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Pretented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to " The Friendly Societies Act 1882 " Section 5, Subsection (8).

By the statute above-mentioned the Registrar is required every year to " lay before the General Assembly a report of his proceedings and of the principal matters transacted by him, and of the valuations returned to or caused to be made by the Registrar during the year preceding "

TRANSACTIONS DURING THE YEAR 1906. On the 30th April Mr. George Leslie resigned the position of Registrar, and Mr R E Haves Accountant to the Departments of Tourist and Health Resorts and Industries and Commerce was subsequently appointed to the vacant position. An important change in administration' was effected at the same time by detaching the office from the Treasury and establishing a Friendly Societies Department directly responsible to the Minister in charge. * Registration op Societies and Branches. ?T J ber ° f T re S istrations dur ing the year 1906 was 36, distributed as follows: M.U.1.0.0F 7 lodges; 1.0.0. F., 2 lodges; A.0.F., 3 courts; U.A.0.D., 14 lodges; lOR 2 tents; H.A.C.8.5., 4 branches; P.A.F.S.A., 2 lodges; 1.F.5., 2 societies. In the following table the progress of registration during the year is shown by a comparison of the number of societies and branches on the register as at the beinning and end of the year respectively. J

A complete list of societies and branches on the register as at the end of 1906 is given in Appendix II.

• LIST OP ABBREVIATIONS MADE USE OP IN THIS BEPORT. A.O.P., Ancient Order of Foresters. A.O.S., Ancient Order of Shepherds. B.U.O.O.P., British United Order of Odd Fellows. H.A.C.B.S., Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. I.P.S., Isolated Friendly Society I.O.G.T., Independent Order of Good Templars. I.O.O.F., Independent Order of Odd Fellows IOR Independent Order of Rechabites. M.U.I.O.O.F., Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows' N.I.O.O.F., National Independent Order of Odd Fellows. P.A.F.S.A., Protestant Allianoe Friendly Society of Australasia. R.E.B.S., Railway Employees' Benefit Society. S.A.S., Specially Authorised Society S D T Sons and Daughters of Temperance. U.A.O.D., United Ancient Order of Druids. W.M.C., Working-men's Club'

1—H. 1.

Name or Class of Society. Statement as on the 1st January 1906. Statement as on the 31st December, 1906. M.U.I.O.O.F. I.O.O.F. N.I.O.O.F. .. B.U.O.O.P. .. A.O.P. A.O.S. U.A.O.D. I.O.E. 8.D.T. H.A.C.B.S. .. P.A.P.S.A. .. R.E.B.S. I.P.S. W.M.C. I.O.G.T. 1 society, 17 districts, 169 lodges, 1 juvenile lodge, and 1 widow and orphan society 1 grand lodge and 41 lodges 1 district and 2 lodges 1 lodge 8 districts, 126 courts, and 3 juvenile courts 1 sanctuary 3 grand lodges and 87 lodges 2 districts and 43 tents 1 grand division and 10 divisions 1 district and 33 branches 1 grand lodge and 10 lodges 1 society 16 societies 16 clubs 1 grand lodge, 53 subordinate lodges, and 1 temple 22 societies 1 society, 17 districts, 173 lodges, 1 juvenile lodge, and 1 widow and orphan sooiety. 1 grand lodge and 41 lodges. 1 district and 2 lodges. 1 lodge. 8 districts, 126 courts, and 3 juvenile courts. 1 sanctuary. 3 grand lodges and 100 lodges. 2 districts and 44 tents. 1 grand division and 10 divisions. 1 district and 37 branches. 1 grand lodge and 12 lodges. 1 society. 15 societies. 16 clubs. 1 grand lodge, 53 subordinate lodges, and 1 temple. 21 societies. S.A.S.



Registration op New Societies and Rules. Two isolated friendly societies were registered during the year, viz., The Point Elizabeth Aβcident Relief Fund and the Waihi United Friendly Societies Conference. Complete Amendments of Rules registered. Complete amendments of the rules of the following societies and branches were registered dUring of Friendship and Parnell Lodges (Auckland District); Rangi- ' tike , Manchester, Wanganui, Hautapu, and Awarua Lodges (Wanganui District ; Sister Wallis Lodge (Wellington District); Howard Lodge (Nelson Distric ; Phillipstown Lodge (North Canterbury District); Heart of Friendship Lodge (South Canterbury District); and Dalton Lodge (Otago District). I.o.o.F.—District and Star of Canterbury Lodge. A.O.F. —Court Inglewood Forest (Taranaki District). U A 0 D —Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland. WMC -Petone Working-men's Club and Literary Institute, Christchurch Working-men s ' Club and Mutual School of Arts, and Palmerston North Working-men s Club and Literary Institute. Partial Amendments of Rules registered. Partial amendments for the following were made: — M U I.O.O.F.—Auckland and Wanganui Districts. A 0.F.-Hawke's Ba 7 Di strict > and Court Star of Canterbur y (Canterbury United District). U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of Canterbury District. I o R.—New Zealand District. and Accident Friendly Sod** Millerton Collieries Medical and Accident Relief Association, Auckland Umted Fnendly Societies Dispensary, Auckland United Friendly Societies' Medical Institute (twice), Christchurch United Friendly Societies' Dispensary, and the Denmston Collieries Medical and AcClub and Mechanics' Institute, and Ozford Workingmen's Club. S.A.S.—Hawke's Bay United Friendly Societies Dispensary. Cancellations by Dissolution, etc. -\ Registration of the following were cancelled: — X o 0 F —Otaki and Victoria Rebekah Lodges. A.6.F.—Courts Aroha and Star of the North (Auckland District). tXt> ' Progress Tent (New Zealand Central District). 5"fS-Auckland Labourers' Accident Fund Association, Wellington Branch Australian Natives' Association, Chinese Friendly Society of New Zealand. S.A.S. — Sydenham Brass Band. Amalgamations. The Maraekakaho Lodge, of the Hawke's Bay District of the Manchester Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows, amalgamated with the Hastings branch of the same society. Conversions. MUIO OF -Wanganui District was converted into a branch of New Zealand branch of the New Zealand. Returns and Statistics. Tr, order to brine the publication of the finances and statistics of societies as up-to-date as ; e fu°«d by 1~ W riaoh the Regirtr,,- on. month .Her th. eta. «l *> je.r there ,h»uld be n<,


warded after the 31st December, the Department would be in a position to effect the reform. The result has been most satisfactory, and the tables for 1906 will be found with those for 1905 in the appendices. At the end of April the number of returns received for 1906 was 529, and at the end of May 560, out of a possible total of 634. The tables were closed with 574 returns furnished for five months, against 586 included in the 1905 tables furnished in fifteen months. The promptitude of district secretaries in forwarding the branch returns to the Department during January, February, and March assured the success of the undertaking, and with the improving accounting methods of the leading societies the difficulties should be lessened in future. The following societies forwarded all returns in time for inclusion in the report:— M.U.1.0.0.F.— Otago District. A.O.S.— Auckland District. Southland District. Sanctuary Sir George Grey. Hawke's Bay Distriot. N.1.0.0F.— U.A.O D.— New Plymouth District. Auckland Provincial Distriot. Grand Lodge of Canterbury. Wanganui DUtriot. 8.U.0.0.F. — Lodges separately registered. Wellington District. Aorangi Lodge. 1.0.R.— Maryborough Distriot. A.O.F.— New Z»aland Distriot. Nelson Distriot. Hawke's Bay District. Star of Hope Tent. Motueka District. Taranaki District. S.D.T.— North Westland Distriot. Nelson District. National Division. Hokitika District. Canterbury United District. Divisions separately registered. Ashley District. South Canterbury District. R.E.B.S.— Lyttelton District. - United Otago Distriot. Otago Railway Employees' Benefit Aehburton District. Court Coromandel. Sooiety. South Canterbury District. The first return to hand was received on 2nd January from Court Robin Hood, A.0.F., Nelson District. On the 31st May, two months after due date, the following societies' returns were outstanding:—

Membership and Funds. The following table shows the increased membership in 501 lodges which furnished returns for 1905, and the increase in 500 lodges during 1906: —

The increase during 1905 was almost 6 per cent., and during 1906 it was 6'ol, as compared with 4J per cent, for 1904. The total funds of the societies and branches as on the 31st December, 1906, amounted to £1,057,821 7s. 2d., made up as follows: Sick and Funeral Funds (inclusive of amounts transferred to special funds out of surplus), £975,137 os. 2d.; Medical and Management Funds, goods, &c, £82,884 7s. Dividing the total funds by the number of members at the end of the year, it is found the average capital per member is now £19 13s. 6d. ,

* The word " lodge," when applied to all societies, is to be understood as embracing the synonymous terms court," " tent," &0., as used in the various orders.


M.U.I.O.O.P.— Auckland District North Canterbury District I.O.O.F. of New Zealand A.O.F.— Auckland District Hawke's Bay District Taranaki District WellinRton District Court Star of Tuapeka, U.A.O.D.— Grand Lodge of North Island Grand Lodge of Canterbury Society. Central Bodies. B rancBes - :: I 7 1 1 1 2 1 Society. Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland I.O.B.New Zealand Central District H.A.C.B.S.— New Zealand District P.A.F.S.A.— Grand Oounoil of New Zealand .. Isolated Friendly Societies Working-men's Cluba Specially Authorised Societies Central Bodies. Branches. 2 5 1 16 1 8 4 10 15 1 Total 1 73

Number of members, 1st January Number admitted by— Initiation, &c. Clearance 6,352 402 1905. 48,230 1905. ■ 6,564 425 191 Hi. 50,710 6,989 54,984 57,699 Number who died Number left by — Clearance Arrears, &o. .. . ■ Number of members at 31st December 351 307 3,223 d : 3,881 51,103 348 414 3,178 3,940 53,759


Taking the several years 1900-1906, the number of lodges whose returns were tabulated, the number of members, total funds, and average capital per member at the end of each were as under: —

The following table shows the number of members of friendly societies, the amount of their accumulated capital, and the average capital per member, in each of the Australian States and in the Colony of New Zealand, according to the latest received statistics, arranged in order of membership:— __

The following statement shows the total funds (including those of the central bodies) as on the 31et December, 1905 and 1906 respectively: —

Progress of Friendly Societies' Business. Tables have been prepared illustrating the increase in membership and contributions compared with life-insurance business and the population. The dissimilarity of the items does not facilitate a ready comparison, and the numbers have therefore been reduced to the common basis of 100 at 1887. This shows that for every 100 persons in the population at 1887 there were 118-36 at 1896 and 146-26 at 1905; whilst for every 100 friendly societies' members at 1887 there were 127-67 at 1896 and 205 at 1905. Friendly' societies' membership had therefore increased at a considerably greater ratio as compared with its 1887 figures than the population has done, and the same result is disclosed in the case of friendly societies' contributions. It is interesting to note that the amount insured in life companies, the friendly societies' membership, and the friendly societies' contributions have all increased at almost exactly the same ratio. The greater rate of increase in life-insurance premiums as compared with friendly societies' contributions is probably due to the employment of paid canvassers.

Table A.


Year. Number of Lodges tabulated. Number of Members. Total Funds Average Capital. 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 443 445 462 465 479 501 500 40,257 41,236 43,408 45,255 47,302 51,103 53,759 £ 766,480 804,753 846,315 883,751 936,388 996,224 1,057,821 £ s. d. 19 0 9 19 10 4 19 9 11 19 10 7 19 15 11 19 9 11 19 13 6

State or Colony. Date of Keturn. Number of Lodges. Number of Members. : Amount of Funds. Capital per Member. Victoria New South Wales .. New Zealand South Australia Queensland Tasmania.. Western Australia .. .. 31st December, 1905 1905 1905 1904 1905 1904 1905 1,306 1,195 501 499 399 155 217 111,557 , 1,626,555 103,041 970,893 51,103 996,224 49,233 676,044 32,164 i 359,371 16,500 142,000 13,925 97,375 £ a. d. 14 11 7 9 8 6 19 9 11 13 14 8 11 3 6 8 12 2 6 19 11

1905.' 1906. Assets. 1905. 1906. Funds. £ Siok and Funeral Funds .. 886,531 Surplus Appropriation Funds .. 23,310 Management Fund, goods, &c. .. 40,766 Widow and Orphans' Funds .. 9,471 Distress, Benevolent Funds, &c. .. 36,146 £ 946,2811 24,267: 61,655: 9,349: 16,269! Investments at interest Value of land and buildings Cash not bearing interest Value of goods Other assets Owing by Management Fund 799,822 136,154 38,805 11,592 8,482 1,369 £ 851,852 142,636 42,285 11,830 8,265 953 Totals .. .. 996,224 1 1,057,821: 1,057,821: Totals 996,224 1,057,821

1887 .. 1890 .. 1893 .. 1896 .. 1899 .. 1902 .. 1905 .. Year. Population Reduced to at 31st the Basis of December. 100 at 1887. 003,361 100-00 625,508 103-67 .. I 672,265 111-42 .. i 714,162 118-36 756,505 125-38 .. • 807,929 133-90 882,462 146-26 Amount of Life Insurance Premiums paid in Year. £ 420,477 464,462 528,405 586,527 683,591 798,145 936,940 Reduced to Reduced-to lafewj "™3~ was 100-00 14,257,353 100-00 110-46 15,582,650 j 109-30 125-67 : 17,833,460 125-08 139-49 i 19,535,397 137-02 162-57 I 22,242,031 156-01 189-81 ! 25,330,185 177-67 222-82 i 28,965,220 2 03-16



Table A —continued.

In order to illustrate the facts in another way Table B has been prepared. In this table the various figures are shown per head (or in the case of friendly societies' membership per 100) of the population. From this it will be seen that although there is now a much larger population than in 1887, still each member of the population now carries—(l) a greater insurance, (2) pays more in premiums, (3) more in friendly societies' contributions, and (4) every 100 of the present larger population contributes more friendly societies' members than was the case in 1887; the results as a whole disclosing a remarkable increase in thrift during the period under review, of which friendly societies' business has had its due share.

Table B.

Sickness. i7-<J he i7s n^ r ° f m ! mb r Bick duri »g 1905 wa * 8,103, and during 1906 was 9,253, equal to 67 is! £?!'*, ree P eotiv ?y P a er 10 ,° me f herß at risk: the sickness experienced during 1905 was Jil ! \ T', ,tf T 6ekS 2 dayS Per Sick member ' and X k 3 3 hours foreach member at risk while tor 1906 the experience was 74,574 weeks 3 days, representing 8 weeks and 1 week 3 aays 15 hours respectively. These averages and percentages are compared with previous years in Appendix I. Owing in great measure to differences in the proportion of members at the several ages the averages m the several districts differ considerably, also in the several societies or orders ' The figures for the five larger orders for 1905 are found to be as follows • —

The percentage of members sick for the year 1905 was therefore highest in the A 0 F while the average sickness per member at risk was highest in the M.U.1.0.0.F., and the lowest'in the

rear. FriendlyiSocietiea' Reduced to the Number of Reduced to the Contributions, paid Basis of 100 Friendly Societies' Basis of 100 in Year. at 1887. Members. at 1887. 1887 .. 1890 .. 1893 .. 1896 .. 1899 .. 1902 .. 1905 .. £ 68,671 71,656 81,459 88,336 105,938 124,356 141,639 100-00 104-35 118-62 128-64 154-27 181-10 206-26 24,928 26,379 29,763 31,825 38,202 43,408 51,103 100-00 105-82 119-40 127-67 153-25 174-13 205-00

Year. Amount of Life-insurance „ . . . .. Amount of Premiums Reduced to the , Life Insurance naid in Year isasis of carried P perHead 100 at 1887. per Head of Population. of Population. Reduced to the Basis of 100 at 1887. 1887 1890 1893 1896 1899 1902 1905 £ 0-70507 0-74819 0-79899 0-83027 0-91149 1-00040 1-07690 100-00 106-12 113-32 117-76 129-28 141-89 152-74 M 23-629 24-913 26-527 27-353 29-401 31-352 32-822 100-00 105-43 112-26 115-76 124-43 132-68 138-91 Year. Frie c< ffiSSSS"' Educed to the , «SL, "OTA. pe , Number of 'riendly Societies' Members r 100 of Population. Reduced to the Baals of 100 at 1887. of 1887 1890 1893 1896 1899 1902 1905 £ 0-11515 0-11543 0-12317 0-12505 0-14126 0-15588 016281 100-00 100-24 106-97 108-60 122-68 135-38 141-39 4-1315 4-2173 4-4273 4-4563 5-0499 5-3728 5-7910 100-00 102-08 107-16 107-86 122-23 130-04 140-17

Sicknei is per Member, j Ratio (per Cent.) to Toti .1 Sickness. Order. Percentage Sick. At Bisk. First Second I 6 Months. 6 Months. Sick. After 12 Months. M.U.I.O.O.F. I.O.O.F. A.O.F. U.A.O.D. I.O.E. All societies 17-65 14-31 17-96 16-80 1574 17-38 Weeks. 9-47 6-62 8-11 5-84 7-88 Wks. dys. hrs. ' 1 4 17 ; 0 6 15 13 5 0 6 21 1 1 16 48 68 58 75 63 8 9 8 6 12 44 23 34 19 25 8-34 1 3 3 86 8 37


IO O F In 1904 the percentage of members sick was 2055, the average sickness per member sick was 7-45 weeks, and the average sickness per member at risk 1 week 3 days 17 hours.


Sick and Funeral Funds. The contributions and entrance-fees paid to Sick and Funeral Funds in 1905 amounted to £72 461, "nfin 1906 to .£77,441; dividing these amount, by the mean number of members, the averages are £1 9s. 2d. and £1 9s. Bd. respectively, as against £1 9s. 4d. tor 1904, The interest and rent received by the lodges and central bodies amounted to £39,238 in 1905 and to £43,279 in 1906, equal to 15s. 10d. and 16s. 7d. respectively per member, as compared with 15S - Set— of sickness benefit paid was £48,260 in 1905 and £52 903 in j> £5 19s 13 and £5 14s 4d respectively per member sick, and averages of 19s. 5d and £1 os. JcL per memSr, as againt '£5 7s. lid. and £1 Is. respectively for 1904 Viewing the amounts paid Fn region to the weeks of sickness the average benefit per week is found to be 14s. 3d. in 1905 19S ' TheTverages for the five leading orders, and for all societies, are given in the following table for the year 1905: —

Investment of Funds. £4 13s. 5d.), as against £4 10s. sd. in 1904. Sal Bodies! also the Amount and


Wives. Met ibers. Year. Number who died. Number per 1,000 Members at Risk. (mil fen Der per bers at i l, t l< 000 ,. t j- j Number per 1,000 lisk Number wh0 died - I Members at Risk. oers at. i' iv j j 1903 1904 1905 1906 354 347 351 348 8-49 793 7-53 7-08 158 379 155 354 174 3'73 162 330 l '

Income per a lember from Outgo per Member (or Sick-benefit per Member sick. .verage Sic' pay per Week. Gain per Member. Order. 'Contributions.! Interest. Sickness. Funerals. ! I MU.I.O.O.P. I.O.O.P. .. A.O.P. U.A.O.D. .. I.O.R. £ s. d. 1 12 0 1 10 8 1 7 4 17 2 16 1 £ s. d. 0 19 9 0 15 4 0 16 2 0 7 8 12 5 £ s. d. £ s. d. 12 7 0 3 11 0 13 11 0 2 9 0 19 4 0 5 2 0 14 6 0 3 9 0 18 2 0 3 0 £ s. d. 6 14 6 5 3 2 5 12 10 4 17 6 6 13 £ s. d. 0 14 2 0 15 7 0 13 11 0 16 8 0 15 5 £ s. d. 18 6 19 7 0 18 4 0 17 8 0 8 0 All societies 0 19 5 0 4 2 5 19 1 0 14 3 12 0 19 2 0 15 10

Name of Society. Total Worth of Sick and Funeral Fund as on— January 1,1905. December 31,19C Amount of Interest. Average Bate per Cent. December 31,1905. M.U.I O.O.F. I.O.O.F. .. N.I.O.O.F. .. B.U.O.O.F. .. A.O.F. A.O.8. U.A.O.D. .. I.O.B. S.D.T. H.A.C.B.S. .. P.A.F.8.A. .. R.E.B.S. .. ■ • I £ 400,248 41,876 4,434 1,653 220,975 1,141 77,651 44,056 11,718 13,409 11,745 2,984 £ 427,375 45,653 4,576 1,772 232,991 1.146 85,698 44,861 12,052 14,354 13,031 3,022 £ 18,768 1,956 201 84 10,601 53 3,499 2,257 599 564 512 144 •za oqq £ 4-64 4-57 456 503 4-78 4-74 438 5-21 5-17 4-15 4-22 4-91 Total 831,889 831,889 QQA KOI QQA KOI 39,238 39,238 4-67

H —1.




The rates of interest earned according to the above table show that the importance of investing funds profitably is receiving attention, as the average of 467 per cent, compares favourably with the previous year, 1904, when the rate was 4 - 52. I am of opinion that the rate earned would be still more satisfactory if central investment funds were generally established for the convenience of branches whose position and circumstances prevent them from obtaining suitable investments for small sums. The practice of borrowing benefit funds for management expenses shows a tendency to increase, and must be checked, as the use of funds for this purpose is depriving the benefit funds of the earning-power necessary to maintain the profit-rate which will insure the solvency of the societies' finances, as based on contributions. The following amounts were borrowed by the various societies from benefit funds for management purposes: —

The funds of societies can only be invested in those forms of securities specified by the Act and the rules, and it is the duty of the Registrar to closely scrutinise any investment outside those forms. Attention has before been drawii to the illegality of investing the funds on personal security, and in a recent instance of an investment by loan to a trustee on the security of his endowment policy, the Registrar declined to accept the balance-sheet containing the entry of such an item, with the result that the amount advanced had to be called in and invested in a legal manner. The borrowing of funds by trustees, no matter on what security, cannot be too strongly condemned, and societies should in every way discourage the practice. Valuations. The valuations completed during the year 1906 are set out in Appendix V. Mr. A. T. Traversi, Associate of the Institute of Actuaries, Great Britain and Ireland, of the Government Insurance Department, was appointed Actuary and Valuer attached to the Friendly Societies Department on the Ist November. On taking up his duties, the Actuary made a preliminary examination into the bases which have hitherto been used for valuation purposes. Some years ago it was the practice to assume that the rates of mortality and sickness in New Zealand friendly societies would coincide with English friendly societies' rates j but as time went on it was found that this assumption did not accord with facts, and, indeed, was quite unsafe, thus causing in recent years the employment of New Zealand statistics—viz., sickness-rates deduced from the New Zealand friendly societies' experience, and mortality-rates deduced from the census returns embracing the population of New Zealand. The examination now made has shown that, whilst these sickness-rates agree well on the whole with the facts, the mortality of New Zealand friendly society members is somewhat lower than that of the general population, a result that might have been expected, seeing that—to mention only one reason —friendly society members are in a sense selected lives who have to pass a medical test before admittance. It is well known that in an ordinary friendly society, a light rate of mortality increases the liabilities by swelling the number who survive to participate in the sickness benefits, and the Actuary, Mr. Traversi, has deemed it desirable that he should be in a position to use the lighter mortality of the friendly societies in the valuations. The necessary tables have therefore been constructed, although in carrying out the work the Actuary has been unable for want, of time to personally verify some of the detailed data. For the present, owing to paucity of data, the rates above age seventy have been taken from the Healthy English Table, which, of course, shows a very light mortality. The new mortality table has been amalgamated with the New Zealand friendly societies' sickness rates, so that the Actuary is now able to value the societies by their own data exclusively as far as age seventy. The new tables have so far been subjected to several tests, which have all proved highly satisfactory. It has been considered that a comparison with the mortality of the population of New Zealand on the one hand and New Zealand assured lives on the other hand would prove very interesting, and Mr. J. H. Richardson, the Government Insurance Commissioner, has very kindly agreed to the use for this purpose of the figures relating to an unpublished investigation into the mortality of lives insured in the Government Insurance Department. The accompanying diagram (No. 1) illustrates the comparison. As would be expected, the friendly society lives show a lower rate of mortality than the population of New Zealand, but a higher rate than that of New Zealand assured lives. The crossing of'the curves at ages thirty-six to forty-six is to some extent due to peculiarities of graduation. In order to illustrate the effect which a lighter mortality rate has in increasing the present value of ordinary sickness and funeral benefit liabilities in making a valuation, a diagram (No. 2)

1904. 1904. i 1905 L 1904. i ] i 1905. M.U.I.O.O.P. I.O.O.F. A.O.F. U.A.O.D. I.O.E. S.D.T. H.A.C.B.8. .. £ eoo 325 Uβ 151 57 4 42 £ 516 393 285 97 55 23 Total .. £1,234 i £1,369 £1,369


is appended. This shows the present value at given ages of a benefit for the remainder of life according to the following scale: £1 per week for the first six months', 10s. per week for the second six months' sickness; ss. per week after twelve months; £20 on death; £10 on death of wife. The red line shows the value at the various ages if population mortality-rates are used, and the black line the higher value if the lower rates of friendly societies are assumed. The same sickness-rates are used in both cases. As an example, in valuing a society granting the above benefits, the present value of the future benefit liabilities for each member now aged thirty would be £37"90 if it were assumed the lighter friendly societies' mortality would prevail in future; but only £3640 if the heavier population mortality were assumed. Similarly, at age forty the values would be £4760 and £45 - 60 respectively. It will be seen that the value in both cases steadily increases with age, but that the lighter mortality table always brings out the higher values. The same sickness-rates have been assumed in both cases. From the above it can be gathered that the gain to the Funeral Fund from the lighter mortality is more than wiped out by the heavier liability in the Sick Fund. Other circumstances entering into the valuation tend to modify somewhat the difference between the results of the two tables. Although, as shown, the present value of the benefits is greater owing to the lower mortality of the new table, yet the annual rates of contribution are not higher, but are, in fact, equal to those given by the population table. This results from the compensating fact that a greater number will survive to pay premiums according to the lighter mortality table. Whilst the rates of contribution are not higher, the new tables tend to divide the rates differently between the Sick Fund and the Funeral Fund. The general effect on friendly societies' finance of the substitution of friendly societies' mortality rates for New Zealand population rates may be briefly summed up by saying that the annual contributions for the total benefits set out above remain unaltered, but a larger amount requires to be retained in hand by the societies to provide for the greater number of. members who will survive to draw sickness-allowance. This will affect the Sick Fund, the Funeral Fund coming off a little easier under the new tables than hitherto. Audit. This important branch of friendly society business came into public notice during the year in consequence of two serious cases of embezzlement of societies' funds. The secretary of the Grand Lodge of the United Ancient Order of Druids, Canterbury District, was sentenced to a term of imprisonment on a charge of embezzling the society's funds to the amount of £495. The fraud appears to have been effected by failing to account for repayments of mortgage moneys, a method of embezzling which the present system of audit in many societies is apparently quite inadequate to detect. A case on a larger scale and extending over many years was shortly afterwards brought to light in Wellington by the prosecution of the secretary of the Court Sir George Grey, Ancient Order of Foresters, for embezzling sums amounting to about £2,600 out of the court's benefit funds. The Crown Prosecutor, in his opening address, is reported as follows:- — " He did not know why friendly societies, through whose accounts large sums of money were passed, should not be made subject to compulsory public audit; but the fact was not so This society had auditors elected out of its own members, and the result was that any member who might have no knowledge of accounts- —no business knowledge, in fact—might be elected an auditor. That was a fact the jury should bear in mind while considering this case." The jury, in bringing in a verdict of " Guilty," made the following recommendation for mercy: — " On account of the facilities placed in the way of accused through the neglect of the court auditors of their obvious duties." In summing up, His Honour the Chief Justice remarked, — " No doubt they based the recommendation on the fact that the auditors had not performed their duties properly, but, on the contrary, had performed them perfunctorily, or otherwise they would have discovered your shortcomings some fourteen or fifteen years ago. Ido not know that that is a very good ground on which to base such a recommendation." It is to be hoped that these cases will have the effect of bringing home to those responsible for the safeguarding of benefit funds the desirability of providing for a thoroughly efficient audit, the need for which is also referred to in the Inspector's report hereunder. Inspection. The report of the Inspectors appointed in 1905, in terms of "The Friendly Societies Act, 1882," to inquire into the affairs of the District Grand Lodge of the North Island of New Zealand United Ancient Order of Druids was received on the 20th January, 1906, and is appended hereto. To the Registrar of Friendly Societies. Sir,— In pursuance of our appointment, dated the Ist day of November, 1905, under section 28 of " The Friendly Societies Act, 1882," in the matter of an application dated the 6th day of March, 1905, signed by 101 members of Lodge Pacific and a member of Lodge Coronation, U.A.0.D., we, the Inspectors appointed, have the honour to report that full inquiry has been made by us into the affairs of that society incidental to the charges submitted to us and preferred against the governing body of the order. We have given every reasonable facility to either side, and we think that the facts necessitating our attention have been exhaustively brought before us.



To facilitate the inquiry, we have marshalled the charges contained in the application in alphabetical order. These were presented to us by Mr. Bold, the secretary of the Pacific Lodge, on behalf of the applicants, and Mr. Mackay, the District Grand Secretary, represented the governing body. A. Disfrcmchisement of the Pacific Lodge No. 8 at the Biennial Grand Lodge Meeting by the Wrongful Exclusion of its Duly Appointed Representative on the 9th February, 1905. This heading of the inquiry has caused us more serious consideration than any other. It appears that Mr. Bold attended as representative of the Pacific Lodge at a meeting of the District Grand Lodge held at New Plymouth in February, 1905, and there brought certain charges against the executive. These, with the exception of A, and one other which has since been dropped, are the same as those submitted for our consideration. They were brought up and examined into by a committee of the whole, at which Mr. Bold conducted the case on behalf of his lodge, and Mr. Mackay replied on behalf of the executive, the result being that the committee decided that the charges were frivolous and vexatious in the extreme, and stated their regret that he (Mr. Bold) should have seen fit to take such action, and that they had every confidence in the executive's action. If the committee had stopped here no difficulty could have arisen. Mr. Bold, in his evidence at page 13, said, in answer to the question, "What course do you suggest the Grand Lodge should have taken?" "In the motion they could have stopped at the fifth line. We should then have had no cause of complaint had they stopped at that line." The fifth line referred to is that line in the minutes which completes the committee's decision so far as above-mentioned. The decision went further, however, and passed the following : " That Bro. Bold be asked to tender the executive a satisfactory apology, failing which the executive be recommended to either suspend Bro. Bold or inflict a fine." We learn from the evidence (though the minutes do not specifically record it) that this recommendation was adopted by District Grand Lodge, and that Mr. Bold refused to apologize, and was suspended for the remainder of the session. We consider that here District Grand Lodge went further than was justifiable. There is no suggestion of any personal misbehaviour on his part. He was there as the representative of his lodge, and as such had a right to bring forward any supposed grievance, no matter of what nature, of which due notice had been given. It must be understood that D.G.L. consists of an aggregation of subordinate lodges, and we know of no rule or authority which would justify the action of D.G.L. in excluding the representative of any lodge from participation in its proceedings, excepting under very exceptional circumstances, which in this instance did not take place. We emphasize this, inasmuch as there can be no doubt that District Grand Lodge is not all-powerful. But at the same time we feel that the utmost freedom within certain bounds should be accorded to such a representative body to manage the domestic affairs of the order. We further recognise that there may be inherent rights in D.G.L. in so far as they are not restricted by statute or rule. We have shown that Mr. Bold has stated that he would have had no cause of complaint if the committee of District Grand Lodge had confined themselves to the issues before them. The applicants, however, have brought all but one of these charges under our consideration, and we must therefore deal with them. We consider that this charge is sustained. The claim, however, of the applicants, as set forth on pages 13 and 14 of the evidence, that the proceedings be annulled cannot be recognised. B. Execution of Agreements in the, Name of the Society with regard, to the Affiliation of Late Victorian Lodges, granting Privileges in connection therewith which were unauthorised, ultra vires, and, detrimental to the Members of the Society. To thoroughly understand this charge we think it necessary to summarise the causes which led up to the creation of District Grand Lodge in New Zealand. The Order of Druids in New Zealand owes its origin to the Grand Lodge of Victoria. It was found unsatisfactory that contributions should be forwarded to that Grand Lodge, which was beyond the legal jurisdiction of New Zealand, and, moreover, the feeling existed in favour of local autonomy, which prevails throughout the colony in regard to other societies and the body politic—in other words, a desire to manage its own affairs. We find that eleven of these Victorian lodges in New Zealand obtained a charter from the Grand Lodge of Victoria and formed the District Grand Lodge, so called because it still holds some kind of allegiance to the Grand Lodge of Victoria, though it is to all intents and purposes an autonomous body financially. Other lodges joined from time to time, so that at the present time there are forty-eight lodges who are under the jurisdiction of the District Grand Lodge of the North Island of New Zealand. In carrying out this scheme, financial arrangements had to be made with the Grand Lodge of Victoria. These financial arrangements seem to have passed through three separate stages, each subsequent one being more stringent as against the District Grand Lodge of New Zealand. Charge B refers particularly to the admission of three lodges, viz., the Maitai, the Excelsior, and the Star of the West. It may be assumed that D.G.L. under force of circumstances submitted to more stringent conditions dictated by Grand Lodge of Victoria than were satisfactory. But we consider that the executive honestly did their best in the interests of the order in New Zealand. Mr. Bold quoted in support of his contention from the Friendly Societies Act, and also relied upon the fact that there was no rule empowering the taking over of any lodge (vide his evidence at page 1?). Considering that D-.G.L. was formed for the purpose of taking over the Victorian lodges in New Zealand, we think his argument is groundless. The advantages of adding these lodges to the number of the New Zealand lodges may reasonably be considered to have outweighed the price at which they were taken over. In this matter we are of the opinion that D.G.L. acted within its powers. It is not to be expected that an amalgamation of this kind could be given effect to without some incidental difficulties. For these reasons we consider that the applicants entirely fail to substantiate this charge. 2-H. 1.



('. The Payment of Grand Lodge Funds in respect of the Deaths of Persons who were not legally entitled to Benefits, and making Levies on Lodges in respect thereto. The consideration of this charge is involved with that of charge B. A certain bargain was made with regard to the above-mentioned three lodges on taking them over from the Grand Lodge of Victoria. These three lodges were penalised for six months' dues from the Ist day of .March, 1904. Therefore, from the Ist day of September, 1904, they were entitled to reap equal advantages with other lodges working under District Grand Lodge, the D.G.L. receiving the benefit of any refund from the Wrand Lodge of Victoria in pursuance of the agreements. They were (it seems clear) equitably entitled, though not registered under the Friendly Societies Act until the Bth November, 1904. The whole of the applicants' contention is founded on the technicality with regard to the date of registration being subsequent to certain special death levies having been paid in the interim between the Ist September and the Bth November, the date on which the certificate of registration was issued. The issue of the certificate was delayed for reasons that we need not dwell upon, inasmuch as they in no wise affect the fact that the bargain was made and faithfully carried out. We may mention that the evidence goes to show that a member of the Pacific Lodge died during the period mentioned, and that a special death levy was contributed to by the above-mentioned three lodges. We consider that this charge has not been sustained. D, Also vn respect of the Travelling Allowances of Delegates in Excess of the Amount authorised to be paid. A small sum was involved in this charge, which was paid by the executive in error. The mistake has been admitted. In two or three instances delegates travelling to District Grand Lodge at New Plymouth under misapprehension charged first-class in lieu of the second-class fare authorised by the rules. We recommend that the excess be refunded. F. . The Omission of Notices of Motion from the Grand Lodge Order Paper, which had been duly forwarded for Insertion therein, thereby preventing Consideration thereof. This charge lias taken up a great deal of our time, and we have come to the conclusion that the matter should not have been brought before us. It was dealt with by the tribunals of the order, and we have no reason to consider that they were incorrect in their decision. F. Failure to have Lodge Books examined, periodically, as required by Rule 31 The rules with regard to audit are so complicated that one hesitates to say on whom the responsibility should lie beyond the auditors themselves. Kule 17 states that the District President shall be the examining officer of his district, and shall attend as directed at lodge audits, and shall see that the lodge books are properly kept and audited. Rule 31 seems to throw upon grand officers the duty of directing this examining-officer to do iiis. duty, and on comparing the two rules we find that they have similar powers to his powers; but the duty of the examiuiiig-officer is to report to the Board, whereas Grand Lodge officers have to report to District Grand Lodge. We do not find from minutes of reports submitted to D.G.L. that full reports have been made touching the audits since the meeting at Palmerston North in 1901; but we do remark that in District Presidents' reports to District Grand President there are references which would imply that the District. President made himself conversant with the financial position of at least some of the lodges— e.g., in 1902, at Levin, there is a reference to the incidental fund of Moturoa Lodge being in a very sound condition, and praise is given to the secretary for the admirable way in which his books are kept. In 1903, the copy of the minutes handed to us is imperfect. In 1904, at Auckland, there is an express reference to the financial position of Pacific Lodge. At New Plymouth, in 1905, the financial position of Poneke Lodge is referred to. There is no suggestion that during the last few years (from 1900 onwards) any difficulty has arisen in respect of accounts being improperly kept; nor do we discover that during that interval lodge audits have been neglected. We do not consider that this charge has been substantiated. G. Refusal to allow Inspection of Board of Management Minute-books. In support of this charge Mr. Bold quotes provision 7 in the First Schedule to " The Friendly Societies Act, 1882," and the last paragraph in Rule 26 of District Grand Lodge. We consider that each of these was passed for the protection of persons having an interest in the funds of the society, and that the books referred to are such as have reference to the finances of the order. The executive refused to allow Mr. Bold to examine the minute-book of the board of management. The financial matters of the order are contained elsewhere, and are open to inspection in books kept for the purpose. We consider that the executive were justified in refusing to submit their minutes to inspection. The part of the Act and the rule referred to make use of the expression "every person." It cannot be a reasonable construction of the provision that a mere creditor should have access to all the books of the order, though interested in its financial condition. Such a liberty is not permitted to a shareholder in a joint-stock company, though statutory provision is made somewhat similarly for the examination of books. We consider that the applicants have entirely failed in their contention. H. Neglect and Great Delay in supplying Information legitimately asked for. We have considered the details of this charge. It has been shown that no similar complaint has been made by any lodges (some forty in number) other than Pacific Lodge, and in regard to that



lodge the executive considered that some of the communications were of an offensive nature, and should not be answered. There is no doubt there was irritation on both sides. We conclude that as far as we are concerned this charge should be dismissed. /. Neglect to carry out Resolutions of Grand Lodge re Establishment of a Supreme Legislature-. We do not see how this can be a charge. If the executive have neglected to carry out the orders of Grand Lodge, the remedy lies with Grand Lodge. That body, however, has adopted the notion of the executive. J . Circulating Official Documents without Proper Authority. This is a charge which is rather surprising. A measure affecting friendly societies was brought before the House of Assembly, and Mr. Bold, without any authority, took upon himself to move in the matter (vide pp. 45 to 49 inclusive of the evidence). It is true, however, that he was afterv. ards upheld by his lodge. His complaint is that what he considered he had a right to do as a private member of the society in advancing a legislative enactment, the executive had no right to object to without the authority of the Grand Lodge. We do not agree with this contention. Moreover, by signing his letter to the Premier on this subject as "' E. Bold, Secretary of Pacific Lodge," he gave an official character to his communication which it otherwise would not have possessed. This charge is not sustained. K. Circulating officially Incorrect and Unauthorised Statements calculated to mislead and misrepresent. There was a clerical error in a letter written by District Grand Lodge to Mr. Bold with regard to some communication between the District Grand Secretary and the Registrar of Friendly Societies, and a difference of opinion between Mr. Bold and the D.G.S. touching a local in a newspaper authorised by the latter gentleman : but inasmuch as nothing eventuated therefrom, and no one was prejudiced thereby, we cannot understand why this charge should have been brought. L. Also mutilating and misrepresenting Communications transmitted through the Office of Grand Lodge. This charge seems to be the same as the last one, and we have no other remark to make with regard to it. We much regret this inquiry was considered necessary, a proceeding which, while provided for in the Friendly Societies Act, is one that hitherto has not been called into operation by any friendly society in New Zealand. We think that the fraternal spirit inculcated by all friendly societies, guided by a liberal interpretation of the rules and mutual forbearance, should have sufficient influence to confine disputes for settlement within the jurisdiction of their own appointed tribunals. It is within the powers of all friendly societies to frame or amend their rules in the direction of Ihe prevention of any injustice to lodges or individual members, and undoubtedly the aim of the societies is to make the settlement of any dispute under their registered rules final and without appeal to outside authority. This, we think, is the correct view of the matter, because it is the duty of all members of a society to treat each other with the utmost fairness, as also it is their duty to take care that the machinery provided in their rules for this purpose is ample and complete. A perusal of the rules of the U.A.O.D. for the North Island of New Zealand to our minds shows that in many respects they are in need of amendment, and that further rules are required to meet deficiencies, some of which have become apparent during this inquiry. We consider that the duties of District President relating to lodge audits could be well abolishedA portion of the duties expected from this officer in connection with lodge books at audits would be better discharged by a book-examiner appointed hj the District Grand Lodge, who, by his training, should be adapted to this special purpose. The presence of a D.P. at the lodge audit conveys no guarantee that the books are financially correct. We have evidence that the Arch Druid of the lodge has to be present to see that audits are properly conducted, so that the presence of the D.P. ought to be unnecessary, while the Grand Secretary by means of the lodge returns and other sources of information should be in the best position to report to Grand Lodge. However, should the office of D.P. be continued, we think that his status and powers should be better defined. We have only mentioned this as an illustration of the weakness of the present rules. We have not the time, nor does it come within the scope of our inquiry, to open up the question of a complete revision of the rules ; but we would like to take this opportunity of urging the order to endeavour to improve the existing system by which the board of management (or executive) transact business. We do not think the present method is the best which can be devised for effective government of the order between the meetings of the Grand Lodge. The members of the executive often reside at long distances apart, consequently executive business has to be conducted largely by correspondence, tending to delay questions which probably may require prompt attention. Besides, there cannot be that full consideration which would be gained by a personal interchange of views. We think it would be more satisfactory if the executive could meet periodically for this purpose, and not at such times as " it may think expedient.' . During the inquiry references were made to the financial affairs of two lodges, discrepancies or errors being; discovered which , should never have escaped the lodge auditor's investigation. We think this is a suitable opportunity to urge upon all lodges the desirability of availing themselves of the services of a public auditor for inspection and audit of the annual balance-sheets. We are aware that custom and the rules provide for this work being done by members of the lodges, whe may or may not be competent for the work : still we would urge that, in view of the large sums oi money accumulating, and the numerous securities requiring examination, the members should avail




themselves of the authority granted by section 5, subsection (6), of the Friendly Societies Act and have a thorough audit by a public auditor at least annually. We desire to bear testimony to the able manner in which the representatives of both sides placed before us their views upon the questions submitted. For our part, we have endeavoured to give every facility for an impartial investigation, and we trust that all irritation will disappear, and that both sides will work for the advancement of the order, which in recent years has made such magnificent progress in the North Island of New Zealand. We forward herewith, for your consideration, a copy of the whole of the evidence taken on this inquiry. We have, &c, W. H. Quick, Chairman. H. Birch. Wellington, 20th January, 1906. On receipt of the report, the Registrar, in terms of section 28 of the Act, apportioned the cost of the inquiry (viz., £60 18s.) to be borne as follows: Grand Lodge, North Island (one-fourth), £16 4s. 6d. ; the applicants (three-fourths), £45 13s. 6d. Othek Societies on Register. At the end of 1906 there were 16 isolated friendly societies, 4 juvenile societies, 16 workingmen's clubs, and 21 specially authorised societies: total, 57. Returns for 1906 were received from 39 and for 1905 from 49 of these societies, details of which will be found in Tables VII and VIIa. Trade-unions. There were no changes in these registrations during the year 1906. Unclassified Societies Registration Act. The Department has the administration of this Act. During the year 50 incorporations were effected, making the total number of registrations 411, less 7 cancelled, leaving 404 as the number of societies on register. A statement is appended hereto grouping the societies now on the register: — Sports— Number. Bowling clubs ... ... ••■ •■• •■• ...41 Tennis clubs ... ... ... ■•• ••■ ... 25 Boating clubs ... ... ... ■•• ■•■ ... 21 Football clubs ... ... •■■ ••• ■•■ ...19 Cricket, boxing, and other sporting clubs ... ... . . 70 . 176 Musical — Brass bands ... ... ■•■ ■■• ■■■ ... 40 Musical and operatic societies ... ... ... ... 31 Social— Social clubs ... ... ... ■•• ■■• •■■ £ -> Public-hall clubs ... ... ••• •■• ... 21 Literary, art, reading clubs ... •■• ••■ ... 10 Philanthropic clubs ... ... ••• ••• •• s 68 Commercial, trade, and professional ... ... •■ •■ 38 Medical and pharmaceutical ... ... ■•• •■■ ■■■ ° Caledonian societies... ... ••• ■■■ •■■ ■■• £ Improvement breed of horses, dogs, cattle, poultry, &c. ... b Miscellaneous — Spiritualistic and theosophical ... ... . •■• ■■■ 6 Fire-brigades Orange lodges ... ... ■■••■ ■• • • '"' ■12 Others ... *3__ gg Total There is every indication that the number of unclassified societies will further increase beyond the large number already on the register, and as some of these organizations have considerable funds and property, the question of imposing in the interest of the public some stricter supervision over their business will very shortly require consideration. Section 16 of the Act of 1895 authorises the cancellation of the certificate of incorporation should it be found that the society is other than an unclassified society, but the Act provides no means of ascertaining whether or.not a society is conducting its operations in conformity with its registered objects. 6 J Robt. E. Hates, Registrar Friendly Societies, Trade-unions, and Wellington, 15th June, 1907. Unclassified Societies.


APPENDIX I. Averages, &c., deduced from the Statistics of New Zealand Friendly Societies for the Years 1896-1906.


Years. Description. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 190S. 1906. Mortality of members (rate per 1,000 members at risk) .. .. 6-89 > 5-82 7-24 . ' wives „ .. .. .. 3-32 ! 3-23 3-46 Sick members, percentage of „ .. .. .. 17'90 : 19-20 20-22 Sickness (weeks), average per member „ .. .. .. 1-36 1-40 1-43 sick .. .. .. .. 7-61 7-36 7-06 „ death of member .. .. .. 197-83 240-67 197-08 Contribution to Sick and Funeral Fund, average per member (on mean £1-40 £1-41 £1-40 number) Sickness benefit, average per member (on mean number) .. .. 20s. Id. 20s. 9d. 22s. 3d. sick „ .. .. £5-61 £542 £5-50 Funeral benefits, average per member „ .. .. 3s. 7d. 3s. Id. 3s. 8d. Contribution* to Medical and Management Fund, average per member.. £1-38 £1-39 £137 Medical expenses, average per member .. .. .. .. 18s. lid. 18s. lid. 18s. 9d. Management expenses,! average per member .. .. .. 9s. lOd. 9s. lOd. 9s 6d. 7-57 3-93 20-26 1-44 7-10 189-93 £1-42 7-00 3-42 19-18 1-44 7-52 20591 £1-39 7-20 7-88 3-94 3-61 21-40 20-47 1-57 1-58 7-35 7-67 218-40 199-92 £1-44 £1-45 8-49 7-93 3-79 3-54 20-03 20-55 1-56 1-53 7-63 7-45 183-64 19317 £1-45 £1-46 21s. 4d. 21s. £5-47 £5-40 5s. Id. 4s. 4d. £1-37 £1-38 19s. 18s. 9d. 9s. lid. 9s. lid. : 7-53 7-08 3-73 3-30 17-38 18-84 1-45 1-52 8-34 8-06 192-54 214-30 £1-46 £148 21s. 3d. £5-24 4s. 5d. £1-40 18s. lOd. 9s. 6d. 20s. lid. £5-45 3s. 8d. £1-39 18s. 9d. 9s. 6d. 21s. 9d. 22s. £5-35 £5-68 3s. 9d. 4s. 3d. £1-38 £1-46 18s. 9d. 18s. 8d. 9s. lOd. 12s. Id. 19s. 5d. 20s. 3d. £5-96 £5-72 4s. 2d. 3s. 8d. £1-39 £147 13s. lOd. 18s. 9d. : 9s. 9d. 10s. 3d. Ratio to total sickness (per cent.) of— 1. Sickness experienced during first six months .. .. .. 58-99 6016 61-20 2. „ during second six months .. .. 791 6-61 7-33 3. „ after twelve months .. .. .. 33-10 33-23 31-47 60-07 7-71 32-22 57-65 8-79 33-56 59-08 59-50 7-42 8-40 33-50 32-10 59-14 57-95 8-32 7-62 32-54 34-43 54-96 55-51 8-14 7-84 36-90 36-65 Ratio to total assets (per cent.) of— 1. Investments at interest .. .. .. .. .. 74-49 75-45 76-49 2. Value of land and buildings .. .. .. .. .. 19-48 18-45 17-65 3. Cash not bearing interest .. .. .. .. .. 407 4-16 393 4. Value of goods, &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1-72 1-67 I 1-66 5. Other assets .. .. .. .. .. .. 0-24 0-27 \ 0-27 77-57 16-74 3-91 1-54 0-24 77-98 15-87 4-29 1-47 0-39 77-95 78-68 16-15 15-27 3-98 3-89 1-42 1-26 0-50 0-90 78-94 78-89 14-80 14-17 4-17 4-58 1-18 1-20 0-91 116 80-29 ■ 80-53 13-66 13-48 3-90 400 1-16 112 0-99 0-87 * Inclusive of levies and entrance and clearance fees. t I.e., manaj lenient ex] .en; if lodj les, and levies of the Manaj ;ement Fi if central bodies.



APPENDIX IT. List of Begistkked Societies, with theik Ebgistbked Branches, as on 31st Dboembbb, 1906. I. Manchkhtek Unity Independent Order of Odd Fellows. NEW ZEALAND BRANCH, WELLINGTON. M 312 N0, 1 WeUingUm DieWot-Welhngton. I %*°" »■ (15-) Fountain of Friendship Lodge, Auckikj (16.) Lodge Cambridge. 8. Heart of Oak Lodge, Garterton. 17. Hauraki Lodge, Coromandel. (4) Grey town Lodge, Grey town. 18. Hokianga Lodge Hok.anga. [11 Unity Lodge, Featherston. (19.) Karangahake Lodge, Karangahake. 6. St. George Lodge, Pahautanui. 20. Waihi Lodge, Waihi. 8. Petone Lodge, Petone. 21- JubUee Lodge, Paeroa^ 110. Rose of Sharon Lodge, Upper Hutt. (22. Manukau Lodge Onehmiga. 11 Britannia Lodge, Wellington. (23. Rotorua Lodge, Bolorua. 12 ) Antipodean Lodge, Wellington. (24.) Wailekanri and Golden Cross Lodge (13.) Eketahuna Lodge, Eketahuna. Waitekaun. (14. Maryborough Lodge, Martinborough. (25. Waipu Lodge Waijai. 15. Bose of the Valley Lodge, Hutt. (26. Mangonui Lodge, Mangonui. 16. Mangatainoka Lodge, Mangatainoka. 27. Hot Springe Lodge, Tβ Atoha. 17. Newtown Lodge, Newtown. 28.) Tβ Awamutu Lodge, Tβ Awamutu. (18. Victoria Diamond Lodge, Levin. 29. Hamilton Lodge, Hamilton. (19.) Sister Wallis Lodge, Wellington. (30.) Hikurangi Lodge, Hikurangi. 2. AtUey 2>i»*rtet-Bangiora. 6- D !* tr^^M^* t «, (1.) Leithfield Lodge, Leithfield. 1- Ashburton Lodge, Ashburton. 2. Oust Lodge, Oust. 2. Pioneer Lodge, Sprmgbum. 3 ) Woodend Lodge, Woodend. 3. Waterton Lodge Waterton 4 Ohoka Lodge, Ohoka. W South Bakaia Lodge, South Bakaia. 5. Oxford Lodge, Oxford. 5. Tinwald Lodge, Tinwald. (6. Amberley Lodge, Amberley. 6. 5J f J °^ ge ' (8.) Waikari'Lodge, Waikari. (7-) Mayfield Lodge, Mayfield. (9.) Bangiora Lodge, Rangiora. _ (10 Nil Desperandum Lodge, East Oxford. 7. Motueka District—Mobueka,. 11. Cheviot Lodge, McKenzie. (1-) Motueka Lodge, Motueka. 1 ' (2.) Good Intention Lodge, Biwaka. 3. Nelson District-Nelson. 3- Takaka Lodge Takaka (1.) Howard Lodge, Nelson. (*•) South Star Lodge, Dovedale. (2) General Cameron Lodge, Brightwater. «.,i.'i to h. 4 Mansion of Peace Lodge, Wakefleld. 8. New Plymouth Distnct-Kew Plymouth. (V Travellers' Rest Lodge, Richmond. (!•) Excelsior Lodge, New Plymouth. 6. Nelson Lodge, Nelson. if. Waitara Lodge Waitara. (7. Mataki Lodge, Murchison. 3. Un.on Lodge, Hawera. 1 - ' (4.) Egmont Lodge, New Plymouth. 4 Hawse's Bay Disirici-Napier. «■ Manaia Lodge, Manaia. (1.) Meeanee Lodge, Taradale. 6. Eltham Lodge, Eltham. (2. Abbotsford Lodge, Waipawa. (7.) Midhirst Lodge, Midhirst. (1 9. Hokitika District -Hokitika. 6. Tavistock Lodge, Waipukurau. 2. Albert Lodge, Kuniara. 7. Woodville Lodge, Woodville. 3- Waimea Lodge Stafford. (8.) Napier Lodge, Napier. (4-) Greymouth Lodge, Greymouth. (9) Forest Home Lodge, Ormondville , . (10 Dannevirke Lodge, Dannevirke 10. Wanganui Jots«ric«--Waiiganui. 12 Ruahine Lodge, Hampden. (1. Manawatn Lodge, Palmerston North. ye ' e (2.) Manchester Lodge, Peilding. 5. JDi S «ric<-Auckland. (3- Awarua Lodge, Ohingaiti. (1 ) Howick Lodge, Howick. ( 4 -) Apiti Lodge, Apiti. 2 Charles Bruce Lodge, Thames. (5.) Bangitikei Lodge Mangaweka. h Good Intent Lodge, Auckland. (6.) Hautapu Lodge, Tftihape. 4 Waikato Lodge, Thames. (7-) Bunnythorpe Lodge Bunnythorpe. (5. Gisborne Lodge, Gisbome. (8. Mataroa Lodge, Mataroa. 6. Whangarei Lodge, Whangarei. (9. Wanganui Lodge, Wanganui. 7 Franklin Lodge? Otahuhu. (10.) Hunterville Lodge, Hunterviile. 9. Parnell Lodge, Parnell. (H-) Ponton Lodge, Foxton. (14.) Warkworth Pioneer Lodge, Warkworth. I District-Blenheim. Riocarton Lodge, Upper Biccarton. 1 Marlborough Lodge, Blenheim. 23. Jubilee Lodge Prebbleton 2 Benwick Lodge. Renwick. 24. Sister Pearce Lodge, Chr.stchureh. c 25. Tamahine Lodge, Kaiapoi. 92. North WestlandDistrict-Beelton. 5 Lyttelton Disirici-Lyttelton. 1. Eeefton Lodge, Eeefton. 2 Hand of Fdend9hip Lodgei Okain's Bay. 2. Westport Lodge, Westport. Qood Intent Lod Aiavoa . 3. Charleston Lodge, Charleston. Perseverance Lodge, Barry's Bay. 5. Waimangaroa Lodge, Waimangaroa. 6Gi q{ Norwich L s oagei Lvtt elton. 6. Blackball Lodge, Blackball. 7 Ha J nd and Hear) . Lodge) p igeon Bay . „, • l , l 10. Wairowa Lodge, Little Biver. 18. North Canterbury Distncf—Ohnstohurch. lv - v,l " a ° 1. Volunteer Lodge, Sydenham. 315_ s o ?tt/» Canterbury District -Timaru. 2. Perseverance Lodge, Woolston. !. Timaru Lodge, Timaru. 4. Benevolent Lodge, Christchurch. 2. Pleasant Point Lodge, Pleasant Point. 8. Kaiapoi Lodge, Kaiapoi. 3, Heart of Friendship Lodge, Waimate. 9. Phillipstown Lodge, Phillipstown. . 10. Leeston Lodge, Leeston. 23. Otago Dxstnct-Dune&in. 11. Papanui Lodge, Papanui. 1- Outram Lodge, Outram. 12. Coleridge Lodge, Glentunnel. 2. A bion Lodge, Dunedm. 14. Addington Lodge, Addington. 3. Alexandra Lodge Port Molyneux 16 Malvern Lodge, Waddington. 4- Prmce of Wales Lodge, Port Chalmers. 20' City of Christchurch Lodge, Christchurch. 5. Tapanui Lodge, Tapanui. 2l! Heart of Oak Lodge, Kaikoura. 6. Roxburgh Lodge, Roxburgh.


List op Registered Societies, etc. — continued. I. Manchester Unity Independent Obdbb of Odd Fellows—etm^MiMed. Reg. No. Reg. No. 23. Otago District —Dunedin — continued. 23. 26. Dunback Lodge, Dunback. 7. Prince Alfred Lodge, Hawksbury. 27. Pride of Kaitangata Lodge, Kaitangata. 8. Dunedin Lodge, Dunedin. 28. Milton Lodge, Milton. 9. Waipori Lodge, Waipori. 29. United Brothers Lodge, Cambrian. 10. Palmerston Lodge, Palmeraton South. 30. Waikaka Lodge, Waikaka. 11. Dalton Lodge, Balclutha. 12. Lake Wakatipu Lodge, Queenstown. 13. Cromwell Lodge, Cromwell. 64. Southland District —lnvercargill. 14. Hand and Heart Lodge, Dunedin. 1. Shamrock, Rose, and Thistle Lodge, [nver 15. Oamaru Lodge, Oamaru. eargill. 16. Band of Friendship Lodge, Kakanui. 2. St. George Lodge, Invercargill. 17. Tuapeka Pioneer Lodge, Lawrence. 8. Lumsden Lodge, Lumsden. 18. Waitahuna Lodge, Waitahuna. 4. Winton Lodge, Win ton. 19. Bluespur Lodge, Bluespur. 5. United Gore Lodge, Gore. 20. Mosgiel Lodge, Mosgiwl. 0. Awarua Lodge, Campbelltown. 21. Mount Wendon Lodge, VVaikaia. 8. Riversdale Lodge, Riversdale. 22. Caversham Lodge, Caversham. . 9. Mataura Falls Lodge, Mataura. 23. Valley Lodge, North-east Valley. 10. Star of the West Lodge, Orepuki. 24. Naseby Lodge, Naseby. 11. Star of Nightcaps Lodge, Nightoaps. 25. Ngapara Lodge, Ngapara. 12. Hearts of Oak Lodge, Invercargill. 11. Independent Order op Odd Fellows (American). 146. Grand Lodge of New Zealand —Dunedin. 146. 32. Linden Lodge, Kaikorai. 1. Pioneer Lodge, Dunedin. 37. Popotunoa Lodge, Clinton. 2. Star of Canterbury Lodge, Timaru. 39. Hope of Maheno Lodge, Maheno. 4. Alexandrovna Lodge, Temuka. 44. Waiareka Lodge, Westdh. 5. Unity Lodge, South Dunedin. 46. Rangitikei Lodge, Bull's. 8. Southern Cross Lodge, Wellington. 47. Star of Eden Lodge, Ponsonby. 12. Alfred Lodge, Oamaru. 48. Britannia Lodge, Campbelltown. 15. Pioneer of Southland Lodge, Invercargill. 49. Northern Wairoa Lodge, Tβ Kopuru. 16. Leith Lodge, Dunedin. 50. Myrtle Rebekah Lodge, Auckland. 17. Star of Auckland Lodge, Auckland. 51. Aparima Lodge, Otautau. 19. Victoria Lodge, Geraldine. 52. Linda Rebekah Lodge, Roslyn. 20. Prebbleton Lodge, Prebbleton. 54. Wynyard Lodge, Auckland. 21. Alma Lodge, Wyndham. 55. Opotiki Lodge, Opotiki. 22. Ridgley Lodge, Christchurch. 56. Naomi Rebekah Lodge, Christehurch. 23. Wallace Lodge, Riverton. 57. Star of Waiuku Lodge, Waiuku. 25. Gladstone Lodge, Fairlie Creek. 58. Owaka Lodge, Owaka. 26. Mataura Lodge, Mataura. ' 59. Star of Gisborne Lodge, Gisborne. 27. Kawakawa Lodge, Kawakawa. 60. Te Ngawai Lodge, Albury. 28. Orient Lodge, Palmerston North. 61. Star of Napiei- Lodge, Nipier. 29. Kaeo Lodge, Kaeo. 62. Hereweka Lodge, Portobello. 81. Washington Lodge, Sydenham. 63. Star of Linwood Lodge, Linwood. 111. National Independent Obdeb of Odd Fellows. 160. Auckland Provincial District —Auckland. 160. 2. United Brothers Lodge, Newton. 1. Auckland Pioneer Lodge, Auckland. IV. Bbitish United Obdeb of Odd Fellows. 311. Aorangi Lodge, Wellington. | V. Ancient Obdeb of Fobesters. 17. Auckland District —Auckland. i 216. 3. Court Raleigh, Waitara. 1. Court City of Auckland, Auckland. 4. „ Egmont, Hawera. 3. „ Zealandia, Auckland. 5. „ Patea, Patea. 4. „ Robin Hood, Panmure. 6. „ Stratford, Stratford. 5. „ Nil Desperandum, Newton. 7. „ Pride of New Plymouth, New Plymouth 6. „ Royal Oak, Tauranga. 8. „ Opunake, Opunake. 7. „ Pride of Onehunga, Onehunga. 55. Court Waireka—New Plymouth. 8. „ Pride of the North, Grahamstown9. „ Star of the South, Otahuhu. 144- Wellington District— Wellington. 10. „ Pride of Newmarket, Auckland. 1. Court Robin Hood, Wellington. 11. „ Northern Wairoa, Dargaville. 2 - ■■ Slr George Bowen, Wellington. 12. „ Pride of Parnell, Thames. *• - Clarendon, Picton. 13. „ Star of Helensville, Helensville. 5- » Manawatu, Palmerston North. 14. „ Victoria, Devonport. c >- ■■ L °yal Feilding, Feilding. 15. „ Queen of the North, Maungaturoto. 7. „ William Gladstone, Gisborne. 18. „ Chisman, Auckland. 8. „ Pioneer, Te Nui. 19. „ Waihi, Waihi. 9- -- Roderick Dhu, Wanganui. 2o! "„ Townley, Gisborne. 10 - - Blenheim, Blenheim. 21. , Pride of Waitekauri, Waitekauri. H- » L °yal Enterprise, Masterton. 23. „ Birkenhead, Birkenhead. 12 - - Marquis of Normanby, Carterton. 24. „ Pride of Awanui, Awanui. 13. „ Little John, Maiton. 14. „ Wairarapa, Greytown. ,„ _ ~ „ ..... „ 16. „ Woodville, Woodville. 150. Hawke's Bay District-Na, V] er 17 Loyal Halcombe, Halcombe. 1. Court Sir Charles Napier, Napier. 18 Pohangina, Ashhurst. 2. „ Captain Cook, Napier lg " Epuni, Petone. 3. „ Sir Henry Havelock Havelock. 20 Pahiatua, Pahiatua. 4. „ Robin Hood Port Ahunn. Kopuaranga, Mauriceville. 5. „ Ruahine Waipukurau. 22 Hunterville, Hunterville. 6. „ Lord Clyde, Wairoa. 23 Sir William Jervois, Newtown. 7. „ Heretaunga, Hastings. 24 _ Pri(Je of Levi Levin 8. „ L.ttle John, Waipawa. • 25 Bloomfield, Hutt. 9. „ Ormond, Makotuku. 27 Makakahi, Eketahuna. 10. . Rising Sun Dannevirke. 28 Lady Glasgow, Wellington. X l- " W !, lt rf''^ eSt ;, C IVe ' 29. I Primrose, Petine. 12. „ Redolyffe, Taradale. 31 _ Star o£ Levin Levin 14. „ Vikmg, Norsewood. 3g Pride of Foxton, Foxton. 34. „ Ruapehu, Raetihi. 216. Taranaki District —New Plymouth. 35. „ Pongaroa, Pongaroa. 1. Court Taranaki, New Plymouth. 36. „ Alexandra, Marton. 2. „ Inglewood Forest, Inglewood. 34. Court Sir George Grey—Wellington.




List op Registeked Societies, we—continued. V. Ancient Order op Foresters— continued. Reg. No . ,10. United Otago District— Dunedin. 4. MsZsow District— Nelson. lv ' " Court Enterprise Dunedin. 1. Court Pride of the Forest, Wakapuaka. 1. Court 2. „ Concord Greymoutt. - - £ ride of Oa nwu, Oamaru. 3. „ Sherwood Fores, Stoke. H port Chalmers . 4. „ Robin Hood, Nelson. ° Roxburgh, Roxburgh. 5. „ Aorere Colhngwood. 7. . _ Caversham . 6. „, Reefton. of Alexandra> Alexandra. 7. . Unity, Havelock J£ » B Milton . 8. „ Perseverance Motueka. • ■ Pride of the Lake, Queenstown. 9. „ Charleston, Charleston. w Excelsior, Mornington. 10. , Royal Oak, Westport. £*■ - pride q{ t h e Leith « Dunedin . 28 Canterbury United District— Christchureh. Iβ'. I Havelock, Waitahuna. 1 Court Pride of Courtenay, Courtenay. 17. „ Star of the South, Invercargill. 2 Thistle of the Forest, Sydenham. 18. „ Star of the Dunstan, Clyde. i Woodford, Kaiapoi. 19. „ Little John, Roslyn. 8 "„ Papanui, Papanui. 20. „ Royal Oak, Wyndham. 9 Ashburton, Ashburton. 21. „ Southern Star, Bluff. in' " Star of Dunsandel, Dunsandel. 22. „ Woodlands' Pride, Dunedin. 11 " Star of Belfast, Belfast. 23. „ Queen of the South, Invercargill. 13 " Queen of Canterbury, Christchureh. 24. „ Star of the Forest, Woodlands. 14 - " Victoria, Kaiapoi. 25. „ Marion, Mosgiel. is' Star of Canterbury, Christchureh. 26. „ Victoria, Oamaru. lfi' Loburn, Loburn. 27. „ Pride of Awarua, Bluff. 143 Court Queen of the Isles-Lyttelton. 28. „ Pride of Waitaki, Kurow. 148. uourt j q{ Tuapeka _ Lawrence. 52 South Canterbury District— Timaru. 1. Court Southern Crou,ta. tin DistHcU 8. I 88. Court Coromandel-Coromandel. 4. „ Foresters' Pride, Waimate. VI. Ancient Order op Shepherds. 11. Sanctuary Sir George Grey—Wellington. VII United Ancient Order op Druids. 3. Horowhenua Lodge, Levin. . 4 Otaki Lodge, Otaki. 281. Grand Lodge of Canterbury— Christchureh 5! Stonehenge Lodge, Masterton. 1. Pioneer Lodge, Christchureh 6 Bishop Lodge, Wanganui. 2. Hope of St. Albans Lodge, St. Albans. 7 Turanganui Lodge, Gisborne. 3. Mistletoe Lodge, Christchureh. 8* Auckland Lodge, Auckland. 4. Ethelbert Lodge, Springston. 9' Pacific Lodge, Wellington. 5. Lyttelton Hearts of Oak Lodge, Lyttelton. 10 Blenheim Mistletoe Lodge, Blenheim. 6. Star of Anglesea Lodge, Lincoln. ll' Totara Lodge, Carterton. 7. Perseverance Lodge, Addington. 12' Star of Egmont Lodge, Patea. 8. Hope of Amberley Lodge, Amberley. 13 Morgan Lodge, Marton. 9. Anchor Lodge, Woolston. 14' Holly Lodge, Johnsonville. 10. Ohoka Lodge, Ohoka. 15] Hawera Lodge, Hawera. 11. Timaru Lodge, Timaru. 16 Star of Paeroa Lodge, Paeroa. 12. Ivy of Linwood Lodge, Chnstohurcn Iβ' Moturoa Lodge, New Plymouth. 13. Trafalgar Lodge, Kaiapoi. 19 Poneke Lodge, Petone. 14. Star of Ashburton Lodge, Ashburton. 20' Ponsonby Lodge, Ponsonby. 15. Oak of Sydenham Lodge, Sydenham. 2l' Pride of Waihi Lodge, Waihi. 16. Old Oak Lodge, Southbndge. 22' Victoria Lodge, Waikino. 17. Ellesmere Lodge, Doyleston. 23 Manakau Lodge, Manakau. 18. Olive Branch Lodge, Hornby. 24 Pahiatua Lodge, Pahiatua. 19. Cable Lodge, Redcliffs. 25' Coronation Lodge, Wellington. 20. Lily of Burwood, Burwood. 26! Alexandra Lodge, Karangahake. 21. Ivy Lodge, Waimate. iV ,u,, fnn 27. Ruahine Lodge, Dannevirke. 22. Sueoess of Ashburton Lodge, Ashburton. 28 Shannon Lodge, Shannon. t Hut, 293. ot^Ue°^neTin. SOMtWa ' lrf, " 81. Inglewood Lodge 1- ise g L ' odge , South Dunedin. 36. Star of Newmarket Lodge, Auckland. 6. Wes Harbour g^ 37. Whangarei Lodge Whangare,. 7. Lo | ■ Mo iel . 38. Ahaura Lodge, Ahaura. »• Pa lmerston Lodge, Palmerston S. 39. Seddon Lodge, Dunolhe. »• , Q 40. Trafalgar Lodge, Wakefleia. ™- Colac Bay. 41. Shedwood Lodge Motupiko. «■ ™ the g Vall Dun edin. 42. Star of New Zealand Lodge, Hutt. JA y patrioklg Waikouait i. 43. Reefton Lodge, Reefton. pride rf Mornington Lodge , Mornington, 44. Eden podge, Auckland. • Tuape ka Lodge, Lawrence. 45. Millerton M.lie.ton. Duntroon Lodge, Duntroon. 46. Buller Lodge, Westport. £>• d r)unedin . 47. Devonport Lodge Devonport. «• g u ' nedin . 48. Te Aroha Lodge, Te Aroha. !»• « H ampden. VIII Independent Order op Rechabites. 190. ft. AM A T U en k t la A n u d ck,and lS wtnga^^e^Whfngaroa. 1. Hope of Auckland Tent Auckland. Advance Tent, Waihi. ISSeer c n nt SUr e ?eT Aratapu. » Mahurangi Homeguard Tent, Warkworth. 4. Star of Hauraki Tent, Thames.



List op Begistered Societies, etc. — continued. VITI. Indkpf.ndunt ORDER of Rkchabites.— continued. Reg. No. Reg. No. l]o. New Zealand Central District —Wellington. 110. 28. Hope of Johnsonville Tent, Johnsonville. 2. Murihiku Tent, Invercargill. 30. Star of Wakefield Tent, Wakefield. 8. Scandia's Hope Tent, Norsewood. 37. Rescue Tent, Nelson. 4. Hope of Woodville Tent, Woodville. 38. Onward Tent, Palmerston North. 5. Hope of Wellington Tent, Wellington. 40. Gisborne Tent, Gisborne. 6. Hope of Dunedin Tent, Duncdin. 41. Pride of Egmont Tent, Hawera. 7. Pride of Ghristoliureh Tent, Christohurch. Pahiatua Tent, Pahiatua. 8. Perseverance Tent, Wellington. 43. Brightwater Tent, Brightwater. 9. Bud of Promise Tent, Nelson. 44. Lily of the South Tent, Invercargill. 10. Unity Tent, New Plymouth. 45. Wai Aroha Tent, Stratford. 11. Hope of Orinondville Tent, Ormondville. 46. Moa Tent, Inglewood. 12. Masterton Tent, Masterton. 47. New Century Tent, Levin. 13. Excelsior Tent, Waipukurau. 48. Waingongoro Tent, Cardiff. 15. Hope of Napier Tent, Napier. 49. Star of New Zealand Tent, Gisborne. 17. Sir Wilfrid Lawson Tent, Sanson. ' 50. Star of Petone Tent, Petone. 19. Excelsior Tent, Wellington. 51. Oroua Tent, Feilding. 20. Haste to the Rescue Tent, Wellington. 52. Hope of Wanganui Tent, Wanganm. 21. Bon Accord Tent, Blenheim. 98. Star of Hope Tent—Hokitika. 26. Hope of Carterton Tent, Carterton. I IX. Sons and Daughters of Temperance. 170. National Division of New Zealand — Sydenham. , 170. 10. Sunbeam Division, Wanganui. 2. Helpmate Division, Ashburton. 11. Hope of Sydenham Division, Sydenham. 4. Resolution Division, Rangiora. 15. Perseverance Division—Christchurch. 6. Excelsior Division, Addington. 118. Antidote Division—Dunedin. 7. Elim Division, St. Albans. 147. Progress Division —Kaiapoi. 9. Advance Division, Wellington. X. Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society. 198. New Zealand District— Auckland. i 198 28. Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Branch, Milton. 2. St. John's Branch, Leeston. 29. St. Patrick's Brauch, Waimate. 3. St. Patrick's „ Christchurch. 30. St. Columbkille's „ Deuniston. 6. St. Patrick's „ Lincoln. 81. St. Canice's „ Westport. 8. St. Mary's „ Timaru. 32. St. Patrick's „ Gisborne. 10. St. Joseph's „ New Plymouth. 33. St. Patrick's „ Palmerston North. 11. St. Patrick's „ Wellington. 34. St. Patrick." „ Reefcon. 12. Auckland „ Auckland. 35. Sancta Maria » Auckland. 14. St. Patrick's , Blenheim. 36. St. Mary's „ Wellington. 15. Grahamstown „ Grahamstown. 37. St. Aloysius's „ Newtown. 16. Waipawa „ Waipawa. 38. St. Joseph's „ Waihi. 17. St. Joseph's „ Hastings. 39. St. Patrick's „ Kaiapoi. 18. St. Joseph's „ Dunedin. 40. St. Patrick's „ Ashburton. 19. Charleston „ Charleston. 41. St. Ibar's „ Newton. 21. Greymouth „ Greymouth. 42. Sts. Peter and Paul's Branch, Hutt. 22. Onehunga „ Onehunga. 43. St. Ita's Branch, Hawera. 25. St. Michael's „ Masterton. 44. St. Mary's „ Taihape. 26. St. Patrick's „ Oamaru. 45. St. Patrick's „ Manaia. 27. St. John's „ Napier. 46. St. Joseph's „ Stratford. XT. Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia. 197. Grand Council of New Zealand —Auckland. 197. 11. Star of Hastings Lodge, Hastings. 1. Prince of Wales Lodge, Thames. 12. Valley True Blue „ North-east Valley. 3. Excelsior Lodge, Green Island. 14. Star of Oamaru „ Oamaru. 4. Wickliffe „ Napier. 18. St. Albans „ Auckland. 5. John Knox „ Wellington. 19. Queen's Own „ Christchurch. 6. Alexandra „ Auckland. 20. Royal Standard , Addington. 9. Triumph Lodge, South Dunedin. XII. Railway Benefit Societies. 161. Otago Railway Employees' Benefit Society—Dunedin. XIII. Isolated Friendly Societies. 24. Wellington District M.U. Widow and Orphan 307. Millerton Colliery Medical and Accident Relief Society-—Wellington. Association—Millerton. 183. Grey Valley Accident Relief Fund—Brunnerton. J 310. New Zealand Collieries, Railway, and Oil Syndi--277. Denniston Collieries' Medical and Accident Relief cate Employees' Benefit Society—Kaitangata. Association —Denniston. 313. Auckland United Friendly Societifs' Dispensary, 279. United Fire-brigades' Accident Assurance Society Auckland. of New Zealand—Napier. | 316. Auckland United Friendly Societies' Medical Insti--286. Wellington Friendly Societies' Jubilee Orphanage tute, Auckland. Society—Wellington. 319. Christchurch United Friendly Societies' Dispensary. 293. Blackball Colliery Accident Relief Fund Society— 322. Auckland Tramways Sick and Accident Friendly Blackball. • Society. 300. Wellington Wharf Employees' Benefit Society— 323. Point Elizabeth Accident Relief Fund, Runanga. Wellington. 324. Waihi United Friendly Societies Hospital Con--306. Waikato Medical and Accident Society—Huntly. ference, Waihi. XIV. Juvenile Friendly Societies. 288. Court Pride of the Forest, A.O.F. —Dunedin. 303. Kaiapoi Lodge, M.U.l.O.O.F.—Kaiapoi. 290. Court Pride of Invercargill, A. O.F.—lnvercargill. 314. Court Pride of Napier, A.O.F—Napier. XV. Wobking-men's Clubs. 151. Wellington Working-men's Club and Literary 264. Richmond Working-men's Clvb —Richmond, ChristInstitute—Wellington, church. 162. Christchurch Working-men's Club and Mutual 267. Palmerston North Working-men's Club and Literary School of Arts —Christchurch. Institute —Palmerston North. 186. South Waicarapa Working-men's Club—Greytown. : 271. Ashburton Club and Mutual School of Arts—Ash--202. Club Garibaldi —Wellington. burton. 209. Sydenham and Addington Working-men's Club and i 272. Blenheim Working-men's Club—Blenheim. Mutual School of Arts — Sydenham. \ 305. Oxford Working-men's Club—East Oxford. 215. Auckland Working-men's Club and Mechanics'; 309. Napier Working-men's Club—Napier. Institute —Auckland. j 317. City Working-men's Club—Wellington. 231. Kaiapoi Working-men's Club—Kaiapoi. ! 318. North Island Brass Bands Association—Palmerston 238. Petone Working-men's Club and Literary Insti- North, tute —Petone. B—H. 1.



List of Registered Societies, etc. — continue . XVI. Specially authobised Societies. Kee No Re B' No, 169 Grand Lodge of New Zealand of the Independent 169. 94. Loyal Marine Lodge, Nelson. Order of Good Templars— Dunedin. 95. Union of Otago Temple, Dunedin. 1. Pioneer Lodge, Dunedin. 96. St. John's Lodge, Wellington. 2 Aggressive Lodge, Blenheim. 99. Southern Star Lodge, Wanganui. 3 Dauntless Lodge, Christchurch. 104. Lily of the Valley Lodge, North Dunedin. 4 Hope of Christchurch Lodge, Christchurch. 106. Bushman's Pride Lodge, Alford Forest. 6. Pioneer Lodge, Wellington. 107. Hope of Wakefield Lodge, Wakefield. 7 Star of South Canterbury Lodge, Waimate. 108. Pride of Dunedin Lodge, Dunedin. 9! Loyal Nelson Lodge, Nelson. 110. Seashell Lodge, Lyttelton. 12 West Coast Pioneer Lodge, Greymouth. 1.1.2. Lifeboat Lodge, Timaru. 13 Good Intent Lodge, Rangiora. 113. Rose of Springburn Lodge, Springburn. 17. Robert Bruce Lodge, Bannockburn. 185. Invercargill Total Abstinence Society — Invercar--18. Star of the East Lodge, Ashburton. gill. , . 19. New Hope Lodge, Westport. 223. Invercargill United Friendly Societies Dispensary 21 Haste to the Eescue Lodge, Havelock. —Invercargill. 24 Reefton Fraternal Lodge, Reefton. 228. Canterbury Engineers' Band—Christchurch. 30' Pride of Hawke's Bay Lodge, Port Ahuriri. 229. Sydenham and Suburban Co-operative Money Club 31l Premier Lodge, Hokitika. —Sydenham. 32. Hope of Stafford Lodge, Stafford. 241. New Zealand Friendly Societies' Guarantee Associa--33. Providence Lodge, Courtenay. tion— Wellington. ~..,„. 35. Golden Stream Lodge, Alexandra, Otago. 242. Dunedin United Friendly Societies Dispensary— 37. New Era Lodge, Purakanui. Dunedin. 40 Secondto-none Lodge, Pigeon Bay. 245. Star of Newtown Lodge, 1.0.G.T.-Welhngton. 41. Hope of Brunnerton Lodge, Brunnerton. 246. Lyttelton United Friendly Societies Dispensary— 42l Woodstock Lodge, Woodstock. Lyttelton. „.-.«, 44 New River Pioneer Lodge, Dunganville. 248. Timaru United Friendly Societies Dispensary — il. Victory Lodge, No Town. Timaru. " 48 Victoria Lodge, Noble's. 251. New Zealand Foresters' Guarantee Association— 50] Kumara Lodge', Kumara. Christchurch. rrt „ m _ . 53 Rock of Freedom Lodge, Ashley Bank. 255. Temple of Peace Lodge, I.O.G.T.—Kaiwarra. 54! Hearts and Homes Lodge, Orepuki. 257. Opotiki Gospel Temperance and Mutual Improve--57' Dawn of Peace Lodge, Ashburton. ment Society—Opotiki. 59' True Blue Lodge, Waitahuna. 262. Auckland Caledonian Society—Auckland. 66' St. Helena Lodge, Greymouth. 263. Stanmore Brass Band—Richmond (Christchurch). 68 Phoenix Lodge, Masterton. 268. Newton Band Society—Newton. 69. North Star Lodge, Kaikoura. 275. Ivy of Linwood Co-operative Money Club—Chnst--72 Pride of Brookside Lodge, Brookside. church. 73 Mount Fyfe Lodge, Mount Fyfe. 276. Waimate Brass Band—Waimate. 76. Heart and Hand Lodge, Lumsden. 283. Hawke's Bay United Friendly Societies' Dispensary 77 Pride of Mount Grey Lodge, Mount Grey. —Napier. 85 Southern Cross Lodge, Invercargill. 284. Christchurch and St. Albans Co-operative Money 86. Guiding Star Lodge, Dunedin. Olub-Christchurch. 89 Akaroa Hope Lodge, Akaroa. 285. Westport City Band Society—Westport. 9l! Undaunted Lodge, Owaka. 294. Wellington United Friendly Societies' Dispensary— 93. Welcome Retreat Lodge, Geraldine. Wellington.

APPENDIX 111. Registered Teade-unions, as on the 31st December, 1906. B r B Ch°ristchuroh Operative Bootmakers' Society. 24. Amalgamated Labour Union. 3 New Zealand Union of the Federated Stewards' and 27. Shipmasters' Association of New Zealand. Cooks' Union of Australasia. 34. Thames Miners' Union. 5 Wellington Operative Bootmakers' Society. 35. United Employees' Society of Boilermakers and Irons' Grey Valley Coal-miners' Association. ship Builders of New Zealand. 9' New Zealand Federated Boot-trade Union. 36. New Zealand Boot-manufacturers Association. Iβ' New Zealand Federated Wharf Carters', Express- 40. Hawke's Bay Operative Bootmakers' Society. ' men's, and Storemen's Union. 41. Wellington Eight Hour Federated Union. 16. Southland Trades and Labour Union. 43. Napier Carpenters and Joiners Union. 18. Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants of New Zealand. APPENDIX IV. Forms which may be obtained free on Application to the Registrar of Friendly Societies. Form of application to register a society under the Friendly Societies Act. Form of notice of establishment of branch of registered society. Form of application for the conversion of a registered society into a branch. Form of declaration to accompany the foregoing. Form of application to register complete amendment of rules (societies). Form of application to register complete amendment of rules (branches). Form of application to register partial amendment of rules (societies). Form of application to register partial amendment of rules (branches). Form of declaration in support of amendment of rules (societies). Form of declaration in support of amendment of rules (branches). _ Form of application to register a special resolution for amalgamation of societies. Form of declaration relating to amalgamation of sooieties. Form of application to register conversion of a sooiety into a branch. Form of declaration to accompany application for conversion. Form of notice of appointment of trustees (societies). Form of notice of appointment of trustees (branches). Form of notice of change of registered office of society. Form of notice of change of place of establishment of branch. Form of return to District Land Registrar.




Kate of Interest. Liabilities. Assets. Name of Society or District and Branch. When opened. Date of j Number of Valua- ' Members, tion, 31st Dec. - 1 ! Q ■si Present Value of Management Contribu- an( j Funeral tiou to other Benefit *™«»> Funds. &c. ' Annual Income from Contributions. Present yalue of ! Funeral Total _, . . Benefits Funds. ±OI,al - reassured, Surplus. Deficiency. 111 Sickness Benefit. Total. tontributions for eneflts. I.O.O.P., N.Z. General Funeral Fund 1902 2,487 %! 0/ 4-06 4 k 21,282 £ £ 2,929 £ 24,211 £ s. d. 1,039 2 8 £ 17,681 £ £ £ ! 14,069 I 31,750 £ 7,539 £ s. d. Pioneer Lodge.. Leith „ .. Alfred „ .. Star of Canterbury Rangitikei Alexandrovna Unity „ .. Victoria „ .. Lindea „ Southern Cross Pioneer of Southland „ .. Star of Auckland Washington „ Prebbleton „ .. Alma „ .. Wallace „ .. Kidgley „ Kawakawa „ Gladstone „ Mataura „ Kaeo , .. Orient „ Otaki „ .. Popotunoa „ .. Hope of Maheno „ .. Waiareka „ Star of Eden „ .. Ruth Rebekah „ .. Star of Waiuku „ .. Linda Rebekah „ .. Northern Wairoa „ Myrtle Rebekah „ Miriam Rebekah „ Naomi Rebekah „ .. Wynyard „ Opotiki „ .. Star of Gisborne „ Total .. ! 1862 1867 1869 1869 1873 1874 1875 1875 1875 1877 1878 1878 1878 1881 1882 1882 1882 1883 1883 1883 1883 1884 1885 1888 1889 1889 1891 1894 1895 1895 1895 1896 1896 1898 1899 1899 1899 1899 1901 1902 i 105 92 107 49 39 48 151 41 71 128 153 238 103 34 41 98 68 43 38 20 38 19 55 14 45 37 30 89 26 32 28 80 16 39 7 72 29 27 137 2-43 3 340 3£ 4-49 4 4-85 i 4 2-38 3 Nil 2J 3-09 3J Nil 3 2-04 3 5-91 4 5-67 i i 2-72 3 3-73 3f 3-54 3§ 3-64 3| 2-66 3 3-85 3| 2-78 3 2-91 3 2-61 , 3 1-57 : 2* 1-98 ! 2J 4'87 ! 4 314 : 3 3 107 2J 2-90 3 2-59 3 Nil 2J 1-99 2^ Nil 2J 2-07 2J 3-18 3§ Nil 2J Nil 3 2-36 3 Nil 3 Nil 3 Nil 2J 4,711 1,293 i 781 3,569 961 655 3,719 994 : 762 1,602 427 354 1,503 397 322 2,141 572 j 432 5,502 1,454 I 1,181 1,709 462 ! 343 3,017 814 , 549 4,502 1,206 ! 920 4,937 1,319 1,116 9,934 2,666 1,995 3,530 941 741 1,314 354 251 1,296 340 302 . 3,755 991 864 2,258 599 496 1,622 . 428 364 1,515 : 403 323 828 , 223 170 1,714 ! 456 372 901 243 171 1,797 478 417 548 145 117 1,689 444 408 1,665 442 327 1,172 31] 258 3,391 895 789 665 107 I 106 1,390 370 I 316 713 115 109 3,441 904 771 356 57 60 980 160 160 148 24 26 ! 2,624 688 632 1,053 275 : 259 1,016 268 ■ 246 5,901 1,548 i 1,405 61 144 28 13 49 29 13 50 9 609 647 780 119 50 57 20 72 1 31 203 23 1 2 6 21 1 30 52 "34 7 112 41 75 18 32 43 6,846 5,329 5,503 2,396 2,271 3,174 8,150 2,564 4,389 7,237 8,019 15,375 5,331 1,969 1,995 5,630 3,425 2,415 2,272 1,424 2,565 1,316 2,694 816 2,562 2,435 1,771 5,127 878 2,110 944 5,228 514 1,300 198 4,019 1,605 1,562 8,897 181 11 4 156 8 8 198 0 8 86 17 8 66 14 8 ■84 1 4 253 5 8 76 14 0 121 19 8 179 9 8 272 2 8 444 16 4 177 4 8 62 16 8 66 14 8 183 6 0 114 12 4 74 10 8 68 18 0 38 7 0 74 10 8 34 17 8 103 15 8 25 2 8 81 0 8 63 18 4 53 10 4 160 19 8 26 4 8 64 7 0 27 7 0 142 11 4 18 0 8 39 9 8 6 17 4 123 1 4 51 2 8 50 5 4 266 14 4 3,247 2,725 3,194 1,457 1,358 1,790 4,964 1,445 2,284 2,990 4,603 8,397 3,085 1,058 1,236 3,701 2,061 1,526 1,351 720 1,575 704 1,734 512 1,677 1,353 1,064 3,293 618 1,319 649 3,204 352 935 152 2,609 1,092 1,040 5,939 2,097 ■ 692 ! 6,036 1,530 j 2,495 ' 6,750 1,522 1,734 ! 6,450 626 ; 616 2,699 479 519 2,356 727 706 3,223 1,841 467 7,272 640 594 2,680 1,222 ; 880 4,386 1,828 ! 4,432 9,250 1,840 2,746 : 9,189 3,529 ! 3,360 15,286 1,372 1,158 5,610 530 606 2,194 415 741 2,392 1,114 526 5,341 815 756 3,632 493 382 2,401 504 491 2,346 290 750 1,760 502 290 2,367 323 334 1,361 633 498 2,865 176 276 964 471 93 2,241 549 419 2,321 367 ; 224 1,655 S68 414 I 4,675 109 74 801 431 249 1,999 117 99 865 938 321 4,463 59 115 526 162 40 1,137 26 .. 178 705 303 3,617 277 161 1,530 276 171 1,487 1,810 I 369 8,118 1,421 947 303 i 85 49 116 2,013 1,170 279 225 397 207 74 336 45 171 148 ia 810 '878 3 "89 289 "l4 198 321 114 116 452 77 111 79 765 163 20 402 75 75 779 17 1 17 4 19 10 Iβ' 9 19 10 18 1 16 11 18 10 18 5 17 10 18 0 18 8 18 1 16 4 17 2 17 8 17 6 18 10 18 10 17 11 2,487 94,128 24,774 19,870 3,488 142,255 4,322 9 4 83,014 32,313 29,096 144,423 2,168 A.O.F. Canterbury United District — District Funeral Fund .. •■ 5-32 ! 4 9,979 230 1902 1,038 10,209 300 4 8 4,687 7,308 11,995 1,786




1 Date of Number of : Valua- Members. ( tion, 31st Dec. Rate of Interest. In •a o ft s Liabilities. Assets. t> Si a <5Q Date K»me of District and Va °/ Ua . 31st Dec. When opened. .a '— O » d I i I Manace- | ment Contribn- and Sickness Funeral \ J™' 0 ., other Benefit. Benefit. ! d8 ' &c. ' I I Present Value of fr >m Contributions. Contribu- |™£ F ™£. "° as rePresent Value of Surplus. Deficiency Total. Total. i i A.O.P. — continued. Canterbury United District —coiitd. Court Star of Canterbury .. 1852 1902 Queen of the Isles .. 1859 Pride of Courtenay .. 1876 Thistle of the Forest .. 1879 Woodford .. .. 1880 , Papanui .. .. 1881 Star of Dunsandel .. 1888 . Star of Belfast .. .. 1888 | „ Ashburton .. .. 1889 Queen of Canterbury .. I 1895 : Victoria .. ■ - 1896 „ I I 412 31 50 : 109 144 51 56 25 83 37 40 /o 4-36 4 4-67 4 3-64 3| 6-31 i 5-01 4 4-20 4 2-90 3 3-72 3| 4-93 4 310 3 Nil 3 £ 17,241 1,668 1,846 3,627 4,897 1,715 2,165 881 2,566 857 817 £ £ £ 4,704 1,736 I 152 j 494 90 402 497 254 I 162 959 530 i 100 1,306 719 167 456 258 I 13 569 347 ; 112 | 234 181 4 1 678 439 I 45 146 132 ' 14 164 153 ' 14 23,833 2,654 2,759 5,216 7,089 2,442 3,193 1,250 3,728 1,149 1,148 £ s. d. 640 12 0 40 10 0 73 0 0 160 10 0 216 6 0 75 16 0 81 16 0 39 16 0 130 10 0 36 10 0 33 4 0 £ 8,805 400 1,208 2,637 3,552 1,259 1,669 690 2,272 772 760 £ £ 5,706 10,422 630 1,803 573 1,139 1,103 1,896 1,504 2,369 523 481 619 450 266 341 759 j 614 146 89 164 14 £ i 24,933 i 2,833 2,920 5,636 7,425 2,263 2,738 1,297 3,645 1,007 938 £ 1,100 179 161 420 336 £ 1.79 455 s. d. Iβ' 2 16 4 47 83 142 210 19 5 17 2 15 8 Total .. . ■ .. I .. ' 1,038 — 38,280 I 10,207 4,789 I 1,185 j 54,461 11,993 19,618 55,635 1,174 1,528 10 0 24,024 •• •• H I 11,645 United Otago District— District Funeral Fund .. .. • • I 1902 1902 2,603 5-36 4 • • 22,657 .. 2,080 24,737 734 1 4 12,070 23,715 1,022 19 1 1 Court Pride of Dunedin .. 1862 I 1902 Pride of the Lake .. 1863 Enterprise .. . • 1863 , „ Robin Hood .. .. 1864 i Pride of the Leith .. 1864 , , Bruce .. ■ • • • I 865 Star of the Dunstan .. 1866 Pride of Oamaru.. .. 1868 Star of Tuapeka .. .. 1868 \ Pride of Alexandra .. 1869 Havelock .. .. 1869 , Roxburgh .. .. 1873 | * Star of the South .. 1874 St. Andrew's .. .. 1875 j Excelsior .. .. 1877 Little John .. .. 1888 j '„ Royal Oak .. .. 1890 Southern Star .. .. 1890 j „ Woodlands' Pride .. 1895 Queen of the South .. 1896 "„ Star of the Forest .. 1896 " Pride of Waitaki Total 1902 H 261 13 316 123 217 181 44 213 33 78 32 53 325 141 120 71 77 43 143 55 42 22 5-39 4 * 3 4-95 ! 4 5-68 I 4 4-49 i 4 4-52 j 4 4-58 i 4 4-42 I 4 356 3i 2-82 3 4-29 : 4 6-38 4 5-08 4 4-40 4 4-59 4 2-87 ! 3 Nil 3 Nil 3 Nil 3 1-43 3 Nil 3 9,938 699 10,699 5,575 7,905 6,285 1,497 6,848 1,698 2,736 1,425 1,756 10,543 5,041 3,724 2,094 2,268 1,672 3,125 1,275 1,689 885 2,709 i 1,319 i 197 ! 67 J 2,869 ' 1,663 1,539 683 ! 2,126 1,122 1,676 899 403 242 1,818 1,141 : 465 : 126 719 : 480 378 i 179 469 305 2,787 1,699 1,353 710 984 643 550 376 593 477 443 283 495 440 202 177 449 276 235 143 1,650 13 404 281 242 159 181 60 60 116 37 90 170 78 20 52 11 12 9 28 19 15,616 976 15,635 «,O78 11,395 9,019 2,142 9,9S8 2,349 3,995 2,098 2,567 15,119 7,274 5,429 3,040 3,390 2,409 4,072 1,663 2,442 1,282 344 6 8 20 16 0 501 2 4 197 19 8 342 13 2 256 16 1 74 2 0 321 2 0 30 17 5 138 2 6 57 13 4 82 11 0 494 0 0 210 13 1 182 17 4 106 3 4 117 0 0 71 18 8 133 0 8 57 6 4 76 9 10 40 7 4 5,479 288 8,160 3,431 5,391 4,218 1,221 5,499 333 2,558 993 1,371 8,400 3,354 3,178 1,906 2,423 1,451 2,916 1,208 1,497 788 2,709 8,548 197 540 2,869 6,961 1,539 1,377 2,126 3,631 1,676 1,662 403 588 1,818 2,632 465 485 719 788 378 619 469 601 2,787 3,112 1,353 1,236 984 1,565 550 723 593 504 443 105 495 90 202 186 449 311 235 58 16,736 1,025 17,990 6,347 11,148 7,556 2,212 9,949 1,283 4,065 1,990 2,441 14,299 5,943 5,727 3,179 3,520 1,999 3,501 1,546 2,257 1,081 1,120 49 2,355 TO TO 1,731 247 1,463 "39 1,066 108 126 820 1,331 14 6 19 5 15 11 1911 8 4 18 8 18 9 18 8 15 4 298 139 130 - •• ■ - 410 571 117 185 201 15 9 16 10 18 5 18 1 16 1 89,377 23,459 13,450 3,692 129,978 3,857 18 9 66,063 23,459 36,272 125,794 4,184 •• 2,603 M.U.I.O.O.F. Hokitika District — Waimea Lodge .. .. 1867 1903 Greymouth . .. •• 1867 Albert . ■• •• 1870 _. 1903 J 27 67 73 3-40 3J 6-06 4 3-66 3J 2,260 422 4,111 786 3,938 778 ! . 10,309 1,986 15 9 82 2,697 4,906 4,798 35 18 3 72 11 8 105 1 8 371 965 1,784 3,120 591 3,865 592 962 4,830 2,376 ■■ 1,735 76 2,422 4,233 7 1 19 8 9 9 167 106 12,401 I 213 11 7 : 5,048 8,168 I -. Total .. .. ..I -• •• .. I .. i - irinatii in in< •te.




Experience d Greater (+) Equal New Zealaii' luring Quini I or 1 jess ( — ] 1 to( = ) thai d Friendly 1896. [uennium, than or of Societies, Surplus(+) or ( + )or(-) Deficiency at Previous (-) Valuation, per Member. Name of Society, or District Number and Branch. Members. Average Age. Average Annual Contribution. Mortality. Sickness. Cost of Sickness. I.O.O.F. New Zealand— Pioneer Lodge 105 Leith „ 92 Alfred „ 107 Star of Canterbury „ 4'J Rangitikei „ 39 Alexandrovna ,. 48 Unity , 151 Viotoria „ 41 Linden „ 71 Southern Cross „ 128 Pioneer of South- „ 153 land Star of Auckland „ 238 Washington „ 103 Prebbleton „ 34 Alma „ 41 Wallace „ 98 Bidgley „ 68 Kawakawa „ 43 Gladstone „ 38 Mataura „ 20 Aparima „ 38 Kaeo „ 19 Orient „ 55 Otaki „ 14 Popotunoa „ 45 Hope of Maheno „ 37 Waiareka „ 30 Star of Eden „ 89 Ruth Rebekah „ 26 Star of Waiuku „ 32 Linda Rebekah „ 28 Northern Wairoa „ 80 Myrtle Rebekah „ 16 Miriam Rebekah „ 39 Naomi Rebekah „ 7 Wynyard „ 72 Opotiki 29 Owaka „ 27 Star of Gisborne „ 137 40-31 37-35 36-95 33-71 31-36 32-56 31-56 35-85 37-07 36-52 34-20 36-06 33-83 37-50 30-56 30-59 32-57 29-88 33-00 35-45 33-32 36-95 34-53 32-64 29-71 33-05 32-10 31-44 26-62 34-50 26-32 29-91 29-88 25-30 25-00 28-18 27-97 30-15 3004 s. d. 34 7 34 0 37 0 35 5 34 3 35 0 33 7 37 5 34 6 28 1 35 6 37 4 34 5 36 11 32 6 37 5 33 8 34 8 36 3 38 4 39 2 36 9 37 9 35 11 36 0 34 7 j 35 8 ! 36 2 20 2 40 8 19 6 35 8 22 6 20 3 19 7 34 2 35 3 i 37 2 38 11 Per Cent. - 25 - 50 - 33 - 29 t - 25 t - 67 + 20 - 25 - 37 - 75 + 200 + 50 + 100 PerCent. - 48 - 43 -257 - 76 - 59 1 + 73 t - 20 - 25 - 28 + 4 - 15 - 22 + 4 + 24 - 66 + 185 - 43 - 78 - 90 - 44 + 28 - 84 - 84 - 16 - 38 - 25 t - 20 t + 15 - 71 Per Cent. - 40 - 34 - 54 - 77 - 54 t + 25 t - 42 - 20 + 16 + 9 + 2 + 61 - 55 + 81 - 29 - 71 - 87 - 33 + 13 - 82 - 81 - 16 - 23 - 26 t £ £ - 7-71 - 1-29 + 15-45 +11-61 + 8-85 + 909 + 6-20 + 2-00 + 2-18 + 8-18 + 1-02 +12-41 - 5-81 - 0-93 + 2-83 + 7-58 - 0-04 + 1-00 + 15-73 +11-73 + 7-65 + 1-92 - 0-37 + 5-29 + 2-71 + 8-21 + 6-62 + 6-11 + 9-68 +13-22 - 2-95 + 9-33 + 3-04 + 3-53 - 0-33 +13-46 + 1-95 + 9-73 + 16-80 +17-25 - 5-21 + 2-37 + 8-25 + 3-11 + 4-33 + 10-57 + 907 - 7-13 + 317 - 3-08 + 9-85 - 3-87 + 2-50 - 5-08 + 2-37 - 2-96 - 3-47 - 2-82 - 9-56 + 2-48 + 0-75 - 4-18 - 2-86 - 5-58 - 2-59 - 2-78 - 5-69 * * * + 100 + 100 t * - 8 t - 50 t + 32 - 67 t + 13 - 38 - 88 - 85 t f t * * + 6 - 47 - 39 - 87 t * t Total .. .. 2,487 2,487 33-32 34 9 - 21 - 18 - 17 + 0-87 A.O.P. Canterbury United District— Court Star of Canterbury 412 Queen of the Isles 31 Pride of Courtenay 50 . Thistle of the 109 Foreet Woodford .. 144 „ Papanui .. 51 „ Dunsandel .. 56 „ Star of Belfast .. 25 Ashburton .. | 83 Queen of Canter- 37 bury Victoria .. 40 412 31 50 109 144 51 56 25 83 '37 46-55 62-65 37-81 35-09 36-07 35-98 30-96 35-09 32-82 27-00 31 1 26 2 29 2 29 5 30 0 29 9 29 2 31 10 31 5 : 19 9 - 8 + 33 - 50 - 25 - 40 - 21 - 39 - 26 - 15 + 19 - 65 + 3 - 45 - 41 + 83 - 6 - 18 - 22 - 15 + 21 - 57 + H - 35 - 31 + 99 + 2-66 + 5-77 + 3-22 + 3-85 + 2-33 - 3-51 - 8-12 + 1-88 - 1-00 - 3-84 - 0-34 - 3-07 + 2-00 + 6-12 + 2-03 - 5-37 - 3-17 - 1-97 - 1-09 - 50 * - 50 40 22-00 16 7 * + 132 + 132 - 5-25 + 0-84 Total .. .. 1,038 1,038 39-77 29 5 - 15 - 18 6 + 1-13 United Otago District — Court Pride of Dunedin 261 „ Pride of the Lake 13 Enterprise .. 316 Robin Hood .. 123 Pride of the Leith 217 Bruce .. .. 181 Star of the Duns- 44 tan Pride of Oamaru 218 „ Star of Tuapeka.. 33 Pride of Alexandra 78 261 13 316 123 217 181 44 41-46 53-38 35-97 41-25 39-34 36-75 36-50 26 5 32 0 31 8 32 2 31 7 28 5 33 8 + 5 - 11 + 10 - 20 ♦ + 12 - 88 - 4 - 22 + 7 + 20 - 55 + 10 - 78 - 4 - 16 - 7 + 1 - 35 + 4-29 + 3-77 + 7-45 -14-07 - 114 - 8-08 + 1-59 + 3-81 - 1-68 + 5-05 -12-67 - 3-81 - 7-90 + 0-91 218 33 78 83-60 58-70 32-58 30 2 18 9 35 5 + 14 - 25 + 33 + 13 + a - 80 + 3 - 19 - 74 - 0-18 -32-30 + 0-90 - 0-37 -23-31 + 5-30 I Inforiui ition iuip' feet. • N< death. >vv


APPENDIX V— continued. VALUATION STATISTICS, ETC., FOR 1906.-TABLE B— continued.


Name of Society, or District Nu ™ ber and Branch. Members. Average Annual Contribution. Experience during Quinquennium, Greater {+) or Less ( —) than or Equal to ( = ) that of New Zealand Friendly Societies, 1896. Surplus ( + ) or < + )or(-) Deficiency at Previous (-) j Valuation, per Member. ] Average Age. Mortality. Sickness. s ?° k 8 ne ° f s . A.O.F.— continued. United Otago District — continued. Court Havelock „ Roxburgh Star of the South „ St. Andrew's „ Excelsior , Little John Royal Oak „ Southern Star .. Woodlands' Pride „ Queen of the South „ Star of the Forest Pride of Waitaki 32 53 325 141 120 71 77 43 143 55 42 22 40-97 34-21 33-75 38-04 31-48 30-37 29-75 31-98 25-50 28-27 33-95 33-73 s. d. 36 0 31 2 30 5 29 11 30 6 29 11 30 4 33 6 18 7 20 10 36 5 36 8 Per Cent. Per Cent. Per Cent. t t t + 50 +29 +27 - 18 +7 +18 - 50 -9-11 _ 75 -49-40 - 50 - 53 - 12 - 37 - 29 t t t t t t t t t - 53 - 51 t t t £ - 3-38 - 2-38 - 2-52 - 9-44 + 2-48 + 1-96 + 1-69 - 9-53 - 3-99 - 2-13 - 4-40 - 9-14 £ + 011 - 309 - 2-50 - 9-69 + 1-56 - 0-41 - 1-95 - 5 96 - 0-57 - 0-37 - 214 Total 2,603 35-65 29 8 - 11 4 ' 7 - 1-61 M.U.I.O.O.F. [okitiha District — Waimea Lodge Greymouth „ Albert ■27 67 78 62-33 48-83 38-92 26 7 21 8 28 9 + 25 - 14 - 75 - 46 - 7 + 86 - 35 _ g + 18 -64-3 - 1-1 -33-2 -47-9 + 1-8 -25-6 Total .. 167 46-68 25 7 - 20 + 1 - 10 -25-3 I Inform; btion imperi :ect. * No death.


TABLE I.—Number of Members and Amounts of Benefit and other Funds, as on the 31st December, 1905, of all Friendly Societies and Branches from which Returns were received in accordance with the Act.


1 Name or Society and Bkanch. Place of nja Establishment. ® d § H Ooo noj Sick and \hi\ Total Worth. 3 § g Surplus. I £ s. d. £ s. d. 112 5 10 Management and other Funds, Goods, &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at Last Valuation. M.U.I.O.O.F. N.Z. Branch Central Body Auckland District — Central Body Fountain of Friendship Lodge.. Good Intent „ Parnell „ Charles Bruce „ Waikato „ .. Duke of Cambridge „ .. Gisborne „ Howick „ Whangarei „ .. Franklin „ .. Warkworth Pioneer „ .. Hauraki „ Hokianga „ Karangahake „ * .. John Leydon > „ .. Jubilee „ Manukau „ Eotorua „ .. Waitekauri and Golden Cross Lodge Waipu Lodge Mangonui Hot Springs ,. Te Awamutu „ Hamilton Wellington .. 1902 £ s. d. 112 5 10 & Auckland .. .. 1844 .. 1850 Parnell .. 1859 Thames .. 1865 .. 1866 Cambridge .. 1867 Gisborne .. 1874 Howick .. 1876 Wbangarei .. 1881 Otahuhu .. 1881 Warkworth .. 1884 Coromandel 1895 Rawene .. 1896 Karangahake 1897 Waihi .. 1897 Paeroa .. 1897 Onehunga .. 1898 Rotorua .. 1898 Waitekauri .. 1899 15,856 4 4 15,696 18 10 512 24,355 15 2 20,349 4 11 385 7,118 0 10 6,752 11 6 203 5,531 2 0 4,926 4 0 173 2,646 15 7 2,514 1 2 263 4,015 4 4 3,738 4 6 72 740 9 9 686 7 7 187 4,414 3 4 4,296 19 10 86 1,774 17 9 1,677 12 9 54 1,257 11 8 1,236 3 3 88 1,061 17 6 1,061 17 6 73 497 19 2 497 19 2 54 779 17 8 730 7 5 52 202 18 2 176 12 1 109 514 9 2 511 11 4 132 565 16 9 561 10 2 59 404 9 0 402 11 11 47 309 19 10 290 8 5 56 150 9 4 150 9 4 116 669 0 3 669 0 3 159 5 6 4,006 10 3 365 9 4 604 18 0 132 14 5 276 19 10 54 2 2 117 3 6 97 5 0 21 8 5 - 2-16 + 0-11 + 1-78 - 5-32 -12-93 -10-15 4- 6-83 - 500 + 10-22 - 3-21 - 11-78 - 8-00 -12-68 - 8-64 - 9-90 - 9-18 - 7-85 49 10 3 26 6 1 2 17 10 4 6 7 1 17 1 19 11 5 - 900 Waipu .. 1900 Mangonui .. 1900 Te Aroha .. 1900 Te Awamutu 1903 Hamilton .. 1903 35 232 3 2 209 18 2 18 170 0 7 104 11 4 32 94 13 8 79 11 4 44 162 17 3 147 8 5 72 137 10 6 129 15 3 22 5 0 65 9 3 15 2 4 15 8 10 7 15 3 - 8-50 - 8-04 - 9-13 Total 2,922 73,664 6 9 67,598 0 5 6,066 6 4 - 5-11 Rawke's Bay District — Central Body Napier Lodge Meeanee „ Abbotsford „ Clive Hastings Tavistock Woodville Ruahine Forest Home Dannevirke „ Napier 1 OKa .. 1856 Taradale .. 1871 Waipawa .. 1873 Clive .. 1876 Hastings .. 1878 Waipukurau 1879 Woodville .. 1880 Hampden .. 1885 Ormondville 1887 Dannevirke.. 1888 1856 1871 1873 1876 1878 1879 1880 1885 1887 1888 302 60 217 33 236 66 24 87 58 163 626 16 6 10,820 6 5 671 19 7 7,490 13 1 1,056 12 6 4,067 10 2 1,569 19 5 1,235 13 9 1,000 17 6 502 0 3 1,399 11 5 569 18 11 10,145 10 5 663 9 8 7,228 19 9 1,056 12 6 3,967 11 10 1,560 8 0 1,181 16 11 985 18 7 472 18 9 1,337 7 11 56 17 7 674 16 0 8 9 11 261 13 4 99 18 4 9 11 5 53 16 10 14 18 11 29 1 6 62 3 6 + 14-74 - 0-92 + 10-33 + 12-78 + 3-74 - + 11-38 + 19-76 + 3-25 - 1-24 + 0-88 Total 1,246 30,442 0 7 29,170 13 3 1,271 7 4 Netv Plymouth District — Central Body Egmont Lodge Excelsior „ Waitara Union „ Manaia „ Eltham Midhirst „ New Plymouth 1 QKf7 1857 1865 Waitara .. 1876 Hawera .. 1881 Manaia .. 1887 Eltham .. 1889 Midhirst .. 1893 1857 1865 1876 1881 1887 1889 1893 209 112 43 105 65 127 73 700 18 10 5,690 5 11 4,653 11 1 2,009 10 5 2,027 1 10 1,397 18 11 684 6 8 507 10 6 605 0 10 5,676 19 3 4,608 0 4 1.961 2 9 1.962 19 8 1,397 18 11 681 13 4 305 6 4 95 18 0 13 6 8 45.10 9 48 7 8 64 2 2 - 5-79 + 6-27 + 4-63 - 3-86 + 4-12 - 4-62 - 1-03 213 4 202 4 2 Total 734 17,671 4 2 17,199 1 5 472 2 9 Wellington District— Central Body Britannia Lodge Antipodean „ Rose of the Valley „ Rose of Sharon St. George Unity Combination Heart of Oak Masterton Greytown Petone Eketahuna Martinborough Mangatainoka Sister Wallis Newtown „ Victoria Diamond „ Wellington 1 CMQ .. 1843 .. 1847 Lower Hutt 1849 Upper Hutt 1857 Pahautanui 1867 Featherston 1872 Johnsonville 1876 Carterton .. 1877 Masterton .. 1877 Greytown .. 1879 Petone .. 1882 Eketahuna .. 1887 Maryborough 1892 Mangatainoka 1894 Wellington .. 1895 Newtown • .. 1897 Levin .. 1897 1843 1847 1849 1857 1867 1872 1876 1877 1877 1879 1882 1887 1892 1894 1895 1897 1897 7 535 389 125 67 21 93 28 79 86 76 95 65 32 49 63 102 20 3,583 4 2 20,183 8 6 14,901 5 10 3,027 1 9 1,430 2 6 483 6 9 1,244 11 2 884 9 2 1,848 0 3 865 6 0 2,330 2 9 1,830 19 3 1,135 12 4 377 7 9 296 10 0 165 1 5 547 6 9 180 0 11 3,210 18 3 19,487 10 3 14,438 15 2 2,830 1 9 1,401 14 10 474 6 8 1,215 14 8 702 18 11 1,836 15 2 856 6 0 2,005 16 2 1,794 2 11 918 9 6 355 11 8 290 7 10 138 14 7 529 11 1 148 13 5 372 5 11 695 18 3 462 10 8 197 0 0 28 7 8 9 0 1 28 16 6 181 10 3 11 5 1 9 0 0 324 6 7 36 16 4 217 2 10 21 16 6 6 2 2 26 6 10 17 15 8 31 7 6 ■ + 7-76 + 12-89 - 1-24 - 0-23 -13-50 + 0-45 + 1-37 - 3-70 + 1-72 + 4-68 - 1-82 + 1-63 + 7-30 - 0-57 : - 1-23 - 0-17 - 0-32 Total 1,932 55,313 17 3 52,636 8 5 2,677 8 10


TABLE I. —Membership and Funds— continued.


Namf. op Soo.kty and Bbanch. ; Bet S^ B f,^ ent . §| § •S§3 II? "as. Sick and Total Worth. Surplus Management and other Funds, Goods, &c. Management and other Funds, Goods, &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at Last Valuation. M.U.I.O.O.F.— continued. Nelson District— Central Body .. .. Nelson Nelson Lodge .. , ..1842 Travellers' Rest „ .. Richmond .. 1847 Howard „ .. Nelson .. 1847 Mansion of Peace „ .. Wakefield .. 1859 General Cameron „ .. Brightwater 1865 1842 1847 1847 1859 1865 230 103 220 176 49 £ s. d. £ s. d. 9,569 15 11 4,827 11 4 4,015 19 4 3,978 14 10 1,925 19 11 1,861 0 11 8,410 18 10 8,394 7 8 4,911 10 11 4,820 13 2 1,753 18 2 1,753 18 2 £ S. d. 4,742 4 7 37 4 6 64 19 0 16 11 2 90 17 9 £ S. d. 4,742 4 7 37 4 6 64 19 0 16 11 2 90 17 9 £ -■ 7-47 - 4-05 + 955 + 720 + 396 Total 778 30,588 3 1 25,636 6 1 4,951 17 0 4,951 17 0 Motueka District — Central Bodv .. .. Motueka Motueka Lodge .. „ .. 1850 Oood Intention „ .. Riwaka .. 1860 Takaka „ .. Takaka .. 1863 South Star „ .. Dovedale .. 1880 1850 1860 1863 1880 202 88 116 64 2,806 11 1 4,594 9 11 3,182 1 7 1,837 4 3 763 3 0 33 19 0 4,577 15 5 8,079 13 3 1,787 15 0 723 15 3 2,772 12 1 16 14 6 102 8 4 49 9 3 39 7 9 2,980 11 11 2,772 12 1 16 14 6 102 8 4 49 9 3 39 7 9 - 0-20 - 1-81 - 9-15 - 8-84 Total 470 13,183 9 10 10,202 17 11 •2,980 11 11 Hokitika District — Central Bodv .. .. Hokitika Waimea Lodge .. ., Stafford .. 1867 Greymouth „ .. .. Greymouth.. 1867 Albert „ .. .. Kumara .. 1870 1867 1867 1870 a 27 70 74 278 14 3 585 0 11 3,949 17 9 684 9 1 278 0 1 561 9 9 3,936 5 8 555 18 0 0 14 2 23 11 2 13 12 1 128 11 1 0 14 2 23 11 2 13 12 1 128 11 1 -64-3 - 1-1 -33-2 Total .. .. .., 173 5,498 2 0 5,331 13 6 166 8 6 166 8 6 -25-3 Ashley District — Central Body .. .. Bangiora Rangiora Lodge .. „ .. 1860 Nil Desperandurn „ .. East Oxford 1868 Leithfield „ .. Leithfield .. 1873 Cust „ .. Oust .. I 1874 Woodend „ .. Woodend .. 1874 Oxford „ .. West Oxford 1876 Ohoka „ ,. Ohoka .. 1876 Amberley „ .. Amberley .. 1876 Waikari' „ .. Waikari .. 1880 Cheviot . .. McKenzie .. 1896 1860 1868 1873 1874 1874 1876 1876 1876 1880 1896 365 124 83 81 85 85 89 80 51 29 1,099 2 10 8,022 5 6 2,821 9 3 2,017 14 8 1,198 4 3 1,145 14 4 543 8 1 1,032 5 4 2,041 19 6 401 5 9 205 10 2 910 4 10 7,885 7 11 2,767 5 9 1,984 1 2 1,176 19 5 1,139 7 11 515 0 11 1,032 5 4 2,034 18 3 375 13 11 189 13 6 188 18 0 136 17 7 54 3 6 33 13 6 21 4 10 6 6 5 28 7 2 7 13 25 11 10 15 16 8 188 18 0 136 17 7 54 3 6 33 13 6 21 4 10 6 6 5 28 7 2 - 1-89 + 5-35 + 5-17 - 8-72 - 3-48 -19-45 - R-71 + 2-15 - 6-54 - 2-61 -? 7 13 25 11 10 15 16 8 Total 1,072 20,528 19 8 20,010 18 11 518 0 9 518 0 9 - 3-09 Ashburton District — Central Body .. .. Ashburton Ashburton Lodge .. .. I , .. 1873 Waterton , .. .. Waterton .. i 1881 South Rakaia „ .. .. South Rakaia | 1881 Pioneer „ .. .. Springburn .. I 1881 Tinwald . .. .. Tinwald .. 1882 Methven , .. .. Methven .. ; 1900 Mayfieid „ .. .. Mayfield .. 1901 1873 1881 1881 1881 1882 1900 1901 195 56 37 56 42 38 38 929 15 11 3,333 16 9 1,192 5 10 1,717 9 10 1,142 4 8 1,209 12 3 205 5 9 187 2 4 830 5 4 3,244 11 7 1,392 5 10 1,638 5 4 1,128 6 2 1,183 12 1 157 3 3 162 8 0 99 10 7 89 5 2 79 4 6 13 18 6 26 0 2 48 2 6 24 14 4 99 10 7 89 5 2 79 4 6 13 18 6 26 0 2 48 2 6 24 14 4 - 332 + 2-83 + 6-12 - 0-29 + 900 - 4 06 - 3-59 Total .. .. 462 9,917 13 4 9,536 17 7 380 15 9 380 15 9 + 006 Total N.Z. Branches .. 9,789 256,920 2 6 237,322 17 6 19,597 5 0 .9,597 5 0 DlSTBICTS SEPARATELY REGISTERED. Wanganui District — Central Body .. .. Wanganui .. Wanganui Lodge .. .. „ .. 1858 Manawatu „ .. .. PalmerstonN. 1881 Manchester „ . .. Feilding .. 1883 Apiti „ .. .. Apiti .. 1894 Awarua „ .. .. Ohingaiti .. \ 1894 Rangitikei „ .. .. Mangaweka 1895 Hautapu , .. .. Taibape .. 1897 Bunnythorpe „ .. .. Bunnythorpe 1905 1858 1881 1883 1894 1894 1895 1897 1905 227 229 115 65 43 106 60 36 222 16 3 15,059 1 3 2,957 18 10 931 17 11 565 15 5 537 14 3 742 7 2 155 0 4 45 6 9 208 0 9 10,003 7 2 2,173 3 5 857 1 10 475 18 5 496 17 6 437 7 2 129 12 7 41 12 0 14 15 6 5,055 14 1 784 15 5 74 16 1 89 17 0 40 16 9 3C5 0 0 25 7 9 3 14 9 - 'β-oe Total 881 21,217 18 2 14,823 0 10 6,394 17 4 Marlborough District — Central Body .. .. Blenheim Marlborough Lodge .. .. . • .. 1860 Renwick , .. .. Renwiok .. 1867 1860 1867 126 42 1,468 13 0 5,766 9 4 2,485 3 4 95 17 11 5,750 9 8 2,479 9 7 1,372 15 1 15 19 8 5 13 9 + 3-88 Total 168 9,720 5 8 8,325 17 2 1,394 8 6


TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.

4—H. 1.


Name op Society and Bbanch. Place of Establishment. ill H ■sgg sad Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund, including Surplus. Management and Other Funds, Goods, &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at Last Valuation. M.U.I.O.O.F.— continued. North Westland District — Central Body Westport Lodge .. Charleston „ Reef ton „ Waimangaroa „ Blackball Reefton Westport Charleston .. Reefton Waimaugaroa Blackball .. 1867 1867 1872 1886 1898 97 46 105 49 42 £ s. d. 47 6 10 4,166 16 1 2,616 1 5 3,551 13 8 392 10 1 148 16 7 S. s. d. 5 8 1 4,163 18 1 2,616 1 5 3,493 11 6 364 17 2 128 0 1 £ s. d. 41 18 9 2 18 0 £ + 12-40 - 330 -10-37 - 995 -19-78 58 2 2 27 12 11 20 16 6 Total 339 10,923 4 8 10,771 16 4 151 8 4 -2-93 North Canterbury District — Central Body City of Christchurch Lodge Kaiapoi „ Volunteer Benevolent Perseverance „ Malvern „ Phillipstown „ Leeston „ Papanui Addington „ Coleridge , Heart of Oak Riccarton „ Jubilee „ Sister Pearce Tamahine „ Christchurch Kaiapoi Sydenham .. Christchurch Woolston Waddington Linwood Leeston Papanui Addington .. Glentunnel .. Kaikoura Up. Riccarton Prebbleton .. Christchurch Kaiapoi 1853 1858 1866 1866 1872 1877 1879 1880 1880 1882 1883 1885 1886 1887 1896 1896 3 512 141 203 149 162 73 63 118 65 119 118 92 49 52 51 55 746 18 7 15,426 6 5 2,976 14 0 2,476 13 5 4,163 7 0 2,080 18 10 944 6 9 305 3 4 1,699 2 8 1,161 7 7 1,856 6 3 938 9 9 1,611 8 7 1,192 15 11 640 8 8 98 2 4 48 13 7 464 4 10 12,883 6 1 2,923 3 3 2,359 15 0 4,054 2 5 2,067 17 2 899 7 6 279 9 10 1,655 3 i 1,134 1 2 1,792 3 3 739 19 3 1,224 5 9 1,183 6 6 609 0 2 75 13 2 13 0 9 282 13 9 2,543 0 4 53 10 9 116 18 5 109 4 7 13 1 8 44 19 3 25 13 6 43 19 4 27 6 5 64 3 0 198 10 6 387 2 10 9 9 5 31 8 6 22 9 2 35 12 10 -29-00 - 3-94 -- 5-84 - 9-84 + 4-73 -19-89 - 8-83 -21-31 - 8-78 - 5-20 -1409 -10-40 - 4-89 + 6-90 -16-58 - 7-20 - 7-89 Total 2,025 38,367 3 8 34,357 19 5 4,009 4 3 - 7-61 Lyttelton District — Central Body City of Norwich Lodge Good Intent „ Heart of Friendship „ Hand of Friendship „ Hand and Heart „ Perseverance „ Wairewa „ Lyttelton .. Akaroa Waimate Okain's Bay Pigeon Bay.. Barry's Bay Little River 1850 1860 1875 1875 1876 1881 1897 1 273 52 70 48 52 53 44 257 4 5 9,980 4 7 1,631 12 7 1,081 17 2 965 4 2 1,150 4 0 823 14 10 197 17 0 161 6 5 9,813 3 8 1,631 1 11 1,012 9 0 953 11 1 1,122 7 3 794 14 0 186 0 6 95 18 0 167 0 11 0 10 8 69 8 2 11 13 1 27 16 9 29 0 10 11 16 6 + 11-78 - 8-63 -12-44 - 6-12 - 6-48 - 3-48 - 6-94 Total 593 16,087 18 9 15,674 13 10 413 4 11 South Canterbury District — Central Body Timaru Lodge Pleasant Point „ Timaru 1864 1891 336 23 185 15 3 4,727 2 1 685 6 9 158 17 9 4,612 8 8 644 16 8 26 17 6 114 13 5 40 10 1 -10-63 - 6-20 Pleasant Pt. Total 359 5,598 4 1 5,416 3 1 182 1 0 Otago District — Central Body Hand and Heart Lodge Dunedin „ Dalton „ Prince of Wales Albion Oamaru „ Tuapeka Pioneer „ Waitahuna „ Prince Alfred Waipori „ Bluespur „ Naseby Alexandra „ Roxburgh Tapanui „ Palmerston Cromwell „ Mount Wendon „ Band of Friendship „ Outram Mosgiel „ Caversham ., Valley Ngapara „ Dunback „ Pride of Kaitangata „ United Brothers „ Milton „ Waikaka Dunedin Balclutha .. Port Chalmers { Dunedin Oamaru Lawrence .. Waitahuna .. Waikouaiti .. Waipori Bluespur Naseby Pt. Molyneux Roxburgh .. Tapanui Palmerston S. Cromwell Waikaia Kakanui Outram Mosgiel Caversham .. N.E. Valley Ngapara Dunback Kaitangata .. Cambrian Milton Waikaka 1848 1862 1864 1864 1864 1864 1865 1866 1866 1867 1867 1868 1869 1869 1869 1870 1870 1871 1872 1875 1879 1881 1881 1891 1892 1892 1897 1897 1899 610 340 228 157 289 169 84 51 61 30 58 104 49 52 155 91 126 59 36 76 202 222 147 29 57 115 48 160 51 1,306 14 11 27,829 17 6 14,907 13 2 5,188 7 5 3,720 3 6 4,659 4 10 4,196 0 9 2,340 15 2 1,399 10 11 2,999 9 2 348 5 0 1,698 11 6 1,498 15 11 2,327 14 11 1,264 5 5 3,813 19 8 2,143 15 8 5.491 19 4 1,999 8 8 1,124 4 3 3.492 6 4 4,590 15 0 3,121 1 9 2,240 9 2 486 10 6 341 19 9 1,031 7 0 498 2 6 1,254 7 7 170 3 2 159 1 1 25,034 2 4 14,488 0 11 4,629 16 11 3,536 15 5 4,478 7 0 3,940 18 7 2,128 0 10 1,371 12 9 2,996 11 1 291 14 0 1,484 10 2 1,351 1 7 2,261 16 4 1,108 9 5 3,637 0 10 2,007 1 11 5,077 15 0 1,991 18 8 949 13 3 3,449 6 0 4,369 13 5 2,982 16 6 2,079 6 4 474 12 0 341 7 3 979 12 5 483 7 9 972 15 5 154 17 1 1,147 13 10 2,795 15 2 419 12 3 558 10 6 183 8 1 180 17 10 255 2 2 212 14 4 27 18 2 2 18 1 56 11 0 214 1 4 147 14 4 65 18 7 155 16 0 176 18 5 136 13 9 414 4 4 7 10 0 174 11 0 43 0 4 221 1 7 138 5 3 161 2 10 11 18 6 0 12 6 51 14 7 14 14 9 281 12 2 15 6 1 + 2-80 + 6-14 - 461 + 3-22 - 5-30 - 0-69 -13-26 - 5-32 + 6-24 -20-45 -14-91 - 7-73 + 7-90 + 002 - 3-14 - 2-97 - 2-74 -10-57 - 6-27 + 8-54 - 0-69 - 4-85 - 3-04 - 3-30 - 5-70 - 4-88 - 7-54 - 5-77 Total ,856 107,486 0 0 99,212 2 3 8,273 17 9


TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.


Name of Society and Branch. Place of Establishment. iSls H £SS Sick and Management or Deficiency ||rf Total W OTtb . F = ™ other^und8 , SggP J§8 Sur P lus - Goods, &c. v t u L a^n . M.U.I.O.O.P.— continued. Southland District — Central Body Shamrock, Rose, &Thistle Lodge St. George „ Winton United Gore Lumsden Awarua „ Riversdale S'ar of the West Mataura Falls , Star of Nightcaps Hearts of Oak Invercargill.. Winton Gore Lumsden .. Campbell town Riversdale .. Orepuki Mat aura Nightcaps .. Invercargill.. 1860 1868 1874 1878 1882 1883 1889 1899 1900 1900 1904 363 346 143 125 107 101 43 36 40 44 77 £ s. d. 449 7 0 10,278 10 8 6,303 18 5 956 9 0 2,013 9 5 1,264 16 0 1,470 1 7 218 8 6 137 13 7 41 7 9 59 4 8 77 15 8 £ s. d. 120 17 7 10,133 9 2 6,106 14 1 956 9 0 1,892 6 5 1,218 14 1 1,410 5 5 130 8 2 137 1 3 £ s. d. 328 9 5 145 1 6 197 4 4 121 3 0 46 1 11 59 16 2 88 0 4 0 12 4 41 7 9 32 0 11 3 6 2 £ - 4-16 - 4-58 - 5-36 - 6-65 - 8-09 - 5-73 -14-35 27 3 9 74 9 6 Total 1,425 23,271 2 3 489,591 19 9 22,207 18 5 1,063 3 10 Total of Order 19435 448,112 8 10 41,479 10 11 I.O.O.P. irand Lodge of New Zealand — Central Body Pioneer Lodge Leith Alfred Star of Canterbury Rangitikei Alexandrovna Unity Linden , Southern Cross Pioneer of Southland „ Star of Auckland Washington Prebbleton Alma Wallace „ Ridgley Kawakawa „ Gladstone „ Mataura Aparima » Kneo Orient Popotunoa . Hopn of Maheno Waiareka Star of Eden Star of Waiuku Linda Rebekah „ Northern Wairoa Myrtle Rebekah „ Naomi Rebekah Wynvard „ Opotiki Owaka „ Te Ngawai Dunedin Oamaru Timaru • .. R&ngitikei .. Temuka S. Dunedin .. Kaikorai Wellington .. Invercargill.. Auckland .. Sydenham .. Prebbleton .. Wyndham .. Riverton Christchurch Kawakawa .. Pairlie Mataura Otautau Kaeo PalmerstonN. Clmton Mahcno Weston Ponsonby .. Waiuku Wellington .. Te Kopuru .. Auckland Christchurch Auckland .. Opotiki Owaka Albury 1862 1867 1869 1869 1873 1874 1875 1875 1877 1878 1878 1878 1881 1882 1882 1882 1883 1883 1883 1883 1884 1885 1889 1889 1891 1894 1895 1895 1896 1896 1899 1899 1899 1899 1902 123 100 121 58 29 56 157 85 133 211 241 145 31 47 96 92 44 59 25 64 23 53 43 52 32 119 30 36 101 27 14 84 36 24 16 18,258 3 10 867 9 3 3,060 0 6 2,136 5 1 826 18 1 522 10 10 788 10 6 759 7 10 1,042 2 1 5,356 2 10 3,370 19 10 4,250 14 8 1,432 0 3 712 9 6 861 4 9 568 3 8 958 3 7 436 14 0 626 11 6 808 14 6 462 5 6 306 13 7 608 17 5 272 10 3 505 17 0 251 11 9 759 3 10 344 9 7 145 7 0 441 19 10 166 1 9 25 7 6 551 16 0 243 15 10 291 2 4 56 4 10 14,980 17 10 770 8 2 2,910 18 3 2,105 15 8 820 0 4 512 5 2 753 3 10 719 0 9 1,023 12 7 4,760 9 2 3,143 0 8 3,831 6 11 1,290 0 9 662 9 6 808 18 7 523 9 4 883 1 10 421 0 3 549 15 9 797 10 4 413 8 2 295 4 9 602 17 0 107 10 3 498 3 8 251 11 9 666 19 7 313 3 8 135 1 1 331 1 4 115 11 8 22 16 9 433 6 1 206 15 7 235 15 1 48 7 5 3,277 6 0 97 1 1 149 2 3 30 9 5 6 17 9 10 5 8 35 6 8 40 7 1 18 9 6 605 13 8 227 19 2 419 7 9 141 19 6 50 0 0 52 6 2 44 13 11 75 1 9 15 13 9 76 15 9 11 4 2 48 17 4 11 8 10 6 0 5 165 0 0 7 13 4 - 7-71 + 15-45 + 8-85 + 6-20 + 2-18 + 1-02 - 5-81 - 004 + 15-73 + 7-65 - 0-37 + 2-71 + 6-62 + 9-68 - 2-95 + 304 - 033 + 1-95 + 16-80 - 5-21 + 237 + 3-11 - 7-13 - 3-08 - 3-87 - 5-08 - 3-47 - 2-82 - 9-56 + 0-75 - 2-86 - 5-58 -2 59 - 2-78 92 4 3 31 5 11 10 5 11 110 18 6 50 10 1 2 10 9 118 9 11 37 0 3 55 7 3 7 17 5 Total 2,607 53,086 10 8 46,944 19 6 6,141 11 2 + 0-87 N.I.O.O.P. Itickland Provincial District — Central Body Auckland Pioneer Lodge United Brothers Auckland .. 2,582 16 8 915 6 4 1,564 19 0 2,541 18 1 728 19 4 > 1,305 5 4 40 18 7 186 7 0 259 13 8 -14-89 -14-44 1878 1879 196 231 Total 427 5,063 2 0 4,576 2 9 486 19 3 -14-66 B.U.O.O.P. Aorangi Lodge Wellington .. 1884 - 9-02 143 1,883 12 1 1,772 2 7 Ill 9 6 A.O.P. luckland District — Central Body Court City of Auokland „ Pride of Pariiell „ Zealandia „ Pride of Onehunga „ Pride of the North „ Robin Hood „ Northern Wairoa „ Pride of Newmarket „ Nil Desperandum I Auckland .. 920 19 10 66 6 6 81 14 11 24 11 11 122 5 7 63 12 5 30 7 8 48 8 10 16 7 9 136 6 9 - 608. + 6-47 - 6-68 -11-44 -12-44 - 7-04 -10-54 - 8-04 -10-34 Parnell Auckland Onehunga .. Grahamstown Panmure Dargaville .. Newmarket.. Newton 1863 1864 1873 1875 1875 1876 1877 1879 1880 404 116 141 147 110 29 91 55 279 9,187 8 5 6,900 1 7 4,464 17 1 2,012 10 11 1,376 16 11 216 13 10 378 13 1 783 4 6 720 0 6 3,063 6 1 8,266 8 7 6,833 15 1 4,383 2 2 1,987 19 0 1,254 11 4 153 1 5 348 5 5 734 15 8 703 12 9 2,926 19 4


TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.


Name op Society and Branch. Place of Establishment. -+- Bui o o o Total Worth. Sick and Management Funeral Fund, and other including Funds, Goods, Surplus. &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at Last Valuation. A. O.P. — continued. Auckland District —continued. Court Eoyal Oak Star of the South Star of Helensville „ Victoria „ Queen of the North „ Chisman „ Waihi Pride of Waitekauri „ Aroha . Birkenhead Pride of Awanui Tauranga .. Otahuhu Helensville .. Devonport .. Maungaturoto Auckland Waihi Waitekauri.. Tβ Aroha .. Birkenhead.. Awanui 1880 1881 1883 1885 1886 1894 1895 1899 1899 1900 1904 54 12 75 179 80 51 202 28 10 45 56 £ s. d. 731 10 10 329 15 9 940 6 5 1,757 10 3 400 15 11 142 12 9 760 19 0 249 14 8 107 16 4 121 10 2 106 2 9 £ s. d. £ s. d. 666 13 8 64 17 2 296 7 2 33 8 7 812 2 4 j 128 4 1 1,683 11 11 i 73 18 4 310 19 5 89 16 6 102 15 0 39 17 9 473 14 0 287 5 0 249 14 8 88 16 4 19 0 0 121 10 2 80 9 8 25 13 1 £ s. d. 64 17 2 33 8 7 128 4 1 73 18 4 89 16 6 39 17 9 287 5 0 £ -10-35 - 9-90 - 4-59 - 7-30 - 9-75 19 0 0 25 13 1 Total .. 2,164 34,752 7 9 32,479 5 1 2,273 2 8 Hawke's Bay District — Central Body Court Sir Charles Napier „ Lord Clyde „ Captain Cook „ Sir Henry Havelock „ Robin Hood „ Ruahine „ Heretaunga „ Little John „ Waitangi „ Rising Sun Ormond „ Redolyffe „ Viking Napier Wairoa Napier Havelock .. Ahuriri Waipukurau Hastings Waipawa .. Clive Dannevirke.. Makotuku .. Taradale Norsewood .. 1872 1873 1875 1875 1878 1879 1882 1883 1884 1885 1885 1886 1894 167 50 158 131 115 50 62 46 17 104 51 32 29 8,021 8 1 6,159 2 1 775 12 9 2,797 12 1 2,479 18 8 1,256 0 0 953 7 7 959 0 11 652 6 10 339 10 2 540 8 5 718 12 3 333 15 4 109 11 10 7,934 4 7 6,143 12 1 768 4 6 2,744 15 6 2,471 14 9 1,228 2 10 923 7 7 952 2 2 633 16 10 330 4 0 540 8 5 688 12 3 326 5 2 99 11 10 87 3 6 15 10 0 7 8 3 52 16 7 8 3 11 27 17 2 30 0 0 6 18 9 18 10 0 9 6 2 + 2-52 - 3-44 - 5-20 - 6-75 - 8-30 - 5-96 - 6-33 - 5-45 - 4-23 - 7-15 30 0 0 7 10 2 10 0 0 - 5-69 Total 1,012 26,096 7 0 25,785 2 6 311 4 6 Taranaki Districts— Central Body Court Taranaki „ Waireka „ Patea.. „ Inglewood Forest „ Raleigh „ Opunake „ Egmont „ Stratford „ Pride of New Plymouth New Plymouth 1864 1866 1867 1876 1883 1883 1884 1887 1893 103 388 67 205 74 16 39 75 111 445 5 11 3,407 13 4 6,128 11 8 1,048 9 8 2,750 18 1 768 6 10 483 8 6 1,456 19 8 915 19 7 364 17 5 100 5 10 3,352 5 9 6,124 2 6 1,000 8 2 2,750 9 5 758 17 9 470 10 3 1,453 10 11 915 19 7 363 0 8 345 0 1 55 7 7 4 9 2 48 1 6 0 8 8 9 9 1 12 18 3 3 8 9 + 7-38 + 0-40 -1215 -12-29 - 4-97 Patea Inglewood .. Waitara Opunake Hawera Stratford .. New Plymouth + '2-58 - 617 1 16 9 Total 1,078 17,770 10 8 17,289 10 10 480 19 10 Wellington District — Central Body . .* Court Robin Hood Little John Roderick Dhu Sir George Bowen Blenheim Wairarapa Loyal Enterprise Clarendon Manawatu Marquis of Normanby .. Loyal Feilding William Gladstone , Pioneer Loyal Halcombe Woodville Pohangina „ Epuni „ Pahiatua Kopuaranga Hunterville „ Sir William Jervoie „ Pride of Levin Bloomfield Lady Glasgow Primrose Makakahi Ruapehu , Pongaroa Alexandra Wellington .. | Marton Wanganui .. Wellington .. Blenheim .. Greytown Masterton .. Picton Palmerston N. Carterton Feilding Gisborne Te Nui Halcombe .. Woodville .. Ashhurst Petone Pahiatua Mauriceville Hunterville Newtown Levin Lower Hutt Wellington .. Petone Eketahuna .. Raetihi Pongaroa .. Marton 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1874 1875 1876 1876 1877 1877 1884 1884 1885 1886 1886 1887 1888 1889 1891 1891 1894 1894 1895 1900 1900 1905 301 175 223 355 185 52 144 105 196 145 96 178 60 30 68 17 319 152 75 36 173 61 38 104 64 76 14 41 16 13,000 11 6 3,221 15 5 2,188 7 0 3,089 0 0 6,416 6 5 4,890 6 9 1,159 17 8 924 15 2 2,596 13 2 1,854 9 6 1,254 1 3 1,677 17 9 3,176 14 3 1,220 4 4 .362 0 5 624 8 1 171 14 0 2,860 16 6 1,966 11 7 765 7 2 192 5 1 765 17 7 467 9 4 240 9 7 244 3 7 118 8 0 212 17 0 48 18 2 179 2 1 12 6 0 12,053 5 8 2,724 15 11 2,131 8 6 2,846 13 8 6,096 10 10 4,880 9 2 1,157 18 7 748 13 11 2,557 8 10 1,138 8 0 1,096 9 11 1,636 17 4 2,920 7 6 1,112 6 3 275 13 3 624 8 1 134 3 7 2,549 12 5 1,592 18 7 676 16 7 176 16 7 586 16 7 399 15 10 187 10 4 231 14 7 63 11 4 192 5 8 13 18 10 128 11 4 5 8 1 947 5 10 496 19 6 56 18 6 242 6 4 319 15 7 9 17 7 1 19 1 176 1 3 39 4 4 716 1 6 157 11 4 41 0 5 256 6 9 107 18 1 86 7 2 -12 01 - 9-25 - 4-40 - 6-40 + 2-48 -15-87 -22-50 + 409 - 9-J5 -10-45 - 4-93 + 2-88 - 0-15 - 3-39 - 6-94 -12-69 - 3-57 - 606 -11-52 - 9-42 - 8-13 -16-67 -1C-07 + 0-64 - 1-80 - 706 37 10 5 311 4 1 373 13 0 88 10 7 15 8 6 179 1 0 67 13 6 52 19 3 12 9 0 54 11 8 20 11 4 34 19 4 50 10 9 6 17 11 - 9-39 Total 3,499 55,903 9 4 50,941 15 9 4,961 13 7 - 6-51



TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.

Name of Socikty and Bbanch. Place of Establishment. |5|B H O Oo Hi Ban Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund, including Surplus. Management 01 .^Zoy other Funds, l>er Member Goods, *o. v^1. A.O.F. — continued. £ s. d. 850 1 5 7,557 1 4 741 11 5 1,864 3 3 583 18 0 1,347 11 5 658 11 8 1,804 7 1 3,671 16 5 1,228 15 5 758 19 9 A.O.F. — continued. Nelson District — Central Body Court Robin Hood „ Perseverance .. „ Pride of the Forest „ Concord „ Unity „ Charleston „ Slierwood Forest „ Aorere „ Royal Oak Inangahua Ison District — Central Body 3ourt Robin Hood „ Perseverance .. „ Pride of the Forest „ Concord „ Unity „ Charleston „ Slierwood Forest „ Aorere „ Royal Oak Inangahua . Nelson . Motueka . Wakapuaka . Greymouth.. . Havelock .. . Charleston .. . Stoke . Collingwcod . Westport . 1 Reefton 1862 1863 1864 1867 1871 1871 1872 1873 1875 1878 307 83 60 90 69 20 54 108 35 58 £ s. d. 648 19 1 7,509 10 8 -;;:. 719 3 2 1,812 0 2 515 1 11 1,187 0 1 652 12 3 1,790 12 4 3,541 0 4 1,226 5 5 695 15 1 £ s. d. £ 201 2 4 47 10 8 -1004 22 8 3 - 7-72 52 3 1 J -14-15 68 16 1 -20-94 160 11 4 ■ -23-67 5 19 5 -20-40 13 14 9 - 4-04 130 !6 1 - 394 2 10 0 - 9-87 63 4 8 - 9-64 Total .. Total .. 890 21,066 17 2 20,298 0 6 768 16 8 768 16 8 Canterbury United District — Central Body Court Star of Canterbury „ Queen of the Isles „ Pride of Courtenay „ Thistle of the Forest Woodford „ Papanui „ Star of Dunsandel „ Star of Belfast.. „ Ashburton ■ „ Queen of Canterbury Victoria » Loburn nterbury United District — Central Body 3ourt Star of Canterbury „ Queen of the Isles Pride of Courtenay „ Thistle of the Forest Woodford „ Papanui „ Star of Dunsandel „ Star of Belfast.. „ Ashburton Queen of Canterbury Victoria , Loburn . Christchureh . Lyttelton . . . Courtonay .. . Sydenham .. . Kaiapoi . Papanui . Dunsandel .. . Belfast . Ashburton .. . Christchurch . Kaiapoi . Loburn 1852 1859 1876 1879 1880 1881 1888 1888 1889 1895 1896 1902 422 27 55 116 161 54 72 31 120 34 35 37 8,162 3 11 11,113 13 5 1,798 1 11 1,399 5 2 2,389 5 7 2,911 13 0 613 15 7 591 13 1 452 4 5 1,008 14 10 122 3 5 21 9 9 313 13 3 8,009 5 2 11,056 11 6 1,413 7 10 1,205 11 5 2,298 0 2 2,843 9 1 586 17 10 483 4 0 443 0 9 934 16 6 112 1 11 9 6 4 23 4 7 102 io y 57 1 11 + 2-66 384 14 1 + 5-77 193 13 9 + 3-22 91 5 5 + 3-85 68 3- 11 + 2-33 26 17 9 - 3-51 108 9 1 - 8-12 9 3 8 + 1-88 73 18 4 - - 100 10 1 6 _ 384 12 3 5 - 5-25 152 18 9 57 1 11 384 14 1 193 13 9 91 5 5 68 3- 11 26 17 9 108 9 1 9 3 8 73 18 4 10 1 6 12 3 5 290 8 8 290 8 8 Total Total 1,164 30,897 17 4 29,418 17 1 1,479 0 3 + 1-13 1,479 0 3 South Canterbury District — Central Body CtAirt Southern Cross „ Foresters' Pride „ Progress „ Star of Waihao uth Canterbury District — Central Body JtAirt Southern Cross „ Foresters' Pride „ Progress „ Star of Waihao . Timaru . Waimate . St. Andrew's . Morven 1865 1875 1883 1904 404 162 52 18 716 18 8 7,073 10 7 2,342 1 3 403 18 4 42 5 0 611 9 10 6,835 13 3 2,202 18 2 403 18 4 39 10 10 105 8 10 237 17 4 -11-74 139 3 1 -15-04 -16-71 o i a n 105 8 10 237 17 4 139 3 1 2 U 2 2 14 2 Total .. Total 636 10,578 13 10 10,093 10 5 485 3 5 - 13-01 485 3 5 United Otago District — Central Body Court Pride of Dunedin „ Pride of the Lake „ Enterprise „ Robin Hood „ Pride of the Leith „ Bruce.. „ Star of the Dunstan Pride of Oamaru „ Star of Tuapeka „ Pride of Alexandra „ Havelock Roxburgh „ Star of the South „ St. Andrew's „ Excelsior „ Little John „ Royal Oak „ Southern Star .. Victoria Woodlands' Pride „ Queen of the South Star of the Forest „ Marion tited Otago District — Central Body Oourt Pride of Dunedin „ Pride of the Lake „ Enterprise „ Robin Hood „ Pride of the Leith „ Bruce.. „ Star of the Dunstan Pride of Oamaru „ Star of Tuapeka „ Pride of Alexandra „ Havelock Roxburgh Star of the South „ St. Andrew's „ Excelsior „ Little John „ Royal Oak „ Southern Star Victoria Woodlands' Pride „ Queen of the South Star of the Forest „ Marion Dunedin . Queenstown . Dunedin . Port Chalmers . Dunedin . Milton . Clyde . Oamaru . Lawrence .. ■. Alexandra .. . Waitahuna.. . Rpxburgh .. . Invercargill . Caversham .. . Mornington.. . Roslyn . Wyndham .. . Bluff . Oarnaru . Dunedin . Invercargill . Woodlands .. . Mosgiel 1862 1863 1863 1864 1864 1865 1866 1868 1868 1869 1869 1873 1874 1875 1877 1888 1890 1890 1894 1895 1896 1896 1898 264 33 339 153 219 185 46 213 28 71 27 54 341 149 131 100 68 71 30 177 72 28 53 13,928 8 8 8,841 16 2 267 6 5 7,882 15 4 1,490 2 11 4,365 11 10 1,841 17 7 779 16 5 3.125 1 11 412 17 1 960 14 9 711 17 6 703 10 1 3,766 0 6 1,466 16 4 2.126 15 9 951 18 10 519 4 2 151 8 6 61 13 4 311 6 11 201 2 3 438 17 3 103 13 5 11,677 5 2 8,384 16 6 242 6 5 7,440 18 10 1,376 3 5 4,114 14 6 1,640 6 i 779 16 5 2,965 17 5 375 0 0 943 13 6 561 6 7 689 3 4 3,663 4 1 1,261 1 0 2,016 13 6 909 12 10 465 5 6 107 5 5 51 12 7 172 9 0 185 2 7 406 7 7 85 18 1 2,251 3 6 456 19 8 + 429 25 0 0 + 3-77 441 16 6 + 7-45 113 19-6- -14-07 . 250 17 4 - 1-14 201 11 3 - 808 + 1-59 159 4 6 - 0-18 '37 17 1- -32-30 17 1 .3 + 0-90 150 10 11 - 3-38 14 6 9 - 2-38 102 16 5 - 2-52 205 15 4 - 9-44 110 2 3 + 2-48 42 6 0 + 1-96 53 18 8 + 1-69 44 3 1 - 9-53 2,251 3 6 456 19 8 25 0 0 441 16 6 113 19 6 . 250 17 4 201 11 3 159 4 6 '37 17 117 13 150 10 11 14 6 9 102 16 5 205 15 4 110 2 3 42 6 0 53 18 8 44 3 1 10 0 9 138 17 11 15 19 8 32 9 8 17 15 4 inn q 10 0 9 138 17 11 - 3-99 15 19 8 - 2-13 32 9 8 - 4-40 1R 1C A 17 15 4 Total Total 2,852 55,410 13 11 50,516 0 7 4,894 13 4 - 1-61 4,894 13 4 -a- y <—■ \* Jm -■- -—f -a- _■_ \J _*. Oourt not in any District — Court Coromandel iurt not in any District — Court Coromandel . Coromandel 150 2 6 + 2-0a 1871 47 1,298 6 8 1,148 4 2 150 2 6 Total of Order Total of Order 13,342 253,775 3 8 237,970 6 11 15,804 16 9 15,804 16 9 A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey . Wellington .. 1865 1,188 18 6 43 7 4 " - 1-19 43 7 4 64 1,145 11 2



TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.

{Name of Society and Branch. Place of Establishment. iSfa Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund, including Surplus. Management and other Funds, Goods, Ac. Surplus or Deflcienc per Membei at Last Valuation. U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of the North Island— Central Body Excelsior Lodge Stonehenge . „ Star of New Zealand „ Star of the West Auckland Totara Oroua Bishop Blenheim Mistletoe Turanganui „ Pacific Poneke Ponsonby Star of Egmont Maitai Morgan „ Horowhenua „ Otaki Hawera Holly Moturoa , Star of Paeroa „ Pride of Waihi Reefton „ Victoria „ Pahiatua Coronation Alexandra „ Ruabine , Shannon „ Eltham Mungaroa Inglewood Myrtle Devonport „ Trafalgar Seddon Buller Ahaura „ ■ Shedwood „ Eden Millerton Wellington .. Mastertou .. Lower Hutt Greymouth .. Auckland Carteiton Palmerston N. Wanganui .. Blenheim .. Gisborne .. I Wellington .. Petone Ponsonby Patea Nelson Marton Levin Ofcaki Hawera Pahautanui.. N. Plymouth Paeroa Waihi . Reefton Waikino Pahiatua Wellington .. Karangahake Dannevirke Shannon Elfcham Upper Hutt.. Inglewood .. Eketahuna .. Devonport .. Waketteld .. Dunollie Westport Ah aura Motupiko Auckland Millerton 1879 1880 1880 1881 1882 ! 1883 1883 1883 ■ 1884 1884 1886 1880 1887 1891 1892 1893 1895 1895 1895 1895 1896 1896 1897 1897 1899 1902 1902 1902 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1904 1904 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 454 123 71 207 241 173 276 2i7 loo 380 318 l79 341 78 235 71 47 43 58 37 146 118 65 l53 92 •33 127 58 105 36 51 45 61 28 53 88 76 55 17 76 23 33 £ s. d. 6,701 7 2 4,946 14 1 469 5 11 1,066 16 3 963 13 9 1,343 5 8 825 8 6 1,209 14 8 2,726 2 1 580 0 3 3,136 17 3 2,489 19 6 1,202 0 3 2,144 16 11 405 10 10 2,062 11 6 311 10 5 401 18 2 278 19 0 374 2 0 340 17 4 761 9 8 385 7 6 38 11 0 361 5 9 291 3 10 99 19 4 290 13 9 115 15 10 227 4 1 46 16 5 114 1 1 73 3 8 172 18 6 38 8 7 72 19 1 215 4 0 124 4 10 44 19 8 25 13 3 179 3 2 17 5 10 13 18 10 £ s. d. 6,427 4 8 4,716 7 8 353 11 7 1,049 0 0 754 17 1 1,225 16 9 611 15 1 1,119 7 0 2,111 12 4 556 13 3 2,960 9 9 2,332 9 6 1,110 17 3 1,979 7 10 370 12 2 1,830 12 11 259 17 11 303 19 0 246 11 6 359 2 0 279 11 8 721 17 6 371 17 1 24 19 10 252 9 9 224 16 11 83 6 2 200 19 5 102 5 11 187 11 1 46 16 5 83 0 3 66 7 0 155 7 9 21 0 0 51 10 9 214 14 1 91 2 2 25 10 11 14 5 5 165 3 2 10 17 3 13 0 10 £ s. d 274 2 6 230 6 5 115 14 4 17 16 3 208 16 8 117 8 11 213 13 5 90 7 8 614 9 9 23 7 0 176 7 6 157 10 0 91 3 0 165 9 1 34 18 8 231 18 7 51 12 6 97 14 2 32 7 6 15 0 0 61 5 8 39 12 2 13 10 5 13 11 2 108 1C 0 66 6 11 16 13 2 89 14 4 13 9 11 39 13 0 £ - 1-44 - 9-07 - 361 - 7-35 -1019 - 7-62 - 5-37 - 1-41 + 0-26 - 5-58 - 7-47 - 5-33 - 601 - 4-55 - 117 - 802 - 7-53 - 7-31 - 8-76 - 6-75 - 6-23 - t>59 31 0 10 6 16 8 17 10 9 17 8 7 21 8 4 0 9 11 33 2 8 19 8 9 11 7 10 14 0 0 6 8 7 0 18 0 Total 5,188 37,691 14 2 34,088 16 7 3,602 17 7 Grand Lodge of Canterbury — Central Body Pioneer Lodge .. Hope of St. Albans Mistletoe Oak of Sydenham Ethelbert „ .. Lyttelton Hearts of Oak „ Star of Anglesea „ Perseverance „ Hope of Amberley „ Anchor „ Ohoka Timaru „ Trafalgar Star of Ashburton „ Old Oak „ .. Ivy of Linwood Ellesmere Olive Branch „ Lily of Burwood „ Ivy „ Success of Ashburton „ Christchurch St. Albans .. Christchurch Sydenham .. Springaton .. Lyttelton .. Lincoln Addington .. Amberley .. Woolston Ohoka Timaru Kaiapoi Ashburton .. Southbridge Linwood Doyleston .. Hornby Burwood Waimate Ashburton .. 1875 1879 1879 1379 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1882 1882 1882 1883 1883 1888 1895 1897 1902 1903 1904 245 107 156 167 55 75 78 87 58 144 31 291 66 150 45 80 29 25 21 59 16 7,669 6 8 4,700 2 0 2,028 5 3 1,709 3 10 2,843 2 11 623 1 1 980 12 11 1,373 12 2 661 17 2 345 7 8 1,199 3 9 395 12 11 3,074 8 6 337 15 8 1,536 1 1 483 5 7 638 5 7 183 0 7 88 1 9 78 18 1 105 14 7 40 7 9 7,429 14 2 4,617 1 8 1,936 10 6 1,615 12 6 2,638 17 10 582 3 9 917 4 0 1,333 0 8 608 17 9 338 10 4 1,106 10 7 395 2 7 2,907 19 3 334 4 11 1,492 4 10 378 8 10 619 6 4 141 14 5 83 16 0 62 9 3 79 15 6 40 7 9 239 12 6 83 0 4 91 14 9 93 11 4 204 5 1 40 17 4 63 8 11 40 11 C 52 19 5 6 17 4 92 13 2 0 10 4 166 9 3 3 10 9 43 16 3 104 16 9 18 19 3 41 6 2 4 5 9 16 8 10 25 19 1 - 6-84 - 4-99 - 8-08 -11-18 -13-04 -11-12 - 5-07 -13-35 -11-12 - 10-91 - 7-84 - 8-27 -12-85 - 8-65 - 11-54 - 8-22 -10-34 -10-18 Total ,985 31,095 7 6 29,659 13 5 1,435 14 1 Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland — Central Body Otago Lodge Enterprise Ivanhoe „ Royal Oak Acorn „ Linden „ 3unedin 3. Dunedin .. ST.Dunedin.. ] Daversham .. ] nvercargill.. ] ioslyn .. 1 1880 1880 1880 1881 1881 1883 194 202 297 156 199 71 3,277 8 10 2,357 13 4 1,954 9 6 2,521 4 9 796 16 5 2,382 8 4 1,043 7 5 3,097 6 10 2,188 3 8 1,807 5 3 2,357 19 4 686 7 9 2,035 10 5 977 1 11 180 2 0 169 9 8 147 4 3 163 5 5 110 8 8 346 17 11 66 5 6 - 3-15 -12-6G - 4-90 -15-39 - 7-88 - 7-84



TABLE I.— Membership and Funds— continued.

Name of Society and Bkanoh. Plaue of Establishment. •H.S ni a •m am ooo IJ* 3 W O Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund, including Surplus. Management and Other Funds, Goods, &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at last Valuation. U.A.O.D. — continued. Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland —continued. West Harbour Lodge Endeavour „ Good Intent Rose of Palmerston „ Gore Lily of the Valley Oraka St. Patrick's Pride of Mornington „ Star of Tuapeka Star of Duntroon Rothesay Oamaru Mosgiel Palmerston S. Gore N. Dunedin.. Colac Bay .. Waikouaiti .. I Mornington.. Lawrence .. Duntroon .. 1883 1884 1885 1886 1889 1898 1899 1899 1900 1902 1904 82 207 114 93 93 68 51 35 42 49 52 £ s. d. 977 11 9 1,488 2 0 982 1 4 829 5 3 430 13 0 253 7 4 198 11 6 98 6 4 117 10 4 151 14 10 92 16 3 £ s. d. 917 12 3 1,367 5 5 931 4 2 720 11 0 415 19 6 225 11 10 149 9 10 85 10 4 114 8 1 120 4 1 62 7 11 £ s. d. 59 19 6 120 16 7 50 17 2 108 14 3 14 13 6 27 15 6 49 1 8 12 16 0 3 2 3 31 10 9 30 8 4 £ - 4-63 -11-57 - 2-43 - 6-38 - 8-67 - 7-62 - 7-87 - 7-52 - 7-81 - 8-36 Total 2,005 19,953 8 6 18,259 19 7 1,693 8 11 - 8-42 Lodges separately registered — Bud of Hope Lodge Albion „ All Nations Brunner Takaka Rangiora .. Napier Port Chalmers Brunnerton .. Takaka 1880 1882 1883 1883 1895 92 163 117 121 82 1,038 17 2 771 8 3 1,353 1 9 936 5 10 164 13 10 844 0 5 744 6 1 1,190 14 7 830 1 6 '128 11 11 194 16 9 27 2 a 162 7 2 106 4 4 36 1 11 -10-49 - 500 - 3-07 - 4-22 Total 575 4,264 6 10 3,737 14 6 526 12 4 Total of Order 9,753 93,004 17 0 85,746 4 1 7,258 12 11 I.O.B. New Zealand District— Central Body Hope of Auckland Tent Star of Hauraki „ Eden Northern Star „ Gordon Whangaro Advance Auckland .. Thames Newmarket.. Aratapu Onehunga .. Whangaroa.. Waihi 1863 1870 1874 1881 1885 1886 1899 241 71 40 15 30 23 35 8,662 0 4 2,154 3 0 2,132 11 0 1,585 4 9 19 12 10 255 4 0 120 5 11 9 1 10 8,476 2 6 2,036 3 6 2,107 8 7 1,582 10 11 12 9 5 228 7 7 105 2 7 5 0 0 185 17 10 117 19 6 25 2 5 2 13 10 7 3 5 26 16 5 15 3 4 4 1 10 + 4-60 + 3-73 + 14-06 + 5-36 + 6-25 -12-53 - 2-30 Total 455 H,938 3 8 14,553 5 1 384 18 7 + 3-93 Neiv Zealand Central District— Central Body Hope of Wellington Tent Hope of Napier „ Bon Accord » Perseverance ., Haste to the Eescue Excelsior „ Sir Wilfrid Lawson Bud of Promise „ Unity Excelsior Hope of Dunedin Pride of Christchurch Murihiku Hope of Ormondville „ Hope of Woodville Masterton Hope of Carterton Star of Wakefield Progress Hope of Johnfonville Rescue » Onward » Gisborne Pride of Egmont „ Brightwater Pahiatua » Ijily of the South ,, Wai Aroha Moa New Century « Star of New Zealand Waingongoro Star of Petone Oroua - Wellington .. Napier Blenheim .. | Wellington .. j Waipukurau Sanson Nelson New Plymouth! Wellington .. i i Dunedin Christchurch Invercargill.. ■ Ormondville Woodville .. Masterton .. Oarterton .. Wakefield .. Kaikora N. .. Johnsonville Nelson Palmerston N. Gisborne Hawera Brightwater Pahiatua Invercargill.. Stratford Inglewood .. Levin Gisborne Cardiff Petone Peilding 1866 1870 1871 1872 1872 1873 1874 1874 1875 1875 1876 1877 1877 1878 1878 1881 1883 1883 1884 1884 1886 1891 1892 1893 1894 1894 1895 1898 1899 1901 1901 1901 1904 1905 7 139 30 18 39 22 6 7 118 131 47 181 177 120 30 21 57 46 57 8 16 24 12 35 24 27 12 32 16 24 20 9 14 15 10 9,404 0 0 6,679 2 10 439 4 5 550 0 0 980 0 3 601 12 0 723 0 2 464 6 1 2,613 4 3 957 11 11 1,090 2 9 1,995 2 2 2,044 11 4 2,367 1 8 402 6 11 632 0 10 507 0 3 589 13 0 707 10 0 166 7 6 554 1 2 81 4 8 339 8 9 268 12 9 271 11 6 62 2 6 29 19 2 96 17 2 62 8 0 34 6 8 47 13 1 25 16 11 50 3 4 15 7 6 6 4 9 7,694 0 10 6,664 4 9 435 19 7 511 8 3 965 4 6 580 4 9 723 0 2 444 18 8 2,595 11 3 885 18 2 1,044 2 11 1,921 16 6 2,028 2 9 2,311 14 2 359 0 5 632 0 10 499 1 1 563 0 3 696 16 7 166 1 5 543 4 2 59 19 8 317 4 3 245 7 6 264 17 4 57 8 8 29 19 2 70 6 2 58 19 0 26 4 6 46 18 6 18 2 4 36 10 2 14 13 7 2 0 1 1,709 19 2 14 18 1 3 4 10 38 11 9 14 15 9 21 7 3 19 7 5 17 13 0 71 13 9 45 19 10 73 5 8 16 8 7 55 7 6 43 6 6 7 19 2 26 12 9 10 13 5 0 6 1 10 17 0 21 5 0 22 4 6 23 5 3 6 14 2 4 13 10 + 16-2 -10-3 + 0-4 - 3-4 + 22-5 + 52-3 + 9-0 + 10-2 - 9-2 - 4-9 - 8-8 - 7-6 - 3-4 -18-8 - 1-5 -13-6 - 6-0 - 6.8 -20-1 + 10-3 - 6-8 - 5-6 -171 -15 5 -17-4 -17-8 - 3-2 26 11 0 3 9 0 8 2 2 0 14 7 7 14 7 13 13 2 0 13 11 4 4 8 - 7-7 -17-0 - 6-3 -131 Total 1,551 35,859 16 3 33,514 2 11 2,345 13 4 - 4-99 Not in any District. Star of Hope Tent Hokitika .. 1869 18 265 2 10 227 0 6 38 2 4 -16-73 Total of Order 2,019 51,063 2 9 48,294 8 6 2,768 14 3



TABLE I.—Membership and Funds— continued.

Name of Society and Branch. Place of jH-r a Establishment. : ge 2 I >H to * LA &£% Total Worth. Sick and Management Funeral Fund, and including other Funds, Surplus. Goods, <fec. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at Last Valuation. S.D.T. National Division of New Zealand— Central Body Perseverance Division .. Resolution „ Excelsior Elim Helpmate „ Advance „ Sunbeam Hope of Sydenham Addington .. Christchurch Rangiora Addington .. St. Albans .. Ash burton .. Wellington .. Wanganui .. Sydenham .. 1872 1873 1885 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 66 111 45 70 28 27 33 32 £ s. d. 5,171 16 2 499 4 2 593 14 1 52 15 6 155 3 4 48 1 10 8 16 1 8 0 3 10 2 0 £ s. d. 5,105 16 0 • 482 15 2 545 4 4 15 18 2 £ s. d. 66 0 2 16 9 0 48 9 9 36 17 4 155 3 4 11 5 0 5 16 1 7 19 3 10 2 0 £ + 4-61 - 0-13 - 5-97 - 5-97 - 5-97 - 5-97 - 5-97 - 5-97 36 16 10 0 10 Total •• ■ 412 6,544 13 5 6,186 11 6 358 1 11 Divisions separately registered — Antidote Division Progress „ Dunedin Kaiapoi 1871 1872 206 134 4,194 8 3 2,086 18 0 3,891 8 0 1,973 16 5 303 0 3 113 1 7 -11-30 - 2-29 Total 340 6,281 6 3 5,865 4 5 416 1 10 Total of Order 752 12,825 19 8 12,051 15 11 774 3 9 H.A.C.B.S. Neio Zealand District — Central Body Charleston Branch.. Grahamstown Greymouth „ St. Joseph's Auckland St. Patrick's St. Patrick's Onehunga St. Joseph's Waipawa St. John's „ St. Patrick's St. Mary's St. Joseph's „ St. Michael's Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Branch St. Patrick's Branch St. Columbkillie'B Branch St. Patrick's St. Patrick's St. Patrick's St. Aloysius's „ St. Patrick's St. Patrick's St. Joseph's Sts. Peter and Paul's Branch .. Auckland .. Charleston .. Thames Greymouth Dunedin Auckland .. Christchurch Wellington .. Onehunea .. N. Plymouth Waipawa Leeston Lincoln Timaru Hastings Masterton .. Milton 1870 1870 1870 1873 1873 1874 1874 1874 1876 1876 1882 1882 1882 1885 1886 1891 15 45 61 224 194 130 193 41 27 28 31 27 161 30 32 34 6,140 17 11 55 6 10 151 15 11 229 3 6 1,851 8 1 3,019 3 5 1,382 '7 11 581 14 7 26 10 11 88 3 5 414 5 11 391 19 1 282 11 9 867 4 11 296 12 7 246 1 7 105 3 11 5,689 8 1 29 13 3 74 18 5 212 13 4 1,438 6 3 2,290 18 10 1,287 9 7 508 17 11 12 13 3 22 19 4 333 5 10 315 4 7 214 8 8 691 17 5 257 11 9 227 13 11 58 2 0 451 9 10 25 13 7 76 17 6 16 10 2 413 1 10 728 4 7 94 18 4 72 16 8 13 17 8 65 4 1 81 0 1 76 14 6 68 3 1 175 7 6 39 0 10 18 7 8 47 1 11 -16-97 -12-22 - 8-89 -12-97 -11-89 -15-51 -14-08 -17-48 -21-14 -12-51 -12-56 -11-18 -15-80 - 9-08 Oamaru Denniston .. Waimate Palmerston N Reefton Wellington .. Kaiapoi Ashburton .. Waihi Hutt 1891 1901 1901 1903 1903 1904 1904 1904 1904 1905 78 26 40 66 53 37 11 98 66 34 239 14 5 61 7 3 167 1 0 189 15 3 133 15 2 87 9 8 34 13 0 181 3 5 82 0 11 35 6 8 213 17 5 20 7 9 129 19 5 111 0 1 114 14 4 46 14 0 22 9 11 126 0 8 48 0 9 21 0 7 25 17 0 40 19 6 37 1 7 78 15 2 19 0 10 40 15 8 12 3 1 55 3 2 34 0 2 14 6 1 Total 1,782 17,342 19 0 14,520 6 11 2,822 12 1 P.A.P.S.A. Gfrand Council of New Zealand — Central Body Prince of Wales Lodge Excelsior Wickliffe John Knox „ Alexandra „ Triumph Valley True Blue „ Star of Hastings Star of Oamaru „ St. Albans Auckland .. Thames Green Island Napier Wellington .. Auckland .. S. Dunedin.. N.E. Valley.. Hastings Oamaru Auckland .. 1873 1876 1877 1879 1879 1883 1883 1883 1883 1896 80 81 28 61 72 149 42 21 118 40 6,957 14 8 993 7 11 636 8 8 802 11 1 926 6 5 768 11 11 1,180 15 3 291 11 0 274 11 10 1,150 10 8 367 3 11 6,334 19 4 959 3 7 550 3 7 802 9 11 905 1 7 715 17 5 1,003 2 0 278 1 0 264 1 5 1,041 13 10 345 6 8 622 15 4 34 4 4 86 5 1 0 12 21 4 10 52 14 6 177 13 3 13 10 0 10 10 5 108 16 10 21 17 3 - 2-91 -23-26 -13-67 -14-48 - 4-37 -15-30 -19-60 -17-12 - 8-33 -1514 - 7-47 Total 692 14,349 13 4 13,200 0 4 1,U9 13 0 -15-81 R.E.B.S. Otago R.E.B.S. Dunedin 1875 25 10 2 -13-89 87 3,047 15 8 3,022 5 6 Grand Total 51,103 996,223 14 917,356 13 0 178,867 1


TABLE II.—Numerical Progress, Mortality, and Sickness for the Year 1905.


Number of Members Sickness Experience. Namk of Society. Admitted by Left by I AtBeginTotal. ningof Year. Deaths of Begistered Wives. gOc Clear•2'S g ance « Ph S and +a t3 4j Amalga- § £ mation. Total. Death. «earArrears, &c. At End of Year. Sick during Year. Total. First Six Months. Second Six Months. After Twelve Months. Manchester Units Independent Order op Odd Fellows — New Zealand Branch — Auckland District Hawke's Bay „ New Plymouth „ Wellington „ Nelson „ Motueka „ Hokitika „ Ashley „ Ashburton 280 89 88 193 42 43 16 63 44 16 50 14 1 296 139 88 207 43 43 16 65 45 26 5 ■1 17 11 5 4 7 2 14 4 2 4 1 1 2 1 2 241 67 42 113 24 8 5 31 16 281 76 46 134 36 14 11 39 20 2,907 1,183 692 1,859 771 441 168 1,046 437 2,922 1,246 734 1,932 778 470 173 1,072 462 596 186 76 282 164 88 48 152 79 Wks. ds. 4,953 4 1,637 5 821 3 2,420 5 1,864 2 843 4 575 4 1,340 4 459 5 Wks. as. 2,500 0 1,018 3 436 1 1,122 0 801 1 435 2 174 3 673 4 371 1 Wks. ds. 247 5 155 4 43 3 232 4 98 2 88 1 106 4 154 0 22 4 Wks. ds. 2,205 5 463 4 341 5 1,066 1 964 5 320 1 294 3 513 0 66 0 7 5 1 4 2 2 "2 1 "'2 2 Total S68 31 *4 942 79 547 657 9,504 9,789 1,671 14,918 0 7,532 3 1,149 3 6,236 0 25 Districts separately registered — Wanganui District Marlborough „ North Westland „ North Canterbury „ Lyttelton „ South Canterbury Otago „ Southland „ 243 ! 11 54 129 37 37 318 201 16 1 3 10 259 12 57 139 37 38 335 212 3 1 9 16 3 2 3-2 9 6 3 10 1 2 20 12 44 6 27 69 24 16 168 72 53 7 39 95 28 20 220 93 675 163 321 1,981 584 341 3,741 1,306 881 168 339 2,025 593 359 3,856 1,425 110 38 77 291 125 60 604 224 909 4 536 1 S59 2 2,368 5 1,097 1 410 2 7,243 3 1,977 4 510 0 99 3 415 0 1,409 3 462 1 195 1 2,779 2 1,095 0 87 1 20 2 102 2 235 5 61 4 7 1 734 4 178 4 312 3 416 2 342 0 723 3 573 2 208 0 3,729 3 704 0 4 3 7 2 1 17 11 8 7 1 Total 1,030 59 1,089 75 54 426 555 9,112 9,646 1,529 15,402 4 6,965 4 1,427 5 7,009 1 31 Total of Order 1,888 143 2,031 154 35 973 1,212 18,616 19,435 3,200 30,320 4 14,498 1 2,577 2 13,245 1 56 Independent Order op Odd Fellows — Grand Lodge of New Zealand 2,494 1,541 2 308 19 327 8 11 195 214 2,607 343 2,270 2 205 0 ! 524 0 10 National Independent Order of Odd Fellows — Auckland Provincial District 5 532 5 410 5 42 4 79 2 30 30 I 1 40 46 443 427 82 •• British United Order of Odd Fellows — Aorangi Lodge ... ; 29 29 1 10 11 122 5 92 5 30 0 125 143 19 Ancient Order of Forestees — Auckland District Hawke's Bay , Taranaki „ Wellington „ Nelson , Canterbury United South Canterbury . „ United Otago „ Court Coromandel 261 90 68 423 68 78 45 299 7 17 5 1 30 1 1 1 9 278 95 69 453 69 79 46 308 7 22 3 8 17 14 12 4 25 15 1 31 5 2 130 42 67 200 37 58 24 200 167 46 75 248 56 72 28 238 2,053 963 1,084 3,294 877 1,157 618 2,782 40 2,164 1,012 1,078 3,499 890 1,164 636 2,852 47 416 169 161 573 180 184 96 458 : 6 3,039 1 1,279 3 989 5 4,031 2 1,714 5 1,861 3 575 0 4,625 5 74 0 1,965 0 866 4 745 5 2,454 3 898 4 905 2 378 1 2,331 5 22 0 239 5 92 5 121 5 293 4 72 4 150 5 60 5 447 3 834 2 320 0 122 1 1,283 1 743 3 805 2 136 0 1,846 3 52 0 11 4 1 12 2 7 7 10 13 Total of Order 1,480 0 1,339 65 1,404 105 67 758 930 12,868 13,342 2,243 18,191 0 10,568 0 6,14b* 0 54


TABLE II.—Numerical Progress, Mortality, and Sickness — continued.

5—H. 1.


Number of Members Sickness Experience. Admitted by Left by Name of Society. gaa Clear- «:«§ and £•%% AmalgaS mation. Total. Total. At Beginning of Year. At End of Year. Sick during Year Total. First Six Months. Second Six Months. After Twelve Months. Deaths of Kegistered Wives. Death. Clearance. Arrears, Ancient Order of Shepherds Sanctuary Sir George Grey Wks. ds. 225 4 Wks. ds. 121 4 Wks. ds. 4 0 Wks. ds. 100 0 2 64 64 25 1 United Ancien-t Order op Drdids Grand Lodgeof the North Island Giand Lodge of Canterbury Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland Lodges separately registered 1,471 251 326 63 66 20 16 1 1,537 271 342 64 18 11 10 4 56 14 20 17 478 138 143 34 552 163 173 55 ;4,203 1,877 1,836 566 5,188 1,985 2,005 575 594 342 298 124 3,163 2 2,277 4 1,716 1 774 0 2,548 0 1,513 2 1,209 1 671 0 213 0 75 0 109 1 60 0 402 2 689 2 897 5 43 0 19 6 < Total of Order Independent Order op Rechabites New Zealand District New Zealand Central District .. Star of Hope Tent 2,111 103 2,214 43 107 793 943 8,482 9,753 1,358 7,931 1 5,941 3 1,532 3 457 1 32 ! 28 147 13 31 41 178 1 7 2 2 16 35 145 1 38 168 3 • 452 1,541 16 1 455 1,551 13: 80 217 5 706 3 1,515 5 157 0 353 0 1,143 2 16 2 73 0 166 0 40 4 280 3 206 3 100 0 ■7 Total of Order 175 44 219 18 181 209 2,009 10 2,019 302 2,379 2 1,512 4 687 0 279 4 7 Sons and Daughters op Temperance — National Division of New Zealand Divisions separately registered 23 ■23 8 54 67 185 3 422 0 1 22 17 23 21 412 353 412 340 684 0 834 3 389 ] 377 3 109 2 35 0 4 •• Total of Order 31 31 39 1,518 3 •• 44 765 752 121 766 4 114 2 607 3 Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society — New Zealand District 388 23 ! 411 14 15 186 215 1,586 1,782 240 2,153 1 978 3 956 2 6 J 218 2 psotestant alliance friendly society op Australasia — Grand Council of New Zealand \ ■ 52 ■ 688 692 130 I 490 2 (i 51 56 45 1,102 2 574 5 37 1 Railway Employees' Benefit Societies— Otago Railway Employees' Benefit Society ■A ■ ; •2 3' ! : ; 90 87 833 5 29 0 J673 0 ,40 131 & 1 Grand Total.. 6,352 402 6,754 351 307 3,223 i 8,881 48,230 I 51,103 8,103 67,581 4 5,504 4 24,938 1 -> .: . ■ 37,138 5 174 , i ,- . ." . . ■ ■ ■ ■ • t


TABLE III.—Sick and Funeral Funds.—Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1905.


-Name oV Society. ■sat § S !!f sg§ § a So O H Heceipts. In 0 a ■cg.S o S Expenditure. 4 ill H S a 'S a o j C a 3i o a *•& M 63 H 3 S M.U.I.O.O.F. N.Z. Branch, Central Body .. Auckland District Hawke's Bay „ New Plymouth " „ Wellington „ Nelson Motueka Hokitika Ashley Ashburton 5,887 .. 2,159 .. 1,091 .. 2,574 .. 1,291 .. 682 1 207 2 1,615 .. 776 .: £ I 2,800 1,234 749 1,996 1,092 403 257 804 354 i £ 0 758 1 150 9 100 S 378 2 1 3 90 7 40 i 220 1 110 £ 83,383 529 64 349 93 22 290 23 14 £ 4,028 1,242 673 1,572 1,154 620 350 879 415 £ 745 150 70 368 £ 5 1,194 0 233 0 139 8 500 305 i] 123 0 40 3 241 3 142 £ 39 67 106 126 9 26 44 21 ■ £ 12,828 4,072 2;004i 5,297 2,477 1,198! 796 2,662 1,254 ... . * I i 6,006 ! 1,692 I 882 2,546 1,581 J 866 476 1,384 658 * 5 65,594 ! 26,950 ! 17,120 i 48,681 24,422 i 10,204 i 5,331 19,066 1 9,536 .. I 114! 60 220 80 Total 16,282 3 9,689 3 1,847 4,767 10,933 1,807 7 2,917 438 $8,086 il6,095 i 226,904 : .. . ■ DISTRICTS SEPARATELY BEGI8TERED. Wanganui District Marlborough . „ North Westland North Canterbury „ Lyttelton South Canterbury , Qtago Southland 1,232 1 191 .. 471 .. 2,912 .. 1,019 1 608 .. 5,715 196 1,818 .. 643 413 553 1,361 811 192 4,241 865 3 70 3 .. 3 150 I 500 L 170 I 50 1 620 5 230 113 17 5 41 731 269 619 1,667 719 265 4,785 1,526 80 162 530 140 50 694 230 ) 177 37 2 128 J 442 ) 227 123 549 304 8 87 34 g 237 J. 2,059 621! 1,179 4,814 2,001 942| 10,861 3,002 25,479 S96 3C6 99G 2,673 1,091 449 6,265 2,061 14,771 7,582 10,264 33,780 14.534 5,416 93,016 21,108 200,471 92 89 89 Total Total of Order 13,966 198 30,248 201 9,079 18,768: )1,790 3,637 4461 5,213 10,581 21,514 1,886 3,693 1,987 4.9C4 383 821 58,0671 14,837 30,932' 427,375 I.O.O.P. ;Qrand Lodge of New Zealand 3,906 .. 1,956 310 659 1,770 350 921 13 6,831 3,054 45,653 N.I.O.O.F. Auokland Provincial District.. 583 .. 193 11 462 132 207 201 45 988 846 4,576 B.U.O.O.F. Aorangi Lodge .. 160 7 84 .. 108 24 .. 251 4,815 3,255 2,414 8,355 2,687 3,319 1,529 6,672 97 33,143 1 117 9,883! 4,550 3,776! 132 1,772 A.O.F. Auckland District iHawke's Bay „ Taranaki „ Wellington Nelson ;Canterbury United „ South Canterbury United Otago Court Coromandel 2,969 45 1,445 .. 1,408 .. 4,652 4 1,257 19 1,595 7 784 27 3,658 .. 61 7 i 1,237 1,251 716 2,297 991 1,316 478 2,287 28 540 163 290 860 420 400 140 510 24 396 542 2,460 1,061 767 2,835 1,188 1,131 430 2,753 30 581 120 275 878 455 420 164 510 221 568 190 1,811 225 322 128 734 421 41 147 11 277 139 13 320 1 1,370 i 3,683 i 1,790 : 1,379 i 5,035 2,145 i 2,012 i 735 4,317 31 81,841 24,228 17,289 50,592 20,299 29,110 10,094 48,390 1,148 232,991 1 lOOj 217 1 .. Total of Order 17,829 109 10,601 3,323 1.281 1 12,655 3,403 3,699 21,127 I A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey .. 64 .. 53 107 5 , , 112 1,146 U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of the North Island Grand Lodge of Canterbury .. Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland Lodges separately registered .. 6,622 .. i 2,531 26 2,450 .. j 1,317 1,272 786 910 460 334 1,034 261 206! 2,871 1,716 1,334 758 514 354 1,482 514 429 80 147 5,191 2,891 ! 2,117 34,101 29,600 18,199 77C .. 124 80 701 90 136 10 237 974 937 3,738 Total of Order - .. 12,373 26 3,499 1,784] 1,501 6,622 -1,716 2,561 19,188. 11,136 85,098 I.O.R. New Zealand District New Zealand Central District 8tar of Hope Tent .. 700 1 1,902 3 24 .. 566 1,672 19 21 200! 80, 137 I 139 487 1,287 57 21 200 80 132 289 7 2,097 2 1,425 3,916 123 2,737 1,778 144 11,322 33,312 227 Total of Order 2,626 4 2,257 301 276 1,831 301 428 2,099 4,659 5,464 44,861 S.D.T. National Division of New Zeal'd Divisions separately registered 596 .. 44-' 1 279 320 128 231 423 448 48 315 429 1,9.34 763 1,167 496 6,187 5,865 Total of Order H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District 1,038 1 599 128 231 871 48 315 429 1,997 1,663 12,052 2,031 72 564 360 61 1,336 319 425 53 3,078 2,133 14,354 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand j i 1,009 6 512 270 709 760 270 . 178 12 2,506 1,220 13,031 R.E.B.S;_ Total of R.E.B. Societies 168 .." 144 50 812 274 3,022 224 Grand Total 72,035 426; 39,238 10305 £ 9,932 48,260 10,3111 13,638 131937 77,288 5,079 886,531


TABLE IV.—Medical and Management Expenses Funds.—Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1905.


Name op Sooikty. 09 § s II! •a a It F a M ■eceipts. ps ijjj If m 1 Expem liture. ■r s o | 3 « J Jl og, M i *© ■« "3 "o <5 * Pi K ■ a 3 'S ■d a H . § <t - M.U.I.O.O.F. N.Z. Branch, Cemral Body .. Auckland District Hawke's Bay New Plymouth „ . Wellington Nelson Motueka Hokitika Ashley Ashburton £ 3,700 1,516 1,164 2,342 876 375 324 1,005 464 £ 331 231 1 61 2 £ 43 533 268 129 118 102 15 23 30 42 £ 2,547 1,258 826 1,683 542 224 173 687 334 £ 1,113 471 280 571 247 115 114 228 103 £ 488 144 104 233 155 63 15 108 62 £ 3,077 62 105 82 26 12 13 25 18 £ 43 4,564 2,015 1,294 2,521 980 390 347 1,044 513 13,711 £ 7,225 1,930 1,315 2,569 970 414 315 1,048 517 £ 105 5,068 606 194 1,427 160 173 153 297 199 "9 7 Total 11,766 642 1,303 8,269 3,242 1,372 3,420 16,303 8,382 Districts separately registered. Wanganui Disfcriot Marlborough ., North Westland North Canterbury Lyttelton South Canterbury Otago Southland 946 267 657 2,170 558 497 5,576 1,747 210 52 169 931 24 75 247 81 88 436 240 774 206 385 1,668 344 465 3,920 1,382 310 77 238 523 196 107 1,484 334 55 27 67 233 60 9 187 179 51 3 13 56 31 3 158 120 2,087 291 784 2,586 639 594 6,253 1,099 15.233 1,190 313 703 2,480 631 584 5,749 2,015 5,769 :l 97 3,550 187 142 6,084 406 9 241 12 Total 12,418 693 2,122 9,144 3,269 817 435 13,665 16,236 Total of Order 21,184 1,335 2,189 3,855 28,944 29,968 3,425 17,413 6,511 24,618 I.O.O.F. Grand Lodge of New Zealand 53 220 2,344 1,029 450 245 4,019 4,068 1,399 3,746 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District.. 12 293 123 46 22 542 484 287 530 B.U.O.O.F. Aorangi Lodge .. 122 02 197 187 60 192 A.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay Taranaki Wellington Nelson Canterbury United „ South Canterbury United Otago Court Coiomandel 3,050 1,616 1,334 4,828 1,257 1,480 896 4,132 63 28 4 2 55 11 16 233 82 102 671 119 134 55 334 8 1,951 1,217 967 3,451 861 1,044 682 2,807 34 857 391 398 1,399 331 347 178 1,172 27 225 96 69 257 133 115 66 251 231 24 39 96 6 83 113 123 3,311 1,702 1,438 5,554 1,387 1,630 951 4,531 88 3,264 1,728 1,473 5,203 1,331 1,589 1,039 4,353 61 857 55 217 2,160 649 618 433 2,336 88 65 17 Total of Order 20,592 7,413 18,656 198 1,738 13,014 5,100 1,212 715 20,041 A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey .. 23 18 23" 14 18 U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of the North Island Grand Lodge of Canterbury .. Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland Lodges separately registered .. 7,274 3,121 3,184 4-i 14 26 284 179 111 4,323 2,058 2,055 1,912 776 716 604 182 253 482 211 190 7,602 3,314 3,321 7,321 3,227 3,214 2,221 95y 671 909 2 67 651 171 58 24 : .978. 904 304 Total of Order 14,488 80 641 9,087 3,575 1,097 907 15,215 14,666 4,155 I.O.B. New Zealand District New Zealand Central District Star of Hope Tent .. 667 2,183 34 17 12 14 56 382 1,262 18 199 608 15 88 322 1 25 220 698 2,251 34 . 694 2,412 34 195 482 21 Total of Order 2,884 29 70 1,662 822 411 245 2,983 3,140 698 8.D.T. 'ational Division of New Zeal'd livisions separately registered 508 343 20 8 321 232 121 108 74 17 10 537 851 533 350 58 347 Total of Order 851 37 553 229 74 27 888 883 405 H.A.C.B.S. few Zealand District 596 191 92 2,690 2,469 1,364 2,440 17 233 1,590 P.A.F.S.A. ■rand Council of New Zealand 623 235 140 18 1,146 1,016 339 1,050 95 R.E.B.S. 'otal R.E.B. Societies 139 90 44 139 134 14 Grand Total 69,178 1,719 6,476 46,791 18,349 5,811 6,128 77,373 77,079 40,766



TABLE V.— Disposition of Funds as on the 31st December, 1905.

Name of Society. Total. Investments V^ d of Cash at Lan , d not bearing Interest. Bui t^ gs Interest. Value of Goods, Furniture, and Begalia. Other Assets. M.U.I.O.O.F. N.Z. Branch, Central Body Auckland District Hawke's Bay New Plymouth Wellington Nolson . .„ Motueka ,, Hokitika Ashley Ashburton ., £ 112 73,664 30,442 17,671 55,314 30,588 13,184 5,498 20,529 9,918 £ 43,307 23,682 15,063 30,935 28,515 12,029 5,036 17,063 6,874 £ 26,119 5,390 1,556 22,295 1,316 320 £ 105 2,630 1,246 882 1,572 641 752 447 401 447 £ 7 965 79 50 189 81 28 15 172 88 £ 643 45 120 323 85 55 2,844 2,455 49 54 Total 256,920 182,504 62,295 9,123 1,674 1,324 Divisions separately registered. Wanganui District Marlborough North Westland North Canterbury Lyttelton S uth Canterbury Otago Southland 21,218 9,721 10,923 38,367 16,088 5,598 107,486 23,271 9,029 8,532 9,624 30,396 13,663 4,457 95,754 20,147 11,560 690 850 5,501 1,350 979 7,549 1,439 222 343 338 1,819 871 162 2,580 951 304 26 39 395 91 103 130 72 256 113 492 398 1,111 336 Total .. 232,672 191,602 29,918. 7,286 1,745 2,121 Total of Order 489,592 374,106 92,213 16,409 3,419 3,445 I.O.O.P. Grand Lodge of New Zealand 53,086 44,624 4,762 1,280 890 1,530 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District 4,698 110 122 133 5,063 B.U.O.O.F. Aorangi Lodge 1,884 1,802 48 18 16 A.O.P. Auckland Distriot Hawke's Bay Taranaki Wellington „ Nelson „ Canterbury United South Canterbury United Otago Court Coroinandel 34,752 26,096 17,771 55,903 21,067 30,898 10,579 55,411 1,298 24,208 21,381 15,667 45,195 19,797 28,103 8,260 49,892 550 8,276 3,113 1,285 5,014 500 1,501 1,732 1,726 644 1,389 955 683 3,925 666 804 348 2,662 3 771 241 136 1,169 104 308 221 636 96 108 406 600 182 18 495 5 Total of Order 1,814 253,775 213,053 23,791 11,435 3,682 A.O.S. Total A.O.S 1,189 1,147 28 14 U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of the North Island .. Grand Lodge of Canterbury Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland Lodges separately registered 37,692 31,095 19,954 4,264 27,032 27,477 16,121 3,830 5,729 2,042 1,277 3,579 448 1,239 230 1,000 346 582 1S6 352 782 735 18 Total of Order 5,496 2,114 1,887 93,005 74,460 9,048 I.O.R. New Zealand Distriot New Zealand Central District Star of Hope Tent 14,938 35,860 265 14,780 31,532 247 2,498 86 1,607 1 70 32 7 2 191 10 Total of Order 51,063 46,559 2,498 1,694 109 203 S.D.T. National Division of New Zealand Divisions separately registered Total of Order 6,545 6,281 12,826 5,503 6,111 554 279 107 139 26 70 37 11,614 554 165 107 386 H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District .- 17,343 12,235 2,658 1,307 677 466 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand 12,502 630 598 370 250 14,350 RlE.B.S. Total el R.E.B. Societies.. 3,022 14 12 3,048 Grand Total.. 996,224 799,822 136,154 38,805 11,592 9,851


TABLE VI.—Investments at Interest as on the 31st December, 1905.


Name oj . Society. Total. ! Post- ! Office SavingsBank. leposii wi Mortgages on Freehold Property. Government and Municipal Debentures. Other Investments. Other Banks. M.U.I.O.O.F. New Zealand Branoh, Central Body Auckland District Hawke's Bay New Plymouth Wellington Nelson Motueka „ ■ • Hokitika Ashley '.'....„ Ashburton £ 43,307 23,682 15,063 30,935 28,515 12,029 5,036 17,063 6,874 £ ~ 2,168 802 1,237 2,327 1,313 212 465 1,706 449 £ 1,946 66 100 . . £ .. 37,818 22,380 13,310 25,412 16,802 11,002 3,343 14,098 5,145 £ 1,375 500 450 101300 —$ 3496 815 1,228 909 1,250 350 30 12,975 4,041 Total 182,504 10,679 5,499 149,310 Divisions separately registered. Wahganui Distriot Marlborough „ North Westland North Canterbury Lyttelton . South Canterbury Otago Southland 9,029 8,532 9,624 30,396 13,663 4,457 95,754 20,147 1,179 638 768 3,463 684 277 2,492 982 400 367 386 7,850 7,894 8,456 25,716 12,000 4,180 85,165 12,256 850 593 5,984 409 2J113 6,500 Total .. .. .: 191,602 10,483 7,546 163,517 9,463 593 Total of Order 374,106 21,162 13,045 312,827 22,438 4,634 I.O.O.F. Grand Lodge of New Zealand 44,624 2,862 1,204 40,390 168 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial Distriot 4,698 100 782 3,816 B.U.O.O.P. Aorangi Lodge 1,802 102 1,700 A.O.F. Auokland District Hawke's Bay „ Taranaki Wellington N elson „ Canterbury United „ South Canterbury United Otago Court Coromandel 24,208 21,381 15,667 45,195 19,797 28,103 8,260 49,892 550 1,313 593 1,466 4,256 472 2,386 719 789 6,428 336 424 114 328 824 1,373 16,467 20,773 13,865 39,745 14,111 24,481 6,667 47,211 550 15 700 5,100 "70 908 50 400 119 Total of Order 1,097 213,053 11,994 9,827 183,870 6,265 A.O.S. Total A.O.S 1,147 347 800 U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of the North Island Grand Lodge of Canterbury Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland Lodges separately registered 27,032 27,477 16,121 3,830 2,997 2,506 2,070 330 1,587 478 224 966 21,248 24,418 12,527 2,034 1,200 1,300 500 "75 Total of Order 74,460 7,903 3,255 60,227 3,000 75 I.O.E. New Zealand Distriot .. New Zealand Central District Star of Hope Tent 14,780 31,532 247 58 4,221 27 817 561 13,805 21,550 220 2^200 100 Total of Order 46,559 4,306 1,378 38,575 2,200 100 S.D.T. National Division of New Zealand Divisions separately registered 5,503 6,111 321 31 410 5,182 5,670 Total of Order 11,614 352 410 10,852 H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District 12,235 1,517 1,251 9,190 277 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand.. 481 2,099 9,922 12,502 R.B.B.S. Total of R.E.B. Societies 3,022 252 2,770 Grand Total 799,822 51,378 33,251 674,939 33,903 6,351


TABLE VII. Isolated Friendly Societies.

Juvenile Friendly Societies.

Working-men's Clubs.


Reg. No. Name of Society. Number l Year of Place of of Etta- Members Total Worth Establishment. blish- on of Fundi. ment, Dec. 31, 1905. Benefit Fund. Management Fuud, &c. Widows' and Orphans' Fund, Wellington .. M.U.T.O.O.P. Grey Valley Accident Belief Fund Brunnerton.. Denniston Collieries' Medical and Denniston .. Accident Association United Fire brigades' Accident As ' Napier surance Society Wellington Friendly Societies' Wellington .. Jubilee Orphanage Society Blackball Colliery Acoident Relief ! Blackball .. Fund Society Auckland Labourers' Accident Fund j Auckland .. Association Wtlliugton Wharf Employees' ; Wellington .. Benefit Society Waikato Medical and Accident Huntly Society Millerton'Colliery Medical and Ac- Granity cident Belief Association New Zealand Collieries, Bailway, Kaitangata .. and Oil Syndicate Employees' ! Benefit Society Auckland United Friendly So- Auckland .. cieties' Dispensary Auckland United Friendly So- Auckland .. cieties' Medical Institute Christchurch United Friendly So- j Christchurch oiety Dispensary £ s. d. 2,336 14 4 £ b. d. 2,3H 2 5 £ a. d. 22 11 11 U 1849 60 183 277 1881 1891 180 162 19 1 1,966 13 6 98 6 9 838 17 10 64 12 4 1,127 15 8 279 1891 1,228 995 2 8 995 2 8 286 1887 9 626 10 0 626 10 0 293 1894 125 1,013 11 3 185 1 4 828 9 11 299 1898 47 22 7 7 22 7 7 300 1896 50 24 3 0 20 5 10 : 8 17 2 306 1900 260 185 12 10 111 1 5 74 11 5 307 1899 299 656 11 3 656 11 3 310 1887 350 199 9 11 38 10 11 160 19 0 1903 709 8 5 709 8 5 118 116 1903 1,006 14 11 1,006 14 11 119 1904 2,778 997 1 0 997 1 0 Total 5,386 10,902 19 9 5,250 6 9 5,652 13 0

Reg. No. Name of Society. Number Year of Place of of Eβ a- Members Total Worth Establishment. blish- on of Funds, ment. Dec. 31, 1905. Benefit Fund. Management Fund, &c. !88 190 103 114 Court Pride of the Forest, A.O.P. Court Pride of Invercargill, A.O.F. Kaiapoi Lodgo, M.U.l.O.O.F. Court Pride of Napier ! i Dunedin .. I 1893 Invercargill.. 1894 Kaiapoi .. 18S7 Napier .. 1902 75 37 26 33 £ s. d. 6 17 3 24 1 9 58 0 3 446 9 7 £ s. d:. 3 8 0 24 1 9 30 9 8 209 4 9 £ s. a. 3 9 3 27 10 7 237 4 10 Total 171 535 8 10 267 4 2 268 4 8

Beg. No. Name of Society Place of Establishment. Number Year of of ! Members Establish- on ment. 31 Dec, 1905. Amount of Funds"at End of Year. LSI 163 186 Kβ Wellington Working-men's Club and Literary Institute Christchurch Working-men's Club and Mutual School of Arts Greytown Working-men's Club Club Garibaldi Sydenham and Addington Working-men's Club and Mutual Sohool of Arts Auckland Working-men's Club and Meohanios' Institute Kaiapoi Working-men's Club Petone Working-men's Club and Literary Institute.. Richmond Working-men's Club Palmerston North Working men's Club and Literary Institute Ashburton Club and Mutual Sohool of Arts Blenheim Working-men's Club >. Oxford Working-men's Club Napier Working-men's Club City Working-men's Club North Island Brass Bands Association Wellington Ohristohuroh Greytown Wellington Sydenham 1877 1,092 1880 427 1878 214 1882 56 1884 379 1879 331 £ a. d. 6,938 -17 8 4,113 14 7 852 11 2 125 1 5 2,215 5 1 3,812 19 116 Auckland 181 i:J8 164 !67 Kaiapoi Petone Richmond Palmerston N. .. 1885 514 1887 471 1889 215 1899 496 1,493 10 10 2,759 9 7 1,282 U 7 1,694 4 8 !71 !72 505 toy 117 118 Ashburton Blenheim East Oxford Napier Wellington Palmerston N. .. 1886 •' 572 1888 306 1887 184 1877 1,069 1903 35 1902 5,098 15 8 528 0 1 733 2 5 6,165 11 11 2 5 0 118 0 2 Total .. 6,361 37,933 3 7


TABLE VII.— continued.

TABLE Ia.—Number of Members and Amounts of Benefit and other Funds, as on the 31st December, 1906, of all Friendly Societies and Branches from which Returns were received in accordance with the Act.


Specially Autho: :ISED iOCIETIES. Beg. Ho, Name of Society. Place of Establishment. Number Year of of Members Establish- on meut. 31 Dec, 1905. Total Worth ol Funds. 223 229 241 Invercargill United Friendly Societies' Dispensary .. Sydenham and Suburban Cooperative Money Club.. New Zealand Friendly Societies' Guarantee Association Dunedin United Friendly Societies' Dispensary Lyttelton United Friendly Societies' Dispensary Timaru United Friendly Societies' Dispensary New Zealand Foresters' Guarantee Association Auckland Guledonian Society Stanmore Brass Band .. .. Newton Band Society Ivy of Linwood Co-operative Money Club Waimate Brass Band Hawke's Bay United Friendly Societies' Dispensary Christchurch and St. Albans Co-operative Money Club Wellington United Friendly Sooieties' Dispensary .. Invercargill Sydenham Wellington 1884 1885 1889 1J630 £ s. d. 1,890 7 3 39,401 4 5 1,307 15 3 242 246 248 201 262 263 268 275 276 283 284 294 Dunedin Lyttelton Timaru Christchurch Auckland Linwood Newton Christchurch Waimate Napier .. Christchurch Wellington 1887 1886 1887 1886 1888 1883 18S5 1889 1892 1893 18<J2 1894 322 2 22 25 276 28 784 694 2,937 7,846 12 1 686 1 2 1,163 10 2 804 2 3 5 0 0 331 13 10 684 9 9 5,489 13 6 304 8 2 695 6 5 20,769 12 8 880 16 9 Total .. ... 6,720 82,260 13 3

|Namk of Society and Branch. i,°S Sick and Place of -~~a Sfe r Tntnl Worth Funeral Fund, Establishment. g"i S B-gSS Worth. including (H'm a S g § Surplus. H y "ZR I Management and other Funds, Goods, &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at Last Valuation. M.U.I.O.O.F. r.Z. Branch Central Body [uckland District — Central Body Fountain of Friendship Lodge.. Good Intent ,. ■ • Parnel! „ • ■ Charles Bruce ,. .. Waikato „ .. Duke of Cambridge „ .. Gisborne ,, •. Howick Whangarei , ■. Franklin Warkworth Pioneer ,. .. Hauraki , ■ ■ Hokianga „ ■ ■ Karangahake , .. Waihi „ .. Jubilee • Manukau Botorua » .. Waiiekauri and Golden Cross Lodge Waipu Lodge .. Mangonui ... Hot Springs Te Awamutu . Hamilton Hikurangi £ s. d. 277 0 7 S, s. d. £ s. d. 277 0 7 & Wellington .. 1902 Auckland Parnell Thames IT • • Cambridge .. Gisborne Howick Wliangarei .. Otahuhu Warkworth .. Coromandel Bawene Karangabake Waihi Paeroa Onehunga .. Rotorua VVaitekauti .. 1844 1850 1859 1865 1866 1867 1874 1876 1881 1881 1884 1895 1896 1897 1897 1897 1898 1898 1899 536 406 201 164 270 73 188 92 59 84 79 52 61 112 133 66 46 49 122 16,430 13 6 25,329 13 10 7,749 13 10 5,774 16 11 2,724 3 9 3,827 19 11 785 15 0 4,839 17 1 1,929 13 10 1,402 9 6 1,137 4 11 558 13 9 820 11 3 229 16 10 597 9 8 547 16 8 492 8 9 354 8 6 212 4 8 780 7 11 16,310 8 11 21,297 10 1 7,345 15 4 5,164 3 11 2,572 13 4 3,536 9 11 781 17 9 4,686 6 4 1,834 7 1 1,377 7 0 1,184 9 7 S58 13 6 768 14 0 199 8 3 585 6 7 532 14 7 489 8 3 335 7 9 212 4 8 780 7 11 120 4 7 4,032 3 9 403 18 6 610 13 0 151 10 5 291 10 0 53 17 3 153 10 9 95 6 9 25 2 6 2 15 4 0 0 3 51 17 3 30 8 7 12 3 1 15 2 1 3 0 6 19 0 9 - 2-16 + 011 + 1-78 - 5-32 -12-93 -10-15 + 6-83 -'500 + 10-22 - 3-21 - 11-78 - 800 -12-68 - 8-64 - 9-90 - 918 - 7-85 - 9 00 Waipu Mangonui .. Tβ Aroba. .. Te Awamutu H<mikon .. Hikurangi .. 1900 1900 1900 1903 1903 1904 34 19 31 50 95 41 282 12 2 185 0 11 126 2 10 235 2 5 187 11 8 176 11 9 263 18 2 116 12 0 126 0 10 205 2 1 179 10 2 152 10 8 18 14 0 68 8 11 0 2 0 30 0 4 8 16 24 1 1 - 8-50 - 8-04 - 913 Total 6,221 13 2 - 5-11 3,063 77,719 1 10 71,497 8 8


TABLE Ia.—Membership and Funds— continued.


Namb op Society and Bbanch. Place of j Establishment. H "3 §§ S a - Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Kund, including Surplus. Management and othev Funds, Goods, &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at Last Valuation. M.U.I.O.O.F.— continued. Hawhe's Bay District — Central Body Napier Lodge .. Meeanee Abbotsford „ Clive Hastings Tavistock Woodville Ruahine Forest Home Dannevirke Napier Taradale Waipawa Clive Hastings Waipukurau Woodville .. Hampden .. Ormondville Dannevirke.. i 1856 1871 1873 1876 1878 1879 1880 1885 1887 1888 307 61 232 29 245 66 23 120 63 170 £ s. d. 612 10 10 11,319 19 8 748 2 3 7,985 5 10. 1,116 11 2 4,380 16 4 1,651 3 5 1,269 7 3 1,080 1 11 617 15 8 1,609 16 0 £ ■ s; d. 565 16 9 10,675 18 -2 733 9 S 7,669 16 4 1,116 11 2 4,299 5 5 1,649 0 8 1,241 18 7 1,078 8 1 575 5 10 1,570 9 10 £ ■- d. 46 14 1 644 1 6 ..' 14 13 0 315 9 6 81 10 11 2 2 9 27 8 8 1 J3 10 42 9 10 39 6 2 £ + 14-74 - 0-92 + 10-33 "+12-78 + 3-74 + 11-38 + 19-76 + 3-25 - 1-24 + 0-33 Total . 1,316 32,391 10 4 31,176 0 1 1,215 10 3 New Plymouth District — Central Body .. Egmont Lodge Excelsior „ Waitara „ Union „ Manaia » Eltham Midhirst New Plymouth Waitara .. Hawera Manaia Eltham Midhirst 1857 1865 1876 1881 1887 1889 1893 217 114 47 107 69 149 73 767 12 10 5,977 8 1 4,878 14 6 2,101 0 9 2,139 5 7 1,520 1 4 803 7 9 533 2 10 695 13 0 5,964 16 5 4,829 2 5 2,051 15 11 2,072 13 10 1,520 1 4 790 9 7 317 19 0 71 19 10 12 11 8 49 12 1 52 4 10 66 11 9 - 5-79 + 6-27 + 4-63 - 3-86 + 4-12 - 4-62 - 103 12 18 2 215 3 10 Total 776 18,723 13 8 18,242 11 6 481 2 2 Wanganui District — Central Body Wanganui Lodge Manawatu „ Manchester Apiti „ Awarua „ RangUikei „ Hautapu Mataroa Bunnjtb.orpe „ Hunterville Foxion „ Wanganui .. Palmerston N. Feilding Apiti Ohingaiti .. Manga weka Taibape Mataroa Bunnythorpe Huntecville Foxton 1858 1881 1883 1894 1894 1895 1897 1904 1905 1905 1906 255 245 1J6 66 45 93 67 35 40 24 52 288 11 1 15,517 6 9 3,308 11 2 1,025 2 1 673 8 0 573 9 11 569 8 4 201 10 4 192 13 2 135 6 10 25 3 7 68 6 8 288 11 1 10,374 7 6 2,526 1 2 967 3 7 587 19 1 538 11 9 514 2 3 172 14 0 111 13 7 100 15 11 10 4 2 48 8 2 5,142 19 3 782 10 0 57 18 6 85 8 11 34 18 2 55 6 1 28 16 4 80 19 7 34 10 11 14 19 5 19 18 6 -6-05 Total 1,038 22,578 17 11 16,240 12 3 6,338 5 8 Wellington District — Central Body Britannia Lodge Antipodean „ Rose of the Valley „ Rose of Sharon St. George Unity Combination Heart of Oak Mastertou Greytown Petone Eketahuna Murtinborough „ Mangatainoka Sister Wallia Newtawn „ Victoria Diamond „ Wellington .. Lower Hutt Upper Hutt Pahautanui Feathers ton Johnsonville Carterton .. Master ton .. Greytown .. Petone Eketahuna .. Martinb iroiigh Manga tainoka Wellington .. Newtown Levin 1843 1847 1849 1857 1867 1872 1876 1877 1877 1879 1882 1887 1892 1894 1895 1897 1897 6 529 395 129 67 20 101 26 79 113 80 101 62 33 45 67 108 20 3,919 11 11 20,898 17 6 15,433 2 5 3,182 10 10 1,551 2 7 516 18 1 1,400 9 9 957 2 3 1,984 16 2 958 3 8 2,464 7 8 2,041 4 2 1,260 9 7 449 14 1 303 2 2 183 14 10 688 6 5 189 19 5 3,778 15 3 20,f.80 6 3 14,996 8 5 2,946 3 6 1,518 1 1 507 14 9 1,366 16 8 773 4 3 1,968 12 4 945 9 10 2,096 11 8 1,930 0 3 1,024 1 9 421 17 1 299 2 2 162 0 6 651 19 10 175 14 4 140 16 8 318 11 3 436 14 0 236 7 4 33 1 6 9 3 4 33 13 1 183 18 0 16 3 10 12 13 10 367 16 0 111 3 11 236 7 10 27 17 0 4 0 0 21 U 4 36 6 7 14 5 1 + 7-76 - + 12-89 . - 1-24 * ;: - 0-23 -13-50 + 0-45 + 1-37 - 3-70 + 1-72- + 4-68 - 1-82 + 1-63 + 7-30 - 0-57 - 1-23 - 017 - 0-32 Total 1,981 58,383 13 6 56,142 19 11 2,240 13 7 Nelson District — Central Body Nelson Lodge Travellers' Reet „ Howard Mansion of Peace General Cameron Mataki Nelson Richmond .. Nelson Wakefield' .. Brightwater Murohison .. 1842 1847 1847 1859 1865 1903 234 104 219 178 50 64 10,156 19 7 4,098 18 11 2,009 19 7 8,665 15 5 5,142 1 5 1,805 0 1 169 4 10 5,129 12 8 4,055 17 5 1,946 9 4 8,642 5 3 5,061 13 9 1,805 0 1 109 15 8 5,027 6 11 43 1 6 63 10 3 23 10 2 80 7 8 - 7-47, - 4-05 + 9-55 + 7-20 + 396 59"9 2 ; - _ Total 849 32,017 19 10 26,750 14 2 5,297 5 8

H.— 1.

TABLE Ia.—Membership and Funds— continued.

6—H. 1.


Name op Society and Beanch. Place of Si's Establishment. d a o o o u »g Sick and Management J>8 rt - rpm-ni wmfl, ' Funeral Fund, and ■jpa. Jotal-Woith. , i noludin g other Funds, Surplus. : Goods, &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at Last Valuation. M.U.I.O.O.F.— continued. Motueka District — Central Body .. . . Motueka Motueka Lodge .. j „ Good Intention „ .. Riwaka Takaka „ . . Takaka South Star „ .. Dovedale 1850 1860 1863 1880 203 90 114 65 £ s. d. 2,960 17 0 4,915 4 1 3,423 6. 7 1,876 3 8 838 17 1 £ s. d. i £ s. d. 26 17 0 2,934 0 0 4,902 17 4 I 12 6 9 3,303 12 11 119 13 8 1,849 11 2 26 12 6 799 5 4 39 11 9 •-..;: - 0-20 - 1-31 - 915 - 3-34 Total .. ... I 472 14,014 8 5 10,882 3 9 J 3,132 4 8 Hohitilta District — Central Bod}' .. .. I Hokitika Waimea Lodge .. .. j Stafford Greymouth „ .. .. Greymouth .. Albert „ .. .. Kumara 1867 1867 1870 I 2 I 24 82 ! 77 ; 288 12 0 496 2 5 4,040 16 8 752 11 0 285 15 10 469 6 1 ■- . 4,040 16. 8 683 19, 7 2 16 2 26 16 4 68 11 5 -64-3 - 1-1 -33-2 - . Total .. ,, j 185 5,578 2 1 5,479 18. 2 98 3 11 -25-3 Ashley District — Central Body .. .. Eangiora Rangiora Lodge .. „ Nil Desperandnm „ .. East Oxford Leithfield „ ,. Leithfield .. Cust ;, .. Cust Woodend „ .. Woodend Oxford „ ,. West Oxford Ohoka „ ,. Ohoka Amberley „ .. Amberley Waikari „ .. Waikari Cheviot „ .. MoKenzie .. 1860 1868 1873 1874 1874 1876 1876 1876 1880 1896 373 128 85 81 87 82 90 78 44 28 1,069 17 3 8,434 4 0 2,971 4 0 2,151 13 11 1,261 5 8 1,174 3 0 579 2 2 1,104 15 8 2,149 10 5 399 12 3 216 9 10 892 3 i 8,310 15 2 2,917 16 9 2,124 12 11 1,227 6 0 1,171 0 1 533 19 2 1,104 15 8 2,132 5 6 388 16 8 201 13 7 177 13 11 123 8 10 53 7 3 27 1 0 33 19 8 3 2 11 45 3 0 17' 4 11 10 15 7 14 16 3 - 1-89 + 5-35 + 5-17 - 8-72 - 3-48 -19-45 - 8-71 + 2-15 - 6-54 - 2-61 Total 1,076 21,511 18 2 21,005 4 10 506 13 4 - 3-09 Ashburton District Central Body .. .. Ashburton .. Ashburton Lodge .. .. „ Waterton „ .. .. Waterton South Rakaia „ .. .. South Rakaia Pioneer „ .. . . Springburn .. Tinwald „ .. .-. Tinwald Methven „ .. . , Metliven Mayfield „ .. .. Mayfield 1873 1881 1881 1881 1882 1900 1901 199 53 35 57 45 56 41 1,052 11 0 3,648 11 6 1,284 19 0 1,728 11 9 1,245 19 8 1,299 0 2 222 19 1 254 12 7 959 4 7 3,569 4 0 1,284 5 0 1,710 3 0 1,230 10 2 1,276 15 1 219 7 5 224 5 0 93 6 5 79 7 C I 0 14 0 18 8 9 15 9 6 22 5 1 3 11 8 30 7 7 - 3-32 + 2-83 + 6-12 - 0-29 + 900 - 4-06 - 3-59 Total .. .. I 486 10,737 4 9 10,473 14 3 263 10 6 + 0-06 Total N.Z. Branches ..! 11,242 293,963 11 1 267,891 7 7 26,072 3 6 DlSTKICTS SEPAKATELY BEOISTERED. Marlborough District— Central Body .. .. Blenheim .. Marlborough Lodge .. Renwick „ .. .. Renwiok 1,553 0 5 5,809 3 8 2,651 9 9 89 7 1 5,809 3 8 2,625 18 4 1,463 13 4 + V-88 1860 1867 134 41 25 11 5 Total 175 10,013 13 10 8,524 9 1 1,489 4 9 North WestlandDistrict — Central Body .. .. Reefton Westport Lodge .. .. Westport Charleston „ ... ' .. Charleston .. Reefton „ .. .. Reefton Waimangaroa „ .. .. Waimangaroa Blackball „ .. .. j Blackball .. 1867 1867 1872 1886 1898 109 45 102 54 72 64 16 11 4,392 10 9 2,663 17 2 3,590 6 8 394 17 9 209 7 8 55 17 5 4,392 10 9 2,663 17 2 3,572 1 10 387 14 3 199 3 11 8 19 6 18 4 10 7 3 6 10 3 9 + 12-40 - 3-30 -10-37 - 995 -19-78 Total 382 11,315 16 11 11,271 5 4 44 11 7 -2-93 North Canterbury District — Central Body .. .. Christchurch City of Christchurch Lodge .. „ Kaiapoi „ ■ • Kaiapoi Volunteer „ .. Sydenham .. Benevolent „ .. Christchurch Malvern „ .. Waddington Phillipstown „ .. Linwood Leeston „ .. Leeston Papanui „ • • Papanui Addington „ .. Addington .. Coleridge „ .. Glentunnel .. Heart of Oak „ ... Kaikoura .. Riccarton „ .. Up. Riccarton Jubilee „ .. Prebbleton .. Sister Pearce „ .. Ohristchurch Tamahine „ .. Kaiapoi ; ... Total .. .. 1853 1858 1866 1866 1877 1879 1880 1880 1882 1883 1885 1886 1887 1896 1896 3 512 145 217 148 68 64 123 69 116 130 86 51 52 43 55 840 1 9 16,251 0 6 3,137 13 4 2,609 11 0 4,314 13 10 1,032 9 1 356 14 5 1,850 5 7 1,311 4 11 1,920 9 7 1,090 2 11 1,697 3 4 ],289 11 7 678 8 11 111 10 3 46 2 9 571 19 9 13,635 13 10 3,097 5 10 .2,528 18 6 4,209 18 6 993 13 11 331 1 7 1,812 4 3 1,278 4 11 1,852 19 5 850 10 6 1,283 19 10 1,267 5 4 677 17 11 91 10 0 7 6 1 268 2 0 2,615 6 8 40 7 6 80 12 6 104 15 4 ■ 38 15 2 25 12 10 38 1 4 33 0 0 67 10 2 239 12 5 413 3 6 22 6 3 0 11 0 20 0 3 38 16 8 -2900 - 394 ■• 5-84 - 9-84 + 4-73 - 8-83 -21-31 : - 8-78 - 5-20 -14-09 -10-40 - 4-89 + 6-90 -16-58 - 7-20 - 7-89 - 7-61 1,882 38,537 3 9 34,490 10 2 4,046 13 7


TABLE Ia.—Membership and Funds— continued.


Name of Society and Bbanch. Place of Establishment. "o §1 Sao F-JeralTund Maua fd ment or Decency Total Worth. deluding"*' ; ! per Member Surplus. Goods, 4o. vShSSSn. M.U.I.O O.P.— continued. Lyttelton District — Central Body City of Norwich Lodge Good Intent Hand of Friendship Hand and Heart Perseverance Wairewa Lyttelton .. Akaroa Okain's Bay Pigeon Bay.. Barry's Bay Little Rivtr 1850 1860 1875 1876 1881 1897 1 275 48 48 53 54 55 £ s. d. 231 10 0 10,587 6 0 1,720 15 0 955 0 4 1,244 2 5 877 3 6 246 8 6 & s. d. 157 14 4 10,493 10 1 1,718 16 5 945 16 1 1,211 15 4 850 19 4 230 3 11 £ s. d. 76 15 8 93 15 11 1 18 7 9 4 3 •32 7 1 26 4 2 16 4 7 £ + 11-78 - 8 63 - 6-12 - 6-48 - 348 - 6-94 Total 534 15,865 5 9 15,608 15 6 256 10 3 South Canterbury District — Central Body Timaiu Lodge Heart of Friendship „ Pleasant Point , Timaru Waimate Pleasant Pt. 1864 1871 1891 338 80 25 140 16 5 5,143 15 6 1,180 16 2 731 0 5 113 10 9 4,976 19 3 1,136 15 1 729 14 10 27 5 8 166 16 3 44 1 1 15 7 -10-63 -12-44 - 6-20 Total 443 7,196 8 6 6,956 19 11 239 8 7 Otago District — Central Body Hand and Heart Lodge Dunedin Dal ton „ Prince of Wales Albion Oamaru „ Tuapeka Pioneer Waitahuna Prince Alfred Waipori Bluespur „ Naseby „ Alexandra Roxburgh Tapanui Palmerston Cromwell Mount Wendon Band of Friendship „ Outram Mosgiel Caversham ., Valley Ngapara „ Dunback „ Pride of Kaitangata United Brothers „ Milton Waikaka „ Dunedin H ' • Balclutha .. PortCtialmers Dunedin Oamaru Lawrence .. Waitahuna .. Waikouaiti .. Waipori Bluespur Naseby Pt. Molyneux Roxburgh .. Tapanui Palmerston S. Cromwell Waikaia Kakanui Outram Mosgiel Caversham .. N.E. Valley Ngapara Dunback Kaitangata .. Cambrian .. Milton Waikaka 1848 1862 1864 1864 1864 1864 1865 1866 1866 1867 1867 1868 1869 1869 1869 1870 1870 1871 1872 1875 1879 1881 1881 1891 1892 1892 1897 1897 1899 625 352 224 172 306 176 89 46 68 27 54 109 56 68 162 101 114 70 44 79 226 230 154 33 56 135 49 167 51 3,013 9 7 28,966 7 10 15,493 14 2 5,301 14 9 3,785 17 5 5,070 7 7 4,4:-U 13 4 2,393 18 11 1,358 9 8 3,105 1 10 297 3 6 1,670 3 5 1,569 2 1 2,442 9 4 1,287 8 0 4,140 11 6 2,276 18 11 6,024 2 0 1,989 13 0 1,182 13 11 3,708 6 0 4,947 0 4 3,474 14 10 2,398 12 11 534 4 9 412 3 8 1,193 12 10 526 4 0 1,584 9 1 242 2 5 50 11 1 25,943 3 6 15,100 8 11 4,863 15 10 3,585 18 0 4,825 4 10 4,173 9 2 2,197 7 11 1,331 13 7 3,105 1 10 224 15 9 1,451 19 8 1,414 19 8 2,354 15 5 1,131 16 0 3,930 10 0 2,137 14 5 5,516 13 9 1,981 2 2 1,015 16 5 3,658 15 1 4,652 1 3 3,313 17 6 2,192 9 11 516 11 5 397 17 8 1,125 4 3 511 19 1 1,207 18 8 , 229 15 3 2,962 18 6 3,023 4 4 393 5 3 437 18 11 199 19 8 245 2 9 258 4 2 196 11 0 26 16 1 72 7 9 218 3 9 154 2 5 87 13 11 155 12 0 210 1 6 ]39 4 6 507 8 3 8 10 10 166 17 6 49 10 11 294 19 1 160 17 4 206 3 0 17 13 4 14 6 0 68 8 7 14 4 11 376 10 5 12 7 2 + 2-80 4- 6-14 - 461 + 3-22 - ff-30 - 069 -13-26 - 5 32 + 624 -20 45 -14 91 - 773 + 7-90 + 002 - 314 - 2-97 - 2-74 -10-57 - 6-27 + 854 - 0-69 - 4 85 - 304 - 3-30 - 5-70 - 4-88 - 7-54 - 5-77 Total 4,028 114,822 11 7 104,143 8 0 10,679 3 7 Southland District — Central Body Shamrock,Rose,&Thistle Lodge St. George Winton „ United Gore Lumsden „ Awarua Riversdale „ gar of thfi West Mataura Falls Star of Nightcaps „ Hearts of Oak Invercargill.. Winton Gore Lumsden Campbelltown Riversdale .. On piiki Mai aura Nightcaps .. Invercargill.. 1860 1868 1874 1878 1882 1883 1889 1899 1900 1900 1904 361 369 138 134 106 111 50 35 47 48 70 468 12 8 10,694 0 6 6,705 15 2 1,018 8 3 2,080 10 9 1,274 0 4 1,588 7 11 279 14 1 159 6 2 67 19 5 120 18 5 112 10 5 100 12 7 10,543 4 11 6,461 1 9 1,018 8 3 1,965 8 7 1,234 4 7 1,524 8 6 185 7 9 159 5 6 368 0 1 150 15 7 244 13 5 115 2 2 39 15 9 63 19 5 94 6 4 0 0 8 67 19 5 44 13 3 7 18 7 - 4-16 - 4-58 - 5-36 - 6-65 - 809 - 5-73 -14-35 76~ 5 2 104 11 10 Total 1,469 24,570 4 1 23,372 19 5 1,197 4 8 Total of Order 20155 516,284 15 6 472,259 15 0 44,025 0 6 I.O.O.F. Grand Lodge of New Zealand — Central Body Pioneer Lodge Leith Alfred Ruigitikei Alexandrovna Unity Victoria Linden , .. Southern Cross . Dunedin m • • Oamaru Rangitikei .. Temuka S. Dunedin .. Oeraldine .. Kaikorai Wellington .. 1862 1867 1869 1873 1874 1875 1875 1875 1877 132 95 119 38 56 154 43 107 141 19,192 16 3 944 19 2 3,266 18 4 2,393 18 5 545 5 6 850 0 0 909 4 3 753 18 5 1,106 5 9 5,612 2 10 16,262 12 7 840 13 5 3,109 9 3 2,352 9 3 539 16. 2 814 11 3 820 0 11 709 5 3 1,060 1 4 4,896 11 7 2,930 3 8 104 5 9 157 9 1 41 9 2 5 9 4 35 8 9 89 3 4 44 13 2 46 4 5 715 11 3 - 7-71 + 15-45 + 885 + 218 + 1-02 - 5 81 + 2-83 - 004 + 15-73


TABLE Ia.—Membership and Funds— continued.


Name of Society and Branch. Place of Establishment. Ill fig Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund, including Surplus. Management and other Funds, Goods, &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at Last Valuation. I OOF. Grand Lodg° of New Zealand. —cont Pioneer of Southland Lodge .. Star of Auckland Washington „ Prebbleton Alma Wallace „ Ridgley „ Kawakawa „ Gladstone „ Mataura Aparima „ Popotunoa Hope of Maheno „ Waiareka Star of Eden Star of Waiiiku Lindn. Ribekah Northern Wairoa „ Myitl-i Rebekah Naomi liebekah Wynvaid Opitiki Owaka „ Hereweka „ Star of Gisborne Star of Linwood Inveroargill.. Auckland Sydenham .. Prebbleton .. Wyndham .. Riverton Christehurch Kawakawa .. Fairlie Mataura Otautau Cbnton Malieno Weston Ponsonby .. Waiuku Roslvn .. Tβ Kopuru .. Auckland Chri-tchureh Auckland .. Opotiki Owaka Portobello .. Gisborne Linwcod 1878 1878 1878 1881 1882 1882 1882 1883 1883 1883 1883 1889 1889 1891 1894 1895 1895 1896 1896 1899 1899 1899 1899 1901 1901 1906 216 229 162 30 51 90 105. 46 68 24 65 45 55 45 141 30 37 93 28 20 128 32 34 47 234 21 £ s. d. 3,672 19 2 4,551 15 8 1,575 16 9 748 5 4 936 18 8 615 11 3 1,064 5 9 473 10 9 710 11 0 856 3 3 539 17 8 133 6 1 566 13 4 274 11 6 902 11 0 395 19 8 154 19 3 567 0 9 177 14 10 40 19 4 640 19 3 285 17 0 314 7 4 250 3 7 989 9 10 21 3 4 £ s. d. 3,392 5 4 4,121 14 7 1,416 8 3 698 5 4 877 4 9 557 3 0 973 12 9 460 9 11 612 12 7 678 0 3 498 7 4 118 6 1 549 8 6 274 11 6 781 17 10 361 16 8 148 6 5 441 3 1 125 7 1 36 6 4 495 15 2 249 18 6 276 5 0 219 7 8 857 15 6 10 7 1 £ s. d. 280 13 10 430 1 1 159 8 6 50 0 0 59 13 11 58 8 3 90 13 0 13 0 10 97 18 5 178 3 0 41 10 4 15 0 0 17 4 10 £ + 7-65 - 0 37 + 271 + 662 + 9-68 - 2-9.5 + 304 - 0 33 + 195 + 16-80 - 5 21 - 7-13 - 308 - 3-87 - 5-08 - 347 - 2 82 - 9-56 + 0-75 - 286 - 558 - 2 59 - 2-78 120 13 2 34 3 0 6 12 10 125 17 8 52 7 9 4 13 0 145 4 1 35 18 6 38 2 4 30 15 11 131 14 4 10 16 3 - 5-69 Total 2,961 57,037 0 3 50,638 7 6 6,398 12 9 N.I.O.O.P. Auckland Provincial District — Central Body Auckland Pioneer Lodge United Brothers „ Auckland .. 2,547 5 5 835 9 10 1,534 18 8 2,511 0 4 660 7 7 1,317 7 0 36 5 1 175 2 3 217 11 8 -14-89 -14-44 1878 1879 185 235 Total 420 4,917 13 11 4,488 14 11 428 19 0 -14-66 B.U.O.O.F. Aorangi Lodge Wellington .. 1884 - 9-02 144 2,069 9 0 1,959 13 10 109 15 2 A.O.F. Auckland District — Central Body Court City of Auckland Pride of Parnell „ Zealandia „ Pride of Onehunga „ Pride of the North „ Robin Hood „ Northern Wairoa „ Pride of Newmarket „ Nil Desperandum „ Royal Oak Star of the South „ Star of Helensville „ Victoria „ Queen of the North „ Cliisman , Waihi Pride of Waitekauri Birkenhead Auckland .. Parnell Auckland Onehunga .. Grahamstown Panmure Dargaville .. Newmarket.. Newton Tauranga .. Otahuhu Helensville .. Devonport .. Maungaturoto Auckland Wailii Waitekauri .. Birkenhead.. 1863 1864 1873 1875 1875 1876 1877 1879 1880 1880 1881 1883 1885 1886 1894 1895 1899 1900 412 131 145 153 122 29 88 57 285 51 12 100 222 76 48 236 23 96 9,422 2 4 9,946 5 6 4,378 6 7 2,023 12 1 1,484 13 3 236 10 7 397 13 7 865 5 10 796 9 5 3,204 8 6 812 2 4 319 5 10 989 15 6 1,921 3 0 411 15 3 139 11 0 832 10 0 303 11 0 207 12 0 8,460 17 10 9,807 6 3 4,275 3 10 1,977 4 6 1,883 16 8 152 16 6 364 4 10 820 5 6 775 7 0 3,055 15 4 734 6 2 287 17 4 846 19 2 1,827 5 9 298 2 2 95 10 10 497 10 11 285 7 6 187 10 1 961 4 6 133 19 3 103 2 9 46 7 7 130 16 7 83 14 1 33 8 9 45 0 4 21 2 5 148 13 2 77 16 2 81 8 6 142 16 4 93 17 3 113 13 1 44 0 2 334 19 1 18 3 6 20 1 11 - 60S + 6-47 - 6-68 -11-44 -12-44 - 7-04 -10-54 - 8-04 -10-34 -10-35 - 990 - 4-59 - 7-30 - 9-75 Total .. 2,286 38,692 13 7 36,103 8 2 2,589 5 5 Hawke's Bay District— Central Body Court Sir Charles Napier „ Lord Clyde „ Ciptain Cook „ Sir Henry Havelock „ Robin Hood „ Ruahine „ Heretaunga „ Little John „ Waitangi „ Rising Sun „ Ormond „ Redohffe Vikirjg Napier Wairoa Napier Havelock Ahuriri Waipukurau Hastings Waipawa Clive Dannevirke.. Makotuku .. Taradale Norsewood .. 1872 1873 1875 1875 1878 1879 1882 1883 1884 1885 1885 1886 1894 154 47 157 132 114 63 70 49 17 114 53 28 24 8,473 8 9 6,854 16 8 837 17 7 2,891 2 3 2,592 2 6 1,353 15 10 1,015 14 3 1,000 5 2 693 6 2 346 8 8 520 14 0 780 1 5 354 13 1 117 19 8 8,374 18 4 6,610 9 4 816 14 0 2,838 0 7 2,590 2 2 1,320 10 3 985 9 3 988 4 5 674 16 2 342 13 1 503 1 1 732 16 1 354 13 1 96 9 8 98 10 5 244 1 4 21 3 7 53 1 8 2 0 4 33 5 7 30 5 0 12 0 9 18 10 0 3 15 7 17 12 11 47 5 4 + 2-52 - 3-44 - 5 20 - 6-75 - 8-30 - 5 96 - 6 33 - 545 - 4-23 - 7-15 - 5-69 21 i6 0 Total .. 1,022 27,832 6 0 27,228 17 6 603 8 6


TABLE Ia.—Membership and Funds— continued.


Name of Society and Bbanch. ■nil o 2+i Place of i,h a Establishment. gag H •H B<6 1 O OO ■SJ=S3 Total Worth. 5 » a> ■ Sick and I Management Funeral Fund, and including other Funds, Surplus. Goods, &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at Last Valuation. A.O.P.— continued, Taranaki District — Central Body Court Taranaki „ Waireka „ Patea.. „ Inglewood Forest „ Raleigh „ Opucake „ Egmont „ Stratford Pride of New Plymouth New Plymouth 1864 1866 Patea .. i 1867 Inglewood .. ! 1876 Waitara .. I 1883 Opimake .. 1883 Hawera .. 1884 Stratford .. 1887 New Plymouth 1893 107 410 72 200 74 1* 40 64 118 £ s. d. 481 9 7 3,472 2 5 6,695 6 6 1,098 3 6 2,987 0 11 897 17 1 480 16 10 1,577 0 1 925 7 7 399 2 2 £ s. d. 137 6 11 ! 3,422 14 11 ■ 6,685 1 9 1,041 5 3 2,973 18 10 874 14 10 473 12 10 1,572 6 7 i 919 5 2 . 388 1 10 £ s. d. 344 2 8 49 7 6 10 4 9 56 18 3 13 2 1 23 2 3 7 4 0 4 13 6 6 2 5 11 0 4 £ ". + 7-38 + 0-40 . -12-15 -12-29 - 4-97 + 2-58 - 6-17 Total 1,099 19,014 0 8 18,488 8 11 525 17 9 Wellington District — Central Body Court Sir George Grey „ Robin Hood Little John Roderick Dhu Sir George Bowen Blenheim Wairarapa Loyal Enterprise Clarendon Manawatu .. Marquis of Normanby .. Loyal Feilding William Gladstone „ Pioneer Loyal Halcombe , Woodville Pohangina Epuni „ Pahiatua Kopuaranga Hunterville .. Sir William Jervois „ Bloomfield „ Lady Glasgow .. Primrose .. .. I Makakahi Ruapehu Pongaroa Alexandra Wellington .. .. 18G2 .. 1865 Marton .. ! 1866 Wanganui .. ! 1867 Wellington .. ' 1868 Blenheim .. 1869 Greytown- .. ! 1870 Masterton .. j 1871 Pioton .. I 1874 I PalmerstonN., 1875 Oarterton .. J 1876 Feilding .. ; 1876 Gisborne .. j 1877 Te Nui .. : 1877 Haloombe .. 1884 Woodville .. 1884 Ashhurst .. i 1885 Petone .. | 1886 Pahiatua .. 1886 Mauriceville 1887 Hunterville ! 1888 Newtown .. ; 1889 Lower Hntt i 1891 Wellington .. ! 1894 Petone .. j 1894 Eketahuna .. 1895 Baetihi .. 1900 ■ Pongaroa .. 1900 Marton .. ! 1905 291 289 171 263 359 193 65 152 106 215 139 90 175 62 38 69 37 328 154 94 33 188 49 96 53 127 15 41 14 14,087 0 6 9,401 12 8 3,267 6 9 2,173 8 9 3,379 17 9 6,821 4 9 5,270 4 4 1,179 7 3 1,017 6 9 2,702 13 6 1,984 9 11 1,361 10 2 1,768 6 7 3,243 2 10 1,381 1 6 411 6 6 622 17 6 192 16 8 3,097 17 3 2,147 15 4 742 12 10 184 3 3 819 12 10 234 3 1 271 13 5 134 18 8 259 1 10 50 17 3 191 17 3 19 8 11 13,117 4 8 I 8,863 8 5 2,769 12 11 2,133 2 6 3,129 17 1 6,496 15 4 5,240 9 7 1,170 0 0 832 16 6 2,678 9 4 1,184 7 5 1,205 10 6 1,722 7 8 2,974 7 5 1,282 15 8 319 13 7 622 17 6 150 3 2 2,791 1C 7 1,763 10 0 700 11 11 170 9 11 i 605 5 2 179 14 11 264 3 6 80 10 8 227 3 4 20 16 7 141 18 9 17 17 9 969-16 3 538 4 3 497 13 10 40 6 3 250 0 8 324 9 5 29 14 9 9 7 3 184 10 3 24 4 2 800 2 6 155 19 8 45 18 11 268 15 5 98 6 3 91 12 11 42 13 6 306 6 8 384 5 4 42 0 11 13 13 4 214 7 8 54 8 2 7 9 11 54 3 0 31 18 6 30 0 8 49 18 6 1 11 2 - 0-55 -12-01 - 9-25 - 4-40 - 6-40 + 2-48 -15-87 -22-50 + 409 - 9-95 -10-45 - 4-93 + 2-88 - 0-15 - 3-39 - 6-94 -12-69 - 3-57 - 6-06 -11-52 - 9-42 - 8-13 -10-07 + 0-64 - 1-80 - 706 -12-12 - 9-39 Total I 3,906 68,419 11 7 62,857 11 6 5,562 0 1 - 6-51 Nelson District — Central Body Court Robin Hood „ Perseverance Pride of the Forest „ Concord .. .. I „ Unity .. .. j Charleston .. Sherwood Forest Aorere „ Royal Oak Inangahua Nelson .. J .. .. j 1862 Motueka .. 1863 Wakapuaka 1864 Greymouth .. ; 1867 Havelock .. , 1871 i Charleston .. ! 1871 Stoke .. i 1872 Gollingwood i 1873 Westport .. ! 1875 Reefton .. ! 1878 308 86 62 96 66 26 55 101 34 48 1,188 10 9 7,878 2 0 771 1 6 1,985 12 6 627 8 8 1,315 7 9 700 13 10 1,865 0 5 3,824 16 7 1,326 13 5 759 13 3 1,017 10 1 7,805 11 5 725 4 11 1,899 7 4 562 7 8 1,147 2 5 698 2 6 1,848 10 10 3,623 17 6 1,296 13 5 694 1 11 171 0 8 72 10 7 45 16 7 86 5 2 65 0 7 168 5 4 2 11 4 16 9 7 200 19 1 30 0 0 65 11 4 -10-04 - 7-72 -14-15 -20-94 -23-67 -20-40 - 4-04 - 394 - 987 - 9-64 Total J 882 22,243 0 3 21,318 10 0 924 10 3 , Canterbury United District — Central Body .. Court Star of Canterbury „ Queen of the Isles „ Pride of Courtenay „ Thistle of the Forest .. „ Woodford Papanui „ Star of Dunsandel . Star of Belfast.. Ashburton „ Queen of Canterbury Victoria .. . .- „ Loburn .. Ghristchurch i r> e ci 1852 Lyttelton .. j 1859 Courtenay .. ! 1876 Sydenham .. 1879 Kaiapoi .. ' 1880 Papanui .. ' 1881 Dunsandel .. ! 1888 Belfast .. ' 1888 Ashburton- .. 1889 Ghristchurch 1895 Kaiapoi .. 1896 Loburn .. 1902 1852 1859 1876 1879 1880 1881 1888 1888 1889 1895 1896 1902 429 26 55 122 168 51 70 30 133 34 32 34 8,600 11 0 8,451 12 10 11,549 1 3 11,384 4 2 1,779 10 8 1,396 10 2 1,484 5 4 j 1,277 11 1 2,579 17 7 • 2,461 12 7 3,147 10 2 I 3,069 1 7 666 17 3 629 0 5 607 7 10 488 15 6 492 16 11 482 13 5 1,173 9 3 1,089 11 11 140 2 2- -i 128 6 2 16 7 ;& . 10 7 7 320 4 1 i 42 6 10 148 18 2 164 17 1 383 0 6 206 14 3 118 5 0 78 8 7 37 16 10 118 12 4 10 3 6 83 17 4 11 16 0 5 19 11 277 17 3 + 2-66 + 5-77 + 3-22 + 3-85 + 2-33 - 3-51 - 8-12 + 1-88 - 1-00 - 3-84 - 5-25 Total .. 1,184 32,558 1 0 30,911 14 3 1,646 6 9 + 1-13



TABLE Ia.—Membership and Funds— continued.

Name of Society and Bbanch. J'laoe of Establishment. ■nil £fa s IIS gad Sick and Total Wort!, ! Surplus. Management and other Funds, Goods, &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at Last Valuation. A.O.F.— continued — 'outh Canterbury District — Central Body Court Southern Cross Foresters' Pride Progress Star of Waihao Timaru Waimate St. Andrew's Morven 1865 1875 1883 1904 413 176 61 19 £ s. d. 807 5 11 7,566 10 4 2,622 14 10 381 4 5 67 6 7 k. s. d. 668 10 11 7,313 14 3 2,407 3 5 381 4 5 57 10 3 £ s. d. 138 15 0 252 16 1 215 11 5 £ -11-74 -1504 -16-71 9 16 4 Total .. 669 11,445 2 1 10,828 3 3 616 18 10 - 13-01 hiited Otago District — Central Body Court Pride of Dunedin Pride of the Lake „ Enterprise Robin Hood „ Pride of the Leith Bruce Star of the Dunstan „ Pride of Oamaru Pride of Alexandra „ Havelook Roxburgh Star of the South St. Andrew's Excelsior Little John „ Royal Oak Southern Star .. „ Victoria Woodlands' Pride Queen of the South „ Star of the Forest Marion Pride of Awarua „ Pride of Waitaki Dunedin Queenstown Dunedin Port Chalmers Dunedin Milton Clyde Oamaru Alexandra .. Waitahuna .. Roxburgh .. Invercargill Caversham .. Mornington.. Roslyn Wyndham .. Bluff Oamaru Dunedin Invercargill Woodlands .. Mosgiel Bluff Kurow 1862 1863 1863 1864 1864 1865 1866 1868 1869 1869 1873 1874 1875 1877 1888 1890 1890 1894 1895 1896 1896 1898 1904 1904 277 28 347 155 239 184 45 211 63 26 64 375 154 146 101 69 68 33 192 67 31 69 25 24 14,668 11 5 9,021 13 10 277 8 3 8,104 11 7 1,566 16 10 4,686 15 3 1,900 12 5 864 15 7 3,319 2 4 1,042 11 0 748 10 5 742 19 10 4,098 8 6 1,562 0 4 2,304 6 8 1,089 9 4 566 6 11 142 10 10 88 4 8 392 16 10 237 11 2 461 9 7 127 11 1 43 12 8 160 9 2 12,466 8 0 8,521 6 9 235 19 3 7,665 4 3 1,450 5 4 4,421 18 1 1,733 0 8 864 15 7 3,173 6 3 1,025 9 9 594 13 7 708 19 1 3,993 16 2 1,354 8 0 2,197 19 3 1,037 8 9 527 17 2 132 3 5 80 4 10 220 9 2 198 16 9 441 4 1 106 15 1 36 1 1 145 7 2 2,202 3 5 500 7 1 41 9 0 439 7 4 116 11 6 264 17 2 167 11 9 145 16 1 17 1 3 153 16 10 34 0 9 104 12 4 207 12 4 j 106 7 5 52 0 7 38 9 9 10 7 5 ! 7 19 10 172 7 8 38 14 5 20 5 6 20 16 0 7 11 7 15 2 0 f- 4-29 + 3-77 + 7-45 -14-07 - 1-14 - 8-08 + 1-59 - 0-18 . 0-90 3-38 - 2-38 - 2-52 - 9-44 + 2-48 + 1-96 1 -69 - 9-53 - 3-99 - 2-13 - 4-40 - 9-14 Total 2,993 58,219 6 6 53,333 17 6 4,885 9 0 - 1-61 'ourt not in any District — Court Coromandel Coromandel 1871 +• 2-09 46 1,329 8 8 1,180 0 1 149 8 7 Total of Order 14,087 279,753 16 4 262,250 11 2 17,503 5 2 A.O.S. Sanctuary Sir George Grey Wellington .. 1865 59 1,191 8 5 1,156 15 7 34 12 10 - 1-19 U.A.O.D. Irand Lodge of the North Island — Central Body Excelsior Lodge Stonehenge Star of New Zealand „ Star of the West Auckland Totara Oroua Bishop Blenheim Mistletoe Pacific Poneke Poneonby Maitai Morgan Horowhenua Otaki Hawera Holly Takaka Moturoa Star of Paeroa Pride of Waihi Reefton Viotoria Pahiatua Coronation Alexandra Ruabine Shannon „ Mungaroa „ Inglewood Myrtle „ .. DeVonport Wellington .. Masterton .. Lower Hutt Greymouth .. Auckland .. Carterton Palmerston N. Wanganui .. Blenheim .. Wellington .. Petone Ponsonby .. Nelson Marton Levin Otaki Hawera Pahautanui.. Takaka N. Plymouth Paoroa Waihi Reefton Wnikino .. Pahiatua Wellington .. Karangahake Dannevirke Shannon Upper Hutt.. Inglewood .. Eketahuna .. Devonport .. 1879 1880 1880 1881 1882 1883 1883 1883 1884 1886 1886 1887 1892 1893 1895 1895 1895 1895 1895 1896 1896 1897 1897 1899 1902 1902 1902 1903 1903 1903 1903 1904 1904 523 150 86 230 294 165 337 234 114 408 168 382 256 80 50 42 69 37 93 145 101 102 153 99 42 140 61 107 32 69 73 53 112 9,075 3 2 5,313 10 3 579 13 8 1,182 15 6 1,174 18 7 1,596 5 7 981 18 2 1,475 3 5 2,999 4 10 657 10 10 3,182 4 3 1,299 16 1 2,570 2 3 2,340 1 0 398 4 4 451 2 3 341 7 8 435 0 3 379 15 8 224 8 2 937 10 2 449 12 4 69 1'2 2 502 13 5 400 17 5 135 16 6 334 18 7 137 8 3 299 6 4 77 10 6 144 2 0 225 8 6 73 14 4 176 15 7 8,313 4 2 5,027 9 10 444 0 7 1,145 1 9 937 17 9 1,409 11 0 724 3 2 1,335 9 11 2,405 2 5 620 5 10 2,759 2 8 1,165 11 6 2,296 4 6 2,089 15 5 325 9 4 365 9 4 290 7 0 419 8 1 353 17 8 188 12 6 870 7 7 449 12 4 58 7 11 383 7 3 326 19 5 125 1 10 246 12 7 113 11 10 246 0 11 77 4 2 120 13 2 183 6 3 68 8 0 135 10 1 761 19 0 286 0 5 135 13 1 37 13 9 237 0 10 186 14 7 257 15 0 139 13 6 594 2 5 37 5 0 423 1 7 134 4 7 273 17 9 250 5 7 72 15 0 85 12 11 51 0 8 15 12 2 25 18 0 35 15 8 67 2 7 - 1-44 ■ 9-07 - 3-61 - 7-35 -10-19 - 7-62 - 5-37 - 1-41 + 0-26 - 7-47 - 5-33 - 6-01 - 1-17 - 802 - 7-53 - 7-31 - 8-76 - 6-75 - 6-23 11 4 3 119 6 2 73 18 0 10 14 8 88 6 0 23 16 5 53 5 5 0 6 4 23 8 10 42 2 3 5 6 4 41 5 6 - 6-59


TABLE Ia.—Membership and Funds— continued.


Name op Society and Branch. Place of k §| Establishment. $ s ~ "SgS t,jS Sick and IIS Total Worth. F |Jj SnrplU8 - Other Funds, P er Member Goods, &c. .,"" 'I? 1 Valuation. U.A.O.D.— continued. Grand Lodge of the North Island— contfnued. Tβ Aroha Lodge Berdon „ Waitemata „ Buller Ahaura Eilen Mnlerton Makino „ Pern-leaf Straiiord Pride of Brooklyn Tβ Aroha .. Dunollie Auckland Westport Ahaura Auckland M llerton Feilding Grey I own N. Stratford Wellington .. 1904 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1906 1906 1906 1906 49 68 91 77 30 42 92 62 28 32 24 £ s. d. 86 14 8 175 2 2 154 1 9 154 3 8 58 6 1 77 5 4 94 15 1 51 0 3 42 1 2 26 13 5 16 16 2 £ s. d. 35 1 1 151 1 6 86 6 6 134 14 11 39 8 9 56 18 9 88 8 3 41 13 6 13 10 11 17 15 6 10 15 5 £ s. d. 51 18 7 24 0 8 67 15 3 19 8 9 19 2 4 20 6 7 6 6 10 9 6 9 28 10 3 8"l7 11 6 0 9 £ Total 5,602 41,560 11 9 36,696 17 10 4,863 13 11 Grand T,odge of Canterbury — Central Body .. Pioneer Lodge .. Hope of St. Albans Mistletoe Oak of Sydenham Ethelbert Lyttelton Hearts of Oak ., Star of Anglesea „ Perseverance Hope of Amberley Anchor Ohoka . .. Timaru Trafalgar „ .. Star of Ashburton Old Oak , .. Ivy of Linwood Ellesmere Olive Branch Lily of Burwood Ivy Success of Ashburton : Christchurch St. Albans .. Christchurch Sydenham .. Springston .. Lyttelton Lincoln Addington .. Amberley Woolston Ohoka Timaru Kaiapoi Ashburton .. South bridge Linwood Doyleston .. Hornby Burwood Waimate Ashburton .. 1875 1879 1879 1879 1880 1880 i 1880 \ 1880 I" 1880 I 1880 1882 1882 ' 1882 1883 1883 1888 1895 1897 1902 1903 1904 264 121 184 182 66 j 82 : 73 91 J 62 j 154 31 316 71 151 54 91 29 25 39 61 20 7,782 0 10 ! 7,635 2 10 4,945 15 5 j 4,867 12 1 2,158 19 2 ! 2,074 6 8 1,812 13 8 ' 1,723 7 6 3,128 1 8 2,907 1 0 673 5 0 621 13 7 935 18 9 803 10 6 1,443 2 3 1,395 6 7 71G 8 5 663 19 5 359 13 1 354 8 2 1,292 15 3 1,225 17 0 426 12 2 423 15 8 3,309 12 7 3,133 4 0 357 10 2 354 11 11 1,671 13 10 1,609 17 9 509 10 2 463 10 4 627 0 7 611 5 7 197 17 9 159 9 1 117 3 6 111 8 2 68 7 1 46 16 8 175 8 8 125 1 3 43 10 8 43 10 8 146 18 0 78 3 4 84 12 6 89 6 2 221 0 8 51 11 5 72 3 8 47 15 8 52 9 0 5 4 11 66 18 8 2 16 6 176 8 7 2 IS 3 61 16 1 45 19 10 15 15 0 38 8 8 5 15 4 21 10 5 50 7 5 - 6-84 - 4-99 - 8-08 -11-18 -1304 -11-12 - 507 -18-35 -11-12 -10-91 - 784 - 827 12-86 - 8-65 - 11-54 - 8-22 -10-34 -1018 Total .. .. j 2,167 32,752 15 8 31,414 16 5 1,337 19 3 Grand Lodge of Otago and South- ■ land — Central Body .. Otago Lodge Enterprise Ivanhoe Royal Oak Acorn Linden West Harbour Endeavour „ .. I Goi'd Intent „ Rose of Palmerston Gore Lily of the Valley St. Patrick's Pride of Mornington „ .. Star of Tuapeka Bay Hampden „ Dunedin S. Dunedin .. N. Dunedin.. Caversham . . Invercargill. . Roslyn Rothesay Oamaru Mosgiel Palmerston S. Gorfi N. Dunedin.. Waikouaiti . , Mornington.. Lawrence .. Dunedin Hampden .. 1880 1880 1880 1881 1881 1883 1883 1884 1885 1886 1S89 1898 1899 1900 1902 1905 1905 208 202 306 163 220 83 87 218 119 94 87 82 53 50 79 33 48 3,730 2 10 2,590 4 1 2,124 0 5 2,681 2 1 881 13 6 2,555 6 G 1,143 16 5 1,032 12 8 1,618 8 10 1,169 3 2 921 6 9 446 7 9 296 11 7 145 7 1 153 1 2 214 1 2 49 16 6 86 8 4 3,494 18 6 2,394 1 6 1,961 9 9 2,490 3 11 795 19 4 2,198 7 5 1,069 6 11 1,000 11 2 1,502 9 2 1,108 16 3 808 11 5 421 2 9 246 19 1 110 4 6 152 4 8 167 8 5 33 7 6 73 8 4 235 4 4 196 2 7 162 10 8 190 18 2 85 14 2 356 19 1 74 9 6 32 1 6 115 19 8 60 6 It 112 15 4 25 5 0 49 12 6 35 2 7 0 16 6 46 12 9 16 9 0 13 0 0 - 315 -12 66 - 490 -15-39 - 7-83 - 7 84 - 4-63 -11-57 - 2-43 - 6 38 - 8-67 - 7-62 - 756 - 7 81 - 8 36 Total 2,132 21,839 10 10 20,029 10 7 1,810 0 3 - 8-42 Lodges separately registered — Bud of Hope Lodge .. Albion All Nations „ Brunner Rangiora Napier Port Chalmers! Brunnerton .. 1880. 1882 1883 1883 94 i 188 ! 125 126 1,113 14 4 832 14 1 1,386 6 0 1,001 12 2 906 5 10 793 1 7 1,227 1 4 876 6 2 207 S 6 39 12 6 159 4 8 125 6 0 -10-49 - 5-00 - 3-07 - 4-22 Total I 533 4,334 6 7 3.8C2 14 11 531 11 8 Total of Order 10,434! 100,487 4 10 91,943 19 9 8,543 5 1


TABLE Ia.—Membership and Funds— continued.


Name of Society and Branch. Place of u-a Establishment, gd g E •3§8 3 5) o Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund, including Surplus. Management and other Funds, Goods, &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at Last Valuation. I.O.R. New Zealand District — Central Body Hope of Auckland Tent Star of Hauraki Eden Northern Star Gordon „ Whangaroa Advance Maliurangi Homeguard Tent .. Auckland Thames Newmarket.. Aratapu Onehunga .. Whangaroa .. Waihi Wark worth .. 1863 1870 1874 1881 1885 1886 1899 1902 248 68 45 14 31 * 23 35 33 £ s. d. 9,472 0 10 2,115 12 5 2,212 6 3 1,672 14 8 16 18 0 240 7 9 122 13 1 14 8 8 35 14 9 £ s. d. 9,332 11 5 1,992 15 4 2,182 7 6 1,672 14 8 16 18 0 216 7 4 104 19 3 7 12 6 11 9 2 £ s. d 139 9 5 122 17 1 29 18 9 £ I- 4-60 + 3-73 + 1406 f- 5-36 f 6-25 -12-53 - 2-30 + 0-62 24 0 5 17 13 10 6 16 2 24 5 7 Total 497 15,902 16 5 15,537 15 2 365 1 3 New Zealand Central District — Central Body Hope of Wellington Tent Hope of Napier Bon Accord Perseverance Haste to the Rescue Bud of Promise Unity Excelsior Hope of Dunedin Pride of Christchurch , S an lia's Hope Murihikn „ Hope of Ormondville Hope of Woodville Masterton Hope of Carterton Star of Wakefield Hope of Johnsonville Rescue G'sbome ~ „ Pride of Egraont Briglitwater Piiliiiiuia Lily of the South Wai Aroha Moa New Century Star of New Zealand Waingongoro Star of Petone Oroua Hope of Wanganui Wellington .. Napier Blenheim .. Wellington .. Nelson New Plymnutl Wellington .. I Dunedin I Christchurch I Ni rsewo'd .. Invi r. argill.. Ormondville Woodville .. Masterton .. J Carterton Wakefield .. J 'luisonville Nelson Gisborne Hawera Biightwater Paliiatua ; Invercargill.. J Stratford [nglewood .. Ijevin Gisbnrne Cardiff Pel one Feilding Wanganui .. 1866 1870 1871 1872 1872 1874 1875 1875 1876 1877 1877 1877 1878 1878 1881 1883 1883 1884 1886 1892 1893 1894 1894 1895 1898 1899 1901 1901 1901 1904 1905 1906 15 155 27 20 42 25 120 125 53 198 [ 196 11 i 120 32 , 21 61 45 56 17 21 37 23 2,'! 11 31 13 17 20 6 18 22 5 6 10,069 0 0 7,165 0 4 451 4 3 500 3 1 1,031 16 6 643 2 0 2.6S0 15 10 1.0R3 11 4 1,125 15 ] 2,103 10 4 2,220 17 9 243 1 4 2,531 3 7 398 16 9 653 15 9 541 12 7 638 3 1 7G7 18 2 589 17 9 67 18 1 310 1 9 274 8 1 72 18 2 45 0 4 90 12 7 77 14 1 39 7 6 69 14 7 30 3 9 52 18 1 25 12 5 10 15 8 4 2 4 9,638 5 5 7,104 3 11 445 12 7 506 3 1 1 022 10 2 618 3 2 2,069 11 2 977 14 5 1,075 18 2 2,049 17 7 2,203 6 4 234 8 1 2,478 5 10 363 9 8 653 15 9 541 7 4 608 17 2 756 17 0 581 5 7 44 8 7 286 0 1 274 8 1 69 8 3 44 16 4 77 13 7 75 19 2 36 13 4 66 19 10 20 5 9 40 14 8 21 6 0 7 15 8 4 15 430 14 7 60 16 5 5 11 8 9 6 4 24 18 10 11 4 8 105 16 11 49 16 11 53 12 9 17 11 5 8 13 3 52 17 9 35 7 1 0 5 3 29 5 11 11 1 2 8 12 2 23 9 6 24 1 8 + 16-2 -10-3 + 04 - 3-4 + 22-5 +-10-2 - 9-2 - 4-9 - 8-8 - 7-6 - 28-3 - 34 -18-8 - 18 -13 6 - 60 - 6-8 + 10-3 - 6-8 -17 1 -15 5 -17-4 -17-8 - 3-2 7-7 - 7-7 -17-0 - 6-3 -13-1 8 9 11 0 4 0 12 19 0 1 14 11 2 14 2 2 14 9 9 18 0 12 3 5 4 6 5 3 0 0 0 0 11 Total 1,592 36,616 12 11 35,600 3 2 1,016 9 9 Not in any District. Star of Hope Tent Hokitika .. -16-73 1869 13 258 8 8 230 11 10 27 16 10 Total of Order 2,102 52,777 18 0 51,368 10 2 1,409 7 10 S.D.T. National DivisionofNew ZealandCentred Body Perseverance Division .. Resolution Excelsior „ Elim Helpmate Advance Sunbeam Hop6 of Sydenham , Aldington .. Ohristchurch Rangiora Addington .. St. Albans .. Ashburton .. Wellington .. Wanganui .. Sydenham .. 1872 1873 1885 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 70 94 48 71 30 28 31 31 5,700 1 8 950 11 1 610 16 9 53 3 10 152 4 3 21 6 9 17 10 2 5 10 19 19 9 5,613 7 10 932 9 0 564 14 4 13 2 2 86 13 10 18 2 1 46 2 5 40 1 8 152 4 3 8 11 0 7 10 6 5 0 0 13 19 3 + 461 - 0-13 - 5-97 - 5-97 - 5-97 - 5-97 - 5-97 - 5-97 12 15 9 9 19 8 0 10 6 0 6 Total 403 7,530 15 3 7,152 10 3 378 5 0 Divisions separately registered — Antidote Division Progress Dunedin Kaiapoi 4,329 15 10 2,180 10 0 4,027 4 0 2,067 2 1 802 11 10 113 7 11 -11-30 - 2-29 1871 1872 201 128 Total 329 6,510 5 10 6,094 6 1 415 19 9 • Total of Order 732 14,041 1 1 13,246 16 4 794 4 9



TABLE Ia.—Membership and Funds— continued.

Name op Society and Bbanch. Place of • Establishment. sis K oos Ill -Z <D <D Total Worth. Sick and Funeral Fund, including Surplus. Management and other Funds, Goods, &c. Surplus or Deficiency per Member at Last Valuation. H.A.C.B.S. lew'Zealand District — Grahamstovvn Branch Greymouth St. Joseph's Auckland St. Patrick's St. Patrick's St. John's St. Joseph's St. John's St. Patrick's St. Mary's . St. Joseph's St. Michael's Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Branch St. Patrick's Branch St. Columbkille's Branch St. Canioe's St. Patrick's St. Patri k's St. Patrick's St. Patrick's Thames Greymouth Dunedin Auckland Christohurch Wellington .. Napier N.p>lymouth Leeston Lincoln Timaru Hastings Masterton .. Milton 1870 1870 1873 1873 1874 1874 1874 1876 1882 1882 1882 1885 1886 1891 58 74 248 204 160 222 94 28 29 27 149 43 35 35 49 6 0 240 12 7 1,965 14 0 2,946 2 4 1,500 3 8 600 17 7 513 15 10 69 8 8 420 14 3 302 0 6 970 5 1 343 2 11 274 4 3 117 6 7 1 8 0 223 4 9 1,464 1 0 2,227 17 9 1,338 10 11 457 7 1 490 8 1 46 0 2 340 4 7 233 11 11 755 5 4 294 16 0 260 16 6 69 14 8 47 18 0 17 7 10 501 13 0 718 4 7 161 12' 9 143 10 6 23 7 9 23 8 6 80 9 8 68 8 7 214 19 9 48 6 11 13 7 9 47 11 11 -12-22 - 8-89 -12-97 -11-89 -15-51 -14-08 -21-14 -12-56 -11-18 -15-80 - 908 Oamaru Denniston .. Westport Palmerston N. Beefton Kaiapoi Ashburton .. 1891 1901 1901 1903 1903 1904 1904 79 21 70 63 49 11 71 282 8 11 68 12 7 162 13 9 185 11 9 164 17 5 42 13 1 212 1 2 279 9 3 29 10 1 123 15 2 124 16 5 145 18 6 34 11 7 177 3 11 2 19 8 39 2 6 38 18 7 60 15 4 18 18 11 8 16 34 17 3 Total 1,770 11,432 12 11 9,118 11 8 2,314 1 3 P.A.F.S.A. h-and Council of New Zealand — Central Body Prince of Wales Lodge Excelsior ,, Wickliffe John Knox Alexandra Triumph Star of Hastings Star of Oamaru „ St. Albans „ Queen's Own „ Royal Standard „ Auckland Thames Green Island Napier Wellington .. Auckland .. S. Dunedin.. Hastings Oamaru Auckland Christchuroh Addington .. 1873 1876 1877 1879 1879 1883 1883 1883 1896 1905 1905 76 86 28 61 72 141 30 124 39 107 45 7,089 17 1 840 3 5 702 8 8 840 3 2 1,007 11 6 788 16 8 1,195 11 2 303 10 3 1,244 0 6 403 9 0 416 19 10 47 5 11 6,497 16 8 813 5 0 615 8 8 839 14 1 987 2 0 733 19 2 1,033 9 8 283 7 3 1,163 6 7 394 14 2 397 12 8 31 12 5 592 0 5 26 18 5 8! 0 0 0 9 1. 20 9 6 54 17 6 i 162 1 6 20 3 0 80 13 11 8 14 10 j 19 7 2 15 13 6 - 2-91 -2326 -13-67 -14-48 - 4-37 -15-30 -19-60 - 8-33 -15-14 - 7-47 Total 809 14,879 17 2 13,791 8 4 i 1,088 8 10 -15-81 E.E.B.S. Otago K.E.B.S. Dunedin 1875 86 2,948 9 9 2,913 15 11 34 13 10 -13-89 Grand Total 53,759 1057821 7 2 975,137 0 2 82,684 7 0


TABLE IIa.—Numerical Progress, Mortality, and Sickness for the Year 1906.

7—H. 1.


Number of Members Sickness Experience. Admitted by Left by Sick during Year. Total. First Six Months. Name op Society. g a (j ' Clear•43» 3 j ance jSP : and S'S-B AmalgaDeatb - anoT ' A ™' j At BeginTotal. ningof I Year. At End of Year. Deaths of Kegistered Wives. Total. Second Six Months. After Twelve Months. I ' Manchester Unity Independent Obder op Odd Fellows — New Zealand Branch — Auckland District Hawke's Bay New Plymouth Wanganui Wellington Nelson Motueka Hokitika Ashley Ashburton 335 143 86 202 171 52 10 26 64 48 12 8 9 9 2 347 151 86 J 211 j 180 54 j 10 26 68 51 25 10 4 2 16 12 2 4 7 2 14 9 3 15 7 2 6 1 229 62 37 89 108 16 6 10 48 24 268 2,984 81 1,246 44 734 106 933 131 I 1,932 30 I 825 8 470 14 173 61 1,069 27 462 3,063 1,316 776 1,038 1,981 849 472 185 1,076 486 Wks. ds. 671 5,753 5 209 1,810 2 132 1,285 4 133 1,099 2 334 3,016 1 193 2,037 1 72 743 0 37 492 2 206 1,685 2 69 362 4 Wks. ds. 3,043 2 996 3 774 3 593 5 1,538 5 815 1 338 2 186 1 1,033 5 257 2 Wks. ds. 313 3 259 3 126 3 59 5 197 0 316 2 50 2 35 4 151 4 1 2 Wks. ds. 2,397 0 554 2 384 4 445 4 1,280 2 905 4 354 2 270 3 499 5 104 0 10 4 2 1 3 2 1 1 7 1 •• 4 3 Total 1,137 47 1,184 84 57 629 770 10,828 11,242 2,056 18,285 5 9,577 5 1,511 4 7,196 2 32 DIVISIONS SEPARATELY REGISTERED. Marlborough District North Westland North Canterbury Lyttelton South Canterbury Otago Southland 14 72 127 41 38 346 151 1 6 2 ' 2 18 7 15 72 133 43 40 364 158 3 1 8 5 3 32 12 14 5 28 92 27 20 134 95 8 29 114 32 26 192 113 168 339 1,863 523 429 3,856 1,424 175 382 1,882 534 443 4,028 1,469 51 90 313 124 84 636 246 561 5 7S3 2 2,458 0 980 5 559 3 7,446 3 1,895 2 137 1 374 5 1,586 1 485 0 347 2 j 2,997 5 1,135 2 6 2 90 2 173 4 32 0 22 3 559 3 105 2 418 2 318 1 698 1 463 5 189 4 3,889 1 654 4 1 7 3 4 12 3 26 6 Total 789 36 825 64 49 401 514 8,602 8,913 1,544 14,685 2 7,063 4 ] 989 4 6,632 0 31 Total of Order 1,926 88 2,009 148 106 1,030 I , 1,284 19,430 20,155 3,600 32,971 1 16,641 3 13,828 2 2,501 2 63 Independent Order op Odd Fellows — Grand Lodge of New Zealand 446 457 18 2,794 11 •22 250 290 2,961 408 i 2,421 1 1,630 3 251 3 539 1 7 National Independent Order of Odd Fellows — Auckland Provincial District 29 J 10 36 0 29 26 ye 108 : 675 1 581 5 57 2 427 420 British United Order op Odd Fellows Aorangi Lodge 17 I 17 j 42 0 I 15 15 142 144 24 106 1 57 1 7 0 Ancient Order op Foresters — Auckland District Hawke's Bay Taranaki „ Wellington Nelson Canterbury United South Canterbury United Otago Court Coromandel 337 71 71 400 45 77 50 310 3 10 3 4 46 1 G 347 74 75 446 46 83 50 315 3 ! 15 8 5 19 2 12 22 5 6 16 33 4 2 9 1 139 47 33 230 50 47 13 165 3 159 I 61 54 282 54 63 i 17 J 196 J 2,098 1,009 1,078 3,742 890 1,164 636 2,874 47 2,286 1,022 1,099 3,906 882 1,184 669 2,993 46 498 3,834 5 176 1,552 3 182 i 1,039 0 687 i 5,094 2 179 1,690 3 213 i 1,905 4 92 : 828 0 477 4,677 4 ] 15 j 127 4 ! 2,739 4 879 4 797 2 2,879 0 820 1 927 0 479 1 2,076 5 W 4 184 0 159 4 39 0 325 5 102 4 114 2 87 2 476 3 911 1 513 1 202 4 1,889 3 767 4 864 2 261 3 2,124 2 8 5 3 18 1 5 5 9 Total of Order 890 13,538 2,519 20,750 1 i 11,726 3 i 1,489 2 7,534 3 1,364 75 1,439 85 78 727 14,087 49 I



TABLE IIa.—Numerical Progress, Mortality, and Sickness— continued.

Number of Members Sickness E: ;perience. Namb op SocrBTy. Admitl ;ed by Left by Death of Registered Wive». ■S'S -~ Clearance and Amalgamation. Total. Death. Clearance. Arrears, &c. Total. At Beginning of Year. At End of Year. Sick during Year. Total. First Six Mouths. Second Six Months. After Twelve Months. Ancient Obder of Shepherds — Total A.O.S. Wks. ds. 263 1 Wks. ds. 108 1 Wks. ds. 26 0 Wks. ds. 129 0 3 i 62 59 31 United Ancient Order of Druids — Grand Lodge of the North Island Grand Lodge of Canterbury Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland Lodges separately registered 1,488 307 384 64 88 40 32 1 1,576 347 416 65 15 14 12 7 83 27 37 4 478 124 137 14 576 165 . 186 25 4,602 1,985 1,902 493 5,602 2,167 2,132 533 767 399 292 124 3,303 2 2,485 3 1,966 2 647 5 2,736 5 1,560 3 1,402 0 542 0 172 1 256 0 111 4 90 5 394 2 689 0 452 4 15 0 8 14 8 Total of Order 2,243 161 48 151 753 952 8,982 10,434 1,582 8,403 0 6,241 2 610 4 * 1,551 0 30 2,404 Independent Order of Rechaeites — New Zealand District New Zealand Central District Star of Hope Tent 34 133 4 43 38 176 4 9 4 19 17 82 25 110 484 1,526 13 497 1,592 13 84 271 4 720 4 1,678 0 69 4 269 4 J, 248 2 15 3 35 2 106 1 2 1 415 4 323 3 52 0 2 Total of Order 167 47 214 13 ■23 99 135 2,023 2,102 359 2,468 2 1,533 3 143 4 791 1 2 i Sons and Daughters op Temperance — National Division of New Zealand Divisions separately registered 17 16 6 23 16 5 27 23 32 27 412 340 403 329 53 63 595 5 845 1 223 3 355 4 ! 119 5 122 4 252 3 366 5 1 ■ • 4 Total of Order 1,441 0 579 1 212 3 639 2 1 33 6 39 50 59 752 732 116 Hibernian Australasian Catholic Benefit Society — New Zealand District 277 39 316 26 188 223 1,677 1,770 313 2,648 0 1,322 3 233 2 1,092 1 Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australasia — Grand Council of New Zealand 62 539 1 65 11 3 ! 38 ry2 706 809 150 1,434 0 725 1 169 4 ■2 Railway Employees' Benefit Societies — Otago Railway Employees' Benefit Society I 993 1 628 0 2 87 86 43 249 1 116 0 •• •• •• Grand Total.. 6,564 425 6,989 348 414 3,178 3,940 50,710 53,759 9,253 ! 74,574 3 41,396 3 5,848 2 27,329 4 162

Pr i i-J. t J. ■

TABLE IIIa.—Sick and Funeral Funds.—Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1906.


Namu of Society and Branch. .2 g § § ass S5° g S "go Beceipts. 111 ss BSl i| flj °fl !JJ Expenditure. ■a I ■§- o 4 ill 6 s II S3 S a, '3 o 0) « O M i o fl X H B S O o> c o C o M.U.I.O.O.F. N.Z. Branch, Cential BodyAuckland District Hawke's Bay New Plymouth „ Wanganui Wellington Nelson Motueka Hokitika Ashley „ Ashburton „ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ . 6,106 , 2,294 1,206 1,519 2,715 1,400 717 211 1,706 885 4 3,040 1,263 954 699 3,014 1,127 494 4 293 850J 437i 582 290 100 35 305 1 66 24 10 77 83 126 93 60 19 95 4,778 1,278 966 864 2,010 1,266 510 316 1,224 304 8 663! 8 250 6 100 • i 25, 0 335; 18 285 0 254 '0 170 ;5, 99 5 504 322 8 48 157 38 7 8 24 22 86 46 9,752 3,857 2,337 2,336 6,160 2,621 1,278 568 2,845 1,447 5,883 1,820 1,236 i;88 2,856 1,596 630 428 l,82si 530 69,464 28,986 18,221 16,202 52,239 25,542 1O,8£2 5,480 20,089 10,453 j 270 30 ■6 .. ! 0 48 6 90 A 270 4 60 0 .. 0 242 0 120 Total 18,759 4 412,171 1,679 588 13,516 6 l,841j -s 1 2,044 388 33,201 17,789 257,528 DIVISIONS SEPARATELY REGISTERED. Marlborough Distriot North West] and North Canterbury „ Lyttelton „ South Canterbury „ Otago Southland 198 50O; . 2,839' 921 756J 5,948j 2,0651 o 0, .. 9' .. 1, 1 B 3 8] 219 1 ! 219 343 515 1,470 1 70yl 3 304 9 4,566 955 3 5 54 3 310 JJ 170 i 120 3 820 3 240 4 51 0 100 0 9 298 569 1,786 670 431 4,931 1,476 8 IO! 9 54 6 280 0 170 1 120 1 770 6 280 0! 39 4 104 0 378 0 167 0 75 0 683 0 270 ) 9 I 14 1 16 I 2 i 47 » 186 ) 38 i 541 : 1,170 i 4,719 1,810 1.1B8 11,620 3,284 24,327 57,528 L 356 ) 741 ) 2,460 ) 1,009 i 673 ) 6,570 I 2,064 r 13,873 5 7,767 I 10,693 ) 33,971 ) 14,323 i 6,938 ) 98,066 [ 22,330 I 194,088 0 0 67 0 24 Total 13,277 5 1 ;■ 7 223 223 3 8,862 4 251 1 1,684 7 3,525 i 1,716 5 3,76C i 312 21,714 10,161 Total of Order 32,036 6 227 227 7 21,033 33,393 3 839 23,677 : 700 5 31,662 !151,616 I.O.O.P. Grand Lodge of New Zealand 4,443 3 .. 2,145 i 510 0 627 1,864 4 520 0 1,069 I 393 7,725 i 3,846 i 49,465 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District.. 600 3 .. 196 i 307 7 51 627 7 250 3 234 131 1,154 ; 1,242 ' 4,488 B.U.O.O.F. Aorangi Lodge 162 2 4| 4! l! 97 ' .. 70 5 5 263 I 75 1,960 A.O.P. Auckland District Hawke's Bay Taranaki „ Wellington „ Nelson „ Canterbury United South Canterbury „ United Otago „ Court Coromandel i j 3,059 1,556 1,426 5,265 1,211 I,fi37 816 3,795 70 3 io! ! ■■ 3 .. 5 1 I 11 I 8\ 3 45! io! 1 11 8 45! 2 3 1 1,227 i 1,218 756 I. 2,952] L 1,004 i\ 1,418 5 497 2,402 I 43 ' 420 ! 200 i 160 11,080 : 150 i 340 ' 96 ! 570 3 1,921 3 242 3 36 3 371 J 331 3 111 3 311 3 218 3,142 1,183 778 3,578 1,132 1,174 567 2,618 82 370 200 195 1,150 115 345 52 580! 3 228 3 428 5 196 3 1,396 3 430 j 387 2 131 ) 766 i 254 i 46 10 io 8 6,637 3,216 2,378 9,669 2,707 3,414 1,485 6,985 115 ' 3,994 i 1,857 i 1,179 i 6,124 ' 1,687 : 1,914 i 750 i 3,966 83 34,925 26,991 18,488 61,586 21,319 30,610 10,829 51,179 1,180 3 "2 2 1 Total of Order 18,835 S 77:: 77|: rjii.em 8,016 33,161 14,254 3,007 1 3,962 331 36,606 21,554 257,107 A.O.S. Total A.O.S. 66 67 107 15 133 122 1,157 U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of the North Island Grand Lodge of Canterbury .. Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland Lodges separately registered .. I 7,562 2,724 2,778 ! .. I 81 31 1,436 . 1,607 865 295 485 340 i 1,582 > 139 ) 351 2,853 1,838 1,517 285 527 340 i 1,564 630 ) 480 2 236 10,875 4,986 4,334 4,704 3,231 2,340 36,593 31,415 19,986 i .. J 7011 13,765 ■I 4 ; . i 35 4 35 192 i 4,1001 140 r ) .. 12,072 582 6,790 140 1,292 I 122 ! 2,796 241 1,037 21,232] 844 11,119 3,802 91,796 Total of Order 1.260S I.O.R. New Zealand District New Zealand Central District Star of Hope Tent 746 1,859 21 782 1,644 18 82! 235 I 394 i 84 432 1,811 29 82 235 ! 508 301 6 g 2,004 3,822 39 1,025 1,847 35 15,538 34,069 231 .. I Total of Order 2,626 ' . . 2,444 317 j 478 1,772 317 815 o 5,865 2,907 49,838 S.D.T. National Division of New Zeal'd Divisions separately registered 596 454 1 1 265 326 275 303 476 - 90 315 109 1,136 781 727 566 7,152 0,080 Total of Order 1,050 1 1 591 I ; 275 779 90 315 109 1,917 1,293 13,232 H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District ■ 2,082 52 52 358 230^ 11 1,709 190 463 20 2,733 2,382 8,998 P.A.P.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand 1,206 8 8 609 245i 32 898 245 238 94 2,100 1,475 13,710 K.E.B.S. Total of R.E.B. Societies I 166 122 356 40 288 396 2,914 Grand Total 77,037 404 4 404 4 43,279 9 9,278 7,546 52,903 9,4961: 13,652 2,022 37544 78,073 946,281


TABLE IVa.—Medical and Management Expenses Funds. —Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1906.


Name of Socihty and Branch, i Jafi w 0 ieoeipts. 3 » 1C u n •— a i- 1 Expend ijil II i Jiture. e ill B if 3 gi 1 I a> fa a ■8 a I X K "3 I q O a M.U.I.O.O.P. N.Z. Branch, Central Body .. Auckland District Hawke's Bay New Plymouth Wanganui Wellington „ Nelson Motueka Hokitika „ Ashley Ashburton £ 1,191 1,738 1,339 1,235 2,526 1,011 511 352 1,083 560 £ £ 172 alO 100 198 i 52 4 231 ' 50 108 135 4 10 9 39 4 6 I 35 15 i 13 !! £ £ ' 2.501 ■ 1,179 1,814 572 887 278 957 349 I 1,727 : 648 594 ! 279 317 ! 124 205 ■ 148 ' 684 J 250 401 146 £ 537 148 126 100 '' 175 i 147 I 98 28 171 74 : £ 158 1 17 21 60 83 7 62 A £ 172 4,501 1,988 1,343 1,516 2,769 1,025 559 356 1,124 588 £ 1,375 2,030 1,308 1,427 2,610 1,053 546 443 1,109 642 & 277 5,168 562 217 5,865 1,580 199 186 84 307 135 Total N.Z. Brandies 9,587 3,973 j ! 1,599 384 15,941 15,543 14,580 14,546 781 614 Divisions separately registered. Marl borough District North Westland North Canterbury „ Lyttelton South Canterbury „ Otago Southland „ 326 I 714 2,266 ! 584 729 \ 6,062 2,056 ; 180 7 69 72 8 56 i 71 j 71 i 189 92 397 ! 310 1 1,632 [ 523 343 i 178 567 145 4,039 1,637 1,439 394 8,606 3,279 27 51 209 58 12 195 166 35 9 11 5 106 7 333 783 2,518 592 797 6,414 2,135 308 793 2,373 590 729 5,977 2,006 12,776 2 41 3,688 170 229 6,512 526 12 281 8 Total . I 12,737 481 354 . I 718 173 13,572 11,168 Total of Order ! 27,283 1,262 968 18,193 7,252 2,317 557 29,513 28,319 25,748 I.O.O.P. Grand Lodge of New Zealand 391 2,594 1,207 525 31 4,972 4,357 2,074 4,519 62 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial District.. 372 147 86 21) 527 584 339 527 B.U.O.O.F. Aorangi Lodge 129 64 191 201 50 191 A.O.P. Auckland District Hawke's Bay „ Taranaki Wellington „ Nelson „ Canterbury United „ South Canterbury United Otago „ Court Coromandel 3,343 1,796 1,451 5,720 1,329 1,494 958 4,430 65 '25 2 6 13 9 196 45 53 155 11 55 59 63 40 2,041 1,230 957 3,807 810 1,069 702 2,974 32 986 410 343 1,762 348 366 192 1,215 24 225 91 101 258 44 110 68 252 100 13 43 39 38 18 1 69 3; 564 1,843 1,504 5,887 1,353 1,558 1,017 4,584 117 3,352 1,744 1,444 5,866 1,240 1,563 963 4,510 56 1,069 100 269 2,284 771 614 484 2,407 149 91 12 Total of Order 8,147 20,592 158 677 13,622 5,646 1,149 321 21,427 20,738 A.O.S. Total A.O.S. 29 1!) 2'J i 19 U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of the North Island Grand Lodge of Canterbury .. Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland Lodges separately registered .. 7,975 3,506 3,291 15 10 165 28 132 4,493 2,264 2,100 2,251 1,019 906 531 219 227 168 172 143 8,185 3,544 3,475 7,443 3,674 3,376 ! 2,812 826 759 864 5 28 560 205 53 1 897 819 336 Total of Order 15,636 112 353 9,417 4,381 1,030 484 16,101 15,312 4,733 I.O.E. New Zealand District New Zealand Central District Star of Hope Tent 733 2,283 13 11 La 18 151 406 1,818 233 603 11 92 333 1 17 114 1 762 2,446 13 748 2,363 13 226 523 21 Total of Order 3,029 •l-\ 169 1,719 847 426 132 3,221 3,124 770 S.D.T. National Division of New Zeal'd Divisions separately registered 505 350 1!) 1 301 225 134 112 76 524 351 511 337 73 398 Total of Order 855 20 526 246 76 875 848 471 H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District ■ 624 197 2,677 2,436 1,347 2,584 18 75 1,609 P.A.P.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand 741 388 158 33 1,291 1,319 328 1,263 31 E.E.B.S. Total R.B.B. Societies 86 44 141 130 25 141 Grand Total 76,639 1,642 2,674 49,008 20,875 5,915 1,599 80,955 77,397 44,036


TABLE Va.— Disposition of Funds as on the 31st December, 1906.


Namk ok Society and Bbanch. I Investments V £™ d of Cash Total. at U not bearing Interest. \ Bul ?ai ngs Interest. I _J Value of Goods, Furniture, and Regalia. Other Assets. M.U.I.O.O.F. N.Z. Branch, Central Body Auckland District Hawke's Bay New Plymouth Wanganui Wellington Nelson . Motueka Hokitika „ Ashley Ashburton £ £ £ £ 277 ; .. .. 277 77,719 i 46,701 26,308 3,264 32,392 25,278 5,358 1,599 18,724 16,378 1,555 687 22,579 10,214 11,458 ! 412 58,384 ; 32,493 23,415 | 2,111 32,048 '■ 29,809 1,096 j 1,008 14,014 ! 12,928 I 420 547 5,578 ; 5,109 .. 436 21,512 ' 18,082 2,858 ! 372 10,737 : 7,568 ; 2,455 584 £ £ 870 79 74 424 164 80 43 15 170 80 576 78 30 71 201 55 76 18 30 50 Total 293,964 204,560 74,923 11,297 1,999 1,185 Divisions separately registered. Marlborough District North Westland North Canterbury Lyttelton 8 uth Canterbury Otago Southland 10,014 11,316 38,537 15,865 7,196 114,823 24,570 9,278 9,573 32,394 13,481 5,363 102,571 21,630 290 950 4,436 1,100 1,377 7,357 1,406 318 707 1,088 1,087 381 3,091 847 46 3 364 79 82 83 255 118 75 1,308 299 501 388 Total "222,321 194,290 16,916 7,519 1,381 2,215 Total of Order 516,285 398,850 91,839 18,816 3,380 3,400 I.O.O.F. Grand Lodge of New Zealand I ___ 57,037 47,411 5,001 2,217 953 I ! 1,455 N.I.O.O.P. Auckland Provincial District 4,557 110 122 129 4,918 B.U.O.O.F. 5 10 20 Aorangi Lodge 2,069 2,034 A.O.F. Auckland District Hawke's Bay Taranaki Wellington Nelson Canterbury United South Canterbury United Otago Court Coromandel 38,693 27,832 19,014 68,420 22,243 32,557 11,445 58,221 1,329 27,172 22,652 16,939 52,697 20,184 29,844 9,291 52,920 535 9,441 3,129 1,275 10,716 650 1,504 I 1,707 ! 1,745 670 1,012 1,202 662 3,096 1,244 730 176 2,387 908 244 137 1,358 139 305 234 ! 543 124 160 605 1 553 26 174 37 626 Total of Order ij 30,837 10,509 3,992 2,182 279,754 232,234 ! A.O.S. 22 14 Total A.O.S. 1,191 1,155 .. U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of the North Island .. Grand Lodge of Canterbury Grand Lodge of Otago and Southland Lodges separately registered 41,560 32,753 21,840 4,334 29,505 30,341 17,681 4,014 6,516 1,144 1,227 3,877 667 1,748 152 1,246 320 593 ; 168 : 416 281 , 591 Total of Order 100,487 81,541 8,887 6,444 I 2,327 1,288 I.O.B. New Zealand District New Zealand Central District Star of Hope Tent 15,903 36,617 258 15,673 32,809 251 2,188 155 1,467 64 42 7 11 111 Total of Order 52,778 48,733 2,188 1,622 113 122 S.D.T. National Division of New Zealand Divisions separately registered 7,531 6,510 6,069 6,259 950 311 190 138 63 61 Total of Order 501 138 124 14,041 12,328 950 H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District 11,438 6,913 1,267 467 327 2,469 P.A.F.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand .. • 465 770 304 171 14,880 13,170 R.E.B.S. Total of R.E.B. Societies.. 12 10 2,948 2,926 Grand Total.. 1,057,821 142,636 42,285 11,830 9,218 851,852


TABLE VIa.—Investments at Interest as on the 31st December, 1906.


leposii wi Government and Municipal Debentures. Name of Society and Branch. Total. PostOffioe SavingsBank. Mortgages on Freehold Property. Other Investments, Other Banks. M.U.I.O.O.P. New Zealand Branch, Central Body Auckland District Hawke's Bay New Plymouth „ Wanganui „ Wellington Nelson „ Motueka Hokitika Ashley „ Ashburton £ £ £ £ £ £ 46,701 25,278 16,378 10,214 32,493 29,809 12,928 5,109 18,082 7,568 2,075 705 964 1,142 1,501 1,507 373 487 1,822 918 2,681 41,145 23,823 14,729 9,072 27,641 17,102 11,710 3,343 15,610 5,270 700 500 450 100 250 235 3^351 250 1,279 300 1,350 11!200 595 350 *30 Total 204,560 13,200 4,326 11,494 6,095 169,445 Divisions separately registered. Maiiborough Distriofc North Westland North Canterbury „ Lyttelton South Canterbury Otago Southland „ 9,278 9,573 32,394 13,481 5,363 102,571 21,630 535 494 3,924 946 «58 4,000 1,532 400 50 8,743 8,679 27,620 11,781 5,005 91,093 11,863 850 704 335 2,154 7,900 150 Total 194,290 11,789 5,959 164,784 10,904 854 Total of Order 398,850 23,283 12,054 334,229 24,104 5,180 I.O.O.F. Grand Lodge of New Zealand 125 47,411 3,492 2,098 41,696 N.I.O.O.F. Auckland Provincial Distriot 4,557 1,386 3,171 B.U.O.O.P. Aorangi Lodge 2,034 19 2,015 A.O.P. Auckland Ditstriot Hawke's Bay Taranaki Wellington „ Nelson Canterbury United South Canterbury United Otago Court Coromandel 27,172 22,652 16,939 52,697 20,184 29,844 9,291 52,920 535 1,520 174 1,348 4,882 762 1,629 373 1,149 8,139 528 604 431 347 1,066 498 17,443 22,438 14,863 46,190 14,091 27,025 7,802 50,819 535 •200 700 4,900 70 40 321 '843 50 400 "54 I Total of Order 232,234 11,837 11,613 201,206 6,250 I 1,328 I A.O.S. Total A.O.S. .. 1,155 255 900 U.A.O.D. Grand Lodge of the North Island Grand Lodge of CanterburyGrand Lodge of Otago and Southland Lodges separately registered 29,505 30,341 17,681 4,014 3,511 2,819 2,037 463 1,923 301 24 1,023 22,108 27,061 13,736 2,028 1,400 l,'800 500 563 ! 160 84 Total of Order 81,541 8,830 3,271 64,933 3,700 807 • I.O.R. New Zealand District New Zealand Central District .. Star of Hope Tent 15,673 32,809 251 1 2,053 71 731 408 14,841 26,811 180 3^500 100 37 Total of Order 48,733 2,125 1,139 41,832 3,500 137 S.D.T. National Division of New Zealand Divisions separately registered 6,069 6,259 14 3'.) 6,055 5,810 410 Total of Order 12,328 53 410 11,865 H.A.C.B.S. New Zealand District .. .. .. 6,913 1,101 1,712 3,754 346 P.A.P.S.A. Grand Council of New Zealand.. 13,170 834 1,368 - 10,948 ■20 R.E.B.S. Total of R.E.B. Societies 2,926 185 2,741 Grand Total 7,923 851,852 52,014 35,051 719,290 37,574


TABLE VIIa. Isolated Friendly Societies.

Juvenile Friendly Societies.

Working-men's Clubs.


Seg. No. Name of Sooiety. Place of Establishment. Year of blishment. Number of Members Total Worth on of Funds. Dec. 31, 1906. Benefit Fund. Management Fuud, &o. Widows' and Orphans' Fund, M.U.T.O.O.F. Grey Valley Accident Belief Fund Denniston Collieries' Medical and Accident Association United Fire-brigades' Accident Assurance Society Blackball Colliery Accident Relief Fund Society Millerton Colliery Medical and Accident Relief Association New Zealand Collieries, Railway, and Oil Syndicate Employees' Benefit Society Auckland United Friendly Societies' Dispensary Auckland United Friendly Socieiies' Medical Institute Christchurch United Friendly Sooiety Dispensary Auckland Tramways Sick and Accident Friendly Society Point Elizabeth Accident Relief Fund Wellington .. 1849 j 7Td. 64 2,404 2 0 £ s. d. 2,392 13 1 £ s. d. 11 8 11 24 183 277 Brunnerton.. Denniston .. 1881 1891 200 121 12 8 ! 1,557 0 7 50 9 9 774 4 7 71 2 11 782 16 0 279 Napier 1891 1,347 ' 1,175 9 7 1,175 9 7 293 Blackball .. 1894 j 130 1,122 10 3 174 6 2 984 4 1 307 Millerton 1899 384 731 12 8 16 12 2 715 0 6 i " i" " ■■ 310 Kaitangata .. 1887 t 273 i 169 14 0 0 16 9 168 17 3 313 Auckland .. 1903 703 16 6 703 16 6 316 Auckland 1903 1,043 2 9 1,043 2 9 319 Cbristchurch 1904 3,027 j 1,156 19 1 1,156 19 1 322 Auckland 1905 220 j 133 0 5 133 0 5 323 Runanga 1904 202 ! 10 3 4 0 9 2 9 14 2 Total 5,847 10,329 3 10 5,847 10,329 3 10 4,585 1 3 5,744 2 7 I

Keg. No. I Number Year or v.m» ni Br.»i.ti Place of ofEs'a- Members Total Worth ]>.„„«( v,,.j Name of Society. Establiehment. blish- on of Funds. Benefit I una. merit. Dec. 31, 1906. & S. d. & s. d. Court Pride of the Forest, A.O.P. Dunedin .. ; 1893 79 19 6 2 12 14 3 Court Pride of Invercargill, A.O.F. Invercargill.. ! 1894 24 27 2 6 25 19 7 Kaiapoi Lodge, M.U.I.O.O.F. .. Kaiapoi .. 1897 26 ' 44 9 1 19 18 1 Court Pride of Napier, A.O.F. .. Napier .. 1903 29 456 3 6 222 1 5 Total .. .. .. .. 158 547 1 3 280 13 4 Management Fund, &c. £ s. d. 6 11 11 1 2 11 24 11 0 231 2 1 !88 !90 103 !14 158 547 1 3 280 13 4 266 7 11

Reg. No. Nam, of Society EstabUshment. Number \ Y of Members I v Am °™?f, Establish- on Fu^ 8 v «»^ ment. 81 Dec, ot year - 1906. _j 151 Wellington Working-men's Club and Literary In- Wellington stitute South Wairarapa Working-men's Club .. .. Greytown Club Garibaldi .. .. .. .. .. Wellington Sydenham and Addington Working-men's Club and | Sydenham Mutual School of Arts Auckland Working-men's Club and Mechanics' In | Auckland Btitute Kaiapoi Working-men's Club .. .. .. Kaiapoi Petone Working-men's Club .. .. .. Petone Bichmond Working-men's Club .. .. .. Richmond Palmerston North Working men's Club and Literary | Palmerston N. .. Institute Ashburton Club and Mutual School of Arts .. Ashburton Blenheim Working-men's Club .. .. .. Blenheim Oxford Working-men's Club .. East Oxford & 8. d 1877 1,102 7,748 2 i 1878 217 1,006 15 ] 1882 58 147 2 ( 1884 320 2,109 3 1 1879 337 4,516 12 i 1885 491 1,577 19 1 1887 414 2,690 0 'i 1889 180 1,475 4 I 1899 621 2,228 8 i 1886 473 5,050 16 1( 1888 290 201 14 ] 1887 200 736 6 1] 1877 1,102 £ 8. d. 7,748 2 5 186 202 209 1878 1882 1884 217 58 320 1,006 15 1 147 2 6 2,109 3 1 215 1879 337 4,516 12 2 231 238 264 267 1885 1887 1889 1899 491 414 180 621 1,577 19 1 2,690 0 7 1,475 4 5 2,228 8 2 271 272 305 1886 1888 1887 473 290 200 5,050 16 10 201 14 1 736 6 11 i Total .. .. .. i 4,703 29,488 5 i 4,703 29,488 5 4


TABLE VIIa. — continued. Specially Authorised Societies.

Approximate Cost of Pop*)-.—Preparation, not given ; printing (2,300 copies), £66 16s. 63.

Authority; John MaCK\y, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9o7.

Price I*. 3d.


Seg. No. Name of Sooiety. Plaoe of Establishment. Year of Establishment. Number of Members on 31 Dec, 1906. Total Worth of Funds. !28 !29 !41 !45 !46 16] !63 !G8 !75 !84 Invercargill United Friendly Societies' Dispensary .. Invercargill Sydenham and Suburban Co-operative Money Club.. Sydenham New Zealand Friendly Societies' Guarantee Associa- j Wellington ■ tion Star of Newtown Lodge, I.O.G.T. .. .. .. ; Wellington Lyttelton Uni'ed Friendly Societies' Dispensary .. \ Lyttelton New Zealand Foresters' Guarantee Association .. Christchuroh Stanmore Brass Band .. .. .. Newton Band Society .. .. .. • • Newton Ivy of Linwood Co-operative Money Club .. .. Chriatchurch Christchurch and St. Albans Co-operative Money Club | _ 1884 1885 1889 1887 1886 1886 1883 1885 1889 1892 £ s. d. 2,175 7 5 1,638 ! 42,259 4 11 1,246 8 9 46 60 16 6 329 542 2 10 838 11 10 26 271 19 2 30 495 8 0 311 6,036 12 4 724 23,363 16 0 Total 3,104 77,290 7 9 I

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Bibliographic details

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (THIRTIETH ANNUAL REPORT BY THE REGISTRAR OF)., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1907 Session I, H-01

Word Count

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (THIRTIETH ANNUAL REPORT BY THE REGISTRAR OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1907 Session I, H-01

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES (THIRTIETH ANNUAL REPORT BY THE REGISTRAR OF). Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1907 Session I, H-01

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