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Presented to both Houses of the General Auembly pursuant tn Section 128 of " The Patent t, Designs, and Trade Marks Act, 1889.''

In pursuance of section 128 of "The Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act, 1889," I have the honour to submit my report on the operations of the Patent Office for the year 1907. During the year 2,359 applications were received in respect of patents, designs, and trade marks. This is a greater number than the total for any previous year with the exception of 1900, in which 2,483 applications were recorded. The revenue amounted to £5,916 4s. 6d., the highest yet received in one year, and the expenditure to £2,602 4s. lOd. This amount is in excess of that for 1906, the difference (£364 ss. 9d.) being accounted for by the increased quantity of work done for this office by the Government Printing Office —£1,254 12s. 2d., as compared with £971 3s. 4d. —and to increases in salaries (£100) on changes in the office staff. The balance, £3,313 19s. Bd., brings the amount received in excess of the expenditure since the commencement of the present Act up to £41,803 17s. Id. PATENTS. There were 1,618 applications for patents, a number exceeded in 1906, but not in any former year. Nine hundred and forty-one provisional specifications and 677 complete specifications were left with the applications, and 308 complete specifications in respect of applications with which provisional specifications had alread\ been lodged, making a total of 1,921 specifications for the year, as compared with 2,055 in 1906. The proportion of complete specifications lodged in the first instance to the provisional specifications filed was considerably higher than it has been for some time past, and a correspondingly greater number of applications may be expected to proceed to the sealing stage. The applications received were dealt with as follows: —

The fees received in respect of patents amounted to £4,847 os. Bd., an increase on the total for the preceding year of £222 9a. Bd., due chiefly to the greater number of patents on which the gealing-fee was paid during the year— -i.e., 756, as compared with 644 in 1906. Renewal fees also yielded a slightly larger amount, but the fees for registration of assignments, enlargements of

i—H. 10.

Aooepted without Alteration. Accepted on Alteration. Not accepted. After being questioned After being questioned. On Ground of On Ground Without being questioned. On Ground On Ground of Want of of Novelty. Informality. On Ground of Want of Novelty. On Ground of Informality. _L Want of Novelty. of Informality. 61-6 II-β 1-7 4-7 90 9-7 1-9


time for payments, and searches show a falling-off. In other respects there is no appreciable difference in the amounts received from the various sources in 1907 as compared with those in the former year. Countries from which Applications were received. Nine hundred and sixty-nine, or 59 per cent., of the applications were received from residents of New Zealand, as compared with 1,101, or 63 per cent., of the total for 190 G. The Commonwealth sent 321, 47 less than in the preceding year —Victoria, 180 (187); New South Wales, 92 (90); Queensland, 19 (36); Tasmania, 6 (22); South Australia, 17 (11); and Western Australia, 7 (22) —and there was also a falling-off in the small number received from France, 8 (11), and Austria, 2 (4), and a few other places. A greater Dumber of applications came id band from the United Kingdom, 133 (119); United States of America, 113 (92); Canada, 13 (12); Denmark. 10 (3); Germany, 15 (10); the figures given in parentheses being the number for 1906. Nature of Inventions. The inventions, as usual, relate to a wide range of subjects, none of which stand out as engaging special attention, the greatest number of applications on any one subject —i.e.., " dairying " —being only 4 per cent, of the total received during the year. Applications in respect of the more important industries of the Dominion show a slight advance: " Dairying," 77 (66) — of which 41 are in respect of milking-machines (19 being in connection with teat-cups), as compared with 22 for the previous year; "sheep-shearing," Ac, "wool and hides," 50 (36); " fibredressing," 44 (37); " harvesting," 28 (21): but there is a falling-off in "minerals," 51 (82); and "cultivating," 36 (47), from the previous year's totals, which are given in parentheses. Increases occur in the number of applications received for "building" and "building-materials," 94 (79) —ferro-concrete construction forming the subject-matter of 14;'" railways and tramways," 73 (70) —33 of which are for trolly-poles and heads, as against 18 for the previous year; "velocipedes," 66 (42) —of which 24 are for means of protecting the tire; "boots and shoes," 62 (56); " indicating and calculating," 61 (41) —due in a greater measure to numerous attempts to provide an efficient temperature-tester for bales of flax and the like; " fencing," 42 (30) —principally in respect of gates and droppers and standards: and "vehicles," 40 (38). Fewer applications were received in connection with "engines " (air, gas, steam, &c), 77 (81); " tools," 39 (53); " furniture," 34 (49); "cooking and kitchen appliances," 33 (63); "lifting, hauling, and loading," 26 (33); " heating," 25 (37); amusements, 23 (46); " harness," 22 (41); " bottles and bottling," 19* (31) —chiefly in respect of non-refillable bottles; "dredging and excavating," 16 (24); " preserving," 15 (5); "washing and cleaning," 14 (21); "pipes, tubes, and hose," 14 (20); "pumps," 14 (23); "shops and hotel fittings," 14 (27); "valves and cocks," 6 (19): the other classes remaining about the same. International Convention. Forty-eight applications for patents were made in New Zealand under the International Convention and according to the special arrangements between this country and the Commonwealth —30 from England, 6 from the United States of America, 2 from Germany, 1 from France, and 9 from Australia. Thirty-six applications were made in pursuance of these provisions in tlnpreceding year, 26 in 1905, and 17 in 1904. The promptitude with which the specifications are printed and received from England and Australia renders it necessary for inventors in those countries to either lose no time in applying here, or else to avail themselves of the benefits of the Convention and arrangements referred to. In certain cases applications made in the ordinary form have been brought under the Convention on attention being directed to the prior receipt of the printed specification, but in others the expiry of the twelve months from the date of the foreign application has unfortunately pre vented that course from being adopted, and the applications have accordingly been refused. Extension of Term. A petition, the third in the history of the office, was presented for the extension of a patent, and for the first occasion caveats were entered against an extension. The matter was referred by the Governor to the Court, and in accordance with its report a fresh patent, containing certain special provisions, was granted for a further period of three years. Publications. The following indexes have been prepared during the year: — (1.) Name Index, from 1861 to 1889. (2.) Name Index, from 1890 to 1893. (3.) Name Index, from 1903 1907. Owing to pressure of work the Government Printing Office has so far only l>een able to set up the first index, and it is hoped that this will shortly lie printed and published, and be followed as soon as possible by Indexes 2 and 3. With the completion of these indexes reference will be much facilitated, as the three volumes will leave only the period from 1894 to 1902, for which alphabetical lists have been published annually. These might with advantage be embodied in two volumes, and the whole of the period from 1861 to 1907 comprised in five volumes. As soon as the name indexes are out of the way, the subject-matter indexes for the same periods should be pushed on with.



While these indexes and abridgements will in some measure meet the wants of inventors, the profession, and the public generally, it must be kept in mind that their requirements in this direction will not be satisfied until the specifications and drawings are printed in full, as is done in England, the United States of America, and Australia. The classified abridgments of a few of the smaller classes have been completed, but owing to the extent and intricate nature of this work, and to the time of the staff being otherwise fully occupied, expert assistance will be required before any material progress can be made with it. Inspection of Specifications at Auckland, Christchurch, and Dunedin. A further step has been taken in the direction of rendering more readily available to inventors and others the particulars of inventions Bought to be patented. Hitherto the specifications have only been open to inspection at this office, and any one unable to attend here lias been obliged to obtain copies. This baa placed inventors in other places at a disadvantage, which has now, to a certain extent, been removed by the office sending one set of the specifications to the local Patent (Mice at Auckland, Dunedin, ami Christohurch in succession. They remain open for inspection for a. fortnight in each place, and inventors and others in the leading towns are now enabled to refer to the original documents in time to give notice of opposition to the grant of the patents within the prescribed period of two months from the date of the advertisement of the acceptance of the applications. This arrangement lias worked successfully, but, with the other facilities provided by the "Hire, requires to be given greater publicity to be fully availed of and appreciated. Inquiry into Novelty. It cannot be too firmly impressed on inventors that this ofh'ee is not required by law to investigate the novelty of inventions sought to be patented, and with its present staff can only do so to a limited extent. Applicants should therefore endeavour, by referring to the abridgements of specifications in the leading towns and other available publications, to ascertain that their inventions have not been anticipated before lodging a complete specification or seeking to obtain protection abroad. DESIGNS. Sixty applications were received during the year, and registration effected in 58 eases. This number, though small, is the highest yet readied in any one year, and is an advance of 21 on the previous year's total. By far the greater proportion of designs were applied for in Class 3 (" articles composed wholly or partly of wood, bone, ivory, papier-mache, or other solid substances not included in other classes) — i.e., 39, or 67 per cent, of the total number, most of the registrations being effected by one firm. Class 1, " Articles composed wholly or partly of metal, not included in Class 2," comes next with 10 desig-ns, and Classes 5 (" articles composed wholly or partly of paper exoepi hangings"), 4 ('' articles composed wholly or partly of glass, earthenware, or porcelain, bricks, tiles or cement "), 10 (" millinery and wearing-apparel, including boots and shoes"), 2 ("'jewellery "'), and 13 ('"printed or woven designs on textile piece-goods") follow with 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, respectively. TRADE MARKS. There were GB4 applications for registration of trade marks in 1907, IS less than in the previous year: and 583 marks were placed on the register, as compared with r>ls in 1906. Renewal cil' marks registered fourteen years ago was effected in 162 cases, or 49 per cent., or about the same proportion as in the former year. The fees from trade marks amounted to £1,002 18s., £47 19s. more than in 1906, due principally to the larger sum received from registration and renewal fees. Goods fob which Trade Marks registered. The 'number of applications in Class 42 considerably exceeded, as in former years, those in any other class, totalling 121, 17 less than in the previous year, and 50 below that for 1905. The principal classes showing an increase are Class 1 (chemical substances used in manufactures, &c), 21 (16); Class 3 (medicines), 53 (50); Class 4 (raw or partly prepared vegetable, &c, substances), 13 (3); Class 5 (metals), 25 (12); Class 22 (carriages), 16 (12); Class 24 (cotton piecegoods), 7 (0); Class 43 (fermented liquors and spirits), 46 (17); Class 44 (mineral and aerated waters), 16 (6). A falling-off is shown in Class 7 (agricultural machinery), 7 (13); Class 38 (articles of clothing), 32 (41); Class 39 (paper), 14 (27); Class 45 (tobacco), 18 (39); Class 48 (perfumery), 29 (46); and Class 50 (miscellaneous), 53 (63). The numbers in parentheses are those for 1906. Countries from which Applications received. Of the total number of applications received— i.e., 684—residents of New Zealand sent 303, as compared with 332 in 1906; the United Kingdom sent 187, 16 more than in 1906; and slight increases are also shown in those received from the following places: Canada, 5 (1); France, 9 (5); Holland, 6 (3); India, 3 (0); Spain, 12 (0): the numbers in parentheses being those for 1906. There is a falling-off in the number from United States of America, 60 (70); Germany, 13 (19); and Sweden, 2 (4). The Commonwealth sent 114 applications, as compared with 86 in 1906; and of this number New South Wales sent 68, Victoria 41, Western Australia 3, and Tasmania 2.




Publications. A nominal index from IStil to 1907 has been completed, but the printing of the list has been delayed owing to the pressure of other business at the Government Printing Office. The subject index for each class has been completed to the end of 1890, and will be proceeded with as opportunity occurs. A very large amount requires to be done to bring this index up to date, and assistance will be necessary if the index is to be ready for printing within a reasonable period. GENERAL. Local Patent Offices. As already mentioned, specifications are now sent for inspection to the Local Patent Offices ■ t Auckland, Christchurch, and Dunedin, and full sets of the publications of the otlice have been forwarded to these offices for public use. They will also shortly be furnished with as complete sets as possible of the patent laws of other countries, and with classified abridgments from the beginning of the ourrent year of inventions in respect of which the complete specifications have been accepted. Other additions will from time to time be made to the contents of these offices with a view to affording greater information and facilities to inventors and the public generally in these towns. At present there are Local Patent Offices at Auckland, Christohurch, Dunedin, Thames, <iisborne, New Plymouth, Napier, Wanganui, Nelson, Blenheim, Westport, Greymouth, Hokitika, Ashburton, Timaru, Oamaru, Queenstown, and Invercargill. The establishment of offices at other towns throughout the country is now under consideration. Opposition. Notice of opposition was lodged in 23 cases. Two appeals were heard by the Court, the decision being upheld in one instance, and in the other reversed—on evidence, however, which was not before the office when it determined the matter. Premises. The growth of this office, and of the library attached to it, will shortly necessitate the provision of further accommodation. As it was considered inadvisable to increase the weight on the floor of the room used as a library, tlit- necessary additional shelving has been provided in the other rooms, and will possibly suffice for the next year or two. A slight rearrangement of the office has provided sufficient additional room to meet the requirements of the staff lor possibly the same period ; but it is found that the room for the public and profession, and in which cases are also heard, is not large enough for the purpose, and better provision is required. The most urgent want is gafe-aocommodation, which is at present very restricted, and many of the valuable records of the otlice have to be kept in the basement, where they are somewhat insecure and very inaccessible. Patent Agents. Five Patent Agents were registered during the year, 2 after examination and 3 solicitors, who are eligible for registration without examination; 72 names are now on the register, 52 being those of solicitors. A copy of the papers set in the two cases in which examinations were held is inserted in the Appendix. The proportion of applications received through Patent Agents (75 per cent.) shows that their services are freely availed of by inventors, who evidently realise the value of expert assistance in the preparation of their specifications and other work which this office cannot undertake. Li braky. The set of English specifications has been rendered complete by the receipt of a hundred volumes of back numbers from the English Patent Office, which very generously supplies this office with all its printed specifications, abridgements, journals, and indexes, as well as furnishing the Public Libraries at Auckland, Christchurch, and Dunedin with the abridgements. It is, I consider, desirable that not only the abridgements, but also the full specifications and drawings of the many thousands of inventions patented in the United Kingdom and the United States every year, and which, with the exception of the small percentage patented here, the people of this country are at full liberty to use, be freely open to inspection in the leading towns. Heady access to these specifications would also be of great benefit to inventors in enabling them to ascertain if and to what extent their inventions have been anticipated, and thus avoid much useless expenditure of time and money. The library attached to this office is at present only open during office hours, and, to be made full use of, should be available at night to inventors, students, and others. As this Office is not the snle occupant of the building there are certain objections to opening it at night, which, however, it is hoped, may lie overcome. The office at present contributes to the Library Edition of the United States Specifications, but, unless these volumes can l>e received earlier than at present is the case, I think it will be better to obtain the ordinary specifications. The cost of these will be greater and they will occupy mure space, but they will be sent to this office as soon as the specifications are printed, instead of being delayed for three or four years.



Conclusion. paob The Appendix hereto contains : — Papers set at Examination for Registration of Patent Agents .. .. .. vi And the following tables and lists, viz.: — A. Balance-sheet of Income and Expenditure for the Year ended 31st December, 1907.. vi B. Table showing Revenue and Expenditure for each of the Last Eight Years .. vii C. Particulars of Fees received from the Ist January to the 31st December, 1907 .. vii D. Staff of Officers, and Salaries .. .. .. .. .. .. viii E. Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs and Trade Marks, recorded for the Years 1890 to 1907 inclusive .. ... .. viii P. Number of Provisional and Complete Specifications received, &c, under Act of 1889 ix G. Table showing, over a Series of Years, the Number of Patents that were considered of Sufficient Value to be kept Alive by Payment of the Renewal Fees .. ix H. Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1905, 1906, and 1907 .. x I. Table showing Number of Applications for the Different Classes of Inventions for each of the Years 1905, 1906, and 1907 .. .. .. .. .. x J. Number of Applications for Registration of Trade Marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1905, 1906, and 1907.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. xi K. Number of Applications to register Trade Marks, in the Fifty Different Classes, in each of the Years 1905, 1906, and 1907 .. .. .. .. .. xii L. Alphabetical List of Applicants for Patents, — For quarter ending 31st March, 1907.. .. .. .. .. 1 30th June, „ .. .. .. c .. .. l>B „ 30th September, „ .. .. .. .. .. 59 „ 31st December, ~ .. .. .. .. .. 92 M. Alphabetical List of Titles of Inventions for which Letters Patent have been applied, — For quarter ending 31st March, 1907.. .. .. .. .. 12 „ 30th June, „ .. .. .. .. .. 42 30th September, „ .. .. .. .. .. 73 31st December .. .. .. 102 N. Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks, — For quarter ending 31st March, 1907.. .. .. .. .. 25 30th June, „ .. .. .. .. .. 55 „ 30th September .. .. .. .. 88 31st December, „ .. .. .. .. ..112 0. Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Designs,— For quarter ending 31st March, 1907.. .. .. .. .. 27 30th June, „ .. .. .. .. .. 58 30th September, „ .. .. .. .. .. 91 „ 31st December, „ .. .. .. .. .. 115 Patent Office, J. C. Lewis, Wellington, August, 1908. Registrar.



APPENDIX. Papbbb Set at Examination of Candidates fou Registration as Patent Agents. No. 1. I. What are the requisites of a valid patent? and state the leading principles mi each point. ■-'. In the even! of i In , death of an inventor before the registration of a patent for his invention, what steps are necessary in order to enable his representative to obtain a patent for such invention , ; •'!. What arc the essential requirements of a complete specification 1 4. How, and under what circumstances, may a prolongation of a patent be obtained? ."i. What do you understand by a " master " or " pioneer " patent; and what are its advantages] Give illustrations. (>. During the course of an action for infringement of a patent the plaintiff finds his specification is defective: can he amend his specification; and, if SO, how, and what consequences follow .' 7. Does a person who untruly represents as patented an article sold by him incur any, and, if any, what, liability? 5. Is it permissible for a patentee to continue holding his patent without working it in the colony? If not, state what remedy is available, and by whom any proceedings can be instituted to obtain the benefit of the patent, also the nature of such proceedings. 9. What are the special provisions relating to the granting of patents for improvements in instruments or munitions of war? 10. State shortly the provisions under which reciprocal arrangements for the protection of inventions may be entered into by other colonies and foreign nations. 11. Can a patent for a new use of a known contrivance be granted; and, if so, under what circumstances? 12. Discuss the doctrine of " mechanical equivalents," and give illustrations. 13. What are the essentials of a "trade mark "; and what are the remedies for an infringement of a registered trade mark? No. 2. 1. What factors are necessary to the validity of a patent? '1. Explain fully the requisites of— (a.) A provisional specification. (b.) A complete specification. 3. A applies for a patent for an article patentable under ordinary conditions; hut the identical article was produced some fifty years ago by a person who kept the method of manufacture a secret and whose secret died with him : is A entitled to a grant of letters patent! 4. What is the meaning of " provisional protection " ; and what are its advantages and disadvantages? j>. What is meant by " new manufacture " and " prior publication "1 6. What rights are acquired in foreign countries by a person who obtains provisional protection in Xew Zealand? 7. What right has the Crown to the use of a patent obtained by an individual? 8. What steps must the holder of a British patent take to protect himself against an infringement in this colony? 9. In what way may a specification be amended; and what is the procedure? 10. Define " trade mark " and " trade name " ; and distinguish from " patent." 11. What is the procedure for obtaining extension of the term of a patent? For what period can extension be granted? Upon what grounds can extension be granted / 12. What constitutes " newness of manufacture "? 13. What is meant by " general public utility "? 14. Who may apply for the revocation of a patent?



A.—Balance-sheet of Income and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1907.

Income. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Patent fees ... ... ... 4,847 0 8 Salaries ... ... ... 997 2 4 Design fees ... ... ... 30 1 0 Clerical assistance ... ... 172 8 4 Trade-mark fees ... ... 1,002 18 0 Copying specifications... ... 16 8 0 Sale of Acts, Gazettes, &c. ... 33 14 6 Fees to Patent Office Agents ... G4 12 6 Miscellaneous ... ... 2 10 4 Binding printed specifications, 54 7 6 &c, presented to office by other countries* Printing Patents Gazette* ... 983 9 6 Other printing and binding* ... 216 15 2 Stationery ... ... ... 26 1 8 Stamps ... ... ... 29 0 0 Books, patent laws, &c. ... 1 15 0 United States specifications ... 7 10 0 Telephone ... ... ... 7 0 0 Payments refunded ... ... 10 5 0 Incidental expenses ... ... 15 9 10 Balance for the year ... ... 3,313 19 8 £5,916 4 6 £5,916 4 6 • Printing and binding done and figures supplied by Government Printing Office.

B.—Table showing Revenue and Expenditure for each of the Last Eight Years.

C.—Particulars of Fees received from the 1st January to the 31st December, 1907.

Year. Beceipts. Expenditure. Surplus. Year. Receipts. Expenditure. I Surplus. 1900 1901 1902 1903 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. .. 3,396 17 3 1,027 5 8 2,369 11 7 .. 3,366 12 4 1,205 15 2 2,160 17 2 .. 3,999 3 3 1,344 17 1 2,654 6 2 .. 5,290 2 7 1,657 1 5 3,633 1 2 1904 1905 190G 1907 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. .. 4,642 19 6 1,775 17 11 2,867 1 7 .. 4,970 2 6 2,297 9 8 2,672 12 10 .. 5,641 0 6 2,237 19 1 3,403 1 5 .. 5,916 4 6 2,602 4 10 3,313 19 8 Note. —Printing, binding, and other items now debite to this office were not iu former years brought to charge.

Fees. Number. Each. Amouut received. Patents. Applications for patents with provisional specifications Applications for patents with complete specifications Complete specifications left after provisional specifications Applications to amend specifications Issue of letters patent Renewal fees before end of fourth year from date of patent Renewal fees before end of seventh year from date of patent Notices of opposition Hearing objections Applications for enlargement of time for deposit of complete specifications On grant of such enlargement Applications for enlargement of time for acceptance of complete specification .. On grant of such enlargement Applications for enlargement of time for payment of fees On grant of such enlargement Notices of appeal to Supreme Court against decisions of Registrar Searches Registration of assignments and licenses Certificates of such registration Copies of specifications and drawings Certifying copies.. Correction of clerical errors in specifications, &c. Registration of Patent Agent Duplicate Letters Patent Petition—extonsion of term Caveat re extension Miscellaneous 941 675 303 6 756 237 83 13 7 35 35 8 9 41 38 4 601 98 61 £ s. 0 10 0 10 0 10 1 0 2 0 5 0 10 0 0 10 2 0 0 10 1 0 0 10 1 0 0 10 1 0 1 0 0 1* 0 10 0 10 t 0 1 0 5 1 1 2 0 2 0 2 10 £ s. d. 470 10 0 337 10 0 151 10 0 6 0 0 1,512 0 0 1,185 0 0 830 0 0 6 10 0 14 0 0 17 10 0 35 0 0 4 0 0 9 0 0 20 10 0 38 0 0 4 0 0 30 1 0 49 0 0 30 10 0 78 2 0 0 10 0 0 15 0 5 5 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 5 0 0 0 17 8 10 3 5 2 1 2 £4,847 0 8 • Per hour. t 3d. per folio of 72 worde; Iβ. per shei it, (ll'iiuill; ;s.


C.—Particulars of Fees received, &c.— continued.

D.—Staff of Officers, and Salaries. £ s. d. Registrar ... ... ... ... ... ... 375 0 0 Deputy Registrar Clerk ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 185 0 0 Clerk ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 150 0 0 Clerk ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 105 0 0 Cadet ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 40 0 0 Messenger ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 180 0 0 Office-cleaner ... ... ... ... ... ... 11 14 0 £1,046 14 0

E.—Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs and Trade Marks, recorded for the Years 1890 to 1907 inclusive.


Fees. Number. — Bach. Amount received. Designs. Lpplications for registration of designs Search designs GO 1 £ 8. 0 10 0 1 £ 8. d. 30 0 0 0 10 Trade Mabks. ipplications for registration of trade marks Registration of trade marks Registration of assignments Certificates of such assignments .. Notices of opposition Cancellation of trade marks Renewal of registration .. idditional fees where renewal fee is paid within three months after expiration of fourteen years Certificate for obtaining registration in foreign countries ilteriDg address on register Requests to correct clerical errors Copies of duplicate certificates Searches idvertisements : Cost of extra space in Gazette Certifying copies Jiscellaneous G84 583 45 10 6 162 6 0 5 1 0 £1 & 2s. 0 5 1 0 0 5 1 0 0 10 £30 1 0 171 0 0 583 0 0 31 2 0 11 5 0 10 0 0 1 10 0 162 0 0 3 0 0 1 6 16 19 179 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 1 o r 0 5 0 1 10 0 4 0 0 0 19 0 8 19 0 12 17 0 0 19 0 0 12 0 19 o"i £1,002 18 0 • For quarter of an hour.

Year. Patents. Designs. Trade Marks. Total. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 616 589 606 625 756 816 992 1,093 1,021 992 1,009 1,114 1,431 1,604 1,483 1,601 1,745 1,618 5 4 10 1 15 14 27 13 10 ia 15 18 28 20 M 54 Bβ 57 l<30 225 290 325 347 254 279 361 34S 328 348 379 412 447 592 607 702 684 781 818 906 951 1,118 1,084 1,298 1,467 1,374 1,332 1,372 1,511 1,871 2,077 2,099 2,262 2,483 2,359


F.—Number of Provisional and Complete Specifications received, &c., under Act of 1889.

G.—Table showing over a Series of Years the Number of Patents that were considered of sufficient Value to be kept alive by Payment of the Renewal Fees.

ii-H. 10.


. Number 5 cations wi [h i Complete cations of Appliith which 3 Specifilodged. Number of Appli- Ap^l° s f for Number of Applications with which fr, „ . , cations abandoned, Num tber of s sealed. Total Number of Applications. i i I N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. Foreign. N.Z. 107 60 27 17 202 50 147 126 69 29 25 191 50 122 160 53 40 16 237 : 43 125 197 52 51 24 262 30 133 251 61 69 16 352 51 173 307 79 75 34 403 51 133 318 100 68 33 439 75 185 444 129 87 41 481 95 181 419 98 102 29 447 70 172 382 131 84 55 409 82 155 441 87 97 36 452 59 149 459 103 119 28 i 458 76 200 767 144 274 : 65 690 86 240 859 172 238 54 801 116 263 754 208 198 74 ; 700 154 254 827 204 222 , 86 783 142 259 866 244 227 100 * * * 748 193 * ■ I N.Z. 1890 242 1891i 187 1892! 202 1893! 198 1894; 278 1895! 229 1896 ; 299 1897 217 1898 199 1899 182 1900 160 1901 199 1902: 163 1903 205 19041 200 1905 215 19061 230 1907 221 Foreign. 207 207 191 178 166 201 275 303 305 297 321 353 357 368 321 355 405 . 456 Foreign. 217 226 201 200 176 229 293 336 332 346 ; 349 j 380 ! 415 424 375 ' 417 * 616 589 606 625 756 816 992 ■1,093 1,021 992 1,009 '1,114 1,431 1,604 1,483 1,601 1,745 1,618 * r 'hese flgun is are necessarily incomplete, as the time for proceeding further with th< applications has not yet lire

Year. Number of Applications received. Number of Letters Patent granted. Number of Patents Number of Patents on which on whioh Second-term Fee paid. Final Fee paid. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 614 589 606 625 756 816 992 1,093 1,021 992 1,009 1,114 1,431 1,604 364 348 326 333 349 362 478 517 504 501 498 580 655 687 80 37 78 23 84 37 99 47 88 31 113 45 118 53 136 49 138 58 199 90 172 71 200 209 229


H.—Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1905, 1906, and 1907.

I.—Table showing Number of Applications for the Different Classes of Inventions for each of the Years 1905, 1906, and 1907.


1905. 1906. 1907. 1905. 1906. , 1907. New Zealand Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Cape Colony Costa Rica Denmark Ecuador Finland Prance Germany Holland Hungary India .. Italy .. Japan .. Mexico.. Natal .. 1,042 3 1 1 11 1 1 1 1,101 4 1 12 1 969 2 1 18 1 New South Wales Norway Queensland Rhodesia Russia.. South Africa South Australia Spain Sweden Switzerland Tasmania Transvaal Tunis United Kingdom United States .. Victoria Western Australia 88 18 "5 90 92 1 36 19 1 3 3 2 1 11 17 1 9 9 'fa 6 6 i 8 "3 1 io 12 1 12 6 1 102 109 143 15 17 15 ii 10 "4 2 8 15 3 1 1 2 1 119 133 92 113 187 180 22 7 "l 1 "3 1 1 2 Notk.—A few applications were received fro iotftl more than the actual number of application om joint ne receivi t applicants resident in different countries; the figures will, then-fore red.

Class. 1905. 1906. 1907. Class. 1905. 1906. l<07. Advertising Amusements Attaching and seouring Boilers (steam) Boots and shoes.. Bottles Boxes, cans, and casks Brewing, distilling, &c. Brooms and brushes Building , (bricks and cement) , (windows and doors) Chemicals Cleaning, polishing, &c. Closets and urinals Coin-feed mechanism Cooling and freezing Cultivating and tilling Cutting and sawing and tools Dairying Drains and sewers Dredging and excavating Drying Electricity and magnetism Engines (air, gas, and oil) (steam) (miscellaneous and engineaccessories) Explosives, firearms, and targets .. Exterminating Fencing.. , (strainers) Fibre-dressing Filters .. Fire alarms, escapes, and extinguishers Food Furnaces and kilns Furniture and upholstery Gas-manufacture Harness (including horse, &c., covers) Harvesting Heating Illuminating 10 17 25 14 42 28 80 8 46 '24 3 50 81 89 8 23 1O s 62 19 ! 29 1 13 j 53 I 22 19 6 17 7 4 14 18 j 39 77 12 16 8 is : 22 21 34 j Indicating, calculating, and measuring Kauri-gum Kitchen utensils and cooking appliances Lifting, hauling, and loading Locks, latches, and hinges Marine and submarine Marking Medicines and surgical appliances .. Metal-work ing Minerals (magnetic separators) (stampers and pulverisers) Oils and lubrioators Paints and painting Pipes, tubes, and hose Preserving Presses Printing and photography Pumps and sprayers Racecourse accessories Railways and tramways Roads and ways .. Seed-dressing, chaff - cutting, and threshing Seed-sowers Sewing and knitting Sheep and cattle Sheep shearing and clipping Shop and hotel fittings Stationery and paper Telephony and telegraphy Tobacco.. Valves and cocks.. Vehicles (velocipedes) Ventilating Washing and oleansing Water-supplying Wearing-apparel Wools and hides Miscellaneous 89 3 40 II 3 68 01 7 33 L8 14 12 39 3 IK 8 8 9 80 53 51 5 22 11 11 IS 25 22 Lβ U Lβ 19 3 17 18 2 9 34 68 66 Lβ 21 8 ■27 38 87 Lβ 32 20 27 14 17 13 56 4 8 9 6 10 11 2 15 18 5 54 5 17 88 25 17 14 Lβ 6 69 1 12 6 7 2(1 15 3 21 38 4 70 11 7 20 22 10 13 17 13 12 2 7 3 3 14 5 5 23 14 8 73 8 10 10 Sβ 11 8 89 4 10 10 •21 80 12 37 0 21 12 23 42 11 44 17 13 6 20 0 'J 43 11 'J 20 47 44 9 28 17 43 7 12 L8 4 27 6 27 :!U Lβ II L9 38 12 0 21 4 89 3 17 18 10 33 7 14 21) 10 7 6 10 00 e 14 4 31 10 6 !H 2:! 89 24 89 11 21 28 ■1 38 19 ■20 41 It 87 38 13 21 34 : 26 22 18 25 32 i Note.—Owing to some inventions bei dual number of applications received. ing ■■Inled under more tlian one heading, the figures will total rather tore thi in the


J.— Number of Applications for Registration of Trade Marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1905, 1906, and 1907.


1906. 1906. 1907. 1905. 1906. 1907. New Zealand 284 332 303 New Caledonia .. 1 Austria .. 1 1 New South Wales 46 73 68 Belgium 2 Norway 1 1 Burmah 1 Philippine Islands 3 2 Canada .. 30 1 5 Queensland 1 Ceylon .. 3 South Africa 1 Cuba 2 South Australia 1 1 Denmark 2 1 Spain. 12 Egypt .. 1 1 Sweden 2 14 2 Fiji 1 Switzerland 10 2 2 Prance .. 11 5 9 Tasmania 2 1 2 Germany 6 19 13 Transvaal 1 Holland 10 3 6 United Kingdom 156 171 187 Hungary 1 1 United States .. 41 70 60 India 3 Victoria 18 10 41 Italy .. 2 1 Western Australia 3 Note.—A few applications were recei .ml more than »he actual number of appl iyed in ilicatioi im pers is recei' >ns givi: ■ed. Iβ addressee in two or more countries; the figure* will therefore


K. —Number of Applications to register Trade Marks in the Fifty different Classes, in each of the Years 1905, 1906, and 1907.


Classes. Classification of Goods. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1 Chemical substances used in manufactures, photography, or philosophical research, and anti-corrosives Chemical substances used for agricultural, horticultural, veterinary, and sanitary purposes Chemical substances prepared for use in medicine and pharmacy Raw or partly-prepared vegetable, animal, and mineral substances used in manufactures not included in other classes Unwrought and partly-wrought metals used in manufacture Machinery of all kinds, and parts of machinery, except agricultural and horticultural machines included in Class 7 Agricultural and horticultural machinery, and parts of such maohinery Philosophical instruments, scientific instruments, and apparatus for useful purposes; instruments and apparatus for teaohing Musical instruments Horological instruments Instruments, apparatus, and contrivances, not medicated, for surgical or curative purposes, or in relation to the health of men or animals Cutlery and edge-tools Metal goods not included in other classes Goods of precious metals (inoluding aluminium, nickel, Britannia-metal, &c.) and jewellery, and imitations of such goods and jewellery Glass .. Porcelain and earthenware Manufactures from mineral and other substances for building or decoration Engineering, architectural, and building contrivances Arms, ammunition, and stores not included in Class 20 Explosive substances Naval architectural contrivances and naval equipments Carriages Cotton yarn and thread Cotton piece-goods of all kinds Cotton goods not included in Classes 23, 24, and 38 .. Linen and hemp yarn and thread Linen and hemp piece-goods Linen and hemp goods not included in Classes 26, 27, and 50 .. Jute yarns and tissues, and other articles made of jute not included in Class 50 Silk, spun, thrown, or sewing .. Silk piece-goods Other silk goods not included in Classes 30 and 31 .. Yarns of wool, worsted, or hair Cloth and stuffs of wool, worsted, or hair Woollen and worsted and hair goods not included in Classes 33 and 34 Carpets, floorcloth, and oilcloth Leather, skins, unwrought and wrought, and articles made of leather not included in other classes Articles of clothing .. .. .. .. .. Paper (except paperhangings), stationery, and bookbinding Goods manufactured from indiarubber and guttapercha not included in other classes Furniture and upholstery Substances used as food or ingredients in food Fermented liquors and spirits Mineral and aerated waters, natural and artificial, including ginger-beer Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured Seeds for agricultural or horticultural purposes Candles, common soap, detergents; illuminating, heating, or lubricating oils; matohes ; and etaroh, blue, and other preparations for laundry purposes Perfumery (including toilet articles), preparations for the teeth and hair, and perfumed soap Games of all kinds, and sporting articles not included in other classes Miscellaneous 12 16 21 2 16 21 16 3 4 45 4 50 3 53 13 5 6 8 6 12 17 25 21 7 8 1 1 13 7 7 7 9 10 11 11 2 2 11 i 6 1 1 12 13 14 14 24 6 14 25 4 14 22 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Sβ 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 1 5 8 3 4 9 5 3 1 3 19 12 1 16 1 7 4 1 1 "i 2 2 4 4 i 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 a 6 1 1 4 3 4 2 *2 4 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 39 14 3 1 171 30 7 26 1 45 41 27 8 138 17 6 39 32 14 6 1 121 46 16 18 1 56 58 48 40 46 29 49 50 30 7 63 1 53

11. —10.


I—H. 10.—08.


* Denotes a provisional specification. Trade Marks Act, 1889." t Denotes a prior date under section 106 of " 'he Patents, Designs, and pplication. Oaxrtte. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. Abraham, V. T. J., Wellington, N.Z. Preparing extract of meat Acklaml, E. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Conduit for electric cable Adams, A. A., and others, London, Eng. Dasher fur churn Adams, H. A., Lintou, Vic Document-file and assembling meant Adams, W. E., Sydney, N.S.W. Construction of walls .. ,. Adams, W. E., Sydney, N.S.W. Construction of walls Adcroft, A., Wellington, N.Z. Gas-burner Aivnz, J., St. Petersburg, Russia. Dividing-table for punohing-prees. (J. Aivaz and T. Poljakofr-Kowtnnoff) Aktiebolaget Separator, Stockholm, Sweden. Milking - machine. (B° and F. Ljungstrom) Albrecht, C. A., and another, Berlin, Germany. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 22178.) Allen, J. V., South Weymouth, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 22571.) Amesburv, D. E., Rongotea, N'.Z. Spiral wire-plug for tobacco-pipes Anderson, I,.. \cw York, U.S.A. Hydrocarbon-engine Anderson, R. V., and another, Wellington, X.Z. Reinforoed-concrete structures Andin, A. G., Glenferrie, Vic Milking-machine Arthur, F. J., N. Mooroopna, Vic Tire-inflation device Arthur, J., Kalgoorlie, W.A. (See A. E. Thomas, No. 20853.) Ashcroft, A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Electrically distilling and purifying gum Auckram, W. T. J., Otahuhu. N.Z. Sewing-machine Audiflxen. M., and others, Qolbey, France Rotary refrigeratingmachine Avey, C. H., Los Angeles, U.S.A. (See A. Schwartz. Nα 22405.) 2244.-) 21808 2IS-JII 225!)!l 22:ii;5 22481 21615 22354 22514 20 Feb. Is Sept., I'.iiii; 26 Sept., 1905f 26 March 29 Jan. 28 Feb. 10 Aug., 1906 24 .Jan. 6 March 211 Feb. 18 Dee. 1906 in Maroh 18 13 18 33 13 21 Feb. 7 Feb. 21 Fek 4 April. 7 Feb. 7 March.* 21 March. 22449 22215 22666 23 27 22609 22321 28 March 17 Jan. 13 7 Feb.* 22369 2;i .Ian. 18 21 Feb.* 22417 22508 12 Feb. :( March, motif 33 4 April.* Babcock and Wilcox, Limited, London, Eng. Chain-grate stoker. (A. K. Parker) Bailey, F., and another, London, Eng. Clutching-devicc for communicating rotary motion Baker, E. B., Melbourne, Vic Treating substances under pressure .. Baldwin, E. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Lock nut. (W. Hubhard) Baldwin, W., Sydney, N.S.W. Roofing joint and fastening Ballantine, J. B., and another, Twickenham, Eng. (See J. T. Hiinicr. No. 22262.) Barger, W. G.. Melbourne, Vic. Disc plough Barnes, J., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Screw propeller Baronio, A. C, London, Eng. Electric telegraphy. (A. Muirhead) .. Barton, F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Cellar-lift for casks, &c. Barton-Wright, E. W., and another, London, Eng. Treatment of wood Bates, A., and another, Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, Nos. 21072, 21073, and 22488.) Bates, E., Auckland, N.Z. Cow-spaying instrument Beaton, A., Barrington, N.S.W. Judging-machine for foot-runners . . Becker, H. C, Christchurch, N.Z. Extracting fat and wool from hides Belk, M., Palmerston North, N.Z. Carcase-brander Bell, H. B., and another, Mosman, N.S.W. Printing-block Bell, H. N., Invercargill, X.Z. Soldering-machine.. Bell, S. E., Wangaratta, Vic. Milk-bucket Bell, W., and another, Mosman, N.S.W. Printing-block Berendsen, J. F. P., Wellington, N.Z. Extracting gold from sand and gravel Bergin, A. J., Roselle, N.S.W. Motor-cycle belt .. Berry, G. W., Moonee Ponds, Vic Soldering ends of cans Best, H. J., Fitzroy, Vic. Sole-sewing-machine attachment Bettany, C. E., Nelson, N.Z. Frying-pan cover Beuhne, F. R., Toobarac, Vic. Rendering beeswax and cappings of honeycombs Bevenot, P., and another, Paris, France Extracting solid particles from fluids Bidwell, B., Chicago, U.S.A. Electric-motor cooler Blackham, W. H., Melliouri e Vie Vacuum and pressure apparatus for milking cows. (W. J. Teese) Blackham, W. H., Melbourne, Vic. Apparatus for milking cows. (W. J. Teese) Blackman, S., Christchurch, N.Z. Plastering walls and ceilings Blanc. (See Le Blanc) Bloxain, H. C. L., Cape Town, Cape Colony. (See Maganite Explosives Syndicate, Limited, No. 21334.) 222! (S 7 Jan. 13 7 Feb. 22313 15 Jan. 22180 22285 12 Dec, 1906 9 Jan. 7 13 24 Jan. 7 Feb. 21716 29 Aug., 1906 13 7 Feb. 22465 22312 22504 22607 22171 26 Feb. 15 Jan. 4 March 25 March 7 Dec, 1906 36 18 86 18 April. 21 Feb. 18 April. "7 24 Jan. 22499 22466 20849 22272 22095 22532 22534 22095 22269 1 March 26 Feb. 14 March, 1906 14 March 21 Nov., 1906 4 March 13 March 21 Nov., 1906 4 Jan. 33 7 27 13 36 36 13 4 April.* 24 Jan. 21 March.* 7 Feb. 18 April.* 18 April. 7 Feb. 22450 22345 22229 21866 22545 2 July, 190«t 23 Jan. 20 Dec, 1906 3 Oct., 1906.. 14 March 13 13 23 36 7 Feb.* 7 Feb.* 7 March 18 April.* 22432 L3 Feb. 22809 22535 I I .Ian. 13 March 13 7 Feb. 22536 13 March 22106 23 Nov., 1906 7 24 Jan.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Application. t<. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Datd. No. Date. Bolton, A. J. J., Armadalr, Vic. Composition for manufacture of butter-boxes, &c. Bowater, J. H. J., Wanganui, N.Z. Castrating-tool Bower, D., Dunedin, N.Z. Milk-strainer Bowrey, J., and another, Sydney, N.8.W. Weighing-machine (or gradiiiL , iheep Bowrey, 'I'., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Weighing-machine for grading sheep, tc. Boys, F. T., Napier, N.Z. Apparatus for drying offal. (G. Nelson— Q. L 1). James) Boys, F. 'I'.. Napier, N.Z. Fencing-standard Bradley, S. A.. Merrigum, Vic. Fruit-ease Bradley, S. A., Merrigum, Vic. I'utmct .. Bradshaw, W. C, Christchurch, N.Z. Propelling uteam-veesels Bradshaw, W. C, Christeliureli. N.Z. Plaster Brandram, A. G., Southsea, Eng. Pipe-joint .. ... Brandti E., Melbourne, Vic Kerosene pump ami cutter Brennan, O., Petersham. N.S.W. Folding-bedstead Bretherton, O. F... Makirikiri, N.Z. Plough Briggs, T., and another, Leicester, Eng. (8ee United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 22488.) Bristow, ('., Christchuroh, N.Z. Seed-sower Bristow, C, Cliristehureli, N.Z. Milking-machine British-American Tobaoco Company, Limited, London, Eng. Mouth-piece-cigarette machine. (F. M British Westinghouee Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited. Westminster, Eng. Connection system for dynamo-electric maohine. (B. G. Lamme) British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited. Westminster, Eng. Connection system for alternating-current commutator-type motors. (B. Q. Lamme) British Westinghouse EUeotric and Manufacturing Company, Limited. Westminster. Eng. Connection system for dynamo-electric machine. (Ii. (!. Lamme) British Westinghouse Klectrie and Manufacturing Company, Limited, Westminster, Eng. Connection system for dynamo-electric machine. (B. G. Lamme) Brook, T. B., Kapunda, South Australia, Filling bags with grain .. Broderiek, II. J., and another, Echuca, Vie Brush Brogden, C. J., and another, Masterton, N.Z. Divisional block Cor straw-baling press Brown, R., Westminster. Eng. Switches for electric traction Brown, R. S. ('., Dunedin, X.Z. Trolley-pole Buckingham, F. 8., N. Carlton, \'ie. Animal-trap Bullock, C. C., Sydney, N.S.W. Capture of rabbits, to. .. Biinning, G. K., Dalveen, Queensland. Fenoe-dropper and wire-retainer. (C. Cromwell) Burbury, A. W., Woodbury, Tas. Seeuring fence-wire to standard .. Burfoot) A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Drain pipe socket Burfoot, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Drain-pipe socket Burke, T. P., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Egg-carrier Burks, P., .Manchester, Eng. Dumb-bell Burnip, W. T., Christchurch, N.Z. Preventing horses kicking when attached to vehicle Burroughs, K. E. Q., New Liskeard, Canada. Pipe-cleaner Burrows, J., Auckland, N.Z. Hose-darner Butters, C, London, Eng. Slimes-filter .. Byron, A. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Steel-framing for buildings Byron, A. H., and another. Wellington, N.Z. Signal-lamp Byron, A. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Pipe-joint .. Byron, A. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Billiard-tov Byron, A. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Calculating-protractor for scales for setting out drawings Byron, A. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Shafting of steam-vessel Byron, A. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Sewing-machine Byron, A. H., and another. Wellington, N.Z. Vessel for heating purposes Byron, A. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Brick Byron, D. J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Steel-framing for buildings 21230 30 .May, HKJd 22440 is Feb. 20841 12 March, l'.Hlli 22619 ii March 22619 ii March 21183 2:f May, 1906 22049 1:1 Nov., 1906 22193 13 Dec. 1906 22194 13 Deo., 1906 17 Jan. 22344 23 Jan. 22280 s Jan. 22278 8 Jan. 22063 16 Nov., 1906 22460 21 Feb. 2127:! 7 Jane, 1906 22263 27 Her.. 1906 22342 23 Jan. 22837 U March 22638 II March 22539 14 March 22640 14 March 18 3 Sβ 36 ■s.i 13 13 13 ■24 13 13 i3 18 7 27 36 36 36 36 21 Feb. 10 Jan. 18 April.* 18 April.* 7 .March. 7 Feb. 7 Feb.* 7 Feb.* 7 Jan.* 7 Feb.* 7 Feb. 7 Feb! -. . 21 Feb. 24 Jan.* 21 .March. is April. IS April. is April. 18 April. 22376 :il Jan. 22371 :si Jan. 22462 26 Feb. is 2:i 33 21 Feb.* 7 March.* I April.* 22339 24 Jan.. 1906} 22406 8 Feb. 22348 23 Jan. 22:i.-):S 24 Jan. 2247(1 28 Feb. IS 18 IS 33 21 Feb.* 21 Feb.* 21 Feb. 4 April. 2HI.-SK 26 April. 1906 22404 7 FeB. 22404 7 Feb. 22271 6 Jan. 21664 20 Aug., 1906 22624 s March 3 27 27 13 27 10 Jan. 21 Mar.* 21 March.* 7 Feb.* 21 Mar.* 22101 ii Feb. 20 March 22249 27 Dec., 1906 22011 6 Nov., 1906 22274 7 Jan. 222111 9 Jan. 22318 15 Jan 22356 25 Jan. 23 7 March. 13 7 18 13 13 18 7 Feb. 24 Jan. 21 Feb.* 7 Feb.* •7 Feb.* 21 Feb.* 22:tr>7 26 Jan. 22438 18 K.I 1 22439 18 Feb. 18 33 21 Feb.* 4 April.* 22608 28 March 22011 5 Nov., 1906 "7 24 Jan. Caldecott, W. A., Johannesburg, Transvaal. Separating liquids from crushed-ore products Cambridge, C. F. A., and others, Greymouth, N.Z. Band-music stand Campbell, A. F., Timaru, N.Z. Wearing-striji for threshing-machine concave Campbell, A. M., Hobart, Tas. (See A. F. Golding and E. Campbell, No. 22105.) Campbell, E., and another, Hobart, Tas. Variable-speed pulley. (A. M. Campbell) Cannell, C, St. Mary's, Tas. Cutting and searing lambs' tails Carlson, O. K., Clydevale, N.Z. Water-tap 22613 ii March 21004 17 April. 1906 20804 6 March, 1906 :t:i 33 27 4" April.* I April. 21 March. 22105 24 Nov., 1906 13 7 Feb.* 20763 20 Feb.. 1906 20900 23 March, 1906 23 27 7 March.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent-continued.

Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Carut, K. C, and others, Ka-t Cowes, Isle of Wight. Marine- turbine 22150 Carpenter, A. W., London, Eng. Elastic-tire .. .. 22446 Carson, A. A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Water-heater .. .. 22230 Carter, R. H., Kimbolton, N.Z. Horse-collar .. .. .. 20772 Chamberlain, W. E., and another, Feilding, N.Z. Tire-furnace 22270 Checkogram, Limited, London, Eng. Checkin tering issue ol 22455 tickets. (J. J. Stockall, jun.) Checkogram, Limited, London, Eng. Delivering and registering 22450 tickets, c-lie-cks. to. (,l. .1. Stockall, jun.) Checkogram, Limited, London, Eng. Counting and registering device 22470 for turnstile. (S. C. Lee and X. A. MorkuT) Chemical Industrial Syndic-ate-, Limited, The, London, Eng. Mann- 22341 facture- of matches and igniting-surface therefor. (I.. Stan Chew, 1.., Sumy. Eng. (See II. .1. West and (c. Limited, X". 22343.) ('hoclowski, A. T.. Dunedin, N.Z. Pen and apparatus for slaughtering 22527 cattle Christie,* T. E., Dunedin, N.Z. Skylight.. .. .. .. 22212 Christie, T. R., Dunedin. X.Z. Yard-gully and level inlet for drainage 22390 purposes Christie, T. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Skylight.. .. .. I 22593 Churches, (!. E., Te Awamutu, X.Z. Flexible-tube cleaner 21146 Cloud, J. W., London, Eng. Railway-brake apparatus .. .. 21709 Clark, R. O., Hobsonville, X.Z. Glazed-earthenware blocks 22242 Clark, R. (>., Hobsonville, X.Z. Drain-grate fastening .. 22215 Clark, R. O., Hobsonville, N.Z. Yard-sink .. .. .. 22243 Clark, R. ()., Hobsonville, X.Z. Earthenware pipes .. .. 22509 Clifford, 11. M., and others, London, Eng, (See- Cork Asphalt. Limited, Xo. 22119.) Coleman, T., and another, Derby, Eng, Distributing liquids on roads 22338 Comings, \V. R., Surrey, Eng. Box-making maohine .. .. 22303 ('ook. F. H., and others, Dandenong, Vic. Rotary engine .. .. 22103 Cook, .1., and another. Port Chalmers, X.Z. Stone-shoot for dredge . . 20735 Codpar, G, Mangatoki, X.Z. She Je .. .. 22182 Cooper, P., Christohurch, X.Z. Road-watering method .. .. 22294 Copeland, H. M.. and another. Palmerston North, X.Z. Telephony .. 225S0 Copeland, H. II, and another, Palmerston North, X.Z. Telephony .. 22687 Copeland, J., and another, Palmerston North, X.Z. Telephony .. 22S86 Copeland, J., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Telephony .. 22587 Copeland, T. M., Auckland, X r .Z. Expandable spacer for type-setting 22541 Cop pell, E. T., Kataia, N.Z. Lathe-chuck .. 22596 Coppell, E. T., Kataia, N.Z. Mechanism attached to lathes tore-place 22597 callipers Corbett, F. J., South Yarra, Vie. (See E. G. Mills, Xo. 21231.) Corbett, F. J., South Yarra, Vic. (See H. Corbett, No. 22323.) Corbett, F. J., South Yarra. Vie. (See H. Corbett. No. 22309.) Corbett, H., South Yarra, Via Food and tonic, applicable ,1,- 22323 stitute for hops. (F. J. Corbett) Corbett, H., South Yarra, Vie. Syphon. (F. J. Corbett) .. .. 2230!! Cork Asphalt, Limited, London, Eng. Manufacture of building-blocks, 22119 etc (c. M. C. Hughes, T. II. Quinlan, and II. M. Clifford) Corrigan, S. B., Manaia, X.Z. Solution for potato-blight .. .. 20017 Cotton, F., Hornsby, X. S. W. Removing sulphur, fco., from ores .. 21870 Cotton, F., Hornsby, N.S.W. Treating iron-ores .. .. .. 22014 Coulthard, T. W., Mangapai, N.Z. Fencing-dropper .. 22306 CowelL A., and another, Mat-kail. dropper and 22282 wire-fastener Craelelock, F. F., and another, Middlesex, Eng. Machine- for brushing 22483 thee human spine and back Craigie, J. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Hoot .. .. 21878 Craigie, J. M., and another, Dunedin, X.Z. Hoot ., .. .. 22648 Craigie, W. J. M., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Root .. .. 22648 Crichton, A., and another, Dunedin, X.Z. Adjustable chair . . 22013 Crimp, H. M., Strzlecki, Vic. Egg-beater .. .. 208.50 Cromwell, C, Queensland. (See (J. 10. Bunning, No. 22476.) Cropley, W. F, Sydney, N.S.W. Boot or shoe .. .. 22352 Crosthwaite, W. 0., Lee els, Eng, Fire-bar for furnace . . 22474 Crowle, H. B., and another, St. Kilcla. Vic. Target .. 22266 Cruickshank, C. M., Timaru, N.Z. Earth-closet .. .. .. 21945 Chimming, \V.. Malvern, Vic. (See T. Whittle and tl. G. Turri, No. 22283.) Cunningham, D. Y., and another, Timaru, X.Z. Weatherboard-joint 22302 24 March, liKKif 20 Feb. 20 Dec., 1906 24 Feb., looo 7 Jan. 21 Feb. 21 Feb. 2s Feb. 23 Jan. 6 March 14 Dec., 1900 2 Feb. 22 March 15 Mav. 1906 26 Manh. 19(10+ 22 Dec., 1906 22 Dec-.. I9O0 22 Dec., 1906 ."■ March 23 Jan. 28 Jan. 6 Feb. 13 Feb., 1906 12 Dec., 1906 8 Jan. 2.3 March 23 March 23 March 23 March I I March 23 March 23 March 7 33 7 23 13 36 33 18 36 27 3 23 i t 23 3 7 18 24 Jan. 4 April. 24 Jan.* 7 March. 7 Feb.* IS April. 4 April.* 21 Feb. 18 April.* 21 Jan. 21 March. II) Jan. 7 March. 24 Jan. 21 Jan. 7 March. 10 Jan. 24 Jan. 21 Feh.* 36 18 April.* 17 Jan. 7 March.* 23 30 Jan. 27 \.,v., 1906 23 7 7 March.* 24 Jan. 23 Jan. 1906.. 4 Oct., 1900. . 28 March 12 Jan. 9 Jan. 13 23 7 Feb. 7 March. 13 7 Fei)> 28 Feb. 33 4 April. 3 Oct., 1900 12 March 12 March 28 March 14 March, 1906 18 27 27 21 Feb.* 21 March. 21 March. 3 10 Jan. 24 Jan 28 Feb. 3 Jan. 16 Oct. 13 13 7 Feb! 7 Feb.* 28 Jan. Dall, W., Dunedin, X.Z. Bias adjustment, for howls .. 21689 Dalton, J. W., Sandwich, U.S.A. Breeches I. .. 22335 Daniel, E. R. B., Masterton, X.Z. Guard for ciroular saw . . 22407 Daniels. H., Brisbane, Queensland. Potato digger and grader .. 21127 Daniels, H., Brisbane, Queensland. Potato planter and hiller .. 22494 Darnell, J., Brisbane, Queensland. Rubber attachment to heels .. 22248 Davey, A. J., Westminister, Eng. Military equipments .. .. 22479 Davis, C. W., and others, Montreal, Canada. (See the Imperial Writing Machine Company, Limited, Xo. 22518.) 23 Aug., 1900 23 Jan. 8 Feb. 8 May, 1906.. 27 Feb. 27 Dec, 1906 18 Dec, 1906f 7 18 23 23 33 18 33 24 Jan. 21 Feb. 7 March.* 7 March. 4 April.* 21 Feb. 4 April.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent- continued.

Application. Gazette. Name, Address, aud Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Davis, G. W., and others, .Montreal, Canada. (See the Imperial Writing Machine Company, Limited, No. 22518.) D.iwMin, H. I , '. E., Johannesburg, Transvaal. Candle-protector Debenham, A. J., unci others, Hokitika, N.Z. Band-music stand Deister, E., Fort Wayne, U.S.A. Ore-concentrator De Lautour, F., Auckland, N.Z. Marine propulsion Delehanty, J., Kensington Park, South Australia. Rotary engine .. De Neveu, E., and another, Asnicres, France. Extracting solid particles from fluids Desy, l>. A., Montreal, Canada. (See J. W. Harris, No. 20949.) De Witt, G. C, Melbourne, Vie. Production of pigment from sulphide ores Dibdin, W. J., and another, London, Eng. Illuminating and beating gas Dickie, D., and another, Balfour, N.Z. Skim-coulter of plough Diet/.. A. !!., and others, Albert Park. Vic. Rotary engine Dixon, A., San Francisco, U.S.A. (Sic E. N. Waters, Xo. 2251.4.) Dixon, W. J. P., and another, Rock and Pillar, X.Z. Wire-strainer DSrwald, Q. I.. II, London, Eng. Carburetter Douglas, R. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Machinery-roller Downing, H. \V., ClirisU liurch, N.Z. Stirrup Downs, H., and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Railway fish-plate Dugins, W. F., and another, Kew, Vic. Automatically delivering food to horses 22326 21004 21175 22441 20852 22432 22315 22306 17 Jan. 17 April, 1906 21 May, lHOli 15 Feb. 14 March, 1906 13 Feb. 15 Jan. 20 Jan. 13 33 3 3 18 7 Feb.* 4 April. 10 Jan. 10 Jan. 21 Feb.* 22308 224(1.'! 11 Jan. (i Feb. 23 27 7 March.* 21 March. 22430 21194 22621 22502 22024 22422 II Feb. 31 May, l905f 28 March 4 March 7 Nov., 1906 13 HYh. 33 7 4 April.* 24 Jan. 30 18 33 18 April. 21 Feb.* 4 April* Eddey, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Wire oheese-outtei Edison Ore Milling Syndicate, Limited, The, London, Eng. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 22262.) Edwards, H. J., Dunedin N.Z. Revolving-grate. (J. F. G. Edwards) Edwards, J. F. G., Melbourne, Vic. (See H. J. Edwards, Xo. 22360.) Electric Safety Appliances Company, limited, and another, London, Eng. Preventing leakage 01 electricity Emery, S. J., Windsor, Vic. Collar and harness Kppler, A., Allston, U.S.A. (Sec United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 22489.) Evans, G. S., Corryong, Vic. Link-lock hook Evans, G. S., Corryong, Vic Safety-olip-hook appliance Evans, W., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Weatherboard-joint Evelyn, E. S., New Town, Tas. Reoeptacle-elosure 22204 11 Doc, 1906 7 24 Jan. 22360 24 Jan. 22252 27 Dec, 1906 13 7 Feb. 21669 21 Aug., 1906 27 21 March. 22425 22426 22362 21156 14 Feb. II Feb. 28 Jan. 10 May, 1906 33 33 4 April.* 4 April.* 'is 21 Feb! Fair, W. P., and others, London, Eng. Dasher for churn .. Falkner, A., Kaiparoro, N.Z. Suspension-bridge construction Farquhar, G., and another, London, Eng. Hermetically sealing tins.. Featon, E. H., Gisborne, N.Z. Vehicle-brake Ferguson, J. A., Denver, U.S.A. Moulding-machine for buildingblocks. (G. P. White) Firth, E. T. C, Auckland, N.Z. Mixing and disintegrating machine .. Fonts, G. S., San Jose, U.S.A. (See E. N. Waters, No. 22564.) Ford, A. S., Coromandel, X.Z. Forcing liquids from containers Forster, A., and others, East Cowes, Isle of Wight. Marine turbine Francis, A. S., London, Eng. Gas-lamp for inverted incandescent burner Frankland, F. H., Wellington, N.Z. Gas-burner Fraser Wheel Syndicate, Limited, The Malcolm. (See Maloohn Fraser Wheel Syndicate, Limited, No. 22261.) Flicker, W., South Woodford, Eng. Paper-bag-making machine Fry, M., Port Awanui, N.Z. Sheep-race 21820 22549 22028 22331 21207 25 Sept., 1906t 15 March 7 Nov., 190fi 19 Jan. 1 June, 1906 13 30 7 27 3 7 Fob. 18 April.* 24 Jan. 21 March.* 10 Jan. 21064 28 April, 1906 23 7 March. 20743 22150 '22337 15 Feb., 1906 24 March, 1906| 23 Jan. 3 7 18 10 Jan. 24 Jan. 21 Feb. 22270 5 Jan. 27 21 March.* 22180 22196 10 Dec, 1906 13 Dec, 1906 7 7 24 Jan. 24 Jan. Galbally, J. O., Wellington, N.Z. Weatherboarding Gaminara, E., and another, London, Eng. Castor Gard, F. E., and others, Paddington, N.S.W. Mail-bag fastener Gardiner, R. C, Johnsonville, N.Z. Incandescent petrol-gas burner Gascard, J., and another, Ballan, Vic. Grading and cleaning potatoes, &c. Gazzard, H. O., Gympie, Queensland. Flooring and ceiling cramp .. George, W., Invercargill, N.Z. Milking-pi'il Gere, W. B., and others, Syracuse, U.S.A. (See Merrell-Soule Company, No. 21794.) Gibbins, G., Footscray, Vic. Plough Gies, F. G., Detroit, U.S.A. (See Gies Gear Company, No. 22174.) Giee Gear Company, Detroit, U.S.A. Reversing-gear. (F. G. Gies) .. Gifford, F. W., and another, Kansas, U.S.A. Apparatus for producing the illusion of travelling in a railroad-car Gifford, W. C, and another, Kansas, U.S.A. Apparatus for producing the illusion of travelling in a railroad-car Gilday, J. J., Berringa, Vic. Pump Gilfedder, T. J., Athol, N.Z. Speed-indicator Gill, E. R., New York, U.S.A. (See International Telegraphic Call Company, No. 2J008.) Gillies, A., Heidelberg, Vic. Teat-cup Gillies, W. S., Christchurch, N.Z. Tramway-points Gilling, H. W., Matapu, N.Z. Milking-machine Gillingham, K., Dunedin, N.Z. Oven of cooking-range 22234 21007 22447 22477 22349 20776 22340 22375 22174 22493 21 Dec, 1906 18 April, 1906 21 Feb. 28 Feb. 23 Jan. 23 Feb., 1906 23 Jan. 31 Jan. 10 Dec, 1906 25 Feb. 7 3 36 i3 13 18 23 7 24 Jan.* 10 Jan. 18 April. 7 Feb!* 7 Feb. 21 Feb. 7 March. 24 Jan. 22493 25 Feb. 21163 22463 17 May, 1906 25 Feb. 7 33 24 Jan. 4 April.* 22473 20793 22560 22590 28 Feb. 1 March, 1906 19 March 20 March 33 7 4 April.* 24 Jan.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent-continued.

■VV' lion ;ion. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Dale. I Godsal, P. T., Flintshire, Eng. Breech-loading small arms Golding, A. F., and another, Hobart, Tad. Variable-speed pulley. (A. M. Campbell) Gooder, N. I.. Wellington, N.Z. Trolley-arm head Goodyear, X., New fork, U.S.A. Acetylene-generator Gordon, J., Chrietohuroh, N.Z. Shield-attachment for tires.. Cover. \V. R., Burwood, N.S.W. Spinal corselet .. Graham, J., Gisbome, N.Z. Increasing speed of grindstone Gray, A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Pocket of wearing-apparel .. Griffith*, H. S., Wai-iti, N.Z. Axe-head 22484 22105 22515 22525 22543 22393 22381 22410 22268 28 Feb. 24 Nov., 1906 6 March r> March 14 March 2 Feb. 30 Jan. 9 Feb. 3 Jan. J3 36 36 7 Feb.* 18 April.* 18 April. is 21 Feb.* 27 21 March.* Hadaway, J. B., Brockton, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 22288.) llaggarty, H., jnn., and another, Kew, Vic. Automatically delivering food to horses Sail, A. .).. Thornleigh, N'.S.W. Feeding brushes with pigment Hall. A. .1.. Thornleigh, N.S.W. Scarifier Hall, K. .1.. I'almerston North, N.Z. (See ('. Jansen, No. 22557.) Hamilton, .1., Winton, N.Z. Sliding sheep-fence .. Hankinson. A., Sydney, N.S.W. Reinforcing oonorete-floors Hanslow. .1., Cambridge, Tas. Wire gripper and strainer .. Harper, N. C. T., Durban, Natal. Manufacturing carbonate of soda Harris, C. ){., Wellington, N.Z. Telephone Harris, C, and another, Roxburgh, N.Z. Protecting fruit-trees from birds Harris, .1. W., Montreal Canada. Excavating-apparatus. (L. A. Desy) Harvey, A. G., Waverley, N.Z. Bit for controlling horses . . Hasleit, W. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Anesthetic. Hawes, T., Wellington, N.Z. Indicator .. Bellberg, F. W., Sydney, N.S.W. Hammock and tent Henderson, J. R., and another, Fitzroy, Vic. Lifting-jack Henry, J/ E., Bundarra, N.S.W. Pneumatic tire Hermann, C. W., and another, Windsor, Vic. Stamp-pad Heskett, T. J., Brunswick) Vic. Extracting zinc from sulphide Heys, W. E., and another, Bushey, Eng. Detergent Higgins, H. T., and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Scaffolding-bracket Higgieon, jun., J., Greytown, N.Z. Retaining in position teat-cup mouthpiece Hill, A., Denver, U.S.A. (See the Kendrick and Hill Manufacturing Company, No. 22r>7'.>.) Hines, J., and another, London, Eng. Distributing liquids on roads . . Holland, J. E., Kaiapoi, N.Z. Mowing-machine .. Homer, J. P., Epsom, N.Z. Shaft-tug Houston, D., St. George, Queensland. Acetylene-generator Hubbard, A. R., London, Eng. (See the Malcolm Fraser Wheel Syndicate, Limited, No. 22201.) Hubbard, E. J., Wellington, N.Z. Method of advertising .. Hubbard, W., Dulwich Hill, N.S.W. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Ray ward, No. 22285.) Hudson, A. S., Brisbane, Queensland. Pliers for ear-marking sheep .. Hudson, II. A., Maiiriceville, N.Z. Parlour-game.. Huggins, A. G., and another, Rivcilea, N.Z. Milk-weighing can Hughes, ('. M. ('., and others, London, Eng. (Sec Cork Asphalt, Limited, No. '221 19.) Hughes, J., Waitohi Flat, N.Z. Attaching chaffey-spout to threshingmill Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Linotype-machine. (Linoty]>e and Machinery, Limited— J. Mayer and C. A. Albrecht) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Wave-motor. (F. Starr) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Linotype-machine. (Linotype and Machinery, Limited—W: H. Scharf) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Finishing and cooling curved stereotypes. (Printing Machinery Company, Limited—H. A. W. Wood) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Finishing, cooling, and drying curved stereotypes. (Printing Machinery Company, Limited —H. A. W. Wood) Humble, T. S., Gcelong, Vic. Internal-combustion engine. (T. S. Humble and E. Schultz) Hunt, W. H., Melbourne, Vic. (See R. H. Lucas, No. 22264.) Hunter, J. T., Wellington, N.Z. Magnetic separator. (The Edison Ore Milling Syndicate, Limited—W. Simpkin and J. B. Ballantine) Hutchison, A. J., Auckland, N.Z. Household-purchases indicator .. Hutchinson, G., Christchurch, N.Z. Seed-sower lliitchinson, G., Wellington, N.Z. Fencing standard or dropper Hutchinson, G., Wellington, N.Z. Seed-sower Hutchinson, G. F., Kapuni, N.Z. Hydraulic vacuum pump Hutchinson, G. F., Kapuni, N.Z. Acetylene-generator 22422 21666 22424 21088 22576 22246 22117 225211 20808 211! 14! I 21003 22555 22384 22394 22454 22400 21678 22241 21515 22305 22350 22338 224(11 22620 22227 13 Feb. 18 Aug., 1906 11 Feb. 28 April, l'MWi 21 March 27 Dec. 1906 27 Nov., 1906 !l March 6 March, 1906 4 April, 1906 17 April, 1906 14 March 4 Feb. 4 Feb. 21 Feb. 6 Feb. 22 Aug., 1906 21 Dei-.. 1906.. 16 Nov., 1906t 9 Jan. 23 Jan. 23 Jan. 25 Feb. 28 March 20 Dec, 1906.. 33 3 33 is 23 18 27 27 36 18 23 33 18 13 13 18 13 23 33 J3 4 April.* 10 Jan. 4 April. 7 Fell 7 March. l>1 Feb. •21 March. •_>l March. 18 April.* 21 Feb.* 7 March.* 4 April.* 21 Feb. 7 Feb.* 7 Feb. 21 Feb.* 7 Feb.* 7 March. 4 April.* 7 Feb. 224X! in Feb. 22487 22397 22247 28 Feb. (» Feb. 27 Dee., 1906.. 36 27 13 18 April.* 21 March.* 7 Feb.* 20798 1 March, I'Ml<> 13 7 Feb. 22178 10 Dec, 1906.. 7 '24 Jan. 22336 22486 23 Jan. 28 Feb. 18 21 Feb. 22566 20 March 22567 20 March 22251 27 Dec. 1906.. 13 7 Feb 22262 2 Jan. 13 7 Feb. 21634 22562 22287 22436 22408 20821 15 Aug., 1906 20 March 9 Jan. 18 Feb. 8 Feb. 8 March, 1906 23 7 March.* 13 33 33 13 7 FeT>.» 4 April.* 4 April.* 7 Feb. Imperial Writing Machine Company, Limited, The, Montreal, Canada. Typewriter. (C. W. and G. W. Davis and W. P. Kidder) International Sand Blast Company, San Francisco, U.S.A. Sand-blast apparatus. (W. H. Kelly) International Telegraphic Call Company, New York, U.S.A. Signallingapparatus. (E. R. GUI) 22518 6 March 36 18 April. 2260C 25 March 21008 18 April, 1906 3 10 Jan.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent — continued.

Application. Oairtlt.. Niuio. Address, un.l Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Jack, A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Producing gas from hydrocarbon oils Jackson, A. G., Brisbane, Queensland. MechaniHin for totalisator, &e Jackson, A. G., Brisbane, Queensland. Eleotrio-olook mechanism Jackson, F. H., New Plymouth, N.Z. Garden-hoe Jackson, F. H., and another, London, Eng. Clutching-device for communicating rotary motion Jackson, J. 1)., Prahran, Vic. Water-heater Jackson, J. D., Prahran, Vic. Water-heater Jagger, P. B., London, Eng. Manufacturing concrete slabs, pipes, &c. James, G. L. D., Napier, N.Z. (See F. T. Boys, No. 21183.) Jamieson, W., Christchurch, N.Z. Kotory engine.. Jansen, C, Palmerston North, N.Z. Draining clothes in process of washing. (E. J. Hall) Jensen, J. W., Palmerston North, N.Z. Cow's-tail holder Jerram, A. E., and another, Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Maehinery Company, No. 21072.) Jillett, J. R., Titahi Bay, N.Z. Pleasure-boat window Johansen, H. V., Auckland, N.Z. Explosive engine Johnson, A. B., Auckland, N.Z. Curtain or loreen elevator Johnson, A. E., Brockton, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 22490.) Johnson, C.I., Dunedin, N.Z. Trolley-pole Johnson, C. J., Christchurcli, N.Z. Automatically drawing down trolley-poles when such leave the wire Johnson, E. M., Woodville, N.Z. Fattening calves Johnson, G. B., Westminster, Eng. Machinery for corrugating metalsheets Johnson, H. H., and another, Forbes, N.S.W. Gas-lamp lighter and extinguisher Jones, J. H., and another, Cromwell, N.Z. Saving of gold in dredges Jones, L. C. R., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Mail-bag fastener Joseph, A. I., Sydney, N.S.W. Septic treatment of sewage Josling, H. W. E., London, Eng. Preventing fraudulent relilling of bottles Juriss, M., Wellington, N.Z. Dumb-bells, clubs, &c. 22232 22389 22388 21972 22313 22228 22277 22482 22604 22557 22379 •2227:! 22101 2241 ■) 21 Dec, 1906.. 5 Feb. 5 Feb. 26 Oct. 15 Jan. 20 Dec, 1906.. 8 Jan. 10 March, HMiiit 26 March 19 March 31 Jan. 7 Jan. 20 Nov. 7 Feb. 18 18 27 7 7 13 36 27 7 27 21 Feb.* 21 Feb.* •21 .March. 24 Jan.* 24 Jan.* 7 Feb.* IS April.* 21 March. •24 Jan.* 21 March.* ■2l'2!l!l 2253 I 7 Jan. 12 March 13 3:t 7 Feb.* 4 April.* 22311 22316 14 Jan. 15 Jan. 18 18 21 Feb.* 21 F.-l). 22314 15 Jan. 13 7 Feb.* 20394 22447 22533 22428 28 Nov., 1905 21 Feb. 13 March 14 Feb. 27 36 21 March. 18 April. 22280 9 Jan. Kane, W., and another, Cromwell, N.Z. Gold-saving dredge Kannel. (See Van Kannel.) Kannuluik, J., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Drawing off fumes or gases from urinals, &c. Katene, W., Manaia, N.Z. Form of sheet iron for building purposes Keane, J. T., Bendigo, Vic. Displaying mathematical tables Keats, T., Sheffield, N.Z. Plough Keesing, H. M., Auckland, N.Z. High-pressure boiler Kelly, G., Napier, N.Z. Book-marker Kelly, W. H., San Francisco, U.S.A. (See International Sand Blast Company, No. 22601).) Kendall, S., Abbotsford, Vic. Gas-burner .. Kendrick and Hill Manufacturing Company, The, Denver, U.S.A. Lawn-mower. (A. Hill) Kenna, P. A., Sydney, N.S.W. Tobacco-pipe Kennedy, E. G., Feilding, N.Z. Boot Kerr, E. G., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Issuing checks or tickets .. Kidd, C. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Bicycle-pedal strap Kidder, W. P., and others, Boston, U.S.A. (See the Imperial Writing Machine Company, Limited, No. 22518.) Kirkpatrick, J. S., Pukekohe, N.Z. Door or gate fastening Knowles, W., Christchurch, N.Z. Boot or shoe Knudsen, I. P. B., Copenhagen, Denmark. Centrifugal machine Knudsen, I. P. B., Copenhagen, Denmark. Centrifugal separator Knudsen, I. P. B., Copenhagen, Denmark. Bearing for rapidly rotating bodies Kowtnnoff. (See Poljakoff-Kowtnnoff.) 20394 28 Nov., 1905 27 21 March. 22467 27 Feb. 33 4 April.* 22544 22221 21777 22546 22367 14 March 20 Dec, 1906 12 Sept., 1906 12 March •29 Jan. 7 13 J3 24 Jan.* 7 Feb.* 7 Feii!* 22431 22579 14 Feb. 21 March 33 4 April.* 20662 22304 22578 22573 31 Jan., 1906.. 12 Jan. 21 March 20 March 13 7 Feb. 22437 22378 22551 22552 22553 14 Feb. 31 Jan., 13 March 13 March 13 March 27 36 36 36 21 .March.* : 18 April. ' 18 April. 18 April. Lamme, B. G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See the British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited, Nos. 22537 to 22540.) Lampen, F. H., Wellington, N.Z. Signalling-flags.. Lampen, F. H., Wellington, N.Z. Range-finder Lane, T., Wanganui, N.Z. Securing rubber heels to boots or shoes .. Lautour. (See De Lautour.) Le Blanc, A., Carlton, Vic. Fumigating rabbits .. Le Blanc, M., Paris, France. (See La Societe Anonyme Westinghouse, No. 22480.) Lee, S. C, and another, London, Eng. (See Checkogram, Limited, No. 22470.) Lees, H. R., Daylesford, Vic. Potato-harvester Lehmann, C. G., Lockhart, N.S.W. Harvesting-machine Leydon, J. B., Gisborne, N.Z. Vehicle-seat Lilley, J., ChristchuTch, N.Z. Fencing-wire twister Linotype and Machinery, Limited, London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, Nos. 22178, 22486.) 22558 22595 22459 22265 19 March 25 March 21 Feb. 3 Jan. 33 33 ■' 4 April.* 22347 22392 21969 22413 23 Jan. 2 Feb. 25 Oct., 190-5.. 11 Feb. 18 18 7 33 is IS 7 21 Feb. 21 Feb.* 24 Jan. 4 April.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Application. Qaiette. Name, Address, and Invention. Nα Date. No. Da:e. Linotype and Machinery, Limited, London, Eng. Printing-machine. (T. R. Q. Parker) Ljungetrom, 1$., and another, Stockholm, Sweden. (See Aktiebolaget Separator, No. 22514.) LjungBtrom, F., and another, Stockholm, Sweden. (Sec Aktiebolaget Separator, No. 22514.) Love, R., Auckland, X.Z. (James-advertising medium ljovett, T. J., Chicago, U.S.A. Magnetic separator Lowden, jini., J., Mataura, N.Z. Preventing punctures in tires Lucas, R. H., Melbourne, Vic. Puncture-sealing compound and device. (W. H. Hunt) Lumsdcn, (!. I)., Christ church, N.Z. Steamer and strainer for cookingutensils Lund, T. E., and another, Johannesburg, Transvaal. Nut-look 22569 22664 22886 22329 22264 20 March IS March 5 Feb. •21 Jan. 3 Jan. ' 28 27 7 March. 21 March.* 22600 26 March 21955 24 Oct., 1906.. 23 7 March. Macdougall, W. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Building for totalisator 22522 7 March 36 18 April.* Macintosh. T. W.. IVnshurst. N.S.W. Sheet-metal lathing Mackaness, C, and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Screw propeller Mackay, H., Martinborough, N.Z. Bicycle chain-guard Mackie, ,I., and another, Rivcrlca, N.Z. Milk-weighing can Maepherson, H., and another, Broiidesbury, Eng. Detergent Maganite Explosive* Syndicate, Limited, Cape Town, Cape Colony. Explosives. (H. ('. L. IHoxam) Maliimev. I!. G.. and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Tire-inflator Ma-honey, I).. ( hristchureh. N.Z. ( y< le-< rank Malcolm Fraaet Wheel Syndicate, Limited, The, London, Eng. Spring tires for wheels. (A. K. Hiibbard) MiUocsay, I , '.. New York, U.S.A. (See British-American Tobacco Company, Limited, No. 22842.) Mander, H. and another, Fcilding, N.Z. Tire-furnaoe Mauley, .1. W.. and another, New Rarnct, Eng. Preventing leakage of electricity Marino, Q., and another, London, Eng. Treatment of wood Marks, H. S., Uongatha, Vic. Door or gate holder Marsdon, N., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Anaesthetic Martin. C., Klthani. X.Z. Vehicle-Mat .. Masters, E., and others. Sale, Vic. Hutter-box Matthews, <'. II.. Wellington, N.Z. Means for re-covering billiard-tallies Maunder, A., and others, Ashhurst, N.Z. Operating window-blinds and curtain-poles Maunder, J. B., and others, Ashhurst, N.Z. Operating window-blinds and curtain-poles Maunder, H. If., Ashhurst, N.Z. Washing-board Maunder, R. M., and others, Ashhurst, N.Z. O|>eratiiig window-bHnda and curtain-poles Mayer, J., and another, Berlin, Germany. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 22178.) Mayr, H., Auckland, N.Z. Preventing ring slipping from finger McCallum, W., Blenheim, N.Z. Automatically placing windmills in and out of gear McCarty, F. J., San Francisco, U.S.A. Wireless telephone McClellan, H. W., Hawthorn, Vie. Gas water-heater McCluggage, J., and another, Whangamomona, N.Z. Potato, &c, digger McCorkindale, A., Island Block. N.Z. Water-motor for pipe-lines McDonald. T. \V.. Port Fairy. Vic. Can-soldering machine. . McEachern, \\'., Rosewood, N.S.W. Bottle attachments and aeratedliqnid delivering McEachern, W., Rosewood, N.S.W. Measured-charge delivery de\ ice McEvoy, J., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Boots for diggers, ftc. MoEvoy, J. H., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Boots for diggers McKvoy, R., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Boots for diggers McFee, Iv. Dunedin, N.Z. Cabinet and teaching-appliance.. McGarva, T. F, Christchurch, N.Z. Cradle McGinn, P. J., Salisbury, Rhodesia. Vehicle-spring McKcnzie, I). Auckland, N.Z. Wire mattress and bed-rest McLean, D. W., Methven, N.Z. Tire McLean, F. K., Henley, N.Z. Teat-eupmouthpicce fastening Mcl>ennan, W. J., and another, Middlesex, Eng. Machine for brushing the human spine and back McLoughlin, J., and another, Cromwell, N.Z. Hanging w r all-pa|>ers.. McMath, D. C, and another, Balfour, N.Z. Skim-coulter of plough Medhurst, F. W., Hobart, Tas. Telephone and telegraih instrument Mein, W. (!., and another. London, Eng. Castor Mence, W. H., and another, Latrobe, Tas. Corrugated-iron ridgecapping Meredith, J. T.. Geraldine, N.Z. Construction of motor or cycle tire.. Merralls, W. A., San Francisco, U.S.A. Process of and apparatus for cyaniding Merrell, I. S., and others, Syracuse, U.S.A. (See Merrell-Soule Company, No. 21704.) 22462 22312 22561 22247 21616 21384 21 Feb. 15 Jan. 20 March 27 Deo., 1906.. 16 Nov., iflOet 22 June, 1906 'is is 13 27 21 Feb! 7 Feb.* 7 Feb. 21 March. 22674 22303 22261 20 March 11 Jan. 23 Jan., 1806t 2227(1 22262 7 Jan. 27 Dec., 1906 13 7 Feb.* 7 Feb. 22171 22223 22555 22370 21099 22694 22383 7 Dec, 1906.. 20 Pee.. LOW.. 14 March 31 Jan. 5 May, 1906.. 25 March I Feb. 7 13 86 33 23 24 Jan. 7 Feb.* 18 April.* 4 April. 7 March. 22383 1 Feb. 22382 22383 I Feb. I Feb. 23 7 March.* 22409 22464 9 Feb. 26 Feb. 23 33 7 March.* 4 April.* ■211(11 21114 22530 8 May, 1906. . 9 May, 1906. . 11 March 27 27 36 21 March. 21 March. 18 April.* 22328 22295 22418 in Jan. 10 Jan. 13 Feb. 28 13 27 7 .March. 7 Feb.* 21 March. 22396 22469 22469 22469 22088 22237 22516 22618 22503 22231 22483 8 Fab. 26 Feb. 20 Feb. 26 Feb. 21 Nov., 1906 22 Dec. 1906.. 6 March ■2."i March 20 March IS Doc.. 1906 28 Feb. 27 7 27 21 March.* 24 Jan. 21 March.* "7 33 24 Jan!* 4 April. 21775 22308 21079 21007 22475 11 March II Jan. 3 May. 1906 18 April, l<106 28 Feb. 27 23 23 3 33 21 March.* 7 March.* 7 March. 10 Jan. 4 April. 22377 22427 31 Jan. 14 Feb. 23 27 7 March.* 21 March.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

ipplication. (lazrttr. Name, Address, and Invention. Nα Date. No. Date. Uerrell, L. C, and others, Syracuso, U.S.A. (See MerreU-Soule Company, No. 21794.) Herrell-Soulo Company, Syracuso, U.S.A. Recovering solids from liquids. (L. C. and I. 8. Merroll, and W. B. Qe») Uicvilli', M. K., Chiohester, K"k- Production of oarburetted ail Hills. K. G., South Yarra, Vie. Food for calves. (F. .). Corbett) Mitchell, J., Auckland, X.Z. Treatment of ten tfoin, E., and another, Sydnoy, N.S.VV. Gas-lamp lighter and extinguisher Holas, J., and another, London, Eng, Turbine .. Montgomery, J., Dunedin, N.Z. CooHng-ohamber Ifoore, (J.. London, Kng. Separating goId, &<■. Morgan, A.. Palnierston North, N.Z. Operating electric liclls Morkill, N. A., and another, London. Kng. (Sec Cheokogram, Limited, No. 2247a) Morris, T., Dunedin, N.Z. Body-heat producor .. Motion, J. A., and others, Leicester, Eng. Lasting-machine for boots and shoes Moss, A. E., Dunedin. N.Z. Klcetric shop-alarm mat Moss, E., Cliristchurch, N.Z. Stamping and franking letters Hote, II.. Sydney, N.S.W. Extension step-ladder Hote, H.,.and others, Sydney. N.S.W. Intension ladder .. Mote, l>.. and others, Sydney, N.s.w. extension ladder .. tfote, l>., and others. Auckland. N.Z. Extension ladder Ifuggerjdge, G E., and another, Chapel-en-le-Frith, Eng. Door Muir, G. 'I'., and others, trading as J. and T. Miiir. Melbourne. Vic. Manufacture of eaeh-weighto. (W. C. Turpel) Hair, .1. K., and others, trading as .1. and T. Muir. Melbourne. Vio. Manufacture of sash-weights. (W. ('. Turpel) Miiir, T. M.. and others, trading as J. and T. Muir. Melbourne. Vic. Manufacture of saah-weighta. (W. C. Turpel) lioirhead, A.. Shortlands, Eμ. (See A. ('. Baronio, No, 22604.). limit. I-'. W.. Wellington. N.Z. Stamp-affixer durohiaen, I).. Orawia, N.Z. Seed sower furdooh, J., Wellington, N-Z. Toilet-cabinet Hurray, K. l>. EL, Auckland. N.Z. Acetylene gas-lamp generator .. 21794 22503 21231 •2i:i<;:, 22814 22372 22423 20929 22217 22448 22386 22492 22510 22391 ■_'2.->2l 22621 22621 22300 2252(i 15 Sept., 1906 I March. :i<> May. 1906 28 June, 1906 I r> Jan, 31 Jaa 8 Feb. 30 March. ItlOti 19 Dec, 1906 Iβ Feb. 5 Feb. 25 Feb. 6 .March r> Feb. 22 A ml'.. 1906 22 Aug., 1906 •_'■_' Aug., l90e 8 .l.-iii. 5 March 27 2a 23 13 is 38 3 IS 23 :,:, •_':! 33 33 33 2] .March. 18 April. 7 March. 7 March. 7 Feb.* 21 Feb. 4 April.* 10 Jan. 21 Feb.* 7 March. 4 April.* 7 .March. 4 April. 4 April. I \].ril. 36 IK April. 22626 5 .March :,., 18 April. 22626 ."> March 36 is April. 22289 22411 21 Dec, I'M"! (i .Jan. 19 March (i Feb. 7 13 24 Jan.* 7 Feb.* kelson, C, Napier, N.Z. (See F. T. Boys, No. 21183.) S'eveu. (See l)e Neveu.) Newman, G., Thames, N.Z. Target for rifle r: \'ichol. (I. M.. llaiiiti. N.Z. Axe handle extraction G. M., llauiti. N.Z. Wedge for securing axe-handles *Jobbe, J., and another. Wellington. N.Z. Bridge back plates of furnace <orth, R., and another, London, Eng. Hermetically sealing tins . . 22258 22468 22416 7 March 29 Dec., 1906 21 Feb. 12 Feb. 7 33 24 Jan.* 4 April.* 22028 7 Nov.. 1906 7 24 Jan. )lds, R., Cromwell, N.Z. Fencing-standard )lsen, N., West Plains, N.Z. Opening and shutting gates )'Neil, T., Hinde's Ferry, N.Z. Wire distributor and collector Jverend, R. S., and others, Sale, Vio. Butter-box 22173 22603 22317 21099 10 Dec, 1900 27 March 16 Jan. 5 May. l'.IOt. 23 13 28 7 March.* 7 Feb.* 7 March. r'age, W. C, and another, Wellington, N.Z. Reinforoed-oonoreta structures 'annell, L. A., Christehurch, X.Z. Hobble for horses Parker, A. E., London, Eng. (See Babooek and Wiloox, No. 22298.) 'arker, F., and another. Gisborne, N.Z. Scaffolding-l)racket ?arkor, T. R. G., Broadheath, Eng. (See Linotype and Machinery, Limited, No. 22569.) 'arry, H. E., Guildford, W.A. Counting-machine 'arsons, A., and others, Leeds, Eng. Lasting-machine for boots and shoes Parsons, C. A., Newcaetle-on-Tyne, Eng. Packing-device for turbineshaft Arsons, H., Southampton, Eng. Device for applying to tire to prevent puncture and skidding Partridge, G. E., and another, Cromwell, N.Z. Hanging wall-papers.. Pataud, H., Paris, France. Wheel-felloe.. Pataud, H.. Paris. Franco. Vehicle-wheel rims Patereon, J. V... and others, Safe, Vic. Butter-box Patterson, J. V' , Wellington, N.Z. Generating gas from hydrocarbon oils Payne, C. J. H., Limehills, X.Z. Xon-relillable bottle Pearson, II. P.. Manchester. Eng. Sat* of straw, palm-leaf, &c. Peterson, J., and another, [nvercargill, N.Z. (ream-cooler Phillips, J., and another, Topunga, Queensland. Fencing-dropper and wire-fastener Philpott, F. G.. lindenow, Vic. Wash-board i'latt. W.. X.Z. Potato-peeter Plummer, J. S.. Auckland, N.Z. Col or streteher 'oljakoff-Kowtnnoff, T.. Tjora, Russia. (See J. Aivaz, No. v>2354.) 3 olley, A. R., and others, Woollahra, N.S.W. Mail-bag fastener, 'ollock, J. H., Wellington, N.Z. Racehorse-controller 22566 111 March 22565 19 .March 22305 9 Jan. 18 21 Feb.* 22226 22386 20 Dec., 1906 5 Feb. 7 23 24 Jan. 7 .March. 20800 .". March; 1906 23 7 March. 22412 8 Feb. ■-'177.-. ■J-2-JS4 22617 21099 22497 11 March 9 Jan 6 .March 5 May, 1906 2 March 27 13 30 23 33 21 .March.* 7 Feb. 18 April. 7 March. 4 April.* 21182 22668 22616 111 .May, I'.KIti.. 20 March 20 March 9 Jan. ■-'7 _'l March. 13 7 Feb> 22:i:i2 22254 22236 23 Jan. 28 Dec. 1900 19 Deo., 1906 IS 13 7 21 Feb. 7 Feb. 24 Jan.* J-J4 17 22326 21 Feb. 19 Jan. 36 13 18 April. 7 Feb.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent -continued.

2—H. 10.—08.

Applicntion. Oaxrttr. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Bate. No. Date. Potte, W. E., Gore, N.Z. Dredge-bucket cleaner Preston, J. C, Sydney, N.S.W. Elastic-fluid motor Preston, J. C, Sydney, N.S.W. Sheep-shears Pride, J. P., and another, Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 21073.) Primmer, C. F., Christehurch, N.Z. Centrifugal-separator disc Printing Machinery Company, Limited, Ixmdon, Eng. (Sec W. K. Hughes, Nos. 20567 and 20668.) Prollius, B. A. O., Copenhagen, Den. Centrifugal machine Pyke, H. J. A., Auckland, N.Z. Purifying and solidifying kauri-gum 22302 22373 22374 22355 8 Jan. 31 Jan. 31 Jan. 28 Dee., 1906 13 7 Feb.* 22589 224 r>7 90 March 19 Feb. 33 4 April. Quertier, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Train-rail cleaner Quertier, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Rail-cleaner Quinlan, T. H., and others, London, Eng. (See Cork Asphalt, Limited, No. 22119.) Quinnell, W. C, Wellington, N.Z. Milk pail and stool 20930 22267 2 April, 1906 3 Jan. 13 27 7 Feb. 21 March.* 20095 10 Feb., 1906 7 24 Jan. Radclyffe, D. E., Staines, Eng. Fibre-scutcher, &c. Railway Supplies Limited, Toronto, Canada. (See E. X. Waters, No. 22485.) Raine, A. C, Melbourne, Vic. Germ-excluder Raleigh, T. E., Corop, Vic. Drafting-gate for animals Raper, F., and another, Alexandra South, X.Z. Wire-strainer Raven, P., Koriimhurra, Vie. .Milking-machine and connect ions Rayward, H. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Lock-nut. (W. Hubbard) Reardon, R. E., Ottawa, Canada. Rifle-sight Reed, R. E., Oakleigh, Vie. Automatic music-turner Recs, K. S. <;., Wolvcrliampton, Eng. Rotary pump and turbine Reichel, L. T., Wellington, N.Z. Baled-goods indicator Reid, A., and another, Whangamomona, N.Z. Potato, &c, digger .. Reid, J., Hamilton, N.Z. Binder-apron Reimers, H. H., Auckland, X.Z. Steamer for dairying purposes Redder, G., Shotover River, N.Z. Propeller Richardson, C, and another, Auckland, N.Z. Electrically distilling and purifying gum Richmond, R. R., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Signal-lamp Richmond, R. R., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Pipe-joint Richmond, R. R., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Billiard-toy Richmond, R. R., and another, Wellington, X.Z. Shafting of steamvessel Richmond, R. R., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Calculating protractor for scales for setting out drawings Richmond, R. R., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Vessel for heating purposes Richmond, R. R., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Sewing-machine .. Richmond, R. R., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Brick Ricketts, T. R., and others, Warragul, Vic. Rotary engine Ridgway, G., Kalgoorli?, W.A. Atmospheric filter RischinuUer, G., Oakland, U.S.A. Turbine Rissel, A. K. \\\. Wellington, N.Z. Ascertaining dampness in wool, &c. Rissmuller, L., New York, U.S.A. Drying, grinding, and screening apparatus Roberts, T., Wellington, N.Z. Window Robertson, M., Fitzroy, Vic. Manufacturing coated articles, such as chocolate confections, &c. Rochfort, H., Auckland, N.Z. Extracting metals from slimed ores .. Rochfort, H., Auckland, N.Z. Filtering suction hose Rogers, A. H., Wanganui, N.Z. Cooling beer Rogers, A. W., Beverly, U.S.A. (See S. W. Winslow, No. 22572.) Rolley, T., Brisbane, Queensland. Operating casement-windows, fanlights, &c. Rollo, J. A., Christehurch, N.Z. Weeding-implement Rose, S. A. M., and another, Richmond, Vic. Target Rowland, A., Wellington, N.Z. Motor-tire Rundle, W., and another, Johannesburg, Transvaal. Nut-lock 21993 31 Oct., 1906 27 21 March. 22216 2230-1 22430 22361 22285 19 Dec, 1906 29 Jan. 14 Feb. 24 Jan. 9 Jan. 23 13 33 13 13 7 March.* 7 Feb.* 4 April.* 7 Feb.* 7 Feb. 22500 22498 22688 22444 2253(1 22358 21823 22434 22359 I March 27 Feb. 19 .March 20 Feb. II March 25 Jan. 21 Sept. 1906 18 Feb. 23 Jan. 33 27 36 4 April.* 21 March.* 18 April* 3 23 18 10 Jan. 7 March.* 21 Feb.* 22274 22291 22318 22357 7 Jan. 9 Jan. 15 Jan. 25 Jan. 18 13 13 18 21 Feb.* 7 Feb.* 7 Feb.* 21 Feb.* 22350 25 Jan. 18 21 Feb.* 22439 18 Feb. 22438 22608 22403 20819 22505 22495 21946 18 Feb. 28 March 6 Feb. 8 March, 1900 4 March 1 March 19 Oct., 1906 33 27 7 36 33 7 4 April.* 21 March. 24 Jan. 18 April. 4 April.* 24 Jan. 22319 22340 17 Jan. 23 Jan. 18 18 21 Feb.* 21 Feb. 22415 22598 22380 9 Feb. 23 March 211 Jan. 33 4 April.* 22451 21 Feb. 33 4 April.* 22324 22266 22001 21955 18 Jan. 3 Jan. 26 March 34 Oct., 1906 18 13 21 Feb.* 7 Feb. 23 7 March. Sargison, A. S., and others, Hokitika, N.Z. Band-music stand Saur, G., Esch, Luxembourg. Flushing-cistern Scharf, W. H., Montreal, Canada. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 22486.) Schultz. E., Geelong, Vic. (See T. S. Humble, No. 22251.) Schwartz, A., Christchurch, N.Z. Feed-baa for horses, &c. (C. H. Avey) Sears, T., and others, London, Eng. Dasher for churn. Seward, E. C, and another, Guilford, U.S.A. (See E. N. Waters, No. 22485.) Shadgett, E., Kilbirnie, N.Z. Treatment of bananas Sharman, F.. London, Eng. Rotary-power bottling-macliine. Sharpe, J., Glebe, N.S.W. Bottle-stopper. Sharps, J., Glebe, N.S.W. Jar for liquid under pressure Shattuck, C. E., Nashua, U.S.A. Pounding-up machine .. ,. 21004 22419 17 April, 1906 13 Feb. 33 4 April. 22405 21820 7 Feb. 25 Sept., 1905f 23 13 7 March. 7 Feb. 22079 22501 22542 22610 22570 20 Nov., 1906 22 Jan., 1906f 11 March 27 March 20 March 13 36 7 Feb.* 18 April.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent -continued.

Application. Qatettt. Name, Address, and Invention No. Dale. No. Date. Sheaf, P., Tomoana, N.Z. Swath-turner . . .. • .. Shelton, F. J., Wellington, X.Z. Acetylene-generator Shepherd, R. 8., Auokland. X.Z Bedstead-foot .. Shimmen, R., and another, Ballan. Vic Grading and cleaning potatoes, &o. Sliortland, F., and another, Ruahden, Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 22491.) Silver, \V.. Tamworth. N.S.W. Sheep-shearing machine Simpkin, W., and another, Twickenham, Eng. (See .1 I. Hunter, No. 83202.) Sinclair, R. K., London, Eng. Windguard for tobacco-pipe Slee, E. S., and another, North Carlton, Vic. Sweeping and elevating road-refuse Smaill, A., Dnnedin, X.Z. Teat-cup Smaill, A., Tomahawk, X.Z Teat-cup Smart, J., Auckland. X.Z. Ventilating-coTer for drains Smeeton, J. A., and another, London, Eng. Turbine Smith, P., and another, Christchurch, N.Z, Qolosh Smith, F. W.i Blenheim, N.Z. Taking sample* of milk for dairies Smith, F. W., and another, Chrietchurch, N.Z. Qolosh Smith, H. K.. Christohurch, N.Z. Cutting the toes of boot or shoi Smith, J. H., Kawana, X.Z. Non-reflllable bottle Smith, P. L., Xortheote, Vie. Pneumatic-pump connection Smith, K. M., Auckland. X.Z. Field drainpipe .. Smuldcrs, .1. J. F. 1C, Rotterdam, Holland. Lighter for discharging Smulders, J. J. F. M., Rotterdam, Holland. Continuous conveyoi coal, &c. Snee, W., West Elizabeth, U.8.A. Wave-motor .. Societa di Esportazione Polenghi, Lombardo, and another, Codi Italy. Treating skimmed milk and milk serum Societe Anonyme Weetinghouse, La, Paris, Prance. Jel or surface condenser. (M. Lβ Blanc) Societe des Etabliseemente Singrun, and another, Epinal, France Soncini, E., and others, Milan. Italy. Treating skimmed milk and milk serum Sprev, E., Dunedin, X.Z. Loose sock for boots, i Staines, F., Melbourne, Vic. Pea-sheller Stange, L., Aix-la-Chapelle, Qer. (See the Chemical Industrial Syndicate, Limited. No. 22341.) Starr, F., San Francisco, U.S.A. (Sec W. E. Hughes, No. 22:«li.) Stebbing, J. B., Auckland, N.Z. Envelope-opener Steele, J A., Tamaheri, N.Z. Apron of harvester-binder Stephens, B. G. C, and another. Dunedin, X.Z. Tire-inflator Stephenson, J. F., Olenferrie. Vic. Bedstead and matn Stevenson, I., and another, Port Chalmers, X.Z. Stone-shoot for dri Stewart, J., Gore, \.Z. Draught attachment for reaper-and-bind< t . . Stewart, T., Waihi, N.Z. Cleaning ships' hulls Stewart, W. R., and another, Latrobe, Tas. Corrugated-iron ridgecapping Stickling, W. H., and others, Sale, Vic. Butter-box Stockall, jun., J. J., London, Eng. (See Cheokogram, Limited, Xos. 22488 and 82166.) Stocks, \V., Vancouver, B.C. Stave-built pipes Stoddart. P. \V.. Bristol, Eng. Sewage-distributor •Stone, A. W., Fitzroy, Vic. Hide or -kin measuring machine Stone, W., Dunedin, X.Z. Tent-peg Storey, C. B. ('., and another. Lancaster. Eng. Ore-orusher Storey, H., Auckland, X.Z. Boiler Storrie, A., Invercargill, X'.Z. Milkmg-can Suter, F. W., and another, London, Eng. Safety-lain),. and air-car-buretter therefor Sutherland, T., Wellington, X.Z. Cooking-vessel .. Sutton, T. B., Rongotea, N.Z. Butter-box 22290 22276 22:x;i 22349 9 Jan. 7 Jan. 23 Jan. 23 Jan. 13 7 Feb.* is 13 21 Feb.* 7 Feb.* 22399 ii Peb, 23 7 March. 22279 22612 8 Jan. 28 March 20999 ■J!, Mill 22322 22372 22330 22269 22330 22468 22387 22307 22463 22610 •.'■.'(ill II April. 1906 18 Sept., L906 17 Jan. 31 Jan. 21 Jan, 2 Jan. 21 Jan. 27 Feb. 5 Pi b. 14 Jan. 21 Feb. 28 March 28 March is 33 13 18 23 13 23 33 :s:s 18 21 Feb. 4 April. 7 Feb.* 21 Eeb. 7 March. 7 Feb.* 7 March. I April.* 4 April.* 21 Feb. 22176 •-'•-'171 1(» Dec. 1906 28 Peb. 27 36 21 March. 18 April. 22480 28 Feb. 3G 18 April. 22608 ■_'2471 3 Manh. I'.MHit 28 Feb. 36 18 April. 22443 20390 Iβ Feb. 29 Not., L906 33 23 I April.* 7 March. 22611 ■>-jr,:\ 20612 20735 22436 22550 22476 6 March 23 March 20 .March 23 Jan., 1908 13 Feb., 1906 16 Feb. 15 March 28 Feb. 13 3 S3 7 Feb. 10 Jan. 4 April. 33 4 April. 21099 .". May. 1906 23 7 March. 22398 21889 22472 22301 21768 207.-).-, 22681 22807 6 Feb. .". Oct., 1906 28 Feb. 8 Jan. 11 Sept., 1906 21 Feb., l!)00.. 22 March 4 March 23 7 33 18 7 7 , March. 24 Jan. 4 April.* 21 Feb.* 24 Jan. 24 Jan. 3(> 18 April. 22196 222^7 13 Dec., L906. . 29 Dec., 1006.. 13 7 7 Feb.* 24 Jan. Tait, A. L. J., Dunedin, X.Z. Stripping and treating Bax-fibre Taucher, J., Wellington, X.Z. Clothes-pegs Taylor, H., Wellington, X.Z. Fireproof starch Taylor, J., Inglewood, X.Z. Harrow Taylor, T. E., Christehurch, N.Z. Tramway-traok (leaner Teese, W. J., Balaclava, Vic. (See W. H. Blaokham, Nos. 22636 and 22535.) Thomas, A. E., Coolgardie, W.A. Rock-drill. (J.Arthur).. Thomas, W. G., and another, Filzrov, Vic. Lifting-jack .. Thompson, A., Duncdiu. X.Z. Horse-cover fastening .. Thomson, J., Invercargill, X'.Z. Tire Thornton, D. G., and another, Wellington, X.Z Pocket of wearingapparel Todd, A., Invercargill, N.Z. Seed-sower.. Todd, C, and another, Heriot, N.Z. Protecting fruit-trees from birds Topp, R. B., St. Omer, X'.Z. Liquid-gauge for oil-engine . . Tremayne, P., and another, Brunswick. Vic. Sweeping and elevating road-refuse 20966 22260 21209 21923 211 12 2i 1863 22464 20933 22583 2241(1 31 March, 1900 2 Jan. 26 May. 1906. . 17 Oct.. L906. . I.") May, l!>06.. 14 March, 1906 21 Feb. 29 March, 1906 13 March 9 Feb. 23 13 7 7 33 3 33 18 7 March. 7 Feb.* 24 Jan. 24 Jan. 4 April. 10 Jan. 4 April.* 21 Feb. 22:47 20808 22XW 221112 12 March 0 March, 1006 23 Jan. 28 March is 18 21 Fcix 21 Feb.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Application. aaxettt. Name, Address, and Invention. — No. Date. Date. No. Date. No. Tiwellian, F. H., Wellington, X.Z. Cash-register .. .. 21116 L7 May, 1906.. Iregellee, K. A., New Plymouth, N.Z. Ferro-concrete reinforcements 21137 in May. 1906.. Tropenaa, A., Montelimar, Prance. Manufacture of eteel .. .. 22157 20 Feb., L906f Tuok, C. J., Dannevirke, N.Z. Snatch pulley or block .. .. 20704 12 Feb., 1906.. C. J., Makotuku, N.Z. Spoon .. " .. .. .. 22-1(12 0 .Feb. Tiiriil.ull, E. J., IMmedin, N.Z. Rotary shaking-tables .. .. 22198 10 Dec., 1906.. TurpeL W. C. Sydney, N.S.W. (See G. T., T. M., and .1. K. Muir, X,,. 22526.) ' i'um. (J. G., and aiiutlicr, Melbourne, Vic. Ship's-progress indicator. 22283 !• Jan. (W. Camming and T. Whittle) 13 27 18 27 7 Feb. 21 March. 21 Feb. 21 March. 27 21 March. 13 7 Feb. Ulrica, G., Broken Hill. X.S.W. Classifying oree .. .. 20846 14 March, 1906 Ullrich, G., Broken Hill, N.S.W. Magnetic separation of ores .. 20847 14 March, 1906 United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. H-><>t or ihoe 21073 :i May, 1906., maohine. (J. P. Pride and A. Hates) United Shoe Machinery Company. Paterson, U.S.A. Knot or shoe 21072 :s May. 1906.. manufacture. (A. E. Jerram and A. Bates) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Shoe-sewing 22288 '.i Jan. machine. (J. B. Hadaway) I nited Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Machine for in- 22488 28 Feb. serting fasteners. (A. Hale-and T. Brigj United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, I'.S.A. Machinery for re- 22489 2S Kelp. inforcing insoles. (A. Eppler) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, I'.S.A. Machine for 22490 28 Feb. making insoles. (A. EL Johnson) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S. A. Work feeding and 22491 2K Feb. guiding mechanism for shoe-machine. (A. A. Wad-worth and K. Shortland) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Pounding-up 22670 20 Maroh maohine. (('. K. Bnattuck) United Shoo Maobinery Company, Patenon, U.S.A. Grooving or 22571 20 March channelling attachment for sewing-machines. (J. V. Allen) Usher, C. E. l>.. Johannesburg, South Africa. Slimes-treatment .. 22292 7 Jan. 33 33 •J7 4 April. 4 April. 21 Much. 33 4 April. 13 7 Rib.* 33 4 April.* X! 4 April.* :i:i 4 April.* 33 4 April.* 36 18 April.* 36 18 April.* 13 7 Feb. Van Kannel Revolving Door Company, Limited. The. and another. 22300 ' s Jan. London, Eng. Door Vizo, F. P., and another, Eohuoa, Vic Brush .. .. .. 22371 :S1 Jan. 23 7 March.* Wadsworth, A. A., and another, linshden. Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 22401.) Wakelin. C, Warkworth, N.Z. Acetylene-gas generator and holder.. 22S00 1 Much Walker, (\ .'.. Kit/.roy. Vic. Manufacture of boots and shoes .. 22420 13 Feb. Walker. .1. EL, and another, Dunedin, X.Z. Safety-oock and top .. 22692 21 March Walker, P., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Safety cock and tap .. 22S92 21 Maroh Walker. W. R., Auckland. X.Z. Knee-protector .. .. .. 22628 .""> March Walters, A. A., Melbourne, Vic. Opening and closing lift doors .. 22577 21 March Ward, C. J., and another, Christchuroh, N.Z. Shifting tramway-rail 22478 27 Feb. points into position from mining car Warner, T., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Drawing off fames or gases 22467 27 Feb. from urinals, &c. Waters, E. N., Melbourne, Vic. Splice < in for uniting railway- 22486 28 Feb. rails. (Railway Supplies, Limited (!. EL Williams and E. C. Seward) Waters, E. N., Melbourne, Vic. Cable-chain grip. (A. Dizon (J. S. 22664 20 March Fonts) Watson, A. P. F., and another, Christchuroh, N.Z. Kerne standard .. 22496 1 March Watson, G. D., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Fence-standard .. 22496 I March Wauchope, J. A., and another, Cork, Ireland. Ore-crusher .. 2l7'i~> II Sept.. 1906 Way, A. J. . Wellington, N.Z. Apparatus for producing hydrocarbons.. | 22429 14 Feb. Waycott, W. H., and another, Moonee Ponds. Vie Indicating attach- 38S9(i (i Feb. ment for screw-cutting lathe Wayman, C, and another, London. Kn<r. Safety-lamp and air-ear- 22607 4 March bnretter therefor Wearn, J., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Cream-cooler . . .. 22615 : 26 March Weaver, J. J., Southport, Eng. [noubator .. .. .. 22263 2 Jan. Webster, A. J., Pirron Yalloek, Vic Milking-bail .. .. 22224 20 Dec, 1906.. West and Co., Limited, H. J., Surrey. Ivil'. Chilling and oarbonating 22843 23 Jan. bear. (L. Chew) Westinghoiisc. <■•., Pitt.sburg, U.S.A. Draw-gear and coupUng .. 22281 S Jan. Westwood, K.. Wellington, X.Z. Motor-car wheel and toe .. 22612 6 March Wheeler, C. F., Ashburton, N.Z. Grate and fuel oconomiser .. 22520 6 March White and Co., Limited, J. S., and others, East ('owes. Tsle of Wight. 22150 24 March, 1906f Marine turbine White, B. W., Kaitoke. N.Z. Spoon .. .. .. . . 22327 19 Jan. White. (:. P., Wallace, U.S.A. (See J. A. Ferguson, No. 21207.) White, II. E., Christohurch, N.Z. Concrete-mixing machine .. 22602 27 March Whitehorn, T., Coburg, Vio. Paoking predetermined quantities in bags 22334 23 Jan. Whitehouso, J., Waihi, N.Z. Wire-mattress bed .. .. .. 22580 21 March Whiting, J., Parapuraumu, X.Z. Target-repairing apparatus . 22310 14 Jan. Whittle, T., and another, Traralgon, Vic. Ship β-progress indicator. 22283 9 Jan. (W. Cumming and T. Whittle) 27 Sβ, Sβ 33 33 33 7 36 28 21 March. 18 April.* 18 April.* 4 April.* 4 April. 4 April. 24 Jan. 18 April.* 7 M»reh. :sti 18 April. 7 is 24 Jan.* 21 Feb. 13 33 7 Feb. 4 April.* "i 24 Jan. 13 7 Feb.* 18 21 Fet>!* 27 13 21 March.* 7 Feb.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent — continued.


■piil iion. IujName, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Wilkins, G. W., Penshurst, Vic. Solution for rendering fabrics fireproof Wilkins, W., and another, Wellington, X.Z. Bridgo back plates of furnace Wilkinson, C. E J., Sydney, N.S.W. Envelope-fastener Williams, G. H., and another, Kansas, U.S.A. (See E. N. Waters, No. 22485.) Williams, J. E., Greymouth, N.Z. Game Williams, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Sifting-scrcen Williams, R. B., Winton, N.Z. Umbrella Williams, T, Elmore, Vic. Animal trap Williams, W., and another, Dunedin, X.Z. Adjustable ohair Wilson, A. W., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Butter-box Wilson, G. T., and another, Stratford, X.Z. Railway fish-plate Wilson, H., St. Kilda. Vic. Ore-grinding pan Wilson, M. G., Rongotea, N.Z. Collapsible- box Wilson, T. H., Brisbane, Queensland. Sash-adjuster for railway-ear - , riage 22582 22416 22 March 12 Feb. 22448 21 Feb. 22355 20689 22591 22368 22613 21099 22024 21232 22575 22296 24 Jan. 9 Feb., 1906.. 21 March 29 Jan. 28 March 5 May, 1906.. 7 Nov., 1906 30 May, 1906.. 20 March 7 Jan. 18 7 23 18 27 21 Feb. 24 Jan. 7 March. 21 Feb.* 21 March. Wilson, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Egg-carrier 22271 5 Jan. (13 (.33 23 7 Feb.* 4 April. 7 March. Wilson, W., and another, Moonee Ponds, Vic Indicating attachment for screw-cutting lathe Windham, W. G, London, Eng. Vehicle-body Wingfield, W. T., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Stamp-pad Winslow, S. W., Beverly, U.S.A. Buffing and abrading machine. (A. W. Rogers) Witt. (See De Witt.) Witt, T. W., Wellington, N.Z. Handle for luggage-strap Woledge, C. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Teapot and kettle Woltereck, H. C, and another, London, Eng. Illuminating and heating gas Wood, H. A. W., New York, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, Nob. 22566 and 22567.) Wood, J. W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Shifting tramway-rail points into position from moving car Woodbury, G. E., San Francisco, U.S.A. Ore-concentrator Woodcock, R. R., Napier, N.Z. Flushing-apparatus Woodhouse, A. E., Kew, Vic. Eleotrio-conductor conduit .. Woodley, E. E., and another, Masterton, N.Z. Divisional blocks for straw-baling press Wreathall, M. D., Christchurch, N.Z. Ice-making machine Wright, B., and others, Leeds, Eng. Lasting-machine for boots and shoes Wright, J. C, and others, Leeds, Eng. Lasting-machine for boots and shoes Wright. (See Barton—Wright.) 22395 6 Feb. 22297 21678 22572 7 Jan. 22 Aug. 1906.. 20 March 13 18 36 7 Feb. 21 Feb. 18 April.* 21078 22293 22366 3 May, 1906.. 8 Jan. 29 Jan. 18 13 21 Feb. 7 Feb.* •22478 27 Feb. 36 18 April.* 22605 22239 20843 22462 25 March 22 I).,-.. 1006.. 14 March, 1906 25 Feb. 36 23 13 33 18 April.* 7 March.* 7 Feb. 4 April.* 22421 22386 13 Feb. 5 Feb. 33 23 4 April.* 7 March. 22386 5 Feb. 23 7 March. Young, A. E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Issuing checks or tickets 22578 21 March

* Denotes a provisional specification. Trade Marks Act, 1889." t Denotes a prior date under section 106 of " The 'atents, Designs, and Application. Gatetie. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Dab Date. Accoutrements. (See Military Equipments.) Acetylene-gas generator Acetylene-gas generator Acetylene-gas generator Acetylene-gas generator Acetylene-gas generator and holder Acetylene-gas-lamp generator Advertising-game Advertising method Aerated-liquid delivering Air-brake Alarm. (See Shop-alarm.) Anaesthetic G. F. Hutchinson D. Houston .. F. J. Shelton N. Goodyear .. G. Wakelin .. R. L. H. Murray E. Love E. J. Hubbard W. McEachern J. W. Cloud .. 20821 22227 22275 22525 22500 22411 22554 22433 22418 21769 8 Mar., 1906 20 Dec, 1906 7 Jan. 5 March .. 1 March .. 6 Feb. 13 March .. 16 Feb. 13 Feb. 26 Mar., 1906 13 LS M 7 Feb. 7 Feb. 18 April. 87 8 21 March. 10 Jan. W. H. Haslett and N. Marsden .. 22555 14 March .. 30 18 April.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

ippl lical Ion. kuet :••. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. inimal-trap iiiiinal-trap ipron for reaper-and-binder .. ipron for reaper-and-binder itmospheric iilter i.xe-handle, Extracting ixe-handle, Wedge for securing ixe-head F. S. Buckingham T. Williams ,). Reid J. A. Steele .. G. Kidgway .. (J. M. Nichol .. G. M. Nichol .. H. S. Griffiths 22348 22368 22358 22586 20819 22258 22458 22268 23 Jan. 29 Jan. 25 Jan. •23 .March .. 8 March .. 29 Dec, 1906 21 Feb. 3 Jan. IS 7 7 33 27 21 Feb.* 24 Jan. 24 Jan.* 4 April.* 21 March.* Sag. (See Feed-bag, Mail-bag, Paperbag.) lag-filling appliance lags, Packing predetermined quantities in tail. (See Milking-bail.) talud-goods moieture-indioator taled-goods moisture-indicator taling-press, Blocks for lananas, Treatment of Sand-music stand T. B. Brock .. T. Whitehorn. . L. T. Reichel A. K. W. Rissel E. K. Woodley and C. J. Brogden !•:. Shadgett .. A. S. Sargison, A. J. Debenham, and C. F. A. Cambridge I. P. B. Knndeen .1. \\ hitchouse J. F. Stephenscm D. McKenzie G. Brennan .. R. S. Shepherd H. J. West and Co., Limited .. A. H. Rogers F. R. Beuhne 22376 22334 22444 22495 22402 22079 21004 31 Jan. 23 Jan. 20 Feb. 1 March . . 26 Feb. l'ii Not., 1906 17 April, 1906 18 is 27 33 33 13 88 21 Feb. 21 Feb.* 21 March.* 4 April.* 4 April* 7 Feb.* 4 April. tearing ted, Wire-mattress ,. tedstead and mat i< ledatead and mattress Sedstead, Folding- .. tedstead-foot teer-cooler teer-cooler teeswax, Rendering tell. (See Electric bell.) tias-adjustment for bowls ticycle-chain guard !ii vc le-pedal strap .. ticyole. (See also Cycle.) tUliard-table, He-covering iilliard-toy .. tinder-apron tinder. (See Harvester-binder, Reaper-and-binder.) tin Is, Protecting trees from tit for controlling horses tlast. (See Band-blast.) Ilight exterminator, Potato- .. ilincl. (See Window-blind.) tloek. (See Building-block, Earthenware block, Print ing- block, Roadmaking block, Snatch pulley or block.) toard. (See Wash-board, Weatherboard.) toiler toiler toiler, High-pressure took-marker toot toot toot toot buffing and abrading machine loot-fasteners, Inserting toot for diggers, &c... ijot-heel, Pneumatic toot-heel. Securing loot-insoles, .Making toot-insoles, Reinforcing toot-lasting machine W. Dall H. Mackay C. A. Kidd ('. II. Matthews A. II. Byron and R. R. Richmond ,1. EUrid C. Harris and C. Todd A. G. Harvey 22553 2258(1 20612 22618 22063 22361 22343 22380 22545 21689 22561 22573 22594 22318 22358 20808 21003 20617 13 March .. 21 March .. 23 Jan., 1906 25 March .. 15 Nov., 1900 23 Jan. 23 Jan. 2!) Jan. 14 March .. 23 Aug., 1906 20 March .. 20 March .. 25 March .. 15 Jan. 25 Jan. 6 Mar., 1906 17 April,1906 Bβ Is 13 is L8 Sβ 7 is IS 27 13 18 April. 7 Feb. 7 Feb. 21 Feb.* 21 Feb. 18 April.* 24 Jan. 7 Feb> 21 Feb. 21 March. 7 Feb. S. B. Corrigan 23 Jan., 1906 H. H. Reimers H. Storey H. M. Keesing G. Kelly J. M. Craigie .. K. (:. Kennedy C. J. Walker .. S. W. Winslow United Shoe Machinery Company J. H., R., and J. McEvoy J. Darnell T. Lane United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company A. Parsons, J. A. Morton, and J. C. and B. Wright United Shoo Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company 21823 20755 22546 22367 21878 22304 22420 22572 22488 22469 22248 22459 22-l'.IO 22489 22386 21 Sept., li»00 21 Feb., 1906 12 March .. 29 Jan. 3 Oct.. 1906 12 Jan. 13 Fob. .. 20 March .. 28 Feb. 25 Feb. 27 Dec, 1906 21 Feb. 28 Feb. 28 Feb. 5 Feb. 3 7 13 is 27 .'ill 33 10 Jan., 190' 24 Jan. 7 Feb.* 21 Feb.* 21 March. 18 April.* 4 April.* IN 33 33 33 i'.'i 21 Feb. 4 April.* 4 April.* 4 April.* 7 March. toot-making machine toot-making machine toot-making machine, Work feeding and grinding mechanism for toot or shoe toot or shoe toot-sewing machine.. toot-soles. Cutting the toes of.. toots, Sock for toot-upper tot tie. (See Non-refillable bottle.) tottle for delivering aerated liquids tottle or jar tottle-stopper Settling- machine towls, Bias-adjustment for tox. (See Butter-box, Collapsible box.) tox-making machine 21072 21073 22490 3 May, 1906 3 May, 1906 28 Feb. 33 •27 33 4 April. 21 March. 4 April.* W. F. Cropley W. Knowles United Shoe Machinery Company H. R. Smith .. .. .. E. Sprey .. J. M. and W. J. M. Craigie 22352 22378 22571 22468 22443 22548 24 Jan. 31 Jan. 20 March .. 27 Feb. 1C Feb. 12 March .. Sβ 33 33 27 18 April.* 4 April.* 4 April.* 21 March. W. McEachern J. Sharpe J. Sharpe F. Sharman W. Dall 22418 22619 22542 22501 21689 13 Feb. 27 March .. 11 March .. 22 Jan., 190f>t 23 Aug., 1906 27 Sβ 21 March. 18 April.* 'i 24 Jan.' W. R. Comings 22363 28 Jan.



Alphabetical List of Inventions-continued.

Invention. Nam*. >l>l>] iica .101). Hut :-. No. Date. No. Date. I I Bracket. (See Scaffolding-bracket.) Brake. (See Air-brake, Motor-vehicle brake. Railway-brake.) Brand. (See Carcase-brand.) Breeches buoy Breech-loading small arms Brick and brick-laying method Bridge. (See Suspension-bridge.) Brush Brush, Reservoir Brush, Spinal Bucket. (See Dredge-bucket, Milkingbuckct.) IJufKiig and abrading machine Building-block, Partly glazed .. Building-Mock moulding-machine Building-block, process of manufacture Building for totalisator Building, Sheet iron for Buildings, Steel framing for Buoy. (See Breeches buoy.) Burner. (Soe Gas-burner, Incandescent burner.) Butter-box Butter-box Butter-box, Composition for .. J. W. Dalton P. T. Godsal .. R. R. Richmond and A. H. Byron F. P. Vize and H. J. Brodcrick .. A. J. Hall .. \V. .1. McLennan and F. F. Craddock S. W. Window It. (). Clark .. .1. A. Ferguson Cork Asphalt, Limited \V. II. Macdougall \V. Katen. A. H. and 1). .1. Byron.. T. B. Sutton .. W. H. Stichling, A. W. Wilson, R. S. Overend. J. E. Pat' - and E. Masters A. J. J. Bolton •2'2XSr> 22484 22008 22371 21666 28483 22242 •21-207 221 111 22522 22644 2201 1 •21! Jan. 28 Feb. 28 March . . 31 Jan. IS Aug., 1900 28 Feb. 20 March .. 22 Dec., him; 1 June, 11.11 7 Nov., llllli 7 March . . II Much .. 5 Nov., 1906 Is 23 3 33 36 23 :; 7 36 21 Feb. 7 Starch. 10 .hui. 4 April is April.* 7 Starch. Hi Jan. 24 Jan. is April.* 7 21 Jan. 22257 •2101)11 211 Dee., 1906 5 May. mini 7 2:! 24 Jan. 7 March. 21230 30 May, 1806 is •21 Feb. Cabinet and teacbing-applianoee Cabinet. (See Washing-cabinet.) Cable-chain grip Calculating-machine Calculating-protractor Calf and stock food Calf-food Can. (See Milk-weighing can, Milkingcan.) Can-soldering machine Candle-protector Carbonate of soda, Manufacture of Carbonating beer Carburetter for gas-engine Carburctted air, Production of Carburetter for lamp Carcase-brand Carrier. (See Egg-carrier, Fruit-carrier.) Casement-windows, Operating ('ash-register Castor Castrating-tool Cattle, Pen and apparatus for slaughtering Centrifugal-machine Centrifugal-machine distance' piece Centrifugal separator Centrifugal separator.. Chain-grate stokers, Links of .. Chain-guard Chair. (See School-seat.) Cheese-cutter Chilling and carbonating beer Chilling beer Chocolato confections, Making Churn, Dasher f or Cigarette-mouthpiece machine.. Circular-saw guard Cleaner. (See Dredge - bucket cleaner, Flexible - tube cleaner, Rail - cleaner, Tobacco-pipe cleaner.) Cleaning hulls of ships Clip-hook Clock. (See Electric clock.) Closet. (See Earth-closet.) Closure for hermetically sealed receptacles Clothes-peg Clothing, Heat-producing Clutching-device for communicating rotary motion Coal, Continuous conveyers for B. McFee E. N. Waters II. E. Parry .. A. H. Byron and R. R. Richmond E. G. Mills .. K. M. Johnson G. W. Berry .. B. F. H. Daweon N. C. T. Harper H. J. West and Co., Limited <1. I.. M. Dorwald M. F. Mieville F. W. Suter and C. Wayman .. M. Belk T. Rolley F. H. Trevellian W. G. Mein and E. Gatninara J. H. J. Bowater A. T. Chodowski I. P. B. Knudscn B. A. 0. Prollius C. F. Primmer I. P. B. Enudsen Baboock and Wilcox, Limited .. II. Mackay .. .. .. J. Eddey .. . . H. J. West and Co., Limited A. H. Rogers M. Robertson A. A. Adams, T. Sears, and W. F. Fair British-American Tobacco Company, Limited E. R. B. Daniel T. Stewart G. S. Evans .. E. S. Evelyn .. J. Taucher T. Morris F. Bailey and F. H. Jackson J. J. F. M. Smulders .. 22088 ■2i Nov., i!»ii i 24 Jan. 22664 2222(1 22356 21231 22311 20 March .. 20 Dec.. 1906 25 Jan. 30 May, 1906 14 Jan. 7 IS 23 is •24 .Jan. 21 Feb.* 7 March •21 Feb.* 22345 22326 22117 2-2343 211114 22503 22507 22272 23 Jan. 17 Jan. 27 Nov., Him; 23 Jan. 31 May. l905f 4 March . . 4 March . . 14 March .. 13 13 23 18 Sβ 86 27 7 Feb.* 7 Feb.* 7 March. '21 Feb. 24 Jan. 18 April. IS April. •21 March. 22451 21166 21007 22440 22527 22551 22589 222.w 22552 22298 2266 1 •21 Feb. 17 Hay, 1006 18 April .. 18 Feb. <i March . . 13 March .. 20 March . . 28 Dec. mm; 13 March . . 7 Jan. 20 March . . 33 13 3 I April.* 7 Feb. Id Jan. Bβ 18 April.* 1S April. is 36 13 7 Feb.* is April. 7 Feb. 22204 22343 22380 22346 21820 II Dec, 1906 23 Jan. 211 .Ian. 23 Jan. 25>t 7 IS 24 Jan. 21 Feb. is 13 21 Feb! 7 Feb. 22342 23 Jan. 27 21 March. 22407 S Feb. 23 7 March.' 22550 22426 15 March .. 14 Feb. 33 I April • 21156 22260 22442 22313 16 May, 1906 2 Jan. 16 Feb. 15 Jan. IS 11! 21 Feb. 7 Feb.* 22611 28 March ..


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


No. \ ■plicatioi Qatettt. Invention. Name. No. I Date. Dnte. (!oal-discharging lighter Cook. (See Tap or Cock.) ( 'ollapsible box Collar and harness, Adjustable Collar. (See llor-c iullar.) Combustion-chamber of gas-engine Commutator - connection. (See Electric connection.) Compound counting machine .. Concave of threshing-machine, Wearing strip for Concentrator. (See Ote-conoentratoT.) Concrete-floors, Reinforoing Concrete-mixer Concrete slabs and pipes Concrete structures, ReinforcedConcrete. (See Ferro-conorete.) Condenser, Jet or surface Conduit for electric cables Conduit for electric conductors Conveyer ' looking-vesed Cooler. (See Beer-oeoler, Cream-cooler, Klcctric-motor cooler.) Cooling-chamber •ted iron. (See also Sheet iron.) Corrugated-iron ridge-capping Corrugating metal-sheets Corselet. (Sec Spinal corselet.) Col or stretcher Coulter of plough, Skim-(lounting-machine Coupling. (See Shaft-coupling.) Cover. (Sec Drain - cover, Frying-pan cover, Horse-cover, Trap-cover.) Cow-spaying instrument t low's-tail holder Cradle Cramp, Flooring and ceiling .. Crank. (See Cycle-crank.) Cream-cooler Crushing. (See Ore-crushing.) Curtain or screen elevator Curtain-pole elevator, Ac. Cutter. (See Cheese - cutter, K pomp and cutter.) Cutting and searing lambs' tails, Machine for Cyaniding process and apparatus Cycle belt or gearing Cycle-crank Cycle. (See also Bioyole.) .1. .1. F. M. Smulders .. 22610 28 March .. M. G. Wilson S. J. Emery .. 22575 21669 20 March .. 21 Aug., 1906 •27 21 March. T. S. Humble 22251 ■27 Dec, 1906 18 7 Feb. H. E. Parry A. F. Campbell 22226 20804 ■211 Dec. 1906 B Mar., 1906 7 27 24 Jan. 21 March. A. llankinson H. E. White P. B. Jagger .. W. C. Page and R. V. Anderson.. 22576 22602 22482 22556 ■21 March •27 Haroh .. Ill Mar., 190Ct 19 March .. La Societe Anonyme WYstiughouse E. \V. Aokland A. E. Woodhouse J. J. P. M. Smolders .. T. Sutherland 22480 21808 20843 •2-2till 22196 28 Feb. IS Sept., 1906 U Mai-.. 1906 28 March .. 13 Dec, 1906 Bβ is IS 18 April. 21 Feb. 7 Feb. 13 7 Feb!* .1. Montgomery 22423 s Feb. 88 4 April.* \V. H. Menoe and \\. R. Stewart (I li. .JolinHon ■2-2475 22316 28 Feb. 15 Jan. 38 is 4 April. 21 Feb. .1. S. Plummer 1). Dickie and I). ('. McMath II. E. Parry .. 22235 22308 22226 Ill Dec. l<106 II Jan. I 20 Dec, 1900 7 23 7 24 Jan.* 7 March.* 24 Jan. EL Bates .1. W. Jensen .. T. F. McGarva H. V. Gazzard . 22499 22379 22237 20776 1 March .. 31 Jan. 22 Pec, 1906 23 Feb., 1906 27 ■27 13 21 March. 21 March.* 7 Feb. J. Peterson and J. Wearn 221115 26 March .. A. B. Johnson R. M., J. B., and A. Maunder .. 22414 22383 7 Feb. 1 Feb. •27 •21 March.* C. (annell 20763 20 Feb., 1906 28 7 March. W. A. Merralls A. J. Bergin .. D. Mahoney .. 22247 22450 22303 14 Feb. 2 July, 1906f 11 Jan. •27 21 March. Dairying purposes. Steamer for Dampness, Detecting, in wool. Ac. (See Baled-gooda indicator.) Darning-appliance Dasher for churn H, H. Reimen 21888 21 Sept., 1806 10 Jan. J. Burrows A. A. Adams, T. Sears, and \V. F. Fair D. E. Raclelylle W. E. Keys and R. Itaopherson. . 22584 21820 20 March .. 2o Sept.,1905t 13 7 Fei>! Decorticating fibres .. Detergent (See Potato-digger.) Disc plough I>i integrating and mining machine Distilling gam Distributor. (Sec Fencing - wire distributor. Liquid-distributor, Sewage-dis-tributor.) Door-holder Door or gate fastening Door. Rerolving 21993 21515 31 Oct., 1906 10 Nov.,1905f 27 18 21 .March. 7 Feb. W. (i. Barker E. T. C. Firth A. Asheroft and ('. Richardson .. •22405 21064 22:159 26 Feb. 28 April, 1'MtO 23 Jan. Sβ SI is 18 April. 7 March. 21 Feb.* II. S. Marks .. J. S. Kirkpatrick C. E. Muggeridge and I lie Van Kanncl Revolving Door Company, Limited T. E. Raleigh J, Smart R. O. Clark '['. R. Christie ('. Jansen R. M. Smith .. A. and J. Burfoot J. Stewart G. Westinghouse 22223 22437 22300 20 Dec. 1906 14 Feb. 8 Jan. 13 ■27 7 Feb.* 21 March.* Door. (See Lift-door.) Drafting-gate* for stock Drain-cover Drain-grate fastening. . Drain-inlet .. Draining-clothes Drain-pipe, Field Drain-pipe socket Draught-attachment forreaper-and-binder Draught-gear for vehicles 22364 22322 22245 22390 22557 22453 22404 22435 22281 29 Jan. 17 Jan. 22 Dec, 1906 2 Feb. 19 March .. 21 Feb. 7 Feb. 15 Feb. 8 Jan. 13 IS 7 7 Feb.* 7 Febr* 24 Jan. '27 88 18 21 March.* 4 April. 7 Feb.



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Applica.1 sion. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Dais. Dredge-bucket cleaner Dredge. (See also Gold-dredge.) . Stone-shoot for Drill. (See Rock-drill.) Dropper. (Sec Fencing-dropper.) Drying, grinding, &c, apparatus . (Sec Offal-drying.) Dumb-bells and dubs Dumb-bells and crabs Dust-excluder for open \ essels Dynamo-connection. (Sec Electric connection. ) W. E. Potts 22302 8 Jan. I. Stevenson and J. Oook 20735 13 Fel). 3 10 Jan. l<. HisMinillrr 21946 19 Oct., 1906 7 24 Jan. F. Burks M. Juries A. C. Raine .. 21664 2228(i 2221C. 20 Aug., 1906 9 Jan. 19 Dec, 1906 27 23 21 March.* 7 March.* Ear-marking pliers Earthenware block, Partly gli Earthenware pipe Eartb-cloeet Earthquake-proof building, Framing for Egg-beater .. \. S. Hudson R. 0. Clark .. It. O.Clark ('. M. Cniickshank A. II. and 1). J. Byron.. II. M. Crimp .. 22487 22242 22609 21945 22011 20850 28 Feb. 22 Dec, 1906 5 March .. 16 Oct., 1906 5 Nov., 1906 14 March .. 5 Jan. Sβ 23 is 7 S 13 33 18 April.* 7 March. 7 Feb.* 24 Jan. 10 Jan. 7 Feb.* 4 April. Egg-carrier .. W. Wilson and T. P. Burke 22271 Elastic-fluid motor Electric-alarm shop-mat Electric hells. Open Electric-oable conduit Electric olocfe Eleotric-oonduotor oonduit Klectric -connection system, alternatecurrent commutators Electric-connection system for dynamos Electric connection system for dynamos J. C. Preston A. K. Moss .. A. Morgan E. W. Acklan.l A. G. Jackscm A. E. Woodhonee The British Westinghouae Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited The British Weetinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited The British Weetinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company Limited The British Wcstinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Limited B. Bidwell R. Brown 8. A. M. Rose J. W. Manley and Electric Safety Appliances Company, Limited 22373 22492 22217 21808 22388 20843 22538 ±>5:(7 22539 31 Jan. 25 Feb. 19 Dec, 1906 18 Sept., 1006 5 Feb. .. 14 Mar., 1906 14 March .. 14 March .. 14 March .. is is T, 13 Sβ Sβ Sβ 21 Feb.* 21 Feb. ■21 March. 7 Feb. 18 April. 18 April. 18 April. Klectric-connection system for dynamos 22540 14 March .. Sβ 18 April. Electric-motor cooler Electric switch Electric target Electricty, Detecting leakage of 2230!) 2233!) 22266 22252 U Jan. 24 Jan., 1906t li Jan. 27 Dec, 1906 13 i3 13 7 Feb. 7 Feb! 7 Feb. Elevator. (See Curtain or screen etevator, Window-blind elevator.) Engine. (See Explosive engine, Gasengine, Hydrocarbon-enL'inc, Internalcombustion engine. Oil-engine, Rotary engine.) Envelope-fastener Envelo)>e-opener Equipments. (See Military equipments.) Excavating-apparatus Explosive engine Explosives, Manufacture of C. E. J. Wilkinson J. B. Stebbing 22448 22511 21 Feb. r> .March .. J. W. Harris H. V. Johaoien .. iiitc Explosives Syndicate, Limited 20949 22101 21334 4 April, 1906 20 Nov., 1906 22 .Juno, 1906 27 7 ■1 7 21 March. 24 Jan.* •21 March. Extinguisher. (See Gee-lamp light extinguisher.) Extract. (See Meat-extract.) 21 Feb. Fanlight, Operating .. Fastener. (See Boot-fastener, Envelope■icr. Mail-bag Ei rt-cup-mouthpiece fastener, Wire-fastener.) ling. (See Door or gate fastening, Drain-grate fastening, Horse-cover fastening, Roof jotal and fastening.) ,l wool, Extracting, from hide* .. g for horse Felly. (Sec Wheel-felly.) Fencing-dropper Fencing-dropper Fencing-dropper Fencing-standard Fencing-standard Fencing-standard Fencing-standard Fencing-wire distributor Fencing-wire retainer. &c. Fencing-wire twistcr .. Ferro-concrete buildings Ferro-concreto lateral reinforcements T. Rolley 22451 H. C. Becker . . A. Schwartz 14 March . . 7 Fob. 7 24 Jan. 7 March. 20849 22405 23 A. Cowell and J. Phillips T. \V. Coulthard G. E. Bunning l<. Olds ?. T. Boys G. Hutchinson A. 1'. F. and G. D. Watson I. O'Neil ( '.. 1C. Bunning J. Lilley A. H. and D. J. Byron.. F. A. Tregelles 22282 22301) 22476 22173 22040 22287 22496 22317 22470 22413 22011 21137 9 Jan. 12 Jan. 28 Feb. 10 Dec, 1906 13 Nov., 1906 9 Jan. 1 March .. 1S Jan. 28 Feb. 11 Feb. 5 Nov., 1906 10 May, 1906 13 83 23 13 13 S3 13 S3 7 Feb.* 4 April. 7 March.* 7 Feb. 7 Feb.* 4 April. 7 Feb.* 4 April. 7 27 24 Jan" 21 March.


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

3_H. 10.—08.


Application. Oaxette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Fibres, Decorticating, degumming, and scutching Fibrous-roof joint Field drain-pipe File. (See Paper-file.) Filling bags Filter, Atmospheric Filtering-hose Filtering slimes Finger-ring, Preventing slipping of Firebar for furnace .. Fire-grate and fuel-economiser Fire-grate, Revolving Fireproof building, Framing for Fireproof solution for fabrics Fireproof starch Fish-plate. (See Railway fish-plate.) Flags.. (See Signalling-flags.) Flax, &c, Stripping and treating Fleshings, Extracting fat and wool from Flexible-tube cleaner Flooring and ceiling cramp Floors, Concrete, wire reinforcement for Flushing-apparatus Flushing-cistern Folding-bedstead Food. (See Calf-food, Calf and stock food.) Food and tonic Foot-racing, Judging-machine for Franking and stamping letters Fruit carrier or punnet Fruit-case Fruit-tree protector Frying-pan cover Fumes or gases, Drawing off .. Fumigator. (See Rabbit-fumigator.) Furnace, Firebar for .. Furnace. (See Tire-furnace.) Furnace-plates D. E. Radclyffe 21993 31 Oct., 1906 27 21 March. W. Baldwin .. R. M. Smith 21716 22453 29 Aug., 1906 21 Feb. 13 7 Feb. T. B. Brock .. G. Ridgway .. H. Rochfort .. C. Butters H. Mayr W. G. Crosthwaite C. F. Wheeler H. J. Edwards A. H. and D. J. Byron G. W. Wilkins H. Taylor 22376 20819 22598 22249 22409 22474 22520 223(>0 22011 22682 21209 31 Jan. 8 March .. 23 March .. 27 Dec, 1906 9 Feb. 28 Feb. 6 March .. 24 Jan. 5 Nov., 1906 22 March .. 20 May, 1906 IN 7 21 Feb. 24 Jan. is 23 7 Feb.' 7 March.* 'i 24 Jan.' 7 24 Jaii. A. L. J. Tait H. C. Becker G. E. Churches H. V. Gazzard A. Hankinson R. R. Woodcock G. Saur G. Brennan 20955 20849 21146 20776 22576 22239 22419 22063 31 Mar., 1906 14 Mar., 1906 v, 1906 23 Feb., 1906 21 March .. 22 Dec, 1906 13 Feb. 15 Nov., 1906 23 7 27 13 7 March. 24 Jan. 21 March. 7 Feb. 28 7 March.* 13 7 Feb.' H. Corbett A. Beaton E. Moss S. A. Bradley S. A. Bradley C. Harris and C. Todd C. E. Bettany T. Warner and J. Kannuluik 22323 22466 22510 22194 22193 20808 21866 22467 17 Jan. 26 Fob. 5 March .. 13 Dec, 1906 13 Dec, 1906 6 Mar., 1906 3 Oct., 1906 27 Feb. 23 33 33 13 13 is 23 33 7 March.* 4 April.* 4 April.* 7 Feb.* 7 Feb.* 21 Feb. 7 March. 4 April.* W. G. Crosthwaite 22474 28 Feb. W. Wilkins and J. Nobbs 22416 12 Feb. Game Game Game. (See also Billiard-toy, Ac.) Game, Advertising-Garden-hoe Gas-burner Gas-burner Gas-burner Gas-burner Gas-engine, Carburetter Gas. (See Acetylene gas, Hydrocarbon gas, &c.) Gas for illuminating, &c. Gas-generator Gas-lamp for inverted incandescent burner Gas-lamp lighter and extinguisher Gas water-heater Gate. (See Drafting-gate.) Gate or door fastening Gates, Opening and shutting Gauge. (See Oil-engine gauge.) Gear. (See Reversing gear, Draught gear.) Generator. (See Acetylene-gas generator, Gas-generator.) Glazed block. (See Building-block.) Gold-dredge Gold, Extracting, from sand and gravel Gold-saving table. (See Shaking-table, &c.) Gold, Separating Goloshes Grader. (See Potato-grader.) Grate for drains, &c, Fastening Grate. (See Fire-grate.) Grinding, drying, and screening apparatus Grinding-pan. (See Ore-grinding pan.) Grindstone Grip. (See Cable-chain grip.) Grooving-attachment, Boot-sewing machine Guard for circular saw Gum-distilling process Gum, Kauri-, purifying, &o. .. ,. J. E. Williams H. A. Hudson 22355 22397 24 Jan. 6 Feb. IS 27 21 Feb. 21 March. R. Love F. H. Jackson A. Adcroft F. H. Frankland S. Kendall R. C. Gardiner G. L. It Dorwald 22554 21972 21615 22270 22431 22477 21194 13 March .. 26 Oct., 1906 10 Aug., 1906 5 Jan. 14 Feb. 28 Feb. 31 May, 1905f 7 13 27 ss 24 Jan.* 7 Feb. 21 March.* 4 April.* 7 24 Jan. W. J. Dibdin and H. C. Woltereck J. R. Patterson A. S. Francis H. H. Johnson and E. Moin H. W. McClellan 22366 22497 22337 22314 21114 29 Jan. 2 March .. 23 Jan. 15 Jan. 9 May, 1906 33 Lβ 13 L'7 4 April.* 21 Feb. 7 Feb.* 21 March. J. S. Kirkpatrkk N. Olsen .. .'. 22437 22603 14 Feb. 27 March .. 87 21 March.* J. H. Jones and W. Kane J. F. P. Berendsen R. J. TurnbiiH G. Moore D. and F. W. Smith .. 28 Nov., 1905 4 Jan. 10 Dec,1906 30 March .. 21 Jan. 21 March. 20394 222G9 22198 20929 22330 27 27 3 as 21 March. 10 Jan. 7 March. R. 0. Clark .. 22245 22 Dec, 1906 7 24 Jan. L. Rissmuller 21946 19 Oct., 1906 7 24 Jan. J. Graham 22381 30 Jan. 18 21 Feb.* United Shoe Machinery Company 22571 20 March .. Sβ 18 April.* E. R. B. Daniel A. Ashcroft and C. Richardson .. H. J. A. Pyke 22407 22359 22457 8 Feb. 23 Jan. 19 Feb. .. 28 18 33 7 March. 21 Feb.* 4 April.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Application. (hit "tti>. !:. tentlou Name. No. Date. No. Date. HariiTiicick and tent Handle. (See Axe-handle, Parcel-strap handle, &e.) Harness and collar combined Harrow Harvester-hinder, Apron for Harvester. (See Potato-harvester.) Harvesting-machine .. Hat. (See Straw hat) Haymaking-appliance Heater. (See Watcr-heatn. j Beating-purposes, Vessel for .. Heels. Kulilier attachment to . . Heels, robber, Securing Hermetically sealed receptacles, Closure for K. U. HeUberg s. .1. Emery J. Taylor J. A. Steele .. C I ; Lchinann 22:«I4 2i<i<i!l 21923 22585 22392 4 Feb. 21 Aug., l'J06 17 Oct., 1906 2(1 March . . 2 Feb. 28 27 7 is 7 March.* 21 March. 24 Jan. 21 Feb.* F. Sheaf 22290 <t Jan. i:t 7 Feb.* A. H. Byron ami R. l<. Richmond J. Darnell T. Lane K. s. Evelyn ... 22439 22248 224.W 21186 is Feb. 27 Dec, 1906 21 Feb. Hi May, 1906 18 83 is 21. Feb. 4* April.* 21 Feb. Hermetically sealing tins Hido or skin measuring machine Hobble Hoe, GardenHolder. (Sir (ow's-tail holder, Doorholder.) Hook. (See Clip-hook, Link-lock hook.) Horse-collar Horse-controller Horse-controlling bit, &c. Horse-cover fastening Horses kicking. Preventing Horses, Automatically delivering food to (J. Karipihar aiul 1!. North A. \V. Stone . . L. A. Pannell F. H. Jacks..ii 22028 22472 22666 21972 7 Nov., 1906 28 Feb. 19 March .. Bβ Oct., 1906 7 88 24 Jan. 4 April.* 7 24 Jan!* R. II. Carter .. .1. B. Pollock A. < '. Harvey A. Thompson W. T. Burm'p W. P. DuginR and H. Haggarty, jun. J. Burrows 2(1772 22326 21003 20933 22.V24 22422 24 Feb., 1906 19 Jan. 17 April, 1906 2!i Mar., 1906 S Mar. h . . 13 Feb. 18 27 is 7 March. 7 Feb.* 21 March. 21 Feb. :i:s 4 April.* Hose-darner Hose. (See Filtering-how.) Household-purchases indicator Hydraulic vacuum-pump Hydrocarbon engine Hydrocarbon-gas production .. Hydrocarbon-gas production Hydrocarbon-gas production Hydro-extractor 22584 2(1 March . . A. J. Hutohinaon G. F. Hutohinaon L. Anderson . . A. Jack A. J. Way J. R. Patterson H. C. Becker 21634 22408 2221 f> 22232 22428 22497 20849 15 Aug., 1906 8 Feb. 18 Dec,1906 21 Dec, 1906 14 Feb. 2 March .. 14 Mar., 1906 88 88 27 is 7 March.* 4 April.* 21 March. 21 Feb.* 18 April.* 7 24 Jan. Ice-making machine Ice-making machine Igniting-surfaco for matches M. D. Wreathall M. Audiffron and Societe des Etablissenients Singrun The Chemical Industrial Syndicate, Limited F. W. and W. C. Gifford A. S. Francis R. C. Gardiner J. J. Weaver .. 22421 22508 22341 13 Feb. 3 Mar., 1906f 23 Jan. 88 is 4 April.* 21 Feb. Illusion apparatus, RailwayIncandescent burner, Gas-lamp for Incandescent petrol-burner Incubator Indicator. (See Household-purchases indicator, Lathe-indicator, Office or door indicator, Speed - indicator, Ship's. progress indicator, &c.) lnllator. (See Tire-intlator.) Insole. (See Boot-insole.) Internal-combustion engine Iron-ore treatment 22493 22337 22477 22263 25 Feb. 23 Jan. 28 Feb. 2 Jan. is 21 Feb! T.'S. Humble F. Cotton 27 Dec, 1906 28 March .. 7 Feb. 22251 22614 L3 Jack. (See Lifting-jack.) Jar-closure Jar or bottle Jet or surface condenser Joint. (See Pipe-joint, Rail-joint, Roofjoint, Weatherboard-joint.) Judging-machine for foot-runners lv S. Kvelyn J. Sharpe La Societe Anonyme Westinghouse 81166 22619 22480 16 May, 1906 27 March . . 28 Feb. IS 21 Feb. A. Beaton 22466 M fob. 4 April.* 88 Kauri-gum, Distilling Kauri-gum, Purifying and solidifying . . Kerosene pump and cutter Kicking, Preventing horses from Knee-proteotor A. Ashcroft and C. Richardson .. H. J. A. Pykc E. Brandt W. T. Burnip W. R. Walker 22359 22457 22278 22524 22528 23 Jan. 19 Feb. .. I 8 Jan. 8 March .. r> March .. 18 83 21 Feb.* 4 April. 18 April.* Ladder, ExtensionLadder, ExtensionLambs' tails, Cutting and searing Lamp. (See Acetylene-gas lamp, Gaslamp, Safety-lamp, Signal-lamp.) Lasting-machine for boots H. Mote L., H., and L. Mote C. Cannell 22391 22521 20763 5 Feb. 20 Aug., 1906 20 Feb., 1906 28 88 7 March. 4 April. 7 March. Lathe-chuck Lathe-indicator .. .. ■ Lathe, Replacing callipers on .. A. Parsons, J. A. Morton, and J. C. and B. Wright E. T. Coppell W. H. Waycott and W. Wilson E. T. Coppell 22386 22596 22395 22597 5 Feb. 23 March .. 6 Feb. 23 March .. 7 March. 23 7 March.


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Inrention. Name. Application. No. Data. Uatettt. No. Date. Laths, Sheet-metal Lawn-mower Lid for cans, jars, &c. Lift, Cellar-Lift-doors, Opening and closing Lifting-jack Lighter. (See Coal-discharging lighter.) Lighting and extinguishing lamps Link-lock hook Links of chain-grate stoker .. ... Linotype-machine Linotype-machine Liquid-distributor Liquid-distributor Liquid from container, Forcing Liquids, Recovering solids from Liquids, Extracting solids from Liquids, Separating, from ores Lock. (See Link lock, Nut-lock.) Luggage-strap handle T. \V. Macintosh The Kendrick ami Hill Manufacturing Company A. C. Raine .. F. W. Barton V A. Walters J. R. Henderson and \V. <;. Thomas 22452 2257!) 222 Hi 22(i(>7 22577 22454 21 Feb. ■Jl March .. 10 Dec, 1900 25 March . . 21 March .. 21 Feb. 23 7 March.* 33 4 April.* II. 11. Johnston and E. Moin ('.. N. Evans . . Babcock and Wilcox, Limited W. E. Hughe* W. E. HughM F. W. Stoddart J. Hinos and T. Coleman A. s. Ford .. Men-ell Smile Company P. Bevenot and E. Dc Neren \\. A. Caldecott 22314 2242.". 2221IS 22178 221811 21889 22338 20743 21794 22432 22613 15 Jan. 14 Feb. 7 Jan. 1(1 Her.. 1906 •JS Feb. 5 Oct., 1906 23 Jan. 15 Feb. Iβ Sept., 1906 13 Feb. 6 March . . 18 13 7 7 23 :s ■21 7 Feb.* 4 April.* 7 Feb. 24 Jan. 24 Jan. 7 March. 10 Jan. 21 March. xs 4 April." T. W. Wilt .. 21(178 3 May, 1906 18 21 Feb. Magnetic separator Magnetic separator Mail-bag fastener Marine propeller Marine turbine J. T. Hunter . . T. .1. Lovett .. P. E. Card. A. R. Policy, and L. C. R. Junes F. De Lautour J. S. White and Co., Limited, E. C. Carnt, and A. Fi i 222*12 22385 22447 22441 22150 2 Jan. 5 Feb. 21 Feb. 15 Feb. 24 Marcht .. IS 23 :s.; 7 Feb. 7 March. 18 April 7 24 Jan! Marker. (See Book-marker.) Mat. (See Shop-alarm mat.) Matches, Manufacture of The Chemical Industrial Syndicate Limited J. T. Keane J. F. Btephenson J. WhitehouM D. McKenzie .. W. BfcEachern A. W. Stone V. T. J. Abraham ft. B. Johnson H. Rochfort A. J. Davey .. W. George \V. ('. Quinncll F. W. Smith .. C. F. Primmer T>. Bower Societa di Ksportazione Polenghi Lombardo and E. Soncini J. Maelrie and A. 0. Huggins W. H. Blackham A. J. Webster S. E. Bell A. Storrie C. Bristow F. Raven Aktiebolaget Separator H. W. Gilling A. G. Andin A. Smaill W. H. Blackham 221! 1 1 •23 .Ian. 21 Feb. 18 Mathematical tables, Displaying Mattress and bedstead Mattress and bedstead Mattress and bedstead Measured-charge delivering-device Measuring machine, Skin-Meat-extract, Preparing Metal-sheets, Corrugating Metals, Extracting Military equipments Milk-pail .. Milk pail and stool Milk-sampler Milk-separator Milk-strainer Milk, Treatment of .. 22221 20012 22580 22618 22396 22472 22445 22316 22415 22479 22340 20695 22259 22255 20841 22471 ■Jo Dec., 1900 23 Jan.. L906 •_'l .March . . 25 March . . 0 Feb. 28 Feb. 20 Feb. 15 Jan. !i Feb. .. IK Dec.. I'.IOCt 23 Jan. 10 Feb.. 1906 2 Jan. 28 Dec. WOO 12 March .. 28 Feb. 7 13 27 38 18 88 38 is 7 18 13 :i :iti 24 Jan.* 7 I'M.. 21 March.* 4 April.* 21 Feb. 4 April.* 4 April. 21 Feb. 24 Jan. 7 Feb.* 7 Feb.* 10 Jan. 18 April. Milk-weighing can Milking-apparatus Milking-bail Milking-bucket Milking-can Milking-machine Milking-machine Milking-machine Milking-machine Milking-machine Milking-machine teat-cup Milking-machine, vaccum apparatus Mill. (See Threshing-mill.) Mixer. (See Concrete-mixer.) Mixing and disintegrating machine Moisture-indicator. (See Baled-goods indicator.) Motor. (See Elastic-fluid motor, Electric motor, Water-motor, Wave-motor.) Motor-vehicle brake Motor-vehicle wheel Moulding-machine for building-blocks .. Mouthpiece - machine. (See Cigarette - mouthpiece machine.) Mower. (Sec Lawn-mower.) Mowing-machine Multi-colour self-inking stamp-pad 22247 22536 22224 22534 22581 22253 22351 22514 22560 22009 20999 22535 27 Dec 1906 13 March .. 20 Dec, l<100 13 March .. 22 March .. 27 Dec, .. 24 Jan. 6 March .. 19 March .. 28 March . . 11 April, 1906 18 March .. IS 7 ■M< 'i 13 7 Feb.* 24 Jan!* 18 April. 24 Jan.* 7 Feb.* is 21 FeK E. T. C. Firth 21064 28 April, 1906 23 7 March. E. H. Featon E. Westwood J. A. Ferguson 22331 22512 21207 19 Jan. 5 March .. 1 June, 1006 27 88 21 March.* 4 April.* 10 Jan. J. E. Holland W. T. Wingfield and 0. W. Her22461 21678 25 Feb. .. 22 Aug., 1900 33 IS 4 April.* 21 Feb. Multiple plough Music-leaf turner Music stand. Band- .. mann G. Gibbins R. E. Reed A. S. Sargison, A. J. Debenham, and C. F. A. Cambridge 22375 22498 21004 31 Jan. 27 Feb. .. 17 April, 1906 23 Xi 33 7 March. 4 April.* 4 April.



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Application. OaMtU. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Data. Non-refillable bottle Non-refillable bottle Non-refillable bottle Nosebag. (See Feed-bag.) Nut-lock Nut-lock C. J. H. Payne J. H. Smith H. W. E. Josling 21182 22387 22428 19 May, 190C 5 Feb. 14 Feb., 1906f 27 88 21 March. 4 April.* E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward W. Rundle and T. E. Lund 22285 21955 9 Jan. 24 Oct., 1906 LS 28 7 Feb. 7 March. Offal-drying apparatus Office or door indicator Oil-engine gauge Ore classifying or vanning Ore concentrator Ore concentrator Ore-crushing machine Ore-grinding pan Ores, Magnetic separation of .. Ore-treatment Ore-products, Separating liquids from .. Ores. (See also Sulphide ores, Iron-ores, Zinc-ores.) y-» F. T. Boys T. Hawes R. B. Topp G. Ullrich Iv I leister G. E. Woodbury C. B. C. Storey and J. A. Wauchope II. Wilson .. G. Ullrich F. Cotton W. A. Caldecott 21183 22384 22333 20846 21175 22605 21765 21232 20847 21876 22513 23 May, 1906 4 Feb. 23 Jan. 14 Mar., 1906 21 May, 1906 25 March .. I I Sept., 1906 30 May, 1906 14 Mar., 1906 4 Oct., 1906 6 March .. 23 IS IS XI 3 7 27 88 28 7 March. 21 Feb.* 21 Feb.* 4 April. 10 Jan. 24 Jan. 21 March. 4 April. 7 March. 4 April.* Oven Overshoes. (See Goloshes.) K. Gillingham 22590 20 March .. Pad. (See Stamp-pad.) Packing-bags Packing-device for shafting Piil. (See Milk-pail.) Paint. (See Pigment.) Pan. (See Frying-pan, Ore-grinding pan.) Paper-bag machine .. Paper-file Paper-hanging machine Parcel or luggage strap handle Pea-shelling machine Pedil-strap .. l'e ler. (See Potato-peeler, Vegetablepeeler.) Peg. (See Tent-peg, Clothet-peg.) Petrol-gas burner, Incandescent Pigment, Feeding brushes with Pignvnt, Obtaining, from sulphide ores Pipe, concrete, Manufacture of Pipp-joint Pipe-joint Pipe-socket Pipe-lines, Water-motor for Pipe, Stave-built Pipe. (See Drain-pipe, Earthenware pipe, Tobacco-pipe.) I'l inter. (See Potato-planter.) Plaster Plastering walls and ceilings Pleasure-boat window Pliers. (See Ear-marking pliers.) Plough Plough Plough, Multiple Plough, Skim-coulter of Plough. (See Disc plough.) Pocket of wearing-apparel Points, Tramway, &c. Points, Tramway, &c. Pole. (See Curtain-pole, Trolley-pole.) Portable telephone and telegraph Potato-blight exterminator Potato-digger Potato digger and grader Potato-grader Potato-harvester Potato-peeler Potato planter and hiller Pounding-up machine Press. (See Baling-press, Punching-press.) Pressure, Treating substances under Printing-block Printing-machine Propeller Propeller Propeller. (See also Screw propeller.) Propelling steam-vessels T. Whitehorn.. C. A. Parsons .. 22334 20806 23 Jan. 5 Mar., 1906 18 23 21 Feb.* 7 March. W. Fricker H. A. Adams .. G. E. Partridge and J. McLoughlin T. W. Witt F. Staines C. A. Kidd .. 22180 22599 21775 21078 20300 22573 10 Dec, 1906 26 March .. 11 Ibroh .. 3 May, 1906 29 Nov., 1905 20 March .. 24 Jan. 7 27 IS 88 21 March.* 21 Feb. 7 March. R. C. Oaidiner A. J. Hall G. C. De Witt P. B. Jagger A. G. Brandram A. H. Byron and R. R. Richmond A. and J. Burfoot A. McCorkindale W. Btoota .. 22477 21666 22315 22482 22280 22291 22404 22328 22398 28 Feb. .. 18 Aug., 1906 15 Jan. 10 Mar., lilOOf 8 Jan. 9 Jan. 7 Feb. 10 Jan. 6 Feb. 8 is is 18 27 28 28 10 Jan. 21 Feb.* 7 Feb. 7 Feb.* 21 March.* 7 March. 7 March. W. C. Bradshaw S. Blackman .. J. R. Jillett .. 22344 22106 22273 23 Jan. 23 Nov., 1906 7 Jan. IS 7 7 Feb.* 24 Jan.* • • T. Keats G. E. Bretherton G. Gibbins D. Dickie and D. C. McMath .. 21777 22460 22375 22308 12 Sept., 1906 21 Feb. 31 Jan. 11 Jan. IS 7 Feb.* 28 28 7 March. 7 March.* A. Gray and D. G. Thornton W. S. Gillies J. W. Wood and C. J. Ward .. 22410 20793 22478 9 Feb. 1 Mar., 1906 27 Feb. 'i M 24 Jan! 18 April.* F. W. Medhurst S. B. Corrigan A. Reid and J. McCluggage H. Daniels J. Gascard and R. Shimmen H. R. Lees .. W. Platt H. Daniels United Shoe Machinery Company 21079 20617 22530 21127 22349 22347 22254 22494 22570 3 May, 1906 23 Jan., 1906 11 March .. 8 May, 1906 23 Jan. 23 Jan. 28 Dec, 1906 27 Feb. 28 18 M 28 18 is 18 88 30 7 March. 7 Feb. 18 April.* 7 March. 7 Feb.* 21 Feb. 7 Feb. 4 April.* 18 April.* E. B. Baker W. Bell and H. B. Bell Linotype and Machinery, Limited 0. Reisler F. De Lautour 22186 22095 22569 22434 22441 12 Dec, 1906 21 Nov., 1906 20 March .. 18 Feb. 15 Feb. 7 18 24 Jan. 7 Feb. 28 7 March.* W. C Bradshaw 22320 17 Jan. 7 24 Jan.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Application. Oatett*. Invention. Nimt. No. i No. Date. Date. . I Votector. (See Candle-protector, Fruittree protector, Knee-protector, Tire-pro-tector.) •rotractor, Calculating'ulley. (See Snatch-pulley, Speed-pulley, &c.) 'limp 'ump. (See Hydraulic Vacuum-pump, Kerosene-pump, Rotary pump, &c.) 'limp, Connection for pneumatic "unching-press, Dividing-table for 'uneture-proventing device J iin<tlire-sealing compound and device.. 'linnet or fruit carrier A. H. Byron and R. R. Richmond J. J. Gilday 22306 21163 25 Jan. 17 May, 1906 IS 21 Feb.» 24 Jan. P. L. Smith J. Aivaz H. Parsons R. H. Lucas .. S. A. Bradley 22307 22354 22412 22264 22194 14 Jan. 24 Jan. 8 Feb. 3 Jan. 13 Dec, 1906 21 Feb. IS is 7 Feb.* tabbit-fumigator tabbit-trapping contrivance tacehorse-controUer . . tail-cleaner tail-cleaner, Suction Jail-joint .. tailway-brake .. .. tailway fish-plate .. tamie, rhea, and other fibre?, Treating tange-finder tango. Oven of cooking-teaper-and-binder draught attachment tefrigerating-machine A. Le Blanc .. .. C. C. Bullock J. H. Pollock.. H. Quertier H. Quertier E.N. Waters.. J. W. Cloud .. G. T. Wilson and H. Downs D. E. Radclyffe F. H. Lampen K. Gillingham J. Stewart M. Audiffren and Societe des Etablissements Ringrun CTieckogram, Limited W. C. Page and R. V. Anderson A. J. Hall .. Gies Gear Company H. J. Edwards W. H. Mence and W. R. Stewart R. E. Reardon 22265 22353 22325 20936 22267 22485 21769 22024 21993 22595 22590 22435 22508 3 Jan. 24 Jan. 19 Jan. 2 April, 1906 3 Jan. 28 Feb. .. 26 Mar., 1906t 7 Nov., 1906 31 Oct., 1906 25 March .. 20 March .. 15 Feb. 3 Mar., 1906f IS IS 13 •27 a IS •27 21 Feb. 7 Feb.* 7 Feb. 21 March.' 10 Jan. 21 Feb.* 21 March. 33 4 April. tegistering-device for turnstile t'inforced concrete .. teservoir-brush teversing-gear lerolviag grate tidge-capping tifle-sight ting. (See Finger-ring.) toid-making block, Manufacture of toad-s\vi .. .. • toads. Liquid-distributor for .. lock-drill tollers, Machinery {oof joint and fastening totary engine totary engine 22470 22556 21666 22174 22360 22475 22506 28 Feb. 19 March .. 18 Aug., 1906 10 Dec. 1906 24 Jan. 28 Feb. 4 March .. 33 4 April.* 7 10 Jan. 24 Jan. 83 4 April. Cork Asphalt, Limited.. E. S. Slee and P. Tremayne J. Hines and T. Coleman A. E. Thomas R. R. Douglas W. Baldwin J. Delehanty A. R. Dietz, T. R. Ricketts and F. H. Cook W. Jamieson .. F. Bailey and F. TI. Jackson 22 11 it 22612 22338 20853 22021 21716 20852 22403 27 Nov., 1906 28 March . . 23 Jan. 14 March .. 28 .March .. 29 Aug., 1906 14 Marcl' .. 6 Feb. 7 24 Jan. 23 3 7 March. 10 Jan. 13 3 •27 7 Feb. 10 Jan. 21 March. totary engine totary motion, Clutching-device for communicating totrry pump and turbine totary shaking-table.. lubber attachment to heels .. tubbei , heel, Securing, to booc 22604 22313 26 March .. 15 Jan. E. S. G. Rees.. R. J. Tumbull J. Darnell T. Lane 22588 22198 22248 22459 19 March .. 10 Dec, 1906 27 Deo., 1906 21 Feb. .. •27 IS 33 21 March. 21 Feb. 4 April.* Safety-lamp and carburetter Sampler. (See Milk-sampler.) Sand-blast apparatus.. lash. (See Window-sash.) Saw. (See Circular saw.) Scaffolding-bracket Scales for weighing sheep Scarifier at .. .. .. • .. ! Tien. (See Sifting-screen.) Screen or curtain elevator Screening, drying, and grinding apparatus Scutching fibres, &c. Screw-cutting lathe indicator Screw propeller Sealing tins hermetically Searing lambs* tails Seat. (See School-seat, Vehicle-seat, &o.) Seed-sower Seed-sower Seed-sower Seed-sower Seed sower, TurnipSeparator. (See Centrifugal separator. Magnetic separator, Milk-separator, &c.) Sewage-distributor Sewage-treatment Sewage-treatment Sewer. (See also Yard-sink.) F. W. Suter and C. Way men .. 22507 4 March .. :;c 18 April. International Sand Blast Company 22606 25 March .. F. Parker and B. T. Higgins C. Cooper A. J. HaU A. Crichton and W. Williams 22806 22182 22424 22613 9 Jan. 12 Dec, 1906 11 Feb. 28 March .. 18 7 21 Feb.* 24 Jan. A. B. Johnson .. L. Rissmuller.. D. E. RadelyfTe W. H. Waycott and W. Wilson .. G. Mackaness and J. Barnes G. Farquhar and R. North C. Cannell 22414 21946 21993 22396 22312 22028 20763 7 Feb. 19 Oct., 1906 31 Oct., 1906 6 Feb. 15 Jan. 7 Nov., l<106 20 Feb., 1906 '27 7 •27 23 is 7 •23 21 March. , 24 Jan. 21 Mai cli. 7 March. 21 Feb. 24 Jan. 7 March. C. Bristow G. Hutehinson A. Todd G. Hutehinson D. Murchison.. 21273 22436 22547 22562 22289 7 June, 1906 18 Feb. 12 March .. 20 March .. 9 Jan. IS 33 21 Feb. 4 April.* is 7 Febl* F. W. Stoddart J. Mitchell A. I. Joseph 21889 21363 22533 5 Oct., 1906 28 June, 1906 13 March .. 7 •23 24 Jan. 7 March.



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Application. Oanette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Sewing- machine Sewing-machine Sewing-machine. (See Boot-sewing machine, Shoe-sewing machine, Sole-eew-ing machine, &c.) Shaft-coupling for steam-vessels, &c. Shaft-packing device .. Shaft-tug Shaking-table Shearing-machine. (See Sheep-shearing machine.) Shears. (See Sheep-shears.) Sheep-fence, Sliding Sheep-race Sheep-shears Sheep-shearing machine Sheep-weighing machine Sheep-weighing scales Sheet iron for building Sheet-metal laths Shelling peas Ship's hull, Cleaning Ship's-progress indicator Shoe-sewing machine Shop-alarm mat Sifting-screen Signal-lamp Signalling-apparatus W. T. J. Auckram A. H. Byron and R. R. Richmond A. H. Byron and R. R. Richmond C. A. Parsons J. P. Horner . . R. J. Turnbull J. Hamilton M. Fry J. C. Preston .. W. Silver T. and J. Bowrey C. Cooper W. Katene .. T. W. Macintosh F. Staines T. Stewart .. T. Whittle and G. G. Turri United Shoe Machinery Company A. E. Moss R. Williams A. H. Byron and R. R. Richmond International Telegraphic Call Company F. H. Lampen 22417 22438 22357 20806 2262022198 21088 22196 22374 22399 22519 22182 22544 22452 20390 22550 22283 ! 22288 22492 20689 ! 22274 21008 12 Feb. 18 Feb. 25 Jan. 5 Mar., 1906 28 March .. 10 Dec, 1900 28 April, 1900 13 Dec, 1906 31 Jan. 0 Feb. 0 March .. 12 Dec, 1900 14 March .. 21 Feb. .. 29 Nov., 1905 15 March . . 9 Jan. 9 Jan. 25 Feb. 9 Feb., 1900 7 Jan. 18 April .. 33 33 IS 23 27 33 7 23 30 7 4 April.* 4 April.* 21 Feb.* 7 March. 21 March. 4 April. 24 Jan. 7 March. 18 April.* 24 Jan. 23 7 March. 13 13 7 Feb. 7 Feb.* 7 IN 3 24 Jan. 21 Feb.* 10 Jan. Signalling-flags Sink. (See Yard-sink.) Siphon Skidding-preventing device Skim-coulter Skim-milk, Treating 22558 19 March .. H. Corbett H. Parsons D. Dickie and D. C. McMath .. Societa di Esportazione Polenghi Lombardo and E. Soncini A. W. Stone .. T. R. Christie T. R. Christie A. T. Chadowski C. Butters C. E. D. Usher H. Rochfort 22369 22412 22308 22471 30 Jan. 8 Feb. 11 Jan. 28 Feb. 23 7 March.* 23 30 7 March.* 18 April. Skin or hide measuring machine Skylight Skylight Slaughtering pen and apparatus Slimes-filter Slimes-treatment Slimes-treatment Small arms. (See Breech-loading small arms.) Snatch pulley or block Soap. (See also Detergent.) Sock for boots Socket. (See Pipe-socket.) Soda. (See Carbonate of soda.) Soldering-machine Soldering-machine Soldering machine, CanSoldering tins, Hermetically Sole. (See also Boot-sole.) Sole-sewing machine Solids, Extracting, from fluids Solids, Recovering, from liquids Solids, Recovering, from liquids Sower. (See Seed - sower, Turnip ■ seed sower.) Spacer for type-setting Spaying - instrument. (See Cow-spaying instrument.) Speed-indicator Speed-pulley Spinal brush 22472 22212 22593 22527 22249 22292 22415 28 Feb. 14 Dec,1900 22 March .. 6 March .. 27 Dec,1900 7 Jan. 9 Feb. 83 7 30 L3 13 4 April.* 24 Jan. 18 April.* 7 Feb. 7 Feb. C. J. Tuck .. 20704 12 Feb., 1906 27 21 March. E. Sprey 22443 16 Feb. 33 4 April.* T. W. McDonald H. N. Bell G. W. Berry G. Farquhar and R. North 22295 22532 22345 22028 10 Jan. 4 March . . 23 Jan. 7 Nov., 1900 13 36 13 7 7 Feb.* 18 April.* 7 Feb.* 24 Jan. H. J. Best P. Bevenot and E. Dβ Neveu Merrell-Soule Company W. A. Caldecott 22229 22432 21794 22513 20 Dec, 1906 13 Feb. .. 15 Sep., 1906 0 March .. 13 7 Feb.* 27 33 21 March. 4 April.* T. M. Copeland 22541 11 March .. 18 April* * T. J. Gilfedder A. F. Golding and E. Campbell .. W. J. McLennan and F. F. Craddock W. R. Gover B. W. White .. C. J. Tuck .. J. Hughes 22463 22105 22403 25 Feb. .. 24 Nov., 1900 28 Feb. 33 13 33 4 April.* 7 Feb.* 4 April. Spinal corselet Spoon Spoon Spout, Attaching, to " chaffey " of thresh-ing-mill Stamp-affixer Stamp-pad, Self-inking multi-colour 22393 22327 22402 20798 2 Feb. .. 19 Jan. 6 Feb. 1 Mar., 1906 i:'s 7 Feb.* la 7 Feb. F. W. Munt W. T. Wingfield and C. W. Hermann E. Moss 22233 21678 21 Dec,1906 22 Aug., 1906 7 is 24 Jan.* 21 Feb. Stamping and franking letters Standard. (See Fencing-standard.) Stand-rd, Securing wire to Starch-powder, Fireproof Stave-built pipes Steam-turbine, Shaft-packing device for 22510 5 March .. sa 4 April.* A. W. Burbury H. Taylor W. Stocks C. A. Parsons 21038 21209 22398 20806 26 April .. 26 May, 1906 6 Feb. 5 Mar., 1906 3 7 33 28 10 Jan. 24 Jan. 7 March. 7 March.



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

■l'Pl k-iil lion. izn Invention Name. No. Date. No. Date. Iteam- vessel, Shafting for Steamer for dairying, &c. Steamer and strainer Iteel-franiing for buildings Iteel-manufacture, Pneumatic proeeaa . . )tep-ladder, Extension Step-ladder, Extension Itoreotypee, Finishing, &i\ Itareotypee, Finishing, &o. Itarrnp Itoken. (See Chain-grate stokers.) Itone-shoot for dredge Stool. (Nee Milk pail and stool.) Stopper. (See Bottle-stopper.) Straw-baling press, Block for Strainer. (See Milk-strainer, Wire gripper and strainer.) ♦trainer and steamer for oooking itraw hat Street-watering met liml Stretcher (tripper. (See Flax, &c, stripper.) auction-cleaner for tramways .. Sulphide. Extracting zinc from its Sulphide ores, Obtaining pigment from . . Sulphide ores, Treatment of Sarfaoe-oondenser -ion-bridge iwath-turner Sweeper. (See Road-sweeper.) ♦ witch. (See Electric switch.) A. H. Byron and R. R. Richmond H. EL Reimen G. D. Lumsden A. H. and D. J. Byron A. Tropenas . . B. Mote L., H., and J.. Mote .. .. \V. E. Hughes \\. K. Hughes .. EL \V. Downing 1. Stevenson and .1. Cc«ik E. E. Woodley and C. .1. Brogden 22357 21823 22600 22011 22167 22391 22521 22666 22567 22502 2li73.-> 22402 25 Jan. 21 Sept. . . 26 March .. 5 Nov., 1900 20 Feb., 1 limit 5 Feb. 20 Aug., 1906 20 March . . 2ii Match . . 4 March .. 13 Feb. •2.-) Feb. is 7 is 23 :s:t 30 :s :(.■( 21 Feb.* 10 Jan. 24 Jan. 21 Feb. 7 March. 4 April. 18 April. 10 Jau. I April.* G. D. Lumsden .. . . ' H. P. Pearson .. .. F. Cooper .. .. .. : J. S. Plummer .. .. I 22000 2250S 22294 222:).-) 20 March . . 20 March .. 8 Jan. li) Dec, 1906 is 7 21 Feb.* 24 Jan.* H. Quertier .. T. J. Heskett. . .. .. } G. C. De Witt ,. P. Cotton La Sociote Anonyme Westinghouse A. Falkner F. Sheaf 222li7 22241 22315 21876 ■ 224SO 22549 222! K i 3 Jan. 21 Dec., 1906 15 Jan. 4 Oct., 1906 28 Feb. .. Iβ March .. it Jan. 27 18 is 28 :!0 13 21 March.* 7 Feb.* 21 Feb.* 7 March. 18 April.* 7 Feb.* Pable. (See Billiard-table, Rotary shak-ing-table.) Pail-cutting appliance, Lamb's-fail-holder. (See Cow's-tail holder.) Pap or cock Cap. (See Water-tap.) Parget for rifle range Parget. (See Electrical target.) Parget-repairer Peaching-appliancc and cabinet Pea-making apparatus Peat-cup Peat-cup Peat-cup-mouthpiece fastener Peat-cup-mouthpiece retainer Peat-cup mouthpiece telegraphy Pelephone telephone and telegraph, Portable telephone, Wireless telephony telephony tent and hammock tent-peg Phreshing-machine, Wearing-strip for conC. Cannell .. .. .. i J. H. and P. Walker G. Newman .. J. Whiting E. McFee C. E. Woledge A. Smaill A. GiUies F. E. McLean J. Higgison, j un. A. Smaill A. C. Baronio C. H. Harris .. F. W. Mcdhurst F. J. McCarty J. and H. M. Copeland J. and H. M. Copeland F. W. Hellberg W. Stone A. F. Campbell 20703 22592 22523 22310 22088 22293 20999 22473 22231 22350 21809 22504 22529 21079 21101 22586 22687 22394 22301 20804 20763 22592 22523 22310 22088 22293 20999 22473 22231 22350 21809 22504 22529 21079 21101 22586 225S7 22394 22301 20804 20 Feb., 1906 21 March .. 7 March . . 14 Jan. 21 Nov., 1906 8 Jan. 11 April, 1900 28 Feb. 18 Dec.T L906 23 Jan. 18 Sept., 1906 4 March .. 1) March .. 3 May, 1906 5 May, 1906 23 March . . 23 March .. 4 Feb. 8 Jan. r> Mar., 1906 28 27 7 13 18 MIS 7 L3 33 ::o 7 March. 21 March.* 24 Jan. 7 Feb.* 21 Feb. 4 April.* 24 Jan.* 7 Feb.* 4 April. 18 April. 23 27 7 March. 21 March. 23 is 27 7 March.* 21 Feb.* 21 March. cave threshing - mill, Attaching spout to " chaffey" of Pickets, Issuing, registering, &c. tickets, Issuing, registering, &e. Pickets, Issuing, registering, &c. rimber-joint. (See Weather boarding.) Pin-seal Pin-sealing machine fire Pire Pire J. Hughes Checkogram, Limited Checkogram, Limited A. E. Young and E. G. Kerr 20798 22466 22150 22578 20798 22466 22150 22578 1 Mar.. 1906 21 Feb. 21 Feb. 21 March .. 18 36 7 Feb. 18 April. E. S. Evelyn . . G. Farquhar and H. North .1. Lowden, inn. J. T. Meredith The Malcolm Frasci Wheel Syndicate, Limited D. W. McLean J. Thomson A. W. Carpenter H. Mander and W. E. Chamberlain F. J. Arthur B. G. C. Stephens and B. G. Mahoney E. Westwood A. Rowland J. E. Henry J. Gordon 21156 22028 22329 22377 22201 22663 22583 224 10 22276 22321 22574 22512 22601 22400 22543 21156 22028 22329 22377 22201 1C May, 1906 7 Nov., 1906 ; 21 Jau. 31 Jan. 2 Jan. is 7 -'7 23 21 Feb. 24 Jan. 21 March.* 7 March.* Pira 22583 224 10 22276 20 March .. 13 March .. 2(i Feb. 7 .Ian. Pire Pire 33 13 4 April. 7 Feb.* Pirc, Elastic Pire-furnace Pire-infiator Pire-inflator 22321 22574 17 Jan. 20 March .. 13 7 Feb.* Pire, Motor-vehicle .. Pire, Motor-vehicle Pire, Pneumatio Pire protector or shield 22512 22601 22400 22543 5 March .. 26 March .. 0 Feb. 14 March .. ! :i3 4 April.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Application. Qatette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Tire-valve connection Tobacco-pipe Tobacco-pipe cleaner Tobacco-pipe cleaner, Spiral-plug Tobacco-pipe, Windguard for .. Toilet-oabinet. (See Washing-cabinet.) Tonic and food Totalisator-building .. Totalisator-mechanism Toy. (See Billiard-toy.) Tram-rail cleaner Tram-rail cleaner Tramway-points Tramway-points, Shifting, into posit ion.. Tramway-track cleaner Trap. (Sec Animal-trap, Rabbit-trap.) Trap or drain cover Trays, Composition for making Tree-proteotOT. (See Fruit-tree protector.) Trolley-head .. .. Trolley-pole Trolley-pole Trolley-pole Tube-cleaner. (See Flexible-tube cleaner, &c.) Tug. (See Shaft-tug.) Turbine. (See also Marine turbine.) Turbine Turbine and rotary pump Turbine, Packing-device for shafting of.. Turbine, Reversible Turnip-seed sower Turnstile registering-devioe Twisting wires Type-setting, Spacer for Typewriter P. L. Smith P. A. Kenna .. R. E. G. Burroughs D. E. Amcsburv R. K. Sinclair 22307 20662 22401 22449 22279 14 Jan. 31 Jan., 1906 6 Feb. 20 Feb. 8 Jan. is 13 •23 ■23 21 Feb. 7 Feb. 7 March. 7 March.* H. Corbett .. \V. H. Macdougall A. G. Jackson 22323 22522 22389 17 Jan. 7 March .. 5 Feb. 23 36 is 7 March.* 18 April.* 21 Feb.* H. Quertier H. Quertier .. W. S. Gillies .. J. W. Wood and C. J. Ward T. E. Taylor 20936 22267 20793 22478 21142 2 April, HI06 3 Jan. I Mar., 1906 27 Feb. 15 May, 1900 13 27 7 Sβ 83 7 Feb. 21 March. 24 Jan. 18 April.* 4 April. J. Smart A. J. Godrell .. 22322 21230 17 Jan. 30 May, 1906 13 is 7 Feb.* 21 Feb. N. I. Gooder C. J. Johnson.. R. S. C. Brown C. J. Johnson 22515 22299 22406 22531 6 March .. 7 Jan. 8 Feb. .. 12 March .. 36 18 is 33 18 April.* 7 Fob.* 21 Feb.* 4 April.* G. Rischmuller E. S. G. Rees C. A. Parsons J. Molas and J. A. Smeeton D. Murchison Cheekogram, Limited J. Lilley T. M. Copeland The Imperial Writing Machine Company, Limited 22505 22588 20806 22372 22289 22470 22413 22541 22518 4 March .. 19 March .. 5 Mar., 1906 31 Jan. 9 Jan. 28 Feb. .. 11 Feb. 11 March .. 6 March .. 36 23 is 13 33 33 Sβ 30 18 April. 7 March. 21 Feb. 7 Feb.* 4 April.* 4 April.* 18 April.* 18 April. Tyre. (See Tire.) 22467 22591 27 Feb 21 March .. Urinals, Drawing off gases, &c, from Umbrella T. Warner and J. Kannuluik R. B. Williams 4 April.* S3 Vacuum milking-machine. (See Milkingmachine.) Vacuum-pump. (See Hydraulic vacuumpump.) Vegetable-peeler Vehicle-body Vehicle-seat Vehicle-seat Vehicle-spring equaliser Vehicle-wheel rim Vehicles, Draft-gear for . Propelling W. Platt W. G. Windham J. B. Lovdon C. Martin P. J. McGinn H. Pataud (!. Westinghouse W. C. Bradshaw 22254 22297 21969 22370 22516 22517 22281 22320 28 Dec, 1906 7 Jan. 25 Oct., 1906 31 Jan. 6 March .. 6 March .. 8 Jan. 17 Jan. in 13 7 33 7 Feb. 7 Feb. 24 Jan. 4 April. 7 7 Fei>! 24 Jan.* Wall-paper, Hanging.. W.ills and ceiUngs, Plastering .. W.ilK ('■instruction of Walls, Construction of Walls, Construction of Washboard Washboard Washing and draining clot 1' Washing-cabinet Water-boiling and ten-making apparatus Water-heater Water-heater Water-heater Water-heater, Gas Water-motor for supplying pipe-lines .. Water-tap Watering. (See Street-watering.) Wave-motor Wave-motor Wearing-strip for threshing-machine concave Weatherboarding Weatherboard-joint .. Weecling-machine Weighing. (See Milk-weighing, Sheepweighing. ) Wheel-felly Wheel, Motor-vehicle G. E. Partridge and J. McLimghlin S. Blackman W. E. Adams.. W. E. Adams.. W. C. Page and R. V. Anderson .. F. G. Philpott R. M. Maunder C. Jansen J. Murdoch C. E. Woledge J. D. Jackson A. A. Carson J. D. Jackson H. W. McClellan A. MeCorkindale 0. K. Carlson 21775 22106 22365 22481 22556 22332 22382 22557 22559 22293 22228 22230 22277 21114 22328 209O0 11 March .. 23 Nov., 1906 29 Jan. 2S Feb. 19 March .. 23 Jan. 1 Feb. 19 March .. 19 March .. 8 Jan. 20 Dec., 1906 20 Dec., 1906 8 Jan. 9 May, 1906 10 Jan. •23 Mar., 1906 ■27 7 IS 33 21 March.* '24 Jan.* 21 Feb. 4 April. is ■23 21 Feb. 7 March.* 13 7 7 13 27 23 •J 7 7 Feb.* 24 Jan.* 24 Jan.* 7 Feb.* 21 March. 7 March. 21 March. W. Snee W. E. Hughes A. F. Campbell 22176 22336 20804 10 Dec, 1906 23 Jan., 1907 5 Mar., 1906 ■j 7 21 March. 21 Feb. 21 March. 27 J. O. Galbally W. Evans and I). Y. Cunningham J. A. RoUo 22234 22362 22324 21 Dec, 1906 28 Jan. 18 Jan. 7 24 Jan. is 21 Feb.* H. Pataud .. E. Westwood .. ., ,. 22284 22512 9 Jan. 5 March .. 13 33 7 Feb. 4 April.*


11. 10

Alphabetical List of Inventions-continued.


4—H. 10.—08.

.pi ical ion. Gatrti Invention. Name No. Date. No. Date. Wheel rim, Vehicle-Wind-guard for pipe Windmills, Operating Window Window-blind elevator, &c Window, Operating Window-sash adjuster Window-sashweights .. Window. (Seealso Pleasure-boat window.) Wire oheese-outter Wire. (See Fencing-wire.) Wire-fastener Wire gripper and strainer Wire mattress. (See Mattress.) Wire-strainer Wire-twister Wireless telephone Wood, Treatment of H. Pataud .. R. K. Sinclair W. McCaUum.. T. Roberts II. M.. J. IS., and A. Maunder T. Bollev T. II. Wilson.. Q. T., T. M., and J. K. Muir .. J. Eddey 22617 222711 22464 22:110 22383 224.-. 1 222116 22526 22204 6 March 36 8 Jan. 26 Feb. 17 Jan. 1 Feb. 21 Feb. 7 Jan. 6 Manh 36 11 Deo., looti 36 33 18 33 36 '7 18 April. 4 April.* 21 Feb.* I April.* 18 April. 24 Jan. A. W. Burbury J. Hanslow .. 21038 22246 26 April 27 Dec, L906 3 13 10 Jan. 7 Feb. F. Raper and W. J. P. Dixon .. J. [iilley F. J. McCarty K. W. Barton-Wright and Q. Marino 2243(1 22413 21101 22171 14 Feb. 11 Feb. 8 May. 1906 7 Dec.. 1906 33 33 27 7 4 April.* 4 April.* 21 March. 24 Jan. Wool, Deteoting moisture iii. (See Baledgoods indicator.) Yard-gully and level inlet Yard sink or gully T. R. Christie R. 0. Clark .. 22:ili0 22243 2 Feb. 22 Dec, 1906 7 24 Jan. Zinc, Extracting, from its sulphide Zinc, Treatment of ores containing T. J. Hcskett . . F. Cut ton 22241 21876 21 Deo., 1906 4 Oct, 1906 13 23 7 Feb.* 7 March.

lenoi ;es a prior W u ler section 106 of "The Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act, 1889." Application. Gazette. Nam*. flflilrm No. Date. No. Date. Ackermann, A. S. E., and another .. .-Eolian Company, The Aerators, Limited Agricultural and Pastoral Food Company, Limited, The Aktiebolaget Baltic Separator Allport, R., and another AUport, R., and Co. (See R. Allport and T. Normoyle.) Angus, G., and Co.. Limited London, England New York, U.S.A. London, England Wellington, X.Z. Stockholm, Sweden Hobart, Tas. 13 9 6 42 7 14 6518 (1536 0606 0049 6503,4 6542 28 Feb. 14 March .. 26 Feb. ■_>7 March .. ■-'1 Feb. 22 March .. 28 27 23 33 33 7 March, 21 .March. 7 March. 4 April. 4 April. Newcastle-on-Tyne, England Christchurch, N.Z. 40 6425, 6 15 Jan. 23 7 March. Ashby, Bergh, and Co. 12 6495 19 Feb. 83 4 April. Barber, J. W. Barclay, S., and another Barrett Manufacturing Company Bates, Sisc, and Co. Begg, John Benjamin, D., and Co. Best Light Company. The Bon Ami Company, The .. Booth, J. Booth, S., and Co. (See J. Booth.) Brown, H., and Co. Bryden Horse-shoe Company Newton, U.S.A. Auckland, X.Z. New Voik, U.S.A. Dunedin, N.Z. Balmoral, Scotland Dunedin, N.Z. Canton, U.S.A. New York, U.S.A. Birmingham, England .. 50 8 50 42 43 48 13 50 13 0800 0164 6440 8492 t 6633 6414 0621 0526 6402 20 Feb. Ki Sept., 1800 24 Jan. 15 Feb. 13 March .. 10 Jan. 4 March . . 6 March .. 2 Jan. 23 18 i:: is 27 13 7 March. 21 Feb. 7 Feb. •21 Feb. 21 March. 7 Feb. 27 21 March. Oamani, N.Z. Catasanqua, U.S.A. 22 13 0434 0537 lit Jan. 14 March .. 13 7 Feb. Cable-link Agency Cailler, Limited, F. L. Castell. (See Von Faber-Castell.) Chapman, H. Z. .. Chassaing and Cie Christensen, H. A. Clarkson, J. B., Limited Auckland, N.Z. i. Broc, Switzerland 50 42 6529 6531,2 11 March .. 13 March .. 36 Sβ 18 April. 18 April. Bluff, N.Z. Paris, France Taihape, N.Z. I'almiTstdn North, N.Z. 42 42 3 13, 22, 37, 40 39 6527 0424 6446 6442-5 9 March .. 14 Jan. 28 Jan. 25 Jan. is 13 7 Feb. 7 Feb. Collins, Bros., and Co., Limited Colombo Tea Company, The. (See W. A. Grieve, No 6550.) Colonial Ammunition Company, Limited Co-operative Egg and Poultry Company, Limited Cox, j. M. Cronin, J. J. Auckland, N.Z. 6421 12 Jan. .. 7 24 Jan. Auckland, N.Z. 19 6548 20 March .. 4 April. 33 Auckland, N.Z 42 0428 17 Jan. 23 7 March. Sydney, N.S.W. Wellington, N.Z. 3 42 0418 6406, 7 9 Jan. 5 Jan. 7 7 24 Jan. 24 Jan.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.

l'l'l ica.1 ion. \t. Name. Address. Claes. No. Date. No. Date. Desniazurcs, A. C. G. J. .. Drake and Co., J. Noumea, New Caledonia Auckland, N.Z. 1 6413 43 t>41 !i 9 Jan. II Jan. 7 24* Jan. Elkington and Co., Limited English and Colonial Patents and Trading Company, Limited Eureka Consumption Core. (See J. M. Cox.) Birmingham, England .. Wellington, N.Z. 14 6684,6 I 6640 13 March .. 19 March .. 27 21 Mareli Faber, A. W. (See O. Von FaberCastell.) Fry, J. S., and Sons, Limited Bristol. Kugland 28 Dc... 1906 42 6396. 7 7 2t Jan. Gandy Belting Company, The Gclle Freres. (See Lecaron Fils.) (iilleltr Safety Razor Company Gollin and Co. Proprietary, Limited Baltimore, U.S.A. 86 6122 15 Aug.. 1906 27 21 Gotch, M. linen and Colelirook. Limited Host on, U.S.A. Wellington, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Ngaruawahia, N.Z. 12 6183 1,2,4. 5, 6610 6 17.38,42 42 6519, 20 6, 7, 10, 6457-60, 12,37,38 6462,3 111 6461 47 B373 42 6660 42 6628 1 June.l'JIIIli 27 Feb. 2 Marcli .. 11 Feb.. 1907 3 23 27 IS 1(1 Jan. 7 March 21 March 21 Feb. nd Colebrook, Limited (ireen. T. H., and Co. Grieve, W. A. .. Griffiths, E., and Co. Ngaruawahia, N.Z. Chrietchurch. N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. New Plymouth, N.Z. .. ii Feb. 6 Dec., limn 27 March .. 9 March . . i:s 36 27 7 Feb. 18 April. 21 March Hall, T. B., and Co., Limited Hardwick and Friedman .. Bean, O. \V. Henderson, C, and another Henderson and Barclay. (See ('. Henderson and S. Barclay.) Hisey Dental Manufacturing Company, The Hudson, R. S. (See R, W. Hudson.) Hudson, R. W. .. Liverpool, England Chrietohuroh, N.Z. Christclnirch, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. 43 6530 14 6688 3 6408 3 6164 13 March . . Iβ March .. 7 Jan. lo Sept., 1906 27 33 7 is 21 March 4 April. 24 Jan. 21 Kcl>. St. Louis, U.S.A. 3 6624 1 March . . 27 21 March Liverpool and West Bromwioh, England Sheffield, England - .. 17. 4S t>435 21 Jan. 18 7 Feb. Ibbotson Bros., and Co., Limited/ .. 5, (i. 12, 0305-8 13 24 t>437 30 Oct., 1906 is 21 Feb. Kessler and Co.. Limited .. Bradford, England 23 Jan. 13 7 Feb. Udlirook, H. A. Icarus and Brother Company Larus and Brother Company Lecaron Fils (Leearon Sons) Lever Bros., Limited Lever Bros., Limited Lever Bros., Limited Linolite Company, The. (See A. S. E. Ackermann and R. L. Matthews.) Lipton, Limited Invercargill, N.Z. Richmond, U.S.A. Richmond. U.S.A. Paris, Frame Balmain, N.S.W. Balmain, N.S.W. Balmain, N.S.W. 22 t>427 45 l>4115, 7 45 6466 48 6423 47, 48 5873, 4 3 6661 2 3 6552 17 Jan. 6 Feb. l> Feb. 14 Jan. I April. 190C> 28 March . . 28 March .. 7 IS 28 27 86 24 Jan. 21 Feb. 7 March 21 March 18 April, London, Eng., Colombo, Ceylon, and Calcutta, India Melbourne, Vic. London. Eng. 42 6469 71 13 Feb. Lucas, R. H. Lundberg, A. P., G. C, and P. A. .. Lundberg, A. P., and Sons. (See A. P., G. C, and P. A. Lundberg.) Lyons, J., and Co., Limited Lysaght, J., Limited Lysaght, J., Limited 50 6405 16 f>491 5 Jan. 14 Feb. .. 7 is 24 .Ian. 2i Fefa London, Eng. Bristol. Eng, Bristol, Eng. 43 l>543 13 6463,6 13 11454 28 Marcli .. 2 Feb. .. 2 Feb. 33 18 27 4 April. 7 Feb. 21 Mmi.1i Machen, G, and Hudson Marshall (Glasgow), Limited Matthews, R. L., and another Merck, E. Miller, N. Monmouthshire Steel and Tinplate Company, Limited Monnet, J. G., et oie Liverpool. Bng. Glasgow, Scotland London, Eng. Darmstadt, (iermany .. Masterton, X.Z. Pontymister, Eng. 43 6480 42 6400, I 13 6518 3 11525 2 6404 6 6409, 10 23 Aug. 1900 2 Jan. .. ! 28 Feb. l> March . . 4 Jan. 9 Jan. ] 7 23 33 24 .Inn. 24 Jan. 7 March 4 April. Cognac, France 43 6422 I 14 Jan. II 7 Feb. Naline, A. Neill and Co., Limited Neill and Cα, Limited Normoylc, T., and another Saint Denis, France Christchurch, N.Z. Christchuroh, N.Z. Hobart, Tas. 3 11441 f>0 6501 50 6506 14 6542 24 Jan. 20 Feb. 28 Feb. 22 March .. 13 23 23 33 7 Feb. 7 Mar.-li 7 March 4 April. Orr and Co., Limited, J. B. (See The Silicate Paint Company.) Sydney, N.S.W. Wellington, N.Z. Sheffield, Eng. 9 6509 42 6539 5 6, 12, 6285-7 13 21 Feb. .. I 111 March .. | 17 Oct., 1906 Paling, W. H., and Co., Limited Patercin and Co., A. S. .. Peace, W. K., and Co., Limited 9 42 r> 6, 12, 13 45 38 33 is 1 April. 21 Feb. Phillips, (J., and Sons Plant Company, T. G. London, Eng. Boston, U.S.A. II 45 I 5903,6 38 6439 17 April, 1906 23 Jan. •27 21 March



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.


■pi , ' lication. jiie. Name. Address. Class. No. Date. No. Date. Poison, R. S. Postum Cereal Company, Limited .- Wellington, N.Z. Battle Creek, U.S.A. .. 42 Ci4.Vl 6541 2!l Jan. 20 March . . 13 7 Feb. yuiimell, W. C Wellington, N.Z. •> l>420 11 Jan. 7 24 Jan. Reach's, Limited .. Ridley and Son . . Roneo, Limited .. Kosn, N. -.. Redfern, N.K.W. Christchurch, N.Z. I .imili,M. Eng. Berwick, N.Z. 43, 44 42 39 0 6507, 8 r>722 5696 0433 36 Kcl,. 12 Jan.. 1900 2.S Dec. l90fi HI .Ian. 28 13 18 7 .March. 7 Feb 7 Feb. Schmidt, P. L. .. Schreiber and Co. Seddon, W. Senior, C. A. Silicate Paint Company, The Simmonds and Osborne Simmonds and Osborne .. Smeeton, H. M., Limited .. Society des Proprietaires vinioolea de Cognac. (See J. G. Monnet et cie.) Sonac and Co. (See J. G. Monnet et oie.) Standard Tool Company, The Standard Paint Company, The Stavanger Preserving Company Sydney Soap and Candle Company, Limited, The Elberfeld, Germany Melbourne, Vie. An,Hand, N.Z. Onehunga, N.Z. London, Eng. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Auckland, N'.Z. 12 42,44 3 :«» 1 4:i Iβ 42 6428 0321, 2 6418 6456 0438 6609 8617 6496 17 Jan. 2 Nov., liMiti 11 Jan. It Kcb. 23 Jan. 27 Kcb. 28 Kcb. 20 Kcb. 7 13 is •24 .Inn. 7 I'eb. ■_'l Kcl.. 23 7 March. Cleveland, U.S.A. New York, U.S.A. Stavauger, Norway Sydney, N.S.W. 12 39 42 35 0411 i;:,74 6027 6480, I II .Ian. 7 Dec., 1906 28 .lime, 1900 17 Jan. 7 13 13 23 24 .Ian. 7 Feb. 7 Kcb. 7 March. Thornton and Co. Tonkinson, R. 8., and Co. Tyree, A., and Co., Limited [nveroargill, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Christhurch, N.Z. 44 l> 38 6448 l>447 6886 28 Jan. 28 .Ian. 2(1 Dec.. MM Mi IS 13 7 ■21 Feb. 7 Kcl. 24 Jan. Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Company, Limited. The Auckland, N.Z. 47 6415 10 Jan. 7 24 Jan. Vacuum Oil Company Van Veen, Reid, and Co. .. Von Faber-Castell, 0. Rochester, U.S.A. Auckland, N.Z. Stein, Germany 47 42 89 0544-0 0408 0522, 8 2.-, March .. 7 Kcb. 4 March .. is 27 t April, 21 Feb. 21 March. Ward, B. H Wardette and Co. (See B. H. Ward.) Warnock Bros. Watkins, Jameson, Pirn, and Co., Limited Watson, J. E., and Co., Limited Watt, J. R. Welch, Margetson, and Co. Wellington Animal Hospital and School of Farriery. (See W. C. Quinnell.) Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Company Whittome, Stevenson, and Co., Limited Whittome, Stevenson, and Co., Limited Wilkinson, Heywood, and Clark, Limited Wilkinson. Heywood, and Clark, Limit eil Wilkinson, Heywood, and Clark, Limited Wilson, G. R. .. Wilson, G. R. Picton, N.Z. 42 6462 30 Jan. is 21 Feb. Auckland, X.Z. Dublin, Ireland . .. 37, 47 43 0497, 8 6490 2(1 Feb. 14 Kcb. 2:! 7 March. Invercargill, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Ixindon, Eng. 42 60 38 6488 6403 9647 27 Dec, 1906 2 Jan. 26 March .. 7 27 24 Jan. 21 Man!,. Bridgeport, U.S.A. 0 r>4in. 7 1(1 .Jan. 24 Jan. i Auckland, .N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. London, Eng., and Melbourne, Vic' London, Eng., and Melbourne, Vic. Ixindon, Eng., and Melbourne, Vic. Christchurch, N.Z. Christehureh, N.Z. 42 12 1 0344 6360 6474 5, s, HI, 4. 7 r>17:!. ii, 9, 82, 6, K 0474, 7, 80,8,6,8 6461 6664 28 .Nov., l!t()(i 22 Nov., 1906 i:: 1-VI>. 7 27 18 21 Jan. 21 March. 21 Kcl. 4 l:i Kcb. IS 21 Kcl,. 47 18 Kcb. IS 21 Kcl,. 48 38 211 .bill. 28 March . . 27 86 21 March. 18 April

Name. Adrtross. Clase. — A No. Application. Ipj Gazette. Date. No. Date. Adoroft, A. Koch, r. A. Marsh, F., and another Xoone and Trevarthen Trevethiok, J., and another White and Marsh. (See J. White and F. Marsh.) White .1.. and another Williams, J. B Wellington, N.Z. Hawera, N.Z... Wellington, N.Z. Auckland, X.Z. Auckland, N.Z. l :( :tir> 316 314 318 :m 28 Keh. 28 Feb. •23 Jan. Bβ March . . IS March .. 23 ■j:s 18 :s:s ■-'7 7 March. 7 March. 7 Feb. 4 April. 21 March. Wellington, N.Z. Grey mouth, N.Z. 3 314 313 23 Jan. 21 Jan. 13 13 7 Feb. 7 Feb.




* Denotes a provisional specification. t Denotes a prior date under Track' Marks Act, 1889." t Denotes a prior date under section 106 of " The Patents, Designs, am i i Name, Address, and Invention. No. Application. Gkitette. No. Date. No. I Date. Adair, A., Johannesburg, Transvaal. Cyanide treatment of ores .. 21978 Adams, H. A., Linton, Vic. Document-file .. .. .. 22599 Adams, J. H., Auckland, N.Z. Wrought-iron ferro-concrete former.. 22906 Aktiebolaget Baltic Separator, Stockholm, Sweden. Manufacture of 22737 butter. (J. V. M. Risberg) Aktiebolaget Separator, Stockholm, Sweden. Milking-machine. (B. 22514 and F. Ljungstrom) Alexander, W., Wellington, N.Z. An accessory of temperature and 22616 moisture testers Allan, C. F. F., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Broadcaster .. . . 20871 Allport, R., and another, Hobart, Tas. Finger-ring .. .. 22113 Anderson, R. V., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Concrete structure 22556 Andin, A. G., Glenferrie, Vic. Milking-machine .. .. .. 22609 Andrews, Z. D., Wellington, N.Z. Fruit-picker .. .. .. 22773 Ashton, 0., Lawrence, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, Nos. 21364 and 21365.) Atkinson, J., Titirangi, N.Z. Spinal and body supports .. .. 23046 Austin, J., Spreydon, N.Z. Devioe for toasting, &o. .. .. 21226 25 Oct., 1906 26 March 23 May 25 May 6 March 2 April II Miuoli, 1906 26 Nov., 1906 19 March 28 Maroh 4 May 36 41 51 48 44 41 41 51 41 41 48 18 April. 2 May. 13 June.* 30 May. 16 May. 2 May.* 2 May. 13 June. 2 May.* 2 May.* 30 May.* 21 June 29 May, 1906 '62 11 Juiy. Baird, J., Waikino, N.Z. Using etored or compressed water for driving 22670 water-motor Bairstow, H., Ashburton, N.Z. Draught, &c, exoluder .. .. 21103 Baker, A., Invercargill, N.Z. Clothes-hanger .. .. .. 22707 Baldwin, E. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Rifle-sight. (The 22625 Sutherland Rifle-sight Company, Limited—M. E. Sutherland) Baldwin, \\'., Sydney, N.S.W. Method of waterproofing floors and roofs 22734 Barden, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Bird-trap .. .. .. .. 21148 Barker, H. L., and another, Ashburton, N.Z. Tire-oover .. .. 22960 Barton, F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Cellar-lift .. .. .. 22607 Barton-Wright, E. W., and another, London, Eng. Agglutinant for 22932 consolidating the active material for eleotric accumulators Barton-Wright, E. W., and another, London, Eng. Construction of 22959 electric accumulators Basley, G. W., and another, Auokland, N.Z. Cleansing gum, resin, &c. 22724 Bateheler, G. W., and another, Orepuki, N.Z. Stump-extractor .. 22894 Bates, E., Auckland, N.Z. Cow-spayer .. .. .. .. 22499 Bavay. (See De Bavay.) Bawden, J. M., Traralgon, Vic. Split link .. .. .. 22955 Bayard, E., Rochester, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 22920.) Beamish, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Animal-trap .. .. .. 22853 Beattie, S. T., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Method of marking race- 22880 competitors Beaumont, G., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Loom .. .. 22966 Beckett, D., Reikiorangi, N.Z. Wire-netting holder .. .. 22659 Bedell, H. G., Westport, N.Z. Ventilating-skylight .. .. 22851 Belcher, J. P., Wanganui, N.Z. Hurdle .. .. .. 22971 Bell, H., and another, Melbourne, Vic Nail-making machine .. 22655 Bell, H. N., Invercargill, N.Z. Soldering of cans, &o. .. .. , 22924 Bell, S. E., Wangaratta, Vic. Fuel-economizer, soot-arrester, &c. .. 22635 Bellingham, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Ferro-conorete and 22676 fire-proof construction Benfell, J. T., Dunedin, N.Z. Embrocation .. .. .. 22900 Benn, B. W., Meeniyan, Vic. Vacuum-motor for cow-milking apparatus 22653 Benn, B. W., Meeniyan, Vic. Cock and aooessory for use with milking- 22654 machines Benn, B. W., Meeniyan, Vic. Teat-cup .. .. .. .. 22866 Bergin, A. J., Rozelle, N.S.W. Motor-cycle belt .. .. .. 22450 Bevenot, P., and another, Paris, France. Extracting solids from fluids 22432 Biddle, W., Kilbirnie, N.Z. Tire-protector .. .. .. 22982 Bird, W. H., Wanganui, N.Z. Cover for motor-oar tires .. .. 23065 Blackham, W. H., Melbourne, Vio. Vacuum-apparatus for milking. 22535 (W. J. Teese) Blackham, W. H., Melbourne, Vic. Milking-apparatus. (W. J. Teese) 22536 Blackham, W. H., Melbourne, Vio. Milking-maohine teat-cup support. 22700 (W. J. Teese) Blackham, W. H., Melbourne, Vio. Teat-cup for milking-maohine. 23034 (W. J. Teese) Blades, T., and others, Footscray, Vio. Railway-signalling .. 22624 Blain, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Mitre box'and oramp .. 21979 Blanc. (See Le Blanc.) Booth, G. T., Christohurch, N.Z. Attachment to flax-stripper for 22662 trueing up beaters of drum Booth, W., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Butter-cutter .. .. 22916 Borgnet, P., Liege, Belgium. Eleotrolytio apparatus .. .. 22984 8 April 44 16 May.* 8 May, 1906 18 April 2 April 6*2 48 11 July. 30 May. 24 April 12 May, 1906 10 June 25 March 28 May 56 41 56 44 62 27 June. 2 May. 27 June.* 16 May. 11 July. 5 June SB 25 July. 18 April 23 May 1 Maroh 44 41 16 May.* 27 June.* 2 May. 7 June 17 May 20 May 51 Iμ 13 June.* 25 July. 7 June 10 April 15 May 8 June 10 April 29 May 4 April 11 April 65 44 51 41 56 41 48 26 .Inly. 16 May.* 13 June.* 2 May.* 27 June.* 2 May.* 30 May. 25 May 6 April 6 April 62 41 41 11 July.* 2 May.* 2 May.* 18 May 2 July, 1906f 13 Feb. 13 June 29 June 13 Maroh 51 41 56 65 44 13 June.* 2 May. 27 June. 28 Juiy.* 16 May. 13 Maroh 17 April 44 44 16 May. 16 May.* 24 June ee •25 July.* 2 April 25 Oot., 1906.. 44 56 16 May. 27 June. 10 April 41 2 May.* 30 May 13 June


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


>pi>: ion. }(IM'\ \u Name, Addreas, and Invention. Mα Date. No. Date. No. Date. I," Borgstrom, A. H., Hango, Finland. Manufacture of butter .. 22943 4 June .. l>."> '2."i July. Bottrill, F., Tintinara, S.A. Vehicle-wheel .. .. .. ! 22696 ' 17 April .. 41 ' 2 May.* Bowden, F., Miller's Flat, N.Z. Rabbit-trap .. .. .. 22738 25 April . . 48 30 May.* Rradley, A. E., and another, Christchurcli. N.Z. .. 21047 19 Sept., lltdii 41 2 May. Bradley, H. G., and another, Chiirtohuroh. I-eud-calme .. .. 21047 19 .Sept.. 1906 U 2 May. Boys. F. T., Napier, N.Z. Iron fencing-standard .. .. 22969 11 June Brandt, E., Melbourne, Vic. Kerosene-pump .. .. .. 22278 8 Jan. . . 48 30 May.* Bretherton, G. E., Makirikiri, N.Z. Plough .. .. .. 22460 19 April .. 41 2 May.* Brewin, J., Auckland, N.Z. Bottle-washing machine .. .. 22702 ' 17 April .. r>1 13 June. Bridger, T. E., Dunedin, N.Z. Teeth-extracting appliance.. .. 21328 lit .lune, 1906 56 27 June. Brighton, W., InvercargiU, N.Z. Reversing-gear for engines .. 22850 17 May .. 51 13 June.* Bristow, C, Christchurch, N.Z. Milking-machine .. .. 22797 10 May .. 48 30 May.* Bristow, C, Christchurch, N.Z. Seed-sower .. .. .. 22804 10 May .. 48 30 May.* Brock, W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Flax-treating machinery .. 22732 ' 24 Aprfl .. 44 16 May.* Broome, G. W. E., Auckland, N.Z. Hair-pin .. .. .. 221128 31 May .. 62 11 July.* Brown, E. J., and another, Table Top, N.S.W. Animal-decaudater .. 21619 8 Aug., 190(> 44 16 May. Brown, F. C, Komata, N.Z. Lining tube-mills and other grinding and 22<>8!l II April .. 41 2 May.* pulverising machines Brown, F. C, Komata, N Z. Lining for tube-mills and ball-mills, &c. 22864 17 June . . 62 11 July. Brown, J., Melbourne, Vic. Lever-jack stump-puller and cramp .. 21411 I July, 1906.. 48 30 May. Brown, J. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. (See E. C. E. Mills, P. Heyes, and W. J. Napier, No. 22746.) Brown, P. J., Naseby, N.Z. Valve for water-pipe .. .. 21412 4 July, lltOti.. 51 13 June. Brown, R., Westminster, Eng. Electric switch .. .. .. 22339 24 Jan., 1906f 41 2 May. Browne, F. G., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Treatment of hides, 22827 15 May .. 56 27 June.* leather, &c. Browne, G. J., and another, Palmereton North, N.Z. Machine for 22650 2 Feb. .. 36 18 April. making sheet-metal seamed and grooved piping Bryant, W. H., Wellington, N.Z. Coal-carrier .. .. .. 22826 15 May Bryson, J., Otatara, N.Z. Wood-splitter .. .. .. 23017 17 June .. 60 SB July.* Budge, J., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Butter-cutter .. .. 22916 30 May Burfoot, A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Pneumatic wheel .. 211140 111 Oct., 1906.. 33 4 April. Burfoot, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Pneumatic wheel .. 21940 19 Oct., 1906.. 33 4 April. Burger, R., Berlin, Germany. (See Thermos. Limited, No. 23022.) Burns, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Teat-cup pulsating-device .. .. 22H72 12 Jon* .. 62 11 July.* Burns, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Teat-oup .. .. .. 23012 20 June .. 62 11 .Inly* Burrell, D. H., jun., and another, Little Falls, U.S.A. Shaft-mountings 22642 3 April j for centrifugal machines. (M. L. Hoyt.) Burrell, L., and another, Little Falls, U.S.A. Shaft-mountings for cen- 22642 | 3 April trifugal machines. (M. L. Hoyt) Burrows, J., Auckland, N.Z. Hose-darner .. .. .. 22584 20 March .. 44 16 May.* Byron, A. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Brick .. .. 22608 28 March .. 44 16 May.* Cahill, T., Auckland, N.Z. Fire-alarm .. .. .. .. 22962 ; 6 June Callaghan, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Milk can and measure .. .. 22651 9 April .. 44 16 May.* Cameron, C. C, Banks Peninsula. N.Z. Sledge .. .. .. 22799 10 May .. 62 11 July. Campbell, J. L., Adelaide, S.A. Machine for moulding plastic material 23050 Sβ Jane .. (!.') 25 July.* Carrick, J. W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Bracket or clip for sup- 22999 17 June . . .. .. porting brooms, &c. Carter, T. E., Auckland, N.Z. Window-sash lifter and lock .. 22882 ! 20 May .. 56 27 June.* Carter, W. H., jun., Wellington, N.Z. Pin .. .. .. 22877 22 May .. 51 13 June.* Carver, W., Prospect, S.A. Broom .. .. .. .. 23047 26 June Chambers, jun., C, Overbrook, U.S.A. Dough-mixing machine .. 22887 25 May .. 62 I 11 July. Chambers, jun., C, Overbrook, U.S.A. Dough-mixing process .. 22888 25 May .. 62 11 July. Chambers, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Cleansing gum, resin, &e. 22724 18 April .. 44 16 May.* Chambers, L. T., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Fence-making machine. 22011 L'li Mi\ .. 62 : 11 July. (C. J. Lane and R. J. Crane) Chancellor, S. T., and another, Hobart, Tas. Levelling-staff .. 21680 ( 23 Aug., 1906 51 13 June. Chapman, W. J., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Method of marking 22880 20 May . . 66 2r> July. race-competitors Oheckogram, Limited, and others, London, Eng. Counting and regis- 22868 17 .Jan., 1907f 65 25 July. tering apparatus for turnstiles Childs, H., Ashburton, N.Z. Swingle-tree and pulley-frame .. 22857 21 May Chipman. Limited, Sydney, N.S.W. Convertible vehicle. (C. Wesp) 22809 11 May . . 68 25 July. Christie, J., Warepa, N.Z. Tram-rail sweeper .. .. .. 21750 4 Sept., lOOti 41 2 May. Christie, R. L., Gore, N.Z. Poison-laying machine .. .. 21570 30 July, 1906.. , 62 11 July Christie, T. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Skylight .. .. 22593 22 March .. 41 2 May.* Clapcott, F. B., Auckland, N.Z. Suspender for braces .. .. 23057 24 June Clark, E., and another, Windsor, Vic. Attachable resilient heel for 23048 26 June .. .. ..• boots and shoes Clark, G., Melbourne, Vic. Constructing walls and buildings with inter- 22876 22 May . . 51 13 June.* locking parts Clark, J. J., Kensington, Vic. Milking-machine .. .. .. 28042 25 June .. | Bβ 25 July.* Clark, J. J., Kensington, Vic. Teat-cup .. .. .. 221)57 5 June .. 56 27 June.* Clark, R. 0., Hobsonville, N.Z. Straightening earthenware pipes .. j 21491 19 July, 190(i. . 56 27 June. Clark, R. O., Hobsonville, N.Z. Pipe to stand high-pressure . . 22509 18 May .. 51 13 June. Clark, R. O. Auckland, N.Z. Use of slimes and tailings in the 28039 90 June manufacture of bricks, pijK'S, &c. Clarke, W. 8., Auckland, N.Z. Fixing up plastering-laths .. 20970 I 7 April, 1906 36 18 April Clegg, G. J., Oaonui, N.Z. Saddle-cover .. .. .. 22992 15 June Clift, E. H., Kensington, Eng. Internal-combustion engine .. 22630 j 28 March, 1906-f 65 25 July.* Cobham, W. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Tip for the ends of chair, 22627' 2 April .. 56 27 June.* &c, legs



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent —continued.

Name, Address, and Invention. Application. No. Date. Qaze.ttt. No. Date. Coffey, M. P., Melbourne, Vic. Drawing off beer, &c, by pneumatic . pressure Colpus, C, Wellington, N.Z. Picture-frame clamp Colpus, C, Wellington, N.Z. Trolley-pole Golson, B. E., Auckland, N.Z. Hal-fastener Cometti, A., Petone, N.Z. Potato digger and harvester Comings, W. R., Surrey, Eng. Box-making machine Cook, Palinerston North, N.Z. Cheese-crate Cooke, A. N., and another, Richmond, Vic Bicycle-pedal strap or tO6clip Coumber, J., Newport, Vic. (See R. J. Coomber, No. 22976.) Coomber, R. J., Northcote, Vic. Flaying-knife. (J. Coomber) Coombs, E., Auburn, Vic. Fibrous plastering Cooper, F. H., Wellington, N.Z. Trolley-pole- of electric oai Copeland, H. M., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Telephony.. Copelaiicl, EL M., and another, Palmerstou North, N.Z. Telephony.. CopeUad, J., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Telephony Copeland, J., and another, PalmentOD North, N.Z. Telephony Coppell, E. T., Kaitaia, N.Z. Self-centring lathe-chuck Coppell, E. I., Kaitaia, N.Z. Mechanism attached ti> lathes for replacing callipers Corbett, F. J., South Yarra, Vic. (See E. J. Keogh, No. 22788.) Corbett, F. J., South Yarra, Vic. (See E. J. Keogh, No. 22954.) Corbett, F. J., South Yarra, Vie. (See EL Corhctt. No. 22980.) Corbett, H., South Yarra, Vie. Food for stock, or manure. (F. .1. Corbett) Cotton, F., Hornsbv, N.S.W. Treatment of orew containing iron Cotton, F. R., Christchurch, N.Z. Telephone-subscribers' list Cox, F. J., London, Eng. Production of gas Cox, G. .J., Balwyn, Vic. Securing cash-box of coin-freed apparatus Cox, G. J., Balwyn, Vie. Indicating and recording the velocities of fluids Craig, W., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Flax-dressing Cramer-Roberts, H., Waihi, N.Z. Treatment of gold and silver ore■> Crane, R. J., and another, Holly, U.S.A. (Sec L. T. Chambers and W. E. Thompson, No. 22911.) Cranwell, B. F., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Broadcaster Criehton, A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Adjustable chair Cronin, J. .1., Wellington, N.Z. Tea-compound Crook, A., Christchurch, N.Z. Punching ami milling machine Crosthwaile, W. Q., Leeds, Eing. Fire-bar for furnace Cumberland, P. E. G., St. Kilda, Vic. Preventing corrosion of metals immersed in water Cunningham, D. Y., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Weatherboard-joint Currie, F., and another, Hamilton, N.Z. Pan and dish holder 22899 22045 22917 •22855 22879 22:st;:s 2n74l> S2701 22976 22725 22768 ■225Nli •225S7 22686 225S7 225!)6 225! 17 25 May 12 Nov., 1906 30 May 2(1 May ■2.! May 28 Jan. 2.", April 17 April 12 June 24 April 2 May •2:i Marofa 23 March •2:s March .. ! ■2:i March 23 March 23 March 13 June 51 48 56 .->ti 51 44 44 4K 48 44 44 44 44 44 44 51 48 56 66 51 44 44 4K 48 44 44 44 44 44 44 13 June.* 30 May.* 27 June.* 27 June.* 13 June.* Iβ May. 16 May.* 30 May. 30 May.* in May.* Hi May.* 16 May.* 16 May.* 16 May.* 16 May.* 22980 •22614 ■22(128 23020 ■2-2ti.'{(i 22637 28 March .. 2 April 22 June 4 April 4 April 44 '48 44 16 May. 30 May. 16 May. 23043 22690 25 June 15 April 44 16 May.* 20871 22613 ■-2S47 22866 22474 21002 U March, 1906 2K March 17 May 21 May 28 Feb. 4 Aug., 1906 41 44 44 62 2 May. 16 May. Iβ May. II July ■22:iti-2 23058 28 Jan. 24 June 56 27 June Dalil, K. A.. Wellington, N.Z. U<'iidering fabrics waterpioof Darling, W. B\, and another, Hobart, Tas. Levelling-staff Davidson. 11., Hokitika, N.Z. Sprocket-chain Davidson, T. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Klax-scraping machine .. Davidson, W., Clinton, N.Z. Plough Davies, J. B., and another, Melbourne, Vie. Xuil-inakincr maohine. . Davis, A. E., and others, Johannesburg, Transvaal. Transportingapparatus for mines Davis, A. V., Auckland, N.Z. Electrical retoucher Dawson, B. F. H., East Brunswick, Vie. Culinary utensil Damon, T., Maraekakaho, N.Z. Choolc for steadying oil-engines De Baugh, W. H., Auckland, N.Z. Heating-a'rangement for boiler-. . Dβ Haviiv. A. .1. H\, Krw, \'ic. Separating parts 01 the constituent of ores De Laitte, L. 15., London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, Nα 22801.) De Neveu, E., and another, /Vsnieree, Pranoe. Extracting solids bom fluids De Perini, V. A., Rodeio, Brazil. Production of textile fibre Desy, L. A., Montreal, Canada. (See J. W. Harris, No. 22626.) Dickens, S., Carlton, Vic. Mouth-organ Dickie, R. J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. (See E. C. K. .Mills, P. Heyes, and W. J. Napiei, No. 32740.) Diefendorf, 0. G., Binghampton, U.S.A. Brick-machine Dixon, A., San Francisco, U.S.A. (See E. N. Waters, No. 22564.) Docherty, S., Papatoitoi, N.Z. Catch or eye attachment to swingletree Doig, A., and another, Marsdcn, N.Z. Transporting apparatus for cargo Donald, R. K., Loch, Vic. Cradle crusher Donaldson, M., and another, Johannesburg, Transvaal. Totalisator apparatus Donnelly, H., Roxburgh, N.Z. Liuup-wic k Douglas, R. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Machinery-roller Douglas, R. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Protectors for links of naming machinery Dover, H. W., Northampton, Eng. Pneumatic tire Downs, H., and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Railway fishplate ■22782 21680 22681 22648 ■22965 22655 22049 22936 23025 •2IS51 22962 23049 22432 ■2 111! l>. I 8 May 23 Aug., 1906 12 April .. ! t April 7 June .. I H> April 5 June 30 May 22 June I Oct., 1906 8 June 26 lime 18 Peb. Hi Nov.. 1905t 48 51 44 48 62 41 00 62 115 30 62 60 Sβ 51 80 May.* 13 June. 16 May. 30 May. II July.* 2 May.* 28 July. 11 July.* 25 July.* 18 April. 11 Tulj.* 25 July* •27 June. 13 June. 22116 27 Nov., 1906 33 4 April. 22921 30 May am 22806 7 May 23006 22931 22909 15 June 9 May 29 May 65 62 25 July.* 11 July. 22930 22621 22692 30 May 28 March 13 April 18 May, 1906f 7 Nov., 190H il 41 51 48 2 May.* 2 May.* •2-27-2H 22024 i:s .hiiic-. 30 Mav.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent—continued.


Application. Gcuutte. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Drewet, J. C, and another, Auckland, N.Z. Vulcanised india-rubber 22905 concrete Drewet, O. H.. Auckland. N.Z. Vulcanised india-rubber concrete .. 22906 Duncan, W. H.. (Hen Oroua, N.Z. Apparatus for heating or cooling 22771 liquids Dunn, A., Christchurch, N.Z. Swivel-joint for windmill-rods .. 22818 Dun/.. W., Qranville, Eng. Laying jointless stone-wood flooring .. 22665 Durham, T. C, New York, U.S"A. Razor .. .. .. 22889 Dyhrberg, L. N., Ashburton, N.Z. Machine for making earthenwaie 23044 pipes 25 May 56 56 27 June. , 25 May 3 May 56 56 56 56 27 June.* 27 June.* 14 May III April 25 May 25 June 51 48 62 51 48 62 13 June.* 30 May. 11 July. Edgar, W., Dannevirke, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. .. .. 22838 KdmancU, H. R., and another, Menzies, W.A. (See J. Fergusson, No. 21642.) Kdwards. A. J., Auckland, X.Z. Trolly-pole controller .. .. 21336 lOllis. A., and another. Dunedin, N.Z. Securing wires to posts .. 22716 Ellis, P., Wellington, N.Z. Rotary motor .. .. .. 22967 Klvmes. F. and another, Wellington, N.Z. Metal-saving mat .. 22770 Kiiirsim. R. II. II.. Chri>tohurch, N.Z. Markingoi branding carcases of 22705 meat Evans, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Weatherboard-joint .. 22362 Farrell. F. J., Auckland, NJZ. Fire or burglar alarm .. .. 21208 Featmi, E. V., Cisliorne. N.Z. Tongue foi hoots and shoes .. 22987 Fergusson, J., Gawler, S.A. Filter press-plate. (H. R. Edmands and 21642 S. F. Gidney) Ferrar, J. E., and others, Johannesburg, Transvaal. Transporting-appa- 22949 ratus for mines rVssonden, K. A., Washington, U.SJL Electric signalling .. .. 22895 Flitch. H.. Christi hurch, N.Z. Safeguard attachment to tram or rail- 23020 way cars Finnigan, T. K.. Korort, Vic. Horse-collar .. .. .. 21534 Fippard, A. J., London, Eng. Hydraulic-clutch .. .. .. 23000 Fischer, A., Adelaide, S.A. Quick-heating water-vessel .. .. 22666 Fischer, A., Adelaide, S.A. Cooking and baking apparatus .. 22iiii7 Fischer, A., Adelaide. S.A. Ta p for water and gas .. .. .. 22668 Fischer. A., Adelaide, S-A. Gas-burner .. .. .. .. 22608 Floessell. \\., Wellington, N.Z. Chocking the wheels of hand-trucks. &c. 22769 Fogde, W., and others. (See International Cigar-machinery Company, No. 22629) Font* < ■. S., San Jose, U.S.A. (See E. N. Waters, No. 22564.) Foord, W., Macksvifle, N.8.W. Milk and cream cooler. .. .. 22922 Kurd. A., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Card-game .. .. 22718 Ford, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Combination perambulator, cradle, chair, &c. 23007 Fortescue, F. L, ArnclilTe. N.S.VV. Ends-connector for metal tires of 22878 wheels Fowler, J. W., Auckland, N.Z. Smoke-consumer .. .. .. 22742 France, H. B., Levin, N.Z. Iron covering for buildings .. .. 23061 Freeman-Matthews. 8. C J., and others. Wellington, N.Z Card-game . 22718 French, A. <;.. Auckland, N.Z. Manufacture of lime-stucco cement .. 22774 Friedenreieh. L.. Tliornleigh. N.S.W. Compressed yeast and production : 21339 thereof Friend, J. E., Annandale, N.S.W. Rotary steam-engine .. .. 22684 Friend, J. E., Annandale, N.S.W. Rotary gas-engine .. .. 22756 Frogley. N.W., Mont Albert, Vic. Window sash and fastening .. 22803 Fuller, W., Kirikiri, N.Z. Cattle-food made from flax, <fec, refuse .. 23056 Lβ May 51 51 13 June.* 22 .Juno, 1006 17 April 10 .June 3 May 17 April 48 44 62 51 48 48 44 62 51 48 30 May. 16 May.* 11 July.* 13 June.* 30 May.* 28 Jan. 56 56 27 June. 21 May, LQOfl 12 June 16 Aug., 1900 48 62 62 48 62 62 30 May 11 July.* 11 July. 5 June 65 65 25 July. 23 May 21 June 62 65 62 65 11 July. 25 July.* 30 July, 1906 19 June 10 April 10 April 10 April 10 April 2 Mav 33 48 44 51 48 56 33 4 April. 48 44 51 48 56 30 May. 16 May. L3 June. 30 May. 27 Juno.* 30 May 20 Apiil 19 June 23 May 48 65 30 May.* 25 Juiy. 24 April 28 June 90 April 2 May 22 .June, 1906 j 50 65 48 56 62 27 June.* 25 July.* 30 May. * 27 June.* 11 July. 13 April .. ! 1 May 10 May 24 June 48 51 62 30 May. 13 June. 11 July. Cal.y. II. .J.. Kilbirnie, N.Z. Step-ladder .. .. .. 22683 Calhally, J. (X, Wellington. N.Z. Window-sash .. .. .. 21380 (iidhigher, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Ointment .. .. 22830 Gait. J.. MatMint. N.Z. Sleeve-link .. .. .. .. 21248 Gardner, W. S., Palmerston North, N.Z. Hinged keel for boats, &o. 22963 Gare, T., New Brighton, Eng. Manufacturing and repairing india- 22873 rubber goods Gibbs, R., Christohuroh, N.Z. Means for displaying advertising matter 22778 Gidney, S. F.. and another, Menzies, W.A. (See J. Fergusson, No. 21642.) Gilbert, T. J., and another, Brunswiok, Vio. Moving machine for 22744 treating railway or rail deformities Gill, A. R., Abergavenny, Eng. Turning over oards, papers, &c. .. 23028 Gillett, W., and another, London, Eng. Carburetter for internal-oom- 22656 bustion engine Gillies, A., Heidelberg, Vic. Pulsating teat-oups .. .. .. 22939 Gilling, H. W., Matapu, N.Z. Milking-machine .. .. .. 22560 (Sillingham, K., Dunedin, N.Z. Oven of oooking range .. .. 22590 Cirdler, E., Invercargill, N.Z. Flax-stripper drive .. .. 22796 Girdler, G. T., Auckland, N.Z. Explosive-engine .. .. .. 22996 (Jlendining, R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Loom .. . . 22966 Goldkuhl, A. M., and another, Gothenburg, Sweden. (See Rhedin. Goldkuhl. and Co.) Goldstein, E., Cologne, Germany. Opening bottle-stoppers .. 22632 Goldstein, E., Cologne, Germany. Bottle-capsule.. ., .. 22633 13 April 28 .Juno, 1906 11 May 1 .June. 1906 10 June 29 May, 1906f 44 48 M 62 16 May.* 30 May. IS April. 11 July.* 6 May 24 April 56 27 June. 22 June 10 April 62 44 II .July.* 16 May. 4 June 19 Maroh 20 March 7 May 13 June 7 June 56 41 41 48 62 66 27 June.* 2 May.* 2 May.* 30 May.* 11 July.* 25 July. 4 April 4 April 56 56 27 June. 27 June.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent-continued.

LPPI ication. OoMttte. Name, Address, anc\ Invention. No. Date. No. •« Date. Goldstein, E., Cologne, Germany. Closing bottles by means of metal capsules Gooder, N. I., Taitville, N.Z. Trolley-arm head and retriever Gordon, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Shield-attachment for tires Gover, W. R., Burwood, N.S.W. Spinal corselet Gray, A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Pooket of wearing-apparel Gray, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Seed-sower Green, H. C, Napier, N.Z. Electric-indicator lock Green, R. A. W., Longueville, N.S.W. Screw-propeller Greville, F. W. B., Wellington, N.Z. Milk-preserving Gruhn, A., Timaru, N.Z. Indoor game 22634 23001 22543 22393 22410 21344 22970 23054 22844 22713 4 April 18 June 14 March 2 Feb. 9 Feb. 22 June, 1906 10 June 26 June 17 May 19 April 65 44 48 41 48 56 48 25 July.* 16 May.* 30 May. 2 May.* 30 May. 27 June.* 30 May. Hadaway, J. B., Brookton, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 22765.) Hale, G. R., Napier, N.Z. Scaffolding-braoket Hall, A. J., Thornleigh, N.S.W. Scarifier Hall, E. J., Palmerston North, N.Z. (See C. Jansen, No. 22557.) Hall, T., and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Metal-saving mat Hinner, W., Devonport, N.Z. Portable boiler Hamilton, H., Kurow, N.Z. Seouring horse-oovers in position Hammond, I. B., Portland, U.S.A. Dredge-bucket Hammond, W. H., Woollahra, N.S.W. Steam-boiler Hampton, H. V., and another, Melbourne, Vic (See F. G. Molntosh, No. 22697.) Hankinson, A., Sydney, N.S.W. Wire lattioe for reinforoing concrete floors Hanlon, W. H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Valve-gear for engines Hannam, W. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Gas-fired bath-water heater Hansen, N. J., Motu, N.Z. Axe Hanwell, W. H., Wellington, N.Z. Chalk-suspender for billiards, &o. Hardley, J. W., Auckland, N.Z. Maohine for bending metals Hare, A., Auckland, N.Z. Operating gas-valves, eleotric switches, &o. Harker, G., Petersham, N.S.W. Means for extinguishing fire and destroying vermin in ships, &o. Harkness, B. G. A., Stratford, N.Z. Potato-planter Harper, C., Guildford, W.A. Disposal of effluent from septic tank .. Harrington, J. G., and another, Table Top, N.S.W. Animal-deoaudater Harris, J. W., Montreal, Canada. Exoavator. (L. A. Desy) Harris, L. W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Measuring wearers for garments Harrison, J. W. M., Wellington, N.Z. Ventilator for windows Hartwell, D., Wellington, N.Z. Flax-dressing machine Harvey, W. J., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Tire Harvey, W. J., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Clothes-washer Hatmaker, J. R., Paris, Franoe. Drying milk Hay, R. E., Seddon, N.Z. Tool for boring Hayes, A., New York, U.S.A. Treatment of iron or steel Hayes, A., New York, U.S.A. Fibrous steel Hayes, A., New York, U.S.A. Solution for treatment of iron or steel Hayes, E., Rough Ridge, N.Z. Lever apparatus Hayes, E., Rough Ridge, N.Z. Wire-ooiling maohine Haynes, C. T., Auckland, N.Z. Fastener for lids of sanitary pans .. Haywood, H. J., Aramoho, N.Z. Floor-polishing apparatus Heithersay, J. S., Adelaide, S.A. Perpetual calendar Hellberg, F. W., Sydney, N.S.W. Hammock and tent Henderson, G., Turua, N.Z. Boot Henderson, J., Sydney, N.S.W. Reoeptacle for small goods Heskett, T. J., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Reduoing iron-ore Heyes, P., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Coin-freed stamp, &c, vendingmachine. (R. J. Dickie and J. H. Brown) Heys, J. J., Lynn, U.S.A. (See Manufacturers' Machine Company, No. 22927.) Hicks, C. J., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Lawn spray or sprinkler. (A. E. Strickland) Hicks, L. H., and another, Richmond, Vic. Bicycle pedal-strap or toeclip Highet, J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Milking-machine Hill, A., Denver, U.S.A. (See The Kendrick and Hill Manufacturing Company, No. 22579.) Hill, H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Mitre-box and cramp Hitchins, J. K., Petone, N.Z. Axe, slasher, &c. Hobbs, A. J., and another, Brunswick, Vic. Means for preventing horses running away Hogg, T. .R., Christchurch, N.Z. Attachment to plough for feeding potatoes, &c. Holland, J., Purakanui, N.Z. Rabbit-trap Hollingworth, A., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Tire Holmes, G. G., Pigeon Bay, N.Z. Securing together ends of fencingwire Hood, D. N., New York, U.S.A. Ore-treating apparatus Hooker, L. O., Hawera, N.Z. Perch-carrier Hooper, W. H., Lynn, U.S.A. Boot-treeing machine 22747 22424 22770 22893 22854 ! 22757 21640 22576 22645 22811 22109 22981 21381 22991 22825 23000 22183 21619 22626 22858 22956 20874 22720 22762 21451 21362 23036 23037 23038 22775 22860 22741 ! 22841 22250 22394 22805 22915 22835 22746 J 29 April 11 Feb. 3 May 23 May 20 May 1 May 16 Aug., 1906 21 Maroh 4 April 1 Aug., 1906f 26 Nov., 1906 13 June 29 June, 1906 14 June 15 May 18 June 12 Dec., 1906 8 Aug., 1906 2 April 18 May 7 June 19 Maroh, 1906 19 April 29 April 16 July, 1906 27 June, 1906 28 June, 1906f 28 June, 1906f 28 June, 1906J 6 May 21 May 26 April 15 May 29 Deo., 1905f 4 Feb., 1907 10 May 26 July, 1906f 16 May 29 April 44 44 51 51 56 48 44 41 56 41 62 44 41 44 62 33 51 56 44 51 48 56 44 33 51 51 56 16 May.* 16 May. 13 June.* 13 June.* 27 dune. 30 May. 16 May. 2 May.* 27 June. 2 May. 11 July.* 16 May. 2 May. 16 May. 11 July.* 4 April. 13 June.* 27 June. 16 May. 13 June.* 30 May.* 27 June.* 16 May. 4 April. 13 June.* 13 June.* 27 June. 22730 24 April 62 11 July. 22701 17 April 44 16 May.* 22719 20 April 44 16 May.* 21979 ' 22694 23031 25 Oct.. 1906.. 16 April 24 June 56 48 27 June. 30 May. 25 July.* 28884 16 May 51 13 June*. 22813 22720 22990 10 May 19 April 14 June 56 27 June.* 22758 22104 23055 15 Sept, 1906f 23 Nov., 1906 2 July, 1906.. 41 2 May*.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

5—H. 10.—oh.


Application. aatelte. ,pp] ion. Name, Address, and Invention. ■ No. Data. No. Dato. No. Date. no. Date. No. Date. No. Date. Hopkins, G. W., Cleveland, U.S.A. Acetylene blow-pipes .. 22884 25 May 62 11 July. Horner, J. P., Epsom, N.Z. Shaft-tug .. .. ... .. 22620 28 March .. 44 16 May.* Horton, J. A., Providence, R.I., U.S.A. Wire-drawing drum 22664 14 April, 1906f .. .. Hoyt, M. L., Little Falls, U.S.A. (See L. and D. H. Burrell, jun., No. 22642.) Hudson. E., and others, London, Eng. Loose-leaf binder .. 22754 1 May .. 56 27 June. Hudson, J. G. Wanganui, N.Z. Railway signalling. (W. McKeegan) 22710 18 April .. 44 16 May.* Hudson, W., and others, London, Eng. Loose-leaf binder.. .. 22754 1 May .. 56 27 June. Hughes. W. E.. Wellington, N.Z. Bicycle-support. (G. S. Meredith) 22191 12 Dec. 19(lli.. 51 13 June.* Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Machine for finishing curved stereo- 22567 20 March .. 41 2 May. types, Ac (Printing Machinery Company, Limited—H. A. W. Wood) Hughes, W. E.', Wellington, N.Z. Carburetter for internal-combustion 22801 10 May 62 11 July. engine. (L. B. de Laitte) Hulme, C H.. Christchurch, N.Z. BUly-can .. .. .. 22849 17 May 56 27 June* Humble, T., Geelong, Vic (See J. B. MacEwan and Co., Limited, No. 22914.) Hunter,' W. E., Maungakaiamea, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. .. 22929 1 June Hunter, W. E., Maungakaramea, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. .. 22993 16 June Hutchinson, G., Christchurch, N.Z. Seed-sower .. .. .. 22706 18 April .. 44 16 May.* Hutchinson, G., Christchurch, N.Z. Seed-sower .. .. .. 22722 22 April .. 48 30 May., Hutchinson, G., and another, Christchurch, X.Z. Milking-machine .. 22719 20 April .. 44 16 May.* Hutchinson, G., Christchurch, N.Z. Pneumatic valve cap-holder .. 22833 16 May .. 56 27 June.* Hutchinson, J., and another, Hobsonville, N.Z. Parlour-game .. 23059 24 June .. 66 26 July. Hutchinson, J. H., Auckland, N.Z. Bed of lathe, Ac. .. 22815 13 May .. 66 25 July.* Huttun, F„ Waikaia, N.Z. Knife-cleaner .. .. 22983 13 June .. 65 25 July* Hyde, G., Masterton, X.Z. Extension dining-table .. .. 22950 6 June .. 62 11 July.* Idiens, A. C, Christchurch, N.Z. Removing lead-headed nails from 22845 17 May .. 56 27 June.* corrugated iron Imbert, A. H., Grand-Montrouge. France. Zinc-ore treatment .. 22213 23 April, 1906f 41 2 May. International Cigar Machinery Company, New York, U.S.A. Cigar 22629 2 April .. 66 25 July. machinery. (O. Tyberg, W. S. Luckett, and 11 Fogde) International Sand Blast Company, San Francisco, U.S.A. Sand-blast 22606 25 March .. 44 16 May. apparatus. (W. H. Kelly) Irvine, J., Napier, N.Z. Fencing-wire fastener .. .. .. 21318 j 15 June, 1906 36 18 April. Ison, F. W., Wentworthville, N.S.W. Slicer for cutting animal feed.. ; 22871 ( 22 May .. 66 27 June.* Jackson, F. H., and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Windmill .. 23052 26 June .. 66 25 July.* Jackson, J. D., Prahran, Vic. Tubular bath-heater .. 21195 | 25 May, 1906.. 41 2 May. .Tagger, P. B., London, Eng. Manufacture of concrete slabs, Ac. .. 22482 10 March, 1906f 56 27 June. James, F., and others, London, Eng. Loose-leaf binder .. 22754 I May .. 56 27 June. Jansen, C, Palmerston North, N.Z. Method of draining clothes in ' ! 22557 ! 19 March .. 41 2 May* washing. (E. J. Hall) Jarrett, A., N.S.W. Liquid-delivering device .. .. 22831 16 May Jenkins, G. P., Ayr, Queensland. Means for storing cold .. 22867 ! 22 May .. 62 11 July.* Jenkins, G. P., Ayr, Queensland. Cooling brine for dairy purposes .. 22869 22 May .. 62 11 July.* Jewell, .1. R., and another, Brunswick, Vic. Means for preventing 23031 24 June 66 25 July.* horses running away Johansen, H. V., Devonport, N.Z. Explosive engine .. .. 23073 28 June Johnson, C. J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Trolley-pole retriever 22817 14 May .. 51 13 June.* Johnson, G., and another, Fremantle, W.A. Safety guard for razors 22938 4 June .. 56 27 June. Johnson, H. H., and another, Forbes, N.S.W. Gas-lamp lighter and 22731 9 Jan.-f extinguisher Johnson, W. M., and another, Bendigo, Vic. Siphon device .. 22158 5 Dec, 1906 56 27 June. Johnston, G.. Liverpool, Eng. Railway-vehicle couplings .. .. 22785 8 May 51 13 June. Johnstone, W. L., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Construction of 23051 26 June 66 25 July.* hurdle for horse-jumping Jones, A. I., Cricklewood, N.Z. Flax-treating apparatus .. .. 21243 31 May, 1906 36 18 April. Jones, F., Wellington, N.Z. Tire .. .. .. 22736 24 April .. tl 16 May.* Jordan, W. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Cooking-range .. 20708 12 Feb., 1906 18 30 May. Joseph, A. I., Sydney, N.S.W. Treatment of sewage .. .. 22533 13 March 41 2 May. Josephsson, H. J., and another. Gothenburg, Sweden. (See Rhedin Goldkuhl and Co.) Jute and Hanf Industrie Actien-Gesellschaft, Buda Pest, Hungary. (See G. G. Turn, No. 22951.) Kannuluik, J., and another, Melbourne. Vic. Drawing off fumes or 23008 19 June 62 II July* gases from urinals, Ac. Kay, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Pithing-spear .. .. .. .. 22691 15 April 44 16 May.* Kelly, W. H., San Francisco, U.S.A. (See International Sand Blast Company, No. 22606.) Kendrick and Hill Manufacturing Company, The, Denver, U.S.A. 22579 21 March .. 44 16 May. Lawn-mower. (A. Hill) Kendrick, C, Tariki, N.Z. Unwinding barbed wire off spool .. 22890 1 May Kennedy, E. O., Feilding, N.Z. Attaching uppers to soles of boots .. 22304 12 Jan. .. 44 16 May. Kennedy. It., and another, Glasgow, Scotland. Suction milking-machine 22986 10 June Keogh, E. J., South Yarra. Vic. Hydraulic air exhauster and eject or. 22788 8 May .. 61 13 June* '(F. J. Corbel t) Keogh, E. J., South Yarra, Vic. Cleansing carpets, floors, ceilings, Ac. 22954 6 June .. 62 11 July.* (F. J. Corbettl Keppel, J. J., Outram. N.Z. Flax-stripping apparatus .. .. 23075 29 June .. 65 26 July.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Application. OaMette. N»me, Address, and Invention. No. Date, No. Date. Kerr, E. G., and another, Timaru, N.Z. Machine for issuing checks or tickets Kerr, H. H., Elsternwick, Vic. Alternately supplying vacuum and air around teat-cups Kerr, H. H., and another, Elsternwick, Vic. Piping and teat-cups of milking apparatus Kettle, H. G., Dunedin, N.Z. Water-heater Kidd, C. A., Christchnreh, N.Z. Bicycle-pedal strap Killen, E. B., London, Eng. Rubber tread or tire King, G. W., and anotlit r. Auckland, N.Z. Seed-sower Kirkland, T. F., Palmarston North. N.Z. Splasher attachment to bicycle mud-guard "Kjellin, F. A., Stockholm, Sweden. Method and furnace for reducing metals Knight, F. J. G., and another, Wagin, W.A. Piping and teat-cups of milking machinery Knowles, W., Christcliurch, N.Z. Boot Kosseck, J. G., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Rat-stop for drains .. Kowtunoff. (See Poljakoff—Kowtunoff.), J. H., Nightcaps, N.Z. Apparatus for preventing horses from running away ECriiner, M. I... lx>ndon, Eng. Depilatory or hair-removing preparation Kulitze, W. J.. Palmerston North, N.Z. Pump for refrigerating apparatus 22578 21 March 41 2 May. 220)43 I! April 41 2 May.* 23011 17 June 62 11 .Inly.* 22238 220G1 22793 22760 22 D<-c. 100(1 20 March 15 Nov.. 1906 9 Mny I May 33 41 .".I Oβ 48 4 April.' 2 May. 13 June. 27 June. 30 May.* 22623 2 April 44 16 May. 23011 17 June* 62 11 July.* 22378 22897 :u Jan. 20 May Oβ 56 27 June.' 27 Jan.' •-'■-'HIS 5 June 65 25 July.* 22707 22821 S Sept.. l!»06t 14 May 62 II July * Laitte. (See De Laitte.) Lake, S., Berlin, Ger. Dredging-vessel .. Lamb, A. J., Christclninli, N.Z. Tramway-track cleaner .. Lamb and Todd, Limited, Wellington, N.Z. Displaying and storing lace-curtains. (T. H. White) Dampen, F. H., Wellington, N.Z. Signalling-flag bine. C. J., and another, Holly. U.S.A. (See L. T. Chambers and W. E. Thompson, No. 22911.) Langford. W. A., Tyselcy, Eng. Water-closet seat Lash, H. W., Cleveland, U.S.A. Process of reducing iron oxides Lawrenae, W. H.. and another, Glasgow, Scotland. Suction milkingniachine Lawton, A., Vogeltown, N.Z. Scaffolding bracket and hook La Blanc, A., Carlton, Vic. Rabbit-destroyer l/c. S. C, and others, London, Eng. Counting and registering apparatus for turnstiles Leee, H. R., Daylesford, Vic. Potato, &c, grading machine Lehmann, M. D., and another, London, Eng. Carburetter r or internalcombustion engine Le Roy, E., Devonport, N.Z. Horse-cover I* Roy, E., Devonport, N.Z. Horse-cover Leverett, W. E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Acetylene-gas generator Levinge, H. M., Okato. N.Z. Altazimuth instrument Lewee, C, Oaonui, N.Z. Hammer-head.. Liernnr, .1. ¥., and another, London, Eng. System of sewerage Licrmir, W. P., and another, London, Eng. System of sewerage Lindsay, A., and another, Hobsonville, N.Z. Parlour game Link, J. S., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Time-recording register .. Linotype and Machinery, Limited, London, Eng. Printing-machine. (T. R. G. Parker) Ljunstrom, B., and another, Stockholm, Sweden. (See Aktiebolaget Separator, No. 22514.) Ljunstrom, F., and another, Stockholm, Sweden. (See Aktiebolaget Separator, No. 22514.) Lock, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Brush or broom making machine Locking, B., Napier, N.Z. Gas-generator Lovatt. H. P., Todmorden, En«. Composition for preventing flies striking turnips, &c. Lovegrove, H. W., Timaru, N.Z. Motor-cycle belt Lowe, R., Brunswick, Vic. Rotary or revolving action maze Lucas, C, Wellington, N.Z. Hanger for scaffolding-bracket Lucas, C, Wellington, N.Z. Hanger for scaffolding-bracket Luckett, W. S., and others. (See International Cigar Machinery Company, No. 22629.) Lumsden, G. D., Christchurch, N.Z. Steamer for cooking utensil Lungley, C. F., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Treatment of hides, leather, &c. Luttrell, A. E., Balmain, N.S.W. Rotary pump Lynn, J. P., Kalgoorlie, W.A. Electro-magnetic stamp-battery 22686 22685 23041 10 April 13 April 25 June 01 44 60 13 June. 16 May.* 25 July.* 22558 19 March 41 S May.' 2-2699 22886 22080 17 April 25 May 10 Julie 44 62 Iβ May.* 11 July. 23033 22265 22868 24 June 3 Jan. 17 Jan., 1907f 62 41 05 11 July.* 2 May.* 25 July. , 22041 1,2656 4 June 10 April Oβ 44 27 June.* 16 May. 21504 21505 22717 23 July, 1906 23 July, 1906 20 April 01 00 44 13 June. 27 June. 16 May.* 22904 22998 23023 23023 23059 23024 22569 28 May 17 June 22 June 22 June 24 June 22 June 20 March 62 62 II July. II July.* 41 2 May. 22711 23004 22975 19 April 18 June 12 June 44 Iβ May.* 22712 22638 21216 21261 17 April 4 April 28 May, 1906 6 June, 1906 44 44 33 36 Iβ May.* 16 May.* 4 April. 18 April. 22600 22827 26 March 15 May 44 56 10 May.' 27 June.* 21159 22883 17 May, 1906 25 May 51 62 13 Juno. II .Inly. Maardt, J. G., Copenhagen, Denmark. Manufacture of beer-wort in dry state Macalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Seed-sower Macalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Front-lifting gear for ploughs Macdonald, J., Croydon, N.Z. Oil-engine MacEwan and Co.. Limited. J. B., Wellington, N.Z. Cream-vat, coldwater tank, and cool-chamber. (T. Humble) 22958 20997 22745 •_»-_".llo 22914 5 June 9 April, 1906 2Q \pril 29 May 29 May SO 44 44 Oβ 26 July. 16 May. 16 May.* ■>- Jm


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Application. (iOMttte. Name, Address, and Invention. Nα Date. No. Date. Mackay, H., Martinborough, N.Z. Bicycle-chain guard Macky, J. J., Auckland, N.Z. Bottle Madder, W., Kaikoura, N.Z. Voting apparatus M.idt'li v, O. T., Corindhap, Vic. Horse-controller.. Madeley, O. T., Corindhap, Vic. Mail-bag fastener Magnus, P., Northcote, Vic. Cycle-pedal toe-clip M..Iniiiey, B. G., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Tire-inflation Maiden, A., and another, St. Margarets, Eng. Process of consolidating finely divided ore materials Maiden, W. J., and another, Surbiton, Eng. Prooees of consolidating finely divided ore materials Manufacturers' Machine Company, Montclair, U.S.A. Sole-rounding machine. (J. J. Heye) Alanvers, A., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Apparatus for creating and maintaining a vacuum .Marino, Q., and another, London, Eng. Agglutinant for consolidating the active material for electric accumulators Marino, Q., and another, London, Eng. Construction of electric accumulators Martin, R. A., Hastings, N.Z. Clothes-drying apparatus Martin, S., Dunedin, N.Z. Fire-lighter .Martin, W. D., and another, Ashfield, N.S.W. Water-heater and circulator Martin, W. D., and another, Ashfield, N.S.W. Apparatus to indicate when certain parts of machinery are worn down Martin, \V. E., Stamford, Eng. Side-delivery rake, swath-turner, &c. Masefield, T. T., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Flax-dressing machine Massey, J. B., Auckland, N.Z. Former for ferro-concrete construction Maseey-Harris Company, Limited, Toronto, Canada. Conveyor for harvester binder. (C. McLeod and R. H. Verity) Masson, J. R., Wandong, Vie. Wet process for recovery of antimony from ores, &c. Matthews. (See Freeman-Matthews.) Maud, W., Lower Hutt, N.Z. Draught, rain, and dust excluder Maunsell, G. A., Remuera, N.Z. Smoke-preventing mixture Mawson-Stewart. (See Stewart.) Maxwell, F. H., Kerang, Vic. Crushing-battery Mayo, B. F., Salem, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 22764.) Mi Ardle, P., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Brake for electric cars McArthur, D. C, Belfast, N.Z. Gate-fastener McBride, T. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Resilient wheel for vehicles McCarty, F. J., San Francisco, U.S.A. (See E. N. Waters, No. 22824.) McCarty Wireless Telephone Company, Oakland, U.S.A. (See E. N. Waters, No. 22824.) McDonald, F. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Press for compressing material into bales McDougall, E. G., Wanganui, N.Z. Machine for dividing and wrapping blocks of butter McEvoy, J., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Boot for diggers McEvoy, .J. H., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Boot for diggers McEvoy, R., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Boot for diggers McFeely, R. F., Beverly, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 22663.) Mctiiiiu, P. .J.. Salisbury, South Africa. Vehicle spring Mclntosh, F. G., Upper Fern Tree Gully, Vic. Apparatus for decanting jam. (F. G. Mclntosh and H. V. Hampton). McKeegan, W., Wellington, N.Z. (See J. G. Hudson, No. 22710.) McKenzie, D., Auckland, N.Z. Easy-chair Mr Ki'iizie, D., Auckland, N.Z. Wire mattress and bed-rest McKenzie, D., Invercargill, N.Z. Flax-stripper McKenzie, D., Auckland, N.Z. Combination ottoman, bed, and couch McKinlay, H., Broken River, N.Z. Sewing-machine needle McLaren, F. J., and another, Fremantle, W.A. Safety guard for razors McLaurin, J. D., Pohangina, N.Z. Heat-tester for bales of wool McLean, 1). W., Methven, N.Z. Tire McLennan, T. C., Dunedin, N.Z. Lock-fastening .. M< U'od, A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Flax-dressing machine .. McLeod, A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Method of procuring kaurigum from swamps McLeod, C, and another, Toronto, Canada. (See Massey-Han is Company, Limited, No. 22923.) McLeod, F., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Brake for electric cars MoLeod, F.. and another, Auckland, N.Z. Method of procuring kaurigum from swamps MoNab, N. S., and another, Caulfield, Vio. Time-reoording register.. Medhurst, F. H., and others, Johannesburg, Transvaal. Transporting apparatus for mines Meeoh, E., Wellington, N.Z. Holder for driving-reins] Meredith, G. S., Launoeston, Tas. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 22191.) Meyer, R., and others, Johannesburg, Transvaal. Transporting ap-" paratue for mines 22561 22812 21213 22807 22808 22726 22574 22974 20 March 8 May 28 May, 1906.. 11 May 11 May 21 April 20 March 12 June 41 48 51 r>1 is 41 2 May. , 30 May. 13 June.* 13 June.* 30 May.» 2 May." 22974 12 June 22927 :il Mey 22781 4 May 66 25 July. 22932 28 May 62 11 July. •2-2959 5 June 65 25 July. 22820 2-2790 20891 14 May 7 May 21 Mar., l!)(l(i.. Sβ 56 33 ■27 June.* •27 June.* 4 April. 22743 24 April Sβ "27 June. 22!t7:i 22714 23036 22923 1 Oct.. 190«t 17 April 24 June SO Maj 65 14 68 62 25 July... 16 May.* 25 July.* II July. 23074 29 June 65 25 July.* 22913 22935 29 May 1 JllMC ;.l 13 June.* 21675 22 Aug., 1906 Bβ 27 June. 22780 21395 22947 7 Uaj 3 July, 1!K)«.. 5 June 44 44 65 Iβ May.* li. May. 25 July. 22644 3 April 2 May.* 41 22639 4 Apiil 41 •2 May.* 22469 22469 •22469 25 Feb. 25 Feb. 25 Feb. 44 44 44 16 May. 16 May. 16 May. 22516 22697 6 March 17 Apiil 48 2 May. 30 May. 20905 22618 22794 22828 22641 22938 21420 225<;:s 22852 ■2-2714 22829 1 I April, 1906 •if. .March 4 May 16 May 6 April 4 June 10 July, 1906.. ■20 March 16 May 17 April 13 May 41 48 62 62 2 Way. :iii May. II July. II July. 56 44 41 51 44 51 27 June.* It; May. 2 May.* 13 June." Iβ May.* 13 June.* 22780 22829 7 May 13 May Sβ 51 •27 June.* 13 June* 23024 22949 22 June 5 June 65 25 July. 22819 14 May 22949 5 June 65 25 July.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent — continued.

>P1>] ical ion. I rue I >.tr. Name, Address, and Invention. Nα Date. No. Date. Miller, W. B., Tokonui, N.Z. Steam turbine or rotary engine Mills, E. C. E., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Coin-freed stamp, &o., vending-machine. (R. J. Diokie and J. H. Brown) Mitchell, T., Wellington, N.Z. Ship's hull Mitchell, T., Southbridge, N.Z. Window-frame .. Moin, E., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Gas-lamp lighter and extinguisher Moloney, M., Christchuroh, N.Z. Telephone-transmitter Monahan, A. G., Timaru, N.Z. Tailboard for tip-oarts Mono Servioe Vessels, Limited, London, Eng. Paper vessel for delivery of milk, &o. (E. Z. Taylor.) Moore, M., and another, Melbourne, Vic Reducing iron-ore Morkill, N. A., and others, London, Eng. Counting and registering apparatus for turnstiles Morris, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Waterproof dubbing Morris, G. C. W., Auckland, N.Z. Water-jaoketed flue for stoves, &c Morris, L., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Measuring wearers for garments Morrison, W., Waverley, N.S.W. Rubber heel Morton, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Water-wheel for ourrent-power Moss, A. E., Dunedin, N.Z. Electrio shop-alarm mat Mote, H., Balmain, N.S.W. Extension-ladder Mounsey, W. H., North Norwood, South Australia. Linotype-matrix oleaner Mounsey, W. H., North Norwood, South Australia. Linotype knifeblook and knife Mulcahy, D., Fremantle, W.A. Sash-fastener. (L. Pearoe) Munro, A. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Seed-sower Munt, F. W., Wellington, N.Z. Stamp-affixing machine Murdoch, J., Wellington, N.Z. Toilet-oabinet Murphy, H. B., Doreen, Vic Degumming and cleaning flax, &c. Murray, E. N., Sydney, N.S.W. Combination shirt and tunio Murray, R., Balolutha, N.Z. Water-tap .. Murray, R. L. H., Auokland, N.Z. Aoetylene-lamp generator 22777 6 May 22746 29 April 21543 31 July, 1906 22837 16 May 22731 ! 9 Jan.| 56 56 56 27 June.* 27 June. 27 June. 22896 25 May 22680 12 April 22810 11 May 51 44 56 13 June.* Iβ May.* 27 June. 22835 16 May 22868 17 Jan. 51 68 13 June.* 2f> July.' 21914 12 Oot, 1906 22961 6 June 22858 18 May 22039 8 Nov. 22901 25 May 22492 25 Feb. 22657 10 April 22786 8 May 33 4 April. 44 56 41 44 t>5 16 May.* 27 June.* 2 May* 16 May. 25 July. 22787 8 May 65 25 July. 22937 4 June 22793 9 May 22908 29 May 22559 19 March 22727 24 April 22823 15 May 22863 21 May 22411 6 Feb., 1907 56 51 41 27 June. 13 June.* 2 May.* 62 48 11 July.* 30 May. Napier, W. J., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Coin-freed stamp, &c, vending-maohine. (R. J. Diokie and J. H. Brown) Neren, J., and another, Orebro, Sweden. Balance for sashes Neven. (See l)e Neven.) Newman, C, and another, Ballarat, Vic. Recovery of gold from ores Newman, G., Thames, N.Z. Target for rifle range Nioholls, B. S., and another, N.Z. Starting device for gasengine Nioholls, J. H., and another, Auokland, N.Z. Starting devioe for gasengine Nisbet, W. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Railway, &c, brake Nobbs, J., and another, Granville, N.S.W. Bridge baok-plate for furnace Noonan, G. E., and others, Christohuroh, N.Z. Attaching weights to trotting-horses' hoofs Noonan, J. H., Auckland, N.Z. Explosive motor Normoyle, T., andjanother, Hobart, Tas. Finger-ring 22746 29 April 56 27 June. 22875 22 May 66 26 July. 22988 13 June 22523 7 March 22708 18 April 62 41 44 11 July.* 2 May. 16 May,* 22708 18 April 44 16 May.* 22698 17 April 22416 12 Feb. 48 48 30 May. 30 May. 22836 16 May 65 25 July. 22997 13 June 22113 26 Nov., 1906 51 13 June. O'Brien, C. H., Brisbane, Queensland. Purifying washed acetylene-gas O'Brien, C. H., Brisbane, Queensland. Purifier for acetylene-gas O'Brien, C. H., Brisbane, Queensland. Water-feed for aoetylenegenerator O'Connell, J., South Yarra, Vic Teat-oup O'Hara, J., and another, Papatoitoi, N.Z. Adjustable fastening O'Hara, J., and another, Papatoitoi, N.Z. Metal-fastening O'Hara, W. J., and another, Papatoitoi, N.Z. Metal-fastening O'Hara, W. J., and another, Papatoitoi, N.Z. Adjustable fastening O'Keeffo, H., and another, Melbourne, Vic Foul-air extractor O'Keeffe, J. K., and another, Melbourne, Vic Foul-air extractor Old, E., Dingee, Vic Clamping devioe for agricultural implement .. Olsen, N., West Plains, N.Z. Opening and shutting gates Omond, A. W., and another, Bendigo, Vic Siphon devioe Ormiston, IL. (.).. and another, Kogarah, N.S.W. Apparatus to indicate when certain porta of machinery are worn down Ovenvll, J., an<l another, Balinain, N.S.W. Earth and rock drill Owen, EL, Kilbimie, N.Z. Trolley-pale retriever .. Owen, H., Kilbirnic, N.Z. Trolley-pole retriever .. Owen-, P. J., San Francisco, U.S.A. Hydro-carbon burner.. Oxley, H. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Tip for the ends of chair, &c, legs 22751 26 April 22752 26 April 22753 26 April] 62 62 62 11 July. 11 July. 11 July. 22759 1 May 21414 4 July, 1906 21238 28 May, 1906 21238 28 May, 1906 21414 4 July, 1906 22761 1 May 22761 1 May 21921 17 Oct., 1906 22603 27 March 22158 5 Dec., 1906 22743 '24 April 48 48 33 33 48 30 May.* 30 May. 4 April. 4 April. 30 May. 36 48 56 N 18 April. 30 May. 27 June. '27 Jane. 22733 24 April 22977 12 June 23016 20 June 21774 12 Sept, 1906 22627 2 April 48 30 May.* 62 Sβ 56 il July.* •27 June. 27 June.* Page, T., Wellington, N.Z. Manufacture of carbureted air for lighting, heating, Ac. Page, W. C, and another, Wellington, N.Z. Concrete structure Palmer, A. W. C, and anothor, Wellington, N.Z. Bracket or clip for supporting brooms, fee. Parker, T., London, Eng. Fuel_ 22678 12 April 44 Iti May. 22556 111 March 22999 17 June 41 2 May.* 22945 4 June 62 11 July.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent -continued.


ppl Licatiou u. Name, Address, and Invention No. Date. No. Date. •nrker, T., London, Eng. Fuel.. 'arker, T. R. G., Broadheath, Eng. (See Linotype and Machinery, Limited, No. 22569.) ■arkcr, W. J., Wandin South, Vic. Corset attachment 'arrish, O., Chertsey, N.Z. Telegraph and telephone wire insulator.. 'ateroon, F. \\\. Dunedin, N.Z. Rotary oil-engine 'iit< M>i)n, J. A.. Wellington. N.Z. Incandescent oil-gas 'ayne, F. W., Dunedin N.Z. Hydraulic ram "eaoook, W. M. H. M.. Chriatohurch, N.Z. InU-rnal-combustion engine Woe, I... Fremantle, W.A. (See D. Mulcahy, No. 22937.) Varrc. U\ \\\. Wellington, N.Z. Travelling trunk ■earnan, J. C. C, Auckland, N.Z. Sleeper .. .. .. V;uson, .1. ('. C. and another, Auckland, N.Z. Concrete 'ear-son, J. ('. ('.. Auckland, N.Z. Attaching rails to sleepers 'erini. (See Do Perini.) 'erry, F. H.. Beverly, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 22661.) Vlciscn, F. R., Maurieeville, N.Z. Door-lock 'etcrso'n, J., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Cream-cooler n, A., Alby, Sweden. Charging electric furnace for producing carbide 'etersson. A., Alby, Sweden. Producing carbide from lime and carbon >ettitt, J., Geelong, Vic. Field-gate. (O. A. E. Sturmhoebel) 'helan, M. D., Boston, U.S.A. Heel-seat rough-rounding machine for boots and shoes 'hillips, H.. and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Apparatus for creating and maintaining a. vacuum "iekford, A., and another, Mildura, Vic. Bacterial filter applicable to closets and urinals Merce, R., Bell Block, N.Z. Wire-strainer >ierce, R., and another, Bell Block, N.Z. Windmill •intsch, J., Berlin, Germany. (See Pintsch's Patent Lighting Company, Limited, No. 23021.) Inteoh'a Patent Lighting Company, Limited, London, Eng. Inverted incandescence gas-lamp. (J. Pintsch) 'oljakoff-Kowtunoff, T., Tjora, Russia. Vehicle with automatic movement of rails •oljakolf-Kowtunoff, T., Tjora, Russia. Excavator 'orter, J. M., and another, Balmain, N.S.W. Earth and rock drill .. '.ills. \V. E., Gore, N.Z. Dredge attachment Vest on, J. C, Sydney, N.S.W. Elastic-fluid motor •reeton, J. C, Sydney, N.S.W. Sheep-shears Printing Machinery Company, London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 22567.) Vollius, B. A. O., Copenhagen, Denmark. Distanc '-piece for centrifugal machine 23027 22 June, 1906t 22798 22908 23064 21432 22649 22934 10 May 28 May 26 June 12 July. 190e S April 1 June Bβ 56 Bβ 48 62 56 27 June. '27 .him-.* 25 July.* 30 May. I! July. 27 June.* 22861 22933 221(79 22995 21 May I June Ki June Iβ June .'.I Sβ 62 13 June.* 27 June.* 11 July.* 22748 22615 22918 29 April 26 March 30 May 48 44 68 30 May.* Iβ May.* Jl July. 22919 22161 22926 30 May 5 Deo., 1906 1 June, lOOef 62 33 II -Jlilv. 4 April. 22781 4 May (6 2f) July. 22791 7 May 56 27 June • 22779 23052 6 May 26 June 51 65 IS June. 26 July.' 23021 18 June 22729 24 April 51 18 June. 22925 22733 22302 22373 22374 81 May 24 Api-9 8 Jan. 81 Jan. 81 Jan. 62 48 41 41 41 II July. 30 May.* 2 May. 2 May. 2 May. 22589 ■-'(i March 41 2 May. Jiiiilicr, If., Dunedin, N.Z. Suction road-cleaner 22675 II April 44 16 May.* labbidge, P., Neutral Bay, N.S.W. Moist electrolyte for primary and secondary battery lailway Supplies, Limited, Toronto, Canada. (See E. N. Waters, No. 22485.) lansom, T. P., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Device to prevent corks blowing out of bottles tasmussen, J. F., and another, Westport, N.Z. Time-stamping telegrams, letters, &c. lasnmssen, J. F. G., and another, Westport. N.Z. Time-stamping telegrams, letters, &c. laven, F., Korumburra, Vic. Milking-machine .. {a veil. V. L., Darlington, Eng. Railway-signalling apparatus taven, V. L., Darlington, Eng. Railway-signalling apparatus laven, V. L., Darlington, Eng. Railway-signalling apparatus layson, R., Windsor, Vic. Air-cooler layward, H. H., and another. Wellington, N.Z. Rifle-sight. (The Sutherland Rifle Sight Company, Limited—M. E. Sutherland) leed, W. A., Chelsea, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 23060.) lees, E. S. G., Wolverhampton, Eng. Rotary pump teichel, L. T., Wellington, N.Z. Moisture-indicator for baled goods.. teid, A. (.!., and oilier-, Wellington, N.Z. Bat-stop for drains leid, H. N., Toorak, Vic. Ice floor for skating leid, P. E., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Rat-stop for drains lekar, J. J., San Francisco, U.S.A. Hammer and drill operating device lestell, R. B., and another, Hamilton, N.Z. Pan and dish holder .. leynolds, J., Hokitika, N.Z. Saw-set Reynolds, I., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Flax-treating machinery Ihedin Goldkuhl and Co., and another, Gothenburg, Sweden. Balance for sashes tichard, M., and another, Glasgow, Scotland. Midline for handing up or rolling dough 22842 14 May 69 11 July. 23039 22 June * 22978 10 Junr Bfi Sβ July.* 22978 10 Juno 65 SB July.* 22351 22755 22783 22784 21371 22625 24 Jan. 4 May, l'Mitif 19 June, I906f 111 June, I'JOef 28 June, 1006 ■J April 56 5] 51 51 41 48 27 June. 13 June. 13 Jnne. IS June. 2 May. SO Mn."v. 22588 22444 22897 21607 22897 22763 in Mareh 20 Feb. 25 May 0 Au».. 1908 25 May 2 May 41 86 56 56 51 2 May. IS April 27 .lime.* 27 June. 27 June.* 13 June. 23058 20895 22732 22875 24 Jane 22 Mareh, I!)O6 24 April 22 May 33 44 68 4 April. Iβ May.* 25 July. 22672 9 April 51 13 June.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent — continued.

Application. CkuttU. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Richardson, W. G.. and another, Auckland. N.Z. Drying New Zealand 22881 hemp Richardson, W. G., Auckland, N.Z. Preparing flax-waste as a cattle 22907 food Richmond, R. R., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Brick .. ' .. 22608 Ringland, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Well fire-grate .. .. .. 22994 Risberg, J. V. M., Sodertelje, Sweden. (See Aktiebolaget Baltic Separator, No. 22737.) Roberts. (See Cramer-Roberts.) Roberts, F., Auckland, N.Z. Oil-feeder .. .. .. .. 22846 Robertson, D. M., Christchurch, N.Z. Totalisator .. .. 23003 Robertson, J. ¥., Auckland, N.Z. Tea-caddy .. .. .. 23014 Robinson, G., Eltham, N.Z. Horse-shoe .. .. .. 22848 Robson, G., Sydney, N.S.W. Gas lighter and extinguisher .. 20993 Robson. T., Wellington, N.Z. Carpenter's bench-stop .. .. 22912 Rochfort, H., Auckland, N.Z. Filtering suction-hose .. .. 22598 Rodger, A., and another, Shepparton, Vic Computing amount of 22870 " butter-fat in milk or cream Rogers, A. H., Wanganui, N.Z. Cooling beer .. .. .. 22380 Rolfe, T. A., Petersham, N.S.W. Thermo-mercury switch for electric 22750 circuits Roseman, S. G., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Brush or broom making 22711 machine. Ross, G. D., Glasgow, Scotland. Motor-vehicle wheel .. .. 22671 Rowland, A. J., Wellington, N.Z. Motor-tin* .. .. .. 22601 Roy. (See Le Roy.) Russell, C. L., Molbourne, Vic. Collecting and removing dust from 22946 floors Russell, F., Lismore, N.S.W. Field-gate .. .. .. 22874 Russell, G., and others, Fendalton, N.Z. Card-game .. .. 22718 Russell, I., Dunedin, N.Z. Dress-cutting chart .. .. .. 21190 Sakauchi, T., Tokio, Japan. Manufacturing Portland cement .. 22989 Salmon, J. B., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Tire-protector .. 22885 Salmon, J. J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Tire-protector.. .. 22885 Scott, M. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Drying New Zealand hemp 22881 Scott, W., and another, Glasgow. Scotland. Handing up or rolling : 22672 dough Scott, W., and another, Gore, N.Z. Baok-pedalling cycle-brake .. 22723 Scrimgeour, N., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Construction of 23051 hurdle for horee-jumping Seward, E. C, and another, Guildford, U.S.A. (See E. N. Waters, No. 22485.) Shanks, P. J., and another, Gore, N.Z. Back-pedalling cycle-brake.. 22723 Sharpe, J., Glebe, N.S.W. Bottle for liquid under pressure .. 22619 Shaw, EC, Birmingham, Eng. Tailors' hair-cloth .. .. . . 22736 Short, E. L., and another, Mildura, Vic. Bacterial filter applicable to 22791 closets and urinals Sim, W., Underwood, N.Z. Milking machinery .. .. .. 22892 Simeon, L., Gisborne, N.Z. Bodkin .. .. .. .. 22986 Skeatee, T. S., Auckland, N.Z. Tire-protector .. .. . . 22682 Slee, E. S., and another, N. Carlton, Vic. Road-sweeper, Ac. .. 22612 Small, W. T., Springfield, N.Z. Obtaining power from rivers .. 22776 Smith, A., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Gas-light burner .. 22802 Smith, A. W., Christchurch. N.Z. Tire .. .. .. . . 22856 Smith, E. H., Otawhao, N.Z. Garment-stretcher .. . . 22898 Smith, F. W., Dannevirke, N.Z. Teat-cup of milking-machine .. , 22695 Smith, G. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Rubber overshoe .. .. 22902 Smith, M. G., Christchurch, N.Z. Pedal-strap for bicycles .. 23040 Smith, W. A., Portsmouth, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 21233.) Smulders, J. J. F. M., Rotterdam, Holland. Lighter .. .. 22610 Smulders, J. J. F. M., Rotterdam, Holland. Continuous conveyor for 22611 coal, &c. Societa di Esportazione Polenghi-Lombardo, and another, Codogno, 22471 Italy. Treatment of skimmed milk, &c. Sollitt, R. H., Palmerston North, N.Z. Floor-cramp .. .. 22135 Soncini, E., and others, Milan, Italy. Treatment of skimmed milk .. 22471 Spooner, G. E., Tauranga, N.Z. Vehicle-shaft coupling .. .. 22859 Steele, J. A., Tamaheri, N.Z. Apron of harvester binder .. .. 21702 Steele, L. J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Concrete .. .. 22979 Stephens, B. G. C, and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Tire-inflation .. 22574 Stevenson, G. S., Dunedin, N.Z. Safety lock for firearms .. .. 23005 Stewart, D. A., Roslyn, N.Z. Cup and saucer .. .. .. 22795 Stewart, D. ()., Wanganui, N.Z. Applying pressure to liquids .. 22674 Stewart, E. A., Mount Albert, N.Z. Pumping compressed air into 22693 reservoirs for operating air-brakes Stewart, J. M., Christchurch, N.Z. Cash-book .. .. .. 22792 Stewart, T., Waihi, N.Z. Means for cleaning ships' hulls .. .. 22550 Stoot, R. M. H., and another, Ballarat, Vic. Recovery of gold from ores 22988 Storrie, A., Invercargill, N.Z. Milking-can .. .. .. j 22581 Storrie, A., Inveroargill, N.Z. Teat-cup.. .. .. .. | 22964 I 22 May 25 May 28 March 15 June 17 May 18 June 20 June 17 May 12 April, 1906 29 May 23 March 22 May 29 Jan. 26 April 19 April 9 April 26 March 1 June 22 May 20 April 22 May, 1006 14 June 25 May 25 May 22 May 9 April 22 April 26 June BJ 13 June * r>1 in June.* li li, May. , eS 11 July.* 56 27 June.* 62 II July.* U5 25 July.* "iii 27 June.' 30 18 April. 62 11 July.* 44 16 May. 51 13 June.* 51 13 June.* 48 30 Mav.* 44 16 May.* 51 13 June. 44 ' 16 May.* 48 30 May.* 44 16 May. <;:. ■>:< Juiy. l!5 'J6 .Inly. 51 13 June.* 51 13 Jun< 41 2 May.* li"> 2"> July.* 22 April 27 March 13 June, 1906f 7 May 41 2 May.* 41 2 May.* 51 13 June. 56 27 June.* 20 May 12 June 12 April 28 March 6 May 10 May 20 May 25 May 16 April 28 May 24 June 51 13 June.* 44 16 May. 44 16 May.* 48 30 May.* 05 '25 .fiily.* 56 27 June.* 41 2 May.* Bβ 27 June.* * 28 March 28 March 44 16 May. 44 16 May. 28 Feb. 41 2 Maj 29 Nov., 1906 28 Feb. 21 May 28 Aug., 1906 13 June 20 March 15 June 8 May 11 April 13 April 51 13 June. 41 2 May. • r >() 27 June.* 62 11 July. '4l 2 May.* 62 II July.* 56 27 June.* 44 16 JMay.* 44 16 May.* 9 May 15 March 13 June 22 March 7 June 48 30 May.* 41 2 May.* 68 11 July.* 41 2 May.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Application. (icu'Ate. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. I Date. Storrie, , A., Invercargill, N.Z. Seed-sower .. .. .. 23030 19 June Strickland, A. E.. N. Brightoi. "Vic. (See J. Toutcher ;.nd C. .1. Micks, No. 22730.) Sturmhoebel, 0. E. A., Geelong, Vie. (See J. Pettitt, No. 22161.) Sullivan, D., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Emergency brake for 22816 14 May vehicles Sulman, H. L., London, Eng. Separation of zinc from ores . . 22800 10 May Sutrliffe, J., Burnley, Eng. Forced-draught apparatus .. .. 21357 26 June, 1906 Sutherland, M. E., Westville, Canada. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Ray ward, No. 2262").) Sutherland, T., Rangiora, N.Z. Honey-packing .. .. .. 21795 17 Sept., 1906 Sutherland Rifle Sight Company, Limited, The, Westville, Canada. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Ray ward. No. 22625.) Sutton, T.. Rongotea, N.Z. Collapsible cheese-crate .. . . 22772 4 May Sylvester, R., Lindsay, Canada. Agricultural machine .. .. 22673 11 April Symes, F., and another, Wanganui. N.Z. Clothes-washer .. .. 22762 29 April 51 51 41 51 51 48 51 13 June.* <3 June 2 May. 13 June. 13 June. 30 May. i:S .Inn.-.* Tait,'A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Hanging and fastening window-sashes 23062 25 June 'fait, T., Waiwera South, N.Z. Wire-fence dropper .. .. 22640 5 April Tandy, C Wellington, N.Z. Boot-protector or sole-stud .. .. 22968 11 June Tatham, J. E., and another. Sydney, N.S.W. Gas-light burner .. 22802 10 May Tattersall, W'.. Launceston, TaR. Hames .. .. .. 21965 25 Oct., 1906 Taylor, E. Z., London, Eng. (See Mono Service Vessels, Limited, No. 22810.) Taylor, W. R.. Rakaia, N.Z. Sheep-feed box .. .. .. 22631 • 3 April Tecofsky, A., and another, Pahia, N.Z. Stump-extractor .. .. 22894 23 May Teese, W. J., Balaclava, Vic. Milking apparatus .. .. .. 22086 21 Not., 1906 Teese, W. J., Balaclava, Vic. (See W. H. Blackham, Nos. 22535 and 22536.) Teese, W. J., Balaclava, Vic. (See W. H. Blackham, No. 22700.) Teese, W. J., Balaclava, Vic. (See W. H. Blackham. No. 23034.) Thermos, Limited, London, Eng. Double-walled vessel with space for 23022 22 June vacuum between the walls. (R. Burger) Thompson, F. C, Christchnrch, N.Z. Bracket for fixing blinds to 22646 5 April window-sashes Thompson, F. C. Christchnrch, N.Z. Operating verietian-blinds .. 22814 13 May Thompson, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Vehicle wheel.. .. .. 22749 29 April Thompson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Blocking the heels of boot-uppers .. 23015 20 June Thompson, J. L., Wellington, N.Z. Securing blinds to spring rollers 22942 4 June Thompson, W. E., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Kciice making ; 22911 29 May machine. (C. J. Lane and R. J. Crane) Thomson, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Spring tire for vehicle wheels .. 22583 13 March Thomson, N. 11, and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Water heater and 20891 21 March. 1906 circulator Thornton, D. G., and another, Wellington. N.Z. Pocket of wearing- 22410 9 Feb. apparel Thwaites, A. S., Christchurch, N.Z. Plough-share .. .. 22679 12 April Todd, A.. Invercargill, N.Z. Seed-sower.. .. .. .. 22547 12 March Tomkies, A. G., Westport, N.Z. Belt-fastener .. .. .. 22703 16 April Tomlinson, W. A., Nelson, N.Z. Tire-inflator .. .. .. 22647 3 April Toms, E., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Machine for making 22650 2 Feb. sheet-metal, seamed and grooved piping Toogood, G., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Trolley-pole retriever .. 22817 14 May Toutcher, J , and another, Melbourne, Vic. Lawn spray or sprinkler. 22730 24 April (A. E. Strickland) Treadwell, A., Wellington, N.Z. Trolley-pole .. • .. .. 22739 25 April Tremayne, P., and another, Brunswick, Vic. Road-sweeper, &c. .. 22612 28 March Trudgeon, J. H., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Broadcaster .. 20871 14 March, 1906 Tucker, E. vSt. 0., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Device to prevent corks 23039 22 June blowing out of bottles Turnbnll, J., and another, Waikaka, N.Z. Poipon-laying machine .. 21570 30 July, 190fi Tumbull, W, Wellington, N.Z. Chimney-pot. .. .. .. 22940 4 June Turner. C. K., Nelson, N.Z. Plough '.. .. .. .. 21485 21 July, 1906 Turner, C. K., Nelson, N.Z. Bicycle .. .. .. .. 21480 21 July, 1906 Turner. C. K., Nelson. N.Z. Swingle-tree coupling .. .. 21406 23 July. 1906 Turner, 0., Blenheim, N.Z. Tomato-forci".g house .. .. 21HS1 21 August, 5906 Turn. G. 0., Melbourne. Vic. Procuring textile fibres from certain 22951 6 June plant*. (Jute and Hanf Iadustri Actien Gesellschaft.) Twiss. H. T, Wellington, N.Z. Street fire-alarm box .. .. 22677 11 April Tyberg, 0., and others. (See International Cigar Machinery Company, No. 22629.) Tyree. W., Nelson, N.Z. Spray for painting, agricultural, &o., purposes 22766 2 May Tvree, W., Nelson, N.Z. Concrete building .. .. . . 22872 22 May 48 SI 44 56 48 41 62 r>1 62 44 33 41 41 48 36 51 82 48 44 41 6'2 56 OS 56 56 51 44 51 51 * 26 July.* 30 May.* IS June. 1C May.* 27 June,* 30 May. 2 May.* 11 July. 13 June.* H July. Iβ May.* ■4 April. 2 May.* 2 May.* 30 May.* 18 April. 13 June.* 11 July. 30 May.* 16 May.* 2 May. 11 July. 27 June.* 1! July. 27 June. 27 June. 13 June. 16 May.* 13 .1 line. 18 June.* Uddstrom, C, Greymouth, N.Z. Driving a locomotive by means of 22704 15 April chain gear United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Shoe-upper lacing- 21233 30 May, 1906 machine. (W. A. Smith) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Pounding-up 21365 28 June, 1906 machine. (0. Ashton) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Machine for 21364 28 June, 1906 assembling parts of boots, &o. (O. Ashton) 48 41 41 41 30 May.* 2 May. 2 May. 2 May.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent-continued.

• A] Application. Gaxette. Name, Address, and Invention. — No. No. D&te. No. Date. no. United Shoe .Machinery Company, Patereon, U.S. A. Jack for boot machine. (E. E. Winkley) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Cementing. mi~hine. (F. H. Warren) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Construction of wire for the manufacture of metallic fasteners. (F. H. Perry) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson. U.S.A. Pulling-over machine. (R. F. McFeoly) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Shoe-sewing machine. (B. F. Mayo) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Sewing-machine lubricator. (J. B. Hadaway) United Shoe Maclunery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Method and i apparatus for making shoes. (E. Bayard) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Abrading device. (W. A. Reed) Usher wood, A. E., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Valve gear for engine 21428 21514 22661 22663 22764 22765 22920 23060 j 22645 11 July, 1906 51 13 June. 26 July, 1906 51 13 June. 10 April 41 2 May,* 10 April 41 2 May.* 2 May 48 30 May.* 2 May 48 30 May.* 30 May r>1 13 June.* 27 June 6fi 25 July.' 4 April 41 2 May.* Vaughan, F. A., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Brake for electric cars .. Verity, R. H., and another, Toronto, Canada. (See Massev-Harris Company, Limited, No. 22923). Vivian, A. W. H., London, England. Artificial fuel ... .. 22780 21462 7 May r><i Ii2 27 .Inne.* 11 July. 14 July, 1906 Waddell and Sons, Christchurch, N.Z. Water tubular boiler Waddington, E. H., Masterton, N.Z. Cinder-sifter Wade, G., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Manufacture of bricks Wakelin, G., Warkworth, N.Z. Generator and gas-holder Wakcly, W. W., Featherstou, N.Z. Stuffing-box for piston-rods Waldeu. J.. Matakana, N.Z. Detection of heat in bales of wool Walker, R.. Dunedin, N.Z. Cream-rake Wallace, H. E., and another, Windsor, Vic. Attachable resilient heel for boote a d ihoe* Walters, A. A., Melbourne, Vic. Automatic lift-door opener Ward, C. J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Operatine tramwaypoints from moving car Warner, T., and another, Melbourne, "c. Drawing off fumes or gases from urinalp, &c Warren, F. H., Swampscott, Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. '-! ~>I4.) Warren, J. H., and others. Albert Park, Vic. Railway signalling Waters E. X., Melbourne, Vic. Splice or angle bar. (Railway Supplies, Limited—G. H. Williams and E. C. Seward) Waters, E. N., Melbourne, Vie. Automatic cable-chain grip. (A. Dixon —G. S. Fonts) Waters, E. N., Melbourne, Vic. Wireless transmission of sonorous vibrations. (McCarty Wireless Telephone Company—F. J. McCarty) Wiktson, A. P. F., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Attaching weights to trotting-horses' hoofs Watson, A. P. F., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Boot-scraper Watson, A. P. F., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Construction of gravel screen or riddle Watson, G. D., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Attaching weights to trotting-horses' hoofs Watson, G. D., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Boot-scraper Watson, G. D., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Construction of grave , screen or riddle . Watson, J. I., Brighton Beach, Vic. Tire-pump for motor-cars Wateon, W., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Flax-dressing Watt, H.. Melbourne, Vic Mail-bag fastener Watts, E. W., aad another, Dunedin, N.Z. Securing wires to |xists . . Wearn, J., and another, Irncrcargill, N.Z. Creain-oooler .. WeatheralL H., Roxburgh, N.Z. Water-lifting .. Webber, W. O., Boston, U.S.A. Tide-actuated hydraulic air-compressor Weir, It., Mount Forest, Canada. Clothes wardrobe Weir. It., Mount Forest. Canada. Clothes wardrobe VVellwood, D., Boulder, W.A. Preventing deterioration of fermented and aerated liquors Wesp, C, Uutfalo, U.S.A. (See Chipman, Limited. No. 22809.) West, W. I , ., anil another, Shepparton, Vie. ('(imputing amount of butter-fat in milk or cream Westropp, G. W., and another, Ashlmrton. N.Z. Tire-cover Whelan. I). .(., Auckland, N.Z. Tip wagon Whelan. T. .J.. Hawthorn, Vie. Rabbit-trap. (H. Lane) .. White, K. C, and another, Auckland, N.Z. Manufacture of brieks .. j White, H. K., Christchiircli. N.Z. Concrete-mixing machine White, T. EL, Wellington, N.Z. (See Lamb and Todd, Limited. No. 23041.) White, W., Fit/.roy, Vic. Interchangeable heel foi hoot or shoe Whitehorn, T., Coburg, VTo. Machine for weighing tea. flour, &c. Wliitehouse, J., Wailii, N.Z. Wire-mattress lied .. Wieneke, L. G., Roma, Queensland. Bone-race starter Wiggins, R. A., Wellington, N.Z. Milking machinery .. .. | 23013 20873 22822 22500 23045 22891 22721 23048 22577 22839 23008 22624 22485 22504 22824 22836 23018 23019 22836 23018 23019 22832 23043 21368 ■227 io 22615 22843 23032 22687 23688 23063 22870 22960 22715 21474 22822 22602 23053 21293 22580 21297 23002 20 June lit March, 1906 14 May 1 March 25 June 25 May 19 April 26 June ;;3 ll 4 4 April. 2 May. 51 44 13 June.* 16 May.* * 21 March 17 May 41 65 2 May. 25 .Inly.* 19 June r>2 11 July.* 2 April 28 Feb. 44 41 16 May. 2 May. 20 March 51 13 June. 15 May 56 27 June. 16 May 66 •2.". July. 21 June 21 June 16 May 6fi 25 July. 21 June 21 June 16 May 25 June .. 28 June, 1900 17 April 26 March I ."> May 24 June HI April 10 April 25 Juiii' 51 48 It 44 .111 13 June.* ■Ml May. Lβ May.* 16 May.* 27 June.* IS IS :m May. SO May. 92 May 51 13 June.* 10 June 17 April 19 July, 1906.. I I May ■r, March 56 44 56 27 June.* Lβ May.* 27 .1 une. 44 16 May.* 26 June 13 June, 1906 ■1\ March 13 June, 1906 18 June :>:> 4+ 56 62 _ _• 4 April. Hi May, 27 June. 11 July.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

6—H. 10.—08.


.ppl Ileal lion. Gazette. Name, Address, and invention No. Date No. Date. Wiggs, L. H. R., Christchurch, N.Z. Composition for closing punctures in tires Wilkenning, H., Clifton Hill, Vic. Belt and conveyor fastening Wilkins, W., and another, Balmain, N.S.W. Bridge back-plate for furnace Williams, G. H., and another, Kansas City, U.S.A. (See E. N. Waters, No. 22485.) Williams, R. B., Winton, N.Z. Umbrella Williams, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Adjustable chair Williams, W. (!., and another, Johannesburg, Transvaal. Totalisator apparatus Williden, G. S., Dunedin, N.Z. Concrete block Wilson, E. A., and another, Marsden, N.Z. Transporting apparatus for cargo Wilson, G. T., and another, Stratford, N.Z. Railway fish-plate Wilson, J., Auckland, N.Z. Construction of moulds for use in forming concrete walls Wilson,_ J., Auckland, N.Z. Construction of armoured concrete fencingpost Wilson, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Duplicating letter and account books Wilson, J. A., and another, Kumeroa, N.Z. Emergency brake for vehicles Wilson, M. G., Rongotea, N.Z. Collapsible box Wilson, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Flue attachment for ranges Winkley, E. E., Lynn, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 21428.) Winstanley, T, Hightown, Eng. Manufacture of lime-sand bricks or blocks Wood, H. A. W., New York, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 22567.) Wood, J. W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Operating tramwaypoints from moving car Woodcock, A., Woodcocks, N.Z. Cow's tail-holder Woodcock, R. R., Napier, N.Z. Flushing apparatus Woods, M., and another, Carlton, Vic. Moving machine for treating rail or railway deformities Woollams, W. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Ointment Wren, J., and others, Kew, Vic. Railway-signalling Wriedt, H., Melbourne, Vic. Dough-moulding machine Wriedt, H, Melbourne, Vic. Automatically measuring dough, preserves, Ac Wright. (See Barton-Wright.) 22944 22622 22416 22591 22613 22909 22840 23006 22024 22658 22660 22862 22816 22575 22652 4 June 2 April 12 Feb. 21 March 28 March 29 May 14 May 15 June 7 Nov., 1906 10 April 10 April 21 May 14 May 20 March 6 April 62 41 48 44 44 56 65 48 44 44 51 41 51 11 July.* 2 May.* 30 May. 16 May.* 16 May. 27 June.* 25 July.* 30 May. 16 May.* 16 May. * 13 June.* 2 May.* 13 June. 23010 19 June 22839 17 May 65 25 July.* 22709 22239 22744 18 April 22 Dec, 1906.. 24 April 48 62 56 30 May 11 July . 27 June. 22830 22624 21472 22789 11 May 2 April 16 July, 1906.. 7 May 44 51 48 16 May. 13 June. 30 May.* Yorath, T. H., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Acetylene-gas generator Youlten, W., London, Eng. Separating dirt from cotton-waste Young, A. E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Machine for issuing checks or tickets Young, D. J., Ohinemuri, N.Z. Fire-kindler Yourelle, T. I., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Ferro-concrete and fireproof construction Yule, J. A., Gore, N.Z. Wrench for operating nuts of fishplate bolts .. 22717 20 April 44 16 May.* 21290 22578 13 June, 1906 21 March 56 41 27 June. 2 May. 22617 22676 2 April 11 April 48 30 May. 22102 20 Nov., 1906 36 18 April.* Ziele, C. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Match-striker for lamps, Ac. 22953 4 June




' Denotes a provisional specification, 'rade Marks Act, 1889." t Denotes a prior date under section 106 of " The 'atents, Designs, and Application. Oasette. Invention Name. No. Date. No. Date. Abrading-device A<< •iMinl-biiok, Duplicating Accumulator. (See Elootrie Accumulator.) Acetylene blow-pipe Vctylone-gas generator Acetylene-gas generator Ac '■'ylrne-gas generator Acetylene-gas generator .. > .. Acetylene-gas purifier Acetylene-gas purifier Advertising-matter, Displaying Aerated liquors, Preserving Agricultural-machine with traction-truck Air brake and pump Air-carburetter Air-coin pressor Air-cooler Air-.'xhau-icT Air extractor, FoulAlarm. (See Burglar-alarm. Fire-alarm, Shop-alarm.) Altazimuth instrument Angle or splice bar . . Aniinal-decaudater Animal-trap Animal-trap Animal-trap Animal-trap Antimony from ores, Recovering Apron, llarvcsier-binder Assembling-machine for boots, &c. Assembling-means for document-files Atmospheric burner. (See Gas-burner.) Automatic brake for electric car l : i ii<il Shoe Machinery Company 23060 J. Wilson .. .. '.. 22862 27 June .. 21 May 66 25 July.* G. W. Hopkins .. .. 22884 R. L. H. Murray .. .. 22411 G. Wakelin .. .. .. 22500 W. E. Leverett and T. H. Yorath -22717 ( . II. O'Brien .. .. 22753 C. H. O'Bri... .. .. 22751 C. H. O' Brien .. .. 22752 R. Gibbs .. .. .. 22778 D. Wellwood .. .. .. 23063 R. Sylvester .. .. .. 22673 EL A. Stewart .. .. 22693 T. Page .. .. .. 22678 W. O. Webber .. .. 23032 R. Rayson .. .. .. -21IS7 1 E. J. Keogh .. .. . . 22788 J. K., and H. O'Keeffe . . 22761 25 May 6 Feb. 1 March . . 20 April .. j 26 April .. 26 April .. Sβ April . . 6 May . . 25 June 11 April .. 13 April .. 12 April . . ■21 June 28 .lime. 1906 i 8 May 1 May 62 II July. 48 30 May. 41 -2 May. 44 Iβ May.* 62 11 July. 62 11 July. 62 11 July. 48 30 May. 14 Lβ May.* 44 16 May. 41 _> May. 51 18 June.* H. M. .. .. 22904 E. N. Waters .. .. 22485 J. G. Har-ington and E. J. Brown 21 (>l '.i T. J. Whelan .. .. 21474 F. Bowden .. .. .. 22738 J. Holland .. .. .. 22813 W. Beamish .. .. .. 22853 J. R. Masson .. .. .. 23074 J. A. Steele .. .. .. 21702 United Shoe Machinery Company 21364 H. A. Adams .. .. 22699 28 May 28 Feb. I 8 Ana., 1'JOG lit July. 1906 26 April .. 10 May 17 May .. 29 June 1,8 Aug., 1906 28 June, 1906 26 March . . 62 II July. 41 2 May. 44 Iβ May. Sβ 27 June. 48 80 May.* Bβ 27 June* 61 IS June.* 66 25 July.* 62 11 July. 41 2 May. 41 2 Slay. F. A. Vaughan, F. McLeod, and '2-2780 P. McArdle N. J. Hansen .. .. 22109 J. K. Hitchins .. .. 22694 7 May .. 56 27 June* Axe-head Axe-head, &c. 26 Nov., 1906 16 April .. 41 -2 May. 48 30 May. Bacterial filter Bag. (See Mail-bag.) Bags, Packing predetermined quantities in Balance. (See Window-sash balance.) Baled goods heat and moisture indicator Baled goods heat and moisture indicator Baled-goods tester Baled-goods tester Baling-press Barbed wire, Unwinding Bath-heater Bath-heater Battery. (See Crushing-battery, electromagnetic stamp-battery.) Bed, couch, ottoman I! cr-cooler Beer, Drawing off Beer-wort, Manufacture of I'.i'cl-nst and mattress Belt-fastener licit -fastener licit for cycle-gear, Ac. Belt, Motor-cycle ' .. Bcneh-stop, Carpenter's Bending metals, Shaping and Bicycle-chain guard Bicycle-crank, Adjustable Bicycle mud-guard splasher-attachment Bicycle-pedal strap Bicycle-pedal strap .. Bicycle-pedal toe-clip Bicycle-pedal toe-clip Bicycle-support Bicycle. (See also Cycle.) Billiards, Chalk-suspender for Billy-can Binder. (See Loose-leaf binder.) Hird-trap ., .. .. .. ' E. L. Short and A. Pickford .. 2-27<>l 7 May 56 27 June.* T. Whitehorn.. .. .. 21293 13 Juno, 1906 33 4 April. J. D. McLaurin .. .. 21420 L. T. Reichel .. .. 22444 W. Alexander .. .. 22616 J. Walden .. .. .. 22891 F. J. McDonald .. .. 22644 C. Kendrick .. .. .. 22890 J. D. Jackson .. .. 21195 W. H. Hannam .. .. 22811 Id July, 1906 20 Feb. .. 2 April .. 25 May 3 April 1 May 25 May, 1906 1 Aug., 1906f 44 16 May. 36 18 April. 41 2 May.* 51 13 June.* 41 2 May.* ii 2 May. 56 27 June. D. McKenzie .. .. .. 22828 A. H. Ropers .. .. 22380 M. P. Coftey .. .. .. 22899 J. G. Maardt .. .. .. 22958 D. McKenzie .. .. ..22618 H. Wilkenning .. .. 22022 A. G. Tomkies .. .. 22703 A. J. Bergin .. .. .. 22450 H. W. Lovegrove .. .. 22712 T. Robson .. .. .. 22912 J. W. Hardley .. .. 21381 H. Mackay .. .. .. 22561 C. K. Turner .. .. .. 21486 T. F. Kirkland .. .. 22760 C. A. Kidd .. .. .. 22573 M. G. Smith .. .. .. 23040 L. H. Hieks and A. N. Cooke .. 22701 P. Magnus .. .. .. 22726 W. E. Hughes .. .. 22191 16 May 29 Jan. .. 25 May 5 June 88 March .. 2 April . . 16 April .. 2 July, lOOOf 17 April .. 29 May 29 June, 1906 20 March .. 21 July, 1906 1 May 20 March .. 24 June 17 April .. 24 April .. 12 Deo., 1906 62 11 July. 51 13 June.* 51 13 June.* 65 2f> July. 48 30 May.* 41 2 May.* 48 30 May.* 41 2 May. 44 16 May.* 62 11 July.* 44 16 May. 41 2 Mav.* 56 27 June. 48 30 .May.* 41 2 May. 02 51 65 4S 41 4S 11 44 C2 It II 66 48 II 44 16 May.* 48 30 May.* 51 13 June* 14 48 51 W. H. Han well .. .. 22981 C. H. Hulrae .. .. .. 22849 13 June 17 May 62 11 July.* 56 -27 June.* 02 66 J. Barden .. .. ..21148 12 May, 1906 41 2 May. 41


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


leal iion. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Blind. (See Venetian-blind operating, Window-blind.) Block. (Sec Concrete block.) Blocking heel of boot-upper Blow-pipe. (See Acetylene blow-pipe.) Boat-keel. (See Keel.) Bodkin Boiler. (See Portable boiler, Water-tube boiler.) Boiler, Heating-arrangement for Book. (See Account-book.) Boot Boot Boot-fastener, Wire for Boot-cementitig machine Boot-heel rounding-machinc Boot-lacing machine .. Bootmaking-jack Bootniaking. Pounding-up machine Boot-protect i a Boot-protector for diggers, Ac. Boot putting-over machine Bciot-scraper Boot-soles, Attaching Boot-treeing machine Boot-upper, Blocking heel of .. Boots, Assembling-machine for Boots, Abrading-device for Boot. (See also Shoe.) Boring-tool Bottle Bottle-capsule Bottle-capsule Bottle for liquids under pressure Bottle-stopper Bottle-washing machine Box. (See Collapsible box, Feed-box, Fire-alarm box, Mitre-box.) Box-making machine Braces. (See Suspender.) Bracket. (See Scaffolding-bracket, Win-dow-blind bracket.) Brake. (See Air-brake. Automatic brake, Cycle-brake, Emergency brake, Rail-way-brake.) Brake-block. . Brainier. (See ( arcase-brandcr.) Brick Brick, Lime-sand Brick-making machine Brick-manufacture Brick. I'sc of slimes and tailings in Brine-oooler.. Broadcaster J. Thompson .. L. Simeon W. H. de Baugh W. Knowles G. Henderson United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company M. I). Phelan United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company C. Tandy J. H., R., and J. McEvoy United Shoe Machinery Company A. P. F. and Q. D. Wats,,,, E. G. Kennedy W. H. Hooper J. Thompson United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company 23015 22986 22952 22378 22805 22661 21514 229215 21233 21428 21305 22968 22160 22663 23(1 IS 223114 23055 23015 21364 231 Kill 20 June 12 June .. '■ 6 June 31 Jan. .. j 10 May .. HI April .. 20 Julv, 1906 | I June, 1906 4 :;n Mav. 1906 11 Julv. 10(16 28 June, 1906 I 1 June 25 Fel.. 10 April .. 21 June 12 Jan. 26 June .. i 20 June 28 June. 1906 27 June I 62 66 51 II 51 41 51 II 66 11 41 II 41 66 11 July.* 27 June* 13 June* 2 May.* 13 June. 2 May. 13 June. 2 Mav. 25 July.* Hi May. 2 May.* 16 May. 2 May. 25 July.* R. E. Hay J. J. Macky E. Goltstein E. Goltstein .. J. Sharpe E. Goltstein J. Brewin 21362 22812 22633 22034 22619 22632 22702 27 June. 1906 8 May 4 April I April 27 March .. -I April 17 April .. 44 16 May. 66 27 June. 41 66 61 2 May.* 27 June. 13 June. W. R. Comings 22363 28 Jan. Hi May. W. II. 17 April .. 30 Mav. 22698 4S K. R. Richmond and A. H. Byron T. Winstanlcv (). 0. Dicfenclorf G. Wade and E. C. White R. 0. Clark .. G. P. Jenkins B. F. Cranwell, C. F. F. Allan, and J. H. Trudgeon W. Carver A. W. C. Palmer and ,1. W. Carrick S. G. Roscman and J. Lock W. K. Potts .. 22608 23010 22921 22822 23029 22869 , 20871 28 March .. 19 June 30 May 14 May 20 June 22 May 14 Mar., 1906 II 62 II 16 May.* 11 Jury.* 2 Mav. Brocini Broom, Clip for supporting 23047 22000 26 June .. 17 June Brush-making machine Bucket soounng-attachment, Dredge- .. Building. (See Concrete building.) Burglar-alarm Burner. (See Gas-burner.) Butter-cutter Butter cutting and wrapping machine .. Butter-fat computer Butter-manufacture Butter-manufacture F. J. Farrell J. Budge and W. Booth K. Q. McDougall W. I'. West ami A. Rodger Aktiebolaget Baltic Separator A. H. Borgstrcim 227 I I 22302 21208 22016 22639 ' 22870 22737 22943 10 April .. 8 Jan. 21 May. 1900 3ii May I April 22 May 25 April 4 June II II 48 -II 51 48 65 16 May.* 2 May. 3(1 May. 2 May.* 13 June* 30 May. 25 Julv. Cabinet. (Sec Toilet-cabinet.) Cable-chain grip Caddy. (See Tea-caddy.) Calendar, Perpetual Callipers-replacing appliance .. ('alines and leaded lights Can. (See Milking-can.) Cans, Soldering Capsule, (See Bottle-capsule.) Carbide-producing Carbide-producing from lime and carbon Carburetter for internal-combustion engine Carburetter for internal-combustion engine Carburetter. (See also Air-carburetter.) F. X. Waters J. S. Heithersay E. T, Coppell A. E. and H. G. Bradley H. N. Bell 22564 22250 22597 21047 22924 2(1 March . . 20 Dec-.. 1906t 23 March .. 10 Sept.. 10116 20 May 51 41 44 II 66 13 June. 16 Mav. 16 May.* 2 May. 27 June.* A. I'etersson A I'etersson .. W. Cilletl and M. I). Lebmann .. W. E. Hugher 22918 22919 22666 22S01 3(1 May 3(1 Mav .. | Id April 1(1 Mav 62 62 41 62 11 July. 11 July. 16 May. 11 July



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Application Invention. Name. No. Date. No. M* Carcase-brander Cards, &c, Turning over Card-game R. H. H. Emerson A. K. Gill A. Ford, S. C. J. Freeman-Mat-thews, and G. Russell A. Doig and E. A. Wilson E. J. Keogh 22705 23028 227 IS 17 April .. '22 June 20 April .. IS 62 48 30 May.* 11 July.* 30 May.* Cargo, Transporting Carpet, &c, cleansing Carrier. (See Coal-carrier, Perch-carrier.) Cart, Tailboard for .. Cash-book Cash-box Casks, &c, Lift for .. ('ittie-food .. Cattle-food Cattle-food, Utilising flax-waste as Cement. (See Portland cement.) Cement, Lime-stucco Cementing machine, BootCentrifugal machine Centrifugal machine, Shaft-mounting .. Chain guard, BicycleChain. (See Cable-chain, Cycle belt or chain, Sprocket-chain.) Chair Chair, Adjustable Chair and perambulator combined Chair-leg, &c, Tip for Chalk holder. UilliardChart. (See Dress-cutting chart.) crate Cheese-crate Chimney-pot Chock for oil-engines, chaff-cutters, &c... Chock for wheels, &c. Chuck. (See Lathe-chuck.) Churn Cigar-making machinery 23006 22954 10 .1 lino li June 02 11 Juiy.* A. ( '•. Monahan J. M. Stewart Q. J. Cox F. W. Barton H. Corbett .. W. Fuller W. G. Richardson 22680 2275)2 22636 22607 22980 23056 22907 12 April .. !) May 4 April .. ■_'.'> March . . 13 June 24 June 25 May It IS IS II Iβ May.* 30 May.* 30 May. Iβ May. .-,1 13 June.* A. (1. French United Shoe Machinery Company B. A. O. Prollius .. .. L. Burrell and D. H. Burrell, jun. H. Mackay 22774 21514 22589 22642 22561 ■J May 20 July, 1906 20 March .. :i April 20 March .. r,r, II 27 June* 13 June. 2 May. II 2 May.* D. McKenzie A. < riihton and W. Williams J. Ford W. S. Cobham and H. H. Oxley.. W. H. Hanwell 20905 22613 23007 22627 22981 II April, 1906 28 March .. lit June 2 April 13 June II It ■2 May. Iβ May. 56 27 June* T. Button W. Cook \V. Turnbul! .. T Dawson W. Klocssell 22772 22740 22940 21851 22769 4 May 25 April .. 4 June 1 Oct., 1906 2 May r,l 13 June. Sβ Sβ 27 June.* 18 April. 27 June.* Aktiebolaget Baltic Separator .. International Cigar Machinery Company E. H. Waddington 22737 22629 25 April .. 2 April 48 85 30 May. 25 July. Cinder-sifter Clamp. (See Cramp.) Clamping-device .. .. • . • Cleaner. (See Knife-cleaner, Ship's-hull cleaner, Street - cleaner, Tram - rail cleaner.) Cleansing carpets, floors, &c. . Clip. (See Broom-clip, Toe-clip.) Closet-seat Clothes, Draining, &c. Clothes, Drying Clothes-hanger . Clothes-wardrobe Clothes-wardrobe Clothes-washer Clutch. (See Hydraulic clutch.) Coal-carrier Coal-carrier Coal lighter o> vessel .. Cock and accessory for milking-machine Coiler. (See Wire-coiler.) Coin-freed apparatus, Cash-box of Coin-freed machine 20873 19 Mar., 1906 83 4 April. E. Old 2192! 17 Oct., 1906 Sβ 18 April. E. J. Keogh .. 22954 6 June 11 July.* 62 W. A. Langf ord C. Jansen R. A. Martin A. Baker R. Weir R. Weir W. J. Harvey and F. Symes 22699 22557 22820 22707 22687 22688 22762 17 April .. ', 19 March .. 14 May 18 April .. 10 April .. 10 April .. 29 April .. 44 41 Sβ 48 48 51 16 May.* 2 May.*J 27 June.* 30 May. 30 May. 13 June.* J. J. F. M. Smulders .. W. H. Bryant J. J. P. M. Smulder.s .. B. W. Benn .. 22611 22826 22610 22653 28 March .. 15 May 28 March .. 6 April 44 44 41 16 May. 16 Ma'y. 2 May.* G. J. Cox E. C. E. Mills, P. Heyes, and W. J. Napier G. P. Jenkins M. G. Wilson 22636 22746 4 April .. 29 April .. IS 56 30 May. 27 June. Cold-storage method Collapsible box Collar. (See Horse-collar.) Compressor. (See Air-compressor.) Concrete Concrete block, Damp-proof Concrete building Concrete fencing-post Concrete floors, Reinforcing Concrete-mixer Concrete-mould Concrete slabs, pipes, &c, Making Concrete structure Concrete, Vuleanised-rubber Concrete. (See also Ferro-concrete.) Consolidating finely-divided materials .. Cooking and baking apparatus Cooking-utensil Cooking-utensil Cooler. (See Air - cooler. Beer - cooler, Brine-cooler, Cream and milk cooler, Liquids oooler.) 22867 22575 22 May 20 March .. t>2 41 11 July.* 2 May.* J. C. C. Pearson and L. J. Steele .. G. S. Williden W. Tyree J. Wilson A. Hankinson H. E. White .. J. Wilson P, B. Jagger .. W. C. Page and R. V. Anderson J. C. and O. H. Drewet 22979 22840 22872 22660 22576 22602 22658 22482 22556 22905 13 June .. I 14 May 22 May 10 April .. 21 March .. 27 Marcli .. 10 April .. 10 Mar., 1906f 19 March .. 25 May Bβ 51 44 44 44 44 56 II Sβ 27 June.* 13 June.* 16 May.* 16 May. 16 May.* 16 May.* 27 June. 2 May.* 27 June* A. and W. J. Maiden A. Fischer G. D. Lumsden B. F. H. Dawson 22974 22667 22600 23025 12 June 10 April .. 26 March .. 22 June 14 41 65 16 May. 16 May.* 25 July.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Application. QOMlllf. Invention. Name. No. No. 1'W. No. I Date. D»te. Jorks, Preventing, blowing out !oraelet, Spinal Dorset-attachment Jotton-waste cleaning 'ouch, ottoman, bed .. .. I 'minting and registering turnstile T. P. Ransom and E. St. G. Tucker 23030 W. R. Gover .. .. .. 22393 \V. J. Parker .. .. .. 22798 W. Youlten .. .. .. 21290 D. McKenzie .. . . .. 22828 S. C. Lee, N. A. Morkill, and 22868 Checkogram, Limited 2303;) 22393 22798 21290 22828 22868 £2 .Mine 2 Feb. .. 48 10 May .. 56 13 June. 1906 56 Iβ .May .. 62 17 Jan.t .. 65 48 66 56 ea ii.-. 30 May. 27 June. 27 June. 11 July. 25 July.* Coupling. (See Railway-vehicle coupling, Shaft-coupling, Swingletree-coupling.) /Ow-Mpaying instrument !ow's-tail holder .. .. .. I Jradle and perambulator combined Jradle-crushcr E. Bates .. .. .. 22499 A. Woodcock .. .. 22709 J. Ford .. .. .. 23007 R. K.Donald.. .. .. 22931 J. Brown .. .. .. 21411 H. Hill and J. Blain .. ... 21979 R. H. Sollitt .. .. . . 22135 C. Colpus .. .. .. 22045 22499 22709 23007 22931 21411 21979 22135 22045 1 March .. 41 18 April .. 48 19 June 9 May .. 62 4 July, 1906 48 25 Oct., 1906| 56 28 Nov., 1906 51 12 Nov. 1906 48 41 4S 2 May. 30 May. Jramp !ramp and mitre-box iramp, FloorJramp, Picture-frame Crank. (See Bicycle - crank, Cycle-crank.) !rate. (See Cheese-crate.) !ream and milk cooler !ream and milk cooler Jream-rake !ream-vat and cool-chamber Jrusher. (See Cradle-crusher.) Crushing-battery Culinary utensil. (See Cooking-utensil.) !up and saucer Curtains, Displaying, &c. !utter. (See Butkr-cutter.) Cyanide treatment of ores Cycle belt or chain Cycle-brake !ycle-crank, Adjustable Jyole. (See also Bicycle, Motor-cycle.) 02 IS 66 51 ■IS 11 Juiy. 30 May. 27 June. 13 June. 30 May.* .1. Peterson and J. Wearn .. 22610 W. Foord .. .. .. 22922 R. Walker .. .. .. 22721 J. B. MacEwan and Co., Limited 22914 t>2015 22922 22721 22914 26 March .. 44 30 May .. 19 April .. 44 29 May .. .. II 44 16 May.* 16 May.* F. H. Maxwell .. .. 21675 21675 22 Aug., 1906 56 A 27 June. D. A. Stewart .. .. 22795 Lamb and Todd, Limited .. 23041 22795 23041 8 May .. 56 25 June .. 65 r>6 66 27 June.* 25 July.* A. Adair .. .. .. 21978 A. J. Bergin .. .. .. 22150 P. J. Shanks and W. Scot i .. 22723 C. K. Turner .. .. 21474 21978 22150 22723 21474 25 Oct., 1906 36 2 July, 1906f 41 22 April .. 41 21 .Inly, 1906 56 36 41 II Bβ 18 April. 2 May. 2 May.* 27 June. )ate-stamping. (See Time-stamping.) decanting jam iecaudater. (See Animal decaudater.) )epilatory .. )i-ssi( ating milk. (See Drying milk.) )illiniilial-pressure apparatus )ish. (See Pan and Dish.) )isplaying, &c, curtains )ocument-file. (See Paper-file.) )oor. (See Lift-door.) )oor-loek )ough-measuring machine Xmgh-mizing machine )ough-mixing machine tough-moulding. &c., machine tough-moulding, &c, machine Gaining. (See Clothes draining.) draught. (See Forced draught.) draught, &c, ezolnder draught, &c, excluder dredge iredge-attachment .. )redge-bucket ircss-ruttimr chart .. JrilL (See Hammer and drill, Rook-drill.) )ropper. (See Fenoing-dropper.) )rum. (See Wire-drawing drum.) )rying clothes )rying hemp, &c. )rying milk )rying milk )ubbing )uplioating letter, sales, &o., book Just oolleotor and remover F. G. Mclntosh .. . . 22697 17 April .. 48 30 May. •IS M. L. Krimer .. .. 22767 2 May .. G. J. Cox .. .. .. 22637 4 April .. 44 44 16 May. Lamb and Todd, Limited .. 23041 25 June F. R. Pel ci>. ii .. .. 22748 H. Wriedt .. .. .. 22789 C. Chambers, jun. . . .. 22888 C. Chambers, jun. .. .. 22887 H. Wriedt 21472 W. Scott and M. Richard . . 22672 39 April .. 48 7 May .. 48 25 May .. 12 25 May .. 62 16 July. l!»06 51 9 April .. 51 48 is 12 G2 51 51 30 May.* 30 May.* 11 July. II July. 13 June. 13 June. H. Bairstow .. .. ..21103 W. Maud .. .. . . 22913 S. Lake .. .. .. 22686 W. E. Potts .. .. . . 22302 I. B. Hammond .. . . 22757 I. Russell .. .. ..21190 8 May, 1906 62 29 May .. 51 10 April, 1907 51 8 Jan. . . 41 1 May .. M 22 May, 1900 44 11 July. 13 June.* 13 June. 2 May. 27 June. 16 May. R. A. Martin .. .. .. 22820 W. G. Richardson and M. H. Soott 22881 J. R. Hatmaker .. 21451 P. Bevenot and E. de Neveu .. 22432 A. Morris .. .. .. 21914 J. Wilson .. .. . . 22862 C. L. Russell .. .. .. 22946 14 May .. 56 22 May •.. 51 16 July, 1906 56 13 Feb. .. 56 12 Oot., 1906 33 21 May 1 June 27 June.* 13 June.* 27 June. 27 June. 4 April. Sarthenware pipes. (See Pipes.) Sasy-ohair. (See Chair.) Dlastio-fluid motor Slectric accumulator.. J. C. Preston .. .. .. 22373 Q. Marino and E. W. Barton- 22932 Wright Q. Marino and E. W. Barton- 22959 Wright H. C. Green 22970 31 Jan. .. 41 28 May .. 62 2 May. 11 July. 22373 22932 41 62 Slectric accumulator.. 22959 5 June .. I 66 60 25 July. Slectrio indioator-lock Slectrio retoucher. (See Retouoher.) Clectrio shop-alarm mat Cleotric signalling ,, — — 22970 10 June A. E. Moss .. .. .. 22492 R. A. Fessenden .. .. 22895 22492 22895 25 Feb. .. 41 23 May .. 62 41 62 2 May.* 11 July.



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

plication. rpl acuettt. Invention. Name. No. No. Date. Date. Electric switch Electric switch Electric switch, Operating Electro-magnetic stamp-battery Electrolyte, Moist for primary and seoondary battery Eleotrolytio apparatus Elevator. (See lift.) Embrooation Emergency-brake •Engine. (See Explosive engine, Gasengine, Internal-oombustion engine, Rotary engine.) Engine, Reversing-gear Envelope-fastener Exoavator Excavator Explosive engine Explosive motor Exterminator. (See Rabbit-fumigator.) Extinguishing. (See Lighting and extinguishing. ) Extractor. (See Air-extraotor, Nail-ex-traotor.) R. Brown .. .. .. 22339 T. A. Rolfe .. .. .. 22750 A. Hare .. .. .. 22991 J. P. Lynn .. .. .. 22883 P. Rabbidge 22842 24 Jan., 1906f 26 April .. 14 June 25 May 14 May .. 41 48 M 62 2 May. 30 May.* 11 July. 11 July. P. Borgnet .. .. .. 22984 13 June J. T. Benfell .. .. .. 22900 J. A. Wilson and I). Sullivan .. 22816 25 May 14 May 62 51 11 July.* 13 June.* W. Brighton .. .. .. 22850 C. E. J. Wilkinson .. .. 22448 J. W. Harris .. .. .. 22626 T. Poljakoff-Kowtunor? .. 22925 G. T. Girdler .. .. .. 22996 J. H. Noonan .. .. 22997 17 May 21 Feb. 2 April 31 May 13 June 13 June 13 June.* 51 l>2 62 11 Juiy. 11 July.* I Fabrios. (See Waterproofing fabrios.) Fastener. (See Belt - fastener. Bootfastener, TTenoing-wire fastener, Gatefastener, Hat-fastener, lid-fastener, Mail-bag fastener.) Fastening. (See Lock-fastening.) Fastenings for ploughs, &c. Fastenings for ploughs, &c. Feed-box Fence-making machine Fencing-dropper Fencing post or standard Fenoing post or standard Fencing-wire fastener Fencing-wire fastener Fencing-wire fastener Fermented liquors, Preserving Ferro-ooncrete construction Ferro-ooncrete former Ferro-conorete former Ferro-ooncrete floors, &o. Ferro-oonorete structure Fibre-produotion Fibre-produotion Fibrous, &c, plastering Field-gate File. (See Paper-file.) Filling and weighing tea, &c. Filter. (See Bacterial-filter.) Filter-press plate Filtering-suction hose Finger-ring Firearms, Safety-lock for Fire-alarm Fire-alarm Fire-alarm box Fire-bars Fire-extinguishing on ships Fire-grate. (See Grate.) Fire-kindler Fire lighter or kindler Fireproof construction Fishplate Fishplate-bolts, Operating nuts of Flag. (See Signalling-flag.) Flax, Degtunming and cleaning Flax-dressing machine Blax-drewing machine Flax-dreesing machine Flax-dressing machine Flax-scraping machine ripper Flax-Htripper Flax-stripper attachment ■Flax-stripper drive Flax treatment Flax-waste utilising. (See Cattle-food.) J. and W. J. O'Hara .. .. 21238 J. and W. J. O'Hara .. . . 21414 W. R. Taylor.. .. .. 22631 L. T. Chambers and W. E. Thomp- 22911 son T. Tait .. .. .. 22640 J. Wilson .. .. .. 22660 F. T. Boys .. .. .. 22969 J. Irvine .. .. .. 21318 A. Ellis and E. W. Watts .. 22716 (I. Q. Holmes.. .. .. 22990 1). Wellwood .. .. .. 23063 T. I. Yourelle and J. Bellingham 22676 J. H. Adams .. .. .. 22906 J. B. Massey .. .. .. 23035 A. Hankinson .. .. 22576 W. C. Page and R. V. Anderson 22556 V. A. de Perini .. .. 21999 G. G. Turn .. .. .. 22951 E. Coombs 22725 F. Russell .. .. .. 22874 28 May, 1906 4 July, l'.MMi 3 April 29 May 6 April .. 10 April . . 11 June 15 June, 1906 17 April .. 14 June 25 June .. 11 April .. 23 May 24 June 21 March .. 19 Maroh .. 16 Nov., 1905f 6 June 24 April .. 22 May 33 4 April. 48 30 May. 44 16 May.* 62 11 July. 44 16 May.* 36 18 April. 41 Iβ May.* 48 30 May. 51 13 June.* 61 2") July.' 44 16 May. 41 2 May. 51 13 June. 48 30 May. T. Whitehorn.. .. .. 21293 13 June, 1906 33 4 April. J. Fergusson .. .. .. 21642 H. Rochfort .. .. .. 22598 R. Allport and T. Normoyle .. j 22113 G. S. Stevenson .. .. 23005 F. J. Farrell .. .. .. 21208 T. Cahill 22962 H. T. Twiss 22677 W. G. Crosthwaite .. .. 22474 G. Harker .. .. .. 22825 16 Aug., 1906 23 March .. 26 Nov., 1906 15 June 21 May, 1906 6 June 11 April .. 28 Feb. 15 May .. ! to 11 July. 44 Iβ May. 51 13 June. 62 11 July.* 48 30 May. 44 16 May.* 44 16 May. D. J. Young .. .. .. 22617 8. Martin .. .. . . 22790 T. I. Yourelle and J. Bellingham 22676 G. T. Wilson and H. Downs .. 22024 J. A. Yule .. .. 22102 2 April .. 7 May 11 April .. 7 Nov., 1906 20 Nov., 1906 56 27 June.* 48 30 May. 48 30 May. 36 18 April.* H. B. Murhpy .. .. 22727 l>. Hart well .. .. .. 20874 A. I. Jones .. . . .. 21243 T. T. Maaefield and A. McLeod .. 22714 \V. Watson and W. Craig .. 23043 T. H. Davidson .. .. 22648 D. McKenzie .. .. .. 22794 J. J. Keppel .. .. .. 23075 G. T. Bool 11 .. .. .. 22662 E. Girdler .. . . . . 22796 T. Reynolds and W. Brock .. 22732 24 April .. I'.i Mar., 1900 31 May, 1906 17 April .. 2!) .June 4 April .. 4 May 29 June 10 April .. 7 May .. 24 April . . 33 4 April. 36 IK April. 44 Lβ April.* 48 30 May. 62 II July. 66 25 July.* 41 2 May.* 48 30 May.* 41 Iβ May.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


l>pl ion. Invention Name. No. Date. No. Data. Flaying-knifc Floor-cramp Floor-polisher Flooring, Jointless ■Floors, Concrete, Wire-reinforcement .. Floors, Waterproofing Flour, &c, Weighing and bagging Flue. (See Water-jacketed flue.) Flue attachment for ranges flushing-apparatus Food. (See Cattle-f ood.) Forced-draught apparatus Fruit-pioker.. I'll,] Fuel Fuel, Manufacture of artificial.. ETuel-economiier Furnace-burner Fumigator. (See Rabbit-fnmigator Ver-min-fumigator, &c.) Furnace, Fire-bars for Furnace for reducing metals Furnace-plate R. J. Coomber R. H. Sollitt H. J. Haywood .. ,. W. Diinz A. Hankinson W. Baldwin .. T. Whitehorn.. 22976 22135 22841 22665 22576 22734 21293 12 June .. ; 29 Nov., 1906 ' 15 May .. ! 1C April .. I 21 March .. | 24 April .. 13 June, 1906 .".I Bβ 48 44 Bβ 33 13 June. 27 June.* 30 May. 10 May. 27 June. 4 April. R. Wilson R. R. Woodoook 22652 22239 6 April .. 22 Deo., L906 61 82 13 June. 11 July. J. Sutcliffe Z. D. Andrews T. Parker T. Parker A. W. H. Vivian S. E. Bell P. J. Owens .. 21357 22773 22945 23027 21462 22635 21774 26 June, 1906 4 May 4 June 22 Juni-t .. 14 July, 1906 4 April .. 12 Sept., 1906 41 IS 82 62 41 Bβ 2 May. 30 April.* 11 July.* 11 July. 2 May* 27 June. W. G. Crosthwaite F. A. Kjellin .. W. Wilkins and J. Nobbs 22474 22623 22416 28 Feb. 2 April . . 12 Feb. 44 44 IS 16 May. 16 May. 30 May. Game. (See Card-game.) Game Game, Indoor Garment-measurer Garment-stretcher. (See Stretcher.) Gas-burner Gas-burner Gas-engine Gas-engine Gas-engine Gas-engine, Starting-device Gas. (See Acetylene gas, fncandeeceni gas, Oil-gas.) Gas-gerierator Gas-lamp, Inverted, Incandescent J. Hutchison A. Gruhn L. W. Harris and L. Morris A. Fischer J. E. Tatham and A. Smith E. H. Clift .. J. E. Friend .. J. Macdonald J. H. and B. S. Nieholls 23059 22713 22858 22669 22802 22630 22756 22910 22708 24 June 19 April .. 18 May ID April .. 10 May 28 Mar., 1906f ( 1 May .. 29 May IS A mil .. IB 48 48 is 68 SI Bβ 14 25 July. 30 May. 30 May. 30 May.* 25 July.* 13 June. 27 June.* 16 May.* Gas-lamps, Lighting and extinguishing .. Gas-lamps, Lighting and extinguishing .. Gas-production Gas-valves, Operating Gas and water tap Gate Gate-fastener Gate. (See Field-gate.) Gate, Opening and shutting Gear. (See Locomotive gear, Reversinggcar, Valve-gear.) Generator. (See Acetylene-gas generator.) Gold-dredge Gold, Recovery from ores Golosh. (See Overshoe.) Grader. (See Potato-grader.) Grate, Well-fire for .. Gravel screen or riddle Griller. (See Toaster and griller.) Grip. (See Cable-chain grip.) Gum-resin, Cleaning B. Locking Pintaoh'e Patent lighting Company, Limited G. Robson H. H. Johnson and E. Moin F. J. Cox A. Hare A. Fischer J. Pettitt D. C. McArthur 23004 23021 20993 22731 23026 22991 22668 22161 2139S 18 June 18 June 12 April, 1906 9 Jan.f .. 22 June 14 June 10 April . . 5 Dec, 1906 3 July, 1906 Sβ 18 April. BJ 33 44 13 June. 4 April. Lβ May. N. Olsen 22603 27 March .. 48 30 May. W. E. Potts C. Newman and R, M. H. Stoot .. 22302 22988 8 Jan. 13 June 41 63 2 May. 11 July.* J. Ringland A. P. F. and G. D. Watson 22994 23019 15 June 2] June 62 11 July.* G. W. Basley and J. Chambers .. 22724 18 April .. 44 Iβ May.* Hair-cloth. (See Tailors' hair-cloth.) Hair-pin Hair-removing preparation Hames G. W. E. Broome M. L. Krimer W. Tattersall C. Lewes .1. J. Rekar .. F. W. HeBberg A. Morris J. A. Steele Masacy-Harris Company, Limited B. E. Colson .. 22928 22767 21965 22998 22763 22394 21914 21702 22923 22855 31 May 5 Sept.,1906t 25 Oct., 1906 17 June 2 May 4 Feb. 12 Oct., 1906 28 Aug.. 1906 30 May 20 May .. 62 II July.* 13 June. II July.* 13 June. • 4 April. 4 April. 11 July. II July. 27 June.* Hammer Iliimni'T and drill operating-device Hammock and tent Harness-polish Harvester-binder, Apron for Harvester-binder, Conveyor for Hat-fastener Heat in bales. Delecting. (See Baledgoods indicator.) Heater. (See Bath-heater, Lifjuid-heater, Water-heater.) Beating or cooling liquids Heel, Interchangeable Heel, Resilient Heel-rounding machine Heel, Rubber Hemp, Drying BJ 62 51 38 33 62 62 Bβ W. H. Duncan W. White H. E. Wallace and E. Clark M. D. Phelan W. Morrison W. G. Richardson and M. H. Scott 22771 23053 23048 22926 22039 22881 3 May 26 June 26 June I June. !906f 8 Nov., 1906 22 May Bβ 27 June.* 44 51 16 May.* 13 June.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Application. GatetU. Insertion. No. Data. No. Date. Hides, Treatment of .. Holder. (See Chalk-holder, Rein-holder, Thread-holder, Wire-netting holder.) Honey, Packing F. G. Browne and C. F. Lungley.. 22827 15 May 56 27 June.* T. Sutherland 21795 17 Sept.,1906 51 13 June. Horse-collar Horse-cover Horse-cover Horse-cover Horse-shoe t.. Hose. (See Filtering suction-hose.) Hothouse. (See Tomato-forcing house.) Hull of ship Hull of ship, Cleaning Hurdle Hurdle T. K. FinniganE. Le Roy E. Le Roy H. Hamilton .. G. Robinson .. 21534 21504 21505 22854 22848 30 July, 1906 23 July, 1906 23 July, 1906 20 May 17 May 33 51 56 51 56 4; April. 13 June. 27 June. 13 June.* 27 June* T. Mitchell .. T. Stewart J. P. Belcher .. W. L. Johnstone and N. Scrimgeour A. J. Fippard P. J. Owens 21543 22550 22971 23051 31 July, 1906 15 March .. 8 June 26 June 66 41 66 27 June. 2 May.* 25 July.* Hydraulic clutch Hydrocarbon, Furnace-burner Hydrocarbon-gas. (See oil-gas.) [ce floors Incandescent oil-gas manufacture Incandescent gas-lamp. (See Gas-lamp.) Indicator. (See Baled goods heat, Ac, indicator, Electric indicator - lock, Moisture-indicator, Wearingdown-of-machinery indicator [nflator. (See Tire-inflator.) Interlocking walls. (See Walls.) [nternal-combustion engine, Carburetter for [nternal-combustion engine. (See Gasengine.) Insulator. (See Telegraph-wire insulator.) Inverted gas-lamp. (See gas-lamp.) [ron or steel,' Treatment of Iron or steel, Solution for treatment of Iron roof for buildings Iron ores, Treating [ron oxides, Reducing [ron, wrought, Manufacture of H. N. Reid J. A. Paterson W. Gillett and M. D. Lehmann .. 23009 21774 21607 21432 19 June 12 Sept., 1906 9 Aug., 1906 12 July, 1906 56 56 48 27 June. 27 June. 30 May. 22056 10 April .. 16 May. A. Hayes A. Hayes H. B. France F. Cotton H. W. Lash M. Moore and T. J. Heskett 23036 23038 23061 22614 22886 22835 28 June, 1906+ 28 June, 1906f 28 June I 28 March .. 25 May 16 May (15 44 62 51 25 July.* 16 May. 11 July. 13 June.* rack. (See Bootmaknng-jack.) lam-pots, Filling. Ac, F. G. Mcintosh 22697 17 April .. 30 May. 48 Kauri-gum, Procuring, from swamps Keel, Hinged, for boats, Ac Kerosene-pump Kerosene-siphon Kindler. (See Fire-kindler.) Knife. (See Flaying-knife.) Knife-cleaner A. and F. McLecd W. S. Gardner E. Brandt A. W. Omond and W. M. Johnson 22829 22963 22278 22158 13 May 10 June 8 Jan. 5 Dec, 1906 51 62 48 56 13 June.* 11 July.* 30 May.* 27 June. F. Hutton 22983 13 June 65 25 July.* Lacing-machine Ladder, ExtensionLadder, StepLamp. (See Gas-lamp.) Lamp-wick Lath affixer Lathe attachment for replacing callipers Lathe-bed Lathe-chuck Lawn-mower United Shoe Machinery Company H. Mote H. J. Gaby 21233 22657 22683 30 May, 1906 10 April .. 13 April .. 41 44 44 2 May. 16 May. 16 May.* H. Donnelly .. W. S. Clarke .. E. T. Coppell J. H. Hutchinson E. T. Coppell The Kendrick and Hill Manufacturing Company A. E. and H. G. Bradley A. H. Imbert 22930 20970 22597 22815 22596 22579 30 May 7 April, 1906 23 March .. 13 May 23 March .. 21 March .. 36 44 (i5 44 44 18 April. 16 May.* 25 July.* 16 May.* 16 May. Leaded lights and calmes Lead-ores Letter-book. (See Duplicating letterbook. ) Lever apparartus Levelling-staves Lever-jack Lid-fastener for sanitary pans Lift-door, Operating Lift for casks, Ac, Cellar Lighter. (See Coal-lighter.) Lighting and extinguishing gas-lamps .. Lime-sand, Brick .. .. Lining. (See Tube-mill lining.) Link. (See Sleeve-link, Splint-link.) Link-protector Linotype matrix-cleaner Linotype knife-block and knife Liquids, Compressing .. Liquid-delivering device .. .. E. Hayes W. F. Darling and S. T. Chancellor J. Brown C. T. Haynes A. A. Walters F. W. Barton 21047 22213 22775 21680 21411 22739 22577 22607 19 Sept. 1906 23 Feb. 1906+ 6 May 23 Aug. 1906 4 July, 1906 25 April .. 21 March .. 25 March .. 41 41 51 51 4S 4.S 41 44 2 May. 2 May. 13 June.* 13 June. 30 May. 30 May.* 2 May. 16 May. G. Robson T. Winstanley 20993 23010 12 April, 1906 19 June 36 18 April. R. R. Douglas W. H. Mounsey - W. H. Mounsey D. 0. Stewart A. Jarrett 22692 22786 22787 22674 22831 13 April 8 May 8 May 11 April 16 May .. 41 66 65 44 2 May.* 25 July. 25 July. 16 May.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

7—H, 10.—08.

Application. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Data. Liquids, heating and cooling Lock. (See Door-lock, Firearms-lock, Electric indicator-lock, Nut-lock.) Lock-fastening Look-ititoh. (See Sewing-machine.) Look, Window-sash .. Locomotive gear Loom Loose-leaf binder W. H. Duncan 22771 3 May Sβ 56 27 June.* T. C. McLennan 22852 Iβ May 61 51 13 June.* T. K. (!arter C. Uddstrom .. R. Glendining and G. Beaumont .. W. and E. Hudson and F. JttmM 22882 22704 22960 22754 20 May 15 April .. 7 June 1 May .. 66 48 66 66 56 48 65 56 27 June.* 30 May.* SiS July. 27 June. Machinery-roller Mail-bag fastener Mail-bag fastener Marking raoe-oompetitors Mat. (See Metal-saving mat, Shop-alarm mat.) Match-striker Matrix-pleaner. (See Linotype matrixoleaner.) Mattress. (See Wire mattress.) Mattress and bed-rest Maze, Rotary Measurer. (See Garment-measurer.) Metal bending and shaping maohine Metal-corrosion, &c, Preventing Metal-reducing furnace Metal-saving mat Milk cm and measure Milk-cooler. (See Cream, &c, cooler.) Milk-drying process Milk-drying process Milk-preservative Milk, Treatment of .. R. R. Douglas H. Watt O. T. Madeley S. T. Beattie and W. J. Chapman 22621 21368 22808 22880 28 March .. 28 June, 1906 11 May .. 20 May 41 4S SI 41 48 51 2 May.* 30 May. 13 June.* C. W. Ziele 22953 4 June D. MoKenzie .. R. Lowe 22618 22638 25 Maroh .. 4 April .. 4S 44 48 44 30 May.* Iβ May.* J. W. Hardley P. E. Q. Cumberland .. F. A. Kjellin T. Hall and F. Elvines J. Callaghan 21381 21592 22623 22770 22651 29 June, 1906 4 Aug., 1906 2 April 3 May 9 April .. 44 62 44 51 44 44 62 44 51 44 16 May. 11 July. 16 May. 13 June.* 16 May.* J. R. Hatmaker P. Bevenot and E. de Neveu K. W. B. Greville Societa di Esportazioni PolenghiLombardo H. H. Kerr and F. J. G. Knight 21451 22432 22844 22471 Id July, 1906 13 Feb. 17 May .. 28 Feb. 56 56 56 41 Sβ 66 56 41 27 June. 27 June. 27 June.* 2 May. Milking-apparatus, Piping and teat-cups for Milking can or pail, Vaouum Milking-machine Milking-machine Milking-machine Milking-machine Milking-machine Milking-machine Milking-machine Milking-machine Milking-machine Milking-machine and connection therefor Milking-machine, Cock and accessory for Milking-machine operating-device Milking-machine, Suction Milking-machine, Vacuum motor for Mill. (See Tube-mill.) Milling-maohine Mines, Transporting-apparatus for 23011 17 June A. Storrie W. J. Teese W. J. Teese II. W. Gilling A. G. Andin .. G. Hutohinson and J. Highet C. Bristow W. Sim R. A. Wiggins J. J. Clark F. Raven B. W. Benn Aktiebolaget Separator W. H. Lawrenoe and R. Kennedy B. W. Benn 22581 22086 22535 22560 22609 22719 22797 22892 23002 23042 22351 22653 22514 22985 22654 22 Maroh .. 21 Nov., 1906 13 March .. 19 March .. 28 Maroh .. 20 April 10 May 20 May 18 June 25 June 24 Jan. 6 April 6 March .. 10 June .. 6 April .. I] 4K 44 41 41 44 4S r>1 62 66 Sβ 41 44 41 48 44 41 41 44 48 51 02 6.-. 56 41 44 2 May.* 30 May. 16 May. 2 May.* 2 May.* 16 May.* 30 May.* 13 June.* 11 July.* 28 July.* 27 June. 2 May.* 16 May. ii 41 2 May.* A. Crook A. E. Davis, R. Meyer, F. H. Medhurst, and J. E. Ferrar b. Hill and J. Blain .. L. T. Reichel W. Alexander 22865 22949 21 May 5 June 65 66 25 Juiy. Mitre box and cramp Moisture-indioator for wool, &o. Moisture-tester Motor. (See Elastic-fluid motor, Explosive motor, Rotary motor.) Motor-cycle belt Motor-cycle belt Motor-vehicle wheel. (See Wheel.) Moulding-maohine Mouth-organ Mower. (See Lawn-mower.) Mud-guard splash attachment 21979 22444 22616 25 Oot., 1906 20 Feb. 2 April Sβ lit; 41 56 36 41 27 June. 18 April. 2 May.* A. J. Bergin H. W. Lovegrove 22450 22712 2 July, 19061 17 April .. 41 44 41 44 2 May. 16 May.* J. L. Campbell S. Dickens 23050 22116 26 June 27 Nov., 1906 66 n 66 33 2S July.* 4 April. T. F. Kirkland 22760 1 May .. 4S 48 30 May.* Nail-extractor Nail-manufacture Needle. (See Sewing-machine needle.) Nut-lock Nuts of fishplate-bolts, Operating A. C. Idiens .. J. B. Davies and H. Bell 22845 22655 17 May .. 10 April .. 56 41 66 41 27 June.* 2 May.* J. T. Clark .. J. A. Yule .. 21518 22102 9 Oot., 1905| 20 Nov., 1906 65 36 66 86 11 July. 18 April.* Oil-engine. (See Gas-engine.) Oil-engine, &c, Chock for Oil-feeder .. Oil-gas manufacture Ointment Ore-treatment Ore-treatment Ore treatment, CyanideOres. (See Iron-ores, Lead-oree, Sulphideores, Zino-ores.) T. Dawson .. F. Roberts .. J. A. Paterson J. Gallagher and W. H. Woollams H. Cramer-Roberts D. N. Hood A. Ada ir 21851 22846 21432 22830 22690 22758 21978 1 Oct., 1906 17 May 12 July, 1906 11 May 15 April .. 15 Sept.,1906t 25 Oct., 1906 36 56 48 44 18 April. 27 June.* 30 May. 16 May.* Bβ 18 April.



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Application. Oanttr. Invention. Ni.r.t. No. Date. No. Date. Ottoman, Bed and oouoh Oven of oooking-range Overshoe D. MoKenzie K. Gillingham G. E. Smith .. 22S:!S 22590 22902 16 May .. 62 11 July. 20 Maroh .. 41 2 May.* 28 May .. 56 27 June.* Paoketing tea, flour, &o. Packing honey Pan and dish holder Paper-file Paper-pulp production Paper vessel for milk-delivering Pedal. (See Bioyole-pedal.) Pedal strap Pedal-strap Pelton wheel. (See Water-wheel.) Perambulator, &o. Peroh-carrier Perpetual calendar. (See calendar.) Pioture-frame damp Pfn Pipes, Earthenware Pipes, Use of slimes, &c, in making Pipe Piping. (See Milking-apparatus.) Pipes, < arthenware, Straightening Pithing-spear Plastering, Fibrous, &c. Plastering-lath affixer Plough Plough Plough Plough Ploughs, &c, Fastenings for . . Ploughs, &c, Fastening for . . Plough, Potato-feed attachment Plough-share Pneumatio wheels. (See Tires, Pneumatic) Pocket of wearing-apparel Points. (See Tramway-points.) Poison-layer Portable boiler Portland-cement manufacture Post. (See Conorete post.) Potato-digger .. .. Potato-feed attachment to plough Potato-grader Potato-planter Pounding-up maohine Power, Obtaining, from rivers Preservative. (See Milk-preservative.) Preserving aerated liquors Preserving milk T. Whitehom.. T. Sutherland R. B. Restell and F. Currie H. A. Adams V. A. de Perini Mono Service Vessels, Limited .. 21293 21795 23058 22599 21999 22810 18 June, 1906 33 4 April. 17 Sept., 1906 51 13 June. 24 June 26 Maroh .. 41 2 May. 16 Nov.,1905t 51 13 June. 11 May ..56 27 June. 20 Maroh .. 41 2 May. 24 June 19 June .. 23 Nov., 190(1 41 2 May.* 12 Nov., 1906 i 48 30 May.* 22 May ..51 13 June.* 25 June 20 June .. 18 May .. 51 13 June. C. A. Kidd M. G. Smith .. 22573 23040 J. Ford L. 0. Hooker 23007 22104 C. Colpus W. H. Carter, jun. L. N. Dyhrberg R. 0. Clark R. O. Clark 22045 22877 23044 23029 22509 R. 0. Clark J. Kay E. Coombs W. S. Clarke .. C. K. Turner .. G. E. Bretherton J. Maoalister .. W. Davidson J. and W. J. O'Hara .. J. and W. J. O'Hara T. R. Hogg A. S. Thwaites 21491 22691 22725 20970 21485 224130 22745 22965 21238 21414 22834 22679 19 July .. 56 27 June. 15 April .. 44 16 May.* 24 April .. 48 30 May. 7 April, 1906 i 36 18 April. 21 July, 1906 62 11 July. 21 Feb. .. 41 2 May.* 26 April .. 44 16 May.* 7 June .. , 62 11 July.* 28 May, 1906 33 4 April. 4 July, 1906 48 30 May. Iβ May .. 51 13 June.* 12 April .... A. Gray and D. G. Thornton .. 22410 9iFeb. ..41 2 May.* J. Turnbull and R. L. Christie .. W. Hamer .. T. Sakauohi 21570 22893 22989 30 July, 1906 62 11 July. 23 May .... 14 June A. Cometti T. R. Hogg H. R. Lees B. G. A. Harkness United Shoe Machinery Company W. T. Small 22879 22834 22941 23000 21365 22776 23 May .. 51 13 June.* 16 May .. 51 13 June.* 4 June .. 56 27 June.* 18 June 28 June, 1906 41 2 May. 6 May D. Wellwood Societa di Esportazione PolenghiLombardo 23060 22471 25 June 28 Feb. .. 41 2 May. Press. (See Baling-press.) Printing-maohine Propeller. (See Sorew-propeller.) Protector. (See Boot-proteotor, Link-pro-teotor, Tire-proteotor.) Pulling-over machine Pump. (See Air brake and pump, Kero-sene-pump, Refrigerator-pump, Rotary pump, Tire-pump.) Punohing and milling maohine Punoture-closing composition for tires .. Linotype and Machinery, Limited United Shoe Maohinery Company 22569 22663 20 Maroh .. 41 2 May. 10 April ..41 2 May.* A. Crook L. H. R. Wiggs 22865 22944 21 May .... 4 June .. 82 11 July.* Quartz-orushing. (See Crushing- battery.) A. Le IU iii.- .. F. Bowden J. Holland .. S. T. Beattie and W. J. Chapman L. G. Wieneke M. Woods and T. J. Gilbert G. T. Wilson and H. Downs E. N. Waters T. Poljakoff-Kowtunoff J. C. C. Pearson W. H. Nisbet.. H. Ffitoh J. H. Warren, T. Blades, and J. Wren J. G. Hudson V. L. Raven V. L. Raven .. 22265 22738 22813 22880 21297 22744 22024 22485 22729 22995 22698 23020 22624 Rabbit-fumigator Rabbit-trap Rabbit-trap Race-competitors, Marking Race-starting machine Rail deformities, Treating Rail-joint fishplate Rail-joint .^plioe-bars Rail-movement with vehiole Rails, Attaching, to sleepers Railway, &c, brake Railway-oar fafeguard attachment Railway-signalling 3 Jan. .. 41 2 May.* 25 April .. 48 30 May.* 10 May .. 56 27 June.* 20 May .. M 20 July. 13 June, 1906 56 27 June. 24 April .. 56 27 June. 7 Nov., 1906 48 30 May. 28 Feb. .. 41 2 May. 24 April .. 51 13 June. 15 June .. (i- 11 July.* 17 April .. 48 30 May 21 June .... 2 April .. 44 16 May. Railway signalling apparatus Railway signalling-apparatus Railway signalling-apparatus .. 22710 22755 22783 18 April .. 44 I 16 May.* 4 May, 1906f 51 13 June. 19 June, 19O6f 51 13 June.


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Application. OoMttte. InTentioo Name. No. Date. No. Date. Railway signalling apparatus Railway-vehicle coupling Rake and swath turner Ram, Submerged Rat-stop for drain V. L. Raven .. G. Johnston .. W. E. Martin.. F. W. Payne P. E. and A. G. Reid and J. G. Kosseok T. C. Durham 22784 22785 22973 22649 22897 19 June, l!tO6t 8 May 1 Got., 1906t 5 April .. 25 May r>1 r>1 66 62 r,<; 13 June. 13 June. 26 .July. 11 July. 27 June.* Razor Razor. (See Safety-razor.) Receptacle for small goods Refrigerating (See Air-cooler.) Refrigerator- pu m p Register, Time-recording Registering. (See Counting and Registering-) Reinforced concrete. (See Ferro-concrete.) Rein-holder Resilient wheel (See Wheel.) Resin.' (See Gum-resin.) Retoucher, Electric Reversing-gear for engines Riddle or gravel-screen Rifle-sight Ring. (See Finger-ring.) Road-sweeper Road. (See also Street.) Rock-drill .. Roller. (See Machinery-roller.) Roof. (See Iron roof.) Rotary engine Rotary gas-engine Rotary maze Rotary motor Rotary oil-engine Rotary pump Rotary pump and turbine Rotary steam-engine Rubber goods, Manufacturing and repairing Runaways, Preventing Runaways, Preventing Runaways, Preventing 22889 25 May 62 11 July. J. Henderson 22915 26 July, 1906f W. J. Kulitze N. S. McNab and J. S. Link 22821 23024 14 May 22 June ra 11 July.* E. Meech 22819 14 May A. V. Davis .. .. ' W. Brighton A. P. F. and G. D. Watson E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward 22936 22850 23019 22625 30 May .. 17 May .. 21 June 2 April .. 62 r>1 11 July.* 13 June.* 48 30 May. E. S. Slee and P. Tremayne 22612 28 March .. 44 16 May.* J. M. Porter and J. Overall 22733 24 April .. 48 30 May.* W. M. H. M. Peacock J. E: Friend .. R. Lowe P. Ellis F. W. Paterson ' .. A. E. Luttrell E. S. G. Rees J. E. Friend .. T. Gare 22934 22756 22638 22967 23064 21159 22588 22684 22873 1 June 1 May 4 April .. 10 June 26 June 17 May, 1906 19 March .. 13 April .. 29 May, 1906f Sβ r>1 41 l>2 I if) r>1 41 48 27 June.* 13 June. 16 May.* 11 July.* '25 July.* 13 June. 2 May. 30 May. 0. T. Madeley J. H. Krause A. J. Hobbs and J. R. Jewell 22807 22948 23031 11 May 5 June 24 June 51 86 66 13 June.* 25 July.* 26 July.* Saddle-cover Safety-razor Sand-blast apparatus Sash. (See Winow-sash.) Saucer. (See Cup and saucer.) Saw-setting device Scaffolding-bracket Scaffolding-bracket Scaffolding-bracket Scaffolding bracket and hook Scarifier Scraper. (See Boot-scraper.) Screen. (See Gravel-screen.) Screw-propeller Seed-sower Seed-sower Seed-sower G. J. Clegg .. G. Johnson and F. J. McLaren International Sand-blast Company J. Reynolds C. Lucas C. Lucas G. R. Hale A. Lawton A. J. Hall 22992 22938 22606 20895 21216 21261 22747 23033 22424 15 June 4 June 25 March .. 22 Mar, 1906 28 May, 1906 6 June, 1906 29 April .. 24 June 11 Feb. Sβ 44 33 83 86 u 112 44 27 June.* 16 May. 4 April. 4 April. 18 April. 16 May.* 11 July.* 16 May. Seed-sower Seed-sower Seed-sower Seed-sower Seed-sower Seed-sower, Broadcast R. A. W. Green J. Macalister .. G. Gray A. Todd G. Hutchinson G. Hutchinson G. W. King and A. H. Munro .. C. Bristow A. Storrie B. F. Cranwell, C. F. F. Allan, and J. H. Trudgeon W. Youlten A. J. F. de Bavay A. 1. Joseph .. C. Harper J. F. and W. P. Liernur United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company H. McKinlay G. E. Spooner 23054 20997 21344 22547 22706 22722 22793 22804 23030 20871 26 June 9 April, 1906 22 June, 1906 12 March .. 18 April .. 22 April .. 9 May 10 May l!i .lune 14 Mar., 1906 44 48 41 44 48 68 48 16 May. 30 May. 2 May.* 16 May.* 30 May.* 27 June. 30 May.* 41 2 May. Separating dirt from cotton waste Separating ores Seiitio tank Septic tank, Disposal of effluent from .. Sewerage system Sewing-machine, Lock-stitch Sewing-machine lubricator Sewing-machine needle Shaft-coupling Shaft mounting. (See Centrifugal Machines, Shaft mounting.) Shaft-tug Shaping and bending machine for metals Sheep feed-box Sheep-shearing machine Shield. (See Tire-protector, &c.) Ship's hull .. .. • ■ • • 21290 23049 22553 22183 23023 22764 22765 22641 22859 13 June, 1906 26 June .. 13 March .. 12 Dec., 1906 22 June 2 May 2 May .. 6 April 21 May 65 41 41 48 48 Sβ 27 June. 25 July.* 2 May. 2 May. 80 .May.* 30 May.* 27 June.* J. P. Horner J. W. Hardley W. R. Taylor J. C. Preston 22620 21381 22631 22374 28 March .. 29 June, 1906 3 April 31 Jan. 44 44 44 41 16 May.* 16 May. 16 May.* 2 May. T. Mitchell 21543 31 July, 1906 .W 27 June.



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

ippl lioal iion. GfOMI It*. Invention Name. No. Date. No. Date. Ship's hull-cleaner Shirt and tunic Shoemaking method Shoe-upper lacing-machine Shop-alarm mat Sifter. (See Cinder-sifter.) Sight. (See Rifle-sight.) Signalling-fiag Signalling. (See Electric signalling, Rail-way-signalling. ) Siphon. (See Kerosene-siphon.) Skating-rink. (See Ice floors.) Skylight Skylight .. Slasher and handle Slaughtering-spear Sledge Sleeper Sleepers, Attaching rails to Sleeve-link Slicer for animal-feed Smoke-consumer Smoke-preventing mixture Soldering cans Sole. (See Boot-sole.) Sole-rounding machine Sower. (See Seed-sower.) Spanner. (See Wrench.) Spaying-instrument Spear, (fee Pithing-spear.) Spinal and body supports Spinal corselet Splasher. (See Mud-guard.) Splioe or angle bars Split-link Split I er. (See Wood-splitter.) Sprayer Sprayer Spring. (Sec Vehicle-spring.) Sprocket-chain Stamp-affixing machine Starting-device. (See Gas-engine.) Starting-machine. (See Race-starting machine.) Staves. (See Leveiling-staves.) Steel, Fibrous Steel, Solution for treatment of Steel. 'Treatment of .. Steam-boiler. (See Water-tube steamboiler.) Steam-turbine Step-ladder. (See Ladder.) Stereotypes, Making Strainer. (See Wire-strainer.) Street-cleaner, Suction Si net-sweeper Si rcet-sweeper Stretcher for garments, &c. .. Structure. (See Concrete structure.) Stuffing-box Stump-puller Stamp-pullet (See Filtering suctionhose.) Sugar, Extracting, from milk, &e. Sulphide ores, Treating Surveyors' staves. (See [evelling-etaYM. ) Suspender for braces Swath turner and rake Sweeper. (See Road-sweeper, Streetsweeper, Tram-rail sweeper.) Swingletree .. Swingletree and pulley-frame .. Swingletree-roupling .. Switch. (See Electric switch.) Swivel-joint for windmill T. Stewart E. N. Murray United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company A. E. Moss 22680 22823 22920 21233 22492 IS March .. 15 May 30 May 30 May, 1906 25 Feb. II 2 May.* si ii ii L3 Jane.* 2 May. 2 May.* F. H. Lampen 22558 19 March .. II 2 May.* T. R. Christie.. H. G. Bedell J. K. Hitchins J. Kay C. C. Cameron J. C. C. Pearson J. C. C. Pearson J. Gait I'. U . Ison .. J. W. Fowler G. A. Maunsell H. N. Bell 225(13 22851 22694 22691 22799 22933 22995 21248 22871 22742 22935 22924 22 March .. 15 May 16 April .. 16 April . . 10 May 1 June 1") June 1 June, 1906 l>2 May .. ; 24 April .. 1 June 29 May 41 .".I IS 14 62 Sβ 62 36 r>i i Bβ 2 May.* 13 June.* 30 May. Lβ May.* 11 July. 27 June.* 11 July.* 18 April. l>7 June * 27 June.* Sβ 27 June.* Manufacturers' Machine Company 22927 31 May B. Hates 22499 1 March .. 41 ■J May. I. Atkinson .. \V. R. Gover .. 23046 22393 21 June .. 2 Feb. .. 18 30 May. K. W. Waters J. M. Bawdeo 22485 22955 28 Beb. 7 June II ■J May. J. Toutoherand C. J. Hicks W. Tyree 22780 22766 •24 April .. 2 May 62 .'.I II July. 13 June. G. Davidson .. F. W. Munt .. 22681 22908 12 April .. 29 Miy 14 61 16 May. 18 June.* A. Hayes A. Hayes A. Hayea 23037 23038 23036 28 June, IWttt 28 June. 1906+ 28 June, 1906f \V. B. Miller .. 22777 8 May .-,(i •27 June-.* W. E. Hujjlies 22567 20 March .. II ■J May. H. Quertier J. Christie E. S. Slee and P. Tremayne 10. II. Smith .. 22(175 21750 22612 22898 II April .. 4 Sept., 1906 28 March . . 25 May 14 41 II Sβ 16 May.* 2 May. Iβ May.* 27 June* W. W. Wakely J. Brown Q. W. Bateheler and A. Tecofsky 23046 21411 22894 25 June .. 4 July, 1906 23 May 48 56 30 May. "27 Jui_e.* 1'. Bevenot and E. do Neveu A. If. Imbert 22482 2221:! 13 Fcl>. 22 \|>ril,l'.HMit 66 II 27 June. 2 May. P. B. Obpoott W. E. Martin.. 23057 22973 24 June .. ; 12 June 66 2.", July. S. Dooherty .. ft Child* C. K. Turner 22806 22857 21496 7 May, .. 21 May 28 July. I'.l'li; Sβ 27 June.* Sβ 27 June. A. Dunn 22818 14 May 61 L8 June.* Table, DiningTailboard for tip-cart Tail-holder Tailing-instrument. (See Animal decaudater.) Tailors' hair-cloth G. Hyde A. G. Monahan A. Woodoook 22950 22680 22709 6 June 12 April .. 18 April .. 62 44 IS 11 July.* 16 May.* 30 May. E. Shaw 22736 13 June, 1906f' !.'! June. (11


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Invention. Name. i No. Ap Application. Qamtu. Date. No. Date. Tank. (See Septic tank.) Tap. (See Gas-tap, Water-tap.) Target Tea-caddy Tea-compound Tea weighing and bagging machine Teat-cup Teat-cup Teat-cup Teat-cup Teat-cup Teat-cup Teat-cup Teat-cup Teat-cup Teat-cup Teat-cup Teat«cup pulsating-devke Teat-cup, Supplying air round Teeth-extracting, method and appliance Telegraph-wire insulator Telephone subsreibers' list Telephone-transmitter Telephony. (See Wireless telephony.) Telephony Telephony Tell-tale, Machinery-wearing Tent and hammock Tester. (See Baled-goods tester, Moisturetester.) Thread-holder in darning Ticket-issuing machine Tide-mill Time-recording register Time-stamping telegrams, &c. Tip-cart, Tailboard for Tip tor chair-legs Tip-wagon Tire G. Newman J. F. Robertson J. J. (,'ronin .. T. Whitehorn.. W. H. Blackham K \V. Smith .. W. H. Blackham .1. O'Connell B. W. Benn A. CillieJ. J. Clark A. Storrie H. H. Kerr and F. J. G. Knight J. Hums W. H. Blackham J. Burn* II. H. Kerr .. T. B. Bridger.. G. Parrish F. R. Cotton .. M. Moloney 22.->2:t 23014 22847 21293 22535 22695 2-27I Ml 22759 22866 22939 221157 22964 23011 23012 23034 221)72 22643 21328 22!Hi:> 22628 22896 7 Maroh • • SO dime 17 May 13 June, 1906 13 March .. 16 April .. 17 April .. 1 May IS Ma> 4 Jane 5 June 7 June 17 June 2(1 June ■21 fane 12 June .. 3 April 111 June 28' May 2 April .. 25 May II 68 33 41 41 14 4S r>1 Sβ Bβ 62 82 88 82 41 Bβ Bβ 2 May. 25 July.* 1 April. Lβ .May. 2 May.* hi May.* :«> May.* 13 June.* 27 June.* 27 June.* 11 July.* 11 July.* 2.-. July.* II July.* 2 May.* 27 June. 27 June.* r>1 13 June.* J. and H. M. Copeland J. and H. M. Copeland H. O. Ormiston and W. D. Martin F. W. Hellberg 22688 225S7 2274:i 22394 23 March .. 23 March .. •21 April .. 4 Feb. 44 44 Bβ 33 l(i May.* Iβ May.* 27 .lime. 4 April. J. Burrows A. E. Young and E. G. Kerr \V. (). Webber N. S. McNab and J. S. Link J. F. and J. F. G. Rasmussen .. A. (*. Monahan W. S. Cobham and H. H. Oxley D. J. Whelan.. K. B. Kill™ .. D. W. McLean B. G. C. Stephens and B. G. Mahoney J. Thomson A. J. Rowland W. J. Harvey and A. Hollingworth A. W. Smith .. W. H. Bird H. L. Barker and G. W. Westropp W. Biddle F. L. Fortescue W. A. Tomlinson F. Jones J. I. Watson .. T. S. Skeates • I. and A. Burfoot II. W. Dover .. I. Cordon J. It. ami J. J. Salmon J. I. Watson .. J. Austin I,. II. Hicks and A. N. Cooke .. P. Magnus I. Murdoch .. ::. Turner E. V. Featon .. M. Donaldson and W <:. Williams li. M. Robertson I!. Sylvester A. J. Lamb .. .1. Christie H. Kfitch .1. W. Wood and C. J. Ward .. A. l<:. Davis, K. Meyer, F. H. Medliurst, and .J. B, Ferrar A. Doig and E. A. Wilson 22584 ■22.->7S 23032 23024 22978 22680 22627 22715 22061 ■22. r >l).'i 22f>74 2(1 March . . 21 March .. 24 June '22 June 10 Jane 12 April .. 2 April .. 17 April .. 15 Nov., 1906 20 March .. 20 March .. 14 41 li.-> 14 ;>(i 44 r>1 ii ii Hi May.* 2 May. 2r> July.* 16 May.* 27 .1 line.* 16 May.* L3 June. 2 May.* 2 May.* Tire Tire T\-~ 22583 22601 22721 ■22S.->(> •2:<oti.-> 22960 22982 22878 22647 22735 22832 22682 21114(1 2272S ■22.->4:s 22ss;, ■22H:i2 21226 22701 22726 21 (is I 2-21IS7 22909 2:{IK»H 22673 22685 ■2I7.->(I 23020 22s:iii 229411 13 March .. 26 March .. 19 April . . 20 May 29 June 1(1 June 13 June .. 23 May 3 April .. 24 April .. 10 May 12 April .. Ill Oct.. 1906 15 May, L906f 14 March .. 2.-> May 16 May 29 May. 1906 17 April .. 24 April .. Ill March .. 21 Aug., l!tO6 12 June 29 May 18 June .. I I April .. L3 April .. 4 Sept.. 1906 21 June 17 May r> June 44 44 16 May.* 16 May.* Tire Tire Tire Tire Tire-cover, Motor-oar Tire cover or protector Tire cover or protector Tire, Ends-conneotor for Tire-inflator.. Tire* Motor-car Tire, Pump for motor-car Tire-protector Tire, Pneumatic Tire, Pneumatic Tire-protector Tire-protector Tire-pump for motor-cars Toaster and griller Toe-clip, Bicycle- pei la I Toe-clip, Bicycle-peilal Toilet-cabinet Tomato-forcing house Tongue for boots and shoes 'Totalisator apparatus Totalisator Traction-truck for agricultural machine 'Tram-rail cleaner Tram-rail sweeper Tram-safeguard attachment Tramway-point!, Operating, from car .. Transporting-apparatus for mines 65 or> Bβ 28 Juiy.« 26 July.* 27 June.* 05 25 Juiy. 44 .->! 41 IS.-i :>l II ti.-> r>1 62 41 IS 41 ">l l>2 11> May.* 13 June.* 16 May. 1 April. 13 .lime. Iβ May.* 25 July. 13 June.* 11 July Lβ May.* :ill May.* 2 May.* 13 June. II July.* t>2 4S 44 II (>.-> I T> (if. 11 July.* :((l May. l(i May.* 2 May. 25 July.* 25 July.* 25 July. Transporting-apparatus for cargo Trap. (See Bird - trap, Animal ■ trap, Rabbit-trap.) 'Travelling-trunk. (See Trunk.) Trolley-arm head anil retriever Trolley-pole... Trolley-pole.. Tiolley-pole. . N. I. (ioodei A. Treadwell F. H. Cooper .. C. Colpus 23006 23001 22739 22768 22917 1") June 18 June 28 April . . 2 May 30 May 86 25 July.* 25 July.* :ill Mas.* :ill May. 27 .lime.* tv> 4S is Sβ



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Application. OoMette. Invention Name. Mα Date. No. Date. Trolley-pole controller .. Trolley-pole retriever.. Trolley-pole retriever.. Trolley-pole retriever.. Trotting horses, Attaching weights to hoofs Truck. (See Traction-truck.) Trunk, Travelling-Tube-mill lining Tube-mill lining Tug. (See Shaft-tug.) Tunic. (See Shirt and tunic.) Turbine, SteamTurnips, Composition for protecting, from flies Turbine for incompressible fluids Turnstile, Counting and registering A. J. Edwards C. J. Johnson and G. Toogood .. H. Owen H. Owen G. E. Xoonan, A. V. F. Watson, and G. D. Watson 21336 22817 221177 23016 22836 22 Jane, 1906 14 May 12 June 20 June 16 May IS 51 62 t>5 30 May. 13 June.* 11 July.* . 25 July. W. W. Pearce F. C. Brown .. .. F. C. Brown .. 22861 22689 22864 21 May 11 April .. 17 June 51 tl 62 13 June.* 2 May.* 11 July. W. B. Miller H. P. Lovatt 22777 22975 6 May 12 June 56 27 June.* E. S. Rees .. S. C. Lee,. N. A. Morkill. and Checkogram, Limited R. B. Williams C. Kendrick T. Warner and J. Kannuluik 22588 22868 III March . . 22 Mayf .. II 2 May. Umbrella Unwinding barbed wire Urinals, Drawing off fumes from 22591 22890 23008 21 March . . 1 May 111 June .. u 16 May.* ea 11 Juiy.* Vacuum, Apparatus for creating and maintaining a Vacuum apparatus. (See Air-exhauster.) Vacuum apparatus for milking. (See Teat-cup, Milking-machine, &c.) Vacuum-spaced wall. Vessel with Valve-cap holder Valve for water-pipes, &c. Valve-gear for engines A. Manvers and H. Phillips 22781 4 May es 25 July. Thermos, Limited G. Hutchinson P. J. Brown .. A. E. Usherwood and W. EL H anion Chipman, Limited P. J. MoGinn.. F. Bottrill F. C. Thompson 23(122 22833 21412 22645 22 June Lβ May 4 July, 1906 4 April 56 51 II 27 June.* 13 .June. 2 Mny.* Vehicle, Convertible Vehicle-spring Vehicle-wheel Venetian-blind, Operating Ventilator. (See Window-ventilator.) Vermin-fumigator for ships Vessel. (See Paper vessel.) Vessel, Vacuum-spaced wall Voting-machine 2280!) 22511! 22696 22814 II May ti March . . 17 April .. 13 May 65 H II (i2 25 July. 2 May. 2 May.* 11 July. G. Harker 22825 15 May Thermos, Limited W. Madder .. 23(122 21213 22 .lune 28 May, 1906 48 30 May. Wagon. (See Tip-wagon.) Wall-construction Walls, Interlocking Wardrobe Wardrobe Washing. (Sec CJothes-washing, Bottlewashing. ) Water and gas tap Water-heater Water-heater Water-heater Water-heater. (See also hJath-heater.) Water-heating vessel Water-jacketed flue for stoves.. Water lifting or raising apparatus Water-proofing fabrics Water-prooh'iif; Boon and roofs Water-tank and cream-cooling vat Water-tap Water-tube steam-boiler Water-tube boiler Water-wheel Water wheel or motor Wearing-down-of-maehinery indicator .. Weatherboard-joint Well-fire grate. (See Grate.) Weighing-machine, Tea, flour, Ac. Wheel-chock Wheel, Motor-vehicle.. Wheel, Pneumatic Wheel, Resilient Wheel, VehicleWheel, VehicleWheel. (See also Water-wheel, Pelton wheel.) Wick. (See Lamp-wick.) Windmill, Swivel-joint for Windmill .. Window-blind bracket Window-blind, Securing, to rollers Window-frnme W. Tyree G. Clark R. Weir R. Weir A. Fischer W H. Jordan \V. I). Martin and N. M. Thomson H. G. Kettle .. A. Fischer G. C. W. Morris H. Weatherall K. A. Dahl .. W. Baldwin J. B. MeEwan EL Murray W. H. Hammond Waddell and Sons W. Morton J. Baircl EL o. Oraiaton ami W. I). Martin W. Evans and D. Y. Cunningham 22872 22876 22687 221 iSS 22668 20708 21 IS! 11 22238 22666 22961 22843 22782 22734 22914 228(13 21640 23013 22901 22670 22743 22862 22 May 22 May .. 10 April .. 10 April .. 10 April .. 12 Bleb., L906 21 Mar., 1906 22 Dee.. I'.MMi 10 April .. (i June 15 May 8 May . .. 24 April .. 29 May 21 May Lβ Auk., 1906 20 June 25 May 8 April .. 24 April .. 28 Jan. 51 IS 48 51 is 33 88 4S 50 48 Sβ 69 48 56 14 56 56 13 June.* 3(1 May. 30 May. 13 .June. 30 May. 4 A pril. 4 April.* 30 May. 27 June.* 30 May.* 27 June. 11 Juiy.* B0 May. 27 June.* Lβ May.* 27 .lune. 27 June. T. Wliitehom.. W. Floessell .. (J. I). Rosa .. J. and A. Burfoot T. J. McBride F. Bottrill H. Thompson 21298 22769 22671 21940 22947 22698 22749 13 June, L906 2 May 9 April 19 Oct.. 1906 5 June 17 \pril .. 29 April .. 88 56 r>1 88 60 11 51 4 April. 27 June.* 13 June. 1 April. 25 July. 2 May.* 13 June.* A. Dunn F. H. Jackson and R. Pierce K. ('. Thompson J. L. Thompson T. Mitchell .. 228 IS 23052 22646 22942 22837 14 May 26 June 5 April . . 4 June 16 May .. 51 r>5 ti 13 June.* 25 July.* 2 May.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


■PI'l inn. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Window-sash Window-sash Window-sash balance Window-sash fastener Window-sash hanger and fastener Window-sash lifter and lock Window-ventilator Wire. (See Barbed wire, Fencing-wire.) Wirocuiler Wire-drawing drum Wire for boot-fasteningj, Construction of Wire mattress and bed-rest Wire-mattress bed Wire-netting holder Wire-strainer Wire-strainer Wire-strainer Wire-strainer W l-splitter Wrench for fishplate-nuts Wireless telephony Yeast-making J. O. GalbaUy X. W. Frogley J. Neren and Bhedin Goldkuhl and Co. D. Mulcahy A. L. J. Tait .. T. E. Carter .. J. W. M. Harrison 21880 22803 22875 22937 28062 22882 22956 29 June. 1906 1(1 May 22 May 4 June ■2.5 June .. 20 May 7 June ts 82 65 80 Hay. II July. 25 July. 27 June.* r>2 27 June.* 11 July.* E. Hayes J. A. Horton United Shoe Machinery Company T>. McKenzie .. J. Whitehouee D. Beckett .. R. Pierce W. Edgar W. E. Hunter W. E. Hunter J. Bryson J. A. Yule E.N. Waters.. L. Friedenreich 22860 22664 22661 22618 22580 22659 22779 22838 22929 22993 23017 22102 22824 21339 21 May 14 Apr., 1906t 10 April .. 25 March .. 21 March .. 10 April .. 6 May Iβ May 1 June 15 June 17 June 20 Nov.. 1906 15 May 22 June, 1906 ii ts 44 44 r,l 51 2 M.iy.* 30 May.* 16 May. Iβ May* 18 June. 13 June* 65 Sβ Sβ 02 25 July.* Iβ April.* 27 June. II July. Zinc-ores, Treatment of /Cine-ores. Treatment of A. H. Imbert.. H. L. Sulman 22213 22800 23 April, 1906f 10 May 41 r,l 2 May. 13 June.

Application. \OMttt. Name. Address. ClasB. No. Date. No. Date. Abdiilla and Co., Limited Agricultural and Pastoral Food Company, Limited Agricultural and Pastoral Food Company. Limited, The Aktiebolaget Separator American Pad and Textile Company Ashford, Brooks, and Co. (See I 1 ' and T. Brooks.) Atkins Bros. Aulsebrook and Co. Aulsebrook and Co. Aulsebrook and Co. \ulsfbrook and Co. Aulsebrook and Co. London. Kng. Wellington, N.Z. 45 2 I ilillS f.lilVi 2 May 29 April .. II H Iβ May. Hi May. Wellington, N.Z. :t. 4-.' 8608, 4 ■-'it April .. 48 :;o May. Stockholm, Sweden Greenfield, U.S.A. 7 11 eon 8781 18 June, 1900 2C, .lime 41 6'J Iβ May. 11 July. Hinckley, Eng. Christcliurch, N.Z. Cliristcluirch. N.Z. Christchurch. N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. 88 43 42 42 42 42 8678 (i.V.H 6599 8827 6592 6020 22 May 24 April .. 26 April .. 4 May 24 April .. 4 May 4K 4S 30 May. 30 May. Baldwins, Liuiitetl Baldwins. United Barrett Manufacturing Company .. Bennett, H. M. .. Berry and Co., H. Blackhani. \V. II Blaydes, H. S. .. Blaydes and Co., H. S. (See H. S. Blaydes.) Boehm, G. Wilden, Eng. VVilden, Eng. New York, U.S.A. Dannevirke, N.Z. Cliristchvirch, N.Z. Melbourne, Vic. Sydney, N.S.W. 6 r> 17 48 42 7 1 eeSO, 1. 2 6663, l. f>. li 8891, 2 Ii.->7I 6645 6596 <;r>7!i Hi May Hi May H June 17 April . . 14 May 25 April .. 17 April .. 48 62 41 IS II 41 30 May. 11 July. ■l May. 30 May. 16 May. 2 May. Bolitho, H. Booth, J. Booth and Co.. S. (See J. Booth.) Bowie and Co., R. Brewers' Bottle Association of New South Wales British Xylonite Company, Limited Broad and Tristram Brooke and Sons, CM. Offenbach, Main, Germany, and London, Eng. Auckland. N.Z. Birmingham, Eng. 48 45 13 0680 6638 6402 29 May 11 May 2 Jan. .-,1 .".I II 13 June. 13 June. 2 May. Timani. N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W. 42 15 •5342 6723 16 Nov., 1906 25 June .. 41 2 May. London, Eng. Napier, N.Z. .Melbourne, Vic, and Christchurch, N.Z. Birmingham and London, Eng. Philadelphia, U.S.A. .. 38, 50 2 3 8582, 3 6631 8898 18 April .. 6 May 12 June II 44 ■1 May, 16 Ma" Brooks, F. and T. 14 8571 17 April .. 41 2 May. Buchanan-Foster Company Burroughs, Wellcome, and Co. (See H S. Burroughs.) 50 0368 5 Dec, 1906 88 4 April


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.


Name. Address. Clase. — A] No. Application. ippl QaxetU. Date. No. Date. Cadbury Bros., Limited Canterbury Central Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited Carborundum Company, The Cartland and Son, Limited, J. Colman, Limited, J. and J. Wellington, N.Z. Arlington, N.Z. 48 42 (i(i!»7 6658 I 1 June 20 May IS 30 May. Niagara Falls, U.S.A. .. Birmingham, Eng. Norwich and London, Eng. New York, U.S.A. 4-2 (i714. 5 6716 (i<181 22 June 2'2 June 29 .May 05 25 Juiy. Colgate and Co. 8, 47. (8 6680, 40, I 6700, I (i<12. , ! (i(i.-,7 w>2! I 11 May 48 80 May. Colonial Cordage Company, The Columbia Phonograph Company Gen'l. Courtney, E. E. .. • Crichton, W. Dunedin, N.Z. New York, U.S.A. Christchurch, N.Z. Onehunga, N.Z. BO S 42 42 lf> June ■2 May 17 May (i May r,ii si 27 .1 line. 13 June. Davies, Limited, W. T. Davies, Limited, W. T. Dawson and Son, Limited, J. De Stearine Kaarsenfabriek Dun/., W. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Lincoln, Eng. (ionda, Gonda, Holland (Iranville, Eng. 38 38 26 47 60 5923 6702, 3 6609 6674 r>r,.-><; 30 April, 1900 18 June ■2 .May ■22 May 2 April .. 66 44 27 June. '27 .June. Hi May. 41 2 May. Empire Tea Company. (See W. and G. Turnbull and Co.) English and Colonial Patents and Trading Company, Limited Wellington, N.Z. 1 i;r>40 19 Mareli .. 2 May. n Ferguson. S. N. .. Feustell Nfl. F. .. Field and Co., Fruit-merchants, Limited Fleming and Co., Limited 1 Foster. (See Buchanan-Foster.) Frankish, E. H., and another Sydney, N.S W. Altona, Germany London, Eng. 42 ii(i«:! 6666 8688 ■29 May 4 April .. •22 April .. ii 2 May. Gore, N.Z. 42 6643 13 May 4K 30 May. Christchurch, N.Z. 50 6706* 18 June .. 66 27 June. Galena-Signal Oil Company Gilmour, G. R. S. Gilmour, G. R. S. Gourock Rope-work Company, Limited, The Gramophone and Typewriter, Limited, The Great Northern Brewery, Limited, The Greenlees Bros. Franklin, U.S.A. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W. 47 5(1 r>o 27 6667 6669 6560 6169, 00 5 April 10 April .. Ill April .. 5 Sept., 1906 n 18 April. 2 May. 44 16 May. London, Eng. 8 6717, 8, 9 22 June 62 11 July. Auckland, N.Z. London, Eng. ; Glasgow and Argyllshire, Scot. Dunedin, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Linwood, N.Z. 43 43 6708, 9,10 0565 20 June 11 April .. 66 36 27 June. 18 April. Gregg and Co., Limited, W. Gregg and Co., Limited, W. Grimshaw, J. G. C. Grove. (See Le Grove.) 42 42 50 6624 6625 6590 2 May 2 May 24 April .. 4S 66 60 30 May. 27 June. 25 July. Hall and Co., T. H. Hall and Co., Limited, M. Hall, R., and another Halle, K. Harman and Frankish. (See H. T. de R. Harman and E. H. Frankish.) Harman, H. T. de R., and another Hasell, A. H. Hawkins, C. W. .. Haworth and Co., Limited, K. Hay man and Co., P. Healey, A. Hearne, W. G. .. Hendy, A. M. Hoffmann, Limited Holbrookx, Limited Horton's American Manufacturing Company. (See H. Savage and H. A. Wright.) Hovis Bread-flour Company, Limited Auckland, N.Z. Sheffield, Eng. Wellington, N.Z. Palmerston North, N.Z. 38, 42, 47, 50 14 42 48 6147, 8, 9, 50 6341 6585 6712 30 Aug., 1906 16 Nov., 1906 19 April .. 21 June Bβ 41 (i-2 18 April. 18 April. 2 May. 11 July. Christchurch, N.Z. Melbourne, Vic. Dunedin, N.Z. Manchester, Eng. Wellington, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Geelong, Vic. Dunedin, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Birmingham, Eng. 50 2 48 24 3,48 42 3 48 9 42 0705 6679 6759 6684 6566, 7 6630 6607 0570 0711 0594 18 June 29 May 29 June 30 May 11 April .. 6 May 1 May 15 April .. 20 June 24 April .. ->c, 62 r>1 lit; 44 44 II 27 June. 11 July. 13 June. 18 April. 16 May. 16 May. 2 May. 42 6693 8 June Imperial Manufacturing Company. (See R. Hall and H. Lawrence.) Dannevirke, N.Z. London, Eng. 6349 6561 22 Nov., 1006 10 April .. 4 April. 18 April. Jensen, C. N., and another Judd and Bros., Limited, G. M. 47 :s:s Kynoch, Limited Witton, Eng. ■2(1 6637 8 May 44 16 May. Lawrence, H., and another Le Grove and Laurence Company, Limited, The Lever Bros., Limited Lever Bros., Limited Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 42 .'ill 6585 6606 19 April .. 29 April 41 44 2 May. 16 May. Balmain, N.S.W. Balmain, N.S.W. 43 6661 6662, 5 22 May 22 May .. 48 48 30 May. 30 May.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.

B—II. 10.—08.


iplication. OaMttU Nam*. Address. CI Mβ. No. Date. No. Date. Lever Bros., Limited .. .. Balmain, N.S.W. 47 6663, 8, 9, 71 6664, 6 6667 6670 6686 6628 6635, 6 6757 6682 6223 22 May 48 30 May. Lever Bros., Limited .. .. Bolmain, N.S.W. Lever Bros., Limited .. .. Balmain, N.S.W. Lever Bros., Limited .. .. Balmain, N.S.W. Lewis, J. .. .. .. Greytown, N.Z. Lilly, D. .. .. .. Bulls, N.Z. Lloyd, R. H. .. .. .. Auckland, N.Z. Lock, F. C. .. .. .. Waipawa, N.Z. Lucas, Limited, J. .. .. Birmingham, Eng. Lysaght, Limited, J. .. .. Bristol, Eng. 48 47 47 13 47 13, 18 3 13 5 22 May 22 May 31 May 6 May 8 May 28 June 29 May 24 Sept., 1906 68 51 44 44 62 51 44 11 July. 13 June. 16 May. 16 May. 11 July. 13 June. 16 May. Muling and Co.. Limited .. Christchurcr, N.Z. Marechal Ruchon and Co., Limited London, Eng. ; Paris, • France Martin Hall and Co., Limited .. Sheffield, Eng. Martini and Rossi .. .. Turin, Italy Mason and Co., Limited, Q. .. London, Eng. McDowell and Co., T. .. .. Wellington, N.Z. Morris, T. .. .. .. Dunedin, N.Z. Mount Lyell Mining and Railway Com- Melbourne, Vic. pany, Limited, The Murray, Roberts, and Co. .. Dunedin, N.Z. 43 50 01 i< 10 6587 20 May .. 22 April .. 56 41 27 June. 2 May. 14 43 42 50 3 2 6341 6558 6752 6706 6758 6572 16 Nov., 1906 10 April .. 26 June .. 19 June 29 June 17 April .. 36 56 18 April. 27 June. 56 27 June. 46 6677 27 May 56 27 June. Nederlandsche Gist-en Spiritusfabriek Delft, Netherlands Nederlandsche Gist-en Spiritusfabriek Delft, Netherlands Neil, J. G. .. .. .. Dunedin, N.Z. Neill and Co., Limited .. .. Christchurch, N.Z. Neill and Co., Limited .. .. Christchurch, N.Z. Neill and Co., Limited .. .. Christchurch, N.Z. NeiU and Co., Limited .. .. Christchurch, N.Z. NYlsiMi. Moate, and Co., Limited .. Wellington, N.Z. Nelson, Moate, and Co., Limited .. Wellington, N.Z. Netherlands Distilleries. (See Nederlandsche Gist-en Spiritusfabriek.) New Home Sewing Machine Company, Orange, U. S.A. The Newton and Son, Limited, .1. .. Kaiwarra, N.Z. Newton and Son, Limited, J. .. Kaiwarra, N.Z. New Zealand Portland Cement Com- Auckland, N.Z. pany, Limited, The 43 43 42, 44 42 42 42 42 42 42 6580 6685 6600, 1 6568, 9 6581 6659 6720 6721 0722 17 April 30 May 29 April .. 13 April .. 18 April .. 20 May 24 June 24 June 24 June 44 41 41 IS 62 62 16 May. 2 May. 2 May. 30 May. 11 July. 11 July. 6 6610 2 May 44 16 May. 47 47 17 6646 6694 6675 14 May 8 June 22 May 4S Bβ Bβ 30 May. 27 June. 27 June. Orr and Co., J. B. (See The Silicate Paint Company (J. B. Orr and Co.), Limited 21 Feb., 1907 26 June .. 16 May 6 May 8 May 16 May. 11 July. 30 May. 27 June. 16 May. Paling and Co., Limited, W. H. .. Sydney, N.S.W. Paling and Co., Limited, W. H. .. Sydney, N.S.W. Paraffine Paint Company, The .. San Francisco, U.S.A. .. Parr and Sons, T. .. .. Waikuinete, N.Z. Patent File and Tool Company, Li- London, Eng. mited, The Peabody and Co., H. W. .. .. Sydney, N.S.W. Phillips and Sons, Q. .. .. London, Eng... Plunkett, R. .. .. .. Dublin, Ireland Plunkett Bros. (See EL I'liinkett.) IMviml timimel Company, Limited .. Sydney, N.S.W. Postum Cereal Company, Limited .. Michigan, U.S.A. Potter Drug and Chemical Corporation Boston, U.S.A. 9 9 17 42 12 24 45 42 6502 6750 6648, 9 6632 6634 6713 6563, 4 6672 22 June 10 April .. 22 May 11 112 ■IS Bβ 44 02 11 July. u 25 Juiy. 1 42 3 6099 6541 6753, 4, 5, 6 6584 6033 13 June 20 March .. 27 June 02 44 11 July. Itl May. Potter, W. H. .. .. .. Auckland, X.Z. Powell Bros, and Co. .. .. London, Eng. 38 42 19 April .. 8 May 44 44 16 May. Lβ May. Reade, C. C, and another.. .. Dannevirke, N.Z. 50 8349 22 Nov., 1906 88 4 April. Resch's, Limited .. .. Redfern, N.S.W. Reach's, Limited .. .. Redfern, N.S.W. Key, A. L. .. .. •. Barcelona, Spain 43 43 43 6698 6642 6614, 5, 7, 8 6622 (fell, 2, 3, 20, I 6616,9 6689 6828 ■_'."> April II May 2 May .. 41 2 May. 44 Ill May. Rey, A. L. .. ■ .. .. Barcelona, Spain Rey, A. L. .. .. .. Barcelona, Spain is 48 2 May 2 May .. 80 05 25 July. 25 July. Rey, A. L. .. .. .. Barcelona, Spain Roberts and Bettridge .. .. Christehurch, N.Z. Rubberised Leather and Tire Com- Melbourne, Vic. pany, Limited Russell, C. L. .. .. .. Melbourne, Vic 48 r>(i 37 5 June 8 Nov.. I'.Mill 14 51 11 Iβ May. 13 June. 8 May. 2 6688 I June Sargood, Son, and Ewen .. .. Wellington, N.Z. Sargood, Son, and Ewen .. .. Dunedin, N.Z. 24 12, 13. 14, 1(1. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 31-41, 45,8, 9, 50 6589 6728 4H 22 April 96 T 'Mie .. 41 (12 ■> May. 11 July.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.



Ar Application. pplica itiou. Oaielte. Name. Address. Class. — No. Date. No. Date. Savage, H., and another .. Schweppes, Limited Schweppes, Limited Sheldon, H. H. .. Sheldon and Co. (See H. H. Sheldon.) Silicate Paint Company (J. B. Orr and Co.), Limited, The Simmonds, A. G. Simmonds and Osborne Smeeton, Limited, H. .M. . . Smith and Smith Stearine. (See De Stearine.) Stetson Company, J. B. .. Stirling, \V. N. ' .. Sntton, H. Wellington, N.Z. Sydney, N.s.W. Sydney, N.S.W. Dunedin, N.Z. 47 44 44 r>( t 6690 <if)74.;, 6676, 7. 8 6678 7 June 17 April .. 17 Apiil .. 28 May 41 05 i' .May. 25 July. Charlton and London, Eng. London, Eng. Wellington South. \.Z. Auckland, N.Z. C'hristohurch, N.Z. 1 6488 23 Jan. 41 -' May. 50 43 42 50 6593 6509 6597 606S 24 April .. •27 Feb. .. 25 April - .. 10 April .. 41 :,l 2 May. 13 Julie. 41 2 May. Philadelphia, U.S.A. .. Invercargill, .N.Z. Melbourne, Vii. 4 38 42 9 6294 6598 c.704 24 Oct., 1900 26 \pril .. is June 4S 56 30 .May. 27 June. ■27 June. Todd and Co., W. Turnbull and Co., W. and G. Turnbull and Co., W. and G. Invercargill, N.Z. Wellington. N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 42 42 42 6696 6586 6707 10 June 20 April .. 19 June 41 r>2 27 June. Hi May. 11 July. United States Steel Products Export Company New York, U.S.A. r> 6676 27 May Vereinigte Gummiwaaren - Fabriken Harburg - Wien vormals J. N. Reithoffer Harburg - on - the - Elbe, (iermany 11, 40, 4(1. M 6167, K. 9,70 1 1 Sept., 1900 Sβ 27 .June. Wade, G., and another Ward Bros. (See G. Ward.) Ward, G. Warnock Bros. Wellcome, H. S. .. Auckland, N.Z. 16 6644 is Mii.v 3(1 .May. 48 Melbourne, Vic Auckland, N.Z. London, Eng., and Sydney, N.S.W Christehureh, N.Z. (> 47 .) 6724 6816 6324 26 June 3 Mar.. 1906 8 Nov., 1906 ti2 86 48 11 July. IS April. 30 May. Westport - Stockton Coal Company. Limited White, E. C, and another Whittem. W. P. .. Wickiiler Kiipper Brauerei ActienGesellschaft Wiggs, L. H. R. .. Wright, H. A., and another 4 6696 10 .lune .->(•, 27 June. Auckland. N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Elberfeld, Germany .. ID 42 43 664 I 6606 <;<>47 13 May 29 Apiil .. 15 May 48 41 48 30 May. Iβ May. 30 May. Christchurch, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 50 47 6687 t>690 Id May 7 Jane r>1 IH June.

Application. QatetU. Name. Address. Class. No. Date. No. Date. Alexander, J. .ndrews, Z. D. trapes, G. H. jevinge, H. M. .. lacDougall, W. H. Ionpareil Cycle and Motor Company 'ees, C. S. and E. S .. Vallaoe, J. P. Vhitcombe & Tombs (Limited) New York, U.S.A. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Okato, N.Z. .. Christohuroh, N.Z. (See C. 8. and E. S. Pees). Wellington, N.Z. Windsor, Vic. Christchureh, N.Z., &c.. 1 1 5 3 3 327 324 321 326 323 21 June 4 May 13 April 20 May 2 May 56 44 41 56 44 27 June. 16 May. 2 May. 27 June. 16 May. 1 3 5 322 319, 320 325 20 April 10 April 9 May 41 36 14 2 May. 18 April. 16 May.




* Denotes a provisional specification. ) Denotes a prior date under e< Trade Marks Act, 1889." sction 106 of " T ie Patents, Designs, and A Name, Address, and Invention No. . ppHcKtion. QazetU. Date. No. Dβ. te. 1 Abel, R. S., and another, Auckland, N.Z. System ol advertising .. Adair-Usher Process, Limited, Johannesburg, Transvaal. Treating slimes with solvent. (C. E. D. Usher) Adams, J. H., Auokland, N.Z. Checking and preventing skidding of looomotives, &o. Aivaz, J., St. Petersburg, Russia. Dividing-table for punohing-press. (T. Poljakoff Kowtunoff) Aktieselskabet Burmeister and Wains Maskin-og Skibsbyggeri, Copenhagen, Denmark. Avoiding formation of rust in tinned-iron tanks or vessels Albreoht, H. C, Berlin, Ger. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 23114.) Alcock, F. A., Melbourne, Vic. Cushion-rails for forming billiard-tables Alloatti, J., and another, Clermont-Ferrand, France. (See T. C. Reynolds, No. 23335.) Alston, C. H. T., London, Eng. Internal-oombustion engine Alward, R. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Trawling-net Ambury, L. J., Raupo, N.Z. Cow-cover Amerioan Cork and Seal Company, New York, U.S.A. Bottle-seal. (L. Bartlett) Amey, D., Maffra, Vic. Agricultural implements Amos, D., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Trolly-head Amos, D., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Hanger for overhead wires of electrio tramways Anderson, E. H., Hango, Finland. (See A. H. Borgstrom, No. 23111.) Anderson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Solid-cased ball-valve Anderson, J. K., Alexandra S., N.Z. Riveter Andrews, W., Wellington, N.Z. Stamping appliance Arenas, F., and another, Christchuroh, N.Z. Fire-alarm .. .. Asquith, E., Gore, N.Z. High-pressure water-tap Aston, W., Blenheim, N.Z. Spring oheok for foroe-feed drill Atkinson, J., Titirangi, N.Z. Spinal support Atkinson, J. C, Auckland, N.Z. Umbrella, hat, and book raek Auldjo, L. G, Ashfield, N.S.W. Packing-cases for fruit Ault, E., and another, London, Eng. Sewage system and apparatus Abel, R. S., and another, Auckland, N.Z. System ol advertising .. 23323 Adair-Usher Process, Limited, Johannesburg, Transvaal. Treating , 23224 ulimAa until H/iWfint tO, Tp. Ti 1 T«hHr^ 17 Aug. 26 July 79 5 Sept, slimes with solvent. (U J!!, i>. Usher) Adams, J. H., Auokland, N.Z. Checking and preventing skidding of 23118 8 July 72 8 Aug.* looomotives, &c. Aivaz, J., St. Petersburg, Russia. Dividing-table for punohing-press. 22364 /T 1 T>rtliob-rtfF "K"rmr+n«r»ff\ 24 Jan. 75 ; 22 Aug. (T. Poljakoff Kowtunoff) Aktieselskabet Burmeister and Wains Maskin-og Skibsbyggeri, Copen- 23102 hagen, Denmark. Avoiding formation of rust in tinned-iron f nnira fir Trikc^nlu 6 July 75 22 Aug. tanks or vessels Albrecht, H. C, Berlin, Ger. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 23114.) Alcock, F. A., Melbourne, Vic. Cushion-rails for forming billiard-tables 23413 Alloatti, J., and another, Clermont-Ferrand, Franoe. (See T. C. 4 Sept. ill 17 Oct.* Reynolds, No. 23335.) Alston, C. H. T., London, Eng. Internal-oombustion engine .. 23351 Alward, R. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Trawling-net .. 21842 Ambury, L. J., Raupo, N.Z. Cow-cover .. .. .. 23308 Amerioan Cork and Seal Company, New York, U.S.A. Bottle-seal. : 23507 22 Aug. 28 Sept., 1906 13 Aug. 23 Sept. 88 75 ' 83 3 Oct. 22 Aug. 19 Sept.* #> (L. Bartlett) Amey, D., Maffra, Vic. Agricultural implements .. .. .,. 23120 Amos, D., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Trolly-head .. .. 23132 Amos, D., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Hanger for overhead wires 23397 of electrio tramways 11 July 13 July 31 Aug. 72 72 83 8 Aug.* 8 Aug.* 19 Sept.* Anderson, E. H., Hango, Finland. (See A. H. Borgstrom, No. 23111.) Anderson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Solid-cased ball-valve .. .. 21658 Anderson, J. K., Alexandra S., N.Z. Riveter .. .. .. 23315 Andrews, W., Wellington, N.Z. Stamping appliance .. .,. 23123 Arenas, F., and another, Christchuroh, N.Z. Fire-alarm .. .. 21970 Asquith, E., Gore, N.Z. High-pressure water-tap .. .. 23214 Aston, W., Blenheim, N.Z. Spring oheok for foroe-feed drill .. 23450 Atkinson, J., Titirangi, N.Z. Spinal support .. .. .. 23046 Atkinson, J. C, Auckland, N.Z. Umbrella, hat, and book raek .. 23497 Auldjo, L. G, Ashfield, N.S.W. Packing-cases for fruit .. .. 23293 Ault, E., and another, London, Eng. Sewage system and apparatus 23294 17 Aug., 1906 19 Aug. 11 July 26 Oct., 1806.. 26 July 11 Sept. 21 June 18 Sept, 14 Aug. 14 Aug. 72 I 88 72 88 75 88 72 !)1 83 8 Aug. 3 Oct.* 8 Aug.* 3 Oct. 22 Aug.* 3 Oct.* 8 Aug. 17 Oct.* 19 Sept. • • Baohaus, A., Berlin, Ger. (See C. H. E. Hope-Johnstone, No. 23410.) Bailey, F., and another, London, Eng. Clutching device .. .. 22313 Baohaus, A., Berlin, Ger. (See C. H. E. Hope-Johnstone, No. 23410.) Bailey, F., and another, London, Eng. Clutching device 15 Jan. 62 88 83 83 11 July. (3 Oct.* 13 Oct. 19 Sept. 19 Sept. Baker, A., Inveroargill, N.Z. Clothes-hanger .. .. „ 22707 Baker, A., Inveroargill, N.Z. Clothes-hanger Baker, A. J., Adelaide, South Australia. Crutoh Baldwin, E. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Winch. (J. H., and J. M. Holman) Baldwin, E. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Compression of air on motor-cars, &c, and utilisation of same. (H. J. Bettany) Baldwin, E. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Rook-drill chuok. (J. H. and J. M. Holman) Barrett, G., Alfriston, N.Z. Rocking-horse trioycle Bartlett, A. C, Yerranderie, N.S.W. Preventing escapement of dust from mining-drills, &c. Bartlett, L., New York, U.S.A. (See American Cork and Seal Company, No. 23507.) Bate, A. T., Wellington, N.Z. Electric furnace. (W. Moseley) Bate, M., Auckland, N.Z. Friction-gear for winches, &o. Bates, A., and another, Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 23199.) Baugh. (See Dβ Baugh.) Bawden, J. M., Traralgon, Vic Split link Beamish, J. H., Auckland, N.Z. Method of glass-roofing .. Beamish, W-, Cromwell, N.Z. Collapsible box Beamish, \Y.. Wellington, N.Z. Cigarette-holder .. Beamish, W., Wellington, N.Z. Cigar-holder Beattie, S. T., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Marking race-competitors Beaumont, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Belt-dressing Bedell. H. ft, Weetpcrt, N.Z. Toe-ottgutnder Belcher, J. P., Wanganui, N.Z. Hurdle Beldam, G. W.. Ealing, Eng. Engine or machine peeking Belk. J. A., Wellington, N.Z. Window .. Belk. J. A* Wellington, N.Z. Fish-plate to railways Bell, S. K., Wangaratta, Vie. Bucket, &c, attachment Benjamin, M. S., Melbourne, Vie. Indexing telephone directories 18 April Baker, A. J., Adelaide, South Australia. Crutoh.. .. .. 23106 Baldwin, E. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Winch. (J. H., and 20914 10 July 29 March, 1906 J. M. Holman) Baldwin, E. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Compression of air on 23142 miilnr zioro Urn -t r\A n t iliuu + ii ill i if aomA Ml I Tlot t UT1\7^ 16 July 72 8 Aug.* motor-cars, &c, and utilisation ot same. (H. J. Uettany) Baldwin, E. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Rock-drill chuok. 23280 II II ..,,,1 T M II,, I, ,!■,,,! 9 Aug. 79 5 Sept.* (J. H. and J. M. Holman) Barrett, G., Alfriston, N.Z. Rocking-horse trioycle .. .. 23285 Bartlett, A. C, Yerranderie, N.S.W. Preventing escapement of dust 23349 from mining-drills, &c. Rofflo+t T. Maw Vrti-L- TT S A /Saa AmArinan P.rtrt iinH Rab.1 Pnm. 12 Aug. 22 Aug. 79 88 5 Sept.* 3 Oct. Bartlett, U, New York, U.S.A. (See American Uork and Seal Company, No. 23507.) Bate, A. T., Wellington, N.Z. Electrio furnace. (W. Moseley) .. 23163 Bate, M., Auckland, N.Z. Friction-gear for winches, &o. .. .. 23178 Bates, A., and another, Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery I',,,,,t,.n,ir Mr» 931QQ A 18 July 19 July I 72 75 8 Aug.* 22 Aug.* Company, No. 23199.) Baugh. (See De Baugh.) Bawden, J. M., Traralgon, Vic Split link .. .. .. 22956 Beamish, J. H., Auckland, N.Z. Method of glass-roofing .. .. 23482 Beamish, W.« Cromwell. N.Z. Collapsible box .. .. .. 21728 Beamish, W.. Wellington, N.Z. Cigarette-holder .. .. .. 23292 Beamish, W., Wellington, N.Z. Cigar-holder .. .. .. 23465 Beattie, S. T., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. .Marking race-competitors 22880 Beaumont, O., Dunedin, N.Z. Belt -dressing .. .. .. 23485 Bedell, H. ft, Westport, N.Z. Tnc-elip finder .. .. .. 23126 Belcher, J. P., Wanganui, N.Z. Hurdle .. .. .. .. 22971 Beldam, G. W.. Ealing, Eng. Engine or machine pinking .. .. 23231 Belk. .I. A., Wellington, N.Z. Window .. .. .. .. 21988 Belk, J. A., Wellington, N.Z. Fish-plate for railways .. .. 23270 Bell. S. K., Wangaratta, Vic. Bucket, &c., attachment .. .. 23302 Benjamin, M. S., Melbourne, Vic. Indexing telephone directories .. 23245 7 June 14 Sept. 80 Aug., 1906 10 Aug. 13 Sept. 20 May 16 Sept. 8 July N June 31 July 31 Oct., 1906 7 Aug. 15 Aug. 30 July 75 »] ~'2 83 !)1 65 72 72 79 79 83 83 7S i 22 Aug.* 17 Oct. 8 Aug. Ill Sept. 17 Oct.* 25 July. 8 Aug.* 8 Aug. 5 Sept. f> Sept. Ill Sept* I'.i Bept.* 5 Sept.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent -continued.

1>I>1 lotl iion. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. Bertouch. (See Von Bertouch.) Bertram, G., Ascot Vale, Vic. Calculation of weights, measurements, &c. Bettany, H. J., Wellington, N.Z. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward, No. 23142.) Beuhne, F. R., Toobarac, Vic. Rendering beeswax, 4c. Bilhain, E. D., Poverty Bay, N.Z. Fencing-standard Billens, A., Christchurch, N.Z. Marking device Bincroft, C. H., Auckland, N.Z. Cleaning chimneys and flues by suction i,C. H., Auckland, N.Z. Telephone system for railway-cars, 4c. Bird, \V. J., and another, Launceston, Tan. Apparatus for teaching the use of the rifle Blackham, W. H., Melbourne, Vic. Teat-cup Blackham, W. H., Melbourne, Vic. Equalising the vacuum in the pipeline* of milking-machines. (W. J. Teese.) Blaisdell, H. W., and another, Loa Angeles, U.S.A. (See G. G. Turri, No. 23340.) Blakeley, W. H., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Pump 23236 22545 23429 23136 23134 23170 23273 1 Aug. 14 March 4 Sept. Lβ July 11 July 18 July 8 Aug. 7.-. 88 79 75 75 83 7!i 5 Sept.*. ■_>2 Aug. 3 Oct.* 5 Sept. 22 Aug. 22 Aug.* 19 Sept.* 23310 23458 16 Aug. 12 Sept. 83 8K 19 Sept.* 3 Oct.* 21749 6 Sept., 1906 75 22 Aug. (25 July.* (25 July. 19 Sept. Bliss, F. W., Woodville, N.Z. Gate-hinge 21014 19 April, l'.Miii 65 Blockley, J. J., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Ventilator Blockley, J. J., Palmerston North, N.Z. Water-closet cistern valve and seat-action attachment Blythe, A. D., Auckland, N.Z. Window-saeh fastener Bock, P., Auckland, N.Z. Bakers' bread-record Bock, P., Auckland, N.Z. Supporting carton and other boxes on window display cards Bockhoff, W. F., Cleveland, U.S.A. (See National Cash Register Company, No. 23377.) Boehm, B., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Wire-netting machine Bond, A. P., Auckland, N.Z. Spark-arrester Bond, T. R., Wanganui, N.Z. Hoe Booth, G. T., Christchurch, N.Z. Flax-stripper Border, A. J., Wellington, N.Z. Flax-bleaching process Border, A. J., Wellington, N.Z. Drying flax Borgnet, P., Liege, Belgium. Electralytic apparatus Borgstrom, A. H., Hango, Finland. Pump for thick-liquid substances. (E. H. Anderson) Borst, F. A., and another, South Bend, U.S.A. (See M. Metzstein, No. 23200.) Bouzaid, N., Otahuhu, N.Z. Envelope Bouzaid, N., Otahuhu, N.Z. Post-card Bouzaid, N., Otahuhu, N.Z. Envelope Bowers, G., and another, Lower Hutt, N.Z. Ladder and scaffold bracket Rowers, J., and another, Lower Hutt, N.Z. Ladder and scaffold bracket Boyley, N., Carlton, Vic. Chaff-cutter feed Boys, F. T., Napier, N.Z. Iron fencing-standard .. Bradbury, R. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Hat Bradbury, R. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Waterproof garment Bradley, S. A., Merrigum, Vic. Fruit-case Bragge, T. C, Wellington, N.Z. Chalk-suspender for billiards Breck, T. M., Waikaia, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus BrewBter, P. W., London, Eng. Golf-club Brierly, W., Auckland, N.Z. Obtaining power from the tides Brigham, D., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Winning gold from river or sea bed Brisbane, D., Ardmore, N.Z. Economical form of power .. Brooae, T. N., Opotiki, N.Z. Dubbin Brockbank, J., Auckland, N.Z. Device for tuning pianos, 4c. Brooks, H. A., and another, Los Angeles, U.S.A. (See G. G. Turri, No. 23340.) Broughton, E., Auokland, N.Z. Trolly-pole Brown, F. C, Komata, N.Z. Ore-treatment Brown, F. J. T., Wanganui, N.Z. Damper of register-grate Brown, J. R., Los Angeles, U.S.A. Lining for grinding-mill Brown, P., Rakaia, N.Z. Turnip-outter .. . * Browne, E. H., Clevedon, N.Z. Wire-strainer Browne, P., Waikino, N.Z. Sights for guns Brownley, A. H., Onehunga, N.Z. Looket Buchanan, A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Bull-controller Bullock, W. J., Gore, N.Z. Casting horses and other animals Burns, J., Christohuroh, N.Z. Boring-tool for use with lathes, &c. Burrell, L., Little Falls, U.S.A. (See W. H. Lawrence and R. Kennedy, No. 23543.) Burrows, T., and another, Staines, Eng. (See The Imperial Fibres Syndioate, Limited, No. 21812.) Burt, A., jun., Auokland, N.Z. Trolly-head Burton, G. L., Napier, N.Z. Aoetylene-generator.. Bush, R. T., Thames, N.Z. Gold-saving ripple Butterworth, J. W., Richmond, Auokland, N.Z. Eleotric fire-alarm Byron, A. H., and others, Wellingtc n, X.Z. Flax-dressing.. Byron. A. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Signal-lamp 23256 23802 5 Aug. 30 Aug. 83 23168 23171 23225 19 July 17 July 27 July 72 '79 8 Aug.* 5 Sept.* 22040 23500 23495 21904 21730 21731 22984 •2:i 111 X Nov.. iflOe 21 Sept. 20 Sept. 11 Oct., 1906.. 3 Sept.. 1906 :i Sept., 19O<> 13 June 1(1 July 79 91 75 83 83 72 75 5 Sept. 17 Oct.* 22 Aug. 19 Sept. 19 Sept. 8 Aug. 22 Aug. 23070 23448 23449 23286 28286 23409 22909 21918 23188 22193 23165 23187 23388 23445 23098 1 July 6 Sept. 6 Sept. 12 Aug. 12 Aug. 4 Sept, 11 June 16 Oct., HHlli 25 July 13 Deo., HMiii 19 July 25 July 17 Sept., 1906 t 6 Sept. 8 July 72 H8 91 7-2 78 19 88 7.". 72 88 8 Aug.* 3 Oci,* 17 Oct.* 8 Aug. 5 Sept. 5 Sept. 3 Oct. 22 Aug.* 8 Aug.* 3 Oct. 72 8 Aug.* 23503 23427 23457 19 Sept. 5 Sept, 7 Sept. 91 17 Oct.* 23407 21727 23486 23487 21717 23244 23117 23461 23317 23229 23130 2 Sept. 30 Aug., 1906 16 Sept. 19 Sept. 29 Aug., 1906 30 July 11 July 12 Sept. 20 Aug. 30 July 12 July 88 72 3 Oct.* 8 Aug. 88 79 75 91 83 75 72 3 Oot. 5 Sept.* 22 Aug.* 17 Oot* 19 Sept.* 22 Aug.* 8 Aug.* 23259 23527 23131 23101 21766 22274 6 Aug. 27 Sept. 9 July 5 July 11 Sept., 1906 7 Jan. 79 72 72 72 75 5 Sept.* 8 Aug.* 8 Aug.* 8 Aug. 22 Aug.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent- continued.


PPl [oil ion. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Byron, A. H., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Expansion-joint for steel and iron struoturea Byron, A. H., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Flax dressing and drying machine Byron, A. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Wool-pressing apparatus Byron, D. J., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Flax-dressing Byron, D. J., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Expansion-joint for steel and iron structures Byron, D. J., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Flax dressing and drying machine 23100 234r, 23476 21766 23100 8 July 9 Sept. 16 Sept. 11 Sept., 1906 8 July 72 8 Aug. 23437 9 Sept. Callow, A. E., Ballarat, Vio. Staple Campbell, A., Sutton, N.Z. Fencing-standard Campbell, S., and another, Romsey, Vic. Broom, brush, &o., handle connection Carmine, J. P., Westport, N.Z. Composition for treating boots and leather Carr, A> I., Wharekopae, N.Z. Wire-strainer Carrington, G., Wanstead, N.Z. Machine for counting sheep, &c. Carroll, A. M., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Hanger for overhead wires of eleotrio tramways Carroll, H. J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Trolly-head Carver, W., Prospect, S.A. Broom Casgrain, L. A., Beverly, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 22060.) Challiner, C. S., and Eng. Tire Challiner, J. A., and another, Manchester, Eng. Tire Chamberlain, C. M., Pueblo, U.S.A. Ore-extraction apparatus Chamberlain, W. E., Feilding.JN.Z. Packing-case opener Chamberlain, W. E., Feilding, N.Z. Lock-nut Chamberlain, W. E., Feilding, N.Z. Washer Chapman, W. J., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Marking race-oom-petitors Chatneld, A. W., Auckland, N.Z. Replanting teeth, &o. .. Checkogram, Limited, London, Eng. Tioket-issuing apparatus. (J. J. Stookall, jun.) Chew, L., and another, Saxilby, Eng. (See H. J. West and Co., Limited, No. 23415.) Chipman, Limited, Sydney, N.S.W. Vehiole. (C. Wesp) .. Chisholm, H., and another, Fortrose, N.Z. Station-indioator Christian, H. H., and others, Woodend, Vio. Car-ooupling and safetydevioe Christie, E., Masterton, N.Z. Tent, marquee, &o. Christie, T. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Level inlet Christie, T. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Yard-gully and level inlet Christie, T. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Hot-water pressure supply-oylinder .. Church, M. B., Grand Rapids, U.S.A. Power-transmission meohanism Clapcott, F. B., Auckland, N.Z. Suspender for braoes Clark, E., and another, Windsor, Vio. Resilient boot-heel Clark, J. T., Montreal, Canada. Nut-lock Clark, R. M., Auckland, N.Z. Dish-washing machine Clark, R. O., Hobsonville, N.Z. Laying electric oables, wires, &c. Clark, R. O., Hobsonville, N.Z. Air or gas hydraulic cushions fittings, &c to metal and stoneware pipes Clark, W. S., Melbourne, Vic. Fire-kindler. (J. Cuthbert) Clayton, T. E., Ashburton, N.Z. Feeding or rearing lambs Clegg, A., Hornby, N.Z. Preventing a horse's front legs from knocking together Clegg, G. J., Oaonui, N.Z. Saddle-oover Clere, F. de J., Wellington, N.Z. Glazing-bar Clere, F. de J., Wellington, N.Z. Constructional work in briok and steel or iron Coates, O., ( hristchurch, N.Z. Tram or railway point shifter Coates, 0., Christchuroh, N.Z. Manipulating safety-guards on trains, &o. Colson, B. E., Auckland, N.Z. Hat-fastener Compton, J. W., Kuripuni, N.Z. Seed-sower Coomber, J., Newport, Vio. (See R. J. Coomber, No. 22976.) Coomber, R. J., Northcote, Vic. Flaying knife. (J. Coomber) Coombs, J. G., Sydney, N.S.W. Tympan for phonographic and telephonic apparatus Corbett, F. J., South Yarra, Vio. (See H. Corbett, Nob. 23515 and 23516.) Corbett, H., South Yarra, Vio. Manure. (F. J. Corbett) Corbett, H., South Yarra, Vio. Food for stuck. (F. J. Corbett) Cornwell, J., Auckland, N.Z. Reinforoing oonorete post Cotton, F., Hornsby, N.S.W. Heating, annealing, or tempering iron or steel castings, &c. Cottrell, F. G., Berkeley, U.S.A. Manufacture of sulphurio aoid Coulthard, T. W., Mangapai, N.Z., Fenoe-dropper Cowell, A., and another, Blackall. Q. Fencing-dropper Cox, F. J., London, Eng. Gas-produotion Craig, C, Doyleston, N.Z. Collapsible orate 23152 23223 23265 18 July 26 July 7 Aug. 72 83 75 8 Aug.* 19 Sept. 22 Aug.* 23279 9 Aug. 23464 23164 23397 14 Sept. 19 July 31 Aug. 72 83 8 Aug.* 19 Sept.* 23132 23047 13 July 26 June 72 83 8 Aug.* 19 Sept. 23320 23320 23521 23428 23456 23504 22880 17 Aug. 17 Aug. 23 Sept. 5 Sept. 11 Sept. 23 Sept. 20 May 88 91 :i Oct.* 17 Oct.* 65 26 July. 22068 22455 13 Nov., 1906 5 Maroh, 1906f 83 65 19 Sept. 25 July. 22809 21709 23373 11 May 25 Aug., 1906 28 Aug. 65 75 1)1 25 July. 22 Aug. 17 Oct. 23099 22072 22390 23435 23201 23057 23048 21518 23179 23291 23366 8 July 15 Nov., 1906 2 Feb. 5 Sept. 25 July 24 June 26 June 9 Oct., 1905 f 23 July 10 Aug. 24 Aug. 72 75 75 8 Aug.* 22 Aug. 22 Aug. 75 72 62 79 88 83 22 Aug.* 8 Aug.* 11 July. 5 Sept. 3 Oct. 19 Sept.* 23498 23299 23145 21 Sept. 15 Aug. 17 July !tl 17 Oct.* 72 8 Aug.* 22992 23069 23359 15 June 1 July 24 Aug. 72 8 Aug. 83 19 Sept.* 23469 23548 13 Sept 30 Sept. 1)1 17 Oct.* 22855 23077 20 May 3 July 79 72 5 Sept. 8 Aug.* 22976 23381 12 June 28 Aug. 72 91 8 Aug. 17 Oot. 23515 23516 23092 23274 24 Sept. 24 Sept. 1 July 8 Aug. 75 88 22 Aug.* 19 Sept. 23518 22306 22282 23026 23434 21 Sept. 12 Jan. 9 Jan. 22 June 6 Sept 62 ss 72 88 11 July. 3 Oot. 8 Aug. 3 Oot.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent-continued.

Pl'l icHl ion. Name, Addrese, and Invention. No. No. Date. No. Date. . ' i>. Oranwell, B. F., Henderson, N.Z. Seed-fertiliser broad-caster Crawford,lW. F., Gisborne, N.Z. Sheep-shearing machine Criohton, R. G., Foxton, N.Z. Scaffolding-support Crisp, A. V., and another, Vanoouver, B.C. Cement building-block Cropley, W. F., Sydney, N.S.W. Boot Crosbie, R. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Flax-beater roller-grinder Crowle, J. E., Ballarat, Vic. Lifting-jack Croy, R. W., Chertsey, N.Z. Lifting posts out of ground Cummins, G., and another, Marton, X.Z. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 21892.) Cummins, M. E., Wanganui, N.Z. Fruit-preserving pan Cunningham, T. H., Wellington, N.Z. Skylight-outlet fastening Curnow, W. F. J., Aramoho, N.Z. Horse-coupling Curtis, W. B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Stripping and washing flax Cuthbert, J., Melbourne, Vic. (See W. S. Clark, No. 23498.) 23398 23389 23218 22188 22352 21581 23422 23348 23401 23318 22139 23491 29 Aug. 27 Aug. 29 July 12 Dec, 1906.. 24 Jan. 3 Aug., 1906 8 Oot, 1906 f 22 Aug. 88 83 75 72 88 65 3 Oct.* 19 Sept.* 22 Aug.* 8 Aug. 3 Oot. 25 July. 88 3 Oct. 2 Sept. 20 Aug. 28 Nov., 1906 16 Sept. 88 88 88 91 3 Oct.* 3 Oot. :t Oct. 17 0 Dannert, F., Berlin, Ger. Water-gas generator. (J. A. Hutmacher) Dannhardt, F. H., Wellington, N.Z. Converting open fire-place into ooo king-range Darragh, S. F., Wellington, N.Z. Oath pad-attachment to bibles Davies, F., Wellington, N.Z. Knife-cleaner Davis, D. E., and others, Hastings, N.Z. Leather Dawson, J., Wellington, N.Z. Bridge Dawson, J. G., Christohuroh, N.Z. Machine for bending wires for eggoarriers Dear, A. V., and another, Malvern, Vio. Framework for supporting artifioial dentures Dear, D. P., and another, Wollongong, Vic. Framework for supporting artificial dentures De Baugh, H. W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Jointing brackets .. Dβ Farelle, L. F. J. N., Te Kopuru, N.Z. Screw-propeller Defries, W., and another, London, Eng. Manufacture of molten metals Delbridge, J., Windsor, Vic. Air-oomprewor, usable also as a pump. . Dennison, F. R., Oamarii. N.Z. Spare wheel for motor-cars, &e. Denton, W. H., and another. < luistchurch, N.Z. Preventing trottinghorsea breaking into a gallop Deeanges, A., and others, Clermont-Ferrand, France. (See T. C. Reynolds, No. 23335.) Diack, W., Centre Bush, N.Z. Earthenware-drain Dickason, J., Apollo Bay, Vic. (See F. G. Wilson, No. 2339H.) Diefendorf, O. G., Bingliampton, U.S.A. Hriok-machine .. Dixey, W., Burwood, N.Z. Range hot-water boiler Dixon, J. V., Auckland, N.Z. Gate-latch Doran, L. O., Auckland, N.Z. Water turbine Double, G. F., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Holding razor-blades during operation of setting or stropping Douglas, J. S., Dunedin. N.Z. Locking-devii ■<• fur windows, doors, to. Dow, J. C. D., Auckland, N.Z. Knife-cleaner Doyle, S., Melbourne, Vic. Potato-washer Drewet, J. C, Auckland. N.Z. Hydro-extractor Drewet, J. C, Auckland, N.Z. Method <>f bhaohJng lilires Drewet. .1. I'.. Auckland, N.Z. Celluloid egg-shield Drewet, J. C, Auckland. N.Z. Fibre-bleaching method Droutlege, H., Auckland. N.Z. Internal explosive engine Duckett, J. B., Sheffield, Eng. Atmospheric burner for gas-cooking stoves Dugins, W. F., Kew, Vic. Road-sweeper Duncan, P. and D., Limited. Chrutohuioh, N.Z. Turnip cutter and slicer. (J. Keir) Duncan, W. H., Glen Oroua, N.Z. Water-heater Dunne, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Mitring device Dyhrberg, L. N., Ashburton, N.Z. Earthenware-pi|>e machine 23192 23189 23208 23365 23481 21176 23357 23336 23336 23262 23524 23411 23425 23328 23494 23441 22921 23522 23068 23226 23477 23220 23250 23414 23406 23431 23444 23523 23282 23362 21873 23275 23284 23210 23044 28 July, 1906 f SB July *83 19 Sept.* 25 July 26 Aug. 17 Sept. 22 May, 1906 23 Aug. 75 88 I 22 Aug.* 25 .luiy. 17 Oot. Ill Ann. •88 3 Oct. 19 Aug. 88 3 Oct. 6 Lug. 27 Sept 4 Sept. 6 Sept. 21 Aug. 20 Sept. 83 91 91 91 83 lit Sept. 17 Oct.* 17 Oot 17 Dr.. 19 Sept.* II Sept. 88 3 Oct.* 30 May 26 Sept. 1 July 26 July 16 Sept. 88 3 Oct. 72 7:> 8 Aug.* 22 Aug.* 27 July 2 Aug. 1 Sept. 2 Sept. 4 Sept. 7 Sept. 21 Sept 7 Aug. 21 Aug. 75 17 Oct.* 22 Aug.* 88 3 Oct.* ill 79 91 17 Oct.* I 5 Sept.* 17 Oct. 4 Oct., 1(1(10. . 7 Aug. 79 79 ; 5 Sept. 5 Sept.* 12 Aug. 2:! July 25 June 83 75 72 l'.» Sept. 22 Aug.* 8 Aug. Eade, W. R., Orawia, N.Z. Disc-coulter Edwards, W., Motueka, N.Z. Acetylene-gas generator Elder. D., Christchurch, N.Z. Agricultural machine Elliott, E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Grappling and lifting kaurigum from swamps Engeler, F., and another, Ballarat, Vic. Ore-concentrating table or plate Entz, R., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Wire-netting machine Eppler, A., Allston, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, Nos. 23345 and 23346.) Evans, J. B., Corryong, Vic. Fumigating rabbit-burrows Everett, F. W., Quirindi, N.S.W. Ticket-holder 22016 23067 23093 23287 23372 22040 23151 23125 6 Nov., 1906 1 J uly 5 July 9 Aug. 88 72 83 3 Oct. 8 Aug.* 19 Sept.* 28 Aug. 91 17 Oct. 8 Nov., 1906 79 5 Sept. 18 July 11 July 72 72 8 Aug.* 8 Aug.* Farelle. (See De Farelle.) Feldmeier, H., Little Falls, U.S.A. (See W. H. Lawrence and R. Kennedy, No. 23542.) Findlay, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Bicycle-support Fippard, A. J., London, Eng Hydraulic clutch .. Fischer, A., Adelaide, South Australia. Sterilising surgical dressings, ivc. 23454 23009 23405 23454 23009 23405 10 Sept. 19 June 4 Sept. 88 72 91 ss 72 111 3 Oct.* 8 Aug. 17 Oct.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent-continued.


Application. Quzclte. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Fischer, F. A., Napier, N.Z. Testing heat in wool-bales, *c. . . 23248 Fisher, R., and others, Riddell's Creek, Vic. Car-coupling and safety 23373 device Fogde, M., and others, Brooklyn, U.S.A. (See International Cigar Machinery Company, No. 22629.) Foord, W., Macksville, N.S.W. Milk-cooler .. .. .. 22922 Ford, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Perambulator, &c. .. .. .. 23007 Ford, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Candlestick attachment.. .. .. 23183 Fortescue, A. J., Arncliffe, N.S.W. Connecting ends of metal tires .. 23203 Fortescue, F. L., Arncliffe, N.S.W. Ends-connector for metal tires .. 22878 Forward, G. E., and another, Launceston, Tas. Apparatus for teaching 23273 use of the rifie 2 Aug. 2S tog. 88 HI 3 Oct 17 Oct. 30 May 11) .lune 22 July 2. r > July ->3 May s \,.g. 78 72 79 Bβ 83 22 Aug. 8 Aug.* 5 Sept.* 25 Juiy. 19 Sept.* Fowler, T. C, Palmerston North, N.Z. Bicycle-frame .. .. 21028 Francis, A. S., London, Eng. Incandescent-gas burner .. .. 23150 Fninkland, F. H., Wellington, N.Z. Disinfecting water-closets .. 23129 Fraser, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Indicator for recording 23177 steering of vessels Fraser, J., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Recording deviation in the 23374 course of a vessel Fraser, S. E., and others, Waikino, N.Z. Recording deviation in the 23374 course of a vessel Frew, H., Cromwell, N.Z. Bird-trap .. .. .. .. 23066 Friend, E. H., Annandale, N.S.W. Pump .. .. .. 23085 Friend, J. E., Annandale, N.S.W. Rotary steam-engine .. .. 23173 Frost, E., Dunkeld, Vic. Riding-saddle .. ..' .. ■ ■ 23148 Fry, R. J., Carlton, Vic. Power-gear .. .. .. • • 22154 Fucha, F., Vienna, Austria. (See G. G. Turri, No. 22951.) Fuller, C. I., Rochester, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 22058.) Fuller, W., Kirikiri, N.Z. Pressed food for cattle made from flax 23056 refuse Fyfe, W. M., Dunedin. N.Z. Ambulance-stretcher .. .. 23138 24 April, leoe 18 July 12 July 20 July i 72 172 79 72 8 Aug.* 8 Aug. 5 Sept. 8 Aug.* 28 Aug. 83 19 Sept.* 28 Aug. 83 19 Sept.* 1 .luly 4 July 22 July 18 July 5 Dec., 1906.. 7fl 88 79 72 ss 5 Sept. , 25 July.* 5 Sept. 8 Aug.* 3 Oct. 24 June 72 8 Aug. 13 July 72 8 Aug.* Gabriel, F. W. E., Albion, Q. Turnstile.. .. .. .. 21158 Gair J Melbourne, Vic. Horse and cattle rug . . .. .. 23363 Gaisman, H. J., New York, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes. No. 23206.) Gandil, E. V., Copenhagen, Denmark. Milking-machine .. .. 23234 Gannaway, C. H., Wellington, N.Z. Bowlers' measure .. . . 23436 Gare, T., New Brighton, Eng. Indiarubber goods .. . . 22873 Gascard, J., and another, Ballan, Vic. Potato-grader .. .. 22349 Gelzenlichter, J., Lynn, U.S.A. (See Manufacturers' Machine Company, No. 23376.) George, A. A., Wellington, N.Z. Tie or neck-wear frame. (C. Wild) 23341 George, H. T., Onehunga, N.Z. Galvanised-iron weather-sheeting .. 23172 Clifford, F. W., and another, Kansas, U.S.A. Railway-car-illusion 22493 apparatus Gifford, W. C, and another, Kansas, U.S.A. Railway-car-illusion 22493 apparatus Gilfillan, C, and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Window - curtain 21616 hanger Gill, J., Edinburgh, Scotland. Rotary motive-power engine .. 23233 Giorgi, C, and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Candlestick .. 23162 Giorgi, C, Palmerston North, N.Z. Mail-bag and basket lock .. 23484 Glass, P. R., Boston, U.S.A. (See Manufacturers' Machine Company, No. 23158.) Gouldbourn, J., and others, Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 23199.) Graham, C. W., Ngapara, N.Z. Coiling and uncoiling wire .. 23228 Graham, E. P., Dunodin, N.Z. Flax-stripper .. .. .. 23353 Grant, M. A., Richmond, Vic. Auriferous - clay roaster and grinding 23146 elevator Grant, M. A., Richmond, Vic. Conversion of residues of burnt aun- 23147 ferous clay into bricks, pottery, &c. Grant, W., Invercargill, N.Z. Pin . ■. 23096 Grattan, W., Dookie, Vic. Furniture-drawers and fittings therefor .. 23078 Green, H. C, Napier, N.Z. Electric-indicator lock .. .. 22970 Green W J London, Eng. Branding-machine for boxes, casks, &.c. 23417 Gribbon, J. S., and another, W. Williamstown, Vic. Broom, brush, 23265 &c, handle connection Groombridge, R., Margate, Tas. Preparation for ourativo purposes .. 23090 Grosoop, J , and another, Auburn, U.S.A. (See M. Metzstein, No. 23200.) 17 May, 1906.. 7 Aug. 83 25 July. 19 Sept.*. 31 July 8 Sept. 20 May, 1906f 23 Jan. 83 88 79 7!" 19 Sept. 3 Oct.* 5 Sept 5 Sept 22 Aug. 17 July 25 Feb. 83 75 72 19 Sept.* 22 Aug.* 8 Aug. 25 Feb. 72 8 Aug. 10 Aug., 1906 75 22 Aug. 31 July 19 July 19 Sept. 79 5 Sept 23228 23353 23146 80 .luly 20 Aug. 18 July 75 83 79 75 83 79 22 Aug.* 19 Sept.* 5 Sept. 23147 18 July 8 Aug.* 22 Aug. 8 Aug.* 23096 23078 22970 23417 23265 3 July 3 July 1(1 .lune 4 Sept, 7 Aug. 72 78 72 78 72 78 72 75 22 Aug.* 23090 4 July Hall, B., Nevada City, U.S.A. Extracting gold and silver from ores 23204 Hamer, W., Devonport, N.Z. Portable boiler .. .. .. 22893 Hanaman, F., and others, Budapest, Hungary. Incandescing filaments 21807 Haroourt, T., Otatara, N.Z. Prospering dish .. .. .. 23097 Hare, A., Auokland, N.Z. Gas-valve operator .. .. .. 22991 Harker G., Petersham, N.S.W. Preventing fire and destroying vermin 22825 in ships Harkness, B. G. A., Stratford, N.Z. Potato-planter .. .. 23000 Harris, C. H., Wellington, N.Z. Fire-extinguisher ... .. i 23426 23204 22893 21807 23097 22991 22825 25 July 23 May .., 20 Sept., 1906 3 July 14 June 15 May 79 72 75 72 72 79 79 72 75 72 72 79 5 Sept. 8 Aug.* 22 Aug. 8 Aug. * 8 Aug. 5 Sept. 23000 23426 18 June 5 Sept. 72 91 72 91 8 Aug. 17 Oct.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Name, Addreee, and Invention. No. No. A] Application. No. Gazette. Date. Date. Harrison, I., Wellington, N.Z. Greasing tram-rail ourvee .. .. 23268 Harrop, E. G., London, Eng. Expanding flexible braoelet.. .. 23378 Harverson, W. W., Wellington, N.Z. Trolly-pole .. .. . . 23432 Hasell, A. S., and another. New Plymouth, N.Z. Driving or riding coat 23137 Hayes, E., Rough Ridge, N.Z. Post-lifter .. .. .. 23298 Hayes, E., Rough Ridge. Wire jenny .. .. .. .. 23288 Heenan, G. C, Auckland, N.Z. Invalids' bed .. .. 23181 Heither, A., and others, Footscray, Vic. Anaesthetic compound .. 23235 Heither, A. W., and others, Footscray, Vic. Ansesthetio compound .. 23235 Hennah, W. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Vessels' oourse reoorder 23511 Henry, C, Dunedin, N.Z. Safe-door .. .. .. . . 23255 Hesketh, H.H., Epsom, N.Z. Vulcaniser-gauge electrical-alarm .. 23095 Heskett, T. J., Brunswick, Vic. Extraction of zino from its sulphide 23489 Heycock, E. N., Dunedin, N.Z. Trolly-pole retriever .. .. 23281 Heycock, E. N., Dunedin, N.Z. Trolly-pole retriever .. .. 23316 Heys, J. J., Lynn, U.S.A. (See Manufacturers' Machine Company, No. 23160.) Heywood, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Spark-arrester .. | 23277 Hill, C. D., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Grappling and lifting kauri- 23287 gum from ewamps Hitchoox, B. B., East Oxford, N.Z. Transforming continuous electric 23343 currents to alternating ourrents Hoban, A. J., Scargill, N.Z. Girthgall preventative .. .. 23327 Hogg, D., Christohurch, N.Z. Disc cultivator .. .. .. 23213 Holman, J. H., and another, Camborne, Eng. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward, Nos. 20914 and 23280. Holman, J. M., and another, Camborne, Eng. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward, Nos. 20914 and 23280.) Holmes, G. G., Pigeon Bay, N.Z. Securing ends of fenoing-wire .. 22990 Holmes, G. G., jun., Pigeon Bay, N.Z. Tap for drawing off liquids from 23272 tins Hood, R., Auckland, N.Z. Securing box-lids .. .. .. 23174 Hooper, W. H., Swampscott, U.S.A. (See Manufacturers' Machine Company, No. 23157.) Hooper, W. H., Lynn, U.S.A. (See Manufacturers' Machine Company, No. 23304.) Hope-Johnstone, C. H. E., Aramoho, N.Z. Treatment of milk (Nutricia 23410 Centrale fur Backhausmiloh G.m.b.H—A. Baohaus) Hope-Johnstone, C. H. E., Aromoho, N.Z. Preparing milk for food 23412 (Nutricia Centrale fur Backhausmiloh G.m.b.H—G. Litsche) Homer, J. P., Auckland, N.Z. Shaft-tug .. .. .. 21608 Horton, J. A., Providence, U.S.A. Wire-drawing drum .. .. 22664 Howe, J., Auckland, N.Z. Roofing-nail .. .. .. .. 23324 Hoyland, W., Wellington, N.Z. Weather strips for the door of tram- 23387 cars, &o. Hubbard, A. R., London, Eng. (See The Malcolm Fraser Wheel Syndioate, Limited, No. 22261.) Huokson, H. J., and another, Pakenham, Vic. Self-heating soldering- 23499 bolt and blow-lamp Hudson, J. G., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Signalling apparatus .. 23402 Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Preventing combustion in wool-bales. 21892 (J. F. Sicely and G. Cummins) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Filling concealed receptacles with 21899 liquid. (F. fi. King) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Sheet-inverting apparatus for use 23113 with printing-machine. (Linotype and Machinery, Limited—T. M. Norton and T. R. G. Parker) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Producing incandescent mantles. 23114 (H. C. Albreoht) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Razor. (H. J. Gaisman) .. 23206 Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Gold-washer and amalgamator. (B. 23207 G. Jayne and C. M. Knight) Huizer, H. D. P., The Hague, Holland. Drinking vessel made of ice.. 23276 Hull, F. H., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Trolly-pole .. .. 23239 Humble, T., Geelong, Vic. (See J. B. MacEwan and Co., Limited, No. 22914.) Humphries' Patent Bracket and Scaffolding Company, Limited, Wei- 23115 lington, N.Z. Scaffolding. (P. Pickering) Hunter, W. E., Maungakaramea, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. .. 22993 Hunter-Weston, R. H., Middlemarch, N.Z. Rabbit-exterminator .. 23180 Hutchinson, G., Christchurch, N.Z. Seed-box .. .. .. 23211 Hutchinson, J. H., Auckland, N.Z. Means for transporting merchandise 23230 Hutmacher, J. A., Berlin, Ger. (See F. Dannert, No. 23192.) 2:«2<iS 23378 23432 23137 23298 23288 23181 23235 23235 23511 23255 23095 28489 23281 23316 23277 23287 23343 23327 23213 22990 23272 23174 7 Aug. 1 Nov., 1906f 7 Sept. 15 July 15 Aug. 13 Aug. 22 July 31 July 31 July , 24 Sept. 2 Aug. 3 July 17 Sept. 10 Aug. 1 19 Aug. 6 Aug. 9 Aug. 22 Aug. i 21 Aug. 26 July 14 June 8 Aug. 18 July ] 4 Sept. 91 s:s 91 88 72 79 s:s 79 7!i 711 111 88 60 91 79 79 79 88 79 7!l 78 7-> 79 75 19 Sept. 17 Oct. 3 Oct.* 8 Aug.* 5 Sept.* 19 Sept.* 5 Sept.* S Sept. 5 Sept. 17 Oct.* 19 Sept.* 25 July.* 17 Oct.* 5 Sept.* 5 Sept.* 5 Sept.* 19 Sept.* 5 Sept.* 5 Sept.* 22 Aug.* 8 Aug. 5 Sept.* 22 Aug.* 17 Oct. 4 Sept. 9 Aug., 1906 ; 14 April, 1906t j 21 Aug. 29 Aug. 66 79 88 83 25 July. 5 Sept. 19 Sept.* 19 Sept.* I 20 Nov., 1906t 2 Sept. 8 Oct., 1906 88 75 3 Oct.* 22 Aug. 11 Oct., 1906.. 79 5 Sept. 10 July 75 22 Aug. 10 July 25 July 25 July 6 Aug. 1 Aug. 83 83 19 Sept. 19 Sept.* 10 July 72 8 Aug.* 19 Aug. 23 July 26 July 30 July 79 72 75 79 5 Sept. 8 Aug.* 22 Aug.* 5 Sept.* Imperial Fibres Syndicate, Limited, The, London, Eng. Ramie 21812 scutcher, &c. (T. Burrows and W. H. Palmer) International Cigar Machinery Company, New York, U.S.A. Cigar- 22629 machinery. (O. Tyberg, W. S. Luckett, and M. Fogde) International Marine Signal Company, Limited, Ottawa, Canada. Fog- 23339 signal apparatus. (T. L. Willson) Isherwood, P. C. C, Wealdstone, Eng. Treatment of zinc-lead ores .. 23107 III Sept., 1906 83 19 Sept. 2 April 65 25 July : 22 Aim. !>] 17 Oct. 19 July, 1906t


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent-continued.

9—H. 10.-08.


■Pl'l Uoai lion. Name, Address, and Invention. Date. No. Date. No. Jack, A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Production of gas from hydro- 23462 carbon oils Jackman, D., Pleasant Point, N.Z. Window-fastener .. .. 23081 Jackson, A. G., Brisbane, Q. Electrical-releasing mechanism for clocks 23509 Jackson, F. H., and another, London, Eng. Clutohing-device . . 22313 Jackson, F. J., Otakeho, N.Z. Hydraulic ram .. .. .. 23141 James, L. G., Napier, N.Z. Deodorising apparatus .. .. 23319 Jamieson, W., Sydenham, N.Z. Water, &c, turbine .. .. 23247 Jayne, B. G., and another, New York, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 23207.) Jephson, C. P. H., Paterangi, N.Z. Milk-aerator .. .. .. 23355 Jerram, A. E., and others, Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 23199.) Johansen, H. V., Devonport, N.Z. Double-impulse internal explosive 23073 engine Johns, W. F., Ruatangata W., N.Z. Cutting tin, galvanised iron, &c. 23358 Johnson, A. L., St. l.ouis, U.S.A. Corrugated bars .. .. 23205 Johnson, H. H., and another, Forbes, N.S.W. Gas-lamp lighter .. 22731 Johnson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Extension-boot .. .. .. 23326 Johnson, T., and others, Brisbane, Q. Manufacturing or pressing 23375 cement and sand into blocks Johnson, T. W., and others, Brisbane, Q. Manufacturing or pressing 23375 cement and sand into blocks Johnston, W. A., Hobart, Tas. Sauoepan, &c, cleaner .. .. 23459 Johnstone. (See Hope-Johnstone.) Jolly, J., Auckland, N.Z. Clothes-peg .. .. .. .. 23251 Jolly, J., Auckland, N.Z. Stack-cover .. .. .. .. 23269 Jones, C. G., and others, Otaki, N.Z. Composition for sealing tires .. 23261 Jones, D. E. A., and others, Otaki, N.Z. Composition for sealing tires 23261 Jones, G. B., and another Auckland, N.Z. Roller-tug for harness .. 21745 Jones, H., Diamond Creek, Vic Harvesting, thrashing, and pressing 23094 machine Josling, H. W. E., London, Eng. Bottle-refilling preventing .. 22428 Jumeaux, C, and another, Auckland, N.Z. Indicator for recording 23177 steering of vessels Jumeaux, C, and others, Auckland, N.Z. Recording deviation in the 23374 course of a vessel Juries, M., Wellington, N.Z. Securing outer wearing-face to boot-sole 21648 Just, Dr. A., and others, Budapest, Hungary. Incandescing filaments 21807 Jute and Hanf Industrie Actien-Gesellsohaft, Budapest, Hungary. (See G. G. Turri, No. 22951.) 13 Sept. 91 17 Oot. , 3 July 24 Sept. 15 Jan. 16 July 20 Aug. 1 Aug. 72 8 Aug.* 62 79 83 75 11 July. 5 Sept. 19 Sept.* 22 Aug.* 23 Aug. 28 June 72 8 Aug. 22 Aug. 25 July 9 Jan.f 19 Aug. 28 Aug. 83 79 88 83 ill 19 Sept.* 5 Sept. 3 Oct. 19 Sept.* 17 Oct. 28 Aug. 111 17 Oot. 12 Sept. 91 17 Oot.* 2 Aug. 7 Aug. 6 Aug. 6 Aug. 1 Sept., 1906 3 July 65 65 25 July. 25 July.* 14 Feb., 1906f 20 July 62 72 11 July. 8 Aug.* 28 Aug. 83 19 Sept.* 16 Aug., 1906 20 Sept., 1906 79 75 5 Sept. 22 Aug. Kale, A., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Window-curtain hanger 21616 Kannel. (See Van Kannel.) Katene, W., Manaia, N.Z. Sheet-iron for building.. .. .. 22544 Keats, T., Sheffield, N.Z. Wire-reel .. .. .. .. 21759 Keats, T., Sheffield, N.Z. Plough .. .. .. .. 21777 Kee, E. J., Otama, N.Z. Cultivating-implement .. .. .. 23197 Keir, J., Sydenham, N.Z. (See P. and D. Duncan, Limited, No. 23275.) Kelly, J. D., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Delivering liquors from 23119 bottles Kemp, R. M., Durham Ox, Vic Plough-attachment .. .. 23517 Kennedy, R., and another, Glasgow, Scot. Milking-machine .. 22985 Kennedy, R., and another, Glasgow, Scot. Milking-machine. (H. 23542 Feldmeier) Kennedy, R., and another, Glasgow, Scot. Milking - machine. 23543 (L.Burrell) Keppel, P. M., Otakia, N.Z. Flax-scutcher .. .. .. 23296 Kershaw, J., Nelson, N.Z. Machine for pressing hops in packets .. 23084 Kettle, H. G., Dunedin, N.Z. Teat-cup .. .. .. .. 21975 Kidder, W. P., Boston, U.S.A. Typewriter .. .. .. 23383 Kidder, W. P., and another, Boston, U.S.A. Typewriter .. .. 23384 Kidder, W. P., and another, Boston, U.S.A. Typewriter .. .. 23385 Kidder, W. P., and another, Boston, U.S.A. Typewriter .. .. 23386 King, F. G., Redfern, N.S.W. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 21899.) Knight, C. M., and another, New York, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 23207.) Knight, F. W., and another, Waipori, N.Z. Hydraulio-nozzle operator 23267 Knight, S. H., and another, Hastings, N.Z. Leather .. .. 23400 Knight, S. H., nnd another, Hastings, N.Z. Leather .. .. 23481 Konomax Rock-drill Syndicate, Limited, The, Johannesburg, Trans- 23466 vaal. Reek-drill, and water-spray therefor. (W. Mauss) Konomax Rock-drill Syndicate, Limited, The, Johannesburg, Trans- 23467 il. Fluid-actuated rock-drill, &c. (W. Mauss) Konomax Rock-drill Syndicate, Limited, The, Johannesburg, Trans- 23468 vaal. Cutting-machine. (W. Mauss) Korth, A. H., Napier, N.Z. Manufacture of paving material .. 23408 Krimer, M. L., Stoke.'Newington, Eng. Depilatory preparation .. 22767 10 Aug., 1906 75 22 Aug. 14 March 10 Sept., 1906 12 Sept., 1906 25 July 62 75 72 79 11 July.* 22 Aug. 8 Aug. 5 Sept. 11 July 72 8 Aug.* 21 Sept. 10 June 30 Sept. 72 8 Aug. 30 Sept. 13 Aug. 4 July 13 Nov., 1906 28 Aug. 28 Aug. 28 Aug. 28 Aug. 83 72 83 91 1)1 0] 19 Sept.* 8 Aug.* 19 Sept. 17 Oct. 17 Oct. 17 Oct. 7 Aug. 2 Sept. 17 Sept. 13 Sept. 79 5 Sept.* 13 Sept. 13 Sept. 3 Sept. 5 Sept., 1906f 72 8 Au2. Lampen, F. H., Wellington, N.Z. Range-finder .. .. .. 22595 Lamson, Store Service Company, Limited, Cheapside, Eng., and Sydney, 22165 N.S.W. Cash, Ao., conveyor. (E. C. Phillips) 25 March 6 Dec, 1906 65 75 25 July.* 22 Aug.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent—continued.

'I'l'l LCH , ion. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Landells, W. G., and another, Ooburg, Vio. Self-heating, soldering-bolt and blow-lamp Langer, E., Sydney, N.S.W. (See C. M. Stewart, Nos. 22048 and 23356.) Langton, E. G., Masterton, N.Z. Shirt-ouff fastener and proteotor .. Lawrence, W. H., and another, Glasgow, Scot. Milking-machine Lawrence, W. H., and another, Glasgow, Soot. Milking-machine. (H. Feldmeier) Lawrenco, W. H., and another, Glasgow, Soot. Milking-maohine. (L. Burrell) Lawrence, Z. S., Shefford, Canada. Milk or oream storage and ooolingvats Lawton, A., Vogeltown, N.Z. Soaffolding-bracket Lawton, A., Wellington, N.Z. Corrugated iron or metal mat and frame Layfield, J., and another, Fairview, B.C. Cement building-blook Leavitt, J. E., Jamaica Plain, U.S.A. (See Manufacturers' Maohine Company, No. 23159.) Ledgerwood, H., and another, Christohuroh, N.Z. Renewable heel for boot or shoe Lee, H., Kensington, N.S.W. Rotary-engine Lester, G. H., Remuera, N.Z. Curtain-pole lifter Lovinson, W., Christchuroh, N.Z. Water-cooled ohamber Lewis, H., Fitzroy, Vic. Regenerating waste or sorap leather Lewii, I.. HokitiLi, X.Z. Qold-conoentrator Liernur, J. T., and another, London, Engi Sewerage Licrnur, W. P., and another, London, Eng. Sewerage Lightband, C. D., and another, Wellington, X.Z. Leather Lightband, C. D., and others, Wellington, X.Z. Leather Lindsay, C, Waianiwa, N.Z. Swivel adjustable drawbar for tractionengine Lindsay, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Trolly-pule Lindsay, J., and another, Dunedin. X.Z. Seonring trolly-pole to car.. Lindsay, R., and another, Dunedin. X.Z. Trolly-pole Lindsay, R., and another, Dunedin, X.Z. Securing trolly-pole to car Lindstrom, K. I., Nykvarn, Sweden. Milking apparatus . . [jink, J. S., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Time-recording register . . Linotype and Machinery. Limited, London, Bag. (See \V. E. Hughes, No. 23113.) Lissington, J. A., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Ventilator .. Litsche, G., Berlin, Ger. (See C. H. E. Hope-Johnstone, No. 23412.) Little, J., Camberwell. Vic. Air- and water-cooling apparatus Lizzani, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Convertible billiard and dining table Lizzani, W., Dunedin. N.Z. (See G. Lizzani, No. 23394.) .. Lock, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Brush-making Locking, B., Napier, N.Z. Gas-generator Long, J. Christchurch, N.Z. Delivering tickets, cards, &c, from containers Loomes, C, Wellington, N.Z. Baled-goods temperature indicator .. Loonies, C, Wellington, N.Z. Coin-freed apparatus Lovatt, H. P., Todmorden, Eng. Composition to prevent flies striking turnips Luckett, W. S., and others, East Orange, U.S.A. (See International Cigar Machinery Company, No. 22629.) Ludvigeen, E., Copenhagen, Denmark, Cash-register 23499 20 Nov., 1906f 23528 22985 23542 27 Sept. 10 June 30 Sept. '72 8 Aug. ■4 23543 30 Sept. 23185 22 July 79 5 Sept. 23071 23354 22188 5 July 23 Aug. 12 Deo., 1906 72 88 72 8 Aug. 3 Oct. 8 Aug. 23196 25 July 23194 23163 21748 23338 23478 •23023 •23023 23400 23481 22136 25 July 16 July 6 Sept., 1906 22 Aug. 11 Sept. 22 June 22 June 2 Sept. 17 Sept. 26 Nov., 1906 72 65 91 '72 72 8 Aug. 25 July. 17 Oct. 8 Aug. 8 Aug. 88 3 Oct. 23443 23471 23443 23471 23258 23024 6 Sept. 11 Sept. 6 Sept. 11 Sept. 2 Aug. 22 June 83 72 19 Sept. 8 Aug. •23256 5 Aug. 83 I!) Sept. 23361 23394 21 Aug. 26 Aug. 91 88 17 Oct. 3 Oct.* 22071 23004 23072 16 Nov., 1906 18 June 1 July 88 72 79 3 Oct. 8 Aug. 5 Sept. 22122 23510 22975 28 Nov., 1906 24 Sept. 12 June 88 91 72 3 Oct. 17 Oct.* 8 Aug. 23155 19 July 79 5 Sept. Macdonald, C. E. S., and another, Dunedin, X.Z. Spark-aireeter Macdonald, K. R., Wanganui, N.Z. Combination cash receipt-book.. MacEwan, G. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Agitating apparatus for milk, &c. MaeEwen and Co., Limited, J. B., Wellington, N.Z. Cream vat, &c. (T. Humble) Macindoe, A. E., Onehunga, N.Z. Feed-regulator for boilers, <fcc. Macintosh, T. W., Penshurst, N.S.W. Sheet-metal lathing .Macmichael, J. C, Launceston, Tas. Ruler for spacing and ruling money-columns .Wither, P., Wendonside, N.Z. Vehicle draw-gear Mainland, H. L., Burkes, X.Z. Animal-trap Malcolm Kiv.scr Wheel Syndicate, Limited, The, London, Eng. Spring tire. (A. K. Bobbed) Maiden, A., and another, St. Margarets, Eng. Consolidating finely divided ore Maiden, W. J., and another, Surbiton, Eng. Consolidating finely divided ore Maloney, J. P., and another, Fortrose, N.Z. Station-indicator Manufacturers' Machine Company, Montclair, U.S.A. Channcllingmai hine. (C. P. Stanhon). Manufacturers' Machine Company, Montclair, U.S.A. Stitch-itnpres-sion flniihing-machine. (J. J. Heys) Manufacturers' Midline Company, Montclair, U.S.A. Welt-cutting machine (C. P. Stanbon) Manufaotunr*' Mwhinn Company, Montclair, U.S.A. Channel-flap iayer. (W. H. Hooper) J 23277 23483 23122 22914 6 Aug. 14 Sept. 8 July 29 May 79 72 72 :, Sept.* 8 Aug.* 8 Aug.* 23420 22452 23271 3 Sept. 21 Feb. 7 Aug. 88 62 88 3 Oct.* 11 July. '3 Oct. 21755 21781 22261 6 Sept.,1906.. 11 Sept., 1(100.. 23 Jan., 1906f 65 75 72 •25 July. 22 Aug. 8 Aug.* 22974 12 June 72 8 Aug. 22974 12 June Ti 8 Aug. 21709 23124 25 Aug., 190« 11 July 75 22 Aug 23160 18 July 2315G 18 July 23157 18 July 72 s Aug.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Application. >I>1>1 lical I oil ■ Ite. No. NmuA. AririrARR. and Invention. - Name, Address, and Invention. n&iue, Address, and invention. - No. I No. Date. Date. No. n»te Manufacturers' Machine Company, Montclair, U.S.A. Forming and 23158 18 July driving metallic fasteners. (P. R. Glass) Manufacturers' Machine Company, Montclair, U.S.A Buffing-machine "23150 18 July for boots and shoes. (J. E. Leavitt) Manufacturers'Machine Company, Montclair, U.S.A. Facilitating the 23304 l"> Aug. assemblage-of shoe uppers and soles. (W. H. Hooper) Manufacturers' Machine Company, Montclair, U.S.A. Buffing ma- 23370 28 Aug. chine used in the manufacture of boots and shoeR. (J. Gelzenlichter) Manufacturers'Machine Company, Montclair, U.S.A. Buffing-machine '234-24 5 Sept. pad-covers for boot and shoe manufacture. (G. F. Stewart) Minivers. A., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Creating and maintaining a - 2'27HI 4 May vacuum Marconi, G., London, Eng. (See Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company, [united, No. 23395.) Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company, Limited, London, Eng. Re- 23398 2<> Aug. ceiver for wireless telegraphy. (G. Marconi) Marsh, J., Melbourne, Vic. Acetylene-generator .. .. .. 23305 10 Aim. Marshall, R. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Portable fence .. .. 23306 > 15 Aug. Mason, C. H., Timaru, N.Z. Ventilating cowl .. .. .. 28844 22 Aug. Massey, C. R., Auokland, N.Z. Frame for reinforced-concrete pile 21542 81 July, 1906., structure Masson, J. R., Wandong, Vic. Recovery of antimony from ores .. 23403 31 Aug. Matheson, D., Berwick, N.Z. Agricultural implement .. .. 23133 12 July Mauss, W., Brakpan, Transvaal. (See the Konomax Rock Drill Syndicate, Limited, Nos. 23466, 23467, and 23468.) Mayo, B. F., and another, Salem, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, Limited, No. 23301.) McBride, T. J.. Christchurch, N.Z. Resilient wheel .. .. 23512 24 Sept. MoCorkindale, A., Lawrence, N.Z. Distance-measurer .. 23175 19 July McCorrigan, E., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Puzzle-box for matches, &c. 23490 17 Sej)t. McCully, H. S., Christchurch, N.Z., Bird-trap .. .. .. 23241 1 Aug. McDonald, T. W., Port Fairy, Vic. Solder-fusing machine .. .. 22295 10 Jan. McGaffin, R., Hastings, N.Z. Flax catcher, shaker, and washer .. 23139 16 July McGaffin, R., Hastings, N.Z. Conveying green flax to stripper .. 23140 16 July McGinness, M., Framlingham, Vic. Milking-machine .. .. 23342 22 Aug. Mclndoe, W. P., Invercargill, N.Z. Trueing-up surfaces of flax-stripper 23463 14 Sept. beaters Mclvor, R. W. E., London, Eng. Ore-treatment.. .. .. 21811 19 Sept., 1906 McKeegan, W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Signalling-apparatus 23402 2 Sept. McKeegan, W., Wellington, N.Z. Tension apparatus for wire-hauling 23488 19 Sept. ropes McLaurin, J. D., Pohangina, N.Z. Toaster and griller .. .. 21670 21 Aug., 1906 McLaurin, J. D., Pohangina, N.Z. Lamp-glass cleaner .. .. 21696 28 Aug., 1906 McLaurin. J. D., Pohangina, N.Z. Brand for meat, &c. .. .. 23369 ; 27 Aug. McLean, I >. W, Methven, X.Z. Tire-protector .. .. .. 23430 6 Sept. McLeod, M. E., Melbourne, Vic. Garment-cutting chart .. .. 23195 25 July McNab, N. S., and another, Caulfield, Vic. Time-recording register .. 23024 22 June Me Will, A. C, Westmere, N.Z. Fence-dropper .. .. .. 23198 25 July Meakiii. F. W. North Carlton, Vic. Fresh-fruit storage .. .. 21739 5 Sept.. 1906 Mears, H. W., Balfour, N.Z. Chaff-cutter feed-gear .. .. 23531 30 Sept. Meharry, W., Hokitika, N.Z. Travelling emery for dressing flax- 23243 1 Aug. stripper drums Merrett, J. A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Flax-treatment .. .. 21455 17 July, 1906 Merrett, J. A., PalmerstonNorth, N.Z. Flax-fibre handling .. 21456 17 July, 1906 Merrett, J. A., Levin, N.Z. Flax-dressing apparatus .. .. 23103 9 July Metcalfe, H., Auckland, N.Z. Spirit-level .. .. .. 23263 6 Aug. Milburn, T., Invercargill, N.Z. Minnow .. .. .. .. ' 21736 ! 5 Sept., 1906 Millar, R. H., Wellington, N.Z. Trolly-pole .. .. .. 23419 i 4 Sept. Millar, S., Eweburn, N.Z. Harvester .. .. .. .. 21329 lfl June, 1906 Miller, W., Christchurch, N.Z. Checking wall-plates and similar timber 23438 9 Sept. Millis, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Preparing fibre from Phormium tenax .. 23520 25 Sβ]4. Mitchell, H. C, London, Eng. Printing process and treatment of surface 23079 4 July, 1906 f of paper Moffett, C. C, Invercargill, N.Z. Artificial minnow and tackle case .. 23559 30 Sept. Moin, E., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Gas-lam]) lighter .. .. 22731 9 Jan.f Monoman Typesetter Company, The, New York, U.S.A. Type-casting 23350 22 Aug. and composing machine. (W. E. Brand) Moore, J. R.. Dunedin, N.Z. Washboard .. .. .. 23313 16 Aug. Moore, J. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Collapsible table, &c. .. .. 23314 16 Aug. Moore, R. F., Auckland, N.Z. Ferro-concrete bollard .. .. 23544 30 Sept. Moore, W. H., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Trolly-pole .. .. 23239 1 Aug. Morgan, J. O., Pyrmont, N.S.W. (See Saxton and Binns, Limited, No. 23080.) Morris, G. C. W., Auckland, N.Z. Stove-flue .. .. .. 22961 6 June Morris, L., Dunedin, N.Z. Measuring wearers for garments .. 22858 18 May Morrison, D., and another, GisbQrne, N.Z. Stripping and washing flax 23491 ! 16 Sept. Moscicki, L, Gamback, Switzerland. Electric apparatus for production 23242 1 Aug. of nitro-oxides Most-ley, W., London, Eng. (See A. T. Bate, No. 23153.) Mounsey, W. H., North Norwood, S.A. Matrix-cleaner for linotype 92786 8 May 72 8 Aug.* -:> 8 Aug.* 83 1(1 Sept.* 88 3 ()et.» o.~> 25 .Inly. '.il 17 Oct. 88 3 Oct. 88 19 Sept ii."> 25 July. !>] 17 Oct. 72 8 Aug.* 75 22 Aug.* 91 17 Oct.* 79 5 Sept.* 75 22 Aug. 72 8 Aug.* 72 8 Aug.* 79 5 Sept.* 79 5 Sept. 88 3 Oct.* !tl 17 Oct.* 65 25 July. 65 25 July. 88 3 Oct.* 88 3 Oct.* 83 19 Sept, 72 8 Aug. 83 19 Sept.* 62 11 July. 79 5 Sept.* 65 25 July. 65 ! 25 July. 65 25 July. 75 i 22 Aug.* 79 5 Sept. 88 I 3 Oct.* 88 3 Oct. 88 3 Oct.* 88 3 Oct. 91 17 Oct. 88 3 Oct. 88 3 Oct.* 83 19 Sept.* 72 8 Aug.* 75 22 Aug.* 91 17 Oct.* 65 25 July. machine '



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

ipp] Leal ;ion. Name, Addrese, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Mounsey, W. H. t North Norwood, S.A. Knife - blook for linotype 22787 machine Mudgway, A. V., Kaikora North, N.Z. Embrocation .. .. 23143 Muggeridge, C. E., and others, Chapel-en-le-Frith, Eng. Door structure 22300 Mulcahy, D., Fremantle, W.A. Sash-fastener. (L. Pearce) .. 22937 Mulligan, J., Auckland, N.Z. Hose-connection .. .. .. 23333 Munro, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. System of advertising .. 23323 Murray, L. H., Auckland, N.Z. Acetylene-gas holder and burner .. 23371 Murray, T. B., Wanganui, N.Z. Fastening for scaffolding .. 23264 Myers, A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Composition for preventing 23364 leakage of air through punctures in tires Myers, A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Puncture-composition for 23525 tires Myers, R. P., Walthamstow, Eng. Arc lamp .. .. .. 23418 22787 8 May 65 25 July. 23143 22300 22937 23333 23323 23371 23264 23364 17 July 8 Jan. 4 June lit Aug. 17 Aug. 23 Aug. 5 Aug. 26 Aug. 72 s:i 8 Aug. 19 Sept. 's:t 7'.i 19 Sept. 6 Sept.* 23525 13 Sept. ss 3 Oct. 23418 4 Sept, 91 17 Oct. National Cash Register Company, Dayton, U.S.A. Manifolding auto- 23377 matic sales books. (W. F. Bockhoff) Neren, J., and others, Orebro, Sweden. Sash-balance .. .. 22875 Newman, E. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Tire-cover .. .. .. 23399 Newson.C.S., Wellington, N.Z. Vacuum cleaner .. .. 23166 Nicholson, H. A., Otautau, N.Z. Treating rlax before stripping .. 23312 Nicholson, J. S., Huntly, N.Z. Fittings for friction-dutches .. 23127 Nielsen, C. A., and another, Port Ahuriri, N.Z. Trawling-net .. 21842 Nielsen, S. J., Copenhagen, Denmark. Keyless lock .. .. 23164 Noonan, G. E., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Attaching weights to 22836 trotting-horses' hoofs Norrie, W. M., Auckland, N.Z. Gas-generator .. .. .. 21884 Norris, D. H., New York, U.S.A. Concentration of metallic ores .. 23202 North, H., Wellington, N.Z. Upholstering-springs .. .. 21881 Norton, T. M., and another, London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 23113.) Nutricia Centralc fur Backhausmilch G.m.b.H., Berlin, Ger. (See C. H. E. Hope-Johnstone, Nos. 23410 and 23412.) 23377 28 Aug. 01 17 Oct. 22875 23399 23166 23312 ■23127 21842 23164 22836 22 May 30 Aug. l<1 July Iβ big. 10 July 28 Sept., L90fl IS July 10 May 66 88 7.-. 1-2 7--> •25 July. 3 Oct.* 22 Aug.* 8 Aug.* 22 Auk. C,.-, 'if) July. 21884 23202 21881 (i Oct.. 1906. . 25 July 5 Oct.. I not... SS 79 88 3 Oct. r> Sept. l<) Sept O'Brien, W., jun., and another, Waipori, N.Z. Hydraulic-nozzle ope- 23267 rator O'Connor, W. J., Nightcaps, N.Z. Hammer and spanner . . . . 23421 Ohlson, J. L., Adelaide, S.A. Sewing-machine .. .. .. 23416 Olsen, N., West Plains, N.Z. Draught-regulator for fireplace .. 23368 7 Aug. 5 Sc,,t.* 23267 7!) 23421 23416 23368 27 Aug. 4 Sept. 24 Aug. ss 3 Oct.* Orr, A., Balfour, N.Z. Turnip-thinning attachment .. .. 21558 21558 27 July. 1906.. 83 |65 , 66 75 1!) Sept.* ■2.~, July.* 26 July. 22 Aug.* Orr, J., Waitohi Flat, N.Z. Elevator for firewood-cutting saws .. 23186 Owen, F. M., Motueka, N.Z. Travelling T-square .. . . 23266 Owen, 11., Kilbirnio, N.Z. Trolly-pole retriever .. .. .. I 22977 Owen, H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Destination-signs for tram- , 23135 cars, &c. 23186 23266 22977 23135 26 July 7 Aug. 12 June 15 July 79 72 5 Kc,',;.* S Aug.* Palmer, W. H., and another, Romford, Eng. (See The Imperial Fibres Syndicate, Limited, No. 21812.) Park, A. J., Onehungft, N.Z. Tow-sliver pioducing machine . . 23128 Park, R. P., Melbourne, Vic lid for tins, oans, &c. .. .. 23086 Parker, T. R. G., and another, Altrincham, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 23113.) Parsons, C. A., Newoastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Blading for turbines, com- 23190 pressors, &o. Partridge, G. E., Cromwell, N.Z. Tying flax-bundles .. .. 23534 Pascoe, W. S., and another, Christchuroh, N.Z. Calendar and account- 23216 sheet Paterson, R. H., Edinburgh, Soot. Steam-trap .. .. 23379 Patterson, W. H., and another, Otahuhu, N.Z. Roller-tug for harness 21745 Payne, E. M., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Puzzle-box for matches, &c. 23490 Pearoe, L., Fremantle, W.A. (See D. Mulcahy, No. 22937.) Pearse, R. W., Upper Waitohi, N.Z. Aerial machine .. .. 21476 Pearson, H. P., Manchester, Eng. Hat .. .. .. . . 22568 Penwarden, A. 0., Okato, X.Z. Cow-bail .. .. .. 23447 Peters, F., and another, Melbourne, Vic Cooling or heating milk .. 23227 Pfeiff, A. T., Stockholm, Sweden. Liquid-heating apparatus .. 23089 Phillips, E. C, London, Eng. (See Lamson Store Servioe Company, • Limited, No. 22165.) Phillips, H., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Creating and maintaining 22781 a vacuum Phillips, J., and another, Tapungah, Q. Fencing-dropper.. .. 22282 Pickering, L., Napier, N.Z. Side-stay for scaffold-bracket, &o. .. 23330 Piokering, P., Wellington, N.Z. (See Humphries' Patent Bracket and Scaffolding Company, Limited, .\o. 23115.) Pike, C. D., Wellington, N.Z. Flooring-cramp .. .. . . 23325 Pim, F. A., and another, Glenferrie, Vic Pump .. .. . . 21749 Pintsch, J., Berlin, Ger. (See Pintsoh's Patent Lighting Company, Limited, No. 23021.) Pintsch's Patent Lighting Company, Limited, London, Eng. Gas-lamp. 23021 (J. Pintsch) Poljakoff-Kowtunoff, T., Tjora, Russia. (See J. Aivaz, No. 22364.) 10 July 4 July 25 July 28 Sept. 27 July 28 Aug. 1 Sept., 1906 17 Sept. 19 July, 1906 20 March 11 Sept. 26 July 4 July 75 72 79 83 65 91 72 79 ■2-2 Auk. 8 Aug.* 5 Sept. 19 Sept.* 25 July. 17 Oct.* 8 Aug. 5 Sept. 79 5 Sept. 4 May 66 25 July. 9 Jan. 21 Aug. 88 79 . 3 Oct. 5 Sept.* 21 Aug. 6 Sept., 1906 83 75 19 Sept.* 22 Aug. 18 June 72 8 Aug.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent -continued.


■I'!'! [cat iion. Name, Address, and Invention. — — No. Date. No. Date. 'orter, L. G., Wellington, N.Z. Letters for shop-fronts and general 23116 11 July advertising *rime, F. P., and others, Riddell's Creek, Vio. Car-ooupling and 23373 28 Aug. .. !>l 17 Oct. safety-device Vime, W. G., and others, Woodend, Vio. Car-ooupling and safety 23373 28 Aug. .. 91 17 Oot. devioe Name, Address, and Invention. Juertier, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Tramway-traek cleaner, &c. .. 21540 9 Aug., 1906 72 8 Aug. juertier, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Motor-bicycle and cleaner .. .. 23440 9 Sept. . . ill 17 Oct.* Juicke, E. S., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Holding razor-blades 23477 16 Sept during operation of setting or stropping labbidge, P., Sydney, N.S.W. Electrio secondary oell .. .. 23334 19 Aug. .. 88 3 Oct. labone, H. J., Birmingham, Eng. Flexible steel or metal measuring- 23232 31 July .. 83 19 Sept. tapes lafferty, P., Wellington, N.Z. Trolly-hoad attachment .. .. 23496 20 Sept. .. 91 17 Oct.* lainey, Q., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Winning gold from river or 23098 8 July .. 72 8 Aug.* sea bed laky, A., Erkelenz, Ger. Deep-boring apparatus. (W. Sohott) . . 23121 8 July . . 72 8 Aug. tandell, F. C, and others, Wellington, N.Z. Trolly - pole .. .. 23239 1 Aug. .. 83 19 Sept.* lavelli, A., Arenzano, Italy. Utilising the movement of wa-wavea . . 23514 24 Sept. layward, H. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Winch. (J. H., and 20014 29 March, 1906 83 19 Sept. .1. M. Holman) layward, H. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Compression of air 23142 16 July .. 72 8 Aug.* on motor-cars, &c., and utilisation of same. (H. J. Bettany) layward, H. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Rook-drill chuck. 23280 9 Aug. .. 79 5 Sept.* (J. H. and J. M. Holman) leeoe, J. T., Sunbury, Vic. Tent, &o., frame .. .. .. 21924 17 Oct., 1906 79 5 Sept. teilly, J. J., Carlton, Vie. Fire-proof block-wall and barb-wire fence.. 23184 25 .Inly .. 75 22 Aug.* leynolds, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Race-starting machine .. .. 23104 9 July .. 75 j 22 Aug. leynolds, T. C, Prahran, Vic. Drying macaroni and other food-st nils. l':!:t!i."> 19 Aug. .. 88 3 Oct. (J. Yberty, A. Desanges, and J. AUoatti) leynolds, W. E., and another, Greymouth, N.Z. Belt-fastener .. 23321 17 Aug. .. Ill 17 Oot. Ihedin Goldkuhl and Co. and another, Gothenburg, Sweden. Sash- 22875 22 May .. 65 26 July. balance lichiirdson, W. G., Auckland, N.Z. Felt made from flax-waste .. 21840 25 Sept., l!)06 75 22 Aug. lichardson, W. Q., Auckland, M.Z. Flax-waste as cattle-food .. 21841 25 Sept., l'.tOfi 72 8 Aug. lichmond, R. R., and others, Wellington, N.Z. BUx-dreeeing .. 21760 11 Sept., 1008 72 8 Aug. liohmond, R. R., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Signal-lamp .. 22271 7 January .. 75 22 Aug. lichmond, R. R., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Expansion-joint for 23100 8 July steel and iron structures lidd, A., Waipuku, N.Z. Milking-machine .. .. .. 21897 9 Oot, 1906.. 79 5 Sept. liddell, W. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Adjustable top for desks, &c. .. 23307 15 Aug. .. 83 19 Sept.* lidley, W. H. J., Penrose, N.Z. Ore-furnace .. .. .. 23533 28 Sept lissel, A. K. W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Vessels'course-recorder 23511 24 Sept. .. 91 17 Oct.* loberts, C. H., Inveroargill, N.Z. Dating or marking tins or bottles 23297 12 Aug. . . 83 19 Sept.* of preserves lobertson, T. B., Dunedin, N.Z. Potato, &c, peeler and nutmeg-grater 23221 i 26 July .. 75 I 22 Aug.* lobinson, F. A., Nelson, N.Z. Indicating-peg for gardeners .. 2307R 2 July .. 72 8 Aug.* iobinson, W., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Candlestick .. 23162 ; 19 July logers, L. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Composition for prevent- 23364 I 26 Aug. .. 79 5 Sept.* ing leakage of air through punotures in tires logers, L. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Punoture-composition 23525 13 Sept. .. 88 3 Oot. for tires lolfe, H. C. L., Melbourne, Vic. Tubular dropper for wire fence .. 23303 15 Aug. .. 83 19 Sept. loseman, S. G., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Brushmaking .. 22071 16 Nov., 1906 88 3 Oct. loseman, S. G., Auckland, N.Z. Sweeping brush cr broom .. 23493 20 Sept. .. 88 3 Oct.* loss, C jun., Macetown, N.Z. Blanket-grip .. .. .. 23322 17 Aug. .. 88 3 Oct. loss, F. E., Cambridge, N.Z. Sanitarry cow sheds, yards, and fittings 23295 10 Aug. .. 88 3 Oct. toss, J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Fire-alarm .. .. 21070 26 Oct., 1906. . 88 3 Oct. loss, J., Wellington, N.Z. Grease-trap for sinks, &o. .. .. 23480, 17 Sept lost, A. J., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Wire-netting machine .. 22040 8 Nov., 1906 79 B Sept lounthwaite, L. H., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Renewable heel 23196 25 July for boot or shoe loycroft, A. J., Waihi, N.Z. Fire-alarm .. .. .. 23475 16 Sept loyds, T. S., Invercargill, N.Z. Milk-bucket holder .. .. 23519 16 Sept ludeman, L., London, Eng. Connecting ends of driving-belt .. 23149 | 18 July luping, M., Charlottenberg, Ger. Impregnating wood, &o. .. 23532 j 30 Sept. tussell, C. L., Melbourne, Vic. Dust oolleoting and removing .. 22946 1 June .. 88 3 Oct.* lussell, G. W., Christchuroh, N.Z. Rail-joint .. .. .. 23167 19 July lutherfurd, J. S., Kohatu, N.Z. Weed-exterminator .. .. 23360 24 Aug Sakauchi, T., Tokio, Japan. Portland cement .. .. .. 22989 14 June .. 72 8 Aug. Salinger, J., Auckland, N.Z. Operating elevator-doors .. .. 23088 4 July .. 65 25 July.* Salmon, J. B., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Tire-protector .. 22885 25 May .. 65 25 July. Salmon, J. J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Tire-protector .. 22885 25 May .. 65 25 July. Salt, J., Okoia, N.Z. Gauge for marking posit inns for fencing-wires on 23311 16 Aug. .. 88 3 Oot. posts Salzmann, I., and others, Vienna, Austria. Inoandescing filaments .. 21807 20 Sept., 1906 75 22 Aug. Sanderson, R. S., Burnie, Tas. Machine for calculating the weight of 23380 26 Aug. .. 83 19 Sept.* butter-fat in cream or milk iaxby, R. G., Tokomaru Bay, N.Z. Girth and suroingle .. .. 23474 I 16



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent-continued.

Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Al Application. iplication. Date. QaxetU. No. Date. Date. I Saxton and Binns, Limited, Pyrmont, N.S.W. Construction of wooden 23080 houses. (J. 0. Morgan) Sayward, J. A., Victoria, B.C. Loading lumber from trucks .. 21679 Saywell, G. H., Feilding, N.Z. Race-starter .. .. .. 22080 Schauer, C. A., Wellington, N.Z. Fumigating apparatus .. .. 21880 Schneider, F., Christchurch, N.Z. Track-gauging implement for i>er- 23442 manent-way Schott, W., Erkelenz. Ger. (See A. Raky, No. 23121.) Soott, J. J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Railway truck-door .. 21819 Scott, T. M., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Flax dressing and drying i 23437 machine Soott, T. M., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Wool-pressing apparatus 23476 Searle, H. S., Inveroargill, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. .. .. 23331 Semb, F. G., Christohurch, N.Z. Means for feeding horses, &c. .. 23309 Severin, H., Aohern, Baden. Manufacture of hollow glass articles .. 23087 Sewell, F., Otahuhu, N.Z. Increasing speed of vessels and decreasing 23332 cost of propulsion Shacklock, J. B., Dunedin, N.Z. Moulding and casting metal .. 23370 Shea, J., Koru, N.Z. Fly-catcher .. .. .. . . 23283 Sherwood, C, jun., and another, Kardella, Vic. Endless seotional 23352 railway Sherwood, C, sen., and another, Melbourne, Vic Endless sectional 23352 railway Shimmen, R., and another, Ballan, Vic. Potato-grader .. .. 22349 Shone, I., and another, London, Eng. Sewage system and apparatus 23294 Sioely, J. F., and another, Marton, N.Z. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 21892.) Simeon, L., Gisborne, N.Z. Bodkin .. .. .. .. 22986 Simmonds, P. R., Napier, N.Z. Washing flax, &c, fibres .. .. 23217 Skipage, C. R., Wellington, N.Z. Cow-bail .. .. .. 23529 Slipper, A. E., and another, Kokiri, N.Z. Belt-fastener .. .. 23530 Smaill, J., Port Chalmers, N.Z. Heating buildings .. .. 21278 Smart, J., Lyttelton, N.Z. Composition for allaying dust and spraying 23215 trees Smith, D. J., and another, Kokiri, N.Z. Belt-fastener .. .. | 23530 Smith, F. \V\, Pa kiikariki. N'.Z. Baled-goods temperature iiulioator 21754 Smith, G. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Rubber over-shoe .. .. 22902 Smith, J. D., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Railway-truck door .. j 21819 Smith, J. D., Dunedin, N.Z. Trolly-pole retriever .. .. 23246 Smith, J. J., Bendigo, Vic. Road-sweeper, Ac. .. .. .. 21612 Smith, S. T., Dannevirke, N.Z. Cheese-cutter .. .. .. 21767 Smith, T. L., Milwaukee, U.S.A. Rotary mixing-machine .. .. ! 23108 Smith, T. L., Milwaukee, U.S.A. Mortar and eoncrete mixing machine 23109 Smith, W. P., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Cooling or heatinc milk 23227 Snyder, F. T., Oak Park, U.S.A. Ore-treatment .. .. .. 23191 Screnson, R. F., Hastings, N.Z. Gig .. .. .. 23472 Sorenson, R. F., Hastings, N.Z. Road cart .. .. .. 23473 Southgate, W. C, Dunedin, N.Z. Tarring streets. . .. .. 21915 Spcirs, P., TuUamarine, Vic. Plough-disc .. .. .. 23446 Sponsel, C. W., Hartford, U.S.A. Typewriter .. .. .. 23382 Sponsel, C. \Y., and another. Hartford, U.S.A. Typewriter .. 23384 Spcnsel, C. W., and another, Hartford, U.S.A. Typewriter .. ' 23385 Sponsel, C. W., and another, Hartford, U.S.A. Typewriter .. 23386 Stanbon, C. P., Lynn, U.S.A. (See Manufacturers' Machine Company, Nos. 23124 and 23156.) Steele, J. A., Tamaheri, N.Z. Apron of harvester-binder .. .. 22588 Stevens, J. G., and others, Otaki, N.Z. Composition for sealing tires | 23261 Stewart, 0. M., Wellington, N.Z. DnH ehttrt (E. Langer) .. 22048 Stewart, C. M., Wellington, N.Z. Dress-cutting chart. (E. Langer) 23356 Stewart, C. P., Los Angeles, U.S.A. Sugar-making process .. 23506 Stewart, G. F., Lynn, U.S.A. (See Manufacturers' Machine Company, No. 23424.) Stewart, J. M., Christchurch, N.Z. Contractors' account-book . . 23278 Stewart, O., Wellington, N.Z. Electric-telegraph instrument .. 23329 Stockall, J. J., jun., London, Eng. (See Checkogram, Limited, No. 22455.) Stoddard, R. A., St. Albans, N.Z. Belt-fastener.. .. .. 23161 Stokes, A., and others, Footscray, Vic. Anaesthetic compound .. 23235 Storrie, A., Inveroargill, N.Z. Teat-cup .. .. .. .. 22964 Storrie, A., Inveroargill, N.Z. Seed-sower .. .. .. 23030 Sutherland, I , Fitzroy, Vic. Shooting-gallery apparatus .. .. 23300 Sutherland, J. M., Camperdown, N.S.W. Opening and closing Held, 23260 <fec, gates Suttie, C., and another, Waharoa, N.Z. Clean ing flax-fibre .. 22076 Suttie, C, and another. Waharoa, N.Z. Catching flax, &c, after I 23390 stripping Suttie, C, and another, Waharoa, N.Z. Treating flax, &c, after 23391 stripping Suttie, C, and another, Waharoa, N.Z. Catching Hax after stripping.. . 23451 Suttie, C, and another, Waharoa, N.Z. Cleansing flax after stripping 23452 Suttie, C, and another, Waharoa, N.Z. Operating mechanical oatcher 23458 3 July 75 22 Aug. 23 Aug., 1906 20 Nov., 1906 5 Oct., 1906.. '.i Sept. 72 8 Aug. 88 3 Oct. 75 22 Aug. 88 3 Oct.* 21 Sept., 1906 9 Sept. 72 8 Aug. 16 Sept. 15 Aug. 15 Aug. .. I 4 July 20 Aug. 83 19 Sept.* 88 3 Oct. 79 5 Sept.' 23 Aug. 12 Aug. 22 Aug. .. J 83 19 Sept.* 22 Aug. 88 lit Sept.* 23 Jan. 14 Aug. 79 S Sept. 12 June 27 July 28 Sept. 25 Sept. 7 June, 1906 27 July 75 22 Aug. 79 6 Sept. 86 25 July. 78 22 Aug.* 25 Sept. 8 Sept., 1906 28 May 21 Sept., 1906 30 July !i Aug., 1906 11 Sept., UKJ6 10 July 10 July 2(> July 25 July 10 Sept. 10 Sept. 11 Oct., 1906.. 11 Sept. 28 Aug. 28 Aug. 28 Aug. 28 Aug. 83 in Sept: 75 22 Aug. 72 8 Aug. 79 5 Sept. 11 75 -1-1 Aug. 72 8 Aug. 7."> 22 Aug. 75 ; 22 Aug. 78 5 Sept. 79 5 Sept 91 17 Oct.* Bl 17 Oct.* 79 5 Sept. 91 17 Oct. i<1 17 Oct. 91 17 Oot, ■S.I Mmroh 6 Aug. 12 Nov., 1906 88 Aug. 23 Sept 65 25 July. 83 L9 Sept 83 , 19 Sept.* 9 Aug. 21 Aug. 79 5 Sept.* 18 July 31 July 7 June 19 June 15 Aug. .. ■ 3 Aug. 79 5 Sept. 72 , 8 Aug. 72 J 8 Aug. 88 3 Oct. 83 19 Sept. 15 Nov., 1906 26 Aug. 88 3 Oct. 91 17 Oot 27 Aug. 7 Sept. 7 Sept. 7 Sept. 88 3 Oct.* 88 3 Oct.* 88 3 Oct.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


1>1> ical ion. Name, Adrireae. and Invention. No. A Date. No. Date. Swanston, F. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Broom-handle ooupling .. .. 23470 Synnerholm, J. W., Lower Matakana, N.Z. Extracting kauri-gum 23479 from sand 11 Sept 14 Sept. .. !H 17 Oot.* Tait, A. l>. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Window-sash hanger and fastener .. 23062 Tait, A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Envelope or wrapper combined .. 23169 Tait, A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Tire .. .. .. .. 23176 Tait, T., Waiwera Smith, N.Z. Fence-dropper .. .. .. 22640 Tate, G., Christchurch, N.Z. Velocipede, &c, driving-gear .. 23144 Tatum, ('. T., Wellington, N.Z. Orchard and garden step-ladder .. 23257 Taylor, T., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Delivering liquors from 231 l!l bottles Teese, W. J., Balaclava, Vic. (See W. H. Blaokham, No. 23458.) Thompson. J., Lismore, N.S.W. Hanging and adjusting window-sashes 23193 Thompson, 3. L., Wellington, N.Z. Securing blind to roller .. 22942 Thomson, G. S., Dunedin, N.Z. Trolly-pole . . .. .. 23549 Thomson, J., Inveroargill, N.Z. Spring tire for vehicle-wheel . . 23219 Thom'son, J., Inveroargill, N.Z. Spring tire for vehiole-wheel .. j 23253 Thwaite, B. H., and another, London, Eng. Manufacture of molten 23411 metals Tingey, L. R., Wellington, N.Z. Construction of metallio letters, &c, 23526 for signs Tisch, C. H., Ashburton, N.Z. Shaft-stop for vehicles .. .. 23240 Tomkies. A. <:.. and another, Westport, N.Z. Belt-fastener .. 23321 Torpy, H. L. J., Jolimont, Vic. Filling bottles with liquid .. 23091 Treadwell, A., Wellington, N.Z. Trolly-pole .. .. .. 23212 Triggs, W. H., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Preventing trotting- 234!»4 horses breaking into a gallop Trinder, H., and another, Ballarat, Vic. Ore-concentrating table or 23:S72 Tucker, E. St. G., Wanganui, N.Z. Device to prevent corks blowing 23105 out of bottles Tunley, R. F., and others, Brisbane, Q. Manufacturing or pressing 23375 cement and sand into blocks Tiirnbull, T. O., Kinohaku, N.Z. Ridging .. .. .. 23423 Turn, G. G., Melbourne, Vic. Procuring fibre from plants. (Jute and 22951 Hanf Industrie Actien-Gesellsohaft—F. Fuohs) Turri, G. G., Melbourne, Vic. Filter-leaf. (H. W. Blaisdell and H. A. 23340 Brooks) Tyberg, 0., and others, Point Loma, U.S.A. (See International Cigar Maohinery Company, No. 22629.) 25 June .. 72 8 Aug.* 17 July 19 July 5 April .. 75 , 22 Aug. 17 July .. 72 ; 8 Aug.* 5 Aug. .. 83 I 19 Sept. 11 July .. 72 8 Aug.* 25 July .. 79 5 Sept. 4 June .. 88 3 Oct.* 30 Sept 25 July .. 7!) 5 Sept.* 1 Aug. .. 7!) 5 Sept.* 4 Sept. .. !>1 17 Oct. 27 Se]>i 1 Aug. 17 Aug. .. 91 17 Oot. 4 July .. 65 25 July.* 26 July .. 75 22 Aug.* 20 Sept 28 Aug. .. 91 17 Oot 8 Inly 28 Aug. .. !M 17 Oot. 19 July 6 June .. 79 5 Sept. 22 Aug. .. 88 3 Oot. United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Boot-maohine. 21427 (E. E. Winkley) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Guide for inseam- 22058 sewing machine. (C. I. Fuller) United Shoe Maohinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Sewing-machine. 22059 (E. E. Winkley) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Inserting metal 22066 fasteners. (L. A. Casgrain) United Shoe Maohinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Awl-oontrollnig 23199 mechanism for boot and shoe maohinery. (A. Bates, A. E. Jerram, and J. Gouldbourn) United Shoe Maohinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Sole-pressing 23301 machine. (B. F. Mayo and E. E. Winkley) United Shoe Maohinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Sole-levelling Idiib maohine. (A. Eppler) United Shoe Maohinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Machine for 2334b preparing welts. (A. Eppler) United States Automatic Box Machinery Company, Boston, U.S.A. 23492 Paper-box making machine Unchurch, J., Wellington, N.Z. Vioe .. .. .. . ■ 23082 1'sher, C. E. D., Troyeville, Transvaal. (See Adair-Usher Prooess, Limited, No. 23224.) 11 July, 1906 65 25 July. 15 Nov., 1906 79 5 Sept. 15 Nov., 1906 79 5 Sept. 15 Nov., 1906 83 19 Sept. 25 July .. 75 22 Aug.* 15 Aug. .. 79 5 Sept.* 22 Aug. .. 79 5 Sept.* 22 Aug. .. 79 5 Sept.* 19 Sept 3 July .. 75 22 Aug. S Jan. .. 72 ! 8 Aug. Van Kannel Revolving Door Company, Limited, and another, London, 22300 Eng. Door-structure Vaughan, G. T., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Destination-signs for : 23135 tram-oars, &c. Veremigta CHuhlampen and Electrioitats-Aktien-Gesellschaft and 21807 others, Ujpest, Hungary. Incandescing filaments Von Bertouch, J., Kapunda, S.A. Machine for clearing •tend, , 23237 roads, &0. 15 July .. 72 8 Aug.* 20 Sept., 1906 75 22 Aug. 20 Aug., 1906t Wade, G., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Briok .. .. .. 22822 Wakefield, C. C, London, Eng. Gas-burner .. .. . ■ 23501 Walkerden, \\\. Marrickville, N.S.W. Boot or shoe .. .. 2:i. r >02 Wallace, H. E., and another, Windsor, Vic. Resilient boot-heel .. j 2304K Waltho, A., Lisoard, Eng. Bottle-stopper .. .. • • 22175 Ward, B., Auokland, N.Z. Fencing-wire ends fastener .. .. ZAom Ward, J., Grange-over-Sands, Eng. Manufacture of tar paving .. 23112 Ware, F. T., Kaitangata, N.Z. Acetylene-gas generator .. ,. 23209 14 May .. 88 3 Oot. 21 Sept. ..I 21 Sept 26 June .. 72 8 Aug.* 10 Dec., 190S 88 3 Oot. 23 Sept. .. 91 17 Oct.* 10 July .. 79 5 Sept. 23 July



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

L ppl icai ion. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. Warmsley, A. H., Ilford, Eng. Produoing combustible gas from petrol, &o. Warsaw, L., Dunedin, N.Z. Apparatus for aerial navigation Watson, A. P. F., and another, Ohristchuroh, N.Z. Boot-scraper Watson, A. P. F., and others, Christohureh, N.Z. Attaching weights to trotting-luuscs' hoofs Watson, A. P. F., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Gravel-screen .. Watson, G. D., and others, Ohristcliurch, N.Z. Attaching weights to trotting-horses' hoofs Watson, G. D., and another, Christcliurch, N.Z. Boot-scraper Watson, G. D., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Gravel-screen Watt, D. A., Levin, N.Z. Construction of globes for geographical instruction Webb, F. H., Melbourne, Vic. Nail for securing corrugated iron Webber, W. O., Boston, U.S.A. Air-oompressor Webster, R. W., and another, Saxilby, Eng. (See H. J. West and Co., Limited, No. 23415.) Wellwood, D., Boulder, W.A. Preventing deterioration of fermented liquors Wesp, C, Buffalo, U.S.A. (See Chipman, Limited, No. 22809.) West and Co., Limited, H. J., Saxilby, Eng. Counter-pressure bottlingmachine. (B. W. Webster and L. Chew) West, T., Feilding, N.Z. Estimating-instrumcut . . Westinghouse, G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Yielding-resistance mechanism.. Weston. (See Hunter-Weston.) Wetzstein, Bl, South Bend, U.S.A. Hollow conorote-block machine. (F. A. Borst and J. Groscop) Whelan, T. J., Hawthorn, Vic. Knife oleaner and sharpener Whitaker, C. G., Christchurch, N.Z. Egg-carrier Whitburn, D., Auckland, N.Z. Rabbit-trap Whitcombe, P. S., New Plymouth, N.Z. Device for connecting wires 10 be strained White, A. G. F., Aramoho, N.Z. Hat-pin fastener White, A. H., and another, Christohureh, N.Z. Calendar and accountsheet White, E. C, and another, Auckland, N.Z. Brick White, R., Auckland, N.Z. Ointment White, W., Fitzroy, Vic. Boot-heel Whitehorn, T., Coburg, Vic Packing predetermined quantities in bags Whitney, A., Melbourne, Vic. Rifle range Whyte, W., Wellington, N.Z. Tramway-rail cleaner Wild, C, Wellington, N.Z. (See A. A. George, No. 23341.) Wilfley, A. R., Denver, U.S.A. Ore-roasting process Wilkins, F., Auckland, N.Z. Raising head-piece of mattress Wilkins, G. W., Penshurst, Vic. Solution for rendering fabrics, &c, fireproof Wilkinson, C. E. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Packet-envelope fastener Wills, W., Motuharara, N.Z. Watertight boot for horses or cattle Willson, T. L., Ottawa, Canada. (See International Marine Signal Company, Limited, No. 23339.) Wilson, F. G., Melbourne, Vic. Apparatus for overturning butter in butter-working machine. (J. Dickason) Wilson, J., Fitzroy, Vic. Upholstery Wilson, J., Christchurch, N.Z. File Wilson, J., Auckland, N.Z. Framing for concrete constructions Wilson, J. L., Waianiwa, N.Z. Sharpening chaff-cutter knives Wilson, J. W., and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Driving or riding coat Winkley, E. E., Lynn, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, Nos. 21427 and 22059.) Winkley, E. E., and another, Lynn, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 23301.) Winstanley, T., Hightown, Eng. Lime-sand brick Wise, F. W., Wellington, N.Z. Killiard-chalk suspender .. Wood, A. H., and another, Auokland, N.Z. Jointing-brackets Wynyard, M. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Cleansing Max-fibre Wynyard, M. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Catching Max, dro., after stripping Wynyard, M. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Treating flax, Ac., after stripping Wyn ard, M. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Catching flax after strippiiiL' Wynyard, M. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Cleansing flax after stripping Wynyard, M. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Operating mechanical oatcher for flax 23337 23893 23018 22830 23010 23018 23010 23430 23238 L>:!n:s-_> 23063 23418 23110 23513 23200 L'174:! 23460 23l>54 23404 23222 23216 22822 23083 23053 22334 21000 23249 10 Aug. 26 Aug. 21 June Iβ May 21 June Iβ May 21 June 21 June it Sept. 1 Aug. 24 June l':> June 4 Sept. 10 July 24 Sept 25 July :, Sq.t., 1908 12 Sept 1 Aug. 3 Sept 28 July 27 July I I Ma> 2 July L'li June 23 Jan. 13 Oct., 1906. . 2 Aug. 83 75 68 n 68 78 72 88 72 7.-> 88 79 72 111 '•'•I 75 ss 79 72 72 72 75 19 Sept.* 22 Aug. 28 July. 8 Aug. 25 July. 22 Aug. 8 Aug. 3 Oct. s Aug. 22 Aug. :t Oct. 5 Sept, 8 Aug. 17 Oct.* 17 Oct. 22 Aug.* 3 Oct. 5 Sept. 8 Aug.* 8 Aug. S \,r_. 22 Aug.* 2:ir,o.-> 23252 22582 23 Sept 30 July 22 Mar. '75 83 22 Aug.* 19 Sept 22448 23182 21 Feb. 23 July 70 5 Sept. 23306 28 Aug. 83 19 Sept.* 21140 23347 23367 23433 23137 16 May, 1906 22 Aug. 24 Aug. 3 Sept. 15 July 75 83 88 72 22 Aug. 19 Sept.* 3 Oot.* 8 Aug.* 23010 23280 23262 22076 23390 10 June 13 Aug. c> Aug. 15 Nov., 1906 26 Aug. 72 70 83 88 91 8 Aug. 5 Sept.* 19 Sept. 3 Oot. 17 Oct. 23391 27 Aug. 23451 7 Sept. 88 3 Oot.* 23452 7 Sept, 88 3 Oct.* 23453 7 Sept. 88 3 Oot.* Yberty, J., and others, Clermont-Ferrand, France. (See T. C. Reynolds, No. 23335.) " Z " Electric Lamp Syndicate, Limited, London, Eng. Manufacture of filaments for incandescence electric lamps. (H. Zerning) Zeroho, F. W., Melbourne, Vic. Pioture and postal letter-cards Zerning, H., Halensee, Ger. (See " Z" Eleotrio Lamp Syndioate, Limited, No. 23455.) 23455 10 Sept. 23290 13 Aug. 91 17 Oot.*



10— H. 10. OH.


* Denotes a provisional specification, 'rade Marks Act, 1889." t Denotee a prior date under section 106 of " The Patents, Designs, and Invention. Name. No. Application. (luzettt. Date. No. Date. Account-book. (See Contractors' Ao-oount-book.) Account-sheet and oalendar Acetylene-gas burner and holder Acetylene-gas-generator Acetylene-gas generator Acetylene-generator Acetylene-generator Acetylene-generator Acid. (See Sulphuric acid.) Advertising letters and signs Advertising-letters for shop-front Advertising system Aerated liquors, Preventing deterioration of Aerial machine Aerial navigation Agitator. (See Milk-agitator.) Agricultural implement Agricultural implement Agricultural machine Air compressor and pump Air-oompressor. (See Hydraulio air-oom-pressors, Motor-cars.) Air-oooler Alarm. (See Eleotric-alarm, Fire-alarm.) Amalgamator Ambulance-stretcher Anaesthetic compound W. S. Pascoe and A. H. Wliite .. R. L. H. Murray F. T. Ware .. W. EdwardR .. J. Marsh W. M. Norrie O. L Burton L. R. Tingey L. G. Porter .. R. S. Abel and ,T. Monro D. WeUwood .. R. W. Pearse L. Warsaw 23216 23371 23209 23067 23305 21884 23527 23216 23371 23209 23067 2330f> 21884 23527 23526 23116 23323 23063 23526 23116 23323 23063 21476 23393 21476 23393 27 July 23 Aug. .. 23 July 1 July .. 15 Aug. 6 Oct., 1906 27 Sept. .. 27 Sept. .. 11 July 17 Aug. .. 2.") June 19 July, 1906 26 Aug. .. ss ss T. : . 72 s:i :i Oct. 3 Oct. 22 Aug. 8 Aug. 19 Sept.* D. Matheson .. D. Amey D. Elder J. Delbridge 23133 23120 23093 23425 23133 23120 23093 23425 12 July 11 July 5 July 15 Sept. 72 72 72 ill 8 Aug.* 8 Aug.* 8 Aug.* 17 Oot J. Little 23361 23361 21 Aug. .. 111 17 Oot. W. B. Hughes W. M. Fyfe A. Stokes and A. and A. W. Heither F. (i. Serab H. L. Mainland W. L. J. Ridley J. R. Masson.. R. P. Myers A. V. and D. T. Dear .. 1 2 I 2 ■2 •: ■2 2 2 23207 23138 23235 23309 21781 "3533 23403 23418 23336 23207 23138 23235 25 July 13 July 31 July .. 72 79 8 Aug.* 6 Sept, Animal-feeder Animal-trap Antimony, Furnace for extracting Antimony, Recovering from ores Aro-lamp Artilicial dentures, Frame-work for supporting Artificial minnow Atmospheric burner for gas-stove Awl-controlling machine 23309 21781 "3533 23403 23418 23336 15 Aug. .. 11 Sept., 1906 28 Sept. 31 Aug. .. 4 Sept. .. 19 Aug. 7". '.II 91 SS 19 Sept.* 22 Aug. 17 Oct. 17 Oct. 3 Oct. T. Milburn .1. B. Duokett United Shoe Machinery Company 2 2 21736 23362 23199 21736 23362 23199 5 Sept., l!tO6 21 Aug. .. 25 July 79 ill 75 5 Sept. 17 Oct. 22 Aug.* Bag. (See Mail-bag.) H iL'. 1'ncking predetermined quantity in Bail. (See Cow-bail.) Bakers' bread reoord Balance for sashes T. Whitehorn.. P. Bock J. Neren and Rhedin (ioldkuhl and Co. 22334 22334 23171 22875 23171 22875 23 Jan. .. 17 July 22 May 72 8 Aug. 80 25 Juiy. Bale. (See Wool-bale.) Baled «oods, Ascertaining temperature of Baled-goods tester Baled-goods tester Ball-valve, Solid-caned Bar. (See Corrugated - bar, Draw - bar, (Jla/.ing-bar.) Bod. (See Invalid-bed, Sea-bed.) Beeswax, &c, Rendering Belt-dn Belt-fastener Belt-fastener Belt-fastener Belt. (See Driving-belt.) Bible, Oath-pad for .. .... F. W. Smith .. C. Loomes F. A. Fisoher J. Anderson .. .. .. F. R. Beuhne <!. Beaumont A. E. Slipper and D. J. Smith R. A. Stoddard VV. E. Reynolds and A. (5. Tomkies 21754 22122 23248 21658 21754 22122 23248 21658 22545 23485 23530 23161 23321 8 Sept., 1906 28 Nov., 1906 2 Aug. .. 17 Aug., 1906 14 Maroh .. 16 Sept. .. 25 Sept. 18 July 17 Aug. .. 88 ss ss 72 19 Sept. 3 Oct. 3 Oct. 8 Aug. 22 Aug. 22545 23485 23530 23161 23321 75 ei 17 Oot. Bicycle-frame S. F. Darragh T. C. Fowler .. 23208 23208 21028 21028 25 July .. 24 April, 'Oβ 10 Sept. 7.-. 72 72 SS 22 Aug.* 8 Aug.* 8 Aug. 3 Oct.* Bioycle-support Bicycle. (See Motor bicyole.) Billiard-chalk suspender BUli&rd-oh&Ui »u»pender Billiard-table, Convertible Billiard-table, Cushion-rails for forming Binder. (See Harvester binder.) Bird-trap (I. I'indlay .. 23454 23454 T. C. Bragge F. VV. Wise W. Lizzani .. F. A. Alcock 23165 23289 23314 23413 23165 23289 23314 23413 19 July 13 Aug. .. 26 Aug. .. 4 Sept. .. 7.-. 79 88 in 22 Aug.* , 5 Sept.* 3 Oct.* 17 Oct.* II. i'Yew .. .. .. 1 23066 23066 22 Aug. 7" 5 Sept.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Application. Invention. Name No. Date. Date. No. Date Bird-trap .. .. .. .. ! H. S. MoCully .. .. 23241 Blading. (See Turbine-blading.) Blanket-grip .. .. .. C. Ross, jun. .. .. .. 23322 Bleaching. (See Flax-bleaching.) Blinds to rollers, Securing .. .. J. L. Thompson .. 22942 Block-making machine. (See Buildingblook.) Block. (See Building-block, Cement and sand block, Knife-block.) Blow-lamp, Painters'.. .. .. W. G. Landells and H. J. Huckson 23499 Bodkin .. .. .. .. L. Simeon .. .. .. 22986 Body-supportH. (See Spinal-supports.) Boiler, Feed-regulator for .. . . A. E. Macindoe .. .. 23420 Boiler. (See Portable boiler, Range hotwater boiler.) Book. (See Cash receipt-book, Contrac- • tors' acoount-book, Sales-book.) Book, umbrella, and hat rack .. .. i J. C. Atkinson .. .. 234117 Boot-buffing machine .. .. Manufacturers' Machine Company 23109 Boot-buffing machine .. .. Manufacturers' Machine Company 2387A Boot-buffing machine pad-cover .. Manufacturers' Machine Company 23421 Boot-heel .. .. .. .. W. White .. .. .. 23053 Bootmaking-machine.. .. .. United Shoe Machinery Company 21427 Boot or shoe heel .. .. .. W. Walkerden .. . . 23502 Boot or shoe heel, Renewable .. .. H. Ledgerwood and L. Rounth- 28196 waite Boot or shoe .. .. .. W. F. Cropley .. . . 22352 Boot-sewing machine .. .. Manufacturers' Machine Company 23160 Boots and leather composition .. | J. P. Carmine .. . . 232711 Boots and shoes, Resilient heel for .. H. E. Wallace ami K. Clark . . 28048 Boot. (See Extension boot.) Boot-soraper .. .. .. A. P. F. and G. D. Watson .. 23018 Boot-sole pressing machine .. .. United Shoe Machinery Company 23301 Boot-sole, Securing wearing-surface to .. ! M. Juries .. .. .. 211>48 Boot, Watertight, for horses or cattle .. I W. Wills .. .. .. 23182 Boring. (See Deep boring.) Boring-tool for use with lathes .. J.Burns .. .. .. 2313(1 Bottle.fUler .. .. .. .. H. T,. J. Torpy .. .. 23091 Bottle-seal .. .. .. .. American Cork and Seal Company 23507 Bottle-stopper .. .. .. A. Waltho .. .. .. I 22175 Bottles, Preventing oorks blowing out of E. S. Tucker .. .. . . 23105 Bottles. Preventing refilling .. .. H. W. K. Josling .. .. 22428 Bottling-machine, Counter-pressure .. H. J. West and Co., Limited .. 23415 Bowler's measure .. .. ..CM. Gannaway .. .. 23436 Box. (See Collapsible box, Match-box, Paper box, Seed-box.) Box-lid fastener .. .. .. R. Hood .. .. .. 23174 Brace-susponder .. .. .. F. B. Clapcott .. .. 23057 Bracelet, Expanding .. .. K. < i. Harrop .. .. 23:(7S Bracket. (See Jointing-bracket, Scaffold-ing-bracket. ) Brand. (See Meat-brand.) Branding-machine for boxes, casks, &o. j W. J. Green .. .. .. 23417 Bread-record for bakers .. ..P. Bock .. .. .. 23171 Brick and steel structure .. .. i F. de J. Clere .. .. 23359 Brick from residue of auriferous clay . . M. A. Grant .. .. .. 23147 Brick-machine .. .. .. O. (J. Diefendorf .. .. 22921 Brick-manufacture .. .. .. G. Wade and E. C. White .. 22822 Brick. (See Lime-sand briok.) Brickwork construction .. .. F. de J. Clere .. .. 23359 Bridge-construction .. .. .. J. Dawson .. .. .. 21176 Broom .. .. .. .. W. Carver .. .. .. 23047 Broom-handle .. .. . . S. Campbell and J. S. Gribhon .. 23266 Brcom-handle coupling .. .. F. J. Swanston .. .. 2:t47n Broom or brush .. .. .. S. G. Roseman .. .. 23493 Broom or brush making .. .. S. G. Roseman and J. Lock .. 22(171 Brush. (See Broom.) Bucket-attachment .. .. .. S. E. Bell .. .. .. 23302 Bucket. (See Milk-bucket.) Buffing-machine. (See Bcot-buffing machine.) Building-block, Cement .. J. Layfield and A. V. Crisp .. 22188 Building-block moulder .. .. M. Wetzstein .. .. .. 232(Ki Building-blook moulder .. .. T. and T. W. Johnson and R. F. 23870 Tunley Building, Sheet-iron for . .< .. W. Katene .. .. . . 22544 Buildings, Heating system for.. .. J. Smaill .. .. . . 21278 Bull-controller .. .. ..A. Buchanan. .. . 23317 Burner. (See Acetylene-gas burner, Atmospheric burner, Gas-burner.) 23241 23322 22942 23499 22980 23420 1 Aug. ..79 5 Sept.* 17 Aug. ..88 3 Oct. 4 June ..88 3 Oct.* 20 Nov., 1906t .. 12 June . . 7.". 22 Ai'g. 3 Sept. .. 88 3 Oct.* 18 Sept. .. 01 17 Oct.* IS .Inly .. 72 8 Aug.* 28 Aug 5 Sept. .. 88 .", Oct.* 26 June ..72 8 Aug.* II July, 1906 66 25 July. 21 Sep"t 25 July .... 24 Jan. .. 88 3 Oct. 18 July ..72 8 Aug.* 9 Aug 26 June ..72 S Aug.* 21 June .. 75 22 Aug. 15 Aug. .. 79 5 Sept.* 16 Aug.. 1906 79 B Sept. 23 July .... 12 July ..72 8 Aug.* 4 July .. 60 20 .Inly.* 23 Sept 10 Dec., 1906 H8 3 Oct. 3 .Inly .... 14 !•>!>.. 1906 Ii2 11 July. 4 Sept. .... 9 Sept . . 88 3 Oct.* IS July .. 76 22 Aug.* 24 June .. 75 22 Aug.* 1 No\.. I'.MMit 111 17 Oct. 4 Sept 17 July .... 24 Vug. .. 88 19 Sept.* 18 July .... 30 May .. 88 8 Oct. 14 May ..88 3 Oct. 24 Aug 22 May, 1906 60 26 July. 26 Juno . . 83 19 Sept. 7 Aug. .. 70 22 Aug.* 11 Sept, 20 Sept. .. 88 3 Oct.* Iβ N'ov., 1906 88 8 on. 15 Aug. .. 83 111 Sept.* 12 Dec, 1906 72 8 Aug. 25 July ..79 f> Sept 28 Aug 4 March .. 62 11 July* 7 June, 1906 65 25 July. 20 Aug. .. 83 19 Sept.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Pl'l lieatioD. GautU. luVBlltJOD. Name. No. No. Date No. Date. nu. Butter-fat calculator Butter-overturner R. S. Sanderson .. .. 23380 F. G. Wilson .. .. .. 23396 23380 23396 28 Aug. .. 28 Aug. .. 83 19 Sept." 19 Sept. , Cable. (See Electric cable.) Tabulator. (See Weight-calculator, But-ter-fat calculator.) Calendar and account-aheet Candle-saver ('andlestick Cans, Attaching lids to Car. (See Tram-car, Motor-oar.) Car-coupling and safety device W. S. Pasooe and A. H. White .. "23216 J. Ford .. .. .; 23183 C. Giorgi and W. Robinson .. 23162 R. P. Park .. .. .. 23086 23216 23183 23162 23086 27 July 22 July 19 July 4 July .. 78 5 Sept.* 72 8 Aug.* H. H. Christian, R. Fisher, and W. 23373 G. and F. P. Prime 23373 28 Aug. .. 91 17 Oct. Card. (See Display-card, Letter-card, Post-card.) Carrier. (See Egg-carrier.) Cart. (See Road-cart.) Case. (See Fruit-case, Packing-case.) Cash and parcel carrier Lamson Store Service Company, 22165 Limited K. R. Macdonald .. .. 23483 E. Ludvigsen.. .. .. 23155 6 Dec., 1906 7.-. 22 Aug. Cash receipt-book, Combination Cash-register Catcher. (See Fly-catcher, Flax-catcher.) Cattle and horse rug Cattle-food, Use of flax-waste as Cattle-food, Vse of flax-refuse as Cement and sand block' 14 Sept. .. 18 July 79 5 Sept. J. Gair .. .. .. 23363 W. G. Richardson .. .. 21841 W. Fuller .. .. .. 23056 T. and T. W. Johnson and R. F. 88878 Tunley J. Layfield and A. V. Crisp .. 22188 7 Aug. 25 Sept., 1906 24 June 28 Aug. .. 72 72 '.II 8 Aug. s Aug. 17 Oct. Cement building-block Cement. (See Portland cement.) Chaff-cutter feed Chaff-cutter feed Chaff-cutter knife sharpener (hair. (See Perambulator and ohair.) Chalk-suspender for billiards Chalk-suspender for billiards Channel-flap layer Channelling-machine Chart. (See Dress-cutting chart.' Cheese-cutter Chimneys, Cleaning by suction Chuck. (See Drill-chuck.) Cigarette-holder Cigar-holder Cigar-machinery 12 Deo., 1906 72 8 Aug. H. W. Mears .. .. . . 23531 N. Boyley .. .. .. 23409 ,T. L. Wilson .. .. . . 23433 30 Sept. .. 4 Sept. .. 3 Sept. .. in 88 17 Oct.* 3 Oct.* T. C. Bragge .. .. .. 23165 F. W. Wise .. .. .. 23289 Manufacturers' Machine Company 23157 Manufacturers' Machine Company 23124 19 July 13 Aug. .. 18 .Inly 11 July 7.-. 79 72 22 Aug.* 5 Sept.* 8 Aug.* S. T. Smith 21767 C. H. Binoroft .. .. 23134 11 Sept., 1906 11 July .. 72 7.". 8 Aug. 22 Aug. W. Beamish .. .. .. 23292 W. Beamish .. .. .. 23465 International Cigar Machinery 22029 Company M. A. Grant .. .. . . 23147 10 Aug. 13 Sept. .. 2 April .. 83 91 Bβ 19 Sept. 17 Oct.* 25 July. Clay, Conversion of burnt auriferous, into bricks, &c. Clay-roaster, Auriferous Cleaner. (See Chimney-cleaner, Knifecleaner, Lamp-glass cleaner, Matrixcleaner, Potato-cleaner, Road-cleaner, Saucepan-cleaner, Tramrail-cleaner, Tramway-track cleaner, VaciiumcleantT.) Clearing land, roads, &c. Clip. (See Toe-olip.) Clock, electrical releasing mechanism for Closet. (See Water-oloset.) M. A. Grant .. . . . 23146 J. von Bertouoh .. .. 23237 18 July ... 18 July .. 20 Aug., 1906t 79 5 Sept. '■ A. G. Jackson .. .. 23509 24 Sept. .. Clothes-hanger A. Baker 22707 18 April -J 88 8 Oct.* 88 3 Oct. Clothes-peg Clutch. (See Friotion-oluteh, Hydraulioclutoh.) Clutching-devices Coach trimming »nd upholetery Coat. (See Driving-coat.) Coin-freed apparatus for selling stamp-. Collapsible box Collapsible crate Collapsible table Compressor. (See Air-oompri Concentrator: (See Gold - concentrator. Ore-concentrator.) Concrete. (See Ferro-conorete, Mortar and concrete, Reinforced conorete.) Concrete-structure, Framing for Conduits for electric oables Consolidating ore materials J. Jolly .. .. .. 23251 F. Bailey and F. H. Jackson .. 22313 J. Wilson .. .. .. 21149 c. [joomm .. .. .. 23510 W. Beamish .. .. . . 21728 C. Craig .. .. .. 23434 J. R. Moore .. .. .. 23314 2 Aug. .. 15 Jan. 16 May, 1906 24 Sept. .. 30 Aug., 1906 r> Sept. 16 Aug. .. 63 11 July. 75 22 Aug. 91 17 (in.* 72 8 Aug. ss 3 Oot* 88 :i Oct.* ,1. Wilson .. . . .. 23367 R. 0. Clark .. .. .. 23291 A. and \V. .). Maiden .. .. 22974 24 Aug. 10 Aug. .. 12 June 88 lit Sept.* 88 3 Oct. 72 8 Aug.



Alphabetical List of Inventions—continued.

Application. (ituettt Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Dace. Contractors' account-book Controller. (See Bull-oontroller.) Convertible vehicles. (See Vehicles.) Conveying apparatus for cash, parcels, &o. J. Mawson Stewart .. .. 23278 9 Aug Lamsou, Store Service Company, 22165 6 Deo., liMM> 7> Limited 22 Aug. Cooking-range. (See Fireplaoe.) Cooler. (See Air-oooler, Milk-oooler, Water-cooler.) Cool-chamber Cool-storage chamber Cooling-vat for milk or oream Corks, Preventing blowing-out of bottles Corrugated bars Corrugated-iron mat. (See Door-mat.) Coulter. (See Disc-coulter.) Counting. (See Sheep.) Coupling. (See Broom-handle coupling, Car-coupling, Hose-coupling.) Cover. (See Cow-cover, Saddle-oover, Stack-oover.) Cow-bail Cow-bail (,'ow-cover .. Cow shed, yards, and fittings Cowl. (See Ventilating-cowl.) Cramp. (See Flooring-cramp.) Crate. (See Collapsible orate.) Cream. (See Milk and cream.) Cream-vat Crutch Cuff. (See Shirt-cuff.) Cultivating implement .. .. Cultivator. (See Diso cultivator.) Curative preparation Current. (See Eleotric ourrent.) Curtain-pole lifter .. .. .. Curtain. (See Window-ourtain.) Cutter. (See Chaff-cutter, Cheese-cutter, Bock-cutter, Tin-outter, Turnip-outter, Welt-cutter.) Cylinder, Hot-water pressure-supply J B. MacEwan, and Co., Limited 22914 211 May, 1907 72 W. Levinson .. .. .. 21748 6 Sept., 190 ■ Bβ Z. S. Lawrenoe .. .. 23185 22 July .. 79 E. St. G. Tuoker .. .. 23105 3 July A. L. Johnson .. .. 23205 \ 25 July .. 79 C. R. Skipage .. .. 23529 28 Sept A. (). Penwarden .. .. 23447 11 Sept L. J. Am bury .. .. 23308 13 Aug. .. 83 F. E. Ross .. .. .. 23295 10 Aug. .. 88 28 Sept 11 Sept 13 Aug. .. 83 10 Aug. .. 88 8 Aug.* 25 July. 5 Sept. 5 Sept. 19 Sept.' 3 Oot. • i I f J. B. MacEwan, and Co., Limited 22914 29 May . . 72 A. J. Baker .. .. .. 23106 10 July .. 83 29 May . . 72 10 July .. B3 72 B3 8 Aug.* 19 Sept. — _ ___ _ _ . 7'.i E. J. Kee 23197 25 July .. 79 25 July .. 7!> 5 Sept. R. Groombridge .. .. 23090 4 July 4 July .. (J.H.Lester.. .. .. 23163 16 July .. 72 Iβ July .. 72 72 8 Aug.* T. R. Christie .. .. 23435 5 Sept, .. ■». 5 Sept. .. . ■\ . Damper. (Bee Register-grate.) Dating or marking tins Deep-boring apparatus Deliverer. (Sec Liquid deliverer, Ticket deliverer.) Denture. (See Artificial denture.) Deodorising apparatus Depilatory. (See Hair-removing preparation.) Desk-top Destination-indicator.. Destination sign for tram-oar .. Directory. (See Telephone directory.) His.- cultivator Disc. (See Plough-dis,-.) Disc-coulter Dish. (See Proepecting-dieh.) Dish-washing machine Disinfecting water-oloeeta Display-card support, Window Distiuiee-ineii.surer Door. (See Elevator-door, Railway-trucli door, Safc-d'MH.) Door-mat Dour structure ('. H. Boost* .. .. 23297 12 Aug. .. 83 A. Raky .. .. .. 28121 S July .. 72 L O. James ... .. .. 23319 20 Aug. ,. 83 W. H. Riddell . . .. 23307 15 Aug. .. 83 J. P. Maloney and H. Chisholm 21709 25 Aug., 1906 75 H. Owen and G. T. Vaughan .. 23135 16 July .. 72 D.Hogg .. .. .. 23213 2<> July .. 75 W. R. Bade .. .. .. 22016 6 Nov., 1006 88 12 Aug. .. 83 s July .. 72 2(1 Aug. .. 81 16 Aug. .. 83 20 Aug., 1906 75 16 .Inly .. 72 2<> July .. 75 s:s 72 83 83 78 72 75 lit Sept.* « Aug. Lβ Sept.* lit Sept.* 22 Vug. s Aug.* 22 An;,'.* (i Nov.. lit06 88 ss 3 Oct. R. M. Clark .. .. .. 23179 23 July .. 79 F. H. Frankland .. .. 23129 12 July .. .. P. Book .. .. .. 23225 27 July .. 79 A. MoCorkdndale .. .. 23176 19 July .. 75 2:f July .. 79 IS July .. .. 27 July .. 79 19 July .. 75 79 79 7". 5 Sept 5 Sept.* 22 Aug.* A. Lawton .. .. .. 23364 23 Aug. .. 88 C. E. Muggeridge and Van ruiniiel 22300 8 Jan. . . 72 Revolving Door Company, Limited < W. Hoyland .. .. .. 23387 29 Aug. .. 83 23 Ann. .. ss S Jan. . . 72 ss 72 :s Oot 8 Aug. Door, Weatlier-slrip for Drain. (See Earthenware drain.) Drainage, Level inlet for Drainage, Level inlet for I )raught-regulator Draw-gear for vehicles Draw-bar for veUolea Drawers and fittings, Furniture Drewoutting-ohart Dressriittiiig-chart ., I lit Sept , 29 Aug. .. 83 83 T.R.Christie .. .. 22072 15 Nov., 1906 75 T. R. Christie .. .. 22390 2 Feb. .. 75 X. Olsen .. .. .. 23368 24 Aug. .. 83 P. Maher .. .. .. 21755 6 Sept., 1906 66 C. Lindsay .. 22136 26 Nov., 1906 88 W. Grattan .. .. .. 23078 3 July .. 75 ('.M.Stewart .. .. 22048 12 Nov., 1906 8:i C. M. Stewart .. .. 23356 23 Aug. .. 83 Iβ Nov., L906 76 2 Fel). .. 75 21 Aug. .. 83 (i Sept, 1906 66 26 Nov., 1906 88 3 July .. 75 12 Nov., 1906 83 23 Aug. .. 83 7.-. 7.". 83 ss 75 83 83 22 Aug. 22 Aug. lit Sept* •J.', July. :s Oot 22 Aug. in Sept. 19 Sept.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


a>l>] ical ion. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Dresscutting-ehart Dressing. (See Belt dressing, Surgical dressing.) Drill-chuck Drill. (See Feed-drill, Rook-drffl.) Drinking-vesxel. (Sec [oe-drinking vessel.) I )ri v i ng- belt fastener Driving-coat Driving-gear for velocipedes Dropper. (See Kence-dropper.) Drum. (See Flax-stripper drum, Wiredrawing drum.) Drying food-stuffs Dubbin Duplicating sales-book. (See Sales-book.) Dust-allayer Dust-escapement. (See Rock-drill dust eeoapement.) Dust from floor, Removing _ .- M. E. McLeod 23195 25 July B3 111 Sept. E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward 28280 9 Aug. .. 79 .-. Sept.* l>. Rudeman A. S. Ha.soll and J. W. Wilson .. 0. Tate 28149 28187 23144 IS July 18 July 17 July 7-' 72 8 Aug.* 8 Aug.* T. ('. Reynolds T. X. Brocas .. •i:mr, 28427 1« Aug. .. "> Sept. ss 8 Oct. J. Stuart 23215 27 July .. 78 aa Aug.* C. L. Russell .. .. . 22946 1 June ss 8 Oct.* Karthenware drain Earthenware pipes, Machine for making Egg-oarrier .. Egg-oarriere, Manufacture of .. Egg-shield, Celluloid .. Baectrio alarm, Vuloanuer-gauge Electric apparatus for production of nitrooxides Electric cables. Conduits for Klcclric current Iransformer .. Electric tire-alarm Electric furnace Electric-indicator lock Electric lamp, Filaments for W. Diack L X. Dyhrberg C. G. Whitaker J. G. Dawson J. C. Drewet H. H. Hesketh I. Moscicki 23441 23044 23460 23357 23444 23095 23242 9 Sept. .. 25 June 12 Sept. 23 Aug. 7 Sept. . . :i July .. 1 Aug. .. ss 72 III 91 3 Oct.* 8 Aug. 17 (Id.* 17 Ocl. ii.-> •-'.-> .luiy.* R. O. Clark .. B. B. Hitohcox J. W. Bntterworth A. T. Bate H. C. Green .. "Z" Electric Lamp Syndicate, Limited A. Just, F. Hanaman, and Vereinigte Glfihlampen and Electrici-Iiiits-Aktien-Gesellschaft 0. Stewart P. Rabbidgc A. Hare I). Amos and A. M. Carroll 23291 23343 28161 23153 22970 28468 l(> Aug. 22 Aug. .. 5 July IS July 10 June 10 Sept. .. ss 79 :( Oct. r> Sept.* 72 72 s Aug.* 8 Aug.* Electric-lamp, Incandescing filaments for 21807 20 Scpt.,1906 7.-. 22 Aug. Electric telegraph instrument Electric secondary cell Klci trie switch, Automatically operating Klectric tramway, Hanger for overhead wire of Klectrical fillings, &c, Stopper for Electrical releasing mechanism for clocks Electrolytic apparatus Elevator Elevator-door, Operating Km brocation Kmery for Bax-etripper drum .. Endless sectional railway 23329 23334 22! MM 23397 21 Aug. .. 1(1 Aug. 14 June 31 Aug. .. 79 ss 72 s:i 5 Sept.* :> Oct. 8 Aug. 19 Sept.* A. Waltho A. G. Jackson P. Borgnet J. Orr J. Salinger A. V. Mudgway W. Meharry C. Sherwood, sen., and C Sherwood, fun. G. W. Beldam 22175 23509 22984 23186 23088 23143 23243 23352 iii lie-.. v.m\ 21 Sept. . . 13 June 25 July 4 July 17 July .. 1 Aug. 22 Aug. ss 72 75 68 79 3 Oct. 8 Aug. 22 Aug.* 25 July.* 5 Sept.* Engine and machine packing Engine. (See Kxplosive engine, Internalcombustion engine, Rotary engine, Traction engine.) Envelope and wrapper Envelope Envelope Envelope. (See Packet envelope.) Bstimating-initniment, Builders' Expansion-joint for steel and iron structures Explosive engine Double-impulse Extension-boot Exterminator. (See Rabbit-exterminator.) Extinguisher. (See Fire-extinguisher, Gaslamp lighter and extinguisher.) Extractor. (See Hydro-extractor, Oreextraction.) A. L. J. Tait N. Bouzaid N. Bouzaid T. West A. H. and I). J. Byron, and R. R. Richmond H. V. Johanscn J. Johnson 23231 23169 23449 23070 23110 23100 31 July 17 July « Sept. .. 1 July .. 10 July 8 July 79 ss 72 ss 8 Sept. 3 Oct.'* 8 Aug.* 3 Oct. 23073 23326 28 June l<.) Aug. .. 72 83 8 Aug. 19 Sept.* Fastener. (See Belt - fastener, Box-lid fastener, Hat-fastener, Hat-pin faetener, Metallic fastener. Packet-envelope fastener, Sash-fastener, Scaffold-building fastener, Shirt - cuff fastener, Windowfastener, Window-sash fastener, Wirefastener. ) Fasteners, Metal or wire, Inserting in leather Roods United Shoe Machinery Company 15 Nov.. 1906 M 19 sepu



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

i ,pp] lioai jiOD. kiMi Invention. Name. No. Name. No. No. Date. Date. Feed. (See Chaff-cutter feed.) Feeder. (See Animal-feeder.) Feed-regulator for boiler .. .. A. K. Macindoe .. .. 23420 Feed drill, Spring check for force- .. W. Aston .. .. .. 23450 Feeding and rearing lambs .. .. T.E.Clayton.. .. .. 23299 Felt from flax-waste, Making . . W. G. Richardson .. .. 21840 Fence-dropper .. .. .. A. C. McNeill .. .. 23198 Fence-dropper .. .. .. H. C. L. Rolfe .. .. .. 23303 Fence-dropper or binder .. .. T. W. Ooulthard .. .. 22306 Fence. (See Portable fence.) Fencing-dropper .. .. A. Oowell and J. Phillips .. 22282 Fencing-dropper .. .. .. T. Tait .. .. .. 22640 Fencing-wire reel .. .. .. T. Keats .. .. .. 21759 Fencing-standard .. .. .. F. T. Boys .. .. .. 22969 Fencing-standard .. .. E. D. Bilham .. .. 23429 Fencing-standard .. .. .. A. Campbell .. .. .. 23223 Fencing-wire, Securing ends of .. G. G. Holmes .. .. 22990 Fencing-wire, Securing ends of . . B. Ward .. .. .. 23508 Fencing-wire gauge .. .. .. J. Salt .. .. .. 23311 Fermented aerated liquors, Preventing de- \ D. Well wood .. .* .. 23063 terioration of .. .. ■. I Ferro-concrete bollard .. .. j R. F. Moore .. .. .. 23544 Fibre-bleaching .. .. .. J. C. Drewet .. .. .. 23431 Fibre-bleaching .. .. .. J. C. Drewet .. .. .. 23523 Fibre, Decorticating, scutching, to. .. . The Imperial Fibres Syndicate, 21812 Limited Fibre, Preparing from Phormium tenttx .. j R. Millis .. .. .. 23520 Fibres. (See Textile fibres, Flax.) Field gates, Opening and closing .. | J. M. Sutherland .. .. 23260 Filament. (See Incandescing filament.) File .. .. .. .. .I.Wilson .. .. .. 23347 Filler. (See bottle-filler, Receptacle-tiller.) Filter. (See Slimes-filter.) Fire-alarm .. .. .. .. A. J. Roycroft .. .. 23475 Fire-alarm .. .. .. . .• J. W. Butterworth .. .. 23101 Fire-alarm and temperature-indicator .. F. Arenas and J. Ross .. 21970 Fire-extinguisher .. .. .. G. Harker .. .. .. 22825 Fire-extinguisher .. .. . . C. H. Harris . . .. .. 23426 Fire-kindler W. S. Clark j 23498 Fire-place, Open, Converting into cooking;- F. H. Dannhardt .. .. i 23189 range Fireproof wall .. .. . . .1. .1. Reilly .. .. .. i 23184 Fire-resisting solution .. .. G. W. Wilkins .. . . 22582 Flax. (See also Fibres.) Flax-beaters rollers. Grinding .. .. R. M. Crosbie.. .. . . 21581 Flax-bundles, Tying .. .. ., G. E. Partridge .. .. 23534 Flax-bleaching-process .. .. A. J. Border .. .. . . 21730 Flax-catcher .. .. .. C. Suttie and M. H.Wynyard .. 23390 Flax-catcher .. .. .. C. Suttie and M. H. Wynyard .. I 23451 Flax-catcher, Operating .. .. C. Suttie and M. H. Wynyard .. ! 23453 Flax-catcher, Shaker, &c. .. .. R. McGaffin .. .. . . 23139 Flax, Cleansing, after stripping .. C. Suttie and M. H. Wynyard .. 23452 Flax, Conveying, to strippers .. ..JR. McGaffin .. .. .. 23140 Flax, Dressing and drying .. .. A. H. and D. J. Byron and R. R. 21766 Richmond Flax-dressmg apparatus .. .. J. A. Merrett .. .. .. j 23103 Flax dressing and drying .. .. A. H. and D. J. Byron and T. M. 23437 Scott Flax-drying process .. .. .. A. J. Border .. .. .. 21731 Flax-fibre handling device .. .. J. A. Merrett .. .. .. 21456 Flax-fibre cleansing .. .. .. C. Suttie and M. H. Wynyard .. 22076 Flax, Preparing fibre from .. . . R. Millis .. .. .. 23520 Flax-scutcher .. .. . . P. M. Keppel .. .. 23296 Flax-stripper beater, Trueing surface of .. W. P. Mclndoe .. .. 23463 Flax-stripper .. .. J. A. Merrett .. .. .. 21455 Flax-striper .. .. .. G. T. Booth .. .. .. 21904 Flux -stripper . . .. .. E. P. Graham .. .. 23353 Flax-stripper drum. Emery for .. j W. Meharry .. .. .. 23243 Klax. Treating, after stripping.. .. 0. Suttie and M. H. Wynyard .. 23391 Flax, Treating, before stripping .. H. A. Nicholson .. .. 23312 Flax washing and stripping .. .. W. B. Curtis and D. Morrison .. 23491 Flax-washing .. .. .. F. R. Simmonds .. .. 23217 Flax-waste. Use of, as cattle-food .. W. G. Richardson .. .. 21841 Flax-waste, &c, Use of, as cattle-food .. W. Fuller .. .. .. 23066 Flax-waste, Making felt from .. .. W.G.Richardson .. .. 2184(1 Flaying-knife .. .. .. R. J. Coomber .. .. 28976 Flooring-cramp .. .. ..CD. Pike .. .. .. 23325 Floors, Removing dust from .. .. C. L. Russell .. .. .. 22!l4ti Flue. (See Stove.) Flv catcher.. .. .. .. J. Shea .,. .. ... 23283 .'! Sept. .. 11 Sept. .. 15 Aug. .. 26 Sept, 1906 25 July Iβ Aug. 12 Jan. 9 .Ian. 5 April Id Sept.. 1906 11 June 4 Sept, .. 26 July 14 June 23 Sept. .. Iβ Aug. 25 June 3(1 Sept. .. 4 Sept. .. 21 Sept. .. 19 Sept., 1906 25 Sept. .. 3 Aug. .. 22 Aug. .. 16 Sept. .. r> July 26 Oct.. 1906 Iβ May r, Sept. .. 21 Sept. 25 July, .. ss 88 7.-. 83 83 62 75 7.-. 72 88 83 72 '.II SS 78 ii i 83 88 72 SS 79 91 ill 83 3 Oct.» 3 Oct.* 22 Aug. 19 Sept.* 19 Sept. 11 July. :t Oct. 22 Aug. 22 Aug. 8 Aug. 3 Oct.* 19 Sept.* 8 Aug. 17 Oct.* 3 Oct. 22 Aug. 17 Oot> 19 Sept. 19 Sept. 8 Aug.* 3 Oct. 5 Sept. 17 Obt.* 17 Oct. 19 Sept.* 25 July 22 Marcli .. 7.". 83 22 Aug.* 19 Sept, 3 Aug.. 1906 28 Sept. .. 3 Sept.. 1906 26 Aug. 7 Sept. .. 7 Sept. .. Lβ July 7 Sept. . . Lβ July 11 Sept., 1906 ii.-) 25 July. 83 ill ss SS 72 SS 72 72 19 Sept, 17 Oct. 3 Oct.* 3 Oct.* 8 Aug.* 3 Oct.* 8 Aug.* 8 Aug. 9 July 9 Sept. .. 66 25 July. 8 Sept., 1906 17 July, 1906 15 Nov., 1906 2."> Sept. . . i:i Aug. .. 14 Sept. .. 17 July, 1906 11 Oct., 1906 20 Aug. 1 Aug. 27 Aug. .. 16 Aug. 16 Sept. .. 27 July 25 Sept.. 1906 24 June 26 Sept.. 1906 12 June 21 Aug. .. I June 83 ii.-, ss 19 Sept. 25 July. 3 Oct. 83 19 Sept.* 66 76 83 7(1 25 July. 22 Aug. 19 Sept.* 5 Sept.* 91 7!) 72 72 76 72 83 ss 17 Oc .» 5 Sept. 8 Aug. 8 Aug. 22 Aug. 19 Sept.* 3 Oct.* 12 Aug. ..


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.


'PI'] ion. to. Invention. Name. Date. No. Date. No. No. Flying machine. (See Aerial machine.) Fog-signal International Marine Signal Company, Limited H. Oorbett 23339 22 Aug. .. 91 91 17 Oct. Food for stuck Food. (See Cattle-food.) Footwear. (See Rubber footwear.) Force pump. Double action lift and Frame. (See Bicyele-frame, Tent-frame. Tie-frame, Window-Mali frame. Wireooiling frame.) Friotion clutch Friction-gear Pruit-oaee .. Kruit-case .. Frnit-preaen pan Fruit-storage Fuinigating-apparatua Fumigator. (See Rabbit-burrow fumigator.) Furnace for extracting antimony Furnace. (See Electric furnace.) Furiiituic-drawers P. A. Pirn and \V. H. Blakeley . . J. S. Nicholson M. Bate S. A. Bradley L. C. Auldjo .. M. E. Cummins F. \V. Meakin C. A. Sehauer i 23516 24 Sept 21749 6 Sept., 1906 75 23127 1(1 July .. 72 23178 19 July .. 75 22193 13 Dec., 1906. 88 23293 14 Aug. .. 83 28401 2 Sept .. 88 21739 > 8 Sept.. 1906 62 2188(1 :> Oct.. 1908 78 75 7.-. ss 83 ss 62 7.". 22 Aug. 8 Aug.* 22 Aug.* :S (let. I'.l Sept. :f Oct.* 11 July. 22 Aug. W. H. J. Ridley 1 23533 28 Sept \V. (irattan .. 23078 3 July .. 75 7"> 22 Aug. Gttlvanised-iron cutter (iardeners' peg Garment-measurer (Garment. (See Waterproof garment.) Qaa-burner, Atmospherk Gas-burner, Inoandeeceni (las-burner . . Gas-engine. (Sec Internal - combustion engine.) Gas from hydrocarbon oils. Producing.. i .;i~-u'enerator (las-lamp. Inverted incandescence , .. W. F. Johns .. F. A. Robinson L. Morris 23358 22 Aug 23076 2 July .. 72 22858 18 May .. 76 72 7;-. ; 8 Aug.* J 22 Aug.* J. B. Duokett A. S. Franois C. C. Wakefield 23362 21 Aug 23150 18 July .. 79 23501 21 Sept 79 ;> Sept. A. Jack B. Looking Pintsch's Patent Lighting Company, Limited H. H. Johnson and K. Moin F. J. Cox J. B. Duokett 23462 13 Sept. .. M 23004 18 June .. 72 :>:i021 18 June, 1907 72 17 Oct.* B Aug. 8 Aug. (las-lamp lighter and extinguisher (laa-proanoing apparatai Gas-stove, Atmospheric burner for (See Acetylene gas, Petrol-gas, Water-gas.) Qas-valye, Automatically operating 22731 9 Jan-f .. 88 23026 22 June .. 72 23362 21 Aug. .. 91 3 Oct. 8 Aug. 17 Oct. A. Hare 22991 14 June .. 72 21014 19 April, 1900 23068 I July .. 72 8 Aug. l>:, July. 25 July.* 8 Aug.* Gate-hinge .. F. W. Bliss .. Gate-latch .. Gate. (See Field-gate.) Gauge. (See Fencing-wire gauge, Rail-way-track gauge.) Gear. (See Draw - gear, Driving - gear, Friction-gear, Power-gear.) Generator. (See Gas-generator, Acety-lene-gas generator. Water-gas generator. ) Girth and surcingle Girth-gall preventative Glas- article-. Manufacture of hollow ( Baa roofing (ilass. (See Lamp-L'liiss.) (ilazing-bar Globe for geographical instruction Cold and silver extraction Gold-concentrator Gold, Obtaining, from aea nd Gold-savins: apparatus Gold-savins: ripple. Hold washer and amalgamator Golf-club .. Golosh Grader. (See Potato-grader.) Qrappler. (See Kauri-gum grappler.) Grate. (See Register grate.) Gravel screen or riddle trap for sinks, &c. Qrearfng tram-rail oorvea Griller. (See Toaster and griller.) (liindiiiL'-iiiill. Lining for Grinding flax-beater rollers Grip. (See Blanket-grip.) Gum. (See Kauri-gum.) Gun-sight J. Y. Dixon .. R. F. Sorenaon R. G. Saxby A. .1. Hoban .. H. Severin J. H. Beamish 23472 23474 23327 23087 23482 10 Sept. .. 91 17 Oct.* Iβ Sept 21 Aug. . . 79 S Sept.* 4 July .. 88 3 Oct. 14 Sept .. 91 17 Oct. F. de J. Clere D. A. Watt .. B. Hall I. Lewis D. Brigham and G. Rainey T. M. Breok .. R. T. Bush . . W. E. Hughes F. W. Brewster G. E. Smith 23069 23439 23204 23478 23098 23187 23131 23207 23388 22902 1 July .... 9 Sepi 25 July .. 79 6 Sept. 11 Sept 8 .Inly ..72 8 Aiiir.* 2f> July ..72 8 Aug.* 9 July .. 72 8 Aug.* 25 July .. 17 Sept,19Oet 88 3 Oct. 28 May .. 75 22 Aug. A. P. F. and G. D. Watson J. Ross 1. Harrison 23019 23480 23268 21 June .. 72 8 Aug. 17 Sept 7 Aug. .. 83 19 Sept, J. R. Brown .. R. M. Crosbie 23487 21581 19 Sept 3 Aug., 1906 65 25 July. P. Browne _ .. _' 23117 11 July .. 75 22 Aug.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.

Invention. Nun*. No. At Application. No. J OOMtt*. Date. Date. Hair-pin .. .. .. .. W. Grant .. .. .. 23096 Hair-remo.ving preparation .. .. M. L. Krimer.. .. .. 22767 Hammer and spanner .. . . W. J. O'Connor .. .. 23421 Handle. (See Broom-handle.) Hanger. (See Overhead - wire hanger, Clothes-hanger.) Harvester .. .. .. .. S. Millar .. .. .. 21329 Harvester-binder .. .. .. j J. A. Steele .. .. .. 22585 Harvesting-maohine .. .. .. i H. Jones .. .. .. 23094 Hat .. .. .. .. R. A. Bradbury .. .. 21918 Hat-fastener .. .. .. ' B. E. Colson .. .. .. 22855 Hat-pin fastener .. .. .. A. G. F. White .. .. I 23222 Hat, umbrella, and book rack.. . . J. C. Atkinson .. .. 23497 Hat of straw and palm-leaf .. .. I H. P. Pearson .. .. 22. r >68 Heater. (See Milk oooler and heater, Water-heater.) Heating. (See Liquid-heating.) Heating system .. .. .. J. Smaill .. .. .. 21278 Heel for boot or shoe .. .. W. Walkerden .. . . 23502 Heel. (See Resilient heel, Boot-heel.) Hinge. (See Gate-hinge.) Hoe .. .. .. .. I T. R. Bond .. .. .. 23495 Hoist. (See Winch and hoist.) Holder. (See Tioket- holder Aoetylene-gas holder, Cigarette-holder, Cigar-holder, Milk-buoket holder.) Honey and beeswax, Rendering .. F. R. Beuhne.. .. .. 22545 Hook. (See Soaffolding-brnoket.) Hop-pressing, Maohine for .. J. Kershaw .. .. .. j 23084 Horse and oattle rug .. .. J. Gair .. .. .. 23303 Horse. (See Trotting-horse.) Horses, Casting .. .. .. W. J. Bullock .. .. 23229 Horses: Preventing front legs knocking A. Clegg .. .. .. 2814S together Hose-connection .. .. .. I J. Mulligan .. .. .. | 23333 Hose-coupling .. .. ,. | W.P.J, Curnow .. .. 22139 Hot-water pressure-supply cylinder .. T. R. Christie .. .. 23435 House. (See Wooden house.) Hurdle .. .. .. .. I J. P. Beloher .. .. 22971 Hydraulic air-compressor, Tide-actuated W.O.Webber .. .. 23032 Hydraulic clutch .. .. .. A. J. Fippard .. .. 23009 Hydraulic-nozzle operator .. .. W. O'Brien, jun., and F. W. Knight 23267 Hydraulic ram .. .. .. F.J.Jackson .. .. '23141 Hydro-extractor .. .. .. J. C. Drewet .. .. .. 23406 Hydrocarbon-oils, Production of gas from A. Jack .. .. ,. 23462 3 July .. 72 8 Aug.* 5 Sept.,1906f 72 8 Aug. 27 Aug. .. 88 3 Oct.* 19 June, 1906 88 3 Oot. 23 March .. 65 25 July. 3 July .. 86 25 July.* 16 Oot., 1906 79 5 Sept. 20 May .. 79 5 Sept. 26 July .. 75 22 Aug.* 18 Sept. .. 91 17 Oot.* 1 20 Maroh .. 79 5 Sept. 7 June. 1906 66 25 July. 21 Sept 20 Sept. .. 91 17 Oot* 14 Maroh .. 75 22 Aug. 4 July .. 72 8 Aug.* 7 Aug. .. 83 19 Sept.* 30 July .. 75 22 Aug.* 17 July .. 72 8 Aug.* 19 Aug 28 Nov., 1906 SH B Oct. 5 Sept 8 June .. 72 8 Aug. 24 June .. 72 8 Aug. 19 June .. 72 8 Aug. 7 Aug. .. 79 . 5 Sept.* Lβ July ... 79 5 Sept. 2 Sept. .. , 88 3 Oct.* 13 Sept 17 Oct.* Ice-drinking vessel .. .. .. H. D. P. Huizer .. .. 23276 Illusion apparatus, Railway-car .. F. W., and W. C. Gifford .. 22493 Incandescence filament for electric lamps " Z " Electric Lamp Syndicate 23455 Limited Incandescing filaments for electric lamp Dr. A. Just, F. Hanaman, Verei- 21807 nigte Gluhlampen and Electrici-tats-Aktien-Gesellschaft Incandescent mantle .. .. W.E.Hughes .. .. 23114 India-rubber goods, Manufacture and re- T. Gare .. .. ., 22873 pair of Indicator. (See Destination-indicator, Station or street indicator, Tempera-ture-indicator, Vessel, recording course of.) Internal-combustion engine .. .. C. H. T. Alston .. .. 23351 Insrain-sewing machine, Guides for .. United Shoe Machinery Company 22058 Invalids' bed .. .. .. G. C. Heenan.. .. ..23181 Iron or steel castings, Tempering .. F. Cotton .. .. .. I 23274 Iron. (See Sheet-iron, Steel and iron.) 6 Aug. .. I 88 19 Sept. 25 Feb. .. 72 8 Aug. 10 Sept 20 Sept.,1906 75 22 Aug. 10 July .. .. 2!l May, 190t>t 79 5 Sept. 23351 22058 23181 23274 22 Aug. ..88 3 Oct. 15 Nov., 1906 79 r> Sept. 22 July .. 79 5 Sept.* 8 Aug. .. SI 19 Sept. Jack. (See Lifting-jack.) Jenny. (See Wire-jenny.) Joint. (See Expansion-joint, Rail-joint.) Jointing-bracket .. .. .. A. H. Wood, and H. W. DeBaugh 23262 23262 6 Aug. .. 83 19 Sept. Kauri-gum, Extracting, from sand .. J. W. Synnerholm .. .. 23479 Kauri-gum grappler .. .. .. E. Elliott and C. D. Hill .. 23287 Keyless-lock .. .. .. j S. J. Nielsen .. .. .. 28164 Kindler. (See Fire-kindler.) Knife-block and knife for linotype-machine W. H. Mounsey .. .. 22787 Knife-cleaner .. .. .. F. Davies .. .. . . 23365 Knife-cleaner .. .. .. J. C. D. Dow .. . . 23250 Knife cleaner and sharpener .. .. I T. J. Whelan .. .. 21743 Knife. (See Flaying-knife.) Knife-sharpener. Chaff-nutter .. .'. J, L Wilson .. . . .. 23433 23479 23287 231 ">4 14 Sept. .. 91 17 Oct.* 9 Aug. .. 83 19 Sept.* 18 July .. .. I 22787 23365 23260 21743 8 May .. 65 -if. July, 26 Aug 2 Aug. .. 75 22 Aug.* 5 Sept.. 1906 72 8 Aug. 3 Sept. .. 88 3 Oct.* 23433


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

11— H. 10.—08.


• I'l'l loaf iou. Uize »<•. Inventioc. Name. No. Date. No. Date Ladder and scaffold bracket Ladder. (See Step-ladder.) Lamb rearer and feeder Lamp-glasses cleaner Lamp. (See Arc lamp, Blow-lamp, Electric lamp, Gas-lamp, Signal-lamp.) Land and road clearer Latch. (See Gate-latch.) Lathes, Boring-tool for use with Laths, Sheet-metal Launch-motor Leather Leather G. and J. Bowers T. E. Clayton J. D. McLaurin J. von. Bertouch 23286 23299 21696 28286 12 Aug. .. 15 Aug. .. 28 Aug., 1906 20 Aug., 1906t 60 25 Juiy. J. Burns T. W. Macintosh H. Droutlege C. D. Iightband and S. H. Knight D. E. Davis, S. H. Knight, and C. D. Iightband J. P. Carmine H. Lewis F. W. Zercho 23130 22452 23282 23400 23481 12 July .. 21 Feb. 7 Aug. .. 2 Sept. .. 17 Sept. 72 (12 7fl 8 Aug.* 11 July. 5 Sept.* Leather or boot composition Leather, Regenerating waste or scrap .. Letter-cards, Picture and postal Letters. (See Advertising-letters.) Level-inlet for drainage Level-inlet for drainage Level. (See Spirit-level.) lid. (See Box-lid.) lids, Attaching, to cans lift-pump. (See Force-pump.) Lifter. (See Curtain-pole lifter, Postlifter.) Lifting-jack Lighter and extinguisher, Has Limesand brick, Manufacture at Link. (See Split link.) Linotype-machines, Matrix-cleaner for .. Linotype-machines, Knife-block and knife for Liquid-deliverer Liquid, Filling concealed receptacles with Liquid-heating apparatus Loader and road-aweeper, Automatic Loading. (See Lumber-loading.) Lock-nut Lock. (See Electric indicator-lock, Key-less-lock, Mail-bag lock, Nut-lock. Window and door lock.) Locket locomotives, Preventing skidding of Lumber, Loading and unloading T. R. Christie T. R. Christie R. P. Park .1. E. Crowle II. II. Johnson and E. Moin T. Winstanlcy W. II. Moiinscv W. II. Momisey 23279 23338 23390 22072 22390 23086 23422 22731 23010 38786 22787 9 Aug. 22 Aug. 13 Aug. .. 15 Nov., 1906 2 Feb. 4 July .. s Oct., 1906f 9 Jan.t .. HI .lime s May S May 6i '.ii 75 7". 72 ss 72 65 60 17 Oct.'* 17 del.* 22 Aug. 22 Aug. 8 Aug.* .-! Oct. 8 Aug. 26 July. 25 July. J. I). Kelly and T. Taylor \Y. E. Hughes A. T. Pfeiff .. J. J. Smith .. 23119 21899 23089 21(112 11 July, 1907 11 mi.. 1906 4 July 9 Aug.. 1906 72 79 8 Aug.* .-. Sept. 7r. 22 Aug. \V. K. Chamberlain 2:i4.-)(i II Sept. .. n 17 Oct.* A. H. Browiilev J. H. Adams .. J. A. Sayward 23461 23118 21679 12 Sept, .. 8 July 23 Aug., 1906 0] 72 72 17 Oct.* 8 Aug.* 8 Aug. Macaroni, Drying Mail-hag and basket lock Manifolding. (See Salesbook.) Mantles. (See Incandescent mantles.) Manure, and method of manufacturing same .Marking. (See Race-competitors, Sheepmarking.) Mat. (See Door-mat.) Match-box, Puzzle Matrix-cleaner, Linotype Mattress, Head-piece for divisible Measure. (See Bowlers' measure.) Measurer. (See Distance-measurer, Gar - ment-measurer.) \l<- i-iiring-tape Meat-brand Medicine Merchandise-transporter Metal-cutter. (See Tin-cutter.) Metal framework for buildings. (See Steel-frames, &c.) Metal-laths. (Sec Laths.) Metallic fasteners, Forming and driving.. T. C. Reynolds .. _ C. Giorgi .. .. _ 23335 23484 19 Aug. .. 19 Sept. .. SS 3 Oct. H. Corbett .. .. _ 23515 24 Sept. .. B, MoCorrigan and E. M. Payne.. YV. FT. Mounsey F. Willdns 23490 22786 2:!252 17 Sept. .. 8 May 30 July .. 91 75 17 Oct.* 25 July. 22 Aug.* II. J. Rabone I. I). McLaurin R. Groombridge J. H. Hutehinson 2H2:i2 23369 23090 23230 31 July 27 Aug. 4 July 30 July S3 ss 19 Sept. 3 (id.* 79 5 Sept.* Manufacturer!' Machine Com18 July .. 23158 72 8 Aug.* Metal, Moulding and casting .. Metals, molten, Manufacture of Metdlic-ore, Concentrating Milk-aerator Milk-agitator Milk and cream cooler Milk and cream cooler Milk-bucket holder Milk cooler and heater Milk, Preparing, for food pany J. B. Shacklock B. H. Thwaite and W. Defries .. D. H. Norris ('. P. H. Jephson G. H. MacEwan W. Foord Z. S. Lawrence T. S. Royds . . F. Peters and W. P. Smith C. H. E. Hope-Johnstone 23370 23411 23202 23355 23122 22922 23185 23519 23227 23412 23, Aug. 4 Sept. .. 25 July .. 23 Aug. .. 8 July 30 May 22 July 16 Sept. .. 26 July .. 4 Sept. .. ill 7'. I 72 7.-> 78 17 Oct.' 5 Sept. 8 Aug.* 22 Aug. 5 Sept. 7'.l 5 Sept.



Alphabetical List of Inventions—continued.

■!'Pl ical ion. Invention. Nuns. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Milk-treatment .. .. C. H. E. Hope-Johnstone Milking-machine .. .. A. Ridd Milking-machine .. .. W. H. Lawrence and R. Kennedy Milking-machine .. .. .. M. McGinness Milking-machine .. .. .. E. V. Gandil Milking-machine .. .. .. K. I. Lindstrom Milking-machine .. .. .. W. H. Lawrence and R. Kennedy Milking-machine .. .. .. W. H. Blackham Milking-machine. (See Teat-cuji.) Mill. (See Qrindfcg-miH.) Minis. Winch and hoist for .. E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward Minnow and tackle case .. .. C. C. Moffett Minnow. (See Artificial minnow.) Mitreing device .. .. .. R. Dunne Mixing-machine. (See Rotary mixing - machine.) Mortar and concrete mixing machine .. T. L. Smith Mot or-bicycle and cleaner .. .. H. Quertier .. Motor-oar, Air-compression on .. E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward Motor-car wheel .. .. F. R. Dcnnison Motor. (See Launoh motor.) Moulding and casting metal .. .. J. B. Shacklock 23410 21897 22985 23342 23234 23258 23543 23458 20914 23559 4 Sept. .. I 9 Oct., 1906 10 June 22 Aug. 31 July .. I 2 Aug. .. 30 Sept. 12 Sept. .. 29 March, '06 30 Sept. 51 79 72 79 83 83 88 s:s 17 Oct. S Sept. 8 Aug. 5 Sept.* 19 Sept. 19 Sept. 3 Oct.* 19 Sept. 23210 23 July Tγ. 22 Aug.* 23108 23440 23142 23328 10 July .. 9 Sept. .. 16 July 21 Aug. 76 91 72 83 22 Aug. 17 Oct.* 8 Aug.* 19 Sept.* 23370 23 Aug. .. Nail for corrugated iron .. .. F. H. Webb Nail. (See Roofing-nail.) Navigation. (See Aerial navigation.) Neck-wear frame. (See Tie-frame.) Net. (See Trawling-net.) Netting. (See Wire netting.) Nitro-oxides, Producing, by electric ap- I. Moscieki paratus Non-refillable bottle. (See Bottles.) Nozzle. (See Hydraulic nozzle.) Nut-lock .. ' .. .. .. J. T. Clark Nut. (See Lock-nut.) 23238 1 Aug. .. ss 3 Oct. 1 Aug. 23242 21518 9 Oct., 1905f 82 11 July. Oath-pad attachment to Bible .. S. F. Darragh Oils. (See Hydro-carbon oils.) Ointment for skin diseases .. .. I R. White Opener. (See Packing-case opener.) Ore-concentrator .. .. .. D. H. Norris Ore-concentrator .. .. .. H. Trinder and F. Engeler Ore-extraction .. .. .. C. M. Chamberlain Ore-roasting process .. .. A. R. Wilfley Ore-treatment .. .. .. F. C. Brown Ore-treatment .. .. A. and W. J. Maiden Ore-treatment .. .. .. R. W. E. Mclvor Ore-treatment .. .. .. F. T. Snyder .. Ore-treatment .. .. .. ' B. Hall Ore-treatment .. .. .. P. C. C. Isherwood Ore-treatment. (See Antimony, Gold, Zinc, &c.) Overhead-wire hanger .. D. Amos and A. M. Carroll 23208 25 July .. 78 22 Aug.* 23083 2 July 79 5 Sept. 23202 23372 23521 23505 21727 22974 21811 23191 23204 23107 25 July .. 28 Aug. 23 Sept. 23 Sept. .. 30 Aug., 1906 12 June 19 Sept.,1906 25 July 25 July 19 July, 1906t 79 91 72 72 79 70 79 5 Sept, 17 Oct. 8 Aug. 8 Aug. 5 Sept. 5 Sept. 5 Sept. 23397 31 Aug. .. 88 19 Sept.* Packet-envelope fastener .. .. C. E. J. Wilkinson Packing-case opener .. .. .. W. E. Chamberlain Packing. (See Bag-packing, Engine-pack-ing-) Pan. (See Fruit-preserving pan.) Paper-box machine .. .. .. United States Automatic Box Machinery Company Paper, Treating surface for printing- .. H. C. Mitchell Parcel and cash carrier .. .. Lamson Store Service Company, Limited Paving-material, Manufacturing .. A. H. Korth Paving. (See Tar-paving.) Peeler. (See Potato-peeler.) Peg. (See Clothes-peg, Gardener's peg.) Perambulator and chair combined .. J. Ford Petrol-gas, Producing .. .. A. H. Warmsley Phonograph ami telephone, Tympan for J. G. Coombs.. Pkorminm ttnax. —(See flax-fibre.) Piano tuning device .. .. ..J. Brockbank.. Piles. (See Reinforced concrete piles.) Pin .. .. .. .. W. Grant Pin. (See Hair-pin, Hat-pin.) Pipes, Hydraulic cushion for air or gas R. O. Clark Pipe. (See Earthenware pipe.) Planter. (See Potato-planter.) Plastering laths. (See Laths.) Plough-disc .. , ■ P. Spiers 22448 23428 21 Feb. .. 5 Sept. .. 79 ss 5 Sept. 3 Oct.* 23492 19 Sept. 23079 22165 4 July, 1906f 6 Dec., 1906 75 22 Aug. 23408 3 Sept .. 23007 23337 23381 19 June 19 Aug. .. 28 Aug. .. 8 Aug.* 72 91 17 Oct. 23457 7 Sept. .. 91 17 Oct.* 23096 3 July .. 23366 24 Aug. .. s:i 19 Sept.* 23446 11 Sept. ..


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


■I'Pl ieui aon. 'iizei :te. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Plough, Hillside and single furrowPlough, Subsoil cultivator attachment .. Pole. (See Curtain-pole, Trolly-pole.) Portable boiler Portable fence Portland cement, Manufacturing Post-card Post-lifter Post-lifter .. Post. (See Reinforced concrete post.* Potato grader and cleaner Potato-peeler Potato-planter Potato-washer Power, Economical form of Power from tides, Obtaining .. Power-,gear Power-transmission mechanism Preserving - pan. (See Fruit - preserving pan.) Preserving wood and other porous materials I T. Keats 21777 12 Sept.,1906 R. M. Kemp .. .. .. 23517 21 Sept. .. 72 8 Aug. W. Hamer .. .. .. 22893 23 May R. J. Marshall .. .. 23306 15 Aug. T. Sakauchi .. .. .. 22989 14 June .. N. Bouzaid .. .. .. 23448 6 Sept. .. E. Hayes .. .. .. 23298 15 Aug. .. R. W. Ooy .. .. .. 23348 22 Aug. .. 72 s:i 72 8 Aug.* 19 Sept. 8 Aug. 79 88 5 Sept.* 3 Oct. J. Gascard and R. Shimmen .. 22349 23 Jan. T. li. Robertson .. .. 23221 26 July B. G. A. Harkness .. .. 23000 18 June .. S. Doyle .. .. .. 23414 4 Sept. .. D. Brisbane .. .. .. 23503 19 Sept. .. W. Brierly .. .. .. 23445 6 Sept. .. R. J. Fry .. .. .. 22154 5 Dec., 1906 M. Ii. Church.. .. .. 23201 25 July 79 78 72 5 Sept. 22 Aug.* 8 Aug. 88 3 Oct. ' M. Ruping .. .. .. 23532 30 Sept .. Press. (See Punching-press.) Pressing. (See Boot-sole pressing, Hoppressing.) Printing-machine, Sheet-inverting apparatus for Printing process Propeller. (See Screw propeller.) Prospecting-dish Protector. (See Tire-protector.) Pump Pump for thick liquids Pump. (See Air-compressor, Force-pump.] Punching-press, Dividing table for Puncture-proof composition for tires W. E. Hughes .. .. 23113 10 July ... H. C. Mitohell .. .. 23079 4 July, 1906f T. Harcourt .. .. .. 23097 3 July 78 72 2-2 Aug. 8 Aug.* E. H. Friend .. .. .. 23085 4 July .. A. H. Borgstrom .. .. 23111 10 July Oβ 78 25 July.* 22 Aug. J. Aivaz .. .. .. 22354 24 Jan. C. G. and D. E. A. Jones and J. G. 23261 6 Aug. Stevens L. H. Rogers and A. Myers . . 23364 26 Aug. L. H. Rogers and A. Myers .. 2352.-) Ki Sept. .. 7."> 22 Aug. PtmotorM in tires, Composition for Punctures in tires, Composition for Puzzle-box. (See Match-box.) 79 ss 5 Sept.* 3 Oct. Rabbit-burrow fumigator Rabbit-exterminator Rabbit-trap Race-competitors, Method of marking .. Race-starting machine Race-starting machine Rack. (See Book-rack, Hat-rack, Um-brella-rack. ) Rail-joint Railroad-car illusion apparatus Railway, Endless sectional J. B. Evans .. .. .. 23151 18 July R. H. Hunter- Weston .. .. 23180 23 July D. Whitburn .. .. .. 23254 1 Aug. S. T. Beattie and W. J. Chapman 22880 20 May i; II. Say well .. .. 22080 20 Nov., 1906 H. Reynolds .. .. .. 23104 9 July .. I 72 72 8 Aug.* 8 Aug.* 66 ss 78 25 .luly. 3 Oct. 22 Aug. G. W. Russell .. .. 23167 19 July T. W. and W. C. Gifford .. 22493 25 Feb. C. Sherwood, sen., and C. Sher- 23352 22 Aug. wood, jun. C. H. Bincroft .. .. 23170 18 July .. j J. A. Belk 23270 7 Aug. .. 72 83 8 Aug. 19 Sept.* Railway-engine telephone system Railway fishplate Railway. (See Train.) Railway-track gauge Railway-truck door Ram. (See Hydraulic ram.) Range-finder Range hot-water boiler Range. (See Rifle range.) Razor Razor-blades, Holding, while stropping].. Receiver. (See Wireless-telegraphy receiver.) Receptacles-filler, Concealed Record. (See Bread-record.) Reel. (See Fencing-wire reel.) Regulator. (See Draught-regulator, Feedregulator.) Register grate, Damper for Register. (See Cash-register, Time-re-cording register.) Reinforeed-concrete piles Reinforced-concrete post Rendering beeswax, &c. Resilient heel Resilient vehicle-wheel .. • .. Resistance mechanism, Yielding Ridging T.i 83 22 Aug.* 19 Sept.* F. Schneider .. .. .. 23442 9 Sept. .. J. D. Smith and J. J. Scott .. 21819 21 Sept., 1906 ss 72 3 Oct.* 8 Aug. F. H. Lampen .. .. 22595 25 March .. W. Dixey .. .. .. 23522 25 Sept. .. Sβ 25 July.* W. E. Hughes .. .. 23206 25 July .. <!. F. Double and E. S. Quicke .. 23477 16 Sept. .. ■ • • ■ W. E. Hughes .. .. 21899 11 Oct., 1906 79 5 Sept. F. J. T. Brown .. .. 23484 16 Sept. .. C. R. Massey .. .. 21542 31 July, 1906 J. Corn well .. .. .. 23092 1 July F. R. Beuhne .. .. 22545 14 March .. H. E. Wallace and E. Clark .. 23048 26 June .. T. J. McBride .. .. 23512 24 Sept. G. Westinghouse .. .. 23513 24 Sept. .. T. 0. Turnbull .. .. 23423 19 July Sβ 75 7.". 72 25 July. 22 Aug.* 22 Aug. 8 Aug.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.

Application. GiiMtte. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. J Date. Rifle range Rifle, Teaching use of Ripple. (See Gold-saving ripple.) Riveter Road-cart gig Road-sweeper and automatic loader Road sweeper and cleaner Roaster. (See Clay-roaster.) Rock-cutting machine A. Whitney .. G. E. Forward and \V. .J. Bird .. 21900 13 Oct., 1906 23273 8 Aug. .. 72 8 Aug. 83 1!) Sept.* J, K. Anderson R. F. Sorensou .. ( .. J. J. Smith .. \V. K. Dugins 23315 19 Aug. 23473 10 Sept. .. 21612 9 Aug.. 19(H> 21873 4 Oct., 1906 B8 3 Oct.* 91 17 Oct.* 75 22 Aug. 7'. I 6 Sept. Rock-drill chuck Kiiek-drill dust escapement Rock-drill and water-spray Rock-drill, Fluid actuated Konomax Rock - drill Syndicate, Limited K. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward A. C. Bartlett Konomax Rock - drill Syndicate, Limited Konomax Rock - drill Syndicate, Limited G. Barrett W. H. Patterson and G. B. .Jones J. Howe 23468 13 Sept. .. 23280 9 Aug. 23349 22 Aug. .. 23466 13 Sept. .. 23467 13 Sept, .. Tit r> Sept.* 88 3 Oct. Km king-horse tricycle Roller-tug for harness Roofing-nail Roofing. (See Glass rooting.) Rope. (See Wire hauling-rope.) Rotary mixing- machine Rotary engine Rotary engine Rotary mixing-machine Rotary motion, Clutching device for communicating Rotary steam-engine Rubber footwear Rug. (See Horse and cattle rug.) Ruler Rust-preventing ; n tin vessels and tanks 23285 12 Aug. 21745 1 Sept.. 1906 23324 21 Aug. 7! I 66 s:i l<. I r> Sept.* 65 ; 25 July. 83 19 Sept.* T. L. Smith H. Lee J. Gill T. L. Smith .. V. Hiiiley and F. H. Jackson 23108 10 July 2:il!l4 25 July 23233 31 July 23109 10 July 22313 15 Jan. 75 22 Aug. 7r, 70 5 Sept. 75 22 Aug. 62 11 July. 79 7r. J. E. Friend .. G. E. Smith 23173 22 July 22902 28 May 79 7. r > 7!> 5 Sept. 75 22 Aug. J. C. Macmichael Aktieselskabet Burmeister and Wains, Maskin-og Skibsbyggeri 23271 7 Aug. .. 23102 6 July SS 76 88 3 Oct. 75 22 Aug. Saddle Saddle-cover Safe-door Sales-book. Manifolding Sash-balance E. Frost <;. .1. Clegg C. Henry National Cash Register Company J. Neren and Rheclin ( toldkuhl and Co. D. Mulcahy .. 23148 18 July 22992 15 June .. 23255 2 Aug. .. 23377 28 Aug. .. 22875 22 May 72 8 Aug.* 72 X Aug. S3 19 Sept.* 91 17 Oct. 65 25 July. 72 72 83 !il 66 Sash-fastener Sash. (See Window-sash.) Saucepan-cleaner Scaffold and ladder bracket Scaffold-fastening Scaffolding 22937 4 June .. 83 83 19 Sept. W. A. Johnston G. and J. Bowers T. B. Murray Eamphriee Patent Bracket and Scaffolding Company, Limited A. Lawton L. Pickering .. R. G. Crichton 23459 12 Sept. .. 23286 12 Aug. .; 23264 5 Aug. 23115 10 July 91 91 17 Oct.* 83 19 Sept. 72 8 Aug.* 88 72 Scaffolding bracket and hook Scaffolding-bracket Scaffolding-support Scraper. (See Boot-scraper.) Screen. (See Gravel-screen.) Screw-propeller Scutcher. (See Flax-scutcher.) Sea-bed, Obtaining gold from Sea-waves, Utilising movement of Seal. (See Bottle-seal.) Seed-box Seed-broadcaster Seed-sower Seed-sower Sewage system and apparatus Sewerage system Sewing-machine Sewing-machine Sewing-machine, liiseam Shaft-stop for vehicles Shaft-tug .. Shearing. (See Sheep-shearing.) Sheep-counting machine Sheep-marking device Sheep-shearing machine Sheeting. (See Weather-sheeting.) Sheet-iron for building Sheet-metal laths. (See Laths.) Shield. (See Egg-shield.) Ship's-course indicator. (See Vessel.) Shirt-cuff fastener and protector Shoe. (See Boot.) Shoe upper and sole, Assembling Shooting-gallery apparatus 23071 i 5 July 23330 21 Aug. .. 23218 29 July 72 79 7". 72 8 Aug. 79 5 Sept.* 75 22 Aug.* L. F. J. N. de Farelle 23524 27 Sept. .. 91 17 Oct.* Ill D. Brigham and G. Rainey A. Ravelli 23008 8 July, 1907 23514 24 Sept. .. 72 8 Aug.* 72 G. Hutchinson B. F. Cranwell A. Storrie J. W. Compton I. Shone and E. Ault .. J. F., and W. P. Liernur J. L. Ohlson United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company C. H. Tisch .. .. .. J. P. Homer .. 23211 i 26 July .. 23398 29 Aug. .. 23030 19 June 23077 3 July .. 23294 14 Aug. .. 23023 22 June .. 2341<> 4 Sept. .. 22059 , 15 Nov., 1906 22058 15 Nov., 1906 23240 1 Aug. .. 21608 9 Aug., 1906 76 22 Aug.* 88 3 Oct.* 72 8 Aug. 72 8 Aug.* 78 ss 72 72 72 8 Aug. 72 7*9 5 Sept. 79 5 Sept. 79 79 U '25 Juiy. U G. Carrington A. I iillnis W. F. Crawford 23164 19 July 23136 15 July .. 23389 27 Aug. .. 72 8 Aug.* 79 5 Sept. 83 19 Sept.* 7-2 79 s:( W. Katene .. 22544 4 March .. 62 11 July.* ea E. G. Langton 23528 27 Sept. .. Manufacturers' Machine Company T. Sutherland 23304 15 Aug. .. 23300 15 Aug. 83 19 Sept.* 88 3 Oct. 88 88



Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.

■I'l'l ion. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. i i Sight. (See Gun-sight. Sign. (See Advertising-sign, Destinationsign.) Signal. (See Fog-signal.) Signalling-apparatus Signal-lamp Single-furrow plough. (See Plough.) Sinks, Grease-trap for Skidding of locomotives, Preventing Skylight-outlet fastening Slimes-filter leaf Slimes, Treating, with washing liquid .. Sliver. (See Tow-sliver.) Soldering-machine Sole-levelling machine Sole. (See Boot-sole, Snoe-sole.) Solution. (See Fire-resisting solution.) Sower. (See Seed-sower.) Spark-arrester Spark-arrester J. G. Hudson and W. ilcKeegan A. H. Byron and R. R. Richmond J. Ross J. H. Adams .. T. H. Cunningham G. G. Turn Adair-Usher Process, limited .. 23402 2 Sept. ..88 3 Oct.* 22274 7 Jan. .. 75 22 Aug. 23402 •22274 2348(1 23118 23318 23340 23224 Ll » j i — f* I 23480 17 Sept 23118 8 July ..72 8 Aug.* 23318 20 Aug. ..88 3 Oct. 23340 22 Aug. .. 88 3 Oct. 23224 26 July .. 79 6 Sept. T. W. McDonald United Shoe Machinery Company 22295 10 Jan. .. 75 22 Aug. 23345 22 Aug. .. 79 5 Sept.* 22295 23345 j A. P. Bond W. Heywood and C. K. S. Macdonald J. Atkinson H. Metcalfe J. M. Bawden 23500 23277 23500 21 Sept 23277 ! 6 Aug. .. 79 5 Sept.* 2304<i 23263 22955 23046 21 June .. 72 8 Aug. 23263 6 Aug. .. 75 22 Aug." 22955 7 June .. 75 22 Aug. , Spinal and body supports Spirit-level Split-link Spring. (See Upholstering-spring.) Spring tire J The Malcolm Fraser Wheel Syndicate, Limited J. Thomson .. J. Thomson .. H. (Jnertier .. J. Jolly 22261 2 Jan. ..72 8 Aug.' 22261 Spring tire Spring tire Sprinkling and cleaning tramway-tracks Stack-cover Standard. (See Fencing-standard.) Stamping-appliance Stamp-selling apparatus, Coin-freed Staple Starting. (See Race-starting.) Station or street indicator Steam trap Steel and iron frame for buildings Steel and iron structure 23219 25 July .. 79 5 Sept.* 23253 1 Aug. .. 79 5 Sept.* 21540 9 Aug., 1906 72 8 Aug. 23269 7 Aug 23219 23253 21540 23269 \\. Andrews C. Loomes A. 0. Callow 23123 23510 23152 23123 11 July .. 72 8 Aug.* 23510 24 Sept. .. 91 17 Oct.* 23152 18 July .. 72 8 Aug.* J. P. Maloney R. H. Paterson F. de J. Clere A. II. and D. J. Byron, and R. R. Richmond 21709 23379 23359 23100 21709 25 Aug., 1906 75 22 Aug. 23379 ; 28 Aug. .. 83 19 Sept.* 23359 24 Aug 23100 i 8 July .... Steering. (See Vessel, Recording course of.) Step-ladder for orchard or garden Sterilising surgical dressings Stitch-impression finishing machine Stock, Food for •Stopper for bottles, electrical fittings, &c. Storing fresh fruits, &c. Stove. (See Gas-stove.) Stove, Water-jacketed flue for Strainer. (See Wire-strainer.) Stretcher. (See Ambulance-stretcher.) Street or station indicator Street tarrer and sander Stripper. (See Flax-stripper.) Structures. (See Brick and steel structure, Concrete structure, Door structure, Steel and iron structure.) Subsoil-cultivator. (See Plough.) Suction milking-machine. (See Milkingmachine.) Suction cleaner. (See Chimney.) •Sugar-making process Sulphuric-acid manufacture Support. (See Spinal and body support, Si atfolding-support, Window displaycard support, Upholstering-spring support, Bicycle-support.) Surcingle. (See Girth and surcingle.) Surgical dressings, Sterilising Suspender. (See Brace-suspender, Chalksuspender.) Sweeper. (See Road-sweeper.) Switch. (See Electric switch.) C. T. Tutu in A. Fischer .Manufacturers , Machine Company H. Corbett A. Waltho .. F. W. Meakin G. C. W. Morris J. P. M Money W. C. Southgate 23257 23405 23160 23516 22175 •217311 23257 5 Aug. .. 83 19 Sept. 23405 4 Sept. .. 91 17 Oct. 23160 18 July .. 72 8 Aug.* 23516 24 Sept 22175 10 Dec., 1906 88 3 Oct. •217311 S Sept., 1906 62 11 July. 22961 22961 6 June ..72 8 Aug.* 21709 21915 21709 25 Aug., 1906 75 22 Aug. 21915 11 Oct., L906 79 5 Sept. C. P. Stewart.. F. G. Cottrell.. 23506 23 Sept 23518 21 Sept A. Fischer 23405 4 Sept. .... t Table. (See Punching-press table, Billiard table, Collapsible table.) Tap Tap. (See Water-top.) Tapp. (Roe Measuring-tape.) G. G. Holmes, jun. 23272 S Aug. .. 79 5 Sept.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. j ■ — — No. Date. No. : Date. Name. No. Date. i i Target .. .. .. .. A. Whitney .. ... .. 21909 13 Oct., 1906 72 8 Aug. Tar-paving manufacture .. .. J. Ward .. .. .. 23112 10 July .. 79 5 Sept. Tarring and sanding machine .. .. W. 0. Southgate .. .. '21915 11 Oct.. IIKMi 7!l 5 Sept Teat-cup .. .. .. .. W. H. Blackam .. .. 23310 1« Aug. .. 83 10 Sept.* Teat-cup of milking-machine .. .. A. Storrie .. .. .. 229(14 7 June ..72 s Aug. Teat-cup of milking-machine .. .. H. G. Kettle .. .. .. 21975 13 Nov., 190ti s:s 19 Sept. Teeth, Implanting and transplanting .. A. W. Chatfield .. .. 22068 13 Nov., 190<i SIS 19 Sept Telegraph. (See Electric telegraph, Wireless telegraph.) Telephone directory .. .. .. M. S. Benjamin .. .. 23245 30 July .. 7!l 5 Sept.* Telephone. (See Phonograph.) Telephone system for railway-engines .. 0. H. Bincroft .. .. 23170 18 July .. 7.1 22 Aug.* Temperature-indicator and fire-alarm .. F. Arenas and J. Ross.. .. 21970 26 Oct., 1906 s * 3 Oct. Tent .. .. .. .. j E. Christie .. .. .. 23099 8 July .. 72 8 Aug.* Tent-frame .. .. .. .. \ J. T. Reece .. .. .. 21924 17 Oct., 1900 79 r> Sept. Tester. (See Baled-goods tester.) Textile fibres, Procuring from plants novel Q. 0. Turn .. .. .. 22951 6 June .. 7!l ."> Sept. Thinning. (See Turnip-thinning.) Ticket-deliverer .. J. Long .. .. .. 23072 1 July .. 7!l f> Sept Ticket-holder .. .. .. F.W.Everett .. .. 23125 11 July .. 72 8 Aug.* Ticket-issuing machine .. Checkograin, Limited .. .. 22455 5 Mar., 190<i - )- 65 25 July. Tides, Obtaining power from .. .. W. Brierly .. .. .. 23445 (i Sept Tie-frame .. .. .. .. A. A. George .. . . .. 23341 22 Aug. .. 83 19 Sept.* Time-recording register .. .. N. S. McNab and J. S. Link .. 23024 22 June .. 72 8 Aug. Tin-cutter .. .. .. .. W. F. Johns .. .. .. 23358 22 Aug. .. H:t HI Sept.* Tin, Dating or marking .. .. ('. H. Koberts .. .. 23297 12 Aug. .. 83 19 Sept.* Tinned vessels, Preventing rust in .. Aktieselskabet Bunnevter and "23102 (i July .. 75 22 Aug. Wains Maskin-og Skibsbvggeri Tire .. .. .. .. A. L. J. Tait .. .. ' .. | 23176 19 July .. .. Tire .. .. .. .. C. S. and J. A. Challiner .. 23320 17 Aug Tire-cover .. .. .. .. E. J. Xewman .. . . 23391) 30 Aug. . . 88 :f Oct.* Tire-protector .. .. .. J. B. and J. J. Salmon .. 22885 25 May .. 65 25 July. Tire-protector .. .. ..1). W. McLean .. .. 23430 (1 Sept. ..88 3 Oct.* Tire. (See Spring tire, Puncture-proof composition.) Tires, Ends-connector for metal .. F. L. Fortescue .. .. 22878 23 May .. 65 25 July. Tires, Ends-connector for metal .. A.J. Fortesi -uc .. .. 23203 25 .Inly .. .. j Toaster and griller .. .. .. J. D. McLaurin .. .. 21670 21 Aug., 1906 65 25 July. Toe-clip finder .. .. .. H. (i. Bedell .. .. .. 23126 8 July .. 72 8 Aug.* Tool. (See Boring-tool.) Tow-sliver-producing machine.. .. A.J. Park .. .. .. 23128 10 July .. 75 j 22 Aug. Traction-engine draw-bar .. .. 0. Lindsay .. .. .. 22136 26 Nov., 1906 88 j 3 Oct. Trains, trams, &c, Manipulating safety- O. Coatee .. .. .. 23548 30 Sept ■ guards on Tram and railway point shifter .. O. Coates .. .. .. 2346!) 13 Sept .. 91 17 Oct.* Tram-car, Destination-sign for .. H. Owen and G. T. Vauglian . . 28136 lf> July .. 72 s Aug.* Tram-rail cleaner .. .. .. W. Whyte .. .. .. 23249 2 Aug. .. 1 75 22 Aug.* Tram-rail curve greaser .. ..I. Harrison .. .. .. 23268 7 Aug. .. 83 Hi Sept. Tramway-track sprinkler and cleaner .. H. Quertier .. .. .. 21540 9 Aug., 1906 72 8 Aug. Tramway. (See Electric tramway.) Transforming electric currents.. .. B. B. Hitcheox .. .. 23343 22 Aug Transporter. (See Merchandise - transporter.) Trap. (See Animal - trap, Bird - trap, Rabbit-trap, Steam-trap, Grease-trap.) Travelling T-square .. .. .. F. M. Owen .. .. .. 23266 7 Aug Trawling-net .. .. .. C. A. Nielsen and R. S. Alward.. 21842 28 Sept, 1906 75 22 Aug. Tricycle. (See Rocking-horse.) Trolly-head attachment .. .. P. Rafferty .. .. .. 23496 20 Sept. .. !)l 17 Oct.* Trolly-head .. .. .. .. A. Burt, jun. .. .. .. 23259 6 Aug. .. 79 5 Sept.* Trolly-head .. .. .. 1). Amos and H. J. Carroll .. 23132 13 July .. 72 8 Aug.* Trolly-pole .. .. .. .. A. Treadwell .. .. .. 23212 26 July .. 75 22 Aug.* Trolly-pole .. .. .. .. F. Broughton .. .. 23407 2 Sept. .. 88 3 Oct.* Trolly-pole .. .. .. .. , J. and R. Lindsay .. .. 23443 6 Sept Trolly-pole .. .. .. .. R. H. Millar .. " .. .. 23419 4 Sept. .. 88 3 Oct.* Trolly-pole .. .. .. .. VV. H. Harverson .. .. 23432 7 Sept. .. 88 3 Oct.* Trolly-pole .. .. .. .. F. H. Hull, F. C. Randell, W. H. 23239 1 Aug. .. 83 19 Sept.* Moore Trolly-pole .. .. .. .. G. S. Thomson .. .. 23549 30 Sept Trolly-pole, Securing, to car .. .. J. and R. Lindsay .. .. 23471 11 Sept Trolly-pole retriever .. .. .. H. Owen .. .. .. 22977 12 June .. 79 5 Sept.* Trolly-pole retriever .. .. .. J. D. Smith .. .. .. 23246 30 July .. 7!) 5 Sept.* Trolly-pole retriever .. .. . . E. N. Heycock .. .. 23281 10 Aug. .. ! 79 5 Sept.* Trolly-wire hanger .. .. .. 1). Amos and A. M. Carroll .. 23397 31 Aug. 83 19 Sept.* Trotting-horsjs, Preventing breaking into W. H. Triggs and W. H. Denton 23494 20 Sept gallop Trotting-horsee' hoofs, Attaching weights G. E. Noonan, A. P. F. and G. D. 22836 16 May .. 65 25 July. to Watson Trucks, Loading and unloading lumber J. A. Sayward .. .. 21679 23 Aug., 190(1 72 8 Aug. from Truck. (See Railway-truck.) .. T-square, Travelling .. .. .. F. M. Owen .. .. .. 23266 7 Aug


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


■I'P] cn.1 [on. Invention. Name. 1 No. j Date. i Date. No. j Date. Tug. (See Shaft-tug, Roller-tug.) Tug, Roller .. Turbine and compressor blading Turbine. (See Water turbine.) Turnip cutter and slioer Turnip-cutter Turnips. Preventing flies from striking .. W. H. Patterson and Q. H. .Jones 21745 1 Sept., 1906 0. A. Parsons .. .. -23190 25 July 115 711 79 ss 72 115 60 (15 ill ill ill ill III 25 July. 5 Sept P. and D. Duncan, Limited .. 23275 7 Aug. .. j P. Hrown .. .. .. 21717 i 29 Aug., 1906 H. P. Lovatt .. .. .. 22975 12 June .. 5 Sept.* 3 Oct. 8 Aug. 25 July. 25 July.* 25 July. 17 Oot. 17 Oct. 17 Oct. 17 Oct. 17 Oct. 'Turnip-thinning attachment Turnstile Type-casting machine Typewriter Typewriter Typewriter Typewriter Typewriter Tyre.. (See Tire.) A. Or .. .. .. 21558 27 July, 1906 ] P. W. E. Gabriel .. .. 21158 17 May, I'.imi Monoman Typesetter Company .. 23350 22 Aug. C. W. Sponsel .. .. 23382 28 Aug. .. , W. P. Kidder . . .. 23383 | 28 Aug. W. P. Kidder and C. W. Sponsel 23384 ! 28 Aug. .. W. P. Kidder and C. W. Sponsel 23385 28 Aug. .. W. P. Kidder and C. W. Sponsel i 23386 28 Aug. .. Umbrella, hat, and book rack Upholstering-spring, and support therefor Upholstery and coach trimming Upper. (See Shoe-upper.) J. C. Atkinson .. . . S2S497 18 Sept. .. H. North .. • .. .. 21881 5 Oct., 1906 J.Wilson .. .. .. 21149 16 May, 1906 ill 83 75 17 Oct.* 19 Sept. 22 Aug. Vaouum-cleaner Vacuum creating and maintaining Valve. (See Gas-valve, Ball-valve.) Vat. (See Cream-vat, Cooling-vat.) Vehicle, convertible Vehicle draw-gear .. .. .., Vehicle-shaft stop Velocipedes, Driving-gear for .. Ventilating-cowl Ventilator Vermin-destroyer Vessel, Increasing speed of Vessel, Recording course of Vessel, Recording course of Vessel, Recording course of Vessel. (See Ice-drinking vessel.) Vice C. S. Newson .. .. .. 23166 19 July A. Manvers and H. Phillips .. 22781 4 May Chipman, limited .. .. 22809 11 May P. Maher .. .. .. 21755 6 Sept., 1906 C. H. Tisch .. .. .. 23240 1 Aug. .. G. Tate 23144 17 July .. C. H. Mason .. .. .. 23344 I 22 Aug. .. J. J. Blockley and J. A. Lissington 23256 5 Aug. G. Harker .. .. .. 22825 15 May F. Sewell .. .. .. 23332 20 Aug. .. J. Fraser and C. Jumeaux .. 23177 20 July J. and S. E. Fraser and C. Jumeaux 23374 28 Aug. A. K. W. Rissel and W. H. Hennah 23511 24 Sept. .. 75 (15 (15 <!5 72 22 Aug.* 25 July. 25 July. 25 July. 8 Aug.* S3 79 79 72 83 91 19 Sept. 5 Sept. 5 Sept.* 8 Aug.* 19 Sept.* 17 Oct.* J. Upohuroh .. .. .. 23082 3 July 75 22 Aug. Wall. (See Fireproof wall.) Wall-plate checking machine Washboard Washer Washing. (See Flax-washing, dish-wash-ing, Gold-washing. Potato-washer.) Water-closet Water-closets, Disinfecting Water-cooled chamber Water-cooler Water-gas generator Water-heater Waterproof garment Water-tap Water-turbine Water-turbine Waves. (See Sea-waves.) Weather sheeting Weed-exterminator Weight-calculator Welt-cutting machine W. Miller .. .. .. 23438 9 Sept. .. J. R. Moore .. .. .. 23313 16 Aug. VV. E. Chamberlain .. .. 23504 23 Sept. .. J. J. Blockley .. .. 23392 | 30 Aug. .. F. H. Frankland .. .. 23129 12 July W. Levinson .. .. .. 21748 6 Sept., 1906 J. Little .. .. .. 23361 21 Aug. F. Dannert .. .. .. 23192 28 July, 1906f W. H. Duncan .. .. 23284 12 Aug. R. A. Bradbury .. .. 23188 25 July E. Asquith .. .. .. 23214 26 July I., (l. Doran .. .. .. 23226 26 July W. Jamieson .. .. .. 23247 ' 1 Aug. .. ss ss 60 hi 83 79 75 78 75 3 Oct.* 3 Oct. 25 Juiy. 17 Oct. 19 Sept. 5 Sept. 22 Aug.* 22 Aug.» 22 Aug.* H. T. George .. .. .. 23172 17 July J. S. Rutherford .. .. 23360 24 Aug. .. G. Bertram .. .. .. 28836 1 Aug. .. Manufacturers' Machinery com- 23156 18 July 75 22 Aug.* 71) 72 5 Sept.* 8 Aug.* Welt-preparing machine Wheel. (See Tire, Motor-car wheel, Resi-lient-wheel.) Winch and hoist Window Window and door lock Winilow-ciirtain. Hanging Window display-card support Window-fastener Window-sash fastener Window-sash frame, Hanging Window-sashes, Hanging and adjusting Wire-coiling frame Wire-drawing drum Wire-fastener Wire-hauling rope, Tension apparatus for Wire-jenny Wire-netting machine ,. — pany United Shoe Machinery Company 23346 22 Aug. 79 5 Sept.* E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward 20914 29 Mar., 1906 J. A. Belk .. .. .. 21988 31 Oct., 1906 J. S. Douglas .. .. 23220 27 July A. Kale and C. Gilfillan .. 21616 10 Aug., 1906 P. Bock .. .. .. 23225 27 July D. Jackman .. .. .. 23081 3 July A. D. Blythe .. .. .. 23168 19 July A. L. J. Tait .. .. .. 23062 25 June .. J. Thompson .. .. .. 23193 25 July C. W. Graham .. .. 23228 j 30 July J. A. Horton .. .. .. 22664 14 April, 1906f A ( owell and J. Phillips .. 22282 9 Jan. \V. MeKeegan .. .. 23488 19 Sept. .. E. Hayes .. .. .. 23288 13 Aug. B. Boehm, R. Entz, and A. J. Host 22040 8 Nov., 1906 83 7!l III 75 79 1-1 72 7-2 79 75 79 ss ill 83 79 19 Sept. 5 Sept. 17 Oct.* 22 Aug. 5 Sept.* 8 Aug.* 8 Aug.* 8 Aug.* 5 Sept. 22 Aug.* 5 Sept. 3 Oct. 17 Oct.* 19 Sept.* 5 Sept.



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


.lip] ion. aaxei ><-. Invention. Nun*. No. Date. No. I Date. Wire. (See*Fencing-wire.) Wire-bender for egg-carrier Wire-strainer Wire-strainer Wire-strainer Wire-strainer Wireless-telegraphy receiver J. G. Dawson .. .. 23357 25 Aug A. I. Carr .. .. .. 23464 14 Sept W. E. Hunter .. .. 22993 19 Aug. .. 79 5 Sept. E. H. Browne .. .. 23244 30 July .. 79 5 Sept.* H. S. Searle .. .. .. 23331 15 Aug Marconi's Wireless Telegraph 23395 26 Aug. .. 91 17 Oct. Company, Limited P. S. Whitcombe .. .. 23404 3 Sept. .. 91 17 Oct. M. Ruping .. .. .. 23532 30 Sept - Saxton and liinns. Limited .. 23080 3 July .. 75 22 Aug W. E. Hughes .. .. 21892 8 Oct., 1906 75 22 Aug Wires, Connecting those to be strained .. Wood, Impregnating Wooden houses. Construction of Wool-bale, Preventing spontaneous combustion of Wool-pressing apparatus Wrapper. (See Envelope.) A. H. Hyron and T. M. Scott .. 23476 16 Sept .... Yielding resistance mechanism O. Westinghouse .. .. 23513 24 Sept Zinc-extraction from its sulphide Zinc-lead ore treatment T. J. Heskett .. .. 23489 17 Sept. .. HI 17 Oct.* P. C. C. Ieherwood .. .. 23107 19 July, 1906f ..

Appll llcatl Hon. Name. Address. Claa» Clua No. No. Date. No. Date. H, Abraham, V. T. J. Alexander and Paterson Anglo-British Columbia Packing Company, Limited Argyll Motors Limited Ashwin, C. A. Wellington, N.Z. Melbourne, Vic. Vancouver, B.C. 42 43 42 6945 6907, 8 6870 21 Sept. 4 Sept. 12 Aug. 88 83 79 3 Oct. 19 Sept. 5 Sept. Alexandria, Scot. Christchurch, N.Z. 22 42 6909 6884 4 Sept. 23 Aug. Bassi, N. C. Beath and Co., Limited Becker, H. Beeby, A. Beeby, A. Beeby, A. Beldam Packing and Rubber Company, The Bell Brothers Benjamin and Co., D. Berry and Co.. EL Billson, H. E. Bing, Harris, and Co., Limited Bird and Sons, Limited. A. Black, J., and others Blair, W. L. W-., and others Bock, J. A. Boilerine Manufacturing Company, The. (See J. W. G. Ross.) Boyd, J. A. British Columbia Packers' Association, The Christchureh, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. London, Eng. Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Christchureh, N.Z. London, Eng. Christchurch, N.Z. Dunedin, &c, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Birmingham, Eng. Stratford, N.Z. Stratford, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. 3 38 47 47 3,47 3 50 22 50 42 44 38 42 4 4 2 6839 6883 6788 6863 6823, 4 6877 6840,1, 2, 3,4 6926 6931 6838 6816 6932 6910,1 6949 6949 6849 30 July 22 Aug. 10 July 6 Aug. 25 July 21 Aug. 31 July 13 Sept. 16 Sept. 30 July 15 July 16 Sept. 4 Sept. 28 Sept. 28 Sept. 27 Aug. 72 79 72 79 72 8 Aug. 5 Sept. 8 Aug. 5 Sept. 8 Aug. 19 Sept, 8 Aug. 25 July. 19 Sept. 19 Sept. 81 72 (if, S3 81 79 5 Sept. Petone, Wellington, N.Z. Vancouver, B.C. 50 42 6825 6781,2 25 July 9 July 8 Aug. 25 July. 72 66 Brocas, T. N. Brooke and Sons, CM. Brown and Son, Limited, D. Bryant and May, Limited Buchanan Foster Company Biinnythorpe Dairy (lompany, Limited Bush and Co., Limited, \\ I Butler, Limited, J. E. Butterworth Bros. (New Zealand), Limited Opotiki, N.Z. Melbourne, Vic. ; Christchurch, N.Z. Donaghmore, Ireland .. London, Eng. Philadelphia, U.S.A. .. Bunnythorpe, N.Z. .. | Melbourne, Vw, .. i Walsall, Eng. Dunedin, N.Z. .. , 50 3 48 47 17 42 44 13 38 6914 6698 6846 6904 6873 6864 6912 6834 6821 5 Sept. 12 June 31 July 29 Aug. 15 Aug. 7 Aug. 5 Sept. 25 July 20 July S!5 Tit 19 Sept. 5 Sept. 7.-, 88 72 7.'. 22 Aug. 19 Sept. 8 Aug. 22 Aug. Cadbury Bros, Limited Caementium (Parent) Company, Limited Caiuniell, Laird and Co., Limited 1 i r I i ■ * r # Wellington, N.Z. London, Eng. 42 ."ill 6697 6882 11 June 22 Aug. 72 7<> 8 Aug. 5 Sept. Sheffield, Eng. 6 6794 10 July


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.

12— H. 10.—08.


Application. Gazelle. Name. Address. Class. No. Date. Nu. Date. Cammell, Laird, and Co, Limited .. Sheffield, Eng. 5 6789, 93 7, 6801 6790, 98, 6802 6791, 5, 9, 6803 6792, 6, 6800, 4, 6770 10 July (i5 25 July. Cammell, Laird, and Co., Limited .. Sheffield, Eng. 6 10 July 66 25 July. Cammell, Laird, and Co., Limited .. Sheffield, Eng. 12 10 July 65 25 July. Cammell, Laird, and Co., Limited .. Sheffield, Eng. 13 10 July 66 25 July. Campbell and Ehrenfried Company, Limited Campbell and Ehrenfried Company, Limited Carborundum Company, The Cartland and Son, Limited, J. Pnnnnlln and Co., L., G.m.b.H. Cathie and Sons, C. Chamberlain and Chamberlain Coalite, Limited Colonial Cordage Company, The Auckland, N.Z. 43 5 July .. Auckland, N.Z. 43 6906 2 Sept. 88 19 Sept. New York, U.S.A. Birmingham, Eng. Frankfurt, a/M Ger. .. Wellington, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. London, Eng. Dunedin, N.Z. 50 13 38 3 4 50 6714, 5 6716 6818 6765 6853 6847, 8, 6761 22 June 22 June 17 July 2 July 1 Aug. .. 31 July 1 July .. 7!' s:i 66 5 Sept. 19 Sept. 25 July. 72 72 62 8 Aug. 8 Aug. 11 July. Dadson, A. J. Davies and Lamb Delta Metal Company, Limited, The Dewar and Sons, Limited, J. Sydney. N.S.W. Christchurch, N.Z. East Greenwich, Eng. Perth, Scot. ; Sydney, N.S.W. Walsall, Eng. Walsall, Eng. 48 45 5 43 6938, 9 6862 6881 6808,9 19 Sept, .. 5 Aug. 22 Aug. 11 July ss 75 711 7il 3 Oct. 22 Aug. 5 Sept. 5 Sept. Dewsbury and Son, J. Dewsbury and Son, J. 14 6900 C898, 9 6901 6832 28 Aug. .. 28 Aug. .. SI! 19 Sept. Dorothy Dodd Shoe Company Boston, U.S.A. 38 25 July 72 8 Aug. Farquhar and Gill Ferguson, S. N. .. Ferro Stout Company, The Aberdeen, Scot. Blayney, N.S.W. Auckland and Wanganui, N.Z. Altona, Germany 1 3 43 6762 6812 6220 1 July .. 11 July 22 Sept., 1906 06 75 112 25 July. 22 Aug. 11 July. Feustell F. Nfl. Flameoff Company, The. (See H. Becker.) Foster. (See Buohanan-Foster.) Fraser, A. J. P. .. Fraser, A. J. P. .. Fromy Rogee and Co. 3 6555 4 April .. 75 22 Aug. Sydney, N.S.W. Sydney, N.S.W. Cognac, France 3 3 3 6806 6807 '6941 11 July .. 11 July 28 Aug. .. 75 65 22 Aug. 25 July. Gilmour, G. R. S. Godfrey Phillips and Som Goldingham and Beckett Gramophone and Typewriter, Limited Guggenhime and Co. Wellington, N.Z. London, Eng. Palmerston North, N.Z. London, Eng. San Francisco, U.S.A. .. 47 45 42 8 42 6787 6563, 4 6876 6933 6888 10 July 10 April .. 17 Aug. 16 Sept. .. 27 Aug. .. OS 83 S3 83 81 25 July. 19 Sept. 19 Sept. 19 Sept. 19 Sept. Hall and Co., T. H. Harmsworth, St. J. Hay ward Bros, and Co., Limited .. Hean, G. W. Heither, A., and others Heither, A. W., and others Hinde, W. B. Holbrooks, Limited Hope-Johnstone, C. H. E. Horton's American Manufacturing Company. (See H. Savage and H. A. Wright.) Hoyle and Sons, Limited, J. Hutchinson Bros., Limited Auckland, N.Z. London, Eng. Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Footscray, Vic. Footscray, Vio. London, Eng. Birmingham, Eng. Aramoho, N.Z. 42,47 44 47 3 3 3 48 42 42 6943, 4 6860 6918 6815 6865 6865 6814 6594 6935 21 Sept. .. 7 Aug. 11 Sept. .. 15 July 8 Aug. .. 8 Aug. .. 13 July 24 April .. 17 Sept, .. ss 75 ill 66 75 75 Bβ 81 3 Oot. 22 Aug. 17 Oot. 25 July. 22 Aug. 22 Aug. 25 July. 19 Sept. Manchester, Eng. Auckland, N.Z. 24 47 6866 6924, 5 8 Aug. .. 13 Sept, .. 83 83 19 Sept. 19 Sept. Imandt, C. Inglis Bros. (See T. Inglis.) Inglis, T. Wellington, N.Z. 39 6852 1 Aug. Wellington, N.Z. 22 6813 13 July 72 8 Aug. Jagger and Harvey James, M. W. Johnson, E. M. .. Johnstone. (See Hope-Johnstone.) Auckland, N.Z. Kalgoorlie, W.A. WoodviUe, N.Z. 50 14 42 5832 6786 6905 13 Mar., 1906 10 July 30 Aug. 75 1)5 83 22 Aug. 25 July. 19 Sept. Eermode, E. L. P. Koko Maricopas Company. (See A. J. Dadson.) Korth and Co. (See A. H. Korth, J. Black, and W. L. W. Blair.) Korth, A. H., and others .. Hobart, Tμ. •> 5869 13 Deo., 1905 75 22 Aug. Stratford. X.Z. 6949 - 28 Sept. .. 4 Law and Co., T. Lever Bros., Limited Lever Bros., Limited [jipton, Limited Wellington, N.Z. Balmain, N.S.W. Balmain, N.S.W. London, Eng.; Colombo, Ceylon; Calcutta, India Melbourne. Vie. 5 47, 50, 42 47, 48 42 6768 6826, 7. 8 6936, 7 6409-70 4 July 25 July Hi Sept. .. 13 Feb. 66 72 88 76 25 July. 8 Aug. 3 Oct. 22 Aug. Lyons, M. E. 9 6845 31 July 72 P Aug.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.


Name. Address. C1«M. — J No. Apr Application. No. Pan*: Date. Date. Mackintosh, A. .. M.'.ling and Co., Limited .. .Vinson and Co., Limited, G. Matthews, J. Maori Bros, and Thomson, Limited.. Mauri Bros, and Thomson, Limited May, N. McCaffrey, F. J. .. McCombs, J., and another Auckland, N.Z. liurcli, N.Z. London, S. W., Eng. .. Sydney, N.S.W. Sydney, X.s.W. Sydney, N.S.W. Kawakawa, N.Z. Christ church, N.Z. Wellington and Christchurch, N.Z. 42 3 12 42 42 42 43 SO 6837 6871 6762 6819 6760 6830 6942 6867 6950 29 July 17 Aug. .. 26 June 18 July 1 July .. 25 July 20 Sept. 8 Aug. .. 28 Sept. .. 75 75 83 as 72 S8 75 88 22 Aug. 22 Aug. 19 Sept. II July. 8 Aug. 3 Oct. ■22 Aug. 3 Oct. McCombs, Slack, and Co. (See J. McCombs and W. F. Slack.) Mclntyre, Hogg, Marsh, and Co. Monarch Typewriter Company, The Monmouthshire Steel and linplate Company, Limited, The Morris, J. Myers, A., and another London, Eng. NYw York, U.S.A. Pontymister, Wales, Eng. 88 39 B 6820 6919 6409 18 July 11 Sept. 9 Jan. 72 88 62 8 Aug. 3 Oct. 11 July. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 88 50 6917 6887 10 Sept. .. 26 Aug. Nathan and Co., Limited, J. Xew Hudson Cycle Company, Limited, The New Hudson Cycle Company, Limited, The New Zealand Dye-works. (See C. Imandt.) New Zealand Provision and Produce Company. (See W. Wood.) Noton Bros. Noton Bros. Wellington, N-Z. Birmingham, Eng. 42 2-2 6835 6894 26 July 28 Aug. .. 72 8 Aug. Birmingham, Eng. 22 6896 28 Aug. .. 7!) 6 Sept. Auckland, X.Z. Auckland, N.Z. 16 Aug. .. 16 Aug. r> Sept 42 42 6874 6878 79 Paraffine Paint Company, The Paeooe, A. H. Paterson and Co., A. S. Patereon and Co., A. S. Pearce, E. Pellisson, Pere, and Cie. (See V. G. Pellisson.) Pellisson, V. G. . . Perrier. (See St. J. Harmsworth.) Phillips and Sons, G. Pidgeon and Co., Limited, K. W. . . Potter Drug and Chemical Corporation San Francisco, U.S.A. .. Auckland, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Coromandel, N.Z. 17, Sβ 3 42 42 2 6850,1 6885 6886 6817 6923 1 Aug. 23 Aug. 23 Aug. .. 16 July 12 Sept. .. 72 8 Aug. 79 5 Sept. 83 19 Sept. Cognac, France 43 6783 10 July 72 8 Aug. London, Eng. Christchurch, N.Z. Boston, U.S.A. 45 50 3 6563, 4 6025 6768-6 10 April .. 25 June, 1906 27 June .. 83 72 7.-) 19 Sept. 8 Aug. 22 Aug. Quaker Oats Company, The Quibell Bros., Limited Chicago, U.S.A. Newark, Eng. 42 2 6872 6771 14 Aug. 8 July S3 68 19 Sept. 25 July. Resch's, Limited Rigby and Sons, J. Roberts, Johnson, and Shoe Company Roddewig, Bros. Roger and Gallet Rogers, L. H., and another Rolleston. M. Ross, J. W. G. .. .. Ross and Glendining, Limited Rcdfern, N.S.W. Wcdnesbury, Eng. St. U.S.A. 43, 44 13 38 6507, 8 6829 6766 26 Feb. 25 July 2 July 72 7-2 8 Aug. 8 Aug. Badenhausen, Ger. Paris, France 17 48 50 1 38 6947 6784 6887 6764 6903 6772 23 Sept. 10 July 2C. Aug. I July 29 Aug. 8 .Tuly .. 111 7-2 17 Oct. 8 Aug. Wellington, N.Z. London, Eng. Invercargill and elsewhere, N.Z. (ilen Orona, N.Z. Christchuroh and Invercargill, N.Z. Christchurch and Invercargill, N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W. 82 11 Juiy Ross, R. Royds Bros, and Kirk, Limited 42 42 6861 6856, 7 5 Aug. 5 Aug. 78 7. r > 22 Aug. 22 Aug. Roydl Bros, and Kirk, Limited 42*47 6858, 9 5 Aug. s:i 19 Sept. Rutty and Co., M. 50 6897 28 Aug. .. 7!> 5 Sept. Samson Cordage Works, The Boston, U.S.A. 50 6773, 4, 5, 6 6690 6880 5 July 7!) 5 Sept. Savage, H., and another Savage, R. Wellington, N.Z. Mangere, N.Z. 47 50 7 June 22 Aug. 7!i 79 5 Sept. 6 Sept. Schmidt, P. L. .. Sohnlke and Mayr Soarle and Gibb .. Seebohm and Dieckstahl, Limited .. Klbrrfeld, Ger. Hamburg, Ger. Oamaru, N.Z. Sheffield, Eng. 12 2 22 6, 12, 13 6429 6182 6940 6309, 10, 11 6769 17 Jan. 15 Sept.. 1906 20 Sept. .. 30 Oct., 1906 88 S3 25 July. 19 Sept. Sβ 25 Juiy. Sharpe Bros. Sydney, N.S.W. ; Auckland, N.Z. 44 5 July 75 22 Aug. Sheldon and Co. (See H. H. Sheldon.) Sheldon, H. H. .. Sidet, J. S. Slack, W. F., and another Dunedin, N.Z. Waikato, N.Z. Wellington and Christchurch, N.Z. Melbourne, Vic. 50 3 2 6810 6337 6950 12 .Inly 13 Nov., 1906 28 Sept. .. 68 t>5 8* 25 25 July. 3 Oct. Sniders and Abrahams Proprietary, Limited 45 6778 8 July ..



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.


Application. OcuetU. Name. Address. Claw. No. Date. No. Date. Sniders and Abrahams Proprietary, Limited krath British Packing Company, The. (See A. S. Paterson and Co.) Spear and Jackson, Limited Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Company Standard Table Oil Cloth Company Standard Varnish Works Stokes. A., and others Storey, I). Storey, D. Storey and Co., D. (See D. Storey.) Strong Company, F. H. .. fanner Bros. Parr and Wonson, Limited faylor, F. H. rhermos, Limited L'ooheys, Limited Pooheys, Limited Cyree and Co., Limited, A. Melbourne, Vic. .. 45 6779, 80 8 July .. 65 25 July. 65 Sheffield, Eng. .. 12 6811 Pittsburg, U.S.A. .. 13 6831 13 July .. 65 25 July. 25 July .. 72 8 Aug. 05 1-1 New York, U.S.A. .. 36 6785 New York, U.S.A. .. 1 5933 Footscray, Vic. .. 3 6865 Sydney, N.S.W. .. 38 6922 Sydney, N.S.W. .. 38 6879 10 July .. 65 25 July. 8 May, 1906 75 22 Aug. 8 Aug. .. 75 22 Aug. 12 Sept. .. 83 19 Sept. 22 Aug. .. 79 5 Sept. 65 75 75 88 7!t New York, U.S.A. .. 3 0948 Wellington, N.Z. .. 39 6836 Gloucester, U.S.A. .. 1 6833 Mataura, N.Z. .. 42 6805 London, Eng. .. 50 6920 Sydney, N.S.W. .. 43,44 6868,9 Sydney, N.S.W. .. 44 6902 Christchurch, N Z .. 5 6360 24 Sept. .. I 88 3 Oct. 27 July .. 72 8 Aug. 25 July .. 72 8 Aug. 11 July .... 11 Sept. .. j 83 19 Sept. 9 Aug. .. 75 22 Aug. 29 Aug 29 Nov., 1900 05 25 July. 88 72 1-1 s:'i 75 68 Jnion Oil, Soap, and Candle Company, Limited Jnion Oil, Soap, and Candle Company, Limited Jniversal Providers, The. (See Hutchinson Bros.) Auokland, N.Z. .. 47 8927, 9 16 Sept Auckland, N.Z. .. 47 9038,80 16 Sept. .. 83 19 Sept. s:( ran Veen, Reid, and Co. .. ('enesta, Limited.. Victorian Associated Vineyards Company. (See Alexander and Paterson.) Auckland, N.Z. .. 42 6918 London, Eng... .. 50 6921 5 Sept. .. 83 19 Sept. 12 Sept. .. 83 19 Sept. 88 88 Varnock Bros. Velsbach Light Company of Australasia, Limited Velsbach Light Company of Australasia, Limited Vhangarei Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited rVhite, R. Vhitloek and Sons, F. Vhitloek and Sons, F. rVhittome, Stevenson, and Co., limited Vilson, J. A. Vinson, G. E. .. Volverhampton Corrugated Iron Company, Limited Vood, W. .Vright, H. A., and another Auckland, N.Z. .. 47 0889-93 London, Eng. ; Sydney, 15 6896 N.S.W. Wellington, N.Z. .. 15 6916 27 Aug. .. 79 5 Sept. 28 Aug. .. 79 5 Sept. 9 Sept Whangarei, N.Z. .. 42 0946 23 Sept Auckland, N.Z. .. 3 0777 Wanganui, N.Z. .. 42 6822 Wanganui, N.Z. .. 42 0878 Auckland, N.Z. .. 42 6763 8 July .. 72 8 Aug. 22 July .72 8 Aug. 22 Aug. .. 79 5 Sept. 1 July .. 65 25 July. Christchurch, N.Z. .. 42 6854 Auckland, N.Z. .. 42 6934 Wolverhampton, Eng. .. 5 0915 1 Aug. .. 72 8 Aug. 16 Sept 9 Sept. .. 91 17 Oct. Ohrirtohuroh, N.Z. .. 47 6855 Wellington, N.Z. .. 47 0690 2 Aug 7 June .. 79 5 Sept. foula Wools (New Zealand), Limited Ixjndon, Eng... .. 6 6767 3 July .. i>5 25 July. lambo Medicine Company. (See N. C. Basei.)

Name. Claw. — A No. Application. Lpf Oautt*. Date. No. Date. Billows Carbonating Machine Syndioate Birmingham Small Arras Company, Limited Carrara Ceiling Company, Limited .. Carrara Ceiling Company, Limited .. Carrara Ceiling Company, Limited .. Carrara Ceiling Company, Limited .. Carrara Ceiling Company, Limited .. Clayton, T. E. .. Soott, G. Shaoklook, H. K., Limited Smith, S. Brisbane, Q. .. 4 335 11 July 65 25 July. Small Heath, Eng. 1 345 23 Aug. 7'.I 5 Sept. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Ashburton, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Christohuroh, N.Z. 3 3 3 3 3 1 10 1 10 328-34 336-8 340-2 343 346-8 350 339 349 344 10 July 16 July 23 July 6 Aug. 4 Sept, 20 Sept. 22 July 9 Sept. 20 July 86 66 72 75 83 88 r> 83 79 25 July25 July. 8 Aug. 22 Aug. 19 Sept. 3 Oct. 8 Aug. 19 Sept. 5 Sept.




* Denotes a provisional specification. I' Marks Act. 1889." t Denotes a prior date under section 106 of " The Patonte, Designs, and Name, Address, and Invention. Application. Qaxrtle. No. Date. No. Date. Albrecht, C. A., and others, Berlin, Ger. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 23837.) Alcorn, J. S., Boston, U.S.A. Rotary fluid-engine Alexander. (Set Cayhy-Alexander.) American Limn Company, The, Xew Haven, U.S.A. Flax-machine. (C. G. Cookc) Amos, D., Wellington, N.Z. Insulating sleeves of electric trolly-pole .. Anderson, A. H., and another, Chri.stchurch, N.Z. Suction-dressing 8 pp iratus in threshing-machine A.shcroft, A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Distilling gum.. Ashcroft, A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Distilling gum.. Ashton, O. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 22155.) Aylmer. P. G., Narrandera, N.S.W. (See C. Gerber and E. Michaut, No. 23668.) 23753 •JUS 14 23692 23663 22 Nov. 11 Deo. 7 Nov. 8 Oct. 7 10 106 23 Jan., 1908. 6 Feb., 1908. 12 Deo.* 31 Oct.* 22137 22359 27 Nov., 23 Jan. 1906 111 102 17 Oot. 28 Nov. Baddeley, R. M., Auckland, N.Z. Securing lids of tins, &c. Baker, J., and Sons, Limited, London, Eng. Dough-dividing machine. (J. Burns) Baldwin, E. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Rock-drill chuck. (J. H. and J. M. Holiuan) Bancroft, J. S., and another, Philadelphia, U.S.A. (See Monotype Machine (Colonial Patent*) Syndicate, Limited, No. 23852.) Bancroft, J. S., Philadelphia, U.S.A. (See Monotype Machine (Colonial Patents) Syndicate, Limited, No. 23853.) Barker, J. A., Masterton, N.Z. Clothes-line Batchen, D. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Interlocking roofing-tile.. Hales, A., Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No*. 22067, 23597, 23811.) Bates, A., and another, Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 22222.) Bayliffe, R. A., Wairoa, N.Z. Tire-cover. (A. H. B. Sharpe) Beamish, J. H., Auckland, N.Z. Ventilator Beamish, J. H., Auckland, N.Z. Method of roofing Beaumont, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Belt-dressing Becker, H. C, Christchurch, N.Z. Extracting grease and wool from lugs of sheep, &c. Beere, A. W., Palmerston North, N.Z. Trolly-head Bellini, E., and another, Paris. France. Wireless telegraphy system Benn, J. C, Sydney, N.S.W. Extension ladder Bennitt, F., Joliet, U.S.A. Roasting and sintering ores. (A. S. Dwight and R. L. Lloyd) Bent, A. E., and another, St. Kilda, Vie. One-rail railway carriago and track Bertouch. (See Von Bertouch.) Betty, J., Masterton, N.Z. Dust, draught, and rain excluder Billington, J. E., and others, Altrinelmni. Eng. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 23837.) Bishop, R. C, and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Cotton-reel Black, J., and another, Stratford, N.Z. Manufacture of tiles and briquottes Blackmore, F. E., and another, Reading, Eng. Dough-working, ftc, apparatus Blair, A., Dunedin. N.Z. Animal-cover fastening Blair, W. L. W., and another, Stratford, N.Z. Manufacture of tiles and briquettes Blockley, J. J., Palmerston North, N.Z. Cistern-valve Boll, P., and another, Dcniliquin, N.S.W. Sheep-shearing driving mechanism Bolton, T., Hamilton, Vic. Disinfector and insect-destroyer Bond, A. P., Auckland, N.Z. Spark-arrester Bottrill, F., Tintinara, South Australia. Vehicle-wheel Boyens, W. H., Hastings, N.Z. Spouting-brackot Boyens, W. H., and another, Hustings, N.Z. Milk-can Bradley, S. A., Mcrrigum, Vic. Fixing colour of fruit preparatory to drying Bradley, S. A., Merrigum, Vic. Treatment of tomatoes prior to drying Bradley, S. A.. Morrigum, Vic. Packing-orate Brisbane, D., Ardmore, N.Z. Economical form of power .. Bristow, C, and another, Cnristohnroh, N.Z. (See W. Wiggins, No. 23726.) 23676 21 Not. 8 Mayf 106 12 Deo. 23280 9 Aug. 108 28 Nov. 23869 23570 80 Deo. 10 Oct. 102 •is Nov. 23649 ■_':!K4K 23866 23485 23654 28 Oct. 20 Deo. 30 Dec. 16 Sept. 29 Oct. 98 105 14 Nov.* 12 Dec 28760 23661 23866 23699 21 Nov. 30 Oct. SO Dec Iβ Oct. ' 2 i> jim., iooa ids 12 Dec! 28846 20 Dec. 23786 ■I !)«■. 7 23 Jan., 1908.* 23823 28681 12 Dec. 12 Oct. 23820 7 Dec. 23072 23581 29 Oct. 12 Oct. 7 23 Jan., 1908. 23392 23718 30 Aug. 8 Aug.t 95 81 Oct. 23705 23500 22006 23596 23617 23855 13 Nov. 21 Sept. 17 April 16 Oct. 18 Oct. 23 Deo. 05 98 98 81 Oct.* 14 Nov. 14 Nov.* 23856 23857 23503 a Deo. 23 Pec Hi Sept. 102 28 Nov.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent — continued.

Name, Address, and Invention. Application. No. Date. hizn No. Date. Brock, T. B.. Kopunda, South Australia. Bag-filler Bromley, C, Wellington, N.Z. Sole-squarer and channel-closer for boot and shoe making Brown. (See Rankine Brown.) Brown, F. J. T., Wanganui, N.Z. Damper of register grato Brown, EL, Wairoa, NiZ. Dooking and branding iron Brown, J., Waihi, N.Z. Tire cushion and tread ■2-2376 23690 31 Jan. 7 Nov. 102 •2 28 Nov. 9 Jan., 1908.* 23486 •2:t(i!t:i 23635 Lβ Sept. 8 Nov. 24 Oct. 98 2> II .Nov.* 9 Jan., 1908.* Brown, J. A., Dun'-din, N.Z. Tap-handle 23650 ■2:!4S7 23829 25 Oct. 19 Sept. Lβ Deo. j 105 96 10 L2 Dec* 9 Jan., 190S. 31 Oct. 6 Feb., 1908.* Brown, J. R., Los Angeles, Cal. Grinding-mill Browne, P., Waikino, N.Z. Centrifugal thickening and separating machine Burnt. R. J., and others, ChrUtofamroh, N.Z. Mechanical cutter for flexible materials Bullock, C. C, Sydney, N.S.W. Automatically closing one-way gate.. Burl, II., Stamford Hill, Eng. (See Lamson Pneumatic Tube Company, Limited, No. 23572.) Burns, J., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Mechanical cutter for flexible materials Burns. J.. Christohuroh, N.Z. (See J. Baker and Sons, Limited. No. 23824.) Burrell, D. H., jun., and another, New York, U.S.A. Centrifugal machine. (M. L. Hoyt) Burrell, L., and another, New York. U.S.A. Centrifugal machine. (M. L. Hoyt) Burrell, L., Little Falls, U.S.A. (See W. H. Lawrence and R. Kennedy, No. 23543.) Burton, G. L., Napier, N.Z. Acetylene-generator.. Butlin Gear, Limited, The, Sydney, N.S.W. Power-transmission gearing. (G. L. Butlin) Butlin, G. L., Kogarah, N.S.W. (See The Butlin Gear, Limited, No. 23553.) Butterworth, J. W., Auckland, N.Z. Electric fire-alarm Byron, A. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Wool-press 23658 •i.'iTSS 23058 22642 M Out. i Deo. 29 Oct. 3 April •j ■_< ill 9 Jan., 1908.* 9 Jan., 11)08.* 17 Oct. 22642 3 April 111 11 Oot 23827 23553 27 Sept. 3 Oot. '.IS 08 14 Nov. 14 Nov. 23647 23476 23 Oct. Iti Bept. 95 105 31 Oct.* LS Dee, Cahill, T. J., Auckland, N.Z. Brake gear Caldecott, W. A., Johannesburg. Trans. Ore-separator Campbell, A. M., Hobart, Tas. (See A. F. Golding and E. Campbell, No. 22105.) OampbelL, E., and another, Hobart, Tas. Pulley. (A. M. Campbell).. Campbell, J. C. L., Achalader, Soot. Fruit-preserving Campbell, S., and another, Romsey, Vic. Bucket-support Cantwell E. L., Calcutta, India. (See B. 0. Roberts, No. 23662.) Carr, A. I., Whorekopae, N.Z. Fcnciniz-standard Carson, G., and another. Hull, Eng. Axle-box Carter, E. C, Auckland, N.Z. Venetian blind Carter, T. E., Auckland, N.Z. Window-sash lock, ftc. Caught, J. N., St. Kilda, Vic. Marine engine Cayley-Alexander, W. E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Furnace Cederman, A., Hokitika, N.Z. Sprocket-chain Ceipek, N., Vienna, Austria. Manufacture of explosive Chadwick, G. C, Melbourne, Vic. Loading and unloading coal, *<•. .. Chamberlain, W. E., Feilding, N.Z. Locking nuts on bolts Chamberlain, W. E., and another, Feilding, N.Z. Tiving-furnace Champion, W. N., Auckland, N.Z. Dinner-plate Chapman, H. B., Sydney, N.S.W. Basket or parcel strap Charles, I., Dunedin, N.Z. (See J. T. Hunter. No. 23621.) Chew, L., and another, Surrey, Eng. (See H. J. West and Co., Limited, No. 23415.) Childs, A. D., and another, Leatherhead, Eng. (See Tress and Co., No. 23554.) Chilton, E. J., Masterton, N.Z. Preventing candles from guttering .. Christie, T. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Hot-water pressure oylinder Clapcott, F. B., Auckland, N.Z. , Cottage billiard-board Clark, W., Christchurch, N.Z. Sole of gum boot Clegg, J., Christohuroh, N.Z. Go-oart cover Clemens Horst Company, E., San Francisco, U.S.A. Hop-picker Coates, O., Christchurch, N.Z. Tram-line point-shifter Cody, P., Ngahauranga. N.Z. Railway tipping-wagon Coleman, S., and another, Eltham, N.Z. Teat-cup mouthpiece Coles. (See Cowper-Coles.) Commonwealth Manufacturing and Galvanising Company, Limited, "Brisbane, Queensland. Folding the edges of sheet metal. (W. J. Howcroft) Connor, M. J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Drying and bleaohing wool, fibre, &o. Cooke, C. G., New Haven, U.S.A. (See The Amerioan Linen Company, No. 23814.) Cooke, W. A., Christchuroh, N.Z, Remedy for sea-sickness Cooper, F., Christohuroh, N.Z. Street-watering Cork Asphalt, Limited, and another, London, Eng. Block-manufacture (C. M. C. Hughes,(T. H. Quinlan, and R. Middleton.) Comes, H. A., Auokland, N.Z. Razor-strop attachment to braoes .. 23832 2-2513 Lβ Deo 6 March 2 '.i .Lin., L908 22105 23825 23807 34 Nov., l!M»(i.. 10 Deo. 11 Dec. L02 28 Nov. 23757 23709 23620 22882 23483 22019 23560 ■-':j.->71 23862 23682 22276 23648 23720 25 Nov. LS Nov. 18 Oct. ■-'(i May 19 Dec. 6 Nov., 1906 5 Oct. 10 Oct. 24 Doo. 19 Oct. 7 Jan. 23 Oct. 12 Nov. 7 2 98 9 98 102 2 10 9S 1(1-2 23 Jan., 1908 9 Jan., 1908. 14 Nov.* 9 Jan., HMis. 14 Nov. 28 Nov. 9 Jan., 1908. 6 Feb., 1908. 31 Oct.* 28 Nov. "i 23 Jan., 1908* 23776 23435 22164 23787 23828 23717 23469 23846 23657 2 Deo. 5 Sept. 3 Dec, 1906.. 4 Deo. 13 Dec. 14 Nov. 13 Sept. 20 Deo. 29 Oot. 7 95 95 7 10 23 Jan., 1908.* 31 Oct. 31 Oot. 23 Jan., 1908* 6 Feb. 1908. "a 9 Jan., 1908. io2 28 Nov.* 23536 1 Oot. 102 28 Nov. 23568 7 Oct. 23566 22294 22120 8 Oct. 8 Jan. 27 Nov., 1906 98 105 98 14 Nov. 12 Dec. 14 Nov. 23633 23 Oot. 102 28 Nov.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

•l'l'l ical ion. ■Xte. Name, Address, and Invention. No Date. No. Date. Cornford, W. H., Mornington, Vic. Military game or toy Cossey. (See De Cossey.) Cottrell, F. G., Berkeley, U.S.A. Sulphuric acid Coulthard, J., Mercer, N.Z. Broom-handle machine Cowper-Coles, S. 0., London, Eng. Electro deposition of iron Cox, F. J., London, Eng. Carburetter Cree, T., Sydenham, N.Z. Screw-driver Crossley, W. J., and another, Manchester, Eng. Manufacture of pro-ducer-gas Croucher, F. H., Wanganui, N.Z. Float and lid for milk-can, &o. Crowle, J. E., South Ballarat, Vic. Lifting-jack Cullimore, F. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Billiard-table Cummins, T. D., Wanganui, N.Z. Ascertaining temperature of baled goods Cunnington, H. J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Cotton-reel Curtis, W., Auckland, N.Z. Curtain-pole lifter Cusick, W., Koroit, Vic. Means for assisting child to walk 23589 12 Oct. 105 12 Dec* I ] 14 Nov. 28 Nov.* I ' •• .. 23 Jan., 1908.* 6 Feb., 1908. 23518 23669 23686 23790 23732 23784 21 Sept. 30 Oct. 18 Dec, 1906f 4 Dec, 1906t 18 Nov. 4 Dec. 98 102 "n 10 23555 23422 23875 23622 3 Oct. 8 Oct., 190f>t 31 Dec. :. 10 April 95 10 98 31 Oct. 6 Feb., 1908.* 14 Nov. 23823 23561 23760 12 Dec 5 Oct. 26 Nov. 98 7 14 Nov. 23 Jan., 1908.* Darcey, A. H., Timaru, N.Z. Shoe Davies, F., Wellington, N.Z. Knife-cleaner .. Davies, J. B., Melbourne, Vic. Spouting-bracket Davis, H. L., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Mariner's compass. (A. F. Smith) Dawson, B. F. H., Johannesburg, Transvaal. Candle-protector De Cossey, E., Kingsland, N.Z. Hydraulic pump Dedden, F., and others, Rockdale, N.S.W. Rotary engine De Lautour, N., Gisborne, N.Z. Back-band fastening for harness Delsie, F., Christchurch, N.Z. Bicycle Denton, W. H., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Preventing horses galloping Deutsche Gasgluhlicht Aktiengesellschaft, The, Berlin, Ger. Gasmantle. (H. Sussmann) Dewhirst, J., Hokitika, N.Z. School-slate Dixey, W., Burwood, N.Z. Eange hot-water boiler Dixon, J., and another, Prahran, Vic Tumbler-washing apparatus .. Dixon, B., and another, Islington, N.Z. Apparatus for mixing depilatory solutions Dod, G. E., Maryborough, Queensland. Internal-combustion gas-tur-bine Domars, C, and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Rotary engine Dombrain, E. F., and another, Christohuroh, N.Z. Baled-goods tem-perature-indicator Donaldson, M., and another, Johannesburg, Trans. Totalisator apparatus Double, G. F., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Razor-blade holder .. Douglas, J. D., Auckland, N.Z. Cool chamber for preserving perishable goods Downing, H. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Construction of saddle-tree for harness Dreadon, J. S., Mititai, N.Z. Grindstone Drewet, J. C, Auckland, N.Z. Fibre-dresser Dunkley, R., and another, Hastings, N.Z. Milk-can Dunlop, W. .)., Marshlands, N.Z. Fire-grate Dunne, L., Matawhero, N.Z. Hay-stack cover Dunne, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Mitre-cutter Dwight, A. S., and another, New York, U.S.A. (See F. Bennitt, No. 23599.) "23611 23619 22240 23739 15 Oct. 18 Oct. 21 Dec, 1906 20 Nov. 98 98 91 7 14 Nov.* 14 Nov.* 17 Oct. 23 Jan., 1908.* 22326 23624 23666 23795 23821 23494 17 Jan. 17 Oct. 31 Oct. 4 Dec. 10 Dec. 20 Sept. 2 102 102 10 9 Jan., 1908. 28 Nov.* 28 Nov.* 6 Feb., 1908.* 95 31 Oct.* 23762 26 Nov. 10 6 Feb., 1908. 23806 23522 23722 23827 10 Dec. 25 Sept. 13 Nov. 13 Dec 2 95 9 Jan., 1908.* 31 Oct.* 23684 7 Nov. 2 9 Jan., 1908. 23666 23741 31 Oct. 20 Nov. 102 7 28 Nov.* 23 Jan., 1908.* 22909 29 May 95 31 Oct.* 23477 23636 16 Sept. 21 Oct. 95 31 Oct.* 23637 24 Oct. 23749 23844 23617 23808 23579 23680 21 Nov. 17 Dec. 18 Oct. 11 Dec. 11 Oct. 2 Nov. 7 10 23 Jan., 1908* 6 Feb., 1908* 10 102 105 8 Feb., 1908* 28 Nov. 12 Dec* Earp-Thomas, H. W., Wellington, N.Z. Indicating time of clearance for letter pillar-box, &c. Edkins, E. M., Dannevirke, N.Z. Feeding mechanism for saw-bench.. Klirman, J., Auckland, N.Z. Trousers-leg bottom-end protector Ell, H. C., and another, Halswell, N.Z. Suction-dressing apparatus in threshing-machine English, W. G., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. (See D. Lewers and F. S. Greer, No. 23767.) Evans, S. P., Dunedin, N.Z. Manufacture of rolling-stock wheels .. 23689 7 Nov. 105 12 Dec* 23591 23696 23563 15 Oct. 6 Nov. 8 Oct. 102 28 Nov. 95 31 Oct.* 23700 8 Nov. 2 8 .Jan., 1908. Falkiner, R., and another, Moonbria, N.S.W. Sheep-shearing driving mechanism Kalvey, T., Wellington, N.Z. Temperature-detector for baled goods Fea, D. M., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Railway-carriage ventilator .. Feldmeier, H., Little Falls, U.S.A. (See M. H. Lawrence and R. Kennedy, No. 23542.) Ferguson, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Fencing-wire carrier Finkler, D., Bonn, Ger. Rendering grain, pulse, &c, digestible Finnis, H. L., Napier, N.Z. Docking-iron Finnis, H. L., Napier, N.Z. Docking and branding iron Firth, T., Wellington, X.Z. Washing-machine Fisher, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Brace Fleming, T., and another, Hobart, Tas. Clothes-line Ford, A. S., Coromandel, N.Z. Preventing tobacco from getting into lid 23718 6 Aug.f .. 23623 23841 19 Oct. 19 Dec 102 28 Nov.* 23710 23713 23694 23826 23773 23818 22124 23796 13 Nov. 14 Nov. 9 Nov. 2 Dec. 29 Nov. 7 Dec. 28 Nov., 1906.. 6 Dec. 2 105 it Jan., 1908. 12 Dec* 105 12 Dec!



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent —continued.

4>1>1 Leal ion. Name, AddreM, end Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Ford, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Spring-fastener Ford, ,]., Dunedin, N.Z. Convertible perambulator Prank, A. R., and another, Berlin, Qer. (See Stiekstoffwerke II., No. 23859.) Fraser, F., Ingham, Q. Pick-head. (.1. Mazlin) .. Fraser, G. H., Brooklyn, U.S.A. Crushing-machine . R. \\'., and others, Sydney, N.S.VV. Rotary engine Friend, E. EL, and another, Anuandalc, N.S.W. Turbine Friend, J. E., and another, Annandale, N.S.W. Turbine .. Friestedt, A. A., Chicago, U.S.A. Metal-sheet piling Fry, H. A., Nelson, N.Z. Acetylene-generator Fry, R. J., Carlton, Vic. Horse-shoe-making machine 23655 23871 26 Oct. 30 Dee. 2 9 Jan., 1908* 23707 23605 23666 23838 23838 2:«il>3 23539 23840 13 Nov. 17 Oct. 31 Oct. 18 Dec. 18 Dec. 17 Oct. 1 Oct. 1!> Den. 2 9 Jan.. 1908. i02 28 Nov.* 10 6 Feb., 1908* 10 6 Feb., 1908* 105 12 Deo. 05 31 Oct.* Gairdner, A. P., Melbourne, Vic. Obtaining antimony, lead, or zinc from their sulphides. (J. Storer) Gaisman, H. J. (Sec \V. E. Hughes, No. 23206.) Gale, W., and another, Wangaratta, Vic. Semiring knives to chaffcutter wheels Gallagher, R. W., Los Angeles, U.S.A. Billing-machine for meters .. Gamble, H. P., and another, Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 22222.) Gantzer, P., and others, Lueknow, India. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 23837.) Gardiner, A. C, and another, Stratford, N.Z. Milk-cooler Gardiner, R. C, Johnsonville, N.Z. Incandescent gas-burner Gaut, J., Leichhardt, N.S.W. Photographic camera Gee, E. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Sun-blind Genet, C. H. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Fastening bicycle-pump to frame Gentzsch, A., Vienna, Austria. Utilisation of waste rubber Gentzsch, A., Vienna, Austria, Utilisation of waste rubber George, A. A., Wellington, N.Z. Tie-frame. (C. W. Wild) Gerber, C, and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Acetylene-generator. (P. O, Aylmer—H. B. R. Lewis) Gerson, F., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. (See D. Lewers and F. S. Greer, No. 23767.) Gibbons, C. C. H., and another, Tangowahine, N.Z. Drying and bleaching wool, fibre, &c. Giblin, F., Castlecliff, N.Z. Boiler-solution (iillies, A., Heidelberg, Vic. Teat-cup Gilshnan, E., Kakaramea, N.Z. Butter-box Golding, A. F., and another, Hobart, Tas. Pulley. (A. M. Campbell) Gordon, C. W., Melbourne, Vic. Toe-strap for cycles Gouldbourn, J., Leicester, Eng. (Sec United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 22156.) Grant, M. A., Richmond, Vic. Brick, pottery, &c. Grasnick, C. W., and others, St. Petersburg, Russia. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 23837.) Grave, W. G., Oamaru, N.Z. Horse-cover fastening Graveson, E. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Disinfecting and washing fluid.. Gray, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Coulter-clamp Green, W. J., London, Eng. Branding-machine Greer, F. S., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Rabbit-trap. (F. Gerson and W. G. English) Gribbon, J. S., and another, Romsey, Vic. Bucket-support Griffin, R., Koetong, Vic. (See S. J. Plain, No. 23607.) Griffiths, H. S., Wai-iti, N.Z. Axe-head Gunther, L., and another, Wangaratta, Vic. Securing knives to chaffoutter wheels 23600 23613 23551 2371!) 23799 23665 23652 23769 •2-2 1.".! I 22160 23583 23668 23568 17 Oct. 17 Oct. 3 Oct. 14 Nov. 7 Dec. 31 Oct. 28 Oct. 27 Nov. 2 Feb., 1906f 5 Dec. 1906.. 14 Oct. 31 Oct. 7 Oct. 08 14 Nov.* 7 23 Jan., lil()8* !W 14 Nov. 10 6 Feb., 1908. 105 12 Dec* 102 28 Nov.* 7 23 Jan., 1908. 91 17 Oct. 91 17 Oct. 105 12 Dec'. 23830 22473 23745 22105 23682 16 Dec. 28 Feb. 21 Nov. 24 Nov., 1906.. 6 Nov. W 6 Feb., 1908* 95 31 Oct. 102 28 Nov. 2 9 Jan., 1908.* 23147 18 July 95 31 Oct. 23742 23778 21910 23417 23767 19 Nov. 2 Dec. 13 Oct., 1906.. 4 Sept. 27 Nov. 91 17 Oct. 95 31 Oct. 7 23 Jan., li»08. 23807 11 Dec. 22268 23013 3 Jan. 17 Oct. 2 9 Jan., 1908. 7 23 Jan., 1908* Hadecke, A. F., Rangiora, N.Z. Threshing-machine Hale, G. H., Napier, N.Z. Scaffolding-bracket Hardy, H. M., Unley, South Australia. Means for securing sash-cords Hartitzsch. (See Von Hartitzsch.) Haslam, W., Carlton, Vic. Motor-vehicle wheel Hayes, E., Rough Ridge, N.Z. Fencing-link Hedley, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Salvage gear Hemery, C. J., Auckland, N.Z. Manufacture of artificial fuel Henry, E. S., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Book-holder Henry, F., Waikiwi, N.Z. Dressing flax Henry, W. J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Book-holder Henshall, E., Papanui, N.Z. Friction-hoist Herrenschmidt, H., Paris, France. Extraction of metals from ores .. Holliwell, C, and others, Altrincham, Eng. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 23837.) Holman, J. H., and another, Cornwall, Eng. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Ray ward, No. 23280.) Holman, J. M., and another, Cornwall, Eng. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward, No. 23280.) Holmes, G. W., Walthamstow, Eng. (See W. J. Roche, No. 23703.) Hooker, L. 0., Hawera, N.Z. Perch-carrier Hope, J., Rangitukia, N.Z. Trap-nest Horet. (See Clemens Horst. 23872 22747 23782 30 Dec. 29 April 4 Dec. 2 9 Jan., 1908. 10 6 Feb.. 1908. 23678 23727 23867 23552 21927 21685 21927 23789 23546 6 Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Dec. 3 Oct. 17 Oct., 1906.. 20 Aug., 1906.. 17 Oct., 1906.. 4 Dec. 3 Oct. 2 9 Jan., 1908.* 2 9 Jan., 1908.* 95 31 Oct.* 95 31 Oct. 105 12 Dec. 95 31 Oct. 23 Nov., 1906.. 30 Dec. 91 17 Oct. 22104 23870 '.II



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent- continued.

I>1>] Lual ;ion. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Hoskins, G. and 0L, Limited, Sydney, N.S.W. Upsetting the edges of rolled-metal plates. (G. J. Hoskins) Hoskins, G. J., Sydney, N.S.W. (See G. and C. Hoskins, Limited, No. 23772.) Houston, J., Auckland, N.Z. Trolly-head Howcroft, W. J., Brisbane, Q. (See Commonwealth Manufacturing and Galvanising Company, No. 23536.) Howden, W., and others, Day Dawn, W.A. Bottle-mouth and turn plug Huckson, H. J., and another, Pakenham, Vic. Self-heating lamp Hudson, A. S., Brisbane, Q. Ear-marking appliance Hudson, G., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Railway-crossing alarm.. Hudson, J. G., and another, Wanganui, N.Z. Signal-wire adjuster .. Hughes, C. M. C, and others, London, Eng. (See Cork Asphalt, Limited, and J. W. Walker, No. 22120.) Hughes, P. R., Geelong, Vic. Hoisting and stacking bales of wool, &c. Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Razor. (H. J. Gaisman) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Typographical composing-machine. (Linotype and Machinery, Limited.—W. H. Scharf) Humphreys, J., and another, Napier, N.Z. Draught, &c, excluder .. Humphries, G. E., Wellington, N.Z. Scaffolding Hunter, J. T., Wellington, N.Z. Dress-cutting chart. (I. Charles) .. Hunter, J. T., Wellington, N.Z. Type composing and distributing machine. (Linotype and Machinery, Limited—C. A. Albrecht, F. Gantzer, C. W. Grasnick, F. J. Wich, J. E. Billington, C. Holliwell, J. H. Joy, and H. Pearce) 23772 23734 23723 23499 22487 23801 23804 26 Nov. 18 Nov. 15 Nov. 20 Nov., 1906.. 28 Feb. 9 Dec. 10 Deo. 7 102 2 io 23 Jan., 1908. 23 Jan., 1908.* 28 Nov. 9 Jan., 1908. 6 Feb., 1908.* 23667 23206 23748 31 Oct. 25 July 21 Nov. 2 95 7 9 Jan., 1908.* 31 Oct. 23 Jan., 1908. 23831 22166 23621 23837 16 Dec. 6 Dec, 1906.. 18 Oct. 18 Dec. 10 91 98 10 6 Feb., 1908. 17 Oct. 14 Nov.* 6 Feb., 1908. Indahl, M. C, and another, Philadelphia, U.S.A. (See Monotype Machine (Colonial Patents) Syndicate, Limited, No. 23852.) Inglis, G., Auckland, N.Z. Pipe-junction Irwin, P. S., Waikaka, N.Z. Balanced door or window Irwin, P. S., Waikaka, N.Z. Ship's rudder Isherwood, P. C. C, Wealdstone, Eng. Ore-treatment 23588 23730 23731 23107 12 Oct. 14 Nov. 15 Nov. 19 July, 1906f 95 31 Oct.* 105 12 Dec'. Jackson, A. G., Brisbane, Queensland. Electrical-releasing mechanism Jackson, W., and another, Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Maohinery Company, No. 23715). James, C, and another, Grantham, Eng. Internal-combustion engine Jamieson, J. A., Wellington, N.Z. Ticket holder or grip Jamieson, J. A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Suspending and joining overhead wires Jarrett, A., Sydney, N.S.W. Lamp-globe attachment Jeffery, B., Palmerston North, N.Z. Flashlight apparatus Johnson, R. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Wire-strainer Johnson, R. H., Ravensbourne, N.Z. Washing-board Johnson, W. T., Wellington, N.Z. Weather-stop for windows Jones, F. N., Nelson, N.Z. Poncho Joy, J. H., and others, Altrincham, Eng. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 23837). 23509 24 Sept. 95 31 Oct. 23687 23594 23602 7 Nov. 21 Oct. 17 Oct. 2 95 95 9 Jan., 1908. 31 Oct.* 31 Oct.* 23550 23653 23792 23803 23854 23656 3 Oct. 28 Oct. 3 Dec. 7 Dec. 23 Dec. 29 Oct. 102 io 28 Nov.* 6 Feb., 190S.* 102 28 Nov.* Karsam Soap Company, Limited, The, London, Eng. Soap-manufac-ture. (M. R. A. Samuel and A. A. Lockwood) Keast, C. E., Dunedin, N.Z. Gag for horses, &c. Keating, B. F., Hawthorn, Vic. Talking-machine attachment Kelly, P. H., Napier, N.Z. Ascertaining temperature of baled goods Kemp, R. M., Durham Ox, Vic. Cultivator Kennedy, R., and another, Glasgow, Scot. Milking-machine. (H. Feldmeier) Kennedy, R., and another, Glasgow, Scot. Milking-machine. (L. Burrell) Kilgour, E. C, Melbourne, Vic. Acetylene-gas generator Knight, W., and another, Waipori, N.Z. Nozzle-operator Konomax Rock-drill Syndicate, Limited, The, Johannesburg, Trans. Rock-drilling machine. (W. Mauss) Konomax Rock-drill Syndicate, Limited, The, Johannesburg, Trans. Rock-drilling machine. (W. Mauss) Konomax Rock-drill Syndicate, Limited, The, Johannesburg, Trans. Cutting-machine. (W. Mauss) Korth, A. fl., Napier, N.Z. Paving-material Kyle, R. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Bread, and process of making same 23819 7 Dec. 23728 23604 23644 23517 23542 14 Nov. 17 Oct. 25 Oct. 21 Sept. 30 Sept. 7 2 98 102 23 Jan., 1908.* 9 Jan., 1908. 14 Nov. 28 Nov. 23543 30 Sept. 102 28 Nov. 23576 23267 23466 10 Oct. 7 Aug. 13 Sept. 95 102 95 31 Oct.* 28 Nov. 31 Oct. 23467 13 Sept. 95 31 Oct. 23468 13 Sept. 95 31 Oot. 23408 23702 3 Sept. 8 Nov. 102 2 28 Nov. 9 Jan., 1908.* Lamson Pneumatic Tube Company, Limited, London, Eng. Pneumaticdespatch system. (H. Burl) Landells, W. G., and another, Coburg, Vic. Self-heating lamp Langford, J., Waihi, N.Z. Amalgamating-machine Langton, E. G., Masterton, N.Z. Shirt-cuff fastener Larbalestier, E. R. S., Enmore, N.S.W. Preventing cracking of lampglass chimneys Lautour. (See De Lautour.) Lawrenoe, J. C. F., and another, Windsor, Vio. Tumbler-washing apparatus Lawrence, W. H., and another, Glasgow, Scot. Milking-machine. (H. Feldmeier) 23572 6 Nov., 1906f 105 12 Dec. 23499 21845 23528 23574 20 Nov., 1906f 29 Sept., 190li 27 Sept. 10 Oct. 102 98 95 102 28 Nov. 14 Nov. 31 Oct.* 28 Nov. 23722 13 Nov. 23542 30 Sept. 102 28 Nov.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent-continued.

13— H. 10.—08.

Application. tazettc. Name, Addiees. and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Lawrence, W. H.. and another, Glasgow, Soot. Milking-machine. (L. Burrell) Lawton. E. H., Brighton, Eng. Advertising-device Leahy, J., Sydney, N.S.W. Sheep-shearing machine. (J. W. Sutton) Lβ Marquand, P. A., Auckland, N.Z. Utilising engine-exhaust for heating liquids Levinge, H. AI., Okato, N.Z. Altazimuth instrument Lewcrs, R. D., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Rabbit-trap. (F. Gerson and W. G. English) Lewis, A., Sydney, N.S.W. (See Lewis Automatic Coupling Company, Limited, No. 23743.) Lewis Automatic Coupling Company, Limited, Sydney, N.S.W. Rail-way-coupling. (A. Lewis) Lewis, H. R. R., Narrandera, N.S.W. (See C. Gerber and E. Michaut, No. 23668.) Lewis, I., Hokitika, N.Z. Gold-concentrator Linard, A., Elstornwiek, Vic. Cycle-pump Lindsay, R. N. R., Auckland, N.Z. Metal-shears.. Linotype and Machinery, Limited, London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 23748.) Linotype and Machinery Limited, London, Eng. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 23837.) Lloyd, R. L., and another, New York. U.S.A. (See P. Bennitt, No. 23599.) Lockwood, A. A., and another, London, Eng. (See The Karsam Soap Company, No. 23819.) Long, R. D., Auckland, N.Z. Internal-combustion engine Longuct, L. A. H., Auckland, N.Z. Trousers-stretcher Lording, A. J., and others, Day Dawn, W.A. Bottle-mouth and turnplug Lucena, W., and another, Hobart, Tas. Clothes-line Lyell, A., Wellington, N.Z. Stopper for preventing fraudulent refilling of bottles Lyon, H., Brockton, U.S.A. (See Nichols-Fifield Shoe Machinery Company, No. 23598.) 23543 23706 23766 23691 23800 23767 23743 23478 23740 23816 30 Sept. 15 Nov., 1906f 27 Nov. 7 Nov. 9 Dec. 27 Nov. 21 Nov. 11 Sept. 2 Jan.f 11 Dec. 10 95 10 102 "7 •2 7 28 Nov. 23 Jan., 19!'8. 9 Jan.. 1908.* 23 Jan., 1908. 0 Feb., 1908. 31 Oct.* 0 Feb., 1908. 23064 23550 23723 30 Oct. 2 Oct. 15 Nov. 102 98 28 Nov.* 14 Nov. 22124 23028 26 Nov., 1906.. 21 Oct. 105 98 12 Dec. 14 Nov.* Maealister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Harrow Macdonald, K. R., Wanganui, N.Z. Combination cash-receipt book Mackenzie, D. L., Dunedin, N.Z. Clothes-drainer Magnus, P., Northcote, Vic. Scaffold and framing fittings Mallyon, J. R., Yass, N.S.W. Music-leaf turner Mallvon, J. R., Yass, N.S.W. Locking-attachment for gates Mander, H., and another, Fielding, N.Z. Tiring-furnace Marconi, G., London, Eng. (See Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company, Limited, No. 23681.) Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company, Limited, London, Eng. Transmitter for wireless telegraphy. (G. Marconi) Mardon, J. W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Railway-crossing alarm Mardon, J. W., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Signal-wire adjuster .. Marino, P., London, Eng. Rendering celluloid uninflammable Marks, H. S., Leongatha, Vic. Door-controller Marks, M., Fitzroy, Vic. Attaching belts to clothing Marquand. (See Le Marquand.) Mauss, VV., Brakpan, Trans. (See The Konomax Rock-drill Syndicate, Limited, Nos. 23466, 23467, and 23408.) Mazlin, J., Herberton, Q. (See F. Fraser, No. 23707.) McBride, T. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Resilient wheel McCorkindale, A., Lawrence, N.Z. Screw-propeller McEachern, W., Rosewood, N.S.W. Delivery device McGarva, T. F., Christchurch, N.Z. Baby-cradle.. McGuire, E. O., and another, Nelson, N.Z. Bread-cutter McHiilick, J., Takapau, N.Z. Road-making implement Mclndoe, W. P., Invercargill, N.Z. Trueing up flax-stripper beaters.. McLaurin, J. D., Pohangina, N.Z. Introducing certificates, packages, &c, into wool-bales McLean, D. W., Mothven, N.Z. Tire-protector -MuLonnan, T. C., Belleknowes, N.Z. Lock-fastening UoMdhon, J. H., Auckland, N.Z. Draining-attachment to washingboiler McMastor, A., Taihape, N.Z. Lifting-jack .. .. McNab, G., Wellington, N.Z. Appliance for tilting casks .. Mears, H. W., Balfour, N.Z. Chaff-cutter Miuhaut. E., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Acetylene-generator. (P. G. Aylmer—H. R. R. Lewis) Michel!, A. G. M., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Apparatus for use in oonneotion with check cipher systems Middleton, R., and others, Leeds, Eng. (See Cork Asphalt, Limited, and J. W. Walker, No. 22120.) Millar, R., and another, Colac Bay, N.Z. Spark-arrester Millar, S., Dunedin, N.Z. (See Millar's Harvester Company, Limited, No. 23027.) 1 Deo., 1906.. 14 Sept. 18 Nov. 2 Oct. 12 Dec. 31 Oct. 22103 23483 23738 23541 105 95 23614 17 Oct. I i 95 98 10 105 102 31 Oct.* 14 Nov.* C Feb., 1908. 12 Dec. 28 Nov. 23615 22276 17 Oct. 5 Jan. 23681 2 Nov. 2 9 Jan., 1908. 23801 23804 23099 23547 9 Dec. 10 Dec. 5 Nov. 20 Dec, 1906.. 3 Oct. 10 2 105 105 0 Feb., 9 Jan., 1908. 12 Deo. 12 Dec.* 23512 23701 22396 23538 23629 23805 23403 23569 4 Sept. 9 Nov. 6 Feb. 1 Oct. .1 Oct. 10 Dec. 14 Sept. 10 Oct. 95 10 2 98 98 10 98 98 31 Oct. 6 Feb., 1908.* 9 Jan., 1908. 14 Nov. 14 Nov.* 6 Feb., 1908.* 14 Nov. 14 Nov.* 23631 23G60 235C2 22 Oct. 28 Oct. 5 Oct. 102 102 95 28 Nov.* 28 Nov.* 31 Oct. 23600 23803 23531 23668 16 Oct. 24 Dec. 30 Sept. 31 Oct. 98 14 Nov.* 95 105 31 Oct.* 12 Dec. 23783 5 Aug.t 23675 I Nov. 105 12 Dec.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

,pp! lio»i ion. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date No. Date. No. I Date. i I Millar's Harvester Company, Limited, Dunedin, N.Z. Draught-equaliser for road-vehicle, &o. (S. Millar) Millis, R.. Dunodin, N.Z. Fibre-preparing .. .. .. Millis. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Fibre-machine .. .. .. , Moffctt. C. C. Invercargill, N.Z. Minnow and tackle case .. .. I Molyneux, K. M , Auckland, N.Z. Tic-holder and collar-adjuster Monotype Machine (Colonial Patents) Syndicate, Limited, London, Eng. , Record - strip composing-machine. (J. S. Bancroft and M. C. Indahl) Monotype Machine (Colonial Patents) Syndicate, Limited, London, Eng. j Keyboard mechanism for perforating, &c, machine. (J. S. Bancroft) Moore, R. F., Auckland, N.Z. Ferro-conorete bollard .. Morris, T., Dunedin, N.Z. Spring catch for securing chain to vehiclewheel Mortensen, H. P., and another, Palmerston North. N.Z. Liquefying milk-froth Morton. F. H., Auckland, N.Z. Tire-puncture discoverer 23627 •2:t.V2() 23817 23559 23646 23852 •23853 17 Oct. 25 Sept. 7 Dec. 30 Sept. 22 Oct. 18 Dec. 18 Deo. 105 12 Dec. 98 14 Nov.* 10 0 Feb., 1908.* 95 31 Oct.* 23544 28612 30 Sept. 14 Oct. LOS 28 Nov. 98 14 Nov.* 23809 11 Dec. 235C7 23577 ■M Nov. 8 Oct. 2 9 Jan., 1908.* I 95 31 Oct.* I 2 9 Jan., 1908. Morton. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Bag-tastener Morton, W. J. L., Adelaide, S. Aus. Winding or unwinding wool, &c. Moscicki, T., Gamback, Switz. Nitro-oxide producer Moss, A. E., Dunedin, N.Z Vote-recorder Moss, E.. Christchureh, N.Z. Construction of tell-tale apparatus Moss, E., and another, Christchureh, N.Z. Baled-goods temperatuieindicator Mudie, II. D., Ballarat, Vio. Gold-saving appliance Muir, J. D., and another, E. Brunswick, Vic. Elevator Muir, J. H., and another, E. Brunswick, Vic. Elevator Muir, R., Auckland, N.Z. Chair Munna, G. C, Auckland, N.Z. Lawn, &c, sprayer Murchison, J. A., Waikaia, N.Z. Wire-strainer Muiray, R. L. H., Auckland, N.Z. Acetylene-gas holder 23781 23242 23040 •23590 ■23741 23873 23839 23839 23802 23768 23671 23371 t Deo. I Aug. 24 Oct. 15 Oct. 20 Nov. :'.] Deo. is Dec. 18 Dec. 5 Dec. •27 Nov. 29 Oct. 23 Aug. 98 14 Nov. 102 28 Nov.* 95 31 Oct.* 7 23 Jan., 1908.* 10 6 Feb., 1908.* 7 23 Ian., 1908.* 2 !l Jan., 1908.* 105 12 Dec* 95 31 Out Neumann, C, St. Louis, U.S.A. Air-compressor Newton, H. C., and another, Melbourne. Vic. Apparatus for use in connection with check cipher system? Nichols-Fifield Shoe Machinery Companv, Portland, U.S.A. Inseamtrimming mpchine. (II. Lyon) Nicholson, H. A. Otautau, N.Z. Flox-bleaching process .. Nicholson, N. L., Invercargill, N.Z. Gauge for saw-bench Nielsen, N. P., and another. Palmerston North, N.Z. Liquefying milkfroth Nielsen, S. J., Copenhagen, Den. Keyless lock Norrie, W. M., Auckland, N.Z. Potato-peeler Norris, G., Dartmore, N.Z. Tire-protector North, C, Te Awamutu, N.Z. Willow and noxious-weed exterminator Notcutt, W. P., London, Eng. File or rasp 23608 i3T83 17 Oct. 5 Auii.f I 9 Jan., 1908. 23598 10 Oct. 105 12 Dec. 23711 •23601 23809 13 Nov. Iβ Oct. 11 Dec. 3 9 Jan., 1908. 105 12 Dec. 23154 21941 23833 23746 23686 18 July 19 Oct., 1906.. i 1 fi Dec. 21 Nov. 7 Nov. 95 31 Oct. 96 31 Oct. LOS 12 Deo. Oakden, F., Dunedin, N.Z. Reintorced-concrete pole O'Brien, jun., W., and another, Waipori, N.Z. Nozzle-operator Ohlson, J. L., Adelaide, South Australia. Sewing-machine O'Neill, P. S., Kokiri, N.Z. Boiler-tube and tube-plates .. Overton, C. F., Clydevale, N.Z. Fencing-clip twister Owen, J., Sydney, N.S.W. Draught-fitting for retailing aerated liquids from bulk 23791 23267 23416 •23834 23849 23537 2ft Nov. 7 Aug. 4 Sept. 14 Dec. 19 Dec. 1 Oct. .. I 10 6 Feb., 1908* 102 28 Nov. 95 31 Oct. 10 6 Feb., 1908. Palmer, Sir W., Bart., and another, London, Eng. Dough-working, Ac, apparatus Parant, L. L. J., and another, Geneva, Swit7. Decolouring tobaccoleaves Park, J. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Manufacture of filaments for electric incandescent l.imps. (" Z " Electrio Lamp Syndicate. Limited—H. Zerning) Parker, A., Dannevirke, N.Z. Ticket-issuing machine Parker, A., Dannevirke, N.Z. Machine for vending postage-stamps, &c. Parker Machine Company, New York. U.S.A. Platen - shifting mechanism for type-writer. (J. A. Ronchetti) Parker, T., London, Eng. Fuel.. Parker, T., London, Eng. Production of fuel Parrish, G.. Christehurch, N.Z. Attaching hames to horse's collar .. Partridge, G. E., Cromwell, N.Z. Flax-tying Patterson, J. R.. Wellington, N.Z. Actuating machine sheep-shears.. Pearce, H., and others, Altrincham, Eng. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 23837.) Peddie, A., and others, Dunodin, N.Z. Railway-carriage ventilator .. Pen warden, A. O., Oksto, N.Z. Cow-bail Perry F. H., Beverly, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 22060.) Pfeiff, A. T., Stockholm, Sweden. Liquid-heater Phillips, S. J., Hallett, South Australia. Cutting and cauterizing'device Pichon, A. P., and another, Geneva, Switz. Decolouring tobaccoleaves 23820 7 Dec. 23573 10 Oct. 102 28 Nov. 23640 22 Oct. 102 28 Nov.* 22181 23032 23747 11 Dec, 190fi. . 23 Oct. 21 Nov. 102 28 Nov. 102 28 Nov.* 7 23 Jan., 1900.* 22945 •i3630 23638 23534 23765 4 June 22 Oct. 24 Oct. 28 Sept. 27 Nov. 102 28 Nov. 102 28 Nov. 10-2 28 Nov.* 95 31 Oct.* 7 23 Jan., 1908.* 23841 23447 19 Dec. 11 Sept. 95 31 Oct. 23089 23.683 23573 4 July 7 Nov. 10 Oct. 102 28 Nov. 105 12 Dec*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent- continued.

I'l'l li-Ki lion. VHjette. Name, Address, end Invention. No. Date. No. Pitt, W. E., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Railway-carriage ventilator.. i 23841 Plain, S. J., Melbourne. Vic. Sluice-box. (R. Griffin) .. .. 23607 Pochin, H. N., and another, Leicester. Eng. (Bee United Shoe Machinery Company, No. '23715.) Porter. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Animal-tem .. .. .. .. 23074 Pride, J. P., Leicester, Bng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 23716.) Date. 19 Dec. .. i 17 Oct. No. I Nov. 105 105 12 Dec* Quertier, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Tramway-rail clearer, &c .. .. 22134 Quertier, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Tramway-rail suction cleaner .. 22267 Quicke. E. S.. and another, Invercargiil. N.Z. Razor-blade holder .. 23477 Quinlan, T. H., and others, London. Eng. (See Cork Asphalt, Limited, •Dd J. W. Walker. No. 22120.) 29 Nov., 1906 3 Jan. 16 Sept. 91 91 95 91 91 95 17 Oct. 17 Oct. 31 Oct.* Radford, H. R.. Waiiiiiiuku. N'.Z. Egg-carrier .. .. .. 23851 Rafferty, P., Wellington, X.Z. Electric attachment .. .. 23704 Rafferty, P., Wellington. N.Z. Trolly-head .. .. .. 23545 Ralph v L. X.. Pongakawa, N.Z. Device tor running out barbed wire.. 23759 Rankine Brown. M. J. T., Wellington, N.Z. Women's singlets .. 23097 Rasmussen, J. I , ., FUvcrton, .N.Z. Klectrieal insulating composition 23771 Rayward, H. H., iind another. Wellington, N.Z. Rock-drill chuck. 23280 (J. H. and J. M. Hoi man) Read, T., Auckland, N.Z. Rubber-heel protector .. .. .. 22077 Reilly, C. J., Syracuse, U.S.A. Separator .. .. .. 23712 Renshaw, J. T., Dunedin, N.Z. Boot-jack ♦. .. .. 23835 Richardson, C, and another, Auckland. N.Z. Distilling gum .. 22137 Richardson, C, and another, Auckland, N.Z. Distilling gum .. 22359 Richardson, W. Q., Auckland, N.Z. Flax-waste as cattle-food .. 22114 Richardson. W. (!.. Auckland, N.Z. Preparing cattle-food from flax- 23721 waste Ridley, W. H. J., Auckland, N.Z. Ore-extraction.. .. .. Rigby, T., and another, Manchester, Eng. Manufacture of producer- 23784 gas Risberg, J. V. M. Sodertelje, Sweden. Emulsifying milk .. .. 23836 Roberts, B. O.. Calcutta, India. Sheet-metal roofing. (E. L. Cant- 23062 well) Roberts, D., and another, Giantharn, Eng. Internal-combustion engine 23687 Roberts, D., Grantham, Eng. Internal-combustion engine .. .. 23812 Roberts, D., Qrantham, Eng. Internal-combustion engine .. .. 23813 Roberta, L., Timara, N.Z. Pattern-chart .. .. .. 21547 18 Deo. 12 Nov. 3 Oct. 25 Nov. !i Nov. 27 Nov. 9 Aug. 7 105 91 2 7 102 7 105 91 23 Jan., 1908* 12 Dec..* 17 Oct.* 2 7 102 9 Jan., 1908.* 23 Jan., 1908.* 28 Xov. 16 Nov., 1906 14 Nov. 16 Deo. 27 Nov., 1906 23 Jan. 23 Nov., 190« 12 Nov. 102 2 91 102 91 7 102 2 91 102 91 7 28 Nov. 9 Jan., 1908. 17 Oct. 28 Nov. 17 Oct. 23 Jan., 1908.* 28 Sept. 4 Dec. 105 10 105 10 12 Deo. 6 Feb., 1908. 18 Dec. 30 Oct. 2 2 9 Jan., 1908. 7 Nov. 11 Dec. 11 Deo. 1 Aug., 1906.. 12 Nov., 1906.. 12 Nov., 1900.. 6 Dec, 1906f 2 10 10 95 i 95 i 9."> 95 2 10 10 00 i 95 i 9."> 95 9 Jan., 1908. 6 Feb , 1908. li Feb., 1008. 31 Oct. 31 Oct.* 31 Oct. 31 Oct. Roberts, L., Tim.iru. N.Z. Pattern-chart .. .. .. 22040 Robert*, L., Timaru, N.Z. Dress-cutting chart .. .. .. 22047 Roche, W. J., Feilding. N.Z. Hospital. (C. W. Holmes) .. .. 23703 Ronchetti, J. A., Woonsocket, U.S.A. (See Parker Machine Company, No. 23747.) Rosegger, C, Auckland, N.Z. Wall-construction .. .. .. 23724 Roseman. S. (i., Auckland, N.Z. Attaching broom-handles to heads.. 23642 Roseman, S. G., Auckland, N.Z. Broom.. .. .. .. 23043 Ross, J., Wellington, N.Z. Grease-trap .. .. .. .. 23480 Ross. W. M., Feildim:, N.Z. Septic tank and filter .. .. 23557 Roycroft, A. J., Waihi, N.Z. Fire-alarm.. .. .. .. 23858 Royds, T. S., Invercargill, N.Z. Milk-bucket holder .. .. 23519 Rudder, F. P., Derby, Eng. Furnace for refuse-destruotor .. 23860 Rudemann, L., London, Eng. Belt-ends connector .. .. 23149 Ruesell, F., Lismore, N.S.W. Field-gate .. .. .. 22874 Samuel, M. R. A., and another, London, Eng. (See The Karsam Soap Company, Limited, No. 23819.) Sands, T. W., Roseville, N.S.W. Vibrating forks of sheep-shearing I 23679 machines Sara, F., Yelverton, Eng. Animal-trap .. .. .. .. 23"85 Saunders, G., Pleasant Point, N.Z. Wearing-strips of concave bars of 23565 threshing-machine Saxby, R. Q., Tokomaru Bay, N.Z. Girth and surcingle .. .. 23474 Scharf, VV. H., Montreal, Canada. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 23748.) Scott. J, R., Boston, U.S.A. (Sec United Shoe Machinery Company, i No. 23714.) Soott, T. M., and anotlwr, Wellington, N.Z. Wool-press .. .. 23470 Searle, H. S., Inverc.injill, X.Z. Wire-strainer .. .. .. 23331 Searle, J., Melbourne, Vie. Indicating moisture in fleece oi sheep, &c... 23639 Seay International Ice and Refrigeration Machinery Company, Phila- 23780 delphia, U.S.A. Production of ice and cold. (W. W. Seay) Seay. W. \V., Philadelphia, U.S.A. (See Seay International Ice and Refrigeration Machinery Company, No. 23780.) Seifert, W., and another, Takapau. N.Z. Flax-feed from stripper to 23754 washing-machine Seifert, W., and another, Takapau, N.Z. Catcher for stripper .. 23755 Seifort, W., and another, Takapau, N.Z. Catching flax from stripper, &c. 23876 Shacklock, J. B., Dunedin, N.Z. Moulding appliance .. .. 23370 Shadgett, E., Wellington, N.Z. Treatment of bananas as food .. 22079 Sharp, J., and others, Rockdale, N.S.W. Rotary-engine .. .. 23666 13 Nov. 25 Oct. 25 Oct. 17 Sept. 4 Oct. 24 Dec. 16 Sept. 24 Dec. 18 July 22 May 7 Nov. 4 Deo. 8 Oct. 102 95 102 98 95 91 102 95 102 98 95 91 2 2 7 95 7 95 28 Nov.* 31 Oct. 28 Nov.* 14 Nov.* 31 Oct. 17 Oct. 9 Jan., 1908.* 23 Jan., 1908. 31 Oct.* 16 Sept. 105 105 12 Dec* 16 Sept. 15 Aug. Si Oct. 3 Deo. 105 95 105 7 105 95 105 7 12 Dec. 31 Oct. 12 Dec. 23 Jan., 1908. ! 23 Nov. 7 7 23 Jan., 1908* 7 23 Nov. 31 Dec. 23 Aug. 20 Nov., 1906.. 31 Oct. 7 95 91 102 7 95 91 102 I 7 95 91 102 23 Jan.. 1908* 31 Oct. 17 Oct. I 28 Nov.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent- continued.

Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. 1 No. Date. No. Date. Sharp, P. V., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Mechanical cutter for flexible materials Sharpe, A. H. R. Lincoln, Ent'. (See R. A. Bayliffe, No. 23649.) Siddall, A., Bondi, N.S.W. Attachment for supportine pictures. &c. Simm, H., and another, Portico, Eng. Zinc-oxide production Siiiini. W.. and another, Portico, Eng. Zinc-oxide production Siramonds, F. R., and another. Takapau, N.Z. Flax-feed from stripper to washing-machine Simmonds, F. R., and another, Takapau, N.Z. Catcher for stripper .. Simmonds, F. R., and another. Takapau, N.Z, Catching flax from stripper, &c. Sinclair, T. D., Hastings, N.Z. Inlet-valve for internal-combustion engine Skipwith, R. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Reinforced-concrete flooring Slater, J., Coolgardie, W.A. Traffic-signal flag Slight, A. J. O., and another, Eltham, N.Z. Teat-cup mouthpiece .. Slipper, A. E., and another, Kokiri, N.Z. Belt-fastener Smaill, A., jun., Dunedin, N.Z. Milking machinery Smart, J., Auckland, N.Z. Trap and drain cover Smith, A. F., Melbourne, Vic. (See H. L. Davis and E. Wood, No. 23739.) Smith, D. J., and another, Kokiri, N.Z. Belt-fastener Smith, K.M.. Auckland, N.Z. Junction-chamber for drain-pipes Smith, R. M., Auckland, N.Z. Drainage junction and vent-pipe Smith, R. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Temperature-detector Smith, W. T., Los Angeles, U.S.A. Extracting metals from ores Smith, V. G., Copenhagen, Denmark. Butter washing process Soderling, A., Bodie, U.S.A. Ore-treatment Sorenson, A. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Racing-hurdle Spear, H., Wellington, N.Z. Spectacles Spear, H. W., and another, Colac Bay, N.Z. Spark-arrester Speirs, P., Tullamarine, Vic. Plough-disc Stace, F. S., and another, Woodville, N.Z. Race-starting machine attachment Steele, W., Mamaku, N.Z. Shaft attachment for engines and trucks, &c. Steffens, H. A. F., Christchurch, N.Z. Seed-sower Stephens, W. C, Camborne, Eng. Rock-drill Stephenson, H., Edenham, N.Z. Fencing-standard Stevenson, J., Glemivy, N.Z. Plough Stewart, C. P., Los Angeles, California. Sugar manufacture Stewart, G. T., and another, Featherston, N.Z. Expanding differential clutch Stewart, G. W., and another, East Melbourne, Vic. One-rail railway carriage and track Stewart, H. H., and another, Featherston, N.Z. Expanding differential clutch Stewart, J. T., Christchurch, N.Z. Washing-machine and churn Stickstoffwerko, G.m.b.H., Berlin, Ger. Manufacture of nitrogen compounds. (A. R. Frank and M. Voigt) Stitt, M. A., W T estport, N.Z. Means for assisting child to walk, usable also as a swing Storer, J., Melbourne, Vic. (See A. P. Gairdner, No. 23609.) Storrie, A., Invercargill, N.Z. Ridger and sower Suggatc, C, and another, Auckland, N.Z. Furnace .. .*. Sussmann, H., Berlin, Ger. (See The Deutsche Gasgluhlicht Aktiengesellschaft, No. 23762.) Sutherland, T., Wellington, N.Z. Cooking-vessel Sutton, J. W., Phoenix City, U.S.A. (See J. Leahy, No. 23766.) Sutton, J. W., Brisbane, Q. Oil-vaporiser, &c. Swanston, F. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Broom-handle coupling Swindale, J., and another, Nelson, N.Z. Bread-cutter 230C8 29 Oct. 23088 7 Nov. 23752 22 Nov. 23752 22 Nov. 23754 23 Nov. 23755 23 Nov. 23876 31 Dec. 23744 21 Nov. 23794 5 Deo. 23775 2 Dec. .. | 23657 29 Oct. 23530 25 Sept. 23770 25 Nov. 22322 17 Jan. 23530 25 Sept. 23677 6 Not. 23777 2 Dec. 23850 18 Dec. 23758 -.'5 Nov. .. 1 23801 24 Dec. 23764 27 Nov. 23618 15 Oct. 23822 12 Dec. 23C75 1 Nov. 23446 11 Sept. 23779 3 Dec. 2 105 7 7 7 7 7 10 7 102 95 ios 95 105 7 10 7 105 105 95 2 9 Jan., 1908* 12 Deo. 23 Jan., 1908. 23 Jan., 19C& 23 Jan.. 1908* 23 Jan,, 1908* 23 Jan., 1908* 6 Feb.. 1S08* 23 Jan., 1908. 28 Nov.* 31 Oct.* I.! Deo' 31 Oct.* ia i ><■<•. 23 Jan., l!!08* (i Feb., 1908. 23 Jan., 1908. 12 Dec. 12 Dec* 31 Oct. 9 Jan., 1908*. 23763 21 Nov. 23585 14 Oct. 23575 10 Oct. 23535 1 Oct. 22005 3 Sept. 23506 23 Sept. 23595 15 Oct. 7 95 1(12 98 102 95 105 25 Jan.. 11I08* 3] Oct.* £8 Nov. 14 Nov. >8 Nov. 31 Oct. 12 I ).-.■. 23845 20 Dec. 23595 15 Oct. 105 Il' Dec, 23580 11 Ocf 23859 25 Junei 23756 25 Nov. 23751 20 Nov. 22019 6 Nov., 1906.. 7 98 23 Jan., l!)08* 14 Nov. 22195 13 Dec, 1906.. 91 17 Oct. 23810 11 Dec. 23470 11 Sept. 23629 21 Oct. 10 95 98 6 Feb., 1908. 31 Oct. 14 Nov.* Tait, A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Clothes line and fasteners Tait, A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Envelope-opener Tait, A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Pot-cleaner Tattersfield, C, Gisborne, N.Z Waterproof solution Taucher, J. J., Wellington, N.Z. Clothes-peg Taylor, A. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Trunk and hat box Taylor, L., and another, Stratford, N.Z. Milk-cooler Thomson, G. S., Dunedin, N.Z. Trolly-pole Thomson, J., Gladstone, N.Z. Tire Thomson, R., and others, Day Dawn, W.A. Bottle-mouth and turnplug Tingey, L. R., Wellington, N.Z. Metallic letters .. Tonks, F., Wellington, N.Z. Chimney .. Tosi, A., and another, Paris, France. Wireless telegraphy system Tress and Co., London, Eng. Manufacture of straw, 4c, hats. (F. Wright and A. D. Childs.) Trevellian, F. H., Wellington. N.Z. Cash-register Trevethiek, J.. Auckland, N.Z. fc'ecuiiug hi-rdles to broom-heads .. Triggs, W. H., and another, ChiibtcLoich, N.Z. Pieventing horses galloping 23641 22 Oct. 23797 5 Dec. 23798 5 Dec. 23695 4 Nov. 23735 18 Nov. 2373C 18 Nov. 23719 14 Nov. 23549 30 Sept. 23774 27 Nov. 23723 15 Nov. 102 'io 102 "7 98 7 28 Nov.* 0 Feb., 1908* 28 Nov. 23 Jan., 19(J8* 14 Nov. 23 Jan., 1908* 23526 27 Sept. 23793 5 Dec. 23661 30 Oct. 23554 8 Oct. 95 10 2 <M 31 Oct.* 6 Feb., 1908.* it Jan., 190K. 14 Nov. 23586 14 Oot 23725 16 Nov. 23494 ' 20 Sept. 102 7 95 £8 Nov. 23 Jan., 1908. 31 Oct.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent -continued.

'PI' leal ion. IQMI •c. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. No. Date. Turner, C. E., Palmerston North, N.Z. Picture-hanging attachment.. Turner, D. L., Wellington, N.Z. Flax-bleaching .. .. .. I I 23737 19 Nov. •21460 17 July, 1900 .. 28610 Lβ Oct. 23060 15 Nov., 1906.. 7 23 Jan., 1908.* 91 17 Oct. Uddstroin. ('.. Qreymouth, N.Z. Chain and sprocket gearing •• ' United Shoe Maohinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Inserting fasteners. (F. H. Perry) United Shoe Machinery Company. Paterson, U.S.A. Clicking-press. (A. Bates) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Boot-assembling machine. (O. Ashton) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Heel-loading machine. (J. Gouldbourn) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Inserting fasteners. (A. Bates and H. P. Gamble) United Shoe Maohinenr Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Lasting-machine. (A. Bates) * United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Abrading device. (J. R. Scott) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Burnishinginachine. (W. Jackson and H. N. Pochin) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Shoe-macliino jack. (J. P. Pride) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson. U.S.A. lnsrniii-trimming machine. (A. Bates) 2 9 Jim., 1908. 102 28 Nov. S9O67 10 Not., 1906 .. 102 28 Nov. 22155 0 Deo., 1906.. 91 17 Oct. •22156 5 Dec, 1900 .. 91 I 17 Oct. 22222 20 Dec, 1906 . 98 14 Nov. 23597 16 Oct. 95 31 Oct.* 23714 14 Nov. 2 9 Jan., 1908.* ■SM \ r> 14 Nov. 2 9 Jan., 1908.* ■_>:!7l»i 14 Nov. 2 ; 9 Jan. 1908.* 23811 II Dee. 7 23 Jan., 1908.* Vague, E., Levels, N.Z. Cleaning and classing potatoes Van Wye, (i. P., New York, U.S.A. Vacuum insulated bottle and owing Verein Chemischer Fabriken, Mannheim, Ger. (See E. N. Waters, No. 23842) Voigt, M., and another, Berlin, Or. (See Stickstoffwerke, G.m.b.H., No. 38859.) Von Bertonoh, .1.. Kaponda, S.A. Road, <fec, clearing machine .. Von Hartitzscli. P. O., Wellington, N.Z. Trolly-pole retriever Von Hartitzsch, P. O., Wellington, N.Z. Trolly-pole retriever 23698 (i Nov. 23701 -20 Nov. 23237 20 Aug., !906t 23592 15 Oct. 23847 20 Dec. i 7 28 Jan., 1908.* 102 28 Nov. 95 31 Oct.* 10 6 Feb., 1908.* Waketield, (.'. C, London, Eng. Gas-burner Walker, J. W., and others, London, Eng. Block-manufacture. (C. II (.'. Hughe*, T. H. QuirJan, and R. Middleton) Walkerden, W., Marrickville, N.S.W. Boot or shoe Walter, R. A. O., Auckland. N.Z. Envelope Waimeninaelier, M., Fitzroy, Vic. Rolling or curling butter Warren, A., Wellington, N.Z. Preventing vehicle running backwards when drawn up hill Waters, E. N.. Melbourne, Vic. Manufacture of sodium-sulphate reduction products. (Verein Chemischer Fabriken) Watson, A. C, Chriitchuroh, N.Z. Swingle-tree end Watson, G., and another, Foxton, N.Z. Flax-stripper beating-bar .. Watson, R. S.. ind another., Islington, N.Z. Apparatus lor mixing depilatory solutions Watts, J. E.. Wellington, N.Z. Boot-last Webster, A. J.. Pirron Yallock, Vie. Milking-bail Webster, A. M., Dunedin. X.Z. Self-lubricating loose pulley:? Webster, R. W., and another, Surrey, Eng. (See H. J. West and Co., Limited. No. 23415.) West, H. J., and Co., Limited, Surrey, Eng. Bottling - machine. (R. W. Webster and L. Chew) West, VV. L>, Waiuku, N.Z. Machine milking-cup Western Mill and Maehinc Company, West Berkeley, U.S.A. Stamp and grinding mili Westinghouse. <;.. I'ittslmrg. U.S.A. Yielding-resistance device Westmoreland, G., Waipiro Bay, N.Z. Kerosene-pump Westneat, 0, H., Napier, N.Z. Temperature-indicator Whitburn, D., Auckland, N.Z. Rabbit-trap White, K. \V, Napier, N.Z. Spoon White, F. C, Auckland, N.Z. Kitchen-range White, T. H., and another, Wellington. N.Z. Suspending and joining overhead-wins White, W., North Fitzroy, Vic. Heel Whitelaw, H. J., and another, Woodville, N.Z. Race-starting machine attachment Wich, F. J., and others, Capetown,, South Africa. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 23837.) Wiggins, R. A., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. (See W. Wiggins, No. i,3726.) Wiggins, W., Wellington. N.Z. Milking-machine. (R. A. Wiggins and C. Bristow) Wild, C. W., Wellington, N.Z. (See A. A. George, No. 23583.) Wilfley, A. R., Denver, U.S.A. Ore-roasting process Wilkins, F., Auckland, N.Z. Candle holder and extinguisher Wilkinson, G., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Fencing-wire carrier Williams, C. T., Dunedin, N.Z. Hanging window-sashes Williams, J., London, Eng. Propeller-shaft bearings 23501 21 Sept. 22120 ; 27 Nov., 1906.. 95 31 Oct. 98 14 Nov. 23502 : 21 Sept. 23634 ! 23 Oct. 23016 17 Oct. 23593 15 Oct. L05 ; 12 Dec* 102 ! 28 Nov.* 2 9 Jan.. 190S. 23842 19 Dec. 23070 1 Nov. 23564 8 Oct. 23827 13 Dec. i 7 23 Jan., 1908.* 95 81 Oct.* 23663 ■ 30 Oct. 22224 20 Dec, 1906 .. 235. r >8 1 Oct. M 14 Nov.* 105 ; 12 Dec. 'KS 14 Nov.* 23415 J 4 Sept. 95 31 Oct. 23626 17 Oct. 23606 17 Oct. 105 12 Dec. 23513 24 Sept. 23584 14 Oct. 23733 18 Nov. 23254 I 1 Aug. 22327 J 19 Jan. 23540 ! 1 Oct. 23602 , 17 Oct. 95 31 Oct. 106 12 Dec* 102 28 Nov. 98 14 Nov. 95 31 Oct.* 23053 26 June 23779 3 Dec. 102 -2S No%. 2 9 Jan., 1908.* 23726 16 Nov. 23726 2. 9 Jan., 1908 23505 23 Sept. 23025 17 Oct. 23710 I 13 Nov. 23868 23 Dec. 23708 I 13 Nov. 23505 23025 23710 23868 23708 95 31 Oct. 102 28 Nov.* 3 9 Jan.', 1908.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


No. Application. No. Qasette. Name, Address, and Invention Date. Date. Williams, W. G., and another. Johannesburg, Trans. Totalisator ap- '22909 '2!» May paratus Willis, W., and another. .Napier. .N.Z, Draught. &c. excluder .. 33881 Hi Dec. Wilton, J. H., Waipawa, N.Z. Gate-hinge .. .. .. -23729 14 Nov. Wilson, A. D.. Stellenboech, Cape Colony .. .. .. .. -23874 31 lice Wilson, J., Christohuroh, N.Z. File .. .. .. .. 23847 -2-2 Aug. Wilson. T. H., Brisbane, Q. Window-wish adjuster .. .. 23286 7 Jan. Wilson, T. J., Nelson, N.Z. Soap-box .. .. .. .. 28864 23 Dec. Withell. W., Christchureh. N.Z. Aerial machine .. .. .. 28661 28 Oct. Woledge, C. E.. Christohnroh, N.Z. Collapsible horn for talking- 28678 2 Nov. machine Wood, A. H., Auckland. N.Z. Wheel for wheel- barrows. &c. .. 28678 8 Oct. Wood, A. H., Auckland. N.Z. Washing-boiler .. .. .. 28687 10 Oct. Wood, E., and another. Melbourne, Vic Mariner's oompatt (A. F. 23739 20 Nov. Smith) Wood, E. J., and another. (V.sile Hroiiiwich. Eng. Axle-box .. li.'iTOH 13 Nov. Wright, F., and another, Lutein, Eng. (See Tress and Co.. No. 88664.) Wye. (See Van Wye.) Wynd. A., and another. Foxton. N.Z. KUx-stflpyec beating-bar .. 28664 8 Oct. ■_".• May Bβ 31 Oct.* 10 Dec. 14 Nov. IS! Dec. •_>■-> Aug. 7 Jan. 23 Dec. •28 Oct. •2 Nov. 10 7 "to 108 (i Feb., 1908. 23 Jan., 1908,* 31 Oct. 28 Nov. 8 Oct. 10 Oct. •2(1 Nov. Bβ Bβ 7 31 Oct.* 31 Oct.* 23 Jan., 19(18.* IS Nov. ■_> !) Jan., 1008. 8 Oct. !I5 31 Oct.* Youngson, J. M.. Clinton. N.Z. Coupling-hook .. .. .. -23I>59 '29 Oct. •29 Oct. - I j 102 I 10 28 Nov * 6 Feb., 1908. Zabriskie, A., Paterson. U.S.A. Fibre-preparing machine .. .. 23818 II Dec. " Z " Electric Lamp Syndicate. Limited. London, Eng. Electric-lamp -23455 10 Sept. filament. (H. Zerning) " Z " Electric Lamp Syndicate, Limited. (See J. K. Park. No. -23(i4O.) Zerning, H., Halensee. (ler. (See " Z" Electric Lamp Syndicate, Limited. No. -23455.) Zerning, H. (See J. R. Park, No. 23M0.) II Dec. 10 Sept. 10 Bβ 6 Feb.. I!IIIK. 31 Oct.

* Denotes a provisional specification, 'radee Marks Act, 1889." 1 Denotes a prior date under section 106 of " The Patents, Designs, and Invention. Application. Name. I — No. Date. No. Name. Application. Oaielt'. No. Date. Abrading device Acetylene-ge,s hoid<r ;mk1 Imnier Acetylene-generator Acetylene-generator Acetylene-generator Acetylene-generator Advertising device Advertising-signs Aerated liquids. Draught-fitting, for retailing from bulk Aerial machine Air-compressor Alarm. (See Electric Are-alarm, Firealarm, Railway-crossing alarm.) Altazimuth instrument Amalgamator Animal-cover fastener Animal-trap Animal-trap Antimony, lead, or zinc. Obtaining, from their sulphides Antimony, &c, furnace Artificial fuel Axe-head Axle-box United Shoe Machinery Company '23714 14 Nov. .. 2 R. L. H. Murray .. .. 23371 28 Aug. .. 90 Q. 1.. Burton.. .. .. 28027 27 Sept .. its H. A. Fry .. .. .. 28589 I Oct. .. 90 E. ('. Kilgonr .. .. '23576 l<) Oct. ..95 C. Gerber and E. Miohaul ..23608 31 Out. .. 105 E. H. Lawton .. .. 28706 10 Nov.. W .. L. R. Tinp'v.. .. .. 28026 27 Sept. .. 90 J. Owen .. .. .. 23537 1 Oct 9 Jim.. 100S.* :si Oct. 14 Nov. 31 Oct.* 31 Oct.* 12 Deo. 31 Oct.* W. Withell .. .. . . -23051 28 Oct C. Neumann .. .. .. 23608 17 Oct. .. -2 i) Jan.. I!»OK. H. M. Levinge .. .. 88806 9 Deo J. Langford .. .. .. -2184.") 29 Sept., 1906 US A. Blair .. .. .. 23672 29 Oct. .. 7 A. Porter .. .. .. 23674 1 Nov. .. 105 F. Sam .. .. .. '23785 4 Dec. .. 7 A. P. Oflirdner .. .. 28609 17 Oct. .. 98 I I Nov. 23 Jan., 1008 12 Dec.* •23 Jan., MM IK. 14 Nov.* W. H. J. Ridlej .. .. -'353:! -28 Sept. .. 105 a J. Hi'inery .. .. 2355-2 3 Oct. ..95 H. S. Griffiths .. .. 22208 3 Jan. .. 2 E. J. Wood and G. Carson .. 28709 13 Nov. .. 2 12 Dec. 31 Oct.* 9 Jan., 1908. !i ha., UHis. Baby-cradle.. Baby-jumpor Baby-jumper .. .. ,. T.F. MoGarva .. .. 23538 1 Oct. .. 98 M. A. Stitt .. .. .. 23756 25 Nov W. Cusick .. .. .. 28T80 26 Nov. .. 7 W. Morton .. .. .. -23577 8 Oct. I ' X ', T. B. Brock .. .. .. -22376 I 31 Jan. .. 109 14 Xov. Bag-fastener 23 Jan.. Win.* 31 Oct.* 9 Jan.. HKI8. 28 Nov. Bag-filler ..



Alphabetical List of Inventions-continued.

ippl licai ion. '(If: >,e. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Bail. (See Cow-bail. Milking-bail.) Balanced door or window Bale. (See Wool-b;vle.) Bciled-goods temi>erature-indicator Baled-goods temperature-indioator Baled-goods temperature-indicator Baled-goodi temperature-indicator Baled-goods temperature-indicator Baled-goods teni]>erature-indicator Baled-goods temperature-indioatoT Banana*! Preparing food from Barbed-wire running device Basket or panel strap Bcv.ting-bar. (See Flax-stripper.) Bells, &c, Electric release for Belt. (See Driving-belt.) licit-dressing P. S. Irwin .. .. .. 23730 14 Nov J. D. MoLaurin .. .. 28M9 10 Ot. T. D. Cummins .. .. 2302-2 10 April T. Falvey .. .. .. 23023 10 Oct. P. II. Kelly .. .. .. 23644 25 Oct. C. H. Westneat .. .. 23733 18 Nov. K. Moss and B. F. Dombrain .. 23741 20 Nov. It. 11 Smith .. .. .. 23850 18 Dec. K. Shadgett .. .. .. 28079 20 Nov., 1906 L X. Ralph .. .. .. I 23759 25 Xov. .. H. B. Chapman .. .. 23720 12 Nov. .. 98 98 7 10 14 Nov.* 14 Nov. 23 Jan., 1908.* 6 Feb, 1918. 17 Oct. *7 23 Jan., 1908.* A. (I. Jackson .. .. 23500 24 Sept. .. 95 31 Oct. G.Beaumont .. .. 23485 in Sept. .. 98 95 2 105 14 Nov.* 31 Oct.* 9 Jan., 1908. 12 Dec* Belt-fastener A. E. Slipper and D. J. Smith .. ; 23530 25 Sept. 1 Belts, Attaching, to clothing Bicycle Bicycle-pump fastener Billiard-board Billiard-t&ble liilling-machine for meters Blind. (See Sun-blind, Venetian blind.) Blocks, &c, from plastic material, Making M. Murks .. .. .. 23547 3 Oct. F. Delsie .. .. .. 23821 10 Dec. C. H. J. Genet .. .. 23769 27 Nov. .. F. B. Clapcott .. .. 22164 3 Dec, 1906 F. W. Cullimnrc .. .. 23875 31 Dec. R. W. Gallagher .. .. 23551 3 Oct. 7 Bβ 10 98 23 Jan.. 1908. 31 Oct. 6 Feb., 19.18.* 14 Nov. Cork Asphalt Limited, and J. W. 22120 87 Nov., 1906 Walker W. O. Landells and H. J. Huokton 23499 20 Xov.. lOOOfj 9S 14 Nov. Blow-lamp, Self-heating iioard. (See Billiard-board, Washingboard.) Boiler. (See Range - boiler. Washing - boiler.) Boiler solution Boiler-tube and tube-plate Bollard. (See Ferro-concrete bollard.) Book. (See Cash-receipt book.) Book-holder Boot. (See Gum boot.) Boot Boot-burnishing machine Boot-heel, Intei changeable Boot-inseam trimming-machine F. Giblin 23S30 16 Dee. .. P. S. O'Xeill .. .. .. 23834 14 Dec. 102 ID Id 28 Nov. 6 Feb., 6 Feb., 19J8. W. J. and E. S. Henry.. .. 21927 17 Oct., 1906 95 31 Oct. Boot-inseam trimming-machine Bootjack Boot-last Boot-lasting machine.. Boot-sole squarcr Boots and shoes, Assembling parts of Boots and shoes, Loading and attaching heel? to Bottle. (See Vacuum insulated bottle.) Bottle-mouth and turn-plug W. Walkerden .. .. 21 Sept. .. United Machinery Company .. 23715 14 Nov. W. White .. .. ' . . 23053 26 June .. Nichols - Fifield Shoe Machinery 23598 16 Oct. Company United Shoo Machinery Company 23811 11 Deo. J. T. Renshaw .. .. 23853 16 Dec. J. E. Watts .. .. .. 23663 30 Oct. United Shoe Machinery Company 23597 16 Oct. C. Bromley .. .. .. 23690 7 Nov. United Shoe Machinery Company 22155 5 Dec, 1906 United Shoe Machinery Company 22156 5 Dec., l»0ti 105 ■> 102 105 7 98 95 2 91 91 12 Dec* 9 Jan., 1908.* •28 Nov. 12 Deo. 23 Jan., 1908.* 14 Nov.* 31 Oct.* 9 Jan.. I !MIS * 17 Oct. 17 Oct. Bottle-stopper, Non-refillable Bottling-machine, Counter-pressure Box. (See Axle-box, Butter-box, Pillarbox) Brace Braces, Razor-strop Attachment to Bracket. (See Spouting-bracket.) Brake gear Branding-iron. (See Dooking and branding.) Branding-machine for boxes, casks, <fec... Bread-cutter Bread-making Bricks, Converting burnt clay into Briquettes. (See Tiles.) Broom Broom-handle, Attaching, to head Broom-handle coupling Broom-handle machine Broom-handle, Securing Bucket. (See Milk-bucket.) Bucket-support Burner. (See Acetylene-gas burner, Gasburner.) Burnisliing-machine Butter-box Rutter, Rolling or curling R. Thomson, A. J. Lording, and W. 23723 15 Nov. Howden A. Lyell .. .. .. 23628 21 Oct. H. J. West and Co., Limited .. 23415 4 Sept. .. 08 M 14 Nov.* 31 Oct. J. Fisher .. .. .. 23818 7 Deo. H. A. Cornes .. .. .. 23633 23 Oct. 102 28 Nov.* T. J. Cahill .. .. .. 23832 16 Dec. W. J. Green .. .. .. 23417 4 Sept. .. E. O. McGuire and J. Swindale .. 23629 21 Oct. R. J. Kyle .. .. .. 23702 '■■ 8 Nov. .. M. A. Grant .. .. .. 23147 18 July .. 95 98 2 95 31 Oot. 14 Nov.* 9 Jan., 1908.* 31 Oct. S. G. Roseman .. .. 23643 25 Oct. S. G. Roseman .. .. 23642 25 Oct. F. J. Swanston .. .. 23470 11 Sept. .. J. Coulthard .. .. .. 23669 30 Oct. J Trevethick .. .. 23725 16 Nov 102 95 102 7 28 Nov.* 31 Oct. 28 Nov.* 23 Jan., 1908. S. Campbell and J. S. Gribbon .. 23807 ! 11 Deo. .. I United Shoo Machinery Company 23715 14 Nov. E. Gilshnan .. .. .. 23745 21 Nov. .. M. Wannenmaeher .. ..I 23616 17 Oct. 2 9 Jan., 1908.* 'a 9 Jan!, 1908.



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

• ■ 1 • 1 Ileal lion. Gazette. Invention. Name. No Date. No. Date. Butter-washing process V. G. Smith ■iUStil 24 Deo. Camera Cm. (See Milk-can.) C.indle-guttering protector Candle holder anil extinguisher Candle-protector Carburetter .. Cvrrier. (See Perch-carrier.) Case. (See Minnow and tackle raw. | Cash and receipt book Cash-register Cask-tilting appliance Catcher for stripper Gitcher for stripper Cattle-food, Flax-waste as Cattle-food, Flax-waste as Cauterizing devioe. (See Cutting device.) Celluloid, Rendering, uninflammable Centrifugal machine, Shaft-mounting for Centrifugal thickening and separating machine Chaff-cutter feed gear Chaff-cutter wheel. Securing knives to . . Chain. (See Sprocket-chain.) Chair Chart. (See Dress-cutting chart.) Child, Teaching, to walk Child, Teaching, to walk Chimney Churn and washing-machine Clamp. (See Coulter-clamp.) Clay, burnt, Converting, into bricks Cleaner. (See Knifo-cleaner, Pot-cleaner, Tramway-rail cleaner.) Clearing-machine for land, roads, &o. .. Clicking-pross Closet. (See Water-closet.) Clothes-drainer Clothes-line Clothes-lino Clothes-line and fasteners Clothes-peg Clothing, Attaching belts to .. Clutch. (See Differential clutch.) Coal, Loading and unloading Collar-adjuster and tie-holder Compass. (See Mariner's compass.) Compressor. (See Air-compressor.) Concentrator. (See Gold-concentrator.) Concrete. (See Ferro-concrcto.) Concrete floor Concrete pole Cooking-vossel Cool chamber for preserving goods Cooking-vessel, Preventing burning of .. Cord. (See Sash-cord.) Cotton-reel Coulter-clamp Coupling. (.See Broom-handle coupling, Railway-coupling.) J. Oaut 23065 31 Oot. 105 J 12 Dec* E. J. Chilton .. F. Wilkins .. B. F. H. Diwaon F. .1. Cox 23776 23625 23328 23790 2 Dec. 17 Oot. 17 Jan. 4 T>x.. 190r.f 7 102 2 -!.•) Jan., 1908.* ! 28 Nov.* 9 Jan., 1908. K. R. Macdonald F. H. Q. Mo.Vab .. F. K. Simmondl and W. Seifort F. R. Siinmonds and W. Seifort \V. (:. Richardson \V. O, Richardson • •2:us:i 23538 23363 •2:i7.-).-> 23876 22114 23781 14 Sept, .. 14 Oot. 24 Dec. 23 Nov. .. 31 Doc. .. 23 Nov., 190G 12 Nov. .. 95 102 31 Oct. 28 Nov. "l 23 .Tun., 1908.* i> i 7 17 Oct.' 23 Jan., 1908.* P. M irino L. Burrell and D. H. Burrell, jun. P. Browne 23699 22642 23829 5 Nov. .. 3 April .. 16 Dec. 2 91 10 9 Jan., 1908. 17 Oct. OFeb., 1908.* H. W. Mears .. W. Gale and L. Qanthcr 23531 23613 30 Sept, .. 17 Oot. 95 7 31 Oct.* 23 Jan., I90S.* R. Muir 23802 5 Dec. 7 ■21 Jan., 1908.* M. A. Stitt .. W. Cusick F. Tonks J. T. Stewart 23756 23760 23793 23580 25 Nov. .. 26 Nov. .. 5 Dec. 11 Oct. 7 111 .. 23 Jan., 1908.* 6 Feb., 11,08* ■• M. A. Grant 23147 18 Ju y .. i it.") I 31 Oot. J. von Bertouoh United Shoe .Machinery Company 23237 22067 20 Aug., lOOCf 15 Nov.. 1906 1102 102 28 Nov. 28 Nov. D. L. Mackenzie T. Fleming and W. Lucena J. A. Barker .. ... A. L J. Tait J. J. Taucher.. \1. Marks 23738 22124 23869 23641 23735 23547 18 Nov. .. I 28 Nov.. 1906 30 Dec. .. : 22 Oct. 18 Nov. .. ! 3 Oct. .. i 105 102 12 Dec! I 28 Nov.* 105 12 Dec!* G. C. Chadwiek K. M. Molyneuz 23862 23645 24 Dec. 22 Oct. 10 0 Feb., 1908. i R. H. Skipwith F. Oakden .. T. Sutherland J. D. Douglas T. Sutherland 23794 23791 22195 23036 22195 5 Dec. 29 Nov. .. 13 Dec, 1906 21 Oct. 13 Dec, 1906 10 II) 111 6 Feb., 190S.* OFeb., 1908.* 17 Oct. III 17 Oct.' H. J. Cunnington and R. C. Bishop G. Gray 23823 -'1910 12 Deo. 13 Oct.. 1906 9] 17 Oct.' Coupling-hook J. M. Youngson 23659 29 Oct. 102 10 28 Nov.* 6 Feb., 190h. Cover. (See Animal-cover, Go-cart cover. Haystack - cover. Horse - oover. Tirecover. ) Cow-bail Cradle. (See Baby-cradle.) Crate Crushing-machine CulT fastener and protector Cultivator, Subsoil, for ploughs Curtain-polo lifter Cutter. (See Bread-cutter, Chaff-cutter, Mechanical cutter, Mitre-cutter.) Cutting-machine A. O. F'enwarden S. A. Bradley.. G. H. Fiaser E. G. Langton R. M. Kemp .. \V. Curtis 23447 23857 23605 235-28 23517 23501 11 Sept. .. 23 Dec. 17 Oct. 27 Sept. .. 21 Sept. .. 5 Oct. Bβ 90 98 us ; 31 Oot. '• 31 Oct.* 14 Nov. 14 Nov. Konomax Rock-drill Syndicate, Limited S. J. Phillips A. Linard C. W. Gordon 23468 13 Sept. .. 95 31 Oct. Cutting and cauterizing device Cycle-pump C> cles, Toe-strap for Cylindor. (Soe Hot-water cylinder.) Cypher-system check.. 23683 23740 23682 7 Nov. .. 2 Jan.f .. 6 Nov. .. 105 10 2 12 Dec* 6 Feb., 1908. 9 Jan., lllOH.* H. C. Newton and A. G. M. Michell 23783 5 Aug.f ..



Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.

14— H. 10.—08.

■ I'l'l ii-at lion. ! <IZ*i '.e. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. J Date. i • Damper. (See Grate-damper.) Depilatory solution-mixing apparatus .. R. Dixon and P>. S. Watson Despatch aystam, Pne-tmatic- .. . . The Lamson Pneumatic Tube Company Limited Detector. (See Temperature-detector.) Differential clutch. Expanding .. Q. T. and H. H. Stewart Dinner-plate .. .. .. W. N. Champion Disc. (See Plough-disc.) Disinfecting and washing fluid .. E. J. Graveson Disinfector and insect-destroyer .. T. Itolton Docking and branding iron .. .. H. Brown Docking and branding iron .. .. j H. L. Finnis Docking-iron .. .. ...EL Finnis Door and gate holder and controller .. H. S. .Marks Door-balance. (See Balanced door.) Dough-dividing machine .. J. Baker and Sons, Limited Dough-working apparatus .. .. j Sir W. Palmer, Bart., and F. E. Blackmore Drains, &c, Ventilating-cover for . . 3. Smart Drainage junction and vent-pipe .. R. M. Smith Drainer. (See Clothes-drainer.) Draining-table attachment to coppers, J. H. McMahon tubs, &c. Draught-equaliser .. .. .. Millar's Harvester Company, Limited Draught, &c, excluder .. .. J. Humphreys and W. Willis .. Dress-cutting chart .. .. .. L. Roberts 53827 13 Dec. 88872 li Nov., 190Cf 23595 15 Oct. 23648 23 Oct. 23778 j 2 Dec. 23705 i 13 Nov. .. I 23093 ■ 8 Nov. .. ! 23820 2 Dec. 23094 9 Nov. .. 22223 I 20 Dec., 190fi "2 105 105 105 105 12 Deo! 12 Dec. !) Jan., 190S • 12 Dec* 12 Dec. 23824 : 8 Mayt .. 23820 7 Dec. 22322 17 Jan. 23777 2 Dec. 105 7 12 Dec. 23 Jan.. 1908 • 23562 5 Oct. 95 3) Oct. 23627 17 Oct. 105 12 Dec. Dress-cutting chart .. .. .. L. Roberts 23831 16 Dec. 21547 1 Aug., 1900 22040 12 Nov., 1906 ' 10 95 195 195 95 98 6 Feb . 1908* 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct.* 31 Oct. 14 Nov.* Dress-cutting chart .. .. .. L. Roberts Dress-cutting chart .. .. .. J. T. Hunter Drill. (See Rock-drill.) Driving-belts, Forming and connecting L. Rudemann ends of Dust, draught, and rain excluder .. J. Betty 22047 12 Nov., 1900 23621 18 Oct. 23149 18 July 95 31 Oct. 23786 4 Dec. .. 7 23 Jan., 1908.* Ear-marking. (See Pliers.) Egg-carrier .. .. .. .. H. R. Radford Electric attachment .. .. .. P. Rafferty Electric fire-alarm .. .. .. J. W. Butterworth Electric insulating composition .. J. P. Rasmusscii Electric-lamp filaments .. .. J. R. Park Electric-lamp filaments .. .. " Z " Electric Lamp Syndicate, Limited Electric-releasing mechanism for bells, &c. A. G. Jackson Electrical apparatus for producing nitro- I. Moscicki oxides . Elevator .. .. .. .. J. H. and J. D. Muir Engine. (See Gas-engine, Internal-com-bustion engine, Marine engine, Rotary engine.) Envelope .. .. .. .. R. A. O. Welter Envelope-opener .. .. .. A. L. J. Tait Explosive .. .. .. .. N. Ceipek Extension ladder .. .. .. J. C. Benn 23851 18 Dec. 23704 12 Nov. .. 23047 23 Oct. .. | 23771 27 Nov. .. j 23640 22 Oct. 23455 10 Sept. .. 23509 24 Sept. .. 23242 1 Aug. .. 7 105 95 102 95 95 98 23 Jan., 1908.* 12 Dec* 31 Oct.* 23 Jan., 1908.* 28 Nov.* 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 14 Nov. 23839 18 Dec. 23034 23 Oct. 23797 5 Dec. 23571 10 Oct. 23806 30 Dec. 28 Nov.* 102 2 9 Jan., 1908. Fastener. (See Animal-cover fastener, Bag-fastener, Belt-fastener, Bicyclepump fastener, Clothes-line fastener, Cuff - fastener. Horse-cover fastener, Lock-fastening, Spring-fastener.) Fastening inserter, Boot- .. .. United Shoe Machinery Company Fastening inserter, Boot- .. .. United Shoe Machinery Company Feed gear for chaff-cutter .. .. H. W. Mears Feeding mechanism for saw-bench .. E. M. Edkins.. Fencing-clip twister .. .. .. C. F. Overton Fencing-link .. .. .. E. Hayes Fencing-standard .. .. .. H. Stephenson Fenoing-stand&rd .. .. •• A. I. Carr Fencing-wire carrier .. •• •• J. Ferguson and G. Wilkinson .. I'ii id-concrete bollard .. .. R- F. Moore Fibre. (See Flax-fibre, Wool-fibre.) Fibre-dresser .. .. .. J. C. Drewet Fibre-machine .. .. .. R. Millis Fibre-preparing machine . . A. Zabriskie Field-gate .. .. • • .. F. Russell Filament for incandescent lamp .. " Z " Electric Lamp Syndicate, Limited Filaments for incandescent lamps, Manu- J. R. Park facture of File. (Sec Paper-file, Rasp.) Filler. (See Bag-filler.; 22000 15 Nov., 1900 22222 20 Dec., 1906 23531 30 Sept. .. 23591 15 Oct. 23849 19 Dec. 23727 16 Nov. .. 23535 1 Oct. 23757 25 Nov. .. 23710 13 Nov. .. 23544 30 Sept. .. 22000 22222 23531 23591 23849 23727 23535 23757 23710 23544 102 98 95 102 2 98 7 28 Nov. 14 Nov. 31 Oct.* 28 Nov. 9 Jan., 1908.* 14 Nov. 23 Jan., 1908. 102 28 Nov. 23844 17 Dec. 23817 7 Dec. 23815 11 Dec. 22874 22 May 23455 10 Sept. .. 23844 23817 23815 22874 23455 10 10 10 91 95 6 Feb., 1908* 0 Feb., 1908. * 6 Feb., 1908. 17 Oct. 31 Oct. 23640 22 Oct. 23640 102 28 Nov.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Application. Qaxettt. 'nun t<. Invention Name. ■ r No. Date. No. Date. Name. Fire-alarm. (See Electric fire-alarm.) Fire-alarm Fire-grate Flag. (See Traffic-signal flag.) Flashlight apparatus Flax. (See also Fibre, Phormium tenax.) Flax-catcher. (See Catcher.) Flax-fibre, Bleaching Flax-fibre, Bleaching Flax-dressing Flax-machine Flax-machine Flax-machine Flax-stripper beater. Trueing surface of.. Flax-stripper beating-bar Flax-tying .. Flax-wisto as cattle-food, Preparing .. : Flax-waste as cattle-food, Preparing Floor. (See Concrete floor.) Food. (See Bananas, Grain, Cattle-food.) Frame. (See Tie-frame.) Frirtion-hoist .. .. .. ! Fruit, Fixing colour of, preparatory to drying Fruit-preserving Fuel Fuel. (See Artificial fuel.) Fuel-manufacture Fuel-production Furnace for treating refractory ores A. J. Royoroft .. .. 23858 -24 Dec W. J. Dunlop.. .. .. 23808 11 Dec. .. 10 8Feb, IflOS. , U. .[offery .. .. .. '23<i5:i 28 Oct. .. 102 28 Nov.* • D. L. Tumor.. .. .. 21460 17 July, 1908 91 17 Oct. H. A. Nicholson .. .. -23711 13 Nov. .. 8 9 Jan., 1908. F.Henry .. .. .. 21686 20 Aug., 1906 108 [2 Dec. F. R. Simmonds and VV. Seiiert -23754 28 Nov. .. 7 23 Jan., 1908.* P. R. Simmonds and \V. Scifert 23755 23 Nov. .. 7 23 Jan.. 1908.* American Linen Company .. 28814 II Deo. .. Id 6 Feb., 1908. W. P. Mclndoe .. .. 23468 14 Kept. .. 98 It Nov. G. Watson and A. Wynd .. 28564 8 Out .. 98 31 Oct.* G. E. Partridge .. .. 23534 28 Sept. .. 98 31 Oct.* W.G.Richardson .. .. 22114 23 Nov., 1906 91 17 Oct. W. G. Richardson .. .. 23721 12 Nov. .. 7 23 Jan., 1908.* E. Henshall .. .. .. 23789 4 Dec S. A. - Bradley .. . . 23858 2.'! Dec \ J. C. L. Campbell .. .. 23825 10 Dec. .. .. T. Parker .. .. .. 22945 4 June .. 102 28 Nov. C. J. Hemery .. . . 23552 3 Oct. .. 95 31 Oct.* T.Parker .. .. .. 23030 22 Oct. .. 102 28 Nov. C. Suggate and W. E. Cayley-Alex- 22019 6 Nov.. 1906 98 : 14 Nov ander Furnace. (See Antimony-ore furnace, Refuse-furnace, Tiring-furnace.) Gag. (See Horse-gag.) Game. (See Mi itary game.) Gas. (See Acetylene-gas, Producer-gas.) Gas-burner Gas-burner Gas-engine exhaust-utilisation Gas-flashlight apparatus Gas-mantle C. C. Wakefield .. .. 23501 21 Sept. .. 95 31 Oct. R. C. Gardiner .. .. 23799 7 Deo. .. j 10 6 Feb., 1008. P. A. Le Marquand .. .. 23691 7 Nov. .. 2 9 Jan., 100 •.* B. Jeffery .. .. .. ! 23653 28 Oct. .. 102 28 Nov. , The Deutsche Gasgluhlicht Aktien- j 23762 26 Nov. .. 10 6 Feb., 1908. gesellschaft G. E. Dod .. .. .. 23684 7 Nov. ..2 9 Jan., 1908. 23001 23799 23G91 23053 23762 Gas-turbine Gate. (See Field-gate.) Gate-closer Gate-hinge .. .. .. .. Gate-holder. (See Door-holder.) Gate-lock Gear. (See Brake gear, Feed gear, Salvage gear, Sprocket and chain gear.) Generator. (See Acetylene-generator.) Girth and surcingle .. .. Glass. (See Lamp-glass, Tumbler.) Globe. (See Lamp-globe.) Go-cart cover Gold and silver saver.. Gold-concentrator Gold-saving appliance Grain, &c, treatment Grate. (See Fire-grate.) Grate-damper Grease-extractor. (See Tallow-extractor.) Grease-trap Grinding-mill, Lining for Grinding mill and stamp 23684 C. C. Bullock .. .. 23788 4 Dec J. H. Willson.. .. .. 23729 14 Nov. .. 7 23 Jan., 1908.* 23788 23729 J. R. Mallyon .. .. 23615 17 Oct. .. 105 12 Dec. 23615 R. G. Saxby .. .. .. 23474 16 Sept. .. L08 12 Dec.* 23474 J. Clegg .. .. .. 23828 13 Dec. .. 10 6 Feb., 1908. J. Langford .. .. .. 21845 29 Sept., 1906 98 14 Nov. I. Lewis .. .. .. 23478 11 Sept. .. 95 31 Oct.* H. D. Mudie .. .. .. 23873 31 Dec. .. 10 6 Feb., 1908.* D. Finkler .. .. .. 23713 14 Nov. .. 2 9 Jan., 1908. 23828 21845 23478 23873 23713 F. J. T. Brown .. .. 23486 16 Sept. .. 98 14 Nov.* 23486 J.Robs .. .. .. 23480 17 Sept. .. 95 31 Oct. J. R. Brown .. .. .. 23487 19 Sept. .. 98 31 Oct. The Western Mill and Machine 23006 17 Oct Company J. S. Dreadon .. .. 23749 -21 Nov. .. 7 28 Jan., 1908.* 23480 23487 23006 Grindstone Guard. (See Tobacco-box guard.) Gum-boot sole 23749 Gum, Electrically purifying and distilling W.Clark .. .. .. j 23787 4 Dec. .. 7 23 Jan., 1908.* A AshcroftandC Richardson : 22137 27 Nov - 190<i I 91 17 Oct - A. Asncroit and L. Richardson .. , - 23 Jan . .. ! 102 2 8 Nov. G. Parrish .. .. ,. 23638 24 Oct. .. 102 28 Nov.* 23787 22137 (22359 Hames, Attaching, to horse-cover Handle. (See Broom-handle, Tap-handle.) Harness. (See Hames, Horse-collar, Saddle-tree.) Harness, Back-band fastening for Harrow Hat. (See Straw hat.) Hat-box. (See Trunk and hat-box.) Hay-stack cover N. de Lautour .. .. 23795 4 Dec. .. 10 6 Feb., 19(18. * J. Macalister .. .. .. 22163J 1 Dec, 1906 105 19 Deo. 23638 23795 22163 L. Dunne .. .. .. 23579 11 Oct. .. 102 i 28 Nov. 23579



Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.

M'i ical iiou. klJMI :c. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Heater. (See Liquid-heater.) Heel. (See Boot-heel, Rubber heel.Jj" Hinge. (See Gate-hinge.) Hoist. (See Friction-hoist.) Holder. (See Acetylene-gas holder, Bookholder, Candle-holder, Door and gate holder, Milk-buckrt holder, Razor-blade holder, Ticket-holder, Tie-holder.) Hook. (See Coupling-hook.) Hop-picker Horn. (See Talking-machine horn.) Horse. (See Trotting-horse.) Horse-collar, Attaching names to Horse-cover fastening Horse-gag .. Horse-shoc-making machine Hospital Hot-water cylinder Hurdle. (See Racing-hurdle.) Hydraulic-nozzle operator Hydraulic pump Hydro-extractor. (See Tallow-extractor. ) E. Clemens Horst Company G. Parrish W. G. Grave C. E. Keast R. J. Fry W. J. Roche .. T. R. Christie.. 23717 23638 23742 23728 23840 23703 23435 14 Nov. .. 24 Oct. .. ; 19 Nov. .. ! 14 Nov. .. ; 19 Dec. 6 Dec, 1906f 5 Sept. .. ' 102 7 90 28 Nov.* 102 7 23 Jan., 1908. ■ 96 31 Oct. W. O'Brien, jun., and F. W. Knight E. de Cossey 23267 23624 7 Aug. .. j 17 Oct. 1' li 102 102 102 1(12 28 Nov. 28 Nov.* Ice-production Seay International Ice and Refrigeration Machinery Company 23780 3 Dec. .. I 7 23 Jan., 1908. Implement. (See Koad-making implement. ) Indicator. (See Baled-goods temperatureindicator, moisture-indicator ) Inseam. (See Boot-inseam.) Insect-destroyer. (See Disinfector.) Internal-combustion engine Internal-combustion engine Internal-combustion engine-valve Internal-combustion engine Internal-combustion engine Iron, Electro-deposition of Iron. (See Docking-iron.) R. D. Long .. D. Roberts and C. James T. D. Sinclair D. Roberts D. Roberts S. O. Cowper-Coles 23664 23687 23744 23812 23813 23680 30 Oct. 7 Nov. .. 21 Nov. .. 11 Dec. 11 Dec. 18 Dec. 1906t 102 2 7 10 10 28 Nov.* 9 Jan., 1908. 23 Jan., 1908.* 6 Feb., 19(18. 6 Feb., 1908. .. Jack. (See Lifting-jack, Shoe-machine jack.) G. Westmoreland S. J. Nielsen F. C. White F. Davies 14 Oct. 18 July .. 1 Oct. 18 Oct. 31 Oct. 14 Nov. 14 Nov.* Kerosene-pump Keyless lock Kitchen-range Knife-cleaner 23584 23154 23540 23019 90 98 98 ladder. (See Extension ladder.) Lamp. (See Blow-lamp, Electric lamp.) Lamp-gliiss. Preventing cracking of Lump-globe attachment Land-clearing machine Last. (See Boot-last.) Lasting-machine. (See limit-last ing.) Lawn-sprayer Tiead or zinc and antimony, Obtaining, from their sulphides Leaf-turner. (See Music-leaf turner.) Lids of tins, Securing Lifter. (See Curtain-pole lifter.) Lifting-jack Lifting-jack Light. (See Flashlight.) Lining for grinding-mill Liquefying milk-froth • Liquids. (See Aerated liquids.) Liquid-heater Lock. (See Gate-lock, Keyless look.) Lock-fastening Look-nut Lubricating loose pulley E. R. S. Larbalestier A. Jarrett J. von Bertouch G. E. Munns A. P. Gairdner R. M. Baddeley 23574 23550 23237 23768 23609 23676 10 Oct. 3 Oct. 20 Aug., 19061 27 Nov. .. 17 Oct. 21 Nov. .. 105 102 102 OS 28 Nov. 28 NoV. 9 Jan., 1908.* 14 Nov.* 12 Dec. J. E. Crowle A. MoMaster 23422 23600 8 Oct., 1906f Iβ Oct. 95 98 31 Oct. 14 Nov.* J. R. Brown .. H. I , . Mortensen and N. P. Nielsen 23487 23809 19 Sept. .. 11 Dec. 95 31 Oct. A. T. Pfeiff 23089 4 July .. 102 28 Nov. T. C. McLennan W. E. Chamberlain A. M. Webster 23660 23582 23558 28 Oct. 12 Oct. 1 Oct. 102 95 98 28 Nov.* 31 Oct.* 14 Nov.* Mantle. (See Gas-mantle.) Marine engine Mariner's compass Measured-charge delivery-device Mechanical cutter for flexible materials.. J. N. Caught H. L. Davis and E. Wood W. McEachern R. J. Brunt, P. V. Sharp, and J. Burns 23843 23739 2239C 23650 19 Dec. 20 Nov. .. (i Feb. 29 Oct. 7 2 2 23 Jan., 1908.* 9 Jan., 1908. 9 Jan., 1908.* Metal. (See Sheet-metal.) Metal and concrete wall-construction .. Metal, Moulding and casting Metal-plate, Upsetting edges of C. Rosegger J. B. Shacklock G. and C. Hoskins, Limited 23724 23370 23772 13 Nov. .. 23 Aug. .. 26 Nov. .. 7 31 Oct.' 23 Jan., 1908



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

w>1 leal ion. klM! if,'. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. { Date. Metal-sheet piling Metallic letters and signs Metals : Extraction from ores.. Metals : Extraction from ores.. Meter, Billing-machine for Military game or toy.. Milk-bucket holder Milk-can Milk-can, Float and lid for Milk-cooler Milk, Emulsifying Milk-froth, Liquefying Milking-bail.. A. A. FriestedtJ L. R. Tingey . .. H. Herrenschmidt W. T. Smith .. R. W. Gallagher W. II. Cornford T. S. Royds .. R. Dunkley and W. H. Boyens.. F. H. Croucher .. ' L. Taylor and A. C. (i&rdiner .. .1. V. M. Kisberg H. P. Mortensen and N. P. Nielsen A. J. Webster I \V. H. and R. Ken-) i nedy i W. Wiggins .. A. Smaill, jun. A. cilliee W. L West .. S. (bleman and A. J. 0. Slight.. 23603 23526 23546 23758 23551 235S9 23519 23617 23566 2371!) 23836 23809 22224 23542 23543 23726 23770 22473 2:>(>2(i 28667 17 Oct. 27 Sept. .. 3( Sept. .. 25 Nov. 3 Oct. 12 Oct. Iβ Sept. .. 18 Oct. 3 Oct. 14 Not. .. 15 Dec. II Dec. 20 Dec, 1906 30 Sept. .. 30 Sept. .. 16 Nov. .. 25 Nov. 28 Feb. 17 Oct. 29 Oct. 105 105 98 12 Dec. 31 Oct.* 23 Jan., 1908. 14 Nov. 12 Dec* 14 Nov.* 23 Jan.. 1908.* ■' Milking-machine I .. 108 102 102 2 12 Dec. 28 Nov. 28 Nov. 9 Jan., 1908. Milking-machine Milking-machine Milking-machine teat-cup Milking-machine teat-cup Milking-machine teat-cup mouthpiece .. Mill. (Sec (irinding-mill.) Mineral-separating Minnow a d tackle case Mitre-cutter Moisture-indicator Mono-rail. (See Railway carriage and track.) Motor-vehicle wheel A. D. Wilson C. C. Moffet .. R. Dunne J. Searle 23874 23559 23680 23639 31 Dec. .. 30 Sept. 2 Nov. .. 24 Oct. 95 L08 102 95 105 105 31 Oct. 12 Dec. 28 Nov.* 31 Oct.* 12 Dec* 12 Deo. W rlaslam 23678 ti Nov. 17 Oct. 9 Jan., 1908*. 14 Nov.* 6 Feb., 1908. Music-leaf turner J. R. Mallyon 23614 2 M 11) Nitrogen-compound manufacture Nitro-oxides, Producing Noxious weed. (See Willow, &c.) Nozzle. (See Hydraulic nozzle.) Nut. (See Lock-nut.) Stickstoffwerke G.m.b.H. I. Moscicki 23859 23242 25 Junef .. 1 Aug. .. 98 14 Nov. Oil-vaporiser Opener. (See Envelope-opener.) Ore, Extracting metals from .. Ore, Extracting metals from Ore-roasting Ore roasting and sintering Ore. (See Zinc-lead ore.) Ore-treatment Ores, Separating liquids from Ores, Treating refractory J. W. Sutton 11 Dec. 6 Feb., 1908. 23810 10 H. Herrenachmidt W. T. Smith A. R. Wilfley F. Bennitt .. 23546 23758 23505 23599 30 Sept. 25 Nov. .. 23 Sept. .. 16 Oct. 95 105 23 Jan., 1908. 31 Oct. 12 Dec. A. SoderUng .. W. A. Caldecott C. Suggate and W. E. CayleyAlexander T. H. White and J. A. Jamieson.. 23704 22513 22019 27 Nov. .. l> March .. 6 Nov., 1906 7 2 98 23 Jan., 19">8. 9 Jan., 1908. 14 Nov. Overhead wires, Suspending and joining 23602 17 Oct. 95 31 Oct.* Paper-file Parcel-strap. (See Basket-strap.) Pattern-chart. (See Dress-chart.) Paving material .. • Peeler. (See Potato-peeler.) Peg. (See Clothes-peg.) Perambulator Perch-carrier Perforating-machine .. J. Wilson 23347 22 Aug. 95 31 Oct. A. H. Korth . 23408 3 Sept. .. 102 28 Nov. Phormium tenax. Preparing fibre from Pick-head Picture-hanging attachment Picture-support Piling. (See Metal-sheet piling.) Pillar-box time-indicator Pipe. (See Drainage-pipe.) Pipe-junction Pipe-junction chamber Plastic materials, Making blocks, &c, from J. Ford L. 0. Hooker Monotype Machine (Colonial Patents) Syndicate. Limited R. Millie F. Fraser C. E. Turner A. Siddall 23871 22104 23853 23520 23707 23737 23688 30 Dec. 23 Nov., 1906 18 Dec. 25 Sept. .. 13 Nov. .. 19 Nov. 7 Nov. .. 9i its 2 7 105 17 Oct." 14 Xov.* 9 Jan., 1908. 23 Jan., 1908.* 12 Dec. H. W. Earp-Thomas .. 23689 7 Nov. .. 105 12 Dec* G. Inglis EL SI Smith .. Cork Asphalt, Limited, and J. W. Walker 23588 23677 22120 12 Oct. 6 Nov. .. 27 Nov., 1906 95 105 98 31 Oct.* 12 Dec. 14 Nov. Plate. (See Dinner-plate.) Pliera for ear-marking sheep, &c. Plough Plough-ilise .. .. .. Plough, Subsoil cultivator for Pneumatic-despatch system A. S. Hudson.. J. Stevenson P. Speirs B. M. Kemp .. Lanuon E'neumatic Tube Company, Limited 22487 22005 23446 23517 23572 28 Feb. 3 Sept. .. 11 Sept. .. 21 Sept. .. 6 Nov., 1906t 2 102 95 98 105 9 Jan., 1908. 28 Nov. 31 Oct. 14 Nov. 12 Dec Pole. (See Concrete pole, Curtain-pole, Trolly-pole.) Poncho .. .. .. Postage-stamp vendor I". \. Jones .. A. Parker 23656 23632 29 Oct. ..I 23 Oct. .. I 28 Nov.* 28 Nov.* 102 102



Alphabetical List of I nventions-continued.

Application. (hizette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No.Date. Pot-cleaner .. .. .. .. j Potato cleaning andjclassing .. .. Potato-peelor .. .. Power. Economical form of Power-transmission gearing .. Preserving fruit. (See Fruit-preserving.) Preserving goods in cool chamber Press. (See Clicking-press, Wool-press.) Producer-gas manufacture .. Propeller. (See Screw-propeller.) Propeller-shaft construction .. Protector. (See Candle-protector, Cuffprotector, Rubber-heel protector, Tireprotector. ) Pulley Pulley. (See Lubricating loose pulley, Variable-speed pulley.' Pulse. (Seo Grain.) Pump. (See Cycle-pump, Kerosene-pump, Vacuum-pump.) Pump, Hydraulic .. .. Puncture-discoverer .. .. A. L. J. Tait .. E. Vague W. M. Norrie D. Brisbane The Butlin Gear, Limited 23798 23698 21941 23503 23553 5 Dec. 6 Nov. 19 Oct. 1906 19 Sept. .. 3 Oct. 10 I 6 Feb., 1908.* 95 J 31 Oct. I in' 28 Nov.* 98 I 14 Nov. .1. I). Douglas 23636 21 Oct. .. I I .. \\. .1. (Vossley and T. Rigby 23784 4 Deo. 10 6 Feb., 1908. J, Williams 23708 I 18 Nov. .. 2 !l Jan., 1908. A. M. Webster 23558 1 Oct. 98 14 Nov.* E. de Cossey F. H. Morton.. i 23024 23567 17 Oct. 20 Nov. .. 102 28 Nov.* 2 9 Jan., 1908.* Rabbit-trap .. .. Rabbit trap Race-starter .. .. Racing-hurdle Rail. (Seo Tramway-rail.) Railway carriago and track Railway-carriage ventilator D. Whitburn .. D. Lewers ami K. 8. Grew F. S. Stace and H. .J. Whitelaw A. J. Sorenson 23264 23767 ! 23779 i 23618 1 Aug. .. 27 Nov. .. 3 Dec. 15 Oct. 105 i 12 Dec* 7 23 Jan., 1908. 2 !) Jan.,1908.* 105 12 Deo. Railway-coupling A. E. ISent and G. W. Stewart .. A. Peddie, W. E. Pitt, and D. M. Fea Lewis Automatic Coupling Company, Limited J. W. llardon and (!. Hudson P. Cody 23845 ! 23841 2374:! 20 Deo. 19 Dec. '21 Nov. .. 10 j 6 Feb., 1908. !(i Railway-crossing Cklarm Railway tipping-wagon Range. (See Kitchen-range.) Range-boiler Rasp or file Razor Razor-blade holder .. .. Razor-strop attachment to braces Record-strip composing-machine 23801 23840 ! 9 Dec. 20 Dec. W. Dixey W. P. Notcutt W. E. Hughes G. F. Double and E. S. Quicke .. H. A. Cornes Monotype Machine (Colonial Patents) Syndicate, Limited 23522 23685 23206 23477 I 23633 23862 25 Sept. 7 Nov. .. 26 July Lβ Sept. .. 23 Oct. IS Her. 96 31 Oct.* 105 12 Dec. 95 31 Oct. 95 31" Oct.* 102 28 Nov.* 95 105 95 95 102 Recorder. (See Vote-recorder.) Reel. (See Cotton-reel.) Refuse-furnace Register. (See Cash-register.) Resilient vehicle-wheel Resistance device. Yielding Ridger and sower Road-making implement Road-vehicle, Draught-equaliser for F. P. Rudder T. J. McBride G. Westinghouse A. Storrie .1. McHalick .. Millar's Harvester Company, •limited W. C. Stephens E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward Konomax Rock-drill Syndicate, Limited Konomax Rock-drill Syndioate, Limited S. P. Evans 23860 23512 23513 28761 23805 23027 24 Dec. 24 Sept. .. •-' t Sept. .. 20 Nov. .. 10 Dec. 17 Oct. .. . 95 31 Oct. 95 31 Oct. 7 j 23 Jan., L908.« 10 6 Feb., 1908.* 105 12 Dec. Rock-drill Rock-drill chuck Rock-drill, Fluid-actuated 23575 23230 23467 10 Oct. 9 Aug. .. 13 Sept. .. 102 28 Nov. 102 28 Nov. 06 31 Oct. Rook-drilling machine and water-spray therefor Rolling-stock wheel .. .. Roofing. (See Sheet-metal roofing.) Roofing Roofing-tile, Interlocking Rotary engine J. H. Beamish D. H. Batehen J. Sharp, C. Domars, F. Dedden, and R. W. Fraser J. S. Alcorn .. T. Read A. Gentzsch A. Gentzsch ■_>34(ili 23700 13 Sept. .. 9 Nov. 95 j 31 Oct. 2 9 Jan., 1908. 23865 23570 23666 30 Dec. 10 Oct. .. ! 31 Oct. 102 28 Nov. 102 i 28 Nov.* Rotary fluid-engine Rubber-heel protector Rubber, Utilising waste Rubber, Utilising waste Rudder. (See Ship's rudder.) 23753 22077 22159 22160 22 Nov. .. 16 Nov., 1906 2 Feb., 1906f 5 Dec, 1906 7 23 Jan.. 1908. 102 i 28 Nov. t 91 17 Oct. 91 17 Oct. Saddle-tree for harness Salvage gear Sash. (Seo Window-sash.) Sash-adjuster Sash-cord securer Saw-bench: Feeding mechanism Saw-bench gauge Scaffolding Scaffolding Scaffolding-bracket School-slate H. W. Downing A. Hedley .. 23637 23867 24 Oct. 23 Dec. T. H. Wilson H. M. Hardy .. E. M. Edkins .. .. N. L. Nicholson (i. E. Humphries P. Magnus G. R. Hale ..... J. A. Dewhirst 22200 23782 23591 23001 22166 23541 22747 23806 7 Jan. 4 Dec. 15 Oct. 16 Oct. 6 Dec, 1900 2 Oct. .. ! 29 April .. 10 Dec. .. ! 102 28 Nov. 10 6 Feb., 1908. 102 28 Nov. 105 12 Dec. 91 17 Oct. 96 31 Oct.* 2 9 Jan., 1908. i 2 9 Jan., 1908.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Appli licatioD. ion. hun it. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Screw-driver .. .. .. T. Cree .. .. .. 23732 18 Nov. .. 7 23 Jan., 1908.* Screw-propeller .. .. .. A. McCorkindale .. .. 23701 9 Nov. .. 10 8 Feb., 1908.* Sea-sickness cure .. .. .. W. A. Cooko .. .. .. 23500 8 Oct. ..98 14 Nov. Seed-sower.. .. .. .. H. A. F. Steffene .. .. 236*5 14 Oct. .. 95 31 Oct.* Separation of liquids from crushed - ore \V. A. Caldecott .. .. 22618 8 March .. 2 it Jan., 1908. products Separator .. .. .. ('. .1. Reilly .. .. .. 23712 14 Nov. .. $ it Jan., 1908. Septic tank and filter .. .. W. M. Ross .. .. .. 23557 4 Oct. .. 102 28 Nov.* Sewing-machine .. .. .. J. L. Ohlson .. .. .. 23416 \ 4 Sept. .. 95 31 Oct. Shaft attachment for engines and trucks.. W.Steele .. .. .. i 23703 21 Not. .. 7 '23 Jan., 1908.* Shaft mountings for centrifugal machines L. and D. H. Burrell .. .. 22B42 3 April .. ill 17 Oct. Shearing. (See Sheep-shearing.) Shears/MeUl- .. .. .. R. N. K. Lindsay .. .. 23810 11 Deo Sheep, &c, Extracting grease and wool H. C. Becker .. .. 23054 29 Oct from lugs of Sheep-shearing driving mechanism .. P. Boll and R. Falkiner .. 23718 I 6 Aug.f Sheep-shearing machine .. .. J.R.Patterson .. .. -23705 '27 Nov. .. 7 ■ 23 Jan., 1908.* "Sheep-shearing machine .. .. J.Leahy .. .. .. 23766 27 Nov. .. 7 23 Jan, 1908. 8heep-ehearing machine-fork .. .. T. VV. Sands .. .. .. 28678 7 Nov. .. 2 8 Jan., 1008.* Sheet-metal, Folding edges of .. .. Commonwealth Manufacturing and 23530 I Oct. .. 102 2S Nov. Galvanising Company, Limited Sheet-metal piling .. .. .. A. A. Friestedt .. .. 23003 10 Oct. .. 100 12 Deo. Sheet-metal roofing .. .. .. B. O. Roberts .. .. 28662 30 Oct. .. '2 it Jan., 1908. Ship's rudder 1'. S. Irwin 23731 15 Nov Shoe. (See Boot.) Shoe-machine jack .. .. .. United Shoe Machinery Company 23710 14 Nov. .. 2! 9 Jan., 1908.* Shoe-upper A. H. Darcey .. .. 23611 15 Oct. .. 08 I I Nov.* Signal-wire adjuster .. .. .. J. W. Mardon and G. W. Hudson 23804 10 Dec. .. 10 6 Feb., 1908.* Signs. (See Advertising-signs.) Silver. (See Gold and silver.) Singlet .. .. .. .. M. J. T. R. Brown .. .. 28697 it Nov. .. 2 9 Jan., 1908.* Slate. (See School-slate.) Sluice-box .. .. .. .. S. J. Plain .. .. .. 23007 17 Oct Soap-box .. .. .. •• T.J.Wilson .. .. .. 23804 23 Dec Soap-manufacture .. .. .. The Karsam Soap Company, 2381II 7 Dec Limited Sodium - sulphate reduction - products E. N. Waters .. .. 23842 lit Dec manufacture Sole. (See Boot-sole.) Solution. (Sec Boiler solution.) Sower. (See Ridger and sower.) Spark-arrester .. .. .. A. I , . Bond .. .. .. 23500 21 Sept. ..95 31 Oct.* Spark-arrester .. .. .. R. Millar and H. W. Spear .. ' 23675 1 Nov. .. 105 12 Dee.* Spectacles H. Spear 23822 12 Dec Spoon .. .. .. •• B. W. White.. .. .. 22327 19 Jau. ..102 28 Nov. Spoutiii"-bracket .. .. .. J. B. Davies .. .. .. 22240 21 Deo., 1906 91 17 Oct. Spouting-braoket W. H. Boyens .. .. 28598 10 Oct. .. 98 14 Nov.* Sp-ayer. (See Lawn-sprayer.) Spring fastener J. Ford 23055 26 Oct. ..29 Jan., 1908.* Sprocket and chain gearing .. •• C. Uddstroin . . .. .. 23010 15 Oct. .. 2 9 Jan.. 1908. Sprooket-ohain .. .. .. A. Oederman .. .. .. 23500 5 Oct. .. 102 28 Nov. Stack. (See Hay-stack.) Stamp. (See Postage-stamp.) Stamp, &c. vending machine .. .. A. Parker .. .. .. 23632 23 Oct. .. 102 28 Nov.* Stamp and grinding mill .. .. The Western Mill and Machine 23000 17 Oct Company Standard. (See Fencing-standard.) Stay-brace .. .. .. .. J. Ford .. .. .. 23655 20 Oct. .. 2 9 Jan., 1908.* Stopper. (See Bottle-stopper.) Strainer. (See Wire-strainer.) Straw hat, Manufacture of .. .. Tress and Co... .. .. 23554 3 Oct. ..98 14 Nov. Street-watering .. .. .. F. <'ooper .. .. .. 22290 8 Jan. .. 105 12 Dec Stretcher. (See Trousers-stretcher.) Strop. (See Razor-strop.) Sugar-making process .. .. C. l>. Stewart 23500 23 Sept. .. 95 31Oot. Sulphides, Obtaining antimony, lead, or A. I , . Qairdnar .. .. 23609 , 17 Oct. .. 98 14 Nov.* zinc from Sulphuricacid manufacture .. .. F. G. Cottrell.. .. .. 23518 21 Sept. .. 98 j 14 Nov. Sun-blind .. .. •■ •■ B. J. Gee .. .. .. 23652 28 Oct. .. 102 28 Nov.* Support. (See Bucket-support.) Swingletree. (See Draught-equaliser.) Swm<;letree-end .. .. .. A. C. Watson.. .. .. 23670 1 Nov. .. 7 23 Jan., 1908.* 95 98 98 102 Table. (See Draining-table.) Talking-machine attachment .. .. B.F.Keating .. .. 23604 17 Oct. .. 2 9 Jan.. 1908. Talking-machine horn .. .. C. E. Woledgc .. .. 2367:! 2 Nov Tallow, Extracting, from lugs of sheep, &e. H. C. Becker.. .. .. 23654 29 Oct. .. 105 12 Dec. Tank. (See Septic tank.) . Tap-handle .. .. .. .. J. A. Brown .. .. .. 23650 25 Oct. .. 2 9 Jan., 1908. Teat-cup. (See Milking-machine.) Telegram, Check cipher .. .. H. C. Newton and A. O. M. Michell 23783 5 Aug.f .. Telegraphy. (Seo Wireless telegraphy.) 2 105 ■2



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

.jip] leal iion. kiMl ■r. Invention Name. No. Date. No. Date. Tell-tale apparatus .. .. B. Moss Temperature-detector .. .. T. ETalvey Temperature-detector .. H. \l. Smith .. Temperature-indicator for baled goods .. J, I). McLaurin Temperature-indicator for baled goods . . i T. 1). Cummins Tempeiature-indicator for baled good* .. I'. H. Kelly .. .. .. Temperature-indicator for baled goods .. C. H. Weetaeat .. .. Temperature-indicator for baled goods . . E. .Moss ,uid K. F. Poinbrain Threshing-machine .. .. .. j A. F. Hadeoke Threshing-machine, 8notion • droning A. II. Anderton and H. ('. Kll apparatus in Threshing-machine, Wearing - strips for (i. Saunders .. .. .. ! concave bars of Ticket holder or grip.. .. .. .1. A. Jamieson Ticket-issuing machine .. A. Parker Tie-frame .. .. .. A. A. George .. Tie-holder and collar-adjuster .. .. E. 11 Molyneux .. .. Tile. (See Roofing-tile.) Tile and briquette manufacture .. .). Blaok and W. L. W. Hliiir Time-indicator for pillar-box .. .. H. \V. Karp-Thomas .. Tins, Securing lids of .. .. K. .M. Baddelcy Tire .. .. .. .. J.Thomson .. Tire-cover .. .. .. .. R. A. BaylilTe Tire cushion and tread .. .. ,J. Brown Tire-protector .. .. ..1). W. McLean Tire-protector .. .. .. G. Norris Tiring-furnace, Portable .. .. E. Blander and W. B. Chamberlain Tobacco-box guard . . .. A. S. Ford Tobacco-leaves, Decolouring .. I... L. J. Parant and A. P. Piohan Toe-strap for cycles .. .. .. C. W. Cordon Tomato-drying .. .. .. N. A. Bradley.. Totalisator .. .. .. .. M. Donaldson and W. G. Williams Traffic-signal flag .. .. J. Slater Tramway-point shifter .. . . O. Coates Tramway-rail cleaner .. H. Quertier Tramway-track cleaner .. .. H. Quertier Transmitter. (See Wireless telegraphy.) Trap. (See Animal-trap, Grease-trap, Rabbit-trap.) Trap-nest .. .. .. .. I J. Hope Tree. (See Saddle-tree.) Trolly-head .. .. .. .. P. Rafferty Trolly-head.. .. .. ..J. Houston .. Trolly-head .. .. .. . . A. W. Beere Trolly-polo .. .. .. .. G.S.Thomson Trolly-pole retriever .. .. .. P. O. von Hartitzsch Trolly-pole retriever .. .. .. P. 0. von Hartitzsch Trolly-pole sleeve-protector .. .. I D. Amos Trotting-horse, Preventing, breaking into W. H. Triggs and W. H. Denton a gallop Trousers-leg-bottom protector.. .. J. Ehrman Trousers-stretcher .. .. .. ; L. A. H. Longuet Trunk and hat-box .. .. .. A. E. Taylor Tumbler-washing apparatus a. ..J. Dixon and J. ('. P. Lawrence Turbine .. .. .. .. J. K. and B. P. Friend .. : Turbine. (See (las-turbine.) Type composing and distributing machine .1. T. Hunter.. Typewriter .. .. .. .. Parker Machine Company Typographical composing-machine .. W. K. Enghaa 2359(1 16 Oot, .. 95 31 Oct.* 23623 in Oct. .. 102 28 Nov.* 23860 18 ,!><■.•. ..10 6 Feb., 1908. 23669 10 Oct. .. 98 14 Nov.* 23622 l<) April .. '.is 14 Not. 23644 25 Oct 23733 IK Not 23741 20 Nov. .. 7 23 Jan.. I!Mis.* 23872 30 Dec 23663 S Oct. .. 96 31 Oct.* 23066 8 Oct. .. 96 I 31 Oct.* 23594 21 Oct. .. 96 :il Oct.* 22181 11 Dec, 1906 102 28 Nov. 23583 14 Oct 23(145 22 Oct 23581 12 Oct 23689 7 Nov. .. 106 12 Dec* 23676 21 Nov. .. ilO5 12 Dec. 23774 27 Nov. .. I 7 23 Jan., 1908.* 23049 28 Oct 23035 24 Oct. .. 105 12 Dec* 23031 22 Oct. .. 102 28 Nov.* 23833 16 Dec 22270 7 Jan. ... 102 28 Nov. 23796 6 Dee 23573 10 Oct. .. 102 28 Nov. 23682 ti Nov. .. 2 9 Jan., 1908.* 83866 23 Dec 22909 29 May .. 95 31 Oct.* 23775 2 Dec. .. 7 23 Jan., 1908. 23469 13 Sept. .. 2 9 Jan., 1908. 22207 3 Jan. .. 91 17 Oct. 22134 29 Nov., 1900 91 | 17 Oct. « 23870 30 Dec 23545 3 Oct. .. 91 17 Oct. 23734 18 Nov. .. 7 23 Jan., 1908.* 23750 21 Nov 23549 I 30 Sept. .. 98 14 Not. 23592 16 Oct. .. 95 31 Oct.* 23847 -20 Dec. .. 10 6 I eb, 1908.* 23092 I 7 Nov. .. 105 12 Dec* 23494 20 Sept. .. 95 31 Oct.* 23696 6 Nov 23550 2 Oct. .. 98 14 Nov. 23730 18 Nov 23722 13 Nov 23838 18 Dec. .. 10 6 Feb., 1908. • 23837 18 Dec. .. JO 6 Feb., 1908. 23747 21 Nov. .. 7 23 Jan.. 1908. 23748 21 Nov. .. 7 23 Jan., 1908. Vacuum-insulated bottle and casing .. G. P. Van Wye Vacuum-pump .. .. .. G. F. Hutehinson .. Valve. (See Internal-combustion engine.) Vaporiser. (See Oil-vaporiser.) Variable-speed pulley .. .. A. K <folding and E. Campbell .. Vehicle. (See Motor-vehicle, Road- \ chicle.) Vehicle, Preventing, going backwards .. A. Warren Vehicle-wheel .. .. .. F. Bottrill Vehicle-wheel, Spring catch for securing T. Morris chain to Vending-machine. (See Stamp, &c, vend-ing-machine.) Venetian blind .. .. .. E. C. Carter .. Ventilating-cover for drains, &c. .. J. Smart Ventilator .. .. .. J. H. Beamish Ventilator. (See Railway-carriage.) Vessel. (See Cooking-vessel.) Vote-recorder .. .. .. A. K. Moss 23761 20 Nov. .. 7 23 Jan., 1908.* 22408 8 Feb. .. 2 9 Jan., 1908. 22105 24 Nov., 1900 102 28 Nov. 23593 16 Oct 22690 17 April .. 98 14 Nov. 23612 14 Oct. .. 98 14 Nov.* 23020 18 Oct. .. 98 14 Nov.* 22322 17 Jan. .. 105 12 Deo. 23848 20 Dec 23046 24 Oct. .. 102 28 Nov.* 102 98 98 98 105 102 Wagon. (See Railway tipping-wagon. 1 Wall-construction. Metal and concrete .. ('. Rosegger .. 23724 13 Nov |



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


■I'l'! lical iou. kiMl Invention. Name. No. Name. nv. No. Date. No. J Data. Washing apparatus. (See Tumbler-wash-ing) VVashing-boart 1 .. .. .. K. H. Johnson .. .. 23803 Washing-boiler .. .. .. A. H. Wood .. .. .. 23587 Washing-boiler, Draining attachment to J. H. McMahon .. .. 23502 Washing-maohine .. .. .. T. Firth .. .. .. 23773 Washing-machine and churn .. .. J.T.Stewart.. .. .. 23580 Water-closet .. .. . . J. J. Hloekley .. .. 23392 Waterproof solution .. .. C. Tattersfield .. .. 23095 Water-spray. (See Koek-drilling.) Water-sprayer .. . . .. G. C. Munns .. .. .. 23768 Weed-exterminator. (See Willow and noxious-weed exterminator.) Wheel. (See Chaff-cutter wheel. Motorvehicle wheel, Resilient wheel, Rollingstock wheel. Vehicle-wheel.) Wheel-barrow wheel .. .. .. A. H. Wood .. .. .. 23578 Willow and noxious-weed exterminator .. C. North .. .. .. 2374(i Winder. (See Wool-winder.) Window. (See also Sash.) Window-balance. (See Balanced door or window.) Window-sash hanging .. .. C. T. Williams .. .. 23868 Window-sash lifter and lock .. .. T. E. Carter .. .. .. 22882 Window weather-stop . . .. W. T. Johnson . . .. 23854 Wire. (See Fencing-wire.) ■ Wire, Running out barbed .. .. L. N r . Kalph .. .. .. 23759 Wireless telegraphy .. .. .. E. Bellini and A. Tosi .. .. 23601 Wireless-telegraphy transmitter .. ] Marconi's Wireless Telegraphy 23681 Company, Limited / Wire-strainer .. .. .. H. S. Searle .. .. .. 23331 Wire-strainer .. .. .. J. A. Murchison .. .. 23671 Wire-strainer .. .. . . R. H. Johnson .. .. 23792 Wires. (See Overhead wires.) Wool-bales, Hoisting and stacking .. P. R. Hughes .. .. 23667 Wool-bales, Introducing certificates, &c , J. T>. McLaurin .. .. 23569 into Wool-fibre, Drying and blesohing .. C. C. A. Gibbons and M. J. Connor 23568 Wool-press . . .. .. .. A. H. Byron and T. M. Scott .. 23476 Wool-winder .. .. .. W. J. I,. Morton .. .. 23781 Zinc, lead, and antimony. Obtaining, from A. P. Gairdner .. .. 23609 their sulphides Zinc-lead ore, Treating .. .. P. C. C. Isherwood .. .. 23107 Zinc oxide production .. .. W. and H. Simni .. .. 23752 7 Deo. .. 10 10 Oct. .. 95 6 Oct. .. 95 29 Nov 11 Oct SO Aug. .. Oβ 4 Nov. .. 102 27 Nov. .. 2 8 Oct. .. I 95 ■_'l Nov. .. J .. 23 Dec 20 May .. 2 23 Dec 10 6 Feb., 1908.* 95 31 Oct.* Oβ :il Oct. Oβ 31 Oct. 102 I 28 Nov. 2 9 Jan., 1908.* 95 31 Oct.* 2 9 Jan!, 1908. 06 *2 ■-'."■> Nov. .. I .. 30 Oct. .. 12 2 Nov. . . •_' I J 2 9 Jan., 1908. 2 9 Jan., 1908. 15 Aug. .. I 95 29 Oct. .. lor. 3 Dec 95 105 95 31 Oct. 105 12 Dec.* 31 Oct. .. S 10 Oct. .. 98 2 98 2 9 Jan.,1908*. 98 14 Nov.* 7 Oct 16 Sept. .. 105 4 Dec 105 I 12 Dec. 17 Oct. .. (is 98 14 Nov.* 19 July, 1906f 105 22 Nov. .. 7 105 12 Dec. i 7 23 Jan., 1908.

t Denotes a prior date ui ider section 106 of "The Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act, 1889." Name. Address. CI Name. Application. :las8. Ap No. No. pplication. Date. No. GmetU. Date. Date. Adams, J. H. .. .. .. Auckland, N.Z. Aktiebolaget Baltic Separator .. Stockholm, Sweden Aktiesclskabet Bakteriologisk Lalmra- Copenhagen, Denmark torium, Ratin Albion Motor-car Company, Limited Glasgow, Scotland .. ! Alcorn, C. G. .. .. .. Christchurch, N.Z. Aml>ury, L. J. .. .. •■ Raupo, N.Z. .. .. I Ardath Tobacco Company. (See A. Levy.) Atkins Bros. .. .. . . Hinckley, Enjf. .. '. Auckland Butter Company. (See ' IVivrson and Rutter, Limited.) August, C. L. .. .. • ■ Christchurch, N.Z. .. i 6 7 2 22 3 37 38 47 C963 0504 7018 6958 7042 6909 6673 6972 4 Oct. 21 Feb. 13 Nov. 2 Oct. 22 Nov. 12 Oct. 22 May 15 Oct. 95 102 2 105 102 31 Oct. 28 Nov. 9 Jan., 1908. 12 Deo. 28 Nov. 102 28 Nov. !H 17 Oct. Baldwins, Limited .. .. Wilden, Eng. Baldwins, Limited .. .. Wilden, Eng. Barnes and Hille ., .. Philadelphia, U.S.A. .. 5 5 3 0660, I 6652 7000 Lβ May Lβ May 11 Dec. 81 95 •i 17 Oct. 31 Oct. 9 Jan., 1908



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.

15— H. 10.—08.

Application. OasetU. Nun*. Addrcu. No. Date. No. Date. Barry, U. J. Becker, H. Bennett and Wood, Limited Bennett and Wood, Limited Billson, H. E. .. Birmingham Small Arms Company, Limited Blumenthal, A. .. Borden's Condensed Milk Company, Limited Brhnsdown Lead. Company, Limited Brodziak, A. Bl, and Co. (See S. L. Lazarus.) Brooks, H., and Co. Brooks, L. J. Browne Mid Morrison Bryant ajid May, Limited Bursill, F. W. .. Biirt, T. Gisborne, N. Z. London, Eng... Sydney, ITS. W. Sydney, N.S.W. Christchurch, N.Z. Birmingham, Eng. 43 47 22 40 50 6, 19,22 6954 6788 7045 7046, 7 7079 7037-39 1 Oct Lβ Mairhi .. HI Sβ Xov. . . 2 26 Nov. .. 2 20 Dec 21 Xov. .. 102 17 Oct. 9 Jan., 1908. 9 Jan., 1908. 28 Nov. Hamburg, Qβ. New York, U.S.A. 1 42 7051 7007 27 Xov. .. 105 1 Xov. . . 102 12 Dec. 28 Nov. London, Eng. 1 6961 3 Oct. .. Ill 17 Oct. London, Eng. Auckland, N.Z. . .. Christchurch, N.Z. London, Eng. Seddon, N.Z. Lower Hutt, N.Z. 1,4 18 39 47 13 42 7055, 6 7080 7028 7049 0979 6978 4 Dec. .. 105 •2:i her. . . 2 14 Nov. . . 2 26 Nov. .. 105 24 Oct. .. 95 23 Oct 12 Dec. 9 Jan., 1908. 9 Jan,. 1908. 12 Dec. 31 Oct. Cadbury Bros., Limited Cammell, Laird, and Co., Limited Canada Cycle and Motor Company, Limited ( lardiatone Proprietary Carson, A. A. Chapman, H. Z. .. Chapman, J., and Co. Coleman and Co., Limited.. Colombia Phonograph Company, (I moral Cooke, J., and Co. Crown Chemical Works. (See C. L. August.) Bournville, Eng. Sheffield, Eng. Toronto, Canada 1 22 7021 67W 7083 13 Nov. .. 102 10 July .. its 31 Dec. .. 7 28 Nov. 14 Nov. 23 Jan., 1908. Hobart, Tasmania Palmerston North, N.Z. Bluff, N.Z. .Norwich, Eng. Norwich, Eng. New York, U.S.A. 3 42 1 3,43 8 7027 6980 6964 7015 0995, 0 701 ill 13 Nov. .. 102 24 Oct. . . 98 7 Oct. .. ill 7 Nov 30 Oct. .. 98 13 Ore. .. 2 28 Nov. It Nov. 17 Oct. 14 Xov. 9 Jan., 1908. Melbourne, Vic. 42 7004 31 Oct. .. 2 9 Jan., 1908. Davies, ('•. Davis Bros., Limited De Roubaix Oedenkoven and Co. .. Dickson, J. S. .. Distillers' Company, Limited Draffin, W. F. .. Chrietohnroh, N.Z. London, Eng. Antwerp, Belgium Auckland, N.Z. Edinburgh, Scot. Wanganui, N.Z. 38 42 47 38 43 6 7<lf>7 6974 6998, 9 7068 l>1157 6971 5 Dec. .. 2 16 Oct. .. 90 30 Oct. .. 98 13 Dec. .. 2 2 Oct. .. Ill 16 Oct 9 Jan., 1908. 31 Oct. 14 Nov. 9 Jan., 1908. 17 Oct. Ellis and Manton Exshaw, J., and Co. Eyre Smelting Company, Limited (1907) Wellington, N.Z. Bordeaux, France Tunbridge, Eng. 42 43 6994 7062 7028 29 Oct. .. 98 11 Dec. .. 2 14 Nov. .. l<12 14 Nov. 9 Jan., 1908. 28 Nov. Fabrik Wasserdiehter Wasche Lenel Bensingor and Co. FlameoS Company. (See H. Becker.) Mannheim-Neckarau, Germany 38 6966 10 Oct. .. 95 31 Oct. Goodaere, H. Graham, Wilson, and Smellie Grear, H. and W. Greer, F. S. Groube, H. M. .. New Plymouth, N.Z. .. Christchurch, N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W. Sydney, N.S.W. Wellington, N.Z. 38 38 3 7 3 6966 7003 7058 7054 7050 1 Nov. . . 98 ! 30 Oct. .. 98 9 Dec. .. 105 4 Dec. .. 105 27 Nov. .. 105 14 Nov. 14 Nov. 12 Dec. 12 Dec. 12 Dec. Hamlett, G., and Sons, Limited Harrison, J., and Sons Henderson's Sweets, Limited Hoyt, A. S. Hulbert, H. K. .. Winsford, Eng. Whangarei, N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W. New York, U.S.A. Brighton, Eng. 42 42 42 39 3 7017 7009 7031 7063 7061 8 Nov. .. 105 5 Nov. .. I .. 14 Nov. .. 102 11 Dec. .. 2 11 Dec. .. 2 12 Dec. 28 Nov. 9 Jan., 1908. 9 Jan., 1908. International Sponge Importers, Limited London, Eng... 25 7071 18 Dec. .. 2 9 Jan., 1908. Jameson and Co., Limited Johnson-Richardson Company, Limited Johnson, W. E. .. Johnson, W. K, and Co. (See W. E. .Johnson.) Jonas and Colver, Limited Jonas and Colver, Limited Jonas and Colver, Limited Jonas and Colver, Limited Kingston-upon-Hull, Eng. Montreal, Canada 50 1 7000 7067 30 Oct. .. 98 J 12 Dec 14 Nov. Liverpool, Eng. 43 7013 i 7 Nov. .. 98 14 Nov. Sheffield, Eng. Sheffield, Eng. Sheffield, Eng. Sheffield, Eng. 5,6 12, 13 5,6 12, 13 6984, S 6986, 7 6988, 9 6990, 1 28 Oct. .. 98 28 Oct. .. 98 28 Oct. .. 98 28 Oct. .. us 14 Nov. 14 Nov. 14 Nov. 14 Nov. Klinger, R. Koko-Maricopas Company, Limited Koninklijke Stearine Kaarsenfabriek Gouda Konomax Rock Drill Syndicate, Limited Gumpoldskirihen, Austria London, Eng. Gouda, Holland 8 48 47 6973 7053 7005 16 Oct 4 Dec. .. |105 31 Oct. .. -2 12 Dec. 9 Jan., 1908. Johannesburg, Transvaal 6 7064 12 Dec. .. 2 9 Jan., 1908,


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.


Name. Addreu. Claw. — No. Application. QoMtU. Data. No. Larus and Bro. Company Lazarus, S. L. Lee, (;. M. Lever Bros., Limited Lever !'• Oβ., Limited Levy, A. Riohmond, U.S.A. Sin a. Fiji .'. Invereargill, N.Z. i:, Imain, N.S.W. In, N.8.W. London. Eng. 45 42 47 47 -is 45 7033 7059 7082 7072, l 7073, 5 7077. 8 14 Nov. 11 Dec. :il Deo. 19 Deo. 19 Deo. 20 Dec. 105 19 Deo. 10 6 Feb., 1908. ■1 9 Jan., 1908. 2 !) Jan., L908. •1 9 Ji n.. 1908. Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug I oripnny Lipton. Limited Lyons, J., and Co., Limited Lincoln, Eng. 3 7080 14 Nov. it Jan., 1908. London, ]-In>i. London, Eng. 42 43 1.471 13 Feb. 80 Oct. 102 28 Nov. It Not. Maitlancl. (I. Marks, M. Mclacliriuo, M., and Co. Methven, G., and Co. Menx'i Brewery Company, Limited.. Montgomerie, J. J. Murray, Roberts, and Co. .. Myers, A., and another ow, Scot. Fitzroy, Vic. .. Hgypt .. Dunedin, \.Z. I. Ion, Eng.. . Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. r,ii 38 45 18 4H 48 2 50 7(11-2 7032 6992 6997 7(11(1 7036 6887 26 Nov. (i Nov. . . I i Nov. 28 Oct. SO Oofe f> .Nov. .. 20 Nov. 26 tag. 102 28 Nov. 105 12 Dec 105 12 Dee. 98 14 Nov. 108 12 Deo. 2 '.i Jan., 1908. Kir. 12 Deo. Naamlooze Vennootschap Amsterdamsohe Superfosfaatfabriek Neale, J., and Sons, Limited Nederlandsohe Gist-en Spiritusfarbriek New Zealand Hardware Company North, C. Northern Wholesale Supply Depot. (See L. T. Williams.) Noton Bros. Amsterdam, Netherlands 2 7002 80 Oct. 98 14 Nov. Birmingham, Eng. Delft, Netherlands I hniedin. N.Z. Tβ toamutu, N.Z. 13 43 U 2 7040 7023 7(ii is 7062 ■2\ Nov. .. 13 Nov. 1 Nov. .. :i Deo. .. 102 28 Nov. 102 28 Nik. 102 28 Nov. 105 12 Dec. Auckland, X.Z. 42 8878 16 Aug. .. 95 ! 31 Oct. 95 Pearson and Rutter, Limited Powley and Keast Wellington, N.Z. Dunedin. N.Z. 42 44 7026 7084 It Nov. .. 18 Nov. .. 105 J 121 Dec. 7 _>3'jan., 1908. 105 7 Rogers, L. H. and another Roope Company. (See Roope, L. (i.) Roope, L. G. Roubaix. (See De Roubaix.) Wellington, N.Z. 50 (iSS7 26 Aug. .. 105 I 12 Deo. 105 Invercargill, N.Z. 44 6977 21 Oct. Scholtz, C. Shacklock, H. E., Limited.. Shrimski, A. E. .. Sigall, S. Sims, Cooper, and Co. Sinclair, O.W. H. Smith and White Smith, S. Solo, Limited Sorenson, R. Sorenson, R. Standard Varnish Works Stearine Kaarsenfabriek Gouda Stella Cycle and Motor Manufacturing and General Importing Company, Limited Stevens, H. F. .. Stitt, M. A. Sykes, W. R., Interlocking Signal Company, Limited Hamburg. Ger. Dunedin, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Cliristchurch, N.Z. Auckland, X.Z. Auckland, X.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Bradford, Eng. Hastings, X.Z. Hastings, N.Z. New York, U.S.A. (kruda, Holland Temuka, N.Z. 25 18 3 45 42 2 18 38 50 22 22 1 47 ±2 7029 6908 6962 7011 7081 6970 6956 6982 7022 6983 7024 5933 6674 6993 14 Nov. 7 Oct. 4 Oct. 5 Nov. 30 Dec. 15 Oct. 1 Oct. 25 Oct. 13 Nov. ■-'(1 Oct. 14 Nov. .. 8 May, 1900 22 May 29 Oct. .. 102 28 Nov. 102 96 81 Oct. 98 14 Nov. ■1 it Jan, 1908. 95 98 2 98 14' Nov. 102 28 j. Nov. 98 14 Nov. 98 102 98 98 105 96 14 Nov. 105 i 12 Deo. .. Christchurch, N.Z. Westport, N.Z. London, Eng. 48 3 6 6981 7043 7048 24 Oct. 25 Nov. 26 Nov. .. 96 I 81 Oct. 102 t 28 Nov. 105 12 Dec. 95 102 105 Tanqueray, Gordon, and Co., Limited Thomas, R., and Co., Limited Thomas, R., and Co., Limited Thomson, G. S. .. Trapnell, G. Turner, J., and Co. London, Eng. London, Eng. London. Eng. Dunedin, X.Z. Brightwater, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. 43 5 5 39 42 38 7066 6952. 3 6951 6967 7070 7035 I--' Dec 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 7 Oct. 13 Deo. 19 Nov. .. 2 9 Jan., 1908. 88 3 Oct. 7 23 Jan., 1908. 2 88 7 102 .. 7 -23 Jan., 1908. 102 28 Nov. United Asbestos Company, Limited United Asbestos Company, Limited London, Eng. London, Eng. 50 50 (>"7. r > 6976 17 Oct. 17 Oct. 96 31 Oct. 95 Walker, C. J. Weingarten Bros. Whangarei Co-operative Dairy Companv, Limited Whitei A. J., Limited North Fitzroy, Vic. New York, U.S.A. Whangarei, N.Z. 37,38 38 42 7019, 20 7065 6946 13 Nov. .. 12 Dec. .. 23 Sep. 7 2:! Jan!, 1908. 102 28 Nov. i 102 London, Eng., and New York, U.S.A. Auckland, X.Z. 3 6959, 60 3 Oct. 10 fi Feb.. [flOB* 10 Whittome, Stevenson, and Co., Limited Williams, L. T. .. Wilson and Co. .. Wilson Pill Company, Limited Winson, G. E. .. Winterbottom Book-cloth Company, Limited Woodward, E. C. 42 7041 22 Nov. .. 102 102 28 Nov. Auckland, N.Z. Glasgow, Scot. Wanganui, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Manchester, Eng. 47 24 3 42 39 7016 6955 7006 6934 7014 8 Nov. .. 1 Oct. 1 Nov. .. 16 Sept. .. 7 Nov. .. 102 28 Nov. 91 17 Oct. LOS 12 Dec. 95 31 Oct. 98 14 Nov. 102 91 105 95 98 Dunedin, N.Z. 3 7076 20 Dec. ..




Authority : John Mackat, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9oB.

>1>I'1 leal ;ion. Gazette. Name. Address. Class. No. Date. No. Date. Auckland Grammar School Auckland, N.Z. 13 353 16 Oct. 102 28 Nov. Jerridge, H. S. .. irooke, C. M., and Sons .. Jrooks, L. J. Waikiekie, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. :( 4 8 369 352 368 30 Dec. 1 Nov. 18 Dec. 7 98 2 23 Jan., 190! 14 Nov. 9 Jan., 190! Carrara Ceiling Company, Limited .. Jarrara Ceiling Company, Limited .. Jarrara Ceiling Company, Limited .. !arrara Ceiling Company, Limited .. Jousina and Atkin Carriage Factory, Limited Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. .•! I 3 8 8 354 I 355 I 356-7 358-363 367 364 14 Nov. 18 Nov. 25 Nov. 28 Nov. 13 Deo. 27 Nov. 102 102 10 105 2 105 28 Nov. 28 Nov. l> Keb., 190! 12 Dec. 9 Jan., 1901 12 Dec. rames, M. W. Kalgoorlie, W. Aust. .. 2 373 4 Dec. 10 e Feb., 1901 ilehrtens, H. E. .. rlehrtens, H. E. .. Chrietchurch, N.Z. Christcburch, N.Z. I 1 351 366 28 Oct. 21 Nov. 95 105 31 Oct. 12 Dec. Imith and White Auckland, N.Z. 1 365 28 Nov. 105 12 Dec.

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS: NINETEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1908 Session I, H-10

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS: NINETEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1908 Session I, H-10

PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS: NINETEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1908 Session I, H-10

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