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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

The Hon. the Minister in Charge of the Inspection of Machinery Department to His Excellency the Governor. My Lord, — Inspection of Machinery Department, Wellington, 24th June, 1908. I do myself the honour to transmit herewith, for Your Excellency's information, the report of the Inspection of Machinery Department of the Dominion for the financial year ended the 31st March, last. I have, &c, J. A. Millar, His Excellency the Minister in Charge of the Inspection of Right Hon. Lord Plunket, X.C.V.0., Machinery Department. Governor of New Zealand.

The Chief Inspector of Machinery to the Hon. the Minister in Charge of the Inspection of Machinery Department. Inspection of Machinery Department, g IB( Customhouse Buildings, Wellington, 16th April, 1908. I have the honour to submit herewith the annual report on the operations of the Inspection of Machinery Department daring the twelve months which ended on the 31st March, 1908. The work of the Department steadily increases every year in nearly every branch of its work. The increase in the number of boilers inspected is very marked this year. Flax-milling has been very prosperous throughout the year, and until quite recently good prices have been maintained. Never, I believe, in the history of New Zealand, have so many flax-mills been running. Sawmilling is also expanding rapidly along the Main Trunk Railway, as the railway communications are made. Dairy factories, especially in the Auckland Province, are being installed almost everywhere. Shipbuilders have been fairly busy in the Auckland District, and engineering firms generally have been better employed this year than they were last year. A great many of the suitable land-locked harbours have quite a fleet of oil-engine-powered launches and motor-boats, mostly under 5 tons, engaged for pleasure and for hire purposes. Nearly all of these have been built in the Dominion, and a great number of the oil-engines as well, with which they are fitted. The increase of land motor-cars driven by oil is also very noticeable. This branch of engineering has made rapid strides both for marine propulsion and for land-locomotion. Liquid fuel, however, as a fuel for borlers at sea, has not yet been in use in New Zealand. In the United States mercantile in,nine it has rapidly grown into favour. This is not unexpected, as the oil is indigenous to that country. In the future, however, should oil be found in quantity at Taranaki or Gisborne, it will no doubt be used largely for this purpose in the Dominion. The Admiralty in Great Britain have decided to establish storage oil-tanks at various ports in the United Kingdom, and they are adopting this oil fuel in several of their latest fast destroyers. The consumption of oil as a fuel has never been ao low as sanguine inventors expected. Ships up to 14,000 tons now make very long sea-voyages with oil alone as a fuel, so that its trustworthiness may be taken as proved. I have been able to visit most of the District Inspectors' offices during the year, and find that in the Taranaki and Wanganui districts a very marked increase in the work has taken place there. These districts have now grown to such an extent that I would recommend that in the near future an Inspector should be permanently placed at, say, Palmerston North to relieve the officer at Wanganui of all the southern portion of his large district. He could also take in all the new work along the North Island Trunk Railway from Marton. If such a centre were made it would not only relieve the present congestion of work at the Wanganui office, but would be of great benefit to steam-users having a man among them who could deal with matters promptly as they came along, thus saving great delays.

I_H. 15a.



I can bear testimony to the zeal generally displayed by all the Inspectors of Machinery, the Surveyors of Ships, and the Examiners of Engineers and Engine-drivers during the year. Their work, at no time pleasant, has been performed in a very satisfactory manner, as the accompanying details of the work as set out in this report will show. Boilers inspected. This work has been rigidly carried out this year, and there are very few boilers outstanding at the end of the financial year to be inspected. The total number of boilers inspected amounts to 5,968, being 589 in excess of the number inspected last year. A great amount of ground has been covered by the Inspectors to get all this work accomplished, more especially in newly opened districts, where the communications are none too good and the boilers scattered over a wide area. This year a new factor came in to hinder inspections, and that was fire. Some journeys had to be made through country partly devastated by fire, at great risk to the Inspector. The machinery in motion, also attached to these boilers, was all inspected to see that everything was properly guarded and in order. Government Boilers and Machinery. A total of 136 have been inspected this year —viz., ninety-one boilers, eleven lifts, nine Pelton and other water wheels, two gas-engines, fourteen oil-engines, and nine electric motors. Repairs were effected to some of these where required, and certificates issued for them, but no fees were charged. Defects of Boilers and Fittings. At the annual periodical inspection of boilers this year a large number of defects were discovered. Some of the large boilers of the Lancashire type showed unmistakable signs of grooving at the furnace Hanging where the furnaces were riveted to the end plating. Some of these plates had gone quite far enough to be safe, and strengthening bosom pieces had to be fitted and riveted over defective flanging. Some of the multitubular type of boilers had to have extensive repairs made to them. Some of the defects were caused by an accumulation of scale and dirt. Several defective plates had to be cut out of some of these, and parts out of others where the bulging of the plates had gone too far. With regard to locomotive boilers, extensive repairs were made to some of these, including new fire-boxes altogether in some cases; defective parts of the plating of others were cut and part plating renewed, and a good many screwed stays renewed in other cases. To portable boilers, including traction-engine boilers, numerous repairs were effected, including new fire-box crowns, and parts of plating renewed. In one case seventy screwed stays had to be renewed ; in another eighty ; one had 137 renewed; one thirty-two ; one forty-three ; one fiftythree ; and several up to twenty screwed stays renewed. It was found that several of the vertical class of boiler needed fairly extensive repairs. Some of the defects that were discovered were highly dangerous, and would undoubtedly have led to explosion if they had not been checked in time. The total number of defects discovered in boilers and digesters atid to boiler fittings this year was 1,760, and seventy-four of these were very dangerous. Return No. 2 sets out these defects in detail. New Boilers. The number of new boilers added to oui books during the year total 465. The horse-power <>l these amounts to 6,712 : 251 of these, totalling 3,002-hors<' power, were made in the Dominion, and 214, totalling 3,710-horae power, were imported. The following table shows the number and horse-power of these boilers, and tli. districts to which they have gone :—

lonii Impon HI. District. „ . Horse- » T , Number. po wer Number. Horsepower. Number. Horsepower. Auckland ... Auckland South Hawke's Bay Taranaki Wellington ... Marlborough Nelson North Nelson South Weetland Canterbury Timaru Otago Southland ... 62 23 20 35 37 9 6 9 8 9 4 14 15 884 241 295 241 478 228 44 131 143 83 16 80 138 49 17 28 10 48 3 886 149 262 124 1,315 25 Ill 40 48 45 85 12 6 15 10 25 10 17 41 1,770 390 557 365 1,793 253 44 195 165 403 69 112 596 6 2 16 6 3 26 64 22 320 53 32 458 251 3,002 214 3,710 465 6,712



Gas- and Water-driven Machinery, Lifts, and Machinery Inspections. Th" total number of inspections of this class of machinery amout to 3,880. made up as follows : Gas-engines, 1,041; oil-engines, 897 ; motors and hoists, 1,500 ; maohinery inspections, 442. Fencing of Machinery. A great dealing of fencing has been ordered to make machinery in motion safe during the yeai. Return No. 4. gives full details of what has been done in this direction. The guarding of saws in motion has received special consideration during the year, and steps are now being taken by the Department to render them less dangerous. A number (if saw accidents have been reported during the year. The fencing <>f machinery generally in motion is always looked to by the Inspectors when going through factories and workshops. Examination of Knoine-dkivkms. The examination of engine-drivers has been fully maintained throughout the year at the stated times and places fixed by regulation, also at other places suitable to candidates. As far as possible, requests by all applicants to be examined have been met. This year 906 candidates came up for examination, of whom 602 were successful, while 304 failed to pass. The examinations held were for extra first-class engineers, first-class engine-drivers, second-class engine-driven, winding-engine drivers, and locomotive an'! traction-engine drivers. Detailed lists of the candidates who pissed these examinations, together with the grades and classes of examinations, are shown in fteturns Nos. 7 to 13. inclusive. The various examinations wen' held in the following places : namely, Ahaura, Alexandra South, Auckland,* Blenheim, Ohristchurch,* Colßngwood, Cromwell, Dunedin,* Foxton, Qkborne,* Greymouth.* Hamilton,* Invercargi!!.* Levin, Masterton,* Napier,* Nelson,* Ohakune. Ongaonga, Opotiki, Pukekohe, Reefton,* Roxburgh. Stratford, Taihape,* Tauranga, Thames, Tiniaru,* Totara Flat, Waikanae, Waitapu, Wanganui,* Wellington,* Weetport,* and Whitianga. During the year eleven meetings of the Hoard of Examiners were held in Wellington, under " The Inspection of .Machinery Act, 1902," to issue certificates to engine-drivers, and to deal with the issue of reciprocal certificates from "ther parts of the Empire, as well as with other matters. I regret to have to record the death of a very valuable member of the Board of Examiners <>t engine-drivers during the year —Mr. Peter S. Hay, of the Public Winks Department (late Engineer-in-Ohief for the Dominion). He rendered valuable service to the Hoard while he was a member, and his opinions always carried great weight with the Hoard. During the year Mr. C. R. Vickerman, Inspecting Engineer of the Public Works Department, was appointed an additional member of the Board. The correspondence alone Eor this one branch of our departmental work reached a total of 3,780 letters this year, and is ever on the increase. Accidents. No boiler explosion has taken place during the year. Every effort is made by the Inspectors to discover all weak places in the structure of the boiler on inspection-day, but sometimes they have to examine it under great difficulties in narrow and confined spaces. Sometimes, ton. the boiler is not thoroughly clean, and some of the parts are bidden from view by brickwork, and often inspections are made in bad weather of portable and traction engines in open fields in the country. I regret to have to chronicle several accidents, some oi them fatal, in connection with machinery in motion. A number of these have been the result of carelessness of the employee. One case—that of a girl who lost part of her scalp through her hair being caught in shafting driving a sewing-machine —should, I think, be a warning to girls who have occasion to work near any machinery in motion without having their hair enclosed in a suitable net in some way. Employers should take the matter in hand, and not allow them to do so. The particulars of the several reported accidents are set out fully in Returns Nos. 5 and 6. Postal and Police Departments. The Postal Department, in the collection of fees, the issue of boiler certificates, and for advising the Department where certificates have not been taken up. has done good .service, which is heartily appreciated by the Department. The police authorities have assisted us materially in getting at the defaulters who have worked boilers and machinery without having taken up the certificates for same. This help has enabled the Department to get in a large amount of revenue, for each defaulter has to pay an extra fee over and above that first charged. In the prosecutions which this Department had to make against machinery-owners for various offences, and against engine-drivers, the ungrudging assistance rendered by the Police Department has in many <• ises removed the difficulties which existed in taking the action necessary. Marine Engineers' Examinations. A new book of regulations relating to the examination of marine engineers in the mercantile marine in New Zealand has been issued during the year. These regulations comprise a!! the recent Board of Trade additions appearing in the book last issued in Great Britain in 1906. A large number of new * Places at which examinations have been held more than once during the year.



elementary questions have been added dealing with electricity, management of oil-engines, steeringengines for ships, and hydraulic machinery as used Lα steamers. These examinations fot certificates of oompetenoy this year have been held at the following places: viz., Auckland,* Napier,* Wanganui,* Wellington,* Nelson,* Christchurch,* Timaru,* Dunedin,* [nvercargill,* Pent. Chalmers, ELohu Kohu, Tauranga,* Gisborne,* Reefton, Qreymouth,* Onnondville, Whakatane, and Whitianga. The total number of applicants who applied to be examined amounted to 273 ; of this number, 216 passed these examinations successfully and fifty-seven failed. Of those who failed, there were eight first-class marine engineers, one second-class marine engineer, twelve third-class marine engineers, twenty-three river engineers, three marine engine-drivers, two first-class engineers (powered vessels other than steam), three second-class engineers (powered vessels other than steam), five restrictedlimits engineers (powered vessels other than steam). Return No. 14 gives the names of the Buooessfol candidates and the various grades for which they paesed, the total number of applicants, total fees payable, and the number of candidates who failed to pass such examinations. Explosives. During the year 242 writti-n permits were issued at Wellington by this Department for the aarriage of explosives on steamers. Annual Surveys of Steamships and Luxiliary-powered Vessels. By the end of the financial year very few steamers were overdue for survey throughout the Dominion. Like other branches of the Department's work, this important part of it is steadily increasing. Considerable additions to the steam fleets in New Zealand have been made during the year, and several fine handy steamers have been built in Auckland with hulls of wood, and fitted with machinery made locally. The Surveyors of Ships have shown commendable zeal this year in seeing that all the vessels that had to be surveyed in their various districts were inspected. No friction has occurred with thu shipowners during the year. A great many necessary repairs have been effected, and all these have been supervised by the Surveyors of this Department to a finish. The periodical surveys are now carried oui in ;; very complete manner. During the year special attention has been given to the testing of auxiliary steam-piping, and to the hulls and ballast-tanks of steamers. New books, with full instructions as to the survey ofjpaseenger-aooommodation and for the survey of crew-spaces in ships, were received in 1907 from the Board of Trade of Great Britain. These are nowbeing adopted by the Department as their guide in the future inspections of the passenger-accommo-dation and crew-spaces of ships. Surprise visits were made to several steamers dining the year, but very little was discovered that could be found fault with. A great many excursion-trips have been run by passenger-steamers during the year, without any mishap or accident. All the fittings and additional equipments necessary for these trips have been supervised by the staff at all hours. Extra accommodation for passengers has been put up on several of the intercolonial boats to cope with the passenger traffic. The total number of surveys of steamers and auxiliary-powered vessels made was 390. The fees received for these surveys amount to £1,973 15s. Return No. 15 gives the total number of steamers and oil-engined vessels surveyed by the Surveyors of the Department during the year. and also gives their names, registered tonnage, nominal and indicated horse-power of steam-vessels, and the brake horse-power of oil-engine vessels, also the nature "I machinery and propeller. Surveys of Vessels for Seaworthiness. Numerous special surveys of steamers and sailing-vessels were made during the year at the request of shipowners. The necessity for the surveys will be seen from perusal of the defects as set out in the descriptive Return No. 17, which gives full details of the nature of these defects. The Surveyors of this Department have assisted the shipowners as much as possible when urgently called upon to advise in emergency breakdown cases-'on ships. Amongst the most important of these surveys are the following : The direct steamer " Surrey " was detained in the latter end of February last year owing to the condition of her main boiler furnaces at Port Chalmers. New furnaces to replace the defective ones were made in Great Britain, and were fitted on board at Port Chalmers on arrival. The work was inspected throughout by one of our Dunedin Surveyors, and completed in May, 1907. The boilers were afterwards subjected to a severe hydraulic test. They stood the test well, and to the satisfaction of the Surveyors of this Department. The steamer " Bucentaur " had the misfortune to get on a coral reef when entering Suva Harbour. The vessel, though extensively damaged, was temporarily repaired at Suva, and came on to Auckland. A survey was made on arrival, and the vessel was detained for repairs and docking. Several weeks were spent over the extensive repairs that were found necessary to be done to her hull-plating. Great credit is due to the crew of this vessel in making Auckland as they did, with the ship so badly damaged. A fire was discovered in one of the holds of the direct steamer " Turakina " some days after leaving Auckland. The master brought the ship back to Wellington. After her arrival here it was some time before the fire was got under, and not until the vessel's holds were flooded. Extensive damage was done to the structural work in the fore holds and decking overhead. A great many of the steel

* Plaoes at which examinations were held more than onoe during the year.



deck-plates had to be taken oui and straightened and afterwards replaced and reriveted. The wooden decking was all practically renewed in the fore part of the ship. The whole of the repairs to this vessel were carried out to the satisfaction of the Department's Surveyors. The principal defects in other cases were found to be caused by defective steering gear and rudders ; defects and Haws in main and stern shafting ; to fires in holds ; defective stern tubes : defects in furnaces ; to collisions ; vessels grounding ; defective"?main steam-pipes ; and to general defects in machinery. Altogether seventy-one of these special .surveys were made. The fees for these surveys amount to £233. Return No. 17 gives full particulars of each survey in detail. Government Stkamers. The Government steamers surveyed and inspected this year include the s.s. " Antrim."* 8.8. " Ben Lomond,"* "Countess of Ranfurlv '"f (sailing-vessel), s.s. " Ilinemoa," s.s. 'Manic Keddon," s.s. " Lady Roberts," " Mountaineer,"* s.s. " Reremoana,"f and s.s. " Tutanekai" ; total, 9. The s.s. "Tutanekai" has had a new boat-deck fitted to accommodate the two forward boats, and the s.s. " Hinemoa "is just completing a fairly extensive overhaul at Port Lyttelton. The overhaul includes the renewal of all the main boiler-tubes, two new slide-valves for the main engines, and renewal of several of the plates of the deck casing over the engines and boilers, and a complete overhaul of the deck machinery. The whole of the ship is being subjected to a thorough inspection. This vessel has done splendid service for the Government in connection with lighthouse work, and her speed to-day is perhaps better than in the early years of her advent injjthe Dominion. All the money that has been spent on her has tended to render her more efficient and more suitable for her special coastal lighthouse work. Additional Stkamers and Vessels surveyed for the First Time. The following additions to steam-vessels and to vessels fitted with auxiliary power have been made during the year. These vessels have all been surveyed for the first time this year, and are fortythree in number. The names of these steamers and vessels are : " Advance,"f " Albatross/'f " Alert,"f " Bell Bird," " Canterbury," " Cascade,"! " Daphne," " Dawn,"t " Elsie,"f " Endeavour,"f " Ivy,"} "Jane,"t " Kaiapoi," "Kahu/'t " Kaipatiki," " Kia Ora,"t " Koniata," " Magic,"t " Maidi,"f "Maori," " May,"f "Muriel," "Mvstery,"f " Naomi 'III,"t " Nita,"f "Nora Niven," " Otara,"f •<)tunui,"t "Pearl,"t " Pitoitoi," " Reremoana,"f " Sally,"t " Terawhiti," " Thistle, "f "Victoria,"! " Victory,"! " Violet," " Wave."f Some fine steamers were added to the vessels trading along the coast and the intercolonial trade during the year. Among these notably are the s.s. " Maori," s.s. " Marama," and the s.s. " Ulimaroa." They are all fitted up in a sumptuous style for passengers, and have great speed and power. These vessels were surveyed in Great Britain before leaving, and are now miming on the certificates issued by the British Board of Trade. The s.s. " Maori "is a turbine vessel fitted with three screws. The sailing-vessels surveyed for the first time were the " Rona " (barque), " Pelotis " (barquentine), " Joseph Craig " (barque), and "Louise Craig " (barque). Sailing-ships. This year twelve intercolonial sailing-vessels were surveyed, and various structural repairs carried out, and additions made to them. Most of these surveys were made at the I'm) c>l Auckland this year. The majority of these vessels are engaged in the timber-export and coal-import t rades between Kaipara, Auckland, and Australia. Return No. 16 gives full particulars of these. The total fees received for these surveys amount to £87. Districts and Inspectors, etc. Several changes have taken place with regard to districts and Inspectors during the year. Two new Inspectors —Mr. William J. Crawford and Mr. Andrew McKenzie —were appointed. The former •has been stationed in the Auckland District, and the latter has been assisting in the Wellington District since his appointment, but goes to ChrUrtchurch shortly as one c>l the Inspectors in the Canterbury District. Mr. A. Bethune, who has been in the Southland part of the Otago District for some years, goes to Dunedin to be permanently stationed there as senior officer. His place in Southland was filled by the transfer of Mr. P. Grant bom the Auckland District. .Mr. C. Suisted, who had been attached to the Head Office staff for some years, was transferred to Auckland to replace Mr. W. Douglas. The latter was promoted to take charge of the southern portion of the Auckland District, with his office at Hamilton. The work in the southern portion of the Auckland District has increased very rapidly.of late years, owing to the extension of the railway and the opening of large tracts of new country. The survey of all the steamers and vessels on the Waikato River, Rotorua lakes, Taupo Lake, and at the ports of Raglan and Kawhia on the west coast, will all be included in the work to be done in this new section of tiie Auckland District by the Inspector stationed at Hamilton. Mr. A. R. Stone was appointed Chief Clerk to the Department during the year. He was transferred from the Public Works Othce in Auckland, where he had been employed in the same capacity for some years. His service with the Public Works Department extended over a period of twenty years. He began his new duties on the 10th January, 190b.

* Plying on Lake Wakatipu. f < til-engine vessels.



Returns. Appended are the returns in detail, numbered from 1 to 19. 1. Number and class of boilers inspected, and fees payable on these ; the machinery inspected, and the fees payable thereon ; and the classes and numbers of engine-drivers' certificates issued, and the fees payable therefor. 2. Return of defects found on inspection of boilers. 3. Return of notices given to repair boilers. 4. Return of notices given to fence dangerous parts of machinery. 5. Return of accidents which were not fatal. ' '| 6. Return of accidents which proved fatal. 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13. Names of all persons to whom landffstationary, winding, locomotive and traction certificates of competency and service have" been granted during the year. 14. List of persons who were examined and passed for marine engineers' certificates of competency. 15. Return of steamers and oil-engined vessels surveyed during the year. If). Return of sailing-vessels surveyed during the year. 17. Return of vessels surveyed for seaworthiness, &c, during the year. 18. Return showing sums earned or received and amount spent during the financial year for inspection of machinery, examination of engineers and engine-drivers, and survey of steamers and sailing-vessels. 19. Return showing the nanu-» vi owners of boilers which require to be|in charge of certificated drivers. I have, &c, Rohert Duncan, Chief Inspector of Machinery, Chief Surveyor of Ships, and Chief Examiner of Marine Engineers and Land Engine-drivers. The Hon. the Minister in Charge of the Inspection of Machinery Department.


No. 1. (a.) Return showing the Number of Land Boilers and Machinery for which Certificates were issued during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1908.

Machinery. Clans. Number. Hydraulic lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 321 Gas lifts ... ... •• .. ... ... 32 Electric lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 109 Steam lifts ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 28 Gas and hydraulic hoists and electric motors ... ... ... 700 Water-engines, water-motors, and water-wheeis ... ... ... 85 Peltone ... ... ... ... ... ... .... 140 Turbines ... ... ■•• • ■■ ••• ■■■ 85 Gas-engines ... ... ■•■ ... ... •• ... 1,041 Oil-engines ... ... ... ... ••• ••• ••■ 897 Steam machinery ... ■•• •■• ••• ••• ••■ 442 Total ... 3,880 Summary. Boilers ... ... ... ■ ■■ ■•■ ••■ • ■• 5,968 Machinery ... ... ... ■•• ... ... ... 3,880 Total 9,848

Boiler.i. I Clans. „ , Exceeding 5- but m ,. Not ",. H,xcuetlnii; 5-horse Powe, «>*— Total. itationary 'ortable 1,494 920 1,669 183 1,309 393 4,083 1,885 Total 1,677 2,229 2,062 1,677 2,229 2,062 5,968 5,968



(6.) Return showing the Fees Payable for the Inspection of Boilers and Machinery, and for the issue of Engine-drivers' Certificates during the Financial Year ended 31st March. 1908. Fees payable —On boilers, £6,901 10s. ;on machinery, £494 155.; for engine-drivers' certificates issued, £395 155.: total, £7,792. Government boilers and lifts inspected but not charged for, representing £219 17s. 6d. Total, £8,011 17s. 6d. The cash actually received for boilers and machinery inspected, and paid into the Public Account, amounted to £6,926 15s. 6d. The difference is represented by unpaid fees. The cash actually received and paid into the Public Account for engine-drivers' application fees amounted to £611 10s. 6d. for the financial year ended the 31st March, 1908. This amount includes fees for certificates not yet issued.

(c.) Return showing the Number of Service and Competency Certificates issued to Winding and Traction and Locomotive Engine-drivers and to Steam Stationaryengine Drivers during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1908.

No. 2 —Return of Defects found on Inspection of Boilers during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1908.

Total. Class of Certificate. Number of Certificates issued. Pees received. Number of Certificates issued. i Pees received. Steam winding— Service Competency Traction and locomotiveCompetency Steam stationary— Service —First class Competency— Kxtra first class First class Second class ... 8 ■1 7 £ s. d. 0 15 0 18 10 0 30 I £ s. d. 14 5 0 154 77 0 0 154 77 0 0 14 3 iO 0 4 148 298 4 0 0 148 0 0 149 0 0 464 304 10 0 648 £395 15 0

Description of Defects. Dangerous. Defective in Lesser Degree. • Total. A number of rivets in shell bad A number of screwed stays in firebox bad A number of screwed stays in firebox broken All screwed stays in firebox bad All screwed stays in firebox-crown bad Back tube-plates bulged ... Back tube-plate corroded (pressure reduced)... Badly pitted inside shell ... Barrel of boiler much wasted (pressure deduced) Boilers dirty inside Bottom of combustion-chamber wasted Bottom of firebox wasted ... Bottom of shell badly pitted Bottom of shell defective (pressure reduced) ... Bottom of shell thin Bottom row of tubes bad ... Brickwork-setting defective Bulged in sceam space at back end ... Bulged under bottom of shell Bulged under fire-door Compensating-riug round manhole-opening wasted Corroded at bottom corners of firebox Corroded internally Coupling-pins in longitudinal stays bad Cracked at bottom of furnace Cracked slightly at a number of rivet-holes ... Cracked slightly in firebox Cross tubes thin ... 4 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 8 4 2S 6 2 2 2 106 1 2 2 ■2 3 1 29 1 18 1 4 3 16 1 1 4 7 2 4 30 1 2 2 6 2 2 108 1 2 2 3 4 1 29 1 26 1 4 3 16 1 1 4 7 2



No. 2. —Return of Defects— continued.

Ileseription of Defects. Dangerous. ' Defective in Lesser Degree. Total. Crown of boiler wasted Crown of firebox badly bulged Crown of firebox corroded Crown of firebox cracked ... Crown of firebox laminated Crown of firebox slightly bulged Crown of firebox wasted (pressure reduced) ... Crown of steam-dome wasted Crown stays defective Crown stay-nuts defective... Defective dogs on manhole-doors Eight screwed stays in firebox bad ... Eight tubes bad ... Eighteen rivets in front tube-plate bad Eighteen screwed stays in firebox bad Eighteen tubes bad Fifteen rivets in shell bad Fifty-three screwed stays in firebox bad Firebox badly bulged on sides and a number of screwed stays bad Firebox general waste Firebox-sides bulged Firebox thin round bottom Firebox tube-plate cracked and tubes bad Five longitudinal stays bad Five tubes bad ... Flanging of boiler defective Flue-end defective Foundation-rings round bottom of firebox defective Forty-four screwed stays in firebox bad Forty-three screwed stays in firebox bad Four mudhole-doors bad ... Four screwed stays in firebox bad ... Four stay-tubes bad Four tubes bad ... Four vertical stays defective Front tube-plate wasted ... Furnaces bad Furnace-bottom wasted Furnaces bulged ... Furnace-crown wasted Furnace grooved on top ... Furnace grooved under bottom at seams Furnace much pitted Furnace wasted at back end Furnace wasted round door Furnaces weak (strengthened) Furnaces weak (pressure reduced) ... General decay, rivet-heads wasted (pressure reduced)... General deterioration (pressure reduced^ Girders on firebox-crown wasted Girder-stays defective Grooved at bottom of firebox Grooved at end of furnace... Grooved at front end of boiler Grooved at landings Grooved on furnace-crown Gusset-stays defective Handhole door-openings wasted Header cap-bolts bad Heads of stays in firebox wasted Laminated plate in furnace Leaky seams Leaky stay-nuts at back end of boiler Longitudinal stays wasted Lum- leg thin (pressure reduced) Manhole-doors bad Manhole-doors riveting bad Manhole-door spigots defective 3 ■2 1 2 8 1 1 1 1 5 •2 2 9 8 2 2 11 3 2 2 1 3 3 1 1 I 8 4 1 4 1 1 10 1 5 1 2 1 6 3 I 1 1 1 1 2 3 5 164 4 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 3 1 4 2 4 1 8 1 14 0 S 2 12 10 2 2 11 3 2 2 1 3 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 11 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 10 1 1 1 5 1 2 1 li 5 3 9 6 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 5 164 4 1 3 3 2 a i i 3 1 4 2 4 1 8 1 14 5 3



No. 2. —Return of Defects— continued.

2—H. 15a.

Description of Defects. Dangerous. Defective in Leeeer Degree. Total. Manhole-door studs bad ... Manhole-openings in shell wasted ... Mudhole-doors bad ...'SBTCtf... Mudhole-door studs bad ... •■ ... Mud-drums grooved and corroded ... Nine tubes bad ... One hundred and thirty-seven screwed stays in firebox bad One longitudinal stay bad... One rivet in firebox bad One screwed stay in firebox bad One stay-tube bad One tube bad Patches defective Putting on crown of firebox Pitting slightly ... Rivets in manhole compensating-ring bad Eivets in manhole-door bad Rivets in tube-plate defective Saddle- plate wasted Screwed stays pitted slightly Seams leaking Seven rivets in front tube-plate bad... Seven rivets in firebox bad Seven screwed stays in firebox bad ... Seven tubes bad ... Seventy screwed stays in firebox bad Several rivets in shell bad... Shell wasted around skirting Shell wasted at back and circumferential seams Shell wasted at bottom inside Shell wasted at circumferential seams Shell wasted at crown of boiler Shell wasted at crown round uptake Shell wasted at foundation-ring Shell wasted at the ends ... Shell wasted at the landings Shell wasted at manhole-openings ... Shell wasted at mudhole-openings ... Shell wasted at top circumferential seams Shell wasted at water-line Shell wasted externally Shell wasted under stop-valve chest Shell wasted where blow-off cocks jointed on boiler Shell wasted where check-valve chests jointed to boiler Shell wasted where feed-pump chest jointed to boiler .. Shell wasted where safety-valve chest jointed to boiler... Sides of firebox thin Six rivets in shell bad Six screwed stays in firebox bad Six tubes bad Sixteen screwed stays in firebox bad s ... Sixteen tubes bad Sixty-five screwed stays bad in firebox Stay-nuts on front tube-plate bad ... Steam-domes wasted Steam-drum wasted Steam space-stays wasted... Tapered mud-plugs defective Ten tubes bad Three rivets in manhole-door bad ... Three screwed stays in firebox bad ... Three tubes bad ... Thirty-two screwed stays bad Throat-plates thin Top row of screwed stays at back end of firebox bad ... Top row of tubes badly fitted Top tube-plates thin Tubes bad 1 4 5 38 14 4 1 4 5 38 14 4 1 1 i 4 1 1 1 1 5 a 5 1 11 12 6 22 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 6 1 17 4 3 1 2 1 2 72 3 1 2 2 3 4 3 a 4 6 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 4 6 1 3 4 "s 1 1 4 89 5 2 5 1 11 12 6 22 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 6 1 21 5 3 1 2 1 2 72 3 1 2 2 3 4 3 2 4 6 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 4 6 1 3 4 1 3 1 1 5 89


No. 2.—Return of Defects— continued.

Digesters found to be defective on Inspection during Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1908.


Description of Defeota. Dangerous. Defective in Lesser Degree. Total. Tube-ends leaking Tubes pitting slightly Tube-plates bad ... Tube-plates bulged Tube-plates wasted Tubes wasted Two longitudinal stays bad Two screwed stays in firebox bad ... Two screwed stays in firebox bad Two stay-tubes bad Two rivets in foundation-ring bad ... Two rivets in furnace bad ... Two tubes bad ... Twelve screwed stays in firebox broken Twenty-nine screwed stays in firebox bad Twenty nuts on crown-stays bad Twenty-one tubes bad Twenty screwed stays in firebox bad Twenty-six tubes bad Twenty-three screwed stays in firebox bad ... Twenty-two plain tubes and four stay-tubes bad Uptake and back of furnace wasted (pressure reduced) Uptakes bad Uptakes wasted ... Vertical stays leaking Vertical stays wasted Wasted at bottom of firebox and mudhole-openings ... Wasted a"t crown of firebox where fusible plug fitted ... Wasted at front end of boiler (pressure reduced) Wasted on top tube-plate and end of tubes ... ... I Wasted round bottom of firebox Wasted round furnace-door Wastfid round sides of firebox Wasted round top of shell and grooved round uptake ... 7 1 I L2 9 12 1 81 4 5 5 4 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 10 1 3 3 5 1 6 2 1 5 2 12 9 19 1 31 4 5 5 4 ] 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 10 1 3 3 5 1 6 2 1 5 2 Totals 63 68 1,169 1,232

• Description of Defects. Dangerous. Defective in Lesser Degree. Total. A number of rivets bad (pressure reduced) ... All rivets bad All rivets in the circumferential and longitudinal seams in the top end bad Bolts in door defective Bottom of digester wasted... Circumferential seams wasted ..y.. Crown plates much wasted Door defective Fifteen rivets in top bad ... Four rivets bad ... General deterioration (pressure reduced) Landings wasted Ninety-eeven rivets bad ... One hundred and twenty rivets bad Eivets in top door bad Shell corroded Stay-nut on crown bail Thirty rivets bad Three vertical stays bad ... Top of digester wasted Top plates and rivets wasted Top seams of rivets bad 3 2 7 7 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 6 2 1 1 1 1 2 6 5 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 4 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 6 5 3 i i Totals n \-i ry.i



Defective Fittings found on Inspection of Boilers for which Notice was given to renew or repair during Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1908. 4 Bends of feed-pipes defective : have been 1 New cylinder for engine fitted. renewed. 1 New feed-pump fitted. 5 Bends of main steam-pipes bad : have been 1 New flange fitted to steam-pipe. renewed. 2 New pet-cocks fitted to feed-pump. 19 Blow-off cocks bad : have been renewed. 1 New steam-cock fitted to digester. 5 Blow-off cocks defective : have been repaired. 1 New steering-gear bracket fitted to traction--2 Blow-off cocks fitted with new bolts. engine to replace broken one. 1 Blow-off cock rejointed, and new studs fitted 1 New strap fitted to the end of engine conin boiler. necting-rod. 6 Blow-off pipes bad : have been renewed. 3 New studs and nuts fitted to stop-valves. 2 Brake-gear defective: has been put in order. 2 New studs and nuts fitted to stop-valve 4 Crank-shafts of engine bent : have been glands. straightened. 11 Safety valves bad : have been renewed. 1 Crank-shafts of engine fractured: were re- 2 Safety-valve chests defective: have been newed. renewed. 3 Cylinders, where jointed to boiler, leaking : 13 Safety valves defective: have been repaired. were rejointed. 29 Safety-valve levers cut to correct length. 1 Defective clutch on shaft renewed. 1 Safety-valve spindle defective : was renewed. 1 Engine guide-bars broken : have been re- 2 Safety-valve springs bad : have been renewed, newed. 2 Feed check-valve chest defective : was re- 3 Safety-valve weights incorrect: new ones newed. fitted. 4 Feed check-valve chests and valves bad : 40 Steam-pressure gauges bad: have been rewere renewed. newed. 3 Feed check-valve chest rejointed to boiler. 3 Steam-pressure gauge-rjipes bad : were re--2 Feed-pipes defective : have been renewed. newed. 2 Feed-pumps defective: have been repaired. 2 Steam stop-valves bad: have been renewed. 40 Ferrules fitted under spring-balance safety- 5 Steam stop-valves refaced. valve levers. 2 Studs in cylinder casing renewed. 3 Fly-wheels of engine defective: have been 6 Syphon pipes for steam-pressure gauges repaired. bad : were renewed 1 Fly-wheel of engine cracked: was renewed. 7 Tapered mud-plugs defective : have been 1 Fly-wheel of engine loose on shaft: was renewed. made secure. 8 Tapered sight-plugs defective: have been 1 Fulcrum of safety valve defective : was re- renewed. newed. 14 Test-cocks bad : have been renewed. 26 Fusible plugs found defective : have been 8 Test-cocks defective : have been repaired, renewed. 1 Traction-engine brake fitted with new nut 2 Governors out of order : were overhauled. and screw. 4 Injectors found defective : were renewed. 8 Traction-engine steering gear defective : was 1 Main steam-pipes bad : have been renewed. put in order. 1 Main steam-pipes defective: were repaired. 1 Traction-engine steering-gear wheel de--3 Main steam-pipes fitted with hangers. fective : was repaired. 14 Manhole-doors bad : have been renewed. 1 Universal coupling repaired. 4 Manhole door-studs bad : have been re- 1 Water-gauge column bad : was renewed. newed. 36 Water-gauge mountings, bad : have been 38 Mudhole-doors bad : have been renewed. renewed. 14 Mudhole door-studs bad : have been re- 30 Water - gauge mountings defective : were newed. repaired. 4 New crown wheels for dredge fitted. 4 Water-gauge pipes altered. Total ... ... 475



No. 3.—Return of Notices given to repair Boilers during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1908.

If. 'ype. lesoripi iion oi ipairs. 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 25 7 1 3 2 Cornish ... Brickwork repaired. „ - ... Furnaces patched where wasted. „ ... Furnace seams caulked. „ ... Gusset-stay repaired. ... Patch fitted on shell-plate above furnace. „ ... Two rivets renewed in furnace. Cornish tubular ... New length of flue fitted in front end. „ ... Patch fitted in furnace. ... Eetubed. „ ... Retubed and new back tube-plate. „ ... Strengthening-rings fitted to furnace. „ ... Three patches renewed. „ ... Twenty-four tubes renewed. „ ... Twenty-two plain and four stay tubes renewed. Diyback marine ... Furnace-crown repaired. „ ... Tubes expanded, and patch fitted on back end plate in steam space. „ ... Two new tubes. Lancashire ... Furnaces repaired. „ ... Patches fitted over grooving at front end of right-hand furnace and back end of left-hand furnace. „ ... Six defective rivets renewed. „ ... Strengthening-rings fitted round furnace. „ ... Two new furnaces tinted. Locomotive ... A number of new screwed stays fitted in firebox. „ ... Back ring of furnace repaired. ... Crown stay-nuts renewed. „ ... Five new tubes fitted. „ ... Foundation-ring at front end reriveted. „ ... Lower part of firebox renewed, and twenty-two new screwed stays fitted. „ ... New firebox, and all new screwed stays fitted. „ ... New front tube-plate and new longitudinal stays fitted. „ ... New girders fitted to crown of firebox. „ ... New tube-plate fitted. ... One new longitudinal stay fitted and one new mud-door. „ ... Patch fitted on bottom of shell. „ ... Patch fitted on crown of firebox, and one new longitudinal stay. „ ... Patch fitted on each side of firebox. „ ... Patches fitted in firebox. „ ... Patch fitted on throat-plate. „ ... Eetubed. , ... Retubed, and new tube-plate. „ ... Six new screwed stays in firebox. „ ... Sixteen new tubes fitted. „ ... Sixteen new tubes, one new screwed stay in firebox, and three new nuts fitted on crown-stays. „ -s. ... Three new screwed stays in firebox. „ ... Three new tubes fitted. „ ... Top r6w of screwed stays at back end of firebox renewed. „ ... Twelve new screwed stays fitted in firebox, and one new mud-door. „ ... Twenty new nuts fitted on girder-stays. „ ... Twenty-six new tubes fitted. „ ... Two new tubes fitted. „ ... Two rivets renewed and patch fitted in firebox. Manure-dryer ... Four feet of sheathing fitted to the bottom of inside shell. „ ... New bottom plate fitted. „ ... Sheathing-plate fitted on bottom. „ ... Two sheathing-plates fitted on bottom. Marine ... .... Retubed. „ ... Several tubes expanded. Multitubular ... All tubes expanded. „ ... Bolted patch rejointed to shell. ... Brickwork repaired. „ ■■ Bulge cut out of bottom of shell and a patch fitted and riveted on. „ ... Bulge cut out of bottom of shell at back end, patch fitted and riveted on, and all tubes drawn to clean boiler. „ ... Compensating-rings fitted round manhole-openings. „ ... Compensating-rings fitted round mudhole-openings.



No. 3.—Return of Notices given to repair Boilers— continued.

ier. 'ypelesoripl lion ol iepaira. 2 2 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 1 3 1 3 1 1 6 1 a 2 1 1 6 1 1 g l 1 1 Multitubular tt it it H It tt It It It It' It tt it It It Compensating-rings fitted round mudhole-openings and new doors fitted. Crown-plates of steam-dome patched. Crown-plate of steam-dome renewed. Defective patch taken off shell and a larger one fitted. Defective plates repaired. Defective rivets in circumferential seams renewed. Eight rivets in bottom of tube-plate renewed. Fifteen new rivets put in circumferential seams. Five new tubes fitted. Four new stay-tubes fitted. Large patch fitted on the bottom of front tube-plate. Manhole and mudhole openings fitted with compensating-rings. Manhole-door dogs repaired. Manhole-doors repaired. Manhole-door spigots reriveted. Manhole-opening reriveted. Mudhole-doors repaired. New bottom-plate fitted in shell. New manhole-doors. New manhole-door, new mudhole-door, and compensating-ring round manhole-opening rerivetd. New mud-drum fitted. New mudhole-doors. New studs fitted in mud-doors. One new longitudinal stay. One new rivet put in shell. One new rivet put in back tube-plate. One new stay-tube fitted. One new tube fitted. Part of shell renewed. Patch fitted on back tube-plate. Patches fitted on crown of steam-dome. Patch fitted on front tube-plate. Patch fitted on shell under check-valve. Patch fitted on shell under cheek-valve, and patch where sling-stay goes through crown of boiler. Patch fitted under main stop-valve chest. Patches on bottom of shell rejointed. Plate cut out of bottom, and new one fitted. Plug fitted in front tube-plate for cleaning. Retubed. Retubed, and new mudhole-door fitted. Several new tubes fitted. Several new tubes, and new mudhole-door fitted. Several tubes expanded. Ten new tubes fitted. Three new rivets in manhole-door. Three new tubes fitted. Top row of tubes expanded. Two new manhole-doors, compensating-rings round manholeopenings, patsh on crown of steam-dome, and patch on back tube-plate fitted. Two new plates fitted in bottom of shell. Two new tubes fitted. A number of new screwed stays fitted in sides of firebox. A number of new screwed stays fitted in sides of firebox, and a patch on crown of firebox. A number of new screwed stays fitted in sides of firebox, and new girder-stays. All crown-stays in firebox renewed. Bottom of firebox repaired. Compensating-rings fitted to mudhole-openings. Compensating-rings fitted to mudhole-openings, and three new tubes put in. Compensating-rings fitted to mudhole-openings, and two new studs in mud-doors. Compensating-rings fitted to mudhole-openings, two new screwed stays in firebox, and one new longitudinal stay. 1 1 1 1 14 1 2 1 6 3 1 1 2 1 It it it H II II it It II II 1 1 12 1 I It Portable 1 1 1 28 1 4 I 1 ■ it



No. 3.—Return of Notices given to repair Boilers— continued.

;r. •jrpe. lescripl ;ion oi ■p;vi Ire. ] 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 10 1 4 1 1 5 5 1 9 1 2 2 6 2 1 1 3 1 Portable tt ti tt it it n Crack in firebox-chain pinned. Eight new rivets put in tube-plate. Eight new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Eight new screwed stays in firebox, and compensating-rings fitted to manhole and mudhole openings. Eighteen new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Eighty new screwed stays in firebox, and compensating-ring fitted round mudhole-opening. Extra girder fitted on crown of firebox where bulged. Fifty-three new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Five new screved stays fitted in firebox. Five new screwed stays in firebox, compensating-ring round mudholeopening, sight-hole cut, and tapered plug fitted. Five new tubes fitted. Foundation-ring repaired, sight-hole cut, and tapered plug fitted. Four new longitudinal stays fitted. Four new rivets in manhole compensating-ring, and forty-three new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Four new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Mudhole door-opening dressed out and new door fitted. New crowns fitted in firebox. New girders fitted on crown of firebox. New girders fitted on crown of firebox, foundation-ring repaired, and sixty-five new screwed stays in firebox. New longitudinal stays fitted. New manhole-doors fitted. New manhole-door, and eighteen new screwed stays fitted in firebox. New mudhole-doore fitted New patch fitted to foundation-riLg. New studs fitted in mud-doors. Nine new tubes fitted. One hundred and thirty-seven new screwed stays fitted in firebox. One new longitudinal stay fitted. One new screwed stay in firebox. One new screwed stay in firebox, and new stud in mudhole-door. One new tube fitted. One new tube and one new rivet fitted. Patch fitted on crown of firebox. Patch fitted on crown of boiler at fusible plug-hole. Patches fitted in firebox. Patches fitted on foundation-ring. Patch fitted on front tube-plate, and two new tubes. Patch fitted on shell, and eighteen new screwed stays in firebox. Patches fitted on smokebox tube-plate. Patches on each side of furnace renewed, compensating-rings fitted on mudhole-openings, and twenty new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Patches in firebox renewed. Eetubed. Eetubed, and new longitudinal stays fitted. Ketubeil, and new tube-plate fitted. Seven new screwed stays put in firebox. Seventy new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Sight-holes bored, and tapered plugs fitted. Six new rivets put in front tube-plate. Six new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Six new screwed stays fitted in throat-plate. Sixteen new screwed stays in firebox, and one new longitudinal stay fitted. Strengthening stays fitted to crown of furnace. Tapered mudholes in front tube-plate retapped, and new plugs fitted. It tt a n 4 16 ] 1 1 1 9 2 2 1 1 it tt 1 1 1 1 Ten new tubes fitted. Thirteen new screwed stays in firebox, compensating-ring round mudhole-opening, and patch fitted in firebox. Thirty-four new screwed stays, and new smokebox. Thirty-two new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Three mudhole-openings fitted with compensating-rings. I I I



No. 3.—Return of Notices given to repair Boilers — continued.

>r. ypeDescription of lep, ire. 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 8 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 . 2 1 1 1 1 Portable »/ it Rectangular Semi-portable Semi-tubular ■ n Traction Three new mud-doors and mudhole-openings fitted with compen-sating-rings. Three new rivets in manhole-door. Three new studs fitted in mud-doors. Three new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Three new screwed stays fitted in laminated plate in firebox. Three new tubes fitted. Tubes expanded. Tubes in front end beaded. Tube-plate patched. Two girder-stays renewed. Two longitudinal stays and seven new screwed stays fitted. Two new longitudinal stays fitted. Two new mud-doors. Two new mud-doors, and compensating-rings fitted round mud-hole-openings. Two new rivets in foundation-ring. Two new rivets in manhole compensating-ring. Two new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Two new screwed stays fitted in firebox, and compensating-rings to mudhole-openings. Two new screwed stays fitted in throat-plate. Two new tubes fitted. Twenty new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Twenty-three new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Eighteen new screwed stays fitted. Five new longitudinal stays fitted. Sight-hole cut, and tapered plug fitted. Three mudhole-openings fitted with compensating-rings. New stays fitted in crown. Patch fitted on back tube-plate. Patch to renew, and one new patch to fit on furnace. Seven rivets renewed in furnace. Shell patched on bottom. Three new tubes fitted. All new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Compensating-ring fitted to manhole-opening. Compensating-rings fitted to mudhole-openings. Crack in firebox-crown, chain pinned. Eight new tubes fitted. Eighteen new tubes fitted. Fifteen new tubes put in. Firebox-crown repaired. Five new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Four new stay-tubes fitted. Four new tubes fitted. Front tube-plate renewed. Leaky bar-stays rejointed. New firebox fitted. New firebox, retubed, all new screwed stays in firebox, patch riveted over front outside of firebox, and patch under fire-door. New studs fitted in manhole-doors. Nine new screwed stays fitted in firebox. One new screwed stay put in firebox. Patch fitted on bottom of barrel. Patch fitted on crown of firebox. Patches fitted on sides of firebox. Patches in firebox renewed. Retubed. Retubed and new firebox fitted. Retubed, new firebox-crown, and new tube-plate fitted. Retubed, three new screwed stays in firebox. Retubed, three new stay-tubes and forty-four new screwed stays fitted in firebox. Retubed, twenty-nine new screwed stays fitted in firebox, and seven new rivets in front tube-plate. Seven new tubes fitted. Ten new girder-stays fitted on crown. Ten new tubes fitted. Three new screwed stays put in firebox. Tubes expanded. Twenty-one new tubes fitted. 4 1 2 1 1 6 2 10 2 1 1 1 t » a 1 2 1 5 4 6 1 H *l


No. 3.—Return of Notices given to repair Boilers — continued.


Number. Type. Description of Repairs. 4 1 8 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 2 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 16 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 9 2 1 2 Traction Vertical cross-tube a ... »/ Vertical field-tube ■ a Vertical flue Two new screwed stays put in sides of firebox. Bottom part of shell and furnace renewed, and a row of new screwed stays round furnace. Compensating-rings fitted round mudhole-openings. Crown of boiler patched. Four new vertical stays fitted, and patch under safety-valve chest. Laminated plate in furnace patched. New collars fitted on crown of boiler round uptake. New foundation-ring fitted. New manhole-door. New spigot fitted to manhole-door. New uptakes fitted. One new vertical stay and mudhole-opening compensated. Patch fitted on bottom of firebox. Patch fitted on bottom round foundation-ring. Patch fitted round bottom of firebox, and mudhole-openings compensated. Patch fitted under stop-valve chest, and a row of new screwed stays round firebox. Eivets in top of uptake renewed. Seventeen new screwed stays put in firebox. Several rivets renewed in shell of boiler. Three new vertical stays fitted, and a row of new screwed stays round firebox. Two patches fitted to vertical landings in firebox. Bottom of shell renewed. New manhole-door, and several new tubes fitted. Patch fitted on bottom of firebox. Patches fitted on shell under blow-off cock. Retubed. Compensating-rings fitted round mudhole-openings. Four compensating-rings fitted round mudhole-openings. New manhole-door fitted. New mudhole-doors fitted. New spigot fitted to manhole-door. New uptakes fitted. Part of firebox renewed. Patch fitted in firebox under door. Patch fitted round bottom of uptake. Three new vertical stays fitted. Vertical stays rejointed. Wasted part of uptake patched. Centre stay renewed. Compensating-rings fitted to manhole and mudhole openings. Compensating-rings fitted round mudhole-openings. Four new vertical stays fitted. New manhole-door fitted. New manhole-door, and a row of new screwed stays in firebox. One new stay-tube and three new screwed stays fitted. One new tube fitted. One new vertical stay fitted. Patch fitted in firebox. Patch fitted under safety-valve chest. Retubed. Retubed, and compensating-rings fitted round mudhole-openings. Retubed, and new top tube-plate. Retubed, new top tube-plate, and patch fitted to shell of boiler. Several tubes expanded. Six new tubes fitted. Three compensating-rings fitted to mudhole-openings. Twelve net rivets put in skirting. Two new tubes fitted. Two patches fitted round bottom of shell. Bottom row of tubes renewed. Brickwork repaired. One new tube fitted. Twenty-seven bolts in caps for headers renewed. Two new tubes fitted. n • • • Vertical tubular ... „ ... a Water-tube 611 Total.



No. 4.—Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery. &c., during the Financial Year ending 31st March, 1908.

3—H. 15a.

urn ier. W inery. 'articu lars. i % 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 2 I 2 1 Biscuit-factory >» ■ ■ Boat-building >> • • Boiling-down Boot-factory >> • • Brass-finishing Breast water-wheel Brick-works ■ .. >> • • Briquette-works .. >> • • Brewery Butchery. . ii >» Butter-factory >> ■ • >> • • >> • • Cabinetmaking >> - • Chaff-cutting >> ■ • j> • ■ N • ■ Cheese-factory >> ■ • jj * • Coach-factory >> * • )> • ■ Coal-mining >> * ■ Coal-screening Cordial-factory >> ■ • >> • • >> • • J? • • I Creamery >> • • >> ■ • Crushing oats Dairy factory j> • • Dayton turbine J Dredge .. Electric hoist >> ■ • >> • • Electric lift . .^ Belting to guard. Side of driving-pulley. Belting and driving-pulley. Fly-wheel and belting. Fly-wheel of engine. Front and side of engine. Fly-wheel of engine. Machinery fenced off. Shafting protected. Emery wheels. Wheel guarded. Belting and pulley. Machinery. Machinery and belting. Platform and ladder. Machine for bottling. .. j Engine and machinery. Ends of shafting. .. Fly-wheel. Churn. . Fly-wheel of engine, main pulley, and belting. Fly-wheel and freezer. Freezing-engine and churn. Fence fly-wheel, engine, r and pulley. Pulley and machinery. Machine, driving-belts, and pulley. Main driving-belt. Shafting. Water-wheel. Fly-wheel of engine. Main driving-belt. Machinery, beltings, and side of pulley. Intermediate shaft and belt-pulley. Machinery belts. Wheel and emery stone. Counter-shaft guarded. Derrick-guys secured, and crane secured to concrete foundation. Belting and pulleys. .. Belts. Circular saw and belting. Door closed up. .. Fly-wheel. Sides and bottom of belting. Belting and pulley. Fly-wheel of engine. Fly-wheel and belting. Fly-wheel of engine, and belting. Fly-wheel of engine. Main belting and end of shaft. Main driving-belt, sides and bottom. Fly-wheel and machinery. Machinery and chains. Balance-weight cased in. Floor-opening fenced all round. Top hook closed and gin-block guarded. Balance-weight cased in. Doors to fit on cage. Driving-belts protected. Fitted with eccentric grips and 3 in. Manilla 6 1 6 rope. Hatchways protected. New eccentric grips and double ropes fitted (I in. diameter). New steel-wire ropes.


No. 4.—Return of Notices given to fence or repair Parts of Machinery, &c.— continued.


Number. Machinery. Particulars. i Particulars. i 1 3 2 1 1 1 I 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 4 2 4 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 2 1 ' 1 1 1 2 5 2 2 5 7 20 1 6 1 26 4 Electric lift Electric lighting .. >» • • i> Electric motor ,. . . it • • 11 • • II • ' »» ■ * n Engineer's shop „• ii • • »» • ■ i« ■ • Fellmongery Firewood-cutting .. ii • ■ » l> Flax-mill.. U j> ,, 11 11 11 • • • • 11 ■ • Flock-mill j Fly-wheel ' Gas-engines .. J New worm-wheel. Safety grips overhauled and adjusted. Belting and shafting. Gate fitted to approaches. Platform, railing, and ladder. Top of water-race covered. Side of main driving-belt. .. Belting. .. J Belting fenced in form of box. .. ; Cased in, leaving openings for belting from driving-pulley. Driving-pulley. Fenced all round. Hand-rail and step to crane secured. Hatch railed in. Main driving-belts. Wheel of machine. Emery wheel. Fence round engine. .. I Fly-wheel of engine, and driving-belt. Machinery and belting. Pulley and driving-belt. Stone, and emery wheel. Strong railing fitted at side of engine. Engine and machines. Emery wheel. Belting and side of driving-pulley. Crosscut-saw guarded over the top by means of a sliding box. Engine fenced in all round. .. : Key-head in pulley, and end of shaft, and belting. . . Side of driving-pulley, and main driving-belt. Belting. Belting, shafting, and pulleys. Belting and end of shaft. Belting and machinery. End of shaft. Grating in water-race made closer and wheel guarded. Grating fitted and water-race covered. .. ; Machines and end "of shafting. .. ! Rail ng at doorway, front of chaff-cutter. Scutcher put in order. Shafting, pulley, belting, and wheel guarded. Shafting for scutcher and mouth of scutcher strengthened. Strengthened mouth of scutcher and, reduced width of mouth. Strong appliance for changing belts to twin saws. Water-wheel and side of belt-pulley. Driving-wheels. New key fitted and side guarded. Belting and machinery. Belting fenced all round. Counter-shaft. Crank-shaft and fly-wheel. Driving-pulley, and belt-pulley of collar-rollers. End of crank-shaft. Engine and shafting. Engine and dynamo. Fence in all round. Fencing of fly-wheel renewed. Fly-wheel of engine. Fly-wheel and side of engine.



No. 4.—Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, &c.— continued.

umber. Machinery. 'Ml ,icul I am. 2 19 I 3 1 5 1 2 8 2 1 1 2 6 1 2 1 2 1 2 17 1 1 8 4 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 14 1 16 2 2 1 1 23 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 18 2 14 1 1 2 1 1 1 Gas-engines >» • • »> • • ij • • >» • * Gas-lift .. >» . . . . II . . . . II Gas-works Garage works Gold-dredging ,, .. »> • • >j • • »* ■ • »» • • »» • • »» * • if • • Hydraulic hoist >» ■ • Hydraulic lift »» ' * )» * * *) • • t> • • " >» • ' )» * * )> • • • ' Joinery .. j, . . . . Log-hauling Machine shop .'-••■ Milking-machine .. ». • ■ ;; ;; )» * • Mincing-machine .. I Fly-wheel and side of pulley. Fly-wheel and belting. Fly-wheel and end of shaft. Fly-wheel and machinery. Main driving-belt, and fly-wheel. Main belting. Railing around engine. Side of shafting, belting, and fly-wheel. Sleeve on end of crank-shaft. New brake fitted. New thimble in shackle, with pin for wire rope. New upright for bracket, and new cap for bracket. New wire rope for counter-balance weight. Safety grips overhauled and adjusted. Head of key in pulley. Guard dynamo and main belting. Elevator-shafting, screen rollers, pump-belting. Machinery. Machine guarded, tower defective, renewed. Pump-belting and fly-wheel. Pump-belt and side pulley. Saw-belting. .. ; Shaft in elevator covered, set screws renewed. Tower and gantry repaired and machinery guarded. Tower repaired. .. I Top tumbler fitted in shaft. Chain annealed. Closed overhead hooks and annealed chains. Fly-wheel of engine and belting. Fly-wheel and side of belt. Chains annealed. Complete overhaul. Controlling-rope renewed. Controlling-spindle renewed. .. ! Cylinder and wire rope renewed. .. I Fenced over top and sides. Guide-slippers repaired. New chain. .. J New spring and safety clutches. New steel-wire rope. Platform fitted on top floor. .. '. Safety catches overhauled and adjusted. .. I Railings around floor-openings. .. j Belting. Belts and counter-shaft of planer. Counter-shaft. Emery wheel and belting. Fly-wheel and machinery. Machinery. Emery wheel. .. ; Fenced in engine. Belting of engine and vacuum pump. End of shafting. Engine fenced all round. Fly-wheel and belting. Fly-wheel and vacuum pump. Fly-wheel of engine. Passage near vacuum pump closed up. Engine and fly-wheel. Fly-wheel and main driving-belt. Machinery. Side and bottom of driving-belt. .. i Side of sausage-machine and belt.



No. 4.—Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, &c. — continued.

umber. Machinery. Particulars. 1 1 1 1 6 8 2 9 IS 2 1 3 6 48 35 2 13 7 7 1 2 3 8 6 2 5 1 4 2 1 1 1 5 2 2 3 Oatmeal-mill »» • ■ »» • • », • • Oil-engine », • ■ ,, • • ,, ... ?, • • ,» • ■ », • • ,. • • ,» ■ • », • • ,, • • », • • »» • • », * • ,, • * », • * ,, • ■ »» • • ,, • • ., • • ,» • ■ .» • • ». • • Overshot water-wheel , Paper-box factory Paper-mill Pelton wheel », • • ,, • ■ ,, • • ,i • ■ ,» j. ■ • Planing-mill !» • * J* • ■ »» * * Power lift | Printing .. ,, .. ,, .. ,, .. ,, ,, ,, Pumping Plumbing-works .. >> • ■ Quartz battery >> • • ,» • • Refrigerating >> Saddlery „ Sash and door factory >• **' Main shaft. Main driving-belt. Pulley on counter-shaft. Side and bottom of main driving-belt. Belting and pulley. Belting and fly-wheeL Counter-shaft. Driving-belt and side of pulley. End of crank-shaft. End of main shaft and fly-wheel. Fence front part of engine. Fence in engine and dynamo. Fence, machinery, and belting. Fly-wheel. Fly-wheel and engine. Fly-wheel and end of crank-shaft. Fly-wheel and main driving-belt. Fly-wheel, side of engine, and belting. Fly-wheel, driving-belt, and pulley. Gearing and main driving-belt. Guard end of crank-shaft. Key in fly-wheel. Main driving-belt and side of pulley. Sides of belting and pulley. Side of engine and fly-wheel. Sleeve on end of crank-shaft. Strengthen fly-wheel. To fence all round. Race to cover. Shafting and machinery. End of engine-shaft. Machinery. Belting. Driving-pulleys. End of shaft. Guard main driving-pulley and shafting. Shafting and machinery. Wheel and rope. Wheel-shaft to guard. All machinery. Planer and main belting. .. Pulley. Shafting and end crank-shaft. Grips overhauled. Safety gear overhauled and adjusted. Fence pulley and end of shaft. Fly-wheel of machine and belt of small machine Fly-wheel of engine. Guard around press. Key in end of shaft. Machinery. Spokes of machine-wheel. Shafting and pulley. Fly-wheel and engine. Fly-wheel and engine. , Main driving-belt and pulley. .. j Belting and pulley. Fly-wheel and side of pulley. Water-wheel and pulley. Fly-wheel of engine. Shafting, pulley-belting, and fly-wheel. .. j Belting and machinery. Engine fenced all round. .. | Belting. .. I Belting and machinery.



No. 4. —Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, &c.— continued.

[umber. aber. Machinery. Machinery. Particulars. 1 1 1 1 4 12 2 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 3 1 24 2 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 2 2 6 2 1 1 1 4 j Sash and door t'aooory Sawmill .. .. II :: :: :: ,, ii ,, ,, ii ii ,, »» ii »» »» » v „ „ ii ,, »» >» ii „ ii Shearing .. Steam-crane >> • • Steam hoist s* .. Sack-elevator pinion for capstan gear. All machinery and saws. Appliance for changing belts. .. Belts. Belts and machinery. Belting and pulley. Belts and shafting. Breast bench-saw guarded with fin at hack of saw, and stout wire-netting fitted. Breast bench-saw, shafting, and pulley. Breaking-down saw and belting. Circular saw top guarded. Circular saw and counter-shaft. Counter-shaft, main belt, and circular saw. Cranks of vertical shafting. Driving-pulley. Emery wheel. End of shafting. Engine fly-wheel, and main belting. Engine, main shaft, and emery wheel. Engine, machinery, and circular saw. Engine, pulley, and fly-wheel. Fence all round engine. Firewood-saw and breaking-down saw. .. Fly-wheel. Fly-wheel and belting. Grating fitted to water-race, and covered in. Key-head and drum. Loose pulley fitted to breaking-down saw. Loose pulley on driving-shaft fitted. Machinery and belting. Main driving-belt. Main belting, sides of vertical and planer belting. Pins fitted at back of swing-saw. Planer-belting. Planer shaft and belting. .. Pulleys. Pulley, circular saw, breaking-down saw, and counter-shaft. Railing round engine. Pulley repaired and saw guarded. Ripping-saw belting. Saw, fly-wheel, and pulley. .. i Saw and belting. .. j Top saw renewed. .. ] Saw and machinery. Saw defective. Shafting and belting. Twin-saw belting and saw guarded. Vertical saw, belting, and end of shaft Water-race covered from grating to wheel. Water-race fenced and wheel guarded. Belting and pulley. Driving-pulley and emery wheel. End of shafting. Emery wheel. Fence in engine. Fly-wheel and belting. Fly-wheel and main driving-pulley. Fly-wheel and engine and emery wheel. Main belting, bottom and sides. Side of engine and driving-pulley. .. ' New derrick and stays. New length of chain. Annealed all pins in running-gear.



No. 4.—Return of Notices given to fence or repair Dangerous Parts of Machinery, &c.— continued.

No. 5. —Return of Accidents (not Fatal) in connection with Machinery during the Financial Year ending the 31st March. 1908.

Number. Machinery. Particulars. 2 3 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 2 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 Steam hoist Stone-crushing j» Tannery .. Threshing Turbine . . »» ■ • Ventilating Water-engine Wood-working >» H t> u Wool-press n >» Chains annealed. Belt and pulley. Main driving-belt and end of shaft. Fly-wheel of engine and end of shaft. Belt, pulley, and fly-wheel. Race covered. Wheel overhauled. Wheel rekeyed and shaft protected. Fly-wheel of engine and screen. Fly-wheel of engine and pulley. Engine fenced all round. Rail in front. / .. All machinery. Band-saw and belting. Belting. Belting and pulley. Driving-belt of planing-inachine. Driving-pulley of band-saw. Emery wheel. Engine fenced in all round. Main driving-pulley and belting. Main belting and fly-wheel. Main driving-belt, sides and bottom. Planing-machine. Sleeve on end of shaft. Fly-wheel and end of shaft. .. ' Machinery and shafting. Pulley and end of shaft and belting. Shaft, of engine. Shaft, pulley, and front of engine. 906 Total.

Name and Addrees of Owner. Description of and Age of : Date and Nature of Machinery. Person injured. Accident Cause of Accident, and Remarks. ower Nevis Gold-dredg-ing Company, Alexandra South I Steam-engine .. Niclos Rowe; 6th April, 1907 : 28 veal's broken bone in hack of hand ROWS was cleaning the engine whilst it was in motion. He allowed Ml hand to conic in contact with cotter of hi>jhpressure crank brass. While planing a piece of timher Dewe allowed his hand to come in contact with the knives of the machine. While Morgan was attempting to take the knife out of the machine to get it sharpened, and while he had the knife Ja his hand, it inadvertently ■lipped, with the sharp edge down, and in trying to get hold of it the edge cut his wrist. troad, Small, and Co., Invercargill Planing-machine Fred. Dewe; 9th April, 1907 : loss 17 years of left hand Shaving-machine H. Morgan ; 2!) \ 13th April. 11)07 : cut years on wrist !,. Hannah and Co. (Limited), Wellington



No. 5. —Return of Accidents (not Fatal) in connection with Machinery— continued.

Name and Address of Owuer. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date and Nature of Accidem. Cause of Accident, and He in arks. i W.I T." Murray and Co. Power-press] for Donald Nelson'' (Limited), Invereargill stamping] out 17 years tops yi of milk- ■ cans .1 T." Murray and Co. (Limited), Invereargill I 1 Power-press] for stamping] out tops yi of milkcans r Donald Nelson'' t I 17 years I 22nd April, 1907 : I both thumbs cut off ! Nelson was working at the press when a top got jammed in the machine. He endeavoured to remove this with his thumbs, and while doing so his foot slipped on the treadle, and brought the top of the machine down with great force, cutting off both of his thumbs. While working at the machine the wood slipped, and ('tolly's finger came in contact with the knives. Set-screw of drill-socket caught in loose sleeve of Gardner's jacket, bringing his arm round spindle and breaking it. While working the machine Marshall allowed his finger to be caught between guard and cog-rack. Marshall was clearing away the sawdust underneath bench with a piece of wood, and let his finger touch the saw while it was in motion. While Mcintosh was taking off the manhole-door the steam escaped, scalding him severely. After Brown had taken off the belt which drives the pump the loose belt caught his hand, and twisted it round the shaft, causing the fracture of the arm. While Watts was putting the steel stamps under the ma-chine-press his finger came in contact with the stamp. Mollier was manipulating the saw preparatory to starting, when he accidentally pulled the saw towards himself, damaging the thumb of his hand that was on the bench. Sutton was standing close to the intermediate shaft when ■ the belt caught his coat and pulled him round the shafti ing. | While Thirston was going under the main shaft, the belt caught his sleeve and drew his arm round the shaft, causing the fracture. When Milne was fixing rollers on machine his hand partly passed through, the machine crushing it. Washer was cutting tenons for Saahee, '['he wood he was working slipped, and drew his hand on to the knives. Burn's neck was caught between the Hoor of warehouse and the top of the lift whilst the latter was descending. The accident was caused by workmen in the machineryroom setting Hie gear in motion before the protecting gates were closed. Workmen were at the time attending to the repairs of lift-gear, and passengers were not allowed to use the lift. This child had got about the liftcage unknown to the workmen engaged in the repair of the lift and its connections. - ago Brush Company, Dunedin s Khupine-machine e A. H. Crolly. 2li vears 23rd April, 1907 : finger of right hand crushed I I Otago Brush Company Shaping-machine A. H. Crolly. Dunedin 2l> vears A. and T. Burt (Li- Drilling-machine W. Gardner : mited), Dunedin 10 years and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin - 1 I i Drilling-machine s W. Gardner : If) years 24th April, 1907 : I right arm broken I • • 1. Wilkie and Co. (Li- Printing-machine Thos. Marshall: mited), Dunedin 10 year-. Wilkie and Co. (Limited), Dunedin - 1 Printing-machine e Thos. Marshall: 16 yean 2.">th April. 1907: crushed fourth finger of riffht hand I T. P. James, Stanway.. Saw-bench .. Albert Marshall ; 24 years I P. James, Stanway.. . I Saw-bench Albert Marshall ; 24 years I 2<>th April, 1907 : laceration of flesh of index finger of right hand Allandale Coal Company, Steam-boiler .. Donald MclnShag Point tosh : 38 yean Ilandale Coal Company Shag Point U i Steam-boiler .. Donald Mcintosh ; 38 years 1st May, 1907 : severe scalds to legs. arms. and back I George Mackie, Stewart Sawmill .. Henry Brown; Island M years sorge Maekie, Stewart Island Sawmill Henry Brown ; II years 8th May. 1907 : arm broken R: Hannah and Co. (Li- Sole-cutting press ,1. Walls; M mited), Wellington years : Hannah and Co. (Limited), Wellington i- : Sole-cutting pres 88 J. Walts; M vears 18th May, 1907 ; point of finger taken off Wellington Woodware Swing-saw .. H. Mollier: 28 Company, Wellington years 'ellington Woodware Company, Wellington Swing-saw . H. Mollier : 28 years 22nd May. 1907 : thumb cut Charles Sutton, Mahaki- Sawmill .. {Arthur S. Sutpawa ton; 14 years iiarles Sutton, Mahakipawa i- i Sawmill {Arthur S. Sutton ; 14 years 24th May, 1907 : shoulder dislocated Gill and Jeffrey, Balfour Flax-mill .. W. Thirston; 17 years ill and Jeffrey, Balfour Flax-mill . W. Thirston; 17 years 11th June. 1907 : arm broken S. Danks and Son. Wei- Corrugating-ma- George Milne; lington chine 17 yean Danks and Son. Wellington I. i Corrugating -machine i- George Milne; 17 yean 14th June. 1907 : hand crushed C. E. Otley, Christchnrch Woodworking Ed. Washer; machine lit years E. Otley, Christehnrcl :h Wood workinf machine g Ed. Washer; lit yean 17th June. 1907: hand severely cut Drapery and General Electric passenger- David Burn; Importing Company lift 4 years of New Zealand, Christchurch rapery and General Importing Company of New Zealand, d 1 y I, Sleotrio passengei lift ;r- David Burn ; 4 years 19th June, 19(17 : injury to neck, and shock



No. 5. —Return of Accidents (not Fatal) in connection with Machinery— continued.

Name and Address of Description of [ Namu and Age of Date and Nature of Cause of Accident, and Owner. Machinery. ■ Person injured. ; Accident. lie)narks. . tt. T. Moe», Dunedin . . Sawmill .. E. Thomas: 20th June, 1907 : While cutting firewood Thomas 22 years fourth finger cut off accidentally allowed his finger to come in contact with the saw. Wellington Biscuit Com- Biscuit-cutter . . W. A. Milford ; 26th June, 1907 i leg The belt which drives the pany (Limited), Wei- 17 years broken below the biscuit-cutter came off the lington knee pulley, one end of it falling on the table of the machine, the other end hanging over the revolving shaft overhead. Milford got on the table of the machine and attempted to put the belt on the pulley overhead. The belt being caught by the pulley, commenced to wind round the shaft; Milford's foqt getting caught in the loop of it, he was drawn up to the shafting, causing the injuries to his leg. IJ. Kingsland and Son Dough-brake Wm. Lyons; 27th June, .1907: j Lyons was washing the rollers, (Limited), Invercargill rollers 18 years bruised arm when he allowed the cloth he was using to catch in the rollers. His arm was drawn in between the rollers and crushed. Southland Frozen Meat Circular saw .. John Patter - ; 4th July, 1907 : cut Whilst splitting a stave, Patand Produce Export son; 40 yearsi point of finger terson accidentally ran his Company, Wallacetown hand in contact with the saw. 41ex. J. Rand, Welling- Wood • working Wm. Napier; I 5th July, 1907 : com- When pulling the fly-wheel ton South machine 19jyears pound fracture of j round to start the engine, one or more bones j Napier accidentally put his in lift foot foot on bed of engine, and the crank coming down jammed his foot. and Co., Grinding-mill ..P. Limn; IS 5th July, 1907: nail of . In passing the grinding-mill Christchureh years third finger of right I Lunn saw a bit of dough hand dragged off sticking on the spindle. Tn attempting to pull it off he got his finger between the spindle and roller of the mill. ■ihiels and Hitchon, Kai- Flax-mill .. Andrew Phil- oth July, 1907: left ' Through inadvertence, Phillips tangata lips; 30 years '< arm broken below allowed his arm to be caught elbow by the intermediate shaft, which caused the injury to his arm. ■iooullw and Co., (Li- Hydraulic lift . . Thos. Don- Sth July, 1907 : frao Donnelly failed to notice that mited), Wellington nelly; 60 ture of right arm the lift was in motion, and years between elbow, j went underneath it. The shoulder, and col- lift descending on him. lar-bone -«ensed the injuries to his right arm and shoulder. Martin and Matheson, Printing-machine H. W. Tutty; 10th July, 1907 : arm ; Just as Tutty was taking Gore 14 years broken, bruised, and papers off the machine, he lacerated stepped backwards and overbalanced himself, and fell against the revolving cylinder. His arm was drawn s in between the cylinder and the upright supporting it. liijnnskowski Bros., Counter-shaft of ; John Pearson ; i I Oth July. 1907; Pearson was fixing a gas-pipe Murton suction - gas 29 yean right arm broken close to the revolving shaft. plant and abrasions on His clothing caught in the right side set screw of collar on shafting and drew him on the shaft, completely stripping him of his clothing, and causing the injury to his body and arm. W. Crabtree and Sons, ; Punching - ma- | Reginal Ward; [ 11th July, 1907: top While Ward was using the Wellington chine 21 years of thumb smashed punching - machine, he inadvertently neglected to remove his thumb from be- ' neath the punch when it was descending. ..yttelton Steam Laun- Wringing-machine Beatrice New- 22nd July, 1907 : la- Newton was engaged feeding dry Company (Li- ton; 16 years ceration of palm of the machine, when she acmited), Lvttelton hand cidentally allowed her hand to be caught in the rollers )eacription oi Machinery. Nil i in- and Age of ! Date and Nature of Person injured. ; Accident. E. Thomas; 20th June, 1907 : 22 years fourth finger cut off W. A. Milford ; \ 26th June, 1907 s leg 17 years broken below the knee



No. 5. —Return of Accidents (not Fatal) in connection with Machinery— continued.

4—H. 15a,

Name and Address of Description of Owner. Machinery. Name and Age of Person injured. Date and Nature of Accident. Date and Nature of Accident. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. I I i Wilson Portland Cement Cement - mixing Company, Warkworth machine I E. W. Thorpe; 25 years 29th July, 1907; right leg bruised The belt had come off the pulley, and while . Thorpe was trying to get it on again the shaft turned and then stopped. He got his leg jammed through the pulley moving before he was ready. In putting the confectionery into the machine, Grenfell accidentally allowed her finger to come in contact with the knife attached to the machine. Havill, while feeding the machine, did not look at what be was doing, and let his hand come in contact with the cog-wheels. Guise put his finger through the connecting - rod strap when his assistant was turning the engine, when his finger was cut off. McNeill was sawing a thin board, feeding with his left hand. He allowed bis hand to slip off the board, and his thumb came in contact with the saw. Through Newell not putting the wood into saw squarely, it slipped and his finger came in contact with the Mary L. R. Grenfell; 15 30th July, 1907 : left thumb severely cut Atlas Biscuit and Con- Hand jap-cutter fectionery Company, Chris tchurch years J. Bett and Co. (Li- Power drillingmi t e d). Palmeteton machine North S. J. Havill; 15 years Thos. Guise; \ 28 years i 21st August, 1907 : second finger of right hand crushed; top joint had to be amputated 22nd August, 1907 : cut finger off at first joint H. F. Moss, Longwood Sawmill C. and W. Hayward, Circular saw Dunedin Chas. McNeill; 35 years i 27th August, 1907 : part of thumb of left hand severed Eli Oleal, Grey Lyna .. Circular saw Fred Newell; 17 years 30th August, 1907 : loss of little finger of right hand T. M. Lane and Sons, Oil-engine Auckland Alfred Fenton; 17 years i 10th September, 1907: laceration of wrist saw. When Fenton was starting the engine, he allowed his sleeve to be caught in gear which drives the governor. His wrist coming against the gear, it was severely lacerated. Parker got his finger into the groove of one of the cams of the machine, when it was bruised slightly. While Cox was working the machine, a small piece of the wood he was working chipped off and entered his eye. When Westbury was coming out of the pit, immediately under the printing-machine, his coat-sleeve caught in the cogs of the machine, and his arm was drawn in. A piece of the wood that Nolan was putting through the saw flew off and lodged in his hand. While Hunt was cleaning the machine while it was in motion, a piece of cotton-waste he was using caught in the revolving wheel and drew his finger into the cogs. Brown carelessly put his hand under the press while working it. While Stewart was pushing back some loose starch into the trough, he got his finger caught between the sprocket and chain of the traycarrier. He should have stopped the machine before doing what he did. The'sleeve of the jacket Robinson was wearing caught in the socket-screw, which is used for keeping the drill in the socket-holder, and drew his arm round the spindle of the machine. Kempthorne, Prosser. Tablet-machine ana Co., Dunedin W. E. Parker; 17 years C. Cox; 32 years J lth September, 1907: slight cut and bruise to forefinger of right hand 18th September, 1907: splinter of wood in left eye Scoullar and Co. (Li- Spindle-machine mited), Wellington The Wellington Publish- Printing-machine ing Company. Wellington W. Westbury ; 40 years 26th September, 1907: flesh stripped off arm Waitemata Sawmill Lath-mill Company, Auckland E. Nolan ; 30 years 27th September, 1907: splinter of wood in hand Northern Boot and Shoe Press in bootManufacturing Com- factory pany, Auckland Samuel Hunt; 16 years 12th October, 1907 : crushed little finger of left hand ; had to be amputated Neill and Frame, Dun- Cutting-press .. edin R. Brown ; 15 years 15th October, 1907 : hand braised Aulsebrook and Co., i Starch-buck Christchnrch W. Stewart; 17 years 17th October, 1907 : nail and tip of second finger, right hand, torn off W. Crabtree and Sons, Drilling-machine Wellington E. W. Robinson; 18 years 19th October, 1907 : arm broken



No. 5.—Return of Accidents (not Fatal) in connection with Machinery— continued.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Name and Age of ' Person injured. ' Date and Nature of Accident. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. J. K. Jameson, Invercargffl Waitemata Sawmill Company, Auckland P. D. Greenhough, Auckland Umpire Box - making Company (Limited). Wellington Herbert Gaby, Wellington City Corporation, Aucklan Steam-engine .. Gang-saw Sewing- machine Box-making machine Circular saw .. Stop - valve on main steampipe E. G. Pedler; Iβ years A. Dowsing; 23 years Margaret Wright ; 16 years Louixa ('larke; 17 years Arthur Pearson ; lfi years Fred. Carter; 30 years 28th October, 1907 : crushed forefinger of right hand 31st October, 1907 : thumb crushed 11th November, 1907: half of scalp torn off 13th November, 1907 : first finger of left hand crushed 14th November, 1907 : top of left thumb cut off 22nd November, 1907 : scalded on legs 9th December, 1907 : three fingers cut 11th December, 1907: three fingers of right hand cut off 11th December, 1907: lost right arm Pedler had started the engine slowly, and he was reaching over the crosshead to clean a particular part, when his finger was caught by the crosshead of the engine, and crushed by it. Dowsing released hold of the flitch of wood, when it was immediately jerked back by the saw, and it fell on hix thumb, crushing it. Wright got underneath the machine to pick up something dhe had dropped. Her hair was caught by the main shaft, which runs underneath the machine, while it was in motion, tearing half of her scalp off. j Clarke inadvertently put her finger on the anvil of the machine while it was in motion. While Pearson was sawing a piece of angle-iron, and pressing the iron against the saw, he allowed his thumb to slip under the saw. Carter was employed by the contractors, who had been fitting up the machinery at the destructor power-house, in Auckland, for the City Corporation. He went to turn the steam on at the main stop-valve on the destructor boiler, which is connected to another boiler, recently installed, by a range of 6 in. piping. There was evidently some water in the piping from condensation having taken place, probably from the steam left in the range of piping when used on a previous occasion, or from the stop-valve leaking a little. As soon as Carter commenced to open the steam stop-valve, the steam, coming suddenly into contact with the water in the piping, caused water - hammer action to be set up. The shock due to the vibration set up by this action was the cause of the stopvalve bursting, and injury to Carter. ( raig, after having used the saw, lay down on the sawbench. On getting up again he allowed his fingers to come in contact with the saw. \ While planing a piece of timI ber, Halligan allowed his hand to be drawn into the machine, and his fingers came in contact with the knives of the cutters in motion. Carroll was feeding the machine, when, by some mishap, her hand got under the chain of the machine. It was drawn beneath the cogwheels, lacerating and pulpingHthe flesh, and crushing thejjboneu right up to the elbow. James Craig and Co., Circular saw . . Oamaru David Craig ; 9th December, 1907 : * 18 years three fingers cut Packer and Jones, Christ- Planing-machine church .las. Halligan ; 11th December, 1907 : 24 years three fingers of right hand cut off I W. Rose and Son (Li- Tow-making mamited), Foxton chine Helen A. B. 11th December, 1907 : Carroll; 15 lost right arm years



No. 5. —Return of Accidents (not Fatal) in connection with Machinery— continued.

Name and Address of : Description of Owner. Machinery. Name and Age of Date and Nature of Person injured. Accident. Name and Age of Person injured. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. I I I A. and T. Burt (Li- ! Lathe mited), Dunedin B. Nicol; 15 15th January, 1908 : years bruised small finger of left hand B. Nicol; 15 years While working a lathe, Nicol allowed his finger to be caught in one of the pinionwheels. Coppell was tightening the nut on the saw-frame, when the spanner slipped. The back of his hand coming into contact with the band-saw while it was in motion, was cut by it. Heppleston was engaged packing the gland of the steamengine. While he was thus engaged, it started off of its own accord, through the valve not being shut off, jamming his finger in the gland. Arnold inadvertently pot his hand on the saw while working at the saw-bench. While Holmes was working the press his foot slipped, and in trying to save himself he put his thumb under the press. Buchanan allowed his hand to get too near the rollers of the machine while engaged entering the paper between the rollers. Harness, while pushing the timber he was sawing towards the saw, allowed his thumb to come in contact with the saw. Monaghan fell off a box on which he was standing near the drilling - machine. In falling he permitted the finger of his left hand to get between the revolving cog-wheels of the machine. The finger was severely crushed. While feeding the machine, Broadbelt allowed his fingers to be too near the revolving cylinders of the machine. Peperell was engaged oiling the machine. He passed his hand under the moving belt attached to the machine, by which it was caught and carried between two pinions. When doing some repairs to the machine, Peterson allowed his arm inadvertently to come in contact with some of the revolving parts of the machine. W T iig was a visitor at the works to witness the trial run of a new engine being installed ; and it is presumed that he was leaning against a revolving shaft for working the valve gear, when his coat caught the head of a key attached to the shaft. He was dragged round the shaft several times. Livick rang the bell for the lift; while waiting, he saw an open door-panel (the glass of which was broken), and he leant through to look down the well to see where the cage of the lift was. The lift descending at the time caught him between the lift and door, injuring his head and shoul.lolin Smith and Co., Ta- i Woodwork ing kaka machine E. Coppell; 24 17th January, 1908 : years deep cut across back of hand E. Coppell; 24 years I , . Wills and Sons, Wei- Steam-engine .. lington R. Heppleston ; 18th January, 1908 : 30 years top of finger jammed and nail torn off R. Heppleston ; 30 years TopliM Bros., Addington Circular saw John Arnold ; 21st January, 1008 : 36 years right hand injured John Arnold j 36 years W. T. Murray and Co. Power-press (Limited), InvercargUl Herbert 6th February, 1908 : Holmes; 17 top of thumb taken years off Herbert Holmes; 17 years Blundell Bros., Welling- Printing-machine ton Otago Brush Company Circular saw .. (Limited), Dunedin I 0. Buchanan; ' 6th February, litO8 : 22 years one finger amputated, and second finger taken off at top joint Geo. Harness; 11th February, 1908: 17 years thumb of left hand cut off I 0, Buchanan; ' 22 years Geo. Harness; 17 years Robertson and Co. (Li- Radial drilling - mited), Wellington machine I 0. Monaghan ; 19th February, 1908 : 18 years finger taken off left hand 0. Monaghan; 18 years Wellington Publishing Printing-machine Company (Limited), Wellington Thomas Broad- 20th March, 1908: belt; 34 years first three fingers of right hand badly crashed Cyril Peperell; 25th February, 1908 : 16 years lacerated skin and flesh of right arm Okey and Rollo, New Punching and Plymouth shearing m achine .1. W. Kassou and Co., Woodworking Kilbirnie machine Otto Peterson ; 4th March, 1908 ; cut 50 years on forearm • Southland Frozen Meat Freezing-machine and Produce Export Company, Invercargill M. E. Wiig : 40 5th M a r 0 h, 1908 : years broken arm and bruises on body Sargood, Son, and Kwen Hydraulic lift .. (Limited), Wellington Hydraulic lift .. W. H. Livick ; 6th M a r B h, 1908 : 25 years scalp wound and injury to shoulder ,

H.— 16a


No. 5. —Return of Accidents (not Fatal) in connection with Machinery— continued.

No. 6.—Return of Accidents which proved Fatal in connection with Machinery during the Financial Year ending the 31st March, 1908.

Name and Address of Owner. Description of Name and Age of j Date and Xature of Machinery. L»er*>n injured. ; Accident. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. I i J. Hopkirk, Hawera .. Aulsebrook and .Co., Chris tchurch A. and T. Burt (Limited!. Dunedin Kelton, Frostrick. and Co., Christchurch W. Cable and Co., Wellington •I. \\\ Kasson and (!o., Kilbirnie I I I Drilling-machine JR. S. Maunder; 10th March, 19()S : 17 years flesh taken off point of finger Power-press .. Edward Home; 16th March, 1908: 23 years nail of first finger of right hand and end of finger cut off UUm .. J. Turnbull; Iβ 18th March, 1908: years thumb slightly injured Lift cutting-press Osman Morgan ; 18th March, 1908: 25 years little finger crushed Circular saw .. ' L. McDonald ; 23rd March, 1908 : 17 years compound dislocation of one finger, and severe cut on the other Sash and door F. Milford; 17 23rd March, 1908: factory years flesh wound on end of linger In altering part of the gear of the drilling-machine. Maunder allowed his finger to get •between the gear-wheels. Home accidentally put his foot on the trigger which starts the press, thus bringing the die down whilst he was placing a sheet of tin under the die. Part of his hand got under the press with the sheet of tin. While working the lathe the rest slipped, and Turnbull's thumb was caught between it and the chuck of the lathe. The knife canted, and the head of the press when descending crushed Morgan's finger, which was underneath it. McDonald was assisting to cut some wood with the saw, and inadvertently allowed his hand to come in contact with the saw. Milford was planing a piece of wood, and accidentally allowed his finger to come in contact with the knives of the planer. When taking dough out of the mixer whilst it was running, Gent allowed his arm to be dragged into the machine. He did this against orders, and in face of a printed warning against interfering with machine while it was in motion. Wohlers was cutting a piece of wood, 3 in. by 1J in., up the centre, and when nearing the end of the cut the piece of wood jumped, causing his fingers to come into contact with the saw, causing the injury. Aulsebrook and Co., Chris tchurili Biscuit - dough Jas. Gent; 57 25th March, 1908: mixer years deep cut on right arm from elbow to wrist Broad, Small, and Co.. lnvercargiV Circular saw .. John Wohlers ; 25th March, 1908: 30 years the two middle fingers of left hand cut off ■ ■

Name and Address of Description of i Name and Age of Date and Nature of Cause of Accident, and Owner. Machinery. ; 1'erson injured. Accident. Remarks. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. 7. E. Hutchison, Auck- Rip saw . W. L. McGre- 31st August, 1907 : While McGregor was going to 'and gor; 19 years injury to abdomen remove the piece of timber he had sawn from the saw itcame in contact with saw, and flew back, end on, striking him so severely in the abdomen as to cause his death, 'ikett and Wilkie, New Stone - crushing A. A. Pikett; 10th September, 1907 ; As the chain-belt driving the Plymouth machine 37 years two compound frac- crusher was not working tures of skull and well, Pikett went to examine injuries to face it while it was running slowly. The chain caught him and jammed his head between the revolving screen and the spokes of the fly wheel. Before the plant could be stopped he had received fatal injuries.



No. 6.—Return of Accidents which proved Fatal in connection with Machinery during the Financial Year ending the 31st March, 1908— continued.

No. 7.—Return of Steam-winding-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from the 1st April, 1907, to the 31st March, 1908.

No. 8. —Return of Steam-winding-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the Ist April, 1907, to the 31st March, 1908.

Name and Address of Description of Name and Age of Date and Nature of Cause of Accident, and Owner. Machinery. Person injured. Accident. Remarks. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. I I foeeph Morrison, Ha- Water-wheel and Hector Morri- 29th November, 1907 : Morrison, with his brother, wera milking-machine son; 8 years broken leg and arm. were amusing themselves and injuries to head starting and stopping the water - wheel, when his clothes got caught by the intermediate shaft. He was wound round the shaft, and received the injuries which caused his death. Ward Bros., Evans Flat Scutching - ma- E. W. Burn- 11th December, 1907 : Burnside got hold of an extra chine side; 27 years left arm broken in long hank of fibre, and in two or three places, stepping back momentarily gash on head, and to give it the required twist body bruised and in feeding it into the mamangled chine, the fibre was caught and drawn into the mouth of the scutcher, and with it his

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. 1907. lames Archer Stephen Fletcher ... Winding, service ... July ... August 1908. 8 _a ti 6: \braham Thomas George ... ... „ „ ... February 10 6 •'

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. i 1907. Philip Phelan ... John Leishman ... Jacob Walton William George ... Evan G. Jenkins... John Henry Rose Samuel Charles Snell James Joseph Mohan Herbert Francis O'Donnell Thomas John Smith . . Alexander Oscar Langley . Alfred Turton ... Henry John Trethowen ... William Wall ... "■>-'• ... i Winding, competency it it • ' <t •i it tt it a it tt n it it ... May ... „ ... n ■•• : " ... August „ ... November '„ „ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 1908. Herbert Henry Hart Benjamin Sheard William Keyston Clark ... Alexander Penaluna Nathaniel Edgar Hocking... James Howie Robert McAllister Albert Charles Hanlen Thomas John Mclntyre ... Peter Dafforn William Jones ... Thomas Richards Samuel Davies ... ... ... ... ( ::: it if n it tt tt tt tt it it it <t it it it it ii it it ii it n it ii ... February ... „ ... ., • •• | ..'. "„ ... March ... „ . .. „ ... „ ... „ 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 27 369 370 371 372 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382


No. 9. —Return of Locomotive and Traction Engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1907, to the 31st March, 1908.


Name of Person. Class of Certifici Class of Certificate. sate. Date of Ihto Date of Issue. ue. No. I • 1907. 1708 William Gilbert Mouat Joseph Butler Leslie Herbert Langford William Craig James Wilkie Orbell James Alexander James Bell Daniel Lynch, jun. Ernest George Preddy John William Win Eli Broomhall Charles Alexander Kirkwood Robert McAllister Francis Richard Bennison . . George Henry Bennison Hans Henry William Busch Edward Dunstan John Claude Harney Stephen Hassett Henry Meaclem Frederick John Moore Robert Moore Frederick William Rickerby.. Samuel James Rossiter Arnold Shepherd George Albert Watson William Henry Walker Nicolas Amrein James William Hamilton Benjamin Leonard Knight .. Arthur Thomas Healy John Hyndman William Parkes Frederick George Stone, jun. Norman Hedley Langford .. Alexander Fraser Jameson . . James Hilton William Hodge Henry John Anthony Henry George Williams Henry Charles Simms David Greig Arthur John McElroy Harry Hopwood William Robert McConnell . . James Gilbert Nieholl William Park Robert Alexander Patterson Leonard Wesley Peryman . Ernest John Sheasby Albert Charles Codd Harry Hamilton Powdrell . John Campbell Samuel Jones John Kellahan Henry John Tozer Thomas Glover Percy Wilford Snowden Arthur Wiblin Andrew Brooks Andrew Gibson William Martin Alexander Murray William Henry Needs Locomotive and competency .. Ditto .. M • • n :. :: :: :: .. n • • ii ii n ,j ,, H * ' * " ■ »» H • • ?» ■ ■ , f • • »» ■ • ' u • • >» II - • «» • • • • »J • * 19 II M • ■ ' * 0 • * »» • • II H II II •• ! " »» • • *) • • >» If H n • • »j • • • • ») • • * * traction, May .. .. • • -* ■ • • »> • ■ si • • n • • M . . || • • ►' • - •< • • »» • • >» • ■ ?» • • 9* • • »J • • ?» • • >» ■ • 91 • • '» • ■ »> ' • it • • »? !! July ■ • »» • • »> • • 99 August • • »> • • j> • • »» • ■ » • ■ »» • • I », • • »» • • >» - • »> • • *» • • »> • • M - • »» • ■ »» • ■ »» • • »» • • »» • • »> • • »» • • »> 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771


No. 9.—Return of Locomotive and Traction Engine Drivers— continued.


Name of Person. (lass of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. Qeorge Hill Charles Alexander Allan Walter William Tasman Dawson James Memoes Marshall D;i\id Brunton William John Cahill Charles Albert Cook Richard Henry Coulston Alfred Doidge Frederick William Kirby Napoleon Lavery Charles White Francis Roberts John Chapman John McLachlan Edward Orbell Joseph Donaldson David Patrick Stuart Garnet Charles Perry William Calder Frank Drake Robert MeCullooh . Ernest David Ferry John Michael Keane Thomas Hall William Kirk Alexander Guthrie McDonald Arthur Wright Samuel Dick David Fitzgerald David James Fitzgerald Thomas Allan Freebury John Adam Hood .lames Booth Macauley David McCrenor .. Augustine Joseph McEvedy Charles Edward Rogers Leonard Shepherd James Henry Stewart Alfred Couchman James Elliott Albert William Halliday Donald McPhee James Alexander Pankhurst Alexander Patterson Robert James Patterson George Pickering David Scott .. .. . . '' Gatland Gilberd . George William Wright Thomas Booth .. Thomas Ross Sampson Archibald James Smith John Richard Arthur Worm James Carruthers, juii. 1907. Locomotive and traction. August 13 competency .. Ditto .. .. .... 13 13 .... 13 13 .. .. . 13 .. .. .. 13 .. .... 13 •• 13 .. 13 .. 13 13 .. .. .. 13 .. .. ., 13 :: :: :: :: :: :: 15 :: :: :: :: :: :: I .. .. .. L3 .. .. .. 13 .. .. „ 13 .. .... 13 .. .... L3 . . . . ! I .". 13 „ 13 .. .. i 13 13 .. .. 13 .. .. ' .. 13 .. .. 13 .. .. ., 13 .. 13 „ 13 13 November 13 .. .. .. 13 ! „ is ! .. 13 ••- i •• 13 .. 13 13 L3 13 .. .. ., 13 .. .. .. 13 .. .. „ 13 .. .. ., 13 .. 13 .. .. .. 13 .... .. .. .. ., 13 .. .. ., 13 .. .. .. 13 .. .. .. 13 „ 13 1908. 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 17711 1780 1781 L782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 178* 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1816 [816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 John Turner Hugh Heathwood George Ephraim Abraham Hubbard .. Charles Hugh Roxburgh Charles Edward Skelton Frederick Hales John Mays Robert Phillips Martin Johnson Robert Henry Jones William Linklater Flett .. .. February 10 .. .. .. 10 .. .. .. 10 .. .. .. 10 .. .. .. 10 l<) 10 .. 10 „ 10 „ 10 „ io 1827 1828 1829 1830 183] 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837



No. 9. —Return of Locomotive and Traction Engine Drivers—continued.

No. 10. —Return of Engineers to whom Extra First-class Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1907, to the 31st March, 1908.

No. 11. —Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Service have been granted from the 1st April, 1907. to the 31st March, 1908.

Name of I Person. Class of Certifioi iate. Date of Issi late oi issue. me. o. . I Alfred Baunden Charles William Baundere William Anderson .. Tom Batterthwaite Edward Ham Herbert Henry Sutton John Henry Brown John MacKeiizic James Robb Cecil Stephen Brooker Edwin Walter Dann James Keltie Leonard Joseph Humm Henry Neil Roche .. Harold Charles Binns John Eaves Frederick Spyve Theophilus Lessey Smith John Mackay Henry Lowther Williams Samuel James Sanger James Walker Alexander Mackie . . George McLaughlin Locomotive and competency .. Ditto .. ,. . . . . .. .. ■ < ■• 1908. traction, February • • >> March • ■ •> • • <. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 II 27 27 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 11846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 I860 1861

ame ol •ersoii. IftSS ill icate. late ol iue. 1907. ohn Dunstan Extra first-class stationary, competency August 13 1908. 44 Cdric, Cameron Alexander Villiam Thomas Webb Lndrew Hedley .. Ditto .. February 10 10 March 27 45 46 47

Name of j Person. s Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. lass ill leal late ol me, No. 1907. Villiam Alfred Ragg Sdward Hodgson .. tutland William Hunt jconard Elisley Hilton reorge Thomas lenry White iobert Sloane bvtonio Perez fames Archer lohn Wray Arthur John Ayere Fhomas Joseph Cain First-class stationary, service .May 8 8 8 •■> >» >» 8 .. .. O 8 8 8 8 8 November 13 13 1908. 1654 J 655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 lugh Brown Villiam Henry Saunders February 1(1 March ' 11 1666 1667


No. 12.—Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1907, to the 31st March, 1908.

5—H. 15a.


Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. James Robert Lowe Alexander Stevenson Sinclair Charles Rogers Jacob Walton Samuel Joseph Hodge Arthur Frederick Priddey .. James McPherson Gavin Curry Me Vie Harry O'Neill John Nelson Michael Peter Nixon Edward Crichton Reid Henry Louis Reeves William Sloane Frederick Charles Curry Archibald Ellis Clayton Dudley Hall John Charles Heal Horace David Newton Howell Preston Young Walter Leonard Rockstrow .. John Russel Burr John Edward Douglas Ivo Roydon Gilmour Albert Charles Hanlen Norman Ashley Hunter Charles Albert Kunst John Edward Martin James Stanley Miller Neil McCallum Robert Alexander Nelson Walter John Hampton Reynolds William Reynolds John Waugh Edric Cameron Alexander .. Charles Henry Williams George Pete Steele Stanley Edward Williams Daniel Anthurst Davis Charles Frederick Bell Alexander Clark John New William Orr Smellie John William Murphy Charles Hewitson Mitchell .. Alexander Scott Frederick Hurnell Frederick William Henry Ashman Arthur Coombes George Hill Oharlrs Thomas Hart Nicholls Andrew Ruthven Buchanan Richard Gustaf Edward Blome John Peter Burns James McKessar Alfred Turton James Railton Withell James William Wheatley Robert Sidney Latta William McAuslin Alfred Couchman Peter Cussen John Robert Gray Thomas Guise s , ' 1907. First-class stationary, com- May petency .. Ditto .. • • ' »» ■ • • ■ • • ■• •• . . . . . . .. ..... .. .. .. ,, '.'. ".. '.'. '.'. '.'. Jdy •• ! ■• ■ • i ,, .... . . .. . . August 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 106] 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117

H. -15a


No. 12.—Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers— continued.

ame ol 'erson. lass ol Jertii ioate. >ate ol :8Sue. o. William Herrick First-class stationary, competency Ditto .. 1907. August 13 1118 Alexander Fraser Jameson .. Arthur Lister Malcolm Kenneth Mac Donald Martin O'Brien Victor Hugh Robinson John William Jameson Henry Bowen George William Coates George Troutte Kofoed Thomas Evan Looney Alexander Bilsland Robert Bryant .. .. Stephen Foley Francis Nelson Hesketh David Strickett Alfred Tattersall Henry Dimond Alexander Reid Jack Kenneth McClennan David Henry Drysdale David McLachlan Peter Bland Bartholomew .. Charles Wallace Massey James Hugh Ormond Benjamin Shardlow Frederick James Wyeth Thomas Moore Murray David Henry Renton Albert Edward Olsen John Adamson Hans Albertson Albert James Kelman William Pope John William Cunningham Steele Alexander Young James Buglass Harold Robins Richard Stott Sydney Bone Walter Alfred Bigwood George Edward Bowmar Thomas Burke George Urban Lindley Robert McLeod Alexander Campbell Francis Percival Hewitt Charles Henry Irwin David Joseph Reardon Henry Godwin Smith John Charles Sherley Percy John Bagwell .■>■' ft • . jj 99 ,, . . . . . . t ,j . . . . • ■ : ,, j> j» ■ • ■ • »j >) • * • • ,, . . . . „ " ,, ■> ■ • • ■ • ■ »» . . « . j) t9 ' • • • ,, ,, 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 September 13 18 18 October 10 November 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 1908. 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 ft ,, . . . . , . 99 ,, ,, 99 " ' ' * ,, . . . . ») • • • • • ■ ,, i> jj 99 ' ' • ' * ' ,, ,, ,, ,, . . . . 99 99 ,, . . Thomas Magill Arthur Selwyn Crosbie Lauchlan Gualter Maclean .. Leonard Metcalfe Lane Herbert Rand Frith Robert Arthur Purdie Alexander Penaluna Charles Frederick West William Wilson William Walker James Berry James Fowler ,, ,, ,j >» • • W * * * * * * ,, 91 99 ■ • ' ' February 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 ,, ,, . . . . . . >J • • • • » • > it i •


No. 12.—Return of First-class Stationary-engine Drivers— continued.

No. 13.—Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers to whom Certificates of Competency have been granted from the 1st April, 1907, to the 31st March, 1908.


Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. 1908. Archibald Rennie Blackwood First-class stationary, competency Ditto .. February 10 1182 Arthur Richard Theodore Brunsden .. Archibald Charles Callaway Kelynge Everest England Wilfrid Lawson Gray Douglas Addington McGilp John Joseph Wall .. h j Daniel Crawford . .|j| ■ .. Milton Alexander Cromwell Charles Edward Hampton John Jackson Massicks Dawson Robert Milne Charles Palmer Home George Brook Edward Hancock Henry James Stratford Johnson Frank Stevens John Baptist Berti Frederick Lucas Andrew Munro ,, >) 9S t9 )? * • • * »? J) March j> 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 27 27 27 27 27 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 JJ J) 99 • • * " 99 99 j, . . . . H • ■ „

Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. 1907. John Dempster Second - class stationary, May 8 2550 Henry Kitto Francis James Barnard Laloli Alfred John May John Hugh Henderson William Meagher Edward Yates Bolton Alexander Peat Andrew Thompson James William Watson George Yardley Donald Macgregor John Finlay Weitzel James Adamson John Blackford Robert Brickley Walter Wadsworth Mark Parkinson John Bidelph Thomas Harry Goodwin Arthur Sydney Hounsell Raymond Charles Edwards .. John Cairney Frederick Carson Wilfred Curphey Robert Foulkes, jun. John Edwin Coomer James Roy Cruickshank Andrew Dickson Francis Excell Joseph Frederick Hill Andrew Johnston John Joseph Middleton .. x . competency Ditto .. ?> ?> >? ?» ft 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 >? ■ * ?> • ■ ?> * " ?? ■ * ?> ' * *> • • »> • ' »> • • ?> ' * >> * ' J? • • 9t • • ?? * • ?» ■ * ?? • • 5) * * )> * ■ >J * * >J * ' >) * ■ »> ' ' >? * * J? ■ " ?> • *


No. 13. —Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers — continued.


Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. James William Milne 1907. Second - class stationary, May 8 2583 Sylvester John O'Sullivan .. Alexander Gavin Sutherland Thomas Porterfield William Balloch William Brown George Reid Dawson Frederick Hossack Herman Edward Krutz Charles McMillan William Saxon Pairfield Snow Norman Harry Tooke Edward Pankhurst Wood Frederick Blomquist Michael Joseph Stanton George Vesey Stewart William Brown John George Logan Dick James Andrew Fleming Clement Lodge John Moore James Elijah Webster Charles Wallace Murdoch Frederick Andrew Sneider .. Thomas Miller Tom Taylor Thomas Pearce Arthur Stephen Hyde Alfred William Barber Frederick Harris Pert Robert Hull Alexander Thomas Leebody.. Ellery William Toogood Henry James Bentley Vernon Nossiter Leonard Reginald Barber Selwyn Edwards Alexander MacAlpine Harry Fletcher Burt William Robert Cousins Joseph Moore George Runels Fulyerd George Hill George John Sellars, jun. Henry Edmund Innes James Herbert Rice Harry Reginald Dodson George Brown Herbert James Hicks Arthur Hislop John Jackson Claude Harold Johnson Harry Kirk Frederick James Lake Thomas Latta Francis Edwin Wackeldine .. Henry Frederick Ernest Mackesy Arthur Henderson Birss Robert Mee Chang Albert Cloughley Albert Cole Robert Collett Richard Michael Fitzgerald .. Arthur Vernon Hope Walter Hunt James McKercher McDonald Samuel Nicholson .. ,»?' competency Ditto .. ?> j> J? ?> ?> J? >> »j >» 5> >> j> )» )> July ?) »? 55 ?S >> J? >7 August ?? >> >> j? >> >> *> » »> ?> ?J >> >J >» JJ )> 7) j> >> >J J? ») >» j> 5> >J )> >» 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 19 19 19 19 19 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 26C1 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 ?> • " >7 • • >> ' ' 71 • • ?y • • j> ■ • r>? • " ;? • • ?> • ' >? • • >5 " ' ;? " • 77 ' * ») • • 77 • • 1? ' ' 71 • • 77 • ' 75 * * j> " ' ;■? 77 ' m •)■) ' • •> • • j, • ■ ?? ' ' )> ' * >> * ' >> ■ ■ >> * * j> ■ * i> • ' J? ■ ' ;> ■ • ;j • ■ 77 ' • 79 • • ?> • ■ >? • ■ 77 • ' »> • * »> ■ ' >J • * 7> • ' •> * "


No. 13.—Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers — continued.


Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. William John Tweedie Second - class stationary, 1907. August 13 2650 James Williamson John Morrison McLauchlan .. John Thomas Bowler Angus Cameron Henry Louis Carter Charlie Dickie Edwin Arthur Elliott Andrew Lees Edward Du Vivier Gilbert .. John William Crook Herbert Pearson Alfred James Garry Charles James Roberts George Albert Williams Peter Binns Harry McGregor Crewther .. Joseph Henrj* Paulger Robert Henderson William Beatty Alexander McKenzie John Foley Charles Crawford Neal David Fausett Norman Hugh McDonald George Bailey Craven Frank Nuttall Hans Christian Hansen Rouse Mableson James McSweeney George Witchell Clarke Robert Speir Edward Clarence Wyness James Watson Affleck Thomas Eustace Baigent Edward O'Connor Richard Clark Stilwell Harold Morley Thomson August Herman Odin Sydney Millard Corbett Stephen Thomas Plummer .. Richard William Raithby Walter Zealand Walker William Wearne Henry Haines Thomas Kennedy William Carlyle Alfred Ralston Patrick James Power John Crawford Macintosh .. Robert Whiley Alexander Mclntyre Lawrence Hugh Clapham Sidney Courtney Jones Samuel McMullein John Oxenham William Ritchie Robson Archibald Abernethy William Anderson, jun. Kenneth Baird George Rankin Brooks Alexander Campbell Richard James Dunlop Davis David William Dennison David Kerr Drummond James Alexander Gordon .. y , ' competency Ditto .. 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 September 18 18 18 October 10 10 November 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 „ 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655 2656 2657 2658 2659 2660 2661 2662 2663 2664 2665 2666 2667 2668 2669 2670 2671 2672 2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 2678 2679 2680 2681 2682 2683 2684 2685 2686 2687 2688 2689 2690 2691 2692 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697 2698 2699 2700 2701 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 y> • ■ » • • >> • • >> ' ' y> • ■ >> ' ■ >> • ■ >> ■ * >> • * >y • • y> ' • l> ■ • >> • ' y> ' • >> • • >> ' • >> • • >> • ' >> • ' y> ■ ■ >> • - y> ' • ?> • • » ' • y> • • >> • • » • ' >y • • >> • ■ >> >> ' • »> • • y> • ■ » ' • >> • ' >> • • >> * • >> ' • >> ' ■ y> • • » • • » ■ • » • ' y> • • y> • •


No. 13.—Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers— continued.


Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. John McCullough Second - class stationary, 1907. November 13 2716 Robert Mclntosh John David Cameron Sutherland John Donaldson Tulty Robert Dunning Robert Thomson John Bell William John Birch Herbert Joy Harris Joseph Patrick Harvey Ambrose Parli Charles George Eade William Eflord, sen. William Wynn Evans Henry Hucks Charles William Martin Horace Hugh Collins Andrew David Gillies John William Ebbitt Kennedy Angus Patterson Alexander Munro Shanks Thomas Isbister Spence John Walsh Leslie Arthur Breese Grgo Sulenta George Walters Francis Henry Bush Henry Broomfield Thomas Francis Dowd William Saer Evans James Arthur Fielding John William Henley Frank Leabourn Arthur William Dawson Moray Edmund McKee William Donald MacLean Montague Ernest Nolan Joseph James Nugent Malcolm Phillips Hugh Robert Sherlock Harry Shortt William Smith George Edward Wilson William James Byrne Sinclair Shearer William Francis Mclsaac Herbert Sidney Wells Charles Herbert Gentil .. .. Donald McMillan competency Ditto .. 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 1908. 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 2736 2737 2738 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 j> - • >> • • >> * - >> • " >J • ' >» ' * *J * * JJ ■ " >J • • JJ • ' >> • ' j> *.* >> * • »> >J • • J» • • j> • ' j> ■ * j> • • }J ' * >J * • 99 . . JJ ' ' j> • ' j> • • >> • ■ >> ' • >> • • ,, . . >J • • » ■ ■ >» • ■ >) • • >> • • »> • ■ j> • • j> • • j> • • JJ • ■ Ernest Nicolson John Richmond Gordon Paul James Pike Paul Otto Curt Henry Schultze George William Alexander Meharry .. Joseph Martin Richard Sidney Austin Fritz Kleemann Carl Albert Gillstrom Sydney James Neighbours Herman Reich David Cleary Clarence Cecil Hopkins George Clifford Joseph Connor Butler Philip Stevenson Allan Lamb Donaldson >> * • >> ■ * >> • ■ >> • * ,, ■ • >> ■ • >5 • ' >J * * February 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 2765 2766 2767 2768 2769 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 >> * ' >> ■ • >> ' * >> • * j> • • >J * • it ' • >j • * >J * *


No. 13.—Return of Second-class Stationary-engine Drivers — continued.


Name of Person. Class of Certificate. Date of Issue. No. 1908. Charlie Henry Lawson Second - class stationary, February 10 2782 George Nicholls Mulett John George Coster Alfred Doel James McNamara Falconer .. Edward John Mulholland Albert Beswick Robert McAnergney Francis Augustus Crawford .. Charles Jackson Tuck John Gillow Elliott William Stuart Edwin Allardyce William John Fisher Charles Hunt Vincent Holmes Lynch Ralph Ma thews Edward Bourchier Aitken Albert Vernon Lane Frank Lawrence Reginald James Martin Ernest Arthur Price Stephen Seymour Allwill William Russell Pirrit Harry Williams John Peter Grace Noble Johnston Herbert Francis Cook Charles Metcalfe Alves Christopher Farley Jacob Goessi George Edgar Smith James Alexander Johnston .. Edward Roper Francis Dinning Charles Edward Stevens Anthony Horn Ernest Gordon Bellion Launcelot Bernand Pitt Nind Alladean Maru James Earnest Jones Gilbert Martin Bennett Axel Fredsberg Hans Rudolf Jorgensen George Arnold Charles Henry Perkins Robert William Holmes Felix McFelin George Smith Alfred John Tippett William John Williams John Mackay Nicoll William King Alfred Faithful John Handel Timmings Richard Francis Kitto John William Thomas Hawley George Asquith James Tohill Archibald McKellar William Albert Jackson William Thomas Campbell .. Henry Alfred Reid James Walker Archibald Smith Isaac Larson r competency .. Ditto .. • • »» • * • • • • .4 f y . . . . . . ?) >7 ■ • • • 77 77 ' ' ' ' * * • ' 77 * * ' " - " - . . . . y, ,j . . . . • • it j> ,, i " jj . . ,, >) • ■ • • • • >J . . . . ' * I I ,j . . . . . . . . ,, I " . . j „ . . J ., . . j ,, ,, . . . . . . . . j „ . . . . . . ■ 1 I " V* ■ i 1J ?y 7t »? 79 »» 7> 17 J7 J» March if 71 '? •:7 •■7 ". 7) ?> j> 77 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27' 2783 2784 2785 2786 2787 2788 2789 2790 2791 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2798 2799 2800 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823 2824 2825 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 2832 2833 2834 2835 2836 2837 2838 2839 2840 2841 2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 2847



No. 14. —Return of Engineers who were examined and passed for Certificates of Competency during the Year ended the 31st March, 1908.

Name of Person. Rank. Class for whi examined. Date of Examination. Walter Harold Hislop James Lisle Frederick James Ritson William Robert Waters James Hutton Donald Fergus Mclntyre William Naismith Cameron Abercrombie Pearson William Edwin Hodgson George Cunningham Donald Dudley Potts Charles James McLean Thomas Wilford Fletcher Garlick Richard George MacKay George Robert Falla Alexander Smith William Alexander Kennedy Edward Fletcher Roberts .. Wilson Thomas Strachan .. Hercules Dillon John Lawrence Smaill Edward Brown Reginald Hamilton Ward .. George Louis Ensor William Latham Cutten Sidney Melville Letts George Pete Steele Percy Edward Barber William James Russell Ross Robert Laurie Edric Cameron Alexander . . Stanley Edward Williams .. Francis Nelson Hesketh Alexander Henry Schaw Thomas Aquinance Murphy John Henry Gillies Alexander Scott Ernest Bradlaugh Dawson .. Alfred James Craddock Albert Henry Wilton Maurice William Gilbert James Nelson Sydney James Munn John Thomas Vincent Stewart Allan Steward Cambridge .. Edward James Pope Francis Oakley Shacklock .. Albert Frederick Long George Henry Hingston Lionel Stanhope Dawson William Young Andrew Ruthven Buchanan James William Wheatley .. Walter Ray Dunning Rog?r Parr William Patrick Kiely Charles Thomas Stewart Alston Hidfield McLean Robert Wallace Thompson Abraham Shearer Ernest Edwin Pellew William Don Hogarth Harold Boyd Michael Edward Fouhy John George Whyte >*• First-class engineer >> >> >> »> JJ j> Second-class engineer Third-class engineer >> >> >> >> >> j> j> JJ j> >> >> j> >> >> >> Foreign trade >j j> JJ >> >> >> >> >> >> >> j> >> >> JJ JJ >> >> >> j> >> >> JJ j> j> >> JJ >> >> 15,16,17 Aug., 1907. 2, 5, 6 Sept., 1, 2, 3 Oct., 26 Oct., 1 Nov., „ 4, 5, 6 Nov., 4, 5, 6, 7 Feb., 1908. 2, 3, 4 March, „ 11 July, 1907. 5, 6 August, ,, 16 August, 1, 2 October, 2, 3, 4 Dec, 13, 14 Dec, 3, 4, 6 Jan., 1908 17, 18 Feb., 2 April, 1907 2 April, 2 April, 2 April, 3 April, 13 April, 18 April, 18 April, 18 April, 20 April, 1 May, 1 May, 1, 2 May, 1, 2 May, 1, 2 May, 1, 2 May, 1, 2 May, 1, 6 May, 3 May, 3 May, 16 May, 4 June, „ 5 June, ,, 6 June, ,, 7 June, ,, 7 June, „ 7 June, , „ 19 June, „ 1 July, 1 July, 1 July, 2 July, 15 July, 15 July, 17 July, 29 July, 1 August, „ 2 August, „ 2 August, ,, 2 August, 3 August, 5 August, ,, 5 August, ,, 5 August, ,, 15 August, 28 August, 31 August, ,, 4 September, „ 4 September, ,. 4 September, ,, >> >> >> JJ j> j> >> >> >> j> >> >> j> >> >> >> j> >» j> I >> I JJ >> j> JJ j> JJ >> JJ >> j> > J j> JJ >J >> j> j> JJ j> J J JJ


No. 14. —Return of Engineers who were examined and passed for Certificates of Competency— continued.

6—H. 15a.


i Name of Person. Rank. Class for which p. , . ■„ ... examined. Date of Examination. James Stanley Miller Horace Alexander Bower Frederick Cha.rles Webb Neil McCallum William Eeynolds George Edward Nalder George Murdoch Wilson • Nigel Alexander McLean William Charles Norris Charles Wallace Massey Eugene 0'Sullivan Ridley William Moody Charles William Clark George Noel Gibbs Jonathan Livick Arthur Ballington Daniel . . George Menpes Angus Alexander Stuart Ewan William John Webb .. • • Robert Arthur Purdie William Thomas Webb William Templeton Gilmour Herbert Rand Frith David McCaig Malloch Lauchlan Gualter McLean .. Kelynge Everest England . . Archibald Charles Callaway Allan Patrick McGrath Cyril Andrew Sinclair Charles Herbert Kulsh Sydney Herbert Haddrell .. William Henry Gordon Watson Reginald George Corson Marshall Hugh Christmas Geoffrey Gerald Potts William Thomson. Gray Henry James Stratford Johnson Arthur John Smith Walter Malcolm Foot Alexander Davidson Dark Edward Foster .. Frederick William Savory John Madden Alexander Aiton John Snell Vercoe Robert McKay Johan Heariok Henricksen Christopher Anderson Saunders Tom Taylor Percy Charles Collins Charles Henry Williams Harry Holcroft Rawlinson David Caldwell James William Hamilton .. Jarrtes Frederick Hughes .. Halsted Kennett George Gill James Perry Alexander Reid Jack George William Ericson William Parkes Joseph Dunn Arthur Ameal Lundberg John Greenwood Third-class engineer j> j> » >> j> >> » j> >J JJ JJ JJ >> j> JJ JJ >> >> >> j> JJ j> J) JJ >> j> j> >> Foreign trade >> j> >> j> >> j> >> j> JJ J> JJ JJ j> JJ » » j> >> » 99 4 September, 1907. „ 4'j September, „ ±\ September, „ 5 September, „ 13 September, „ 28 September, „ 2 October. 3 October, 21 October, 29 October, 1, 5 November, „ 4 November, „ 22 November, „ 26 November, „ 28 November, „ 2 December, „ 2 December, „ 13 December, ,, 3, 4 January, 1908. 3 January, „ 3, 4 January, ,, 3 January, ,, 31 January, „ 31 January, „ 1 February, „ 3 February, „ 3 February, „ 3 February, „ 3 February, „ 24 February, „ 2 March, „ 2 March, „ 2 March, 3 March, „ 7 March, ■ „ 11 March, ,, 18 March, 28 March, 1, 3 May, 1907. 1, 3 May, 1, 3 Ma/, 1, 3 May, 1, 3 May, 1, 3 May, 1, 3 May, 1, 3 May, 1, 3 May, 1, 3 May, 1, 4 May, 1, 4 May, 1, 4 May, 2, 4 May, 3 May, 6 May, 1 June, „ 5 June, „ L7 June, 24 June, 2 August, ,, 3 September, ,, 3 September, ,, 3 September, ,, ' 3 September, „ >> >> JJ >> j> >> JJ j> >> >> >9 River engineer JJ River trade .. >> • • j> • • » • • >> • ■ >> >> • ■ "" J) • • ?> • • i i ?; • • ?> • • »? • • , ? . . j, . . y> • • ?» • •


No. 14. —Return of Engineers who were examined and passed for Certificates of Competency— continued.


Name of Person. Rank. 011 Date of Examination. John Thomas Lewis Thomas Taylor Charles Henry King John Henry Stewart John Charles Sherley Frederick Thomas Shearsby Robert Hamilton Gerrand .. James McCoy Robert Lewis Joseph O'Connell David Leach John Gotfried Dudeck James Connolly Lindsay Wallace Gardner George Samuel Arkle Frederick Ross Charles Robert Hyde Patrick Morris Henry Turner James Dudson Lawrence Henry Lane Robert James Boyd Arthur Stephen Hyde William Hoi man Claris Angus John Stewart Matheson John Sedgeley Keay Rudolph Rasmussen Donald Stuart D'Arcy Harris River engineer >> ■ • >> • • >> • ■ >> • ■ >> • • jj • • >> • ' JJ • • JJ • • JJ • • >> • • j> • * River trade .. ?> * • >j • • jj ■ ' >> ■ • JJ • • jj •' • jj • • j> • • >> • • >> ' • >> • ■ >> ■ ■ >> * ' 3 September, 1907. 20 September, „ 1 October, „ 5 October, „ 1, 2 November, „ 16 November, „ 7 December, „ 11 December, „ 13 December, „ 21 December, „ 3, 4 January, 1908. 3, 6 January, „ 3, 4 January, „ 6 January, „ 6 January, „ 6 January, „ 3 February, „ 3 February, „ 7 February, „ 29 April, 1907. 3 May, 4 June, ,, 26 June, „ 1 October, „ 13 December, „ 7 January, 1908. 7 January, „ 2 May, 1907. JJ • • JJ * " >> " • j> • • JJ • ' >> ' * Marine engine-driver >> • ' >j >> • * j> JJ • * JJ JJ • ' j> >> • ' j> >> ■ • >> >> • ' >> First - class engineer (powered vessels other than steam) Ditto >> • ' Sea-going William Innes Gilbert Stuart Mitchell Herbert Rand Frith Arthur Guy on Purchas Brookfield Alexander Gray Stewart Norman John Kelly Edward George McDougall.. William Shirras Arthur Marychurch William Gibson Young yf JJ J» j> • • • • >> • ■ j> * • j> • * j> • • 6 June, „ 9 July, 3 September, „ 3 September, „ 13 December, „ 3, 4 January, 1908. 5, 6, 7 Feb., 3, 4 March, „ 27 March, „ 4 May, 1907. JJ J) • • JJ • ■ ,, j> • • JJ Second-class engineer (powered vessels other than steam) Ditto JJ • • JJ • ' Walter Henry Charles Langdon Peter George Kelly Arthur Cecil Bowman Harry Shortt Albert Edward Martin Norman William Sharp Henry John Gabb Wilbert Stanley Clark Samuel Stevens Charles Robert Hyde James Leach John McAllan Eadie David Leach Leonard Metcalfe Lane George Andrews James Joseph Mohan John Bate Henry Brennan Kerr George Vesey Stewart Willie Hodge Archibald Arrol Stewart ,, ■>% t j if ,, it jj JJ • ■ j> • • 'J ■ • JJ • • JJ . • ■ JJ • • 2, 4 May, 2, 4 May, 2, 4 May, 2, 4 May, 9 April, 3 September, „ 3 September, „ 3, 4 October, 22 October, 1 November, „ 4 November, „ 2 December, „ 3, 4 January, l£08 3, 4 January, „ 3, 6 January, „ 3, 7 January, „ 3, 7 January, „ 7 January, „ 28 February, „ 16|March, 28 March, >> • ' M • " * ' JJ ■ • JJ ■ • ,, JJ ' * JJ JJ • ' ,, JJ • ■ 1 ' •



No. 14.—Return of Engineers who were examined and passed for Certificates of Competency— continued.

Total number of applicants, 273. Amount of fees, £244. Failures to pass examination : 8 first-class engineers, 1 second-class engineer, 12 third-class engineers, 23 river engineers, 3 marine engine-drivers, 2 first-class engineers (powered vessels other than steam), 3 second-class engineers (powered vessels other than steam), 5 restricted-limits engineers (powered vessels other than steam) : total, 57.

Name of Person. Bank. lass for wine. examined. Date of Examination. Henry Collins Engineer (powered vessels other than steam) Ditto River trade .. 6 April, 1907, Fredrick Kasper William Featherstone Smith Lawrence Henry Lane William Callinan George Fryer Wilbert Stanley Clark Joseph Higgerson Emtage .. Maurice Stephen Brown Julian William Roope Arthur Stephen Lane Alfred Henry Hun Henry Macnab Frederick Reynolds Lawrence Gordon Grace Frederick Alfred Brock Samuel Smith Major William Solloway Lane Alfred Chadwick Reginald Stein James Gordon Marshall Arthur Leslie Whitley William Alfred Oldam Alexander Macmaster Frederick Charles Rouse Riini Hetaraka Percy Isaac Herbert Garnet Luke ,, 9} • • * * ?J ,, ,, . . . . ,, >> • • ?j * ■ >j * • 5? * " 2, 4 May, 2, 6 May, 3 May, 4 May. ,, 9 May, 31 August, „ 2 September, „ 2 September, „ 2 September, ,, 2 September, „ 2 September, „ 3 September, „ 3 September, „ 16 September, „ 30 September, „ 4 November, „ 6 January, 1908, 6 January, „ 6 January, „ 6 January, „ 6 January, „ 6 January, „ 7 January, „ 4 February, „ 22 February, 26 February, „ 5 March, „ »» ».» • • ,, )J ?5 • • ,, ,, . . ., 5! ' • 71 • • ;j • • * ■ j> • ■ >J * ■ ,, >> * * j> • • ,j


No. 15.—Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed during the Financial Year ended 31st March, 1908, with Particulars of Tonnage, &c.


Name of Vessel. Tons 6 mi Measurelilt. ifi-i i -ill -J 31 Bβ t% "Whs; Sβ M Description of Machinery. Screw. I i Paddle. I Admiral Advance (Auckland) .. Advance (Kaipara) Akaroa Albany Albatross (Auckland) .. 121 18 476 76 82 12 36 43 28 8 30 B.H.P. 28 8 37 49-2 Compound S. oondensing High pressure Oil-engine Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. oondensing Single.. 217-8 ill Single at each end Single.. Albatross (Auckland) .. Alert Alexander Antelope Antrim Aorere Aotea Apanui :.. Arahura ... Ariel Atua Aupouri Awaroa Baden Powell 50-2! ■■ ! 377 18-8 60 72 263 243 I 1,596 i 17-2 3,443 463 344 194 136 20 88 46 150 15 23-4 196-5 1,063 42.5 5 184 14 35 49 157 134 771-2 12-9 1,894-7 220 210 92 78-7 8 52 33 85 13 17-5 108-4 834 25 B.H.P. 15 B.H.P. 72 2J B.H.P. 30 16* 33 27J 145 2J B.H.P. 329 55 62 30 24 10 14 15 28 5 B.H.P. 2j B.H.P. 40 250 24 133 70 B.H.P. 24 90 54 40 35 2* B.H.P. . 24 298 68 65 196-7 1,771 2,817 407 450 150 Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Triple-ex. S."condensing Twin .. Single.. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Paddle. Compound S. condensing Baroona Beatrice Bell Bird .. Ben Lomond Blenheim (2) Bravo Britannia (Bluff) Britannia (Auckland).. Oanopus Canterbury (Lyttelton) Canterbury (Lyttelton) Cascade Ghelmsford Clansman Claymore Clyde (2) Gobar Colleen Condor 292 15-7 122 634 219 130 158-8 19-6 174 88 10-7 79 379 I 98 J 232 1,122 1,000 Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing ! Oil-engine High pressure Triple-ex. S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing. Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Single.. Twin .. Paddle. 66 546 347 Single.. Triple ex. S. condensing Compound S. oondensing Paddle'. 57-8 14-7 122 294 Oil-engine .. ■ .. Compound S. condensing Single.. Single at each end Single.. Corinna .'-.'' .. Ooromandel Countess Countess of Ranfurly.. Cygnet Daphne (Hokitika) .. Daphne (Auckland) .. Dawn Defender Despatoh Dolly Varden Doto Dredge No. 350 Dredge No. 222 Dreige No. 121 (2) .. Duchess Duco (2) Durham Eagle Echo Edina Eliza ., .. Elsie Elsie Evans.. Endeavour Endon Ennerdale Enterprise (Bluff) Enterprise (Auokland) Erin Erskine Eveline Excelsior Express Fairburn Fairy Falcon Fanny Ferro Fingal ' .. Firefloat 1,279 99 189 198 124 192 19 189 35 31-4 28-51 941 1,225 657. 308 130 99 219 125 - 820 67 84 152 66 112-6 14 117 24 19 19-4 488 500 394 95 26 53 138 98 141 25 28 90 B.H.P. 43 I 40 16 B.H.P. 36 20 30 B.H.P. 30 92-8 120 100 81 60 24 70 60 B.H.P. 6 3 30 B.H.P. 20 B.H.P. 30 B.H.P. 5 98 2J B.H.P. 10 B.H.P. 4 35 24 B.H.P. 25 40 B.H.P. 10| 6 30 20 B.H.P. 9J 6 1,058 179 •• 107 526 583 350 265 a Oil-engine Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. oondensing Compound S. oondensing Triple-ex. S. oondensicg Compound S. oondenaing Oil-engine High pressure Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Paddle'. 27 7-8| 76 54-4 Oil-engine Twin .. Single.. 1,147 18-4 12-6 5-4 126 516 13-8 9 4-1 98 582-6 Compound S. oondensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine " i Compound S. oondensing 48-7 53 91.8 45 90 I 13-9 33 29-2 36 68-5 32 55 10-4 22 92 143 High pressure Oil-engine Compound 8. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. oondensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing High pressure .. 's vessel to have been twice su: Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. 48 • • Note.■The ngui re (2) afte sr the name of a vessel shov rveyecJ.


No. 15.—Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, &c.— continued.


Name of.Vessel. Ton6 Mi mei e> tasureit. u Q "So H O o <3 »O 7-\ •sis as o o o 5 - a ft-S o o Description of Machinery. Screw. Paddle. Freetrader Gael Ganuet (Blenheim) .. Gannet Bluff) Gertie Glenelg Gordon Gosford Greyhound Haupiri Hauroto Hawea Heathcote Himitangi Hirere Hobsonville .. Huia (Wellington) Huia (Wellington) .. Huia (Auckland) Ida Invercargill Ithaca Ivy Jane Jane Douglas J.D.O. John Anderson John Towley Kaeo Kahu (Napier) Kahu (Auckland) Kaiapoi Kaipatiki Kaituna (Auckland) .. Kaituna (Dunedin) .. Kamona Kanieri Kapanui (2) .. Kapiti Karoro Kate Katikati Kawau (2) (Auckland) Kawau (Kaipara) Kawatiri. Kennedy Kekeno (2) .. Kereru Kestrel .. 132 I 15 23-6 269 288 94 55 10 17-7 118 156 50 20 12 5 B.H.P. 59 75 12 30 50 B.H.P. 88 253 104 35 45 16 15 B.H.P. 23 2 60 B.H.P. 10 41 9 10 B.H.P. 20 B.H.P. 22 28 20 39 60 B.H.P. 40 24 B.H.P. 201 9i 10 B.H.P. 200 117 20 32 35 17 5 9 20 14 24 38-9 6 B.H.P. 55 B.H.P. 43 High pressure Compound S. condensing Oil engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Single.. Stern wheel. 328 248 Twin .. Single.. 83 107 J 700 j 1,988 i 1,757 167 323 48: 32-5 133 56 83 452 1,276 1,114 94 149 32 22-8 69 447 1,241 936 Oilengine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing High pressure .. Oil-engine High pressure Compound S. condensing " " " 236 Twin .. Single.. 121 224 ! 18 ; 223 17-7 11-4 27 95 129 52 184 175 54 j 2,003 53 8 1,976 1,425 202 109 I 242 76 200 12 123 13-2 8-5 20-3 74 88 36 85 147 99 26-5 1,246 19-8 6 1,246 903 115 63 113 51 224 70 168 236 Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Triple-ex, S. condensing Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. 931 1,044 748 145 Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing 208 High pre ure ■ ' •■ 36-4 99 47 26-2 52-7 37 Compound S. condensing 188 37 127-7 342 131 18 96-2 203 210 High pressure Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Twin ,. Single.. Twin .. Single at each end Single.. Twin .. i Single.. Compound S. condensing Kia Ora (Auckland) .. Kia Ora (Auckland) .. Kia Ora (Tauranga) .. Kilmory Kina Kini Kiripaka Kittawa Kiwi Koi.. . .. Komata .. ..; Koonya .. . .. I Kopu Kopura Koputai Kororo Kotare Kotiti Kotuku Kuaka Lady Barkly Lena Lily Little Jack Lomen Loyalty Lyttelton (tug) Magic Maheno (Dunedin) .. Maheno (Dunedin) .. Mahutu Maidi Mana (Wellington) .. 306 7-79 10 1,122 105 1,246 .. 123 1,993-8 1,090 40 i 153 76 141 58 1,053 45 55 156 5-7 7-8 702 75 707 53 1,194-5 662 18 27'6 5 51-6 79 42 662 33 39 24 65 5 B.H.P. 1* 25 B.H.P. 130 24 120 '' 3 32 260 115 13 20 120 17 20 14 112 90 B.H.P. 20 5 12 ? 35 80 60 B.H.P. 90 B.H.P. 600 10| 16 B.H.P. 25 413 691 100 715 249-6 1,173 711 489 142 High pressure Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine High pressure Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. Single.. Paddle'. 707 Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing 87 34-2 23-2 Twin .. Single.. 100-6 190 93 35 5,282 29 16 99 68-4 39 58-3 24 3,276 13 12 77 108 191 6,000 Oil-engine Turbine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. oondensing Twin .. Triple .. Single.. Paddle. 125 // ■ • Note.—The i)| ;ure after the name of a vessel shows vessel to have been twice surve; r ed.


No. 15. —Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, &c. — continued.


Name of Vessel. Tons tL mi [easure■nt. S-S'S.&d O.CI ~ ri H to ce ax MCE o3 ° Cβ ™ * fl O O c6 &O = § s a £ K sJ a oo •" tc'55 Cβ U O <D © O ." a p,S o o t—I Description of Machinery. Screw. Paddle. I Mana (Westport) Manapouri Manaroa Manchester 196 2,060 122 882 50 1,288 77 366 90 220 24 160 464 1,600 163 Compound S. condensing Quadruple-ex. S. eonden. Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Paddle. Single.. Twin at each end Single.. Mangaiti Mangapapa Manuka Manukau Manuwai Maori Mapourika Mararoa Mascotte (Wanganui) Mascotte (Auckland) .. Matara Matarere Matuku Maurill Mavis May (Maketu) May (Wanganui) May Howard Mere Mere Moa (2) Moana Moeraki Moerangi Mokoia Monowai Moturoa Mountaineer Moura Mullogh Murihiku Muritai Mystery Naomi III Napier Natone (2) .. Naumai Nautilus Navua Never Despair Ngapuhi Ngatiawa Ngunguru Nile Niobe Nina .. Nita Nora Niven Norval Ohinemuri Ohuru Ongarue Onslow Opawa Opoutia Oreti Orewa Osprey Otara Otunui Paeroa Pania Parera Pareora Pateena Pearl (Auckland) Pearl (Kaipara) Pelican (2) .. Pelorus Penguin Petone Phantom Phoenix Pilot (Auckland) Pilot (Wellington) .. Pitoitoi (Auckland) .. Pitoitoi (Auckland) .. Planet Plucky 146 4,505 65 107 25 1,202 2,598 87 2,783 45 75 17 718 1,380 6 28 357 20 51 8 130 530 12 5 4 1-7 4 16-6 3 4 B.H.P. 45 B.H.P. 3 33 7 357 27J B.H.P. 255 290 10 50 275 15 70 45 6 B.H.P. 25 B.H.P. 30 24 12 18 221 160 55 25 20 f 15 B.H.P. 40 20 B.H.P. 26 14 35 B.H.P. 14 >"18 5 50 17 70 12 B.H.P. 35 B.H.P. 15 11 4 71 250 5 B.H.P. 6 57 40 B.H.P. 180 82 11 6 13 15 134 1* 40 228 4,312 High pressure Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing High pressure Twin .. Single.. Stern wheel. Single.. 1,063 3,720 Triple-ex. S. condensing High pressure 21 13 Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing High pressure .. 502 "aV-6 1164 64 55 1/ • • • • Oil-engine 188-5 7-8 4,392 24 3,502 3,433 95 5-8 2,714 15 2,153 2,136 180-5 3,988 High pressure Compound S. oondensing High pressure Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Twin .. Single.. 3,291 2,796 Compound S. oondensing Paddle. 109 2,026 69 558 224 9-4 13-4 70 72 47 41 2,929 66 1,247 46 368 133 7-1 91 48 49 28-6 29 1,812 200 1,889 Triple-ex. S. condensing High pressure Triple-ex. S. oondensing Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. 553 220 88 Compound S. condensing 2,255 Triple-ex. S. condensing High pressure Triple-ex. S. condensing Twin .. Single.. Twin . . . 691 451 105 43-5 299 220 68 ! 21-2! 709 437 100 32 Compound S. condensing Single.. 7-5 116 56J 114 5-6 56-6 50 73 20 10 16 64 120 High pressure Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. oondensing.. Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Quadruple S, condensing Oil-engine Compound S. oondensing 23 110 Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. 60 219 59 219 9-2 15-3 91 40 117 37 138 6'9 11-5 46 27 209 High pressure Compound S. oondensing Paddle. Oilengine Single.. 64 Compound S. condensing 650 1,212 14 161 24 836 708 44 8 30 39 72J 81-1 23 81 355 550 56 9 1 18 517 388 18 6 10 26 19 27-6 13 29 437 1,882 288 881 541 High pressure Triple-ex. S. condensing.. Compound S. condensing Oil-engine High pressure Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. 238 Compound jet condensing Compound S. condensing Note.—The fl| ire (2) att' ir the name of a vessel sho . '8 vessel to have been twice surveyed.


No. 15.—Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, &c.—continued.


Name of Vessel. Tons M< me: :easurent. I Us*" ™ •—' J-l O Iβ g: S o o <e fto S5 a a+3 o o Description of Machinery. Screw. Paddle. CO g S3 Poherua Presto Progress Pukaki 1,174 749 128 3 45 110 18 60 35 B.H.P. 40 200 25 10 B.H.P. 140 50 B.H.P. 10 95 60 11 10J 19 90 5 B.H.P. H 104 8 50 450 2J B.H.P. 108 28 10 2J B.H.P. 30 B.H.P. 16 10 B.H.P. 7 120 B.H.P. 20 13 117 ' 34 60 10B.H.P. 90 39 70 40 35 5 B.H.P. 4 8 155 24 265 25 255 70 15" 16 40 4 250 38 135 8 40 B.H.P. 250 90 11 95 90 B.H.P. 10 B.H.P. 16 78 20 14 91 28 48 B.H.P. 60 B.H.P. . 6i 14 702 Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Single.. Puiau Putiki Queen of Beauty Queen of the South .. Rakanoa Eakiura (Dunedin) .. Rakiura (Stewart Isl'd) Rarawa Reremoana Result Rimu Ripple Rita Riwaka (2) .. Rob Roy Rosamond Rosetta Rothesay Rotoiti (Auckland) .. Rotoiti (2) (Dunedin).. Rotokohu Rotomahana(Auckland) Rotomahana (Dunedin) Ruahine Rabi Seddon Ruru (Napier) Ruru (Auckland) Ruruhau Sally Savaii Scout Settler Shamrock Sir William Wallace .. Sonoma Southern Cross (2) Speedwell Squall Standard Stella Stirling Storm Stormbird Sumner Sunbeam Swan Sylph Taieri Tainui Takapuna (Dunedin).. Takapuna (Auckland) Talune Tangaroa Tangihua Taniwha (Timaru) Taniwha (Auckland) .. Tarakihi Tarawera (2) Tasman (2) .. Taviuni Tawera (Auckland) Tawera (Gisborne) Te Anau Terawhiti Terewai Theresa Ward Thistle (Wanganui) .. Thistle Helensville) .. Thomas King Timaru Torgauten Togo Toroa Tuatea Tu Atu Tuhara Tui Tuna (Gisborne) 244 1,444 51 408 20-7 197 2,246 127 17-8 1,071 19-2 28 358 412 40 31 95 721 12-8 18-5 112 917 38 157 9-4 121 1,393 80 13'4 460 14-4 18 144 187 17 19 34 462 9-6 8 144 586 319 200 878 141 1,237 Quadruple-ex. S. oonden. Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Oilengine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. 433 269 Twin .. Single.. • v Compound S. condensing 126-7 441 Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing 1,158 14-6 183 1,763 16-4 528 166 31 21-4 28-6 55 14 166 109 a 629 11 139 915 12-3 348 57 11 16 14-3 31 10 8-3 60 30 1,133 Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. 280 2,588 521 227 Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. oondensing Twin .. Single.. u • • Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Ordinary condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing High pressure Triple-ex. S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. 682 42 368 12 268 96 405 217 167 9-4 5 403 30 133 9 157 26 185 129 94 7-5 8-8 548 285 245 197 279-9 205 Single.. n • • Stern wheel. Oil-engine High pressure 1,668 128 930 77 2,000 189 31 1,071 59 472 57 1,370 109 20 16 191 1,268 87 910 729 144 1,481 1,975 Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing High pressure Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Ordinary condensing Single.. Twin .. Single.. Paddle'. 263 Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. 2,003 1785 1,465 1,563 223 1,050 Quadruple-ex. S. conden. High pressure Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Triple ex. S. condensing Compound S. oondensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Twin .. Single.. 52 1,652 259-8 22 194 96 12.8 98 479 266 44 1,028 46-8 11 9 77 9-6 70 211 197 1,247 846 447 Twin .. Single.. 276 108 High pressure Compound S. condensing Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. 388 112 40 97 174 58 30 33 20 459 242 Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound 8. condensing Oil-engine Twin .. High pressure Compound S. condensing Single.. Twin .. Note. urveyed. -The fl( after the name o] a vessel sho , 's vessel to have been twice si ire


No. 15. —Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, &c. — continued.

No. 16.—Return of Sailing-vessels surveyed during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1908, with Particulars of Tonnage, &c.


Name of Vessel. Tonsl mi [easureint. Ifl-S'a sis! Offi u <* as 'O'S * a Itei a o o Description of Machinery. Screw, Paddle. I I Q ■ffi 0) 'una (Kaipara) '. Waipounamu lira Jta r ariance 'esper 'ictoria (Auoklaud) .. r ictoria (Auckland) .. r ictory r iolet r ivid Vaiapu Vaihi Vaikato Vaimarie (Auckland).. Vaimarie (Wanganui) Vainui Vaione Vaiora Vaiotahi Vaipori Vairere Vairoa (Nelson) Vairoa (Auokland) .. Vairuna Vairua Vaitangi (Auokland).. Vaitangi (Matakohe) Vaitara Vaitohi Vaiwera (Henly) Vaiwera (Auckland) .. Vaiwiri .. Vakapai Vakatere Vakatu kanaka Varkworth .. Vatrimoo Vave (2) Vaverley Veka (Auckland) Veka (Napier) Vestland Vhakarire .. Vhangape .. Vooton .. 'oung Bungaree 26'6 30-9 25-1 147 12 26-3 11 21 67 97 245 76 661 57 278 ! 1,918 69-8 99 3,947 19-9 23'2 188 36 92 9 15-7 8-2 6 57 66 159 57 411 43 167 1,229 27 47-5 63 2,529 34 2J B.H.P. 34 50 B.H.P. 2J B.H.P. 16 B.H.P. 40 8 B.H.P. 16 B.H.P. 6 B.H.P. 13 15 B.H.P. 20 4 48 54 95 21 5 56 180 5* 20 24 396 5 62 15 34 10 16 B.H.P. 6 71 10 140 23 280 10 B.H.P. 490 18 B.H.P. 25 27 20 86 120 280 33 35 172 581 292 966 536 143 2,136 High pressure Oil-engine High pressure Oil-engine High pressure Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound 8. condensing Single.. it • • Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Twin .. ! Single.. I Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. Single.. Paddle'. Paddle. Paddl'e. 171 45 21 24 34 30 16 18 314 High pressure Compound S. condensing Oil engine Compound S. condensing Twin .. I Single.. 441 157 2,421 24 3,529 39-8 156 127 89 152 819 2,931 151 69 157 95 1,572 23 2,076 28-8 93 86 52 8-4 449 1,900 89-6 47 142 1,181 3,716 104 Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Stogie.. Twin .. Paddle. 106 420 639-9 908 157 177 Triple-ex. 8. oondensing Compound S. condensing Single.. Twin .. Single.. Note. —The figure (2) after the name of vessel sho" r s vessel to have been twice surveyed.

Tons Measurement. Name of Vessel. Grose. Register. Description. Times surveyed. Alexander Craig Defiance Empreza Ganymede .. James Craig Jessie Nicol .. Joseph Craig Louisa Craig Pelotis Pendle Hill .. 552 208-4 249-7 583-5 670-9 92-5 751 710 283J 234 678-17 148-5 520 199 235-7 568-6 646 92-5 694 682 250-5 222 617-6 148-5 Barque Brigantine .. Barque Barquentine Barque Schooner Barque 1 1 1 1 1 1" 1 1 1 1 1 1 Barquentine Rona Zaabel Barque Schooner Total 12 The " Joseph Craig," " Louisa Craig," " Pi ilotis," and " Bona " ha 'e been surveyed for the irat time.



No. 17.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness, &c, from the 1st April, 1907, to the 31st March, 1908.

7—H. 15a.

Date of Survey. Name of Vessel Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, &c. 1907. .pril 2 S.s. Tarawera Wellington Whilst on the voyage from Lyttelton to Wellington, on the 1st April, it was found that this steamer's steering-gear was not in good working-order, and on arrival at Wellington the rudder was inspected and the gear overhauled. It was found that the rudder-shank was twisted at the neck, preventing the rudder from going over sufficiently on the starboard side. The twisting was presumably due to the rudder having touched the wharf whilst the vessel was berthing at Lyttelton on the 29th March. There being no signs of fracture, the tiller was taken off and a new key-seat sunk to bring it in line again, after which the rudder was tested and the vessel found seaworthy. This repair was considered good enough as a temporary repair. On a voyage from Dunedin to the Bluff, and whilst proceeding down the harbour at 3.37 p.m. on the 28th March, this vessel took the ground off Ravensbourne. She was floated off at 3.30 a.m. on the 29th March, and continued her voyage to the Bluff. On the vessel's return to Port Chalmers from the Bluff on the 6th April, she was surveyed, and found perfectly seaworthy. A flaw having been discovered in the top arm of the rudder, close to the shank, it was decided, after an inspection, to lift the rudder out for a further examination, when it was found that the rivets in a previous patch fitted on the middle arm were loose, and also several rivets in the lower arm. The loose rivets were taken out and renewed, and a T piece forged and riveted to the upper arm. This made the vessel seaworthy. On the 28th February, at Westport, in No. 3 length of tunnel-shafting, a flaw was discovered about S in. long, running longitudinally ; it was marked, but when inspected later at Wellington, on the 9th April, the flaw showed no signs of extension. On the 5th April, at Westport, in No. 2 length of tunnel-shafting, a flaw was discovered about 8 in. long, and running at a slight angle. It was marked, and when inspected again at Wellington, on the 9th April, it was found to have extended 1| in. A strong sleeve was made and fitted to shaft over the defect. On the 15th March this vessel drifted on to the rooks in Tairua Harbour, and received damage to her hull. On arrival in Auckland the vessel was docked for survey, when the following repairs were effected: 14 ft. of the keel and plate were taken out, and 9 ft. of same straightened and fitted in place again ; the remaining 5 ft. was renewed in No. 1 strake alongside of keel-plate. Another plate 4 ft. by 3 ft. was cut out and a new one fitted. The rudder and stock were also straightened. On the 29th March this vessel's rudder-shank was twisted whilst berthing at Lyttelton. On the 17th April, at Port Chalmers, the rudder was unshipped by a diver. The vessel was docked on the 18th April, and found to be in good condition. The rudder was straightened, and on the 19th April it was reshipped by a diver, and examined under steam, proving to be in good condition. This vessel took the ground on the 16th April, after leaving the wharf inside the Napier Harbour. She was on a voyage to Auckland via coast ports. On the 18th instant the Harbour Board's dredge, on coming alongside to run out an anchor for her, struck the vessel between her port lighthouse and stem, fracturing the sheer-strake plate and the one above for a depth of 4 ft. This was temporarily repaired with an overall patch. On the 20th instant, after discharging some coal, the vessel came off the ground at 2 a.m. and was berthed alongside the wharf. She was afterwards examined by the Napier Harbour Board's diver. He found that the vessel had sustained no damage to her hullplating by grounding, and, after being surveyed and found seaworthy, she was allowed to proceed to Auckland. ,, Ayrshire .. Port Chalmers April 0 t pril 9 ,, Koonya . . Wellington Wellington April 9 „ Kini April 11, 13, 17 „ Ngatiawa Auckland ,, Tarawera April 20 Port-Chalmers ,, Haupiri .. Napier April 19, 20

H.— 15a


No. 17. —Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness — continued.

Date of Survey. JS ame ot Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, *c. 1907. .pri! 22, 23, 24, 26 8.s. Morayshire Dunedin On the 19th April, whilst proceeding from Port Chalmers to Dunedin, this vessel took the ground off Kilgour Point, Sawyer's Bay, through being out of the channel. Next morning she was floated off, after being about twelve hours aground. At Dunedin the vessel was surveyed and found to have received no material damage affecting her ( seaworthiness. Whilst this steamer was lying at the Wellington wharf, it was found, on examination, that a flaw had developed in the thrust-shaft, extending nearly the whole length of the thrust-bearing through the collars, and it also showed slightly in the body of the shaft in three of the recesses. The owners were advised to get a new shaft ready to be put in at the next survey, due in a week's time. The shaft was accordingly made and fitted in at the survey. On the 15th April a flaw was discovered in the crank-shaft of this vessel. A new shaft to replace the defective one was made and fitted. Whilst this vessel was lying in Auckland Harbour, the hand steering-gear was coupled up to insure its efficient working when required. It was left coupled up, and, immediately prior to the vessel's leaving that port on the 23rd April for Wellington, the steam steering-gear was tried, without unshipping the hand-gear. The result was that the two side-rod ends were wrenched off, the worm-screw was bent, the stand for the after-bracket was pushed out of position, the angle-iron broken, and front top of the lever quadrant for top levers broken. The steering-wheel was practically demolished. Necessary repairs were effected to make the steering-gear effective and seaworthy. While this vessel was on a voyage from Wellington to Dunedin, a fire occurred in No. 1 lower hold on the night of the 5th May. The hold was flooded with water, and cargo removed at Dunedin. An examination was made at Dunedin. The only damage done was to deck-planking, which was slightly charred, and two deck-beams, which were slightly buckled. This damage, however, did not affect the vessel's seaworthiness. While on a voyage from Dunedin to Herekino, this vessel grounded on the Herekino Bar on the 13th April. On the 18th April she was kedged off with her own anchors at high water, and proceeded to Helensville. She was placed on the slip at Helensville on the 20th April, when it was found that the planking on the port bilge was sprung, and required refastening and recaulking. The centreboard was also leaking badly; this required to be refastened and recaulked. The necessary repairs were effected. On the 21st December, 1906, while on a voyage from Liverpool to New Zealand, the furnaces of the main boilers of this vessel were found to be defective. Temporary repairs were effected at sea, and on arrival at Auckland the furnaces were further repaired, enabling the steamer to proceed to Dunedin. The vessel was detained at this port to fit nine new furnaces to replace the defective ones; on completion of the Work the boilers were inspected and tested by hydraulic pressure, and found satisfactory. While on a voyage from Dunedin to Invercargill on the 14th May, this vessel grounded in the channel, below Port Chalmers. She came off with her own engines on the 15th .May, and was surveyed on her arrival in Invercargill and fovind to have sustained no damage. ,, Eotomahana Wellington April 23 „ Storm April 26 Dunedin May 2 „ Zealandia Wellington May 6 ,, Mokoia Dunedin May Flower (ketch) Helensville May 13 . •- April 4 - May 16 Dunedin S.s. Surrey May 17 ,, Rimu Inveroargill



No. 17.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness— continued.

Date of Survey. Name of Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, &c. 1907. April 26-May 28 S.s. Inveran . . Wellington This vessel arrived in Wellington at 9.40 p.m. on the 24th April from Auckland, and anchored at the usual anchorage. The wind was blowing strong from the north-west. The port anchor was let go, and shortly afterwards the starboard one also. Although the engines were put in motion, the vessel dragged her anchors and went ashore at Point Jerningham at 10.30 p.m. On the 26th April the tugs " Duco " and " Duchess " hauled the vessel off and brought her alongside the wharf. Soundings were taken, which showed she was not making any water. The hull was examined by a diver, who found that the starboard bilge-keel was twisted and bent downwards for a length of about 10 ft. from the after end. Two of the propeller-blades were broken off near the root, the remaining two blades having lost from 1 ft. to 1 ft. 6 in. from the tip of each blade. The vessel was tipped and a new propeller fitted, enabling her to proceed to Lyttelton, where she was docked on the 15th May. An examination showed that, in addition to the above damage to the hull, the plating was bulged in between the frames; also, 240 rivets had been loosened. All the loose rivets were renewed and the other damage made good. On the passage out from England to Wellington, a length of the main steam-pipe showed a defect in one of the flanges. On the vessel's arrival in Wellington the pipe was taken ashore, and a new piece of pipe 6 in. long and a new Pope joint were fitted. The pipe was afterwards tested to 400 lb. hydraulic pressure before being put on board. While on a voyage from Ocean Island to Melbourne via Auckland and Dunedin, and when entering Otago Heads, this vessel struck the bar on the 28th May. The hull of the vessel was surveyed inside, and an examination was also made of the inner hull - plating inside the tanks. The only damage found was some of the cement broken in No. 1 tank. No damage was done to the framing or plating of the ship. This vessel was on a voyage from Auckland to Gisborne, and when about five miles from the latter port, at 1.45 p.m. on the 2nd June, the bottom flange of the lowpressure piston broke; the broken piece got in between the piston and the stuffingbox. The vessel was towed to Gisborne by the s.s. Tuatea," where the stuffingbox was repaired and the vessel enabled to steam to Napier, where a new piston was made and fitted to the satisfaction of the surveyor. While on a voyage from Wanganui to Wellington, the vessel ran on the rocks at the north end of Kapiti Island about 1.15 a.m. on the 8th June. She remained there for about twenty minutes, when she came off with her own engines, running astern. On her arrival at Wellington she was placed on the slip, where an examination of the hull on the 8th June showed that there were several dents in the garboard strake on the port side of the vessel, between the frames ; two small cracks were also found. The above damage was efficiently repaired. This vessel was proceeding from Lyttelton to Wellington on the 14th instant, when a length of the main steam-pipe developed a crack near one of the flanges. On the vessel's arrival in Wellington the defective length of pipe was taken ashore and the damage repaired. The pipe was then tested by hydraulic pressure before being placed on May 29 „ Waiwera . . Wellington May 29~Jmie 3 „ Cape Antibes Dunedin „ Squall .. Napier "une 5 lune 8 „ Huia Wellington ,, Waiwera .. rune 18 Wellington


No. 17.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness— continued.


Date of Survey. Name of Vessel. Where surveyed. Sature of Casualty, &c. 1907. "une 2(i .. S.s. Nora Niven Dunedin This vessel was steaming up to Dunedin on the night of the 25th June, and, when in the upper harbour, she got out of the channel and touched the sand-bank. An inspection was made of the hull, when the vessel was found to have sustained no damage. It was found necessary, while on a voyage from Valparaiso to Sydney, to put into Auckland on the 6th July for repairs to machinery and for coal. The vessel was docked, and the stern length of shafting drawn; and the stern-bush was relined to the satisfaction of the surveyor. After this vessel's arrival in Auckland from London, the machinery was being overhauled, when, on the 1st July, a fracture of a serious nature was discovered in the M.P. crank-shaft, necessitating its removal. A spare shaft which was on board the vessel was fitted in its place. Whilst entering Nelsonjf Harbour at 5.15 a.m. on the 9th July, after a voyage from Picton, the vessel grazed the rocks near the leading beacons with her starboard bilge. On her return to Wellington, on the 10th July, a diver examined the ship's bottom, and a surveyor made an internal examination. It was found that the ship had received no damage. This vessel was entering on the 16th July, after a voyage from Wellington, when she stranded on a shingle-bank alongside the wharf, through the flood-tide sheering her into shallow water. She remained there from 10.20 a.m. till 11.5 a.m., when she, came off with her own power. On her arrival in Dunedin a survey was made, and the vessel was found to have received no damage. Whilst the vessel was being shifted in Sydney Harbour on the 26th June by a tug-boat, the propeller: came in contact with the wharf-piles, breaking one of the blades. Upon the vessel's arrival in Lyttelton she was placed in the dry-dock, the propellershaft drawn and examined, and a new propeller fitted. This vessel left Gisborne the 10th July in tow of the steamers " Tawera " and " Nautilus." At the end of the breakwater the vessel sagged to leeward, as the tugs were not powerful enough, in the fresh southerly gale which was blowing, to prevent this. The vessel was dragged on to the breakwater, striking slightly amidships. It was thought that no damage had been done, so the vessel proceeded on her voyage. The following morning there was a considerable depth of water in the hold. Upon examination, a leak was discovered, which was temporarily repaired to enable the vessel to complete here voyage to Kopu, Thames, where repairs were effected. The owners of this vessel desired to change her certificate from home trade to foreigngoing. The boats, rafts, and other equipments were inspected, the necessary additions made, and the required number of officers supplied to comply with the Shipping and Seamen Act. Whilst on a voyage from Lyttelton to Dunedin on the 2nd August, the centre stern-tube was found to be cracked circumferentially about two-thirds round. Temporary repairs were effected in Dunedin by fitting a clamp round the tube ; the vessel was thus enabled to proceed to Lyttelton for docking, where permanent repairs were effected. While the vessel was on a voyage from Westport to Nelson she lost her port propeller about 1 a.m. on the 7th August, when seventy-eight miles from Westport. Having twin screws she proceeded on her voyage to Nelson with the starboard engine. There a survey was made, and the vessel allowed to proceed to Wellington. She was placed on the Patent Slip, and a new shaft and propeller fitted. fuly 6, 8, 9 ,, Indra ,, Auckland "uly 6, 8, 9, 10 „ Rakaia .. Auckland luly 10 .. „ Penguin .. Wellington „ Te Anau .. Dunedin fuly 25 ruly 26 ,, Kaiapoi .. Lyttelton Ilina (barquentine) Kopu, Thames ruly 27 Aug. 5 S.s. Tarawera Dunedin „ Malieno .. Dunedin Aug. (i ,, Arahura .. Nelson Aug. 7



No. 17.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness— continued.

Date of Survey. Name cf Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, &c. Aug. 13 Aug. 19, 20, 21, 22 Aug. 26, 27 Aug. 28 , . 1907. fune 6; fuly 18; big. 7, 12, 13 Glenlin (ship) S.s. Rosamond „ Ripple „ Rimu „ Poherua . . Dunedin Lyttelton Dunedin Dunedin Dunedin On a voyage from Adelaide to Conception Bay, Chili, between the 25th and the 28th May, in mid-ocean, the vessel fell in with heavy weather. Heavy seas breaking on board did considerable damage to the boats, runninggear, &o. The deck-houses, wheel, and chainplates were carried away, bulwarks started, and twenty-three bulwark-stanchionsjon the port side and six on the starboard side were broken. The vessel in distress put into Port Chalmers on the 31st for repairs. The bulkheads were straightened, twenty-nine new stanchions fitted, two hundred rivets renewed in bulwarks and sheer-strake, chain-plates reriveted, new wheel fitted for steering-gear, new boats, a number of sails and part of running-gear renewed, deck-house, rails, and stanchions, &c, fitted. Owing to bad weather on the 8th August, when on a voyage from Greymouth to Timaru, the main steam-pipe was fractured at the flange. The pipe was sent from Timaru to Christchurch, where it was repaired, and afterwards tested by hydraulic pressure by the Inspector to double the working-pressure, before being put on board. This vessel went into dock at Port Chalmers to have eight intercostal plates put in the fore tank. It was then discovered that one buttstrap on the bottom of the hull was leaking, and that seventy rivets on the port side near the bow Were defective and required renewing. It Was thought that the above damage was done when vessel was pitching in a heavy sea. As the owners wished to have the certificate of this vessel changed from home trade to to foreign-going, the equipments were surveyed and the necessary additions made thereto. The boats were provisioned for foreign-going. ■ Whilst this vessel was leaving Greymouth for Oamaru on the 22nd August a swift current was running in the river. This prevented the vessel from answering her helm quick enough, and she grounded, but came off almost immediately. On her arrival at Dunedin it was found that several rivets in the butt-strap, on the port side of forward ballast-tank, were started. The defects were made good. After leaving Patea for Wellington, and when crossing the Patea Bar at about 1 p.m. on the 13th instant, the vessel was struck by heavy seas, which started a butt on the starboard side of the bottom in the way of foremast, and also several planks on the port side of the bottom, and broke two floors. On arrival in Wellington the vessel was placed on the Patent Slip, where two floors were fitted on the port side, and thirty new muntz-metal fastenings put in the planking, and four new fastenings put in the butt on the starboard side. The owners wished to have the certificate for this vessel altered from home trade to foreigngoing. The equipments were surveyed, and the necessary additions made thereto, and extra provisions put in the boats. The owners wished to have the certificate for this vessel altered from river to home trade. The equipments were surveyed, and the necessary additions made thereto. All the boats were provisioned for home trade. One flange on the main steam-pipe required rebrazing. The whole length of the steampipe was tested to 200 lb. hydraulic pressure. Whilst the vessel was signalling Farewell Spit Lighthouse on the 15th September, the engines being slowed down at the time, she grounded on the edge of the Spit, and remained there until the 16th instant, when she came off with the assistance of \ the s.s. " Mararoa " and her own engines. She proceeded to Dunedin, where a survey was made, and the vessel found to have received no damage. „ Aorere Wellington Sept. 20 ,, Tarawera Sept. 27, 28 Dunedin Oct. 2 . . P.s. Lyttelton Auckland Oct. 5 . . S.s. Invercargill Dunedin Oct. 12 .. „ Warrimoo Dunedin



No. 17.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness— continued.

Date ol Survey. Name of Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, &c. 1907. >ct. 18 S.s. Wanaka .. Dunedin In the after-length of the crank-shaft of a the engines of this vessel, a reed which had shown for some years had begun to extend. A new after-length of the crank-shaft was fitted, to replace the defective one. A defect had shown at the neck of the flange of the main steam-pipe of the refrigeratingengines of this vessel. The flange was removed, and a new one fitted. The pipe was then tested by hydraulic pressure to double the working-pressure, before being put on board. On the 11th October whilst this scow was on a voyage from Onehunga to Hokianga she began ' to leak badly, and was beached on Shelly Beach, Kaipara Harbour, to prevent her from sinking, until she could be placed on the Patent Slip at Helensville. Presumably while pile-driving on the Manukau Bar or while lying on the ground when loading, the garboard planks were sprung from the keel for about 4 ft. on each side, starting about 5 ft. from the forefoot running aft. The opening Was about fin. wide. The wormeaten part of the keel was cut out, and new pieces fitted in and bolted through the keel. One extra fastening was put into the garboard planks, and the sprung seams were recaulked. Whilst entering Suva Harbour, at 9.30 p.m. on the 6th August, after a voyage from Vancouver, the forward part of this vessel stranded on East Beef, where she remained until floated off at 8.30 the next morning. The accident was caused through the helm being put the wrong way. For about 28 ft. the plating of strakes A, B, C, and D, on the starboard bow, were very badly knocked about. There was a large hole in B strake, immediately under the collision bulkhead, and another hole under the bulkhead of the chainlocker. The rivets in the landing of B and C strakes were sheared for a distance of 24 ft. on the port bow ; one plate in each of strakes A, B, C, and D was badly dented. These four plates were taken out and straightened, and ten frames set up, and the plates put baok again. Four plates were renewed on the starboard side, one in A strake 15 ft. long, one in B strake 19 ft. long, and two plates in C strake 12 ft. and 14 ft. long. Four plates were taken out and straightened; twelve frames and reverse angles for same cut at various distances and straightened, and fitted together with 24 in. butt-angles. Two reverse angles, 4 ft. by 6 ft. of plating of collision bulkhead, and frame of same on ship's side, and chain-locker bulkhead plate 5ft. by 6 ft. were all renewed. Four floors were also renewed, and reverse angles straightened and refitted, and eight rivets around propelleraperture were taken out and renewed. Numbers one, three, and four pintles of rudder were rebushed. Five water-space stays in the starboard combustion-chamber of the starboard boiler were drilled out and new stays fitted. Six new water-space stays were also fitted in the port boiler. The bilge pipes and strums in the forehold were repaired. Three stanchions, extending from the main keelson to the main deck, were straightened. The steering engine and gear and steam-windlass were overhauled. The compasses were adjusted on the 24th October. Temporary repairs were effected to this vessel at Suva sufficient to enable her to come to Auckland for docking, where the above extensive repairs were done. On the arrival of this-vessel on the 21st October, at Wellington from Timaru, a flaw was discovered in the tunnel-shaft 14 in. long in line of shaft. The shaft was strengthened by putting a Thompson coupling 19 in. long over let. 23 „ Ruapehu Wellington Hawk (scow) .. Helensville let. 23, 24.. 2, 17, 27 ; Oct. 9, 11, 19, 24, 25 S.s. Bucentaur Auckland \ tet. 29 „ Toroa Lyttelton



No. 17.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness— continued.

Kate of Survey. i Name of Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, Ac. 1907. lot. 31 .. S.s. Buoentaur Auckland This'vessel was redocked, when four rivets were found, on removing the cement, to be leaking. After these were tightened up the vessel undoeked and sailed for Melbourne. Whilst lying at the wharf, Auckland Harbour, this auxiliary schooner took fire on two occasions—on Sunday, the 13th October, and on the following Sunday, the 20th October. The first fire took place in the engineer's berth, the second in the oaptain's. The hull of the vessel fortunately escaped the fire, but the engine-room, mess-room, and the engineer's berth were gutted the first time. The repairs to the damaged parts were just about completed when the second fire occurred, burning the new work, and gutting out the engine-room and captain's room, hatch, skylight, and roof of deckhouse. The verdict at the inquiry as to the cause of the fire was " that the ' Endeavour ' was wilfully set fire to with a tin of benzine by some person unknown." All the above damage was efficiently repaired. On the 13th October, whilst on a voyage from Wellington to Patea, this vessel went aground on the Patea Bar and breakwater. She came off on the 15th October, and grounded again the same day on the other side of the bar and floated off on the 16th. The stern-post, which was broken, was welded in two places, and the rudder-post and stock in one place, by the Thermit process. Two new after keel-plates were put in, and two hundred rivets renewed in the hull and floor-plates. One of the deckbeams was strengthened with a reverse bar. Some stanchions were straightened and reriveted to beams. This vessel was towed to Port Lyttelton from Patea to have the above repairs executed. On the voyage of this vessel from Auckland to London, at 4.45 p.m. on the 29th September, and when 557 miles E.S.E. of Chatham Islands, a fire was discovered in No. 1 hold amongst the cargo, which consisted of flax, wool, &c. All the ventilators were closed, and the Clayton fire-extinguisher started. At|;5.55 p.m. the vessel was put about, and proceeded full speed for Wellington. All the boats were provisioned and got in readiness. The vessel arrived in Wellington on the 2nd October, and was berthed at the Queen's Wharf, where it was found necessary to flood the hold before the fire was got under. After the hold was pumped out and the cargo discharged, an examination was made. The spar-deck on the starboard side forward was a good deal buckled and the frames twisted. The wooden deck and the crew's quarters were considerably damaged, and the upper deck and beams were also damaged, but to a less extent. Twelve plates were taken out of the spar-deck on the starboard side of No. 1 hatch, and were straightened and replaced, and the deckbeams were also straightened. One deckbeam in the upper deck which was cracked has been straightened by riveting a channeliron to it. A new wooden deck has been laid over the damaged portion of the spardeck. The crew's quarters have had part of the decking renewed and the remainder caulked. The damaged fittings were repaired and renewed, and the whole of the quarters painted. The main boiler of this vessel has been retubed, the old furnaces were drawn, and new Pox's oorrugated furnaces fitted. The boiler was afterwards tested by hydraulic pressure to one and a half times the working-pressure. The hull of this vessel was caulked where required, and sheathed with 6 in. by J in. totara. A new rudder-post was fitted up through to the main deck, and a new metal shoe under aperture, let. 14, 21 ; Nov. i Endeavour (auxiliary schooner) Auckland >ot. 31; Nov. 4, 6, 7, 11 S.s. Kapiti Lyttelton Oct. 16, 19; Nov. 4, 12 „ Turakina.. Wellington v' Nov. 12, 18 „ Gael Auckland Nov. 15, 20 „ Wairoa .. Auckland


No. 17.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness— continued.


Date of Survey. Same of Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, &c 1907. >ee. 5, 6, 9 S.s. Kaikoura Dunedin This vessel was on a voyage from Cape Town to Port Chalmers ; whilst steaming up the Lower Harbour on the 29th November she grounded at the new cut at 9 a.m. At 9 p.m. on the same day, after discharging a portion of her cargo, she was refloated. The ballast-tanks were examined by the Surveyor, and the bottom of the vessel by a diver. No repairs were necessary. This vessel had a home-trade certificate. As the owners desired to have it altered to foreign-going, she was surveyed for same, and the boats provisioned accordingly. On the 10th December this vessel arrived at the Taranaki Street Wharf from New York, when a fire occurred in No. 1 hold among the cargo. No repairs to the vessel were necessary, as the fire was confined to a portion of the cargo under No. 1 hatchway, and the vessel had received no damage. As it was desired that this vessel should make a voyage from Port Chalmers to Newcastle, N.S.W., her Victorian certificate having nearly expired, she was surveyed for seaworthiness until her return to New Zealand for a complete survey. On a voyage of this vessel from Collingwood to Motueka, about the 20th December, it was noticed that there was a small hole through one of the planks in the bottom of the vessel, and that the plank had started from its fastenings. To enable the vessel to proceed from Motueka to Nelson temporary repairs were effected. Since her arrival in Nelson, instead of going on the slip for repairs, she has been laid up. Whilst proceeding from Wellington to Greymouth on the 2nd January, this vessel met with an accident to her propeller and rollingchocks at the Greymouth breakwater. There was a high wind and a heavy sea with a strong tide at the time, and she grazed the side of the breakwater as she was entering the harbour. About 15 ft. of the starboard rolling-chock was damaged and the rivets sprung. Some fifty rivets were renewed. The two propeller-blades which were damaged —one having about 14 in. broken off the point of the blade, and the other directly opposite having 8 in. broken off—were replaced by two spare blades, and the nuts cemented. This vessel arrived from Picton at Nelson on the 28th January. Whilst she was berthing she collided with the wharf, damaging her bulwarks. The distance from the wharf was misjudged in the darkness. Three bulwarkplates with butt-straps and two angle-iron stanchions from the main deck to the boatdeck were renewed, and one plate in the sheerstrake was patched. The wooden rail round the bulwarks and the cement in the waterway were renewed where damaged. This vessel was purchased by the Invercargill Shipping Company, who found it necessary to out a hatch in the after deck. There had been a companion-way there, and to obtain hatch-area another deck-beam was cut. This was compensated for by heavy coamings. The crew-accommodation was increased to carry five seamen, by moving the forward bulkhead aft 2 ft. Equipments were put on board for home trade. A new propeller-shaft was fitted, of a largerdiameter than the old one. On the 4th February, during the voyage from Wellington to Lyttelton, one blade of the propeller was broken off close to the pro-peller-boss, caused by a flaw in the blade. A new propell'T was fitted, the shaft being in good order. „ Talune Dunedin lee. 9 leo. 12 „ Lord Stanley Wellington „ Kaiapoi .. Dunedin leo. 13 leo. 27 Oban (schooner) Motueka 1908. Jan. 6, 13 .. S.s. Mapourika Wellington ran. 29, 3) „ Pateena .. Wellington „ Dorset s' fan. 27, 31 Dimedin ,, Torgauten Lyttelton Jan. 31 Feb. f> „ Maori Lyttelton



No. 17.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness— continued.

B—H. 15a.

Date of Survey. Jfame of Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, Ac. 1908. ?eb. 7, 8, 11 'eb. 12, 14 'eb. 13, 17 Vib. 15, 19 S.s. Waihi ,, Therese Ward ,, Kapiti ,, Taieri ,, Manapouri Lyttelton Wellington Dunedin Lyttelton On the voyage from Blenheim to Wellington on the morning of the 7th February, the vessel got amongst rocks at Terawhiti, but was got off again when the tide receded. The vessel was placed on the slip in Wellington, when it was found that one bow-plate was considerably damaged. The port rollingchock tee-iron started for about 4 ft. About two hundred rivets, which were found to be loose, were renewed throughout the hull. The rudder-frame was severely shaken; seventeen rudder-rivets were renewed. The bottom of rudder-socket was set up and reriveted. The four propeller-blades were taken off and straightened. On a voyage from the Bluff to Stewart Island, on the 5th February, the vessel struck an uncharted rock in Half-moon Bay. The engines being in motion, and the propeller coming in contact with the rock, all her propeller-blades were stripped off. The vessel was towed from Stewart Island to the Bluff, where necessary repairs were made, including the fitting of a new propeller. On a voyage from Wellington to Patea, this ship struck the bar at Patea while entering. Considerable damage was done to the vessel, which included the fracture of the rudderpost, and the thrusting upwards of the bottom of the aperture some 5 in. Temporary repairs were effected at Patea to enable the vessel to steam to Lyttelton. On arrival the vessel was placed in the dock, where the rudder-post was welded by the Thermit process. All other necessary repairs were done to make the vessel seaworthy. The owners of this vessel asked for her certificate to be changed to foreign from home trade. Vessel was specially surveyed at Lyttelton to enable her to make a voyage from Greymouth to Hobart and Melbourne. New tanks were fitted to two of the boats, and these were provisioned as required for a foreign-going certificate. All provisions and other appliances were examined and found in good order. On the voyage from Auckland to Raratonga, Cook Group, and when abreast of Rangitoto on the 18th February, the bracket for the after end of the upper shaft carried away. The vessel returned to the Port of Auckland, where repairs were effected. On the voyage from Lyttelton to Wellington, on the evening of the 29th February, a crack developed in a flange of the main steam-pipe through a flaw in the material. A new flange was fitted to the pipe, and the pipe tested to 300 lb. per square inch hydraulic pressure before being placed on board. On the 4th March, as the vessel " Te Anau " was leaving Wellington for Picton, she ran into the stern of the " Arawa " lying at the Queen's Wharf, Wellington. The stern of the " Arawa" on the port side was cut through about 3 ft. into the shelter-deck, and extending nearly down to the main deck. The damage to the vessel included damage to four plates, four beams, three frames, deck-rails, stanchions, and to two warpingbits. Temporary repairs to stanchions, and rails were fitted, and the hole covered over with battens and canvas to enable the vessel to proceed to Lyttelton for permanent repairs. These repairs consisted of three new deck-beams, 13 ft. long, 6 in. by 3-J in. by £ in. ; three frames cut, and new parts 9 ft. long, GJin. by 3J in. by £in., fitted. These frames were butted with angle and butt straps at the back: one plate 14 ft. by 2ft. 6in. by -is™-' an( i 13ft. coveringboard 5 ft. by fg in., and three shell-plates 8 ft. by 4 ft. by in. ; waterways angle iron, 5 in. by 5 in. by Jin. by 18 ft., and one angle iron 3J in. by 3 in. by J in. by 18 ft. long were fitted, and 20 ft. of rail and two mooring-bits on main deck were renewed. ?eb. 19 Auckland tfar. 2 „ Maori Wellington „ Arawa Wellington and Lyttelton [ar. 4, 18 ..



No. 17.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness— continued.

No. 18. —Eetuen showing the Revenue from the Inspection of Machinery Department (including the Examination of Marine Engineers and Land-engine Drivers, and the Amount earned by the Survey of Steamers and Sailing-ships), also the Oedinaby Expenditure of the Inspection of Machinery Department (including the Examination of Marine Engineers and Land-engine Drivers and Survey of Steamers and Sailing-ships), during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1908. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Inspection of boilers and machinery (less Salaries .. .. .. .. 6,743 12 9 refunds) .. .. .. .. 6,926 15 6 ; Advertising .. .. .. .. 412 0 Certificates of land-engine drivers (less re- Alterations and repairs to offices .. 4 19 6 funds) .. .. . .. 611 10 6 Furniture and additions to offices .. 42 6 9 Survey of steamers (including auxiliary- ; Gas .. .. .. .. .. 10 3 6 powered vessels) .. .. .. Jr,978 15 0 i Postage and telegrams .. .. .. 266 10 11 Survey of sailing-ships .. .. .. 87 0 0 Rent, cleaning offices, and fuel .. .. 268 4 11 Survey of vessels for seaworthiness .. 219 0 0 | Telephone rents .. .. .. 47 5 5 Examination of marine engineers (less re- I Travelling allowances and expenses .. 2,782 1 1 funds) .. .. .. '.. 247 10 0 Contingencies .. .. .. .. 168 8 0 £10,065 11 0 I £10,338 4 10

Date . of Survey. Name of Vessel. Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, &c. 1908. [ar. 12, 26 S.s. Dorset „ Waitangi.. Dunedin Auckland Dunedin It was reported that this vessel, which was lying at Dunedin wharf loaded and ready for sea, was leaking badly. On examination it was found that the vessel's own pumps were able to overtake the pumping-out of all the water she was making. It was, however, considered essential to dock the vessel, when it was found that all the seams in the hull were in a bad state. These were all recaulked. A channel-iron shoeing-piece was fitted on the keel at the bottom of the aperture where the keel had been fractured. A bad leak was noticed in the front seam of the starboard furnace, which was slack in the front plate. A thin liner was made and fitted to the defective seam, and the whole reriveted. Whilst this vessel was lying alongside the wharf, on the Hokianga River, a fire—supposed to have been caused by a spark from a lamp— started in the waste-locker in the engineroom, between the back of the main boiler and the engine-room, and burnt the waste, locker, vice bench, and wood flooring, and damaged all the lead and copper pipes. The damaged pipes were renewed. The main steam-pipe was disconnected, and, along with the auxiliary steam-pipes, was tested by hydraulic pressure. All the other parts which were damaged by the fire were renewed. [ar. 23, 26 i


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers which require to be in Charge of Certificated Engine-drivers.


Name of Owner. Whure Boiler used. Purpose for which used. CD CO 0*0 w Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. AUC1 LAND NORTH DIE 1TRIC IT. Adams, J., & Co. Alexander, Donald Ambury & English Andrews, H. & B., (Ltd.).. Auckland Cox Creek Grey Lynn Pukekohe Bacon-factory Tannery Freezing General I 30 18 18 6 5 16 23 and 14 6* 10 84 8 Nil 12 First class. Second class. Locomotive and traotioh, Arkell, D. Arundel Gold-mining Syn dicate Astley, E. Auckland City Council .. Auckland Thames Brewery Crushing Second class. New Lynn Auckland Tanning Road-rolling 29 8 8 115 64 6 124 61 35 40 10 Sir 6 and 9£ 10 4 and 7 4 arid 7 13 and 22 14i 10 and 17J Compound, 10 and 17$ Two 8J 26 and 42 26 and 42 26 and 42 26 and 42 17 and 32 Locomotive and traction. „ Destructor Motor-wagon Hauling Eleotrio light Stone-breaking Pumping water Mount Eden .. Newton Newton Reservoir Western Springs First class. " ' * 12 40 40 40 40 128 Second olass. First class. ... Auckland Eleotric Tramway Co. Ditto Auckland Electric traction Road-roller Electric trams 123 123 123 5 123 17 and 32 17 and 32 17 and 32 Three 17 avid 34, one 18|, 27, and 38J 11 and 20 Locomotive and traction. First class. Auckland Farmers' Freezing Co. Ditto .. Auckland Refrigerating 50 Glasgow 45 84 11 and 20 8 and 10 ; compound, 19 and 28 // ■ • • • " ' Auckland Gas Co. Auckland Freeman's Bay Auckland Gasworks 84 34 16 18 100 100 8 22 22 7 10 65 Ditto 12 12 12 12 10 and 12 12 and 12 12 and 12 Two 9 9 and 9 6 and 14; 9,14, and 24 Two 9 33 33 33 12 12 Two 33 Two 33 Two 35 Nil 13 10 20 Second clasa. First class. Auokland Harbour Board.. Pumping Dredging Second class. Sand-pump First class. Calliope Dock.. Pile-driving Pumping 10 30 30 30 25 25 56 56 56 45 55 16 , 40 Second class. First olass. Maohine tools Seoond class. •Pumping First class. Auckland Hospital Auckland Meat Co. Auckland Laundry and cooking Freezing Abattoirs .. Brickmaking Second olass. Avondale Brick & Pottery Co. Ditto Mount Eoskill Avondale First class. Bagnall Bros. Turua Auckland Wa ngaparapara Brickworks Sawmill Box-making Quartz-crushing 30 40 71 84 64 ! 80 12 20 20 16 12 16 Second olass. First class. Barrier Reef Gold-mining Co. .. Bayley, W. B. .. Beaney & Sons Bertleson & Rasmussen .. Bourke, M. P. .. Brett Publishing Co. Seoond class. First class. Pukekohe Arohill Waihou River.. Kiripehi Auckland General Foundry Flax-mill 6 16 32 25 35 61 74 8 12 12J 13 and 14 J 13 and 14| Locomotive and traotion. Second class. Printing First class.


No. 19. —Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


Name of Owner Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. 0,2 b Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. AUC KLAND NORTH— cor .tinned r Broken Hills Gold-mining Co. Brown, W., & Sons Browne, S. J. Tairua Quartz crushing 40 12 Second class. Te Kopuru Mangawai Boat-building Traction .. 20 80 8 20 13 7 and 11 7 and 11J Two 9 Locomotive and traotion. Bunker Hill Gold-mining Co. Burt, A. & T., (Ltd.) Bycroft & Co. Coromandel .. Winding .. Winding. Auckland Machine shop Flour-mill & biscuitfactory Pottery-works Sawmill 20 65 i n 18 Second class. First class. Carder Bros. & Co. Cashmore Bros. Cox Creek Kati Kati Pahi Whakapirau .. 20 ! 40 40 40 23 68 32 16 6 7 43 70 35 9 18 16 Two 14 Two 14 Two 14 9f 12 8 8 14J 8* Three 12, three 14, five 16, two 20, and two 24 Ditto Three 12, three 14, five 16, two 20, and two 24 Ditto Second olass. First class. Chad wick, W. .. Clark, K. O. Cleary, F. 8. Clow, T. R. Hobsonville .. Waipu Papatoitoi Brickworks Siwmill General Traotion and general Flax-mill Making ammunition Sugar-refining Second class. Locomotive and traction. Coley, King, & Co. Colonial Ammunition Co... Colonial Sugar Co. Waihou River.. Auckland Chelsea First class. Second class. First class. Colonial-sugar Refining Co. Chelsea Sugar-refining 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 168 168 5 Comrie, Jas. Pukekohe Threshing and traction Boiling down Heating Sawmill Idle Sawmill Stone-crushing Traction Diamond-drill n Locomotive and traotion. Cook, H. F., & Co. Costley Home Coulthard, F. .. Whangamumu Auckland Meroer Papakura Babylon Mount Eden .. Tuahau Limestone Island Tararu Creek .. 83 50 20 25 60 14 6f 27 6J and two 7* Nil 16* l±i Hi Two8J Two 6 Second olass. First class. Coulthard Timber Co. Craig, J. J. Craig, W. Dalby, Henry Second class. Locomotive and traotion. Seoond class. Day-dawn & Norfolk Mines Crushing and air-com-pressing Ditto Pumping 35 14| and 16 First class. Devonport Borough Council Ditto Thames Lake Takapuna 30 16 14g and 16 9 and 16 Direct Supply Co. Dive & Ramsay Donaghy & Co. Auckland Rawene Auckland Furniture-factory .. Sawmill Rope and twine works Sawmill Traction Hauling Firebrick-works Hauling on road Pile-driving 16 30 30 65 70 35 9 and 16 13 and 24 13 and 24 10 and 17 16 Two 104 Donald & Edenborough .. Dreaver, A. C. Drury Coal Co. Raratonga Waipu Drury 18 8 8 25 8 18 19 17 25 25 16 24 16 15 "I 9 52 50 52 25 I 25 10 6J and 10 Two 7 15 6J and 10 Two8J Two 8£ 13 6| and 10 10 8 10 Two 8£ Two 10 14| Two8£ 55 and 5g 16 16* 131 and 14 20 20 Second olass. Locomotive and traotion. Faithful, A. Ferro-Concrete Co. Waimamaku .. Auckland First olass. Locomotive and traotion. Second class. Forest & Clark Fraser, Geo., & Sons Fredsburg, A. Friend, J. E. Frost, E. C. Paeroa Auckland Cape Runaway Muddy Creek .. Tuakau Waimamaku .. Auckland New Lynn Hikurangi Sawmill Ironworks Flax-mill Sawmill Flax-mill .. Furness, C. H., &Co. Gardiner Bros. & Parker .. Gibbons, R. P. .. Confectionery Brickworks Log-hauling First class. Locomotive and traction. Sawmill First olaes. Kopu Tangawahine .. Auckland Goldie.D.


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


Name of Owner. Whia-e Boiler used Purpose for which used. II §•8 W Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Olass of Driver required. AUC JKLAND NORTH— cm itinuec I 23 25 2* 22 21 45 45 35 i. Gray, W. P. Great Northern Brewery .. Hagger, W. H. .. .. Hall & Co. .. .. j Halliday, Jno. .. .. I Hancock & Go. Paeroa Swamp Kyber Pass Kaimaumau .. Mareretu Oramahoe Kyber Pass Auckland Coromandel .. Flax-mill Brewery General Flax-mills Flax-mill Brewery 10 94 51 10 10 Two 10 Two 10 20 Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Hauraki Freehold Tribute Syndicate Hellaby Bros. Hellaby, R. &W.,(Ltd.) .. Auckland Westfleld Auckland Pumping and winding Boiling down Manure-works Wool-scouring Freezing 50 26 45 79 79 30 13 Two 8 and 12 8 and 12 12 First class and winding. Second class. First class. Henderson Brick & Tile Oo. Henderson's Greek Hikurangi Brickmaking Second class. Hikurangi Coal Co. Windiug Pumping Winding Pumping Sawmill Tannery Sawmill 25 25 25 15 30 43 30 25 8 105 25 25 12 14 Two 10 Two 10 Two8i 13 10 15 . 15 6£ and 6J 18 and 36 Two 10 Two 10 Two 8 w Hurry, J. R. Jagger, F., & Co. Kaipara Timber Go. Whangara Richmond Grahamsfern .. First class. it • • Omaha Grahamsfern .. Coromandel .. ' Hauling Sawmill Pumping & winding Locomotive and traction. First class. Second class and winding. Kaponga Gold-mining Go. Kauri Freehold Gold Estates Co. Kauri Timber Co. Whangapou .. Traction Locomotive aud tracbion. Aratapu Fire-engine Sawmill 25 25 25 25 35 35 35 26 35 65 65 26 26 26 25 25 25 18 35 35 35 10 12 8 24 40 40 50 65 24 22 40 10 28 24 10 24 8 5 18 25 118 45 45 25 12 19 and 20j 19 and 20J 19 and 20| 19 and 36 19 and 36 12J and 22 Two 20 25 26 26 Two 20 Two 20 Two 20 25 25 25 Two 8 Two 16 Two 16 Two 16 Two 8 Two 8J Two 7 7 19J and 36 19f and 36 20 11 and 20 16 14 14 Two 8 12 and 12 12 and 12 Two 7 8 5 and 9 64 14 14 16 14 14£and 11 13 Second olass. First class. I „ .. .. w • • Auokland i // Grahamsfern .. Kohu Kohu .. Second olass. First class. Kuaotumu Pikianga Tairua Traction Hauling Traotion Fire-engine Sawmill Locomotive and traction. Second olass. Locomotive and traotion. Seoond olass. First olass. Tairua Bay Te Kopuru Second class. Waimamahu .. Traction Sawmill *. Locomotive and traction. First class. Keith, Jas. H. Keith, Jno. Kempthorne, Prosser, & Co. Whitianga Pukekobe Hauling Fire-engine Threshing Locomotive and traction. Second olass. Locomotive and' traction. Second class. West'field Boiling down Manure-works King, G. b! Knight, B. L. Komata Reefs Gold-mining Co. Ditto .. Kuranui-Caledonian Goldmining Co. Lane, F. M., & Sons Tangowahine .. Kati Kati Komata Sawmills First class. Second class. First class. Second class. Quartz-orushing Thames Winding 38 20 141 llf First class. Winding. Totara North .. Sawmill 14 20 Two8J Two 11 Second class. First class. //


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


Name of Owner. Boiler used. Purpose for whioh used. u l> . M O O w Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Olassjof Driver required. AU( IKLAND NORTH—co: ,tinU( i. Laurie Bros. Ley land O'Brien Timber Co. Waikumete Auckland Brick-making Sawmill 30 36 36 40 6 77 64 18 20 20 25 9 10 Two 10 12J 18 8| Two 12 10 7 7 Hi 9 Second olass. Macklon Bros. Madill, Adam Manders & Bradley Maraetai Brick Co. Marbutt Carving Co. Masefield, F. Masefleld & Co. .. Massey Bros. Massey, W. H. .. Mechanics Bay Puni Puhipuhi Auckland Flax-mill Sawmill Brickworks Wood-workiug Machine shop Ironworks Machine shop Threshing and chaffoutting Dairy factory Confeotionery Biscuit-factory Brick-making machinery Fire-engine pump .. Sawmill First class. Exempt.* First class. Second class. Mangere Locomotive and traotion. Maungatapere Dairy Co. .. Mennie & Day (Ltd.) Whangarei Auckland 17 88 30 75 8 Nil Nil Nil Second class. Mephan & Ferguson Steel Pipe Co. Mitchelson Timber Co. .. Avondale Moir, J. Moore, H. J. Mount Albert Road Board Aoroa Herekino Kaipara Owhata Moir's Hill .. Hamilton Mount Rosbill Hauling Sawmill Pumping 30 50 50 16 9 70 18 10 20 20 27 16 25 16 20 Two 14 20 20 Two 10 Two 6 10J and 10J 9 7 and 11 11J and 17J llf and 17J 11 8 10 Two 74 9 and 16 First class. Second olass. Locomotive and traotion. First olass. Second class. First class. MoAndrew, James McCoskrie, 8., & Sons Mclntyre, Jas. McKay, Chris. New May Queen Goldmining Co. New Moanatairi Gold-min-ing Co. New Saxon Gold-mining Co. Ngunguru Sawmill Co. .. Northern Coal Co. Paeroa Auckland Onehunga Waipu Thames Sash and door factory Foundry Ironworks Log-hauler Winding Second class. Winding. 35 Two 12 Northern Roller Mills Ngunguru Hikurangi Kirikapaka Auckland Sawmill Hauling on incline .. Hauling Hauling and pumping Hauling Flour-mill 32 20 10 20 20 65 14 60 80 56 30 30 48 48 40 110 12 and 15 13 Two4f Two 5| One 5| Two 10 Two 8| 12J and 23 16 and 30 16 and 30 30 30 14 14 One 30 13 and 22 First class and winding. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. First olass. Northern Wairoa Timber Co. Tatatariki Sawmill '.'. '.'. Second olass. First olass. New Zealand Brick, Tile and Pottery Works New Zealand Crown Mines Co. (Ltd.) Ditto .. New Lynn Briokmaking Karangahake .. Quartz-crushing 56 17 and 25 Winding and pumping 56 45 17 and 25 Two 10 and one 14 Ditto Two 10 Winding. New Zealand Dairy Association Ditto New Zealand Glue Co. .. N.Z. Government (Defenoe Department) Ditto ,. N.Z. Government (Mental Hospital) N.Z. Government (Mines Department) Ditto .. Pukekohe Dairy factory 45 35 Second olass. Onewhero Onehunga Fort Cautley .. Glue-works Electric light 16 28 16 10 10 12 Exempt. Fort Takapuna Avondale Cooking, &c. 16 16 12 4 Thames Pumping and winding 40 Two 14,18 and 29J,30and60 Ditto 40 40 40 40 40 40 16 N.Z. Government (Prisons Department) Mount Eden .. Stone-crushing 9i » When moved from place to place by it! own motive power, then loeoun )tive and tractiou driver is required.


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


Name of Owner Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. ■ u o go gffl Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Indies. Glass of Driver required. I ; \ AUC IKLAND NORTH—com itinued. Exempt. N.Z. Government (Public Works Department) Ditto Near Paeroa .. Stone-crushing 16 Two 9 Newmarket Ballasting Ballasting (Poro-o-ta-rao to Ongarue) Laundry 25 25 Two 9 Two 9 N.Z. Laundry Co. . '. N.Z. Paper Mills Co. N.Z. Portland Cement Co. Auckland Riverhead Limestone Island Paper-mills Cement-works 25 43 42 42 96 96 56 56 74 25 10 10 11 and 23 11 and 23 16 and 24 16 and 24 16 16 16J 14i Seoond class. First class. N.Z. Timber Co. Kouta Sawmill O'Brien, L. .. Old Hauraki Gold-mining Co. Ditto .. Mechanics Bay Coromandel Quartz-crushing Pumping and winding Pumping 25 25 25 25 ! 26 ! 20 40 i Two 9 and 20 20 9J and 16 9J and 16 Two 18J Two 18| 15 and 18 First class and winding. Onehunga Borough Council Onehunga l " First class. I i " Onehunga Sawmilling Co. (Ltd.) Ditto Onehunga Woollen Co. .. it .. Sawmill Woollen-mill 22 j 50 50 40 21 20 20 ■ 35 : 17 43 50 42 60 18 20 26 20 25 20 16 25 8 8 14 30 25 16 25 14 8 30 20 42 20 20 37 22 25 : 15 and 18 Two 9, and two 16 Ditto 12 9* 13 10, 16, and 20 10, 16, ana 20 9 9 18 8 13J 8 10 10 10 14 94 6£ and 11J Nil 6J and 10 6£ and 10 Two 9 18 18 18 14J Two 9 Two 6 12J Two 10 11 10 10 8 and 15 10 10, 15, and 18 Otway, CO. Marahopa Port Waikato .. Maungatawhiri Auckland Flax-mill .. Second class. Parker, J. H. .. Parker, Lamb, & Co. Sawmill First class. Pasooe, Elias Perks, B. Premier Joinery Co. (Ltd.) Price, A. &. G. .. Eangiora Sawmill Co. Redshaw, J. Reid, Marshall, & MoKenzie Mount Eden .. Auckland Stone-breaking Laundry Sawmill Ironworks Sawmill Steaming Flax-mill Second class. Thames Rangiora Richmond Kawakawa Matarua Matata Tokatea Shortland Whakatane Auckland Kauri First olass. Second class. Ross, A. W., & Co. Royal Oak G.M. Co. Sandford, A. Seccombe, Thos. Sharland & Co. Slater & Co. Sawmill Battery .. Ice-making Flax-mill Steaming Hauling Locomotive and traction Smith, A. L. Smith Bros. Waitangi Matakohe Flax-mill Sawmill Second class. First olass. Smith & Malcolm Smyth Bros. Stewart & Hall Stokes, A. L. Subritzky & Hansen Subritzky, J. Sulenta, G. Sutherland, W., & Co. .. Suttie Bros. Talisman Consolidated Gold-mining Co. Ditto .. Whangape N. Kaikokopu Kennedy Bay .. Opua Whakapara .. Awanui Flax-mill Traction Sawmill Second class Locomotive and traction Second class. Flax-mill Waipapakauii Onehunga Tannery First class. Second class. First olass. Karangahakc .. Quartz-crushing Quarlz-crushing and air-compressing Ditto Air-compressing 57 : 57 : 54 £4 20 10, 15, and 18 10, 15, and 18 20 20 Two 11J Taupiri Coal-mines Co. (Ltd.) Ditto Huntly Winding Winding. Pumping 14 ': 30 12 55 35 35 35 40 Two 7 and two 10 Two 18 Two 8 12 82 82 82 18 First class. Taupo Totara Timber Co. Thames Drainage-works .. Kimihia Mokai Thames Winding and pumping Traction .. Log-bauling Drainage-works First class and winding. Locomotive and traction Second class. First class. The Great Mercury Goldmining Co, Kuaotunu Battery »


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


*meolOwn«. Wh^° i,er *-P°°«/» which || oo W Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. AUCKLAND NOKTH- continued. Hnuei i. Fhomae Bros. .. .. New Lynn .. j Brickworks .. 13 rhompson and Hill .. Auckland .. Jam-factory .. 40 rhornes and Niccolls .. Archill .. Abattoirs .. .. 23 riunga, Paora .. .. Komiti .. Flax-mill .. .. 24 Frounson, J. .. .. Kaihu .. Sawmill .. .. 25 1 K 13 40 23 24 25 15 8 25 18J 10| Nil 10 16 16 5 and 11 One 8, one 10, one 10 161 18J 10| Nil 10 16 i a Second class. First class. Second class. First class. .. ..15 „ .. .. „ .. Hauling .. .. 8 Union Collieries Co. .. Maramama In- Pumping and winding 25 clme Union Oil, Soap, and Westfield .. Soap-works .. 40 Candle Co. Ditto .. .. • • „ .. j Soap and candle works 25 Union Steamship Co. .. Hoisting on hulk Hoisting .. .. 22 " Helen " Vanguard Gold-mining Co. Thames .. Winding .. .. 35 1 A 40 16 5 and 11 One 8, one 1C one 10 161 16J Two 8 18 0, Locomotive and tractk Second class. First class. Second class. Winding. Locomotive and traction Second class. First class. 25 22 16J Two 8 Second class. \ . 14 Victoria Gold-mining Co... i „ .. I „ .. ..16 Waihi Beach Gold-mining Waihi .. ; Gold-mining .. 35 Co. Waihi Beach United Gold- Waihi Beach .. | Winding .. .. 14 mining Co. Waihi Extended Gold- Waihi .. Pumping and winding 62 mining Co. Waihi Gold-mining Co. .. „ .. Pumping, winding, 56 and air-compressing a 1 35 14 16 35 18 Two8| Two 9| Two 8 Two 8} Two 9g Two 8 Two 8 8 and 8 14 and 30, 31 and 70, 60 am 110, two 12, tv, S5 id wo Winding. Second class. Winding". First class and winding Second class. 14 Two 8 Winding". 62 8 and 8 56 14 and 30, 35 and 70, 60 and 110, two 12, two 8, two 12 Ditto Two 7, one 14, 18 and 32 Ditto 11 and 20 One 10 and one 141 16 and 12 First class and winding. ■ ■ „ .. Ditto .. .. 56 56 80 8, two 12 Ditto .. .. .. ..80 Two 7, one 14 18 and 32 4, ■• ■ ■ .. ..80 „■ .. „ .. Quartz-crushing .. 45 „ .. „ .. Pumping and electrio 70 light .. . Winding and air-com- 28 pressing .. „ .. Sawmill .. .. 40 80 45 70 Ditto 11 and 20 One 10 am one 14J 16 and 12 One 18 id First class. Winding. First class. First class. 28 Winding. 40 One 18 First class. ..„ .. Quartz- crushing .. 50 9 50 12 and 20, 121 and 20, 15 and 30 Ditto Two 18 12 and 20, 12; and 20. 15 ani 50 52 ana zu, io an> 30 sn 50 • • „ .. Winding and air-com- 52 pressing .. No. 1 Shaft .. Ditto .. .. 40 .. No. 2 Shaft .. Winding .. .. 70 Uitto Two 18 12 and 16 Two9J, two9 two llj and i 9, 8 Winding. Winding. ..70 .. No. i Shaft .. „ .. 20 .. No. 5 Shaft .. Pumping, winding, 64 and air-compressing i .. Ditto .. .. 64 40 70 70 20 64 12 and 16 Two9J, two9, two 111 an<J 8 Ditto Two 5, two 12 14 and 30, 35 and 70, 60 and 110, two 12, two 8, two 12 Ditto One 6, one 9, one 60 and 110. one 35 and 70, one 15 ai;d 30, I two 8, two 12, two 10, one 17 Ditto Ditto Two 5, two 1! 14 and 30, Si and 70, 60 an 110, two 12, two 8, two 1! Ditto L2 55 ad L2 First class and winding First class and winding. 64 88 .. .. ..98 One 6, one 9 one 60 and 111 nnfi S5 and 1C 9, L0. 0. one so ana vu one 15 and 3C two 8, two 12 hnn1ft nno1' 0, 2, 17 .. .. ..88 oo 88 88 88 70 two 10, one 1 Ditto ..88 OO .. „ •. 88 .. No. 6 Shaft .. Winding .. .. 70 \ No. 6"shaft .. ' Two 6 and two 30 Ditto Two 18 12 and 20, 121 and 20, 15 and 30 Ditto 11 and 20 Two 6 and tw 30 fO Winding. Winding. 70 .. Waihi .. „ .. 42 „ .. „ Battery Quartz-orushing .. 52 Waihi" 70 42 52 Ditto Two 18 12 and 20, 1% and 20, 15 'i First class. First class. „ Battery . . „ „ „ 50 „ .. Waihi (Union Quartz-crushing .. 50 i Ba,tter\?l Waihi (Union Battery) Waihi to Waikino 50 50 and 30 Ditto 11 and 20 caiiery; .. Waihi to Waikino Hauling .. .. 18 - i o „ 18 1 O „ .. 18 1 O I „ ..18 .. Waikino .. Sawing timber .. 16 j .. „ .. Tube mills .. 54 „ „ .. Quartz-crushing .. 50 Waikino 18 18 18 18 16 54 r>0 50 Two 9 Two 9 Two 10 Two 9 Two 10 Two 10, two 12 19 and 36 19 and 36 Two 9 Two 9 m — -i n Two 10 i t™« Two 9 Two 10 Two 10, two 1 19 and 36 12 Locomotive and traction Locomotive and tractic Second class. First class. Second class. First class. .. .. . ..50 19 and 36



No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.

9—H. 15a,

Name of Ownsr Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. Diameter ol Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. AUC iKLAND NORTH—eonMnwed. Waihi Gold-mining Co. .. Waikino Quartz-crushing .. 50 [ 19 and 86 .. 50 ! 19 and 36 50 ! 19 and 36 40 \ 12 and 21, and 15 Producer-gas making 40 One 8, one 8 Winding .. .. 30 Two 6 First olass. Waihi Grand Junction Gold mining Co. (Ltd.) Ditto .. Waikino Battery Waihi Second olass. Winding. a .. Gold-mining .. 184 Three turbines each 580 b.h.p. .. 184 Ditto .. 184 Motor-wagon .. 4 4J and 7 Winding .. .. 63 Two 10 Second class. Waihi Syndicate Goldmining Go. Ditto Waiotahi Gold-mining Go. Locomotive and traction. Winding. Thames 50 Two 10 35 14 and 14 ..13 10J Battery .. 35 15 Waitaia Gold-mines Co (Limited) Waitemata Sawmill Go. .. Warnook Bros. Kuaotuna First class. Whitchuroh Bros. White-pino Sawmill Go. .. Auckland Cox Creek Richmond Manure wa Naumai Sawmill .. 35 16 Soap-works .. 50 16 ..30 Nil Flax-mill .. .. 14 Two 8J Hauling logs .. 10 Two 8" Sawmill .. .. 65 Two 18 40 18 ..40 18 Hauling .. .. 14 j 8 and 13 Wood-planing .. 20 j 10 Idle .. 24 I Nil Gement-works .. 67 \ 14 and 28 67 [Compound, 14 and 28 68 14 and 28 Printing .. 53 9 and 13 .. 100 9 and 13 Cement-works .. 70 14 and 28 Second class. Locomotive and traction, First class. Wicks, H., & Son Wilson, J., & Co. Tokatoka Newmarket Warkworth Second class. m First olass. • ■ ■ Wilson & Horton Auckland Wilson's Portland Cement Co. Wood, C. Warkworth Parnell Second class. Soap-works .. 15 ; 14 All well, J. Am bury & English" auc: KLAND SOUTH DISTRICT. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Andrews & Greening Arahiwi Sawmilling Co. .. Bailey & Bollard Baldwin, Samuel Bartholomew Land & Tim ber Co. Ditto Hautapu Frankton Junction Taumarunui .. Arahiwi Taupiri Cambridge Ngatira Threshing .. .. 4 6 Dairy factory 27 11 Sawmill .. .. 17 Two 9 .. 80 ! 13 -.81 14 Hauling, &c. .. 4 6$ Hauling .. .. 12 Two 8 n Locomotive and traotion. . First olass. Bell, Alexander Bennett, J. Bycroft Bros. Coates (Limited) Coulthard Bros. Ellis & Burnand Walton Ongarue Cambridge Huntly Ngaruawahia Hamilton Otorohanga Mangapehi Tiroa Mangapehi if • • Manunui Sawmill .. .. | 65 \ 18 .. J 65 18 .. I 20 ■ 13J .. I 25 12 I Log-hauling .. 15 Two 8£ I Threshing .. ".. 6 8 Brickworks .. I 36 10 Sawmill. .. .. 33 Two 11 ., I 44 15J 14 Two 10 .. I 25 j 14 .. I 50 Two Hi .. i 16 Two 10 Hauling .. .. 17 Two 9J Sawmill .. .. 65 Two 14J 59 18 ..59 18 Log-hauling .. 23 9 General .. .. 6 8 Chaff-cutting ... 6 7 Sawmill .. .. 55 20 Chaff-cutting .. i 5 7J ■ •5 7* i Flax-mill .. .. 23 10 i Threshing .. .. 6 8 Hauling .. .. 6 6 and 9 Flax-mill .. 16 9 ..--γ-h Two 8J I Dairy factory .16 9 Seoond olass. Locomotive and traction, Second class. First class. Second class. First class. Second class. Locomotive and traction, First class. Foreman Bros. Fraser, G. Gamman & Go. Jarre tt Bros. Hamilton Waharoa Kirikiriroa Ohakune Cambridge West Second class. Locomotive and traotion First class. Locomotive and traction Johnson, J. B. .. Kay, John Kusabs, 0. E. .. Levesey, J. W. Lynn & Popplewell Manawatu Co-operative Dairy Co. Mangaiti Paterangi Rotorua Waiotapu Mokai Aratiatia Second class. Locomotive and traotion Second olass.

H.—lsa :

No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


Name of Owner Where Boiler used. S^ Purpose for which used. 3 Diameter of Cylinder! of Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. AUC] KLAND SOUTH— con stinua Mountain Rimu Timber Oo. N.Z. Dairy Association .. N.Z. Government (Agricultural Department) N.Z. Government (Public Works Department.) Ditto .. ,...';• Mamaku .; [ Ngaruawahia .. Wairanga .. J Sawmill .. Dairy factory Bark-mill .. 51 34 14 i. 16 16 Two 9 First class. Exempt. Kakaki Sawmill .. 16 Two 9£ ■ i 16 25 16 I 25 5 6 42 38 38 5* 20 38 17 8 16 73 38 16 50 15 12 24 : 45 45 Two 9$ Two 12 Two9j 11 8 16 12 14 6 Two 9 13 Two 8J Two 7 Two 8| 17 1610 16 ia 7 and 11J 13 and 18 12 15| Otway Bros, Primrose, James Primrose, John .. ' .. Puketapu Sawmilling Co. King-country .. Takapuna Waihou Kirikiriroa Hauling Idle Flax-mill Threshing Second class. Locomotive and traction Piriaka Matapuna .. Sawmill .. ... First class. Seoond class. Kakahi Manunui .; Tariki Piriaka Taumarunui .. Baetihi Rangiriri Oxford Bush .. Mamaku .. n Tauhae .. ! Oxford Bush .. Waharoa Taringamatu .. Looomotive Hauling .. Sawmill Log-hauling , ... Locomotive and traction. Second class. Punga Punga Timber Co. ,. Sawmill Locomotive and traction. Second class. First class. Raetihi Sawmilling Co. .. Rangiriri Hemp Co. Rotorua Timber Oo. Rowe & Co. Seifert, P., & Co. Steel Bros. Sultee & Co. Taringamutu Sawmilling Co. Taumarunui Sawmilling Co. Taupiri Coal Mines (Ltd.).. Flax-mill .. Sawmill Flax-mill .. Sawmill Flax-mill Sawmill Seoond class. First class. Second olass. First class. Seoond class. First class. . Taumarunui .. 25 15* Huntly Pumping Winding and haulage 75 42 9f and 18 Two 8, two 9, two 11 Two 7, two 10 Two 18 Two 18 Two 8 Two 8, two 9, two 11 Ditto H Winding .. 14 I 30 30 12 42 Winding. First class. „ Hauling .. Winding Locomotive and traction. First class and winding. Taupiri West Coal Co. Taupo Totara Timber Co. .. Kimihia Huntly Putaruru Pumping and winding Coal-mining Sawmill Hauling .. " 72 75 75 24 24 35 I 50 12 20 20 50 18 58 12 18 13 5 25 28 9} and 18 Two 12 Two 12 Two 20 14J Two7£ Two 12 Two 12 Two 8, two 10 Two 10 11 Two 74 Two 10 Two 8 10 12 First class. H Locomotive and traction Taupo Bus Mokai Sawmill Second olass. Hauling Locomotive and traction Second class. Locomotive and traotion Taylor, W., & Sons Te Aroha Co-op. Dairy Co. Te Awamutu Flax-milling Co. Ditto Tukino Te Heuheu Waotu Timber Co. " .. Watkins Bros. Freshfield Waihou ., .1 Te Bapa Threshing, &c. i-Dairy factory Flax-mill 44 16 30 8 26 Second class. Hamilton .. I Tokaana Waotu ... Raglan .;. Sawmill IS* Two 9 Two 9 12J 7} and Xl\ 148 First class. Second class. White Star Timber Go. .. Oparau Log-hauling Sawmill Locomotive and traction First claBs, CANTE Akaroa Riccarton Christchuroh .. : ::l.r Makatote Viaduct Lyttelton Waikuku ,RBURY NORTH DIE 3TRIC IT. Locomotive and traction, Seoond Looomotive and traction First olass. Akaroa County Council .. Allen, R. Allinson; R. ;. Anderson's (Limited) Stone-crushing Flour-mill... General ,. Foundry .. .... 9 12 7 20 20 20 6 and 10J 6 $ and 11J 8 9 and 15 9 and 15 11 and two 7 Bridge-work Second class. Anderson, J. & Oo. Andrews, J. C. .. Engineer tools Hauling .. ,. 45 8 4 35 9 and 17 6£ and 10J 6J and 10J 12 and 21 Locomotive and traction Rope-works ,. First class, a ' • i • // • •


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


Name of Owner Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. cant: 3RBURY NORTH—< ;ontinui ted. Andrews, S. P. .. Aulsebrook & Co. Heathcote Christchurch .. Stone-orushing Road wagon Biscuit-factory n< 9 . 8 i 8 20 8 J 6 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 15 17 17 16 20 14 30 ! so* 8 8 8 8 i 8 8 9 7 8 20 8 and 12| 5 and 9 8£ and 12 J 8J and 12| 6* and 11 9 8 12 94 8 10 9 9 6 and 10f 9 9 9* 12 and 21* 12 and 2l| Nil First olass. Locomotive and traction. First class. Bailey, G. W. .. * Templeton Threshing Locomotive and traction. Bailey, R. Baker, T. H., & Co. Barnes, Charles Batchelor, W. J. •Beal, M. Bennett, H. Ashley Woolston Cheviot Culverden East Eyreton .. Linooln General Fellmongery General Chafi-outting Threshing Second olass, LocomHive iind traction. Body, A. E. Booth, Douglas •Bowman, John.. Bowman, R. .. Bowron Bros. Sydenham West Oxford .. Riccarton West Oxford .. Woolston Hauling Sawing Threshing Tannery First class. Second class. Boyd&Keir Brightling, J. Brown, D. H. .. Brown, Mrs. Burgess, J. Rangiora Christchuroh .. Addington Christohuroh .. Dunsandel Oleo-works Brick-making River-cleaning Flour-mill Laundry General Two 8} 12 Two 8 and 12} 6J and 11 \ 9 9 8J84 6 J and 10 oil °16 6 and 10 10 8 6 and 10J Two 9 First class. Second class. Locomotive and traotion. Burgess, W. Threshing General Threshing Burgin, T. A. • Bums, W. • Burton & Shipley Busch, H. H. W. • Calder, Jno. * Swannanoa Prebbleton Greendale Cbristchurch .. Halkett Lees ton Belfast Road-work Threshing .. „ &c. Threshing Shunting Campbell, E. Canterbury Frozen Meat Co. Ditto Freezing, &o. 40 9, 14J, and 25 9, 14J, and 25 10 and 17, 8 and 14 Ditto First class. Canterbury Seed Co. Chapman & Son.. Cheviot County Council .. Christchurch Brick Co. .. Heathcote Kaiapoi Port Robinson Addirigton Boiling down, &c. .. Motor car Seed-cleaning General Landing service Briok-making 40 30 70 36 36 5 20 6 25 30 30 50 56 27 208 4 103 I 4 and 6 12J 8 Two 10 J 12 and 21 12 and 21 11 a* ii 10 and 17 11 and 6 Three 7, three 12, three 8, three 10, three 14, and three 17 Ditto 5 and 8 .1 5| and 9 81 10 One 12, one 9, and one 7 Nil 9 and 17,15 and 27,16 and 30, 10 and 18 Ditto Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traotion. First class. St. Martin's .. Second class. Christchurch City Council Christchurch .. Electric light Road-work Electric light First class. Looomotive and traction. First class. Road-roller • „ 103 6 6 7 17 36 Locomotive and traction. if Christehurch Gas Co. Water-heating Gasworks Second class. Christchurch Meat Co. .. Springfield Islington Pumping .. Fellmongery Freezing and electrioity 18 20 20 80 First class. // • • 80 40 30 • Ditto Wool-soouring Nil Second class. * Thii plant naB two years' oeri iifiCRtl I.


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


Name of Owner Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. 8 * is Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. cant: IRBURY NORTH-co: ontinm ed. Ohristchureh Meat Co* Islington Locomotive-work , ( | Freezing, &c, and electricity I 10 40 7 and 37 9 and 17,10 an. 18, 15 and 27, 16 and 30 Ditto Nil 7J and 11$, 8 and 12 Ditto 10 Locomotive and traotion. First olass. k ■ • Christchurch Press Co. .. Ghristchureh .. Ditto Manure-works Printing and electric light Ditto Laundry 40 25 15 20 2C Second class. First olass. Cbristchurch Steam Laundry Co. Christchurch Tramway Board Ditto .. Second class. Tram-engine No. 1 .. 8 Two 6} Locomotive and traotion. •Clark, H. J. '. '. . '. •Clark, J. H. Clinton, Nicholas ♦Clinton, Peter .. *Coe Bros. Conway, W. F. .. Coop, James Cooper & Duncan Costello, M. Courtenay Road Board .. Cox Bros. & Power Crump, D. Curragh, A. •Curragh Bros. Curragh Bros. •Curragh Bros. Dalziel & Purvis Darroch, R. Davies, H. E. Dean, j. Deans, John Dean, John Dearsley & Taylor Doubleday, W. .. Drainage Board Duckworth & Greer Dunoan, P, & D. East, F. W. Ellesmere Grain Agency .. H • ' Flaxton Woodend Greendale Kirwee Irwell Greendale Little River .. Christchurch .. Cheviot Christchurch .. Templeton Springston , .. Templeton Fernside Waikare Irwell Glentunnel No. 2 .. No. 3 .. No. s..; No. 6 .. No. 7 .. No. 8 .. Electric trams .. Eleotricity Locomotive-work Chaff cutting Threshing Threshing, &c. Sawmill .. Engineers' tools General Road-work Chaff-cutting .. I Threshing, &c. .. j Flour-mill Threshing .. Threshing and chaficutting Threshing General Threshing Brick and tile works Hauling Sawmill .. Threshing Pumping Threshing, &c. Foundry Threshing General .. I Threshing, &o. Flour-mill Threshing Flour-mill.. .. I Hauling Threshing General Threshing Excavating Brickworks Sash and door factor,, Threshing .. « .. .. 8 8 ; 8 8 8 8 '■■ 110 110 no 208 ! 20 4 8 8 8 8 8 14 20 6 6 4 8 I 8 I 8 8 9 45 15 7 30 9 25 25 8 30 7 8 ' 8 8 10 8 8 30 8 8 8 20 ' 5 6 8 7 50 30 30 8 9 i 8 8 8 Two 7£ Two7J Two 7| Two 74 Two 7£ Two 7J Turbine H Two 10 a 9 9 9 9 Two8J 8J and 12f 8* 5j and 9 6 6 and 10 &l and 10J 9 9 9 6J and 10 6 J and 10 9 6 J and 10* 14* 14} 6 and 6 10J (ij and 10J 15 and 26 15 and 26 94 8| and 8 8 6 and 10$ 6i and 10 9 10 85 84 12 8§ 9 9 7 and 12 6 and 10 9 8 9J 5J and 5J 16 12 and 23 12 and 23 6J and 10J 6£ and 10 6$ and 10J 6| and 10£ 6| and lOJ 9 Second class. Locomotive and traotion. Second class. First class. Locomotive and traction. Second olass. Looomotive and traction. First class. Locomotive and traotion. Second class. Locomotive and traotion. First class. Christchurch .. Kaiapoi Linwood Papanui Christchurch .. Prebbleton Doyleston Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. EHesmere Machinery Co... Evans, R. Leeston Kaiapoi .,, # Everest, Geo. .. •Findlay, D. J. . •Gardiner, H. .. Gardner, B. Gerard, W. •Gibbs, Henry Giles, Robert •Gillander Bros. Glenmore Brick Co. Taiiapu Halkett Irwell Oust Snowden Lincoln Balcairn Darfield Woolston Second class. Looomotive and traotion. Second olass. Locomotive and traction. Christohureh .. First olass. Goss, J. •Gough, J. •Greenslade, J. .. * Greendale Prebbleton Looomotive and traction. * • Greer Bros. Papanui * This plant has two years' certiflcw ,e.


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


Name of Owner. Whore Boiler used Purpose for which used. u II «?q o"o X Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. CANT! [5RBURY NORTH— continui id. Hadler, J. H. M. ♦Hall, Henry ♦Hampton, C. .. *Hanna, T. Heathcote Road Board .. Henshall, T. Herman and Cress well (Royal Cafe Co.) Herman, E. Hill, Walter Holland, A. G. .. •Holland & Giles Horsley & Co. .. "Hurnm Bros. Humm, W. Hunsley, William Amberley Ghristchuroh .. Southbridge .. Sefton Christchurch .. Papanui Christehuroh .. I Chaff-cutting .. [ 8 | I Threshing .. .. 8 „ .. .. 8 8 Road-roller .. 6 Woodworks .. 20 Heating .. .. 17 9 Looomotive and traction 6J and 10 9 9 6 and 9| 9 Second class. Nil •Johnston, Wm. Jones & Patterson •Judson, Jas. id * Kaiapoi Shipping Co. Kaiapoi Woollen Co. W. Oxford Woolston Kirwee Kaiapoi Springfield Waddington .. Waddington .. Christohuroh .. Yaldhurst Hororata Woodend Kaiapoi Springston General .. .. 8 Tannery .. .. 30 Threshing, &c. .. 7 Chaff-cutting .. 9 Pottery .. .. '■■ 25 Threshing.. .. 6 Chaff-cutting .. 4 Sawmill .. .. 15 15 Threshing .. .. 8 General .. .. 8 Threshing .. .. 8 8 8 Sawmill .. .. 14 Woollen-mills .. 30 30 65 General .. .. 8 Threshing .. .. 8 General .. .. 9 Pumping .. .. 20 Oatmeal-mill .. j 17 Threshing .. .. | 8 Pumping water ... 20 12 10 10 15 i 15 15 Electric light .. 16 ..16 Hauling .. .. 38 Printing and electric 15 light Ditto .. .. 15 Rope-making .. 32 Threshing, &c. ... 8 General .. .. 8 Threshing, &c. .. 8 Brewery .. .. j 50 Threshing only .. 9 Threshing .. .. 8 Threshing, &c. . . 6 Threshing .. .. 6 Threshing, &c. .. 8 General .. .. ! 10 Threshing .. .. 8 General .. .. 9 i 10 ' Threshing, &c. .. 9 Fellmongery .. 20 Threshing .. .. 8 General .. .. ! 8 Threshing .. .. 8 General .. ... 9 Road wagon .. 4 Threshing.. .. 8 Chaff-cutting, &c. .. 6 Road-work .. 8 General .. .. 8 Traction work .. 9 i Flour-mill .. 30 Threshing .. .. 8 General .. .. 6 Freezing .. .. 30 30 Fellmongery .. 17 20 Eleotrio lighting . . 50 6£ and 10J j Looomotive and traction 12 and 19 First class. 8h Locomotive and traotion 8| 12J Second class. 7 , Locomotive and traotion 7 12 and 21 I First class. 12 and 21 9 ' Locomotive and traction 6J and 10j i 9J 9 7 and 12 j Second class. 20 and 36 ' First olass. 20 and 36 20 and 36 6J and 10 ' Locomotive and traotion 6j and 10J 6| and 10J ; 7, 8, and 9 I Second olass. 9 9 Looomotive and traotion 11 and two 12 j First class. 11 and two 12 7* and 15 7| and 15 6, 6, 13i, 13J Second class. 6, 6, 13J, 13| 6, 6, 13J, 13§ Two (9 and 14) First olass. Two (9 and 14) Two 8J I Second class. 9 and 14 ! First class. Kimber, H. Knewstubbs, E. .. Langdon & Sons 'Lemon & Anderson Lyttelton Borough Council Lyttelton Sydenham Killinchy Lyttelton Lyttelton Harbour Board Dook, Lyttelton Lyttelton Lyttelton Times Co. Chriatchurch .. Maddren & Son Maindonald, M. .. Manning & Co. ♦Martin, Geo. H. •Mather, J. Maw & Hampton MoCartney, R. .. •McConnell & Walker .. McCrostie, J. W. •McCrostie & Westwood .. McDonald, Thos. *MoEvedy, Peter Mclntosh, Colin MoLaohlan, A. .. MoLachlan, J. .. McLaren, W. A., & Co. .. •McLauchlan, J. Mehrtens, H. .. Mills, Jno. Mills, Jno. Moffatt, R. Moir, W., & Co... Moody, W. Morgan, E. Nelson Bros. West Eyreton.. Christehuroh .. East Eyreton.. Saltwater Creek Southbridge .. Tai Tapu Killinohy Selwiu Greendale Waikuku Southbridge .. N. Loburn Doyleston Waikari Christohuroh .. Waikari 9 and 14 10} Second class. 6 and 10J Looomotive and traotion 8J 9| 7 Second olass. 9g Looomotive and traction 6£ and 11 8 8 9 6£ and 11J 9 6J and 10 7 and 11 9 8 Second class. 6J and 10 Locomotive and traotion 9 9 6J and 10 4£ and 6 6J and 10J 64 and 10 6J and 10 6£ and 10 12 and 20 Firat-class. 8| Locomotive and traotion 18 and 29 First olass. 13 and 25 11 ! Second olass. 9 Hi Waikuku Spreydon Southbrook Woodend Ashley Hornby Nicholls, W. Belfast North Canterbury Hos pital Board Ditto .. Ohristohuroh .. j Heating, &o. .. J 16 is plant has two years' certificate 14 *Thi I. *


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


Name ol Owner. Whore Boiler used Purpose for which used. I* Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. cant: 'EI ERBURY NORTH— co; RBURY NORTH—i -continued ,tinu( ted. i. * N.Z. Government (Agricultural College) N.Z. Government (Defence Department) N.Z. Government (Mental Hospital) Ditto N.Z. Government (Public Works Department) Ditto N.Z. Provision & Produce Co Oakley, Geo. Oleo & General Produce & Export Co. Osborne, Job Lincoln Lyttelton Sunnyside Addington Broken River .. Belfast Templeton Belfast Doyleston 1 I I I C C P I 1 Threshing Electrio light Heating water Locomotive Threshing .. Electrio light Heating water Locomotive Compressing air Chemical works Road-work.. Heating Phreshing .. 8 20 ' ■ 30 30 20 20 J 20 4 17 8 Q 8 20 30 30 20 6J and 10 12 Two 9 Two 9 10 and 10 6J and 10 12 Two 9 Two 9 10 and 10 9| and 91 10 4J and 6 "Nil 9 Q Locomotive and traotic ! Exempt. Second class. Locomotive and tractic: Second class. Locomotive and tractio: I Locomotive and traotion. i Exempt. Compressing air Chemical works 20 20 9| and 91 10 Second class. Road-work.. Heating 4 17 4J and 6 "Nil ' Locomotive and traction. Second class. Page, H. '.'. '.'. Parkinson, W. F. Patterson & Jones * Pawsey,"j. E. Pearson, W. Peppier, A., & Co. Perryman, H. E. ' Pbillpotts & Son Pierson & Taylor Pitoaitbly & Co. Springston Kaituna Hororata Baloairn Southbrook i Sydenham Tai Tapu Christchurch . . : Brookside Halsweli Threshing General Threshing Road-work General Threshing Flax-mill Sash and door factory Threshing Chaff-cutting, &c. .. General Stone-orushing Hauling Stone-crushing Hauling Road-work Hauling Stone-crushing Threshing General Road-work Ohaff-oiitting Road-roller Chaff-cutting Fellmongery Threshing Sreneral fhreshing Road-work.. aeneral rhreshing .. ?lax-mill .. 3ash and door factory rhreshing .. jbaff-outting, &c. .. 3eneral iStone-orushing PTqiiI inrr Hauling .. 3 t" fw\ f\ it *m n wt l tv stone-crushing 8 8 8 8 8 . ' 8 8 y 30 8 7 8 22 in 10 16 8 8 8 8 8 8 • 8 8 30 8 7 8 22 10 16 9 8 10 40 8 8 7 9 6 7 22 8 8 20 20 57 9 9 9 9 6J and 10 9J 84 94 11 i Two 10J 7 and 11 two 9 6f and 12 6f and 11J 7 and 11 Two 10J 9 6J and 11 5| and 9 6 and 10J 8 8 | 91 9| 9 11 14 12 and 21 9 9 9 6J and 10 9J 84 94 11 i Two 10J 1 or./) 1 1 7 avid 11 two 9 i Second olass. Locomotive and tractioi I First class. Locomotive and tractioi \ Second class. TifiP.nivint.i vfi ii.nd f nv Locomotive and traction. I " Second olass. Locomotive and traction. i „ First class. Locomotive and traction. ', Seoond class. Locomotive and traction. iauling -3 r\n A mr\v>\T y a 1 rioad-work 8 6f and 11J riaunng 'JLl-l l)n(- J-, 1 ih γ-h -. I I " Reid, R." Bennetts stone-crushing rhreshing .. laviovo 1 40 8 s Two 10J 9 Al and 1 1 First class. Locomotive and traction ! First class. Locomotive and traotion. Bioearton Road Board .. •Bice, A. Ridder, M. B. F. Robb, Jas. Robson, T. T. .. •Ruddock, Edward •Russell and Keltie Scott Bros. Riccarton Kaiapoi Spreydon Waiau Avonside Southbridge .. Hororata Christchurch .. ieneral Soad-work 3haff-ontting Road-roller jhaff-cutting ?ellmongery Chreshing Engineer's shop 8 7 9 6 7 . 22 8 8 .. 20 6J and 11 5| and 9 6 and 10J 8 3 9| 9 11 1 A Second class. Locomotive and tractioi Second class. ! Second class. Locomotive and traction. Engineer's shop Second class. n ■ • • Electric light and power Ditto 5T1 ar*4: >*i ■"* 11 n\\ f nvt^ n First olass. electric light and power 12 and 21 First olass. Scott and Sellers Sefton Dairy Factory Co. Sharp, John Shepherd, J. E. and L. .. •Simpson, G. P. Smart, G., and Son Smith, H. Smith and Smith Sefton Lincoln Rangiora Southbridge .. Sydenham Clarkville Christohuroh .. S; n T c: 'L , !' Si Sawmill Dairy factory Threshing .. Chaff-cutting Threshing Stone-breaking General Sawmill and electric light JDitto Electric light Sawmill Threshing .. Jitto Sawmill Dairy factory L'hreshing .. 3haff-cutting threshing Stone-breaking xeneral iawmill and electric light 57 16 30 . ! 8 8 8 18 8 3 25 57 57 16 30 i 8 8 8 18 8 25 14 and 24 14 and 24 12 8 6J and 10 9 9 Two 10f 6 and 10$ 12 and 21 14 and 24 12 8 6J and 10 9 9 Two 10f 6 and 10J 12 and 21 Second class. J Locomotive and tractior I First class. Looomotive and tractior First class. Seoond class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Looomotive and traction. First class. •Smith, W. •Smith, W, R. .. Strange, Wm., and Co. .. Swanston, A. " • ■ v Southbrook Southbridge .. Christchuroh .. t: C; H Cabinetmaking Hauling .. ~ D )itto lirrlit filectric light Sftwmill sawmill ?hreshing .. Jabinetmaking lauling . 25 ■TO 8 8 25 ft 25 53 35 8 8 25 n 8 35 5 21 8 14 12 and 21 12 and 21 Hi 6$ and 10 9 12 i 5 and 9 5, 6, and 8 9 7 and 11 ! 12 and 21 10 on/1 01 12 and 21 11 4 6$ and 10 9 12 f-l__ _1 _!___ aecona oiass. Locomotive and traction Second class. I Locomotive and tractioE Second olass. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Tyler,"C. A. Union S.S. Co. .. •Vallance, John Waimakiriri Harbour Board Walker,* James •Walker, John .. Wardell Bros. .. Rangiora Lyttelton Sefton Kaiapoi Dunsandell Christohuroh .. Si B H t: i) T] E Sawmill '.'. .'. Road-wagon Hoisting hulk Threshing Dredging io.XXMTrtill Sawmill load-wagon ioisting hulk threshing .. dredging .. freshing Clectio lighting and freezing 9fi 35 5 21 8 14 . 8 8 1 50 8, 19 12 5 and 9 5, 6, and 8 9 7 and 11 9 9 , 13, 9, and 14 ftonnri/l Second olass. Looomotive and traction Second class. Locomotive and traction ! Seoond class. Locomotive and traction 4 First olass. Second olass. Looomotive and traction. Second olass. Locomotive and traction. Seoond class. Threshing Electio lighting and freezing Electric lighting .. Flax-mill Threshing, &c. .. I 8 8 50 f 9 9 8, 13, 9, and 14 Looomotive and traction. First olass. Washbourne, E. •Watson, Bros. .. Selwyn Halkett E F I] electric lighting .. ilax-mill .. threshing, &c. . 35 8, • 8 . I 7 35 ( 8 7 8, 13, 9, and 14 9 8S , 13, 9, and 14 9 8| 4 Looomotive and traction Looomotive and traction. •This plant has two years' eertiflcati

H,- 15a.

No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler used Purpose for which used. o . Diameter o • of o,g Cylinaeri ip5 of £<» Engines, In 5 ° Inches. Class of Driver required. CAN1 ERBURY NORTH—e< mtinu ltd. Watson, G. Watt, Tho's. White, A, J., & Go. White Bros. .. ' .. Whyte, James Williams & Stephens Christohurch ,. Rakaia Chrietohurch .. Loburn West Oxford .. Christohurch .. Sawmill .,.■■.-■ General .. Furniture-making .. General 25 8 12 9 ! 7 i 35 35 <2| 4 ; 25 10J 9 6 and 10J 64 and 10 8 12 and 20 12 and 20 6£ and 10J 6J and 10f 6 8 Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traotion. Withell Bros. .. .. 1 Wood Bros. .. Wright, P. G. .. Zealandia Soap & Candle Co. Ditto .. Brookside Addington Annatt Woolston Heathcote Sawmill Sash and door factory ; General Flour-mill.. ... General Soap and candle ! works Soap-works First olass. Locomotive and traction. Second olass. Locomotive and traction. Second olass. 30 Nil can: 'ERBURY SOUTH D] :stri tor. •Adams, Joseph Adams, S. J. .. .. •■Aker, Wm. .. ' .. *Albury Farmers' Threshing Co. •Anderson, Hy. •Anderson, Wm. Andrews, M. Wakanui Waimate Washdyke Albury Winchmore ., Flemington Pleasant Point Threshing Sawmill Threshing .. 8 168 8 9 9$ and 14 9 6£ and 10J , Locomotive and traotion. ! First class. Locomotive and traotion. . ■ Armer, Orr, & Co. Ashburton Woollen Mills.. H ' ' Ashburton Chaff-cutting General Idle" !'. Woollen-mills Idle Woollen-mills 8 8 8 8 8 30 20 30 38 8 8 8 30 6J and lOJ 84 9 64 and 104 9 Nil 18 Nil 18 I 9 14 and 24 Second class. First class. Second class. First olass. Locomotive and traction. Baker & Donnithorne Bean, Thos. •Beattie, Jas. Bel ford Flour-mills Co. (Ltd.) Bell, H. H. Bell, Jas. Bell, W. H. Benbow, W. C. .. Bennison, Bros. Bishop, Jas. .. Bray, John Buckingham Bros. Temuka Hook Orari Timaru Tinwald Lismore Ashburton Temuka Newlands Ashburton Wheatstone Cricklewood .. Waimate General Threshing Flour-mill General Chaff-outting General 8 8 5 8 8 8 9 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 9 8 6| and 11 9 n 9 8* 6£ and 11 6| and 10 9 9 64 and 11 6 and 10 6J and 10J 64 and 10| 8f 10g 8| 9 6| and 11| 94 9| First class. Locomotive and traction. H Threshing General Burgess, J. Mayfield # .. .. Burnes & Batohelor Cameron, D. Campbell, D. .. Campbell, P. D. •Campbell, W. G. Canterbury Farmers' Cooperative Co. Canterbury Frozen Meat Co. Morven Methven Springfield Chertsey Hakataramea .. Timaru FairBeld Threshing .. .. ! General „ Threshing Idle Refrigerating 70 70 15 15 70 150 ; 150 20 9, 14, and 25 9, 14, and 25 Two8J Two 9 9, 14, and 25 14, 22, and 36 14, 22, and 36 14 and 21 First class Pareora Fairfield Pareora Hauling Refrigerating Freezing Locomotive and traction. First class. Canterbury Roller Flour Mills Ditto Capon Bros. Cartwright & Douglas Cavill, Thoa. .. Chapman, Bros... Chriatohuroh Meat Co. ;. Ashburton Winchmore .. Temuka Elgin Willowby Smithfield Idle General 20 8 8 6 7 40 14 and 21 9 I 12 ana 21, 12 and 22,17 and 28 Ditto Locomotive and traction. Chaff-cutting Freezing First class. Shunting .. Freezing 40 50 6 83 Two 5| 12 and 21, 12 and 22, 17 and 28 64 and 104 9 Locomotive and traotion.. First class. Timaru Clark, W. H. .. Levels General .. 8 8 Looomotive and traction. • This plant has two ears' cer iifloate.

H.— 15a.

No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


Name of Owner Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. y 12 Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. cant: 5EBURY SOUTH— c. mtinit iS. •Cleaves Bros. .. Collins, W. H, .. *Copelan<5, J. Crowley, M. Crowther, D. H. Crumb Bros. Cummings Bros. Davison, W. Dawson, Walter *Doake, D. J. .. Douglas, J. Drummond, P. .. Methven .. I Ashburton Chertsey Otaio Ashburton Threshing Sawing and planing.. Threshing General 6 20 8 8 9 16 8 6 8 8 7 8 8 8 8 6 and 9f ? 84 6g and 10f 64 and ll| 8* 8 9 9 8| 6 and 10 6J and 104 6 J and 11 Looomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Waituna Eakaia Waterton Wakanui Rakaia Lauriston Barrhill Pareora Holm Station. Timaru Timaru Waihao Downe Ashburton Tinwald Briokmaking General Second class. Locomotive and traction, Ghaff-outting Threshing General Blworthy Bros. .. Evans & Co. (Ltd.) Ewan, M. Fitzgerald Bros. Flour-mills General 30 8 8 8 8 6 8 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 8 8 8 8 12 and 24 9 9 9 6 and 10 7| 9 5 \ and 9 \ 7 and 11 6J and 10§ 9 9 9 6J and 10J 6J and 10 6% and 10 6J and ID 7 and 11 6J and 10 6J and 10J First class. Locomotive and traction. Fitzgerald, Nicholas Flaherty Bros. .. Fleming, J. C. Gaiger, W. W. Gallagher, Jas. .. Geddes, R. Graves & Robertson *Greig, Wm. Greenhills Geraldine Timaru Mayfield Bedcliffs Gleniti Glentunnel Chaff-cutting General Threshing General * V Grig g ,"E. f. ;; Grigg, Jno. it • • Akanui Longbeach Hardwicke, W. .. * Harkness, W. S.'' Waimate Timaru Levels, Timaru Hauling Idle Threshing General Threshing and ohaffcutting Fellrnongery General Threshing General u 0 It Harris, W. H. Harrison, H. J. .. 'Harrison, Wm... Hartnell Bros. . . Harvey, W. Hawkins Bros. .. Washdyke Dorie 30 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 10 9 9 9 9 8§ 91 6 and 10 Second class. Locomotive and traction. Lavington Ashburton Waimate Hayman, H. Studholme Junotion Ditto Hayman, W. Threshing General 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 94 9 6J and 10J 9 9 n 9 8 9 Hearn & Watts .. Holland R. Hopkinson Bros. 'Hughes & Johnston •Hunter, D. Hunt & Sons Jackson, A. G. Bangitata Island Winslow Temuka Waitohi Flat .. Smithfield Waimate Hunter, Makikihi Timaru .. Ashburton Pleasant Point Waihao Downs Timaru Methven Threshing Firewood General Jackson, John .. Joyce, V. Keane, Jno. B. .. Kelcher, L. Kellahan Bros. .. •Kil worth, J. F. Sawmill General 25 o 8 7 7 8 14 6 6J and 104 9 5* and 9J 8i 6 and 10 Second class. Locomotive and traction, a King, Geo. Kingsbury, R. H. Kirk, H. B. Knox, S. & M. Washdyke Kyle.. Timaru Ashburton Chaff-cutting Threshing and chaffcutting Chaff-cutting General Brickmaking General 7 8 30 8 8 6 8 8 6 6 8 8 6 8 74 6J and 104 Ui 64 and 10f 64 and 10| 6 and 10 6 and 10 9 Two 7 7f 9 9 84 6 and 10J First class. Locomotive and traction. Lagan, M. Lamb, W. Langley, Thos. .. Lomae, George .. Love, J. H. •Manchester, Jivs. Manchester, J. & T. Martin, Alex. 'Martin, Andrew Tinwald Ashburton Dromore Waihao Forks J Geraldine ! Waimate Chaff-cutting General Coal-mine Chaff-cutting Threshing General Chaff-cutting Threshing Winding. Locomotive and traction. Temuka Otaio ♦ Thi ilant has two ■ears' certificate.


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.

10— H. 15a,


Name of Owner. Whure Boiler used Purpose for which used. PS o'o H Diameter of Cylinder. clju|(| o( Driy61 . requh . e( , Engines, in Inches. CANTERBURY SOUTH-ci CAS NTE ERBURY SOUTH—continue mtim ■ed. •MeCormick, L. McCrennor, Jas. Mcllhennery, Jas. Molntyre, J. MoLeod, Alex. McLeod & Worner •Meaclam, Wm. Morgan & Lynch ♦Moses, W. Mount Somers Coal Co. .. Murdoch, J. 'Neilson, P. J. .. Norrist, R. Oliver, J. W. Orr, Thos. Palmer Bros. Patterson, Jas. .. •Pearce, John Pelvin Bros. Preddy, Geo. Prue, Thos. Quinn, Wm. Waitohi Flat .. Threshing Methven .. General .. I Ashburton Tinwald Geraldine Ashburton .. Threshing Chertsey .. General Ashburton .. Threshing Mount Somers , Hauling Timaru .. ' Sawmill Pleasant Point Threshing Rangitata .. General Greenstreet .. „ Waitohi Flat Rangitata Waterton .. „ Rakaia .. Threshing „ .. General Glenavy .. j For sale Redcliff, Glenavyj General .. I Temuka .. „ „ .. Threshing Waimate .. General Makikihi .. » Vaitohi Flat . lethven Lshburton Mnwald geraldine ishburton 'hertsey tshburton lount Somers Mmaru 'leasant Point tangitata rreenstreet Vaitohi Flat . tangitata Vaterton lakaia Henavy edcliff, Glena^ temuka Vaimate lakikihi It. Andrews . illanton Lshburton Vaimate jyndhurst 'leasant Point Girlie" 'emuka Voodberry Vaimate ilaremont Lshburton )rton Mmaru r . . ( '•I r i' ] .. \l t 1 .. ( P .. < .. ] ■vy| < " ( '.'. 1 .. i ( '.'. 1 .. ] .. ' 1 .. ; ( t j : .. < r .. I ( i r .'. ! i .. i r : i Threshing .. General Threshing .. General Threshing .. Hauling .. Sawmill .. Threshing General Threshing General For sale General Threshing General Brick-making General Idle" .'! Flour-mill Threshing General Threshing .. General Threshing .. General Wood-sawing Threshing .. Stone-orusbing Sawmill Threshing .. Woollen-mills 8 8 9 .. j 9 6 .. I 8 .. 8 .. i 7 8 8 8 8 10 12 8 8 .. 9 I .. ! 8 8 8 t 8 i 8 i 8 9 8 Q . . O 8 .. 8 8 I .. ; 8 18 .. i 8 .. j 8 8 8 6 14 8 .. i 8 .. j 8 .. j 8 8 Q 8 6 8 8 ..: 9 .. I 8 .. I 8 ..I 6 52 8 . . i 40 8 8 9 9 6 8 8 7 8 8 8 8 10 12 8 8 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 18 8 8 8 8 6 14 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 9 8 8 6 52 8 40 9J Locomotive and traction 64 and 10J . 6J and 11 6J and 11 6 and 10 6$ and log 9 8 9 10 6| and 10J 6| and 10£ Two 7J 12J Second olass. 6J and 10g Locomotive and traction. 5 and 8 6 and 10J 74 and 10 9 6 and 10 9 ] 6J and 10J 6| and 10§ 6} and ll| 6j and ll| ? : 8 : 9 9J ; Second class. 6| anci Hi ; Locomotive and traction. 8J 9* 6J and 11£ 8 84 and 12J j First class. Locomotive and traction. 9 6J and 10J 8J 9 9 64 and 11J 8 n ",. 9 6 "„ 11 Second class. 9>\ J Locomotive and traction. 14 ; Second class. „ .. Brick-making „ .. ! General St. Andrews Bae, James Rainey, Thos. Reid & Grey Rollit, Thos. •Ross & McOlintock Allanton .. I Ashburton .. Idle .. Flour-mill Waimate .. Threshing * rr • ti .. : General Lyndhurst .. j „ Pleasant Point i Threshing Ross, Wm. *Saunders, George Saunders & Heuchan Fairlie .. General .. *Scannel, Miohael Temuka .. Threshing . . „ .. General Woodberry .. Wood-sawing Waimate .. Threshing Scott, J. 'Slee, F. J. *Slee & Ruddenklau Smith, James E. Smith, J., & Son •Snell, John South Canterbury Woollpn Mills South, J. 0. Claremont .. Stone-orusbing Ashburton .. Sawmill Orton .. Threshing Timaru .. Woollen-mills Stevens, W. H. .. Stewart, Arthur.. Stewart & Baxter Stewart, James Stewart, J., & Son *Stickings, Charles Stocker, P. Talbot & Lyons Taylor, W. J. * Thompson, George Thompson, James Tiffen, James Timaru Borough Council.. Winchester .. ! General Geraldine .. „ Lowcliff Hinds Rakaia ' • r • Temuka Timaru .. ' Chertsey Pleasant Point Ghaff-cutting Waahdyke .. General Temuka Ashton .. j Chaff-outting Lyndhurst .. | Threshing Ashburton .. : General Makikihi .. „ : Timaru .. Hauling and chaffcutting .. 5-ton crane „ .. i 40-ton crane .. 15-ton orane .. Hauling .. Vinchester . ■reraldine jowcliff linds iakaia Mmaru Jhertsey Peasant Point Vaahdyke Lshton jyndhurst lshburton Jakikihi 'imaru .. < t ( .. < .. ( '•• i< General Ghaff-cutting General Ohaff-outting Threshing .. General Hauling and cbaf (inWinff .. ! 8 .. ! 8 8 8 8 ••I 8 .. 9 8 5 8 8 .. i 8 8 6 .. I 6 ft- 8 8 8 8 8 8 ! 8 5 8 8 8 8 6 6 8 9J Locomotive and traction. 9 9 9 9 9 8* 8f 9 64 and 104 n 9J f : 7 and 11 Timaru Harbour Board .. .-. \i V. M . . ! .. I: cutting 5-ton crane 40-ton crane 15-ton orane Hauling .. Idle" 2-ton crane 10-ton crane 7 .. I 7 .. ! 7 .. 33 .. 33 15 7 7 7 7 7 33 33 15 7 7 Two 9 Two 7 Two a Two 12} Two 12} Two 8 j Two 8 Two 8} '.'. Idle" 2-ton crane .. I 10-ton crane 'This plant has two years' cen liflcate.


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


Name of Owner. Whore Boiler used Purpose for whioh used. Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, In Inches. ] Clasi of Driver required. Timaru Milling Co. Tiny, Michael .. Tozer, Fredk. Tully, M. CANTERBURY SOUTH-,c< mtinu ',ed. Timaru .. I Flour-mill Peel Forest .. I General Levels .. ! „ Rakaia 140 6 8 8 10 88 8 8 8 8 30' j i 16 ancl 29 j First class. S and 9 Locomotive and traotion. 9 9 6$ and 11} 9 9 9 9 : 6£ and 10$ 9 12 Second class. Vincent, A. .. • Walker, Chas. Walker, Jas. •Ward, Thos. .. Washington, T. .. Watt, Thos. Westland & Timaru Sawmilling Co. ♦White, L. Whitell, John .. •Whyte, Geo. E. Wigley and Thornley Timaru .. Stone-orushing Geraldine .. i General Temuka .. I „ Fairview .. I Threshing Temuka .. ! General Rakaia .. | „ .. Timaru . . Sawmill Rakaia .. Threshing Ealing .. ; Station-work Albury . . Threshing Timaru .. \ Genera! 8 10 8 6 8 10 8 8 8 6 8 8 9 8 9 Locomotive and traction. 6 and 10f 6J and 10$ 8$ 7 and 11 6| and llf ! 6$ and 10$ 9 6 and 10 6 and 10 6J and 10$ 9 ; 6| and 11$ I 8| . * • • Willetts, J."m. .. Wilson, Jas. Wilson, Thos. Fairlie Allandale .. „ Tinwald .. I 'Winter Bros. Wood Bros. (Ltd.) Wooding Bros. * Wooding, Joseph Gannington .. I Threshing .. Ashburton .. Idle .. Woodbury . . Threshing Alpha Sawmilling Co. HA WILE'S BAY DISTRI* 3T. Amner, W. A. .. Barry, D. Bartholomew Bros. Borthwick & Sons, Thos.. . Bourke, M. F. .. Bransch, Chas. Brown & Gloyn Surges, Fred. .. • Butcher, H. F. .. Carlson, H. Oarr" S. Codd, Chas. Collett & Son Collins, James Crallan, John Dannevirke Sawmill Co. .. Douglas, W. J. .. Fairburn Timber Co. Frimley Canning Co. Gisborne .. Sawmill .. Hauling .. . . ! Napier .. I Steam-wagon .. Gisborne .. [ Brewery .. .. Matamau . . i Sawmill .. .. „ Pakipaki .. Freezing .. " ■ • • ■ j Riverside . . Soap-works Tukara . . , Flax-mill Hastings . Threshing .. Makaretu . . Sawmill Wakarara ,. „ .. Napier .. ! Steam-wagon Patoka .. Sawmill . . Tβ Aute .. Hauling Onepu .. Sawmill Onga Onga . . ! Threshing Puketapu Dannevirke .. Foundry Kaikora North Threshing Oringi .. Sawmill .. Tamaki Te Mahanga . Threshing Henley . . Sawmill Frimley .. Fruit-preserving .. j Hastings .. Canning-factory Havelock NorfrB' Brickworks Piri Piri .. Sawmill Matamau .. „ Otanga Matamau Kakaratai ... j „ 23 62 6 7 18 20 28 100 100 100 50 16 8 16 14 7 16 8 23 4 6 6 16 6 12 35 6 35 26 37 16 50 50 55 25 10 20 27 28 58 14 6 10 26 78 12| and 19| First class. 12J and 19J 6$ and 11$ Locomotive and traction. 4 and 7 8 i Second class. 12 13 14 and 26 First class. 14 and 26 14 and 26 j Nil Second class. Two 9$ 6$ and 11 Locomotive and traotion. Two 9| ' Second class. Two 9 i and 7 Locomotive and traotion. 12 Second class. 6$ and 11J j Locomotive and traction. Two 8$ Second class. 7f I Looomotive and traction, 6 and 10 8 8 Second class. 8 Locomotive and traction. Two 8$ Second class. Two 9£ 10 Locomotive and traction. 15| First class. 7 Second class. 7 Two 9 Second class. 14$ First olass. 14 Second class. v 20 ! First class. 12 Second class. 131 13| 17 First olass. 17 14J Two 8$ Second class. 5J and 9J Locomotive and traotion. Two 10 Second class. Two 8 9 and 16, 12 First class, and 22 Ditto I Fulford, J. Gamman & Co. Gardner, C. F. .. Gardner & Yeoman Gisborne Borough Council Gisborne Harbour Board Gisborne .. Brickworks Pongaroa .. Creamery Gisborne .. ' Road-roller ., Hauling .. '.. \ Pile-driving . . Freezing .. Gisborne Sheep Farmers' Co-op. Freezing Go. Diito .. „ 35 40 35 35 /- ' ♦ This plant lias two years' ceil afloat. ),


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler used Purpose for which used. II is Diameter of .Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. H TWEE'S BAY— continued. Green Bros. Tikokino Threshing .. .. 7 6 Briokworks .. 20 Threshing .. .. 6 Sawmill .. . . 25 I Fire-engine .. 8 Butter-factory .. 20 Laundry .. .. 25 Soap-works . . 50 6 and 10 5 and 9 Q 10 10 and 16 Three 7 84 7| 74 Locomotive and traotion. Griffin, J. Hall, F. Hastings Fire Brigade Hawke's Bay Dairy Go. Hawke's Bay Laundry Co. Hawke's Bay Soap and Tannery Co. Hawke's Bay Timber Co. Napier Matawhere Tβ Karaka ; Hastings .. I Daunevirke Napier Awatoto .. I Second class. Locomotive and traotion. First class. Second class. Hawke's Bay Woollen Factory. Heretaunga Butter Factory Heretaunga Dairy Co. Higgins, L. Hills, J. E. Holt, John Holt, E. Tahoraite Puketitiri Napier Sawmill .. .. SO 12 Woollen-factory .. 20 16? Two 94 Nil First class. Second olass. Hastings Mahora Moteo .. I Patutahi Puketitiri Napier Butter-factory .. I 25 ..20 Threshing .. 8 .. 7 Sawmill .. .. 12 ..20 25 ..40 .. 40 Sash and door factory 50 Sawmill .. .. 12 Threshing .. 8 Dredging .. .. 25 Sawmill .. .. 50 Well-sinking .. 6 Sawmill .. .. | 38 18 ... 12 8 Hauling .. .. j 6 Sawmill .. .. 35 Threshing .. 6 .. 6 Flax-mill .. .. 12 Sawmill .. .. j 12 Threshing .. 7 Brewery .. .. | 30 Pumping .. .. [ 40 9 9 6+ and 8* 81 Two 81 22 22 22 16 22 Two 84 6 J and 31 1-2 and 2.2 16 6| 14 13| Two 8J 6J and Hi 6 and 10 164 6 and 11 6| and 11 7 and 11 Two8i Si 8 10 and. 174, 20 and 40 Ditto Two 6 Two 8 8 5| and 9 21 21 19 and 28, 18 and 30| Ditto Locomotive and traction. Second olass. First olass. W Hunter, W. G. .. Jones, James Kennedy & Co., A. Knight, H. F. .. Leipst, A. Lloyd, J. G. Mackrill & Colley Manson & Tuck Manson & Co. Piripiri Napier Ngapairuru .. Waerengaahika Napier Dannevirke Hastings Mangatira .. i Gisborne Tikokino Second olase. Locomotive and traction. First class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Pukahu Haveloek Takapau .. I Mangapuaka .. Hastidgs Napier Looomotive and traction. First class. Looomotive and traction. McDonald Bros. McLeod & Seifert Morrissen, Donald Murray, Roberts, & Co Napier Brewery Co. Napier City Council Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. First class. Napier Harbour Board .. Neilson, CO. .. „ Dannevirke .. j .. 100 Hauling .. .. 8 ..10 Hauling & threshing 6 General .. .. 6 Freezing .. .. 25 .. : 25 ..90 Looomotive and traotion. Nelson Bros. Woodville First olase. . » • ■ Tomoana " Gisborne .. j ..90 ..90 90 ..90 .. ! 90 .. i 40 .. i 50 .. j 50 ..43 ..43 Brewery .. .... 20 Threshing .. .. 6 ... I 6 Foundry .. .. 30 ..80 Creamery .. ,.' .'. 17 Freezing .. .. ! 50 12, 13 and 25 12, 13 and 25 12, 13 and 25 12, 13 and 25 12, 13 and 25 6 5J and 84 6 and 10 10 10 J 9 12 and 22, 19 j and 28 Nil 12 and 22, 19 and 28 Ditto 8 Newbiggen, E. .. Newrich, M. Newrich Bros. Niven, J. J. .. .". Hastings Second olass. Looomotive and traction. Spit' Second class. Norsewood Dairy Co. North British and Hawke's Bay Freezing Co. Ditto Norse wood Western Spit .. First class. Steaming .. .. 30 Freezing .. .. 50 Second class. First class. Nuhaka Co-operative Dairy Co. Onga Onga Flour-mill Co. Orbell, E. Peddle, J. W. .. .. | Piloher, F. Powdrell Bros. Nuhaka ._ 50 Dairy factory .. j 17 Second class. Onga Onga Makotuku Patoha .. L Olive.. Hastings Flour-mill.. .. j 14 Hauling .. .. ] 6 Sawmill .. .. 16 Threehing .. .. 6 Hauling .. .. i 6 14 8 Two 6 8 6 and 10$ Locomotive and traotion. Second olass. Locomotive and traotion.


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


Name of Owner. u Boijer Purpose for which §,3 used used. om ! So Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. ('lass of Driver required. ('lass of Driver required. HAWKE'S BAY— continued. Powdrell Bros. Ramsay, W. Sands, George Shanks Bros. Spiers, A. Tiratu Timber Co. Union Timber Go. Waikopiro Sawmill Co. .. Willan, J. Williams, A. G. .. Williams & Kettle Winiata, T. K. .. I Has lings .. , Hauling .. .■.-1 6 j Twyford .. ■ Threshing .. .. j 6 Hastings .. j Hauling and chaff- 8 j cutting Orrnond .. i Threshing .. 6 Wanstead .. j Flax-mill .. .. 16 Tiratu .. I Sawmill .. .. 30 .. : „ .. 50 Mangatera .. ! Planing-mill .. 17 ! i Tiratu .. ! Sawmill .. .. 40 I Okaraa .. „ .. 50 ! Waikopiro .. „ .. 35 Taradale .. Threshing .. .. 6 Rissington .. I Hauling .. .. 7 Hastings .. Flour-mill.. .. 16 < Maraekakaha .. Hauling and threshing 8 6 and 10J 8 9 84 Two 8J 13 16 11 15 16J 14 5| and 8J 6 and 10 8 and 14 6f and 11J Locomotive and traotion. Second olass. First class. Seoond olass. First class. ! Seoond class. Looomotive and traction. First olass. Locomotive and traction. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. Alpine Gold-dredging Co. Barnes, F. Barnes, P. S. Barton Bros. Blenheim Borough Council Brownlee & Co. .. # * Cates", W. Ohaytor & Co. (Limited) . . Christohuroh Meat Co. .. Climo & Co. * Dodson, V. * Fairhall, E. .. Flower, F. H. .. Gibson Bros. Glover & Allsop Ham, Edward Healy & Bischell Healy, Jno., jun. Hewetson, A. J. .. Higgins, John •Jackson, A. W. Jones & Holdaway Jones, William Jones, W. Kenepuru Sawmill Co. Langeden, W. E. L. Litchfield, A. J. MeCallum, A. .. Nees & McLean.. Osgood, W. S. .. 'Patchet, John Pike, W. D. & T."' •Redwood Bros. Robertson Bros. Roskrudge, F. .. Smart Bros. Smart & Lodge ■ I I j J Top Valley .. Gold-dredging .. 20 Awatere .. Threshing, &c. .. 6 Seddon .. „ ... 6 Okoho .. Log-hauling .. 15 Blenheim .. Fire-engine .. 10 Havelock .. Sawmill .. 10 „ .. Locomotive-work .. 12 Blackball . . Sawmill .. .. 40 ..40 Havelock . . Locomotive-work . . 20 Ronga Valley .. Log-hauling .. 20 .15 Rai Valley .. Sawmill .. .. 43 ..43 .Blenheim .. Road-wagon .. 5 "Marshlands .. Pumping .. .. 14 .. Flax mill .. . . 20 Picfcon .. Freezing .. .. 12 ..12 ..106 Oko'na .. Sawmill .. .. 16 Spring Creek .. Threshing .. .. 8 Blenheim .. „ .. .. 8 Kaikoura .. Traction .. .. 8 Gibsontown .. Flax-mili .. .. 6 Spring Creek .. Threshing, &o. .. 6 Blenheim .. Threshing and chaff- 8 cutting .. Threshing .. .. 6 .. Threshing and haul- 8 ing Havelock .. General .. .. 7 I Seddon .. Traction .. .. 10 I Blenheim .. Threshing .. .. 8 „ .. Chaff-cutting .. 6 .. Traction .. .. 6 .. -"ChaS-outting, &o. .. 8 Grovetown .. Traction .. .. 6 Kenepuru .. Sawmill .. .. 33 Clinton .. , 20 Livermere .. Threshing .. .. 4 ..6 i Blenheim .. Hauling .. .. 8 .. Flour-mill.. .. 17 Flaxbourne .. Hauling, &o. .. 8 Pioton .. Brick-making .. 16 Blenheim .. Chafi-cutting .. 8 .. Threshing .. 8 ..8 • , .. Traction .. .. 5 „ .. Threshing, &o. .. 6 Tuamarina .. Chaff-cutting .. 14 Rai Valley .. Sawmill .. .. 34 Spring Creek .. Threshing .. .. 8 Blenheim .. Traction .. .. 7 „ .. Hauling .. .. 8 Wakamarina .. Sawmill .. .. 36 8 and 12£ 6 and 10J 8 Two 8J Three 8J Two 10 Two 9 Two 16 Two 16 Two 11 Two 9 Two 9 Two 14 Two 14 4J and 6J Two 8f 8 and 12| Two 5, two 6, one 12 Ditto 6, 10J, 12, 20 11| 9 9 9 8 5 and 9 9 8 9 6 and 10 6J and 11J 9 5J and 9 5J and 9 9 5£ and 9 10| 12 64 6 and 10 6£ and 11 7 and 12 6J and 11J 9i 10 6J and 11 9 6 and 10J Two 8 6 and 10 6£ and 10* 164 ' I One first class and two second class. j Locomotive and traction. » First class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. First class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. ■ First class. ! Locomotive and traotion. i Second class. First class. Second class. Locomotive and traotion. » j Second olass. i Locomotive and traction. Seoond class. ; Locomotive and traction. \ Second class. ' Locomotive and traction. First class. Locomotive and traotion. First class. * This plant hue two years' certificate,


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


Name of Owner. Whure Boiler used Purpose for which used. || i-s H Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, iu Inches. I Class of Driver required. MARLBOROUGH— contir, iiied. :ued. 6 12 15 64 6 and 11 Two9& 7 and 11J 8, 14, and 2S Locomotive and traction. Second class. Three Fecond class when working three watches. First class. Sutton, C. .. .. Blenheim .. Threshing Tapp & Eagle .. .. Brooklyn Bay.. Sawmill .. Wakamarina Gold-dredging Wakamarina .. Gold-dredge Co. .. Wellington & Marlborough Pioton .. Cement-works Lime and Cement Co. .. Ditto .... White, C. .. .. Onamalutu .. Sawmill .. .. Idle 6 6 and 11 12 Two 9^15 7 and 11J 64 8, 14, and'22 61 8, 14, and 22 20 Two 10J 30 Nil 61 8, 14, and 22 20 30 Two 10J Nil Second olass. NELSON NOBTH DISTE JOT. 23 j HOT. 6 and 9 i Second class. Anchor Foundry & Ship- The Port .. Foundry ping Co. Baigent, H. .. .. Bonnie Doon .. Sawmill , .. .. Nelson .. Sash and door factory „ .. .. Pigeon Valley.. Sawmill Baigent, H. & T. .. East Takaka Bookman, F. A. J. .. Moutere, Upper General Challis Bros. .. .. Waimea West.. Threshing and chaff- 1 cutting .. ... Coleman Bros. .. .. Motupiko .. General ... Cook & Slatherly .. Appleby .. Threshing and ohaffeutting Crouoher, J. M. .. .. Richmond .. Flour-mill Currin, Franois ,. .. Riwaka .. Idle Currin, F. .. .. Sherry Valley.. Sawmill Dodson, J. R., & Sona .. Nelson .. Brewery .. Falooner, F. W., & Co. .. Roekville .. Cheese-factory Fauohelle & Co. .. .. Upper Takaka Sawmill Golden Bay Dairy Co. .. Takaka .. Dairy Grant, Wm. .. .. Roekville .. Sawmill Grant, W. .. .. „ .. Pile-driving „ .. .. Kaituna .. Sawmill .. Silverstream .. „ .. Slate River .. Idle Griffin & Sons .. .. Nelson .. Biscuit-factory Hall, George .. .. | Takaka .. Hauling Hewetson, Thomas .. Upper Moutere Sawmill Hyland & Kirk .. .. Takaka Kirkpatrick, S., & Co. .. Nelson .. Jam-factory, &c. Langlandp, W., & Co. .. „ .: Road-wagon Manoy, A. .. .. Motueka .. Flour-mill Maoriland Copper Co. .. Aniseed Valley Sawmill Miller, Andrew .. .. Nelson .. Sash and door factory Nelson Brick & Tile Co. „ .. Brick and tile worka (Ltd.) Nelson City Corporation .. „ .. Gas-making „ .. „ .. Road-rolling Nelson Harbour Board .. „ .. Dredging 23 j 6 and 9 12 I 7 and Hi 23 ! 10 25 13 14 Two 9i 6 i 8 8 J 5 and 8J 12 J 14 6 I Q ! 8 j 9 6 J 8 8 J 25 ctr\ 25 Two 8 20 Nil 28 101 20 6 30 7 and 11 14 Two 81 17 81 12 Two 81 6 8 20 Two 10 40 9J 18 8 ana 12| 20 8 and 12 6 I Two 5 5 5J and 9J 16 Two 10 50 i, 6, and 9 74 4 and 7 20 10J 20 101 16 8J 20 9i 7 and 11J in Two9J 8 K. nv*A Ol 5 and 8£ 9 Q Two 8 tvt:i Nil 1 f\ 1 7 and 11 m™,, on Two 81 D1 Looomotive and traotion. Second class. 12 6 20 a r\ Two 8£ 8 Two 10 Locomotive and traotion. Second olass. 40 18 an 9* 8 ana 12| First class. 20 6 I 8 and 12 Two 5 K I - n « A (11 [ Looomotive and traction. 5 16 5J and 9J Two 10 Second class. 50 n 20 on i, 6, and 9 4 and 7 10J 1 Al Locomotive and traction. Second class. Price, T. A. .. .. Belgrove .. Sawmill Prouse Bros. .. .. Mangarakau .. Log-hauling Prouse & Saunders .. „ .. Sawmill „ .. Idle Puponga Coal Co. .. Nelson .. Hauling and pumping „ .. Puponga .. Hauling .. „ .. Dredging .. Reilly, W. J. .. .. Long Plain .. Sawmill .. Richards, J. H. .. .. Collingwood .. Flax-mill Robertson Bros... .. Nelson .. Sash and door factory Schwass, H. H. .. .. Hope .. Threshing and chaffing Senior, Edmund S. .. Marakau .. Flax-mill Snowdon Bros. .. .. Seddon .. Traction Snowdon, J. F. .. .. I Brightwater .. ■ General .. Stillwell & Hewetson .. j Motueka .. | Sawmill Taupo Totara Timber Co... Nehon .. i Locomotive-work .. Thomas & Co. .. .. Pretty Bridge Valley Tonga Bay Granite Co. .. Tonga Bay .. Stone-dressing Tunniclifi, Hy. .. .. Wakefleld .. General Walker Bros. & Co. .. Bainham .. Sawmill Watson, Charles .. Belgrove .. General Webby, G. E. .. .. Richmond Whelham, A., & Co. .. Takaka .. Woodworking Win, J. W. .. .. Dovedale .. Traotion and ohaflOUtting 16 6 55 55 6 17 45 16 40 8 40 36 ■I A 16 Two 5 6 8 55 20 and 36 55 20 ana 36 6 7f 17 Two 8 45 16£ 16 10 40 Two 8, two 9 8 Two 7 40 Two 8, two 9 36 7 and 11J 14 Two 9f s B 17 10 30 12& 8 8 8 9 6 8 6 65-15 and 10 16 8J 10 Two 8£ ■ 12 Two 9 Two 5 8 20 and 36 20 ana 36 7| Two 8 16* 10 Two 8, two S Two 7 Two 8, two i 7 and 11J 9 9 Locomotive and traction First class. Looomotive and traction. Second class. First class. Second class. First class. Locomotive and traotion. First class. Seoond olass. Two 9^ 1 f\ 30 8 a n Looomotive and traction. M 6 16 10 12 6J-I5 and 10 Two8£ Two 9 Second class. Locomotive and traotion. Second olass. 16 6 20 6 a 16 7 and UJ 6 8 20 121 6 8A 6 6 and 101 16 81 6 8 7 and UJ 8 12J 8A p. a 1 m Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traotion. 6 16 6 6 and 10J 81 8 Second olass. Looomotive and traotion


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


Name of Owner Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. gj "1 Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, ia Inches. - Class of Driver required. NE ne: 5LSON SOUTH PIS' !RIC' Amikitia Gold-dredge Co... I Al Gold-dredging Syndicate 1 Bellevue Gold-dredge Co... 1 Big River Gold-mining Co. I ] Blackball Coal Co. .. ] Boatman's Creek Syndioate i Bowater & Bryan .. C Matakitaki Redman's Creek Matakitaki I Big River Blackball Matakitaki Redman's Creek Matakitaki Big River Blackball Ngahere Boatman's Creek Cape Foulwind W7 nct^v\r\ J w*h Dredging Winding Driving fan Hauling coal on dip Dynamo and aerial tram Dredging Sawmill .. 30 20 43 14 20 20 20 8 and 12| 7 and ll| 9 and 15 Two 8£ 15 Two 15 12 and 9 First class. Seoond class. First class. Winding. First class. Second class. Ngahere Boatman's Creek Cape Foulwind Westport 20 28 30 30 20 8 and 12| Two 10 13 10 and 8£ 7 and 14 .. \ Westport Callaghan's Creek Gold- C dredge Co. Consolidated Goldfields of 1 New Zealand (Ltd.) Ditto .. .. .. I ".. '.'. ... '.'. I .. ( r Callaghan'a Creek Jallaghan's Creek Blackwater Blaokwater Reefs u Energetio Mine Globe Hill .. ninho Will L Dredging Sawmill Winding Quartz-battery Winding Winding and air-com-pressing Winding First class. Blackwater 12 Two 8* Seoond class. i Blaokwater Reefs 20 30 50 50 Two 7 Two 7^ 14 Two 18, two 5, and one 13 Nil Two .11 Winding. Second class. Winding. Energetio Mine Globe Hill .. Globe Hill, A Shaft Globe Hill, B Shaft Ditto Golden Fleece Battery 30 20 Spcond class. Winding. .. C Globe Mill, A SVia.ffc „ C ..I .. ( snatc Globe Hill, B Shaft Ditto Golden Fleece Battery Winding and air-com-pressing Ditto Quartz - battery and air-oompressing 85 85 60 Two 16, two 14, one 15, one 6 Ditto Three 14, two 11J, two 4, one 22, 13J, 10 Ditto First class and winding. First class. .. ( .. 1 .. 1 Golden Fleece Battery Murray Creek Rainy Creek .. Golden Fleece Battery Murray Creek Raiay Creek .. Quartz - battery and air-compressing Winding Quartz-crushing 60 First class. 30 20 20 50 Two 12 Two 15, one 12 Two 15, one 12 Three 14, one 22 Winding. First class. "„ '.'. '.'. '.'. 1 De Filippi, Stephen .. I Downie Bros. .. .. I Fern Flat Gold-dredging Co. I Greymouth-Point Elizabeth I Coal Co. Ditto .. Griffiths, G. .. .. I Hansen & Kay .. .. I Hansen and Party Gold- I dredge Co. Hessey, Cameron, Tacon, I &Co. Ditto Hobbs, James .. .. 1 Jamieson's Reward Gold- 1 dredging Co. Karamea Sawmilling Co... I The Golden Fleece Mine Buller River .. Murcbison Fern Flat Brunnerton .. The Golden Fleece Mine Buller River .. Murcbison Fern Flat Brunnerton .. Birchfield Buller River .. Berlin's Boatman's Creek Mokihinui Nelson Creek .. Karamea f 1 v\n vn vii Crushing-battery and air-compressing Dredging Coal-mining Foundry Dredging Dredging Gold-dredge Winoh Gold-dredging Sawmill 30 30 30 60 8 and 12| 8 and 12J 7 and 11 Two 12, one 20 Seoond class. First class. Birchfield Buller River .. Berlin's 60 20 20 30 Two 12, one 20 11 8 and 12} 8J and 15J Second class. First class. Boatman's Creek 16 7 and 11J Second class. Mokihinui Nelson Creek .. 20 20 25 8 and 12| Two 6 8 and 12| First class. Second class. First class. .. ( Keep-it-Dark Gold-mining C Co. Lockington, E. .. • • A Marris, J. S. .. .. £ Moonlight Gold-dredge 1 Syndicate Mumm, D. P. .. .. £ New Fedderson's Gold- I dredge Co. New Scotia Gold-mining Co. I North Beaoh Gold-dredging 1 Co. No Town (No. 1) Gold- 1 dredge Co. N.Z. Government (State C Coal-mines) Ditto .. .1 Karamea Oparara Grushington .. Oparara Grushington .. Waitahu St. Helens Moonlight St. Helens Lyell Merrijigs North Beach .. No Town Coal Creek Runanga Winding Hauling -■Sawmill Dredging Sawmill Dredging Crushing Dredging Sawmill Hauling and pumping 20 30 25 7 and 11 Two 11 Second class. First class. Winding. Waitahu St. Helens Moonlight 8 20 28 20 10 8 and 12j 14 8, 13 Locomotive and traction. First class. Second class. First class. St. Helens Lyell 25 16 12 8, 12| Second class. First class. Merrijigs North Beach .. 30 20 Two 11 8, 12| No Town 20 8, 12f Coal Creek 20 7, 11| Exempt. '.'. '.'. . } Runanga Point Elizabeth Point Elizabeth Coalmine 20 49 49 64 64 64 60 7, Hi Two 5, two 9, one 11, 10J, 7 Ditto 18 18 18 15 "„ '.'.■ '.: -:; h I Seddonville Seddonville Hauling



No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.

Name of Owner. Whure Boiler used Purpose for which used. o o K Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. [ Claae of Driver required. Nl 1LSON SOUTH—conti) med. N.Z. Government (State Goal-mines) Ditto .. .. Seddonville Hoisting, ventilating 12 Two 7, one 9, ( one 4J Ditto Idle Two 14 Two 14 Two 14 12 and two 7 Exempt. Westport Coal-mine .. Briquette-works .. I 6 43 64 64 64 19 , Paparoa Coal Co. Point Elizabeth Railway and Coal Co. Ditto Smeaton Syndicate Stratford, Blair, & Co. Tyneside Proprietary Co. (Limited) Paparoa Brunner Reefton Karamea Brunnerton .. Air-compressing and winch Coal - mining and brickmaking Ditto Dredging Sawmill Winding coal only .. 35 35 20 28 20 13J, 12 13J, 12 8, 12f 14-L Two8|, two 8, two7i,two4J, two 5 J l*i 4, 7 Two 12, two 8 12 and two 8 Two 8, two 12 Two 8, two 12 Three 14£, one 16 Ditto Second class First class. Wellington Mines Co. Westport Borough Council Westport Coal Co. Inglewood Mine Westport Cascade Crushing Steam-wagon Hauling . . .. I 15 6 10 10 10 10 80 Second class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Cascade 'Creek Cascade No. 1.. ; Coalbrookdale.. Air-compressor and fan Ditto Air-compressor Main haulage and electric lighting Denniston 80 84 84 Two .18, two 12, two 8, three 5, four 6 Ditto Ditto 84 84 84 86 25 Iron Bridge Kiwi Hauling and dynamo Air-compressing 50 10, 16, 6 Three 14*, one 12 Three 14J, one 12, one 6 Ditto Air-compressing and fan Air-compressing 25 Millerton Air-compressing, fan, and dynamo Ditto 50 10 10 14j"and8 Two 4£, three 9 10 10 58 Two 4J, three 9 L'wo 4J, three 9 Two 14 J and three 9 Four 14J, one I 20, and one 6J Ditto Mine Creek Air-compressing 55 Air - compressor and fan Ditto 55 w ■ ■ Westport Fire Brigade .. Westport Harbour Board.. Westport Cape Foulwind Railway Ditto tf • • • • Fire-engine Hauling .. 55 86 7 30 Three 7 Two 10& Second olass. Locomotive and traotion. 25-ton crane 20-ton steam-crane .. 20 20 35 9 10 Two9±| Two 9JJ Two Two 9 Two 9 Cape Foulwind Westport Second olass. Alexandra Coal Co Alexandra OTAGO DISTRICT. Two 7 Two 6 7J and 11J Winding. Winding 20 20 18 Alexandra Eureka Golddredging Co. Ditto Gold-dredging .. i Three second class. 20 8 and 12| First class and two second class. Ditto. Alexandra Lead Golddredging Co. Allandale Coal Co. 25 10 and 16 Locomotive and traction. •Allison & Hassett Anderson's Bay Quarry Co. Ardmore Gold-dredging Co. Allandale j Southbridge .. I Anderson's Bay Scrubby Flat .. Hauling .. .. j „ .. j Threshing Brick-making Gold-dredging 16 20 '28 16 8 25 20 Two 10 Two 10 Two 10 9 and 14 9 10 and 16 9 and 13 First class. Locomotive and traction. First class. First class and two seoond class. *Thi ilaut has two 'ears' ee; 'tincati


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


Name of Owner. Whore Boiler used Purpose for which used. IS Diameter of Oylindere of Engines, in Inches. Glass of Driver required. Barewood Gold-mining Co. Barewood Phosnix Mining Syndicate Bauchop, R., & Go. Bayley, Jno. Blakie & Bartlett Brook, G. Brown Bros. OTAGO— continued. Barewood Winding .. 16 10 I Two 8 Two 8 Winding. # • ■ • • Brown, G. 0. •Brown, M. Bruce Railway & Coal Co... Bruce Woollen Mills Burt, A. &T., (Ltd.) Port Chalmers Burnside Waitahuna Balclutha Mosgiel Warepa Mosgiel Fortification .. Milton Dunedin Sawmill Tannery .. .. Ghafi-outting Flour-mill Chafi-cutting rt ' ' \ Threshing .. Hauling Woollen-mills, Machine tools .. | 28 ! 25 6 12 6 8 ! 8 8; 6 I 159 25 30 80 8 ■ 14 a 8 7 and 11$ 8 9 9 8| 9 12 and 21 18J 18| 9 7 and 11 Second class. First class. Locomotive and traotion. Seoond class. Locomotive and traotion. First olass. •Buchanan, W. Cairntrodlie Gold-dredging Co. Central Foundry Chalmers, Eobert Chatto Creek Gold-dredging Co. Chicago Gold-dredging Co. (No. 2) Christchuroh Meat Go. .. Evan's Flat .. Upper Poolburn Threshing .. j Gold-dredging Looomotive and traotion. Three second class. Alexandra Oamaru Alexandra Machine tools General .. Gold-dredging .. j 16 8 16 '. 8 9 7 and 11J Second class. Locomotive and traction. Three second class. 20 8 and 12| First class and two second class. First class. Christie Bros. Christie, Thos. Clark Bros. Oamaru # ■ ■ Burnside Sadd"le Hill '.'. Allanton Maheno Freezing Hauling Threshing General 45 45 80 j 80 ! J2 6 8 6 9 8 8 22 26 11 and 20 11 and 20 12 and 22 12 and 22 Two 8J 8 9 8 5J and 8 6} and 10$ 9 Second class. Looomotive and traotion. Clark, R. B. Clyde Collieries Goal Co. .. Clyde Gold - dredging Go. (No. 2) Cossens & Black Craig, Jno., & Co. Crane, Thos. Grossan Bros. Crown Roller-milling Co. .. Dawson & McKechnie Denniston & Thurston Denton Hat-mills •Dewar, Wm. .. Donaghy's Rope-works .. Donaldson Bros. Donaldson, W. & J. Clyde '.'. Alexandra Dunedin Oamaru Waihola Kelso Dunedin Ratanui Kelso Dunedin Totara Caversham .. Maorae's Flat Mount Highley Golden Point .. Burnside Dunedin Hauling Gold-dredging Machine-shop Sawmill General .. Threshing Flour-mills Sawmill General Hat-factory Threshing Rope-works General Quartz-crushing 25 20 ! 8 I 7 40 20 8 50 8 40 7 16 14 25 95 95 95 15 40 40 16 6 16 Two 8 9 and 14 11 14 6 and 10 8J 14 and 24 10 9 7 9 16 and 28 5| and 7 and 11$ 6$ and 11 Nil 13 and 22 13 and 22 13 and 22 Two 8 Two 5$ Two 5J 10 6 and 10 10 Seoond class. First class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Seoond class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. First olass. Looomotive and traotion. Second olass. Dunedin Abattoirs Co. Dunedin Corporation Boiling, &o. Electrio trams .. First class. Hauling Gasworks* Locomotive and traction. Second class. Dunedin Drainage and Sewerage Board Dunedin Engineering Foundry Co. Dunedin Hospital Dunedin and Kaikorai Tramway Co. Ditto .. Dunedin & Eoslyn Tram- ■ way Co. Ditto .. Dunedin Timber & Hardware Go. Dunsmuir, W. Earnscleugh Gold-dredging Co. (No. 1) Earnscleugh Gold-dredging Company (No. 2) Ditto Woodhaugh .. Dunedin Stone-crushing Road-roller Pumping Looomotive and traotion. Second class. Foundry 72 10 and 14 First class. Kaikorai Valley Heating .. .. j Hauling 56 25 7 14* Second class. First class. Dunedin Roslyn 48 25 14$ and 16 11 and 22 Dunedin Sawmill 25 25 11 and 22 15* ri Alexandra Idle Gold-dredging '22 16 Nil 7 and 11 Second class. Three second olass. " 16 9 and 14 First class and two second class. Ditto. •Th: is plant has two years' cei 16 •tifloati 9 and 14 i.



No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.

11— H. 15a.

Name of Owner. Wh. re Boiler used Purpose for which used. u §•'3 S» oo K Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. Earnscleugh Gold-dredging Co. Ellis E. Ellis & Co. Enterprise Gold - dredging Co. (No. 1) Enterprise Gold - dredging Co. (No. 2) Ettrick Gold-dredging Co. 'Falconer, J mes Ferguson & Mitchell First Chance Gold-dredging Co. Forbes Bros. OTAGO- continued. Alexandra Gold-dredging 46 9 and 11 First class and two second class. Second class. Kaikorai Valley Alexandra Idle Flock-mill Gold-dredging 16 ■28 14 7 and Hi 10* 8J and 16 First class and two second class. Ditto. 16 9 and 13 Ettrick Maheno W lodhaugh .. Alexandra Gorge Threshing Steaming Gold-dredging 20 8 30 20 9 and 14 9 Nil 8 and 12f L ocomotive and traction Second class. First class and two second class. Locomotive and traction. Frew, Mrs. Herbert Muheno Nort h-east Valley Port Chalmers Horse Range .. Shag Valley .. Glenore Threshing General Laundry 6 8 16 ' 8 9 8| Second class. Gardner & Co. .. J. Gibson, James .. Golden Bank Gold-dredging Co. Golden Beach Gold-dredg-ing Co. Golden Bed Gold-dredging Co. Golden Gate Gold-dredging Co. Golden Run Gold-dredging Co. Gold King Gold-dredging Co. (No. 1) Golden King Gold-dredg-ing Co. (No. 3.) Golden Treasure Golddredging Co. Gordon Gold-dredging Co. Gore, C. & W. Gormack. J. Gow, J. C.' •Giant, Chas. .. Gregg, W., & Co. Grogan and party Machine tools Threshing Hauling Gold-dredging 16 6 30 18 7 and Hi Two 10 8 and 13 Locomotive and traotion. Secuid class. First class and two second class. Ditto. Alexandra 16 9 and 13 Miller's Flat .. 30 9 and 14 Ettrick 16 1 7£ and 12J Millet's Flat .. 10 10 and 16 Roxburgh 38 9 and 14 w 30 9 and 14 Miller's Flat . . 30 8 and 12| Waitahuna Wingatui Clinton Palm>rston .. Otiaki Diinedin Miller's Flat .. Brickmaking General Flour-mill Threshing Starch-fictory Gold-dredging 20 25 8 16 8 18 14 8 and 13 "4 9 11 9 10 8 and 13 First olass. Locomotive and traction. Second olass. Locomotive and traction. Second class. class and two second olass. Looomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. •Hall, A. Hailenstein & Co. Hamilton, H. Hamilton, J. H-irraway, H., & Co. Harris, S. Hartley & Riley Golddredging Co. Havelock Gold-dredging Co. Heenan, Mrs. •Henderson Bros. Henderson, J. Hill & Frame Ngapara Sawyer's Bay .. Milton Palmerston .. Burnside Kyeburn Cromwell Threshing Tannery General Threshing Flour-mill Traction Gold-dredging 8 30 8 8 6 40 8 20 9 12 9 5 and 8 16 9 8 and 12| * First class. Locomotive and traction. First class and two second class. Three second class. Locomotive and traction. Waitahuna Mtungatua Weston Island Cliff .. Herbert General Threshing General Threshing .. 16 7 8 8 8 8 27 80 7J and 11 8J 9 9 9 9 8 and 12 12 and 16, 12 and 21 7£ and 11J 7 and 11J 0 Hogg & Co. Hudson & Co. Dunedin Sawmill Biscuit-factory * First class. Imperial Gold-dredging Co. Incii Dale Gold - dredging Co. Irvine & Stevenson Waitahuna Inch Valley .. Gold-dredging 14 16 Three second class. Wingatui Henley Kland Block .. Meat-preserving Steaming Gold-dredging 18 20 30 20 Two 4$ 9 7 8 and 12| Seoond class. Island Block Gold dredging Co. "Jenkins Bros. .. •Jenkins, Tnos., jun. Johns & party First class and two seoond class. Locomotive and traction. Kelso Island Block .. Threshing Gold-dredging 6 8 25 61 9 8 and 12| First olass and two second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. First class and two secoud class. Johnston, W. G. Jones, E. B. Jones, Tlios. Jubilee Gold dredging Co. Georgetown Millon . .. Awamoko Roxburgh Threshing Brick-making General Gold-dredging 8 18 8 88 9 14 9 9 and 14 ♦Thii plant has two years' oe srtifical ;e.


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


Name of Owner Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. u ® . ft v. Si Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. OTAGO— continued. Junotion Electric Golddredging Co. (No. 2) Junction Electric Golddredging Co. (No. 3) Kaitangata Coal Co. *Kean, Thos. Kempthorne, Prosser, & Co. Cromwell Gold-dredging 20 7 and 11J Three second class. Kaitangata Clinton Dunedin Burnbide Coal-mine Threshing Chemical works Manure-grinding Chemical works General Threshing 20 20 8 20 80 16 8 G 6 6 8 20 7J and 13 Two 10 9 84 12 and 20 12 and 20 6J and 10J 6 and 10J 10 6 and 10 9 8 and 12| First olass and two second class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. First class. w Kinloeh, Wm" .. •Kirkland, W. .. it • • Windsor. Taieri Locomotive and traction. // •Koppsrt, H. Lady Annie Gold-dredging Co. Lady Roxburgh Gold-dredg-ing Co. Lambert, T., & Co. Latta Bros. Latta T. Mosgiel Herbert Manuherikia River Roxburgh General Trireshing.. Gold-dredging First class and two second class. Ditto. 20 9 and 14 Kensington .. Owaka Catlins O^aka Ophir Awamoko Georgetown .. Awam ko Geortjetown .. Glenledi Miiton Frazer River .. Pottery Sawmill 10 Iβ 14 16 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 16 7 and 11 Two 10 6J and 10J Two 10 8 9 6% and 10J 9 9 8J 9 7 and 11 Second class. •Leask, W. ♦Ledgingham, G. Threshing Locomotive and traction. » "Ledingham, G., jun. Leslie, Alex. Loeh Lomond Gold-dredg-ing Co. Lovell's Flat Coal Co. .. General Gold-dredging Three second class. Dunedin Lovell's Flat .. Shas> Point .. Port Cnalmers Tdle Winding 56 20 no 20 Nil 16 12, 18 and 20 6|, 11*, 7J aud Hi 9 6J and 10J 9 9 and 14 Second olass. Winding. Luttrell & Sjott Pumping First class. *Macpherson, J. A. * Borton's Threshing 8 8 8 36 Locomotive and traction. * Magnus & Party Golddredging Co. Mangatua Drainage Board Manuhenka Goid-dreJging Co. Matbias Bros. & Co. Meek, J.&T. .. Milbuin Lime & Cement Co. Milligan & Bond Milmine, James Mitchell Bros. .. Mornington Borough Coun cil Tram t. ay Co. Diito .. Roxburgh Mfingatua Alexandra Gorgi Gold-dredging Pumping .. Gold-dredge 16 39 Two 8| 9 and 14 • First class and two second class. Second c'a«s. First class and two second class. Winding. First class. Alexandra SoutVi Onmaru Dunedin Cna!-mine Flour mill Cement-works 14 48 40 T*o 8 9 and 20 14 and 25 Ngapara Wesson Flour-mill " Threshing 16 8 8 10 12 9 6|and 10J Two 13 Second class. Locomotive and traction. Uuntdin Hauling First class. Morning Star Gold-dredging Co. Mosgiel Woollen Co. M anuherikia River Mosg el Gold-dredging ;. 10 50 17 Two 13 Two 13 10 and 19 H First class and two second class. Second class. Steaming .. Wuollen-fuctory 30 18 18 18 H2 18 Nil « * * » *' // MolynfUx Hvdraulic Golddredging Co. Molynenx-Kohinoor Gold dredging Co. Monte Cristo Gold-dredg-ing Co. •Muller, T>. Murd. en, J., & Co. Alexandra Gold-dredging 16 J and 30 8 and 12| First class. First class and two second class. Ditio. Roxburgh 89 9 and 14 Clyde V • » 20 8 and 12f t Maungatua Duuedin Threshing Sawmill 8 25 25 25 25 8 20 27 8 8 8 9 Two 16 Two 16 Two 16 Two 16 9 Locomotive and traction. First class. It * * u * * Murray, Roberts, and Co. Musket Steel Co. McCaiurn & Co. •McCniloch, Thos. McDonald, A. •McDonald, J. .. .. Micldlemarch .. Danedin Oainaru Ngapara Ontram Middlemarch .. General Ste 1-manufacture .. Sawmill Threshing General Threshing .. Locomotive and traction. First class. Two 11 15 9 9 9 Locomotive and traction. « • This ilant has two 'ears' cei rtificati


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


Name of Owner Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. y Diameter of Cylinders ot Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. OTAGO— continued. MoGavin & Co. .. North Dunedin Brewery 20 50 25 45 27 8 8 8 20 25 20 25 14 8 8 12 and 22 12 8 8 9 9 Nil 12 12 Nil 6J and 10J Second class. McGill.'Peter .. MoGregor, J. Milton Dunedin Flour-mill Foundry Machine tools General First classSecond class. McKay, Wm. McKenzie & Leonard Waikoikoi Balolutha Locomotive and traction. MoLeod Bros. (Ltd.) Dunedin Soap-making Candle-making Soap-making Candle-making Gold-dredging Second class. McNeill & Party Golddredging Co. MoSkimming & Son ♦Nankivell, E. H. Waipori Three second class. Benhar Palmerston Brick-works Threshing 20 8 8 20 Two 8J 9 9 8 and 12J Second class. Locomotive and traction. Naumai Gold-dredging Co. Kyeburn Gold-dredging First class and two second class. Ditto. New Alpine Consols Golddredging Co. New Bendigo Gold-dredg-ing Co. "Newhigging, Jas. New Empire Gold-dredging Co. New 14-mile Beach Golddredging Co. Newson, R. W. .. New Zealand Coal and Oil Co. Ditto .. Cromwell 20 8 and 12| Alexandra Gorge 20 9 and 14 Milton Waipori Threshing Gold-dreaging 8 10 9 7J and llf Locomotive and traction. Three second class. 14-mile Beach Clinton Kaitangata General Hauling 38 8 25 8 and 12| 9 Two 30 First class and two second class. Locomotive and traction. First class. 25 12 23 18 20 50 50 43 Two 30 Two 30 Two 30 Two 9J Two 10$ Two 20 Two 20 8 and 13 Locomotive and traotion. Castle Hill '.'. First olass. N.Z. Government (Asylums Department) Ditto .. N.Z. Government (Public Works Department) Ditto .. New Zealand Paper Mills Seacliff Electric light Exempt. Catlins River .. Stone-crushing 43 16 8 and 13 13 and 18 Woodhaugh Paper-mill 16 25 80 10 13 and 8 Nil 14 and 25 7 and 13J Second class.. First class. New Zealand Trust and Loan Co. Ngapara Gold-dredging Co. Henley Pumping Alexandra Gold-dredging 22 8J and 12f First class and two seoond class. Ditto. Ngapara Extended Golddredging Co. Oamaru Woollen Mills .. 20 8 and 12| Oamaru Wollen-faotory 60 60 20 15 and 27 15 and 27 8 and 12| First class. Olrig Gold-dredging Co. .. Manuherikia River Port Chalmers Gold-dredging First class and two second class. • First class. Otago Dook Trust Pumping 18 18 30 30 18 20 Two 12 Two 12 9 and 15 9 and 15 Nil 7*. and 13 Otago Pat & Tallow Co. .. Otago (No. 1) Gold-dredg-ing Co. Otago (No. 2) Gold-dredg-ing Co. Ofcago (No. 3) Gold-dredg-ing Co. Otago Granite Brick Co. .. Otago Harbour Board Burnside Miller's Flat .. Freezing .. Stealing .. GJd-dredging Second class. First class and twp second class. Ditto. Island Blook .. 36 9 and 14 16 7 and 14 Anderson's Bay Dunedin Brick-making Sand pump 56 25 25 20 20 15 20 85 20 62 20 7 8 16 21 and 40 21 and 40 20 20 20 20 20 20 6J and 10* UJ 6J and 12 6| and 10 First class. it • • Otago Iron Roller Mills .. Burnside Iron-rolling Otago Laundry Co. Otago Sawmilling Co. Paul, Wm. Pennycuick, Jas., & Co. .. Dunedin Dimtroon Palmerston Laundry Sawmill Threshing .. Second class. First class. Locomotive and traction. 0 • • • • u •This ilant has two years' sertiri) ;ate.


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


Nftine of Owner Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. u (a §■3 S Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. OTAGO— continued. Perseveranoe Gold-dredg-ing Co. Ditto .. feranoe Gold-d On. Ired 3g- Alexandra Tool-shop .. 18 Two 6 Second class. Perseverance (No. 2) Golddredging Co. Porter, G. Pringle and Party Golddredging Co. (No. 2.) •Raoson Bros. Real MoKay Coal Co. (JO. Gold-dredging 30 30 9 and 14 First class and two seoond class. Ditto. verance (No. 2) ( rierincr fin Gol ld9 and 14 re A d a, >e: >ii >b *; IE ed er ed SEX J & > ' :ri ini 311 cyi <S aging Uo. r, G. le and Party ( rioinff On /Nn 1. aging uo. (r<o. vs. 3on Bros. .. MoKay Coal Co. & Gray J. B. rtson Bros. .. ison, Ghas... inson & Newbiggi I'side Brick Co. & Glendinning Gol ■) Sing .. Milton Id- Miller's Flat .. .. Kaknnui .. Fortification .. .. Milton .. Dunedin .. Otakai .. Maheno • ■ Berwick ».. Moneymore .. .. Caversham .. Dunedin .. Kaikorai Valley General Gold-dredging Threshing Hauling Machine tools General Threshing General ThreshiDg .. Brickmaking Carbonising Hat-factory Coal-wagon Woollen-factory 8 20 8 16 12 166 8 8 6 6 25 ao 49 5 30 30 50 80 8 8 20 9 9 and 14 9J Two 8 Two 8 9 and 16J 9 6J and 10J 8 8 10 8 12 4 and 7 Nil Nil 18 and 32 11 and 19 9 9 8 and 12| Locomotive and traction. First class and two seoond class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Locomotive and traction. Reid & Gray Reid, J. B. Robertson Bros. Robinson, Chas... *Robinson & Newbigging.. Rockyside Brick Co. Ross & Glendinning Seoond class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. First class. Ryan Bros. m loi n i; )r' Bros. :'s Bend Gold-dre edgi .. Waitahuna ;ing Alexandra Gorge Threshing General Gold-dredging Locomotive and traction. Sailor's Bend Gold-dredging Co. Sailor's Bend (No. 2) Golddredging Co. Sandy Point Gold-dredging Co. Sohlaadt Bros. Scoullar & Cbisholm ShacHock, H. E. Shand, R. Shaw, Savill, & Albion Co. Shiel, C. and W. 20 First class and two second class. Ditto. I, ■'a Tienii fNn O.\ ( lfl. A 8 and 12| >r T :'s Bend (JNo. H) I -Ininfr C\r\ iare d; o. la ul iol ,m iW el elf 31] 10 ed iy i, aa 11 ikl id V, 1, Is, ip Ol] aging (Jo. j Point Gold-drec adt Bros. .. lar & Cbisholm dock, H. E. 3, E. , Savill, & Albior 0. and W. i, -J. pson, W. die Bros. .. :dgi] nC. ing Earnscleugh Flat .. Dunedin .. Waikouaiti 3o. Dunedin .. St. Clair .. St. Kilda .. Glenledi .. Hildenhorpe .. .. North Taieri .. Machine tools Cibinetmaking Machine-shop Flour mill.. Wool-dumping Stone crushing Brick-making Flax-mill .. ThreBhing 25 30 32 32 10 18 16 58 12 8 6 7 8 8 25 25 20 26 65 8 30 9 and 14 9 12 12 18 94 7 and 11 16 Two8f 9 74 8J and 12 9 9 12 15 8 10 10 9 12 and 20 Second olass. First class. Seoond class. Shiels, J. 'Simpson, W. •Smeilie Bros. .. u First class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. •Smith" R. 'Southgate Bros. Sparrow, J. Speight, J., & Co. lii ut ,rr ig itl itr re 3b ;h"R. bgate Bros. ow, J. tit, J., & Co. .. Crookston .. Kakanui .. Dunedin Machine-shop Brewing Seoond class. First class. Second class. H • ' H Steadman, Jas. Stevens, A., & Co. 3r er en iri man, Jas. .. ns, A., & Co. nson & Cook i ise Gold-dredginf igC .. Maungatua .. .. North-east Valley .. Port Chalmers Do. Alexandra General Flour-mill Machine tools Air-compressor Machine tools Gold-dredging Looomotive and traction. First class. Stevenson & Cook » • • 30 20 50 18 8 and 14 10 8 and 14 8J and 16 Second class. First class. First class and two second class. First class. Surprise Gold-dredging Co. Taieri & Peninsula Milk Supply Co. Ditto Taratu Coal & Railway Co. ?.r: ri PI i & Peninsula •ply Co. Mi i]k Dunedin . „» - Dairy factory 20 8 and 14 'Taylor, Jas. A. .. Telford, T. Teviot Fruit Canning Co. Thompson, Bridger, & Co. Todd Bros. Tough, Jno. •Trusler, S. T.T. & O.K. Quarry Co. .. Unity Gold-dredging Co. "i to at yi toi io irr d gl . , to 'Is )t< ot 11] 11 :° .si & y u Coal & Bailwa; or, Jas. A. .. :d, T. t Fruit Canning pson, Bridger, & Bros. i, Jno. ler, S. k O.K. Quarry C ■ Gold-dredging iyO Co. fcCc Do. ! C Do. Kaitangata Taratu Lovell's Flat .. .. Kokoamo .. Balclutha ). Roxburgh o. Dunedin .. Heriot .. Milton .. Arthurton .. Totara Do. Clyde Hauling Winding Hauling Threshing Flax-mill .. Fiuit-canning Wood-factory General Threshing .. T. Hauling Gold-dredging 45 10 16 10 8 12 25 40 8 8 8 10 20 8 and 14 Two 8 Two 8 Two 8 9 Two 8J 8 18 9 9 9 8 and 11 8 and 12| Locomotive and traction. Winding. Locomotive and traction. Second olass. First class. Locomotive and traction. First olass and two second class. Three second class. Upper Waipori Gold-dredg-Co. Waikairi Gold-dredging Co. )e: D. jr : Waipori Gold-d Ired ig- Waipori 18 7 and 11J ca »iri Gold-dredgin ]gC 3o. Clyde 20 8 and 12 J First olass and two second class. * This plant has two years' certificate.


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


Name of Owner. Whire Boiler used. Purpose for which used. is . 9-0 gH o o W Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. OTAGO— continued. Waite, John Walsh & Morrison •Watts, John .. Wilkie & Scott .. Wilson & Party Woronui Coal Co. Kaikorai Bushey Ngapara Bimiside Waipori Coombhay Milton Hampden Dunedin Tannery Threshing 28 8 8 30 20 16 20 8 30 8 81 9 124 7J and 114 8 Two 9 J 84 10 Second class. Locomotive and traction. Flour-mill Gold-dredging Hauling S p cond class. Three second class. Second cla s s. Locomotive and traction. •Wright," J. J. .. " Wright, W., & Sons Threshing Bakery Second class. S Gore iOUTHLAND DISTRH IT. Locomotive and traction. *Aitken, George.. Threshing Chaffing .. Flax-mill .. Wood-working Threshing .. Hauling Threshing only 6 7 16 14 6 8 8 8 14 30 16 14 12 20 14 34 18 4 44 16 16 8 16 8 8 7J and 11J 12J ' 8 6J, 104 9 9 Alford &"Co. Aylirg, A. •Baldy, F. W. .. Ballock Bros. Caroline Creek Invercargill Ryal Bush Riversdale Second class. Locomotive and tractioD. * Baxter, H. S. Bichan, George .. Black & Co. Blair Bros. Bloomfield, H. .. Broad, Small, & Co. Waimea Plains Woodslea Downs Mataura Cattle Flat Glenham Kennington .. Longbush Te Tumutu .. Mill Road Flax-mill Two 84 8g 7, 11J 7§, Hi Two 9j 12| Two 8* Nil Seoond class. Brown Bros. Idle" ! '. •Brown, J. & W." •Butler, E. W. .. Cairnmuir Coal Co. Cameron, D. Carson, W. Central Charlton Golddredging Co. Charlton Creek Gold-dredg-ing Co. Charlton Valley Golddredging Co. Charlton Venture Golddredging Co. Chilton Bros. Clutha River Gold dredging Co. Collet, C. Coombs, C. Kapuka Otiiutau Bannockburn . . Maori Hill Otama Charlton Valley Cuaffing .. 64 6| 8 7, 11J 6i. lOJ 6J, Hi Locomotive and traction. Pumping .. Fiax-mill .. Threshing Gold-dredging n Second class. Locomotive and traction. Three second class. 16 7, ii| 16 7, Hi Second class. Charlton 20 81, 131 First class. Invercargill Cromwell Idle Gold-dredging 8 20 9 8, 12f Locomotive and traction. One first class and two second class. Looomotive and traotion. Coomer, B. T. .. ♦Crawford, Robert Crewe Gold-dredging Co. (No. 1) Ditto .. Cromwell & Bannockburn Coal Co. Ditto Kapuka Oreti Plains .. Mataura Sawing Threshing and ploughing Gold-dredging Threshing Gold-dredging 8 8 20 8 16 9 9 7|, Hi 9 7, 11J Three second class. Locomotive and traction. Three seoond class. Nevis Bannockburn.. Hauling 16 20 7, 11| 8| Second class. Cromwell Gold-dredging Syndicate CroBbie, R. & D. •Cross, G. Cruikshank, William Cunningham, R. •Currie Bros. •Cushine, George Davidson's Freehold Golddredging Co. Dermiston, John Duke of Gordon Golddredging Co. Dixon, Forrest Duncan, J. Dunedin Engineering Co. Edendale Dairy Factory .; Edwards & Rod Electric Gold-dredging Co. (No. 1) Electric Gold-dredging Co. (No. 2) Excelsior Gold-dredging Co. Cromwell Pumping Gold-dredging 16 16 20 Two 10 Two 10 74,13 One first and two second class. Locomotive and traction. Wyndham Waimea Plains Rosedale Garston Gore.. Wyndham Waikaia Threshing, &o. Threshing Twine works Threshing 8 8 27 8 8 8 20 9 9 13, 24 9 9 9 8, 12| First class. Locomotive and traotion. Gold-dredging First class. Waimea Plains Waikaia Chaff-cutting Gold-dredging 6 20 8 9, 13 Locomotive and traction. One first and two seoond class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Mataura Gibbston Clutha Edendale Otatara Kawarau Chaff-cutting Hauling Idle Cheese-factory Fiaxmill .. Gold-dredging 6 30 20 16 14 20 8 Two 104 8, 12| 8 Two 8J 8,12| Second class. One first and two second class. Ditto. 20 8, 12| Clutha River .. 16 7, HJ Three second class. •This plant has two years' iertincate.


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


Name of Owner Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. hi Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. Fairweather, D. *Farrier, A. *Farrier Bros. Fleck, Adam Fleming & Co. .. [OUTHLAND— continu, ',ed. Tisbury Kapuka Waituna Thornbury Gore .. Idle Threshing 28 8 8 8 25 18 15 25 8 16 Nil 9 9 9 8J, 14 Nil 12J 10, 16 9 8, 13 Second class. Locomotive and traction. Threshing & ploughing Flour-mill First class. Second class. Fleming & Gilkinson Frew, A. Garden Gully Gold-dredging Co. Goodger, J. Gore Borough Council Grand Junction Gold-dredg-ing Co. Green, Thomas Grimwood & Arnold Halliday/JWrn. .. Riverton Invercargill Riverton Waimumu Threshing Idle First claps. Locomotive and traction. One first class and two second class. Second class. Cromwell Gore Kawarau Electric light Gold-dredging 20 [ 22 20 Nil 8, 12§ One first and two second olass. Second-class. Hamilton & Co... Harrington Bros. Hartley, A. Hazlett, J. G. & W. *Healy, J. B., & Son Hedgehope Sav\miliing Co. Hessey's Gold-dredging Co. Hickey, W. J. .. Hodgkmson, Thos. Holland, J. Holland, James .. Howson, Jno. O. Hunter Bros. Ibbotson & Co. Ibbotson & Party Golddredging Co. Ibbotson & Party Golddredging Co. (No. 2) Invercargill Borough Council Ditto Near Gore Winton Mahal Bush .. Roslyn Bush .. Te Tua Waikouro Gore .. Hillend Winton Heigehope Waikaia Hauling Flax-mill Sawmill Threshing Sawmill Woodworking Ploughing, &c. Threshing and chaffing Sawmill Golrl-dredge Chaffing Idle Siwmill Hauling 16 14 14 8 12 2& 10 8 44 50 14 6 25 12 8 8 16 16 i 12 5, 10 7}, Hi Two8| 9 Two 8J Two 10 12§ 9 6* 13 7, Hi 8 Two 7£ 7|, 11* 6±, 10J 9j Two 7 7, HI 7|, Hi Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Three second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Makarewa Gore Locomotive and traction. Riversdale Mokoreta Cnatton Waikaka Valley Flax-mill .. Gold-dredging Second class. Three second olass. 12 7£, 14 Invercargill .. Pumping 18 Two 12 First class. Jenkins, A. & J.. . Johnston & Sons •Johnston, W. Wallacetown .. Invercargill .. Wendon, Riversdale Kawarau Road-roller Hauling and threshing Foundry Threshing 18 5* 8 28 8 Two 12 7, 11 9 Locomotive and traction. Second class. and traotion. Junotion Electric Golddredging Co. (No. 1) Junction Waikaka Golddredging Co. •Kay, D. Keith, A. W. Gold-dredging 25 8,121 One first and two second class. Ditto. Waikaka Valley 20 8, 12| Mataura Threshing 8 8 8 9 9 9 Locomotive and traction. Winton Threshing and ploughing Sawmill Gold-dredging Confectionery Chaffing Kilkelly Bros. King Dick Dredging Co. .. Kingsland & Sons •Knipe, George Knipe, G. & A. .. Koputai Dredging Co. Kura Dredging Co. Lady Annie Gold-dredging Co. Lady Florence Gold-dredg-ing Co. Lady Gordon Gold-dredg-ing Co. Lawrence, A. T... Lee & Party Gold-dredging Co. Leggatt & Campbell Grove Bush Mataura Invercargill .. Clifton 14 17 22 7 4£ 20 20 16 Two 84 10, 19 10 7 64 8, 13 8i, 12f 7, Hf Second class. First class. Second class. Locomotive and traotion. Muddy Creek .. Waikaia Gold-dredging First class. ' Three second class. Waikaka Valley 16 74,11 Near Muddy C.eek Maple Grove .. Waikaka Valley 16 7, 11* Invercargill Oraki Waikaka Valley Ploughing .. Gold-aredging Sawmill 6 17 12 20 16 84 10, 19 Two 8$ Two 10g 7, 11J Locomotive and traotion. One first and two second class. Second class. First class. Three second class. Lillies Leaf Syndicate Gold-dredging Co. Lindsay, A. W. .. Lindsay, C. Loch Lomond Gold-dredg-ing Co. Lone Star Gold-dredging Co. L Gold dredging ' .. Drummond Isla Bank Shepperd's Creek Threshing Threshing, &c. Gold-dredging 8 8 16 9 9 7, 11 Looomotive and traction. Three second class. Cardrona 16 8, 13 One first class and two second class. * This plant has two years' certificate.


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


Name of Owner. WbijjBelle u o . is. Purpose for which e-g used. i pq o o Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. ! i Lower Nevis Gold-dredging Nevis Co. Magnum Bonum Gold- Waikaia dredging Co. Main Chance Gold-dredg- Charlton Valley ing Co, Manhire, W. New Eiver Marshall's Freehold Gold- Waimumu dredging Co. Mason's Bay Flax-milling Stewart's Island Co. Massey, H. A. .. .. Colac SOUTHLAND— continued. Gold-dredging .. 16 . 7, Hi Three second class. ... 26 20 8, 12| 8, 13 One first class and two second class. Ditto. Flax-mill .. .. 18 Gold-dredging .. 14 12, 24 7, Hi First class. Three second olass. Flax-mill .. .. 19 12J Second class. .. Gorge Road .. "„ .. .. Mabel Bush .. .. Spar Bush .. Woodend Mas'erton Gold - dredging Waikaia Co. Matanra Paper Mills .. Mafcnura Mearn, H. .. .. Balfour Melvin, A. .. .. Tokonui Melvin, John Mill Creek Freehold Gold- Mill Creek dredging Co. Mill, John, & Co. .. Blufi MofietBros. .. .. Waikawa Moore & Sons .. .. Longwood Moore, James, & Sons ., „ „ .. Biverton Morning Light Dredging Co. Clutha River .. Moss, H. F. .. .. Raianui „ .. .. Riverton Muddy Creek Dredging Co. Wendon Murdoch and Rofi .. Waikawa Murray, W. T., & Co. .. Underwood .. Mystery Flat Gold-dredg- Waikaia ing Co. Ditto .. .. •■ » McCallum & Co. .. Colao Sawmill .. .. 30 Hauling .. .. 12 ..6 Sawmill .. .. 52 ..20 20 Hauling .. .. 10 Sawmill .. .. 28 ..28 Hauling .. .. 8 ..10 Gold-dredging .. 28 Paper-mill.. .. 35 Chaffing and hauling 8 Hauling .. .. 8 Sawmill .. .. 20 Gold-dredging .. 20 Dumping .. .. 16 Sawmill .. .. 36 Hauling .. .. 8 Sawmill .. .. 16 Hauling .. .. 8 Gold dredging .. 25 Sawmill .. .. 30 ..25 Gold-dredging .. 20 Sawmill .. .. 16 Milk-preserving .. 46 .. 130 .. 130 Gold-dredging .. 20 • • 32 Hauling .. .. 8 6 Sawmill .. .. 20 1G ..25 ..25 ..20 Hauling .. .. 6 Sawmill .. .. 25 ..18 Threshing and hauling 8 Chaffingandploughina 6 .Tbreshi'igana hauling 8 Threshing .-. .. 8 8 Flax-mill .. .. 12 Gold-dredging .. 39 .. 20 Sawmill .. .. 16 General .. .. 8 Sawmill .. .. 30 ..16 ..20 Threshing .. .. 6 (iener il .. .. 8 Threshing .. .. 8 8 Flax-mill .. .. 14 Sawmill .. .. 20 Gold-dredging .. 16 161 Two 8 Two 6J 14 W4 154 Two 7 15 15 Two 7 Two 7 8, 12| 13 Si. 6J, 10J Two 11 8J, 13 10J 18J Two 6J m Two 6 8, 12$ 10 15 7, 11 8, 13 10 10 10 8, 13 8, 13 Two 6 lflj T*o9$ 14f We 14& Two 6 15J Two 10 6£, 10J 8 9 9 9 7,114 ■ 8, 12$ 8, 13 Two 10 9 124 Two 10 Two 10 8 64, 104 9 9 Two 84 Two 10 7, 11 First class. Locomotive and traction. Scond class. First class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Locomotive and traction. One first and two second class. I Second class. Locomotive and traction. j First class. One first and two second class Ditto. Locomotive and traction. Secon i class. Locomotive and traction. I First class. Second class. First class. I Second class. First cla-^s. Second class. One fir*t class and two second class. Ditto. Locomotive and traction. First class. Second class. First class. Locomotive and traction. First class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Seoond class. One first and two second class. Ditto. Second class. Locomotive and traotion. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Three second class. '„ .. Fairfax .. Forest Hill .. .. Glenburn „ .. Kapuka .. Sonthport McDonald, John .. Waikaia McDonald, Peter .. D pton McDonald, It. .. .. K-kahouka .. •McDonald, R. B. .. Rdendale •McDonald, Wm. .. Waimea Plains MoK wan, Neil .. ..I Tokonui McGeorge's Freehold Gold- Waikaka Valley di edging Co. Dit'o .. .. •• « McGreg r, D. .. .. Centre Bush .. MoIUriok, J. G. .. Wincon Melntyrv, John .. .. Orepuki Mi'.Kenzie, D. .. .. Barkly McKenzie & Sona .. Hokonut •McKerrow, A. .. .. Waimahaka .. McKinnon, A., jun. .. Gore.. *MeLecd, R. .. .. Chaiton •McLeod, Alexander .. Grove Bush .. McRae Bros. .. .. Mokoreta Neiderer, N. A. .. .. Gorge Road .. Nevis Crossing God-dredg- Nevis ing Co. New Era Gold-dredging Co. Cardrona „ Nevis 20 10 64, 10i 6J, 10| 0 ♦This >lant has two years' certificate.



No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.

Name of Owner. Whure Boiler used. Purpose for which used. I *?* o I 0*0 Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. iOUTHL AND— contini ',ed. New Maori Point Golddredging Co. New Zealand Loan & Mercantile Agency Go. Ngapura (No. 2) Gold-dredg-ing Co. Nichol, W. Maori Point .. Gold-dredging 16 8, 13 One first and two second class. First class. Bluff.. Wool-dumping 14 Two 10J Nevis Gold-dredging 15 7, Hi Three second class. Coutt's Road, Gore Nightcaps Ploughing 6 7 Locomotive and traction. Nightcaps Coal Co. Nugent Gold-dredging Co. Deem Beach Freezingworks Ditto .. Muddy Creek .. Ocean Beach .. Winding Driving fan Gold dredging Freezing .. 20 60 20 40 Two 10 8S 7, 11J 14, 22J, 16, 28 Winding. -Second class. Three second nlasa. First class. •o'idham, O. W... Dtatara Land Proprietary Palmer Bros. Paterson's Freehold Golddredging Co. Paterson's Freehold (No. 2) Gold-dred»i> g Co. Paierson, W. H. Perry Bros. Perry, W. J. Petrie, A. Phcenix Gold-dredging Co. Pioneer (No. 2) Gold-dredg-ing Co. •O'Connor, Vincent Prince Albert Gold-dredg-ing Co. Printz Bro3. Woodlands Otatara Caroline Waikaka Valley a •» . • Boiling down Meat-preserving Hauling Flax mill .. Gold-dredging 40 70 70 14 18 10 14 16 14, 22J, 16, 28 14, 22£, 16, 28 14, 16, 28, 30 14 8 Two 7 7, 11J 7, 11J Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Three second class. 20 8, 13 One first and two second class. Second class. Round Hill .. Wakapatu Gore Waikaka Hauling Sawmill Threshing Gold-dredging 16 12 20 8 16 20 Two 7J 14 14 9 7, 11J 7,111 Loob'motive and traction. Tnree second class. Near Balfour .. Queensbury .. Threshing Gold-dredging 8 16 6J, 11 6J and 11$ Locomotive and traction. Second class. Orepuki Ploughingand threshing Gold-dredging Crushing lime Idle Sawmill Flax-mill Threshing and haulit.g Tnreshing 8 9 Locomotive and traction. Pont Gold dredging Co. .. Qucalp, George .. kamsay, Iv ith .. Raymcnd, J. W. Cromwell Brown's Woodend Near Waiau .. Six-mile Nightcaps Gore 20 14 14 55 12 8 8 8 16 7 and 11J Two Si Two 8 J Two 9| Two 8f 9 9 9 7 and 111 Second class. E'id.Wra. Reid & Grey Locomotive and traction. u Revival Kia Ora Golddredging Co. Riddle Bros. Riley's Revival Dredging Co. Rise and Shine Gold dredging Co. Rise and SMne Gold-dredg-ing Co. (No. 2) Rising Sun Gold-dredging Co. Riverview Dredging Co. .. Robie Bros. Rodger, A. W. .. R >ff & Son Rosedale Dredging Co. .. Ross, Jarvis, & Co. Ro\al Waimumu Golddredging Co. Suinders, F. & S. Scott, D. •Scott, W. L. .. 3eifert, H. Shaw,John Shawe, William Waikaia Gold-dredging Three second class. Waimahaka .. Clutha Cromwell Flax-mill Gold-dredging 14 20 38 Two 8J 8 and 12| 8 and 12j Second class. First class. One first and two seconds. 39 8$ and 17 *- * 40 10 and 16 Waikaka Valley Kiversdale Nightcaps Half-moon Bay Waikaka Valley New River Waimumu Hauling Ploughing Sawmill Gold dredging "Flax-mill Gold-dredging 20 6 9 14 20 33 20 8 and 13 8 9 Two 8J 7 and 111 12 8 and 13 First class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Three second class. Second class. One first and two seconds. Heddon Bush.. Invercargill Otarna Otaperi Otautau Near Mataura Island Otautau Ploughing 8 6 8 8 6 14 9 8J 9 9 8 Locomotive and traction. Threshing .. Fiax-mill .. Stone-crushing Flax-mill.. Two 8$ Second class. Sneddon Bros. ... Threshing and ploughing Sawmill Wood-working Threshing Hauling 8 9 Locomotive and traction. Smith & Co. Smith, William, & Co. .. •Soper, G. A. .. Southland County Council Te Tua Invercargill Garston Invercargill 14 27 8 6 8 23 50 50 Two e$ 13* 9 58, 9J 6}, Hi 81 13,22 13 and 22, 13 and 24 Second class. Locomotive and traction. u Southland Engineering Co. Southland Frozen Meat Co. Foundry .. Freezing Second class. First class. Bluff a 'liis ilant h, ,s two -ears' certiflcal ie.


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.

12— H. 15a.


Name of Owner Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. £ . ■ Diameter to of sVg Cylinders Engines, in £ ° Inches. Class of Driver required. ] SOUTHLAND— continu led. Southland Frozen Meat Co. *> Bluff Ma*aura Wallacetown .. Grasmere Green Hills Orepnki Waimini Waituna Orautau Rosed ale Winton Waikaka Valley South Island .. Freezing and electric light Ditto Manure-works Brick-making Sawmill 102 128 35 44 14 54 20 20 16 14 14 20 8 13, 21 15,21 10 12,21 Two8J 16J Two 10J Two 10 Two 9J 7,11 Two 9 7£, 11 9 First olass. Second olass. First class. Second class. First class. Southland Sand Briok Co. Southland Sawmilling Co. Southland Timber Co. Southland Woollen-mills.. Second class. t> Star Gold-dredging Co. .. Stevenson, George Woollen-mills Flax-mill .. Gold dredging Driving merry - goround Sawmill Three second class. Locomotive and traction. Stewart Island Sawmilling Co. 'Stewart, John Spaden, Adam Sutherland, A. .. Sutherland & Co. Sutherland & Girdler Switzers' Dredging Co. Syndicate (No. 1) Golddredging Co. Syndicate (No. 2) Dredging Co. Taylor, W. Te Hora Gold-dredging Syndicate Thorn, W. P. Timpany Bros. .. .. Half Moon Bay 16 11 Second class. Gore Threshing Wood-working Flax-mill Sawmill Flax mill .. Gold-dredging 8 14 12 14 10 20 16 9 6J and 10J Two 8| Two 8J 6J and 10J 8 and 12} 7 and 11 Locomotive and traction. Second class. Riverton Edendale Hokonui Waikaia Waikaka Valley First class. Three second class. 40 8 and 12| One first and two seconds. Aparima Waikaia Threshing Gold-dredging 8 16 6| and 10J 7 and 11 Locomotive and traction. Three second class. Glen Dhu Fairfax Pahia Sawmill 12 20 25 16 25 16 52 36 8 7 and 11J Two 10 Two 12J Two 10 14J i4 1*4 12 9 Second class. Todd, T., & Sons Waimatua Waikiwi Brick-making Pipe-works Sawmill Threshing and ploughing Thrashing.. Gold-dredging First class. Second class. First class. Second class. First class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Traill Bros. & Smythies .. Tressider, Jno., & Sons .. *Voight, M. F. .. Waikaia Gold-dredging Co. Longwood Glen Dhu, Mataura Pukerau Near Muddy Greek Little Waikaka 8 26 9 9 and 13 One first and two seconds. Waikaka Forks Gold-dredg-ing Co. Waikaka Queen Golddredging Co. Waikaka United (No. 1) Gold-dredging Co. Waikaka United Golddredging Co. (No. 2) Waimumu Gold dredging Co. Waitiri Gold-dredging Co. 20 7J and 11| Second class. Waikaka Valley 16 7 and 11J Three second-class. 20 7 and 11| ' Waikaka # • • 30 8J, 17 One first and two second class. Three second class. Waimumu' 16 7, 11J Wakatipu Gold-dredging Co. •Walker, L. Wallis, R. & F. .. Ward, B. Watson Bros. & Harrington Welshman Gold-dredging Co. Williams, J. R. .. Wilson Bros. Woodlands Meat-preserving Works Wright, Stephenson, & Co. Kawarau Moki Greek Lumsden Gore Ruahine Orepuki ,. Near Waikaia.. Threshing.. Boiling down Sawmill 20 27 8 20 14 20 20 8, 12| 7,11 9 Nil Two 9| Two 10 8J, 125 One first and two second class. Three second class. Locomotive and traction. Second-class. Gold-dredging One first and two secon class. Locomotive and traction Waikaka Valley Orawia Woodlands Hauling and threshing Hauling Meat-preserving 8 8 42 9 9 8 Seoond class. Invercargill Manure-mixing 20 Two 10 Onaero Waitara TARANAKI DISTRIC IT. 8* 4 and 6£ 11 and 20 11 and 20, com. 11 and 20 11 and 20, com. 15 Twp 6J 12 12 Black, P. L. Brickmaking Hauling Freezing 20 5 60 70 85 65 25 6 30 26 Second class. Locomotive and tractionFirst class. Borthwick, T., & Sons * Brown, H.,"& Co. Inglewood Sawmill Locomotive and traction. Second class. TTew Plymouth Sash and door factory •This plant has two years' certificate.


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


Name of Owner Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. u o Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Clues ol Driver required. TARANAKI— continue, I i. Buckman, R. .. Cape Egmont Dairy Co. .. Cardiff Co-operative Dairy Co. Element, W. C. .. Derby Bros. Manaia Pungarehu Cardiff Flax-mill Dairy factory 14 17 17 Two 8J 6 9 Second class. * • • Anderson's Road Toko Huiroa Toko Hawera Eltham Sawmill Hauling Chaff-cutting Box-factory 23 20 20 6 6 40 12 13J 13J Two 4J 8 11J and 14£ H Locomotive and traotion, Edgar & Pease Egmont Co-operative Box Co. Egmont County Council .. Eltham Cooperative Dairy • Co. Ditto .. Fowler, James Opunake Eltham Stone-orushing Dairy factory 7 16 5 and 8J 10* 0 First class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Patea Threshing and ohaffcutting Road-rolling Hauling Oil-boring 30 6 10J 5 and 9 Locomotive and traction. Hawera County Council .. Herbert, W. H. .. Inglewood Oil-boring and Prospecting Co. Johnston, C. H. * Hawera New Plymouth Inglewood 8 6 25 5 and 9 4 and 7J, com. 12 Second class. Near Waitara.. Brickworks Threshing and chaffcutting Ditto Creamery 7 8 81 5J and 9 Looomotive and traction. v • • Joll, Thomas L. .. Waitoitoi Okaiawa Cheese-factory Dairy factory 10 16 17 17 20 6 and 10, com. 9 Nil 8 and 7 9 Second olass. Kakaramea Co - operative Dairy Co. Kaponga Co-operative Dairy Co. Kakaramea .. Kaponga 16 10 Kaupokonui Co - operative Dairy Co. Kelly, Andrew .. Koru Sawmiiling Co. Mills Dairy Co. .. Mills & Rothery Moa Petroleum Co. (Ltd.) Mokau Timber Co. Muggeridge Bros. New Plymouth Borough Council Now Plymouth Harbour Board Ditto New Plymouth Sash and Door Co. Ditto .. Kaupokonui .. 25 8 Puke Ruru Koru Road Mokoia Kahui Road .. Inglewood Mokau River .. Manaia New Plymouth Sawmill Dairy factory Sawmill Oil-boring Sawmill Chaff-cutting Road-rolling 45 16 16 25 27 20 6 6 20 Two 9 10 11 11 13 VI 5| and 9 First class. Second olass. Locomotive and traction. New Plymouth Breakwater Ditto Toko Hauling 10 Two 8 14 16 Two 10 Two 8 Opunake Sawmiiling Co, .. Opunake Timber Co. Pa,rkes & Brooker Patea Meat Co. (Ltd.) Patea Steam Brickworks.. Quinn Bros. .. .. Ramsay & Go. Riversdale Dairy Factory Co. .. Rogers, C. E. Simons, Tnos. 0. Stratford Co-operative Dairy Co. Stratford County Council.. Surrey, A. E. Symes, G. Tariki Road .. New Plymouth Toko Te Kiri Road .. Te Kiri Awatuna Patea Sawmill Traotion Sash and door factory Sawmill Log-hauling Sawmill Boiling down Brickmaking Sash and door factory pil-boring Dairy 50 6 40 50 28 10 30 23 22 20 12 20 Two 14J % 13 i6i 10 and 19 Two 6 12 9 10J 12 Two8J 8 First class. Looomotive and traotion, Second class. First class. Looomotive and traction Second olass. Second class. Hawera Eltham Inaha Bell Block Tariki Road .. Stratford Threshing Sawmill .. Dairy faotory 6 35 16 5J and 9J Two 10J 10 Looomotive and traction, First class. Second class. Inglewood Hawera Midhirst Pukingahu Ngaire Toko Huiroa Fitzcoy Stone-crushing Sawmill Sash and door factory Sawmill Hauling Sawmill 8 14 23 17 8 30 29 40 20 Two 8| 12 14 Two 6J 16 13 14 Two 8 Locomotive and traction, Second class. n ' • ' ' tf Looomotive and traction. First class Seoond class. Taranaki Co-operative Baoon Factory Co. Taranaki County Council.. Taranaki Freezing Co. Freezing New Plymouth Moturoa Stone-crushing Freezing 8 30 6 and 9J 9 and 15, 10J and 21J Ditto Locomotive and traction. First olass. if • • 30 •This tlant has two 'ears' certificate.


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


Name of Owner. Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. © . II c o W Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class of Drivei- required. TARANAKI— continue. id. Taranaki Petroleum Oq. .. Moturoa .. Oil-boring Tarry, James .. .. Inglewood .. Chaff-cutting Union Timber Co. .. Beaconsfield Kd. Sawmill Waitara Harbour Board .. Waitara .. Priestman dredge .. Wells, Philip .. .. New Plymouth Flour-mill West Coast Refrigerating Patea .. Freezing .. Co. .. White, J. .. .. Normanby .. Hauling 25 9 8 9 22 Two 10 11 Two 9 20 19 25 9 and 16 5 4 and 7 Second class. Locomotive and traction, Second class. First class. Locomotive and traction, WELLINGTON DISTR: ICT. Abitio Totara Timber Co. Akitio .. Sawmill Albertson, C. .. .. Nireaha Allen, J., & Son .. .. Upper Plain .. Threshing, &o. Allender & Son .. .. Ngahauranga .. Soap-making Anderson, Carl .. .. Rongotea District General Anderson, John .. .. Mangamahoe .. Sawmill Anderson & Co. .. .. Makatote .. Machine shop , .. .. Makatote Via- Bridge-work duct Andrew, R. C. .. .. Feilding .. General Austin Bros. .. .. Foxton .. Flax-mill 25 14 20 12$ 6 6 and 10 20 Nil 6 5J and 10 23 13 10 7 and 10 20 Two 8 Seoond class. Locomotive and traction Second olass. Locomotive and traction. Seoond class. First class. Second class. Austin, O. B. .. Ballance Co-operative Dairy Bailance .. Dairy factory Co. Ditto .. .. .. Konini .. Butter-factory .. Scarborough .. Creamery Banks & Co. .. .. Ngahauranga .. Manure-works .. Table Flat .. Sawmill .. Barber, W. H. P. .. Wellington .. Dye-works.. Barrell, Chas. A. .. Mangatainoka General Bartholomew, J., & Co. .. Tailiape .. Sawmill Bartholomew, P. .. Gladstone Road „ .. ' „ .. Weraroa .. „ 6 5* and 10 -50 15 32 15 24 8J and 12f 19 10 Locomotive and traction. First class. Second class. Bartholomew Bros. .. Feilding .. Sash and door factory Bassett, W. G. .. .. Wanganui Beazar, M. .. .. Feilding .. General .. 18 10 16 10 18 10 25 12J 40 8 5 5J and 8| 30 14 44 16 45 16 40 14 37 12& 36 12 8 5 and 9 6 6J and 10 12 7 and 11 25 12 30 6J and 10| 16 Two 9 17 8J 22 Two 6, two 7 Locomotive and traction Second class. First class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Bell, R. T. .. .. New Plymouth Petroleum-works „ .. .. Parawanui .. Flax-mill .. Bell & Green .. .. Moutoa Bird Bros. .. .. Manakau .. Sawmill Bisdee, S. O. .. .. Pahiatua .. Brickmaking Blackball Coal Co. .. Hulk "Elinor Hoisting .. Vernon " .. Hulk" Jean Peroux" Booth & Co., Wm. .. Carterton .. Sawmill .. 30 Two 7 „ .. a . • a „ ..„ .. Log-hauling Broad & Reeves.. .. Himitangi .. Fiax-mill .. Broadbelt, Alex. .. Rongotea .. Sawmill Brookie, A. .. .. Turakina .. General Brown & Anderson .. Taihape .. Sawmill „ .. .. „ Log-hauling Buchanan, J., & Co. .. Okoia .. Bacon-factory Burt, Wm. .. .. Whiteman's Sawmill .. Valley Burt, W. & T. .. .. Upper Hutt .. Cable, W., & Co. .. Wellington .. Foundry .. Campbell, N. .. .. Reikorangi .. Sawmill „ .. .. „ .. Log-hauling „ .. .. „ .. Sawmill Campbell Land and Timber Otaki Gorge .. Co. Ditto .. .. .. Te Horo Castlecliff Railway Co. .. Wanganui .. Hauling 50 16JI 50 16if 40 Two 11$ 20 Two 11 19 Two 8 24 11 12 Two 8$ 8 9 30 14 15 Two 8$ 17 8 16 Two 9 First class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. 37 13 70 7 and 13 35 16| 25 Two 8J 14 16| 25 12 First class. Second class. First class. Second class. Chalmers, W. .. .. Wellington .. Cooperage Chamberlain, T. G. .. Masterton .. Threshing, &o. Chamberlain & Son .. „ .. Flour-mill.. Chamberlain Bros. .. „ .. Threshing, &o. Chapman, Wm., & Co. .. Featherston .. Chapman & Co. .. Martinborough Threshing .. 37 14$ 18 Two 10 12 Two 10 28 12 8 9 20 9 and 14 6 8 6 9 8 6J and 10 J, com. First class Locomotive and traction Second class. Locomotive and traotion, First class. Looomotive and traction,


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


Name of Owner Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. s M 1° Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. ■ Class of Driver required. ■ELLINGTON— contin, led. Chase Morris & Co. Christchuroh Patent Brick Co. Comptou, A. Cook,*Thos. Cook, Wm. Cooper & Sons Coradine & Whittaker .. Couohman, C. F. .. Crabtree & Sons Craig, W. Craw, G. Craw Bros. Crease, E. H., & Son Dalefield Dairy Factory Co. Daniell, C. B. .. Mangamaire .. Kilbirnie Sawmill Brickmaking 42 22 16 14 First class. Second class. Wellington Petone Palmerston N. Berhampore .. Mount Blano .. Petone Wellington .. Waiouru Linton Tokomaru Wellington Dalefield Masterton Mataiwhi Masterton Sash and door factory Cooperage 20 26 24 18 20 17 16 14 14 12 19 24 44 10 27 25 50 30 25 17 50 19 23 10 10 H 13 10| 124 6 11 Two 8| 7| and 12 7 and 10J Nil 9 16 Two 8J 12 If If 10 Nil Brickworks Sawmill Laundry Foundry Flax-mill .. «■' First class. Second class. Jam-making Cheese-factory Sawmill Log-hauling Sash and door factory Sawmill a First class. Second class. Daniell, C. E., & Co. Defiance Butter Co. Diamond Confectionery Co. Dickie, W. & R. Dimock, W., & Co. Weraiti Makino Wellington Wanganui Ngahauranga.. Dairy Steaming Flour-mill.. Meat-preserving Steaming Bacon-factory Hauling First class. It Second class. Dimock & Co. Donald, H. Wellington Featherston and Martinborough Nireaha 10 4 and 8 Locomotive and traction. Drysdale, Jas. Sawmill 38 30 40 12 6 6 17 12* 124 18J Two 8 § 8 8J 9£ Second class. Easson, J. W., & Co. Easton, F. S. Edwards, R. G. .. Eggleton, W. .. Eketahuna Brick and Tile Co. Kilbirnie Moutoa Marton Bunnythorpe .. Eketahuna Flax-mill General Locomotive and traction. Brickmaking Second class. Evans Bay Timber Co. .. Ewington, J. C. .. Kilbirnie Masterton M'kimiki Kaiparoro Featherston .. Sawmill Ploughing.. Sawmill 38 6 14 40 21 13 5 J and 8 J Two8| Two 10J 6 Locomotive and traction. Second class. First class. Seoond class. Falkner, A. Featherston Co-operative Dairy Co. Fitchett & Lowe Flowers, Thos. Foot, Wm. Hy. ... Frederiok, August Gaby, H. Gamman & Co. .. Brooklyn Bull's Oroua Bridge .. Porewa Newtown Palmerston N. Uhakune Dairy factory Brick-works Flour-mill Sawmill General Foundry Sawmill 33 17 6 6 17 17 45 45 45 36 16 23 2 20 38 65 65 65 12 65 50 50 30 30 28 73 73 12 38 6 20 32 25 23 40 6 12 9 7J 8 i, 4J, 6 Two 8 16 16 14 12 12 12 4* 8 J and 11 Two 8i Nil Nil Nil Two 8 17 and 34 8£ and 14 8J and 14 8J and 14 8| and 14 Two 8 17 and 34 17 and 34 7 and 11 1C n 5J 12 10 12 18 5J and 8J Locomotive and traction. Second olass. First class. Gamman, G. A. .. Gardener, G., & Sons Gardner, Geo., & Sons Te Oka Mill .. Turangarere .. Atea Taoroa Kereru Pongaroa Pukihinau Pefcone ir J** , * * • Seoond class. Gardner, Robt. Gardner & Yeoman Hauling flax Sawmill Locomotive and traction. Second olass. Gear Meat Preserving Co. Freezing Hauling Freezing-works Mauure-worka Locomotive and traction. First class. Hauling Fret zing-works Locomotive and traction. First class. Gemmel, J. Gibbs, A. F., & Co. Gifford & Henson Gilberd, J. B., &.Son Gilbert Machinery Co. Goodbehere & Eog Gordon, A. L.,& Co. Gower & Grice Greenaway, Thos. Ornua Bridge .. Utiku Hongotea Castlecliff Okuku Manui , T.irangarere .. Mangaonoho .. Martinborough Flax-mill .. Sawmill Threshing .. S ap-works Flax-mill .. Sawmill Seoond class. First class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Hauling General Locomotive and traotion.


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.

IB—R. 15a,


Nome of Owner. Whore Boiler used Purpose for which used. «L> . || o o H Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Olaes of Drivei- required. ELLINGTON— contin; ted. Greenwood & Whiteman.. Greig, H. Halley & Ewing.. Harvey, W. Harvey, W. J. M. Akatarawa Foxton Wellington Marton Around Marton Stwmill Flax-mill Sash and door factory General Threshing and chaffcutting Carrjing goods 22 26 18 7 7 12 101 124 8J 84 Second class. J Locomotive and traction, . Hatriok, A., & Co. Hawke's Bay Dairy Co. .. Henderson Bros. Around Wanganui Mangatainoka Marton Dairy factory Flour-mill 5 21 20 25 12 , 25 46 16 6 6 6 6 6 4 and 64 10 12 8J and 14 7 and 11 10 9 74 4 and 7 8 8 44 and 8 8 Second olass. Henton & Firth Hill, H. Hirst & Co. Hoar & Baillie Hogg, J., & Co. .. Howard, J. .. Hussey, Hansen, & Co. Hutt Borough Council Hutt County Council Alfredton Wellington Kaiwarra Eketahuna Wanganui Marton District Marton Lower Hutt .. Wellington Flax-mill Brick and pipe works Tannery Sash and door factory Steam-wagon General .. ! First class. I Second class. j Locomotive and traction. f/ Road-roller Hauling and stonecrushing Sawmill Powdered-milk factory Hutt Valley Timber Co. .. Imperial Dried Milk Co. .. Lower Hutt .. Bunny thorpe .. 28 30 150 IS 12 16 16 I0J Second class. First class. Isbister, E., & Co. Wellington Sawing and plaoingmill Ploughing General Flax-mill Threshing, &o. Chaff-cutting Hauling, &c. Hauling Creamery Flax-mill .. Threshing and chaffcutting Chaff-cutting Hauling Second class. Jankson, H. H. .. James, T. P. Jaivis, H. Johnson Bros. Woodside Stanway Kairanga Parkvale U e\ 6 6 8 17 '' 14 6 7 and 114 6 and 10 Two 84 8 6 and 10 8 64 and 10 8 Two 9§ 8 Locomotive and traction. : Second class. i Locomotive and traction. Jones, C. E. Jones, E^ Kaponga Dairy Co. Karioi Flax Co. Keeling & Wynn-Williams Matarawa Masterton Kaponga Karioi Mastarton Second class. ; Locomotive and traction. Kelburne and Karori Tramway Co. Ditto Knight, B. L. .. Wellington 6 26 8 9 and 16 i First class. Utiku '.'. Sawmill Hauling Log-hauling Flax-mill General Flax-mill General Threshing Flax-mill Creamery Flax-mill Brickmaking Machine shop Laundry .. Flax-mill General Hauling 26 50 11* 15 14 8 i 16 6 I 6 12 17 12 22 45 25 28 7 10 16 32 ! 9 and 16 13 Two 8 Two7| 74 and 12 9 10 74 5| and 84 7 and 11 19 7 and 10j 104 ' 7| and 11 9 11 5| and 9 Two 74 Two 9 94 Second class. Locomotive and traction. Koputarua Fibre Co. Lawson, Jno. Ledward, D. Levett, C. J. Koputarua Halcombe Mataroa Wanganui Fordell Oroua Bridge .. Levin Tokomaru Wellington I First class. ; Locomotive and traction. i Second class. : Locomotive and traction. Levien and Bell Levin Co-operative Dairy Co. Liggins, J. H. .. Lloyd, F. Luke, S., & Son Lyons, Maurice McDonald, Bevan,& Co. .. Managh, J. & G. Manawatu County Council a. ' • I Second olass. " Levin Halcombe Sanson Locomotive and traction. Manawatu Meat and Coldstorage Co. Manawatu Roller Flour Mills Manawatu Timber Co. .. Awapuni Palmerston N. Steaming Flour-mill 27 6. 94, and 16 Second class. First class. Kawhatau Taihape Toitoi Oroua Bridge .. Marton Masterton Sawmill 18 36 50 16 i 22 7 19 Two 10 124 14 8| and 14} 11 64 and 10 11 Second claes. , Mardon Bros. Marton Sash and Door Co. Masterton Borough Council Masterton Co-operative Dairy Company Matthews Bros. Maurioeville Dairy Factory Co. Merson, W. Milverton & Sons Miramar Athletio Park & Wonderland Co. Mitchell & King Mokau Timber Co. Flax-mill .. Sash and door factory Road-roller Dairy factory First olass. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Sanson Mauriceville .. General Dairy faotory 6 30 5J and 94 8 Locomotive and traction. Second class. Mangaituroa .. Palmerston N Miramar Sawmill General Hauling 20 6 2 11 5| and 84 Two 3 Locomotive and traction. Wellington Mokau Pile-driving Sawmill .. ,. 25 42 9 16 I Second class. First class,


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


Name of Owner. Whure Boiler used. Purpose for whiota used. u a> . u ©pq oo H Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. ELLINGTON— contim <M. Murphy, W. Murray, D. Mutrie, Alex. McCarthy, T. G. McDonald, A. .. McEwen & Carter McGregor & Burr McGregor, Ewan Wellington Wanganui Kuripuni Wellington Foxton Petone Wanganui Mangaonobo .. Brick and pipe works j Engineer's shop Threshing and chaffcutting Brewery Flax-mill .. .. | Road-wagon General Sawmill Log-hauling 24 20 6 30 12 6 6 20 20 15 17 32 19 6 23 6 6 8 6 16 17 17 6 6 50 22 40 12 10 8 7 Two 8J 4 and 7 7| 15 Two 8J Two 8.J Two 8" 16* Two 9 4 anfl 7 14 6 and 10 8 61 and 10J 8 Two 9i 17 17 8 8 8 8 10 and 20 Second class. Locomotive and traction. Seoond olass. Locomotive and traction, First class. Second class. it • • McGregor, J. McGregor, J. A, .. McGregor, John McGuire, A. McHattie, G. & J. Mcllray, Owen .. McLachlan Bros. Linton Levin Moturimu Tararua Range Wellington Taueru Halcombe Opaki ■Hauling .. Sawmill .. .. Log-haulirig Hauling .. Sawmill .. General .. '. . Cnaff-cutting Threshing, &o. Threshing Sawmill Sash and door factory First class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction McLaren, W. A., & Co. . . McLeod, Alex. .. McLeod, Weir, & Hopkirk Marton Opaki Wellington Locomotive and traction. Second class. First class. McPhee, Hugh Carterton Hauling, &c. Threshing Laundry Locomotive and traction Naismith, W., and Co. .. Wellington Second class. National Mortgage and Agenoy Co, Ditto Newton, John N. Z. Farmers' Dairy Union N.Z. Government (Defence Department) N.Z. Government (Mental Hospital) Ditto Longburn Refrigerating First class. Kaiwarra Eketahuna Mahanga Bay.. Soap-works Dairy factory Electric light 40 22 36 27 10 and 20 6 10 10 and 16 Second olass. Exempt. Mount View Asylum Ditto Porirua Laundry 30 Nil // • • Steaming 30 20 20 43 35 Nil 9£ and 15 9J and 15 9| and 15 9 and 15 // • • • • N.Z. Government (Printing Office) Ditto N.Z. Government (Prisons Department) .. N.Z. Government (Public Works Department) Ditto Wellington Printing Mount Cook .. Printing, &o. Brick-making 35 38 9 and 15 14 Ohakune Stone-crushing 9 7 and 11 // • ■ Hauling 12 8 8 16 16 24 8 and 12f 6J and 10J ' 9| Two 9 Two 11 Two 8 1/ ■ ■ Taihape Ballasting N.Z. Government (Coal Mines) Ditto Hulk "Coromandel " Wellington Hoisting Hauling 6 6 18 22 18 27 20 25 6 10 6 6 17 14 6 4 and 7 4J and 7 9 84 ? 9 10 8 and 10 6J and llf 6 and 10J i and 7 8i Two 9 5J and 8£ N Z. Soap and Candle Co. Kaiwarra » • * . ■ Boiling down Candle-works Second class. >'" Norris, H. O'Connor, J. Oldfield, Wm. .. Orbell, E. Orbell, J. Oroua Carrying Co. Otaki-Manakau Daily Co. Palmer, R.,& Son Palmerston North Borough Council Palmerston North Sash and Door Co. Papakiri Fibre Co. . : Parsons & Cockburn Perham & Larsen Newtown Shannon Marton Martinborough Manure-drying Brick-works Flax-mill General Hauling Looomotive and traotion. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Feilding Otaki Makomako Palmerston N, Dairy factory Sawmill Road-ioller Second class. Locomotive and traction. Sash and door factoiy 50 16| First class. Papakiri Halcombe Dist. Utiku Flax-mill General .. • Sawmill .. ... 14 6 42 16 8 10 20 40 7J and 12J 0 and 10 16 Two 9 8J 6f and llf 11 and 14f Nil Locomotive and traotion. First class. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Phillips, "Robt. .. Pitcaithly & Co. » • • Awahuri Wellington Belmont Wellington Flax-mill Hauling Stone-orushing First class. Second class, u ' *


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


Name of Owner Where Boiler used. Purpose lor which used. u go Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. WELLINGTON—eontini ued. Pleasants, 0. 0. Poppelwel], John Porter, D. B. Powell, J. J. K. .. Hal combe Hukanui .; Koputarua Wellington General Sawmill Flax mill •'• Hauling e 14 12 8 6 9 36 50 40 50 37 60 20 " 26 17 6 14 35 8 19 10 14 26 45 18 14 20 17 30 32 5 30 14 12 6 12 12 12 12 14 17 35 5 J and 8| Two 9J 7 and 11 9 4 and 7 i and 7 16 12 IO4 12 13 Two 121 13 '? 4 and 7 Two 81 13 6J and 10 10| 7 and 11J Two 8} 81 12 12 Two 81 8 12| 18J 14 7 10 Two 8J 7 and 11 6 and 6 7 and 11 7 and 11 7 and 11 7 and 11 TwoSf 104 13 Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Price & Co. Pi-ice, Thos. Prouse Bros. Akatarawa Petone Wellington Weraroa Shannon Wellington Nireaha Wellington Rahotu Hunterville Manakau Admiral's Road-wagon Sawmill First class. Second class. Sash and door faotory Sawmill Pryde, A., & Son Puketapu Sawmilling Co. Rihotu Dairy Co. Rangitikfi County Council Ransneld, R. Rathbone, Thos. First class. Second class. Rayncr, B. R. .. Read, D. Rewa Dairy Factory Co. ,. Robertson, D., & Co. Rongotea Dairy Factory Co. Ross, W., & Co. .. Rouse & Hurrell Saunders Bros. Schmidt & Saunders Carterton Kakara Akatarawa Rewa Wellington Rongotea Awahou Wellington Moutoa Shannon Tararua Bange Opaki Castlecliff Maungawa Kereru Shannon Tokomaru Creamery j Hauling Flax-mill Sawmill Hauling Sawmill Ploughing Sawmill Dairy factory Foundry Dairy factory Flax-mil Coach-factory Flax-rnill Sawmill .. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction, Second class. u Bcorrar, J. Scott Bros. ... Seed,F. & A. .. Seifert, A. Seifert, A. L., & Co. (Ltd.) Seifert, G. Seifert, G-., & Co. Beifert, L. Seifert, Lou's Seivwright, J. P. Sheath, P. A. .. Silverstream Brick & Tile Co. Simpson, R. K. .. Smilh & Donald.. Smith, MoKean, & Co. .. Smith, R. W, .. I Chaff-cutting Wool-scouring Sawmill Flax-mill .. Hauling Flax-mill .. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Oroua Bridge .. i Akatarawa Mangamahoe .. Silverstream .. I j Sawmill .. : Brick-making Marton Mataroa Torere Road .. Mataroa Road.. Taihape Ohakune Wanganui General Sawmill Log-hauling Sawmill Steel-pipe making .. 6 26 50 45 15 25 73 5 and 8 12 10 15 Two 81 10 12 Locomotive and traction Second class. First class. Second class. Sollitt Bros. Spiral Steel Pipe Co. of New Zealand Stafford, F. G. .. Siaples & Co. 1 20 J 35 66 23 23 i U 15 I 15 7 and 11 10 10 20 20 20 Two 81 Two 81 Miramar Wellington j Woodwork.. J Brewery Stewart Timber Co. Sawmill First class. 'Strand Bros. Nai Nai Whiteman's Valley Ditto Akatarawa Nai Nai Opaki Manakau Log-hauling Second olass. Sawmill 14 16 ! 16 26 12 19 6 6 I 40 1 27 6 33 33 12 20 24 40 12 28 Two 81 10| Two 9 Two 8 Two 8} 12 8 5 and 9 14 12 8 11 11 7 and 11 10 10 12 Two 81 10 Styles & Coley Swainson & Bevan Flax-mill Hauling Locomotive and traction. Syme, G. Syitions, James Tanner, R. Taupo Totara Timber Co. .. Winiata Wirikino Longburn Wellington Sawmill j Flax-mill Threshing Sawmill Second clabs. Locomotive and traction. Second class. Tennant, James.. Te Opakahe Co. (Ltd.) .. Tonks, E. Tonks, Wm. Toogood & Co. Toogood, Wm. ... OrouaJMdge .. Kereru Wellington Flax-mill .. \ Brickmaking Flour-mill.. Flax-mill. . '• Longbush Kahautara * This plant has two years' cei rtincate.


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


Name of Owner Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. » . If Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Class of Driver required. 'ELLINGTON— eontim ted. Trevor, J. .. .. Palmerston North Tu Mukanui (Ltd.) .. | Tokomaru Brickmaking 12 12* Second class. Turangarere Sawmill Go. .. Turangarere .. Udy, A. V. .. .. Hukanui Udv, H. .. .. Petone Union Steamship Co. .. Hulk "Arawatta" .. Hulk "Dilpussund " .. Hulk "Occident" Flax-mill .. Sawmill 12 12 33 25 35 21 7 and 11 7 and 11 Two 9 16i 9 Two 6, two 7 First clasa. Second class. Hoisting .. 20 6, 7, and 8 46 Two 6, two 7, two 8, two 10 Two 7 10 7 8J and 14 .. Hulk "Tobias" „ .. Wellington Wairarapa, Bacon Co. .. Carterton Wftirarapa Brick and Tile Works Wakeley, W. W. .. Kahautara .. Wakelin Bros. .. .. Carterton Wa!den,W. .. .. Foxton Wall Bros. .. .. M-irtinborough Borough Council Wanganui Wauganui Corporation .. „ Wanganui Fire Brigade .. „ Wanganui Harbour Board „ Wanganui Meat Freezing Castlecliff Co. Ditto .. Engineer's shop Bacon-factory Brickmaking Flax-mill Flour-mill Chaff-cutting Flax-mill .. Hauling .. Road-lolling Fire-engine .. ; Dredging .. ! Refrigerating 21 20 19 18 16 19 8 12 6 6 12 25 80 8 and 12J 6£ and 9 Two 8J 7 and H^4 and 7 5£ and 8| Two 8J 9 and 13 12 and 20 First class. Second class. Looomotive and traotion. First class. .. Aramoho .. Oastleclifl Freezing 80 80 40 80 118 24 50 12 and 20 12 and 20 12 12 and 20 12 and 20 12 Two 14J Second class. First class. „ .. .. .. Aramoho Wauganui Sash and Door Wanganui Factory Warring, J. .. .. Marton Sash and door factory Second clas3. First class. Chaff-3Utting and threshing Ditto General Threshing Dairy factory 6 8 Locomotive and traotion. •Warring, Jos. .. .. Mount Curl .. j „ .. .. I Marton Waugh, R. & J. K. .. Kimb .Iton Waverley Co-operative I Aramoho Diiry Co. Wellington Biscuit Co. .. Wellington 8 7 7 30 9 6J and 8 8 8 Second class. Wellington City Council... Biscuit-factory Electric lighting 32 30 50 50 88 12 12 18 and 26 18 and 26 9£, 11,15,16|, 23 Ditto 9 15 and 30 Two8f 15 and 30 15 and 30 15 and 30 17, 24J, and 37J 17.24J, 37* 17, 24£, 37| 13J, lyj, 28 4 and 7 17, 24J, 37J 17, 24J, 374 17, 24|, 37| 94, 15, 23 First class. ft • • Pumping .. Drainage ■ works ! Pumping air Pumping Road-roller Blectric lighting Stone-crushing Roid-roller Electric lighting 88 88 6 100 14 8 100 130 100 65 65 65 350 G 65 65 65 115 .. Wellington Locomotive and traction Firet class. Second class. Locomotive and traction First class. " rr • ■ „ Electrio trams Electric light Hauling Tramways Locomotive and traction, First class. I I Tramway power-house Destructor and pumping Ditto j I Tramway power-house Electric light 115 115 65 455 350 27 94, 15, 23 9|. 15, 23 17, 24J.374 Turbine 13*, 19$, 28 12 Wellington Fresh Food and Ioe Co. Ditto Wellington Gas Co. Butter-factory Dairy faotory Pumping, &o. 27 36 36 12 7,8,10 7, 8, 10 Second class. Second class. e *Thii plant has two 'eai-B' oer iiftcati


No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.


Name of Owner. Purposed which g.| o o a Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Inches. Clafea of Driver required. WELLINGTON— continued. ted. Wellington Harbour Board Wellington .. Pumping .. I 106 106 106 9 16 140 24 15 and 30 15 and 30 Two 9 Two9J 15 and 30 8ft I First class. ! Second class. First class. Second class. .. 106 „ „ .. Dredging .. .. 9 „ „ Fire-engine .. 16 „ „ Pumping .. .. 140 Wellington Hospital Trus- „ .. Laundry, &o. .. 24 tees Ditto .. .. .. ! . .. „ 24 Wellington and Manawatu „ .. Hauling .. .. 40 Railway Co. Ditto .. .. „ .. I .. 40 .. Locomotive .. 31 .. Hauling .. .. 45 117K 24 40 Two 16 i ! Looomotive and traotion • .. 175 ..75 no 28 no .. I 33 „ .. .. „ .. Locomotive .. 33 .. Traction .. .. 33 oo ..33 .. „ .. Hauling .. .. 30 . .1 „ .. Shop tools .. 40 .. Hauling .. .. 40 „ . . . .. t, • • Locomotive .. 88 40 31 45 175 75 28 33 33 33 33 30 40 40 88 Two 16 Two 11, two 18 Two 10, two 17 Two 11, two 18 Two 10, two 17 Two 12 Two 12 Two 13 Two 15 Two 11, two 18 Two 15 12 Two 16 Two sets, 10J and 19 each 12 Two 19 Two sets, 12 and 17 10 and 17 Two 16J Two 16| Two 16J 19 and 28 | 19 and 28 8£ and 14J 12 12 Nil " Seoond class. Locomotive and traction Second olass. Looomotive and traction " H i First class. Second class. .. ! „ .. Engineer's shop .. 25 .. Hauling .. .. 100 .. Locomotive .. 90 25 100 90 ..80 ..80 80 fff\ .. i „ .. „ 70 Wellington Meat Export Co. Ngahauranga .. Freezing .. .. 35 en ■ ■ „ ■■ .. 60 „ „ .. Boiling down .. 38 „ „ Meat-preserving .. 124 „ „ .. Preserving-works .. 124 „ „ Boiling down .. 20 on „ 20 „ Wellington .. Freezing .. .. 40 A A ...... 40 Ngahauranga .. Freezing-works .. 100 „ „ Fellmongery .. 84 Alicetown .. Pumping .. .. 40 Ngahauranga .. Gas-making .. 56 80 80 80 70 35 60 38 124 124 20 20 40 40 100 84 40 56 56 56 5 23 23 65 65 6 19 and 28 19 and 28 19 and 28 Nil Two 12 Nil First class. Second class. First class. Second class. , ..56 (re . ..56 Wellington .. Hauling .. ..' 5 Wellington Patent Slip Co. I Patent Slip .. „ .. 23 .. ..23 Wellington Woollen Co. .. Petone .. Woollen-mills .. 65 P.K 4 and 7 Two 16 Two 16 17J and 35 17| and 35 5£ and 1\ Locomotive and traction. First class. Locomotive and traction, .. .. „ ..65 •Wilkes & McDonald .. Waverley .. Threshing and chaff- 6 cutting Wills, P. .. .. Wellington .. j Laundry .. .. 87 Woodley, J. ;. .. j Carterton .. Hauling, &a. .. 6 Woodley, John .. .. I Masterton .. ! Threshing and chafi- 6 J[- cutting 87 6 6 8 8 8 Second class. Locomotive and traotion. WESTLAKD DISTRICT. 8 and 12| | First class. Antonio's Flat Gold-dredg- i Antonio's .. j Gold-dredging .. ' 25 ing Co. Arahura Sawmilling Co. .. j Arahura .. | Sawmill .. .. 17 Baxter Bros. .. .. i Baxter's Siding I „ .. .. j 16 „ .. .. Arahura .. „ .. .. ! 32 Bignell's No Town Gold- j No Town Creek Gold-dredging .. j 20 dredging 0o. Blackwater River Gold- ! Blackwater .. j „ 25 dredging Co. Butler, Osmond .. .. Gladstone Siding; Sawmill .. .. ' 20 Cambridge, Buteman, & Cameron's .. ! Gold-dredging .. 16 Grant Chinn, Wm. .. .. Mikonui .. : Flax-mill .. .. | 12 Chinn, W., & Co. .. Karangaroa ..- , .. ...[25 Cowie & Bice .. .. j Mosquito Creek Gold-dredging .. ! 20 Dispatch Foundry Oo. .. Greymouth .. ' Engineers' shop .. 20 ! . .. 20 8 and 12} Two 9f 1*1 8 and 12| 8 and 13J Second class. First class. Hi 7 and 11J Second class, Two 8}i Two 8H 7 and 11 11 11 Second class. •This plant has two years' certificate.



No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.

Name of Owosr Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. y Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, iu Inches. Cla,ss of Driver required. VYESTLAND— continu, ed. Erickson, George Greenstone Creek Golddredging Co. Greenntone 3-mile Golddredging Co. Greymouth Borough Council Ditto Greymouth Harbour Board Ah aura Amuri Greenstone Hauling Sawmill Gold-dredging \ a 25 20 9 17| 7 and 11J Locomotive and traction. First claSs. Second class. Greenstone Creek Greymouth Fire-engine 20 7 7 and 11J Three 7 Cobden Greymouth Cobden to Greymouth Ditto Cobden Grey River Koss Rimu Kotuku Aratika Greenstone Road-rolling Derrick Locomotive Hauling 5 ! 8 8 10 5J and 8J Two 9 Two 7 Two 8 Locomotive and traction Second class. Locomotive and traction // Grimmond, Jos. Hansen & Sons Jack Bros. Kotuku Sawmill Co. Kumara Dredging Syndicate K. K. Sawmilling Co. 15-ton crane Dredging Sawmill I 15 9 25 32 20 35 60 23 Two 10 Two 9 Two 12 12 1\ and 11J 11 and 17$ 18 8 and 13 Second class. First class. Second class. First class. Gold-dredging Kumara Rail-way-station Moana Sawmill Hauling .. j 37 8 14 Two 6 Second class. Locomotive and traction Lake Brunner Sawmilling Co. Ditto .. i 16 16 20 Ruru Stafford Sawmill Two 10 Two 10 18 Second class. Lincoln Bros., Toomey, & Peebles Ditto Mabin, N. Mahinapna Sawmilling Co. Malfroy, J. C, &.Co. First class. Hoh'o Hokitika Three-mile Gold-dredging Sawmill .. 16 16 16 40 9 16 36 15 60 25 Two9J 9 and \\\ 7 and 13$ 16 Two 7 Two 8 8£ and 14 J Two 11 12 and 22 Second class. First class. McGregor, E. .. Moana Sawmill Co. Morris & Roberts Lake Mabinapua Mcana Mahinapua Hauling Sand-lifting Sawmill .. Locomotive and traction Second class. First class. Morris, Wm. Kumara Rail-way-station Mosquito Creek .. ' ..I Mosquito Gold-dredging Syi-dicfite Moss, G. W., & Co. Nelson Creek Gold-dredging Co. Ditto New Trafalgar Gold-dredg-ing Co. New Woodstock Golddredging Co. N.Z. Government (Public Works Department) Ditto (State Coal Mines) .. Gold-dredging 20 8 and 13 Sheedy's Siding Nelson Creek .. Sawmill Gold-dredging 20 20 Two 10 7 and11J Second class. 30 20 9 and 14 8 and 12J First class. Woodstock 35 9| and 14$ Hokitika Hauling 20 Two 10 Exempt. Ngahere Milling Co. Ngabere Sawmilling Co. .. No Town (No. 2) Golddredging Co. Pactolus (No. 1) Golddredging Co. Paotolus Gold-dredging Co. Perotti, Gerald Perry, Hegan, & Co. Pt. Elizabeth .. Ngahere Birohfield No Town Creek Pumping Sawmill Hauling Gold-dredging 20 20 50 10 20 Two 10 7 and 11J 9 and 14 Two 7 8 and12| First class. Locomotive and traction First class. Nelson Creek ..-' 20 7 and 11J Second class. Sawmill 32 12 20 20 20 40 9 and 14 Two 8J Two 9i Two 10 14 10 and 16 First class. Second class. South Spit Bed Jack's Sawmilling Co. Reefion Electric Lighting and Power Co. Roberts, D. H. .. Robertson and Party Golddredging Co. Slab Hut Gold-dredging Co. Stafford Gold-dredging Co. Stewart & Chapman Stoney and Mosquito Lead Gold dredging Co. Stratford, Blair, & Co. .. Naghere Reefton Dynamoes.. First class. Ruatapu Donahue's Sawmill Gold-dredging 20 30 8 and 12| 9 and 14 Slab Hut Creek Stafford Mikonui South. Beach .. Sawmill .. Gold-dredging 20 33 18 20 7 and 11J 8 and 12§ 11 7 and 11 J Second class. First class. Second class. Kotnku Snowy River ., Greymouth Patara Sawmill .. 16 16 35 47 7 8 and 12 j Two 9$ 16 14J Two 7$ First class. " Second class. First class. \ Looomotive and traction



No. 19.—Return showing the Names of Owners of Boilers, &c.—continue.

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given ; printing (1,900 copies), _>114 Is.

Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9oB.

Price 2s.]

Name of Owner Where Boiler used. Purpose for which used. 3 Diameter of Cylinders of Engines, in Iuches. Class of Driver required. Stewart & Chapman WE 3TLAND— continu, \d. Seoond class. Locomotive aud traotioi Seoond class. Tarawera Sawmilling Co. Rimu Mikonui lnchbonnie Sawmill Looomo'ive-work Sawmill 25 6 22 25 60 20 Two 6, one 8 Two 5J 13J Nil 9} and 10 8 and 12| Totara Flat Gold-dredging Co. Tyneside Proprietary Coal 03. Ditto Totara Plat .. Gold-dredging First class. Brunnerton .. Pumping .. 20 Two 4J, two 9, one 26 Ditto Tvneside Bruanerton .. Tyneside Oial-mining Winding 25 100 32 Two ■% two 5, two 7J, two 8, two 8^ 6and9£,two7J, two 8, two 9 7 and 11J Two 9 14 16 16 7 and 11 J Two9£ 8 and 12J First class and winding 43 Winding. Wataroa Flax-milling Co. Watson, Robert.. Watson, Robert, & Son .. Wesiland Sawmilling Co. Wataroa Dillmaustown Flax-mill Sawmill 18 14 38 20 20 20 16 14 Second class. Kapitea First class. Wi'son, E. A., & Party .. Wilson, G. D. .. Workshop Gold - dredging Co. Marsden Kapitea Antonio's Gold-dredging Sawmill Gold-dredging a> Second class. First class.

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INSPECTION OF MACHINERY: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT FOR 1907-8., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1908 Session I, H-15a

Word Count

INSPECTION OF MACHINERY: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT FOR 1907-8. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1908 Session I, H-15a

INSPECTION OF MACHINERY: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT FOR 1907-8. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1908 Session I, H-15a

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