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Laid before Parliament in pursuance of the Act.

SECOND REPORT OF THE BOARD CONSTITUTED BY "THE TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION ACT, 1905." For Year ending 31st March, 1908. Wellington, 13th July, 1908. The Board has to submit the following report for the year ending 31st March, 1908. The number of contributors to the fund on the 31st March, 1908, was 2,882, being an increase of 70 above the number on the register on the 31st March, 1907. Of this number, 2,505 were original members and 377 ordinary members—that is, persons who were first permanently employed after the date of the coming into operation of the Act. Details are given in the following table :—

A. Statement of Membership as from the 1st January, 1906.

It is found on comparison of the number of original contributors at the 31st March, 1907, with the number as at 31st March, 1908, that, as a net result of the admissions to and withdrawals from the fund during the year, there is a decrease of 27 contributors whose contributions were at the rate of 5 per cent., 21 at 6 per cent., 16 at 8 per cent., 11 at 9 per cent., and 17 at 10 per cent. ; while there was an increase of 4 at 7 per cent.: the net totals showing a decrease of 88 in the number of original contributor's. A similar comparison of the number of ordinary contributors shows a net increase of 120 at 5 per cent., 11 at 6 per cent., 9 at 7 per cent., 11 at 8 per cent., 3 at 9 per cent., and 4 at 10 per cent. : a total net increase of 158 ordinary members. It will be observed that the decrease relates to " original " members on account of whom a greater liability is attached to the fund than in the case of ordinary members. Details are given in the following table :—

B. Statement of Contributors on the Register as at 31st March, 1908, grouped according to Rate of Contribution per Cent. of Salary.

Original Members. Ordinary Members. Total Number at End of Year. Admitted. Left. Number at End of Year. Admitted. Left. Number at End of Year. Number. Year ending. 2,720 50 127 ]38 2,593 2,505 219 197 39 219 377 2,812 2,882 31st Maroh, 1907. 1908.

Contribution per Cent. of Salary (Date when First Contribution became payable). Original Members. Ordinary Members. Total. M. F. Total. M. F. Total. M. P. Total. 5 6 7 8 9 10 361 554 915 175 239 414 212 197 409 181 115 296 145 71 216 229 26 255 1,303 1,202 2,505 91 10 10 10 5 7 171 25 24 12 11 1 262 35 34 22 16 8 452 185 222 191 150 236 725 264 221 127 82 27 1,177 449 443 318 232 263 Totals 133 244 377 1,436 1,446 2,882



The aggregate annual rate of salaries of the contributors to the fund on the 31st March, 1908, was £446,607, as compared with £426,855 as at the end of the previous year, and the annual rate of contributions increased from £32,048 to £32,870, the actual amount of contributions received during the year being £32,676. Details are given in the following table :—

C.—Statement of Contributors showing Annual Rates of Salaries and Contributions as at 31st March, 1908.

D.—Progress of Contributors since Date of Establishment of the Fund (1st January, 1906, to 31st March, 1908).

The number of contributors to the fund who, having attained the statutory age of retirement, are still employed in the Education service shows a decrease of two since the end of the previous year:—

E.—Contributors of the Statutory Age of Retirement.

Particulars of retirements from the fund are given in Table I of the Appendix.

Number. Annual Salary. Annual Contributions. M. P. Total. Contributors at 31st March, 1907 New contributors entered during the year Increase in salaries and contributions by promotion during the year 1,427 84 1,385 163 2,812 247 £ 426,855 34,600 14,446 s. d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 £ 32,048 1,860 914 s. d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals Contributions discontinued during the year by resignations, &c. Number of informal applications registered in error and now cancelled Decrease in salaries and contributions during the year 1,511 50 25 1,548 91 11 3,059 141 36 475,901 19,595 0 0 0 0 34,822 0 1,363 18 0 0 9,699 0 0 588 0 0 Totals at 31st March, 1908 ... 1,436 1,446 2,882 446,607 0 0 32,870 2 0

Number. Annual Annual Contributions. Salary. M. P. Total. 'otal entered (including increases in salary and contributions) 'otal discontinued (including reductions in salary and contributions) 1,562 1,588 3,150 493,996 £ a. d. 36,426 0 0 126 142 268 47,389 3,555 18 0 Total existing at 31st March, 1908 ... 1,436 1,446 2,882 446,607 32,870 2 0

As at 31st March, 1908. As at 31st March, 1907. Age: Years. M. F. Total. M.F. Total. 15-66 16-67 .7-68 18-69 0-71 6 1 2 1 1 6 1 2 1 1 2 4 1 2 2 2 4 1 2 2 10-61 11-62 .2-63 1 1 i j Totals ... 11 11 11 18



Of the number of contributors who retired during the year 24 (including 4 " medically unfit" cases) were granted annual allowances aggregating £1,389 10s. Six (6) widows and 8 children, the representatives of 6 contributors who died, were granted annual allowances (£212), and also a refund of the contributions (£132 9s. 9d.). The total number of retired contributors on account of whom annual allowances were granted during the year was therefore 30. Four (4) contributors whose length of service was not over fifteen years retired as being " medically unfit for further duty " : In each of these cases, a sum equal to one-twelfth part of the total salary received by them during all the years of their service prior to the Ist January, 1906, was granted, together with a refund of their contributions to the fund. The total amounts were £212 10s. Id. and £21 9s. 9d, respectively: total, £233 19s 10d. Seven (7) contributors died before entering upon pension, and their contributions to the fund, amounting to £87 4s. 3d., were paid to their legal representatives. To one hundred (100) contributors who voluntarily retired from the Education service before becoming entitled to participate in the benefits of the fund contributions amounting to £1,014 10s. Id. were returned. The total number of contributors who retired from the Education service during the year was 141. Particulars regarding the retiring-allowances current at the end of the year are given in Table 2 of the Appendix. Five (5) pensioners died during the year, of whom 4 left widows, and 2 children under the age of fourteen years, to whom annual allowances were granted. Three (3) children attained the age of fourteen years, and their allowances consequently ceased. The balance to the credit of the fund is £62,222 11s., and of this sum £48,100 has been invested on mortgage—£37,loo at 4£ per cent., and £11,000 at 5 per cent. The balance, £14,122 11s., bearing interest at 4 per cent., is awaiting investment by the Public Trustee. Gbo. Fowlds, Chairman of the Board.


1. Particulars of Contributions discontinued during the Year ending 31st March, 1908.

Number of Contributors. Annual ] Rβ: (ate at Date of lirement. Allowanoei granted. How discontinued. M. F. Total Salary. Contributions. Pensions: Annual Bate. Other Payments (nonreourring). By death before pension entered £ £ s. a. £ s. d. £ s. d. upon — Contributions paid to personal representative (section 15, (1)) Leaving widow or child (section 15, (2) and (3) ) By voluntary retirement (section 14) Medically unfit— (a.) Not over fifteen years' service (section 13, (1)) (b.) Over fifteen years' service (section 13, (2)) By retirement at pension age (section 12) rj 22 78 6 100 989 1,240 12,441 72 11 0 106 2 0 725 17 0 212 0 0 87 4 3 132 9 9 1,014 10 1 a 1 4 605 35 2 0 233 19 10 2 2 4 655 57 16 0 208 0 0 15 5 20 3,665 366 10 0 1,181 10 0 Totals 50 91 141 19,595 1,363 18 0 1,601 10 0 1,468 3 11



2. Statement of Retiring-allowances for the Year ending 31st March, 1908.

(l) (2-) (3.) Details of Column (2). Total Retiring-allowances. Section 12: On Attainment of Retiringage. Particulars. Section 13, (2) : Medically unfit. Section 15, (2) : Widows. Section 15, (3) : Children. iber. P. I Amount. Nun ber. Amount. Number, j M. ! F. Amount. ■ Number. Amount. Nui iber. Amount. M. M. F. M. F. Eetiring-allowances at 31st March, 1907 ... Eetiring-allowances granted during the year at retirement of contributor Retiring-allowances granted to widows and children of deceased annuitants 51 20 43 18 94 38 4,674 3 3 1,601 10 0 47 15 31 5 £ s. A. 4,207 3 3 1,181 10 0 3 2 £ s. a. 3 ! 312 0 0 2 i 208 0 0 5 6 £ s. 90 0 108 0 d. 0 0 1 3 4 5 £ s. d. 65 0 0 104 0 0 6 6 98 0 0 ; 4 72 0 0 2 26 0 0 ... Total Eetiring-allowances discontinued during year* Eetiring-allowances existing at end of year 71 5 67 3 138 8 6,373 13 3 311 2 4 62 4 36 . 5,388 13 3 220 2 4 ! 5 1 5 : 520 0 ... I 52 0 0 0 15 270 0 0 15 I 270 0 0 11 3 195 0 0 39 0 0 4 ; ! ■ ' ! ' 66 64 : 130 6,062 10 11 58 36 5,168 10 11 4 5 468 0 0 4 8 156 0 0 *P< \rticuL ,rs of Retiring-allowances discontinued during the Year. How discontinued— By death By expiry ... 5 5 3 272 39 2 0 4 0 4 220 2 4 1 52 0 O i 3 3 39 6 0 3 j 39 0 0 I I 5 3 8 311 2 4 4 ... ! 220 2 4 1 52 0 0 Proy, 'ess )/ R< tiring-allowances since E, tablishment of the Fund to 31st March, 1908. Total granted ... Total discontinued 71 5 67 3 138 8 6,373 13 311 2 3 62 4 4 36 5,388 13 220 2 3 4 5 5 520 1 ... 52 0 0 0 0 15 270 0 0 4 11 195 3 39 0 0 0 0 Total existing at 31st March, 1908 66 4 5 468 0 0 15 270 0 0 4 T 8 156 0 0 64 130 6,062 10 11 58 36 5,168 10 11



3. Statement op Eeobipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st March, 1908. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. To Balance from 31st March, 1907 .. 31,733 16 2 Allowances .. .. .. .. 5,820 9 9 Contributions .. .. £32,675 15 9 Contributions refunded .. .. .. 1,255 6 9 Overpayments to Fund Ac- Commission .. .. .. .. 240 i 3 oount.. .. .. 12 13 9 Law-costs .. .. .. .. 12 12 0 32,688 14 6 Balance, Public Trustee .. ..62,222 11 0 Interest .. .. 1,478 0 5 accrued .. 650 12 8 , —- 2,128 13 1 £69,551 3 9 £69,551 3 9 E. O. GlBBES, Secretary for Education. F. K. de Castro, Chief Clerk and Accountant, and Secretary to Teachers' Superannuation Board. Education Department, Wellington, 25th June, 1908. Examined and found correct — J. K. Wabbueton, Controller and Auditor-General.

4. Return of Annuitants deceased as at end of March, 1908, and Annual Rate of Allowances granted to the Widows and Children.

5. Return of Widows and Children as at end of March, 1908, who ceased to be entitled to Benefits.

6. Return of Persons (66 Males and 64 Females) in Receipt of Annual Allowances as at end of March, 1908. A. Allowances granted under Section 12 of the Act to Contributors who reached the Retiring-age.

Annuitant. Annual Rate ! Annual Rate of of Lapsed Allowance to Widows Pension. and Children. Date of Death of Annuitant and Payment of Benefits to Widow, &o. Refund of Contributions. 1. J. H. Bamfield 2. A. Dawson 3. E. H. Ferguson 4. K. B. Henot ... £ 60 52 52 56 a. d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 £ 18 18 18 October, 1907 July, August, „ April, 5. G. W. Potts and children two 52 0 0 118) 1261 May, „ 272 2 4 98

Name. Widow or Annual Rate of Child. Allowance. Date of Termination of Payment of Allowance. Remarks. . Betsy M. Duthie i. Ethel M. Bramley i. Mary Lucy Mackay Child it ■ 13 13 13 April, 1907 ... July, 1907 November, 1906 Attained 14 years of age. if Total 39

Name. Occupation. Annual Bate of Allowance. . . ... ... ... I ... £ s. d. 92 11 1 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 58 19 9 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 Males. 1 Baldwin, John 2. Bannerman, William ... 3. Barton, James 4. Bedford, Bernard S. .. 5. Bissell, Edward 6. Boyd, Donald 7. Browne, A. A. 8. Brownlee, Thomas 9. Butcher, Anthony G. ... .0. Dale, Joseph ... Teacher, North Canterbury Education Board „ Otago Education Board t, „ r/ ... ... „ Auckland Education Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... Truant Officer, Southland Education Board Assistant Truant Officer, Wanganui Education Board Teacher, Marlborough Education Board ... „ Taranaki Education Board Janitor, Timaru High School Carried forward .. ... 567 10 10



Return of Persons in Receipt of Annual Allowances— continued. A. Allowances granted under Section 12 of the Act —continued.

Name. Oooupation. Annual Rate of Allowance. 11 Duncan, William 12. Dyer, Henry H. 13. Dyer, Eobert C. 14. Everiss, George 15. Fannin, George T. 16. Ferguson, William 17. Field, John L. 18. Gerring, Albert 19. Gillman, Alfred I. 20. Glenny, Joseph 21. Goodwin, John S. 22. Gover, Frederick 23. Grant, James 24. Gribble, Charles 25. Hardie, George 26. Hardie, C. J. ... 27. Hassing, G. M. 28. Howard, Charles C. 29. Ingpen, Ernest H. 30. Ingpen, E. L. 31. Johnston, Eobert 32. Kilburn, Joseph 33. Lee, Wesley ... 34. Macbeth, J. J. 35. McDonald, Kenneth 36. McFarlane, Peter G. M. 37. Maddison, John 38. Malcolm, Andrew 39. Matthews, E. W. D. ... 40. Menzies, George 41. Milne, William 42. Mulhern, John 43. Murdoch, James 44. Nicholls, Alfred 45. Peterson, William 46. Pole, E. P. ... 47. Porritt, Thomas, Eev. ... 48. Eeid, James ... 49. Schmidt, Peter E. 50. Scholes, Abraham 51. Scott, James ... 52. Smith, John ... Brought forward Teacher, Southland Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Marlborough Education Board ... Secretary to Hawke's Bay Education Board Teacher, Otago Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Auckland Education Board Inspector, Auckland Education Board Teacher, Wellington Education Board „ Taranaki Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Marlborough Education Board ... „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... .„ Wanganui Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Southland Education Board „ Auckland Education Board Clerk, North Canterbury Education Board Teacher, Southland Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board £ s. d. 567 10 10 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 101 10 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 77 15 4 52 0 0 68 8 2 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 85 4 5 52 0 0 52 0 0 56 5 9 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 89 0 11 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 78 19 10 II II II • • • „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Native school „ Otago Education Board a n n • ■ • • ■ • „ Native school „ Southland Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Southland Education Board ,, North Canterbury Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Otago Education Board Architect to North Canterbury Education Board Teacher, North Canterbury Education Board „ South Canterbury Education Board Secretary to Marlborough High School, Secretary to Marlborough Education Board Teacher, Otago Education Board „ Wanganui Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Marlborough Education Board ... 53. Stewart, Alexander 54. Stewart, Washington ... 55. Taylor, William N. 56. Ward, Joseph 57. Ward, William 58. Young, Henry 88 6 0 55 9 8 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 52 0 0 a a n • • • „ Native school... Females. 1. Anderson, Barbara C. ... 2. Anderson, Elizabeth 3. Barton, Annie 4. Batten, Annie E. 5. Beale, Arundel M. 6. Beattie, Jane, Mrs. 7. Blythe, Sarah F. 8. Bullock, Julia W., Mrs. 9. Christie, Catherine W. ... 10. Dement, M. A. 11. Dunning, E. L. 12. Francis, C. A., Mrs. ... 13. Goulding, Jane E. 14. Greensill, Susan M., Mrs. 15. Haughton, S. E. J., Mrs. 16. Haultain, F. A. Total £3,296 10 11 Teacher, Auckland Education Board „ Native school ... "... „ Auckland Education Board „ Westland Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Native school ... „ Wanganui Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Native school... „ Nelson Education Board „' Auckland Education Board „ Wellington Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ Native school... „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Native school .. 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 ■ 52 52 52 52 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (J 0 0 Carried forward 832 0



Return of Persons in Receipt of Annual Allowances — continued. A. Allowances granted under Section 12 of the Act —continued.

B. Allowances granted under Section 13 of the Act to Contributors medically unfit for Further Duty.

C. Allowance granted under Section 15, (2), of the Act to Widows of Deceased Contributors.

Name. Occupation. Annual Bate of Allowance. 17. Hoey, J. N., Mrs. 18. Hyatt, Alice S. 19. Kitchingman, E. 20. Lissaman, M. H.,Mrs.... 21. Longmore, F. 22. McGavin, Jessie, Mrs. ... 23. Peake, Sarah N., Mrs.... 24. Phillips, Mary, Mrs. ... 25. Plummer, Mary, Mrs. ... 26. Ritchie, Christian, Mrs. 27. Simpson, M. E., Mrs. ... 28. Stevens, Dora S., Mrs.... 29. Stewart, Jessie 30. Taylor, Mary C. 31. Tennent, M. I., Mrs. ... 32. Tregear, Mary K., Mrs. 33. Will, Louisa M. 34. Wimperis, Frances 35. Woodward, Laura, Mrs. 36. Wraytt, Christina, Mrs. Brought forward Teacher, Wanganui Education Board „ Auckland Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Hawke's Bay Education Board ... „ Auckland Education Board „ Native school... „ Marlborough, Education Board ... Auckland Education Board // it u ■•• „ South Canterbury Education Board „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Otago Education Board „ Native school „ North Canterbury Education Board „ Native school „ Auckland Education Board „ Otago Education Board ... „ Otago Boys and Girls' High School „ Auckland Education Board „ Southland Education Board £ 832 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 s. a. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total £1,872 0 0 94 Grand Total... £5,168 10 11

Name. Occupation. Annual Bate of Allowance, Males. 1. Burton, F. P. 2. Harrison, T. C. 3. Maber, William G. ... 4. Marr, Thomas M. Teacher, Education Board, Auckland „ „ Otago ... „ „ North Canterbury 52 52 oa 52 n n if Females. „ „ Wellington „ „ Westland Otago „ „ Wanganui „ „ South Canterbury 52 52 52 52 52 1. Boulcott, Henrietta ... 2. Osmers, M. E., Mrs. ... 3. Paul, Susan B. 4. Peat, Janet H., Mrs.... 5. Rowley, Jane G. 9 Total ... £468

Widows. Occupation of Deceased Contributor. Annual Bate of Allowance. 1. Bamfield, E., Mrs. 2. Berry, Alice M., Mrs. ... 3. Bramley, C. A., Mrs. ... 4. Crummy, Sarah, Mrs. ... 5. Dawson, Annie, Mrs. ... 6. Duthie, Grace, Mrs. 7. Ferguson, E., Mrs. 8. Gloy, Margaret, Mrs. ... 9. Golding, Mary E., Mrs... 10. Hailey, E., Mrs. 11. Patrick, Mary J., Mrs.... 12. Potts, R., Mrs. 13. Selby, Emma, Mrs. 14. Walter, Eosa, Mrs. 15. Watt, Eliza, Mrs. Secretary to Education Board, South Canterbury Teacher, Education Board, North Canterbury ti u 't Clerk to Board, Canterbury College Teacher, Education Board, Wanganui „ Native school ... „ Education Board, North Canterbury „ „ Hawke's Bay ... Otago • „ Native school ... £ 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 " 18 18 rt If * • • * • • • • • „ Education Board, Taranaki „ „ Southland „ Native school ... Architect to Education Board, Auckland ... Total £270



D. Allowances granted under Section 15, (3), of the Act to Children of Deceased Contributors.

E. O. GlBBES, Secretary for Education. F. K. de Castro, Chief Clerk and Accountant, and Secretary to Teachers' Superannuation Board. Education Department, Wellington, 25th June, 1908.

Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, not given printing (5,000 copies), -.10 10s.

Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9oB.

Price 6d,~\

Name. Occupation of Contributor. Annual Rate of Allowanoe. Males. .. Bramley, George S. !. Bramley, Clifford E. !. Selby, Cuthbert C. i. Watt, Alan M. Teacher, Education Board, North Canterbury H It It „ „ Southland Architect Education Board Auckland 13 13 i:s i:-5 Females. .. Berry, Dorothy M. !. Bramley, Gladys V. i. Bramley, Daisy R. t. Bramley, WinifredM. i. Duthie, Ivy M. I. Gloy, Olga'H. M. '. Potts, Kathleen !. Potts, Lillian ... Teacher, Education Board, North Canterbury it a n a a it 18 L3 L8 13 L8 L3 13 13 „ Native school ... „ Education Board, Hawke's Bay ... „ „ Tarariaki // a a • • • Total ... £156

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EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1908 Session I, E-14

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EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1908 Session I, E-14

EDUCATION: TEACHERS' SUPERANNUATION FUND. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1908 Session I, E-14

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