Andrew I. .. .. Wanganui. Grainger Arthur R. .. .. Auckland Gray, .Maxwell C. .. .. ■• Wellington. Greatbatch. F.lsie B. .. •• Wellington. Green, Edwin S. . . .. • • Otago. Greene, Margaret (). .. .. Hawke's Bay. Greenfield, Muriel H. .. ■■ South Canterbury. Greenslade, Charles M. .. .. Otago. Greenwood, Ivy M. .. .. South Canterbury. Greig, Gillillau A. .. •• North Canterbury. Gribbin, Clinton R. .. .. Auckland. (Jrigg, Albert J. .. .. •. Auckland. Grigsby, Harold F. 1.. .. .. North Canterbury. Groube, Gweneth M. .. .. Wellington. Grout, Henry C. .. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Haase, Arthur C. .. .. • • Auckland. Haigh, Ethel H. .. .. .. Otago. Haigh, Isabel .. .. • • Wellington. Haigh, Kate .. .. •• Wellington. Hall, Bessie V. .. .. .. Auckland. Hall, Elsie J. .. .. •. North Canterbury. Hall, Eric A. .. .. .. Otago. Hall, Harold F. .. .. .. Southland. Hall, Perciviil T. .. .. .. North Canterbury. Hall, Roland C. .. .. .. Wellington. Hamilton. Herbert W. .. •• South Canterbury. Hamilton, Mabel .. .. .. Southland llanioii. Avis E. .. .. .. Auckland. Hampton, Lily W. .. .. Auckland. Hand, Jean K. C. .. .. Auckland. Eanlon, .John R. .. .. .. Auckland. Hanson, Frederick M. H. .. .. Wellington. Hardcastle, Dorothy C. .. .. South Canterbury. Hardy, John L. .. .. .. Otago. Harris, Roy .. .. .. Wanganui. Harper, Annie .. .. .. Southland. Harper, James .. .. .. Otago. Haselden, Alice W. .. .. Auckland. Hastings, Ella N. .. .. .. Otago. Haszard, Ivy F. E. .. .. Auckland. Hawk, Enid' M. .. .. .. Auckland. Hayman, Benjamin F. .. .. South Canterbury. Hay, Daniel .. .. .. Nelson. Hay, Williamina .. .. .. Otago. Heath, Edith Margaret .. .. Auckland. Heath, Valentine H. .. •• Wellington. Heine, Kric .. .. .. Wellington. Hepburn, David J. .. •. Otago. Hessell, Jim .. .. .. Auckland. Hewat, Alexander S. .. .. Southland. Hewat, Brian W. .. .. • ■ < 'tago. Hewin, Mabel A. .. .. .. Auckland. Heywood, Cyril C. F. .. .. Auckland. Hicks, Margaret A. .. .. Southland. Hill, Frances fit .. .. • • Auckland. Hill, John M. .. .. •• Wellington. Hill, Mary A. .. .. •• Otago. Hilliard, Aileen .. .. •• Marlborough. Hindmarsh, Irene I. .. •• Nelson. Hobman, Beatrice .. .. Wellington. Hoddinott, Rubena A. . . .. North Canterbury. Hogben, Edward N. M. .. •• WanganuL Hogg, Erie R. .. .. • • Hawke's Bay. Holdaway, May A. .. • • Wellington. Holderness, Mina C. .. •• North Canterbury. Holden, Vernon W. .. • • Auckland. Holford, Leslie A. .. .. Auckland. HollLs, Essie M. .. .. • • Wellington. Holmes, Reta M. . . .. • • North Canterbury Honeylield, Victor M. .. .. Wanganui. Hooper, Albert H. .. • • Auckland. Hope, Arthur .. .. • • Southland. Hopkirk, Walter A. .. • • Wellington. Homer, Algeon H. .. • ■ Otago. Homer, Ethel .. .. • • Wanganui. Hosie, Donald P. B. .. .. Otago. Hotop, Wilbert L. .. • • Otago. Houghton, Evangaline M. .. .. Auckland. Howard, Frederick .. • • Hawke's Bay. Howard, Vera L Auckland. Howe, Cecil H. R. .. ■ • South Canterbury. Howell, Winifred .. .. • • Southland. Howitt, James D. .. • • Wellington. Huband, Cyril A Auckland.



11. Candidates that have satisfied the Examination Requirements fok Junior Free Places, EITHEK AT THE JUNIOR NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP EXAMINATION OB AT THE SPECIAL EXAMINATION for Junior Free Plaobs Kiuunged in Alphabetical Okdeu) — oontinuad.

Candidate. Edi lot. Huckstep, Leo S. .. .. .. Auckland. Hudson, Abrain W. .. .. North Canterbury. Hudson, Amy H. .. .. .. Wellington. Hudson, Arthur .. .. .. Auckland. Huffadine, John H. .. .. Southland. Hulbert, Elsie M. .. .. .. North Canterbury. Hume, Jeanie (.'... .. .. Auckland. Humphreys, Lavinia A. .. .. North Canterbury. Hunter, Charlotte .. .. Nelson. Hurrell, John .. .. .. Wellington. Hutchinson, George R. .. .. Auckland. Hutton, Bruce .. .. .. Auckland. Hutton, William B. .. .. South Canterbury. Huxtable, Harle(|uin G. .. .. Auckland. limes, Rosa M. .. .. .. Marlborough. Iverach, John A. D. .. .. South Canterbury. Ivil, William G. .. .. .. Auckland. Jack, Marion P. .. .. Otago. Jackman, Clarence V. .. .. North Canterbury. Jackson, Ebbie .. .. .. South Canterbury. Jackson, Mabel L. .. .. Auckland. Jacobi, Moana M. .. .. Auckland. Jacobson, Victor E. .. .. Wellington. James, Isabella J. .. .. Otago". James, Rosalie .. .. .. Taranaki. Jameson, William A. .. .. Southland. Jenkins, Amy L. .. .. .. WanganuL Jenkins, Clifford E. .. .. Auckland. Jenkins, Frank M. .. .. Wellington. Jennings, Annie M. A. .. .. Auckland. Jervis, Vincent (I. .. .. Otago. Johnson, Valeria .. .. .. Auckland. Johnston, Mary E. .. .. North Canterbury. Jones, Charles R. .. .. .. Auckland. Jones, Keith D. .. .. .. Wellington. Jones, William F. S. .. .. South Canterbury . Jonson, Lavinia J. .. .. Hawke's Hay. Jory, Norman A. .. .. .. Auckland. .lull, Phyllis L. .. .. .. Hawke's Bay. .lull, Ruth M. .. .. .. North Canterbury. Junker, Dorothy 8 , . E. .. .. .Nelson. Kalman. Maurice .. .. .. Auckland. Kelly, Revel E. .. .. .. Auckland. Kelly, Winifred .I. .. .. Wanganui. Keni|>. Herbert G. .. .. Wellington. Kennedy. Irene M. .. .. North Canterbury. Kennedy, John W. .. .. Auckland. Kennerley. John S. .. .. Auckland. Kennerley, Joseph G. .. .. Auckland. Kent, Lestte K. .. .. .. North Canterbury. Ken-. Gerda M. .. .. ■ • Otago. Kibblewliite. Daisy M. ('. .. .. Wellington. Kilgour, Brenda C. .. .. Otago. Kime, (Jracie H. .. .. .. Wanganui. Kimpton, Edna E. .. .. South Canterbury. Kinloch, Riehan! E. D. .. .. Auckland. Kippenberger, Karl H. .. .. North Canterbury. Kirby, Emma E. J. .. .. Marlborough. Kirchcr, Arthur J. .. .. Wellington. Kirk, Allan A. .. .. .. North Canterbury. Kirkwood, Robert G. .. .. Auckland. Klenner, Lily M. .. .. .. Taranaki. Knapp, Alfred W. .. .. .. Nelson. Knight, Clement F. .. •• Auckland. Knuckey, William.. .. .. Wanganui. Lambert, Lily .. .. •■ Hawke's Bay. Langdale, Gladys M. .. .. Auckland. Langridge, Ivy C... .. .. South Canterbury. Larking, Horace G. H. .. .. Wanganui. La Roche, darenoe .. .. Wellington. Lassen. Dorothea .. ■• •• Wanganui. Laurenson, Karl H. ' .. .. Wellington. Law, Chrissie .. .. .. Taranaki. Lawry, Herbert K. S. .. .. South Canterbury. Lawry, Rollo S. .. .. .. Wellington. Lawry, Thomas H. V. .. .. Hawke's Hay. Lawsi Charles R. .. .. .. North Canterbury. Laws, Hector P. C. .. .. Hawke's Hay. LawßOn, Joseph J. .. •■ Auckland. Leach. Dorothy K. .. .. Nelson. Lockv. Alexander R. .. .. Auckland. Lee. Archibald W. .. . . Auckland. Loe, Finest W. .. .. •• Wellington. Lβ Petit. Edward <;. V .. .. Auckland. Le Qneme, Doris .. .. .. Hawke's ■ Leys, James R. B. .. .. Wellington. Liverniorc. lenv 8. .. .. Wellington. Logan, Irene M . . .. Southland. Logan, Robert ~ . . ~ Otago.

c uncinate. education District hi, William M. . . . . Ota| Lovatt, Dorothy R .. .. Auckland. Loveridge, Elaymond •'. .. .. Nelson. Low. Edward Q. .. .. .. Auokland. Luke, Kric 11. M. .. .. .. Wellington. Link, David A. .. .. Taranaki. l.usk. Grace H. .. .. .. Taranaki. Lusty, Horace ('. .. .. .. Wellington. l.vford. Frank A. .. .. .. North Canterbury. Mably, Leslie W. 1 , . .. .. North Canterbury. Mabin, Constance 8. R. .. .. Wellington. Macalistcr. Evelyn A. .. .. Wellington McArthur, Charles B. .. .. Wellington. McArthur, Grace .. .. .. North Canterbury. Macartney. Annie S. .. .. North Canterbury. MoCabe, George L. .. .. Auckland. MacCallmn, Hugh. . .. .. Otago. McCartney, Dorothy .. .. Southland. McCarthny, Sydney C. .. .. Auckland. MyCasUill. Jessie Donclla .. .. South Canterbury. Mc( 'aw. Alexander I. .. .. Southland. MoCaw, Alfred J... .. .. Auckland. McClurg, Doris [. .. .. .. North Canterbury. McCombe, Elobert C .. .. Hawke's Bay. UacCurdy, Elsie Dreffield .. .. Wellington. McDennott, Hugh K. .. .. Auckland. McDonald. Donald R. .. .. Auckland. McDonald. Douglas D. .. .. Wellington. McDonald, Gordon I , '. .. .. Otago. Macilonald. .lean ('. .. .. Hawke's Bay. McDonald, .lean ('. .. .. Hawke's Bay. McDougall, Elsie A. .. .. Southland. McDougall, Jamea M. .. .. Auckland. McDougall, Sydney G. .. .. Otago. McDowall, Margaret .. .. WelTir Macfarlane, Allan E. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Maofarlane, Douglas ' ; . .. .. Auckland. lane. Walter A .. .. North Canterbury. McGhie, John <:. .. .. .. Otago. McGinley, Harold V. .. .. Auckland. McGregor, Roy .. .. .. North Cantti bury. McGregor, William R. .. .. Auckland. McHarrie, Andrew .. .. Wellington. McHarrie, Irene .. .. .. Wellington. Maiindoe. Maruaiei 1,. .. .. Southland. Mclnnes, Ralph S. .. .. Otago. Mack. Florence G. .. .. Wellington. Mackay, Isabella C. .. .. Southland. M:il:i\. Robert L .. .. North Canterbury. Mackenzie, Clutha.. .. .. Otago. MoKenzie, Doris 11. .. .. Auckland. Mi Kcn/.ie. Edith E. .. .. Auokland. MoKenzie, Ernest F. . . . . Hawke's Bay. McKeir/.ie. Era D. . t .. Hawke's Bay. MoKenzie, Jessie C .. .. Southland. McKenzie, Leonard .. .. Wanganui. Mackenzie, Norman M. .. .. Otago. McKillop, Edgar R. .. .. Southland. Mac Lean, Henry A. .. .. Auckland. Mcl/an. Mary IS. K. .. .. Auckland. MoLellan, Robert G. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Maclcnnan. Norman 11. .. .. Otago. McLeod, Helena A. .. .. Auokland. McLeod, [an R. .. .. .. Otago McMath. Thomas C. .. .. Southland. McMillan. William l>. .. .. Auckland. M ■Murray. Wilfred L. .. .. Auckland. McNab, Grace C. .. .. .. South Canterbury. MoNiven, Reginald L. .. .. Wanganui. MacPhee, Duncan.. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Mcßae, Murdooh A. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Mainland, Dorothy .1. M. .. .. Wellington, Malcolm, Hector .. ~ .. Auckland. Malcolm, Thea M... . .. .. Wellington. Mannion, Timothy E. .. .. Auckland. Mansfield, Winfred M .. .. Auckland. Marcroft. Frank A. .. .. Auckland. Marryatt, Winifred E. H .. .. Otago. Marshall. Albert . . .. Otago. Marshall. Herbert V. F .. .. Auckland. Marshall, Leonard I!. .. .. 01 Marshall, Thomas H. .. .. Auckl Martin, Joseph T... .. (i Martin, Lydia M. I. . . (I Martin, Robert H. . . .. ( i Masefteld, Keith H. .. . . Auokland. Mason, Lola C. .. . .. North Canterbury. Massey, Katherino H. .. .. Auckland Matheson, Clara It. ~ ~ Otago,



11. Candidates that have satisfied the Examination Requirements for Junioh Fbbh Places, EITHER AT THE JUNIOR NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP EXAMINATION OR AT THE SPECIAL EXAMINATION fok Junior Free Places.(arranged in Alphabetical Order) — continued.

Candidate. Education District. Matlicson, James T. .. .. Southland. Matthews, Frederick C. .. .. Wellington. .Mnule. Leslie J. .. .. .. Wanirnnni. Uodwell, Margaret .. .. Auckland. Melton. Hilda 0. .. .. .. OtftftO. Mcwtnii. Aubrey W. .. •■ Wellington. Merted, Gordon W. .. .. Wellington. Meyers, Emily 8. .. .. .. North Canterbury. Michaels, Lionel <:. .. .. Auckland. Millar, Donald .. .. .. Auckland. Miliar, William M. .. .. Wellington. Miller. Krnest J. .. .. .. Auckland. Milne, Alexander .. .. .. Otago. Milnes, linby (). .. .. • ■ Wellington. Monoghan, Virginia E. .. .. Wellington. Monro, William & .. .. Auckland. Montgomery, Dorothy R. .. .. Wellington. Moody, Alfred* I. M. .. .. Auckland. Moody, Rose F. .. .. •• North Canterbury. Moore, Donald .. .. .. Otago. Moon-, Hector J. .. .. .. Auckland. Moore, James F. C. .. .. Wcstland. Morgan, Adeline ML .. .. North Canterbury. Morgan, Mary B. .. .. .. Wansranui. Morris, .lames W... .. .. Nelson. Morris. William H. .. .-. Nelson. Moi-rish. May .. •• •• Wellington. Morton, Hubert C. .. .. Wellington. Miiir. Alliui S. .. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Mlrfr, Douglas L. .. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Mnnro. ( leofgC .. . . • • Southland. Murray, Charles S. .. .. North Canterbury. Murray, Flora .. .. .. North Canterbury. Neary, Valentine .. .. .. Auckland. Needham, Matthew .. .. Auckland. Neilson, Herbert 0. .. .. Wellington. Nelson, Rachael May .. .. Wellington. Newell, Gwenda S. .. .. North Canterbmy. Newton, Ellen E. .. .. .. North Canterbury. Nicholas, Edwin 0. .. .. Auckland. Nieol. Kathleen A. .. .. Wellington. Norris, George E. .. .. .. Auckland. O'Connor, Michael B. .. .. South Canterbury. Old, Clam .. .. .. Taranaki. Oldridge, Lydia L. .. .. North Oasterbury. O'Leary, Leslie A. .. .. AucklandJ nlijihant. Janie R. .. .. Auckland. Oliver. Helena L. .. .. .. 01 Omand. John Wright .. .. Otago. ()sl>orne. Bert R. .. .. .. Auckland. Otter, Robert A. .. .. .. Auckland. Oughton. John L. .. .. Southland Pairman, Rachel L. .. .. Otago. Parker, Florence M. .. .. Wanganui. Parkinson, Arnold W. .. .. Grey. Parkinson, Graham B. .. .. Wellington. Pan-, Muriel I. 11... .. .. Auckland. Parris. Alliert .1. K. .. .. North Canterbury. Parson. Edna .. .. .. Auckland. Parsons, Margery W. .. .. Auokland. Parsons. Sydney H. .. .. Wellington. Passmore, Frederick J. .. .. Otago. Patenon, Mary H. .. .. Otago Patterson, I'.rnest D. .. .. Auckland. Pay, Elizabeth 8. .. .. .. Southland. Payne, Godfrey F. .. .. Wanganui. Pearoe, Lilla M. .. .. .. Wanganui. Pearoe, Owen D. .. .. .. Wellington. Peek, Leslie G. .. .. ■• Auokland. Pellew. Isabel P. .. .. . . Nelson. Penrose, Leonard E. .. .. South Canterbury. Perrin, FranoU I).. . .. .. Wellington. Perry, David .. .. •. Wellington. Person, Charles E. .. .. Hawkesßay. Petersen. Martha J .. .. Southland. Peterson, Florence 0. .. . .. WeDington. Pesaro. Marcus G. .. .. Auckland. Phillips, Irene M. C. .. .. Auckland. Philsnn. Geoffrey 11. .. .. Auckland, Pickering, Leonard .. .. Wellington, Pigott, Mary A. .. .. .. Wanganni. Pigou, Agnes M. .. .. .. Marlborough. Pike. Hanilil .. ... .. Auckland. Pinfold. Basil H. B. .. .. North Canterbury. Pirrit, John C. .. .. ■• Auckland. Player, Gerald G. .. .. •• Wellington. Pope, Harold F. .. .. .. South Canterbury. Pope, Theodora H. .. .. Wellmgtnn. Porteous, Dorothy M. .. .. Wunganiii.

Candidate. Education District. Porter, Evelyn S. . ... .. Wanganui Possenniskie, Harold L .. .. Auckland. Power, Mary A. . . .. .. Nelson. Powell, Peter C. M. .. .. Wellington, Presants, Evelina A. .. .. North Canterbury. Presants, Philip T. .. .. North Canterbury. Price, Frank M. .. .. .. Auckland. Prichard, Ivor G. .. .. .. Marlborough. Pritchard, Alice M. .. .. Wellington. Prout, Reginald W. .. • • Otago. Purser, Edward H. J. .. .. Wellington. Quigley, Middloton S. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Reed, Gordon, J. .. .. .. Southland. Reid, Arthur A. .. .. .. Southland. Reid, Gwynneth .. .. .. Marlborough. Reid, Randall .. .. ■• Wellington. Rennie, Doris C. .. .. ■• South Canterbury. Retemeyer, Dorothy .. .. Hawke's Bay. Reynolds, Harry E. .. .. Auckland. Reynolds, Stephen O. .. .. North Canterbury. Rice, Stephen D. .. .. .. Auckland. Richards, Godfrey B. .. .. Wanganui. Richardson, lx;slie A. .. •■ Otago. Richmond, Norman M. .. .. Wellington. Rishworth, Eric K. .. .. Wellington. Ritchie, Annie P. .. .. .. Wellington. Robb, John C. .. .. .. Auckland. Robbins, Alick R. .. .. North Canterbury. Robertson, Colina A. .. .. Taranaki. Robertson, Henrietta McC.. .. Nelson. Robertson, James H. .. .. Auckland. Robertson, Lawrence W. .. .. Wellington. Robinson, Ivan C... .. .. Auckland. Robinson, Leslie B. .. .. Wellington. Robinson, Samuel Wesley .. .. North Canterbury. Rodgers, Gertrude .. .. Auckland. Roe, Thomas S. .. .. • • Hawke's Bay. Rohan, Esther M. .. .. Auckland. Rohan, Nollio M. .. .. .. Auckland. Ronaldson, Brian .. .. .. Wellington. de Roo, Leopold R. .. .. North Canterbury. Rose, Reta C. .. .. .. Auckland. Rosevear, Henry (). .. .. Otago. Ross, Ronald H. McK. .. .. Auckland. Rosser, May E. . . .. .. Auckland. Roxburgh, Helen W. .. .. North Canterbury. Rushton. Erie V. .. .. .. Wellington. Russell, Arthur J. .. .. Auckland. Russell, George B. E. .. .. Auckland. Russell, John H. M. .. .. Auckland. Rutherfurd, Frank I. .. .. Wellington. Sanky, Edith G. .. .. .. Auckland. Sansbury, Ewart T. .. .. Hawke's Bay Sanson, Henry S. McD. .. .. Wanganui. Snrgieem, Cara .. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Sarten, Coral V. .. .. .. Wanganui. Saunders, Nelson G. .. .. Southland. Scarrow, Norman D. .. .. Wanganui. Schroder, John H. E. .. .. Weetland. Scott, Alberta .. .. • ■ Wellington. Scott, Dorothy .. .. .. Auckland. Scott, Dorothy J. .. .. Auckland. Scott, Emily G. .. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Scott, Madge .. .. .. Auckland. Serhngeour, Robert V. .. .. Wellington. Scrimshaw, Harry N. .. .. South Canterbury. Seagar, Edith A. .. .. .. Wellington. Searell, Thomas A. .. .. North Canterbury. Senior, Stanton E. .. .. Auckland. SHanahan, Kate .. .. .. Auckland. Shanks, Agnes N... .. .. Otago. Shea, Peter J. .. .. .. Auckland. Sheat, Laura L. B. .. .. Nelson. Shone, Ethel B. .. .. .. Nelson. Simmers, Elizabeth K. A. .. .. South Canterbury. Simpson, Constance G. .. .. Auckland. Simpson, Dorothy A. E. .. .. Wellington. Simpson, Isabella L. .. .. Southland. Simpson, Roy D. .. .. .. Auckland. Sinclair, Margaret .. .. Otago. Skidmore, James J. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Skinner, Doris M. A. .. .. Wellington. Slane, Jack .. .. .. Auckland. Slocombe, Charles S. .. .. Southland. Smith, Charles F. M. .. .. Taranaki. Smith, Constance I. H- .. .. Auckland. Smith, Donald V. G. .. .. Wellington. Smith, Edith M. .. .. .. Wellington. Smith, Gladys M. .. .. Auckland.



11. Candidates that have batispikd the Examination Requirements foe Juniok Fkee Places, HITHER AT THE JUNIOR NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP EXAMINATION OR AT THE SI'ECIAL EXAMINATION KOR Juniok Free Places (akranoed in Alphabetical Order) — continued.

C'UHlidaU). Education District. Smith, liaiold J. .. .. .. Taranaki. Smith, Irene M. .. .. .. Marlborough. Smith, James C. .. .. .. Otago. Smith. Lilian A. . . .. .. Marlboioiigh. Smith, May M.I). .. .. Otago. Smith. Neil 11. .. .. Auckland. Smith, Oswald .1. .. .. .. Otago. Smith. Reginald 'I. .. .. Auckland. Smith. William 11. .. .. Wellington. Smyth, William W. .. .. Auckland. Somen, Daniel I',. 1,. .. .. Auckland. Somerset, Hugh C. I. .. .. North Canterbury. Southgate, Franois W. .. .. Wellington. Sparkes, Emily M. .. .. North Canterbury. Spenoer, Bamaon N. .. .. Auckland. Stafford, Pred .. .. .. Bawke's Bay. Siaintcin, John X... .. .. Wellington. St.irk. Berber) A. .. .. Otago. Stead, Norman 1 , '..- .. .. Southland. Stedman, Ralph A. .. .. Hawkc's Bay. Sterndale, Reginald M. .. .. Otago. Steven. John I. .. .. South Canterbury. Stevens, John K. .. .. .. Southland. Stevens. William K. .. .. Auckland. Stevenson, Charles .. .. Otiigo. Stewart, Klma M. .. .. Wellington. Stewart, Frank .. .. .. Southland. Stewart, Gordon .. .. .. Southland. Stilwcll. Cherry M. .. .. Auckland. Stokes. Isabella H. .. .. OtagO. Stringer, Ada E. W. .. < Itago. Suckling, Alma K. .. .. .North Canterbury. Sullivan. Dm i< .. .. .. Auckland. Sutton, John 1 , . C. .. .. Marlborough. Swanberge, Louisa M. .. .. Auckland. Tait. Euphamia I. .. .. Southland. Tanner, Samuel .. .. .. Auckland. Taylor, Archibald .. .. Wanganui. Taylor. Ayda V. .. .. .. Wellington. Taylor, Dora c. .. .. Wellington Taj lor, i Iraoe 1. .. .. .. (ttago. Taylor, Basel I. .. .. .. Auckland. Taylor, Ida .. .. .. Taranaki. Taylor, Joel ('. .. .. .. Nelson. Taylor, Lionel IS. .. .. .. Auckland, Tees. Ethel M. .. .. Wellington Terry, William 11. .. .. Wellington. Tevehenne. (Jodfry L. .. .. Wellington. Thomas. Ernest 11. .. .. Wellington. Thorns, Arthur 0. .. .. .. Wanganui. Thompson, Arthur I. .. .. Wellington. Thompson, Leonard .. .. Marlborough. Thorn. John K. . . .. .. Nelson. Thorp, James H. .. .. .. Bawke'a Bay. Thorp, Thomas 11. .. .. Haukcs Hay. Throp, Albany L. .. ..Ota Thnrston. Berber) I , '. .. .. Auckland. Till. Norman .I. .. .. .. Auckland. Timmins. William S. L. .. .. South Canterbury. Timpany, John C. .. .. .. Southland. Tingey, Clarice N... .. .. Wanganui. I iiiiijii. l-'.li/.iilietli .. .. Bawke's Hay. Toomai, Roderick W. .. .. Wellington. Trafford, Aliok M. .. .. Bawke't May. Tieadwell. James G. .. .. Wanganui Trigger, Doris K. . . .. .. Taianaki Troon, Evelyn M. .. .. Southland. Turley, Frank K. .. .. .. Auckland. Turnbull, Mary I. .. .. Otago. Turney, Fiances I. .. .. Auckland. Turnpenny, William J. .. .. North Canterbury. Tiirvey, Dorothy G. .. .. North Canterbury. Twining, Horace .1. .. .. Auckland. Tyernian. Harold B. .. .. Hawke's Hay. r'dy. Ward H. .. .. .. Wellington. Upfill, Frederick L. .. .. Auckland. Valpy, Ernest N. .. .. .. Otago. Wart. Norman .. .. .. Auckland. Venion. William S. .. .. Wanganui. Vouer-Glass, Pal .1. .. .. Hawke's Hay. Vosper. Ellen A. .. .. .. .Nelson. Waddingham, George E. .. .. Auckland.

Candidate. Education District. Wade. Alfred R. .. .. .. Auckland. Wake. Barry C. -. .. •• Taranaki. Wake. Hcreward L. .. .. Taranaki. Walker. Douglas J. H. .. .. Auckland. Walker. Edward EL .. .. Auckland. Walker. (Gwendoline S. .. .. Auckland. Wall, John 8. .. .. .. North Canterbury. Wallnutt. Cluirle- V .. .. Auckland. Walters. Albert .. .. .. Auckland. Ward, William S. .. .. Otago. Wardleworth, Tom I. .. .. Auckland. Warner. Muriel A. .. .. Wanganui Warsaw. Leah .. .. .. Ola<ni. Waters, Barbara A. A. .. .. Wellington. Watcrson. Ivy Linda Ellen. . .. Wellington. Watcrworth. Eleanor E. .. .. Auckland. Watei worth, (Jeorge E. .. .. Auckland. W.itkins. Christina C. G. .. North Canterbury. Watkins, Hilda E. .. .. Auckland. Watson. Barbara E. .. .. Auckland. Wiitson. Doris 1. .. .. .. Wanganui. Watson. Ellen E. .. .. .. Otago. Watson. Mina W. .. .. Wellington Watt, John 1). . . .. . . Otago. Watt, John O. P. .. .. North Canterbury. Wat tie. Angus J. .. .. .. Nelson. Webb, Erie 0. .. .. .. Auckland. Wilier. Daisy W. <■. .. .. Auckland. wells. May ■• .. •• South Canterbury. Whit bread. Stella .). .. .. Auckland. White, Albert E. .. .. .. Taranaki White. Ccdric W. .. .. .. llawkc's Hay. White, Charles E. E. .. .. North Canterbury. White. Robert .\l. .. .. Taranaki Whitelaw, Enid J. K. .. .. Auckland. Whittington, Charles .. .. Hawke's Hay. Widdowaon, Norman G. .. .. 01 Wild. Geoffrey V. .. .. Southland. Wilkinson. Ada C. .. .. Auckland. Wilkinson. Ashley A. .. .. North Canterbury. Wilkinson. Lila Si. . . . . Otago. WilleoN. Harold R. .. .. Southland. Williams. Eileen L. .. .. Auckland. Williams. Sydney .1. .. .. Hawke's Hay. Williamson. Erio 1. I. .. .. Wellington. Williamson. Leslie .1. .. .. Wellington. Wills. Lvall .1. .. .. .. South Canterbury. Wilson. Adelaide .. .. .. Hawke's Hay. Wilson. Alexander G. .. .. Wellington. Wilson. Ernest •. .- •■ Otago. Wilson. Gordon C. .. .. Auckland. Wilson, Gwendolyn I. .. .. Wellington. Wilson. Harold .. .. .. Auckland. Wilson, Isabella <!. K. .. .. North Canterbury. ■ Wilson, .lames A. .. .. Hawke's Bay. Wilson, Malcolm ('. .. .. Auckland. Wilson, Niiylor W. .. •■ North Canterbury. Wilson, Sybil 1. . . .. .. Southland. Wilson. Thomas K. ('•. .. .. North Canterbury. Wilson. William A. .. .. Auckland. Wilton, Reginald \ .. .. Wellington. Win, Ida B. . . .. . • Nelson. Winter, Ramsay M. .. .. Auckland. Wood. Alice A. .. .. OtagO. Wood, Basil .. ... .. Auckland. Wood, Rons M. .. .. .. Auckland. Woodroffe, Ivan D. .. .. Auckland. Woods. Irene I. .. .. Auckland. Woods, .lack .. .. .. Wellington. Woodward. Leslie ••. .. .. Hawke's Bay Woolford. Lillian F. .. .. Wellington. Worrall. William R. .. .. Auckland. Wraight, Robert l>. .. .. North Canterbury W ratt, Richard W. '. VI. .. .. Wanganui. Wright, John H. .. .. .. Auckland. Wright, William 11. .. .. Auckland. Wyatt. Alexander .I. .. .. Auckland. W'vlie, Dorothy .. ■■ .. Wellington. Wylie, Leslie T. .. .. . . Otego. W'vllic. Irene K. .. .. .. Taranaki Young, Ella .. .. . Otago.




I. I'asskd the .Examination with Cbidit. Candidate. Examination Oentee. I. Hall-.lours. Frederick George .. Timaru. 1 Robinson; Alfred Herbert .. Wellington. :i. Tyndall, Arthur .. .. Dunediu. 4. Harding, HiUlu Blaokmore . . Wellington. 5. McCartney, Maloolm .. .. Inveroargill. li. Wcnmouth, Ellen Elizabeth .. Christcliurch. 7. Boohfort, Henry .. .. Christohuroh. 8. DuvidHon, Alfred H. K. .. Christohurch. 9. Kennedy, Jemima .. .. [nveroargill. Thompson, Brio Dudley .. Christehurch. 11. Richards, Henry Stokes .. Kangiora. 12. Waimsley, Edward 15. M. .. Dunedin. 13. Armstreng, Purvis Ford .. Wellington. it. Hudson. George Atkinson .. Stratford. I"). King, Geoffrey John .. ... Nelson. Lβ. Motfarlane, Boeea Agnes .. Dunedin. 17- Searle, Ernest Albert .. .. Oamaru. 18. Barker, Arthur Kiehurd .. Blenheim. 19. Taylor, Frank Alwyn .. .. Auckland. 20. Koohford, James .. .. Wellington. 21. Hills, Henry Seddon .. .. Hokitika. Quinn, Henry Edward Patriok .. Auckland. 23. Ryan, Bernard Jaim s .. Wellington. 24. Foster, Francis William .. Christchurch. 2."i. Cody, George .. .. Invercargill. 2(i. tfoore, Annie Beatrice .. Auckland. 27. Paterson. Stanley Gordon .. Dunedin. 28. Brooker, Nellie Frances Hayman Christchurch. I'll. Slooombe, Arthur Tom .. Gore. 30. Hueston, Dorothy Lilian .. Wellington. 31. Ryan. Patrick Jamee .. .. Wellington. 32. Uakeham, Charles Edgar ' .. Wellington. 38. .Jones, Bernard .. .. Tiinarii. Mason, Dorothy Emily Rex .. Wellington. '■>'>. Tyror, Robert. Ri'i'd .. .. Stratford. 36. Webb, Beatrice Jane Hamilton .. Invercargill. 37. Kirby, Krnest William .. Stratford. 38. Beard, Thomas Edward .. Masterton. 39. [•bister, Mabel Alice .. .. Auckland. 1(1. ('ullen. Alfred .lames .. .. Wellington. 41. Day, Lorna Elizabeth Grace .. Christohuroh 42. Kingslieer, Wallace Victor .. Palmenton North. 43. White. Charles Earnshaw .. Christohuroh. 14. Mitchell. Thomas .. .. Timaru. 45. Staeey. Daisy Hilda Kolly .. Auckland. Hi. Soott, John Alexander .. Auckland. 17. King, Gilbert .. .. Tapanni. Kinnaird, Gwendoline .. Auckland 19. Melvor. Frederic .. .. Dunedin. Sanson. Edgar E. . . .. Stratford. 51. Jordan, Helena Annie .. Auckland. f>2. Cameron, Rae Cumberland .. Wellington. Sawers, Lucy Marion Love .. Invercargill. Sullivan, Edward .. .. Tiniaru. 56. Stevens, Herbert Morris . . Dunedin. Sβ. Littlejohn, Elsie Smith .. Dunedin. 57. Barnctt, Arthur James .. Christohuron. Lavery, Robert William .. Wellington. .V.i. Ivlie. Herbert Kerr .. .. Dunediu. 110. Pirrit, Ruth .. .. .. Auckland. HI. Lamb. Reginald James .. Christohuroh. 62. Mead. Mary Gertrude .. .. Auckland. 63. Lo Keong, Estelle .. .. Dunedin. <>4. Jones, Clarence Valentine .. Christehureh. 05. Day, Dorothy Rose .. .. Auckland. lit;, llcndry, John Currie .. .. Dunedin. l>7. Langliein, Fritz .. .. Nelson. 68. Poff, Leo John .. .. Wellington. 89. MeElwiiin. Myrtle .. .. Auckland. Moore, Sarah Elizabeth May .. Gisborne. 71. Pulley, Letitia Fanny .. Rangiora. 72. Reid, Charles Edward .. Invercargill. Simpson, Annie .. .. Timaru. 71. Dixon, Lily Wallis .. .. Wellington. O'Sullivan, Moya Kathleen .. Wellington. 7o\ MeDougall, Agnes Violet .. Invercargill 77. Stevenson, Coila Reynolds .. Dunedin.

Candidate. Examination Centre. 78. Crawahaw, Riohard George .. Auckland. Qow, Reginald Ronald .. Hamilton. 80. Cox, Thomas Patrick .. .. Dimcdiu. Seddon, George Hume .. Wellington. 82. Ricketts, Roy Albert .. .. Nelson. 83. Bennet, James William .. Dunedin. MoCabe, Bernard Charles Alton Nelson. 85. Keith, Lilac Gordon .. .. Christcliurch. 86. MeFarland. Robert Duffus .. Auckland. 87. Fraser, Hugh Ross .. .. Invercargill. 88. Kimber, Ella Florence .. Auckland. 89. Cook, Albert Russell .. .. Danncvirke. 90. Gillies, John Munro .. .. Timaru. Hubbard, Ivan Blaekstonc, .. Dunedin. Salmond, John Arthur .. Invercargill. 93. Norris, Hensleigh Carthew M. .. New Plymouth. 94 Whyte, Margaret Anderson .. Auckland. 95. Menneer, Fredrick .. .. Christohuroh. Bβ. Skelton. William Godfray .. Christehurch !)7. Batten, Claude Wilfred .. Wellington. 98. Bell, Arthur Stanley .. .. Balclutha. Watters, Allan James .. Hokitika. 100. Brown, George Blyth .. .. Wellington. 101. Gilbert, Edith Elizabeth .. Dunedin. Lawry, Kathleen S|iencer .. Wellington. Whiting, Dorothy Hazel .. Auckland. 104. Weir. Norman William McDonald Christcliutvh. 105. Pollen, Arthur Hugh . . . . Wellington. 106. Lewis, Arthur Philip .. .. Ashburton. 107. Dromgool, Charles .. .. Auckland. Olboroe, Arthur Henson .. Auckland. Rasmussen, Henry Peter .. Wellington. 110. Norton, Alice Ada .. .. Wellington. 111. Banks, Bernard Wilson .. Christeliureli. Sohlaepfer, Carl .. .. Auckland. 113. Nightingale, Emily Mary .. Christehureh. 114. Buttle, Harris Newman .. Christchurch. 115. Greenwood, flred Wilson .. Timam. 116. Lawry, Albert Eric .. .. Napier. 117. Courtney, Thomas Michael .. Auckland. 118. Langley, Ivy Bertha .. .. Napier. 119. Schluter, Percy James .. Dunedin. IL'O. Mandeno, Isabella Graham .. Hamilton. 121. Brown, Walter Andrew .. Balclutha. Dive, Jeflery CeoO .. .. Auckland. King, Emih Alice .. .. Invercargill. 124. Dartnall. Henry .Martin . Christchurch. 125. Hardcastle, Alan Arthur .. Timaru. 126. Buchanan, Robert Ogilvio .. Tapanui. 127. Hall. Henel Pringle .. .. Invercargill. Seddon, Gertrude Stella Mary .. Auckland. Withers, Robert Lanktree .. Christehureh. 130. Line, Vivian Hans .. .. Christeliureli. Saucer, Earle .. .. Christchurch. 132. Butler. .Maurice .. .. Wellington. 133. Stanley, Leslie James .. .. Christchurch. Udy, Linda Annio .. .. Wellington. 135. Lankshcar, Bernard Russell .. Wellington. 136. Sievwright, Mary Helen .. Wellington. 137. Hayman, Ivanhoe .. .. Timaru. 138. Seannell. Daniel .. .. Blenheim. 139. Exell, Harry Laurence .. Napier. Topp, Edgar Charles .. .. Rangiora. 141. Wylie, Annie.. .. .. Auckland. 142. Bold, Marion.. .. .. Wellington. Stockman, Kumara Charles .. Wellington. 144. Sueosby, Myrtle Gladys .. Christchurch. Storkey. Percy Valentino .. Napier. I4(i. Iα- Pine, Inez Edna .. .. Auckland 147. O'Donoghue, David .. .. Napier. 148. Leonard, Ernest George .. Nolson. Rowley, Everard Oswald .. Auckland. 150. dinkard, George William .. Auckland. 151. Dawson, Alan Douglas Gibb .. Auckland. Quin, Myra Louisa .. .. Tapanui. Sneddon, Nesbit Colin .. Auckland. 154. Lauchlan, Winifred Fleming .. Wellington. Mackay, George Williamson .. Gore. 156. Hall, Lionel William Baird .. Napier.



Civil Servick Junior Examination— continued.

Candidate. Kxtiiiiination Centre. 157. Hellings, Beatiice Mary .. Auckland. Sutherland, Olive Roue .. Masterton. Wallace, Hazel .. .. Invercargill. 160. Harvey, Frederick Dunford .. Christchurch. 161. Anderson, Olive .. .. Dunedin. Buckley, William Hornard .. Wellington. McLean, Thomas Duncan .. J'atea. 164. Kelly, Elizabeth .. .. Aahburton. 105. Castle, Sydney Jackson .. Wellington Kiti. I )oak, Mary Frame .. .. Oamaru. Watten, Jessie Basel A. .. Ashburton. His. Aiulcisi.ii. Arthur Ohitty R. .. Christehuroh. Arnold, Prank Purvis.. .. Auckland. Bleohynden, Edith .. .. Nelson. Flanagan, U'ila .May .. .. Wellington. SnutliL'alc. Ida Charlotte .. (laniaru. 178. Fitch, Gladys .. .. Ohristohuroh. 171. Beattie, Ethelwyn Jane .. Oamaru. 17r>. ('nitty. John Keirn .. .. Wellington. Stead, Jamea Lang .. .. [nveroargill. Stevenson, Elizabeth Agnee L. .. [nveroargill. 17s. Atkinson, Louisa May.. .. Chrietchuroh. 170. Hincs. John Nelmes .. .. Auckland. 180. Cooper, Margaret Letitii .. Napier. 181. Binsted, Elsie .. .. Auokland. .Mc.N'eilly. Adam Rae .. .. Lawrence. IS3. Edmondson, Selina Maud .. Wellington. Gilligan, Patrick .. .. Patea. Ward, Dorothy babel.. .. Auokland. IKti. I (Is. Alfred Thin low .. Auckland. Rogers. Ida Laura Brookway .. ~ud. 188. Mathesou. Mary Isabel .. [nveroargill. Taylor, Win Keilowcs.. .. Wellington. 100. Moore, Marion Elizabeth .. Hokitika. 101. .McMillan. Donald Gordon .. Wellington. Trembath, Reginald Carlyle .. Auckland. 193. Grant, Thomas Smaill.. .. Dannevirke. 194. Qrigg, Matthew Bendenoo .. Auckland. 196. Laurenson, George Lyttelton .. Chrtatdhnroh. liKi. Fraer. Arthur Hedley .. .. Dunedin. Hicks. Oedrio Stanton. . .. Dunedin. Lowe, Bertha Emily .. .. Christohuroh. 199, Richardson, George .. .. [nvercargill. 200. Maeleod, John Donald .. Whang 801. Mackenzie. Nellie .. .. Inveroargill. L'll2. Bourke, Hannah Jane.. .. Dunedin. Spenoe, Allan Lemuel.. .. Patea, 204. Bathgate, Charles HoLelland .. Wanganui. Hewitt. Lnoinda .. .. Auokland. O'Connor. Daniel Joseph .. Auckland. 2n7. Cornish. Elisabeth Jane .. Balolutha. Miles. Reginald .. .. Rangiora. 209. l.cwiuL'ton. Ernest William .. Christohuroh. Miles. Eric Gordon .. .. Timaru. Miikan. William Richard .. Wellington. 212. Cunic. Isabella Todd .. .. Dunedin. Rose, Doris Mabel .. .. Nelson. 211. Angus, Percy Boy .. .. [nveroargill. Beer, Ethel Constanoe .. [nveroargill. Clarke. Rom Louise .. .. Chrietchuroh. Gair, Charles Jeremiah Marsh .. Dunedin. Rule, Andrew KciT .. Patea. Taylor. Harold Herbert .. Dannevirke. 22(1. White, George Allan .. .. Auokland. 221. Carlson. Henry Gordon .. Dannevirke. 222. Clark. Robert John .. .. Cbxistoliuroh. ■in. Stanley < 'wen .. .. Auckland. 221. Cotter. Henr\ Francis.. .. Timaru. 226. Comrie, Leslie John .. .. Auckland. Barnes, Gilbert Martin .. Auokland. 227. Mayer. John .. .. ■. Inveroargill. 228. Pearoe, Walter Hambley .. Whangarei. 239. Ballantyne, Montgomene .. Auckland. 230. .Murray. Ralph Michael .lames . . Auckland. Silvester, Vera .. .. Auckland. 2:52. .Mason. Frederick Egmont .. Auckland, 233, Donnelly, Jane Wright .. Christohuroh. Turabull, George Devereux .. Wellington. 236. Mclimes. Morrell Cordon .. Dunediu. Rowntree, Ernest Henry W. .. Wellington. Waddington, Bdythe Grace .. Masterton. 238. McLeary, John James. . .. Wellington. Smart. Mary Maud .. .. Christohuroh. Wakelin, George Douglas .. Dunedin. 241. Livingstone, Robert Heaton .. Christohuroh. 242. Manners. Arthur Edgar .. Westport. 243. Cuthill, John Elliott .. .. Dunedin. 244. Thompson, Henry James .. Napier. 245. Annand, Bertram Charles .. Timaru. Goodson, Francis William House Christohuroh.

(,- I.xioiun.iti.iii Centre Newton. Howard .. .. Nelson. 248. Maodonald, Linda .. .. Dunediu. Thomas. Wilfred .luliii . . Masterton. 2.-) O. Smith. Leonard .. .. Wellington. 261, Hooker. Herbert Klwyu .. Christohuroh. 252. Furze. Nancy .. .. Hamilton. Hani|iton. Wilfred Henry E .. Masterton. 264. Cork, Gladys Swinburne .. Masterton. MoConnell, Gladys May .. Christchurch. Thorp, Elsie Madeline.. .. Thames. 2.Y7. Eraser, Elisabeth .. .. [nveroargill. 268. Roberts, Stephen .. .. Auckland. 2.V.P. West. John Arnold .. .. Auckland. 2lio. Griffin, Charles Howard .. Nelson. 261, Whittaker, Henry Herbert .. Dunediu. 262, Lowe, James Herbert.. .. Wellington. 2ti:i. Haiu, Irene .. .. .. [nvercargill. Worrall, Hilda Annie .. .. Auckland. 2ti."). Frost, Florence Helen.. .. Auckland. 266. Barr, Frank Lookhart.. .. Patea. 2ii7. Darby, Annie Ellen Marima .. Thame . 2'i.s. Bryan, Frank Claude .. .. Palmereton North * Hickniau. .Nora Madeline .. Rangiora. Kershaw, Lucy Doris .. .. Nelson. Sawell, Robert (iilkison Allan .. Dunedin. 272. Wiseman, John Archibald .. Dannevirke. 11. Passed the Examin \tio\. 27! i. Hawkins, Benjamin George .. Gisborne, Lynch, Henry Kildare .. Wellington. 27."i. Clark, George .. .. Ashburton. 270. Maodonald, Jane Macrury .. [nveroargill. .Marshall. Edith Elizabeth . . Rangiora. Mutton. Ronald Bampton .. Auckland. Thompson, William .. .. Dunedin. 2HO. Chrystall, James William .. Wellington. 281. Derrick. Estelle Mary.. .. Nelson. 282. Baird, Thomas .. .. Invorcargill. Qilchrist, Norman Douglas .. Inveroargill. 2H4. Loftus, Lawrence Justin .. Wanganui. lie-tell. Kathleen Nancy .. Chrietchuroh. 286. Garland, Violet .. .. Nelson. 287. Bovvmar. Aaron Johnson .. Baldutha. Gunning, Edith Mvia.. .. Nelson. Mangin, Orton Awena.. .. Napier. 290. Mackew, Ella .. .. Whangaroi. 291. Portas, George Patrick .. Napier. 292. Johnson. Lenaid Archibald .. Auckland. Lea, Norah .. .. .. Wellington. Sutherland, Ruby Augusta E. A. Invercargill. 296. Downey, Bemonde Joseph .. Wellington. ■2'M\. [saachlJen, Adolf Olaf . . . . Auckland. White, Olive Josephine M. .. Dunedin. 2!is. King, Lillian Eva .. .. Chrietchuroh. McLeod, Catherine Nicholson .. Tapanui. Macsporran, Grace Gordon .. Auckland. 301. Crawford, John Diokson .. Auckland. Harper, Maty l,e>lie .. .. Inveroargill. Jervis. David Massnn .. .. Whangarei. Mills. Eva Bowman .. .. Westport. 305. Henderson. Elizabeth Oughton.. Oamaru. Rose. Amy F.velyii .. .. Auckland. :j( >"7. Smith. Jane .. .. .. Dannevirke. 308. Asher, John Alexander .. Napier. Foster, Rhoda Louise.. .. Christchurch. 310. Smith. Mabel .. .. Auckland. 311. Ward, Emily Ellinor .. .. Auckland. 312. Warren. Kate .. .. Greymouth. :il:i. Smith. Clarence Leonard Charles I'almerstou North 314. Harper, Norah .. .. Gisborne. Malison. Maud Emily . . . . Invercargill. Murphy, Peter Joseph .. Oamaru. :(17. Sinclair. Bertha Allan.. .. Oamaru. :SIK. Hamilton. Violet Arbor .. Gore. 319. Thompson, John Stanley G. .. Rangiora. 329. Devine. Leo .. .. ■• Wellington. Spencer, Jane .. .. Invercargill 322. Burnard, Louie .. .. Ashburtou. Crawshaw, Ernest ESgOod .. Christchurch. 324. Hcer. Annie Isabella .. .. [nveroargill. McColl, Alexander Bastin .. Wellington. Moore, Mona.. .. .. Masterton. Rand, Henry George .. .. Wellington. 328. Nilsson, Lottie Elvena Ruby .. Aratapu. :S2!i. Courtney, Eugene Leo .. Anokland. Hodges, Muriel Emily.. .. Timaru. Paynter, Sarah Ruby .. .. Nelson. 332. Paora, Wiremu Tamati Hamana Auckland. Robinson, Edward George .. Wellington.



Civil Service Junior Examination— continued.

Candidate. Examination Oeunv. 'i:! 4. Bree, Amelia. . .. .. AiuUluikl. Laroombe, Albert Frederick .. Patei 336. Grieve, William .. .. [nveroargill. Joughin, Annie Edna .. .. Rangiora. Wright, Barry Marshall .. Chrietohnrch. 389. Grigg, John Handel .. .. VVhangarei. Hunter, Frank Livingstone .. Nelson. 341. Carmody, James .. .. Wellington. Smyth, Samuel Baldwin .. Oamaru. 343. Robertson, Harold James .. Nelson. 344. Anderson, Allan Douglas .. [nveroargill. Barker, Alan Cecil .. .. Chrutohuroh, Join's. Sydney lonoval .. Napier. 347. Archibald, Robert .. .. Gore. 348. Jensen, Emma Hansine .. Wellington. Monoghan, Gilbert .. .. Wellington. Rabbidge, Leslie Leonard .. Dnnedin. Williams. William Bryan .. Patea. :!fi2. Barnett, Oonetanoe Marion .. Wellington. Bridgman, Edmond James .. Chrietonnroh. :i.")4. Bamfield, Frank Austin .. Oaraaru. BBS. Campbell, Finlay Augustine .. Stratford. :t.">ti. Kane, Paul Francis .. .. Wellington. :!.->7. Austin. Lanoelotte Richard .. Dunedin. Kill oner. Ernest Gordon .. Lawmnoe. Reader, Guy Howard .. .. Blenheim. Ward, Thomas Compton .. Wellington. 36L Fairinaiil. Allan John .. .. Dunedin. Graham, Arnold John. . .. Wellington. Mactici. Dora .. .. Auckland. Wilson, John MeVean.. .. Oamaru. 365. Hamilton, Klsic M .. Nelson. Jones. Eliza Jane .. .. Oamaru. Vickcnnan. Neville Longboumc Auckland. :{<>s. I'ctcrs. Frederick John Francis.. Marion. Young, Ivy Violet .. .. Wellington. 170. MeNeely, Eveline Lnoy .. Christchurch. 371. Friiser, Lilian Frances .. (In istchinch. Latimer, Richard Thomas .. Timaru. Williams, Lewis Herbert .. Christchurch. 374. Sproat, Hugh Gordon .. Invercargill. Whibley, John Chalmer .. Danne\ hke. :i7li. Gilford, Jessie Cameron .. Invercargill. Reid, John Stuart .. .. Dunedin. 378. Rose, Margaret Elsie .. .. [nveroargill. l(7!t. I>ovett, Dulcie Margaret . . [nveroargill. Nugent. John Somcrvillc .. Dunedin. Pram, Harry Forbes .. .. Dunedin. Smith, Albert George Fre<leriek Hamilton. 38.T Wliitaker, Cecil Grayton . . Auckland. 384. Lambeth, Thomas Alfred .. Dunedin. 385. McAuley, Francis Henry .. Oamaru. Roche, James .Michael .. Wellington. 387. Bean, Louisa Lawton .. Christchureh. Lake, Alexander .. .. Lawrence. Lloyd, Mabel .. .. Napier. :i!)0. McVicar, Campbell .. .. Wellington. 301. Staunton, James .. .. Invercargill. 392. Sissons, Barbara Mary .. Auckland. 803. Lyon, Herbert Edgar .. Dunedin. 3!14. (i'uy, Margaret Irene .. .. Nelson. Hunter, Isabel Annie .. .. Takakn. 306. Anderson, Lillie Ruth .. Napier. 3!17. Blechynden, Kathleen . . Nelson. Jenkinson, Dorothy Mary Iris .. Wellington. Kecs, Hawea Lincoln l-ee .. Auckland. 400. Dow, Andrew James .. .. Auckland. I'etrie. Arnold James .. .. Invercargill. Wcl>li, Alice Hewitt .. .. Wellington. 403. Parry, John Asher .. . . Auckland. 404. Carroll, John Joseph .. .. Auckland. Donnelly, Sarah . . . . Napier. 406. Kayes, James I>awrenee Hartley Auckland. Potter, John Forsyth .. .. Auckland. Raffills, George John .. .. Dunedin. Watson. Annie .. .. Inverciiruill. 410. Hourigan, Mary .. .. Napier. l<aing. Margaret Smith .. Napier. Smith, William .. .. Bnlclutha. 413. Kirton, Muriel .. .. New Plymouth. 414. Cook, William Wallace .. Palmerston North. McHutcheson. Monica Slienill .. [nveroargill. 416. Beamish, Olive May . . . . Patea. H7. Macau, Charles Cray .. .. Invercargill. lls. Burke, Edmund J. .. ■• Wellington Crace. Thomas Marshall .. Blenheim Bogenoa, Franoh Margaret .. Auckland. 421. Kidd, Ivy Blanchard .. .. Aratapu. Robertson, Lavrenoe Winters .. Wellington. Thompson, Frederick George S. Rangiora.

Can'li Examination centre. Wallace, .lames Alexander .. (lore. t25. Colt man. Cyril Warren .. Auckland. cill. Willi Hiiiiia Milne .. Wellington. 127. O'Callaghan, Bather Mary .. Thames. 128. Brosnaiian, Margaret Mary .. Timaru. Jordan. Claude .Man .. .. Wellington. 430. Fairweather, Gordon William .. Rangiora. McCormick, Horace .. .. Napier. Shaw, Catharine Stewart .. Invercargill. 433. Johnston, Alexander Thomas .. Balolutha. 434. Nicoll, Harrietts Annie .. Christohuroh. Phillips, Elizabeth Mary .. Auckland. Steel man. Gerald Lomax .. Napier. 437. Heir, .lames Alexander .. Napier. Tarrant, Leonard Terrill .. Dannevirke. Williams, Athol Gothard .. WeStpOTt. 140. (aniline. Franois John .. Westport. Rushton, Meta Constance .. Wellington. Strong, Edward Albert .. Christchurch. H'.i. Paltridge, EUtabeth .. .. Auckland. 444. Cavell, Elizabeth Beatrice .. Invercargill. Dennehy, Jeremiah Horai .. Dunedin. Williams, Jessie May .. .. Christchurcli. 447. Franklin, Clifford John . . Dannevirke. Walker, dan Ruth .. .. Nelson. 449. Fuldsetli, Kathleen Marian B. .. Lawrence. Rwhworth, Margaret .. .. Dunedin. 4SI. Boswell. George .. .. Auckland. Shale, Michael Patrick .. Wanganui. 453. Aldridffe, Milton Rowley .. Hamilton. Hrenau, Errol Lyndon .. Thames. Power, Catherine Frances .. Nelson. Wells. Arthur Francis .. Reefton. 4"i7. Troll. Claudeen Hyacinth .. Napier. 458. F i, Albert Arthur .. .. Wellington. Sarjeant, Reginald Cranmer .. Balolutha. Kin. Tail, Robert .. .. Palmerston North. 461. Cieson. Edward Henry RufUS .. Wanganui. Howie, William Gladstone .. Invercargill. -!»>:{. O'Conneli, William .. .. Timaru. 4<i4. Harold. ('hristopher Boyle .. Ashburton. 411"). Lough, Winnie Tairoa .. Christchurch. McMillan, Robert Hugh .. Lawrence. Smith, Keith Glendinning .. Nelson. 4(iB. Edginlon, Elizabeth Sarah .. Invercargill. McDonald. Stanley Hone '. . Dunedin. 470. Anderson, Annie Maud Lucy .. Napier. Itaiiie. Thir/.a babel .. .. Napier. 472. Baxter, .lames N'eil .. .. Hamilton. Shaw, Kay Errol .. .. Masterton. 474. Alley, George Edward .. Thames. Deere, Terence Joseph .. Greymouth. I7ii. Ahier, William Roland .. Hamilton. De Coiircy, John Richard Joseph Wanganui. 478. Hanna, James Bugden . . Palmerston North. Whitwell, Beaumont .. .. Nelson. 180. Hobday, ESaie PrisoOla .. Wellington. 181. Baker. Margaret .lane .. (.'hristcliiircli. Corbelr. William Douglas .. Napier. Gibson, Robert John .. .. Oamaru. 484. Baker, Charles George .. Wellington. Hall, Rupert John Wilson .. Invercarjiill. 480. Edgar, Mary Etta .. >. Dunedin. Kavanagh, Edward Manning .. Auckland. Stanton. John Arthur .. Auckland. 489. Day, John Spencer .. .. Auckland. Keniday, llulieil .. .. Auckland. 4!tl. Coaklev, Cornelius Herbert .. Wellington. 4(12. Bell, Harold Ceorge .. .. Ashburton. Finlayson, Alexander t lameron M. WhangareL Reid, Kathleen Isolde.. .. Napier. 106. Besanl. Laura .. .. Wellington. Dagg, Evaline Elizabeth .. Masterton. Pedersen, Anna Deborah .. Napier. 198. Mitchell. George .. .. Dunedin. 499. Bruce, Charles Forsyth .. Dunedin. McLean. Douglas Rawei .. Dunedin. Raybone, Clarence Noble .. Blenheim. 502. Mclntyre, Henry Fawcett . . Wellington. 603. Cuthbeil, John .. .. Stratford. McXeill. .lam- .. .. Invercargill. 606. Simpson, Sophia .lane.. .. Hokitika. Virtue, Gerald David .. .. Timaru. .".(17. McClonc. James .. .. Greymouth. 608. Fulton, John Graeme Hlundell.. Wellington. Loren/.cn. Wilfrid Edwin .. Wellington. 610. Dale, Roger Thomas Hilton ■■ Dunedin. Holm. Eleanor Fanny Martha .. Auckland. Lyttle, Herbert Gardiner G. .. Gore. 613. Jones. Charles Roger .. .. Auckland.



Civil Service Junior Examination — continued

Candidate. Kxaiuiiiation Centre. r>l4. .Malicl Lilian .. .. < 'lirist< liurch. Ken. KiHic .. .. .. Christchurch. Oppenheim, Stanley Edward .. Chrietehuroh. r>l7. EKokey, John Gerald .. .. Invercargill. Uwenberg, Emilie Alexis .. Auckland. Wood, Robert .. .. Stratford. "iL'ii. (in in, George Buxton .. Christchurch. O'Brien, Dan .. .. Auckland. Tallott, Thomas Harold .. Palmerston Nortli. 523. Dean, Leonard Widlake .. Napier. Jensen, William Frederick .. Dannevirke. Johns, James Arthur .. .. Dunedin. Scott, Arthur Tennyson .. Auckland. f>27. Flett, Robert .. .. Dunedin. Hurrell, Elsie .. .. Wellington. Winning, Elizabeth .. .. Qore. 530. VVyeth, Nora Eliza bet li .. Invercargill. 631. King, Walter John .. .. Nelson. 682. Haszard, Keith Fitzgerald .. Auckland. Laws, Gordon Cosgrove .. Napier. Pullar, Annie Chapman . . Gore. Vincent, David Augustus .. Thames. 686. Guise, Ernest Walter .. .. Wellington. Siinmonds, Frederick .. .. Auckland. r>:tH. Greville. Alice Jean .. .. Wellington. Nancekivell, Alice . . .. Hokitika. 540. Jcnkinson, Ivy Jean Christie .. Wellington. 541. Casey, John .. .. .. Wellington. Everett, Viola .. .. Nelson. Jones, Eunice Ray .. .. Hamilton. .".H. Scholium. John Wenzl .. Auckland. Teesdale, William Dawson .. Whangarei. 546. Thompson. Charles Herbert .. Invercargill. r>47. .lames. Francis John Leslie .. Dunedin. 548. Baddeley. BSdwaid Gcrrard .. Auckland. 54!1. Carmichacl, Lconaid Stewart .. Wanganui. Hogan, John Cleary .. .. Wellington. Mcl-oan, Alexander .. .. Naseby. Niven, Ellen Grace .. .. Nelson. .V). , !. Alexander, Gavin Douglas .. Auckland. Gibson. Joseph Kiaiici .. Nelson. 565. Baird. Alcxa Clarice .. .. Takaka. BaiTOWclough, Harold Brio .. I'almcrston North. Broderiok, Daniel .. .. Lawrence. Pinel, Oswald John .. .. Dunedin. 808. Brown, Cyril Ivan .. .. Wellington. McClurg, Douglas Wireuiu .. Ashhurton. Milburn, Olive Winifred .. Napier. Thomson, Elizabeth .. •. Hamilton. 5(13. Thomson. Victor Ethell>ert D. .. Dunedin. Woken, Ethel .. .. New Plymouth. 565. Ingleton, Anastatia .. .. Napier. .">(>(>. Alexander, William -Moon .. Hamilton. ;>C>7. Macdonald. Sil.ella .May . . Dunedin. 668. Smith. Violet May .. .. Auckland. Whiteman, Walter .. .. Auckland. 570. Clarkson, Eric William .. Christchurch. Snialltield, Kric Jackson .. Auckland. r>72. Clay, Nelson .. .. Auckland. Epps, Fanny Alice .. .. Napier. Mackenzie, Emma Violet May .. Gore. Robinson, Barbara Jane . . I Ireymouth. Sncdden, Cyril Alexander . . Auckland. Webl>. .Marjorie .. .. Hamilton. Wright, Willie George Kenneth Wellington. 579. Hooper, John Paris .. .. lievin. Penniket, Clara .. .. Auckland. 68 1. Smith, Marcus David .. .. Napier. 582. Enting, Edmund Lawrence .. Napier. .Molloy. John Patrick .. .. Auckland. .-|N4. Campbell, Colin William Glenn .. Wanganui. 585. Williams, Gladys Maud .. Hamilton. 686. Brown, Elsie .. .. Stratford. Monaghan, James Patrick .. Dunedin. 588. Baker, Olive Myra .. .. Thames. Ranby, Olive May .. .. Hamilton. 590. Boucher, Edgar Woodward .. Auckland. Mather, Edna Jeannie.. .. Auckland. Munn, Edwin Ralph .. .. Rangiora. .">!».!. Barry, Minnie .. .. Napier. Collins, Richard .. .. Wellington. r>lls. Chaytor, Lawrence Clervaux .. Nelson. Cole, Noel .. .. .. Auckland. Forsyth, Dorothy Christina Ivy Invercargill. lleyhoc, Harry Wilson .. Master!on. 699. Smith, Cedric . . .. Invercargill. 600. Campbell, Genevieve Catherine Greymouth. Harkness, Ella Frances Mary .. Nelson. Hopkirk, William Spotiswoode .. Wellington. f>o3. Lambert, Charles Spencer Basil Wellington.

Candidate. i:\iuiiination Centre. 004. Allardyce. Alan Russell .. Christchurch. .Malcolm. Ralph .. .. Naseby. Pilkingtoit, Lemoine James . . Wellington. GO7. Collins, Patrick John .. .. Dunedin. Martin, Cyril Alphonso .. Wellington. 609. Higgins, John .. .. Greymouth. McKenzie, Robert John .. Ashburton. 611. Bolton, Kathleen Marjorie .. Nelson. 612. Bennett, James .. .. Timaru. Wylie, Colin Turner .. .. Dunedin. 614. Doherty, Bernard Francis Xavier Wellington. 615. Mc.Miillin. .Martha Lena .. Dunedin. lilli. Edmunds, William George .. Auckland. 617. Ellison, Kate Rose .. .. Wellington. Rivers, Mary Adelia .. .. Reefton. 619. Kidson, Alfred Benny .. Nelson. Robinson, Archibald James .. Auckland. 621. Traynor, Jean Wallace .. Christchurch. 622. Easton, Louisa Norton .. Nelson. Ellis, Dorothy Dv Pen .. Hokitika. Helps, Madeline Pryce .. Dunedin. Johns, Alton Clive .. .. Auckland. .Mitchell. .Mary .. .. Whangarei. (127. Casey, Winefride Agnes .. Napier. Fogarty, James .. .. Dunedin. 629. Ibbetson, Alfred Herman H. .. Masterton. Thorp, Muiiel Evangeline .. Thames. 631. Johnson, Lucinda .. .. Invercargill. 632. Caiman, Gordon Jameson .. Wanganui. Davey, Stanley Edward .. Timaru. Haskins, Vera Myrtle .. .. Thames. .lamicson, Georgina Ellen .. Palmerston North. Vickers, Arthur Lawrence .. Hamilton. ii:! 7. Brooke-Taylor, Horace Reydon Napier. (>:i«. Hurley. Renee .Margaret Alice . . Christchurch. Clark, Raymond Hector .. Auckland. Lousley, Maurice Vernon . . Balclutha. .Mitchell, Alexanderina Barbara.. Auckland. 642. Bcangu, Alexander .. .. Hamilton. ( londell, Eric Bernard .. Nelson. 644 Allan. I! u'inald .. .. Dunedin. 645. Brogan, Agnet Patricia . . Dannevirke. Timpany, Thome* Man ■•• Invercargill C>47. Heywood, Edith Margaret .. Aratapu. Mc.Mullau. John James Miirillo . . Dunedin. 649. Moeller, Ray Eva .. .. Napier. Bhaw, Mabel Gertrude .. Christchurch. 661. Grant, Frederick William .. Auckland. Jack, Donald Leslie .. .. Whangarei. 653. Beamish. Marion Gillman .. Patea. 664. Sigley, Viola Annie .. .. Takaka. Treloar, Ethel .. .. Invercargill. 656. Carter, Benjamin .. .. Auckland. Mil'aw, William Theodore .. Napier. 658. Clark, William Holdsworth .. Auckland. Stewart, Albert Clarke .. Wellington. 660. Freed, Harold E. .. .. Wertport 661. Bolton, Thomas John .. Wellington. Collins, Albert Charles Holt .. Napier. Maynard, Carmolita Mary .. Wellington. Russell, Helen Gavin .. .. Greymouth. 665. Miller, Frederick Selwyn .. Auckland. Norton, Maude Evelyn .. Christchurch. 667. Chambers, Maurice, Stirling .. Wanganui. Hayes, Francis Strathallan .. Takaka. O'Halloran, Franois Douglass .. Napier. Robertson, Mary Lucilla .. Whangarei. 671. Egan, Patrick .. .. West port. (172. Braid wood, Irene Marion .. Greymonth. Smith. Ida Rosina .. .. Wellington. 674. Boyall. Charles Spurgeon .. Dunedin. Taylor, Arthur Georgo Emmanuel Nelson. 676. Goulter, Evelyn Beatrice .. Wellington. 077. Ambury, Percy Clarence .. New Plymouth. Ryan, Alfred Joseph .. .. Auckland. Strack, Fritz Anton .. .. Hawera. 680. I'aine. Charles Haswell .. Dunedin. 681. Brown, William .. .. Dunedin. Robinson, Alfred Charles John .. Invercargill. Woodward, Emma Jane .. Invercargil 1 684. Fyson, Albert Kemball .. Gisborne. Jones, Thomas Ackcrlev .. Nelson. 686. Jull, Phyllis Louie .. .. Napier. 687. Corby, Alice Catherine .. Westport. 688. Finlay, Robert Norman .. Dunedin. 689. Boyle, Robert Reynolds .. Napier. McClean, Alexander Henry .. Auckland. Scully, Bernard William . . Invercargill. Thornton, Chalmers William .. Oamaru. Warren, Alice Lucrita .. Wellington.



Civil Service Junior Examination— continued.

Candidate. Examination Centre 694. McMillan, William Joseph .. Timaru. O'Rourke, Courtney Timothy .. Wellington. Whitehouse, Sarah Isabel .. Thames. 697. McCaskill, Margaret Delinsay .. Thames. 698. Tighe-Umbers, Audrey Hazel .. Dunedin. 699. Berry, Vida Eliza .. .. Nelson. Lane, Donald Bennot .. .. Auckland. Jones, Kowi Melville Stephenson Ashbniton. 702. Anderson, Nora .. .. Napier. 703. Dement, Ida Verne .. .. Nelson. Moroney, John Thomas .. Dunedin. Napier, William Groig .. Christchureh. 706. Kidd, Louie Bertha Annie .. Invercargill. 707. Bryan, Douglas Isaac Charles .. Westport. Lynam, Edward Thomas .. Napier, (hittrim, Cornelius James .. Wellington. 710. Baldwin, lima Mildred .. Dannevirke Evans, Constance Mary .. Masterton. McLeod, John .. .. Dunedin. Tanner, Adelaide .. .. Auckland. 714. Coulter, Edith May .. .. Wellington. 715. McLive.% Finlay Donald .. Auckland. I'illing, Janet .. .. Lawrence. 717. Martin, Robert Frederick .. Auckland. 718. Frudo, Annie Dorothy .. Napier. 719. Box, Joseph Patrick .. .. Wellington. 720. Langguth, Werner Eugen .. Auckland. 721. Barber, Ada Isabella Jeannie .. Gore. Lochhsad, Margery May .. Tauranga. Neale, Leslio Ernest .. .. Cnristonuroh. Taylor, George Noel .. .. Weetport. 725. Abrahall, Vete Matilda Mary .. Wellington. 726. Chambers, Clara Jeannie .. Napier. Fitzgerald, Thomas .. .. Dunedin. Jennens, Theodore Melvillo .. Nelson. 729. Bradley, Ida Una Heal li .. Christohuroh. Grigg, Hilda Mary .. .. Whangarei. Havill, Frederick George .. Auckland. 732. Adams, Ralph Burman .. Palmerston North. Dear, Lewis Henry .. .. Wellington. Miller, George .. .. Masterton. Smith, Jeannie Irene Ivy .. Palmerston North. Ellis, Theodore Mardoe .. Takaka. Lambert, Beryl Millicent .. Aratapu. 738. Mackereth, Arthur .. .. Auckland. 7.!!». Bond, Elizabeth Kate .. Auckland. Carter, Rosa Elizabeth .. Marton. 741. Johnston, Mary Gibb .. .. Wellington. Page, Alfred Cecil .. .. Nelson. 74.'{. Fisher, Lilias May Gibson .. Invercargill. 744. McDonald, Donald James .. Timaru. Milne, Alexander Charles Harry Hawera. 745 a. Regnault, Leonard Francis .. Chatham Islands. 74(i. Woolford, Walter George .. Auckland. 747. Miller, Alan .. .. .. Wanganui. 748. Maher, Michael .. .. Wellington. 74!t. Hutcher, Alfred Ernest .. Dunedin. Speedy, Hortense .. .. Wellington. 751. Clements. Irene Jemima .. Christchureh. Cook, Fred .. .. .. Napier. 753. Russell, John Gilbert .. .. Wellington. Dpohuroh, Nina Hartley .. Napier. 755. Benton, Cora Cecilia .. .. Dauncvirke. Gillanders, Catherine Emily •■ Hawera. Nevison, Isabella .. .. Blenheim. Philpot, Owen Jackson .. Auckland. 769, Crowe, Gladys Alice .. .. Pahiatua. MuiiMon, Isabel Howarth .. Nelson. Shorrjey, Kenneth Elton .. Wellington. Sullivan, Phyllis Winifred Agnes Auckland. 7<i:i. Sykes, Elsie Blanche . . .. Thames. 764. Horrocks, Henry Alexander .. Auckland. O'Donnell, Ellen .. .. Christehurch. 766. Lush, Ralph Ashford .. .. Auckland. Macky, Joseph Cam .. .. Auckland. Molloy, Charles Joseph .. ' Auckland. 7<>!l. Cibson, Evelyn Perry.. .. Palmerston North. 77(1. Maekic, Stanley Gordon Pall .. Invercargill. 771. Johnston, Jessie Scoular .. Wellington. Scott, Hubert Francis Coghill .. Auckland. Weir. Stanley Francis. . .. Auckland. 774. Clarke, Ralph St. John .. Auckland. Franklyn. Violet Mary .. Stratford. 776. Shivnan, Nora Kathleen .. Wellington. 777. Chisholm, Amy .. .. Wellington. Hawkins. Harvey .. .. Thames. 779. Donkin, Catherine Jane .. Wellington. Malone, Brian .. ■■ Wellington. 781. flow, George Thomas .. .. Gore. Tarrant, Erio Norman .. Dannevirke.

3—E. 8.

Candidate. Examination Centre. 783. Tcnnent, Christina Kerr .. Greymonth. 784. Vaughan, Harry Fergus .. Nelson. 785. Gunn, Ernest Adam .. .. Lawrence. Stewart, Annie Downie .. Invercargill. 787. Hall, Amy Hilda .. .. Eawera. Mcßride, Joseph Bell .. .. Gore. 789. Mailing, Edith l> .. Timaru. 790. Higlmm, George Claydon .. Auckland. 7!M. Hunter, William Geoffrey .. Danneyirke. 792. Oannington, Harold William .. Nelson. Ross. Alice Cecilia .. .. Wellington. Walker, l.illie .. .. Auckland. 7!15. Stuart, Kate Augusta Burdett .. Ashburton. 796. Game, Boraoe .. .. Aratapu. 707. Kururangi, Teretiu .. .. Napier. 798. Crawford, Klsic .lane .. .. Dunedin. Core, Mary Ethel .. .. Napier. 800. Butler, Richard .. .. Rangiora. 801. Fletcher, George Edward . . Arrowtown. 802. Oarmichael, Margaret Helen .. Rangiora. Haldaue. Agnes Owen.. .. Westport. 804. Henderson, Walter Philip Ness.. Halclulha. O'Rourke, Garretl Francis .. Auckland. sue,. O'Leary, Johana .. .. Dunedin. 807. Uishart. John Webster .. Auckland. Young, Leonard Hartlctt R. .. Dunedin. 809. Carkeek, Rikihama .. .. Levin. 810. Stone, Mabel Eliza .. .. Christchureh. 811. Andrews, James .. .. Christchureh. Dons, Einilie Henrietta .. Palmerston North. Tonks. Ida Marion .. .. Wellington. 814. Voss. .Minnie Olivia .. .. Palmerston North 815. Calder, Kenneth Moir.. .. Naseby. Hutchings, Iris Ada .. .. Wellington. Race, James Alexander .. Dunedin. Watson. William .. .. Timaru. 819. Quickfall. William Henry .. Stratford. 820. Dawson, Thomas Howard .. Nelson. Farquhar, Norman Campion B. Auckland. Lewtou. Kduin James .. Oamaru. Odgers, Helen .. .. Christchureh. Romans, Henry Clifford . . Arrowtown. N25. Coodyer, John .. .. Nelson. 826. Aickin, Thomas Wallace .. Hamilton. Allan, Arthur Pcrcival .. Levin. 828. Capon. Berber) .. .. Ashburton. 829. Loonev. Hubert .. .. New Plymouth. Petre, Robert John .. .. Chriatohuroh. 831. Weir, Mary Olive .. .. Dunedin. 832. Connie. William Lewis .. Napier. Morgan, Alfred Percy .. .. ChriatobuToh. 834. Frascr. Mary Klizabeth C. .. luvercargill. 835. Elliott, George Frederio .. Masterton. Jowitt, Frederick Robert B. .. Auckland. lor, Elizabeth Susan Mary .. Auckland. 838. Cornwall, Catherine .. .. Greymoutb. 839. Cartwright, Percy Llewellyn . . Auckland. Dudson, Paul Huett .. .. Masterton. 841. West. Ellen .. -. .. Dunedin. 842. Forrest, Grace Isabel .. .. Auckland. 843. Young, John.. .. .. Wellington. 844. Te Awekotuku. Wiremu Matene Napier. 845. Thomson, Marie Mack .. InveroargilL 846. Colville, Victor William .. Timaru. 847. Martin. William Oswald .. Dunedin, Neilson, George Espen .. Auckland. 849. Alexander, Frederick Bewi .. Wellington. llopkirk. .lames Alexander D. .. Wellington. 851. l.iddcll. James Muir .. .. Nelson. Nairn, Euphemia Eleanor .. Auckland. Osborne, George .. .. Wellin 854. Ramsden, Clifton Lloyd .. Wellington, 886. Dawson. Albert .. •• Masterton. s.Mi. Davenport, Norman Reginald .. Auckland. 867. Toner, John .. .. .. Ashburton. 858. Johnson, Edith Frances .. Masterton. Pickens, Ethel .. .. Auckland. Smith, Jessie Ruby .. .. Auckland. 861. Steele, Thomas Irwin .. .. Rangiora. 862. Campbell, Thomas Colin .. Auckland. 863. Corrigan, Dorothy Annie .. llawcra. Shaw, Stanley Erie .. .. Nelson. 865. Boag, Lily May .. .. Auckland. Moore, Harry Shaw .. .. Rangiora. Tyrrell, Thi .. .. Dunedin. 868. Partridge, Thomas Harold C. .. Stratford. 869. Johnston, Arthur Gordon .. Wanganui. O'Leary, Ellen Margaret .. Qreymouth, 871. Soal, Alfred Edward .. .. Ashburton. Toliin, John Henry .. .. Wellington.



Civil Service Junior Examination— continued.

Candidate. Examination Centre. 873. Harrison, Minnie Gladys .. Auckland. 87-t. Bailey, '/.<«■ Marjory .. .. Wanganui. Fleming, Norman .. .. Whangarei. 876. Dalton, Haggie Bryoe.. .. Auckland. Palmer, Frederick Clifford .. Dannevirke. S7S. Wood, Mabel Edith .. .. Invercargill. 879. Anderson, Mary .. .. Auckland. Caigou, Melba Frances .. Nelson. 881. Curry, Oliver John .. .. Auckland. 882. Dee, D'Aroy Walter .. .. Gisborne. Palmer, James Campbell .. Auckland. Robinson, Joshua William .. Auckland.

Candidate. Examination Centre. Vealie, Mildred Havergal .. Grevmouth. 886. Theobald, Charles Leslie .. Stratford. . Winiatn. Nepia .. .. Levin. 888. Calders, Marion Rita .. .. Masterton. 889. Hurrell, Doris .. .. Wellington. 890. Dempsey, Alexander .. .. Greymouth. 891. Harden, Eric William.. .. Whangarei. Telford, Arthur Livingstone .. Balolutha. Tut hill, Mary Hannah .. Auckland. 894. Barkla, Beatrice Mabel .. Ilawcra. Carrick, Margaret Charlotte .. Thames. Moloney, Margaret .. .. Dannevirke.

SENIOR FREE PLACES IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Names of the Candidates that passed the Examination (arranged in Alphabetical Order).

Candidate. Examination Centre. Abrahall, Vote Matilda Mary .. Wellington. Ailing. Ralph Burman .. .. Palmerston North. Adamson, Henry Arnold .. .. Christchureh. Adamson, Robert de Burgh .. Christchurch. Adlain. Ronald Charles .. .. New Plymouth. Agnew, George .. .. .. Invercargill. Aliirr, William Roland .. .. Hamilton. Aickin, Thomas Wallace .. .. Hamilton. Aitken, Annie Margaretha .. .. Dunedin. Ail ken, Janet Winifred .. .. Dunedin. Udridge, Milton Rowley .. .. Hamilton. Alexander, Frederick Rewi .. Wellington. Alexander, Gavin Douglas .. .. Auckland. Alexander, William Moore .. .. Hamilton. Allan, Arthur Percival .. .. 1-evin. Allan. Reginald .. .. .. Dunedin. Allardyce, Alan Russell .. .. Christ church. Alley, George Edward .. .. Thames. Ambury, Percy Clarence .. .. New Plymouth. Anderson, Agnes Margaret Jane .. Dunedin. Anderson, Allan Douglas .. .. Invercargill. Anderson, Annie Maud Lucy .. Napier. Anderson, Arthur Chitty Russel .. Christchurch. Anderson, James Garfield .. .. Invercargill. Anderson, Lillie Ruth .. .. Napier. Anderson, Mary . . .. .. Auckland. Anderson, Millicent Charlotte Margaret Auckland. Anderson, Nora .. .. .. Napier. Anderson, Olive .. .. .. Dunedin. Anderson, Peter Stewart .. .. Dunedin. Andrew, Elsie Frances .. .. Palmerston North. Andrew, Florence .. .. Wellington. Andrews, James .. .. .. Christchurch. Angus, Percy Roy .. .. Invercargill. Annand, Bertram Charles .. .. Timaru. Anthony, Agnes Kathleen .. .. Wanganui. Archey, Norah .. .. .. Christchurch. Archibald, Robert.. .. .. Gore. Aris, May Frances .. .. Hawera. Armstrong, Ernest .. .. Blenheim. Armstrong, Geoffrey Clifford Wilson.. Auckland Armstrong, Purvis Ford .. .. Wellington. Armstrong, William Thomas .. Auckland. Arneil, Vera .: .. . . Auckland. Arnold, Frank Purvis .. .. Auckland. Asher, John Alexander .. .. Napier. Ashton, Leslie Stewart .. .. Auckland. Ashwortli. ffeotor Ogilvie .. .. Marton. Atkinson, Louisa May .. .. Christchurch. Austin, Lancelotte Richard .. Dunedin. Baddeley, Edward Gcrrard .. Auckland. Bagnall, Rebecca Essie Aberta .. Auckland. Bailey, Albert Lionel .. .. Napier. Bailey, Zoe Marjory .. .. Wanganui. Bain, Agnei Stella .. .. Wanganui. Bain, Arthur Charles Warner .. Christchurc . Baird, Alexa Clarice .. .. Takaka. Baird, Thomas .. ..' .. Invercargill. Baker, Charles George .. .. Wellington. Baker, Edward Stanley .. .. Palmerston North. Baker, Margaret Jane .. .. Christchurch. Baker, Olive Myra .. .. Thames. Baker, Rata Wells .. .. Timaru. Baldwin, lima Mildred .. .. Dannevirke Ballantyne, Montgomerie .. .. Auckland. Balton, Kathleen Marjorie .. .. Nelson.

Candidate. Examination Centre. BamfiekL Frank Austin .. .. Oamaru. li.iiniirld. Owen Wilder .. .. Oamaru. Banks, Bernard Wilson .. .. Christchurch. Barber, Ada Isabella J eannic .. Core. Barker, Alan Cecil .. .. Christchurch. Barker, Arthur Richard .. .. Blenheim. Barkla, Beatrice Mabel .. .. Hawera. Barnett, Alice May .. .. Christchurch. Barnett, Arthur James .. .. Christchurch. Barnett, Constance Marion .. Wellington. Barr, Frank Lockhart .. .. I' Barrie, Thirza Isabel .. .. Napier. Barrowclough, Harold Krie.. .. Palmeraton North. Barry, Mary Murdoch .. .. Invercargill. Harry, Minnie .. .. .. Napier. Bastion, Ernest Hubert .. .. Ashburton. Bathgate, Charles McLelland .. Wanganui. Batten, Claude Wilfred .. .. Wellington. Battersby, Florence Adele .. .. Auckland. Baxter, Beatrice Irene .. .. Auckland. Baxter, James Neil .. .. Hamilton. Beamish, Marion (lillman .. .. Patea. Beamish, Olive May .. .. Patea. Hean, Louisa Lawton .. .. Christ church. Beange, Alexander .. .. Hamilton. Beard, Thomas Edward .. .. Masterton. Beasley, Frederick Leopold .. Whangarei. Beattie, Ethelwyn Jane .. .. Oamaru. Beaven, Gwendoline Beath .. Christchurch. Bedlington, Viva .. .. .. Whangarei. Beer, Annie Isabella .. .. Invercargill. Beer, Ethel Constance .. .. Invercargill. Beetham, Naomi .. .. .. Wellington. Begg, Oliver James .. .. Dunedin. Bell, Arthur Stanley .. .. Balelutha. Bell, Ethel Mary Williamson .. Wanganui. Bell, Harold George .. .. Ashburton. Bennett, James .. .. .. Timaru. Bennett, James William .. .. Dunedin. Benton, Cora Cecilia .. .. Dannevirke. Berntsen, Alberta Matilda .. .. New-Plymouth. Berridge, William .. .. Tauranga. Berry, Vida Eliza .. .. Nelson. Besant, Laura .. .. .. Wellington. Billington, Arthur John .. .. Auckland. Binsted, Elsie .. .. .. Auckland. Bishop, John Joseph .. .. Auckland. Bishop, William Allan Gibson .. Balelutha. Black, Alice Mary Irene .. .. Dunedin. Blake, Margaret May .. .. Stratford. Blechynden, Edith .. .. Nelson. I'.lechynden, Kathleen .. .. Nelson. Boag, Lily May .. .. .. Auckland. Bold, Marion .. .. .. Wellington. Bolton, Thomas John .. .. Wellington. Bond, Elizabeth Kate .. .. Auckland. Bond, Elon .. .. .. Auckland. Booker, Herbert Elwyn .. .. Christchurch. Booth, Leonard Hugh .. .. Dunedin. Boswell, George .. .. .. Auckland. Boucher, Edgar We tdward .. Auckland. Bourke, Hannah Jane .. .. Dunedin. Bower, Elsie .. .. .. Napier. Bowmar, Aaron Johnson .. .. Balelutha. Box, Joseph Patrick .. .. Wellington. Boyall, Charles Spurgeon .. .. Dunedin.



Senior Free Places in Secondary Schools — continued.

i ;i mliibttt'. Examination Centre. Boyd, Arthur Alexander .. .. Christchuroh. Boyd, .lames Henry .. .. Auckland. Boyle, Robert Reynold* .. .. Napier. Bradley, Frederick George .. .. Whangarei. Bradley, Ida tJna Beath .. .. Chrfatohuroh. Braidwood, Irene Marion .. .. Greymouth. Braik, Lancelot Harrow .. .. Wanganui. Bree, Amelia .. .. .. Ancklanil. Breen, Jairite Joseph .. .. WanganuL Bremner, Archibald Bryce .. .. Dunedin. Brenan, Errol Lyndon .. .. Thames. Bridgman, Edmond James .. .. Chrietohuroh. Broderick, Daniel .. .. .. Lawrence. Brogan, Agaee Patricia .. .. Dannevirke. Brooke-Taylor, Horace Reydon .. Napier. Brooker, Nellie Frances Bayman .. Christ church. Brosnahan, Margaret Mary .. Timaru. Brown, Claud Thompson .. .. Christohnroh. Brown, Cyril Ivan.. .. .. Wellington. Brown, Elsie .. .. .. Stratford. Brown, Frank .. .. .. Stratford. Brown, George Blyth .. .. Wellington. < Brown, Katie .. .. .. Auckland. Brown, Nellie ICIli .. .. Dunedin. Brown Walter Andrew .. .. Bajclutha. Brown, William .. .. .. Dunedin. Bruce. Adelaide Alice .. .. Christchurch. Bruce, Charles Poraytb .. .. Dunedin. Bryan, Douglas Isaac Charles .. Westport. Bryan, Frank Claude .. .. Palmerston North. Bryant, Bella Adelaide .. .. Wanganui. Buchanan. David Hugh .. .. Palmerston North. Buohanan, Robert Ogilvie .. .. Tapanui. Buckley. William Bernard .. .. Wellington. Bunting. Wilfrid .lack .. .. Christchurch. Bunyan, Isabella Annie .. .. New Plymouth Burke. Edmund J. .. •• Wellington. Burley, Renee Margaret Alice .. Chrietohuroh. Burnard, Louie .. .. .. Ashburton. Butcher, Alfred Ernest .. .. Dunedin. Butler. Alexander Edward .. .. Palmerston North. Butler, Maurice .. .. .. Wellington. Butler, Richard .. .. .. Rangiora. Buttle, Harris Newman .. .. Christchurch. Caigou, Melba Fiancee .. .. Nelson. Cain, Olive Florence .. .. Timaru. Calder, Kenneth Moir .. .. Naseby. Calders, Marion Rita .. .. Masterton. Callaghan. Alice Catherine Georgina .. Chrietohuroh. Caiman, Gordon Jameson .. .. Wanganui. Cameron, Rae Cumberland .. Wellington. Cameron, Robert Dudley .. .. Stratford. Cammock, Rowland .. .. Dannevirke. Campbell, Colin William Glenn .. Wanganui Campbell, Finlay Augustus .. Stratford. Campbell. Gencvieve Catherine .. Greymouth. Campbell, Mary Elizabeth .. .. Dunedin. Campbell, Thomas Colin .. .. Auckland. Cannington, Harold William .. Nelson. Capper, Robert James .. .. Timaru. Capon, Herbert .. .. .. Ashburton. Caikeek. Rikihana .. .. Levin. Carlson. Henry Gordon .. .. Dannevirke Carmine. Francis John .. .. Westport. Carmichael, Leonard Stewart .. • Wanganui. Carmiohael, Margaret Helen .. Rangiora. Carmody, James .. .. •• Wellington. Carolan.'Frederick Richard Donald .. Auckland. Carpenter, David Reid .. .. Auckland. Carrick, Margaret Charlotte .. Thames. Carroll, John Joseph .. .. Auckland. Cartwright, Percy Llewellyn .. Auckland. Cartwright, Walter Howell .. .. Timaru. Carter, Benjamin .. .. .. Auckland. Carter, David Roger .. .. Oamaru. Carter, Rosa Elizabeth .. .. .Marlon. Castle, Sydney Jackson .. .. Wellington. Casey, John .. .. .. Wellington. Casey, Winefride Agnes .. .. Napier. Cavell, Elizabeth Beatrice .. .. Invercargill. Chambers. Clara Jeanie .. .. Napier. Chambers, Maurice Stirling •• Wanganui. Chamberlain. Clarence Vernon .. Napier. Channon, Florence May .. .. Dannevirke. Chapman. Nellie Kathleen .. .. Dannevirke. Chatwin, Fanny May .. .. Wanganui. Chaytor, Lawrence Clervaux .. Nelson. Cheek, Dorothy Margaret .. .. Blenheim. Chisholm, Amy .. .. .. Wellington. Chrystall, James William. .. .. Wellington.

Candidate. Examination Centre. Cimino, Francis Athol .. .. Wellington. Clark, George .. .. .. Ashburton. Clark, Raymond Hector .. .. Auckland. Clark, Rita .. .. .. Christokuroh. Clark, Robert John .. .. Christchureh. Clark, William Holds worth .. Auckland. Clarke, Frank Edward .. .. New Plymouth. Clarke, Ralph St. John .. .. Auckland. Clarke, Rose Louise .. .. Christ church. Clarke. Winifred Mary .. .. Auckland. Clarkson, Eric William .. .. Christchuroh. Clarkson, Leonard Bowes .. .. Christchureh. Clay, Nelson .. .. .. Auckland. Clayton. Alexander Charles .. Auckland. Clements, Irene Jemima .. .. Christchureh. Clemow, Annie Laura .. .. Stratford. Clinkard, George William .. .. Auckland. Houston, Alma Edith .. .. Blenheim. < naklcv. Cornelius Herbert .. Wellington. Cook, John Herbert .. .. Nelson. Cody, Geoi .. .. .. Invercargill. Collins, Albert Charles Holt .. Napier. Collins, John Christopher .. .. Invercargill. Collins. Patrick John .. .. Dunedin. Collins, Richard .. .. .. Wellington. Colt man. Cyril Warren .. .. Auckland. Colville, Victor William .. .. Timaru. Cole, Noel .. .. .. Auckland. Connie, Leslie John .. .. Auckland. Comrie, William Lewis .. .. Napier. Condell, Eric Bernard .. .. Nelson. Cook, Albert Russell .. .. Dannevirke. Cook, Fred .. Napier. Cook, William Wallace .. .. Palmerston North. Cooke, Kitty Elizabeth .. .. Timaru. Cooke, Rudolph Grattan . . .. .Nelson. Coomer, Rhoda Eleanor .. .. Auckland. Cooper, Margaret Letitia .. .. Napier. Corby, Alice Catherine .. .. Westport. Corbett, William Douglas .. .. Napier. Cork, Gladys Swinburne .. .. Masterton. Corkill, Thomas Frederick .. .. Wellington. Cornish. Elizabeth Jane .. .. Balcliitha. Cornwall, Catherine .. .. Greymouth. Cornwell, Reuben James .. .. Chrstehureh. Corrigan, Dorothy Annie .. .. Hawera. Cottar, Henry Francis .. .. Timaru. Cotter, William Makuri .. .. Dannevirke. Couch, George Bond .. .. Blenheim. Coulter, Edith May .. .. Wellington. Couper, Claude Eric .. .. Napier. Courtney, Eugene Leo .. .. Auckland. Courtney, Thomas Michael .. .. Auckland. Coutts, Alfred John .. .. Auckland. Cowie, William John Henry .. Dunedin. Cox, Thomas .Patrick .. .. Dunedin. Craig, .Mary Isabella .. .. Napier. Ctaniond, Wilfred John .. .. Invercargill. Crawford, John Dickson .. .. Auckland. Ciaw ford. Klsie Jane .. .. Dunedin. Crawehaw, Ernest Elgood .. .. Christohuroh. (ra wshaw, Linda Jessie .. .. Timaru. Crawshaw, Richard George .. Auckland. ('reeks, Vera Elliott .. .. Napier. Crozier, Irene Beatrice .. .. Timaru. Crotty, John Keirn .. .. Wellington. Crowe, Gladys Alice .. .. Pahiatua. (rum, Annie Alberta .. .. Auckland. Cullcn, Alfred James .. .. Wellington. Currie, Isabella Todd .. .. Dunedin. Curry, Aliver John .. .. Auckland. Cuthbert, John .. .. .. Stratford. Cuthbert, John Raymond .. .. Timaru. Cuthill, John Elliott .. .. Dunedin. Dagg, Evaline Elizabeth .. .. Masterton. I tailey, George Carlisle .. .. Timaru. Dale, Frederick Everard Seldon .. Christchurch. Dale, Roger Thomas Hilton .. Dunedin. Dalton, Maggie Bryce .. .. Auckland. Dalzell, Eunice .. .. .. Invercargill. Darby, Annie Ellen Marima .. Thames. Dartnall, Henry Martin .. .. Christchurch. Davenport, Norman Reginald .. Auckland. Davey, Stanley Edward .. .. Timaru. Davidson, Alfred Harold Faircloth .. Christchurch. Davidson, Allan Lambert .. .. Auckland. Dawson. Alan Douglas Gibb .. Auckland. Dawson, Albert .. .. .. Masterton. Dawson, Thomas Howard .. .. Nelson. Day, Dorothy Rosa .. .. Auckland.



Senior Free Places in Secondary Schools— continued.

Candidate. Examination Centre. Day, John Spencer .. .. Auckland. Day, Lorna Elizabeth (Jrace .. Christchurch. Dean, Leonard Widlake .. .. Napier. Dear, Lewis Henry .. .. Wellington. Deare, Terence Joseph .. .. Greymouth. De Courcy, John Richard Joseph . . Wanganui. Dement, Ida Verne .. .. Nelson. Dempsey, Alexander .. .. Greymouth. Dennehy, Jeremiah Horan . . .. Dunedin. Derrick, Estelle Mary .. .. Nelson. Devine, Leo .. .. .. Wellington. Devlin, Frederick Osmond .. .. Auckland. Dewhirst, Irene .. .. .. Stratford. Dimond, Ivy Claire .. .. Christchurch. Ditford, Mabel Lilian .. .. Chris) church. Dive, Jeffrey Cecil .. .. Auckland. Dixon, Elsie Annie .. .. Auckland. Dixon, Lily Wallis .. .. Wellington. Doak, Mary Frame .. .. Oamaru. Dobbie, Ezra Augustus .. .. Palmerston North. I )obbyn, Josephine .. .. Palmerston North. Dods, Jessie Sinclair .. .. Dunedin. Dodson, Reginald Henry .. .. Blenheim. Doherty, Bernard Francis Xavier .. Wellington. Donkin, Catherine Jane .. .. Wellington. Donnelly, Jane Wright .. .. Christchurch. Donnelly, Sarah .. .. .. Napier. Dons, Emilie Henrietta .. .. Palmerston North. Dormant, Mildred Amelia .. .. Auckland. Dow, Andrew Jan .. .. Auckland. Dowiing, Richard Egbert .. .. New Plymouth. Downey, Esnioiule Joseph .. .. Wellington. Drain. Thomas McAlistcr .. .. Dunedin. Droiimool, Charles .. .. Auckland. DrumniMiid. Angus Leslie .. .. Dannevirke. Duder, Richard Humphrey.. .. Auckland. Dudson, Paul H net t .. .. Masterton. Duggan, Eileen May .. .. Hlenheini. Duke, William Reginald Harvey .. Dunedin. Duinsday, Marjorie Grace .. .. Duneilin. Dunn, Annie .. .. .. Dunedin. Dunn, Frederick George .. .. 'I'imam. Durey, Lawrence Seymour .. .. Christchuroh. Easton, Louisa Norton .. .. Nelson. Edgar, Jamee Noel .. .. Dunedin. Edgar, Mary Etta.. .. .. Dunedin. Edgjnton, Elizabeth Sarah .. .. Inveroargill. Edie, Herbert Ken .. .. Dunedin. Edmiston, Arthur Clyde .. .. Auckland. Edmondson, Selina Maud .. .. Wellington. Edmunds, William George .. .. Auckland. Egan, Patrick .. .. .. Westport. Elder, Eunice Florence .. .. Invercargill. Elliott, George Frederic .. .. Masterton. Ellis, Dorothy Dv Pen .. .. Hokitika. Ellis, Theodore Mardoc .. .. Takaku. Ellison, Kate Rose .. .. Wellington. d'Emden, Amy Isobcl .. .. Wellington. Enting, Edmund Lawrence.. .. Napier. Epps, Fanny Alice .. .. Napier. Esam, Stanley Owen .. .. Auckland. Eekdale, Isabella Jean .. .. Tapanui. Evans, Constance .Mary .. .. Masterton. ICvaus, Kclna Annie .. .. Wanganui. Everett, Alfred John .. .. Stratford. Everett, Dorothy .. .. .. Nelson. Everett, Viola .. .. .. Nelson. Exell, Harry Lawrence .. .. Napier. Fairhurst, Maurice Ordish .. .. Dannevirke. Kaii maid. Allan John .. .. Dunedin. Fairweat her, Gordon William .. Rangiora. Falconer, Ernest Gordon .. .. Lawrence. Farquhar, Norman Campion Bright .. Auckland. Fergus, John Allen .. .. Dunedin. Ferguson, Jessie Glen Crookston H. .. Invercargill. Ferriday, Hubert .. .. .. Auckland. Finlay, John .. .. .. (Jamaru. Finlay, Robert Norman .. .. Dunedin. Finlayson, Agnes Sara .. .. Auckland. Finlayson, Alexander Cameron M. .. Whangarei. Fisher, Lilias May Gibson .. .. Invercargill. Fitch, Gladys .. .. .. Christchurch. Fitzgerald, Thomas .. .. Dunedin: Flanagan, Leila May .. .. Wellington. Fleming, Norman .. .. .. Whangarei. Fletcher, George Edward .. .. Arrowtown. Flett, Robert .. .. .. Dunedin. Fogarty, James .. .. .. Dunedin. Folev, Cicely .. .. .. Blenheim. Foley, Veronica May .. .. Auckland.

Candidate. Examination Contre. Foote, Albert Arthur .. .. Wellington. Forne, Kate .. .. .. Napier. Forrest, Alexander Hugh .. .. Auckland. Koi rest, Grace Isabel .. .. Auckland. Forsyth, Dorothy Christina Ivy .. Inveroargill. Forsyth, James Archibald .. .. Gisbome. Foster, Emily .. .. .. Dunedin. Foster, Francis William .. .. Christchurch. Foster, Leslie Brightwell .. .. Wellington. Foster, Rhoda Louise .. .. ('ln■istclmrch. Fougere, Harold Percy .. .. Christohuioh. Fow, George Thomas .. .. Gore. Fowler, Alma Gwendoline .. .. Nelson. Fowler, Arthur Milton .. .. Stratford. Fraer, Arthur Hedley .. .. Dunedin. Francis, Muriel Theresa Ellen .. < liristchurch. Francis, Violet Joline .. .. Christ church. Franklin, Clifford John .. .. Dannevirke. Franklyn, Violet Mary . . .. Stratford. Fraser, Alice Stafford .. .. Tirnani. Fraser, Elizabeth .. .. .. [nveroargill. Fraser, Hugh Ross .. .. [nveroargill. Fraser, Lilian Franc ■■ .. .. Christohuroh. Fraser, Mary Elizabeth Catherine . . Invercargill. Freed, Harold E. .. .. .. Westport. French, Winnifred .Marion . . .. Auckland. Frost, Florence Helen .. .. Auckland. Prude, Annie Dorothy .. .. Napier. Fiililseth. Kathleen Mai inn Barrett .. Lawrence. Fidton, John Graeme Blundell .. Wellington. Furze, Nancy .. .. .. Hamilton. Fyson, Albert Kemball .. .. Gisborne. Fvson. Dorothy .. .. .. Gisborne. Gair, Charles Jeremiah Marsh .. Dunedin. (ktme, Hotaoe .. .. .. Aratepn. Gardiner, Robert Ivan .. .. Oainaiii. Garland, Violet .. .. .. Nelson. Garry, George Craig .. .. Thames. Gee, Myrtle Florance .. .. Christchurch. George, Douglas Gray .. .. Oamaru. Gibson, Evelyn Perry .. .. I'alinerston North Gibson, Joseph Francis .. .. .Nelson. Gibson, Robert John .. .. Oamaru. Gibson, Sydney Eric .. .. Stratford. Gieson, Charles Frederick .. .. Wanganui. Giesou. Edward Henry Rufus .. Wanganui. Gifford, Jessie Cameron .. .. Invercargill. Gilbert, Charles Edwin .. .. Dunedin. Gilbert, Edith Elizabeth .. .. Dunedin. Gilchrist, Norman Douglas .. .. Invercargill. Gill, Williamina Milne .. .. Wellington. Gillanders, Cathorine Emily .. Hawexa. Gillies, John Munro .. .. Timaru. Gilligan, Patrick .. .. .. Patea. Given, Vera Agnes .. .. Dunedin. Glasgow, Ellen Elizabeth .. .. Auckland. Gledstanes, Helen.. .. .. Auckland. Goodson, Francis William House .. Christchurch. Goodyear, Annie Dorothy .. .. Tauran Goodyear, Lucy Elizabeth .. .. Tauranga. Goodyer, John .. .. .. Nelson. Gore, Mary Ethel .. .. .. Napier. Gorman, Frederick William .. Nelson. Goulding, Sarah Frances .. .. Oamaru. Goulter, Evelyn Beatrice .. .. Wellington. Gow, Reginald Ronald .. .. Hamilton. Grace, Thomas Marshall .. .. Blenheim. Graham, Agnes Marion .. .. Inveroargill Graham, Annie Louisa .. .. Rangiora. Graham, Arnold John .. .. Wellington. Grant, Frederick William .. .. Auckland. Grant, Thomas Smaill .. .. Danuevirke. Grau, Hans Otto Federsen .. .. Palmerston North, Gray, Avondale Dunbar .. .. New Plymouth. Greatbatch, Gertrude Lilian .. Wellington. Green, George Buxton .. .. Christchurch. Greenwood, Fred Wilson .. .. Timaru. Greig, James Boyd .. .. Christchurch Greville, Alice Jean .. .. Wellington. Gribble, Horace Victor .. .. Auckland. Grierson, Walter Alexander .. Auckland. Grieve, William .. .. .. Invercargill. Griffin, Charles Howard .. .. Nelson. Grigg, Hilda Mary .. .. Whangarei. Grigg, John Handel .. .. Whangarei. Grigg, Matthew Henderson.. .. Auckland. Guiney, Alan Henry .. .. Christchuroh. Guise, Ernest Walter .. .. Wellington. Gundersen, Jose .. .. .. Christchurch. Gunn, Ernest Adam .. .. Lawrence.



Senior Fbbi Places in Secondary Schools — continued.

Candidate. Kxumination Centre. Gunning, Edith M .. .. Nelson. Guy, Gladys McNaughton .. .. Balclutha. Guy, Margaret Irene .. .. Nelson. Gwilliam, Llewellyn .. ■• Wellington. Haddock, Bertie Mervyn .. .. Auckland. Haigh, Frank Henry ' .. •• Whani Main. Irene .. .. .. liivcrcap.'ill. Haldane, Agnes Owen .. .. Weetport. Hale, Edward Leslie .. .. Dunedin. Hall, Amy Hilda .. .. .. Hawera. Hall, Helen Margaret .. .. Stratford. Hall, Helen Pringle .. .. Inveroargill. Hall. Lionel William Haird.. .. Napier. Hall, Rupert John Wilson .. .. Invercargill. Hall-.Toncs. Frederick George .. Timaru. Mam. Annie Winifred .. •• Blenheim. Hames, Gilbert Martin .. .. Anekland. Hamilton, Elsie Myra .. .. Nelson. Hamilton, Violet Arbor .. .. Gore. Hammond, Gladys Mary .. .. Wanganui. Hampson, William Theodore .. Nelson. Hampton, Wilfred Henry Edward .. Masterton. Hanna, James Sugdeo .. .. Palmerston North. Hardcastle, Alan Artlinr .. .. Timaru. Harden, Eric William .. .. Whangawi. Harding, Hilda Blackmore .. .. Wellington. Hardy. Lancelot Wilberforoe Whitakrr Dannevirke. Hardy, Leila May.. .. .. Tautanga. Hare, Janet Christ inn .. .. Palmcrston North. Harkness, Donald Ernest .. .. Nelson. Harkness, Ella Frances Mary .. Nelson. Harold, Christopher Boyle .. .. Ashburton. H;n-|)cr, Mary Leslie .. .. Invcr. Harper, Norah .. .. •• Gisbome. Harrison, Minnie Gladys .. .. Auckland. Hart, Frances Maitle .. .. Timaru. Harvey, Frederick Dunfbrd .. Christohurch. Haskins, Vera Myrtle .. .. Thames. Hastings, Ruth Ida .. .. Dunedin. Haszard. Keith Fitzgerald .. .. Auckland. Hatchwell, Cicely Lois .. .. Christ chiiivh. Havill, Frederick George .. .. Auckland. Hawkes, Lillian Margaret .. .. Timaru. Hawkins, Benjamin George .. Giebome. Hawkins. Harvey .. .. .. Thames. Hawkins. Winifred Ida .. .. Anekland. Hay. Herbert .Miller .. .. Dunedin. Hayes, Francis Strathallan.. .. Takaka. Hayman, Ivanhoe.. .. •• Tiniaru. Heath, Joseph Francis Reginald .. Wellington. Hedges, Ivy Laura .. .. Auckland. Heir, James Alexander .. .. Napier. Hellings, Beatrice Mary .. .. Auckland. Helps, Madeline Pryce .. .. Dunedin. Henderson, Elizabeth Ouuhton .. Oamaru. Henderson, Walter Philip Ness .. Balolutha. Hendry, John Currie .. .. Dunedin. George John Albert .. Wellington. Heslop, William .. .. .. < iiristclmrch. Heyhoe, Harry Wilson .. .. Maaterton. Heywood, Edith Margaret .. .. Aratapu. Hewitt, Lucinda .. .. .. Auckland. Mickey, John Herald .. .. Inveroargill. Mickman, Nora Madeline .. .. Rangiora. Hicks, Cedric Stanton .. .. Dunedin. Hoggins, John .. .. .. Greymouth. Higham, George Claydon .. .. Auckland. Hills, Henry Seddon .. .. Hokitika. Hind, Charles Albert Sidney .. Palmorston North. Hinee, John Nelmes .. .. Auckland. Hiskens, Caroline Vera Rath .. InveroargilL Hitchings, Clarice .. .. < 'hristchurch. Hobart, Rowland Edward .. .. Whangarei. Hobday, Elsie Prisnilla .. .. Wellington. Hodges, Muriel Emily .. .. Timaru. Hogan, John Cleary .. .. Wellington. Hogwood, Eleanor Dorothy May .. Auckland. Hogwood, Ethel Muriel .. .. Auckland. Holm, Eleanor Fanny Martha .. Auckland. Hooper, John Paris .. .. l-cvin. Hopkins, Neville Banwell .. .. Auckland. Hopkirk. lames Alexander Daniel .. Wellington. Hopkirk. William S]K>tiswoode .. ' Wellington. Horrocks, Henry Alexander .. Auckland. Hourigan, Mary .. .. .. Napier. Houston, Clarence Arthur .. .. Dunedin. Howard, Frederick .. .. Napier. Howard, Winifred Elizabeth .. Auckland. Howie, William Gladstone .. .. Invercargill. Hubbard, Ivan Blackstone .. Dunedin.

Candidate. Examination Centre. 111 uMton, Dorothy Lilian .. .. Wellington. Hudson, Athol .. .. .. Oamaru. Hudson, George Atkinson .. .. Stratford. Huffadine, Margaret Mabel .. Invercargill. Hughes, William Henry Shaw .. Hokitika. Hunter, Frank Livingstone.. .. Nelson. Hunter. Isabel Annie .. .. Takaka. Hunter, William Geoffrey .. .. Dannevirke. Hiirrcll, Doris .. .. .. Wellington. Hun-ell, Elsie .. .. .. Wellington. llutchinus, Iris Ada .. .. Wellington. Hutton, John .. .. .. Auckland. Ibbetson, Alfred Herman Huddleston Masterton. lies, D'Arcy Walter .. .. Gisborne. Ingleton, Anastatia .. .. Napier. Isaachsen, Adolf Olaf .. .. Auckland. Isbister, Mabel Alice .. .. Auckland. Ivory, Leonard James .. .. Dunedin. Jack, Donald Leslie .. .. Whangarei. • limes, Francis John Loslie .. Dunedin. Jamioson, Georgina Ellen .. .. Palmerston North. Jeffs, Maud Catherine Anne .. Auckland. Jenkinson, Dorothy Mary Iris .. Wellington. Jenkinson, Ivy Jean Christie .. Wellington. Jennens, Theodore Melville. . .. Nelson. Jensen, Emma Hansine .. .. Wellington. Jensen, William Frederick .. . . Dannevirke. .lervis, David Masson .. .. Whangarei. Johns, Alton Clive .. .. Auckland. .liihns, James Arthur .. .. Dunedin. Johnson, Edith Frances .. .. Masterton. Johnson, Lcnard Archibald .. Auckland. Johnson, Lucinda .. .. Invercargill. Johnson, Noel Storrier .. .. Wellington. Johnston, Alexander Thomas .. Balclutha. Johnston, Arthur Gordon .. .. Wanganui. Johnston, Jessie Scoular .. .. Wellington. Johnston, Mary Gibb .. .. Wellington. Johnston, Muriel Sinclair .. .. Stratford. Jones, Bernard .. .. • • Timaru. Jones, Charles Roger .. .. Auckland. Jones, Clarence Valentine .. .. Christchurch. Jones, Eliza Jane .. .. Oamaru. Jones, Eunice Ray .. .. Hamilton. Jones, Mabel Alice .. .. Christchurch. Jones, Rewi Melville Stephcnson .. Ashburton. Jones, Sydney Jonoval .. .. Napier. Jones, Thomas Ackerloy .. .. Nelson. Joplin, Frank .. .. • • Wellington. Jordan, Claude Alan .. . . Wellington. Jordan, Helena Annio .. .. Auckland. Jordan, Percy Allan .. .. Nelson. Joughin, Annie Edna .. .. Rangiora. Jowitt, Frederick Robert Benson .. Auckland. Jull, Phyllis Louie .. .. Napier. Kalman, Jack .. .. .. Auckland. Kane, Paul Francis .. .. Wellington. Kavanagh, Edward Manning .. Auckland. Kay, Reginald Vincent .. .. Nelson. Kayes, James LawTence Hartley .. Auckland. Keith, Lilac Gordon .. .. Christchurch. Kelly, Elizabeth .. .. .. Ashburton. Kelly, George Arthur .. .. Oamaru. Kemnitz, Ernest James .. .. Dunedin. Kennedy, Jemima .. .. Invercargill. Kennedy, Mabel Rose .. .. Oamaru. Keppel, Mary .. . • • • Stratford. Ker, Henry Robert .. .. Dunedin. Kerr, Katie .. .. ■ • Christchurch. Kershaw, Lucy Doris .. .. Nelson. Kidd, Ivy Blanchard .. .. Aratapu. Kidd, Louie Bertha Annie .. .. Invercargill. Kidson, Alfred Benny .. .. Nelson. Kimber, Ella Florence .. .. Auckland. King, Emily Alice | .. • • Invereargill. Kinir. Geoffrey Jonn .. .. Nelson. kin», Gilbert .. .. •• Tapanui. King, Lillian Eva .. ... Christchurch. King, Walter John .. .. Nelson. King, Wilford Bertrand .. .. Napior. Kincsbccr, Wallace Victor .. .. Palmerston North. Kinnaird. Gwendoline .. •• Auckland. Kinross, Ethel Margaret .. .. Christchurch. Kirby, Ernest William .. .. Stratford. Kirton, Muriel .. .. . • New Plymouth. Kitching, Charles Edwin .. .. Nelson. Knox, Ellie .. .. • • Stratford. Kururangi, Teretiu .. .. Napior. Kydd, Maude .. .. ■ ■ Wellington, Lamg, Margaret Smith .. .. Napier.



Seniok Fkee Places in Secondary Schools — continued.

Candidate. Examination Centre. Lake, Alexander .. .. .. Lawrence. Lamb, Reginald James .. .. Christchurch. Lambert, Beryl Millicent .. .. Arattvpu. Lambert, Charles Spencer Basil .. Wellington. Lambeth, Thomas Alfred .. .. Dunedin. Lane, Donald Bonnet .. .. Auckland. Langbein, Freda Mary .. .. Nelson. Langboin, Fritz .. .. .. Nelson. Lange, Dorice Naomi .. .. Palmerston >orth. Langguth, Werner Eugon .. .. Auckland. Langley, Ivy Bertha .. .. Napier. Lankshear, Bernard Russell .. Wellington. Larcombe, Albert Frederick .. Patea. Latimer, Richard Thomas .. .. Timaru. La very, Robert William .. .. Wellington. l.auchian, Winifred Felming .. Wellington. Laurenson, George Lyttelton .. Christchureh. Lawry, Albert Eric .. .. Napier. Lawr'y, Kathleen Spencer .. .. Wellington. Laws, Gordon Cosgrove .. .. Napier. Lea, Norah .. .. .. Wellington. Leeds, Alfred Thurlow .. .. Auckland. Leonard, Ernest George .. .. Nelson. Lennard, Cyril Guy .. .. Wanganui. Le Pine, Inez Edna .. .. Auckland. Lewenberg, Emelie Alexis .. .. Auckland. Lewington, Ernest William.. .. Christchureh. Lewis, Arthur Philip .. .. Ashburton. Lewton, Edwin James .. .. Oamaru. Liddell, James Muir .. .. Nelson. Liddy, Annie Maria .. .. Christchureh. Lindsay, Merritt Inglis .. .. Oamaru. Line, Vivian Hans .. .. Christchureh. Lipscombe, Leslie Seymour.. .. Nelson. Little, Norman Fenwick .. .. New Plymouth. Lattlejohn, Eliae Smith .. .. Dunedin. Livingstone, Robert Hcaton .. Christchurch. Lloyd, Mabel .. .. .. Napier. Loftus, Laurence Justin .. .. Wanganui. Lochhead, Margery May .. .. Tauranga. Logan, Robert .. .. .. Oamaru. Lo Keong, Estelle.. .. .. Dunedin. Lo Keong, Victor Thomas .. .. Dunedin. Lomas, Harold Wilfred .. .. Christchurch. Looney, Hubert .. .. .. New Plymouth. Lopdell, Francis Cecil .. .. Invercargill. Lorenzen, Wilfrid Edwin .. .. Wellington. Lough, Winnie Tairoa .. .. Christchurch. Lousley, Maurice Vernon .. .. Balclutha. Lovett, Dulcie Margaret .. .. Invercargill. Lowe, Bertha Emily .. .. Christchurch. Lowe, James Herbert .. .. Wellington. Low lie. Annie Winifred .. .. Auckland. Lush, Ralph Ashford .. .. Auckland. Lyall, Douglas George .. .. Timaru. Lyall, Ethel .. .. .. Dannevirke. Lynan, Edward Thomas .. .. Napier. Lynch, Henry Kildaro .. .. Wellington. Lyon, Herbert Edgar . . .. Dunedin. Lyttle, Herbert Gardiner Gladetono .. Gore. Mabson, Maud Emily .. .. Invercargill. McArthur, Alfred Alexander '.. New Plymouth. Macan, Charles Gray .. .. Invercargill. McAuley, Francis Henry .. .. Oamaru. Mcßride, Joseph Bell .. .. Gore. McCabe, Bernard Charles Alton .. Nelson. McCarthy, -Margaret .. .. Napier. McCartney, Malcolm .. .. Invercargill. McCartney, Robert Faulknor .. Napier. McCaskill, Margaret Delinsay .. Thames. McCaw, William Theodore .. .. Napier. McClean, Alexander Henry.. .. Auckland. McClelland, Charles Harold.. .. Wellington. McClurg, Douglas Wiremu .. .. Ashburton. McColl, Alexander Bastin .. .. Wellington. McConnell, Gladys May .. .. Christchurch. McCormick, Horace .. .. Napier. McCoskrie, Clarence Osborne .. Auckland. McCowan, John Thomas .. .. Thames. Macdonald, Christina Margaret .. Invercargill. McDonald, Donald James .. .. Timaru. Macdonald, Jane Macrury .. .. Invercargill. Macdonald, Linda.. .. .. Dunedin. ■ Macdonald, Mary .. .. ; . Timaru. Macdonald, Sibella May .. .. Dunedin. McDonald, Stanley Hone .. .. Dunedin. McDougall, Agnes Violet .. .. Invercargill. McDowell, Edith Martha .. .. Invercargill. McElwain, Myrtle .. Auckland. McEwan, Mary Greta .. .. Auckland.

Candidate. Examination Centre. McFarland, Robert Duffus .. .. Auckland. McFarlane, Elcona Agnes .. .. Dunedin. MoGahey, Marjorie .. .. Now Plymouth. McGlone, James .. .. .. Greymouth. McGregor, Alfred James .. .. Whangarei. MoHutoheaon, Doris Myrtle .. Invercargill. McHutcheson, Monica Shcrriff .. Invercargill. Macindoe, Catherine Thomson .. Invercargill. Mclnnes, Morrell Gordon .. .. Dunedin. Mclnness, Leo Victor .. .. Auckland. Mclntyre, Henry Fawcett .. .. Wellington. Mclntyre, James Keith .. .. Auckland. Mclvor, Frederic .. .. .. Dunedin. Mackay, George Williamson .. Gore. Macken, Ella .. .. .. Whangarei. Macky, Joseph Cain .. .. Auckland. McKenzie, Clifton Hone .. .. Whangaroi. Mackenzie, Emma Violet May .. Gore. Mackenzie, Nellie .. .. .. InveroargilL McKenzie, Robert John .. .. Ashburton. Mackereth, Arthur .. .. Auckland. Marine, Stanley Gordon Pall .. Invercargill. Mekinney, Charles Andrew .. Christchurch. McLaren, Alexander .. .. Naseby. M c Laughlin, Margaret Jano .. Christchurch. McLean, Douglas Rawei .. .. Dunedin. Maclean, Elizabeth .. .. Dunedin. Maclean, Frederick Hector .. .. Wangauni. McLean, Thomas Duncan .. .. Patea. McLeary, John James .. .. Wellington. McLeod, Catherine Nicholson .. Tapanni. McLeod, John .. .. .. Dunedin. Macleod, John Donald .. .. Whangarei. McLemon, Leslie Somers .. .. Napier. McLiver, Finlay Donald .. .. Auckland. McMahon, William .. .. Oamaru. McMillan, Donald Gordon .. .. Wellington. McMillan, Robert Hugh .. .. Lawrence. McMillan, William Joseph .. .. Timaru. McMullan, John James Murillo .. Dunedin. McMullin, Martha Lena .. .. Dunedin. McMurray, Daisy .. .. .. Wanganui. Macnab, Alexander Alan .. .. Nelson. McNaughton, Mary Rennie.. .. Auckland. McNeely, Eveline Lucy .. .. Christchurch. MeXoill, Jane .. .. .. Invercargill. McNeilly, Adam Rae .. .. Lawrence. McNiven, Cecil Angus .. .. Wanganui. McQueen, John Alexander .. .. Invercargill. Macsporran, Grace Gordon .. .. Auckland. McSweeney, Morgan .. .. Timaru. Mactier, Dora .. .. .. Auckland. Me Vicar, Campbell .. .. Wellington. Maher, Michael .. .. .. Wellington. Mail, Laurence Carrington .. .. Stratford. Maisey, Evalino Iris Mary .. .. Wellington. Makeham, Charles Edgar .. .. Wellington. Malcolm, Ethel Adela .. .. Whangarei. Malcolm, Ralph .. .. .. Naseby. Mailing, Edith Dagma .. .. Timaru. Malone, Brian .. .. .. Wellington. Mandcno, Isabella Graham.. .. Hamilton. Manktelow, Muriel Gladys Teresa .. Hamilton. Mangin, Orton Avena .. .. Napier. Manners, Arthur Edgar .. .. Westport. Marsdon, Lawrence Leonard .. Thames. Marshall, Alice Lilian .. .. Auckland. Marshall, Edith Elizabeth .. .. Rangiora. Marshall, Leonard Hugh .. .. Oamaru. Marshall, William Thomas .. .. Balclutha. Marson, Ida Jessie .. .. Auckland. Martin, Cyril Alphonso .. .. Wellington. Martin, Robert Frederick .. .. Auckland. Martin, William Oswald .. .. Dunedin. Martyn, Frances Rose .. .. Oamaru. Mason, Dorothy Emily Rex .. Wellington. Mason, Evangaline Margaret .. Blenheim. Mason, Frederick Egmont .. .. Auckland. Mason, Nesta Viola .. .. Christchurch. Masters, Frederick Harold .. .. Stratford. Mather, Edna Jeannie .. .. Auckland. Matheson, Mary Isabel .. .. Invercargill. Mathias, Charles Lawes .. .. Oamaru. Matthews, Nelson .. .. .. Blenheim. Matthews, Alan Bracken .. .. New Plymouth. Mayer, John .. .. . . Invercargill. Maynard, Carmelita Mary .. .. Wellington. Mead, Mary Gertrude .. .. Auckland. -Mcadowcroft, Leonard Lincoln .. Wellington. Menneer, Frederick .. .. Christchurch.



Senior Free Places in Secondary Schools— continued.

Candidate. Examination Centre. Menzies, George Gibb .. .. Dunedin. Menzies, Rubina May .. .. Nelson. Milburn, Olive Winifred .. .. Napier. Miles, Erie Gordon .. .. Timaru. Miles, Reginald .. .. .. Rangiora. Miller, Alan .. .. .. Wanganui. Miller, Frederick Selwyn .. .. Auckland. Miller, George .. .. .. Masterton. Milligan. Robert Roy Douglas .. Oamaru. .Mills, Eva Bowman .. .. Westport. Milne, Alexander Charles Harry .. Hawera. Milne, Janus .. .. .. Wanganui. Mitchell, Alexandeiina Barbara .. Auckland. Mitchell, George .. .. .. Dunedin. Mitchell, Mary .. .. .. Whangarei. Mitchell, Thomas .. .. .. Timaru. Moeller, Ray Eva .. .. .. Napier. Molloy, Charles Joseph .. .. Auckland. Molloy, John Patrick .. .. Auckland. Moloney, Margaret .. .. Dannevirke. Monaghan, Gilbert .. .. Wellington. Monaghan, James Patrick .. .. Dunedin. Montgomery, Mary Emily .. .. Wellington. Moor, Carolus Tremellyn .. .. Christchurch. Moore, Annie Beatrice .. .. Auckland. Moore, Henry Shaw .. .. Rangiora. Moore, Marion Elizabeth .. .. Hokltika. Moore, Mona .. .. .. Masterton. Moore, Sarah Elizabeth May .. Gisborne. Morgan, Alfred I'ckv .. .. Christchurch. Moroney, John Thomas .. .. Dunedin. Morton, Alexander Smith .. .. Wanganui. Morton, Ronald Hampton .. .. Auckland. Moss, Leyon Miall .. .. Dunedin. Mulgan, William Richard .. .. Wellington. Munn, Edwin Ralph .. .. Rangiora. Munro, John Donald Rose .. .. Palmerston North. Munson, Isabel Howarth .. .. Nelson. Murphy, Fanny .. .. .. Napier. Murphy, Peter Joseph .. .. Oamaru. Murray, Kathleen Bruce .. .. Auckland. Murray, Ralph Michael James .. Auckland. Nairn, Euphemia Eleanor .. .. Auckland. Nancekivell, Alice .. .. Hokitika. Napier, William (ireig .. .. Christchurch. Naylor, Rachel Margaret .. .. Invercargill. Neale, Edward Percy .. .. Dunedin. Neale, Leslie Ernest .. .. Christchurch. Neary, Ivy Kathleen .. .. Whangarei. Neilson, George Espen .. .. Auckland. Nelson, Elizabeth .. .. .. Napier. Nevison, Isabella .. .. .. Punedin. Newcomb, Arnold Clayton .. .. Auckland. Newnham, Arthur Wreford Ellis .. Christchiucli. Newman, Reuben McCarthy .. Dunedin. Newton, Howard .. .. .. Nelson. Nicholson, Oliver Ernest .. .. Auckland. Nicoll, Harriett* Annie .. .. Christchurch. Nightingale, Emily Mary .. .. Christchurch. Nilsson, Lottie Elvena Ruby .. Aratapu. Niven,. Ellen Grace .. .. Nelson. Norton, Alice Ada.. .. .. Wellington. Norton, Maude Evelyn .. .. Christchurch. Norris, Hensleigh Carthew Marryatt .. New Plymouth. Norrish, Daisy Patience .. .. Timaru. Nugent, John Somerville .. .. Dunedin. Nuttall, Elsie Jane .. .. Invercargill. Nutsford, Enid .. .. .. Auckland. O'Brien, Dan .. .. .. Auckland. O'Callaghan, Esther Mary .. .. Thames. O'Connell, William .. .. Timaru. O'Connor, Daniel Joseph .. .. Auckland. O'Connor, Eugene Francis .. .. Timaru. O'Connor, Graham Wakefield .. Auckland. O'Connor, Mary Jane .. .. Timaru. O'Connor, William .. .. Timaru. Odgers, Helen .. .. .. Christchurch. O'Donnell, Ellen .. .. .. Christchurch. O'Donoghue, David .. .. Napier. O'Halloran, Francis Douglass .. Napier. Ohlson, Athol William Merril .. Auckland. O'Leary, Ellen Margaret .. .. Greymouth. O'Leary, Johanna .. .. Dunedin. Opie, Otira .. .. .. Christchurch. Oppenheim, Stanley Edward .. Christchurch. O'Rourke, Courteney Timothy .. Wellington. O'Rourke, Garrett Francis .. .. Auckland. Osborne, Arthur Henson .. .. Auckland. Osborne, George .. .. .. Wellington. O'Shea, Martin Rocke .. .. Dunedin.

Candidate. Examination Centre. O'Sullivan, Moya Kathleen .. Wellington. Outtrim, Cornelius James .. .. Wellington. Page, Alfred Cecil .. .. Nelson. Page, Lillian Doris .. .. Auckland. Paine, Charles Haswell .. .. Dunedin. Palmer, Charles Arnold Pitt .. Wanganui Palmer, David Hunter .. .. Auckland. Palmer, Frederick Clifford .. .. Dannevirke. Palmer, James Campbell .. .. Auckland. Paltridge, Elizabeth .. .. Auckland. Paora, Wiremu Tamati Hamana .. Auckland. Park, George Reginald .. .. Christchurch. Parker, Humphrey Francis .. Nelson. Parr, Esther Agnes .. .. Timaru. Parry, John Asher .. .. Auckland. Parsons, Vivian .. .. .. Dannevirke, Partridge, Thomas Harold Charles .. Stratford. Paterson, Stanley Gordon .. .. Dunedin. Patience, Frederick .. .. Auckland. Patterson, Lavinia Catherine .. Auckland. Paynter, Sarah Ruby .. .. Nelson. Pearce, Walter Ham bley .. .. WhangareL Pedersen, Anna Deborah .. .. Napier. Penniket, Clara .. .. .. Auckland. Peters, Frederick John Francis .. Marton. Petre, Robert John .. .. ('hristchurch Petrie, Arnold James .. .. InveroargilL Pharazyn, William Noel .. .. Nelson. Phillips, Elizabeth Mary .. .. Auckland. Philpot, Owen Jackson .. .. Auckland. Pickens, Ethel .. .. .. Auckland. Pigott, Emily Leonara .. .. Palmerston North. Pilkington, Lemoine Jamee .. Wellington. Pilling, Ewen George .. .. Dunedin. Pilling, Janet .. .. .. Lawrence. Pincl, Oswald John .. .. Dunedin. Pirrit, Ruth .. .. .. Auckland. Player, Allen Shrewsbury .. .. Auckland. Poff, Leo John .. .. .. Wellington. Pollen, Arthur Hugh .. .. Wellington. Portas, George Patrick .. .. Napier. Potter, John Forsyth .. .. Auckland. Poulgrain, Cecil Horace .. .. Thames. Power, Catherine Frances .. .. Nelson. Pram, Harry Forbes .. .. Dunedin. Pratt, William Stanley .. .. Christchurch Prichard, Gwyneth May .. .. Blenheim. Prideaux, Lucy Helen .. .. Stratford. Pullar, Annio Chapman .. .. Gore. Pulley, Letitia Fanny .. .. Rangiora. Quickfall, William Henry .. .. Stratford. Quilliam, Cecil Wilfrid .. .. New Plymouth. Quin, Myra Louise .. .. Tapanui. Quinn, Henry Edward Patrick .. Auckland. Rabbidge, Leslie Leonard .. .. Dunedin. Rabone, Clarence Noble .. .. Blenheim. Race, James Alexander .. .. Dunedin. Raffills, George John .. .. Dunedin. Ramsdon, Clifton Lloyd .. .. Wellington. Ranby, Olive May .. .. Hamilton. Rand, Henry George .. .. Wellington. Rasmussen, Henry Peter .. .. Wellington. Reader, Guy Howard .. .. Blenheim. Rees, Hawea Lincoln Lee .. .. Auckland. Reid, Charles Edward .. .. Invercargill. Reid, John Stuart .. .. Dunedin. Reid, Kathleen Isoble .. .. Napier. Kestell, Kathleen Nancy .. .. Christchurch. Richards, Henry Stokes .. .. Rangiora. Richardson, George .. .. Invercargill. Ricketts, Roy Albert .. .. Nelson. Rishworth, Margaret .. .. Dunedin. Rivers, Mary Adelia .. .. Reefton. Roach, Gordon Hamilton .. .. Oamaru. Roberts, Hazel Nellie .. .. Whangarei. Roberts, Stephen .. .. .. Auckland. Robertshaw, Allan Keith .. .. Whangarei. Robertson, Harold James .. .. Nelson. Robertson, Lawrence Wintern .. Wellington. Robertson, Mary Lucilla .. .. Whangarei. Robinson, Alfred Charles John .. Invercargill. Robinson, Alfred Herbert .. .. Wellington. Robinson, Archibald James .. Auckland. Robinson, Barbara Jane .. .. Greymouth. Robinson, Dorothy Eleanor .. Wellington. Robinson, Edward George .. .. Wellington. Robinson, Isaac Richard .. .. Christchurch. Robinson, Joshua William .. .. Auckland. Robson, Olive .. .. .. Thames. Roche, Augustine Dalton .. .. Lawrence.



Senior Free Places in Secondary Schools— continued.

Candidate. Examination Centre. Roche, James Michael .. .. Wellington. Rochford, Jamea .. .. .. Wellington. Rochfort, Henry .. .. .. Christchurch. Rogers, Ida Laura Brockway .. Auckland. Rogerson, Francis Margaret .. Auckland. Romans, Henry Clifford .. .. Arrowtown. Ronaldson, Frances Elizabeth .. Timaru. Roscoe, Helen Kathleen .. .. Christ church. Rose, Amy Evelyn .. .. Auckland. Rose, Doris Mabel .. .. Nelson. Rose, Margaret Elsie .. .. luvercarsjill. Rose, Alexander John .. .. Oamaru. Ross, Alioe Ceoilia .. .. Wellington. Koss, Nellie .. .. .. Auckland. Rowe, Percival .. .. .. Rangiora. Rowley, Everard Oswald .. .. Auckland. Etowntree, Emeat Henry Waltham .. Wellington. Ruddle, Leslie William .. .. Christchun !i. Rule, Andrew Kin .. .. Patea. Rushton, Meta Constance .. .. Wellington. Rnnfill. TTnlnn flfrin .. .. Greynurath. Russell, John Gilbert .. .. Wellington. Ryan, Alfred Joseph .. .. Auckland. Ryan, Bernard James .. .. Wellington. Ryan, Patrick James .. .. Wellington. Ryburn, Eric Middleton .. .. Wanganui. Salmond, John Arthur .. . . Invercargill. Sams, Frank Douglas Home .. Timaru. Sanson, Edgar Earl .. .. Stratford. Sarjeant, Reginald < Yanincr .. Balclutha. Sawell, Robert Gilkison Allan .. Dunedin. Sawers, David George .. .. Balclutha. Sawers, Lucy Marion Love .. Invercargill. Scannell, Daniel .. .. .. Blenheim. Schlaopfer, Carl .. .. .. Auckland. Schlutor, Percy Jamos .. .. Dunedin. Schoen, Reginald Hugh .. .. Dunedin. Scholium, John Wenzl .. .. Auckland. Scott, Arthur Tennyson .. .. Auckland. Scott, John Alexander .. .. Auckland. Scott, Robert Francis Coghi 11 .. Auckland. Scrymgeour, David Neil McCulloch .. Dunedin. Scully, Bernard William .. .. Invercargill. Searle, Ernest Albert .. .. Oamaru. Sebley, Catherine Maria .. .. Napier. Seddon, George Hume .. .. Wellington. Seddon, Gertrude Stella Mary .. Auckland. Sexton, Louise Isobol .. .. Auckland. Shale, Michael Patrick .. .. Wanganui. Sharland, Kathleen .. .. Auckland. Shaw, Catherine Stewart .. .. Invercargill. Shaw, Francis .. .. .. Timaru. Shaw, Kay Enol .. .. .. Marterton. Shaw, Mabel Gertrude .. .. Christchurch. Shaw. Stanley Eric .. .. Nelson. Sherlock, Fanny .. .. .. Stratfoid. Shivuan, Nora Kathleen .. .. Wellington. Shorney, Kenneth Elton .. .. Wellington. Sievwright, Mary Helen .. .. Wellington. Sigley, Viola Annie .. .. Takaka. Simmonds, Frederick .. .. Auckland. Simpson, Annie .. .. .. Timaru. Simpson. Sophia Jane .. .. Hokitika. Simpson, William Henry .. .. Wellington. Sinclair, Alexander .. .. Oamaru. Sinclair, Bertha Allan .. .. Oamaru. Silvester, Vera .. .. .. Auckland. Sissons, Barbara Mary .. .. Auckland. Skelton, William Godfray .. .. Christchurch. Slocombe, Arthur Tom .. .. Gore. Smalllield, Eric Jackson .. .. Auckland. Smart, Mary Maud .. .. Christehurch. Smeeton, Warwick James .. .. Auckland. Smith, Albert Georgo Frederick .. Hamilton. Smith, Codric .. .. .. Invercargill. Smith, Clarence Leonard Charles .. Palmerston North. Smith. Ella .Mary .. .. .. Rangiora. Smith, Ida Rosina .. .. Wellington. Smith, Jane .. .. .. Dannevirke. Smith, Jeannie Irene Ivy .. .. Palmerston North. Smith, Jessie Ruby .. .. Auckland. Smith, Keith Glendenning .. .. Nelson. Smith, Leonard .. .. .. Wellington. Smith, Mabel .. .. .. Auckland. Smith, Marcus David .. .. Napier. Smith, Reginald Hardy .. .. Thames. Smith, Vera Ann Ellen .. .. Nelson. Smith, Violet May .. .. Auckland. Smith, William .. . . .. Bulclutha. Smyth, Samuel Baldwin .. .. Oamaru.

Candidate. Examination Centre. Sneddon, Cyril Alexander .. .. Auckland. Snedden, Nesbit Colin .. .. Auckland. Sneesby, Myrtle Gladys .. .. Christchurch. Snell, Amelia Ann .. .. Auckland. So.-il, Alfred Edward .. .. Ashburton. Somcrvell, Robert.. .. .. Auckland. Somerville, Jane Rhoda .. .. Dunedin. Soper, Norman .. .. .. lilcnheim. ■ Southgate, Ida Charlotte .. .. Oamaru. Speedy, Hortense . . .. .. Wellington. Spence, Allan Lemuel .. .. Patea. Spence, Thomas Henry .. .. Tauranga. Spencer, Earle .. .. .. Christchurch. Spencer, Jane .. .. •• Invercargill. Sproat, Hugh Gordon .. .. Invercargill. Stacey, Daisy Hilda Kelly .. .. Auckland. Stanley, Leslie James .. .. Christchurch. Stanton, John Arthur .. .. Auckland. Slaunton, James .. .. •• InvercargiLl. Stead, James Lung .. .. Invercargill. Stedman, Gerald Lomax .. .. Napier. Steele, Thomas Irwin .. ".. Rangiora. Stephens, Phyllis Counsell .. .. Dunedin. Stephenaon, George Fisher .. .. Auckland. Sterndale, Reginald Marcus .. Oamaru. Stevens, Flora Alexa .. .. Invercargill. . Herbert Morris .. .. Dunedin. Htevenaon, Coila Reynolds .. .. Dunediu. Stevenson, Elizabeth Agnea Lillian .. Invercargill. Stewart, Albert Clarke .. .. Wellington. Stewart, Annie Downie .. . . Invercargill. Stewart, Dorothy May .. .. Tapanui. Stewart, Hilda limes' .. .. Christchurch. Stewart, John Francis .. .. Thames. Stewart, Leslie Forbes .. .. Dunedin. Stewart, Matthew .. .. Thames. Stewart, Tom Hickey Morrison .. Oamaru. Stockman, Kumara Charles .. Wellington. Stone, Mabel Eliza .. .. Christchurch. Stoneham, Gladys .Muriel .. .. Dunedin. Stopford, Adrian Johnson .. .. Auckland. Storey, Robert Henry Gordon .. Timaru. Storkey, Percy Valentine .. .. Napier. Stout, Elsie Margaret .. .. InvercaiL'ill. Stout, Ernest Thorval .. .. InveroargOL Strack, Fritz Antone .. .. Hawera. Strong, Edward Albert .. .. Christchurch. Stuart, Kate Augusta liurdett .. Ashburton. Sullivan, Edward .. .. .. Timaru. Sullivan, Phyllis Winifred Agnes .. Auckland. Sutherland, Olive Rose .. .. Marterton. Sutherland, Ruby Augusta Elizabeth A. Invercargill. Sykes, Elsie Blanche .. .. Thames. Syme, William Sargeant .. .. Stratford. Tait, Harold Douglas .. .. Oamaru. Tait, Robert . . .. .. Palmerston North. Tallott, Thomaa Harold .. .. Palmerston North. Tanner, Adelaide .. .. .. Auckland. Tarrant, Eric Norman .. .. Dannevirke. !. Leonard 'J'errill .. .. Dannevirke. Tarlton, Eustace Maurice .. .. Invercargill. Taylor, Arthur George Emmanuel .. Nelson. Taylor, Elizabeth Susan Mary .. Auckland. Taylor, Eric Hardwick .. .. Auckland. Taylor, Frank Alwyn .. .. Auckland. Taylor, George Noel .. .. Wertport. Taylor, Harold Herbert .. .. Dannevirke. Taylor, -Muriel Kveline .. .. Dannevirke. Taylor, Witt Fellows .. .. Wellington. Te Awekotuku, Wiremu Matene .. Napier. 'Tie-dal.'. William Jlawson . . .. Whang Telford, Arthur Livingstone .. Balclutha. Teiment, Christina Ken .. .. Greymouth. Terry, Mary Catherine .. .. New Plymouth. Theobald, Charles Leslie .. .. Stratford. Thomas, Annie Elizabeth Gwendoline Palmerston North* Thomas, Wtldred John .. .. Masterton. Thompson, Charles Herbert .. Invercargill. Thompson, Eric Dudley .. .. Christchurch. Thompson, Frederick George Sydney Rangiora. Thompson, Henry James .. .. Napier. Thompson, John Murray .. ■. Wanganui. Thompson, John Robert Alexandei .. Oamaru. Thompson, John Stanley Geoffrey .. Rangiora. Thompson, Phyllis Moria .. .. Wellington, I hompeon, William .. .. Dunedin. Thomson, Arthur Anderson .. Dunedin. Thomson, Chalmers William .. Oamaru. 'Thomson. Elizabeth .. .. Hamilton. Thomson, Marie Mack .. .. Invereamill.



Senior Free Places in Secondary Schools— continued.

Candidate. Examination Centre. | Thomson, Victor Ethelbert Duokers.. Dunedin. Thorn, CecU Walter .. • ■ Nelson. Thorp, Elsie Madeline .. • • Thamea. Thorp, Lucy Sophia .. • • Thames. Thorp, Muriel Evangaline .. .. Thames. Tighe-Umbers, Audrey Hazel .. Dunedin. Timpany, Thomas Man- .. • • Invercargill. Todd, Rowland David .. •• Dum.mli.. Tobin, John Henry .. •• Wellington. Toner, John .. •■ . •• Ashburton. Tonks, Ida Marion .. ■• Wellington. Topp, Edgar Charles .. • • Bangiora. Tracy, Ada Randall .. ■ • Auckland. Tracy, James George ~ • ■ Christchurch. Traynor, Jean Wallace .. .. Christchurch. Treadwell, Muriel Hamilton .. Wanganui. Treloar, Ethel Invereart'ill. Trembath, Reginald Carlyle .. Auckland. Trott, Claudeen Hyacinth .. .. Napier. Tumbull, George Devereux .. W ellmgton. Tiirnbull, Henry Laidlaw .. .. Auckland. Turner, Gertrude May Dyke •• Christchurch. Tuthill, Mary Hannah .. ■• Auckland. Twining, Harvey Alexander .. Auckland. Tyerman, Cuthbert Ralph .. • • J'almerston North. Tyndall, Arthur .. • ■ • ■ Dunedin. Tyrer, Robert Reed .. • • Stratford. Tyrrell, Thomas .. .. • • Dunedin. Unchurch, Nina Hartley ■■ •• Napier. Udy, Linda Annie .. ■ • Wellington. V.di iitiiie. Archibald Graham .. Timaru. Vaughan, Harry Fergus .. • • Nelson. Veale Mice Klizabeth .. •• Auckland. Vcalie, Mildred llavergal .. .. Greymouth. Verran, John Llewellyn .. • • Auckland. Vickers, Arthur Lawrence .. •■ Hamilton. Vickers, Ethel New Plymouth. Viokerman, Neville Longbourne .. Auckland. Vincent, David Augustus .. .. Thames. Virtue, Gerald David .. .. Timaru. Voss, Minnie Olivia ■• •• Palmereton North. Waddington, Edythe Grace .. Masterton. Wagstaff, Nancy Noel Hinemoa .. Christohureh. Wakelin, George Douglas .. .. Dunedin. Walker. Clara Ruth .. ■ ■ Nelson. Walker, Dallas Auckland. Walker, Ellen Louise .. .. Auckland. Walker. Lillic .. .. •• Auckland. Wallace. Ellen Kathleen . . .. Auckland. Wallace, Hazel Invercargill. Wallace, James Alexander .. .. Gore. Walmsley, Edward Benjamin M. .. Dunedin. Walshe, Elizabeth Ann .. •• Dannevirke. Warburton, Herbert George .. Christohuroh. Ward, Dorothy Isabel .. •• Auckland. Ward. EmUy Kllinor .. •■ Auckland. Ward, Sylvia Beryl •■ •• Auckland. Waid, Thomas Compton .. •• Wellin Warren, Alice Luorita .. •• Wellii Warren, Kate .. •• •■ Greynioutli. Warring, Thursa Ann .. •• Timaru. Watson, Alberta Violet .. •• Timaru. Watson, Annie .. ■ • • • Invercargill. Watson, William .. .. •• Timaru. Walters. Allan .lames .. •• Hokitika. Watters, Jessie Hazel Annandale .. Ashburton. Webb, Adelaide I w .. •• Christohuioh. Webb, Alice Hewitt .. •■ Wellington. Webb, Marjorie Hamilton Webb Beatrice Jane Hampton .. Invereargill. Webb, Ruth Wiimifred .. • • Auckland. Webster, George Palmerston North.

Candidate. Examination Centre. Weir, Mary Olive .. • • • • Dunedin. Weir, Norman William McDonald .. Christchurch. Weir, Stanley Francis .. .. Auckland. Wells. Arthur Fiancis .. .. Reefton. Wenmouth, Ellen Elizabeth .. Christchurch. West, Ellen .. •• •• Dunedin. West, John Arnold .. .. Auckland. Whibley, John Chalmer .. .. Dannevirke. Whitakor, Cecil Grayton .. •. Auckland. White, Charles Earnshaw .. .. Christchurch. White, George Allan .. .. Auckland. White, Kenneth Robert .. .. Whangarei. White, Olive Josephine Margaret .. Dunedin. Whitehouse, Sarah Isabel .. .. Thames. Whiteman, Walter .. • • Auckland. Whit ins;, Dorothy Hazel .. .. Auckland. Whittaker, Henry Herbert .. .. Dunedin. Whitwell, Beaumont .. . - Nelson. W'hyte, Alexander Duncan Shanks .. Napier. Whyte, Margaret Anderson.. .. Auckland. Wild, Alice Kate .. .. • • Invercargill. Wilkins, Harry Hulme .. .. Auckland. Wilkinson, Harold Aickin .. .. Whangarei. Williams, Athol Gothard .. .. Westport. Williams, Gladys Maud .. ■■ Hamilton, Williams, Jessie May .. .. Christehurch. Williams, Lewis Herbert .. .. Christchurch. Williams, Owen William .. .. Christchurch. Williams, William Bryan .. .. Patea. Williamson, John Herbert .. .. Dunedin. Williamson, Thomas .. .. Oamaru. Wills. Elsie Jean .. • • • • Nelson. Wilson. Alexander .. •■ Napier. Wilson, Charlie Gardiner .. •• Christchurch. Wilson, Flora Klizabeth Milne .. Auckland. Wilson, Geoffrey Shore .. •• Auckland. Wilson, Hugh Gordon .. •• Dannevirke. Wilson, .lames Alexander .. .. Dannevirke. Wilson, John MoVean .. • ■ Oamaru. Wilson, Joseph Vivian .. .. Christchurch. Wilson. Kathleen Clara .. .. Palmerston North. Wilson, Leslie Foster .. .. Auckland. Wilson, Muriel .. .. •• Auckland. Wilson. Romulus Henderson .. Chrietohuroh. Winata, Nepia .. .. • • Levin. Winning, Elizabeth .. ■ • Gore. Wiseman, John Archibald . . .. Dannevirke. Wishart, John Webster .. ■• Auckland. Withers, Robert Lanktree .. .. Christchurch. Wood. Mabel Edith .. .. luvercargill. W I. Robert .. •• •• Stratford. Wood man. Alice Elizabeth .. .. Marton. Woods, Selwyn Gorton .. •• Auckland. Woodward, Elsie May .. .. Wellington. Woodward, Emma Jane .. •• Invereargill. Woolford, Walter George .. •■ Auokland. Woon, Emily Garland .. .. Wanganui. Worlay, Rupert .. •■ •■ Nelson. Worrall, Hilda Annie .. •• Auckland. Wren Sidney Thomas .. .. Dunedin. Wright, Harry Marshall .. .. Christchurch. Wright, Nevill Lushanus .. .. Wellington. Wright, Willie George Kenneth .. Wellington. Wyeth, Nora Elizabeth .. .. Invercargill. Wylie, Annie .. .. ■■ Auckland. Wylie, Colin Turner .. •• Dunedin. Wyllie, Brio Mervyn .. • ■ Stratford. Yates, Edith Frances .. . • Christchurch. Young, Campbell .. .. ■• Wellington. Young, Ivy Violet .. • • Wellington. Young, John .. • •• • Wellington. Yuiiiu, Leonard Bartlott Rosevear .. Dunedin.

4—E. 8.




Passed Civil Service Senior Examination with Distinction. Name of Candidate. Examination Centre. Kennedy, Jemima .. .. .. Invercargill. Robinson, Alfred Herbert .. .. Wellington. Passed Civil Service Senior Examination. Abercrombie, Frederic Norman .. .. Nelson. Appluton. William .. .. .. Wellington. Auton, Thomat .. .. .. Wellington. Baird, William George .. .. .. Wellington. Barnett, James .. .. .. Invercargill. Bishop, James Theophilus .. .. Auckland. Blake, Valentine .. .. .. Wanganui. Brosnan, James Deen .. .. . . Wellington. Cameron, John Rupert Fraser .. .. Wellington. Caradus, John .. .. .. Auckland. Chapman. John Henry.. .. .. Wellington. Ching, Albert James .. .. .. Napier. Combs, Harry Ernest .. .. .. Wellington. Cooper, Tom Lester .. .. .. WSnganui. Copping, Herbert John.. .. .. Wellington. Corkill, Francis Malcolm .. .. Wellington. Cumming, John Robert .. .. Wellington. Cutforth, Peroy .. .. . . We'lington. Downard, Samuel Charles Gower .. Wellington. Falconer, William Mowat . .. .. Wellington. Forgie, Leonard Campbell .. .. Wellington. Fullerton, Robert .. .. .. Wellington. Gapper, Gordon Saywell .. .. Wellington. Gray, Robert James .. .. .. Wellington. Griffin, John Leslie .. .. .. Nelson. Grocott, Horace .. .. .. Dunedin. Hall, Thomas Donald Horn .. .. Wellington. Hamilton. Hubert Arthur .. .. Wellington. Hiuikiii. Thomae B .. .. Auokland. Harding, Hilda Blackmore .. .. Wellington. Harrison, Thomas .. .. .. Dunedin. Jones, Bernard .. .. .. Timaru. KiiiL'sliei-r. Wallace Viftor .. .. Palmerston N. Kirby, Ernest William.. .. .. New Plymouth. Krebs, Walter Max .. .. .. Wellington. Lane, James Paton .. .. .. Auckland. Maoalister, Robert Lachlan .. .. Wellington. McComisky, Francis Joseph .. .. Wellington. McCurdy, Donald Archibald .. .. Wellington. M< llerniott. James .. .. .. Auckland. Macey, Leslie Lancelot.. .. .. New Plymouth. MeCUI. Hugh .. .. .. .. Wellington. McKay, Edwin Colin Muidooh .. .. Dunedin. McKinnon, Margaret .Jane Weir,. .. Whangarei. McMnllin. Henry James .. .. Christchurch. Marshall. Cecil James Cunningham .. Auckland. Millar. Frank Winflrd .. .. .. Wellington. Napier, David George .. .. .. New Plymouth. Newth, Richard Douglas .. .. Wellington. Nutt, James Charles Macgill .. .. Wellington. Parr, Stephi .. •• •• Westport. Pearce, Philip George .. .. .. Auckland. Phillips, Charle* Ernest .. .. Dannevirke. Randrup, Holger Bro .. .. .. Wellington. Robertson, John Hector .. .. Dunedin. Seerle, Emeet Albert .. .. .. Dunedin. Sherwood, Thomas Henry .. .. Wellington. Smith, Stephen John .. .. .. Wellington. Thompson, Hugh Montgomery .. .. Wellington. Tily, Harry Smith .. .. . ■ Dunedin. . William Francis.. .. .. Christchurch. Waters. Felix Herbert .. .. .. Nelson. White, Charles Hunter .. .. Christohuroh. Williams, Henry .. . . • • Wellington. Wogan, Rupert Samuel.. .. .. Wellington. Passed in Six Subjects. Hudson, Charles .. .. .. Wanganui. Mellso11, Geoffrey Henry Jenner .. .. Auckland. Newnham, William Langston .. .. Wanganui. Wilson, George Graham .. .. Auckland. Passed in Five Subjects. Albertscin. Ceciiye William .. .. Wellington. Bardsley, William Longworth Sydney .. Wellington. Buckler, Edward Horton .. .. Auckland.

Name of Candidate. Examination Centre. Burns, Leo Augustine .. .. .. Wellington. Carmine, Cecil Augustine .. .. (Jreymouth. Chamberlain, Kenneth Godfrey .. .. Wellington. Darby, Owen Ambrose.. .. .. Wellington. Dewhirst, Edward .. .. .. New Plymouth. Eggleston, William Morley .. .. Wellington. Foot, Ivon Edgar .. .. .. Wellington. Gamble, Charles .. .. .. Wellington. Gazley, William .. .. .. Wellington. Gollan, David.. .. .. .. Wellington. Grace, Alfred Fearon .. .. .. Nelson. Harrison, Stanley Mark .. .. Wellington. Hubbard, Frederick Cecil .. .. Wellington. Hunt, John Edward .. .. .. Wellington. Hutson, Ivy Irene .. .. .. Napier. Jack, Helen .. .. .. .. Wellington. Jellicoe, Roland Leigh .. .. .. Masterton. Jordan, Albert Randolf .. .. Auckland. Keddell, Geoffrey St. Vincent .. . . Wellington. Kins;. Geoffrey John .. .. .. Greymouth. Kroner, George Frederick William .. Wellington. Lawn, Edmund Henry .. .. .. Wellington. Lynch, Ronald Heriot Irvine .. . . Auckland. MacLeod, John Donald .. .. Whangarei. Mead. William Perrett .. .. .. Auckland. Morey, Percy Harold .. .. .. Christchurch. Myers, Edwin Ransom .. .. .. Wellington. Nichols, William Clarence .. .. Dunedin. Orr, John Alexander .. .. .. Wellington. Park, Robert .. .. .. .. Nelson. Paton, Herbert Stuart .. .. .. Inveroftrgill. Patrick, Robert Thomas George.. .. Auckland. Reynolds, Alfred Ernest .. .. Dunedin. Richards, Thomas .. .. .. Nelson. Rochford, James .. .. .. Hokitika. Ryan, Bernard James .. .. .. Wellington. Ryan, Patrick James .. .. .. Wanganui. Sewn r<l, Samuel Theodore ... .. Wellington. Slyfield, Robert Gordon .. .. Auckland. Smith, Harry Louis Percy .. .. Wanganui. Spiller, Leonard .. .. .. Wellington. Tanner. Thomas Henry Musgrave .. Auckland. Yenning, Francis Thomas .. .. Auokland. Vollemaere, Henry Albert .. .. Auckland. Young, Henry Harben Austen .. .. Wellington. Passed in Four Subjects. Barker, Arthur Richard .. .. Blenheim. I '.nil' I more, Harry William .. .. Blenheim. Brown, Thomas .. .. .. Weill! Butcher, Charles Edward .. .. Wellir Chisholm, Frederick James .. .. Palmerston N. Cliiiliai'd, Cecil Henry .. .. .. Wellington. Cody, John .. .. .. .. Wanganui. Coiikc. Gertrude Myrtle .. .. Nelson. Cullen, Alfred James .. .. .. Westport. Dake, Charles .. .. .. .. Greymouth. Dixon, Percy .. .. .. .. Timaru. Dowding, Robert Edward .. .. Auckland. Kilting. Rudolph Arthur Richard .. Wellington. Glcdhill, Frederic James Rees .. .. Wellington. Hadfield, Joseph .. .. .. Wellington. Haszard, Henry Vivian Moore .. .. Auckland. Hudson, George Atkinson .. .. New Plymouth. Humphrey, James Alexander .. .. Wellington. Johnston, Harold Arthur .. .. Wellington. Lavery, Robert William .. .. Wellington. Loader, Edwin James Gilbert .. .. Wellington. Low, James Cowan .. .. . . Wellington. McCorkindale, Douglas.. .. .. Napier. Maodonald, John \Villiam .. .. Wellington. Maher, Michael .. .. .. Blenheim. Matthews, Eric Rupert.. .. .. Wellington. Morrison, John .. .. .. Wanganui. Nilson, James Graham .. .. .. Auckland. Norrie, John Henry Bambridge .. .. Christchurch. Pirrit, George .. .. .. .. Auckland. Polkinghorne, Alfred Patrick .. .. Wellington. Portas, George Patrick.. .. .. Napier. Reid, Henry Bell .. Wellington. Ronaldson, Guy .. .. .. Wellington. Ronayne, Robert Henry Price .. .. Wellington. Salmond, John Arthur .. .. .. Invercargill.



Civir. Service Senfou Exwtination— continued.

Name of Candidate. Examination Centre Sanson, Edgar Earl .. .. .. New Plymouth. Scott, Arthur .. .. .. .. Wellington. Smith, Arthur Clifford .. .. .. Thames. Stewart, Karl .. .. .. .. Wellington. Thompson, Clarence Domford .. .. Wellington. Watson, Kenneth Robert .. .. NewPlymontb Webster, James .. .. . • Wellington, Weaterman, Victor Leonard .. .. Wellington. Winchoombe, Percy Reginald .. .. Wellington. l'\SSi:ll IN THE!! SI'II.IKITS. Addison, Alfred .. .. • • Thames. Agncw. George James .. .. . ■ [nveroargill. Barker, Harold James England .. .. Dannevirke. Bateraan, Harry George .. .. Auckland. Beeson, Gordon Ivan .. .. .. Wellington. Boyes, Bsnumd Ernest Cave .. .. Kelson. Bradley, George Ernest .. •• Wellington. Callaghan, Franoie Raymond .. .. ChrUtchuroh. Casserley, Thomas .. .. .. Wellington. Cowles, Edward Paoker .. .. Wellington. Covlf, Ernest .. .. .. ■• Wellington. Cunningham, Herbert Adam .. .. Wellington. Davis. Humid Qeorge .. .. .. Greymouth. Dawson, Alexander .. .. .. Dunedin. Exell, Barry Laurence.. .. .." Napier. Fletoher, Hugh Campbell .. .. Auckland. Flett, Albert bring .. .. •• Auckland. Gillies, John Munro .. .. .. Bmaru. Haigh, Frank Gordon .. .. .. Dunedin. Harrison. Octavius Louis Thomas .. Wellington. Harstim. Knicst Sirdclii-lcl .. .. Napier. Hawkes, George Augustus .. .. Timaru. Benderson, Hilary Damieu .. .. Wellington. Berbert, David Andrew .. .. Dunedin. Jenkinson, Edgar Eaton .. .. Wellington. Johnson, Henry .. .. .. Auckland. Johnston, Cameron Gordon .. .. Wellington. Jones, Sydney Yates .. .. .. Wellington. King, Thomas Farquhar Houston .. Wellington. Knox, Reginald Victor Albert .. .. Wellington. Langbein, Frita .. .. •• Nelson. Leslie, Albert George .. .. .. Dunedin. Mackic, Norman Henry .. .. Auokland. Maomorran, James .. .. ■• Wellington. McNamaia. George .. .. •• Wellington. Moore. Waller William. . .. .. Auckland. Mulvcy. Dennis .. .. •• Wellington, O'Donoghue, David .. .. .. Napier. O'Kelly, Edmon.l .. .. .. Wellington. Pearce, Henry William Sprint .. .. Auokland. I'hillips, Haroid .. .. •■ Greymouth. Praia, George Gordon .. .. .. Wellington. Rabone, Thomas Cedrio Victor .. .. Wellington. Rocbiort, Frank .. .. •• [nveroargill. Ross, John .. .. •■ •• Wellington. Scannoll, Daniel .. .. •• Blenheim. Smith, Clarence Leonard Charle .. Palmerston N. Smith, John Rjvlfe .. .. .. Greymouth. Sullivan. Edward .. .. •• Timara. Traill, William .. .. •• Wellington. Vivian, Herbert .. .. .. Wellington. Wallace. William .. .. .. Napier. Ward, Richard Fronde. .. •■ Auokland, Waring, Harry .. .. .. Auckland. Wilkinson, John Arthu .. .. Nebon.

Passed in Two Subjkcts. Name of Candidate. Examination Centre. Andrews, Sydney Claridge .. .. Christehurch. Ball, (ieorge .. .. .. .. New Plymouth Barton, Lucy Fiances Kinder .. .. Auckland. Boyd. Edward Balllwell .. .. Wellington. Brabyn, John William .. .. .. Wellington. Brown, William Edward .. .. Gisborne. Bulman, Robert .. .. .. Wellington. Callanan, John Francis.. .. .. Palmerston N. Cameron, Barry James.. .. .. Wellington. Chilcott, Charles .. .. .. Auckland. Chrystall, James William .. •• Wellington. i Ihurch, .lames Philip .. .. .. Auokland. dinkard, Qeorge William .. .. Auckland. Cockerill, Benry Walter .. .. Wellington. Cody, Douglas Goodall.. .. •• Wanganui. I Colmer, Frederick James .. .. Wellington. Coombe, Frederick Charles .. .. Auckland. Courtney, Charles Bargrove .. .. Auckland. Crawshaw, Finest Elgood .. .. Christohuroh. Cuthbert, John .. .. .. New Plymouth. rDoull, Richard May .. .. .. Auckland. Dundoii. William Thomas .. .. Blenheim. Faire. Arthur Silvesta .. .. .. Palmerston N. Forsytli, Norman Leslie .. .. [nveroargill. Gill, Arthur Milne .. .. .. Wellington. Gilligan, William Francis .. .. Wanganui. i Mere, William .. .. .. Invercargill. llodson. Frederick Stanley .. .. Wellington. Hogan, Kieran John .. .. .. Wellington. yon Keieenberg, Arthur Otto .. .. Wellington. Lamb, Benry Alexander, jnn. .. .. Wellington. Latta, Albert Henry .. .. .. Nelson. Mcßeath. Gordon .. .. .. Auckland. McDuwall. Samuel .. .. .. Wellington. McMillan, Thomae .. .. .. Qishorne. Magee, Bernard .. .. .. Napier. Marriott. F.dmund Benrj .. .. Blenheim. Mathers, Reginald John .. .. Wellington. May. Leslie .. .. .. .. Wellington. Miles. Erie Gordon .. .. .. Timaru. Millar, Stanley Clerk .. .. .. Invercargill. Mills, Graham Alexander .. .. Nelson. Niohol, James Edmond .. .. Wellington. Nicholas, Gregory James .. .. Wellington. Patterson, Edward John Dillon.. .. Auckland. Pearce, William Gilchrist .. .. Christchurch. Pike, Marmaduke Alfred .. .. Palmerston N. Purdie. Charles Laidlaw .. .. Wellington, Rosie, Alexander Mclvor .. .. Wellington. Russell, Robert Joseph.. .. .. Christ church. Bobolenburg, James Thomson .. .. Wellington. Stack, John Domini, k.. .. .. Auckland. Stratton, Alfred Thomas .. .. Wellington. Stuart. Albert I'ulinall . . .. .. Auckland. Suckling, Clement Arthur .. .. Wellington. Swarbriok, Henry .. .. .. Auckland. Taylor, William' .. .. .. Wellington. Thomson. George William Gordon .. Wellington Topp, Edgar Charles .. .. .. Christohurch Trask. Vincent Berber! .. .. Nelson. Walton. Finest Leslie .. .. .. Thames. Welsh. William Henry .. .. .. Wellington. Will, William Melville Oliver .. .. Dunedin. Wilson. Robert Alexander .. .. Auckland.


1. —Passed for Class B. Candidate. examination Centre. \lley. Frederick .lames.. .. .. Cluistcliunli. Christensen, Laura .. .. •• Chrbtchureh. Dale, Margaret Jane .. .. ■■ Inveroargill. Daplyn, Rosin* May .. •• •• Dunedin. Evans, Francis Thomas .. .. GhristohuroJi. Foley, Hugh .. .. .. •• Nelson. Johnson, John .. •• •• Wellington. McGregor, John Webster .. •• Dunedin. MoLeod, John .. •• •• Timaru. Malcolm. Thornton George .. .. Christohureh, Morland, Thomas Arthur .. .. Christohurob. Peaoook, John .. .. ■• Christoliunli. Turner, William Wibon .. •• Dunedin. Watson, Harold Clement Nelham •■ Dunedta. Webster, Harold Edward .. .. Auckland.

5-E. 8.

I , VSSKII h'Cllt < I. VSS ('. Candidate, K\;uiiin:ttii>h Centre. Aitken, Janet Mary .. .. .. Phristchuroli. Alexander. William .. .. .. Dunedin. Allan, Flora Maedonald .. .. Dunedin. Allan, John Morrison .. .. .. Dimedin. Allen, Ada May .. .. .. Cliristchiireh. Armstrong, Mary Conboy .. .. Auckland. Arnott, May Forguson .. .. .. cliristchiireh Baird, Mary .. .. .. ■■ (nveroargilL Barak. Mary Caroline (Mrs.) .. .. Masterton. Barrell. Arthur Frederick .. .. Cliristchiireh. Barrett. Richard James .. .. Dunedin Burton, Frazer Burnett .. .. Timaru. l!<ll. Nora Alicia .. .. .. Auckland. Benjamin, Frank .. .. .. Christohuroh. Bennett, John William .. .. Auckland.



Teachkbs' Certificate Examinations — contimied.

Candidate. Examination Centre. Blain, Thomas .. .. .. Christohuroh. Borric, Jossio May .. • • • ■ Dunodin. BoswoD, Charlos Wallace .. .. Auckland. BosweU, James .. .. .. Thames. Bradfiold. Rosotta Agnes .. .. Duncdin. Brew, Frederick Chadwick .. .. Auckland. Brown, James Francis .. .. Dannevirke. Brown. William Alfred .. .. New I'lyniout li. Biiinside, Margaret .. .. .. Dunedin. Barton, Percy Robert .. .. .. Auckland. Caddy, Edward William Barron .. Auckland. Cartwright, Elisabeth Jane Bengham .. Wanganui. Caughley, Jsmee .. .. .. Gisborne. Chaplin, Wilfred Theodore .. .. Napier. Chapman, Florence Maud .. .. Masterton. Close, William Oβborne.. .. .. Dunedin. Coad, Nellie Euphemia .. .. Wellington. Collins, Mary Margaret .. .. Dunedin. Colquhoun, Mary Houston .. .. Dunedin. Cooper, Lucy .. .. .. .. Auckland. Cullen, Gladys .. .. .. Chrietohuroh. Dak, Annabefla Stuart.. .. .. Inveroargill. Dal/iel. Catherine Annie .. .. Christohuroh. Davis, Thomas Boveridge .. .. Dunedin. Dean, James .. .. .. .. Auckland.. Donnan, Mary Robinson .. .. invereargilL Early, Edith .. .. .. .. Chtistchuroh. East, Alfred Francis Drake .. .. Qisbome. Khnslie. Bessie Graham .. .. Auokland. Pair, <leorgc Osmond .. .. .. Nelson. Faram, Frank Coe .. .. .. Napier. Kifield, Amy Elizabeth .. .. Timaru. Findlay, Sylvia .. .. .. Aiickland. Finlayson. Janet Alice .. .. .. Wellington. Finlayson, John Herbert MoWilliam .. Wellington. Flamank, Oscar Davis .. .. Dunedin. Poster, Sylvia Marian .. .. .. Christohuroh. Frazer, Kllen Frances .. .. .. Dunedin. Funic. Leonard John .. .. .. Wanganui. Qayne, Violet Emily .. .. .. Wellington. Gilchrist, William .. .. .. Inveroargill. Qilraour, William Orr .. .. .. Timaru. (iray, Alfred .. .. .. .. New Plymouth. Green, Beit ram Martin.. .. .. Auckland. Greig, Ivy Constance .. .. .. Dunedin. Harris, Norman Richard .. .. Auckland. Hartetonge, Anne Prances .. .. Dunedin. Hastings. Margaret Esther .. .. Dunedin. Hayos, Mahala Lily .. .. .. Dunedin. Henry, James Alexander .. .. Auokland. ilickey, Mary .. .. .. Christohuroh, Higgins, Vivian .. .. .. Wellington. Hills. Charles Cleaver .. .. .. Palmerston N. Hitchcock. Mary Larinia .. .. Hokitikn. Holdaway, Helen Franoes .. .. Nelson. Hooper, John Edward .. .. .. Auckland. Hudson, Edward Varley .. .. Napier. Hudson, John Holmes .. .. Auckland. Hunt. Lorna Alice .. .. .. Timaru. Hunter. Robert Russell .. .. Duncdin. Mutton, Ella Bannatyne .. .. Auokland. Jaokson, Joseph .. .. .. Christchurch. Jackson. Percy George .. .. Wanganui. Jones, (iritlitli Rogers .. .. .. Auckland. Jones. William Henry .. .. .. Na;>ier. Kane. Thnina- .. .. .. West port. Kean. Bailout* .. .. .. Ma;tcrton. EColler, Frederiok Robert .. .. Whangarei. Kyle. Eleanor .. .. .. Dunedin. Laos, Bessie .. .. .. .. Christohuroh. Arthur Ernest .. .. .. Auckland. Dβ Lambert, Gertrude Ethel .. .. Dunedin. Lear, Constance Muriel. . .. .. Dunedin. Lorking, Sidney Emoal .. .. Auckland. Lucas, Ella Gertrude .. .. .. Blenheim. Lyders, Marie Johanne .. .. Dunedin. MoCaul, Bnid Isabella .. .. .. Palmcreton >.'. McCliesney, Hugh .. .. .. [nvercargill. McClimo, Hugh Frederick .. .. Auckland. VfoGowan, .Mary .. .. .. Wellington. Mackav, Edward thigh .. .. Auokland. Mackay. Isabella . . . . . . Dunedin. Mackay. Leslie Donald .. .. luvcreargill. Mackay, Thomas Ethridge Alexander .. Whanguroi. McKeown, Blaikley Alexander .. .. Chriatohuroh. McMurtrie. Alexander ForgUßOn .. .. Dunedin. MoNaughton, David William .. .. Auckland. Maindonald. Henrietta I reoe .. .. Christchuroh. Mark. Louis James .. .. .. Auckland.

Candidate. Rxaiuination Centre. Martin. William Qeorge .. .. Auckland. Marwick. Ethel .. .. .. Dunedin. Mason, Henrietta Rex .. .. .. Wellington. Mcnzies. Margaret .. .. .. Cliristchuivli. Middleton, May Isoliel .. .. .. Christohuroh. Monstedt, Anna Maroelie .. .. Auckland. Moore, Frederic William .. .. Christchurch. Morgan, Louisa .. .. .. Qisborne. Mot land. Charlc; James .. .. Christchureh. Morrison. Margaret Paterson .. .. Christohuroh. Murray. Irene Jane .. .. .. Dunedin. O'Brien, Maud Montagu .. .. Kelson. Oram. Harry .. .. .. .. ('liristcliim-li. rton. Qeorge Ernest .. .. Dunedin. Calmer. Constance! Minnie .. .. Nelson. I'attle. Olive Emma .. .. .. Wellington. Piggot, Ellen Mary .. .. .. Auckland. Porter, Linda .. .. .. Auckland. Priestly, Maurice .. .. .. Auokland. Qtiilter, Margaret .. .. .. Dunedin. Renner, Charlotte Frederioka .. .. Wellington. Roadie, Patrick Henry .. .. Wanganui. Robertson. Harriet Miller .. .. Inveroargill. Robertson, Hilda Bessie .. .. Christchuroh. Robinson. Arthur Henry .. .. Dunedin. Robson, John Templet on .. .. Wanganui. Rookel, Max Eugene Carnarvon .. Palmerston N. Rogers. Lily Alice Constance .. ~ Christohurch. Rogers. Marmaduke .. .. .. Nelson. Rogers, Walter John .. .. .. Dunedin. Ross, Fanny Ix>thbridge .. .. Wanganui. Rumbold, William Alexander .. .. Weetport, Sargiaon, James Henry.. .. .. Dunedin. Sarten, LUias Qraoe .. .. .. Wanganui. Saxon. Harriett Louisa.. .. .. Dunedin. Scott, Charles Edward .. .. Auckland. Shaw, Margaret Jane .. .. .. Dunedin. Sheppard, Albert Lewin .. .. Auokland. Shepherd, Frederiok Henry Manson .. Auckland. Slierrard, William .. .. .. Christohuroh. Sherriff Eliza <!rant .. .. .. Dunedin. Slowey, Teresa Mary Patricia .. .. West port. Smith, Annie Fisher .. .. .. Dunedin. Smith, Henrietta .. .. .. Invereargill. Squire, Donald Stanley Byron .. .. Auckland. Stewart, David .. .. .. Dunedin. Stout. William Anderson .. .. Christchurch. Stratford. Herbert Addieon .. .. Wellington. Sutherland, Elizabeth Jane .. .. Timaru. Swinbourne, William Alexander .. Wanganui. Taylor, Minnie Isabel .. .. .. New Plymouth. Thomas, Joseph Wilkins .. .. New Plymouth. Thomas. Richard Edwin .. .. New Plymouth. Thompson, Lydia Constance .. .. Auckland. Tliurstou. Daniel Peter.. .. .. Wanganui. Trouland. llonora Bella .. .. Greymouth. I'tiley. William Mareland .. .. Dunedin. Vallance. Nellie .Marion .. .. Blenheim. Vcllcnoweth. Jessie .. .. .. Auckland. Vose, Johann .. .. .. .. Chrietohuroh. Waddingham, Florence Mary . . . . Auckland. Walters. Edward Hatliorly .. .. Wellington. Warner, Frederick Stephen Holloway .. Chrietohuroh. Watson. Lancelot .. .. .. Christchurch. Watts. Amy K«li1 U .. .. .. Palmerston N. Werry. Alfred Ernest .. .. .. Timaru. West. Isaac Moody .. .. .. Wanganui. Westrup, Agnes Cathorine Iva .. .. Wellington. Whalley, George Ethelbert .. .. Palmerston N. Wight. Qeorge Fmdon .. .. .. Auckland. Wild. Leonard John .. .. .. Inveroargill. Williams. Lily Church .. .. .. Cliristcliurcb. Wiltnot, David Henry .. .. .. Nelson. Wilson. Janet ('ampbell .. .. Dunedin. Wi\. Agnes ( harlotte .. .. .. Dunodin. W'oriall, Edith Isabel .. .. .. Auckland. Wvllie. Samuel .. .. .. New Plymouth. Passkd yon Class D. Allan. Janet .. .. .. .. Dunedin. Anderson, Alexander Knox .. .. Invereargill. Antill. Marjory Jean .. .. .. Wellington. Atkinson. Agnes Anne .. .. .. Wellington. Atkinson, Mary Elizabeth .. .. Wellington. Austin, Leslie Gordon .. .. .. Timaru. Hadgor, Hilda Mary .. . . .. Auckland. Bain. Audley Constance .. .. Christchurch. Barker, Alice Maud Mary .. . . Nelson. Barker. Meta .. .. .. .. Auokland.



Teachkkh' Chbtifioate Examinations— continued.

(■,,,,(1,1,),. lOx;uilin:itinii IVlitre. Barton, Elobert .. •• •• Auckland. Baskiville, falter Charles Leslie .. Wellington. Bates, Cyril Palmer .. .. •• Wanganui. Baylies, Margaretta Alice .. .. Auckland. Bell, Alice .. •■ •• ■■ Auokland. Benge, Lena Rul>y .. •• ■• Auokland. Bdi-iusni. Mary Eliza .. ■• •• Nelson. Bishop, Walter John .. .. .. Auoktond. Bisset, Caroline Annie Beatrice .. .. Wellington. Bland, Elsie May •■ •• •• Nelson. Blank, Albert Raymond .. .. Chrietohuroh. Botting, Ethel [Catherine Miriam ..' Dunodin. Bradbury, Annie Ellen .. .. Maeterton. Brew, I'Scdiirick Chadwiok .. .. Auckland. Brookett, Arthur Ernest .. .. Wellington. Buchanan, Marion Agnee ■. • • Tunaru. Bull, Evelyn Frances .. .. • • Auckland. Burden, Mary Witherden .. .. Napier. Burton, Kva .. .. ,■ •■ Napier. Campbell, Mary Jane .. .. •• Napier. ( larriok, HiltUi. Marie .. .. • • Dunedin. Carriok, Mary Elisabeth .. .. Westport. ChamberUto, May Margaret Susanna .. Wellington. Clarke, Mary Annie Ceoilia .. .. Clothioi, Ada Matilda .. .. •• Cbrietohareh, Colley, Catherine Charlotte .. .. •Auckland. Collins, Mary Margaret .. ■• Dunodin. Coombe, Jessie WUliamina .. .. Palmerston N. Crawford, Amy Freer .. .. •• -New Plymouth. Crelun, Muriel Lillian .. •• •• Auckland. Da vies, Bdith Raoe .. •• •■ Wellington. Davis. Luoy Ann .. •• •■ Napior. Day, Norma n Darcy .. •• •• New Plymouth. Dean. Ivy Maud .. •■ •• Auckland. Dempster, Norman Barrison .. .. Dunedin. Dixon. Dorothy Strong .. •• Greymouth. DowUng, Nina Agnee .. .. •• Wanganui. Dungan, Emma Agnee .. •• Christonuroh. IMwards. UabeUa .. •• •• Dunedin. Eggleton, Ada Lotena .. • • • ■ [nveroargttl. Fatnore, Harold Thomas Maloolm .. Wellington. Faweett, Anna Jane .. .. •• Thames. Florence, Robert Handley .. •• Chnetohurch. I'lovd, Alfred Barratt .. .. •• Thames. Foesey, Walter Thomas .. •• Palmereton N. Poster, Kate Wellington. Fraser, Christina Adelaide .. .. Blenheim. Frayne, Lenom Jane .. • • ■ • Wellington. Car'mson. Christine Uabel .. •• Invercargill. Gamham, Graoe .. •• ■• Blenheim. Garrey, Phoebe .. •■ •• Dunedm. Gaudin, Grace Beatrice .. •• Wellington. Oedney, Mary Jane .. .. ■■ Invereargffl. Uibbie Ethel Margaret.. .. •• Greymouth. Gibson, Helen Franeea .. •• New Plymouth. GUmore, Nellie Auokland. Graham, Jane Allan .. •• •• Auckland. Green, Alice Mary .. •• •• Diincdin. Qreensmith, Edwin .. •• •• Thames. Greig, Arthur Gray Nelson. CrilHihs.-Cwladys bene Kathleen .. Auckland. Grigg, Stella .. Auckland. Cutiy. George Albert .. •• •• Auckland. Haldane, Janet Minnie .. •• Nelson, llalc Lily Gertrude .. •• •• Dunedin Hall. Arthur .lames Auckland. Hall. Evelyn Maud Wellington. Hansen. Mary Wellington Harris, Myrtle Dorothy .. •■ Chrietohuroh. Hayes, Kllen Vera Wellington. Henderson, Hubert Palmeeton N. Higham, Mary Ann Auckland. Hill. Constance Maeterton. Billiard, Evelyn Bdith .. •• Blenheim. Hinob, Alice Elisabeth •■ •• ' "";""■ Hind. Florence Mary .. •• •• Weujngton. Holm. Kva Mary Blenheim. Honore, Abraham Thomas .. •■ Wangsnui. Hooper, John Edward .. •■ •• Auckland. Homer, Lilian Nebon. Homeman, Flora Marion .. •• Auckland. Huflam, Dorothea Agnes Jane .. ■• Nebon. Hughes, Edith Jessie Christohuroh. Hunt. Ellen Jaw Wellington. Hunter, Robert RnaseU .. •• Dunedin. Hutton, Janet Chalmers .. ■ • Napier. Hutton, Pearl Eugenia .. ■ • Dunedin. Ince, Eleanor Winifred .. • • Auckland. Ingpen, Phoebe Elizabeth .. • • Wanganui.

Candidate. BxanilnaMoa Centre, [ngram, Annie May .. •• •• Nelson. Ingrain, Charlotte Caroline .. .. Dunedin. Jamieson, Laura .. .. .. I'almeiston N. Jamieson, Mary Helen Isabel .. .. [nvercargill. .1011. Ethel Staoey .. .. •• Napier. Jordan, James Carticld .. .. Nelson. Jull, Gladys May .. .. .. Chrietohuroh. Kay, Florence Esther .. .. .. Palmers!on N. Kirby, Allan Michael .. .. .. Dunedin. Labes, Albert August .. .. .. Dunedin. Large, Elsie Alice .. .. .. Chnetohurch. Lawry, Nora Ellen .. ... .. Auokland. Lee, Alice Forgan .. .. .. Napier. Lewis. Adelaide . . . . .. Nelson. Lindane r. Viotor Wilhelm .. •• Auckland. Longley, Arthur William Shailaud .. Auckland. Lowman, Eliiabeth Ellen .. .. Wanganui. Luke, Bertha Alice .. .. •• Dunedin. Lynskey, Agnes Ann .. .. .. Christchurch. Lyttlo, David John Albert .. •■ Gore. Macalister, ltta .. .. • ■ Blenheim. McCarthy, Anne Bolcna .. ... Dunedin. McCartney, Morn Elizabeth Jane .. Napier. McCluic. Vida Kunicc Agnes .. .. Christ church. MoCormiok, Daniel Thomas .. .. Wanganui. MoCulloch, .Margaret Mary .. .. Wanganui. Maodonald, Christina ... •• Wanganui. McQrath, Pjranois .. ".. •• Auckland. Molnman, Emily Mary .. .. Invcrcargill. Molntyre, Daviiia Reeoe .. ■• Dunodin, Macka'y. Kreida Margaret . . . . Auckland. Maokay, Gladys Dagma .. •• Nelson. MoLaughlin, Alice .. .. •• Now Plymouth. McLean, Ivy Lotitia Irene .. ■• Nelson. McLean, Jessie Mary .. .. .. Auckland. Makeig, Grape Helena .. .. •• Chrislclmrch. Mailing. Kranccsca Emma .. •• 'limaru. Marryatt, Ivy Annie .. .. •• Dunedin. .Marten, Margaret Lucy •• •• Pahiatua. Mason. Henrietta Rex .. .. .. Wellington. Matbeeon, D»ra Grant .. .. •• Dunedia Maxwell, Robert Wyndham Dovitt .. Cliristchurch. Meads, Zenobia .. ■ • • • Wanganui. Meek, Tort in Dccima .. .. ■• [nvereareill. Merrington, Alfiet' Richard .. •• Auckland. Meeeenger, Ernestine Rhoda Gay .. Wellington. Mitchell. Emily .. •• •• Duncdir. Milt-lull. Janet Louise .. .. •• Dunedin. Mooney, Thomas Bernard . . . . Auckland. .Morgan, Kathleen .. .. •• Gisbomo. Miiliay. Elvina Joan .. •• •• Invercargill. Murdoch, Sarah .. •■ •• Chiistchun h. Newlands, Maggie .. .. •• Dunedin. Newton. Elsie Phoebe .. .. •• Timaru. Noble, Annie Christina .. •• New Plymouth. Oakley, Helen Agnes .. .. .. Dunedin. Olansen. Bertha .. • .. •• Weßingtou. O'Malley, Margaret .. .- •• Christchurol . Oslicun. iM-rest George Hayward •• Christchuroh. O'Shea, M»ry .. •• •• Palmeraton N. Palmer, Constance- Minnie .. .. Nelson. Parr, Cuthbert ■ • •• •• Timaru. Patterson, Edward John Dillon .. .. Auckland. IVlviu. Jessie .. ■• •■ Timaru. Pitt, Norah Violet .. •• •• Auckland. Proudlook, Margaret Ann .. •• Tiinaru. Quilter, Margaret .. .. •• Dunedin. Rae, Duncan MoFadyon .. •• Invorcargill. Rae, Elizabeth .. •• •■ [nvercargill. Beeves. William Henry .. •• Timaru. Eloid, Albert Sidney .. .. •• Invercargill. Reid, Marion .. .. .. •• Palmeraton N. Renner, Charlotte Frederioka .. •• Wellington. Kiddell, Edith Rose .. .. .. Auckland. Robertson, Charles .. .. .. Wanganui. Robertson, Hilda Bessie .. •• Christohuroli. Roche, .lane Duucdiii. Roclgers. John .. ■• •• Wellington. Rogers, Emma Marie Warren .. .. Cliristchurch. Rogers. Lily Alice Constance .. .. Christcluirch. Elogers, Mary Hazel .. .. •■ Cliristchurch. Rose, Florence •• •• • ■ Wellington. Rosevoaro, Ethel Anno .. •• Dunedin. Ross. Cert rude Ethel .. .. •• Auckland. Rowe. Alfred Cochrane-.. .. .. Invercargill. Russell. John Whit worth .. ■• Wanganui. Ryan, Ruby Louisa .. .. •• Dunedin. Sargent, Jane Davidson .. •• Wellington. Sett, Helen Isabel Stuart .. .. Wanganui.



Tkacheks' Cbktificatb Examinations — continued.

Coodldktp. Kx:1111i11.-11ji>ll Centre j Scully, Raohael Blanche .. .. Dunedin. Beater, Hilda Margaret .. .. Wellington. Shaw, Margaret Jano .. .. .. Dunedin. Shetrard, William .. .. .. Christohuroh. Silvester, Evollne .. .. .. Wellington. Simpson, Henry George Edward .. Inveroargill. Sinclair, Emilic Isabella .. .. Christchurcb. Sinclair, William Hamiltoc dark .. [nvorcargiil. Slater, William Tumor .. .. Dunedin, Smale, Lily Ann .. ... .. Napier. Snmll, Hilda Elizabeth Annie .. .. Nelson. Smart, Eleie Gladys .. .. .. Napier. Smith, Coralie Prances .. .. Auckland. Smith, Florence Ethel .. .. .. Christoburch. Smith, Francos Harriet .. .. [nvercargill. Smith, Henrietta .. .. .. Invoreargill. Squire. Maud Helen .. .. .. Christohuroh. Steedman, Mary Maud Josephine .. Wellington. Strack, Conrad Harry ExoeUnor .. Wanganui. Straok, Georgo Sainsbury .. .. Wanganui. Stuokoy, Dorothy Ellen .. .. Wellington. Tasker, Kato Louise .. .. .. Wellington Taylor, Cuthbert Hargreavea .. .. Wellington. Taylor, Elizabeth Margory .. .. Thames. Thompson, Agnos .. .. .. Auckland. Thompson, Winifred VivUu .. .. Wellington. Tooman, Francis .. .. .. Auokland. Torr, Grace Mildred .. .. .. Napier. Trimen, John Edward .. .. .. Wanganui. Troy. Ellen Nora .. .. .. RoUtika. Tuohy, Norah. . .. .. .. Napier. Turner, Nellio .. .. .. Christohurch. Walker, Gladys babel .. .. .. Christohuroh. Warwick, Robort Samuel .. .. Palmerston N. Webster, Robert Stephen .. .. New Plymouth West. Martha Charlotte .. .. Napier. White. Percy Honry .. .. .. Dnnedin. Wiesßor, Rosa Bertha .. .. .. Wellington. Williams, Etbel Dagmar .. .. Dunedin. VVilliann, Sophia Bartloy .. .. Hokitika. Wilson, Mabel .. .. .. New Plymouth Wishart, Alice Etliel .. .. .. Thames. Woodhill, Ellen .. .. .. Dnnedin. Wright. Bridget .. .. .. Dunedin. Wright, Eliza Jane .. .. .. Chrietohuroh. Ida .. .. .. .. Wanganui. ■ 11. -Obtained " Paetial Pass" nut Class a. Bollinger, Elsie Margaret .. .. New Plymouth Budd, Alice Mary .. •• .. Dunedin. Ollivor, Margaret Florence Louisa .. Christclu nh. Opio, Gwen lilias Fanny .. .. Christghurch. Oht.wnkd " Partial Pass" roB Class B. Bruce, UaboHa Donnot.. .. .. Wanganui Currie, Amy Elizabeth .. .. Wanganui. Cordon. Jessie .. .. .. Wanganui. Mind. Edith Miriam .. .. ■■ Wellington. Stewart, Charles Alexander .. .. Dunedut Obtaikbd " Partial Pass" h>k Class <'. Acheson, Catherine Edith Ann .. .. Dunedin. Allan, Orlanno Lincoln .. .. New Plymouth. Andrews, Agnes Cora .. .. .. Christohuroh. \ston. Aubrey Edward .. .. Masterton. Bagley, Benjamin .. .. •■ Palmorston N. Bain. Andrew .. .. •• Dunedin. Band, Mary Louisa .. .. .. Timaru. Bates, Cyril Palmer .. .. .. Wanganui. Beeohey, Frederick James .. .. Masterton. Beilby, George Howard .. .. Westport. Blank, Albert Raymond .. .. Chrietohuroh. Bond, Enoch Alma .. .. .- Auckland Bottrill, Christopher George .. .. Auckland* Brett, Reginald Edward .. .. Auckland. Brown, Mary .. .. .. .. Dunedin. Bryant, James Thomas .. .. Inveroargill. Hudd. Elizabeth .. .. .. Dunedin. Carson-Dunning, Alee, .. .. Auckland. Carter, Elsie .. .. .. •■ Wellington. Caskey, Margaret .. .. .. Timaru. Chapman, Jessie Moore .. .. Palmereton N. I Clark, Alexander .. .. •• Inveroargill. Clark, William Henry .. .. .. Wellington. Clay, George Edward .. .. .. Auckland. Collis, William Francis .. .. Auckland. Crombie, Jane MeOhesney .. .. Timaru. ' Cutler, Thomas Edward . . . . Christchurch.

Candidate. Examination Centre. Dallas, Thomas White .. .. .. Dunedin. Dare, Helen Constance .. .. Christohuroh, Davidson, William .. .. .. Napier. Dean. William Ferrier .. .. .. Auckland. Dougherty, Alice .. .. .. Masterton. Down, Alice .. .. .. .. Christchurch. Edie, John Ken- .. .. .. Dunedin. I irqiiharson. Marion Grosset .. .. Dunedin. Farrow, Christine Margaret .. .. Christohurch Floyd, Alfred Barratt .. .. .. Thames. Fox, Norman Sheldon . . .. .. Palmorston N. Garland, Prank William .. .. Auckland. Gates, Thomas Adkisson .. .. Napier. Gaudin, Qraoe Beatrice .. .. Wellington. Gerrand, Percy Augustus .. .. Auckland. Gilleepie, William Hollo .. .. Thames. (iilmor, Edward John .. .. .. Nelson. (llanvillc. James Edward .. .. Christohurch. Grant, John Black .. ... .. Dunedin. (Maul, .Mary Alexandra .. .. Palmerston N. Grattan, Ida Vashti Crago .. .. Auckland. Gray, Catherine .. .. .. Masterton. Harvey, Matilda Elizabeth .. .. Christohuroh. Hastings, Angela .. .. .. Dunedin. Hawkes, Eliza Anne .. .. .. Whangarei. Hook. Peroy John .. .. .. Auckland. Horrell. Elsie May .. .. .. Christchuroh. Howe, Edwin .. .. .. Auckland. Hughey, Annie .. .. .. Christchuroh. Hunger, Mary Ann .. .. .. Napier. Johnson, Joseph Benjamin .. .. Auckland. Jones-Parry, Robert .. .. .. Auckland. Kcanc. Jeremiah .. .. .. Wellington. King, Edmund Arthur .. .. Dannevirke. Kysli. Frederick William ~ .. Wellington. Labes, Albert August .. .. .. Dunedin. Ijcwis. Peroy Goldsmith .. .. Palmerston X. Littlejohn, Colin McGregor .. .. Dunedin. Look. Edward John .. .. .. Wellington. McCarthy. Anne Helena .. .. Dunedin. MeElwain, Olive Noel .. .. .. Auckland. Mackay, Duncan Henry .. .. Whangarei. McKay. Farquhar John .. .. Whangarei. Mi Kcn/.ie. Isabella Margaret .. .. Dunedin. McLean, Annie .lane .. .. .. Christohurch. MacLennan, Efiie Wilhelmina .. .. Auckland. McPhereon, Jeanie Chalmers .. .. Dannevirke. Macßae, Murdoch .. .. .. Auckland. Mahon, Eileen Agatha .. .. .. Auckland. Mann, Ida .. .. .. .. Christohurch, Matier, John .. .. .. .. Christehurch. Melody, William .John .. .. .. Wanganui. Menzies, Annie .lane .. .. .. Christchurcb. Menziee, Catherine .. .. .. Christchurch. Merrington, Alfred Richard .. .. Auckland. Metson, .lames . . . . . . Timarii. Minuis, Kathleen Liny ... .. Christ church. Monstedt, Martha Elizabeth .. .. Auckland. Morley, Sylvia Winifred .. .. Auckland. Oliver, Selina Rosa .. .. .. Masterton. Peterson, Lily .. .. .. Christohurch. IVrhatn, Ruth Estelle .. .. .. Christchurch. I'iiiliey. Ellen Gertrude .. .. Masterton. Proudlook, Margaret Ann .. .. Timaru. Rasmussen, Mary Catherine .. .. Westport. Roberts, William Parker .. .. Auokland. Robertson, Charles .. .. .. Wanganui. Robertson, Douglas Leslie .. .. Dunedin. Robertson, John Alexander .. .. Dunedin. Robinson, Elizabeth Alice .. .. Auckland. Roche, Jano .. .. .. .. Dunedin. Ryan, Beatrice Sarah .. .. .. Wellington. Sampson, Eileen Norafa .. .. Greymouth. Scheidt, EHsabetha .. .. .. Palmerston N. Schmidt. William Henry .. .. Auckland. Seyb, Elizabeth .. .. .. Christchurch. Sniilli. Coialie Flames .. .. Auckland. Smith. William Henry .. .. .. Auckland. Rproat, William Albert .. .. Dunedin. Stephens, Thomas .lames Osliornc .. Christchurch. Stephenson, Marianne Agnes .. .. Auckland. Stout. Thomas .. .. .. Christchurch. Strack. Conrad Harry Exoelsior .. Wanganui. Street, Samuel William .. .. Westport. Strong, Lavinia Jane .. .. .. Chriytchurch. Tavendale, Julia Spencer .. .. Wellington. Taylor, Helen Anne .. .. .. Napier. Thornton, Marion Gilchrist .. .. Wellington. Walker, Joseph William Atha .. .. Christehurch.



Tbachkhh' Ckrtikicate Examinations — continued.

Candidate. I'.xiiiiiination Centre. Warner, Helen Agnes .. .. .. Christohureh. Waterston, Janie St. Martin .. .. Christohuroh. Webb, Hilda Hay .. .. .. Wellington. White, Percy Henry .. .. .. Dunedin. W'ilkins. Thomas Jaquee Cuthberl .. Wellington. Williams. Verona Bell .. .. .. Christohuroh. Wilson, Amy Irene .. .. .. Christohuroh. Wood. Lily May .. .. .. Christ church. Wright, Kate Roberta .. .. .. Timaru. ? esberg, Sarah .. .. .. Timaru. Obtawbd " I'aktim, i'\ss" ros Class D. Anderson, Millioent Charlotte Margaret .. Auckland. Anderson, Nellie Winifred .. .. Christohuroh. Arohey, Gilbert Edward .. .. Chrietohuroh. Arnott. Lillian Florence .. .. Christchurch. Arthunon, Ettie Browne .. .. Dunedin. Asliliv. Milliccnt May .. .. .. Auckland. \stley. Cladvs Cioely Annie .. .. Auckland. Aylmer, Percy Francis .. .. Timaru. Badger, Holly Helen Hanson .. .. Auckland. Bagnall, Alice Mabel Qladye .. .. Auckland. Bannerman, Benrietta Sarah .. .. Timaru. Barber, Elizabeth Emily .. .. InveroargilL Bargh, Qraoe .. .. .. •.. Dannevirke. Barnett, John.. .. .. .. Wellington Barriball, [na Frances .. .. .. Auckland. Hath. Irene .. .. .. .. Dunedin. Bayfleld, Mary Gertrude DOyly .. Westport. Heck. Constance Ada .. .. .. Timaru. Beckett, Shirley (Mies) .. .. Timaru. Bennett, William James .. .. Timaru. Blackett, Florence Mary .. .. Auckland. Blue, Jessie .. .. .. .. Inveroargill. Blundell, Ernest Holmes .. .. Whangarei. Booth, Ada Kale Marie .. .. NYlson. Botting, Amy [sabella .. .. .. Dnnedin. Botting, Robert William Stanley .. Dunedin. Bradfield, Jessie .. .. .. Dunedin. Broadhurst, Christine Stella .. .. Christ church. Brooke. Una Margery .. .. .. Wellington. Brown, Donella .. .. .. Timaru. Brown, Edward .. .. .. Dunedin. Brown, Isabel .. .. .. Dannevirke. Banyan, [sabella Annie .. .. New Plymouth. Butler, Mary .. .. .. .. Dunedin. Cameron, Eric Gordon .. .. .. Timaru. Carter, Elsie .. .. .. .. Christchurch. Cavell, Marion Catherine .. .. Inveroargill. Church, George Paget .. .. .. Auckland. Clark. Dinah .. .. .. .. Auckland. Clarke, Ruby Alice .. .. .. Chrietohuroh. darkson, Margaret Bowes .. .. Christchurch Clcniiincc. Herbert John .. .. Wanganui. Clulee, Marion Henderson .. .. Dunedin. Collier, Henry Richard .. .. Whangarei. Coltmau. Archibald Russell .. .. Auckland. Congreve, olive Agnes .. .. .. Inveroargill. Cooper, llulicii James.. .. .. Auckland. Cooper, Until Eveline .. .. .. Oisborne. Corbett, Margarei Lindsay .. .. Dunedin. Cumberworth, Dorothy May .. .. New Plymouth. Currie, Hilda Hazel .. .. .. Duuedin. Day. Esther Marian .. .. .. Wanganni. Dempeey, Kthcl .. .. .. Greymouth. Duggan, Catherine Franoes .. .. Christchurch. Duncan. Phyllis .. .. .. Dunediu. Dyson. Ruth .. .. .. .. Christohuroh. Dale. Mary . . .. .. .. Duuedin. Eggelton, William Coster .. .. Invercargill. Kllis, Frances Emma .. .. .. Dunediu. Emms, Hilda .. .. .. .. Nelson. Fahcy. Helena Ruth .. .. .. Invercargill. Felton, Madeline .. .. .. <'hristchuich. Fergusson, Alethea .. .. .. Whangarei, Fieldhouse, Joseph Harold .. .. Masterton. Flaherty, Morgan Daniel .. .. Nelson. Fletcher, Thomas Alfred .. .. Christchurch. French, Olive Annie .. .. .. Christchurch. (iambic, Victor John .. .. .. Christehiireh. I Gannon, Julia Agnes .. .. .. Hokitika. Qasooigne, Laurel Louisa .. .. Palmerston N. i Qates, Emily Beatrice .. .. .. Christchurch. i Cavin. Doris Margaret Hay .. .. Wellington. Gaze, Frederick John .. .. .. Wanganui. (ia/.zard. Henry William Daniel .. Invercargill. Geaney, Anna.. .. .. .. Timaru. Gibb, Annie Helen .. .. .. Dannevirke. Gibbons, John Milo .. .. .. Wellington.

Candidate. Examination Centre Gibson, Elsie Edna .. .. .. New Plymouth. Gillanders, Anne .. .. .. Wellington. (iilinour, Kathleen .. .. .. Auckland. (ilanville. Ellen .. .. .. Masterton. Golden, Mary Catherine .. .. Wanganui. Grant, Christina Franklin .. .. Palmerston N. (ircy, Alan Stuart .. .. .. Auckland. Grono. Violet Alice Ruby .. .. Dunedin. Hall, Lily Edith .. .. .. Wellington. Hancox, George Gilbert .. .. Timaru. Hannah, Arthur .. .. .. Auckland. Hare, Emma Jessie .. .. .. Duuedin. Hargreaves, Alice Evelyn .. .. Westport. Harrison. Emily Violet Fay .. .. Dunedin. Hart, Ernest .. .. .. .. Whangarei. Hart, Nathalie .. .. .. Timaru. Hartstonge, Daniel .. .. .. Dunedin. Marty. Ruth .. .. .. .. Auckland. Hayes, Mary Charlotte .. .. Christohurch. Henderson. Margaret Elizabeth Alice .. Hokitika. Hewett, Olive Mary .. .. .. Christchurch. Hewlett. Theophilus Norria .. .. Nelson. Mickey. Stella. . .. .. .. New Plymouth. Hill. Mabel Solena .. .. .. Nelson.' Billiard, Josephine .. .. .. Blenheim. Hilliard. Kathleen .. .. .. Blenheim. Hoey, Reuben Leslie . . .. . . Auckland. Bogan, Catherine Bridget .. .. Greymouth. Hogg, Mary I'Vlicila Fran/.iska .. .. .Masterton. Bogwood, Alice Winifred .. .. Auckland. Bowarth, Oswald John .. . Whangarei. Bynes, Josephine .. .. .. Chrietohuroh. Iveraoh, [sabella Margaret .. .. Timaru. Jameson, Esther Doris .. .. Christohuroh. • leans. Sana Myth .. .. ... Duuedin. Jemison. Winifred .lane .. .. New Plymouth. Jermyn, James Alexander .. .. Blenheim. Jessep, Violet Evelyn .. .. .. Timaru. Kelly, Lucy .. .. .. .. Wanganui. Kerrisk, Ellen.. .. .. .. Wanganui. Kibblewbite, Bruce Melville .. .. Wellington. Ken , . Kate Frances .. .. .. Auckland. Kno\. Fliza .. .. .. .. Christchurch. Lange, Olive Beatrice .. .. .. Qisbome. Lawrence, Dorothy Smith .. .. Timaru. Leith, Maitland .lames .. . Inveroargill. Lindsay. Colin McKcnzic .. .. Inveroargill. Lloyd. Ada Celia .. .. .. Christchureh. Lockwood, Helena .. .. .. Christohuroh. Longdill, Kate Winnifred .. .. Auckland. Lynch, Mary Ellen .. .. .. Palmerston N. McCarthy. Adelaide .. .. .. Dunedin. Mac!'lure. Bertha Catherine .. .. New Plymouth. McDonald, Ivon Fraser .. .. Whangarei. Molntyre, John .. .. .. Timaru. Maokay, Christina May .. .. Westport. Mackay. Eric Victor .. .. .. Invercargill. Mi Kenzie. Frank Fzekiel .. .. Dannevirke. Mackintosh, Charlotte Elizabeth .. Christohuroh. McLean, Neil .. .. .. .. Auckland. McNaughton, Marian Elizabeth .. .. Auckland. McPherson, Jeanie Chalmers .. .. Dannevirke. Mediae, Alexander Peter .. .. Christohuroh. McSweeney, Honora .. .. .. Timaru. Mau'dl, Maggie Emma .. .. .. Wellington, Maider, Sophia Jane Jessie .. .. Inveroargill. Mallabarr, Sophia .. .. .. Wellington. Marshall. Caroline- Stuck .. .. Duuedin. Martin. William Arthur (iordon .. Invercargill. Hatheson, Dora Grant.. .. .. Duuedin. Matthews, Bertha Kate Gorton .. .. Auckland. Mam ice. Francis Dennison .. .. ('hristchuich. Miller. Mabel Isabel .. .. .. Dunedin. Milne, Christina Thomas .. .. Palmerston N. Minnie, Kathleen Lucy .. .. Christchureh. Moore. Daniel Victor .. .. .. Auckland. Morrison, Malcolm John .. .. Dunedin. Mullany, Teresa .. .. .. Uunedin. Nicholson, Margaret Mao Lean .. .. Thames. Nicoll, Jessie Jane .. .. .. Timaru. O'Brian, Agnes Cawthorn .. .. Blenheim. O'Connor, Irene Mary .. .. .. Wanganui. Ogg, James .. .. .. .. Westport. Oliver. Mabel Louisa .. .. .. Auckland. Palmer, Ruth Eveline .. .. .. Dannevirke. Patrick, James Erskine .. . . Wellington. Amy Beatrice Allen .. . Auckland. Phipps, Doris Douglas .. .. . Auckland. Pilchcr, Doris .. .. .. Auckland. Pratt, Edward .. .. .. Auckland.



Tkachkks' Certificate K\ ami nations — continued.

( ;iiHli<i;il'\ Examination ('outre. I'liilianl. Herbert Dugdale .. .. rnveroargill. Priest, Esther Elisabeth .. .. Palmerston N. Printxen, Doris Margarita .. .. Wellington. Pryde, Annie .. .. .. .. Inveroargill. Raikee, Alice- Olive .. .. •• Nelson. Rands, Hi'inv.. .. .. .. Christohuroh. Ray, Lydia Maud .. .. . • Wanganui. Reid, Mary Elisabeth .. .. .. New Plymouth. Reyling, Kathleen Ruby .. .. Wellington. Reynolds, Emma Ivy .. .. .. Auckland. Rogers, Etoaamu .. •• •• Greymouth Rope, Charles Manfred .. •■ Auokland. floes, Hilda .. .. .. ■ ■ Dannevirke. Rule, William Bramwell .. .. Wanganui. Sage, Constance Marion .. .. Christolraroh. Sadler, Nora .. .. .. .. Auckland. Salmond, Elizabeth Isabel .. . Invercargili. Sampson, Eileen Norah .. . Greymouth. Sceata, Ethel Florenoe Alice .. .. Auckland. Bchofleld, Ethel Catherine .. .. Auckland. Sohroeder, Peter .. .. • Invercargili. Soott, Mary .. .. •• ■ Wellington. Shepherd, Mildred Florence .. .. Palmenrton N. Simmons, Olive Lenore .. .. New Plymouth. Skelley, Barriette Mary .. .. Mesterton. Smerdon, Stanley Vivian .. .. Atickland. Smith, Constance Isabel .. .. Chrietohurch. Smith, Stella Irene .. .. .. Auckland. Spence, Jean Jamieson .. •■ Dunedin. Sproat, Olive Campbell .. .. [nveroargill Squire, Ethel Florenoe .. .. .. Timaru. Btalhrorthy, Rebeoca Ruby .. .. Palmerston N. Stephenaon, Marianne Agnes .. .. Auckland Steven*, Brenda Edith .. •• Auckland. Stretton, Ernest Claude .. .. Auckland. Sutclifle, William Charles .. •• Christchuroh. Svincs. Adelaide Laurel .. .. Neleon. Taylor, Susan Isabella .. .. .. Thames, Teffer, Violet Mildred .. .. ■■ Whangarei. Thompson, Ethel .. .. • • Dannevirke. Thompson, Laura Eleanor .. .. Wellington. Thompson, Linda Olive .. .. Napier. Thomson, Florenoe McLean .. ■• Wellingtoa Trainer, James Joseph .. .. Wellington. Traynor, Marion Olive .. .. •• Christchureh. Turley, Lilian Margaret .. .. Napier. Turner, Heal rice Emily . . .. Dunedin. Vauee, Harry .. .. .. ■■ Auokland. Waddell, David Bametl .. ■• Dunedin Wade, Robert Hunter .. .. •• Dunedin. Walker, David Augustus Stanley .. Dunedia Watt, Ella .. .. •• •• Wellington. Wetil.. Hannah Morgan .. .. Inveroargill Weir, Helen Loraine .. .. .. Dunedin. Wells. John Fltepatrick .. •• Blenheim. West. Amelia Marian .. .. .. Dunedin. West wood. .Millicent May .. .. Auckland. White, -lames .. .. .. Dunedin. Williamson, Ernest Alfred .. .. Christ church. Wilson,' Arthur Leslie Clayton .. ■• Palmereton N. Wilson, David George .. .. .. Christchurch. Wilson, Elizabeth . . ' .. •• Dunedin. Wilson, Marion .. .. •■ Dannevirke. Winning, Annie Thomson .. ■■ Invercargili. Wright, Mary Winifred .. •■ [nveroargill. Wvlie, Ellen Winifred .. .. .. Thames. HI. Passkd in l'i\ i; SUBJCCTS Ot rill. BXAMTWATIOH hh: Class ('. Mclntosh. Cordon .. .. • ■ Wellington. I'assi:i> i\ Four Si/Bjwn. Allan. Doris Napier .. .. • • Dunedin. Fawoett, Elizabeth Maud .. .. Thames. Kawcett. Jacob William .. .. Thames. Qibb, Annie Helen .. .. .. Danneviik. . Hart. Ernest .. •• •• ■ ■ Whangarei. Jackson, Patrick Montague .. .. Christohuroh MoDougall, Isabel .. .. •■ Dunedin. Rishworth, Jane Gladys Shier* .. .. Dunedin. Uo.kel. Ceoil Ferdinand .. •• Palmerston N. Wade, Robert Hunter .. .. •• Dunedin. Wikon, Marion .. •• ■• Dannevirke. Passkii in Thiu;k SuBJDCTS. Andrews, Elsie Euphemia .. .. New Plymouth. Archibald, Margaret Reid .. • • Auckland. Austin, Leslie Gordon .. .. •• Timaru.

Candidate. Kxiumuation Centre. Best, Isabel Winifred .. .. .. Christchureh. lilctmerhassett. Emily .. .. .. Wanganui. Blomquist, Henrietta Valeric .. .. Auckland. Hotting, Ethel (Catherine Miriam .. Dunedin. Bowie, Jane Milne .. .. .. Dunedin. Burden, Mary Witherden .. .. Napier. Burgess, Emily May .. .. .. Maeterton. Clemance, Herbert John .. .. Wanganui. Cookson, Walter George .. .. Christohuroh. Cornish, Lily Maude .. .. .. Dunedin. Crellin, Lillian Muriel .. .. .. Auckland. Crickett. Alholl Classlord .. .. Auckland. Edwards, Isabella .. .. .. Dunedin. Ellis, Leonard Richmond .. .. christchureh. Evans, Dafydd Pugh .. New Plymouth Fawcett, Horace .. .. .. Diincdiii. Klamauk. Oscar Davis .. .. .. Dunedin. Fraser. Christina Adelaide .. .. Blenheim. Qarrey, Phocl>e .. .. .. Dunedin. Gibson, Helen Frances .. .. New Ply? ith. Qoldsbury, Montague .. .. .. Wanganui, i loodall, Alexander .. .. .. Timaru, Harden, Cecil John .. .. .. Whangarei. Hardy, Florence France .. .. Auckland. Harris. Samuel .. .. .. Whangarei, llarty. Until . . .. .. . . Auckland. Hewlett, Edith Maude .. .. .. Nelson. Hoskin'j. George Frederic Charles .. Auckland. Humphreys. Georgina Florence .. .. Napier. Jory, Constance Maude .. .. Auokland. Kay, Florence Esther .. .. .. Pahnetston N. Lawry, Nora Ellen .. .. .. Auckland. Long, Edgar Robert .. .. .. Whangarei, Lord, George Henry .. .. .. Auokland. McAllister, Ruby Elizabeth .. .. Napier. McHaiu, Alexander .. .. .. New Plymouth. MoGill, Robena Leckie .. .. Christchureh. Moßae, Jaincs .. .. .. Napier. Maoßae, Rebecca Finlayson .. .. Napier. Mason, Frederick William .. .. Wanganui. Miller, Alexander Tweedale Anderson .. Whangarei. Miller. James McKorrow .. .. Dunedin. Moir, James .. .. .. .. Dunedin. Moroom, Annie Elizabeth .. .. Blenheim. Morgan, Alice Frances .. .. .. Chrietohurch. O'Connor, Maurice James .. .. Timaru. o'Donncll. Mary Evelyn .. .. Timaru. Oliver, Eleanor Amy Elizabeth .. .. Timaru. Pearoe, Elsie Minter .. .. .. Nelson. Pearson, Florenoe .. .. .. Chrietohurch. Pearson, Robert Steele .. .. Christdiurch. Powell, Ada Marion .. .. •• New Plymouth. Ralston, Mary .. .. .. Dunedin. Rennie, Jessie Glencaim .. .. Dunedin. Rogers. Mary Ha/.el .. .. .. Christehureh. Smith, Stella Irene . . .. . . Auckland. Snell, Edgar Frank .. .. .. Auckland. Sutherland. Margaret Alexandrine .. Napier. Thomas, Taliesin .. .. •• Wanganui. Toßswill, Ethne Earle .. .. .. Chrietohurch. Turner. Fanny May . . .. .. Nelson. Wilson, Robert .. .. • • Dunedin. Worboys, Joseph Harrison .. .. Dunedin. Passkii in Two Si' is. Anderson, Isabella Cameron .. .. Auckland. Anderson, Roy .. •■ •• Palmerston N. B 11, Alice Mabel Gladys .. .. Auckland. Hailev. Wenonah ..' .. .. Palmerston N. Barber, Qeorge .. .. .. Auckland. Hlaekett. Isabella Hume .. .. Auckland. Booock, James Henry .. .. .. New Plymouth. Bradstook, Leonard Ballard .. .. Wellington. Bremner, Viator Herbert I'l ias .. Dunedin. Brewer, Ella Marion .. .. ■■ Dannevirke. Brewer, Elsie Harriet Tudor .. .. Dannevirke. Brown, Jonathan .. • ■ •■ Dannevirke. Bull, Evelyn Franoes .. .. ■• Auckland. Burke, Mary Lena . . .. .. Dunedin. Caldwell, Florence Annie .. .. Auckland. Carrick. Hilda Marie .. .. .. Dunedin. Cowan. Robert .. .. •• Dunedin, Sarah Margaret .. .. .. Christchureh. Crawley. Janet Lucy .. ' .. .. Dunedin. Cushen, John Alfred .. .. •• Inveroargill. Deniirater, Norman Harrison .. .. Dunedin. Dromgool, Cecelia Rose .. .. Christchiuch. Edgerley, William Walter . . . . Auckland.



Teacheks' Certificate Examinations— continued.

('ancliclate. Examination Centre. Fathers, Harold Thomas Malcolm .. Wellington. Fordyce, Johanna Catherine .. .. Whangarei. (iarnham. Grace .. .. .. Blenheim. (iilinour, Kathleen .. .. .. Auckland. Gordon, Ja&e Young .. .. .. Wellington. Gorman, Annie .. .. .. Ghrutohnroh, Grant, John Buohanan .. .. Dnnedin. Grenfell, Alfred Fitchett .. .. Wellington. Griffithi, John Haldane .. .. Wellington. Grono, Violet AUoe Baby .. .. Dnnedin. Hall, Arthur Jama .. .. .. Auckland. Harkness. Jessie .. .. .. lnvercaruMl. Harper, Mary Maud .. .. .. Auckland. Hawke. John Peter .. .. .. Diimvlin. Jameson, Esther Doris .. .. Christohuroh. Jones, Thomai Rogers .. .. .. Aookland, Littcn. Alice Ivy .. .. .. Auckland. Lookwood, Mabel Fanny .. .. Chftatohuroh. Mil 'orkiudalc. Elizaheth Lillias .. .. Dunodin. MoFherson, Donald AHmi t .. .. Auckland. Makeig, Grace Helena .. .. .. Christohuroh. .\liii hell, m . .. .. .. Whang Molloy, John Joseph .. .. .. Auckland. Newton, William Henry .. .. Dunedin. o'Callaghan, Mary Kate .. .. C&ristohuroh. Parr, Cuthbert .. .. *.. Timani. Pelvin, Jessie .. .. .. Tiniaru. Piloher, Denis .. .. .. Auckland. Robertson, Thomas Gilbert .. .. Dnnedin. Rugsted, Lavrine Dorthea .. .. f'hristchnrch. Sheen. Lois Helena ■ .. .. .. Gisboroe. Siddells, Ethel Maud .. .. .. Wanganni. Sinclair, William Hamilton Clark .. Inveroargill. Skelley. Harriett* Mary .. .. Masterton. Button, James .. .. .. Auckland. Tasker, Kale Louise .. .. .. Wellington. Thompson, Kale Eliza .. .. Nelson. Webber, John Oswald .. .. .. New Plymouth. Westwood, Millicciii May .. .. Auckland, Whitelaw, Qeorge .. .. .. Christ church. Wood, Ernest Alexander .. .. Whangarei. Passkd in Oμ: BubJßi r Abel, William Pulton .. .. .. Dunedin. Adamaon, David .. .. .. Chrietchuroh. Allison. David Alexander Bnrnie .. Tbame . Baird, Samuel .. .. .. Christohuroh, Milieus, Kathl<'en .. .. .. Palmerston N. Bisset, Caroline Annie Beatrice .. .. Wellington. Bonnin, Fannie .. .. .. Dunedin. Botting, Robert William Stanley .. Dunedin. Brown, Martin Qeorge .. .. .. Auckland. Burns, William Qeorge .. .. Dunedin. Carter. Elsie .. .. .. .. Chrietchuroh. Carthew. Eveline Maud .. .. Auckland. Clarke. Ruby Alice .. .. .. Christohuroh. Collins. Charles Frederick .. .. Timam. Coo]>er, Hubert James .. .. . . Auckland. Davies. Edith Race .. .. .. Wellington. Duncan. Stuart . . . . . . Na|iier. rioranec. Robert Handley .. .. Christohuroh. Gates, Emily Beatrice .. .. .. Chrietchuroh. Gillespit, Dorothy Helen .. .. Christohuroh. •irein. Arthur Cray .. .. .. Nelson. Grigg, Stella .. .. .. .. Auckland. Hamerton, Annis Kliza. . .. .. New Plymouth. Harvey, George .. .. .. Dannevirke. Mewett. olive Mary .. .. .. Christchuroh. Higgins, Florence Josephine .. .. Wellington, Bonore, Abraham Thomas .. .. Wanganni. Jacobsen, Ethel Orace .. .. .. Auckland. Jamieson, Laura .. .. .. Palmerston N. Jones, Stanley Clifford .. .. Auckland. Kerr. Kate Kranccs .. .. .. Auckland. Kirby, Alban Michael .. .. .. Dunedin. Kitchen, Arthur Freeman .. .. Palmerston \. Lang, John James .. .. .. Dannevirke. James .. .. .. [ttveroargill. Lightbourne. Reuben Charles Derham .. Palmerston N. MoKeown, Emily Maria .. .. Napier. MacLeod. Margaret .. .. .. Dunedin. Magill, Maggie Emma .. .. ... Wellington. Morgan, Amy Bertha Brotherton .. Christohuroh. O'Brien. Florence .. .. .. New Plymouth. Patterson, Edward John Dillon .. .. Auckland. I'irrit. Barbara Maud .. .. .. Thames. Pollock-Smith. Annabella .. .. Christohuroh. Quigley, Herbert Sydney MoGowan .. Dannevirke.

. I Candidate. Examination Centre Redgrave. Katlierine Gertrude .. .. Auckland. Ritchie, Annie Murray .. .. Timaru. Rowntree. Ethel .. .. .. Wanganui. Ryder, Ahy Raymond .. .. .. Wanganui. Scot I. Annie .. .. .. .. Christ chinch. Slater, William Turner .. .. Dunedin. Smart, Elsie Gladys .. .. .. Napier. Smith. Ellen Catherine .. .. Timaru. Somerville, George Arthur .. .. Auckland. Soundy, Arthur Walden ... .. Wellington, Spraggon, Lilian Emma .. .. Dunedin. Strack. Qeorge Sainabury .. .. Wanganui. Streitiin.. Ernest Claude .. .. Auckland. ; Tayler. Mabel Violet .. .. .. Christchuroh. Thompson, Emma Elizabeth .. .. Chriatohurch. Waddell, Joseph Albert .. .. Dunedin. White, Eliza .. .. .. .. Dnnedin. IV.- SiKiTAt. Mention. I Allan. Doris Napier. Dunedin. Arithmetic and Algebra, ('lass ('. Bannerman, Henrietta Sarah. Timaru, Blackboard Drawing. Class 1). BlomquUt, Henrietta Valeric, Auckland. Arithmetic and Algebra, < 'hiss C. Brew. Frederick Chadwiok, Auckland, Physiology and the St I net lire of the Body, Class ('. Budd, Alice Mary, Dunedin, Ifethodt of Teaching. Class 1). Campbell, Fernly Charlwood, Palmerston North. Brushdrawing, Class D. Church. George Paget, Auckland, Practical Agriculture, Class I). Clemanoe, Herbert John. Wanganui. Blackboard Drawing, (lass 11. Dean, James, Auckland. Hygiene, Class C. Dungan, Emms Agues. Christ church. Vocal Music class D. Evans. Francis Thomas, Chrietchurch, Constitutional History, Clae C. Fathers. Harold Thomas Malcolm. Wellington, Arithmetic and Algebra, Chemistry, Geometry and Trigonometry, C'ass C. Eieldhoiisc. Joseph Harold, Masterton, Geometrical Drawing, Class D. Flaherty, Morgan Daniel, Nelson. Vocal Music, class D. Gates, Emily Beatrice. Chrietchurch, Vocal Music. Class I). Gibbons, John Milo, Wellington, French, class i>. Hall. Arthur James, Auckland. Physiology and the Structure of the Body. Class C. Harrison, Emily Violet Fay. Dunedin, Blackboard Drawing, Class l>. Hastings, Angela, Dunedin. English Language and Literature. Class C. Hoo|)cr, John Edward. Auckland. French, (lass C. Howarth, Oswald John, Whangarei, Arithmetic, class I). Le Callais. Owen, Auckland. Blackboard Drawing, class I). Leith. Maitland James. Inveroargill, Physical Measurements. Class I). Lewis. Percy Goldsmith, Palmerston North, Latin, Class C. Look. Edward John, Wellington. Agricultural chemistry. Class ('. McCarthy, Adelaide, Dunedin, Blackboard Drawing, Vocal Music. Class D. MoLeod, John, Timaru, Physiography, Class C. McMurtiie. Alexander Ferguson, Dunedin,General Agriculture, English Language and Literature, Latin, Class C. Malcolm, Thornton Qeorge, Christchuroh, Agricultural Chemistry, Class C. Meteon, James, Timaru, Arithmetic and Algebra, Tallin, Class C. Murray, Irene Jane. Dunedin, Logic, Class C. O'Connor, Irene Mary. Wanganui, Vocal Music. Class D. Oliver. Selina Rosa. Masterton, English Language and Literat lire. < 'lass ('. Park, .lean (lladys. llokitika. Geometrical Drawing, class D. Parr, Cuthbert, Timaru, Physical Measurements, daiss I). Phipps. Doris Douglas. Auckland. Brush-drawing, Class I). Quigley. Herbert Sydney McGowan, Dannevirke, Arithmetic, (lass I). Quilter, Margaret, Dunedin. French. Latin. Class ('. Raikes, Alice Olive. Nelson. Arithmetic-. Class l>. Reid. Mary Elizabeth, New Plymouth, English. Class D. Robertson. Douglas Leslie, Dunedin, Principles and History of Education. Class C. Roseveare, Ethel Anne, Dunedin, Blackboard Drawing, CUas D. Rnmbokl, William Alexander, West|«)rt, Physiography, Class C.



Teachers' Certificate Examinations— continued.

Sampson, Eileen Norah, Greymouth, Psychology and Ethics, Class C. Sherriff, Eliza Grant, Dunodin, Hygiene, Class C. Smith, Annie Fisher, Duuedin, Logic, Class C, Smith, Coraiie Frances. Auokland, Blackboard Drawing, Class 1). Smith, Florence Ethel, Christohuroh, Elementary Buinan Physiology, class I). Stewart, Charles Alexander, Dnnedin, Principlee ami History of Education, Class ('.

Taylor, Cuthbert Hargreaves, Wellington, General HistoryClass c. Thomas. Joseph Wilkins, New Plymouth, Agricultural Chemist rv. < 'lass ('. Thomas, rUohard Edwin, New Plymouth, Agricultural Chemistry, Class ( . Triinen. John Edward, Wanganui, Latin, class D. [Tttley, William Marslancl. Diimilin. Principlee and History uf Education, class ('. Wade, Robert Hunter. Dunedin, Heat and Ught, Class c. Wilson. Marion, Danncvirkc. Brush-drawing, class D.

Approximate Coat nf Pagprr, —Fntparattftn, not uiven; printing copies), BSD 10s

ISy Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington. 1909.

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Bibliographic details

EDUCATION: ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS. [In continuation of E.-1a, 1908.], Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1909 Session II, E-08

Word Count

EDUCATION: ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS. [In continuation of E.-1a, 1908.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1909 Session II, E-08

EDUCATION: ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS. [In continuation of E.-1a, 1908.] Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1909 Session II, E-08

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