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Mr. Speaker,— The period which has elapsed since the last Public Works Statement was delivered has been quite an important one in the history of the Public Works Department. After filling the position of Minister of Public Works with conspicuous ability for over twelve years —nearly twice as long as any other Minister has filled it—the Hon. Mr. Hall-Jones finally relinquished the office and was appointed to the High Commissionership on the 30th November, 1908.. He sailed for London on the 3rd December, and I had the honour of succeeding him. During the year, the operations of which I have now to review, the Department of Eoads has been amalgamated with the parent Department, so that the Public Works Department now controls practically the whole of the publicworks expenditure of the Dominion. The length of new railways opened for traffic was greater than during any similar period for thirty years past; and the gross total expenditure on public works was also greater than in any year for more than a quarter of a century; while the amount spent on road-construction constituted a record. It will therefore be evident to honourable members that the Department has experienced a particularly busy year, and my task this evening is to give as concise an account as possible of the work that has been accomplished, and also of the proposals of the Government for the current year. TOTAL EXPENDITUBE. The total expenditure on all works and services borne upon the public-works estimates amounted to no less than €2,445,324, or, if we exclude special accounts having their own ways and means and take into consideration only actual charges against the Public Works Fund, the total amounted to £2,169,278, which is the largest expenditure on such works for many years past. The following table shows, as regards each class of work, (a) the total expenditure from the inauguration of the public-works policy to the 31st December, 1890; (b) the similar expenditure between the Ist January, 1891, and

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WAYS AND MEANS. At the 31st March, 1908, the available balance of ways and means for public-works purposes was ... ... ... ... £152,563 and further funds were received as under :— Balance of £1,000,000 raised under the Loan Act of 1907 ... 191,800 Amount raised under the similar Act of 1908 ... ... 1,200,000 Amount received under the Post and Telegraph Act, 1908 ... 200,000 Premiums received on sales and renewals of debentures ... 4,704 Provision for debentures maturing ... ... ... 7,590 Transferred from revenue ... ... ... ... 800,000 Miscellaneous receipts ... ... ... ... 1,610 Making a gross total of ... ... ... £2,558,267 The ordinary expenditure of the year amounted to £2,169,278, and charges and expenses in connection with financing amounted to £5,280, thus bringing the total disbursements up to .£2,174,558, leaving a credit balance at the end of the year of £383,709. For the current year it is proposed to provide additional funds as under: — £ Balance of 1908 loan ... ... ... ... 50,000 New loan of 1909 ... ... ... ... ... 2,250,000 This, with the balance brought forward, will give a total of £2,683,709. The estimated expenditure for public works for the current year (excluding separate accounts having their own ways and means) amounts to £2,190,624, thus leaving a balance of £493,085 to be carried forward to next year.


the 31st March, 1909; (c) the gross total expenditure to the 31st March, 1909; and (d) the expenditure for the late financial year :—

Expenditure. Class of Work. A Total to 31st December, 1890. b ' c 1st January, Total to 1891, to 31st 31st March, March, 1909. 1909. D Year ended 31st March, 1909. Eailways— New construction (including extension from State Colliery, near Greymouth) Additions to open lines Eoads Public buildings Immigration Purchase of Native lands Lighthouses, harbour-works, and harbour defences Tourist and health resorts Telegraph-extension ... Development of goldfields Defence-works (general) Departmental Payment to Midland Eailway bondholders Lands improvement ... Minor works and services Cost and discount, raising loans, &c. £ 11,975,098 2,092,002 3,575,804 1,776,003 2,144,386 1,191,137 880,095 £ 7,004,866 5,803,312 4,755,212 2,314,115 57,402 846,710 163,642 £ 18,979,964 7,895,314* 8,331,016 4,090,118 2,201,788 2,037,847 1,043,737 £ 751,496 l,545,023t 469,548 285,521 15,077 2,099 19,217 600,849 561,101 429,720 349,789 182,853 1,041,920 258,415 469,214 243,108 150,000 44,117 20,266 214,745 182,853 1,642,769 819,516 898,934 592,897 150,000 44,117 320,955 1,236,217 24,286 163,033 32,859 10,766 24,512 300,689 1,021,472 19,542 27 575 Totals ... 26,898,145 23,569,897 50,468,042 3,363,581 * Expenditure in connection with new Hutt Railway purchase, and excluding expenditure on load (£38,775) not included. iew Hutt Road. f Including Welli: igton-Manawatu


BAILWAY-CONSTBUCTION. As I have already mentioned, the length of new railway opened for traffic during the year was greater than during any similar period for thirty years past. This was principally due to the completion of the North Island Main Trunk Kailway, which was handed over to the Railway Department for regular working on 15th February last. The total expenditure on railway-works last year amounted to £1,349,110, which was £69,301 in excess of the previous year's total. The particulars are as under:— Construction of new lines— £ Public Works Fund ... ... ... ... 713,121 Waikaka Branch Bail way Account ... ... ... 13,391 State Coal-mines Account ... ... ... ... 24,984 Additions to open lines ... ... ... ... 389,672 Hutt Eailway and Boad Improvement Account ... ... 66,408 Bailways Improvements Authorisation Act Account ... ... 141,534 Total ... ... ... ... ... £1,349,110 I will now refer more in detail to the several railways that have been in hand, and the proposals of the Government in regard to each for the current year. Kawakawa-Grahamtown. The work of closing up the gap between Kawakawa at the north and Hukerenui at the south end has been vigorously proceeded with throughout the year. The whole of the formation that is not already finished is well in hand and nearing completion. The laying of the rails at the south end has been extended to about a mile beyond Towai, and rail-laying has now been resumed at the north end, and is steadily working southwards. A connection between the north and south ends of the line should be effected before next winter. Some further work has also been done on the extension from Whangarei to Grahamtown, and a contract has been entered into for the construction of the deep-water wharf at the latter place. The date fixed for the completion of this contract is 25th February, 1911. The expenditure last year amounted to £32,616, and for the current year a vote of £40,000 is proposed. Kawakawa-Kaikohe . A short branch line has already been constructed from the KawakawaGrahamtown Kailway at Scoria Flat to a good scoria deposit in the vicinity, which has been, and still is, used as a ballast-pit. Owing to a strong demand for an extension of the railway towards Hokianga, a flying survey has been undertaken from the end of this ballast - pit line to Kaikohe and Hokianga Harbour. A railway along this route, in addition to opening up much fertile country in the Hokianga district, would also afford a valuable connection between the Kawakawa-Grahamtown Kailway and the North Auckland trunk line when the latter is extended as far as this. The immediate construction of the line between Scoria Flat and Kaikohe is fully justified, as not only would the railway itself be a profitable undertaking, but it would also cheapen and expedite the construction of the North Auckland Railway. It is therefore proposed to provide for the construction of this railway in the Railways Authorisation Bill of the present session, and a vote of £2,500 to make a commencement with the work is provided on the estimates. North Auckland. This railway has in previous years been referred to as the Helensville Northwards line. While that title was quite suitable when an extension of only a few miles northwards of Helensville was contemplated, it is scarcely the most appropriate designation to apply to the line, which is now intended to traverse the whole of the North Auckland Peninsula—hence the new title.



A large amount of work was accomplished during the year, but less, doubtless, than would have been the case had there been no question as to the route to be followed by the line. A large number of petitions were presented to Parliament last session praying for a westerly deviation of the railway, and the Public Petitions Committee recommended that exhaustive surveys of the rival routes should be made. In pursuance of this recommendation further surveys have been undertaken, and in February last I made a personal examination of the ground, in company with the Bngineer-in-Chief of the Department, the members for the three adjoining electorates, as well as the member for Manukau and one of the members for Auckland City, and a number of other gentlemen locally interested. As a result of my inspection, and of careful inquiries into the matter made both locally and after my return to Wellington, I came to the conclusion that the demand for a more westerly route was well grounded. The question was subsequently carefully considered in Cabinet, when it was decided that a more westerly route, as far as McCarroll's Gap, should be adopted. A detailed survey of a considerable portion of this route has since been completed ; the balance is in hand, and con-struction-work on the deviation has already been commenced. It will now be possible to employ a larger number of men, so that better progress will be made in the future than has been the case during the last two or three months. The making of this deviation will render it necessary to obtain a reauthorisation of the line from near Maungaturoto to McCarroll's, and provision for this will be made in the Railways Authorisation Bill. As regards the extension of the line northwards from McCarroll's, it is proposed to appoint a Royal Commission to sit during the recess to take evidence as to the best route to be adopted, and the report of the Commission will be laid before Parliament next session. The section between Wayby and Wellsford, which was approaching completion when last year's Statement was delivered, has since been finished, and was handed over to the Railway Department on the Ist April last. The line between Wellsford and Kaiwaka is well forward, the rails having already been laid and goods traffic undertaken as far as Te Hana, and the formation to Kaiwaka is in an advanced condition. Good progress has also been made with the extension of the survey northwards. The expenditure on this railway last year amounted to £50,983, which was nearly double that of the previous year. For the current year a vote of £80,000 is proposed. East Coast Main Trunk. The trial survey for a railway between Waihi and Tauranga, which was in hand last year, has since been completed. The survey was also carried on as far as Matata. The Government is strongly impressed with the necessity for a trunk railway through the important Bay of Plenty district, and that will eventually connect Auckland with Gisborne and the whole of the East Coast settlements, and considers that the time has now arrived to make a commencement with the work. It is, therefore, proposed to 'include the section of the line between Tauranga and Te Puke in the Schedule to the Railways Authorisation Bill of the current year. If the Bill is duly passed by Parliament, arrangements will be made to commence construction-works as soon as possible after the termination of the session. At the Gisborne end of this line the bridge over the Waikohu River was completed, and the line extended from the temporary stopping-place on the south side of the river to the permanent station on the north side on Ist April last. A very large amount of formation-work has been done beyond Waikohu, wKich is the heaviest section of the line between Gisborne and Motu, and includes the Waihuka tunnel. The rails have also been laid for three or four miles, and ballasting is in hand. Plans for the steel viaduct at Otoko have been prepared, and tenders for its construction will shortly be invited.



Last year's expenditure amounted to £40,601, which is the largest sum spent on the line in any one year since its construction was commenced. Having in view the importance and urgency of the railway, and the proposal to commence the new section between Tauranga and Te Puke, it will be necessary to expend a still larger sum during the current year, and a vote of £80,000 is therefore asked for. Stratford-Main Trunk. Work has been vigorously proceeded with throughout the year at the Stratford end of this railway, and the section between Huiroa and Te Wera is now approaching completion. The construction of the Pohokura section is also well in hand, the first four miles being almost finished, and the whole section will probably be completed in eight or nine months. Work on the Whangamomona section has also been commenced. This railway now taps the main arterial road of the district, and will consequently be of very great benefit to the settlers. The expenditure last year amounted to no less than £43,071, which is the largest amount spent on the- line in any year since the work was started. A much larger expenditure is anticipated during the present year, however, and a vote of £60,000 is proposed for the work. Mount Egmont Branch. Mention was made in last year's Statement of the first section of this railway, including the crushing-station at Manganui, having been completed and handed over to the Railway Department. It was also stated that it was proposed to extend the railway to the site of a permanent quarry on the slopes of Mount Egmont, at the head of the Waingongoro River. Further exploration and survey has, however, shown that this quarry would probably not turn out so satisfactorily as one to be obtained at the head of the Manganui River, although to approach the latter an incline-tram way will be needed. The necessary surveys are in hand, and as soon as they are completed the work of construction will be proceeded with, as the stone-crushing plant cannot be worked to the best advantage until a permanent supply of solid stone has been opened up. Only a comparatively small expenditure was incurred last year —viz., £2,738. A vote of £5,000 is provided for the current year. - North Island Main Trunk. When my predecessor delivered his Statement last year, a train had been run between Wellington and Auckland and back —namely, on the occasion of the visit of the American Fleet. This was quite a " special" train, however, and special arrangements had to be made in order to get it through, as a portion of the line had only very recently been laid and many miles of it were entirely unballasted. Since that date the line has been completed and handed over to the Working Railways Department, and regular through trains have been run since the 15th February last. The vote of £225,000 taken on last year's Appropriations proved to be in excess of requirements. Only £140,833 came to charge during the year, but as a number of liabilities remained on 31st March last, a vote of £20,000 is provided on the present estimates to cover same. Blenheim- Waipara. At the northern end, the section between Seddon and Blind River has been completed, and goods traffic is being carried over it by the Public Works Department for the convenience of settlers. The further section to Ward, which is as far as the railway is authorised at present, is also approaching completion. To enable the construction of this line to be continued it will be necessary to obtain authority to-take another section in hand, and provision will accordingly be made in the Railways Authorisation Bill for a further length of three miles and a quarter.



At the south end the formation has been completed to Mina Station, near Mackenzie Township, which is as far as the line is authorised at present, and rail-laying has been started. A. contract has also been let for the important combined road and railway bridge over the Waiau River. This bridge will be 2,312 ft. in length, and is to be completed by 19th November next. The contract sum is £20,467- It is desirable that the extension of this line, at any rate as far as the bridge, and to a convenient station-site beyond it, should be authorised, and provision for this will be made in the Railways Authorisation Bill. The expenditure on the whole railway last year amounted to £36,761, and for the current year a vote of £45,000 is proposed. Midland. At the Nelson end of this railway the section between Tadmor and Kiwi, which was nearly finished when last year's Statement was delivered, has since been completed and handed over to the Railway Department, and, the section between Kiwi and Tui is now approaching completion, the rails being laid as far as the north end of the Tui station-yard. The'further section between Tui and Hope Junction authorised last year has been taken in hand and satisfactory progress made with it. lam in hopes that this section will be complete and ready for traffic about the end of the summer of 1911, at which date it is probable that the Reefton-Inangahua Railway will be completed to Inangahua Junction, thus reducing the coach journey between Nelson and the West Coast to about fifty-two miles, and enabling the through journey between Nelson and Greymouth to be accomplished in one day. At the Reefton end of the line good progress has been made with the section between Cronadun and the Inangahua Landing. The larger bridges are finished, the earthworks are nearing completion, and rail-laying will be resumed shortly. The short section between the Landing and the Inangahua Junction will be taken in hand without delay, and every effort made to have the railway completed to that point by about February, 1911. On tbe Canterbury-Westland Section of the railway very important works are in hand, and considerable progress has been made during the year. The chief work, of course, is the summit tunnel at Arthur's Pass, for which a contract was let to Messrs. John McLean and Sons, in August, 1907. Considerable progress has been made with this work, the " heading " having now been excavated for a total distance of about a mile. Enlarging to full size is also in hand, and the concrete lining is following up. It is evident, however, that progress in the future must be much greater than hitherto if the contract is to be completed by the date stipulated—namely, Ist August, 1912. At the Canterbury end of the line, Mr. Fraser's contract for the steel viaduct over Sloven's Creek has been completed, and rail-laying resumed. The formation being practically finished as far as the Cass, there will be nothing to prevent the rails'being laid to that point without interruption. As soon as the line to the Cass is ready for traffic it will be handed over to the Railway Department for regular working, thus shortening the coach journey between the east and west coasts to about twenty-five miles, and making the performance of the through journey in one day quite an easy matter, even during the winter months. The expenditure on the whole railway last year amounted to £124,402, and for the current year a vote of £170,000 is asked for, made up as under: — £ Nelson-Inangahua Section .... .... .... 25,000 Reefton-Inangahua Section .... 15,000 Otira Station to Tunnel Section .... .... 5,000 Arthur's Pass Tunnel Section .... .... 65,000 Broken River to Bealey Section .... .... 60,000 Total .... .... .... £170,000 I



Westport-Inangahua. The section of this railway between Westport and Kuha, 5 miles 60 chains in length, is nearly finished. It would have been completed earlier but for the delay which took place in the completion of the contract for the erection of the bridges. The felling of the bush on the second section, which is almost entirely in the Buller Gorge, is nearly finished, and formation work commenced. The work is of such a character, however, that it can be carried out more advantageously in small contracts than under the co-operative system, and it is consequently proposed to shortly invite tenders for its construction in short sections. Last year's expenditure totalled £8,567, but a vote of £20,000 is proposed for the current year. Ngahere-Blackball . A considerable amount of work has been done on this railway during the year, and the line is now approaching completion. An extensive coal traffic is already being carried by the Public Works Department for the convenience of the Blackball and Paparoa Coal Companies. This traffic considerably impedes the completion of the line, but the work is expected to be finished and handed over to the Railway Department early in the new year. The expenditure during last year amounted to £33,804. For the current year a vote of £30,000 is proposed, which will provide for the completion of all remaining work. Greymouth - Point Elizabeth. Formation work on the extension of this railway to the proposed No. 2 State Colliery has been actively in hand during the year. The line is a comparatively short one —three miles and a half—but the works upon it are of a heavy character. Moreover, as a large coal traffic is anticipated, it is necessary to provide extensive terminal facilities at the collieries, including a site for a very large bin and large sorting and standing sidings. The expenditure on this railway last year (£24,984) was charged to the State Coal-mines Account, but it is considered inadvisable to allow the amount to remain at the debit of that account, and it is therefore proposed to provide in this year's Appropriation Bill for the transfer of last year's expenditure from the State Coal-mines Account to the Public Works Fund, and also to make special provision for the estimated expenditure of the current year, which will probably amount to nearly £50,000. Hokitika-Ross. The final section of this railway was opened for traffic on the Ist April last. The expenditure during the year amounted to £14,298. Sundry minor finishing works remained to be executed after the line w 7 as handed over, however, and a vote of £4,000 appears on the estimates to cover these. Lawrence-Roxburgh. The construction of this line between Lawrence and the Big Hill Tunnel has been proceeded with during the year. The formation is practically finished, and the rails are laid for the greater part of the distance, and ballasting is in progress. It is proposed to complete the section to Big Hill, and to open it for traffic as soon as it is ready. The question of carrying the work on beyond that point, however, is one that requires careful consideration. The Government is at present unable to see its way to take any further steps in the matter unless an adequate guarantee is forthcoming that reasonable interest on the capital invested will be returned. Last year's expenditure on the railway amounted to £14,076, and for the current year a vote of £12,500 is provided.



Gore-Waikaka. This line was handed over to the Railway Department on 26th November, 1908, or a little earlier than anticipated in last year's Statement. It was not quite finished at that date, but the various unfinished works have been completed since. Last year's expenditure amounted to £29,549 —namely, £16,158 from the vote for railway-construction, and £13,391 from the special account established under " The Waikaka Branch Railway Act, 1905." For the current year a small vote of £3,000 will be necessary to meet expenditure already incurred. C atlin ' s-Waimahaka. The section of this line between Catlin's River and Houipapa was available for goods traffic when last year's Statement was brought down. It has since been entirely completed, and the Public Works stone-crushing and ballasting plant removed further on. The section was handed over to the Railway Department for regular working in the early part of the present month. The earthwork on the Papatupu section is practically completed, and platelaying and ballasting well in hand. A great deal of work has also been done on the Table Hill section, but, being of a heavy character, it will still be some little time before it is finished. At the Waimahaka end of the line a large amount of work has been done. The number of men has been considerably increased. The authorisation of the line at this end is about a mile and a half short of the terminus at present proposed, and provision for the necessary amendment in the Act to authorise the remaining distance is made in this year's Railways Authorisation Bill. The same Bill will also provide for an extension at the Catlin's end of the line—namely, to the confluence of the McLennan and Tahakopa Rivers. The expenditure on the whole railway during the last financial year was £35,091, and for the current year an appropriation of £80,000 is asked for. RIVERSD ALE-SWITZERS. Excellent work was done on this railway during the year. When last year's Statement w T as delivered only two miles of rails had been laid, and about eight miles of formation was in an advanced condition. The whole line'—fourteen miles in length—has since been completed, and was handed over to the Railway Department for regular traffic on the Ist October last. The expenditure during the year amounted to £20,478, and a vote for £20,000 will be necessary this year in order to clear accounts. Orepuki-Waiau. On this line also very good work was done last year, the railway having been completed and the line opened for traffic on Ist October last. The expenditure during the year amounted to £15,846, and a vote for £15,000 is provided on the estimates to cover the expenditure of the current year. Surveys. A very considerable list of proposed surveys was mentioned by my predecessor in his last Public Works Statement —sufficient, it seems to me, to keep the officers likely to be available from the departmental staff busily employed for years to come. Much important survey-work was done during the past year, however, principally on the North Auckland, East Coast Main Trunk, Paeroa-Pokeno, Blenheim-Waipara, and Catlins-Waimahaka Railways. The other lines mentioned in Hon. Mr. Hall-Jones's list will receive attention as soon as opportunity offers. Last year's expenditure on surveys of new lines amounted to £5,462, and for the current year a vote of £2,000 is asked for.



Total Appropriations for Railway-construction. In addition to the amounts already mentioned, a vote of £100,000 is proposed for permanent-way materials, and £1,000 for old land claims and other old contingent payments on construction account. These items bring the total proposed vote for railway-construction purposes up to £790,000. Other Railway-works. The sum of £260,731 was spent in providing rolling-stock and workshops machinery for the working railways, and £128,941 on additions to stationaccommodation, wharves, signalling-appliances, interlocking, tablet working, telegraphs, and telephones, making the total expenditure under the heading of " Additions to Open Lines " £389,672. The Wellington-Hutt duplication has been completed and brought into use between Kaiwarra and the Hutt. Portions of the new main road for vehicular traffic are in daily use, and the construction of the other portions is being pushed on. The double line between Addmgton and Rolleston will shortly be ready for traffic. The double line between Newmarket and Penrose has been opened for traffic, and a large amount of construction-work has been carried out in connection with the Dunedin-Mosgiel duplication. On the Auckland side of the Parnell Tunnel one portion of the two-track railway-bridge has been brought into use, and work on the other is in hand. The expenditure during the last. financial year on the works referred to was £207,942, made up as follows: — £ Wellington-Hutt duplication works .... .... 53,951 New Hutt Road, including land for same 12,457 Auckland-Penrose duplication works .... .... 31,005 Addington-Rolleston duplication works.... .... 37,510 Dunedin-Mosgiel duplication, and deviation of line 73,019 £207,942 For the current year provision has been made on the estimates to the extent of £180,602, namely :— £ Auckland-Penrose duplication.... .... .... 5,000 Wellington-Hutt duplication .... .... .... 74,602 Addington-Rolleston duplication .... .... 11,000 Dunedin-Mosgiel duplication .... .... 90,000 £180,602 The amount proposed to be voted for the current year for " Additions to Open Lines" is £350,000, of which £250,000 is for new rolling-stock and additional workshops machinery. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. The total expenditure on public buildings during the last financial year amounted to £350,615 —namely, £65,230 under the Consolidated Fund and £285,385 under the Public Works Fund. These amounts, as regards both funds, are in excess of the previous year's figures. For the current year votes totalling to £60,145 under the Consolidated Fund and £306,930 under the Public Works Fund are proposed. General. The principal buildings included in this class are the Government Houses, the Parliament Buildings, and the general departmental offices throughout the Dominion. Last year's expenditure amounted to £44,671, and for the current year a vote of £45,000 is proposed. The principal item in last year's expenditure was the cost of acquiring a site for the proposed new departmental buildings in Christchurch, the next largest' item being the completion of the extensive additions to the departmental buildings at Auckland. Other important works were the new departmental buildings at Te Kuiti and Hokitika, and the

ii—D. 1.



alterations and additions at the old Parliament Buildings. The principal works provided for in the current year's estimates are the new Government House and the new Legislative Council Chamber; the completion of the additions to the departmental buildings at Auckland ; some necessary additions to the Government Printing Office ; new departmental buildings at Hamilton, New Plymouth, Masterton, Westport, Greymouth, Christchurch, and Invercargill ; the reclamation of the sites for the Post and Telegraph, Marine, Public Works, and Agricultural Departments' stores in Wellington ; the provision of fire-alarms at the principal Government buildings in the four chief centres; and for making a commencement with the new Dominion Museum. Judicial. Courthouses. —Tne expenditure on Courthouses last year amounted to £14,47:-i, being a considerable increase on the previous year's total. The principal items were in respect of the new buildings at Cambridge, Raglan, Kawhia, Te Kuiti, Waitara, Eltham, Feilding, Lower Hutt, and Otautau; acquiring a new site at Petone, and extensive additions at Whangarei, Palmerston North, Wellington, and Christchurch. For the current year provision is made for new Courthouses at Auckland, Taumarunui, Opotiki, Waipiro Bay, Waverley, Masterton, Petone, Ross, Cheviot, and Fairlie; for additions at Gisborne and New Plymouth, and for the completion of some other works commenced last year. Gaols. —The principal expenditure under this head was in connection with the new prisons at Auckland and Invercargill, but lesser amounts were expended on improvement-works at Gisborne, New Plymouth, and Wanganui. The current year's estimates provide for continuing the work at Auckland and Invercargill ; for a new gaol at Gisborne ; for extensive additions at Wellington; and for improvements at Lyttelton and Dunedin. Police-stations. —A large number of works under this head were in hand last year, the principal being new stations at Kaitaia, Newmarket, Morrinsville, Raglan, Carterton, Petone, Wellington (Newtown), Richmond, Granity, Dunollie, Cheviot, Kaiapoi, Addington, Waimate, Ranfurly, and Clinton; and additions at Whangarei, Auckland, Hastings, and Sheffield. The vote proposed for the current year provides for new stations at Kaikohe, Auckland (Eden Terrace), Parnell, New Plymouth, Shannon, Pongaroa, Masterton, Motueka, Takaka, Blackball, Sydenham, Lincoln, Rakaia, and Chatham Islands; for the purchase of properties at Ellerslie, Frankton, Wakefield, New Brighton, and Woolston ; for new quarters at Hamilton, Rangiora, and Christchurch ; and for additions at Thames, Rotorua, Wellington (Manners Street), and Greymouth. Post and Telegraph. Extensive building works were in hand last year for the Post and Telegraph Department, the total expenditure having amounted to £62,263. The principal items were as under:—New offices at Whangarei, Matakohe, Kaipara Flats, Birkenhead, Devonport, Auckland (Upper Symonds Street), Howick, Newmarket, Clevedon, Cambridge, Port Awanui, Toko, Aramoho, Taihape, Utiku, Kimbolton, Apiti, Weraroa, Featherston, Upper Hutt, Wellington (Courtenay Place), Burnett's Face, Blackball, Greymouth, Kekerangu, Woolston, Geraldine, and Fairlie ; purchase of new properties at Kingsland, Kaikoura, and Christchurch (Tuam Street); additions at Waihi, Rotorua, Tologa Bay, Manakau, Eketahuna, Wellington (Telephone Exchange), Blenheim, Christchurch, Dunedin, North Dunedin, and Invercargill; also a wharf for the cable-repairing steamer, Auckland. The proposed appropriation for the current year provides for new offices at Kaitaia, Kaeo, Maungaturoto, Warkworth, Helensville, Auckland (new Chief Post Office), Mount Eden, Auckland (Wellesley Street), Mount Roskill, Mount Albert, Ellerslie, Epsom, Pukekohe, Huntly, Frankton, Otorohanga, Te Kuiti, Morrinsville, Kirikiriroa, iNgaruawahia, Taumarunui, Matata, Taneatua, Patutahi, Hangaroa, Nuhaka, Wairoa, Greenmeadows, Hastings, Onga Onga, Rahotu,



Manaia, Ohakune, Bull's, Foxton, Shannon, Wellington (General Post Office), Te Aro, Kilbirnie, Richmond, Wakefield, Westport, Granity, Murchison, Wallsend, Waiau, Culverden, Christchurch (Ferry Road), Sydenham, Addington, Little River, Rakaia, Waimate, Alexandra South, Bannockburn, Dunedin (Moray Place), St. Kilda, Green Island, St. Bathan's, Kaitangata, Balfour. Wyndham, and Riverton; for new quarters at Whitianga, Waipiro Bay, and Ophir; for the purchase of new properties at Taradale, Takapau, Okato, Karori, Upper Riccarton, and Owaka; for additions at Te Puke, Napier, New Plymouth, Stratford, Ashhurst, Levin, Alfredton, Wellington (alterations to Drill-shed), Wakapuaka, Pembroke, Balclutha, and Bluff. Two of the new offices— namely, the new Chief Post Office at Auckland and the new General Post Office at Wellington—are of such impoitance as to deserve special mention. Both buildings will be built largely of granite and strengthened with heavy steel framing, and will be as nearly as possible fire-proof. The contractors for the Auckland office are Messrs. J. and W. Jamieson (Limited), the contract-price being £95,551, and the date fixed for the completion of the work is 25th November, 1911. The contractors for the General Post Office in Wellington are Messrs. J. and A. Wilson (Limited), the contract-price being £96,923, and the work is to be finished by 27th October, 1911. In the case of the General Post Office the contract-price will not represent the full cost of the structure, as the Department had undertaken the necessary excavations and built the foundations (at a total cost of about £6,000) before the contract was entered into. Mental Hospitals. The expenditure on mental hospitals during the year has been £15,296. At Auckland a new residence has been erected for the Medical Superintendent and the rooms formerly occupied by him are being altered for the accommodation of patients. Laundry machinery has also been provided. At Christchurch a general bath-room has been constructed, an artesian well sunk, the auxiliary building connected with the main sewer, and various other improvements carried out. An addition to the female side at Seacliff has been completed, and additions to the male side are nearly finished. At Nelson the Toi Toi Valley School has been removed and re-erected on the Mental Hospital grounds to provide accommodation for fifty-three patients, at a moderate cost, and additional land has been purchased for farming purposes. A cottage for the Farm Manager and a storage-shed in the orchard have been erected at Porirua, additions have been made to the fire-alarm and telephone services, and various improvements and alterations completed. The proposed vote of £25,000 for the current year provides for the erection of the Wolfe Bequest Reception Hospital at Auckland, also accommodation for phthisical and special cases, a new boiler for general purposes, and erection of laundry machinery ; for an additional wing for females, and for an extension of the auxiliary building for males, at Porirua; for a reception-house, and for a boiler-house, boiler, and brick chimney-shaft, at Christchurch; for an extension of the laundry, and alterations and additions to the upper building block, also various other alterations and improvements, at Seacliff; for additions to the auxiliary building at Waitati; and for the purchase of land as a site for a central mental hospital. - Provision is also made for the erection of rooms in connection with the general hospitals, in which mental patients may be examined instead of at the police-stations. Schools. The expenditure on school buildings for the year out of the Public Works Fund was £102,340. The greater part of this amount was paid to Education Boards and other governing bodies for the erection of new buildings and additions to public schools and teachers' residences, training colleges, technical and secondary schools, and University colleges. A grant-in-aid (£2,000) was made to the Jubilee Institute for the Blind, Auckland, and buildings and land at Otekaike, North Otago, were purchased at a cost of over £8,000 for the purposes of a school for mentally defective boys. The following were the



principal works carried out directly under the control of the Government: Additional buildings for the Boys' and Girls' Reformatories at Burnham and Burwood (Te Oranga Home) respectively, Native schools and residences at Motiti Island and Reporua, and additions at Ahipara. For the current year the sum of £100,680 is asked for as set out in 'detail in the estimates. Other Buildings. Hospitals. —Under the heading of " Hospitals and Charitable Institutions " there was an expenditure of £11,152 for new buildings and improvements, the chief items being the additions to the Greymouth Hospital, and new hospital buildings at Rawene, Hamilton, Taumarunui, Westport, and Dunedin (St. Helens). The vote of £16,500 for the current year is simply a revote of the unexpended balances on last year's appropriations, with the exception of a vote of £1,000 for the Veteran's Home, Auckland, a small vote for the Kumara Hospital and further grants for buildings at Hokitika and for extending the accommodation at St. Helens, Christchurch. Agriculture. —Last year's expenditure under this head totalled £5,543. The principal items were the erection of farm buildings at Ruakura, inspectors' residences at Te Kuiti, Te Puia, and Seddon, offices at Auckland and Palmerston North, and additions to the Laboratory at Wallaceville. For the current year votes are provided for additional buildings at Motuihi, Ruakura, Waerenga, Tauranga, Arataki, Moumahaki, and Weraroa; also for the purchase of some additional land at Tauranga and Wallaceville. Public Health. —The expenditure under this head has not been large, the only items of any magnitude being the additions and alterations to the Sanatorium buildings at Cambridge, and a new wharf and other improvements at the Quarantine Station at Motuihi. Subsidies have also been paid on account of the erection of infectious diseases hospitals in the Hawke's Bay and Otago Districts, &c. Provision is made on the estimates for similar subsidies that will be payable during the current year to the amount of £2,000. BOADS AND BEIDGES. When last year's Statement came down the administration of road and bridge matters was in the hands of the Hon. Mr. McGowan, who had kindly offered to relieve the Minister of Public Works of this somewhat onerous duty. The Hon. Mr. McGowan retired from the administration in January last, and the Hon. A. W. Hogg succeeded him. On Mr. Hogg's resignation in June last it was decided to amalgamate the roads and bridges work with the general work of the Public Works Department, and the administration of these matters then came under my control. I found that the operations of the Roads Department were being carried out on a scale of considerable magnitude, the total expenditure during the last financial year having amounted to no less than £494,657. A very large amount of work is represented by the above expenditure, which may be briefly summarised as under :— New dray-roads constructed .... .... 656 miles. Dray-roads metalled .... .... ... 352 „ Bridle-roads converted to dray-roads .... 335 „ New bridle-roads constructed .... .... 445 „ Bridges constructed (30 ft. in length or over), 188; total length .... .... ....15,333ft. Engineering surveys made.... .... .... 989 miles. Dray-roads maintained .... .... .... 3,352 „ Bridle-roads maintained .... ... .... 2,017 „



Very few individual works of large magnitude were undertaken, but the following are worthy of mention : — Traffic-bridge over the Wairoa River at Frasertown, Hawke's Bay. Deepening the piers and otherwise securing the foundations of the town road-bridge at Wanganui. Traffic-bridge over the Motueka River at Alexander's Bluff. Bridge over the Buller River at o'Sullivan's on the Nelson-Greymouth Road. Bridge over the Wataroa River on the main south road in South Westland. The expenditure on road works during the quarter ending 30th June last amounted to £186,128, or at the rate of nearly three-quarters of a million per annum. As it was impossible to continue at this rate steps were taken to lessen the outlay, and the disbursements have now been brought down to a more reasonable limit, although they are still large. While the work of opening up new country and the location of settlers thereon is proceeding energetically, we must, of course, be prepared for a considerable expenditure on road-construction works, and in the compilation of the estimates for the current year liberal provision has been made in this direction. The construction of new roads to open up backblocks is a duty that may be properly regarded as devolving upon the general Government, and the improvement and metalling of roads that were originally constructed as bridletracks, or were left unmetalled, is also a work in which the general Government may reasonably be asked to assist; but the mere maintenance of roads and bridges, except in special cases, is a work that should devolve upon the local authority of the district. From the above table honourable members will perceive that the General Government of the Dominion maintained during last year no less than 3,352 miles of dray-road, and 2,017 miles of bridle-road, or a gross total of 5,369 miles of road. Roads on Goldfields. One of the chief requirements of the mining industry is the construction of roads and tracks to open up the back country. The miner is frequently the pioneer for the settler, and without him large areas now settled would still be unoccupied. The future of our mineral wealth lies in the mountains, and, as the richer alluvial deposits in the lower lying country are exhausted, it is to the higher country that the miner must look for the future welfare of the industry; and in order to enable operations to be carried on it is necessary that suitable roads and tracks should be provided. The expenditure last year under this heading was £47,374, and the amount proposed to be authorised for the current year is £85,036, on account of which a vote of £50,000 is asked for. Total Votes for Roads. The appropriations proposed for road works in the estimates now submitted are as under : — Roads, &c 200,000 Backblock roads, &c. ... .... -- .... 210,000 Roads under Loans to Local Bodies Account .... 50,000 Roads under National Endowment Account .... 17,151 Roads on Goldfields 50,000 Maintenance of Roads (Consolidated Fund) .... 25,000 Total £552,151 DEVELOPMENT OF GOLDFIELDS. The mineral industry of this Dominion is almost entirely confined to gold, silver, and coal; other minerals exist, but they have not at present attracted the efforts required for their extraction. The export of coal and silver is again considerably in excess of any annual output previously recorded. The export of gold is slightly less than last year. The decline in the output of gold has, however, been general throughout all the gold-producing States of Australasia.



The amount expended last financial year on works for the development of the goldfields was £32,859, and it is proposed to take a vote of £30,000 for the current year. Included in the above expenditure is the amount of the last instalment of the loan to the Muddy Terrace Sluicing Company, to complete the advance of £10,000 agreed upon to assist in the development of their claim at Waikaia. This amount is repayable by yearly instalments, together with interest on the whole of the loan. The first instalment of £1,000 in repayment has already been received. Provision is made on the estimates for the subsidy of £5,000 promised towards the driving of the proposed deep-level cross-cut at the Thames, The money is hardly likely to be required during the present financial year, but as the subsidy was authorised, subject to the amount being voted by Parliament, an item has been placed on the estimates in order to obtain the requisite authority. TOUEIST AND HEALTH BESOBTS. The new bath-buildings at Rotorua were completed, and are now in use. The new high-pressure water-service and drainage-works have been more and more used, £457 and £589 respectively being spent on extensions and new connections. The expenditure on electrical works was only £1,248, the greater portion of which was for preparing the site for the new power-house and the construction of wing-dams to increase the water-power available. Provision is made this year to cover the cost of new machinery, erection, &c. The muchneeded new wing to the sanatorium was completed last year, and work on the Whakarewarewa Pa was continued. The track between Lakes Te Anau and Wakatipu is being improved and made easier for visitors to traverse. The total authorisation asked for is £24,545, or £23,378 less than last year, on account of which a vote of £17,550 is proposed. TELEGBAPH EXTENSION. During the year £163,033 was expended on telegraph and telephone extensions. The new lines erected and in course of construction totalled 749 miles of poles and 3,311 miles of wire. One hundred and fifty-three telegraph and telephone offices were opened, and 3,552 new subscribers were added to the telephone-exchange system. A cable of fourteen miles was laid from Tryphena, Great Barrier Island, to the mainland at Port Charles, thus establishing telephonic communication between the Great Barrier Island and the mainland. Two cables, having a total length of about four miles and a half, were laid— one across Awarua Bay, and the other between Dog Island and Sandy Point— for the purpose of connecting the Dog Island Lighthouse with the Greenhills telephone line. Among the principal land lines erected were the following : —AucklandHamilton metallic circuit, Auckland - Morrinsville, Auckland - Mangonui (in course of construction), Auckland-Taumarunui (in course of construction), Otorohanga-Raurimu (in course of construction), Napier-Dannevirke metallic circuit, New Plymouth - Opunake metallic circuit, Wellington (underground metallic circuit), Wellington - Levin metallic circuit, Wellington - Pahiatua metallic circuit, Christchurch-Rakaia metallic circuit, Lake Pukaki-Hermitage, Invercargill-Otautau metallic circuit, and Invercargill-Wyndham. The vote asked for this year is £120,000. This includes £68,837 of liabilities, principally for material under order at the commencement of the financial year. LIGHTHOUSES, HABBOUB-WOBKS, AND HABBOUB-DEFENCES. The lighthouse-works undertaken during the year were the commencement of the erection of a tower for a new first-order light at Cape Brett and the necessary outbuildings and houses for keepers; the erection of an acetylene-gas light at Tuahine Point, near Gisborne; the erection of a fog-signal at Cuvier Island, and the completion of the one at Godley Head. A Pintsch gas-light



apparatus was ordered from England to replace the Wigham oil-light on Jackson's Head, and this will be placed in position as soon as the weather is favourable. The total expenditure for the financial year was £7,481. The new works provided for this year are the erection of a fog-signal at Timaru and the connection of Cape Brett and Cape Palliser lighthouses with the telegraph system. For these works and the completion of the Cape Brett light a sum of £6,900 will be required, and provision for this amount is made in the estimates. Last year's expenditure on harbour-works amounted to £4,439, the principal items being wharves at Awanui, Horeke, Tangiterona, Huia (Manukau), Uretara (Bay of Plenty), Kaikoura, Golden Bay, and Half-Moon Bay (Stewart Island); removal of rocks at Kaipara, of snags in Waitotara River and Freshwater River (Stewart Island); improvements to the landing-place for fishermen at Nugget Bay, and. the purchase of a grab-dredge for use in harbour-works generally. In the current year's estimates, besides renewing the unexpended votes of last year, it is proposed to provide for the following new works : Wharves at Leigh, Mercury Bay (extension), Cabbage Bay, and Elaine Bay; improvement of Matakana B arbour; deepening Mahurangi River; boat-landing, Pounawea ; removal of rocks in Kaikoura Harbour ; purchase of an oil-engine for the fishermen's landing at Nugget Bay, and for the acquisition of the Tata Island in order to preserve the harbour of refuge there. The expenditure likely to come to charge during the year will probably amount to about £5,U00, and a vote for this amount is provided. Under the head of Harbour Defences an expenditure of £7,297 took place, principally for the purpose of strengthening the fortifications. Some further works of a similar character, and also the construction of an additional battery are now in hand, and for these works, including two new six-inch guns that are required, a vote of £8,000 is proposed. GBOSS TOTAL APPBOPBIATIONS. In addition to the votes specifically referred to the estimates include provision for the undernoted services : — £ Departmental .... .... .... .... 43,500 Lands improvement .... .... .... .... 32,744 Contingent defence .... .... .... .... 10,000 Immigration.... .... .... .... .... 10,000 thus bringing the total amount of the proposed appropriations, including special accounts, up to £2,478,368, against £2,895,897 voted and £2,445,324 actually expended last year. - DEPABTMENTAL. I have already mentioned that on my predecessor's retirement, it was decided to entrust the roads and bridges work to the Public Works Department. This necessitated an amalgamation of the staff, and at the same time rendered it practicable to effect considerable retrenchment. Mr. C. W. Hursthouse, who for many years filled the position of Chief Engineer of Roads, retired on superannuation, and a large number of other officers of the late Roads Department were similarly retired or dispensed with. Mr. W. S. Short, who held the position of Chief Clerk, Commissioner, and Solicitor in the Roads Department, was appointed Assistant Under-Secretary of Public Works, and Mr. A. B. Wright, previously District Road Engineer in Auckland, was made Inspecting Engineer of Roads. Numerous other minor alterations and amalgamations were also effected. The amalgamation also enabled a reduction to be made in the staff of the Public Works Department. The gross total saving by the rearrangement and retrenchment effected, including estimated savings in travelling allowances and expenses, will amount to £30,000 per annum. While effecting this large economy in expenditure every care has been taken to see that the efficiency of the departmental administration and the oversight of works are in no wise impaired.



It is intended, however, to take greater advantage of local authorities .in the carrying-out of minor road works in the future than has been the case in the past, as it is clear that small votes for local roads can be much more economically expended under the supervision of persons resident in the locality than would be the case if the work was controlled by officers of the Government located in the principal centres. CONCLUSION. I have now briefly detailed the work of the past year and given an equally brief forecast of the operations in hand and proposed for the current year. The gross total expenditure proposed during the current year is not quite equal to last year's appropriations, but still amounts to a very considerable sum, and the carrying-out of the various works provided for will, I am sure, result in very great good to our settlers by greatly improving their means of transit and communication, besides increasing their conveniences. With the large amount of settlement that is going on throughout the Dominion, especially in the North Island, and more particularly in the districts opened up by the North Island Main Trunk Railway, and with the developments which are taking place in the districts that will be affected by the North Auckland and East Coast Main Trunk Railways, a vigorous public-works policy is called for, and I trust that the proposals which I have outlined will be considered by the House and by the country to be of a sufficient and satisfactory character.




TABLES. Page No. 1, —Total Expenditure:—Summary showing the Total Expenditure and Liabilities on Public Works and other Services out of the Public Works Eund to 31st March, 1909 .. .. .. 2 No. 2.—Yearly. Expenditure out of the Public Works Eund up to 1908-1909 .. .. .. 3 No. 3.—Railways : —Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Railways, including Valuation of Provincial Lines, to 31st March, 1909 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 No. 4.—Roads : —Statement showing Expenditure on Roads to 31st March, 1909 .. .. .. 5 Nos. 5 and sa.—Development of Goldfields : —Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Development of Goldfields to 31st March, 1909 .. .. .. .. .. .. 38 No. 6. —Telegraphs:—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Telegraphs to 31st March, 1909 41 No. 7. —Public Buildings :—Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Public Buildings to 31st March, 1909 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 43 No. B.—Lighthouses and Harbour-works : —Statement showing Expenditure and Liabilities on Lighthouses and Harbour-works and Harbour Defences to 31st March, 1909 .. .. .. 44 APPENDICES. Appendix A.—Expenditure for the Year : —Audited Statement of Expenditure out of the Public Works Fund for the Year 1908-1909 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 46 „ B.—Total Liabilities : —Statement of all Liabilities of the Public Works Department outstanding on 31st March, 1909 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 48 C —Railways and Public Buildings Contracts: —Schedule of Contracts current on Ist April, 1908, and further Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1909 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 49 D. —Sleeper Contracts: —Schedule of Sleeper Contracts current on Ist April, 1908, and further Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st Maroh, 1909 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 57 E. —Annual Report on Public Works, by the Engineer-in-Chief .. .. .. .. 61 F.—Annual Report on Public Buildings, by the Government Architect .. .. .. 77

I—D. 1.



TABLE No. 1. Summary showing the Total Expenditure on Public Works and other Services out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1909, and the Liabilities on that Date.


Number of Table containing Details. Works. T ° tal tu e reto Pendi ' aJtaguKhs Total Bxpenditure Con- Total Expenditure 31st March, 1908. „*£*£„* 31st March, 1909. 8l8 £5g*£l9<». Liabmties. Works. 3 4* 5 and 54 6 7 8 Railways ... Roads Development of goldfields Telegraphs Public buildings ... Lighthouses, harbour works, and harbour defences Departmental Utilisation of water-power Coal-exploration and mine-development Aiding works on Thames goldfields Immigration Purchase of Native lands Defence Charges and expenses of raising loans ... Interest and sinking fund ... ... Rates on Native lands ... ... Thermal springs ... ... Tourist and health resorts Lands improvement Payment to Midland Railway bondholders 24,212,992 19 1 t7.86i,467 '7 5 736,656 9 3 1.479.736 3 6 3.804,597 3 o 1,024,519 10 9 £ s. d. 1,116,184 5 <° 469,547 16 s 32.859 3 7 163,032 14 2 + 285,521 2 4 19,217 6 1 £ 8. d. 25.329, '77 4 " 8,331,015 '3 10 769,515 12 10 1,642,768 17 8 4,090,118 5 4 1,043,736 16 10 £ *■ d. 761,628 o 5 IS5. 2 7S o 4 4,400 10 8 68,837 o o 52,457 9 5 793 6 3 £ *■ d. 26,090,805 5 4 8,486,290 14 2 773,9i6 3 6 1,711,605 17 8 4,142,575 '4 9 1,044,530 3 1 Railways. Roads. Development of goldfields. Telegraphs. Public buildings. Lighthouses, harbour works, and harbour defences. Departmental. Utilisation of water-power. Coal-exploration and mine-development. Aiding works on Thames goldfields. Immigration. Purchase of Native lands. Defence. Charges and expenses of raising loans. Interest and sinking fund. Rates on Native lands. Thermal springs. Tourist and health resorts. Lands improvement. Payment to Midland Railway bondholders. 18 of 1878 11 of 1877 568,385 7 6 8,347 '811 10,835 8 o 50,000 o o 2,186,711 17 2 §2.035.748 5 9 888,168 8 6 1,235,641 9 11 218,500 o o 68,644 '5 <° '4.599 '3 2 158,567 10 9 24.575 o ' 150,000 o o 46,738,695 18 7 24,511 19 10 '5,076 10 5 2,098 14 5 10,765 11 4 575 6 11 592,897 7 4 8,347 '811 10,835 8 0 50,000 o o 2,201,788 7 7 2,037,847 o 2 898,933 19 10 1,236,216 16 10 218,500 o o 68,671 16 10 14,599 '3 2 182,853 O II 44,116 18 8 150,000 o o 97 '8 4 2,857 '4 o ... 303 • 9 8 592,995 5 8 8,347 18 11 10,835 8 o 50,000 o o 2,204,646 1 7 2,037,847 O 2 899,237 9 6 1.236,216 16 10 218,500 o o 68,671 16 IO '4,599 '3 2 190,222 13 8 44,524 10 7 150,000 o o 27 1 o ||24,285 IO 2 19,541 18 7 7,369 12 9 407 11 11 Totals 2,183,245 1 [ 48,921,940 19 8 1,054,427 13 9 49,976,368 13 5 Totals. * Table and £30,00; expenditure 4 also contains details of expenditure r > transferred from Consolidated Fund, previ under Native Lands Purchase Account, £* mder Government Loans to Local Bodies Account. t Includes expenditure under Lands iously applied in reduction of " Roads " expenditure. J Includes £135 14s. 5d. charge (91,980 is. id. jj Includes £375 charged to "Unauthorised." .watu Railway Purchase, Hutt Railway and Road Improvement, and Railways Improvement Aci i Improvement Account, £300,929 128. 5d. id to " Unauthorised." § Includes Does nc Oolliery neai it include expenditure on Wellington-Mana • Greymouth. counts, or on extension of railway from Statt



TABLE No. 2. GENERAL SUMMARY. Showing Net Yearly Expenditure out of Public Works Fund, 1887-88 to 1908-9.

2—D. 1.

Total Net Expenditure to 31et March, 1867. Expenditure Total Net Expenditure Description of Services. 1887-88. 1889-90. 1890-91. 1891-93. 1892-93. 1893-94. 1894-95. 1695-96. et Marc] 1909. 1896-97. 1897-98. 1898-99. 1899-1900. 190O-1. 1901-2. 1902-8. 1903-4. 1904-5. 1905-6. 1906-7. 1907-8. 1908-9. £ £ £ Immigration .. .. .. .. •■ 2,118,072 15,598 8,791 £ 18,598 £ 8,791 £ 867 £ 1,823 I £ 817 £ 242 £ 343 £ 101 £ Cr. 10 £ 301 £ £ 105 £ £ £ £ 142 £ Cr. 7 £ 6,481 £ 8,753 £ 14,353 £ 9.132 £ 15,076 £ 2,201,788 70 385 214 139 Public Works Departmental .. .. •■ 283,063 25,090 21,458 283,063 25,090 21,458 12,294 10,264 7,796 7,790 8,406 8,680 14,300 14,892 9,689 10,090 12,572 12,932 17,771 13,949 16,088 12,814 13,517 18,219 592,897 16,711 24,512 Utilisation of Water-power Railways .. .. .. .. .. .. 12,958,696 403,727 272,077 Payment to Midland Railway Bondholders Roads:— Roads North of Auckland .. .. .. 225,005 3,138 264 Main Bonds .. .. .. .. ■• ) , 0Qa ... I 13,756 10,968 Miscellaneous Roads and Bridges .. .. J L < iyi '*>(S \ 25,989 26,748 Roads to open up Lands.. .. .. ■• 466,873 61,488 21,954 Grants-in-Aid .. .. .. .. .- 700,690 57,632 26,913 Village Settlements .. .. .. .. 1,891 12,053 10,770 Local Bodies .. .. ..* Roads on Goldfields .. .. .. .. 115,919 25,053 7,015 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. 319,245 Cr.91 403,727 3,138 13,756 25,989 61,488 57,632 12,053 272,077 264 10,968 26,748 21,954 26,913 10,770 267 12,799 19,998 28,160 2,172 7,345 289,601 Cr.29 9,905 11,739 12,489 6,843 24,285 27,993 1,586 10,757 4,884 3,829 315 470 12,687 9,795 180,021 154,417 Cr. 681 12,588 10,443 21,989 7,144 4,412 220,894 22^235 176,304 22,731 9,972 247,545 197,105 27,959 17,075 207,231 Cr. 334 11,195 \ 241,209 351,600 374,192 248,934 417,987 237,351 717,723 267,374 1,333,940 759,752 828,704 150,000 779,891 1,021,265 1,227,880 2,901 4,664 1,093,535 315 1,116,184 25,329,177 150,000 8,348 } I 58,042 8,951 2,898 390 20,387 354,687 230,349 316,248 202,850 306,065 308,500 285,248 422,174 25,053 7J015 13^290 Cr. 26,519 Cr. 64,954 5,532 30,289 19^490 Cr. 7,050 ■ 17,841 89,207 ; .. 227 21,513 Cr. 573 108,168 207 32,578 Cr. 365 16,023 103^555 49^569 461550 Cr. 365 48,039 48,417 47,573 51[690 45,594 26^112 45^139 - 38,970 i 38,494 47^374 Cr.91 Cr. 1,270 Cr. 1,613 Cr. 1,030 Cr'.365 Cr'.'347 \jr. vi Developmentof Thermal Springs and Natural Scenery Boads to give access to North Island Trunk Railway 19,732 20,410 1,898 Lands Improvement Account 20^410 i^898 248 291440 34,765 .. ! Total,Roads .. .. .. 3,144,031 219,519 106,439 3,144,031 219,519 106,439 83,009 45,164 36,761 103,893 146,638 150,278 174,369 167,482 290,413 295,119 285,043 315,791 402,260 282,039 361,842 228,962 351,204 347,470 323,742 469,548 8,331,016 Development of Goldfields .. .. .. •■ 558,925 1,016 55 558,925 1,016 294 821 2,257 3,811 5,272 5,865 9,345 10,508 33,117 17,355 21,815 15,907 18,326 24,213 16,278 6,258 18,533 11,064 8,632 32,859 819,516 Purchase of Native Lands .. .. .. .. 1,115,645 25,643 9,072 1,115,645 25,643 9,072 28,194 17,925 52,397 57,187 Cr. 10,438 19,575 4,320 Cr. 2,428 78,985 349 Cr. 12 101,009 1 163,411 Cr. 37 129,000 61,503 53,182 Cr. 225 Native Lands Purchase Acoount .. .. .. j 32,025 28,688 18,261 15,782 5,352 6,281 13,777 9,135 2,190 2,099 Total, Land Purchases .. .. 1,115,645 25,643 9,072 25,643 9,072 28,194 17,925 52,397 66,324 80,877 101,346 163,411 128,963 61,503 52,957 32,025 28,688 18,261 15,782 5,352 6,281 13,777 9,135 2,190 2,099 2,037,847 Telegraph Extension .. .. .. .. 538,979 22,984 12,047 538,979 22,984 12,047 16,346 16,292 27,773 29,245 16,127 19,229 35,538 36,791 29,384 28,551 26,771 50,101 31,729 68,578 47,228 79,298 77,186 114,068 155,491 163,033 1,642,769 Public Buildings:— General (including Miscellaneous) .. .. 155,714 12,742 14,588 Parliamentary .. .. .. .. .. 13,938 24 Judicial .. .. .. .. .. 228,763 8,273 8,228 . Post and Telegraph .. .. .. .. 139,194 2,227 82 Customs .. .. .. .. .. 4,750 Survey .. .. ,. .. .. 515 Quarantine Stations .. .. .. .. 3,525 Mental Hospitals .. .. .. .. 243,748 23,107 10,242 Public Health .. Hospitals and Charitable Institutions .. .. 28,495 4,156 673 School-buildings .. .. .. .. 778,738 40,000 779 Agricultural 12,742 24 8,273 2,227 14,588 82 7,256 11,246 1,376 18 2,880 709 409 454 8,901 1,009 13 1,588 2,779 6,843 5 621 209 5,262 3,154 666 2,523 6,822 : 11,487 3,542 12 j 28 i ' 306 13,633 15,000 837 3,724 27,341 6,194 647 k>^935 6,561 20,000 1,127 8,178 9 14,806 7,504 16 16,404 700 22,143 819 I 14,797 466 12,727 5,888 385 141130 23,864 1,328 8,764 20,636 11,109 5,168 3,957 9,883 19,682 13,483 107 5,594 3,039 29,630 20,954 875 12,513 4,424 28,728 40,361 2,066 9,031 1,503 33,224 74,686 6,630 10,964 602 25,978 83,918 8,719 9,021 697 13,083 16,008 13,018 2,232 71 15,899 38,419 7,903 14,216 1,047 35,192 43,918 414 16,260 4,119 28,938 43,724 47 39,635 •5,172 37,211 62,262 2,507 23^107 i] 156 40,000 10,242 15 i 717 Cr. 140 8^930 16^914 11,887 3 18,957 17^667 17!712 2,607 18,872 424 16,743 10!167 3,540 87,790 883 15,812 6,315 4,291 87,089 2,504 15,949 4,265 1,204 42,721 1,362 16,235 7,926 4,786 69,223 2,618 8,049 1,768 10,259 ' 109,459 ; 2,707 7,987 7,497 15,576 100,197 1,690 15,296 4,402 11,153 102,340 5,543 "673 779 7,500 7,999 15,000 160 899 49,256 447 5,141 33,681 971 1,200 38,606 535 43,403 520 Total, Public Buildings .. .. 1,597,372 90,529 34,592 Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defences :— Lighthouses .. .. .. .. .. 112,645 2,866 2,504 Harbour Works .. .. .. .. 313,829 500 I Cr. 5,000 Harbour Defences .. .. .. .. 318,828 73,459 50,089 90,529 34,592 35,473 22,820 34,791 31,101 44,032 54,190 76,529 70,579 73,585 107,267 115,426 121,364 145,600 197,454 4,090,118 216,192 117,328 165,312 227,026 226,035 285,521 2,866 500 73,459 2,504 Cr. 5,000 50,089 1,551 589 7,293 189 2,477 7,347 6,642 4,563 2,612 31976 "650 2,495 i 234 3,861 3,314 I 6,067 866 4,667 2,180 568 2,547 3,727 1,777 10,158 3,333 365 5,328 1,017 1,540 3,960 2,060 3,421 6,678 6,082 1,373 6,126 6,206 1,773 2,885 2,167 1,308 2,515 962 2,684 1,300 2,963 1,041 1,417 2,867 2,575 7,481 4,439 7,297 Total, Lighthouses, &c. .. .. 745,302 76,825 47,593 745,302 76,825 47,593 9,433 2,666 7,347 11,205 6,588 3,145 J 7,409 11,600 5,295 15,662 9,026 6,517 12,159 13,581 10,864 5,990 4,946 4,504 6,863 19,217 1,043,737 ! Bates on Native Lands .. .. .. .. 25,139 i 8,446 10,304 25,139 8,446 10,304 5,874 8,250 2,038 615 Cr. 8 415 561 J 340 332 186 j ■ 347 744 07:) 571 471 631 548 695 I 837 j 27 68,672 Contingent Defence .. .. .. .. 429,719 j 429,719 5,000 10,554 10,360 13,867 42,810 37,650 146,878 38,723 37,005 46,588 38,569 14,874 18,574 10,766 898,934 Tourist and Health Kesorts.. 11,260 10,949 15,643 17,508 15,888 42,271 45,048 t24,286 182,853 i , Lands Improvement § .. .. .. .. ,. ., 1,741 2,349 2,019 2,248 1,052 5,605 9,561 19,542 44,117 Charges and Expenses of raising Loans .. .. 857,113 59,448 ! 104,911 857,113 59,448 104,911 3,084 Cr. 3,084 5,356 943 Cr. 6 5 Cr. 5 224 28,322 1,460 5,620 Cr. 516 88,180 87,249 10,764 ■j.ii; Cr. 5,175 Cr.8,487 575 ; 1,236,217 Interest and Sinking Funds .. .. . I 218,500 218,500 218,500 Coal Exploration and Mine Development . . ... 10,835 10,835 10,835 Thermal Springs .. .. .. .. .. 7,814 | 2,999 I 936 7,814 2,999 936 2,587 14,600 Advance to Westport Harbour, repayable .. .. ,. 14,336 Gr. 14,336 14,336 Cr. 14,336 Total Ways and Means Credits .. .. I ■ .. .. 19,427 Grand Total—Net Expenditure .. j 24,609,205 966,160 613,939 4,383 26,519 308,633 65,635 328,977 12,069 480,468 3,45s 485,002 7,062 573 , 70S \ 370 890,940 688,336 659,836 I 868,172 [ 690 34,7 915,736 ! 992,876 | 1,309,020 516 .. 7 2,142,786 I 1,514,444 j 1,796,841 j 1,321,510 5,175 8,487 j 2,035,145 1,909,687 |;2,1S3,245 48,921,941 481,346 1,730,687 N.B.—The figures in italics, prefixed by " Cr.,' , are either recoveries on account of services of ] The totals from 1892-93 to 1896-97, inclusive, include expenditure under Native Lands previous years or receipts-in-aid appli Purchase Account, and from 1894-9' ied in reduction of expeni i to 1896-97, inclusive ei iiture. :penditure under Lands Improvement Account. •Includes " Unauthorised," £136. t Includes " Unauthorised," £375. J Inclui Si For previous expenditure see Roads ling expendii Class. ture out of Waikaka Branoh Railway Acoount.



TABLE No. 3. EXPENDITURE on Railways to 31st March, 1909, and Liabilities on that Date.

• Lines of Railway. Total Expenditure by General Government out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1908. Works Fund to — r . Expenditure by constructed by New Works. G< 7u?S 31st March, 1909, G G^ Uo iWorksonOperj Luri-claims Public Works Fund dist^ r tion '°. - qm Midlano^Railwaj x> Tuxr Lines. n oi mi i, ionc of certain Survey 31st March ' 1909 - Company.a Construction. Works'" Liabilities. 31st March, 1909. Expendilure J • *"*'" " Individual Lines. Expenditure out op Public Works Fund during Year 1908-9. Total Expenditure by General Government out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1909. Total Expenditure by General Government out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1909, after distribution of certain Survey Expenditure to Individual Lines. Further Expenditure under Special Acts to 31st March, 1909. Total Expenditure by General Government to 31st March, 1909. Valuation of Works constructed by Provinces and Midland Railway Company.a Liabilities. Total Expenditure and Lines ok Railway. Liabilities, 31st March, 1909. Kaihu Valley Kawakawa Whangarei to Kamo Extension Helensville Northwards Kaipara to Waikato Cambridge Branch Waikato to Thames — Hamilton to Te Aroha Te Aroha to Thames Paeroa to Waihi Thames Valley to Rotorua — Morrinsville to Lichfield Putaruru to Rotorua Marton to Te Awamutu— North End .. South End Gisborne to Ormond Tramway Gisborne to Rotorua Wellington to Napier— Napier to Woodville and Palmerston North £ s. d. 55,044 17 1 137,169 16 9 183,811 0 6 269,742 1 11 1,256,430 11 1 51,110 9 9 I I : £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 55,044 17 1 55,044 17 1 .. 55,044 17 1 15,712 9 10 2,337 10 0 18,049 19 10 I .. 7 10 0 155,227 6 7 155,227 6 7 .. 155,227 6 7 16 903 12 10 7,895 11 8 24,799 4 6 .. .. 208,610 5 0 208,610 5 0 1 .. 208,610 5 0 50 983 5 3 6,555 5 0 57,538 10 8 .. .. 327,280 12 2 327,280 12 2 . 327,280 12 2 34,965 17 9 .. 1,291,401 8 10 1,291,401 8 10 \g 136,037 12 0 1,427,439 0 10 51,110 9 9 ! 51,110 9 9 ! .. 51,110 9 9 £ s. d 20,008 16 7 2,762 2 0 1,302 0 0 £ s. d. 55,044 17 1 Kaihu Valley. 155,227 6 7 Kawakawa. 228,619 1 7 Whangarei to Kamo Extension. 330,042 14 2 i Helensville Northwards. 1,428,741 0 10 Kaipara to Waikato. 51,110 9 9 Cambridge Branch. Waikato to Thames— 143,597 9 2 Hamilton to Te Aroha. 200,278 16 11 Te Aroha to Thamss. 143,438 7 10 Paeroa to Waihi. Thames Valley to Rotorua— 161,693 0 10 Morrinsville to Lichfleld. 193,883 10 3 Putaruru to Botorua. Marton to Te Awamutu — a f. m 7<l q 1n o ( North End. 2.670, (43 10 8 | gouth End 4,975 1 7 Gisborne to Ormond Tramway. 210,887 14 6 Gisborue to Rotorua. J Wellington to Napier— 876,656 17 2 Napier to Woodville and Palmerston North. 61,507,583 13 7 Wellington to Woodville, including Te Aro Extension. Wellington to Waitara— 1,002,125 2 0 Wellington to Foxton (including W'ton-Man'tu R'way Purchase). 1,467,072 11 2 I Foxton to Waitara. 36,616 16 8 i Sentry Hill-N.Plym'th Deviation. 51,242 11 6 ! Mount Egmont Branch. 145,655 6 5 I Stratford to Ongarue. 175,623 8 4 Nelson to Roundell. Midland Railway— 212,652 8 6 Nelson End. , ..,„ oon ,„ n ( Stilhvater to Inangahua. c 1,437.220 13 0 | Brunnerton to Bealey. 557,423 1 8 Springfield End. 188,008 17 3 Westport to Ngakawau. 34,882 10 4 Westport to Inangahua. 105,399 4 8 j Ngahere to Blackball. 90,531 10 5 I Greymouth to Point Elizabeth, c 150,512 11 11 : Greymouth to Brunnerton. 332,251 14 7 Greymouth to Hokitika and Ross. Picton to Waipara— 421:532 15 5 | Picton to Cheviot. 244,841 9 3 Waipara to Cheviot. 3,819 14 0 Culverden to Hanmer (motor-cars and repairs to roads.) Hurunui to Waitaki— 1,999,993 0 8 Main Line. 51,467 7 11 Oxford Branch. 44,276 12 10 Eyreton Branch. 419,953 11 11 Lyttelton Branch. 88,751 1 6 Southbridge Branch. 94,903 8 2 Springfield & Whitecliffs Branches. 142,062 14 9 Fairlie Creek Branch. 50,062 11 7 Waimate Branch. d 74,550 12 7 Ashburton Forks Branch. 61,582 16 9 Upper Ashburton Branch. 107,633 18 7 Little River Branch. Canterbury Interior Main Line— 53,649 0 4 Oxford to Malvern. 542 6 2 Whitecliffs to Rakaia. 5,102 i 8 Temuka to Rangitata. Waitaki to Bluff— e3,039,415 17 7 Main Line, including Port Chalmers Branch. 134,272 15 3 Duntroon Branch. 84,099 7 8 Ngapara Branch. 1,415 8 10 Fernhill Railway Purchase. 19,302 14 9 Brighton Road Branch. 41,642 7 6 Outram Branch. 215,666 9 2 Lawrence Branch. 82,784 18 10 ! Livingstone Branch. 33,190 18 8 I Waihemo Branch. , 217,154 11 0 Catlin's River Branch. 122,867 7 10 Heriotburn Branch. 66,688 4 5 Waikaka Branch. 111,365 5 2 Waimea Plains Branch. 52,480 4 3 Toitois Branch. 56,59111 6 Riversdale to Switzers. 602 2 5 Kelso to Gore. 139,034 16 8 Seaward Bush to Catlin'a. 1,980,104 -» 46 Central . Invercargill to Kingston— 399,369 9 4 i Main Line. 27,216 18 7 Mararoa Branch. „_„ ,,-_ .„ „ J Makarewa to Orepuki and Waiau. 373,515 16 9 j Thornbury to Wairio. 22,983 14 5 Forest Hill. * 10,336 19 11 Expenses of Railway Commissions, &c, not chargeable to Individual Lines. Surveys of New Lines— 31,141 9 2 North Island. 8,039 1 10 Middle Island. 25,000 0 0 Permanent-way for Railway Depart- : ment. 4,540,725 7 0 Rolling-stock. 139,835 0 5 196,516 8 3 143,438 7 10 161,693 0 10 193,883 10 3 1,117,549 17 21 1,378,880 18 8f 4,975 1 7 165,562 17 10 3,762 8 9 .. 143,597 9 2 ' 143,597 9 2 .. 143,597 9 2 3,762 8 8 .. 200,278 16 11 200,278 16 11 .. 200,278 16 11 143,438 7 10 143,438 7 10 .. 143,488 7 10 161,693 0 10 161,693 0 10 .. 161,693 0 10 ., .. .. .. .. 193,883 10 3 193,883 10 3 .. 193,883 10 3 140,832 9 8 14,547 6 8 155,379 16 4 17,336 16 2 18 7 8 2,669,165 16 0 2,669,165 16 0 .. 2,669,165 16 0 4,975 1 7 4,975 17 .. 4,975 17 40,600 18 0 .. 40,600 18 0 .. .. 206,163 15 10 206,549 4 4 .. 206,549 4 4 10,444 1 11 .. 876,656 17 2 876,656 17 2 j .. 876,656 17 2 11,793 5 10 .. 1,301,323 2 10 61,301,323 2 10 , ft 186,622 10 9 61,487,945 13 7 1,577 14 8 4,338 10 2 866,212 15 3 Wellington to Woodville, including Te Aro Extension Wellington to Waitara— Wellington to Foxton (including WellingtonManawatu Railway Purchase) Foxton to Waitara Sentry Hill - New Plymouth Deviation Mount Egmont Branch Stratford to Ongarue Nelson to Roundell Midland Railway — Nelson End Stillwater to Inangahua Brunnerton to Bealey Springfield End Westport to Ngakawau Westport to Inangahua Ngahere to Blaokball Greymouth to Point Elizabeth Greymouth to Brunnerton Greymouth to Hokitika and Ross Picton to Waipara — Picton to Cheviot Waipara to Cheviot Culverden to Hanmer (motor-oars and repairs to roads) Hurunui to Waitaki — Main Line Oxford Branch Eyreton Branch Lyttelton Branch Southbridge Branch Springfield and Whitecliffs Branches Fairlie Creek Branch Waimate Branch Ashburton Forks Branch Upper Ashburton Branch Little River Branch Canterbury Interior Main LineOxford to Malvern Whiteeliffs to Rakaia Temuka to Rangitata Waitaki to BluffMain Line, including Port Chalmers Branch .. 61,289,529 17 0 19,638 0 0 42,116 3 4 42,116 3 4 42,116 8 4 i960,008 18 8 1,002,125 2 0 16,047 15 .. I 1,467,072 11 2 1,467,072 11 2 .. 1,467,072 11 2 603 18 4 : 36,592 7 8 ! 36,592 7 8 .. 36,592 7 8 2 737 16 6 .. 2,737 16 6 .. .. 51,242 11 6 51,242 11 6 1 .. 51,242 11 6 43 070 18 6 5,444 0 10 48,514 19 4 .. .. 143,754 14 10 143,754 14 10 .. 143,754 14 10 ■ 7,526 8 9 .. 170,623 8 4 175,623 8 4 j .. 175,623 8 4 19 939 6 5 3,456 9 2 23,395 15 7 1 .. .. 134,299 6 9 134,299 6 9 .. 134,299 6 9 78,306 19 9 12,877 8 11 6*8 12 6 13,506 1 5 .. .. 105,257 6 11 105,257 6 11 I .. 105,257 6 11 I ,.„ „„ ._ „ 36,808 5 8 242 5 10 37,050 11 6 .. 21 2 1 216,640 13 11! c216,640 13 11 .. c216,640 13 11 f J * o - O '° 54 778 5 8 .. 54 778 5 8.. .. 479,811 13 5 ; 479,211 13 5 .. 479,211 13 5 61,579 5 7 i .. .. .. .. 188,008 17 3| 188,008 17 3 .. 188,008 17 3 8,566 12 4 1,322 5 0 9,888 17 4! .. ... 34,247 16 7 34,247 16 7' .. 34,247 16 7 33,803 13 8 2,002 1 15 4 .. .. 103,779.6 10 103,779 6 10 .. 103,779 6 10 G5.547 12 5 65,547 12 5 j 24,983 18 0 90,53110 5 150,512 1111 c150,512 11 11 .. cl50,512 1111 14,29713 1 3,438 1 8 ] 17,735 14 9 54 6 5 .. 331,907 1 1 331,907 11 .. 331,907 1 1 1,451,025 9 9 35,988 9 4 48,504 15 0 95,239 15 6 168,096 19 7 24 9 0 1,900 11 7 110,903 11 2 91,751 5 6 c 179,569 0 4 424,433 7 9 188,008 17 3 24,358 19 3 67,978 11 6 . 65,547 12 5 c150,512 11 11 814,116 19 11 46 2 0 I 218 8 6) (571,530 5 11J 16,632 2 8 634 13 9 1,619 17 10 344 13 6 376,054 4 1 238,658 10 1 3,819 14 0 32 007 14 7 7 083 12 6 ' 39,091 7 1 6,111 8 1 .. 421,256 19 8 I 421,256 19 3 .. 421,256 19 3 4 753 2 0 17 0 0 4,770 2 0.. .. 243,428 12 1 243,428 12 1 .. 243,428 12 1 3,819 14 0 ■ 3,819 14 0 .. 3,819 14 0 275 16 2 1,412 17 2 1,620,208 12 0 51,467 7 11 44,276 12 10 79,138 13 9 1 88,689 18 5 94,908 8 2 66,938 14 9 48,487 5 1 d74,469 9 3 I 61,582 16 9 I 107,633 18 7 11246 7 9 .. 1,631,454 19 9 1,631,454 19 9 049,427 0 11:1,680,882 0 8 316,135 0 0 51,467 7 11 ' 51,467 7 11 .. 51,467 7 11 44,276 12 10 44,270 12 10 .. 44,276 12 10 314 18 2 .. 79,453 11 11 79,453 11 11 .. 79,453 11 11 340,500 0 0 61 3 1 .. 88,751 1 6 88,751 16 .. 88,751 16 94,903 8 2 ' 94,903 8 2 .. 94,903 8 2 66,938 14 9 ; 66,938 14 9 .. 86,988 14 9 75,124 0 0 1,575 6 6 .. 50,062 11 7 50,062 11 7 .. 50,062 11 7 81 3 4 . 74,550 12 7 I (274,550 12 7 .. d74,050 12 7 61,582 16 9 ■ 61,582 16 9 ' .. 61,582 16 9 107,633 18 7 107,633 18 7 .. 107,033 18 7 2,976 0 0 Duntroon Branch Ngapara Branch Fernhill Railway Purchase Brighton Road Branch Outram Branch Lawrence Branch Livingstone Branch .. ... Waihemo Branch Catlin's River Branch Heriotburn Branch Waikaka Branch Waimea Plains Branch Toitois Branch Riversdale to Switzers Kelso to Gore Seaward Bush to Catlin's Otago Central .. .. - ■ '■ > —"" Invercargill to KingstonMain Line Mararoa Branch Makarewa to Orepuki and Waiau .. ) Thornbury to Wairio .. .. .. I Forest Hill Expenses of Railway Commissions and other Expenditure not chargeable to Individual Lines 53,649 0 4 542 6 2 5,152 2 8 e 2,735,830 8 4 96,531 16 11 26,090 7 8 1,415 8 10 6,473 14 9 11,951 7 6 195,361 17 9 82,784'18 10 33,190 18 8 185,454 10 7 122,867 7 10 36,608 12 10 111,156 10 10 02,480 4 3 22,930 10 11 602 2 5 131,498 1 11 53,649 0 4 ! 53,649 0 4 .. 53,649 0 4 542 6 2 j 542 6 2 .. 542 6 2 5,152 2 8 ' 5,152 2 8 .. 5,152 2 8 14,084 8 11 5 4 1 2,749,920 1 4 >2,749,920 1 4 <;189,020 19 0 el, 938,941 0 4 82,258 17 3 240 18 4 .. 90,772 15 3 96,772 15 3 .. 96,772 15 3 37,500 0 0 26,090 7 8 26,090 7 8 .. 26,090 7 8 58,009 0 0 1,415 8 10 1,415 8 10 .. 1,415 8 10 6,473 14 9 6,473 14 9 .. 6,473 14 9 12,829 0 0 11,951 7 6i 11,951 7 6 .. 11,951 7 6| 29,691 0 0 14 075 14 3 5 065 19 2 ! 19,141 13 5 .. .. 214,503 11 2 1 214,503 11 2 .. 214,503 11 2 82,784 18 10 82,784 18 10 , .. 82,784 18 10 33,190 18 8 33,190 18 8 .. 33,190 18 8 27 780' 2 1 2,156'l8 4 29,937 0 5.. .. 215,39111 0j 216,483 16 8 .. 216,483 16 8 122,867 7 10 ! 122,867 7 10 .. 122,867 7 10 29 549'14 0 .. 29 549 14 0 .. .. 66,158 6 10 66,429 14 9 .. 66,429 14 9 208 14 4 I .. 111,365 5 2 111,365 5 2 .. 111,365 5 2 52,480 4 3 52,480 4 3 .. 52,480 4 3; 20 47713 10 11,439' 7 6 31,917' 14 .. .. 54,847 12 3 I 54,847 12 3 .. , 54,847 12 3 602 2 5 602 2 5 .. 602 2 5 7 3l6'17 4 . 7 310 17 4 I .. ... 138,808 19 3 138,808 19 3 .. 138,808 19 3 '7U8 5 4 798 5 4 1 J,280,104 11 in l,QRn,104 11 10-i .. ",104 J4-40-i-18,216- 0 0 1,162 18 0 670 14 4 258 9 8 1,743 19 3 225 17 5 307,432 4 2 27,210 18 7 292,074 17 0 22,983 14 5 10,336 19 11 307,432 4 2 307,432 4 2 .. 307,432 4 2 91,937 5 2 \\ .. .. .. .. 27,216 18 7 27,216 18 7 .. 27,216 18 7 15,845 9 5 4,59119 2 20,437 8 7; 280 5 0 .. 312,792 10 7 312,792 10 7 .. 312,792 10 7 60,297 0 0 486 6 2 22,983 14 5 22,983 14 5 .. 22,983 14 S " .. .. .. .. 10,336 19 11 10,336 11 11 .. 10,336 19 11 • Surveys of New LinesNorth Island Middle Island oiu. anent-way for Railway Department 27,022 0 0 8,445 5 7 25,000 0 0 4 504 17 8 4 504 17 8 .. .. 31,526 17 8 31,141 9 2 .. 31,141 9 2 957 9 10 957 9 10 .. .. 9,402 15 5 1 8,03!) 1 10 .. 8,039 1 10 25,000 0 0 25,000 0 0 .. 25,000 0 0 Rolling-stock .. .. . • • ■ • • I Stock of Permanent-way materials, 31st March, 1908 .. .. £90,966 17 2 4,183,766 18 5 249,774 8 7 .. 4,483,641 7 0 4,483,541 7 0 .. 1,433,541 7 0 107,184 0 0 90,966 17 2 Stock of Permanent-way decreased by £2,341 17 5 /24,212,992 19 1 2,341 17 5 88,624 19 9 88,624 19 9 .. 88,624 19 9 26,568 14 1 Stock 0! Permanent • way, 31st March, 1909 9 115,193 13 10 j Stock of Permanent-way. Total /24,210,651 1 8 649,973 16 8 78,221 6 8 1728,198 3 4 389,671 17 9 656 a 2 25,32!), 177 4 11 /25.329,177 4 11 1,546,100 19 4 /26.S75.278 4 3 1,787,741 5 6 803,760 0 5 1/29,466,779 10 a . . .. Total. a Alto includes value for £150,000 paid to Brunnerton-Bealey item, 1904. d Railway Improvements Authorisation Act A mines Account. to debenture-holden 1 Does not include ££ .ccount. h ] s under "The 6 35 15s. 7d. expei Expenditure unc [idland Railway Petitions Settlement Act Amendment Act, 1903." 6 Does not include £3,010 10s. expended out of Consolidated Fund. c£15,! ided out of Consolidated Fund, e Does not include £500 expended out of Consolidated Fund. /Includes amount expended on purchase of t ler Hutt Road and Railway Improvement Act Account. i Expenditure under Wellington-Manawatu Railway Purchase Account, including £15,164 159 expended bet' listrict railways, 10s., stores taken I ween Brunnerton and Nelson Creek, transferred £477,487 7s. lid. q Expenditure under i over. j Expenditure under State Coal-


TABLE No. 4. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, Bridges, &c., out of the Puhlic Works Fund, Consolidated Fund, and Government Loans to Local Bodies Account, for the Year ended 31st March, 1909.

3—P. 1.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for the Year ended 31st March, 1909. .11 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 10 PUBLIC WORKS FUND. Roads, etc. Auckland Road District— Ahipara to Herekino Awanui to Mangatete, via Oturu Block Awanui to West Coast Bay of Islands County flood damage (£1 for £1) .. Double-crossing Bridge to Kaitaia Dairy Factory .. Dunn's to Kaitaia Dairy Factory Fairburn Creamery to Flat Bush .. ... Herekino Settlement roads Mangonui Bay of Islands Mangonui Bay of Islands £ s. d. 198 4 5 41 6 0 • 100 0 0 69 4 11 139 15 8 100 0 0 60 0 0 148 14 0 Mangonui and Hokianga Mangonui 199 8 10 100 0 0 62 4 6 99 18 0 49 14 0 294 6 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 Hipo Stream Bridge Hohoura Hokianga County flood damage (£1 for £1) Huehue Block to Punakitere Settlement Road Hukerenui Railway-station to Riponui Iwitaua to Mangamuka Hokianga Whangarei Mangonui, Whangaroa, and-Hokianga Whangarei 19 20 21 Jordan to Hikurangi Jordan to Ramarama Kaeo Survey District, Block III (access to Sections 4a and 5) Kaeo Village Road (£1 for £1) Kaeo to Matauri.. Kaeo to Whangaroa (£75, £1 for £1) .. Kaikohe to Huehue 150 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 Whangaroa 22 23 24 25 50 0 0 75 0 0 199 16 9 55 8 1 26 27 30 31 32 33 35 37 40 42 '43 44 45 46 47 48 49 51 Kaikohe to Kawakawa, via Ngapipito Kaikohe to Rawene Kaitaia to Ahipara Kaitaia to Awanui Karemuhako Stream Bridge Kohukohu to Motukaraka, via Runa Valley Mamari Village to Section 48, Block II, Whangape Mangamuka Blook IX (access to Flavell's) Mangatoetoe Mangonui County flood damage (£1 for £1) Mangonui to Kohumaru Blook, via Kenana Mangonui to Oruru Factory Mangonuiowae Stream bridges Maungataniwha Block roads Moscoviti Road (£2 for £1) .. Ngakihakiha Stream Bridge (Bindon's) Ngaruawahine Okaihau to Horeke Hokianga and Bay of Islands Bay of Islands Hokianga Mangonui 349 19 5 194 2 0 60 0 0 60 0 0 199 0 11 345 1 9 24 15 0 63 2 3 229 19 4 200 0 0 298 17 7 200 0 0 440 12 4 45 4 0 24 0 0 117 3 6 70 4 3 235 8 3 Hokianga Mangonui Hokianga Mangonui Bay of Islands . 53 54 55 56 57 60 61 62 64 65 66 68 69 71 72 73 74 75 76 78 79 Okaihau to Waihou Omapere Survey District, Blocks IX and X Omapere to Waimamaku Settlement Opanaki to Hokianga Opouteke River Bridge Oruru Factory to Fairburn Creamery Oruru to Kohumaru Otaua Paiaka to Towai Pakanae Blook Road Pakaraka to Whangae Paranui Peria to Victoria Valley Post-office Pupuke (landing to mines) Ramarama Valley Ramarama Valley (Upper) Rangiahua to Umawhero Rawhia School to Rangiahua Russell to Waikare Taita Stream Bridge Takahue Survey District, Block VI (access to Sections 13, 15. and 16) Takahue Village to Victoria Valley Road Te Puhi Bridge Thomas's Bridge Totara Foreshore (£50, £1 for £1) Towai to Ramarama Umawhero to Mangamuka Unahi .. Underwood Road Victoria Valley Post-office to Fairburn Road (west end) Hokianga and Bay of Islands Bay of Islands Hokianga 100 0 0 14 2 0 42 8 0 125 13 2 Cr. 500 0 0 100 0 0 170 13 4 99 18 5 73 19 9 130 11 3 50 0 0 149 13 0 112 0 8 21 15 0 99 2 3 99 18 0 39 19 6 48 1 6 41 6 6 73 1 9 245 5 4 Bay of Islands Mangonui Hokianga Bay of Islands Hokianga Bay of Islands Mangonui Whangaroa Bay of Islands Hokianga Bay of Islands Hokianga Mangonui 80 82 83 84 85 87 88 89 91 Whangaroa Bay of Islands Hokianga Mangonui Hokianga Mangonui 99 4 0 148 18 10 29 2 0 100 0 0 44 14 2 104 16 0 50 0 0 6 17 0 50 0 0


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1909. 111 92 93 94 97 98 101 103 104 107 108 109 111 119 123 128 130 131 132 133 135 136 137 139 140 141 142 143 Roads, etc. — continued. Auckland Road District — continued. Waiarohia Point.. Waiharara River Bridge Waiharara to West Coast .. Waimamaku to Pakanae Waimamaku Settlement Waiotu Railway-station to Jordan Wairoro Stream Bridge Waitangi Hill Deviation ... White's Bridge Yarborough Road Bear's Deviation Dibble's Bridge to Whangaripo Creamery Kaiwaka to Mangawai Mangapai to Mangonui Bridge (Upper) Matakana to Whangaripo Matapouri to Whananaki Maungakaramea .. .. .. Maungakaramea to Tangitororia Maungatapere to Tangiteroria McLaughlin's Bridge (Waipu) McLaughlin's to Caves I Ngunguru to Matapouri I North River Road Omaha to Pakiri Pakiri to Whangaripo Parua to Taheke.. Poroti to Mangakahia Bridge Hokianga Mangonui Hokianga Whangarei Bay of Islands Mangonui Hokianga Rodney Otamatea Whangarei Rodney Whangarei Bay of Islands Waitemata Marsden £ S. d. 46 11 0 87 4 7 50 0 0 448 11 8 186 12 8 50 0 0 340 2 8 94 17 11 54 14 8 71 8 0 300 0 0 59 12 10 229 9 3 91 5 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 37 14 0 579 12 3 327 6 4 50 0 0 50 0 0 116 14 0 50 0 0 37 11 3 120 0 0 46 18 9 it Rodney Whangarei Bay of Islands and Marsden Ditto Waitemata Marsden 144 145 147 150 152 Poroti to Tangiteroia Puhoi to Warkworth Rawnsley Road .. Waipu Caves to Mangapai Waipu to Mareretu .. ... Rodney Whangarei 71 4 0 137 18 0 Cr. 1 10 0 50 0 0 128 18 2 Otamatea and Whangarei Whangarei 100 0 0 153 Wairua River Bridge approaches Bay of Islands and Marsden Waitemata 157 158 159 163 164 165 166 169 171 173 174 176 177 178 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 190 193 194 195 196 197 201 202 203 204 206 207 209 211 212 213 215 216 217 222 224 227 229 Warkworth to Kaipara Flats Railway-station Warkworth to Matakana Warkworth to Sandspit Whangaripo to Te Arai Whangaripo to Wellsford (£50, £1 for £1) Whareora Coast Road Whittaker's Deviation Araparera River Bridge Arapohue to Hoyles Trig. (£1 for £1) Ararua (£20, £1 for £1) Aratapu to Mount Wesley Aratapu to West Coast (through Domain) Avoca Settlement (South Road) Avoca Settlement (West Road) Awaroa Creek Bridge Awaroa River Canal to Matakohe-Tokatoka Road.. Batley Road Biokerstafie to Maungaturoto Blong Road Bradley's Corner to Raupo Burch's to Tokataka-Mangapai Road Burch's to Tokatoka-Matakohe Road Helensville end of Auckland Road Hukatere Access Road Hukatere District roads James Road Jolly's Range Road Kaihu Creek Bridge (Flax-mill) Kai Iwi to Kaihu Katui to Marlborough Settlement Katui to Waipoua Kaukapakapa Bridge Hill Road Kaukapakapa Road Kirk Road (Katui to Aranga) Lusk Road (£1 for £1) Makarau Railway-station to Kanobi Makarau Railway-station to Tahekeroa Makarau River Bridge (near Railway-station) Mangatu to Katui Maropiu to Kairara Matakohe (access road) Mititai to Tokatoka (£2 for £1)' No. 2 Creamery to No. 4 Outlet (£1 for £1) Omano to Maraekura Opanaki to Mangonui Bluff (£1 for £1).. Rodney Whangarei Rodney Hobson Otamatea Hobson Otamatea Waitemata Otamatea Marsden Waitemata Kaipara 100 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 198 9 3 100 0 0 20 8 2 200 0 0 100 0 0 137 19 9 50 0 0 559 2 7 198 0 0 61 1 6 74 14 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 11 12 6 200 0 0 150 0 0 64 4 0 171 18 10 46 16 10 100 0 0 400 0 0 100 0 0 167 18 11 163 1 3 150 0 0 100 0 0 33 3 6 100 0 0 60 2 0 11 11 0 224 14 4 74 5 0 49 19 5 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 73 0 0 Hobson Hokianga Bay of Islands Waitemata Kaipara Hokianga Hobson Waitemata Bay of Islands Kaipara Hokianga Hobson Otamatea Hobson & Otamatea Otamatea Hobson Hobson & Hokianga Bay of Islands Kaipara Kaipara and Bay of Islands


TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Vote No. Item No. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1909. Name of Work. 11 230 231 232 233 234 236 237 238 239 241 242 250 251 252 253 254 255 Roads, etc.— continued. Auckland Road District— continued. Otamatea Road Pahi to Paparoa .. Paparoa to Matakohe Paparoa to Maungaturoto Paparoa to Wairere Parkhurst Port Albert to Wellsfoid Station Raupo to Creamery Robertson Road, Raupo Sanderson Bridge Taita Settlement Bridge Tokatoka to Mangonui Bridge (Upper) Tokatoka Post-office Road Tokatoka Swamp roads Tokatoka Swamp (main access road) Wainui to Makarau Railway-station Waipoua Survey District, Section 26, Block XI (aocess) Waiwauwau Stream Bridge Wallace Road (Raupo) Wharehine to Wellsford Railway-station Ba> er Road to Section 273, Waiwera Parish Otamatea Waitemata Rodney Otamatea Rodney Hobson Hobson & Otamatea Otamatea Kaipara £ s. d. 57 0 6 107 16 6 65 7 7 144 12 2 34 12 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 74 18 6 20 3 5 300 0 0 298 18 2 200 0 0 134 19 8 250 0 0 50 0 0 5 8 0 Waitemata Hokianga Bay of Islands 256 257 258 260 Rodney Otamatea Rodney Waitemata and Rodney Waitemata Rodney Kaipara 174 3 0 200 0 0 50 0 0 0 8 0 Waitemata 261 266 268 270 271 274 276 Cuthbert's Gully (£1 for £1) Puhoi to Ahuroa Railway-station Puhoi to Tahekeroa Tunnel Samuel's Bridge (£2 for £1).. Swanson to West Coast Wade to Dairy Flat Waimauku to West Coast to Frost's Waitemata Eden Waitemata Kaipara 300 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 250 0 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 200 0 0 277 Wainui to Kaukapakapa Railway-station Waitemata and Kaipara Waitemata 100 0 0 279 281 287 288 289 291 Waiwera Hot Springs Road Waiwera to Wainui Kaimarama Settlement to Waikawau Kikowhakarere to Cabbage Bay (coast road) Port Charles to Ahuroa Great North Road deviation (Surrey Crescent to Meola Creek) (£1 to £1) New Lynn to Huia Waikumete to West Coast Ararimu Ardmore Range Road Brookby Creamery Road (£1 for £1) Drury Road District bridges Great South Read (Papakura Road District) (£4 for £1) Hay's Creek Bridge Hunua to Railway-station (on account of £1,500) .. Kawakawa Bay to Hauarahi Stream Ramarama Bridge (repairs) Wairoa Butter-factory to Brookby Creamery Wairoa River Bridge (Otau) Abraham's Gully Akaaka Drain Outlet Akaaka Gravel Reserve Road Akaaka to Pukehoke Railway-station through Pura pura Block Akaaka Swamp Road to Pukekohe Railway-station Awhitu Main Road Bombay to Paparata Bombay to Tuakau, via Buckland Bregmen's Landing to Churohill Bast Drury to Waiuku, via Karaka Edward Road (access to Section 124, Waipa Parish) Glen Murray to Rangiriri (£1 for JB1) Glen Murray to Woodleigh Great South Road (Drury to Rangiriri) Harrisville to Tuakau (£100, £1 for £1) Huntly to Kahuruhuru Kelsey's to Port Waikato Mangapiko Valley ■ .. Mangatea Road Matahuru Landing Road Matahuru Valley to Mangapiko Valley Matahuru Valley to Proctor's Maungatawhiri Stream Bridge Maungatawhiri Stream to Maungatangi Stream .. Maungatawhiri to Waitakaruru „ Coromandel Thames 50 0 0 195 17 4 50 0 0 150 18 8 100 0 0 2,120 10 0 Eden Grey Lynn 293 294 296 297 298 299 300 Waitemata Eden 50 0 0 95 7 9 41 18 3 51 0 0 11 16 3 06 9 2 187 19 2 Manukau Franklin Manukau Franklin Manukau 301 303 304 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 Franklin Manukau ,. Manukau & Franklin Franklin 16 17 4 1,153 8 6 19 8 6 27 17 1 98 9 6 246 14 4 41 0 0 25 0 0 60 0 0 100 0 0 317 318 321 322 324 327 329 330 331 334 336 337 339 344 345 346 347 348 350 351 352 Raglan Manukau Raglan Manukau 44 4 0 49 11 2 100 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 129 18 11 50 0 0 62 10 0 50 0 0 168 10 3 50 0 0 83 16 0 49 4 3 46 1 0 49 19 8 0 10 48 17 10 208 16 10 4 0 0 41 2 9 36 3 7 Raglan Waikato Manukau Waikato and Thames


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1909. 11 354 355 356 357 360 361 362 363 364 366 367 368 369 371 374 375 378 379 380 381 382 385 388 389 391 392 396 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 407 Roads, etc. — continued. Auckland Road District— continued. McKinnon Road McPherson Road Ngaruawahia to Huntly West Ohinewai Railway-station to Ngarua Block Otoroheao Trig. Road Paerata Railway-station to Pukekohe East-Drury Road Pairama Road Paparata to Maungatawhiri Pollok Main Road Pukekohe District (Ostrich Farm Road) Pukekohe East School to Drury Puriri to Huntly Rangiriri to Rangiriri Railway-station Boose's Hill (Pukekohe-Drury Road) Shepherd Road .. Sprowl's Hill Tikotiko Road Tuakau Bridge to Pukekawa Tuakau Bridge to Waingaro (£117, £1 for £1) Tuakau Bridge to Raglan Tuakau to Onewhero Union Road (£1 for £1) Waingaro to Ngaruawahia Waitangi Bridge (£1 for £1) Waiuku to Awhitu Waiuku to Pukekohe Hikutaia to Paeroa Komata North Mangawhara Matatoke Road and drain Maukoro to Waitakaruru Miranda to Waitakaruru Morrison's Landing Road Netherton to Awaiti Block Netherton to Turua Raglan .. Franklin Waikato Raglan .'.". Waikato .. •„ Raglan Manukau .. „ Raglan Manukau Raglan .. „ Waikato .. „ Manukau Raglan £ s. d. 81 0 4 0 16 5 198 7 11 367 2 6 83 3 11 50 0 0 51 19 6 39 11 8 24 16 0 57 9 4 60 0 0 26 16 0 45 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 97 8 0 50 0 0 99 18 10 91 13 9 273 15 10 24 13 11 25 0 0 150 0 0 65 17 0 174 11 8 329 3 6 200 0 0 180 0 0 174 1 4 42 5 0 274 19 5 40 2 6 100 0 0 123 16 6 75 0 0 Manukau .. „ Raglan Manukau Ohinemuri .. Ohinemuri Thames .. Thames Ohinemuri .. Ohinemuri Ohinemuri and Ohinemuri and Thames Thames Ohinemuri .. Ohinemuri 408 412 413 414 415 420 421 422 Ngarua to Waikaka Rangiora Tahuna to Paeroa Tahuna to Proctor's Te Rohia to Mangaiti Waingaro River Bridge Waingaro to Waingaro Landing (£100, £1 for £1) .. Survey, acquisition, and legalisation of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction and repair of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. ... Raglan .. Waikato 294 4 1 100 0 0 936 16 4 185 18 8 250 0 0 48 3 4 239 2 0 210 3 3 423 424 855 12 8 58 0 7 425 157 17 8 Total —Auckland £34,302 19 11 426 Te Kuiti Road District (North) — Thames River Traffic-bridge (Te Aroha), (£1 for £1), (on account of £1,500) Tauhei (£100, £2 for £1) Piako .. Tauranga 500 427 Waikato and Piako Waikato and Tauranga Raglan .. Franklin 100 0 0 428 429 430 431 Te Puroa Te Puroa to Waingaro-Ngaruawahia Rnad Wilson Road Aotea to Raglan 20 18 9 97 17 1 99 17 2 90 10 0 432 434 435 436 Awaroa River Bridge Billington Hill Cogswell Road . Crow's Nest Hill to No. 4, Maungatautari I Raglan and Kawhia Waikato and Taumarunui „ „ Taumarunui Raglan .. Waikato 18 3 1 30 11 10 18 1 0 234 5 0 437 438 440 442 French Pass to Taotaoroa Hamilton Combined Bridge (contribution) Hauturu-Otorohanga Road to Ngutunui Stream .. Kakepuku Improved Farm Settlement Waipa and West Tauranga Taupo Piako .. Boiough of Hamilton Waikato Waitomo .. Taumarunui Waitomo and West Tauranga Taupo Ditto Raglan .. Waikato 39 9 7 500 0 0 199 19 1 249 17 4 443 445 447 448 Kakepuku .. ... Kaniwhaniwha Stream Bridge Kauri to Harapepe Kauroa to Pakoka .. .. 37 2 0 314 13 5 52 11 0 142 16 4 .. Waikato and Taumarunui


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure 1 for Year ended I 31st March, 1909. 11 449 450 451 452 Roads, etc. — continued. Te Kuiti Road District (North) — continued. Kawa Drain bridges Kawhia to Aotea Kawhia to Oparau Kihikihi to Otorohanga Waitomo Kawhia Taumarunui £ s. d 65 14 £ £ s. d. 65 14 5 109 15 4 66 2 4 20 5 10 109 15 4 453 454 456 457 458 460 461 462 463 465 467 468 469 470 471 473 Kihikihi to Waotu Kinohaku to Harbour Mangamahoe Mangaokahu Mangaorino Mangawhero Stream Bridge Marokopa River Bridge (Marokopa Valley Road) .. Marokopa River (snagging) Matakotia Maungatawhiri to Raglan Ngutunui to Kawa Okupata Okupata Stream Bridge Opotoru River Bridge Otorohanga to Ouruwhero Pakihi to Okete Waitomo and West Taupo West Taupo and Piako Kawhia Waitomo Raglan Waitomo Waikato, Tauranga, j and Taumarunui Tauranga and Waikato Taumarunui 66 2 4 20 5 1C 117 16 ( 18 7 ( 117 16 0 18 7 0 27 15 4 199 18 8 255 4 6 117 6 9 53 0 11 61 8 8 68 12 3 56 13 4 98 5 8 22 16 4 31 13 7 52 7 7 43 17 0 115 11 4 Waikato Taumarunui 27 15 4 199 18 e 255 4 t Kawhia and Awakino 117 6 i Raglan i, Waikato 61 8 8 68 12 i Waitomo Kawhia Taumarunui 56 13 4 98 5 i 22 16 4 Raglan Waitomo Kawhia and Raglan Waikato Taumarunui Waikato and Taumarunui Tauranga Taumarunui 31 13 7 52 7 7 43 17 C 115 11 4 705 12 i 226 18 11 30 0 io r 474 475 476 477 Piako County flood damage (£1 for £1) Pirongia to Kawhia Pirongia West Puketarata No. 2 Piako Kawhia and Waitomo Kawhia Waitomo and West Taupo Raglan 705 12 3 226 18 11 333 18 0 9 19 0 333 18 C 9 19 C 479 480 481 482 483 Raglan County flood damage (£1 for £1) Raglan to Waipa Randall Road (Ngutunui) Raupara Rone Potae tracks Waitomo Waikato Taumarunui Tauranga Taumarunui 50 11 c 207 14 C 35 18 1C 18 7 i 32 5 C 50 11 3 207 14 0 35 18 10 18 7 3 32 5 0 Awakino, Kawhia, and Waitomo Raglan 484 485 486 487 488 489 ■490 491 492 493 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 531 532 533 534 Ruapuke to Aotea Ruapuke to Makoka Ruapuke Mountain Road Ruapuke Mountain Road to Te Mata Sainsbury Road Shea Road Taumatatotara (East) Taumatatotara (West) Tawarau Te Awamutu to Kihikihi Te Kuiti to Otorohanga Te Maika Te Maika to Marokopa Te Mata to Ruapuke Te Puhi Te Rapa (£1 for £1) Te Rau Mauku Te Toto Stream Bridge Te Tahi Toi .. Tokanui to Wharepapa Tumutumu to Waitomo Turitea (Lyford's) Uruwhao Creamery Road Waerenga Falls Road Waharoa to Gordon Settltment Waiharakeke Bridge (on account) Waihohonu Waihou River Bridge (Mangawhero), (on account) Waikato County flood damage (£1 for £1) Waimaori Hill Waingaro Springs to Te Uku Wainui Waipa River Bridge (Te Kuiti-Otorohanga Road).. Waite Waitetuna to Aotea Waitetuna to Kauri Waitetuna Middle Bridge Waitetuna Valley Waitetuna to Whatawhata Waitomo Stream Bridge (Caves) Waitomo Valley (Ruakuri Caves) Whaanga .. ._. ... Whakahau Whakapirau Wharauroa Raglan and Waitomo Kawhia Waitomo Waipa Waitomo Kawhia Raglan West Taupo Waipa Waitomo Raglan Waitomo Kawhia West Taupo Waitomo Piako Kawhia and Raglan Piako Kawhia Waitomo Piako Waikato Raglan Waikato Taumarunui Waikato Taumarunui Waikato Tauranga Waikato Taumarunui Waikato Taumarunui Tauranga Taumarunui Tauranga Waikato Tauranga Taumarunui 50 6 1C 199 19 i 285 0 £ 119 15 11 89 6 £ 48 1 6 122 19 t 50 19 e 149 18 £ 300 0 C 204 10 E 503 12 C 101 13 C 197 12 1C 22 2 7 150 0 0 193 17 10 45 12 0 49 17 5 20 14 6 109 15 3 137 6 11 185 13 11 50 0 0 55 16 3 400 0 0 221 18 6 50 6 10 199 19 9 285 0 5 119 15 11 89 6 9 48 1 8 122 19 6 50 19 6 149 18 6 300 0 0 204 10 5 503 12 0 101 13 0 197 12 10 22 2 7 150 0 0 193 17 10 45 12 0 49 17 5 20 14 6 109 15 3 137 6 11 185 13 11 50 0 0 55 16 3 400 0 0 221 18 6 188 7 7 4 19 75 0 0 30 9 11 33 5 0 122 17 8 1,143 18 8 18 16 0 207 15 3 317 8 0 1 14 0 78 9 7 50 6 0 65 11 4 92 3 1 234 17 9 88 1 5 53 19 7 132 3 5 Tauranga Waikato 188 7 7 4 19 75 0 C Waitomo Kawhia Kawhia and Raglan Raglan Franklin & Waikato Waikato Taumarunui Waikato Taumarunui Waikato 30 9 11 33 5 0 122 17 8 1,143 18 8 18 16 0 207 15 3 317 8 0 Kawhia Raglan Waitomo 1 14 0 78 9 7 Taumarunui 50 6 0 65 11 4 Raglan Awakino Kawhia Waikato Taumarunui 92 3 1 234 17 9 88 1 5 Waikato and Taumarunui 53 19 7 132 3 5



TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.

Vote No. i Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1909. U 535 536 537 538 Roads, etc.— continued. Te Kuiti Road District (North)— continued. Whatawhata Swamp Road .. Survey, acquisition, and legalisation of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction and repairs of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Waipa Waikato £ s. d. 150 0 0 169 3 2 565 5 8 4 4 11 539 42 6 1 Total—Te Kuiti (North) £13,907 8 1 540 541 542 543 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 Te Kuiti Road District (South)— Awakino to Tirua Point (coast track) Awakino Valley (lower) Huhatahi Hunt Road Kohua Kopuha Kururau Mahorahora Mairoa (South of Ngapaenga), (£500, £1 for £1) .. Mangakara Mangaorongo Stream Bridge Mangaotaki Valley (lower) .. Awakino Waitomo Awakino Waitomo Taumarunui 52 11 0 185 16 0 56 13 4 24 19 0 12 16 0 283 3 7 750 8 9 556 7 2 36 12 9 143 10 9 338 12 2 69 13 0 Awakino Waitomo and Awakino Awakino Waitomo 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 567 568 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 Mangaotaki Valley (upper) Mangapapa Mangapapa Stream Bridge Mangapeehi Stream Bridge Mangaparare Mangaroa .. • • Miroahuiao to Mangaotaki Mokau to Awakino Heads Mokau Ferry (Upper) Mokau River Bridge (Wairere) Mokauiti Ohura (north of Paorae Stream) Ohura River Bridge (Matiere) Oniao Otunui South Paemako Improved-farm Settlement .. Pakihikura Pao .. Pirere Pokoihu Poro-o-tarao to Taumarunui Awakino Waitomo 313 14 4 179 8 7 144 11 7 164 9 4 49 19 9 39 19 10 289 11 8 302 6 0 14 5 0 358 4 3 196 13 11 1,749 16 2 99 5 8 159 4 1 282 8 6 56 4 8 50 8 5 86 14 0 97 7 0 25 2 4 5 3 10 a •. Awakino Waitomo Waitomo and West Taupo Waitomo 109 0 0 132 6 6 3 16 9 21 0 0 104 8 2 578 579 580 582 583 Potaka Prentice Road Pukearuhe Rimu Rohe Potae tracks Awakino, Kawhia, and Waitomo Waitomo 584 585 586 587 Ryan Road Tapuri Taumarunui to Matapuna Te Kuiti to Mokau West Taupo Waitomo and Awakino Waitomo 163 3 3 39 19 0 99 17 7 3,130 19 8 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 600 Te Kuiti to Poro-o-tarao Te Kuiti to Te Kumi Te Kuiti Village Settlement roads Tolme Road Tongaporutu to Mangaroa (east of Waiaraia Range) Totoro . Turipoto Waikaka Stream Bridge Waikawau Wairere to Mokauiti Waitangata Survey, acquisition, and legalisation of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &o. ; Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and services, inoluding assistance towards the construction and repairs of roads, bridges, traoks, &o. Awakino Waitomo Awakino Waitomo 197 15 2 172 0 6 195 0 0 35 2 11 586 19 4 37 2 6 43 12 6 131 0 1 91 3 3 18 12 0 284 12 10 278 18 2 601 602 551 8 2 96 12 3 603 129 13 10 . £13,830 6 10 Total—Te Kuiti (South)



TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1909. 11 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 Roads, etc. — continued. Rotorua Road District— Anderson Road (Waimana Parish), (£1 for £1) Arahiwi to Mamaku Railway-station Bishop Road Gorge Road Hairini Bridge and approaches Hamurana Bridge Harper Road Hikurangi Gorge bridges Kaharoa Kaingaroa to Waiotapu Kapukapu Lake Rotoma to Te Teko Lichfield to Atiamuri Whakatane Rotorua Tauranga Rotorua Rotorua and Piako Tauranga Rotorua Bay of Plenty Tauranga Bay of Plenty £ s. d. Cr. 50 0 0 1 5 10 87 15 6 29 13 0 36 0 0 171 16 0 13 8 2 100 0 0 50 0 0 98 10 5 42 3 9 249 2 6 83 4 0 Tauranga Bay of Plenty Whakatane West Taupo and East Taupo Rotorua & Tauranga Rotorua 617 618 619 622 624 625 626 628 629 630 631 634 Maketu to Te Ngae Mamaku to Rotorua (Bast Road) Mamaku Village Matata to Tamurenui Junction Omanawa Bridge Omaramutu to Te Whaite Opotiki to Ohiwa (£1 for £1) Oropi Settlement Oruanui to Mokai Oruanui to Wairakei Papamoa No. 2 .. Rangiuru Settlement to Rangiuru-Mangorewa Gorge Road Rotorua to Lake Rotoma Rotorua to Taupo, via Atiamuri Whakatane Tauranga Opotiki Tauranga ' East Taupo Tauranga Bay of Plenty Tauranga Bay of Plenty 228 2 7 293 13 1 20 10 0 6 11 11 17 3 9 46 10 0 100 0 0 11 6 6 180 16 1 31 12 0 33 5 9 28 5 10 Tauranga Tauranga Bay of Plenty and Tauranga Bay of Plenty 635 636 637 638 Rotorua to Taupo, via Waiotapu Rotowhero to Galatea Rotorua Rotorua and East Taupo Ditto Rotorua and Whakatane Whakatane Rotorua Tauranga Whakatane Tauranga 365 15 0 259 12 1 695 19 6 149 10 2 639 641 642 643 644 645 648 649 650 651 652 655 656 658 660 661 662 Ruatahuna to Waikaremoana South Road Tahawai Deviation Tarawera Bridge protection Tauranga County bridges (£1 for £1) .. Tauranga County flood damage (£1 for £1) Te Puna (road to Sections 156 and 158) Te Waiti Road Tirau to Ngongotaha Tokaanu to Taupo Tuapiro Bridge Waioeka River to Waiotahi Block Waipapa Bridge Whakatane County flood damage (£1 for £1) Whakatane to Te Teko Whakatane River Bridge (£1 for £1) Survey, acquisition, and legislation of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &o. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction and repairs of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Opotiki Piako and Rotorua East Taupo Tauranga Opotiki Tauranga Whakatane Tauranga Bay of Plenty Tauranga Bay of Plenty Tauranga Bay of Plenty Tauranga Bay of Plenty 38 5 3 72 15 1 238 9 2 154 18 9 300 0 0 118 0 0 23 0 6 18 5 6 130 19 3 140 11 6 179 0 0 52 4 0 100 0 0 171 5 11 14 19 0 290 5 2 405 0 8 663 664 377 4 11 73 7 2 665 33 6 0 Total —Rotorua £6,313 11 3 666 667 668 669 671 672 675 680' 681 682 683 684 685 687 688 690 691 694 Hawke's Bay Road District — Motu to Opotiki Waiaua River to Bay Gisborne to Hangaroa Gisborne to Rotorua (stock), (Hawke's Bay District Section) Gisborne to Wairoa County Boundary, via Tiniroto Hangaroa River Bridge No. 2 Makarika to Paekawa Mata River to Waitahaia Motu to Motu Bridge Motu Valley (on account of £700) Pahi toPuketiti .. Poroporo Valley Port Awanui (road to public buildings) Pouparae Poututu to Motu (£1 for £1) Tapuwaeroa Valley Taurangakotuku River Road Waiapu to Kawakawa (inland road) ,, Opotiki Cook ','. Waiapu Cook Bay of Plenty Gisborne Gisborne and Bay of Plenty Gisborne Bay of Plenty 155 0 8 100 0 0 463 7 7 65 0 0 500 0 0 190 8 11 200 0 0 200 0 0 157 14 6 293 8 4 250 0 0 22 7 6 12 0 0 9 7 11 451 18 7 250 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 Waiapu Cook" '.'. Gisborne Bay of Plenty Waiapu // ..



TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1909. 11 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 706 707 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 717 718 719 720 Roads, etc. — continued. Hawke's Bay Road District— continued. Waihora River Bridge (Kanakanae) Waihuka Valley (on account of £1,000) Waimata River bridges (on account of £1,500) Wainui to Tolaga Bay Waiwhero Stream Bridge .. ■ .. Wharekopae to Tahora No. 2 Aorangi (Mangatahi Settlement) Cottage Road (Mangatahi Settlement) Havelock North to Waimarama (£1 for £1) Kauhouroa Stream Bridge Kereru Kopu-a-whara River Bridge.. Makaretu River Bridge Mangaohane Mangaohane Stream Bridge Mangaone Stream Bridge Mangapurakau Stream Bridge Mangatahi Stream Bridge Maraekakaho Stream Bridge (upper crossing) Mason Road Matahoura Stream Bridge Napier to Wairoa Cook Hawke's Bay Wairoa Hawke's Bay Wairoa Bay of Plenty Hawke's Bay Gisborne Hawke's Bay Gisborne £ s. d. 300 0 0 700 0 0 1,500 0 0 400 0 0 85 0 7 200 0 0 243 2 2 97 10 6 500 0 0 150 0 0 400 0 0 103 15 6 375 9 7 500 0 0 386 14 10 223 11 11 8 12 6 98 7 8 54 15 1 0 4 0 69 7 0 899 11 4 Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay Wairoa Dannevirke Hawke's Bay Gisborne Waipawa Hawke's Bay Wairoa Hawke's Bay and Wairoa Wairoa Gisborne 721 Nuhaka River Bridge (Stewart's Crossing), (on account of £1,300) Pohue to Titiokura Saddle 500 0 0 723 Hawke's Bay and Wairoa Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay and Gisborne Hawke's Bay 394 10 4 727 728 730 731 733 734 739 740 741 742 744 746 747 748 749 750 754 756 757 759 765 767 770 Taruarau River Bridge Te Aute to Onepu (£1 for £1) Wairoa to Gisborne, via Morere (Sandhills) (£1 for £1) Wairoa River Bridge (Frasertown) Wairoa to Putere (Cricklewood deviation) Whieri Lindsay Settlement (access to Section 17, Block XI, Waipukurau Survey District) Mangatewainui Stream Bridge Mangamaire Bridge (£1 for £1) Mangapuaka (deviation) Norsewood South to Makaretu Otamaraho .. .. • Ruahine Ruaroa (Tamaki Block) .. .. Scenic Road Tamaki Settlement to Kiritaki Block Tunakore Bridge Esdala (£1 for £1) Falls Road Mangatoro Stream Bridge (5th crossing) Te Hoe Creek Bridge Waipatiki and Kereru Stream bridges (£1 for £1) .. Wimbledon to North-west Boundary, Weber County, via Waipatiki Survey, acquisition, and legalisation of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction and repairs of roads, bridges, tracks, &o. Wairoa Waipawa Dannevirke Dannevirke & Weber Dannevirke Waipawa Dannevirke Waipawa Dannevirke Gisborne Waipawa Pahiatua Waipawa Pahiatua & Waipawa Waipawa Pahiatua Waipawa Pahiatua 232 10 0 40 0 0 200 0 0 2,524 17 0 100 0 0 58 19 6 50 0 0 606 19 8 325 0 0 319 12 3 99 18 6 127 8 3 10 12 10 167 17 0 50 0 0 64 1 6 36 16 0 220 0 0 87 15 6 793 6 1 17 3 6 100 0 0 100 0 0 Weber Dannevirke Weber 771 252 13 3 772 773 537 9 3 65 15 6 774 24 16 0 Total —Hawke's Bay £19,024 18 1 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 783 785 786 788 790 794 795 799 Taranaki Road District— Aorangi to Opetea Cross Road (Waitara West) Hutiwai Junction Road (Purangi to Matau) Kaka Makarakia Mangatuna May .. Mokau Ferry Service Mokau River Biidge (Mokau), (on account) Okoke (£52, £1 for £1) Piko .. .. .. ' .. Waitara River Bridge (Tangitu Road) .. Waro Koru (£1 for £1).. Waitomo Taranaki Clifton Taumarunui Stratford Taumarunui 54 0 3 50 0 0 100 0 0 25 0 0 15 6 0 88 1 9 15 4 0 46 18 6 109 5 0 25 0 0 56 17 6 182 8 6 3 14 11 25 0 0 105 0 0 Waitomo Taranaki Stratford Taumarunui Taranaki .,



TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

4—D. 1.

Vote No. Iterr No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1909. 11 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 812 Roads, etc. — continued. Taranaki Road District— continued. Oakura Hills (New Plymouth to Opunake Road) (£1 for £1) Pitone (£1 for £1) .. .. - Stony River Bridge Stony River Bridge (proteocion), (£1 for £1) Kaponga Stock Road Ball Road Brewer (Strathmore to Muroott Road), (£1 for £1) Kohuratahi Manga Mangaehu River Bridge (Tututawa), (£1 for £1, on account of £1,000) Mangaehu South Mataimoana Moeawatea Ridge Mohakau Moturoa O'Connor Road (Makahu) .. Ohura (south of Paorae) Taranaki Eltham Patea Whangamomona .. Stratford Taranaki Egmont Patea .. Stratford £ s. a. 143 15 0 50 0 0 172 10 0 50 0 0 75 0 0 21 12 0 250 0 0 42 18 6 64 2 5 650 0 0 813 815 816 817 818 820 821 Patea Eltham Stratford Patea Whangamomona .. Stratford, Whangamomona, and Waitomo Hawera Eltham Stratford Patea Egmont Stratford Patea Stratford . .. 39 12 0 193 14 0 233 15 0 188 3 3 94 7 0 52 3 4 2,794 5 5 822 824 825 828 Patupuremu Rawhitiroa (on account of £3,000, £1 for £1) Taihore (£1 for £1) Survey, acquisition, and legislation of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and servioes, inoluding assistance towards the construction and repairs of roads, bridges, tracks, &o. Egmont 8 4 0 1,653 0 0 57 0 9 436 6 9 Stratford 829 830 198 12 10 151 11 9 831 55 0 8 Total —Taranaki £8,577 11 1 832 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 846 847 Wanganui Road District — Tapui Village Settlement Huia Huikumu Jacobsen Road and Bridge (£1 for £1) .. Kaimatangi Kauarapaoa Kauarapaoa Blook Road (£1 for £1) .. Koukoupo Makohine Valley (£93, £1 for £1) Mangahoe Mangamahu Bridge and Road (protective works), (£1 for £1) Mangarewa Mangaweka to Te Kapua Mangaweka Village Settlement Mangawhero River Bridge (Raupiu) Matapuna to Ohakune West Taupo Rangitikei Waimarino Rangitikei Wanganui Waitotara Wanganui Rangitikei Waimarino Wanganui Taumarunui Rangitikei Taumarunui Rangitikei Patea Rangitikei 41 5 11 113 5 3 90 7 11 76 5 11 97 3 5 437 10 8 75 0 0 19 10 0 116 7 7 20 12 6 21 0 0 Taumarunui Rangitikei 848 849 850 851 852 Waimarino Rangitikei Taumarunui Rangitikei 30 14 0 525 15 6 18 19 10 762 5 3 639 10 2 Wanganui Waimarino and West Taupo Rangitikei Taumarunui 853 854 855 857 858 860 863 864 Mataroa to Mangaweka (£1 for £1) Ngauinga Okaka Orautaha River Bridge (Raetihi-Ohura Road) Oruakukuru to Karioi Pipiriki Township (Akapuka) Quarry Road Rotoaira to Waimarino Railway-station Rangitikei 415 11 6 210 19 1 104 12 11 15 3 0 43 4 4 29 i 3 35 10 10 100 2 6 Waimarino Taumarunui Rangitikei Waimarino, West Taupo, and East Taupo Waimarino Rangitikei Rangitikei and Waimarino Wanganui Waimarino Waimarino and Wanganui Rangitikei Wanganui Rangitikei Taumarunui 866 867 868 Smith's Road ... Taihape Valley Taihape to Waiouru Rangitikei Rangitikei and Taumarunui Rangitikei Taumarunui Rangitikei and Taumarunui Rangitikei 79 11 8 50 0 0 55 4 2 869 870 871 Te Hue Tokiahuru Bridge (Parapara to Karioi Road) Turakina Valley (extension) 27 4 0 10 10 6 108 5 5 872 873 874 876 879 880 Utiku Township Waipapa Waiparuparu Wangaehu River Bridge (Karioi -Rangiwaea Road) Wangaehu River Road (£1 for £1) Wanganui River Trust Waimarino Wanganui Wanganui, Waimarino, Stratford, and Waitotara Patea Taumarunui Rangitikei Patea, Rangitikei, and Taumarunui 44 0 6 19 1 0 91 19 8 571 17 2 286 2 0 500 0 0 884 Puao Patea 245 0 0



TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1909. 11 885 886 888 889 890 Roads, etc. — continued. Wanganui Road District — continued. Te Ngaue Wanganui River Bridge Survey, acquisition, and legislation of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and servioes, including assistance towards the construction and repairs of roads, bridges, tracks, &o. Patea Wanganui Patea Wanganui £ s. d. 86 10 6 1,123 2 0 682 11 9 463 16 6 183 0 6 891 53 5 10 Total—Wanganui £8,721 5 6 893 894 895 896 897 898 900 903 Wellington Road District — Puke Road Rangitikei Bridge (Omatane) Apiti Main South (£1 for £1) .. Kawhatau (Upper) Lagoon Road (£1 for £1) Mangahuia East Mangapapa (£1 for £1) Oroua River Bridge (£1 for £1) Rangitikei Kiwitea Rangitikei Oroua Rangitikei Oroua 230 0 3 405 5 9 115 1 1 94 0 2 250 0 0 94 17 6 50 0 0 388 0 0 907 909 910 911 912 Peka (£1 for £1) .. Pohangina River (wire and cage at Piripiri) Tunipo Umutoi (£1 for £1) Gorge Road Kiwitea and Pohangina Kiwitea Pohangina 183 7 3 20 0 0 297 19 3 35 0 0 16 12 0 Kiwitea Kairanga Palmerston and Pahiatua Palmerston 914 Manawatu River Bridge (Lower Gorge), (on account of £8,500) Manawatu River Bridge (Shannon), (£1 for £1) Oroua and Kairanga 4,423 14 6 915 918 919 923 924 925 927 928 Ballance to Manawatu Gorge (£1 for £1) Burnett Road (access to Seotion 1, Block XVI, Makuri Survey District) Hutewai (Waterfalls) Kaituna Makairo to Coonoor Makuri to Pongaroa (£1 for £1), (on account of £2,312) Makuri Saddle to Pongaroa, via Rakaunui (£1 for £1) Manuhara Mathieson's Bridge and approaches Pahiatua to Palmerston Horowhenua and Manawatn Pahiatua Pahiatua and Woodville Masterton Akitio Pahiatua Akitio and Pahiatua Akitio Manawatu and Otaki Pahiatua 1,267 16 3 75 0 0 56 9 3 77 3 6 138 2 6 38 11 10 1,094 3 7 277 13 11 929 930 934 Pahiatua Pahiatua and Kairanga Akitio Pahiatua and Palmerston Pahiatua 48 1 11 1,017 4 2 198 1 2 937 939 940 941 Pongaroa to Aohanga Pongaroa Stream Bridge (Huia Road) Pongaroa Stream Bridge (Cross Road) Puketoi (Mount Marchant end) 214 9 11 209 12 11 71 19 3 115 1 10 942 943 945 946 947 948 949 952 953 955 Rakaunui to Pongaroa (£1 for £1) Towai Umungoero Bridge Waihi Bridge (Towai Road) Waihi River Bridge (Lunt's), (on account) Waihi Valley Waikereru Road and Bridge Barton's Line to Mangamahoe Bowen Road (South) Hastwell to Pleckville Pahiatua & Masterton Akitio Akitio and Pahiatua Akitio Masterton Pahiatua 175 11 2 50 10 5 220 16 6 699 17 11 287 13 10 15 0 273 14 9 226 19 8 199 15 0 331 9 0 Eketahuna Masterton 956 959 961 962 963 965 966 967 968 969 970 Hinemoa to Alfredton Kakaamu Mangahao South Mangamahoe Mangaorongo Mangaraupi Bridge Mangatainoka River Bridge (Larsen's), (£1 for £1) Matapihi Maungatakato Mikimiki Mount Baker (£1 for £1) Eketahuna and Maurioeville Ma sterton and Pahiatua Masterton Eketahuna Maurioeville Eketahuna 339 4 0 68 13 0 100 0 0 400 0 0 199 11 9 60 0 0 200 0 0 34 17 3 40 15 2 91 0 0 250 0 0 Masterton 972 973 974 975 978 979 Parkville to Mangatainoka Puketoi (Waterfalls end) Quarry Road .. Rakaunui Bridle-track Tinui to Whakataki (£400, £1 for £4) .. Tinui Valley Mauricev ille and Masterton Eketahuna Masterton Eketahuna Masterton Castlepoint 200 0 0 57 7 7 74 18 0 30 0 0 100 0 0 86 0 0 Wairarapa


TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


i County. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1909. Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. Electorate. Ill 980 983 Roads, etc. — continued. Wellington Road District — continued. Tiraumea Stream Bridge Wangaehu Valley Masterton Masterton and Maurioeville Masterton Castlepoint Masterton and Wairarapa South Masterton Featherston Masterton Wairarapa South .. Masterton Featherston Masterton £ s. d. 153 0 4 250 0 0 984 985 986 Waterfalls Creek Bridge Whakataki to Castlepoint Bismarck Road Wairarapa 110 17 11 200 0 0 100 0 0 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 996 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1011 1012 1015 1016 1017 1019 1022 1023 1024 Blairlogie to Homewood (£300, £1 for £1) Cross Greek Fernyhurst Road Gladstone to Wharau Homewood to Kaiwhata Huangaroa Bridge (£1 for £1) Manuka Spur (Whakaponi Road), (£1 for £1) Maungahuia (Kokotau) Longbush Ngakonui Ruakokopatuna .. Waihakeke to Taumata Waiohine Valley Weraiti Wharau to Kaiwhata Wangaehu Road (Longbush) Woodside to Waiohine Florida Gladstone Road Harris Road Levin to Foxton .. Levin-Kereru-Shannon Moonshine to Whakatatu Ngarara .. • • • • Paraparaumu to Beach .. ... ... Plimmerton to Pahautanui Rahui Rangiuru Road .. Rikiorangi Road to Mangaone Valley Road (£1 for £2 10s.), (on account of £1,000) Waikanae Beach Road .. .. ... Hayward's Ford Hutt River Bridge (Melling Settlement), (£1 for £1) Wairarapa South .. Featherston Wairarapa South .. Masterton Wairarapa South .. 148 15 10 93 16 3 454 15 4 350 0 0 85 5 9 250 0 0 150 0 0 199 12 6 2 2 0 128 8 3 50 0 0 96 8 0 500 0 0 98 13 10 200 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 80 0 0 100 0 0 58 17 11 41 12 1 35 13 0 48 9 6 500 0 0 Horowhenua Otaki' Hutt Horowhenua Otaki & Manawatu Otaki Hutt Horowhenua Hutt Horowhenua 1027 1030 1032 Hutt Borough of Lower Hutt Hutt Hutt 100 0 0 90 0 0 950 0 0 1033 1036 1039 Normandale Trentham Range Road .. . ■ ' • • Survey, acquisition, and legislation of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote. Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the oonstruotion and repairs of roads, bridges, tracks, &o. 32 19 0 25 0 0 58 2 0 1040 1041 568 9 3 121 17 5 1042 239 6 4 Total—Wellington £23,975 12 3 Nelson Road District— Elaine Bay to Hope's Section French Pass, Admiralty Bay, and Croixelles tracks Neudorf to Dovedale Northam Bridge approaches (£1 for £1) Richmond to Collingwood (Main Road) Sounds Nelson 2 17 0 51 9 0 17 3 9 86 13 11 51 5 4 1043 1044 1047 1048 1050 Waimea Motueka Nelson Nelson and Motueka Waimea, Takaka, and Collingwood Waimea 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1057 1059 1061 1062 Teal Valley (Upper) Alexander Bluff Bridge Anahau Road Awaroa to Totaranui Baigent Road Bonny Doon Road .. . • ... Brooklyn Valley to Riwaka River Buller River Bridge (Mount Murchison Road) Buller River Bridge (O'Sullivan's), (on acoount of £3,340) Fairhall to Tadmor Glencoe to Rameka Creek Hope Valley bridges Horse Terrace to Hunter's Jeffries Road Karaka Road (West Wanganui) Lower Kaituna Road Mangles Valley .. .. . ... Mokihinui River Road Motueka River protective works .. ... Neame Creek Takaka Inangahua Collingwood Waimea Inangahua Nelson Motueka Buller Motueka 100 0 0 1,346 5 6 100 0 0 34 10 9 53 17 10 45 0 0 357 12 6 15 1 8 1,650 1 8 Buller 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1074 1075 1076 1079 Waimea Takaka Waimea Inangahua Collingwood Motueka Buller Motueka 25 0 0 100 0 0 10 7 0 62 11 0 42 0 0 70 0 0 30 0 0 200 0 0 70 0 0 16 3 1 247 14 10 Inangahua Buller Waimea Inangahua Buller Motueka Buller


TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Vote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1909. 11 1080 1082 1083 L084 1088 1089 1090 1092 1094 1100 1102 1103 1104 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 Roads, etc. — continued. Nelson Road District — continued. Norris Gully to Stewart's Pig Valley, Wairoa Gorge Pohara to Awaroa Pohara to Wainui Sherry Valley Sherry Valley to Manu Slips Road Stanley Brook to Fenermor's Takaka Hill Road Wallace Road West Road to Longford Win's Bank Abattoir to Soap-factory and Orowaiti River Buller River Road to O'Sullivan's Bridge Buller Road (loop-line, Nine-mile to Westport) .. Carter Junction to Bradshaw Terrace Carter Junction to Cape Foulwind Charleston to Grey County boundary Curtayne Road Gilmer Road Harben to Neighbour's Hold's Road Inangahua Bridge (Reefton) Inangahua River Bridge (right-hand branoh) (Reef-ton-Maruia Road) McKenna Road Reefton to Maruia .. • • •: Victoria Road (extension) Progress Junction to Slab Hut Creek Snowy Creek Road Survey, acquisition, and legalisation of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &o. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and servioes, including asBistanoe towards the construction and repairs of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Waimea Takaka Waimea Inangahua Waimea Takaka and Waimea Collingwood Takaka Inangahua Buller Inangahua Buller Inangahua Buller • Inangahua Motueka » • • Buller Motueka Buller £ Eg a. 100 0 0 50 0 0 36 0 0 150 0 0 SO 0 0 239 9 6 32 8 0 3 7 0 300 0 0 30 0 0 79 6 5 214 17 0 146 10 0 2,526 7 11 1,304 4 7 70 0 0 250 0 0 200 0 0 34 0 0 13 15 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 62 0 9 263 10 6 Grey Buller ./ • • 1120 1122 1123 1127 1128 1129 Buller Inangahua Buller Inangahua 200 0 0 1,333 10 0 100 10 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 473 13 2 Grey 1130 1131 234 19 6 14 1 5 1132 17 11 8 Total—Nelson £13,665 17 3 1136 1137 1138 1139 1141 1142 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1151 1153 1155 1156 1159 1160 1162 1166 1167 Marlborough Road District— Rai Falls .. .. • • Rai Falls Bridge Rai River Bridge and approaches (Carluke) Rai Saddle to Havelock Arapawa Island Awatere River to Clarence River Dumgree Railway-station to Upper Awatere Grove Wharf Road Grove Wharf and shed Havelock to Kaituna Kaiaho Canal and Traok Mahakipawa to Havelock Pioton to Grove Portage Bay to Waitaria Torea Bay Road Wairau Native Reserve (protection) Waitaria Wharf approaches.. Horse-shoe Bend.. Ure to Clarence .. .. .. Survey, acquisition, ana legalisation of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &o. Supervision Contingencies, inoluding unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and servioes, inoluding assistance towar3s the construction ana repairs of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Marlborough Sounds Marlborough Sounds Marlborough Sounds Nelson Wairau Nelson Wairau Nelson Wairau ana Nelson Wairau Nelson Wairau 93 5 5 192 0 3 2 4 0 315 13 0 22 0 0 50 18 4 350 0 0 4 10 0 153 12 5 137 0 0 37 5 0 12 0 984 14 6 39 2 2 97 7 6 1 16 0 18 9 0 300 0 0 245 1 6 383 5 0 Marlborough Sounds Marlborough 1168 1169 54 12 2 25 12 5 1170 20 9 3 Total—Marlborough £3,529 19 11 1171 1172 1173 1174 1177 1178 1179 Westland Road District — Grey Valley Main Road and bridges Raoeoourse Creek Bridge Totara Flat Main Road (protection) Upper Moonlight Blue Spur Road bridges Bruce Roaa Christchurch Road (old), (compensation for gravel taken Grey Westland Grey Westland Grey and Westland Grey Westlana Grey Westlana 416 14 3 100 19 6 347 3 4 183 10 0 50 0 0 36 3 0 5 0 0


TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote Item No. No. I . . Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1909. .11 1180 1181 1182 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1194 1196 1197 1198 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 Roads, etc.— continued. Westland Road District— continued. Christchurch Road (old), (protective works), (£1 for £1) Crooked River Bridge, near Lady Stream Cropp Road Greenstone Bridge Haast to Paringa Humphrey Road.. Koiterangi Koiterangi to Whitcombe Track Kokatahi River Bridge (protection of south approach), (£1 for £1) Kokatahi Road Mikonui to Boia Head (on account of £1,000) Morgan Road Ogilvie Road Otira Bridge (Upper) Palmer's Creek bridges Peterson Road Turnbull River Road Waiho Wire Bridge (protective works) Wataroa Bridge (on account) Westland Ferry Service White Road Survey, acquisition, and legalisation of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &o. Supervision Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towaras the construction ana repairs of roads, bridges, tracks, <fcc. Westland Grey Westland Grey Westland Grey Westland Westland a .. £ s. d. 40 0 0 83 2 6 249 19 5 482 15 2 166 8 0 77 14 ■ 0 138 2 3 185 14 5 75 0 0 100 0 0 321 19 9 49 16 4 100 0 0 961 6 2 392 13 8 300 4 9 14 13 6 25 10 3 5,370 19 9 200 0 0 110 17 10 21 11 3 1207 1209 194 3 0 115 4 0 Total—Westland £10,917 6 1 1210 1213 1214 1219 1221 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 Canterbury Road District— Conway Gorge to Waiau via Hawkswood Waiau Ferry to Hanmer Waiau Ferry Servioe Sumner Road Kinloch Settlement roads .. Riage Roaa Ridge Road extension (Little River Road Distriot) Stony Bay Road .. Fora and Newton Extension Hewson Road Rangitata River Traffic Bridge (repairs), (£1 for £3) Cheviot Amuri Cheviot Akaroa Selwyn Akaroa Hurunui /. • ■ Lyttelton ElleBmere 50 0 0 2,657 6 0 139 11 9 100 0 0 2,657 19 3 400 0 0 194 5 0 196 11 2 73 18 9 100 0 0 393 3 11 Ashburton Selwyn 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1239 1241 1242 1243 1244 Timaru Overhead Footbridge (contribution) Anderson Road (£1 for £1) Brown Road (£1 for £1) Daisy Hill Road (£1 for £1) .. Hakataramea (acoess to bridge) Knottingly Park Road and Bridge Lyalldalo School Road (£1 for £1) Makikihi Swamp Road (£1 for £1) Morven Township roads Opihi Bridge (Allendale Road, near Fairlie), (£1 for £2) Pareora Homestead Road (£1 for £1) Pareora Middle Road (£1 for £1) Smithson Road Sodwall Road (£1 for £1) .. Takitu Road (£1 for £1) Tekapo Bridge (£1 for £1) .. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Ashburton and Geraldine Borough of Timaru Waimate Ashburton and Geraldine 150 0 0 100 0 0 90 0 0 49 7 0 87 17 8 100 0 0 60 0 0 60 0 0 167 5 3 500 0 0 Timaru Geraldine Waitaki Geraldine Waitaki » . • Geraldine Geraldine and Mackenzie Waitaki Geraldine 1245 1246 1249 1250 1251 1252 1255 1256 Waimate Waitaki Geraldine 30 0 0 30 0 0 70 0 0 110 0 0 57 8 6 98 7 4 170 0 5 4 10 0 Mackenzie Total—Canterbury £8,897 12 0 1259 1263 1266 1268 1269 Otago Road District— Pound Creek Bridge (£1 for £1) . Blackstone Hills (access to new runs) Blaokstone Valley to railway-station Cromwell to Hawea Dansey's Pass Waitaki Maniototo Waitaki Tuapeka 300 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 Vincent Maniototo and Waitaki Wakatipu Tuapeka 1271 1272 1273 1274 1276 Hill Creek Settlement Blook (acoess) Home Hills (new runs), (access) Keenan's Run Lauder to new runs Maniototo County flood damage Maniototo 69 3 3 84 15 0 50 0 0 178 1 0 771 7 1


TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1909. .11 1277 1278 1280 1283 1284 1285 1287 1289 1291 1292 1294 1296 1297 1299 1303 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1316 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1325 1326 1328 1330 1332 1333 1336 1337 1339 1341 1347 1353 1354 1355 1359 1360 Roads, etc. — continued. Otago Road District — continued. Manuherikia Footbridge (Ophir to Omakau) Naseby to Duntroon (widening) Patearoa to Serpentine (access to runs) Rock Cutting to Hutton Bridge Tarras to Lindis Pass Tinker's Sludge-channel Bridge Arrow to Cardrona Saddle Cardrona Coal-pit Cardrona to Pembroke Cardrona Saddle to Cardrona Township Cosgrove Road Garston to Black Bridge Lake County flood damage Matukituki River Foot and Stook Bridge Staircase Road Karitane School Road Lower Harbour Road Lower Harbour School Road Main North Road (Hawksbury Riding) Moeraki Native Reserve Road Mount Misery Pohure Port Chalmers to Sawyer's Bay Pryde Road Public Hall Road (Sawyer's Bay) Puketiraki Native Reserve Quarry Road Razorback to Mount Fortune Round Hill Road Sheepyards to Merton Railway-station Tumai Road Waitati to Waikari Little Lee Culvert Taieri Bridge to Pukekura Taieri River Bridge (Allanton), (on account of £1,000) Clark's Flat to Greenfield Lawrence to Tuapeka West Kaikorai Valley Main Road Baytown Boundary to Camp Beach Road (Otago Heads) Dick Road Dunedin to Sawyer's Bay Vincent Maniototo Waitaki Vincent Lake Waikouaiti Waitaki Waikouaiti Tuapeka Waitaki Wakatipu Tuapeka Wakatipu Chalmers Oamaru Chalmers £ s. d. 200 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 132 2 0 99 12 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 31 15 0 38 15 0 55 0 0 100 0 0 250 0 0 .100 0 0 21 9 8 50 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 150 0 0 78 1 8 50 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 30 0 0 69 6 0 57 6 8 50 0 0 65 7 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 49 19 8 1,000 0 0 59 15 0 287 18 0 67 5 6 100 0 0 100 0 0 108 16 0 100 0 0 Waitaki Waikouaiti Oamaru Chalmers Taieri Taieri Tuapeka Bruce Taieri Peninsula Dunedin West Chalmers Borough of Harbour Peninsula West 1361 1364 1372 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1385 1387 1393 1394 1397 1401 1403 1404 1408 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1418 1421 1422 1425 1426 1429 1431 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1439 1442 1443 Gravesend to Taiaroa Lower Port Road Tomahawk Road Board roads Weir's Cutting Wickliff Bay to Cape Saunders Lighthouse Akatore to Fortification (£1 for £1) Barnego Settlement (Main Road) Begg's Road Greenfield to Crookburn Hillend Blocks IV and V .. Sunflower Road Table Hill Survey District (Blook I) .. Tokomairiro River Bridge .. Barr Road Catlin's Valley Chloris Pass Florence Hill Kahuika to Houipapa Railway-station Kaler Road Kaler Road to Houipapa Railway-station Katea Dairy Factory to Eason's Martin Road McLennan River Bridge Mouat's Saddle Newhaven Papatowai to Long Beach Creek Pounawea Ratanui to Papatowai Tahakopa Valley Tautuku Block IV (between Sections 14 and 19) .. Tuck Creek Road Tweedie's Ford to Tapanui Bridge (£1 for £1) Wainui Waipahi to Pomahaka (£1 for £1) Waipati .. ... Wright Road Survey, acquisition, and legislation of roads, arains, gravel-pits, tramways, &c. Peninsula Bruoe .. Clutha .. Taieri .. Bruce .. Clutha .. 21 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 99 18 11 499 19 11 30 0 0 46 10 0 310 1 1 55 0 0 100 0 0 42 12 0 66 3 4 100 0 0 280 17 5 6 5 1 95 13 0 146 14 4 98 19 8 138 11 11 49 19 11 58 9 1 99 19 10 122 17 11 44 16 1 37 12 6 62 15 4 186 9 0 133 0 0 53 9 6 69 1 0 102 2 2 100 0 0 150 0 0 50 0 0 91 9 3 49 19 10 24 8 3


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1909. 11 1444 1445 Roads, etc. — continued. Otago Road District — continued. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction and repairs of roads, bridges, tracks, &e. £ s. a. 124 15 2 4 16 6 1446 141 7 3 Total—Otago £11,101 10 9 1447 1454 1455 1457 1459 1460 1463 1464 1473 1475 1476 1480 1481 1482 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1490 1491 1492 1495 1498 1502 1503 1507 1508 1509 1510 1513 1515 1516 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1527 1528 1532 1537 1538 1539 1541 1543 1544 1546 1547 1548 1551 1553 1557 1558 1560 1561 1562 1564 1565 1566 1567 1569 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 Southland Road District — Black Hill Road.. Brown's to McTaggart's Cameron Road (Maori Hill) Centre Hill Gorge (deviation) Clark Road (Wairaki) Clifden to Lower Ferry Crook Road, Thornbury Cupple Road Hanly and Cairn Road Heddon Bush (Sections 7 and 8) Hill Road Jacob's River Bridge (Mcintosh Ford), (£1 for £1) Koromiko (Merrivale) Lepper Road Limestone Gorge to Merton Creek Line of Hundreds (east of railway) Line of Hundreds (west of railway) Longwood, Block I (Section 40), (access) Longwood, Block XVII (Sections 12, 14, and 15) .. Merrivale to Waicolo (£100, £1 for £1) .. Mitchell Road (South Hillend) Mossburn to Hamilton Burn McNaughton Road (Merrivale) Ohai Stream Road Otautau Footbridge (£1 for £1) Plunket and O'Brien Road Scott's Gap (Lower) Sneddon and Hamilton Road (Boggy Burn-Centre Bush) Silverburn Bridge (Dipton), (£1 for £1).. South Hillend to Nightoaps Steffen Road (£1 for £1) Waiau, Blocks XIII and XIV (main roads) Wild Bush to Pourakino (£100, £1 for £1) Bew's Road (Wyndham Valley) Brown's to Hunter's Bush Crockett Road Dacre to Titipua Edendale to Dacre Edendale to Seaward Downs Glenham Settlement roads Hand Road Harris and Ellis Road Mabel, Blocks IV and V Mokoreta Block IV (Section 33 to Cemetery) Mokoreta Main Road McFadyen Road Oteramika Block III (Sections 21, 23, 24, 37, and 36) Robertson Road (Niagara) .. Seaward Downs to Morton Mains School Shepherd Bush (Oteramika) Tall Road Tillard Road Waikawa Waikawa to Waipati River White Road Wild Road (Toetoes) Young Road (Kamahi) Ann Road Antrim Road Clifton drains Elles Road Findlay Road (£1 for £1) .. Kelly's Road to Sterrett's (Seaward Bush) Kingswell Creek Drain Moulson Street (Seaward Bush) McMillan Road Richmond Grove roads Soott Road (Seaward Bush) Seaward Bush drains Victoria Road Southland Wallace Southland Wallaoe Southland Wallace Southland Wallace Southland Wallace Southland Wallace Southland Wakatipu Wallace Wakatipu Wallace Clutha Mataura 50 0 0 19 7 9 200 0 0 249 11 8 96 0 0 75 0 0 100 0 0 50 0 0 199 19 3 149 4 6 11 0 0 75 0 0 150 0 0 41 17 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 33 17 2 4 8 6 50 0 0 99 12 6 50 0 0 27 18 0 300 0 0 50 0 0 88 2 0 75 0 0 75 0 0 50 0 0 249 16 0 100 0 0 499 19 11 100 0 0 3 3 1 100 0 0 22 15 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 300 0 0 50 13 6 29 18 0 149 12 6 299 18 10 13 6 1 200 0 0 98 10 6 61 6 0 50 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 35 18 9 35 3 0 150 0 0 131 7 8 101 18 11 96 0 0 67 8 4 72 7 8 21 18 10 97 16 5 100 0 0 100 0 0 249 10 2 200 0 0 99 12 0 75 0 0 65 15 9 28 8 10 20 8 0 Clutha Mataura Clutha Mataura Clutha Mataura Clutha Mataura Clutha Mataura Invercargill Awarua Invercargill Awarua


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1909. 11 1577 1578 1579 1580 1583 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1604 1605 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 Roads, etc. — continued. Southland Road District— continued. Walker Road Woollen Mill Road (Cruickshank's) Aotseon Road (Makarewa) Awarua Plains Road Campbelltown Reserve Clapham Road Cocker Road Colyer Road Conniff Road Coster and Wright Road (South Forest Hill) . '. Cowie and McLean Road (Oreti), (£1 for £1) Duffy Road .. East Winton (Blooks IH and VIII) Forest Hill (Seotions 112 and 219) Forest Hill (Sections 207 and 291), (west of) Henderson Road (Forest Hill), (£1 for £1) Hokonui School Road Lardner Road (Wallacetown) Lawrence Road (£1 for £1) Makarewa Township (outfall drain) Margaret Street (Woodlands) Mclvor Road (£1 for £1) McKenzie Road (Forest Hill) New River Bridge (West Plains), (on account) Ocean Beach Road Old Oteramika Roaa (£1 for £1) Pomona (Makarewa) Royd Road (Campbelltown Hundred) Ryan Road (Oreti) Bcott Road (Hokonui) Simon Road Smith and MoEwan's Road (Block III, Winton Hundred) Springbank School North Springhills School Road Tanner and Wright Road (£1 for £1) .. Tisbury Road .. Tobin, Fraser, and McKercher Road Tussock Creek Road (£1 for £1) Waikiwi River Bridge Waipapa Creek Road Point Road Wilson Crossing (South Forest Hill Road) Winton Creek Channel (Limehills) Winton, Blocks II and III (outfall drain) Wood Road (Oreti) Survey, acquisition, and legalisation of roads, drains, gravel-pits, tramways, &o. Supervision Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote Miscellaneous works and services, including assistance towards the construction and repairs of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Southland Invercargill Awarua Mataura Awarua £ s. a. 112 15 6 23 4 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 400 0 0 100 0 0 49 18 0 200 0 0 75 0 0 150 0 0 50 0 0 99 19 6 47 3 0 3 18 37 0 0 50 0 0 100 0 0 49 17 6 100 0 0 62 10 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 120 0 0 1,100 8 6 400 0 0 100 0 0 150 0 0 144 0 10 132 8 10 140 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1627 1628 1629 1632 1633 50 0 0 200 0 0 100 0 0 86 0 6 150 0 0 100 0 0 59 8 6 179 19 1 100 0 0 236 11 5 62 10 0 236 0 0 200 0 0 23 2 0 1634 1635 273 3 8 59 17 2 1636 174 11 11 Total—Southland £14,737 3 8 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 General — Compensation for injuries to employees while in discharge of their duties, and contingent expenses in connection with same Engineering surveys Plant not chargeable to any particular work Roadmen's huts, storerooms, &c. Stone-crushers and road-making plant 1,460 11 1 588 10 11 1,432 9 3 499 19 2 1,314 1 4 Total—General £5,295 11 9 Vote No. Ill—Total for 1908-9 £196,798 14 5 .12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Backblocks Roads, etc. Auckland Road District— Auckland Special Settlement to Mangakahia Awanui to Mangonui, via Taipa Broadwood to Herekino Carpenter Road Duncan Road Great North Road to Otukai Herd's Point to Takahue Hokianga Mangonui Hokianga Bay of Islands 1,544 16 8 119 7 0 509 11 3 49 19 9 308 18 3 42 14 0 305 5 10 Mangonui Mangonui and Hokianga


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

5— D. 1.


Vote No. » em Name of Work. No. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1909. 12 Backblocks Roads, etc. — continued. Auckland Road District— continued. 8 Herekino to Kaitaia 9 Herekino to Whangape 10 Horeke to Taheke, via Section 1, BlockXII, Mangamuka Survey Distriot 12 Huehue 13 Kaeo to Omanu Block, via Mangaiti 14 Kaeo to Upokarau Valley 15 Kaikohe to Mangakahia Church 8 9 10 Mangonui Hokianga Bay of Islands £ s. d. 164 7 2 85 17 8 46 10 3 12 13 14 15 Whangaroa 449 16 2 43 14 0 50 0 0 1,304 6 9 16 Karaka to Rotokakahi Blook 17 Mangamuka to Oruru 16 17 Bay of Islands and Hokianga Hokianga Hokianga and Mangonui Hokianga Whangaroa Hokianga 180 7 6 95 12 0 18 Mangataraire 19 Matawherohia to Kaeo 21 Omanaia to Hokianga Heads 22 Opouteke to Mangakahia 23 Opua to Waimate 24 Oruru to Hikurangi 26 Takahue to Herekino 27 Umawhero to Victoria Valley 28 Waimamaku to Opanaki-Hokianga Road 29 Waimatanui 30 Waiote-Kumarau 31 Waiotemarama 32 Waoku Extension Block (access) 33 Whangape to Mangonuiowae, via Rotokakahi Block 34 Whangape Track 35 Civil Road 36 Mangakahia Bridge to Mangakahia Church 37 Maungaturoto to Cove, via Rowsell's 18 19 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Bay of Islands Mangonui Hokianga 70 18 1 100 0 0 362 13 11 409 15 10 47 17 0 99 2 2 300 0 0 300 0 9 711 1 8 366 18 2 396 19 11 615 3 11 279 8 2 86 7 0 256 2 0 99 17 2 638 16 4 316 15 0 Rodney Hobson Whangarei and Otamatea Otamatea Rodney Marsden Kaipara Marsden 38 Paparoa to Waikiekie 39 Ahuroa Railway-station to Komokoriki 41 Helensville to Port Albert (Rodney County section) 42 Helensville to Port Albert (Waitemata County Section) 43 Kirikopini to Mangakahia 44 Kopuru to Tangaihi 45 Makarau Railway-station to West Coast Road 38 39 41 42 Kaipara 100 0 0 176 1 11 168 1 1 145 I 9 Waitemata 43 44 45 Hobson.. Rodney and Waitemata Rodney No county 50 0 0 100 0 0 17 5 6 46 . Te Pahi to Tauhoa Railway-station 47 Great Barrier Island (Cape Barrier to Tryphena Harbour) 48 Great Barrier Island (Harataonga to Oroville) 49 Great Barrier Island (Harataonga to Port Fitzroy) 50 Great Barrier Island (Okiwi Post-office to Katherine Bay, via Tapuwai) 51 Great Barrier Island (Tryphena to Kaitoke Beaoh) 52 Ooromandel to Meroury Bay (continuation of main through road) 53 Otau to Hunua 54 Otau Road 55 Wairoa River to Otau 56 Hetherington Road 57 Klondyke 58 Miranda to Maramarua 46. 47 Waitemata 150 0 0 33 10 0 48 49 50 36 17 2 4 16 0 2 0 11 51 52 Coromandel Thames 88 8 5 1,086 3 0 53 54 55 56 57 58 Manukau Franklin 485 19 2 155 14 0 197 1 7 154 6 10 399 0 10 98 4 1 Raglan.. Waikato and Manukau Raglan 59 Moewaka 60 Ponganui 62 Te Kirikiri 63 Turner's Junotion to West Coast (through Block VI, Awaroa) 64 Whangape Parish (Sections 126, 127, and 128) 65 Kaihere 66 Tairua to Hikuwai (Upper Landing) 67 Torehapa 68 Waiti 69 Waitakaruru to Haszards 70 Supervision 59 60 62 63 542 9 5 704 7 0 199 6 2 468 12 8 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Ohinemuri Thames Ohinemuri Ohinemuri Thames Ohinemuri 256 1 1 977 3 2 9 10 0 169 13 7 381 4 9 358 16 10 701 5 7 Total—Auckland£19,176 3 10 Te Kuiti Road District (North) — 72 Awaroa to Mahoe 73 Awaroa to Waiharakeke 74 Caves Road 75 Hauturu .. ■ • • • . 76 Hauturu to Otorohanga 78 Kaimango 79 Kairimu 81 Karioi to Ruapuke Mountain 72 73 74 75 76 78 79 81 Kawhia Waitomo Kawhia & Waitomo Waitomo Kawhia Awakino Raglan Taumarunui 873 6 9 345 5 4 939 17 1 601 7 8 1,661 0 7 400 0 0 451 18 6 45 14 Q Waikato



TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1909. .12 82 83 Backblocks Roads, etc. — continued. Te Kuiti Road District (North) — continued. Kauri Kawa Kawhia Waitomo and West Taupo Kawhia & Awakino Kawhia Taumarunui Taumarunui & Tau- £ s. d. 336 8 9 125 17 11 84 85 86 87 89 Kawhia to Ngapaenga Junction Kihi Kinohaku to Waiharakeke Kiritehere Kokakaroa ranga Taumarunui 1,400 19 0 631 15 10 358 8 10 161 13 6 99 19 10 Awakino Kawhia, Awakino, and Waitomo Kawhia 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 Lemon Point to Te Maika Road Mahoe Mairoa (north of Ngapaenga) Mangaiti Mangakino Mangakokopu .. .. • Mangapohue Waitomo Kawhia Raglan and Kawhia Awakino Waitomo, Awakino, and Kawhia Kawhia & Awakino Waikato Taumarunui 293 14 10 183 11 0 656 12 8 135 6 2 70 16 2 249 19 10 675 6 1 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 Marokopa River Bridge (Te Anga), (on account) .. Marokopa Valley Oamaru Okupata Junction to Pekanui Orongo Otorohanga to Hangatiki-Waitomo Road Otorohanga to Pirongia Papanui Bridge Pehehau Pehehau Road to Kaniwhaniwha Pomorangi Tapuae Waipaua Supervision Waitomo Kawhia & Waitomo Waitomo Raglan Waikato 120 11 2 504 8 6 347 7 0 101 4 1 27 18 8 180 7 11 391 15 11 8 10 0 170 2 1 57 3 0 513 13 3 203 12 9 999 12 7 202 5 5 Awakino Waitomo Awakino Taumarunui Total--Te Kuiti (North) £14,527 12 8 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 Te Kuiti Road District (South) — Arapae Awakino Valley (Upper) Hapurua Huioteko Stream Bridge Kaeaeae .. . . .. Kakahi Kakahi Stream Bridge Kie Kie Kumara Makaikatoa Mangahikatea Manganui Mangaotaki to Mairoa Miroahuiao to Matiere Ngapaenga Ngapaenga Junction to Mahoenui Paraheka Paro Pungarehu Turoto Waikaka Waiora Waipapa Waitawhena Supervision Waitomo Awakino Waitomo Awakino Waitomo Taumarunui 1,583 6 4 371 4 1 339 6 9 170 14 0 213 17 3 91 7 2 73 0 10 564 13 10 887 1 4 70 0 0 221 8 2 1,086 13 10 131 4 0 2,615 14 11 960 6 6 866 16 4 529 3 5 381 7 0 1,179 2 1 1,751 14 5 1,070 9 9 133 5 10 159 2 5 3,242 4 10 599 10 9 Awakino & Waitomo Waitomo Total—Te Kuiti (South) £19,292 15 10 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 Rotorua Road District — Akeake Road Appleton Road Clayton Road Clover Road Dansey Road Faulkner Road Harray Road Hereperu North Hereperu South Hewitt Road Kaikokupu to Taheke Kaimai Kaimai Road (to Sections 579, 580, 581, 582, and 583, Te Papa Parish) Kaituna Karano Komete Tauranga Opotiki Rotorua Tauranga Rotorua Tauranga Whakatane Tauranga Bay of Plenty Tauranga Bay of Plenty Tauranga Bay of Plenty 46 1 6 68 18 0 328 13 1 48 11 0 116 7 0 51 5 10 464 3 11 3 12 0 170 7 9 111 18 9 132 1 3 958 2 9 33 10 0 Rotorua Tauranga Tauranga 149 150 151 115 11 6 18 0 11 19 0 0



TABLE No. 4 —continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

Vote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1909. .12 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 Backblocks Roads, etc. — continued. Rotorua Road District— continued. Mamaku to Maraeroa-Oturoa Block Mangatoi Mangorewa Gorge to Mamaku Maniatutu Mataorie to Whakatane-Nukuhou Road Ngamuawahine Ngatira to Okoheriki Block.. Ngawaro to Te Puke Rotorua Bay of Plenty £ s. d. 106 12 2 99 3 2 48 4 11 99 19 6 66 15 11 135 1 1 53 4 0 638 6 2 Opotiki Tauranga Piako Rotorua & Tauranga Tauranga Bay of Plenty and Tauranga Bay of Plenty 162 163 Opotiki to Gisborne (Rotorua District section) Opouriao Valley Road to Wainui and Mataorie Landing Oruanui to Mokai Pakihi (Rotorua District seotion) Pikowai North Pikowai South .. ... Opotiki Whakatane 833 9 11 0 15 0 164 165 166 167 East Taupo Opotiki Whakatane Rotorua and Whakatane Rotorua & Tauranga 99 15 7 1,907 13 3 561 15 3 193 1 4 168 Pongakawa to Lake Rotoehu Bay of Plenty and Tauranga Bay of Plenty 32 14 5 84 0 10 38 2 11 49 7 11 169 170 171 Pungarehu Puwhenua Rangiuru to Mangorewa Gorge Rotorua Rotorua & Tauranga Bay of Plenty and Tauranga Bay of Plenty 172 173 174 176 177 178 Ross Road Rotongata to Hamurana Ruatuna to Ohiwa Landing Sladden Road Stanley Track Stanley Road to Opouriao, via Section 348, Waimana Parish Te Tumu Thompson Track Tutaetoko Waiawa Waimana Gorge Waimana Gorge Deviation Waioeka Valley Waiotahi Valley Whataroa Whirinaki Valley .. .. . • ■ Whitikau Block to Opotiki-Gisborne Road Supervision Whakatane Rotorua Opotiki Whakatane .. 252 0 9 79 13 3 61 17 9 92 0 6 178 10 9 231 4 4 179 180 181 182 184 185 186 187 188 190 191 192 Tauranga Tauranga and Piako Opotiki Tauranga 62 4 4 104 4 4 44 5 4 89 15 9 174 3 2 113 2 1 361 19 1 210 3 5 22 19 0 Cr. 92 18 7 79 6 0 422 12 8 Bay of Plenty Whakatane Opotiki Rotorua Rotorua & East Taupo Opotiki Total—Rotorua £10,221 12 6 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 Hawke's Bay Road District — Kowhai Pakihi (Hawke's Bay District section) Philp Road Whinray Road Bushy Knoll Road Fraser Road (near Motu) Gisborne to Wairoa (deviation, via Te Arai Valley) Hangaroa to Tahora (Steele's) Hangaroa to Waikaremoana Hikurangi S.D. (through Section 2, Block XV) .. Mangapoike Valley (east end), (on account of £2,468) Mutuera Opotiki Cook Bay of Plenty Gisborne Bay of Plenty Gisborne 176 16 10 478 8 4 107 10 6 230 18 0 177 17 4 507 12 4 591 12 5 525 12 7 381 12 2 148 9 9 576 6 6 290 11 7 Cook and Wairoa .. Waiapu Cook Bay of Plenty Gisborne Gisborne and Bay of Plenty Bay of Plenty 205 206 207 208 209 Neill Road Oliver Road Tauwhareparae Tokanui Waiapu Inland (aocess to Section 1, Block I, Waingaromia) Waikohu Valley Waimata to Waiapu Inland Road (Todd's) Waipiro to Mata.. Waitahaia Aruhetorongo Cook County Boundary to Mahia Frasertown to Mangapoike River Goodwin Road Kakariki Kaweka Makahu Mangaone Mangapahi Mangarewarewa Maraenui Ohikaka Gisborne Bay of Plenty 540 9 10 191 2 8 175 15 4 672 12 0 203 16 0 Waiapu 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 Cook Waiapu Wairoa Gisborne 279 3 10 241 15 2 39 5 6 553 14 6 88 9 0 86 12 6 1,051 17 4 96 6 6 111 16 3 13 11 0 141 13 0 369 8 4 479 5 3 111 4 0 33 18 0 94 9 2 Hawke's Bay Hawke's Bay. Wairoa Gisborne



TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.

Voti No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended I 31st March, 1909. I 12 227 228 229 230 232 233 234 235 Backblocks Roads, etc. — continued. Hawke's Bay Road District— continued. Omahanui to Whataroa Opouiti to Mangapoike Orewha Richmond Road Ruakituri Valley Tahaenui Waikaremoana Survey District (access to Run 79) Makaretu Survey District (access to Section 2, Block V) Makotuku to Matamau Mangamaire Mangapuaka Mangapuaka to Mangahe Maunga Road (extension towards Otanga) Te Uri bridges Te Uri Road Biroh Roaa Supervision Wairoa Hawke's Bay Cook and Wairoa .. i Wairoa ; Waipawa Gisborne Hawke's Bay Gisborne Waipawa £ s. d. 42 4 6 616 10 5 228 18 4 52 9 0 707 11 6 • 87 3 6 3 4 0 96 3 7 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 Dannevirke " . Pahiatua Waipawa Pahiatua 396 1 5 121 9 3 130 11 10 199 8 0 162 8 0 378 2 7 199 13 2 135 0 11 569 18 11 Weber & Patangata Total—Hawke's Bay £13 896 12 5 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 2S8 289 Taranaki Road District. Harvey Kiwi Mangapapa Mangatoro Matau Township to Mangaoapa Road Matau Township to Tarawai Mohakatino Valley Moki .. • Ngatoto Ohura River Bridge (Kururau) Otuiti Papakino Pita .. ' Puhi Pukemahoe Rerekapa Rerekino Tangarakau River Bridge (top crossing) Tangitu Tokirima Road to Harvey Road (Ohura Deviation) Tokirima (Kaikara Road to Maraekowhai Block) .. Tokirima Road to Wanganui River Tongaporutu to Mangaroa (west of Waiaraia Range) Tongaporutu River Bridge (Mangatawa) Tooi Turoto Waitaanga North Waitaanga South Waitara River Bridge (Rerekino Road) Waitara Valley (Tangitu Road to Mangare Road).. Carrington Okahu (Ngariki Road to Newall Road) Tangahoe (Whareroa to Rehu Village) Wiremu (Ngariki Road to Ihaia Road) Ahoroa Arnold Road Autawa Epero Heao Koane Kohi Maben Mangaoapa (Junction Road to Mohakau Road) Mangaowata Mangare Waitomo Clifton J Clifton & Stratford ' ; Clifton Waitomo Clifton Waitomo Clifton Waitomo Clifton Waitomo Clifton Taumarunui Si ratford Taumarunui Stratford Taumarunui Stratford Taumarunui Stratford Taumarunui 540 6 1 428 18 0 67 8 7 111 18 11 1,106 1 11 740 1 7 74 0 4 1,613 14 11 110 17 9 510 13 2 222 10 9 99 16 0 50 0 0 49 19 4 74 19 6 145 11 1 95 17 6 306 2 7 70 16 0 831 2 1 58 16 9 938 7 3 1,746 7 7 455 0 2 44 0 0 97 0 0 134 14 4 125 19 5 1 15 0 122 9 2 747 3 0 424 0 2 1,059 2 4 142 7 4 520 0 11 99 18 11 71 12 7 176 13 8 7 9 0 117 12 0 468 15 5 866 18 10 2,324 15 4 288 10 7 1,509 10 2 , Waitomo Clifton '. ! I Taranaki & Egmont Egmont Hawera and Eltham Egmont Patea Whangamomona .. Stratford Eltham Stratford Eltham Whangamomona .. Hawera and Patea Clifton and Stratford Whangamomona .. Whangamomona and Clifton Whangamomona .. Patea and Eltham Eltham Stratford Stratford, Whangamomona, and Waitomo Whangamomona .. Patea Stratford Whangamomona .. Eltham Stratford Taranaki Egmont Patea Stratford Egmont Stratford Egmont Stratford Egmont and Patea Stratford 290 291 292 293 294 Marco Moeawatea Valley Moeawatea Road (Upper) Mount Humphries Road Ohura (south of Paorae) Patea Egmont Stratford Stratford and Taumarunui 720 9 8 643 6 5 87 19 0 21 8 5 2,628 3 7 295 296 297 298 299 Okara Okotuku .. Poarangi Putikituna .. .. .. Rawhitiroa Stratford Patea Stratford 553 18 0 524 19 4 28 0 0 6 16 0 2,359 0 7 Egmont



TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Vote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. I Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1909. .12 300 301 302 803 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 Backblocks Roads, etc.—continued. Taranaki Road District— continued. Rimuputa Rotorangi Tahunaroa to Tirohanga Tangarakau Valley Road Tututawa Vera .. Waitotara Valley Road Weraweraonga Whangamomona River Bridge (Tahunaroa) Whangamomona to Wanganui River .. Whenuakura River Bridge Whenuakura Valley Supervision Stratford and Clifton Patea Whangamomona .. Stratford Whangamomona .. Patea Stratford Patea .. Stratford Patea ... £ s. d, 7 6 t 49 13 C 107 1 £ 239 18 8 88 10 2 119 12 C 80 9 1C 215 7 S 496 15 It 3,010 10 e 505 10 i 156 15 £ 1,139 15 £ Whangamomona .. Stratford Hawera Eltham and Hawera Egmont Total —Taranaki £33,591 2 313 314 Wanganui Road District— Hikimutu Kawautahi West Taupo West Taupo and Waimarino West Taupo Taumarunui 200 0 0 500 0 0 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 Makokomiko Owhango Te Maire Wanganui Valley Road Ahu Ahu Ameku Hair Road Hoihenga Horopito .. Hukaroa Kaimatawi Kaitieke Road Karetu Karioi to Rangiwaea .. Karioi to Waitangi Kauaekeke .. • ■ Kaweka Kokakoriki to Retaruke Mangaetoroa Mangahouhou Mangahowhi Mangamahoe Mangamaire Bridge Manganui-o-te-ao Mangaohutu Mangaturuturu Mason's to Parapara Waitotara Waimarino Wanganui Waimarino Wanganui Waimarino Rangitikei Waimarino Patea Taumarunui Rangitikei Taumarunui Rangitikei Taumarunui Rangitikei Taumarunui 196 4 7 172 2 10 150 2 10 749 14 11 1,098 6 7 63 15 8 34 3 6 151 12 10 431 2 1 116 4 9 314 3 5 882 17 9 366 16 1 600 0 0 989 19 9 152 15 6 246 0 6 100 0 0 250 0 0 99 4 0 394 6 7 .122 14 7 178 11 1 369 16 4 196 9 10 127 8 1 2,241 11 3 Rangitikei Rangitikei Waimarino Taumarunui Wanganui Rangitikei Waimarino Rangitikei Taumarunui Wanganui and Waimarino Rangitikei Rangitikei 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 Mataiaponga Mataroa to Mangaweka Middle Road Motete Motu.. Namunui Oio .. Waimarino Wanganui Rangitikei Waimarino and West Taupo Waimarino Taumarunui Rangitikei 165 11 8 365 12 0 195 0 3 571 6 7 35 8 6 192 0 2 602 18 0 Taumarunui 349 351 Otautu Parapara to Karioi Taumarunui Rangitikei Taumarunui and 220 11 6 143 2 9 352 353 354 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 Parapara to Raetihi (on account of £2,367) Patua Pehu Pitangi Pukeatua Pukekaha Raetihi to Ohura Rangitatau East Ratamaire Raupiu Retaruke River Bridge Retaruke Valley Retaruke Valley (Upper) Taheke Taihape to Otuarei Te Komai Te Rata Te Tuhi .. ■■ ' .. Turakina Valley .. .. Tutupapa Upokonui Wanganui Waimarino Waitotara Waimarino Wanganui Waimarino Rangitikei Taumarunui Patea Taumarunui Rangitikei Taumarunui 2,487 14 6 191 10 5 234 12 9 384 13 3 48 14 8 356 17 10 567 4 0 900 0 0 491 15 7 143 19 9 40 0 0 377 4 7 583 9 2 139 12 7 856 7 6 744 4 1 90 8 0 0 4 0 1,295 9 11 213 18 7 642 16 6 Rangitikei Rangitikei Wanganui Waimarino Waitotara Rangitikei Taumarunui Patea Rangitikei Wanganui



TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1909. 12 374 375 376 377 378 379 Backblocks Roads, etc.— continued. Wanganui Road District— continued. Waiaruhe Waimarino to Rotaruke Wanganui River Road Omata Ridge Road Supervision Wanganui Waimarino Wanganui Patea Rangitikei Taumarunui Rangitikei Patea £ s. d. 426 11 7 100 0 0 658 0 6 189 17 1 200 0 0 741 2 1 Total—Wanganui £27,094 5 8 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 Wellington Road District. Auputa Conspicuous Road Kew Mangatohu Mangoira Pourangaki Titirangi Umutoi Central Road (Hall Block) Cross Road (Hall Survey District) Kawakawa Makoura Kiwitea Rangitikei Oroua Rangitikei Oroua Rangitikei 336 6 4 369 18 3 472 7 7 504 14 3 318 16 10 151 12 0 970 12 5 174 3 2 344 15 9 884 6 6 109 1 0 164 10 11 Kiwnea & Pohangina Pahiatua Oroua Pahiatua Akitio Akitio & Masterton Masterton and Pahiatua Pahiatua Wairarapa Pahiatua 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 Marainauga Pakowai (Anderson s, towards Tinui-Pakowai Road) Piper Road Range Road Range Road (South) Spur Road .. Sugar-loaf Road Waewaepa Waihoki Valley Akitio 190 15 7 154 10 2 994 8 6 304 14 6 93 19 4 813 8 9 471 11 4 204 17 4 678 7 8 Pahiatua Akitio Pahiatua Akitio Masterton and Pahiatua Pahiatua Masterton Wairarapa 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 410 411 412 413 415 416 417 Waiowaka Saunders Road Craigie lea McRae Road Te Awaiti Waikaraka White Rock Moonshine to Upper Hutt .". Moonshine to Wainui Otaki Gorge Road Waikanae to Upper Hutt Cottle Road (extension) Mungaroa to Upper Hutt Supervision Masterton Wairarapa South .. Masterton Featherston Masterton Featherston Hutt Otaki 620 0 0 322 5 6 419 10 9 389 3 7 150 0 0 291 12 4 175 15 0 200 0 0 145 14 8 200 0 0 134 14 9 98 15 3 359 12 1 753 13 2 Horowhenua Hutt Otaki and Hutt Otaki Hutt Total—Wellington £12,968 15 3 419 420 421 422 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 433 434 435 436 437 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 Nelson Road District — Maungatapu Alexander Bluff Road Bank Road (Tophouse) Handcock'B to Wainui ... Lee Valley Little Wanganui River Bridge Manu to Hope Junction Matakitaki (Upper) to Maruia Saddle Matakitaki to Horse Terrace Matiri River Road Mokihinui to Little Wanganui Mokihinui River Bridge Otumahana to Karamea Bridge (road deviation) .. Owen Junotion to Murchison Creek Rainy River Road Rainy River to Big Bush Slippery Creek to Sherry Valley Wainui to Awaroa Wangapeka Settlement (Sherry Road).. Brown Creek Road .. • • Glengarry Glenroy to Maruia Horse-shoe Road (Maruia Plains) Inangahua Landing to Coal Creek Maruia Valley Utopia .. . • ... Supervision Waimea Takaka Waimea Buller Waimea Inangahua Buller Inangahua Waimea Nelson Motueka Buller Motueka Motueka and Buller Motueka Buller Motueka 225 0 0 719 4 7 183 2 6 96 10 0 100 0 0 8 10 6 597 16 1 250 0 0 543 15 9 350 8 10 1,997 15 8 12 13 6 174 17 11 190 11 0 57 2 6 552 14 8 161 1 5 5 0 0 2 10 0 147 7 6 6 5 0 1,286 8 7 4 3 0 325 10 9 516 6 2 53 12 0 120 15 6 Takaka Waimea Inangahua Buller Buller Inangahua Buller Total—Nelson £8,689 3 5



TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.—continued.

Vote Item No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1909. .12 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 465 466 467 468 469 Backblocks Roads, etc.— continued.. Marlborough Road District— Elaine Bay to Harvey's Bay Fairy Bay to Nydia Bay Fairy Bay to Tawero Point Harvey's Bay to Nydia Bay.. Harvey's Bay to Tawero Point Maori Bay to Black Point Nydia Bay to Maori Bay Ronga Valley Anakoa to Manaroa Anakiwi to Grove Bartlett's Creek Road Crail Bay to Manaroa Crail Bay to South-east Bay Hakahaka to Opihi Kaituna to Tuamarina Kenepuru to Anakoa Kenepuru to Endeavour Inlet Mahakipawa to Double Bay Sounds Marlborough Sounds Nelson Wairau £ s. d. 87 2 11 58 3 11 49 14 0 165 6 3 116 2 7 44 2 6 83 12 8 39 16 0 74 16 6 96 19 0 255 5 0 55 13 4 91 3 11 43 3 7 143 8 7 47 15 0 100 0 0 45 3 4 Marlborough Sounds Nelson Wairau Marlborough Sounds Wairau and Nelson Sounds and Marlborough Sounds Wairau 470 471 472 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 498 499 Mahau Sound Ngakuta Bay to Opua Ohinetaha to Te Maliin. Onahau to Anakiwi Onahau Bay to Kenepuru Sound Port Underwood lo Fighting Bay Queen Charlotte Sound Resolution Bay to Endeavour Inlet Robin Hood Bay to Ocean Bay Rock Ferry to Bartlett's Creek Run 74 (Onamalutu) Skiddaw Run to Te Matau-a-Maui Skiddaw to Yncyca Bay Te Mania to Portage Bay Te Matau to Wet Inlet Tophouse Top Valley to Bartlett's Creek Tory Heads to Waikawa Waitaria to Manaroa Waitaria to Te Matau-a-Maui Whatamongo to Diffenbach.. Whatamongo to Port Underwood White's Bay to Port Underwood White's Bay to Robin Hood Bay Puhipuhi Run 105b (Kaitarua) Waipapa Supervision Marlborough Sounds Nelson Wairau Nelson Wairau Wairau and Nelson Wairau Nelson 1 10 0 58 0 0 49 18 4 2 19 0 840 1 8 38 13 9 50 8 0 77 12 10 2 15 0 184 2 6 241 10 10 33 15 6 123 4 5 94 13 4 621 1 9 199 12 10 434 17 4 57 13 10 39 0 4 79 5 7 60 3 3 98 0 9 41 9 11 22 7 8 1,821 4 5 459 3 7 299 9 6 306 11 5 Marlborough Wairau Sounds Nelson Wairau Kaikoura Hurunui Total—Marlborough • £7,937 2 5 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 526 527 528 530 531 532 533 535 Westland Road District. Ahaura to Haupiri Barrytown to Punakaiki Big River Cobden to Barrytown Cobden to Brighton Cobden to Runanga Grey Valley to Taramakau Hatters to Haupiri Kokiri to Moana Matthew Road Meagher's Creek to Sea-beach Punakaiki Rough River Track Seven-mile Road bridges Waipuna Bridge Arawata to Cascade Awatuna to Beach Big Bay Big Wanganui Flat Butement Road Butler Road Clear Creek Bridge Collyer's Creek Bridge Doughboy Evans Road Gibb Road Jacobs to Karangarua (Hunt Creek) Kokatahi (Upper) to Doughboy La Fontaine Road and Bridge Mahitahi to Bruce Bay (Paringa Landing) Maori River Bridge Grey Westland Grey Westland Grey Westland 184 1 2 146 0 0 190 0 0 300 0 0 118 0 0 106 0 0 298 18 6 317 0 0 1,085 10 0 32 2 3 132 0 0 243 0 0 81 0 0 300 0 0 192 18 3 15 17 3 50 0 0 175 18 10 99 19 6 31 5 6 99 2 4 44 12 10 209 6 0 398 7 6 199 14 8 47 19 6 308 13 2 154 13 10 195 16 7 191 4 2 343 17 6 Grey Westland "i



TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st Ma veh, 1909. 12 536 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 Backblocks Roads, etc. — continued. Westland Road District— continued. Mikonui to Bold Head Omoeroa to Waiho Ross to Kokatahi Slatey Creek Bridge Waikukupa Bridge Waitaha Settlement extension Wall Road Wataroa Flat Whale Creek Road Supervision Westland Grey Westland Westland £ s. d. 99 19 6 650 12 0 482 18 0 230 7 7 237 18 4 40 0 0 399 18 0 399 7 8 75 0 11 70 18 9 Total—Westland £8,980 0 0 549 555 558 560 561 562 563 564 566 567 568 569 570 Otago Road District. Mount Nioholas to Greenstone Andrews Road Cubitt Road Harrison Road Hay Road Hewson Road to Section 62, Block IV, Catlins Hmahina Creek Road MoKenzie Road (Block VII, Glenomaru) Morris Saddle Ratanui to Whitehead Rimu (Block XV, Section 15) Walton Road Supervision Lake Clutha .. Wakatipu Clutha .. 0 12 8 99 19 10 59 19 8 151 8 3 249 18 9 2 12 1 99 19 11 48 8 11 90 8 0 99 19 4 149 19 3 99 19 3 92 12 9 Total—Otago 1,245 18 8 573 574 575 "576 577 578 579 ■580 581 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 593 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 Southland Road District. Lillburn, Block II Longwood, Block XVI (Sections 3, 4, and 10 to 12) Longwood, Block XVIII (Sections 9 to 14 and 6 to 17) Matthew Road McLean Road (Longwood) McRae Road (deviation) Waiau, Block X (Sections 130 to 138) Waiau, Block XI Braid Road Orcsbie Road Dermody Road Gallaher Road Gibb Road Glenham Railway-station (road to) Gregg Road (Otara) Hodgson Road (Kapuka) Kidd Road Killen Road (Oteramika) Pascoe Road Story Road (Venlaw) Toe-toes, Block X (Sections 5 and 15) .. Waikawa, Block I Waikawa to Wyndham Valley Wyndham Valley Road Black Road (Otatara) Brown's to Settlers' Reserve Cameron Road (Forest Hill) Hughes Road (Otatara) Invercargill, Blocks IX and X Invercargill, Block XI (Sections 4 and 5) Invercargill, Block XV (Section 136) Invercargill, Blocks XXIII and XXIV (Duck Creek Road) Invercargill, Blocks XXIII and XXIV (Finnerty Road) Kingswell Creek to Seaward Bush Makarewa River Bridge (Grove Bush), (access road) Martin Road Mason Road (Seaward Bush) Massey's Tramway Road McAllister Road (Waimatua) McKinnon Road and drain Miro Road Murphy Road (Tisbury) One Tree Point to Waimatua .. • Pays Road (Waimatua) Settlers' Bush Reserve Road Wallace Southland Wallace Southland I Wallace Clutha .. Mataura Clutha .. Mataura Clutha .. Mataura Clutha .. Mataura Clutha .. 62 5 0 105 16 0 73 5 9 130 19 6 61 8 9 216 19 0 68 17 11 91 8 3 94 10 0 29 7 8 98 16 4 91 0 4 186 7 10 120 19 2 21 7 4 0 3 0 57 1 4 148 4 9 72 1 7 199 5 8 27 17 3 60 5 0 100 0 0 195 11 7 199 16 0 111 18 6 173 16 1 196 6 9 150 0 0 49 7 0 55 11 11 319 17 0 Awarua Mataura 608 249 17 10 609 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 Awarua Mataura Awarua Mataura Awarua 160 3 11 61 5 0 157 14 3 40 7 2 272 4 6 99 0 10 143 8 4 42 3 2 49 19 8 199 12 7 99 16 7 50 18 9 Mataura Awarua


TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.

6—D. 1.


Vote No Hf™ Name of Work. No. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1909. t»— 112 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 Backblocks Roads, etc. — continued. Southland Road District— continued. 622 Squeaker Road 623 Stewart Island roads 624 Taylor Gorge 625 Turnbull Road 626 Winton, Block VIII 627 Wood Road, Campbelltown 628 Supervision Southland Stewart Islana Southlana Awarua £ s. d. 49 19 7 134 11 6 188 0 10 130 0 0 216 5 2 63 16 10 191 0 4 Total—Southlana £6,170 19 1 General — 630 Engineering surveys 165 7 0 630 Vote No. 112—Total for 1908-9 £183,957 11 6 Tourist Roads, etc. Bay of Islands Kaipara Franklin 113 Auckland Road District — 1 ! Wairua Bridge to Junction of rivers 2 ! Waimauku to West Coast 3 Pukekohe District (Ostrich Farm Road) 1 2 3 Whangarei Waitemata Manukau 81 14 0 480 0 0 33 15 0 Total—Auckland £595 9 0 Te Kuiti Road District (North) — 4 Hangatiki to Waitomo Waitomo Taumarunui £448 6 1 Rotorua Road District— 5 Awahou to Hamurana 6 Bainbridge's Monument (road to) 7 Echo Lake Geyser 8 Galatea to Rangitaiki Falls 10 Kakaramea Horse-track 12 Murupara to Rangitaiki 13 Murupara to Ruatahuna 5 6 7 8 10 12 13 Rotorua Whakatane Rotorua East Taupo East Taupo and Whakatane Rotorua Bay of Plenty 84 13 11 10 16 0 143 3 2 49 9 9 47 19 9 11 10 0 193 3 0 .14 Okareka Lake to Tikitapu Lake 16 Okere Falls 18 Orakei Korako Road 19 Oruanui to Wairakei 20 Rotoiti to Tarawera, via Okataina 21 Rotokakahi Lake Road 22 Rotorua to Ngongotaha Mount 23 Rotorua to Taupo, via Waiotapu 14 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 East Taupo Rotorua 106 12 9 33 4 0 112 18 0 49 7 10 306 18 10 63 1 6 127 9 0 348 19 6 24 Rotorua to Wairoa 26 Rotowhero to Murupara 24 26 Rotorua and East Taupo Rotorua Rotorua and East Taupo Whakatane East Taupo 169 15 3 78 5 3 27 Ruatahuna to Waikaremoana 29 Tauhara Mountain Track 30 Taupo to Te Aratiatia Rapids, East and West 31 Tikitere to Green Lake 32 Tokaanu Wharf Road 33 Tokaanu to Waihi 27 •29 30 31 32 33 Rotorua East Taupo East Taupo & West Taupo East Taupo Rotorua 532 3 6 56 7 10 59 3 10 34 3 0 62 6 0 117 0 9 Hawke's Bay 34 Waikato Bridge, Tokaanu 36 Waimangu Geyser to Kakaramea 37 Waimangu to Lake Rotomahana 34 36 37 Bay of Plenty 547 0 8 143 9 6 92 3 1 Total—Rotorua £3,581 5 8 Hawke's Bay Road District— 39 Taruarau River Bridge 40 Waikaremoana Accommodation-house Road 39 40 Hawke's Bay Wairoa Hawke's Bay Gisborne 493 5 5 125 6 6 Total —Hawke's Bay £018 11 11 Taranaki Road District— 41 Stratford House to Egmont House 42 Upper Egmont 43 Upper Pembroke.. 44 Egmont House to Bell's Falls 45 Rahotu House to Bell's Falls 46 Dawson's Falls 47 Dawson's Falls House to Stratford House Stratford & Taranaki Taranaki Stratford Taranaki Stratford 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Egmont & Stratford Stratford & Taranaki Taranaki & Egmont Egmont 35 7 0 211 19 5 276 19 8 60 13 6 21 0 0 73 17 0 47 16 11 Stratford Total —Taranaki £727 13 0



TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c. — continued.

L i Item I No. I 1 County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1909. Vote No. I Name of Work. I I_ - ' Tourist Roads, etc. — continued. Wanganui Road District— Puketarata Bridge Taumarunui and Hawke's Bay Taumarunui £ s. d. 9 19 9 .13 -19 East Taupo 50 51 Rotoaira to Waimarino Tongariro National Park Waimarino, East Taupo, and West Taupo West Taupo & East Taupo Waimarino and East Taupo Waimarino 31 1 11 95 18 7 52 Waiouru to Tokaanu Taumarunui and Hawke's Bay Taumarunui 513 0 3 53 54 55 Pipiriki to Purarato Pipiriki to Raetihi Wanganui River Trust Wanganui, Waimarino, Stratford, and Waitotara Rangitikei, Patea, and Taumarunui 3 10 9 127 13 0 250 0 0 Total —Wanganui £1,031 4 3 56 Wellington Road District — Mount Holdsworth Track Wairarapa South .. Wairarapa £20 0 0 57 58 60 Nelson Road District— Hope Junotion to Lake Rotoroa Owen Junotion to Lake Rotoroa Maruia Hot Springs Inangahua Buller 1 16 0 263 10 5 65 11 8 Total—Nelson £330 18 1 62 Marlborough Road District— Homewooa Wharf Sounds Nelson £2 19 0 Westland Road District— Coal Creek Falls .. Cobaen Hill Haupiri River Foot-bridge Parorari Track Blue River Horse-bridge Copland Track Dorothy Falls Track Haast Pass .. .. Kanieri Lake Road Kokatahi to Hokitika Gorge Lake Kanieri Hut and Paddock ".. Otira Wire Bridge South Westland Thermal Springs Toaroha Hot Springs Waiho Glacier Tracks Waiho River Foot-bridge Grey Grey 63 G4 G5 66 67 68 6!) 70 72 73 74 77 79 80 81 82 Westland Westland Grey Westland 9 19 3 9 18 0 111 12 5 57 10 0 194 8 0 347 2 5 192 10 10 423 18 9 100 0 0 64 18 11 10 5 11 601 18 3 10 3 33 0 0 41 2 4 1 10 0 Total—Westland £2,200 15 4 86 87 89 91 112 Canterbury Road District— Waiau Ferry to Hanmer Summit Roaa (Lyttelton) Fairlie to-Mount Cook (bridges) Mount Cook and Glaoiers Pukaki to Mount Cook Amuri Selwyn Mackenzie Hurunui Lyttelton & Riccarton Geraldine 2,793 14 5 431 18 7 2,363 14 2 5 14 0 800 3 6 Total—Canterbury £6,395 4 8 93 94 95 98 100 101 102 104 105 106 Otago Road District— Hawea Lake Tracks Arthur's Point to Skipper's Ben Lomond Kinloch to Routeburn Pembroke to head of Lake Wanaka Pembroke Wharf Rees River Road Routeburn Valley Tucker Beaoh Road Opito Blowhole (Woodlands District) .. Vincent Lake Wakatipu 61 6 0 54 12 0 299 19 0 81 8 6 175 0 0 50 0 0 104 15 1 60 9 0 25 7 0 73 3 6 Clutha Clutha '.'. Total—Otago £986 0 1 107 108 Southland Road District. Glade House to Lake Wakatipu Te Anau to Milford Sound Wallace and Lake.. Wakatipu Wakatipu and Wallace Wallace 359 0 7 88 11 6 110 111 112 Clifden to Manapouri Hinitua Point Track Lake George Track Wallace 500 0 0 61 19 6 96 19 3


TABLE No. 4—continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Vote Iteu No. No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1909. .13 117 118 119 120 122 Tourist Roads, -etc.—continued. Southland Road District— continued. Deep Bay to Ringa Ringa Road Harrold's Road Hick's Road Horse-shoe Bay Beach Road Stewart Island Main Road Stewart Island Awarua £ s. d. 100 0 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 42 2 2 100 0 0 Total—Southland £1,548 13 0 123 General. Miscellaneous works and S9rvices, including assistance towards the construction and repairs of roads, bridges, tracks, &c. Supervision 3 3 0 124 161 1 1 Total —General £164 4 1 Vote No. 113—Total for 1908-9 £18,651 4 8 -22 Maintenance and Improvement op Roads. Auckland Road District — Great North Road (Awanui to Warkworth, via Hukerenui, Waipu, and Wellsford) Mangonui, Whangaroa, Bay of Islands, Whangarei, Otamatea, and Rodney Bay of Islands, Marsden, and Kaipara 2,751 14 6 Te Kuiti Road District (South)— Te Kuiti to Mokau Ohura (north of Paorae) Waitomo & Awakino Waitomo Taumarunui 1,204 14 10 545 11 5 Total—Te Kuiti £1,750 6 3 Rotorua Road District — Tauranga to Runanga Tauranga, Rotorua, and East Taupo Bay of Plenty, Tauranga, & Hawke's Bay 703 9 1 Hawke's Bay Road District — Runanga to Pohue Hawke's Bay and Wairoa Gisborne & Hawke's Bay 846 0 8 Taranaki Road District — Mokau to Uruti Ohura (south of Paorae) Clifton Stratford and Clifton Taumarunui Stratford and Taumarunui 716 4 8 1,667 12 7 Total—Taranaki £2,383 17 3 Wanganui Road District — Pipiriki to Waiouru Waimarino Taumarunui 3,120 5 Nelson Road District — Belgrove to Westport to Reefton Waimea, Inangahua, and Buller Motueka and Buller 5,016 9 4 Canterbury and Westland Road Districts— Kumara to Springfield Westland and Selwyn Selwyn and Westland *3,581 9 Westland Road District — Ross to Okarito and Fox River Westland Westland 212 10 3 Total—Vote No. 22 £20,366 1 4 .31 1 3 5 9 11 14 16 18 19 24 26 29 Roads to open up Crown Lands. Auckland Road District — Kenana Block Kohumaru Block Opouteke Block Otukai Block Pakanae Block Pareokawa Block Raetea Block Rotokakahi Blook Ruaoterei Blook.. Waimatanui Blook Waoku Block Mangakahia Block Mangonui Hokianga Mangonui Hokianga Bay of Islands 7 5 2 387 8 6 1,190 4 4 300 1 11 11 12 5 1 15 0 130 10 2 129 15 5 8 7 6 631 8 5 84 13 9 281 15 3 Mangonui Hokianga Bay of Islands Hokianga .. a •. Whangarei Bay of Islands and Kaipara Marsden Kaipara 32 35 Waiotira Block Tokatoka No. 1 Block (additional) ■■ _.. Otamatea 150 5 10 302 17 6 * Canterbur '—net expenditure, £1,331 5s. 8d.; Weatli bnd —net expenditure, £'■ !,250 3s. id: total, £3,581 9i


TABLE No. 4 — continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1909. 31 37 39 41 42 43 Roads to open up Crown Lands— continued. Auckland Road District — continued. Kaimarama Block Roto Ngaro Block Mangawhara Block Waitoa Block Te Akau Block Coromandel Raglan Ohinemuri Thamrs Franklin Ohinemuri £ s. d 129 0 C 181 14 5 151 18 11 854 16 7 1,615 13 4 Raglan Franklin Total—Auckland £6,551 4 2 45 46 Te Kuiti Road District (North) — Kaimango Block Kakepuku Block.. Kawhia Waitomo and West Taupo Awakino and Waitomo Kawhia Awakino Waitomo Raglan Waitomo West Taupo Taumarunui Tauranga 7 8 £ 649 2 1 48 Kinohaku West Block Taumarunui 1,112 18 4 49 55 56 67 68 71 72 Kinohaku West No. 2 Block Moeatoa Block ... Ngutunui Block Te Pahu Block Te Pubi Block .. Turoto Block Wharepuhunga Block Waikato Taumarunui 11 1 E 25 14 1C 110 15 4 9 3 6 221 19 e 332 11 e 1,021 19 4 Tauranga Total—Te Kuiti (North) £3,568 14 I 73 74 77 78 79 HO 82 83 86 89 90 91 92 Tk Kuiti Road District (South) — Aorangi Block Awakino Block Kururau Block Mangapu Block Mangaroa Block Mokau-Ohura Block Otanake Special Settlement Block Otunui Block Puketiti Block Waikaka Block Wairere Block Waitangata Block Whareorino Block Waitomo Awakino Waitomo Taumarunui 107 19 165 13 . 45 1 : 601 0 i 13 19 H 3 10 ! 244 3 ! 2,473 6 1 151 0 i 51 8 ! 3 0 i 54 1 : 1,050 11 i Awakino Total—Te Kuiti (South) £4,964 17 94 95 98 99 100 104 105 108 Rotorua Road District— Kowaunui Block.. Manawahe Block Oamaru No. 1 Block Oamaru No. 2 Block Oamaru No. 3 Block Tahora No. 2 North Block Waiawa Block Whitikau Block Opotiki Whakatane Opotiki Bay of Plenty 4 0 897 7 1,210 11 837 4 6 17 1,943 16 343 5 841 10 Total—Rotorua £6,084 13 Hawke's Bay Road District— Koranga Block Moanui Block Tutamoe Block Waitahaia Block Waipaoa Block Tamaki No. I Block Cook Bay of Plenty 110 111 114 115 118 122 Waiapu Wairoa Dannevirke 807 16 6 303 19 6 975 11 3 55 0 4 1,749 16 11 1,646 19 3 Gisborne Waipawa Total—Hawke's Bay £5,539 3 9 123 124 125 Taranaki Road District— Eao Blook Makino Block Mangaowata Block Waitomo Clifton Taumarunui 20 1 11 1,327 1 1 23 17 2 127 128 129 133 Rerekapa-Moanataire Block Tirangi Block Kaitangiwhenua Special Settlement Block Taumata Block Taumarunui and Stratford Taumarunui Stratford Egmont Stratfora • .. 124 19 10 1 13 6 38 11 8 623 13 4 Eltham Stratfora Total—Taranaki £2,159 18


TABLE No. 4— continued. STATEMENT showing the Net Expenditure on Roads, &c.— continued.


Vote No. Item No. Name of Work. County. Electorate. Net Expenditure for Year ended 31st March, 1909. -Ul 137 138 Roads to open up Crown Lands — continued. Wanganui Road District— Hikimutu Block Kawautahi Block West Taupo West Taupo and Waimarino Waitotara Waimarino Taumarunui £ s. d. 2,496 4 9 1,168 13 0 139 142 143 145 148 151 152 153 154 Ahu Ahu Block Kaitieke Block Kirikau Block Ohakune Block Retaruke Block Ruatiti Blook South Kaitieke Block Taonui-Maraetaua-Pukewhakapu Block Tupapanui Block Patea Taumarunui 2,383 19 3 9 18 1,774 2 1 93 15 3 1,671 11 10 1,552 7 5 1,591 10 7 53 8 4 338 13 10 Wanganui Waimarino Rangitikei Taumarunui Total—Wanganui £13,133 8 0 Wellington Road District — Awarua 1b Block Rangitikei Rangitikei £2,804 9 1 155 157 159 160 161 162 165 166 170 171 172 173 175 176 177 178 183 184 186 187 188 .190 191 193 Nelson Road District — Maungatapu Block Big Bush Block Brewerton Blook.. Dart Block Glenroy Block Kongahu Block Lee River Block Matiri Block Matiri East Block Mokihinui Block.. Mount Arthur No. 2 Block .. Oparara Block Otumahana Block Owen Block Rainy River Block Upper Aorere Block Wairoa Forks Block Brighton Block Inangahua Blook Inangahua Junction Block Maruia Block Maruia North Blook Mid Maruia Block Waimea Inangahua Buller Waimea Inangahua Buller Takaka Buller Nelson Motueka Buller Motueka Buller Motueka 28 7 2 184 14 0 0 16 10 272 0 5 335 14 11 580 18 11 313 15 9 401 6 0 97 16 9 683 16 7 664 9 11 21 0 0 109 0 4 61 12 2 165 14 5 31 4 1 376 3 7 130 3 3 7 18 0 278 5 10 938 8 7 1,289 17 11 476 10 2 Inangahua Waimea Collingwood Waimea Buller Inangahua Buller Motueka Buller it Total—Nelson £7,449 15 7 199 200 Marlborough Road District — Rimu Gully Block Pine Valley Block Marlborough Nelson Wairau 310 4 5 2 4 8 Total—Marlborough £312 9 1 201 202 203 205 Westland Road District — Punakaiki Block Bruce Bay Block Mount Bonar Blook Wataroa Block Grey Westland Grey Westland 12 10 4 239 18 9 99 19 9 45 2 3 Total—Westland £397 11 1 Southland Road District— Alton No. 2 Block Longwood Block Oteramika Block Waikawa, Block II Waikawa No. 1 Block Waikawa-Otara Extension Block Lora Block Otapiri Block Waimatua Block Wallace Wallace 247 19 6 16 14 10 15 7 8 65 4 2 187 7 5 86 8 0 64 10 6 1 15 0 1,061 2 3 208 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 Southland Mataura Clutha Awarua Mataura Total—Southland £1,746 9 4 Vote No. 131—Total for 1908-9 £54,712 13 8 Votes 111, 112, 113, 22, and 131—Grand total for 1908-9 Add expenditure for previous years 474,486 5 7 •7,455,538 5 8 Total expenditure to 31st Maroh, 1909.. £7,930,024 11 3 Includes expenditure for certain years out of Native Land Purchase Account and Lands Improvement Account.—Fide Table No. 2.


TABLE No. 4 — continued. PUBLIC WOEKS FUND. ROADS ON GOLDFIELDS. Vote No. 114. —Item No. 1. Assistance towards the construction and repair of roads, tramways, and tracks in mining and mineral districts, prospecting and minor works for the development of mineral resources, and for £ s dthe extraction of metals from the ores ... ... ... ... 5,219 16 10 2. Roads to open up mineral lands ... ... ... ... ... 65 4 6 3. Compensation for injuries to employees, &c. ... ... ... ... 315 1 0 Auckland. Whangarei County. 5. Parua Hall to Kauri Mount ... ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 Coromandel County. 6. Awakanae-Shrimpton's ... ... ... ... ... ... 50 0 0 7. Bridles Point - Deepwater ... ... ... ... ... ... 150 0 0 9. Cabbage Bay-Cemetery Road ... ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 10. Cabbage Bay - Matamataharakeke ... ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 11. Cabbage Bay-Cape Colville... ... ... ... ... ... 650 0 0 1.2. Cabbage Bay-Port Jackson... ... ... • ... ... ... 50 0 0 13. Coromandel - Cabbage Bay (inland) ... ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 14. Coromandel-Kuaotunu, via Matarangi ... ... ... ... . 129 0 0 16. Coromandel-Whangapoua ... ... ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 17. Coromandel Wharf Road extension ... ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 20. Kaimarama Settlement Road ... ... ... ... ... 200 0 0 22. Kauris-Ecclestone's ... ... ... ... ... ... 140 0 0 23. Kauris-Mahakirau ... ... ... ... 700 0 0 25. Kikowhakarere - Cabbage Bay ... ... ... ... ... 220 0 0 26. Kuaotunu - Mercury Bay ... ... ... ... .... ... 100 0 0 27. Kuaotunu-Opito ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 50 0 0 28. Manaia-Waikawau ... ... ... ... ... .... 200 0 0 29. Mercury Bay-Tairua ... ... ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 30. Mercury Bay Wharf (repairs) ... ... ... ... ... 392 0 0 31. Mercury Bay- Whenuakite and Boat Harbour ... ... .... 50 0 0 34. Tairua-Whenuakite ... ... ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 36. Tiki-Kaimarama ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 50 0 0 37. Tiki-Manaia ... ... ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 38. Tiki-Te Koumo ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 210 0 0 39. Tokatea - Kennedy Bay ... ... ... ... ... ... 50 0 0 40. Waikawau-McLaughlin's ..... ... ... ... ... ... 35 0 0 41. Whitianga-Gumtown ... ... ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 42. Whitianga-Kaimarama ... ... ... ... ... ... 68 0 0 Thames County. 43. Crosbie Settlement Road ... ... ... ... ... ... 50 0 0 45. Golden Belt Battery to Puketui ... ... ... ... ... 56 8 0 46. Hape Creek Road ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 47. Hikutaia-Whangamata " Wires" Track ... ... ... ... 220 9 0 48. Hikuwai-Tairua ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 175 5 0 49. Karaka Creek Road ... ... ... ... ... ... 50 0 0 51. Moanataiari Road ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 53 10 8 52. Neavesville-Broken Hills-Upper Landing ... ... ... ... 37 14 2 53. Neavesville Road (protection) ... ... .... ... ... 100 0 0 54. Neavesville Golden Belt Battery .... ... ... ... ... 245 13 0 55. Ohio Creek Road ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 50 0 0 57. Omahu-Whangamata ... ... ... ... ... ... 35 5 0 58. Otanui Track ... ... ... ... ... .. 50 0 0 59. Puketui-Hikuwai ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 250 0 0 60. Puriri-Neavesville ... ... ... ... ... ... 500 0 0 63. Tairua River Bridge ... ... ... ... .... ... 432 0 0 64. Tapu Creek Road ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 50 0 0 65. Tapu-Gumtown ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 187 0 0 67. Tararu Creek Road ... ... ... ... ... ' ... 50 0 0 68. Thames-Hikutaia ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 373 7 10 69. Thames-Waikawau .. ... ... ... ... ... 600 4 10 72. Waiotahi Road ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 50 0 0 74. Whangamata-Wentworth ... ... ... ... ... ... 51 0 0



TABLE NO. A-—continued. ROADS ON GOLDFlELDS— continued. Auckland— continued. Thames Borough. £ s . d. 75. Karaka Creek (clearing) ... ... ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 Ohinem,uri County. 77. Abbot's Road, Waikino ... ... ... ... ... ... 41 7 0 78. Alpha Road, Huanui ... ... ... ... ... ... 43 0 0 79. Alpha Road, Waitekauri - Durbar Mine ... ... ... ... 250 0 0 80. Bridge Road, Karangahake .. ... .... ... ... 35 19 7 82. Collett's Track ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 50 0 0 83. Dominion Mine Road ... ... ... ... ... . ... 18 0 0 84. Durbar Mine, Komata ... ... ... ... ... ... 110 0 0 86. Goldfields Track - Willows ... ... ... ... ... 96 19 6 87. Hikutaia-Maratoto ... ... ... ... ... ... 65 0 0 88. Hikutaia-Paeroa ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 193 1 {\ 89. Hikutaia-Waihi ... ... .. ... ... ... ... 51 7 5 90. Hill Road, Karangahake ... ... ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 91. Horn Level Road ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 75 0 0 92. Hununga Road ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 41 0 0 93. Jubilee Low-level Road ... ... ... ... ... ... 75 0 0 94. Jubilee Road, Maoriland Mine ... ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 95. Karangahake Reservoir Track ... ... .... ... ... 50 0 0 97. Komata Creek Road ... ... ... ... .... ... 66 7 0 98. Komata-Thames ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 400 0 0 100. Mangakino Track ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 50 0 0 101. Maratoto Road ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 317 0 0 102. Netherton Road ... ... ... ... ... ... 150 0 0 104. Old Tauranga Road ... ... ... ... ... 47 0 0 105. Paeroa-Hikutaia-Robinson's ... ... ... ... ... 115 0 0 106. Paeroa-Te Aroha ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 32 0 0 107. Paeroa-Waitoa ... ... ... ... ... ~ 100 0 0 109. Rahu Road ... ... ... ... ... ... 150 12 6 110. Rotokohu Road ... ... ... ... ... 184. q q 111. Seddon-Waikino ... ... ... ... ... 87 0 0 112. Seddon Street Waikino - Waitekauri ... ... ... ... ... 536 n g 113. Te Aroha Main Road ... ... ... ... 200 0 0 114. Te Aroha Road ... ... ... ...' ... jqq 0 0 117. Waitawheta Crossing Bridge ... ... ... ~V " 631 0 0 118. Waitawheta Road ... ... ... ... 247 0 0 119. Waitawheta Road Deviation ... ... ... 101 0 0 120. Waitawheta - Waihi Road ... ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 122. Waitekauri - Golden Cross ... ... ... ~, 20 0 0 £13,392 4 7 Nelson. Collingwood County. 129. Aorere Bridge (£1 for £1) ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 256 0 0 130. Aorere-Parapara ... ... ... ... ... 230 0 0 132. Collingwood-Parapara ... ... ... ... ... 150 0 0 133. Ferntown-Pakawau ... ... ... ... 3qq q q 134. Mangarakau Bridge and approaches ... ... ... ... ... 50 0 0 135. Pakawau-Mangarakau ... ... ... .. 200 0 0 136. Pakawau-Puponga ['.'. [[] "," 300 0 0 137. Pakawau-Tamatea ... ... ... ... 50 0 0 139. Takaka-Collingwood Inland Road ... ... ... ... 391 ig ii Takaka County. 142. Anatoki-Coles .. ... ... ... iqq 'q q 143. Anatoki Track ... ... ... ... ... 60 0 0 144. Bubu Bridge ... ... ... ... 50 0 0 146. Go-ahead Creek Bridge ... ... ... 41 11 in 147. Kill Devil - Waingaro Diggings ... ... ... ... 100 q q 148. Long Plain Road ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 150. Takaka-Collingwood Inland Road ... ... ... 88 1 6 152. Upper Anatoki Track ... ... ... ... '"•' * q q Waimea County. 153. Aniseed Valley Road ... ... ... ... jgj jg g 157. Motueka Valley to Wangapeka ... ... ... 40 0 0 161. Thorpe-Baton ... ... ... ... ... 45 0 0



TABLE NO. A-— continued. ROADS ON GOLDFlELDS— continued. Nelson — continued. Buller County. £ a. d. 164. Brighton - Grey County Boundary ... ... ... ... ... 150 0 0 165. Britannia Mine Road ... ... ... ... ... ... 200 0 0 166. Bullock Creek Road ... ... ... ... ... ... 200 0 0 167. Burnett's Face-Coalbrookdale ... ... ... ... ... 175 0 0 168. Channel Fleet - Mackley's Bridge ... ... ... .. ... 500 0 0 169. Charleston-Four-mile ... ... ... ... ... ... 175 0 0 170. Denniston Hill Road ... ... ... ... ... .. 81 7 2 171. Denniston - Burnett's Face ... ... ... ... ... ... 150 0 0 173. Fairdown - Sergeant's Hill ... ... ... ... ... ... 200 0 0 174. Fairdown-Waimangaroa ... ... ... ... ... 175 0 0 175. Four-mile-Brighton ... ... ... ... ... ... 225 0 0 178. Karamea Mud-flat ... ... ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 180. Lyell - Alpine Mine (widening) ... ... ... ... -. 150 0 0 182. McFadden's-Gillow's ... ... ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 183. Mears's Road ... ... ... ... ... ... ■■• 75 0 0 185. Millerton Road (widening) .. ... ... ... ... ... 400 0 0 186. Millerton Township Streets ... ... ... ... ... ... 150 0 0 187. Mokihinui end of Westport Road ... ... ... ..,. ... 250 0 0 189. Mokihinui - Little Wanganui ... ... • ... ... ... 1,473 7 8 192. Mount Radiant Track ... ... ... ... ... .... 775 0 0 194. New Fedderson Dredge Road ... ... ... ... .'. 75 0 0 198. Seddonville Colliery - Township ... ... ... ... ... 175 0 0 199. Seddonville Road ... ... ... ... ••• ••• ... 175 0 0 200. Seddonville - Mokihinui Mine Road ... ... ... ... ... 50 0 0 203. Waimangaroa-Birchfield ... ... ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 204. Waimangaroa-Granity ... ... ... ... .-. ..." 200 0 0 205. Welshman's Bridge-Husband's ... ... ... ... ... 125 0 0 206. Westport-Mokihinui ... ... ... ••• ••■ •■■ 150 0 0 Inangahua County. 209. Blackwater Creek ... .. ... ... ••■ ■•■ ••■ 2,857 4 11 210. Blackwater - Big River ... ... ... .... ... ... 131 0 6 214. Devil's Creek Bridge ... ... ••• ••• ••■ •_._. 150 0 0 216. Horse Terrace Bridge ... ■■• ■■• ■•■ ■•■'• • •■ 175 12 5 217. Horse Terrace-Hunter's ... ... ... ... ••■ •■• 134 12 0 218. Inangahua Bridge ... ... ••• ■•• ••• ••■ ••• 508 6 9 224. Maruia-Glenrcy ... ... ... ••• •■• •■■'• ••■ 309 12 0 225. Murray Creek Road ... ... ... •■• •■- •■■ 385 6 5 226. Progress Junction - Globe Hill . ... ... ... ... ... 69 7 7 227. Progress Junction - Slab Hutt Creek ... ... ... ... ... 11l 0 2 228. Rappahannoc Bridge ... ... •■■ ■•■ ••• •■• 8 19 10 230. Six-mile Creek Bridge ...- ... ••■ ••'■ -•• ••■ 100 0 0 231. Specimen Hill Road ... ... .-.., ••■ ■•■ •■■■ 95 4 6 232. Upper Blackwater Pack-track ... ... ... ... ... 197 13 0 £17,133 6 6 Westland. Grey County. 234. Ahaura-Moonlight-Shellback ... ... .... 100 0 0 236. Blackball-Healey's Gully ... ... ... ... ... 300 0 0 237. BlackbaJJ.-Papar.oa ... ... •■■ ... ■•■ 400 0 0 238. Cobden-Brighton ... ... ■■• ■■■ ■'■:■ ■■• HO 0 0 239. Deadman's Creek Prospecting Track ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 241. Grey-Barrytown Road-Runanga ... ... ... ... 200 0 0 242. Maori Creek-Maori Gully ... ... ... ... ... .. 80 0 0 243. Moonlight-Blackball ... ... ••• ... ••- •-,. 375 0 0 244. Payne's Gully Track ... ... ... ... • •• ... 100 0 0 217. Seven-mile-McLean's ... ... ... ... ... ... 200 0 0 248. Seven-mile - Nine-mile Bluff ... ... ... ... •■ 175 0 0 249. Seven-mile - Point Elizabeth Colliery ... ... ... ... 250 0 0 251. Upper Moonlight Prospecting Track ... ... ... ... 75 0 0 Brunner Borough. 253. Brunner-Blackball ... ... ... ... ' ... ... 292 15 6



TABLE NO. A-—continued. ROADS ON GOLDFlELDS— continued. Westland— continued. Westland County. £ s d 240. Fourth and Hatters Terrace... ... ... ... ... ... 85 0 0 254. Adair's Road ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 267 10 0 255. Back Creek Road ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 180 0 0 256. Big Dam Track ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 85 0 0 257. Bullock Creek Track ... ... ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 258. Hunt's Creek Bridge ... ... ... ... ... ... 165 0 0 259. Kanieri Bridge ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 201 18 7 260. Kanieri Forks-Greeks ... ... ... ... ... ... 175 0 0 261. Kapitea Bridge ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 38 19 8 262. Larrikins - Great Westland Road ... ... ... ... ... 270 0 0 263. Larrikins-Loop-line (widening) ... ... ... ... ... 190 0 0 264. Larrikins-Main Road ... ... ... ... ... ... 185 0 0 265. Mount Hercules Deviation ... ... ... ... ... ... 156 4 0 266. Okarito-Forks Road ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 0 0 267. Reefton-Hokitika-Ross Road ... ... ... ... ... 2,273 14 10 269. Seddon Terrace Track Extension ... ... ... ... ... 80 0 0 270. Taipo-Seven-mile ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 150 0 0 271. Taipo Prospecting Track ... ... ... ... ... ... 155 o 0 272. Totara Road ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 165 0 0 273. Westland Reefs Prospecting Track ... ... ... ..; : ;.. 55 0 0 274. Wilberforce - Westland Reefs ... ... .... ... ... 1,506 8 9 Ross Borough. 275. Donoghue's Road ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 110 0 0 £9,362 11 4 Otago. Tuapeka County. 278. Waipori-Waitahuna ... ... ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 Vincent County. 282. Clyde Bridge ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 342 16 6 283. Cromwell-Nevis ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 Lake County. 288. Arrowtown-Macetown ... ... ... ... ... ... 200 0 0 291. Gentle Annie Bridge .... ... ... ... ... ... 300 0 0 293. Queenstown - Gentle Annie ... ... ... ... ... ... 188 0 0 295. Shotover-Valley Road ... ... ... ... ... ... 200 0 0 £1,430 16 6 Southland. Wallace County. 299. Colac-Round Hill ... ... ... ... ... ... .... 7 13 0 Southland County. 301. Garvey Burn Bridge ... ... ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 303. Parawai-Cameron's-Nokomai ... ... ... ... ... 100 0 0 Fiord County. 307. Orepuki - Preservation Inlet Road ... ... ... ... ... 97 12 0 Stewart Island County. 308. Stewart Island roads ... ... ... ... ... ... 150 0 0 £455 5 0 Expenditure for year ended 31st March, 1909 ... ... ... 47,374 6 3 Expenditure for previous years. ... ... ... ... ... 781,449 211 Total expenditure to 31st March, 1909, on Roads on Goldfields ... £828,823 9 2

7—D. 1.




Development of Goldfields.— Table No. 5. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure for Water-races on Goldfields out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1909, and the Liabilities on that Date.

Expenditure. Liabilities. Locality and Name op Race. Survey and Construction, 1870-1908. Grants, Subsidies, 1870-1908. Survey and Construction 1908-1909. Grants, Subsidies, 1908-1909. : Totals. Authorities on Construction. Authorities on Grants, I Contracts. Subsidies. Totals. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Locality and Name op Race. 1 I NORTH ISLAND. Auckland Provincial District — Thames Tairua Water-race Compensation, Thames Water-race R. Kelly's water-race, Mata Kuaotunu Sludge-channel Drain, Te Aroha West £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. £ s. a. I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. a. 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. NORTH ISLAND. Auckland Provincial District — Thames. Tairua Water-race. Compensation, Thames Water-race R. Kelly's water-race, Mata. Kuaotunu Sludge-channel. Drain, Te Aroha West. 80,708 19 3 34 5 4 1,250 0 0 40 0 0 230 0 0 61 0 0, •• 80,708 19 3! 34 5 4 1,250 0 0 40 0 0 230 0 0 61 0 0 80,708 19 3 34 5 4 1,250 0 0 40 0 0 230 0 0 61 0 0 •• •• •• .. i .. • ■ 80,708 19 3 82,324 4 7 MIDDLE ISLAND. Westland Provincial District — Subsidies — Hohonu Hibernian New River Kanieri Rimu Drainage-tunnel Ross Sludge-channel Kumara Sludge-channel No. 2 Kumara Sludge-channel No. 3 Kumara No. 4 Main Tail-race .. Kumara No. 5 Main Tail-race .. Trustees Main Tail-race, Waimea Branch Tail-race to No. 4 Channel, Payne and party Kelly's Terrace Tunnel Quinn's Creek Water-race (purchase) Raising dam, Loop-line Ngahere-Blackball Donnelly's Creek Tail-race Purchase of Byrne, O'Hallahan, and Murdoch's water-rights Jones Creek Storm-channel Back Creek Water-race Ford and Party, Park Terrace.. Government Works — Waimea-Kumara Wainihinihi Water- race Mikonui Nelson Provincial District — Government Works— Nelson Creek Napoleon Hill Argyle (Chaileston) Black's Point 3 7 0 12 5 8 21 5 0 15 6 191 19 6 "" 1,955 12 1 1,992 14 8 3,496 0 3 10,310 18 4 32 0 0 1,554 10 6 2,762 17 2 1,199 7 6 1,151 10 8 5,666 14 11 2,294 6 8 100 0 0 2,279 6 6 70 0 0 1,615 5 4] •• •• ■ - •■ 193 6 6 1,958 19 1 2,005 0 4 3,517 5 3 10,312 3 10 223 19 6 1,554 10 6 2,762 17 2 1,199 7 6 1,151 10 8 5,666 14 11 2,294 6 8 100 0 0 2,472 13 0 70 0 0 82,324 4 7 • • - 30 0 •■ •• 145 0 0i 30 0 .. .. .. 145 0 0 1,958 19 1 2,005 0 4 3,517 5 3 10,312 3 10 226 19 6 1,554 10 6 2,762 17 2 1,199 7 6 1,151 10 8 5,666 14 11 2,294 6 8 100 0 0 2,617 13 0 70 0 0 MIDDLE ISLAND. Westland Provincial District — Subsidies — Hohonu. Hibernian. New River. Kanieri. Rimu Drainage-tunnel. Ross Sludge-channel. Kumara Sludge-channel No. 2. Kumara Sludge-channel No. 3. Kumara No. 4 Main Tail-race. Kumara No. 5 Main Tail-race. Trustees Main Tail-race, Waimea. Branch Tail race to No. 4 Channel, Payne and party. Kelly's Terrace Tunnel. Quinn's Creek Water-raoe (purchase). Raising dam Loop-line. Ngahere-Blackball. Donnelly's Creek Tail-race. Purchase of Byrne, O'Hallahan, and Murdoch's water-rights. Jones Creek Storm-channel. Back Creek Water-race. Ford and Party, Park Terrace. Government Works — Waimea-Kumara. Wainihinihi Water-race. Mikonui. Nelson Provincial District — Government Works — Nelson Creek. Napoleon Hill. Argyle (Charleston). Black's Point. 1,125 16 6 200 0 0 444 4 5 35 0 0 1,125 16 6 200 0 0 444 4 5 35 0 0 1,125 16 6 200 0 0 444 4 5 35 0 0 .. .. 100 0 0 330 1 0 225 0 0 325 0 0 330 1 0 90 3 0i ■ 90 3 0 8{s' 2 0 .. .. 85' 2 0 325 0 0 330 1 0 175 5 0 195,134 9 6 14,152 17 7 25,927 4 6 403 10 10 195,538 0 4 14,152 17 7 25,927 4 6 150 0 0 .... . I 150 0 0 195,688 0 4 14,152 17 7 25,927 4 6 - .. t • '.'. '.'. 90,722 10 8 257 16 7 15,951 15 3 244 9 0 i 150' 0 0 90,722 10 8 257 16 7 16,101 15 3 244 9 Oi 50' 0 0 50 0 0 90,722 10 8 257 16 7 16,151 15 3 244 9 0 Carried forward .. ' 344,177 3 3 35,770 3 8 403 10 10 433 9 6 433 2 0 381,217 9 3 380,784 7 3' 433 2 0 1


Development of Goldfields.— Table No. 5— continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure for Water-races on Goldfields out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1909, and the Liabilities on that Date— continued.


Expenditure. Liabilities. Locality and Name of Race. Survey and Construction, 1870-1908. Grants, i Survey and Grants, Subsidies, I Construction Subsidies, 1870-1908. 1908-1909. 1908-1909. Totals. Authorities Authorities on i on Grants, Construction' Subsidies. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Locality and Name of Race. Contracts. Totals. £ s. d. ;380,784 7 3 ,— _ £ s. d. £ s. d. 433 2 0 Brought forward .. .. I MIDDLE ISLAND— continued. Nelson Provincial District — ctd. Subsidies — Jones, Baxter, and party, waterrace from Roaring Meg Bell Hill Co.'s Race .. Randall Creek Water-race Wills and party, water-race at Sulky Gully Otago Provincial District — Subsidies — Arrow Beaumont and Tuapeka Carrick Range Mount Pisgah Lawrence Drainage-channel .. Ophir Tail-race Muddy Creek Channel St. Bathan's Maerewhenua Artesian wells, Maniototo Improving water-supply, Oamaru Mountain Hut Water-race Government Works — Mount Ida .. Waipori Alexandra (purchase) Canterbury Provincial District — Subsidy — Ninety-mile Beach Water-race Southland Provincial District — Subsidy — Round Hill General — Increased water-supply Departmental — Salaries, travelling, advertising, &c. £ s. d.i £ s. d. 344,177 3 3j35,770 3 8 £ s. d. 403 10 10 £ s. a. 433 9 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. 433 2 0 £ s. d. 381,217 9 3 ■ MIDDLE ISLAND— continued. Nelson Provincial District — ctd. Subsidies — Jones, Baxter, and party, waterrace from Roaring Meg. Bell Hill Co.'s Race. Randall Creek Water-race. Wills and party, water-race at Sulky Gully. Otago Provincial District — Subsidies — Arrow. Beaumont and Tuapeka. Carrick Range. Mount Pisgah. Lawrence Drainage-channel. Ophir Tail-race. Muddy Creek Channel. St. Bathan's. Maerewhenua. Artesian wells, Maniototo. Improving water-supply, Oamaru. Mountain Hut Water-race. Government Works — Mount Ida. Waipori. Alexandra (purchase). Canterbury Provincial District — Subsidy — Ninety-mile Beach Water-race. Southland Provincial District — Subsidy — Round Hill. : : . 800 0 0 - 800 0 0 800 0 0 •• 500 0 0 322 18 2 218 0 0 " 500 0 0 322 18 2 218 0 0 500 0 0 322 18 2 218 0 0 I ■• I 612 10 0 4 6 2 640 0 0 9.249 13 1 200 0 0 3,092 19 0 1,150 0 0 850 0 0 2.250 0 0 1,065 0 Oj 20 0 0 1,600 7 2i ... 4,879 12 Oj 73,832 10 6 1 11,263 10 16,940 12 3 ' 65 6 7 612 10 0 644 6 2 9.249 13 1 200 0 0 3,032 19 0 1,150 0 0 850 0 0 2.250 0 0 1,065 0 0 20 0 0 1,600 7 2 4,879 12 0 i ■ i - ' " . - 750 0 0 750' 0 0 •• . 612 10 0 644 6 2 9,249 13 1 200 0 0 3,092 19 0 1,150 0 0 850 0 0 3,000 0 0 1,065 0 0 20 0 0 1,600 7 2 4,879 12 0 •■ ' •• •• . ... .. - I •• ■■.. •• 15 15 0 I I 73,832 10 6 11,263 1 0j 16,956 7 3 I .. "■ I 73,832 10 6 11,263 1 0 16,956 7 3 65 6 7j 65 6 7 ':■'. 133 19 4 530 4 0 100 0 0 133 19 4 133 19 4 •• •-•'" •• 630 4 0, ... 630 4 0 General — Increased water-supply. Departmental — Salaries, travelling, advertising, &c. . 6,720 6 8 43 2 10 6,763 9 6 i517, 884 11 0 6,763 9 6 Totals 461,421 7 9:55,567 5 1 l_ 462 8 8 433 9 6 1,183 2 0 1,183 2 0 519,067 13 0 Totals. ■j. SUMMARY. North Island .. .. Middle Island 80,708 19 3 1,615 5 4 461,421 7 9 55,567 5. 1 82,324 4 7 433 9 6 517,884 11 0 433 9 6 600,208 15 7i 82,324 4 7 519,067 13 Oj SUMMARY. North Island. Middle Island. 462 8 8 462 8 8 ! .1,183 2 0 1,183 2 0 •• 1,183 2 0 1,183 2 0 601,391 17 7 Totals Totals. 542,130 7 0|57,182 10 5! •• •■


Development of Goldfields.—Table No. 5a. Statement showing Assistance towards Prospecting, and Miscellaneous Services, out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1909, and the Liabilities on that Date.


Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1908. Net Expenditure during 12 Months ended 31st March, 1909. Total Net Expenditure to 31st March, 1909. Liabilities on 31st March, 1909. Total Net Expenditure and Liabilities. issistance towards prospecting* .. )il boring, Kotuku 'urchase of diamond drills 'respecting deep levels, Thames — Queen of Beauty shaft subsidy .. Inspector's fee Cost and expenses, purchase, plant, &c. Lowering water, Queen of Beauty shaft Deepening and unwatering Queen of Beauty shaft 'respecting deep levels, Ross 'urchase of Cassrell's and Bennett's leaseholds, Paeroa 'ompensation Proclamation of Rivers Vater Conservation — Reports on Coromandel Harbour and Kuaotunu Sludge-channel Engineer's salary and expenses .. Reports on Ross Flat Eweburn Reservoir Gimmerburn Creek embankment Greenland Swamp Dam Home Gully Dam Manorburn Creek weir 'ompensation, Owen Roberts Bannockburn to Nevis tesumption of land Vater - supplies for Mining Townships— Waikino Waitekauri Karangahake Mackeytown Clyde Alexandra Ophir )hinemuri River silting .. Thames Drainage Board contribution Cumara Water - race extension aoross Teremakau River Vaimumu Main Tail-race Jharlton Creek Main Tail-race idvances to companies 'rotective works, Stafford £ s. d. 25,625 10 9 £ s. d. 3,884 14 0 207 10 0 2,901 9 3 £ s. d. 29,510 4 9 207 10 0 10,198 7 1 £ s. d. 3,024 18 8 42 10 0 £ s. d. 32,535 3 5 250 0 0 10,198 7 1 7,296 17 10 25,000 0 0 500 0 0 5,930 12 0 223 2 2 25,000 0 0 500 0 0 6,153 14 2 25,000 0 0 500 0 0 6,153 14 2 400 0 0 400 0 0 400 0 0 1,973 2 0 6,010 12 6 7,989 14 6 7,989 14 6 2,250' 0 0 8,503 0 5 8,503 0 5 2,250 0 0 8,503 0 5 2,250 0 0 40,324 7 3 50 0 0 40,374 7 3 40,374 7 3 80 12 6 80 12 6 80 12 6 3,219 0 2 284 10 8 16,459 15 10 1,028 0 6 111 10 0 39 12 0 3,219 0 2 284 10 8 16,459 15 10 111 10 0 39 12 0 1,028 0 6 448 3 7 75 0 0 50 0 0 3,219 0 2 284 10 8 16,459 15 10 111 10 0 39 12 0 1,028 0 6 448 3 7 75 0 0 50 0 0 448 3 7 75' 0 0 50 0 0 862 7 0 862 7 0 862 7 0 445 2 5 607 6 5 351 0 0 1,121 13 2 600 0 0 1,193 15 4 1,193 15 4 445 2 5 607 6 5 351 0 0 1,121 13 2 600 0 0 1,193 15 4 445 2 5 607 6 5 351 0 0 1,121 13 2 600 0 0 150 0 0 3 12 0 1,000 0 0 83 4 2 15o' 0 0 3 12 0 3 12 0 1,000 0 0 83 4 2 1,006' 0 0 83 4 2 1,450 6 3 408 7 1 8,200 0 0 97 0 0 1,450 6 3 408 7 1 8,200 0 0 97 0 0 1,450 6 3 408 7 1 8,200 0 0 97 0 0 Totals 137,343 11 10 31,963 5 5 169,306 17 3 3,217 8 8 1172,524 5 11 lenditure irior ;o 31st March, 1894, !2,630 16s. 2d.


TABLE No. 6. Statement showing the Expenditure on Telegraphs out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1909, and the Liabilities on that Date.


Line. Expenditure during Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1909. Line. Expenditure during Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1909. £ s. d. Brought forward New Wires — continued. Mercer-Miranda Maramarua (Mercer-Miranda) Tuhikaramea (Hamilton-Oketa) Otangiwai (Ongarue-Ohura) Eureka Railway (Cambridge-Eureka).. Hamilton - Te Kapa Hamilton-Te Kuiti-Paemako Hamilton-Te Awamutu Karamu (Hamilton-Okete) Gordonton-Orini Kaipaki (Ohaupo-Kaipaki) Matangi-Tauwhare Otorohanga-Raurimu Thames-Hikutaia Whenuakite (Whitianga-Tairua) Nevesville (Hikuai-Puketui) Otakeo (Thames-Tapu) Kereta (Thames-Tapu) Waiomio (Thames-Tapu) Paeroa-Netherton Morrinsville-Teawha Morrinsville-Tahuna Morrinsville-Hamilton (metallic circuit) Mokai (Taupo-Atiamuri) Tauranga-Te Puke (metallic circuit) .. Te Wairoa (Rotorua-Okere) .. Waimana (Whakatane-Tetoke) Opotikl-Toatoa Matahama (Opotiki-Waioweka) Kahukura Junction-Port Awanui Kahukura-Te Araroa Puha (lead off Motu) Te Karaka-Motu .. Tolaga Bay-Hauiti.. Wharerata-Morere Taupo-Tokaanu Napier-Dannevirke (metallic circuit) .. Dannevirke-Mangatoro-Weber Ngapaeruru-Mangahei Makuri-Pongaroa Waihoki Valley-Waterfalls .. Maku-Waimiro Tiraumea-Haunui Mangatuna-Mangatoro Mangatoro—Mangawhio Mangatoro-Awariki Kaikora North-Waipawa Puketapu-Puketiritiri Napier-Gisborne Napier-Hastings (metallic cirouit) Napier-Wairoa (metallic cirouit) New Plymouth-Opunake (metallic circuit) New Plymouth-Mahoenui .. Inglewood-Kaimiro Egmont Village-Kaimiro Cardifl-Lowgarth-Mahoe Kaponga-Rowan Hawera-Waverley (metallic circuit) .. Mokoia-Whakamara-Meremere Wanganui-Waverley (metallic circuit) Wanganui-Westmere Mangawhio Makirikiri-Kakatihi Marton-Hunterville (metallic circuit).. Hunterville-Sandon Block .. Taih ape-W iniata Ngawaka (Taihape-Moewhanga) Ohakune-Horopito Mangaweka Ruahine Feilding (Bull's-Marton) Feilding (Stanway) Taonui (Feilding-Palmerston North metallio circuit) Colyton-Waiata £ s. d. 3,647 17 1 Telephone Exchanges,— Ashburton Auckland Blenheim Christchurch Dannevirke .. .. Dunedin Feilding Gisborne Greymouth Hamilton Hawera Hokitika Invercargill .. .. Lawrence Levin Masterton Napier Nelson New Plymouth Oamaru Pahiatua Palmerston North Rotorua Stratford Thames Timaru Wanganui Wellington Westport Whangarei 31 18 8 6,945 6 7 54 16 2 5,944 1 7 44 9 9 4,130 15 1 137 17 4 349 4 7 65 2 2 598 4 11 28 0 5 21 5 4 3,220 16 10 0 3 6 56 8 2 227 16 3 554 5 11 132 15 11 99 13 1 91 19 11 82 7 3 105 5 3 61 8 10 11 4 6 278 4 0 2,379 0 7 1,989 17 0 5,194 5 2 7 10 11 29 12 1 55 13 7 43 12 8 64 16 11 11 18 3 33 14 4 5 19 9 429 5 10 58 5 5 36 0 3 0 10 6 33 8 8 47 9 0 2,297 2 9 32 4 1 5 10 3 197 19 1 2 2 0 32 16 4 1 10 0 1 19 10 93 14 8 128 15 10 40 12 8 82 11 1 109 12 2 0 5 6 136 11 2 3 6 1 1 12 6 22 1 0 24 4 7 10 0 336 10 6 4 12 6 157 4 6 471 18 2 1,174 19 6 83 9 8 31 14 10 50 16 8 55 5 0 88 4 4 21 4 8 0 17 0 0 17 6 0 12 6 45 14 9 168 8 9 12 9 0 75 12 10 218 3 10 555 17 0 Telephone Exchanges 32,873 17 9 New Wires, — Paranui-Mangonui-Victoria Valley line Kaikohe-Taheke • Arapohue (Te Kopuru-Raupo) Dargaville-Te Kopuru-Aratapu Kaihu-Mangata (Tutamoe-Waimatenui) Pakaraka-Turntable Hill Waitangi-Paihia-Ohaeawai Kawakawa-Towai Towai-Marlow Port Charles, Great Barrier Russell-Cape Brett.. Tikoki (Whangarei-Poroti) Pakotai (Whangarei-Tikoki) Raupo (Ruawai-Mapau) Batley (Waipu-Whakapairau) Ararua (off Matakohe-Waipu line) .. Opuawhanga (Whangarei-Hukerenui) Whangarei-Opau Hikurangi-Whananaki-Marua Hukerenui-Paiaka Whangarei-Hikurangi (Morse) Luscombe (Waipu-Matakohe) Waihungarua Waihungarua (Waipu-Matakohe) Mareretu-Paparoa Kaipara Flats-Waiwawa Taioatea (Auckland- Albany) Waitakerei (Auckland-Waimauku) Waitakerei-Taupaki Manukau Heads-Orua Bay .. Papakura (Auckland-Papatoetoe) Auckland-Hamilton (metallic circuit).. Auckland-Mangonui Auckland-Morrinsville Auckland-Pukekohe Auckland-Taumarunui Alfriston (Brookby-Manurewa) Glen Murray-Woodleigh Marokopa (Kawhia-Temaiku) Aotea (Hamilton-Kawbia) Patu (off Ongarue-Ohura) 60 7 6 0 14 10 27 4 9 15 13 3 0 12 6 1 2 11 68 8 7 28 4 9 73 18 7 367 12 7 308 12 0 148 15 1 101 15 3 76 4 8 ! 291 7 11 72 15 0 34 10 6 7 13 6 80 13 10 29 18 8 15 13 11 6 15 9 45 2 2 35 9 3 3 12 11 7 16 6 13 0 10 7 0 4 51 18 7 45 5 10 21 10 8 608 9 5 50 0 0 47 2 5 174 14 5 152 1 6 94 0 6 81 3 6 310 0 2 72 18 2 7 8 7 35 10 6 74 12 11 14 0 0 17 0 14 12 4 65 11 7 45 4 0 237 13 6 11 13 9 14 6 285 4 2 78 1 1 108 18 6 1 1 0 27 9 2 396 18 5 142 11 3 17 4 6 71 4 10 0 13 0 54 12 11 Carried forwara 3,647 17 1 Carried forward 12,911 0 3



TABLE No. 6 — continued. Statement showing Expenditure on Telegraphs out of Public Works Fund— continued.

Line. Expenditure during Twelve Months ended 31st March, 1909. Line. Expenditure during Twelve Months endea 31st March, 1909. £ s. a. 12,911 0 3 Brought forwara New Wires — continued. Templeton-Weedou's Rakaia-Methven-Lyndhurst.. ... Akaroa-French Farm Christchurch-Little River .. .. Little River-Puha .. .. .. j Leeston-Killinchy .. .. .. j Bealey Flat .. .. .. | Hilton-Wahipai .. .. .. j Timaru-Albury (metallic circuit) .. \ Timaru-Mawaro .. .. Pleasant Point-Kerry town .. ..; Fairhe-Pusey .. .. .. j Fairlie-Cattle Valley .. .; j Lake Pukaki-Hermitage Kurow-Kowhatu .. •. Kurow-Ashwick Flat Oamaru-Elderslie Duntroon-Otekaike Hakataramea -Rocky Point Totaratahi-Reidston Otematata Alma Bureau Dunedin-Berwick (metallic cirouit) .. Dunedin-Seaclifi .. .. Dunedin-Gore .. .. Dunedin-Warrington Naseby-Ran f urly Nasoby-Kyeburn .. Lauder-Becks Patearoa-Paerua Outram-Clarks Waipori Falls Middlemarch-Sutton Rae's Junction-Edievale Lawrence-Waitahuna Dunrobin-Moa Flat Milton-Table Hill .. Balclutha-Clinton .. Nuggets-Tirohanga Owaka-Pounawea .. .. .. I Invercargill-Otautau (metallic circuit) I Waianiwa-Otahuti .. .. ■ • I Colac Bay-Centre Island Orepuki-Mangarua Tuatapere-Puysegur Point Puysegur-Te Oneroa .. Papatotara Fairfax-Isla Bank .. Drummond-Otautau Winton-Benmore Riverton-Otautau Clifden-Lillburn Green Hills-Dog Island Woodlands-Morton Mains .. Invercargill-Wyndham Wyndham-Mimihau Edendale-Seaward Downs .. .. Riversdale-Waikaia Riversdale-Waiporamu Riversdale-Kawiku .. Tika Bureau Glenorchy-Paradise.. £ s. a. 14,865 10 9 Brought forward New Wires— continued. Apiti-Table Flat .. Komako-Utuwai .. Marima-Nikau Palmerston North - Shannon Palmerston North-Ashhurst (metallic oircuit) Otaki-Otaki Gorge .. Wellington (underground metallic circuit) (metallic circuit) Wellington - Khandallah - JohnsonvilleNgaio Wellington-Paekakariki Wellington-Levin (metallic circuit) .. Wellington-Pahiatua (metallic circuit) Wellington-Pori-Saunders Road Wellington-Dunedin (metallic circuit) Te Paro-Cape Palliser Hutt-Day's Bay (metallic circuit) Worser Bay-Karaka Bay Picton-Okukari-Wharehunga Blenheim-Seddon (metallic circuit) .. Blenheim-Flaxbourne (metallic circuit) Blenheim-Kekerangu-Kaikoura Weld's Hill-Molesworth Pauri-Molesworth Wairau Valley-North Bank Wairau-Tekau Havelock-Kaiuma .. Teakau-Waitai-Patuki-D'Urville Island Woodman's-D'Urville Island Stephen Island Nelson-Tatahi Nelson-Atawhai Top Valley Fork Richmond-Motueka Appleby-Upper Moutere Farewell Spit Belgrove-Kohatu Ngatimote-Pokororo Ngatimote-Uruwhenua Tophouse-Kikiwa Baton .. .. Collingwood-Parapara Rakopi-Mangarakau Longiord-Mu rchison Karamea-Lower Wanganui Ferry Karame a-Arapito St. Helens-Westport Ikamatua-Little Grey Junction Westport-Karamea Blackball-Roa Extension Greymouth-Otira (copper wire) Teremakau-Hohonui Kumara-Teremakau Settlement Hokitika-Lyell Mine Creek .. Kakapotahi-Waitaha Settlement Wataroa - Wataroa Flat - Rotokino Hari Hari (fork on Okarito line) Tatare (on Okarito-Bruce Bay line) .. Bruce Bay-Okura .. Kaikoura-Clarence Bridge .. Kaikoura-Conway Kaikoura-Pukekakariki Waiau-Conway Ashley-Balcairn (Amberley metallic circuit) Christchurch-Kaikoura Christchurch-Kaiapoi (metallic circuit) Christchurch-Timaru (trunk lino) Christchurch-Taitapu Christchurch-Hornby Christchurch-Rakaia (metallic circuit) Kaiapoi-Eyreton 78 5 3 1 18 0 14 13 4 2 10 6 24 9 7 17 6 9,374 14 9 7 15 0 0 10 8 153 15 11 448 11 1 656 0 1 1 19 0 1,396 4 10 18 0 9 69 3 0 30 5 9 34 18 1 233 10 11 132 10 2 12 5 7 4 10 0 8 18 6 35 13 0 14 13 9 15 0 10 0 3 17 6 377 4 7 10 8 0 4 10 0 17 6 1 12 0 27 6 6 4 0 0 42 5 2 107 3 1 21 13 6 27 15 11 10 0 15 19 6 10 0 144 16 6 47 18 5 16 0 6 101 1 8 3 19 2 6 19 4 22 13 10 152 0 7 62 17 3 11 4 0 62 7 3 35 1 10 108 4 6 3 18 9 9 4 3 15 0 0 88 2 9 20 10 0 0 10 0 25 11 0 27 1 8 19 8 4 35 13 0 2 6 6 308 4 5 50 6 0 78 18 0 0 7 6 0 15 0 156 13 6 5 2 5 14 19 2 2 3 9 134 9 4 950 7 10 0 18 1 66 13 1 21 4 11 30 2 9 302 4 0 3 8 0 7 6 8 0 11 6 161 1 8 72 2 2 35 12 4 85 18 2 51 13 10 9 9 4 26 16 7 230 9 -5 482 11 « 1 16 6 51 8 7 142 8 7 40 16 8 188 13 6 81 11 0 15 2 4 1 0 0 55 '4 9 416 l£ 5 173 10 0 136 4 5 1 19 8 3,493 1 3 125 10 11 3 2 2 78 4 5 368 9 3 46 4 6 18 7 11 139 0 6 343 8 9 33 19 0 165 10 9 132 3 8 127 10 9 41 1 4 52 3 8 110 13 11 0 5 0 20 5 0 New wires 37,730 7 10 Total, telephone exchanges and new wires Purohase of material 70,604 5 7 27 18 8 14 0 0 255 9 0 2 0 0 6 5 0 187 6 7 0 15 0 Expenditure to 31st March, 1908 163,032 14 2 1,479,736 3 6 92,428 8 7 Liabilities to 31st March, 1909 .. 1,642,768 17 8 68,837 0 0 Carried forward 14,865 10 9 Total expenditure and liabilities £ 1,711,605 17 8


TABLE No. 7. Statement showing the Expenditure on Public Buildings out of Public Works Fund to 31st March, 1909, and the Liabilities on that Date.


Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1908. Expenditure lOiYear ended 31st March, 1909. Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1909. Liabilities on Authorities, ( Contracts, &c, | 31st March, 1909. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. udicial 'ostal and Telegraph 'ustoms )ffices for Public Departments ilental Hospitals Uexandra Depot, Wellington .. School Buildings lospitals Quarantine Stations Survey 'arliament Buildings xovernment House, Auckland Wellington tgricultural 'ublic Health /Tiscellaneous I : £ s. 591,169 7 528,356 8 46,700 10 267,318 18 549,792 4 8,061 16 1,554,446 18 95,451 8 6,863 19 543 4 67,490 3 5,458 6 8,331 0 18,509 13 1 27,656 9 1 28,446 15 £ s. d. 591,169 7 0 528,356 8 3 40,700 10 3 267,318 18 0 549,792 4 2 8,061 16 2 1,554,446 18 6 95,451 8 1 6,863 19 5 543 4 5 67,490 3 0 5,458 6 1 8,331 0 2 18,509 13 11 27,656 9 11 28,446 15 8 £ s. d. 37,211 3 2 62,262 11 9 2,507 3 7 40,739 11 6 15,296 3 4 £ s. d. 628,380 10 2 590,619 0 0 49,207 13 10 308,058 9 6 565,088 7 6 8,061 16 2 1,656,786 13 3 106,604 0 0 6,863 19 5 543 4 5 72,661 16 7 5,485 6 10 8,331 0 2 24,052 10 5 32,058 14 6 27,315 2 9 £ s. a. 11,069 6 11 26,572 16 1 £ s. d. 639,449 17 1 617,191 16 1 49,207 13 10 318,079 6 11 565,712 17 8 8,061 16 2 11,656,786 13 3 110,472 10 0 6,863 19 5 543 4 5 72,661 16 7 5,485 6 10 8,331 0 2 24,057 3 9 10,020 17 5 624 10 2 102,339 14 9 11,152 11 11 3,868 10 0 •5,171 13 5 27 0 9 5,542 16 6 4,402 4 7 01,131 12 11 4 13 4 296 15 6 27,611 18 3 Totals 3,804,597 3 3,804,597 3 0 285,521 2 4 4,090,118 5 4 52,457 9 5 4,142,575 14 9 * Includes " fnautborised," 4135 14s. 5d.


TABLE No. 8. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defences out of Public Works Fund, to 31st March, 1909, and the Liabilities on that Date.


Total Expenditure to 31st March, 1908. _ ,.. m , , Liabilities on Expenditure Total Authori ties, during 12 Expenditure Contract & Months ended to 31st March, to 31st Maroh 31st March, 1909. 1QnQ 1909. 19Ub ' Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Lighthouses. £ s. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 4 2 6 4,218 3 9 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 1 2,109 11 7 7,614 13 11 6,712 9 6 6,066 6 3 5,785 19 0 7,405 9 11 9,270 13 9 664 2 4 668 15 8 1,427 17 5 801 9 7 3,180 0 5 £ s. d. £ s. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 5,181 10 5 4,218 3 9 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 1 2,109 11 7 7,614 13 11 6,712 9 6 6,066 6 3 5,785 19 0 7,405 9 11 9,270 13 9 1,656 15 2 668 15 8 1,427 17 5 801 9 7 3,180 0 5 689 7 0 1,204 10 9 9,528 1 1 5,571 8 0 600 13 11 499 11 3 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 746 6 6 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 9,454 18 5 1,116 17 3 1,085 19 6 353 7 7 623 6 4 5,969 18 11 20,866 18 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. 7,148 16 5 6,241 0 0 5,531 10 5 4,218 3 9 3,354 6 4 6,955 9 1 2,109 11 7 7,614 13 11 6,712 9 6 6,066 6 3 5,785 19 0 7,405 9 11 9,270 13 9 1,681 15 2 668 15 8 1,427 17 5 801 9 7 3,180 0 5 689 7 0 1,204 10 9 9,528 1 1 5,571 8 0 600 13 11 499 11 3 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 746 6 6 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 9,454 18 5 1,116 17 3 1,085 19 6 353 7 7 698 6 4 5,969 18 11 20,866 18 1 Akaroa Brothers Cape Brett Cape Campbell Cape Egmont Cape Foulwind Cape Kidnappers Cape Maria van Diemen Cape Palliser Cape Saunders Centre Island Cuvier Island East Cape Fog-signals French Pass Beacon French Pass Hokitika Jackson's Reef Beacon Jackson's Head Beacon Jack's Point Kahurangi Point Kaipara Manukau Heads .. Marine Store .. ■ Moeraki Moko Hinou Nugget Point (dwellings) Portland Island Puysegur Point Stephen Island Timaru Tiritiri Cable Tory Channel Tuahine Point Waipapapa Point Miscellaneous, including expenditure on s.s."Hinemoa" and " Stella" 1,204 10 9 9,528 1 1 5,571 8 0 600 13 11 499 11 3 2,943 1 11 8,185 11 0 746 6 6 6,554 14 5 9,958 19 5 9,454 18 5 1,116 17 3 1,085 19 6 353 7 7 1 13 6 5,969 18 11 20,866 18 1 5,177 7 11 992 12 10 689' 7 0 350' 0 0 25' 0 0 621 12 10 75' 0 0 Total Lighthouses 164,271 18 11 7,481 0 7 171,752 19 6 450 0 0 172,202 19 6 Harbour Works. Awanui Wharf and shed Horeke Wharf Kaipara, removal of rocks Raupo, Otamatea, wharf repairs Tangiteroria Wharf Maungaturoto Wharf Wharf at Howick Manukau Wharf at Sandspit Pollok Wharf, Manukau Whangarei Heads Wharf Waipu, improvement of river Waiwera Wharf Wade River, clearing Puhoi River, clearing Awhitu Wharf Matakana Wharf Onehunga, examining-room and offic Onehunga, dredging, &c, near wharf Orua Bay Wharf Huia Wharf Graham Beach Wharf Waitemata : Deep Creek Wharf Waiuku Channel Mercury Bay Wharf Coromandel Wharf Uretara Wharf Opotiki Wharf Waikokopu Harbour Wairoa Harbour Nuhaka, land for harbour purposes .. Napier Harbour Mokau Wharf Waitara Harbour Waikawau River, removal of rock at entrance Patea River, removing eel-weirs Waitotara River, snagging 250 0 0 13 9 6 Cr. 80 8 9 250 0 0 1,087 18 2 150 0 0 150 0 0 600 0 0 500 0 0 350 0 0 104 11 6 79 19 0 556 10 3 194 3 2 •758 8 3 144 16 4 2 2 3 50 0 0 50 0 0 357 11 6 253 14 6 Cr. 0 10 0 100 0 0 100 0 0 472 3 3 200' 0 0 200 0 0 5o' 0 0 100 0 0 350 0 0 485 12 9 Cr. 80 8 9 200 0 0 250 0 0 1,087 18 2 150 0 0 150 0 0 600 0 0 700 0 0 350 0 0 104 11 6 79 19 0 50 0 0 556 10 3 194 3 2 758 8 3 144 16 4 252 17 3 50 0 0 50 0 0 357 11 6 253 14 6 Cr. 0 10 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 831 19 7 1,500 0 0 141 12 6 3,597 14 9 312 13 9 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 106' 0 0 100 0 0 350 0 0 585 12 9 Cr. 80 8 9 200 0 0 250 0 0 1,087 18 2 150 0 0 150 0 0 600 0 0 700 0 0 350 0 0 104 11 6 79 19 0 50 0 0 556 10 3 194 3 2 758 8 3 144 16 4 252 17 3 50 0 0 50 0 0 357 11 6 253 14 6 Cr. 0 10 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 831 19 7 1,500 0 0 141 12 6 3,597 14 9 312 13 9 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 250 15 0 100 0 0 500 0 0 651 12 2 1,500 0 0 141 12 6 3-, 597 14 9 312 13 9 2,000 0 0 50 0 0 180 7 5 50 0 0 221 1 6 222 13 11 50 0 0 443 15 5 50 0 0 443 15 5


TABLE No. 8—continued. STATEMENT showing the Expenditure on Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Harbour Defences, out of Public Works Fund— continued.

B—D. 1


Net Total Expenditure Total Expenditure during 12 Expenditure to 31st March, Months ended to 31st March, 1908. 31st March, 1909. 1909. Liabilities on Authorities, Contracts, <fcc, to 31st March, 1909. Total Expenditure and Liabilities. Harbour Works— continued. Manawatu River, snagging Foxton Marine Reserve, Protection of Castlepoint Jetty Picton, removal of old wharf Havelock Harbour Wairangi Bay Wharf, Croixelles Nelson, dredging harbour Motueka Wharf, protection Tata Islands harbour of refuge Takaka Harbour Collingwood Harbour Pakawau Wharf Little Wanganui Wharf, wharf approaoh, and snagging river Karamea Wharf Karamea River improvements Karamea Harbour Light Westport Harbour Point Elizabeth Harbour Greymouth Harbour Hokitika Harbour Okarito Harbour Okuru Wharf and River improvements Martin's Bay, removal of rock Martin's Bay shed Holyford River, removal of rocks Jackson's Bay Jetty Cape Campbell Lighthouse Jetty Kaikoura Jetty and Harbour Kaikoura Wharf Akaroa-Le Bon's Bay Wharf, repairs Lyttelton, reclamation-works, Sticking Point Port Levy Jetty Timaru Harbour Chatham Islands: Waitangi, removal and extension of wharf and store Chatham Islands: Shed at Pitt Island Taiaroa Heads Lighthouse, enlarging and repairing dwelling Moeraki Boat-slip Dunedin, St. Clair, protection of Ocean Beach Waikouaiti River improvements Toitois Jetty Balclutha Jetty Nugget Bay, landing-slip, &o. Tautuku Wharf and River improvements Catlin's River, removal of rocks Catlin's River Jetty Queenstown Beacon Queenstown Jetty Stewart Island Wharf, Horseshoe Bay Stewart Island, snagging Fresh-water River Stewart Island : Wharf, Golden Bay Stewart Island: Wharf, Half-moon Bay Raising dredge " Hapuka " Grab dredge for harbour-works Miscellaneous £ s. d. 214 13 3 50 0 0 51 14 1 94 0 0 159 0 11 2,806 15 8 300 0 0 14 8 6 4 16 1,170 18 8 2 0 0 336 0 10 559 19 11 662 5 4 100 3 11 14,110 18 7 1,415 6 7 127,233 19 6 58,780 5 10 1,379 17 7 500 0 0 5 0 0 0 18 2 32 6 4 6 5 0 3,000 17 3 500 0 0 55 0 0 1,910 18 10 £ s. d. 813 8 91' 9 5 125' 0 0 4 2 0 1413 10 504 11 6 £ s. d. 214 13 3 50 0 0 51 14 1 94 0 0 159 0 11 8 13 8 2,806 15 8 300 0 0 14 8 6 4 16 1,170 18 8 2 0 0 336 0 10 559 19 11 753 14 9 100 3 11 •14,110 18 7 1,415 6 7 127,233 19 6 58,780 5 10 1,504 17 7 504 2 0 5 0 0 14 13 10 0 18 2 32 6 4 6 5 0 3,000 17 3 1,004 11 6 55 0 0 1,910 18 10 £ s. d. £ s. d. 214 13 3 50 0 0 51 14 1 94 0 0 159 0 11 8 13 8 2,806 15' 8 300 0 0 14 8 6 4 16 1,170 18 6 2 0 0 336 0 10 559 19 11 753 14 9 100 3 11 14,110 18 7 1,415 6 7 127,233 19 6 58,780 5 10 1,504 17 7 504 2 0 5 0 0 14 13 10 0 18 2 32 6 4 6 5 0 3,000 17 3 1,004 11 6 55 0 0 1,910 18 10 250 0 0 100,000 0 0 90 0 0 250 0 0 100,000 0 0 90 0 0 250 0 0 100,000 0 0 90 0 0 1 10 0 83 7 1 1 10 0 83 7 1 1 10 0 83 7 1 175 0 0 532 12 8 175 0 0 532 12 8 175 0 0 532 12 8 100 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 374' 2 3 100 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 374 2 3 200 0 0 100 0 0 1,000 0 0 250 0 0 374 2 3 200 0 0 200 0 0 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 35 0 0 297 8 0 230 0 0 100 0 0 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 35 0 0 297 8 0 • 230 0 0 500 0 0 277 19 0 1,015 7 7 35 0 0 297 8 0 230 0 0 500 0 0 406' 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 100 0 0 300 0 0 777 7 9 635' 0 10 5 12 6 777 7 9 635 0 10 405 12 6 777 7 9 635 0 10 405 12 6 400 0 0 Total Harbour Works .. 336,120 8 8 4,439 5 7 340,559 14 3 100 0 0 340,659 14 3 Harbour Defences. Guns Ammunition War Office stores Torpedo-boats and torpedoes Submarine-mining stores Miscellaneous Works in colony Land for depots and batteries 147,768 18 10 24,531 6 7 9,933 10 9 20,203 13 7 17,665 2 2 18,009 5 10 247,68.7 10 11 38,327 14 6 147,768 18 10 24,531 6 7 9,933 10 9 20,203 13 7 17,665 2 2 18,009 5 10 254,984 10 10 38,327 14 6 147,768 18 10 24,531 6 7 9,933 10 9 20,203 13 7 17,665 2 2 18,009 5 10 255,227 17 1 38,327 14 6 7,29619 11 243" 6 3 Total Harbour Defences 524,127 3 2 7,296 19 11 531,424 3 1 243 6 3 531,667 9 4 Grand total 1,024,519 10 9 19,217 6 1 1043736 16 10 793 6 3 |1,044,530 3 1




Prepared in compliance with Section 8 of " The Public Works Act, 1908."

Sir,— Public Works Department, Wellington, 27th May, 1909. In compliance with the Bth section of " The Public Works Act, 1908," I enclose a statement of the expenditure during the preceding financial year on all works and services chargeable to the Public Works Fund. I have, &c, Roderick McKenzie, Minister of Public Works. The Controller and Auditor-General, Wellington.

Statement of Net Expenditure on all Works and Services chargeable to the Public Works Fund for the Year 1908-9.

G. J. Clapham, Accountant. H. J. H. Blow, Examined and found correct. Under-Secretary. J. K. Warbuhton, Controller and Auditor-General. Note. —Charges and expenses of raising loans, and expenditure out of special acoount, Waikaka Branch Railway, not inoluded in above figures. ' (Details on next page.)


t Class. Votes. Summary. Appropria- Expenaitm . e . Credits. Net Expenditure. xxyii XXVIII XXIX XXX 93 94, 95 96-104 105-107 Public Works Fund. Public Works, Departmental Railways Public Buildings Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbour Defences Tourist and Health Resorts Immigration Roads, Bridges, and other Public Works Development of Goldfields Purchase of Native Lands Telegraph Extension Rates on Native Lands Contingent Defence Lands Improvement Unauthorised £ 26,671 1,285,000 325,265 £ s. d. 25,321 17 0 1,202,312 1 0 291,156 19 0 £ s. d. 809 17 2 99,519 2 4 5,771 11 1 £ s. a. 24,511 19 10 1,102,792 18 8 285,385 7 ,11 XXXI XXXII XXXlII 108 109 110-114 19,115 35,830 16,000 636,625 19,220 12 6 24,237 15 0 35,020 19 8 525,241 3 5 3 6 5 327 4 10 19,944 9 3 55,693 7 0 19,217 6 1 23,910 10 2 15,076 10 5 469,547 16 5 XXXIV XXXV XXXVI XXXVII XXXVIII XXXIX 115 116 117 118 119 120-122 36,100 4,900 175,000 850 20,000 22,150 33,079 9 10 3,040 19 5 178,628 9 6 27 1 0 10,915 11 4 20,329 9 5 2,823 9 10 220 6 3 942 5 0 15,595 15 4 32,859 3 7 2,098 14 5 163,032 14 2 27 1 0 10,765 li 4 19,541 18 7 510 14 5 150 0 0 787 10 10 2,312 15 5 Total Public Works Fund .. 2,597,506 2,371,355 17 11 202,077 10 11 2,169,278 7 0



No. Name of Vote. Appropriation. Expenditure. Credits. Net Expenditure Public Works Fund. Public Works, Departmental;— Public Works, Departmental £ £ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. 93 26,671 25,321 17 0 809 17 2 24,511 19 10 Railways— Railway-construction— Kawakawa-Grahamtown Helensville Northwards Gisborne-Rotorua .. .. Stratford-Ongarue Mount Egmont Branch Marton - Te Awamutu Blenheim-Waipara Culverden-Rotherham-Hanmer (bridging Rivers and improving Road) Midland Railway Westport-Inangahua Ngahere-Blackball Greymouth-Hokitika (Extension to Ross) Otago Central Lawrence-Roxburgh Catlin 's-Waimahaka Gore-Waikaka Riversdale-Switzers Orepuki-Waiau Land Claims, &c. Surveys, New Lines of Railway Permanent-way Materials 40,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 15,000 225,000 50,000 150,000 15,000 20,000 15,000 1,000 30,000 80,000 12,000 18,000 30,000 1,000 6,000 112,000 1,000,000 32,829 3 8 51,135 9 2 40,671 0 0 43,120 1 8 2,762 4 10 201,038 2 8 36,769 8 5 165 8 0 124,743 12 6 8,566 12 4 33,932 16 8 14,522 1 10 803 5 4 14,075 14 3 35,279 3 7 16,453 13 11 20,539 12 2 16,090 3 8 656 2 2 5,709 5 5 7.6,251 14 6 213 1 0 152 3 11 70 2 0 49 3 2 24 8 4 60,205 13 0 8 6 10 165 8 0 340 5 10 129 3 0 224 8 9 5 0 0 32,616 2 8 50,983 5 3 40,600 18 0 43,070 18 6 2,737 16 6 140,832 9 8 36,760 16 7 124,403 6 8 8,566 12 4 33,803 13 8 14,297 13 1 798 5 4 14,075 14 3 35,090 19 5 16,158 6 10 20,477 13 10 15,845 9 5 656 2 2 5,462 7 6 75,882 9 3 94 188 4 2 295 7 1 61 18 4 244 14 3 246 17 11 369 5 3 Appropriation Additions to Open Lines 900,000 385,000 776,114 16 9 426,197 4 3 62,993 15 10 36,525 6 6 713,121 0 11 389,671 17 9 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 Public Buildings— General Judicial Postal and Telegraph Customs Agricultural Mental Hospitals Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Public Health School Buildings 55,400 45,995 67,520 2,450 10,000 18,000 18,400 5,000 102,500 49,155 12 10 37,342 18 8 63,203 9 3 2,509 10 3 5,543 9 0 15,446 3 4 11,152 11 11 4,406 14 7 102,396 9 2 4,484 14 6 131 15 6 940 17 6 2 6 8 0 12 6 150 0 0 44,670 18 4 37,211 3 2 62,262 11 9 2,507 3 7 5,542 16 6 15,296 3 4 11,152 11 11 4,402 4 7 102,339 14 9 4*10 0 56 14 5 105 106 107 Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbour Defences— Lighthouses Harbour-works Harbour Defences 5,000 6,615 7,500 7,481 0 7 4,442 5 7 7,297 6 4 30 0 0 6 5 7,481 0 7 4,439 5 7 7,296 19 11 108 Tourist and Health Resorts — Tourist and Health Resorts 35,830 24,237 15 0 327 4 10 23,910 10 2 109 Immigration— Immigration 10,000 35,020 19 8 19,944 9 3 15,076 10 5 110 111 112 113 114 Construction and Maintenance of Roads, Bridges, and other Public Works — Roads, Departmental Roads, &c. Back-blocks Roads &c, Tourist Roads, &c. Road and other Works on Goldfields and Mineral Lands 24,275 283,606 250,000 30,194 48,550 24,168 12 6 247,226 16 8 187,780 3 4 18,691 4 8 47,374 6 3 1,402 12 11 50,428 2 3 3,822 11 10 40 0 0 22,765 19 7 196,798 14 5 183,957 11 6 18,651 4 8 47,374 6 3 Development of Goldfields— Development of Goldfields 36,100 33,079 9 10 220 6 3 32,859 3 7 115 116 Purchase of Native Lands— Purohase of Native Lands 4,900 3,040 19 5 942 5 0 2,098 14 5 117 Telegraph Extension— Telegraph Extension 175,000 178,628 9 6 15,595 15 4 163,032 14 2 118 Rates on Native Lands— Rates on Native Lanas 850 27 1 0 27 1 0 119 Contingent Defence— Contingent Defence 20,000 10,915 11 4 150 0 0 10,765 11 4 120 121 122 Lanas Improvement— Improvea-farm Settlements .. ... Lanas, Miscellaneous Irrigation and Water-supply 4,950 12,200 5,000 2,721 14 9 15,639 10 2 1,968 4 6 778 4 8 7 10 6 1 15 8 1,943 10 1 15,631 19 8 1,966 8 10 Unauthorised — Servioes not proviaed for 2,823 9 10 2,312 15 5 510 14 5 Total Public Works Fund .. 2,597,506 2,371,355 17 11 202,077 10 11 2,169,278 7 0



APPENDIX B. STATEMENT of all Liabilities in respect of the Services of the Public Works Department outstanding at the Close of the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1909, prepared in Terms of Section 38, Part IV, of "The Public Revenues Act, 1891," and forwarded, as therein provided, to the Audit Office.

G. J. Clapham, Accountant. H. J. H. Blow, Public Works Department, 6th May, 1909. Under-Secretary.

Class. Votes. Summary. Total. Public Works Fund. XXVII XXVIII XXIX XXX 93 94 96-101 107 Public Works, Departmental Railways Public Buildings.. Harbour Defences £ s. d. 97 18 4 654,444 0 5 48,588 19 5 243 6 3 703,374 4 5 Consolidated Fund. VII 20 Public Buildings 832 0 4 Vote No, Name of Vote. Total. Public Works Fund. . £ s. a. 97 18 4 93 Publio Works, Departmental 94 Railway-construction— Kawakawa-Grahamtown Helensville Northwards Gisborne-Rotorua Stratford-Ongarue Marton - Te Awamutu Blenheim-Waipara Midland Railway Westport-Inangahua Ngahere-Blackball Greymouth-Hokitika (extension to Ross) Lawrence-Roxburgh Catlin's-Waimahaka Gore-Waikaka Riversdale-Switzers Orepuki-Waiau Land Claims, &c. Permanent-way Materials 20,008 16 7 2,762 2 0 4,338 10 2 1,900 11 7 1,577 14 8 1,688 13 4 588,426 19 1 634 13 9 1,619 17 10 344 13 6 1,162 18 0 896 11 9 258 9 8 1,743 19 3 486 6 2 24 9 0 26,568 14 1 654,444 0 5 96 97 98 100 101 Public Buildings— General Judicial Postal and Telegraph Agricultural Mental Hospitals 10,317 12 11 11,069 6 11 26,572 16 1 4 13 4 624 10 2 48,588 19 5 Harbour Defences— Harbour Defences 107 243 6 3 Total, Publio Works Fund.. 703,374 4 5 Consolidated Fund. Publio Buildings 832 0 4 20


APPENDIX C. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1908, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1909.


Date of Contract. Lines of Railway ana Branches. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. RAILWii VS. £ s. d. 875 0 0 374 0 0 431 9 0 235 17 0 419 18 6 8,174 12 6 268 17 0 1,899 0 0 693 14 0 931 11 6 1,232 14 1 1,925 0 0 1,163 0 0 6,717 10 0 Feb. May Sept. Jan. Feb. Nov. April June July May June Aug. Feb. 26, 1909 22, 1908 22, „ ,9, 1909 19, . 16, 1907 10, 1908 27, . 30, 1907 28, 1908 ' 28, „ 15, „ 14, „ 22, 1906 Blenheim-Waipara, S.E. Catlin's-Waimahaka Gisborne-Rotorua Platelayers' Cottages, McKenzie Section Platelayer's Cottage, Houipapa Officer's Cottage, Waimahaka Goods-shed, Houipapa Platelayer's Cottage, Papatupu Erection Waikohu Bridges Puna and Waikohu Cattle-yards Waikohu Station-buildings Ironbark Timber Station-buildings, No. 2 .. „ 4 .. „ 1 •■ Totara Bridges Hardie and Thomson G. S. Harrington H. Morris J. Barty A. MoNeil P. McLoughlin and Co. W. Baynes Aitken and Wilson .. Richardson and Blair Thos. Rhodes and Son May Aug. Dec. April May Sept. July June Feb. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Dec. 26, 1909 22, 1908 22, „ 9, 1909 19, „ 16, 1908 7, , 13, „ 28, „ 28, „ 15, „ 14, „ 7, 1906 Sept. 10, 1908 Sept. 30, 1908 Jan. 4, 1909 June 20, 1908 23, 1909 23 Dec. 24, 1908 Feb. 26, 1909 Feb. 6, „ Gore-Waikaka A. Latham .. Greymouth-Hokitika (extension to Ross) T. F.'siowey Aug. Mar April June Sept. Oct. Oct. Feb. July Feb. Mar. Mar. Aug. Feb. 15, 1907 13, 1908 13, „ 29, ; 25, . 25, . 12, . 19, „ 28, 1907 18, 1908 15, „ 10, 1909 25, . 25, „ 25 3,' 1908 17, . 4, 1909 Helensville Northwards Kawakawa-Grahamtown Ross Station-buiiaings Wellsfora Station-buildings Land Plan Survey Hardwood Timber for Bridges Two Platelayers' Cottages, Wellsford „ Te Hana Ironwork for Te Hana Bridges and Wharf Erection of Te Hana Briages and Wharf Hardwood Timber Erection Towai Bridges Platelayer's Cottage, Towai Three Platelayers' Cottages, Ramarama Grahamtown Wharf Supply of Ironbark Telephone Poles Station-buildings, Towai Supply of Ironbark Timber Erection of Bridges, Bowler's Creek Section .. Supply and Delivery of Timber and Joinery for three Platelayers' Cottages Makatote Viaduct Manganui-o-te-ao Bridges Ironbark Timber Stationmaster's House and Platelayer's Cottage, Mataroa Larry's Creek Bridge Station-buildings, Cronadun Ironbark and Hardwood Timber for Boatman's Creek Bridges E. and W. Sweetman J. H. Ashton A. L. Foster J. W. Wallace and Co. J. G. Mathieson J. Prankham W. Wilson Brown ana Sons Richardson and Blair D. H. McMillan H. G. Foster D. McLean and Co. .. J. W. Wallace ana Co. H. G. Foster Dick Miohael W. Rhodes and Son .. J. Murdoch and Co. .. Mar. July Oct. Sept. Nov. July Feb. Aug. Oct. June Feb. Aug. June July Aug. Mar, 15, 1908 13, . 29, 1908 25, „ 21, „ 19, 1909 17, 1908 8, „ 15, . 10, 1909 25, 1911 25, 1909 25 2, 1908 7, , 11, 1909 July 24, 1908 Nov. 28, . Jan. 30, 1909 Dec. 7, 1908 Feb. 8, 1909 May 26, 1908 Nov. 30, „ Dec. ( 21, „ 3,949 10 0 1,217 17 10 253 15 0 1,510 4 11 1,048 0 0 1,112 13 0 336 17 0 1,618 1 6 484 14 4 438 1 0 570 0 0 1,219 0 0 17,675 0 0 354 5 0 602 0 0 943 5 3 597 2 3 555 8 0 Lawrence-Roxburgh Dec. 24, 1908 Mar. 26, 1909 June July Sept. 27, 1905 6, 1906 23, 1907 4, „ Marton-Te Awamutu, N.E. j J. ana A. Anderson .. June Feb. Oct. Nov. 15, 1908 7, „ 15, 1907 13, „ July 10,1908 Aug. 9, „ Feb. 2, „ May 20, „ 53,369 0 0 8,840 12 6 408 4 9 827 0 0 Marton-Te Awamutu, S.E. Dick Michael Smyth and Gardiner July May 29, 1906 11, 1907 5, 1908 Miaiand (Reefton-Inangahua) J. Sigley .. E. and W. Sweetman, Fraser and Go. (Limited) July Nov. July 18, „ 6, „ 28, 1908 Aug. 30, „ July 15, „ Nov. 11, , 2,915 13 5 1,372 9 0 422 5 8


APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1908, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1909— continued.


Date of Contract. Lines of Railway ana Branohes. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. RAILWAYS—. mtinued. £ s. a. 342 7 6 599,794 0 0 21,451 3 0 327 10 0 1,043 12 0 542 7 10 1,395 0 0 971 18 9 478 10 0 1,713 9 10 884 15 8 598 0 2 889 0 0 877 8 0 353 17 7 1,701 7 6 1,760 0 0 850 0 0 970 0 0 866 0 0 3,460 0 3 23s. 6a.percwt. 1,139 0 11 July Aug. July Oct. Feb. Dec. Sept. Aug. Mar. Jan. July July Nov. Dec. Sept. Oot. Dec. Feb. Nov. Dec. Mar. 31, 1908 1, 1907 11, „ 27, 1908 10, 1909 8, 1908 24, 1907 13, „ 5, 1908 16, . 22, 1909 11, 1907 30, „ 2, 1908 11, 1907 11, 1908 24, 1907 29, . 5, . 8, 1909 27, 1906 19, 1907 5, 1908 Miaiana (Reefton-Inangahu a) (Otira end) „ (Springfield end) Miaiana (Taamor end) .. Mount Egmont Branch .. Ngahere-Blackball Erection, Boatman's Creek Bridge Arthur's Pass Tunnel Sloven's Creek Viaduct Ironbark for Sloven's Creek Bridges Two Platelayers' Cottages, Cass Section Platelayer's Cottage, Manu Crushing-yard Buildings Supply of Hardwood Timber Stationmaster's House, Blaokball Erection Soldier's and Ford's Creek Bridges.. Station-buildings, Ngahere Ironbark Timber Station-buildings, Te Tua H. J. Reynolds John McLean and Son G. M. Fraser A. Hadeoke Paynter and Hamilton J. A. Stringer Boon Bros. Duncan McLean E. and W. Sweetman W. G. Mouat R. Mordaunt Diok Michael H. Morris E. W. Bone Richardson and Blair T. Rhodes and Son .. J. W. Boon Oct. Aug. Mar. Dec. May Mar. Jan. Dec. June July May Oot. Jan. Deo. Feb. April Mar. Feb. April June Aug. Feb. Dec. 31, 1908 1, 1912 11, 1909 8, 1908 10, 1909 8, „ 24, 1908 31, 1907 5, 1908 16, „ 22, 1909 3, 1907 30, 1908 2, , 12, , 11, 1909 24, 1908 29, , 3, J 8, 1909 27, 1907 19, 1908 5, „ Feb. 9, 1909 Feb. 3, 1909 Feb. 26, 1909 June 30, 1908 Aug. 26, 1908 Sept. 22, „ Orepuki- Waiau June 22, 1908 Oct. 5, „ Riversdale-Switzers Ironbark Timber Station-buildings Platelayers' Cottages, Huiroa Section Station-buildings, Huiroa Platelayers' Cottages, Te Wera Section Station-buildings, Kiore Ironbark Timber Ironwork, Orowaite Bridges Erection, Orowaite Bridges June 20, 1908 Stratford-Ongarue July 31, 1908 . 31, „ . 31, „ A. B. Burrell' ! .' Fraser and Co. S. Riley and Sons H. Lange June 8, 1908 April 22, „ Assigned to S. am R. Atkinson. Feb. 25, 1909 Various Railways Ironbark Telephone Poles Richardson and Blair Aug. 25, 1909 2,031 5 11


APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1908, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1909— continued.


Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. £ s. a. Auckland. 25,720 0 0 2,694 0 0 734 7 0 959 2 8 1,730 0 0 2,159 0 0 16,954 10 6 663 12 10 549 0 0 852 0 0 245 0 0 922 3 1 1,899 0 0 1,675 0 0 Oct. Jan. Mar. May Aug. Oct. Nov. Deo. Jan. Mar. April May June July Sept. Oct. Dec. 17, 1905 28, 1907 27, „ 6, „ 29, „ 13, „ .28, . 2, „ 30, „ 23, . 23, „ 24, „ 14, 1908 30, „ 3, , 7, „ 15, „ 16, . 24, . 29, . 29, „ 29, . 5, „ 6, , 7, . 2, . 9, „ 15, „ 15, . 30, „ 18, , 6, „ 6, „ 8, . 28, . 7, 8, „ 8, , 18, „ Bath Buildings, Rotorua Post-office, Cambridge Rotorua Bath Building, Electrio Wiring Wharf, Motuihi Island Courthouse and Police-station, Raglan Post-office, Devonport Departmental Buildings, Auckland, Additions Courthouse, Kawhia Stock-Inspector's House, Gisborne Native School and Teacher's Residence, Waikare Native School, Whangaruru, Additions Courthouse, Te Kuiti Police-station, Newmarket Cottage Hospital, Taumarunui Government Buildings, Te Kuiti Post-office, Clevedon „ Paeroa, Renovations, &c. Stock Inspector's Residence, Te Kuiti Courthouse, Whangarei, Additions Post-office, Matakohe .. „ Newmarket.. Birkenhead Rotorua, Alterations and Additions Waihi, Additions Howick Agricultural Department, Auckland, Additions and Alterations Dais, Queen Street Wharf, and Annexe, Drill-hall, Auckland Rotorua Bath Buildings, Hydraulic Lift Stock Inspector's Residence, Te Puia Post-office, Whangarei .. „ Pukekohe Police-station, Whangarei, Additions Post-office, Te Kuiti Police-station, Kaitaia Post-office, Huntly Police Residence and Lockup, Hamilton East Post-office, Morrinsville Courthouse, Cambridge Post-office, Taumarunui .. ■ W. E. Hutchison, Auckland .. | W. G. Care, Cambridge .. I Stewart and Fenn, Auckland .. J. G. Parry, Puhoi .. F. G. Whiting, Auckland .. E. Morris, Devonport .. | J. Morris, Auckland .. ] D. Henderson, Auckland .. I Aitken and Wilson, Gisborne .. .. I H. G. Foster, Auckland .. , J. Molndoe, Auckland .. ! W. A. Clarke, Auckland .. j Taumarunui Timber and Sawmilling Co., Ltd. .. Sheldon and Aitken, Hamilton .. .. ! J. E. Hampton, Auckland .. | S. Craig, Paeroa .. I H. T. Markurck, Waikino .. i F. R. Alderton, Whangarei .. Radcliffe and Burton, Auckland .. R. Kay, Auckland .. 1 A. Langsford, Birkenhead .. D. Lundon, Rotorua .. .. | Hutchinson and Ludwig, Waihi .. I W. W. Skinner, Howick ..IE. Morris, Auckland .. .. | W. E. Hutchison, Auckland .. } S. McCoskie and Son, Auckland.. .. j Aitken and Wilson, Gisborne .. .. W. E. Hutchison, Auckland .. J. W. Dixon, Drury .. H. G. Foster, Whangarei ., .. G. H. Seed, Auckland .. .. C. H. Frankham, Auckland .. E. Morris, Auckland .. G. Jack, Hamilton East .. R. C. Humphreys, Hamilton .. F. Potts, Cambridge .. .. J. Wright, Hamilton Mar. Oct. Sept. Oct. Feb. Nov. Mar. Feb. May Mar. May Sept. May Aug. June Aug. June July Oct. July May Sept. Aug. Sept. Aug. Sept. Dec. April M*ay Jan. Feb. June April May June 27, 1907 24, „ 24, . 6, , 29 IS, 1908 28, 1907 2, 1908 23, . 23, . 24, . 14, . 15, . 3, „ 7, . 15, . 15, , 24, . 29, . 29, , 29, . 4, „ 6, . 7. „ 2, . 20, . 23, , 15, . 30, 1909 18, , 6, . 6, „ 6, . 28, , 7, . 8, „ 8, „ 18, „ May 31, 1908 April 16, „ July 11, „ Sept. 9, . May 30, , June 6, April 5, . 24, . . 6, . July 3, . April 1, „ Aug. 25, „ Sent. 14, . . 26, „ . 30, , July 31, . June 17, „ Nov. 11, „ Oct. 1, „ Sept. 18, „ Dec. 11, „ Sept. 9, . Aug. 5, „ Oct. 17, . . 19, . Sept. 2, . Aug. 20, . Oct. 12, , Jan. 5, 1909 1,396 16 0 748 8 0 220 0 0 558 10 0 345 13 4 749 0 0 2,132 0 0 762 0 0 215 19 6 749 0 0 760 0 0 362 0 0 316 0 0 295 0 0 933 0 0 2,889 0 0 2,375 0 0 665 0 0 740 0 0 989 0 0 2,280 0 0 816 1 2 1,270 16 0 1,044 3 4 720 7 0 Assigned to Winstone and Milroy. Mar. 3, 1909 6, . . 13, .


APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1908, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1909— continued.


Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. | Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. PUBLIC BUILDINGS-coratimwed. Auckland — continued. £ s. d. 1,889 10 9 498 0 0 202 11 6 758 15 0 1,332 0 0 985 0 0 872 3 3 Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. 29, 1908 8, 1909 26, „ 16, „ 18, „ 18, „ 25, „ Police-station, Thames .. .. .. .. .. .. .. W. A. Clarke, Auckland Harbour Master's House, Hokianga .. .. .. .. .. W. Cook and Son, Waimate North Post-office, Te Puke, Additions, &c. .. .. .. .. .. F. G. Whiting, Auckland Maungaturoto .. .. .. .. .. ..A.M. Mackay, Waipu Epsom .. .. .. .. .. .. .. W. Ball, Devonport Police-station, Kaikohe .. .. .. .. .. .. W. Cook and Son, Waimate N. .. Post-office, Otorohanga .. .. .. .. .. .. .. J. G. Aitken, Franktown Junction July May April June Oct. Sept. July 29, 1909 8, „ 26, „ 18, „ 18, „ 18, „ 25, „ Mar. April Sept. Mar. 2, 1908 3, „ 16, „ 23 16,' 1909 Hawke's Bay. Police-station, Hastings, Additions, &c. .. .. .. .. .. A. E. Curd, Hastings Courthouse, Napier, Renovations .. .. .. .. .. W. Ward, Awatoto Government Insurance Buildings, Napier .. .. .. .. J. Renouf, Wellington Post-office, Hastings Nuhaka .. .. .. .. .. .. .. A. R. Gardiner," Wairoa' '.'. June Aug. Dec. July 2,.1908 3, „ 16, „ 23, „ 16, „ July 15, 1908 Aug. 24, „ Mar. 11, 1909 304 0 0 438 0 0 1,446 7 0 5,125 0 0 770 0 0 Nov. Jan. Aug. Sept. Nov. 23, 1906 6, 1908 6, „ 18, „ 13, „ Taranaki. May 31, „ July 31, „ Jan. 20, „ Feb. 25, „ Jan. 31, „ Courthouse, Eltham .. .. .. .. .. .. .. F. N. Blackhall, Eltham Waitara .. .. .. ,. .. .. .. W. Howson, New Plymouth Post-office, Toko .. .. .. .. .. .. .. J. McAneny, jun., Hawera „ Hawera, Alterations and Renovations .. .. .. .. W. Howson, New Plymouth Departmental Buildings, New Plymouth, Painting, Renovations, and Drainage Police-station, New Plymouth .. .. .. .. .. .. R. W. Bond, New Plymouth .. Post-office, Stratford .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Haine and McAneny, Hawera .. June May Dec. Jan. . 10, 1907 6, „ 6, 1908 18, „ 8, 1909 1,550 0 0 775 19 8 709 0 0 627 13 0 482 6 4 Jan. Mar. 12, 1909 1, . June April 12, „ 26, „ 1,189 10 0 360 0 0 Dec. May 10, 1906 2, 1907 Wellington. 40,780 10 0 21,453 18 0 Public Trust Office, Wellington .. .. .. .. .. .. J. and A. Wilson, Wellington .. Parliament Buildings, Wellington, Additions .. .. .. .. M. Frain, Wellington .. Aug. June 3, „ 2, 1907 Nov. Nov. Jan. Feb. Mar. 12, „ 14, „ 30, 1908 20, „ 27, „ 2, „ 2, „ April Jan. June July Aug. 12, 1908 14, „ 30, „ 20, „ 27, „ 2, . 8, tf 898 16 0 400 0 0 1,088 7 0 566 0 0 1,150 0 0 639 0 0 488 0 0 Contract cancelled on account of fire. Post-office, Apiti .. .. .. .. .. .. .. W. Banks, Kimbolton Police-station, Wanganui, Repairs and Renovations .. .. .. A. J. Stewart, Wanganui Post-office, Kimbolton .. .. .. .. .. .. .. W. Banks, Kimbolton.. .'. Manakau, Alterations and Additions .. .. ,. .. L. Arcus and Son, Ohau Old Post-office, Palmerston North, Converting into Offices. .. .. Geo. McAlister, Palmerston North Post-office, Utiku .. .. .. .. .. .. .. W. J. Brown, Utiku .. Eketahuna, Adaitions .. .. .. .. .. McKenzie andBrenchley, Maurioeville Sept. 1, 1908 April 30, „ Feb. 18, 1909 July 31, 1908 Aug. 5, „ June 26, „ Aug. 2, „



APPENDIX C—continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1908, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1909— continued.

9— D. 1

Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. w .- j PUBLIC BU Wellington— continued. :LDINGS— continued. £ s. d. 2,510 18 6 April 29, 1908 Police-station, Newtown .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 R. A. Wakelin and Son, Wellington W. Pringle, Weraroa .. Wm. Adams, Palmerston North W. G. Emeny, Wellington H. Alexander, Petone Russell and Bignell, Wanganui .. Woolston and Hewetson, Wanganui A. Cooper and Son, Wellington .. Adams and Smart, Wellington .. R. A. Wakelin and Son, Wellington A. Cooper and Son, Wellington .. Sanders Bros., Wellington Woolston and Hewetson, Wanganui Adams and Smart, Wellington .. Turnbull and Jones (Limited) .. J. Wright, Taumarunui Oct. 29, 1908 Sept. 21, 1908 May June 4, „ Post-office, Weraroa 20, „ Courthouse, Palmerston North, Additions, &c. 20, „ j Supreme Court, Wellington, Additions 11, „ ! Police-station, Petone 11, „ Post-office, Aramoho 30, „ Courthouse, Wanganui, Renovations .. :. Sept. Nov. Jan. Nov. Mar. Aug. L „ 20, „ 20, 1909 11, 1908 11, 1909 31, 1908 Mar. 20, 1909 Feb. 10, „ Nov. 23, 1908 Mar. 1, 1909 Aug. 31, 1908 696 0 0 1,838 3 6 2,289 0 0 1,065 0 0 1,899 0 0 531 10 0 July Aug. Sept. 8, „ Post-office, Featherston .. .. .. .. .. 5, „ Courthouse, Lower Hutt .. .. .. .. .. 2, „ ' Post-office, Upper Hutt .. .. .. .. .. Mar. Feb. April 8, 1909 5, „ 2, „ Jan. 21, 1909 Deo. 23, 1908 Mar. 6, 1909 2,394 0 0 1,344 0 0 1,992 15 9 Oct. 18, „ „ Foxton 24, „ „ Te Aro 19, „ „ Waverley, Additions May July Jan. 18, „ 24, „ 19, „ 2,531 0 0 5,687 0 0 319 0 0 Dec. Feb. 10, „ Courthouse, Feilding .. .. .. .. .. .. 24, „ Public Trust Office, Wellington, Supply and Erection of Passenger-lift 25, 1909 Post-office, Ohakune .. .. .. .. ... July May June 10, „ 24, „ 25, „ 2,244 0 0 768 18 6 770 0 0 Oct. Mar. Sept. Jan. Feb. Nelson. 12, 1907 Public Buildings, Blenheim, Alterations 6, 1908 Customhouse, Nelson 24, „ Police-station, Richmond 26, 1909 Post-office, Richmond 13, „ ; Police-station, Takaka J. McKinley, Blenheim J. A. Stringer, Nelson Bredbury and Bastin .. W. E. Wilkes.. W. Sloan and Benson Jan. Nov. Jan. May June 12, 1908 6, „ 24, 1909 26, „ 13, „ Feb. 15, 1909 Nov. 3, 1908 Feb. 13, 1909 548 0 0 2,100 17 8 700 10 0 743 16 0 733 5 6 Westland. Drake and Muir, Greymouth Kelsall and Son, Greymouth G. Garner, Wellington.. E. and W. Sweetman, Cobden .. May April Mar. Nov. Dec. Peb. Sept. Dec. 16, 1906 23, 1908 12, 1909 30, 1908 19, „ 7, 1909 17, „ 16. „ June 30, 1908 Jan. 8, 5,670 0 0 4,269 12 6 6,966 0 0 657 10 0 490 0 0 664 18 0 3,782 16 0 5,740 2 0 May July Mar. June Sept. Oct. Dec. Mar. 25, 1905 Post-office, Greymouth 23, 1907 Greymouth Hospital, Additions .. .. .. .. 12,1908 Departmental Buildings, Hokitika 30, „ Police-station, Dunollie 19, „ Post-office, Blackball 7, „ „ Wallsend .. 17, „ Hokitika Hospital, New Ward, Operating Theatre 16, 1909 Railway and Public Works Offices, Greymouth .. .. .. Mar. 2, 1909 Kelsall and Son, Greymouth


APPENDIX C—continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1908, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1909— continued.


Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. PUBLIC BUILDINGS— continued. £ s. d. Canterbury. 1,980 10 0 293 0 0 1,287 10 0 611 3 0 Sept. Mar. April May June 27, 1907 3, 1908 30, „ 8, „ 18, „ 26, „ 29, „ Post-office, Geraldine .. .. .. .. .. .. .. C. Calvert, Christchurch Police-station, Sheffield, Additions and Repairs .. .. .. .. McLeod and Inglis, Christchurch Mental Hospital, Sunnyside, Bathroom .. .. .. .. ..' C. Calvert, Sydenham Erection of Dairy .. .. .. .. Paynter and Hamilton, Christchurch Post-office, Fairlie .. .. .. .. ..' .. .. T. Foden, Fairlie Woolston .. .. .. .. .. .. .. G. White, Linwood Police-station, Kaiapoi .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Paynter and Hamilton, Christchnroh Post-office, Kaipara Flats .. .. .. .. .. .. J. A. Petherick, Warkworth Police Residence and Stable, Cheviot .. .. .. .. .. H.B.Jones and Son, Christchurch Magistrate's Court, Christchurch, Additions .. .. .. .. J. Porter, Richmond Residence for Postmistress, Ophir .. .. .. .. .. T. Wilkinson, Ophir Post-office, Christchurch, Additional Sanitary Conveniences .. .. F. Turvey and Co., Christchurch Police Residence and Stable, Rakaia .. .. .. .. .. Paynter and Hamilton, Christchurch Mar. June Aug. July Oct. Dec. Oct. 27, 1908 5, „ 30, , 8, „ 18, , 26, „ 29, „ July 24, 1908 June 1, Oct. 24, „ Aug. 24, „ Jan. 30, 1909 9, „ Sept. 28, 1908 813 17 6 1,584 0 0 672 11 0 July Sept. Nov. Jan. 23, . 31, „ 21, „ 5, „ 5, „ 25, 1909 Dec. June Feb. May 23, „ 31, „ 21,1909 5, „ 5, 25, „ Dec. 4, „ Oct. 29, „ 428 10 0 713 17 0 3,550 0 0 270 12 0 480 0 0 762 0 .0 '" Feb. June July Aug. Sept. Nov. Dec. Feb, Mar. 17, 1908 5. „ 15, „ 27. „ 29, „ 3, „ 22, „ 6, „ 11, „ 9, 1909 2, „ Otago and Southland. Post-office, Invercargill, Additions, &c. .. ... .. .. .. W. Birss, Invercargill Courthouse, Otautau .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Thomson and Georgeson, Isla Bank Police Residence and Stable, Ranfurly .. .. .. .. : .. Robson and Crawford, Mornington Post-office, Dunedin, Painting and Repairs .. .. .. .. R. Waghorn, Dunedin .. Police-station, Clinton .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. Hamilton and Davey, Invercargill Government Insurance Buildings, Dunedin .. .. .. .. H. Lyders .. .. ' .. St. Helen's Hospital, Dunedin .. .. .. .. .. .. R. Orr Post-office, Milton, Alterations and Additions .. .. .. .. G. Lawrence .. „ St. Bathan's .. .. .. .. .. .. j J. Drummey Queenstown, Additions .. .. .. .. ..IE. Orr George Street, Dunedin, Alterations .. .. .. .. > McKinnon and Hamilton April Jan. Oct. Nov. Aug. Dec. Jan. April, June May 27, „ 5, 15, 1908 27, „ 29, . 3, 1909 22. 1908 29, 1909 11, „ 9, „ 11, „ May 15, 1908 Feb. 17, 1909 Oct. 22, 1908 Jan. 23, 1909 Dec. 23, 1908 513 0 0 1,185 0 0 818 7 6 507 0 0 520 0 0 10,746 5 0 797 9 0 278 16 0 685 4 0 413 13 9 350 0 0 Feb. 22, 1909 I May 23, 1906 23, „ 23, „ 23, „ Auckland. MISCELLANEOUS. Stores-supply, Auckland, Classes I, VI, XI, Items 2, 8, 24, and 25 .. .. Briscoe and Co. (Limited), Auckland Class I, Items 263 to 276.. .. .. .. Vacuum Oil Company, Auckland Class II .. .. .. .. .. J. Burns ana Co., Auckland Classes III and IV .. .. .. .. A. and T. Burt (Limited), Auckland Classes V, VII, and XII .. .. .. .. Jagger and Harvey, Auckland .. Class IX .. .. .. .. .. J. J. Craig (Limited), Aucklana.. Class X .. .. .. .. .. J. ana W. Okleston ana Co., Auckland [ Mar. 31, 1909 31, „ 31, „ 31, „ Mar. 31, 1909 Schedule ratei 23, „ 23, „ 23, „ 31, „ 31, „ 31, „ .



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1908, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1909— continued.

. Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was completed. Amount of Contract. Remarks. miscella: -EOUS— continued. Auckland — continued. £ s. d. May 23, 1906 Stores-supply, Auckland, Class XI, Items 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 15, 17, 18, 20, 23, 26, 28, and 30 E. Porter and Co., Auckland Mar. 31, 1909 Mar. 31, 1909 Schedule rates Jan. June 6, 1907 1, 1908 12, „ Motuihi Island Wharf .. .. .. .. ,. Road Bridge, Frasertown Mooring Buoys for H.M.C.S. " Iris " J.' G. Parry, Puhoi J. Brown, Gisborne S. Luke and Co. (Limited), Wellington C. Judd, Thames Dunedin Engineer and Steel Company (Limited) Oct. April Dec. 6, 1907 16, 1908 2, „ Sept. 9, 1908 Dec. 7, „ 959 2 8 6,403 3 0 274 0 0 Jan. Oct. 8, 1909 26, 1908 Ironwork for Cape Brett Lighthouse Channel Buoys for Marine Department May Jan. 8, 1909 1, „ Mar. 20, 1909 930 18 9 341 0 0 May 23, 1906 Wellington. Stores-supply, Wellington, Classes I and VI Briscoe and Co. (Limited), Wellington Vacuum Oil Company, Wellington G. Winder, Wellington A. and T. Burt, Wellington E. W. Mills and Co., Wellington Smith and Smith, Wellington .. P. Hutson and Co., Wellington.. W. M. Bannatyne and Co., Wellington Sargood, Son, and Ewen, Wellington Edwards and Son, Wellington .. 'S. Luke and Co. (Limited), Wellington Mar. 31, 1909 Mar. 31, 1909 Schedule rates 23, „ 23, „ 23, „ 23, „ 23, „ 23, „ 23, „ Class I, Items 263 to 276 Class II „ Classes III and IV Class V Class VII Classes IX and X Class XI .. .. .. ■ 31, „ 31, „ 31, „ 31, „ 31, „ 31, „ 31, „ " , i " 23, „ Class XII 31, „ May Feb. 7, 1908 8, 1909 Seddon Memorial Wanganui Bridge Cylinder Castings Nov. 11, 1908 2,746 0 0 578 0 0 Oct. May 9, 1905 23, 1906 Nelson. Bridge over Motueka River at Alexander's Bluff Stores-supply, Nelson, Classes I, IV, VI, X Langlands and Dixon, Nelson .. E. Buxton and Co. (Limited), Nelson Vacuum Oil Company (Limited) Wilkins and Field Company, Nelson P. Hutson and Co., Wellington.. W. M. Bannatyne and Co. Sargood, Son, and Ewen J. Sigley, Greymouth Aug. Mar. 6, 1906 31, 1909 Feb. 19, 1909 Mar. 31, „ 3,191 3 6 Schedule rates Aug. 23, „ 23, „ 23, „ 23, „ 23 16' 1907 Class I, Items 263 to 276 .. Classes II, III, V, VII, XI, Items 1, 6, 10 to 16, 18, 19, 22, and 26 to 32 Classes VIII and IX .. Class XI, Items 2 to 5, 7 to 9, 17, 20, and 23 to 25 Class XII O'Sullivan's Road Bridge Nov. 31, „ 31, „ 31, „ 31, „ 31, „ 16, 1908 „ 31, „ „ 31, „ ,, 31, „ „ 31, „ „ 31, „ „ 31. „ 4,643" 12 0 May 23, 1906 23, „ 23, „ Westland. Stores-supply, Greymouth, Classes I, II, III, IV, VI, VII, VIII, and X Classes V, IX Class XI, Items 1 to 28 and 30 to 35 D. McLean, Greymouth Forsyth and McKay, Greymouth W. M. Bannatyne and Co., Wellington Mar. 31, 1909 31, „ 31, „ Mar. 31, 1909 „ 31, „ „ 31, „ Schedule rates



APPENDIX C— continued. SCHEDULE of Contracts current on the 1st April, 1907, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1908— continued.

Date of Contract. Name of Contract. Name of Contractor. Contract to be completed. Date Contract was ( completed. 1 Amount of Contract. Remarks. MISCELL. 4.NEOUS— continued. Westland — continued. £ s. d. Mav 23, 1906 23, „ Stores-supply, Greymouth, Class XII Stores-supply, Hokitika, Classes I, II, III, IV, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, Items 5 to 16, 19 to 23, 27, 29, and 30 to 35; and Class XII Class V Class XI, Items 1 to 4, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26, and 28 .. Road Bridge over Wataroa River Platelayer's Cottage, Dunollie, Port Elizabeth Colliery Extension Okuru Wharf .. Sargood, Son, and Ewen Johnston and Co., Hokitika Mar. 31, 1909 31, „ Mar. 31, 1909 „ 31, „ Schedule rates Aug. Sept. Feb. 23, „ 23, „ 10, „ 21, 1908 12, 1909 James Renton, Hokitika W. M. Bannatyne and Co. Fitzgerald and Bignell, Greymouth E. and W. Sweetman .. W. J. Smith, Hokitika July Dec. Apl. 31, „ 31, „ 31, 1907 19, 1908 12, 1909 „ 31, „ „ 31, „ . 10, „ 10,992 5 0 398 7 6 244 10 0 May 23, 1906 23, „ 23, „ 23, „ OtT RI S TCTT U RCH Stores-supply, Christchurch, Classes I, II, V, VI, VIII, IX, X, XI, Items 1 to 3, 10 to 16, 21 to 25, 27, 29, and 30 to 35; and Class XII Class I, Items 263 to 276 Class VII Class XI, Items 4 to 9, 17 to 20, 26, and 28 Ashby, Bergh, and Co., Christchurch Vacuum Oil Company Smith and Smith, Christchurch Dalgety and Co., Christchurch .. Mar. 31, 1909 31, „ 31, „ 31, „ Mar. 31, 1909 „ 31, •„ „ 31, . . 31, „ Schedule rates May 23, 1906 Otago and Southland. Stores-supply, Dunedin, Class I .. .. .. ..... New Zealand Haraware Company, Dunedin Vacuum Oil Company, Dunedin ' Thomson, Bridger, and Co., Dunedin Briscoe and Co., Dunedin John Edmond, Dunedin Mar. 31, 1909 Mar. 31, 1909 Schedule rates 23, „ 23, „ Class I, Items 263 to 276 Class II 31, „ 31, „ „ 31, „ „ 31, „ 23, „ 23, „ Classes III, IV, VII, X, XI, Items 8,10 to 16,24, and 25 Classes V, VI, XI, Items 21, 22, 27, and 29 to 32; and Class XII Classes VIII and IX 31, „ 31, „ „ 31, „ „ 31, „ „ 23, „ 23, „ 23, „ Class XI, Items 1 to 7, 9, 17 to 20, 23, J6, and 28 .. Invercargill, Class I .. ... Milburn Lime and Cement Company Dalgety and Co., Dunedin New Zealand Hardware Company, Dunedin Vacuum Oil Company Thomson, Bridger, and Co. Briscoe and Co. 31, „ 31, „ 31, „ „ 31, „ . 31, „ „ 31, „ „ 31, „ „ 31, „ „ 31, . „ 31, „ „ 31, „ „ 31, „ „ 31, „ 23, „ 23, „ 23, „ Class I, Items 263 to 276 Class II Classes III, IV, VII, X, XI, Items 8, 10 to 16, 24 to 25 Classes V, VI, and XI, Items 13, 21, 22, 27, 29 to 32 Classes VIII and IX .. 31, „ 31, „ 31, „ 23, „ 23, „ John Edmond, Dunedin Milburn Lime and Cement Company Dalgety and Co., Dunedin A. Thompson, Dunedin 31, „ 31, „ 23, „ 23, „ Class XI, Items 1 to 7, 9, 17 to 20, 23, 26, and 28 Class XI 31, „ 31, „


APPENDIX D. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1908, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department during the Year ended 31st March, 1909, showing Deliveries to the latter Date.


Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. No. of Sleepers contracted for, and Class of Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. Date for Completion. Total D . delivered . c n i ..■ to Date. ;o£ Completion. N OETI I ISL AI> [D. AUCKL/: lND district s. d. 3 3 3 3 4 6 i # 6 June, 1906 13 Aug., „ 6 Dec, „ E. McMillan James Moir C. Hargreaves Tahekeroa .. Puhoi Waimate North 500 totara 3,000 „ 4,000 puriri Tahekeroa Ahuroa On completed line 6 Dec, 1906 .. 31 May, 1907 .. 6 „ „ .. 3,'000 947 18 May! 1908. Contract cancelled. Ditto. 24 Sept., 1908. 21 „ 1909. 6 „ 19 Mar., 1907 11 April, „ E. Brenstrum.. Richardson and Blair .. Dargaville .. Wellington .. 3,000 totara 2,000 puriri 10,000 hardwood 2,100 hardw'd crossing 2,000 totara 2,000 hardw'd bridge 200 ditto 500 totara 12,000 hardw'd 500 totara 2,000 puriri 600 totara 600 „ 500 „ 10,500 hardw'd 500 puriri 11,559 totara 9,325 „ 20,000 hardw'd 4 0 4 3 3 10i South of Kawakawa Helensville Opua 6 „ „ .. 20 April, 1908 .. 21 May, 1907 .. 618 2,000 10,410 13 June Dick Michael.. Sydney 17s. 3d. per 100ft. C.B.M. 3 6 5 9 Auckland.. 13 Sept., 1908.. 2,102 12 Oct., 1908. 16 Aug., , 3 Sept., „ J. G. Brighouse Dick Michael Dannevirke Sydney Hukerenui Auckland 31 Mar., , .. 3 Feb., „ .. 2,034 2,480 2 July, „ 3 Aug., „ 3 „ 14 Dec, „ 24 Jan.. 1908 7 Feb., „ 27 Mar., „ 28 April, „ 11 June, „ 25 „ 25 11 Sept., " Various .. James Moir .. S. Brown (Limited) F. G. Worker E. Brenstrum.. Robinson Grant J. Turnwald .. W. and A. Bayer S. Brown (Limited) Eru Kako T. Jones R. Zimmerman Millars West Australian Hardwood Company Ditto Puhoi Wellington .. Wellsford .. Dargaville .. Hoteo North Puhoi 6 6 3 3 4 0 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 11 4 0 2 9' 2 9* 3 9 Gisborne Ahuroa Whangarei Wellsfora Helensville Wayby Tahekeroa 3 „ „ .. 31 Mar., „ .. 24 July, „ .. 31 Mar., , .. 27 „ „ .. 30 April, „ .. 31 Dec, „ .. 31 Mar., 1909 .. 25 Oct., 1908 .. 11 Mar., 1909 .. 200 505 11,911 410 1,103 523 612 504 10,470 20 July, „ 7 Dec, „ 6 Nov., „ 15 Dec, 1903. 21 May, „ 9 Feb., 1909. 9 „ 23 Mar., „ In hand. Nov., 1908. Wellington .. Kawakawa .. Kakahi Whangarei Kawakawa Kakahi .. 11,559 9,325 26 Jan., 1909 Wellington .. Aucklana 26 Sept., 1909 .. In hand. 26 „ 26 „ 26 „ Nelson and Robertson .. Sydney 16,000 , 210 crossing 370 „ 15,195 hardw'd bridge 600 totara 1,500 hardw'd J 500 puriri \ (470 totara j 3 9 17s. per 100 ft. C.B.M. 4 2 Opua Aucklana.. Gisborne 26 „ „ .. 26 . „ .. 26 , „ .. 26 . „ .. In hand. 29 „ 23 Feb., „ Fred Goodhue S. Brown (Limited) Kawakawa .. Wellington .. 3 6 3 6 Kawakawa Aucklana 29 „ „ .. In hand. Various .. Sundry small contractors Various Various Various Various / 200) Various. * Cut ii Government bus ;h.


APPENDIX D—continued. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1908, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department, &c.— continued


Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. No. of Sleepers contracted for, and Class of Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. Date for Completion. Total r, , j v a Date delivered . n , , ■ j. -p) * of Completion. NOETH ISLAN J}—continued. 26 Jan., 1909 .. I G. Morris .. .. j Horopito TARANAKI DISTRICT. s. d. .. j 3,000 silver- i 3 3 j Raurimu .. .. .. j 26 June, 1909 .. j pine j WELLINGTON DISTRICT. 8,560 12 Oct., 1908. 13 June, 1907 9 July, 1908 26 Jan., 1909 28 Mar., „ .. Dick Michael.. .. Sydney .. S. Brown Limited .. Wellington .. .. Southland Timber Com- Dunedin pany (Limited) .. South-west Timber West Australia Hewers' Co-operative Society (Limited) .. 7,250 hardw'd 17s. 3d. per Various .. .. .. 13 Sept., 1907.. 100 ft. C.B.M. .. 10,000 „ 3 8 Stratford and Wellington .. 9 Mar., 1909 .. .. 56,418 „ 55,800, 3/6; 618, Wellington and Lyttelton .. 26 Sept., 1909.. 4/OJ to 5/6 .. 10,000 jarrah.. 3 7 Wellington .. .. 12 „ 8,560 1,447 1,447 12 Oct., 1908. In hand. In hand. In hand. In hand. SOUTH ISLAND. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. 3 Oct., 1907 .. | Richardson and Blair .. | Wellington .. .. | 1,500 hardw'd | 4 4 | Picton .. ..' .. ] 3 Feb., 1908.. | 1,500 | 26 June, 1908. NELSON DISTRICT. 3 Oct., 1907 .. | Richardson and Blair .. | Wellington .. .. i 2,000 hardw'd | 4 5 | Nelson .. .. ..J 3 Feb., 1908.. | 2,000 | 26 June, 1908. WESTLAND DISTRICT. 16 April, 1908 23 „ 28 . 30 . 30 . 7 May 1 „ 5 June, .. J. Tibbies .. .. Ngahere .. J. Dixon .. .. Kokatahi .. Stewart and Chapman.. Ross .. J. Cowan .. .. Reefton .. W.Hunt .'. .. Nelson Creek .. T. Southorn .. .. T. H. Chinn .. .. Ross .. A. Nyberg .. .. Ruru .. 2,000 silver- 3 3 I Ngahe're .. .. .. j Immediate pine .. 1,300 ditto.. 3 3 : Hokitika Wharf .. .. 1,000 „ .. 3 3 j Ross j j .. 2,500 „ ..! 3 3 Waimaunga .. .. .. 1,000 „ .. 3 3 Ngahere .. .. 1,200 „ .. 3 3 700 „.. 3 3 Ruatapu .. .. .. 500 „.. 3 3 Swede's Siding 1,920 1,300 882 2,439 1,000 1,132 700 500 Balance cancelled. 23 April, 1908. Balance cancelled. Ditto. 30 April, 1908. Balance cancelled. 1 May, 1908. i 5 June, „


APPENDIX D— continued. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1908, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department, &c.— continued.


Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. t No. of Sleepers contracted for, and Class of Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. Date for Completion. Total delivered to Date. Date of Completion. SOUTH IS i L A N D— cc •ntinued. WESTLAND DISTRICT— c< ■ntinued. 15 June, 1908 R. T. O'Brien.. W. Thorpe L. Zala J. Dixon J. Rea Rimu Nelson Creek The Forks .. Hokitika Ross 500 silverpine 1,500 ditto .. 1,000 „ .. 700 „ .. 500 . .. s. d. 3 3 Takatai [ Immediate 458 Balance cancelled. 24 June. 1908. 8 July, „ 27 . Balance cancelled. 14 Sept., 1908. Balance cancelled. 29 Sept., 1908. Balance cancelled. Ditto. 24 „ 8 July, 26 „ 27 „ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Ngahere Station .. Hokitika Wharf .. Ruatapu Station .. Cronadun Station .. 1,500 862 676 444 1,500 971 14 Sept., „ 25 „ Stewart and Chapman.. A. Grigg Cronadun .. 1,500 „ .. 1,000 „ .. 3 3 3 3 29 „ 3 Nov., , R. T. O'Brien.. Baxter Bros. .. Rimu Kokiri 500 „ .. 600 „ .. 3 3 3 3 Hokitika Wharf .. Baxter's Siding 500 591 11 „ 23 „ 26 „ 5 Dec, 7 „ 15 „ G. A. Lawson.. A. Grigg S. Wallace Jack Bros. W. Thorp J. Lundberg Hokitika Cronadun .. Kokiri Kotuku Nelson Creek Brunnerton.. , . 600 , .. . 1,200 „ .. 500 „ .. 700 „ .. 1,300 „ .. 500 , .. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Hokitika Wharf .. Cronadun Station .. Kokiri Station Kotuku Siding Ngahere Brunner Station .. 592 1,060 500 700 1,300 471 29 Nov., 1908. 5 Dec, 7 „ Balance cancelled. Ditto. 15 „ 17 „ 21 „ 23 2 Feb., 1909 2 „ 10 „ 11 .. J. Dixon M. O'Brien A. Nyberg G. H. Lawson W. H. Hunt .. J. Tibbies E. Gardner Jack Bros. Lower Kokatahi Ngahere Ruru Hokitika Nelson Creek Rotomana .. Kotuku 600 L .. 500 „ .. 700 „ .. 700 „ .. 800 „ .. . 1,000 „ .. 500 „ .. . 2,000 „ .. 3 3 3 3 ,3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Hokitika Wharf .. Ngahere Station .. Buru Siding Hokitika Station .. Ngahere .. Rotomana Siding .. Kotuku 578 490 649 681 718 1,000 500 1,787 2 Feb., 1909. 10 . Balance cancelled. Ditto. 17 „ 19 „ 23 . 4 March, „ 10 „ L. Zala A. McDonald .. T. Chinn Noel Peat W. Fisher Okarito Ngakawa Ross Moana Nelson Creek . 1,000 „ .. 500 „ .. 1,000 „ .. 700 „ .. 500 . .. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Hokitika Wharf .. Ngakawa Ross Station Moana Ngahere 900 282 931 700 475 5 Mar., 1909. Balance cancelled. Various. In hand. Various .. 26 Jan., 1909 26 „ Sundry small contracts.. Dick Michael J. W. Wallace and Co... Various Sydney Wellington .. ;10, 381 . .. 6,000 hardw'd . | 6,000 „ .. 3 3 4 6 4 6 Various Greymouth Westport 26 Sept., 1909'.'. 26 „ „ .. 10,381


APPENDIX D— continued. SCHEDULE of Sleeper Contracts current on 1st April, 1908, and Contracts entered into by the Public Works Department, &c.— continued.


Date of Contract or Agreement. Contractor's Name. Address. No. of Sleepers contracted for, and Class of Timber. Rate per Sleeper. Place of Delivery. r, ,„ Total Date , ,. , for Completion. 6 ™/ 1 Date of Completion. O U TH I SLAND--continued. OTA( 3-0 DISTRICT. Bluff and Dunedin 13 June, 1907 Dick Michael Sydney j 1,750 hard- I 17/3, C.B.M. 13 Sept., 1907.. 2,265 8 Sept., 1908. 26 Aug. 12 Nov., , 15 Jan., 1908 24 , 1 Feb., „ 28 . 6 Mar., „ 16 „ Richardson and Blair .. J. W. Wallace and Co... Richardson and Blair ., J. W. Wallace and Co... Richardson and Blair .. Dick Michael Wellington .. Sydney wood 3,500 ditto 1,300 hardw'd bridge 10,000 hardwood 12,000 ditto 10,000 „ 644 „ 10,000 „ 500 hardw'd bridge 500 ditto 618 hardw'd crossing 3 8J 5 6 3 8J 3 7 3 84 17/3, C.B.M. 3 9 5 6 Bluff Dunedin Bluff 3 Feb., 1908 .. 12 . „ .. 28 „ „ .. 24 July, „ .. 28 Feb., „ .. 28 ., „ .. 28 „ „ :. 16 Mar., „ .. 3,636 1,304 10,000 12,678 10,000 644 11,410 500 25 June, „ 30 July, „ 4 June, 27 Jan., 1909. 16 May, 1908. 4 Nov., „ 4 „ 14 May, „ Richardson and Blair .. Wellington .. 16 „ 26 Jan., 1909 Southland Timber Company Dunedin 6 0 £147 14s., contract Dunedin 23 26 Sept., 1909 !! 500 16 „




The Engineer-in-Chief to the Hon. the Minister of Public Works. Sir,— Public Works Office, Wellington, 30th June, 1909. I have the honour to submit the following report on the various work completed and in progress throughout the Dominion during the past year.

N EAILWAYS. Abstract. The following table shows the expenditure and liabilities on Government railways in New Zealand up to the 31st March, 1909 :—

10-D. 1.


Name of Railway. Total Length of Railway or Section. Open for Traffic. Expenditure to 31st March, 1909. Liabilities on 31st March, 1909. Kaihu Valley Kawakawa- Grahamtown — Opua Wharf - Hukerenui Hukerenui-Grahamtown Helensville Northwards to Maungatapere Kaipara-Waikato, with Branches Waikato-Thames, with Branches Thames Valley - Rotorua Gisborne-Motu Wellington- Napier and Palmerston North (including Te Aro Extension and Greytown Branch) Wellington-Waitara, with Branches Wellington-Manawatu (purchased 1908) Stratford-Ongarue North Island Main Trunk .. .. Picton-Waipara— Picton-Cheviot Waipara-Oheviot Nelson-Roundel! Midland Railway* Westport-Ngakawau Westport-Ngakawau Extension to Mokihinuit M!okihinui Colliery Line} Westport-Inangahua Ngahere-Blackball Greymouth - Goal Creek Greymouth-Brunner Greymouth-Ross Culverden-Hanmer Motor-oars and Repairs to Road Hurunui-Waitaki, with Branches Canterbury Interior Main Line—Oxford-Temuka Waitaki-Bluff, with Branches Otago Central Invercargill-Kingston, with Mararoa Branch Forest Hill Railway—Winton-Hedgehope§ Western Railways Preliminary Surveys Miscellaneous Stock of Permanent-way on hand Value of Permanent-way in hands of Railway Department Rolling-stock M. ch. 19 40 17 21 £ s. cl. 55,044 17 1 £ s. a. 32 64 25 20 75 29 151 1 75 18 69 33 ,50 25 • 7 41 22 52 30 12 151 1 75 18 69 33 23 39 155,227 6 7 208,610 5 0 327,280 12 2 1,478,549 10 7 487,314 13 11 355,576 11 1 206,549 4 4 20,008 16 7 2,762 2 0 1,302 0 0 4,338 10 2 233 12 205 42 83 37 101 0 209 69 233 12 196 22 83 37 15 68 209 69 2,364,602 10 9 1,597,023 13 8 960,008 18 8 143,754 14 10 2,669,165 16 0 19,638 0 0 24 9 0 1,900 11 7 1,577 14 8 138 15 35 35 22 73 241 67 19 56 7 12 3 69 26 0 3 30 8 70 7 51 40 21 33 45 31 68 22 73 123 65 19 56 7 12 3 69 421,256 19 3 243,428 12 1 175,623 8 4 935,409 1 0 188,008 17 3 275 16 2 1,412 17 2 588,426 19 1 34,247 16 7 103,779 6 10 1190,531 10 5 150,512 11 11 331,907 1 1 3,819 14 0 2,400,502 17 3 59,343 9 2 4,176,009 5 7 1,280,104 11 10 334,649 2 9 22,983 14 5 312,792 10 7 39,180 11 0 10,336 19 11 88,624 19 9 634 13 9 1,619 17 10 5 1 7 51 31 47 344 13 6 483 72 83 0 616 58 182 56 117 4 12 40 71 6 443 8 11 44 490 77 134 78 97 44 12 40 62 24 2,976 0 0 22,277 18 8 486 6 2 26,568 14 1 25,000 0 0 4,433,541 7 0 107,184 0 0 Total 3,454 5 2,675 27 ||26,870,303 2 8 803,760 0 5 Provincial Government Lines, etc. Canterbury (lengths included above) Otago Gisborne to Ormond Tramway Midland Railway, valuation of works constructed by company 731,759 0 0 372,522 2 5 4,975 1 7 •*683,460 3 1 Grand total 3,454 5 2,675 27 28,663,019 9 9 803,760 0 5 * The amount shown as expenditure represents the net amo , t The funds for this extension—namely, .£35,501 2s. lid.—wen t The funds for purchase of this line, £15,745, were provided t § The expenditure on this line as a tramway was made by th i| Includes expenditure on railways under "Hutt Road and iion Act" Accounts. f Includes £24,983 18s. expended out of State Coal-mines Accc ** Includes value for £150,000 paid to debenture-holders unc let, 1903." unt charged e provided b; >y the Westp :e Lands Dep 1 Railway In against the ! y the Westpc )ort Harboui mrtment. nprovement Dominion. ort Harbour Board. f Board. " and " Railway Improvement Authorisaount, 1908-9. Jer "The M Mland Rail\ way Petitions Settlement Act Amendment


During the financial year a total length of 125 miles 49 chains of railway was opened for general traffic, as shown in the following table: —

Appended hereto is a coloured diagram showing the lengths of railway opened each year since the commencement of the public-works policy. The great length opened this year is due to the completion of the North Island Main Trunk Railway, on which 84 miles 58 chains, the closing length from Taumarunui to Mataroa, partly completed previously, was finished and finally opened right through for traffic. Opua-Grahamtown (58 miles). Kawakawa Southwards Section (7 m. 16 eh. to 19 m. from Opua Wharf). —The line to 15 m. is completed, but has not yet been taken over by the Railway Department. The section has been maintained by the Public Works Department, and trains run as required for the carriage of stores, &c. Felling and clearing has been completed right through the rest of the section, and the formation generally is in a fairly complete condition. Some of the banks require widening. All creekdiversions have been finished and ditching completed. Bridges are all completed up to the bridge at 17 m. 60 eh., with the exception of a small amount of work to be done to the piers of the first three bridges. Timber 'and materials are on the ground and on order for completing the three bridges at 17 m. 60 eh., 18 m. 19 eh., and 18 m. 66 eh., and arrangements made for erecting them. Fencing is complete as far as 15 m. 20 eh. Platelaying has been recommenced, and rails are laid to 17 m. 38 eh., and line trimmed to 17 m. 59 eh. The branch line to the ballast-pit at Scoria Flat and the ballast-pit itself have been put in working-order, and ballasting operations resumed. Eam.arama Section (19 m. to 27 m. 61/. eh.). —This closing section which connects the Kawakawa and Whangarei Railways has been put in hand during the past year, and at the present date work on all cuttings is in hand, and a long embankment through the swamps is in an advanced state. Formation-work is being pressed on at all points. A relocation of the line has been carried out from 19 m. to 22 m. in order to avoid the swampy places as much as possible. A short length of line at 27 m. 45 eh. has also been relocated in order to reduce embankment. Generally the formation-work on this section is nearly completed, except between 19 m. and 22 m., where there is still some light formation to do, and in the heavy cuttings and banks between 26 m. and 27 m. 62 eh., which is the end of the section. The Ramarama Station yard at 20 m. 20 eh. is three parts finished. Contracts have been let for the supply of timber and ironwork for bridges on this section, and are well in hand. The erection of the bridges will be gone on with as soon as the rails reach each site, and enable the material to be brought forward by rail, as the roads are not suitable for heavy traffic. Towai Section (16 m. to 21m. 1 eh. (chainage from Kamo) ). —The line is formed throughout, including the Towai Station yard, except the length of 50 chains between this station and the end of the section, which is in hand. Platelaying, which was commenced in October, 1908, from Hukerenui, is now finished, including the wayside station at Akerama and the station-yard at Towai. The deep cutting at Hukerenui has been battered off and made fairly safe from immediate damage by slips, although it may probably slip further at some future time, Formation-level has


Railway. Section. Length. Date of Completion. North Auckland Gisborne-Rotorua .. Stratfqrd-Ongarue Mount Egmont Branch Martoh - Te Awamutu Tauhoa-Wayby .. Puha - Waikohu Bridge ..Oruru-Huiroa Manganui Section Taumarunui Whakapapa Owhango Makaretu Waimarino (part of) Waimarino (part of) Raetihi Murimutuj Waioum Turangarere Tadmor-Kiwi Reefton-Cronadun Waikaka M. ch. 3 40 3 29 4 50 . 6 0 6 48 10 0 8 0 7 20 3 77 8 13 8 60 13 70 7 40 10 50 5 9 5 38 12 65 May 13, 1908. „ 28, „ April 1, 1908. „ 1, „ Nov. 9, 1908. ' Feb. 13, 1909. j June 30, 1908. Midland Dec. 18, 1908. Aug. 7, „ Nov. 26, ' „| Gore-Waikaka 125 49


been raised where necessary in order to avoid damage by floods. All bridges on this section have been completed. The ballasting of the line is being proceeded with as rapidly as possible. The contract for Towai Station buildings is well in hand —the goods-shed, station-building, and passenger-platform are finished—fencing, gates, and cattle-stops are all completed. This section should be ready for opening at an early date. Extension to Grahamtown (2 m. If9ch.). —The formation on this length is about three parts finished. The work done during the year has consisted principally in clearing slips and fascining banks to protect them from the sea. Some work lias also been done in completing some of the cuttings, so that, omitting slips, of which there are some bad ones, there is only one cutting— that adjoining the station-yard—now left to take out; and some further banks in the station-yard at wharf-site to complete, besides the pitching of all the banks with stone, which cannot be done until the rails are laid. A contract for erection of the wharf at Grahamtown for £17,675 was let in February. No work has yet been done by the contractors on the ground, but they have placed orders for materials, and anticipate making an early start. North Auckland Railway. Tauhoa to Wayby (62 m. J r o eh. to 66 m.). —This section was completed, and handed over to the Railway Department on the 13th May, 1908. Wellsford Section (66 m. to 69 m. 18 eh.). —During the year many of the cuttings on this section slipped badly, and the banks subsided to a very considerable extent. This damage, which was caused by exceptionally wet weather and floods, required six months' continuous work to make good, and is not yet quite satisfactory. Cottages, station-buildings, and sheep and cattle yards were all completed at Wellsford by the 28th November, 1908, and the section opened for traffic by the Public Works Department on the 15th February, .1909, and handed over to the Railway Department on the Ist April, 1909. But for the extensive damage already referred to, the line would have been opened for traffic much earlier. Te Hana Section (69 m. 18 eh. to 72 m. 55 eh.). —Formation, except where the slips have taken place, has been completed and pipes and culverts constructed. The bridge at 71 m. has been finished, and all drains, road and creek diversions made. Erection of fencing, gates, and cattle-stops is. in hand. Trimming of formation has been completed, except where slips continue to come in, and rails laid throughout. The line is ballasted, except for the final lift, to Te Hana. The station-yard and branch line to the wharf is also ballasted. The wharf is completed and rails laid thereon. Goods traffic has been carried over this section since the 21st June, 1909. cottages have been erected in the Te Hana Station yard, and a contract has been let for the station-buildings. An overbridge at 70 m. 40 eh. is in hand, and contracts have been let for the timber, ironwork, and erection of the Te Hanaj Mainene, and Topuni bridges. Kaiwaka Section (72 m. 55 eh. to 77 m. 20 eh.). —A commencement was made on this section in June, 1908. Since then earthworks have been pushed on, and are in an advanced state as far as 77 m. 20 eh., and all culverts have been built up to that point. Beyond 77 m. 20 eh. no work has been put in hand owing to the question as to the route the railway was to follow beyond. The bottom heading has been driven through the Mainene tunnel, and arrangements are being made for its enlargement to be taken in hand from both ends—the bridge over the Te Hana River is finished except for the plate girders—the bridge over the Mainene is in progress. Owing to the unsafe nature of the ground at the sites of these two bridges, extra spans had to be added to both. The overbridge at 73 m. 26 eh. is finished and in use. A service road has been made along the line from Te Hana to the Mainene tunnel. Some fencing, where necessary to secure settlers' property, has been erected. As the ballast for this line has so far had to be railed from Mount Albert, Auckland, now over seventy miles distant, endeavours are being made to find suitable stone or ballast nearer to where the construction-work is in progress. A proposed quarry at Bald Hill, Pukekaroro, has been prospected. Prospecting for stone has also been carried out at the Houtu Mountain, at Maungakaramea Mountain, on the Bickerstaffe or western route, at various points, and also at Hukatere, on the Kaipara Harbour. Gisborne-Rotorua. The Waikohu road and railway bridge, at the Willow Crossing, about 23m. 18ch., was in hand in July, 1908, and was completed in January, 1909. So soon as completed rails were laid across the bridge into the W T aikohu Station yard, sidings put in, and all necessary station-yard work done, including erection of station-buildings—this short section to Waikohu Station yard, or to 23 m. 50 eh., was opened for traffic by the Railway Department on the Ist April, 1909. Otoko Section (23 m,. 50 eh. to Sim. eh.). —At the close of last year formation-work was partly in hand on the Otoko Section as far as 27i m. At this point heavy earthworks began. During July and August parties were advanced to near 29 m. By March last work was in hand up to 31 m., and most of the culverts constructed. In June the greater part of the heavy earthworks were in a well-advanced state, and work was in hand for about a mile beyond Otoko Station. From 26 m. a service road was made along the valley for the convenience of materials and supplies. A considerable portion of this road required rather heavy work, as in parts of the Waihuka Gorge it skirted round high cliffs running abruptly down to the stream.



Bridges at 23 m. 58 eh. and 24 in. 7 eh. have been completed. The concrete piers for bridge at 26 m. 14 eh. have been erected, and pier-foundations for the bridge at 27 m. 41 eh. have been completed. The Waihuka tunnel at 26 m. 17ch. was commenced in September, 1908, and finished in April, 1909. Fencing has been completed up to 26 m. At Otoko Station three platelayers' cottages and a Stationmaster's house have been erected. Rails are laid up to 27 m., and the ballasting is practically completed to 26 m. Plans are being prepared for the Otoko Viaduct at 31 m. Stratford-Ongarue. Huiroa Section (11m. 18 eh. to 15 m. 68 eh.). —The buildings which were incomplete at the time of last report were duly completed, and the section handed over to the Railway Department on the Ist April, 1908. Te Wera Section (15 m. 68 eh. to 22 m. 65 eh.). —All the earthwork on this section up to 20 m., including Kiore Station, is practically completed. Work in the tunnel just beyond this, through the Mohakau Saddle, is now making fair progress, about 3 chains being complete; three shifts are working at cither end; for chains at the west end the ground was found to be very heavy, necessitating 18 in. lining. This tunnel-work should be finished by about the end of October. Two cottages have been built at Kiore, and station-buildings, platform, cattle-yards, &c, in this yard are nearly finished. Rails and one lift of ballast have been laid to 19 m. 65 eh. The cuttings and big banks between 20 m. 30 eh. and 20 m. 67 eh. are nearing completion; the bank at 20m. 56 eh. has caused a good deal of difficulty through sinking in swampy foundation. Formation-work from this point to Te Wera Station yard has been finished. Some culverts have been left until the railhead is more advanced so as to cave cartage of cement, timber, and other material. A small bridge at 22 m. 27 eh. has been put in hand. Fair progress has been made in the formation of Te Wera Station yard. One platelayer's cottage is now in course of erection, and a contract for the others will be prepared shortly. Pohokura Section (22 m. 65 eh. to 31m,. Ifi eh.). —The line has been cleared up to 29 m., and clearing-parties are now advanced towards the proposed station at Pohokura. All creek-diversions and side drains have been completed up to 27 m. 40 eh., and the formation-work is in hand to the tunnel-mouth at 28 m. 14 eh. The survey-work on this line is completed to 32 m. 10 eh. Mount Egmont Branch. • Manganui Section (6 miles in length). —This section, which includes the stone-crushing plant, &c, was handed over to the Railway Department on the Ist April, 1908. During the year further stone-prospecting operations for a quarry at Waingongoro Spur have been carried out, and a report and estimate relative to the opening-up of a quarry at that point made. The report was, however, unfavourable, so a survey of the proposed incline to the Manganui quarry on the Surrey Road track has been commenced. North Island Main Trunk. Marton-Te Awamutu. —The two railheads from north and south were connected on 3rd August, and the first through train from Wellington to Auckland was run over this line on the Bth August, 1908, on the occasion of the visit of the American fleet to New Zealand. From shortly after that date until the 13th February, 1909, traffic was run over the unopened sections by the Public Works Department. On the latter date the whole of the line intervening between the opened line on the north and south ends was handed over to the Railway Department, and through traffic has been regularly carried on since. On this length the Makatote Viaduct contract and the Manganui-o-te-ao and Mangaturuturu Viaducts contracts were completed during the year. The Government sawmill at Kakahi has been steadily employed cutting timber at the rate of about 10,000 superficial feet per day during the year. This mill was handed over on the Ist April, 1909, to the New Zealand Railways Department. Blenheim-Waipara (North End). Seddon-Blind River Section (33 m. eh. to 37 m. 7 eh.). —Formation-work on this section was practically complete at the date of last annual report, the only earthwork requiring completion being the batters in cuttings at 34 m. sch. and levelling of part of Blind River Station yard, which have been finished. Platelaying has been completed from 36 m. 61 eh. (last year's point) to the end of section, including the laying of sidings and points and crossings in Blind River yard. The whole section has been ballasted. A ballast-pit was opened near the Awatere River, and a line constructed from the main line at the south end of the Awatere Bridge to connect with the pit. Station-buildings at Blind River, consisting of shelter-shed and platform, cottage, goods-shed and loading-bank, cattle-yards, tank-stand and windmill have been oompleted. The line has been fenced, gates hung, and cattle-stops put in where necessary. An overbridge has been erected at 35 m. 23 eh., and additional work carried out at Hog Swamp Bridge. A party of men has been employed on maintenance of this section for about six months. This section, though completed, has not been handed over to the Railway Department, as doing so would



interfere too much with the haulage of ballast from the Awatere pit and constructional work beyond. Goods traffic is being worked by the Public Works Department in the meantime to give settlers the advantage of railway communication. Ward Section (37 m. 7 eh. to J r B m. 9ch.). —Earthworks to 40 m. 79 eh. are practically complete. At this point the formation runs across Lake Grassmere. During last summer the lake dried up to a considerable extent, and advantage was taken of the opportunity thus afforded to rush the formation of the bank across one arm of the lake. The bank across the other arm has been tipped in from a movable stage. Formation-work from the south side of the lake to 47 m. 45 eh. is practically complete. Kaparu Station yard, which has had to be cut out of the solid, was almost completed during the year. Hauwai Station yard formation is completed. Work at Ward Station yard is in hand. Stream-diversions have been cut at various places. A dam was constructed near Kaparu Station yard to obtain fresh water for locomotive. The bank across Lake Grassmere has been fascined, and in order to minimise the risk of its being damaged by floods till the pitching is done, an outlet was cut at the sea end of the lake. A culvert with tide flap was also put in, allowing the lake water to run out at low tide, and. preventing the inrush of the sea at high .tide. Seventeen concrete culverts of various sizes and two three-span bridges have been put in on this section, and preparation made for the erection of the remaining bridges. Platelaying has been completed from 37 in. 7 eh. to 40 m. 60 eh. The first lift of ballast has been completed from 37 m. 7 eh. to 40 m. The line has been fenced on both sides from 37 m. 60 eh. to 39 m. 4ch., as also has the ballast-pit line, and Kaparu dam. A road has been constructed from the Kaparu Station to give access to the main coach-road, a distance of Im. 20 eh. This road has also been fenced on both sides. A telephone-line was erected along the line from Seddon to Ward Station. Midland. Nelson-W estland Section, North End. Tadmor-Kiwi Section 29 eh. to £6 m. 38 eh.).— This section was completed and handed over to the Railway Department on the 18th December, 1908. Kiwi to Tui (£6m. 38 eh. to Ifim. 51 r .). —All banks and cuttings have been completed from Kiwi 46 m. 38 eh. to 49 m., and the greater part of the next two miles, 49 m. to .51 m., is finished. The Tui Station yard is approaching completion. Glenhope Section (Ifim. 51/. eh. to Hope Junction). —Cuttings are in progress at various points up to 55 m. 24 eh. (Tadmor Saddle), and for the next mile beyond. Also some 25 chains of shallow bank-formation from side pits has been partly completed as far as 57 m. Bushfelling and clearing have been done up to the same point. Bridges and Culverts. —At the bridge at 48 m. 58 eh., concrete abutments have been completed, piles driven, and walings and braces are being fixed. At bridge at 49 in. 30 eh., all concrete foundations for trestles have been completed and two pile piers are being driven. All timber is on the site. Overbridge at 49 m. 55 eh : concrete foundations have been put in, and timber for completing is on the ground. Bridge at 50 m. 68 eh.: excavations for concrete abutment and foundations of other piers are in hand. Contracts have been let for the necessary ironwork and timber in connection with these bridges. Various culverts have been constructed where required, and the line has been fenced on both sides for most of its length as far as Tui Station. Platelaying and ballasting have been carried on up to 48 m. 56 eh. A deviation of the line about three-quarters of a mile in length at 52 m. in order to avoid two crossings over the Tadmor River has been surveyed and approved. Bushfelling and clearing on this deviation are now in hand. Nelson—Westland Section, South End, or lleefton-Inangahua. On the 7th August, 1908, the section to Cronadun (45 m. 40 eh. from Stillwater) was opened for traffic. Since that date the turntable and water-tanks at Reefton Station have been erected, as also have all gates for private crossings. Gronadun-Landing Section ( eh. to s£m. 30 eh.). —Larry's Creek bridge, commenced during the previous year, was completed in August, 1908. Boatman's Creek bridge was commenced in September, and completed in January, 1909. . A little formation-work had been done previously, and on completion of the Cronadun Section gangs were moved forward. Earthwork is in hand as far as the big cutting at the Inangahua Landing. The bushfelling is complete. Most of the formation is of an easy character; the heaviest portions being the approaches to Boatman's Creek and Larry's Creek bridges and the Landing Cutting. The two former works are practically complete, and the last well in hand. The culverts and minor water-openings are all being constructed, while the remaining small-bridge sites have been examined and plans prepared. Ganterbury-Westland Section, West End,. Otira Section (50 m. 39 eh. to 51m. Ifich.). —The formation from end of the opened line to commencement of tunnel contract has been completed. A considerable amount of stone protective works and'groins have been put in, and this work is now nearly finished. A tramway was laid into Goat Creek above the road, and a considerable quantity of big stone obtained. Rails have



been laid and ballasted up to 51m. 40 eh. Practically nothing more remains to be done except completion of the runaway siding, which is still in hand. Arthur's Pass Tunnel Contract (51m. I/O eh. to 59 m. 1/0 eh.; 8 miles in length). —The tunnel extends from 52 m. 6722 eh. to 58 m. 12'41ch., and is 9,354 yards in length. At the beginning of the year the bottom heading of the tunnel at the Otira end had been commenced by hand-labour, whilst the power plant was in course of erection. No work had been done at the Bealey end, but the water-power service was in hand. Considerable activity has since been shown in all sections of the work, the power plants at each end of the tunnel have been installed, and with the advantage of mechanical drills considerable progress has been made with the headings. A temporary installation of a 45-horse-power air-compresser (steam-driven) was first made to enable three drills to be worked, and in September a two-foot fan driven by an oil-engine was set up. In Februar}-, 1909, the water-power from Holt's Creek was available, enabling the temporary powerprovision to be dispensed with, and in June following the Punchbowl installation at the Bealey end was completed. The work done at the Otira end during the year consists of driving the bottom heading from 52 m. 6881 eh. to 53 m. 3481 eh., a distance of 46 chains, or a daily average of 10 ft. In March, 1909, a top heading was commenced at 52 m. 70 eh. and has been worked both ways, and now extends from the mouth to 52 m. 78 eh. Four chains and three-quarters of archexcavation has been completed. During the final month of the year a commencement was made with concrete and block lining, a length of 16 ft. having been put in. The sheds and machinery for block-making are all in working-order, and a good stock of blocks is being made. At the Bealey end no driving has been done during the year, but this work has recently been commenced. A temporary bridge has been built over the Bealey River, to enable the spoil from the tunnel-excavation to be used for banks. The concrete abutment for the permanent bridge was brought up to near the full height in April. On the 30th June, 1909, the heading had advanced a total length of 1,044 yards. Arrangements were made with the Canterbury Philosophical Institute to collect geological data during the progress of the work, and rock-specimens have been collected and temperatures observed accordingly. Ganterbury-Westland Section, Springfield End. Torlesse Section (Opened, Line). —The wind-screen on Broken River bridge has been extended at each end. Cass Section (12 m. 18 eh. to 27 m. 1/0 eh.). —Earthworks are in hand throughout the whole length of this section, and are well on to completion. Slips along Sloven's Creek sideling from 13 m. 25 eh. to 14 m. and peaty ground thence to 16 m. have caused a good deal of trouble. Two months' work should finish all formation on this section. Tunnels. —Except for two points all tunnels on this section are complete. Two retaining-walls have been finished, and the third is nearly complete. Bridges.— Sloven's Creek Viaduct. —All concrete piers and foundations are built, all steel piers except one; also all pier-approach and head spans. One 80ft. span is being erected; the other two required have not yet been commenced. Sloven's Creek Pile Bridges. —Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 are complete; No. 5 nearly so; No. 6, piles driven; No. 9, pile-driving commenced. A stream-diversion obviated the necessity for Nos. 7 and 8. Platelaying. —A commencement was made with rail-laying to Cass in June last, and rails are now up to 12 m. 50 eh. Rails have also been laid on bridges Nos. 1, 2, and 3. Two platelayers' cottages have been built at Cass. Bealey Section. —Earthworks, which are of a fairly light description, are in hand from 27 m. 40 eh. to 29 m. A resurvey and relocation of the line from 29 m. to 31 m. 40 eh. has been made. The depths of foundations required for bridges over the Cass, Waimakariri, Mingha, and Bealey Rivers have been ascertained by borings. Ngahere-Blackball (3 m. 40 eh. in length). At the commencement of the year the formation of main line and bridges up to 2 m. 10 eh. was complete. Earthwork was in hand from that point onward to 3m. 22 eh. The main work remaining to be done was the erection of Soldiers' Creek bridge, excavation of the big cutting at 3m. and Blackball Station yard, and the filling-in with the resulting material of the approaches to Soldier's Creek bridge. The bridge and its approaches formed the key to the progress of the line. The erection of the bridge was let by contract, and the time allowed should have been quite sufficient to complete the work and allow the filling of approaches—the material for which had all to come from the north side over the bridge— to proceed. Unfortunately the contractor was ten months over time in completion of his contract, and eventually control of the work had to be practically taken out of his hands. The difficulty caused by this delay became so acute that a temporary trestle had to be erected to enable work to proceed. When this trestle was completed and it was hoped to make good progress heavy slips came down, causing a further two mouths' delay. In addition to these difficulties the season has been an extremely wet one —at one period rain being almost continuous for three months, thus interfering very greatly with the progress of the work. Pending the completion of the bridge as



many men as possible were employed in breaking down and stacking stone from the cuttings for the approaches and protective works. The big cutting at 3m. was partly avoided by a deviation. After removal of the slips at 3 m. the work of filling in the approaches to Soldier's Creek bridge was commenced with engine and wagons. Formation of the Ngahere Station yard has been completed, and the buildings are well in hand. Permanent-way is laid to the commencement of Blackball Station yard, and most of the sidings in Ngahere Station yard are laid and ballasted. Ballasting is complete up to Grey River bridge. Extensive protection-works necessary to save the 'line from damage by slips have been carried out at 2m. 15 eh. and 3m. Groins are being put in to protect banks against encroachment by the Grey River. Hokitika-Ross. Eautapu-Ross Section (31m. 17 eh. to 38 m. 38 eh.). —At the beginning of the year rails were laid and formation more or less complete up to Totara River, and platelaying in the Ross Station yard was in hand. The Totara bridge was commenced, fifty-six piles having been driven. Very poor progress was made with this bridge, which was let by contract, and it was not until Christmas time that a train could pass over. In the meantime ballasting had been proceeded with in the Ross Station yard with shingle obtained on that side of the river. Ballasting on the main line was done from a pit near Ruatapu. This material turned out to be of such poor quality that its use was discontinued, advantage being taken of the extreme lowness of the Totara River in October to secure sufficient shingle to complete ballasting of the section from there. Station-buildings at Ross being completed, the section was handed over to the Railway Department on the Ist April, 1909. Fencing of the line under an arrangement made with adjoining landowners is now in hand. Greymouth - Point Elizabeth Collieries Extension. Coal Creek Extension (3 m. 53 eh.). —Work was commenced on this extension in July, 1908, with bushfelling and clearing along the first mile. At the same time formation of a service road extending as far as sm. 75 eh. was put in hand, and completed in August, 1908. The first rail-ivay-formation work undertaken after the necessary clearing was at the cuttings on the first mile, all of which were put in hand. Several service bridges with a view to subsequent provision for waterways were also erected. In order to work the cutting at 5 in. 42 eh. a loop-line was laid to that point from sm. 35 eh. Pipe-culvert construction was commenced in August, but considerable difficulty was experienced in procuring pipes. Bushfelling and clearing continued without interruption until January of this year, when this work was practically completed. Extra felling and clearing has been done as the nature of the ground required, especially at 6 m. 20 eh. to 6 m. 30 eh. and 7 m. 40 eh. to 7 m. 60 eh., where heavy slips threatened. It was considered advisable to push on the formation-work at the bin-site, and to this end a service track was formed, connecting the service road at 5 m. 75 eh. with the work at the top end. This roadwork proved to be very heavy. Formation-work was put in hand on the bin-site early this year, and required considerable preparatory work in. forming drains, &c. No. 1 tunnel was begun with a 9 ft. by 8 ft. bottom heading in bad ground in October. The timbering, especially in breaking down to full size, has proved very troublesome. The heading of No. 2 tunnel has since been pierced. Gravel for the concrete lining had to be obtained from the Grey River. Extensive slips have added considerably to the cost of construction. Contracts for the supply of the timber and iron for the permanent bridges have been prepared, and tenders will be called shortly. Westport—lnangahua. Te Kuha Section (5 miles 71/ chains in length). —During the year formation-work on this section of the line has been completed, with the exception of trimming on the last 2 miles. Platelaying is finished to 4m. A ballast-pit near 4m. 40 eh. proved unsatisfactory, and a new pit has been opened at 2m. 50 eh., and is ready for work as soon as the ballast-train is available. The entrance roads into Te Kuha Station yard at 5 m.,, 60 eh. have been completed. Formation of the yard generally is finished. The bridges on this section comprised in the Orowaiti Bridges contract, five in number, together with two extra bridges, containing in all seventy-nine 20 ft. spans of hardwood timber, have been completed. Formation-work is now being .started on the next 2 miles, but is no longer on flat country. The line at this place hugs the foot of the steep hill against which the Buller River runs, and is chiefly in granite-rock country. • Blenheim-Waipara. South End. Mackenzie Section. —Work was discontinued on this section after the line had been completed to Domett in 1907. In September, 1908, after some preliminary survey-work had been completed,



formation was recommenced, and is now nearly completed from 31 m. 60 eh. to 35 m., or to Mina Station, near Mackenzie Township. From 35 m. to 36 m. formation-work is of a very light character, and little has been done. An overbridge at 33 m. 42 eh. is well in hand, and the bridge over Crystal Creek is completed. Preparations are being made to lay rails and sleepers, which are both due here shortly. Two platelayers' cottages have been built by contract at Mina Station, 35 m. 30 eh. Catlin's-Waimahaka. Catlin's End. Houipapa Section (21m. 60 eh. to 21/ m,. 10 eh.). —This section is completed, and is ready to hand over to the Railway Department as soon as the quarry sidings and crushing plant are removed. Papatupu Section (21/.m. 10 eh. to 27m. 1/0 eh.). —The earthwork is practically completed. Platelaying is completed to 25 m. 34 eh., and ballasting is three-fourths completed to 25 m. 34 eh. Culverts and pipe drains are nearly completed, only a few points remaining to be clone. Fencing is three-fourths completed. As the present quarry at 22 in. 34 eh. on the previous section has run out, the crusher and bins will be moved on to 24 m. 22 eh. to break ballast for the road and for the line and metal for concrete culverts on ahead. Table Hill Section (25 m. 60 eh. to 31 m. J/0 eh.). —This section, 5| miles in length, runs through heavy bush country along the whole route. The upper Catlin's Valley Road is on the north side, but the line leaves it at 27 m. 40 eh., and after grading round a few small gullies runs along the south side of the Papatupu Stream from 30 in. to the saddle of Table Hill. The country is steep and rugged, similar to the latter end of the Papatupu Section, but more difficult of access from roads, while heavier earthworks are encountered. The gullies are very deep, and the spurs between cause heavy cuttings to prevail. Curves of 7J chains radius are frequent in order to negotiate the gullies and sharp spurs. Work on this section has been pushed on energetically throughout the year, though wet weather and bad roads have made progress difficult. Clearing, logging, and burning have been completed to 29 in. 32 eh. Earthworks have been carried on principally between 25 in. 70 eh. and 28 m. 40 eh. The cutting between 28 m. 23 eh. and 28 m. 32 eh. has been pushed on from both ends, and a drive put through in order to work the cutting more expeditiously and economically. Pipe and concrete culverts have been constructed as follows: 246 ft. of 12 in., 433 ft. of 18 in., 713 ft, of 2 ft., 491 ft. of 3 ft., 342 ft. of 4 ft., and one 6 ft. culvert 163 ft. 6 in. long. Numerous stone drains have been put in to carry the water away from springs and from the bottoms of gullies. Owing to wet weather and heavy cartage, the roads became almost impassable, so that a woodentramway was laid down from 27 m. 30 eh. (where the line leaves the road) to 28 m. 45 eh., and 'is being continued to Christie's Creek in order to get materials for culverts and plant forward. Waimahaka End. Tokonui Section (21/ m,. 1/8 eh. to 33 m,.). —Bushfelling is completed to the end of this section. Logging-up is also done, with extra widths required at deep gullies and cuttings. Formation has been proceeding at intervals between 24 in. 48 eh. and 31 m. 10 eh. Up to the summit at 29J m. formation is nearing completion. From the summit to 31 m. 10 eh. is now fully manned, but a great deal of work remains to be done. From 31m. 10 eh. to end of section no work has been done. Culverts are practically complete to 29J m. The following have been constructed: Six 12 in. pipe culverts, eight 18 in. pipe culverts, two 2 ft, concrete culverts, two 2 ft. 6 in. concrete culverts, three 3 ft. masonry culverts. A bridge consisting of one 18 ft. span was built at 26 m. 12 eh. Fencing is done to 26 m. 76 eh. on the right of line, and to 27 m. 60 eh. on the left. A little remains to be done at Te Peka Siding, 26 m. A service tramway was constructed from 28 m. 60 eh. to 31 m. 6 eh. An officer's cottage was erected at Waimahaka. The location of the line from 29 m. 39 eh. to Tokonui Station was revised, and the greater part of it has been repegged. No platelaying has yet been done, but a commencement will be made shortly. Lawrence-Roxburgh . Evans Flat Section (22 m. to 25 m. 39 eh.).— All earthwork and trimming of formation has been completed. Four pile bridges, totalling 440 ft. in length, have been erected. Platelaying and sidings at Evans Flat have been finished. A siding into Tuapeka Stream for the purpose of obtaining ballast has been laid for a distance of 65 chains. The first lift of ballasting has been done over the whole length. A contract has been let for the erection of station-buildings, platform, and loading-bank, and the work commenced. _ A platelayer's cottage is three-fourths completed. Gates and. cattle-stops are also nearing completion.



Big Hill Section (25 m. 39 eh. to 29 m. 35 eh.). —The earthwork is nearly completed, except finishing to tunnel-mouth and widening banks and cuttings in several places. Four private crossings and one public-road crossing have been formed. Formation of Bowler's Creek Station yard is complete, but approaches are not yet done. The following culverts have been put in : 653 ft. of 12 in., 427 ft. of 18 in., 270 ft. of 2 ft., 193 ft. of 3 ft. Two bridges on concrete piers, total length 180 ft., have been erected. Trimming of formation has been done to 27 m. 34 oh., and platelaying continued to same point. A siding at Bowler's Creek has also been put in. The first lift of ballasting has been done to 27 m. 18 eh. Station-buildings and platform at Bowler's Creek have been commenced; frames of two platelayers' cottages have also been erected. Fencing has been completed on the left side of line from 26 m. 5 eh. to 29 m. 20 eh., except at road-crossings. Big Hill Tunnel and Beyond. —A bottom heading has been driven for a distance of 2f chains from the west or Beaumont end, and a start madeon the next cutting; but no further work has lately been put in hand. It is about 6J- miles from here to Beaumont Station. 9 Gore-Waikaka. Length, 12 m. 65 eh. During the year platelaying was advanced from 10 m. 73 eh., to the terminus at 12 m. 65 eh. First lift ballasting was carried from 10 in. 35 eh., and final lift from 3m. to terminus. The small amount of formation-work remaining unfinished at the end of last period was completed. Fencing was continued from 10 m. 35 eh. to the end of line, gaps filled in, and gates erected. Bridges were erected at 3m. 57 eh., 7m. 47 eh., Bm. 51 eh., 10 m. 76 eh. (Waikaka River), and 12 m. 4ch.—an aggregate length of 540 ft. The few remaining culverts were built, and also concrete ends to all pipe culverts. The banks at ends of Waikaka Bridge were protected with stone pitching and a stone groin constructed. Formation and platelaying of station-yards at Howes, Willowbank, Fleming, Maitland, Pullar, and Waikaka were completed, yards and approaches metalled, and cattle-stops put in. The line was handed over to the Railway Department on the 26th November, 1908, being then complete, with exception of the buildings. These were finished in February, 1909. Goods traffic for the public was carried over the line by the ballast-train for about two months prior to November, 1908. Riversdale-S witzers. Length, 13 m. 70 eh. Formation (of which 2 miles had been constructed previously), with the exception of some trimming, has been completed to 13 m. 23 eh. Onwards from that point some small excavations are required to finish the earthwork in cuttings. When rails are laid to end of section the ballast train will be used to complete widening of Waikaia Station yard. The stop-bank at terminus is finished. Platelaying was commenced in September, 1908, and has advanced to 12 m. 14 eh., including the various sidings en route. A ballast-pit was opened at 5 m., and a siding laid into it. Ballasting is completed to 10 m. 40 eh., and the first lift to 12 m. 14 eh. Fencing has been erected on both sides of the line to 12 m. 4ch. A bridge, 280 ft. long, at Muddy Creek, 9 in. Bch., was commenced in November, 1908, and finished in February, 1909. The bridge party then proceeded to Dome Creek, 12 m. 17 eh., where a bridge 300 ft. long is being erected. This work is approaching completion. The ends of banks at the Mataura bridges have been protected with hand-laid stone pitching. All culverts have been completed. In December, 1908, a contract was entered into for erection of station-buildings at Waipounamu, Plains, Keith, and Freshford, and for two platelayers' cottages at Riversdale. These buildings are not yet finished, the contract time having been considerably exceeded. Goods traffic has been carried over the line as far as Freshford during the past two months. Orepuki-Waiau. Tuatapere Section (1/0 m. 16 eh. to 1/8 m. 23 eh.). —Bushfelling was completed to 48 m. 23 eh., which is as far as it is proposed to carry the work at present. Clearing and grubbing are nearing completion. Formation is completed to the end of section, except a small amount around Tuatapere Station. Culverts are practically all completed. A deviation of Ford's Road, crossing the line at 46 m. 25 eh., was completed—length about 17 chains. An overbridge was erected at this crossing. Fencing is completed, except about half a mile at Tuatapere. Platelaying is completed, except some of the sidings at Tuatapere. Ballasting is finished to 46 m., and bottom lift to 47 m. 60 eh. Station-buildings at Te Waewae and Te Tua have been completed, and a platelayer's cottage erected at Waihoaka. A contract has been entered into for the erection of station-buildings at Tuatapere, and the contractors have made a commencement with the work. This contract includes, in addition to ordinary station-buildings, a Stationmaster's house and seven cottages. A water-supply by means

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of an hydraulic ram, which is fed by a water-race, half a mile long, from Boundary Creek, has been installed. Goods traffic has been carried on over the unopened line between Waihoaka and Te Tua since December, 1908, SURVEYS OF NEW LINES OF RAILWAY, LAND-PLAN SURVEYS, ETC. Kawakawa—Hokianga Railway, —A flying examination has been made of a route in a westerly direction from the ballast-pit at Scoria Flat, Kawakawa, to Kaikohe, and Hokianga Harbour, at Horeke, near Utikura; also of an alternative route to deep water in the Hokianga Harbour, via Tahcke. Trial and 'Location Surveys. —The trial survey has been carried from 100 m., near McCarroll's Gap, to 135 m. 28 eh., on the eastern route, where the junction with the western route occurs. The trial survey of the Bickerstaffe or western route has been completed, and this survey has been continue*! on to McCarroll's Gap, and thence to the westward of Range, junctioning near 135 m. with the eastern route as above. A connection between the two routes has been surveyed at the Wairere Valley. All these are trial lines, the plans for which have been completed. The western route having been approved, the permanent survey thereof has been put in hand across the Bickerstaffe Estate from 86 m. 50 eh. onwards. Some detours of the route near Kaiwaka are still being tried, and as soon as the line here is decided upon the permanent survey will be joined up to that on Bickerstaffe. A trial junction line was run from Brynderwyn to Huirau, and another connecting-line sought for between 127 m. on the eastern route and 133 m. on the western route. From 135 m. 28 eh. onwards the trial survey has been carried up the Maungakawhia Valley towards Kaikohe as far as 142 m., and partly prospected for another four miles further north. Wailii—T auranga—Opotiki Trial Survey. —The country which this route would traverse has been explored, the line fixed, and the trial survey completed during the year from 16 miles from Waihi (2 miles north of Katikati) to 79 m. 42 eh., a -little beyond Matata, a total length of 63 miles 42 chains. Plans have been completed for the first 22 miles. Preparation of further plans as far as 54 m. 36 eh. are nearing completion. Owing to departmental retrenchment further field-work on this survey has been suspended. Kaimai Saddle. —A reconnaissance survey has been made over the Kaimai saddle for the East Coast - Waikato Railway. Examination of the country has demonstrated that the saddle is unsuitable as a route, being 1,423 ft. high, with an abrupt and unworkable descent on the Waikato side. The country along the route is also much broken by ravines and deep gullies, and gives steep grades on the Tauranga side. Paeroa-Pokeno Permanent Survey. —This survey was completed during the year, having been run from 19 m. 55 eh. on the Waitakararu Valley down the Maramarua and Maungatawhiri Valleys to Pokeno. The total length of the line from Paeroa to Pokeno is 40 miles 13 chains. Plans of this survey have been completed, and the necessary action is being taken for reservation of 5 chains width along the route on Crown lands. Gisborne-Rotorua. —The line is now permanently pegged up to 34 m., 7 miles having been completed and plans made during the year. The permanent location of a further section of the line is now in hand. Stratford-Ongarue. —The location survey-work has been completed up to 33 m. 10 eh., and the plans finished. Further survey-work will be put in hand as soon as an officer is available. Puketutu-Mangaroa. —A trial survey was made from towards the north end of the previous line to carry the line .more to the west and join the Trunk line to the north of Ongarue either at Puketutu or Te Kumi, the object being to serve the country in the Mokau and Upper Awakino Valleys, the route being that originally explored in 1884. Mount Egmont Branch. —A party has been engaged prospecting for rock on the site of the proposed quarry at Waingongoro Spur, which has been surveyed, and all results of the prospecting operations recorded. An estimate of the probable quantity of rock available has also been prepared. The result showed a not-altogether-satisfactory quarry. A survey of a proposed alternative incline to the Manganui Quarr)- site, higher up the mountain on the Surrey Road track, was therefore put in hand. This has not yet been completed. Midland (Nelson End). —A survey of a short deviation of this line, three-quarters of a mile in length, in order to avoid two crossings of the Tadmor River near 52 m., has been completed. Plans of the finished line between Tadmor and Kiwi are still incomplete, as some further survey-work must be done. W estport-lnangahua Railway. —During the year a party has been examining and locating this line from Te Kuha Station, 6 m., on to 10 m. It is most difficult country, and has taken some time to do. Reefton-Inangahua Railway. —Some small deviations have been surveyed between Cronadun and Inangahua Landing, which have enabled the line to be constructed more satisfactorily. Blenheim.-Waipara (South End). —Trial surveys have been run as far as Tugmutton Flat, across the Conway, and the line has been permanently located to 57 m. (from Waipara—that is, just beyond the Gelt saddle between the Leader and Conway Rivers. From Tugmutton Flat a reconnaissance survey has been made to Green Burn, from which point a trial line was run as far as Hapuka River, a little north of Kaikoura. An examination was also made of the Whale's Back route from Culverden to Kaikoura. Lawrence-Roxburgh. —lt was considered probable that an improvement in the location of the lino beyond the Big Hill tunnel could be effected hy placing it on the opposite side of the valley from that originally surveyed. A trial line was therefore run from the mouth of the tunnel to a possible ballast-pit site just beyond Beaumont Stream—a distance of 6 miles 45 chains. This




trial proving satisfactory, contour plans were constructed and permanent location fixed for a distance of 1 mile 53 chains. This portion was pegged out, all. necessary data obtained, and permanent plans made. Catlin's—Waimahaka (Catlin's End). —With a. view of ascertaining whether an improvement in the location already fixed could not be made at the crossing over the divide between the Catlin's and Pahapaka Rivers (over Table Hill), an extensive contour plan was made for a distance of about 7 miles. Rough alternative estimates were taken out for lines going over the summit, through the hill with a medium cutting, or through the hill with a tunnel. Of these, the firstmentioned was selected, thus avoiding the viaduct on the previously located line, and also the tunnel. This has now been pegged for a distance of 1 mile 30 chains, and all necessary data for permanent plans obtained. The work is being continued, and plans are in course of preparation. Orepuki—Waiau. —The country in the Waiau Valley beyond Tuatapere was examined as far as the junction of the Wairaki, and a report on possible alternative routes, together with plans and rough estimates, prepared. Land-plan Surveys. North Auckland Railway. —Complete land-plan surveys have been made from Wellsford, on the eastern route, 69 m. 19 eh., to Kaiwaka, 81 m. 40 eh. Gisborne-Rotorua. —Tbe land-plan survey from 26 m. to 32 m. is now practically complete, and the plans are being examined by the Chief Surveyor. Midland, (Nelson End). —-Land-plans have been made of additional pieces of land required between 43 m. and 44 m. Gore-Waikaka. —The preparation of land-plans of this railway was intrusted to a firm of private surveyors, and has now been completed. Catlin's—Waimahaka (Catlin's End). —A. contract for preparation of land-plans from 26 m. 65 eh. to 29 m. was let in March last to a private surveyor, who ha.s now completed the work, subject to approval of Chief Surveyor. Riversdale-Switzers. —Preparation of land-plans from 8 m. 30 eh. to 13 m. 70 eh. was intrusted to a private surveyor. Field-work is completed, but plans have not yet been delivered. ROADS, BRIDGES, ETC. Alexander's Bluff Bridge (Motueka River). —This bridge was completed in February, 1909. O'Sullivan's Bridge, Buller Road. —Slow progress was made with this contract during the year, a great deal of the delay being caused through the non-arrival of hardwood timber. The balance of concrete-work on piers has been completed, all the trusses have been erected, and, except for the decking, the bridge is practically finished. Wairoa, Hawke's Bay: Road-bridge at Frasertown. —A contract is in hand for this large bridge. For a long time it went on very unsatisfactorily, but lately, under fresh management, it has progressed better, and is likely to be finished by the end of October. Wataroa Bridge, South Westland. —This bridge, which had been in hand for some time, was opened for traffic on the 12th March last. Wanganui Town Road-bridge. —The scouring-out and deepening of this river rendered two cylinder piers dangerous, as they were originally only sunk to about the depth of the present river-bed. A party of men have been at work staging-tip the bridge at each pier, sinking through the concrete inside these cylinders, and then excavating and sinking each cylinder some 30 ft. deeper. It has been a tedious and difficult undertaking, rendered more so by finding one cylinder badly broken below water-level; but it is now in a fair way to completion. The successful carrying-out of this work is largely due to the energy, perseverance,, and resource of the officer in charge of the working-party. Gulverden—Hanmer Motor Road,. —With a view to improvement of the Culverden - Hanmer Springs Road for motor-car service, the grades on both sides of the hill between the Waiau and Hanmer Rivers have been lowered from 1 in 9 to 1 in 14, and light timber bridges suitable for motor-car traffic have been built across the Hanmer and Percival Rivers. A road-deviation If miles long has been'''formed, metalled, and fenced. The deviation commences about a mile beyond the Hanmer River. River-protection works for this road have been completed at Hanmer and Percival Rivers. OTAGO CENTRAL IRRIGATION. During July to mid-September no further survey field-work could be done owing to heavy snowfall and generally bad weather. The time, however, was occupied in plotting as far as possible the previous season's field-work. Since resuming field-work in September, 1908, trial lines for races have been surveyed as under, and rough cross-sections made: — (1.) Idaburn Dam towards Naseby, 11 miles. (2..) Idaburn Dam towards Gimmerburn, 7 miles. (3.) Idaburn Dam upwards to Manuherikia (intake race), 37 m. 54 eh. (4.) jdaburn Dam.downwards to Dovedale Creek, 31 m. 37 eh. (5.) Dovedale Creek to Kirk's Creek, 4J miles.


The following creeks have been traversed and levelled, and dam and reservoir sites surveyed thereon, with either cross-sections or parallel contours: — (1.) Manuherikia River above intake of proposed race: 3 dam-sites. (2.) Spenser or East Manuherikia River : 1 dam-site. (3.) Boundary or Johnston Creeks (branches of Spenser River) : 1 dam-site. (4.) Idaburn No. 2 (above Idaburn No. 1) : 1 dam-site, to store Idaburn water, the lower dam surveyed in the previous year being required to hold water brought in by the Manuherikia intake-race. (5.) Dovedale Creek : 3 dam sites, 2 of which are below the race from Idaburn. (6.) Maori Creek : 4 dam-sites, all above race-line from Dovedale Creek. (7.) Poolburn : 1 dam-site. (8.) Kirk's Creek : 1 dam-site. A good site for a reservoir occurs at the head of the Poolburn, but the season is too far advanced to survey this at present. It will, however, be taken up during the coming summer. Moa Creek was examined for some miles up, but no very favourable dam-site was found. The head of the Gimmerburn was also examined, but no suitable place for water-storage could be found. The greater part of the time of the Engineer in charge of the survey during four months was taken up in conjunction with an officer of the Agricultural Department in inspection of land suitable for irrigation in Central Otago, and in mapping and defining areas of same. Surveys of the different race-lines and reservoir-sites in so many different places far apart necessitated a good deal of time being spent in moving about, and during the past nine months camp has been shifted ten times. A survey of the large reservoir-site above the Taieri-Styx Junction is now in progress, and will take a considerable time, as the flat rises only about 45 ft. in thirteen miles as far as is known yet, and with a dam 70 ft. high the distance around the proposed edge of water will probably exceed fifty miles. STEWARD SETTLEMENT—IRRIGATION. Surveys were undertaken to locate the position of the distributaries necessary to render the system complete, the main canal only having been previously constructed. The distributaries, over fifty miles in length, have all been set out, and plans are in course of preparation. In addition to the plans and longitudinal sections of the races themselves, drawings and specifications have been made for all necessary details such as head-regulators, gauging-weirs, inverted siphons, culverts, ifec. Considerable surveys were also undertaken in the vicinity of upper end of race, in order to determine the most suitable class of headworks. Awamoko Stream Diversion. —A survey was made of the Awamoko Stream for a distance of about three-quarters of a mile in the vicinity of the crossing of main canal of Steward irrigation scheme, the stream having overflowed its banks and caused damage to properties lower down. From this survey a scheme of protection was decided upon, and plans and specifications prepared in readiness for letting a contract. Work is at present suspended pending a settlement with -Native owners. OTEKAIKE SPECIAL SCHOOL. A topographical plan of portion of the land connected with Otekaike Special School was made, and a scheme of water-supply and drainage decided upon. The pipe-lines, dam-site, reservoir, &c, are now being pegged out. Water is to be brought a distance of about 70 chains from a creek in the hills by a 2| in. pipe into a service reservoir close to and 150 ft. above the main building. This reservoir will be constructed of ferro-concrete, and have a storage-capacity of 30,000 gallons. Water will bo led from it by 4 in. pipes to various hydrants and service pipes. A septic tank will also be installed for dealing with sewage. MARINE. Kaipara, River: Removal of Rocks below Mount Rex Wharf. —The Priestman dredge recently imported was sent to undertake this work in December last. The removal of the rocks by blasting and dredging was completed in seven weeks. On completion of this work the dredge was utilised for a fortnight to deepen the water at the Railway Wharf, Helensville, and is now being sent over to Havelock to undertake some dredging there. Jetty for H.M.C.S. "Iris," at Devonport. —A crane for the end of this wharf was received and erected. Piles and extra framing were provided to carry the crane. A cable-tank was also erected by the Pacific Cable Company. A contract for mooring-buoys has been completed. The buo)rs have been satisfactorily laid, and are in use by the "Iris." A considerable amount of dredging had to be done as the "Iris" is moored 200 ft. from the end of the wharf instead of 400 ft. as was originally intended. Huia Wharf, Manukau Harbour. —The Huia wharf and approach, which was let by contract, has been completed. Motuihi Wharf and Road approach. —The contract for this wharf was completed in September, 1908, in a satisfactory manner.- Great difficulty was experienced in getting the piles into the rock bottom. An approach road has been formed and fenced to the wharf from the old landing. Rails have also been laid on the wharf.



Lighted Beacons for Kaipara. —The sites for two lighted beacons proposed to be erected on the Wairoa and Kaipara Rivers have been fixed and surveyed. Matakana Harbour. —A survey has been made of this harbour, and a report prepared on the silting-up which is taking place. Whalipu Wharf. —The question of providing a wharf at Whatipu near the north head of Manukau Harbour has been carefully gone into, surveys made, and alternative plans and estimates prepared. Onehunga Wharf. —The question of utilising satisfactorily the £1,000 voted for dredging at the Onehunga wharf has been gone into, and a survey and report prepared. Warkworth Wharf a,nd Channel. —An examination and report has been made on the bars in the channel between Wilson's cement-works and Warkworth wharf, and also of the shoaling at the Warkworth Town Wharf. Helensville River: Beacon at Entrance. —The beacon erected in November, 1907, to mark the entrance to river-channel was raised 10 ft. to give it greater distinction. Great Barrier Wharf, Port Fitzroy. —Various sites for a wharf at Port Fitzroy have been examined and surveyed, and a report upon the matter prepared. Clevedon Wharf. —A new wharf, built by contract for the Road Board, on the Wairoa South River, at Clevedon, has been examined. Leigh Wharf. —A report and plan in connection with a proposed wharf at Leigh has been prepared. W aikato-W aiuku Canal. —ln April last a preliminary examination of the locality was made to find a line for the proposed canal. Oyster Depot, Auckland. —This depot was erected near the .foot of Railway Wharf, and was in readiness for the Customs authorities at the opening of the oyster season. Harbourmaster's House, Hokianga. —The contract for erection of Harbourmaster's house at Hokianga was completed in April last. Cape Maria van Diernen, Lighthouse.-—A new landing-pedestal for the crane, 10 ft. high, has been erected and the crane placed upon it. A landing-store has been built on the cliff behind the crane, a site for same having to be blasted out of the rock. The tramway has been remade for 8 chains, and formed to the old line. Cape Brett Lighthouse. —Work was commenced at Cape-Brett for the new lighthouse in November, 1908, material being landed at Whangamumu and Rawhiti in the first instance, and conveyed from thence by steam-launch to the Cape. The work already done consists of the erection of three keepers' dwellings complete, with concrete-tank water-supplies to each, workmen's quarters (to be used as a school later on), carpenters' and blacksmiths' shops, and landing-shed. About 25 chains of tramway has been laid down, with turntable and winding-gear. The landing-crane pedestal is now being erected, the foundations for the tower are being taken out and fencing erected. The whole of the material required for the various works is on the site, including ironwork for the cast-iron lighthouse-tower, which was manufactured by contract at the Thames. The oil-store and dry store also still remain to be erected. Tuahine Point Light, Gisborne.— During the year an acetylene-gas light has been placed in position in a small lighthouse structure specially imported from England, and erected on a concrete foundation. Patea Harbour Works. —The work of construction of the eastern wall as a whole-tide wall has been inspected from time to time and reported upon. The work has been satisfactorily carried out. Somes Island, Wellington. —Several small repairs to buildings and wharf have been effected, and landing-crane has also been overhauled and repaired. Havelock Dredging. —Arrangements are being made to lend the Priestman dredge to the Havelock County Council and Harbour Board to dredge the bar leading up to the Havelock wharf. Godley Head Fog-signal (Lyttelton). —This work was completed in October last, and the fogsignal has been in use since. Wainono Lagoon, South Canterbury. —An examination was made of this lagoon, and a report prepared in reference to providing an outlet-culvert. Kaikoura Wharf. —On the completion of this wharf, built by the County Council by contract, a survey was made to ascertain the ar*ea in which steamers could manoeuvre in safety, and plan made of it. Okuru Wharf, South Westland. —The new wharf at Okuru has been completed. Two additional spans were found necessary owing to river-encroachment. Holy ford River. —A party of four men have been engaged in blasting out rocks at the entrance to Holyford River in order to make it more navigable, and they now report a good channel along the sandspit side all the way in. Karamea Harbour. —An examination of the Karamea Harbour and the encroachment of the sea at the entrance to the Karamea River was made, and a scheme for confining the river and entrance to a proper channel submitted. ' A contract for the first section of the necessary trainingwall is being prepared. Nuggets Fishing-boat Landing, Otago. —Rocks in the fairway to landing rendered access very dangerous at low tide. These rocks were blown out by subaqueous blasting, and all rocks along

12—D 1.



the beach for a distance of 2 chains were blown off and levelled down. A small breakwater of rock and concrete blocks was also built. This work, as far as it has gone, has proved very satisfactory, the breakwater having the effect of keeping the landing covered with sand almost continuously, besides affording a measure of protection to boats immediately they come under its lee. It will want extending at some future date. Anglem Point Lighthouse. —A sixth-order fixed light in wooden tower was erected at Anglem Point, Stewart Island. An oil-store was also erected. Channel-buoys. —During the year a contract was let for three mark-buoys for various places and a bell-buoy for Tauranga entrance, which was satisfactorily completed. ELECTRIC TRAMWAYS, ETC. Auckland City Electric Tramways. —During the year three additional cars, bringing the number up to ninety, have been examined and passed as safe for traffic. Work on the Mount Eden and Mount Roskill extensions has been finished and passed for traffic on 15th May, 1908, and 24th August, 1909, respectively. The duplication of the line at Eden Terrace has also been carried out and finally inspected and approved. An inquiry as to the efficiency of brakes in use on the Auckland tram-cars was held by Mr. Stuart Richardson and myself as a Royal Commission in July, 1908. The finding being unfavourable to the brakes then in use, the Tramway Company have been required to submit proposals for an improved system of brakes. This matter is now in hand. Takapuna Tramways (Steam-driven). —The various works in connection with the construction of this tramway are in a well forward state, and are subject to inspection from time to time. The company expect to be in a position to run the cars by about the end of this year, but it is doubtful if the work can be completed so soon. Wanganui Electric Tramways. —During the year the authorised tracks, totalling 5 miles 10 chains, were constructed in Wanganui, a power-house erected, and the trams started running on the 10th December, 1908. City of Wellington Electric Tramways. —Alterations to the track in Broadway, Miramar, were completed, and traffic authorised on the 29th September, 1908. Christchurch. —A double line of rails giving a more direct run through Cathedral Square has been laid down. Inspection of this work and of cars has been made as occasion required. Dunedin. —Extension of the track to Carisbrook Cricket-ground, a distance of about 10 chains, was completed, and authorised for traffic on the 24th July, 1908. UTILISATION OF WATER-POWER. Kaituna Water-power Scheme. —Gauge-readings of the varying levels of the water of Lake Rotoiti have been, and are still, being taken. The flow of the lake has been taken a number of times to ascertain the discharge under varying conditions. The gauges have been referred to permanent bench-marks. Huka Falls Power Scheme. —Records are being kept of the rainfall at Lake Taupo, and gaugereadings, which show the altering levels of the lake and of the Waikato River, have been continuously observed. The gauges have been referred to permanent bench-marks. Similar gauge-readings of other rivers in Wellington and Canterbury are being made. DEFENCES. Some works in the direction of strengthening the existing harbour defences have been carried out during the past year, and also various maintenance works. Some repairs and additions have been carried out in connection with the Trentham Rifle Range, also the Drill Hall at Westport. CONTRACTS. A complete schedule of the contracts entered into during the year for constructing railways, bridges; supplying hardwood timber, ironwork, and other bridge-material; erecting station buildings, public buildings; executing repairs to public buildings; constructing lighthouses, wharves, and other marine work; as well as contracts for the supplying of all stores and other materials connected with public works, is given in Appendix C. I have, &c, R. W. Holmes, Engineer-in-Chief.




Enclosure to Appendix E. TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorised, Constructed, and Surveyed up to 31st March, 1909. NORTH ISLAND.

13—1). 1.

Appropriation. Division. So q , Main Soct,on - Line. Total. i in Under Formation. Under Platelaying. State of Line. Opened. Date. 1904-5 1905-6 1906-7 1907-8 1908-9 Total. 1 2 3 " 4 5 M. chs. M.chs. 1 7 41 Opua Wharf - Kawa- 7 41 kawa 20 23 Kawakawa-Kopuru.. 7 39 I Kopuru-Harakeke .. 4 0 j Harakeke-Towai .. 8 64 21 0 Towai-Hukerenui .. 5 0 Hukerenui-Kamo .. 16 0 M. chs. 0 57 6 M. cl 0 £ 0 2 0 8 3 2 7 M. chs. 8 18 8 M. chs. 9 M. chs 10 M. chs. 11 12 M. chs 13 M. chs 14 M chs 15 M. chs 16 M. chs 17 M. cbs 18 M. ohs. 7 41 Grahamtown Kawakawa Kawakawa southwards 0 28 7 67 4 0 8 64 5 33 J9 29 7 39 4 0 Whangarei-Kamo Extension 0 88 3 29 8'64 5"o Kamo-Whangarei and Graham town 9 20 Kamo-Opau Wharf.. 6 52 Opau Wharf-Graham- 2 48 town 19 40 J Dargaville-Booms .. 17 21 Booms-Waima .. 2 19 110 0 Extension .. .. 34 51 . Maungatapere-Mau- 20 0 ngftturoto Maungaturoto-Kai- 9 58 waka Kaiwaka-Te Hana .. 8 74 Te Haua-Wellsford.. 3 27 Wellsford-Wayby .. 3 18 Wayby-Tauhoa .. 3 40 Tauhoa-Kaipara Flats 2 45 Kaipara Flats-Wood- 3 5 cock's Woodcock's-Ahuroa 2 41 Ahuroa-Helensville.. 18 41 35 73 Halensville-Newm'rk't 35 73 2 73 Penrose - Onehunga 2 73 Wharf 100 13 Auckland-Te Awamutu 100 13 I 1 2 27 2 2 0 7 0 5 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 7 6 6 1 7 16 6 8 79 2 48 2 48 I 22 52 Kaihu Valley Kaihu Valley 0 75 18 16 2 19 34 51 20 0 2 19 estim. 17 21 Helensville No r t hwards Helensville Northwards 34 51 20 0 9 58 9 58 KaiparaWaikato Surveys, new lines WaikatoThames PaeroaWaihi New Surveys HamiltonCambridge Thames Valley - Rotorua Gi sborn eRotorua Kaipara-Newmarket Onehunga Branch .. Auckland-Waikato .. Auckland-Penrose— Deviation via Beach Auckland City Brand i —Kingsland Station to Auckland Station via Western Park and Freeman's Bay Pukekohe-Waiuku .. Waikato-Thames Paeroa-Waihi .. j Paeroa-Pokeno Waihi-Tauranga Hamilton-Cambridge Thames Valley-Roto-rua Gisborne Opotiki Napier-Gisborne 35 73 2 73 100 13 6 50 Deviation via Beach 6 50 2 60 Auckland City Branch 2 60 6 50 2 60 12 5 Paerata-Waiuku .. 12 5 62 58 Frankton Junction- 62 58 j 1 Thames 12 40 Paeroa-Waihi .. 12 40 ' 40 0 Paeroa-Pokeno .. 40 0 52 0 Waihi-Katikati .. 18 0 Katikati-Tauranga .. 34 0 | 12 2 Ruakura Junction- 12 2 | Cambridge 69 33 Morrinsville-Rotorua 69 33 j 72 25 Gisborne Wharf-Kai- 13 10 teratahi Kaiteratahi-Karaka 5 5 Karaka-Puha .. 1 75 Puha-Waikohu Bridge 3 29 Waikohu Bridge-Wai- 0 35 kohu Waikohu-Otoko .. 7 71 i Otoko-Rakauroa .. 10 0 Rakauroa-Motu .. 8 4 Motu-Opotiki .. 22 36 120 0 Napier-Wairoa River 58 0 I Wairoa River-Gisborno 62 0 96 65 Napier Spit-Woodville 96 65 1 • 12 5 62 58 12 40 40 0 52 0 12 2 69 33 72 25 12 5 62 58 ! 12 40 ' 40 0 18 0 34 0 i 12 2 ! 69 33 13 10 5 5 1 75 3 29 0 35 7 71 : 10 0 8 4 22 36 58 0 i 62 0 96 65 0 58 0 28 0 13 0 13 0 16 0 16 1 75 6 66 1 70 16 66 10 17 1 30 314 5 27 2 45 0 71 0 24 0 32 10 1' 1 3 d'i 5 2 2 4 0 7 0 2 0 3 15 " 8 74 4 5 3 46 3 53 2 58 3 21 2 57 20 36 42 59 4 63 116 79 6 50 2 60 12 5 72 75 13 70 40 0 18 0 34 0 15 16 74 60 15 55 5 76 2 19 3 29 0 67 7 71 10 0 8 4 22 36 58 0 62 0 illl 70 12 5 40 0 18 0 34 0 2 0 10 0 8 4 22 36 58 0 62 0 6 50 2 00 •• ! 2 71 Prelim. Prelim. Prelim 8 74 Prelim. 327 3 18 0 35 3 0 13 May, 1908 11 June, 1907 17 Nov., 1905 18 May, 1905 9 Nov., 1905 13 April, 1905 20 May, 1907 28 May, 1908 i I 1 C6 t» 01 o !o 3 Ah ,g on Oi J a .2 *o m s, $ S i-H CO a § 8 CD a> a> 3 a3 a cl a> > '5b o 1 -& CO a> # g •5 "o 00 a .2 u 0 I "o I o o to 1 2 % a O 1 I I I I I I 3 5 2 41 12 40 5 5 2 45 1 75 3 40 3'29 62 58 12 40 12 2 60 33 - 23 39 30 12 35 73 2 73 100 13 lew survey 120 0 I a p i e r Woodville and Palmerston North Vellington - Woodville Napier-Woodville .. 96 65 15 5 96 05 Woodville-Palmerston North Woodville-Wellington 17 21 Woodville-Palmerston 17 21 North 115 79 Woodville-Wellington 115 79 ; 2 [Te AroJ 3 7 Woodside-Greytown 3 7 9 0 Kaitoke-Featheraton 9 0 2130 Upper Hutt Wondside 2130 31 40 Petone-Pigeon Bush 31 40 17 21 17 21 0 51 0 5 21 7 0 6 17 72 17 21 115 79 115 79 ; 21 73 137 72 115 79 Greytown Branch .. Coach road Route .. Tauherenikau Route Waiiiui-o-mata Route Coast Route Coast Route 3 7 9 0 21 30 31 40 3 7 9 0 21 30 31 40 0 64 3 71 9 0 21 30 31 40 9 0 21 30 31 40 Prelim. 3 7 limutaka Incline Deviation Surveys a .2 52 0 Petone-Pigeon Bush 52 0 70 0 Petone-Carterton, via 70 0 Martinborough 83 37 Wellington-Longburn 83 37 1 120 44 Foxton-Patea .*120 44 1 26 7 Turakina-Matarawa 11 67 Aramoho-Goat Valley 7 40 Tunnel Kai Iwi-Okehu .. 3 60 Nukumaru-Waitotara 3 0 72 29 Patea-New Plymouth 72 29 1 Breakwater 3 79 Bull's Branch .. 3 79 3 29 Aramoho-Wanganui 3 29 I0L 0 Stratford-Toko .. 6 26 Toko-Oruru .. 4 72 Oruru-Huiroa .. 4 50 Huiroa-Te Wera .. 7 10 Surveyed .. .. 78 2 33 40 Mangaroa-Puketutu 33 40 14 0 Aramatai-Hangatiki 14 0 52 0 70 0 52 0 70 0 15 7 14 7 11 5 2'2 0 4< 0 3 0 3 0 3 52 0 70 0 52 0 70 0 M o I •• 'oxton-New Plymouth Wellington-Manawittu Foxton-Patea Route Improvement Surveys 83 37 120 44 26 7 83 37 120 44 11 67 7 40 15 76 14 75 99 33 135 39 11 67 7 40 7 Dec, 1908' 83 37 12044 1167 7 40 O 1 Patea - Waitara and New Plymonth Bull's Branch Wanganui Branch .. Stratford-Ongarue .. 3 60 3 0 72 29 3 60 3 0 84 1 3 60 3 0 Prelim. p. o 72 29 11 52 to 3 72 29 3 79 3 29 101 0 3 79 3 29 6 26 4 72 4 50 7 10 78 2 33 40 14 0 30 0 2 23 0 40 0 36 0 35 0 35 3 79 5 52 6 66 5 28 5 5 7 45 78 2 33 40 14 0 30 0 3 79 Prelim. 3*29 s tratfordOngarue • • 1 Mar'., 1905 1 April, 1908 t i " n 4 50 I 15 68 Stratford - Ongarue— Deviations Puketutu - Mangaroa Deviation Opunake - Mountain Road 3 0 4 10 O ■43 33 40 14 0 30 0 78 2 33 40 14 0 30 0 d a I •• Preiim. .2 . .• 30 0 .. 30 0 I 23 10 22 0 25 58 9 20 23 10 Opunake-Eltham .. 23 10 22 0 Opunake-Te Roti .. 22 0 25 58 Opunake-Stratford .. 25 58 9 20 Manganui Section .. 6 0 Te-popo Section .. 3 20 209 69 Marton Junction- 31 67 Mangaweka Mangaweka-Taihape 13 1 Taihape Mafcaroa .. 5 70 j Mataroa Waiouru .. 18 10 ] Waiouru-Erua .. 30 63 k Erua Taumarunui .. 35 65 ) ' Taumarunui-Te Awa- 74 33 mutu 30 0 Ohakune to Mokau- 30 0 Retaruke Divide 34 0 Makatote Gorge-Ma- 34 0 rae Kowhai 20 0 Marae-KowhaiOhura 20 0 Valley 103 58 Ngaire Section .. 38 73 I Tangarakaji Section 26 0 Heao Section .. 10 70 Ohura Section .. 27 75 46 75 Waitara Section .. 46 75 12 0 Urenui to Tangitu 12 0 River 170 0 Hastings-Te Awamutu 170 0 23 10 22 0 25 58 6 0 3 20 31 67 2" 4 6 1 6 0 6 12; 6 2 23 10 22 0 25 58 8 3 3 20 36 48 23 10 22 0 25 58 Prelim. Prelim. Prelim. O Mount Egmon t Branch Marton-Te Awamutu 2"3 3 20 1 April', 1908 S 6 0 t>' 0 I lorth Island Main Trunk Railway 209 69 4 61 S 6 50 58 84 58 13 1 5 70 18 10 30 63 35 65 74 33 1 61 0 61 14 62 6 51 10 Sep., 1904 1 June, 1907 30 June, 1908 13 Feb., 1909 9 Nov., 1908 13 1 570 Central Route—Deviation Surveys 112 50 80 53 __ 18 10 30 63 35 65 6 20 74 33 30 0 30 0 30 0 30 0 Prelim. 34 0 34 0 34 0 34 0 Prelim. .. Ngaire-Ongarue 20 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 Explor. Waitara-Tangarakau Urenui Route 103 58 38 73 26 0 10 70 27 75 46 75 12 0 38 73 26 0 10 70 27 75 46 75 12 0 38 73 26 0 10 70 27 75 46 75 12 0 46 75 12 0 Prelim. Hastings-Te Awamutu 170 0 170 0 170 0 170 0 Prelim. 904 17 17 73 ■• • ■ 2400 73 2400 73! .. 2400 73 11 2400 73 176 01 76 0 2576 74 23 11 10 30 185 54 1141 25 Totals .. 1200 43; 28 36 30 49 Note. —Taonui and Lichfield 1 Lichfield Brar » Date ies not >f purchase. lentioned above, as the Branc! rails nave beei taken up.



TABLE of Lengths of Government Lines Authorised, Constructed, and Surveyed up to 31st March, 1909— continued. SOUTH ISLAND.

Division. Mileage. Section. Main Line. State of Line. Appropriation. Sidings. Total. r „ Under Under veved For - Plate - - J ' mation. laying. Date. Opened. 1904 5. 1905-6. 1906-7. 1907-8. K08-0. Total. 1 2 3 M. oh. 22 73 4 5 M. oh. 22 73 6 M. oh. 2 52 7 M. oh. 25 45 8 M. oh. 9 M. oh. 10 M. oh. 11 12 M. oh. 13 M. ch. 14 M. eli. 15 M. ch. 16 M. ch. 17 18 M. cb. 22 73 NelsonRoundell Midland Railway Nelson-Belgrove.. Nelson-Belgrove Stillwater - Belgrove (via Tadmcr) Brunner - Spring field 148 65 Stillwater-Reefton S. Reefton S.-Reefton N Reefton N.-Cronadun Cronadun-Inangahua Inangahua-Glenhope Glenhope-Tui Tui-Kiwi Kiwi -Tadmor Tadmor-Kohatu Kohatu-Belgrove ! Brunner-Otira Rolleston Seotion .. Tunnel Contract Tunnel Contract - Cass Cass - Broken River.. Broken River - Otarama Otarama-Springfield ) Ngahere-Blackball .. 37 30 1 30 5 38 13 35 53 33 9 40 3 17 5 9 10 29 9 44 42 27 1 2 8 0 14 13 4 79 1 0 0 56 0 69 0 62 2 68 42 29 2 30 6 14 13 35 53 38 9 40 3 17 5 9 11 18 10 26 45 15 1 2 8 0 14 13 4 45 53 33 8 35 9 40 0 35 3 17 31 Mar., 1907 7 Aug., 1908 18 Dec, 1908 7 Aug., 1906 i 30 l6'29 5 38 5 9 37 30 1 30 5 38 5 9 10 29 9 44 42 27 93 2 1 2 8*0 14 13 " 15 22 7 40 1 10 0 30 16 32 7 70 15 22 29 Oct., 1906 7 40 4 58 3 40 0 16 1 20 4 74 4 60 1 40 2 0 12 18 Blackball Railway GreymouthNe 1 son Creek WestportNgakawau WestportNgakawau Extension I Ngahere-Blackball 3 40 - Greymouth - Nelson Creek 7 51 . Greymouth-Brunner-ton-Stillwater 7 51 6 18 13 69 7 51 Westport - Ngaka1 wau Ngakawau -Mokihinui 19 56 i Westport-Ngakawau 19 56 8 12 27 68 19 56 7 12 ! Ngakawau-Mokihi-nui 7 12 1 18 8 30 7 12 Mokihinui Colliery Line Westport Inanga 1 bua Junction Greymouth- Point 1 Elizabeth Col ; leries Extension 8 69 • Mokihinui-Seddonville 1 3 69 0 25 4 14 3 69 WestportInangahua State Colliery, 01 Coal Creek Railway 26 0 5 1 I Westport-Inangahua Junction . Greymouth-Runanga Colliery 26 0 5 1 2 10 26 0 7 11 20 10 5 70 1 Dec , 1904 5 1 5 1 3 69 > Runanga Colliery-Point Elizabeth Colleries ' Greymouth-Hokitika ; 8 69 2 20 6 9 3 69 GreymouthHokitika Kumara Branch Hoki tikaRoss - Greymouth-Hoki-tika Kumara Branch 24 37 24 37 2 10 26 47 24 37 4 10 ) Kumara Branch 4 10 4 10 4 10 - Hokitika-Ross .. 15 75 > Hokitika-Ruatapu .. Ruatapu-Ross Survey to Ross Township ) Koss-Waitaha ) Picton-Seddon Seddon Kaparu Kaparu-Ward Ward-Kaikoura I Kaikoura-Parnassus 7 10 7 21 1 44 0 61 0 69 7 71 8 10 1 44 1 44 7 21 9 Nov., 1906 7 10 7 10 New survey PictonWaipara Ross-Waitaha .. Picton - Kaikoura 10 0 98 30 10 0 33 45 6 30 8 14 50 21 30 59 8 26 0 76 1 20 10 0 36 71 7 26 9 34 50 21 30 59 10 0 Prelim. >6 rjl o OS « CD B <U --0 cS GO 33 45 630 50 21 30 59 8 14 Kaikoura - Par missus Parnassus- Domett 30 59 Prelim. Domett Waipara 12 33 31 68 I Parnassus-Mina Mina-Domett 1 Domett-Tormore Tormore-Ethelton .. Ethelton-Scargill .. Scargill-Waipara ' Culverden-Soutb Waitaki 9 1 3 32 3 10 5 28 8 51 14 59 . 206 7 6 70 I 0 66 9 1 4 22 9 24 9 22 15 61 270 75 9 1 J •• i •• 332 14 Nov., 1906 21 Mar., 1907 3 Nov., 1905 CO J* to O O r3 fi .2 00 <v a *o CO S3 to a Ch *C GO 0J *o o 43 r-H rH CO fl 8 851 310 5 28 31 68 Main Line 206 7 0 51 1 2 64 68 HurunuiWaitaki, with Branches •■ 206 7, — Rangiora-Oxford K y re ton (from Main Line) Lyttelton 21 76 20 7 > Rangiora-Oxford West ' Main Line - West Eyreton-Bennett's i Lyttelton - Christchurch . Hornby-Southbridge ) Lincoln-Little River i 21 76 20 7 2 36 1 61 24 32 21 68 21 76 20 7 6 26 6 26 6 26 6 26 Southbridge Little RiverAkaroa 25 31 42 10 25 31 22 46 3 17 2 5 28 48 24 51 •' 25 31 22 40 Springfield Whitecliffs 80 60 11 38 Reconnaissance ) Rolleston-Springfield Springfield-Cottlmine t Darfield-Whitecliffs Whiteclifis to Bridge ) Rakaia-Methven 19 44 29 63 0 77 11 33 0 5 22 20 } 3 7 j 1 53 19 44 33 67 13 11 19 44 Prelim. 30 60 11 38 Rakaia-Ash-burton Forks Ashburton 22 20 2 65 25 5 22 20 Opawa and Albury to Fairlie Creek and Burke's Pass Waimate Waimate Gorge 29 46 55 8 i Tinwald-Springburn Extension I Wasliilyke-ItAirsley 27 29 2 17 36 5 1 52 2 45 29 1 2 17 38 50 2 17 •■ 27 29 36 5 I 'o o <d 3 S <s co .s •c go '5b o CD to o3 dB =e tr. fl o co P O -*= to O Si o 0 CO *o cc c fl OJ Cl, o CO "5 o A S o "+a cB 3 Jo p '3 CD t-i O Eh Oxford-Tomuka .. 4 42 8 21 83 0 Preliminary survey .. i Studholmc- Waimate 1 Waimate-Waihao Downs ) Oxford-Sheffield .. Surveyed Reconnaissance ) South Waitaki-Bluff 19 3 4 42 8 21 11 44 21 7 50 29 246 69 ' i 3 0 54 0 27 19 3 5 45 8 75 11 71 21 7 50 29 306 2 19 3 21 7 50 29 Prelim > 4 42 8 21 11 44 Canterbury I n t e r i or Main Line Wai tak iBluff and Branches Main Line tiranvhes, Duntroon Duntroon-Haka-teramea Ngapara Livingstone 246 69 59 13 Prelim. 246 69 21 75 15 38 14 76 16 40 i Pukeuri-Duntroon .. t Duntroon - Hakateramea > Waiareka-Ngapara.. ) Windsor-Tokorabi .. Survey (trial) I Palmerston-Dunback Surveyed I Inch Valley-Lime Kiln 21 75 15 38 14 76 12 0 4 40 8 55 0 65 2 29 1 35 1 5 1 31 0 50 23 30 16 43 16 21 12 50 4 40 9 29 0 65 2 52 4 40 0 65 o"s Prelim. 1 21 75 15 38 14 76 11 75 Palmers ton-Wai-hemo Inch Valley Railway Port Chalmers.. 9 40 6 54 I *8 55 2 29 023 '2 29 Green Island .. Green Island to . Brighton Fernliill Colliery Line Kaikorai Valley Railway Outram Lawrence Lawrence-Rox-burgh 1 9 2 44 4 65 i Glendermid - Port Chalmers Burnside-Saddle Hill i Surveyed 1 9 2 44 4 65 3 40 0 52 4 49 3 16 4 65 4 65 I •■ 1 9 2 44 1 60 2 60 i Abbotsford to Fernhill Colliery i Surveyed 1 60 2 60 0 24 2 4 2 60 2 60 1 60 8 78 21 76 38 25 Mosgiel-Outram Clarksville-Lawrence Lawrence-Evan's Flat Evan's Flat-Big Hill Big Hill - Bowmont.. Bowmont-Roxburgh Balclutha-Owaka .. Owaka-Catlin's Catlin's-Houipapa .. Houipapa-Papatuim Papatupu-Table Hill Table Hill-Tokanui.. Tokanui-Waimaliaka Waimahaka-Appleby Waipahi-Heriot 8 78 21 76 3 39 4 0 6 45 24 21 19 20 3 38 2 30 3 30 3 40 40 55 8 27 24 52 20 3 0 68 2 2 0 27 0 10 9 66 23 78 3 66 4 10 6 45 24 21 21 3 3 68 2 39 3 30 3 40 40 55 8 27 212- 22 22 6 3'39 •• 8 78 21 76 6 '45 24 21 4"o Bnclutba-Apple-by Junction, or Catlin's - Seaward Bush 105 52 1 63 0 30 0 9 19 20 3 38 2 30 1 30 1 Aug., 1904 3 38! 2 14 40 55 2 0 1 26 Prelim. 8 27 .. .. j Waipahi - Heriot Burn Heriot Extension Extension to Roxburgh, via Rae's Junction and Ettrick Via Spylavv Waimea Plains District Ry. Kelso-Gore 1 50 2 3 24 52 20 3 20 3 6 20 28 10 Heriot-Eadievale .. Surveyed 6 20 28 10 0 45 6 65 28 10 28 10 Prelim. 15 Feb., 1905 6 ao 6 20 25 70 .36 39 Surveyed Gore-Lumsden 25 70 36 39 Prelim. 36 39 184 25 70 1 37 73 25 70 24 0 Surveyed Preliminary survey.. Waikaka Section Riversdale-Waikaia 9 58 14 22 12 65 13 70 9 58 14 22 . 14 36 ) 15 30 9 58 14 22 Prelim. Gore-Waikaka .. Riversdale- Switzers Edendale-Toitois 12 65 13 70 1 51 1 40 13 70 26 Nov., 1908 i > 1265 ia 65 19 30 Edendale-Glenham Surveyed Wingatui-Ida Valley Ida Valley-Omakau 9 36 9 74 98 18 13 20 0 72 ! 10 28 9 74 1104 0 i 14 36 9*74 9 36 Otago Central Waitaki Bluff Main Line to Lake Hawea 182 56 5 62 1 16 1 Sept., 1904 L 13 20 I , Omakau-Chatto Creek Ohatto Ck.-Alexandra Alexandra-Clyde Surveyed Invercargill-Kingston Wharf Lumsden- Mossburn 7 36 10 39 5 45 47 58 87 4 0 34 1 .6 0 77 : 7 70 i 11 45 6 42 47 58 1 92 19 14 July, 1906 15 Dec, 1906 27 Mar., 1907 I 7 36 10 39 5 45 ■134 78 I 111 v e r c gill-King-ston and Branch, LumsdenMararoa [nvorcargill-King-ston Lumsden-Mararoo 87 4 5 15 47 58 .. : .. 87 4 30 01 10 40 1 0 I 11 40 10 40 Winton to Hedgehope Orepuki Branch Surveyed Reconnaissance 8 20 11 20 8 20 11 20 8 20 11 20 Prelim Forest Hill Railway Western Railways 12 40 Winton - Hedgehope 12 40 0 65 13 25 12 40 Otautau Branch 35 41 22 15 Makarewa-Orepuki.. Thornbury-Wairio .. 35 41 22 15 6 37 64 13 I: 35 41 22 15 OrepukiWaiau River Orepuki-Waiau .. 13 30 Orepuki-Waihoaka .. Waihoaka-Tuatapere Surveyed .. .. 4 48 8 7 0 55 0 58 1 10 5 26 9 17 0 55 8"7 4 48 0 55 Totals .. 2 2221 71 2468 71 79 60 49 41 1,481 33 [2221 71 247 0' 552 48 1 27 79 8 51 58 27 23 32 1540 02




The Government Architect to the Hon. Minister of Public Works. Sir,— Public Works Office, Wellington, Ist July, 1909. I have the honour to submit the following report on the various buildings works carried out by the Department during the year ended the 30th June last: —■ Departmental and other Buildings. Government House, Auckland. —A temporary annexe for use in connection with the visit of the American fleet was erected in July, and removed in August, 1908. The main building was also thoroughly overhauled and put in good order. Departmental Buildings, Auckland (Additions). —This large brick building, the contract for which was completed in April, 1909, provides accommodation for seven Departments. The necessary office fittings and furniture have also been supplied. New Plymouth Departmental Buildings. —Plans were prepared and tenders invited for the erection of new Departmental Offices. Owing to their being so much above the estimate, however,, all tenders were declined. Public Works Store and Workshop, Auckland. —The old Public Works store has been removed from the railway-station yard, and re-erected as a workshop in the Public Works yard. The old Post-office building from Onehunga has been re-erected in Mount Eden Station yard for use as a Public Works store, and a railway-siding laid into the yard. Government Buildings, Te Kuiti.— The contract for erection of this building has been completed. Gisborne Departmental Buildings. —A high-pressure water-service for fire-prevention has been installed. Government Insurance Building, Napier. —The contract for erection of a brick building with Oamaru-stone front has been completed. Parliament Buildings, Wellington. —A new building has been erected for the purposes of a. Legislative Council Chamber, and includes all necessary offices in connection therewith. Extensive alterations and improvements have also been carried out in the main building. The old" lobby is being restored and converted into Committee-rooms and offices. The portion . known as " Bellamy's " is also being restored, and made available for similar purposes. Departmental Buildings, Wellington. —The May-Otway fire-alarm has been installed. Public Trust Offices'. —The contract for erection of this building was completed in April, 1909. Contracts for office fittings and furniture, and for an electric elevator, have also been completed. Seddon Memorial, Wellington. —The reinforced-concrete column faced with Coromandel granite was completed in June, 1909. A bronze figure to surmount the column is being modelled in England. New Vice-Regal Residence, Mount View, Wellington. —-Plans have been prepared for the erection of a new vice-regal residence at Mount View. During the month of June, excavation-work and clearing of site preparatory to erection of the building was put in hand. Customhouse, Nelson. —This building was erected by contract, and completed during the year. Burnham Industrial School.—A new brick building, comprising kitchen, dormatories, attendants' rooms, &c, is under construction. Railway and Public Works Offices, Greymouth. —A contract for the erection of this building was let in March, and is now in progress. Departmental Buildings, Hokitika. —The contract for erection of this building was completed in June, 1909. ' ~,,,, , , Hospital, Greymouth. —The new wing and administrative block has been completed. Hospital, Hokitika.—The erection of this building is nearing completion. Dominion Chambers, Dunedin. —The erection of this building for the Government Insurance Department is being done by contract, and is well in hand. St. Helens Hospital, Dunedin. —Additions and alterations were carried out by contract. Courthouses. Whangarei. —Two additional rooms and a strong-room have been built. Cambridge. —A new brick building has been erected. Te Kuiti. —The contract for erection of this building has been completed. Rotorua.— Additions to this building are in progress. ; Waitara. —A new Courthouse has been erected. Feilding The contract for erection of a new Courthouse has been completed. Palmerston Worth.— Additions 'and alterations have been made, including the provision of. a new Courtroom for the Stipendiary Magistrate. Lower Hutt. —A new Courthouse has been built. ~: . ... • [ . , ■• . ■ Wellington.— Extensive alterations and additions have been carried out at the Supreme Court.

14—D. 1.



Christchurch. —A new Magistrate's Court House has been built. Fairlie. —A contract has been let for the erection of a new Courthouse. Ross. —A new Courthouse is being built by contract. Dunedin. —Two boilers for heating purposes, and electric light for library, have been installed. Otautau. —A new brick Courthouse has been built. Gaols. Auckland. —The preparation of stone for the new wing has proceeded during the year. Offices have been plastered and internal furnishing completed. Foundations for the new wing have been laid, and walls carried to top of basement. A large amount of work in alterations, &c, has also been carried through. Area-walling, concreting, and channelling for new south and west wings have been completed. New Plymouth. —Drainage-works have been completed and yards asphalted. Lyttelton. —A new drainage scheme to connect the gaol and residences with the borough drainage system is being carried out. Invercargill. —The erection of a new gaol in concrete, by prison labour, under the supervision of this Department, is still in hand. The main building is nearing completion. One warder's cottage has been completed. Police-stations. Kaikohe. —The contract for erection of police-station, with office and lock-up, is about halffinished. Kaitaia. —A police residence, with office and lock-up, has been erected by contract. Whangarei. —A contract for repairs to residence and for erection of a new office, cells, and stable has been completed. Newmarket. —A brick building, including quarters, offices, and lock-up, has been built. Ellerslie. —A new lock-up, office, and stable have been built. Epsom. —The old lock-up from Epsom has been re-erected and a outhouse built. Hamilton East. —A police residence, with office and lock-up, has been built by contract. Thames. —A brick building providing offices and quarters has been built. Rotorua. —A contract has been let for additions to the existing station. Gisborne. —The police quarters and gaol have been supplied with a proper system of drainage. New Plymouth. —The contract for erection of a new police-station is well on to completion. Shannon. —A contract has been let for erection of a new station and lock-up. Pongaroa. —A new station and lock-up are being built by contract. Petone. —A new station has been built. Newtown. —A new residence and barracks have been erected. Richmond. —A new station has been built. Takaka. —This building was completed early in the year. Cheviot. —A new residence and stable have been built, and a drainage system installed. Kaiapoi. —A new residence has been erected, and acetylene-gas plant installed. ' ' Christchurch. —Various improvements have been made, and two rooms added to Sub-Inspector's residence. Sheffield. —Additions to residence and thorough renovations have been carried out. Rakaia.—A. residence, stable, and outbuildings have been erected. Waimate. —Two rooms have been added to the cottage, and other improvements effected. Dunollie. —A new station has been built. Ranfurly. —Contract for erection of new station, lock-up, and stable has been completed. Clinton. —A new brick station has been built. Post-offices. Whangarei. —The contract for erection of a new office in brick was satisfactorily completed in March, 1909. Kaipara Flats.— This building was completed in December, 1908. Maungaturoto. —The erection of this building was completed at the end of June, 1909. Helensville. —Plans for a new office were prepared. Matakohe.—This building was completed in September, 1908. Aratapu. —Additions were made to this office. Waiwera. —The building was moved back, and repaired and repainted. Epsom. —A brick office is in course of erection. Mount Eden.—A brick building similar to that at Epsom is being built. Devonport. The brick building which was in course of erection last year was completed. Newmarket.— The contract for this building, which is also of brick, was completed in December 1908. ' Birkenhead. —The contract for this building was completed in September, 1908. Upper Symonds Street.— Extensive repairs and alterations to a building purchased for the purposes of a post-office were carried out. ■ . Auckland.—A contract has been let for the erection of a new Chief Post-office. Howick.— The contract for erection of this building was completed in August, 1908. Waihi. —Considerable additions were made to this building, and a new store and strong-room Paeroa. —Two rooms have been added to the residence portion of this building. Pukekohe.—A brick building is in course of erection, but the contractor is much behindhand with the work.




Huntly. —A new brick office is being erected by contract. Morrinsville. —The erection of a two-story wooden building was completed in June, 1909. Ngaruawahia. —The contract for erection of this building in brick is in progress. Otorohanga. —A contract has been let for the erection of a new office, and work is in progress. Te Kuiti. —Erection of this building was completed in March last. Two additional rooms have since been built. Te Puke. —Additional rooms were built and fitted, and general repairs carried out. Rotorua. —Additions were made to telephone exchange, and two new rooms built. Cambridge. —A brick store for telegraph materials has been built. Taumarunui. —A new'office has been built. Whitianga. —A residence for the Postmaster has been built. Kawhia. —Additions and repairs have been carried out. Tolaga Bay. —Additions to this office have been executed by day-labour. Waipiro. —A residence for the Postmaster has been built by day-labour. Port Awanui. —A combined office and residence has been erected. Nuhaka. —A contract for erection of this building is in hand. Stratford. —Additions have been made, and the building painted and renovated. Toko. —A new building, to replace that destroyed by fire, has been erected. Hawera. —Comprehensive alterations to provide improved accommodation have been carried -out. Waverley. —Additions, alterations, and improvements have been carried out. Aramoho. —A brick and compo. two-storied office has been built. Kimbolton. —A new office has been erected. Ohakune. —A new office has been erected. Hastings. —A two-storied brick building is in course of erection. Napier. —Extensive alterations and additions are well in hand. Foxton. —The erection of a new brick office is well advanced. Ashhurst. —Alterations and additions are well in hand. Norsewood. —Alterations and additions have been completed. Manukau. —A new office has been built. Weraroa. —A new building has been erected. Featherston. —A brick building has been erected by contract. Alfredton. —Alterations and additions are being carried out. Upper Hutt. —The contract for erection of a new brick office has been completed. Te Aro (Wellington). —This brick building was practically completed within the year. Wellington. —Telephone exchange : Additions and alterations have been carried out. Courtenay Place (Wellington). —A brick building was purchased and converted to the purposes of an office and Postmaster's residence. Wellington. —New General Post Office : Good progress has been made with the work of putting in foundations. The building lately occupied by the letter-carriers has been demolished, and the old drill-shed altered and fitted to meet their requirements, and to also accommodate the Parcel Post Branch. Kekerangu. —This building was erected by the Department's men. Richmond. —A new office has been built. Cheviot. —Additions and alterations have been carried out. Woolston. —A new building in brick has been erected by contract. Rakaia. —The old library building was removed from site to provide space for a new post-office, and re-erected. Geraldine. —A brick building providing offices and quarters has been built. Fairlie. —A new office with residence has been erected by contract. Timaru. —Extensive alterations and improvements have been effected, and electric light installed instead of gas. Blackball. —A new office has been built. Wallsend. —A new office has been built. Dunedin.- —Chief Post-office : Extensive repairs, repainting, and improvements were carried out during the year. Moray Place (Dunedin). —The lower portion of a building purchased for the purpose was altered to suit postal requirements. St. Bathan's. —A contract for erection of a new building is in progress. Ophir. —A new residence has been built. Wyndham. —A contract has been let for erection of a brick office. Queenstown. —Additions and alterations have been made to office, and residence renovated. Invercargill. —The additions which were in hand last year were completed and furnished. Bluff. —Improved lavatory accommodation and sanitary conveniences are being provided. Mental Hospitals. Auckland. —Two small brick buildings have been erected, and general repairs to main buildings carried out as required. Nelson. —The Toi Toi Valley School has been removed to the Mental Hospital site and re•erected, in order to provide increased accommodation for patients. A new day-room and lavatory accommodation are also being provided. Sunny side (Christchurch). —A 6 in. artesion well has been sunk; a new general bath-room, containing eight baths and swimming-pool, constructed; a new dairy, fitted with boiler, steriliser, -separator, and other modern dairy appliances, completed. A new hot-water circulation system has


also been installed in the main building, and radiator-pipes rearranged. Various other afteractions and improvements have been made. AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT BUILDINGS. Auckland. —A contract for addition of four rooms and alterations to the old building wassatisfactorily completed. A retaining-wall was built by day-labour. Te Kuiti. —The oontract for erection of a Stock Inspector's residence has been completed. Te Puhi. —A residence for the Inspector of Stock was erected by contract. Wallaceville Laboratory. —Two concrete reservoirs and a windmill have been built. Maintenance Works. In addition to the foregoing works the Department has maintained,, renovated, and improved' all other Government buildings throughout the Dominion as occasion required. This work of maintenance and renovation, particularly in the case of wooden buildings, a great number of which have been built for many years, involves a considerable annual expenditure, but the items are altogether too numerous and detailed to particularise here. I have, <fee, John Campbell, The Hon. Minister of Public Works. Government Architect.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o9.




r>. _i.


North Island Main Trunk Railway.— Testing Mangaturuturu River Bridge.


North Island Main Trunk Railway.— Makatote Viaduct. Test load of 250 tons approaching at 30 miles per hour.


North Island Main Trunk Railway.— Makatote Viaduct. Test load of 250 tons braked to an emergency stop from 30 miles per hour.


North Island Main Trunk Railway.—Makohine Viaduct. Test load of 250 tons braked to an emergency stop from 30 miles per hour.


North Island Main Trunk Railway.—Ohakune Station: Ferro-concrete Water-tank and Tower.


New Zealand Midland Railway.— Cass Section: No. 12 Tunnel.


New Zealand Midland Railway.—Cass Section: An Engineering Difficulty in No. 17 Tunnel.

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Bibliographic details

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT. BY THE HON. RODERICK McKENZIE, MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS. 20th DECEMBER, 1909., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1909 Session II, D-01

Word Count

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT. BY THE HON. RODERICK McKENZIE, MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS. 20th DECEMBER, 1909. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1909 Session II, D-01

PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT. BY THE HON. RODERICK McKENZIE, MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS. 20th DECEMBER, 1909. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1909 Session II, D-01

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