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As Parliament will shortly prorogue, and the usual Financial Statement will not be delivered until it reassembles, honourable members are no doubt desirous tbat I should place before them an outline of the position of the finances of the Dominion. Dealing first with the past year, the results of which have already been made public by the publication of the Public Accounts in the Gazette as required by law, it may not be out of place to make a few comments on them for the information of honourable members. The revenue for the financial year was estimated at .£8,985,000, and the expenditure at £8,878,346, the anticipated surplus, after bringing forward balance of £767,849 from the previous year and transferring £800,000 to public works, being £74,503. An analysis of the figures shows the actual surplus for the year to be £184,321, or £109,818 more than was anticipated. The surplus of the previous year was £767,849 ; but for purposes of comparison there must be taken into consideration the increased expenditure and the relinquished revenue which were foreseen and allowed for in the Budget of last year. The recurring large surplus year after year caused the Government to make concessions in Customs, Eailways, &c, amounting to about £600,000, and in view of those reductions it could not be expected that such large credit balances would continue. Revenue. The revenue for the past year amounted to £9,001,185, an increase of £16,185 over my estimate, the respective amounts being :— Estimate. Actual. Excess. £8,985,000 £9,001,185 £16,185 Comparing the revenue with that of the previous year, thexe is only a difference of £54,761 on the total receipts, the figures being :— 1908-9. 1907-8. Decrease. £9,001,185 £9,055,946 £54,761 The revenue for the year exceeded the expenditure by the sum of £215,672, made up as follows : — *•" Revenue .... .... .... .... £9,001,185 Expenditure .... .... .... _ 8,785,513 Excess revenue .... .... .... £215,672 Dealing with the various heads of revenue : — The Railways contributed £2,918,507, as against an estimate of £2,835,000 and an actual receipt of £2,765,395 in 1907-8, the receipts being better than the estimate by £83,507, and an increase on the previous year of £153,112. The railway returns keep up remarkably well, as it must be borne in mind that the reduction in fares and freights has been set down at £160,500 per annum. Stamps last year brought in £1,591,328, or £18,328 better than the estimate, and an increase of £40,394 on the previous year's receipts of £1,550,934. The returns from land and income tax reached nearly £926,000, the exact figures being :— Land-tax 604,901 Income-tax .... .... .... 321,044 £925,945 or £45,945 in excess of the estimate, and £83,194 better than that of 1907-8.



Miscellaneous revenue is responsible for bettering the estimate by £25,210, the amount received being £264,210, as against an estimate of £239,000, and £45,868 in excess of the previous year's receipts. Registration and other fees show an increase on the estimate of £2,061, and Marine brought in £3,815 more than anticipated. The Customs revenue, whicn J may say has occasioned me more anxiety than any other class of revenue, did not come up to the estimate by £148,752, the total amount collected for the year being £2,801,248, as against an estimate of £2,950,000. This is due to the large falling-off in import values for the year 1909 as compared with the steady increase for some years previously, the figures for the last three years being : — 1907. 1908. 1909. £15,323,127 £18,193,808 £16,750,065 This falling-off is no doubt in sympathy with the decrease in the value of exports (now, 1 am glad to say, showing an improving tendency), which for the same three years were : — 1907. 1908. 1909. £19,531,614 £17,868,030 £17,029,531 Another contributing factor is that owing to financial disturbances in the commercial world, New Zealand merchants reduced their imports and traded on their existing stocks. Moreover, the abnormal increase in importations during 1908, in anticipation of the coming into operation" of the extended preferential tariff which took effect from 31st March of that year, led to the accumulation of large stocks which had to be cleared off. These special causes for the reduction in Customs revenue are, however, temporary. Traders are already reporting considerably improved business, and I am of opinion that importations will assume a much larger volume, without anything in the nature of over-importing, which from every point of view is not desirable. I feel justified in saying this from the fact that we have had one of the best seasons known in the history of New Zealand. The result of this is demonstrated by a reference to the exports, which for the five months ended 51st May, 1908, amounted to only £8,713,591, as compared with £10,530,163 for the corresponding period of 1909, an increase of £1,816,572. This shows a largely increased purchasing-power, which must favourably affect our imports. The decrease in duty is mainly apparent on articles of general merchandise liable to ad valorem duties. Those articles which may be regarded as luxuries, such as spirits, cigars, cigarettes, tobacco, wine, ale and beer, show little difference. There is also another indication of a decided improvement in the financial outlook, the excess of deposits .in the Post-Ofnce Savings-Bank over the withdrawals for the month of May being £64,115. There was a slight falling-off in beer duty, and there was also a drop under Territorial Revenue of £13,143. The revenue receipts for the past five years have been as follows : — £ 1904-5 ..< ... ... 7,282,870 1905-6 ... ... ... 7,584,359 1906-7 ... ... ... 8,399,075 1907-8 ... .. ... 9,055,946 1908-9 ... ... ... 9,001,185 It must be remembered in comparing the figures of the financial year just ended with the previous year that the revenue has been cut down a good deal within the past two years by the remission of Customs duties, railway concessions, abolition of sheep-tax, and the transfer of Crown lands as a national endowment. But notwithstanding all these abatements, the revenue for the year just closed is £600,000 better than for the year 1906-7. The total increase during the last three years is £1,416,826. Expenditure. Having completed the review of the revenue, the expenditure of the Consolidated Fund must be next considered. The amount estimated for the year was £8,878,346, to which should be added the railway surplus revenue of £83,507, which by the Public Revenues Act is treated as an additional appropriation.



The actual expenditure was £8,785,513, or a saving on the votes of £176,340, the utmost economy having been exercised during the year in order to keep the expenditure within the votes. Had it not been for the surplus railway revenue the unexpended appropriations would have been £92,833. The expenditure was as follows : — Amount estimated, — Permanent charges.... .... .... .... £3,210,343 Annual appropriations .... .... .... 5,668,003 Additional appropriations for railways .... 83,507 £8,961,853 Amount expended, — Permanent charges.... .... .... .... £3,210,030 Annual appropriations .... .... .... 5,575,483 8,785,513 Saving on appropriations .... .... .... £176,340 On the expenditure side of the year there is an excess over the preceding year of £571,548. Of this amount our interest-charges are responsible for £71,000, and Old-age Pensions £11,500. The issue of debentures for construction of railways, for roading and improving our Crown lands, for grants to local authorities, necessitates an increase of interest-payments. Post and Telegraph services have absorbed nearly £100,000 more than the previous year; Working Railways, £157,000; Lands and Survey, £60,000; Education required £26,OlO; cost of general election, including the printing and preparation of rolls, £44,000 ; licensing polls, £12,800; Defence, £19,000 ; Public Buildings, £20,000; Agriculture, £20,000; Police Services, £12,000; and Industries and Commerce, £10,000. A satisfactory feature of the year's transactions is that £800,000 was transferred from revenue in aid of public works. The floating debt of the Dominion was reduced during the year by the redemption of Treasury bills to the extent of £150,000, the amount left outstanding at the 31st March being £250,000, and no less than £450,000 having been paid off during the last three years. They had practically become a permanent debt, but the Government determined to gradually reduce the amount. The general results of the year's finance may be summarised as follows :— Balance brought forward, Ist April, 1908 .... .... .... £767,849 Receipts during year, — Revenue ... .... .... £9,001,185 Other receipts .... .... 800 £9,001,985 Expenditure during year, — Appropriations .... .... .... 8,785,513 Excess of receipts over expenditure .... .... 216,472 £984,321 Transfer to Public Works Fund .... .... .... .... 800,000 Balance, 31st March, 1909 .... .... ... .... £184,321 Public Works. During the year the sum of £2,169,278 has been expended on public works, as against £1,881,564 spent in the previous year. The principal items of expenditure were as follows : — £ Railway-construction .... .... 713,000 Addition to open lines .... .... 390,000 Roads .... .... .... ... 469,000 Public buildings .... .... .... 285,000 Telegraph-extension .... .... .... 163,000



The position of the Public Works Fund on the 31st March was as follows :— Balance from last year .... .... .... .... £152,563 Receipts, — Loan-money (including premium) .... £1,604,094 Transfer from revenue .... .... 800,000 Other receipts .... .... .... 1,610 2,405,704 2,558,267 Expenditure, — Under appropriations, &c. .... £2,169,278 Other charges .... .... .... 5,280 2,174,558 Balance at 31st March, 1909.... .... .... .... 383,709 Balance loan-money to receive .... .... .... 50,000 Available public-works moneys to start the current year with .... .... .... .... .... .... £433,709 The Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the financial year, attached,, gives full particulars of the various accounts. Renewals. The amount which fell due during the past year was £3,133,238. The greater portion was renewed for a longer term, and the result of the renewals is that the interest charges are reduced. Loans. In addition to authorities already in force, Parliament last year authorised the raising of £1,250,000 for public works, and £1,000,000 for the acquisition of the Wellington and Manawatu Railway. Nearly the whole of this money was raised in London on favourable terms, our brokers having made the necessary arrangements for the placing of these loans with a minimum of cost to the: Dominion. Other moneys were obtained for advances to settlers, land for settlements,, for loans to local authorities, and other services. Government Loans to Local Bodies. Applications from local authorities for loans have been much larger than usual, consequent, no doubt, on the difficulty of obtaining money at a reasonable rate of interest elsewhere. Debentures for the amount authorised by law— £250,000 per annum —were created and issued during the year, of which £192,136 was paid over in loans to local bodies, and £54,713 for roads to open up Crown lands. Wellington and *Manawatu Railway. The purchase of the Wellirigton-Manawatu Railway, for which £1,000,000 was raised, was effected in manner authorised by the Act. The final payment of the purchase-money was made on the due date, and the whole transaction was completed to the mutual satisfaction of both parties. Land for Settlement. During the year £372,245 has been spent in the acquirement of estates. There was outstanding on 31st March last available borrowing-power of £416,650, which, with the £500,000 authorised for this year, gives us power to raise £916,650 for the acquirement of land for settlement if necessary. Advances to Settlers and Workers. £1,493,835 12s. has been expended in advances to settlers, and £298,184 6s. in advances to workers—a gross total of £1,792,019 18s. actually paid out during the year. This is a record for the Department, the increase on the previous year being £390,625. The figures show that there has been a continuous increase in the number of applicants for advances. The office will do its utmost to meet the requirements of borrowers with the funds at its disposal. The amount of advances actually paid over during each month of the year shows that a full average has been maintained throughout.



Over £5,000,000 has been raised by the Government for investment on mortgage to 31st March, 1909, for advances to settlers, and nearly £500,000 for advances to workers. There is still authority to raise, on behalf of the advances to settlers, £841,200, being the balance of the six millions authorised by the Act, which, with the annual repayments from mortgagors, will enable the Department to make further advances during the present year to the extent of £1,500,000. There is also authority under the Act to borrow £500,000 for advances to workers during the current financial year and this I propose to do. lam sure it will both help workers to get homes for themselves, and give a considerable amount of employment in the building-trade throughout the Dominion. Provision for the Recess. The Public Revenues Act provides for carrying on to 30th June. After that date no payments can be made for any service until further provision is made. It is therefore necessary to provide for the carrying-on of the public services till Parliament meets again, and I propose to ask the House to extend the provisions of the Public Revenues Act to the 14th October next. The Act contains the safeguard that no payment shall be made for any service other than those for which provision was made in the respective Appropriation Acts and estimates of the preceding year, or in excess of the scale therein set forth. Authority to increase the amount to be spent under the head of Unauthorised Expenditure will also be asked for, as it has been found that with the restrictive provisions of the Act the amount allowed is insufficient. All such expenditure, as well as that under the extended appropriations, is required by law to be included in the estimates laid before Parliament in the next session. I estimate the cash issues out of the-Ordinary Revenue Account for the period Ist April to 14th October at £4,600,000. To meet this, I anticipate revenue receipts to the amount of £3,900,000; in so estimating, I feel it desirable to keep on the safe side, which, with the cash balance at credit on the Ist April, 1909, £387,163, will give a total available ways and means of £4,284,000, or £312,837 less than I estimate the expenditure for that period. This will be met by the temporary issue of Treasury bills, which I hope to pay off before the end of the financial year as the incoming revenue will permit, the largest portion of which comes in during the last six months of the year. The reductions in the public expenditure to the amount of about £250,000 per annum should assist to ensure an equilibrium between the expenditure and revenue, and I hope that the present reduction of revenue will be fully provided for. As to the Public Works Fund, the balance on 31st March, 1909, including advances in hands of Government officers and loan money to receive, was £433,709, an amount insufficient to carry on our public works beyond the present month. I therefore to ask Parliament for authority to raise £1,250,000, to be expended in reproductive works. This will enable the Government to provide for the employment over the winter of those men at present out of work who are willing to accept same. To enable the equipment of our lines of railways to be more efficient £250,000 is included in the £1,250,000 proposed loan, as the increasing calls for further rolling-stock and equipping of lines requires this amount. I am also including in the amount of loan asked for a sum of £100,000 to be expended in the purchase of Native Lands, as it is desirable in the interests of the people to secure these lands. The funds for duplication of lines are practically exhausted; and, as it is desirable to push on with the necessary works already authorised, additional borrowing-power of £75,000 will be asked for. So far as the other separate accounts are concerned, there are sufficient ways and means to carry on with.

2—B. 6a.




19O7-1908. RECEIPTS. 19O8-19O9. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,215,517 2 2 16,993 8 3 29,993 13 0 563 15 7 4,757 10 9 Balance at beginning of Year, — Gash in the Public Account Advances in the hands of Officers of the Government,— In the Dominion In London On acoount of Imperial Pensions On account of other Governments 1,080,094 0 1 13,080 16 6 69,609 18 0 619 5 7 4,445 6 3 1,267,825 9 1) 5"0,000 0 0 Less Treasury Bills outstanding 1,167,849 6 5 400,000 0 0 767,849. 6 5 717,825 9 9 3,103,564 15 7 1,550,933 10 10 537,848 5 9 304,904 14 5 113,972 19 9 2,765,395 4 4 129,165 9 3 42,217 2 8 218,342 7 0 Ordinary Revenue, — Customs Stamps, including Postal and Telegraph Cash Receipts Land-tax Income-tax Beer Duty .. .. .. A Railways Registration and other Fees Marine Miscellaneous 2,801,248 7 3 1,591,327 9 11 604,900 13 1 321,044 0 11 116,214 1 3 2,918,507 6 0 117,061 6 7 43,815 3 10 264,209 16 7 8,778,328 5 5 8,766,342 9 7 45,233 3 0 2,255 1 0 242,115 2 5 Territorial Revenue, — Cash Land Sales .. ., .. *.. .. .. £55,379 15 11 Deferred-payment Land Sales .. .. .. .. 1,782 4 2 Pastoral Runs, Rents, and Miscellaneous .. .. .. 165,694 19 7 289,003 6 5 222,850 19 8 9,055,945 16 0 9,001,185 5 1 Debentures issued, — "New Zealand Loans Act, 1908" (." The Consolidated Stock Act, 1884"),— In renewal of debentures matured 4th January, 1909 In renewal of debentures matured 31st December, 1907 165,000 0 0 165,000 0 0 385,500 0 0 801 II 3 Recoveries in respect of Expenditure of previous Years,— In respect of payments made on account of Cook Islands In reppeot of payments made on account of Niue Island Refund of purchase-money of schooner "Countess of Ranfurly " Recoupment by Land for Settlements Account of interest paid on borrowed money 443 1 6 356 15 5 3,000 0 0 4,241 9 2 799 16 11 8,043 0 5 Debentures renewed, — " The Dairy Industry Act, 1908,"— Debentures matured 1st August, 1908 438 0 0 800,000 0 0 121,000 0 0 Sinking Funds set free, — Applicable to the redemption of debentures issued under— " The Immigration and Public Works Loan Aot, 1870 " " The Consolidated Stock Act, 1884 " 924,000 0 0 Totals :il,09],314 6 2 £9,935,272 8 5


FUND for the Year ended 31st March, 1909, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1908.


19O7-19O8. EXPENDITURE. 19O8-19O9. £ s. d. Permanent Appropriations, — Civil List.. .. .. •• •• •• Interest and Sinking Fund Under Special Acts of the Legislature Subsidies paid to Local Bodies Amounts paid over to Local Bodies and to Deposit Aooounts— Payments under the Land Acts .. .. .. • • • • Payments under the Timber and Flax Royalties Act Endowments — New Plymouth Harbour Board Greymouth Harbour Board Westport Harbour Board Old-age Pensions .. £ s. d. 33,953 6 11 2,258,364 15 9 369,837 14 8 95,060 17 4 £ a. d. 35,690 17 8 2,187,419 0 0 357,221 8 10 90,135 17 2 32,512 14 9 22,706 18 7 29,315 14 5 9,307 10 11 3,718 5 10 19,788 19 10 54,391 3 5 325,036 2 6 3,262 19 4 18,204 9 1 56,190 13 11 336,532 1 7 3,210,030 3 11 3,128,621 8 7 Annual Appropriations, — Glass I. —Legislative Departments II.—Department of Minister of Finance III.—Post and Telegraph Department IV. Industries and Commeroe and Tourist and Health Resorts Departments V.—Old-age Pensions Department .. VI. —Working Railways Department.. VII. —Public Buildings and Domains .. „ VIII. —Maintenance of Roads.. IX.—Printing and Stationery Department X. —Stamp and Deeds Department .. XI.—Native Department .. .. .. , XII.—Justioe Department , XIII.—Police Department XIV.—Mines Department XV. —Department of Internal Affairs XVI.—Crown Law Department XVII. —Defence Department .. , XVIII.—Customs Department .. .. ... XIX. Marine and Harbours and Inspection of Maohinery Departments .. , XX. —Department of Labour XXI. —Department of Lands and Survey "„ XXII.—Department of Agriculture , XXI1L—Valuation Department „ XXIV.—Education Department , XXV.—Public Health Department „ XXVI.—Mental Hospitals and Hospitals and Charitable Departments Services not provided for .. 29,788 13 11 56,832 5 3 707,136 1 10 29,280 19 8 49,672 6 8 805,537 13 5 54,536 8 10 5,765 15 3 1,963,227 15 2 47,475 19 6 19,207 14 4 46,261 4 7 37,963 6 0 24,656 5 11 149,241 9 5 157,856 19 1 34,470 0 5 114,799 16 5 4,340 3 7 176,426 2 4 49,511 19 5' 76,629 19 5 29,047 10 7 172,825 16 11 136,041 8 3 33,096 5 11 821,423 2 0 33,252 18 11 99,395 4 8 4,133 3 3 5,085,343 11 2 64,292 2 4 9,098 2 2 2,120,308 4 10 65,229 12 8 20,366 1 4 46,963 11 9 37,396 8 0 30,839 19 11 150,081 2 3 170,323 13 1 33,679 12 9 150,704 12 10 4,372 11 7 195,685 3 0 52,308 14 2 79,012 10 11 30,277 1 6 232,167 4 11 156,649 12 4 35,450 17 1 848,234 4 2 37,975 15 4 105,447 18 4 14,127 8 1 5,575,483 5 1 Revenue transferred to the Public Works Fund 800,000 0 0 800,000 0 0 Debentures renewed, — " New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 " (" The Consolidated Stock Act, 1884 "),— Debentures due 4th January, 1909, renewed as per oontra.. Debentures due 31st December, 1907, renewed as per contra 165,000 0 0 385,500 0 0 165,000 0 0 " The Dairy Industry Act, 1908,"— Debentures matured 1st August, 1908, renewed as per contra 438 0 0 800,000 0 0 124,000 0 0 Debentures redeemed, — <* " The Immigration and Publio Works Loan Act, 1870" matured 1st June, 1907 .. " The Consolidated Stock Act, 1884" due 31st December, 1907 924,000 0 0 Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Acoount Advances in the hands of Offioers of the Government — In the Dominion .. .. .. In London On account of Imperial Pensions .. .. .. • • • • • • On account of other Governments 1,080,094 0 1 387,16;i 1 6 13,080 16 6 69,609 18 0 619 5 7 4,445 6 3 42,287 4 0 17 11 9 4,853 2 2 184,320 19 5 1,167,849 6 5 400,000 0 0 767,849 6 5 Less Treasury Bills outstanding 434,320 19 5 250,000 0 0 Totals £9,935,272 8 5 ill,091,314 6 2




19O7-19O8. RECEIPTS. 19O8-19O9. £ s. d. 550,000 0 0 Treasury Bills outstanding at beginning of Year £ s. a. £ p. a. 400,000 0 0 550,000 0 0 Treasury Bills issued during Year Treasury Bills renewed 200,000 0 0 400,000 0 0 600,000 0 0 Totals £1,100,000 0 0 £1,000,000 0 0 STATE FORESTS £ s. d. 16,379 6 5 Balance at beginning of Year, — Cash in the Public Account .. Advances in hands of Officers of the Government — In the Dominion £ s. d. 8,487 9 4 £ s. d. 73 7 6 391 18 6 8,879 7 10 16,453 13 11 3,083 1 5 15,174 18 10 Rents from Lands set apart Miscellaneous 3,891 0 6 28,728 5 3 32,619 5 9 18,258 0 3 £34,710 14 2 Totals £41,498 13 7 STATE COAL- £ r. a. 91,213 1C 9 Balance at beginning of Year, — Cash in the Public Account Advances in the hands of Officers of the Government— In the Dominion £ s. d. 44,060 14 6 £ s. d. 4,613 7 5 95,827 4 2 7 14 44,067 15 10 222,583 0 4 Proceeds of sale of coal 253,528 5 2 100,000 0 0 " The State Coal Mines Aot, 1901,"— Debentures matured 1st April, 1907, renewed under " The New Zealand Loans Act, 1904" .. £418,410 4 6 Totals £297,596 1 0 SCENERY PRESERVATION £ p. d. 3,678 2 0 Balance at beginning oi Year, — Cash in the Publio Account Advances in the hands of Officers of the Government— In the Dominion £ f. a. 8,182 18 11 £ s. d. 10 16 0 8,193 14 11 3,678 2 0 10,000 0 0 " The Scenery Preservation Act, 1903," — Proceeds of Debentures issued £13,678 2 0 Totals £8,193 U 11

B.— 6a


FUND for the Year ended 31st March, 1909, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1908, ACCOUNT.




19O7-19O8. EXPENDITURE. 19O8-19O9. £ s. a. 550,000 0 0 150,000 0 0 Treasury Bills renewea auring Year .. Treasury Bills paia off during Year £ s. a. 400,000 0 0 350,000 0 0 £ s. a. 700,000 0 0 750,000 0 0 400,000 0 0 Treasury Bills outstanding at end of Year 250,000 0 0 £1,100,000 0 0 Totals £1,000,000 0 0

£ s. d. £ a. d. £ s: d. 25,831 6 4 Annual Appropriation,— Vote 123—State Forests Branch 26,962 0 0 Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Account Advances in the hands of Officers of the Government— In the Dominion 14,346 16 7 8,487 9 4 391 18 6 189 17 0 14,536 13 7 8,879 7 10 Totals £34,710 14 2 £41,498 13 7

£ s. d. 190,425 0 0 Annual Appropriation,— Vote 124—State Coal-mines .. .. ... £ s. a. £ s. d. ii67,074 13 0 4,200 0 0 Interest on Debentures 3,500 0 0 39,717 8 8 Expenditure under section 120 of " The Coal-mines Act, 1908 " .. 40,000 -0 0 100,000 0 0 " The State Coal Mines Act, 1901,"— Debentures matured, 1st April, 1907, paid off Debentures matured, 1st April, 1907, renewed as per contra 140,000 0 0 Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Account Advances in the hands of Offioers of the Government— In the Dominion 17,950 8 11 44,060 14 6 7 14 9,070 19 1 27,021 8 0 44,067 15 10 Totals y\. £418,410 4 6 £297,596 1 0

£ s. d. 5,484 7 1 Annual Appropriation,— Vote 125—Scenery Preservation £ s. d. £ s. d. 5,765 5 2 8,182 18 11 Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Account Advances in the hands of Offioers of the Government— In the Dominion 2,370 13 10 10 16 0 57 15 11 2,428 9 9 8,193 H 11 £13,678 2 0 Totals £8,193 14 11





19O7-19O8. RECEIPTS. 19O I-19O9. £ s. d. 15,814 11 0 88 5 9 Balance at beginning of Year, — Cash in the Public Account Advances in the hands of Officers of the Government— In the Dominion £ s. d. 15,194 2 3 £ s. d. 15,194 2 3 15,902 16 9 Revenue received for Local Bodies, — Pees, Fines, &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. Endowments of Land, &c.. Goldfields Revenue Gold Duty 8,940 12 10 22,070 19 2 18,247 13 6 30,684 17 10 9,473 0 8 20,777 7 7 17,399 14 0 27,722 1 5 75,372 3 8 79,944 3 4 Counties Separate Accounts, — Revenue of Counties in which " The Counties Act, 1908," is not in full operation 164 3 6 146 13 5 46,665 15 5 62 12 8 Advance Account, — Amount repaid by Local Bodies Ditto on account of Unauthorised Expenditure of previous yeare 48,804 4 5 51 18 1 48,856 2 6 46,728 8 1 Totals £142,722 1 7 £139,586 11 11

£ s. d. 138,680 0 10 Balance at beginning of Year, — Cash in the Publio Account Advances in the hands of Officers of the Government— In the Dominion In London ... £ s. d. 244,909 13 2 40 11 11 2,898 6 4 £ s. d. 131 3 2 61,129 16 0 247,848 11 5 199,941 0 0 35,220 3 9 7 15 3 75 0 0 895 6 1 7 17 6 1,359 12 0 990 13 7 7,019 13 5 149,500 10 4 146,174 2 6 1,311 18 10 12 11 0 7 0 0 86 0 8 48 7 0 176 15 8 163 17 6 27 8 9 70 0 6 55 15 0 17 10 6 174 18 3 39 18 6 128 14 0 26 15 0 458 18 0 195 0 0 Lodgments, — Emigrants' Deposits Fisheries Act, 1908 General Assembly Library Fund Greymouth Harbour Board Act, 1884, Special Coal Bate Account Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Acts, 1908 Imperial Government (South Africa Contingents) Land Aot, 1908— Mining Distriots Land Occupation Aocount National Endowments Maori Land Settlement Act, 1905 Miscellaneous Money-order Settlement Moiety of Botorua Bath Fees Native Township of Hokio .. „ Karewa .. ■** Parata „ Parawai „ Pipiriki Potaka Botoiti „ Te Araroa .. .. Te Puia Te Puru „ Tokaanu „ Tuatine „ Waipiro Nelson Bine Prize Fund New Zealand International Exhibition New Zealand University Endowment, Canterbury New Zealand University Endowment, Taranaki North Island Experimental Dairy School North Island Main Trunk Bailway Loan Application Act 1886 Amendment Act, 1889 .. Public Trust Office Bemittanoe Aooount Railways .. .. .. .. .. Tauranga Educational Endowment Beserves Act, 1896 Thermal-springs Districts Act, 1908 Trustees Act, 1908 Unclaimed New Zealand Bonds Weatport Harbour Board Act, 1884, Special Coal Bate Account 48,235 17 8 14 19 10 50 0 0 3 13 7 2,192 3 0 1,487 6 0 76,222 11 9 177,979 13 4 42,081 19 9 1,348 12 3 4 4 0 5 10 0 54 5 0 12 5 6 98 12 6 133 12 3 15 3 9 41 16 3 142 1 0 9 6 11 88 8 6 63 7 3 126 1 9 43 19 0 47 0 0 0 15 6 197 0 0 24,249 8 4 22,377 5 11 10,880 0 0 33 4 5 258 7 6 ■521 12 2 200 0 0 1,712 15 1 17,934 0 5 11,616 4 0 3,695 12 6 70 3 9 249 4 9 333 13 10 1,782 1 10 386,334 7 5 404,581 17 0 Totals £604,522 17 0 £634,182 18 10


FUND for the Year ended 31st March, 1909, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1908. LOCAL BODIES.



19O7-19O8. EXPENDITURE. I9O8-19O9. £ s. d. 9,232 3 0 21,550 19 8 17,966 19 0 31,902 7 0 Revenue paid over to Local Bodies, — Pees, Fines, &o. Endowments of Land.f&e. Goldfields Revenue Gold Duty £ a. d. 9,357 3 1 22,095 17 6 16,710 5 11 28,554 6 5 £ s. d. 76,717 12 11 80,652 8 8 Counties Separate Aeoount, — Amount distributed amongst Local Bodies where "The Counties Act, 1908," is not in full operation 171 14 1 131 12 1 46,743 18 7 Advance Aocounts, — Payments on behalf of Local Bodies Payments on behalf of Local Bodies, unauthorised 53,674 16 10 10,000 0 0 63,674 16 10 15,194 2 3 Balance at end of Year,— Cash in the Publio Account Less Advances in hands of Officers of the Government — In the Dominion Dr. 979 0 1 1 8 2 Dr. 977 11 11 Totals £142,722 1 7 £139,586 11 11

& s. d. 35,840 17 7 75 0 0 279 8 8 230 6 3 206 16 9 535 12 10 760 7 3 174,048 14 2 99,424 2 6 126 4 10 200 4 3 Withdrawals, — Emigrants' Deposits Fisheries Act, 1908 General Assembly Library Fund Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Acts, 1908 Imperial Government (South Africa Contingents) Land Transfer Act, 1908 Land Act, 1908— Mining Districts Land Occupation Acoount National Endowments Maori Land Settlement Act, 1905 Miscellaneous Moiety, Rotorua Bath Pees Money-order Settlement Native Township, Hokio „ Karewa .. , Farata .. „ Parawai.. „ Pipiriki Potaka .. » Rotoiti .. „ Te Araroa Te Puia Te Puru <". , Tokaanu.. Tuatine .. „ Waipiro Nelson Rifle Prize Fund New Zealand International Exhibition New Zealand University Endowment, Canterbury Ngatirahiri Compensation North Island Main Trunk Railway Loan Application Act 1886 Amendment Act, 1889 .. North Island Experimental Dairy School Permanent-way Material Account Public Trust Office Remittance Account Railways Thermal-springs Districts Act, 1908.. £ s. d. 45,546 7 8 7 15 3 431 5 6 45 0 0 504 10 7 9,080 9 10 3,355 i 1 170,529 17 5 9,443 10 1 117,462 1 3 47 9 0 66 18 3 291 6 8 196 3 0 423 15 10 224 17 0 188 13 3 559 8 9 469 0 9 87 6 3 358 3 0 585 17 5 376 15 1 £. s. d. 11 6 7 84 9 0 312 14 8 63 6 6 458 18 0 3,142 13 10 15 9 6,247 0 7 26 5 7 20,696 9 8 13,859 2 10 42 17 6 37,617 5 8 8 10 0 24,286 12 4 13,556 6 7 5,483 19 10 134 4 11 441,368 15 3 356,674 5 7 244,909 13 2 Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Aocount Advances in the hands of Offioers of the Government— In the Dominion In London 191,601 12 5 40 11 11 2,898 6 4 1,212 11 2 192,814 3 7 247,848 11 5 Totals £634,182 18 10 £604,522 17 0




19O7-19O8. RECEIPTS. 19O8-19O9. £ s. ol. £ s. d. £ s. d. 323,071 0 0 15,265 0 9 21,063 18 2 Balance at beginning of Year, — Cash in Public Account Advances in the hands of Officers of the Government — •' In the Dominion In London 124,769 0 0 13,654 4 8 14,139 14 2 152,562 18 10 359,399 18 11 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1900,— Provision for debentures matured— Debentures sold Debentures renewed under " The New Zealand Loans Act, 1904 " .. 380,000 0 0 380,000 0 0 500 0 0 3,000 0 0 3,500 0 0 The Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1901,— Provision for debentures falling due 1st December, 1908— Debentures sold Debentures renewed Provision for Debentures falling due 1st January, 1909— Debentures renewed Premiums reoeived 142,700 0 0 10,000 0 0 185,872 12 6 32,900 0 0 272 12 6 200 0 0 The Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1902,— Debentures issued for redemption of debentures matured 1st Deoember, 1906 .. Debentures matured 1st December, 1906, renewed under " New Zealand Loans Aot, 1904" 3,000 0 0 3,000 0 0 The Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903,— Provision for Debentures matured 1st January, 1909 — Debentures renewed under "The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908" Debentures sold Premium received on sale and renewal of debentures Provision for Debentures matured 1st February, 1909 — Debentures renewed under " The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 ".. 222,475 0 0 119,665 0 0 95 15 0 200,000 0 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1907,— Debentures issued in reepect of £1,000,000 loan authorised Premiums reoeived 542,235 15 0 808,200 0 0 11,594 0 0 191,800 0 0 3,836 0 0 195,636 0 0 819,794 0 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1908,— Debentures issued in respeot of £1,250,000 loan authorised Premiums .. .. .. .. .. 1,200,000 0 0 500 0 0 1,200,500 0 0 The Lands Improvement and Native Lands Acquisition Act, 1894, — Debentures matured 30th September, 1908, renewed 400,000 0 0 The Post and Telegraph Act, 1908,— Debentures issued .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 200,000 0 0 800,000 0 0 Revenue transferred from the Consolidated Fund in aid of Public Works 800,000 0 0 1,640 6 1 Special Receipts in connection with the Bllesmere and Forsyth Reclamation and Akaroa Railway Trust 1,610 4 9 56,400 0 0 1,920 0 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1906,— Proceeds of scrip and debentures issued (balance £1,000,000 loan) Premium reoeived.. 58,320 0 0 Totals !2,042,854 5 0 £4,061,417 11 1



FUND for the Year ended 31st March, 1909, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1908.

3—B. 6a.

19O7-19O8. EXPENDITURE. 19O8-19O9. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 18,027 1 3 1,056,925 17 4 219,148 1 11 6,862 19 10 45,026 11 1 9,130 17 7 323,716 19 4 8,631 12 2 2,190 9 2 155,491 8 6 836 17 6 18,574 9 0 9,560 13 1 314 13 6 Annual Appropriations, — Class XXVII.—Public Works, Departmental „ XXVIII.—Railways .. XXIX.—Public Buildings .. XXX. —Lighthouses, Harbour-works, and Harbour Defences XXXI.—Tourist and Health Resorts.. XXXII. —Immigration „ XXXIII.—Roads „ XXXIV.—Development of Goldfields XXXV. —Purchase of Native Lands .. „ XXXVI.—Telegraph Extension , XXXVII.—Rates on Native Lands „ XXXVIII.—Contingent Defence „ XXXIX.—Lands Improvement Utilisation of Water-power.. 24,511 19 10 1,102,792 18 8 285,385 7 11 19,217 6 1 23,910 10 2 15,076 10 5 469,547 16 5 32,859 3 7 2,098 14 5 163,032 14 2 27 1 0 10,765 11 4 19,541 18 7 2,168,767 12 7 1,874,438 11 3 Unauthorised, — Services not provided for ..... 7,125 7 5 510 14 5 500 0 0 3,000 0 0 The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, — The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1900— Debentures matured 1st April, 1908, redeemed Debentures matured 1st May, 1907, renewed as per contra 372,400 0 0 372,400 0 0 3,500 0 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1901— Debentures matured 1st December, 1908, renewed as per contra Debentures matured 1st December, 1908, redeemed Debentures matured 1st January, 1909, renewed as per contra 10,000 0 0 142,400 0 0 32,900 0 0 185,300 0 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1902— Debentures matured 1st December, 1906, redeemed Debentures matured lat December, 1906, renewed as per contra 3,000 0 0 200 0 0 3,000 0 0 200 0 0 The Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903— Debentures matured 1st January, 1909, redeemed Debentures matured let January, 1909, renewed as per contra Debentures matured 1st February, 1909, renewed as per contra 119,975 0 0 222,475 0 0 200,000 0 0 542,450 0 0 Lands Improvement and Native Lands Acquisition Aot, 1894, — Debentures matured 30th September, 1908, renewed as per contra 400,000 0 0 Charges and Expenses, authorised by " The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908," in respect of loans raised under — Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1900 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1901 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903 .. .. ■ Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1906 Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Aot, 1907 801 0 0 255 17 0 315 0 3 2,761 7 11 641 18 10 4,385 8 8 1,389 10 8 5,027 7 6 The Aid to Publio Works and Land Settlement Act, 1908J 2,518 6 6 124,769 0 0 13,654 4 8 14,139 14 2 Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Publio Account Advances in the hands of Ofnoers of the Government— In the Dominion In London Investment Acoount 223,211 13 8 30,497 16 0 383,709 9 8 130,000 0 0 152,562 18 10 £2,042,1354 5 0 Totals £4,061,417 11 1

B.— 6a







19O7-19O8. RECEIPTS. 19O8-19O9. £ s. d. Balance at beginning of Year, — Cash in the Public Acoount £ s. a. & s. d. 12,074 8 2 15,853 8 6 15,853 8 6 12,074 8 2 The Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Act, 1907, — Proceeds of Debentures issued Premium 50,000 0 0 69,300 0 0 266 0 0 69,566 0 0 £62,074 8 2 Totals £85,419 8 6

£ s. d. Balance at beginning of Year, — Cash in the Public Account £ s. d. & ■ B. d. 93,526 10 10 19,365 4 0 19,365 4 0 65,000 0 0 1,300 0 0 The Government Railways Act, 1908, — Prooeeds of Scrip and Debentures issued Premiums received 145,100 0 0 30 0 0 145,130 0 0 66,300 0 0 £159,826 10 10 Totals .. £164,495 4 0

£ s. d. Balance at beginning of Year, — Cash in the Public Account Advanoes in the hands of Officers of the Government— In London £ s. d. 11,415 18 0 £ s. d. 1,975 8 8 13,391 7 2 50,000 0 0 The Waikaka Branch Railway Act, 1905,— Prooeeds of £53,476 3-per-oent. Debentures issued Totals £50,000 0 0 £13,391 7 2

£ s. a. The Wellington and Manawatu Railway Purchase Act, 1908, — Debentures issued for Acquisition of the Wellington and Manawatu Railway .. Premium received thereon £ s. d. £ s. A. 1,000,000 0 0 2,500 0 0 1,002,500 0 0 Interest recovered from Company under section 6 of " The Wellington-Manawatu Railway Purchase Act, 1908 " 5,369 17 3 Total £1,007,869 17 3

£ s. d. 42,895 10 3 Balance at beginning of Year, — Cash in Public Account £ s. d. 48,314 5 7 £ s. d. 48,314 5 7 14,291 3 10 Receipts under " The Land Act, 1908,"— Rents from Lands 13,492 17 7 Other Receipts,— Interest on Securities held by Investment Account 487 2 5 £57,186 16 1 Totals £62,294 5 7



FUND for the Year ended 31st March, 1909, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1908. Year ended 31st March, 1909, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1908.

for the Year ended 31st March, 1909, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1908.

ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1909, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1908.

WATU RAILWAY PURCHASE ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1909.

for the Year ended 31st March, 1909, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1908.

■— 19O7-19O8. EXPENDITURE. 19O8-19O9. s s. a. 46,220 19 8 Annual Appropriation,— Vote 129—Hutt Railway ana Road Improvement £ s. d. £ s. d. 66,407 16 11 The Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Act, 1907, — Charges and expenses authorised by " The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 " 109 10 0 15,853 8 6 Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Account 18,902 1 7 • £62,074 8 2 Totals £85,419 8 6

£ s. a. 140,052 16 4 Vote 130 —Bailwaye Improvements £ s. d. £ b. d. 141,534 1 6 408 10 6 The Government Bailways Act, 1908, — Charges and Expenses authorised by " The New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 " 14 19 4 19,365 4 0 Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Aocount 22,946 3 2 £159,826 10 10 Totals £164,495 4 0

£ s. d. 36,608 12 10 £ a. d. £ s. d. 13,391 7 2 Expenditure under the Act 11,415 18 6 Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Account Advances in the hands of Officers of the Government— In London V 1,975 8 8 13,391 7 2 £50,000 0 0 Totals £13,391 7 2

£ s. d. The Wellington and Manawatu Railway Purohase Act, 1908, — Payment to Company for Purohase>of Railway Interest, 7th December, 1908, to 27th February, 1909.. Railway stores taken over from Company Charges and Expenses of raising £1,000,000 loan £ s. d. 915,000 0 0 3,594 10 5 15,164 10 0 1,250 0 0 £ s. a. 935,009 0 5 32,869 15 6 Improvements, additions, and alterations after acquisition Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Account .. .. .. 39,991 1 4 Total £1,007,869 17 3

£ s. d. 8,866 2 6 6 8 0 Interest Surveys, Eoading, &c. £ s. d. 8,866' 2 6 15 0 2 £ a. d. 8,872 10 6 Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Account Investment Account 8,881 2 8 48,314 5 7 6,413 2 11 47,000 0 0 53,413. 2 11 Totals £57,186 16 1 £62,294 5 7




19O7-19O8. RECEIPTS. 19O8-19O9. £ s. A. £ s. d. £ s. d. 249,320 4 4 80,000 0 0 Balance at beginning of Year, — Cash in the Public Account Advances in the hands of Officers of the Government — In London In the Dominion Investment Aooount 89,645 17 11 1,415 8 1 1,001 6 4 400,000 0 0 . 492,062 12 4 400,000 0 0 729,320 4 4 390,690 0 0 2,924 0 0 415,600 0 0 The Land for Settlements Act, 1908,— Proceeds of scrip and debentures issued Premiums received Debentures matured 1st February, 1908, renewed Debentures matured 1st August, 1908, renewed Debentures matured 1st January, 1909, renewed 566,020 0 0 226 0 0 200. 0 0 172,600 0 0 75,075 0 0 809,214 0 0 814,121 0 0 Receipts on account of capital value of land under " The Land Aot, 1908," — Section 191 Seotion 177 2,467 18 0 12,162 6 6 14,630 4 6 131 0 0 1,032 0 0 1,163 0 0 / Receipts on aooount of capital value of land under section 69 of "The Land for Settlements Act, 1908 " .. 2,417 2 2 \ 230,357 4 ir Reoeipts derived from Estates,— Rents, &o. 237,831 8 3 13,814 0 5 Other R9oeipts,— Interest on Securities held by the Land for Settlements Investment Aooount 12,792 0 1 Recoveries, — Kauroo Hill Kurow Estate Otekaike .. .. .. •f. Plunket Estate Selwyn Estate Tautari Wangapeka Estate 8 8 6 2 4 2 8,247 19 6 17 2 214 16 0 150 0 0 15 1 6 278 8 9 8,53G 3 11 382 1 8 606 19 9 6 0 0 Credits in reduotion, — Aorangi .. Bickerstaffe Pencourt Heretaunga Lyndon No. 2 Windle 0 5 0 40 13 0 20 0 0 6 8 6 47 6 6 632 19 9 Carried forward 1,784,883 11 1 1,582,437 17 9



ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1909, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1908.

19O7-19O8. EXPENDITURE, 19Oi I-19O9. £ 8. d. 3,879 15 6 2,487 1 8 Annual Appropriations,— Vote 126—Land for Settlements Expenses Vote 127 —Workers' Dwellings Expenses £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,399 9 2 6,851 18 4 £ s. d. 9,251 7 6 6,366 17 2 Acquirement of Estates, — Purchase-money. Incidental Expenses. 0 18 0 12 4 0 55 9 3 3 18 0 58 5 6 2 19 6 6 16 5 6 18 4 21 2 8 32 12 2 0 2 0 949 4 0 6 15 0 1,053 11 1 6 15 0 2 19 6 4 -3 1 1,763 14 3 8 10 0 2,940 16 4 14 0 0 11 8 4 8 0 601 3 9 1 11 0 0 0 3 2 4 10 21 4 11 239 19 1 3 5 4 8 15 3 705 2 0 44 17 8 37 1 6 837 12 11 4 2 6 Total. Name of Estate. Total. 27,815 7 7 2 11 0 271 10 9 0 10 6 51 12 0 Airedale Albury Annan Ardgowan Argyll Ashley Gorge Barnego Beaumont .. Bickerstaffe Blind Eiver Braoo Braeburn (Wilkie and Page) .. Cadman Oarrington (Booth, W. H., Public Trustee) Carroll .. .. .. .. Chamberlain Cradock Culverden (Trustee late J. Cracroft-Wilson) Duncan Dyer Earnsoleugh Eccleston Eocleston No. 2 Edendale Elderslie Elsthorpe Epuni Fencourt Plaxbourne Forestgate Glenham Greenfield Hall-Jones Hatuma Hawtrey Hekeao Heretaunga.. Hetana Highbank Hikawera Horsley Downs Huinga Kaimahi Kanakanaia Kapua Kapuatohe Karapiro Kauroo Hill (Teschmaker, E. J., T., C. de S., H. J., andC. M.) .. Kereta Kinlooh Kitchener .. *. Kohika Kumeroa .. .. • • Kurow .. .. .. .. Langdale Lawry Lindsay Longbush Loughnan Lynoh's .. .. .. Lyndon No. 1 Lyndon No. 2 .. ... Maerewhenua Mahora Mahupuku Makareao Manga-a-toro Mangapouri Mangatahi Mangawhata Mangawhero Marawiti Matamata Maytown Mead 0 18 0 12 4 0 55 9 3 3 18 0 58 5 6 2 19 6 6 16 5 6 18 4 21 2 8 32 12 2 0 2 0 14,676 15 10 6 15 0 40,208 11 1 6 15 0 2 19 6 4 3 1 123,015 10 5 8 10 0 2,940 16 4 14 0 0 11 8 4 8 0 601 3 9 1 11 0 0 0 3 2 4 10 21 4 11 239 19 1 3 5 4 8 15 3 705 2 0 44 17 8 37 1 6 837 12 11 4 2 6 2 13 0 0 10 6 160 7 7 5 18 0 37 9 2 13 12 0 503 5 8 7 16 8 0 15 0 1 11 8 95 11 4 11 9 0 2,595 15 0 13,727 11 10 39,155 0 0 121,251 16 2 96 13 3 866 3 11 2 15 0 0 8 8 I,382'l5 7 149 11 0 36 18 6 19 14 11 1,497 12 10 43 2 3 137 12 4 2 14 6 2 18 0 2 17 0 1,391 19 3 2 8 4 44,999 15 3 114 3 8 17 2 11 1 14 0 5 16 3 12 9 0 2 0 82 14 9 1 10 6 41 12 9 64 1 1 114 3 8 17 2 11 1 14 0 5 16 3 12 9 0 2 0 82 14 9 1 10 6 41 12 9 64 1 1 85 1 5 2,620 13 5 30 0 0 2 18 6 89 10 5 41 12 10 2,518 14 11 841 10 5 0 4 6 13 4 3 3 13 10 1 10 0 2 13 6 10 0 17 0 1,139 6 3 126 2 8 3 18 0 9,687 2 8 82,581 7 10 507 0 0 18,457 15 1 133,804 16 6 630 16 10 0 5 0 6 17 10 2 0 8 1 19 6 82 0 0 123 3 8 2 18 10 230 4 0 238 6 6 2 18 10 134,435 13 4 0 5 0 6 17 10 2 0 8 1 19 6 82 0 0 123 3 8 2 18 10 230 4 0 238 6 6 2 18 10 4 4 0 13 0 5 5 8 0 11 0 411 12 9 108 5 7 247 0 0 2 5 3 30 19 6 213 15 6 7 8 1 2 6 6 78 13 10 0 12 6 5 9 6 4 4 0 13 0 5 5 8 0 11 0 411 12 9 108 5 7 247 0 0 2 5 3 30 19 6 213 15 6 7 8 1 2 6 6 78 13 10 0 12 6 5 9 6 105 7 10 14 12 5 5 17 0 Carried forward 307,939 4 6 12,223 19 0 320,163 3 6 9,251 7 201,096 11 4




19O7-19O8. RECEIPTS. 19O8-19O9. £ s, d. 1,784,883 11 1 Brought forward £ s. a. £ b. d. 1,582,437 17 9 ■ s*' \ • Carried forward 1,784,883 11 1 1,882,437 17 9


ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1909, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1908— continued.


19O7-19O8. EXPENDITURE. 19O8-19O9. £ s. d. 201,096 11 4 ■Brought forward £ s. d. 307,939 4 6 £ s. d. 12,223 19 0 £ s. d. 320,163 3 6 £ s. d. 9,251 7 6 Total. 72 14 7 113 12 9 279 9 3 146 4 1 3 9 5 97 11 2 12 0 6 2 14 6 2 18 3 7 15 0 0 7 6 0 10 98,141 12 11 2 12 6 0 5 0 1 10 0 9 3 4 40,379 4 1185 11 7 143 1 7 0 10 0 6 18 0 38,995 19 10 Acquirement of Estates — continued. Name of Estate. Meadowbank (J. Wither) Melling Merrivale Methuen Mills Morice (H. White) Normandale Northbank Ohakea Okauia Omaka Opouriao Orakipaoa Otaio Otarakaro Otekaike (Receiver of Land Revenue, Dunedin, purchase of Crown land) Papaka Pareora Pareora No. 2 Patoa Pawaho Pitt Poerua Plumer Plunket Presoot Pomahaka Pouparae Pourerere Punaroa .. Puhipuhi Puhuka Puketapu Rainford Rakatairi Rangiatea .. Raumati Rapuwai Raureka Rautawiri Rawiri Rewi .. .. Richmond Brook Ringway Roimata Rosebrook Rosewill Selwyn Spotswood Starborough Steward Tablelands Takitu Tamai .. .. .. .., Tarawahi Taumata Tautari .. .. .. Tawaha Teanaraki .. Tβ Arai Teasdale Te Mata (B. Chambers) .. Tokarahi Tomoana Totara Waari Waddington Waiapi Waikakahi Waimana Waimarie Waipapa Walker Wangapeka.. Wharenui .. .. ' Whitehall .. Wigan Wilford Willows Windsor Park Windsor Park No. 2.. Windle t'urchase-money. 15,544 18 3 196 9 10 15,940 0 0 Incidental Expenses. 170 15 4 58 9 10 11 9 8 188 5 8 15 8 1 6 3 6 12 14 6 19 10 0 8 18 2 27 12 3 8 6 11 5 8 6 0 10 9 1,557 15 11 0 13 6 1 11 0 4 0 9 2 16 6 50 16 6 8 10 0 105 14 i 34 11 5 672 4 10 0 7 7 2 13 11 4 8 2 11 13 0 4 7 0 4 13 0 7 0 0 15 0 17 15 7 4 10 6 5 18 4 5,397 1 5 2 16 0 5 6 0 15 0 61 10 11 48 18 1 22 3 1 8 5 7 0 2 6 13 0 692 11 11 361 18 2 84 4 6 321 17 10 845 7 10 1 14 0 15 0 20 5 3 5 13 0 74 4 9 2,940 8 5 9 13 11 6 0 0 3,769 16 0 678 17 8 31 9 0 2 17 0 Total. 15,715 13 7 58 9 10 11 9 8 188 5 8 15 8 1 202 13 4 12 14 6 19 10 0 8 18 2 27 12 3 8 6 11 5 8 6 0 10 9 17,497 15 11 0 13 6 1 11 0 4 0 9 2 16 6 50 16 6 8 10 0 105 14 4 34 11 5 672 4 10 0 7 7 2 13 11 4 8 2 11 13 0 4 7 0 4 13 0 7 0 0 15 0 17 15 7 4 10 6 5 18 4 5,397 1 5 2 16 0 5 6 0 15 0 61 10 11 48 18 1 22 3 1 8 5 7 0 2 6 13 0 692 11 11 361 18 2 84 4 6 321 17 10 845 7 10 1 14 0 15 0 20 5 3 5 13 0 74 4 9 2,940 8 5 9 13 11 6 0 0 3,769 16 0 678 17 8 40 15 8 2 17 0 14,133 1 11 42 19 8 25 9 0 383 1 6 1,692 18 7 3 4 0 3 17 6 5,446 9 8 0 4 6 0 8 0 50 1 6 16 2 0 16,791 3 8 29,146 18 0 348 0 7 114,196 0 9 80 6 5 1,750 13 5 2 6 6 0 13 6 196 1 1 98 13 5 4 6 2 9 6 8 7 5 0 20,399'l9 2 1,293 3 0 16,775 10 7 4 15 3 282 3 6 34 12 2 21 1 10 2 0 0 41 19 7 1,251 10 4 4 13 2 13 14 9 6 15 7 281 16 9 10 1 0 7 7 6 5 4 0 0 6 0 4 8 5 3 11 6 282 3 6 34 12 2 21 1 10 2 0 0 41 19 7 1,251 10 4 4 13 2 13 14 9 6 15 7 281 16 9 10 1 0 7 7 6 5 4 0 0 6 0 4 8 5 3 11 6 95 6 8 92 12 6 1 12 6 1 12 6 2,803 9 8 372,245 0 5 339,629 19 3 32,615 1 2 372,245 0 5 605,490 7 2 Carried forward 611,857 4 4 381,496 7 11




1907-1908. RECEIPTS. 19O8-19O9. £ s. d. 1,784,883 11 1 • £ p. a. [s.1 a. 1,582,437 17 9 Brought forward Totals.. £1,784,883 11 1 £1,582,437 17 9


ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1909, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1908— continued.

4—B. 6a.


19O7-19O8. EXPENDITURE. 19O8-19O9. £ s. d. 611,857 4 4 Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. ■ £ a. d. £ s. a. 381,496 7 11 266,800 0 0 The Land for Settlements Act, 1908,— Debentures redeemed— Matured 1st August, 1908 Matured 1st February, 1908 Matured 1st April, 1908 Matured 1st January, 1909 Debentures renewed— Matured 1st January, 1909, as per contra Matured 1st February, 1908, as per contra Matured 1st August, 1908, as per contra 58,050 0 0 5,500 0 0 250,000 0 0 40,975 0 0 148,800 0 0 75,075 0 0 200 0 0 172,600 0 0 415,600 0 0 602,400 0 0 956 6 11 15 18 4 865 14 6 The Land for Settlements Act, 1908,— Charges and Expenses,— On issue of Debentures On renewal of Debentures On redemption of Debentures 208 4 8 488 16 10 232 6 1 929 7 7 1,837 19 9 The Land for Settlements Act, 1908,— Interest on advances Interest recouped to Consolidated Fund in respeot of Debentures issued .. 209,060 14 8 292 16 6 215,535 4 3 54,465 0 0 Sinking Fund £1 per cent, on amount issued 57,963 1 7 89,645 17 11 Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Account Advances in the bands of Officers of the Government — In the Dominion In London Investment Account 20,504 2 0 1,001 6 4 1,415 8 1 400,000 0 0 1,816 2 4 301,500 15 7 492,062 12 4 323,820 19 11 Totals £1,784,883 11 1 £1,582,437 17 9





19O7-19O8. RECEIPTS. 19O89O9. £ . s. d, 95,687 7 0 886 17 7 Balance at beginning of Year,— Cash in the Public Account Advances in the hands of Officers of the Government—* In the Dominion £ s. d. 4,299 5 3 28 17 2 £ s. d. 4,328 2 5 96,574 4 7 Amount reoeived in respect of Survey Liens 67 7 9 Amount received on account of Shares of Purchase-money of Eangitoto-Tuhua No. 58 Block .. 1,789 14 5 50,000 0 0 Tne Maori Land Settlement Aot Amendment Act, 1907, — Proceeds of Debentures issued Totals £146,574 4 7 £6,185 4 7

£ a. d. 266 8 8 Balance at beginning of Year, — In the hands of Stook Agents— Gash .. In the hands of the High Commissioner— 3J-per-cent. Stook for sale £ s. d. 188 9 11 50,000 0 0 £ a. d. £ s. d. 102,000 0 0 50,188 9 11 102,266 8 8 97,179 13 7 Less oash overdrawn 30,074 4 8 20,114 5 3 5,086 15 1 288,000 0 0 340,676 10 0 5,000 0 0 3J-per-oent. Inscribed Stock, — Issued for redemption of Debentures Issued for conversion of Debentures.. Issued for expenses of conversion 1,226,828 0 0 12,900 0 0 1,239,728 0 0 633,676 10 0 106 5 0 Premium received on sale of 3J-per-cent. Stock s' Totals £638,869 10 1 £1,259,842 5 3



ACT ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1909, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1908.

ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1909, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1908.

19O7-19O8. EXPENDITURE. 19O8-19O9. £ s. a. 2,574 9 0 £ s. d. £ b. a. 832 6 2 Vote 128 —Maori Laud Settlement Expenses Acquirement of Land 615 7 1 139,671 13 2 Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Publio Account Advances in the hands of officers of the Government — In the Dominion 4,299 5 3 4,645 0 3 28 17 2 92 11 1 4,737 11 4 4,328 2 5 Totals £146,574 4 7 £6,185 4 7

£ s. d. Amount converted. £ Kate. Premium. £ s. d. £ s. a. 201,412 10 0 32,415 0 0 18,889 0 0 Debentures converted into 3J-per-cent. Inscribed Stock, — Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1900 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1901 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1904 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1905 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1908 Land for Settlements Consolidation Act, 1900.. Wellington-Manawatu Railway Purchase Act, 1908 converted. " ate - premium. £ £ £ 300,000 102 6,000 25,000 102 500 2,800 101 i 28 420,000 102 8,400 250,000 102 5,000 205,000 102 4,100 300,000 25,000 2,800 £ 102 102 101 £ 6,000 500 28 7,210 0 0 1,226,828 0 0 80,750 0 0 420,000 250,000 102 102 8,400 5,000 205,000 102 4,100 340,676 10 0 1,202,800 j .. 24,028 1,226,828 0 0 266,100 0 0 Debentures redeemed 2,062 10 0 3,512 10 0 3,945 10 11 376 12 10 2,073 3 1 8 8 0 S-' Expenses Aooount, — Brokerage and Commission Discount Stamp Duty Bent and Office Expenses Interest Law Costs 12,500 0 0 70 15 0 8,454 15 0 394 14 10 1,206 5 11 22,626 10 9 11,978 14 10 >r. 30,074 4 8 Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Account Advances in the hands of Stock Agents— Cash .. In the hands of High Commissioner — 3J-per-oent. Stock for sale 9,943 12 11 10,387 14 6 188 9 11 444 1 7 50,000 0 0 20,114 5 3 Totals £638,869 10 1 £1,259,842 5 3




1907-1908. RECEIPTS. 19O8-19O9. £ s. d. Balanoe at beginning of Year, — Cash in the Public Account & s. d. £ s. d. 397 0 8 11,271 0 5 397 0 8 The Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908,--Proceeds of Debentures issued Debentures matured 1st January, 1909, renewed 250,000 0 0 790,000 0 0 1,040,000 0 0 185,000 0 0 185,000 0 0 The Government Loans to Looal Bodies Act, 1886, — Debentures due 1st September, 1907, renewed under "The New Zealand Loans Act, 1904" .. .. .. ... 250,300 0 0 178 11 7 71 12 3 Repayments under sections 64 and 72 of " The Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908," — Counties— Clifton Clutha . .. .. Kairanga Levels .. .. Masterton Pahiatua Stratford .. .. Wairarapa South 14 8 11 23 6 11 100 0 0 109 7 2 63 16 1 91 7 7 324 5 1 Road Boards — Manganui 152 5 9 Boroughs— Carterton .. .. .. .. .. .. Whangarei 35 12 4 182 9 1 529 0 6 818 2 3 «• S* Carried forward 436,515 2 11 1,051,800 0 11



ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1909, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1908.

19O7-19O8. EXPENDITURE. 19O8-19O9. . £ s. d. Grants under " The Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908," — Counties— Akitio Amuri Bruce • • Oastlepoint Clifton Collingwood Cook Dannevirke Bgmont Eketahuna Eltham Peatherston Geraldine Grey Hawke's Bay Hobson • • • • Horowhenua Hutt Inangahua Kaikoura Kairanga • • • • ' • Kawhia Kiwitea Mackenzie Manawatu Masterton Ohinemuri • • • • Opotiki Oroua Pahiatua Patangata Patea Piako Pohangina Raglan Kangitikei Southland Stratford Taranaki Tauranga Waiapu Waikato Waimarino Waipa Waipawa Wairarapa South Wairoa Waitomo Weber Westland Whangarei Woodville £ s. d. £ s. d. 2,400 0 0 1,600 0 0 1,950 0 0 6,000 0 0 3,100 0 0 5,000 0 0 850 0 0 800 0 0 1,330 0 0 1,959 0 0 6,000 0 0 2,910 0 0 400 0 0 585 0 0 4,500 0 0 200 0 0 4,000 0 0 3,500 0 0 1,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 399 0 0 2,750 0 0 4,500 0 0 1,650 0 0 1,850 0 0 2,500 0 0 4,950 0 0 1,500 0 0 5,000 0 0 225 0 0 300 0 0 2,319 0 0 1,000 0 0 800 0 0 2,000 0 0 1,150 0 0 6,000 0 0 350 0 0 1,400 0 0 2,225 0 0 2,000 0 0 211 0 0 2,000 0 0 3,624 0 0 1,570 0 0 5,500 0 0 400 0 0 1,600 0 0 1,650 0 0 6,000 0 0 6,000 0 0 3,000 0 0 1,115 0 0 3,650 0 0 4,670 0 0 400 0 0 4,100 0 0 2,500 0 0 3,000 0 0 500 0 0 837 0 0 3,100 0 0 3,250 0 0 1,000 0 0 500 0 0 101,697 0 0 400 0 0 3,100 0 0 2,500 0 0 100 0 0 2,425 0 0 2,000 0 0 3,375 0 0 2,000 0 0 553 0 0 512 0 0 2,500 0 0 250 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,900 0 0 76,547 0 0 City Council— Christohuroh 5,500 0 0 3,000 0 0 380 0 0 2,800 0 0 700 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 600 0 0 2,800 0 0 600 0 0 2,449 0 0 5,000 0 0 1,300 0 0 Boroughs— Akaroa .. Alexandra .. .•>* • ■ Birkenhead Campbelltown Carterton Cromwell Dannevirke Eketahuna Eltham Feilding Foxton Greymouth Hamilton Hokitika Kaiapoi .'. .. / Kumara • ■ ■ • Levin Lyttelton Maori Hill New Plymouth Onslow Petone Pioton Stratford Taihape Tβ Aroha Waihi Westport Woodville 1,200 0 0 700 0 0 3,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 1,500 0 0 2,500 0 0 6,800 0 0 2,000 0 0 1,000 0 0 4,400 0 0 10,000 0 0 360 0 0 500 0 0 1,750 0 0 700 0 0 350 0 0 4,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 1,025 0 0 3,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 1,500 0 0 2,000 0 0 48,685 0 0 1,500 0 0 26,729 0 0 Carried forward 106,276 0 0 155,882 0 0




19O7-19O8. RECEIPTS. 19O8-19O9. £ a. d. 436,515 2 11 Brought forward £ s. d. £ s. d. 1,051,800 0 11 * V" Totals .. £436,515 2 11 £1,051,800 0 11


ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1909, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1908— continued.


19O7-I9O8. EXPENDITURE. 19O8-19O9. £ s. d. 106,276 0 0 Brought forward £ s. a. £ s. d. 155,882 0 0 1,000 0 0 150 0 0 2,000 0 0 825 0 0 264 0 0 920 0 0 80 0 0 2,980 0 0 Grants under "The Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1908 " — continued. Road Boards— Awatere Barrett Oarrington .. .. .. ... Heathoote Hunua Howick Township Huntly Kirikiriroa Manganui Mataongaonga Moa Omaka Papakura Parihaka Pukekohe East Pukekohe West Port Chevalier Riooarton Turanga Upper Wangaehu Waikohu Waimate Waipipi Waitotara Momahaki Waitara West Waiwakaiho 1,000 0 0 500 0 0 825 0 0 500 0 0 1,000 0 0 3,000 0 0 300 0 0 1,960 0 0 3,000 0 0 100 0 0 1,350 0 0 2,000 0 0 800 0 0 770 0 0 251 0 0 250 0 0 2,000 0 0 2,000 0 0 175 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,100 0 0 50 0 0 2,426 0 0 500 0 0 100 0 0 97 0 0 21,029 0 0 14,744 0 0 300 0 0 1,300 0 0 200 0 0 Town Boards— Bull's Featherston Martinborough Ohakune Opotiki Otautau .. .. 300 0 0 800 0 0 300 0 0 300 0 0 200 0 0 2,000 0 0 1,700 0 0 5,000 0 0 River Board— Hutt 5,000 0 0 400 0 0 Drainage Boards— • Bltham Hautapu Hopelands Hunga Hunga Makerua .. .. Moutoa Pukekohe Sef ton-Ashley South Hautapu Sluggish River 800 0 0 2,500 0 0 250 0 0 3,000 0 0 3,000 0 0 3,000 0 0 1,100 0 0 225 0 0 2,000 0 0 350 0 0 300 0 0 s , - 8,525 0 0 8,400 0 0 ' Total Grants 192,136 0 0 38,524 2 6 Annual Appropriation,— Vote 131—Roads to open up Crown lands 54,712 13 8 The Local Bodies' Loans Aot, 1908,— Debentures matured 1st January, 1909, renewed as per contra 790,000 0 0 250,300 0 0 The Government Loans to Local Bodies Act, 1886, — Debentures matured 1st September, 1907, renewed Amount transferred to Hauraki Plains Settlement Aocount under seotion 4 of " The Hauraki Plains Aot, 1908 " .. 12,000 0 0 11,271 0 5 Balance at end of Year, — Cash in the Publio Aooount Advances in hands of officers of the Government — In the Dominion 2,406 9 10 2,951 7 3 544 17 5 Totals £436,515 2 11 £1,051,800 0 11








19O7-19O8. RECEIPTS. 19O8-19O9. £ s. a. Amount transferred from Loans to Local Bodies Account under clause 4 of "The Hauraki Plains Act, 1908".. - .. £ s. d. s s. a. 12,000 0 0 Total £12,000 0 0

£ s. a. 240,000 0 0 The Government Aavanoes to Settlers Aot, 1908, — Debentures issuea.. Premium on same £ s. a. ] £ s. a. 1,094,700 0 0 3,013 15 0 Debentures maturea 5th June, 1908, renewea under " New Zealand Loans Act, 1904" .. .. .. Temporary aavanees obtainea penaing issue of Debentures 1,097,713 15 0 80,000 0 0 954,100 0 0 £240,000 0 0 Totals .. £2,181,813 15 0

£ s. d. 95,000 0 0 The Government Advanoes to Settlers Aot, 1908, — Debentures issued.. Temporary advances obtained pending issue of Debentures Totals £ s. d. £ s. d. 73,500 0 0 150,000 0 0 £223,500 0 0 £95,000 0 0

£ s. a. Balance at beginning of Year,— 500,000 0 0 Investment Aooount .. .•:' £500,000 0 0 Totals .. £ s. d. £ s. d. 500,000 0 0 £500,000 0 0

£ s. d. Balance at beginning of Year, — Investment Account The Public Revenues Aot, 1908,— Proceeds of Debentures created & s. d. £ s. d. 800,000 0 0 800,000 0 0 800,000 0 0 Securities purchased under authority of " The Public Revenues Aot, 1908," as per contra Totals £1,600,000 0 0 £800,000 0 0



SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1909.

OFFICE LOAN ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1909, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1908.

LOAN ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1909, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1908.

1903 ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1909, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1908.

FUND ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1909, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1908.

s—B. 6a.

1 £ . d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 11,672 5 6 Expenditure under the Act Balanne at end of Year, — Cash in the Public Account 327 14 6 Total £12,000 0 0

£ s. d. 240,000 0 0 £ s. d. £ 8. d. 1,051,813 15 0 Amount paid over to Government Advances to Settlers Office Account The Government Advances to Settlers Aot, 1908, — Debentures matured 5th June, 1908, renewed as per contra 80,000 C 0 Temporary advances repaid .. .. .. . 1,000,000 0 0 Totals £240,000 0 0 £2,131,813 15 0

£ s. d. 95,000 0 0 Amount paid over to Government Advances to Workers Office Account .. Temporary advances repaid Totals £ s. d. £ s. d. 123,500 0 0 100,000 0 0 £95,000 0 0 £223,500 0 0

£ s. d. Balance at end of Year, — Investment Account — 500,000 0 0 75,000 preference shares issued by the Bank of New Zealand £500,000 0 0 Totals I £ s. d. £ s. d. 500,000 0 0 ; £500,000 0 0

£ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 800,000 0 0 The Public Revenues Act, 1908,— Purchase of Securities (face value, £863,876 17s. lid.) 800,000 0 0 Balance at end of Year, — Investment Account 800,000 0 0 £1,600,000 0 0 Totals £800,000 0 0




I9O7-I9O8. RECEIPTS. 19O8-19O9. £ s. d. Balance at beginning of Year, — Cash in Deposit Account .. Investment Account £ s. d. £ s. d. 10 1 1 478,225 0 0 74 1 1 478,375 0 0 478,449 1 1 478,235 1 1 Deposits inscribed 124 0 0 214 0 0 £478,449 1 1 Totals £478,573 1 1


ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1909, compared with the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1908.


I9O7-I9O8. EXPENDITURE. 19O8-1909. £ s. d. Balance at end of Year, — Cash in Deposit Account Investment Account £ s. d. £ s. d. 74 1 1 478,375 0 0 8 11 478,365 0 0 478,449 1 1 478,573 1 1 Totals £478,449 1 1 £478,573 1 1


* Against Chis Treasury Bills amounting to JE250.000 are outstanding.

SUMMARY of BALANCES on 31st MARCH, 1909.

By Authority: Jobs Magkay, Government Printer, Wellington


Balances. Cash. Advances. Investments, j Total. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Consolidated Fund :— Ordinary Revenue Account* State Forests Account State Coal-mines Account Scenery Preservation Account .. Accounts of Local Bodies Deposit Accounts 434,320 19 5 14,536 13 7 27,021 8 0 2,428 9 9 Dr. 977 11 11 192,814 3 7 670,144 2 3 Consolidated Fund :— Ordinary Revenue Account* State Forests Account.. State Goal-mines Account Scenery Preservation Account Accounts of Local Bodies Deposit Accounts 387,163 1 6 14,346 16 17,950 8 11 2,370 13 10 Cr. 979 0 1 191,601 12 5 47,157 17 11 189 17 0 9,070 19 1 57 15 11 18 2 1,212 11 2 434,320 19 5 14,536 13 7 27,021 8 0 2,428 9 9 Cr. 977 11 11 192,814 3 7 612,453 13 2 57,690 9 3 I Public Wobks Fund 670,144 2 5 •• Public Works Pond 383,709 9 8 223,211 13 8 30,497 16 0 130,000 0 0 383,709 9 8 Wellington - Mana watu Railway Pubchase Account 39,991 1 4 Wellington- Mana watu Railway Purchase Account 3-9,991 1 4 39,991 1 4 Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Account. The Railways Impbovements Authorisation Act Account Land fok Settlements Account.. Maoki Land Settlement Act Account Cheviot Estate Account Loans to Local Bodies Account Hauraki Plains Settlement Account ■ Conversion Account New Zealand Consols Account. . Reserve Fund Account.. Bank of New Zealand Act, 1903, Account Genebal Services Account 18,902 1 7 22,946 3 2 323,820 19 11 4,737 11 4 53,413 2 11 2,951 7 3 Hutt Railway and Road Improvement Account The Railways Improvements Authorisation Act Account Land por Settlements Account.. Maori Land Settlement Act Account Cheviot Estate Account Loans to Local Bodies Account Hauraki Plains Settlement Account Conversion Account New Zealand Consols Account.. Reserve Fund Account Bank of New Zealand , Act, 1903, Account General Services Account 18,902 1 7 22,946 3 2 20,504 2 0 4,645 0 3 6,413 2 11 2,406 9 10 1,816 2 4 92 11 1 544 17 5 301,500 15 7 47,000 0 0 18,902 1 7 22,946 3 2 323,820 19 11 4,737 11 4 53,413 2 11 2,951 7 3 '.' 327 14 6 10,387 14 6 478,573 1 1 800,000 0 0 327 14 6 9,943 12 11 8 11 441 1 7 478,565 0 0 800,000 0 0 327 14 6 10,387 14 6 478,573 1 1 800,000 0 0 ■ ■ 500,000 0 0 84,981 10 5 500,000 0 0 500,000 0 0 Cr. 84,981 10 5 Totals .. 3,309,904 9 8 Totals .. 876,771 6 0 176,067 8 1 3,309,904 9 8 2,257,065 15 7

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Bibliographic details

MEMORANDUM BY THE:RT. HON. MINISTER OF FINANCE, SHOWING THE POSITION OF THE PUBLIC ACCOUNTS ON THE 31st MARCH, 1909, AND THE REQUIREMENTS TO THE 14th OCTOBER, 1909., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1909 Session I, B-06a

Word Count

MEMORANDUM BY THE:RT. HON. MINISTER OF FINANCE, SHOWING THE POSITION OF THE PUBLIC ACCOUNTS ON THE 31st MARCH, 1909, AND THE REQUIREMENTS TO THE 14th OCTOBER, 1909. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1909 Session I, B-06a

MEMORANDUM BY THE:RT. HON. MINISTER OF FINANCE, SHOWING THE POSITION OF THE PUBLIC ACCOUNTS ON THE 31st MARCH, 1909, AND THE REQUIREMENTS TO THE 14th OCTOBER, 1909. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1909 Session I, B-06a

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