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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

Sir, — Department of Lands, Wellington, 18th May, 1909. I have tha honour to submit herewith the report of the officer in charge of the State nurseries and plantations for the financial year ended 31st March last, prefacing it with an outline of the good work carried out under the direction of the late Chief Forester, Mr. H. J. Matthews, from 1896 up to the time of his dsath (27th April, 1909), and also indicating in a general manner the lines on which the Afforestation Branch of this Department is now proceeding. The illustrations accompanying the report are for the purpose of showing the extremely slow growth of the principal native timber-trees as compared with some of the exotic trees grown at the State nurseries. I have, <fcc, William C. Kensington, Under-Secretary for Lands. The Right Hon. Sir Joseph G. Ward, P.0., K.C.M.G., Minister of Lands and Commissioner of State Forests.

The following report, giving the reafforestation operations for the past year, is clothed with a melancholy interest, as shortly after the close of the financial year Mr. H. J. Matthews, the late Chief Forester, was stricken with a severe illness, to which he succumbed about the end of April. The late Mr. Matthews was carrying on his official duties to the very last. Early in April he arranged with myself to meet him at Rotorua during Easter, so that together we might discuss several important matters on the ground, relative to the planting operations with prison labour. On my arrival at Rotorua I received a letter from him saying he felt so unwell that ha was obliged to leave for Auckland to obtain medical advice, and about a month later the news of his death came to hand. To the late Mr. Matthews belongs the whole credit of the direction of the reafforestation operations. ■ Selected for the work by the late Sir John McKenzie in 1896, Mr. Matthews relinquished his own successful nursery business at Dunedin, and took over tha charge of the reafforestation operations, throwing all his energy into the work, and bringing to bear upon it all his technical experience. The first State nursery started was at Eweburn, in Otago, followed by one at Tapanui, also in Otago. Then followed the Rotorua Nursery, after which came the Seddon Nursery, in the Marlborough district; Hanmer, in North Canterbury; and Ruatangata, near Whangarai, in the Auckland district. From these nurseries the trees required for the grand plantations at Dusky Hill and Conical Hills, in Otago; Hanmer, in North Canterbury; Waiotapu and Waipa, in the Thermal Springs district; and Puhupuhi, near Whangarei, were obtained. The late Chief Forester was a whole-hearted supporter of the system of employing prison labour, and personally supervised the erection of each prison camp, going minutely into every detail to insure success. I have been most closely associated with him since 1902, and have always found him very enthusiastic and painstaking, sparing no personal trouble in carrying out all details. Some two years ago, at the request of the Commissioner of State Forests, he wrote a well-arranged book upon tree-planting in New Zealand, which was published by the Government Printer, and which work came in for universal praise. Last, but not least, of the fruits of Mr. Matthews's labours has been the training of experienced nurserymen and assistants, who are now able to carry on the work, without a break, so ably directed by the late Chief Forester. The sympathy

I—C. Ib.



of the Department is extended to Mrs. Matthews, who was his constant companion, and herself supplied most beautifully developed photographs to illustrate not only her husband's annual reports, but also scenic reports for the Scenery Preservation Commission, of which the late Mr. Matthews was a most valued member. The operations of the past year have been carefully compiled by Mr. Goudie, the Nurseryman-in-Charge at Rotorua, and are given with the usual detail. I have been able to acquaint myself personally with all the plantations, and to gain a complete insight into the working. I can say that whilst' every economy possible is being practised, there is no diminution of the output of trees from the nurseries. Thanks to the care of the Justice Department, a full supply of prison labour is being kept up, and through this means the number of trees to be planted out during the ensuing season should be quite equal to last year's. As I have previously pointed out, the splendid income with which the reafforestation operations hava been hitherto carried out has been almost entirely derived from the sale of kauri on the reserves proclaimed under the State Forests Act in the northern district. This source of income is now rapidly drawing to a close, and the necessary moneys for carrying on reafforestation must in future be chiefly granted from, and be a charge upon, the Consolidated Fund. It is therefore all the more necessary that the planting-work, where possible, shall now be carried on entirely by prison in which course we are assured of the cordial co-operation of the Prisons Branch of the Justice Department. Free Distribution of Trees to Settlers. Tha question as to whether the Government should further encourage tree-planting, by distributing suitable trees to persons willing to devote land and time to this purpose, has been very generally discussed both by the Press itself and by letters written to the newspapers. No doubt tha free distribution of trees would tend to materially increase the area of plantations, but it must be borne in mind that to carry this out in any general manner would necessitate doubling the number of employees in the nurseries, and also the number of trees grown, because with the present staff only sufficient trees are grown to meet the requirements of the labour available. Also, above all, the present income, including the expected grant from the Consolidated Fund, is only barely sufficient to meet the demands at the Department's present output of trees for the annual plantings. Prison Camps. There are three prison camps in existence —one at Hanmer; one at Waiotapu, between Rotorua and Taupo; and one just newly erected on a most suitable site on the northern shore of Lake Rotokakahi, near Rotorua, which takes the place of the old prison camp at Waipa. I personallyinspected the site of this new camp at Easter, and arranged with Mr. Goudie, the Nurseryman-in-Charge, and with Mr. J. T. Reid, the Chief Warder, the details of the buildings, water-supply, &c. Using this camp as a centre, there is fully five years' planting to be done, whilst at Waiotapu the planting can be continued for ten years. General. In last year's report the general question of forestry was dealt with, and, as it is intended by the Right Hon. the Minister of Lands to lay before Parliament during the session an exhaustive paper on New Zealand forests generally, the subject will not be further treated upon in this report.

REPORT BY THE OFFICER IN CHARGE. To the Under-Secretary for Lands. I have the honour to submit herewith the thirteenth annual report of the Afforestation Branch. The past year has been a most successful one at all the stations, owing chiefly to the excellent weather conditions experienced throughout the Dominion. Prison Labour. —The total value of work done by prisoners at the three prison camp plantations —viz., Hanmer Springs, Whakarewarewa, and Waiotapu—is £4,894 16s 5d., making an average for each of the 58'99 men employed of £82 19s. 6d. These results go to prove that the employment of prisoners at this class of work has been very successful, and might be advantageously extended. The majority of the men like the work, and take an interest in it, thus making for success. At the Waipa Prison, Whakarewarewa Plantation, all the land within a radius of a mile and a quarter has been planted, and it has been necessary to select a site to which the camp can be shifted. A suitable place has been chosen at Lake Rotokakahi, and the new camp will probably be ready for occupation about the end of May. The land within easy distance of this site will provide employment for four or five years. The Inspector of Prisons and his staff deserve our best thanks for their co-operation and assistance generally in carrying on the works at the camps. Starborough Nursery .—Owing to the repeated failures amongst trees planted in this district it was decided to close down the nursery, and also the Dumgree Plantation. During the past year the trees which remained in the nursery were transferred to the Tapanui district, whilst the tools, implements, &c, were distributed amongst the various stations as required. Most of the land was sown down in oats, which resulted in a yield of 1,250 bags of chaff and 200 bags cf feed oats, and this was transferred to the North Island stations. The expenditure at these two stations, which is shown in the summary, was incurred in the above-mentioned works. Kurow Nursery. —The remainder of the trees and implements at this station were transferred during the year to the Tapanui district.



In the following tables the work of this branch is summarised: —

Table A.—Summary of Results.

Table B.—Summary of Expenditure and Values.

Nursery or Plantation. Number of Trees raised, 1908-9. Total number of Trees raised. 1896 to 1909. Values of Same. Number of Trees in Nurseries or Plantations at 31st March, 1909. Number of Trees planted on New Area, 1908-9. Area planted in 1908-9. Total Area planted at 31st March, 1909. Eweburn Nursery .. Hanmer Springs Nur667,600 2,899,200 4,148,717 7,340,531 £ s. d. 8,675 3 8 11,315 2 7 1,584,340 4,554,650 A. B. P. A. B. P. sery Kurow Nursery Tapanui Nursery Starborough Nursery Rotorua Nursery Ruatangata Nursery Dusky Hill Plantation Conical Hills Plantation Gimmerburn Plantation Naseby Plantation .. Hanmer Springs Plantation Kaingaroa Plains Plantation Dumgree Plantation Raincliff Plantation Ruatangata Plantation Waiotapu Plantation Whakarewarewa Plantation Puhipuhi Plantation Waitahuna Plantation Domains, reserves, &c. 2,527,000 4,395,500 680,000 219,000 15,664,733 3,223,290 30,662,309 2,317,868 223 3 0 34,567 0 10 6,918 8 11 57,873 0 9 5,013 13 9 * * 5,360,250 8,369,500 832,500 1,973,392 3,777,120 487,695 389,285 2,431,230 697 ', 225 463,541 29,100 568,060 300 1 32 170 1 07 10 2 0 208 0 0 806"o 0 1,252 2 7 173 1 0 143 0 0 876 0 0 44,275 21 0 0 * 350 ,.000 50,000 469 3 0 206 3 0 22 0 0 * * * 9,095,359 6,883,226 2,162,425 1,841,100 794 2 0 838 2 0 3,523 0 0 3,157 2 0 * 1,488,238 30,525 133,632 470,028 387 0 0 1,512 0 0 12 1 14 * Totals 11,169,300 63,576,448 124,585 13 6 47,835,217 6,231,479 2,709 9 39 12,175 0 21 * Reliabli estimates of vali les not available. f

Expenditure for Expenditure irom Year ending S t e n p^ b M.V 1 T' 31st March, 1909. to 61 fg^ &Ich ' Vnlne nf stock Value of Stock, and Improvements, Improvements 10^^ for Year ending te ? 1 lb^f to 31st March, 1909. 19 ™ ' Name of Station. Sweburn Nursery lanmer Springs Nursery ?apanui Nursery tuatangata Nursery lotorua Nursery Starborough Nursery Curow Nursery Jonical Hills Plantation )usky Hill Plantation rimmerburn Plantation laseby Plantation taincliff Plantation lanmer Springs Plantation )umgree Plantation.. Vhakarewarewa Plantation Vaiotapu Plantation Laingaroa Plains Plantation 'uhipuhi Plantation Vaitaki Plantation Vaitahuna Plantation )omains, Reserves, &c. Jlerical assistance 'ostages and telegrams 'ontingenoies : Telephones, stationery, travelling allowances and expenses &c , £ s. d. 773 13 11 1,590 13 3 2,024 7 10 1,431 0 8 5,091 5 10 567 5 11 £ s. d 10,311 15 6 5,514 1 8 17,270 4 11 7,444 7 3 30,618 4 10 9,256 7 1 3,070 2 7 11,877 12 0 11,499 15 2 2,366 6 2 2,266 12 7 1,104 12 5 5,684 1 6 10,017 10 5 18,150 0 6 7,363 19 0 368 18 2 6,486 11 8 403 14 5 183 0 9 431 13 1 739 7 8 60 5 4 1,653 8 7 £ s. d. 2,805 13 6 7,678 6 2 8,961 4 5 2,134 18 7 13,434 14 2 * £ s. a. 7,589 1 1 9,690 11 5 16,285 0 5 5,292 4 11 20,902 7 7 2,190 14 1 1,185 5 9 366 11 11 193 2 2 * * * * 1,309 17 5 155 2 6 4,608 7 1 2,154 1 9 * * * * * 1,69718 4 * 14 10 6 * * 65 12 8 621 15 2 Totals 26,041 6 9 164,142 13 3 35,014 16 10 59,759 5 5 *



Table C.—Output of Trees from Nurseries.

Table D.—Minimum and Maximum Readings of Thermometer (Fahrenheit) and Rainfall at various Stations for the Year.

Table E.—Average Number of Workmen employed Daily at the various Nurseries and Plantations during the Year 1908-9.

H. A. Goudie.

During 1908-9. Since 1896. Nursery. Value. Number. Number. Value. iweburn lanmer Springs iotorua 157,050 700,035 736,340 4,491,510 536,450 62,200 575,920 £ s. d. 428 12 7 2,066 7 6 1,609 6 11 9,541 1 3 1,456 12 6 66 3 6 1,636 6 0 2,564,377 10,368,083 2,307,546 22,292,809 -1,488,245 172,460 3,059,610 £ s. d. 6,047 18 10 26,268 1 4 5,588 17 6 46,460 5 9 4,019 10 10 278 18 6 6,934 1 11 iuatangata ... [urow Starborough Totals 7,259,505 16,804 10 3 42,253,130 95,597 14 8

Temperature. Rainfall. Station. Minimum, i Maximum. Inohes. Number of Days. Eweburn Nursery Fapanui Nursery Eanmer Springs Nursery... Rotorua Nursery Ruatangata Nursery Waiotapu Plantation Puhipuhi Plantation Deg. 2 24 17 23 28 17 24 Deg. 84 88 83 87 82 86 87 21-78 39-92 44-77 52-10 59-33 42-06 71-45 Ill 157 151 165 181 93 169

Station. Free Labour. Prison Labour. Station. Free Prison Labour. Labour. Eweburn Nursery Tapanui Nursery ... Hanmer Springs Nursery ... Starborough Nursery* Rotorua N ursery ... Ruatangata Nursery Gimmerburn Plantation Naseby Plantation Dusky Hill Plantation No. 5-00 12-11 9-00 31-62 9-78 1-56 1-20 9-91 No. Conical Hills Plantation Hanmer Springs Plantation Dumgree Plantation* Whakarewarewa Plantation Waiotapu Plantation Puhipuhi Plantation Waitahuna Plantation No. 15-52 3-00 32-72 8-46 9-92 00-5 No. 13-00 13-16 32-83 149-85 58-99 ;: Particulars not available.


To face p. Jf.~\

Acer pseudo-platanus (Sycamore)— 7 years old, 13 ft. high.

Podocarpus spicatus (Black-pine)— 7 years old, 19 in. high.


Fraxinus excelsior (English Ash)— 7 years old, 12 ft. high.

Dacrydium intermedium (Yellow Silver -pine)— 7 years old, 42 in. high.



The following are the reports from various stations : — Ewebuen Nursery, near Naseby, Otago. (Area, 49 acres; altitude, 1,400 ft.) The rainfall during the year has been much heavier than last, the total being 2L78 in., which fell on 111 days, the maximum fall being 360 in. in January. This is B'4o in. in excess of last The highest reading of the thermometer was 84°, on the Bth March, and the lowest 2° (30° of frost), on the night of the 30th July. Frost occurred on 133 nights. The general growth of nursery stock has been very satisfactory, owing to the heavy rainfall. Seeds were sown as usual in October, also a second sowing in December, and both have germinated very well. . . . Of the trees lined out, Pinus ponderosa, Pinus Bethamiana, Pinus Austnaca, and Larix Europcea have made the most satisfactory growth. Pinus Laricio, being somewhat slower, will require to be left for another season before being transferred to the plantation for planting out permanently. The number of trees lined out was 470,960, at an average cost of 2s. lOd. per thousand; also 90,000 were lined in at an average cost of Is. 0-fd. per thousand. The number of trees sent to Government plantations was 157,050, their total value being £428 12s. 7d. ■'~!.. oc n .» The number of trees sent out to date amounts to 2,564,377, their total value being £6,047 18s. lOd. The number of trees in the nursery at the 31st March, 1909, was 1,584,340, and their value £2,627 4s. lOd. Details will be found on Schedules Ito 4. The average number of men employed was five (wages). Appended are the meteorological records for the year : —

Meteorological Returns.

Statement of Expenditure. £ s. d. Amount at 31st March, 1908 ... ... ... ... 9,538 1 7 Tree-growing ... ... • • • • • ■ • • • ■ ■ ■ 325 6 6 General maintenance and repairs ... ... ... ••• 174 7 2 Horse-feed, purchased and grown ... ... ... ... 40 11 6 Tree-seeds ... ■•■ ••• ••■ ••■ ■•■ 54 12 0 Tools, implements, &c. ... ■•■ ■•• ••• 2 12 0 Fuel 9 17 6 Travelling-expenses ... ■•• ••• ••• ••• 936 Miscellaneous works ... ... ... ••• ■•• 6 17 1 Proportion of Nurseryman's salary ... ... ... ... 126 0 0 Supervision ... ... ... ••• ••• ••• 24 6 8 £10,311 15 6

Month. Rainfall. Number of Days Rain fell. Maximum Temperature. Date. Minimum Temperature. Date. Number of Days on which Frost occurred. 1908. April ... May ... June ... July ... August September October November December 1909. Inohes. 1-60 1-18 1-60 3-50 1-30 0-76 1-21 0-63 2-60 10 11 16 11 4 5 11 6 10 Degrees. 71 64 58 44 50 65 81 81 75 1st 3rd 12th 20th 29th 28th 8th 27th 29th Degrees. 24 21 21 2 7 26 29 29 27 30th 27th 21st 30th 12th 24th 14th 10th 9th 12 21 22 29 30 5 5 4 3 January February March 3-60 1-03 2-77 14 3 10 81 80 84 22nd 27th 8th 33 28 30 1st 21st 14th "i 1 Totals 21-78 Ill 133



Value of Stock, Improvements, <£c

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Amount at 31st March, 1908 ... ... 6,540 2 11 Less value of trees at 31st 1,747 5 4 March, 1908 Less horse-feed in stock at 31st 9 10 0 March, 1908 — 1,756 15 4 ■ 4,783 7 7 Trees, as per Schedule 1 ... ... ... ... ... 704 18 0 2 ... ... ... ... ... 790 13 0 3 ... ... ... ... ... 1,131 13 10 Tools and implements ... ... ... ... ... 2 12 0 Improved value ... ... ... ... ... ... 150 6 8 Horse-feed in stock ... ... ... ... ... 15 10 0 Value of young horses—increased value during year ... ... 10 0 0 £7,589 1 1 Summary. Value of present stock and general improvements ... ... 7, 589 1 1 Value of trees sent out since initiation of nursery ... ... 6,047 18 10 13,636 19 11 Expenditure to date ... ... ... ... ...10,311 15 6 Credit balance ... ...' ... £3,325 4 5

Stock in Hand. Schedule 1.—Details of One-year-old Trees, grown 1908-9. (Thirteenth Crop.)

Schedule 2.—Two-year-old Trees, grown 1907-8. (Twelfth Crop.)

Schedule 3.—Three-year-old Trees, grown 1906-7. (Eleventh Crop.)

Name of Tree. Number in Seed-beds. Height in Inches. Amount Value of Seed per sown. Thousand. Total Value. Remarks. 'inus Laricio .. „ Benthamiana ponderosa jarix Europsea 340,200 43,200 106,000 178,200 2 1 Lb. , £ s. d. 112 10 0 10 15 0 28 15 0 112 10 0 262 £ s. d. 340 4 0 54 0 0 132 10 0 178 4 0 Strong plants. Totals 667,600 704 18 0

Name of Tree. Number in Height in V £" e Seed-beds. Inches. Tho p sand . Total Value. Remarks. Pinus Laricio „ Benthamiana (true) .. „ ponderosa Larix Europasa „ (lined in) 250,000 30,000 22,100 40,000 110,000 90,000 3 4-6 4-6 4-6 6-12 6-12 £ s. d. 15 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 15 0 2 5 0' £ s. d. 312 10 0 45 0 0 33 3 0 60 0 0 137 10 0 202 10 0 Strong plants. Totals 542,100 790 13 0

Name of Tree. 11 Height in Value per Total Value. Thousand. Remarks. 'inus Austriaca Larioio „ ponderosa Jefireyii „ Bethamiana.. iarix Europasa 41,540 200,000 47,400 1,300 16,000 9,100 55,400 3,450 450 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6 8-12 8-12 8-12 8-12 £ s. d. 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 5 0 3 5 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 £ s. d. 124 12 4 600 0 0 142 4 0 4 4 6 52 0 0 27 6 0 166 4 0 13 16 0 17 0 Good plants. Medium growth. Very strong. 'yrus aucuparia ietula alba Totals .. 374,640 1,131 13 10



Schedule 4.—Trees sent out from Nursery to Plantations, &c., 1908-9.

A. W. Roberts, Nurseryman in Charge.

Hanmer Springs Nursery. (Area, 40 acres; approximate altitude, 1,225ft.) Rain fell on 151 days during the past year, the total fall recorded being 44'77 in. The maximum monthly fall was recorded in January, when 7'63 in. fell in 15 days. The maximum temperature registered during the year was 83° Fahr., on 19th February, and the minimum 17° Fahr., on 12th July. The general weather-conditions experienced throughout the past year were, on the whole, fairly favourable for tree-growth, although the lined-out trees were somewhat retarded in growth during November by the exceptionally dry weather experienced during that month. The three-year-old trees of all classes have made exceptionally good growth during the year, and these are all suitable for transferring to the plantation during the coming planting season. Two-year-old lined-out larch are an exceptionally fine crop, of an average height of 12 in., and the whole of this crop can be transferred to the plantation this season. The various species of two-year-old pines have made fair growth; but a large proportion of Pinus Laricio will be rather small for transferring to the plantation during the coming season. Amongst the pines lined out during the year the average number of deaths is about 5 per cent., and there are practically no failures amongst larch. Seed-sowing was commenced on the 7th November, and completed on the 12th of the same month, the weather being favourable while this work was in progress. The crop of seedling larch is a particularly fine one, the average height of these plants being 3 in., and the approximate number in the seed-beds is 1,600,000. Pinus Laricio seedlings are a particularly sturdy crop, and the other varieties of pine seedlings are also very good. Transplanting seedlings was commenced on the 17th August, and completed on the 19th October, the number of trees dealt with being 1,306,261, at a labour-cost of Is. lOd. per thousand. The number of trees raised from seed during the year was 2,899,200, valued at £2,939 35.; and the number of trees raised in the nursery to date since its inception is 7,340,531, valued at £11,315 2s. 7d. The total number of trees in the nursery at 31st March was 4,554,650, valued at £7,033 18s. Trees transferred to the plantation during the year numbered 736,340, valued at £1,699 6s. lid., and the total number of trees transferred to the plantation to date is 2,307,546, valued at £5,588 18s. 6d. The estimated number of trees available for transferring to the plantation during the present season is 1,200,000.

Where sent. Name of Tree. Number. Value per Thousand. Total Value. I Gimmerburn Plantation .. -j Pinus Austriaca Larieio .. ponderosa Larix Europasa 36,885 4,750 10,000 1,750 12,400 33,675 2,000 £ s. d. 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 15 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 £ s. d. 110 13 1 14 5 0 30 0 0 2 3 9 49 12 0 101 0 6 Hon. R. McNab Pinus montana Total 101,460 14,275 11,875 4,050 1,000 21,650 307 14 4 ,„.,_ .. ..| Pinus ponderosa „ Bethamiana Larix Europsea Cytisus vulgare 3 0 0 15 0 15 0 15 0 2 5 0 42 16 6 14 16 10 5 13 1 5 0 48 14 3 Total 52,850 112 13 10 Gimmerburn Cemetery Trust Pinus Austriaca „ ponderosa 215 275 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 12 11 0 16 6 Total 490 19 5 Various domains .. .. j Pyrus aucuparia Oytisus vulgare 1,000 1,000 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 Total 2,000 6 0 0 Tourist Department, Queenstown.. Pyrus aucuparia 50 3 0 0 0 3 0 Tapanui Nursery 200 3 0 0 0 12 0 Totals 157,050 428 12 7



During the year good progress has been made with the general improvement of the nursery; the formation of extension area has been completed, and all roads throughout the nursery have been gravelled where absolutely necessary. The appearance of the nursery has been much improved during the year by the planting of shelter and ornamental shrubs on spare areas of land, also by sowing grass amongst shrubs. The water-supply obtained from Hanmer Township supply continues satisfactory, and an abundant supply of good water is always available for all nursery purposes. The erection of new five-stall stable, commenced last year, was completed during April, and the old stable converted into an open shed for the storage of implements; a lean-to was also erected, adjoining stable, for the purpose of storing harness, &c. The implement-shed is now too small for the storage of all implements and vehicles, and it is necessary to leave two drays and a wagon outside; this will necessarily cause depreciation in their value. Further accommodation is urgently required at the Nurseryman's quarters, as the present cottage consists of three small rooms, which are quite inadequate for requirements. For the purpose of providing additional paddock-accommodation for the horses, 10 acres of grasses and clover were sown during September, with very favourable results. The horse-paddocks now comprise 25 acres of good pasture. The average number of hands employed daily during the year was six men and three boys. Thirty-five tons of oat-sheaf of excellent quality and 5 tons of swedes and horse-carrots were grown during the year for horse-feed. Schedules are appended of trees in stock and sent out during the year, also details of expenditure and values for the year and to date. The following is a record of the rainfall and temperature for the year : —

Statement of Expenditure. £ s. d. Amount at the 31st March, 1908 ... ... ... ... 3,923 8 5 Tree-growing ... ... ... ... ... ... 727 4 2 General maintenance and repairs ... ... ... ... 139 13 2 Nursery-formation . ... ... ..: ... 17 6 5 Horse-feed purchased and grown ... ... ... ... 118 16 8 Manures ... ... ... ... ... ... 15 9 6 Tree-seeds ... ... ... ... ... ... 96 15 0 Tools, implements, &c. ... ... ... ... ... 85 4 9 Water-supply ... ... ... ... ... ... 106 19 4 Buildings ... ... ... ... ... ... 110 1 1 Fencing... ... ... ... ... ... ... 38 6 7 Miscellaneous works ... ... ... ... ... 867 Proportion of Nurseryman's salary ... ... ... ... 90 0 0 Supervision ... ... ... ... ... ... 36 10 0 £5,514 1 8

Month. Rainfall. Number of Days Rain fell. Maximum Temperature. Date. Minimum Temperature. Date. 1908. Inches. 4-10 4-45 3-37 6-79 2-28 3-25 5-05 0-86 2-11 Degrees. 72 70 63 57 58 69 81 79 70 Degrees. 29 26 27 17 21 29 30 34 33 tpril ... 14 11 13 17 10 12 18 9 17 2nd 3rd 5th 23rd 30th 29th 12th 20th 8th 20th 30th 3rd 12th 10th 20th 29th 13th 10th Aa.y ... une ... uly ... August September )ctober November December 1909. anuary February tlarch 7-63 0-68 4-20 15 5 10 82 83 80 23rd 19th 7th 35 42 32 2nd 25th 30th Totals... 44-77 151


To face p. B.]

Larix Europea (European Larch)— 7 years old, 20 ft. high.

Agathis Australis (Kauri)— 7 years old, 8 in. high.


Pinus Austriaca (Austrian Pine)— 7 years old, 9 ft. high.

Dacrydium cupressinum (Rimu, Red-pine)— 7 years old, 27 in. high.



Value of Stock, Improvements, &c. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Amount at 31st March, 1908 ... ... 6,917 13 9 Less value of trees at 31st March, 1908 ... ... ... 4,865 8 6 Less horse-feed in stock at 31sf March, 1908 ... ... 40 0 0 — 4,905 8 6 2,012 5 3 Trees, as per Schedule 1 ... ... ... ... ... 2,939 3 0 2 ... ... ... ... ... 2,627 15 0 3 ... ... ... ... ... 1,467 0 0 Tools and implements ... ... ... ... ... 85 4 9 Water-supply ... ... ... ... ... ... 106 19 4 Nursery-formation ... ... ... ... ... 17 6 5 Fencing... ... ... ... ... ... ... 38 6 7 Buildings ... ... ... ... ... ... 110 1 1 Improved value ... ... ... ... ... ... 126 10 0 Horse-feed in stock ... ... ... ... ... 160 0 0 £9,690 11 5 Summary. £ 8 . d. Value of present stock and general improvements ... ... 9,690 11 5 Value of trees sent out since initiation of nursery ... ... 5,588 17 6 15,279 8 11 Expenditure to date ... ... ... ... ... 5,514 1 8 Credit balance ... ... ... ...£9,765 7 3

Stock in Hand. Schedule 1.—Details of One-year-old Trees, grown 1908-9. (Seventh Crop.)

Schedule 2.—Details of Two-year-old Trees, grown 1907-8. (Sixth Crop.)

2—o. Ib.

Name of Tree. Number in Seed-beds. Height in Seed sown. Inches. Value per Thousand. Total Value. Remarks. Larix Europsea Pinus Larioio ponderosa Benthamiana muricata Alnus glutinosa Chamsecyparis Lawsoniana Thuja gigantea Pseudo-tsuga taxifolia .. Picea sitchensis 1,600,000 884,000 280,000 92,000 7,000 700 16,000 17,000 1,500 1,000 2,899,200 1-4 24 2* 24 3 6 14 14 2 1 Lb. 252 112 30 12 1 10 2 1 8 5 £ s. d. 10 0 1 "0 0 10 0 15 0 10 0 0 15 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 15 0 15 0 £ s. d. 1,600 0 0 884 0 0 280 0 0 115 0 0 7 0 0 0 10 6 24 0 0 25 10 0 1 17 6 1 5 0 "Excellent crop. Very thin crop. Good crop. Thin crop. Totals 2,939 3 0

Name of Tree. Number in Height Nursery in Lines. Inches. Value per Thousand. Total Value. Remarks. Larix Europsea Pinus Laricio „ ponderosa Benthamiana i, a (var.) Pseudo-tsuga taxifolia .. Betula alba Robinia pseudo-acacia Alnus glutinosa Cotoneaster Simmondsii .. 674,000 366,000 55,000 19,000 13,000 17,000 10,000 11,000 650 800 10-16 2-4 4 4 4 6 24 4-12 14 15 £ s. d. 2 5 0 2 5 0 2 5 0 2 10 0 2 10 0 2 10 0 2 5 0 1 10 0 2 0 0 1 10 0 £ s. d. 1,516 10 0 823 10 0 123 15 0 47 10 0 32 10 0 42 10 0 22 10 0 16 10 0 16 0 14 0 Excellent crop. Fair crop. Good crop. Fair crop. Excellent crop. Fair crop. Good crop. Totals .. 1,166,450 2,627 15 0



Schedule 3.—Three-year-old Trees, grown 1906-7. (Fifth Crop.)

T. B. Cuble, Nurseryman in Charge.

Tapanui Nursery. (Area, 120 acres; altitude, 500ft.) Rain fell on 157 days, with a total precipitation of 39'92 in., the maximum monthly fall being 8'99 in., in July. The highest shade temperature recorded was 88°, on the sth February, and the lowest 24°, on the 12th July. On the whole, the season has been most favourable for nursery operations. Excessive rain fell during July, but in the two succeeding months, when transplanting of seedlings was in progress, ideal weather-conditions prevailed, and enabled the work to be carried out cheaply and satisfactorily. Towards mid-summer a dry spell, lasting about two months, was experienced, but trees had developed sufficiently by that time to withstand the partial drought, which rendered general hoeing and weeding an easy matter. Much success has attended nursery operations this season, but the destructive grass grubs still exist in large numbers, and were responsible for the failure of some thousands of larch. Small amounts of oak and ash were sown during the winter, and gave fair results, but the latter seed again proved to be somewhat unsatisfactory, and this necessitated heavy sowing in drills. The present supply of ash-seed in pits, however, is in excellent condition, and a favourable germination of same may be anticipated in the coming spring. The main sowing was commenced on the 10th October, and completed ten days later. The estimated number of seedlings raised is 2,527,000, valued at £2,590 10s. Although the larch beds are not so successful as in the previous year, fully half a million plants should be sturdy enough for transference to lines next spring. The pines are an even crop, and compare favourably with former results. An experimental sowing of 12 oz. of Thuja gigantea produced over 30,000 small trees; but a trial of the new Abyssinian fibre plant, Ka fumba, was not so successful, as after the seed had germinated well, and plants had reached a height of about 5 in., an early frost destroyed the lot. Transplanting of seedlings was commenced on the 17th of August, and during the ensuing seven weeks 1,367,500 trees were lined out, at a cost of 2s. 2d. per thousand. 770,000 smaller plants were also " lined in closely," at a cost of s|d. per thousand. A system of closer planting was adopted this year, and the labour-cost of dealing with the trees was greatly reduced. Nearly the whole of the one-year-old larch were transferred to lines, and a finer lot of trees has not been grown at this station. A large proportion have developed with remarkable vigour, and will require to be given specially sheltered situations on plantations. The lined-in trees average about 12 in. in height, and are most suitable for planting by the bar method. The removal of about 40,000 Pinus Laricio, one-year-olds, to lines was attended with an unusual percentage of deaths, and this should prove conclusively that the system adopted here of allowing these pines to remain two years in beds before transplanting gives the best results. A number of Sequoia sempervirens, from Kurow Nursery, were lined out, and, although they have up to the present made excellent headway, it is more than likely that heavy frosts will establish the unsuitability of this class of tree for our locality.

Name of Tree. Number in Height Nursery in Lines. Inches. Value per Thousand. Total Value. Remarks. iarix Europsea .. 'inus Larioio „ Austriaca Totals 117,000 291,000 81,000 .. 489,000 18 8-12 6-9 ■ £ s. d. £ s. d. 3 0 0 351 0 0 3 0 0 873 0 0 3 0 0 243 0 0 1,467 0 0 Excellent crop. Good crop. Schedule 4.—Trees tn .sferred ;o Hanmer Springs PI; tation. Name of Tree. Number. Value peiThousand. Total Value. Remarks. jarix Europsea 'inus Larioio _._. „ ponderosa .. „ muricata ietula alba ;. 'icea sitchensis Inus glutinosa 'seudo-tsuga taxifolia lobiniapseudo acacia 378,985 211,330 50,425 6,690 1,585 56,480 16,845 11,000 3,000 736,340 £ s. d. 2 5 0 2 5 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 2 10 0 0 15 0 £ s. d. 852 14 0 475 10 0 113 9 0 20 1 4 4 15 1 169 8 10 33 13 8 27 10 0 2 5 0 Very good growth. Good growth. Fair growth. Totals 1,699 6 11



Buildings, Improvements. —The steady increased expenditure in the item horse-shoeing and repairs was responsible for the Department's decision to carry on blacksmithing work at the nursery, and accordingly a roomy smithy, with all necessary appliances, was erected, and all horseshoeing, plantation and nursery repairs are effected by the blacksmith, principally during wet weather, whilst the remainder of his time is devoted to general nursery work. The main stable building has been rendered considerably more serviceable by the addition of two extra stalls and loose-box for young horses, and the inclusion of a much-wanted shed for wagon and dray. Arrangements are also well in hand for the extension of sizing-shed, as the amount of room available last winter was quite inadequate for satisfactorily dealing with nursery stock. An area of about 12 acres used as a horse-paddock was drained with 2 in. tiles, ploughed, and sown in black oats, and extra returns fully justified the extra labour incurred. About 11 acres of ground on lower portion of nursery was sown down in grass, and the erection of about 18 chains of fencing permits the using of this block for grazing purposes. Shelter plantations are growing rapidly, and are now giving sufficient protection to the seedbeds without having to resort to our customary artificial method of scrub fencing. 1,200 sheltertrees, principally Pinus muricata, were planted on the boundary-line adjoining cemetery reserve, and these have, with few exceptions, grown well. It is gratifying to report that the attack on Pittosporum hedges by the native scale has not been so persistent as in the two former years, and there is every reason to believe that the spread of the disease has been checked by judicious spraying. The average number of men employed was 12*11. Horse-feed to the value of £103 9s. id. was harvested from 23 acres. The oat-crop was a decided success, and there is every likelihood that our stock of oaten sheaf will more than meet requirements. About 9 tons of rye and clover and 3 tons of carrots were grown on spare blocks, but the latter produce is somewhat below the average quality. The following items of labour were also included in list of expenditure : Formation and gravelling of roads, cultivating plantations, painting outbuildings, attending shrubbery and general maintenance. Statements of expenditure and values are appended. For the coining season arrangements are being made for the transference to local plantations of about 1,250,000 trees. The following is a record of rainfall and temperature for the year : —.

Statement of Expenditure. £ s. d. Amount at the 31st March, 1908 ... ... 15,245 17 1 Tree-growing ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,150 15 6 General maintenance and repairs ... ... ... ... 150 11 1 Nursery-formation ... ... ... ... ... 82 19 10 Horse-feed purchased and grown ... ... ... ... 104 7 6 Manures ... ... ... ... ... ... 18 5 11 Tree-seeds ... ... ... ... ... ... 116 16 3 Tools, implements, &c. . . ... ... ... ... 78 1 6 Buildings, smithy and additions to stable ... ... ... 118 17 9 Fencing ... ... ... ... ... ... 921 Miscellaneous works ... ... ... ... ... 20 3 9 Proportion of Nurseryman's salary ... ... ... ... 150 0 0 Supervision ... ... ... ... ... ... 24 6 8 £17,270 4 11

Month. Rainfall. Number Hi 8 hesc of Days of Rain fell. ioer / mometer. Date. ■ Lowest Reading of Thermometer. Date. ■rQ'v,-<i> 1908. Inches. 3-32 1-86 4-29 8-89 2-76 0-86 3-74 2-04 4-14 Degrees. 71 65 66 52 56 69 78 75 79 Degrees. 28 26 26 24 26 27 36 38 32 April ... May ... June ... July ... August September October November December 1909. 17 11 16 18 10 6 1G 12 16 3rd 6th 5th 4th 14th' 15th 11th 29th 26th 19th 25th 20th 12th 26th 16th 14th 24th 9th January February March... 4-80 1-19 2-03 19 7 9 86 88 86 23rd 5th 9th 33 40 40 6th 19th 29th Totals... 39-92 157



Value of Stock, Improvements, &c. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Amount at 31st March, 1908 ... ... 14,170 3 3 Less value of trees at 31st March, 1908 ... ... ...6,738 19 9 Less horse-feed in stock at 31st March, 1908 ... ... 102 5 0 Less tools written off during year 5 2 6 6,846 7 3 7,323 16 0 Trees, as per Schedule 1 ... ... ... ... ... 2,590 10 0 2 ... ... ... 3,871 16 6 3 ... ... ... ... ... 1,907 0 6 Tools and implements ... ... ... ... ... 78 1 6 Nursery-formation ... ... ... ... ... 82 19 10 Fencing... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 2 1 Buildings ... ... ... ... ... ... 118 17 9 Improved value ... ... ... ... ... ... 174 6 8 Horse-feed in stock ... ... ... ... ... 103 9 7 Value of young horses bred, or increased value, during year ... 25 0 0 £16,285 0 5 Summary. £ s d Value of present stock and general improvements ... ... 16,285 0 5 Value of trees sent out since initiation of nursery ... ... 26,268 1 4 42,553 1 9 Expenditure to date ... ... ... ... ...17,270 4 11 Credit balance ... ... ... ...£25.282 16 10

Stock in Hand. Schedule 1.—Details of One-year-old Trees, grown 1908-9. (Twelfth Crop.)

Schedule 2.—Two-year-old Trees, grown 1907-8. (Eleventh Crop.)

Name of Tree. ■SnEh H Tnfhes in iSeedsown. ™T Seed-beds. Inches. Thousand, Total Value. Remarks. Larix Europsea Pinus Laricio ponderosa „ Benthamiana Pseudo-tsuga taxifolia .. Picea sitchensis Fraxinus excelsior Betula alba Alnus glutinosa Quercus pedunculata .. Thuja gigantea 1,500,000 400,000 300,000 100,000 30,000 75,000 50,000 1,000 11,000 30,000 30,000 2-5 14 H 14 3 1 3 2 4 6 1 Lb. 308 112 36 14 10 5 3 sacks 3 1h. 31b. 1J sacks I lb. £ s. d. 10 0 10 0 10 0 15 0 15 0 15 0 10 0 1 0 0 0 15 0 10 0 1 10 0 £ s. d. 1,500 0 0 400 0 0 300 0 0 125 0 0 37 10 0 93 15 0 50 0 0 10 0 8 5 0 30 0 0 45 0 0 Excellent crop. Pine strong plants. Well-grown plants. Fair crop. Germinated unevenly. Germinated poorly. Strong plants. Well-grown plants. Germinated splendidly. Totals.. 2,527,000 2,590 10 0

Name of Tree. Number in Seed-beds. Number in I Nursery Lines. height in Inches. Value per Thousand. Total Value. Remarks. £ s. d. 15 0) 2 0 0{ 1 5 0) 2 5 0) 1 5 01 2 5 0} 1 5 0 2 10 0 2 10 0 15 0 1 10 0 2 5 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 2 10 0 6 0 0 3 0 0 2 10 0 £ s. d. iarix Europsea 50,000 1,243,000 9-18 | ' ! ' ! 2,548 10 0 Unusually fine trees. Grub destroyed many. Satisfactory. 'inus Laricio 643,000 26,000 862 5 0 „ ponderosa 7,000 44,000 107 15 0 „ Benthamiana 'seudo-tsuga taxifolia .. 'icea sitchensis.. fraxinus excelsior ioer pseudo-platanus ietula alba dnus glutinosa .. Juercus pedunoulata 'agus sylvatica lequoia sempervirens Ihuja gigantea .. r arious trees and shrubs 41,000 16|500 1,500 6 8 7 14 18 15 16 10 11 7 5 12 51 5 0 41 5 0 3 15 0 8 15 0 60 0 0 27 0 0 59 0 0 84 7 6 8 15 0 3 12 0 0 12 0 5 0 0 7,000 Strong growth. 40,000 12,000 29,500 37,500 3,500 600 200 2,000 Very fine. Good progress. Uneven growth. Totals 748,000 1,456,300 3,871 16 6 2,204


To face p. IS.]

Pseudo-tsuga taxifolia (Oregon Pine)— 7 years old, 11 ft. high.

Eleocarpus dentatus (Hinau)— 7 years old, 32 in. high.


Picea excelsa (Norway Spruce)— 7 years old, 18 ft. high.

Podocarpus ferrugineus (Miro)— 7 years old, 13 in. high



Schedule 3. —Three-year-old Trees, grown 1906-7. (Tenth Crop.)

Schedule 4. —Trees transferred from Tapanui Nursery to Plantations, &c., 1908-9.

Name of Tree. Number in Nursery Lines. Height in Inches. Value per Thousand. Total Value. Remarks. iarix Europsea .. 'inus Austriaca.. „. Laricio „ ponderosa Benthamiana „ muricata .. 'icea excelsa sitchensis .. 'seudo-tsuga taxifolia 'raxinus excelsior „ Americana Juercus pedunculata icer saccharum 4,000 44,750 245,500 3,750 5,250 350 231,500 71,750 3,700 1,800 1,100 14,700 800 18 6 6 7 7 8 5-18 12 10 10 12 16 6 £ s. d. 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 5 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 5 0 3 5 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 £ s. d. 12 0 0 134 5 0 736 10 0 11 5 0 17 1 3 1 1 0 694 10 0 233 3 9 12 0 6 5 8 0 3 6 0 44 2 0 2 8 0 Well-grown trees. Strong and healthy. Strong trees. Sturdy trees. Not suitable here. Totals 628,950 1,907 0 6

Where sent. Name of Tree. Number. Seight v , i SuS. TotalValue. Remarks. f Jonical Hills Plan- - tation Pinus Austriaca .. ponderosa .. muricata .. Picea excelsa Psuedo-tsuga taxifolia Fraxinus excelsior Americana Quercus pedunculata Acer pseudo-platanus Betula alba Alnus glutinosa .. Populus (vars.) .. 10,000 29,475 1,275 14,050 5,325 5,725 .450 36,075 28,800 31,425 4,775 2,700 12 12 15 12 15 15 14 15 15 15 15 15 £ s. d. 3 0 0 3 0 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 3 5 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 2 15 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 1 10 0 £ s. d. 30 0 0 88 8 6 2 17 4 42 3 0 17 6 1 17 3 6 17 0 108 4 6 79 4 0 62 17 0 14 6 6 4 10 These trees, with the exception of Picea excelsa, have done well. * Totals .. 170,075 43,100 86,775 31,125 17,825 300 98,550 75,450 10,400 136,200 1,000 18,500 3,000 467 18 5 Dusky Hill Planta - tion Pinus Austriaca .. Laricio „ ponderosa.. Benthamiana Torreyana Picea excelsa sitchensis .. Pseudo-tsuga taxifolia Larix Europsea .. Quercus pedunculata Betula alba Alnus glutinosa .. 12 12 18 14 15 14 15 14 15 14 16 15 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 5 0 2 10 0 8 0 0 3 5 0 3 5 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 2 5 0 2 0 0 129 6 0 260 6 6 93 7 6 57 18 7 0 15 0 295 13 0 245 4 3 33 16 0 408 12 0 3 0 0 41 12 6 6 0 0 Satisfactory results were obtained with all species planted, excepting Pinus Torreyana. . Totals .. 522,225 170,075 1,575 11 4 Conical Hills Plantation Dusky Hill Plantation Tourist Department, Queenstown Burnham Industrial Schools Lauder Domain Board Education Board, Greymouth Tuapeka Domain Board Clyde Domain Board Te Oranga Home .. H.M. Prison, Invercargill As per details above Forest-trees Trees and shrubs Forest-trees 522,225 450 2,585 1,600 467 18 5 1,575 11 4 0 19 0 8 14 3 4 8 6 950 2 17 0 250 10 0 Shelter-trees 200 500 1,200 0 15 0 1 10 0 2 14 0 Totals 700,035 2,066 7 6



Schedule 5. —Trees, &c., received from other Nurseries, 1908-9.

B. G. Robinson, Nurseryman in Charge.

Rotorua Nursery. (Approximate area, 85 acres; approximate altitude, 1,000 ft.) The rainfall during the year was 52 - 10in., which fell on 165 days, the maximum fall being registered in March,, and totalled 8'42 in. The highest reading of the thermometer was 87°, on the Bth March, and the lowest 23°, on the 28th July and 2nd August. During last winter 6,659,000 trees were dealt with. Lifting lined-out trees and counting and bundling these for sending to the plantations cost Is. Bd. per thousand; sizing seedlings cost 2s. per thousand; lining out trees in nursery rows cost Is. Bd. per thousand; mossing trees (including gathering moss and flax and heeling in the mossed trees) cost lis. sd. per thousand. Trees sent out from the nursery during the year to plantations, public schools, &c, number 4,491,510, and their value was .£9,451 Is. 3d. (details of these may be seen on schedule 4 appended hereto); and since the inception of the nursery, 22,292,809 trees, valued at £46,460 ss. 9d., have been sent out. From seed, 4,395,500 trees, valued at £4,269, were raised during the year; and the number of trees raised since the inception of tha nursery is 30,662,309, valued at £57,873 os. 9d. Seed-sowing was commenced early in October, and completed towards the middle of November. This work was favoured with fairly good weather, and the results are satisfactory, except with redwood. Schedule 1 appended hereto gives the numbers and values of the trees raised from seed during the year. A comparison of this schedule with the previous year's one will show that the larchcrop from 672 lb. of seed is this year half a million less than the previous year from the same quantity of seed. This difference is undoubtedly due to the germinating quality of the seed. The growth made by the trees is good, and, as usual, about 25 per cent, will need to be removed for lining-out in the nursery. Pinus Laricio is a remarkably good crop, being in respect to germination about 100 per cent, better than last year's crop. The growth made by the young plants is better than usual. Pinus ponderosa and Pinus Benthamiana both germinated well and evenly, but the latter is evidently not true. The variety Benthamiana heretofore has always been quite distinct from the species, as a rule, making more growth, and being much lighter in colour. The seed of Benthamiana, too, is usually much larger than the seed of ponderosa, although both vary considerably, and sometimes are identical in size and general appearance. When seed-sowing was in progress it was noticed that the seeds of the two species in question were to all appearances identical, but this could not be proved until the young plants were compared. Pseudo-tsuga taxifolia (Oregon pine) is a fairly good crop, and will probably need to be transplanted next spring. Pinus Murrayana and Pinus radiata are both thick crops, and will be planted permanently next winter. Sequoia sempervirens (Californian redwood) is almost a complete failure, 2,000 plants being the result from 20 lb. of seed. During the past eight years only one decent crop of this species has been obtained, the failures each time being due to the poor quality of the seed. When it is considered that the seed costs close on £1 per pound, it is questionable whether it is worth while attempting to grow this tree at all. Thuja gigantea, Acacia decurrens, and Alnus glutinosa are each thick crops. Eucalyptus Stuartiana is an excellent crop. The seed was sown a fortnight earlier than usual, in order that a trial might be made of planting these trees without pieviously mossing them. If it is possible to gat them permanently planted by the middle of May next it is thought that they will then be sufficiently established to withstand the frost and cold weather usually experienced in July and August.

Received from Sent to Name of Tree, Ac. Number. Value per Thousand. Total Value. Starborough Nursery Uweburn Nursery Dusky Hill Plantation .. Conical Hills Plantation .. Tapanui Nursery [Pinus Larioio ( Larix Europsea Pinus Laricio Austriaca „ ponderosa Benthamiana Larix Europsea Pseudo-tsuga taxifolia .. Picea sitchensis 'yrus aucuparia.. i Larix Europsea Pinus .Laricio .. „ Austriaca „ ponderosa Sequoia sempervirens .. Cupressus majestigma .. „ Goveniana Thuja Orientalis 'Pseudo-tsuga taxifolia .. 'ools, &c. 175,000 50,000 200,000 73,000 3,150 1,470 72,650 550 100 200 32,000 17,000 6,000 5,000 1,200 150 150 200 500 £ s. d. 3 0 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 5 0 2 5 0 3 5 0 3 5 0 3 0 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 1 5 0 £ s. d. 525 0 0 112 10 0 600 0 0 219 0 0 9 9 0 4 15 6 163 9 3 1 15 9 0 6 6 0 12 0 32 0 0 17 0 0 6 0 0 5 0 0 4 16 0 0 4 6 0 4 6 0 6 0 0 12 6 15 11 8 Curow Nursery Itarborough Nursery Totals 638,320 1,718 13 2



Two-year-old Seedlings (details in Schedule 2). —All these trees have made wonderfully good growth, and about 90 per cent, of them are fit for transferring to plantations for permanent planting. Two- and Three-year-old Lined-out Trees (Schedule 2) are, on the whole, a first-rate crop Among the larch the death-rate is practically nil, and the growth made is remarkably even. The pines, too, made good growth, and with very few losses except amongst the Pinus Laricio, where the death-rate is about 10 per cent. The work of lining out the. above-mentioned trees was in progress from the 14th July to the end of August, and, except for occasional frosts, the work was completed under favourable weather-conditions. The health of all classes of trees is remarkably good. The two-year-old seedling Pinus Laricio are slightly infested by a pine aphis, but have not been injured thereby to any appreciable extent. A few small patches of two-year-old larch seedlings are injured by the grass grub, but this pest is far from being prevalent. It would appear that the grass grub thrives only on land that has become somewhat dry and consolidated, such as the two-year-old seed-beds, as it is not noticeable amongst the lined-out trees or this year's seedlings. If this assumption is correct, then the trouble may have been mitigated by the frequent cultivating to which the beds were subjected. Considerable improvements of a permanent character were effected during the year. A large building, comprising five compartments for vehicles, two loose boxes, and two rooms (each 12 ft. by 12 ft.), for use as a saddler's shop and an engine-room respectively, was erected. This building was much needed, and has been duly appreciated. A Tangye 4-horse-power oil-engine was installed for driving the oat-crusher, and the power has also been adapted to the saddler's sewingmachine and the grindstone. An addition of two rooms was made to the Nurseryman's cottage, and some small improvements made to the men's quarters. The drainage was placed in an up-to-date state by the erection of a septic tank, accompanied by the usual sanitary conveniences. Water-service. —This is now in very effective 'order. -A 2 in. supply-pipe was laid from the town main, and connected with the nursery reticulation, the old reservoir on the hill behind the nursery being now used for storage of water in cases of emergency. Standpipes, with fire-hoses attached, have been placed near the buildings. Seed-frames.—Two hundred seed-frames were erected with material that had been received from the Starborough Nursery, and all the seed-frames in use were painted on the iron parts, in order to prevent corrosion. A further area of 9 acres was ploughed and sown down in grasses and clovers for use as a horse-paddock. The results are very satisfactory. Two young mares were purchased during the year. A small packet of seed of Asclepias semi-lunata, a reputedly good fibre plant, was sown, but the results are unsatisfactory. This plant is a native of Uganda, and requires a hot humid climate for its successful, cultivation. The seeds germinated well, and the young plants were transplanted into rows, where since November they have made, on an average, 6 in. of growth. A rich peaty soil, plentj' of heat, and moisture are probably necessary for its best development. Good progress has been made by 2,000 young flax plants which were planted last spring. All the odd corners around the nursery are now planted up in this manner, and some of the first lot planted are now fit to cut from. The quantity of the flax used in the nursery for tying up trees during the planting season is very considerable, so that these flax plantations should, in a few years, be a valuable asset. Revenue received during the year amounted to £15 14s. Id.—refunds, £15 lis. 7d.; and sale of trees, 2s. 6d. The coming winter's work will consist in transferring about 4,500,000 trees to the Whakarewarewa and Waiotapu Plantations. Details of expenditure and values are appended. The following is a record of rainfall and temperature for the year :—

Month. Rainfall. Number of Days Rain fell. Highest Reading of Thermometer. Date. I Lowest Reading of i Ther;mometer. I Date. 1908. Inohes. 3-11 6-61 4-40 3-35 3-81 4-23 5-42 2-95 6-19 "Degrees. 75 68 63 58 62 68 74 79 85 Degrees. 29 25 24 23 23 27 28 37 34 April May 8'B'CT' June Julyg'wc 0 ' August 13 'fl September October November December 1909. 14 14 16 15 11 13 19 15 17 16th 3rd 14th 21st 31st 8th 10th 9th 20th 4th and 9th 22 nd 21st 28th 2nd 12th 31st 7th 9th January February March 3-47 0-14 8-42 12 3 16 84 84 87 24th 17th 8th 32 42 34 17th 27th 31st Totals 52-10 165



Statement of Expenditure. £ s. d. Amount at 31st March, 1908 25,526 19 0 Tree-growing ... .... ■•• ■■■'• ••• ••• 2,270 6 5 General maintenance and repairs ... ... ■•• ••• 518 8 9 Nursery-formation ... ... ••■ ••• •■ 40 4 7 Horse-feed ... 220 2 ° Manures ... ... ••■ ■•• •■• ••■ 89 15 ° Tree-seeds 209 J J Tools, implements, &c. ... ... ... ••• ••■ 22 " 410 Seed-frames ... ... ••• ••■ ••• ■•• 29 ' Water-supply ... ... ••■ ■•■ ••• •■• 293 6 5 Buildings ... ... ••■ •■• ■■• ■• 493 2 ° Fencing ... ... ... ••• •■• ■•• 8 12 j Miscellaneous works ... •'• -•• ••■ , i Proportion of Nurseryman's salary, Foreman's ... ... 399 17 2 wages, and clerical assistance Supervision ... ... •■■ ••• ■-■ •■• 24 b 8 £30,618 4 10 Value of Stock, &c. £ s. d. £ r. d. £ s. d. Amount at 31st March, 1908 ... ... 18,367 2 5 Less value of trees ... ...10,857 9 0 ~ horse-feed in stock 42 0 0 10,899 9 0 7,467 13 5 Trees, as per Schedule 1 ... ... ... ••• ■•• 4,269 0 0 2 ..... ... 6,288 15 0 " I 3 Y. ... ••• 855 0 0 Tools and implements ... ... ••••■ • ■ • • 22 0 410 Water-supply ... ... ... ••• •■• ••• 293 6 5 Seed-frames ... ... ... ••• ■•• ••• 29 ? 5 5 Nursery-formation ... ... ... ••• ■'•■ 40 4 7 Fencing ... ... ... ••• ••• -•• ■•• 8 12 1 Buildings ... ... ••• ••■ ••• ■•• 493 2 0 Improved value ... ... ... ■•■ • • ■•• 310 Horse-feed in stock ... ... ■ • ■ ■ ■ • • • 2 35 0 0 Value of young horses bred or increased value during year ... 10 0 0 £20,902 7 7 Summary. jg s. d. Value of present stock and general improvements ... ... 20,902 7 7 Value of trees sent out since initiation of nursery ... ... 46,460 5 9 67,362 13 4 Expenditure to date ... ... ••• ••• ...30,618 4 10 Credit balance ... ... ... ...£36,744 8 6

Stock in Hand. Schedule 1.—Details of One-year-old Trees, grown at Rotorua Nursery, 1908-9. (Tenth Crop.)

Name of Tree. Number in Height in Value Seed-beds. Inches. °^ d Tno p u e a r and . Total Value. Remarks. iarix Europsea •inus Laricio „ ponderosa .. „ „ var. Benthamiana 'seudo-tsuga taxifolia 'inus Murrayana „ radiata lequoia sempervirens 2,500,000 1,000,000 360,000 100,000 30,000 2,500 6,000 2,000 1-6 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 Lb. 672 224 68 20 10 1 2 20 £ s. d. 10 0 10 0 10 0 15 0 15 0 10 0 10 0 4 0 0 £ s. d. 2,500 0 0 1,000 0 0 360 0 0 125 0 0 37 10 0 2 10 0 6 0 0 8 0 0 Thin crop, good growth. Very good. I Satisfactory. Good. | Thick crop, good growth. Almost a failure, poor seed. [Thick crops, good [ growth. ?huja gigantea .. Uucalyptus Stuartiana Loacia decurrens Jnus glutinosa 25,000 350,000 10,000 10,000 1 4 4 3 I 15 2 5 1 10 0 0 10 0 10 0 0 15 0 37 10 0 175 0 0 10 0 0 7 10 0 Totals 4,395,500 4,269 0 0


To face -p. 16.~]

Picea Sitchensis (Tideland Spruce)— 7 years old, 14 ft. high.

Podocarpus dacrydioides (Kahikatea, White-pine)— 7 years old, 18 in. high.


Pinus strobus (Weymouth Pine)— 7 tears old, 12 ft. high.

Fagus Solandri (Native Beech)— 7 years old, 9 ft. high



Schedule 2.—Two-year-old Trees, grown at Rotorua Nursery, 1907-8. (Ninth Crop.)

Schedule 4.—Trees, &c., transferred from Rotorua Nursery to Forest Plantations, &c., 1908-9.

3—C. Iβ.

Name of Tree. Number in Seedbeds. Number in Nursery Lines. Height in Inches. Value per Thousand. Total Value. Remarks. jarix Europsea iequoia sempervirens .. 'seudo-tsuga taxifolia 'inus ponderosa i, „ var. Benthamiana Laricio strobus 1,600,000 1,400,000 20,000 45,000 45,000 65,000 | 18 6 5 5 4 4 3 £ s. d. 15 0 2 5 0 6 0 0 2 10 0 2 5 0 2 10 0 15 0 1: 5 0 £ s. d. 2,000 0 0 3,150 0 0 120 0 0 112 10 0 101 5 0 162 10 0 625 0 0 17 10 0 Remarkably goofl - growth amongst all species. 500,000 14,000 Totals 6,288 15 0 2,114,000 1,575,000 Schedule 3.—Three-year-old Trees, grown at Eotorua Nun lery, 1906-' (Eighth Crop.) Name of Tree. Number in Height Nursery in Lines. Inches. Value per Thousand. Total Value. Remarks. iarix Europsea .. 'inus strobus .. „ Larieio .. „ Austriaca .. 250,000 16,000 10,000 9,000 15 4 4 5 £ s. d. 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 £ a. a. 750 0 0 48 0 0 30 0 0 27 0 0 I Very good growth. Totals 285,000 855 0 0

Where sent. Name of Tree. NUmbOT - Set. | Thousand.| Total Value - Remarks. Pinus Austriaca Larix Europsea Sequoia sempervirens Pinus Laricio ponderosa .. 6,300 8,175 13,400 858,350 I 6,475 24,000 248,450 113,000 176,375 19,600 4 6 12 12 12 5 4 i 4 4 £ s. d. 3 0 0 10 0 15 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 2 5 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 2 10 0 £ s. d. 18 18 0 8 3 6 16 15 0 1,931 5 9 19 8 6 96 0 0 559 0 3 254 5 0 529 2 6 49 0 0 Vhakar e w a r e w a Plantation „ „ var. Benthamiana i, Austriaoa .. „ Murrayana Populus Eucalyptus Stuartiana „ Amygdalina „ pauciflora Acacia melanoxylon Eucalyptus amygdalina .. Acacia melanoxylon The results are satisfactory except Sequoia sempervirens, which did not transplant well. 109,075 10,225 600 351,900 50,750 52,800 5,050 22,000 1,725 4 6 36 6 6 6 6 0 6 15 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 10 0 0 10 0 15 0 136 6 10 30 13 6 1 16 0 527 17 0 76 2 6 79 4 0 5 10 11 0 0 2 3 1 Totals Pinus Laricio ■ .. „ ponderosa .. 2,078,250 302,000 392,000 10,525 70,000 41,750 4 4 4 4 4 3 0 0 2 5 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 2 10 0 4,352 2 5 906 0 0 882 0 0 23 13 7 210 0 0 104 7 6 „ var. Benthamiana All have succeeded except Sequoia sempervirens, amongst which the death-rate is somewhat heavy. r aiotapu Plantation Austriaca .. „ strobus Larix Europsea 21,250 10,000 19,750 300,000 586,950 355,050 204,800 88,000 2,200 3,000 2,950 348 4 4 4 6 12 12 12 5 7 12 12 3 5 0 3 0 0 15 0 10 0 15 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 6d. each 69 1 3 30 0 0 24 13 9 300 0 0 733 13 9 798 17 3 614 8 0 352 0 0 13 4 0 6 15 0 8 17 0 8 14 0 Sequoia sempervirens Totals Betula alba Ornamentals 2,410,573 5,086 5 1



Schedule 4.—Trees, &c., transferred from Rotorua Nursery to Forest Plantations — continued.

H. A. Goudie, Nurseryman in Charge

Ruatangata Nursery. (Area, 65 acres; altitude, 320ft.) Rain fell on 181 days during the year, with a total fall of 59'33 in., the maximum fall being in July, when 6'Bl in. fell, on 26 days. Maximum temperature, 82°; minimum temperature, 28°. There were 13 frosts recorded, the maximum heing 4°, on Ist and Bth August. It will be noticed that the rainfall for the year is much lower than that of the previous year, which was 95'66in.; but, although there/has been 36'33 in. less rain fallen, there has been no scarcity of water, as the rainfall was more evenly distributed throughout the year, as will be seen per record of rainfall attached. The average temperature was also lower, being 54'16, against 55'33 last year; the prevailing winds being north and south-west. In consequence of the cooler weather, the lined-out trees have not made the usual strong growth; but, at the same time, they are a good hardy looking lot, and quite large enough for transplanting. There were 156,250 trees lined out, at an average cost of 3s. s|d. per thousand. The liningout season this year was a fairly good one, the work taking exactly two months, commencing on the 24th June. Podocarpus totara and juniper have done very well, and Californian redwood have made excellent growth, but tideland spruce have only, made medium growth. During the first week in September 80 Ib. of Podocarpus totara seed, gathered locally, was sown; this germinated splendidly, and produced a fine crop of about 300,000 seedlings. 81b. of seed of Sequoia sempervirens was sown in November, with no results, the seed evidently being infertile. The eucalypti-seed was sown at two different periods, to insure a good supply of trees at the proper time for the mossing, as this work extends over about five months. The first lot of seed was sown during November and the remainder late in December. 2 lb. each of the following species were sown : Eucalyptus resinifera, E. rostrata, E. Stuartiana, and 3 lb. of'A', amygdalina : the whole of these have done well with the exception of the latter, which germinated rather thinly. Owing to the scarcity of sphagnum moss, and the expense of procuring this, it has been decided to discontinue the mossing of the eucalypti in large numbers. A small planting of the different species unmossed was experimented with last season,.and was a decided success, and it is intended to try a much larger quantity this season. It has also been decided to discontinue growing Podocarpus totara. Although these trees do well in the nursery, they are a complete failure when planted out permanently. During the winter months 276,400 eucalypti and 5,600 Acacia melanoxylon were mossed by day-labour, costing 14s. 9d. per thousand; this includes all labour and expenses connected with the work. The total number of trees of all ages in the nursery at 31st March, 1909, was 832,500, valued at £1,601 7s. 6d. The number of trees sent out to Puhipuhi Plantation during the season was 536,450, valued at £1,456 12s. 6d. The approximate number of trees available for the plantation this season is 420,000; the total number of trees raised at the nursery since May, 1903, is 2,317,868, valued at £5,013 13s. 9d. The total number of trees transferred to Puhipuhi Plantation since the inception of this nursery is 1,488,245, valued at £4,019 10s. lOd. As reported last year, the various species of trees planted in the experimental plantation adjoining the nursery are doing well, with the exception of the break of Eucalyptus pilularis, consisting of about 250 trees, from 10 ft. to 20 ft. in height. These were attacked by the cankerworm, which was completely, defoliating them; and it was decided to fell and burn these, in orderto protect the remainder of the plantation from the pest, and, so far, this has proved effectual. Quercus suber seedlings, reported to be doing well last season, have not made the growth that was anticipated, the majority of them still being about the same height. A few trees planted five years ago are doing well, being thoroughly established. Abou! 4 acres of very heavy fern land at the back of the nursery was burnt off, and, as time permitted, this was ploughed and cultivated, and is now fairly clean; it is proposed to sow this down in Algerian oats, in order to try and choke the fern. _ Two swamps—one in the horse-paddock and another in the centre of the nursery were drained by forming about 31 chains of stone and tile drains. Tha seed-bed ground was extended, also the water-service, and land graded for lining-out purposes.

Where sont. ►escripl lion. ruml >er. lue. Whakarewarewa Plantation Waiotapu Plantation Native School, Oruanui James Dunning, Waitomo .. Hunua Scenic Reserve Public Sohool, Putaruru Tourist Department, Rotorua Native School, Rotoiti Details above Shelter-trees Larch Pinus ponderosa .. Shelter and ornamental Liriodendron tulipiferum Shelter and ornamental 2,078,250 2,410,573 250 200 2,000 100 100 37 £ s. d, 4,352 2 t 5,086 5 1 0 13 e 0 2 6 4 10 C 1 9 6 5 0 C 0 18 S 4,491,510 9,451 1



A single line of Chatham Island kowhai, cabbage-trees, and flax were planted alternately on a narrow strip of land between the creek and the main road, running from the stable buildings to the entrance-gates. These are all doing well, and have improved the appearance of the place considerably. A few odd corners in the nursery were also planted up with shrubs and flax. A small sowing of Asclepias semi-lunata (Native Baganda name, ka fumba) was made, and so far this has done well, being now in full bloom, and averaging 4 ft. 6 in. in height. The fibre is of fine quality, and appears to be very strong; but nothing can be said as regards growing this for commercial purposes at the present time, as the results of milling, &c, have to be considered. If this can be milled at a reasonable cost, being an annual, it should prove a payable crop to grow. Oaten sheaves were grown to the value of £150. The average number of persons employed was —Men, 6; women, 218; boys, I'6o : total, 978. The following is a record of the rainfall and temperature for the year :—

Statement of Expenditure. „ Amount at 31st March, 1908 ... ... ... ...6,013 6 7 Tree-growing ... ... ... ... ... ... 762 310 General maintenance and repairs ... ... ... ... 98 9 3 Nursery-formation ... ... ... ... ... 128 7 1 Horse-feed purchased and grown ... ... ... ... 150 15 I Manures ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 18 9 Tree-seeds ... ... ... ... ... ... 27 11 4 Tools, implements, &c. ... ... ... ... ... 24 14 9 Seed-frames ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 13 3 Water-supply ... ... ... ... ... ... 086 Buildings ... ... ... ... ... ... 2976 Fencing ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 10 0 Miscellaneous works ... ... ... ... ... 3 11 4 Proportion of Nurseryman's salary ... ... ... ... 150 0 0 Supervision ... ... ... ... ... ... 36 10 0 £7,444 7- 3 Value of Stock, Improvements, &c. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Amount at 31st March, 1908 ... ... 4,949 10 7 Less value of trees ... ... 1,715 4 3 horse-feed ... 72 0 0 „ one colt died ... 5 0 0 1,792 4 3 3,157 6 4 Trees, as per Schedule 1 ... ... ... ... ... 940 0 0 2 661 7 6 Tools and implements ... ... ... ... ... 24 14 9 Water-supply ... ... ... ... ... ... 086 Seed-frames ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 13 3 Nursery-formation... ... ... ... ... ... 128 7 1 Fencing ... ... ... ... ... ~. ... 7 10 0 Buildings... ... ... ... ... ... ... 29 7 6 Improved value ... ... ... ... ... ... 186 10 0 Horse-feed in stock ~, ... .. ... ... 150 0 0 £5,292 4 11

Month. Rainfall. Number of Days with Rain. Maximum Temperature. Date. Minimum Tempera. ture. Date. 1908. Inches. 5-35 4-91 6-45 6-81 4-84 4-36 4-63 4-26 6-67 Degrees. 72 68 63 59 60 64 68 73 76 Degrees. 40 30 30 28 28 34 38 40 43 April .. May ... June ... July ... August September October November December 1909. 14 14 19 26 13 18 18 11 10 2nd 17th 9th 4th 20th 7th 10th and 22nd 10th and 25th 21st 8th and 25tl 31st 1st and 20t! 31st 8th 2nd 31st 14th and 16t! 9th and 14tl January February March 3-68 0-89 6-48 13 10 15 82 77 75 7th 16th 1st 43 46 42 16th 24th 28th Totals... 59-33 181



Summary. £ s> ,j Value of present stock and general improvements ... ... 5,292 4 11 Value of trees sent out since initiation of nursery ... ... 4,019 10 10 9,311 15 9 Expenditure to date ... ... ... ... ... 7,444 7 3 Credit balance ... ... ... ...£1,867- 8 6

Stock in Hand. Schedule 1 .—One-year-old Trees, grown at Ruatangata Nursery, 1908-9. (Sixth Crop.)

Schedule 2.—Two-year-old Trees, grown 1908-9.

Schedule 3. —Trees transferred from Nursery to Puhipuhi Plantation, 1908-9.

A. Gordon, Nurseryman in Charge.

Dusky Hill Plantation, Otago. (Area, 845 acres; altitude, 400 ft. to 800 ft.) Special attention was directed towards the replanting of burnt-out area, and, although this object was almost accomplished, an unusual number of trees failed to succeed, and it is estimated that about 100,000 pines and larch will be required for replanting purposes during the ensuing year. There were 522,225 trees, as per Schedule 4, received from the Tapanui Nursery, and 175,000 from the Starborough Nursery. The pines from the latter station were apparently well growp, but had evidently suffered in consequence of prolonged confinement in bundles and cases, and a heavy death-rate was not unexpected. The dry spring immediately following their transference

Name. Number in Seed-beds. Height in Inches. Seed sown. Value per Thousand. Total Value. Remarks. 'odocarpus totara "ucalyptus Stuartiana „ rostrata „ resinifera amygdalina 300,000 100,000 160,000 90,000 30,000 680,000 3 3 3 3 3 Lb. 80 2 2 2 3 £ s. d. 2 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 £ s. d. 750 0 0 50 0 0 80 0 0 45 0 0 15 0 0 Splendid plants. . Totals .. 940 0 0

Name. Number in Nursery Lines. [Height in Inches. Value per Thousand. Total Value. Remarks. 'odooarpus totara uniperus Virginiana lequoia sempervirens .. 136,000 2,000 11,000 12 12 14 £ s. d. 4 5 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 £ s. d. 578 0 0 6 0 0 66 0 0 Good healthy trees. 'icea sitchensis 4-year-old trees) 149,000 3,500 10 3 5 0 650 0 0 11 7 6 Good and sturdy. Total 661 7 6

Name. Number. Value per Thousand. Total Value. Remarks. Podocarpus totara.. „ dacrydiodes Picea sitchensis Juniperus Virginiana Acacia melanoxylon Sequoia sempervirens Pseudo-tsuga taxifolia Eucalyptus rostrata Stuartiana „ resinifera amygdalina redunca 215,000 1,950 11,800 600 5,600 18,000 180 116,000 75,000 40,000 28,000 24,320 £ s. d. 4 5 0 1 10 0 2 10 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 2 10 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 1 10 0 £ s. d. 913 15 0 2 18 6 29 10 0 1 16 0 11 4 0 72 0 0 0 9 0 174 0 0 112 10 0 60 0 0 42 0 0 36 10 0 Doing fairly well. Doing very well. Growing slowly. Growing slowly. 50 per cent. dead. Doing well. Doing exceedingly well. Very slow growth. Nearly all dead. 4 tons oaten chaff, at £6 per ton 536,450 1,456 12 6 Sent to Rotorua Nursery. 24 0 0 1,480 12 6

Pinus Laricio (Corsican Pine)— 7 Years old, 12 ft. high.

Podocarpus totara (Totara)— 7 years old, 6 ft. high

To face p. 20.]'


Pinus ponderosa (American Yellow-pine)— 7 years old, 11 ft. high.

Knightia excelsa (Rewarewa, Honeysuckle)— 7 years old, 21 in. high:



to permanent positions also assisted in minimising the success in dealing with these trees from Marlborough. There were 449,725 trees planted in grubber pits, at lis. 4|d. per thousand; and 247,000 by the bar method, at 9s. 3d. per thousand. The amount of ground planted for the year was 300J acres, and the total area under trees at present is 806 acres, containing 1,973,392 trees. It may be mentioned that throughout the burntout block a fair proportion of trees have revived, and these were pruned and allowed to remain. There were 133,848 grubber pits prepared by day-labour, at 12s. lOd. per thousand; and 76,077 scuffled spots, for bar-planting, at 9s. 6d. per thousand. The formation of 34 chains of ditching was necessary to carry off surplus water from an area where excessive moisture was proving detrimental to young trees, and 16 chains of new track was also made, to enable employees to reach various parts of the plantation with greater- facility. Fire-breaks were again ploughed and disc-harrowed, this work being considerably lighter than in the previous year, when about 35 acres was broken up for the first time. During midsummer a grass-fire from an adjoining properly approached the plantation enclosure, but the employees had no difficulty in suppressing the flames at the boundary fire-break before any damage was done. The season has been an excellent one for tree-growth generally, and in no previous year has such marked progress been made by the different species established at this station. The absence of the customary early spring growth of larch was very noticeable; but subsequently, when copious rains had fallen, a steady growth was made, and numbers have increased in height by over 3 ft'.. Heavy winds experienced during September proved destructive to the leaders of Picea sitchensis and P. excelsa. The damage is, of course, not irreparable, but it means, at least, the loss of a year's growth to the trees affected, and also additional work in pruning. The pines continue to put on sturdy growth, and the shelter created by these trees is proving beneficial to the slow-growing hard woods — oak, ash, and sycamore. The Juglans regia (walnuts) and Castanea sativa (sp. chestnuts) that are occupying sheltered positions in one of the old broadleaf gullies are rapidly developing into fine trees, and now average about 7 ft. high. The Pomahaka River, which forms the south and western boundaries to the plantation, was much affected by the scanty rainfall during the summer, and quite failed to check the ingress of stock from property on the opposite side. No damage resulted, however, although at times difficulty was experienced in ejecting the cattle from the reserve. As may be expected, a few rabbits also succeeded in gaining access during the dry season, but by systematic trapping and poisoning no traces of the pest are now seen. The presence of deer on local plantations made it necessary to obtain a permit for destroying same, and one of the employees managed to shoot a stag after a number of nut trees had been barked by the intruder. An expenditure of £507 13s. was incurred in the general upkeep of plantation. This item included the removal of undergrowth from around trees, tree-pruning, cutting scrub, and mowing noxious weeds. For the next season preparations are being made to complete all replanting of failures, and this work may be carried out satisfactorily by the ordinary maintenance staff of five men. A statement of expenditure is appended.

Statement of Expenditure. £ a d Amount at 31st March, 1908 ... ... ... ...10,314 9 5 Pitting . .. 122 6 2 Tree-planting ... ... ... ... ... v . 369 15 4 Formation ;.. ... ... ... ... ... 4 14 6 Clearing ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 19 7 Cartage of trees and railage ... ... .... ... 73 0 5 General upkeep of plantation ... ... ... ... 507 13 0 General repairs ... ... ... ... ... ••■ 10 1 6 Tools, implements, &c. ... ... ... ... •■• 4 19 8 Miscellaneous works ... ... ... ... ■•• 14 8 11 Salaries — Free labour ... ... ... ... ... ... 30 0 0 Nurseryman's proportion of ... ... ... ... 22 0 0 Supervision ... ... ... ... ... ... 24 6 8 £11,499 15- 2 F. Benfell, Plantation Foreman. R. G. Robinson, Forester in Charge.

Conical Hills Plantation, Otago. (Area, 3,672 acres; altitude, 400ft. to 1,050ft.) Tree-planting operations at this station were carried out under fairly satisfactory conditions, although a dry spell of weather, with an occasional strong south-west wind, naturally helped to increase the death-rate in trees planted. There were 350,920 trees, as per Schedule 4, received from Starborough Nursery, and 170,075 from Tapanui Nursery. Although the trees from Marlborough appeared to be well packed, some of the consignments were subjected to an extended delay during transit, and a considerable nuniber of Pinus Ltaricio became heated in consequence.

« C.—lb

TTiere were 390,500 trees planted in grubber pits, at 15s. 9fd. per thousand; and 73,041 by the bar method, at 12s. 6£d. per thousand. The new area planted during the year amounted to l?0| acres, and the total area under trees at present is 1,252$ acres, containing 3,777,120 trees. 57,454 trees were also used in replanting previous failures. 340,625 grubber pits were prepared by contract, at £1 per thousand; and 260,991 scuffled spots for bar-planting, by day-labour, at 10s. lfd. per thousand. On the whole, the results attained by the bar-planting system are sufficiently encouraging to merit the continuance of the method; winter planting with the bar, however, cannot be recommended for this district, as, no matter how carefui a planter may be in closing the crevice made, a heavy frost will invariably loosen the young tree, which, if not attended to, is quickly rendered useless. It may be mentioned that an. improvement has been effected in the bars used for the work by widening the blade, and this will dispense wi'b the cramping of roots that has hitherto been found unavoidable when dealing with the larger-sized trees. On the extension property an expenditure of £39 9s. 7d. was incurred under the heading of ''Formation" The Rankleburn Gorge route being considered favourable for the conveyance of trees, 40 chains of roading and 5 chains of cuttings were formed, at 7s. 4|d. per chain, and no difficulty should arise, even in frosty weather, in carriage of trees from Tapanui. 70 chains of new fire-breaks, 100 ft. wide, was made on the summit of the leading range, at ss. ll|d. per chain, and this forms the main break between the planted and extension blocks. Horse-work here has now become a big item, but this year it was possible at intervals to work two teams from Tapanui, and fire-break labour was completed earlier than usual. Trees established have made exceptionally vigorous growth during the past season, and one large break of Finns ponderom and P. Benthamiana occupying an exposed south-westerly situation may be singled out for favourable comment. These pines for two years only made the usual headway, but there are many that have added over 2 ft. to their height this year, while the average should reach about 18 in. Larch still proves to be the fastest-growing tree dealt with, and also the least expensive as far as maintenance work is concerned. Pinus Laricio and P. Austriaca are both consistent growers here, although the former variety, after becoming fully established, produces foliage of a more healthy colour than the latter. The hardwoods are growing strongly in gullies, and it is anticipated that the cutting-back to groundsurface of bark-bound oak and ash will be the means of inducing the trees to make new strong leaders. A better report of the spruces can be given than formerly, although it only requires a comparatively light frost to destroy their delicate leaders, and pruning must always be considered a costly item in these blocks. The extension property being approximately three miles distant from old camps, it was necessary to provide additional accommodation for employees at a more convenient site, and three well-finished buildings, 18 ft. by 12 ft., were erected, at a cost of about £65 each. General repairs and additions were also made to the Forester's house on lower plantation, and minor repairs effected to the building on extension property. The latter dwelling-house, which is now occupied by one of the Foresters, is in a state of decay, and the whole place has fallen a prey to the destructive wood-borer. The erection of a cottage here would dispense with the necessity of almost continual repairing, and be greatly appreciated by the Forester. The area originally enclosed being planted, the main gang of employees are at present occupied in pitting on extension block. A considerable amount of labour, however, was necessary in treepruning, cleaning around trees, and replanting failures on old block, and the recent appointment of an additional Assistant Forester to carry on this work has been attended with success. Rabbiting has been steadily proceeded with, and trees may now be transplanted to their permanent positions on the extension area without any likelihood of interference by the pest. Owners of adjoining properties settled their fencing accounts in full, and the total receipts, amounting to £123 13s. 10d., were transmitted to the Receiver of Land Revenue. A statement of expenditure for the year is appended. The average number employed was 15 - 52 men.

Statement of Expenditure. Amount at 31st March, 1908 ... ... ... ... g 686 17 11 pittin g '.'.'. '473 4 0 Tree-planting ... ... ... ... ... ... 354 9 n Formation ... ... ... ... ... 37 9 7 Cartage of trees and railage... ... ... ... ... 93 3 5 General upkeep of plantation ... ... ... ... 507 410 repairs ... ... ... ... ... [[[ 98 0 4 Horse-feed purchased and grown ... ... ... ... 11 7 2 Buildings, employees' quarters ... ... ... ... 198 H 7 Tools, implements, &c. ... ... ... ... 22 6 3 Miscellaneous works ... ... ... ... ... 35 10 4 Salaries— Foresters ... ... ... ... ... ... 295 q q Nurseryman's proportion of ... ... ... ... 40 0 0 Supervision ... ... .. ... ... 24 6 8 £11,877 12 0 W. Howe, ). . , >. v, W. G. Morrison, j Asslstajlt Foresters. R. G. Robinson, Forester in Charge.




Gimmerburn Plantation Reserve. (Area, 1,200 acres; altitude, 1,200ft.) Owing to the dry spell during the spring, the trees planted have not done well, but those planted during the first year of operations here are doing fair. The number of trees planted for the year was 101,460, all of which were used up to fill blanks. The area planted to date is 173J acres. The cost of planting and digging (half -pits) was 15s. 6Jd. per thousand. An area of 24 acres was sown down in oats, the yield being 15 tons. 105 acres of self-sowti oats was also cut, yielding 35 tons. Oats and sheaf to the value of £73 Bs. 2d. were transferred to nurseries, and the value of oats in stock is £112. The expenditure for the year amounts to £366 lis. lid., and the expenditure to date £2,366 6s. 2d. The average number of hands employed was 1*56 (wages).

. Statement of Expenditure. £ g d Amount at 31st March, 1908 ... ... ... ... 1,999 14 3 Tree-planting ... ... ... ... ... ... 85 17 4 Cartage of trees ... ... ... ... ... ... 920 General upkeep of plantation ... ... ... .:. 72 15 5 Horse-feed purchased and grown ... ... ... ... 144 10 6 Salaries, Nurseryman's proportion 0f... ... ' ... ... 30 0 0 Supervision ... ... ... ... ... ... 24 6 8 £2,366 6 2 A. W. Roberts, Nurseryman in Charge.

Naseby Survey Paddock Plantation. (Area, 175 acres; altitude, 1,900ft.) . During the year the trees at the above plantation have made very satisfactory growth; the heavy snow-fall in July gave the land a good soaking, with the above results. The trees that are doing best are Pinus ponderosa, Pinus Benthamiana, and Pinus Laricio, Pinus Austriaca and Larix Europoea being somewhat slower. Trees to the number of 31,200 were planted out, at an average cost of 18s. sd. per thousand. 21,650 laburnums were also carted, and 10,000 were planted close with the plough, at a cost of £1 Is. 6d., the remainder being heeled in for future use. These are planted for protection to tire other species from hares and rabbits, and since planting fourteen hares were caught in traps alongside. The area planted was 10J acres, making a total to date of 143 acres. The number of trees in the plantation to the 31st March, 1909, was 389,285. The expenditure for the year was £193 2s. 2d., and the total expenditure to date is £2,266 12s. 7d. An area of about 200 acres is to be taken in on what is known as the Naseby Commonage, and a further extension of the above will be carried out here. Arrangements are being made to have it ready for planting in the coming spring. The average number of hands employed was I'2o (wages).

Statement of Expenditure. „ . Amount at 31st March, 1908 ... ... ... ... 2,073 10 5 Tree-planting ... ... ... ... ... ... 28 11 3 Cartage of trees ... ... ... ... ... ... 411 0 General upkeep of plantation ... ... ... ... 105 13 3 Salaries, Nurseryman's proportion 0f... ... ... ... 30 0 0 Supervision ... ... ... ... ... ... 24 6 8 £2,266 12 7 A. W. Roberts, Nurseryman in Charge,



HanmEr Springs Plantation. (Area, 1,488 acres; altitude, 1,225 ft.) Tree-planting operations at this station during the past year have been attended with exceptionally favourable results, and the trees of all ages throughout the plantation have made much better growth than during the last few years. The percentage of failures amongst trees planted during the year is much smaller than usual, and it is estimated that not more than 5 per cent, of losses have occurred amongst all species of trees planted. These losses have been almost entirely confined to where the trees were planted on dry gravelly soil. The total number of trees planted during the year was 568,060, and the number used to replace blanks was 168,280 trees. The area planted during the year was 208 acres, and the plantation now comprises 876 acres, containing 2,431,230 trees. Free Labour. —The average daily number of free men employed was three, and the cost of the Various works undertaken was as follows: Pitting for tree-planting, 12s. 6d. per thousand; treeplanting, 12s. 6d. per thousand; clearing round trees and cultivating fire-breaks, £112 18s. 6d:; pruning trees, £5 16s. 7d.; removal of Dumgree Prison Camp to Hanmer, £200; clearing for tree-planting, £1 per acre. The clearing of growth from around the smaller trees necessitated a considerable amount of labour being expended, and during the summer months two men were constantly employed at this work. Some ten miles of fire-breaks were ploughed and cultivated, and on portions of plantation this work was very difficult, owing to the stony nature of the ground. Pruning was continued where necessary, and all trees which required attention in this respect were dealt with. The replanting of blanks was done entirely by free labour. The number of pits opened during the year was 435,000, and the number available for treeplanting to date (including pits dug by prison labour) is 303,202. Clearing for tree-planting amounted to 41 acres. A fire-break 30 chains by 1J chains wide was ploughed through the centre of new plantation area, and four miles of fire-break half a chain wide was ploughed round plantation-boundary. The growth of larch of all ages throughout the plantation has been remarkably good during the year, and amongst the older trees the vertical growth for the year varies from 12 in. to 48 in., while the average growth of trees planted during the year is 12 in. Of the various pines planted, Pinus Laricio and Pinus ponderosa continue to show the best results, and these species may be safely planted on poor gravelly soils in this locality. The average vertical growth of trees planted during the year is 4 in., and the growth of the older trees varies from 12 in. to 30 in. A considerable amount of labour has been necessary during the year in keeping hares and rabbits in check, and it has bean necessary to provide a number of dogs for this purpose. No damage of any consequence has been done by these pests. The results of ploughing fire-breaks on boundaries and' through plantations has been entirely satisfactory, and no damage has been caused by fire. Prison Labour. — The average number of prisoner's employed at forestry work during the year was thirteen daily, and the average value of each prisoner's work for the year was £33 os. 6d, The total value of prison labour for the year was £429 7s. 3d. The details and values of work done by prisoners is as follows: Clearing for tree-planting, £71 Is. lOd. ; pitting for tree-planting, £145 3s. lOd. ; tree-planting, £136 ss. 43. ; maintenance, £56 10s. ; road formation, £5 Bs. 9d.; fencing horse-paddock, £4 10s.; building workshop, £1 16s. 3d.; miscellaneous works, £8 lis. 3d. The pits opened numbered 323,893; trees planted, 431,490; clearing, 96 acres; road formation, 60 chains; fencing, 60 chains. The details of expenditure for the year and expenditure to date are appended.

Statement of Expenditure. £ s d Amount at 31st March, 1908 ... ... ... ... 4,374 4 1 Pitting ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 352 18 6 Tree-planting ... ... ... ... ... ... 42 7 0 Cartage of trees ... ... ... ... ... ... 546 General upkeep of plantation ... ... ... ... 281 9 1.1 Horse-feed purchased and grown ... ... ... ... 140 Fencing . ... ... ... ... ... ... 34 4 6 Buildings ... ... ... ... ... ... 39 18 1 Tools, implements, &c. ... ... ... ... ... 56 18 0 Salaries— Supervision of prison labour ... ... ... ... 72 10 0 free labour ... ... ... ... 72 10 0 Nurseryman's proportion of, and travelling-expenses ... 90 0 0 Supervision ... ... ... ... ... ... 36 10 0 Removal of prison camp ... ... ... ... ... 224 211 £5,684 1 6 R. Leask, Assistant Forester-. T. B. Curle, Forester in Charge.


Sequoia sempervirens (Californian Redwood)— 7 years old, 25 ft. high.

Fagus fusca (Native Beech)— 7 years old, 9 ft. high.

jTo /aee y. 2^.]


Three Stages of Agathis Australis (Kauri): (a) Seeds and Seedlings; (b) a Tree about 40 years old; (c) a Full-grown Tree.



Kaingaroa Plains Experimental Plantations, near Waiotapu. (Total area, 25 acres; approximate altitude, 2,000ft.) These four experimental areas are now being worked in conjunction with the Waiotapu Plan tation, such work as pruning and attending to fire-breaks being performed by the prisoners. R. Macßae, Assistant Forester. H. A. Goudie, Nurseryman in Charge.

Waiotapu Plantation. (Approximate area, 6,700 acres; approximate altitude, 1,200ft.) The rainfall for the past year amounted to 42'06 in., falling on 93 days. The maximum temperature recorded during the year was 86°. Fahr., in December and March; and the minimum, 17° Fahr., or 15° of frost, was registered in August. Prison Labour.—The prison camp was shifted to a new' site on the Maungakakaramea Block about the end of April, 1908, and on this block the main portion of the work by prisoners was performed. The average daily number of prisoners employed during the year was 32'83, and the value of work done was £3,496 19s. 2d., or an average of £106 10s. 4d. per man. The work of shifting the prison camp was done almost entirely by prison labour. The new buildings erected comprise a store-room, a five-roomed building with a kitchen, officers' mess-room, scullery, bath and coal house, a bakehouse in which a portable oven is fitted, and a laundry and a lavatory. The stable was removed from the old site and re-erected with the addition of six stalls, a harness room, a carpenter's shop, and a large lean-to for housing the implements and vehicles. The smithy was also removed, and when re-erected a lean-to was built for storing tools. An efficient water-supply is obtained by lifting the water from a stream near the camp with a hydraulic ram to a concrete cistern on a near hill, from which the supply gravitates to the kitchen and where else it is required. From this camp the land will be planted in wedge-shaped blocks, and at the present rate of planting the camp will not need to be again shifted for about six years. Tree-planting was commenced on the 12th April, and finished about the end of September, being delayed owing to extra work involved in shifting the camp. The prisoners planted 2,097,725 trees on a new area, 12,500 to replace failures in former years' planting, and 348 ornamental shrubs and plants about the camp site. Of the trees planted, larch, Pinus ponderosa, Pinus Benthamiana, Pinus Austriaca, Pinus Strobus, and birch have, as usual, succeeded satisfactorily, havrng made good growth, while the death-rate is very low. Pinus Laricio encountered severe frosts shortly after being planted, and the death-rate from this cause amounted to about 10 per cent. Redwood was planted amongst the larch every 16 ft., and where sheltered have done best Very little growth was made, as the majority of the trees were nipped back by the frost, but have srnce broken away from the bottom of the stem. As the larch fill out and afford more shelter the redwood will probably do better. For next season's planting an area of about 800 acres has been cleared, and pits dug at 4 ft. apart Thrs land has been roaded and fire-breaks laid out. The road was also continued through an adjommg pastoral run, and connected with the Waimungu and Waiotapu Road. By carting the trees rn by thrs road a good deal of time will be saved, as the road via Waiotapu is about four miles longer. An area of 50 acres was ploughed and sown down in grass and clovers for use as a horsepaddock. A strrp of land along the banks of a creek containing rough feed was enclosed for the horses, and used untrl the new paddock was fit to use. The want of good grass was badly felt as rt was about twelve months after shifting the camp before the new paddock was available In this connection it seems advrsable that the site for the future camp should be selected some years ahead and an area sown down wrth grass and planted with a belt of shelter-trees. Free Labour.— At the first prison-camp site a foreman was stationed with a gang of free rnen who attended to such matters as replacing blanks in former planting and the maintenance ° a oo£'i' 10 " generally. During last winter this gang planted 64,700 trees on a new area, and trees where deaths had occurred amongst trees previously planted. During thsummer months most of the plantation was gone over and attended to by way of pruning repairing roads and attending to fire-breaks and fences. The back end of this block, which still remains unplanted, will be gradually dealt with by free labour, and preparations are now being made to plant half a million trees. 6 Fencing— The Maungakakaramea Block has now been enclosed with a post-and-wire fence all but about a mile stretch, which will be completed shortly. By free and prison labour 2,162,425 trees were planted on a new area of 794| acres, and the total number of trees now growing at this plantation is 9,095,359, occupying an area of 3 523

4—C. Iβ.



The following is a record of rainfall and temperature for the year: —

Statement of Expenditure. £ g d Amount at 31st March, 1908 ... ... ... ... 5,209 17 3 Formation ... ... ... ... ... ... 90 8 0 Tree-planting .. ... ... ... ... ... 95 7 6 Clearing ... ... ... ... ... ... 56 3 0 Cartage of trees ... ... ... ... ... ... 108 10 0 General upkeep of plantation ... ... ... ... 377 17 5 „ repairs ... ... ... .. .. ... 119 18 11 Horse-feed purchased and grown ... ... ... ... 144 311 Fencing ... ... ... ... ... ... 250 19 7 Buildings ... 370 3 3 Tools, implements, &c. ... ... ... ... ... 52 15 10 Miscellaneous works ... ... ... ... ... 300 Salaries — Supervision of prison labour ... ... ... ... 294 4 8 free labour ... ... ... ... 123 7 6 Nurseryman's proportion of ... ... ... ... 42 15 6 Supervision ... ... ... ... ... ... 24 6 8 £7,363 19 0 H. A. Goudie, Nurseryman in Charge.

Whakarewarewa Plantation. (Approximate area, 8,912 acres; approximate altitude, 1,200ft.) During the past season trees to the number of 2,078,250 were dealt with. 1,841,100 were planted on a new area of 838J acres, and the remainder —237,150 —were used to replace failures in former plantings. The total area planted to date in this reserve is 3,157J acres, containing 6,883,226 trees. Prison Labour. —The employment of prison labour has again been attended with very satisfactory results, for which much credit is due to the Prisons departmental officers for the manner in which they have assisted to carry out the various works on which the men were employed. The daily average of men employed was 13'16, and their work was valued at £971 10s., or an average for the year of £73 16s. sd. per man, thus showing an increase of 10s. 4d. per man on the previous year's results. Free Labour. —An average daily number of 32"72 men were employed, and the cost of the various works undertaken was as follows: Clearing for tree-planting, £1 10s. lOd. per acre; pitting, 10s. 6d. per thousand; planting, Bs. 6d. per thousand; and formation of roads, including clearing line, £1 lis. 9d. per chain. Taken all round, the area planted during the past season was the roughest so far taken in hand, and the growth of manuka, tutu, and fern on it was very heavy. This accounts for the increase that will be noticed in the cost of clearing, pitting, and planting as compared with the cost of the same works during the past season. In maintenance work the chief item was pruning, which was carried on amongst the older larch throughout the summer. A considerable amount of work was also done in keeping down the growth amongst the trees, and in the maintenance of fire-breaks.

Month. Number I of Days Total Fall. Rain fell. Maximum Fall. Date. Highest Reading of Thermometer. Date. Lowest Reading of Thermometer. Date. 1908. Lpril llay 'une "uly August September October ... November December 1909. 10 13 10 9 9 7 10 3 4 Inches. 3'66 6-18 2-90 2-23 3-65 3-81 3-76 1-37 4-06 Inches. 1-25 1-53 0-75 0-85 1-13 1-03 1-40 1-20 1-50 21st 31st 4th 31st 17th 16th 2nd 19th 23rd Degrees. 75 70 68 60 63 67 79 80 86 30th 2nd 6th 1st 31st 7th 9th 29th 19th Degrees. 37 24 20 17 17 25 25 25 34 18th 22nd 21st 31st 1st 19th 31st 3rd 9th lanuary ... February ... Vlarch 7 1 10 2-44 010 7-90 0-80 0-10 2-00 28th 12th 26th 83 83 86 23rd 16th 1st 30 32 32 17th 23rd 3rd Totals ... 42-06 93



In the early part of the year a eamp was formed for convalescent consumptive patients from Cambridge Sanatorium, who were given employment planting trees at Bs. per thousand, and ck .ring at £1 per acre. The average daily number of men employed from this camp for the past ten months was 7-15, and their total earnings amounted to £444 ss. Bd. The erection of buildings and other works in connection with the new prison camp at Green Lake (Rotokakahi) are being rapidly pushed on, and it is. expected that everything will be completed by the end of May. The past season, as regards the general growth of trees throughout the plantation, has been a very good one, and all the trees planted this season have done fairly well with the exception of redwood, a large number of which were killed outright by frost soon after they were planted. Larch were also affected by frosts which occurred in October and November, but have since recovered, and have made very good growth. On the whole, the pines have done very well, although there are slightly more failures than usual amongst all species, chiefly owing to the dry weather at the time of planting. Three species of eucalypti were planted, and all have done well, E. Stuartiana especially havrng made splendid growth, with very few failures amongst them. Acacia melanoxylon has also made good growth, but all former plantings of this species have become affected by blight, from which it will take them some time to recover. Preparations are in hand for planting about two million trees during the coming season. Details of expenditure are appended. D.J. Buchanan, Assistant Forester. H. A. Goudie, Nurseryman in Charge. Statement of Expenditure. Amount at the 31st March, 1908 ... ... ... ...13,541 13 5 Pitting ■•• ■•• ••• ■•• ... ... ... 19 2 Tree-planting ... ... ... ... ... 422 14 1 Clearing ... ... ... ... ... ... 1)663 j x Cartage of trees ... ... ... ... ... ... 58 16 11 General upkeep of plantation ... ... ... ... 460 16 8 repairs ... ... ... ... ... ... 82 611 Horse-feed purchased and grown ... ... ... ... 105 15 1 Formation ... ... ... ... ... 268 4 3 Buildings, shifting prison camp ... ... ... ... 95 7 0 Tools, implements, &c. ... ... ... ... ... 49 6 1 Miscellaneous works ... ... ... ... ... 210 Salaries— Supervision of prison labour ... ... ... ... 160 0 0 free labour ... ... ... ... 141 16 8 Nurseryman's proportion of ... ... ... ... 42 15 6 Supervision ... ... ... ... ... 2468 £18,150 0 6

Puhipuhi Plantation. (Area, 10,000 acres; altitude, 1,000ft.) With the exception of February, there has been a uniform rainfall through the year. For 169 days the total rainfall was 7L4sin. The heaviest fall was during March, B'9B in. being recorded for sixteen days. Maximum temperature, 87°; minimum temperature, 24°. There were 536,443 trees received from the nursery; from this number 35,500 were used in planting up blanks, due to total failure of Pseudo-tsuga taxifolia as noted in last year's report. 30,915 were utilised to replace blanks in 1906-7 planting, the new area occupied for the season being 387 acres. 1,488,238 trees have been planted out to date, on 1,512 acres. The average cost of tree-planting was lis. sd. per thousand, as against lis. Bd. for the previous year. Cartage on trees cost £58 16s. 4d. 470,950 spade and grubber pits were made, at an average cost of 16s. 4d. per thousand. No pits are available for next season's planting. 139 acres of standing dead timber and ti-tree was felled by hand-labour and contract, and cost at the rate of 4s. 4d. per acre; and 294 acres of fern land was burnt off, at Is. sd. per acre. About 100 acres is gravelly, and in places sour, the remaining area ranging from fair to good. The chain wide fire-break formed last year has made a fair protection against fire; the chief drawback is getting cattle when they are most required. The settlers, naturally, will not put in stock until there is plenty of feed, consequently the fern is not destroyed as quickly as could be desired to make an efficient fire-break. 285 chains of boundary fire-break was cleared of fern and timber, at an average width of half a chain; of this, 65 chains was ploughed. 3,010 chains of boundary-fence line was scuffled with spades 3 ft. wide on each side of the fence. There was 220 chains of fencing purchased at 35., 80 chains at 25., 18 chains at 4s. 6d., and 24£ chains at 3s. 6d. per chain. 20 chains of fencing was erected ; the Department supplied the material, the adjoining settler the labour.



Two two-roomed houses were purchased, at a cost of £31 3s. 3d., including the haulage and re-erection of one of the houses to a convenient site, near to the stable, for the use of the horseman. The season has been very favourable for tree-growing, but owing to part of the area being very poor, the results are not as good as might be expected. Eucalyptus Stuartiana have done exceptionally well, E. rostrata and E. resinifera have also made good growth; in many instances these have attained a height of 2 ft. Fully 20 per cent, of the Eucalyptus amygdalina have died, while E. redunca have been a complete failure. Some 400 of each species of eucalypti grown were planted unmossed, and the result is very gratifying. E. Stuartiana, E. rostrata, and E. rosinifera have done equally as well as those that were mossed. In E. redunca the deaths were 25 percent, and E. amygdalina about 11 per cent. With one exception these trees were planted on flat land, in rather better soil than the mossed trees. The E. Stuartiana planted on a hillside stood the dry spell in February very well. This species has proved itself to be wonderfully adapted to this soil and climate; being a very sure grower, it has not been necessary to plant up the blanks in the break planted two seasons ago. One specimen of this planting has reached a height of 10 ft. 9 in. Of the trees planted five years ago, there are several specimens of E. redunca 25 ft. high, the girths varying from 14 in. to 19 in. ; also a few E. rostrata of a like height, with a 13 in. girth. The E. rostrata and the E. resinifera are the best growers of the earlier plantings. Podocarpus totara being a very slow and somewhat uncertain grower against the vigorous growth of the fern, the cost of cleaning is necessarily great; it has been deemed advisable to discontinue planting this tree, the area now occupied with totara to be planted up with eucalypti. Cleaning and planting trees and upkeep of fire-breaks, &c, cost £463 10s. lOd. Average number of men employed, 9'92. The following is a record of the rainfall and temperature for the year: —

Statement of Expenditure. „ Amount at the 31st March, 1908 ... ... ... ... 4,788 13 4 Pitting ■•■ ... ... ... ... ... ... 386 18 9 Tree-planting ... ... ... ... ... ... 254 12 10 Clearing ... ... ... ... ... ... 46 17 6 Cartage of trees ... ... ... ... ... ... 58 16 4 General upkeep of plantation ... ... ... ... 463 10 10 repairs ... ... ... ... ... ... 41 10 11 Horse-feed purchased and grown ... ... ... ... 18 15 1 Fencing ..: ... ... ... ... ... ... 91 4 0 Buildings ... ... ... ... ... ... 43 15 3 Tools, implements, &c. ... ... ... ... ... 49 18 10 Miscellaneous works ... ... ... ... . 539 Purchase of land ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 4 3 Salaries— Supervision of free labour, Forester's .. ... ... 170 0 0 Nurseryman's proportion of ... . . ... ... 20 0 0 Supervision ... ... ... ... ... ... 36 10 0 ' £6,486 11 8 J. Mason, Assistant Forester. A. Gordon, Forester in Charge.

Number of Days Rain fell. I I Month. Rainfall. Maximum j Temperature. Date. Minimum Temperature. Date. 1908. Inches. 6'31 5-63 5-76 6-87 8-52 Degrees. 78 70 66 64 64 Degrees. 40 30 32 28 24 April ... 10 12 12 22 16 14th 4th 4th 22nd . 22nd, 23rd, and 25th 6th, 7th, and 21st 6th and 8th 10th, 24th, and 30th 21st 24th 31st 19th 31st 7th May ... June .. July ... August September 5-73 16 68 34 1st and 12th October... November 5-26 5-52 20 13 74 78 38 38 28th 15th December 1909. 7-40 12 87 44 2nd, 3rd, and 13th 16th 19th and 21st 31st January February March 4-54 0-93 8-98 13 7 16 87 82 80 6th 16th and 23rd 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th 42 46 46 Totals 71-45 169


Three Stages of Podocarpus totara (Totara) : (a) Seeds and Seedlings; (b) a Tree about 30 tears old; '(c) a Full-grown Tree.

yo /ace p. i?B.]



Waitahuna Plantation, Otago. (Dredged area, 12 acres; altitude, 331 ft.) Residents of this district report that, owing to an unusually dry spring being experienced, agriculture generally was greatly interfered with, but no sign of even a partial drought is noticeable throughout the area planted under trees. The distance of this station from Tapanui forbids frequent visits of a Forester, and the Department is indebted to a resident tree-planting enthusiast for his courtesy in supplying occasional reports relating to the progress of trees. The species that gave the most promise of success during the first year's operations continue to thrive, particularly English birch, which have added in many cases 4 ft. to their height. Larch and alder are also developing beyond expectations, and the progress is more pronounced with each succeeding year. Pinus ponderosa, P. Austriaca, and P. muricata are all producing sturdy leaders, and many of these trees have attained a height of 3 ft. The spruces unfortunately experienced a sharp frost in September, and were unable to make a satisfactory recovery by the end of the growing season. Very little headway has been made by either oak, ash, or sycamore, although where the surface consists of a large proportion of clay deposit, the oak has shown to better advantage. ■ Gorse and broom are spreading quickly, and, although an expenditure of £6 18s. was last year devoted to tire cutting of same, a recent inspection of the plantation shows that urgent attention in this direction is again required. There is no doubt that the block, being surrounded by immense gorse bushes, will continue to be a germinating-ground for these noxious plants, and it would probably be advantageous to remove the varieties of trees that are not succeeding on the plantation and replace same with the fast-growing larch. The river overflowed its banks and flooded a small portion of the reserve without creating any damage to trees or boundary-fence. The expenditure for the year amounted to £14 10s. 6d., and gave employment to one man for three weeks.

Statement of Expenditure. „ , Amount at 31st March, 1908 ... ... ... ... 166 10 3 General upkeep of plantation ... ... ... ... 6 18 0 Nurseryman's proportion of salary, and travelling-expenses ... 7 12 6 £183 0 9 R. G. Robinson, Forester in Charge.

Reference-list of Forest Trees and Shrubs grown at the various Nurseries and Plantations, 1908-9. (E, evergreen ; D, deciduous.)

Name of Tree. '1 Synonym. Common Name. Habitat. Lcacia melanoxylon (E) tcer saccharum (D) „ pseudo-platanus (D) .. Esculus hippocastanum (D) .Inus glutinosa (D) Setula alba (D) Serberis aristata (D) 'astanea sativa (D) 'atalpa speciosa (D) lhamsecyparis Lawsoniana (E) lordyline Australis (E) „ indivisa (E) lucalyptus amygdalina (E) Acer saccharinum Castanea vesca Bignonia catalpa Cupressus Lawsoniana Blackwood Sugar-maple Sycamore Horse-chestnut - .. Alder Silver-birch Barberry Sweet or Spanish chestnut.. Hardy catalpa Lawson's cypress, or whitecedar Ti, or cabbage-tree Toi Almond-leaved peppermint-South-east Australia. North America. Europe and Asia. South-east Europe. Europe and Asia. Europe. Northern India. Europe and Asia. United States. Northern California. „ Australis indivisa New Zealand. South Island, New Zealand. Victoria, New South Wales, and Tasmania. South-west Australia. New South Wales and Gippsland. New South Wales and South Queensland. Alpine districts of Tasmania. South-east Australia. New South Wales and Queensland. South west Australia. Tasmania and Victoria. Victoria, New South Wales, and Tasmania. Tasmania and Victoria. South Australia. Victoria. South-west Australia. Mountains of Tasmania. New South Wales and Queensland. Victoria, New South Wales Tasmania. Ditto. calophylla (E) .. capitellata (E) .. corymbosa (E).. gum Red-gum.. Head-flowered stringy-bark Bloodwood coccifera (E) .. corynocalyx (E) crebra (E) Mountain-peppermint Sugar-gum Narrow-leaved ironbark fioifolia (E) globulus (E) .. Gunnii (E) Scarlet-flowering gum Blue-gum Cider-gum hsemastoma (E) leuooxylon (E) macrorhyncha(E) marginata (E) .. „ ' Muellerii (E) .. maculata (E) .. Eucalyptus sideroxylon Gum-topped stringy-bark .. Victorian red ironbark Stringy-bark of Victoria Jarrah Mountain red-gum Spotted gum obliqua (E) Stringy-bark or messmate .. pauciflora (E) .. I Eucalyptus coriacea .. White or drooping gum



Reference-list of Forest Trees and Shrubs grown at the various Nurseries and Plantations, 1908-9. (E, evergreen; D, deciduous) — continued.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing ti,600 copies), £10 10s. 6d.

By Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o9. Price Is. tid.]

Name of Tree. Synonym. Common Name. Habitat. Eucalyptus paniculata (E).. Eucalyptus fasciculosa Red ironbark New South Wales and Southwest Australia. New South Wales, Queensland, and Gippsland. Tasmania and Victoiia. New South Wales and South Queensland. Tasmania and South-east Australia. Ditto. Eastern Queensland and Port Jackson. New South Wales and Gippsland Tasmania. Western Australia. New South Wales and Queensland. Tasmania and Victoria. Eastern United States. pilularis (E) Blackbutt regnans (E) saligna (E) Swamp-gum Grey or flooded gum Stuartiana (E).. Apple-scented gum Sieberiana (E).. siderophloia (K) I Eucalyptus virgata .. persicifolia Yowut, mountain ash Sydney ironbark teretecornis (E) urnigera (E) „ redunca (E) resinifera (E) .. Red-gum of Queensland Urn-bearing gum .. The wando or white-gum .. Red or forest mahogany viminalis (E) .. Praxinus Americana (D) .. Praxinus Acuminata, P. alba Swamp or manna gum White American ash Eraxinus excelsior (D) Pagus sylvatica (D) Hikora ovata (D) .. „ pecau (D) Juglans cineria (D) nigra (D) „ regia (D) Juniperus Virginiana (E Larix Europaea (D) .. | Liriodendron tulipiferum (D) Laburnum vulgare (D) Phormium tenax (E) .. Picea excelsa (E) sitchensis (E) Canadensis (E) Pinus Austriaca (E) Canariensis (E) „ contorta (E) Carya alba .. olivajformis English ash Beech Shagbark, hickory Pecan-nut Butternut Black walnut Walnut .. ' .. Red cedar European larch Tulip-tree, basswood Laburnum Plax Norway spruce Tideland spruce White-spruce Austrian pine Canary pine Twisted pine Europe and Asia. Europe. Eastern North America. Juniperus Barbadensis Pinus larix Cytisus laburnum Abies excelsa „ Menziesii Europe and Asia. North America. Europe. United States. Europe. New Zealand. Europe. Alaska, Northern Canada. North-east United States. Southern Europe. Canary Islands. Alaska to California. Coulterii (E) excelsa (E) . „ flexilis (E).. halepensis (E) Lambertiana (K) Laricio (E) muricata (E) ponderosa (E) ponderosa, var. Benthamiana (E) Pinus pinaster (E) radiata (E) rigida (E) .. „ Sabiniana (E) strobus (E) Piptauthus Nepalensis (B) Pittosporum crassifolium (Ei eugenioides (E) tenuifolium (E) Buchananii (E) Populus deltoides (D) Pinus Murrayana, Pinus Bolanderi Pinus macrocarpa .. pendula Grcat-coned pine Himalayan pine Limber pine Aleppo pine Sugar-pine Corsican pine .. Priokly-coned or Bishop's pine Heavy or bull pine Bentham's yellow-pine California. Himalayan Mountains. Rocky Mountains,SierraNevada. Levant. Northern California, Oregon. Southern Europe. California. North-west America. British Columbia. Pinus maritima insignis Cluster-pine Monterey pine Pitch-pine Nut-pine Weymouth pine Evergreen laburnum Karo Matipo, tarata „ tawhiri tawhiwhi Canadian or black Italian poplar Lombardy poplar Southern Europe. . California. New England to Virginia. California. North America. Himalayas. New Zealand. P o p u 1 u s monolifera, Populus Canadensis Populus dilatata, Popu lus fastigata North America. Populus nigra pyramidalis P) Podi.oarpus dacrydioides (E) totara (E) Hallii (E) Pseudo- tsuga taxifolia (E).. Europe and Northern Asia. Nageia totara Hallii Abies Douglasii Kahikatea Totara Large-leaved totara Oregon pine New Zealand. Pyrus aucuparia (D) Quercus coccinea (D) macrocarpa (D) .. pedunculata (D) .. palustris (D) suber (D) Robinia pseudo acacia (D).. Salix Caprea (D) .. „ viminalis (ID) vitelline (D) Sequoia sempervirens (E) .. Sophora tetraptera (E) or (D) Vitex lucens (E) .. Sorbus aucuparia Rowan-tree, mountain-ash.. Scarlet oak Burr oak British oak Pin-oak Cork-oak Black loquat or false acacia Goat willow Common osier Golden osier Redwood Kowhai Puriri British Columbia, Pacific Coast. &c. Europe and Asia. Eastern North America. Quercus robur Europe and West Asia. South-east of North Amerioa. Southern Europe. Pennsylvania Mountains. Europe (Britain). Salix longifolia Taxodium sempervirens Edwardsia microphylla Britain. California. New Zealand. North New Zealand.

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Bibliographic details

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS: STATE NURSERIES AND PLANTATIONS (REPORT ON)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1909 Session II, C-01b

Word Count

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS: STATE NURSERIES AND PLANTATIONS (REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1909 Session II, C-01b

DEPARTMENT OF LANDS: STATE NURSERIES AND PLANTATIONS (REPORT ON). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1909 Session II, C-01b

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