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Me. Speaker,— The presentation of the Eailways Statement for the year ending 81st March, 1908, imposes on me the pleasing duty of having to announce that the result of the year's operations has been satisfactory. The revenue has maintained that buoyancy that has characterised it for the past thirteen years, and, notwithstanding the liberality of the forecast made at the close of the previous financial year, the actual earnings have exceeded the estimate then given by no less than £211,938. The results may be summarised thus :— Year 1908. Year 1907. £ £ Total earnings ... ... ... ...2,761,938 2,624,600 Total expenditure ... ... ... ... 1,949,759 1,812,482 Net profit on working ... ... ... ... £812,179 £812,118 GENEEAL. The mileage of line open for traffic on the 31st March, 1908, was 2,471 miles as against 2,466 for the previous year. The average number of miles operated during the year was 2,469. The following Extensions weeb opened dubing the Yeah. M. Ob. Alexandra-Clyde ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 49 Taipoiti-Eeefton ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 22 Taihape-Mataroa ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 79 Te Karaka-Puha ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 79 Kaipara Flats-Tauhoa ... ... ... ... ... 2 40 17 29 The Shag Point Branch ... ... ... ... ... 2 10 was closed. The net revenue, £812,179, is equal to a return of 3 - 33 per cent, on the capital invested in the open lines, and 8 - 04 per cent, on the total capital, £26,735,140, invested in opened and unopened lines. The cost of working the Kawakawa Section exceeded the earnings by £912. The Kaihu Section has also been worked at a loss of £463. The number of train-miles run during the year was 7,051,274, being an increase of 295,820. The increased train-mileage represents additional facilities to meet the requirements of the business and the public convenience, and has cost over £81,000. The permanent increase to the train service represents 165,594 miles per annum.

i—D, 2.


The following figures, which give the record of the late arrivals of the principal trains during the year, indicate that the train services have maintained punctuality:— Average late Arrival. Mm. Mm. For long-distance passenger-trains ... ... W3, against 139 last year. For suburban trains ... ... ... 038, „ 034 „ For long-distance mixed trains ... ... l - 75, „ T63 „ The total number of ordinary passengers carried was 9,756,716, an increase of 155,930 over the previous year. This is very gratifying, as the returns for the previous year showed the phenomenal increase of 774,404 passengers over 1906, consisting largely of traffic of a non-recurring character which was induced by the New Zealand International Exhibition. Season tickets issued numbered 185,174, an increase of 19,670. The number of workers' twelve-trip tickets was 43,961 and of workers' weekly tickets available on suburban lines 101,199. These tickets, I am pleased to say, continue to maintain their popularity. Their regular use- by a large body of the community is practical testimony of the appreciation by the workers of the advantages to be derived by living in healthy surroundings away from the crowded city areas, and of being enabled to travel to and from their work at a nominal cost. Holiday-excursion tickets numbered 732,135, being a decrease of 124,277 when compared with the previous year. This, however, is accounted for by the fact that this class of ticket was issued to Christchurch during the whole currency of the Exhibition. School, factory, and friendly societies' excursion tickets numbered 113,080, an increase of 17,416. The number of school, factory, and friendly societies' excursions run during the year in the principal districts was —Auckland 27, Wanganui 60, Wellington-Napier 42, Christchurch 141, Dunedin 95, Invercargill 39. The coaching and goods traffic show large increases under each of the respective heads that the traffic is grouped, sheep, wool, and grain excepted. In coaching, the increases have been—parcels, 7,636; horses, 653; carriages, 389; dogs, 5,685: and in live-stock and goods traffic —cattle, 17,720 head; pigs, 10,765 ; chaff,' lime, &c, 1,451 tons; firewood 918 tons; timber, 49,057 tons; merchandise, 45,248 tons; minerals, 184,467 tons. The decrease in the wool traffic is 7,568 tons, grain 31,138 tons, and sheep 67,901 head. The net increase in the gross tonnage was 246,000 tons. The decrease in sheep traffic is due entirely to the heavy movement of sheep that took place during the previous year owing to drought. Although, therefore, the sheep traffic for the year under review compared unfavourably with that for 1907, it is nevertheless greater by some 700,000 head than the traffic of any other year when normal conditions have prevailed. The average number of men employed during the year was 12,338, against 10,858 the previous year, an increase of 1,480. During the year 335 members of the permanent staff resigned, 87 retired on superannuation, 34 died, 76 were dismissed, and 980 engaged. Three appeals against decisions of the Department were heard by the Eailway Boards during the year — one was dismissed, and in two cases the punishment was mitigated. Twenty-six members of the Second Division were promoted to the First Division during the year. The sum of £5,418 has been paid as compensation during the year to members retired from the service and to relations of members deceased. This sum includes £5,364 paid under the Workers' Compensation for Accidents Act. The Eailway workshops of the Dominion have been kept going at high pressure on the construction of new rolling-stock for increasing the equipment of the existing lines and providing for the requirements of new lines to be opened in the near future. The new stock actually completed and turned out of the shops during the year consists of 3 tender engines four-cylinder balanced compound type, 1 single-expansion tender engine, and 6 heavy tank-engines; 3 60 ft. suburban cars, 1 60 ft. motor-train car, and 49 474 ft. cars; 18 brake-



vane, 855 goods-wagons, and 2,889 new tarpaulins. The carrying-capacity of the wagon-stock was, moreover, increased by 9,670 tons, which is equivalent to a further addition of 1,612 ordinary 6-ton trucks. 2,095 new steel axles were fitted to carriages, vans, and wagons in substitution of old iron axles; greater strength and increased carrying-capacity have thereby been secured. The whole of the new stock built on the Auckand, Wellington-Napier-New Plymouth and Hurunui-Blnff Sections has been equipped with the Westinghouse brake. All new stock is fitted with modern steel axles. The whole of the rolling-stock, machinery and appliances, track, bridges, buildings, and structures connected with the lines throughout the Dominion have been kept in a thoroughly efficient condition. Considerable progress has been made in the important work of relaying. Ninety-eight miles of main line were relaid during the year with 701b. standard steel rails, miles with 100 lb. steel rails, and 35 miles of branch lines had 30 lb. and 40 lb. rails replaced with 53 lb. steel rails that had been taken out of the main line. The total distance relaid was therefore 134J miles. A large number of new sleepers (331,678) were placed in the track. Ballast amounting to 363,246 cubic yards was also used. Considerable improvements have been made at stations throughout the Dominion in respect to siding accommodation, water-services, lighting station buildings, signalling appliances, road approaches, stock-yards, sanitation arrangements, and dwellings for staff. In addition to these a large number of other works for the promotion of the public interests and increasing the efficiency of the railway were undertaken. Many were completed, while others incomplete at the close of the year were being pushed on with the utmost speed. On the 3rd August a train-accident of a serious nature happened near Ngatira, on the Rotorua line. A double-headed goods-train with passenger-car attached, was proceeding to Rotorua when the engine-driver, without consulting the guard, detached the engines for examination purposes while the train was still on an ascending grade. The train immediately afterwards commenced to run back and ultimately became derailed near the foot of the grade. I regret to say that the guard was killed and two passengers and three railway employees injured. The accident was due to the brakes failing to hold the train, owing to their having been tampered with by some person unknown at the previons stopping-station. REVENUE. The gross revenue for the year amounted to £2,761,938. It exceeded the estimate by £211,938, and the gross revenue for the preceding year by £137,338. Passenger revenue shows an increase of £12,406 ; season tickets, £8,519 ; coaching traffic, £24,963; goods and live-stock, £83,642; miscellaneous and rents, £7,808. The receipts per train-mile amounted to 93 - 75 d., as against 93 - 00 d for the previous year. The earnings of the Lake Wakatipu steamers amounted to £6,637, as against £6,159 last year. The net return was equal to a return of 333 per cent, on the capital cost. EXPENDITURE. The expenditure for the year, including £5,377 incurred in connection with the Lake Wakatipu steamers, amounted to £1,949,759, an increase of £137,277 over the previous year, and absorbed 70 - 59 per cent, of the revenue as against 69 - 06 per cent, for the previous year : — Expenditure. Per Cent, of Eevenue. 1907-8. 1906-7. 1907-8. 1906-7. £ £ Traffic ... ... ... 534,634 494,942 1940 18-90 Locomotive ... ... 733,403 657,893 2662 25-13 Maintenance ... ... 638,560 613,890 23-18 23-45 Management ... ... 76,082 73,376 2-76 2-80 1,982,679 1,840,101 71-96 70-28 Less credit recoveries ... 38,297 32,701 139 1-25 1,944,382 1,807,400 7057 6903 Lake Wakatipu steamers ... 5,377 5,082 0-02 003 £1,949,759 £1,812,482 70-59 69-06



The sum of £333,386 was expended under the head " Additions to Open Lines," and charged to Capital Account. Of this amount £243,262 was expended on rolling-stock, tarpaulins, _gas storebolders, foot-warmers, and machinery for workshops. The rolling-stock, in respect of which the charges are made, consists of 12 locomotives, 47 carriages, 7 brake-vans, 99 bogie-wagons, 667 four-wheeled wagons, 435 tarpaulins, and 4 cranes, completed on the 31st March, 1908; and 35 locomotives, 74 carriages, 11 brake-vans, 20 bogie and 946 four-wheeled wagons, 75 tarpaulins, and 2 cranes, incomplete, but in hand on that date; £90,124 was spent on tablet and interlocking, telegraph and telephone extensions, bridges, sidings, purchase of land, extension of wharves, stone-crushing plant, fencing, furnaces for foot-warmers, additions to workshops, and dwellings. DUPLICATION OP LINES. On duplication-work the following sums were charged to Capital Account under the provisions of the special Acts relating thereto, passed in 1903, 1904, and 1905, respectively, viz. :— £ Wellington-Hutt duplication-works ... ... ... ... 38,830 New Hutt Road, and purchase of land for same ... ... ... 7,391 46,221 Auckland-Penrose duplication-works ... ... ... ... 54,302 Addington-Rolleston duplication-works ... ... ... ... 11,031 Dunedin-Mosgiel duplication and deviation of line ... ... 74,720 140,053 Less profit on sale of debentures, as per Treasury Accounts ... 891 139,162



RESULTS OF WORKING. The following is a summary of results of working, for year ending the 31st March, 1908, as compared with 1907 :—


Year ended 31st March. Pabticulaks. 1907. 1908. 'otal miles open for traffic 2,456 2,427 I 2,471 2,469 .verage miles open for year lapital cost of opened and unopened lines £25,438,568 £26,735,140 lapital cost of open lines £23,504,272 £24,365,647 'apital cost per mile of open lines ... £9,570 £9,861 jross earnings £2,624 : 600 £2,761,938 Working-expenses ... £1,812,482 £1,949,759 NET PROFIT ON WORKING £812,118 £812,179 •ERCENTAGE OF INVESTED ... PROFIT TO CAPITAL 345 333 ERCENTAGE OF TO EARNINGS WORKING - EXPENSES 6906 7059 iarnings per average mile open £1,078 £1,114 /orking-expenses per average mile open £744 £786 JET EARNINGS PER AVERAGE OPENMILE £334 £328 iarnings per train mile ... d. 93-00 d. 93 75 Working-expenses per train mile 64-21 66-18 IET EARNINGS PER TRAIN MILE 2879 2757 Passengers, ordinary 9,600,786 9,756,716 Season tickets 165,504 185,174 Goods tonnage 4,592,099 4,834,534 Live-stock tonnage 232,464 235,642 Train mileage 6,755,454 7,051,274 Locomotives 398 410 Passenger-cars 966 1,002 Wagons and brake-vans ... 14,605 15,475


CONCLUDING EBMAEKS AND FORECAST. The anticipations respecting the completion of the New Plymouth deviation have been fulfilled, the line being completed and open for traffic on 15th December. It has been found to be of considerable advantage in dealing with the traffic. The expenditure for maintenance of lines, buildings, and other structures has increased from £613,890 to .£638,560, representing an average expenditure of £258 - 31 per mile of railway, against £252-78 for the previous year. The increased expenditure has been incurred on the Kawakawa Section, £557 ; Whangarei, £77 ; Kaihu, £145; Auckland, £8,010; Hurunui-Bluff ; £13,058; Westland, £3,849; Westport, £2,072 ; Nelson, £528; Picton, £401. The cost of maintenance has decreased on the Gisborne Section £293; Wellington-Napier-New Plymouth, £3,734. The increased cost of maintenance is very largely due to the policy of betterment that has been followed daring the past few years, under which the pioneer main lines of the Dominion, originally designed and equipped for dealing with a small business by trains run at low speeds, have been gradually converted into standard lines, capable of meeting the requirements of the ever-expanding traffic and the demands that have arisen for fast passenger-services between the important business centres of the Dominion. The lines are in excellent condition, and, in view of the important functions they perform in the development of settlement and commerce of the Dominion, it is essential that the present high standard be maintained. Additions and improvements to lines and structures amounting to £23,996, which might fairly have been charged to capital, have been made during the year and charged to Working Expenses. The additional expenditure in the Traffic Branch is due to the additional train-mileage, consequent on improved train services and extra train staff to meet the requirements of the expanding business, and for working interlockingsignalling and electric train tablet systems. In the Locomotive Branch the increase is due to extra train-mileage, heavy renewals and repairs, increased cost and consumption of coal, and increased staff to meet the requirements of the traffic, and the improved condition in respect to hours. The increase in the cost of management is mainly incidental to the scale increases of salaries to the staff under the Classification Act. A Eaiiway Classification Act was submitted to and duly passed by Parliament during the last session. It embodies the allowances granted in November, 1905, to certain members of the Eaiiway service, and provides for improved pay t othe staff generally. Eegulations under section 4 thereof relative to the payment of a minimum salary of £130 to married members of the service or to members of the service who are widowers with children dependent upon them, and also relative to the payment of a minimum salary of £100 to members who are 22 years of age or over, have been approved and are now being gazetted. Arrangements have been made by which all railway employees who have been employed in the Eaiiway service continuously for a period of five years or over, but whose status has only been that of casual employee, will be placed upon the permanent staff. Considerable progress has been made with the Auckland-Penrose duplication. The double line between Newmarket and Penrose will, in all probability, be ready for opening by September, but the portion between Auckland and the Parnell Tunnel will not be ready for some time, being dependent on the completion of the Parnell Bridge. The Addington-Eolleston duplication is progressing favourably, and will be ready for opening in the course of a few months. Over four miles of the Lower Hutt- Wellington duplication have been completed, and the duplicate line will be opened to Ngahauranga shortly. Eoad formation and metalling will also be gone on with at an early date. A large amount of work has been carried out in connection with the DunedinMosgiel duplication. The Caversham Tunnel drive has been put in some eight chains, and a start is contemplated at the new Chain Hills Tunnel, Wingatui. Interlocking points and signals were installed and brought into operation at Timaru, Waiareka Junction, Oamaru, Pukeuri, Pelichet Bay, Paparangi, Strat-



ford, New Plymouth, and the permanent electro-pneumatic system at Dunedin. The equipment of Lepperton Junction, Milton, Clinton, Parnell Tunnel, Eemuera, Green Lane, Ellerslie, and Ngahauranga is in hand. Eighty-two Tyers' electric tahlet train-signalling instruments were installed between Waihi-Paeroa, Masterton-Woodville, Oamaru-Pukeuri, and MosgielGore, embracing 160 miles of line. Extensions of the system between Marton and Mataroa, Woodville and Dannevirke, and Frankton and Taumarunui are in hand. For train-signalling on the double lines between Auckland and Penrose, Wellington-Lower Hutt, Heathcote-Kolleston, Sykes' lock and block system is being installed. Automatic tablet exchangers were installed at 19 stations during the year. The electric tablet train-signalling system has been installed over a total of 848 miles, covering the Sections—Henderson-Auckland, Onehunga—Morrinsville, Paeroa-Waihi, Longburn-New Plymouth, Te Aro-Woodville, Palmerston North-Woodville, Lyttelton - Heathcote, Eangiora-Eolleston, Pukeuri-Gore, Wingatui-Omakau, Bluff-Winton, Makarewa-Kiverton, Westport-Granity, and Greymouth-Ngahere. The staff and ticket working is also in operation over 67 miles of line. The Eailway telegraph and telephone system was extended by 518 miles during the year, and now comprises 2,391 miles of wire. This system is most essential to successful and economic working of the Eailway traffic. With a view to giving better facilities for travel between the railway terminus at Culverden and the Hanmer Spa, a road motor service was established on Ist October, 1907, to run in conjunction with the trains. The cars, however, cannot run beyond Waiau Ferry at present. They have proved a convenience, are quicker than the coaches, and when the bridges over the Banmer, Percival, and Eogerson Streams are finished, so that the cars can run right through to Hanmer, there is no doubt they will be found to afford a reliable service that will be appreciated by those who visit Hanmer Springs. The coach journey is at present six miles. Under the Civil Service Superannuation Act passed last session it was provided that the Wellington and Manawatu Eailway employees might, subject to certain conditions, become participators in the Government Eailways Superannuation Fund. On particulars of the arrangements being given, the whole of the company's staff availed themselves of the privilege and are now subscribers. They have, moreover, paid up the greater part of the arrears of contributions in respect to the period intervening between the passing of the Government Eailways Superannuation Fund and the Civil Service Superannuation Fund Acts. The Company has likewise paid £2,500 into the Fund, being one-half of the full sum of £5,000 authorised to be paid by them in instalments of £1,000 per annum for five years. The increase in shipping at Picton, Nelson, and Greymouth has necessitated considerable improvements being undertaken in the matter of wharf accommodation. A ferro-concrete wharf is being erected at Picton, an extension of wharf and breastwork at Nelson, and strengthening and renewals are in hand at Greymouth. At the close of the year the rolling-stock under order and in course of erection in the Eailway workshops consisted of 8 four-cylinder balanced compound tender engines for North Island Main Trunk line, and 10 heavy tank engines, 32 boilers, 104 bogie carriages, 29 bogie brake-vans, 75 bogie and 1,661 four-wheeled wagons. Messrs. A. and G. Price, of the Thames, have delivered four of the fourcylinder balanced compound locomotives, and are making satisfactory progress with the remaining 16 comprised in their contract. A comprehensive programme for rolling-stock has been prepared for the year ending 31st March, 1909. It comprises 28 50 ft. cars, 18 bogie brakevans, 1,066 wagons, and a 1,000 tarpaulins. In view of the early completion of the North Island Main Trunk line, the all-important question of train service has been engaging my close attention for some time past. Many important issues are involved, but after mature consideration I have come to the conclusion that the Eailway time-table must be



framed on lines that will furnish the people of the Dominion with the most convenient and rapid means of transport been Auckland, the Bluff, and the important business centres of both Islands lying between those points. The commercial interests of the country demand that mails should receive quick despatch, and those engaged in business pursuits in the various important centres be given reasonable facilities for replying promptly to oversea communications. The distance intervening between Auckland and Invercargill renders nighttravelling by land and sea unavoidable. It also makes the curtailment of the stopping-places of the through trains, which must in the future be regarded as essentially fast passenger and mail trains, an imperative necessity. It follows, therefore, that a satisfactory service between the north and south portions of the Dominion can be given only by limiting the number of stopping-places for the through trains, and this will be done accordingly. The through trains in the North Island will consist of 50 ft. cars, convertible into sleeping-cars at night, and the time-table will be approximately : South bound. —Leave Auckland 8.30 p.m. Monday ; arrive Wellington 3.30 p.m. Tuesday ; leave by steamer for Lyttelton 8 p.m. same evening; connect with first express at Christchurch Wednesday; arrive Invercargill 9.30 p.m. same night. North bound. —Leave Invercargill 7.10 a.m. Monday, Lyttelton by steamer 10 p.m. same night; arrive Wellington 9 a.m. Tuesday, leave 12 noon ; arrive Auckland 7.15 a.m. Wednesday. Similarly on other days daily connections will also be provided between Napier and New Plymouth and Auckland. The success of the operations of the North Island Main Trunk Eailway will be materially assisted by the acquisition of the Wellington and Manawatu Company's line, which now forms the direct connecting-link between Wellington and the North, and over which a very large portion of the traffic originating on the State railways now passes. It is desirable that the company's line be taken over at the earliest possible date. The linking-up of the chief cities of the Dominion and the settlement of the inland district traversed by the Main Trunk line will undoubtedly result in a large increase of traffic at Wellington and Auckland respectively. Increased accommodation is therefore essential, and with a view to providing this, it is proposed to erect new station-buildings and to remodel the yard accommodation at both centres. Plans for these important works are in course of preparation. In view of the large economies that can be effected in the cost of operating the railways of the Dominion if the gradients were flattened and alignment improved, thus enabling increased loads to be hauled, arrangements are to be made to obtain the data necessary to formulate a scheme for dealing with the matter in a practical and comprehensive manner. As some misunderstanding appears to exist in the minds of those concerned respecting the course they should adopt in respect to appliances invented, or improvements discovered in methods of working, I have directed that notices setting out what is necessary are to be posted in each Eailway workshop in the Dominion. I propose shortly to extend the issue of fifty-trip family and fifty - trip single commutation tickets to distances up to twenty - five miles, to issue workers' weekly tickets under the usual conditions to stations between Lower Hutt and Upper Hutt, and to extend the Wellington suburban area to Upper Hutt. I also purpose during the next summer season to make an experimental issue of week-end tickets to and from the various week-end resorts served by the railways, and, in the event of the result being satisfactory, to further extend, the issue as circumstances warrant. With a view to dispelling the misunderstanding that exists as to the extent of the rolling-stock equipment of the railways of the Dominion I append a table which shows the position clearly and concisely. The tonnage shown represents the actual traffic in goods of every description dealt with during the financial year ending 31st March, 1908 ; the wagons shown are those actually available and suitable for dealing with that business. The wagon capacity has been calculated on the basis of the trucks being made use of for conveyance of traffic on two days per week only, yet even on this very low basis the capacity of the wagons is sufficient to deal with two and a-quarter times the existing goods traffic. If every goods-wagon was loaded to its full carrying-




capacity and made one trip per week only the present stock would still be sufficient to deal with a tonnage greatly in excess of the present business. It is evident that the equipment has a very large margin over normal requirements, and that margin would be ample to meet the fluctuations that occur during the year if users of the wagons loaded them to their full capacity and discharged them with reasonable despatch.

Statement showing Goods, Tonnage, and Wagons available and suitable for dealing with same at 31st March, 1908.

The following statement shows a brief comparison of the traffic and the rolling-stock for dealing therewith when the Government resumed control of the railways in 1895 with that at 31st, March of the present year : — 31st March, 31st March, T Per Cent of 1895. 1908. Increase. In(Jrease Passengers (number) ... 3,905,578 9,756,716 5,851,138 150 Season tickets „ ... 28,623 185,174 156,551 547 Parcels „ ... 444,981 937,565 492,584 111 Horses „ ... 11,185 18,423 7,238 65 Carriages „ ... 750 2,829 2,079 277 Dogs „ ... 23,517 47,766 24,249 103 Drays „ ... 705 2,530 1,825 259 Cattle „ ... 40,890 150,751 109,861 269 Sheep „ ... 1,519,921 4,593,100 3,073,179 202 Pigs „ ... 43,292 125,987 82,695 191 Chaff, lime (tons) ... ... 36,972 169,767 132,795 359 Wool „ ... ... 103,328 120,593 17,265 17 Firewood „ ... ... 85,102 110,154 25,052 29 Timber „ ... ... 198,578 616,892 418,314 211 Grain „ ... ... 388,556 739,568 351,012 90 Merchandise „ ... ... 377,938 757,647 379,709 100 Minerals „ ... ... 857,917 2,319,913 1,461,996 170 Total tonnage ... ... 2,048,391 4,834,534 2,786,143 136 Total revenue .. ...£1,150,851 £2,761,938 £1,611,087 140 Locomotives (number) ... 269 410 141 52 tractive power (lb.) 1,756,178 4,516,250 2,760,072 157 Passenger-cars (number) ... 498 1,002 504 101 Passenger - cars, seating accommodation ... ... 17,455 42,861 25,406 145 Brake-vans (number) ... 204 333 129 63 Sheep-wagons „ ... 390 1,008 618 158 * Total wagons, all classes (number) 8,264 15,142 6,878 83 Wagon carrying-capacity (tons) 50,861 117,255 66,394 131 Train mileage run... ' ... 3,221,620 7,051,274 3,829,654 119 Notwithstanding the drought experienced during the last summer, I confidently anticipate that the commercial prosperity that has existed of late years will continue to manifest itself during the next financial year, and I estimate the revenue for the year ending the 31st March, 1909, at £2, 835,000, and the expenditure at £2,020,000.

ii—D. 2.

Section. Goods Traffio for Year 1908. (Exclusive of Live-stock.) Goods- , 'agons. Lgons. Tonnage Capaoity per Day. _ Capaoity per Excess of Annum, ca!cu- Capaoity of iated at Two Wagons over Trips only per Traffic Week. offering. No. Kawakawa ... Whangarei ... Kaihu Auckland ... Gisborne Wellington-Napier-New Plymouth Picton Nelson Westport Westland ... Hurunui-Bluff Tons. 4,926 160,348 11,953 571,433 13,498 30 206 59 1,884' 28 190 1,256 374 17,185 188 Tons. 19,760 130,624* 38,896 1,787,240 19,552 Tons. 14,834 26.943 1,215,807 6,054 791,300 55,022 31,853 662,812 538,134 1,986,509 2,764 132 93 588 673 6,974 24,158 812 578 4,498 5,848 53,781 2,512,432 84,448 60,112 467,792* 608,192 5,593,224 1,721,132 29,426 28,259 70,058 3,606,715 Total 4,827,788 13,431 108,868 11,322,272 6,494,484 * In these cases the wagons are m iraffic by 100,900 tons in the case of Y\ ide use of at lei hangarei, and b] .st four times per week, t] 272,772 tons in respect to ie capacity then Vestport. ifore exceeds the




ANNUAL REPORT OF THE GENERAL MANAGER OF NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS. Sir, —■ New Zealand Government Railways, Head Office, Wellington, 7th July, 1908. I have the honour to report upon the working of the open railways for the financial year ended the 31st March, 1908. The capital cost has increased from £23,504,272 to £24,365,647. The revenue was £2,761,938 against £2,624,600, an increase of £137,338. The net revenue was £812,179 against £812,118 last year. The expenditure for the year under review has been £1,949,759 against £1,812,482, an increase of £137,277. The expenditure per cent, of revenue was 7059 as compared with 6906. The rate of interest on capital £3 6s. Bd. as compared with £3 9s. Id. last year. The revenue per train-mile was 7s. 9fd., and the expenditure per train-mile ss. 6Jd., as compared with 7s. 9d. and ss. 4-Jd. respectively last year. The following extensions have been opened during the year : — M Alexandra-Clyde ... ... ... ... ... ... 549 Taipoiti-Reefton ... ... ... ... .. ... 122 Taihape-Mataroa ... ... ... ... ... ... 579 Te Karaka - Puha ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 79 Kaipara Flats - Tauhoa ... ... ... ... ... 240 17 29 The Shag Point Branch ... ... ... ... ... 210 was closed. The total mileage added to the system was thus 15 miles 19 chains, making the total mileage open for traffic on the 31st March last 2,471 miles as against 2,456 miles at the close of the previous year. During the year 9,756,716 ordinary passengers were carried, yielding a revenue of £835,473 and 185,174 season tickets were issued, the revenue derived therefrom being £77,505. There was thus an increase of 155,930 passengers and £12,406 revenue and 19,670 season tickets and £8,518 revenue over the preceding year. 59,194 children and teachers and 53,886 adults travelled by school and factory excursions during the year, the revenue derived therefrom being £7,604, an increase of 3,313 children and teachers and 14,103 adults and £1,089 revenue over the preceding year. 732,135 passengers travelled at holiday-excursion rates, yielding a revenue of £141,520. The coaching and goods traffic have been well maintained during the year, and show increases under all heads with the exception of sheep, wool, and grain. Increases. Coaching. —Parcels, 7,636; horses, 653; carriages, 389; dogs, 5,685. Revenue, £24,963. Goods. —Cattle, 17,720; pigs, 10,705; chaff, lime, &c, 1,451 tons; firewood, 918 tons; timber, 49,057 tons; merchandise, 45,248 tons; minerals, 184,467 tons: revenue, £91,450. Total increase in goods and live-stock tonnage, 245,612 tons. Decreases. Sheep, 67,901 head; wool, 7,568 tons; grain, 31,138 tons. The train-services have been materially improved during the year. Additional trains were placed on the Auckland-Henderson and Auckland-Otahuhu suburban lines and Auckland-Frank-ton and Taumarunui main lines. The goods and passenger business on the Waihi line were separated as far as circumstances permitted. Additions were also made on the Wellington - Napier - New Plymouth, Hurunui-Bluff, Picton, and Westland Sections. These extra facilities amounted to over 200,000 train-miles. Satisfactory progress is being made in regard to the extension of the interlocking of points and signals, installation of electric tablet, and extension of railway telegraph and telephone facilities. I regret to report that a serious train accident occurred on the 3rd August, 1907, when a goods-train with passenger-car attached, from which the engine had been detached for examination, ran back down the grade and became derailed near the bottom of the grade. The guard was killed, and two passengers and three railway employees injured. On the 31st March Mr. John Coom, M.1.C.E., who has occupied the position of Chief Engineer to the Department since 1899, voluntarily resigned his position and retired on superannuation. Mr. Coom's service extended over a period of thirty-two years. He was closely connected with the surveys of the routes of the main lines of railway in various parts of the Dominion, and, after joining the Working Railways staff, occupied in turn responsible positions as District Engineer in Auckland, Invercargill, Dunedin, Inspecting Engineer for the whole railway system, with headquarters at Wellington, ultimately attaining the position of Chief Engineer in 1899. Mr. Coom was a painstaking, capable officer, and he administered his branch with considerable ability. Locomotive. Mr. A. L. Beattie, Chief Mechanical Engineer, reports as follows : — The engines, rolling-stock, plant, and appliances have been maintained in good and efficient order, the details of work being as follows : — Locomotives. —The number of engines in service on lstJApril, 1907, was 398, and thefnumber on 31st March, 1908, was 410. Twelve new engines were added to the stock ; of these ten were built in


the Government Railway Workshops, and comprised three large tender engines, four-cylinder, " balanced, compound," one large tender engine, " single expansion " type, and six heavy tank engines; and two large tender engines of the four-cylinder " balanced compound " type were completed under Messrs. A. and G. Price's contract. In the Railway Workshops to date 63 engines have been built, and 24 old locomotives rebuilt to more modern types. Four, hundred and sixty-two locomotives passed through the workshops during the year, details as follows :—

Included in above return are six engines for Public Works Department. In the Railway Workshops the following locomotives were under construction at close of year — viz., 8 large tender engines, four-cylinder " balanced compound " type, specially designed for the heavy gradients on the North Island Main Trunk Railway, and 10 heavy tank engines. Under the contract with Messrs. A. and G. Price, Thames, 18 engines were incomplete, so that altogether there were in hand at close of year 36 locomotive engines. Boilers. —Very satisfactory progress has been made with boiler renewals and repairs. Eighteen new boilers were completed. The details of boiler work done are as follows : —

Thirty-two new boilers are under construction, comprising 3 Class D, 4 Class F, 6 Class J, 1 Class S, 10 Class Wf, and 8 Class X. Carriages. —The car stock on Ist April, 1907, consisted of 966 cars, and the stock on 31st March, 1908, was 1,002 cars. Fifty new cars, Class A, were built in the Eailway Workshops and put into service; these comprised three 60ft. suburban cars, one 60.ft. motor-train car, and forty-six 47^ft. cars. Three old D, four-wheel, cars were sold, and are beingvjreplaced with standard-type cars ; eight old cars were altered to goods-wagons, and three condemned cars were replaced by new cars provided out of revenue. The seating accommodation has been increased by the additional cars 6 per cent. A number of additional cars have been equipped with lavatory accommodation, cushioned seats in second-class compartments, platform gates and gangways. The following table gives details of the repairs, &c, to cars for the year : —


Number and Type. Particulars. Pourcylinder ''Balanced Tender Compound" Engines. Tender Engines. "Articulated Com- T k *£-" Engines. Engines. p Pell Engines. Pai; dies. Total. Single. Double. I umber passed through shops Juilt new te-erected 'horoughly overhauled leavy repairs jight repairs 'ainted and varnished "ouched up 17 3 14 3 8 182 1 2 22 77 80 22 65 8 3 224 6 2 20 106 90 49 39 6 "(8 2/3 1 18 6 5 5 5 "3 2 . 462 10 4 43 213 192 79 117

Description. ■a o. CO -^ c3 03 |§ 1-3 I g '8 S "3 I" H I '8 Si Ph 00 3 DD 0) a O 2 "E* on "aT «■$ • a 03 3 '— EH H O s I 6 - H o t E a> -■ ioilers 224 18 87 119 64 15 2 7 50

. Number and Type of Gars. Particulars. Total. Bogie. Six-wheel. Four-wheel. Number passed through shops ... Built new Eebuilt Converted 1,462 50 1 26 380 1,005 354 491 40 28 1,525 50 1 26 392 1,056 380 495 Heavy repairs Light repairs ... Painted and varnished... Touched up and re varnished 6 M 18 3 6 17 8 1



One hundred and four new bogie cars are under construction in Railway Workshops. Brake-vans. —The number of brake-vans on Ist April, 1907, was 326, and the number on 31st March, 1908, was 333. Eighteen new bogie brake-vans were built; seven of these were additional stock, and eleven, debited to revenue, replaced eleven old four-wheel brake-vans written off. The repairs, &c, to brake-vans were as follows : —

Twenty-nine new bogie brake-vans are under construction in Railway Workshops. Wagons. —The wagon stock on Ist April, 1907, comprised 14,279 vehicles, and on 31st March, 1908, the number was 15,142 vehicles. One new wagon was built to replace a similar wagon sold. Eight hundred and fifty-five new wagons were built for ordinary traffic. Eight old cars were converted to goods-wagons. One obsolete brake-van was altered to a sleeping-van. Two worn-out obsolete wagons were written off, and are being replaced with standard wagons at the cost of revenue. In addition, there were built in the Railway Workshops, 25 wagons for Mines Department, and 2 wagons for Napier Harbour Board. The carrying-capacity of wagon stock was increased by 9,670 tons, equal to 9 per cent., being an equivalent of 1,612 ordinary wagons. The following table gives particulars of repairs, &c, to wagon stock for the year : —

One thousand seven hundred and thirty-six wagons are under construction, comprising 75 bogie and 1,661 four-wheelers. Tarpaulins. —The stock on Ist April, 1907, was 10,987 tarpaulins, and on 31st March, 1908, the stock was 11,422 tarpaulins. Four hundred and thirty-five new tarpaulins were made and added to stock, and 2,454 worn-out tarpaulins were written off and replaced with a similar number of new tarpaulins, made in the Railway Workshops, and charged to working-expenses. The following table shows the work on tarpaulins for the year : —

There were 1,075 new tarpaulins in hand at close of year. Stationary Engines and Cranes. —The repairs and renewals to stationary engines and cranes were as follows : —

Description. " Ml C 1 II EH s 5 Cm > S "5 M 3 i G *3 j 1 I i ■s O Irake-vans 498 18 2 2 126 350 j 128 145

Description. if p a a pq 49 '3 S 5 O to I a: 5 M 3 49 g '3 Pu a< agons 13,495 883 29 12 2,616 9,955 2,724 4,275

Description. Number passed through Shops. Manufactured Condemned and replaced with New * Tarpaulins. Repaired. new. I 15,491 435 2,454 12,602 'arpaulins

Description. If if § s| iS & : ffl i 1 1 I w pS I 6 I a I M 3 3 o O H ai on « I « 8 .sp W Boiler-repairs. I 8 • •« a; * I © * o I 1 11 I t> > s- —' a '3 land-cranes... >team-cranes lydraulic cranes Itationary engines 'ile-drivers and hoistingengines 20 49 3 U 2 "a l i 1 10 13 85 8 14 2 8 3 ... 9 2 3 "b 9 2 "i i 3 5 I

D.— 2

Two new 5-ton steam-cranes are being made in Railway Workshops. Axles. —During the year 2,095 car, van, and wagon axles were replaced with modern steel axles ; this number does not include the new stock built. The replacement of old iron axles by modern steel axles of increased stength has been charged, as hitherto, against revenue, although it has enabled the capacity of the 6-ton goods-wagon to be increased to 8 tons, ,nd 8-ton wagons to 10 tons. Westinghouse Brake. —All new engines and rolling-stock built on Auckland, Wellington-Napier-New Plymouth, and Hurunui-Bluff Sections are equipped with the quick-acting Westinghouse brake before being placed in traffic, and effective arrangements are in force for the systematic examination and upkeep of Westinghouse brakes. Car-lighting. —The oil and acetylene gas manufactured at the five separate Pintsch gasworks amounted to 4,812,177 cubic feet, costing 2s. 5 - 10d. per 100 cubic feet. By the introduction of incandescent inverted mantles a marked improvement has been effected in car-lighting, and arrangements have been made to equip all carriages with these mantles. Workshops. —Various additions to workshop plant and appliances have been made during the year. Motor-cars. —To connect Hanmer Springs with the railway terminus at Culverden a motor-car service was established during the year. Pending the building of bridges across the Hanmer, Percival, and Rogerson Rivers, the motor-cars at present run to Waiau Ferry only, a distance of eighteen miles, the remaining six miles of the journey being completed by coach. Re-taring Wagons. —The tare weight of all wagons is checked each time a wagon is in the workshops for repairs; also, at intervals not exceeding twelve months, the tare of all goods-wagons in service is checked and adjusted. Steamers. —The Railway Department's steamers on Lake Wakatipu have been maintained in good order and condition. Train-running and Mileage. —There has again been a very marked increase in train-mileage. Compared with 1906-7 the increase for 1907-8™ 295,820 train-miles, or equal to 4-38 per cent., and 487,797 engine-miles, being equal to 5-32 per cent. The increased cost per train-mile is due to increased cost of wages, fuel, and materials. The cost of rebuilding old cars, vans, and wagons, together with the renewal of axles, was exceptionally heavy last year, and materially added to the cost of working. The following statement shows particulars of the expenditure per train-mile : —

Maintenance. Mr. J. Burnett, Chief Engineer, reports as follows: — Permanent-way. —The track generally is in good condition. Relaying was done during the year as under: — Miles. Main line relaid with 70 lb. steel material ... ... ... ... 98 1001b. „ 1} Total new material ... ... . . .. ... 99J Branch lines, 30 lb. and 40 lb. relaid with second-hand 53 lb. steel material, &c, removed from main line ... ... ... ... 35 Total relaying ... ... •... ... ... ... 134£ Sleepers. —33l,67B new sleepers put into track; 88,470 of these were imported hardwood; balance—243,2oB native timber, 77,983 of which were creosoted. The cost of track renewals, which includes all relaying, continues high, representing almost one-third of the total expenditure on maintenance. Slips and Floods. —No serious interruption to traffic was caused by slips or floods. 8a11a5ting. —363,246 cubic yards of ballast were used on the track during the year. The opening of a ballast quarry with crushing plant has been put in hand at Te Kuiti, and a stonecrushing plant has been installed in the Wellington district. Bridges, &c. —Bridges and culverts have been maintained in safe condition, and a large amount of renewals and strengthening has been carried out. The principal works in hand were as follows: Strengthening Hamilton Bridge; approaches for new steel viaduct, Mangatewainui, on the Napier line; Rangitata North and Temuka Bridges, in the Christchurch district; the Mataura Bridge, Glenham Branch; and the Oreti Bridge, on the Mossburn Branch.


Cost in Pence per Train-mil Year. Train-mileage. Engine-mileage. Locomotive Branch. Car and Wagon Brauoh. Total. .907-8 .906-7 7,051,274 6,755,454 9,654,056 9,166,259 19-49 18-55 5-47 4-82 24-96 23-37


Wharves. —These structures were maintained in good condition. Strengthening and renewal of Greymouth wharves in hand. The construction of a ferro-concrete wharf in a new and more convenient site at Picton has been commenced, also the extension of the Nelson wharf and breastwork. Buildings. —Additions were made to several station buildings, and a number of houses were built. The expenditure on maintenance of buildings was £65,208, or about £12,000 more than the previous year. Many of the older buildings are now coming in for renewal. Miscellaneous Works. —Additions and improvements were carried out during the year amounting to £19,418, which was charged to working-expenses. The most important works were: Additions and alterations to sidings —Auckland, Penrose, Whangarata, New Plymouth, Hawera, Utiku, Napier, Lyttelton, Addington, Oamaru, and Moana. Additions and improvements to water'services—Tahekeroa,'Huntly, Ashburton, Thornbury, Colac, and Koromiko. Improvements to lighting—Auckland goods-yard, Marton, Woodvilie, Carterton, Wellington, Opawa, Rangiora, Temuka, Timaru, Mataura, and Invercargill Workshops. Reading-rooms and libraries —New market, Frankton, Upper Hutt, Greymouth, and Hillside (additions). W.C.s and urinals — Matatoke, Burmythorpe, Irwell, Lake Road, and Clifton. Purchase of land —Paerata, Ngawapurua, Winslow, Milton, and Bluff. Miscellaneous—Additions to station building, Kawakawa; additional gas-filling valves, Auckland; drainage of cottages, Newmarket; weighbridge and siding, Newmarket Workshops; improvement to road approach and lighting cattle-yards, Matamata;' shifting houses and engine-shed, Putaruru ; stock-yards and siding, Manurewa : sanitary improvements, engine-shed, Palmerston North; new station, &c, Sentry Hill; verandah, St. John's; asphalting coal-yard and erection of hydraulic crane, Woodvilie; addition to creosote shed, Woodvilie; coal-yard, Cross Creek; approach road to goods-shed, Featherston; fencing main line 94 m. 60 eh. to 95 m. 70ch., Wellington-Napier district; respacing sidings on wharf, Timaru; office for Car and Wagon Inspector, Christchurch; shelter-shed, Opawa; drop pit, Addington; skylights, Westinghouse brake shed, Addington; telephone service, Culverden - Waiau Fexry; stone protection, foreshore, Oamaru; improvements, ladies' waiting-room, Oamaru; wagon-lifting shed, Hillside; closing-in riveting-shed, Hillside; overbridge, south end of platform, Dunedin; Stationmaster's house and station building, Waiwera ; addition to creosote-shed, Kew; fencing, Waimea Plains railway; additions to coal-shed, Greymouth; alterations to station building, Greymouth; additions to workshops, Greymouth; erecting telegraph-wire, GreymouthStillwater; additional office-accommodation, Otira ; extension of eastern small wharf, Picton; connecting station and houses witli town water-supply, Gisborne; additions to thirty-seven dwellings; providing bath-rooms for fifty-seven dwellings, and washing-coppers for ten dwellings; building fifty-six portable huts. Additions to Open Lines. —The principal works carried out during the year were as follows : — Additions to station buildings, station-yards, and sidings—Morningside, Auckland, Newmarket, Pukekohe, Wairangi, Frankton, Morrinsville, Karangahake Tunnel (relief siding), Waihi, Te Kuiti, Inglewood, Hawera, Waverley, Wanganui, Marton, Rata, Taihape, Ashhurst, Woodvilie, Awatoto, Port Ahuriri, Masterton, Amberley, Christchurch (part), Sandy Knolls, Waihao Downs, Waimate, Oamaru, Tokarahi, Burnside, Shands, Milton, Iliversdale, One Tree Point. Erection of new houses —Te Kuiti, Putaruru, Turakina, Marton, Karere, Waihao Downs. Stationmasters' houses— Eltham, LovelPs Flat, Fairfax, Bluff (completion). Miscellaneous : Footbridge, Otahuhu (part); overbridge, Timaru (part); strengthening Hamilton Bridge (part); verandahs — Fairlie, Waipawa, Edendale, Marton; drainage—Bluff (completion); additions to goods-sheds —Hamilton, Pahiatua (part), Wellington (part); goodsshed — Runciman ; additions to car-shed, Invercargill; approaches for viaduct, Mangatewainui (part); purchase of land—Linwood, Christchurch, Fairfax; additions to water services—Waitakerei, Te Kuiti, Kaitoke; additions, engine-depot, Dunedin (part); fencing-line, Wanganui district (part) ; shelter-sheds and platforms —Glasgow, Ashhurst (extension), Riversdale (extension) ; jetty at Elfin Bay, Lake Wakatipu ; foot-warmer furnaces—Auckland, Wanganui, Wellington, and Nelson districts; new wharf, Picton; stock-yards —Bonny Glen, Amberley, Windsor; stone-crush-ing plants—Te Kuiti, Auckland district (part), Kai Iwi, Wanganui district (part), Fernside, Wellington district; additions, erecting shop, Napier ; pneumatic interlocking, Dunedin ; vat and lamp, Timaru; 3/55 ft. engine turntables, Auckland Section. The cost of these works, charged to capital, amounts to £90,124. Doubling and Improvement of Lines. —Auckland-Penrose : Good progress was made with this work, the bulk of the formation and platelaying having been completed. The principal works still to complete are the superstructure of the Parnell Bridge, the Remuera Road Bridge at Newmarket, and the bridges at Racecourse platform and Gladstone Road. The double line between Newmarket and Penrose will be brought into use on completion of the interlocking and blockworking appliances, probably about September. The portion between Parnell Tunnel and Auckland cannol be opened till the Parnell Bridge is completed, probably a year hence. Hutt Road and Railway Improvement : Progress on this work has been retarded by the difficulty of obtaining adequate supplies of suitable rock for the sea-wall. About four miles of the duplicated line between Lower Hutt and Paparangi Point is now open for traffic, and a further length to Ngahauranga will be opened very shortly. It will now be possible to push on with the road-forming and metalling. Addington-Rolleston : Formation has been completed, and platelaying is being proceeded with. The remodelling of Addington and Hornby Junction station-yards is in hand, several new station buildings are in course of construction, and the double line will probably be ready for opening about November or December.

in—r>. 2.



Dunedin-Mosgiel : A large proportion of the earthworks between Dunedin and Caversham has been completed. The foundations and abutments of bridges between these places are ready for the superstructures, which are being made under contract. The new Caversham Tunnel is driven over 8 chains at the north end, and driving at the south end will shortly be started. Earthworks between Cattle-yards and Abbotsford are being pushed on, and will soon be started at the Wingatui end. The new' Chain Hills Tunnel will be commenced at an early date. The new engine depot, Dunedin, is being pushed on. New Plymouth Railway deviation, of about If miles, has been completed, and opened for traffic. It has already proved a great assistance to the traffic. Expenditure. —The expenditure on maintenance, including general charges, amounted to £638,560, equal to nearly £259 per mile. The increase is mainly due to additional staff necessitated by the development of traffic, the maintenance of telegraph-lines not previously charged under this head, and to the increase in the charges for maintenance of buildings. Mileage. —The mileage open for traffic on 31st March was 2,471 miles 20 chains. 17 miles 30 chains were opened during the year. Private Sidings. —On the 31st March there were 322 private siding rights, with an annual rental of £5,612. New rights granted during the year were fourteen. Leases. —The number of leases on the 31st March was 2,771, with an aggregate annual rental of £18,793. New leases issued during the year, 378. Staff. —Maintenance working staff, 3,849 men; office staff, 123 : total, 3,972. Signal and Electrical. Fixed Signals —During the past year seven stations have been fitted with fixed signals—viz., Ruakura, New Lynn, Bonny Glen, Itata, Mataroa, Amberley, and Waikari. The expenditure for the year on new work was £327 11s. 6d., and for maintenance £661 Is. 4d. Interlocking of Points and Signals. —The signalling and interlocking at stations has worked with the most satisfactory results. The following stations have been fully equipped with signalling and interlocking, and brought into operation during the year : Timaru, Waiareka, Oamaru, Pukeuri, Pelichet Bay, Dunedin (permanent scheme electro-pneumatic system), Paparangi, Stratford, and New Plymouth. The work has also been commenced at Lepperton Junction, Milton, and Clinton, rearrangement of Newmarket (to suit double-line working), Parnell Tunnel, Remuera, Green Lane, Ellerslie, and Ngahauranga. The expenditure for the year on new work was £21,141, and for maintenance £3,501 19s. Id. Block-working. —The electric train-tablet system of block-working has worked with every satisfaction. During the year eighty-two tablet instruments and 160 miles of line have been fitted and brought into operation, embracing the following sections : Waihi to Paeroa, Masterton to Woodville, Oamaru to Pukeuri, and Mosgiel to Gore. The following have been converted into switch-out stations : Eyreton Junction, Puketeraki, and Westmere, and service siding near Burnside and Morningside installed as tablet stations. The equipment of the sections from Marton to Mataroa, Woodville to Damicvirke, and Frankton to Taumarunui is in progress. Automatic tablet-exchanging apparatus has been installed at nineteen additional stations, and is giving every satisfaction. The installation of the Sykes lock and block system for the double lines between AucklandPenrose, Wellington - Lower Hutt, Heathcote-Christchurch, and Christchurch-Rolleston has been commenced. Telegraph and Telephone Facilities. —During the year 518 miles of wire and ninety miles of poles have been erected and brought into use, also various alterations and additions have been made to improve existing lines. The construction of new Morse telegraph-lines between Wanganui and Mataroa and Auckland and Taumarunui, ready for the opening of the Auckland-Wellington Main Trunk line, is in progress; forty-nine telephones have been fixed and brought into operation, twenty additional and seven extension connections have been made with the public telephone exchanges, and six portable telephones brought into use. Seven old-pattern telephones have been replaced by new and modern ones, and thirteen extension telephone-bells installed and seven telephones have been fitted in brake-vans. Greater facilities are still needed in some of the districts to suit the more pressing requirements. The expenditure on the electric block-working, telegraph, and telephone facilities for the year was: New work, £19,584; maintenance, £8,564 15s. Bd.; public telephone exchange connections, £1,764 10s. Electric Light. —The electric light at stations where installed is giving every satisfaction. During the year light has been installed at Mataura Station and the signals at Dunedin and Stratford, and is in progress at Invercargill Workshops and the signals at New Plymouth Station.



Mr. H. Buxton, Chief Traffic Manager, reports as follows :— Hurunui-Bluff. Eevenue, £1,218,903; decrease, £1,563. Amount. Amount. No. £ No. £ Passengers ... 4,165,792 366,396 Decrease 218,863 Decrease 22,899 Season tickets 74,819 35,255 Increase 3,548 Increase 2,851 Parcels, &c. ... 540,127 85,759 Increase 20,698 Increase 9,460 Live-stock ... 2,455,921) (Decrease 177,232) Tons. \ 692,361 \ Tons. \ Increase 6,137 Goods ... 1,986,509 J (Decrease 7,490 j Miscellaneous ... 39,132 ... Increase 2,888 The Christchurch district contributed £559,000, a decrease of £14,766 as compared with previous year, but an increase of £43,000 as compared with 1906. Passengers show a decrease in number of 230,006. The decreases were at the stations in the vicinity of Christchurch which showed unusually large booking for the previous year on account of the Exhibition. School and factory excursions and season tickets show an increase. Coaching traffic (parcels, horses, dogs, &c.) also increased. With the exception of chaff, firewood, and timber the goods traffic decreased. The tonnage totalled 43,391 tons less than for the previous year. Grain fell off by 41,800 tons, and wool by 8,800 tons —the effect of the very dry season las year. There was a decrease of 146,832 sheep as compared with previous year, but in the previous year large numbers were railed from Canterbury owing to the shortage of feed due to dry weather. The Dunedin district contributed £393,830 : a decrease of £6,170. Passengers decreased by 11,088. The ordinary bookings increased considerably, but the holiday excursion bookings showed a decrease of 44,000. The larger bookings of the previous year under this head were owing to the Exhibition. The sale of season tickets increased by 2,402. Coaching revenue was about the same as for the previous year. Fruit and rabbit traffic increased largely. Live-stock showed decreases owing to the previous year's traffic being increased abnormally by the dry season. Chaff, firewood, merchandise, coal, and other minerals show increases; timber, grain, and wool decreased. The net increase of tonnage was 13,898 tons, due chiefly to an increase of 14,363 tons of mercnandise, of which 11,418 tons was in shipping traffic from Port Chalmers. The Invercargill district contributed £266,073, an increase of £19,373. The season was exceptionally favourable in Southland for all classes of traffic, which consequently show satisfactory increases. Passengers increased by 22,246, but passenger revenue decreased by £2,087 owing to the shorter journeys made. The passenger revenue for the previous year was increased by about £10,000 by traffic to Christchurch to the Exhibition. Parcels show an increase of 10,106, cattle 4,291, and sheep 45,487. Goods traffic increased by 29,000 tons. Lake Wakatipu Steaviers. Eevenue, £6,637 ; increase, £478. The improvement was general in all classes of traffic. The passenger revenue increased by £43. Picton, Nelson, and West Coast Sections. Picton. —Eevenue, £25,142 ; decrease, £249. Passengers and live-stock increased, but goods traffic declined. The latter business was affected by the closing of the cement works and by the improved condition of the Wairau bar. There was an increase of 3,500 tons of grain. Nelson.—Revenue, £20,756 ; increase, £1,381. The increase was general in all branches of business. Wistport. —Revenue, £97,980; increase, £5,360. Passengers and coaching traffic show satisfactory increases, and there was an increase of 17,836 tons of coal. Westland.— Eevenue, £121,206 ; increase, £18,229. The increases under the various headings were : Passengers, 31, 312 ; season tickets, 1,192 ; live-stock, 3,614 ; firewood, 128 tons ; timber, 24,855 tons; grain, 796 tons ; merchandise, 2,177 tons ; coal, 66,162 tons. Wellington - Napier - New Plymouth. Revenue, £786,843 ; increase, £62,256. Amount. Amount. No. £ No. £ Passengers ... 3,175,963 279,081 Increase 147,441 Increase 16,570 Season tickets 59,877 24,916 Increase 10,073 Increase 3,893 Parcels, &c. ... 281,614 56,806 Decrease 6,899 Increase 8,686 Live-stock ... 1,959,984) (Increase 65,709) Tona. !■ 398,850 \ Tons. [ Increase 31,288 Goods ... 791.300J (increase 74,140) Miscellaneous ... 27,189 ... 1,819



The Wellington-Napier district contributed £424,476; an increase in round figures of £23,000. Passengers increased by 68,000. Parcels, luggage, and mails yielded an additional £750, though the number of parcels shows a decrease of 4,000. The number of cattle increased by 3,100, and pigs by 3,600, but the sheep decreased by 55,000. Chaff, wool, grain, merchandise (13,000 tons), coal (16,000 tons), and other minerals (9,000 tons' improved, but 16,400 tons less timber and 2,800 tons less firewood were carried. The Wanganui district contributed £362,367 ; an increase of £39,000. Passengers increased by 80,000, and passenger revenue by over £9,000. Sheep increased by 112,000 and pigs by 17,000, but there was a slight falling-off in cattle. All classes of good's traffic increased, the principal improvements being in timber, which shows an increase of 15,000 tons, minerals 18,000 tons, and merchandise 9,000 tons. The business in this district shows rapid expansion generally, but particularly on the main trunk line. Auckland Section. Revenue, £439,097 ; increase, £46,749. Amount. Amount. No. £ No. £ Passengers ... 1,498,942 136,755 Increase 169,568 Increase 15,722 Season tickets 42,709 12,830 Increase 4,152 Increase 968 Parcels, &c. ... 133,972 25,815 Decrease 1,702 Increase 4,437 Live-stock ... 322,582) (Increase 53,393] Tons. \ 254,527 \ Tons. I Increase 24,041 Goods ... 571.433J (increase 51,901) Miscellaneous ... 9,170 •■• Increase 1,582 In this district the traffic continues to increase rapidly. Cattle increased by 8,592, sheep by 40,000, timber by 10,000 tons, merchandise 4,000 tons, coal 11,000 tons, and other minerals 31,000 tons. The export of butter dropped slightly in consequence of the dry season. North of Auckland Sections. Wliangarei. —Revenue, £30,566; increase, £3,639. Increases are shown in all classes of traffic. Timber increased by 9,000 tons, and coal by 13,500 tons. Kawakaiva.— Revenue, £1,984; increase, £49. The passenger revenue accounts for the increase. The coal traffic totalled only 900 tons. Kaihu.— Revenue, £4,426 ; decrease, £792. The timber traffic continues to decline owing to the exhaustion of supplies. Gisborne Section. Revenue,'£B,397 ; increase, £1,802. The increase is general in all classes of traffic. As will be seen from the table below the time-table has been maintained with punctuality : —

Average Late Arrival of Trains.


63 I < e-i =* II < Pβ s< i Period ending sriod eni iding > O o I ? S5 S ■s a a J ~ ill s*a 5 -9 Express and Mail Trains. Year ending 31st March, 3-55 I 1-22 0-98 l>86 1030 0-82 ! 1-99 0-81 | 0-98 2-18 1-44 1-43 1-32 1-43 1908 Year endhi" 31st March, 1'6S 0-48 1-04 1-49 ' 0-54 : 0-37 0-35 0-87 ' 0-64 3-09 2-52 2-48 2-52 1-39 1907 I I Long-distance Mixed Trains. Year ending 31st March, 2-43 ; 1-95 1-75 1-81 I 1-07 1-25 1-14 1-20 1-27 i 1-67 1-88 3-11 2-70 1-75 1908 Year ending 31st March, 2-33 1'33 1-54 1-63 1-37 0-87 0'57 0-83 1-06 i 2--S2 2-35 2-52 2-43 1-63 1907 Suburban Trains. Year ending 31st March, 0-52 0-36 0-53 0-40 j 0-29 0-13 i 0-23 0-18 0-20 0-53 0-38 0-73 0-51 0-38 1908 I . Year ending 31st March, 0-29 0-34 0-32 0'22 0-23 0-13 0-22 0-24 0-17 ; 0-55 0-59 0-72 0-43 0-34 1907 ' .


Stobes. Mr. H. Baxter, Stores Manager, reports as follows : — The value of stores (purchased under the Eailway vote) on hand on the 31st March, 1908, at the various depots amounted to £233,134 18s. 7d., as against £195,056 10s. sd. on 31st March, 1907, an increase of £38,078 Bs. 2d. The value of the stores on hand on account of additions to open lines amounted to £39,117 14s. 2d. on 31st March, 1908, as against £8,435 12s. 4d. on 31st March, 1907, an increase of £30,682 Is. 10d. The total value of stores on hand has therefore increased during the past year by £68,760 10s. The stock is in good order, has been carefully and systematically inspected, and is value for the amount stated.

The conduct of the staff as a whole has been very satisfactory. i I have, &c, T. Eonaynb, General Manager. The Hon. the Minister for Eailways.

iv—D. 2.




No. 1. Genera] Revenue Account. 2. General Expenditure Account. 3. Details of Classified Expenditure. 4. Classified Expenditure and Revenue, and Proportion of each Class to Mileage and Revenue. 5. Comparative Statement of Passenger and Goods Traffic. 6. Cost of Construction, Net Revenue, and Rate of Interest on Capital. 7- Expenditure under Vote "Additions to Open Lines" charged to Capital Account. 8. Return of Revenue received by Railway Department from other Government Departments. 9. Statement of Season Tickets issued. 10. Classified Maintenance Expenditure. 11. Return of Passenger Bookings at Excursion Fares. 12. Revenue and Expenditure of Stations. 13. Carriage and Wagon Stock, and Tarpaulins. 14. Locomotive Stock. 15. Comparative Statement of Mileage, Capital Cost, Earnings, and Expenditure on Colonial Railways. 16. Comparative Statement of Mileage, Capital Cost, Earnings, Expenditure, and Traffic, New Zealand Government, Railways. 17. Stores Contracts. 18. Weighing-machines, Weighbridges, Traversers and Turntables, Cranes, <fee, and Water-services. 19. Renewals of Rails. 20. Renewals and Removals of Sleepers. 21. Number of Stations and Private Sidings. 22. Mileage of Railways open for Traffic and under Maintenance. 23. Weights of Rails in various Lines. 24. Particulars of Private-siding Traffic. 25. Sleepers Laid and Removed each Year. 26. Number of Employees. 27. Accidents. 28. Locomotive Returns. 29. Traffic from Coal-mines, Hurunui-Bluff. 30. Vessels Loaded and Discharged at Different Ports, Hurunui-Bluff. 31. Mileage of Track, Main Line and Sidings, Hurunui-Bluff. 32. Alterations and Additions in Scole of Charges.

I—D. 2.



RETURN No. 1. GENEEAL EEVENUE ACCOUNT for the Year ended 31st March, 1908. To Cash m hand, freights, &c, outstanding at stations, ist April, 1907 ... ... 59,223 19 3By Q-rose payment to Public Account ... ... ... 2,944,016 19 6 ■Kevenue from passenger, parcels, and goods traffic, as per Return No. 5 ... 2,761,93718 4 Less' Collections for refund ... ... ... ... 11 7 *2,765,428 7 11 Gash in hand, freights, &c, outstanding at stations, 31st March, 1908 ... ... 55,733 9 8 £2,821,161 17 7 £2,821,161 17 7 To Net payment to Public Account 2,765,428 711 By Working expenses, as per Return No. 4 ... 104075810 Less Lash in hand, freights, &c, outstanding, ist April, 1907, as above ... 59,22319 3 Balance— Net earnings, available for interest ... '.'.' 812 179 8 o Z ~ " * Eeceipts as per Treasury Accounts ... ... £2,765,895 4 4 2,700,204 3 » Balance Reiund Account. 31st March, 1907, as below 16 988 16 5 2,782.384 0 9 Balance Refund Account. 31st March, 1908, as below 16,955 12 10 _, , . , , ~ £2,765,428 7 11 Cash in harm, freights, &c, outstanding, 31st March, 1908, as above ... ... 55,733 9 8 £2,761,937 18 4 £2,761,937 18 4 Collections for Befund to Harbour Boards, Shipping Companies, Carriers, <fee., for the Year ended 31st March, 1908. *>*- £ s. d. i Cβ. « j To Balance brought forward, ist April, 1907 ... ... ... ... ... 16,98816 5 l By Treasury payments . i,S*fi,i tc Collections for refund 178,58811 7 " Balance, 31st March, 1908, carried forward" ... ".' [" 16,9551210 8 o £195,577 8~0 H. Davidson, Chief Accountant,



RETURN? No. 2. GENEKAL EXPENDITUEB ACCOUNT for the Tear ended 31st March, 1908. Dr. £ a. A. £ s. d. , Ce. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance brought forward:— •By Payments outstanding at 31st March, 1907, brought forward ... ... 119,289 2 2 Accounts due to the Department outstanding at Ist April, 1907,— Other Government Departments, for stores, work done, &c... 24,674 14 7 Personal accounts, for stores, work done, &c. ... ... 1,227 6 4 25,902 o 11 Classified expenditure, as per Return No. 4 ... ... ... ... 1,949,758 10 4 Stock of stores on hand at Ist April. 1907 ... ... ... ... 195>°56 10 5 Recoveries to credit of Vote 18,— Other Government Departments, for stores, work done, &c. ... 311,983 15 o Payments per Treasury, Vote 18* ■■■ ... ■•■ 2 >358,570 6 2 Personal accounts, for stores, work done, &c. ... ... 45,048 9 6 Unauthorised expenditure ... ... ... ... 200 12 6 Miscellaneous recoveries ... ... ... ... 38,310 6 6 2,358,770 18 8 395.342 11 o Deposit Account—Permanent-way material ... ... ... ... 25,000 o o Deposit Account—Cash in Treasury ... ... ... ... ... ... 25,000 o o Payments outstanding at 31st March, 1908, carried forward ... ... 156,471 6 11 Balance :— Accounts due to Department outstanding at 31st March, 1908,— * Notb.— Payments per Treasury ...£2,358. $70 6 3 Other Government Departments, for stores, work done, &c. 35,384 4 6 Recoveries „ ... 395.34' " ° Personal accounts, for stores, work done, &c. ... ... 3,291 10 4 Set oharge to Vote ...£1,963,117 ij 3 3 8 > 6 7S H 10 Stock of stores in hand at 31st March, 1908 ... ... ... 233,134 18 y £2,761,200 16 11 £2,761,200 16 11 H. Davidson, Chief Accountant.



RETURN No. 3. CLASSIFIED EXPENDITURE for the Year ended 31st March, 1908.

H. Davidson, Chief Accountant

2-D. 2.

Maintenance of Way and Works. Sections. General I , Permanent- structures. Buildings. Miscellaneous, j c _ arees way. vAAi_ b o T<ir«.l Working lotai. Locomotive. Total. Working Locomotive. Locomoti ! Fuel and Water. Oil. Tallow, Fuel and Water. Oil, Tallow, _ _ _ Ti«ll A WM.1 S Locomotive Power. ive Power. Renewals . and . Repairs. Renewals and Repairs. General Charges. I I a., t, «i 11 a n««„. .Departmental Lake Wakatipu Credit T - , Carriages. Wagons. Traffic. Head Office. offices. Steamers. Recoveries. t lotBI Total. Carriages. uel and Water. on, xanow, «<>„ u 7' s * c - Uenairs. General Total Charges. Tota1 ' —"■ ltepairs. wages an: £ s. d. £ s. d. ; i 31 14 10 140 4 9 I 25 14 o 1 2,507 70 ! IOO 14 IO > 5.459 80 I 9.024 10 9 > 232 5 9 292 93 1 72 17 9 I 93 .6 4 ) I7.98I 3 3 WAGES AND SERVICES. rD SERVICES. £ s. d 55 .3 6 ' 483 8 o 145 2 1 I 10,119 5 5 242 9 3 : 26,113 18 2 32,526 13 11 I 1,805 9 1 1,408 4 10 396 11 6 624 10 2 73.921 5 11 £ s. d _ £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 3. d. 387 .79 61 2 2 93 13 3 j 73i 5 5 18 2 n 187 7 1 .. 243 n 8 2,201 18 8 2,237 6 4 j 14. 17 9 583 8 o ; 2,941 8 10 280 12 6 733 19 2 .. 112 10 4 9,431 5 10 599 19 5 205 18 4 369 8 o j 1,010 9 11 40 8 8 281 16 9 j .. 132 17 9 3,812 7 6 42,570 o 8 4,597 12 4 9,910 9 2 i 57,976 2 10 4,005 12 11 8,019 3 7 •• 2,384 15 4 187,547 14 10 1,101 14 1 191 1 4 64 3 2 : 769 3 1 76 4 o 375 11 7 : •• 004 4,193 13 1 92,486 15 2 12,431 1 5 12,578 7 4 ; 115,804 12 7,149 1 11 13,81*1 39 •• 2.586 4 10 347,695 15 3 135.195 1 I' 18,187 4 8 22,253 n 7 222,802 16 o 11,109 o 7 21,212 12 2 .. 7,476 5 3 613,038 2 8 8,803 3 10 ',523 14 9 3.°62 5 5 18,855 o 5 1,116 3 o 2,930 12 2 .. 283 5 5 56,199 2 6 6,910 14 2 395 17 5 2,915 2 3 11,388 18 7 907 o 8 2,173 n 6 .. 121 5 5 32,733 o 6 1,722 14 7 247 17 7 297 15 7 ' 4,264 3 5 189 1 8 625 13 3 •• 257 4 10 12,947 O 6 2,355 9 10 178 17 3 258 17 1 4,103 40 229 4 7 604 6 o .. 122 n 6 13,032 19 2 . .. .. .. .. •• 4,039 7 3 •• 4,039 7 3 294,370 17 11 ! 38,162 5 o 52,387 o 10 440,646 13 8 25,120 13 5 50,960 17 o 4,039 7 3 13,720 12 8 1,286,872 7 9 I . a. £ s . a £ s. ,d. £ B. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Kawakawa .. •• 569 15 5 ' '9> « .4 95 5 4 109 14 8 Whangarei .. •• 1.953 > 7 430 6 8 24 5 4 Kaihu .. •• 1.250-5 " '44 '9 1 4' '9 2 Auckland .. .. 41.864 12 10 12,669 7 3 6,381 17 3 L937 " 4 Gisbome-Karaka .. - 1.212 17 2 309 7 5 9* 13 5 o 18 o Wellington - Napier - New 62,599 7 > 21,295 8 2 | 9,702 7 1 2,419 7 ° HuS-bU .. •• 132,342131' 34,456 5 3,20,5'' 8 I 2,443 '3 9 We-tland .. .. 13,055 10 4 5,008 19 9 1,341 8 1 58510 2 Westport .. .. 5,893 4 4 1,593 17 8 4 7020 Nelson 3.87019 3 1.475 40 495 " '5 IO * pTcto" " .. •■ 3,582 14 5 I.490 17 8! 21418 4 137 ' 6 Lake Wakatipu Steamers.. .. -j I •• ■ | Totals .. •• 268,195 2 3 79.06519 3 39.924 '5 4 7,719 8 6; £ s. d. £ s. d. 966 1 9 ; 300 9 5 2,625 3 7 ! 1,613 .3 7 1,437 4 2 I 429 3 4 62,853 8 8 j 29,943 8 3 1,615 16 o 758 10 2 j 96,016 9 4 ; 60,913 9 o 189,754 ! ° i 93.643 17 3 I 20,191 8 4 6,765 9 o 8,163 1 4 : 5,2io o 1 5,856 19 3 1,253 5 4 5,425 11 11 ; 1,637 3 4 394,90.5 5 4 202,468 8 9 £ a. d. 31 14 10 140 4 9 25 14 o 2,507 7 o 100 14 10 5.459 « ° 9,024 10 9 232 5 9 292 9 3 72 17 9 93 16 4 £ s. d. ; £ s. d 55 13 6 ■ 483 8 o 145 2 1 10,119 5 5 242 9 3 ; 26,113 18 2 32,526 13 11 I 1,805 9 ' 1,408 4 10 396 11 6 624 10 2 £ s. d. £ s. d. 387 17 9 2,237 6 4 599 19 5 42,570 o 8 1,101 14 3 92,486 15 2 135,195 i 11 8,803 3 '° 6,9IO 14 2 1,722 14 7 2,355 9 IO £ s. d. 61 2 2 141 17 9 205 18 4 4,597 I2 4 191 1 4 12,431 1 5 18,187 4 8 i>523 14 9 395 17 5 247 17 7 178 17 3 J STOB RES. Kawakawa .. •• I 104 4 o | 145 9 ' | 36 19 9 "412 61 Whangarei .. .. 328 6 1 88 .7 3 65 19 a >2 a .1 Kaihu 258 13 4 94 11 8 47 8 o . Auckland .. .. 27,792 8 o 5,284 8 2 5.034 7 ° 2,6031710 Gisbome-Karaka .. 16 5 6 2 14 4 32 4 10 60 15 9 , Wellington - Napier - New 35,76517 6 6,07718 217,375 5 1 j 2,533 9 o Plymouth , ! o o Hurunui-Bluff .. •• 93.862 13 3 ",199 ' « «.o6o o o 5,510 8 8 Westland .. •• 5.024 6 7 2,791 6 11 | 1,010 o 4 41. 13 4 Westport .. •• 4,885.7 7 579 12 5 >5 4 <<7" 5 Nelson 1.624 -3 5 328 7 5 285 3 ' 27 6 9 Picton 1-234 11 5 5M 15 2 62 6 8 193 3 5 Lake Wakatipu Steamers.. •• ■• -j Totals ..' .. 170,897 16 8 28,107 2 6 25,257 9 3 u,547 > 7 _i 411 54 495 5 5 . 400 13 o j 40,713 1 0 112 o 5 51,752 9 9 122,632 3 10 9,237 7 2 5,780 16 9 I 2,265 10 8 2,006 16 8 I 235,809 10 o 140 3 4 17 8 7 860 on 92 8 9 226 16 7 16 15 8 32,755 15 9 1,622 9 8 495 18 8 38 16 8 72,221 o 7 4,179 10 11 92,434 17 1 5,620 4 8 2,534 3 11 356 3 9 1,944 85 330 2 n 1,146 13 4 69 10 o 1,328 17 8 140 2 o 206,088 16 3 12,483 13 7 7 .5 10 247 4 3 22 8 .1 6,103 3 1 152 16 2 ! 13,928 11 11 I 21,085 .2 1 870 O 3 ; 655 19 8 217 2 II 255 4 3 ! 43.545 '9 4 1 165 7 9 9 12 1 39 3 4 38 13 3 •• •• •• 9 .6 3 654 5 6 1,199 13 11 112 17 4 405 14 o 275 8 2 .. .. •• IS 6 2 2,470 12 8 266 1 2 ! 148 4 1 127 17 3 60 8 1 .. ■■ •• ■• 1.003 3 7 40,481 8 6 2,797 8 o 8,404 1 1 7.317 18 9 •• •• •■ I -702 6 8 98,01310 S 687 n 61 79 9 11 38 19 1 91 1 3 •• •• •• ••, ,i'°°9 a 2 90,329 3 5 I 8,445 5 4 6,541 15 8 15,010 10 2 .. •• 8,009 6 3 164,069 18 1 119,140 13 10 i 9,873 7 7 11,33011 7 1 24,26515 1 .. ■■ •• 12,81010 2 274,432 1 9 3,760 7 n I 750 11 1 2,227 2 3 ' 2,507 19 3 .. ■ •• 164 7 11 18,318 19 9 2,93011 o 100 16 8 770 1 7 89517 o .. .. ■• 1,16012 7 9,31710 5 .,433 fi i -°5 16 6 117 18 II 420 15 2 .. .. •• 543 l 5 5 3,799 12 1 1,724 311 65 9 6 143 3 7 276 15 5 •• •• •• ! 57 19 5 4,058 9 8 986 10 o 12 13 o 973 17 o 262,118 9 2 22,48818 1 30,146 8 4 51,161 17.. .. 98610 o 24,5891310 578,121 3 4 Kawakawa .... ■• * 'j* Whangarei .. 3 .1 « •• ;; ;; «g _7 _uo_U*d !. !! 220 75! 46 4 3 ' ■' - 37 8 5 ; 758 9 1 Gisbome-Karaka .. •• •• • | •• ™ *_ J Wellington - Napier - New 236 14 9 i M© 13 - I 5 9 2, 25.0 7 j 1,246 18 7 HumnuT-Blufl .. .. 7* 3 • 205 .3 ' j «6 14 4 «4 7 6 3 .'59 a 2 Westland .. •• 28 12 3 ! 21 16 7 ' » 4 4 3 '7 » 4'7 16 2 We port .. .. 62176; 52.22 080 02,1 16.17.0 Nelson .. .. •• 2. 17 2 ! 467 •• OI 7 47 6 9 Picton o .. 5 j •- •• o 7 7 35 5 o Lake Wakatipu Steamers.. • • • • - •• Totals .. •• 1.294 3 4 47. 5 10 25 7 8 151 16 6 5,902 8 9 Grand totals .. 440,387 2 3 107,644 7 7 65,207 12 3 19,41s 6 7 5,902 8 9 2 14 5 54 '9 9 814 1,064 .o 16 17 4 I 1,655 63 4,182 03 473 7 3 277 18 5 73 12 1 36 4 o 7,845 2 1 1 638,559 17 5 202,468 8 9 2 14 5 54 '9 9 814 1,064 10: 16 17 4 I 1,655 63 MISCELL 047 1 19 8 072 27 13 6 1 13 o 47 1.5 1 047 1 19 8 072 27 13 6 1 13 o 47 15 1 MISCELLANEOUS. 098 25 17 4 2 17 4 1,708 7 10 45 5 6 3.934 19 3 -iANEOUS. 098 25 17 4 2 17 4 1,708 7 10 45 5 6 3.934 .9 3 : 1 8 4 22 O 8 3 2 10 437 '7 7 6 1 2 816 10 2 I 8 . 22 O I 3 2 II 437 17 : 6 1 : 816 10 4 227 o 14 2 546 29 14 5 .. •• •• •• 40 10 1 8 49 17 8 31 7 5 49 10 1 154 7 7 •• •'• •• •• 340 2 6 to 674 17 19 2 21 n 9 20 o 7 .. .. •• •• 74 o 2 7 2,173 18 n 690 17 1 2,331 1 n 6,674 14 2 .. _. •• " 12,934 13 1 2 52 19 8 24 7 10 13 8 o 488 5 3 .. •• •• •• 595 18 1 2 4,799 4 6 1,566 18 7 1,591 12 2 9,611 17 11 .. .. .. •• .9,224 19 5 40 10 1 340 2 6 74 o 2 •• 12.934 '3 1 595 '8 1 19.224 19 5 4,182 03 473 7 3 277 18 5 73 12 1 36 4 o 25 1 8 .. 23 1 11 2121 25 1 8 23 in 2 12 1 7.34' 13 9 83 11 1 74 2 2 15 »9 » 47 9 1 7.34' '3 9 1. 83 n 1 74 2 2 15 19 11 47 9 1 1,186 8 1 94 16 6 84 15 8 14 14 2 17 12 o ,186 8 94 16 ( 84 15 i 14 14 ■ 17 12 1 1 8,553 3 6 4,58518 7 5.72615 6 21,190 41*.. .. .. •• 44.238 in 6 201 9 6 92 9 9 5401810} 1,792 010 .. .. .. •• 3,ioo o 2 8 161 9 11 Cr. 85 o 9 346 8 9 2,030 16 11 .. .. .. 2,731 13 3 2 30 14 1 14 n 2 19 4 3 352 17 5 •• •• •• 49oi9 o o 65 I . 16 10 o 31 o 7 481 2 4 .. .. .. •• 629 IS o afia T7 7 . . ana. 17 7 '< 44.238 1 n 3,100 6 2 2,731 13 3 490 19 o .. ' .. 629 18 o 363 17 7 •• 3 fi 3 17 7 363 17 7 ■• 3 n 3 17 7 5,902 8 9 7,845 2 1 130 8 8 130 8 8 13,280 12 11 13,280 12 n 2,1 2,685 7 2 ,685 7 : 2 16,096 8 9 6,956 13 o 10,676 16 4 42,826 16 .. .. 363 '7 7 •• 84,764 ig 3 42,826 i 6 363 17 7 •• 84,764 [9 3 q 224,200 8 2 12,483 13 7 130,747 .8 2 2,1 2,685 7 2 ,685 7 : 2 572,585 15 10 67,607 16 1 93.2.0 5 6 534.633 16 9 25,120 13 5 50.960 17 o 5.389 14 10 38,310 6 6 1,949,75 s 10 4 534.633 16 9 25,120 13 5 50,960 17 o 5,389 14 10 38,310 6 6 i,949.75 s '° 4 19,41s 6 7 5,902 8 9 638,559 17 5 202,468 8 9 224,200 8 2 12,483 13 7 130,747 '8 2



RETURN No. 4. CLASSIFIED STATEMENT showing Revenue and Expenditure, and Proportion of each Class of Expenditure to Mileage and Revenue, for the Year ended 31st March, 1908.

H. Davidson, Chief Accountant.

Mileage. u _ — A. ° • Sentloa. J a giB j TraintS I mileage. t f I B J R,Te__e. Claasifi-d Expenditure. ' T I Per Mile j -j Kepairs **_ - ■£» j -— Hlr -5S5.. h —• Annum E- Wacom. (Average), t / m Claasined Expenditure. Proporti, Less Departmental -„ dit -,_,_, Offices. RecoTeries. Proportion of each Clasn of Expenditure to Mileage and Revenue. _____ , Maintenance. Locomotive. Carriages and Wagons •BandWagons! Traffic. Heart Office. Departmental Offices. Credit Recoveries. Total. Repairs . — *— ' *" *" * I *&. _?__ —*-«:-_«_. «- ■ ii ,iiiii_ jsiiji, uniii w »t.° n »' . _S -_!_ : S a _| S«_ - = -,2 E«_l. a : ! Z* '&*tz z* «£ s. * £" £ w _.!<2 Si! I_ Ii s-ll fo\ -I ll! Id if |51 !_ if Ml I. 11 - 1 * J, 1907-8. Kawakawa ... ... 8 6,984 Whangarei ... ... 23 59,17" Kaihu ... ... I 17 I3,596 Auckland ... ... 3951,163,824 ftisborne-Karaka ... 20 27,466 Welling to n-Napier-New Plymouth ... 4902,207,607 Hurunui-Bluff .. 1,2883,135,6631 Wetland ... ... 125 198,933 Westport. ... ... 31 108,872 Nelson ... ... 43 63,669 Pii-ton ... 34, 65,489 £ s. d. £ ». d.l s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d., 1,984 6 2 248 o 9 5 8± 1,380 1 6 555 8 1 209 9 6 799 13 .1 18 2 11 30,566 6 11,32819 5.0 4 3,175 8 9 3,48617" L324.4 7 3.371 4 7 280.2 6, 4426 .0 8 260 7 8 6 6j .,845 18 6 872 7 11 890 18 7 1,090 .87 40 8 8. 439,097 1 91,112 14 5 7 6i 104,632 10 8 85,225 8 1 28,731 9 7 7L968 15 9 4,005 .2 11 8,39619 8 427 4106 i_ 1,74413 9 ..842 5 5 4>. 9 4 .,348 9 7 76 4 o; 786,842 14 61,609 4 3 7 ii '49,424 5 4.87,615 3 ' 43,155 ° $ l i°'4 2 * 9 3 7.'49 ' " 1,218,903 3 9 946 7 17 9t 3i6,568 5 .262,88819 3 7',957 9 6268,25815 211,109 o 7: 121,205 .9 7 970 10 1012 2_ 29,902 2 9 12,765 1 3 8,197 2 i 1 23,.55 o 6 1,116 3 o 97,970 19 63,160 12 1018 o 14,221 16 6 10,002 15 1 4,443 5 " I4,3'5 >2 6 907 o 8 20,756 8 iof 482 14 26 6J 8,196 2 o 3,186141. 803 4 o 5,03716 o 189 1 8 25,14. >7 5 739 9 4 7 8* 7,468 12 7 4,144 '4 >o 693 .8 o 4,861 1 9 229 4 7 £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ s. dJ £ s. dJ £ s. d. £ £ d. I £ C d. , £ £ d. 209 9 6 799 13 I 18 2 n 187 7 r 253 7 11 2,896 14 3 69-55,172-5047-431 2 7'99 09-43 i9'o8| 1056 2618 7-20 1324 14 7 3371 4 7 280 12 6 733 19 2 130 16 6 12,242 1 o 10-39 .38-06.2-88 11-41151001414 4-33 57-60 5-37 890 18 7 1,090 .87 40 8 8. 281 16 9 132 17 9 4,889 11 3 4i'70 108-5832-58 .97' 5'-3"540 20.3 52-41.1573 9 7 71,96815 9.4,005 12 11 8,019 3 7! 4,087 2 0:298,495 18 7 2383 265-1521-58 i9'4' 2'5'97 '7_7 6-54 7281 5-92 4,1 9 4 1 1,348 97 76 4 o; 375" 7J 004; 5,798i3 4 2078 88-77.5-25 2194 93'74'6-.o 4-90 20-93 359 43,155 o 61140,426 9 3 7,149 . 1.13,816 3 9'lo,595 " 1:530,99012 9 18-991305-6016-24 23-843837020-40 548 8826 4-69 7.957 9 6268,25815 211,109 o 721,21212 220,28615 s 931,708 6 4 25-97:245-7824-23 21-57204-1120-12 5-90 55-87 5-51 8,-97 2 i 1 23,155 o 6 1,116 3 o 2,930 12 2 447 13 4 77.6i8 8 5 24-67:239-4336-08 1053 .02-2. 15-40 6-76 65-64 9-89 4,443 5 11 14,315 12 6 907 o 8 2,173 " 6 '.a 8 ' '8 o 44,782 4 2 14-521458-77 31-35 10-21322-67 22-05 4-53I43-33 9-79 803 4 o 5,03716 o 189 1 8 62513 3 801 o 3 17,237" 7 39-49;i90'6_30-90 IS"3S 74*« «a*i 3-87 .8-683-03 69318 o. 4,861 19 229 4 7 604 6 o 280 10 11 17,721 610 2971 219-6727-37 16-49!.21-91 .5-19 2-76 2041 2-54 1608.8 1 7534,63316 925,12013 550.96017 038,29713 61,944,381 8 6 23-18258-3.2173 2078231-6219-49 5-84 6505 5-47 5-377 1 'o ',949.758 'Q 4 : : ; 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 3. d. 187 7 » 253 7 u: 2,896 14 3 733 '9 2 130 16 6 12,242 1 o 281 16 9! 132 17 9 4,889 11 3 ; 8,019 3 7I 4.087 2 o; 298,495 18 7 375 11 7! 00 4I 5,798 13 4 13,816 3 9! 10,595 " " 530,990 I 2 9 21,212 12 220,286 15 5 931,708 6 4 2,930 12 2 447 13 4 77.6i8 8 5 2,173 11 6j 1,281 18 o 44,782 4 2 625 13 3 801 o 3 17,237 11 7 604 6 o 280 10 11 17,721 6 10, £ d. £ £ d. £ £ d. £ i £ d. £ £ d. £ ; £ d. 2618 7-20 40-30 99-96127-48 0-91 a-"7 0-62 9-44 23-42 6-4412-77! 31-67 8-71 145-98 36209 99-54 57-60 5-37 1103146-5813-67; 092 12-20! ri4| 240 : 31-91 2-98 0-431 5-69 0-53 4005 532-26 4965 52-411573 24-64! 64-1719-26 091 ; 2-381071; 6-37, 1658 4-98 3-001 7-81 2-35110-46 28762 8631 72-81 5-92 16-39182-38 14-84, o-oi ' 10-15' °'83 .'83 20-32. 1-65 0-93 ' 10-36 0-84 67-98 756-42 61-55 20-93 359 1606 6861 1178] 0-91 388 067 4-47 19-1 1 328 ... j 6906! 29504 5067 8826 4-69 17-85:2871915-27, 0-91 1462 078 176: 2826 150 1-35 2167 1-15 67-481,08506 57-73 55' 8 7 5*51 22-01,208-2820-53: 0-91 8-62 085 1-74 1647 162 r66 15-75 ''55 76-44 723-38 71-31 65-64 9-89 19-111185-41 2793 oo2 894 1-35 242: 2347 3-53 037 3-58 0-54 6404 62V52 93-64 '43'33 9'79 '4'6'46i*793r_6 093 2926 1 2-00 2-22' 7012 479 1-31 41-35 2-82 45-71 1,444-59 98-72 1,8-68 3-03 2427 11715; 1899! 091 4-40 071 302 1455 2-36 3-86' 18-63 3°2 83-05 400-87 64-98 20-41 2-54 1933 142-97 17-82, 091 674! 084 240 17-77 2-21 I'll 8-25: 1-03 70-49 521-22 6494 6505 5'47 '9'40,2i6 27 1820 091 1016 086 185 2061 173 1-39 15-49! 1-30 70-57 78653 66'i8 1 ! j ... 8102 ~. Totals ... ... 2,4747,051,2742,755.301 7 1.j Lake Wakatipu Steamers ... j ... 6,636 10 5 2.7S5-301 7 " 6,636 10 5 1,114 11 079. 638,559 '7 5 [572,585 15 10 ' 2.76i,937 '8 4 1 1 ! a.76i,937 '8 4 1 .906-7. -t s. »• Kawakawa ... ... 8 6,290 1,935 '5 Oj Whangarei ... ... 23 53-779 26,927 6 4 Kaihu ... ... 17 13,485 5>2'8 10 8 Auckland ... ... 3931,013.265 39 2 .347 6 4 G-iiborne-Karaka ... 18 24,768 6,594 n 9 Wellington-Napier-New Plymouth ... 48412,111,414 724,58716 9 Hurunui-Bluff ... .,28313,124,373 1,220,466 311 Westland ... ... 124 184,022 102,977 6 8 Westport ... ... 31 105,205 92,620 7 2 Nelson ... "... 43 56.628 19,375 o 9 Picton ... ... 34 62,225 25,39. 4 o £ 8. d. 241 19 4 1,170 15 I 306 19 6 998 6 9 366 7 4 1,497 1 8 967 12 s 860 7 o 2,987 15 1 490 o 7 746 16 o 8. d. 6 ii 10 oi 7 9 7 9 5 4 6 ioi 7 9* 11 2i 17 7* 6 10 8 2 £ a. d. 822 18 7 3,097 '8 3 1,701 2 2 96,622 7 s 2,038 3 8 153,158 5 7 303-51° 7 4 26,053 10 4 12.149 15 4 7,668 5 7 7,067 5 11 £ 8. d. 5'4 ' 4 3,189 4 2 914 12 9 67,722 14 8 1,465 3 2 169,618 5 2 250,082 2 7 12,106 2 11 9.365 17 9 2,941 5 2 4,180 7 7 ii! . £ s. dJ £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. £ £ J d. £ £ d. £ £ d. , 223 18 4 767 1 9 1 18 2 7 212 12 4 231 1 o 2,327 13 1. 42-51 102-8631-40 26-56 64-2619-62 11-57 2 7'99 8-54| 1,250 8 6 2,927 5 3) 257 . 7 703 65 105 8 1 11,31916 1 11-51 134 69.383 11-84138-6614-23 4-6454-375-58, 303 14 i, 1,165 1 i 1 49 13 11 312 13 .0 102 o 9 4,344 17 1 32601000730-28 1753 530016-281 5-82 1787 5-40 18,582 14 9 1 60,979 18 3 3,726 7 4 7,271 8 2 3,403 6 1 251,502 4 6 24632458622-89 17-26 172-32 16 04. 474 4728 440, 354 05 874 8 8 62 2 3 256 o 7 490 5,045 9 9 30- 9 i;i 13-23 1975 2222 81-4014*20 5'37 '9 - 67 3'43 30956 19 7127,669 4 11 6,808 15 1113,074 '7 4 9,6i7 2 5 500,669 6 1 2r.4316-44.741 2341350-45 19-28; 5-51 82-56 4-541 61,095 iS 7257,939 6 611,494 1 921,03016 417,639 2 s 887,513 7 8 24-87240-6323-3. 20-49198-2719-21: 501 4844 4-69! 7618 o 7 19,747 3 11 983 8 n 2,58. 23 463 4 3 68,626 4 8 25-30 217-673398 '.7510114 .5 79 7-40 6365 993: 4707 o 4 12,92319 3 892 9 1 2,044.9 2 437 9 8 41,64611 3 13-12391-932772 .0-11302 1221-37 5-08151-841074 780 o o 4,890 18 6 182 10 6 573 2 o 481 4 " i6,S54 16 10 39 58,.93'9432-5o .5'8 74_9 ia/47 402 1973 330: 92019 9 5,057 78 241 3 3 599 4 5 217 o 7 17,849 8 o 27-83 207-86 27-26 1646122-95 16-12 363 2709 355 d. £ 19-62 11-57 14-23 4-64 i6-28| 5-82 id 04 474 >4*ao 5'37 ■9'a8 5"5' 19-31 5-01 '5 79 7'40 21 -37 5-08 12-47, 4' 02 16-12 3-63 .8-55 5'.9 £ d. * £ d. £ £ d. I £ £ d. : £ £ d. £ £ i d. 27"99 8-541 39-63 95'88;29-27 094 ; 2-27 0-69! 10-98! 26-58 811 11-94 28-88 8-8i 120-25 29096: 88-82 54'37 S'5 8 , 10-87 127271306. 0-96 ■ n-i8 115 2'6i 30-58 3-14 039 4-58 047 4204 49217 1 5052 '7' 8 7 5'40 22-33 68-5320-74 005 2-92 088; 5-99: 18-39 5'57 i'9 6 .600 1-82 83-26 255-58: 7733 47-28 4'40 ( i5'54 | .55''7'4'44| 0-95 9-48, o'88J 1-85! 18-50 1-72' 0-87 866 o-8o 64-10 639-95! 5957 19-67 3-43 1326 48-58 8-471 °'94 345 060 1 3-88' 14-22 248] 007 0-25 0-04 76-51 280-30! 4889 82-56 4-54! 17-62263-7814-51; 0-94 14-07 0-77, 1-81. 27-01 1-49' 1-33 19-87 1-09 69-10:1,034-44 56-91 4844 4-69. 21-13204-501981 0-94 911 088! 1-72! 16-68 1-62! 1-44 1398 1-35 72-72: 703-65! 68-17 63' 6 5 9'93 ; '9 >8.64 9825-75 095 8-22 1-28: 2-51! 21-57! 3-37 0-45 3-87 060 66-64; 573'36 89-50 151-841074 13-95416-9029-48' 096 2879 203 221 65-97 4' 6 7, 0-47 14-11 100 44961,34344! 9501 .973 3'30| 25-24123-7020-73 0-94 ; 4-62 077; 2-96 14-49 2-43' 2-48 12-17 2-04 85-44 4i8-7o : 70-16 2 7'°9 3'55; '9'9 2 '48-75'9'5i: 095 7-09 093 1 2 36 1 1762; 2-31 p8$ 638 084 70-30; 524-98 68-84 5591 4-82' 18-902038017-58 094 10-18 o-»8 : i-86 20-04 1-73 125 1347 ri6 69-03 744-23 64-21 8_S3 69-o6| Totals ... ... 2,4586,755,454,2,618,441 9 4 Lake Wakatipu Steamers 6,158 13 8 2,4586,755,454,2,618,441 9 4 6,158 13 8 1,078 3 n 7 9 613,890 o 2,522,099 17 3 135,793 11 H494,94i 15 9 24,715 17 148,660 21032,701 9 21,807,3991510 23-45352-78ar8i 19-94: 5,081 19 6 ... ... 214-99 2,624,600 3 o 1,812,481 15 4



RETURN No. 5. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT of Passenger and Goods Traffic for the Year ended 31st March, 1908.

H. Davidson, Chief Accountant.

3-D. 2.

Sections. _ of I J* First Class, Passeng, Secoi Lire. ■Stock, Gcods, _c. :rs. Parcels, _c. Parcels, _c. _i-e 1907-8. Miles. Single. Return. I Single. Return. No. No. , No. No. Kawakawa ... 8 813 298 "4,146 6,326 ",583 26 147 63 Whangarei ... 23 12,440 8,746 30,429 39,608 91,223 628 2,507 3 Kaihu ... ... 17 755 1,196 16,165 13,764 31,880 85 2,117 42 Auckland... ... 395 70,541 75-524 499-39' 853,486 .1,498,942 42,709125,940 '1,935 Gisborne—Karaka... 20 3,457 3-668, 31,941 35-592 ' 74.658 658, 2,127 7 Wellington-Napier- 490 166,493 44o,5'4 737-436',831,520 3, 175,963 59,877255,268 7,093 New Plymouth Hurunui-Bluff ... 1,288 167,418 543,428 823,8202,631,126 4,165,792 74,8.9,5.0,064 8, 194 Westland... ... 125 10,450 19,580 94,831 212,008 ! 336,869 4,619 18,654 502 Westport ... 31 603 2,178 25,307 73.510 101,598 419 5,457: 39 Nelson ... ... 43 2,357 6,660 33,739 71,220 113,976 9°4 5." "4 Picton ... ... 34 7,260 22,732 27,523 75,126 132,641 406 3,006 280 Lake Wakatipu ... 1,837 9,970 2,688 7,096 21,591 24 6,405 171 Steamers — 1 Totals ... 2,474 444,424 ','344942,327,4'65,8SO,382 9,756,716 185,174937,565 18,423 . I I I 1 '_ 1906-7. Kawakawa .... 8 656 308J 3,163 4,536 8,663 27 368 71 Whangarei ••• 23 11,016 : 7,594 28,353 38,958 j 85,921 553 2,313 13 Kaihu ... ••• 17 722 1,546 14,32' 12,322 28,911 62 1,758 51 Auckland... ... 393 60,332 68,210443,014 757,818 1,329,374 38,557128,366 1,763 Gisbome-Karaka ... 18 2,603 4,'62 28,974 33,182 68,921 2,143 " Wellington-Napier- 484 145,238 404,932 696,7681,781,584 3,028,522 49,804265.261 6,917 New Plymouth Hurunui-Bluff ... 1,283 182.314 576,S9 6 851,4852,774,260 4,384,65s 71,271491,733 8,028 Westland.. ... 124 9,290 18,490 89,709 188,008 305,557 3,427 18,882 479 Westport ••• 31 370 1,384 23,371 70,6221 95,747 339 S> .94 18 Nelson ... ■•• 43 2,115 5-900 31.587! 72,77 2 "2,374 55° 5>°o' Picton ... ... 34 6,750 24,762 28,449 71,476 131,437 221 2,301 230 Lake Wakatipu ... 1,706 10,120 2,960 5,918 20,704 4. 5,709 133 Miles. Single. Return. Single. 8 813 298 -4,146 23 12,440 8,746 30,429 17 755 1,196 16,165 395 7o-54i 75-524 499.391 2') 3-457 3-668, 31,941 490 166,493 440,5.4 737.436 : Total Season ,d Class. Total. Tickets. p_ rcels . Horses. Carriages.! Return. No. No'. ! No. No. No. 6,326 ".583 26 147 63 8 39,608 91,223 628 2,507 3 I 13,764 31,880 85 2,117 . 42 4 853,486 1,498,942 42,709125,940 1,935 I50 a35-592 74.658 658 2,127 7 1,831,520 3,175,963 59,8771255,268 7,093 1,117 2,631,126:4,165,792 74,819,510,064 8, 194 1,432 212,008 ! 336,869 4,619 18,654 502 47 73,510 101,598 419 5,457 39 1 71,220 113,976 904 5- s 7,i "4 36 75,126 .32,64. 406 3,006 280 10 7,096 21,591 24 6,405 171 23 No. 8 1 4 150 1,117 L432 47 1 36 10 23 2,829 15 2 6 123 1 9.1 1,260 : 43 53 1 .9 _. Equivalent Uogs. Total. ''J--'*'. Cattle. ! Calves. Sheep. Pigs. Total. Tonnage for Chaff, Lime, &c. Wool. &c - I Live-Stock, Jcc. I I I No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Tons c. q. | Tons .c. q. j Tons c. q. 70 288 1 68 1 2,676 4 2,750 130 8 O 618 O O 135 2,646 23 192 5 1,434 159 1,813 139 9°, 888 0 o . 160 2,323 8 111 303 ... 323 j 19 17 o| 360 0 0 580 5.947 .33.972 582 42,937 4,712 269,735 5,198 323,164125,836 6 023,837 o o 1,931 16 o 509 2,643 " 5° 3 3,880 164 4,108 184 1 o 240 00 1,158 4 o 18,136 281,614 544 44,929 4.943 1,832,242 77,870 1,960,528 91,900 o 0:35,342 o o 29,351 4 o 20,437 540,1271,179 44,020 6,649 2,363,366 41,886 2,457,100 111,805 8 090,198 o o 84,303 4 o 844 20,047 69 1,733 37 16,000 359 18,198 1,268 7 o: 2,802 00 146 o o 205 5,702 11 19 4 1,948 ... 1,982 89 18 o 666 00 473 6,476 18 40 7 8,247 21 8,333 .353 8 o 2,634 00 498 8 o 629 3,925 79 258 4 80,231 317 80,889 3,347 13 011,420 o o 2,811 o o 221 6,820 5 127 1 13,038 9 13,180 566 15 o 762 o o 388 o o No. No. i No. 70 288 I 135 2,646 23 160 2,323 8 5.947 133.972 582 : 509 2,643 i' 18,136 281,614 544 i 20,437 540,1271,179 844 20,047 69 205 5,702 11 473 6,476 18 629 3,925 79 221 6,820 5 47,766 1,006,5832,530 1 61 S'5 3 2,414 14 .15 1,930 6 5,422 135674 '531 478 1 2,633 1 15,424 1288,513 619 18,408 5.9,429 1 474 749 20,153 44 153 5,365 13 333 6, 343 21 674 3.212 178 6,039 6 No. No. No. No. No. Tons c. q. I Tons .0 q. Ions c. q. ions c. q. ions c. q. ions c. q. ions e. u. 68 1 2,676 4 2,750 130 8 o 618 o o ... 114 o o 333 10 o 1,052 15 o 1,828 2 o 192 s 1,434 159 1,813 139 9° 888 o o . .. ',350 o o 1 39,992 9 o 2,414 19 o 3,384 12 o 11 1 303 ... 323 ; .9 .7 oi 360 00 580 618 o o 8,001 9 o 774 10 o 2,028 17 o 42,937 4,712 269,735 5,198 323,164 25,836 6 0:23,837 o o 1,931 16 o 12,396 o o 79,825 7 o 78,625 19 o 79,574 1 o 50 3 3,880 164 4,108 184 10 240 o o 1,158 4 o 1,002 o o 1,827 10 o 1,462 15 o 1,957 3 o 44,929 4,943 1,832,242 77,870 1,960,528 91,900 o 0135,342 o o 29,351 4 o 46,594 o 0 1165,063 5 o 115,776 15 o 193,739 12 o 44,020 6,649 2,363,366 41,886 2,457,100 111,805 8 0:90,198 o o 84,303 4 o 31,880 o o 197,773 o o 500,984 60 440.305 17 o 1,733 37 16,000 359 18,198 1,268 7 o 2,802 00 146 o o 1,806 o o 114,005 18 o 8,145 I 2 ° 17,137 6 o 19 4 1,948 ... 1,982 89 18 o 666 o o ... 5,952 o o 2,455 2 o . 2,337 6 o 5,009 3 o 40 7 8,247 21 8,333 353 8 o 2,634 o o 498 8 o 4,620 o o , 4,090 12 o 8,058 11 o 3>57 8 13 ° 258 4 80,231 317 80,889 3,347 '3 011,420 o o 2,811 o o 3,774 o o I 2,936 16 o 17,867 5 o 7,340 7 o 127 1 I 13,038 9 13,180 566 15 o 762 o o 388 o o 48 o o 587 o o 2,067 17 o 1,763 5 o 134,384 16,367 '4,593,100 .25,987 4,872,368 235,64110 o j 169,767 o o 120,593 4 o .10,154 o o 616,891 18 o 739.568 10 o 757,646 18 o 39 1 3,583 ... 3,626 157 17 o 300 00 41 o o 72 o o ! 608 17 o 1,332 13 o 1,718 5 o 178 2 1,756 105 2,055 >4° 18 o 1,584 00 o 12 o 798 o o 30,977 14 o 2,316 19 o j 3,077 4 o 20 33 4 ... 63 11 9 o 666 00 600 1,212 o o : 12,196 15 o j 715 11 o i,957 8 o 35'5i9 3.538 228,581 1,551 269,720 21,487 7 o 30,332 o o 1,549 16 o 11,432 o o 70,248 o o | 77,417 13 ° ! 75,624 19 o 34 ... 744 156 935 47 17 o 264 o o 659 4 o 870 o o 1,061 14 o 1,300 2 o j 1,155 6 o 40,347:4,699 1,793,884 55,345 1,894,894 87,962 12 o 33,008 o o 27,901 o o '48,008 o o 164,158 14 o 110,547 7 0(171,838 6 o 40,176 6,361 2,528,955 57,661 2,634,327 117,76114 078,192 o o 94,595 S o {28,656 o o 190,153 1 o 542,700 11 o ;423,468 6 o 1,677 64 12,618 156 14,559 1,095 3 0,3,438 o o 185 16 o 1,678 o o j 89,151 6 o, 7,349 6 0,14.95917 o 22 1 1,125 3 1,164 59 o o .,206 o o ... 6, .178 o o 2,853 8 o 2,241 9 o| 3,529 15 o 28 32 6,004 26 202 13 0 2,208 o o 465 12 o 4,678 o o ; 3,518 18 o j 8,069 2 o ! 3,907 15 o 129 4 75,859 210 76,266 3,1.7 19 o 16,926 o o 2,330 o o 5,454 o o 2,402 8 o 14,412 3 o | 9,426 12 o 121 6 7,888 9 8,030 359 10 o 192 o o 426 12 o ... 504 3 o 2,303 12 o 1,735 1 o Firewood. limber. Grain. Merchandise. Minerals. Total. Tonnage. Tons c. q. ■ Tons c. q. ' Tons c. q. i Tons c. q. , Tons c. q Tons c. q. Tons c. q. 114 o o 333 10 o 1,052 15 o 1,828 2 o i 979 19 o 4,926 6 o 5>°S6 14 o 1,350 o o 1 39,992 9 o 2,414 19 o 3,384 12 o 112,318 2 o 160.348 2 o 160,487 11 0 618 o o 8,001 9 o 774 10 o 2,028 17 o 165 5 o n,953 9 o ii,973 6 o 12,396 o o 79,825 7 o 78,625 19 o 79,574 1 o '. 295,242 17 0 571,433 o o 597-269 6 o 1,002 o o 1,827 10 o 1,462 15 o 1,957 3 o : 5,850 9 o 13.498 1 o j 13,682 2 o 46,594 o 01165,063 5 o 115,77615 o 193,73912 o 205,433 13 o 791,300 9 o 883,200 9 o 1,288 167,418 543,428 823,820 125 10,450 19,580 94,831 31 603 2,178 25,307 43 2,357 6,660 33,739 34 7,260 22,732 27,523 1,837 9,970 2,688 31,880 O O 197,773 O O 60 440.305 17 0 ! 641,064 15 OjI.986.509 2 O |2,098.314 10 O 1,806 o o 114,005 18 o 8,14512 0 17,137 6 o j 394,091 2 o 538,13318 0! 539,402 5 o 5,952 o o ■ 2,455 2 o 2,337 6 o 5,009 3 o ! 646.392 11 o. 662,812 2 o ' 662.902 o o 4,620 o o . 4,090 12 o 8,058 11 o 3,578 13 o| 8,372 13 o 31,852 17 o j 32,206 5 o 3,774 o o I 2,936 16 o 17,867 5 o 7,340 7 o 8,872 5 oj 55.021 13 o ! 58.369 6 o 48 o o 587 o o 2,067 17 o 1,763 5 o j 1,129 3 o 6,745 5 o 7>3' 2 o o 2,474 444,424 I-134494 2,327,416 _____ * - — 47,766 1,006,583 2,530 134,384 16,3674,593,100 125,987 4,872,368 235,64110 o j 169,767 o o 120,593 4 o 110,154 o o 616,891 18 o 739,568 10 o 757,646 18 o I _ I I 2,319,912 14 04,834,534 4 o 5,070,175 14 o 764 H o 4,837 9 0 4,995 6 o 98,870 19 o 137,625 8 o 137,766 6 o 389 o o 17,142 14 o i 17,"54 3 o 252,927 14 o 5.9-532 2 o 54>,o>9 9 o 5,141 18 o 10,452 4 o 10.500 1 o 161,699 8 o 717,160 15 o 805,123 7 o 636,233 16 01,993,999 2 o 2,111,76b 16 o 329,335 4 o 446,097 9 o : 447,192 12 o 629,172 8 o 645,381 o o 645,440 o o 7,889 11 o 30,736 18 o 30,999 11 o 11,762 14 o 62,713 17 o 65,831 16 o 1,258 18 o 6,420 6 o 6,779 16 o Iteamers Totals ... 2,458 423,I'2 1,124,0042,242,2145,811,456 9,600,786 165,504929,929 17,770 2,440 42,081 992,220 2,496 118,290 j 14,7-1.1 4,661,001 115,222 4,911,750 232,463 19 o 168,316 o o 128,161 o o 109,236 o o 567,834 18 o (770,706 8 o 712,398 .4 i ! i ! O I2.135.446 4 014,592.099 4 o ! 4,824,563 3 o I J

> Mileage. Rei-enue. Sections. Ordinary Passengers. r 1907-8. £ s. d. Kawakawa ... 560 9 2 Whangarei ... 3,852 14 10 Kaihu ... I.4I5 15 10 Auckland... ... 136,754 11 7 Gisborne-Karuku .. 4,105 7 4 Wellington-Napier- 279,081 9 5 New Plymouth Hurunui-Bluff ■ ■• 366,396 II II Westland... ... 20,647 »• 8 Westport ... 5,321 .8 4 Nelson ... ... 6,492 2 8 Picton ... ... 7,975 o 3 Lake Wakatipu 2,869 13 2 Steamers Totals 835,473 6 2 Sections. Parcels, Luggage, Rents and Season Tickets. Mails, and Total Coaching. Goods. Miscellaneous. Commission. Miscellaneous. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. _ s. d. 44 13 3 113 17 7 719 o o 1,229 '5 i° 12 9 10 23 o 6 418 12 7 i 381 19 10 4,653 7 3 25,203 11 8 419 2 11 290 4 3 90 19 3 : 273 16 11 1,780 12 o 2,519 7 3 27 7 4 99 4 1 12,830 8 1 25,814 17 8 175,399 "7 4 254,526 18 4 3,726 11 5 5,443 14 8 449 16 9 : 405 17 1. 4,961 20 3,047 16 2 194 5 5 193 '6 1 24,916 3 3 56,805 19 9 360,803 12 5 398,849 15 214,872 4 3 : 12,317 2 8 35,254 12 o 85,759 4 ' 487,4'0 8 o 692,360 18 5i20,6o7 7 9 , 18,524 9 7 1,656 4 9 3,686 o 6 25,989 16 11, 91,021 13 4 3,257 10 11 ! 936 18 5 373 1 8 737 7 5 6,432 7 5 85,944 9 11 5,165 13 9 437 8 5 736 65 1,144 6 3 8,372 15 4 10,741 11 11 832 1 7 810 o o 467 76 904 13 8 9,347 1 5 14,267 2 10 1,018 17 4 508 15 10 266 6 10 847 12 9 3,983 12 9 2,615 o 11 9 '6 9 28 o o 77,504 12 4 1176,875 14 4 1,089,853 12 101,582,328 1 9:50,143 9 3 39,612 14 6 _____ =_=__ _ 72 c i 1 1 1, £ s. d. _ s. d. I,265 6 2 I,984 6 2 25,912 18 10 30,566 6 I 2,645 '8 8 4,426 10 8 5263,697 4 5 439.097 1 9 3.435 17 8 8,396 19 8 426,039 2 1 786,842 14 6 Total Goods. £ s. d. 1,265 6 2 25,912 18 10 2,645 18 8 63,697 4 5 3-435 '7 8 26,039 2 1 3i,492 15 9 95,216 2 8 91,547 12 1 12,383 13 6 15,794 16 o 2,652 17 8 ,672,084 5 6 > 5 > ' ! > 1, ! i ) i 5 2, "T Grand Total Revenue. £ s. d 1,984 6 2 30,566 6 1 4,426 10 8 439,097 1 9 8,396 19 8 786,842 14 6 218,903 3 0 121,205 19 7 97-979 '9 t 20,756 8 ic 25.141 '7 : 6,636 10 5 ,761,937 l8 A I d. 2 I 8 9 '• 8 6 2, 9 3. 7 6 .! 5 4 7. No. No. No. 6,984 2,987 9,971 59,171 1 22,009 81,180 13,596 5.672 19,268 1,163,824! 317,380 1,481,204 27,466 4,826 32,292 2,207,607 ! 780,542 2,988,149 Train. No. 6,984 59.171 '3.596 ,163,824 27,466 ,207,607 .'35.663 '98.933 108,872 63,669 65,489 .051,274 Shunting and Ballasting. No. . j 2,987 1 1 22,009 5 j 5.672 4 ! 317.380 I, 5 4,826 7 ! 780,542 •2, 3 ,1,214,055 4, 3 112,571 2 108,810 9 8,882 9 . 25,048 4 2,602,782 9 Total. No. 9.9 81,1 19,2 ,481,2 32.2 1,988,1 ri 349.7 3".5 217,6 72,5 90,5 J.654,c 731,492 15 9 1,218,903 3 9 95,216 2 8 121,205 19 7 : 91.547 12 1 . 97.979 19 6 12,383 13 6 , 20,756 8 10 15,794 16 o 25,141 17 5 2,652 17 8 6,636 10 5 3.135.663 ,1,214,055 i4.349.718 198.933 112,571 311,504 108,872 108,810 217,682 63,669 8,882 72,551 65,489 25,048 90,537 77,504 12 4 176,875 14 4 1,089,853 12 10 1,582,328 i 9:50,143 9 3 39,612 14 6 1,672,084 5 6 2,761,937 18 4 7,051,274 2,602,782 9,654,056 1906-7. Kawakawa ... 437 19 10 Whangarei ... 3,610 15 I Kiiilm ... 1 ,339 10 6 Auckland... 121,032 16 o Gisbon,e-I_ar_ka ... 3,607 8 4 Wellington-Napier- 262,511 12 8 New Plymouth Hurunui-Bluff ... i389,294 12 9 Westland . ... 19,516 o :i Westport ... 4,936 13 2 Nelson ... 6,047 ° ■ Picton ... ... 7,902 10 7 Lake Wakatipu ! 2,830 2 4 39 o 2 95 2 n 572 2 1. 1,326 8 10 13 19 6 23 3 9 411 6 10 279 19 3 4,302 . 2 22,046 16 10 327 13 1 250 15 3 84 17 2 198 o 10 1,622 8 6 3,421 8 6 76 2 9 98 10 .1 1.,862 3 o 21,377 11 8 154,272 10 8 230,486 4 6 2,558 11 10 5,029 19 4 457 12 4 285 11 3 4,350 11 11 2,053 13 6 , 9 15 2 180 11 2 21,023 7 1 48,120 3 5 331,655 3 2 367,561 13 2 13,846 4 1 11,524 16 4 32,403 19 9 76,299 10 1 1497,998 2 7 686,223 14 11 18,538 7 4 ! 17.705 19 1 1,297 13 9 2,699 11 9 23,513 6 5 75,803 10 s 2,845 11 5 I 814 18 5 280 4 4 514 10 10 5,731 8 4 81,949 16 8 4,581 18 6 j 357 3 8 519 14 6 761 7 9 7,328 2 4 10,426 12 8 852 12 9 j 767 13 o 343 75 684 7 1 8,930 5 1 14,947 o 1 1,036 14 6 1 477 4 4 262 16 10 596 15 6 3,689 14 8 2,439 in 4 5 1 j 25 12 o 39 o 2 95 2 11 572 2 11 411 6 10 279 19 3 4,302 1 2 84 17 2 198 o 10 1,622 8 6 11,862 3 o 21,377 11 8 154,272 10 8 457 12 4 285 11 3 4,350 11 11 21,023 7 1 48,120 3 5 331,655 3 2 1,326 8 10 13 19 6 22,046 16 10 327 13 1 3,421 8 6 76 2 9 230,486 4 6 2,558 11 10 2,053 '3 6 9 '5 2 367,561 13 2 13,846 4 1 23 3 9 250 15 3 98 10 11 5,029 .9 4 180 11 2 11,524 16 4 2, 3 1 7 \ 1 1 - > 1,363 12 1 ..935 '5 o 6,290 22,625 5 2 26,927 6 4 53.779 3,596 2 2 5,218 io 8 13.485 238,074 15 8 392.347 6 4 1,013,265 2,243 19 10 6,594 11 9 24,768 392,932 13 7 724,587 16 9 2,111,414 722,468 1 4 1,220,466 3 .1 J3,124,373 79,464 o 3 102,977 6 8 184,022 86,888 18 10 92,620 7 2 . 105,205 12,046 18 5 19,375 o 9 I 56,628 16,460 18 n 25,391 4 o 62,225 2,468 19 o 6,158 13 8 1,363 12 1 22,625 5 2 3,596 2 2 238,074 15 8 2,243 19 10 192,932 13 7 722,468 1 4 79,464 o 3 86,888 18 10 12,046 18 5 16,460 18 11 2,468 19 c 1 2 2 8 0 7 4 III 3 o 5 1 o '.935 '5 « 26,927 6 , 5,218 io 1 392.347 6 . 6,594 n 1 724,587 16 < ,220,466 3 . 102,977 6 I 92,620 7 '9-375 o I 25,391 4 1 6,158 13 ! o 4 8 4 ' 9 9 2 11 W 8 2 9 I o 8 6,29c 53.775 13.48; [,013,26; 24,76c :, 111,41J 1,124,37: 184,02s 105,20; 56,62* 62,22: o 2,472 j 9 19,060 : 15 5,-38 ,5 292,162 1 18 6,138 4 688,262 2 '3 ',"75.054 4 2 97.344 '5 9S.278 18 8,523 IS j 21,374 2,472 19,060 5.138 292,162 6,138 688,262 8,762 72,839 18,623 1,305,427 30,906 2,799,676 8,; 72,J i8,( 1.305.a 30, c 2,799,( 4,299,1 281,; 200,1 65. 83.; 32,403 19 9 76,299 10 1 1497,998 2 7 1,297 13 9 2,699 11 9 23,513 6 5 280 4 4 514 10 10 5,73i 8 4 519 14 6 761 7 9 7.328 2 4 343 75 684 7 1 8,930 5 1 262 16 10 596 15 6 3,689 14 8 686,223 '4 11 .8,538 7 4 75.803 10 5 2,845 i' 5 81,949 16 8 4,581 18 6 10,426 12 8 852 12 9 14,947 o 1 1,036 14 6 2,439 in 4 5i 17,705 19 1 814 18 5 357 3 8 767 13 o 477 4 4 25 12 o 1.175.054 97.344 95.278 8,523 21,374 4,299,427 281,366 ! 200,483 65.15. 83.599 tamers Totals _— , . 823,067 2 3 68,986 3 2 !i5i,9i2 12 4 1,043,965 17 9 1,498,686 2 o 144,691 16 o 37.256 7 3 1,580,634 s 3 2,624,600 3 o 6,755,454 2,410,805 9,166,259


RETURN No. 6. Estimated Amount of Expenditure on Construction of Railways, &c., to 31st March, 1908; Net Revenue, and Rate of Interest earned on Capital expended on Opened Lines for Year ended same Date.

H. Davidson, Chief Accountant.

4—D. 2.


Section. State of Line. Cost of Construction. Net Revenue. I Kate of Interest. Kawakawa Whangarei Kaihu Auckland Gisbome-Karaka Wellington-Napier-New Plymouth Wellington-Poxton (private line) Surveys, North Island Miscellaneous Hurunui-Blui-Opened Unopened Opened Unopened Opened Unopened Opened Unopened Opened Unopened Opened Unopened Opened Unopened Opened Unopened Opened Unopened Opened Unopened Opened £ 92,765 57,802 177,996 38,388 67,891 3,645,173 645,321 149,059 25,516 5,580,650 823,581 42,116 27,022 5,169 11,997,562 264,174 1,391,167 222,820 490,044 24,359 334,399 44,823 358,387 43,823 16,436 90,966 39,118 8,445 5,168 25,000 £ -912 18,324 -463 140,601 2,598 255,852 287,195 £ a. d. 10 5 10 3 17 1 1 14 10 4 ii 8 2 7 10 Westland 43',588 8 2 8 Westport 53498 io i. l Nelson 3*519 l i o Picton 7,420 2 i 5 Lake Wakatipu steamer service Stock, permanent-way Stock, A.O.L. stores Surveys, South Island Miscellaneous Stock in suspense 1^259 7 13 2 Total opened Total unopened 24,365,647 2,369,493 812,179 r 6 8 Gross total 26,735,140 812,179 3 0 9 Note.—The amount stated in this return as ihe cc Government expenditure on railways. It also include Harhour Boards on railways and wharves under the p information regarding the last mentioned being furnish, >st of construction m the Midland Rail' ,rovisions of sectio ed by the resprctiv. of opened lines inc vay and expenditur, ti 7 of " The Railwi ! Boards. ludes the Provin , by the Greymoi ,ys Authorisatio icial and General nth and Westport a Act, 1885," the



RETURN No. 7. Expenditure under Vote for Additions to Open Lines, charged to Capital Account, for the Year ended 31st March, 1908.

Total Expenditure. Material on hand at 31st March, 1907 Expenditure charged to Vote 94 by Treasury £ s. d. 8,435 12 4 364,068 6 9 372,503 19 1 39,117 14 2 Less material on hand at 31st Maroh, 1908 .. Expenditure on Works, &c. — Way and Works Branch Locomotive Branch £90,124 7 8 243,261 17 3 £333,386 4 11 Wiv Awn WnRtra Ruiur r*Tj ■ Wrtmra i^ WAY AND WORKS BBANC Way and Works Bbanch : Particulabs of Works, b . CH : WORKS, ETC. 'C. Section. W Work, &c. Vorfe, i ■fee. Amc Amount. Total. Auckland Wellington -Napier-New Plymouth £ s. d. Sidings,loading-banks,stockyards, approaches, crossings,&c. 2,502 16 11' Additions to station buildings .. .. .. .. j 1,329 8 2 Additions to dwellings .. .. .. .. 2,067 14 2 Bridge-work, Hamilton .. .. .. .. 6,386 8 11 Additional works for Locomotive Department .. .. j 534 13 6 Additions to workshops .. .. .. .. 552 15 10 Ballast-quarry and plant .... .. .. 645 17 3 Turntables .. .. .. .. .. .. 303 2 7 Footwarmer furnaces .. .. .. .. 280 1 6 Signals and interlocking .. .. .. .. 3,109 6 4 Tablet-working .. .. .. .. .. 1,987 15 1 Telegraphs and telephones .. .. .. .. j 1,526 0 7 Sidings,loading-banks,stockyards,approaches,crossings,&cJ 4,227 10 11 Additions to station buildings .. .. .. .. ; 961 18 10 Additions to dwellings ... .. .. .. 1,739 7 3 Additional works for Locomotive Department .. .. 448 19 5 Stone-crushing plant .. .. .. .. .. 1,826 17 5 Viaduct, Mangatewainui .. .. .. .. 2,055 9 11 Footwarmer furnaces.. .. .. .. .. 800 4 11 Oil-engine, Pahiatua .. .. .. .. .. 209 0 7 Fencing .. .. .. .. .. .. 61 2 9 Additional track, Sentry Hill .. .. .. .. 500 0 0 Signals and interlocking .. .. .. .. 10,825 5 8 Tablet-working .. .. .. .. .. 8,754 19 6 Telegraphs and telephones .. .. .. .. 3,209 10 0 £ s. d. 2,502 16 11 1,329 8 2 ' 2,067 14 2 6,386 8 11 534 13 6 552 15 10 645 17 3 303 2 7 280 1 6 3,109 6 i 1,987 15 1 1,526 0 7 i 4,227 10 11 961 18 10 1,739 7 3 448 19 5 1,826 17 5 2,055 9 11 800 4 11 209 0 7 61 2 9 500 0 0 10,825 5 8 8,754 19 6 3,209 10 0 35,620 7 2 210 0 0 S s. d. 21,226 0 10 30, I 52 Less cost of reclamation oMand refunded by Wellington 210 0 0 Harbour Board 35,410 7 2 Hnrunui-Bluff — (Ohristcburoh District) Sidings, loading-banks, stockyards, approaches, crossings, &c. 608 1 3 i Additions to station buildings .. .. .. .. 691 16 8 i Additions to dwellings .. .. .. .. 230 7 8 Additional works for Locomotive Department .. .. 198 7 8 Additions to workshops, Addington .. .. .. 358 18 3 Turntables .. .. .. .. .. .. 572 10 5 Land, Christchurch .. .. .. .. .. 3,932 10 0 Overbridge, Timaru .. .... .. .. 242 9 3 Signals and interlocking .. .. .- : .. •• H0 1 Tablet-working .. ' .. .. .. .. 26 19 9 (Dunedin Districts Sidings,loading-banks, stockyards,approaches, crossings,&c 2,414 0 10 Additions to station buildings .. .. .. .. i 1,568 12 9 Additions to dwellings .. .. .. .. ! 677 5 2 Additional works for Locomotive Department .. .. 880 16 4 Duplication, Milton-Clarkesville .. .. .. 2,661 1 5 Signals and interlocking .. .. .. .. 7,064 13 11 Tablet-working .. .. .. .. .. 3,777 5 11 6,972 16 0 (Invercargill District) Sidings, loading-banks, stockyards, approaches, crossings, &c. 645 6 7 Additions to station buildings .. .. .. .. 1,213 14 7 Additions to dwellings .. .. .. .. 1,185 5 8 Additional works for Locomotive Department .. ... 278 12 1 Drainage-works, Bluff .. .. .. .. 349 9 7 Tablet-working .. .. ,. .. .. 301 9 0 Signals and interlocking .. .. .. Footwarmer furnaces .. .. .. .. .. i 159 12 0 Wharf-extension .. .. .. ... ..2,116 2 10 Storage-shed.. .. .. .. .. .. 42 18 8 New wharf, Pioton .. .. .. .. .. 946 a 6 Jetty, Elfin Bay, Lake Wakatipu 19,043 16 4 3,973 17 6 32 5 7 2,275 14 10 —• 989 3 2 200 6 3 Westland Nelson Pioton Lake Wakatipu steamer service £90,124 7 8



RETURN No. 7— continued. Locomotive Branch: Particulars of Rolling-stock, etc.

Expenditure under the Hutt Bailway and Road Improvement Acts, 1903 and 1905, for the Year ended 31st March, 1908.

Railway Capital Account: — £ c. S. Straightening and doubling Wellington-Hutt Railway .. .. 38,829 17 3 For Recovery in terms of Act: — New Hutt Road (including land for same) .. .. .. 7,391 2 5 £46,220 19 8

BxPENDiTUKE under " The Railways Improvements Authorisation Act, 1904," charged to Capital Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1908.

£ s. d. Auokland-Penrose, duplication of line .. .. .. .. 54,301 11 7 Addington-Rolleston, „ .. .. .. .. 11,031 1 1 Dunedin-Mosgiel, duplication and deviation of line .. .. 74,720 3 8 £140,052 16 4 Less profit on sale of debentures, as per Treasury accounts .. 891 9 6 £139,161 6 10

Description of Stock ordered. Order. Number Incomplete on March 31, 1907. Number Number Complete Incomplete 31st March, 1908. 31st March, 1908. Expenditure in Year ended 31st March, 1908. Carriages, Class A, 1904-1905 programme Brake-vans, Class P, 1904-1905 programme* Wagons, four-wheel, 1904-1905 programme Wagons, bogie, 1904-1905 programme Locomotives, four - cylinder balanced compound, Class A* Locomotives, Class Wf Locomotives, Class A, four - cylinder balanced compound Locomotives, Class A, simple Carriages, Class A, 1905-1906 programme Brake-vans, Class F, 1905-1906 programme Wagons, four-wheel, 1905-1906 programme Wagons, bogie, 1905-1906 programme Carriages, Class A, 1906-1907 programruef Brake-vans, Class F, 1906-1907 programme Wagons, four-wheel, 1906-1907 programme Wagons, bogie, 1906-1907 programme! Carriages, Class A, for North Island Main Trunk Railway Carriages, refreshment, for North Island Main Trunk Railway Brake-vans, Class F, for North Island Main Trunk Railway Cranes, steam, 5-ton* Locomotives, Class A (contract) Wagons, four-wheel, 1907-1908.programme Postal-cars, 50 ft. Wagons, four-wheel, ClaBS Q Cranes, steam Locomotives, Class X .. Cranes, steam Locomotives, Class Wf Brake-vans, Class F Tarpaulins, 1907-1908 programme Gas-storeholders Footwarmers Machinery for workshops D—6 E-6 F—6 G—6 6 29 10 6 29 10 £ s. d. 628 19 9 33 6 5 280 0 5 211 6 11 J— 6 N—6 "e 6 499-11 6 9,032 15 9 O—6 P—6 Q-6 R-6 S-6 T—6 W—6 X—6 Y—6 Z—6 3 1 31 4 184 41 30 3 535 68 3 1 31 4 184 41 10 11,373 2 7 4,087 18 1 17,584 1 6 1,474 14 9 15,332 4 2 6,658 19 9 16,955 15 3 392 14 5 42,976 10 4 14,003 0 6 248 48 20 3 287 20 B-7 40 40 5,524 19 5 0—7 4 4 1,080 13 2 D—7 E—7 F—7 G—7 H—7 I- 7 J— 7 K-7 L—7 M—7 N -7 O—7 8 8 1,016 1 8 1,117 0 1 19,973 13 5 44,600 16 6 1,589 0 1 460 3 1 1,737 11 10 1,933 17 0 2,813 3 2 3,394 0 11 1,111 14 1 1,475 8 8 399 6 0 1,284 5 0 12,195 1 1 20 765 10 100 2 8 4 9 3 510 2 205 18 560 10 99 1 2 'a 8 2 9 3 435 75 Total £243,261 17 8 Total locomotives „ carriages „ brake-vans „ wagons, bogie „ wagons, four-wheel tarpaulins „ cranes 47 121 18 119 1,613 510 6 12 47 7 99 667 435 i 35 74 11 20 946 75 2 ' Additional charges. I W-6: 31 carriages, order amended to 30 ca Lrriagei Z-6: 88 lOgie-wagons, ordi >r amended to 68 logie wagons.


RETURN No. 8. Return of Revenue received by Railway Department from other Departments of the Public Service for the Year ended 31st March, 1908.

H. Davidson, Chief Accountant.

RETURN No. 9. Statement of Season Tickets issued for the Year ended 31st March, 1908.

H. Davidson, Chief Accountant.


Department. Passengers. Mails. Goods. Total. Defence Police .. Public Works Mines and State Coal-mines Agricultural Lands and Survey and Forests Roads .. Customs Department of- Internal Affairs Mental Hospitals Marine and Machinery .. Prisons .. Audit .. Education Labour Lands and Income Tax, &c. Justice.. Tourist and Health Resorts Industries and Commerce Public Trustee Government Printer Legislative Stamps and Deeds Public Health Museums and Meteorological Old-age Pensions Postal and Telegraph State Fire Insurance Native £ s. d. 3,913 2 5 2,364 1 10 900 7 6 243 5 0 1,623 10 7 975 11 2 337 9 8 62 16 11 334 16 0 144 1 4 479 8 7 383 17 2 255 16 6 14,881 14 6 1,219 9 5 212 18 3 708 1 9 133 8 8 £, s. a. £ s. d. 992 13 8 488 0 11 36,015 14 11 29,608 11 8 1,456 12 1 3S3 10 2 833 3 6 14 18 2 7 9 3 1,161 2 2 33 5 11 246 15 6 176 10 0 29 9 0 £ s. a. 4,905 16 1 2,852 2 9 36,916 2 5 29,851 16 8 3,080 2 8 1,359 1 4 1,170 13 2 77 15 1 342 5 3 1,305 3 6 512 14 6 630 12 8 255 16 6 15,058 4 6 1,248 18 5 212 18 3 729 16 5 726 15 7 0 4 3 20 5 0 149 18 4 3 10 9 43 6 9 865 0 3 8 17 6 30 5 0 52,237 0 3 0 16 73 0 5 21 14 8 593 6 11 0 4 3 20 5 0 0 3 0 3 10 9 42 19 6 592 0 5 8 17 6 30 0 0 1,862 8 11 . 149 15 4 07 3 272 19 10 46,699 0 0 0 5 0 3,675 11 4 0 16 0 6 9 72'13 8 31,806 16 0 46,699 0 0 154,668 5 9 Totals 76,162 9 9

Description. Number. Amount. Travellers' tickets, all lines... Travellers' tickets, North Island Travellers' tickets, South Island Eeporters'tickets Sectional tickets, North Island Sectional tickets, South Island Tourists' tickets, North Island Tourists' tickets, South Island Tourists' tickets, all lines ... Fifty-trip commutation tickets (ordinary) Fifty-trip commutation tickets (family) School tickets Twenty-trip commutation tickets Twelve-trip workmen's tickets Weekly workmen's tickets ... All other season tickets 7 104 45 92 135 273 693 256 354 2,090 1,632 18,623 838 43,961 101,199 14,872 U s. d. 435 0 0 3,720 0 0 2,300 0 0 788 7 0 3,305 18 6 7,330 13 10 2,773 10 0 1,280 0 0 2,524 10 0 1,605 7 6 2,423 3 10 11,178 5 4 609 18 8 6,155 4 6 10,161 7 6 20,313 5 8 Totals ... 185,174 77,504 12 4



H. Davidson, Chief Accountant.

RETURN No. 10. STATEMENT showing Classification of Expenditure on Maintenance of Way and Works for the Year ended 31st March, 1908.

5—D. 2.

(.laasirlcation of Work. ' Kawakawa. Wha e I }? a - Kaihu. .J i Christchurch. 1 Sections. Dunedin. Invercargill. Westland. Westport. Nelson. Picton. Total. NapierNew Plymouth £ s. d. £ a. d. _ s. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. _ s. d. £ a. d. £ s. d. £ a. d. £ a. d. Traok-surfacing 486 18 o 1,496 16 10 968 3 3 29,524 17 9 1,178 12 5 43,687 18 5 36,392 2 9 35,758 6 11 24,188 3 2 9.473 16 7 3.386 13 4 2,627 .' . 2,638 9 11 191,808 10 5 Traok-renewals ... 158 8 11 321 8 6 284 16 7 32,996 15 9 43,5i3 o 6 46,152 3 2 36,439 16 5 33,162 17 2 6,278 8 2 6,222 8 8 2,558 19 8 1,881 511 209,970 9 5 Ballasting 10 10 5 335 17 6 113 1 6 2,366 O IO 286 4,884 14 2 3,079 o 3 3,690 15 1 3,578 10 8 1,045 2 2 1,051 13 4 73 5 5 197 18 9 20,428 18 7 Banks, cuttings, ditches, tunnels 18 2 1 132 6 o 144 16 5 4,989 13 II 48 1 9 6,516 6 3 1,055 .4 2 i,757 2 1 1,666 18 6 1,311 2 3 181 4 1 257 13 8 100 2 8 18,179 3 [ o Bridges, culverts, drains 268 11 9 66 10 6 173 17 7 9,419 8 9 258 19 o 15,282 7 1 12,283 r 5 o] 7,711 11 7 5,571 16 6 2,858 14 11 556 6 10 1,031 10 1 1.395 IO 8 56,879 o 3 Fences, gates, cattle-stops, hedges on 2 116 6 7 2,556 IO o 295 4,436 4 8 2,377 6 5 2,698 o 3 2,577 o 2 654 13 11 95 18 5 381 19 3 207 12 51 16,104 12 8 Roads, approaches, t_c. 1 6 3 26 6 10 803 4 2 14 2 7 1,482 8 11 601 16 o 781 5 11 515 7 10 "4 5 7 30 9 2 26 14 8 32 1 o 4,429 8 11 Water-services, signals, cranes, appliances 15 4 o 41 15 1 33 IS 5 3,43i 19 3 36 10 9 6,011 2 o 3,322 13 IO 6,150 19 4 2,109 5 IO 777 3 5 548 18 0 158 13 4 123 9 4 22,761 9 7 Wharves 51 2 3 268 4 n 31 17 9 1,788 17 6 301 16 10 121 16 7 38 5 o 3.417 5 5 994 9 10 209 o 8 246 19 5 7,469 16 2 Buildings 132 5 1 307 14 6 89 7 2 11,417 16 1 124 18 3 17,083 1 4 12,856 12 5 13,286 12 7 5,444 17 5 2,552 12 9 854 o 8 780 9 o 277 5 o 65,207 12 3 Miscellaneous 234 7 2 12 2 II 4,578 17 7 61 13 9 4,978 6 7 3,58l 19 I 2,943 11 o 1,512 19 10 1,001 1 5 137 16 4 42 18 5 332 12 6 19,418 6 7 General charges 2 14 5 49 18 7 6 2 10 758 9 1 16 17 4 1,246 18 7 1,047 1 7 1,422 8 4 689 12 3 417 16 2 161 17 10 47 6 9 35 5 oj I 5,902 8 9 Totals 1,380 1 6 :3,i75 8 9 1,845 18 6 104,632 10 8 1-744 13 9 149,424 5 4 122,750 4 8| 112,762 6 1 81,055 14 4 29,902 2 9 14,221 16 6j 8,196 2 7,468 12 7: |638,559 17 Rate per mile opened .. 172 io 2 138 1 3 108 n 8 265 3 o 88 15 5 305 11 11 245 19 10 258 12 7 229 12 5| 239 8 91 458 15 4 190 12 2 219 13 4 258 6 1


RETURN No. 11. STATEMENT showing Number of Passenger Tickets issued at Cheap Excursion Rates for Year ending 31st March, 1908.


I Schools, Factories, and Friendly Societies. Holiday Excursions. Gross Total —School and Holiday Excursions. Seotions. Schools, Factories, and Friendly Soc's. Children not exceeding 15 Years of •■ . I Age. Schools only. Senior Scholars over 15 but not exceeding 23 Years of Age, and Teachers. Schools, Factories, and Friendly Societies. Total. Revenue. 1st Class. 2nd Class. Total. Revenue. Nu ruber of Tickets. Revenue. Adults. Kawakawa Whangarei Kaihu Auckland Gisborne .... Wanganui Wellington-Napier Picton Nelson Westport Westland Christehurch ... Dunedin , Jnvercargill No. 27 240 426 3,018 569 4,738 6,760 1,963 1,289 378 3,814 12,964 8,255 6,590 No. 1 22 398 50 1,068 1,356 267 379 11 528 2,238 869 976 No. 183 233 165 3,239 103 3,384 4,104 910 411 634 3,472 17,806 13,063 6,179 No. 210 474 613 6,655 722 9,190 12,220 3,140 2,079 1,023 7,814 33,008 22,187 13,745 £ s. d. 7 6 3 19 1 5 27 2 2 422 9 4 22 6 9 639 0 8 651 19 8 79 18 7 103 10 4 55 8 4 426 0 11 2,616 14 0 1,341 10 11 1,192 1 0 No. 48 40 5,358 154 10,670 34,253 3,190 1,180 30 1,652 30,793 21,113 5,136 No. 656 526 633 110,609 4,615 75,327 98,987 15,933 6,576 4,235 21,633 146,426 83,469 48,893 No. 656 574 673 115,967 4,769 85,997 133,24019,123 7,756 4,265 23,285 177,219 104,582 54,029 £ s. d. 42 9 7 60 10 6 69 12 0 20,232 17 9 509 16 6 19,728 18 3 23,590 6 3 1,266 11 5 840 17 8 410 14 10 2,795 8: 2 34,367 19 2 23,760 5 2 13,843 9 8 1 866 J,048 1,286 122,622 5,491 95,187 145,460 22,263 9,835 5,288 31,099 210,227 126,769 67,774 £ s. d. 49 15 10 79 11 11 96 14 2 20,655 7 1 532 3 3 20,367 18 11 24,242 5 11 1,346 10 0 944 8 0 466 3 2 3,221 9 1 36,984 13 2 25,101 16 1 15,035 10 8 »— iiSS ::: 51,031 48,044 8,163 7,837 53,886 39,783 113,080 95,664 7,604 10 6,514 18 4 4 113,617 125,280 618,518 731,132 732,135 856,412 141,519 16 11 194.185 2 9 845,215 952,076 149,124 200,700 7 3 1. 1 u, . Increase Decrease i ■. 2,987 326 14,103 17,416 1,089 12 0 11,663 112,614 124,277 52,665 5 10 106,, 861 51,575 13 10 Total, year ending — 31st March, 1896 ... 31st March, 1897 ... 31st March, 1898 ... 31st March, 1899 ... 31st March, 1900 ... 31st March, 1901 ... 31st March, 1902 . 31st March, 1903 . . 31st March, 1904 .. 31st March, 1905 . 31st March, 1906 31st March, 1907 ... 31st March, 1908 ... 63,598 44,610 39,963 45,748 37,839 38,864 42,506 41,540 50,364 52,742 55,478 48,044 51,031 5,949 5,993 5,398 6,192 5,616 5,602 5,736 6,048 6,975 7,359 7,715 7,837 8,163 38,467 33,925 35,064 39,955 31,164 34,550 37,708 41,555 54,344 53,558 57,027 39,783 53,886 108,014 84,528 80,425 91,895 74,619 79,016 85,950 89,143 111,683 113,659 120,220 95,664 113,080 7,246 5 9 5,616 2 8 5,569 18 1 6,215 11 8 4,752 3 10 5,234 16 8 5,466 16 9 6,050 11 3 7,424 19 7 7,490 16 0 7,882 16 1 6,514 18 4 7,604 10 4 50,511 58,464 66,012 70,531 81,528 I 87,544 95,628 : 84,448 \ 100,417 J 100,968 110,823 l 125,280 ! 113,617 239,164 313,724 383,569 411,747 I 501,176 j 541,624 : 588,813' \ 517,566 I 594,967 592,485 1 626,852 ! 731,132 618,518 289,675 372,188 449,581 482,278 582,704 629,168 j 684,441 602,014 695,384 693,453 737,675 856,412 J 732,135 ! 50,232 12 11 63,439 0.0 80,822 8 1 84,794 15 6 96,154 7 5 102,932 10 9 136,813 0 1 103,279 8 6 125,624 4 0 130,068 16 9 140,939 16 3 !l94,185 2 9 1141,519 16 11 397,689 456,716 530,006 574,173 657,323 708., 184 770,391 691,157 807,067 807,112 857,895 952,076 845,215 57,478 18 8 69,055 2 8 86,392 6 2 91,010 7 2 100,906 11 3 108,167 7 5 142,279 16 10 109,329 19 9 133,049 3 7 137,559 12 9 ■148,822 12 4 200,700 1 1 149,124 7 3



RETURN No- 12. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1908.

Hour. H_-d. Traffic Nobb.b o» T Stations. open, em- Expenditure. P'WJ First- First- Secondclass class clas. Single. Return. Single.. i iCawakawa Section— _ s. d.| Kawakawa ..9 4 461 12 9| 381 98 2,453 Opua ..... 9 2 182 6 8 432 51 1,693 Head Office General 155 13 8 Totals .. ■■ 6 799 13 1 813 149 4,146 OUTWARD. Firstclasa Single. TICKETS. Trucks — _ Number! I ] T, 0 f ' B . le , , Truck. __,,,_ . Second-I Season P-»_. H<_«_. ,££,.' -o B .. D '£"'i Lto., Cattle. : Calves. Sheep. Pig.. o' jpfre- S <">°£? M G ""°' chandi... ' M ™'""' P__e__er„ clam Total. Ticket..! ' ' ! wo °'' ] wood. ""'• Return. - Ts o Ts. c. Ts. c. 41 s. d 2,368 5,300 4 76 54 3 35 1 36 65 1 1,662 .. .. 5 47,400 164 3 638 13] 899 4 329 11 9 736 2,911 22 71 9 5 35 .. 67 3 .. 1,014 4 .. 14 102,700 888 12 1,189 9 80 15 223 19 5 60 60 .. .. .. .. ..!..!.. .. .. .. .. .. ■■ ■- •- •■ 6 15 0 I Sfiaaon ' I Luggage, I TiXZtl Parcel., __c. ' Mails, and - lclw1ie - Miscellaneous. 1 I __ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 5 3 0 22 17 9 0 12 6 11 15 6 10 5 10 0 16 27 14 9 .. 80 0 0 Goods. _ s. a. 437 10 5 792 5 5 I I I ' I I Mis- ' Ken ts and Total Value p ftrC pi s ' Horses Car " n__ ' | cellaneous. j Commission. forwarded, i -*-* 0 - 1 -- «°™es. riages. Dogs. I J i J £ s. _. _ b. a. _ s. a. 3 4 6 9l 2 0 0 802 5 2 71 9 5 35 8 8 3 1 1 12 6 1,048 3 3 76 54 3-35 19 8 0 133 17 9 .. .. .... 1 I I TruckB Trucks tag* i C-ttle. Calves. Sheep. Pigs. Bg«of B _™&1 Grain. | | ChafT, , wood feet. __c. I I ! L Ta. c. Ts. c 67 3 .. 1,014 4 .. 14 102,700 888 12 1,189 9 1 36 65 1 1,662 .. .. 5 47,400 164 3 638 13 1 103 68 lj 2,676 4 19 150,100| 1,052 15 1,828 2 Station t. Minerals. I Ta. o. Kawakawa SectionSo 15l Kawakawa. 899 _j Opua. I Head Office. General. 979 19 Totals. I 381 432 813 ! 3,163 8,271 26 147 63 8 70 l| 103 68 1 2,676 ' 4 .. 19 150,100 1,052 15 1,828 'A 979 19 560 9 2 i '' 1 15,248 56,901 610 1,855 3 1 109 13 1 65 3 812 1 .. 106 152,500 1,894 17 2,128 18 1,895 18 3,11119 11 4,436 10,025 114 652 .. .. 26 10 147 127 2 622 158 .. 119 17,844,100 520 2 1,255 14 110,422 4 721 8 11 120 120 4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .- -• ■■ ■• ■• 19 6 0 3,163 8,271 15,248 56,901 4,436 10,025 120 120 26 147 63 8 510 1,855 3 1 114 652 .. 4 70 lj i 109 13 26 10 103 68 1 i 2,67( 2,676 ' 4 .. 19 150,100 1,052 15 1,828 li 979 19 560 9 2 44 13 3 33 3 7j 80 14 0 1,229 15 10 12 9 10 23 0 6 1,984 6 2 147 63 8 70 1 103 68 lj 2,676 4 .. 19 150,100| 1,052 15 1,828 2 979 1_| Totals. Whangarei Section— 44 13 3 33 3 7j 80 14 0 1 260 16 6 90 8 3 31 12 5 2 65 1 0 23 8 5 1 10 9 22. 92 15 1 .. 235 0 0 1,229 15 10 2,287 10 11 2,916 0 9 ) 12 9 10 23 0 6 1,984 6 2 147 63 8 | 70 ! 418 17 1 91 2 3 6,292 7 4 652 .. .. 26 I 0 5 10 11 0 0 23,738 15 8 1,855 3 1 109 188 2 0 535 3 11 .. 12 9 10 23 0 6 1,984 6 2 418 17 1 91 2 3 6,292 7 4 0 5 10 11 0 0 23,738 15 8 188 2 0 535 3 1 147 8 70 103 11 2,676 19 150,100] 1,052 li 1,828 2 979 19 Totals. Whangarei Section— Whangarei ■■ 13 12 2,763 11 1 11,790 3,693 26,170 Hikurangi ..| 9 4 427 10 8 650 680 4,259 Head Office ....;.. General .. ■• •• ■• 180 2 10 Totals .. ..I 16 3,371 4 7 12,440 4,373 30,429 Kaiii- Section— Dargaville ..10 3 679 2 1 534 447 13,799 Kaihu .. ..8 2 357 1 5 221 151 2,866 Head Office General .. 54 15 1 .. Totals .. ■■ 5 1,090 18 7 755 598 16,165 Gisbobne-i-araka Section — Gisborne ..11 3 632 19 4 2,885 1,420 26,483 TeKaraka ..101 1 218 5 4 572 414 5,458 Head Office General 497 4 11 11,790 650 1 65 3 147 127 2 811 62: WHANGAREI SECTION— 812 1 106 152,500 1,894 17 2,128 18 1,895 18 3,11119 11 260 16 6 90 8 3 3112 5 2,287 10 11 418 17 1 91 2 3 6,292 7 4 652 .. .. 26 10 147 127 21 622 158 .. 119 17,844,100 520 2 1,255 11 110,422 4 Whangarei. 622 158 119 17,844,100 520 2 1,255 14 110,422 4 721 8 111 65 1 0 23 6 5 1 10 9 22,916 0 9 0 5 10 11 0 0 23,738 15 8 1,855 3 1 109 13 1 65 3 812 1 .. 106 152,500 1,894 17 2,128 18 1,895 18! Hikurangi. 19 6 0 92 15 1 .. 235 0 0 .. .. 188 2 0 535 3 1 | .. .. ■ ■ • • ■ ■ .. I .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Head Office. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. General. 652 1,855 21 3 1 10< 10 147 13 1 127 ,. 66 2J 3 622 158 812 1 Whangarei Section— 119 17,844,100 520 2 1,255 11 110,422 4j Whangarei. 106 152,500 1,894 17 2,128 18 1,895 18! Hikurangi. .. Head Office. .. I General. Totals iucKLAND Section — Helensville •• 18 Henderson .. 18 Avondale .. ■■ -"'_ Mount Eden . < ~?i Newmarket .. 21 Auckland(PaH'ng'rs)) (Parcels) [ 24 (Goods) ) „ Head Office Remuera ..' .. 20 Ellen-lie ■• ■ • 19 J Penrose .. .. 23 Onehunga Town I 16 „ Wharf f Otahuhu .. ..18 Papakura .. . - 12J Drury .. -■ -* Pukekohe.. ..13 Tuakau .. ..12 Pokeno .. .• 12J Mercer .. ■ - -'** Huntly .. •• 15 Taupiri .. .. 10£ Ngaruawahia .. 14. Frankton Junction .. 15J Hamilton .. 10 Morrinsville .. 1-^ Te Aroha .. .. -3J Paeroa .. .. 14 Karangahake .. 12 Waikino .. ..12 Waihi .. .. 12. Shortland .. .. 10 Thames .. .. 10£ Cambridge .. 10 Putaruru .. .. l*i Rotorua .. .. 15 Ohaupo .. ■. 10 Te Awamutu .. 9_ TeKuiti .. .. 12J Taumarunui .. 16 Exhibition traffio .. Main Trunk Lino through traffic Accountant Tablet stations General 13 18 171 "J 21 24 20 19J 23 16 18 IS* 14 13 12 HI 17 15 10J llj 151 10 121 121 14 12 12 121 10 10} 10 1-i 15 10 91 121 16 11 101 4 11 5 3 3 15 190 4 3 7 13 8 4 4 6 3 3 12 7 2 4 20 8 7 5 11 2 2 7 1 3 6 6 9 3 3 5 8 4 1,348 9 7 11 2,051 10 3 o 700 10 10: 3 398 1 10 3 453 19 9 15 1,894 6 2 190 24,466 11 8 4 516 9 0 3 518 7 11 7 1,052 3 4 13 2,519 4 3 8 439 11 3 4 382 9 11 4 286 0 5 6 608 13 2 3 354 8 9 3 -75 S 9 12 1,800 0 10 7 1,104 3 6 2 239 4 0 4 517 19 1 20 2,933 9 10 8 1,115 2 2 7 1,034 2 9 5 737 9 0 11 1,516 5 8 2 244 6 2 2 243 8 2 7 944 2 1 1 118 2 7 3 603 6 2 6 861 9 3 6 963 11 9 9 1,277 2 4 3 317 7 10 3 627 8 5 5 606 14 2 8 1,154 11 8 12,440 4,373 30,429 19,804 67,046 628 2,507 534 447 13,799 5,184 19,964 85 1,519 221 151 2,366 1,566 4,304 .. 598 132 132 755 598 16,165 6,882 24,400 85 2,117 | 2,885 1,420 26,483 14,082 44,870 530 1,756 572 414 5,458 3,630 10,074 122 371 84 84 6 .. 3,457 1,834 31,941 17,796 55,028 658 2,127 2,503 906 21,020 10,800 35,229 212 2,161 207 351 13,319 11,603 25,480 3,046 1,294 446 852 12,185 17,183 30,666 7,286 583 853 764 13,540 17,232 32,389 2,452 1,059 3,218 1,977 20,677 21,150 47,022 2,943 2,729 (26,263 15,354 140,331 128,190 310,138 8,623 18,732 714 669 3,254 2,356 6,993 837 145 1,267 1,742 15,135 20,929 39,073 4,609 268 566 484 6,720 5,720 13,490 1,263 1,429 I 861 931 9,983 10,484 22,209 4,156 1,302 17,469 84 12,702 511 20,766 .. 298 653 964 7,808 9,718 19,143 4,162 12,915 357 326 4,646 5,729 11,058 71 2,094 274 369 4,225 4,600 9,468 97 1,795 629 888 7,448 7,568 16,033 106 1,814 159 170 4,411 4.901 9,644 61 2,278 73 179 1,586 2,221 4,059 40 613 893 396 8,028 6,081 14,898 4 1,710 341 190 6,020 4,617 11,168 15 1,666 187 117 2,497 2,764 5,515 16 834 756 276 6,617 3,497 11,146 9 1,640 1,276 573 14,188 5,061 21,098 124 915 2,807 1,459 20,398 7,782 32,446 207 6,437 642 365 6,222 4,756 11,985 43 6,069 1,754 617 12.627 8,452 23,450 124 2,058 1,957 1,350 18,922 13,971 36,200 312 2,471 524 495 6,690 9,042 16,751 51 377 321 130 5,964 5,864 12,279 570 311 1,659 1,164 13,336 16,130 32,589 420 982 884 430 12,226 5,550 19,090 445 1,747 768 402 11,523 9,386 22,079 7 1,609 1,531 646 9,648 7,410 19,265 .. 2,949 104 112 2,109 1,513 3,838 71 1,960 4,770 587 13,954 6,019 25,830 46 3,987 231 78 2,371 1,605 4,285 43 2,036 759 430 6,142 4,827 12,158 68 3,651 633 509 4,653 6,160 11,955 12 472 1,704 748 16,251 12,274 30,977 .. 597 14 19 '33 .. ■ .. 76 164 62 218 522 3 1 135 23 26 4 101 6 16 .. 59 2 42 4 160 8 4 .. 333 10 3 .. 176 1 7 .. 509 11 81 8 162 8 8 3 40 5 I 17 .. 36 2 I 5 3 107 1 I 82 12 460 12 ! 200 8 1,-43 .. 246 i 81 2 "58 •" 4 1 151 .. 113 2 I 10 3 32 ! 1 2 87 1 11 2 302 4 > 41J .. 244 1 I 66 4 83 9 i 20 1 124 6 1 78 6 162 6 I 20 .. 75 2 1 14 4 29 2 ) 35 5 92 4 i 14 3 123 5 I 13 1 59 .. ) 73 2 167 5 ) 77 6 154 6 I 136 14 218 89 ) 127 8 204 17 S 57 6 200 17 1 100 5 156 29 ! 2 .. 52 .. 1 7 .. 49 ] 2 41 3 175 2 I 48 8 96 .. ) 21 2 75 3 ) 67 4 147 6 1 14 3 65 4 i 26 13 112 2 3 40 2 105 4 1 75 3 170 27 2 54 4 98 11 7 64 5 173 40 148 192 5 1 7 .. 59 4 1 60 11 1 6 40 2 34 10 1 40 50 3 1 171J 4,507 31 I 6 596 14 ! 2 243 234 16 74 6 ! 31 12 i 876J 181 3 1 " 1,'iBS 107 ! 1 19] .. 356 3 3 2 .. 1 215 4 .. L 151 108 52 1 80 1,026 100 i 145 141 218 3 505 2,599 246 ! 91 483 62 ! 47 152 117 1 123 575 47 3 23 202 80 62 1,017 36 3 29 491 189 i 24 2,939 683 1 204 1,271 197 1 4928. 4,505 759 1 75 764 22 J 190 944 94 2 1 1 .. .. 2 6 25 4 20 3 12 35 3 272 2,225 65 1 97 1,964 2 1 525 1 185 8,381 1,111 7 286 2,582 222 1 12 1,805 13 A 31 726 1 1,434 159 .. 225 303 .. .. 14 27 89 303 .. 27 103 1,101 20 32 2,779 144 5,791 135 3,880 164 5,791 167 13,979 132 2,028 24 1 3,235 19 209 165§ 479 2 10 I 81 .. ' 2 2 .. .. 1 1 "85 161 " 2 "_1§ 16,188 "23 " "l 5 I 180 j ].'.- ' 690 186 "20 .. 8 » 4,444 10 137 ) 6,402 381 94 16 I 3,482 53 174 8 > 5,525 17 88 10 i 5,330 .. 383 1 1 911 51 .. i 2,913 53 850 12 ) 2,738 17 30 2 3 4,677 .. 153 16 3 12,918 190 233 1 3 13,510 255 174 104 1 11,714 1,423 426 24 ) 71,881 831 1,900 15 2 6,302 174 9 9 1 2,157 55 24 158 2 39 .. 1 4 10 2 16 4 5 7,905 622 269 1 4,805 49 95 847ij 693 13 502 2 1 37,423 250 190 2 2 4,781 330 350 91 3 7,125 50! 509 llOjj 1 17,640 44| 80 390 ' .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I General. 1,434 159 .. 225 17,996,60o! 2,414 19 3,384 12 112,318 2 3,853 14 10 418 12 7 113 16 8 268 3 2 25,203 11 8 419 2 11 290 4 3 30,566 6 1 2,507 3 1 185 23 148 192 '5 1,434 159 .. 225 17,996,600: 2,414 19 3,384 12 112,318 2 Totals. Kaihu Section — 303 14 486,200 611 5 957 15 142 0 1,024 11 5 11 19 6 65 15 1 10 8 lOi 828 4 1 26 13 5 2 0 0 1,999 12 4 598 16 .. 59 2 59 4 1 .. .. 27 89 3,114,500! 163 5 1,071 2 23 5l Dargaville 27 89 3,114,500 163 5 1,071 2 23 5 376 17 5 .. ' 27 4 10 0 8 2 1,691 3 2 0 13 11 77 17 4 2,174 4 10 1,519 26 4, 101 6 1 7 .. 303 .. .. 14 486,200 611 5, 957 15 142 0 Kaihu. 14 7 0 48 19 9 .. 170 0 0 .. .. 19 6 9 252 13 6 .. .. .. ! .. .. .- ■- •■ • •• -■ •• •• •■ -• ■■ ■■ Head Office. .. i .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ■ ■ ■ .. .. .. i General. 303 7. 27 103 3,600,700 774 10 2,028 17 165 5 1,115 15 10 90 19 3 92 19 11 180 17 0 2,519 7 3 27 7 4 99 4 1 4,426 10 8 2,117 42 4 160 8[ 60 11 1 303 .. 27 103 3,600,700! 774 10] 2,028 17 165 5j Totals. GlSBOBNE - KiRAKA SEC TION — 1101 20 32 312,800 1,190 2 1,805 5 495 14 3,100 3 9 301 4 3 73 2 1 35 16 3 1,535 10 11 12 6 9 67 8 7 5,125 12 7 371 3 .. 176 1 34 10 1 2,779 144 5,791 135 509,600 272 131 15118; 5,354 15 Gisborno. 2'779 144 5 791 135 509,600 272 13 15118 5,354 15 994 4 7 62 0 0 22 3 4 4 16 3 1,512 5 3 8 16 2 .. 2,599 5 7 1,756 4 .. 383 10 6 40 2 1,101 20 .. 32 312,800 1,190 2! 1,805 61 495 14 TeKaraka. 10 19 0 86 12 6 .. 270 0 0 .. 178 2 6 126 7 6 672 1 6 .. .. .. . ■. •■ ■• ■• •- ■■ : ■■ •• ■■ -■ ■- -■ ■• Head Office. .... .... .. .. .. .. i .. .. .. .. .. .. .. General. " 3,880 164 5,791 167~ 822,400 1,462 15 1,957 3 5,850 9 4,105 7 4 449 16 9 95 5 5 310 12 6 3,047 16 2 194 5 5 193 16 1 8,896 19 8 2,127 7 .. 509 11 40 50 3 3,88o| 164 5,791 167 822,400 1,402 15; 1,957 3 5,850 9 ! Totals. Auckland Section— 13 979 132 2 028 241 3,266,506 2,592 9 3,393 6 1,356 15 4,768 8 3 114 10 0 320 2 5 13 3 6 8,538 18 4 143 18 1 92 10 0 13,99110 7 7,700 114 3 285 28 28 \ ITS 408] 5,781 19 .. 17 314,601' 4,154 3 5,589 4 14,592 9 Helensville. 3 235 19 209 1658 755,000 499 3 495 13 499 1 1,122 18 4 397 5 9 104 8 9 10 2 1,352 0 1 0 14 3 10 18 6 2,989 5 10 1,266 5 1 87 2 164 75 1 343 .. .. 9 306,401' 731 3 766 12 12,447 3 Henderson. '479 2 10 400 427 17 822 11 56,687 8 1,052 10 7 1,189 8 7 40 2 10 3 4 4 6,796 19 2 15 15 11 28 10 0 9,126 11 5 497 27 .. 57 1 140 775 4 874 .. 1 12 47,400 894 0 180 2 3,939 8 Avondale. 81 2 88,700 294 0 223 12 4,519 13 1,637 4 10 430 7 6 57 3 10 4 15 7 938 12 11 7 12 0 209 6 0 3,285 2 8 720 9 .. 49 1 160 1,788 .. 1,264 .. .. 102 1,686,600 268 5 130 16 25,785 19 Mount Eden. 2 1 16 200 140 10 1,769 13 966 4 4,282 4 0 620 9 el 200 19 10 44 7 0 1,948 7 8 1114 10 272 6 8 7,380 9 6 4,306 32 1 212 4 114 34 .. 59 .. .. 105 1,049,300 1,206 13 03114 15,418 4 Newmarket. 45,694 18 7 4,205 1 4 .. 2,414 9 6 .. 73 12 7 36 0 0 52,424 2 0.. •• ■■ ■• ■■ •■ ■■ •■ ■■ ■• ■■ Auckland (Passengers 4,024 1 0 2,090 16 10 GY. 25 1 1 16 0 5 0 19 4 6,106 16 6 23,212 196 26 911 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ■■ .. .. ..■ . (Parcels). " 85 '-61 " 2 '218 1809,000 46,95114 44,838 3 31,356 13 .. .. .. .. 83,934 1111 393 19 11,184 18 11 85,513 9 11 81 1032J 279 11 264 .. 9,635 1048. 8,608,000 13,062 0 15,633 9 54,309 14 „ (Goods). .... .. .. .. 2'224 1 3 2,224 13.. .. .. .. .. ■• j ■■ ■- •■ ■• •• ■■ ■■ •■ ■■ ■. » Head Office 16 188 "23 " "l '.. 2 1 35 14 20 1 327 16 11 284 2 8 114 11 8 15 8 785 17 5 0 15 3 3 0 0 1,517 9 7 233 60 3 47 3 13 ] 16,969 1,092 61,170 736 .. '4 90,700 3 13 54 14 705 17' Remuera. '5 23 2 23 7 32 10 1,424 11 988 19 2 178 10 0 3 5 3 51 16 6l 2 13 7 .. 2,649 5 7 742 140 1 78 .. 16 10 .. .. .. .. 4 47,500 330 3 48 15 2,427 10 Ellershe. 180 " ' "690 " 4,006 19 6,518 16 2,454 10 746 0 8 284 5 0 107 12 10 117 11 2,605 18 5 4 7 1 52 16 0 3,802 17 6 195 20 .. 21 2 3 1,999 59 55,696 2,939 .. 6 169,500 952 17 265 18 5,279 14. Penrose. 3 3 105,600 172 2 213 19 244 9 1,327 11 1 885 13 8 67 6 7 6 17 11 409 8 3 2 3 11 62 0 0 2,761 15 776 ' 11 .. 73 1 36 18 .. .. .. 14 7 2,483,600 587 17 816 6 6,015 7 Onehunga Town. 186 20 8 16,000 2,607 19 3,220 1 8,127 14 1,553 10 6 .. 73 0 9 14 7 4 5,465 3 10 288 18 4 .. 7,395 0 9 1,629 4 .. 179 5 338. 10 .. 161 50 3 2 3,799,300 7,736 11 17,303 2 13,414 8 . Wharf. 4 444 10 ' 137 5 366 1 386 2 145 9 1,532 5 7 598 10 7 800 9 2 11 1 4 2,709 15 3 8 2 1 7 0 0 5,667 4 0 558 32 2 312 4 69S 468 156 6,009 161 .. 60J 224,500 1,354 11 3,267 5 12,646 13 Otahuhu. 6'402 381 94 16 185,200 174 15 408 9 4113 1,305 12 4 61 13 0 207 0 8 3 13 4 886 13 5 0 8 4 2 0 0 2,467 1 1 1,669 62 2 144 14 7 169; 3 1,517 7 .. 9 394,200 2,011 6 702 7 2,221 7 Papakura. 3'482 53 174 8 41,900 234 19 271 0 1,220 7 1,200 15 0 61 16 3 119 16 3 8 13 0 754 13 8 5 18 2 2 0 0 2,153 12 4 1,271 14 .. 105 10 5 59! 8 1,327 .. .. 2 160,000 1,208 19 42114 1,325 13 Drury. .-'.-j., i 7 88 io n 300 2,957 17 697 7 .. 2,477 16 6 73 19 6 160 5 4 13 15 4 2,820 3 5 25 14 10 17 10 0 5,589 4 11 5,499 88 5 310 20 5 671] 64 7,177 4 .. 11 605,300 4,132 0 1,268 19 2,972 9 Pukekohe. 6 ' 330 38 3 1 2,900 263 18 283 14 0 11 1,246 15 4 54 1 2 154 8 9 3 8 4 713 9 3 5 16 7 18 0 2,185 2 4 1,980 33 1 76 8 48 142, 1 3,027 .. .. 5 82,900 1,338 4 642 12 1,108 1 Tuakau. '9H 51 .. 366 7 76 6 107 15 579 3 4 26 13 0 ' 68 5 9 0 18 3 391 12 5 0 5 10 5 5 0 1,072 3 7 949 4 1 32 6 177 1461 1 966 1 .. 15 47,600 511 12 156 5 644 2 Pokono. 2 913 '53 850 12 470,300 1,280 10 389 11 4,945 10 1,807 18 11 9 9 11 187 13 2 8 9 7 3,162 17 7 18 1 80 1 0 5,263 12 3 2,231 10 3 114 1 9 242 5 1,285 .. .. 19 227,900 707 19 532 18 2,113 16 Mercer. 2'738 17 30 2 2,700 13110 241 9 161,063 16 1,713 6 3 23 13 0 89 2 10 9 1 11 49,530 9 2 116 8 6 40 10 0 51,522 11 8 3,771 48 5 163 25 82J 397 80 2,687 .. 1 7 394,900 2,478 14 1,632 16 36119 Huntly. 4 677 .. 153 16 602,000 57 8 141 6 4 0 669 10 13 1 6 72 13 10 117 0 1,056 111 3 14 .. 1,815 16 7 912 20 1 62 13 2 284 .. 952 .. .. 11 118,500 619 0 271 0 440 15 Taupiri. 12 918 190 233 1 17,200 1,401 3 475 12 1,121 6 1,745 12 8 5 0 0 190 17 10 9 8 2 2,289 17 2 6 7 8 27 5 0 4,274 8 6 7,999 46 3 149 17 21 369 196; 1,955 13 .. 14 258,600 1,309 6 1,018 8 1,826 3 Ngaruawahia. 13'510 255 174 104 17,900 583 8 560 15 45 10 2,895 13 6 63 10 0 152 4 6 28 14 6 2,346 14 11 75 15 1 48 0 6 5,610 13 0 3,517 50 6 123 7 23 678 2,569 150 .. 48 435,100 754 4 667 0 3,066 19 Frankton Junction. ll'714 '423 426 24 61,700 1,564 11 2,503 4 282 11 5,194 16 7 227 8 6 ; 597 8 10 142 11 3 4,795 5 8 31 4 9 76 15 0 11,065 10 7 7,337 79 13 196 16 307 514 50! 2,804 105 .. 180 3,903,300 3,602 9 3,843 12 11,135 15 Hamilton. 71 881 '831 1 900 15 40 800 1,194 6 795 13 46 4 2,019 15 8 102 0 6] 725 18 11 22 2 10 6,267 15 4 9 0 2 45 16 6 9,192 15 11 2,735 70 5 130 26 140 653 62 6,191 162 3 266 1,698,600 . 2,186 18 1,002 18 2,123 13 Morrinsville. 6'802 174 ' 9 9 11,700 340 8 730 18 139 16 3,497 12 9 50 10 0 302 12 8 19 18 5 1,193 17 11 19 2 7 62 1 0 5,145 15 4 3,337 95 4 222 10 58 651 81 8,503 148 .. 76 648,100 1,239 0 774 8 2,305 15 Te Aroha. o' 167 55 24 158 432,200 1,839 2 5,091 5 5,882 7 4,080 4 2 170 0 0 348 7 0 24 16 6 4,315 48 580 80 17 0 9,024 17 4 3,024 61 5 160 9 109S 486] 1 0,010 86 .. 30 594,700 530 13 695 1 2,215 2 Paeroa. 2 29 18 142 10 220 6 1,576 2 6 24 17 3 25 8 11 5 8 5 170 9 4 1 15 1 .. 1,804 1 6 1.158 1 .. 59 .. 34 3 .. .. .. .. 103 495,500 199 9 272 4 14,651 6 Karangahake. " 39 1 3,400 14 4 49 8 29 16 981 9 3 94 10 3 29 2 0 6 9 6 59 14 1 13 1 10 0 1,173 8 2 1,071 .. .. 52 .. 143 57 .. 112 89 .. 201J 282,700 559 10 3,124 11 36,185 2 Waikino. 4 523,600 80 14 633 6 265 1 5,236 19 0 58 2 6 169 10 11 33 11 3 1,063 9 11 21 3 1 6 10 0 6,589 6 8 3,123 62 4 136 4 161 458 22 4,688 83 .. 94 756,500 2,459 9 3,134 11 12,753 8 Waihi. 10 . 2 35,700 69 0 859 12 56 12 2,028 13 4 195 2 6 181 3 1 9 9 8 1,119 04 089 0 10 0 3,534 7 8 1,120 26 .. 28 .. 19 75 .. .. 5 .. 9 113,300 54 14 177 0 1,113 ,5 Shortland. 16 4 56,300 256 4 583 13 653 8 2,402 16 11 30 10 0 157 5 4 32 1 0 771 6 6 4 4 11 1112 Oi 3,409 16 7 . 1,209 39 3 124 6 142 1,315 18 7,811 81 .. 42 212,800 285 9 358 1 4,683 12 Thames. '7 905 622 269 1 3,200 935 9 558 17 25 15 3,591 9 3 .. 376 12 8 22 8 2 2,646 6 11 18 1 0 86 10 81 6,741 8 3 5,227 116 9 156 51 24 660 2 3,494 147 .. 138J 1,295,800 4,837 13 2,467 14 4,828 10 Cambridge. 4 805 49 95 8478 13 550,900 325 4 262 13 20 5 997 0 4 35 10 0 136 1 9 3 6 11 20,446 15 8 24 8 2 83 16 0 21.726 18 10 6,358 65 5 218 61 86 1,498 306 12,404 44 .. 27 397,300 3,902 12 1,847 16 1,940 17 Putaruru. '693 33 502 2 70,200 372 11 416 4 794 19 10,027 13 7 67 17 9 368 6 10 1,593 19 0 1,880 8 7 9 10 3 151 16 7 14,119 12 7 8,139 44 9 159 23 224 938 258 5,107 19 .. 148 1,256,800 2,999 1 3,155 11 4,049 17 Kotorua. 37 423 250 190 2 .. 310 2 24112 17 15 633 8 3 26 10 0 348 4 4 3 0 3 3,004 15 5 1 0 10 7 6 0 4,024 5 1 1,190 31 1 83 7 7 1,469 36 26,088 91 .. 32 364,400 1,402 8 51110 1,660 16 Ohaupo. 4 781 330 350 91 2,487,700 564 10 1,049 6 7,442 12 2,246 13 5 38 10 0 490 7 1 7 10 6 6,837 6 5 10 15 3 52 3 5 9,683 6 1 2,647 77 9 166 30 124 615 2ft 3,923 .. .. 134 1,312,800 2,41112 1,394 6 4,275 10 Te Awamutu. 7 135 50' 509 1108 2,019,200 106 l 1 313 8 4,886 151 2,29113 4 14 15 0 97 5 1 6 9 9 4,360 14 6 .5 10 9 19 14 11 6,796 3 4 1,994 50 11 209 50 44 4,175 602 13,347 .. .. 52 939,400 1,363 2 1,334 3 1,384 10 Te Kufti. 17 640 44i 80 390 9,215,400 88 10] 356 6 517 17 8,055 15 7 .. 167 13 8 29 11 3116,139 13 2 191 1 9 25 4 8 24,609 0 1 4,639 94 8 260 56 181 8,015 1,166 12,140 18 2 6 207,300 4,239 5 3,178 0 6,866 3 Tanmarunui. 456 .. .. .. .. .. .. 456.. .. ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ -■ ■• ■- ■■ ■■ ■ • I ■- -■ .. Exhibition traffic. "' ]] "] Z Z. .. .. 472 0 4.. .. Z. .'. '.. .. 472 0 4 .. ■■ •• •■ ■■ ■■ •- •■ -■ .- -. Main Trunk Line through traffic 304 17 0 1,302 6 9 .. 7,121 4 0 Cr. 9 11 7 2,155 6 3 317 4 9 11,191 7 2 .. ( . ' ■• ■■ •■ •• •• ■• ■■ -- ■• ■■ .. Accountant. ...J".. - • ■ • • • ■ • • • ■ • ■ • • ■ "I ■ • • ■ .. Tablet stations. ■ ■ ! - ■ .... .. .. .. ■ ■ .. ■ - - ■ .. .. .. General. 5,198 '~9fiv. 2,066 35,921,400 ! 78,625 19] -9-^242~_7 136,754 11 7 12,830 8 112,032 7 3,13,782 10 525-7526 18 4 3,726 11.5 5,443 14 8 439,097 1 9 125,940 1,935 150 5,947! 582 3,972| 42,937 4,712 269,735 5,198 9,659 2,066 | 35,921,400 78,625 19 79,574 1295,242 17 Totals. Wellington - Napier - New Plvhooth . Section— 8,835 7 6 984 2 10 690 19 9 127 8 10 Cr. 10 19 5 6 16 9 19 5 0 10,653 1 3 32,092 .. .. 156 i .. .. .. .. .. ■• .. .. -. .. .. ... Te Aro. 28,465 15 7 5,027 5 7 .. 5,414 6 9 13 14 1 69 7 6 698 2 0 39,688 11 6 .. .. .. .. ! ■■ •■ ■- •■ ■• ■- ■■ ■■ Wellington (Pas'ng'rs). ' 3,242 6 2 1,264 8 6 Cr. 16 18 7 0 8 9 .. 4,490 4 10 18,467 276 33 665 .. .. ] .. .. ■■ ■• ■■ ' ■■ ■■ .. .. .. „ (Parcels). 406 54 15,038 59 2,232,800 28,376 0 30,379 9 40,009 19! .. .. .. .. 68,619 19 1 1,204 1 7 1,709 2 10 71,533 6 6 7 644J 583| 2 5,219 6,334 47,906 729J 13,303,400 11,763 12 34,682 2 46,219 8 , (Goods). 29 .. 299,500 106 5: 1,426 12 17,479 8] .. .. .. .. 897 10 8 .. .. 897 10 8 .. 1 482 .. .. .. ' 14,862 .. 127,800 9,712 5 5,718 7 248 10 . Wharf. 2,348 29 .. .. 300 1,816 14! 11,352 3 338 8 745 13 8 274 2 2 60 16 2! 7 15 3 3,384 0 5 5 17 11 .. 4,478 5 7 219 7 .. 70 1 54 2,064 1,407 275,55S 1,608 41 1 2,600 5 4 481 0 5,908 1 Ngahauranga. 110 15 3 4 4o! 14 4 l! .. ■ 14 4 1 2 .. .. .... 2 21 16 102 21,453 .. .. .. .. 310 .. Through. "205 Z. "22 "2 64,800 1,218 5 17,429 10 34 ll 1 6,525 0 7 8,679 8 9 128 6 lOi 75 18 3 4,663 17 2 13 18 1 65 12 0 15,152 1 8 1,621 23 2 307 .. 134 2,144 139 362,211 1,980 22 70 1,719,100 931 5 1,717 1 14,67114 Petone. 231 6 3 2 .. .. .. Ill 2: .. 44 9 9 .. .. 46 0 11 7 4 2,537 295 174,601 1,118 .. 2 .. .. 20 8 868 15 Through. 264 171 224 480,300 141 15 236 14 32,532 0 : 6,548 11 7 3,261 3 2 1,487 0 0 : 175 16 5 3,515 17 9 10 18 10 20 1 3 15,019 9 0 2,542 123 9 291 3 364 64 1 1,530 43 .. 149 2,062,100 954 5' 893 9 4,821 7 Lower Hutt. 132 .. .. 4 8,300 2 4 5 7 157 10 .. .. 52 11 3 .. 39 10 8 .. .. 92 111 21 16 5 1 3 179 .. 15 .. .. 10 4 11 7 3 .. Through. 1175 68 758 1,768,300 98 10 203 18 5,475 2 2,642 0 4 164 0 2 1,297 15 2 36 3 0 2,327 4 2 4 18 4 22 10 0 6,194 11 2 2,419 242 4 319 3 193J 838 11 2,020 .. .. 8 314,800 1,083 2 952 2 2,530 8 Upper Hutt. 330 .. 112 10 18 .. .. .. 3 4 5 .. 15 10 0 .. .. 18 14 5 8 102' 1 2,500 117 12 .. Through. 3 20 321 61 44,200 32 8 30 4 60 0 203 19 3 20 3 6 89 14 1 0 14 172 7 8 0 5 7 313 0 0 799 11 5 1,186 2 1 48 .. 12 5 1 35 .. .. .. 15,700 119 14 115 15 67 0 Kaitoke. 3 ... .. Ill .. .. .. .. .. 3 18 6 .. .. 3 18 6 .. ■■ •• •• •■ •■ •■ ■■ ■• 0 17 .. Through. .. .. .. .. • • .... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. . ■ .. .. .. .. Summit. Gross Creek. 172 124 2'804 o!942 224 17,900 1,205 13 424 5 Z. 3,350 16 11 4010 6 1,216' 6 6 6419 6 6,333' 9 4 4812 0 108 8 0 11,163 2 o| 5,868 87 18 563 10 5 273 1 8,346 779 .. 185J 682,300 1,903 1 2,403 3 2,046 1 Featherston. 30 1 .. 3 9 1 10 .. 6 2 8 ... 12 17 11 .. 18 7 3 .. .. 32 7 101 14 3 .. 3 .. .. 5 1 10 .. .. .. 1 16 40 .. Through. 9,896 302 405 6 123,500 455 18 156 14 .. 1,575 5 7 32 0 6 135 7 7 25 8 3 927 2 1 8 4 5 3 10 0 2,706 18 5! 2,125 29 5 45 .. 2 33 .. .. .. .. .. 32,800 543 2 881 4 308 6| Greytown. 3' 2 .. 2 15 2 .. 3 15 4 -. 6 0 1 .. .. 12 10 7 6 .. .. .. .. ■■ ■■ •• -• -■ ■■ ■• ■- ■• 0 2 .. Through. 148 970 432 3,129 222 282,900: 1,019 6 796 13 669 16 2,616 2 l] 15 18 3 242 18 5 57 3 8 6,749 13 5 16 13 7 27 2 0 9,725 11 5: 3,897 98 6 123 1 4 169 7 4,733 534 10 16 1,173,500 1,702 16 1,88114 1,121 1 Carterton. 3 .. .. 2 17 .. 11 4 8 .. 4 15 8 .. 12 5 10 .. .. 28 6 2 12 9 .. 1 .. .. .. .. 39 .. ' .. .. .. 0 7 .. Through. 154 456 59 11,658 23 191,200' 1,696 71 1,430 13 717 1 12,180 1 3 294 11 7 776 14 2 273 19 4 11,207 9 7 65 11 1 184 5 4 24,982 12 4 9,727 260 60 782 8 53 788 5 14,372 40; 121' 136S 3,770,200 4,765 9 6,482 16 8,180 191 Masterton. 145 .. .. .. 9 Si 8 5 . 30 8 5112 11 .. 18 6 6 .. 58 8 01 .. .. 128 7 5 36 6 .. 7 .. .. 6 .. .. ....... .. 2 6 10 19 .. Through. 44 330 502 1,728 24 329,500 630 17] 109 19 99 0 786 10 11 24 10 0 136 1 111 15 16 1 2,984 0 8 6 16 7 35 12 10 3,989 9 0 756 34 4 74 2 18 44 1 483 179[ .. 183 89,800 134 0 282 10 206 15 Mauriceville. 33 16 16 4 0 0 13 11 .. 4 6 8] .. 21 6 1 .. .. 26 6 8 6 50 .. .. 22! .. .. 3,600 .. 16 0 12 17] Through. 36,014 2,782 4,689 5328 4,869,100 999 4 385 9 178 9 2,492 13 11 29 11 3 258 9 7 45 8 7 9,521 12 2 9 18 5 54 0 0 12,411 19 lit 5,212 66 15 313 7 140 323 38 4,782 489| .. 2 92,700 1,906 11 1,051 8 343 16! Eketahuna. 948 .. .. .. 2,600 0 31 10 19 .. 13 17 4 ■ .. 4 12 4 .. 42 14 1 .. 61 3 9 67 7 .. 4 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 10 5 12 .. Through. 57,769 3,079 4,135 249§ 202,200 847 1»| 544 6 31 lj 3,343 10 53 2 0 297 15 2 81 10 5 5,352 19 2 16 10 8 104 6 9 9,249 5 2j 4,187 135 38 331 3 184 381 1 7,692 301 237 8 656,200 2,389 11 2,561 8 1,041 8 Pahiatua. 120 .. 3 .. 0 9 : 20 1 .. 49 2 5 .. 13 4 10 .. 37 2 3 .. .. 99 9 6 166] 9 .. 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. 10 14 19 .. Through. ;_ . ! [ I __j 3 1 135 16 .. 59 26 4, 101 42 4 160 28 148 192. ' 5 1,434 159 .. 225 17,996,600| 2,414 19 3,384 12 112,318 2 Totals. Kaihu Section — 2 59 4 1.. .. 27 89 3,114,500! 163 5 1,071 2 23 _l Dargaville 6 1 7 .. 303 .. .. 14 486,200! 611 5[ 957 15 142 0 Kaihu. .'. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Head Office. I General. 8 60 11 1 303 .. 27 108 3,600,700! 774 10; 2,028 17 'l65 5. Totals. Z. 1,490 4 1 .. 14,581 12 5 408 71,968 15 9 .. .. 2,520 2,520 98 .. I 70,541 37,762 499,39l| 426,743 1,034,437 42,709 125,940 0 1,935! 150 5,947 582 2 3.972J 42,937 4,712 2 269,735 5,198 9,659 2,066 Totals wb llingtoh - n apierNew Plymouth SectionTo Aro .. •• 16 * Wellington (Pass'rs)l 1£ a (Parcels) f * (Goods) j As re- . Wharf J qni"Ngahauranga .. 19J Through Petone .. .. 19£ Through Lower Hutt .. 19J Through Upper Hutt .. 19J Through Kaitoke .. ..15 Through Summit .. 1 Ab reGross Creek J <_™<*. Featherston . - 12 Through Greytown.. .. 12| Through Carterton .. .. 13$ Through' Masterton . - 16J Through Mauriceville .. 15 Through Eketahuna .. 13$ Through Pahiatua .. .. 14J Through ~l>---_)7_7 — 8 1,220 7 7 66 ) 19,097 10 11 62 J 4 480 18 1 14 2,381 15 5 15 2,440 18 11 20 2,830 9 3 2 366 5 10 13 429 4 1 1 12 2,001 12 6 9 1,434 12 10 'i 609 3 0 6 934 1 9 3,259 14,727 7,893 46,563 72,442 5,548 7,759 (14,463 56,607 53,114 142,877 267,061 6,796 J .. .. .. .. .. .. 33,164 378 982 5,841 14,213 21,414. 922 i 1,810 17,550 16,064 98,856 133,780 23,854 1,381 ! .. 11 4,289 20,128 17,722: 64,792 106,931; 12,099 23,178 .. I .. ..--.. 5 I 885 971 9,923: 18,321 30,100| 336 11,919 2 ) 49 55 502 1,094 l,7-0i 6 1,624 208J " 8 14 1 178 134 [69 10 J 312 '.. 82 909 .. 8 8 ! '. 213 .. 15 270 .. 1 9 387 2 7 .. 4 3 199 .. Z. "38 Z. 481J 655 3 35 2 119 4 6 " 11 28 1 8 14 17 4i; 4 :: l\ -1 ) 2,005 2,244 5,921 5,584 15,754 71 7,033 9 7 16 21 ) 1,094 1,254 3,333 3,619: 9,300 35 2,369 7 1 8 .. 11 ! 1,532 1,479 6,223 4,875 14,109 19 1,884 1 3 17 9 30 12 r 6,397 5,092 22,791 20,104 54,384 116 4,469 17 9 90 44 160 .. 30 ) 195 262 1,742 3,815 6,014 26 680 ) 909 l!089 5,791 4,670 12,459 44 1,877 10 2 36 10 58 19 I 1,665 1,466 6,839 4,873 14,843 57 2,073 40 14 180 72 306 .. 83 175 9 :« 3 "22. '-44 4 .. I 1 .. 2 58 1 "8 125 2 1 3 .. 50 734 16 1 3 -.-. 2 126 4 " 6 217 7 4 .. 18 270 6 4 16 .. I 118 1,918 235 1 1 .. 84 12 18 158 457 81 3 496 1,792 30 6 6 .. 232 397 2 2 15 738 12 25 3,678 17 7 '3 352 9 10 6 949 12 10 i 954 10 6 13 1=1! 4 4 103 11 1 840! .. 67 : ..

D.~ 2.


RETURN NO. 12-continued. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1908— continued.

I [Nf, Stations. oton-Napie I Hour. H-nd's Traffic Number oi Ticeets. open, em- Expenditure, j- : —■ ■ jployeci I F . rat . First- i -Second- Becondclass class class class . Single. Return. Single. Return. EBNumber of Season Total. Tickets. Horses. P„„, riages. I Trucks Dogs. D "£, yB ' Lime, Cattle. ! Calves. Sheep. •*"' Chaff. Ac. 105 9 .. 265 32 8,225 5 .. .. 3 .. 1,743 285 11 65 1.281 254 31,949 3 2 .. 120 4 817 669 25 78 820 11 56,041 10 2 .. 216 108 1 11 743 4 38,466 1 2 .. 32 159 4 22 75 .. 18,124 1 .. .. 2 234 3 152 429 3 45,931 .... 10 61 484 561 11 33 2,174 3 107,915 119 688 364 2 154 209 .. 28,383 9 2 .. 10 205 186 2 20 469 6 52,893 1 .. .. 313 67 5 87§ 214 .. 18,877 995 "23 4438 l!572 .. 36,465 1 .. 3 7 .. 670 79 1 155 46 .. 1,270 685 "10 63 45 " 191 12 .. .. .. I .. 30 6 233 71 .. 1,589 2 1 9 .. 156 12 14 199 23 7,816 3 .. 1 34 800 l!6oi Z. Z. 7. Z. Z. 294 .. 47 133 3,766 275 42,335 20 28 586 45 11,889 59 1 197 260 16 6,391 762 14 43 2,115 342 54,084 96 1 194 32 62 5 .. 3 .. 20 1,323 524 .. 68 .. 32 65 1,633 13 67,622 3 518 76,744 95 1 195 195 23 15,411 7 .. 3 .. .. 8,078 92 3 71 108 .. 20,898 4 .. 15 76 9,920 350 6 662*. 400 76 37,060 12 .. 33 285 16,915 880 8 385 727 5 32,788 14 .. .. 61 .. 30,032 125 4 3 50 1 2,726 1 .. .. I 361 .. 11,718 261 10 .. 458 63 9,096 8 .. .. 66 5,901 89 6 1 17 2 1,454 8 .. .. .. .. 854 572 53 45 340 2 8,353 28 .. .. 6 .. 4,688 273 12 12 134 5 2,269 7 .. 1 10 782 4 15 56 .. j 96 .. 159 201 .. I 14,244 2 .. .. 427 .. 7,684 100 8 111 148 2 5,976 2 .. 3 4 .. 8.216 159 .. 7 50 15 2,854 17 .. .. 170 .. 3,272 700 Z. .. '.. Z. Z. 15 64 1J98 ' 95 31,409 2 1 239 .. 7,624 132 3 28 193 45! 5,552 278 .. 8,175 158 .. 11 571 62 18,637 1 .. .. 182 .. 8,352 208 3 2 895 130 28,399 2 .. .. 509 ' .. 4,958 132 1 3 404 288 14,351 6 .. .. 260 .. 5,398 503 26 20 4,667 790 46,673 16 .. .. ] 330 .. 12,100 109 1 9 ] 965 67 5,224 1 .. 166 7 5 930 99 3,992 9 .. .. .. 467 13 15 824 213 12,746 15 .. .. 7 .. 45 7 4 8 96 1 50 .. .. 15 7 1,290! 1 .. 826 8 41 1,106 243 5,545 6 .. 171 2 131 283 15 645 8 ... .. 2 .. 348 .. ..... 43 .. .. I 31 48 j 486 49 340 Z. "a Z '■', Z ■'■ Z. Z. Z. ■ '.'f z. z. Dogs. OUTWARD. Trucks ' Trucks I '""' wo-l ' «'" S *ixB*'\ G '" n ' chSse. j »»»»'•■ P-J2.S,. ' IS... '-'" »£,. O00< "' e.".n.ous. C?n_,l._o a n. .oiw'aS.d™ *««'•• Horses.| r f«.. Dog , Ljl, Cattle | Calves. w0 ° ' Ac. I __J ! I ! ; J I I j j I I __J I ] Ts. c. Ts. 0. Ts. a. _ s. d.l _ s. d. _ s. d. _ s. dJ _ s. d. _ s. d.l _ s. d _ 3. d. 230 1,485 3 1 7,800 438 2 413 16 17 0 742 3 7! 0 10 0 102 9 6 13 0 6, 1,657 13 0 110 10 36 5 9 2,553 13 2 901 10 2 74 .. 10 155] .. .. .. .. 3113 .. 11 12 9! .. 117 .. 43 6 IC .. .. 56 1 2 17 1 .. 1 .. .. .... 1,332 1,839 719§' 2,061,400 185 17 1,357 9 955 17 5,573 4 2 131 4 0 466 12 11 87 8 6' 7,200 4 6 32 0 10 1 391 3 7 13,881 18 6 2,984 269 46 344 3 39 653 1 4 ■ • 1 ; 3,000 12 7 7 .. 77 1 3] .. 4 4 11 .. 34 12 7 .. .. 115 18 9 176 9 .. 6 .. .. 34 658 5,882 1,372| 8,321,800 1,189 5 1,551 8 1,107 11 7,794 18 1 346 2 6] 568 10 2 172 19 7 18,862 15 8 46 14 7 83 4 0 27,875 4 7 7,721 211 65 703 19 285 940 31 .. 1 .. ' ■■ 107,600 1 16 16 10 .. 149 8 7] .. 9 18 9 .. 158 11 5 .. .. 317 18 9 381 12 3 10 1 .. 33 83, 798: 364J 5,946,900 9 3 170 13 162 6 815 19 5 25 19 6] 79 13 11 11 12 4 8,351 15 4 1 12 6 44 17 0 9,361 10 0 1,306 15 4 112 2 52 207 1 4 1 6 11 li: .. 0 4 8.. 131911 .. .. 2016 6 15 .. .. 2 .. 500 990 96 1,635,900 155 3 246 18 0 1 1,481 19 81 12 0 83 13 1 22 5 3 3,041 17 11 2 5 8! 10 13 0 4,646 16 7 2,513 23 8 139 6 39 148 1 3,600 .. 0 13 .. 19 12 111 .. 18 4.. 607.. .. 27 110, 24 3 .. 2 .. 2 24 3,257] 278IS, 1,695,500 476 8 162 7 4 0 1,659 6 6', 3 10 0 133 18 3 27 13 7 4,548 13 4 6 19 3 17 14 6 6,397 15 5 3,220 98 36 292 21 5 150 1 ..'..,.. .. 3 17 0 1 .. 20 9 2 .. 10 2 .. 38 4 5 .. .. 59 13 9 29 1 .. 2 41 5,689, 6 98,600 400 15 353 17 144 14 1,193 16 2 29 3 0 288 5 6 48 10 7 4,679 4 11 2112 2 : 275 15 0 9,536 7 4 4,042 161 48 563 7 157J 1,014 ! ■• .. 0 10 14 16 52 6 1 .. 4 6 8 63 7 9 .. .. 120 0 6 32 1 1 84 3,861' 53 1,944,200! 961 8 459 18 467 4 3,253 6 4 5 19 0, 258 16 8 46 3 11 3,610 3 5 9 13 9! 25 5 0 7,209 8 1 5,565 55 27 254 24 28 109 1 .. .. 8 3 13 7 .. 67 14 8 .. 14 1 1 .. 44 6 3 .. .. 126 2 0J 49 .. 3 5 3,979] 15 34,900 67 15 208 15 .. 1,080)3 11 70 4 0 103 4 6 18 6 11 1,783 5 1 28 11 9| 5 10 0 3,039 16 2 8,184 65 8 213 9 5 94 .. ] 6,400 .. 0 17 .. 16 6 9 .. 1 15 2 .. 103 15 7 .. .. 121 17 6 8 11 1,592 44 2,095,000 306 19 90 1 .. 416 11 5 20 12 6 49 9 2 9 17 0 1,990 8 8 0 18 4] 25 10 0 2,513 7 1 1,920 12 5 121 5 17 147 1 ! •■ •• ■• 0 2.. 2 11 3 .. 2 14 11 0 3 1.. .. 593 13 2 8,819! 16 : 240,200 3,382 5 9,193 13 139 7 12,096 8 10 695 16 3 1,421 5 4 202 8 ll 1 9,729 16 7 37 7 8, 384 1 0 24,517 4 7 7,609 445 51 1,029 16 222 2,977 59 ..!..! .. 27 12] 7 15 .. 416 2 0 .. 36 16 2 .. 62 10 4 .. .. 515 8 6 232 15 3 8 1 .. 44 4,623 .. I 1,100 558 I 9,814 12 128 0 906 18 10 79 0 9 38 1 0 14 18 10 3,959 14 4 Cr. 71 3 5 10 0 4,928 10 4 728 10 1 87 4 62o! 105 .. I ■■ 0 llj 0 5 .. 15 6 9 .. 0 4 9 .. 1 1 10 .. .. 16 13 4 2 .. .. .. .. .. ! .. 121 12 ] 96,900 1,217 2 3,470 6 10,294 17 18,172 15 5 1,948 17 2 1.392 4 2 484 11 6] 6,233 14 7 82 12 8' 168 10 0 28,483 5 6 8,018 190 28 755 5 1988 54 4 8 20 15 .. 743 10 10 .. 13 5 6 .. 54 10 7 .. .. 811 6 11 127 .. 16 .. 2 .. 26 1,6401 781 357,800 9,099 4 9,182 8 28,269 6 .. .. 82 2 5 16,527 0 1 99 3 7 75 10 0 16,783 16 1 651 25 6 40 2 225 201 ..['.. .. 3 11 24 10 .. .. .. 2 6 7 .. 67 15 7 .. .. 70 2 2 7 .. j .. 1,107 l,603r 83 505,700 246 12 156 12 575 15 1,0.8 14 5 10 18 0 324 8 11 24 15 9i 1,357 6 6 2 3 11 53 0 0 2,871 7 6 1,185 66 18 86 4 54 174 536 298] 6 .. 118 5 0 .. 14 7 3 .. 2 6 1 .. 44 18 11 .. .. 61 12 3 255 5. .. 4 .. 1 .. .. I .. .. ■■ ■■ 17,829 13 6 1,146 10 10 .. 77 10 0 .. 15 7 6 450 0 0 19,519 110 .. •■ j •• ■■ ■■ •■ •■ 684 19 3 .. .. .. 0 14 4 .. .. 685 13 7 .. • • ■■ •• •■ ■■ ■• 1,640 10 2 72113 0|CV. 19 11 5 6 18 11 .. 2,348 10 8 6,644 395 81| 851 .. 67 5 3 .. ICr. 0 0 11 .. .. 67 4 4 8,326 128 52 246 .. .. .. , .. 643 707 57 387,200 3,96111 4,212 13 3,18115 .. .. .. .. 10,515 18 10 124 15 9 110 Ol 10,642 4 7 .. ..!.... 19 388 2,529i 157 1,087 1,504 1 137,400 680 17 1,196 13 319 5 .. .. .. .. 90114 4 .. 901 14 4 . .. I . 3 15 114: 1,647 622 36 89,000 2,705 0 387 16 214 10 687 16 9 4 11 0 473 2 5 9 2 6 2,122 5 6 2 7 4: 16 5 0 3,315 10 6] 566 38 2 22 9 39ll 1 5,941 112 26 1,178,000 3,823 2 15,612 12 3,122 15 18,514 4 9 .. 1,523 5 2 .. .11,402 8 1 9 17 .. 81,148 19 7 11323 535 92 698 36 130 4,216 88 7 2,016 6 55,500 801 0 4,639 19 9,032 15 2,483 16 10 38 9 6 195 18 5 26 14 6, 7,225 16 7 614 2 5 208 12 0 10,693 10 3 2,728 78' 7 145 5 232 89 8 .. .. 100 75 9 51 3 218 3 9 9 4 .. 9 15 11 .. 114 4 3 .. .. 133 9 6 780 10 .. 9 1 6| 6 5,506 14 10 165 19 6 594 7 1 153 10 9 O. 16 0 0 6 10 4 .. 6,411 2 6 5,152 244 18 417 .. 400 2 5 .. 53 13 5 .. CV. 0 2 2.. .. 45313 8 8,018 61 6 51 2,387 3,958; 109 138,300 2,263 3 940 0 220 0 .. .. .. .. ! 5,894 9 11 34 6 8 166 1 3 ,6,094 17 5 .. 12 140 753 70 2,693 3,793 .. .. 224 14! 296 18 4 0.. .. .. .. 1,394 11 3 .. .. 1,894 11 3 .. .. .. '.. 4 65 7 452 540] 42 3,900 652 10 69 3 185 5 1,028 7 11 4 0 6 59 4 0 14 15 8 1,068 19 1 15 4 9 10 6 2,185 15 3 2,838 10 4 91 2 5 36 27 50 330 1 .. .. 11 10 2 19 40 7 0 4 0 3 .. 150 19 4 .. .. 195 6 7 131 4 .. 9 27 184] 2 1,200 552 0 103 7 714 0 1,082 6 3 .. 139 4 6 22 12 3 918 18 1 4 2 71 13 10 0 2,180 13 8 1,434 114 4 84 5 5 74 13 510; .. .. 4 9 12 6 .. 98 7 2 .. 16 18 10 .. 264 2 10 .. .. 379 8 10 443 11 4 10 698 2,036! 2618 131,200 2,964 5 609 19 42 19 4,204 5 2 58 19 4 340 9 ll! 175 9 5 4,267 13 4 13 2 8 213 16 0 9,273 15 10 2,923 129 22 315 11 79 304 97 90 1,239 .. .. 44 8 15 3 316 10 7 .. 24 17 2] .. 624 4 10 .. .. 965 18 7 1,214 19 4 14 1,562 4,653 301 931,600 469 2 354 9 8 0 1,750 4 7 12 10 0 170 19 0! 31 12 1 4,521 11 6 15 2 41 20 3 10 6,522 3 4 2 581 58 17 385 8 55 495' 63 131 359 .. .. 3 9 .. 118 5 5 .. 12 1 11] .. 830 13 3 .. .. 961 0 7 548 3 1 21 3 ■■ 13, .. 181 1,013 2158 370,400 23 18 874 16 27 6 603 11 11 0 13 4 46 18 1 6 9 7j 1,585 19 0 4 1 10: 19 8 0 2,267 1 9 1,161 23 5 112 1 7 95! 239 192 .. .. 3 4 .. 29 7 10 .. 4 18 2 .. 467 0 7 .. .. 501 6 7 96 1 2 3 .. 12 200 1,818 275 8,545,600 159 6 339 11 6,827 18 1,716 3 2 12 10 0 88 7 10 15 10 8' 14,270 11 6 1 14 5] 10 10 0 16,115 7 7 1 687 27 11 240 5 55 182 25 400 7 153,800 0 15 3 14 .. 128 111 .. 4 11 7 .. 509 19 9 .. . 642 13 3 370 .. 3 88 831 473J 7,414,800 93 15 150 4 3,083 14 895 16 6 25 7 0 45 5 9 8 16 11,11,843 9 2 10 10 11 .. 12,829 6 3 975 17 10 91 12 59 76 2 295 .. 95,200 .. 13.. 7118 11 .. 4 16 10 .. 232 5 8 .. 309 10 95 1 .. 10 57 2,665 2258 6,936,600 683 10 907 19 1,242 4 6,924 8 9 97 3 9 277 2 9 126 19 1 11,792 11 1 544 8 10] 66 4 9 19,828 19 0 3,455 107 20 634 14 253 504 2 6 2 15,500 116 55 11 .. 855 16 8 .. 32 13 10 .. 242 11 6 .. . 1,131 2 0 1 028 9 4 42 8 7 46 2,943 47 2,884,900 446 9 353 6 28 14 1,688 16 7 17 10 3 40 5 8 15 7 8: 5,643 17 8 193 17 2 12 0 0 7,611 15 0 620 24 10 319 41 148 403] 44 6 1 2,100 110 2 3 .. 282 14 4 .. 12 18 9j .. 46 3 10 .. .. 34116 11 55 2 .. 12 •■ 17 450 4 1,040,000 42 15 78 19 29 0 .. .. 0 2 0 0 8 6 1,829 16 9 41 4 7] .. 1,3711110 34 11 .. 4 35 138 358 51 0 9.. .. .. .. .. 5 8 9.. .. 5891 64 1,449 6 100 188 13 82 8 687 19 718 4 3 7 0 0 95 9 7 16 11 8 845 17 4 7 18 3| 4 0 0 1,694 16 1 1,490 18 7 102 3 6 49 15 10 51 .. 8 12 111 .. 36 17 8 .. 16 2 3 .. 271 8 9 .. .. 324 8 8 88 2 1 173 4,430 13 5,000 854 2 120 14 5 0 799 16 1 17 7 6 149 3 6 13 12 2 896 12 11 15 3 5] 10 0 1,892 15 7 3,222 76 4 128 5 9 302 6 46 .. .. 0 18 1 14 .. 55 10 5 .. 15 18 6 .. 224 17 11 .. .. 296 6 10 78 5 1 11 1 27 57 314 9 8,600 638 6 750 C 3,179 17 2,129 11 6 26 10 1 115 10 8 75 1 7 1,217 8 3 8 9 41 147 15 4 3,720 6 9 4,569 13 5 135 1 23 237 19 46 .. .. 11 2 5 3 .. 477 1 9 .. 29 14 7 .. 155 8 1 .. .. 662 4 5 145 1 .. 10 .. 14,554 3 7 1,523 13 2 .. 118 16 9 .. 6 2 2 1,063 2 7 17,265 18 3 .. , .. 2,19110 3 .. .. .. 17 3.. .. 2,19217 6 1,482 19 7 388 2 4 Cr. 42 17 1 3 15 10 .. 1,832 0 8 5,671 429 30 804 .. 123 7 2.. 0 9 11 .. 123 17 1 3,001 60 6 92 .. 361 112 79 772,400 6,728 11 10,276 14 9,632 5 .. .. .. .. 23,255 16 1 2,654 11 3 .. 25,910 7 4.. 27 4368 1,778 163 135 .. i .. 200 16 3 72 8 .. .. .. .. .. 468 14 7 .. .. 463 14 7 8 1 6 184 10 6 .. 184 10 6 164 1,717' 22 3,000 398 19 86 7 10 5 369 13 3 10 10 0 151 5 0 5 8 10 469 13 1 2 15 5 2 10 ol 1,011 10 7 845 32 3 107 1 15 149 16 .... .. .. 36 .. 12 18 8 563 .. 356 16 9 .. .. 375 1 8 9 2 .. 5 .. ■ ■ 1 50 2,092 10 300 25 3 107 16 8 12 935 12 9 10 6 8 109 15 3 9 13 6 968 0 4 6 5 6: 3 10 0 2,043 4 0 1,148 33 4 154 1 12 218 44 58 .. 0 9 8 0 77 4 4 .. 10 3 3 .. 383 9 7 .. .. 470 17 2 61 .. .. 1 819 1,612 .. 6,200 833 3 245 9 14 12 1,516 10 8 19 11 0 162 14 10 21 1 8 1,683 6 0 18 0 ol 2 0 0 3,428 4 2 2,531 108 111 188 3 11 548 "49 685 .. ] .. .. 0 1 2 17 .. 130 17 3 .. 9 7 9 .. 384 14 9 .. .. 524 19 9 285 5 .. 1 3 .. .. 14 2,224 40 11 107,900 1,356 8 4,833 7 3,980 4 1,431 1 2 113 19 4 153 5 8 21 14 11 5,099 6 11 215 3 8! 130 2 1 7,164 18 9 2,066 85 6| 162 1 10 1,902 113 166 .. .. 85 6 4 9 .. ' 193 14 9 .. 5 17 5 .. 392 10 5 .. .. 592 2 7 315 3 .. 3 6,083 2,327 11 236,600 4,354 12 1,531 19 266 15 7,350 16 3 282 13 11 583 9 0 159 3 1 5,037 17 9 19 17 8] 45 18 4 13,479 16 0 4,338 273 201 498 32 85 1,349 213 8,087 .. .. .. 19 0 8 1 .. 988 7 5 .. 77 3 9 .. : 1,178 9 7 .. 2,244 0 9 1,224 20 l 1 13 .. .. 24 3,324 198 66 .. 2,289 6 160 13 8 0 931 19 8 29 10 0 76 19 9 11 3 21 1,242 0 8 (13 b! 9 2 6 2,307 9 5 627 61 4 ! 59 6 5 212 14 8 .. .. 35 7 14 .. Ill 8 4 .. 7 16 0 .. 31 18 8 .. .. 151 3 0 52 2 .. 3 .. 8,953 884 1138 685,900 2,743 10 1,670 11 686 18 3,125 4 1 58 11 9 134 19 9 62 2 7 3,228 18 11 17 14 8 149 7 10 6,776 19 7 3,268 38 14: 189 6 47 548 208 1,109 .. .. .. 1 17 2 15 .. 479 14 7 .. 31 0 3 .. 71 9 5 .. .. 582 4 3 637 2 .. 6 .. 4,328 2,969 3138 1,691,800 2,74116 1,515 8 222 17 4,729 6 10 882 6 9 230 15 3 84 5 3 4,37112 0 718 12 7 734 9 2 11,251 7 10 4,661 107 25 466 27 118 1,687 132 2,025 23 .. 110 3 0 .. 540 18 0 .. 26 8 5 .. 137 13 7 .. .. 705 0 0 867 6 .. 20 .. .. 4 1,859 214 121 1,106,900 535 15 184 11 2,862 16 555 6 10 56 16 6 179 16 4 3 15 1 1,375 8 7 13 7 10 13 8! 2,183 0 7 1,145 .. .. 71 1 12 41 ' 1 411 05 .. 49 19 4 .. 159 2170 .. .. 64 21 50.. .. 4.. 264 122 1498 1,034,400 196 4 74 17 1,916 17 433 13 10 73 1 6 10 6 3 5 15 5 964 16 1 0 5 8 9 9 6 1,497 8 3 525 7 5 53 3 7 252 11 97 .. .. .. 0 6 .. 26 17 11 .. 2 9 0 .. 7 3 2 .. .. 36 10 1 13 1,045 691 158 1,240,900 1,033 11 783 7 3,456 17 2,280 2 0 382 10 0 136 13 1 32 6 7 2,553 4 1 6 5 7 23 10 0 5,414 11 4 2,660 39 5 325 4 31 904 "55 216 .. I .. .. .. 2 14 .. 211 3 7 .. 1113 5 .. 20 6 5 .. .. 246 3 5 353 2! .. 6 .. .. 26 731 147] 2 73,000] 1,683 17 1,827 10 3,353 9 2,054 13 143 1 6 88 3 6 23 11 4 2,224 6 8 32 1 3 72 10 4 4,637 15 10 1,004 50 11 195 14 .. 2 521 758 11 .. ..]... 1 17 .. 343 5 5 .. 14 4 7 .. 7 1 11 .. .. 364 11 11 209 4, 1 11 .. .. 88' 8 I .. .. .. .. ■■ 12,820 9 8 723 12 3 1,349 5 4 4,021 15 11 Cr. 43 19 8 7 9 8 586 5 8 19,464 18 10 3,189 297 15 431 .. 1 .. .. .. •• ■• 6,075 19 .. 229 3 0 .. ICr. 8 17 2 .. .. 6,295 7 7| 1,319 16, 1 72! .. 2,058 304] .. 448,400 10,517 2 16,587 15 5,86110 .. .. .. .. 14,016 15 1 620 7 0 .. I 14,637 2 ll .. .. .. ..1 19 170 2 854J 112 .. .. .. 19 68 4 .. .. .. 228 12 3 .. ., 228 12 3! .... .... ' 7I 312,600 .. 19,488 14 5,655 10 .. .. .. 3,848 14 5 .. ••■ 3,848 14 5 12 4 295 _3 227 6 8.. .. .. .. .. 227 6 8] .. .. .. .. ■■ 151 4 10 .. .. .. .. .. 151 4 10 1 224 3 4 .. .. .. .. .. 224 3 4 ! .. 408 7 0 2,198 7 5 .. 14,094 16 8| 6,985 4 8j 3,201 1 6 26,887 17 3 .. : ! '- '■ ,1 ■ __1— - — INWARD. Trucks S-P ««■■ 0 ' pfr'ewood. J ■_ 2,897 .. j .. 8 I 6,838 17,369 " 31 27 2141 .. 18,122 5 163 81 4 .. [ .. 6,716 .. ] .. 2,458 " 1' Z. Z. 20 .. ! .. 4,026 35] .. 38 19 .. ] .. 11,915 38 .. 3303 4,350 .. I " '96 1,229 Z. I .. 34 718! Z. I Z. "7 127,788 254| 1J601 781*. 30 .. 1 76,119 .. 734 135J 788 156 "l38 378*. 36 2 60,049 .. 39,054 3378 38 4,396 2 6 458 434 44,937 '542 "l60 9258 415 64 2 11 45,012 .. 3 4 127,773 282] 9,089 32 4,091 80 3,683 185J 30 .. .. ..I 31,746 719 " 34 78 907 4 .. 488 18 5 4,327 Z. Z. '40 6,952 86 77 485! 15 5,264 891 39 33 35 3,485 .. .. 4 11,002 49 .. "8 i,890 79 Z. .. 6,289 'l71 Z. ' '28 796 10,196 11 1 12 4,113 22 " 1 "8 101 5,334 17 105 53 2,554 28 .. 978 78 45 .. 4,575 97 3 105 187 108,102 593 19!867 705* 72 28 .. 3,736 40 .. 628 3,014 26 1 50| 7,719 507 13 87 2 .. ..I .. 5.310 304 3,967' 858 22,154 9,701 Z. 323 494 115 .. 10 4,875 2,014 Z. 7 37,777 2,754 "275 27 835 12 "2 3,175 "l8 Z Z. 15,067 1,932 Z. "4 70,345 3,682 4,016 72$ 37,151 13 "273 459} 129 " "115 Z. Trucks of Firewood. I Timber, Superficial Grain. Feet. Merchan- M1 , dise. Minerals. Stations. Parcels. JVelltngton-Napiee-New Plymouth Section— continued. £ s. d. Mant-atainuka .. 15} 2 314 0 10 252 225 2,096 Through .. 9 4 38 Woodville .. I 16 29 4,126 2 2 2,519 2,126 16,969 Through .. .. ■■ •■ 160 43 333 Danneiirke .. i 14* 19 2,918 15 8 3,662 3,332 23,420 Through .. 133 62 405 Makotuku.. -.12 3 327 13 5 284 320 4,322 Through .... .. .. 3 1 18 Ormondville ..llj 3 447 2 6 556 471 4,494 Through 14 2 43 Takapau .. ..11 4 524 2 11 791 676 3,471Throngh .. 19 6 35 Waipukurau -24 11 1,361 2 7 2,543 2,236 13,024 Through ■• 55 10 74 Waipawa . -. 12J 6 813 6 4 1,846 1,902 7,897 Through .. 58 7 72 Kaikora ". __ 2 339 8 8 606 687 2,798 Through • ■ 8 2 11 TeAute .. 10J 1 210 8 5 238 213 1,147 Through ... '.. . ■ .. 6 Hasting" ". 14j 17 2,319 5 3 7,212 9,173 35,512 Through ■• 275 68 470 Farndon . . 11} 2 336 14 10 578 823 3,940 Tnrough ■• 12! 1 14 Napii-r .. 17J 32 4,512 14 1 11,753 11,872 33,615 Through ■• 566] 81 737 Port Ahuriri (as requi re.) 8 1,290 18 5 Through .... Ashhurst ..12 2 327 0 3 664 650 5,532 Through •• 20 10 121 PalmerstonN.(Pass._. \ (9,744 7,685 53,613 Through .- 4,201 2,491 15,126 Palmeiston N.(Parcels) 1 18 , 72 10,829 15 10 I " Through - ■ ' ( 1 •• Palmerston N. (Ooo_u | I... •• " Through - ■ ' I ■• ; Lonehurn ..16 7 961 16 3 895 1,271 5,049 Through •• I 15,061 6,862 36,662 Foxton •• 12 6 1,555 2 0 ! 734 899 8,539 Through .. ! 21 5 59 Feilding (Coaching) 1 3,965 4,239 11,643 Through •• U 11 1,583 14 1 - 85S 687 l^ Feilding (Goods) .. t ■• Through .. I .. Halcombe . •• 12} 3 378 5 5 367 576 2,656 Through .. 42 15 100 Greatford.. ■■ 13 3 426 13 1 869 678 2,480 Through 144 100 190 Marton ..15 16 1,877 2 11 2,654 2,570 9,897 Through ■■ 366 277 625 Hunterville ..13 6 619 6 1 877 1,010 4,702 Through •■ 78 45 222 Ohingaiti . ■ • 14 2 447 14 11 260 278 1,545 Throng, 16 6 54 Mangaweka -.15 4 628 7 4 540 836 4,288 Through •• 33 29 242 Utiku . .. 13J 4 519 12 11 194 314 2,582 Through 17 11 121 Taihsne -.17 17 2,417 12 6 3,385 2,124 25,803 Tn ,oogh •• 361 102 1,683 Mataroa ..10} 3 376 13 7 1,556 403 10,951 Through •• 161 23 412 Kangalaua .... 2 140 6 11 Through .... Turakina .. .. 15j 4 483 6 3. 410 386 2,653 Through •• 29 22 77 Fordell ..15 4 456 14 7 588 238 2,577 Through .. : .. .. ■• 45 24 69 Aramoho . .. 15J 6 941 1 5 2,135 907 12,491 Through .. ] .. ■• -■ 484 124 624 Wanganui (Passengers, , (9,831 8,312 39,149 Through ..1 2,221 762 2,449 Wanganui (Parcels) , j- j 51 9 240 19 a J Through .. f .. Wanganui (Goods) .. Through - - ] / \ • • Wanganui (H. Office) .. Kailwi .. •■ I 14 2 258 2 11 88 69 1,523 Tnrough .. ! .. .. .. 5 3 13 Waitotara -.112 2 310 15 7 277 140 1,568 Through ■■ 41 13 69 Waverley". .. j 11 3 384 1 3 585 600 2,905 Through .. .. ■• •• 50 39 145 Patea . ■. i 12 6 1,891 18 111 491 796 4,568 Through .. 79 44 209 Hawera ■• 14 21 3,308 11 0 2,884 2,878 22,721 Through .. 390 143 969 Normanby ... 12 3 368 17 0: 257 233 4,176 Through ■■ 15 4 136 Eltham . ..124 u 831 12 6 1,087 988 10,332 Through .'. 96 47l 542 Stratford . .. llj 14 1,612 19 8 2,207 2,126] 19,765 Through ; ■• 161 70| 509 Midhirst . ..12 2 268 5 8 90 U6| 3,336 Through I .. 7 .. 71 Tariki ". ..12 1 219 7 9 77 79 1,761 Through •■ 3 2 44 lnglewood ..12 4 696 1 1 795 902 8,551 Through .. .. ] .. •■ 60 16 207 Waitara .. .. 13 5 997 19 4 1,272 1,086 9,070 Through ...... .. 75 34 374 NewPl\moutli(__ch'g>\ . 15,158 5,302 50,716 Tnrough .. I 3,212 467 4,549 New Plymouth IG-o-.) |-15 ! 46 8,779 5 4-.. Through .. .... Breakwater .. I .... Exhibition traffio .... .. .. .. 257 Through •• •■ 312 Main Trunk Line .. .. .. 24 91 34 through traffio Accountant .... .. j: • ■ 3 Tablet stations .. .. 28 1,987 5 8 (Jeneral 21,795 12 ll! .. ■■ Totals .. ..' 770 140,426 9 s!l66,493 220,257 737,436 M Pi —c. inn Tl ,dv Tl no Tl oti Tl ion Tl api Tl pu Tl P" Tl koi Tl *ut Tl tin Tl id< Ti in Tl :A Tl hn: Tl lie Tb nc 11c Tl ghi Tl to) TI aii TI dii Tl coi Tl itf' Tl 101 Tl ite TI )R f Tl 1(111 Tl cu Tl GTON-NAPIE Plymouth Si continued. ataimka 'tirough ville 'hrough evirke 'hrough tuku.. hrough ndville 'hrough pau .. 'hrough ukurau Tirough awa .. )hrough >ra .. 'hrough ite .. 'hrough ngs .. Tirough Ion .. )nrough r 'hrough Ahuriri (as re !hrough urst .. 'hrough orstonN.(Pass 'hrough eiston N.(Pan 'brough erstonN. (Goo 'hrough burn 'hrough in 'hrough ing (Coaching 'hrough ing (Goods) ...„ ,.- , )hrough >mbe.. 'hrough lord .. 'hrough jn 'hrough erville 'hrough raiii .. 'hrougn :aweka 'hrough 1 'A-^iiaV, EBlEC- £ s. d. .. 153 2 314 0 10 252 225 2,096 1,913 .. - _ 38 28 .. I 16 29 4,126 2 2 2,519 2,126 16,969 16,19b .. i .. .. .. 160 43 333 136 .. i 14J 19 2,918 15 8 3,662 3,332 23,426 13,157 .. 133 62 405 220 ..12 3 327 13 5 284 320 4,3_2 3,583 .. 3 1 18 9 ..llj 3 447 2 6 556 471 4,494 4,988 14 2 43 27 " ii 4 524 2 11 791 676 3,47>- 3,682 .. 19 5 35 14 ..24 11 1,361 2 7 2,543 2,236 13,024 13,824 .. 55 10 74 20 .. 12J 6 813 6 4, 1,846 1,902 7,897 6,568 .... .. .. 58 7 72 49 .. 12J 2 339 8 8 606 687 2,798 3,410 8 2 ■ 11 22 '.' lOj 'i 2l6' 8 5 238 218 1,147 1,877 . .. .. .. .... 6 2 14j 17 2,319 5 3 7,212 9,173 35,512 41,563 275 68 470 133 ..llf 2 336 14 10 578 823 3,940 8,249 | .. 12] 1 14 6 .. 17J 82 4,512 14 1 11,753 11,872 33,615 38,239 .. 566] 81 737 159 -quire.) 8 1,290 18 5 ..12 2 327 0 3 664 650 5,532 5,291 .. 20 10 121 92 sien. i /9,744 7,685 53,613 41,815 4,201 2,491 15,126 7,134 reels) 1 18 , 72 10,829 15 10 J " ' flOJ (A 1U.O-- AO IO ( K_M| j I .. .. ] .. j .. ..16 7 I 961 16 3 895 1,271 5,019 4,484 .. 15,061 6,862 36,662 25,873 ..12 6 1,555 2 0 ! 734 899 8,539 11,807 .. '.. .. .. 21 6 59 19 ig) 1 ] 3,965 4,239 11,643 12,070 '• 15 11 1,583 14 1 - 85 ' J 687 i- 6 " 1 i' 806 r AO 11 1 ,ooo » 1 " I Z. 12} 3 378 5 5 367 576 2,656 6,396 .. 42 15 100 152 .... .. .. 42 15 100 152 .. 13 3 426 13 1 869 678 2,480 2,245 .... .. .. 144 100 190 140 .. 15 16 1,877 2 11 2,654 2,570 9,897 8,862 .... .. .. 366 277 625 472 .. 13 6 619 6 1 877 1,010 4,702 3,723 .. 78 45 222 152 .. 14 2 447 14 11 260 278 1,545 1,903 .. 16 6 54 33 ..15 4 628 7 4 540 836 4,238 4,116 .. 33 29 242 142 ..131 4 519 12 11 194 314 2,582 4,319 17 11 121 89 29 314 11 2,124 102 403 23 ■ 1 5,019 2 36,662 ) 8,539 I 59 ) 11,643 1 1,601 5 2,656 3 100 3 2,480 ) 190 ) 9,897 I 625 1 4,702 i 222 3 1,545 3 54 3 4,288 , 242 I 2,582 1 121 1 25,803 ! 1,683 1 10,951 > 412 1,913 28 16,196 136 13,157 220 3,583 9 4,988 27 3,682 14 13,824 20 6,568 49 3,410 22 1,877 2 2 41,563 133 8,249 6 6 38,239 159 5,291 92 41,815 7,134 4,484 25,873 11,807 13 12,070 1,806 6,396 152 2,245 140 8,862 472 3,723 152 1,903 33 4,116 142 4,319 89 15,602 623 6,485 240 4,486 1 79 .. 37,810 61 672 .. 13,571 407 820 8,509 60 31 10,509 8 86 8,627 7 78 31,627 81 159 18,213 9 186 7,501 222 43 3,475 33 8 93,520 1,226 946 13,590 242 95,479' 2,362 1,543 12,137 30 243] .. 112,8011 438 28,952] .. 11.699 7 84,458 21,979] 68 103 34,917 17 4,853 9,995 2 309 309 6,272 574 23,983 45 1,710 10,312 18 497 3,986 2 109 9,730 24 446 7,409 52 238 60 1,077 2 2 8 1,201 6 6 7 1,265 2 81 1,987 9 9 3,705 18 222 1,092 2 I 33 756 .,226 6,317 101 242 493 9 9 !,362 13,843 31 1,379 6 V 30 2,091 43 438 438 14,641 4,986 7 1,023 26,402 68 1,088 116 17 4,535 1,090 7 2 636 OO 505 126 45 2,528 379 18 1,697 190 2 613 22 24 1,065 90 52 250 15 2,798 55 4,623 19 8 172 29 8 .. 182 53 6 1 12 4 20 7 1 .. 61 11 1 .. 176 19 2 .. 75 11 8 2 41 6 1 19 4 3 .. 683 70 21 .. 9 1 159 54 1 .. 12 6 1 58 13 6 .. 445 143 118 55 89 6 443 97 122 8 19 .. 259 51 77 11 15 2 5 .. 99 8 19 3 127 12 21 1 80 16 7 1 15 4 3 .. 24 5 22 .. 3 .. 69 8 9 .. 6 1 105 285 3 669 10 108 1 159 1 234 561 364 9 186 1 67 995 1 79 685 12 30 156 3 l!6oi 294 "59 762 96 5 524 68 95 7 92 4 350 12 880 14 125 1 261 ft 8 89 8 572 28 273 95 7 92 4 350 12 14 125 1 201 8 89 8 572 28 273 7 4 524 a .. _oo C— a, _zo aoo q , 1AO 3 .. 1,743 11 65 1.281 254 31,949 1,332 o '.an a oiv 2 .. 120 4 817 25 78 820 11 56,041 658 2 .. 216 .. .. I 1 11 743 4 38,466 83i 2 .. 32 .. .. ] 4 22 75 .. 18,124 500 2 3 152 129 3 45,931 24 10 61 484 .. 11 33 2,174 3 107,915 41 no £33 119 638 2 154 209 .. 28,383 84 2 .. 10 205 2 20 469 6 52,893 5 5 "87J 214 ." 18,877 "ll 23 4435 1.672 .. 36,465 2 3 7 .. 670 1 155 46 .. 1,270 10 63 45] .. 191 6 233' 71 .. 1,589 26 2 1 9 .. .. 12 14 199 23 7,816 1,107 1 34 800 536 47 133 3,766 275 42,335 643 20 28 586 45 11,889 1,087 1 197 260 16 6,391 1,647 14 43 2,115 342 54,084 5,941 1 194 32 62 7 3 .. 20 1,323 8 32 65 1,633 13 67,622 2,387 3 518 76,744 2,693 1 195 195 23 15,411 452 3 .. .. 6,078 50 3 71 108 .. 20,898 27 15 76 .. 9,920 6 6621 400 76 37,050 698 33 285 .. 16,915 90 8 335 727 5 32,788 1,562 61 30,032 131 4 3 50 1 2,726 181 .. ( 361 .. 11,718 10 .. 458 63 9,096 200 66 5,901 6 1 17 2 1,454 88 854 53 45 340 2 8,353 57 6 .. 4,688 12 12 134 5 2,269 46 1 10 782 44 15 56 .. j 4 " 3 "ll 2 23 1 10 12 "47 275 45 16 342 20 "is "23 76 5 1 63 2 1,1' 643 1,087 1,647 5,941 7 2,387 2,693 452 27 698 90 1,562 131 181 Ts. c. Ts. c. Ts. c 266,500 288 2 380 11 197 ( 2 7 10 6 362,700 1,079 19 1,327 4 1,206 IC 2,500 2 0 53 19 .. 591,900 3,912 16 4,238 5 1,789 t 100 115 11 428 10 130,800 458 6 436 17 59 18 2 12 25 4 39,800 801 1 794 17 62 13 10 4 18 160,000 954 9 674 10 351 17 4 16 1,176,700 978 2 1,445 0 704 16 3 2 263,700 1,647 14 2,313 0 760 11 10 5 2.. 315,400 620 13 811 8 223 13 0 4 148,700 889 8 530 4 4,096 3 0 2 6,646,500 4,981 10 6,426 12 19,103 6 300 .. 28 10 379,200 415 10 261 18 459 4 0 18 3,076,100 359 0 1,048 3 9,796 14 4 13 7 4 2,282,900 2,208 7 18,114 4 98 3 6 15 361,100 450 0 434 19 693 18 113,600 83 2 341 16 363 13 3,866,400 4,284 19 4,437 18 6,878 11 902,800 2,247 5i 8,342 15 1,761 13 47,500 164 6 277 11 972 13 536,100 1,619 10 2,112 12 752 2 1,868,600 1,036 2 2,294 15 3,154 3 125,000 121 0 259 15 1,972,500 1,999 13 1,921 5 2,691 12 12,800 1,016 13 3,284 5 77 8 64,500 440 5 320 4 266 15 9 0 133 6 416,000 342 12 481 2 252 18 40 1 126 17 18 11 2,766,800 1,873 18' 1,875 12 3,652 16 1,500 56 ll] 481 15 246,800 1,160 10| 1,150. 1 585 6 100 29 8 240 11 3,100 336 3 359 8 331 6 10 17 4 234,000 805 19 960 4 178 11 100 12 16 121 19 15,400 465 3 454 2 60 14 19 17 49 5 5 3 335,700 1,854 13 2,809 16 12,944 3 .. ' 82 9 419 1 14 15 309,000 1,106 18 1,353 10 2,021 IS 2 0 60 10 214,900 1,143 18 2,548 15 3,702 11 1 10 82 7 177,800 659 14 390 3 240 2 3,400 .. 14 16 241,400 ' 649 12 617 19 1,443 15 14 9 19 7 519,300 201 2 377 5 1,050 18 5,600 5 0 23 8 Ts. c. 197 6 1,206 10 1,789 5 59 18 62 13 351 17 704 16 760 11 223 13 4,096 3 19,103 6 459 4 9,796 14 98 3 693 18 363 13 Wellington - Napier - Mew Plymouth Section— continued. Mangatainoka. Through. Woodville. Through. Dannevirke. Through. Makotuku. Through. Ormondville. Through. Takapau. Through. Waipukurau. Through. Waipawa. Through. Kaikora. Through. Te Aute. Through. Hastings. Through. Farndon. Through. Napier. Through. Port Ahuriri. Through. Ashhurst. Through. Palmerston N. (passen.). Through. Palmerston N. (Parcels). Through. Palmerston N. (Good*). Through. Longburn. Through. Poxton. Through. Feilding (Coaching). Through. Feilding (Gooda). Through. Halcombe. Through. Greatford. Through. Marton. Through. Hunterville. Through. Ohingaiti. Through. Mangaweka. Through. Utiku. Through. Taihape. Through. Mataroa. Through. Ran^aiaua. Through, Turakina. Through. Fordel!. Through. Aramoho. Through. Waneanui (Passengers). Through. Wanganui (Parcels). Through. Wanganui (Goods). Through. Wanganui (H Office). Kai Iwi. Through. Waitotara. Through. Waverley. Through. Patea. Through. Hawera. Through. Normanby. Through. Eltham. Through. Stratford. Through. Midhirst. Through. Tariki. Through, lnglewood. Through. Waitara. Through. New Plymouth (Coach's) Through. New PlymouthlGooda) Through. Breakwater. Exhibition traffic. Through. Main Trunk Line through traffic. Accountant. Tablet stations. General. TI lat Tl arc Tl .hrough ■pe .. 'niough roa.. 'hroueh .... .. 17 11 121 89 ..17 17 2,417 12 6 3,385 2,124 25,803 15,602 .... .. .. 361 102 1,688 623 .. 10$ 3 876 13 7 1,556 403 10,951 6,485 .. 161 23 412 210 238 46,914 152 2,769 19,395 21 836 21 152 1,220 21 1,220 127 170 49 4 2 "57 127 21 170 5 "46 44 49 7 ;h rough ft! an a .... .. .. ADA AO AAA A1U .... 2 140 6 11 4 59 4 9 1 65 3 18 .. 24 .. 2 .. 4 "96 2 100 2 159 17 Tl iki Tl Id TI _o Tl ign Tl 'hrough „na . - 'hrough ill .. 'hrough oho .. 'hrough januid'ftsseiig 'hrough .. 15* 4 483 6 3 410 386 2,653 1,953 29 22 77 36 .. 15 4 456 14 7 588 238 2,577 3,433 .. ! .. .. .. 45 24 69 57 .. j 151 6 941 1 5 2,135 907 12,491 4,027 . : .. .. .. 484 124 624 344 „„,;, (9,831 8,312 39,149 26,497 ..I 2,221 762 2,449 1,415 386 22 238 24 907 121 8,31V 762 3 2,653 ! 77 I 2,577 1 69 ' 12,491 ! 624 ! 39,149 1 2,449 1,953 86 3,433 57 4,027 344 26,497 1,415 5,402 11 164 6,836 27 195 19,560 75 1,576 83,789 208 6,847 "ll l"395 236 27 2,124 51 75 1,689 308 208 15,675 1,280 1,395 236 2,124 51 1,689 4 1 "96 2 159 201 .. I 14,244 64 427 .. 7,684 10 8 111 148 2 5,976 173 3 4 .. 8.216 46 7 50 15 2,854 57 170 3,272 46 64 10 173 46 57 46 100 2 2 159 17 15 A 327 69 69 700 700 39 igs Tl igs ;anui (Parceli through ;anui (Gooda) l8 > |1 19 ! 51 9,240 19 4 J ■■ A\\ ■■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ 15 64 1J98 95 31,409 361 2 1 239 7,624 135 3 28 193 45 5,552 164 278 .. 8,175 11 571 62 18,637 50 182 .. 8,352 3 2 895 130 28,399 819 509 '.. 4,958 685 1 3 404 288 14,351 2,224 260 .. 5.398 166 26 20 4,667 790 46,673 6,083 .. ] 330 .. 12,100 8,087 1 9 965 67 5,224 3,324 7 5 930 99 3,992 8,953 .. .. .. 1,109 13 15 824 213 12,746 4,328 7 .. .. 2,025 7 4 6 96 1,859 15 7 i,29o| 264 97 8 41 1,106 243 5,545 1,045 216 2 131 283 15 645 731 2 .. 95 '-61 135 7,5i6,600 1,650 0 2,742 12, 210 6 8 7 302 16| 210,000 305 0 268 2 1,895 11 22 5 141,500 599 8 557 18 568 15 12 8 475,300 1,008 7 908 7 1,494 8 13 5 36 3 761,700 7,678 19 1,115 5 3,472 1 1 10 21 4 2,814,400 3,019 15 4,519 12| 10,956 1 4,000 11 5 121 191 78,600 667 19 906 lSl 239 4 9 2 3,712,700 2,500 13 3,104 19! 1,659 1 2 0 50 6: 505,500 3,262 17 4,195 5; 4,303 2 100 1 15 97 7 125,600 983 14 879 10 301 5 2 0 63,400 294 0 362 0 160 0 .. ' .. 3 17 17,300 2,322 6 1,850 1 878 2 29 17 754,200 2,187 16 1,334 13 254 8 1 10 40 13 1,849,400 6,931 11 22,3-6 19 7,4-9 9 7 15' 101 14 8,756 6 ige I* Ti tol Tl )er TI AS. Tl ver Tl 1U1I Tl ,ar Tl .tfi Tl hn Tl iki ;anui(H.Offi' wi '..rough ntara tirough irley .. )hrough 'hrough ira .. .hrough lanby 'hrough __n 'hrough ford .. 'hrough its. ■. 'hrough i '..:, , a.-i See) .. ! 14 2 258 2 ll! 88 69 1,523 1,680 5 3 13 15 *. I i_! 2 310 15 7 277 440 1,568 3,094 41 13 69 69 ..111 3 384 1 3 585 600 2,905 3,9:34 50 39 145 67 .. | 12 6 1,391 18 111 491 796 4,568 4,214 .. 79 44 209 91 14 21 3,308 11 0! 2,884 2,878 22,721 22,204 390 143 969 449 , 12 3 368 17 0 257 233 4,176 4,269 15 4 136 82 124 o 831 12 6 1,087 988 10,332 11,030 .. .. 96 47] 542 250 11* 14 ' 1,612 19 8 2,207 2,126] 19,765 16,225 161 70| 509 223 12 2 i 268 0 8 90 1161 3,336 3,690 ..I .. 7 .. 71 27 12 1 219 7 9 77 79 1,761 2,838 3 2 44 9 69 3 440 13 ) 1,523 1 13 1,690 15 3,094 69 3,934 67 4,214 91 22,204 449 4,269 82 '-,370 ' 19 36 .. 5,359 18: 8,024 32' 301 10,069 73] 123 50,687 200, 1,951 8,935 15 23,437 96 40,323 493 963 7,232 117 105 4,755 136 58 19! 2,348 .. I 29 18 : 818 .. 42 32 1,020 99 73] 1,265 .. : 95 1 200, 2,980l 261! 15 273 40 96 1,157 209 493 2,557 218 117 965 45 3 5 .. 32 3 4 .. 112 1 3 .. 69 5 1 .. 355 20 22 .. 65 .. 3 .. 43 16 1 80 4 2 1 4 1 " 3 'l32 45J 164 5 277 41 1 585 50 I 491 79 I 2,884 390 I: 257 15 i 1,087 96 ! 2,207 161 I 90 7 1 77 3 795 60 31 791 4) 2,871 141 23; ) 1,568 3 69 ) 2,905 3 145 > 4,568 1 22,721 t 969 I 4,176 I 136 3 10,332 fl 512 i| 19,765 II 509 3 1 158 1 13: 16 109 1 "62 i-0 '288 790 "67 "50 81'J RRfi 11,030 250 166 9 4' 2,121 7( 111 250 16,225 223 3,690 27 218 2 965 4 9 467 15 45 1 21:1 " 6 )| 509 3 3,336 " 7! ) 1,761 ! 44 I 8,551 3 207 20 136 118 20 ■■ 1 " 2 7 Tl ev, Tl ta: Tl (PI Ti ,P 'hrough wood 'li rough a,ra .. 'hrough .'h mouth (Com ?,> rough Plymouth (Qw 12 4 696 1 1 795 902 8,551 9,754 . ' .. .. 60 16 207 91 13 5 997 19 4 1,272 1,086 9,070 8,978 " .. .. .. 75 34 374 84 .eh'gll 15,158 5,302 50,716 21,820 .. I 3,212 467 4,549 878 oods) [-15 46 8,779 5 4-.. 60 1,272 75 I 15,158 3,212 , ■ .. 1,086 34 5,302 467 3 207 3 9,070 1 374 i 50,716 r 4,549 27 2,838 9 9 9,754 91 8,978 84 21,820 878 58 20,002 445 374 20,406 259 567 92,996 654 9,106 6 445 1,350 95 259 421 77 654 7,778 118 1 6 1 1,350 65 95 2 421 47 77 3 7,778 220 489 31 111 1 A 1 65 2 2 .. 47 3 3 .. 171 8 8 348 13 243 16 439 "31 "48 j 486 "49 " 840 2^058 49 Tl ?hrough iwater : ) , .. .. .. .. Z. 257 .. 199 "24 257 312 91 199 223 160 456 " 3 .. '.'. Z. ■ Sl_ 5,890* 44,929 4,943 1,832,242 77,870' " 34 3,282 3,285 198 1,117 18,136 — l! 166,493 220,257 737,436 915,760 2,039,946 59,877 255,268 7,093 146,756] 7,7658 74,278,500 115,776 15 193,739 12 205,433 lffl 279,081 9 5 24,916 3 3 '. 27379 16 929,426 3 0398,849 15 214,872 4 3!l2,317 2 8 786,842 14 6] 255,268 7,093 1,117 18,136 544 5,8901 44,92 4,943 1,832,242 77,870 146,71 '6 7,7658 74,278,5001 115,776 1: 193,739 12 205,433 11 Totals.



RETURN No. 12-continued. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1908— continued.

OUTWARD. INWARD. - ■ ■ Trucks Trucks 0___S__o_. -or-.£ea e Fared.. Horn,- t ££. Dog.. »»»•. £,. I Ca.t.e. Calve,. Sheep. Pig.. »»'-»< & sJfSSa, Grain. "erchan_c. - : w °° d - £ n. d. £ a. d. Ts. c. Ts. c. 82 10 0 13,476 1 2 8,138 273 13 1,300 .. 520 10 0 103,396 13 0 .. 195 1,410! 572: 72 5,853 213 84,305 39 2,213,600 62,064 3 59,737 2 722 17 7 3,037 14 5 17 .. ' 309 .. 63 69,209' .. 89,000 20,569 3 8,648 17 58 15 0 1,708 5 6i 35fJ .. .. 71 .. 10 3 .. 3 .... 4 44,1(0 2,631 7| 60 6 25 0 0 2,087 2 71 192 .. 11 .. 66 19 .. 2(30 .. 2,438 7 109,300 910 17 5,869 6 673 11 111 152! .. .. 11 .. .. .... .. I .. 1 .. 17 1 16 279 10 0 77,931 7 111 1 i •• I .. .. .... 12,232 18 4 25,561 633 155 1,646 .. ...... .. .. I .. 1,073 1 0 44,065 15 0 83 1,251] 420| 2 126 18; 31,338 430 25,066,300 19,910 15 105,885 2 60 13 5 :..!.. .. .. I .. 243 15 0 13,721 17 2 6,511 315 211 573 12 470 9,336 942 440,406 15,429 9,620 86 5,645,500 19,172 11 1,087 12 38 15 0 3,582 7 7 759 17 2| 92 1 29 116 10 1,434 49; .. 44 2,534,100 4,357 19 416 4 0 10 0 679 5 2 115 .. .. 9 .. 3! 6j .. .. .. 179 300 49 16 25 15 78 10 0 6,872 4 5 555 10 .. 39 .. 9 54 .31 257,384 2.529 4.788 1 626,700 2,642 7 1,274 12 114 1 0 6,489 15 9 2,031 12 2' 100 5 72 54! .. 613 419 1,312 30 504,800 1,829 9 4,800 4 152 8 6 7,454 12 8 6,365 146 4 248 9 805 480! 5 7,708 431 26 53 709,300 2,672 18 1,641 8 1,349 4 6 2,096 5 21 39 4 .. 16; 2,441 .. ! .. 9 46,300 472 19 266 0 0 10 0 1,359 1 1 2,130 29 6 45 2 2 43 .. 1,836 18 .. 2 37,000 1,112 17 244 13 9 15 8 1,756 1111 3,158 15 6 95 3 2 68! 1 2,521 .. .. 1 40,100 493 14 495 13 10 16 3 2,029 3 3 1,864 42 1 47 .. 9 7 1 209 .. 1 6,100 173 0 159 7 29 12 8 1,428 11 5 1,625 12 .. 49 4 41 32 79 38 1,146 .. 40,500 273 6 227 13 138 2 5 3,117 7 9 4,421 77 5; 241 7 56' 77| .. 5,405 22 6 22 257,900 834 11 478 1 11 0 0 4,878 15 6 1,947 45 11 133 2 2 80 1,856 .. .. 6 229,300 218 8 308 10 1 0 0 3,623 14 4] 4,713 87 26: 184 13 4 25l! 271 5,660 2 .. 39 437,100 1,021 18 948 8 55 6 8 6,601 9 3 2,8491 40 11 229 10 3 61 3,540 .. .. 24 96,600 467 19 359 2 21 0 0 7,364 8 41 9,190 176 43! 757 27 64 1,374 66 6,625 36 19 347,100 1,656 13 2,012 2 61 5 0 8,911 15 O 509, 245 4 104 .. 39 332 3,784 240,927 7,765 .. 13 65,900 978 16 2,392 18 0 10 0 1,109 8 0; 469, 2 .. 4 1 .. 2 .. 228 160 .. 2 16,000 254 19 94 16 57 18 6 2,840 10 10 l,72l! 21 .. 43 3 1 35 2,802 241 .. 27 165,900 810 7 304 9 6 0 0 1,074 4 7! 884; .. .. 17 .. 3 1 813 507 2 42,700 277 16 244 2 26 0 0 1592 (1 3 915! 5 l| 13 .. 8 18 343 .. 2 39,400 138 13 64 10 2 0 0 1,461 5 10 1,556 17 3 27 2 1 15 • .. 2,729 50 2 55,900 349 6 301 7 38 0 0 2 616 2 5 3,359 20 3 144 .. 2 83j 3 942 22 25 188,400 431 5 470 10 25 0 0 3 849 11 11 3.041 1 23 4 65 1 37 1 2,291 136 8 12.1,200 367 3 579 16 85 12 9 5 643 12 5 5,784 166 SI 225 6 76 613 3' 8,152 890 4 300,800 1,151 8 808 17 10 0 1771 13 3 74l! 1 1 29 .. 10 26 1 326 22,772 7,167 1 3 712,800 1,504 19 1,447 4 3 0 0 1 248 8 6 763 18 .. 92 1 1 87] 1,058 81 8 49,400 390 17 163 9 4 0 0 1 526 7 4 1,658 42 13 156 2 3 88 1 3,775; 31 4 189,500 864 13 382 10 27 3 2 3079 19 10 1,914 19 12 5(1 1 .. 13 1 1,515' 19 4 115,800 463 11 301 13 28 2 6 "142 15 1 2,387 58 11 99 16 8 90 11,556! .... 11 83,000 641 7 482 0 0 15 0 2 898 4 7 2,177 42 14i 137; 5 5 77 .. 1.174 33 .. 45 86,800 ' 438 10 377 6 2 10 0 1 502 13 8 2,121 79 6' 107, 3 59, 125 -. , 4.306 2 .. 112: 269,500 495 15 1 685 0 19 13 0 5764 11 2 4,196 73 16 123 6 41 92 12 7,403 .. .. 53 284,800 904 16 878 0 960 3 8 726 7 1 29 1 331 6 .. 1,939 9 .. 7 36,400 315 3 151 12 3 io 0 551 17 4 410 7 5 21 • 2 .. 5 .. 871 16 2 46,600 193 15! 118 6 39 10 6 2 593 12 1 1,785 62 5 131 2 4 161 .. 3,838 43 8] 94,300 408 17 336 10 113 14 0 8 282 17 l'i 4,067 53 24 221 9 4 103 5 10,324 .. lj 2l! 305,400 1,466 3 1,053 5 55 16 8 4 734 10 7 4,255 36 2l| 124 7 1 100 5,332 .. .. 201 542,100 2,059 9 1,212 8 06 2 9 7 493 13 8 1,498 11 2 1 46 2 7| 23 .. 42,072 4 29 3 ; 43,800 988 14 256 2 12.039 15 2 16,638 383 29 308 .. .. .. .. | .. .. .... 560 6 10 9 788 19 6 .. 8 791 365 1 21,685 77 969 181 2,210,200] 5,137 6 5,264 14 47 17 8l 6 475 9 7 548 33 3 35 4 6; 65 3. 13,874 79 377l 37, 48,500 362 7 248 9 4 18 3 3 031 19 1 4.353 37 13 133 5 17 194 6: 1,610 5 .. 1 11 126,500 1,530 16 879 18 60 6 3 1 851 10 0 465 15 4 16 1 3! 48 2,574 .. 1 .. i 1 46,000 454 18] 175 6 6 0 0 2 557 4 4 1,988 14 22 101 24 .. ] 39 .. 13,198 .. .. 22 278,800 1,274 16 491 13 282 6 2 2,551 3 3 1,873 11 20 102 5 4! 22 4,995 .. 2 2 55,000 637 13; 372 0 2 10 6 4540 2 10 5,288 152 14 242 6 4| 40 .. 11,386 .. 3 7 172.600 1,024 8! 1,002 11 43 0 0 1-00 5 7 1,103 7 6 18 1 89 48 913 .. ' 228 4 279,800 520 6 643 16 104 2 4 6,356 4 4 6,389 22 18 97 9 10 64 3,256 10 235 13 597,500 1,001 16; 829 3 24 4 0 4 644 9 1 363 166 4 42 .. 15 534 93,787 157 73 2 206,500 888 0 296 3 17 8 1 3 072 4 6| 3,014 5 5 73 7 8 145, .. I 5,335 .. 80 11 158,700 1,238 19 ! 491 9 14 5 0 2 363 18 5 3,584 46 15 127 9 2 95 8, 4,568 .. .. 30 338,300 1,274 15 816 11 58 12 0, 4,738 6 2 4,351 71 14 238 7 40 53 5] 1,128 10 51 419,400; 1,772 15 958 17 16 0 0 18,428 18 3 20,957 230: 56 604 .. .. .. ' .. I .. ..'.... 1 739 0 0 21829 0 i .. 51 351 242 6 205,064 13 33,361] 116 7,031,200; 40,776 41 40,463 15 320 10 3 4 646 12 3 .. 2 .. 3 .. 1,006 .. 28,698 .. 701,400 27,809 8; 2,368 19 I 68 10 3 5,230 5 7 2,598 14 5 88 4 7 39 1 59,375 .. 207! 11 215,00(3 3,053 17 832 0 I 58 14 6 2,903 6 7 1,637 30 6 61 7 1 13 3,004 12 1 252,500 758 7 425 18 I I 62 16 0 3,961 16 2 901 13 .. 75 8 19, 439 .. ; 18,204 131 7 78,400 1,457 12] 319 3 I 184 7 6 8,530 13 11 8,514 105! 16 158 28 15 75 13,353 16 5] 891,800 2,25117' 2,530 10 I 6 10 0 3,374 18 3 1,275 25 6 26 7 2 19 2,660 16 25 172,900 532 1 290 3 I 4 15 0 1 947 2 1 2,135 13 1 95 3 9 12 5,742 2 .. 6 149,600 / 700 8 428 7 i 17 10 0 2,809 10 6 374 73 .. 25 2! 24 218 .. 1 16,359 5 .. , 4 19,300, 234 7 103 3 ! 8 0 Ol 1,685 19 2 3,654 32 1 136 14 19 48 .. 1 731 .. 18 133,000! 1,185 4 646 19: I 7 17 4 ! 4,736 19 1 4,891 39 5 292 8 38 64 3,001 2 .. 32 275,000 990 18l 918 13 ) .. 13,202 18 10 16,273 249 38 442 .. .. .. I .. I .. ! .. .... I 259 19 0 7,633 6 3| .. .. 26 ! 221 622] 19 26,266! 108 7,5871 77 2,042,100 15,532 13 8,862 16| ! 75 8 3 1,758 7 10 .. ■■ ! 34 1 .. 98] .. 10,205 .. .. 16,515 1 1,363 6 I 15 0 4,614 11 6l 328 8 2 58 .. 12 673 23,317 .. .. 10 69,200 163 18 62 Ol 1 4 10 0 1,099 15 11 6,092 25 6 105 19 49 150 .. 12,724 35 .. 23 368,300 2,745 1 1,032 12] 3 6 12 6 5,028 18 11 2,025 9 3 78 11 44 468' 2 12,2113 100 1,009 20 60,300 1,405 14 443 19, i .. 1,149 5 101 1.322 9 .. 1 44 1 15 11 193 13 2 63,300 356 15 232 3 I 49 2 9 5 601 5 0 3,091 12 4 128 1, 33 127 1 4,444 10 17 104,200 1,433 12 492 161 1 44 11 5l 6,854 19 2 4,728 85 13 217 10 12 260 3 4,578l 23 74 280,900 963 13 824 15 515' 2 5 .. • ■ .. ! .. .. .. ! .. .. 1 3,000 15 10, 10 10 1 119 i! 1,008 19 111 1,047 13 3 30 1 12 16 2071 .. .. 28 70,6001 1,126 8 374 17 3 18 2 io! 2,468 17 111 2,710 28 9 131 1 49 326 .. 2,272 .. II 27 182,800 732 6, 561 12 1 4 0 0 2,253 9 9 3,013 21 1 168 2! 62 95! 1 1,353 ! 17 .. ! 4 263,300 712 11 644 12 0 1 0 0l 1,301 14 7l! 1,266 15 .. 113 2 31 15a .. 646! 102 3 91,600 569 19 269 16 6 1 10 O 1,900 0 8 176 1 .. 16 .. 3 .. .. 5 .. 12 101 46 15 1 .. 1,227 2 10' 327 6 .. 1 38 3, 35 44 3 53 36 1 67,400 373 19! 1,22111 1 .. 5,520 19 5 3,491 26 l 1 94 .. .. .. .... 4 105 0 6 9,913 9 2 .. 14 113 18; .. 691 68 35,693 1 560,000 6,598 10 30,668 5 1 .. 521 8 6 105 .. .. 19 .. 2 .. .. .. ' .. 0 181 2 14 2 .. 1,676 19 1„ 302 .. ' .. 32 .. 15 1 1 .. • .. .. 3 47,800 44 4 19 13 7 .. 2,840 19 10 260 2, .. 15 1 61 .. .. 1 .. .. 17 94,100 6,150 7 170 9 7 1,752 12 0] 71,523 17 7 .. ..'..■ .. j .. .. .. 8 .. 11,072 2 5 36.009 670 77I 1,171 .. .. .. I .. .. .. 4 566 0 0 72,609 18 8 J .. .. .. .. 19| 4,812 901 10 2,767 83 29,015 216 8,213,100 38,065 13 29,375 7 0 27 "4 5 2,614 12 ll 1 1,204 2 ' 1! ' 66 .. [ 18 7. ' 7. .. 7. 7. \ 28 54,700 374 8 126 18 8 10 0 7,812 2 2 152 4 .. 66 .. , 72 8,969 614 201,601 2,672 1391 .. 322,700 1,121 0 2,018 15 9 40 2 6 6,700 18 4]1 378 .. .. j 20 .. 1 599 28 .. 660 77 691 28 182,800 1,954 10 804 13 0 0 5 0 4,815 10 2 465 .. .. 53 1 46 57, .. 1,344 .. 26 12 61,700 52 18 9113 9 6 3 4 2.605 17 3ll 576 177 1! 91 1 19 22 .. 959 212 2 14,80o! 327 19 101 3 3 8 5 0 2,243 8 7j 4,883 51 18 233 3 24 82! .. 2,738 9 .. 1 37 215,100| 751 19 626 16 6 1 10 0 2,642 11 1 1,925 15 6 50 1 14 10.. 955 .. i 8 40,300 329 IB 222 15 7 4 2 0 3,948 13 3,1 4,422 57 17 143 6 89 92| .. 5,747 5 29 229,200 1,009 161 1,075 15 8 11 10 0 2,026 4 8 4,156 53 13 87 11 52 117! .. 2,650 .. .. ' 31 133,000 344 1 1,311 3 3 4 5 0 2,417 11 81 2,565 31 2 69 1 95 101 .. 1,014 25 8 119,600 247 8] 1,030 19 8 27 8 0 5,044 4 4J 2,719 36 10 54 4! 20 21 2,911 .. .. | 5 110,500 -02 12 1,704 13 5 4 10 0 6,933 10 8| 3,076 164 .. 137 1] 65 803 1 1,825 32 272 5 223,300 1,735 16 805 0 I-RtrNur-BLu-P SECTION— Lvttelton (Coaching) 18 (Goods) 1 ■• I [J (Wharf) '('cqancd, Heathcote • ■ 12£ Woolston ■ • 124 Opawa -. ■ • 12£ Christch. (Pass.) 1 m (Parcels) J * (Goods) a-r. iiuir.d „ (D.T.Mgr.) .. Addington ■ • 18 Papanui .. •• J 6 Styx -. -• Jl* Belfast .. • ■ 19 Kaiapoi .. • • Jjji Rangiora.. "21 Curt .. •■ M Bennott s ..__.$ Oxford East, . ■ 14 tt West ■■ 15 Sefton .. • • )2| Amberley ■ • "* Waipara .. •• *-H Domett .. ■ ■ 9 Waikari .. •■ JJ> Culverden • • 10 Hornby .. ■• « Prebbleton ■ ■ 10 Lincoln .. ■• 10* Springston ■ • »i Ellesmere • • 10 Doyleston •• H Leeston .. •• 11 Southbridge ■ • 12 Little River ■ • 13 Templeton ■ ■ j» Rolleston ■ ■ 1» Kirwee .. •• H Da-field .- ■• \fi Sheffield .. ■• 12. Springfield ■ ■ 12 Broken River • ■ 10 Coalgate .. • • J2 Burnham • - 1 0 Selwyn .. •■ » Dunsandel ■ ■ J* Rakaia .. • ■ \H Methven ■ • J*Ji Chertsey ■• 14 Ashburton (Coaching) | 6 (Goods).. X Tinwald .. -• }H Mount Somers ■ ■ 12 Winslow .. ■ - I 3 Hinds • ■ ■ • J* Rangitata • ■ Orari .- ■■ « Winchester ■ • j* Temuka .. ■ • J 2 * Washdyke ■ ■ Ifi Pleasant Point .. «j Albury .- " j 12} Fairlie .. , •■ lrf t Timaru (Coaching) ) (Goods) r 19 H (Wharf) I St. Andrews - - 12 Makikihi . • • 11 Studholme Junction | 10$ Waimate ■ ■ j 12 Morven .. - M Glenavy .. ■ ■ \* Pukeuri Junction . . IS Duntroon • ■ 11 Kurow .. •• I* Oamaru (Coaching) ) (Goods) .. :- 16 Breakwater ■■ ) Waiareka Junction 16J Ngapara .. • ■ JO Maheno .. • ■ A «> Herbert .- ■■ J* Hampden • • \p Palmerston • ■ Z -*S Lime Quarry •• j • ■ Dunback • ■ » Waikouaiti ■• ; 21 Seacliff .. ■■ 21 _ Waitati -. •■ 22 , Port Chalmers Upper 13 Sawyer's Bay ■ - 24 P. Chalmers (Coach g) i , 8 (Goods) | Burke's .. • ■ 24 Ravensbourne .. 24 Pelichet Bay ■ ■ 24 Dunedin (Pas..) I ; 2 4 (Parcels) I i (Goods) ..20 „ (Traf. Supt.) .. Caversham • • 21J Cattle-yards ■ ■ 21 j Burnside - ■ 21 £ Abbotsford • - 21$ Wingatui Junction | 21 -STMiddleraarch . - 10 THyde .- ■ j J! 1' Ranfurly •• I ** " Omakau .. •■ 0$ A'exandra ■ ■ 9 Clyde .- -■ •_ Mosgiel .. .. 20 | Stations. iHours open. 18 quired 12J 121 12. 201 18 16 11* 19 151. 12No - oi _ _- Number of Tickets. Hands Traffic em- Expenditure, ployed. First- First- Second Secondclass class claaH class Single. Return. Single. Return. £ s. 4. 3,202 19 11 27,283 29,585 42,194 81,055 j 86 19,044 io io' j " ;; H " 3 619"- 7 477 1,624 3,381 14,167 3 535 19 10 335 818 2,371| 8,465 1 I 189 10 4 769 1,424! 2,242 5,012 109 18,677 12 4 { 46 -« 0 66 ; 68 ° 120 ;"° 177 ; 022 108 24,794 16 8 .. "ie 2,32016 6 -15 "704 5,590 4,335 3 462 19 4 2,670 2,161 13,001 5,636 1 183 2 11 540 20 2,678 602! 3 442 7 3 791 431 8,872! 4,835: 6 1,030 4 3 1,581 1,248 ll,97ll 11,559 9 1,218 6 2 2,405 2,274 9,947! 13,716 1 205 5 3 239 247 1,343 1,696 2 350 6 3 203 376 2,002! 2,923 1 187 18 7 275 288 1,455 2,166 4 569 11 8 336 634 2,020; 2,721 1 185 14 8l 129 180 1,169: 1,796 3 414 12 9| 600 784 2,1881 2,799 3 423 16 11 653 553 2,532: 2,549 2 227 8 5 497 192 1,412] 960] 4 690 7 4 823 997 3,475 4,751 4 477 10 7 810 545 2,771 1,458] 4 619 9 3 286 241 4,756 7,906 1 190 12 9 118 182 1,800| 1,947! 3 413 3 4 745 541 2,736! 3,263 1 183 6 1 87 115 1,456! 1,77-! 1 171 1 9 106 109 418 688, 1 189 7 5 79 201 948 2,278, 3 395 18 1 359 745 2,071 4,471 4 619 5 0 345 569 2,831 6,735 5 711 9 3 1,534 2,267 5,493 7,262 2 357 10 2 121 334 1,899 3,222 4 581 6 9 204 277 1,457 1,699 2 256 9 7 131 266 1,249 2,869, 1 3 472 17 6 538 729 2,995 4,610 2 257 8 2 155 183 1,1971 1,030 4 553 0 3 371 606 3,1361 4,929 1 198 10 2 703 197] 1,738 ; 1,221 3 319 4 9 232 271 1,285! 2,087 1 184 11 3 46 1461 480 2,109 1 i 184 9 7 10 28 220, 878 ! 2 j 314 0 7 175 401 1,618! 4,512 8 1,060 11 3 455 823 3,918 6,594 5 626 19 1 257 404 2,707 3,455 2 369 0 11 36 79 1,353' 2,708 21 : 3,147 0 10 { 2 - 606 3 - 8 ' 5 20 ; 76 * 22 ; 944 2 I 224 17 6 134 35 4,175! 1,699! 1 184 0 11 99 115 589 l,27l[ 1 I 186 9 10 18 53 747 6371 2 I 269 6 0 144 284 2,168 2,39ll 2 I 273 0 1 172 130 1,530 1,850 3 I 365 18 6 708 928 3,449 6,250: 1 208 0 7 225 235 1,058 3,815 4 496 3 1 977 1,211 6,902 11,724; 1 174 4 2 86 94 1,654: 1,007 2 287 15 11 314 419 2,834, 5,399! 2 282 12 0 152 266 1,180 2,167! 4 596 18 6 680 634 3,503 5,817 I 5,859 6,007 36,035 36,477 51 12,370 If I 1 I 2 263 14 5 209 363 _',-7. 4,880 1 208 17 0 161 268 1,708 2,533 3 397 19 6 530 680 3,580 2,046 5 728 9 5 1,382 1,676 7,188 7,665 , 1 191 2 8 66 66 l,283l 1,842 3 384 16 7 92 144 1,939 3,120 2 292 10 5 33 73! 930 632 2 244 8 2 104 85 1,072 1,738 4 596 4 11 483 391 4,259 5,549 ■ ... 3,123 3,342 29,920 22,144 42j 6,991 9 9 I 735 11 5 I 2 295 0 0 127 31 1,347 441 2 261 18 3 106 53 753 1,157 3 445 14 4 164 328 2,402 2,632 2 261 18 7 48 72 1,223 2,575 1 2 348 6 7 179 275 2,590 2,632 [ 14 2,004 0 4 702 1,067 11,027 ! 11,811 "l 190' 3 3 "77 "59 "6161 476 3 401 13 7 308 248 2,407 3,383 I 3 329 18 5 165 187 2,803 3,658 3 446 16 11 246 236 2,665 2,971 1 85 4 IO! 813 2,545 2,943 ' 11,248 3 591 7 3 626 1,330 4,233 8,310 17 4,63718 1 -; 3 ' 171 13 ; 239 ! 13 ; 862 53 ; 486 3 464 13 4 235 8381 889: 3,105 4 558 12 7 650 4,780] 3,269 24,730 4 405 14 0 312 2,106! 3,004 14,734 143 20,070 6io.; 18 ; 310 50 - 131 76 - 386 i 172 ; 766 86 18,163 11 3 .. .. j .. 76. I 46,441 1 •- 81; 2,671 27,283 ( .. I •■ 477 791 1,681 2,4 a. ■2:.U 203 27.. 053 197 823 Nil Numbe, T ' 0[ ck » Sealon P «« el »' H °™"' rt-ges. D °<*' "ST "»•• C *« le ' Total. Tickets. 180,117 " I 19,649 11,989 9,447 410,212 11,444 23,474 3,840 14,929 26,359 28,342 3,525 6,504 4,184 5,611 3,274 6,371 6,287 3,061 10,046 5,584 13,189 4,047 7,285 3,432 1,321 3,506 7,646 10,480 16,556 5,576 3,637 4,515 8,872 3,165 9,042 3,859 3,875 2,781 1,136 6,700 11,790 6,823 4,176 50,149 5,443 2,074 1,355 4,987 3,682 11,335 5,933 20,814 2,841 8,966 3,705 10,634 84,378 9,329 4,970 6,836 17,911 3,257 5,295 1,668 2,999 10,682 58,529 1,9.6 2,069 5,526 3,918 5,676 24,607 ' 1,227 6,346 6,813 6,118 17,549 14,499 83,758 ' 5,067 33,429 20,216 317,592 XX, " I ' I SeaLT p "™"' Bor.-- r £* r e . Dog,. D 2] s ' Lime, Cattle. Calv... Sheep. Pig.. S G ™»' f ______ M " , «'* ,, ■ P____£___ T_-S. '»«>-,*>■ „^^ l a ™<"' C Ts. c. Ts. o. Ts. c. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d. f 7 441 2 823 222 3 547 .. .. .. .. .. 10,873 2 10 1,908 112 454 19 7 157 16 2 Cr. 4 15 3 3 16 8 76 33 1,407 .. 5,484 725 82,482 25 37,779,300 39,128 19 123,628 17 1(30,391 17 .. .. .. .. 97,114 6 9 5,761 16 3 : .. I .. 8 .. 231 38 .. i 10,179! .. 1,927,600 3,289 15 11,983 11 7,214 16 .. .. .. .. 2,314 16 10 ! 1781 870 ' .. [ 168 .. •■ 125 .. 6,900 2,103 10 16 13 89 13 650 6 9 427 2 _[ 71 10 5 4 8 7 495 11 6 0 10 6 ) 1,179 350 ' .. 18 '.. .. 1 .. 18 6,951 .. 14,600 271 19 2,284 16 2,870 2 377 10 7 200 7 91 33 8 10 1 14 1 1,444 6 6 4 14 10 ' 1035 329 ' .. 22 .. .■ 0 1 0 1 .. 407 5 10 252 2 10 13 9 9 13 10O. 0 14 2; 0 3 10 ! 13'997 .. .„ .. .. .. 65,984 12 9 6,646 8 5 .. 4,987 9 11 .. 33 6 10 117,917 '«07 ! 3*2 2,295 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9,056 5 0 3,248 1 9Cr. 79 8 21 7 19 9 j .. .. 324 198 334 2 104 68 30,335 7 2,967,800 11.326 14 38,067 9 4,622 16 .. .. .. .. 41,943 3 7: 1,049 10 6 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. 60 10 0 .. .. .. 0 3 5 1 1070 2,304 '276 43 553 35 114 ' 2,517 4,108 119,576 12,984 5,798 13 1,031,700 18,527 6 1,569 18 1,187 0 1,370 2 10 132 10 11 36114 0 52 8 4 11,443 0 6 118 5 7 1 622 1342 24 2 126 2 67 i 57 194 70 1 193,600! 1,574 16 122 16 .. 2,332 17 4 100 9 6 84 3 8 63 19 2 959 0 7| 3 2 4 ) 29 159 8 •• 15 1 102 j ■ 4 3 1.285J .. .. 1,194 4 30 18 .. 98 18 3 10 11 0 11 3 1 2 0 4 555 10 2| 0 12 4 ) 44J 344 7 .'. 67 2 176 33 2,230 121 10,5581 .. , 54,500' 4,896 4 10,127 15 14 0 612 6 0 32 11 7 22 3 11 8 7 2 6,117 3 1 12 8 ) 288! 2 728 40 6 137 6 371 I 585 115 15,705 1,302 1,790 55, 142,900 9,598 3 380 6 836 1 2,259 18 10 236 6 6! 236 8 11 61 6 2 3,571 7 4| 10 8 0 2 151 4,714 107 9 366 10 159 675 297 27,1241 1,839' 2,250! 1 42,800 4,357 18 613 8 669 4 3,371 17 11 244 8 2 360 16 2 79 13 0 3,199 2 9 46 6 2 5 4! 759 11] l! 62 .. 86 99 8 14,333 61 289, 5! 1,600' 1,370 16 55 19' 8 1 523 14 8 2 10 0 44 16 5 11 15 2 764 12 9 1 15 6 I 4 230 4 1, 18 .. 29 49 7 10,932i 34 400 11 .. 1,293 12 21 4: 7 0 750 18 3 3 0 0 16 8 3 3 15 8 585 6 8i 0 2 3 1 13 1 925 19! 2 68 .. 15 259 23 35.562 1 180 546 30 . • 214 5 74 161 .. 694 2 9 9 7 0 145 2 9 12 12 3 885 9 5l 0 2 1 I 35 : 524 70 3! 44 .. 55 10 1 1,719 .. 741 3851 232,300 201 15 73 4' 59 7 941 1 2 29 11 0 66 12 7 9 18 1 969 3 11; 2 0 3 1 30 708 41 3 75 2 202 100 8 3,768 501 218 li 900 1,821 3 119 o! 14 6 422 7 9 28 17 8 65 7 5 10 4 2 871 13 8; 0 8 1 1 38 2347 91 8 321 .. 53 332 53 53,007 24 1,065 * 59,900; 635 4 107 8 23 1 1,079 11 6 32 6 6 180 3 6 25 8 2 1,660 16 9| 0 18 11 7 45 1,177 75 8 141 1 54 457 17 91,791 163 2,565 14 1 23,300 495 7 137 9 47 10 1,407 7 7 52 14 6 129 0 1 10 5 11 3,080 7 9 187 19 7 1 568 21 10 107 2 39 317 .. 44,054 217' 1,984 3! 8,800 446 3 157 6 1 79 1) 1,106 7 10 .. 94 6 4 16 10 0 2,373 3 11 32 6 3 S 44 1,809 74 12 263 10 128 649 21 92.079 66 5,211; .. 9,000 2,369 7 234 3| 24 15 1,917 6 8 36 11 8 170 7 0 23 0 8 4,396 17 6; 1 19 1 4 I 1,260 98 12 383 5 1 1,077 105 93,479 .. 6,393! .. 3,800 430 13 218 8J 5 7 1,913 11 .. 224 6 8 27 16 11 5,167 15 11 2 3 9 4.1 808 468 2 203 2 62 52 2,537 799; 4,5931 .. ■• 1,738 2 16,624 1 6,523 5 870 17 8 57 15 0 445 18 0 10 8 5 7,457 16 1 7 14 10 7 25 182 li ••• 9 .. 402 2 1 10-1 297 10] .. •■ 2,109 1 19 41 .. 247 14 11 18 4 8 7 17 1 6 16 10 826 8 0 1 16 6 5 28 1,7-19 49 8 40 2 253 ! 340 117 31,443l 2,053 1,046 21 14,600 3,318 15 176 15 102 10 671 4 4 25 9 0 144 11 3 22 14 10 1,915 7 6! 3 5 5 2 34 559 4: 1 14 .. 114 ! 54 6 6,801, 509 123! 2 .• 1,552 15 41 14 16 19 341 16 0 29 6 6 98 19 5 14 3 6 583 18 6! 0 0 8 1 27! 331 4 1 20 .. 162 ! 139 32 15,959 170 369! .. 1,600, 3,314 5! 34 10 6 3 158 1 2 40 11 4 17 11 6 4 9 0 1,345 12 9! 0 0 6 6 73 1 1,314 26i - • 26 .. 102 145 14 3,112 330! 107 ■■ 1,663 6 53 18 ; 8 5 489 10 5 55 19 4 199 19 10 9 0 3 704 4 3 0 11 9 5 58 1,069 23' 1 170 .. 69 1 116 25 14.567J 4,118 235 4 3,600 2,704 2. 118 16! 25 16 1,182 19 1 41 1 4 70 17 2 24 0 1 1,255 9 1 3 15 8 0 24l 1880 29 1 78 .. 89 ! 136 7 24,743! 2,3531 417 1 2,200 4,054 16 156 7 .. 1,567 17 7 25 18 0 242 11 7 26 15 2 1,959 5 4 2 4 3 6 19i 1,701 80' 11 147 1 23 1,441 64 81,396 ,1,563| 536 156 6,300 489 4 97 71 .. 3,077 15 6 58 5 0 231 16 8 27 7 1 2,158 13 8 4 19 6 27 206 11 4 47 2 2i0 19 3,488 .. ! 103 .. 1.800 3,057 7 984 4 4 3 423 12 9 14 10 0 27 11 4 9 10 9 1,295 5 11 0 2 6 7 21 237 26 3 94 3 74 32 3 10,616 77' 284 1 100 914 0! 34 2| 13 10 600 10 7 13 5 0 53 11 0 15 11 5| 560 13 3 ] 17 3 5 55 439 20 6 88 .. 38 104 19 20,555, 400 642 12 6,000 1,091 3] 110 5J 4 0 641 3 9 39 16 0 36 18 10 13 10 10 786 16 0 4 2 11 2 37i 1,054 34 7 971 5 68 245 13 22,419; 244: 1,388 76; 19,300 2,187 6: 104 18 7 6 1,403 6 4 17 1 0 82 11 9 21 15 2 1,514 8 10 13 13 7 5 esl 690 19 5 93! 7 134 200 2 21,711' 184!' 8261 66 27,700 1,201 12 94 16 1,170 1 456 11 1 44 6 6 82 3 0 10 4 3 1,519 17 6 1 10 3 2 32! 1,159 24 2 91 3 84 76 5,320 25 881 282 4,000 412 15 337 4 1,309 5 1,568 12 2 36 7 0 72 11 4 9 12 0 1,208 12 0 1 15 1 9 2 242 38 * 94 7 - 16 .. .. l,20o! 42 1,700 3 41 74 6 16 9 1,072 3 9l 1 15 0 56 5 4 21 5 0 348 7 11 0 6 8 5 144 861 50 8 84 .. 144 171 7 33.171 1 20. 3.367 1 .. •• 518 7! 120 151 13,753 0 721 11 3 82 12 6 96 18 2 20 4 7 4,816 7 10 7 3 10 1 2 123 9 1 34 2 35 13j 2 9,790 20! 289 .. •• 1,762 15 48 14! .. 301 13 8 2 0 0 12 10 5 3 3 9 640 4 1 0 11 9 6 65! 656 6 • ■ S 1 9 40] 20 6,938 232 68! 2,600 499 19' 20 15' .. 156 5 5 34 10 10 74 14 0 15 9 279 17 6 1 13 10 6 66 4681 52 10 150 .. 65 106! 7 25,554 88 473 .. ' 6,500 1,869 7] 148 41 4 0 1,292 19 3 41 4 6 82 1 11 27 1 9 1,108 19 6 1 14 8 0 72 1695 55 8i 191' 10 204 160! 71 45,895 341 2,809! 1 6,100 10,276 17 268 5i 187 7 2,038 9 3 92 18 4 145 12 8 51 6 6' 5,821 17 11 18 18 5 3 9 747 14 3 119 I 38 113: 1 67,100 81 2,034! 2 2,500 1,285 14 1 187 12! .. 1,666 19 5 9 5 « 65 16 11 14 15 71 2,913 0 3 8 16 9 6 16 743 17 1 61 .. ! 74 16 21 8,092 80 5,0571 .. 1.800 2,943 9 4,824 11 3 0 524 17 1 7 7 8 45 10 5 7 3 5 6,850 14 10 1 17 6 9 123 9 680 442 52: 546 .. .. .. .. .. ■■ .. .. .. 10,456 6 9' 238 16 7 1,071 14 5 292 1 40. 27 17 3 8 13 4 ■ .. I 16 107 1 493! 3 27,474 346 1,522' 4 225,600, 9,819 o\ 3,730 11 1,168 0 .. .. .. .. 9,193 19 4 34 13 4 3 76 662 "66 9 52 1 98 212 11 83,644 1,163, 2,858 .. 4,900 4,257 .| 161 12 54 15 228 11 S 82 1 6 88 5 2 4 17 1 5,023 9 2 0 7 4 4 4 742 37 1 72 .. 241 ! 2531 1 7,178 211 2,281 208 72,800 71 4' 83 17 4,936 11 439 3 2 2 0 0 « i 4 5 3 2,486 3 6 0 0 11 5 81 171 29 3 24 2 68 314' .. 7,364 1,310' 628 .. 500; 1,971 4 48 11 8 0 103 2 1 45 13 6! 38 10 2 2 19 9 1,600 4 7 0 13 8 7 25 578 22 23 72 4 8(1 228 .. 38,945 299; 1,767 1.800 1,469 15' 126 17 4 0 720 7 ffi 36 13 10J 65 3 5, 13 3 9 1,715 2 6 0 13 10 2 5 6741 32 19 78 9 50 17 .. 38,220 .. I 2,564 4 6,500 1,237 17 93 01 8 0 668 11 9 2 10 0. 79 8 4 17 3 6, 1,498 18 4 2 5 2 5 98 1,650 41 5 122 4 94 244 14 39,173 78 1,940 14 8,400 2,062 10 220 7! 9 5 2,410 12 11 52 5 10 1 177 2 6] 42 10 6' 1,852 16 2 2 4 5 3 117 440 15 2 43 2 61 144 13,679 216' 980 16 8,000' 1,978 ll 62 0 779 18 5! 76 19 6 1 41 6 0 18 14 11 934 7 0 5 19 9 4 71 3 300 37 21 114 5 239 543! 5,975 31] 454 16 17,600: 7,796 15 1 209 15! 191 0 3,315 11 1 125 18 5 281 4 ll| 76 17 5 2,441 19 4 10 10 10 682 64 •• 42 1 115 | 395 132 3,097 148' 3,950 2 1,200 5,144 9! 9,901 ll! 4 0. 164 19 0 .. 110 3 2 2 10 1 4,342 11 5 0 15 6 60 1,550 33 7 126 4 107 63| .. 12,861 .. 1,961 .. 2,100 5,264 16 256 7 568 12 1,075 3 7 43 18 8 101 8 5 26 19 B| 1,806 3 2 13 1 5 30 1,094 30 3 87 .. 39 116 .. i 41,161 25 1,802 600 1,469 8 104 18! 196 12 750 11 3 15 12 0 87 8 9 10 10 5' 1,485 9 3 0 19 4 36 1 248 36 8 167 .. 10 164 2 39,803 56 6,469 .. 9,100 1,194 0 132 l| 5 4 2,326 2 5 42 12 0| 142 7 4 25 6 6 2,134 10 5 8 15 6 8 832 21,973 284 64 893 .. •• .. .. .. 15,533 1110 734 17 11 1,587 9 10 585 2 2iO. 39 4 9 11 1 3 .. ! 311 47 190, .. 1,645 8 30,900 41 2,993,900 41,629 14! 8,515 13: 20,250 4 .. .. .. .. 18,931 15 4 2.158 5 0 9| .. ■■ .. 1,702 .. 1,324 .. 6,736,500 4,115 5 19,502 6 14,789 10 .. .. .. .. 4,326 2 0 9 126' 1255 29 2, 92 .. 77 3o! 2 5,850 36 4,112 4 .. ' 6,602 12 1 5,745 18 1,855 3 1.145 8 6 75 0 0 !) I S 27 16 6 3,822 4 1 1 19 3 0 125 745 17 6 44 6 113 79 .. 23,479 17 490 28 700! 3j43 i 13 91 1 2 83 3 793 8 7 87 16 0 77 7 4 19 17 7 1,861 0 9 5 1 10 6 73 640 43 16 84 l| 104 503 .. I 17,147' 514 305 .. 600 5,348 0 112 16! 260 15 907 18 10 40 5 0 123 16 11 23 5 9; 2,802 1111 1 1 9 1 7 5 182 101 23 173 10 83 111 31 63,542 225 2,752 35 42,400 4,791 3 578 15, 128 4 3,720 10 9 27 7 4 447 12 2 55 0 0 4,090 2 11 5 13 3| 7 38 654 22 1 29 ll 327 47 8 33,708 335 460 .. 6,700 4,099 17 87 4 14 16 589 6 9' 23 4 0 67 10 4: 10 19 2 2,675 17 6 1 10 0 . 147 2 861 29 6 104 5 13 103 1 7,129 763 4 l,900j 1,877 3, 151 6: 2 3 833 6 0 82 3 4 157 2 8 15 19 T 852 15 10 0 19 8 ,8 42 1072 62 li 42 1| 90 233 1 12,836 .. 542 16 1,000; 5,950 1 1,903 ll! 227 7 158 16 0 21 0 Oi 119 5 9 2 16 9 2,489 6 6 0 15 6 19 65 1,229 43 3 64 .. 16 192 16: 8,282, .. 393 8 300! 1,343 8 137 3 4 1 546 6 10 41 1 6 105 11 11 8 7 2 976 4 7 0 7 2 ;2 35 1407 57 5 232 2l 4 141 18 21,666 .. 6,781 1 200; 590 14. 215 6 27 0 2,045 12 22 12 1 169 3 7i 9 12 2, 2,478 3 2 4 9 7 9 246 18944 207 15 664 .. j •• .. .. .. ] 11,262 10 51 250 12 9i 1,218 16 5 491 14 20. 31 4 11 10 10 0 83 60 618 .. 4,979! 394 10,325 48 463,9001 16,015 3 5,434 15 749 1 .. .. .. .. 7,233 12 0 139 15 3 1 .. .. 3 1 .. .. 12 750,100] 152 2 2,939 14 4,507 13 .. .. .. .. 1,034 17 5 648 2 2 6 (35 1429 28 1 44 10 373 176 .. 23,225] 32 1,259 16 1,500 6,285 18J 312 8 3,513 5! 127 0 4 35 15 6 119 6 2' 2 10 5 4,325 3 6 3 10 8 19 45 690 3 •• 34 1 13 94 2,646' 65 222 .. 2,4001 2,116 19 93 19 195 8l 274 10 5 39 18 o! 46 2 7 1 2 13 1 723 16 10 8 5 0 '6 141 1202 29 6 72 5 77 1,201 18 32,558! 8 i 557 2 500! 3,586 15 202 11 2,608 4 800 5 6 90 0 8 307 8 Oi 9 2 0 3,812 9 9 3 0 6 8 13 734 18 2l 42 .. 26 146 .. 2,407 .. 203 2 .. 631 12 88 8 0 3 541 4 5 8 15 0 126 18 1 6 10 9 464 6 1 1 11 6 '6 80! I 279 3 1 107 1 13 305 5 13,695' .. 414 96 2,000 1,535 7 343 14 11,343 1 864 16 7 62 13 6 220 17 5 15 1 7 4,386 17 7 1 15 7 17 114 2 662 98 3! 204 5 58 499 II 16,833 89 1,029 25 16,900 2,135 12 396 3 6,413 13 3,043 17 2 108 10 3 381 5 3 38 14 2] 3,230 9 8 7 113 .. .. .. 200 .. .. .. •• 13 10 : 0 3 100 17 .. .. .. .. 515 2 5 17 5 432 9 5 66 2 22 92 3 6,444! .. 1,506 : .. ; 200 204 Hi 131 8 33 14 203 6 4 3 14 2 63 19 2 1 9 21 731 4 6 0 7 1 6 59 1369 72! 5 104 3 24 470 14 8,674 ! 56 466 20 300 943 6 365 9 392 1 933 17 1 48 2 lo 240 18 7 13 3 0 1,211 15 1 2 18 6 3 90 l'lOO 11 1 62 .. 4 61 616 156: 256 43 .. 388 14 255 8 4,706 18 843 13 11 95 10 8 168 9 10 1 3 3 1 1,136 15 4 1 16 11 8 88 1142 30 : 1 65 1 11 71 228 110 198 3,200 324 6 173 8 10 5 608 1 11 49 13 6 126 8 111 3 18 6! 510 16 4 1 15 5 ;9 89 743 7 ■• 27 1 .. 118 .. 576! 3 6 42 6 6 53 15 0 2 1,708 16 2 24 13 6 78 8 6 4 0 1 82 8 11 0 3 6 19 1 264 497 4 • ■ 27 .. .. 48 28' .. 21 .. \ .. 39 6 517 3 680 14 580 2 0 239 17 3 30 19 11 15 7! 374 15 0 0 3 1 18 5439 1,130 2 • - 83 j .. .. .. ! .. • ■ .. .. .. 4,234 19 8 1,155 4 6 111 18 10 19 14 3! Cr. 1 15 2 0 17 4 .. .. 2 108S 3 2! 33 23 334 8 174,800 2,464 10 40,634 4 2,589 3 .. .. .. .. 7,990 11 4 1,817 17 4 17 '979 48 ■■ 19 .. .. •• 2 21 ..;..: .. 1 11 3 8 .. 175 11 4 337 14 8 2 10 3 16 1 4 5 3 0 0 11 ij 34O6 165 ■ • 44 .... 2 .. .. .. .. 1 .. ■ • 06 10 7 .. 828 5 4 814 8 4 8 18 9 4 12 8 20 6 7 082 16 4107 257 .■• 67 .. 5 .. ........ vO\ 8,000 38 8 99 2 12,37114 914 2 10 446 4 4 13 7 10 3 3 1 1,453 19 2 10 2 7 12 9 552 .. .. .. .. I • • .. .. 57,448 17 2 6,765 12 6 .. 5,527 17 4 .. 28 18 7 112026 629 229 1,512 .. .. ■■ •• •• •• •• •- •■ •• 9,157 12 8 1,741 19 2GV. 101 4 1 273 14 8 j .. .. 125 852J 477 31 160, 28j 29,226 12: 1,877,800 22,971 1 38,918 7 20,306 3 .. .. .. .. 71,207 5 4 836 13 4 18 1758 V231 " ! '■• 134 Z. Z. Z. 7. 7. 7. i" 7 " 11 ■• 27 2 223 17 198 13 l,612'l6 4 389'l2 9 7019 11 2(Tl5 8 486' 10 i 2 10 14 '765 51 1 .. 82 .. 4 2,386 14 20,7131 758: 212 2 6,400 6,257 8 5,632 8 2,154 11 275 19 4 189 15 0 6 16 5 13 3 7,323 2 6 14 5 8 74 3019 139 •■ 24 .. 6 .. .. .. 1.147 .. .. 961 1 267 4 47,886 19 845 2 7 702 3 10 7 16 10 5 11 0 5,098 6 10 1 14 9 56 2 882 179 2! ..' 66 1 1 43j .. 1 921, .. 12 .. .■ 47 19 28 10 35,868 18 936 1 10 477 1 11 15 2 11 4 19 1 3,381 16 7 0 2 10 33 '841 684! 73l ■■ 98 4 149 212! 19: 4,653 63i l,381i 2, 500 633 1 264 7 7,491 17 707 3 6 178 13 9 121 15 2 11 11 3 1,578 5 6 2 4 9 37 68 1702 33: 6 102 3 78 1,119; S\ 18,417 216[ 905 3 4,100 346 17 260 16 15 4 634 2 2 35 17 6 209 17 3 10 9 0 1,337 16 5 7 13 B9 27 1 248 25 -I 90 6 56 353 9 21,036 5 3,200 .. 5,600 256 13 281 10 130 18 240 10 7 13 10 0 130 6 6 2 6 5 2,253 111 0 16 6 10 2 056 84i 5 91 .. 46 420 .. i 25,114 31 3,02ll 2! 12,000 331 0 527 8 14 1 917 14 5 .. 250 8 3 12 5 11 2,758 16 1 5 6 7 64 73 833 35 2 40 1 11 114 .. 7,499 25 1,383 1 2,100 128 18 302 5 47 4 667 6 4 36 10' 0 92 2 0 9 0 9 1,200 7 11 9 7 8 94 2 1504 31 4 30 .. 10 17 .. 500 .. 1 1861 46.200 1 193 3 419 14 98 6 1,232 17 0 7 10 0 132 6 1 17 10 6 1,020 0 10 3 3 3 97 1 1 067 21 4 76 1 11 166 .. I 2,237 .. 3,781 ..' 600] 224 7 572 14 77 12 2,384 0 8 0 19 0 149 10 3 20 4 7 2,457 13 2 4 8 8 66' '1819 2805! 190 11 150 31 247 475: 45i 8,761: 136 1851 34 : 2,700| 4,078 11 46118 7,974 17 3,300 6 7 804 8"S1 427 1 0 86 10 11 2,308 6 6 2 7 5 J J t*t ! I ill! 1 I I . Calves. ' Stations. Minerals. Hdrdnui-Eluft Sects. C. TION— Lyttelton(Coaching). 10.882 19! „ (Goods). 25 5 „ (Wharf). 1,899 2 Heathcote. 6,487 16' Woolston. [ Opawa. I Christch. (Pass.). (Parcels). 104,554 19 „ (Goods). (D.T.Mgr.. 12,591 15] Addington. 8,766 1 Papanui. 320 11 Styx. 7,835 1 Belfast, 4,839 19 Kaiapoi. 3,791 19 Rangiora. 654 6 Oust. 1,139 14 Bennett's. 681 2 Oxford East. 108 12 „ West. 733 16 Sefton. 755 16 Amberley. 383 13 Waipara. 1,037 18 Domett. 493 11 Waikari. 1,299 19 Culverden. 2,850 12 Hornby. 368 16 Prebbleton. 1,396 3 Lincoln. 569 12 Springston. 76 6 Ellesmere. 761 5 Doyleston. 1,259 19 Leeston. 775 14 Southbridge. 725 9 Little River. 6,961 8 Templeton. 195 12 Rolleston. 642 9 Kirwee. 418 6 Dartield. 623 7 Sheffield. 303 7 Springfield. 1,108 8 Broken River. 681 14 Coalgate. 187 0 Burnham 361 5 Selwyn. 552 5 Dunsandel. 1,506 11 Rakaia. 2,008 9 Methven. 566 13 Chertsey. Ashburton (Coach'g). 13,995 10 „ (Goods). 1,312 0 Tinwald. 464 9 Mount Somers. 703 5 Winslow. 892 3 Hinds. 400 12 Rangitata. 2,050 12 Orari. 914 5 Winchester. 2.981 9 Temuka. 3,774 8 Washdyke. 1,355 8 Pleasant Point. 882 13 Albury. 1,883 14 Fairlie. Timaru (Coaching). 21,355 15 „ (Goods). 2,167 0 „ (Wharf). 3,934 19 St. Andrew's. 735 11 Makikihi 956 2 Studholme Junction. 4.982 4 Waimate. 980 2 1 Morven. 668 17 Glenavy. 511 13 Pukeuri Junction. 1,111 3 Duntroon. 977 2 Kurow. Oamaru (Coaching). 12,152 12 „ (Goods). 572 12 Breakwater 1,776 10 Waiareka Junction. 2,798 17 Ngapara. 1,683 19 Maheno. 758 13 Herbert. 1,072 7 Hampden. 1,768 16 Palmerston. 1,086 12 Lime Quarry. 1,012 8 Dunback. 2,539 16 Waikouaiti. 2,233 4 Seacliff. 932 16 Waitati. Port Chalmers-ppei. 1,919 7 Sawyer's Bay. P.Chalmers(C'oach'g) 22,670 19 „ (Goods). 21 19 Burke-s. 1,314 16 Ravensboume. 20,120 13 Pelichet Bay. Dunedin (Pass.). ,, (Parcels). 116,399 5 „ (Goods). (Traf. Sup.) 6,022 19 Caversham. 18,218 17 Cattle-yards. 6,211 11 Burnside. 206 0 Abbotsford. 916 17 Wingatui Junction. 1,882 4 Middleman:". 559 14 Hyde. 1,942 18 Ranfurly. 1,187 5 Omakau. 882 14 Alexandra. 256 0 Clyde. '] 293 14! Mosgiel. 1 3 503 2 3'; 434 941 5,406 10,297 I 6 896 19 1 347 1,026 3,047 4,224 * 4 666 7 3] 591 3,396 ! 3,962 14,325 * 3 501 1 1 299 1,387 3,703 14,747 4 600 15 0 299 565; 2,711 5,208 3 382 19 10 278 293] 1,109! 957 2 297 10 11 , 46 23 824 1 496 4 395 8 10 203 168 1,589! 890 i* 4 570 5 3| 175 115 1,743; 1,131 2 225 2 1 382 175 2,138 1,499 ii 4 633 16 3l 764 325 3,915| 2,393] 1 12 1,825 4 5! 909 2,428 9,567 24,162 1 1 ■ ! ! L 17,078 8,644 22,274 20,136 8,783 2,037 1,389 2,910 3,164 4,194 7,397 37,066 7—D. 2.



RETURN NO. 12-continued. STATEMENT of Revenue and Expenditure of each Station for the Year ended 31st March, 1908— continued.

H. DAVIDSON, Chief Accountant.

iSUtiou-. Hto?" Ho bun ta-Bluff 8bc- i T11 > N— contin ued. Outran. .. .. 12 Allanton .. .. 18;} Henley .. .. 18 Waihola .. .. 17 Milburn .. 17 Milton .. .. 17 Waitahuna .. 14J Lawrence .. 15§ Lovell's Flat .. 18 Stirling .. 18$ Balclutha .. 19 Waiwera .. 15J Clinton .. .. 17 Waipahi .. .. 15 Tapanui .. .. 10 Kelso .. 8J Heriot .. .. 10J Pukerau .. .. l_| Gore (Coaching) I „ (Goods) i" 15 5 Riversdale .. 11 Balfour .. .. 12 itfataura .. .. 16 Edendale .. H Wyndham .. 11$ Woodlands .. 13 Invercargill (Pass.) | (Parcels) 20 „ (Goods) ) „ (D.T.Mgr.) .. Waimahaka .. 10J Bluff (Coaching) ) „ (Goods f J.6 „ (Wharf) J Makarewa .. 12 Thornbury .. 11$ Riverton .. 10 Orepuki .. .. 14£ Fairfax .. .. 9 Otautau .. .. 14 Nightcaps .. 13 Winton .. -■ 12$ Centre Bush .. n Dipton .. ■ • 12$ Lumsden.. 15 Kingston.. . - 9 'Through traffic (Lake Wakatipu) Through traffic (Westland) Exhibition traffic .. ., . Accountant ■ ■ ,. '■ Tablet stations .. General 12 18} 18 17 17 17 14J 15} 18 18} 19 15! 17 16 10 8J 10} 12j 15i 11 12 16 11 llj 13 No. of Hands ployed. 4 2 2 2 2 9 3 6 2 7 16 2 11 4 1 2 4 2 15 4 2 5 3 4 3 -„,„.,, Ncmbeb op Tickets. E_P_5_r.. - *™,»" OarFirst- First- Second Second- Season p arcele. riagea class class clas. class Total. Tickets. Single. Return. Single. Return. £ s. d. 503 16 1 317 470 4,249 4,187 9,223 90 1,131 84 4 294 18 1 87 203 1,814 2,721 4,825 48 983 7 .. 269 2i 92 151 1,277 2,737 4,257 16 495 26 2 324 17 0 90 111 1,135 1,227 2,563 3 469 4 1 265 16 10 16 127 1,209 852 2,204 58 168 7 2 1,244 17 1 682 1,439 6,236 9,326 17,683 175 3,890 66 7 430 2 5 84 168 1,287 2,193 3,732 81 588 10 1 889 11 5 573 881 4,293 5,632 11,379 50 2,424 41 3 314 14 9 50 63 885 1,155 2,153 60 310J 9 2 846 16 1 256 490 4,634 6,569 11,949 166 1,705' 23 2 2,366 19 3 875 1,367 13,625 16,146 32,013 166 6,391 129 15 199 7 4 18 16 215 260 509 1 258 6 .. 1,660 11 1 543 950 5,275 8,260 15,028 46 1,460 78 6 520 19 0 212 249 1,317 1,768 3,546 5 575 30 1 189 2 7 267 257 1,715 1,314 3,553 846 14 6 257 14 0 106 178 1,175 1,687 3,146 5 571 25 2 628 13 0 184 150 2,759 2,718 5,811 5' 789 39 5 251 5 7 30 131 960 2,785 3,906 56, 1,048 8 2 2 369 1 10 I '- 721 2 ' 732 14 ' 345 16 ' 496 34,294 10 ' 397 139 28 453 10 2 375 344 2,952 5,152 8,823 52: 3,062 44 2 294 17 1 114 100 1,431 1,753 3,398 48 731 15 .. 722 19 3 326 ' 510 4,135 11,374 16,345 195! 1,627 19 3 465 16 9i 412 . 672 3,543 6,228 10,855 98 815 46 1 551 16 3 380 683 4,114 6,802 11,979 59 1,279 75 2 410 6 7 192 466 3,086 5,211 8,955 40 4,166 20 .. (10,554 5 0 7,712 15,187 72,707 111,955 207,561 1,581 J .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 53,121 373 135 I 6,842 11 5 .. .. .. .. .. I 341 9 3 243 "477 4,080 7,332 12,132 10 1,312 38 5| ( 1,124 4,149 5,778 18,026 29,077 356 2,955 . 5 .. 6.001 14 10 .. .. .. .. 270 14 3 30 33 546 467 1,076 89 4,059 30 2 483 18 2 143 242 2,404 4,257 7,046 29 915 62 1 429 12 11 512 1,138 5,240 4,913 11,803 1421 3,354 91 11 1,179 1 9 497 511 12,265 11,660 24,933 32 1,242 25 9 205 4 2 51 80 789 1,227 2,147 16 236 21 1! 546 0 1 595 587 2,761 5,580 9,523 79 1,597 58 2 951 0 8 237 494 2,464 5,332 8,527 17 530 8 1 788 1 11: 707 786 7,817 11,720 21,030 93 2,407 73 101 306 8 9 148 141 1,340 1,949 3,578 88 1,354 30 4 268 4 10] 148 180 966' 1,392 2,686 31 760 10 4 1,258 1 10 804 903 7,486: 8,527 17,720 166 3,498 62 6 668 17 5 317 151 2,036 2,015 4,519 73 410 11 896 2,009 1,563 2,218 6,685 3,573 51 6 140 115 230J 163 648 603 516 1,119 I 8,352 8,352 208. .. .. .. j 3,063 13 4 .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. ! 43,033 9 2 .. .. .. .. .. ......... 16 682 84 573 50 50 250 875 18 543 212 267 106 184 30 30 1 1,721 375 114 320 412 317 87 92 Truck. Dogs. D _. ys ' Lime, Cattle. « c - ChatAc. 45 6 37 37 1 197 243 68 1 34 366 13, 1 25 125 20! 3 1,347 29 300' 9] 220 363 32 .. 84 299 112 10] 41 278 29 63 73 110 3 170 1,962 484 131 435 1,497 15 1 29 41 196 4| 273 420 70 .. 117 58 31 ll 26 47 29 .. 27 64 66 2 114| 152 34 .. ! 105 68 587 .. .. I .. .. j 20 238 1,261 142 2 191 231 64 .. : 86 60 143 . ll 186 282 104 2 55 2,045 108 5! 44 246 136 2 160 336 740 '. 99 , 216 1,330 "60 5 57 868 "7 "55 "ios 40 6 463 682 50 2 143 285 82 11 60 108 55 10, 35 353 16 1 51 88 127 2 30 665 101 .. 22 25 253 1 229 254 72 8 92 642 73 .. 61 191 252 .8 81 366 61 .. 16 4 163 4 127 98 OUTWAED. INWARD. . | . __. Bales Tr -<*e Timber Trucks . C..,,.. Sheep. Pigs. „fe- Sup.r.cii, Grain. „„*£_ Mine,.,.. S = _„.„„„ ., Good.. „„£„„ *££%&' li *~»» H °™»- _£_ i "ST £_' °»"">»"™ S "«' «*»' WoT' I ! ______ „.„ T_ e. Ta. c.l Ts. c. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.l £ 8. d. £ a. 4 43 49 1,092 2,300 1,623 1 167 12] 5 2 873 4 7 66 10 2 170 5 1 8 19 649 1 2 ! 1 12 9i 10 0 1,769 15 6 2,290 31 5 60 5 98 159 11! 2,051 23 1,988 201 3.774 117 141 1 1,200 1,315 6 130 ll 1 484 13 0 31 15 1 138 1 3 9 5 2 631 8 10 0 8 5 1,295 11 91 935 16 1 78 1 15 690 .. 1,914 2 219 3,518 123 399 13 10,000 944 8 159 2 24 18 611 5 0 10 0 0 47 6 4l 7 19 7 511 2 9 2 8 8 1,277 2 4 1,623 12 3 75 1 19 436 5 1,872 7 J _.? " i _. 1,40 ° 336 8 U <J 4 ' 848 " 304 9 10, 460 25 23 676 1.109 7 11 16 9 0 10 0 1,451 10 3' 917 2 1 25 3 14 14 .. 546 .. 9 5,8311 .. 233 .. .. 690 5 77 3 1,025 19 239 15 9 32 10 0 16 3 2 1 13 0 2,024 16 6 0 11 3 2,315 9 8 606 16 2 . 19 1 6 24 li 2,161 4 18 27,457: 64| 672 2 21,200 4,864 9 860 6 16,471 15 3,334 1 11 179 2 7 281 7 1 61 17 6 7,091 0 0 291 14 1 124 0 0 11,363 3 2 5,698 58 17 215 9 141 232 .. 11,852 37 746 6,062 ... 497 .. 4,400 166 15 238 15 120 19 628 5 0 66 19 3, 56 10 2 6 12 11 705 10 6 ' 10 16 4 9 10 0 1,487 4 2 1,609 17i 3 65 1 22 46 1' 2,619 11 7,860; 20 2,613 600 940 1 1,455 19 34 9 2,708 4 2 HI 0 J 250 19 7 24 10 10 3,563 10 4 5 19 8 5 0 0 6,661 16 4 5,478 : 74 18 122 3 143 144 3J 2,103 36 ' , ,a'S„- •;„ aT? J o0 ° 89 ° ! 106 7 l'- 441 12 236 4 8 49 16 0. 30 9 9 1 17 2 5.415 4 6 173 19 0 5,907 11 11 716 16 1 25 3 6 99 1 4,480 7 „ ___ ?a a-! 4 . I ,,90 ° 1.6M13 354 17 91,785 13 1,868 16 5 126 4 5: 163 18 10 16 13 4 28,072 14 1 230 15 11 8 0 0 30,487 3 0 3,979 22 5 70 3 8 831 5,065 354 27 42,012 62 2,813 716 1,270,700 1,905 0 1,753 9 654 9 5,529 13 7 187 14 5, 718 12 3 99 19 11 8.383 12 8 88 1 4 15 5 0 15,022 19 2 9,649 122 45 411 35 229 1,097 12 23,457 69 2 1 5,599 .. 3o9 34 187,800 239 6 50 13 .. 87 10 10 0 15 10 14 9 0 0 18 3 565 9 1 0 0 3 .. 669 3 31 881 4 1 39 1 5 35 .. | 5.083 .. 12 24,584 30 1,119 114 566,000 680 8 287 11 123 16 2,928 19 68 19 6 145 10 li 23 14 10 2,452 19 3 6 9 9 133 9 8 5,756 4 10 6,203 90, 22 345 19 45 229 12 18,936 2 'I , ■-,. ''. 32 80 ° 925 U 223 9 '- 401 16 r ' 91 '2 1 2 9 0 48 10 8' 9 10 4 1,727 13 4 3 12 8 33 8 1 2,417 2 21 1,159 9 2 50 2 3 15 .. ! 1,922 15,751 13 274 3o 20,500 660 13 198 10 1,558 5 762 9 8 .. 108 7 7 8 6 9 1,396 17 1 2 10 6 2 0 0 2,280 11 71 2,971 41| 17 70 11 4 67 7,586 1 1 1 13,692 .. 1,087 2 18,500 1,389 9 123 13 .. 557 2 6 3 0 0 65 17 4 3 9 7 1,662 4 7 1 13 10 57 18 0' 2,351 5 10 1,603 13 7 61 4 3 77 .. ! 6,210 .. 1 '__ " „ ' ll 3 ' 400 3 ' 190 9 452 ° 8 ° LI24 10 1 4 10 0 107 5 5 4 16 8 3,932 18 4 5 1 .. 5,177 8 11 2,063 24 10 70 7 17 137 30 17,129 .. 6 1 5,388 2 686 1 .. 1,323 18 167 15 1,041 12 435 18 11 30 3 4 59 12 7 4 3 7 1,168 11 3 1 12 5 23 18 6 1,724 0 7 1,486! 5 3 36 1 9 4 .. 1,012 7,656 12 4 207 4 3 767 0 5 221 17 5 Cr. 24 15 1 5 19 5 10 0 8,834 18 9 15,085 253 38 478 .. 16 36,284 180 5,068 34 98,600 9,472 18 2,157 4| 3,751 4 .. .. .. .. 9,409 11 6 41 3 5 719 1 2 10,169 16 1 23 226 349 8 21,748 32 1,495 21,922 .. 1,975 3 8,200 4,475 6 418 17 32 19 1,968 13 1 44 4 3 204 15 4 25 1 11 3,818 4 11 17 11 9 61 0 0 6,139 11 3 6,155 30 9 226 11 14 124 1 3,816 40 .. 12,885 .. [ 1,142 7 3,300 3,362 19; 195 8 11 13 673 11 6 28 0 O 51 16 11 6 9 6 2,531 17 0 4 18 6 26 0 0 3,322 13 5 2,528 17 5 96 9 14 35 .. 1,101 .. .. 4,247 122 2,264 4 126,000 3,494 7i 6,470 11 9.088 12 2.414 9 0 135 19 6, 12116 1 39 8 10 8,846 14 9 6 10 1 94 4 0 11,659 2 3 6,422 26 6| 125 8 173 649 80 23,334 ..1 32 243 12,660 673 283 16 100,300 3,028 8; 301 13 20 5 1,552 6 8 97 14 3l 102 16 4 26 10 6 3.173 17 3 11 6 11 26 10 0 4,991 1 11 4,139 44 12 115 12 18 482 ..I 9,552 694: .. 33 6,125 999 6 18,700 2,046 4 468 11 402 6 1,903 14 7 33 7 4i 144 4 11 24 8 11 1,672 9 2. 10 19 8 16 0 0 3,805 4 7 5,527 72 4| 94 2 84 136 3 1,641 22 .. 78 24,633 2 345 71 1,709.700 2,137 14 957 17 426 12 1,062 11 8 22 9 6 200 18 2 16 1 9 4,262 11 0| 6 10 12 3 3 5,582 16 3 1,869 10 2 114 .. 154 720, Jjl 12,208 l 1 376 ■ • , ■ • • • 27,989 18 8 2,701 90 .. .. 1300 ..I 30,704 7 81 .. .. .. .. .. .. I ■• •_.,„■■„„"„•;,„ ■ •• •• ■• ■■ •■ 3,408 10 5 87118 6 Cr. 36 16 3 9 10 11 .. 4,253 3 7 22,304 313 58, 714 .. .. ... .. .. .. I .. 163 25,459 26 16,856 520 4,519,900 21,702 11. 23,365 19 4,647 16 .. .. 34,610 18 11 284 4 5 1,064 2 0 35,959 5 4 ., .. .. j .. j 36 774 1,648 49J 73,312 172 15,041 2 6,494 .. ] 849 345 198,600 847 12 207 11 574 10 1,645 16 10 7 3 4 128 15 1 8 10 10 1,482 2 7 5 4 8 15 8 9 3,293 2 1 5,127 "52 "19 88 21 46 476 "89' 4,007 .. 7 ■ I •■ •• ■■ •• •• 2,893 3 11 317 9 3 237 0 5 26 12 3 C: 1 4 10 1 15 11 .. 3,474 16 11 5,464 25 .. 96 .. .. .. ' 42 .. 21,701 360 901,900 39.383 16 23,784 15 16,417 6 .. .. .. .. 2 2,369 1 1 1,352 12 2 472 12 6 24,194 5 9.. I 5 173 153 32 73,521 .. 25,747 ■ I ■- ■• 350,300 6,444 8 2,259 5 1,989 11 .. .. .. .. 788 18 2 .. 196 15 4 985 13 6 I .. .. .. .. .. .. 21,573 50 15,199 H 1,194 55 1,015,700 6,036 19 626 15 14,002 9 83 13 3 41 7 6 173 12 5 13 10 5,713 1 10 0 3 7 17 5 0 6,030 7 5 2,419 8 1 57 .. 74 800 ll 32,961 43 1 3 5,761; 113 271 3 12,600 1.068 171 152 10 7(3 5 731 14 11 22 7 6 98 0 5 10 8 1 771 17 11 1 16 0 .. 1,636 4 10 2,589 19 3 70 8 8 109 ll 5,014 1 27 1,044; .. 88 259J 8,978,600 799 8 760 2 75 7 1,666 6 1 108 5 2 262 17 10 36 19 4 14,788 18 10 3 1 11 49 7 0 16,915 16 2 4,222 50 12 60 8 13 29 .. I 116 27 -W61 2 229 62 5,138,300 912 12 29(3 10 97 10 3,045 8 6 21 10 0 112 17 10 22 14 1 9,157 0 1 22 16 2 64 3 8 12,446 10 4 6,559 631 18 78 23 133 385 9| 4,242 17 4.806 1 560 2 1,509,700 1,329 7 95 15 108 18 307 10 0 12 0 9 39 12 6 5 11 0 2,680 8 6 16 7 6 0 0 3,052 15 4 967 20 2 22 4 11 139 io! 3,426 23,069; 102 2,349 35 1,857,300 4,048 4 402 12 3,464 0 1.022 4 2 58 9 11 165 4 11 18 12 4 6,277 6 11 16 0 11 45 18 0 , 8,203 17 2 4,560 69| 18 121 10| 43 147 ll 5,258 16 4,051, .. 1,390 5 2,600 964 9 233 61 29,220 10 1,785 9 11 12 0 0 50 4 5 4 15 11 8,285 14 0 3 7 10 .. 10,141 12 1 3,943 38 6 105 2 10 84 3,166 3 29,65(1 13(, 1.58,1 88 1,495.900 1.264 11 5S5 4 127 10 2.720 16 11 76 11 3 221 3 0 39 14 7 5 561 6 0 12 9 11 42 17 3 8,710 18 11 7,825 118: 19 203 26 66 235 4 9,388 109 61 33,173; 42 1,731 81 510,100 3,829 15 229 12 43 0 565 12 6 49 9 3 90 11 0 8 10 4 3 049 12 11 2 6 2 14 0 0 3,780 2 2 1,945 12 19 80 10 0 49 6 3,249 7.434 74 976 8 2,800 1,557 2' 154 10 0 12 553 17 7 20 10 0 52 9 6 7 10 lj 1,125 12 10 1 15 5 8 10 0 1,770 6 5 2,477 15 7 103 4 5 36 3,750 2 1 14 17,925 28 3,979 23 7.500 2,324 11, 733 11 12 0 3,09114 9 104 10 5 23110 2 35 0 10 3,583 17 11 6 11 9 34 10 0 7,087 15 10 3,759 65 6 237 12 44 157 1 2,816 533 .. 6 300 57 4 37 9 9 9 1,025 3 2 36 10 0 23 18 0 4 18 5 77 14 7 0 8 10 6 0 0 1,174 13 0 3,267 18 7 168 8 7 19 32 4,646 5 3,081 .. 1,859 1 180,200 1,942 3| 1,413 11 1,121 2 5,368 0 2 .. 435 13 11 .. 6,232 7 4 ,. .. 12,066 1 5 3,573 51 6 163 4 127 98 .. 3,081 .. 1,859 I .. .. .. .. 220 15 11 .. .. .. .. 220 15 11 .. .. .. ' .. .. .. 78 10 2 ... .. .. 78 10 2 .. .. i .. • - j .. . ■ 993 18 1 3,557 18 0 .. 22,030 16 6 Cr. 2 16 2 4,448 4 5 5,041 5 2 36,069 6 6 .. .. .. 1 ; ' '. 11 11 __ 11 i_ 11 11 1 1 11 1 11 11 1 11 " n_ __j 11 " I " : 11 1 11 :_ 1,6491 2,363,366 41.886 421.516 5,313} 88,997,900 500,984 6 440,305 17 641,064 15 366,396 1111 35,254 12 0 43,376 5 5 42,382 18 8 692,360 18 5 20,607 7 918,524 9 7 1,218,903 3 9 510,064 8,194 1,432 20,437 1,179 15,033 44,020 6,649i 2,363,366 41,886 421,516 I , 1 87 20 178 2 4,837,600 860 0 1,947 5 800 3 2,664 3 0 34 3 0 134 13 2 51 14 11 4,179 10 5 10 4 6 40 17 6 7,115 6 6 1,862 87 4 71 7 15 67 1,983 3 50 1 1,076 2 215 75 15,240,900 311 4 472 3 710 14 78117 4 33 5 6 42 19 6, 17 14 10 0,366 17 5 3 15 3 10 15 0 7,257 4 10 1,793 29! 2 43 5 103 24 2 117 20 25 •■ I •• •• ■■ .■ .. •• 9,110 0 1 810 10 5 742 11 9 310 10 4Cr. 3 10 10 4 18 5 .. 10,975 0 2 2,065 150 18 209 .. 9 3.028 79 1 771,100 6,407 6 13,307 19 3,477 11 .. .. .. 20,704 8 7 3,099 12 8 302 18 6 24,106 19 91 ' 16 88 751 18 7,794 159 655 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 318 7 3 318 7 31 •■ 2 300 19 5 52 17 211,702 18 891 2 10 40 2 1 2 3 7 3 11 3 20,058 17 0 63 18 0 10 0 21,060 14 9 726 3 .. 29 .. 6 .. 10,400 73 8 176 10 88,041 0 680 2 1 153 15 4 15 10 10 7 18 9 9,182 16 0 45 11 5 18 15 0 10,104 9 5 557 .. 27 4 21 66 10 257 5 17 178 17,565,900 26 16 138 13. 2,616 18 262 8 6 45 4 6 31 4 9 8 10 2 10,103 18 4 1 14 4 25 5 0 10,478 5 1 202 .. 19 2 .. 73 2 944 13 4 311 32] 11 12 1,732,500 ■ 52 4 173 9 84,413 11 1,471 13 11 54 1 0 32 15 1 27 1 9 11,611 13 5 2 1 15 10 0 13,217 5 l! 2,606 18 5 85 9 8 232 1 1,056 36 1 3,140 5] 71 2 262,400 136 16 135 16 103 4 458 8 1 11 10 0 38 13 10 7 18 8 406 12 6 1 17 3 4 10 0 929 10 41 854 26 1 31 8 12 148 425 8 5,165 42 80 1,877,200 99 12 109 10 245 15 312 8 1 9 0 0 40 11 9 7 18 0 1,545 2 0 0 14 1 13 15 0 1,929 8 11 1,586 13 1 92 1 .. 23 .. 982 27 1 1,116 98 69 5 15,000 26 15 348 11 1,687 12 2,624 12 0 30 5 0 141 6 9 40 10 1 787 12 3 17 3 3 20 15 0 3,662 4 4 2,491 112 13 137: 11 124 324 4 1,946 92 2 1,820 76 89 20 8,924,400 127 6 188 6 270 10 288 15 1 25 0 0 39 10 7 4 19 0 6,005 7 8 4 11 0 76 5 0 6,444 8 4 1,704 16 .. 271 1 17 11 1 .. 5 .. 4 29,000 5 0 26 8' 21 6 742 4 3 .. 67 3 2i 18 8 0 73 0 9 0 2 11 15 7 0 916 6 1 2,208 48 3 74] 9 90 59 9 687 4 .. ., •• .. .. .. .. 98 12 0 409 8 5 1,850 0 0 .. Cr. 1 14 3 72 18 2 2,429 4 41 .. .. .. .. ..I .. .. 50 6 6 .. .. .. .. .. 50 6 5 I .. .. .. .. .. 210 18 0 .. .. .. .. .. 210 18 0 37 16,000 359j 730 301 51,302,700 8,145 12' 17,137 6,394,091 2 20,647 11 8 1,656 4 9 1,329 4 9 2,356 15 9 91,021 13 4 3,257 10 11 936 18 5 121,205 19 7 18,654 502 47 8441 69 467 1,733| 37 16,000 359 730] Calves. I 27 1 12 I 1 16 219 1 1! I T™ 01 " Timber. Fire- Superficial Grain, wood". Feet ' 26 185,100 1,433 6 11 199,300 309 15 5 61,600 664 16 63 28,400 264 2 87 20,200 347 19 43 338,500 3,461 4 15 95,000 752 3 65 220,300 1,786 0 29 119.800 481 13 240 449,900 1,005 2 151 860.900 3,778 5 3 13,800 223 12 27 211,500 1,886 0 13 69,900 663 16 4 242,100 813 0 10 139,900 945 18 87 489,300 929 9 27 256,800 890 4 164 1,202,000 7,342 6 95 529,800 2,512 2 48 232,400 1,417 8 66 623,000 4,010 3 41 369,900 1,080 3 31 553,500 1,632 1 21 56,900 1,987 6 782 4,990,900 21,354 14 71 290,300 2,001 16 88 1,662,200 38,688 15 14,900 20,148 16 87 178,400 1,463 17 10 124,500 1,579 3 45 90,400 815 8 80S 147,900 1,160 2 7 42,100 764 7 8 66,000 1,664 1 82} 427,200 1,386 6 5 149,600 2,986 7 7 47,400 1,290 15 10 183,700 677 16 63 318,660 1,103 6 40 156,200 655 10 1 180,200 1,942 3 5,313} 88,897,900 500,984 6 50 365,809 614 16 1 61,800 1,692 4 98 49,218,300 724 7 " 2 167,100 ■ 252 17 126 90,400 613 9 1 20,000 56 18 6 425,100 821 7 8,500 311 14 6 7,300 181 7 439,600 1,962 9 4 32,600 536 11 8 466,200 377 13 __i ••' ___: i. 301 51,302,700 8,145 12| Merchandise. Ts. C 827 12 120 10 375 5 140 14 166 15 1,555 15 418 1 2,632 0 179 6 1,158 16 2,580 2 127 18 745 19 180 3 620 4 320 0 730 17 879 15 3,922 2 2,073 13 649 5 3,974 3 723 14 1,044 2 937 14 Minerals. Ts. c. 3,679 3 1,670 6 3,060 10 807 18 9,023 13 3,753 5 1,724 16 4,005 1 1,087 10 887 1 5,890 11 602 9 3,268 16 577 7 1,487 16 1,524 8 3,083 0 3,873 14 2,798 6 3,378 16 2,365 6 1,475 5 3,212 13 2,816 10 5,684 14 Stationa. Hukunui-Bluff Section— conti »ued. Outram. Allanton. Henley. Waihola. Milburn. Milton. Waitahuna. Lawrence. Lovell's Flat. Stirling. Balclutha. Waiwera. Clinton. Waipahi. Tapanui. Kelso. Heriot. Pukerau. Gore (Coaching). „ (Goods). Riversdale. Balfour. Mataura. Edendale. Wyndham. Woodlands. Invercargill (Pass.). „ (Parcels). (Goods). „ (D.T.Mgr.). Waimahaka. Bluff (Coaching). , (Goods). „ (Wharf). Makarewa. Thornbury. Riverton. Orepuki. Fairfax. Otautau. Nightcaps. Winton. ( entre Bush. Dipton. Lumsden. Kingston. Through traffic(Lakt' Wakatipu). Through traffic (Westland). Exhibition traffic, Accountant. Tablet stations. General. 243 33 78 192 7,712 93 163 20,346 8 35,794 19 io! 2 243 | 1,124 "30 143 512 497 51 595 237 707 148 148 804 317 895 :, 874 7 5,i22 8 16 12 "! 10 19 14 13 12J 11 12} 15 9 19 2 3 3 8 1 3 7 6 2 2 9 3 51 17,926 13 6,137 19 1,079 18 486 8 525 16 1,706 10 215 19 1,234 2 776 19 1,804 6 479 0 410 9 872 0 673 15 1,413 11 7,200 0 2,373 14 3,802 3 1,004 19 1,428 2 1,906 18 1,655 11 3,079 2 1,350 19 2,784 17 1,810 2 1,018 6 1,676 11 960 16 1,121 2 140 •■ 23 :. j :. Totals 1,248 268,258 15 2 167,418 271,714 823.821 1,315,563 2,578,51 74.819 1 510,064 8,194, 1,432 20,431,179 15,033 44,020 6,649; 2,363,1 41,886 421,516 5,3131} 641,064 15 15,033 44,021 88,897,1 500,984 440,305 17 Totals. Westland Section — Hokitika .. 16 Kumara .. .. 15 Greymouth(Coach'g) i (Goods) [ 16 i „ (D.T.Mgr.)' .. Runanga .. 14$ Brunner .. .. 14$ Stillwater .. 13 Ngahere .. .. 13 Ahaura .. - - 13 Totara Flat .. 13 Reefton .. - ■ i 16$ Moana . • 12 Otira .. .. 15 Accountant Exhibition traffic Through traffio (Hurunui-Bluff) General .. ■ ■ : 5 3 49 3 3 2 3 1 2 5 2 1 1,107 7 2; 1,772 400 5 3: 438 15,775 0 4 1 j 4 - TO8 287'13 8 1 299 528 11 6 111 337 17 7 155 545 18 2 541 198 8 3 188 314 2 11 84 771 4 3 1,215 259 8 7 156 197 17 8i 646 1,460 14,770 543 4,280 5,187 47,137 476 5,685 109 2,657 119 2,512 472 5,110 139 1,680 134 1,093 712 6,087 134 2,216 164 1,363 48 7. 93 241 12,336 4,169 45,265 14,525 7,916 1,279 7,745 1,939 1,278 7.111 814 558 792 114 160 30,338 9,430 102,297! 20,985 10.793 4,065 13,868 3,946 2,589 15,128 3,320 2,731 792 162 (131 39 1,127 57 10 52 389 33 2 3,715! 13,039 218 17 206 " 41 !! 7. 285 370 .. 86 589 18 72 420 16 5 23 582] 29 1 16 6441 18 4 70 858J 47 5 41 431 6 2 164 60 1 15 42 299 9 12 47 79 35 72 123 IS 17 "33 2 5 42 44 53 54 'i82 '548 18 2 12 21 62 74 3 333 39 390 1 5 53 212 52 15 103 88 6 4 8 12 124 17 90 67 24 751 "21 73 232 148 23 324 11 59 2 "l8 ■1 1 4 1 (1 1,981 7,79? 1,051 421 981 1,941 3 20 159 13 36 "27 92 5 4 50 50 25 1 655 98 2 126 1 6 5 7. 4 8 1 365,800 614 16 7,626 13 61,800 1,692 4 1,341 16 49,218,300 724 7 1,810 7 167,100 - 252 17 777 19 90,400 613 9 602 10 20,000 56 18 108 13 425,100 821 7 1,510 7 8,500 311 14 233 19 7,300 181 7 277 1 439,600 1,962 9 2,064 11 32,600 536 11 406 5 466,200 377 13 477 5 yVestlano Section— 6,411 6 Hokitika. 2.530 6 Kumara. Greymouth (Coach'g) 373,690 1 , (Goods). „ (D.T.Mgr.). 3,455 10 Runanga. 55 0 Brunner. Stillwater. 3.531 13 Ngahere. 652 19 Ahaura. 445 5 Totara Flat. 2,056 12 Reefton. 688 1 Moana. 574 9 Otira. Accountant. Exhibition traffic. I Through traffic (Hurunui-Bluff) General. 394,091 a Totals. 1 1 3 68^ 'i_7 2,431 5 2 Totals li!) 467 1,733 359 730! 301 ___: i 51,302,700 8,145 12] 17,137 6 79 23,155 0 6 10,450 9,790 94,831 626 11,121 206 5,221 257 8,965 106,004 221,075 221,071 4,619 18,654 502 47 18,654 502 47 2,844 26 .. 2,201 1 .. 412 12 1 5,457 39 1 179 .. 1 4,009 17 18 369 8 2 781 22 4 159 1 1 386 46 10 5,873 94 36 783 153 5 2,223 127 5 3,006 280 10 6,406 171 23 ■17 844 69 467 1,733 37 16,000 359j 730 301 51,302,700 8,145 12! 17,137 6,394,091 2 20,647 11 8 1,656 4 9 1,329 4 9 2,356 15 9 91,021 13 4 3,257 10 11 936 18 5 121,205 19 7 18,654 . ! ; ; 104 8 98 18 1 1,934 .. 615 413,000 1,935 9! 4,270 8 1,617 4 2,169 16 2 230 18 3 109 16 5 65 6 11 8,261 2 8 5,081 16 0 269 1 6 16,187 17 11 2,169 55 .. .. 1 1 .. .. .. 346 516,700 326 11] 437 1! 302,824 14 884 11 11 16 6; 71 14 8| 3 10 3 33,418 6 3 1 13 10 35 3 6 34,426 6 1 1,144 46 3 13 .. 2 14 .. ] .. 32 175.100 75 6] 301 14,341.950 13 2,241 19 1 21 16 6! 30 4 5' 12 9 5 44,265 10 17 8 27 13 6 46,600 11 7 2,144 .. " J •• ■■ .•■■ .. .. .. .. 26 2 0 87 15 9 .. 465 0 0 .. 80 16 3 106 9 11 765 3 111 205 11 111 19 4 1,948 .. | 992 1,104,800 2,337 6 5.009 3 646,392 11 5,32118 4] 352 7 0 211 15 6 546 6 7 85,944 9 11 5,165 13 9 437 8 5 97,979 19 6 5,457 1, .. i 9 1 1 399 .. .. .. 55,900 2,888 19 925 2 6,589 2 .. .. 6 1 2, 4 8 10 1,784 1 3 819 17 11 560 10 0 3,174 19 2 34 195] 3 7 12 435 35 3 46,600 1,02] 15 1,744 ] 212 3 3,090 15 7 220 12 2 173 12 6 105 19 7 5,020 15 0 3 19 10 87 5 0- 8,702 19 8 715 52 2 301 5 3 3,098 3 287 39 49,100 3.335 1 250 10 1,435 10 576 4 11 157 17 6 19 17 4 16 8 6; 1,152 19 0 3 0 3 2 16 0 1,929 2 6 1,094 83 11 69 19' 1 596 18 728 408: 512.800 552 15 311 5 84 16 686 7 9 190 15 7 40 16 10 16 9 9' 928 2 4 3 11 7 10 10 0 1,876 13 10 1,988 48 .. 40 .. : .. 442 254 184J 365,700 180 12' 129 13 46 12 1,711 11 -I 22 6 0 7 6 5: 6 6 3: 519 16 8 0 10 3 2 0 2,270 8 7 086 94 2 13 3 2 3,277! .. ' 1,188 136 810,700 79 9| 218 2 4 10 399 7 2 6 17 6 48 12 II 11 7 2 1,335 17 8 2 18 4 2 0 0 1,807 0 9 1,356 ..',.. .. I .. .. .... .. .. .. .. 27 16 0 137 17 8 687 00 Cr. 1 7 4 143 18 0 995 4 4 473 18] 439 40 7 8,247 2l] 2,492 770J 1,840,800 8,058 11 3,578 13 8.372 13 6,492 2 8 736 6 5 296 J~3 848 0 1 10.741 11 11 832 17 810 0 0 20,756 8 10 5,873 209 44: 551J 131 .. 5,729 263' 5,126 597 685,300 4,701 9 4,880 2 7,987 5! 3,240 14 0 129-14 0 113 13 1 32 1 9 5,904 5 0 964 4 0 88 6 0 10,472 17 10 2,223 420 35 1,352 127 4 74,602 54 8,929 32 63(3,300 13,165 16 2,460 5 885 0, 4,705 13 3 156 5 0 164 0 5 77 8 5 8,659 4 7 54 13 8 307 18 1 14,125 3 5 783 .. .. j ■■ .. .. .. .. .. 28 13 0 181 8 6 .. 517 10 OO. 296 6 96V. 0 0 4 112 11 9 543 16 2 629 79 1.903J 258 4 80,23lj 317! 14,055 629 1,321,600 17,867 5 7,340 7 8,872 5 7,975 0 3 467 7 6 277 13 6 627 0 2 14,267 2 10 1,018 17 4 508 15 10 25,141 17 6 3,006 221 5 127 127 1 13,038; 9j 1,940 8 264,200 2,067 17J 1,763 5| 1,129 3 2,869 13 2 266 6 10 286 17 3 560 15 6 2,615 0 11 9 16 9 28 0 0 6,636 10 5 6,405 I 1 I I I 844 37 .702 17 467 1,731 37 16,1 359 Westport Section Westport .. 14 Waimangaroa June. 13 Granity .. .. 14 Head Office General 14 13 14 31 10,677 8 5 314 5 664 11 8 124 6 870 13 1 165 7. 2,10219 4 7. 14,506 s. 1 i-,(i 13,947 252 26,567 13,601 23,334 252 326 41 51 1 2,844 26 .. 2,201 1 .. 412 12 1 104 55 46 98 13 18 1 1 1 13 1 3| .. 23' ., 75 3 62' 2| (17 6 "ll :• ! "_, .. 1 3 1 " 776 1,172 14 217.1 312.1 574.1 273 13 764 0 1,299 13| 442 15 1,>784 5 2,782 3 3 WESTroBT Section— 644,104 15! Westport. 843 13: Waimangaroa June. 1,444 3 1 Granity. : Head Office. ! General. " i " Totals 42 14,315 12 6 (1(0 1,089 25,3( :(0.T.v, 63,75. 419 5,457 39 II 111 1.948 33: i 39] 1 2061 llj 111] 19 4 I 205! 11 1,104,800 646,392 11 Nelson Section— Port .. .. 9 Nelson .. .. 9$ Richmond , .. 9$ Wakefield .. n Belgrove v . 11$ Kohatu .. .. 9 Head Office General 9 9j 9! 11 "I 9 12 2,176 14 7 8 1,199 10 11 1,307 1 212 16 7 264 2 202 18 7 129 3 497 17 8 337 2 269 11 7 260 7. 478' 6l!! 2,339 16,921 208 3,93! 2011 3.13! 537 8,19! 46 1,541 14,784 5,474 4,084 9,916 1,172 180 35,413 9,885 7,551 18,989 3,018 180 275 265 324 21! 10 4 179 .. I 4,009 17 18 359 8 2 781 22 4 159 1 1 386 46 10 19 39, 1 ... 1 9 .. 87 1 .. 7! 10 145 1 293 1 .. 23 V 60 .! 8 12 2 5 4l 86 4! IO 1 2 .. 18 ll 41 .. 1 .. 1 41 19 132 13 40 24; 4 ■■ j " " --'(I,, 11 1.948 653 2,222 1,272 232 226 3,642 •• ] "21I •• I ■• 1 1,250 1,238 2 2 992 107 525 132 2 1 3 1,104,800 33,800 1,074,400 582,200 39,400 6,100 104,900 2,337 6 1,314 10 2,863 5 843 19 1,749 3 308 8] 979 6! ■ ■ 2,337 6 5,009 3 1 (imi 3 738 9 369 13 755 ll 1 273 12 835 5 5,009 646,392 11 Totals. Nelson Section— 59 14 Port. 6,205 3 Nelson. 382 14 Richmond. 150 15 Wakefield. 37 2 Belgrove. 1,537 5 Kohatu. I Head Office. 1 General. Totals. Totals •- " I " "1 " " 94 36 1 473: 18 439 40 7 5,037 16 2,357 3,1 33.739 36,610 75,036 5,873 94 17!1 18: 439 7 8,247 21; 2,492 770J 1,840,800 8,058 11 3,578 13 8.372 13 6,492 2 8 18 439 40 8.247! 21 2,492 770 1,840,800 8,058 11 3,578 13 8,372 13I TotaU. Picton Section — Picton .. .. 15 Blenheim .. 13 Head Office General 10 3,385 7 6 2,91 8 939 15 7 4,3( .. 535 18 8 5,039 ll,042i 6,327 16,481' 17,004 20,391 168 36,045 47,499 168 241 157 8 127 v, 153 5 420 209 35! 1,352 44! 551J] 127 131 4 74,502 5,729 54 263 8,929 ; 5,126 32 567 687,2( 634,4( 13,165 16 4,701 9 I 2,460 5 4,880 2 Picton Section— 885 0 Picton. 7,987 5 Blenheim. Head Office. General. .... Totals US 4,861 1 9 7,260 11,300 27,523 37,563 83,712 3,< 280 10 629 io 629 79 1.903$ 280 10J 629 629 79 ] 79 1,903. 1,9034! 25S 80,231 31' 14,055 629 1,321,1 17,867 7,340 7 8,872 5 Totals. Lake Wakatipu Steamers : Totals 1,837 4,985 2,688 3,648 13,058 2'. 6,4 171 23 221! 5 127 171 23 221 5 12127l 1 13,038 9 1,940 8 264,: 2,067 17 1,763 5. Lake Wakatiptj 1,129 3 Steamers : Totals.

D. .2.


RETURN No. 13. Statement of Carriage and Wagon Stock, and Tarpaulins, for the Year ending 31st March, 1908.

B—D. 2,

Description. Class. t\i\ i s 1 I < . Pii S c I ° 1 W Us s c f c I I I I C o E I Carriages. Rojal saloon, bogie, 44feet Gallery-cars, ,, 44 feet Saloon v bogie, 44 feet „ „ 41 feet ,. 39* feet „ 3 7 i feet ... ,, 35 feet-Refreshment-cars, bogie, 47J feet . » „ 44 fee' ■•• Mot or-train cars, bogie, 60 feet First-class, bogie, 47j feet „ „ 44 feet „ 42ifeet „ „ 30 feet „ 6-wheel ,, 4-wlieel Composite, bogie, 60 feet „ „ 47I feet ,, ,.46 feet „ 44 feet „ „ feet „ 394 f eet » 30 feet ,, 6-wlieel „ 4-wlieel Second-elase, bogie, feet ,, ,, 46 feet „ „ 44 f" e t ,, ,. 42 J feel „ 395 feet „ » 35 fee t ,, ,, 30 feet ., 6-wheel ,, 4-wheel Poetnl, bogie, 44 feet » ,. 39i f pe t ,, „ 30 feet ., ,, composite, 44 feet A A A A A A A A A A A A A B C D A A A A A A B C D A A A A A A B C D A A B A 2 1 3 1 3 1 7 1 37 '36 1 2 6 2 , I] 26 1 1 3 53 "63 13 2 "5 1 5 1 4 7 6 1 1 24 6 8 6 4 2 73 8 80 30 4 21 6 2 5 1 2 1 2 2 3 3 5 1 9 ■4 2 I 7 4 57 8 8 7 4 4 3 172 8 195 43 13 4 1 18 2 96 4 '79 6 3 13 27 13 4 6 3 4 ... 9 - 1 2 5 2 1 I 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 '9 25 30 1 5' 4 101 6 34 7 3 2 2 4 3 2 10 1 1 3 3 5 1 2 1 12 6 4 2 2 2 I 1 3 3 '53 1 Totals I 3 12 5 7 267 495 495 3° 11 11 I,OO2 Wagons, uto. Brake-vnne, 4-wlieel „ bogie Fell Horse-boxes CatUe Slieep Covered goods ... Sleeping-vnns lligh-sidee I Wharf '.'.'. Low-sides „ steel... Work-train Timber Iron hopper Platform coal Movable hopper ... Frozen meat Cool, insulated ... ,, ventilated ... Work-train hopper F V F G H J K K L Lα Lβ M Mα Mb N 0 P Q w X Xα Y Yβ R Rβ S T U Uα Uβ Uβ' v 7, 2 2 1 5 4 10 9 4 2 S 12 18 72 95 2 t 4 12 40 ■ 5 50 28 yo 114 83 8 933 200 88 5° 102 50 2 16 10 18 i 6 7 7 75 81 412 J 107 1 16 '.599 225 50 20 99 ... 54 93 7' 171 356 3'9 46 3,977 1,185 8is 75 165 54 93 7' 171 356 3'9 46 3-977 1,185 8is 75 165 8 4 6 3 15 3 ,38 45 50 36 217 2 4 2 3 1 12 24 32 '59 358 4 1 3 2 6 1 63 ■4 8 3 1 ' 2 2 3 99 21 103 223 ,8? 3S9 ! 9" 543 75 6,858 i>385 • 45 1,281 50 145 564 426 104 425 147 168 146 [60 51 246 61 2 47 42 33 40 30 "3 43 50 26 94 20 37 27 127 S 96 8 7" 11 63 So s> 21 S2 21 41 6 7" 11 63 50 5' 21 52 21 4' 6 3° 12 67 20 7 >> >, High-side, bogie 2 90 20 8 8 65 I 9 Slieep, ,, Cattle, „ Platform, ,, Ga* storeholders, bogie Platlorm, ,, Horee-boxes, ,, Frozen meat, ,, Covered goods, 2 1 2 3° 12 55 21 42 34 • 2 2 97 56 284 12 201 -1' 42 2 3 55 21 97 44 Totals 34 212 61 2,196 7,856 164 15.475 30 3>5i7 704 597 104 Tarpaulins «3 37 24 1.325 35 2,660 6,862 170 30 96 170 11,422



RETURN No. 14. Statement of Locomotive Stock for the Year ending 31st March, 1908.

Type. I Cylin Diameter. iders. Stroke, r. t Coupled Wheels. r. Truck Ik. ttj Wheels. . . I £« I ■—■—-—■ — rt rt s c .5 u g 'S c »- 1 1 1 i 1 p j 11 Stroke No. J^; c c z c o E a l Tenc Tender (4cyl.balancecl compound) Tender, simple der (4cyl.balai comnoi In. meed 12 & 19 iund1 In. 22 6 Ft. in. 4 6 6 In. 3°i 2 7 9 A B C D Ten ! , ! Tan > compoi ider, simple nk , (articulat (inmnni IUI1UJ 17 16 ... 9i ted l^nf^^ 26 22 18 18 l8 6 8 4 4 12 4 6 3 6S 2 6i 3 °i 3 °J 6 4 2 2 2 30i 3°i 18 18 26J i 8 I 8 6 Tank I I 2 8 I 2 I ,, (articulated compound) I 2 IS I 29 1 I F Fα H J K L Lα M N 0 P I iuna; ... 10I 12 io£ l8 l8 l8 16 20 6 6 4 4 6 6 4 4 4 6 8 8 3 °' 3 oi 3 °i 2 8 3 6* 4 ii 3 61 3 9 3 6i 4 i* 3 oi 3 5 2 24 21 2 3 .3 4 II 37 8 5 3 2 I 7 2 20 4 6 3 8 ;i 2 2 4 4 2 2 4 6 3° 2 4 # 3°i 26i 26J 28i 28i 26i 3° 1 26k \ 36i 3«i 2 4 i 30i 3° 26i 30 30 26i 26i 28^ 25 305 3°i <5 i ;; Ter : j I Tar 'A T f Ter ) „ "Fell" Tender , " Fell " nder nk nder >j 14 14 12 12 12 13 15 15 15 7 2 10 IS 6 : Tank 20 18 18 4 5 i 5 10 5 4 10 ft 10 Q R S T U Uα Uβ Uβ Uc V W Wα Wβ Wβ Wβ Wf I Sin; I ? Ter J Jα Jβ - Jβ Jc ?■ W Tai Wα iVi) jVd SVp „ Tender ii ii Single Fairlie Tender »» lgle Fairlie nder nk >> 11 l6 ... 124 13 15 16 ... l6 16 ... 16 16 15 14 14 14 14 16 14 20 20 18 20 22 16 16 18 20 20 20 22 22 6 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 1$ 3 oi\ 3 oi| 3 ok 4 6 4 ii 4 i J 4 ii 4 ii 4 ii 3 oj 3 3i 3 3j 3 3j 3 6i 3 9 4 6 4 2 2 1 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 8 6 4 4 6 1 2 4 6 6 9 4 "<5 7 8 4 9 6 20 2 13 18 4 6 9 6 20 2 10 ,, ... 20 20 20 10 10 Tank 2 IO 2 I I 12 18 2 26 1 8 2 20 20 22 2 2 J ... 7 12 2 8 4 3 ii ... j> ••• 22 7 II Totals Totals 2 5 2 59 2 III i9S 15 10 4 S 410



RETURN No. 15. Comparative Statement of the Mileage opened, Capital, Expenses, &c., of Railways in the following Colonies (taken from latest Official Records):-

Colony. Area in Square Miles. o o as > Gauge. Total Cost. 3 a, z 30 Cost per Head of Population. Train Miles run. Gross Earnings. a O s 1 I Workingexpenses. Id Profit on Working. U Is 55 si oO a≤ • •a o •-■3 If Si H Passengers carried. Tonnage of Goods. s II a? 'if la E5 a * m -go :pens< ■3 n h CO ■ © © §>3»g g = Ss o = |S o o 1 c hi 2 a S5 k SFS a a Year ending Victoria 87,884 1,246,644 : 3,395 Ft. in. 5 3 41,533,136 £ 12,230 £ s. d. 33 6 4 £ I 4,012,641 d. 95-96 > 2,076,673 d. j i 49-66 l,935,968j d. 1 46-30 £ s. a. 345 1 1,182 £ 612 £ 570 £ 174 d. t 20-20 1907. 30 June. )!367i 10,035,914 4-24 151-75 i 69,920,583 ! 3,965,792 ) 14-78J 1-22 Jew South Wales 310,700! 1,555,253 3,428 4 8} 44,700,230 5 454 28 14 10 497 1,233 111,119 12,946 12,949,068 3 4,709,406 87-25 i 2,499,741 L46-25 2,209,665! i 41-00 4-96 ) 53-08 3 0 7 ' 41,413,084 18,793,832 1 1,374 729 645 173 i 20-99 ) 14-5o| 1-94 656 764 : 13,142 1906. 31 Deo. 1907. 30 June. 3ape of Good Hope i 221,31l! 579,741 3,074 3 6 30,642,453 9,968 31891 52 17 2 9,207,725 5J3,772,770 98-30 12,981,350 ) 77-70 791,420! ) 20-60 2-58 1 79-00 6 10 2 ! 20,091,686! ill, 716,682 i1,227 970 257 163 i 37-16 517-80 4-46 666 938 110,453 Queensland 668,224: 535,113 3,137 3 6 !21,839,081 6,961 1 171 j 40 16 3 6,126,136 31,829,673 71-75 i 912,638 S 3575 917,035 i 36-00 4-20 ) 49-88 3 8 5 i 9,301,^42 ! 2,357,156 > 583 291 292 94 114-00 ) 13-01 1-77 350 462 South Australia .. 903.690 1 (3 61 {o 3} ! 7,735 1 383,000 1,960 14,904,696 7,604 U95 ! 38 18 4 4,365,1441 111,589,386 87-38 I 831,285 i 48-45: 708,101 . 38-93 4-75 5155-4:51 4 3 0 111,501,007 ' 2,046,182 I ! 811 450 361 120 ) 20-10! )! 10-96 1-15 334 436 ' 6,498 tfatal .. Western Australia 20,461 975,876! 97,109 264,269 880 1,676 3 6 3 6 113,536,535 10,300,938 15,296 5110 5158 139 7 11 4,628,953 i 1,836,916 95-24 ; 1,236,611 i 64-12 600,305 131-12 4-43 1 67-32 18 18 4 : 2,639,848 ! 2,383,152 ! 2,089 1,406 683 186 5 32-14 , 19-581 5-06 333 424 3,550 1906. 31 Dec. 1907. 30 June. 6,146 38 19 6 4,180,796 11,537,333 88-25 '1,135,907 ' 65-21 401,426 123-04 3-90 (73-89 5 16 4 13,180,161 2,330,303 i 917 678 239 158 S 30-70 ) 19-56 2-25 321 324 6,322 Tasmania 26,215 178,296 462 15 6} 3,943,359 8,526 5 386 22 2 5 981,379! I 258,223 6304 185,500 I 45-36: 72,723]: 117-68 1-84 : 71-83 19 0 951,823 i 428,387 ' 549 395 151 122 ! 17-88 117-76 3-50 76 186 *ew Zealand 1,592 1899. 31 Mar. 1900. 31 Mar. 1901. 31 Mar. 1902. 31 Mar. 1903. 31 Mar. 1904. 31 Mar. 1905. 31 Mar. 1906. 31 Mar. 1907. 31' Mar. 1908. 31 Mar. 104,471 746,673 2,090 3 6 |l6,404,076 7,849 1357 21 19 5 3,968,708 ! 1,469,665 89-OOj 'j 929,737 ■ 56-22 539,928!: i!32-78| 3-29i 16326 1 19 4 4,955,553 ! 2,624,059 I 712 450 262 ! 18-46 ' 16-67 300 293 550 9,792 104,471| 758,616 3 6 !173 2,099 16,703,887 7,958 i 1361 22 0 5 4,187,893J: tjl.623,891 93-OOj 1,052,358 i 60-31 571,533i; ;!32-69 3-421 ! 64-80 2 2 10 5,468,284 3,127,824 : 774 501 273 1188 121-32 1617 2-93 304 577 10,295 104,47l| 815,349! 2,174 3 6 17,207,328 7,915: 1 375 21 2 1 4,620,971: .1,727,236 89-75. 1,127,848 ! 58-58 599,388! 31-17 3-471 '65-30 2 2 4 6,243,593: 3,339,687 794 519 275 196 i 19-99 17-15 209 306 603: 10,868 W > • 104,471 833,137 I 2,227 3 6 18,170,722 8,159; 1 874 21 16 2 5,066,360. 11,874,586 88-75: 1,252,237! 59-32| 622,349! 29-43 3-431 66-80 2 5 0 7,356,136: 3,529,177 842 562 280 196 121-35: 17-78 3-03 362 701: 12,444 104,471 857,9851 12,262 3 6 19,081,735 8,436 i 1379 22 4 10 5,443,333: i 1,974,038 87-00: 1,343,415; 59-23 630,623!; 127-77 3-30 f 6S-05 2 6 0 7,575,390i 3,730,394 873 594 279! 204 21-36 18-24 3-19 372 75i: 104,4711 12,992! 882,097 \ (2,305 3 6 20,692,911 8,977 i 383 23 9 2 5,685,399 i 2,180,641 91-75] 1,438,7241 60-48 741,917; 31-27 358 ( 65-98 2 9 5 8,306,383 t 4,072,576 j 943 I 622 321! 213 22-21 17-221 3-14 377 809: 13,433 104,47l! 903,114 2,347 3 6 21,701,572 9,141 i 387 23 17 11 6,107,079: 2,209,231 86-50 ] 1,492,900 I 58-46 716,331 i 28-04 3-30 ( 67-58 2 8 8 8,514,112; 4,011,511 938 634 304: 217! 21-05: 18-28 3-10 389 864: 13,885 104, 47lj 933,111 2,391 3 6 22,498,972 9,410 •: 391 24 2 3 6,413,573 i 2,349,704 87-75 ] 1,621,239 f 60-47 728,465 i 27-28 3-24 i 69-00 2 10 4 8,826,382 i 4,241,422 980 676 304; 229 21-99: 18-86 3-01 395 906: 104,47l' 104,471 23,504,272 14,127 .. : 961,604 2,427 3 6 9,570 c 396 24 8 10 6,755,454 i 2,624,600 93-00] 1,812,482 f 64-21 812,118 5 28-79 3-45 C 69-06 2 14 7 9,600,786 i 4,592,099] 1,078 744 334 2 253! 23-37 : 18-90 2-80 398 966: 14,605 985,318! 2,469 3 24,366,539 9,861.: 399 24 14 7 7,051,274 i 2,761,938 93-751 1,949,759 f 66-18 812,1 795 |27-57 3-331 7059 2 16 1 : .. j ),7 53,716 4 4,834,534 1 1,114 786 328 i 258! 24-96] 19-40 2-76 410| 1,002 ] 15,475



RETURN No. 16. Return showing the Mileage, Capital Cost, Traffic, Revenue, and Expenditure of the New Zealand Government Railways from 1883 to 31st March, 1908. MILEAGE, CAPITAL COST, TRAFFIC, AND REVENUE.

9—D. 2.

, , . ■ j j _ _ p — a I Passengers. Season Tickets. Coaching. _ .3 § - p-2 Revenue Year. Miles. Capital Cost. J5*E: 1 , j j | Cattle. Sheep. Pigs. £g™; Wool. § Timber.! (Jrain. J Minerals. Total. e . || || Revenue, i Traing , _ j Q .S g §S §S mile No. Revenue. No. Revenue. Parcels. Horses. 8 g> j Dogs. Revenue. * 3 go j I ' \ £ £ £ No No No , No £ No. No. No. No. Tons. | Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. £ £ £ £ d. 882-83 .. 1,358 10,478,998 2,785,685 3,283,378 362,106 8,621 .. 308,620 9,850 975 22,716 34,658 928 27,605 421,671 ! 27,799 11,810 51,703 175,740 197,231 367,428 350,823 510,088 1,564,823 518,330 ; 29,496 8,757 953,347 82-00 883-84 .. 1396 11078,500 2 841,745 3,272,644 321,615 9,036: 14,763 325,675 9,555 906 24,666 j 35,143 939 29,675 627,090 29,522 16,470 62,067 81,255 183,449 432,223 350,263 574,313 1,700,040 548,918 ; 31,644 9,221 961,304 8100 884-85 .. 1477 11810,194 2 882 422 3,232,886 ! 348,628 8,999 16,406 313,047 10,358 793 24,020 35,592 756 32,738 666,522:30,268 17,030 68,523 ! 86,670 178,909 414,590 365,623 618,511 1,749,856 611,504 28,160 10,422 1,045,712 8(00 885-86 .. 1613 12 472 814 3 020 550 3,362,266 346,895 10,717 16,482 ! 317,242 9,518 653 22,668:33,271 660 36,634 781,470 40,558 14,985 74,778 180,280 202,571 413,847 368,225 669,081 1,823,767 622,810 ; 16,732 11,229 1,047,419, 8300 886-87 ..1727 13 017 567 8 008 949 3,426,403 339,255 11,821 16,998 341,634 9,165 689 21,598 : 33,749 597 37,435 856,431 48,151 22,110 82,963 173,040 175,581 345,254 329,227! 719,579 1,747,754 581,3o0 ; 14,893 12,523 998,768 | 79-50 887-88 ..1758 13,352,978 i 2,944,786 3,451,850 334,926 11,518 17,800 368,680 9,301 619 21,128 34,727 592,32,766 857,397 50,046 22,190 84,147:65,860 158,024 358,022 347,379; 700,140 1,735,762 579,359 14,611 13,420 994,843, 81-00 888-89 .. 1777 13 472 837 I 2 796 007 3,132,803 305,632 11,817 17,816 370,707 8,378 650 19,971 34,101 547 | 29,426 842,840 47,126 24,335, 78,203 ; 67,045 160,399 447,027 356,732 786,690 1,920,431 610,488 15,663 13,915 997,615 85-qO 889-90 ..1809 13 899 955 2 868 203 3,376,459 j 347,844 12,311 21,504 375,271 9,358 708 j 21,209 37,097 678 '31,700 985,336 51,539 37,900 91,214 77,454 172,814 498,198 399,258! 797,117 2,073,955 655,007 18,091 16,027 1,095,5/0 91-50 890-91 ... 1842 14,278 586 ! 2 894 776 3,433,629:333,122 13,881 20,471 380,319 9,790 757 22,965,38,997 582 35,209 1,258,471 ' 54,684 29,800, 87,701 73,650 153,078 fife,688 385,020, 828,079 2,086,011 690,779 20,718 17,615 1,121,701 93-00 891-92 .. 1869 14 656 691 ' 3 010 489 3,555,764 342,563 16,341 22,054 393,407 11,370 819 25,439 41,795 653 I 36,248 1,067,614 49,639 j 26,605 85,888 87,834 170,520 j 442,277 379,768; 873,899 2,066,791 671,469,19,388 18,168 1,115,432 88-75 892-93 .. 1886 14 733 120 3 002 174 3,759,044 ! 367.594 1 16,504 23,025 420,610 12,993 921 26,780 44,801 796 33,597 1,321,046 38,814 34,314 96,841 88,186 168,910 j 523,637 397,411! 884,031 ! 2,193,330 707,786 18,830 19,486 1,181,522 94-50 893-94 .. 1948 15 137 036 3 113 231 3,972,701 378,480 17,226 23,540 448,770 12,350 793 25,667 45,206 831 j 39,223 1,356,434 38,022 138,610 101,340 84,658 183,192 411,191 377,116 864,538 2,060,645 686,469 18,563 20,535 1,172,798 90-25 894-95 .. 1993 15 352 613 3 221,020 I 3,905,578 360,243 ! 28,623 24,906 444,981:11,185 750 23,517 43,270 705 ' 40,890 1,519,921 43,292 I 36,972 103,328,85,102 198,578 388,556 1377,938 857,917 | 2,048,391 683 726,17,265 21,441 1,160,851 85-75 895-96 2 014 15 425 532 3 307 226 ! 4 162 426 359,822 I 36 233 29,412 455,511 I 11,115 716 22,551 54,736 I 693 39,651 1,839,712 : 53,346 53,260 99,363 78,804 213,132 374,699 389,881 j 878,659 2,087,798 698,115 18,466 22,490 1,183,041 85'75 896-97 '.'. 2!oi8 151677.892 3,4Xrd',218 4,439,387 1378,684 43,069 31,476 489,825 I 11,347 778 22,891 58,084 841 35,909 1,964,110 52,327 ' 60,542 98,958 80,014 257,825 423,888 415,448 ; 1,032,252 2,368,927 774,163 : 20,225 23,526 1,286,158 9050 897-98 2 055 15 993 903 3 666 483 4 672 264 ! 399 262 48 660 , 34 168 530 993 i 9,936 862 23,069 60,872 926 44,935 2,356,595 ; 42,784 77,226 103,055 83,656 ; 313,073 : 427,448 465,041 1,048,868 2,518,367 837,590 ; 19,631 | 24,48o 1,376,008 90-00 898-99 " ' 2'090 ' 16'404'076 3W7O8 4 955 553 1438 367 55 027; 37 186 589 372 10 348 998 24,963 66,418 1106 55,878 2,518,233 34,512 \ 83,084 97,396 87,038 j 310,266 ! 420,071 1 478,851 : 1,147,353 \ 2,624,059 I 882,077 I 20,328 ; 25,289 1,469,665 89-00 899-1900" 2'l04 16'703'887 4'l87'893 5 468 284:474 793 63 335; 40 228 624 115 11,474 1159 27,066 68.488 1345 65,063 2,523,787 136,049 77,292 104,621 92,126 \ 334,677 764,033 536,428 ! 1,218,698 | 3,127,874 985,723 : 25,135 j 29,524 1,623,891 93-00 900-1901:: ' 17;207;328 4 620 971 6 243 593 503 051 82,921 j 41,925 633,770 ! 11,421 1336 30,658 I 72,712 1566 72,868 2,412,191 | 51,059 78,844 .96,519:92,830 1380,803 772,571 551,879 ! 1,366,241 3,339,687 1,051,695 28,601 | 29,253 1,727,236 89-75 901-1902 2 235 18 170 722 5 066 360 7,356,136 575,697 100,778 45,322 677,804 ' 11,926 1506 30,404 79,5611564 83,458 2,724,860:55,159 86,378 101,878 100,236,427,153 813,345 556,395 1,443,792 , 3,529,177 l,110,57o ; 30,303 ; 33,129 1,874,586 88-75 902-1903" 2'291 19'081'735 5W333 7 575 390 576 529 118 431: 49,169 731 762 12,737 1646 34,202 87,273 1921102,461 3,821,333 61,844 121,092 116,309 100,498 436,008 718,376 633,685 1,604,426 I 3,730,394 1,189,101 29,960 I 42,006 1,974,038 87-00 903-1904" 20;692,'911 5,e&>',im 8;306,383 652,080 129,919 52,530 , 798,800 ' 1.4,629 2056 36,816 110,1512340 107,435 3,756,378 ■ 70,268 132,562 101,316 106,066 509,712 820,453 658,144 1,744,323 4,072,576 1,293,169 33,074 39,687 2,180,641 91-75 : 904-1905 2 374 : 21 701 572 6 107 079 8 514 112 680 905 140 453 57 252 : 825 468 15 651 2228 38,592 115,051 2307 110,924 3,412,984 77,768 131,714 t 107,625 109,174 ! 493,327 732,479 630,832 1,806,360 4,011,511 1,277,976 40,067 ' 37,980 2,209,231 1 86-50 905-1906" 2'406 ! 22W972 6'413'f.73 8'826'382 723 867 147 989 63,006 ' 892 037 17,008 2376 40,097 142,642 2350 119,311 3,348,685 I 92,702 144,884 ' 116,086 106,510 | 534,533 772,258 628,603 1,938,548 4,241,422 1,346,038 38,518 j 35,633 2,349,704: 87'75 .906-1907" 2'456 23'504'272 e'755'454 9 600 786 . 823 067 165 504 68 986 ! 929 929 ; 17 770 2440 42,081151,913 2496 133,031 4,661,001 115,222 168,316 128,161 109,236 ' 567,835 770,706 712,399 2,135,446 , 4,592,099 1,498,686 ; 44,692 ! 37,256 2,624,600; 93-00 907-1908" 2*471 " 24'365;647 ! 91756,716 j 835;473 185;i74 771505 ! 937!565 j 18,423 2829 47,766 176,876 2530 150,751 I 4,593,100 125,987 169,767 120,593 110,154 j 616,892 739,568 757,647 , 2,319,913 ! 4,834,534 1,582,328 | 50,143 39,613 2,761,938 j 93-75 J I j I I I 1 I ! I . —I ! 1 I ! ! ! ! TTt-VT-tTI.XTT_TmTTT> _T a. 82-00 8100 8700 : 8300 79-50 ! 81-00 85-50 91-50 93-00 88-75 94-50 90-25 85-75 85-75 90-50 90-00 89-00 93-00 89-75 88-75 87-00 | 91-75 i 86-50 ! 87-75 93-00 93-75 EXPENDITURE. i ■—— EXPENDITURE. 1 j ■ g £ £ . <_ Maintenance of Wav. Locomotive Power. Carriages and Wagons. Traffic. Head and Departmental Offices. General Charges and Sundries. Less Credit Recoveries. g 3 _i -_-_: D "-** Year % S ? %&?■ ; ■ I j '' i j j ol | & „ &£„ PerCent. Per Mile '' Per I Per Cent. Per Per Cent. Per Per Cent. Per ! Per Cent.; Per Per Cent.! Per Per Cent.] Per * | * _ *i 'S Amount. of of I Train- Amount. of Train- : Amount. of Train- Amount. of Train- Amount. 1 of Tram- Amount. of Train- Amount. of , Train- * H H ° Revenue. Railwav 1 mile j Revenue. mile. Revenue, mile. Revenue. mile. Revenue.! mile. Revenue., mile. Revenue.! mile. ; X I ! ! L ! , 1 1 ! d. £ £ £ £ I d. £ £ d. £ £ d. £ £ d. £ £ i. £ £ d. £ £ d. £ 1882-83 .. 51-07 62-18 209,823 2201 1 155-54 j 18-08 153,607 16-11 j 13-23 38,887 4-08 3-35 156,334 16-40 13-47 .. .. .. 34,170 3-58 2-94 .. .. .. 592,821 1883-84 .. 55-40 68-24 233,936 ; 24-34 169-29 19-76 162,558 16-91 13-73 51,304 5-34 4-33 166,848 ' 17-36 1409 .. .. .. 41,345 4-30 3-49 .. .. .. 655,990 1884-85 .. 57-45 65-99 254,329 ' 24-32 176-87 21-18 166,576 15-93 13-87 j 56,245 I 5'38 4-68 171,822 ; 1643 14-30 .. .. .. 41,055 3-93 3-42 .. .. .. 690,026 1885-86 .. 54-85 65-91 I 247,566 23-64 1 160-32 ; 19-67 162,860 15-55 12-94 55,303 : 5-28 4-40 180,352 ! 1722 14-33 a. .. [. 44,259 422 3-51 .. .. .. 690,340 1886-87 .. 55-76 69-99 252,530 : 25-28 149-85 I 20-14 166,407 1666 1327 59,107 ! 5-92 4-72 i 177,825 ; 17-80 14-18 .. .. .. 43,203 4-33 3-45 .. .. .. 699,072 1887-88 .. 56-02 69-09 246,340 24-76 141-85 20-08 159,757 16-06 ; 13-02 65,018 i 6-54 5-30 j 173,991 j 17-49 14-18 .. .. .. 42,222 4-24 .3-44 .. .. .. 687,328 1888-89 .. 55-54 64-86 232,915 23-35 131-31 19-99 153,807 15-42 13-20 55,422 i 5-55 4-76 ! 176,995 - 17-74 15-19 .. .. .. 27,906 2-80 240 .. .. .. 647,045 1889-90 .. 57-13 62-32 242,075 22-10 134-70 ! 20-26 159,180 1453 13-32 67,211 I 6-13 5-62 182,427 j 16-65 1527 .. .. .. 31,894 2-91 266 .. .. .. 682,787 1890-91 .. 58-09 62-47 241,330 21-51 132-27 : 20-01 172,064 15-34 14-26 66,228 5-91 5-49 193,461 ! 17-25 1604 .. .. .. 27,622 2-46 2-29 .. .. .. 700,703 1891-92 .. 56-32 63-34 245,163 1 21-98 131-41 19-54 177,156 15-88 14-12 57,723 5-17 4-60 198,654 < 1781 1584 .. .. . . 27,822 2-50 2-22 .. .. .. 706,517 1892-93 .. 58-53 61-97 262,600 : 22-23 140-18 20-99 183,774 15-55 14-69 53,962 4-57 4-32 202,153 j 17-11 16-16 .. .. .. 29,653 2-51 2-37 .. .. .. 732,142 1893-94 .. 56-69 62-70 268,451 '■ 22-89 140-35 20-70 177,833 15-16 13-71 56,470 j 4-82 4-35 201,166 ; 17-15 15-51 .. .. j.. 31,440 2-68 2-42 .. .. .. 735,359 1894-95 .. 54-54 63 62 272,718 23-70 138-57 20-32 175,758 1527 13-09 50,949 I 4-43 3-79 201,641 j 1752 1502- j .. .. .. 31,095 270 232 .. .. .. 732,160 1895-96 .. 54-53 6351 282,593 23 89 141-45 20-51 185,669 15-69 13-47 54,692 i 4-62 397 207,253 ; 17-52 15-04 37,979 | 321 276 . .. .. 16,818 1-42 1-22 . 751,368 1896-97 .. 55-55 61-35 301,981 2348 149-77 21-26 190,543 14-82 13-41 65,825 ! 5-12 4-64 213,914 16-63 15-06 39,072 303 \ 2-75 .. .. .. 22,280 1-73 1-57 ; 789,054 1897-98 .. 56-11 62-30 327,987 I 23'84 160-53 21-47 209,289 15-21 , 13-70 65,344 ; 4-75 4-27 232,646 16-91 15 23 41,062 2-98 I 2-69 .. .. .. 19,137 1-39 1-25 j 857,191 1898-99 .. 56-22 63-26 357,189 24 30 172-92 21-60 231,532 15-75 14-00 73,680 5-01 4-46 244,932 16 67 14-81 44,319 ! 302 ! 2-68 .. .. .. 21,914 1-49 1-33 j 929,738 1899-1900.. 60-31 64-80 394,619 | 24-30 18799 22-61 295,542 18-20 16-93 76,555 '■ 4-71 4-39 262,552 1617 15-05 47,717 , 2-93 j 274 .. .. .. 24,627 151 1-41 1,052,358 1000-1901.. 58-58 65 30 426,405 ! 24-69 196-14 22-15 293,383 1698 : 15-24 91,532 : 5-30 4-75 236,159 ; 17-15 15 38 51,590 | 2-99 268 .. .. .. 31,221 1-81 1-62 1,127,848 1901-1902.. 59-32 66'80 436,847 23-30 196-17 20-69 351,172 18 73 ' 1664 99,522 , 5-31 4-71 333,211 17-78 15-79 | 56,756 , 3-03 2-69 .. .. .. 25,271 1-35 1-20 1,252,237 1902-1903.. 59-23 68'05 460,398 23-32 203-55 20-30 378,575 19-18 : 16-69 105,976 I 5-37 4-67 360,061 18-24 15-88 62,997 ; 3-19 _'77 .. .. .. 24,592 1-25 1-08 1,343,415 Lake Wakatipu Steamers. 1903-1904 . 60-48 65-98 490,819 22-58 212-94 ' 20-72 414,168 19-05 17-48 111,988 ; 5-15 4-73 374,347 17-22 15-80 68,223 j 3-14 2-88 6,048 86-45 .. 26,869 1-23 1-13 1,438,724 1904-1905.. 58-46 67-58 508,735 23-09 216-64 19-99 425,717 19-32 16-73 109,918 4-99 4-32 402,715 18-28 15-83 j 68,353 3-10 208 5,198 88-14 .. 27,736 1-26 1.9 1,492,900 1905-1906.. 60-47 69-00 546,805 2333 228-67 20-46 468,315 19-98 17-52 119,437 5-10 4-47 442,064 j 1886 16 54 70,539 301 2-64 5,227 87-33 .. 31,148 138 1-16 1,621,239 1906-1907.. 64-21 69-06 613,890 23-45 252-78 21-81 522,100 19-94 18-55 135,793 \ 5-19 4-82 494,942 [ 18-90 17-58 j 73,376 ! 2-80 261 5,082 82-52 .. 32,701 1-25 1-16 1,812,482 1907-1908.. 66-18 70-59 638,560 i 23-18 258-31 21-73 572,586 2078 19-49 160,818 I 5-84 j 5-47 534-634 19-40 18'20 76,082 2-76 259 5,377 81-02 .. 38,298 1-39 1-30 11,949,759 d. 1882-83 .. 51-07 1883-84 .. 55-40 1884-85 .. 57-45 1885-86 .. 54-85 1886-87 .. 55-76 1887-88 .. 56-02 1888-89 .. 55-54 1889-90 .. 57-13 1890-91 .. 58-09 1891-92 .. 56-32 1892-93 .. 58-53 1893-94 .. 56-69 1894-95 .. 54-54 1895-96 .. 54-53 1896-97 .. 55-55 1897-98 .. 56-11 1898-99 .. 56-22 1899-1900.. 60-81 1900-1901.. 58-58 1901-1902 .. 59-32 1902-1903 .. 59-23 £ 62-18 68-24 65-99 65-91 69-99 69-09 64-86 62-32 62-47 63-34 61-97 62-70 6362 63-51 61-35 62-30 63-26 64-80 65 30 66-80 68-05 __ _P_P(_ £ £__. £ 209,823 2201 I 155-54 I 18-08 153,607 16-11 j 13-23 38,887 233,936 | 24-34 169-29 19-76 162,558 16-91 ' 13-73 51,304 254.329 ' 24-32 176-87 21-18 166,576 15-93 13-87 | 56,245 247,566 23-64 I 160-32 i 19-67 162,860 15-55 12-94 | 55,303 252,530 ; 25-28 149-85 ! 20-14 166,407 1666 1327 59,107 246,340 24-76 14135 20-08 159,757 16-06 13-02 65,018 232,915 23-35 131-31 19-99 153,807 15-42 13-20 55,422 242,075 22-10 134-70 j 20-26 159,180 14-53 13-32 67,211 241.330 21-51 132-27 : 20-01 172,064 15-34 14-26 66,228 245,163 | 21-98 131-41 19-54 177,156 15-88 14-12 57,723 262,600 j 22-23 140-18 20-99 183,774 15-55 14-69 53,962 268,451 '■ 22-89 140-35 20-70 177,833 15-16 13-71 56,470 272,718 23-70 138-57 20-32 175,758 1527 13-09 50,949 ; 282,593 : 2389 141-45 20-51 185,669 15-69 13-47 54,692 301,981 i 2348 149-77 21-26 190,543 14-82 13-41 65,825 327,987 | 23-84 160-53 21-47 209,289 15-21 13-70 65,344 357,189 24 30 172-92 21-60 231,532 15-75 14-00 73,680 394,619 | 24-30 18799 22-61 295,542 18-20 16-93 76,555 426,405 | 24-69 196-14 22-15 293,383 1698 ! 15-24 91,532 436,847 23-30 196-17 20-69 351,172 1873 ! 1664 99,522 460,398 23-32 203-55 20-30 378,575 19-18 16-69 105,976 490,819 22-58 212-94 20-72 414,168 19-05 17-48 111,988 508,735 23-09 216-64 19-99 425,717 19-32 16-73 109,918 546,805 23-33 228-67 20-46 468,315 19-98 17-52 119,437 613,890 . 23-45 252-78 21-81 522,100 19-94 18-55 135,793 | 638,560 j 23-18 258-31 21-73 572,586 2078 19-49 160,818 Maintenance of Way. £ 4-08 5-34 5-38 5-28 5-92 6-54 5-55 613 5-91 5-17 4-57 4-82 4-43 4-62 5-12 4-75 5-01 4-71 5-30 5-31 5-37 5-15 4-99 5-10 5-19 5-84 £ 3-58 4-30 3-93 4-22 4-33 4-24 2-80 2-91 2-46 2-50 2-51 2-68 270 Per ! Per Cent.] Per Train- Amount. of . Trainmile. : Revenue.! mile. d. £ £ d. 2-94 3-49 3-42 3-51 3-45 . 3-44 2-40 2-66 2-29 2-22 2-37 2-42 2-32 1 __ o . o 1 .a a 1 .on £ Less Credit Eecoveries. £ d. £ '■ 592,821 1 655,990 I 690,026 690,340 699,072 687,328 647,045 682,787 700,703 : 706,517 ' 732,142 735,359 j 732,160 1-22 751,368 1-57 ! 789,054 1-25 j 857,191 1-33 ! 929,738 1-41 1,052,358 1-62 1,127,848 1-20 1,252,237 1-08 1,343,415 _ H a 15 o a _H - a M H £ 592, 655, 690, 690, 699, 687, 647, 682, 700, 706, 732, 735, 732, 16,818 1-42 1-22 no no,-, 1 .,70 i.CT 22,280 1-73 1-57 1 «_ -1 Or? 1 .Of_ 1 .OK I 19,137 1-39 1-25 _______ _ . Af\ 1 .OO 21,914 1-49 1-33 ; __,_ _-_-_t. 1.K1 l .A 1 li 16,818 22,280 19,137 21,914 24,627 31,221 25,271 24,592 1-42 1-73 1-39 1-49 1-51 1-81 1-35 1-25 929, 1 ric.o 24,627 1-51 1-41 1 01 O01 1 .01 1 -CO 1 1,052, 31,221 1-81 1-62 1 iiC OI71 _ .OC 1 .on 1 1,127, 25,271 1-35 1-20 1 O/i KfiO 1 .OK 1 .AO 1 1,252 1903-1904.. 60-48 1904-1905.. 58-46 1905-1906.. 60-47 1906-1907.. 64-21 1907-1908.. 66-18 65-98 67-58 69-00 69-06 70-59 .k katipu Stei 86-45 88-14 87-33 82-52 81-02 24,592 1-25 1-08 1 amers. 26,869 1-23 1-13 1 on- rroc 1 .itO. 1 .i\Ck 1 27,736 1-26 1-09 1 O-1 1 /IO 1 .OQ 1.1C 11 26,869 27,736 31,148 32,701 '38,298 1-23 1-26 1-33 1-25 1-39 1_8 1,438,724 1-09 1,492,900 1-16 1,621,239 1-16 1,812,482 1-30 11,949,759 1,343 1,438 1 .mo 1,492 31,148 1-33 1-16 1 OO -7A1 1 .OK _ . _(_ 1 1,621 1 010 32,701 1-25 1-16 1 'od ono i .on _.on I . 1,812 '38,298 1-39 1-30 j]

t>.~ 2


RETURN No. 17. Statement of Stores Contracts current during the Year ending 31st March, 1908.

10—D. 2,

Service. Period. Name of Contractor. Bate leneral stores— Auokland — General ironmongery Purniahing ironmongery Ironmongery — Bolts, nuts, and rivets Tools, &c. .. „ Plumbers' and gasfitters' Weighing machines and balances Galvanised iron and tinware Chemicals, drugs, &c. Disinfectants Oils, colours, &e. Oils, kerosene Ship-chandlery, &o. Drain-pipes, &c. Indiarubber goods Iron and steel Iron, sheet, galvanised, N.Z. manufacture Leather, &c. Colonial cement and lime Brushware, N.Z. manufacture .. 31/3/1908 John Burns and Co. (Limited) Briscoe and Co. „ John Burns and Co. „ Briscoe and Co. „ A. and T. Burt John Burns and Co. Kempthome, Prosser, and Co. (Limited) As per tender. John Burns and Co. (Limited) Colonial Oil Company Briscoe and Co (Limited) J. J. Craig A. and T. Burt Briscoe and Co. Southern Cross Galvanised Iron Manufacturing C impany John Burns and Co. (Limited) J. J. Craig Briscoe and Co. Wellington— General ironmongery Furnishing ironmongery Ironmongery — Bolts, nnts, and rivets Tools, &c. .. Plumbers' and gasfitters' Weighing machines and balances Galvanised iron and tinware Explosives Chemicals, drugs, &c. Disinfectants Oils, colours, &o. Oil, kerosene Ship-chandlery, &o. Drain-pipes Indiarubber goods Brushware, N.Z. manufacture .. Iron and steel Leather, &e. Colonial cement and lime ii * Brisco° and Co. „ Geo. Winder Briscoe and Co, (Limited) A. and T. Burt Briscoe and Co. Bannatyne and Co. „ Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co. (Limited) Smith and Smith (Limited) Colonial Oil Company Briscoe and Co. (Limited) m A. R. Hislop George Winder .. .. Briscoe and Go. (Limited) P. Hutson and Co. H Ohristchurch — General ironmongery Furnishing ironmongery Ironmongery — Bolts, nuts, and rivets Tools, &c. .. „ Plumbers' and gasfitters' Ashby, Bergh, and Co. (Limited) Explosives Weighing machines and balances Galvanised iron and tinware Chemicals, drugs, &c. Disinfectants Oils, colours, &c. Oil, kerosene Ship-chandlery, &c. Drainpipes, &c. Indiarubber goods Brushware, N.Z. manufacture .. Iron and steel Colonial cement and lime Leather, &c. Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co. (Limited) E. Reece and Sons Colonial Oil Company E. Reece and Sons Ashby, Bergh, and Co. (Limited) Aitkin and Roberts Anderson's (Limited) Ashby, Bergh, and Co. (Limited) Dunedin — General ironmongery Furnishing ironmongery Ironmongery—Bolts, nuts, and rivets „ Tools, &o. „ Plumbers' and gasfitters' Briscoe and Co. (Limited) John Edmond Briscoe and Co. (Limited) II Explosives Weighing machines and balances Galvanised iron and tinware Chemicals, drugs, Ac. .. Disinfectants .. .. .. | John Edmond Briscoe and Co. (Limited) Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co. (Limited) 'I



RETURN No. 17—continued. Statement of Stores Contracts current, &c.— continued.

Service. Period. Name of Contractor. Bate. General stores— continued. Dunedin— continued. Oils, colours, &o. Oil, kerosene Snip-chandlery, &c. Drain-pipes, &o. Indiarubber goods Brushware, N.Z. manufacture .. Iron and steel Leather, &c. Colonial cement and lime 31/3/1908 Bripcoe and 0o. (Limited) Colonial Oil Company Brace, Windle, Blyth Company C. and W. Gore A. and T. Burt (Limited) John Allen John Edmond As per tender. Milburn Lime and Cement Coy. (Ltd.) .. Printed fltationery Chrome tanned-leather hose-pipes Horse-forage, at Auckland .. „ Christchurch Government Printer.. R. A. Cleland J. J. Craig (Limited) T. Wreaks „ Native-timber supply— Christchurch Dunedin and Invercargill Riccarton Timber Company Massey and Co. * Coal-supply— Whangarei Auckland Dunedin-Gore South of Goie Hikurangi Coal Company Taupiri Coal-mines (Limited) New Zealand Coal and Oil Company .. Nightcaps Coal Company „ Uniforms— Stationmasters Guards and porters 31/3/1910 Boss and Glendining A. Levy Uniform caps— Stationmasters, summer Stationmasters, winter Drivers and firemen, summer Drivers and firemen, winter Guards and porters, summer Guards and porters, winter Puggarees Bain-proof cap covers Ross and Glendining 9/3 each. 9/9 ., 3/6 „ 4/6 „ 3/6 „ 3/9 „ lOJd.„ 2/ . 30,000 gallons caster-oil 30,000 , 7,000 „ boiled linseed-oil 4,000 „ raw linseed-oil 16,000 „ filtered valve-oil 30/9/1907 31/4/1908 31/10/1907 Ashby, Bergh, and Co. (Limited) National Mortgage & Agency Coy. (Ltd.) Murray, Roberts, a»>d Co. per gal. 2/5iJ 2/6gd. 2/4gd. 2/ 17/7/1908 Philips and Pike Ironbark timber at Auckland • piles „ timber at Wanganui „ piles „ timber at Wellington timber at Wellington timber at Lyttel ton piles timber at Dunedin 11/4/1908 Richardson and Blair 24/9 & 29/3 per 100 ft. 2/9 per lin. ft. 30/ and 26/ per 100 ft. 2/7 per lin. ft. 30/ and 28/ per 100 ft. 27/ and 28/ 25/ and 26/ per 100 ft. 2/5 per lin. ft. 28/9 to 30/9 per 100 ft. E. D. Pike and Co. .. 11/10/1907 11/4/1908 Fras<-r and Co. E. D. Pike and Co. .. 4,000 iron-bark sleepers at Dunedin 13/9/1907 Bichardson and Blair 4/2 eaoh. Brush-box timber at Auckland at Wellington at Dunedin 11/4/1908 Praser and Co. E. D. Pyke and Co. .. 22/9 per 100 ft. 23/ per 100 ft. 25/3 per 100 ft. J&rrah sleepers— 10,000 at Wellington 30/11/1907 Millar's West Australian Hardwood Company (Limited) Ditto 3/10f each. 20,000 „ Lyttelton 20,000 „ Dunedin .. . .. 10,000 „ Dunedin or Bluff 30,000 „ Wellington 20,000 » Timaru 30,000 , Wellington 31/3/1908 30/4/1908 Samuel Brown (Limited) 8/9J eaoh 3/9J i 3/9* . 3/9J and 3/10} eaoh" 31/3/1908 Millar's West Australian Hardwood Company (Limited) Ditto 20,000 „ Lyttelton .. 20,000 , Timaru . .. 25,000 . Auckland 3/11J each 3/6 13/8/1908 South-west Timber-hewers' Co-operative Society (Limited) Ditto 25,000 „ Wellington 25,000 „ Lyttel on 25,000 „ Dunedin or Port Chalmers 10,000 „ Bluff .. 3/6 3/6 3/6 3/6 New Soutli Wales tiardwood sleepers— 10,000 at Auckland 10,000 „ Dunedin 31/8/1908 Samuel Brown (Limited) E. W. Fitzgerald 3/8J . 4/1


RETURN No. 17— continued. Statement of Stores Contracts current, &c.— continued.


Service. Period. Name of Contractor. Kate. Auckland District— 102,800 sup. ft. kauri timber 155,500 „ white-pine timber .. 31/3/1908 Merchants and mills in district Merchants, mills, and Publio Works Department Ditto 8/ to 25/6 per 109 ft. 7/ lo 13/6 114,600 „ matai timber 504,700 , red-pine „ 219,900 „ totara 26,000 ft. mouldings 69,000 sup. ft. jarrah timber Merobants in district Millar's West Australian Hardwood Company (Limited) 9/ to 18/6 7/6 to 19/6 , 9/ to 21/ Various 17/ to 27/per 100 ft. Wellington-Napier-New Plymouth District— 22,900 sup. ft. kauri timber 33,000 sup. ft. kauri timber 724,000 sup. ft. red-pine timber 119,500 sup. ft. matai timber 216,000 sup. ft. totara timber 185,400 sup. ft. white-pine timber .. 31,000 ft. mouldings 162,300 sup. ft. jarrah timber Parker, Lamb, and Co. Merchants in district Merchants and mills in district 32/ to 42/6 per 100 ft. 18/6 to 38/ 8/6 to 17/6 8/6 to 14/6 18/3 to 24/ 7/6 to 12/3 Various 19/ to 28/ per 100 ft. Merchants in district Millar's West Australian Hardwood Company (Limited) Ditto 15,100 sup. ft. Tuart timber 13,700 lin. ft. jarrah piles 30/ 8/ pei- lin. ft. Christchurch District— 86,600 sup. ft. kauri timber 113,500 sup. ft. 1,800 sup. ft. red-pine figured timber 5,400 sup. ft. clear-pine timber .. 12,200 sup. ft. V.D.L. timber .. 174,000 sup. ft. jarrah timber Mitchelson Timber Company Merchants in distriot 15/9 to 32/ per 100 ft. 18/ to 32/ 30/ Millar's West Australian Hardwood Company (Limited) Merchants in distriot 40/ to 75/ 16/ to 17/6 19/6 to 29/6 4,500 sup. ft. architraves 3,400 sup. ft. ekirting .. 14,100 lin. fc. mouldings 7,600 palings and pickets ii 15/3 ;o 17/ 18/ 7/ to 20/ 18/6 to 22/6 per 100 Dunedin District— 203,200 sup. ft. kauri timber Merchants in Dunedin and Auckland Districts Merchants in district 15/6 to 31/per 100ft. 5,200 sup. ft. matai timber 2,500 sup. ft. clear-pine timber .. 1,700 sup. ft. deal timber 17,100 sup. ft. birch'timber 8,200 sup. ft. V.D.L. timber 315,300 sup. ft. jarrah timber n 17/ to 22/6 50/! 0 55/ 30/ to 40/ 7/6 to 15/ 13/9 to 18/6 16/ to 25/ 15,800 lin. ft. 21,000 droppers 40,500 fc. mouldings Millar's West Australian Hardwood Company (Limited) Ditto Merohants in district 6/ per 100 lin. ft. 18/6 per 100. 6/6 to 20/per 100 ft. Greymouth District— 267,000.sup. ft. red-pine timber .. 33,000 sup. ft. silver-pine timber .. 9,900 sup. ft. white-pine timber .. Mills and merchants in district 6/ to 14/ 16/ to 18/ 6/6 to 20/ Westport District— 77,000 sup. ft. red-pine timber ii 8/ to 14/6 Nelson Distriot— 21,200 sup. ft. red-pine timber 4,600 sup. ft. white-pine timber .. Merohants in distriot 6/ to 17/ 3/ to 10/6 ii • • . • Pioton District— 2,300 sup. ft. matai timber 15,000 sup. ft. red-pine timber 23/6 12/6 to 20/ Auckland District — 1,500 puriri sleepers 29,800 totara Settlers and mills in distriot .. 4/ to 4/3 each. 3/3 Wellington-Napier-New Plymouth District— 3,300 totara sleepers 6,500 creosoting sleepers .. 3/6 1/SJ Dunedin District— 36,000 creosoting sleepers 1/6 to 2/ , Greymouth District — 60,200 silver-pine sleepers 3/3 Westport Distriot— 34,600 yellow-pine sleepers ., n • • • • 3/3 and 3/5 eaoh. • •



RETURN No. 18. Statement of Weighing-machines, Weighbridges, Traversers, Turntables, Cranes, and Pumps for the Year ending 31st March, 1908.

Description. "i bo G n -a B U s u c I 5 s iz-s 2 i = M.i 2 c a. c := rt >. oZE it 3 "5 5 X -a c I o & ■ o 2: c o rt 3 ■a I Weighing-machines :— 4lb £ cwt. 1 I 1 I 3 2 3 7 2 29 20 1 17 1 84 66 6 1 „ li „ 2 „ 2i „ 2i „ 3 >. 3i „ 4 ., 5i » ••'■ 5* .. 6 6i „ 7 » 8 „ 1 1 3 1 4 22 10 9 1 2 24 18 12 18 1 6 33 28 6 3 3 3 3 I I 2 " ! 6 1 1 17 2 8 1 35 1 8 6 I 1 64 1 9 10 „ 11 ,, 12 „ 13 » 14 „ ■ S .. 16 „ 1 ... 6 3 4 5 I 5 52 28 9 6 7 3 19 14 6 81 56 11 2 3 2 i4 19 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 10 1 3 • 1 7 12 1 9 22 19 39 1 1 I 2 17 .. 20 21 22 „ 23 1. 25 >. 27 „ 60 ,, 2 2 1 4 1 1 9 4 6 1 3 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 Tolals ... -2 4 582 2 5 5 79 134 308 23 Wkigubhidges : — 3 tons (cart) ... 6 „ • 2 1 1 1 1 7 >. 8 „ „ .- 10 ,, „ 10 „ (wagon) II>! » 12 ,, „ 14 »> .» 15 .. 18 „ 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 11 1 6 2 2 I 1 2 1 1 17 2 2 1 4 I 33 5 2 20 „ „ 25 » 30 „ .. 4° » » 1 4 2 5 1 1 Total I 10 14 33 1 2 67 Traversebs 2 23 19 I TURNTABLES : — 43-feet (engine) ... 5° .. » •• 55 - " ■ •• 12 „ (wagon)... 13 !4 • ■ r> ■" 9 2 8 28 7 3 33 8 1 45 Q 4 42 15 1 6 1 5 I 1 Total 13 20 So 116



RETURN No. 18-continued. Statement of Weighing-machines, &c. — continued.

RETURN No. 19. Statement of Rails relaid during the Year ending 31st March, 1908.

De6cript:ou. i ! I I M 1 i i 1 3 s r J s 1 s ! 1 'CD ej 5 s ■ a H Cranes: — J-ton, stationary, liand... 1 ., „ ,, ... il „ „ , ■■• 2 „ „ ,, ... 3 » .. >■ ■■• 4 » H » •■• 5 » ii .■ ■■■ 7 ii h ■■ ■•■ io „ „ „ ... IS .. i) .. ■•■ 20 „ „ „ ... i n „ hydraulic 8 „ ,, >, I „ travelling, overhead 1 >. >i ■> it „ 2 ,, „ hand... 3 .. » 5 „ •■ » ■•■ 6 „ „ „ ... 8 4 I 7 i 6 34 5 1 1 2 I II 12 14 3 22 5 3 4 2 3 3 i 2 i 2 S 58 21 3 i 6 2 1 I 2 ... 1 2 1 1 4 3 12 1 7 s 2 2 2 I I 25 1 15 2 18 1 2' 3 6 4 i 2 2 1 I 10 „ „ ii ■•• ii „ „ steam... 2 ,, „ „ ... 1 2 ' 8 7 S 4 l 2 2 10 3 •> » .i ■•• S ,. h 7 » ». i. - 12 „ „ i, ... ■5 )> >> » "■ 20 „ „ „ ... Pile-driving and Hoietingengines, steam 1 2 2 4 2 4 I I I I I 13 8 13 2 . 1 2 .26 I 2 3 11 S 4 2 . I Total 1 2 36 100 121 18 11 8 5 302 Water-services : — Steam ... Hand ... Windmill Hot-air Hydraulic Oil Gravitation (Jas-engine 1 1 I I I I 3 18 2 1 4 1 6 29 14 1 17 7 31 1 11 77 5o 11 28 14 37 2 4 i i i 2 s 25 137 73 16 57 31 112 1 10 8 14 I i 2 1 IS 7 3 3 Total 2 4 S<5 I06 228 22 7 7 452

Weight. I I I 3 0 'S c « s m i I 5 i c I s J I a o o S I Rails beiaid s— 70 Ib. eteel ioolb. „ 3,786 6,963 ... 15,133 438 821 ! 47 1 3,786 6,963 ... j 15,604 438 821 27,141 47 1 Total ... 27,612


RETURN No. 20. Statement of Sleepers relaid and removed during the Year ending 31st March, 1908.

RETURN No. 21. Return of Number of Stations and Private Sidings on each Section for the Year ending 31st March, 1908.


Description. rt I i -a c rt < 1 •£ ! C S i o 1 o 1 a I 5 Us s CO .J. 9 ■ s a X I I c a. I I £ at Sleepers relaid : — Black-pine ... Totara Birch Jarrah Silver-pine ... Puriri Creosoted Iron bark, Grey-gum 91 1,414 1,883 I 29,395 4,589; 45 17,223 11,979 8,293 3 6 \ 2,815 3 18,513 78 5,349 1,211 59,015 42,397 )i ... - - ) ... 5.522 6o 40,664 70,491 317 59>47° 6,529 557 183,610 227 16,886 78 10,542 2,156 5.2591 23 5.121 67 i 1.19S 1,883 41.034 5,226 72,394 112,755 4,327 77.983 14,308 1,768 "622 476 i S3 I 94 I ... ... 1 1 ... I ■■• 37' "787 146 1,048 Total 622 _S67 1,508 S3 17.484 11,407 7.561 7.454 331.678 SlEEPERS REMOVED : — Black-pine ... Totara Birch Jarrah Silver-pine ... Puriri Kauri Maire Blue-gum Rimu Kiimai Ironbark Mixed hardwoods Creosoted Grey-gum 33O 292 234 150 30 '53 2 . 4 1.502 ] ■ I 7 0 6,091 21,205 822 252 80! 5.237 37,547 3,924 11,396 610 458 53 34,739 39.033 12,684 9,. 78 55,482 13,805 688 9,779 •45 4,499 5,120 4,743 272 6.O35 26 3.440 3,388 34,962 66,591 32,117 9.57s 79.614 55,640 14,641 458 28 2,869 1,416 8,633 H 3,059 4,819 314,436 ."." 2,869 28 6,202 . .. 1,416 2,425 14 2,592 3,94o 6 33 434 132 747 Total - . 622 S67 1,508 55,279; 42,930 176,024 9.863 6,307 53 14,429 6,854

Sections. Number of Stations Miles. Chains. ! and Stopping-places on the Time-tables. Number of Private Sii lings. Luwakawa Vhangarei £aihu Luckland Hsborne Vellington-Napiei'-New Plymouth rurunui-Bluff Veetland Pestport felson 'Uton At Stations. Out of Stations Total. 7 39 22 44 17 15 395 29 20 I 4 12 3 I 1 8 II ■54 ii 5 3 «3 3 34 1 6 9 148 29 4 3 5 49O 49 1,286 5° 125 12 30 17 42 40 33 44 172 475 6i 16 i8 16 21 I 46 124 21 4 3 3 »3 24 S 2 Total 2,471 20 95° 226 79 305



RETURN No. 22. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT of Mileage of Railways open for Traffic and under Maintenance on 31st March, 1908.

Section. Mileage open for Traffic on 31st March, 1905. Additional Lengths opened during Year. Reduced Mileage equivalent to Maintenance for Length whole P " iod - opened. Length closed during Year. Line. Lengt Net Addition to Mileage open for Traffic. Net Addition to Mileage under Maintenance. Total Mileage open for Traffic on 31st March, 1908. Equivalent Total Mileage maintained during Financial Year ended 31st March, 1908. Line opened. Date of Opening. Line. Length. I M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. eh. M. ch. Kawakawa 7 39 7 39 7 39 Wh»ngarei 22 44 22 44 22 44 ... Kaihu 17 IS 17 IS 17 '5 Auckland 392 69 Kaipara Flats-Tauhoa ioth June, 1907 ... 2 40 2 2 395 29 394 71 Wellington-Napier-New Plymouth 484 50 Taihape-Mataroa let June, 1907 ... 5 79 4 19 490 49 489 , 49 Grisborne 18 2 Te Karaka - Puha 3rd June, 1907 ... 1 79 1 5 2 1 20 1 19 54 TTurunui-Bluff '.278 57 Alexandra-Clyde 2nd April, 1907... 5 49 5 49 IS "9 13 22 1,284 26 1,284 26 Ditto, Private Lines — Shag Point Branch 2 10 Shag Point Branch 2 IO Nightcaps Branch 2 24 1 io 2 24 2 24 Westland 123 70 Taipoiti-Reefton 13th May, 1907 ... I 22 125 12 125 o Weetport 30 17 30 17 30 17 K«l«on ... 42 40 42 40 42 40 Pieton 33 44 33 44 33 44 Total 15 3 2 2,469 23 2,456 I 17 29 2 IO ■5 i "9 13 22 2,471 20 i


RETURN No. 23. STATEMENT showing Weights of Rails in various Lines on 31st March, 1908.


Line. 301b. Iron. 401b. Iron. 401b. Steel. 451b. Steel. 52 1b. Iron. 521b. Steel. 531b. Steel. 551b. Steel. 561b. Iron. 561b. Steel. 701b. Iron. 701b. Steel. 1001b. Steel. Total. If. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. eh. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. 1 M. ch. M. oh. Kawakawa Section — Opua-Kawakawa Whangarei Section — Opau Wharf-Hukerenui Kaihu Section — Dargaville-Kaihu Auckland Section — Auckland-Taumarunui Auckland - Tauhoa Penrose-Onehunga Frankton-Tbames Paeroa-Waibi Cambridge Branch Morrinsville-Rotorua Wellington-Napier -New Plymouth Section — Longburn-Wailara Foxton Branch Hunterville Branch Aramoho-Wanganui Stratford-Huiroa Sentry Hill-New Plymouth Palmerston-Spit Wellington-Woodville Greytown Branch Gisborne Section — Gisborne-Puhft Hurunui-Bluff Section — Lyttelton-Bluff Addington-Culverden Oxford Branch Eyreton Branch Waipara-Domett Southbridge Branch Little River Branch Springfield Branch .. .. .. White CliSs Branch Rakaia Porks Branch Mount Somers Branoh Albury Branch Waimate Branch Waimate Gorge Branch Duntroon Branch Oamaru Breakwater Branch 0 2 0 42 0 22 • * 2 12 0 10 0 2 9 32 0 21 2 29 1068 •■ •• ' * 0 10 9 39 021 6 35 3 7 6 7 18 3 17 15 85 6 38 8 2 23 26 24 2* 48 68 35 46 12 9 53 24 7 2 44 60 4 40 44 •■ I •■ •■ 0 72 0 38 4 41 42 5 21 12 18*77 12 24 51 23 9 55 1 78 0 22 35 66 17 21 '• .. .. ■• 47 0 3 20 0 26 17 52 0*4 62 5J 1678 1 1 7 48 15 70 57 33 .. 7 39 22 44 17 15 174 11 62 40 2 59 62 75 12 24 12 0 68 60 163 6 19 34 50 60 3 20 .11 10 10 12 113 72 115 53 3 7 *' ■• ! I I 0 20 i • ■ 1 79 17 62 20 1 0 11 •• 108 25 36 58 18 59 1 76 0 11 5 39 29 11 0 12 2 74 10 3 252 54 15 25 1 49 392 1 67 57 33 45 20 11 31 46 25 39 - 22 48 42 10 11 46 22 20 27 36 36 13 4 46 8 21 37 41 0 63 0 14 11 61 6' 6 5 76 11 52 0 38 I : : i .. .. 23 19 10 31 46 1 20 1 34 ' 13 60 J 52 i 59 6 53 30 17 ! 2*36 8 18 0 28 •• 22*20 4 57 8 0 4*60 '-'■ 4 8 26 34 0 7 23 28 9 38 : - •■ 2* 2 6 21 2 37 •• - - 1466 0 23 i 6 12 821 4 34 •• 18 9 0 40 .. .. .. .. .. •• •• •• I Carried forward 20 13 56 43 81 70 i 5 30 i 27 66 24 22 665 14 7 59 I i 7 15 328 64 10 3 500 17 1 49 1,736 6!



RETURN No. 23-continued. STATEMENT showing Weights of Rails in Various Lines on 31st March, 1908— continued.

11— D. 2.

Tjine. 301b. Iron. 401b. Iron. 401b. Steel. 451b. Steel. 521b. Iron. 521b. Steel. 531b. Steel. 551b. J Steel. I .361b. Iron. 561b. Steel. 701b. Iron. 701b. Steel. 1001b. Steel. Total. Brought forward Hurunui-Bluff Section — continued. Ngapara Branch Livingstone Branch Waihemo Branch Port Chalmers Branch Walton Park Branch Fernhill Branch Otago Central Railway Outram Branch Lawrence Branch Catlin's River Branch Tapanui Branch Wyndham Branch Seaward Bush Branch Invercargill-Kingston Makarewa-Waihoaka .. Thdrnbury-Nightcaps Forest Hill Branch Mararoa Branch Waimea Plains Railway Westland Section — Greymouth-Otira Greymouth-Ruatapu Stillwater-Reefton Coal Creek Branch, Westport-Mokihinuii .. Nelson-Tadmor .. Picton-Seddon , Total M. ch. M. eh. 20 13 56 43 4 59 11 46 2 48 4 62 0 18 9 40 43 55 12 66 4 38 j 4 26 I 20 13 155 21 M. eh. 81 70 0 75 0 29 7 5 1 57 i 19 6 72 16 62 22 32 10 41 3 2 3 16 150 0 I M. ch. 5 30 M. ch. 27 66 6'59 0 12 025 M. ch. 24 22 M. ch. 665 14 5 69 0 1 1 4 0 1 65 73 1 22 1 29 19 2 3 10 9 13 1 66 14 69 29 74 0 15 M. ch. 7 59 •• 3'"o j 5 36 I .. I M. ch. 7 15 M. ch. 328 64 3 45 . l".O 65 58 1 57 14 76 3 37 j 6 59 6 71 9 55 10 18 2 3 0 72 : 11 28 10 38 1 22 4 64 4 41 16 75 16 29 M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. M. ch. 10 3 500 17 J 1 49 1,736 65 • 15 8 11 75 8 65 0 10 ; .. 1 26 2 49 1 57 .. : .. . . 134 51 9 0 0 2 .. 22 1 22 64 26 21 0 22 I .. 9 35 25 39 18 14 0 27 .. 87 0 0 2 0 2 .. 40 16 0 1 .. 24 51 12 66 10 41 36 41 6 7 .. 50 48 1 39 .. 31 10 38 35 0 2;.. 4 79 10 l'J .. 30 17 42 40 0 2.. 33 44 I 6'20 I - 32 14 3 35 •• . 33 13 19 13 37 13 0 13 15 1 17 4 8 27 0 36 1 1 1 24 •■ ■■ " i 155 -n 156 0 16 15 7 15 521 32 28 19 518 70 ; 1 49 i 2,471 5 30 j 64 17 24 22 952 21 j t i



RETURN No. 24. PARTICULARS of Private-siding Traffic, showing Value of Traffic done during Twelve Months ending 31st March, 1908.

v~-. , u o i Papers. I Date of Grant. Position. Nearest Station. By whom paid for. Term of Grant. Amount of Traffic guaranteed per Annum. -Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding d Year ending 31st March, 1908. In. Out. Present Holder. Id. Out. Total. H- ' , -- - - ■ — KAWAKAWA SECTION. M. ch.l 1040 K 02/2:158 .. Jan. 1,1907 Hall and Black .. .. ..679 Tauniarere .. Govt. and 5 years* .. ' J grantees I M. ch.i 6 79 J £ 3. d. £ s. a £ s. d. 2 2 6 89 18 4 £ 8. d. 92 0 10 WHANGABEI SECTION. 877 R 03/3629 .. Jan. 1, 1904 j Macklow Bros 16 71 , Otonga .. | Grantees 5 years'.. Premium.. 939! R 04/3988 .. Mar. 1,1905 Northern Coal Company (Limited) 15 22 ! Waro .. „ 5 . .. „ 950! R. 00/241 .. April 1,1905 Mander and Bradley .. .. 18 32 , Whakapara .. . 5 „ .. T 963] R. 05/3060 .. July 1,1905 R. P. Gibbons | Hikurangi .. . 5 . .. Premium.. 1016 K. 02/551 .'. Jan. 1, 1907 '; Hikurangi Coal Company (Limited) .. Waro .. .. „ o „ T 1037* R. 02/550 .. Jan. 1, 1907 j Hikurangi Coal Company and Mary .. ... .. . 5 ... Beltoti ...... 1062 ! R 06/3579 .. Oct. 26, 1907 A. L. Stokes .. .. .. 18 15 Whakapara .. Govt. and 5 . ; ' grantees 10651 R. 02/532 .. Jan. 1, 1908 Kauri Timber Company (Limited) .. Mangahahuru .. Govt. .. 5 „ * .. t 138 0 0 457 0 0 120 0 0 6 4 0 710 5 8 14 7 2 5,975 0 1 26 7 5 2,482 18 11 102 17 10 ', 381 14 7 32 6 1 7,479 8 1 1 19 4 43 7 5 722 14 10 1,077 10 10 716 9 8 5,989 7 3 2,509 6 4 484 12 5 7,511 14 2 45 6 9 722 14 10 1,077 10 10 KAIHTJ SECTION. 1011 ft. 06/2737 .. Oct. 1,1906 H. P. Clear 18 2 Flaxmill .. Grantees 5 years*.. Premium.. 1023 R. 00/2111 .. Dec. 1, 1907 James Trounson .. ... •• Ahikiwi ... 1 „ 1031 R. 02/1438 .. Jan. 1,1907 Mitchelson Timber Company and! 16 15 Kainu Booms .. Lrovt. t> . James Trounson 85 0 0 30 3 6 1 10 15 10 6 5 6 4 6 9' 1,163 6 7 40 19 4 6 5 6 1.167 13 4 AUCKLAND SECTION. 720! R. 00/107 .. ] Jan. 1,1900 Kempthorne, Frosser, and Co.'s 7 48 j Westfield .. Grantees 10 years'.. Premium.. New Zealand Drug Company (Limited) I , 72l! R. 99/1601 ..[Jan. 1,1900 R. and W. Hellaby (Limited) .. 7 52 . .. j Govt. .. ! 10 . '.. t Alter ns.. 744 R. 00/668 .. July 1,1900 New Zealand Loan and Mercantile 1 5 Hamilton .. Grantees : 10 . *.. Premium.. Agency Company (Limited) 850 R 98/1868 .. May 1,1903 Taupiri Coal mines (Limited) .. .. Huntly .. ,, 5 „ * .. t 855 R. 03/600 .. July 1,1903 W. and G. Winstone .. .. -. Auckland .. . 5 ... Premium.. 866 R. 93/3515 .. Oct. 1, 1903 Assets Realisation Board .. .. Morrinsville .. „ 10 . * .. t 871 R 03/4153 .. Jan. 1,1904 Gardner Bros, and Parker .. .. New Lynn .. , 5 „ Premium.. 884 R. 03/1660 .. April 1, 1904 Taupo Totara Timber Company .. Putaruru .. . 5 ... ... (Limited) 885 R 04/956 .. May 11, 1904 A. and G. Price .. .. .. Thames ... Govt. .. Indefinite .. 887 R. 04/945 .. June 1, 1904 j New Zealand Brick, Tile, and Pot- .. | New Lynn .. Grantees 5 years , .. Premium.. I tery Company £98 R. 04/1751 .. Aug. 1, 1904 ■ Frank Coulthard .. .. .. Helensville South „ 5 . *.. . S00 R. 04/2378 .. June 1, 1904 j Auckland Veneer and Timber Com- .. Onehunga .. „ 5 , " .. t pany (Limited) 160 0 0 Rental, £25 120 0 0 Rental, £25 175 0 0 Rental, £25 32 0 0 Rental, £50 Rental, £25 96 0 0 330 0 0 98 0 0 262 0 0 Rental, £25 1,713 8 4 2,632 1 8 87 7 0 190 2 2 31 10 2 75 6 7 15,421 17 11 1,849 6 1 50 3 8 54 5 0 35 7 3 443 2 2 1,074 0 1 219 6 8 17,515 11 0 442 11 5 978 10 6 19 7 4 22 9 8 3,221 8 0 107 4 0 j 4,345 10 0 87 7 0 221 12 4 15,497 4 6 1,899 9 9 89 12 3 1,517 2 3 17,734 17 8 1,421 1 11 41 17 0 j 3,328 12 0



909 R. 98/3564 .. Aug. 1, 1904 i Auckland Farmers' Freezing Company (Limited) 912 R. 99/1973 .. July 1,1904 Firth Pumice Company (Limited) 917 R. 99/3007 .. June 1,1904 Taupiri Coal-mines (Limited) 918 H. 00/1840 .. June 1,1904 Prisons Department 919 R. 04/2222 .. Oct. 1, 1904 Auckland Farmers' Freezing Company (Limited) 926 R. 99/1294 .. Deo. 1, 1904 J. J. Craig (Limited) 936 R. 05/867 .. April 1, 1905 Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company : 947 R. 04/3883 .. Mar. 1, 1905 ■ Drury Coal Company (Limited) .. 959 R. 04/1368 .. Oct. 1, 1905 j Leyland-O'Brien Timber Company (Limited) 967 R. 02/2630 .. Oot. 1, 1907 i J. Wilson and Co. 977 R. 02/1392 .. Mar. 1, 1906 j Bartholomew Land and Timber Company (Limited) 989 R. 05/2841 .. Nov. 9, 1905 Waihi Gold - mining Company (Limited) 990 R. 03/4035 .. Feb. 1, 1906 i N.Z. Crown Mines Company (Limited) * 995 R. 06/842 .. June 1, 1906 Isaac Coates 1009 R. 04/3856 .. July 1, 1906 Wm. Lovett 1010 R. 06/3300 .. Nov. 1, 1906 j Auckland City Counoil 1020 R. 00/2203 .. Nov. 1, 1906 j L'aupiri South Coal Company (Limited) 1021 R. 06/2165 .. Jan. 1,1907 Taumarunui Totara Company 1035 R. 07/1584 .. May 1, 1907 I S9lwyn Timber Company 1036 R. 00/990 .. Feb. 1, 1907 j The Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Company (Limited) 1063 R. 02/670 .. Oct. 1, 1907 Union Collieries (Limited) 1074 R. 00/613 .. Nov. 1, 1907 Avondale Brick and Pottery Company (Limited) .. Auckland .. . 5 „ •.. t 50 0 0 58 11 i Ohinewai .. Gavt. and 10 „ * .. t Rental, £50 grantees .. ; Huntly .. Grantees 5 „ * .. t .. J Mount Eden .. Govt. 5 „ * .. 6 64 Westfield .. Grantees 10 , •.. Premium.. 358 0 0 ! Rental, £50 Auckland .. . 5 „ * .. t ! Rental, £50 5 • .. Premium.. 80 0 0 Rental, £50 .. i Drury .. .. . 5 „ • .. . 386 0 0 .. I Auckland .. . 5 „ • .. . 40 0 0 1 Rental, £50 124 39 Te Kuiti .. Govt. .. 1 . * .. t Rental, £12 43 20 Ngatira .. Grantees 10 , '.. Premium.. 896 0 0 Rental, £50 .. I Waikino .. j Govt. .. | 10 „ ' .. t Karangahake .. „ .. j 10 „ • .. .. .. Grantee 5 „ *.. Premium.. 171 10 0 .. Te Kuiti .. „ 5 „ * .. „ .. 290 0 0 .. ! Westfleld .. Grantees 10 „ • .. . ... 426 0 0 Rental, £25 .. , Huntly .. . S . * 200 Frankton Juno- , I 10 „ * .. '. .. 93 0 0 tion ' Rental, £25 .. I Putaruru .. . 5 „ * .. „ .. ; 232 10 0 .. : Westfleld .. . 1 „ • .. . .. Rental, £25 44 33 Mercer .. .. . 5 „ * .. 6 29 New Lynn .. „ 5 „ * 116 9 4 j 296 12 2 211 12 3 156 17 11 64 14 11 3,730 4 8 5,050 11 6 254 14 0 190 6 4 1,419 17 6 37 8 8 323 18 10 12,856 18 4 2,598 9 0 40 16 0 276 6 5 574 19 2 22 10 0 2,528 2 9 10 16 5 603 13 9 462 11 3 . 375 6 10 J 28,032 14 1 : 378 10 10 1,242 17 1 76 4 6 11 15 8 205 10 4 I 2 10 0 J 792 12 0 i 5,202 1 7 i 76 4 1 11 4 0 1,043 4 7 939 13 2 ; 87 17 2 38 16 10 12 3 3 : 743 3 2 4,011 0 8 2,057 19 4 759 3 586 19 I 28,189 12 0 443 5 9 4,973 1 9 5,126 16 0 266 9 8 395 16 8 1,422 7 6 830 0 8 5,526 0 5 12,933 2 5 2,609 13 0 1,084 0 7 939 18 2 276 6 5 87 17 2 613 16 0 34 13 3 3,271 5 11 4,011 17 1 2,661 13 1 GISBORNE SECTION. 956| R. 05/901 .. July 1, 1905 New Zealand Shipping Company (Limited) Gisborne .. Grantees 10 years* .. Premium.. 250 0 0 Rental, £25 102 19 2 9 11 1 112 10 3 WELLINGTON-NAPIER-NEW PLYMOUTH SECTION. 24 K. 89/2248 .. ■ 1875 j Napier Uas Company 221 R. 90/2374 .. Dec. 13, 1880 ' Gear Meat Preserving and Freezing Company (Limited) 559 R. 99/2390 .. Year to Year Palmeraton North Sash and Door Company 647| R. 98/3331 .. Oct. 1, 1898 W. G. Bassett .. 656! R. 98/2734 .. Feb. 1, 1899 C. N. Clausen .. 2 30 Napier .. Govt. .. Undefined 6 37 Petone .. Grantees „ Premium.. 117 19 11 Rental, £25 Palmerston .. , j 1 year*J 2 14 Wanganui .. Grantee i 10 „ * .. j Premium.. 188 0 0 Rental, £25 87 39 Palmerston North „ 10 „ * .. | „ .. 69 0 0 I Rental. £25 485 19 8 1,573 15 2 1,128 18 10 3,135 3 7 1,553 3 5 400 8 4 , 5,146 2 0 204 0 6 227 7 0 117 0 6 886 8 0 6,719 17 2 1,332 19 4 3,362 10 7 1,670 3 11 ■Tl mthe' notice. t Sidinj oris :inall laid under old as ;reement. I Use of siding granted in connection with lease of land.



RETURN No. 24— continued. PARTICULARS of Private-siding Traffic up to 31st March, 1908— continued.

Tig Papers. Date of Grunt. ! Present Holder. J 5«; Neareet Station." Bywhon, Term of Grant. Amount of Traffic guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. _E Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the Year ending 31st Maruh, 1908. In. Out. , I Total. R. 97/2271 .. WELLINGTON -NAPIER- NEW PLYMOUTH SECTION— continued. M. ch. f C; '■ ' V I Bartholomew Bros. .. ..99 30 Feildmg . .. ! Govt. ■ .. 10 years'.. t Repairs, £2 Rental, £25 80 10 0 Alter'n«, £35 Rental, £25 125 0 0 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 Repairs, £15s. Rental. £25 200 0 0 Repairs, £42 Rental, £25 200 0 0 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 a s. d. 1,234 10 9 £ s. d. 15 18 0 £ s. d. 1,250 8 9 705 Aug. 1, 1899 725 R. 99/854 .. Jan. 1, 1900 Waitara Freezing and Cool-storage 246 53 Waitara .. Grantees | 10 „ *.. Premium.. Company (Limited) . 1,885 0 10 7 18 10 1,892 19 8 735 R. 00/1180 .. Jan. 1, 1900 ,-.- Williams and Kettle (Limited) .. 113 55 Port Ahuriri . . „ ! 10 „ • .. 2,047 15 0 151 3 9 2,198 18 9 736 75? R. 00/1192 .. R. 98/3937,.. May 1, 1900 Oct. 1, 1900 R. Holt .. .. .. 99 72 Hastings .. „ I 10 „ ' .. t J. Garnett .. .. .. 99 71 Hastings .. „ 10 „ * .. \ Henry Brown and Co. .. .. 235 43 Inglewood .. . 10 „ * .. Premium.. Nelson Bros. (Limited) .. .;.- 96 17 Woodville .. „ 10 » •.. t West Coast Refrigerating Company .. Patea .. „ ! 10 „ • .. Premium.. (Limited) , : Nelson Bros. (Limited) .. .. 68 3 Waipukurau .. Govt. .. 10 „ * .. • f B. L. Knight .. . .. ; ; .. 91 52 Newman .. Grantee 5: „ •.. f Waverley Co-operative Dairy Fao- .. Aramoho .. Grantees 10 „ *.. Premium.. tory Company (Limited) Williams and Kettle .. .. .. Hastings .. „ 10 „ * .. t Taraki Co operative Dairy Company .. Tariki .. .. - I 5 „ *. .■ t Kendriek Bros. .. ... .. .. Aramoho .. „ ; 5 . *.. t W. F. Knight .. •■..":■ .. .. Mangatera .. „ ,5 „ '.. t Maurieeville Lime Company (Ltd.) .. Mauriceville .. „ 5 . *.. Premium.. I New Plymouth Sash and Door Fac- .. Eltham .. . 10 , * .. t ■I tory and Timber Company (Ltd.) (Egmont Box Company (Limited) .. , ... 10 „ • .. t Nelson Bros. (Limited) .. .. .. Tomoana .. „ 10 . * .. t R. and W. Pitcaithley .. ..1171 Belmont .. „ 5 . *.. Premium.. A. Quinlan .. .. ..93 37 Hukanui .. „ 5 . *.. Dalgety and Co. (Limited) .. .. Port Ahuriri .. . 5 „ * .. t Bartholomew Bros. .. .. .. Matamau .. „ 5 „ ' .. f Union Timber, Sash, and Door 88 36 Palmerston North „ 10 „•..-. Premium.. Company (Limited) William Cook .. .. .. 88 36 . • . 10 „ * .. 1,592 14 2 825 1 3 22 6 5 1,615 0 7 825 1 3 758; 760[ ; R. 99/2633 .. [R, 01/299 .. April 1, 1901 April 1, 1901 59 12 11 1,191 10 11 351 17 5 1,233 3 6 411 10 4 2,424 14 5 786 , R. 01/886 .. R. 02/384 .. R. 02/2624 .. R. 02/2178 .. R. 92/1948 .. R. 03/478 .. R. 00/2214 .. R. 02/1854 .. R. 00/2784 .. R. 99/2458 .. Nov. 1, 1901 2,257 15 2 44 6 0 2,302 1 2 792 828 330 Jan. 1, 1902 July 1, 1902 Sept. 1, 1902 192 0 0 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 218 4 3 142 5 0 360 9 3 831 837 848 851 852 857 Sept. 1, 1902 Deo. 1, 1902 April 1, 1903 April 1, 1903 June 1, 1903 Oct. 1, 1903 506 11 11 2 0 1 26 13 11 46 7 8 131 18 11 171 18 9 366 10 7 47 17 6 222 13 0 3,729 18 5 381 4 0 17 14 7 873 2 6 49 17 7 249 6 11 3,776 6 1 513 2 11 189 13 4 237 5 6 Rental, £25 858 868 869 874 875 880 882 R. 99/2453 .. R. 96/3827 .. R. 03/3688 .. R. 03/2618 .. R. 98/3766 .. R. 03/3251 .. R. 03/4089 .. Oct. 1, 1903 Nov. 1, 1903 Nov. 1, 1903 Sept. 1, 1903 Jan. 1, 1904 Jan. 1, 1904 Mar. 1. 1904 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 243 0 0 100 0 0 Rental, £25 3,152 18 9 1,837 9 0 100 13 0 4 16 3 524 10 11 11 18 4 955 7 4 636 11 2 3,205 14 9 471 10 3 853 15 4 24 3 6 2,560 4 3 30 7 8 3,789 9 11 5,043 3 9 572 3 3 858 11 7 548 14 5 2,572 2 7 985 15 0 883 890] R. 04/291 .. J R. 99/1984 .. Mar. 1, 1904 May 1, 1904 Wanganui Sash and Door Factory 2 52 Wanganui .. Govt. .. 5 , *.. Repairs .. and Timber Company (Limited) Henry Carlson .. .. .. .. Pukehou .. Grantees 5 . *.. Premium.. McMurray and Co. (Limited) .. .. Palmerston North , 10 „ *;.. J 121 0 0 Rental, £25 121 0 0 Rental, £25 11 2 2 Rental, £25 190 0 0 90 0 0 Rental, £25 510 6 6 4,842 12 7 166 6 2 175 4 0 676 12 8 5,017 16 7 895 896 R. 01/2230 .. R. 04/955 .. May 1, 1904 July 1, 1904 44 19 5 274 13 8 1,196 3 5 1,241 2 10 274 13 8



922 R. 04/1516 .. May 1, 1904 Lands and Survey Department .. Nov. 1,1904 Thomas Borthwick and Sons .. ■' I Piripiri I Pakipaki 1 5' ■ . 10 . • .. t Premium.. .. 30 1 1 1,116 0 0 4,698 3 8 Rental, £25 487 0 0 36 0 0 76 2 7 203 5 0 350 0 0 80 2 6 Rental, £25 710 17 4 204 4 6 35 4 7 2,470 6 2 3,297 2 11 2,500 7 3. 7,995 6 7' 924 927 930 932 935 938 R. 03/4058 .. R. 01/1707 .. R. 04/3525 .. R. 04/79 R. 01/1877 .. R. 04/2133 .. Nov. 1, 1904 ; Manawatu Racing Club Oct. 1, 1904 Manawatu County Council Jan. 1, 1905 Rangitikei County Council Nov. 1, 1904 B. L. Knight Jan. 1, 1907 Waitara Harbour Board .. Nov. 18, 1904 The Manawatu Timber Company (Limited) Mar. 1,1905 Gamman and Co. Oct. 28, 1904 Bosher Bros, and Baker Mar. 1, 1905 The New Plymouth Sash and Door Factory and Timber Company (Limited) Aug. 1, 1905 William Booth and Co. .. Oct. 1. 1905 H. L. Tottenham 27 35 40 20 j Awapuni I Himatangi 27 35 Ohingaiti 40 20 Utiku Waitara 37 69 Utiku .. " 10 „ * .. 5 „ * .. 1 . •.. 10 Repairs .. Premium.. I 132 16 11 395 6 6 1,335 14 4 352 13 1 2,269 17 3 208 19 6 395 6 6 1,410 16 10 1,063 10 5 2,305 1 10 37 69 Govt. .. Grantees t Premium.. 943 945 954 R. 99/2616 .. R. 04/1256 .. R. 04/1002 .. 42 68 7 8 j Piripiri 42 68 J Taihape 7 8 Toko .. m 5 „ • .. 5 „ * .. t Premium.. 44 11 10 311 14 6 24 5 6 212 10 0 973 12 1 3,940 15 6 428 13 10 1,018 3 11 3,965 1 0 428 13 10 960 ; 965 R. 00/2261 .. R. 05/2546 .. 58 23 58 23 Carterton Hastings Govt. .. Grantee 5 .•'..-. 10 „ * .. Premium.. 281 2 5 170 0 0 Rental, £25 12 5 0 1,672 0 9 Rental, £25 Rental, £50 2,219 17 9 70 2 0 195 0 0 5 19 9 692 0 0 28 17 8 2 10 4 Rental, £25 830 12 4 7 0 0; 442 17 5 267 16 10 548 19 3 972 R. 00/1143 ■.. Nov. 15j 1905 i Taranaki Freezing-works Company (Limited) Jan. 1, 1906 Robert Holt Jan. 1, 1906 j G. A. Gamman and Co. and Lizzie Rathbone May 1, 1906 Perham, Larsen, and Co. July 1, 1906 H. D. Bennett June 1,1906 Ellis Bros. June 1, 1906 Wellington Meat Export Company (Limited) June 1, 1906 Silverstream Brick and Tile Company Aug. 1, 1906 Gamman and Co. June 28, 1906 i Wellington Harbour Board 9 40 9 40 > Moturoa * 10 „ * .. 1,277 17 3 2,949 18 0 973 978 R. 96/114 .. R. 00/1403 .. 111 79 40 73 111 79 i Napier 40 73 J Matamau Govt. .. Grantees 10 „ * .. 5 . *.. t t 1,338 14 3 2,219 17 9 1,408 16 3 993 997 998 1002| R. 06/536 .. R. 05/3567 .. R. 01/1231 .. R. 03/951 .. 37 69 46 79 50 66 37 69 Utiku 46 79 Mataroa 50 66 Kopua Ngahauranga Grantee 5 „ ' .. 5 „ ' .. 5 „ * .. 10 . •.. Premium.. j m • • t t 2,990 3 10 6,149 18 6 105 5 1 3,357 9 2 2,996 3 7 6,178 16 2 107 15 5 4,188 1 6 Grantees 1003 R. 01/182 .. I Silverstream 5 „ • .. Premium.. 1,882 12 7 2,325 10 0 10061 1008, R. 02/1544 .. R. 06/1112 .. 42 65 42 65 ! Makotuku .. ! Te Aro .. 5 . •.. 10 . •.. 13 3 5 . 87 17 7 85 0 0 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 464 18 9 156 0 0 324 18 7 Rental, £25 135 0 0 230 14 7 Rental, £25 185 0 0 63 11 11 Rental, £25 2 10 0 13 3 10 0 33 17 0 Rental, £25 322 0 0 0 12 3 540 0 0 4 19 5 110 0 0 13 3 Rental, £25 945 12 8 9 10 0 313 10 9 575 0 0 § Rental, £25 73 17 2 Rental, £25 1,090 5 3 Rental, £50 5 13 2,637 18 4 2,725 15 11 • 1012 1014 R. 01/2827 .. R. 01/2396 .. Oct. 1, 1906 Napier Gas Company (Limited) .. Oct. 1, 1906 I Henry Brown and Co. j Hastings .. i Morley Street .. 5 . • .: 10 . •.-. t Premium.. 17 2 5 121 16 1 482 1 2 446 14 8 1018 R. 06/2769 .. Feb. 1,1907 Department of Mines Wanganui 10 i ■•-.-. 110 5 10 341 0 5 1022 R. 06/3785 .. Jan. 1, 1907 R. Wilson and Co. j Marton it 10 .'*.". * • • 139 9 4 203 1 3 1030; 1034, R. 02/231 .. R. 02/3212 .. April 1, 1907 John Crallan Mar. 26, 1907 Wellington Meat Export Company Oringi Waingawa Grantee 5 . ' .. 10 » • .. Premium.. 181 19 9 2,668 9 10 182 1 0 2,702 6 10 . 1041 1042 1048! 1054| 1055 1057! 1061! 1067 1069 R. 07/2501 .. R. 07/895 .. R. 01/1659 .. i R. 97/4085 .. ! R. 02/2734 .. ! R. 05/3440 .. I R. 07/2868 .. R. 06/859 .. R. 97/3534 .. Aug. 1, 1907 J J. R. Turner July 1, 1907 ; Goose, Bolton and Swan Aug. 1, 1907 i Totara Sawmill Company Nov. 1, 1907 Murray, Roberts and Co. Nov. 1, 1907 G. Syme May 1, 1907 < N. King .. .. Jan. 1, 1908 j Rangataua Timber Company Dec. 1, 1907 Wanganui Meat Freezing Company Mar. 1,1908 Levin and Co. .. .. '■ 12 47 Belmont 11 28 ! Belmont .. I Tamaki Port Ahuriri i Ngaire New Plymouth .. Rangataua Aramoho Masterton 1 Grantees Govt. .. 5 . *.. 5 „ *. 5 . V. io .■■*-.-. 10 „ *.. 10 ■■ 352 1 11 1,416 6 9 131 14 3 353 5 5 158 0 10 85 7 5 1,502 5 8 0 12 3 357 1 4 1,417 10 0 1,077 6 11 362 15 5 471 11 7 159 4 7 2,592 10 H Grantees Govt. and grantees Grantees Premium.. t - t 1076 i 1 R. 00/2262 .. I Feb. 1, 1908 | Mrs. E. Stratford 1 „ '.. t 78 4 6 83 5 9 50 68 Matarawa * Three months' notice. t Siding originally laid under old agreement. ; Oni month's notice. i Worked by Public Works Department.

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RETURN No. 24—continued PARTICULARS of Private-siding Traffic up to 31st March, 1908— continued.

Sri Papers. Date ol Grant. ! Present Holder. Position. : Nearest Station. By whom paid for. | Term of Grant. Amount of Traffic guaranteed per Annum, j Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the Year ending 31st March, 1908. In. Out. Total. In. Out. Total. HURUNUI-BLUFF SEC riON. J. Mill and Go. .. Public Works Department Richard Allen Bank of New South Wales. (Used by White and Co.) Oamaru Harbour Board Richard Evans D. C. Turnbull and Co. .. J. Deans Clark Bros. Oamaru Harbour Board .. Mosgiel Woollen-factory Company Wigram Bros. T. Teschemaker.. .. •• J. H. Lambert Canterbury Frozen Meat and Dairyproduce Export Company (Ltd.) N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) Friedlander Bros. (Limited) Wm. Goss Canterbury (N.Z.) Seed Company (Limited) Dalgety and Co. (Limited) Beltord Mills Company M. ch. 117 21 29 Oamaru .. Govt. .. Dunedin .. . Riccarton .. Grantee Leeston .. Govt. 1,071 19 5 Indefinite .. .. 192 7 0 Forever .. .. .. 1,303 6 0 .. ' .. 146 15 0 £ s. d. £ s. d. 398 13 3 I 1,470 12 8 726 0 4 918 7 4 1,116 11 0 2,419 17 0 146 15 0 3 12 R. 96/1630 .. j R. 82/2186 .. Dec. 28, 1870 June 2, 1875 13 20 32 33 37 R. 98/4310 .. R. 96/1984 .. R. 99/3100 .. R. 00/945 . .. R. 02/641 .. Dec. 18, 1874 | Dec. 11, 1875 April 7, 1876 April 22, 1876 July 18, 1876 157 77 1 52 105 54 8 75 166 27 157 65 157 65 0 73 10 71 165 26 237 2 55 3 Oamaru .. „ Wilson's Siding .. Grantee Timaru .. Govt. .. Glentunnel Maheno Oamaru (1st sidg.) | „ (2nd . )\ " Mosgiel Township „ South Malvern Teschemaker's .. „ Kensington .. * Fairfield .. Grantees Undefined .. •■ 3,537 19 7 For ever .. .. .. 463 0 0 552 19 11 . .. .. .. 98 7 0 Undefined .. .. 69 6 10 Indefinite 300 0 0 50 0 0 1,223 5 9 272 12 0 For ever Indefinite t •■ 58 16 4 10 years' .. ! t Rental, £25 10 '.. Premium.. •■ 680 0 0 2,796 18 5 : Rental, £50 10 ' Rental, £50 442 4 5 1,766 18 0 5,304 17 7 1,947 16 2 2,410 16 2 281 18 1 834 18 0 2,914 17 2 , 3,013 4 2 1,089 4 2 1,158 11 0 120 B. 98/4310 .. Jan. 23,1878 1,256 16 0 i 2,480 1 9 178 258 586 544 646 R. 89/2248 .. R. 00/473 .. R. 02/3668 .. B. 98/2669 .. R. 98/4050 .. 1878 Jan. 10, 1882 Nov. 1, 1905 Sept. 1, 1898 Sept. 1, 1898 76 15 8 349 7 8 233 4 2 ! 233 4 2 354 14 0 i 413 10 4 7,559' 8 0 ! 10,356 6 5 655 R. 99/490 .. Jan. 1, 1899 0 21 16 40 6 62 2 4 Lyttelton Lyndhurst .. | Christchurch .. j Govt. .. Heathcote 10 * . t Rental, £25 . 10 „ *.. t Rental, £50 , 1,104 17 11 10 „ * .. ! t Repairs, £6 687 8 2 Rental, £25 10 *.. t Rental, £50 2,354 4 1 10 „ ' .. t Repairs, £22 193 7 10 Rental, £50 10 „ ' .. t Rental, £25 26 6 7 10 „ * .. t i Rental, £25 10 „ ' .. t Repairs, £6 475 6 1 Rental, £25 10 „ ' .. t Rental, £50 877 11 2 501 17 5 944 1 10 676 3 5 i 676 3 5 37 16 6 j 1,142 14 5 485 5 1 1,172 13 3 658 662 663 R. 98/3247 .. R. 99/1727 .. R. 99/1738 .. April 1, 1899 May 1, 1899 May 1, 1899 665 666 R. 99/1728 .. R. 99/1832 .. May 1, 1899 May 1, 1899 6 45 106 8 Christchurch Timaru 495 1 2 2,849 5 3 311 7 11 504 15 9 668 669 670 R. 99/1922 .. J R. 99/1936 .. J R. 99/1934 .. ! May 1, 1899 May 1, 1899 May 1, 1899 Friedlander Bros. (Limited) ' Friedlander Bros. (Limited) Fleming and Henderson 60 68 58 73 335 5 Tinwald Ashburton .. » Gore 1,151 9 3 1,177 15 10 (Included in Noj821.) 440 14 2 i 916 0 3 6 19 Christchurch .. I Govt. and grantees Dunedin .. I Grantees 34 18 9 912 9 11 671 R. 99/1935 .. May 1, 1899 I J. B. Hobart 673 R. 99/2066 .. June 1, 1899 t National Mortgage and Agency Company of New Zealand (Limited) W. Nicholls National Mortgage and Agency Company of New Zealand (Limited) i Fleming and Co. (Limited) I Wright, Stephenson, and Co. 236 32 10 „ *.. t Rental, £50 1,406 6 1 373 7 0 1,779 13 1 674 675 R. 99/2065 .. R. 99/2092 .. Aug. 1, 1899 May 1, 1899 7 2 374 56 Belfast Invercargill .. Govt. .. I Rental, £25 ! 619 2 4 10 „ * .. t J Rental, £50 ; 494 0 10 563 7 8 ! 1,182 10 0 227 15 5 ! 721 16 3 338 11 0 2,120 8 9 1,547 18 1 3,670 14 0 677 680 R. 99/2174 .. R. 99/1120 .. May 1, 1899 July 1, 1899 374 5 375 11 Elles Road Invercargill .. Grantees 10 *.. f Rental, £50 ! 1,781 17 9 10 . '.. Premium.. 49 0 0 2,122 15 11 Rental, £50 10 „ *..i f Rental, £50 3,750 17 6 683 R. 97/2821 .. ! I Aug. 1, 1899 ! Dalgety and Co. (Limited) 236 21 Dunedin .'. 940 4 2 4,691 1 8-

T).— s


686 R. 99/2422 .. May 1,1899 BYiedlander Bros. (Limited) 691 R. 99/2406 .. Aug. 1,1899 Curistchurch Meat Company J j (Limited) {I 692 R. 99/2427 .. May 1, 1899 Canterbury Roller Flour-mills Coy. 695 R. 93/1968 .. Aug. 1, 1899 : W. Scott and Co. 698 R. 99/2537 .. June 1, 1899 Caristeiureh Meat Company (Limited) 699 I R. 99/2042 .. Oct. 1, 1899 New Zealand Shipping Company (Limited) 700 R. 99/2653 .. May 1, 1899 W. White and Co. 702 R. 93/1967 .. June 1, 1893 : Grown Milling Company (Limited) 709 R. 93/2416 .. Nov. 1, 1893 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) 715 R. 99/1719 .. Aug. 1,1899 Bowron Bros. .. 58 72 13 10 13 13 58 3 25 39 155 23 391 47 Ashburton Islington (1st adg.)) . (2nd . )} Ashburton Soubhbridge Eveline Bluff Govt. .. Govt.and grantees Grantees Govt. .. Grantees 10 10 10 10 10 10 4i * t Rental, £25 I 386 8 11 1,374 17 2 1,761 6 ! t Rental, £25 ' 9,856 12 3 7,02114 3 116,878 6 1: t Rental, £25 j 129 5 4 521 16 4 651 1 I t Rental, £25 409 10 2 316 9 9 725 19 1] t ! Rental, £50 614 17 1 680 1 7 ' 1,294 18 I Premium.. | 67 11 0 1,614 17 4 294 15 0 , 1,909 12 i Rental, £30 f Rental, £25 1,464 6 3 210 13 5 1,674 19 I t : Rental, £50 I 1,823 18 11 71 7 0 1,895 5 1: t Repiirs, £3 872 3 11 726 2 11 1,598 6 II Rental, £50 Premium.. 170 0 0 1,178 2 4 395 8 4 1,573 10 I Rental, £25 t Rental, £50 1,849 11 7 964 10 11 : 2,814 2 ( t Rental, £25 594 0 9 298 8 10 \ 892 9 ' t Rental, £25 72118 9 328 17 6 ,' 1,050 16 i Premium..! 79 14 0 39112 1 1,077 10 11 | 1,469 3 I Rental, £25 t Rental, £50 1,172 13 10 796 16 0 1,969 9 11 t Rental, £25 1,146 18 5 832 13 0 1,979 11 i • ! Rental, £50 652 17 7 156 4 4 809 1 l: t i Rental, £25 252 6 6 523 8 0 775 14 I t j Rental, £50 1,988 10 3 100 2 5 2,088 12 I 7 46 236 26 391 48 Addington Dunedin BluS Govt. .. 10 10 10 * 3 73 Woolston Grantees 10 . •.. 716 R. 99/2905 .. Oct. 1,1899 Milburn Lime and Cement Company (Limited) 722 ! R. 00/141 ..:Jan. 1,1900 H. Hai-raway .. 235 25 Dunedin 10 " "•• 0 14 Burnside Govt. and grantees Grantees 10 * ' • ' 7 59 26 50 Addington Balf our 10 10 I 723 R. 00/931 .. April 1, 1900 j G. G. Stead and Co. .. .. I 731 R. 99/3038 .. May 1, 1900 ; Wright, Stephenson, and Co. 732 R. 03/1193 .. May 1,1900 J. and T. Meek 739 I R. 99/357 ..Feb. 1,1900 N.Z. Fanima'Co-operative Association of Canterbury (Limited) 740 ! R. 99/2357 .. May 1,1900 J. Craig and Co. 749 I R. 03/2042 .. ; Oct. 1, 1900 ! D. Thomas 751 R. 00/1147 .. : Aug. 1, 1900 > Ohristehureh Gas, Coal, and Coke Company (Limited) 754 ! R. 00/694 .. ■ Oct. 1, 1900 Harbour Board (National Mortgage and Agency Company, L-,d., Mill and Co., Shaw, Swill, and Albion Company, and West-land-Timaru Timber and Coal Company, Ltd., tenants, We3tport Coal Co., Ma,son, Struthers, & Co., Briscoe & Co.) (Ocsigo Farmers' Cooperative Asso-) 757 R. 00/1040 .. j Dec. 1, 1900 M ciation o£ New Zealand (Ltd.) \ (Wright, S;ephenson, and Co. ..) 767 R. 00/478 .. ; Feb. 1, 1901 Canterbury (N.Z.) Seed Company (Limited), and H. Matson and Cj. 774 R. 01/1837 .. Sept. 1,1901 National Mortgage and Agency Compmy of N.Z. (Limited) 775 R. 01/1661 .. July 1, 1901 Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co.'s N.Z. Drug Company (Limited) 778 R. 01/1680 .. Aug. 1,1901 Moir and Co. .. 779 R. 03/2223 .. Sept. 14, 1901 Federal Steam Navigation Compiny (Limited). (Birt and Co. may also use siding) 782 R. 95/1853 .. Oct. 1,1901 N.Z. Provision and Produce Coy. .. 784 R. 01/2438 .. j Oct. 1, 1901 Wood Bros. (Limited) 153 18 59 4 157 45 58 76 6 1 105 74 Oamaru Ashburton Oamaru Ashburton Christchurch Timaru Govt. .. Grantees Govt. .. Grantees Govt.and grantees Grantees 10 10 10 10 10 10 n Premium.. 95 0 0 1,244 10.5., 837 3 7 2,031 14 ( i ■ 757 767 B. 00/1040 .. R. 00/178 .. Dec. 1, 1900 Feb. 1, 1901 236 35 7 60 Dunedin Addington rr 10 8 * * Premium j 550 0 0j 2 18g 1Q 2 394 19 6 2g80 9 g £50 J 4.494 0 6 751 14 9 5,245 15 3 Rental, each 741 16 4 349 19 8 1,091 16 0 £25 Rental, £25 536 14 1 401 7 5 938 1 6 t 774 R. 01/1837 .. Sept. 1, 1901 7 57 10 * t 775 R. 01/1661 .. July 1, 1901 239 24 Cattle-yards 10 t Rental, £25 : 1,613 19 6 ; 3,976 8 7 5,590 8 1 778 779 R. 01/1660 .. R. 03/2223 .. Aug. 1, 1901 Sept. 14, 1901 16 69 390 12 Govt. .. Grantees 10 10 * 4 Rental, £25 1,059 1 4 1,651 2 9 2,710 4 1 Rental, £25 j 2,887 15 5 1,342 0 3 4,229 15 8 Southbrook Ocean Beach t t 782 784 R. 95/1853 .. R. 01/2438 .. Oct. 1, 1901 Oct. 1, 1901 Belfast Addington 10 10 * t t Rental, £25 568 2 2 523 4 1 1,091 6 3 Rental, £25 1,299 13 6 j 1,507 18 3 ; 2,807 11 9 ■ Three months' notice. + Sidini ori; linall' laid under old ■eement.


RETURN No. 24—continued. PARTICULARS of Private-siding Traffic up to 31st March, 1908— continued.


•a 2 Paper*. ■ < Date of Grant. Present Holder. I Won Nearest Station. By whom paid for. Term of Grant. Amount of Traffic guaranteed per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during the Year ending 31st March, 1908. iu. Out. Total. HURUNUI-BLUT 'F SECTJO: !T— continued. 791 R. 01/2857 .. Dec. 1, 1901 D. H. Brown u,nil Son M. oh. 7 29 Addington Govt. and grantees Grantees 10 years* .. % t £ s. d. Rental, £25 £ s. d. I £ s. d. 1,618 19 531 11 9 £ a. d. 2,149 13 6 ! 795 809 R. 00/1690 .. R. 99/2224 .. Jan. 1,1902 Feb. 1, 1902 Ohristchuroh Meat Company (Ltd.) Canterbury Farmers' Cooperative Association (Limited) Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative Association (Limited) N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) Wright, Sfcephenson, and Co. 239 27 Cattle-yards Timaru 10 » * .. 10 . * .. Rental, £25 Rental, £50 2,518 13 3 ! 1,583 14 2 1,610 14 5 ! 1,135 13 11 4,102 7 5 2,746 8 4 815 R. 02/1454 .. Feb. 1, 1902 Mar. 1, 1902 Studholme p 10 . * .. t Rental, £25 596 16 8 '. 949 16 0 1,546 12 8 816 R. 92/806 .. Ghristchurch 10 ,. * .. t Rental, £50 995 9 10 j 264 5 11 1,259 15 9 818 R. 01/2143 .. April 1, 1902 Kelso 10 „ * .. Premium .. 207 0 0 Rental, £25 Repairs, £48 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 Rental, £50 125 14 3 I 388 11 0 514 5 3 819 R. 92/1000 ■.. April 1, 1902 Southland Frozen Meat and Produce Export Company (Limited) Friedlander Bros. (Limited) Guinness and LeCren (Limited) .. N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) Donald Reid and Co. (Limited) .. William H. Martyn Canterbury Central Co-operative Dairy Company (Limited) N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) A. P. Tutton Mataura 10 „ * .. t 1452 11 3 ! 4,254 18 5 5,707 9 8 821 822 834 R. 01/1450 .. R. 02/2529 .. R. 02/3673 .. Dec. 18, 1901 Feb. 1, 1902 Nov. 1, 1902 Ashburton Studholme Timaru 7 „ * .. 10 „ • .. 10 , * .. t t 386 8 11 1,374 17 2 476 14 3 679 19 0 833 5 3 345 0 8 4,345 12 4 542 15 10 50 8 1 410 19 0 128 17 0 149 13 8 1,761 6 1 1,156 13 3 1,178 5 11 835 840 843 R. 03/477 .. R. 02/3422 .. R. 00/2781 .. Dec. 1, 1902 Jan. 1, 1903 Jan. 1, 1903 Dunedin Wetheral Addington 10 „ • .. 10 „ • .. 10 ,. * .. t t t Rental, £50 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 4,888 8 2 461 7 1 278 10 8 814 R. 93/1075 .. Feb. 1, 1903 Gore 10 „ * .. t Repairs, £2 15s. Rental, £25 100 0 0 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 199 11 7 194 9 3 394 0 10 845 R. 03/1083 .. May 1, 1903 ' Rangiora 10 » * .. Premium .. 33 4 4 105 4 4 138 8 8 846 R. 03/1839 .. Oct. 1, 1902 Canterbury Frozen Meat and Dairyproduce Export Company (Limited) T. D. Ward Belfast 10 ., • .. t ; 6,028 18 10 4,576 11 10 10,605 10 8 847 R. 02/3211 .. Jan. 1, 1903 .. BluS .. 10 „ • .. Premium .. 110 0 0 Rental, £50 Rental, £50 Rental, £50 819 6 11 J 226 8 3 1,045 15 2 849 853 R. 93/2140 .. R. 99/1940 .. May 1, 1903 May 1, 1903 Nichol Bros. LytteltoQ Borough Council (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company, Kaye and Carter, tenants) Colonial Oil Company Pyne and Co. i Lyttelton 10 „ ' .. 10 , • .. t t 3,175 0 2 859 5 4 3,601 11 2 840 17 10 4,034 5 6 4,442 9 0 854 856 R. 02/3125 .. R. 03/1919 .. June 1, 1903 June 1, 1903 I Christchurch Govt. .. Grantees 10 „ ♦ .. 10 . «... Premium .. Rental, £50 350 0 0 Rental, £50 615 0 0 Rental, £50 451 16 8 137 13 5 1,270 8 9 272 15 2 589 10 1 1,543 3 11 . 860 R. 03/2316 .. Aug. 1, 1903 Canterbury Frozen Meat and Dairyproduce Export Company (Ltd.) Oamaru Tree-stone Company (Ltd.) C. and W. Gore Lovell's Flat Coal Company 113 12 I Pareora 10 „ * .. Premium.. 2,923 6 11 2,327 12 5 5,250 19 4 862 864 865 R. 98/4223 .. R. 98/4318 .. R. 00/1544 .. Oct. 1, 1903 Oct. 1, 1903 Sept. 1, 1903 Whitecraig Wingatui Lovell's Flat ! 5 . •.. 5 „ ' .. 8 years and 247 days* t t t 412 6 2 144 13 6 906 0 5 412 6 2 1,050 13 11 •■ .. ..



12—D. 2.

878 879 R. 99/263 .. R. 03/3654 .. Dee. 1, 1903 Feb. 1, 1904 Jan. 1, 1904 J. Palmer J. Borgfeldt .. ... The Southland Sawmilling Company J. G. Ward Freeman's Coal Company North Canterbury Co-operative Stores Company (Limited) N.Z. Coal and Oil Company (Limited) Christohurch Tramway Board 37 22 Logan's Point .. Papanui Te Tumutu Govt. .. Grantees 5 5 5 * t t Premium.. Rental, £25 251 0 0 6 11 117 17 0 1,186 18 6 18 9 1 2,481 5 1 1,192 19 7 136 6 1 2,481 5 1 881 886 888 R. 97/2835 .. R. 03/3959 .. R. 03/4076 .. Feb. 1, 1904 April 1, 1904 June 1, 1904 Bluff Fernhill Rangiora 10 5 10 * • t Premium.. Rental, £50 125 0 0 235 0 0 Rental, £25 4,009 17 7 14 19 0 155 9 1 1,050 18 7 1,789 5 4 285 12 1 5,060 16 2 1,804 4 4 441 1 2 894 R. 03/147 .. April 1. 1904 Orepuki Govt. and grantees Grantees 5 * t 1,036 18 3 1,036 18 3 901 R. 04/1850 .. July 1, 1904 Christchurch 10 * Premium.. I 500 0 0 Rental, £50 509 14 10 37 7 2 547 2 0 - 902 904 906 R. 99/2096 .. R. 99/2343 .. R. 99/2731 .. Aug. 1, 1904 Aug. 1, 1904 Aug. 1, 1904 Lyttelton Borough Council Smart and Son Milburn Lime and Cement Company (Limited) Walton Park Coal Company Southland Timber Company Oamaru Borough Council N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) Invercargill Corporation Thomas Todd and Sons 2 65 Heathcote Hornby Milburn Govt. .. 5 5 5 * ■ t t t 60 11 5 210 16 9 1,149 15 7 314 13 0 1,215 6 7 60 11 5 525 9 9 2,365 2 2 ■910 911 913 914 R. 99/2207 .. R. 03/3161 .. R. 99/2017 .. R. 94/3672 .. Aug. 1, 1904 Oct. 1, 1904 Aug. 1, 1904 Oct. 1, 1904 2 7 Walton Park .. Otautau Oamaru Dunedin Grantees 5 5 5 10 * * 1 • • Premium.. t t 145 0 0 149*'8 11 1,163 11 1 139 14 9 1,117 12 6 11 18 4 560 13 11 139 14 9 1,117 12 6 161 7 3 1,724 5 0 925 928 ■ Govt. and grantees Grantees Rental, £50 R. 02/1255 .. R. 04/2853 .. Nov. 1, 1904 Jan. 1, 1905 2 20 3 40 Waikiwi Weat Plains 5 10 * t Premium.. 221 14 0 Rental, £50 73 4 7 212 10 0 86 12 0 391 15 4 159 16 7 604 5 4 929 931 933 R. 99/2313 .. R. 99/2813 .. R. 94/3949 .. Aug. 1, 1904 Nov. 1, 1904 Deo. 1, 1904 Invercargill Corporation Lyttelton Harbour Board N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) D. McGregor J. E. Watson and Co. (Limited) .. Lyttelton Harbour Board Invercargill Lyttelton Invercargill Govt. .. Grantees 5 5 10 * t t t Rental, £50 753 16 1 4,628 9 4 532 4 6 102 1 6 2,067 14 9 363 0 11 855 17 7 6,696 4 1 895 5 5 937 948 949 R. 99/2209 .. R. 01/2761 .. R. 00/1774 .. Jan. 1, 1905 Jan. 1, 1905 May 1, 1905 Centre Bush Bluff .. Lyitelton Govt. and grantees Govt. .. 5 10 5 * Repairs .. t 2 0 0 Rental, £50 455' 19 2 (In 183 12 8 584 19 3 eluded in No. 93 183 12 8 1,040 18 5 1)952 953 957 961 964 a. 95/2127 .. R. 00/992 .. R. 05/2585 .. R. 00/568 .. R. 05/2953 .. May 1, 1905 Jan. 1, 1905 July 1, 1905 July 1, 1905 Sept. 1, 1905 G. MoClatchie and Co. .. J. G. Ward and Co. C. P. Sleeman Christchurch City Council Dalgety and Co. (Limited) 6 9 23 2 342 70 9 22 Christchurch Limehills Mataura Chaney's Timaru Grantees 10 5 5 5 10 * t t t t Premium.. Rental, £50 2,260 10 10 364 4 6 103 15 3 39 11 8 958 7 4 2,364 6 1 403 16 2 958 7 4 4,072 0 3 1,432 14 9 75 0 0 Rental, £50 6 0 0 Rental, £50 12 10 0 Rental, £50 4,072 0 3 1,224 10 6 208 4 3 974 R. 98/111 .. Jan. 1, 1906 Broad, Small, and Co. 374 46 Invercargill Govt. .. 10 627 6 8 90 19 3 718 5 11 979 R. 03/1149 .. Jan. 1, 1906 T. D. Ward and R. Cleave 374 39 Grantees 10 998 17 1 973 14 10 1,972 11 11 981 R. 00/2041 .. Feb. 1, 1906 ! McCallum and Co. .. 1 I R. Meek and Co. H. Neave and Co. 7 22 Fairfax 5 3 0 0 114 10 6 1,264 8 11 1,378 19 5 •982 R. 05/2912 .. Jan 1, 1906 Lake Road 10 * 30 0 0 Rental, £25 35 15 1 384 17 7 420 12 8 984 988 R. 01/1037 .. R. 06/478 .. Mar. 1, 1906 Oct. 1, 1905 Lyttelton Harbour Board N.Z. International Exhibition Commissioners McCallum and Co. Fleming and Co. N.Z. Govt. Mines Department 0 15 Lyttelton Riccarton 5 2 Premium.. 90 0 0 (In, 48 3 4 eluded in No. 93 435 9 10 !)• 483 13 2 991 994 996 R. 01/1375 .. R. 01/776 .. R. 06/946 ., May 1, 1906 May 1, 1906 May 1, 1906 15 0 Kapuka Gore Christchurch 5 10 10 * * * "t Premium.. 2 10 7 Rental, £25 220 0 0 Rental, £50 120 5 4 1,604 17 3 143 6 10 13 10 1 263 12 2 1,618 7 4 •• * Three months' notice. + Siding original!; laid under old agreement.



RETURN No. 24— continued. PARTICULARS of Private-siding Traffic up to 31st March, 1908— continued.

OK Papere. Date of Grant. Present Holder. Position. Nearest Station. By whom paid for. | Term of Grant. Amount of Traffic : guaranteed i per Annum. Liquidated Damages or Premium. Value of the Traffic through the Siding during tiw Year ending 31st March, 1908. In. Out. Total. In. Out. Total. [urunui-blup: SECTION '— continued. 999 1000 1001 1004 B. 01/1604 .. R. 96/2443 .. R. 96/3013 .. R. 06/1868 .. July 1, 1906 July 1, 1906 July 1, 1906 Sept. 1, 1906 William Borlase Nelson Bros. James Macfie and Co. (Limited) .. N.M. and A. Co. of N.Z. (Limited) , M. ch. Sawyer's Bay Hornby Dunedin Gore Grantee 5 years* .. f 10 „ * .. f 10 . •.. t 5 „ * .. Premium .. £ s. d. Rental, £25 Rental, £50 100 0 0 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 £ s. a. o i ii 210 16 9 2,179 10 4 309 9 7 £ s. d. 200 3 11 814 13 0 34 8 7 137 7 6 £ s. d. 200 5 10 525 9 9 2,213 18 11 446 17 1 Grantees 1015 R. 02/2502 .. Aug. 1, 1906 William Quinn 121 76 Otaio Govt. and grantees Grantees 10 * .. t 360 18 9 87 1 9 j 448 0 6 1017 R. 06/3093 .. Jan. 1, 1907 N.M. and A. Co. of N.Z. (Limited) Invercargill 10 „ * .. Premium .. 10 „ * .. t 5 „ * .. Premium .. 5 . *.. 10 . • .. I : ::: :: 5 „ * .. 5 „ * .. Premium.. 10 „ * .. 12 0 0 Rental, £50 Rental, £25 17 0 0 100 0 0 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 532 4 6 651 3 3 J 1,183 7 9 1019 1024 1027 1028 1029 1033 1032 1039 1044 1045 R. 98/410 .. R. 99/2990 .. R. 99/2523 .. R. 99/671 .. R. 99/1122 .. R. 05/754 .. R. 02/1439 .. R. 01/1860 .. R. 07/2596 .. R. 07/1740 .. Deo. 1, 1906 Jan. 1, 1907 Aug. 1, 1904 Mar. 1, 1907 Mar. 1, 1907 Mar. 1, 1907 April 1, 1907 July 1, 1907 Sept. 1, 1907 Sept. 1, 1907 Christchurch Meat Company Invercargill Corporation Hodgkinson and Co. Bruce Woollen Manufacturing Coy. Guinness and Le Cren Lyttelton Harbour Board Otago Dock Trust Christchurch City Council Watson Bros, and Harrington Southland Sand Brick Company .. 6 44 Smithfield Greenhills Lind's Bridge .. Milton Winchester Lyttelton Port Chalmers .. Sockburn Te Tumutu VVaikiwi Govt. .. Grantees 4,090 10 11 59 4 7 12 18 1 222 17 3 4,120 4 8 291 16 8 120 5 0 8.210 15 7 351 1 3 133 3 1 222 17 3 70 13 4 Govt. .. (In 1,183 0 11 237 3 4 70 13 4 eluded in No. 93 197 18 1 350 17 6 1.) 1,380 19 0 588 0 10 1047 R. 00/1324 .. May 1, 1907 Anderson's (Limited) 37 30 2 16 Lyttelton Grantees 5 „ ' .. 137 0 0 351 0 0 Rental, £50 50 0 0 Rental, £50 11 11 0 22714 8 109 3 3 380"8 5 204 2 7 608 3 1 313 5 10 1050 1051 1052 1053 1056 R. 07/2200 .. R. 03/1984 .. R. 99/2623 .. R. 97/4377 .. R. 06/3430 .. July 1, 1907 Aug. 1, 1907 Oct. 1, 1907 Oct. 1, 1907 Jan. , 1908 G. Bailey R. Green Otago Tron Rolling Mills Company P. McGill Westport Coal Company 241 70 240 10 271 40 Templeton Abbotsford Burnside Milton Christchurch Grantee Govt. .. 5 „ * ... 1 .. J.. 5 ....... 10 . * .. 10 „ * .. Premium.. 5 7 2 8 4 3 165 5 7 8 0 0 908 1 2 0 12 11 13 11 5 165 5 7 1,137 0 0 1,999 19 6 83 16 6 Rental, £25 255 0 0 Rental, £50 4 2 0 Rental, £50 Rental, £50 1,129 0 0 1,091 18 4 83 3 7 1058 1059 1060 1064 1066 R. 00/1107 .. R. 01/600 .. R. 98/1147 . v R. 02/3375 .. R. 07/3100 .. Jan. 1, 1908 Jan. 1, 1908 Jan. 1, 1908 Sept. 1, 1907 July 1, 1907 Drummond and Lischner Evans and Co. .. J. Deans Timaru A. and P. Association N.Z. Loan and M.A. Company 4 72 103 63 Conical Hill Timaru Christchurch Smithfleld Methven .. Grantees Govt. .. a> • • Grantees 5 „ * .. 10 „ ' .. 10 » * .. 10 „ • .. 10 „ * .. Premium.. 7 3 2 517 16 2 1,621 16 2 290 2 11 682 4 4 13 19 1 297 6 1 1,200 0 6 1,635 15 3 220 0 0 Rental, £25 167 0 0 Rental, £50 Rental, £50 25 0 0 Rental, £50 46 8 11 " .. 46 8 11 1070 R. 08/472 .. Jan. 1, 190 8 W. D. Meares Christchurch 10 „ * .. 1071 1072 R. 06/2609 .. R. 91/4426 .. Feb. 1, 1908 Nov. 1, 1907 Murray, Roberts, and Co. Timaru Milling Company Dunedin Timaru 10 . * .. t 10 „ * .. Premium.. 736 14 8 782 15 0 349 2 6 556 15 3 1,085 17 2 1,339 10 3 .




344 R. 86/2585 .. Aug. 20, 1886 Greymouth - Point Elizabeth Rly. 8 0 Brunner .. Greym'th Undefined and Coal Company (Limited) Har. Bd. 836 R. 02/2451 .. Dec. 1,1902 Tyneside Colliery Company .. .. , .. Grantees 5 years* .. Premium.. 861 R. 99/1729 .. Sept. 1,1903 Stratford, Blair, and Co. .. .. .. Arnold's 5 863 R. 03/1446 .. Oct. 1, 1903 O. Butler .. .. .. 6 58 Gladstone .. 5 " * " " + 872 R. 03/2385 .. Nov. 1, 1903 G. D. Wilson and Co. .. .. 13 47 Chesterfield .. 5 Premium 873 R. 03/2385 .. Nov. 1, 1903 Messrs. Baxter Bros. .. .. 13 47 . .. , 5 * .. „ .'. 892 R. 03/4189 .. June 1, 1904 The Red Jacks Sawmilling Company 4 71 Ngahere .. " 5 • 897 R. 99/1730 .. Jan. 1, 1904 Stratford, Blair, and Co. .. .. .. Greymouth .. Govt .10 * " , 903 R. 03/3096 .. Aug. 1, 1904 W. Morris .. .. .. .. Kumara .. . ' .. 5 „ *.. f 908 R. 03/4351 .. July 1,1904 Craig and Sheedy .. .. .. Te Kinga .. Grantees 5 "„*'.. Premium.. 934 R. 03/2764 .. Feb. 1,1905 Greymouth Timber and Land Com- 22 7 Moana . 5 . * pany (Limited) 941 R. 99/2900 .. Nov. 1, 1904 Malfroy and Co. .. .. Ho Ho .. Govt, and 5 „ * .. f grantees 942 E. 04/2611 .. Nov. 1,1904 The Ngahere Milling Company .. .. Ngahere .. Grantees 5 „ *.. Premium. 946 R. 00/197 .. Jan. 1,1905 Messrs. Baxter Bros. .. ..10 77 Kumara .. Govt, and 5 „ *.. f grantees 966 R. 05/1908 .. Dec. 1,1905 Lincoln Bros, and Toomey & Peebles .. Stafford .. Grantees 5 * Premium 970 R. 05/1881 .. Nov. 1, 1905 Southorn and Co. .. Ngahere .. ,, 5 „ * .. 971 R. 02/553 .. Oct. 1,1905 Kotuku Sawmilling Company .. .. Aratika .. Taken over 5 " *.. Premium.. with Midland Rly. 975 R. 02/557 .. Oct. 1, 1905 Stratford, Blair, and Co... .. .. Kokiri .. Ditto .. 5 „ * .. 976 R. 02/554 .. Oct. 1, 1905 Moana Sawmilling Company (Ltd.) .. Moana 5 980 R. 02/552 .. Oct. 1, 1905 Blackball Coal Company (Limited) .. Ngahere .. .. 5 983 R. 02/558 .. Oct. 1, 1905 Baxter Bros. .. .. .. .. Kokiri .. „ .. 5 „' * .. , 985 R. 01/356 .. April 1, 1906 Terawera Sawmill Company (Ltd.) .. Inchbonnie .. Grantees 5 „ * .. + 992 R. 02/556 .. Oct. 1,1905 Lake Brunner Sawmill Company.. .. Moana.. .. „ 5 * Premium 1007 R. 00/2624 .. Aug. 1, 1906 Despatch Foundry Company (Ltd.) .. Greymouth .. „ 10 „ * .' + 1013 R. 01/456 .. Oct. 1, 1906 Jack Bros. .. .. .. .. Kotuku .. . 5 * Premium 1025 R. 07/774 .. Nov. 1, 1906 Bowater and Bryan .. .. .. Ahaura 5 " * 1049 R. 01/1152 .. June 1, 1907 D. H. Roberts .. .. .. .. Baxter's .. Gov't. .. 5 "„ * .. 1068 R. 06/440 .. Mar. 1, 1908 Ikamatua Sawmilling Company .. .. Ikarnatua .. Grantees 5 „ * .. Premium 1073 R. 07/3061 .. Jan. 1, 1908 Messrs. Manson and Co... .. 25 20 Te Kinga .. „ 5 „ * .. 344, 93 10 0 88 0 0 75"o 0 ' 169 0 0 231 0 0 Rental, £25 321 "o 0 150 0 0 100 0 0 200 0 0 5"o 0 49 0 0 8 0 0 48 0 0 5 0 0 320' 0 0 Rental, £25 230 0 0 235 0 0 500 0 0 300 0 0 16 4 6 1510 4 29 1 11 38 11 0 015 0 379 5 2 4414 0 17 16 2 20 19 4 1 19 1 2 8 9 3 12 0 5013 6 40 12 7 87 14 2 30 18 3 24 18 0 53 7 0 84 11 11 79 6 10 27 12 8 1,107 10 3 7,728 7 0 709 13 3 335 9 9 947 8 6 859 19 1 280 2 3 645 19 1 653 15 9 1,444 2 0 1,248 17 11 515 11 0 860 18 4 741 15 1 42 6 6 977 13 6 1,030 15 8 1,109 10 6 10,453 4 1 1,325 16 6 999 14 8 2,944 9 0 78 4 11 2,234 4 9 890 10 5 1,123 14 97,728 7 0 725 3 7 364 11 8 985 19 6 860' 14 1 659 7 5 645 19 1 698 9 9 1,461 18 2 1,269 17 3 517 10 1 863 7 1 745 7 1 42 6 6 1,028 7 0 1,071 8 3 1,109 10 6 10,540 18 3 1,356 14 9 1,024 12 8 2,997 16 0 162 16 10 2,313 11 7 918 3 1 836 861 863 872 873 892 897 903 908 934 941 942 946 966 970 971 WESTPORT SECTION. 915 R. 00/2091 .. Aug. 1,1904 D. P. Mumm .. .. ..26 72 Mokihinui .. Grantee 5 years* .. Premium.. 1026 R. 07/865 .. Mar. 1,1907 N.Z. Government Mines Department .. Westport .. „ 5 „ * 1038 R. 00/2091 .. Mar. 1,1907 S. and J. Marris .. ..26 72 Mokihinui .. Grantees 2 . *.. . 1043 R. 07/591 .. Sept. 1, 1907 I Westport-Stockton Coal Company 19 2 Ngakawau .. Grantee | 5 . *.. 100 0 0 950 0 0 20 0 0 952 0 0 ' 9 14 6 805 16 3 0 17 8 720 1 9 11 18 4 112 16 11 26 1 1 21 12 10 918 13 2 26 18 9 720 _ 9 NELSON SECTION. 238 R. 81/1947 .. Aug. 31, 1881 Neale and Haddow .. .. 10 Nelson .. Grantees Undefined Premium.. 958 R. 05/892 .. July 1,1905 E. Buxton and Co. (Limited) .... „ .. „ 10 years* .. R. 00/1834 .. Oct. 1,1899 M. Lightband .. .. .. .. „ .. (Right held in connection I with lease) 150 0 0 180 0 0 Rental, £2 67 18 0 312 1 6 241 0 6 198 0 9 17 15 4 68 1 1 1 14 6 329 16 10 309 1 7 199 15 3 PICTON SECTION. 794 R. 99/2880 .. Deo. 1, 1901 Christchuroh Meat Company (Ltd.) 13 35 Spring Creek .. Grantees 10 years* .. f 797 R. 01/2132 .. Feb. 1,1902 Levin and Co. (Limited) .. .. 17 69 Blenheim .. „ 10 „ * .. f 800 R. 91/3490 .. Nov. 1, 1901 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency .. Picton .. „ 10 „ * .. t Company (Limited) 870 R. 93/3737 .. Nov. 1, 1903 N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency 17 62 Blenheim .. „ 10 „ * .. t Company (Limited) 916 R. 04/1190 .. Sept. 1,1904 Wellington and Marlborough Cement, .. Elevation .. „ 5 „ *.. Premium.. Lime, and Coal Coy. (Limited) Repairs, £15 Rental, £25 Repairs, £9 Rental, £25 Repairs, £5 Rental, £25 Rental, £25 200 0 0 315 15 6 610 15 6 393 0 1 700 6 0 269 5 11 550 13 6 156 16 10 810 8 6 585 1 5 1,161 9 0 549 16 11 1,510 14 6 * T hree months' notice. t Sidin, orij final!; laid under old a; ireement. t On, ;i<


RETURN No. 25. Statement showing approximately Sleepers laid and removed up to 31st March, 1908.

RETURN No. 26. Comparative Statement of the Number of Employees for March, 1907, and March, 1908.


Approximate Length opened each Year. Sleepers. Year. Middle Island. Total. Laid during Construction. (2,100 per mile.) Eemoved during Maintenance.* North Island. 1867 1870-71 1871-72 1872-73 1873-74 1874-75 1875-76 1876-77 1877-78 1878-79 1879-80! 1880-81 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 1888-89 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1895-96 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900 1900-igoi 1901-1902 1902-1903 1903-1904 1904-1905 1905-1906 1906-1907 1907- 1908 M. oh. 10 55 61 19 69 23 64 24 103 76 27 19 26 33 68 39 22 67 2 2 22 19 56 o 43 26 58 72 11 47 18 31 11 57 28 21 M. ch. 45 70 18 58 11 68 27 62 11 21 126 78 248 4 152 39 94 58 56 46 4° 73 32 7i 40 16 40 19 22 50 24 o 47 52 11 39 17 32 M. oh. 45 7° 18 58 11 68 27 62 21 76 188 17 317 27 216 63 198 54 83 65 67 26 101 30 63 3 42 21 44 69 So o 90 78 7° 3 1 28 79 18 31 32 45 34 9 27 27 17 26 62 16 44 6 18 41 4 75 37 48 33 59 19 26 107 68 23 52 56 3 37 56 45 56 3: 57 50 7 IS 19 96,338 39,323 24,885 58,327 46,095 395,246 666,409 455.254 417,217 176,006 141,382 212,888 132.379 88,751 94,211 168,000 191,048 147,814 60,874 42,814 68,381 71,636 57,408 36,382 130,620 92,558 38,876 10,370 78,960 70,848 40,582 226,485 49,665 117,679 79,170 95,970 66,596 105,184 3i,999 74,261 73.947 106,763 125,632 148,325 137.993 139, 122,027 108,690 129,634 133,954 I39.9I2 132,569 155.827 170,681 188,291 210,588 243.479 282,326 302,354 345.453 369.339 330,029 309,296 302,252 3 0 9,i83 283,293 331.678 20 68 5 68 27 27 17 26 28 38 16 62 14 73 3 64 27 46 22 46 33 58 27 24 3 48 1 11 ' 10 2 H 13 19 26 103 38 12 32 27 43 4 44 27 75 8 52 50 7 4 61 4 30 11 20 28 40 33 12 17 61 23 5 10 38 Totals 5,124,630 5,706,796 * Com tlete information not recorded until 1880-81. + Nine months only.

Department. I 1 s s _M s < p o 5 ill S. >i "3 c I I J a. 3 I a 1 V 1907-8. General Traffic Maintenance IiOcomotiTe 7 9 3 24 ■7 21 7 12 6 535 773 599 "6 11 1,022 1.159 1,168 1,845 1.936 1,964 139 127 179 82 58 130 34 52 15 24 38 26 3°7 3>725 4,192 4,114 12,338 3 Totals ... '9 62 25 88 1,907 20 3.349 5.745 445 270 101 1906-7. General Traffic Maintenance LocomotiTe 6 20 22 18 9 13 5 ... 432 704 443 5 15 3 876 942 1,062 2,880 1,742 1,691 i>7 6 7 129 157 io6 79 54 9 1 26 43 16 25 45 «7 87 28s 3.35O 3.692 3-53 1 3 16 60 Totals 27 I.S79 23 5.200 39 2 224 85 10,858



RETURN No. 27. Statement of Accidents for the Year ending 31st March, 1908.

Train Accidents. Accidents on Line (other than Train-running). Shunting Accidents. Accidents on Wharves and in Sheds. • Accidents in Workshops. Total. Passengers. Employees. Other Persons. Employees. Other Persons. Employees. Other Persons. Employees. Other Persons. Employees. Other Persons. I 2 ■1 ■g s ■a = °" if I g 3 1 is 5 I 1 w is 1 1 i 1 I ! 111 a 1 -2 i Kawakawa Whangarei Kaihu Auckland Grisborne Wellington-Napier-New Plymouth Hurunui-Bluff Westland Westport Nelson Picton 2 2 ... 4 ... 3 ... I 6 2 ... ... 1 ! 2 ... - ... 1 ... ... I 55 62 2 ... I ... 1 1 23 12 ... ... ... i i 36 50 ... ... 35 35 ... ... ... ... 5 1 6 ... 1 1 161 167 4 1 2 i 1 2 2 2 I 94 8 2 5 4 -> I 2 27 3 i I 76 1 3 2 I 57 2 4 12 7 260 I ... 2 3 1 2 11 1 2 1 1 1 12 "' ' 1 ... ... 2 ... ( Totals ... — — . \ — 28 8 1 11 4 2 10 I 6 2 4 I I 231 4 I I 3 67 3 2 2 I 168 I 2 133 12 ... ... ... 621



RETURN No. 28. LOCOMOTIVE RETURNS for the Year ending 31st March, 1908.

i c 1st Engine-Mileage. Quantity of Stores. Cost. Cosi per Engine-Mile in Pence. E 2 < Detail. Shunting I Train. and I Work - Empty. tram - Detail. Total. Coal. j Oil. Tallow, j Waste. Running. Repairs. Wages Matt- Stor es. Fuel. Wages, rial. Running. Repairs. Stores. Fuel. Wages. Running. re it Total. Total. Wages and Material. KAWAKAWA SECTION. I C 1 15 D 1 15 Totals 2 ... General charges... 3.720 3.264 1,279 1,170 422 116 5.421 4.S5O Cwt. 933 873 Qt. 158 138 296 lb. 12 6 lb. 75 72 £. 18 32 6 £ 71 67 138 £ 162 138 £ 258 2 43 •80 I - 6g '3 1 ■32 3'H 3"53 7-17 7-28 II - 42 12-82 104 94 I 6,984 2,449 538 9.97 1 1,806 ,8 H7 5° 13 300 501 54 1 T20 ' ■31 3"32 7-22 ! I2-0S '•3° 198 ... ... ... ... ... ... Totals ! I - -. ... 555 - ... ... ! !3'35 WHANGAREI SECTION. C We 1 2 2 IS 17 874 23,018 35.279 2,182 9,109 9.175 445 1,098 3.OS6 32.572 45,552 i,35o I5.I7 1 26,612 136 730 1,242 24 62 49 53 284 432 103 185 318 6 29 48 25 283 496 804 80 642 838 I,56o 214 '.'39 I.7OO 8-09 1-36 r68 "47 ■21 •25 1'96 2 '09 2'6l 6-28 473 442 16-80 8-39 8-96 93 434 435 Totals General ( :harg< 59.I7 1 20,466 '.543 81,180 43,133 2,108 135 769 606 83 3.053 434 3.487 179 ■25 2-38 4'6i 903 1-28 962 S8... ... ... ... ... ... - Totals ' ... ... ... ... ... I ... - - 10-31 KAIHU SECTION. F 2 15 13,596 General charges... Totals 4,6 4,6l9 J.OS3 19,268 3.699 466 26 199 148 19 i 226 410 803 1-84 -24 2-8i 5-1 1 io-oo 320 - -_ 69 -86 ■•• 1 872 10-86 ...


RETURN No. 28- continued. LOCOMOTIVE RETURNS for the Year ending 31st March, 1908— continued.


if. c "I"' t i Engine-Mileage. Quantity of Stores. Cost. Cost per Engine-Mile in Pence. Type. re |_ Detail. Shunting : ,,. , Train. and *" WorkEmpty. ,ram - Detail. Total. Coal. Oil. Tallow. Waste. Running. Repairs. | Repairs. Running. Repairs. Wages Total. w Mate- Stores - Fuel - W *S«- and rial. Material. Running. Running. Total. Stores. Fuel. Wages. 2 re i. AUCKLAND SECTION. A K N R T Wα Wd 2 '3 4 7 2 4 4 4 6 1 25 20 20 25 25 25 25 18 25 20 18 20 20 2 s 6,442 101,185 77.134 218,749 44,760 91,220 124,604 75.327 193.399 7,609 42,542 17,735 33,517 129,601 588 100,777 20,321 28,284 7,867 23,135 9,196 8,331 13.603 5,495 4.396 10,478 26,583 •7 80,097 7.74S 15 1,611 154 8,342 7.047 282,059 105,200 247,048 52,627 "5,966 133,954 92,000 207,002 20,762 48,117 23,395 44,271 156,517 Cwt. 3,220 86,546 42,061 104,384 23,580 51.326 70,545 62,995 111,417 7,680 22,883 9,841 25,607 85,138 Qt. 348 6,649 2,630 5.53O 1,225 2,801 3.194 4,906 999 623 4.364 lb. IO 394 123 250 62 122 '37 129 209 32 44 36 57 207 lb. 94 2.454 871 2,330 596 922 1.334 1.175 1,984 276 456 323 598 2,113 \ 15.526 £ 2.554 1,004 2,550 5" 1,161 985 !.352 2,071 205 453 617 1,013 1,016 15.666 £ 13 273 103 235 54 in 131 107 209 22 £ 171 3.472 •,567 3.981 1,112 1,972 4,094 2,268 4.289 279 1,326 363 964 4,794 30,652 100 6,027 1,924 3,554 814 2,046 1,798 1,657 2,518 506 816 459 833 2,997 £ 458 12,326 4,598 10,320 2,491 5, 2 9O 7,008 5.384 9.087 1,012 2,637 1,464 2,859 8,991 5'94 2-17 2'29 2-48 2'33 2'4O 1-77 3"53 2-40 2'37 2'2(5 6'33 5'49 i-56 ■43 •23 •24 •23 ■25 •23 •23 •27 ■24 ■25 •21 •26 •27 •28 5-82 2-96 3'57 3-87 5-07 4-08 7'34 5'92 4'97 3'23 6-6 1 372 5-22 7"35 3'4i S-I3 439 3'45 371 4-24 3-22 4'32 2-92 5-85 4-07 4"7i 4"52 4-60 15-60 IO-49 10-49 IO-O3 11-36 10-95 12-56 14-04 !O'53 1170 15-02 I5'5o !3'79 62 3,455 1,061 1,940 506 1.05 1 1,038 974 I.45S 280 380 271 483 2 80 1,264 276 333 42 25 49 184 i,558 Totals Less rec mileagf 59 ioveri ible, 1,163,824 272,207 99.934 1.535.965 54,76i 1,481,204 707,223 37,52O 1,812 I 26,049 73.925 2'4S •24 479 4-07 "•55 14,712 General c 4S.I73 11,300 85.225 177 ;harg< 18 ... Totals I 1 I I ... I I _ 1 '3'3rL GISBORNE SECTION. D 2 ! 12 Lees recoverable, mileage 27,466 4,252 6,770 6,196 38,488 6,196 8,300 1,149 8S 437 383 45 604 698 1,730 2'39 •28 377 4"3S 1079 412 General charges ... 574 32,292 41 > 112 70 ... ... ... Totals I ... ! ... I I ... 1, a • •• ■ 11-49



RETURN No. 28—continued. LOCOMOTIVE RETURNS for the Year ending 31st March, 1908— continued.

Type. V c c 'c z -a ft < Detail. Shunting _. . Train. and W ° rk - Empty. ,ra,n - Detail. Engine-Mileage. Total. Quantity of Stores. Running. Repairs. Running. Cost. Repairs. Cos! per Engine-Mile in Pence. Running. Coal. Oil. Tallow. Waste. Wages and Material. Total. Stores. Fuel. Wages. Wages and Material. Stores. Fuel. Wages. Total. ELLINi TON - NAPIE - new ply: outh sect: ON. ■0 E» Fα L M N O S Wα Wβ Wd We Wf 2 8 4 i ii 2 6 io S 4 6 6 9 4 8 7 12 2 8 15 15 20 6 20 20 6 20 20 20 25 15 20 20 10 40,658 32,868 4,615 83,757 16,673 34,953 315,798 79.467 69,896 214,852 152,212 93.564 82,796 215,670 184,443 338,749 45.644 200,982 19,840 91,729 14,763 3,533 110,63: 17,099 27,221 33,969 21,796 14,407 27,825 33.020 37,148 36,200 32,815 20,654 55.803 11,136 28,850 22,278 12,222 37,887 36,175 !7.598 294 3,871 7,4i5 8,170 337 8,127 57,38i 994 6,376 5,974 2,063 90 259 42,128 144,609 85,518 8,148 230,563 5i,37o 62,468 353,638 108,678 92,473 243,014 193,359 188,093 119,990 254,861 211,071 396,615 56,870 230,091 Cwt. 9,135 33,728 36,784 12,100 59.223 19,269 60,854 140,310 33,47O 29,307 92,421 94,O79 62,080 40,023 93,606 97,7 l8 188,838 32,764 87,852 Qt. 781 3,089 1,222 6,744 1,775 5,892 11,440 3,589 2,693 6,850 7,021 6,5 17 5.791 8,582 9,047 17,925 4,215 7, "4 lb. 48 3l6 '74 29 377 62 135 377 I7S 100 221 186 267 291 202 613 169 271 4,328 lb. 371 1,984 371 2,619 633 1,618 3,3 6 2 1,435 968 2,059 2,188 2,868 1,642 2,810 2,168 4,859 956 2,326 36,615 £ 379 1,373 1,033 613 2,154 356 3,85i 4,038 981 2,599 2,553 3.736 i,75o 3.256 3,322 3,44i 1,21 1 1,409 39,805 £ 27 167 104 36 216 62 211 355 146 90 235 235 236 201 300 3>9 718 146 272 4,076 482 1,827 2,109 66l 3,338 1,069 3,!75 8,276 1,871 1,665 5.338 5,32i 3,484 2,017 5,52O 5,625 10,198 ",744 5,"7 94O 3,299 1,634 358 4,829 1,002 2,443 4,907 1,723 1,325 2,910 3,453 3,443 2,175 3,829 3,008 6,263 949 3,139 ! £ 1,828 6,666 4,880 1,668 io,S37 2,489 9,680 17,576 5,49O 4,061 11,082 11,562 10,899 6,143 12,905 12,274 20,620 4,050 9,937 2-i6 2"27 2'90 18-06 2'24 i-66 1479 274 3'86 2-55 2'57 3"i7 477 3SO 3'07 378 2-08 5" i'47 ■15 •28 •29 ro6 •22 •29 •81 •25 '33 •23 ■23 ■29 •30 •40 •28 •36 •44 ■62 •28 275 303 >9'47 3'47 4'99 I2'20 5-6. 4'13 4'32 527 6-6o 4"4S 4-04 5-20 640 6" 17 7'36 5-34 5'35 5-48 4'59 io-54 5'03 4-68 9'39 3 33 3-80 3'44 2-87 4-29 439 4'35 360 342 379 4-00 3'27 I0 - 4I iro6 1370 49" 13 io'96 ii - 62 37"'9 11-93 I2'I2 IO-54 10-94 i4'35 12-29 I2'I5 13-96 12-48 1709 10-36 557 2,034 971 200 2,856 548 1,092 2,679 1,127 834 1,562 i,598 2,121 1,065 2,012 i,739 3,216 396 i,755 28,362 20 2C 20 15 25 Totals Lets reeo — '"5 verat 2,207,607 lileage 638,439 227,511 85,408 |3,O73,557 I 85,408 1,223,561 "5,279 68,837 51,629 j 164,347 310 "32 5-38 4'03 12-83 ile, m ... ... General iharj 142,103 2,988,149 ! 23,268 187,615 1-82 ;ee... ... ... Totals 1 i ... ... — 14-65 ... ... ... ... I * Old tyj ie. + New t; ■pe.

D.— 2.

RETURN No. 28— continued. LOCOMOTIVE RETURNS for the Year ending 31st March, 1908— continued.

13—1). •_>.


'I I = Sri I-Engine-Mileage. Quantity of Stores. Cost. Cosi per Engine-Mile in Pence. .0 81S ! Shnntine I ,,, , E S S ; Train. and g W °. rk - &]$*■{ E «w- tram - Detail. Total. Running. Repairs. Running. Repairs. Running. Total ■s. i c c Type. Coal. Oil. Tallow. Waste. i Wages Mate- Stores. Fuel. Wages, rial. Total. Wages and Material. |Store: 1. Fuel I. Wag< HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. A B D F Fα J L P Q T Uβ Uc * Wα 8 8 8 15 6 1 6 7 8 4 9 6 22 10 10 30 20 18 20 2O 25 25 20 18 30 j 20 l8 131,516 181,780 22,771 165,176 86,222 3O9-330 74,132 21,235 104,670 167,186 40,7s 1 229,058 153,923 627,515 ! 225,053 231,168 5,836 61,478 2I 9.i35 3,i35,663| 7>495 21,834 191,536 440,351 28,570 43,934 8,048 32,73S 10,068 63,654 20,688 11,619 52,720 23,105 34,248 2,317 14,875 56,580 130 473 61,830 2 7>7 r 9 25,211 18,944 «.S3° 37.397 '3>O46 I39,OII 203,744 214,780; 667,357! I42,5U 378,475 IOI,I24 24,334 138,935 177,254 141,802 104,554 249,746: 165,542 682,754 248,343 267,991 8,153 82,393 286,285 4,42S,O88 75,370! Cwt. Or. 55,262; 4,566 122,355 8,847 6o,934 5,349 212,382! 16,820 49,022! 4,162' 186,560! 10,615* 35>6oi| 2,134 7,499' 494 65-335i 5,952! 91,360; 5,164! 40,7221 3,460! 43435 3,6s 1 114,4691 7,323 78,417 5,955 305,430; 19,969 120,451; 7,997 164,226 7,963 3,470 230 34,103 3,084! 118,940 9,509 lb. 190 319 282 801 231 524 162 33 184 213 2.5 ! 124 343 194 895 415 403 14 125 390 6,057 ih. 1,303 3,124 3,079 6,430 1,942 4,5i4 1,441 212 i,745 i>744 1,842 2,950 1,924 7.654 3,000 3,523 96 1,056 3,478 £ 3,046 1,621 6,851 3,956 469 223 2,351 4,784 I,IO2 1,970 2,822 3.675 7,189 3,426 ',743 202 1,683 i>532 £ 183 325 2O8 602 161 424 98 •9 228 214 136 155 293 224 828 306 325 9 116 348 2,869 6,676 2,463 7,8l7 2,510 6,270 365 3,517 4,183 2,360 5-989 4,255 16,230 6,313 4,324 198 1,769 6,282 £ i,733 4,056 5,927 16,908 2,979 6,296 1,601 354 2,708 2,127 I 3,349 1,996 3:564 2,234 9,344 3,886 4,522 150 i,5O5 5,248 £ 5>94i i4,!O3 10,219 3 2 , I 78 7,011 16,946 3,98i 961 8,804 11,308 6,525 6,481 12,668 10,388 33,59i 13,93! 10,914 559 5,073 13,410 2-OO 3-59 i-Si 2-46 2'29 ■ 2-5I I'll 2'2O 4'o6 6-48 i-86 4-52 271 5"33 2'53 3'3 ! 1-56 5'95 4-9O 1-28 ■32 •38 •24 •22 •27 ■27 ■23 •19 ■39 ■29 ■23 ■35 ■28 495 7-86 275 2-8 1 4'23 3-98 4'30 3-60 6-o8 5-66 3-28 5'42 576 617 57° 6'io 3-87 5-83 5-15 5"27 478 2-99 478 6-62 608 502 3'99 3-80 3"49 4-68 2-88 5-6 7 4-58 3'4 2 I 3-24 ! 3'29 1 375 4"O5 ! 4-42 ! 4-38 4-40 1026 i6-6i 11-42 "•57 ii-8i IO 75 9'44 9-48 15-21 11 04 14-87 12-17 I5'o6 ii-8i 977 16-46 1477 11-24 I 859 2,048 3,697 8,963 3,776 1,303 225 1,397 1,064 2,077 5,286 2 ,325 2,696 81 886 2,873 45,850 30 30 30 30 ! 25 20 ! 2,519 185 2,575 ■32 •29 ■30 ■20 •26 4 11 20 i 25 ... 6,040 10,570 34 ■29 •28 Totals Lees recov 195 rerabl 1,081,256 ?oS,i6q 75-370 1.909.973 133,2441 52,371 51,162 88,141 le, mi 5,202 I 80,487 224,992 277 4'37 1220 ! ... < General el ! 32,799! 4,349,7 l8 j 37,897 2'O6 argi * .. ... ■ ... Totals — I - -. 262,889 14-26 * Two Wα transferred to Wi land



RETURN No. 28-continued. LOCOMOTIVE RETURNS for the Year ending 31st March, 1908-continued.

i I Quantity of Stores. Cost. Cost per Engine-Mile in Pence. I Engine-Miieage. ,g. Repairs. Running. 55 >. Detail. ' Repairs. Running. Repairs. Running. Detail. Running. a < .,. . Shunting w k _ I rain. and . Empty. tram Total. Coal. Oil. Tallow. '. Waste. i wages ! Total. Fallow. ' Waste, i jj"£_ Stores. Fed. Wages, j rial. Wages and Stores Material. i. Fuel. Wages. Total. WESTLAND SECTION. Lα W Wα l 5 5 2 2 18 20 20 15 20 68.327 27,142 38,359 20,335 35,219 '3,258 10,576 4.960 184 ; 20,519 4,125 107,671 23,823 ! 102,186 9 37,727 82 43.4OI C«t. 4,479 31,922 26,942 I3.446 13,352 683 3,722 3.317 1,727 lb. 44 258 273 118 81 lb. £ I £ £ 259 194 20 "7 1,270 1,289 IQ 8 i 832 1,300 588 ! 103 I 7O2 552 245 : 50 350 526 188 53 347 1 1 3,907 2,504 5 334 1 2,348 550 2,073 1.737 779 709 £ 881 4,302 3.130 1,424 1,297 2"27 2-8 7 1-38 i"55 1'04 •23 ■24 ■24 "32 '29 ■26 i"37 i-86 r6 5 2-23 '■92 6-43 4'62 4-08 4-96 3"9 2 10-30 9"59 735 906 7-17 240 1,219 1,169 494 406 3,528 1 Totalsl General 0 — 5.848 1'93 4'5O 8-50 1 "33 983 charge es <9 8 .933 84,348 28,223 1 311,504 90,141 11,187 774 ",034 ... I ... Totals j •2,765 I ... WESTPORT SECTION. c F Fα Wβ 2 3 2 12 IS IS 20 10 19.015 18,695 33.175 25,108 17.434 18,810 : 754 : 33,l85 02,933 34,8l6 88,586 7,239 12,147 10,485 42,013 i>245 1,718 1,426 4,761 97 159 89 142 487 549 95° 521 1,085 I 146 ■ 316 423 944 40 58 50 160 204 342 294 I,OOO 953 1,376 717 i,437 1.343 2,092 1,484 3.541 I 06 I "SI 2'92 2-56 •29 ■22 "34 "43 i'47 1-30 203 271 6-89 5" 2 5 4"94 3-89 J 1 9-71 7"98 10-23 9"59 440 822 419 704 3 Totalsl io 108,872 91,084 9,150 3,i°5 i 1,829 308 1,840 4,483 1 8,460 2"OO f "34 2'OI 4"9O I 9-25 2,385 Less rec mileage .Hβ, 1 9,564 I 1,838 ! 219,520 1,838 71,884 loven ... General c 17,726 i 217,682 ... I i,543 1 1 69 Hiargi is i Tolals 10,003 10-94 ... NELSON SECTION. D F Fα 1 i 2 18 18 827 13,844 48,998 447 2.462 5,266 72 401 234 1,346 16,707 54,498 458 4,869 16,503 57 527 i,44i ... 17 73 18 159 519 696 60 253 318 2 17 So 69 22 236 797 36 284 841 65 597 1,941 2,603 584 3.187 ■89 •86 in •36 ■24 '22 3 92 3"39 3"5i 642 4"o8 37° 11 "59 8"S7 8"54 861 I- 93 57 228 S'7 — I Totals! General o liargf I ... 63,669 8,175 707 72,55: 21,830 2,025 90 1,055 1,161 105 •23 3"49 3"84 802 !S ... I ... ... - Totals ... ... ... 10-54 PICTON SECTION. T> i I 18 a 4 ! 18 Totals 5 I ... General charges 2,345 63,144 20,992 2,158 18,834 2,696 1,360 4.O56 7,199 83,338 9O.S37 1,395 24,373 25,768 27s 3,884 iS 112 1 "5 I 30 863 ] 719 978 i 749 10 129 j 71 1,223 128 1.447 i,S75 239 1-oo 3,5i8 2-07 "33 "37 "37 j 2-37 ! 4"27 j 7"97 149 3"5 2 4"i7 J !0-i3 : 948 3-43 4-17 9-96 ; 1,097 103 10-99 ... 65,489 4,159 127 139 1,294 3,757 i"99 388 I ... i ... I Totals 4,145 ...



RETURN No. 29. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Return of Coal Traffic from Local Mines during the Year ending 31st March, 1908.

RETURN No. 30. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Return of the Number of Vessels discharged and loaded at the Ports of Lyttelton, Timaru, Oamaru, Port Chalmers, Dunedin, and Bluff, for the Year ending 31st March, 1908.

Mine. 1907-8. 1906-5. Increase. Decrease. Springfield Coal Company, Springfield St. Helen's, White Cliffs Homebueh, G-lentunnel ... Mount Somers Coal Company, Mount Somers Woolshed Creek Company, Mount Somers ... Albury Wuiliao Forks ... Gibson's Kui'ow Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. 70 1,188 10,371 3>329 1,288 190 545 120 27 ■3i 259 16,817 40,997 22,369 37 '.303 10,8l2 4,086 1,806 211 351 303 5' 112 33 "5 441 757 5i8 21 194 '183 24 Ngapara Sling Point Allandale Coal Company Saddle Hill ... Fernliill Idabnrn Mosgiel Taratu Mine, Lovell's Flat Benliar Kaitangata Bruce Coal Company Renl Mackay Coal Company, Milton Anderson's, Stirling Conical Hills ... O'llngan, 0., Pukerau ... Sinytlie, Gore ... New Zealand Express Company, Otori Sleeman, C. P., Mataura Beat tie and Co., Matnura Collieries Company, Mataura Groves, Or., Nightcaps Niglitcaps Coal Company, Nightcaps McKenzie, D., Niglitcaps Varcoe, Nightcaps Grant, J., Niglitcaps Spence. J., Nightcaps Reed, Niglitcaps McBnde, A., Nightcaps Bradley, Niglitcaps Tinker and Co., Nightcaps Thomas, Nightcaps Quested, Nightcaps Wairio Coal Company, Nightcaps Edwards, Otilterama Withers, J., Gore Raymond Bush Siding ... Bowden, Ashers Smith, Fairfax Clark, Wyndham Greene, Wyndham 974 iS.551 203 97.542 8,094 7.532 55 2,800 64 20 ■.599 3,578 3.322 2,112 629 46,405 1,298 J 59 21,391 41,140 22,499 26 549 17.556 199 77.470 11,227 8,498 114 2,782 55 36 1,483 4,981 3.701 322 48,991 1,300 5 2 5 19 100 425 4 20,072 18 9 116 2,112 307 4,574 143 130 26 2,005 3.133 966 59 16 1,403 379 2,586 2 5 62 433 10 10 37 272 5 217 6 6 186 5 '3 5 92 3 S 125 6 6 186 8 8 76 76 996 996 937 62 25 937 66 214 4 4 189 10 6 Totals 291,706 285,064 25,146 18,504

Port. 1905-s. 1906-5. increase. Decrease. >rsCHAKOED : — Ly ttclton Timaru Oamaru Port Chalmers Dunedin Bluff No. 1,708 291 184 97 94 257 No. 1,848 298 177 190 88 247 No. 7 6 10 No. 140 7 93 Totals 2,631 2,848 217 lOADED : — Lyttelton Timurn Oamaru Port Chalmers Dnnedin Bluff 1,609 285 187 79 21 260 1,677 300 154 179 21 245 33 IS 68 «5 100 Totals 2,441 «35 2,576



RETURN No. 31. HURUNUI-BLUFF SECTION. Showing Mileage of Track in Main Line and Sidings open for Traffic on 3lst March, 1908, on the Hurunui-Bluff Railway and Branches.

Line of Railway. Main I Line. Sidings. I Branches. T° ,al Railway. Double. I ', Main Line. Branches. | Total. Total ' Equivalent of Single Track. Single. 1 jiiBisTCiiunoii Division : — Main Line Rangiora-Sheffield and Eyreton Junction-Bennett's Waipara-Domett Southbridge and Little River Brandies Springfield and White Cliffs Brandies [Branch Rakaia and Ashburton Forks Mount Somen Branch Albliry Branch Waimate Branch M. ch. 211 57 M. ch. e 28 M. ch. 53 5 6 31 46 48 7 53 56 11. oh. 218 5 M. ch. 83 25 M. ch. ' 4 55 2 71 5 72 M. ch. 83 25 M. oh. 301 30 / 58 3" 34 37 53 79 1 59 16 285 61 5 40 29 5 22 20 27 36 36 13 12 67 83 25 1 "I 2 70 1 75 2 70 2 32 25 10 29 3i 39 3 15 19 616 16 Totals, Cliristcliurch Division 211 57 6 28 285 61 503 66 29 5 112 30 P Tcjnedin Division:— Main Line Duntroon Branch ... Oamaru-Breakwater Branch Ngapara and. Livings tone Brandies Wailiemo Branch ... Port Chalmers Branch Walton Park Branch Fernliill Branch Otago Central Railway On tram Branch Lawrence Branch ... Catlin's River Branch 165 40 2 12 37 4i o 63 27 4 8 65 1 26 2 49 1 57 134 51 9 ° 22 1 22 64 167 52 63 28 3 2 1 62 2 18 o 63 3 65 o 52 o 23 10 19 0 65 1 73 2 9 63 28 231 o / 4O 43 2 45 29 22 9 48 ./ 5 11 3 21 2 o 144 70 9 65 23 74 \ 24 73 •268 21 ■27 5' Totals, Dunedin Division ... 165 40 2 12 268 21 435 73 63 28 27 5i 90 79 526 72 KVKRCARGILL DIVISION : — Main Line Tapanui B ranch Waimea Plains Branch Wyndham Branch ... Seaward Bush Branch ... ! Kingston Branch ... ... ; Makarewa-Orepuki Brandi ... Thornbury-Wairio and WairioNightcaps Branches Forest, Hill Railway ... ; ... 82 41 26 21 36 41 9 35 25 39 87 o 40 16 24 5> 82 41 31 I 2 46 3 2 3 o 77 2 4 9 32 7 « 3 26 3i 1 >3° 57 113 42 i 2867 39 6 4 10 32 27 43 96 32 \ 47 17 27 77 >272 70 12 66 1 5 1 3 13 7 1 V 11 44 10 41 Totals, Invercargill Division 82 41 272 70 35S 3i 3' 1 30 57 61 58 417 y Grand Totals—Whole Line 459 58 8 40 826 72 87 33 265 7 1,560 17 1,295 I0 "77 54



RETURN NO. 32. Statement of Alterations in and Additions to Scale of Charges during the Year ended 31st March, 1908. PART I.—PASSENGERS. General Fares and Regulations. Public-school Cadets : Regulation amended making provision for Officer Commanding Battalion to travel first class. Tourist excursion tickets : List of stations at which tickets are stocked amended. Youths joining training-ship : Concession granted to youths travelling to undergo examination and when visiting their homes on leave. Ordinary fares: Provision made for distances over 500 miles. Newspaper reporters' tickets: Minimum fares, 6d. first and 4d. second inserted. Local Fares and Regulations. Auckland Section. Suburban fares inserted in connection with inauguration of motor-train service. Hurunui-Bluff Section. Through booking by rail and coach to Mount Cook abolished. Workers weekly tickets : Provision made for issue, Christchurch-Belfast. Through booking to Hanmer Plains Hot Springs. Regulation amended on account of running of motor-cars, and provision made for issue of tickets from additional stations. PART lI.—LUGGAGE, PARCELS, HORSES, &c. Motor-cars : Charge for covers inserted. Through booking to Hanmer Plains Hot Springs : Charge for luggage accompanying passengers inserted. PART III.—GOODS: REGULATIONS. Stock forwarded by rail for depasturing. Provision made for free return to destination. Provision made for free carriage of hay, straw, chaff, fodder, &c, forwarded by rail for feeding starving stock. Sheeting wagons : Charge inserted for sheeting when done by Department. Franco-British Exhibition : Regulation inserted for free conveyance of exhibits. PART IV.—GOODS: LOCAL RATES. Whangarei Section. Rate inserted for class P and Q goods from Hikurangi Coal Company's siding and Northern Coal Company's siding to Opau. Auckland Section. Through booking Manukau Ports : Charge inserted for reapers-and-binders and seed-drills. Timber, Waitakerei to Auckland : Special rate inserted. Special rate for tawa timber from Mamaku to Komata-Thames extended to include Waihi branch. Terminal charge for cartage of goods deleted consequent upon abolition of cartage contract. Timber rates inserted for timber other than white-pine from Bell's siding and Bartholomew Company's siding to Mount Eden, Auckland, Onehunga Wharf, and intermediate stations, and to Tirohia, Thames, and intermediate stations. Rate inserted for tawa timber from Bell's siding and Bartholomew Company's siding to Te Aroha, Paeroa, Waihi, Thames, and intermediate stations. Rate increased for loading logs at Helensville timber slip consequent upon increase in contractor's charge. Gisborne Section. Rate for white-pine timber Kaiterataho-Gisborne removed. Wellington-Napier-Neiv Plymouth Section. Maximum rate for rimu timber provided: Mangamaire to Lower Ilutt, Wellington, and intermediate stations. Rates removed for timber previously carried by rail to Booth's siding (Carterton). Charge inserted for special trains working Bennett's siding (North Island Main Trunk line). Westland Section. Rates for timber Kaiata-Dobson removed. Charge inserted for coal shunted from State Collieries to Runanga.

14—D. 2.

D 2


Westport Section. - • Timber rates amended so as to come into line with Greymouth timber rates. Rate inserted for coal dross for briquette-making. Picton Section. Rate inserted for malt booked through between stations on Picton section and the Port (Nelson) or Wellington. Hurunui-Bluff Section. Terminal charge removed on goods railed to Christchurch, consequent upon abolition of cartage contract. Special rate inserted for pelts, Fairfield to Pareora. PART V.—CLASSIFICATION OP GOODS. Removed — Class. Water, aerated, of all kinds ... ... ... ... ••• B Tents in bundles... ... ... ... ... ... ••■ B Covers, carriage, returned ... ... ... ... ... ••• Free Bees, live, secured in hives. Owner's risk ... ... As Parcels (see Part II) Concrete blocks. Owner's risk ... ... ... ... ... N Inserted— Asbestos roofing-slates ... ... ... ... ... "... N Ferro-concrete piles, New Zealand manufacture. Owner's risk ... ... N Gradual feed-box for horses ... ... ... ... ... ... B Oats, phosphorized in tins or drums, hermetically sealed, consigned for destruction of rabbits ... ... ... ... ... ... ... D Bicycle-frames (packed). Owner's risk ... ... ... ... A „ (not packed). Owner's risk. ... Rate and a quarter as parcels Cattle-covers ... ... ... ... ... ... ... B Covers, carriage, used for covering carriages or motors conveyed by rail returned ... Free Garden-edges. Owner's risk ... ... ... ... ... N Go-carts ... ... ... ... ... ... As prams. Hubs, manufactured ... ... ... ... ... ... C Hubs, unmanufactured ... ... ... ... ... ... D Malthoid ... ... ... ... ... ... ... B Paroid ... ... ... ... ... ... ... B Punts ... ... ... . ... ... ... As canoes Ruberoid ... ... ... ... ... ... ... B Tents in bundles, tent poles and fittings ... ... ... ... B Tinned plate ... ... ... ... ... ... ... D Trailers, cycle. Owner's risk ... ... Rate and a quarter as parcels Traps, cesspit and yard. Owner's risk ... ... .. ... ... C Tires, cycle. Owner's risk... ... ... ... ... ... A Water, aerated and mineral of all kinds. Owner's risk ... ... ... B Wickerware ... ... ... ... ... ... As baskefcware Bees, live, secured in hives. Owner's risk ... ... ... ... A Margarine, packed ... ... ... ... ... ... C Metal, expanded for ferro-concrete ... ... ... ... ... C Pigeons, living, in crates or cases ... ... ... ... ... C Concrete blocks. Owner's risk ... ... ... ... ... P Gypsum (for manure) ... ... ... ... ... ... E Skewers, New Zealand manufacture. Owner's risk. ... ... ... C Washboards, New Zealand manufacture. Owner's risk. ... ... ... C PART VI. —WHARVES. Mercer Wharf. Minimum charge per consignment reduced. Foxton Wharf. Regulation amended for charge on hemp and tow conveyed in punts to wharf for dumping and afterwards shipped. Nekon Wharf. Charge for horse haulage inserted. Greymouth Wharf. Charge for tow altered from per bale to per ton.

Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9oB.



Class "X" Four-cylinder Balanced-compound Locomotive, 4-8-2 Type, specially designed for working heavy Gradients on North Island Main Trunk Railway. Building in New Zealand Government Railway Workshops. Gauge of Line: 3ft. 6in. Diameter of Coupled Wheels: 3ft. 9in. Cylinders: h.p., 13½in.; 1.p., 22in.; Stroke, 22in. Working Steam-pressure: 250lb. per square inch. Weight in working trim: 90tons (201,600lb.).






Dannevirke Railway-station.


Kaiapoi Railway-station.


Temuka Railway-station.

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Bibliographic details

RAILWAYS STATEMENT (14th July, 1908). BY THE MINISTER FOR RAILWAYS. THE HON. WM. HALL-JONES., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1908 Session I, D-02

Word Count

RAILWAYS STATEMENT (14th July, 1908). BY THE MINISTER FOR RAILWAYS. THE HON. WM. HALL-JONES. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1908 Session I, D-02

RAILWAYS STATEMENT (14th July, 1908). BY THE MINISTER FOR RAILWAYS. THE HON. WM. HALL-JONES. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1908 Session I, D-02

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