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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly pursuant to Section 128 of " The Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act, 1889."

Ik pursuance of section 128 of "The Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act, 1889," I have the honour to submit my report on the operations of the Patent Office for the year 1906. During the past year the business of the office has continued to increase, the number of applications and amount of fees received being considerably in excess of those for any previous year. The following table shows the number of applications, and revenue and expenditure, for the last two years : — Number of Revenue. Expenditure. Year. Applications. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1906 ... ... ... 2,483 5,641 0 6 2,237 19 1 1905 ... ... ... 2,262 4,970 2 6 2,297 9 8 Increase ... ... 221 670 18 0 (97 per cent.) (135 per cent.) Decrease ... ... 59 10 7 (2 - 5 per cent.) The expenditure is rather under that for 1905. The amount paid in salaries was about the same, the difference being chiefly accounted for by somewhat less binding being done last year than during the preceding twelve months. .£971 3s. 4d. (432 per cent.) of the expenditure, it may be mentioned, was in respect of work done by the Government Printing Office. The receipts, expenditure, and surplus of the office from the date of the commencement of the present Act on the Ist January, 1890, up to the end of last year are as follow: — Receipts. Expenditure. Surplus. Years. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 1890 to 1906 ... ... 55,297 0 9 16,807 3 4 38,489 17 5 PATENTS. For some time past each year has shown a decided advance on the previous one in the number of applications received, and last year was no exception in that respect, the total number being 1,745. This considerably exceeds the number received in any previous year, and is equivalent to one application to every 540 persons in the colony. As the rate in Australia is one in 1,500, in Canada one in 960, in Great Britain one in 1,580, and in the United States of America one in 1,500, it will be seen that the rate in New Zealand is relatively a very high one. The progress of the office is illustrated in Table E, which shows that the applications for patents from 1896 to 1900 increased 50 per cent, over the total for the preceding five years, and the number received during the period 1901 to 1905 was 41 per cent, in advance of that lodged from 1896 to 1900. It may be mentioned for the purpose of comparison that the applications in the United Kingdom increased respectively 13 per cent, and 2 per cent, during the same periods, and in the United States 5 per cent, and 14 per cent. The number of specifications lodged was 2,055, 1,110 provisional specifications, and 635 compiete specifications with the applications, and 310 complete specifications lodged in respect of applications for which provisional specifications had already been filed. i—H. 10.


These specifications were dealt with as follows:—

The fees received in respect of patents amounted to £4,624 11s., £514 12s. 6d. more than in the previous year, the increase being chiefly due to the greater number of renewal fees paid, £1,933 being received from that source in 1906, and £1,595 in 1905. These fees (223 five-pound fees and 82 ten-pound fees) represent the number of patents granted four and seven years ago, which it is considered worth while keeping alive— i.e., about 34 per cent, and 16 per cent, respectively. This means that about 66 per cent, of the patents become void after the fourth year, and 84 per cent, after the seventh year, and, though the proportion of patents that are allowed to run out before the end of the term to those that remain in force appears to be very high, it is about the same as those in the other countries requiring periodic payments for which the figures are available. Average Percentage of Patents in Force to Patents granted in certain Countries after the End of the Fourth and Seventh Years. After End of After End of Country. Fourth Year. Seventh Year. Per cent. Per cent. New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... 29 12 Great Britain ... ... ... ... ... ... 33 15 France ... ... ... ... ... ... 21 11 Switzerland ... ... ... ... ... ... 23 12 Norway ... ... ... ... ... ... 27 12 Countries from which Applications were received. Out of the total number of applications received —I,74s —residents of New Zealand sent in 1,101, or 63 per cent, of the total, being 59 more than in 1905; 119 (102) came to hand from the United Kingdom, 92 (109) from the United States, 368 (281) from Australia, 187 (143) from Victoria, and 90 (88) from New South Wales. France and Germany contributed 11 (17) and 10 (15). The figures in parentheses are the number for 1905. A full list of the countries from which applications were received is contained in Table H. As showing the extent to which the patent privileges of other countries are availed of by residents of the colony, it may be stated that in the years 1904-5, 1 in every 10 applicants for New Zealand patents living in the colony patented their inventions also in the United Kingdom, 1 in every 5 applied in Australia, and 1 in every 18 in the United States of America. Only 1 in every 186 residents of the United Kingdom who applied for patents there also made application in New Zealand, and only 1 in every 275 persons living in the United States of America who sought to obtain patents in that country also took steps to protect their inventions in the colony. One in every 6 Australians who applied for patents in the Commonwealth also patented their inventions in New Zealand. Nature of Inventions. The progress of invention in the various industries is shown in Table I. A noticeable increase in the number of applications took place in connection with "boots and shoes," "dairying," "drains and sewers," "electricity and magnetism," "engines (steam)," "engines (air, gas, and oil)," "fencing," "heating," "kitchen and cooking appliances," "minerals," "railways and tramways," and " shop and hotel fittings." A slight increase occurred in " fibre-dressing," " firealarms," "furniture," "illuminating," "pipes, tubes, and hose," and "printing and photography," and a falling-off in "boilers (steam)," "building (windows and doors)," "food," "marine and submarine," "metal-working," "seed-dressing," "stationery and paper," and " water-supplying," while there is no appreciable change in the rate of progress of the other classes. The development of the milking-machine, which, has received more or less attention from inventors during the last half-century, has led to the increase in the number of applications in respect of " dairying." The inventions for " fencing " which were formerly very numerous, but which of late years have considerably diminished, show a revival, chiefly with regard to metal standards —accounted for to some extent no doubt by the growing necessity for economy in the use of wood. A considerable field for inventors has been opened up by the introduction of electric tramways, and applications with regard to them are numerous, more especially in respect of trolly heads and poles and rail-cleaners. The interest aroused by the inquiry into the cause of the combustion of flax, wool, &c, resulted in the patenting of several inventions for testing the heat of the bales, and preventing and extinguishing fires in ships. Tracing the number of inventions patented in connection with some of the more important


Accepted without Alteration. Accepted after Alteration. Not accepted at end of Year. After being questioned Without being questioned. On Ground On Ground of Want of of Novelty. Informality. In respect of Novelty. In respect of Informality. On Ground of On Ground Want of of Novelty. | Informality. 57-4 10-4 1-4 I I 7-9 8-9 10-5 8-7


industries of the colony from the time the Office was first established, it is found that under the heading " Minerals," which includes all classes of inventions relating to gold-saving, &c, 33 applications were received in the period from 1861 to 1870, and 47 in the following decade. The next ten years showed an increase to 363, which number about doubled during the 1891-1900 period, and has been maintained at the same rate since. Only 3 applications were made in the " Dairying " class up to 1883— i.e., in the first twentythree years. From 1884 to 1890, 58 inventions were protected, and from 1891 to 1900, 249. During the last six years the number was 285. " Wool " : Under this heading, which includes appliances for shearing, washing, and generally treating wool, 22 applications were received during the first twenty years, and 121 in the next ten years. In 1892, 30 applications were lodged, and from then the number decreased until 1902. In this and the following year it rose a little, but has since again receded. "Flax-dressing": From 1861 to 1870 the inventions patented on this subject numbered 1 i): from 1871 to 1880, 22 ; and from 1881 to 1888, 28. Next year 47 applications were recorded, the highest reached on the subject. From that time till 1897 the number fell, but revived in 1898, only, however, to fall in the next four years. In 1903 the number rose again, and has been steadily on the up-grade since. International Convention. During 1906, 29 applications were received under the Convention, as compared with 26 in 1905, and 17 in 1904. Of these 17 came from the United Kingdom, 9 from the United States of America, 2 from France, and 1 from Germany. Seven applications were received from Australia, in accordance with the arrangements for mutual protection made with that country. Publications. The importance of affording applicants for patents and others every facility to become acquainted with the specifications of inventions has always been recognised by this office, and it has done much in that direction by publishing the abridgments of the inventions in the Gazette, and in supplying copies at small cost. It is no doubt desirable that the specifications and drawings should be printed in full, but this would involve a heavy expenditure, which the sales for some time to come would not go far to meet. The publication of classified indexes with short description and possibly a drawing, or a reference to the Gazette in which the complete specification was advertised, and a general index of names, could be undertaken at a comparatively small cost, and would, in my opinion, prove useful to inventors, agents, and others. The English office has now published illustrated classified abridgments of inventions from 1855 to 1904, which may be seen in the Patent Office Library, the Public Libraries at Auckland and Christchurch, and the Town Hall, Dunedin, or be obtained from the Patent Office (Sale Branch), 25 Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. Such publications cost little, and are very useful to inventors, manufacturers, and others who wish to ascertain what inventions have been patented in respect of any subject. Practice. The practice of granting letters patent in New Zealand, while mainly on the lines of the English system, differs from it in some respects, as well as from that prevailing in other countries. In England the office has no power, except in case of opposition, to refuse an application on the ground of want of novelty, but it is obliged to refer to its records, and, subject to appeal, to require a reference to be inserted of any similar inventions patented during the past fifty years. In Canada the office may refuse a patent on the ground of want of novelty, and a certain inquiry seems to be made into the subject. The Commonwealth office is required to ascertain whether the invention sought to be patented is described in a former specification, and has power to refuse a patent if such is the case, or if it has other grounds for believing the invention to be not new. A strict examination referring to all available publications is made in Germany and the United States of America, and both countries freely exercise their right of rejection. In Austria, the Scandinavian States, and a few other countries a more or less extensive inquiry is also made. , In France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Mexico, Argentine, and Brazil, and all British possessions except those mentioned above, there is no investigation into the question of novelty, the applicant being left to satisfy himself as to the validity of his patent in that respect, and generally to take all risks in the matter. In New Zealand the office has power to refuse applications for inventions it knows to be not new, and, although no examination is specially prescribed, reference is made to the records, and patents are refused where similar inventions are found to exist. Where, however, there is room for any possible doubt, the practice of the office, following that of the Supreme Court in dealing -with applications for patents on appeal, is to allow the matter to proceed, and leave any question of the validity of the patent to be afterwards contested. A thorough examination into the novelty of inventions is not, however, possible without a much larger staff than this office possesses, and it should lie undertood that all patents are granted entirely at the risk of the inventor as to the novelty of the invention, and it therefore behoves him to make all possible inquiry into the subject.



The following table shows the percentage of patents granted to complete applications lodged in certain countries: — Per Cent. New Zealand ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 79"7 Great Britain ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 93"5 Canada ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 922 United States of America ... ... ... ... ... ... 60"4 Austria ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 607 Germany ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 32"4 Norway ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 93"6 Designs. The number of applications for registration of designs fell from 54 in 1905 to 36 in 1906, the number received in 1904 being 24. Fourteen applications were registered in Class 1 (articles composed wholly or partly of metal not included in Class 2), J in Class 2 (jewellery), 3 in Class 3 (articles composed wholly or partly of wood, bone, ivory, papier mache, or other solid substances not included in other classes), 5 in Class 5 (articles composed wholly or partly of paper except hangings), 1 in Class 6 (articles composed wholly or partly of leather, including bookbinding of all materials), 11 in Class 10 (millinery and wearing-apparel, including boots and shoes), 1 in Class 12 (goods not included in other classes). This form of registration, though availed of very largely in other countries, is not yet utilised to any extent in the colony, the number of registrations to the population being only 1 in 26,180, while in the United Kingdom it is 1 in 1,800. Trade Makks. The number of applications received for registration of trade marks amounted to 702 in 1906, as compared with 607 in 1905, an increase of 95, and 515 marks were placed on the register, an increase of 41 on the number for 1905. The sum received from trade marks was £954 195., an increase of £143 4s. on the amount received for the previous year. Notices of opposition were lodged in 13 cases. Goods for which Trade Marks registered. The number of applications received in the various classes is shown in Table K. As usual, the number of applications for food-substances, 138, is considerably in-excess of the number for any other goods, though this number shows a falling-off as compared with the numbers for the two previous years —171 in 1905, 164 in 1904. The other principal classes showing an increase are: Class 3 (medicines), 50 in 1906 and 45 in 1905; Class 6 (machinery), 17 in 1906 and 6 in 1905; Class 7 (agricultural and horticultural machinery), 13 in 1906 and 1 in 1905; Class 8 philosophical and scientific apparatus), 7 in 1906 and 1 in 1905; Class 39 (paper), 27 in 1906 and 14 in 1905; Class 45 (tobacco), 39 in 1906 and 26 in 1905; Class 47 (candles, soap, &c), 58 in 1906 and 45 in 1905; Class 48 (perfumery), 46 in 1906 and 40 in 1905; Class 50 (miscellaneous), 63 in 1906 and 30 in 1905. A falling-off is shown in Class 22 (vehicles), from 19 to 12, and in Class 43 (fermented liquors and spirits), from 30 to 17. Countries from which Applications received. In 1906, 332 applications came from residents of the colony, an increase of 48 on the number received in 1905. The United Kingdom sent 171 applications, as compared with 156 in the previous year; and the United States of America 70 in 1906, as compared with 41 in 1905. Eightysix applications were received from the Commonwealth (an increase of 19 on the total for 1905), and of this number New South Wales sent 73, Victoria 10, and South Australia, Queensland, and Tasmania 1 each. Similar classified lists to those suggested with regard to patents might with advantage be issued concerning trade marks. GENERAL. Library. During the year the specifications of the United States of America for the first half of the year 1905 were placed in the library. The illustrated abridgments of English specifications and drawings for the period from 1900 to 1904 have now been completed, and are available for reference. These abridgments are found to be exceedingly useful, as they enable the inventions patented over a considerable number of years to be readily ascertained in a very short time. The Commonwealth office prints all complete specifications and drawings in full, and kindly furnishes this office with copies free of cost. Illustrated abridgments of inventions are also printed in its weekly journal, which is not only supplied free to this office, but to all local patent offices throughout the colony, where it is filed for the inspection of the public.



Patent Agents. The number of patent agents on the register was increased by 2 during the year, bringing the total up to 67. Of the 1,745 applications lodged, practically all foreign applications and about 75 per cent, of the local ones came through the hands of these gentlemen. A copy of the paper set in the one case in which an examination was held is inserted in the Appendix. Conclusion. The Appendix hereto contains :— page Paper set at Examination for Registration of Patent Agent .. .. .. vi List of Contents of Patent Office Library .. .. .. vi List of Books and Documents open to Inspection in Patent Office .. .. vii And the following tables and lists, viz. : — A. Balance-sheet of Income and Expenditure for the Year ended 31st December, 1906 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. viii B. Table showing Revenue and Expenditure for each of the Last Eight Years .. viii C. Particulars of Fees received from the Ist January to the 31st December, 1906 .. viii D. Staff of Officers, and Salaries .. .. .. .. .. . . ix E. Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs and Trade Marks, recorded for the years 1890 to 1906 inclusive .. .. ix F. Number of Provisional and Complete Specifications received, &c, under Act of 1889 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. x G. Table showing, over a Series of Years, the Number of Patents that were considered of Sufficient Value to be kept Alive by Payment of the Renewal Fees x H. Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1904, 1905, and 1906 .. x I. Table showing number of Applications for the Different Classes of Inventions for each of the Years 1904, 1905, and 1906 .. .. .. .. xi J. Number of Applications for Registration of Trade Marks from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1904, 1905, and 1906 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. xi K. Number of Applications to register Trade Marks, in the Fifty Different Classes, in each of the Years 1904, 1905, and 1906 .. .. .. .. xii L. Alphabetical List of Applicants for Patents, — For quarter ending 31st March, 1906 .. .. .. .. 1 30th June, „ .. .. .. .. 24 „ 30th September, „ .. .. .. .. 50 ~ 31st December, ~ .. .. .. .. 82 M. Alphabetical List of Titles of Inventions for which Letters Patent have been applied,— For quarter ending 31st March, 1906 .. .. .. .. 10 30th June, „ .. .. .. .. 35 „ 30th September, „ .. .. .. .. 64 „ 31st December, ~ .. .. .. .. 95 N. Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks, — For quarter ending 31st March, 1906 .. .. .. .. 21 „ 30th June, „ .. .. .. .. 47 „ 30th September, „ .. .. .. .. 78 „ 31st December, „ .. .. .. .. 108 0. Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Designs,— For quarter ending 31st March, 1906 .. .. .. .. 23 „ 30th June, „ .. .. .. .. 49 30th September, „ .. .. .. .. 81 „ 31st December, ~ .. .. .. .. 110 Patent Office, J. C. Lewis, Wellington, 18th July, 1907. Registrar.




Papbh sht at Examination of Candidate for Registration as Patent Agent, held in 1906. 1. Describe shortly, giving an example in each of the first three cases, — (a.) An invention ; (b.) A trade mark; (c.) A design; (d.) A true and first inventor, stating who are specially included in this term, and who are specially excluded. 2. State (a) who may apply for a patent; (b) what rights the legal representatives of a deceased person have to an invention; (c) when such rights must be exercised. 3. (a.) Shortly decribe the steps that must be taken to procure a patent. (&.) Distinguish between a provisional specification and a complete specification, (c.) Show what is necessary in every specification whether provisional or complete. (d.) State to whom papers are sent, and what formality is necessary when application is made at a local patent office. i. What is the duty of the Registrar when he receives an application for a patent 1 showing— (a.) His power if dissatisfied with same; (&.) His course if satisfied ; (c.) His course if application for a similar patent is lodged before the sealing of the first. 5. State— (a.) In what case the application shall be deemed to be abandoned; (&.) The consequence of a.complete specification not being accepted in twelve months from date of application; (c.) What is done with applicant's papers if application abandoned or become void. 6. If application accepted. («) what course must Registrar follow? (5) what course must an intending objector follow? 7. («.) What is the earliest time that a patent can be sealed after acceptance and in ordinary course 1 (&.) The latest? (c.) Mention any of the three cases in which ordinary time may be extended. 8. When a patent is sealed, — (a.) Where does it operate? (b.) How long? (c.) From what formality does it take effect? 9. State generally the powers of the Registrar, including his power to take evidence, and what remedy an applicant or objector has if he is dissatisfied with the decision of the Registrar. 10. What provision is made with regard to stamp duty under the Patents, &c, Acts? Mention cases where stamp duty would be payable. 11. State in the case of application to register an industrial design,— (a.) What must be furnished to Registrar on application. (b.) How long does the copyright hold, (c.) From what formal act does such period begin. (d.) When, after application, can a design be registered if the Registrar is satisfied with the application. 12. In the case of trade marks, — (a.) Name some of the five essential particulars of which a trade mark must at least have one. (6.) Can anything be added to the essential particulars that can be exclusively used with them 1 (c.) Give some real or imaginary instances of trade marks, and also of additional words, or figures, or combinations of words and figures, that can be used with the trade mark. 13. (a.) In what way is the assignment and transmission of a registered trade mark limited? (b.) How long does a trade mark endure? 14. When may the Registrar refuse to receive an application for or grant a patent for an invention, or register a design or trade mark? 15. If an international exhibition be held in New Zealand or elsewhere, notified in the Gazette as an Industrial Exhibition, — (a.) What facilities does such an exhibition give to an inventor? (b.) What formalities must an inventor follow in the colony so as to be an exhibitor and claim the privileges accorded in such case? (<:.) What is provisional protection? 16. Show what is not patentable on general grounds, giving instances; also the reason why a mere principle is not a proper subject for a patent. Patent Office Library. This library contains the following publications, viz. :— United Kingdom. The full text of the specifications and complete drawings of inventions patented from the 1617 up to the 18th April, 1907. . • Classified abridgments of inventions to 1904.



Illustrated Official Journal, containing lists of recent applications, abridgments of inventions for which patents have been lately granted, patents void, &c, to May, 1907. Index of Applicants. Subject-matter Index. , , , Commissioner of Patents Journal, ifecf"). Trade Marks Journal to April, 1907. Canada. Patent Office Recoid (containing illustrated abridgments of inventions, &c.) to November, 1906( b ). Australia. The full text of the specifications and complete drawings in respect of applications accepted from the 11th January to the 3rd August, 1906. The Official Journal of Patents of the Australian Commonwealth (containing list of applications for letters patent, abridgments of complete specifications accepted, &c). The Australian Official Journal of Trade Marks (containing lists of applications for registrations of trade marks). Specifications, drawings, abridgments, and indexes of Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, and South Australia( c ). United States. The full text of the specifications and drawings for the first half of the year 1905. The Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office (containing illustrated abridgments of specifications, &c.) to November, 1906. Mexico. The Official Gazette of the Patent and Trade Mark Office. General. La Propriety Industrielle (the official organ of the International Bureau of the Union for the Protection of Industrial Property). Patent laws of the world. Patent and Trade Mark Review. Text-books and handbooks on patents and trade marks. ' ' I ■ i Miscellaneous publications. ( a ) Discontinued. (•>) These may also be seen at the Public Libraries, Auckland and Chri&tchurch, and Town Hall, Dunedin. (°) In arrear. Not now being printed. Books and Documents open to Inspection. The following documents and books are open to public inspection at the Patent Office :— Patents. (Fee for each search or inspection, not exceeding one hour, Is.) 1. The files relating to all applications for letters patent in respect of which complete specifications have been accepted. 2. Classified copies of specifications and drawings, with index and key( a ). 3. Register of Applications for Letters Patent. 4. Register of Patents. 5. Register of Subsequent Proprietors of Letters Patent( b ). 6. Index of Patentees( c ). 7. Index of Proprietors of Letters Patent granted prior to 1890( a ). 8. Index of Specifications^). Designs. ' '■. (Search fee, Is. each quarter of an hour.) 1. Register of Designs, with Index of Names of Proprietors. 2. Classified Representations of Designs in respect of which Copyright has expired. 3. Index of Designs. Trade Marks. (Search fee, Is. each quarter of an hour.) 1. The files relating to all applications for registration of trade marks. 2. Register of Applications for Registration of Trade Marks. 3. Register of Trade Marks. 4. Index of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks('). 5. Index of Trade Marks. 6. Classified Representations of Trade Marks, with indexes. Miscellaneous. Register of Patent Agents. ( a ) Key is in card index. ( b ) This Register contains only names of subsequent proprietors of letters patent granted prior to Ist January, 1890 ; since that date they appear in Register of Patents. ( c ) Includes all names of applicants, &c, and consists of four volumes to 4th November, 1903, and card index since that date. A separate card index is kept for current quarter. ( a ) The names of proprietors of subsequent letters patent appear in the Index of Patentees. C) Contains classified abridgments of specifications from 1861, with extracts from drawings from July, 1904. (') Names of applicants for registration and proprietors of trade marks are indexed at the beginning of the Registers up to 31st December, 1889 ; in separate volume up to sth September, 1904 ;Jand since the latter dateare in the card index.



A.—Balance-sheet of Income and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1906. Income. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Patent fees ... ... ... 4,624 11 0 Salaries ... ... ... 891 6 3 Design fees ... ... ... 18 17 0 Clerical assistance ... ... 169 0 0 Trade-mark fees ... ... 954 19 01 Copying specifications... ... 28 12 5 Sale-of Acts, Gazettes, &c. ... 4115 0 Fees to Patent Office Agents ... 62 7 6 Miscellaneous ... ... 018 6 Binding printed specifications, 32 10 6 &c, presented to office by other countries* Printing Patents Gazette* ... 856 17 6 Other printing and binding* ... 81 15 4 Stationery ... ... ' ... 20 5 9 Typewriters ... ... ... 32 10 0 Books, patent laws, &c. ... 3 15 6 United States specifications ... 7 10 0 Telephone ... ... ... 7 0 0 Payments refunded ... ... 22 2 0 Incidental expenses ... ... 22 6 4 Balance for the year ... ... 3,403 1 5 £5,641 0 6 j £5,641 0 6 • Printing and binding done and figures supplied by Government Printing Office.

B.—Table showing Revenue and Expenditure for each of the Last Eight Years.

C.—Particulars of Fees received from the 1st January to the 31st December 1906.

* Per hour. t 3d. per folio of 72 words; Is. per sheet, drawings.


Year. Beceipts. Expenditure. Surplus. Year. Receipts. I Expenditure. Surplus. 1899 [900 .901 .902 £ s. d. £ s. d. £ p. d. .. 3,102 2 6 851 2 6 2,251 0 0 .. 3,396 17 3 1,027 5 8 2,369 11 7 .. 3,366 12 4 1,205 15 2 2,160 17 2 .. 3,999 3 3 1,344 17 1 2,654 6 2 1903 1904 1905 1906 £ s. d. £ s. A. £ s. d. .. 5,290 2 7 1,657 1 5 3,633 1 2 .. 4,642 19 6 1,775 17 11 2,867 1 7 .. 4,970 2 6 2,297 9 8 2,672 12 10 .. 5,641 0 6 2,237 19 1 3,403 1 5 Note.—Printing, binding, and other items now debited to this office were not in former years brought to charge.

Number. Fees. Bach. Amount received. Patents. Applications for patents with provisional specifications Applications for patents with complete specifications Complete specifications left after provisional specifications Applications to amend specifications Issue of letters patent Eenewal fees before end of fourth year from date of patent Renewal fees before end of seventh year from date of patent Notices of opposition Hearing objections Applications for enlargement of time for deposit of complete specifications On grant of such enlargement Applications for enlargement of time for acceptance of oomplete specification .. On grant of such enlargement Applications for enlargement of time for payment of fees On grant of such enlargement Notices of appeal to Supreme Court against decisions of Registrar Searches Registration of assignments and licenses Certificates of such registration Copies of specifications and drawings Certifying copies.. Correction of clerical errors in specifications, &c. Registration of Patent Agent Request for alteration of address Miscellaneous 1,110 638 310 5 644 223 82 12 4 36 35 8 7 51 40 1 621 134 96 £ s. 0 10 1 0 2 0 5 0 10 0 0 10 2 0 0 10 1 D 0 10 1 0 0 10 1 0 1 0 0 1* 0 10 0 10 t 0 1 0 5 1 1 0 5 £ s. d. 555 0 0 319 0 0 155 0 0 5 0 0 1,288 0 0 1,115 0 0 820 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 0 18 0 0 35 0 0 4 0 0 7 0 0 25 10 0 40 0 0 10 0 31 1 0 67 0 0 48 0 0 69 0 0 0 16 0 10 0 3 3 0 0 5 0 2 16 0 16 4 8 1 £4,624 11 0


C.—Particulars of Fees received, &c.—continued.

* For quarter of an hour. D. —Staff of Officers, and Salaries. £ s. d. Registrar ... ... ... ... ... ... 375 0 0 Deputy Registrar Clerk ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 175 0 0 Clerk ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 140 0 0 Cadet ... ... ... ... . . ... ... 85 0 0 Messenger ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 170 0 0 Office-cleaner ... ... ... ... ... ... 11 14 0 £956 14 0

E.—Total Number of Applications for Patents, and Registration of Designs and Trade Marks, recorded for the Years 1890 to 1906 inclusive.

ii—H. 10.


Fees. Number. — Each. Amount received. Designs. Applications for registration of designs Search designs Registration of assignment 36 7 1 £ s. 0 10 0 1 0 10 £ s. d. 18 0 0 0 7 0 0 10 0 Tbade Maeks. Applications for registration of trade marks Registration of trade marks Registration of assignments Certificates of suob assignments Notices of opposition Cancellation of trade marks Renewal of registration Additional fees where renewal fee is paid within three months after expiration of fourteen years Restoration of trade mark to register Altering address on register Requests to correct clerioal errors Copies of duplicate certificates Searches Advertisements : Cost of extra space in Gazette Certifying copies Notice of appeal to Supreme Court against decisions of Registrar Miscellaneous 706 515 51 13 1 148 11 0 5 1 0 £1 & 2s. 0 5 1 0 0 5 1 0 0 10 £18 17 0 176 10 0 515 0 0 51 8 0 12 15 0 13 0 0 0 5 0 148 0 0 5 10 0 6 1 3 17 189 1 0 0 5 0 5 0 1 0 1* 6 0 0 0 5 0 0 15 0 0 17 0 9 9 0 11 19 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 13 0 3 2 0 1 1 0 £954 19 0

Year. Patents. Designs. Trade Marks. Total. 1890 616 5 160 781 1891 589 4 225 818 1892 606 10 290 906 1893 625 15 325 951 1894 756 347 1,118 1895 816 14 254 1,084 1896 992 27 279 1,298 1897 1,093 13 361 1,467 1898 1,021 10 343 1,374 1899 992 12 328 1,332 1900 1,009 15 348 1,372 1901 1,114 18 379 1,511 1902 1,431 28 412 1,871 1903 1,604 . 26 447 2,077 1904 1,483 24 592 2,099 1905 1,601 54 607 2,262 1906 1,745 3G 702 2,483


F.-Number of Particulars and Complete Specifications Received, &c, under Act of 1889.

G.—Table showing over a Series of Years the Number of Patents that were considered of sufficient Value to be kept alive by Payment of the Renewal Fees.

H.—Number of Applications for Patents from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1904, 1905, and 1906.


. Number of Appli- § cations with which fS I Complete Specifications lodged. Number of Applications with which Provisional Specifications lodged. Nur Applic which Specific sequen mber of jations for Complete jations subitly lodged. Numbei cations i laps rei c of Appliibandoned, sed, or 'used. Num Patent! iber of s sealed. Total Number of Applications. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 N.Z. 242 187 202 198 278 229 299 217 199 182 160 199 163 205 200 215 230 Foreign. 207 207 191 178 166 201 275 303 305 297 321 353 357 368 321 355 405 N.Z. 107 126 160 197 251 307 318 444 419 382 441 459 767 859 754 827 866 Foreign. 60 69 53 52 61 79 100 129 98 131 87 103 144 172 208 204 244 N.Z. 27 29 40 51 69 75 68 87 102 84 97 119 274 238 198 222 * Foreign. 17 25 16 24 16 34 33 41 29 55 36 28 65 54 74 86 N.Z. 202 191 237 262 352 403 439 481 447 409 452 458 690 801 700 Foreign. 50 50 43 30 51 51 75 95 70 82 59 76 86 116 154 N.Z. 147 122 125 133 173 133 185 181 172 155 149 200 240 263 254 Foreign. 217 226 201 200 176 229 293 336 332 346 349 380 415 424 375 616 589 606 625 756 816 992 1,093 1,021 992 1,009 1,114 1,431 ;i,604 !l,483 1,601 1,745 * * r rhese figuri is are necei isarily inci implete, aa the time for proceeding further with the applications has not yet ixpirei 1.

Yoar. Number of Applications received. Number of Letters Patent granted. Number of Patents on whioh Second-term Fee paid. Number of Patents on which Final Fee paid. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 614 589 606 625 756 816 992 1,093 1,021 992 1,009 1,114 1,431 364 348 326 333 349 362 478 517 504 501 498 580 655 80 78 84 99 88 113 118 136 138 199 172 200 209 37 23 .87 47 31 45 53 49 58 90

1904. 1005. , 1900. 1904. 1905. 1900. New Zealand Argentine Eepublic Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Cape Colony Costa Eiea Denmark Ecuador Prance Germany Hungary India Italy Mexico Natal .. 954 1 1,042 1,101 New South Wales Norway Queensland Russia South Afrioa South Australia Spain Sweden Switzerland Tasmania Transvaal Tunis United Kingdom United States Victoria Western Australia 65 1 21 88 90 1 36 3 2 11 1 9 3 1 1 11 1 1 4 'l8 "8 2 1 12 1 1 8 5 1 5 10 2 17 15 8 1 11 10 4 6 8 6 3 12 1 12 6 1 102 109 113 15 22 6 "2 1 1 3 1 2 110 100 160 14 119 92 187 22 1 1 Note.—A few applications were rec< il more than the actual number of ap jived fr< plicatioi pin joint is recei 1 i applicants resident in different countries; the figures will, therefore 'ed.


I.—Table showing Number of Applications for the Different Classes of Inventions for each of the Years 1904, 1905, and 1906.

J .—Number of Applications for Registration of Trade Makes from Persons residing in New Zealand and other Colonies and Countries in each of the Years 1904, 1905, and 1906.


Class. 1904. 1905. 1906. Class. 1904. 1905. 1906. Advertising Amusements Attaching and seouring Boilers (steam) Boots and shoes.. Bottles Boxes, cans, and casks Brewing, distilling, &c. Brooms and brushes Building (bricks and cement) (windows and doors) Chemicals Cleaning, polishing, &c. Closets and urinals Coin-feed mechanism Cooling and freezing Cultivating and tilling Cutting and sawing and tools Dairying Drains and sewers Dredging and excavating Drying Electricity and magnetism Engines (steam) .. „ (air, gas, and oil) (miscellaneous and engineaccessories) Explosives, firearms, and targets ., Exterminating Fencing.. „ (strainers) Fibre-dressing Filters Fire alarms, escapes, and extinguishers Food Furnaces and kilns Furniture and upholstery Gas-manufaoture Harness (including horse, &c, covers) Harvesting Heating Illuminating 7 41 14 15 54 15 52 6 7 49 10 19 3 17 12 4 1 21 37 53 3 26 11. 15 16 11 26 10 47 25 14 42 28 35 13 44 12 29 3 18 8 3 9 30 53 51 5 22 11 11 25 18 22 8 46 24 3 56 31 32 16 45 15 19 3 17 13 2 9 34 53 66 15 24 8 27 37 28 16 Indicating, calculating, and measuri in g Kauri-gum Kitchen utensils and cooking appliances Lifting, hauling, and loading : Looks, latches, and hinges Marine and submarine Marking j Medicines and surgical appliances .. Metal-working Minerals (magnetic separators) „ (stampers and pulverisers) Oils and lubrioators Paints and painting Pipes, tubes, and hose Preserving Presses Printing and photography Pumps and sprayers Racecourse accessories Railways and tramways Roads and ways Seed-dressing, chaff - cutting, and threshing Seed-sowers Sewing and knitting Sheep and cattle Sheep shearing and clipping Shop and hotel fittings Stationery and paper Telephony and telegraphy Tobacco Valves and cocks Vehicles (velocipedes) Ventilating Washing and oleansing Water-supplying Wearing-apparel Wools and hides Miscellaneous 28 2 39 27 17 25 14 23 4 47 3 2 5 7 11 7 8 10 16 5 30 5 12 39 3 46 32 26 27 14 17 13 56 4 8 9 6 10 11 2 15 18 5 54 5 17 41 3 63 33 25 17 14 16 6 69 1 12 6 7 20 15 3 24 23 4 70 11 7 18 22 19 8 28 6 12 10 26 11 5 32 4 10 10 24 30 12 37 6 21 13 8 22 2 12 47 8 9 12 38 39 3 22 7 51 7 7 13 6 26 6 9 43 11 9 20 47 44 9 28 17 43 7 12 13 4 27 6 27 30 18 11 19 38 42 6 21 4 39 3 17 3 17 36 17 37 14 27 36 18 23 39 24 39 11 21 28 4 23 49 20 41 14 37 38 Note.—Owing to Bome inventions bei; -ctual number of applications received. ig clasi sified ui ider moi re than one heading, the figures will total •athei , more thi in the

1904. 1905. 1906. 1904. 1905. 1906. New Zealand Austria .. Belgium Burmah Canada .. Cape Colony Ceylon .. Cuba Denmark Egypt .. Ifrance .. Germany Holland Hungary India 334 "l 15 3 1 5 284 1 30 332 1 1 Italy New South Wales Norway Philippine Islands Queensland South Africa South Australia Sweden Switzerland Tasmania Transvaal United Kingdom United States Victoria 43 "2 1 2 1 106 48 23 2 46 1 3 "l 1 2 10 2 156 41 18 73 1 2 1 1 14 2 1 10 15 •1 1 1 2 11 6 10 1 2 1 5 19 3 1 171 70 10 Note.—A few applications were rec( :otal more than the actual number oi' ap lived from persi plications recei> ms giviny addresses in two or more countries; the figures will, therefore r 6U. *


K.—Number of Applications to register Trade Marks in the Fifty different Classes, in each of the Years 1904, 1905, and 1906.


Lasses. Classification of Goods. 1904. 1905. 1900. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Chemioal substances used in manufactures, photography, or philosophical research, and anti-oorrosives Chemical substances used for agricultural, horticultural, veterinary, and sanitary purposes Chemioal substances prepared for use in medicine and pharmacy Raw or partly-prepared vegetable, animal, and mineral substances used in manufactures not inoluded in other classes Unwrought and partly-wrought metals used in manufacture Machinery of all kinds, and parts of machinery, exoept agricultural and horticultural machines included in Class 7 Agricultural and horticultural machinery, and parts of such maohinery Philosophical instruments, scientific instruments, and apparatus for useful purposes; instruments and apparatus for teaohing Musical instruments .. .. .. Horological instruments Instruments, apparatus, and contrivances, not medioated, for surgical or curative purposes, or in relation to the health of men or animals Cutlery and edge-tools Metal goods not included in other olasses Goods of preoious metals (inoluding aluminium, nickel, Britannia-metal, &o.) and jewellery, and imitations of such goods and jewellery Glass .. Porcelain and earthenware Manufactures from mineral and other substances for building or decoration Engineering, architectural, and building contrivances Arms, ammunition, and stores not included in Class 20 Explosive substances Naval architectural contrivances and naval equipments Carriages Cotton yarn and thread Cotton piece-goods of all kinds Cotton goods not inoluded in Classes 23, 24, and 38 .. Linen and hemp yarn and thread Linen and hemp piece-goods Linen and hemp goods not included in Classes 26, 27, and 50 .. Jute yarns and tissues, and other articles made of jute not inoluded in Class 50 Silk, spun, thrown, or sewing Silk piece-goods Other silk goods not included in Classes 30 and 31 .. Yarns of wool, worsted, or hair Cloth and stuffs of wool, worsted, or hair Woollen and worsted and hair goods not included in Classes 33 and 34 Carpets, floorcloth, and oilcloth Leather, skins, unwrought and wrought, and articles made of leather not inoluded in other classes Articles of clothing Paper (except paperhangings), stationery, and bookbinding Goods manufactured from indiarubber and guttapercha not included in other classes Furniture and upholstery Substanoes used as food or ingredients in food Fermented liquors and spirits Mineral and aerated waters, natural and artificial, inoluding ginger-beer Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured Seeds for agricultural or horticultural purposes Candles, common soap, detergents; illuminating, heating, or lubricating oils; matohes ; and staroh, blue, and other preparations for laundry purposes Perfumery (including toilet artioles), preparations for the teeth and hair, and perfumed soap Games of all kinds, and sporting articles not included in other olasses Miscellaneous 9 22 63 7 5 15 13 3 4 1 2 9 14 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 20 1 5 3 12 16 45 4 8 6 1 1 11 2 2 14 24 6 2 2 2 2 1 3 19 16 21 50 3 12 17 13 7 11 1 14 25 4 3 1 5 8 a 12 1 4 1 1 2 2 "i 4 2 1 4 1 1 1 4 3 2 i 4 2 *2 4 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 30 10 8 1 164 23 4 28 39 14 3 1 171 30 7 26 1 45 41 27 8 138 17 6 39 43 58 48 22 40 46 49 50 1 43 30 7 63



I—H. 10.—07.


* Denotes a provisional 'rade Marks Act, 1889." speoil oai iion. lenoi :es a prior ite under section 106 of " The Patents, Designs, and Application. Qazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Abel, N. A. H., Copenhagen, Den. Hoisting and distributing build-ing-material Ackland, E. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Elastic feet for table-legs Aktiebolaget Separator, Stockholm, Sweden. Milking-machines. (F. Ljungetrom) Alcock, P. A., Melbourne, Vic. Billiard-table pocket Allan, A. T. W., and another, Thames, N.Z. Gold-saving machine.. Allan, A. T. W., Thames, N.Z. Fencing-standard Allan, A. T. W., Thames, N.Z. Chimney Allan, C. F. F., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Broadcaster Allen, A. D., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Trolley-head.. Allen, W., jun., Dargavil e, N.Z. Timber-flitch carrier and placer .. Amrein, N., Inglewood, N.Z. Stone-breaker Andersen, S. P., Auckland, N.Z. Preserving milk, &c. Anderson, A. M., Invercargill, N.Z. Hose of Westinghouse brake .. Andrews, F. O., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Poultry-feeder .. Andrews, W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Seed and grain cleaner Angus, W., Opawa, N.Z. Valve Archer, C, Kyeburn Diggings, N.Z. Boot-fastening Armstrong, S., Te Uku, N.Z. Leg-rope grip Arnold, E. E., Wilkinsburg, U.S.A. Beouring turbine-vanes Arnold, E. E., Wilkinsburg, U.S.A. Securing turbine-vanes Arthur, J., Kalgoorlie, W.A. (See A. E. Thomas, No. 20853.) Ashcroft, A., Auckland, N.Z. Bioyole-and motor-wheel hub Ashworth, H., Wadestown, N.Z. Tram or train indicator.. Aston, E., and another, Te Kuiti, N.Z. Preventing horses from kicking Atkinson, H. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Blind-fittings Atwill, J., and another, Waimate, N.Z. Animal-cover 20727 15 Feb. 20864 20837 14 March 10 March • r 20634 20115 19584 20781 20871 20683 20748 20794 20733 20840 20428 19229 20893 20932 20564 20868 20869 24 Jan. 25 Sept., 1905.. 9 June, 1905.. 24 Feb. 14 March 7 Feb. 16 Feb. 1 March .. ! 13 Feb. 13 March 8 Deo., 1905 .. 21 March, 1905 21 Maroh 29 Maroh 11 Jan. 18 March, 1905f 22 Maroh, 1905f 15 22 18 is 19 22 15 26 15 15 10 22 Feb. , 22 March. 22 Feb. 22 Feb.* 8 March. 22 March.* 22 Feb. 5 April.* 22 Feb.* 22 Feb. - 8 Feb. , 20655 20648 20519 27 Jan. 27 Jan. 3 Jan. 22 15 22 Maroh.* 22 Feb.* 18772 20745 19 Nov., 1904.. 19 Feb. 6 25 Jan. Bagby, W. S., Marton, N.Z. Road vehicle Baird, D. S., Toronto, Canada. Loose-leaf binder Baird, J., Devonport, N.Z. Ore-orusher Baldwin, E. 8., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Winch and hoist (J. H. and J. M. Holman) Barnes, R., Fitzroy, Vic. Boot or shoe heel Barraclough, M., Hawera, N.Z. Harness Barrow, F., Auckland, N.Z. Upholstering cushions. (Novelty Tufting Company—A. Freschl) Bassett, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Draft of binders, reapers, &c. (C. H. MeC >rmick) Bassett, T., Christchuroh, N.Z. Hay-rake Beaumont, G., and another, Roslyn, N.Z. Gearing for looms Beaumont, G., and another, Roslyn, N.Z. Positive take-up motion in looms Beaven, A. W., and another, Christchuroh, N.Z. Grain and seed clearer Beck, A., Timaru, N.Z. Internal-combustion engine Becker, H. C, Christchurch, N.Z. Extracting fat and wool from fleshings 19313 20636 19486 20914 2048 i 19366 19736 20610 7 April 24 Jan. 15 May, 1905 .. 29 March 21 Dec, 1905 .. | 19 April, 1905 .. 13 July, 1905 .. 20 Jan. .. I 15 19 15 10 15 26 10 22 Feb. 8 March. 22 Feb. 8 Feb. 22 Feb. 5 April. 8 Feb.* 20652 20765 20764 27 Jan. 20 Feb. 20 Feb. 19 22 22 8 March. 22 March.* 22 March.* 19229 21 March, 1905 15 22 Feb. 20722 20849 13 Feb. 14 March 19 26 8 March.* 5 April.* Beer, C. E., Brunswick, Vic. Road vehicle Bell, H. 0., Ballarat, Vic. Hat and clothing oabinet Bell, J., Prahran, Vic. Boot-repairing jaok Bell, R. E., Epsom, N.Z. Concentrating and deflecting lens Bennet. (See Burlton —Bennet.) Bennett, G. T., Addington, N.Z. Construction of wooden towers .. Benson, C. P. M., Puketeraki, N.Z. Crayfish-trap Benson, C. P. M., and another, Puketeraki, N.Z. Crayfish-trap .. Bent, H. J., Oamaru, N.Z. Printing rule Bentham, J. A., and another, London, Eng. Photographies dry plates Berg, V., Southbridge, N.Z. Ventilator Bergner, C, Hamburg, Ger. Cream-separator milk-supply tube Betts, A. G., Troy, U.S.A. Electrical conductor .. Billows, A. J., Brisbane, Queensland. Producing aerated drinks Bird, D. H., Waimate, N.Z. Seed-sower.. Black, C. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Mat-holder Blano. (See Le Blanc.) Blanohard, A., and others, London, Eng. Burner Bock, E. H., Hamburg, Ger. Game apparatus .. Boggiano, E., Rome, Italy. Vote-recorder Bonner, J., Port Chalmers, N.Z. Can for boiling water Booth, G. T., Christchurch, N.Z. Califomian-thistle exterminator Booth, J. H., Jumbunna, Vic. Turn-coupling for vehicle .. 19495 20561 19851 20705 18 May, 1905 j 10 Jan. 8 Aug., 1905 .. 8 Feb. 15 19 6 15 22 Feb.* 8 March. 25 Jan.* 22 Feb. 20904 20736 20774 20657 20542 24 Maroh 13 Feb. 23 Feb. 30 Jan. 8 Jan. 19 26 19 10 8 March.* 5 April.* 8 March. 8 Feb. 19559 20838 20533 20719 20653 19075 5 June, 1905 .. 10 Maroh 6 Jan. 14 Feb. 27 Jan. 13 Feb., 1905 .. 22 10 19 15 26 22 March. 8 Feb. 8 March. , 22 Feb.* 5 April. 20487 20780 20635 20835 20668 20555 21 Dec, 1905 .. 27 Feb. 24 Jan. 10 March 31 Jan. 10 Jan. 10 26 ie 6 8 Feb. 5 April. 22Feb!* 25 Jan.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent -continued.


Application. 'azc: !e. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. Border, A. J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Indioator Bower, D., Dunedin, N.Z. Milk-strainor Bower, D., Dunedin, N.Z. Milk-strainer Boyd, J. A., andanother, Wellington, N.Z. Paint Braby, H., Annandale, Sydney, N.S.W. Burner Bradfield, A., jun., Ratanui, N.Z. Lifting-jack attachment Bradford, W. J., Waverley, N.Z. Toasting-fork .. Bradshaw, W. M., Wilkinaburg, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 20592.) Brady J F , Chicago, U.S.A. Steam-turbine Braithwaite A. H., Carterton, N.Z. Three-horse swingletree Braun, E., Manchester, Eng. (See J. P. Campbell, Nos. 20628, 20642, 20713.) Brett, R. E., Waimauku, N.Z. Astronomical instrument Brew, W., Christchurcti, N.Z. Plough-wheel bearing Broad, J. E., Gore, N.Z. Animal-rover fastening Broderick, G., Temuka, N.Z. Non-puncturable tire .. ..j Brooks, C. J., and another, London, Eng. Extracting gold Brooks, J., Chicago, U.S.A. Flasks or cores for castings .. Brown, H. F., Chicago, U.S.A. (See E. Phillips, No. 20583.) Browne, W. A. E., Sydney, N.S.W. Wood-drill .. .. •• Brunswick Refrigerating Company, New Brunswick, U.S.A. Pump. (R. Whitaker) Brunswick Refrigerating Company, New Brunswick, U.S.A. Valve. (R. Whitaker) Brunswick Refrigerating Company, New Brunswick, U.S.A. Refrigerating apparatus. (R. Whitaker) Bryers, J. J., Rawene, N.Z. Fire escape Buchanan, W., Gorge Road, N.Z. Air-brake coupling .. .. Buokeridge, E. W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Electrical conductor Buckeridge, G. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Electrical conductor Buckland, A. J., Kiatoa, N.Z. Calf and lamb feeder Buhne, F. W., Freiburg, Ger. Pipe-joint Burgoyne, E. A. H., and others, London, Eng. Burner Burgoyne, L. H., Clevedon, N.Z. Card-game Burlton-Bennet, R. J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Electno belt .. Burnev, G., Wellington, N.Z. Removing foul air Burt, W. S., Alhury, N.S.W. Vehicle-wheel Butler, H. M., Kirkstall Forge, Eng. Vehicle-axle Butters, O., Berkeley, U.S.A. Vacuum-filtering apparatus Butters, H., and another, Lethangie, N.Z. Fencing-standard By water, J. D., Christchurch, N,Z. Disc mounting for disc plough Bywater, J. D., Christchurch, N.Z. Mowing-machine 20742 20576 20841 20647 19367 20565 20812 19 Feb. 12 Jan. 12 March 27 Jan. 19 April, 1905 9 Jan. 6 March 22 22 March.* 15 22 15 22 22 Feb.* 22 March. 22 Feb. 22 March.' 20640 20714 25 Jan. 14 Feb. 19 19 8 March. 8 March.' 20861 19558 20810 19493 20654 20585 15 March 5 June, 1905 2 March .. 18 May, 1905 .. 27 Jan. 17 Jan. 26 26 26 22 19 15 5 April.' 5 April. 5 April.' 22 March. 8 March. 22 Feb. 19449 20883 10 May, 1905 .. 21 March 15 22 Feb. 20884 21 Maroh 20885 21 Maroh 20599 I 20785 20>-28 17 Jan. 28 Feb. 9 March 15 22 Feb. 26 5 April.' 20828 9 March 26 5 April.* 19376 20595 20487 20672 20089 20759 20664 20563 20817 20754 20540 20568 20 April, 1905 18 Jan. 21 Dec, 1905.. 2 Feb. 20 Sept., 1905.. 22 Feb. 19 Jan.f 11 Jan. 8 March 21 Feb. 6 Jan. 9 Jan. 19 19 10 19 15 8 March. 8 March. 8 Feb. 8 March.* 22 Feb. 19 26 26 10 8 March. 5 April. 5 April. 8 Feb.* Cameron, E. A., and others, Invercargill, N.Z. Sash hanger and Cameron, E. A., and others, Invercargill, N.Z. Sash balanoe and fastener Campbell, A. F., Totara Valley, N.Z. Wearing-strip of threshingmachine Campbell, A. J., and another, Edmonton, Eng. Seltzogene Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Load-equaliser in electrio circuit (R. Braun) Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Operating rotatmg-apparatus (R. Braun) Campbell, J. P., Wellington, N.Z. Electrical distribution. (R. Braun) Campbell, R. H., and another, Edmonton, Eng. Seltzogene Campbell, R. W., Wellington, N.Z. Blacking for harness, &o. Cannell, C, St. Mary's, Tasmania. Lamb's-tail cutter Cannell, J. E. P., Kaiapoi, N.Z. Brake-grip for cars Carlaw, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Smoke-consumer, &c. .. Carlaw, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Smoke-consumer, &c. Carlson, O. K., Clydevale, N.Z. Water-tap Carlson, O. K., Clydevale, N.Z. Water-tap Carlson, O.K., Clydevale, N.Z. Protecting water-pipes from frost .. Carrington, G., Lake Wanstead, N.Z. Wire strainer and twister .. Carter, F. C, and another, Melbourne, Vic. Butter-cutter. Carter, R. H., Kimbolton, N.Z. Horse-collar Carter, T., Mirboo North, Vic. Cream and milk cooler and aerator Cartwright, G. B., and another, Milford, N.Z. Removing cavings from threshing-machines Casey E A., St. Louis, U.S.A. (See A. W. G. Fitchett, No. 20604.) Casgrain, L. A., Winchester, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 19272.) Castle, F., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Tool and pencil sharpener Castle, F,, and another, Auckland, N.Z. Floor-polisher .. Catt, R. K., Abbotsford, Vic Mask or face-proteotor Chapman, A. H., Kurow, N.Z. Preservation of meat Chapman, G. H., and another, Rimu, N.Z. Rotary engine Chatfield, E. F., Auckland, N.Z. Drainer for fish, meat, &c Chaytor, B. T., and another, Otamarakau, N.Z. Uncoiling wire .. Chisholm, L., Wellington, N.Z. Oil-can Christie, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Utilising sorap Bheet-metal for oovering buildings, &o. 19501 16 May, 1905 .. 15 22 Feb. 20543 16 May, 1905 .. 15 22 Feb. 20804 5 March 26 5 April.* 20524 20628 4 Jan. I 24 Jan. 10 19 8 Feb. 8 March. 20642 25 Jan. 19 8 March. 20713 j 14 Feb. 22 22 Maroh. 20524 20813 20763 20775 19291 19573 20862 20900 20901 20532 20925 20772 20731 20799 4 Jan. : 6 March 20 Feb. j 23 Feb. 1 April, 1905.. 6 June, 1905.. 15 March 23 March 23 March 5 Jan. 30 March 24 Feb. 7 Dec, 1905 .. 1 March 10 8 Feb. 22 22 2 2 22 March.' 22 March.* 11 Jan. 11 Jan. 6 25 Jan.* 26 26 22 5 April.* 5 April. 22 March.* 20691 20902 20844 20393 20797 20511 20941 20710 20739 7 Feb. 21 Maroh 14 Maroh 28 Nov., 1905.. 2 March 3 Jan. 30 March 13 Feb. 13 Feb. 19 io 22 8 March.* 8 Feb. 22 March.' 19 19 8 March.* 8 Maroh.'


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent — continued.


.ppi Licai Aon. latel Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Oleghorn, R., and another, Elsternwick, Vic Di9c plough Cockburn, ft., Roxburgh, N.Z. Detection of undue water.. Cocks, P. J., and another, Opawa, N.Z. Poultry-feeder Cocks, T., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Extension table Cooks, W. B., and another, Chriatcliurch, N.Z. Extension table .. Collins, E. B., Wendonside, N.Z. Hot well. Colquhoun. D., Dunedin, N.Z. Game-marker Comings, W. R., Wharnclifle, Eng. Cardboard-box manufacture .. Cook, J., and another, Port Chalmers, N.Z. Stone-shoot for dredges Cornwall, H. G., Wellington, N.Z. Message and envelope form Corrigan, S. B., Manaia, N.Z. Solution for potato-blight Cotterell, F. A. G., Auckland, N.Z. Sterilising meat Coventry, L. M., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Indicator Cowdery, J. P., Christchureb, N.Z. Oiling axles of vehicles Craig, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Advertising goods .. Cranwell, B. F., and others, Henderson, N.Z. Broad caster Crimp, H. M., Strzlecki, Vio. Egg-beater Crook, E., South Yarra, Vic. Boot-upper Cross, S. F., and others, Birkenhead, Eng. Stamp or label affixer .. Cudmore, K. de L., Saltern, Queensland. Rotary motor for sheepshearer Cummings, R. A., Beaver, U.S.A. Conorete column Curwood, A., and others, Campbelltown, N.Z. Sash hanger and lock Curwood, A., and others, Campbelltown, N.Z. Sash balance and fastener Curwood, A., Waipori, N.Z. Clothes-peg 19183 20831 20428 20766 20766 20825 20680 20878 20735 20749 20617 20829 20742 2056'.) 20832 20871 20850 20660 20539 20851 9 Mar., 1905.. 8 March 8 Deo., 1905.. 21 Feb. 21 Feb. 7 March 5 Feb. 21 March 13 Feb. 20 Feb. 23 Jan. 8 March 19 Feb. 12 Jan. 9 March 14 March 14 March 31 Jan. 6 Jan. 14 March 22 15 22 22 15 22 March. 22 Feb.* 22 March.* 22 March.* 22 Feb.* 22 10 22 March.* 8 Feb.* 26 26 10 5 April.* 5 April.* 8 Feb.* 20641 19501 25 Jan. 16 May, 1905 .. 26 15 5 April. 22 Feb. 20543 16 May, 1905 .. 15 22 Feb. 20863 15 March 26 5 April.* Dale, A., Timaru, N.Z. Burglar-proof look Dalrymple, G. S. W., Masterton, N.Z. Fire-escape Dalton, J., Rongotea, N.Z. Protection of river-banks Daly, M., Burwood East, Vic Windmill mechanism Danks, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Skylight bar and cover Davenport, H. A., Brockton, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 20554.) Davenport, T. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Trace-hook Davies, A. G., Stoneburn, N.Z. Unloading coal from railway vehicles Davies, G., Christchurch, N.Z. Wacer-jacketted larder .. Davison, W. M., Port Pirie, S. Aust. Liquid vender and reoorder .. Davison, W. M., Port Pirie, S. Aust. Pump for vending and recording liquid Dawson, J. G., Woodbury, N.Z. Egg-carrier Day, A. M., Salt Lake City, U.S.A. Ore-smelting apparatus Delehanty, J., Kensington Park, U.S.A. Rotary engine Demuth, A., Laurenburg on the Lahn, Ger. (See RheinisohNassauische Bergwerks and Hiitten-Actien-Gesellsohaft, No. 20879.) Dineen, T. B., Sydney, N.S.W. Back of detachable-leaf ledger Dixon, E. V., Auckland, N.Z. Steam-turbine Donaldson, E. H., and another, Westport, N.Z. Pen or pencil carrier Dorr, J. V. N., Denver, U.S.A. Separating materials Douglas, H. M., Wellington, N.Z. Loose-leaf account-book Douglas, S. J. G., and another, Milford, N.Z. Removing cavings from threshing-maohines Dow, J. 0. D., Auckland, N.Z. Liquid measurer and draw-off Downing, H, W., Christchurch, N.Z. Horse cover Drew, F., and others, Newport, Vic. Operating railway-brakes T., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Chimney-top Droutlege, H., Auckland, N.Z. Number register and recorder Duffy, J., London, Eng. Wood-paving block Duncan, P. and D., Limited, Christchurch, N.Z. Disc plough. (J. Keir) Duncan, P. and D., Limited, Christohurch, N.Z. Loading-crane attachment to dray. (J. Keir) Dunne, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Brooch Dunne, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Sleeve-oufi protector Dunne, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Shaving-appliance .. Dupre, F. W., Anhalt, Ger. Extracting gold 20912 20747 20544 20632 20809 27 March 20 Feb. 8 Jan. 24 Jan. 5 March 6 15 25 Jan.* 22 Feb.* 20894 20824 21 March 6 March 26 5 April.* 20531 20720 20721 5 Jan. 14 Feb. 14 Feb. 26 26 5 April. 5 April. 20877 20726 20852 20 March 15 Feb. 14 March 26 26 5 April.* 5 April.* 20529 19466 20807 3 Jan. 11 May, 1905 .. 6 March 6 26 25 Jan.* 5 April. 20730 19164 20799 16 Feb. 3 March, 1905 1 March 10 22 8 Feb.' 22 March.* 20603 20791 20788 20616 20656 20728 20724 19 Jan. 27 Feb. 28 Feb. 23 Jan. 27 Jan. 18 Feb., 1905t 13 Fab. 15 22 22 15 19 22 19 22 Feb.* 22 March.* 22 March.* 22 Feb.* 8 Maroh. 22 March. 8 March.* 20792 28 Feb. 22 22 March.* 20608 20609 20834 19646 19 Jan. 19 Jan. 9 March 28 June, 1905 10 15 26 2 8 Feb.* 22 Feb.* 5 April.* 11 Jan. Easton, J. A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Feed reservoir and box for horses Eaton, H. W. F., Christchuroh, N.Z. Aerating-machine .. Edmond, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Brooch, &c, pin fastening .. Ellis, P., Kilbirnie, N.Z. Motor Elmore, F. E., London, Eng. Material-separator Evans, E. A., Balaclava, Vic. Blind-cord fastener Evans, G, F., Balaclava, Vic. Preventing.opening of sash.. Evans, S. E., Balaclava, Vic. Incandescent burner 20571 11 Jan. 10 8 Feb.* 20935 20718 19252 19864 20670 20687 20818 20 March 14 Feb. 24 March, 1905 16 Aug., 1904-f 1 Feb. 8 Feb. 8 March 22 26 6 15 15 26 22 March. 5 April. 25 Jan. 22 Feb.* 22 Feb.* 5 April.* Fabian, C. H., Wellington, N.Z. Plant protector and support Fairbrother, R. W., Carterton, N.Z. Steamer and boiler .. Farquhar, J. F. C, and another, London, Eng. Oil-lamp.. Farquhar, J. F. C, and another, London, Eng. Oil-lamp.. 20582 19379 20715 20716 17 Jan. 20 April, 1905 9 Dec, 1905f 9 Dec, 1905f 10 19 8 Feb.* 8 March.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent-continued.

m> lical ;ion. l azette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Ferriss, J. M., jun., Taooma, U.S.A. Unloading lumber .. Finnigan, T. K., Koroit, Vic Saddle .. Firth, A. T. C, Auckland, N.Z. Concrete railway-sleepers Firth, A- T. 0., Auckland, N.Z. Concrete railway-sleepers Firth, E. T. C, Auckland, N.Z. Brick-moulding press Fitohett, A. W. G., Wellington, N.Z. Dish-washer. (Mound City Dish Washer Company, E. A. Casey) Flay, R., and another, Middlesex, Eng. Kitohen-range Flynt, L. W. G., Rochester, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 19271.) Fola, J., Valentia, Spain. Propeller Ford, A. S., Coromandel, N.Z. Liquid-ejeotor Ford, A. S, Coromandel, N.Z. Liquid-ejector .. Forsyth, R. B., Christchureh, N.Z. Removing ink Fowler, J. W., Whangarei Heads, N.Z. Buffer-attaohment to door Fowler, J. W., Whangarei Heads, N.Z. Controlling reooil of vehiclesprings Frost, A. S., New Plymouth, N.Z. Cattle-ringing instrument Fullbrook, C. H., Seamount, Queensland. Curtain ring .. 20926 20681 20550 20769 20811 20604 30 Maroh 7 Feb. 6 Jan. 19 Ptb. 3 March 19 Jan. 22 6 26 26 22 March. 25 Jan.* 5 Apiil. 5 April. 20535 6 Jan. 10 8 Feb. 20382 20005 20743 20826 20601 20723 21 Mar. 9 Sept., 1905.. 15 Feb. 7 March 19 Jan. 12 Feb. 2 22 11 Jan.* 22 March. , 10 19 8 Feb.'* 8 March.* 20602 19510 19 Jan. 25 May, 1905 .. 10 19 8 Feb.* 8 March. Gaby, C. B., Wellington, N.Z. Hoisting-machine Galbally, J. O., Wellington, N.Z. Sash-adjuster.. Gardner, J. E. L., Palmerston North, N.Z. Drying plates, &c Gare, T., New Brighton, Eng. Wheel .. Garey, W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Tool and pencil sharpener Garey, W. E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Floor-polisher Garside, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Sprayer Gayner, T. H. B., Melbourne, Vic. Sealing punctures in tires Gazzard, H. V., Gympie, Queensland. Cramp George, T. R., Onehunga, N.Z. Distance gauge for bowls, &c Gibbs, A. A., Ringarooma, Tas. Curtain-suspender Gilbi-rt, T. J,, and another, Brunswick, Vic Dressing rails Gill, J., Murrayfield, Scotland. Air-compressor .. Gillies, A., Geelong, Vic. Milking-machine teat-cup Gillies, W. S, Christchuich, N.Z. Tramway-point Gilrnour, D., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Floor cleaner and polisher Gilmour, R., Auckland, N.Z. Hose-coupling Gilmour, W. T., Auckland, N.Z. Penholder Glendining, B., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Positive take-up motion in looms Glendining, R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Gearing for looms Glossop, J., Dunodin, N.Z. Sock Gluyas, C, Johannesburg, Transvaal. Treating slimes Goddard, H. A., Concord, N.S.W. Building in concrete .. Godward, E. R., Invercargill, N.Z. Drawing off water from tanks .. Godward, E. R., Inveroargill, N.Z. Gas-hangings Godward, E. R., Invercargill, N.Z. Deck chair .. Godward, E. R., Invercargill, N.Z. Egg-beater .. Gordon, F. E. A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Metal-polish Gosling, N. W., and another, Blenheim, N.Z. Washing and draining cabinet Gossler, F., Melbourne, Viotoria. Linotype-machine Grant Manufacturing Company, The, Pittsburg, U. S. A. (See H. W. F. Eaton, No. 20935.) Gray, J. H., San Franciso, U.S.A. Shafts bearings Gredt, P., Luxembourg. (See E. Phillips, No. 20586.) Green, W. J., and another, London, Eng. Cask-branding machine .. Greenfield, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Feed reservoir and box for horses Grimmer, G., Auckland, N.Z. Spark-arrester Grueneberg, C., Poszony, Hungary. Brush-driller and tufting-ma-chine Grueneberg, C, Poszony, Hungary. Brush-manufaoture .. 19409 20860 20845 20790 20691 20902 20496 20669 20776 20624 20848 20887 20644 20854 20793 20802 1 May 15 March 14 March 28 Feb. 7 Feb. 21 Mar. 22 Dec, 1905 .. 1 Feb. 23 Feb. 23 Jan. 14 Marsh 21 March 25 Jan. ] 4 Maroh 1 March 28 Feb. 19 26 19 io 26 19 8 March. 5 April.* 8 March.* 8Fei>! 5 April.* 8 March.' 22 26 22 22 March. 5 April.* 22 March." 20833 20674 20764 10 March 2 Feb. 20 Feb. 22 22 March.* 20765 20619 19375 20638 18984 20606 20607 20658 20573 19372 20 Feb. 23 Jan. 20 April, 1905 22 Jan. 24 Jan., 1905 .. 19 Jan. 19 Jan. 30 Jan. 15 Jan. 17 April, 1905 22 15 2 22 6 10 10 15 15 19 22 March.* 22 Feb.* 11 Jan. 22 March. 25 Jan. 8 Feb.* 8 Feb.* 22 Feb.* 22 Feb.* 8 March. 20839 10 Maroh 26 5 April.* 20362 23 Nov., 1905.. 10 8 Feb. 20589 20571 18 Jan. 11 Jan. 15 10 22 Feb. 8 Feb.* 20770 20520 24 Feb. 3 Jan. 22 22 March.* 20521 3 Jan. Hadida, H., and others, London, Eng. Stamp or label affixer Halkier, A. E., Sydney, N.S.W. Dress-chart Halpin, B., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Butter-cutter .. Hamilton, B. T., and another, London, Eng. Locking-device Hampton, E. J., Wellington, N.Z. Window-fastener Hannon, T., and another, Otamarakau, N.Z. Uncoiling wire Harkins, T., Auckland, N.Z. Shaping-machine for tinsmith Haikins, T., Auckland, N.Z. Sheet-metal tea-reoeptacle .. Harper, J. G., and another, Ashburton, N.Z. Harness Harris, C, and another, Roxburgh, N.Z. Fruit-tree proteotor Harrison, J., and others, Half-moon Bay, N.Z. Sash hanger and lock Harrison, J., and others, Half-moon Bay, N.Z. Sash balanoe and fastener Harrison, J. R., Ballarat, Victoria. Amalgamator and concentrator Hartwell, D., Wellington, N.Z. Flax-dressing .. Hatmaker, J. R,, Paris, France. Eggs and egg-containing substanoes in dry form Hay, A., Tauranga, N.Z. Wire-strainer Healey, W. J., Inveroargill, N.Z. Brooch-fastening Healey, J. J., Riohmond, Vic. Cream-cooler 20539 20768 20566 20594 20588 20941 20518 20538 20910 20808 19501 20543 6 Jan. 19 Feb. 12 Jan. 2 Feb., 1905f 24 Jan. 31 March 3 Jan. 6 Jan. 27 March 6 March 16 May, 1905 .. 16 May, 1905 .. 10 19 15 10 2 6 8 Feb.* 8 March.* 22 Feb. 8 Feb.* 11 Jan.* 25 Jan.* 26 15 15 5 April.* 22 Feb. 22 Feb. 19567 20874 20515 7 June, 1905.. 19 March 2 Jan., 19051 6 26 6 25 Jan. 5 April.* 25 Jan. 20796 20618 18928 2 Maroh 23 Jan. 9 Jan., 1905 .. 22 15 2 22 March.* 22 Feb.* 11 Jan.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


,i>i>: lica: ;ion. l aze\ it, Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Heckler, J. L., Mangamahoe, N.Z. Cow-kicking strap Henderson, J. B., Brisbane, Q. (See T. Walters, No. 20915.) Henderson, J. W., Karori, N.Z. Pneumatic-tire protector Henderson, W. E., Nhill, Vic. Sheep-shears Hendy, J. H., San Francisco, U.S.A. (See E. N. Waters, No. 20526.) Henry, W., Wellington, N.Z. Wooden brackets for ornamenting buildings Henshall, E., Papanui, N.Z. Motor-driven friction hoist .. Hickman, J. H., Wellington, N.Z. Showcase Hickman, J. H., Wellington, N.Z. Show-case Higgle, T., Wanganui, N.Z. Driving-reins Hiegins, C. L., Montreal, Cunada. Overshoe Hill, E., Westport, N.Z. Harness-tug .. Hodgson, G., Bradford, Eng. (See D. Nield, No, 20546.) Hogan, M., Edendale, N.Z. Grain and seed cleaner Holdsworth, A. A., Hawksburn, Vie, Tent Holdsworth, A. A., Hawksburn, Vic. Overall garment Holland, J. E., Kaiapoi, N.Z. Staple-withdrawing tool .. Holman, J. H., and another, Camborne, Eng. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward, No. 20914.) Holman, J. M., and another, Camborne, Eng. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Bayward, No. 20914.) Holmes, G. B., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Trolley-head Houseman, A,, and another, Charlestown, N.S.W. (See the Universal Patent Bottle Company, Limited, No. 20148.) Hubbard, A. R , and another, Surrey, England. Kitchen-range Hughes, J., WaitohiFlat, N.Z. Attaching spout of threshing mill.. Hughes, P. W., and others, Newport, Vic. Operating railway-brakes Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Printingsurface. (W. J. Yesell) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Casting curved stereotypes. (Printing Machinery Company, Limited—H. A. W. Wood) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Linotype-machine. (Linotype and Machinery, Limited) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Boot or shoe tree. (Industrial Patents, Limited) Hughes, W.E., Wellington, N.Z. Electric motor. (W. M. Bradshaw) Hunter, J. T., Wellington, N.Z. Wireless signalling receiver. (H. Shoemaker) Hunter, R. T., Eaglescliffe, Eng. Construction of roofing, &c. Hutchinson, G., Seatoun, N.Z. Milking-machinery Hutchinson, G., Seatoun, N.Z. Milking-machine Hutchinson, G. F., Kapuni, N.Z. Acetylene-generator 20870 16 March 20547 20633 9 Jan. 24 Jan. 6 25 Jan.* 20750 20 Feb. 26 5 April.' 20558 20698 20699 19138 20682 20795 10 Jan. 13 Feb. 13 Feb. 25 Feb., 1905 .. 7 Feb. 1 Maroh 6 26 26 15 22 25 Jan.* 5 April.* 5 April.* 22 Feb. 22 Marob. 20579 20889 20916 20694 2 Dec, 1905.. 21 March 29 March 10 Feb. '26 5 April.* 5 April.* 15 22 Feb.* 7 Feb. 22 Feb.* 20683 15 20535 20798 20788 19214 20S55 6 Jan. 1 March 28 Feb. 18 March, 1905 22 Nov., 1905.. 10 22 22 6 19 8 Feb. 22 March.* 22 March.* 25 Jan. 8 March. 20523 4 Jan. 20591 18 Jan. 20592 20741 18 Jan. 17 Feb. 15 26 22 Feb. 5 April. 20627 19540 20786 20821 24 Jan. 1 June, 1905.. 28 Feb. 8 March 22 26 26 26 22 March. 5 April. 5 April. 5 April.* Industrial Patents, Limited, London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 20591.) Ingle, J., and another, London, Eng. Cask-branding machine International Steam Pump Company, New York, U.S.A. Centrifugal and turbine pump. (0. H. Jaeger) 20589 20823 18 Jan. 8 March 15 26 22 Feb. 5 April. Jack, A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Rim-protector for motor-car wheel Jack, A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Producing gas from hydrocarbon oil Jack, A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Generating gas from hydrocarbon oil Jaok, A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Gas-burner .. Jackson, J. D., Melbourne, Vic. Tap Jaeger, C. H., Leipzig-Plagwitz, Ger. (See Iuternational Steam Pump Company, No. 20823.) James, A., and another, London, Eng. Extracting gold Jenkins, W., Sheffield, Tas. Boot-sole attachment Johanson, C. G., Christchurch, N.Z. Hedge-cutter Johns, P. T., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Chimney-top Johnson, A. L., St. Louis, U.S.A. Corrugated bars Johnson, A. L., St. Louis, U.S.A. Corrugated bars Johnson, C. J., and another, Point Chevalier, N.Z. Smoke-con-sumer, &c. Johnson, C. J., and another, Point Chevalier, N.Z. Smoke-con-sumer, &o. Johnson, W., and another, Mount Roskill, N.Z. Window-screen .. Jones, L. M., and another, Toronto, Canada. (See Massey-Harris Company, Limited, No. 20787.) Jones. (See Moore-Jones.) Jordan, W. H., Ohristchurch, N.Z. Cooking range Juries, M., Wellington, N.Z. Signalling at night .. 20676 20469 5 Feb. 19 Dec, 1905.. 15 19 22 Feb.* 8 March. 20679 6 Feb. 22 22 March. 20697 20805 12 Feb. 5 March 22 26 22 March. 5 April.* 20654 20031 19355 20610 19090 20590 19291 27 Jan. 24 Jan. 17 April, 1905.. 23 Jan. 19 Feb., 1904| 18 Jan. 1 April, 1905.. 19 15 15 15 19 15 2 8 March. 22 Feb.* 22 Feb. 22 Feb.* 8 March. 22 Feb. 11 Jan. 19573 6 June, 1905.. 2 11 Jan. 20706 10 Feb. 20708 20522 12 Feb. 3 Jan. 19 6 8 March.* 25 Jan.* Keir, J., Sydenham, N.Z. (See P. and D. Duncan, Limited, Nos. 20724, 20792.) Kellam, A. E., Sydney, N.S.W. Brooch, &c, pin fastener Kelly, H. A. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Paper-holder Kelly, W. F. C, and another, London, Eng. Photographio dry plates Kendriok, C, Silverhope, N.Z. Saucepan, &c, lid Kenna, P. A., Sydney, N.S.W. Tobacco-pipe Kenuington> J., and another, Blenheim, N.Z. Washing and draining cabinet Keogh, H. P., Melbourne, Vio. Treating sulphide ores 20709 20815 20542 20886 20662 19372 13 Feb. 7 March 8 Jan. 21 March 31 Jan. 17 April, 1905.. 19 26 10 8 March.* 5 April.* 8 Feb. 19 8 March. 20530 5 Jan. 6 25 Jan.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


pp: lioal Aon. laze: te. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Killen, E. B., London,'Eng. Pneumatio tire Kirkpatrick, J. S., and another, Huntly, N.Z. Railway turn-table Klever, F. W., Cologne, Ger. Manufacture of oils .. .. Knight, F. G., Christohurch, N.Z. Tire-valve .. .. ..; Knojr, K , Otaki, N.Z. Candle-holder for sewing machine.. Kolling, C., Sydney, N.S.W. Goods elevator .. .. .. Krmpotic, D., Filzroy, Vic. Pea-shelling machine .. .. I Kyle, T. D., Marrickville, N.S.W. Preventing decomposition of fish, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Transposing music, &c. .. 20504 20512 20549 19294 20623 20483 19816 20525 20803 28 Deo., 1905 .. 3 Jan. 10 Jan. 3 April, 1905 23 Jan. 21 Dec, 1905.. 1 Aug., 1905.. 4 Jan. 2 March 10 6 10 26 15 10 6 10 8 Feb. 25 Jan.* 8 Feb. 5 April. 22 Feb.* 8 Fob. 25 Jan. 8 Feb. Lakin, F. A., and another, Napier, N.Z. Fencing-standard Laycock, W. S., Sheffield, Eng. Railway-carriage seat Le Blanc, M., and another, Paris, France. Ejector Ledgard, H., Hawera, N.Z. Horse-shoe.. Lee, S. G., and another, Auckland. N.Z. Kerosene-tin holder Leggo, A. V., Ballarat, Vic. Ore-furnaoo .. .. .. Leman, A., Auckland, N.Z. Boot-polisher .. .. ..I Lewis, I., Reefton, N.Z. Ballot-box .. .. .. .. Lewis, I., Iteefcon, N.Z. Building-material Lilienthal, G., Berlin, Ger. (See M. Squire, No. 20827.) Linotype and Machinery, Limited, London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 20523.) Little, J. R., Gisborne, N.Z. Steriliser .. .. .. .. Ljungstrom, F., Stockholm, Sweden. (See Aktiebolaget Separator. No. 20837.) Looking, B , Napier, N.Z. Weed and animal destruction Loone, A. W., Scottsdale, Tas. Bicycle toe-clip .. ..' Lowe, C. E., Motueka, N.Z. Currant-cleaner Lubbers, J. H., Pittsburg, U.S.A. (See Window Glass Machine Company, No. 20908.) Lundi-trom, E. L., Blythwood, N.Z. Cutting sheaf'bands.. Luttrell, A. E., Balmain, N.S.W. Botary pump .. .. 20754 20516 20531 20857 20678 20556 20551 20701 20702 21 Feb. 3 Jan. 6 Jan. 14 March 2 Feb. 10 Jan. 8 Jan. 5 Feb. 5 Feb. 26 15 19 5 April. 22 Feb. 8 March. io 8 Feb! 19 15 8 March.* 22 Feb.* 20590 14 Jan. 10 8 Feb.* 20406 20368 18927 5 Dec, 1905.. 23 Nov., 1905 .. 9 Jan., 1905 .. 19 2 6 8 March. 11 Jan. 25 Jan. 20928 20758 30 March 22 Feb. 26 5 April. Macalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Turnip-thinner Macdonald, S., and another, Puketeraki, N.Z. Crayfish-trap Macdonald, T. F., and others, Geraldton, Q. Diving dress Macfarlane, G. T., Woollahra, N.S.W. Derrick and winch Machine Made Casks, Limited, London, Eng. Cask-shaping maohlne. (W. Jamieson and R. Burn) Machine Made Casks, Limited, London, Eng. Cask. (R. Burn) .. Mackay, A., Auckland, N.Z. Strap for ladder .. .. Mackay, J. W., Auckland, N.Z. Prop-clip .. .. Maoky, J. J., Auckland, N.Z. Aerated-water bottle Macquisten, A. P. S., Glasgow, Scot. Separating solid particles Marconi, G., London, Eng. (See Marooni's Wireless Telegraph Company, Limited, No. 20880.) Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company, Limited, London, Eng. Wireless telegraphy. (G. Marconi) Marks, H. J., Toowoomba, Q. Hanging windows, &o. Marks, H. J., Toowoomba, Q. Chimney-top and ventilator Marr, A, Invercargill, N.Z. Curtain-pole support Martin, W. D., and another, Ashfield, N.S.W. Water-heater Massey-Harris Company, Limited, Toronto, Canada. Mower. (L. M. Jones and A. W. Watts) Masson, J. R., Melbourne, Vic Recovery of gold and antimony Mattassi, L. D., Melbourne, Vio. Chain book and link Matthews, J. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Loading ships .. Matthews, K., Auckland, N.Z. Manufacture of tobaoco Mawhinay, W. H., Dannevirke, N.Z. Fire-kindler MoCormick, C. H., Chicago, U.S.A. (See T. Bassett, No. 20610.) McCullough, W., and another, Thames, N.Z. Gold-saving machine McDonald, H. E., Petone, N.Z. Spanner McDonuld, H. E., Petone, N.Z. Pipe-wrench McDonald, H. E., Petone, N.Z. Pipe-wrench .. McDonald, H. E., Petone, N.Z. Egg-oarrier McDonald, H. E., Wellington, N.Z. Spanner McGinn, P. J., Salisbury, South Africa. Vehicle balance-adjuster .. McGregor, A., and others, Geraldton, Q. Diving-dress McGregor, E., and others, Turakina, N.Z. Sheep-shears McGregor, J., and others, Turakina, N.Z. Sheep-shears McGuire, J., Melbourne, Vic. Cooking-oven McKenzie, D., Auckland, N.Z. Easy chair McKenzie, D., Auckland, N.Z. Easy chair McKenzie, D., Auckland, N.Z. Easy chair McKenzie, R., Invercargill, N.Z. Artificial-minnow head .. McKewen, D. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Blinkers for racehorses MoKim, F. G., London, Eng. Tire MoKinnon, D., Christchurcb, N.Z. Seed-sower .. McLaurin, J. D., Pohangina, N.Z. Preventing fraud in hemp McLean, A., Ti-tree Point, N.Z. Motor-car wheel McLellan, M., Dunedin, N.Z. Polishing-compound Meddingn, W. G., Auckland, N.Z, Recording breakage of fire-pre-vention sprinkler Mehan, J. K., and others, Townsville, Q. Diving-dress Melville, F. M., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Curtain-pole bracket 20800 20774 20593 19427 20505 28 Feb. 23 Feb. 18 Jan. 4 May, 1905 .. 28 Dec, 1905 .. 26 26 10 10 10 5 April. * 5 April.* 8 Feb.* 8 Feb. 8 Feb. 20506 20940 20890 20903 20527 28 Dec, 1905.. 30 March '22 March 22 March 4 Jan. 10 8 Feb. 19 8 March. 20880 21 March 20620 20621 20830 20891 20787 23 Jan. 23 Jan. 8 Maroh 21 March 28 Feb. 15 15 26 22 Feb. 22 Feb. 5 April.* 26 5 April. 20626 19148 20756 20924 20646 '24 Jan. 28 Feb., 1905 .. 21 Feb. 30 March 26 Jan. 15 26 19 22 Feb.* 5 April. 8 March.* 16 22 Fab!* 20115 20559 20560 20561 20650 20866 20630 20593 20347 20347 20822 19441 20580 20905 20639 20761 19979 20625 20911 20920 20665 20605 25 Sept., 1905 10 Jan. 10 Jan. 10 Jan. 29 Jan. 16 March 24 Jan. 18 Jan. 22 Nov., 1905 22 Nov., 1905 8 March 6 May, 1905 .. 11 Jan. 26 March 25 Jan. 20 Feb. 5 Sept., 1908 24 Jan. 28 March 30 March 31 Jan. 18 Jan. 22 6 6 6 22 26 19 10 10 10 22 March. 25 Jan.* 25 Jan.* 25 Jan*. 22 March.* 5 April.* 8 March. 8 Feb.* S Feb.* 8 Feb.* 26 5 April. 19 22 15 8 Maroh.* 22 Maroh. 22 Feb.* 15 22 Feb.* 20593 20744 18 Jan. 15 Feb. 10 19 8 Feb.* 8 March.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

■VV' lical iion. air,' it. Name. Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Merralls, W. A., San Franoieoo, U.S.A. Mortar for stamp battery.. Michaelis, W.. Villingen-Baden, Ger. Sound produoer and recorder Michelle, J. H., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Curtain-pole bracket Mills, H. G., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Sifting and mixing machine Mitchell, H., Invercargill, N.Z. Brooch-fastening Monitor Shipping Corporation, Limited, The, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Eng. Vessel. (W. Petersen) Moore, G., London, Eng. Separating gold Moore-Jones, C. M., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Floor cleaner and polisher Morgan, D., Ararat, Vio. Riffling device for gold-saving Morgan, H., Roxburgh, N.Z. Gold-saving device Mortland, A., Kaiapoi, N.Z. Stand for wrapping-paper .. Mounce, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Operating rock-drills Mound City Dish Washer Company, St. Louis, U.S.A. (See A. W. G. Fitchett, No. 20604.) Mues, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Loading ships .. Mylius. (See Von Mylius.) 19421 18970 20744 20734 4 May, 1905 .. 14 April, 1904f 15 Feb. 13 Feb. 19 26 19 19 8 March. 5 April. 8 March.* 8 March.* 20575 19861 12 Dec, 1905 .. 10 Aug., 1905 .. 15 22 22 Feb.* 22 March. 20929 20802 30 Maroh 28 Feb. 20888 20753 20777 90677 •21 March 21 Feb. 26 Fob. 5 Feb. 15 22 Feb!* 20756 21 Feb. 19 8 Match.' Nelson, G., Napier, N.Z. Cooling oylinder of gas-compressor Nelson, G. M., and another, Warragnl, Vic. Disc plough .. Nicholls, A. E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Golosh.. Nicholson, J, Paddington, N.S.W. Separating gold Nield, D., Wellington, N.Z. Steam-engine regulator. (G. Hodgson) Nielsen, N., Maranui, N.Z. Roofing-tile Nilsson, F. 0., Stockholm, Sweden. (See N. Setterwall, No. 19318.) Noedl, R. A., Woodville, N.Z. Bicycle-pedal protector Noedl, R. A., Woodville, N.Z. Music-holder Noedl, R. C, Woodville, N.Z. Clothes-prop 20675 19183 20909 20856 20546 20773 5 Feb. 9 March, 1905 27 March 14 Maroh 9 Jan. 26 Feb. 22 26 6 22 March. 5 April.* 25 Jan.* 20649 20696 20029 27 Jan. 12 Feb. 13 Sept., 1905 15 15 26 22 Feb.* 22 Feb.* 5 April. Oddie, F. A., Waikino, N.Z. Pressure-vat O'Rourke, T. M., Matakitaki, N.Z. Scraper-attaohment to brushes Osborn, W. H., Bendigo, Vic. Culinary-receptacle handle Osborne, G., Tinwald, N.Z. Liquid-sprayer 20651 20541 20739 20600 29 Jan. 8 Jan. 28 Feb. 17 Jan. 15 6 22 10 22 Feb.* 25 Jan.* 22 March.* 8 Feb.* Paladini, R., Wellington, N.Z. Mail-bag fastener Park, J. R., Wellington, N.Z. Air-carburetter and gas-producer. (A. J. Way) Parker, A., Dannevirke, N.Z. Voting-machine .. Parker, F. W., Hobart, Tas. Rabbit-exterminator Parker, S., and another, Devonport, N.Z. Window-screen Parkes, J. N., and others, Townsville, Queensland. Diving-dress .. Parsons, C. A., Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Packing-device for turbineshaft Parsons, W., Papanui, N.Z. Curing milk-fever in cows Payne, C. J. H., and others, Lime Hills, N.Z. Railway-coupling .. Payne, F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Dredging-tumbler Payne, F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-dredge elevator-tray .. Payne, J. T., and others, Harrington, N.Z. Railway-coupling Payne, W. S, and others, Harrington, N.Z. Railway-coupling Peroival, W. E., Inglewood, N.Z. Louvre window Perkins, 0., Onehunga, N.Z. Pin-catch.. Peters, J. F., Auckland, N.Z. Baking-tin Petersen, W., Newcastle on-Tyne, Eng. (See The Monitor Shipping Corporation, Limited, No. 19861.) Phillips, E., Melbourne, Vic. Treating ores. (H. F. Brown) Phillips, E., Melbourne, Vio. Treatment of ores. (P. Gredt) Philpott, T. S., Wellington, N.Z. Window Pile, W. J., Puketeraki, N.Z. Crayfish-trap Pillatt, A. E., Stapleford, Eng. (See Pillatt and Co., Limited, No. 20643.) Pillatt and Co., Limited, Stapleford, Eng. Furnace. (A. E. Pillatt) Playter, H. C, and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Pioture-frame cramp Pohle, E. 0., Reno, U.S.A. Recovering values from ores Pomeroy, J., Invercargill, NZ. Signal-lamp Pomeroy, P. L., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Picture-frame oramp Printing Machinery Company, Limited, London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 20355.) Pulman, G., Auckland, N.Z. Curving - attachments to planingmachines Purchas, E. H., Ellesmere, N.Z. Oil-can 19518 20570 26 May, 1905 .. 13 Jan. 15 10 22 Feb. 8 Feb.* 19012 19627 20706 20593 20806 31 Jan., 1905 .. 26 June, 1905 10 Feb. 18 Jan. 20 April, 1905f 10 2 8 Feb. 11 Jan. "io 8 Feb.' , 20567 20923 20572 20645 20923 20923 19255 20931 20513 29 Jan. 28 March 11 Jan. 23 Jan. 28 March 28 March 27 March, 1905 28 March 3 Jan. 26 19 5 April.* 8 March. 15 22 Feb. 20583 20586 20457 20737 17 Jan. 17 Jan. 15 Dec.,1905.. 13 Feb. 19 10 26 19 8 March. 8 Feb.* 5 April. 8 Maroh.* 20643 20684 20778 20574 20684 25 Jan. 5 Feb. 27 Feb. 4 Dec, 1905.. 5 Feb. 22 22 26 15 22 22 March.* 22 March. 5 April. 22 Feb.* 22 Maroh. 20597 15 Jan. 19295 3 April, 1905.. 10 8 Feb. Quertier, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Tramway-rail dearer Quertier, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Tram-rail cleaner.. Quinnell, W. C, Wellington, N.Z. Milk pail and stool 19831 20581 20695 3 Aug., 1905 .. 16 Jan. 10 Feb. 15 15 15 22 Feb. 22 Feb. 22 Feb.* Ramstrom, C. A. F., Stockholm, Sweden. Centrifugal separator .. Rashleigh, J. H., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Buttercutter Rawnsley, H. T., Kaponga, N.Z. Harness Raymond, F. V., Invercargill, N.Z. Hair-curler.. Rayward, H. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Winoh and hoist Redrup, C. B., and another, London, Eng. Gas or oil engine Reid, A., Whangamomona, N.Z. Plough-coulter.. 20927 20566 30 March 12 Jan. 19 8 March.* 20934 20637 20914 19662 20919 31 March 19 Jan. 29 Maroh 3 July, 1905.. 29 March "l9 8 March. io 8 Feb.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


.pp] Ileal iion. izei Name, Address, and Invention No. Dat-. No. Date. Reichenbach, H. M., New York, U.S.A. (See G. G. Turri, No. 20783.) Rennie, J., Longwood, Vie. Wire-strainer Eeynell, G. F., Wellington, N.Z. Wire-mattress stretoher Reynolds, J., Hokitika, N.Z. Saw-set Rheinisch-Nassauische Bergwerks and Hutten-Actien-Gesellschaft, Stolberg, Germany. Ore-dressing. (A. Demuth) Richards, W. A., and another, London, Eng. Gas or oil engine Ridgway, G., Kalgoorlie, W.A. Filter .. Ridgwav, G., Kalgoorlie, W.A. Atmospherio filter Rigby, E. J., Malvern, Vic. Operating-hammer rook-drills Ritchie, E. J., Christchurch, N Z. Egg trap nest Roberts, J. S., Temuka, N.Z. Kerosene-tin handle Robertson, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Skim-milk delivery box and pump Robertson, J., Waitati, N.Z. Driving ditch-plough elevator Robertson, J., and another, Pukehiki, N.Z. Fence - bridle for animals Robertson, M., and another, Pukehiki, N.Z. Fence - bridle for animals Robson, R. H., Taihapa, N.Z. Building-block composition Rodgers, T. A., Tuapeka West, N.Z. Joining railway-rails Rogers, L. V., and another, London, Eng. Time-table and advertiser Rolfe, H. C. L., Waipawa, N.Z. Motor-car, &c, tire Rose, J., Wellington, N.Z. Clothes-washer Ro.?s, C. G., and others, Taihapo, N.Z. Sheep-shears Rush, J. H., Palmerston North, N.Z. Clothes-prop Ryan, J. S., Dunedin, N.Z. Flying machine Ryan, J. S., Dunedin, N.Z. Tram-rail cleaner .. 20897 20814 20895 20879 19662 20712 20819 20584 20598 19207 20692 20711 20732 20 March 6 March 22 Maroh 21 March 3 July, 1905 .. 14 Feb. 8 March 17 Jan. 18 Jan. 14 March, 1905 7 Feb. 8 Feb. 13 Feb. 10 22 26 10 10 10 22 8 Feb. 22 March. 5 April. , 8 Feb.* 8 Feb.* 8 Feb. 22 Maroh. 26 5 April. 20732 13 Feb. 26 5 April. 20459 20667 20517 20752 20757 20347 20782 20746 20899 15 Dec. 1905 .. 30 Jan. 3 Jim. 21 Feb. 22 Feb. 22 Nov., 1905 28 Feb. 19 Feb. 23 Maroh 19 19 10 8 Maroh. , 8 March. , 8 Feb. 19 10 8 March. , 8 Feb. , 19 8 March. , Samuel, M., and another, London, Eng. Oil-lamp Samuel, M., and another, London, Eng. Oil-lamp Srnnuel, R. O., and another, Melbourne, Vic Butter-outter Sankey, H., Auckland, N.Z. Saddle Searr, J. S., Hobart, Tas. Bush-vermin trap Scarr, J. S., Hobart, Tas. Portable bed .. Scharf, W. H., Montreal, Canada. (See W. H. Thomas, Nos. 20855 and 20892.) Scott, G., Halswell, N.Z. Sterilised-air injector .. Semb, F. G., Christchurch, N.Z. Billiard-recorder Serpollet, L., Paris, France. Steam engine or motor Serpollet, L., Paris, France. Steam-automobile .. Setterwall, N., Stockholm, Sweden. Centrifugal separator. (F. O. Nilsson) Severy, M. L., and another, Arlington, U.S.A. Electrical musical instrument Sewell, F., Okoia, N.Z. Noxious-weed exterminator Shadgett, W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Electric belt.. Shelton, F. J., Wellington, N.Z. Gas-heated tailor's stove Shephard, W., Adair S., N.Z. Blight-destroying composition Shepherd, J., and another, Hokitika, N.Z. Rotary engine Shilton, G. T., Greymouth, N.Z. (See J. Wilson, No. 20872.) Shoemaker, H., Jersey Citv, U.S.A. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 20741.) Silly, J. G., and another, Christchuroh, N.Z. Golosh Sinclair, G. B., and another, Winthrop, U.S.A. Electrical musical instrument Skeates, T. S., Devonport, N.Z. Tire-cover Slingsby, P. W., and others, London, Eng. Stamp or label affixer.. Sloane, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Tube-cutter 20715 20716 20925 20771 20031 20032 9 Dec, 1905f 9 Dec, 1905t 30 Maroh 2-2 Feb. 14 Sept., 1905 14 Sfpt., 1905 15 19 22 Feb! 8 March. 20104 20842 20528 20717 19318 27 Sept., 1905 13 March 4 Jan. 14 Feb. 7 April, 1905 26 5 April. 10 22 10 8 Feb. 22 March. 8 Feb. 20820 8 Maroh 26 5 April.* 19374 20089 20740 20494 20797 20 April, 1905 20 Sept., 1905 17 Feb. 22 Deo., 1905.. 2 Muroh 15 15 22 Feb. 22 Feb. 15 22 22 Feb.' , 22 March. , 20909 20820 27 March 8 March 26 5 April.* 19580 ■ 20539 20659 7 June, 1905.. 6 Jan. 30 Jan. 10 Feb. 22 10 26 19 26 22 March. 8 Feb.* 5 April.* 8 March. , 5 April. Smallbone, F. J. E., Invercargill, N.Z. Pioture-frame cramp Smith, A. W., and others, Lady Barkley, N.Z. Railway-coupling .. Smith, E. H., Otawbao, N.Z. Wire-strainer Smith, F. W., Kangiwahia, N.Z. Drawing off liquids Smith, H. G., Palmerston North, N.Z. Fencing-standard Smith, R. B., Beverley, W.A. Plough and cultivator Snodgrass, J., Johannesburg, Transvaal. Precipitating gold and silver Societe Anonyme Westinghouse, La, and another, Paris, France. Ejector. Speden, A. L., Timaru, N.Z. Door-lock Squire, M., Fairview, N Z. Fireproof house. (G. Lilienthal) Starr, C, and another, Huntley, N.Z. Railway turn-table Steele, F., Port Chalmers, N.Z. Crayfish-trap Steele, F., Port Chalmers, N.Z. Crayfish trap .. Steffensen, 0., Puketeraki, N.Z. Crayfish-pot S'ephenson, A. A., Perth, W.A. Oil-fuel vapouriser Stephenson, J. F., Glenferrie, Vic Bedstead and mattress Stetson, W. A., Boston, U.S.A. Spinning-machine Stevens, R., Christchuroh, N.Z. Milk cooler and aerator .. Stevenson, I., and another, Port Chalmers, N.Z. Stone-shoot for dredges Stevenson, J., and another, Waimate, N.Z. Animal-cover Stewart, R,, Woodlands, N.Z. Spreader for trace-chain .. Storey, H., Auokland, N.Z. Boiler 20700 20923 20918 20921 20767 20666 20587 20534 20615 20827 20512 20613 20737 20816 19240 20612 20930 20259 20736 28 March 29 March 30 March 22 Feb. 31 Jan. 17 Jan. 0 Jan. 18 Jan. 9 Maroh 3 Jan. 18 Jan. 13 Feb. 7 March 23 March, 1905 23 Jan. 23 March 31 Oct., 1905 .. 13 Feb. 26 19 19 15 6 15 19 26 26 22 5 April.* 8 Maroh. 8 March. 22 Feb.* 25 Jan.* 22 Feb. 8 March. , 5 April. 6 April. 22 March. , "l9 22 8 Maroh. 22 March. , 20745 20762 20755 19 Feb. 20 Feb. 21 Feb. 19 22 8 March. , 22 March. ,


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

2—H. 10.—07.


ppl ileal lion. 'azette Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. Storrie, A., Invercargill, N.Z. Turnip-thinner Storrie, A., Invercargill, N.Z. Goulter-attaohment to ridger Strachan, J., Boslyn, N.Z. Fan Stroud, L., and another, London, Eng. Locking-device .. Stubbs. F., Auokland, N.Z. Fixing tubes in steam boilers Suckling, H. J., Christchureh, N.Z. Cinder-sifter Suckling, J. H., Linwood, N.Z. Carburetter Sutcliffe, G. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Operating rock-drills Sweet, C. E., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Securing turbine-vanes .. 19534 20751 20614 20594 20472 20760 20898 20677 20881 25 May, 1905 .. 20 Feb. 18 Jan. 2 Feb., 1905f 18 Dec, 1905.. 21 Feb. 22 March 5 Feb. 20 April, 1905f 22 26 15 15 15 22 March. 5 April. 22 Feb.* 22 Feb. 22 Feb.* 15 26 22 Feb.'* 5 April. Tait, A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Treating flax Taylor, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Flushing-cistern Taylor, J. U.,Mirboo N., Vic. Bicycle-pump Taylor, S., Birmingham, Eng. Metallic coverings for roofs, buildings, &c Teaedale, M., Thames, N.Z. Lantern .. Thomas, A. E., Coolgardie, W.A. Rock-drill. (J. Arthur) Thomas, W. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Linotype-machine. (W. H. Scharf) Thomas. W. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Linotype-machine (W. H. Scharf) Thompson, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Horse-cover fastening Thompson, W. H., and another, Ohaiwa, N.Z. Preventing horses from kicking Thomson, A. T. M., London, Eng. Operating telephonic-exohange system Thomson, N. M., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Water-heater Todd, C, and another, Heriot, N.Z. Fruit-tree protector Todd, J., Otautan, N.Z. Spreader for draught-chains Toomath, E. B., Wellington, N Z. Treating flax-fibres Towusend, A. E., Dunedin, N.Z. Boot or shoe heel Trevellian, F. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Cash-register .. Trevethick, J., Auckland, N.Z. Broom or brush manufacture Trewhella, B., and another, Trentham, Vic. Lever-jack .. Trewhella, W., and another, Vic. Lever-jack Trudgeon, J. H., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Broad caster Tuck, C. J., Dannevirke, N.Z. Compasses Tuok, C. J., Dannnevirke, N.Z. Pulley-block Tuck, C. J., Dannevirke, N.Z. Shackle or link Tuck, C. J., Dannevirke, N.Z. Cart-saddle pocket Tucker, H. B., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Motor-wheel rim-protector Tukeka, M., and others, Ohau, N.Z. Hoe Turri, G. G., Melbourne, Vic Carburetter. (H. M. Reichenbach).. Tuttle, C. B., Lynn, U.S.A. (See United-Xpedite Finishing Company, No. 20514.) Twiss, H. T., Khandallah, N.Z. Milk-can 20955 20622 20917 20779 20890 20853 20855 20892 20933 20519 20725 20891 20808 20557 19410 20571 20673 20686 20661 20661 20871 20703 20704 20875 20876 20676 31 March 23 Jan. 29 March 27 Feb. 21 Maroh 14 March 14 March 22 March 29 March 3 Jan. 15 Feb. 21 Maroh 6 March 10 Jan. 1 May, 1905 .. 1 Feb. 2 Feb. 8 Feb. 31 Jan. 31 Jan. 14 March 12 Feb. 12 Feb. 20 March 20 March 5 Feb. 15 26 26 26 15 19 22 Feb. 5 April. 5 April.* 5 April.* 22 Feb.* 8 March. 15 22 Feb!* 22 22 22 March. 22 March. 22 15 22 March.* 22 Feb.* 15 22 Feb!* 19185 20783 9 March, 1905 28 Feb. 19 26 8 March. 5 April. 20836 13 March 26 5 April.* Ullrich, G., Broken Hill, N.S.W. Classifying ores Ullrich, G., Broken Hill, N.S.W. Magnetic separator United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Perforatingmachine. (L. W. G. Flynt) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Fasteningsinserting machine. (L. A. Casgrain) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Sewing-ma-chine. (E. E. Winkley) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Sole-pressing pad. (H. A. Davenport) Uoited-Xpedite Finishing Company, Berwick, U.S.A. Heel-finish-ing maohine. (C. B. Tuttle) Universal Patent Bottle Company, Limited, Newcastle, N.S.W. Bottle. (A. Houseman and L. Weichert) 20846 20847 19271 14 Maroh 14 March 30 March, 1905 26 26 2 5 April.* 5 April.* 11 Jan. 19272 30 Maroh, 1905 19 8 March. 19273 30 Maroh, 1905 6 25 Jan. 20554 10 Jan. 6 25 Jan.* 20514 3 Jan. 2 11 Jan.* 20089 20 Sept., 1905 15 22 Feb. Vaughan, F. A., Wellington, N.Z. Door Von Mylius, C. H., and another, Burnley, Vic Smoke oonsumer .. Von Mylius, T. P., and another, Burnley, Vic. Smoke-consumer .. Voorhees, G. T., Boston, U.S.A. Fluid-compressor 18994 20663 20663 19304 26 Jan., 1905.. 31 Jan. 31 Jan. 5 April, 1905 6 22 22 10 25 Jan. 22 Maroh. 22 March. 8 Feb. Waddington, E. H., Masterton, N.Z. Cinder-sifter Wagenhorst, J. H., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Securing turbine-vanes Walker, J. A., Auckland, N.Z. Chair seat and baok Walker, J. J., London, Eng. Music-recorder Walker, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Milk-strainer Walker, R., Invercargill, N.Z. Mitre-box Walker, W., Hayward's, N.Z. Cow'e-teat opener Walters, T., Brisbane, Q. Utilising heat of stoves Walters, T., Brisbane, Q. Damper Walters, T., Brisbane, Q. Non-refillable bo.ttle. (J. B. Henderson) Walton, F. J., and another, London, Eng. Timetable and advertiser Ward, A. E. B., Cromwell, N.Z. (See F. E. Ward, No. 20738.) Ward, F. E., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving appliance. (A. E. B. Ward) Warren, G. R., Onehunga, N.Z. Priming coat for paint-work Waters, E. N., Melbourne, Vic. Mortar for crushing-mill. (J. H. Hendy) 20873 20867 20693 20503 20801 20913 19200 20906 20907 20915 20517 19 Maroh 18 March, 1905f 8 Feb. 28 Dec, 1905 .. 2 March 28 Maroh 28 March, 1905 24 March 24 Maroh 29 Maroh 3 Jan. 15 10 "6 22 Feb.* 8 Feb. 25 Jan. io 8Feb! 20738 13 Feb. 22 22 March.* 20707 20526 10 Feb. 4 Jan. 22 10 22 March.* 8 Feb.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent -continued.



Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Wathew, T. J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Kerosene-tin holder.. Watson, G. A., Mataura, N.Z. Milk strainer fastening Watts, A. W., and another, Toronto, Canada. (See Massey-Harri-i Company, Limited, No. 20787.) Way, A. J., Wellington, N.Z. Air-carburetter and gas-producer Way, A. J., Wellington, N.Z. Air-carburetter and gas-producer Way, A. J., Wellington, N.Z. (See J. B. Park, No. 20570.) Weekley, W. T., Kalgoorlie, W.A. Treating slimes Weichert, L., and another, Charlestown, N.S.W. (See The Universal Patent Bottle Company, Limited, No. 20148.) Wereta, T., and others, Ohau, N.Z. Hoe Weston, P. L., Darlington, N.S.W. Milling-machine Weston, R., Sydenham, N.Z. Cycle pedal-strap .. Westropp, G. W., and another, Ashburton, N.Z. Harness Wheeler, W. C, and another, Clevedon, N.Z. Milk-delivery box, &c. Whiley, F., and others, Ohau, N.Z. Hoe Whiley, R., jun., and others, Ohau, N,Z. Hoe Whitaker, R.,New Brunswick, U.S.A. (See Brunswick Refrigerating Company, Nos. 20883, 20884, arid 20885.) Whitelegg, R. H., Forest Gate, Eng. Engine blast-pipe Whitney, A., Melbourne, Vic. Target and shooting-range Widdop, T. S. A., and others, Newport, Vic. Operating railwaybrakes Wilkinson, F., Petone, N.Z. Spouting-bracket .. Wilkinson, J., Paeroa, N.Z. Mono-wheel vehicle.. Williams, A., Auckland, N.Z. Trolley-pole adjuster Williams, A., Auckland, N.Z. Tin-opener Williams, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Hot well .. Williams, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Siftingsoreen Williams, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Sluice-box Willeon, T. L., Ottawa, Canada. Buoy .. Wilson, A. A., and another, Westport, N.Z. Pen or pencil carrier .. Wilson, A. B., Brisbane, Q. Line-spacer for typewriter Wilson, J., Chiistchurch, N.Z. Toothache-cure. (G. T. Shilton) .. Wilson, W., Auckland, N.Z. Button-hole fitting Window Glass Maohine Company, Pittsburg, U.S.A. Drawing hollow glass. (J. H. Lubbers) Winkley, E. E., Lynn, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Maohinery Company, No. 19273.) Withers, C. H., Palmerston North, N.Z. Bath Wood, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Acetylene-generator Wood, H., and others, London, Eng. Burner Wood, H. A. W., New York, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 20355.) Wood, W. H., Petersburg, S. Australia. Railway-brake Woodhouse, A. E., Kew, Vic. Electric-conductor conduit Woods, M., and another, Carlton, Vie Dressing rails Woodward, J. A., Auckland, N.Z. Brace and trouser adjustment .. Woolcott, H. S, and another, Wellington, N.Z. Paint Wootton, S., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Sifting and mixing machine Wright, P., Durban, Natal. Gold, &c, extraotor.. 20678 20865 2 Feb. 15 March 26 5 April.* 20536 20587 C Jan. 6 Jan. 10 10 8 Feb.* 8 Feb.* 20784 28 Feb. 22 22 March.* 19185 19334 19689 20910 20692 19185 19185 9 March, 1905 12 April, 1905 5 July, 1905 .. 27 March 7 Feb. 9 March, 1905 9 March, 1905 19 6 15 8 March. 25 Jan. 22 Feb. 22 19 19 22 Maroh. 8 March. 8 March. 20553 20578 20788 10 Jan. 11 Jan. 28 Feb. 15 10 22 22 Feb. 8 Feb.* 22 March.* 18704 20085 20858 20859 20688 20689 20G90 20548 20807 20552 20872 20922 20908 5 Nov., 1904 .. 8 Feb. 12 March 12 March 9 Feb. 9 Feb. 9 Feb. 10 Jan. 6 March 10 Jan. 1G March 26 March 21 March 15 15 26 26 10 22 Feb. 22 Feb.* 5 April.* 5 April.* 8 Feb. 6 25 Jan.* 20729 20577 20487 15 Feb. 13 Jan. 21 Dec, 1905.. 'io 10 8 Feb.* 8 Feb. 20629 20843 20887 20611 20647 20734 24 Jan. 14 March 21 March 20 Jan. 27 Jan. 13 Feb. 22 26 15 15 19 22 March. 5 April.* 22 Feb.* 22 Feb.* 8 March.* 20545 9 Jan. 26 5 April.* Yesell, W. J., New York, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 19214.) 19196 13 March, 1905 6 Zoeller, C, and another, Brisbane, Q. Calf-dehorner 25 Jan.

* Denotes a provisional 'rade Marks Act, 1889." speoi ical iion. 'enotes a prior ;e uni ler section li 'atents, 'esigns, am Invention. Name. No. A Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Account-book, Loose-leaf Acetylene-generator Acetylene-generator Advertising-apparatus Advertising goods Aerated drinks, Producing Aerated-water bottle Aerating-machine .. ,. Air-brake coupling Air-oarburetter and gas-producer Air-carburetter and gas-producer H. M. Douglas A. Wood G. F. Hutchinson F. J. Walton and L. V. Rogers .. J. Craig A.-J. Billows .. J. J. Maoky H. W. F. Eaton W. Buchanan A. J. Way A. J. Way 19164 20577 20821 20517 20832 20719 20903 20935 20785 20536 20537 3 March, 1905 13 Jan. 8 March 3 Jan. 9 Match 14 Feb. 22 March 20 March 28 Feb. 6 Jan. 6 Jan. 10 10 20 10 Feb. 8 Feb.* 5 April.' 8 Feb. 19 8 March. 10 10 8 Feb." 8 Feb.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


App] lioul iion. '■azete. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Air-carburetter and gas-producer Air-compressor Air, Removing foul Amalgamator and concentrator Animal and weed destruction Animal-cover Anti-fraudulent bottle J. E. Park J. Gill G. Burney J. R. Harrison .. B. Locking J. Stevenson and J. Atwill The Universal Patent Bottle Company, Limited J. B. Masson R.E.Brett L. Serpollet J. P. Cowdery H. M. Butler .. 20570 20644 20759 19567 20406 20745 20148 13 Jan. 25 Jan. 22 Feb. 7 June,1905 5 Dec, 1905 19 Feb. 6 Oct. 10 22 6 19 8 Feb.* 22 March. 25 Jan.' 8 Maroh.* 15 22 Feb.' Antimony and gold, Recovery of Astronomical instrument Automobile, Steam Axle-lubricator Axle, Road-vehicle 20626 20861 20717 20569 20563 24 Jan. 15 March 14 Feb. 12 Jan. 11 Jan. 15 26 22 10 19 22 Feb.* 5 April. , 22 Maroh. 8 Feb.* 8 Maroh. Baking-tin Balance. (See Vehicle-balance, Windowsash balance.) Ballot-box .. .. .. Bath Bearing for plough, &c, wheels Bearings for shafts Bed, Portable Bedstead and mattress Belt, Eleotric J. F. Peters 20513 3 Jan. I. Lewis G. H. Withers W. Brew J. H. Gray J. S. Scarr J. F. Stephenson R. J. Burlton-Bennet and W. Shadgett P. L. Weston .. R. A. Noedl J. U. Taylor A. W. Loone F. G. Semb F. A. Alcook .. D. S. Baird R. W. Campbell R. H. Whitelegg W. Shephard .. 20701 20729 19558 20362 20032 20612 20089 5 Feb. 15 Feb. 5 June, 1905 23 Nov., 1905 14 Sept., 1905 23 Jan. 20 Sept., 1905 19 20 10 19 22 18 8 Maroh.* 5 April. 8 Feb. 8 March. 22 March.* 22 Feb. Bevel-gear milling-machine Bicycle-pedal protector Bicycle pump Bicycle toe-clip Billiard-recorder Billiard-table pocket Binder, Loose-leaf Blacking for harness Blast-pipe for locomotive Blight-destroying composition Blight. (See also Potato-blight.) Blind-fittings Blind-cord fastener Blinkers for racehorses Block or pulley Block. (See also Building-block, Woodpaving block) Boiler Boiler and steamer Boiler. (See also Steam-boiler.) Book. (See Account-book.) Boot-fastening Boot or shoe heel Boot or shoe heel Boot or shoe tree Boot-polisher Boot-repairing jack Boot-sole attachment Boot-upper Bottle. (See Aerated-water bottle, Antifraudulent bottle, Non-refillable bottle.) Bowls, Distance-gauge for Box. (See Ballot-box, Cardboard-box, Horse-feed box, Milk-delivery box, Mitre-box, Sluioe-box.) Brace and trouser adjustment Bracket. (See Curtain - pole bracket, Spouting-bracket.) Brackets, Wooden, for buildings Brake. (See Railway - brake, Westinghouse brake.) Brake-grip for oars Branding machine, Cask-Brick-press Bricks, Composition for Bridle Broad caster 19334 20649 20917 203B8 20842 20634 20636 20813 20553 20494 12 April, 1905 27 Jan. 29 March .. 23 Nov., 1905 13 Maroh 24 Jan. 24 Jan. 6 March 10 Jan. 22 Dec. 6 15 25 Jan. 22 Feb.* 2 11 Jan." 15 19 22 Feb.'* 8 March. 15 15 22 Feb! 22 Feb.* H. A. Atkinson .. E. A. Evans D. W. MoKewen .. C. J. Tuck 18772 20670 20761 20704 19 Nov., 1904 1 Feb. 20 Feb. 12 Feb. 6 15 19 15 25 Jan. 22 Feb.* 8 March.* 22 Feb.* H. Storey R. W. Fairbrother 20755 19379 21 Feb. 20 April, 1905 22 19 22 March.* 8 Maroh. C. Archer R. Barnes A. E. Townsend W. E. Hughes A. Leman .. .. .." J. Bell W. Jenkins E. Crook 20932 20484 20671 20591 20551 19851 20631 20660 29 Maroh 21 Dec, 1905 1 Feb. 18 Jan. 8 Jan. 8 Aug., 1905 24 Jan. 31 Jan. io 8Feb! 15 Iβ 26 22 Feb. 22 Feb.* 5 April.* T. R. George 20624 23 Jan. 19 8 Maroh.* J. A. Woodward 20611 20 Jan. 15 22 Feb.* W. Henry 20750 20 Feb. 26 5 April.* J. E. P. Cannell J. Ingle and W. J. Green E. T. C. Firth .. R. H. Robson .. M. and J. Robertson B. F. Cranwell, C. F. F. Allan, and J. H. Trudgeon R. Dunne A. E. Kellam H. Mitchell W. J. Healey A. Edmond J. Trevethick C. Grueneberg .. C. Grueneberg T. M. O'Rourke J. W. Fowler .. R. H. Robson H. A. Goddard 20775 20589 20811 20459 20732 20871 23 Feb. 18 Jan. 3 March .. 15 Dec, 1905 13 Feb. 14 Maroh 22 15 26 19 26 22 March.* 22 Feb. 5 April. 8 March.* 5 April. Brooch Brooch-fastener Brooch-fastening Brooch-fastening Brooch-pin fastening Broom or brush manufacture Brush Brush drill and tufter Brush-soraper attachment Buffer-attachment to door Building-block composition Building in concrete 20608 20709 20575 20618 20718 20686 20521 20520 20541 20601 20459 20638 19 Jan. 13 Feb. 12 Dec, 1905 23 Jan. 14 Feb. 8 Feb. 3 Jan. 3 Jan. 8 Jan. 19 Jan. 15 Dec, 1905 22 Jan. 10 19 15 15 22 8 Feb.* 8 March.* 22 Feb.* 22 Feb.* 22 Maroh. 0 10 19 22 25 Jan.* 8 Feb.* 8 March.* 22 March.


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


lPP licai iion. '(!::<!■ !«. Invention. Name. No. No. Date. Date. Building-material Building-material, Hoisting, &c. Building, Sheet-metal covering for Buildings, Brackets for ornamenting .. Buildings, Metallic coverings for Buoy Burner, Heating and illuminating Burner. (See Gas-burner, Incandescent burner.) Bush-vermin trap Butter-cutter Butter-cutter Button-hole fitting I. Lewis N. A. H. Abel J. Christie W. Henry S. Taylor T. L. Willson H. Braby 20702 20727 20739 20750 20779 20548 193G7 5 Feb. 15 Feb. 13 Feb. 20 Feb. 27 Feb. 10 Jan. 19 April, 1905 15 11) ■20 26 10 22 22 Feb.* 8 March. , 5 April.* 5 April. 8 Feb. 22 March. J. S. Scarr B. Halpin and J. H. Rashleigh .. B. O. Samuel and F. C. Carter .. W. Wilson 20031 205GG 20925 20922 14 Sept., 1905 12 Jan. 30 March 26 March .. 15 19 22 Feb. 8 March.* Cabinet. (See Hat and clothing cabinet, Washing and draining cabinet.) Calf and lamb feeder Calf-dehorner Californian-thistle exterminator Can for boiling water Can. (See Milk-can, Oil-can.) Candle-holder for sewing machine Car. (See Motor-car.) Carburetter. (See Air-carburetter.) Carburetter .. .. .. Carburetter Cardboard box manufacture .. Card-game Carrier. (See Egg-oarrier, Timber-carrier.) Cart-saddle pocket Cash-register Cask Cask-branding machine Cask-shaping machine Caster, Broad A. J. Buckland C. Zoeller and J. Hodge.. G. T. Booth J. Bonner K. Knox G. G. Turrie J. H. Suckling .. W". R. Comings L. H. Burgoyne 19376 19196 20GG8 20835 20623 20783 20898 20878 20672 20 April, 1905 13 March 31 Jan. 10 March 23 Jan. 28 Feb. 22 March 21 March 2 Feb. 19 6 J 5 15 26 8 March. 25 Jan. 22 Feb.* 22 Feb.* 5 April. 19 8 March.* C. J. Tuck F. H. Trevellian Machine-nude Casks, Limited J. Ingle and W. J. Green Machine-made Casks, Limited B. F. Cranwell, C. F. F. Allan, and J. H. Trudgeon J. Brooks C. Perkins A. S. Frost N. Setterwall .. C. A. F. Ramstrom L. D. Mattassi .. 20876 20673 20506 20589 20505 20871 20 March 2 Feb. 28 Dec, 1905 18 Jan. 28 Dec, 1905 14 Maroh 1,3 10 15 10 22 Feb.* 8 Feb. 22 Feb. 8 Feb. Castings, Flask or core for Catch for pin Cattle-ringing instrument Centrifugal separator Centrifugal separator Chain-link Chain. (See Draught-chain,Trace-ohain.) Chair, &c, Elastio feet for Chair seat and baok, Movable Chair. (See Deck-chair, Easy ohair.) Chart, DressChimney Chimney-top Chimney-top and ventilator Cinder-sifter Cinder-sifter Cistern, FlushingCleaner. (See Currant-cleaner, Floorcleaner, Rail-cleaner, Seed and grain •cleaner, Tram-rail cleaner.) Clearing rails .. .. .. I Clip. (See Prop-clip, Toe-clip.) Clothes-peg .. .. .. Clothes-prop Clothes-prop Clothes-washer Coal, Unloading, from railway-trucks .. Collar, HorseCompasses Compressor. (See Air-compressor, Fluidcompressor, Gas-compressor.) Concentrator, OreConcrete building Concrete column Conorete metal-plated sleeper Concrete sleeper Cooking-oven Cooking-range Cooler. (See Cream-cooler, Milk-cooler.) Cord fastener, BlindCorrugated bars Corrugated bars Coulter-attachment to ridger Coulter of plough Coupling. (See Air-brake coupling, Hoseooupling, Railway - coupling, Turncoupling.) Cover. (See Animal-cover, Horse-oover, Tire-cover.) E. W.Ackland .. J. A. Walker A. E. Halkier .. A. T. W. Allan .. T. Driffield and P. T. Johns H. J. Marks H. J. Suckling E. H. Waddington A. Taylor H. Quertier A. Curwood J. H. Rush R. C. Noedl J. Rose A. G. Davies R. H. Carter .. C. J. Tuck 20585 20931 20602 19318 20927 19148 20864 20693 207G8 20781 20616 20621 20760 20873 20622 19831 20863 20782 20029 20757 20824 20772 20703 17 Jan. 28 March 19 Jan. 7 April, 1905 30 March 28 Feb., 1905 14 March 8 Feb. 19 Feb. 24 Feb. 23 Jan. 23 Jan. 21 Feb. 19 March 23 Jan. 3 Aug., 1905 15 March 28 Feb. 13 Sept., 1905 22 Feb. G March 24 Feb. 12 Feb. 15 io 10 26 15 15 15 15 15 26 26 19 26 at; 22 22 Feb. 8 Feb.'* 8 Feb. 5 April. 22 Feb.* 22 Feb.* 22 Feb. 22 Feb! 22 Feb. 5 April.* 5 April. 8 March.* 5 April.* 5 April.* 22 March.* J. R. Harrison H. A. Goddard .. R. A. Cummings A. T. C. Firth .. A. T. C. Firth .. J. McGuire W. H. Jordan .. 19567 20638 20641 20550 20769 20822 20708 7 June, 1905 22 Jan. 25 Jan. G Jan. 19 Feb. 8 Mar. 12 Feb. 6 2-2, 26 6 26 25 Jan. 22 March. 5 April. 25 Jan.* 5 April. 19 8 March.* E. A. Evans A. L. Johnson .. A. L. Johnson A. Storrie A. Reid 20G70 19090 20590 20751 20919 1 Feb. 19 Feb., 1904f 18 Jan. 20 Feb. 29 March 15 19 15 26 22 Feb.* 8 March. 22 Feb. 5 April.


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.


Invention. Name. A] No. Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. I Cows, Curing milk-fever in Cows, Kicking-strap for Cramp. (See Flooring arid ceiling cramp, Picture-frame cramp.) Crane, Diay-loading Crayfish-pot Crayfiah-trap Crayfish-trap Crayfish-trap Crayfish-trap Cream and milk cooler and aerator Cream-cooler Cream-separator tube Crushing mill mortar Cuff-protector Cultivator and plough, Stump-jump Currant cleaner and stripper Curtain-pole bracket Curtain-pole support Curtain-ring Curtain-suspender Cutter for calf-dehorner Cutter. (See also Butter-cutter, Hedgecatter, Lamb's-tail cutter, Tubo-cutter.) Cutting sheaf-bands .. Cyanide - solutions, Precipitating gold, &c, from Cycle pedal-strap W. Parsons J. L. Heckler .. P. and D. Dunoan, Limited C. Steffensen .. P. Steele 0. P. M. Benson F. Steele and W. J. Pile 0. P. M. Benson and S. Macdonald T. Carter J. J. Healy G. Bergner E. N. Waters .. R. Dunne R. B. 8mith C. E. Lowe J. H. Michelle and F. M. Melville A. Marr C. H. Fullbrook A. A. Gibbs C. Zoeller and J. Hodge.. 20567 20870 20792 20816 20613 20736 20737 20774 20731 18928 20838 20526 20609 20666 18927 20744 20830 19510 20848 19196 29 Jan. 16 March .. 28 Feb. 7 March 18 Jan. 13 Feb. 13 Feb. 23 Feb. 7 Deo., 1905 9 Jan., 1905 10 March 4 Jan. 19 Jan. 31 Jan. 9 Jan., 1905 15 Feb. 8 March 25 May, 1905 14 March 13 March, 1905 22 26 15 V.) 1>J 26 26 2 10 15 15 6 19 26 1' J 22 Maroh.* 5 April. 22 Feb. 8 March.* 8 March.* 5 April.* 5 April. 11 Jan. 8 Feb. 22 Feb.* 22 Feb.* 25 Jan. 8 March.* 5 April.* 8 March. '('; 25 Jan. E. L. Lundstrom J. Snodgrass 20928 20587 30 March 17 Jan. 19 8 March. R. Weston 19689 5 July, 1905 15 22 Feb. Damper for stove Deck-chair Derrick Disc plough Disc plough .. .. .. .. ! Dish-wasner .. .. Distance-gauge for bowls .. Ditch-plough elevator, Driving Diving-dress T. Walters E. R. Godward G. T. Maofarlane G. M. Nelson and R. Cleghorn ' P. and D. Dunoan, Limited i A. W. G. Fitchett T. R. George .. J. Robertson A. MoGregor, J. N. Parkes, J. K. Mehan, and T. F. Macdonald F. A. Vaughan J. W. Fowler .. A. L. Speden .. H. J. Marks .. T. Bassett E. F. Chatfield.. N. W. Gosling and J. Kennington J. Todd E. R. Godward F. W. Payne I. Stevenson and J. Cook F. W. Payne A. E. Halkier 20907 20607 19427 19183 20724 20604 20024 20711 20593 24 March 19 Jan. 4 May, 1905 9 March, 1905 13 Feb. 19 Jan. 23 Jan. 8 Feb. 18 Jan. 10 10 22 19 8 Feb.* 8 Feb. 22 March. 8 March.* 19 8 March.* io 8 Fob'.'* Door Door, Buffer-attachment to Door-lock Doors, Hanging .. .. Draft of binder, reaper, &c. .. .. I Drainer for fish, &c. .. .. Draining and washing cabinet .. j Draught-chains, Spreader for .. j Draw-off pipe for tanks .. Dredge-elevator tray .. .. .. ' Dredge, Stone-shoot for .. .. j Dredging-tumbler Dress chart Drill. (See Brush-drill, Rock-drill, Wood-drill.) Driving reins 18994 20601 20615 20620 20610 20511 19372 20557 18984 20645 20735 20572 20768 26 Jan., 1905 19 Jan. 18 Jan. 23 Jan. 20 Jan. 3 Jan. 17 April, 1905 10 Jan. 24 Jan., 1905 23 Jan. 13 Feb. 11 Jan. 19 Feb. 6 10 15 16 10 1!) 15 6 19 '2-2 26 25 Jan. 8 Feb.* 22 Feb.' 22 Feb. 8 Feb.* 8 March. 22 Feb.* 25 Jan. 8 March. 22 March.* 5 April.* T. Higgle 19138 25 Feb., 1905 22 Feb. 15 Easy chair Easy chair Easy chair Egg-beater Egg-beater .. .. .. .. | Egg-carrier .. .. .. Egg-carrier .. .. .. .. | Egg trap nest for poultry .. Eggs in dry form .. .. .. Ejector D. MoKenzie D. McKenzie .. D. MoKenzie H. M. Crimp E. R. Godward.. J. G. Dawson H. E. MoDonald E. J. Ritchie .. J. R. Hatmaker La Sooiete Anonyme Westinghouse and M. Leblano E. W. Ackland .. R. J. Burlton-Bennet and W. Shadgett J. P. Campbell .. W. E. Hughes .. J. P. Campbell A. E. Woodhouse A. G. Betts E. W. and G. H. Buekeridge J. P. Campbell M. L. Severy and G. B. Sinclair .. F. W. Payne .. 20580 20905 19441 20850 20C58 20877 20650 20598 20515 20534 11 Jan. 26 Maroh 6 May, 1905 14 March .. 30 Jan. 20 March .. 29 Jan. 18 Jan. 2 Jan., 1905f 6 Jan. 26 26 15 26 2-2 10 6 19 5 April. 5 April.* 22 Feb.* 5 April.* 22 March.* 8 Feb.* 25 Jan. 8 March. Elastic feet for ohair or table Eleotric belt 20864 20089 14 March 20 Sept., 1905 22 Feb.' 15 Electric circuit, equalising load in Electric motor, Alternating-current Electric-motor rotating-apparatus Electrical conductor conduit.. Electrical conductor Electrical oonductor .. Electrical distribution Electrical musical instrument Elevator-tray for dredge Elevator. (See Ditch-plough elevator, Goods-elevator.) Engine. (See Gas or oil engine, Internal - combustion engine, Rotary engine, Steam-engine.) 20628 20592 20642 20843 20533 20828 20713 20820 20645 24 Jan. 18 Jan. 25 Jan. 14 March .. 6 Jan. 9 March .. 14 Feb. 8 March .. 23 Jan. 19 IS 19 ■26 10 26 26 19 8 Maroh. 22 Feb. 8 March. 5 April.* 8 Feb. 5 April.* 22 Maroh. 5 April.* 8 March.


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.


■I'! , ' lication. fOM! 'e. Invention. Name. No. No. Date. Date. I Envelope and message form Envelopes, Affixing stamps to.. H. G. Cornwall H. Hadida, S. F. Gross, and P. W. Slingsby T. and W. B. Cooks 20749 20539 20 Feb. 6 Jan. 23 10 22 March.* 8 Feb.* Extension-table 20766 21 Feb. Fan Fastener. (See Blind - cord fastener, Brooch - fastener, Mail - bag fastener, Window-iastener.) Fastening. (See Boot-fastening, Broochfastening, Horse-cover fastening, Milkstrainer fastening.) Fastenings-inserting machine.. Fat and wool from fleshings, Extracting Feeder. (See Calf and lamb feeder, Poultry-feeder.) Fence-bridle for animals Fencing-standard Fencing-standard Fencing-standard Fencing-staple, Withdrawing Fibre. (See Flax.) Filter, Atmospheric Filter, Atmospheric Fire-esoape Fire-escape Fire-kindler Fire - prevention sprinkler, Recording breakage of Fire-proof house Fish, Preventing decomposition of Flask or core for castings Flax-dressing Flax-fibre, Treating Flax-treatment Floor cleaner and polisher Floor-polisher Flooring and ceiling cramp Fluid-compressor Flushing-cistern Flying-machine Fork. (See Toasting-fork.) Form, Message and envelope Friction-hoist Fruit-tree protector .. Fuel-economiser Fuel-economiser Furnace and furnace-bars Furnace. (See Ore-furnaco, Smoke-con-suming furnace.) J. Straehan 20614 18 Jan. 15 22 Feb.* United Shoe Machinery Company H. C. Becker .. 30 March, 1905 14 Maroh . 8 March. 5 April.* 19272 20849 19 20 M. and J. Robertson H. G. Smith H. Butters and F. A. Lakin A. T. W. Allan J. E. Holland 20732 20767 20754 19584 20694 13 Feb. 22 Feb. 21 Feb. 9 June, 1905 10 Feb. 26 26 26 15 15 5 April. 5 April.* 5 April. 22 Feb. 22 Feb.* G. Ridgway G. Ridgway J. J. Bryers G. S. W. Dalrymple W. H. Mawhinay I W. G. Meddings 20712 20819 20599 20747 20646 20605 14 Feb. 8 March 17 Jan. 20 Feb. 26 Jan. 18 Jan. 2'2 26 15 22 March. 5 April.* 22 Feb. is 15 22 Feb.* 22 Feb.* M. Squire T. D. Kyle J. Brooks D. Hartwell E. B.Toomath .. A. L. J. Tait D. Gilmour and G. M. Moore-Jones W. E. Garey and F. Castle H. V. Gazzard .. G. T.Voorheea .. A. Taylor J. S. Ryan 20827 20525 20585 20874 19410 20955 20802 20902 20776 19304 20622 20746 9 March 4 Jan. 17 Jan. 19 March .. 1 May, 1905 31 March 2.8 Feb. 21 March 23 Feb. 5 April, 1905 23 Jan. 19 Feb. 10 15 20 19 8 Feb. 22 Feb. 5 April.* 8 March. 26 L0 15 19 5 April.* 8 Feb. 22 Feb. 8 Maroh.* H. G. Cornwall E. Henshall C. Harris and C. Todd .. C. J. Johnson and J. Carlaw C. J. Johnson and J. Carlaw : Pillatt and Co., Limited 20749 20558 20808 19291 19573 20643 20 Feb. 10 Jan. 6 March 1 April, 1905 6 June, 1905 25 Jan. 22 6 26 2 '2 22 22 March.* 25 Jan.* 5 April.* 11 Jan. 11 Jan. 22 March.* Game. (See Card-game.) Game apparatus Game-marker Gas-burner .. Gae-compressor, Cooling cylinder < f Gas-generation Gas or oil engine Gas-heated tailors' stove Gas-producer Gas-producer Gas-producer Gas-production Gas-regulator, Hanging for .. Generator. (See Acetylene-generator.) Glass, Drawing hollow Gold and antimony, Recovery of Gold and silver, Precipitating Gold, Extraction of .. Gold, Extraction of .. Gold-extraotor Gold-saving appliance Gold-saving machine Gold-saving device Gold-saving Gold-separator Gold, Separating Golosh Goods-elevator Grain and seed cleaner Grain and setd cleaner E, H. Bock D. Colquboun A. Jack G. Nelson A. Jack W. A. Richards and C. B. Redrup F. J. Shelton A. J. Way A. J. Way J. R. Park A. Jack E. R. Godward 27 Feb. 5 Feb. 12 Feb. 5 Feb. 6 Feb. 3 July, 1905 17 Feb. G Jan. 6 Jan. 13 Jan. 19 Dec, 1905 19 Jan. 5 April. 20780 20680 20697 20675 20679 19062 20740 20536 20537 20570 20469 20606 20 22 22 March. 22 10 22 March. 8 Feb. to 10 10 19 10 8 Feb.* 8 Feb.* 8 Feb.* 8 Maroh. 8 Feb.* Window-glass Machine Company J. R. Masson J. Snodgrass F. W. Dupre A. James and C. J. Brooks P. Wright F. E. Ward A. T. W. Allan and W. McCullough I H. Morgan D. Morgan J. Nicholson G. Moore A. E. Nicholls and J. G. Silly C. Kolling M. Hogan W. Andrews and A. W. Beaven .. 20908 20626 20587 19646 20654 20545 20738 20115 20753 20888 20856 20929 20909 20483 20579 19229 24 Maroh 24 Jan. 17 Jan. 28 June, 1905 27 Jan. 9 Jan. 13 Feb. 25 Sept., 1905 21 Feb. 21 March 14 Maroh 30 Maroh 27 March 21 Dec, 1905 2 Dec, 1905 21 Marob, 1905 15 19 2 19 26 22 22 22 Feb.* 8 March. 11 Jan. 8 March. 5 April * 22 March.* 22 March. ■20 5 April.* io 8Feb! 18 22 Feb. Hair-curler Handle. (See Kerosene-tin handle.) Handle for culinary receptacle F. V. Raymond 20G37 19 Jan. 19 8 March. I W. H. Osborn .. 20789 28 Feb. 22 22 March.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name No. Date. No. Date. Harness Harness Harness Harness, Blacking for Harness-tug .. - .. Hat and clothing cabinet Hay-rake Heater, WaterHeating or drying plates, &c. Heat of stoves, utilising waste Hedge-cutter Heel-finishing machine Heel for boot or shoe Hemp trade, Preventing fraud in Hides, Extracting fat from Hoe II. T. Rawnsley M. Barraclough (). W. Westropp and J. G. Harper R. W. Campbell E. Hill H. C. Bell T. Bassett W. D. Martin and N. M. Thomson J. E. L. Gardner T. Walters C. G. Johanson United-Xpedite Finishing Company R. Barnes i J. D. McLaurin j H. C. Beaker .. F. Whiley, T. Wereta, R. Whiley, jun., and M. Tukeka E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward E. Henshall N. A. H. Abel .. C. B. Gaby ■ 20934 19366 20910 20813 20795 20561 20652 20891 20845 20906 19355 20514 20484 20911 20849 19185 31 Maroh 19 April, 1905 27 March .. 6 March 1 March 10 Jan. 27 Jan. 21 March .. 14 March 29 Maroh 17 April, 1905 3 Jan. 21 Dec, 1905 28 March 14 March 9 March, 1905 15 22 6 19 22 Feb.' 22 March.* 25 Jan.* 8 March. 15 2 10 22 Feb. 11 Jan.* 8 Feb. 26 19 5 April.* 8 March. Hoist and winoh Hoist, Friction Hoisting building-material Hoisting-machine for lifts Holder. (See Candle-holder, Kerosenetin holder, Mat-holder, Music-holder, Paper-holder, Penholder.) Hook, TraceHorse, Blinkers for Horse-collar.. Horse-cover Horse-cover fastening Horse-cover fastening Horse-feed box and reservoir Horse, Preventing, from kicking Horse-shoe Hose-coupling Hose of Westmghouse brake Hot well Hot well House, Fireproof Hydrocarbon oil, Production of gas from Hydrooarbon oil, Generating gas from .. T. J. Davenport D. W. McKewen j R. H. Carter .. H. W. Downing A. Thompson J. E. Broad J. A. Easton and J. Greenfield E. Aston and W. H. Thompson .. H. Ledgard it. Gilmour A. M. Anderson R. Williams E. E. Collins .. M. Squire A. Jack A. Jack 20914 20558 20727 19409 20894 20761 20772 20791 20933 20810 20571 20519 20857 20833 20840 20G88 20825 20827 20469 20679 29 March 10 Jan. 15 Feb. 1 May, 1905 21 March 20 Feb. 24 Feb. 27 Feb. 29 March 2 Maroh 11 Jan. 3 Jan. 14 March 10 March 13 Maroh 9 Feb. 7 March 9 March 19 Dec, 1905 6 Feb. 19 26 ■22 20 10 b 19 25 Jan.* 8 March. 8 March.* 5 April.* 22 March.* 5 April.* 8 Feb.* 2G 16 5 April.* 22 Feb.* 19 ■22 8 March. 22 March. Incandescent burner Inoandescent vapour-burner S. E. Evans A. Blanchard, H. Wood, a>;d E. A. H. Burgoyne A. J. Border and L. M. Coventry H. Ashworth .. G. Scott R. B. Forsyth A. Beck 20818 20487 8 March 21 Dec, 1905 26 10 5 April.* 8 Feb. Indicator Indicator, Tram or train Injector, Sterilised-air Ink-remover.. Internal-combustion engine 20742 20648 20104 20826 20722 19 Feb. 27 Jan. 27 Sept., 1905 7 March 13 Feb. 2-1 15 •2C> 22 March.* 22 Feb.* 5 April. 19 8 March.* Jack. (See Boot-repairing jack, Leverjack, Lifting-jack.) Joint, Pipe- .. P. W. Biihne 20595 18 Jan. 8 March. 19 Keroaene-tin handle Kerosene-tin holder Kitchen-range J. S. Roberts S. G. Lee and T. J. Wathew A. R. Hubbard and R. Flay 19207 20678 20535 14 Mar., 1905 2 Feb. 6 Jan. 10 10 8 Feb. 8 Feb. Ladder, Safety-strap for Lamb's-tail cutter and searer Lamp. (See Oil-lamp, Signal-lamp.) Lantern Larder, Water-jacketed Leaf ledger, Detachable-Leg-rope grip Lens, Concentrating and deflecting Lever-jack Lid of saucepan, &c. Lift, Hoisting-machine for Lifting-jack Links of chains Line-spacer for typewriter Linotype-machine Linotype-machine Linotype-machine .. .. Linotype-machine Liquid-ejector Liquid-ejector Liquid measurer and draw-off.. Liquid, Pump for vending and recording Liquid-sprayer Liquid vending and reoording.. Liquids, Drawing off .. Load in eleetrio circuit, Equalising Loading-orane for dray or wagon Loading ships .. .. .. | A. Maokay C. Cannell M. Teasdale G. Davies T. B. Dineen .. S. Armstrong .. R. E. Bell B. and W. Trewhella 0. Kendrick C. B. Gaby A. Bradfield, jun. L. D. Mattassi A. B. Wilson W. H. Thomas F. Gossler W. E. Hughes W. H.Thomas A. S. Ford A. S. Ford J. C. D. Dow .. W. M. Davison.. G. Osborne W. M. Davison.. F. W. Smith .. J. P. Campbell.. P. and D. Dunoan, Limited J. H. Matthews and J. Mues 20940 20763 20890 20531 20529 20564 20705 20661 20886 19409 20565 19148 20552 20892 20839 20523 20855 20743 20005 20603 20721 20600 20720 20921 20628 20792 20756 30 March .. 20 Feb. 21 March .. 5 Jan. 3 Jan. 11 Jan. 8 Feb. 31 Jan. 21 Maroh 1 May, 1905 9 Jan. 23 Feb., 1905 10 Jan. 22 March .. 10 Maroh 4 Jan. 14 March 15 Feb. 9 Sept., 1905 19 Jan. 14 Feb. 17 Jan. 14 Feb. 30 March 24 Jan. 28 Feb. 21 Feb. 22 6 10 22 19 15 26 6 2 March.* 25 Jan.* 8 Feb.* 22 March. 8 March. 22 Feb. 5 April. 25 Jan.* 26 5 April.* 22 2 15 26 10 26 22 March.* 11 Jan.* 22 Feb.* 5 April. 8 Feb.* 5 April. 19 22 19 8 March. 22 March.* 8 Maroh.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


pp] lien, tion. U.v:e >e. Invention. Name. No. No. Date. Date. Look and clamp for road-vehiole 0. E. Beer 19495 18 May, 1905 j 15 1!) 22 Feb.* 8 March. Lock. (See Door-lock, Sash-hanger and lock, Sash-lock.) Locking-device Locomotive blast-pipe Looms, Positive take-up motion in Loom?, Picking-motion in Loose-leaf account-book Loose-leaf binder Lubricating and anti-corrosive oil Lumber, Unloading B. T. Hamilton and L. Stroud .. B. H. Whitelegg R. Glendining and G. Beaumont.. R. Glendining and G. Beaumont.. H. M. Douglas.. D. S. Baird F. W. Klever .. J. M. Ferriss, jun. 20594 20553 20764 20765 19164 20636 20549 20926 2 Feb., 1905f 10 Jan. 20 Feb. 20 Feb. 3 Maroh, 1905 24 Jan. 10 Jan. 30 March 15 15 22 10 lit 10 22 Feb. 22 Feb. 22 March.* 22 March.' 8 Feb. 8 Ma-ch. 8 Feb. Magnetic separator Mail bag fastener Mask or face-protector Mat-holder Material-separator Material-separator Mattress and bedstead Mattress, Stretching wire-woven Measurer and draw-off, Liquid Meat-preservation Meat, Sterilising Metal-polisbing composition Metal. (See Sheet-metal.) Metallurgical pressure-vat Milk, butter, &c.,' Preserving .. Milk-can Milk cooler and aerator Milk cooler and aerator Milk-delivery box and pump Milk-fever, Curing, in cows Milk pail and stool Milk-strainer Milk-strainer Milk-strainer Milk-strainer fastening Milking-machine Milking-machine teat-cup Milking-machinery Milking-machinery Mill. (See Crushing-mill, Threshing-mill.) Milling-machine Minnow-head Mifcre-box Mixing and sifting machine Mono-wheel vehiole Mortar for crushing-mill Mortar for stamp-battery Motor Motor-car wheel, Rim-protector for Motor-car wheel Motor-driven friction-hoist Motor. (See Electric motor, Steammotor.) Mower Mowing-machine Music-holder Music-recorder Music-transposer .. Musical instrument, Electrioal G. Ullrich R. Paladini R. K. Gatt 0. H. Black F. E. Elmore .. J. V. N. Dorr .. J. F. Stephenson G. F. Reynell J. C. D. Dow .. A. H. Chapman F. A. G. Cotterell F. E. A. Gordon 20847 19518 20844 19075 19864 20730 20612 20814 20603 20393 20829 20573 14 March 26 May, 1905 14 March 13 Feb., 1905 16 Aug., 19041 1C Feb. 23 Jan. 6 March 19 Jan. 28 Nov., 1905 8 March 15 Jan. 26 15 5 April.* 22 Feb. 26 6 5 April. 25 Jan. 22 22 March.' 15 10 22 Feb.* 8 Feb. 15 22 Feb.* F. A. Oddie S. P. Andersen .. H. T. Twiss T. Carter R. Stevens J. Robertson and W. C. Wheeler W. Parsons W. C. Quinnell.. D. Bower R. Walker D. Bower G. A. Watson Aktiebolaget Separator A. Gillies G. Hutchinson G. Hutchinson 20651 20733 20836 20731 20259 20692 20567 20695 20576 20801 20841 20805 20837 20854 20786 19540 29 Jan. 13 Feb. 13 March 7 Dec, 1905 31 Oct., 1905 7 Feb. 29 Jan. 10 Feb. 12 Jan. 2 March 12 Maroh 15 Maroh 10 March 14 March 28 Feb. 1 June, 1905 15 15 26 20 19 2-2 22 Feb.* 22 Feb. 5 April.* 5 April. 8 March 22 March. 15 22 Feb.* 26 5 April.* 26 26 26 5 April.' 5 April. 5 April. P. L. Weston .. R. McKenzie .. R. Walker H. G. Mills and S. Wootton J. Wilkinson E. N. Waters W. A. Merralls P. Ellis H. B. Tucker and A. Jack A. McLean E. Henshall 19334 20639 20913 20734 20685 20526 19421 19252 20676 20920 20558 12 April, 1905 25 Jan. 28 Maroh .. 13 Feb. 8 Feb. 4 Jan. 4 May, 1905 24 March, 1905 5 Feb. 30 March 10 Jan. 6 25 Jftn. 19 8 March.* 10 19 26 15 8 Feb. 8 March. 5 April. 22 Feb.* 6 25 Jan.* Massey-Harris Company, Limited J. D. Bywater .. R. A. Noedl J. J. Walker .. G. Kyme M. L. Severy and G, B. Sinclair .. 20787 20568 20696 20503 20803 20820 28 Feb. 9 Jan. 12 Feb. 28 Doc, 1905 2 Maroh 8 Maroh 5 April. 2G 16 10 22 Feb.'* 8 Feb. 26 April.* Nest, Egg trap Night-signalling apparatus Non-refillable bottle .. Noxioue-weeds exterminator Number register and recorder E. J. Ritchie .. M. Juriss T. Walters F. Sewell H. Droutlege .. 20598 20522 20915 19374 20656 18 Jan. 3 Jan. 29 Maroh 20 April, 1905 27 Jan. 10 6 is 19 8 Feb.* 25 Jan.* 22 Feb. 8 March. Oilcan Oil-can Oil-fuel vapouriser Oil-lamp Oil-lamp Oil. (See Hydrocarbon oil, Lubricating and anti-corrosive oil.) Oiling axles of railway-oarriages, &c. E. H. Purohas .. L. Chisholm A. A. Stephenson M. Samuel and J. F. C. Farquhar M. Samuel and J. F. C. Farquhar 19295 20710 19240 20715 2071G 3 April, 1905 13 Feb. 23 March 9 Dec, 1905f 9 Dec, 1905f 10 19 20 8 Feb. 8 March.* 5 April. .. J. P. Cowdery 20569 12 Jan. 10 8 Feb.* Ore-classifier Ore-concentrator Ore-orusher Ore-dressing.. G. Ullrich J. R. Harrison J. Baird Rheinisch-Nassauische Bergwerks and Hiiiten-Actien-Gesellschaft A. V. Leggo A. M. Day 20846 19567 19486 20879 14 March 7 June, 1905 15 May, 1905 21 Maroh .. 6 15 5 April.* 25 Jan. 22 Feb. Ore-furnace Ore-smelting apparatus 20556 20726 10 Jan. 15 Feb. 10 8 Feb.


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

3—H. 10.—07.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Ires, Extracting gold from Ires, Recovering values from Ires, Reduction of auriferous Ires, Saving gold frem crushed Ires, Treatment of sulphideIres, Treating Ires, Treating ... Iven, CookingIverall garment Ivershce F. W. Dupre .. E. C. Pohle C. Ghiyas A. T. W. Allan and W. McCullough H. P. Keogh E. Phillips E. Phillips J. MoGuire A. A. Holdsworth C. L. Higgins 19646 20778 19375 20115 20530 20586 20583 20822 20916 20682 28 June, 1905 27 Feb. 20 April, 1905 25 Sept., 1905 5 Jan. 17 Jan. 17 Jan. 8 Maroh 29 March 7 Feb. 2 26 2 22 6 10 19 11 Jan. . S April. 11 Jan. 22 March. 25 Jan.* 8 Feb.* 8 Ma rob. 22 22 Marob. 'ail and stool, Milk .. 'aint 'aint-work, Priming-ooat for .. 'aper holder and clasp 'aper-stand 'article-separator 'ea-sheller .. 'edal. (See Bicycle-pedal, Cycle-pedal.) 'eg, Clothes-'encil-sharpener .. 'enholder, Nib-releasing 'en or pencil carrier.. 'erforating-machines 'hotographic dry plates W. C. Quinnell.. J. A. Boyd and H. S. Woolcott .. G. R. Warren H. A. E. Kelly A. Mortland A. P. S. Maoquieten D. Krmpotic 20695 20647 20707 20815 20777 20527 19816 10 Feb. 27 Jan. 10 Feb. 7 March 26 Feb. 4 Jan. 1 Aug., 1905 15 15 22 2G 22 Feb.* 22 Feb.* 22 March.* 5 April.' 19 6 8 March. 25 Jan. A. Curwood F. Castle and W. Garey .. W. T. Gilmour .-. E. H. Donaldson and A. A. Wilson United Shoe Machinery Companv W. F. 0. Kelly and J. A Bentham F. J. E. Smallbone H. C. Playter and P. L. Pomeroy C. Perkins .. .. F. W. Biihne .. 20863 20691 20674 20807 19271 20542 15 March 7 Feb. 2 Feb. 6 March 30 Maroh, 1905 8 Jan. 10 Feb. J 19 8 March.* 20700 2 10 19 26 22 11 Jan. 8 Feb. 8 March.* 5 April. 22 March. 'icture-frame cramp .'. 'ioture-frame cramp 'in-catch •ipe-joint .. 'ipe. (See Blast-pipe, Tobacco-pipe, Water-pipe.) 'ipe-wrench.. .. 'ipe-wrench.. ... 'laning-machines curving-attachment.. 'lant support and protection ., 'lates, Heating arid drying 'lough and cultivator, Stump-jump 'lough-coulter 'lough-disc mounting 'lough. (See also Disc plough, Ditch plough.) 'lough-wheel bearing 'ole. (See Curtain-pole, Trolley-pole.) 'olisher, Boot'olisher, Floor-'olishing-oompound 'dishing compound, Metal- .. 'otato-blight, Solution for 'oultry, Egg trap nest for 'oultryfeeder 'reservation of meat.. 'leserving miik, butter, &o. .. 'ress for moulding bricks 'res sure vat 'rinting rule .. .. .. 'rinting-surface 'rop-clip 'rop. (See Clothes-prop.) 'ropeller 'rotector. (See Bicycle-pedal proteotor, Fruit-tree protector, Rim • proteotor, Sleeve-cuff protector, Tire-protector.) 'rotecting rivor-banks 'ulley or block 'uinp .... . ... • 'nmp, Bicyele'ump, Centrifugal and turbine 20684 20931 20595 5 Feb. 28 March 18 Jan. 19 8 March. H. E. McDonald H. E. McDonald G. Pulman 0. H. Fabian .. J. E. L. Gardner R. B. Smith A. Reid J. D. Bywater 20560 20562 20597 20582 20845 20666 20919 20540 10 Jan. 10 Jan. 15 Jan. 17 Jan. 14 March 31 Jan.29 March .. 6 Jan. 6 6 10 10 25 Jan.* 25 Jan.* 8 Feb.* 8 Feb.* 15 22 Feb.'* io 8 Feb.* W. Brew 19558 5 June, 1905 26 5 April. A. Leman .. .. W. E. Garey and F. Castle M. McLellan .. F. E. A. Gordon S. B. Corrigan E. J. Ritchie ., P. J. Cooks and F. 0. Andrews .. A. H. Chapman S. P. Andersen E. T. G. Firth .. F. A. Oddie H. J. Bent W. E. Hughes .. J. W. Mackay .. 20551 20902 20665 20573 20617 20598 20428 20393 20773 20811 20651 20657 19214 20896 8 Jan. 21 March ".". 31 Jan. 15 Jan. 23 Jan. 18 Jan. 8 Dec. 28 Nov., 1905 13 Feb. 3 Maroh 29 Jan. 30 Jan. 18 Marob, 1905 22 March .. 15 15 10 15 10 15 20 15 19 6 22 Feb.* 22 Feb.* 8 Feb.* 22 Peh * 8 Feb.* 22 Feb. 5 April. 22 Feb.* 8 March. 25 Jan. J. Fola 20882 21 March J. Dalton C. J. Tuck Brunswick Refrigerating Company J. U. Tajlor .. .. .. International Steam Pump Company W. M. Davison A. E. Luttrell .. 20544 20704 20883 20917 20823 8 Jan. 12 Feb. 21 Maroh .. 29 March .. 8 March .. 6 15 25 Jan.* 22 Feb.* 20 5 April. 'nmp for vending and recording liquid 'ump, Rotary .. 20721 20758 14 Feb. 22 Feb. 20 26 5 April. 5 April. Jabbit-exterminating tail-cleaner for tramway tail clearer, Tramwaytails, Dressing tailway-brake tailwaj -brake, Operating F. W. Parker .. H. Quortier H. Quertier M. W.ods and T. J. Gilbert W. H. Wood P. W. Hughes, T. S. A. Widdop, and F. Drew W. S. Layoook... T. A. Rodgers J. S. Kirkpatriok and C. Starr .. J. T., W. S., and C. J. H. Payne, and A. W. Smith T. Bassett 19627 20581 19831 20887 20629 20788 26 June, 1905 16 Jan. 3 Aug., 1905 ■ 21 Maroh .. ■24 Jam ■ 28 Feb. 2 15 15 11 Jan. 22 Feb. 22 Feb. 22 22 22 March. 22 March.* tailway-carriage seat tailway-rails, Joining tailway turn-table tailway-vehiele coupling 20516 20667 20512 20923 3 Jan. 30 Jan. 3 Jan. 28 Maro-h .. 15 19 e 22 Feb. 8 March.* 25 Jan.* take, Hay- .. 20652 27 Jam 19 8 March.


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Range. (See Cooking - range, Kitchenrange.) Reaper-and-binder, Draft of .. Recorder. (See Billiard-recorder, Musicrecorder, Number register and recorder, Vote-recorder.) Befrigerating-apparatus Register (See Cash-register, Numberregister.) Regulator. (See Gas-regulator, Steamengine regulator.) Reins, DrivingRidger, Coulter-attachment to Riffle for gold-saving Rim protector for motor-car wheel Ring, Curtain-River-banks, Protection of T. Bassett Brunswiok Refrigerating Company 20610 20885 20 Jan. 21 March .. 10 8 Feb.' Road-vehicle Road-vehicle Road-vehicle axle Rock-drill Rock-drill, Operating.. Rock-drill, Operating.. Roofing, &c. Roofing-tile Roofs, &c, Covering for Rotating-apparatus, Electric-motor Rotary engine Rotary pump Rotary turnip-thinner Rotary engine Rotary motor for shearing-machine, &c. Rule, Printing T. Higgie A. Storrie D. Morgan H. B. Tucker and A. Jack 0. H. Fullbrook J. Dalton C. E. Beer W. S. Bagby H. M.Butler .. A. E. Thomas .. G. H. Sutcliffe and J. Mounce B. 3. Bigby R. T. Hunter .. N. Nielsen S. Taylor J. P. Campbell .. .. J. Shepherd and G. H. Chapman.. A. E. Luttrell .. A. Storrie J. Delehanty .. K. de L. Cudmore H. J. Bent 19138 20751 20888 20676 19510 20544 19495 19313 20563 20853 20677 20584 20627 20773 20779 20642 20797 20758 19534 20852 20851 20657 25 Feb., 1905 20 Feb. 21 March 5 Feb. 25 May, 1905 8 Jan. 18 May, 1905 j 7 April, 1905 11 Jan. 14 March 5 Feb. 17 Jan. 24 Jan. 26 Feb. 27 Feb. 25 Jan. 2 Maroh 22 Feb. 25 May, 1905 14 March 14 Maroh 30 Jan. 15 2(3 15 19 6 15 19 15 19 26 15 10 22 22 Feb. 5 April. 22 Feb.* 8 March. 25 Jan.* 22 Feb.* 8 March. 22 Feb. 8 Maroh. 5 April.* 22 Feb.* 8 Feb.* 22 March. 26 19 2-2 20 22 20 5 April. 8 March. 22 March.* 5 April. 22 March. 5 April.* 19 8 March. Saddle Saddle Saddle pocket, CartSash hanger and lock T. K.Pinnigan .. H. Sankey C.J. Tuck A. Curwood, J. Harrison, and E. A. Cameron A. Dale 20681 20771 20876 19501 27 Feb. 22 Feb. 20 Maroh 16 May, 1905 22 22 March. 15 22 Feb." Sash-look, Burglar-proof Sash. (See also Window-sash.) Saucepan, &c, lid Saw-set Scraper-attaohment to brush Screen. (See Sifting-screen, Windowscreen.) Seat. (See Chair-seat, Railway carriage seat.) Seed and grain cleaner Seed and grain cleaner Seed-sower Seed-sower Seltzogene Separation by flotation in liquid Separator. (See Centrifugal separator, Cream-separator, Gold-separator, Magnetic separator, Material - separator, Particle-sepa> ator.) Sewing-machine S9wing-machine, Candle-holder for Shackle or link Shaft-beariags Shaping-machine Shaving-appliance Sheaf-bands, Cutting Sheep-shearing machine, Rotary motor for Sheep-shears Sheep-shears Sheet-metal oovering for buildings Sheet-metal receptacle Ships, Loading Shoe. (See Boot or shoe, Overshoe.) Shooting range and target Show-case Shoe-case .. .. .. Sifter. (See Cinder-sifter.) Sifting and mixing machine Sifting-screen Signal-lamp Signalling-apparatus Signalling receiver, Wireless- .. Silver and gold, Precipitating Skylight bar and oover ., 20912 27 March .. C. Kendriok J. Reynolds T. M. O'Rourke 20886 20895 20541 21 March 22 March 8 Jan. 6 25 Jan.'* W. Andrews and A W. Beaven .. M. Hogan D. McKinnon D. H. Bird A. J. and R. H. Campbell P. E. Elmore .. 19229 20579 20625 20653 20524 19864 21 March, 1905 2 Dec, 1905 24 Jan. 27 Jan. 4 Jan. 16 Aug., 1904f 15 15 15 10 6 22 Feb. 22 Feb.» 22 Feb.* 8 Feb. 25 Jan. United Shoe Machinery Company K. Knox C. J. Tuck J. H. Gray T. Harkins .. .. , R. Dunne E. L. Lundstrom K. de L. Cudmore 19273 20623 20875 20362 20518 20834 20928 20851 30 March, 1905 23 Jan. 20 March 23 Nov., 1905 3 Jan. 9 March 30 March .. 14 March .. 6 15 10 2 26 25 Jan. 22 Feb.* 8Feb! 11 Jan.* 5 April.* J. and E. McGregor and C. G. Ross W. E. Henderson J. Christie T. Harkins J. H. Matthews and J. Mues 20347 20633 20739 20538 20756 22 Nov., 1905 24 Jan. 13 Feb. 6 Jan. 21 Feb. 10 19 6 19 8 Feb.* 8 March.* 25 Jan.* 8 March.* A. Whitney J. H. Hickman .. J. H. Hickman 20578 20698 20699 11 Jan. 13 Feb. 13 Feb. 10 26 20 8 Feb.* 5 April.* 5 April.* H. G. Mills and S. Wootton R.' Williams J. Pomeroy M. Juries J. T. Hunter .. i J. Snodgrass T. Danks 20734 20689 20574 20522 20741 20587 20809 13 Feb. 9 Feb. 4 Dec, 1905 3 Jan. 17 Feb. 17 Jan. 5 Maroh 19 20 15 6 2G 19 8 March.* 5 April.* 22 Feb.* 25 Jan.* 5 April. 8 March.


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


ippl jion. <az' '(. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Sleeper, Concrete Sleeper, Conorete Sleeve-cuff protector Slimes, Treating Slimes, Treating Sluice-box Smoke-consumer and fuel-economiser .. Smoke-consumer and fuel-economiser .. Smoke-consuming furnace Sock Sole-pressing pad Sole. (See Boot-sole.) Sound producer and recorder Sower. (See Seed-sower.) Spanner .. .. .. ,. Spanner Spark-arrester .. .. ., Spinning-machine Spouting-braeket Sprayer Sprayer, LiquidSpreader for draught-chains .. Spreader for trace-chain Sprinkler, Recording breakage of fire prevention Stamp-battery, Mortar for Stamps to envelopes, Affixing A. T. C. Firth A. T. C. Pirth .. R. Dunne C. Gluyas W. T. Weekley .. R. Williams .. C. J. Johnson and J. Oarlaw 0. J. Johnson and J. Carlaw C. H. and T. P. Von Mylius J. Glossop United Shoe Machinery Company 20550 20769 20609 19375 20784 20690 19291 19573 20663 20619 20554 6 Jan. 19 Feb. 19 Jan. 20 April, 1905 28 Peb. 9 Feb. 1 April, 1905 6 June, 1905 31 Jan. 23 Jan., 10 Jan. 6 26 15 2 22 26 2 2 22 15 6 25 Jan. , 5 April. 22 Feb. , 11 Jan. 22 Maroh.* 5 April. , 11 Jan. 11 Jan. 22 March. 22 Feb.* 25 Jan.' W. Miohaelis .. 18970 14 April, 1904f 26 5 April. H. E. McDonald H. E. McDonald G. Grimmer W. A. Stetson .. F. Wilkinson .. J. Garside G. Osborne J. Todd R. Stewart W. G. Meddings 20559 20866 20770 20930 18704 20496 20600 20557 20762 20605 10 Jan. 16 March 24 Peb. 23 Maroh 5 Nov., 1904 22 Dec, 1905 17 Jan. 10 Jan. 20 Feb. 18 Jan. 6 26 22 15 10 10 15 19 15 25 Jan.* 5 April.* 2 March. , 22 Feb. 8 Feb. 8 Feb.* 22 Feb.* 8 March.* 22 Feb.' Standard, FencingStaple, Withdrawing fencingSteam automobile Steam-boiler tubes, Fixing Steam-boilers, Arresting sparks from .. Steam-engine regulator Steam-motor Steam-turbine ., Steam-turbine .. ' .. Steamer and boiler Stereotypes, Casting curved Sterilised-air injector .. .. Steriliser for medical purposes Sterilising meat .. ., Stone-breaker Stove, Damper for Stove, Tailor's GasStoves, Utilising waste heat of Strainer. (See Milk - strainer, Wire - strainer.) Stump-jump plough and cultivator Sulphide-ore treatment Support. (See Curtain-pole support, Plant support.) Swingletree W. A. Merralls H. Hadida, S. P. Cross, and P. W. Slingsby A. T. W. Allan .. J. E. Holland .. L. Serpollet P. Stubbs G. Grimmer D. Nield L. Serpollet E. V. Dixon .. J. P. Brady R. W. Fairbrother W. E.Hughes .. G. Scott J. R. Little F. A. G. Cotterell N. Amrein T. Walters P. J. Shelton .. T. Walters 19421 20539 19584 20694 20717 20472 20770 20546 20528 19466 20640 19279 20355 20104 20596 20829 20794 20907 20740 20906 4 May, 1905 6 Jan. 9 June, 1905 10 Feb. 14 Peb. 18 Dec, 1905 24 Feb. 9 Jan. 4 Jan. 11 May, 1905 25 Jan. 20 April, 1905 22 Nov., 1905 27 Sept., 1905 14 Jan. 8 Maroh .. 1 Maroh .. 24 Maroh .. 17 Feb. 24 Maroh 19 10 15 15 22 15 22 6 10 26 19 19 19 26 10 8 March. 8 Feb.* 22 Feb.* 22 Feb. , 22 Maroh. 22 Feb.* 22 March.* 25 Jan.* 8 Feb. 5 April. 8 March. 8 March. 8 March. 5 April. 8 Feb.* 22 22 March. , R. B. Smith H. P. Keogh 20666 20530 31 Jan. 5 Jan. 15 0 22 Feb. , 25 Jan.* A. H. Braithwaite 20714 14 Feb. 19 8 March.* Table. (See Billiard-table, Extensiontable, Time-table.) Talking-machine Tank, Draw-off pipe for Tap, High-or low-pressure Tap, WaterTap, WaterTarget and shooting-range Teat-opener for cows, &o. Telegraphy, Wireless W. Michaelis .. E. R. Godward .. J. D. Jackson 0. K. Carlson 0. K. Carlson A.Whitney W. Walker Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company, Limited A. T. M. Thomson A. A. Holdsworth G. T. Booth G. B. Cartwright and S. J. G. Douglas J. Hughes A. F. Campbell.. Nielsen W. Allen, jun. J. M. Ferris, jun. F. J. Walton and L. V. Rogers .. 18970 18984 20805 20862 20900 20578 19260 20880 14 April, 1904f 24 Jan., 1905.. 5 March 15 March 23 March 11 Jan. 28 March, 1905 21 March .. 26 6 20 5 April. 25 Jan. 5 April. , io 6 8 Feb> 25 Jan. Telephonic-exchange system, Operating Tent .. .. .' Thistle exterminator, Californian-Threshing-machine, Removing cavings from Threshing-mill " chaffey " Threshing-machine, Wearing-strip of Tile, RoofingTimber carrier and placer Timber, Unloading .. Time-table and advertising-apparatus .. Tin. (See Kerosene-tin, Baking-tin.) .. Tin-opener Tinsmiths' shaping-machine Tire, Motor-car, &o. .. Tire-cover, Motor-carriage Tire, Pneumatic Tire, Pneumatic Tire, Pueumatio .. •. Tire-protector 20725 20889 20668 20799 20798 20804 20773 20748 20926 20517 15 Feb. 21 March 31 Jan. 1 March 1 March .. 5 Maroh 26 Feb. 16 Feb. 30 March .. 3 Jan. 2G 15 22 22 2G 19 io 5 April.* 22 Feb.* 22 March.* 22 March.* 5 April.* 8 March. 8 Peb'. A. Williams .. .. T. Harkins H.C. L. Rolfe .. T. S. Skeates .. E. B. Killen F. G. McKim .. j. Broderick .. .. J. W. Henderson 20859 20518 20752 19580 20504 19979 19493 20547 12 March .. 3 Jan. 21 Feb. 7 June, 1905 28 Dec, 1905 5 Sept., 1905 18 May, 1905 9 Jan. '2 22 10 22 22 6 11 Jan!* 22 March. 8 Feb. 22 March. 22 March. 25 Jan.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


ipp] icai jioo. '■aze\ \e. Invention. Name. No. No. Date. Date. Tire, Sealing punotures in Tire-valve Toasting-fork Tobacco, Manufacture of Tobacco-pipe Toe-clip Tool and pencil sharpener Toothache-cure Trace-hook .. .... Trace-chain spreader ... Tram or train indicator Tramway-point Tram-rail cleaner Trap. (See Buah-vermin trap, Crayfishtrap, Egg-trap.) Trolley-head Trolley-pole adjuster Trouser and brace adjustment Trucks, Unloading coal from Tube-cutter.. Turbine-shaft, Packing-device for Turbine-vanes, Securing Turbine-vanes, Securing Turbine-vanes, Securing Turbine-vanes, Securing Turbine. (See Steam-turbine.) Turn-coupling for vehicle Turnip-thinner Turnip or plant thinner Typewriter line-spacer T. H. B. Gayner F. G. Knight W.J.Bradford.. K. Matthews P. A. Kenna A. W. Loone F. Castle and W. Garey J. Wilson T. J. Davenport R. Stewart H. Ashworth W. S. Gillies .. J. S. Ryan 20669 19294 20812 20924 20662 20368 20691 20872 20894 20762 20648 20793 20899 lFeb. 3 April, 1905 6 March 30 March 31 Jan. 23 Nov., 1905 7 Feb. 16 March 21 March 20 Feb. 27 Jan. 1 March 23 March .. 26 22 5 April. 22 March.* 2 19 11 Jan. 8 Mar.* 19 15 22 8 March.* 22 Feb.* 22 March.* G. B. Holmes and A, D. Allen .. A. Williams J. A. Woodward A. G. Davies H. Sloane C. A. Parsons 0. E. Sweet .. E. E. Arnold .. .. E. E. Arnold ... J. H. Wagenhorst 20683 20858 20611 20824 20659 20806 20881 20868 20869 20867 7 Feb. 12 Maroh 20 Jan. 6 March 30 Jan. 20 April, 1905f 20 April, 1905f 18 Mar., 1905f 22 Mar., 1905f 18 Mar., 1905f 22 Feb.* 15 15 26 26 22 Feb.'* 5 April.' 5 April. , 26 5 April. J. H. Booth A. Storrie J. Macalister A. B. Wilson .. 20555 19534 20800 20552 10 Jan. 25 May, 1905 28 Feb.. 10 Jan. 6 22 26 6 25 Jan.* 22 March. 5 April.* 25 Jan.* Upholstering F. Barrow 19736 13 July, 1905 26 5 April. Vacuum filter .... Valve Valve Valve, TireVehicle balance-adjuster Vehicle. (See Mono-wheel vehicle, Rail-way-vehicle, Road-vehicle.) Vehicle-springs, Controlling recoil of .. Vehiole-wheel Ventilator and chimney-top Ventilator Vessel, Navigable ... C. Butters Brunswick Refrigerating Company W. Atigus F. G. Knight P. J. McGinn .. 20817 20884 20893 19294 20630 8 Maroh 21 Maroh 21 March 3 April, 1905 24 Jan.. 26 5 April. 26 19 5 April. 8 March. J. W. Fowler .. W. S. Burt H. J. Marks V. Berg The Monitor Shipping Corporation, Limited E. Boggiano A. Parker 20723 20664 20621 19559 19861 12 Feb. 31 Jan.t 23 Jan. 5 June,1905 10 Aug., 1905 19 15 22 22 8 March.* 22 Feb. . 22 Maroh. 22 Maroh. Vote-recorder Voting-machine 20635 19012 24 Jan. 31 Jan., 1905 10 8 Feb." Washer. (See Clothes - washer, Dishwasher.) Washing and draining cabinet Water, Deteotion of undue Water-heater Water-pipes, Protecting, from frost Weed and animal destruction Weed. "(See Noxious weed.) Westinghouse brake, Hose of .. Wheel Wheel. (See Mono-wheel, Motor-car wheel, Plough-wheel, Vehicle-wheel.) Wheel hub, Bicycle and motor Whisk Winch Winch and hoist Windmill mechanism Window Window-fastener Windows, Hanging Window, Louvre-Window-sash adjuster Window-sash attachment Window-sash balance and fastener N. W. Gosling and J. Kennington R. Cockburn W. D. Martin and N. M. Thomeon 0. K. Carlson B. Locking A. M. Anderson T. Gare A. Ashcroft E. R. Godward.. G. T. Macfarlane E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward M. Daly T. S. Pnilpott E. J. Hampton H. J. Marks .. W. E. Percival .. J. 0. Galbally .. G. F. Evans A. Curwood, J. Harrison, and E. A. Cameron S. Parker and W. Johnson G. Carrington B. T. Chaytor and T. Hannon J. T. Hunter ,. Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company, Limited J. Rennie E. H. Smith ... A. Hay W. A. E. Browne J. Duffy G. T. Bennett 19372 20831 20891 20901 20406 20840 20790 20655 20658 19427 20914 20632 20457 20588 20620 19255 20860 20687 20543 17 April, 1905 8 March 21 March 23 March 5 Dec, 1905 13 March 28 Feb. 27 Jan. 30 Jan. 4 May, 1905 29 March 24 Jan. 15 Dec, 1905 17 Jan. 23 Jan. 27 March, 1905 15 March 8 Feb. 16 May, 1905 19 %. . 19 26 22 15 10 8 March. 8 March.* 5 April.* 22 March.* 22 Feb.* 8 Feb. 15 26 10 15 15 26 15 15 22 Feb.* 5 April. 8 Feb.* 22 Feb. 22 Feb. 5 April.* 22 Feb.* 22 Feb. Window-soreen Wire twister and strainer Wire, uncoiling Wireless-signalling reoeiver Wireless telegraphy 20706 20532 20941 20741 20880 10 Feb. 5 Jan. 31 Maroh 17 Feb. 21 March 6 26 25 Jan.* 5 April.' Wire-strainer Wire-strainer Wire-strainer Wood-drill .. Wood-paving block Wooden towers, Construction of Wrench. (See Pipe-wrench.) 20897 20918 20796 19499 20728 20904 20 Maroh . 29 March 2 March 10 May, 1905 18Feb.,1905f 24 Maroh .. 22 15 22 22 Maroh.* 22 Feb. 22 March.


4—H. 10,—07.



Application. Oazetle. Name. Address. Class. No. Date. No. Date. Abbott and Co., Limited, R. H. Adam and Co., Limited, R. Company, The Aerators, Limited .. Allsopp and Sons, Limited, S. American Silvershine Company Anderson, L. Auckland, N.Z. Glasgow, Scotland New York, U.S.A. London, Eng. . . Burton-on-Trent, Eng. .. Hamilton, N.Z. Island Bay, N.Z. 38 42 9 8 43 50 42 5761 5747 6797, 8 5719 5735 5787 5769 5 Feb. 24 Jan. 22 Feb. 10 Jan. 18 Jan. 19 Feb. 22 Feb. 19 10 19 6 10 15 19 8 March. 8 Feb. 8 Maroh. 25 Jan. 8 Feb. 22 Feb. 8 March. Bartlett, W. H. .. Birtlett, W. H. .. Bayer, A. Bayer and Co., C. (See C. Bayer.) Bayer, C. .. Bell and Co. Bird and Co., J. A. and W. Blow, M. Bock and Co., P. .. Bond and Bell Bond and Bell Bovril, Limited Brades, Limited, The (See W. Hunt and Sons.) British Empire Trading Company, Limited, The Brown, A. Brown, A. Brown, A. Brown and Co., I. Brown and Sons.J.S. (See G. H. Brown.) Brown, Barrett, and Co. Brown, G. H. Burmah Oil Company, Limited Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Buda Pesth, Hungary .. London, Eng. Palmerston North, N.Z. Boston, U.S.A. Sjdney, N.S.W. Auckland, N Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. London, Eng. London, Eng., and Wellington, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Thames, N.Z, Auckland, N.Z. Belfast, Ireland Glasgow, Scotland 39 39 3 38 42 50 39 3 42 42 42 5720 5725 5742 5784 5727 5779, 80 5833 5089 5716, 17 5718 5817 12 Jan. 13 Jan. 24 Jan. 15 Feb. 13 Jan. 15 Feb. 14 March .. 29 Dec, 1904 10 Jan. 10 Jan. 5 March .. 6 10 10 15 6 15 22 19 6 10 19 25 Jan. 8 Feb. 8 Feb. 22 Feb. 25 Jan. 22 Feb. 22 March. 8 March. 25 Jan. 8 Feb. 8 Marjh. 45 5748 24 Jan. 10 8 Feb. 42 42 42 22 5776 5777, 8 5863 5856 14 Feb. 14 Feb. 30 March .. 23 March .. 15 22 Feb! 26 5 April. 42 27 47 5860 5470 5786 27 March .. 22 Ai g, 1905 16 Feb. 6 19 25 Jan. 8 March. Carrerns, Limited .. Carson, A. A. .. Carson and Co. (See A. A. Carson.) Chas«aing and Cie. Chipman, Limited Cocoa and Chooolate Company, Limited Cotlerell, J. S. Coy, W. H., and another .. Cradock and Co., G. Crichton, J. Crown Bcot Company, The. (See P. B. Zincke.) Crown Bromide Enlargement Company, The. (See M. Blow.) Crown Studio?, The. (See M. Blow.) Curran, J., and another London, Eng. Auckland, N.Z. Paris, Prance New York, U.S.A., and Sydney, N.S.W. London, Eng. Aratiatia, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wakefield, Eng. Wanganui, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 45 42 5743, 4, 5 5550 24 Jan. 3 Oct., 1905 JO 19 8 Feb. 8 March. 3 42 5775 5749 14 Feb. 24 Jan. l'J 8 March. 42 5771 9 Feb. 15 22 Feb. 42 3 5, 13 50 5824 5828 5699, 5700 5865 8 March .. 9 Marcb .. 3 Jan 30 March .. 22 2 22 March. 11 Jan. 5812 1 March .. 8 March. 3 19 Darby, W. P. Davies, E. B. Davien Pharmacy, The. (See E. B. Davies.) Donaghy's Rope and Twine Company, Limited Donnghy's Rope and Twine Company, Limited Donnghy's Rope and Twine Company, Limitid Du'aur, E. B. Dunne, R. Auckland, N.Z. Wanganui, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. 42 3 50 50 5794 5732 5841, 2 5811 21 Feb. 18J<n. 20 Maroh .. 1 March .. 19 10 22 8 Maroh. 8 Feb. 22 March. 50 5340 20 March .. 26 5 April. 42 39 5805 5741 27 Feb. 23 Jan. 10 8 Fob! Egmont Boot and Shoe Company Evans and Williamson Evans, S. J. New Plymouth.. Dunedin, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. 38 50 2 5855 5763 5762 22 March .. J4 Feb. 5 Feb. 2G 15 15 5 April. 22 Feb. 22 Feii. Gallichan, E., and an ther Gardiner at d Hardie Gatesliead Cliemioal Works, The G llin and Co. Proprietary, Limited Gordon, Woodroffe, and Co. Gordon, Woodroffo, and Co. Gordon, Woodroffe, a> d Co. Graham, J. R. Grepg and Co., Limited, W. Grey and Menzies, Limited Grov, Fj. (See J. R. Graham.) Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W. Wellington, N.Z. . .. Chrislchurch, N.Z. Christchurcb, N.Z. Christchureh, N.Z. Palmerston North, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Auokland, N.Z. 3 3 47 42 42 42 42 42 42 44 5812 5757 8758 5774 5730 5577 5697 5861 5838, 9 5698 1 March .. 1 Feb. 22 Feb. 13 Feb. 16 Jan. 16 Oct., 1905 30 Dec, 1905 28 March .. 19 March .. 3 Jan. 1!) 10 15 19 10 8 March. 8 Feb. 22 Feb! 8 Mnrch. 8 Feb. 2fi 2 5 April. 11 Jan.

H. 10.

Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.


Name. Appl lication. Gazette. Address. Class. No. Date. No. Date. Hall and Co., Limited, J. .. Hall and Co., Limited, J. .. Hardtmuth, L. and C. Harris, C, and another Henderson and Sons, J. Hendy, A. M. Henkes' Distillery, J. H. .. Hislop, A. R. Holbrooks, Limited Humidine, Limited Hunt and Sons, W., The Bracles, Limited Hunt and Sons, W., The Brades, Limited Hunt and Sons, W., The Brades, Limited Hutchinson, C. S. Ohristchuroh, N Z. Christohuroh, N.Z. Budweis, Austria-Hungary, and London, Eng. Wellington, N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W. Dunedin Rotterdam, Holland Wellington, N.Z. Birmingham, Eng. London, Eng. Birmingham, Eng. 47 42 39 39 42 48 43 47 42 1 12, 13 5837 5835 5738,9 5754 5844 5830 5430 5753 5770 5767 5706, 7 15 Maroh .. 15 March .. 18 Jan. 27 Jan. 21 March .. 12 March .. 3 Aug., 1905 26 Jan. 8 Feb. 6 Feb. 6 Jan. 86 26 10 20 26 2 10 15 15 5 April. 5 April. 8 Feb. 5 April. 5 April. 11 Jan. 8 Feb. 22 Feb. 22 Feb. Birmingham, Eng 12 5708, 10, 12 6 Jan. 6 25 Jan. Birmingham, Eng. 13 5709, 11, 13 6 Jan. 6 25 Jan. Hamilton, N.Z. 42 5813 2 March .. 19 8 March. Irvin, J. S. Auokland, N.Z. 8 5822 8 March .. 22 22 March. Jagger and Harvey Johannesburg .Mirror Company, The. (See Evans and Williamson.) Johnson, S. Jones. (See Moore-Jones.) Jonkopings och Vulcans Tandstieknfabriks aktiebolag Auckland, N.Z. 50 5832 13 March .. Melbourne, Vic. 3 5853 21 March .. Jonkoping, Sweden 47 5846-51 21 March .. Knight and Sons, Limited, J. London, Eng. 48 5734 18 Jan. 10 8 Feb. Lafayette Studios, The. (See W. H. Bartlett.) Lever Bros., Limited Lever Bros., Limited Lever Bros., Limited Lever Bros., Limited Lever Bros., Limited Lovegrove, W. Lowry, A. Ludzki and Co. (See J. Whitefield.) Lysaght, J., Limited Balmain, N.S.W. Balmain, N.S.W. Balmain, N.S.W. Balmain, N.S.W. Balmain, N.S.W. London, Eng. .. Christchurch, N.Z. 47 48 47,48 48 47 42 22 5702, 4 5703, 5 5736, 7 5809 5799 5782 5740 4 Jan. 4 Jan. 18 Jar. 22 Feb. 22 Feb. 15 Feb. 20 Jan. 2 2 10 19 19 15 10 11 Jan. 11 Jan. 8 Feb. 8 March. 8 March. 22 Feb. 8 Feb. Bristol, Eng. 5 5789 19 Feb. 15 22 Feb. Macky, J. J. Maltico Food Company, The Markwttld, H. McLdlan, M. McLeod and Co., C. Meek and Co., T. .. Mileom, E. Morgan Crucible Company, Limited, Tho Auckland, N.Z. Portflmouth, Eng. Wellington, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z Port Ahuriri, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. .. Wellington, N.Z. London, Eng. .. 42 42 4, 42 50 47 47 48 6 5721 5823 5795, 6 5726 5731 5831 5836 5751, 2 12 Jan. 8 March .. 22 Feb. 13 Jan. 16 Jan. 12 March .. 15 Marcli .. 25 Jan. 6 25 Jan. 19 6 10 8 March. 25 Jan. 8 Feb. 22 15 22 March. 22 Feb. Moore-Jones, CM. Murdoch and Co., A. Auokland, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. .. 50 42 5854 5765 22 March .. 6 Feb. 26 15 5 April. 22 Feb. Nathan and Co., Limited, L. D. Noill and Co., Limited Noton Bros. Auckland, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Auokland, N.Z. 43 50 42 5827 5724 5759,60 10 Marcli .. 13 Jan. 3 Feb. 22 6 22 March. 25 Jan. Olsen, A. Island Bay, N.Z. 50 5857 23 March .. 20 5 April. Paling and Co., Limited, W. H. Paterson and Co., A. S. P.B.C. Company, The Peck and Co., H. .. Philips and Pike Pike, J. A. Preservaline Manufacturing Company, The Preservaline Manufacturing Company, The Preservaline Manufacturing Company, The Sydney, N.S.W. Wellington, N.Z Sydney, N.S.W. London, Eng. Wellington, N.Z. Dunedin,N.Z. .. New York, U.S.A. 9 42 48 42 45 38 2 5834 5859 5808 5649 5862 5728 5179 14 March .. 24 Maroh .. 28 Feb. 23 Nov., 1905 29 March .. 13 Jan. 23 Feb., 1905 22 22 March. 22 22 March. 6 2 25 Jan. 11 Jan. New York, U.S.A. 42 5456 14 Aug., 1905 2 11 Jan. New York, U.S.A. 2 5180 23 Feb., 1905 6 25 Jan. Bae, J. A. Eteddaway and Co., Limited, F. Reid, A. O., and another .. Revolving Heel Company, The. (See T. H. Roberts.) Ridley and Son Roberts, T. H. Royds Bros, and Kirk, Limited Nelson, N.Z. .. Manchester, Eng. Wellington, N.Z. 3, 2 39 39 5800, 1 5701 5754 23 Feb. 3 Jan. 27 Jan. 19 8 March. Christchurch, N.Z. Preston, Eng. Inveroargill and Christohurch, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Clevedon, N.Z. .. I 42 40 42 5722 5781, 3 5788 12 Jan. 15 Feb. 19 Feb. 15 22 Feb. Salmon, R., Limited Schmitt, A. J. Gr. ., 42 49 5816 5772, 3 3 March .. 12 Feb. 19 8 March.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.



ippl lical iion. '<tze. it. N&m*. Address. ClasB. No. Date. No. Date. Scott, R. A., and another Semple, W. Sheldon and Co., T., Limited Sigall and Co., S. .. Smith and Smith, Limite i Smith and Wellstood, Limited Smith, H. H. Smith, H. H. Smith, H. H. Smith, J. A. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wolverhampton, Enp, .. Wellington, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. .. Bonnybridge, Scotland .. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Milwaukee, U.S.A., »nd London, Eng. Chriatchurch, N.Z. Timaru, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 3 2 13 45 1 18 22 40 22, 40 3 5828 5746 5647 5802 5623 5806 5792 5791 5790,3 5829 9 March .. 21 Jan. 22 Nov., 1905 24 Feb. 4 Nov., 1905 27 Feb. 20 Feb. 20 Feb. 20 Feb. 10 March .. 22 10 22 26 IS 22 March. 8 Feb. 22 March. 5 April. 22 Feb. 19 22 8 March. 22 March. S vmerville, W. Souter, J. W. L M. Stewart Timber, Glass, and Hard ware Company, Limi'ed Strauss and Co. Suchard (Societe Anonyme) Sully, G... Sykes, A. E. 50 38 18 5723 5755 5807 13 Jan. 29 Jan. 27 Feb. 15 22 Feb. 19 8 March. London, England Neuchatel, Switzerland Wellington, N.Z. New Plymouth, N.Z. 43 42 50 2 5419 5562 5843 5768 25 July, 1905 5 Oct., 1905 21 March .. 7 Feb. 2 11 Jan. 22 March. 15 22 Feb. Tai Tapu Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited Tire Co., G. and J. Townson, W. Tyree and Co,, A. .. Tyree and Co., A. .. Tai Tapu, N.Z. 42 5803 26 Feb. Jersey City, U.S.A. Marton, N.Z. .. Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. 40 3 22 38 5864 5845 5715 5756 30 March" .. 21 March .. 9 Jan. 29 Jan. 26 26 5 April. 5 April. 10 8 Feb. Universal Medicine Company. (See W. H. Coy and R. A. Scott.) Nuremberg, Ger. Camden, N.J. , U.S.A. .. 5818, 19,20 5810 5 Mar. 28 Feb. Vereinigte Pinsel-Fabriken Viotor Talking Machine Company .. Vigourine Company. (See J. S. Irvin.) 50 8 19 8 March. Walker, Kempson, and Stevens, Limited Wall, J. E Ward Bros., Limited ... Warnock Bros. Warnock Bros. Warren Featherbone Company, Tne Warren Featherbone Company, The Watson and McGill White and Co., Limiteil White and Co., Limited Whitefield, J. Wigan Coal and Iron Company, Limited, The Wilkinson, F. Williamson, H. Williamson, R. .. Wilson, G. E., A. E., A., and N. Wilson J. (See G. E., A. K., A., and N. Wilson.) Wood-Milne Revolving Heel Company, The.. (See T. H. R >berts.) Wootton, S. E. .. Leicester, Eng. 38 5750 25 Jan. London, Eng. Stockpojt, Eng. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Three Oaks, U.S.A. Three Oaks, U.S.A. Petersburg, U.S.A. Dunedin, N.Z... Duneiin, N.Z... Auckland, N.Z. Wigan, Eng. 22 38 V< 47 38 38 a A2 45 5 5858 5557, 8, 9 5814 5815 5825 5826 5729 5866 5821 5693 5733 23 March .. 4 Oct., 1905 3 March .. 3 March .. 8 March .. 8 March .. 13 Jan. 31 Mnrch .. 8 II arch .. 22 Dec, 1905 18 Jan. .. j 19 22 2'2 6 8 March. 22 March. 5 April. 22 March. 25 Jan. ■12 212 22 22 March. 22 March. 22 March. Dunedin, N.Z. .. Dunedin, N.Z... Wellington, N.Z. Gildersome, Eng. 3 42 4-J 31 5785 5764 5852 5804 16 Feb. 5 Feb. 21 March .. 27 Feb. .. ' 15 15 22 Feb. 22 Feb. 19 8 March. Dunedin, N.Z... 5766 6 Feb. 22 Feb. 3 15 Zincke, F. B. Auckland, N.Z. 38 5714 8 Jan.

Name. Address. No. of Class. App] No. lication. Date. 25 Jan. 15 Feb. Gazette. No. Date. .. 10 8 Feb. .. 19 8 March. Alexander, J. Allen, A. and I. Art Publishing Company. (See A. and I. Allen.) Uollings, 0. McNeil, A. Smith and Wellstood, Limited Brooklyn, U.S.A. Chrietchurch, N.Z. I 1 5 277 •282 Auckland, N.Z. • ■ .. luveroargill, N.Z. Bonnybridge, Scotland .. l : 10 i 278, 9 280 283 26 Jan. 13 Feb. 27 Feb. .. i 15 i 22 Feb. ... 15 22 Feb. .. 19 8 March.




* Denotes a provisional 'rade Marks Act, 1889." ovisional specification. 889." lenoi ;es a prior ;e urn ler seci iion ;em its, Designs, am is, Application. Gazette. Mtiue. Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Abel, N. A. H., Copenhagen, Den. Hoist Abrams, L. G., Sydney, N.S.W. Construction of brooms or brushes. (J. Matherson) Ackland, E. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Elastic feet for chair and table leg Adams, H. H., Takapuna, N.Z. Preventing " racing " of marine propellers . Aktiebolaget Separator, Stockholm, Sweden. Milking-machine. (F. Ljungstrom) Alcock and Co. Proprietary, Limited, Melbourne, Vic. Billiard-table. (F. A. Alcock) Alcock, F. A., Melbourne Vic. (See Alcock and Co. Proprietary, Limited, No. 20352.) Alcock, F. A., Melbourne, Vic. Billiard and dining table Alexander, W. E. C, and another, Auckland, N.Z. Ore-furnace Allan, A. T. W., Thames, N.Z. Chimney-top Allan, C. F. F., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Broad-caster Allen, A. D., and another, Wellington, N.Z- Trolley-head Allen, A. D., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Trolley-head Allen, F. 15. C, Perth, W.A. Lock nut and bolt.. Anderson, D., Westcliff, Eng. Incandescent mantle and burner Anderson, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Cheese-press Anderson, W. B., and another, Hazel Bank, N.Z. Picture-hanger .. Andrew, J. W., Otahuhu, N.Z. Urinal-silencer Andrews. R., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Drain-pipe trap or grating Andrews, R., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Drain-grating fastener .. Angus, W., Opawa, N.Z. Valve Anschau, J., Glen Innes, N.S.W. Mail-bag seal Armstrong, F., Dunedin, N.Z. Drilling teeth Arnold, E. E., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Securing turbine-vanes Arnold, E. E., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Securing turbine-vane Artom, A., Turin, Italy. Wireless-telegraphy receiver Ashcroft, A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Wheel Ashton, O., Lawrence, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, Nos. 21364, 21365.) Austin, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Toaster and griller Australasian Coal Briquette Company, Limited, Sydney, N.S.W. Coal briquette. (G. L. Croudace) 20727 21373 15 Feb. 28 June 58 28 June. 20864 21053 14 March 26 April 38 17 May.* 20837 10 March si 19 April. 20952 4 April 31 19 April.* 21349 21377 20781 20871 20376 20683 21330 20982 21133 21286 21350 21121 21253 20893 19645 20998 20868 20869 21155 21389 23 June 26 June 24 Feb. 14 March 27 Nov., 1905 7 Feb. 22 June 11 April 9 May 13 June 23 June 7 May 30 May 21 March 28 June, 1905 11 April 18 Mar., 1905t 22 Mar., 1905t 16 May 29 June 38 31 42 42 '59 17 May. 19 April.* 31 May. 31 May. 12 July. 42 53 31 53 42 31 31 59 31 May.* 28 June. 19 April.* 28 June. 31 May.* 19 April. 19 April. 12 July. 21226 21220 29 May 26 May Bagot, I., and another, Birkenhead, N.Z. Horse-shoe Bairstow, H., Ashburton, N.Z. Draught and rain excluder Baldwin, E. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Winch for mines. (J. H. and J. M. Holman) Banks, L., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Folding paper box Barden, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Bird-trap Barger, W. G., Melbourne, Vic. Disc plough Barker, E. M., Featherston, N.Z. Cooling milk Barker, J. B., Featherston, N.Z. Can for holding and agitating cream Barnes, E. A., Stawell, Vic. Wrench Barrett, G., Manurewa, N.Z. Tool-holder Barrett, G., Alfriston, N.Z. Boot-fastening Barry, H. P., Waihi, N.Z. Tube-mill lining Barry, J. H. L., Mataura, N.Z. Reaper and binder apron Bary, W., Paemako, N.Z. Swingletree Basley, G. W., Auckland, N.Z. Post-card Bates, A., and another, Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, Nos. 21072 and 21073.) Baxter, A., Berhampore, N.Z. Sliding and folding partition Beal, C. A., Mornington, N.Z. Folding gate and partition Beamish, W., Cromwell, N.Z. Account, &c, forms Beckett, T., Rongotea, N.Z. Propelling vessels Beckwith, J. E., Palmerston North, N.Z. Wheel Beere, W. O., Wellington, N.Z. Drawing-instrument BeUngu, V., Boston, U.S.A. (See W. A. Stetson, No. 20930.) Belk, J. A., Feilding, N.Z. Rail-joint Bell, R. E., Epsom, N.Z. Lens Bennet, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Dress-fastener Bennett, G. T., Addington, N.Z. Wooden tower Bentham, J. A., and another, London, Eng. Photographic plates, &c. Bargner, C, Sande, Germany. Cream-separUtor tube Berry, E. D., Palmerston North, N.Z. Milk-weighing Berry, T. H., and another, San Francisco, U.S.A. Operating telegraph system 21034 21103 20914 21 April 8 May 29 March 42 53 31 31 May.* 28 June.* 19 April.* 21252 21148 21093 21091 21092 21267 19743 21050 20436 21036 21002 21284 30 May 12 May 4 May 5 May 5 May 7 June 17 July, 1905 28 April 9 Dec, 1905 20 April 17 April 9 June 53 46 59 38 42 42 42 42 28 June.* 14 June.* 12 Juiy. 17 May. 31 Maj'.* 31 May. 31 May.* 31 May.* 21056 21326 20986 21342 21144 21087 30 April 18 June 11 April 22 June 15 May 4 May 38 17 May.* 59 53 12 July. 28 June. 21313 20705 20963 20904 21383 20838 21048 20951 15 June 8 Feb. 3 April 24 March 27 June 10 March 27 April 4 April 31 35 42 19 April.* 3 May.* 31 May.* 31 19 April. 59 12 Juiy.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent- continued.


PPi ira . ;ion. 'nze Iβ. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Berry, V., and another, San Francisco, U.S.A. Operating telegraph system Bertheau, H. A., Stockholm, Sweden. (See F. Wagner, No. 20954.) 3ewick, Moreing, and Co., Kalgoorlie, W.A. Decantation of cyanide solutions. (P. Fitzgerald) Bifurcated Rivet Company, Limited, Warrington, Eng. Rivet. (H. J. Joscelyne) Blackburn, F., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Rubber heel.. Blackmore, W., and others, London, Eng. Treating pyritic ores Bliek, B., Blenheim, N.Z. Rabbit-trap.. Bliss, F. W., Woodville, N.Z. Gate-hinge Bloxham, H. C. L., Capetown, (Jape Colony. (See Maganite Explosives Syndicate, Limited, No. 21334.) Bocock, S. J., and another, Brisbane, Q. Mattress, &c, fastening .. Boggiano, E., Rome. Italy. Vote-recorder Bolton, A. J. J., Armadale, Vic. Composition for manufacture of butter-boxes Bonner, J., Port Chalmers, N.Z. Can for boiling water Borden, W. H., Winchester, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 19610.) Border, A. J., Wellington, N.Z. Destination-indicator Bordigoni, V., Paris, France. Sewage-treatment Bower, D., Dunedin, N.Z. Milk-strainer Bowles, M., Auckland, N.Z. Reaming pipes and tubes Bowman, J. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Spouting-bracket .. Bradbury, R. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Waterproof garments Bradley, A. E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Lead-calme Bradley, H. G., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Lead-calme Bridgor, A. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Boot-heel Bridger, T. E., Dunedin, N.Z. Teeth-extractor Bristow, C, Addington, N.Z. Seed-sower Brittin, F. G. M., Papanui, N.Z. Beer-pump Brookes, A. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Preventing clogging of sink-pipea Broughton, E., Auckland, N.Z. Measuring, &c, for clothing Broughton, E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Preventing clogging of sink-pipes Brown, D. A. C, Palmerston North, N.Z. Toy Brown, J., Maheno, N.Z. Ploughing and cleaning machine Browne, G. J., and another , , Palmerston North, N.Z. Machine for making sheet-metal piping Browne, M. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Cinder-sieve Brunswick Refrigerating Company, New Brunswick, U.S.A. Pump. (R. Whitaker) Brunswick Refrigerating Company, New Biunswick, U.S.A. Valve. (R. Whitaker) Brunswick Refrigerating Company, New Brunswick, U.S.A. Refriger-ating-apparatus. (R. Whitaker) Buck, R., and another, Whangaratta, Vic. Tire removing and replacing tool Buckland, H., and another, Marrickville, N.S.W. Teaching or demonstrating apparatus Budge, D., and another, Pinkenba, Q. Butter, &c, box Burbury, A. W., Woodbury, Tas. Securing strand of fencing-wire Burke, F., and another, Burke'a, N.Z. Kitchen-range Burney, G., Wellington, N.Z. Foul-air remover Burns, J. C, Wyndham, N.Z. Blight-preventor Burt, W. S., Albury, N.S.W. Wheel Bush, T., Wellington, N.Z. Cap Butterworth, J. W., Auckland, N.Z. Propeller-blade Bywater, J. D., Christchurch, N.Z. (See International Harvester Company of America, No. 21165.) 20951 i i I 20500 4 April 59 12 July. 28 Dec, 1905.. 18 April I I .. 26 5 April. . 21009 42 31 May. 21000 21077 21136 21014 12 April 4 Sept., 1905f 10 May 19 April 46 14 June. •20972 20635 21230 6 April 24 Jan. 30 May 46 46 14 June. 14 June. 20835 10 March 35 3 May.* 20992 21125 20841 21325 19730 21300 21047 21047 21385 21328 21273 21211 21390 12 April 8 May 12 March 16 June 13 July, 1905.. 13 June. 27 April 27 April 28 June 19 June 7 June 28 May 29 June 46 31 59 14 June. 19 April.* 12 July 59 12 July.* 20976 21390 8 April 29 June 38 17 May.* 21170 21281 21085 17 May 8 June 3 May 59 12 July.* 20964 20883 5 April 21 March 35 31 3 May.* 19 April. 20884 21 March 31 19 April 20885 21 March 31 19 April. 20948 4 April 35 8 May.* 21198 25 May 21063 21038 21104 20759 21141 20664 21345 21098 1 May 26 April 5 May 22 Feb. 11 May 19 Jan.f 23 June 7 May 46 - 31 *4C 14 June.* 19 April.* 14 June. *42 31 May.* Cadle, A. C, and another, Launceston, Tas. Hermetically sealing receptacles. (W. W. Cadle) Cadle, I. W., and another, Launceston, Tas. Hermetically sealing receptacles. (W. W. Cadle) Cadle, W. W., Williamsburg, U.S.A. (See I. W. and A. C. Cadle, No. 21240.) Cahill, T., Waihi, N.Z. Spurs Cambridge, C. F. A., and others, Camerons, N.Z. Music-stand Cameron, E. A., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Sheep-dipping apparatus Carder, G., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Cesspit and gulley-trap Carder, G., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Cesspit and gulley-trap Carlson, O. K., Clydevale, N.Z. Water-tap Carlson, O. K., Clydevale, N.Z. Water-tap Carlson, O. K., Clydevale, N.Z. Protecting water-pipes from frost.. Carlson, O. K., Clydevale, N.Z. Apparatus for growing strawberries .. Carrigan, A. J., Auckland, N.Z. Fire-lighter Carroll, J. B., Chicago, U.S.A. Acetylene-burner Carter, F. C, and another, Melbourne, Vic. Butter-cutter 21240 31 May 21240 31 May 21227 21004 21374 29 May 17 April 23 June *42 31 May.* 21351 21352 20862 20900 20901 21129 21205 21174 20925 23 June 23 June 15 March 23 March 23 March 11 May 22 May 21 May 30 March 35 35 35 42 3 May.* 3 May.* 3 May.* 31 May.* 31 19 April.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

PPl lio&i ion. IZf Sβ. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. Date. No. Carter, R. H., Wellington, N.Z. Hames Carter, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Game Castle, F., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Floor-polisher Chamberlain, W. E., Feilding, N.Z. Water-collector Chessell, G., Brunswick, Vic. Encased springs Chisholm, J. C, and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Cutting plastic material Churches, G. E., Te Awamutu, N.Z. Cleaner for rubber tubes Clark, R. O., Hobsonville, N.Z. Treating earthenware pipes Clark, R. O., and another, Hobsonville, N.Z. Method of advertising Clark, W., Lowburn, N.Z. Trap-chain Clarke, J. F., Hunter's Hill, N.S.W. Filling bottles with liquid .. Clarke, W., and another, Stronvar, N.Z. Braces.. Clarke, W. S., Auckland, N.Z. Plastering-laths Claydon, G., Christchurch, N.Z. Building-construction Clear, H. G. F., Greymouth, N.Z. Ironing-stand Coale, H., Baltimore, U.S.A. Artificial cork Cockburn, F. C. J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. School-desk or draw-ing-table Cockburn, R., Roxburgh, N.Z. Water-detector Coleridge, E. W. G., Wellington, N.Z. Cooking-utensil handle Collins, E. E., Wendonside, N.Z. Hot well Collison, C. N., Melbourne, Vic. Manufacture of carbon-dioxide. (J. C. Stead) Colloseus, H., Berlin, Ger. Cement-making Comings, W. R., Wimbledon, Eng.. Cardboard box Connell, R., Westport, N.Z. Tire-inflator Cook, C, Makarewa, N.Z. Cloth-cutting shears Cook, J., Wellington, N.Z. Trolley-head Co'oke, A. N., and another, Richmond, Vic. Boot and shoe tips Cooper, F. H., Wellington, N.Z. Trolley-head .. Corbett, F. J., South Yarra, Vic. Food and tonic Corbett, F. J., South Yarra, Vic. (See H. Corbett, No. 21066.) Corbett, F. J., South Yarra, Vic. (See E. G. Mills, No. 21231.) Corbett, H., South Yarra, Vic. Siphon. (F. J. Corbett) Coskerie, R., Summer Hill, N.S.W. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 21015.) Cosslett, R., Bristol, Eng. Tap and cook Coulthard, T. W., Mangapai, N.Z. Wire-fence binder Cranswick, H. W., and another, Birkenhead, N.Z. Horse-shoe Cranwell, B. F., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Broad caster Crawford, B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Boiler Crichton, A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. School desk and chair .. Crichton, A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Swivelling seat Crockett, W. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Hairpin Crompton, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Glazing-bars Crook, E., South Yarra, Vic. Boot-upper Crook, W. E., Surry Hills, N.S.W. Railway-coupling Cross, R. T., Buliinba, Q. Fishing-reel Croudace, G. L., Balmain, N.S.W. (See Australasian Coal Briquette Company, Limited, No. 21220.) Cummings, J. T., and others, Croydon, N.S.W. Preserving meat, fish, &c. Cuthbert, J., Melbourne, Vic. (See E. McClellan, No. 21151.) 19434 20987 20902 20947 21074 21138 21146 19438 21375 21126 21366 20965 20970 20979 21384 21354 21251 20831 21279 20825 19880 20956 20878 21045 19692 21346 21108 20962 21013 5 May, 1905.. 11 April 21 March 4 April 3 May 10 May 15 May 4 May, 1905.. 26 June 8 May 28 June 6 April 7 April 10 April 27 June 26 June 29 May 8 March 9 June 7 March 15 Aug., 1905 2 April 21 March 27 April 8 July, 1905 23 June 9 May 6 April 18 April 38 42 31 31 46 59 46 53 35 42 53 31 59 31 38 17 May. 31 May.* 19 April.* 19 April.* 14 June.* 12 Juiy.* 14 June. 28 June.* 3 May.* 31 May.* 28 June. 19 April.* 12 July. 19 April. 17 May. 31 38 19 April.* 17 May.* 21066 1 May 46 14 June.* 21205 21071 21034 20871 21017 21081 21095 21255 21319 21109 21296 21196 6 June 30 April 21 April 14 March 19 April 3 May 4 May 31 May 20 June 9 May 13 June 25 May 59 42 31 42 42 12 July.* 31 May.* 19 April.* 31 May.* 31 May.* 59 59 59 12 July.* 12 July.* 12 July.* 21035 25 April 46 14 June. Dallaston, C. W., and another, Masterton, N.Z. Card-game Dane, E., Remuera, N.Z. Hydraulic ram Dangerfield, J. E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. School-desk or draw-ing-table Daniels, H., Brisbane, Q. Potato digger and grader Danks, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Skylight-bar Danne, R. V., St. Kilda, Vic. Valve and pump connecting-piece Davenport, T. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Rubber spring Davidson, G., Hokitika, N.Z. Pitch-chain and sprocket Davies, H., and another, Geraldine, N.Z. Closet-pad Davies H., and another, Geraldine, N.Z. Closet-seat cover Davies, H. H., Sydney, N.S.W. (See S. G. Plucknett, No. 21294.) Davies, W. H., Melbourne, Vic. Horse-shoe Davis, J. W., Devonport, N.Z. Exposure and focus distributor Dawson, J., Wellington, N.Z. Bridge-construction Dawson, J. G., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Cooking-utensil .. Day, A. M., Utah, U.S.A. Smelting ore Debenhain, A. J., and others, Hokitika, N.Z. Music-stand De Forest, L., New York, U.S.A. (See De Forest Wireless Telegraph Syndicate, Limited, No. 20984.) De Forest Wireless Telegraph Syndicate, Limited, London, Eng. Wireless telegraphy. (L. de Forest) Deister, E., Fort Wayne, U.S.A. Ore-concentrator Deschamps, J. M., Brisbane, Q. Fencing-dropper Deay, L. A., Montreal, Canada. (See J. W. Harris, No. 20949.) Dewing, E. J., and another, Brisbane, Q. Mattress, &c, fastening Dilly, A.,. Kilbirnie, N.Z. Cash-bag Dimmick, W., and others, Northcote, Vic. Boot-upper Dod, Or. E., Maryborough, Queensland. Rotary engine 20969 20977 2] 251 7 April 7 April 29 May 31 38 19 April.* 17 May.* 21127 20809 21225 20894 21203 21097 21264 8 May 5 March 29 May 21 March 25 May 7 May 6 June 59 31 35 59 12 July.* 19 April.* 3 May.* 12 July. 21041 21283 21176 21337 20726 21004 25 April 8 June 22 May 22 June 15 Feb. 17 April 42 31 May. 31 42 19 April. 31 May.* 20984 11 April 35 3 May. 21175 21001 21 May 17 April 42 31 May.* 20972 21172 21075 21295 0 April 19 May 3 May 13 June 46 59 59 14 June. 12 July. 12 July.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


lP1)I iwai iion. Gazette. Name, Addreag, and Invention. No. Date. No, Date Dorwald, G. L. M., London, Eng. Carburetter Douglas, R. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Umbrella Downey, W. J. C, Perth, W.A. Wind-gauge and vernier-elevator Duckworth, Turner, and Co., Limited, Christchurch, N.Z. Sandalstrap Duncan, D., and another, Opunake, N.Z. Veterinary appliance Duncombe, E. W., and another, Deloraine, Tas. Wire-strainer Dungan, E. J., Richmond, Vic. Blocking boots and shoes Dunn, H. E., and others, Balaclava, Vic. Expansible pulley '.'. Dunn, S., and others, Balaclava, Vic. Expansible pulley Dunne, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Mitre-joint cramp Dunne, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Clamp .. .. \[ Duryea, 0. C, and another, Los Angeles, U.S.A. Combustion-engine fuel-supply Duryea, O. C, and another, Los Angeles, U.S.A. Gas-engine Dwyer, G., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Claw hammer and staplepuller 21194 21234 21106 I 21040 21010 21160 21118 21058 21058 19403 19776 20957 31 May, 1905f 30 May 20 Marchf .. 25 April 18 April 17 May 9 May 1 May 1 May 26 April, 1905 21 July, 1 !)<>5 2 April 59 59 46 46 31 42 42 12 Juiy. 12 July.* 14 June.* 14 June.* 19 April. 31 May. 31 May. 20958 21269 2 April 7 June 42 31 May. Eason, G., and another, Coonamble, N.S.W. Poison-ejector Edwards, A. J., Auckland, N.Z. Trolley-pole controller Edwards, A. J., Auckland, N.Z. Trolley-pole controller Engeler, F. C, and another, Ballarat, Vic. Gold-saving table Esmond, H. T. F., and another, Rozelle, X.S.W. Teaching or demonstrating apparatus Evans, G. H., Swanson, N.Z. Reaper and binder Evelyn, E. S., Hobart, Tas. Non-refillable bottle Evelyn, E. S., New Town, Tas. Closure for hermetically sealed receptacle Evelyn, E. S., Hobart, Tas. Non-refillable bottle 20967 21178 21336 21119 21198 5 April 22 May 22 June 9 May 25 May 59 31 19 April.* 12 Juiy. 21258 21080 21156 2 June 3 May 16 May 59 42 12 July.* 31 May.* 21210 28 May Fabling, D., Feilding, N.Z. Case-opening tool Falvoy, T., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Potato-cleaner .. .'. Farquhar, J. F. C, and another, London, Eng. Oil-lamp Farquhar, J. F. C, and another, London, Eng. Oil-lamp .. .. Farrell, F. J., Auckland, N.Z. Fire or burglar alarm . . ., Fauset, T. F., and another, Brisbane, Q. Life-saving appliance Ferguson, J. A., Denver, U.S.A. Mould for building-block. (G P White) Firth, E. T. C, Auckland, N.Z. Mixing and disintegrating machine Firth, T., Wellington, N.Z. Horse-stopper Fitzgerald, P., Lawlers, W.A. (See Bewick, Moreing, and Co, No. 20500.) Fola, J., Valentia, Spain. Propeller Foot, C. L. K. H., Ashley-Clinton, N.Z. Electrically igniting gas Forest. (See De Forest.) .. .. Forsyth, R. B., Christchurch, N.Z. Ink-remover Fortescue, A. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Sectional wheel-tire Fowler, T. C, Palmerston North, N.Z. Bicycle-frame Fox, H. W., London, Eng. Electricity storage Fraser, J., and another, Glenthompson, Vic. Fuse-igniter Friedenreich, L., Thornleigh, N.S.W. Yeast-making 21068 21164 20715 20716 21208 21224 21207 21064 1.9520 2 May 17 May 9 Dec, 1905f 9 Dec, 1905-j-21 May 29 May 26 May 28 April 27 May, 1905 53 59 31 31 42 46 28 June.* 12 July.* 19 April. 19 April. 31 May.* 14 June. 20882 21306 21 March 14 June 31 19 April. 20826 21333 21028 21358 21217 21339 7 March 22 June 24 April 26 June 25 May 22 June 31 19 April. Gabriel, F. W. E., Albion, Q. Turnstile.. Galbally, J. 0., Wellington, N.Z. Window-sash .. Gait, J., Mataura, N.Z. Sleeve-links .. .. " Gait, J., Mataura, N.Z. Sleeve-links Gaminara, E., and another, London, Eng. Castor Gandil, E. V., Copenhagen, Den. Milking-machine Gardiner, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Revolver .. .. Gardner, J. E. L., Palmerston, N.Z. Plate-rack for gas-stove Gardner, C. F., and another, New Lynn, N.Z. Method of advertising Gare, T., New Brighton, Eng. Resilient-wheel Garey, W. E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Floor-polisher Garrett, R. Z., Otahuhu, N.Z. Street-sweeper Gascoyne, F. J. W., Hastings, N.Z. Tire-protector ['. George, A., and others, New Plymouth, N.Z. Football-cover . '. Gibbs, A. A., Ringarooma, Tas. Curtain-suspender Gieseler, R. A., Berlin, Ger. Gravity filter Gilbert, T. J., and another, Brunswick, Vic. Dressing rails in situ Gilbert) W. V., Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Toy Gilday, J. J., Berringa, Vic. Pump Gill, E. R., Yonkers, U.S.A. (See International Telegraphic Call Company, No. 21008.) Gillies, A., Geelong, Vic. Pneumatic teat-cup Gilmour, D., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Floor cleaner and polisher Glasgow, C, and another, Stratford, N.Z. Music-turner Godward, E. R., Invercargill, N.Z. Egg-beater Godward, E. R., Invercargill, N.Z. Kerosene-pump siphon Godward, E. R., Invercargill, N.Z. Kerosene-tap Good, J. T., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Fuse-igniter '.'. Gooder, N. I., Wellington, N.Z. Trolley-head Gordon, C. W., Melbourne, Vic. Cycle-pedal strap 21158 21380 20990 21248 21007 21029 21247 20845 21375 20790 20902 21277 21263 21021 20848 21359 20887 21303 21163 17 May 29 June 9 April 1 June 18 April 21 April 29 May 14 March 26 June 28 Feb. 21 March 6 June 6 June 21 April 14 March 26 June 21 March 11 June 17 May 59 35 35 31 31 12 July.* 3 May 3 May. 19 April.* 19 April.* 31 19 April.* 59 12 Juiy.* 20164 20802 21200 20658 21180 21181 21217 21237 19586 12 Oct., 1905.. 28 Feb. 25 May 30 Jan. 19 May 19 May 25 May 30 May 14 June, 1905 53 31 31 28 June. 19 April.* 19 April. 59 35 12 July.* 3 May.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent- continued.

28 lication. asei ■i Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. Xo. Date. Gordon, N. B., Melbourne, Vic. Flying-machine .. Gossling, P. J., Auckland, N.Z. Writing-paper advertising medium Gough, F., Stafford, N.Z. Cow-leg holder Grace, W., Invercargill, N.Z. Foot-warmer Graham, D., Ipswich, Q. Slotting-machine tool and holder Gray, A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Knee-ring Gray, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Seed-sower Gray, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Cultivator Gray, R., and another, Adelaide, S.A. Game Green, W. C, Marrickville, N.S.W. Confectionery-machine Greenall, T., Dunedin, N.Z. Tire-heater Greene, J. W., Melbourne, Vic. Vehicle-wheel axle Gresham, E. G., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Knee-ring Grey, W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Folding paper box Griffiths, W. J. J., Normanby, N.Z. Securing animal-covers Guthridge, N., Melbourne, Vic. Ore-concentrator deck Guthridge, N., Melbourne, Vic. Ore-concentrator Guthridge, N., Melbourne, Vic. Concentrator-feeder Gwatkin, S., Christchurch, N.Z. Seed-sower 21341 21376 21147 21388 21208 20405 21344 19479 ' 18975 21271 21124 21236 20405 21252 20278 21167 21168 21169 20939 22 June 26 June 28 May 2 July 7 June 4 Dec, 1905 22 June 16 May, 1905.. 16 Jan., 1905.. 7 June 7 May 30 May 4 Dec, 1905 30 May 4 Nov., 1905 17 May 17 May 17 May 2 April 53 59 26 38 35 59 59 26 28 June.* 12 Juiy.* 5 April. 17 May. 3 May. 12 July. 12 July.* 5 April. 31 19 April. Haines, W. C, Wellington, N.Z. Rotary engine Hamilton, J., Winton, N.Z. Sliding fence Hamilton, J. F., and others, Croydon, N.S.W. Preserving meat, fish, &c. 21214 21088 21035 28 May 28 April 25 April 59 53 46 12 July.* 28 June.* 14 June. Hannam, W. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Bath-water heater Hardley, J. W., Auckland, N.Z. Bending and shaping metal Harkins, T., Auckland, N.Z. Knife-cleaner Harkness, B. G. A., Stratford, N.Z. Vacuum pump Harper, H., Kaiapoi, N.Z. Scoop for cleaning gutters Harper, J. G., and another, Ashburton, N.Z. Harness Harris, A., Waimate, N.Z. Telegraph-wire insulator Harris, J. W., Montreal, Canada. Excavating-apparatus. (L. A. Desy) Hartwell, D., Wellington, N.Z. Flax-machine Harvey, A. G., Waverley, N.Z. Bit for horses Harvey, W., Auckland, N.Z. Strainer and aerator Hawkes, J. S., Wellington, N.Z. Milk-can Hawkes, J. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Tobacco-pipe attachment Hav, R. E., Seddon, N.Z. Rock and clay boring-tool Heideman, A. S., Gympie, Q. Railway-point operator Hein, A., Berlin, Germany. (See S. Mestitz and Son, No. 20943.) Hement, T. C, Christchurch, N.Z. Lead-headed nail Henderson, J. B., Brisbane, Q. (See T. Walters, No. 20915.) Henderson, W. E., Nhill, Vic. Sheep-shears Hercus, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Swingletree Heskett, T. J., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Manufacturing iron and steel Hewetson, E. H., and others, Waipiro Bay, N.Z. Sash lock and balance Hicks, L. H., and another, Williamstown, Vic. Boot and shoe tips .. Hillman, C, and another, Doncaster, Vic. (See A. H. Russell, Nos. 21111 and 21112.) Hogan, M., Edendale, N.Z. Grain and seed cleaner Hogxn, T., Wanganui, N.Z. Breeches and trousers Holdsworth, A. A., Hawksburn, Vic. Overall garment Holloway, H. J., and another, Warrandyte, Vic. (See A. H. Russell, Nos; 21111 and 21112.) Holman, J. H., and another. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward, No. 20914.) Holmin, J. M., and another. (See E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward, No. 20914.) Holmes, G. B., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Trolley-head Holmes, G. B., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Trolley-head Hooker, L., Svdney, N.S.W., Incandescent mantle Hopkirk, J., Hawera, N.Z. Force and lift pump Howard, A., and another, London, Eng. Treating pyritic ores Howarth, J. O. F., and another, Winton, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Howse, W. T., Auckland, N.Z. Fire-kindler Hughes,W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Linotvpe-machine. (Linotype and Machinery, Limited—F. W. Sutcliffe) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Bacon-curing. (J. Richardson) .. Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Phonograph. (C. C. Shigley) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Phonograph, (C. C. Shigley) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Removing paint from wood (H. C. Scrutton) Hughes, W. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Cement mixture. (R. Coskerie) .. Huki. (See Tβ Huki.) Humphries, A. L., and others, New Plymouth, N.Z. Football-cover Hunter, J. D., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Cheese-press Hunter, J. T., Wellington, N.Z. Casting curved stereotypes. (The Printing Machinery Company, Limited—H. A. W. Wood) Huntley, E. S., Coolgardio, W.A. Filtering slimes 19587 21381 20960 21266 21143 20910 21022 20949 14 June, 15)05 29 June 2 April 7 June 15 May 27 March 18 April 4 April 38 17 May. 59 46 31 42 12 July.* 14 June.* 19 April.* 31 May.* 20974 21003 21322 21310 213fiO 9 April 17 April 15 June 14 June 26 June 35 42 3 May.* 31 May.* 21362 21102 27 June 8 May 53 28 June. 21274 7 June 20633 21285 20990 24 Jan. 9 June 12 April 31 19 April.* 35 3 May.* 21249 21108 1 June 9 May 20391 21128 20916 25 Nov., 1905 9 May 29 March 26 5 April.* 31 19 April.* 27 Nov., 1905 7 Feb., 18 April 14 June 4 Sept., 1905t 11 May 26 June 4 Jan. 31 May. 31 May. 20376 20683 21019 21309 21077 21132 21379 20523 42 42 31 19 April. 20961 21059 21060 21177 6 April 1 May 1 May 22 May 46 59 14 June. 12 July.* 21015 19 April 21021 21133 21005 21 April 9 May 17 April 59 12 July. 20128 4 Oct., 1905 31 19 April.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

5— H. 10,-07.


Application. Oazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date, International Harvester Company of America, The, Christchurch, N.Z. Finger-attachment to reaper and mower. (J. D. Bywater) International Telegraph Call Company, New York, U.S.A. Electric signalling. (E. R. Gill) Irvine, J., Napier, N.Z. Wire-fastener .. Irwin, H., Tikokino, N.Z. Bird-alarm 21165 21008 » 17 May i 18 April 21318 21187 i 15 June 23-May Jack, A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Hydrocarbon-generator Jackson, A. G., Brisbane, Queensland. Cash-register Jackson, J. D., Prahran, Vic. Water-heater Jackson, J. D., Prahran, Vic. I5ath-heater Jagger, A. F., Auckland, N.Z. Metal-castings mould-dresser James, A., London, Kng. Extracting gold from ores James, E. E., and others, Balaclava, Vic. Expansible pulley James, G. L. D., Napier, N.Z. (See J. J. Niven and Co., No. 21183.) Jamieson, W., Grays, Eng. Wood-clamping machine Jamieson, W. M., Te Papa, N.Z. Tire-protector Jamieson, W. M., Te Papa, N.Z. Pneumatic centre for wheels of bicycles, &c. Janitzky, E., and others, Pymble, N.S.W. Preserving meat, &c. Jarrett, R. 0., Feilding, N.Z. Disc loading-bar and dumbbell Jar vis, C. A., London, Eng. Delivering disinfectant to flushing-cisterns Jefferson, T. G., Dunedin, N.Z. .Sluice-box Jeffrey, R. W., Eaglehawk, Vic Bucket - hauling device. (J. H. Pickles) Jensen, P., St. Kilda, N.Z. Perambulator Jerram, A. E., and another, London, Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 21072.) Johansson, J. P., Enkoping, Sweden. Centrifugal separator Jolly, R. M., Petersham, N.S.W. Separating tin from iron Jones, A. I., Cricklewood, N.Z. Flax-treatment Jones. (See Moore-Jones.) Jopp, J. L., and another, Arrowtown, N.Z. Vehicle-brake Jorgensen, S. J. E., East Brighton, Vic. Loading cargo Joscelyne, H. J., London, Eng. (See Bifurcated Rivet Company' Limited, No. 21009.) 21186 21023 20054 21195 19762 21197 21058 23 May 18 April 18 Sept., 1905 25 May 17 July, 1905 25 May 1 May 59 53 42 59 46 12 July. 28 Juno. 31 May. 12 July. 14 June." 21298 21221 21370 13 June 26 May 26 June 59 12 July. 21035 21331 21367 21130 21150 25 April 22 June 28 June 11 May 16 May 46 59 14 June. I -2 Juiy.* 21276 8 June 21116 21154 21243 9 May 16 May 31 May 53 59 59 28 June. 12 July. 12 July.* 21083 21100 1 May 8 May 42 59 31 May.* 12 July. Karns Tunnelling Company, J. P., Boulder, U.S.A. Tunnelling-ma-chine Keen, C. E., Wellington, N.Z. Westinghouse-brake valve Kellam, A. E., Sydney, N.S.W. Lock-nut Kelly, H. A. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Hair-comb .. .. Kelly, W. F. C, and another, London, Eng. Photographic plates, &c. Kendrick, C, Silverhope, N.Z. Saucepan-lid Kinvig, W. H., Wellington, N.Z. Nail Kirkbride, J. L., Auckland, N.Z. Street-sweeper Klein, D., Roanoke, U.S.A. Milking-machine Kyme, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Music-transposer 20983 11 April 20985 21044 20942 21383 20886 20966 21335 21076 20803 11 April 27 April 2 April 27 June 21 March 6 April 22 June 3 May 2 March 46 38 35 14 June. 17 May. 3 May.* 53 28 June. Lakin, F. A., Napier, N.Z. Fencing-wire clip Lakin, F. A., Xapier, N.Z. Attaching fencing-wire to standard Landon, J. M., and another, London, Eng. Manufacture of paper tubes Langstone, C. W., Wellington, N.Z. (See F. J. Lissington, No 21135.) Lawless, P. C, London, Eng. Internal-combustion engine Lawrence, R. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Lamp-burner socket Ledgard, H., Hawera, N.Z. Horse-shoe Lewis, I., Hokitika, N.Z. Treatment of quartz Liddell, A., and others, Abbotsford, Vic. Boot-upper Lietz, W. F., Dunedin, N.Z. Producing hydraulic pressure Lilenthal, G., Berlin, Ger. (See M. Squire, No. 20827.) Lindsay, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Trolley-pole Lindsay, R., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Trolley-pole Linotype and Machinery Limited, London, Eng. (See W. E Huo-hes No. 20523.) Lissington, F. J., Karori, N.Z. Fire-kindler. (C. W. Langstone) .. Ljungstrom, F., Stockholm, Sweden. (See Aktiebolaget Separator, No. 20837.) Lock, J., Auckland, N.Z. Broom or brush manufacture Locke, T. F., and another, Premaydena, Tas. Wire-strainer Lockerbie, E., Matai, N.Z. Tap Lodder, E., Don, Tas. Supporting electric-light cables Logan, J., and another, Branchal, Scotland. Manufacture of paper tubes Long, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Ticket-holder Lorenz, C, Redfern, N.S.W. Engine-governor . . Lowe, A. E., Tai Tapu, N.Z. Flower-pot .. .. Lowe, R., Brunswick, Vic. Revolving or rotarv-action maze Lubbers, J. H., Allegheny, U.S.A. (See Window Glass Machine Company, Nos.. 20908 and 21094.) Lucas, C, Wellington, N.Z. Hanger for scaffolding-brackets Lucas, C=, Wellington, N.Z. Hanger for scaffolding-brackets 21123 21246 21107 10 May 31 May 9 May 59 59 12 July. 12 Juiy. 21062 19842 20857 21134 21075 21096 1 May 3 Aug., 1905 14 March 12 May 3 May 4 May 59 59 42 46 59 42 12 July. 12 July. 31 May. 14 June.* 12 July. 31 May.* 19370 19370 19 April, 1905 19 April, 1905 59 59 12 July. 12 July. 21135 12 May 21272 21160 21320 19589 21107 7 June 17 May 20 June 14 June, 1905 9 May 46 59 14 June. 12 July. 21179 20994 19936 21157 22 May 12 April 25 Aug., 1905 17 May 59 46 53 59 12 July.* 14 June. 28 June. 12 July.* 21216 21261 28 May 6 June 59 12 July.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent — continued.

.ppi lical ion. !(U«I !«. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. i_ Lundstrom, E. L., Blythwood, N.Z. Sheaf-band cutter Luttrell, A.E., Balmain, N.S.W. Rotary pump 20928 21159 30 March 17 May 38 17 May.* Macalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Ridge-roller scraper Macalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Seed-sower Macgregor, D. 8., Invercargill, N.Z. Raising and lowering curtainpoles Mackay, A., Auckland, N.Z. Ladder-strap Mackay, J. W., Auckland, N.Z. Prop-clip Maoky, J. J., Auckland, N.Z. Aerated-water bottle Mackenzie, E. B., and others, Ultimo, N.S.W. Horse-shoe machine Mackenzie, M. K., and others, Ultimo, N.S.W. Horse-shoe machine Mackenzie, N. H., and others, Ultimo, N.S.W. Horse-shoe machine Macpherson, D., Coolgardie, W.A. Button Madder, W., Kaikoura, N.Z. Voting-machine Maddison, W., Gisborne, N.Z. Ear-mark Maganite Explosives Syndicate, Limited, Cape Town, Cape Colony. Explosives-manufacture. (H. C. L. Bloxam) Mahoney, F. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Ventilating-system Mahoney, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Spouting-bracket Mainland, H. L., and another, Burke's, N.Z. Kitchen-range Mapp, T. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Treating forage Mapp, R., jun., Midhirst, N.Z. Cow-bail Marconi, G., London, Eng. (See Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company, Limited, No. 20880.) Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company, Limited, London, Eng. Wireless telegraphy. (5. Marconi) Marr, A., Invorcargill, N.Z. Curtain-pole Marriner, J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Card-game.. Marsh, R. A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Trolley-wheel bearing .. Marshall, D., Invercargill, N.Z. Picture-frame clamp Martin, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Envelope and picture-card Mason, J., Petaluma, U.S.A. Fire kindler Masson, J. R., Melbourne, Vic. Recovery of antimony and arsenic from ores Masters, E., and others, Sale, Vic. Butter-box Matherson, J., Sydney, N.S.W. (See L. G. Abrams, No. 21373.) Matthews, K., Waitara, N.Z. Flax-treatment Matthews, K., Auckland, N.Z. Manufacture of tobacco Matthews, K., Auckland, N.Z. Non-reflllable bottle Matthews, K., Auckland, N.Z. Telephone-bell silencer Maze, P. M., Paris, France. Pasteurising milk McAnulty, F. T., Lincoln, N.Z. Tine and weed clearer for harrow.. McCarty, F. J., San Francisco, U.S.A. Wireless telephone McClellan, H. W., Hawthorn, Vic. Gas water-heater McClelland, E., Melbourns, Vic. Pea-sheller. (J. Cuthbert) McCombs, E. R., Christchurch, N.Z. Raising and lowering blinds .. McDonald, H. E., Petone, N.Z. Egg-carrier McDonald, H. E., Wellington, N.Z. Attaching graders' certificates to flax-bales McDonald, H. E., Petone, N.Z. Cooking-utensil McDonald, H. E., Petone, N.Z. Tag and brand for hemp-bales McDonald, H. E., Petone, N.Z. Attaching tags and labels to hemp McFadden, W. 0., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Drain-pipe trap or grating McFadden, W. O., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Fastening gratings in drain-trape McFarlane, J. H., Albert Park, Vic. Portable derrick McGrath, J. P., Dunedin, N.Z. Animal-cover fastening McGuinness, D. H. K., and another, Whangaratta, Vic. Tire removing and replacing tool McKay, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Window-fastener McKenzie, D., Auckland, N.Z. Easy chair McKenzie, D., Invercargill, N.Z. Attaching tags to flax-bales McKenzie, D. G., Vancouver, B.C. Change-giving register McKenzie, R., Invercargill, N.Z. Minnow-head McKinnon, D., Dunedin, N.Z. Seed-sower McKinnon, D., Dunedin, N.Z. Seed and grain sower McLaurin, J. D., Pohangina, N.Z. Preventing fraud in trades McLaurin, J. D., Pohangina, N.Z. Attaching tags to hemp-bales .. McLean, A., Ti-tree Point, N.Z. Motor-car wheel McLeod, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Smoke-consumer and gas-generator . . McLeod, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving McMahon, J., Onehunga, N.Z. Sling for lifting animals McMaster, C. J., Corfield, Q. Windmill McMaster, C. J., Corfield, Q. Wheel ... McNally, J., Longreach, Q. Fencinsr-dvopper Meddings, W. G., Remuera, N.Z. Electric fire-alarm Meddings, W. G., Remuera, N.Z. Breakage-recorder for fire-preven-tion sprinkler Medhurst, F. W., Hobart, Tas. Portable telephone and telegraph Meiklejohn, A, W, D., Big Omaha, N.Z. Gum-diggers' hook 19811 20997 19701 25 July, 1905 9 April 10 July, 1905 59 42 42 12 July. 31 May.* 31 May. 20940 20896 20903 21391 21391 21391 20988 21213 19747 21334 30 March 22 March 22 March 29 June 29 Juno 29 June 12 April 28 May 13 July, 1905 22 June 35 81 31 3 May.* 19 April.* 19 April.* 42 59 42 31 May.* 12 July.* 31 May. 21301 19730 21104 20316 21191 12 June 13 July, 1905 5 May 15 Nov., 1905 25 May 59 59 ■ 12 July.* 12 July. 35 46 3 May. 14 June.* 20880 21 March 31 19 April. 18758 20969 21305 21039 21067 21275 21282 10 May, 1905 7 April 14 June 20 April 30 April 8 June 8 June 31 31 19 April. 19 April.* 21099 5 May 53 28 June.* 19500 20924 20971 21361 21235 19700 21101 21114 21151 20995 20650 20953 17 May, 1905 30 March 7 April 26 June 30 May 10 July, 1905 8 May 9 May 16 May 11 April 29 Jan. 4 April 31 31 38 19 April. 19 April.* 17 May.* 38 17 May. 63 28 June.* 38 31 17 May. 19 April.* 21241 21242 21314 21121 31 May 31 May 15 June 7 May 53 28 June.* 53 42 28 June.* 31 May.* 21253 30 May 53 28 June. 21299 19738 20948 13 June 12 July, 1905 4 April 59 35 12 July. 3 May.* 21054 20905 21086 21070 20639 21026 21122 20911 21239 20920 21024 21042 21033 20973 21218 20981 20173 20605 26 April 26 March 4 May 2 May 25 Jan. 24 April 10 May 28 March 31 May 30 March 18 April 24 April 20 April 6 April 25 May 11 April 10 Oct., 1905.. 18 Jan. 31 38 31 42 59 31 53 31 42 38 42 35 59 38 38 35 19 April.* 17 May. 19 April. 31 May.* 12 July. 19 April.* 28 June.* 19 April.* 31 May.* 17 May.* 31 May.* 3 May. 12 July. 17 May.* 17 May. 3 May. 21079 21049 3 May 28 April 42 46 31 May.* 14 June.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


■PPl liOili ;ion. l aze >. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Dato. Mein, W. Gt., and another, London, Eng. Castor Meister, H., North Botany, N.S.W. Cooking-device Merrill, C. W., South Dakota, U.S.A. Pressure filter Mestitz, S., and Son, Raudnitz-a-Elbe, Austria. Dust-suction apparatus. (A. Hein) Millar, S., Eweburn, N.Z. Harvester Millar, W. R., Wellington, N.Z. Door-knob Miller, C, Nelson, N.Z. Electro-magnetic game apparatus Miller, F. D., Christchurch, N.Z. Boot-sole Miller, G., and another, Hobart, Tas. Safety catch Mills, E. G., South Yarra, Vic. Food for calves and stock. (F. J. Corbett) Mingay, F. H., Berfield, Scotland. Golf-ball Mitchell, J., Auckland, N.Z. Sewage-treatment Moore, M., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Manufacture of iron and steel Moore-Jones, C. M., Auckland, N.Z. Floor cleaner and polisher Morgan, D., Ararat, Vic. Gold-saving riffle Morris, T. R., Melbourne, Vic. Cardboard box Mortland, A., Kaiapoi, N.Z. Paper holder and stand Morton, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Swingletree Mote, H., and others, Balmain, N.S.W. Step-ladder Mote, L., and others, Balmain, N.S.W. Step-ladder Mote, L., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Step-ladder Mudge, S. F., Albury, N.S.W. Wheel-tire Murphy, A. I., and another, Hokitika, N.Z. Printing ferns, &c. Murphy, T. M., and another, Hokitika, N.Z. Printing ferns, &c. .. Murphy, W., and another, Arrowtown, N.Z. Vehicle-brake 21007 21117 19337 20943 18 April 9 May 12 April, 1905 3 April 31 19 April. 21329 21223 19845 21215 21105 21231 19 June 29 May 7 Aug., 1905 28 May 9 May 30 May 53 50 59 28 June. 12 July.* 12 July. 21140 21363 20990 11 May 28 June 12 April 59 12 July. 35 3 May.* 20802 20888 21120 20777 21285 21171 21171 21171 21115 20975 20975 21083 28 Feb. 21 March 9 May 26 Feb. 9 June 15 May 15 May 15 May 31 Aug.. 1906 f 9 April 9 April 1 May 31 38 19 April.* 17 May.* 35 3 May.* 53 28 June. 42 31 May.* Nable, A., and another, Waverley, N.S.W. Machinery-belting Neunhoffer, C. J., Melbourne, Vic. Tire-valve Newman, A. H., Dannevirke, N.Z. Pastry-mould Newman, R., Christchurch, N.Z. Pudding-boiler.. New Zealand 20th Century Gas Company, Limited, Wellington, N.Z. Gas-burner. {A. J. Way) Nieholk, A. E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Golosh Nicholson, H. A., and another, Otautau, N.Z. Food-preservative .. Nicholson, J., Riverton, N.Z. Tramway trolley-brako Nielsen, N., Maranui, N.Z. Roofing-tile Nikolsky, W., St. Petersburg, Russia. Recovering solvents used in making explosives Niven and Co., J., Napier, N.Z. Drying offal. (G. L. D. James .. Noble, A., Christchurch, N.Z. Tramcar guard-rail Norris, F. M., and another, Hunterville, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle .. Northey, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Hydraulic ram Norton, A. W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Plastic-material cutter Nuernberger, P. G., and another, Chicago, U.S.A. Type-casting machine Nuernberger, P. G., and another, Chicago, U.S.A. Type-casting mould 21162 21323 21012 21387 21245 17 May 15 June 18 April 30 June 31 May 59 12 July.* 20909 20944 21324 20773 21332 27 March 3 April 15 June 26 Feb. 22 June 31 69 19 April.* 12 July. 38 17 May. 21183 21090 21204 19825 21138 21355 23 May 4 May 25 May 3 Aug., 1905 10 May 26 June 53 69 28 June.* 12 July. 21356 26 June O'Hara, J., and another, Papatoitoi, N.Z. Metal fastening O'Hara, W. J., and another, Papatoitoi, N.Z. Metal fastening Oliver, E., Wellington, N.Z. Sewing-machine Olsen, F. C. J., Lyttelton, N.Z. Wardrobe O'Neill, J. M., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Trolley-wheel bearing .. Ormrod, J. H., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Potato-cleaner O'Sullivan, P., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Cooking-utensil .. Overend, R. S., and others, Sale, Vic. Butter-box Owen, J. E., Auckland, N.Z. Forming earthenware pipes.. Owen, J. E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Cesspit and gulley-trap Owen, J. E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Cesspit and gulley-trap 21238 21238 21347 21152 21305 21104 21337 21099 19188 21351 21352 28 May 28 May 25 June 16 May 14 June 17 May 22 June 5 May 10 Mar., 1905 23 June 23 June *53 59 28 June.* 12 July.* 53 42 28 June.* 31 May. Palmer, D. P., Masterton, N.Z. Chair Parcell, W. R., jun., Bannockburn, N.Z. Protecting water-taps from frost Park, A. J., Onehunga, N.Z. Shaking and cleaning tow Park, R. P., Melbourne, Vic. Centrifugal pump.. Parker, J. R., Outram, N.Z. Ladder Parsons, C, Patutahi, N.Z. Fencing-standard Parsons, C. A., Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Dynamo electric machine Parsons, C. A., Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Dynamo electric machine Paterson, J. E., and others, Sale, Vic. Butter-box Patterson, J. R., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Coating for butterboxes Payne, C. J. H., and others, Limehills, N.Z. Railway-coupling Payne, C. J. H., Limehills, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Payne, J. T., and others, Harrington's, N.Z. .Railway-coupling Payne, W. S., and others, Harrington's, N.Z. Railway-coupling Perham, W. H., and others, New Plymouth, N.Z. Football-cover .. Perkins, 0., Onehunga, N.Z. Jewel-pin catch Perkins, C, Onehunga, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Perks, J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Trolley-pole Perry, F. E., Masterton, N.Z. Weed-destroying composition 21287 21031 13 June 24 April 38 17 May. 21206 21369 20978 21244 21184 21185 21099 21308 22 May 28 June 9 April 31 May 24 June, 1905t 23 May 5 May 14 June 38 17 May.* 59 53 12 Juiy. 28 June.* 20923 21182 20923 20923 21021 20931 21020 21131 20989 28 March 19 May 28 March 28 March 21 April 28 March 18 April 11 May 12 April 38 17 May.* 38 38 17 May.* 17 May.* 31 19 April.* 53 28 June.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Application. Oazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. Pettie, J. F., and others, Waipiro Bay, N.Z. Sash lock and balance Philpott, T. S., Wellington, N.Z. Window Philpott, T. S., Wellington, N.Z. Window Pickles, J. H., Eaglehawk, Vic. (See R. W. Jeffrey, No. 21150.) Pierce, R., and another, Kaponga, N.Z. Wire-strainer Pilgrim, W., and others, E. Brunswick, Vic. Boot-upper Pinches, A. A., Wanganui, N.Z. Clothes-prop Pitt, W. J. G., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Claw hammer and staplepuller Plimmer, J. D., Lyttelton, N.Z. Vice Plucknett, S. G., Sydney, N.S.W. Concentrator and amalgamator. (S. G. Plucknett and H. H. Davies) Pointon, C, Hopetown, Q. (See G. W. Pointon, No. 21372.) Pointon, G. W., New Farm, Q. Perpetual motor. (C. Pointon) Potter, A., Masterton, N.Z. Tobacco-cutter Power, J. J., Glenlyon, Vic. Wash-board Price, H. C, Waverley, N.S.W. Candle Pride, J. P., and another, Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 21073.) Printing Machinery Company, Limited, The, London, Eng. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 21005.) Prior, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Driving nails Pulver, E. W., and another, Martinborough, N.Z. Cigarette-holder .. 21249 19522 21057 21052 21075 21018 21209 21202 21294 1 June 29 May, 1905 1 May 28 April 3 May 12 April 7 June 25 May . .. 13 June 31 42 5!) 42 53 19 April. 31 May. 12 July. 31 May.* 28 June.* 21372 20945 20474 21110 28 June 3 April 20 Dec,1905 9 May 35 31 3 May.* 19 April. 21199 21011 25 .May 18 April, 31 May.* 42 Queensland Meat Export and Agency Company, Limited, and another, Pinkenba, Q. Butter-box Quortier, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Trolley-pole Quertier, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Tram-rail cleaner 21003 1 May 19840 20936 5 Aug., 1905 2 April 53 31 28 June. 19 April.* Rae, J., Cartertou, N.Z. Steering ships.. Rains, E., Dannevirke, N.Z. Race-starter Ramsay, A., Milton, N.Z. Ladder Ratnstrom, C. A. F., Stockholm, Sweden. Liquid-separator liner .. Rask, 0.| and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Sheep-dipping apparatus . . Rasmussen, H. P., and another, Geraldine, N.Z. Closet-pad Rasmussen, H. P., and another, Geraldine, N.Z. Closet-seat cover .. Rattray, J., and another, Hnfield, N.S.W. Poison-ejector Rawhiti, T. T., Hamilton, N.Z. Lifting-jack Rawnsley, H. T., Kaponga, N.Z. Harness Raworth, J. S., London, Eng. Electric-vehicle controller Rayson, R., Windsor, Vic. Cooling storage-rooms Rayward, H. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Winch for mines. (J. H. and J. M. Holman) Reid, A., Whangamomona, N.Z. Attaching coulter to plough-beam Reid, H., Wellington, N.Z. Advertising signs Reid. W. E., Malvern, Vic. Signalling-mechanism Reimers, H. H., Auckland, N.Z. Copper boiler Renouf, J. T., Wellington, N.Z. Generating electricity Rettig, jun., G., and another, Chicago, U.S.A. Type-casting machine Rettig, jun., G., and another, Chicago, U.S.A. Type-casting mould.. Reynell, G. F., Wellington, N.Z. Stretching wire mattress Rheinisch-Nassauische Bergwerks- and Hiitten-Actien-Gesellsehaft, . Stolberg, Germany. Ore-dressing. (A. Demuth) Rich, F. A., Auckland, N.Z. Gas and oil stove Richardson, J., Riverlea, N.Z. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 20901.) Richmond, J., Cromwell, N.Z. Gold-saving Ridd, A., Waipuku, N.Z. Milking-machine Ridd, A., Waipuku, N.Z. Pneumatic teat-cup Ridd, C, and another, Eltham, N.Z. Veterinary appliance Ritchie, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Lam]) Roach, R. J., Invercargill, N.Z. Brooch-catch Roberts, G., Utiku, N.Z. Riding-stirrups Roberts, T. I., Hobart, Tas. Door-lock Robertson, J., Waitati, N.Z. Driving ditch-plough elevator Robertson, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Rubber heel Robertson, J., and another, Hunterville, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle.. Robinson, (i., Oamaru, N.Z. Hat-pin . . Robeon, G., Sydney, N.S.W. Lighting and extinguishing gas-lamps Roohfort, H., Karaugahake, N.Z. Suction-hose Rochfort, H'., Karangahake, N.Z. Recovering precious metals from ores Rose, H. S., Wellington, N.Z. Fire-alarm Ross, D., and another, Martinborough, N.Z. Cigarette-holder Ross, N., Berwick, N.Z. Tilting-casks Rountree, H. E., and another, Stratford, N.Z. Music-turner Ruddick, E. J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Revolving fireplace Rush, J. H., Palmerston North, N.Z. Clothes-prop llusp, J., Stockdorf, Ger. Flexible wheel Russell, A. H., Kalgoorlie, W.A. Detecting escape of poisoned fumes (C. Hillman and H. J. Holloway) Russell, A. H., Kalgoorlic, W.A. Fumigator for destroying rabbits. (C. Hillman and H. J. Holloway) Russell, I., Dunedin, N.Z. Dress-cutting chart Ryan, J. S., Dunedin, N.Z. Tram-rail cleaner 21200 19749 21250 20927 21374 21097 21264 20907 19704 20934 21061 21371 20914 0 June 18 July, 1905 31 May 30 March 23 June 7 May 0 June 5 April 11 July, 1905 31 March 1 .May 28 Juno 2!) March 53 42 31 38 31 59 28 June. 31 May. 19 April.* 17 May. 19 April* 12 July. 31 19 April.* 20919 19202 21222 21037 21315 21355 21350 20SI4 20879 27 Marcli 28 Mar., 1905 29 May 23 April 15 J une 20 June 20 June 0 March 21 March 35 38 59 3 May.* 17 May. 12 July. 35 35 3 May.* 3 May. 21065 28 April 40 14 June. 21051 21316 21317 21010 21386 21228 21145 21153 20711 21000 21204 21212 20993 21219 21254 20937 21011 21173 21200 21030 20782 21006 21112 28 April 15 June 15 J une 18 April 28 June 22 May 15 May 10 May 8 Feb. 12 April 25 May 28 May 12 April 25 May 31 May 2 April 18 April 19 May 25 May 21 April 28 Feb. 18 April 9 May 59 12 July. 59 46 40 12 Juiy. 14 June. 14 June. 59 59 31 42 12 July.* 12 July.* 19 April.* 31 May.* 59 38 38 Hi 12 July. 17 May.* 17 May. 14 June.* 21111 9 May 21190 20899 22 May 23 March 31 19 April.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent — continued.


■Pl'l lica! jion. kure ;c. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. Sage, G., Christchurch, N.Z. Cement post Samuel, R. 0., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Butter-cutter Samuel, Sir M., and another, London, Eng. Oil-lamp Samuel, Sir M., and another, London, Eng. Oil-lamp Sanders, F. G. B., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Electric drillingmachine Sanders, H., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Electric drilling-machine.. Sanders, R., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Electric drilling-machine.. Sargison, A. S., and others, Hokitika, N.Z. Music-stand Saunders, A., and another, College Town, S.A. Machinery-belting .. Saunders, R. N., Gisborne, N.Z. Motor-tire Sawtell, L. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Tobacco-pipe attachment Scharf, W. H., Montreal, Canada. (See W. H. Thomas, No. 20892.) Schmidt, L., Hackney, S.A. Flexible non-inflated tire Scott, A. T., Christchurch, N.Z. (See Whitcombe and Tombs, Limited, No. 21288.) Scrutton, H. C, Petaluma, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 21177.) Sebley, W. H., Petone, N.Z. Photographic camera Semb, F. G., Christchurch, N.Z. Billiard-recorder Semb, F. G., Christchurch, N.Z. Venetian-blind Sewell, F., Okoia, N.Z. Propelling vessels Shelton, F. J., Wellington, N.Z. Tailors' gas-stove Shields, E. J., Tomoana, N.Z. Cambrel Shigley, C. C, Grand Rapids, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, Nos. 21059 and 21060.) Shirley, G. W. C, Dunback, N.Z. Rabbit and trap carrier Silly, J. G., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Golosh Simmonds, W. P., Wellington, N.Z. Music-teaching device Sloper, C, and another, Smithfield, N.Z. Cutting and washing sheeppaunches Sloper, C, and another, Smithfield, N.Z. Hydro-extractor Smaill, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Teat-cup for milking-machine Smaill, J., Port Chalmers, N.Z. Heating buildings Smith, A. W., and others, Lady Barkly, N.Z. Railway-coupling .. Smith, B. E., Footscray, Vic. Water-tank Smith, C. B., Dunedin, N.Z. Cushion tire Smith, D., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Golosh Smith, E. H., Otawhao, N.Z. Wire-strainer Smith, F. W., Rangiwahia, N.Z. Drawing off liquids Smith, F. W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Golosh Smith, J. H., and another, Barringtons, N.Z. Non-refiUable bottle .. Smith, W., Gore, N.Z. Boot and shoo protector Smith, W. A., Portsmouth, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 21233.) Smitham, J. W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Trolley-pole Squire, M., Berlin, Ger. Fireproof house. (G. Lilienthal) .. Staubwasser, F. M., and another, Brisbane, Q. Life-saving appliance Stead, J. C, London, Eng. (See C. N. Collison, No. 19880.) Stetson, W. A., Boston, U.S.A. Spinning-machine. (V. Belangu) .. Stevenson, G. S., Gore, N.Z. Ratchet wrench Stewart, J., Gore, N.Z. Shifting spanner Stewart, O., Invercargill, N.Z. Telegraph transmitter Stichling, VV. H., and others, Sale, Vic. Butter-box Strachan, C, and another, Auckland, N.Z. Wheel Strain, J. J., Chrietchurch, N.Z. Boiler of gas-heated stove Strain, J. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Hot-water attachment to gas-stove Suckling, H. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Cinder-sifter Suckling, J. H., Linwood, N.Z. Carburetter Suggate, C, and another, Auckland, N.Z. Ore-furnace Sutcliffe, F. W., London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 20523.) Sutcliffe, J., Burnley, Eng. Forced draught for fire-engines, &c. 21025 20025 20715 20716 21043 21043 21043 21004 21162 21009 21300 21838 21202 20842 21089 20991 20740 21139 21084 20U09 19680 21311 21312 20999 21278 20923 21193 21382 21302 20918 2092J 21302 21132 21353 24 April 30 March 9 Deo.,.1906t 9 Dec,1905f 27 April 27 April 27 April 17 April 17 May ■I May 20 June 22 June 6 June 13 March 3 May 12 April 17 Feb. 14 May 1 May 27 March 5 July, 1905 14 June 14 June 11 April 7 June 28 March 25 May 27 .1 une 12 June 29 March 30 March 12 June 11 May 2(i June 31 53 42 31 59 53 31 38 35 42 31 31 31 42 42 42 42 59 31 May.* 19 April.* 19 April. 19 April. 31 May.* 31 May.* 31 May.* 31 May.* 12 July.* 19 April.* 28 June.* 31 May.* 19 April. 12 July. 28 June* 19 April.* 17 May. 3 May.* 38 17 May.* 31 31 19 April.* 19 April.* 21131 20827 21224 11 May 9 March 29 May 53 35 28 Juno.* 3 May.* 20930 19643 21343 21201 21099 21389 21188 21189 20760 20898 21377 23 March 24 June, 1905 22 June 25 May 5 May 29 June 23 May 23 May 21 Feb. 22 March 26 June 40 42 14 June. 31 May. 59 53 12 July.* 28 June.* 31 38 19 April.* 17 May.* 21357 20 June Tait, A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Flax-treatment Tait, A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Washing and drying flax Tattersall, H. A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Boiler Taylor, H., Wellington, N.Z. Fireproof starch and blue Taylor, T. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Tram-rail cleaner Taylor, W., Sandiacre, Eng. Railway and tramway point operator Taylor, W. H., Baltimore U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 19368.) Teasdale, Mi, Thames, N.Z. Lantern Te Huki, K., and another, Masterton, N.Z. Braces ter- Hofsteede, J. G., Sunbury, Vic. Leggings-fastening Theyers, J., Alexandra South, N.Z. Clothes-renovator Thomas, W. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Linotype-machine. (W. H. Scharf) Thompson, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Horse-cover fastening Thompson, 0. K., Moutere, N.Z. Non-refiUable bottle Thomson, A. T. M., London, Eng. Telephonic-exchange system Thomson, J., Waikaia, N.Z. Bucket-lip Tomkies, A. (}., Westport, N.Z. Door and cupboard fastener Tomline, R., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Drinking-fountain for poultry 20055 21348 21017 21209 21142 21270 31 March 22 June 19 April 20 May 15 May 7 June 39 17 May.* 42 59 59 31 May.* 12 July.* 12 July.* 20890 20905 20182 21259 20892 20933 21027 20725 21055 21082 21292 21 March r> April 17 Oct., 1905 30 May 22 Mai-eli 29 March 24 April 15 Feb., 2(i April 20 April 13 June 42 35 35 31 May. 3 May.* 3 May. 35 31 42 81 40 46 . 59 3 May. 19 April.* 31 May.* 19 April. I I June.* 14 June.* 12 July.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

tpp] icai ;ion. !<UM! 'te. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Toms, E., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Making sheet-metal piping Tregelles, F. A., New Plymouth, N.Z. Feiro-concrete lateral reinforcements Tregoning, W. H., and anothei, Chrietchurch, N.Z. Revolving fireplace Trevellian, F. H., Wellington, N.Z. Cash-register Trevellian, F. H., Wellington, N.Z. Levelling-instrument .. Trevethick, J., Auckland, N.Z. Broom or brush Trinder, H., and another, Ballarat, Vic. Gold-saving table Trudgeon, J. H., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Broad caster Tuck, C. J., Danneviike, N.Z. Shackle or link Tuck, C. J., Dannevirke, N.Z. Shaft-tug 21085 21137 21030 21166 21250 20686 21119 20871 20875 20876 3 May 10 May 21 April 17 May 2 June 8 Feb. 9 May 14 March 20 March 20 March 59 59 59 12 July.* 12 July. 12 July.* I 38 59 31 38 38 31 59 17 May. 12 July. 19 April. , 17 May.* 17 May.* 19 April.* 12 July. Turnbull, W., Wellington, N.Z. Flushing-valve 20940 3 April Turner, D. L., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Coating for butter-boxes 21308 14 June Undrill, B. A., Invercargill, N.Z. Hair-pin United Shoe Machinery Company, Pateison, U.S.A. Heel and heelnailing machine. (W. H. Taylor) United Shoe Machinery Company, Patereon, U.S.A. Making and driving staples. (W. H. Borden) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Bootmakingmachine. (A. E. Jerram and A. Bates) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Bootmakingmachine. (J. P. Pride and A. Bates) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Shoe-upper lacing-machine. (W. A. Smith) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Assembling-parts of boot and shoe machine. (O. Ashton) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Pounding-up machine. (O. Ashton) Urquhart, D., and another, Smithfield, N.Z. Cutting and washing sheep-paunches Urquhart, D., and another, Smithfield, N.Z. Hydro-extractor 21046 19368 27 April 19 April, 1905 42 31 31 May.* 19 April. 19610 20 June, 1905 59 12 July. 21072 3 May 42 31 May.* 21073 3 May 42 31 May.* 21233 30 May 53 28 June.* 21364 28 June 21365 28 June 21311 14 June 21312 14 June Vining, E. J., and another, Yea, Vic. Shunting-wagon 20980 11 April 38 17 May. Wagenhorst, J. H., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Securing turbine-vane Wagner, F., Stockholm, Sweden. Explosion-motor. (H. A. Bertheau) Walch, H. C., and another, Hobart, Tas. Safety catch Walcott, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Coal-elevator Walker, C. J., North Fitzroy, Vic. Boot welting Walker, C. J., Fitzroy, Vic. Manufacture of pump shoes Walker, R, Dunedin, N.Z. Milk-strainer Walker, R., Invercargill, N.Z. Mitre-box Walters, T., Brisbane, Q. Utilising waste heat of stoves Walters, T., Brisbane, Q. Damper for stove Walters, T., Brisbane, Q. Bottle. (J. B. Henderson) Ward, E. G., Christchurch, N.Z. Draught and dust preventer for door Warne, G., Christchurch, N.Z. Music-leaf turner Warnock Bros., Auckland, N.Z. Soap Warsop, T., Nottingham, Eng. Rock-drill Watson, R., Lochiel, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Watson, T. W., Wellington, N.Z. Gas-regulator .. Watt, H., Melbourne, Vic. Fastening and label-check device for mailbags Watts, C. W., Greytown North, N.Z. Button Waugh, C. J., Fairfax, N.Z. Valve Way, A. J., Wellington, N.Z. (See The New Zealand 20th Century Gas Company, Limited, No. 21245.) Webster, F. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Belt-fastener Weir, G. D., and another, Yea, Vic. Shunting-wagon Wenlock, W., and another, Hawthorne, N.Z. Picture-hanger West, W. D., Alexandra South, N.Z. Beehive-frame Westmoreland, G., and others, Waipiro Bay, N.Z. Sash lock and bal20867 20954 21105 21327 21010 21113 20801 20913 20906 20907 20915 19783 21291 20968 21340 21304 20938 21368 18 March, 1905f 4 April 9 May 18 June 19 April 9 May 2 March 28 March 24 March 24 March 29 March 22 July, 1905 13 June 7 April 22 June 14 June 2 April 28 June 31 42 59 19 April. 31 May, 12 July. 42 59 38 31 31 35 31 31 31 May.* 12 July.* 17 May.* 19 April.* 19 April.* 3 May.* 19 April.* 19 April. 31 19 April.* 21192 19823 25 May 2 Aug., 1905 59 12 Juiy. 21280 20980 21286 21257 21249 9 June 11 April 13 June 31 May 1 June 38 17 May. ance Westropp, G. W., and another, Ashburton, N.Z. Harness Whitaker, R., New Brunswick, U.S.A. (See Brunswick Refrigerating Company, Nos. 20883, 20884, 20885.) Whitburn, D., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Drain-grating fastener .. Whitburn. D., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Drain-grating fastener .. Whitcombe, E., Pahiatua, N.Z. Fencing-dropper Whitcombe and Tombs, Limited, Christchurch, N.Z. Cardboard box (A. T. Scott) White, B. W., Wanganui, N.Z. Preparing metal plates for printing .. White, E. L., London, Eng. Post-card, &c. ... White, G. P., Shoshone, U.S.A. (See J. A. Ferguson, No. 21207.) White, M. C, and another, London, Eng. Gas-engine White, M. C, and another, London, Eng. Combustion-engine fuelsupply Whitehorn, T., Weighing-machine Whitmore, T. V., Christchurch, N.Z. Toaster 20910 21121 21253 21229 21288 21032 20308 10 March 7 May 30 May 30 May 13 June 20 April 21 Jan., 1905f 31 42 53 35 35 19 April.* 31 May.* 28 June. 3 May.* 3 May. 20958 20957 2 April 2 April 42 42 31 May. 31 May. 21293 20322 13 June 14 Nov., 1905 59 35 12 July.* 3 May.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.



■Ppl ical -ion. l a2< j '.$, Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Whittaker, R., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Drinking-fountain for J 21292 poultry Wieneke, L. G., Roma, Q. Race-starter .. .. .. 21297 Wiley, A. J., and another, Adelaide, S.A. Game .. .. j 18975 Wilkie, H. 8., and another, Kaponga, N.Z. Wire-strainer .. .. 21052 Williams, A., . Trolley-pole adjuster .. .. I 20858 Williams, A. G. R., Petone, N.Z. Sewing-machine .. .. ! 19506 Williams, A., Auckland, N.Z. Tin-opener .. .. .. 20859 Williams, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. School desk and chair .. , 21081 Williams, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Swivelling seat .. ; 21095 Wilson, A. E. S., and another, Otautau, N.Z. Food-preservative .. ; 20944 Wilson, A. W., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Butter-box .. .. ! 21099 Wilson, H., St. Kilda, N.Z. Ore-grinding pan .. .. .. [ 21232 Wilson, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Door-fastener .. .. .. 20959 Wilson, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Upholstering furniture .. .. 21149 Wilson, S., Wanganui, N.Z. Grate and fireplace .. .. .. | 21392 Wilson, W., Auckland, N.Z. Button-hole fitting .. .. .. 20922 Wilson, W. A., Auckland, N.Z. Electrie-circuit connector .. 21378 Window Glass Machine Company, Pittsburg, U.S.A. Drawing hollow- 21094 glass articles. (J. H. Lubbers) Window Glass Machine Company, Pittsburg, U.S.A. Drawing hollow- : 20908 glass articles. (J. H. Lubbers) Winter, M. W., Wellington. N.Z. Skirt-holder .. .. .. I 21307 Withers, C. H., Palmerston North, N.Z. Plunge-bath .. ... 20729 Witt, T. W., Wellington, N.Z. Parcel or luggage strap .. .. 21078 Womersley, S. F., Traralgon, Vic. Butter weighing and packing .. 21321 Wood, H. A. W., New York, U.S.A. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 21005.) Wood, J. C, Albert Park, Vic. Tire-inflator .. .. .. j 21161 Woods, M., and another, Carlton, Vic. Dressing rails in situ .. ! 20887 Wylds, A. H., Palmerston North, N.Z. Window-lock .. .. 19457 I 13 June 59 12 July.* 13 June 16 Jan., 1905.. 28 April 23 May, 1905.. 12 March 3 May 4 May 3 April 5 May 30 May 4 April . . I 10 May 30 June 26 March .. 26 June 4 May 35 42 35 35 35 42 59 53 59 31 59 38 •46 3 May. 31 May. 3 May.* 3 May. 3 May.* 31 May.* 12 July. 28 June.* 12 July.* 19 April.* 12 July.* 17 May.* 14 June. 24 March 42 31 May. 14 June 15 Feb. 3 May 13 June 31 53 19 April. 28 June.* 17 May 21 March 12 May, 1905.. j 59 31 38 12 July.* 19 April.* 17 May. Youlten, W., London, Eng. Separating dirt from cotton-waste .. 21290 Young, C. E., Feilding, N.Z. Branding-liquid .. .. .. 21289 Youngson, J. M., Clinton, N.Z. Swingletree . . .. .. 20950 13 June 13 June 4 April 59 35 12 July.* 3 May.* Zander, D., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Potato-cleaner .. .. I 21164 17 May 59 12 July.*

* Denotes a provisonal Prade Marks Act, 1889." ,1 specification >euo ;es a prior iate uni lee sec iion .tents, Designs, am Invention. Application. Gazette. Name. No. Date. No. Date. iccount, &c, forms icetylene-burner Ldvertising-medium, Writing-paper tdvertising-method .. idvertising, Signs for Lerated-water bottle Lerator and strainer jr, Removing foul ilarm. (See Bird-alarm, Fire-alarm, Burglar-alarm.) Lmalgamator and concentrator inimal-cover fastening inimal-covers, Securing Lnimal substances, Preservation of W. Beamish .. J. B. Carroll .. P. J. Gossling C. F. Gardner and R, O. Clark .. H. Reid J. J. Maeky . . W. Harvey G. Burney 20986 21174 21376 21375 19262 20903 21322 20759 11 April .. 21 May 20 June 20 June 28 Mar., 1905 22 March . . 15 June 22 Feb. 158 38 31 3J 17 May.* 17 May. 19 April.* 10 April.* S. G. Plucknett J. F. McGrath W. J. J. Griffiths E. Janitzky, J. F. Hamilton, and J. T. Cummings J. R. Masson R. McKenzie .. J. W. Greene 21294 19738 20278 21035 13 June 12 July, 1905 4 Nov., 1905 25 April .. 59 31 40 12 Juiy. 19 April. 14 June Jitimony, &c, from ores, Recovery of irtificial minnow-head Lxle of vehicle-wheel 21282 20639 21236 8 June 25 Jan. 30 May si 58 19 April. 12 July.* tacon-curing tag. (Soe Cash-bag, Mail-bag.) tail, Cowtale. (See Flax-bale, Hemp-bale.) tall. (See Football, Golf-ball.) talloting-apparatus tath tath-heater tath-water heater .. .. teehive-frame W. E. Hughes R. Mapp, jun. W. Madder C. H. Withers J. D. Jackson W. H. Hannam W. D, West ., 20961 21191 21213 20729 21195 19587 21257 6 April .. 25 May 28 May 15 Feb. 25 May 14 June, 1905 25 May 46 14 June.* 12 July.* 19 April. 59 81 38 17 May.


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


.M>] ical ion. Me. Invention. Name. Nil Date. No. Date. Beer-pump Belting, MachineBicycle and motor wheel Bicycle-frame Billiard and dining table Billiard-recorder Billiard-table F. G. M. Brittin A. Nable and A. Saunders A. Ashcroft and C. Strachan T. C. Fowler .. F. A. Aleock .. F. G. Semb Aleock and Co. Proprietary, Limited H. Irwin J. Barden A. G. Harvey J. C. Burns .. F. G. Semb E. R. McCombs H. Taylor J. J. Power B. Crawford and H. A Tattersall 21211 21162 21389 21028 21349 20842 20952 28 May 17 May 29 June 24 April .. 23 June 13 March .. 4 April in 31 19 April.* 19 April.* Bird-alarm Bird-trap Bit for controlling horse Blight-preventer Blind, Arranging latlu of vonetianBlinds, Raising and lowering Blue and starch, Fireproof Board, WashBoiler Boiler. (See Copper boiler, Gas-stove boiler, Pudding-boiler.) Boot and shoe fastener Boot and shoe making machine Boot and shoe making machine Boot and shoe protector Boot and shoe tip Boot-heel Boot, Manufacture of welted Boot-sole Boot-upper 21187 21148 21003 21141 21089 20995 21209 20474 21017 23 May 12 May 17 April .. 11 May 3 May 11 April .. 26 May 20 Dec, 1905 19 April .. 53 42 53 28 June.* 31 May.* 28 June.* 59 31 42 12 July.* 19 April. 31 May.* G. Barrett United Shoo Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company W. Smith .. .. .. L. H. Hicks and A. N. Cooke .. A. H. Bridger C. 'J. Walker .. F. D. Miller .. W. Pilgrim, A. Liddell, and W. Dimmick E. Crook United Shoe Machinery Company E. J. Dungan R. E. Hay 21050 21072 21073 21353 21108 21385 21016 21215 21075 28 April 3 May 3 May 26 June 9 May 28 June 19 April .. 28 May 3 May 12 42 42 42 59 59 31 May.* 31 May.* 31 May.* 31 May.* 12 July.* 12 July. Boot-upper Boots and shoes, Assembling parts of .. Boots and shoes. Blocking Boring-tool Bottle. (See Aerated-water bottle, Nonrofillable bottle.) Bottles, Filling, with liquid Box. (See Butter-box, Cardboard box, Mitre-box, Paper-box, Sluice-box). Braces Bracket. (See Scaffolding - bracket, Spouting-bracket.) Brake. (See Trolley - brake, Vehiclebrake, Westinghouse brake.) Branding-liquid Breeches and trousers Bridge-construction Briquette, Coal 21109 21364 21118 21362 9 May 28 June i) .May 27 June 59 59 12 July.* 12 July.* J. F. Clarke .. 21366 28 June W. Clarke and K. Te Huki 20965 6 April 35 3 May.* Broad caster Brooch-catch Broom and brush manufacture Broom and brush manufacture Broom or brush construction Bucket-hauling device Bucket-lip Building-block mould Building-construction Building-material, Hoisting Buildings, Heating Burglar-alarm Burner and mantle Burner. (See Acetylene-burner, Incandescent mantle and burner.) Butter-box C. E. Young .. T. Hogan J. Dawson The Australasian Coal Briquette Company, Limited B. F. CranweU, C. F. F. Allan, and J. H. Trudgeon R. J. Roach .. J. Trevethick J. Lock L. G. Abrams R. W. Jeffrey J. Thomson J. A. Ferguson G. Claydon .. N. A. H. Abel J. Smaill F. J. Farrell D. Anderson .. 21289 21128 21176 21220 20871 21228 20686 21272 21373 21150 21055 21207 2097!) 20727 21278 21208 20982 13 June .. 9 May 22 May 26 May 14 March .. 22 May 8 Feb. 7 June 28 June 16 May 26 April .. 26 May 10 April .. 15 Feb. 7 Jun. 21 May 11 April . . 31 38 19 April » 17 May. 40 14 June.* 53 28 June. Butter-box coating Butter-box, Composition Butter-cutter Butter, &c, box W. H. Stichling, A. W. Wilson, R. S. Overend, J. E. Paterson, and E. Masters D. L. Turner and J. R. Patterson A. J. J. Bolton F. C. Carter and R. 0. Samuel .. Queensland Meat Export and Agency Company, Limited, and D. Budge S. F. Womersley D. Macpherson C. W. Watts .. W. Wilson .. 21099 21308 21230 20925 21063 5 May 14 June 30 May 30 March . . 1 May 53 31 28 June.* 19 April.* Butter-weigher Button Button Button-hole fitting 21321 20988 21.192 20922 13 June 12 April .. 25 May 20 March . . 42 31 May.* 38 17 May.* Calves, &c., Food for Camera, Photographic Can, Cream-agitating Can for boiling water Candle E. G. Mills .. W. H. Sebley.. J. B. Barker .. J. Bonner H. C. Price 21231 21262 21092 20835 21110 30 May 6 June 5 May 10 March .. 9 May 59 35 12 July. 3 May. :

H. -10.

Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.


.)>]>: lical ion. Qaziitte. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Cap Car. (See Motor-car, Tramcar.) Carbon-dioxide, Manufacture of Carburetter Carburetter Card-game Card. (See Picture-card, Post-card.) Cardboard box Cardboard box Cargo, Loading Carrier. (See Egg-carrier, Rabbit and trap carrier.) Case-opening tool Cash-bag Cash-register Cash-register Casks, TiltingCastor Catch for brooches Catch for pins Catch, Safety Cattle-lifting sling Cement-making Cement mixture Cement post Cesspit and gulley-trap Cesspit and gulley-trap Chain. (See Trap-chain, Pitch-chain.) Chair Chair, Easy Chair, &c, Elastic feet for legs of Change-giving register Chart, Dress-cutting Cheese-press Chimney-top Cigarette-holder Cinder-sieve Cinder-sifter Clamp for making frames Clamp, Picture-frame Clamping machine, WoodClaw hammer Cleaner. (See Clothes-cleaner, Floorcleaner, Grain and seed cleaner, Knifecleaner, Potato-cleaner, Rubber-tube cleaner, Tram-rail cleaner.) Closet-pad Closet-seat cover Closure for hermetically sealed receptacle Clothes-cleaner Clothes-prop Clothes-prop Clothing, Measuring for, &c. Coal briquettes T. Bush C. N. Collison J. H. Suckling G. L. M. Dorwald J. Marriner and C. W. Dallaston T. R. Morris Whitcombe and Tombs, Limited S. J. E. Jorgensen D. Fabling A. Dilly A. G. Jackson F. H. Trevellian N. Ross \V. (J. Mein and E. Gaminara .. R. J. Roach . . C. Perkins <!. Miller and H. C. Walch J. McMahon .. H. Colloseus . . W. H. Hughes G. Sage G. Carder and J. E. Owen G. Carder and J. E. Owen 21345 19880 20898 21194 20969 21120 21288 21100 21068 21172 21023 21166 21173 21007 21228 20931 21105 21033 20956 21015 21025 21351 21352 23 June 15 Aug., 1905 22 March .. 31 May, 19051 7 April .. 9 May 13 June 8 May 2 May 19 May 18 April .. 17 May 19 May 18 April .. 22 May 28 March .. 9 May 20 April .. 2 April .. 19 April .. 24 April .. 23 June 23 June ■ ■ I 59 ; 12 Julj'. 38 17 May.* 31 19 April.' 59 ! 12 Juiy. 53 j 28 June.* 59 12 July. 59 12 July.* 31 19 April.* 59 I 12 July. 42 I 31 May.* 42 i 31 May.* D. P. Palmer D. McKenzie E. W. Ackland D. G. Mekenzie I. Russell J. Anderson and J. D. Hunter . . A. T. W. Allan D. Ross and E. W. Pulver M. A. Browne H. J. Suckling R. Dunne D. Marshall .. W. Jamieson .. G. Dwyer and W. J. G. Pitt . . 21287 20905 20864 21070 21190 21133 20781 21011 20964 20760 19776 21039 21298 21269 13 June 26 March .. 14 Marcli .. 2 May 22 May 9 May 24 Feb. 18 April .. 5 April 21 Feb. 21 July, 1606 20 April .. 13 June 7 June 31 ' 19 April.* 38 17 May.* 59 12 July. 38 J 17 May. 42 ! 31 May.* 35 ! 3 May.* 31 I 19 April* 42 ! 31 May. ! H. Davis and H. P. Rasmussen .. H. P. Rasmussen and H. Davies E. S. Evelyn J. Theyers J. H. Rush A. A. Pinches E. Broughton The Australasian Coal Briquette Company, Limited J. Walcott .. W. R. Parcell, jun. B. W. White . . H. A. E. Kelly S. G. Plucknett 21097 21264 21156 21259 20782 21018 20976 21220 7 May 6 June 16 May 30 May .. I 28 Feb. .. i 12 April .. 6 April .. 26 May 38 17 Way.* 42 J 31 May.* 38 I 17 May.* Coal-elevator Cock Colour-printing, Preparing metal plate for Comb, HairConcentrator and amalgamator Concentrator. (See Ore-concentrator.) Confectionery-machine Cooking-device Cooking-utensil Cooking-utensil Cooking-utensil handle Cooler. (See Milk-cooler, Storage-room cooler.) Copper boiler Cork, Artificial .. .. .. j Cotton-waste, Separating dirt from Coulter to plough, Attaching .. Coupling. (See Railway-vehicle coupling, Westinghouse-brake coupling.) Cover. (See Animal - cover, Football - cover, Horse-cover.) Cow-bail Cow-leg holder Cramp for mitre-joint Cream-agitating can Cream-separator tube Crushing-machine, Lining for Cultivator .. .. .. .. | W. C. Green . . H. Meister H. E. McDonald J. G. Dawson and P. O'Sullivan E. W. G. Coleridge H. H. Reimers H. Coale W. Youlten A. Reid 21327 21031 21032 20942 21294 21271 21117 21241 21337 21279 21037 21354 21290 20919 18 June 4 April 20 April .. ! 2 April .. ! 13 June .. I 7 June .. j 9 May 31 May .. j 22 June .. 9 June 23 April .. 26 June .. 13 June 29 March . . 38 17 May. 36 3 May.* 53 28 June.* ..I 59 12 July.* 35 3 May.* R. Mapp, jun. .. .. ! F. Gough R. Dunne .. .. .. i J. B. Barker .. C. Bergner H. P. Barry J. Gray 21191 21147 10403 21092 20838 20436 19479 25 May 28 May 26 April, 1905 5 May 10 March .. 9 Dec, 1905 16 May, 1905 ', 46 ' 14 June.* 53 ■ 28 June.* 31 19 April. 31 j 19 April. 43 ! 31 May. 38 17 May. 6—H. 10,-07.

H. 10.

Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


iplication. Qaaette. Invention Name. No. Date. No. Date. Curtain-pole Curtain-pole, Raising and lowering Curtain-suspender Curing bacon Cushion tire Cutter. (See Butter-cutter, Plastic-ina-terial cutter, Sheaf-band cutter, To-bacco-cutter.) Cyanide solutions, Decantation of Cycle-pedal strap A. Marr D. St. C. Macgregor A. A. Gibbs .. W. E. Hughes C. B. Smith 18758 ! 19701 20848 20961 21382 10 May, 1905 10 July, 1905 14 March .. 6 April 27 June HI 42 :\\ 19 April. 31 May. 19 April.* Bewick, Moreing, and Co. C. W. Gordon 20500 19580 28 Dec, 1905 14 June, 1905 2(1 5 April. 3 May. Damper for stove Derrick, Portable Desk and chair, School Desk or drawing-table T. Walters .. J. H. McFarlane A. Crichton and W. Williams .. J, E. Dangerfield, and F. C. J. Cockburn F. A. Alcock .. R. 0. Jarrett.. W. G. Barger.. C. A. Jarvis 20907 21299 21081 21251 24 March .. 13 June 3 May 29 May 86 3 May.* Dining and billiard table Disc loading-bar and dumbbell Disc plough Disinfectant to flushing-cistern, Delivering Ditch-plough elevator, Driving Door and cupboard fastener Door, Draught, dust, &c, preventer for.. Door-fastener Door-knob Door-lock Drain-grating fastjening 21349 21331 21093 21307 23 June 22 June 4 May 14 Nov., 1905t 46 14 June.* J. Robertson A. G. Tomkies E. G. Ward .. J. Wilson W. R. Millar .. T. I. Roberts R. Andrews, W. O. MoFadden, and D. Whitburn R. Andrews, W. 0. McFadden, and D. Whitburn H. BairstowE. G. Ward .. W. 0. Beere J. E. Dangerfield and F. C. J. Cockburn I. Russell W. Bennet A. F. Jagger .. T. Warsop F. G. B., R., and H. Sanders .. F. Armstrong R. Whittaker and R. Tomline .. F. A. Webster R. 0. Jarrett .. S. Mestitz and Son C. A. Parsons .. C. A. Parsons .. 20711 21082 19783 20959 21223 21153 21121 8 Feb. 26 April .. 22 July, 1905 4 April 29 May 16 May .. 7 May 40 46 31 31 14 June. 14 June.* 19 April. 19 April.* 59 42 12 Juiy. 31 May.* Drain-grating fastening 21253 30 May 53 28 June. Draught and dust excluder Draught, &c, preventer for doors Drawing-instrument Drawing-table or school-desk 21103 19783 21087 21251 8 May 22 July, 1905 4 May 29 May 53 31 53 28 June.* 19 April. 28 June. Dress-cutting chart .. Dress-fastener Dresser, MouldDrill, Rock-Drilling-machine, Electric Drilling teeth Drinking-fountain for poultry Driving-belt fastener.. Dumbbell Dust-suction apparatus Dynamo electric machine Dynamo electric machine 21190 2091(3 19702 21340 21043 20998 21292 21280 21331 20943 21184 21185 22 May 3 April 17 July, 1905 22 June 27 April .. 11 April .. 13 June . . I 9 June 22 June .. 3 April 24 June,1905t! 23 May 35 42 42 42 ! 59 3 May.* 31 May. 31 May.* SI May.* 12 July.* I *. j 59 12 July. Ear-marking live-stock Earthenware pipe, Forming Earthenware pipe, Glazing, &c, Easy chair Egg-beater Egg-carrier Elastic feet for legs of tables, &c. Electrie-eireuit connector Electric drilling-machine Electric firo-alarm Electric light and power cables, Supporting Electric machine, Dynamo Electric machine, Dynamo Electric signalling W. Maddison .. J. E. Owen .. R. 0. Clark .. D. McKenzie .. E. R. Godward II. E. McDonald E. W. Ackland W. A. Wilson F. G. B., R., and H. Sanders W. G. Meddings E. Lodder C. A. Parsons C. A. Parsons International Telegraphic Call Company W. G. Meddings 19747 19188 19438 20905 20658 20650 20864 21378 21043 20173 19589 21184 21185 21008 13 July, 1905 10 Mar., 1905 4 May, 1905 26 March .. 30 Jan. 29 Jan. .. j 14 March .. ! 26 June .. | 27 April .. 10 Oct., 1905 14 June, 1905 24 June, 1905-f: 23 May 18 April .. 42 42 46 31 31 j 38 I 38 31 May. 31 May. 14 June. 19 April.* 19 April. 17 May. 17 May.* 42 38 46 31 May.* 17 May. 14 June. i 59 12 Juiy. Electrical recorder for fire - prevention sprinkler Electrically igniting gas Electrically propelled vehicle controller.. Electricity, Generating Electricity storage Electro-magnetic game apparatus Elevator for coal, &c. Engine, Free-piston, gas, or vapour Engine, Fuel and lubricant supply for .. Engine-regulator Engine. (See also Fire-engine, Internalcombustion engine, Rotary engine.) Envelope and picture-card Excavating-apparatus Explosion-motor Explosives-manufacture 20605 18 Jan. I 35 3 May. C. L. K. H. Foot J. S. Raworth J. T. Renouf H. W. Fox .. C. Miller J. Walcott O. C. Duryea and M. C. White .. 0. C. Duryea and M. C. White . . C. IiOrenz 21306 21061 21315 21358 19845 21327 20958 20957 20994 14 June 1 May 15 June 26 June 7 Aug., 1905 18 June 2 April 2 April .. 12 April . . 59 63 53 12 July. 28 June. 28 June. 42 42 40 31 May. 31 May. 14 June. A. Martin J. W. Harris .. F. Wagner Maganite Explosives Syndicate, Limited W. Nikolsky 21067 20949 20954 21334 30 April 4 April .. 4 April 22 June 42 31 May. Explosives, Recovering solvents used in making 21332 22 June

H. 10.

Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Invention. Name. No. Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. Fastener. (See Boot and shoe fastener, Door-fastener, Dreis-fastenor, Drivingbelt fastener, Fencing-wire fastener, Window-fastener.) Fastening. (Seo Drain-grating fastening, Horse-cover fastening, Leggings-fasten-ing, Mail-bag fastening, Mattressfastening, Metal fastening.) Fence-dropper Fence, Sliding Fencing-dropper ■ .. Fencing-dropper .. Fencing-standard Fencing-wire clip Fencing-wire fastener Fencing-wire to standard, Fastening Fencing-wire to standard, Attaching Fencing-wire, Uncoiling Fern printing process.. Ferro-concrete lateral reinforcements Filter. (See Gravity filter, Pressure filter, Slimes-filter.) Fire-alarm Fire-alarm .. Fire-alarm, Electric .. Fire-engine, Forced draught for Firc-kindler Fire-kindler Fire-kindler Fire-lighter Fireplace, Revolving Firoplace and grate Fire-prevention sprinkler, Recording breakage of Fire-proof house Fishing-reel Flax-bale, Attaching graders' certificates to Flax-bale, Attaching tag to Flax-treating Flax-treating machine Flax-treatment Flax-treatment Flax washing and drying Floor cleaner and polisher Floor-polisher Flower-pot .. .. ... Flushing-cistern, Delivering disinfectant to Flying-machine Food and tonic Food for calves, cfcc. Food-proservative Football-cover J. M. Deschamps J. Hamilton E. Whitcombe J. McNally .. C. Parsons F. A. Lakin A. W. Burbury J. Irvine . . .. .. F. A. Lakin B. T. Chaytor and T. Hannon A. I. and T. M. Murphy F. A. Tregelles H. S. Rose F. J. Farrell .. W. G. Meddings .. J. Sutcliffe .. .. .. W. T. Howse .. F. J. Lissington J. Mason A. J. Carrigan VV. H. Tregoning and E. J. Ruddick S. Wilson W. G. Meddings 21001 21088 21229 20981 21244 21123 21038 21318 21246 20941 20975 21137 20937 21208 20173 21357 21379 21135 21275 21205 21030 21392 20605 17 April .. 28 April .. 30 May 11 April 31 May 10 May 26 April .. 15 June 31 May 31 March .. 9 April 10 May 2 April .. 21 May 10 Oct., l!)05 26 June 26 Juno 12 May 8 June 22 May 21 April .. 30 June 18 Jan. 31 38 42 53 38 59 4<> 31 May.* 28 June.* 17 May.* 12 July. 14 June.* 19 April. ,, 17 May. ■'• 69 12 July. 35 3 May. M. Squire R. T. Cross .. H. E. McDonald 20827 21196 20953 9 March .. 25 May 4 April 35 31 :S May.* 19 April.* D. McKenzio .. K. Matthews I). Hartwell A. L. J. Tait A. I. Jones A. L. J. Tait D. Gilmour and C. M. Moore-Jones W. E. Garey and F. Castle A. E. Lowe C. A. Jarvis .. N. R. Gordon F.J. Corbett . . E. G. Mills H. A. Nicholson and A. E. S. Wilson A. L. Humphries, A. George, W. H. Perham W. Grace T. H. Mapp O. C. Duryea and M. C. White- .. A. H. Russell .. C. Suggate and W. E. C. Alexander J. Wilson J. Fraser and J. T. Good 21086 19500 20974 20955 21243 21348 20802 20902 19930 ■2 1 :'>07 21341 21013 21231 20944 21021 4 May 17 May, 1905 9 April 31 March . . 31 May 22 June 28 Feb. 21 March .. 25 Aug., 1905 14 Nov., 1905f 22 June 18 April .. 30 May 3 April .. 21 April .. 38 31 35 38 I' * * 31 31 53 17 May. 19 April. 3 May.* 17 May.* 12 July.* 19 April.* 19 April.* 28 June. 38 17 May.* 12 July. 59 Foot-warmer Forago-treating apparatus Fuel and lubricant supply for engine Fumigator for destroying rabbits Furnace, OreFurniture, Upholstering Fuse-igniter 21388 20316 20957 21111 21377 21149 21217 2 July 15 Nov., 1905 2 April .. 9 May 26 June 16 May 25 May 35 42 3 May. 31 May. Gambrel Game and apparatus.. Game apparatus Game. (See Card-game, Indoor game.) Gas-burner E. J. Shields A. J. Willey and R. Gray C. Miller .. 21139 18975 19845 14 May 16 Jan.. 1905 7 Aug.. 1905 .'9 36 53 12 July. 3 May. 28 June. The New Zealand 20th Century Gas Company, Limited C. L. K. H. Foot A. McLeod G. Robson T. W. Watson J. J. Strain J. J. Strain F. J. Shelton H. W. McClellan ' C. A. Beal F. W. Bliss 21245 31 May Gas, Electrically igniting Gas-generator Gas-lamp lighting and extinguishing Gas-regulator Gas-stove boiler Gas-stove, Hot-water attachment to Gas-stove, Tailors' Gas water-heater .. Gate and partition, Folding Gate-hinge Generator. (See Gas-generator, Hydro-carbon-generator. ) Glass articles, Drawing hollowGlass articles, Drawing hollow-Glazing-bars 21306 21024 20993 20938 21188 21189 20740 21114 21326 21014 14 June 18 April .. 12 April .. 2 April .. 23 May 23 May .. 17 Feb. 9 May 18 June 19 April .. 42 :si 53 31 May.* 19 April.* 19 April. 28 June.* Window Glass Machine Company Window Glass Machine Company T. Crompton 20908 21094 21319 24 March .. 4 May 20 June 42 4<i r>9 31 May. 14 June. 12 July.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Application. Gazett-. Invention. Nun*. No. Date. I No. j I Date. Gold and silver, Treating ores containing Gold from ores, Extracting Gold-saving Gold-saving table Gold-saving, Treating quartz for Golf-ball Golosh Golosh Grain and seed cleaner Gravity filter Grilling and toasting device Growing strawberries Gum-digger's hook Gutter-cleaning scoop W. Blackmore and A. Howard .. A. James J. Richmond H. Trinder and F.C. Engeler I. Lewis F. H. Mingay A. B.jNioholle and J. G. Silly .. D. and F. W. Smith .. M. Hogan E. A. Gieseler J. Austin O. K. Carlson A. W. D. Meiklejohn .. H. Harper 21077 21197 21051 21119 21134 21140 20909 21302 20391 21350 21226 21129 21049 21143 3 May 25 May 28 April .. 9 May 12 May 11 May 27 March .. 12 June 26 Nov. 20 June 29 May 11 May 28 April .. lf> May 59 59 59 40 59 31 28 12 July. 12 July. 12 July. 14 June.* 12 July. 19 April.* 5 April.* 42 46 46 31 May.* 14 June.* 14 June.* Hair-comb Hair-pin .. • Hair-pin Hames Hammer, Claw Handle, Cooking-utensil Harness Harness Harvester Hat-pin Heat of stoves, Utilising waste Heater, Gas-fired bath-water Heater. (See Tire-heater, Water-heater.) Heating buildings Seel and heel nailing machine Heel. (See also Boot-heel, Rubber heel.) Hemp, Attaching tags to Hemp-bale, Attaching tag to .. Hemp-bale, Attaching tag to .. Hemp, &c, trade, Preventing fraud in .. Hinge, GateHoist Holder. (See Cigarette-holder, Cow-leg holder, Paper-holder, Skirt-holder, Ticket-holder, Tool-holder.) Hook, Gumdigger's Horse-controlling bit Horse-cover fastening Horae-shoe Horse-shoe-making machine Horse-shoe, Nailless Horse-shoo, Nailless Horse-stopper Hose, SuctionHot well House, Fireproof Hydraulic-prossure apparatus Hydraulic ram Hydraulic-ram valve Hydrocarbon-generator Hydro-extractor H. A. E. Kelly B. A. Undrill .. W. M. Crockett R. H. Carter .. G. Dwyer and W. J. G. Pitt E. W. G. Coleridge G. W. Westropp and J. G. Harper H. T. Rawnsloy .. .. S. Millar G. Robinson .. T. Walters .. W. H. Hannan 20942 21040 21255 19434 21269 21279 20910 20934 21329 21212 20906 19587 2 April 27 April .. 31 May 5 May, 1905 7 June 9 June 27 March .. 31 March .. 19 June 28 May 24 March .. 14 June, 1905 42 38 31 3] 31 May.* 17 May. 19 April.* 19 April.* 31 38 19 April.* 17 May. J. Smaill United Shoe Machinery Company 21278 19368 7 June 19 April, 1905 31 19 April. H. E. McDonald J. D. McLaurin H. E. McDonald J. D. McLaurin F. W. Bliss .. N. A. H. Abel 21314 21239 21242 20911 21014 20727 15 June 31 May 31 May 28 March .. 19 April .. 15 Feb. 63 53 28 June.* 28 June.* 31 19 April.* 53 28 June. A. W. D. Meiklejohn A. G. Harvey A. Thompson.. W. H. Davies.. E. B., N. H., and M. K. Mackenzie H. Ledgard I. Bagot and H. W. Cranswick .. T. Firth H. Rochfort .. E. E. Collins .. M. Squire W. F. Lietz E. Dane J. Northey A. Jack D. Urquhart and C. Sloper 21049 21003 20933 21041 21391 20857 21034 19520 21219 20825 20827 21096 20977 19825 21186 21312 28 April .. 17 April .. 29 March .. 25 April .. 29 June 14 March .. 21 April .. 27 May, 1905 25 May 7 March .. 7 March .. 4 May 7 April 3 Aug., 1905 23 May 14 June 46 42 31 42 42 42 46 14 June.* 31 May.* 19 April.* 31 May. 31 May. 31 May.* 14 June. :n 36 42 38 59 19 April.* 3 May.* 31 May.* 17 May.* 12 July. Incandescent mantle Inca,ndescent mantle and burner Indicator, RailwayIndoor game Inflator. (See Tire-inflator.) Ink-remover Insulator, Telegraph-wire Internal-combustion engine Internal-combustion engine, Carburetter for L. Hooker D. Anderson A. J. Border J. Carter R. B. Forsyth A. Harris P. C. Lawless.. G. L. M. Dorwald 21019 20982 20992 20987 20826 21022 21062 21194 18 April .. 11 April .. 12 April .. 11 April .. 7 March .. 18 April .. 1 May 31 May, 1905f 40 42 31 42 59 14 June. 31 May.* 19 April. 31 May.* 12 July. Iron and steel manufacture Iron, Separating tin from Ironing-stand M. Moore and T. J. Heskett R. M. Jolly H. G. F. Clear 20990 21154 21384 12 April .. 16 May 27 June 35 3 May.* Jack, LiftingT. T. Rawhiti 19704 11 July, 1905 38 17 May. Keroscne-pump siphon Keros;<ne-tap Kindler. (See Fire-kindler.) Kitchen-range Knee-ring, Pneumatic Knife-cleaner E. R. Godward E. R. Godward F. Burke and H. L. Mainland E.G. Gresham and A. Gray T. Harkins .. 21180 21181 21104 20405 20960 19 May 19 May 5jMay . .. 4 Dec, 1905 2 April 20 5 April. Lacing-machine, Shoe-upper Ladder Ladder, Steadying United Shoe Machinery Company A Ramsay J. R. Parker 21233 21256 20978 30 May 31 May 9 April .. 63 28 June.* 38 17 May.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Application. Oatette. Inrention. Nam*. No. Date. No. Dats. Ladder. StepLadder, StrapLamp Lamp-burner socket to valve, Securing.. Lamp. (See also Gas-lamp, Oil-lamp.) Lantern Laths, Fixing plastering-Lead-calme Leggings-fastening .. I^ens Levelling-instru ment Lid for saucepans Life-saving appliance L., H., and L. Mote A. Mackay .. .. .. G. Ritchie R. W. Lawrence M. Teasdale .. W. S. Clarke A. E. and H. G. Bradley J. G. ter- Hofsteede R. K. Bell F. H. Trevellian C. Kendrick .. F. M. Staubwasser and T. F. Fauset T. T. Rawhiti 21171 20940 21386 19842 20890 20970 21047 20182 20705 21250 2088(5 21224 15 May 30 March .. ! 28 June 3 Aug., 1905 21 March .. 7 April . . 27 April .. 17 Oct., 1905 8 Feb. 2 June 21 March .. 29 May 36 59 42 42 3 May.* 12 July. 31 May. 31 May.* 35 3 May. J 19 April.* 38 17 May. Lifting-jack Links. (See Kleeve-links.) Linotype-machine Linotype-machine Liquids, Drawing off Liquid-separator Liquid-separator liner Loading cargo Lock-nut Lock-nut and bolt Lock. (See Door-lock, Sash-lock, Win-dow-lock.) Lubricant and fuel-supply for engine . . VV. I , ;. Hughes W. H. Thomas .. F. W. Smith J. P. Johansson ('. A. F. Ramstrom S. J. E. Jorgensen A. E. Kellam F. B. C. Allen 19704 20523 20892 20921 21116 20927 21100 20144 21830 11 Jidy, 1905 4 Jan. 22 March .. 30 March .. 9 May 30 March . . 8 May 27 April 22 June 38 :sr. :ti 53 42 17 May. 19 April. 3 May. 19 April.* 28 June. 31 May. 0. C. Duryea and M. C. White .. 20957 2 April . . SI May. 42 Machine-belting .. .. Mail-bag fastening and check Mail-bag seal .. .'. Mantle. (See Incandescent mantle.) Mattress-fastening Mattress, Stretching wire-wove . . Maze, Revolving Measuring, &c, for clothing Metal-castings mould-dresser Metal fastenings Metals, Bending and shaping Metals from ores, Recovering Milk-can .. . . Milk-cooler .. .. Sulk, Pasteurising Milk-strainer Milk-strainer Milk-weigher Milking-machine Milking-machine Milking-machine Milking-machine Milking-machine teat-cup Mineral-saver . . . . ' Mineral-saving riffle Minnow-head Mitre-box Mitre-cramp Mixing and disintegrating machine Motor-car wheel Motor-car wheel Motor, ExplosionMotor, Perpetual Motor-tire Mould-dresser Mould. (See Building - block mould, Pastry-mould, Type-casting mould.) Mower Mower and reaper, Finger-attachment to A. Nable and A. Saunders H. Watt J. Anschau .. .. .. 8. J. Boeoek and E. J. Dewinc .. G. F. Reynell R. Lowe E. Broughton A. F. Jagger .. J. and W. J. O'Hara J. W. Hardley H. Rochfort J. S. Havvkes .. E. M. Barker P. M. Maze .. D. Bower B, Walker E. D. Berry .. E. V. Gandil Aktiebolaget Separator A..Ridd D.Klein A. Smaill A. McLeod . . .. D. Morgan R. McKenzie . . R. Walker R. Dunne E. T. C. Firth J. E. Beckwith A. McLean F. Wagner G. W. Pointon R. N. SaunderR A. F. Jagger .. 21162 21368 19645 20972 20814 21157 20976 19762 21238 21381 21254 21310 21091 21235 20841 20801 21048 21029 20837 21316 21076 20999 21042 20888 20639 20913 19403 21064 21144 20920 20954 21372 21069 19762 17 May 28 June 28 June, 1905 6 April 6 March .. 17 May 6 April, . . 17 July, 1905 28 May 29 June 31 May 14 June 5 May 30 May 12 March .. 2 March .. 27 April 21 April .. 10 March .. 15 June 3 May 11 April .. 24 April 21 March . . 25 Jan. 28 March .. 26 April, 1905 28 April . . 15 May 30 March .. 4 April 28 June 2 May 17 July, 1905 :'si :!] 59 53 4(i 35 .")!) 38 42 56 12 July.* 28 June. 14 June. 3 May.* 12 July.* 17 May.* 31 May. 12 July'.* 19 April.* 17 May.* 19 April. 33 38 38 31 31 31 42 59 :(i 12 3 May.* 17 May.* 17 May.* 19 April. 19 April.* 19 April. 31 May.* 12 July. 19 April.* 31 May. 42 81 May'. Music-leaf turner Music-stand Massey-Harris Company, Limited The International Harvester Company of America G. Warne A. S. Sargison, A. J. Debenliam, and C. F. A. Cambridge W. P. Sinimonda G. Kyme H. E. Rountree and C. Glasgow 20787 21165 21291 21004 28 February 17 May .. 13 June 17 April 26 42 5 April. 31 May.* Music-teaching device Music-transposer Music-turner 19680 20803 21200 5 July, 1905 2 March .. 25 May 38 53 17 May. 28 June. Nail for packing-case Nails, Driving Nails, Lead-headed . . .. Xon-refillable bottle Non-refillable bottle Non-refillable bottle Xon-refillable bottle Xon-refillable bottle . . W. H. Kinvig A. Prior T. O. Hement. . T. Walters .. C. Perkins .. .. K. Matthews .. C. E. Thompson E. S. Evelyn .. .. .. I 20966 21199 21274 20915 21020 20971 21027 21080 6 April 25 May 7 June .. J 29 March . . 18 April .. 7 April 24 April 3 May 38 :ti 3 May.* 19 April.* 38 42 42 17 May.* 31 May.* 31 May.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Invention. Name. Application. No. Oaiette. No. Date. Xon-refillable bottle .. Non-refillable bottle .. Non-refillable bottle .. Non-refillable bottle .. ., Non-refillable bottle J 0. F. Howarth, and J. H. Smith C. J. H. Payne F. M. Norris and J. Robertson .. E. S. Evelyn . . R. Watson : 21132 21182 21204 ■ 21210 : 21304 11 May 19 May 25 May 28 May 14 June Oft'al-dryer Office forms Oil-lamp .. Oil-lamp .. .. .... . Ore-concentrator Ore-concentrator deck . Ore-concentrator feeder Ore-concentrator, Lubricator for Ore-dressing buddle .. .., J. Xiven and Co. W. Beamish M. Samuel and J. F. C. Farquhar M. Samuel and J. F. C. 'Farquhar E. Deister N. Guthridge . . .. N. Guthridge .. N. Guthridge Rheinisch-Nassauische Bergwerks-Hutten-Actien-Gesellschaft C. Suggate and W. E. C. Alexander H. Wilson A. M. Day .. W. Blackmore and A. Howard . . A. James .. I J. R. Masson .. H. Rochf ort A. A. Holdsworth 21183 ■ 20986 20715 20716 21175 21167 21169 21168 20879 23 May 11 April 9 Dec,1905f 9 Dec, 190r>t 21 May 17 May 17 May 17 May .. 21 March .. j 38 31 :;i 35 17 May.* 19 April. 10 April. 3 May. Ore-furnace Ore-grinding pan Ore-smelting apparatus Ore-treatment Ores, Extracting gold from Ores, Recovering antimony, &c, from .. Ores, Recovering metal from Overall-garment 21377 21232 ' 20726 21077 21107 21282 21254 20916 20 June 30 May 15 Feb. .. 4 Sept., 1905| 25 May 8 June .. 31 May .. j 29 March .. : 69 31 12 July'.* 10 April. j 59 31 12 July.* 19 April.* Paint from wood, Removing Paper box, Folding Paper holder and stand Paper or cardboard box Paper tubes, Manufacture of .. Parcel-strap handle .. •., . Partition and gate, Folding Partition, Sliding and folding.. Pasteurising milk Pastry-mould .. .. ; ... Pea-sheller Pedal-strap for cycle .. Perambulator Phonograph Phonograph, Magazine Photographic camera Photographic exposure and focus distributor Photographic plates, &c, Preparing and developing. Picture-card and envelope Picture-frame clamp Picture-hanger , .. .. ... Pin-catch Pin. (See Hair-pin, Hat-pin.) Pipes and tubes, Reaming .. Pipe. (See Drain-pipe, Earthenware pipe, Sink-pipe, Tobacco-pipe, Waterpipe.) Piping, Making sheet-metal Pitch-chains and sprockets .. .. Plastering-laths, Fixing Plastic-material cutter Plates, Heating and drying Plough-coulter, Attaching .... Plough. (See Ditch - plough, Disc plough.) Ploughing and cleaning machine Plunge-baths, Portable Poison-ejector for rabbit-destruction Poisoned fumes, Detecting escape of Pole. (See Curtain-pole, Trolley-pole.) Polisher. (See Floor-polisher.) Post-card .. .. Post-card, &c, Pictorial Post, Cement Potato-cleaner .. .. 'W. E. Hughes L. Banks and W. Grey .. I A. Mortland .. . . .. J W. R. Comings J. Logan and J M. Landon T. W. Witt . . C. A. Beal A. Baxter P. M. Maze .. .. .,. A. H. Newman .. ... E. McClelland C. W. Gordon .. .. j P. Jensen .. ... W. E. Hughes W. E. Hughes W. H. Sebley.. J. W. Davis . . 21177 ; 21252 ! 20777 20878 21107 21078 21326 21056 21235 21012 21151 19586 21276 21059 21060 21262 21283 22 May .. j 30 May 26 Feb. ' .. 21 March .. 9 May .. I 3 May .. j 18 June .. I 30 April .. 30 May .. ; 18 April .. 16 May 14 June, 1905 8 June 1 May 1 May .. i 6 June .. j 8 June .. I j 59 35 31 I 59 I 53 I ,, I * * 12 July.* 3 May.* 19 April. 12 July. 28 June.* 35 3 May. i 46 14 June. ! "' i W. F. C. Kelly and J. A. Bentham 21383 27 June A. Martin .. .. .. | D. Marshall . . .. .. j W. Wenlock and W. B. Anderson C. Perkins 21067 21039 ' 21286 20931 30 April 20 April .. 13 June 28 March .. 31 19 April." M. Bowles .. .. .. ; 21325 Iβ June .. J G. J. Browne and E. Toms .. ; G. Davidson . . . . .. I W. S. Clarke .. .. ... J. C. Chisholm and A. W. Morton ! J. E. L. Gardner .. .. A. Reid .. .. I 21085 21203 20970 21138 20845 20919 3 May .. j 25 May .. j 7 April .. ! 10 May .. I 14 March .. j 20 March .. I 58 59 42 12 July.* 12 July. 31 May.* 35 35 3 May. 3 May.* J. Brown .. .. C. H. Withers J. Rattray and O. Eason A. H. Russell.. 21281 20729 20967 21112 8 June .. i 15 Feb. 5 April 9 May. .. j :si 31 Mi 19 April. 19 April.* 14 June.* G. W. Basley E. L. White .. G. Sage D. Zander, T. Falvey, and J. H. Ormrod H. Daniels .. . . .. R. Whittaker and R. Tomline .. r United Shoe Machinery Company E. Janitzky, J. F. Hamilton, and J. T. Cumming H. A. Nicholson and A. E. S. Wil21284 20308 21025 21164 9 June 21 Jan.,1905t 24 April .. 17 May 35 42 59 3 May. 31 May.* 12 July.* Potato digger and grader .. Poultry, Drinking-fountain for Pounding-up machine Preservation of animal substances 21127 21292 21365 21035 8 May 13 June 28 June 25 April 59 59 12 July.* 12 July.* 4(1 14 June. Preservative, Food20944 j 3 April .. Press, CheesePressure filter Printing. (See Colour-printing, Fernprinting.) eon J. Anderson and J. D. Hunter .. C. W. Merrill 21133 ! 19337 9 May 12 April, 1905 si 19 April.


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


1 No. Ar >PPl lica ion. !<•. Invention. Name. Date. No. Date. Prop. (See Clothes-prop.) Prop-clip Propeller Propeller-blades Propeller, Preventing " racing "of Protector. (See Boot and shoe protector, Tire-protector.) Pudding-boiler Pulley, Expansible J. W. Maokay .. .. J. Fola J. W. Biitterworth H. H. Adams.. 20896 20882 21098 21053 22 March .. 21 March .. 7 May 26 April 31 31 42 19 ipr'il,* 19 April. 31 May.* R. Xewman .. E. E. James and S. and H. E. Dunn J. J. Gilday Brunswick Refrigerating Company F. G. M. Brittin '. . R. P. Park .. R. V. Danne .. J. Hopkirk .. A. E. Luttrell C. .1. Walker .. B. G. A. Harkness 21387 21058 30 June 1 May . . 4('i 14 June.* Pump .. Pump Pump, BeerPump, Centrifugal Pump connecting-piece, Valve and Pump, Force anil lift Pump, Rotary Pump shoe, Manufacture of Pump, Vacuum 21163 20883 21211 21369 21225 21309 21159 21113 21206 17 May 21 March . . 28 May 28 June 29 May 14 June 17 May i) May 7 .Tune . . 59 31 12 July.* 19 April. 59 59 12 July.* 12 July.* Quartz, &c, Reducing 1. Lewis 21134 12 May 40 14 June.* Rabbit and trap carrier Rabbit - burrows, Detecting escape of poisoned fumes from Rabbit-destruction Rabbit-destruction Rabbit-trap Race-starter Race-starter Rail-joint Rail. (See Tram-rail.) Railway-coupling Rails, Dressing Railway-indicator Railway-points, Operating Railway-points. Operating Railway-wagon-nioving, Shunter's Railway-vehicle coupling G. W. C. Shirley A. H. Russell.. 21084 21112 1 May 0 May 53 46 28 June.* 14 June.* .1. Rattray and G. Eason A. H. Russell.. B. Blick E. Rains L. G. Wieneke J. A. Belk .. 20967 21111 21136 19749 21297 21313 5 April .. 9 May 10 May 18 July, 1905 13 June 15 June 31 53 ! 19 April.* 2H June. W. E. Crook .. M. Woods and T. J. Gilbert A. J. Border A. iS. Heideman W. Taylor E. J. Vining and G. D. Weir J. T., W. S., and C. J. H. Payne, and A. W. Smith H. Bairstow .. 21296 20887 20992 21102 21270 20980 20923 13 June 21 March .. 12 April . . 8 May 7 June 11 April .. 28 March . . 59 31 46 53 12 July.* 19 April.* 14 June. 28 June. :J8 38 17 May. 17 May.* Rain and dust excluder Ram. (See Hydraulic ram.) Range, KitchenRatchet wrench Reaming pipes and tubes Reaper and binder Reaper and binder apron Recorder. (See Billiard-recorder, Voterecorder.) Reel, Fishing-Refrigerating-apparatu s Register. (See Cash-register, Changegiving register.) Regulator. (See Gas-regulator, Engineregulator. ) Revolver Ridging-machine. Scraping rollers of .. Rifle, Wind gauge for Riffle for gold-saving Rivet 21103 ■S May 53 28 June.* F, Burko and H. L. Mainland . . G. S. Stevenson M. Bowles G. H. Kvans J. H. L. Barry 21104 19643 21325 21258 21036 f> May 24 June, 1905 lfi Juno 2 June 20 April 42 59 42 31 May. 12 July.* 31 May.* R. T. Cross Brunswick Refrigerating Company 21196 20885 25 May 21 March .. 3i 19 April. A. Gardiner .. J. Macalister . . W. J. C. Downey D. Morgan The Bifurcated Rivet Company, Limited T. Warsop .. N. Nielsen W. C. Haines.. G. E. Dod J. Robertson and F. Blackburn.. T. J. Davenport G. E. Churches 21247 19811 21106 20888 21009 29 May 25 July, 1905 20 Marclvf .. 21 March .. 18 April .. 59 59 38 4-2 12 July. 12 July. 17 May.* 31 May. Rock-drill Roofing-tile Rotary engine Rotary engine Rubber-heel fitting .. Rubber spring Rubber-tube cleaner 21340 20773 21214 21295 21000 20894 21146 22 June 20 Feb. 28 May 13 June 12 April .. 21 March . . 15 May 38 59 59 46 35 59 17 May. 12 July.* 12 July.* 14 June. 3 May.* 12 July.* Sandal-strap Sash lock and balance .. ,. Duckworth, Turner, and Company, Limited G. Westmoreland, J. F. Pettie, and I E. H. Hewetson 21040 21249 25 April .. 1 June Sash. (See also Window-sash.) Saucepan-lid Scaffolding-bracket, Hanger for Scaffolding-bracket, Hanger for School desk and chair School-desk or drawing-table C. Kendrick .. .. .. j C. Lucas .. .... C. Lucas A.' Criehton and W. Williams .. J. E. Dangerfield and F. C. J. Cockburn H. Harper .. .. J. Anschau .. . . . . j I, W, and A. C. Cadle.. ., ! 20886 21216 21261 21081 21251 21 March .. 28 May 6 June 3 May 29 May 38 69 17 May. 12 July.* Scoop for cleaning gutters Seal, Mail-bag Sealing receptacles hermetically 21143 19645 21240 15 May 28 June. 1905 31 May 40 53 14 June.* 28 June.


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


,pp] [ioftl ;ion. hize te. Invention. Name. No. M No. Date. Date. Seat, Swivelling Seed and grain sower Seed-sower Seed-sower Seed-sower Seed-sower Seed-sower Separator. (See Cream - separator, Liquid-separator.) Sewage-treatment Sewage-treatment Sewing-machine Sewing-machine Shackle Shaft-tug Sheaf-band cutter Shears Sheep and lamb paunches, Washing, &c. Sheep-dipping apparatus Sheep-fence, Sliding Sheep-shears Sheet-metal piping, Making Ships, Steering Shoe. (See Boot and shoe, Horse-shoe, Pump shoe.) Shoe-upper lacing-machine Signalling, Electric A. Criohton and W. Williams .. D. McKinnon.. .. S. Gwatkin J. Macalister .. D. McKinnon.. G. Gray C. Bristow V. Bordigoni ... J. Mitchell A. G. R. Williams E. Oliver C. J. Tuck .. C. J. Tuck .. E. -L. Lundstrom .. .. C. Cook D. Urquliart and C. Sloper C. Rask and E. A. Cameron J. Hamilton .. W. E. Henderson G. J. Browne and E. Toms J. Rae 21095 21122 20939 20997 21026 21344 21273 21125 21363 19500 21347 20875 20876 20928 19692 21311 21374 21088 20633 21085 21260 4 May 10 May 2 April . . 0 April 24 April .. 22 June 7 June 8 May 28 June 23 May, l<105 25 June 20 March . . 20 March .. 30 March .. 8 July, 1905 14 June 23 June 28 April . . 24 Jan. 3 May 6 June 35 38 38 38 38 42 50 42 42 59 31 May.* 12 July. 31 May.* 31 May.* 12 July.* 3 May. 17 May.* 17 May.* 17 May.* 17 May. 53 31 59 28 June.* 19 April.* 12 July.* Signalling-mechanism Signs for advertising Sink-pipes, Preventing clogging of Siphon Siphon Skirt-holder Skylight-bars Sleeve-links Sleeve-links Slimes-filter Sling for lifting cattle Slotting-machine tools Sluice-box Smoke-consumer United Shoe Machinery Company International Telegraphic Call Company W. Reid H. Reid A. H. Brookes and E. Broughton H. Corbett E. R. Godward M. W. Winter T. Danks J. Gait J. Gait E. S. Huntley J. McMahon .. 1). Graham T. G. Jefferson A. McLeod Warnock Bros. F. D. Miller .. J. Stewart W. A. Stetson J. Mahoney and J. H. Bowman.. G. Chessell T. J. Davenport T. Cahill United Shoe Machinery Company G. Dwyer and W. J. G. Pitt ".. H. Taylor J. Rae J. T. Hunter G. Roberts R. Rayson F. A. Rich . . T. Walters .. J. E. L. Gardner 21233 21008 21222 19262 21390 21066 21180 21307 20809 20990 21248 20128 21033 21268 21130 21024 20968 21215 21343 20930 19730 21074 20894 21227 19610 21209 21209 21260 21005 21145 21371 21065 20907 20845 30 May 18 April .. 29 May 28 Mar., 1905 29 June 1 May 19 May 14 June 5 March . . 9 April 1 June 4 Oct., 1905 20 April .. 7 June 11 May 18 April .. 7 April . . 28 May 22 June 23 March .. 13 July, 1905 3 May 21 March . . 29 May 20 June, 1905 7 June 2(i May 0 June 17 April 15 May 28 June 28 April . . •24 March .. 14 March . . 58 r>9 38 46 :ii 31 42 59 r>!) -12 28 June.* 12 July. 17 May. 14 June.* 19 April.* 19 April. 31 May.* 12 July.* 12 July.* 31 May.* Soap Sole, BootSpanner, Shifting-Spinning-machine Spouting-bracket Spring-device, Encased Spring, Rubber Spurs Staple making and driving machine Staple-puller Starch and blue, Fireproof Steering ships Stereo'types, Casting curved Stirrups Storage-room cooler Stove Stove, Damper for Stove, Plate-rack for Stove. (See also Gas-stove.) Stove, Utilising waste heat of Strainer and aerator Strainer. (See also Milk-strainer, Wirestrainer.) Strap. (See Ladder-strap, Parcel-strap, Pedal-strap. Sandal-strap.) Strawberry-growing apparatus Street-sweeper Street-sweeper Suction-hose Swingletree Swingletree Swingletree Swivelling seat n<i 12 July.* 40 59 40 35 14 June. 12 July. 14 June.* 3 May.* 59 12 July. .TO 12 July.* 40 35 35 14 June. 3 May.* 3 May. T. Walters .. W. Harvey 20906 21322 24 March .. 15 June 31 19 April.* 0. K. Carlson R. Z. Garrett J. L. Kirkbride H. Rochfort J. M. Youngson W. Bary .. W. Morton and J. Hercus A. Crichton and W. Williams 21129 21277 21335 21219 20950 21002 21285 21095 11 May 6 June 22 June 25 May 4 April . . 17 April . . 9 June 4 May 42 59 35 42 31 May.* 12 July.* 3 May.* 31 May.* 42 31 May.* Table, Elastic feet for legs of Table. (See also Billiard-table, Goldsaving table, Dining and billiard table.) Tags or brands, Attaching, to bale Tank E. W. Ackland 20864 14 March .. 38 17 May.* D. McKenzie .. B. E. Smith . . E. Lockerbie .. R. Cosslett .. 21080 21193 21320 21265 4 May 25 May 20 June . . 6 June 38 17 May. Tap Tap and cock


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.

7—H. 10.—07.


tpp! liea' jiou. FoMl it. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. 'ap. (See Kerosene-tap, Water-tap.) 'eaching-apparatus .. H. T. F. Esmond and H. Buckland A. Gillies A. Smaill A. Ridd F. Armstrong.. T. E. Bridger.. T. H. and V. Berry O. Stewart A. Harris 21198 25 May 'eat-cup, Mouthpiece for 'eat-eup of milking-machine 'eat-cup, Pneumatic 'eeth, Drilling 'eeth, Extracting 'elegraph system, Operating .. 'elegraph transmitter ?elegraph-wire insulator 'elegraphy. (See Wireless telegraphy.) telephone and telegraph instrument 'elephone- bell silencer telephone, Wireless .. 'elephonic-exchange system, Operating 'icket-holder 'ile, Roofing'in from iron, Separating 'in-opener .. 'ine and weed clearer 'ire-heater 'ire-infiator 'ire-inflator 'ire, Lever for removing 'ire, Non-inflated ?ire-protector 'ire-protector 'ire. (Sec Cushion tire, Motor-tire, Wheel-tire.) 'ire-valve 'oasting and grilling device .. 'oasting-appliance 'obacco, &c, Manufacture of 'obacco-cutter, Pocket ?obacco-pipe attachment 'onic and food 'ool, Boring'ool, Case-opening 'ool-holder.. 'ow, Shaking and cleansing .. 'ower, Wooden 20164 20999 21317 20998 21328 20951 21201 21022 12 Oct., 1905 11 April .. 15 June 11 April .. 19 June 4 April 25 May 18 April .. 53 86 28 June. j 3 May.* 42 :il May.* 50 5(1 42 12 July. 12 July.* 31 May.* F. W. Medhurst K. Matthews .. F. J. McCarty A. T. M. Thomson J. Long .. .. .. N. Nielsen R. M. Jolly A. Williams F. T. McAnulty T. Greenall .. R. Connell J. C. Wood .. R. Buck and D. H. K. McGuinness L. Schmidt W. M. Jamieeon F. J. W. Gascoyne 21079 21361 21101 20725 21179 20773 21154 20859 19700 21124 21045 21161 20948 21338 21221 21263 3 May 26 June 8 May 15 Feb. 22 May 26 Feb. 16 May 12 March .. 10 July, 1905 7 May 27 April .. 17 May 4 April 22 June 26 May 6 June 42 31 59 :is 58 35 38 59 31 May.* 19 April. 12 July.* 17 May. 12 July. 3 May.* 17 May. 12 July. 59 35 12 July.* 3 May.* r>9 12 Juiy. C. J. Neunhoffer J. Austin T. V. Whitmore K. Matthews A. Potter L. S. Sawtell and J. S. Hawkes.. F. J. Corbett.. R. E. Hay .. D. Fabling G. Barrett A. J. I'ark .. G. T. Bennett D. A. C. Brown W. V. Gilbert J. D. McLaurin A. Noble J. S. Ryan T. E. Taylor H. Quertier .. G. W. C. Shirley W. Clark 21323 21226 20322 20924 20945 21360 21013 21362 21068 19743 21206 20904 21170 21303 20911 21090 20899 21142 20936 21084 21126 15 June 29 May 14 Nov., 1905 30 March . . 3 April .. 26 June 18 April .. ■27 June 2 May 17 July, 1905 22 May 24 March .. 17 May 11 June 28 March .. 4 May 23 March . . 15 May 2 April .. 1 May .. 8 May 38 31 35 38 53 38 42 3 May. 19 April.* 3 May.* 17 May.* 28 June.* 17 May. 31 May.* •oy 'oy 'rades, Preventing fraud in .. 'ramear, Guard-rail of 'ram-rail cleaner 'ram-rail cleaner 'ramway-rail cleaner 'rap and rabbit carrier 'rap-chain 'rap. (See Bird-trap, Rabbit-trap.) 'rolley-brake 'rolley-head 'rolley-head 'rolley-head 'rolloy-head >olley-head >olley-pole 'rolley-pole 'rolley-pole 'rolley-pole adjuster 'rolley-pole controller >olley-pole controller 'rolley-wheel bearing 'rousers and breeches 'ube. (See Paper tube, Rubber tube.) 'ube-mill, Honeycomb linings for 'unnelling-machine J. Nicholson F. H. Cooper .. G. B. Holmes and A. 1). Allen .. G. B. Holmes and A. D. Allen . . N. I. Gooder J. Cook H. Quertier J. and R. Lindsay J. W. Smitham and J. Perks A. Williams A. J. Edwarda A. J. Edwards J. M. O'Neil and R. A. Marsh .. T. Hogan 21324 20962 20376 20683 21237 21346 19840 19370 21131 20858 21178 21336 21305 21128 15 June 0 April . . 27 Nov., 1905 7 Feb. 30 May 3 June 5 Aug., 1905 19 April, 1905 11 May 12 March .. 22 May 22 June 14 June 9 May si 31 59 31 r>:i 53 :;i 42 42 59 19 April.* 28 June.* 19 April.* 12 July.* 19 April.* 28 June.* 28 June.* 19 April.* 31 May. 31 May. 12 July.* r>: , , 59 53 35 28 June. 12 July. 28 June.* 3 May.* H. P. Barry . . J. P. Karns Tunnelling Machine Company J. H. Wagenhorst E. E. Arnold E. E. Arnold .. F. W. E. Gabriel P. G. Nuernberger and G. Rettig, jun. P. G. Nuernberger and G. Rettig, jun. 20436 20983 9 Dec., 1905 11 April .. 42 31 May. 'urbine-vanes, Securing 'urbino-vanes, Securing 'urbine-vanes, Securing 'urnstile 'ype-casting machine 20867 20868 20869 21158 21355 18 Mar., 1905f 18 Mar., 1905f 22 Mar., 1905f 17 May 26 June 31 31 31 r>9 19 April. 19 April. 19 April. 12 July.* 'ype-casting mould .. 21356 26 June Jmbrella Jpholstering furniture Jrinal-silencer R, R, Douglas J. Wilson J. W. Andrew 21234 21149 21350 30 May 16 May 23 June 59 12 July.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


PP licai ;ion. lazni !c. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Vacuum pump Valve Valve Valve Valve and pump conneeting-piece B. C. A. Harkness C. J. Waugh Brunswick Refrigerating Company W. Angus R. V. Danne 21206 19823 20884 20893 21225 7 June 2 Aug., 1905 21 March .. 21 March .. 29 May 59 59 :!i 31 12 July.* 12 July. 19 April. 19 April.* Valve, FlushingW. Turnbull 20946 3 April 59 4(1 19 April.* 12 July. 14 June. Valve of brake-coupling, ControlValve. (See Hydraulic-ram valve, Tirevalve. ) Vane. (See Turbine-vane.) Vehicle-brake Vehicle controller, Electrically propelled Vehicle, Horse-stopping attachment to.. Vehicle-moving mechanism Vehicle-wheel axle Venetian-blind, Arranging laths of Ventilating-systom Vessels, Propelling Vessels, Propulsion of Veterinary appliance Vice Vote-recorder Voting-machine C. E. Keen 20985 11 April .. J. L. Jopp and W. Murphy J. S. Raworth T. Firth E. J. Vining and G. D. Weir J. W. Greene .. F. G. Semb .. F. ,J. Mahoney T. Beckett F. Sewell .. C. Ridd and D. Duncan J. D. Plimmer E. Boggiano W. Madder 21083 21061 1(1520 20980 21236 21089 21301 21342 20991 21010 21202 20635 21213 1 May 1 May 27 May, 1905 11 April .. 30 May 3 May 12 June 22 June 12 April .. 18 April . . 25 May 24 Jan. 28 May 42 46 38 53 31 May.* 14 June. 17 May. 28 June.* 12 July.* 42 31 May.* 53 46 59 28 June.* 14 June. 12 July.* Wardrobe Wash-board Water, Detecting undue rise of Water-cock, Preventing, from bursting.. Water-collector Water-heater Water-heater, Gas Water-pipe, Protoding, from frost Waterproof garments Water-tap Water-tap Weed-clearer for harrow Weed-destroying composition,. . . Weigher, Butter-Weighing-machine Weighing milk Welted boot, Manufacture of .. Westinghouse-brake coupling, Controlvalve of Wheel Wheel Wheel, Flexible Wheel, Pneumatic centre for Wheel, Resilient Wheel. (See also Bicycle and motor wheel, Motor-car wheel, Trolley-wheel, Vehicle-wheel.) Wheel-tire, Sectional Wheel-tire Whisk Winch for mines Wind-gauge for rifle Windmill, Head-frame for Window Window Window-fastener Window-lock Window-sash Wire-fence binder Wire mattress, Stretching Wire-strainer Wireless telegraphy F. C. J. Olsen J. J. Power R. Cockburn .. W. 11. Parcell, jun. W. E. Chamberlain J. D. Jackson tl. \Y. McClellan 0. K. Carlson.. E. A. Bradbury 0. K. Carlson.. 0. K. Carlson.. F. T. McAnulty F. E. Perry .. S. F. Womersley T. Whitehorn E. D. Berry C. J. Walker C. E. Keen .. 21152 20474 20831 21031 20947 20054 21114 20901 21300 20862 20900 19700 20989 21321 21293 21048 21010 20985 16 May 20 Dec., 1905 8 March .. 24 April .. 4 April 18 Sept.,1905 9 May 23 March .. 13 June 23 March .. 23 March .. 10 July, 1905 12 April .. 13 June 13 June 27 April .. 19 April .. 11 April .. 53 31 53 38 31 53 53 38 35 35 38 28 June.* 19 April. 28 June. 17 May. 19 April.* 28 June. 28 June.* 3 May.* 3 May.* 3 May.* 17 May. 59 12 Juiy.* 42 46 31 May.* 14 June. W. S. Burt C. J. McMaster J. Rusp W. M. Jamieson T. Gare 20664 21218 21006 21370 20790 19 Jan. 25 May 18 April .. 26 June 28 Feb., .. 4<i 59 38 14 June. 12 July. 17 May. 35 3 May. A. J. Fortescue S. F. Mudge E. R. Godward E. S. Baldwin and H. H. Rayward W. J. C. Downey C. J. McMaster T. S. Philpott T. S. Philpott J. McKay A. H. Wylds J. O. Gaibally T. W. Coulthard G. F. Reynell.. T. F. Locke and E. W. Duneombe Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company, Limited A. Artom The De Forest Wireless Telegraph Syndicate, Limited F. J. McCarty E. H. Smith .. R, Pierce and H. S. Wilkie W. Jamieson G. T. Bennett "E. A. Barnes G. S. Stevenson P. J. Gossling 21333 21115 20058 20914 21100 20973 19522 21057 21054 19457 21380 21071 20814 21160 20880 22 June 31 Aug., 1905t 30 Jan. 29 March .. 20 Marcht .. 6 April .. 29 May, 1905 1 May 26 April 12 May, 1905 29 June 30 Apnl .. 0 March .. 17 May 21 March .. r>:! 31 31 r>!! 35 31 28 June. 19 April. 19 April.* 12 July. 3 May. 19 April. 38 17 May. 59 :sr> 12 July.* 3 May.* :';i 19 April. Wireless-telegraphy Receiver Wireless telegraphy 21155 20984 16 May 11 April .. 59 12 July. 3 May. Wireless telephone Wire-strainer Wire-strainer Wood-clamping machine Wooden tower Wrench Wrench, Ratchet Writing-paper advertising medium 21101 20918 21052 21298 20904 21267 19043 21376 8 May 29 March .. 28 April . . 13 June 24 March .. 7 June 24 June, 1905 20 June α-z 19 April.* 31 May. 31 May.* -VI 31 May. Yeast-making L. Friedenreich 21339 22 June




A Application. Ipp Gazette. Name. Address. Class. I — No. *i't No. Date. Date. Aerators, Limited Aktiebolaget Separator London, Eng. Stockholm, Sweden 6,13 7 5912,13 6009, 6012, 4, 5, 6 6010, 3 6011 5964 0007 19 April . . 13 June 85 40 3 May. 14 June. s Aktiebolaget Separator Aktiebolaget Separator Alfrey, F. E. Andrew, H. and B. Anglo-Colonial Tobacco Company, The. (See B. Kriegsfeld and Co.) Ashley and Co. (See J. F. Ashley.) Ashley, J. F. Atlas Metal and Alloys Company, Limited Ayson, W. S. Stockholm, Sweden Stockholm, Sweden Dunedin, N.Z. Pukekohe, N.Z. 7 7 22 2 42 5 6005 5967 13 June 13 June 21 May 13 June 63 42 28 June. 31 May. Ohaupo, N.Z. London, Eng. 13 June 21 May 14 June. 40 Wvndham, N.Z. 50 6022 22 June .. r>3 28 June. Barrett's Food Company Proprietary, Limited Baumert, C. H. J. Blackie, H. G. .. Blackie, H. G. .. Blau, J. Bostock, F. British Columbia Packers Association, The Brown, A. Brown, A. Melbourne, Vic. Upper Hutt, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Northampton, Eng. Vancouver, Canada 42 42 42 42 3 38 42 5976 5959, 60 6019 6035 5919 5954 5867 25 May 15 May 22 June 29 June 24 April .. 10 May 2 April .. 4-2 42 5! I .V.I 26 31 May. 31 May. 12 Juiy. 12 July. 5 April. Dunedin, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. 42 42 5863 5901 30 March . . 17 April .. r>:! :>,i 28 June. 19 April. Brown, F. G. Brown, G. H. Brown, J. S., and Sons. (See G. H. Brown.) Burmeister and Wain, Aktieselskabet Trentham, N.Z. Belfast, Ireland 42 28 5930 5927 5 May 3 May 38 53 17 May. 28 June. Copenhagen, Denmark.. 13 5879 4 April .. Cameron Bros, and Co. Carr, J. and Sons, Chemical Manufacturing Company, TheClarke and Co. Clayton, E. A. .. Connell, J., and Co., Proprietary, Limited Corn-cob Manufacturing Company. . (See A. M. Samuel.) Crichton, J. San Francisco U.S.A... Manchester, Eng. Palmerston North, N.Z. 6 25 3 5908, 9 5894, 5 5975 18 April .. 11 April .. 25 May 36 42 46 3 May 31 May. 14 June. Christchuroh, N.Z. Gisborne, N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W. 42 50 42 5955 5897 6036 11 May 12 April .. 29 June 42 3] 59 31 May. 19 April. 12 July. Wanganui, N.Z. 50 5865 30 March .. 19 April. :si Dallaston, C. W., and another Da vies, A., and another Da vies, E., and another Davies Pharmacy, The. (See A. and E. Davies.) Davies, W. T., Limited Deane, T. Dickinson, C. Rangitumau, N.Z. Wanganui, N.Z. Wanganui, N.Z. 49 2 2 5885 5868 5868 7 April .. 2 April .. 2 April .. 3! 35 19 April. 3 May. 3 May. Auckland, N.Z. Christchuroh, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. 38 50 45 5923 6023 5(137, 39, 40 5936, 38 5942 5944 5941, 3 5958 5962 30 April .. 25 June 8 May 59 12 Juiy. Dickinson, C. Dickinson, C. Dickinson, C. Dickinson, C. Dixon, E. S. Donaghy's Rope and Twine Company, Limited Dunedin, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Palmerston North, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. 45 50 50 50 42 50 8 May 8 May 8 May 8 May 14 May 18 May 38 38 42 38 42 17 May. 17 May. 31 May. 17 Ma'y. 31 May. Dresden Pianoforte Manufacturing and Agency Company Dunedin, &c, N.Z. 9,39 5988,9 1 June 46 14 June. Emdeca Metal Decorating Company, Limited London, ling. 17 5917 24 April 35 3 May. Fay and Co., J. (See G. W. McDonald.) Field and Sons, E. Firth, E. T. C. .. Furness and Co., B. (See C. H. Furness.) Furness, C. H. .. iStelmanthorpe, Eng. Auckland, N.Z. 34 60 5921 6017 25 April 22 June 46 59 14 June. 12 July. Auckland, N.Z. 12 5891 10 April .. 46 14 June. Garland and Son, T. H. Gill, M. J. Gill, M. J. Goldingham and Beckett Graham, J. R. .. Green, W. C. Auckland, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N Z. Palmerston North, N.Z. Palmerston North, N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W. •12 r>0 IS 42 42 42 5934 5972 5973 5896 5861 6001 8 May 25 May 25 May 11 April 28 March .. 7 June 4(1 42 42 31 46 14 June. 31 May. 31 May. 19 April. 14 June. Hartley, S. S., and another San Francisco, U.S.A. .. 47 5969 21 May 42 31 May.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks — continued.


Name. Address. No. of Class. A; No. Application. U>I> Gazette. Date. No. Date. Henderson and Sons, D. Hiokson, G. H., and another Hickson and Co. (See R. Lee and G. H. Hickson.) Hobbs Bros. (See J. C. Hobbs.) Hobbs, J. C. Holdenson and Nielson. (See P. J. Holdenson.) Holdenson, P. J. Hughes, W. E., and another Leicester, Eng. Stockton-on-Tees, Eng. 38 40 6021 5893 22 June 11 April 53 31 28 June. 19 April. Oroua, N.Z. 42 5869 3 April 59 12 July. Melbourne, Vic. Wellington, N.Z. 42 47 5880 5969 4 April 21 May 42 31 May. International Harvester Company of America Chicago, U.S.A. 7 5965, 6 21 May 42 31 May. Jaekaon, J. J. Johnson, S. Jonkopings och Vulcans Tandsticksf abri ksaktiebolag Martinborough, N.Z. East Melbourne, Vic. .. Jonkbping, Sweden 2,3 3 47 5945, 6 5853 5846-51 9 May .. 21 March .. 21 March .. 38 33 31 17 May. 19 Apri!. 19 April. Koefoed, H. L. .. Kriegsfeld and Co., B. Auckland, N.Z. Manchester, Eng. 42 45 5920 5979 25 April 29 May 35 42 3 May. 31 May. Lane, E. Lane, E. G. (See E. Lane.) Loe, R., and another Lemain and Co., J. (See T. G. Martineau.) Lever Bros., Limited Lever Bros., Limited Lever Bros., Limited Lever Bros., Limited Lever Bros., Limited Levor Bros.. Limited Luxford and Co., W. M. .. Oamaru, N.Z. 48 5882 5 April :u 19 April. Stockton-on-Tees, Eng. 40 5893 11 April :n 19 April. Sydney, N.S.W. Sydney, N.S.W. Sydney, N.S.W. Sydney, N.S.W. Sydney, N.S.W. Sydney, N.S.W. Wanganui, N.Z. 47, 48 47. 48 47, 48 47 48 48 42 5873, 4 5877, 8 5875, 6 5947, 9 5949, 50 6020 5886 4 April 4 April 4 April 9 May 9 May 22 June 7 April .. 31 38 38 53 35 19 April. 17 May. 17 May. 28 June. 3 May. Maconochie Bros., Limited Mal-Kah Company. (See B. Kriegsfeld and Co.) Marion, Madame. (See M. Westgarth.) Manning, H. W. .. Marrinor, J., and another Marshall , *; Proprietary, Limited Martin, R. Martineau, T. G... McDonald, G. W. Mestitz and Son, S. Miller Lock Company Morgan Crucible Company, Limited, The Mulhens, F. Murine Eye Remedy Company, The London, E., Eng. 42 5928 3 May 38 17 May. Auckland, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Dunedin Wellington, N.Z. Cognac, France Wellington, N.Z. Raudnitz-a-Elbe, Austria Philadelphia, U.S.A. .. London, Eng. 3 49 50 1 43 4 6 13 4, 6, 8, 16,47,50 48 3 5984 5885 5986 5978 5994 5932 5871 6002 5995-6000 31 May 7 April 1 June 29 May 7 June 5 May 3 April .. 11 June 7 June 46 :n 53 42 4(S 4(1 31 59 46 14 June. 19 April. 28 June. 31 May. 14 June. 14 June. 19 April. 12 July. 14 June. Wellington, N.Z. Chicago, U.S.A. 5918 5916 24 April .. 24 April 35 3 May. Naamlooze Vennootschap Hollandsche Cacao en Chocolade-Fabrieken vorheen Bensdorp and Co. Nash and Co., Limited, J. A. Neophone, Limited New Zealand Dairy Association, Limited, The New Zealand Glue Company, Limited New Zealand Portland Cement Company, Limited New Zealand Salt Company, Limited Nobel's Explosives Company, Limited Norden and Co., J. Norman, J. E. .. Noton Bros. Amsterdam, Holland .. 42 5501 6 Sept., 1905 46 14 June. Palraerston North, N.Z. London, Eng. Auckland, N.Z. 42 8 42 5953 5983 6026 10 May 30 May 26 June 46 46 14 June. 14 June. Onehunga, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. 1 17 5892 6004 10 April .. 11 June 38 59 17 May. 12 July. Christchurch, N.Z. Glasgow, Scotland London, Eng. Leicester, Eng. Auckland, N.Z. 42 20 18 39 42 5985 5929 5883 6031 5760 1 June 3 May 30 March .. 26 June 3 Feb. 46 38 31 58 46 14 June. 17 May. 19 April. 12 July. 14 June. Oliver Typewriter Company, The .. Oudaille, A. O. .. Chicago, U.S.A. Dunedin, N.Z. 39 50 6029 5881 26 June 4 April .. 59 31 12 July. 19 April. Paling and Co., Limited, W. H. Parsons and Co. .. Paterson and Co., A. S. .. Patterson, Slack, and Co. .. Patterson, Slack, and Co. .. P. B.C. Company, The Perry, S. F. Phillips and Sons, G. Phillips and Sons, G. Phillips and Sons, G. Pidgeon and Co., Limited, E. W. Pinchin, Johnson, and Co., Limited Pinxterco, Limited Sydney, N.S.W. Motueka, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W. Stone, Eng. London, Eng. London, Eng. London, Eng. Christchurch, N.Z. London, Eng. Amsterdam, Holland .. 9 42 42 2 3 48 38 45 45 45 45, 50 1 42 6018 6033 5859 5990 5991 5808 5910 6028 5903, 6 5902, 4, 5 6024, 5 5956 5926 22 June 28 June 24 March .. 5 June 5 June 28 Feb. 19 April .. 26 June 17 April .. 17 April .. 25 June 14 May 2 May 53 59 31 46 28 June. 12 July. 19 April. 14 June. 36 38 3 May. 17 May. 35 3 May. 42 38 31 May. 17 May. Reid and Co., H. (See H. Reid.) Reid, H. Wellington, N.Z. 39 5977 28 May


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.


B—H. 10.—07.


Name. Address. Class. i No. ad Application. Gazette, Date. No. Date. Revere Rubber Company Richards' Dyspepsia Tablet Association, Dr. Ripolin, Limited Robertson, Q. S. .. Robinson and Son, J. H. (See S. Robinson.) Robinson, S. Roger and Co., P. Boston, U.S.A. New Fork, U.S.A. London, Eng. Castlecliff, N.Z. 50 3 1 1 6030 5907 5961 5922 26 June 18 April .. 16 May 25 April .. si 42 35 19 April. 31 May. 3 May. Wellington, N.Z. Epernay, France 14 43 5980 5884 30 May 6 April .. 53 35 28 June. 3 May. Sadler, Firth, and Ross, Limited Samuel, A. M. Sargood, Son, and Ewen Sargood, Son, and Ewen Scott, A. C. H. .. Scott, A. C, and Co. (See A. C. H. Scott.) Sharpies, J. C. .. Siddons, J. Sigall and Co. Sigall and Co. Sipe and Co., J. B. Smith and Wellstood, Limited Smith Co., M. H. Societe Generale Suisse de Chocolate Southern Cross Biscuit Company, Limited, The Standard Table Oil Cloth Company.. Standard Oil Company of New York Standard Varnish Works Stavenger Preserving Company Steen and Hill Stratford Farmers' Co-operative Association, Limited Strauss and Co. Strong, E. London, S.E., Eng. Wellington, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Wellington, &c, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Pittsburg, U.S.A. Bonnybridge, Scotland New York, U.S.A. Vevey, Switzerland Wanganui, N.Z. 42 42 12 30 44 50 2 45 45 1 18 3 42 42 5911 5963 5970 5971 6034 5872 C006 5914 5915 5987 5806 5981, 2 5974 5898 19 April .. 18 May 22 May 23 May 29 June 4 April 13 June 20 April .. 20 April .. 1 June 27 Feb. 30 May 25 May 12 April .. 42 46 42 35 46 31 46 46 36 35 42 46 42 59 3 May. 31 May. 14 June. 31 May. 12 July. 31 May. 14 June. 31 May. 3 May. 14 June. 19 April. 14 June. 14 June. 3 May. New York, U.S.A. New York, U.S.A. New York. U.S.A. Stavenger, Norway Wellington, N.Z. Stratford, N.Z. 36 47 I 42 42 42 6003 5968 5933 CO27 5925 5587 11 June 21 May 8 May 26 June 2 May 24 Oct., 1905 50 42 12 July. 31 May. 31 19 April. London, Eng. Auckland, N.Z. 43 3 5682 5899 11 Dec,1905 17 April .. 40 35 14 June. 3 May. Taylor, J. Topsy Blackine Company. (See J. C. Sharpies.) Tuok,E.;j Dunedin, N.Z. 38 6032 26 June 59 12 July. Wellington, N.Z. 2 6008 13 June 46 14 June. Vereinigte Pinsel Fabriken Nuremberg, Germany .. 50 5818, 19, 20 5 March .. 63 28 June. Wall, R. H. Welsbach Incandescent Light Company of Australasia, Limited Westgarth, M. White and Co., Limited"! White, Madame. (See E.'W. Wortley.) Wilson and Co., R. Winder, G. London, Eng. Wellington, N.Z. 13, 38 15 5951, 2 5924 9 May 1 May 38 17 May. Auckland, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. 38 42 5900 5866 17 April .. 31 March .. 31 36 19 April. 3 May. Dunedin, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 42 7, 12, 18, 50 1 39 3 5957 5887-90 14 May 9 April 42 31 31 May. 19 April. Winsor.ana iNewton, Limited Winsor and Newton, Limited Wortley, E. W. .. London, Eng. London, Eng. Wellington, N.Z. 5992 5993 5931 6 June 6 June 5 May M 42 14 June. 31 May. Ziele, C. W. Ziele, C... Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. . .. 38 50 5870 5935 3 April .. 8 May 31 38 19 April. 17 May.

Name. Address. Class. Application. Gazette. No. Date. No. Date. iarningham and Go. lhatfield, E. F. .. iollins Bros, and Co., Limited larding and Billing Vilson, J. DuneSin, N.Z. Auokland, N.Z. Auokland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Ohristohuroh, N.Z. 1 1 5 5 1 287 281 284 286 285 22 June 5 May 2 April 27 April 27 April 53 28 June. 38 17 May. 31 19 April. 53 48 June. 35 3 May.




* Denotes a provisional Trade Marks Act, 1889." speci; ioai iion. lenotes a prior di ite under section 106 of " The Patents, Designs, and Application. Gazette. Mams, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Data Abrams, L. G., Sydney, N.S.W. Broom or brush. (J. Matherson).. Ackland, E. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Conduits for electrical cables and wires Acme Manufacturing Company, The, Sydney, N.S.W. (See P. Price and others, No. 21719.) Adams, A. A., and others, London, Eng. Dasher for churn Adams, J. H.., Thames, N.Z. Medical syringe Adamson, C. E., Muncie, U.S.A. Rotary copying-press Adcroft, A., Wellington, N.Z. Gas-burner Airey, H., Karangahake, N.Z. Mercury-separator Aktiebolaget Separator, Stockholm, Sweden. Milking-machine mechanism. (B. and F. Ljungstrom) Aktieselskabet Burmeister and Wains Maskin-og Skibsbyggeri, Copenhagen, Denmark. (B. A. O. Prollius) Alcock, F. A., Melbourne, Vic. Billiard and dining table Aldridge, R. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Electric bracelet Alexander, W. E. C, and another, Auckland, N.Z. Ore-furnace Allan, A. T. W., Thames, N.Z. Timber-jack Allan, C. F. F., Auckland, N.Z. Cabinet-oven Allen, A. H., Worcester, Eng. Blow-lamp Allen, F. B. C, Perth, W.A. Lock nut and bolt Allen, T. C, and another, Ashfield, N.S.W. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 21785.) Alley, C. J., Farndon, N.Z. Chiming and crozing barrels Alley, F. L., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 21833.) Alward, R. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Trawling-net Anderson, A. M., Invercargill, N.Z. Hose of Westinghouse brake .. Anderson, D., Westcliff, Eng. Mantle and burner Anderson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Ball valve Anderson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Milk-pasteuriser Anderson, J. J., Surrey Hills, N.S.W. Treating kapok and flock .. Anderson, W. B., and another, Hazel Bank, N.Z. Picture-hanger .. Andrew, G. E., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Package or can Andrew, J. W., Otahuhu, N.Z. Chamber utensil.. Armstrong, G., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Lifting-tackle Ashcroft, A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Pneumatic centre-attach-ment to wheel-hub Ashcroft, A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Hub and rim for wheel .. Ashton, 0., Lawrence, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, Nos. 21364 and 21365.) Aston, W. S., Gisborne, N.Z. Flax-treating solution Atkinson, L., Christchurch, N.Z. Operating railway, &c, switch .. Austin, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Toaster and griller Australasian Coal Briquette Company, Limited, The, Sydney, N.S.W. Coal briquettes. (G. L. Croudace) 21373 21808 21820 19947 21450 21615 19881 21405 21787 21349 21418 21377 21665 21522 20357 21330 20042 28 June 18 Sept. 25 Sept., 1905f 30 Aug., 1905 16 July 10 Aug. 15 Aug., 1905 5 July 12 Sept. 23 June 9 July 26 June 15 Aug. 24 July 23 Nov., 1905 22 June 15 Sept., 1905 68 77 77 77 68 74 68 74 68 84 84 68 81 9 Aug. 6 Sept. 6 Sept. 6 Sept.* 9 Aug. 23 Aug. 9 Aug.* 23 Aug.* 9 Aug.* 4 Oct.* 4 Oct. 9 Aug.* 20 Sept, 21842 20840 20982 21658 21844 21443 21286 19954 21350 20013 21466 28 Sept. 13 March 11 April 17 Aug. 25 Sept. 11 July 13 June 31 Aug., 1905 23 June 7 Sept., 1905 14 July 64 84 74 68 59 64 81 26 Juiy. 4 Oct. 23 Aug. 9 Aug.* 12 July. 26 July.* 20 Sept. 21389 29 June 68 9 Aug.* 21826 20272 21226 21220 25 Sept. 2 Nov., 1905 29 May 2(i May 59 64 81 12 July. 26 July.* 20 Sept. Baker, A. H., Ascot Vale, Vic. Rock-drilling Baldwin, W., Sydney, N.S.W. Fastening and joining roofing Banks, L., and another, Devonport, N.Z. Folding paper-box Barber, W., London, Eng. (See Barber's Interchanging Heel Company, Limited, No. 21601.) Barber's Interchanging Heel Company, Limited, London, Eng. Securing protectors to boots. (W. Barber) Barclay, D., and another, Hobart, Tas. Tape-measure Barker, E. M., Featherston, N.Z. Milk-can Barker, P. E., Yass, N.S.W. Seed-planting tool .. Barnes, E. A., Stawell, Vic. Wrench Baron, L. B., London, Eng. Cigarette-making machine Bary, J., and another, Renwicktown, N.Z. Flax-tailer Bassett, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Draft of binder, &c. Bates, J., Auckland, N.Z. Hot-water cistern Beal, C. A., Mornington, N.Z. Folding-gates and partitions Beamish, W., Cromwell, N.Z. Collapsible box Beckett, T., Rongotea, N.Z. Propelling vessels Bedell, H. G., and another, Westport, N.Z. Sanitary liquor-supplier Beeby, A., Christchurch, N.Z. Washing-compound Belcher, J. P., Wanganui, N.Z. Hurdle Belk, J. A., Feilding, N.Z. Rail-joint Bell, W. J., Inaha, N.Z. Horse-controller Bennet. (See Burlton-Bennet.) Bentham, J. A., and another, London, Eng. Development of photographic plates, &c. Bettany, H. J., Nelson, N.Z. Compressing and storing compressed air on bicycles Beynon, G. W., and others, Mortimer, Eng. Pulverising and crushing apparatus 21684 21716 21252 23 Aug. 29 Aug. 30 May 77 6 Sept. 21661 20 Aug. 84 4 Oct. 21556 21091 21434 21267 21449 21442 20610 21498 21326 21728 21342 21493 21813 21591 21313 21843 1 Aug. 5 May 12 July 7 June 16 July 11 July 20 Jan. 23 July 18 June 30 Aug. 22 June 21 July 20 Sept. 4 Aug. 15 June 28 Sept. 84 68 74 64 84 77 68 4 Oct. 9 Aug. 23 Aug.* 26 July. 4 Oct. 6 Sept. 9 Aug.* 68 77 9 Aug.* 6 Sept.* 81 20 Sept.* 21383 27 June 68 9 Aug. 21652 17 Aug. 81 20 Sept.* 21799 18 Sept,


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


.pp: lica! LOU. \azt\ !«. Name, Address, aud Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Bird, D. H., Wairaate, N.Z. Seed-sower Birkeland, K., and another, Christiania, Norway. Treating materials at high temperatures Bishop, B. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Fire-lighter Blackmore, W., and another, London, Eng. Treating pyritic ores .. Blades, T., and others, Footsoray, Vic. Preventing locomotives overrunning the road danger-signal Blake, E. P., Waverley, N.Z. Power-generator Blakeley, W. H., and another, Melbourne, Vic. lift and force pump Bloxam, H. C. L., Cape Town, Cape Colony. (See Maganite Explosives Syndicate, Limited, No. 21334.) Bolton, A. J. J., Armadale, Vic. Composition for butter-boxes, &c. Bonesteele, H. F., and another, Shannon, U.S.A. Wire stretcher and splicer Bonnard, G. R., and others, London, Eng. Pulverising and crushing apparatus Bonney, W. H., Toorbul, Q. Bullock bow key .. Border, A. J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Indicator Border, A. J., Wellington, N.Z. Drying-process Border, A. J., Wellington, N.Z. Bleaching fibres Border, A. J., Wellington, N.Z. Flax-bleaching process Border, A. J., Wellington, N.Z. Bleaching flax Border, A. J., Wellington, N.Z. Drying flax Border, A. J., Wellington, N.Z. Flax-treatment Bordigoni, V., Paris, France. Sewage apparatus Boultbee, J. W., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Hat and programme holder Bower, F., New Plymouth, N.Z. Chair-back protector Bowles, M., Auckland, N.Z. Reaming pipes and tubes Bowser, W. H., Brisbane, Q. Sca'tolding-cramp Bracy, H. S., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Nail-making machine .. Bradbury, R. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Waterproof garment Brady, W., and another, Te Puke, N.Z. Wheel-axle Branton, T., Timara, N.Z. Flax-tailer Branton, T., and another, Renwicktown, N.Z. Flax-tailer Bridger, A. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Boot-heel Bridger, T. E., Dimedin, N.Z. Teeth-extractor .. Briggs, C. A., Wellington, N.Z. Score-indicator for games.. Briggs, T., Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 21835.) Brigham, D., Auckland, N.Z. Obtaining gold from sea-bed Broad, A., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Brush or broom making Brookes, A. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Preventing clogging of sink-pipes Brookes, H., and another, South Yarra, Vic. Superheater for boiler Broughton, E., Auckland, N.Z. Tailoring-appliance Broughton, E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Preventing clogging of sink-pipes Brown, E. J., and another, Table Top, N.S.W. Animal-decaudater.. Brown, F. C, Komata, N.Z. Filtering liquids Brown, F. C, Komata, N.Z. Using products of combustion to drive turbine Brown, F. C, Komata, N.Z. Ore-treatment Brown, J., Maheno, N.Z. Ploughing and cleaning machine Brown, J., Melbourne, Vic. Stump-extractor Brown, J., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Knife-cleaner Brown, P., Rakaia, N.Z. Turnip and root cutter Brown, P. J., Naseby, N.Z. Water-pipe valve .. .. " Brown, R., Westminster, Eng. Operating electric switches Browne, E. H., Clevedon, N.Z. Wire-strainer Browne, M. A., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Match Bryant and May, Limited, London, Eng.' Filling boxes with matches. (J. P. and C. F. Wright) Brydone, T., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Lifting-tackle Bryers, J. J., Rawene, N.Z. Fireplace Buckland, H., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Teaching-apparatus .. Buckeridge, E. W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Electrical conduction Buckeridge, G. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Electrical conduction Bunting, J. C, and others, Melbourne, Vic. Chaff-cutter Burke, F., and another, Burke's, N.Z. Kitchen-range attachment .. Burks, F., Manchester, Eng. Dumb-bell Burlton-Bennet, R. J., Auckland, N.Z. Cleaner for windows, walls, &c. Burrows, T., and another, Staines, Eng. (See The Imperial Fibres Syndicate, Limited, No. 21812.) Bush, T., Wellington, N.Z. Cap Butler, J. A., Balfour, N.Z. Knife-sharpener Byron, A. H., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Castors and bearings for machines Byron, A. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Threshing-machine .. Byron, A. H., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Treating flax-fibres Byron, D. J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Threshing-machine Byron, D. J., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Treating flax-fibres 21544 21406 21577 21077 21710 21778 21749 21230 21798 21799 21595 20742 21587 21588 21589 21730 21731 21776 21125 21780 21846 21325 20185 21719 21300 20226 19998 21442 21385 21328 21566 21494 21848 21390 1 Aug. 5 July 1 Aug. 4 Sept., 1905t 29 Aug. 12 Sept. 6 Sept. 30 May 18 Sept. 18 Sept. 8 Aug. 19 Feb. 7 Aug. 7 Aug. 7 Aug. 3 Sept. 3 Sept. 12 Sept. 8 May 12 Sept. 29 „ Sept. 16 June 17 Oct., 1905 .. 27 Aug. 13 June 26 Oct., 1905 .. 4 Sept.,1905.. 11 July 28 June 19 June 2 Aug. 23 July 28 Sept. 29 June 74 81 81 84 64 74 68 84 84 84 *74 't>8 74 68 77 68 68 68 81 74 23 Aug. 20 Sept.* 20 Sept. 4 Oct.* 26 July.* 23 Aug.* 9 Aug. 4 Oct.* 4 Oct.* 4 Oct.* 23 Aug. 9 Aug. 23 Aug. 9 Aug.* 6 Sept. 9 Aug. 9 Aug.* 9 Aug.* 20 Sept.* 23 Aug.* 't>8 9 Aug.* 21469 20976 21390 18 July 6 April 29 June 74 81 68 23 Aug.* 20 Sept. 9 Aug.* 21619 20298 21726 8 Aug. 8 Nov., 1905 30 Aug. 81 77 20 Sept. * 6 Sept. 21727 21281 21411 21526 21717 21412 21513 21541 21561 21453 30 Aug. 8 June 4 July 26 July 29 Aug. 4 July 25 July, 1905f 31 July 2 Aug. 16 July 84 74 68 74 4 Oct.* 23 Aug.* 9 Aug.* 23 Aug. 68 9 Aug.* '84 4 Oct.' '77 6 Sept. 20013 21445 21198 20828 20828 20291 21104 21664 21631 7 Sept., 1905 12 July 25 May 9 March 9 March 10 Nov., 1905 5 May 20 Aug. 11 Aug. 81 20 Sept. 74 81 81 74 81 23 Aug. 20 Sept. 20 Sept. 23 Aug. 20 Sept. '84 4 Oct.* 21345 21529 21657 23 June 26 July 18 Aug. 68 77 9 Aug.* 6 Sept.* 21660 21766 21660 21766 20 Aug. 11 Sept. 20 Aug. 11 Sept. ~84 4 Oct.* 84 4 Oct.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent — continued.


Application. 'ann Iβ. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No, Date. Bywater, J. D., Christchurch, N.Z. (See International Harvester Company of America, No. 21165.) Bywater, J. D., Christchurch, N.Z. Disc-plough mounting 20540 6 Jan. 74 23 Aug. Cahill, T., Waihi, N.Z. Spurs Cadle, A. C, and another, Launceston, Tas. Hermetically sealing re- ! ceptacles. (W. W. Cadle) Cadle, I. W., and another, Launceston, Tas. Hermetically sealing receptacles. (W. W. Cadle) Cadle, W. W., Williamsburg, U.S.A. (See A. C. and I. W. Cadle, No. 21240.) Cameron, E. A., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Sheep-dipping apparatus Cameron, E. A., Invercargill, N.Z. Bottle-stopper Campling, G., Arncliffe, N.S.W. Suction-denture Cantono, E., Rome, Italy. Starting-device for explosion-engine Card, F. S., and another, Denver, U.S.A. (See N. Guthridge, Nos. 21167, 21168, 21169.) Card, W. L., and another, Denver, U.S.A. (See N. Guthridge, Nos. 21167, 21168, 21169.) Carrigan, A. J., Auckland, N.Z. Fire-lighter Carroll, J. B., Chicago, U.S.A. Acetylene-burner Carson, A., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Household safety-lamp .. I Carter, W. H., jun., Wellington, N.Z. Pin .. .. .. Cass, A., Willowby, N.Z. Harrow .. .. .. .. ! Cassels, H. O., Invercargill, N.Z. Attaching- horse-covers .. .. j Catt, R. K., Abbotsford, Vic. Mask or face-protector Caught, J. ST., St. Kilda, Vic. Kerosene, &c, tap Chambers, H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. (SeeR. Hannah and Co. Limited, No. 21483, 21822.) Chancellor, S. T., and another, Hobart, Tas. Levelling-staff .. | Chandler, D. J., and others, Fitzroy, Vic. Branding-tool Chaytor, B. T., and another, Te Puke, N.Z. Wheel-axle .. Chisholm, H., and another, Fortrose, N.Z. Station or street indicator Chisholm, J. C, and another. Dunedin, N.Z. Plastic-material cutter Christie, J., Warepa, N.Z. Street or tram-rail sweeper Christie, R. L., and another, Gore, N.Z. Poison-layer for rabbits .. Clark, J. T., Montreal, Canada. Nut-lock Clark, R. 0., Hobsonville, N.Z. Drain-inlet Clark, R. O., and another, Hobsonville, N.Z. Advertising-method .. Clark, R. O., Hobsonville, N.Z. Draught-accessory to grate Clark, R. O., Hobsonville, N.Z. Flanging-machine Clark, R. O., Hobsonville, N.Z. Straightening earthenware pipes .. Clark, R. O., Hobsonville, N.Z. Earthenware kiln Clark, R. 0., Hobsonville, N.Z. Pipe-drain, &c, inlet Clarke, J. F., Hunter's Hill, N.S.W. Filling bottles with liquid 21227 21240 29 May 31 May 64 74 26 July.* 23 Aug. 21240 31 May 74 23 Aug. 21374 23 June 68 9 Aug.* 21433 21605 21431 9 July 9 Aug. 11 July .: 84 74 4 Oct. 23 Aug. 22 May 21 May 1 Aug. 15 Aug. 13 Aug. 14 Sept. 14 March 2 Aug. 64 64 26 July. 26 July. 21205 21174 21546 21636 21627 21784 20844 21562 84 74 4 Oct.* 23 Aug.* 59 81 12 July. 20 Sept. 21680 21715 20226 21709 21138 21750 21570 21518 21488 21375 21489 21490 21491 21492 21753 21366 23 Aug. 29 Aug. 26 Oct., 1905.. 25 Aug. 10 May 4 Sept. 30 July 26 July 19 July 26 June 19 July 19 July 19 July 19 July 5 Sept, 28 June 77 64 '77 77 77 6 Sept. 26 July. 6 Sept.* 6 Sept.* 6 Sept.* 74 74 74 23 Aug.* 23 Aug.* 23 Aug.* Glaydon, G., Christchurch, N.Z. Building-construction 20979 10 April 68 (81 184 84 74 74 9 Aug. 20 Sept.* 4 Oct. 4 Oct.* 23 Aug. 23 Aug. Clere, F. de J.. Wellington, N.Z. Glazing-bar Cliff, F. E., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Chaffcutter Cliff, H., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Chaffcutter Cloud, J. W., London, Eng. Compressed-air brake apparatus Coale, H., Baltimore, U.S.A. Artificial cork Coates, G., Winterslow, Eng. Fencing-wire strainer Cobbe, .H. N. G., and another, Kalgoorlie, W.A. Grinding-pan Cochrane, D. M. B. H., London, Eng. (Earl of Dundonald). Tea and coffee pot Coleridge, E. W. G., Wellington, N.Z. Cooking-utensil handle Colpus, C, Wellington, N.Z. Trolley-pole Compton, J. W., Kuripuni, N.Z. Wheel-lock 21687 20291 20291 21769 21354 21733 21832 21470 25 Aug. 10 Nov., 1905 10 Nov., 1905 26 Mar.f 26 June 5 Sept. 27 Sept. 16 July 68 74 9 Aug. 23 Aug. 21279 21639 19679 !) June 16 Aug. 5 July, 1905 ( 68 81 59 74 74 64 74 74 77 9 Aug. 20 Sept.* 12 July. 23 Aug.* 23 Aug. 26 July.* 23 Aug. 23 Aug.* 6 Sept.* Connell, R., Westport, N.Z. Tire-inflator 21045 27 April Cook, J,. Wellington, N.Z. Trolley-head Cooke, A. N., and another, Richmond, Vic. Toe-clip Cooke, J. W., Napier, N.Z. Door-holder Cooke, J. W., Napier, N.Z. Door-retainer Corrick, H., Wellington, N.Z. Ascertaining temperature of baled goods Coventry, L. M., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Indicator Cowdery, J. P., Christchurch, N.Z. Vehicle-lubricator Cowell, A., Rockhampton, Q. Sheep-shearing machine Coyle, W., Devonport, N.Z. Lock-shackle Crabbe, J. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Door- and gate-closing apparatus Craig, C., Marton, N.Z. Sighting-apparatus Crawford, B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Boiler Crockett, W. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Hair-pin Crolley, C. G., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Brush- or broom-making.. Crosbie, R. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Grinding flax-beater roller Cross, R. T., Bulimba, Q. Fishing-reel Croudace, G. L., Balmain, N.S.W. (See The Australasian Coal Briquette Company, Limited, No. 21220.) Cruz. (See de Santa Cruz.) Cudmore, K. de L., Saltern, Q. Rotary motor 21346 21108 21452 21573 21651 20742 20569 19546 21415 21690 20044 21017 21255 21848 21581 21196 23 June 9 May 16 July 3 Aug. 17 Aug. 19 Feb. 12 Jan. 7 June 5 July 24 Aug. 16 Sept., 1905 19 April 31 May 28 Sept. 3 Aug. 25 May 68 68 74 68 9 Aug. 9 Aug. 23 Aug. 9 Aug.* 64 84 64 26 July. 4 Oct. 26 July.* 74 64 23 Aug.* 26 July.* 20851 14 March 59 12 July.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Application. β-azette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. Cumberland, P. E. G., Melbourne, Vic. Preventing corrosion of metals Cummins, T. D., Wanganui, N.Z. Ascertaining temperature of baled goode [a Cuthbert, J., Melbourne, Vic. (See E. McClelland, No. 21151.) Cutting, H. A.,£Radley, N.Z. Paper-file 21592 21422 4 Aug. 10 July 77 74 6 Sept.* 23 Aug.* 21752 7 Sept. Dall, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Bias-adjustment for bowls Dane, E., Remuera, N.Z. Mitre-gauge, &c. Darling.jW. P., and another, Hobart, Tasmania. Levelling-staff .. Davey, J. P., Beverley, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, ■>| No. 20139.) Davidson, W., Paparoa, N.Z. Brake for cart or dray Davidson, W. L., Cheviot, N.Z. Butter presser, cutter, and printer Davies, H., and another, Geraldine, N.Z. Closet-seat cover Davies, H. H., Sydney, N.S.W. (See S. G. Plucknett, No. 21294.) Davis, J. W., Devonport, N.Z. Photographic exposure and focus distributor Davis, T. J., and another, Fitzroy, Vic (See The Rubberised Leather and Tire Company, Limited, No. 19953.) Dawson, J. G., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Pudding-boiler Dawson, J., Wellington, N.Z. Suspension bridge Deister, E., Fort Wayne, U.S.A. Ore-concentrator driving-mechanism De Laitte, L. B., London, Eng. Producing carburetted air Delany, P. B., South Orange, U.S.A. Telegraphy De Santa Cruz, O., Quito, Ecuador. Preservation and transport of food Dewhurst, J. E., Auckland, N.Z. Extending-table Dickeson, C. G., Auckland, N.Z. Blackboard-frame Dobeson, T., N. Botany, N.S.W. Incubator and brooder Donisthorpe, A. R., Leicester, Eng. Crimping fibrous substances .. Dorr, J. V. N., Denver, U.S.A. Separating materials Douglas, J. D., Auckland, N.Z. Car-coupling Douglas, J. S., Dunedin, N.Z. Obtaining gold from river-beds Douglas, R. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Umbrella Douglas, R. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Dredge-bucket link Douglas, R. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Dredge-tumbler and shaft Douglas, R. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Dredge-tumbler Doyle, H., Sydney, N.S.W. Vacuum cleaning-apparatus .. Drewet, J. C, Auckland, N.Z. Trolley-head Dugdale, T., Kapua, N.Z. Rain-water spout-head and strainer Dunbar, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Verandah-column Duncan, P. and D., Limited, Christchurch, N.Z. Disc plough. (J. Keir) Duncombe, E. W., and another, Deloraine, Tas. Wire-strainer Dundonald, Earl of. (See D. M. B. H. Cochrane.) Dunne, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Pocket match-striker Dunne, R., Dunedin, N.Z. (See A. J. Park, No. 21568.) .. Durtnall, W. P., and another, Brockley, Eng. Propulsion of vehicles, (- \;'&0. Dwyer, G., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Claw-hammer and staplepuller 21689 21482 21680 23 Aug. 17 July 23 Aug. 74 23 Aug.*. 19978 21704 21264 1 Sept., 1905 28 Aug. 6 June 64 81 64 26 July. 20 Sept.* 26 July.* 21283 8 June 84 4 Oct. 21337 19956 21700 21663 21770 21461 21580 21815 21668 20249 20730 21528 21853 21234 19875 20510 21416 21677 21744 20329 19754 20724 22 June 31 Aug., 1905 28 Aug. 20 Aug. 11 Sept. 14 July 2 Aug. 20 Sept. 21 Aug. 30 Oct., 1905.. 16 Feb. 26 July 29 Sept. 30 May 9 Aug., 1905 29 Dec, 1905 6 July 22 Aug. 1 Sept. 17 Nov., 1905 11 July, 1905 13 Feb. 74 77 23 Aug.* 6 Sept. 84 4 Oct. *77 84 6 Sept. 4 Oct.* 84 59 74 77 4 Oct.* 12 July. 23 Aug. 6 Sept.* 68 59 59 68 84 9 Aug.* 12 July. 12 July. 9 Aug.* 4 Oct. 64 81 77 26 July. 20 Sept. 6 Sept. 21160 17 May 77 6 Sept. 20492 20 Dec, 1905 81 20 Sept. 21734 5 Sept, 21269 7 June 64 26 July.* Earp-Thomas, G. H., Wellington, N.Z. Preparing and distributing organisms which gather atmospheric nitrogen Edkins, E. M., Dannevirke, N.Z. Saw-bench reversing-gear Edmands, H. R., and another, Menzies, W.A. (See J. Fergusson, No. 21642.) Edwards, A. J., Auckland, N.Z. Trolley-pole controller Edwards, A. J., Auckland, N.Z. Trolley-pole controller Ekensteen, H. O., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Hat and programme holder Ellis, P., Kilbirnie, N.Z. Motor Elvines, F., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Metal-saving mat , Emery, S. J., Melbourne, Vic. Collar and harness combined Eppler, A., Allston, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 20317.) Erskine, R., Smithfield, N.Z. (See G. Young, No. 21413.) Esmond. (See Fox-Esmond.) Euston, G., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Step-ladder Evans, F. T. F., Auckland, N.Z. Swingletree Evans, F. T. F., Auckland, N.Z. Tripod harrow Evelyn, E. S., Hobart, Tas. Non-refillable bottle Evens, E. L., Malvern, South Australia. Clothes-washer Eyde, S. and another, Christiania, Norway. Treating materials at high temperatures 21632 29 Sept., 1905f 81 20 Sept. 20121 2 Oct., 1905.. 74 23 Aug. 21178 21336 21780 22 May 22 June 12 Sept. 64 64 26 July.* 26 July.* 21409 21590 21669 6 July 7 Aug. 21 Aug. 77 74 6 Sept. 23 Aug.* 21645 21487 21655 21210 21508 21406 19 Aug, 1905f 18 July 15 Aug. 28 May 26 July 5 July 74 64 77 74 23 Aug.* 26 July.* 6 Sept.* 23 Aug. Fair, W. F. and others, London, Eng. Dasher for churn Farmer, A. H., Auckland, N.Z. Steam-valve Farrell, F. J., Auckland, N.Z. Fire or burglar alarm Fear, A. E. A., and another, French Pass, N.Z. Bird-trap Fenton, J., Auckland, N.Z. Hat-fastener Fenton, J., Auckland, N.Z. Cock-box .. Fergusson, J., Gawler, S.A. Filter-press plates. (H. R. Edmands and S. F. Gidney) 21820 19819 21208 21468 20151 21802 21642 25 Sept., 1905f 1 Aug, 1905 21 May 18 July 6 Oct., 1905.. 18 Sept. 16 Aug. 68 64 74 68 9 Aug'. 26 July.* 23 Aug.* 9 Aug. 81 20 Sept.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent-continued.


.ppi lica' Sion. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Ferriss, Jun., J. M., Tacoma, U.S.A. Lumber-unloader Finnigan, T. K., Koroit, Vic. Horse-collar Firth, E. T. G, Auckland, N.Z. Pumice soap Firth, T., Welhngton, N.Z. Stopping-place indicator for tram-car .. Flint, C. E., and another, Hobart, Tas. Tape-measure Flood, R. F., Dargaville, N.Z. Water-filter Foot, C. L. K. H., Ashley-Clinton, N.Z. Lighting gas by electric spark Foot, C. L. K. H.,*Ashley-Clinton, N.Z. Gas-burner Foot, C. L. K. H.,»Ashley-Clinton, N.Z. Gas-lighter Ford, J., and anotner, Dunedin, N.Z. Shaving, paint, &c, brush .. Ford, L. M., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Shaving, paint, &c, brush Fortescue, A. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Sectional wheel-tire 20926 21534 20276 21586 21556 21438 21306 21425 21863 21582 21582 30 March 30 July 2 Nov., 1905 7 Aug. 1 Aug. 14 July 14 June 7 July 27 Sept. 3 Aug. 3 Aug. 81 77 68 81 84 68 74 20 Sept. 6 Sept.* 9 Aug. 20 Sept.* 4 Oct. 9 Aug.* 23 Aug.* 21333 22 June (68 t81 77 9 Aug.* 20 Sept. 6 Sept.* Foster, J., Wellington, N.Z. Candle-extinguisher Fountain, J. C, and another, Parkhill, Canada. Exhaust-condenser Fox-Esmond, H. T., and another, Rozelle, N.S.W. Teaching-apparatus Fraser, J., and another, Glenthompson, Vic. Fuse-igniter 21683 21763 21198 21217 23 Aug. 11 Sept. 25 May 25 May 74 64 23 Aug. 26 July Gabites, A. G., and another, St. Albans, N.Z. Pocket-flask and heater Galbally, J. 0., Wellington, N.Z. Window-sash Gallagher, S. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Horse-controller Gait, J. Mataura, N.Z. Sleeve-links Gardiner, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Revolver Gardner, C. F., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Advertising method Garrett, R. Z., Otahuhu, N.Z. Street-sweeper Garrett, R. Z., Otahuhu, N.Z. Chamber Gayner, T. H. B., Melbourne, Vic. Sealing punctures in tires Gere, W. B., and others. (See Merrell-Soule Co., No. 21794.) Gibbons, E. P., Onehunga, N.Z. Jackjinker Gidney, S. F., and another, Menzies, W.A. (See J. Fergusson, No. 21642.) Gieseler, E. A., Berlin, Germany. Gravity filter Gilbert, W. V., Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Amusement apparatus Gilfillan, C, and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Window-curtain hanger Gill, J., Edinburgh, Scotland. Rotary motive-power engine Girdler, G. T., Auckland, N.Z. Explosive engine Glasgow, C.| and another, Stratford, N.Z. Music turner and holder Gleeson, J., and another, Redfern, N.S.W. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 21785.) Godward, E. R., Invercargill, N;Z. Kerosene-pump siphon Godward, E. R., Invercargill, N.Z. Kerosene-tap Godward, E. R., Invercargill, N.Z. Spirit-level Godward, E. R., Invercargill, N.Z. Preventing vibration of gas-burner Good, J. T., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Fuse-igniter Goodall, T., Christchurch, N.Z. Safety-pin Gooder, N. I., Wellington, N.Z. Trolley-head Gooder, N. I., Wellington, N.Z. Trolley-head Gordon, N. R., Melbourne, Vic. Flying-machine Gossling, P. J., Auckland, N.Z. Writing-paper advertising-medium Grace, W., Invercargill, N.Z. Foot-warmer Graham, R. T., Auckland, N.Z. Lock-socket for drain-pipe Grainger, A. M., Oamaru, N.Z. Weed-plough Grainger, A. M., Oamaru, N.Z. Bird-trap Grainger, A. M., Oamaru, N.Z. Sheep-dipping apparatus Grainger, T., Hobart, Tasmania. Mechanical stock-feeder.. Grant, J., Cobram, Vic. Disc cultivator Grant, M. A., Kalgoorlie, W.A. Roasting or calcining auriferous earths Grant, M. A., Kalgoorlie, W.A. Conversion of burnt auriferous clays into pottery, &c. Gray, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Seed-sower .. Gray, D., and others, Day Dawn, W.A. Telescopic vehicle-buffer .. Gray, J., and others, Day Dawn, W.A. Telescopic vehicle-buffer .. Green, W. C, Marrickville, N.S.W. Confectionery-making machine Greenfield, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Nosebag for animals Greer, J. S., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Household safety-lamp.. Gresham, E. G., Onehunga, N.Z. Toaster-and-griller Grey, E. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Fire-lighter Grey, W., and another, Devonport, N.Z. Folding paper box Griffiths, C. F., Auckland, N.Z. Vibrating-apparatus Griffiths, H. T., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Package or can Griffiths, W., and others, Birmingham, Eng. Carpet-cleaner Grofski, J. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Oil-can Guthridge, N., Melbourne, Vic. Ore-concentrator deck. (W. L. and F. S. Card) Guthridge, N., Melbourne, Vic. Ore-concentrator. (W. L. and F. S. Card) Guthridge, N., Melbourne, Vic. Concentrator-feeder. (W. L. and F. S. Card) 19981 21380 21701 21248 21247 21375 21277 21423 20669 21600 21359 21303 21616 21698 21805 21200 21180 21181 21497 21633 21217 21622 21610 21735 21341 21376 21388 21536 19975 19999 21521 21720 21407 21646 21647 6 Sept., 1905 29 June 28 Aug. 1 June 29 May 26 June 6 June 6 July 1 Feb. 6 Aug. 26 June 11 June 10 Aug. 28 Aug. 17 Sept. 25 May 19 May 19 May 23 July 14 Aug. 25 May 11 Aug. 9 Aug. 5 Sept. 22 June 26 June 2 July 27 July 1 Sept., 1905 5 Sept., 1905 24 July 30- Aug. 18 July 16 Aug. 16 Aug. 68 68 64 64 77 74 59 81 68 68 81 64 64 64 74 81 64 81 77 68 81 68 81 68 68 81 9 Aug. 9 Aug.* 26 July.* 26 July.* 6 Sept.* 23 Aug.* 12 Juiy. 20 Sept. 9 Aug. 9 Aug. 20 Sept.* 26 Juiy.* 26 July.* 26 July.* 23 Aug.* 20 Sept. 26 July. 20 Sept.* 6 Sept.* 9 Aug.* 20 Sept. 9 Aug.* 20 Sept.* 9 Aug. 9 Aug. 20 Sept.* 77 84 6 Sept. 4 Oct.* 21344 21436 21436 21271 21691 21546 21399 21577 21252 21839 19954 21662 21458 21167 22 June 13 July 13 July 7 June 24 Aug. 1 Aug. 4 July 1 Aug. 30 May 25 Sept. 31 Aug., 1905 20 Aug. 17 July 17 May 68 74 74 74 74 81 77 9 Aug.* 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 23 Aug.* 23 Aug.* 20 Sept.* 6 Sept. 59 84 81 68 12 July. 4 Oct. 20 Sept. 9 Aug. 21168 17 May 68 9 Aug. 21169 17 May 68 9 Aug. Halkier, A. E., Sydney, N.S.W. Dress-chart HalL A. J., Tbornleigh, N.S.W. Feeding brush with pigment 20768 21666 19 Feb. 18 Aug. 64 26 July.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent—continued.


,pp] ica: iion. Gazette. Name, Address, And Invention. No. Date. Xo. Date. Hall, T., and another, New Plymouth, N.Z. Metal-saving mat Hammond, W. H., Woollahra, N.8.W. Water-tube steam-boiler .. Hanaman, F., and others, Budapest, Hungary. Incandescing filaments for electric lamps Hanham, S., Auckland, N.Z. Self-countei-sinking screw Hannah and Co., Limited, R., Wellington, N.Z. Boot-upper. (H. J. Pallett and H. Chambers) Hannah and Co., Limited, R., Wellington, N.Z. Boot. (G. Johnson) Hannah and Co., Limited, R. Wellington, N.Z. Boot-upper. (H.. Chambers) Hardley, J. W., Auckland, N.Z. Bending and shaping metals Hardy, A. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Sash-mover and lock Harrington, J. G., and another, Table Top, N.S.W. Animal-decau-dater Hart, E. W., and another, Luton, Eng. Propulsion of vehicles, &c. Harvey, W., Auckland, N.Z. Strainer and aerator Hatmaker, J. R., Paris, France. Drying milk, &c. Hawkes, J. S., Wellington, N.Z. Milk-can Hay, R. E., Seddon, N.Z. Boring-tool Hayes, E., Rough Ridge, N.Z. Wire-coiler Hayward, D., Bloxwich, Eng. Currycomb and brush Healy, L., New Plymouth, N.Z. Swingletree Hebbard, J., Broken Hill, N.S.W. Drying and conveying wet products Hebbard, J., Broken Hill, N.S.W. Grinding ores in pans Hement, T. C, Christchurch. Lead-headed nail Hennessy, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Fire-bars Henrich, P., Hoquiam, U.S.A. (See A. Poison, No. 21764.) Henry, F., Waikiwi, N.Z. Flax-dressing method.. Henry, J., and another, St. Albans, N.Z. Pocket flask and heater Herbert, G. H., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Castors and bearings for machines Hercus, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Trace-fastening Hercus, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Turnip-thinner Hermann, C. W., and another, Windsor, Vic. Stamp-pad. Heskett, T. J., and another, Brunswick, Vic. Manufacture of iron and steel Hewetson, E. D. and others, Waipiro Bay, N.Z. Sash balance and lock Heys, W. E., and another, Bushey, Eng. Detergent Hicks, L. H., and another, Williamstown, Vic. Toe-clip Hill, A. C, Ellerslie, N.Z. Ball tap Hill, E. G., Blenheim, N.Z. Preventing railway-lines from spreading Hill, F. A., Paparoa, N.Z. Rifle-sight .. Hill, L., and another, Rapahoe, N.Z. Miners' lamp Hill, S., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Nail-making machine Hird, J. B. E., Tomoana, N.Z. Testing condition of wool-bales Hoare, J., Belfast, N.Z. Spring shears Hoban, A. J., Scargill, N.Z. Stirrup-iron for riding-saddle Holloway, A., Melbourne, Vic. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 21597.) Holmes, G. G., Pigeon Bay, N.Z. Window-fastening Holmes, H. W. J., W. Wyalong, N.S.W. Animal-trap Holmes, I. M., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Prevention of false fire-alarm Hooker, J. T., Hokitika, N.Z. Luncheon-can Hooker, L., Sydney, N.S.W. Incandescent mantle Hopkirk, J., Hawera, N.Z. Force and lift pump Homer, J. P., Auckland, N.Z. Shaft-tug Howard, A., and another, London, Eng. Treating pyritic ores Howland, A, G., Christchurch, N.Z. Sash-fastener Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Casting curved stereotypes (The Printing Machinery Company, Limited—H. A. W. Wood) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Water-heater (J. F. Yoho) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Moulding-machine (A. Holloway) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Operating railway-indicator boards (J. Gleeson and T. C. Allen) Humphries, G. E., Wellington, N.Z. Scaffolding-bracket Hunter, J. T., Wellington, N.Z. Casting curved stereotypes (Printing Machinery Company, Limited—H. A. W. Wood) Hurd, T., Dunedin, N.Z. Draught-preventer Hutchinson, A. J., Auckland, N.Z. Household-indicator and check Hutchinson, G., Seatoun, N.Z. (See The Hydraulic Hand-milker Company, Limited, No. 21804.) Hutton, D. L., junr., Dunedin, N.Z. Tire-shield Hutton, E. C, Dunedin, N.Z. Dressing NewlZealand flax (E..W. Hutton) Hutton, E. W., Dunedin, N.Z. (See E. C. Hutton, No. 21729.) Hyde, E., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Apparatus for increasing a person's height Hydraulic Hand-milker Company, Limited, The, Wellington, N.Z. Milking-machinery (G. Hutchinson) 21590 21640 21807 7 Aug. 16 Aug. 20 Sept, 74 84 23 Aug.* 4 Oct.* 21825 21483 22 Sept. 20 July 84 4 Oct. 21629 21822 13 Aug. 24 Sept. 21381 21484 21619 29 June 18 July 8 Aug. 68 74 81 9 Aug.* 23 Aug.* 20 Sept.* 21734 21322 21451 21310 21362 21694 21659 19837 21517 21747 21274 21459 5 Sept. 15 June 16 July 14 June 27 June 27 Aug. 11 Nov., 1905t 2 Aug., 1905 26 July 6 Sept. 7 June 17 July 68 74 68 68 81 68 9 Aug.* 23 Aug.* 9 Aug.* 9 Aug.* 20 Sept. 9 Aug. 84 68 77 4 Oct.* 9 Aug.* 6 Sept.* 21685 19981 21657 20 Aug. 6 Sept., 1905 18 Aug. 84 68 4 Oct.* 9 Aug. 21285 21531 21678 20990 9 June 26 July 22 Aug. 12 April 74 84 23 Aug. 4 Oct. "64 26 July. 21249 1 June 64 26 July.* 21515 21108 21499 21447 21435 21481 21719 21737 21537 21650 16 Nov., 190fif 9 May 20 July 16 July 9 July 16 July 27 Aug. 5 Sept. 31 July 15 Aug. 74 77 74 81 23 Aug. 6 Sept.* 23 Aug.* 20 Sept. '77 6 Sept.* 21699 21620 21603 28 Aug. 8 Aug. 9 Aug. 84 4 Oct. *77 6 Sept.* 19992 21019 21309 21608 21077 21584 21394 7 Sept, 1905 18 April 14 June 9 Aug. 4 Sept, 1905f 6 Aug. 3 July 77 74 68 81 81 77 74 6 Sept. 23 Aug. 9 Aug. 20 Sept.* 20 Sept. 6 Sept.* 23 Aug. 21596 21597 21785 8 Aug. 8 Aug. 14 Sept. 81 81 20 Sept. 20 Sept. 20002 21005 9 Sept., 1905 17 April 59 81 12 July. 20 Sept. 20234 21634 24 Oct., 1905 15 Aug. 81 20 Sept. 21530 21729 26 July • .. 30 Aug. 77 84 6 Sept.* 4 Oct.* 21565 2 Aug. 21804 19 Sept. Imeson, F. E., Thornaby-on-Tees, Eng. Finger-contact for electric controller 21545 28 July 77 6 Sept.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent -continued.


tfPl ical Aon. kize. t<. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Imperial Fibres Syndicate, Limited, The, London, Eng. Scutching hemp, &c. (T. Burrows and W. H. Palmer) Innes, G. P., Sydney, N.S.W. Reversible shaft-gear International Harvester Company of America, Christchurch, N.Z. Mower and reaper attachment (J. D. Bywater) Irvine, J., Napier, N.Z. Fencing-wire fastening Irwin, E. A., Timaru, N.Z. Paper stand and cutter Irwin, H., Tikokino, N.Z. Bird-alarm 21812 19 Sept. 21563 21165 2 Aug. • .. 17 May 74 68 23 Aug.* 9 Aug. 21318 20083 21187 15 June 21 Sept., 1905 23 May 64 68 64 26 July.* 9 Aug. 26 July.* Jack, A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Gas-generator.. Jackson, J. D., Prahran, Vic. Bath-heater Jaggers, A. W., Gisborne, N.Z. Roofing-tile Jamieson, W., Gray's, Eng. Wood, &c, clamp Jamieson, W. M., Te Papapa, N.Z. Pneumatic centre for wheels Jamison, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Blotting-pad and paper-ruler Jane, H., Auckland, N.Z. Water-heater Jarrett, R. O., Feilding, N.Z. Disc loading-bar and dumb-bell Jebb, J. T., Auckland, N.Z. Egg-carrier Jefferis, W. J., Waerenga, N.Z. Milking-appliance Jeffrey, R. W., Eaglehawk, Vic. Bucket-hauling device (J. H. Pickles) Jenkins, W., Sheffield, Tas. Boot-sole attachment Jensen, P., St. Kilda, N.Z. Perambulator Jessep, H. C, and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Trolley-wire clip Johns, F. J., Waihi, N.Z. Kitchen-range attachment Johnson, G., Wellington, N.Z. (See R. Hannah and Co., Limited, No. 21629.) Johnston, A., Auckland, N.Z. Mop and scrubber Johnston, A., Wellington, N.Z. Desk-lid support Johnston, J. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Linoleum-polisher and windowcleaner Jones, G. B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Roller-tug for harness .. Jones, H. T., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Pump blower and compressor. (J. P. Ludeman) Joseph, E. L., London, Eng. (Seo Ozonair, Limited, No. 21828.) Juries, M., Wellington, N.Z. Securing outer wearing-face to boot-sole Just, A., and others, Budapest, Hungary. Incandescing filaments for electric lamps 21186 21195 21751 21298 21370 21503 19969 21331 21789 19755 21150 20631 21276 21404 21609 23 May 25 May 5 Sept. 13 June 26 June 21 July 30 Aug., 1905 22 June 12 Sept. 19 July, 1905 16 May 24 Jan. 8 June 5 July 9 Aug. 64 64 68 68 74 77 68 26 July.* 26 July.* 9 Aug. 9 Aug. 23 Aug.* 6 Sept. 9 Aug.* 64 68 68 68 77 26 July. 9 Aug. 9 Aug. 9 Aug.* f> Sept. 21560 21821 21672 30 July 24 Sept. 21 Aug. 77 6 Sept. 's4 4 Oct.* 21745 21475 1 Sept. 19 July 77 6 Sept. 21648 21807 16 Aug. 20 Sept 81 20 Sept.* Kale, A., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Window-curtain hanger Karns, J. P., Boulder, U.S.A. (See J. P. Karns Tunneling Machine Company, No. 20983.) Karns Tunneling Machine Company, J. P., Boulder, U.S.A. Tunnellingmachine. (J. P. Karns) Keats, T., Sheffield, N.Z. Fencing-wire reel Keats, T., Sheffield, N.Z. Plough Kee, E. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Twitch-weeding implement Keesing, H. M., Auckland, N.Z. Securing carpets in position Keir, J., Sydenham, N.Z. (See P. and D. Duncan, Limited, No. 20724.) Kelly, W. F. C, and another, London, Eng. Development of photographic plates, &c. Kemsley, G. V., Reikiorangi, N.Z. Electric fire-alarm Kennedy, M., Timaru, N.Z. Ointment Kennedy, W., Sutton, N.Z. Lifting side of plough Kettering, C. F., Dayton, U.S.A. (See National Cash Register Company, No. 21614.) Kilgour, E. C, Albert Park, Vic. Acetylene-generator Kinzett, E., Kaimatarau, N.Z. Pump .. Kirkbride, J. L., Auckland, N.Z. Street-sweeper Kjellstrom, O., Stockholm, Sweden. Concrete-pipe manufacture .. Klein, D., Roanoke, U.S.A. Milking-machine Klein, P., Riga, Russia. Manufacturing aluminates, &c. Knight, L. 0., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Electrically controlled gas lighter and extinguisher Knipe, H. J., Invercargill, N.Z. Cinder-sifter Krause, J. H., Nightcaps, HT.Z. Hedge-slasher 21616 10 Aug. 81 20 Sept.* 20983 11 April 74 23 Aug. 21759 21777 21440 21838 10 Sept. 12 Sept. 14 July 27 Sept. 74 23 Aug.* 21383 27 June 68 9 Aug. 20131 21397 19976 4 Oct., 1905.. 3 July 1 Sept., 1905 68 - 68 9 Aug. 9 Aug. 21721 21708 21335 21430 21076 21792 21757 30 Aug. 29 Aug. 22 June 11 July 3 May 15 Sept. 8 Sept. 84 64 74 4 Oct.* 26 Juiy.* 23 Aug. 21576 21771 4 Aug. 11 Sept. Ladbrook, C. J., Bluff, N.Z. Perambulator, &c, wheels Laird, R. J., Auckland, N.Z. Concrete-mixing machine Laitte. (See de Laitte.) Lakin, F. A., Napier, N.Z. Attaching fencing-wire to standard Lakin, F. A., Napier, N.Z. Securing fencing-wire to standard Lambert, E. H. A., Wellington, N.Z. Ascertaining temperature of baled goods Lambert, E. H. A., Wellington, N.Z. Testing heat of baled goods.. Lane, H., Wolverhampton, Eng. (See T. J. Whelan, No. 21474.) Langford, J., Waihi, N.Z. Amalgamator Lawrence, W. C, Waitara, N.Z. Spade.. Leadley, G. W., Wakanui, N.Z. Turnip cutter and slicer Leckie. W., St. Kilda, Vic. Metallic foot-plate .. Lee, (}., Martin borough, N.Z. Cigarette-roller 21396 21762 21246 21626 21654 21673 2 July 7 Sept. 31 May 13 Aug. 20 Aug. 22 Aug. 68 74 81 81 84 9 Aug.* 23 Aug. 20 Sept. 20 Sept.* 4 Oct.* 21845 21724 21667 21393 21800 29 Sept. 31 Aug. 18 Aug. 3 July 18 Sept. "84 4 Oct.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent-continued.

9—H. 10.—07.


,pp] lica: ion 'nzt'< tt Namu, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Leivesley, W., Springsure, Q. Enabling telegraph-stations to communicate with each other Le Roy, E., Auckland, N.Z. Horse-cover attachment Le Roy, E., Auckland, N.Z. Horse-cover .. ... Levinson, W., Christchurch, N.Z. Water-cooled chamber Lindsay, R. N. R., Auckland, N.Z. Dehorning cattle Linke, J. F., and another, Yellangip, Vic. Disc plough fjnley, J. A., London, Ehg. Food-preservation. (A. E. Sherman and J. B. Linley) Linley, J. B., and another, London, Eng. (See J. A. Linley, No. 21834.1 Ljungstrom, B., and another, Stockholm, Sweden. (See Aktiebolaget Separator, No. 21405.) Ljungstrom, F., and another, Stockholm, Sweden. (See Aktiebolaget Separator, No. 21405.) Lobnitz, F., Renfrew, Scotland. Rock-cutting apparatus Lock, J., Auckland, N.Z. Broom or brush manufacture Lock, J., Auckland, N.Z. Brushware-manufaeture Locke, T. F., and another, Premaydena, Tas. Wire-strainer Lockerbie, E., Matai, N.Z. Tap Lockett, G. H. B., Gisborne, N.Z. Testing heat or moisture in bales Lockley, T. B., Goulburn, N.S.W. Auxiliary fuel-box for stove Loft, A., Gisborne, N.Z. Fencing-post Lucas, C., Wellington, N.Z. Scaffolding-bracket hanger Ludeman, J. P., Melbourne, Vic. (See H. T. Jones and R. H. Mundell, No. 21475.) Lundqvist, H., Lake Brunner Siding, N.Z. Grab for handling nails Lungley, C. F., Melbourne, Vic. Manufacture of ammonia, &c. Lutjohann, J. F., Christchurch, N.Z. Raising surface of billiard-table Lyell, A., Wellington, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle.. 21424 7 July 74 23 Aug. 21504 21505 21748 19678 21643 21834 23 July 23 July 6 Sept, 5 July, 1905 10 Aug. 27 Sept, 77 77 59 81 6 Sept.* 0 Sept.* 12 July. 20 Sept. 21564 21272 21017 21160 21320 21437 21572 21410 21261 2 Aug. 7 June 10 Aug. 17 May 20 June 10 July 3 Aug. 6 July 6 June 81 74 81 77 68 74 77 08 64 20 Sept. 23 Aug.* 20 Sept.* 0 Sept. 9 Aug.* 23 Aug.* <i Sept, 9 Aug.* 26 July.* 21480 21512 20490 21837 19 July 26 July 19 Dec, 1905 27 Sept. 74 81 04 23 Aug.* 20 Sept.* 26 July. Macalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Ridging-machine Macalister, J., Tnvercargill, N.Z. Manure or fertiliser feed Macarthur, C, and others, London, Eng. Rotary engine Macdonald, R. G. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Typewriter and printing type Macfarlane, I. G., Ngaruawahia, N.Z. Spraying-apparatus Macintosh, P. H. M., and another, Greymouith, N.Z. Miners' lamp.. Maclvor, R. W. E., London, Eng. Treatment of ores containing gold Mackay, J. W., Wellington, N.Z. Clothes-prop Mackenzie, E. B., and others, Ultimo, N.S.W. Horse-shoe-making machine Mackenzie, M. K., and others, Ultimo, N.S.W. Horse-shoe-making machine Mackenzie, N. H., and others, Ultimo, N.S.W. Horse-ehoe-making machine Mackillop, G. H., and others, Stratford-on-Avon, Eng. Pulverising and crushing apparatus Macky, J. J., Auckland, N.Z. Catch for lock of firearms .. Macky, J. J., Auckland, N.Z. Bottle Macky, J. J., Auckland, N.Z. Bottle .. .. .. ['. Macky, J. J., Auckland, N.Z. Connecting trolley-wheel to electric wire Macpherson, R., m and another, Brondesbury, Eng. Detergent Maganite Explosives Syndicate, Limited, Cape Town, Cape Colony. Explosive-manufacture. (H. C. L. Bloxam) Magnue, P., and another, Northcote, Vic. (See The Rubberised Leather and Tire Company, Limited, No. 19953.) Maher, P., Wendonside, N.Z. Draw-gear for vehicles Mainland, H. L., and another, Burke's N.Z. Kitchen-range attachment Mainland, H. L., Burke's, N.Z. Animal-trap Mallabar, H. J., Liverpool, Eng. Printing photographs on silverchloride paper Malone, D. J., Stratford, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Maloney, J. P., and another, Fortrose, N.Z. Station or street indicator Marriott, C, Bairnsdale, Vic. Puncture-stop composition for tire .. Marsh, R. A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Trolley-wheel bearing .. Marshall, D., Invercargill, N.Z. Picture-frame clamp Marshall, J. B., Broken Hill, N.S.W. Rock-drill Martin, R., Wellington, N.Z. Show-case for pictures .. Mason, C. H., Timaru, N.Z. (See P. Pickering, No. 21746.) Mason, J., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Lifting-tackle Massey, C. R., Auckland, N.Z. Frame for reinforced concrete piles.. Matherson, J., Sydney, N.S.W. (See L. G. Abrams, No. 21373.) .. Matthews, K., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Apparatus for increasing a person's height Matthews, K., 7 and'another, Wellington, N.Z. Prevention of false firealarm Matthews, K., Wellington, N.Z. Ink-bottle Maxwell, F. H., Kerang, Vic. Crushing-battery forjquartz Mayo, C'R./Wembley, Eng. Spark-arrester Maze, P. France. Pasteurising milk Me Arthur, D. C./Belfast, N.Z. Gate-fastener.. .. .. .. McCormick, C. H., Chicago, U.S.A. (See T. Bassett, No. 20610.) 19869 20040 21671 21502 21810 21481 21811 21421 21391 21391 21391 21799 21598 21613 21618 21831 21515 21324 21755 21104 5 Aug., 1905 9 Sept., 1905 21 Aug. 24 July 18 Sept. 16 July 19 Sept. 10 July 29 June 29 June 29 June 18 Sept. 4 Aug. 7 Aug. 7 Aug. 22 Sept, 16 Nov., 19O6f 22 June 6 Sept. 5 May 59 04 77 81 74 68 68 08 84 81 81 68 12 July. 26 July. 6 Sept. 20 Sept, 23 Aug.* 9 Aug. 9 Aug. 9 Aug. 4 Oct.* 20 Sept.* 20 Sept.* 9 Aug.* 20 Sept. 81 21781 20046 11 Sept. 18 Sept., 1905 84 04 4 Oct.* 26 July. 21732 21709 21806 21305 21039 21740 21407 4 Sept. 25 Aug. 20 Sept, 14 June 20 April 5 Sept. 6 July 0)4 r.4 26 Juiy.* 26 July.* 68 9 Aug. 20013 21542 7 Sept., 1905 31 July 81 74 20 Sept, 23 Aug. 21565 2 Aug. 21003 9 Aug. 77 0 Sept.* 21814 21675 21637 21235 213!)5 22 Sept. 22 Aug. 23 Feb.f 30 May 3 July :. 81 81 OS 08 20 Sept.* 20 Sept. 9 Aug. 9 Aug.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

ippl ication. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. McCaul, K. C, and another, Wellington, N.Z. Printers' perforatingMcClelland, E., Melbourne, Vic. Green-pea sheller. (J. Cuthbert) .. McCole, A., Onehunga, N.Z. Sock or stocking McDonald, A., Taieri, N.Z. Trap-strainer McDonald, H. E., Petone, N.Z. Tag for hemp-bales McElhone, A., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Nail-making machine .. McElhone, W. P., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Nail-making machine McEwen, D., Dunedin, N.Z. Puzzle McEwen, J. E. T., and another, Stanmore, N.S.W. Window-sash fastener McFarlane, J. H., Albert Park, Vic. Portable derrick McGregor, E., and others, Turakina, N.Z. Sheep-shears McGregor, J., and others, Turakina, N.Z. Sheep-shears McKay, P., and others, Day Dawn, W.A. Telescopic vehicle-buffer McKenzie, D., Auckland, N.Z. Combination ottoman, bed, and couch McKenzie, D. G., Vancouver, Canada. Change-giving register McLaurin, J. D., Pohangina, N.Z. Treating bales of wool, &c, for heat or moisture McLaurin, J. D., Pohangina, N.Z. Reducing risk of fire in wool cargoes McLaurin, J. D., Pohangina, N.Z. Lamp-glass cleaner McLaurin, J. D., Pohangina, N.Z. Toaster-and-griller McLean, D. W., Methvon, N.Z. Surveying and range-finding McLeod, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Diving-dress McLoughlin, J., and another, Cromwell, N;Z. Pasting and hanging wall-papers McMaster, J., Hokonui, N.Z. Flax-scutcher mouth McMenemy, T. J. M., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Hair-colour restorer McNeill, A. C, Brunswick, N.Z. (See A. M. McNeil), No. 21760.) McNeill, A. M., Wellington, N.Z. Leg-roping cows McPherson, J. S., Wakefield, N.Z. Sling-sheath for axes, &c. Mead, J., Warkworth, N.Z. Generating gas from kerosene Meakin, F. W., North Carlton, Vic. Storing fresh fruits and produce 21585 6 Aug. 74 23 Aug.* 21151 20045 20256 21242 21719 21719 21507 21477 16 May 13 Sept., 1905 28 Oct., 1905.. 31 May 27 Aug. 27 Aug. 24 July 19 July 64 64 77 64 26 July. 26 July. 6 Sept. 26 July.* 74 23 Aug. 21299 20347 20347 21430 21599 21070 21420 13 June 22 Nov., 1905 22 Nov., 1905 13 July 6 Aug. 2 May 10 July 08 59 59 74 77 81 74 9 Aug.* 12 July. 12 July. 23 Aug. 6 Sept.* 20 Sept. 23 Aug.* 21695 21696 21670 21682 21444 21775 28 Aug. 28 Aug. 21 Aug. 23 Aug. 11 July 12 Sept. 84 84 81 74 4 Oct.* 4 Oct.* 20 Sept.* 23 Aug.* 19895 21578 18 Aug., 1905 1 Aug. 59 77 12 July. 6 Sept.* 21760 21426 20255 21739 10 Sept. 11 July 30 Oct., 1905.. 5 Sept. 84 77 81 4 Oct.* 6 Sept.* 20 Sept. Mellor, B. F., and another, Moonee Ponds, Vic. Plough-share 20020 12 Sept., 1905 I 64 1 81 77 26 July.* 20 Sept, 6 Sept. Merkley, C. G., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Trolley-wire clip Merrell, I. S., and others. (See Merrell-Soule Company, No. 21794.) Merrell, L. C, and others. (See Merrell-Soulo Company, No. 21794.) Merrell-Soule Coy., Syracuse, U.S.A. Recovering solids of liquids. (L. C. and I. S. Merrell and W. B. Gere) Merrett, J. A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Treating flax Merrett, J. A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Handling flax-fibres Mestitz, E., and another, Raudnitz, Austria. Dust-suction apparatus Mestitz, H., and another, Raudnitz, Austria. Dust-suction apparatus Michalopoulos, G., Auckland, N.Z. Stove for heating tailors' iron Middleton, W., and another, Kalgoorlie, W.A. Grinding-pan Milburn, T., Invercargill, N.Z. Artificial minnow Millar, S., Eweburn, N.Z. Harvester Mills, E. G., South Yarra, Vic. Food for calves, &c. (F. J. Corbett) Mills, J. F., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Fire-bars 21404 5 July 21794 15 Sept. 21455 21456 20943 20943 21796 21832 21736 21329 21231 21459 17 July 17 July 3 April 3 April 14 Sept. 27 Sept. 5 Sept. 19 June 30 May 17 July 74 74 74 74 23 Aug.* 23 Aug.* 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 84 68 64 77 J 64 1 81 4 Oct.* 9 Aug.* 26 July.* 6 Sept.* 26 July.* 20 Sept. Mitchell, E. H. J., and another, Triavunna, Tas. Plough-share 20020 12 Sept., 1905 Mitchell, T., Wellington, N.Z. Ship's-hull Mole, A., Fordsburg, Transvaal. Window-sash hanger Moore, M., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Manufacturing iron and steel Moore, W., Mataura, N.Z. Sheep-shears Morison, G. S., Melbourne, Vic. Brake-actuating appliance Morris, J., North Wales, U.S.A. Artificial teeth Morrison, A. R., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Knife-cleaner Morton, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Trace-fastening.. Morton, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Turnip-thinner Morton, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Non-slipping shears.. Moss, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Stamping or franking letters, &c. Mote, H., and others, Balmain, N.S.W. Step-ladder Mote, L., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Step-ladder Mote, L., and others, Balmain, N.S.W. Step-ladder Mount Lyell Mining and Railway Company, Limited, The, Melbourne, Vic. Feeder for blast-furnace. (F. S. Sanderson) Mullay, T. S., Bluff, N.Z. Baled-wool and flax tester Mundell, R. H., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Pump blower and compressor Munro, E. T., and others, Leongatha, Vic. Branding-tool Munro, J. A., and others, Leongatha, Vic. Branding-tool Murdoch, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Soap Muscutt, H. W. J., Weber, N.Z. Breeching-strap 21543 21557 20990 21723 21674 21772 21526 21285 21531 21847 21786 21171 21171 21171 21606 31 July 1 Aug. 12 April 31 Aug. 22 Aug. 12 Sept. 26 July 9 June 26 July 27 Sept. 14 Sept. 15 May 15 May 15 May 9 Aug. 81 64 84 84 74 74 84 20 Sept. 26 July. 4 Oct.* 4 Oct. 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 4 Oct. 84 64 64 64 81 4 Oct.* 26 July.* 26 July.* 26 July.* 20 Sept. 23 Aug.* 6 Sept. 21454 21475 14 July 19 July 74 77 21715 21715 21649 21644 29 Aug. 29 Aug. 14 Aug. 16 Aug. Nahr, H., and another, Westport, N.Z. Sanitary liquor-supplier .. National Cash Register Company, Dayton, U.S.A. Electric-driving deviceTfor cash-register. (C. F. Kettering) Nelson, J., 'Dunedin, N.Z. Cutter for pump Nesfield, A. G., and another, South Yarra, Vic. Superheater for boiler 21493 21614 21 July 10 Aug. 77 81 6 Sept.* 20 Sept. 21692 21469 23 Aug. 18 July 81 74 20 Sept.* 23 Aug.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent — continued.


Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Neumann, P. A., Johannesburg, Transvaal. Amalgamator Newberry, F. J., Geelong, Vic. Chimney for portable copper ;;;j ~.: : \ Newman, E., Christchurcti," N.Z. Cake-tin New Zealand 20th Century Gas Company, Limited, Wellington, N.Z. Gas-burner. (A. J. Way) Nicholas, M., London, Eng. Cleaning and dyeing wool, &c. Nicholls, A. E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Goloshes Nicholson, J., Sydney, N.S.W. Separating gold and minerals Nicholson, J., Riverton, N.Z. Tramway-trolley brake Nickel, F. F., Bast Orange, U.S.A. (See Henry R. Worthington, No. 21510.) Nielsen, C. A., and another, Port Ahuriri, N.Z. Trawling-net Nikolsky, W., St. Petersburg, Russia. Recovering solvent used in the manufacture of explosives Nisbet, W. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Pneumatic brake Nisbet, W. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Pneumatic-brake valve Noack, M. S., and another, Hopevale, Vic. Disc plough Nock, J. F., Nelson, N.Z. Silent roller Nock, J. F., Nelson, N.Z. Nail Noonan, J. H., Auckland, N.Z. Explosion-motor Norris, F. M., and another, Hunterville, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle .. Northway, R. H., Moonta, S.A. Spark-arrester Norton, A. W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Plastic-material cutter Nuernberger, P. G., and another, Chicago, U.S.A. Type-casting machine Nuernberger, P. G., and another, Chicago, U.S.A. Type-casting mould Nuttall, W. T., Dannevirke, N.Z. Branding-appliance 21520 21722 26 July 30 Aug. 81 84 20 Sept.* 4 Oct. 21400 21245 2 July 31 May 77 68 6 Sept. 9 Aug. 21555 20909 20856 21324 1 Aug. 27 March 14 March 15 June 84 64 64 68 4 Oct. 26 July. 20 July. 9 Aug. 21842 21332 28 Sept. 22 June 68 9 Aug. 21697 21713 21643 21548 21549 21471 21204 21604 21138 21355 28 Aug. 29 Aug. 16 Aug. 30 July 30 July 16 July 25 May 9 Aug. 10 May 26 June 81 84 81 20 Sept.* 4 Oct.* 20 Sept 77 74 81 64 68 6 Sept.* 23 Aug.* 20 Sept.* 26 July. 9 Aug. 21356 19827 26 June 3 Aug., 1905 68 68 9 Aug. 9 Aug. Oates, J. G., Carterton, N.Z. Sporting-telegraph O'Donnell, J., Hawera, N.Z. Milk-can attachment O'Hara, J., and another, Papatoitoi, N.Z. Metal fastening O'Hara, J., and another, Papatoitoi, N.Z. Adjustable fastenings O'Hara, W. J., and another, Papatoitoi, N.Z. Metal fastening O'Hara, W. J., and another, Papatoitoi, N.Z. Adjustable fastenings Ohlhaver, H. P. D., Sande, Germany. Milking-machine Oliver, E., Wellington, N.Z. Sewing-machine Olsen, K. A., Port Chalmers, N.Z. Scaffolding O'Neil, J. M., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Trolley-wheel bearing .. Orr, A., Balfour, N.Z. Turnip-thinner O'Sullivan, P., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Pudding-boiler Owens, P. J., San Francisco, U.S.A. Furnace-burner for liquid hydrocarbons Ozonair Limited, London, Eng. Ozonizing atmospheric air. (E. L. Joseph) 20282 19836 21238 21414 21238 21414 21550 21347 20153 21305 21558 21337 21774 7 Nov., 1905 4 Aug., 1905 28 May 4 July 28 May 4 July 1 Aug. 25 June 5 Oct., 1905.. 14 June 27 July 22 June 12 Sept. 84 68 64 64 64 64 77 68 74 64 4 Oct. 9 Aug. 26 July.* 26 July.* 26 July.* 26 July.* 6 Sept. 9 Aug.* 23 Aug. 26 July.* 74 23 Aug.* 21828 26 Sept. Pack, W., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, 21833.) Page, F. T., Dannevirke, N.Z. Kerosene-pump attachment Page, F. T., Dannevirke, N.Z. Kerosene-pump plunger Page, F. T., Dannevirke, N.Z. Kerosene-pump retainer Paley, W. V., Charters Towers, Q. Centrifugal fan Pallett, H. J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. (See B. Hannah and Co., Limited, No. 21483.) Palmer, D. P., Masterton, N.Z. Chair Palmer, D. P., Christchurch, N.Z. Folding chair Palmer, T. H., Wellington, N.Z. Boat-keel Palmer, W. H., and another, Melbourne, Vic. (See the Imperial Fibres Syndicate, Limited, No. 21812.) Paora, O., Orakei, N.Z. Draining and road-forming machine Park, A. J., Onehunga, N.Z. Shaking and cleansing tow Park, A. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Ventilating compartments. (R. Dunne) Park, R. P., Melbourne, Vic. Centrifugal pump Parker, A., Dannevirke, N.Z. Vending postage-stamps Parker, J., Euroa, Vic. Rabbit-trap Parks, J. R., Spokane, U.S.A. Treating ores Parris, A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Hair-colour restorer Parsons, C, Patutahi, N.Z. Fencing-standard Partridge, G. E., and another, Cromwell, N.Z. Pasting and hanging wall-papers Patereon, J. A., Wellington, N.Z. Making incandescent oil-gas Patterson, J. R., Wellington, N.Z. Chimney-top.. Patterson, W. H., and another, Otahuhu, N.Z. Roller-tug for harness Payne, C. J. H., Limehills, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Payne, F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Gold-saving apparatus Payne, F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Concentrating gold-wash Payne, F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Directing swift current to wheels Pearse, R. W., Temuka, N.Z. Flying-machine Pearson, W. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Shot-machinery Pennington, H. W., Gisborne, N.Z. Marking-board Perfect, H. H., Wellington, N.Z. Toy .. Perry, R., Wellington, N.Z. Fastening sash-cord pulley 21525 21575 21706 21402 21287 21756 20101 21624 21206 21568 21369 21707 21714 21635 21578 21244 21775 27 July 4 Aug. 28 Aug. 5 July 13 June 6 Sept. 27 Sept., 1905 8 Aug. 22 May 30 July 28 June 28 Aug. 29 Aug. 15 Aug. 1 Aug. 31 May 12 Sept. 77 77 *64 64 '(34 64 84 68 0 Sept.* 6 Sept.* 26 July.* 26 July. 26 July. 26 July. 4 Oct.* 9 Aug.* 81 77 64 20 Sept, 6 Sept.* 26 July.* 21432 21574 21745 21182 20411 21569 21725 21476 21506 21761 21552 20126 12 July 3 Aug. 1 Sept. 19 May 2 Dec, 1905 30 July 28 Aug. 19 July 23 July 10 Sept. 1 Aug. 4 Oct., 1905 74 23 Aug.* 64' 64 26 Juiy.* 26 July. '74 23 Aug.* '■77 64 6 Sept.* 26 July.



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

Application. QazetU. Name, Addreei, and Invention. L No. No. Date. Date. Peters, F., Melbourne, Vic. Cooling or heating milk .. .. 21718 Peterson, A. J., and another, Garterton, N.Z. Hauler-block .. 21527 Pettie, J. F., and others, Waipiro Bay, N.Z. Sash balance and lock 21249 Philp, 8., Taita, N.Z. Harvesting-hoe .. .. .. .. 21686 Philpott, W., Longbush, N.Z. Hough-skimmer .. .. .. 21593 Pickering, P., Wellington, N.Z. Scaffold-bracket.. .. .. 21501 Pickering, P., Wellington, N.Z. Wall-hook. (C. H. Mason) .. 21746 Pickering, W., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Hat and programme holder 21780 Pickles, J. H., Eaglehawk, Vic. (See R. W. Jeffrey, No. 21150.) Pierce, B., Stratford, N.Z. Fencing-wire grip .. .. .. 21638 Pike, H., Mount Albert, N.Z. Child's cot-attachment to bedstead .. 21656 Km, F. A., and another, Glenferrie, Vic. Lift and force pump .. ! 21749 Pitt, W. J. G., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Claw-hainmer and staple- \ 21269 puller Plucknett, S. G., Petersham, N.S.W. Concentrator. (H. H. Davies) j 21294 Pointon, C, Hopetoun, Q (See G. W. Pointon, No. 21372.) Pointon, G. W., sen., New Farm, Q. Perpetual-motor. (C. Pointon) 21372 Poison, A., Hoquiam, U.S.A. Collapsible-box. (P. Henrich) .. 21764 Plummer, C. B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Fibre-dressing process 21817 Plummer, G. W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Fibre-dressing process 21817 Pomeroy, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Paper-file .. .. .. 19971 Poulsen, G. W., and another, Kaiapoi, N.Z. Flooring and lining cramp 21705 Powell, E. C, and others, London, Eng. Rotary engine .. .. 21671 Poynter, J. B., Wellington, N.Z. Fire-lighter .. .. .. j 21801 Price, P., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Nail-making machine .. j 21719 Printing Machinery Company, Limited, The, London, Eng. (See W. ! E. Hughes, No. 21394.) Printing Machinery Company, Limited, The, London, Eng. (See J. | T. Hunter, No. 21005.) Prior, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Driving-nails .. .. .. 21199 Prolhus, B. A. O., Copenhagen, Den. (See Aktieselskabet Burmeister | and Wains Maskin-og Skibsbyggeri, No. 21787.) 21718 21527 21249 21686 21593 21501 21.746 21780 27 Aug. 30 July 1 June 24 Aug. 4 Aug. 24 July 6 Sept. 12 Sept. 77 64 81 81 84 (i Sept.* •26 July.* 20 Sept. 20 Sept.* 4 Oct. 21638 21656 21749 21269 15 Aug. 15 Aug. 6 Sept. 7 June 81 84 20 Sept. 4 Oct. 64 26 Juiy.* 21294 13 June 68 9 Aug. 21372 21764 21817 21817 19971 21705 21671 21801 21719 28 J une 11 Sept. 20 Sept. 20 Sept. 30 Aug., 1905 28 Aug. 21 Aug. 18 Sept. 27 Aug. 68 77 9 Aug.* 0 Sept. 25 May 64 26 July.* Quertier, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Trolley-wheel .. .. .. 19886 Quertier, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Sprinkling and cleaning tramway- 21.540 tracks Quinn, T. P., and another, Stanmore, N.S.W. Window-sash fastener 21477 16 Aug., 1905 9 Aug. 59 81 12 July. 20 Sept.* 19 July 74 23 Aug. Rae, J., Carterton, N.Z. Steering ships.. .. .. .. 21260 Rait, G. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Printers' perforating-rule 21585 Ramsay, A., Milton, N.Z. Motor road-vehicle .. ' .. .. 21625 Randall, A. R., Wellington, N.Z. Advertising on watch and clock dials 21571 Rask, C, and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Sheep-dipping apparatus .. ; 21374 Rasmussen, H. C, and another, Lyttelton, N.Z. Candlestick and , 21758 matchj-holder Rasmussen, H. P., and another, Geraldine, N.Z. Closet-seat cover .. 21264 Rastrick, J. L., Auckland, N.Z. Tube-scraper .. .. .. 21790 Rauhoff, J. M., Tinley Park, U.S.A. Rendering cement or concrete 21793 blocks waterproof Rawnsley, H. T., Kaponga, N.Z. Harness .. .. .. 20934 Rayson, R., Windsor, Vic. Cooling storage-rooms .. .. 21371 Reeve, C, Eketahuna, N.Z. Exterminating weeds by electricity .. 21836 Reid. H. ST., Toorak, Vic. Ice-floors for skating, &c. .. .. 2l(i()7 Reimers, H. H., Auckland, N.Z. Steamer for dairying purposes .. 21823 Reimers, H. H., Auckland, N.Z. Portable boiler. .' .. .. 21037 Rennie, .J., Longwood, Vic. Wire-strainer . . .. .. 20897 Rettig, G., jun., and another, Chicago, U.S.A. Type-casting machine 21355 Rettig, G., jun., and another, Chicago, U.S.A. Type-casting moulds 21356 Richardson, W. G., Auckland, N.Z. Treating N.Z. flax .. .. 21630 Richardson, W. G., Auckland, N.Z. Treating phormivm tenax .. I 21840 Richardson, W. G., Auckland, N.Z. Utilising waste flax as cattle-food 21841 Richmond, R. R., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Castors and bear- I 21057 ings for furniture Richmond, R. R., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Treating flax-fibres 21766 Ridd, A., Waipuku, N.Z. Pneumatic teat-cup .. .. .. I 20239 Ridd, A., Waipuku, N.Z. Milking-machine .. .. .. j 21316 Ridd, A., Waipuku, N.Z. Pneumatic teat-cup .. .. .. | 21317 Rigby, E. J., Malvern, Vic. Rock-drill .. .. .. j 19852 Rili'V. B., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Dining and bowls table i 21511 RislnM-g, j. V. M., Sodertelje, Sweden. Centrifugal separator-liner .. I 21554 Ritchie, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Lamp . . .. .. ,. 1 21386 Roach, R. J., Invercargill, N.Z. Brooch-catch .. .. .. 21228 Roberts, A. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Boot-brush .. .. .. 21567 Roberts, J. H., Dunedin, N.Z. Plough-chain hook .. .. 21579 Roberts, L., Cave, N.Z. Dress-cutting chart .. .. .. 21547 Robertson, D., Wellington, N.Z. Postmarking-machine .. .. ! 20260 Robertson, J., and another, HunterviUe, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle 21204 Robinson, G., Oamaru, N.Z. Hat-pin .. ... .. .. 21212 Rogers, C. R., Melbourne, Vip. Treating fibrous material .. 21403 Rogers. C. R... Melbourne, Vic. Winnowing and seed-grading appara- ■ 21738 tus R,ss, A. Y., Matata, N.Z. Logging-jack .. .. .. 21500 6 June 6 Aug. 10 Aug. 3 Aug. 23 June 10 Sept. 68 74 81 9 Aug.* 23 Aug.* 20 Sept.* 68 9 Aug.* 6 June 12 Sept. 15 Sept, 64 26 July.* 31 March 28 June 27 Sept, 9 Aug. 21 Sept. 23 April 20 March 26 June 26 June 10 Aug. 25 Sept. 25 Sept. 18 Aug. 74 68 23 Aug. 9 Aug.* 77 ii Sept.* 64 74 68 68 26 July. 23 Aug. 9 Aug. 9 Aug. 11 Sept, 27 Oct., 1905.. 15 June 15 June 8 Aug., 1905 26 July 1 Aug. 28 June 22 May 2 Aug. 2 Aug. 1 Aug. 1 Nov., 1905 25 May 28 May 5 July 5 Sept, 84 81 64 64 64 4 Oct.* 20 Sept. 26 July.* 26 July.* 26 July. 81 68 64 20 Sept. 9 Aug.* 26 July.* 77 81 81 74 64 74 6 Sept.* 20 Sept.* 20 Sept. 23 Aug.* 26 July.* ■23 Aug. 24 July


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. Date. No. No. Date. Ross, C. G., and others, Taihape, N.Z. Sheep-shears Ross, W. M., Feilding, N.Z. Septic tank and filter-bed Kountree, H. E., and another, Stratford, N.Z. Music turner and holder Roy. (See Le Roy.) Rubberised Leather and Tire Company, Limited, The, Melbourne, Vic. Preparing leather. (P. Magnus and T. J. Davis) Rubel, I. W., New York, U.S.A. Transfer-printing Rusden, J. R., Perth, W.A. Stamping hats, boots, &c. Russell, I., Dunedin, N.Z. Dress-chart Rutherford, R. B., and another, Aurelia, U.S.A. Wire stretcher and splicer 20347 21641 21200 19953 22 Nov. 1905 .. 16 Aug. 25 May 31 Aug., 1905 59 81 64 59 12 July. 20 Sept.* 26 July.* 12 July. 21553 21797 21190 21798 1 Aug. 2 Mayf 22 May 18 Sept. 81 64 20 Sept. 26 July.'*' Salzmann, I. /and others, Vienna, Austria. Incandescing filaments for electric lamps Sampson, T., Wellington, N.Z. Automatic time-switch Sanderson, C, Wellington, N.Z. Rope-carrier for electric car Sanderson, F. S., Queenstown, Tas. (See The Mount Lyell Mining and Railway Company, Limited, No. 21606.) Sayward, J. A., Victoria, Canada. Loading and unloading lumber from trucks Scharf, W. H., Montreal, Canada. Linotype-machine Scharf, W. H., Montreal, Canada. Linotype-machine Schmidt, L., Hackney, 8.A. Vehicle-tire Sohultze, A., Greymouth, N.Z. Cycle-stand Scott, A. T., Christchurch, N.Z. (See Whitcombe and Tombs, Limited, No. 21288.) Scott, J. J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Hair-pin Scott, J. J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Railway-truck door Seale, G. E. D., and others, Chritschurch, N.Z. Electrically controlled gas lighter and extinguisher Searle, W. E., Oamaru, N.Z. Coal-shovel Searle, W. E., Oamaru, N.Z. Drinking-cups, &c. Sears, T., and others, London, Eng. Dasher for churn Semb, F. G., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Electrically controlled gas lighter and extinguisher Serpollet, L., Paris, France. Heating steam-generator with liquid fuel Sherman, A. E., and another, London, Eng. (See J. A. Linley, No. 21834.) Silly, J. G., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Goloshes Sim, W., Underwood, N.Z. Milking-machine Sloper, C, and another, Smithfield, N.Z. Cutting and washing slieep- . paunches Sloper, C, and another, Smithfield, N.Z. Hydro-extractor Smaill, A., jun., Tomahawk, N.Z. Milking-machine teat-cup Smaill, J., Port Chalmers, N.Z. Heating-system for buildings Smallbone, R. E., and others, Auckland, N.Z. Knife-cleaner Smith, B. E., Footscray, Vic. Water-tank Smith, C. B., Dunedin, N.Z. Cushion tire Smith, C. E., Kaiwaka, N.Z. Locking-bar pipes 21807 20 Sept. 21398 21495 4 July 23 July 08 74 9 Aug. 23 Aug.* 21679 23 Aug. 21782 21783 21338 21417 13 Sept., L906t 13 Sept., lflO5f I 22 June !> July 74 81 23 Aug. 20 Sept. 21788 21819 21757 12 Sept. 21 Sept. 8 Sept. 21532 21533 21820 21757 28 July 28 July 25 Sept., 1905f 8 Sept. 77 77 0 Sept.* 6 Sept.* 21401 5 July 74 23 Aug. 20909 21818 21311 27 March 20 Sept. 14 June 04 26 July. 64 26 July.* 21312 21809 21278 21526 21193 21382 21479 14 June 18 Sept. 7 June 26 July 25 May 27 June 19 July 64 20 July.* (18 74 04 08 74 164 (08 9 Aug.* 23 Aug. 26 July.* 9 Aug.* 23 Aug.* 26 July.* 9 Aug. Smith, D., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Golosh 21302 12 June Smith, F., and others, London, Eng. Rotary engine Smith, F. W., Paikakariki, N.Z. Ascertaining temperature of baled goods Smith, F. W., Paikakariki, N.Z. Ascertaining temperature of baled goods 21071 21741 21 Aug. 5 Sept. 21754 8 Sept. 84 4 Oct.* Smith, F. W., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Golosh 21302 12 June fO4 168 20 July.* 9 Aug. Smith, J. D., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Hair-pin Smith, J. D., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Railway-truck door Smith, J. K., Dannevirke, N.Z. Acetylene generator and storage Smith, J. F., and another, Lyttelton, N.Z. Candlestick and matchholder Smith, J. J., Bendigo, Vic. Road-sweeper and automatic loader Smith, R. M., Auckland, N.Z. Coupling-socket for drain-pipe Smith, S., Christchurch, N.Z. Shoe Smith, S. T., Dannevirke, N.Z. Cheese-cutter Smith, S. T., Dannevirke, N.Z. Collapsible box Speden, A. L., Timaru, N.Z. Castor Staines, F., Melbourne, Vic. Smoking-pipe Stebbing, H., Auckland, N.Z. Post and letter card Steedman, H. P. (!., London, Eng. Match-making machine Steedman, H. P. G., London, Eng. Match Steele, J. A., Tamaheri, N.Z. Apron of harvester-binder Stephenson, A. A., Melbourne, Vic. Vapouriser and burner for liquid fuel Stephenson, H., Edenham, N.Z. Fencing-standard Stewart, J., Gore, N.Z. Shifting spanner St. George, L. E., Wellington, N.Z. Chimney-pot attachment Sticht, R. C, Queenstown, Tas. Treating sulphide ores Storey, C. B. C, Lancaster, Eng. Disintegrating, washing, and screening machine 21788 21819 21601 21758 12 Sept. 21 Sept. 0 Aug. 10 Sept. 77 0 Sept.* 21012 21538 19980 21707 21768 21093 21509 20001 21829 21830 21702 21773 9 Aug. 31 July 18 Sept. 1905 11 Sept. 11 Sept. 24 Aug. 26 July 20 Sept., 19(15 26 Sept. 20 Sept. 28 Aug. 12 Sept. 77 77 81 0 Sept.* 6 Sept. 20 Sept. 77 04 6 Sept. 26 July 21653 21343 19818 21516 21551 17 Aug. 22 June 1 Aug., 1905 26 July 1 Aug. 84 68 59 4 Oct.* 9 Aug.* 12 July. 81 20 Sept.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


.pi>: lical iion. klzel Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Storey, C. B. C, and another, Lancaster, Eng. Ore-crusher Strachan, C, and another, Auckland, N.Z. Hub and rim for wheel Strachan, C, and another, Auckland, N.Z. Pneumatic centre-attach-ment to wheel-hub Strain, J. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Gas-stove boiler Strain, J. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Hot-water attachment to gas-stove Suckling, J. H., Linwood, N.Z. Carburetter Suckling, J. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Carburetter Suggate, C, and another, Auckland, N.Z. Ore-furnace Sutcliffe, J., Burnley, Eng. Forced draught for fire-engine Sutherland, I., Fitzroy, Vic. Roundabout Sutherland, T., Rangiora, N.Z. Packing honey Sutton, T. B., and another, Rongotea, N.Z. Billiard-tablo attachment 21765 21389 21466 25 Sept., 1905f 29 June 14 July 68 9 Aug.* 21188 21189 20898 21583 21377 21357 20501 21795 21803 23 May 23 May 22 March 6 Aug. 20 June 26 June 28 Dec, 1905 17 Sept. 18 Sept. 74 64 77 81 68 64 59 23 Aug.* 26 July.* 6 Sept. 20 Sept. 9 Aug.* 26 July.* 12 July. Tait, A. L. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Flax washing and drying Tandy, C, Wellington, N.Z. Shearing-machine Tate, W., Sydenham, N.Z. Lifting-jack Tattersall, H. A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Boiler Taylor, A., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Nail-making machine Taylor, J. E., Mangere, N.Z. Building-block Taylor, J. U., Mirboo North, Vic. Tire-inflater Taylor, W. W., Auckland, N.Z. Cutting off gas from meters Taylor, W., Sandiacre, Eng. Operating railway-points Thomas. (See Earp-Thomas.) Thomson, H., Petersham, N.S.W. Door-stop Thorburn, W., Seattle, U.S.A. Instrument for levelling and projecting angles Thurgar, E. W., Auckland, N.Z. Jewellery-pincer Tiller, G. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Retaining carpets in a roll Tinker, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Speed-indicator for vehicles Toms, E., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Billiard-table attachment Tonkinson, R. S., Dunedin, N.Z. Trolley-pole Toy, E. J., Carnarvon, N.Z. Fire-kindler .. ... Trevellian, F. H., Wellington, N.Z. Leveiling-instrument.. Turnbull, J., and another, Waikaka, N.Z. Poison-layer for rabbits Turner, C. K., Nelson, N.Z. Plough Turner, C. K., Nelson, N.Z. Bicycle Turner, C. K., Nelson, N.Z. Swingletree-coupling Turner, D. L., Wellington, N.Z. Bleaching and drying flax Turner, G., Blenheim, N.Z. Tomato-forcing house Turner, W. H. K., and another, Nelson, N.Z. Bird-trap Tyler, F. E., and another, Carterton, N.Z. Hauler-block 21348 21408 21703 21017 21719 21535 20917 21602 21270 22 June 6 July 28 Aug. 19 April 27 Aug. 26 July 29 March 6 Aug. 7 June 68 74 9 Aug.* 23 Aug. ~84 4 Oct. 64 77 74 26 July.* 6 Sept.* 23 Aug. 21712 21711 29 Aug. 29 Aug. 21852 21441 21779 21803 28 Sept. 14 July 10 Sept. 18 Sept. 21688 21419 21250 21570 21485 21486 21496 21460 21681 21468 21527 22 Aug. 10 July 2 June 30 July 21 July 21 July 23 July 17 July 21 Aug. 18 July 30 July 84 4 Oct.* 04 77 74 74 77 77 26 July.* 6 Sept.* 23 Aug.* 23 Aug.* 6 Sept.* 6 Sept.* ■74 77 23 Aug.* 6 Sept.* United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Inserting fasteners in boots and shoes. (J. F. Davey) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Turning boots or shoes. (A. Eppler) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Assembling parts of boots or shoes. (O. Ashton) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Pounding-up machine. (0. Ashton) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Positioning work in boot or shoe machine. (E. E. Winkley) United Shoo Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Jack for positioning work in boot or shoe machine. (E. E. Winkley) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Cementing-ma-chine. (F. H. Warren) United Shoe Machinery Company, Boston, U.S.A. Skiving-machine. (F. L. Alley and W. Pack) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Machine for inserting fastenings. (T. Briggs) Urquhart, D., and another, Smithfield, N.Z. Cutting and washing sheep-paunches Urquhart, D., and another, Smithfield, N.Z. Hydro-extractor 20139 5 Oct., 1905.. 66 26 July. 20317 15 Nov., 1905 77 6 Sept. 21364 28 June 68 0 Aug.* 21365 28 June 68 9 Aug.* 21427 11 July 68 9 Aug.* 21428 11 July 68 9 Aug.* 21514 26 July 74 23 Aug.* 21833 27 Sept. 21835 27 Sept. 21311 14 June 64 26 July.* 21312 14 June 64 26 July.* Vereinigte Gliihlampen and Electricitats-Aktien-Gesellschaft, and others, Budapest, Hungary. Incandescing filaments for electric lamps Vivian, A. W. H., London, Eng. Artificial fuel Vivian, T., Auckland, N.Z. Medicinal tonic Vivian, T., Auckland, N.Z. Egg-preserving process 21807 20 Sept. 21462 21524 21824 14 July 25 July 21 Sept. 74 77 23 Aug.* 6 Sept.* Waddell, W. A., Wellington, N.Z. Turbine-engine Waddington, E. H., Masterton, N.Z. Cinder-sifter Waddington, H., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Dining and bowls table Walcott, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Coal-elevator Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Rope-grip Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Cramp and mitre box Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Cramp and mitre box Wales, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Postmarking-machine Walker, A., and another, Geelong, Vic. Chimney for portable'copper 21623 20873 21511 11 Aug. 19 March 26 July 81 59 20 Sept.* 12 July.* 21327 20202 21463 21464 21621 21722 18 June 17 Oct., 1905.. 14 July 14 July 8 Aug. 30 Aug. 64 77 74 74 81 84 26 July.* 6 Sept. 23 Aug.* 23 Aug.* 20 Sept.* 4 Oct.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


■PPl ical iion. 'orei ti. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Walker, E., Christchurch, N.Z. Fencing-post Walker, E., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Match Wallace, J. P., Windsor, Vic. Heels of boots and shoes Walsh, E. J., Blenheim, N.Z. Trolley-head Walsh, J. D., St. Louis, U.S.A. (See T. Walsh, No. 21628.) Walsh, T., Eketahuna, N.Z. Pleasure-car. (J. D. Walsh) Walshaw, P. W., and another, Richmond, N.Z. Flooring and lining cramp Walther, T. H., Wellington, N.Z. Game Warne, G., Christchurch, N.Z. Music-leaf turner Warren, F. H., Swampscott, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 21514.) Warre , J. it, and others, Albert Park, Vic. Preventing locomotives overrunning the road-danger signal Warsop, T., Nottingham, Eng. Rock-drill Wathew, T. J., Auckland, N.Z. Bath-water heater Watson, D. G., Timaru, N.Z. Trace-spreader Watson, R., Lochiel, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Watt, H., Melbourne, Vic. Mail-bag fastening Wauchope, J. A., and another, Sehull, Ireland. Ore-crusher Way, A. J., Wellington, N.Z. (See New Zealand 20th Century Gas Company, Limited, No. 21245.) Webb, F. C, Omeo, Vic. Roasting mineral material Welch, H. C, Haverhill, U.S.A. Shoe Wenloch, W., and another, Hawthorn, N.Z. Picture-hanger West, W. D., Alexandra South, N.Z. Beehive-frame Westinghouse, G., Pittsburg, U.S.A. Elastic-fluid turbine Westmoreland, G., and others, Waipiro Bay, N.Z. Sash balance and lock Weston, R., Christchurch, N.Z. Pedal-strap for cyclists Wharfc, W. H., Auckland, N.Z. Separating rubbish from kauri-gum.. Whelan, T. J., Hawthorn, Vic. Reversible label Whelan, T. J., Hawthorn, Vic. Rabbit-trap. (H. Lane) Whelan, T. J., Hawthorn, Vic. Knife cleaner and sharpener Whitburn, D., and another, Auckland. N.Z. Mitre-gauge, &c. Whitcombe, E., Pahiatua, N.Z. Fencing-dropper Whitcombo and Tombs, Limited, Christchurch, N.Z. Collapsible box. (A. T. Scott) White, G. E., Auckland, N.Z. Corset Whitehouse, J., Waihi, N.Z. Wire mattress Whyte, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Tie-frame Whyto, W., Wellington, N.Z. Tramrail-cleaner Whyte, W., Wellington, N.Z. Temperature-indicator and fire-alarm Wieneke, L. G., Roma, Q. Racehorse-starter Wight, G. F., Auckland, N.Z. Pen or pencil attachment Wilkinson, J. E., and another, Petrolea, Canada. Exhaust-condenser Williams, A. G. R., Petone, N.Z. Oil-lamp extinguisher Williams, H. G., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Brush or broom making Williams, H. S., and another, Toowoomba, Q. Step-ladder Williams, R., Waikaia, N.Z. Oil-filter Williamson, A., Longreach, Q. Fencing-standard Wilson, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Powder-sprinkler for cardboard box .. Wilson, S., Wanganui, N.Z. Room-grate and fireplace Wilson, W. A., Auckland, N.Z. Cable-connector for electric circuit Wingfield, W. T., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Stamp-pad Winkley, E. E., Lynn, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, Nos. 21427 and 21428.) Winter, M. W., Wellington, N.Z. Skirt-holder Witch Dust Extractor Company, Limited, The, and another, Birmingham, Eng. Carpet-cleaner Withers, A. A., Balaclava, Vic. Tire valve and connection Womersley, S. F., Traralgon, Vic. Butter weigher and packer Wood, H. A. W., New York, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 21394.) Wood, H. A. W., New York, U.S.A. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 21005.) Wood, T. A. S., London, Eng. Cleaning and dyeing wool Woods, A., Auckland, N.Z. Address-holder Worthington, Henry R., New York, U.S.A. Direct-acting engine. (F. F. Nickel) Wren, J., and others, Kew, Vic. Preventing locomotives overrunning danger-signal Wriedt, H., Melbourne, Vie. Dough-moulding machine Wright, C. F., and another, Barberton, U.S.A. (See Bryant and May, Limited, No. 21453.) Wright, J. P., and another, Barberton, U.S.A. (See Bryant and May, Limited, No. 21453.) Wright, P., Durban, Natal. Gold, &c, extractor 21473 21561 21465 21523 17 July 2 Aug. 14 July 27 July 74 77 23 Aug.* 6 Sept.* 21628 21705 13 Aug. 28 Aug. 84 1 Oct.* 21457 21291 17 July 13 June 74 68 23 Aug.* 9 Aug.* 21710 29 Aug. 84 4 Oct.* 21448 21827 20189 21304 21368 21765 16 July 21 Sept. 18 Oct., 1905.. 14 June 28 June 25 Sept., 1905f 68 68 68 9 Aug. 9 Aug.* 9 Aug.* 21519 20135 21286 21257 21429 21249 26 July 5 Oct., 1905.. 13 June 31 May 11 July 1 June 81 59 f>8 64 74 64 20 Sept.* 12 July. 9 Aug.* 26 July.* 23 Aug. 26 July.* 21611 21676 20102 21474 21743 21482 21229 21288 9 Aug. 18 Aug. 27 Sept., 1905 19 July 5 Sept. 17 July 30 May 13 Juno 84 77 74 4 Oct.* 6 Sept. 23 Aug.* 74 64 64 23 Aug.* 26 July.* 26 July. 19844 21539 21439 21446 21791 21297 21816 21763 20132 21848 21645 20147 21478 21559 21392 21378 21678 7 Aug., 1905 31 July 14 July 16 July 15 Sept. 13 June 20 Sept. 11 Sept. 4 Oct., 1905.. 28 Sept. 19 Aug., 1905f 28 Nov., 1905 19 July 30 July 30 June 26 June 22 Aug. 64 68 74 68 74 26 July. 9 Aug.* 23 Aug.* 9 Aug.* 23 Aug. 81 74 84 74 64 20 Sept. 23 Aug. 4 Oct.* 23 Aug.* 26 July.* 21307 21662 14 June 20 Aug. 68 84 9 Aug.* 4 Oct. 19833 21321 3 Aug., 1905 13 June 81 68 20 Sept. 9 Aug. 21742 21864 21510 5 Sept. 29 Sept. 26 July 77 6 Sept. 21710 29 Aug. 84 4 Oct.* 21472 16 July 74 23 Aug.* 9 Jan. 84 4 Oct. 20545 Yates, D. L., Melbourne, Vic. Destroying rabbits, &c. Yoho, J. F., Washington, U.S.A. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 21596.) Young, C. E., Feilding, N.Z. Branding-liquid Young, G., Smithfield, N.Z. Beef-tree hook. (R. Erskine) 21594 8 Aug. 81 20 Sept.* 21289 21413 13 June 7 July 74 23 Aug.




* Denotes a provisional specification, 'rade Marks Act, 1889." t Denotes a prior date under section 106 of " T, 'atents, 'esigns, am Invention. Name. No. Application. Date. No. Date. Gazette. Acetylene-gas burner.. Acetylene generation and storage Acetylene-generator Address-holder Advertising Advertising Advertising on watch, &c, dial Aerator and strainer Aerial machine Air brake, CompressedAir, Cooling Air, Ozonizing atmospheric Alarm. (See Bird-alarm, Burglar-alarm, Pire-alarm.) Alarm, Identifying giver of false Aluminates, &c, Manufacturing Amalgamator Amalgamator Amalgamator and concentrator Ammonia, &c, Manufacture of Amusement apparatus Angles, Levelling and projecting Animal-decaudater Animal-trap.. Animal-trap.. Animal-trap Artificial fuel Auriferous clays into pottery, Converting burnt Auriferous earths, Roasting Auriferous sand, &c, Roasting Axe-sheath Axle for wheels J. B. Carroll .. .. .. 21174 J. E. Smith .. .. .. 21601 E. C. Kilgour .. .. .. 21721 A. Woods .. .. .. 21864 0. P. Gardner and B. O. Clark .. 21375 P. J. Gossling .. .. .. 21376 A. R. Randall .. .. .. 21571 W. Harvey .. .. .. 21322 R. W. Pearse .. .. .. 21476 J. W. Cloud .. .. .. 21769 R Rayson .. .. .. 21371 Ozonair, Limited .. .. 21828 21 May 6 Aug. 30 Aug. 29 Sept. 26 June 26 June 3 Aug. 15 June 19 July 26 Marchf .. 28 June 26 Sept. 04 77 84 26 July. 6 Sept. , 4 Oct.* 77 81 6 Sept.' 20 Sept. 08 74 9 Aug> 23 Aug.* 68 9 Aug.* K. Matthews and I. M. Holmes .. 21603 P. Klein .. .. .. 21792 P. A. Neumann .. .. 21520 J. Langford .. .. .. 21845 S. G. Pluoknett .. .. 21294 O. F. Lungley .. .. .. 21512 W. V. Gilbert .. .. .. 21303 W. Th>rburn .. .. .. j 21711 J. G. Harrington and E. J. Brown 21619 T. J. Whelan .. .. .. 21474 H. L. Mainland .. .. 21781 H. W. J. Holmes .. .. 21620 A. W. H. Vivian .. .. 21462 M. A. Grant .. .. .. 21647 9 Aug. 15 Sept. 26 July 29 Sapt. 13 June 26 July 11 June 29 Aug. 8 Aug. 19 July 11 Sept. 8 Aug. 14 July 16 Aug. 6 Sept.* 77 81 20 Sept.* 68 8.1 08 9 Aug. 20 Sept.* 9 Aug. 81 74 84 74 i 20 Sept.* 23 Aug.* 4 Oct.* 23 Aug.* M. A. Grant .. .. .. 21646 P. C. Webb .. .. .. 21519 J. S. McPherson .. .. 21426 W. Brady and B. T. Chaytor .. 20226 16 Aug. 26 July 11 July 26 Oct., 1905 84 81 77 77 4 Oct.* 20 Sept.* 6 Sept.* 6 Sept. Bag. (See Nosebag, Mail-bag.) Baled-goods tester Baled-goods tester Baled goods tester Baled-goods tester Baled-goods tester Baled goods tester Baled-goods tester Baled goods, Ascertaining temperature of Baled goods, Ascertaining temperature of Baled goods, Ascertaining temperature of Ball tap Ball valve Band cutter for thr. shing-machine Barrel chimer and crozer Bath-heater Bath-heater Bearings for machines J. D. MoLaurin .. .. 21420 G. H. B. Lookett .. .. 21437 T. S. Mullay .. .. .. 21454 E. H. A. Lambert .. .. 21654 E. H. A. Lambert .. .. 21673 J. B. E. Hird .. .. .. 21737 P. W. Smith .. .. .. 21741 T. D. Cummins .. .. 21422 P. W. Smith .. .. .. 21754 H. Corrick .. .. .. 21651 A. C. Hill .. .. .. 21499 J.Anderson .. .. .. 21658 A. H. and D. J. Byron .. .. 21660 C. J. Alley .. .. .. 20042 J. D. Jackson .. .. .. 21195 T. J. Wathew .. .. .. 21827 G. H. Herbert, A. H. Byron, and 21657 R. R. Richmond D. McKenzie .. .. .. 21599 H. Pike .. .. .. 21656 G. Young .. .. .. 21413 W. D. West .. .. .. 21257 10 July 10 July 14 July 20 Aug. 22 Aug. 5 Sept. 5 Sept. 10 July 8 Sept. 17 Aug. 20 July 17 Aug. 20 Aug. 15 Sept., 1905 25 May 21 Sept. 18 Aug. 74 74 74 81 84 74 84 23 Aug.* 23 Aug.* 23 Aug.* 20 Sept.* 4 Oct.* 23 Aug.* 4 Oct.* 77 6 Sept'.* 81 64 20 Sept. 26 July.* Bed and couoh, Combined Bedstead, Cot-attachment to .. Beef-tree hook Beehive-frame Bell. (See Dumb-bell.) Bias-adjustment for bowls Bicycle Bicycle and motor wheel, Hub and rim {or Bicyole. (See also Cycle.) Billiard and dining table Billiard-table, Raising surface of Billiard-table attachment Binder, Apron of Binders, Draft of Bird-alarm Bird-trap Bird-trap Blackboard-frame Bleaching fibres Bleaching flax Bleaching flax Block. (See Building-block, Concrete block, Hauler-blook, Rope blook.) 6 Aug. 15 Aug. 7 July 31 May 77 84 6 Sept.* 4 0ot. 04 26. July'.* W. Dall .. .. .. 21689 C. K. Turner .. .. .. 21486 A. Ashcroft and C. Strachan .. 21389 23 Aug. 21 July 29 June 74 OS 23 Aug.'* 9 Aug.* P. A. Alcook .. .. .. 21349 J. F. Lutjohann .. .. 20490 T. B. Sutton and E. Toms .. 21803 J. A. Steele .. .. .. 21702 T. Bassett .. .. .. 20610 H. Irwin .. .. .. 21187 A. M. Grainger .. .. 19999 W. H. K. Turner and A. E. A. Pear 21468 C.G. Dickeson .. .. .. 21815 A. J. Border .. .. .. 21588 A. J. Border .. .. .. 21589 A. J. Border .. .. .. 21730 23 June 19 Dec, 1905 18 Sept. 28 Aug. 20 Jan. 23 May 5 Sept., 1905 18 July 20 Sept. 7 Aug. 7 Aug. 3 Sept. 68 61 84 04 08 74 9 Aug.* 26 July. 4 Oct. 26 July.* 9 Aug. 23 Aug.* 84 84 4 Oct.* 4 Oct.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


L pp; liea! iion. fowi :«. Invention. Name No. Date. No. Date, Blotting-pad and paper-ruler Board. (See Marking-board, Railway indicator-board.) Boat-keel Boiler Boiler, Portable Boiler, PuddingBoiler, Sup rheater for Boiler, Water-tube steam-Boot-brush Boot Boot-heel cushion Boot-heel Boots and shoes, Assembling parts of .. Boot or shoe fastener, Inserting Boot and shoes, Jacks for Boots and shoes, Machine used in manuaoturing Boot or shoe tip Boot-sole attachment Boot-sole, Seouring wearing-faoe to Boot-iurning machine Boot-upper Boot-upper Boots. (See also Gum-boots.) Boring-tool Bottle Bottle Bottle. (See Non-refillable bottle, Inkbottle.) Bottle-stopper Bottles, filling with liquid Bowls, Bias adjustment for Box. (See Butter-box, Cardboard box, Cock-box, Collapsible box, Fuel-box, Matoh-box, Mitre-box, Paper-box.) Bracelet, Electrio Bracket. (See- Soaffolding-braoket.) Brake-actuating appliance Brake, Dray or cart Brake, Hose of Westinghouse Brake, Pneumatic Brake, TramwayBrake valve, PneumaticBrake. (See also Air-brake.) Branding-applianoe Branding animals, Tool for J. Jamison T. H. Palmer B. Crawford and H. A. Tattersall H. H. Reimers J. G. Dawson and P. O'Sullivan .. A. G. Nesfleld and H. Brookes .. W.H.Hammond A. W. Roberts .. R. Hannah and Co., Limited J. P. Wallace A. H. Bridger United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company L. H. Hicks and A. N. Cooke W. Jenkins M. Juries United Shoe Machinery Company R. Hannah and Co., Limited R. Hannah and Co., Limited 21503 20101 21017 21037 21337 21469 21640 21567 21629 21465 21385 21364 20139 21428 21427 21108 20631 21648 20317 21483 21822 21 July 27 Sept., 1905 19 April 23 April 22 June 18 July 16 Aug. 2 Aug. 13 Aug. 14 July 28 June 28 June 5 Oct., 1905 11 July 11 July 9 May 24 Jan. 16 Aug. 15 Nov., 1905 20 July 24 Sept. C4 84 64 74 74 84 74 68 68 U 08 08 74 68 81 77 84 74 ■ 23 Aug. 4 26 July. 4 Oct. 26 July. 23 Aug.* 23 Aug." 4 Oct.* 23 Aug.* 9 Aug.* 7 Aug.* 26 July. 9 Aug.* 9 Aug.* 23 Aug. 9 Aug. 20 Sept.* 6 Sept. 4 Oct. R. E. Hay J. J. Macky J. J. Macky 21362 21613 21618 27 June 7 Aug. 7 Aug. 08 81 81 9 Aug.* 20 Sept.* 20 Sept.* E. A. Cameron .. J. F. Clarke .. W. Dall 21433 21366 21689 9 July 28 June 23 Aug. 68 9 Aug." R. W. Aldridge .. 21418 9 July 23 Aug.* 74 G. S. Morison .. W. Davidson A. M. Anderson W. H. Nisbet .. J. Nicholson W. H. Nisbet .. 21674 19978 20840 21697 21324 21713 22 Aug. 1 Sept., 1905 13 March .. 28 Aug. 15 June 29 Aug. 84 64 04 81 08 84 4 Oot. 26 July. 26 July. 20 Sept.* 9 Aug. 4 Oct.* W. T. Nuttall .. E. T. and J. A. Munro and D. J. Chandler C. E. Young .. H. W. J. Muscutt 19827 21715 3 Aug., 1905 29 Aug. 08 9 Aug. Branding-liquid Breeching-strap Bridge. (See Suspension bridge.) Broooh-catch Broom or brush construction Broom or brush manufacture Broom or brash manufacture Broom or brush making R. J. Roaoh L. G. Abrams .. J. Lock J. Look H. G. Williams, A. Broad, C. G. Crolly J. and L. M. Ford A. W. Roberts A. J. Hall R. W. Jeffrey .. R. R. Douglas P. McKay and J. and D. Gray .. J. E. Taylor .. .. G. Claydon 21289 21644 21228 21373 21272 21617 2X848 13 June 16 Aug. 22 May 28 June 7 June 10 Aug. 28 Sept. 74 04 08 74 81 23 Aug. 26 July.* 9 Aug. 23 Aug.* 20 Sept.* Brush Brush, Boot-Brush-feeding with pigment Bucket-hauling device .. Bucket-links of dredging machinery Buffer for vehicles Building-block 21582 21567 21666 21150 19875 21436 21535 3 Aug. 2 Aug. 18 Aug. 16 May 9 Aug., 1905 13 July 26 July 10 April [ 7 June 8 Aug. 21 May 08 59 74 9 Aug. 12 July. 23 Aug. Building-construction Buildings, Heating system for Bullock bow key Burglar-alarm Burner. (See Acetylene-gas burner, Gasburner, Liquid-fuel burner, Furnaeeburner.) Burner and mantle Butter-box composition Butter cutter and printer Butter weigher and paoker J. Smaill W. H. Bonney .. F. J. Farrell .. 20979 21278 21595 21208 81 84 08 74 64 20 Sept.* i Oot. 9 Aug.* 23 Aug.* 26 July.* D. Anderson A. J. J. Bolton .. W. L. Davidson S. F. Womersley 20982 21230 21704 21321 11 April 30 May 28 Aug. 13 June 84 04 81 68 4 Oot. 26 July.* 20 Sept.* 9 Aug. Cable-oonnector for electric oircuit Cake-tin Calves, &n., Food for .. Candle-extinguisher .. Can. (See Milk-can, Luncheon-can, Oilcan.) Candlestick and match-holder W. A. Wilson .. R.Newman E. G. Mills J. Foster 21378 21400 21231 21683 26 June 2 July 30 May 23 Aug. 04 77 64 77 26 July.* 6 Sept. 26 July.* 6 Sept.* H. C. Rasmussen and J, F. Smith 21758 10 Sept. 10—H. 10.—07,


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


PP icai iion. 'aze it. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Cap Car. (See Electric car, Pleasure - car, Tram-car.) Carburetter Carburetter Card. (See Post and letter card.) Car-coupling Cardboard box Cardboard box, Powder-sprinkler fox-retted-air producer Carpets, Removing dust from T. Bush J. H. Suckling .. J. H. Suckling J. D. Douglas Whitcombe and Tombs, Limited.. J. Wilson L. B. de Laitte The Witch Dust-extractor Company, Limited, and W. Griffiths G. H. Tiller .. H. M. K(66ing .. 21345 20898 21583 21528 21288 21559 21663 21662 23 June 22 March 6 Aug. 26 July 13 June 30 July. 20 Aug. 20 Aug. (18 77 ftl 77 lit Hi 84 9 Aug.* 6 Sept. 20 Sept. 6 Sept.' 26 July. 4 Oct.* i Oct. Carpete, retaining in a roll Carpets, securing in position Case. (See Show-case.) Cash-register Cash-register Castor Castor 21441 21838 14 July 27 Sept. D. G. McKenzie National Gash Register Company.. J. F. Nock G. H. Herbert, A. H. Byron, and R. R. Richmond A. L. Speden .. R. N. R. Lindsay W. G. Richardson United Shoe Machinerj Company Aktieselskabet Burmeister and . Wains Maskin-og Skibsbyggeri W. V. Paley H. Airey H. Cliff, J. C. Bunting, and F. E. Cliff D. P. Palmer .. P. Bower 21070 21614 21548 21657 2 May 10 Aug. 30 July 18 Aug. 81 81 20 Sept. 20 Sept. Castor Cattle-dehorner Cattle-food, Utilising waste flax for Cementing-machine Centrifugal drum 21693 19678 21841 21514 21787 24 Aug. 5 July, 1905 25 Sept. 26 July 12 Sept. 59 74 12 July. 23 Aug. ♦ Centrifugal fan Centrifugal separator for meroury Chafi cutter .. 21402 19881 20291 5 July 15 Aug., 1905 10 Nov., 1905 G4 68 74 26 July.* 9 Aug. 23 Aug. Chair Chair-back protector.. Chair. (See Folding-chair.) Chamber Chamber utensil Chamber, Water-cooled Change-giving register Chart. (See Dress-ohart.) Cheese-cutter Chimney for copper Chimney-pot Chimney-top Churn dasher 21287 21846 13 June 29 Sept. til 26 July. R. Z. Garrett J. W. Andrew .. W. Levinson D. G. McKenzie 21423 21350 21748 21070 6 July 23 June 6 Sept. 2 May 64 26 July.* HI 20 Sept. Cigarette-making machine Cigarette-roller Cinder-sifter Cinder-sifter Cistern, WaterClamp. (See Picture-frame clamp, Woodclamp.) Claw-hammer and staple-puller Cleaner. (See Knife-cleaner, Lamp-glass oleaner, Tram - rail cleaner, Windowcleaner.) Cleaning and dyeing wool, &c. Cleaning and dyeing wool, &o... Cleaning apparatus, Vacuum Closet-seat cover Clothes-prop Clothes-washer Clothing, Measuring and fitting Coal briquette S. T. Smith P. J. Newberry and A. Walker .. L. E. St. George J. R. Patterson A. A. Adame, T. Sears, and W. P. Pair L. B. Baron G. Lee E. H. Waddington H. J. Knipe .. J. Bates 21767 21722 19818 21574 21820 21449 21800 20873 21576 21498 11 Sept. 30 Aug. 1 Aug., 1905 3 Aug. 24 Sept. 16 July 18 Sept. 19 March 4 Aug. 23 July K4 59 4 Oot. 12 July. 59 12 July.' 77 0 Sept. G. Dwyer and W. J. G. Pitt 21269 7 June 04 26 July.* M. Nicholas .. T. A. S. Wood .. H. Doyle H. P. Rasmussen and H. Davies.. J. W. Mackay .. E. L. Evens E. Broughton .. The Australasian Coal Briquette Company, Limited J. Walcott W. E. Searle J. Penton E. Hayes 8. T. Smith W. Beamish A. Poison S. J. Emery 21555 21742 21677 21264 21421 21508 20976 21220 1 Aug. 5 Sept. 22 Aug. 6 June 10 July 26 July 6 April 26 May H4 84 f>4 74 77 81 81 4 Oot. 4 Oot. 26 July.' 23 Aug.* 6 Sept.* 20 Sept. 20 Sept. Coal-elevator Coal-shovel Cock-box Coiler, WireCollapsible box Collapsible box Collapsible box Collar and harness combined Collar. (See Horse-oollar.) Combustion, Using products of, to drive turbine Compensating-engine Concentrator and amalgamator Concentrator-feeder Concentrator. (See Ore-oonoentrator.) Confectionery-making machine Concrete-making machine Concrete-pile frame Concrete blook, Rendering waterproof .. Concrete pipes, Making Condenser. (See Exhaust condenser.) 21327 21532 21802 21694 21768 21728 21764 21669 18 June 28 July 18 Sept. 27 Aug. 11 Sept. 30 Aug. 11 Sept. 21 Aug. 64 77 26 July.* 6 Sept.* P. C. Brown 21726 30 Aug. Henry R. Worthington S. G. Plucknett N. Guthridge .. 21510 21294 21169 26 July 13 June 17 May 77 68 68 6 Sept. 9 Aug. 9 Aug. W. C. Green .. R. J. Laird C. R. Massey J. M. Rauhoff 0. Kjelletrom .. 21271 21762 21542 21793 21430 7 June 7 Sept. 31 July 15 Sept. 11 July 04 74 26 July.* 28 Aug.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


J?P1 lical Aon. fate ■e. Invention. Name. No. Date. No.j Date Cooking-utensil handle Cooling, AirCooling or heating milk Copper chimney Copying-press Cork, Artificial Corset Cot attachment to bedstead Couch Coupling. (See Drain-pipe coupling, Swingletree-coupling, Car-coupling. Cover. (See horse-cover.) Cow-leg roper Cramp and mitre-box Cramp and mitre-box Cramp for fastening scaffolding Cramp. (See also flooring and lining cramp. Crimping fibrous substances Cultivator. (See Diso oultivator.) Cup Current to wheels, Directing swift Curry-comb and brush Curtain-hanger Cushion-tire.. Cutter. (See Band-cutter, Butter-cutter, Chaff-cutter, Cheese - outter, Rockoutter, Turnip and root cutter.) Cutting-machine, Plastio material Cycle pedal-strap Cycle-stand Cyole. (See also Bicycle.) E. W. G. Coloridge R. Rayson F. Peters F. J. Newberry and A. Walker .. C. B. Adamson H. Coale G. E. White .. H. Pike D. McKenzie A. M. McNeill R. Wales R. Wales W. H. Bowser 21279 21371 21718 21722 21450 21354 19844 21656 21599 21760 21463 21464 20185 9 June 28 June 27 Aug. 30 Aug. 16 July 26 June 7 Aug., 1905 15 Aug. 6 Aug. 10 Sept. 14 July 14 July 17 Oct., 1905 08 68 84 77 88 64 84 77 84 74 74 71 9 Aug. 9 Aug.* 4 Oct. 6 Sept. 9 Aug. 26 July. i Oct. 6 Sept.* 4 Oct.* 23 Aug.* 23 Aug.* 23 Aug. A. R. Donisthorpa 20249 30 Oot., 1905 59 12 Oct. W. E. Searle .. F.W.Payne .. D. Hayward A. Kale and C. Gilfillan.. C. B. Smith 21533 21725 21659 21616 21382 28 July 28 Aug. 11 Nov., 1905f 10 Aug. 27 June 77 81 81 68 6 Sept.* 20 Sept. 20 Sept.* 9 Aug.* J. C. Chisholm and A. W. Norton R. Weston A. Schultze 21138 21611 21417 10 May 9 Aug. 9 July 64 81 26 July. 20 Sept. Danger-signal, Preventing locomotives over running Dasher for butter-making ohurn Dehorning cattle Demonstrating or teaching apparatus .. Denture-suotion Derrick Desk-lid support Detergent Dining and bowls table Dining-table, Billiard and Diso cultivator Disc loading-bar and dumb-bell Disc plough Disc plough, Mounting disos in Disc plough Disintegrator, &c. Diving-dress Door and gate olosing apparatus Door-retainer Door-retainer Door-stop Dough-moulding machine Drain-pipe coupling Drain-pipe inlet Drain-pipe, Lock-socket for .. Draining and sub soiling machine Draught acoessory to grate Draught preventer Draw-gear for vehicles Dredge-bucket links Dredge-tumbler Dredge-tumbler and shaft Dress-chart Dress-chart Dress-chart Drill. (See Rock-drill.) Drilling and hilling tool Drinking-cup, &c. Drying and conveying wet products Drying milk Drying process Dumb bell Dumb-bell Dust-removing from carpets J. H. Warren, T. Blades, and J. Wren A. A. Adams, T. Sears, and W. F. Fair R. N. R. Lindsay H. T. Fox-Esmond and H. Buckland G. Campling J. H. McFarlane A. Johnston W. E. Heys and R. Maopherson .. H. Waddington and B. Riley F. A. Alcock .. J. Grant R. O. Jarrett .. P. and D. Duncan, Limited J. D. Bywater J. F. Linke and M. S. Noack O. B. C. Storey.. A. McLeod J. M. Crabbe J. W. Cooke .. J. W. Cooke W. Thomson H. Wriedt R. M. Smith .. R. O. Clark R. T. Graham 0. Paora R. O. Clark T. Hurd P. Maher R. R. Douglas R. R. Douglas R. R. Douglas 1. Russell A. E. Halkier .. L. Roberts 21710 21820 19678 21198 21605 21299 21821 21515 21511 21349 21467 21331 20724 20540 21643 21551 21444 21690 21452 21573 21712 21472 21538 21753 21536 21624 21489 20234 21755 19875 21416 20510 21190 20768 21547 29 Aug. 24 Sept. 5 July, 1905 25 May 9 Aug. 13 June 24 Sept. 16 Nov., 1905f 26 July 23 June 18 July 22 June 13 Feb. 6 Jan. 16 Aug. 1 Aug. 11 July 24 Aug. 16 July 3 Aug. 29 Aug. 16 July 31 July 5 Sept. 27 July 8 Aug. 19 July 24 Oot., 1905.. 6 Sept. 9 Aug., 1905.. 6 July 29 Dec, 1905.. 22 May 19 Feb. 1 Aug. 08 77 08 77 74 81 81 74 84 59 74 84 58 4 Oot.* 12 July. 23 Aug. 4 Oot. 9 Aug.* 9 Au 8 > 6 Sept. 9 Aug.* 6 Sept. 23 Aug. 20 Sept. 20 Sept. 23 Aug.* 74 77 23 Aug.' 6 Sept.* 74 77 23 Aug.* 6 Sept. 81 20 Sept.* 81 20 Sept. 59 68 59 64 04 81 12 July. 9 Aug.* 12 July. 26 July* 26 July 20 Sept.* P. E. Barker .. W. E. Searle J. Hebbard J. R. Hatmaker A. J. Border R. O. Jarrett .. F. Burks The Witch Dust-extractor Company, Limited, and W. Griffiths H. and E. Mestitz M. Nicholas T. A. S. Wood 21434 21533 21517 21451 21587 21331 21664 21662 12 July 28 July 26 July 16 July 7 Aug. 22 June 20 Aug. 20 Aug. 74 77 74 84 68 23 Aug.* 6 Sept.* 23 Aug.* 4 Oct.* 9 Aug.* 84 4 Oot.* Dust-suction apparatus Dyeing and oleaning wool, &c. Dyeing and cleaning wool, &c. 20943 21555 21742 3 April 1 Aug. 5 Sept. 74 84 23 Aug. 4 Oct.


Alphabetical List of Intentions— continued.


Appi [cation. hize; it. Invention. Name. No. No. Date. Date. Earthenware goods, Flanging Earthenware-kiln Earthenware pipes, Straightening Egg-carrier Egg-preserving process Electric bracelet Electric car, Rope guide for .. Electric circuits, Cable-conductor for .. Electric-controller finger-contact Electric lamp, Inoandescing filaments for R. O. Clark R, O. Clark R. O. Clark J. T. Jebb T. Vivian R. W. Aldridge.. C. Sanderson .. W. A. Wilson F. E. Imeaon A. Just, F. Hanamari, and Vereinigte Gliihlampen, and Electrici-tats-Aktien-Gesellschaft and I. Salzmann R. Brown E. W. Ackland .. E. W. and G. H. Buokeridge G. V. Kemsley C. Reeve C. L. K. H. Foot 21490 21492 21491 21789 21824 21418 21495 21378 21545 19 July 19 July 19 July 12 Sept. 21 Sept. 9 July 23 July 26 June 28 July 74 74 74 74 74 64 77 23 Aug.* 23 Aug.* 23 Aug.* 23 Aug.* 23 Aug.* 26 July.* 6 Sept.* Electric switoh, Operating Electrical cables and wires, Conduits for Electrical conduction Electrical fire-alarm Electricity, Exterminating weeds by .. Electricity, Igniting gas by Engine. (See Compensating engine, Fire-engine, Explosive engine, Rotary engine, Turbine engine.) Exhaust condenser Explosion engine, Starting-device for .. Explosion motor Explosive engine and air-compressor, &c. Explosives-manufacture 21807 21513 21808 20828 20131 21836 21306 20 Sept. 26 July 18 Sept. 9 Maroh 4 Oct., 1905 27 Sept. 14 June 81 68 20 Sept. 9 Aug. 68 9 Aug.' , J. C. Fountain and J. E. Wilkinson B. Cantono J. H. Noonan .. Xi. T. Girdler Maganite Explosives Syndicate, Limited W. Nikolsky .. 21763 21431 21471 21805 21334 11 Sept. 11 July 16 July 17 Sept. 22 June 74 77 23 Aug. 6 Sept.* 68 9 Aug. Explosives, Recovering solvents used in making Exposure and focus distributor, Photographio Extending-table Extension and step ladder Extinguisher. (See Candle-extinguisher, Oil-lamp extinguisher Extractor. (See Hydro-extractor, Teethextractor 21332 22 June 08 9 Aug.* J. W. Davis 21283 8 Juno 84 4 Oct. J. E. Dewhurst L., H., and L. Mote 21580 21171 2 Aug. 15 May 84 61 4 Oct.* 26 July.* Fan. (See Centrifugal fan.) Fastener. (See Boot oc shoe • fastener, Fencing-wire fastener, Gate-fastener, Hat-fastener, Sash-fastener.) Fastening. (See Mail-bag fastening, Metal fastening, Plough ■ fastening, Window-fastening.) Fastening saeh-eord pulley to windowframe Fastenings, Machine for inserting Feeder. (See Ore-feeder, Stock-feeder.) Fence-dropper .. ... Fencing-post Fencing-post Fencing-standard Fencing-standard Fencing-wire fastener .. ... Fencing-standard Fencing-wire grip Fencing-wire to standard, Attaching .. Fencing-wire to standard, Securing Fertiliser feed Fibre, Bleaching Fibre-dressing process Fibre-treatment Fibrous substances, Crimping Fibrous substances, Scutohing R. Perry United Shoe Machinery Company E. Whitcombe A. Loft E. Walker C. Parsons H. Stephenson J. Irvine i A. Williamson .. R. Pierce F. A. Lakin F. A. Lakin J. Maoalister A. J. Border G. B. and G. W. Plummer C. R. Rogers A. R. Donisthorpe Imperial Fibres Syndioate,Limited, The E. A. Gieseler .. R. Williams J. Fergusson R. F. Flood F. C. Brown .. 20126 21835 21229 21410 21473 21244 21653 21318 21478 21638 21246 21626 20040 21588 21817 21403 20249 21812 4 Oct., 1905 27 Sept. 30 May 6 July 17 July 31 May 17 Aug. 15 June 19 July 15 Aug. 31 May 13 Aug. 9 Sept., 1905 7 Aug. 20 Sept. 5 July 30 Oot., 1905 19 Stpt. 64 64 68 G4 84 64 74 81 74 81 04 84 26 July. 26 July. , 9 Aug.* 26 July.* 4 Oct.* 26 Julv.* 23 Aug. 20 Sept. 23 Aug. 20 Sept. 26 July. 4 Oot.* 74 69 23 Aug. 12 July. Filter, Gravity Filter, Oil-Filter-press plate Filter, WaterFiltering slimes, &o. File. (See Paper-file.) Fire-alarm Fire-alarm Fire-alarm, Identifying giver of false .. Fire-alarm and temperature indicator .. Fire-arm lock, Safety catch for Fire-bar Fire-engines, Forced draught for Fire-kindler Fire-lighter Fire-lighter Firelighter .. .. .. Fireplaoe 21359 20147 21642 21438 20298 26 June 28 Nov., 1905 16 Aug. 14 July 8 Nov., 1905 68 81 81 9 Aug. 20 Sept. 20 Sept.* 77 6 Sept. G. V. Kemsley .. F. J. Farrell .. K. Matthews and I. M. Holmes .. j W. Whyte J. J. Macky ' J. Hennessy and J. F. Mills J. Sutclifie E. J. Toy A. J. Carrigan J. B. Poynter E. H. Gray and B. H. Bishop .. 3. J. Bryers 20131 21208 21603 21791 21598 21459 21357 21419 21205 21801 21577 21445 4 Oct., 1905 21 May 9 Aug. 15 Sept. 4 Aug. 17 July 26 June 10 July 22 May 18 Sept. 1 Aug. 12 July 68 64 77 84 77 64 9 Aug. 26 July.* 6 Sept.* 4 Oct.* 6 Sept.* 26 July.* 64 26 July. si 20 Sept.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


.pp] lloai iion. '■azei !c. Invention. Name. No. No. Date. Date. Fireplace and grate Fires in wool cargoes, Reducing risk of.. Fishing-reel.. Flanging-machine Flask and heater Flax-beater roller, Grinding Flax, Bleaching and drying Flax-bleaching process Flax-bleaching process Flax-dressing Flax-dressing apparatus Flax-drying Flax-fibre-handling apparatus Flax-scutcher Flax-tailer Flax-tailer Flax-treating Flax-treating solution Flax-treatment S. Wilson J. D. MoLaurin R. T. Cross R. 0. Clark J. Henry and A. G. Gabites R. M. Crosbie .. D. L. Turner A. J. Border A. J. Border P. H nry E. C. Hutton A. J. Border J. A. Merrett .. J. MoMaster J. Barry and T. Branton T. Branton J. A. Merrett V. S. Aston A. H. and D. J. Byron and R. R. Richmond W. G. Richardson A. J. Border A. L. J. Tait .. G. W. Poulsen and F. W. Walshaw N. R. Gordon .. J. W. Davis D. P. Palmer .. B. G. Mills 0. de Santa Cruz J. A. Linley W. Leokie' W. Orace F. W. Me akin T. B. Lockley 21392 21695 21196 21490 19981 21581 21460 21589 21730 21685 21729 21731 21456 19895 21442 19998 21455 21826 21776 30 June 28 Aug. 25 May 19 July 6 Sept., 1905 3 Aug. 17 July 7 Aug. 3 Sept. 20 Aug. 30 Aug. 3 Sept. 17 July 18 Aug., 1905 11 July 4 Sept., 1905 17 July 25 Sept. 11 Sept. 74 64 74 68 74 77 84 84 84 23 Aug. 26 July.* 23 Aug.* 9 Aug. 23 Aug.* 6 Sept.* 4 Oct.* 4 Oot.'* 4 Oot.* 74 .59 23 Aug.* 12 July. 68 74 9 Aug. 23 Aug.* 84 4 Oot.* Flax-treatment Flax-treatment Flax, Washing and drying Flooring and lining cramp Flying-machine Focus-distributor, Photographic Folding-chair Food for calves Food, Preservation and transport of Food, Preservation of Foot-plate, Metallic Foot-warmer Fruits and produce, Storing fresh Fuel-box Fuel. (See Artificial fuel, Liquid fuel.) Furnace-burner for hydrocarbons Furnace-feeder, Ore 21630 21776 21348 21705 21341 21283 21756 21231 21461 21834 21393 21388 21739 21572 10 Aug. 12 Sept. 22 June 28 Aug. 22 June 8 June 6 Sept. 30 May 14 July 27 Sept. 3 July 2 July 5 Sept. 3 Aug. 68 68 84 64 77 9 Aug.* 9 Aug.* 4 Oot. 26 July.* 6 Sept. 68 9 Aug.* 77 6 Sept. P. J. Owens The Mount Lyell Mining and Railway Company, Limited J. Fraser and J. T. Good 21774 21606 12 Sept. 9 Aug. 81 20 Sept. Fuse-igniter 21217 25 May f>4 26 July. Game Game-score indicator Gas-burner T. H. Walther .. C. A. Briggs The New Zealand 20th Century Gas Company, Limited C. L. K. H. Foot A. Adoroft E. R. Godward W. W. Taylor .. C. L. K. H. Foot J. Mead G. E. D. Seale, L. C. Knight, and F. G. Semb C. L. K. H. Foot J. J. Strain J. J. Strain 21457 21566 21245 17 July 2 Aug. 31 May 74 81 68 23 Aug.* 20 Sept.* 9 Aug. Gas-burner .. Gas-burner Gas-burner, Preventing vibration of Gas, Cutting off, from meter Gas, Electrically igniting Gas-generator Gas lighter and extinguisher 21425 21615 21633 21602 21306 20255 21757 7 July 10 Aug. 14 Aug. 6 Aug. 14 June 30 Oc*., 1905 8 Sept. 74 77 81 77 68 81 23 Aug.* 6 Sept.* 20 Sept. 6 Sept.* 9 Aug.* 20 Sept. Gas-lighter Gas-stove, Hot-water attachment to .. Gan-stove boiler Gas.. (See Acetylene gas, Hydrocarbon gas, Incandescent oil-gas.) Gate and door closing apparatus Gate fastener Gate and partition, Folding Gauge, square, and mitre Generator. (See Acetylene - generator, Hydrooarbon - gas generator, Powergenerator, Steam generator.) Glazing-bar Gold-extraotor Gold-saving appliances Gold and minerals, Separating Gold, Obtaining from river-beds Gold-wash, Concentrating Gold, Winning from eea-beds Goloshes 21863 21189 21188 27 Sept. 23 May 23 May 64 74 26 July.* 23 Aug.* ! J. M. Crabbe .. D. C. MoArthur C. A. Beal i E. Dane and D. Whitburn 21690 21395 21326 21482 24 Aug. 3 July 18 Juno 17 July 68 68 n 9 Aug.* 9 Aug.* 23 Aug.* F. de J. Clere P. Wright F. W. Payne .. J. Nicholson J. S. Douglas F. W. Payne .. D. Brigham A. E. Nicholls and J. G. Silly .. 21687 20545 20411 20856 21853 21569 21494 20909 25 Aug. 9 Jan. 2 Dec, 1905 14 March 29 Sept. 30 July 23 July 27 Maroh 12 June J 81 84 64 64 4 Oct.* 4 Oot. 26 July. 26 July. Goloshes D. and F. W. Smith 21302 74 64 64 68 74 74 23 Aug.* 26 July. 26 July.* 9 Aug. 23 Aug.* 23 Aug.* Grab for handling nails Grate and fireplace Grate, Draught accessory to .. Gravity filter Green-pea sheller Griller. (See Toaster and griller.) Grinding-pan Grip. (See Fencing-wire grip, Rope-grip.) Gum. (See Kauri-gum.) H. Lundqvisc S. Wilson R. 0. Clarke E. A. Gieseler .. •E. McClelland .. 21480 21392 21489 21359 21151 19 July 30 June 19 July 26 June 16 May 68 64 9 Aug. 26 July. W. Middleton and H. N. G. Cobbe 21832 27 Sept. D. and F. W. Smith 21302 12 June 1 64 68 26 July.* 9 Aug. Gum-boots


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.


Application. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Hair-colour restorer Hair-pin Hair-pin Handle, Cooking-utensil Harness Harness and collar combined Harness-tug.. TT T. J. McMenemy and A. Parris .. W. M. Crockett' J. D. Smith and J. J. Seott E. W. G. Coleridge H. T. Rawnsley S. J. Emery W. H. Patterson and G. B. Jones A. CasB P. T. F. Evans .. S. Millar J. A. Steele S. Philp .. .. • • i W. Pickering, J. W. Boultbee, and H. O. Ekensteen J. Fenton G. Robinson F. E. Tyler and A. J. Peterson .. 21578 21255 21788 21279 20934 21G69 21745 21627 21655 21329 21702 21686 21780 1 Aug. 31 May 12 Sept. 9 June 31 March 21 Aug. 1 Sept. 13 Aug. 15 Aug. 19 June 28 Aug. 24 Aug. 12 Sept. 77 64 68 74 74 6 Sept.* 26 July.* 9 Aug. 23 Aug. 23 Aug.* Harrow Harrow Harvester Harvester-binder, Apron of Harvesting-hoe Hat and programme holder 68 9 Aug.* Hat-fastener Hat-pin Hauler-block Heater. (See Bath-heater, Milk-heater, Water-heater.) Heating or cooling milk Heating steam-generator Heating system for buildings Hedge-slasher Heel. (See Boot-heel.) Hemp-bales, Tag for .. Hemp-scutcher 20151 21212 21527 6 Oct., 1905 28 May 30 July 68 64 77 9 Aug. 26 July.* 6 Sept.* F. Peters L. Serpollet J. Smaill J. H. Krause .. .. 21718 21401 21278 21771 27 Aug. 5 July 7 June 11 Sept. 74 68 23 Aug. 9 Aug.* H. E. MaoDonald The Imperial Fibres Syndicate, Limited S. Philp 21242 21812 31 May 19 Sept. 64 26 July* Hoe, HarvesterHolder. (See Address-holder, Hat and programme holder, Label-holder, Match-holder, Paper-holder, Skirtholder.) Honey, Packing Hook. (See alsT Wall-hook, Beef treehook.) Hook for plough-chains Horse-collar Horse-controller Horse-controller attachment to vehicle Horse-cover Horse-cover attachment Horses and cows, Attaching covers to .. Horeshoe-making machine Hot-water service cistern Hot-water service for gas-stove Household indicator and oheok Hub and rim for wheels Hurdle Hydro-extractor Hydrocarbon-gas generator 21686 24 Aug. T. Sutherland 17 Sept. 21795 J. H. Roberts T. K. Finnigan S. J. Gallagher .. W. J. Bell E. Le Roy E. Le Roy H. 0. Cassels .. E. B., N. H., and M. K. Mackenzie J. Bates .. .. • • J J. J. Strain .. .. •■ A. J. Hutchinson A. Ashcroft and C. Straclian .. ' J. P. Belcher .. .. .. D. Urquhart and C. Sloper A. Jack 21579 21534 21701 21843 21505 21504 21784 21391 21498 21189 21634 21389 21591 21312 21186 2 Aug 30 July 28 Aug. 28 Sept. 23 July 23 July 14 Sept. 29 June 23 July 23 May 15 Aug. 29 June 4 Aug. 14 June 23 May 77 77 6 Sept.* 6 Sept.* 77 77 6 Sept.* 6 Sept.* 68 77 64 9 Aug. 6 Sept. 26 July.* 68 9 Aug.* 64 64 26 July'.* 26 July.* Ice-floor for skating, &c. Inoandescent mantle Incandescent mantle and burner Incandescent oil-gas Incandesoing filaments for eleotric lamp H. N. Reid L. Hooker D. Anderson J. A. Paterson A. Just, F. Hanaman, Vereinigte Gliihlampen and Electricitata-ak-tien-Gesellsohaft and I. Salzmann T. Dobeson A. J. Border and L. M. Coventry .. 21607 21019 20982 21432 21807 9 Aug. 18 April 11 April 12 July 20 Sept. 77 74 84 74 6 Sept.* 23 Aug. 4 Oct. 23 Aug.* Incubator and brooder Indicator Indicator. (See also Railway-indicator, Speed-indicator, Station or street indicator, Temperature-indicator.) Inflator. (See Tire-inflator.) Ink, &c, bottle Ink-pad, Multicolour Iron and steel, Manufacturing 21668 20742 21 Aug. 19 Feb. 84 68 4 Oct. 9 Aug. K. Matthews .. W. T. Wingfield and C. W. Hermann M. Moore and T. J. Heskett 21814 21678 20990 22 Sept. 22 Aug. 12 April 64 26 July! Jack-jinker Jack. (See Lever-jack, Logging - jaok, Timber jack, Lifting jack.) Jewellery-pincer E. P. Gibbons .. 21600 6 Aug. 81 20 Sept. E. W. Thurgar 21852 28 Sept. Kapok and flock, Treating Kauri-gum, Separating rubbish from .. Keel for boata Kerosene-pump attachment Kerosene-pump plunger Kerosene-pump retainer Kerosene-pump siphon Kerosene-tap Kerosene-tap Kiln. (See Earthenware-kiln.) Knife-oleaner J. J. Anderson .. W. H. Wharfe .. T. H. Palmer .. F. T. Page F. T. Page F. T. Page E.'R. Godward E.R. Godward .. J. N. Caught .. 21443 21676 20101 21525 21575 21706 21180 21181 21562 11 July 18 Aug. 27 Sept., 1905 27 July 4 Aug. 28 Aug. 19 May 19 May 2 Aug. 74 84 64 77 77 23 Aug. 4 Oot.* 26 July. 6 Sept.* 6 Sept.* 64 64 81 26 July.* 26 July.* 20 Sept. R. E. Smallbone, J. Brown, and A. R. Morrison 21526 26 July 74 23 Aug.


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.


iPPl licai Aon, '■aze, !<i. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Knife cleaner and sharpener Knife-sharpener T. J. Whelan J. A. Butler 21743 21529 5 Sept. 26 July 77 6 Sept.* Label-holder Ladder, StepLadder, StepLamp Lamp Lamp-glass cleaner Lamp, Miner's Lamp. (See Eleolric-lamp, Oil-lamp.) Lamp, Painter's Lead-headed nail Leather, Preparing T. J. Whelan .. L., H., and L. Mote G. Euston and H. S. Williams .. A. Carson and J. S. Greer G. Ritchie J. D. MoLaurin P. H. M. Macintosh and L. Hill .. 20102 21171 21645 21546 21386 21696 21481 27 Sept., 1905 15 May 19 Aug., 1905 t 1 Aug. 28 June 28 Aug. 16 July 77 64 6 Sept. 26 July.* 68 H4 81 9 Aug.* 4 Oct. , 20 Sept. A. H. Allen T. O. Hement The Rubberised Leather and Tyre Company, Limited E. Moss W. Thorburn P. H. Trevellian W. F. Darling and 8. T. Chancellor J. Brown W. Tate J. Mason, T. Brydone, and G. Armstrong J. H. Johnston.. W. H. Scharf .. W. H. Scharf A. A. Stephenson Merrell-Soule Company.. J. Van N. Dorr J. V. M. Risberg H. G. Bedell and H. Nahr F. B. C. Allen .. W. Coyle 20357 21274 19953 23 Nov., 1905 7 June 31 Aug., 1905 84 68 59 4 Oct. 9 Aug.' 12 July Letters, &c, stamping or franking Levelling and projecting angles Levellinginstrument.. Levelling-staff Lever-jaok, stump-puller, and cramp .. Lifting-jack Lifting tackle Lighter. (See Fire-lighter, gas-lighter.) Linoleum-polisher and window-cleaner.. Linotype-machine Linotype-machine Liquid-fuel vapouriser and burner Liquids, Recovering solids of .. Liquid-separator Liquid separator liner Liquor-supplier, Sanitary Lock nut and bolt Lock-shackle Look. (See Fire-arm luck, Sash-lock, Wheel-look.) Locomotives, Preventing overrunning danger-signal Loggingtjack Lubricator Lumber loader and unloader .. Lumber unloader Luncheon-can 21786 21711 21250 21680 21411 21703 20013 14 Sept. 29 Aug. 2 June 23 Aug. 4 July 28 Aug. 7 Sept., 1905 84 4 Oct.* 64 26 July." 68 9 Aug.* 81 20 Sept. 21672 21782 21783 21773 21794 20730 21554 21493 21330 21415 21 Aug. 13 Sept., 1905t 13Sept.,1905t 12 Sept. 15 Sept. 16 Feb. 1 Aug. 21 July 22 June 5 July 84 4 Oct.* 74 81 77 68 68 23 Aug. 20 Sept. C Sept.* 9 Aug.* 9 Aug.* J. H. Warren, T. Blades, and J. Wren A. Y. Ross J. P. Cowdery J. A. Sayward .. J. M. Ferriss, Jun. J. T. Hooker 21710 29 Aug. 84 4 Oct.* 21500 20569 21679 20926 19992 24 July 12 Jan. 23 Aug. 30 March 7 Sept., 1905 68 81 77 9 Aug. 20 Sept. 6 Sept. Mail-bag fastening and check Mantle. (See Incandescent mantle) .. Manure or fertiliser feed Marking-board Mask or face protector Match Matoh Match-box-filler Match-holder acd candlestick Matchmaking machine Match-striker Material separator Materials at high temperatures, Treating Mat, Non-siltftble-metal-savmg Mattress, Wire Mercury separator Medioinal tonic Metal fastening Metallic foot-plate Metal-saving mat Metal-shaping machine Metals, Preventing corrosion, &c, of Milk, Cooling or heating Milk, Drying Milk-heater Milking appliance Milking-machine Milking-machine Milking-machine Milking-machine Milking-machine, Mechanism for Milking machinery H. Watt 21368 28 June 68 9 Aug.* J. Macalister H. W. Pennington R. K. Catt E. Walker and M. A. Browne H. P. G. Steedman Bryant and May, Limited H. C. Rasmussen and J. F. Smith H. P. G. Steedman R. Dunne J. V. N. Dorr .. K Birkeland and S. Eyde T. Hall and F. Elvines .. J. Whitehouse H. Airey T. Vivian J. and W. J. O'Hara W. Leckie T. Hall and F. Elvines .. J. W. Hardley .. P. E. G. Cumberland .. F. Peters J. R. Hatmaker J. Anderson W. J. Jefieris A. Ridd H. P. D. Ohlhaver W. Sim D. Klein Aktiebolaget Separator The Hydraulio-Hand Milker Company, Limited A. Smaill, jun. A. Ridd J. S. Hawkes .. E. M. Barker .. J. O'Donnell P. M. Maze T. Milburn R. Wales R, Wales 20040 21761 20844 21561 21830 21453 21758 21829 20492 20730 21406 21590 21539 19881 21524 21238 21393 21590 21381 21592 21718 21451 21844 19755 21316 21550 21818 21076 21405 21804 9 Sept., 1905 10 Sept. 14 March 2 Aug. 26 Sept. 16 July 10 Sept. 26 Sept. 20 Dec, 1905 16 Feb. 5 July 7 Aug. 8 July 15 Aug., 1905 25 July 28 May 3 July 7 Aug. 29 June 4 Aug. 27 Aug. 16 July 25 Sept. 19 July, 1905 15 June 1 Aug. 20 Sept. 3 May 5 July 19 Sept. 64 59 77 81 74 74 74 G8 77 64 26 July. 12 July. 6 Sept. 20 Sept. 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 23 Aug.* 9 Aug.' 6 Sept.* 26 July.* 74 68 77 23 Aug.* 9 Aug.* 6 Sept.* 74 23 Aug.* 64 64 77 26 July. 26 July.* 6 Sept. 74 74 23 Aug. 23 Aug. Milking-machine, Teat-cup of .. Milking-machine, Teat-oup of .. Milk-can Milk-can Milk-can attachment Milk, Pasteurising Minnow, Artificial Mitre-box and cramp Mitre-box and frame-clamp 21809 20239 21310 21091 19836 21235 21736 21463 21464 18 Sept. 27 Oct., 1905 14 June 5 May 4 Aug., 1905 30 May 5 Sept. 14 July 14 July 81 68 63 68 68 84 74 74 20 Sept. 9 Aug.* 9 Aug. 9 Aug. 9 Aug. 4 Oct.* 23 Aug.* 23 Aug.*



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

•1>1>] lical ;ion. Ulze\ te. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Mitre-gauge, &e. ' Mop and scrubber device Motor Motor, Explosion Motor, Perpetual Motor road-vehicle Motor. (See Rotary motor.) Moulding-machine Mower and reaper, Fingfer for E. Dane and D. Whitburn A. Johnston P. Ellis J. H. Noonan .. G. W. Pointon A. Ramsay 21482 21560 21409 21471 21372 21625 17 July 30 July 6 July 16 July 28 June 10 Aug. 74 77 77 77 68 81 23 Aug.* 6 Sept. 6 Sept. 6 Sept. , 9 Aug.* 20 Sep.* W. E. Hughes .. International Harvester Company of America G. Warne H. E. Rountree and C. Glasgow .. 21597 21165 8 Aug. 17 May 81 08 20 Sept. 9 Aug. Music-leaf turner Music turner and holder 21291 21200 13 June 25 May 08 04 9 Aug.* 26 July.* Nail Nail-driver Nail, Lead-headed Nail-making machine J. F. Nook A. Prior T. C. Hement P. Price, 8. Hill, A. Taylor, A. and W. P. McElhone, andH. S. Bracy H. Lundqvist . .. .. 21549 21199 21274 21719 30 July 25 May 7 June 27 Aug. 64 08 26 July.* 9 Aug.* Nails, Grab for handling Net. (See Trawling-net.) Nitrogen, Preparing organisms which gather atmospheric Non-reflllable bottle Non-refillable bottle Non-refillable bottle Non-refillable bottle Non-refillable bottle Non-refillable bottle Nosebag for animals Nut-lock 21480 19 July 74 23 Aug.* G. H. Earp-Thomas 21632 29 Sept., 1905f 81 20 Sept. C. J. H. Payne E. S. Evelyn R. Watson F. M. Norris and J. Robertson .. A. Lyell D. J. Malone J. Greenfield J.T.Clark 21182 21210 21304 21204 21837 21732 21691 21518 19 May 28 May 14 June 25 May 27 Sept. 4 Sept. 24 Aug. 26 July 64 <»4 08 74 26 July.* 26 July.* 9 Aug.* 23 Aug.* Oil-oan Oil filter Oil-lamp extinguisher Ointment Operating railway indicator-boards Ore-concentrator driving mechanism Ore - concentrator, Dust ■ proof hfad motion for Ore-concentrator, Multiplane deck for Ore-cruBher Ore feeder J. A. Grofski R. Williams A. G. R. Williams M. Kennedy W. E. Hughes .. E. Deister N. Guthridge .. 21458 20147 20132 21397 21785 21700 21168 17 July 28 Nov., 1905 4 0ot., 1905 3 July 14 Sept. 28 Aug. 17 May 81 81 74 20 Sept. 20 Sept. 23 Aug. 68 9 Aug. N. Guthridge .. C. B. C. Storey and J. A. Wauchope J The Mount Lyell Minir.g and Rail ( way Company, Limited. C. Suggate and W. E.C. Alexander J.Hebbard W. Blackmore and A. Howard J. R. Parks R. W. E. Maclvor F. C. Brown R. C. Sticht D. MoKenzie .. C. F. F. Allan .. Ozonair, Limited 21167 21765 21606 17 May 25 Sept., 1905f 9 Aug. 08 9 Aug. 81 20 Sept. Ore-refining furnaoe Ores, Grinding, in pans Ore, Treating pyritic Ore-treatment Ore-treatment Ore-treatment Ore-treatment Ottoman and bed combined Oven, Cabinet Ozonizing atmospheric air 21377 21747 21077 21635 21811 21727 21516 21599 21522 21828 26 June 6 Sept. 4 Sept., 1905f 15 Aug. 19 Sept. 30 Aug. 26 July 6 Aug 24 July 26 Sept. 68 84 81 81 9 Aug.* 4 Oct.* 20 Sept. 20 Sept. 84 4 Oct.* 77 6 Sept.* Package for foodstuffs Packing honey Pan. (See Grinding-pan.) Paper-box, Folding Paper file Paper-file Paper-holder and cutter Pasteuriser or milk-heater Pasteurising milk, &o. Pedal-strap Pen or pencil attachment Perambulator Perambulator-wheel .. Perforating-rule, Printers' Phormium tenax, Treatment of Phorviiwn tenax, Utilising waste of, as oattle-food Photographio exposure and focus distributor Photographic plates, &c, Preparing and developing Photographs, Printing, on silver chloride paper Physical-exercise apparatus Pioture-frame clamp Picture-hanger Pictures, Show-case for Pigment, Feeding brush with Pile-frame, Reinforced concrete Pin Pin. (See Hat-pin, Hair-pin, Safety pin.) H. T. Griffiths and G. E. Andrew T. Sutherland .. 19954 21795 31 Aug., 1905 17 Sept. 59 12 July. L. Banks and W. Grey . . J. Pomeroy H. A. Cutting E. A. Irwin J. Anderson P. M. Maze . .. R. Weston G. F. Wight P. Jensen C. J. Ladbrook .. K. C. McCaul and G. S. Rait W. G. Richardson W. G. Richardson 21252 19971 21752 20083 21844 21235 21611 21816 21276 21396 21585 21840 21841 30 May 30 Aug., 1905 7 Sept. 20 Sept., 1905 25 Sept. 30 May 9 Aug. 20 Sept. 8 June .. 2 July 6 Aug. 25 Sept. 25 Sept. 77 77 6 Sept. 6 Sept. 68 9 Aug. (58 9 Aug. 68 08 74 9 Aug.* 9 Aug.* 23 Aug.* J. W. Davis 21283 8 June 84 4 Oct. W. F. C. Kelly and J. A. Bentham 21383 27 June 08 9 Aug. H. J. Mallabar 20046 18 Sept., 1905 64 26 July. E. Hyde and K. Matthews D.. Marshall W. Wenlook and W. B. Anderson R. Martin A.J. Hall C. R. Massey W. H. Carter, jun. 21565 21039 21286 21407 21666 21542 21636 2 Aug. 20 April 13 June 6 July 18 Aug. 31 July 15 Aug. 04 C8 08 26 July.* 9 Aug.* 9 Aug. 74 84 23 Aug.* 4 Oct.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

11— H. 10.—07.


ipp] [icai ;ion. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date, Pincer for removing rivots from jewellery Pipe, Joint and locking-bar for Pipes and tubes, Reaming Pipes. (See Earthenware pipes, Sinkpipes, Smokingpipe, Drain-pipe, Concrete pipe) Plastic material, Cutting Plate. (See Metallic footplate, Photographic plate.) Pleasure-car.. Plough Plough Plough. (See also Disc plough.) Plough-chains, Connecting-hook for Plough, Fastening for Plough for cutting weeds Ploughing and cleaning machine Plough, Lifting side of ! E. W. Thurgar.. . C. E. Smith M. Bowles J. C. Chisholm and A. W. Morton T. Walsh T.Keats C. K. Turner .. 21852 21479 21325 21138 21628 21777 21485 28 Sept. 19 July 16 June 10 May 13 Aug. 12 Sept. 21 July 74 68 64 23 Aug.* 9 Aug. 26 July. 4 Oct.* 84 74 23 Aug.* J. H. Roberts .. J. and W. J. O'Hara A. M. Grainger.. J. Brown W. Kennedy 21579 21414 19975 21281 19976 2 Aug. 4 July 1 Sept., 1905 8 June 1 Sept., 1905 77 04 G8 74 68 64 81 81 68 77 6 Sept.* 26 July.* 9 Aug. 23 Aug.* 9 Aug. 26 July.* 20 Sept. 20 Sept. 9 Aug. 6 Sept.* Ploughshare E. H. J. Mitchell and B. F. Mellor 20020 19 Sept., 1905 j 4 Aug. 6 Sept., 1905 30 July Plough-skimmers Pooket-flask and heater Poison-layer for rabbits Pole. (See Trolley-pole.) Polisher, LinoleumPortable boiler Portable derrick for loading vehicles Post and letter cards.. Postmarker Postmarker Pottery, Converting burnt auriferous clays into Pouiiding-up machine Power-generator Powder-sprinkler for box Preservation of food Press. (See Copying-press, Filter-press.) Printing, Transfer-Printing-type Prop. (See Clothes-prop.) Propelling vehicles, boats, &c. Propelling vessels Protectors and tips, Securing, to boots.. W. Philpott J. Henry and A. G. Gabites J. Turnbull and R. L. Christie .. J. H. Johnston.. H. H. Reimers.. .. J. H. McFarlane H. Stebbing D. Robertson .. R. Wales M. A. Grant 21593 19981 21570 21672 21037 21299 20061 20260 21621 21647 21 Aug. 23 April 13 June 20 Sept., 1905 1 Nov., 1905 8 Aug. 16 Aug. 84 64 68 64 81 81 4 Oct.* 26 July. 9 Aug.* 26 July. 20 Sept. 20 Sept.* United Shoe Machinery Company E. P. Blake .. .. J. Wilson O. de Santa Cruz 21365 21778 21559 21461 28 June 12 Sept. 30 July 14 July 68 84 77 9 Aug.* 4 Oct.* 6 Sept. I. W. Rubel R. G. A. MacDonald 21553 21502 1 Aug. 24 July 81 77 20 Sept. 6 Sept. E. W. Hart and W. P. Durtnall . T. Beckett Barber's Interchanging Heel Company, Limited J. G. Dawson and P. O'Sullivan .. G. R. Bonnard, G. W. Beynon, and G. H. Mackillop E. T. C. Firth .. E. Kinzett H. T. Jones and R. H. Mundell . R. P. Park J. Nelson J. Hopkirk .. F. A. Pirn and W. H. Blakeley .. 21734 21342 21661 5 Sept. 22 June 20 Aug. 68 84 9 Aug.* 4 Oct. Pudding-boiler Pulverising and crushing apparatus 21337 21799 22 June 18 Sept. 74 23 Aug.* Pumice-soap Pump Pump, blower, &c. Pump, Centrifugal Pump, Cutter for sand or suction Pump, Force and lift Pump, Force and lift Pump. (See Kerosene-pump.) Puncture-sealing process Puncture-stop composition for tire Puzzle 20276 21708 21475 21369 21692 21309 21749 2 Nov., 1905 29 Aug. 19 July 28 June 23 Aug. 14 Juno 6 Sept. 68 77 68 81 68 9 Aug. 6 Sept. 9 Aug.* 20 Sept.* 9 Aug. T. H. B. Gayner C. Marriott D. McEwen 20669 21806 21507 1 Feb. 20 Sept. 24 July 59 12 July. Quartz, Crushing-batteries for F. H. Maxwell .. 21675 22 Aug. 81 20 Sept. , Rabbits, &c, Destroying Rabbits, Poison-layer for Rabbit-trap .. .. .. Racehorse-starter .. .. Bail joint .. .. .. .. , Rails, Sighting-apparatus for lifting Railway-brake actuating appliance Railway-carriages, &c, Oiling axles of .. , Railway indicator-board, Operating Railway-lines, Preventing from spreading ; Railway-points, Operating .. .. ' Railway-rails, Operating switches of .. ] Railway-truok door .. .. ,, ; Rain-water spout-head and strainer .. ' Range attachment, Kitchen- .. .. ] Range attachment, Kitchen- .. .. ] Range finding and surveying .. .. ] Reaming pipes and tubes .. .. ] Reciprocal movement apparatus .. 7 Reel. (See Fishing-reel, Wire reel.) .. Register. (See Cash-Register, Changegiving Register.) Retainer. (See Door-retainer, Kerosenepump retainer.) D. L. Yates J. Turnbull and R. L. Christie .. J. Parker L. G. Wieneke J. A. Belk C. Craig G. S. Morison .. J. P. Cowdery W. E. Hughes E. G. Hill W. Taylor L. Atkinson J. D. Smith and J. J. Scott T. Dugdale F. Burke and H. L. Mainland F. J. Johns .. .. D. W. McLean M. Bowles W. V. Gilbert 21594 21570 ! 21714 I 21297 21313 20044 21674 20569 21785 21447 21270 20272 21819 20329 I 21104 21609 21682 21325 21303 8 Aug. 30 July 29 Aug. 13 June 15 June 16 Sept., 1905 22 Aug. 12 Jan. 14 Sept. 16 July 7 June 2 Nov., 1905 21 Sept. 17 Nov., 1905 5 May 9 Aug. 23 Aug. 16 June 11 June 81 77 68 81 64 84 68 74 74 59 20 Sept.* 6 Sept.* 9 Aug.* 20 Sept.* 26 July. 4 Oct. 9 Aug. 23 Aug.* 23 Aug. 12 July. 64 81 26 July. 20 Sept. 81 68 68 20 Sept.* 9 Aug. 9 Aug.


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Invention. Name. No. iplication. Gazette. Date. No. Date. [_ Revolver Ridgingmachine Rifle-sight Road-forming machine Road-sweeper and loader Rock-cutter Rock-drill .. Rock-drill .. Rock-drill .. Rock-drilling, Watering holes whilst Roofing, Fastening and joining Roofing-tile Rope-block A. Gardiner .. .. .. 2124^ J. Maealister .. .. .. 19865 F. A. Hill .. .. .. 2143.' 0. Paora .. .. .. 2162* J. J. Smith .. .. .. 21615 F. Lobintz .. .. .. 2156* E. J. Rigby .. .. .. 19855 J. B. Marshall .. .. .. 2174( T. Warsop .. .. .. 2144* A. H. Baker .. .. .. 2168< W. Baldwin .. .. .. 217K A. W. Jaggers .. .. .. 2175] J. Mason, T. Brydone, and G. Arm- 2001; strong R. Wales .. .. .. 20205 C. E. Adamson .. .. | 2145C E. G. Powell, C. McArthur, and ! 21671 P. Smith J. Gill .. .. .. 2169* K. de L. Cudmore .. .. 2085 J 1. Sutherland .. .. .. 2050] W. H. Wharfe .. .. .. 2167( K. C. McCaul and G. S. Rait .. 2158{ J. Jamison .. .. .. 2150; 21247 19869 21435 21624 21612 21564 19852 21740 21448 21684 21716 21751 20013 29 May 5 Aug., 1905 9 July 8 Aug. 9 Aug. 2 Aug. 8 Aug., 1905 5 Sept. 16 July 23 Aug. 29 Aug. 5 Sept. 7 Sept., 1905 64 59 77 81 04 81 26 July. , 12 July. 6 Sept.* 20 Sept. 26 July. 20 Sept. Rope-grip Rotary copying-press Rotary engine 20202 21450 21671 17 Oct., 1905 16 July 21 Aug. 77 77 6 Sept. 6 Sept. Rotary engine Rotary motor Roundabout Rubbish from kauri-gum, Separating .. Rule, Printer's perforatingRuler and blotting-pad 21698 20851 20501 21676 21585 21503 28 Au?. 14 March 28 Dec, 1905 18 Aug. 6 Aug. 21 July 59 59 ai 74 74 12 July. 12 July. 4 Oct. , 23 Aug.* 23 Aug.* Safety catch for firearm-lock ., Safety pin Sash balance and lock J. J. Maoky .. .. .. 21698 T. Goodall .. .. .. 21625 G. Westmoreland, J. P. Pettie, j 21241 and E. D. Hewetson A. G. Howland .. .. 2158^ T. P. Quinn and J. E. T. McEwen 21471 A. Mole .. .. ..i 21551 A. R. Hardy .. .. .. I 2148^ 21598 21622 21249 4 Aug. 11 Aug. 1 June 84 81 64 4 Oct.* 20 Sept.* 26 July.* Sash-fastoner Sash-fastener Sash-hanger Sash mover and look Sash. (See also Window-sash.) Saw-bench reversing gear Scaffold-bracket Scaffolding Scaffolding-bracket Scaffolding-bracket hanger Scaffolding, Cramp for fastening Screening and washing-machine Screw, Self-countersinking Sealing punotures in pneumatic tires .. Sealing receptacles hermetically Sediment-trap strainer Seed grading and winnowing apparatus Seed-planting tool Seed-sower Seed-sower Separator. (See Liquid-separator, Mer-cury-separator, Material-separator.) Septic-tank and filter-bed Sewage system Sewer and drain inlet Sewing-machine Shaft, Gear for revolving Shaft-tug Sheaf-carrier for threshing machine Shearing-machine Shearing-machine motor Shears, Non-slipping.. Shears, Spring Sheath for axes, &o., sling Sheep-dipping apparatus Sheop-paunches, Cutting and washing .. Sheep-shearing machine Sheep-shears Sheep-shears Sheller, Green peaShips' hull Ships, Steering Shoe Shoe Shoe. (See Boot or shoe.) Shot machinery Shovel. (See Coal-shovel.) Show-case for pictures Sighting-apparatus Sink-pipes, Prevention of clogging in .: Skating, Ice floor for Skirt-holder Skiving-machine Slasher. (See Hedge-slasher.) Sleeve-links Slimes-filter E. M. Edkins .. .. .. 20121 P. Piokering .. .. .. 2150] K. A. Olsen .. .. .. 2015; G. E. Humphries .. .. 20005 O. Lucas .. .. .. 21261 W. H. Bowser .. .. .. 2018? 0. B. O. Storey.. .. .. 2155] S. Hanham .. .. .. 2182? T. H. B. Gayner .. .. 20661 1. W. and A. 0. Cadle .. .. 2124C A. McDonald .. .. .. 2025( G. B. Rogers .. ' .. .. 21788 P. E. Barker .. .. .. 21434 D. H. Bird .. .. .. 21544 G. Gray .. .. .. 21344 W. M. Ross .. .. .. 21641 V. Bordigoni .. .. .. 2112£ R. O. Clark .. .. .. 21488 E. Oliver .. .. .. 21341 G. P. Innes .. .. .. 2156c J. P. Homer .. .. .. 2160E A. H. and D. J. Byron .. .. 2166C C. Tandy .. .. .. 2140E K. de L. Cudmore .. .. 2085] W. Morton .. .. .. 21841 J. Hoare .. .. .. 21531 J. S. MoPherson .. .. 2142C A. M. Grainger .. .. 21521 D. Urquhart and C. Sloper .. 2131] A. Cowell .. .. .. 19546 J. and E. McGregor and C. G.Ross 20347 W. Moore .. .. .. 2172S E. McClelland .. .. .. 21151 T. Mitchell .. .. .. 2154S J. Rae.. .. .. .. 2126C H. G. Welch .. .. .. 2013E S. Smith .. .. .. 1998C 21584 21477 21557 21484 20121 21501 20153 20002 21261 20185 21551 21825 20669 21240 20256 21738 21434 21544 21344 21641 21125 21488 21347 21563 21608 21660 2140S 20851 21847 21537 21426 21521 21311 19546 20347 21723 21151 21543 21260 20135 19980 G Aug. 19 Julv 1 Aug. 18 July 2 Oct., 1905 24 July 5 Oct., 1905 9 Sept., 1905 6 June 17 Oot., 1905 1 Aug. 22 Sept. 1 Feb. 31 May 28 Oct., 1905 5 Sept. 12 July 1 Aug. 22 June 16 Aug. 8 May 19 July 25 June 2 Aug. 9 Aug. 20 Aug. 6 July 14 March 27 Sept. 31 July 11 July 24 July 14 June 7 June 22 Nov., 1905 31 Aug. 16 May 31 July 9 Aug. 5 Oct., 1905 18 Sept., 1905 77 71 81 74 74 HI 74 59 61 71 HI 59 74 77 68 81 74 77 68 74 81 6 Sept.* 23 Aug. 20 Sept. 23 Aug.* 23 Aug. 20 Sept.* 23 Aug. 12 July. 26 July.* 23 Aug. 20 Sept. 12 July. 23 Aug. 6 Sept. 9 Aug.* 20 Sept.* 23 Aug. 6 Sept.* 9 Aug.* 23 Aug.* 20 Sept.* 74 59 23 Aug. 12 July. 77 77 81 C>4 74 59 HI (;i 6 Sept.* 6 Sept.* 20 Sept.* 26 July.* 23 Aug. 12 July. 4 Oct.* 26 July. 68 69 HI 9 Aug. 12 July. 20 Sept. W. H. Pearson.. .. .. 21506 21506 23 July 77 6 Sept. R. Martin .. .. .. 21407 G. Craig .. .. .. 20044 A. H. Brookes and E. Broughton.. 2139C H. N. Reid .. .. .. 21607 M. W. Winter .. .. .. 21307 United Shoe Maohinery Company 2183S 21407 20044 21390 21607 21307 21833 6 July 16 Sept., 1905 29 June 9 Aug. 14 June 27 Sept. 6H 64 68 77 68 9 Aug. 26 July. 9 Aug.* 6 Sept.* 9 Aug.* J. Gait .. .. .. 2124E P. C. Brown .. .. .. 20296 21248 20298 1 June 8 Nov., 1905 64 77 26 July.* 6 Sept.


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.


pp] lioai iion. l aeei Sβ. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Smoking-pipe Soap Soap, Pumice Sock or stocking Solids from liquids, Becovering Spade Spanner, Shifting Spark-arrester Spark-arrester Speed-indicator Spirit-level.. Spout-head and strainer Spraying-apparatus Spur Stamping hats, boots, &o. Stamping or franking letters, &o. Stamp-pad, Multi-coloured ink F. Staines A. Murdoch E. T. 0. Firth .. A. McCole Merrell-Soule Company .. W. C. Lawrence J. Stewart C. E. Mayo R. H. Northway J. Tinker E. B. Godward T. Dugdale I. G. Macfarlane T. Cahill J. B. Busden .. E. Moss W. T. Wingfield and C. W. Hermann A. Parker E. A. Irwin 21509 21649 20276 20045 21794 21724 21343 21637 21604 21779 21497 20329 21810 21227 21797 21786 21678 26 July 14 Aug. 2 Nov., 1905 13 Sept., 1905 15 Sept. 31 Aug. 22 June 23Feb.f 9 Aug. 10 Sept. 23 July 17N..kV., 1905 18 Sept. 29 May 2 Mayf 14 Sept. 22 Aug. 77 6 Sept. 08 64 9 Aug. 26 July. 68 81 81 9 Aug.* 20 Sept. 20 Sept.* 74 64 23 Aug.* 26 July. 64 26 July.* 84 4 Oct.* Stamp-vending machine Stand and cutter for wrapping-paper, &c. Standard. (See Fencing standard.) Staple-puller and claw-hammer Station or street indicator Steamer for dairying purposes Steam-generator, Heating Steam-valve Steel and iron, Manufacture of Steering ships Step-ladder Stereotype, Casting curved Stereotypes, Casting curved Stirrup-iron Stock-feeder, Mechanical Stocking Stop. (See door-stop.) Storing fresh fruits and produce Stove for heating tailors' iron Stove, Fuel-box for .. Stove. (See Gas-stove.) Strainer Strainer and aerator Strainer. (See Wire strainer.) Strainer, Spout-head, &c. Strap. (See Breeching-strap,pedal-strap.) Street or tram-rail sweeper Street-sweeper Street-sweeper Stump-extraotor Suction-denture Sulphide ores, Treating Super-heater or heater Surveying apparatus Suspension bridge Sweeper. (See Street - sweeper, Tramrail sweeper.) Swingletree Swingletree .. Swingle'tree-coupling Swingletree, Trace-fastening for Switch, Automatio timeSwitches of tram and railway rails, Operating Syringe 21707 20083 28 Aug. 20 Sept., 1905 68 9 Aug. G. Dwyer and W. J. G. Pitt J. P. Maloney and H. Chisholm .. H. H. Beimers L. Serpollet A. H. Farmer .. M. Moore and T. J. Heskett J. Rae L., H., and L. Mote J. T. Hunter .. W. E. Hughes A. J. Hoban T. Grainger A. McCole 21269 21709 21823 21401 19819 20990 21200 21171 21005 21394 21650 21720 .20045 7 June 25 Aug. 21 Sept. 5 July 1 Aug., 1905 12 April 6 June 15 May 17 April 3 July 15 Aug. 30 Aug. 13 Sept., 1905 64 26 July.* 74 08 64 68 64 81 74 23 Aug. 9 Aug. 26 July. 9 Aug.* 26 July.* 20 Sept. 23 Aug. 64 26 July. F. W. Meakin G. Michalopoulos T. B. Lockley 21739 21796 21572 5 Sept. 14 Sept. 3 Aug. 77 6 Sept. A. McDonald .. W. Harvey 20256 21322 28 Oct., 1905 15 June 77 68 6 Sept. 9 Aug.* T. Dugdale 20329 17 Nov., 1905 64 26 July. J. Christie J. L. Kirkbride .. R. Z. Garrett J. Brown G. Campling R. C. Stioht A. G. Nesfield and H. Brookes D. W. McLean .. J. Dawson 21750 21335 21277 21411 21605 21516 21469 21682 19956 4 Sept. 22 June 6 June 4 July 9 Aug. 26 July 18 July 23 Aug. 31 Aug., 1905 64 64 68 84 26 July.* 26 July.* 9 Aug.* 4 Oct. 74 81 77 23 Aug.* 20 Sept.* 6 Sept. F. T. F. Evans L. Healy C. K. Turner .. W. Morton and J. Hercus T. Sampson L. Atkinson 21487 19837 21496 21285 21398 20272 18 July 2 Aug., 1905 23 July 9 June 4 July 2 Nov., 1905 74 68 77 74 68 59 23 Aug.* 9 Aug. 6 Sept.* 23 Aug. 9 Aug.* 12 July. J. H. Adams 19947 30 Aug., 1905 77 6 Sept. Table. (See Billiard-table, Dining-table, Extending table.) Tag and band for hemp, &c. Tailoring appliance Tailor's iron, Stove for heating Tank Tank and filter-bed Tap Tap, Ball Tap, KeroseneTap, Kerosene-Tape-measure Tea and coffee pot Teaching apparatus H. E. McDonald E. Broughton .. G. Michalopoulos B. E. Smith W. M. Ross E. Lockerbie A. C. Hill E. R. Godward.. J. N. Caught C. E. Flint and D. Barclay Earl of Dundonald H. T. Fox-Esmond and H. Buokland A. Smail, jun. A. Ridd A. Ridd J. Morris T. E. Bridger J. G. Oates 21242 20976 21796 21193 21641 21i>20 '21499 21181 21562 21556 21470 21198 31 May 6 April 14 Sept. 25 May 16 Aug. 20 June 20 July 19 May 2 Aug. 1 Aug. 16 July 25 May 64 81 64 81 68 77 64 81 84 74 74 26 July.* 20 Sept. 26 July.* 20 Sept.* 9 Aug.* 6 Sept.* 26 July.* 20 Sept. 4 Oct. 23 Aug. 23 Aug. Teat-cup Teat-cup, Pneumatic Teat-cup, Pneumatic Teeth, Artificial Teeth-extractor Telegraph, Sporting .. 21809 20239 21317 21772 21328 20282 18 Sept. 27 Oct., 1905 15 June 12 Sept. 19 June 7 Nov., 1905 81 04 20 Sept. 26 July.* 68 84 9 Aug'.* 4 Oct.


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


.ppl lical ;ion. [ a*ei Sβ. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Dati relegraph-stations, Simultaneous communication with Eelegraphy .. lemperature-indioator and fire-alarm .. Temperature - indicator. (See Baledgoods tester.) raster, Baled wool and flax resting heat of baled goods Testing wool, &c, for heat or moisture .. Testing wool, &c, for heat or moisture .. Threshing - machine, Band - cutter and sheaf-carrier for . Tie-frame Tile. (See Boofiog-tile.) Kmber-jack lime-switch.. Tin, Detachable cake Tin for jam, &c, Tips and protectors, Securing, to boots .. W. Leivesley 21424 23 July 74 7 Aug. P. B. Delaney .. W. Whyte 21770 21791 11 Sept. 15 Sept. T. S. Mullay .. B. H. A. Lambert G. H. B. Lockett J. D. McLaurin A. H. and D. J. Byron 21454 21673 21437 21420 21660 14 July 22 Aug. 10 July 10 July 20 Aug. 74 84 71 74 23 Aug.' 4 Oct.* 23 Aug.* 23 Aug.* J. Whyte 21439 14 July 68 9 Aug.* A. T. W. Allan .. T. Sampson R. Newman H. T. Griffiths and G. B. Andrew .. Barber's Interchanging Heel Company, Limited A. J. Fortescue.. 21665 21398 21400 19954 21661 15 Aug. 4 July 2 July 31 Aug., 1905 20 Aug. 84 08 77 59 84 4 Oct.* 9 Aug.* 6 Sept. 12 July. 4 Oct. Kre Tire, Cushion C. B. Smith R. Connell 21333 21382 21045 22 Juno j 27 June 27 April J 68 81. (38 74 74 64 74 9 Aug.* 20 Sept. 9 Aug.* 23 Aug.* 23 Aug. 26 July* 23 Aug. rire-inflator Tire inflator .. Tire, Vehiclelire, Puncture-stop composition for Tire, Shield for pneumatic Pire-valve and connection Tires, Air compressor and storage for inflating Tires, Sealing punctures in Toaster and griller Toaster and griller .. Toafiter and griller Toe-tip plate .. " Pomato-foroing house Tonic, Medicinal Tool. (See Boring-tool, Drilling and hilling tool) Tow, Shaking and cleansing .. Toy Trace-fastening Trace-spreader Tram-oar stopping-place indicator Tram-rail cleaner Tram-rail sweeper Tramway-track sprinkler and cleaner .. Tramway-trolly brake Transfer-printing Trap. (See Animal-trap, Bird-trap, and Rabbit-trap) Travelling-race Trawling-net rrolly-arm head Trolly-brake Trolly-head Trolly-head Trolly-head Trolly-head Trolly-pole controller Trolly-pole controller Trolly-pole Trolly-pole harp and wheel Trolly-wheel bearing Trolly-wheel, Electrio wire connecting Trolly-wheels for electric traction Trolly wire-clip .. Tube-scraper Tug. (See Harness-tug.) Tumbler and shaft for dredges Tumbler, Dredge-Tunnelling-machine J. U. Taylor .. .. .. L. Schmidt C. Marriott D. L. Hutton, jun. A. A. Withers .. H. J. Bettany .. T. H. B. Gayner B. G. Gresham.. J. Austin J. D. McLaurin L. H. Hicks and A. N. Cooke .. G. Turner T. Vivian A. J. Park H. H. Perfeot W. Morton and J. Hercus D. G. Watson .. T. Firth W. Whyte J. Christie H. Quertier J. Nicholson I. W. Rubel 20917 21338 21806 21530 19833 21652 20669 21399 21226 21670 21108 21681 21524 21206 21552 21285 20189 21586 21446 21750 21540 21324 21533 29 Macou .. 22 June 20 Sept. 26 July 3 Aug., 1905 16 Aug. 1 Feb. 4 July 29 May 21 Aug. 9 May 21 Aug. 25 July 22 May 1 Aug. 9 June 18 Oct., 1905 7 Aug. 16 July 4 Sept. 9 Aug. 15 Juno 1 Aug. 77 81 81 59 74 64 81 74 77 64 77 74 08 81 74 81 08 81 6 Sept.* 20 Sept. 20 Sept.* 12 July 23 Aug.* 26 July* 4 Oct.* 23 Aug. 6 Sept.* 26 Juiy. 6 Sept.* 23 Aug. 9 Aug. 20 Sept.* 23 Aug.* 20 Sept.* 9 Aug. 20 Sept. C. Rask and B. A. Cameron C. A. Nielsen and R. S. Alward .. N. I. Gooder J. Nicholson B. J. Walsh .. J. Cook J. C. Drewet .. N. I. Gooder .. A. J. Edwards A. J. Edwards .. C. Colpus R. S. Tonkinson J. M. O'Neil and R. A. Marsh .. J. J. Macky H. Quertier C. G. Merkley and H. C. Jessep .. J. L. Kiistrick .. 21374 21842 21610 21324 21523 21346 21744 21735 21178 21336 21639 21688 21305 21831 19886 21404 21790 23 June 28 Sept. 9 Aug. 15 June 27 July 23 June 1 Sept. 5 Sept. 22 May 22 June 16 Aug. 22 Aug. 14 June 22 Sept. 16 Aug., 1905 5 July 12 Sept. 68 77 08 77 64 64 04 81 84 64 9 Aug.* 6 Sept.* 9 Aug. 6 Sept.* 26 July.* 26 July." 26 July.* 20 Sept.* 4 Oct.* 26 July.* 59 77 12 July. 6 Sept. R. R. Douglas .. R. R. Douglas The J. P. Karns Tunneling Machine Company. G. Westinghouse W. A. Waddell P. C. Brown 20510 21416 20983 29 Dec, 1905 6 July 11 April 69 68 74 12 July. 9 Aug.* 23 Aug. Turbine, Elastic-fluid Turbine-engine Turbine, Using products n! combustion, to drive Turnip and root cutter Turnip-cutter Turnip-thinner Turnip-thinner Twitch weeding-implempnt 21429 21623 21726 11 July 11 Aug. 30 Aug. 74 81 23 Aug. 20 Sept.* P. Brown G. W. Leadley .. J. Hercue and W. Morton A. Orr E. J. Kee 21717 21667 21531 21558 21440 29 Aug. 18 Aug. 26 July 27 July 14 July 84 84 4 Oct.'* 4 Oct. 74 23 Aug.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.


>PP! Ileal lion. Fa#0i !e. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Data. Type-casting machine P. G. Nuernberger and G. Rettig, jun. P. G. Nuernberger and G. Eettig, jun. B. G. A. MacDonald .. • 21355 26 June 68 9 Aug. Type-casting mould 21356 26 June 08 9 Aug. Typewriter and printing-type 21502 24 July 77 6 Sepr. Umbrella Upper. (See Boot-upper.) R. R. Dcuglas .. 21234 30 May 08 9 Aug.* Vacuum apparatus for removing dust from carpets Vacuum cleaning-apparatut .. Valve. (See Ball-valve, Brake-valve, Steam-valve, Tire-valve, Water-pipe valve.) Vapouriser for liquid fuel Vehicle buffer Vehicle, Locking wheels of Vehicles, Draw-gear for Vehicle-speed indicator Vehicle telescopic buffer Vehicle-tire .. Vending machine, StampVentilating compartments Verandab-column Vessels, Propelling Vessels, Propelling Vibrating apparatus The Witoh Dust-extractor Company, Limited, and W. Griffiths H. Doyle 21662 20 Aug. 81 4 Oct. 21677 22 Aug. 84 4 Oct. A. A. Stephenson P. McKay and J. and D. Gray J. W. Compton P. Maher J. Tinker P. McKay and J. and D. Gray L. Schmidt A. Parker A. J. Park J. Diinbar E. W. Hart and W. P. Durtnall .. T. Beekeit C. F. Griffiths 21773 21436 19679 21755 21779 21436 21338 21707 21568 19754 21734 21342 21839 12 Sept. 13 July 5 July, 1905 6 Sept. 10 Sept. 13 July 22 June 28 Aug. 30 July 11 July, 1905 5 Sept. ..' 22 June 25 Sept. 74 59 74 74 23 Aug. 12 July. 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 84 81 4 Oct.* 20 Sept. t>8 9 Aug.* Wall-hook .. Wall-papers, Pasting and ranging Washer, Clothes-Washing-compound Water-cooled chamber Water-filter Water heater, Bath-Water-heater Water-heattr Watering holes whilst rock-drilling Water-pipe valve Water-proof garments Water-tank constructing Weed-plough Weeding-irnplement Weeds by electricity, Exterminating .. Weigher, But.terWestingbouse brake, Hose of .. Wheel-axle Wheel-hub, Pneumatio Wheel-lock .. Wheel, Perambulator-, &o. Wheel, Pneumatio centre for .. Wheel. (See Bioycle and motor wheel, Perambulator-wheel, Trolly-wheel.) P. Pickering G. B. Partridge and J. McLoughlin E. L. Evens A. Beeby W. Levinso n R. P. Flood T. J. Wathew .. FT. Jane W. E. Hughes .. A. H. Baker P. J, Brown R. A. Bradbury B. E. Smith A. M. Grainger E. J. Kee C. Reeve S. P. Womersley A. M. Auderson W. Brady and B. T. Chaytor A. Ashcroft and C. Stractnm J. W. Compton C. J. Ladbook .. W. M. Jamieson 21746 21775 21508 21813 21748 21438 21827 1996921596 21684 21412 21300 21193 19975 21440 21836 21321 20840 20226 21466 19679 21396 21370 6 Sept. 12 Sept. 26 July 20 Sept. 6 Sept. 14 July 21 Sept. 30 Aug., 1905 8 Aug. 23 Aug. 4 July 13 June 25 May 1 Sept., 1905 14 July 27 Sept 13 June 13 March 26 Oct., 1905 14 July 5 July, 1905 2 July 26 June 84 4 Oct. 77 6 Sept.* 77 81 6 Sept. 20 Sept. 68 08 01 08 74 9 Aug.* 9 Aug.* 26 July.* 9 Aug. 23 Aug.* 08 64 77 9 Aug. 26 July 6 Sept. 69 OH 08 12 July. 9 Aug.* 9 Aug. Wheel-tire .. Wheels, Directing swift current to Window-cleaner Window-cleaner and linoleum-polisher.. Window-fastening Window-frame, Fastening sash-cord pulley to Window-sash Window-sash. (See also Sash.) Winnowing and seeJ-grading apparatus Wire-coiler Wire-fastener Wire-fastener Wire-grip Wire mattress Wire-reel Wire-strainer Wire-strainer Wire strainer Wire-strainer Wire stretcher and splicer A. J. Fortesoue 21333 22 June 68 81 9 Aug.* 20 Sept. P. W. Payne .. R. J. Burlton-Bennet J. H. Johnston .. G. G. Holmes .. R. Perry 21725 21631 21072 21699 20126 28 Aug. 11 Aug. 21 Aug. 28 Aug. 4 Oct., 1905 84 81 84 04 4 Oct.* 4 Oct.* 4 Oct. 26 July. J. O. Galbally .. 21380 29 June 68 9 Aug.* C. K. Rogers .. E Hayes P. A. Likin P. A. Lakin R. Pierce J. Whitehouse .. T. Keats E. H. Browne G. Coates J. Rennia T. P. Looke >»nd E. W. Duncombe H. P. Bonesteeie aud R. B. Rutherford W. Jamieson E. H. A. Lambert J. D. McLaurin T: A. S. Wood .. M. Nicholas E. A. Barnes P. J. Gossling 21738 21694 21246 21626 21638 21539 21759 21541 21733 20897 21160 21798 5 Sept. 27 Aug. 31 May 13 Aug. 15 Aug. 31 July 10 Sept. 31 July 5 Sept. 20 March 17 May 18 Sept. 74 81 HI 84 74 77 23 Aug. 20'Sept. 20 Sept. 4 Oct. 23 Aug. 6 Sept. Wood-clamp Wool-bale, Ascertaining temperature of Wool cargoes, Reducing risk of fires in Wool, Cleaning and dyeing Wool fabrics, Cleaning and dyeing Wrench Writing-paper advertising medium 21298 21654 21695 21742 21555 21267 21376 13 June 20 Aug. 28 Aug. 5 Sept. 1 Aug. 7 June 26 June 08 81 9 Aug. 20 Sept.* 84 04 81 i Oct. 26 Julv. 20 Sept.




Name. Address. Class. — A No. Application. IPI Gazette. Date. No. Date. Adams, J. Adams and Co., J. (See J. Adams.) Aerators, Limited African Cigarette Company, Limited Auckland, N.Z. 38 0115 14 Aug. 74 23 Aug. London, Eng. London, Eng., and Cairo, Egypt Cincinnati, U.S.A. Wellington, N.Z. Pukekohe, N.Z. London, Eng. 8 45 6130, 7 6132 24 Aug. .. 17 Aug. 77 77 6 Sept. 6 Sept. American Oak Leather Company Andersen, P. Andrew, H. and B. Atlas Metal and Alloys Company Limited Auckland Varnish, Colour, and Oil Company 37,38 3 2 5 6055,6 0220 6007 5967 10 July 24 Sept. .. 13 Juno 21 May (14 74 81 26 July. 23 Aug. 20 Sept. Auckland, N.Z. 1 6100 2 Aug. .. Baldwin and Rayward Barclay, S., and another Begg, and Co., Limited, C. Bennett, G. W. .. Besly, F. C, and another Bile Bean Manufacturing Company, The. (See C. E. Fulford.) Bing, Harris, and Co., Limited Blakey's Boot-protectors, Limited .. Block Light Company Bock,. J. A. Bonnington, G. .. Bourke, M. F., and others Boyd, J. A., and others Brades, Limited, The. (See W. Hunt and Sons.) Breathlets Company, The British Stamped Metal-ceiling Company, Limited, The Brown and Co., I. Brown and Son, D., Limited Burmah Oil Company, Limited, The Wellington, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Dunedin Christchurch, N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W. 39 3 9 39 48 0070 0104 613!) 6080 0009 19 July 10 Sept. .. 25 Sept. .. 20 July . .. 19 July 64 77 68 7-1 26 July. 6 Sept, 9 Aug. 23 Aug. Dunedin, N.Z. Leeds,- Eng. New York, U.S.A. Auckland, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Napier, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 38 50 13, 18 2 47 2 50 0217 0068 0145, 0 6109 6121 6043 6144 21 Sept. .. 18 July 30 Aug. 9 Aug. .. 15 Aug. 11 July 29 Aug. « S] 77 74 74 64 77 20 Sept. 0 Sept. 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 20 July. 0 Sept. Detroit, U.S.A. London, Eng. 42 18 0060 0005 18 July 18 July 64 74 20 July. 23 Aug. Thames, N.Z. Donaghmoro, Ireland .. Glasgow, Scotland 22 48 47 0184 0123 6105 17 Sept. .. 15 Aug. 7 Aug. 84 74 74 4 Oct. 23 Aug. 23 Aug. Campbell, K., and others Carrara Ceiling Company, Limited, The Chassaing and Cie Chassaing and Cie Chillington Tool Company, Limited, The Coignet et Cie Gisborne, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Paris, France Paris, France Wolverhampton, Eng. .. 2 17 3 42 13 6043 6186 6067 6187 6231, 2 11 July 17 Sept. .. 18 July 18 Sept. .. 26 Sept. (54 84 20 July. 4 Oct. 84 4 Oct. Paris and Lyon, France, and London, Eng. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. 42 6124 10 Aug. 74 23 Aug. Collins Bros., and Co., Limited Colonial Ammunition Company, Li- | mited Cook and Co., Limited, E... 3!) 20 0242 0190 27 Sept. .. 18 Sept. 84 84 4 Oct. 4 Oct. London, Eng. 47, 48 0235, 6, 7, 8 6082 0040 26 Sept. .. 84 4 Oct. Cotterill, Limited, F. VV. . . Cradock, G. Darlaston, Eng. Bolton Percy, Eng. 13 13 26 July 3 July 08 59 9 Aug. 12 July. Darby, W. F. Deane, T. Debenhams Limited Dickinson and Co., Limited, J Dickinson and Co., Limited, J. Dillon, Burrows, and Co. Dillon, Burrows, and Co. .. Douglas and Green, Limited Dresden Pianoforte Manufacturing and Agency Company Auckland Christchurch, N.Z. London, Eng. London, Eng. London, Eng. Sydney, N.S.W. Sydney, N.S.W. Belfast, Ireland Dunedin, N.Z. 45 50 34 39 39 42 42 28 9 0116 6042 6229 6106, 7 6162 0118 6119, 20 0125 0048, 9, 50 14 Aug. 9 July 26 Sept. .. 8 Aug. .. 5 Sept. .. 14 Aug. 14 Aug. 16 Aug. .. 12 July 81 59 84 74 20 Sept. 12 July. 4 Oct. 23 Aug. 74 81 04 23 Aug. 20 Sept. 20 July. Edwards and Co. (See R. G. Edwards.) Edwards and Son, H. D. .. Edwards's Harlene Company. (See R. G. Edwards.) Edwards, R. G. .. Ellis and Manton Wellington, N.Z. 38 6089 30 July 68 9 Aug. London, Eng. Wellington, N.Z. 48 42 0230 0178 26 Sept. 14 Sept. .. 84 34 4 Oct. 4 Oct. Faber, A. W. (See O. von Faberoastell.) Farquhar and Gill Farra Bros. Ferro Stout Company, The Aberdeen, Scotland Dunedin, N.Z. Auckland and Wanganui, N.Z. Belfast, Ireland Wellington, N.Z. Thornleigh, N.S.W. .. 1 18 43 0177 0047 6219, 20 13 Sept. .. 12 July 22 Sept. .. si 77 20 Sept. 6 Sept. Fiddes, Todd, and Corry, limited .. " Force " Food Company, The Friedenreich, L. .. 27 42 42 0084 0113 6162 20 July 10 Aug. 2 Aug. .. liS 74 68 9 Aug. 23 Aug. 9 Aug.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks — continued.


Name. Address. Class. — A No. Application. Ipp Gazette. Date. No. Date. Fulford, C. E. .. Fulford, C. E. .. Fulford, C. E. .. Leeds, Eng. Leeds, Eng. Leeds, Eng. 3 3 48 6051 6052 6053 12 July 12 July 12 July 81 20 Sept. (ialena-Signal Oil Company Galena-Signal Oil Company Galena-Signal Oil Company Gandy Belting Company, The George, Doughty, and Co. Uillette Safety Razor Company Gourock Ropework Company, Limited, The Gourock Ropework Company, Limited, The Guthrie, R. Franklin, U.S.A. Franklin, U.S.A. Franklin, U.S.A. Baltimore, U.S.A. Wellington, N.Z. Boston, U.S.A. Glasgow, Scotland, and Sydney, N.S.W. Glasgow, Scotland, and Sydney, N.S.W. Sydney, N.S.W. 47 47 47 50 38 12 27 6073, 4 6072 6087 6122 6176 6183 6159, 60 20 July 20 July 27 July 15 Aug. 11 Sept. 15 Sept. 5 Sept. 84 74 84 4 Oct. 23 Aug. 4 Oct. 50 6161 5 Sept. SI 20 Sept. 42 6054 12 July 64 26 July. Hall and Co., T. H. Auckland, N.Z. 38, 42 47, 50 6147, 8, 9, 50 30 Aug. Hamilton and Hill. (See T. d'A. Hamilton.) Hamilton, T. d'A. Hardy and Co., A. R. (See A. R Hardy.) Hardy, A. R. Hean, G. W. Hedworth Barium Company, Limited, The Henderson and Barclay. (See C. Henderson and S. Barclay.) Henderson, C, and another Hislop, A. R. Howard, Wall, and Co. (See R. H. Wall.) Hudson, R. S. (See R. W. Hudson.) Hudson, R. W. .. Hunt and Sons, W., The Brades, Limited Hunter and Son/' Limited, J. Hutchinson, T., and another Hygienic Food Company Auckland, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Nowcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Auckland, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 48 13, 18 3, 48 1,2,3 3 50 6151 6179, 80 6129, 30 6059, 60, (il 6164 6046 31 Aug. 15 Sept. 16 Aug. 16 July 10 Sept. 11 July 84 74 08 64 4 Oct. 23 Aug. 9 Aug. 26 Juiy. Liverpool, Eng. Birmingham, Eng. 47, 48 12, 13 6154, 5 5706, 7 31 Aug. 6 Jan. 77 74 6 Sept. 23 Aug. Sydney, N.S.W. Sydney, N.S.W. Battle Creek, U.S.A. . . 38 48 42 6166 6069 6165 11 Sept. 19 July 11 Sept. 74 8] 23 Aug. 20 Sept. International Harvester Company of America Chicago, U.S.A. 7 6058 16 July 64 26 July. Tamieson, W. F. Jones, P. Auckland, N.Z. Inglewood, Vic. 45 3 6101 6228 2 Aug. 26 Sept. 68 84 9 Aug. 4 Oct. Kaiser Brauerei, Beck, and Co. Keesing, H. M. .. Kenderdine and Kirkup Bremen, Germany Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. 43 13 50 6233 6104 6191 26 Sept. 6 Aug. 19 Sept. 74 84 23 Aug. 4 Oct. Law, H., and another Law, H. E., and another Lawson, I. Leonard, F. H. .. Lever Bros., Limited Lever Bros., Limited Lever Bros., Limited San Francisco, U.S.A. .. San Francisco, U.S.A. . . Wellington, N.Z. - Auckland, N.Z. Balmain, N.S.W. Balmain, N.S.W. Balmain, N.S.W. 3 3 3 2 47, 48 47, 48, 47 47 6062 6062 6138 6057 5877-8 6202, 3, 6 6192, 4, 6, 8 6200, 4, 8, 6210, 2, 4 6193, 5, 7, 9, 6201, 5, 7,9,6211, 3, 5 6085, 6 6221 6222 6223, 4, 5 16 July 16 July 25 Aug. 16 July 4 April 20 Sept. 20 Sept. 64 (14 77 ()4 74 26 July. 26 July. 6 Sept. 26 July. 23 Aug. 84 4 Oct. Lever Bros., Limited Balmain, N.S.W. 48 20 Sept. 84 4 Oct. Lingner, K. A. .. Lysaght, Limited, J. Lysaght, Limited, J. Lysaght, Limited, J. Dresden, Germany Bristol, Eng. Bristol, Eng. Bristol, Eng. 3,48 5 5 5 26 July 24 Sept. 24 Sept. 24 Sept. 68 84 9 Aug. 4 Oct. Maltico Foods, Limited Marshall and Sons Marshall's Chemical Company, Limited McCale, J., and others McGregor, J., and another Macintosh, J. A. .. McLeod and Co., C. McLeod and Co., C. McLeod and Son Miers, Limited, W. and H. Miraculum Proprietary, Limited Monarch Type-writer Company, The Montgomery, R. H., and another .. Moore, E. J. London, Eng. Whangarei, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Auckland Wellington, N.Z. Port Ahuriri, N.Z. Port Ahuriri, N.Z. MaHinborough, N.Z. Leeds, Eng. Melbourne, Vic. Syracuse, U.S.A. Auckland, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 42 42 2 50 42 14 47 47 50 37 50 6 42 50 6156 6133 6063 6144 6181 6077 6037 6038 6108 6244 6079 6099 6181 6189 5 Sept. 18 Aug. 16 July 29 Aug. 15 Sept. 23 July 2 July 2 July 8 Aug. 27 Sept. 26 July 1 Aug. 15 Sept. 18 Sept. 81 77 64 77 84 68 59 74 20 Sept. 6 Sept. 26 July. 6 Sept. 4 Oct. 9 Aug. 12 July. 23 Aug. 81 81 84 84 20 Sept. 20 Sept. 4 Oct. 4 Oct.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.


L pp] licai iion. '■aze\ Sβ, Name. Arlrtresi. Class. No. Date. No. Dati Nederlandsche Gisten Spiritusfabriek Neill and Co., Limited Neill and Co., Limited Neill and Co., Limited Netherlands Distilleries. (See Noderlandsche Gisten Spiritusfabriek.) Neuchatel Asphalte Company, Limitet The Newson, W. P. .. New York Glucose Company New Zealand Dairy Association, Limited New Zealand Meat-extract Company, Limited Nicholson File Company Delft, Netherlands Dunedin, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Melbourne, Vic, and Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. New York, U.S.A. Auckland, N.Z. 43 43 42 42 17 38 42 42 6044 6071 6131 6163 6158 6093 6064 6026 11 July 20 July 17 Aug. .. 7 Sept. .. 5 Sept. 1 Aug. .. 16 July 26 June 81 68 64 81 81 26 July. 20 Sept. 20 Sept. 20 Sept. 9 Aug. 84 26 July. Wellington, N.Z. 42 6126, 7, 8 16 Aug. 74 23 Aug. Providence, U.S.A. 12 6143 28 Aug. .. Odol Chemical Works. (See K. A. Lingner.) Old Bleach Linen Company, Limited, The Randalstown, Ireland .. 27,28 6240-41 26 Sept. .. Parker and Co., J. (See J. and F. Parker, M. F. Bourke, J and K. Campbell.) Parker, F., and others Parker, J., and others Patterson, Slack and Co. .. Peps Pastille Company. (See C. E. Ful ford.) Perry and Co., Limited Pidgeon and Co., Limited, E. W. Gisbome, N.Z. Napier, N.Z. Wellington 2 2 3 6043 6043 5991 11 July 11 July 5 June 64 64 64 26 July. 26 July. 26 July. Birmingham, Eng. Christchurch, N.Z. 39 45 6045 6024 11 July 25 June 64 64 26 July. 26 July. Revere Rubber Company Roberts, R. J. .. Robins, A., and others Rowntree and Co., Limited Russell, J Boston, U.S.A. Cambridge, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Yorkshire, Eng. Wellington, N.Z. 50 3 50 42 42 6030 6039 5624 6234 6088 26 June 3 July. 4 Nov., 1905 26 Sept 30 July 74 59 23 Aug. 12 July. 68 9 Aug. Sandeman, Sons, and Co., Limited, G. G. Sandeman, Sons, and Co., Limited, G.G. Schneideman, I. and M. .. Schneideman Bros. (See I. and M. Schneideman.) Sohiilke and Mayr Sigall and Co., S. Sigall, and Co., S. Spray, Bird, and Co. Staniforth and Co., T. Syktss, A. E. London, Eng. 43 6157 5 Sept. .. Sydney, N.S.W. 43 6243 27 Sept. .. 84 4 Oct. Auckland, N.Z. 38 6076 23 July 74 23 Aug. Hamburg, Germany Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Hackenthorpe, Eng. New Plymouth, N.Z. .. 2 45 45 50 7, 12, 13 3 6182 6117 6141, 2 6083 6094-6 6245 15 Sept. 14 Aug. 28 Aug. 26 July .. 1 Aug. 28 Sept, 74 77 68 74 23 Aug. 6 Sept. 9 Aug. 23 Aug. Thomson, J. C. .. Thomson, W. R. M. Tribe and Co., W. A. Turney and Son, Limited, J. (J. Tyree and Co., Limited, A. Tyree and Co., Limited, A: Tyree and Co., Limited, A. Tyree and Co., Limited, A. Tyree and Co., Limited, A. Wellington, N.Z. .. . Auckland, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. London, Eng. Christchurph, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. 20 44 38 43 23 22 38 37 38 6140 6114 6110 6078 6075 6090 6103 6216 6246 28 Aug. 13 Aug. 9 Aug. 24 July 21 July 30 July 3 Aug. .. 20 Sept. 28 Sept. .. 77 74 74 74 68 68 6 Sept, 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 23 Aug. 9 Aug. 9 Aug. Ullrich and Co., J. (See J. Ullrich.) Ullrich, J. Underwood, T. A. United States Playing-card Company Usher and Co., A. New York, U.S.A. Brisbane, Queensland .. Cincinnati, U.S.A. Edinburgh, Scotland .. 39 50 39 43 6097, 8 6152 611],12 6134, 5 1 Aug. .. 31 Aug. 9 Aug. 22 Aug. .. 77 77 74 6 Sept. 6 Sept. 23 Aug. Vereitrigte Gummiwaaren Fabriken Harburg-Wien Vormals Menier.— J. N. Reithoffer Vereinigte Gummiwaaren - Fabriken Harburg-Wien Vormals Menier.— J. N. ReithoffcjViavi Company, The. (See H. and H. E. Law.) Von Faber-Castell, O. Harburg, Germany Harburg, Germany 11,40 49, 50 40, 38, 49, 38, 38 6167-70 6171-5 11 Sept. .. 11 Sept, .. 84 4 Oct Stein, ' Germa,ny, and London, Eng. 39 6239 26 Sept. .. Wall, J. E. Wall, R. H Wanganui Meat-freezing Company, The London, Eng. London, Eng. Wanganui, N.Z. 22 13,38 42 5858 5951, 2 6091, 2 23 March .. 9 May 31 July 74 68 23 Aug. 9 Aug.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks — continued.


12— H. 10.—07.


ipp] lioal iion. \ze\ !«. Name. Address. Class. No. Date. No. Date. Wanganui Moat-freezing Company, The Wanganui Meat-freezing Company, The Wanganui Meat-freezing Company, The Wanganui, N.Z. Wanganui, N.Z. 42 42 6186 6188 18 Sept, .. 18 Sept. .. Wanganui, N.Z. 42 0218 •21 Sept. .. 84 4 Oct. Wanganui Meat-freezing Company, The Wardell Bros, and Co. Welsbach Light Company of Australasia, Limited, The Wilson, S... Woolcott, H. S. and others Wulzen and Co., J. F., and another .. Wanganui, N.Z. 42 6227 26 Sept, .. 84 4 Oct. Christchurch, N.Z. London, Eng., and Sydney, N.S.W. Cornholme, N.Z. We'lington, N.Z. San Francisco, U.S.A. .. 42 18 0153 6041 31 Aug. 5 July .. 77 59 0 Sept. 12 July. 3 50 6081 6144 5624 26 July 29 Aug. 4 Nov., 1905 74 77 59 23 Aug. 6 Sept. 12 Ju'y.

Name. Address. Class. Application. [ Gazette. No. Date. No. Date. Brent, W. H. Invercargill, N.Z. 1 299 11 Sept. 81 20 Sept. Chisholm, W. Crichton, A., and another Doorey, H. A., and another Duckworth, Turner, and Co., Limited.. Duckworth, Turner, and Co., Limited .. Avondale, N.Z. Dunodin, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. 1 1 3 10 10 290 293 289 288 292 13 Feb. 7 Aug. 17 July 7 July 7 Aug. 64 74 64 59 74 26 July. 23 Aug. 26 July. 12 July. 23 Aug. Fitzgerald, J. Auckland, N.Z. 3 296 13 Aug. 74 23 Aug. Kerigan.H., and another Wellington, N.Z. I 3 289 17 July 64 26 July. Leser, M. .. Lloyd, H. W. Auckland, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. G 2 291 297 26 May 28 Aug. 68 77 9 Aug. 6 Sept. Schutze and Co., F. Smith and Sons, S. London, Eng. Christchurch. N.Z. 12 10 :soo 294, 5 26 Sept, 7 Aug. 84 74 4 Oct. 23 Aug. Thompson, R. Dunedin, N.Z. 5 298 21 Aug. 81 20 Sept. Williams, W., and another Dunedin, N.Z. 1 293 7 Aug. 74 23 Aug.




* Denotes a provisional specification. Vade Marks Act, 1889." t Denotes a prior te und der section 106 of he Patents, Designs, and Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Ackland, E. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Conduit for electrical cable Acme Manufacturing Company, Sydney, N.S.W. (See P. Price and others, No. 21719.) Adair, A., Johannesburg, Transvaal. Cyanide treatment of ores Adams, R. D., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Magnetic toy Aggers, W., Auckland, N.Z. Easy chair.. Aktiebolaget Separator, Stockholm, Sweden. Feed-device for centrifugal separator. (E. A. Forsberg) Aktiebolagot Separator, Stockholm, Sweden. Centrifugal separator. (A. J. Ericsson) Aktieselskabet Burmeieter and Wains Maskin-og Skibsbyggeri, Copenhagen, Denmark. Centrifugal drum. (13. A. O. Prollius) Albrecht, C. A., and another, Berlin, Ger. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 22178.) Alcock and Co. Proprietary, Limited, Melbourne, Vic. Billiard-table. (F. A. Alcock) Alcock, F. A. (See Alcock and Co. Proprietary, Limited, No. 20952.) Alexander. (See Cayley-Alexander.) Allan, A. T. W., Thames, N.Z. Gas-burner Allen, A. D., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Trolly-head Allen, S., Killinchy, N.Z. Potato-digger.. Allen, T. C, and another, Ashfield, N.S.W. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 21785.) Alley, F v L., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 21833.) Allport, R., and another, Hobart, Tas. Finger-ring Alward, R. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Trawling-net Ambler, G. A., Winchester, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 20453.) Anderson, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Pasteuriser or milk-heater Anderson, L., New York, U.S.A. Hydrocarbon-engine Andrews, F. 0., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Poultry-feeder .. Arenas, F., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Fire-alarm or temperatureindicator Armstrong, 8., Te Uku, N.Z. Leg-rope grip Ashcroft, A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Electrically distilling and purifying gum Ashton, O., Lawrence, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 22155.) Ashworth, H., Wadestown, N.Z. Destination-indicator for trams, &c. Atkinson, H., Birmingham, Eng. (See W. Hinson, No. 21943.) Attwill, J., Perth, W.A. Dating-press for railway-ticket 21808 21978 21933 21808 22052 22053 21787 20952 22034 22107 22091 18 Sept, 25 Oct. 17 Oct. 1 Oct. 14 Nov. 14 Nov. 12 Sept. 4 April 6 Nov. 20 Nov. 21 Nov. 96 105 90 105 105 m 99 "3 15 Nov.* 13 Dec* 15 Nov.* 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 1 Nov. 29 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907.* 22113 2ls42 20 Nov. 28 Sept. 1 Nov.* 93 21844 22215 20428 21970 26 Sept. 18 Dec. 8 Dec, 1905 26 Oct. 96 '99 99 15 Nov. 29 Nov. 29 Nov.* 20564 22137 11 Jan. 27 Nov. 88 3 18 Oct. 10 Jan., 1907.* 21951 23 Oct. 99 29 Nov.* 22184 12 Dee. 3 10 Jan., 1907.* Badger, R. S., Christchurch, N.Z. System of advertising Baird, J., Waikino, N.Z. Elevating sands, liquids, &c Baker, A. H., Ascot Vale, Vic. Rock-drilling Baker, E. B., Melbourne, Vic. Treating substances under pressure .. Bambrick, J., Rotorua, N.Z. Tapping-cock Barger, W. G., Melbourne, Vic. Disc plough Barnes, E. A., Stawell, Vic. Means for perforating cheques, &c. Baron, B., London, Eng. Pressing leaf tobacco Baron, B., London, Eng. Cutting cake or leaf tobacco Baron, L. B., London, Eng. Cigarette-machine Bartelt, F. L., Bristol, Eng. Apparatus for washing linen Barton, F. W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Milk-can Barton - Wright, E. W., and another, London, Eng. Treatment of wood Bates, A., Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 22067.) Bates, A., and another, Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 22222.) Batty, A., Auckland, N.Z. Envelope-opener Baxter, J., Opoho, N.Z. Window Bayley, C. S., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Ticket-holder Beamish, W., Cromwell, N.Z. Collapsible box Belk, J. A., Feilding, N.Z. Window Bell, H. B., and another, Mosman, N.S.W. Half-tone printing-block Bell, W., and another, Mosman, N.S.W. Half-tone printing-block .. Bell, W. J., Inaha, N.Z. Horse-controller Bell, W. J., Inaha, N.Z. Link Bellingham, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Utilising water-pipes in building-construction Bennett, A. E. G., Fitzroy, Vie. Cuffs for shirts, &c. Benton and Stone, Birmingham, Eng. (See W. Hinson, No. 21943.) Beresford, R., Newcastle-under-Lyme, Eng. Wheel-rim 22228 22001 21684 22186 22003 •21937 21949 22030 22031 21449 22118 22008 22171 20 Dee, 29 Oct. 23 Aug. 12 Dec. 1 Nov. 18 Oct. 23 Oct. 7 Nov. 7 Nov. 16 July 27 Nov. 31 Oct. 1 Dec. 99 96 96 96 105 105 105 105 105 29 Nov.* 15 Nov.* 15 Nov.* 15 Nov 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 13 Dec 13 Dec. 13 Dec* 21890 22002 22200 21728 21988 22095 22095 21843 21908 22004 9 Oct. 30 Oct. 14 Dec. 30 Aug. 31 Oct. 21 Nov. 21 Nov. 28 Sept. 12 Oct. 1 Nov. 99 93 99 29 Nov.* 1 Nov.* 29 Nov.* 93 99 105 . , 1 Nov.* 29 Nov.* 13 Dec* 20310 14 Nov., 1905 93 1 Nov. 22179 10 Feb.t 3 i 10 Jan., 1907.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent — continued.


Application. Qaz'Atf. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No, Date. Best, H. J., Fitzroy, Vic. Sole-sewing machine Bettany, C. E., Nelson, N.Z. Frying-pan cover .. Beynon, G. W., and others, Mortimer, Eng. Pulveriser Billows, A. J., Brisbane, Q. Producing aerated drinks Billson, H. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Plug for boot or shoe sole Bird, D. H., Waimate, N.Z. Seed-sower Bird, W. H., Wanganui, N.Z. Tire-cover Blackman, S., Christchurch, iST.Z. Plastering walls and ceilings Blain, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Mitre-box and cramp Blair, A. T., and others, Greymouth, N.Z. Discharging railway-truck Blair, A. T., and another, Greymouth, N.Z. Induced draught Blake, E. P., Waverley, N.Z. Power-generator Blakeley, W. H., and another, Glenferrie, Vic. Lift and force pump Blanckensee, F., and others, Perth, W.A. Gravity-fed arc-lamp Body, A. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Device for pulling up tramway-rails Boehm, B., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Manufacturing wire netting Boklevsky. (See de Boklevsky.) Bond, A. J., Auckland, N.Z. Garden-roller Bond, W. A., Lynnfield, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 20450.) Bonesteele, H. F., and another, Shannon, U.S.A. Wire stretcher and splicer Bonnard, G. R., and others, London, Eng. Pulveriser Booth, G. T., Christchurch, N.Z. Flax-stripper Borchers, W., and another, Aix-la-Chapelle, Ger. (See Rheinisch-Nas-sauische Bergwerks and Hutten-Actien Gesellschaft, Stolberg, Ger., No. 21991.) Bostock, H., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Lock-nut. (H. J. Swain) Boult, R. F., Auckland, N.Z. Dumb-bell Boultbee, J. W., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Hat and programme holder Bower, F., New Plymouth, N.Z. Chair-back protector Bowman, R., Parramatta, N.S.W. Wearing-strap for tire Boyd, J. A., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Paint Boys, F. T., Napier, N.Z. Fencing-standard Braby, H., Sydney, N.S.W. Liquid-fuel burner Bracy, H. S., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Nail-making machine Bradbury, R. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Sleeve of waterproof coat Bradbury, R. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Hat Bradley, S. A., Merrigum, Vic. Fruit-carrying case Bradley, S. A., Merrigum, Vic. Punnet Breck, T. M., Karamea, N.Z. Gold-saving. Brennan, G., Petersham, N.S.W. Folding bedstead Bridson, J., and another, Dannevirke, N.Z. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 22099.) Briggs, T., Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 21835.) Bi-istow, 0.i Christchurch, N.Z. Milking-machine Broad, A., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Brush or broom making Brockbank, J., Auckland, N.Z. Piano, &c, tuning device Brown, D. A. C, Palmerston North, N.Z. Toy Brown, F. C, Komata, N.Z. Using products of combustion to drive turbine Brown, J. H., Hawthorn, Vic. Revolving apparatus for cleaning metal Brown; R. London, Eng. Operating electric switches Brown, W., Invercargill, N.Z. Earth-scoop Browne, P., Waikino, N.Z. Centrifugal thickening and separating machine Budge, J., Sydney, N.S.W. Cream-cooler Burbush, F. H., Auckland, N.Z. Butter-cooler Burfoot, A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Pneumatic wheel Burfoot, J., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Pneumatic wheel Burke, R. E., Timaru, N.Z. Fire-reel carriage-attachment to cycle .. Burke, R. E., Timaru, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Burke, T. P., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Egg-carrier Burn, R., and another, London, Eng. Hooping casks, barrels, &c. .. Burns, C, Sydney, N.S.W. Ship's propeller Burt, C, New Plymouth, N.Z. Room-heater Burt, E., El Oro, Mexico, Filters for metals, ores, slimes, &c. Butters, C, London, Eng. Slimes-filter Byron, A. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Threshing-machine Byron, A. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Steel-framing for buildings Byron, D. J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Threshing-machine Byron, D. J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Steel-framing for buildings 22229 21866 21799 20719 22192 21544 22146 22106 21979 21932 21980 21778 21749 21930 22147 22040 20 Dec. 3 Oct. 18 Sept. 14 Feb. 11 Dec. 1 Aug. 1 Dec. 23 Nov. 25 Oct. 16 Oct. 25 Oct. 12 Sept. 6 Sept. 17 Oct. 1 Dec 8 Nov. 93 93 99 ids 3 96 99 1 Nov.* 1 Nov. 29 Nov. 13 Dec* 10 Jan., 1907.* 15 Nov.* 29 Nov.* 88 93 96 3 99 18 Oct.* 1 Nov.* 15 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907.* 29 Nov.* 21968 25 Oct. 99 29 Nov. 21798 18 Sept. 93 1 Nov. 21799 21904 18 Sept. 11 Oct. 93 93 1 Nov. 1 Nov.* 21916 21877 21780 13 Oot 2 Oct. 12 Sept. 3 93 93 10 Jan., 1907. 1 Nov.* 1 Nov.* 21846 22131 20647 22049 22189 217)9 20508 21918 22193 22194 21874 22063 29 Sept, 29 Nov. 27 Jan. 13 Nov. 12 Dec. 27 Aug. 30 Dec, 1905 16 Oct. 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 4 Oct. 15 Nov. 93 3 99 1 Nov.* 10 Jan., 1907.* 29 Nov. 3 88 96 3 10 Jan., 1907.* 18 Oct. 15 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907.* 22253 21848 22145 21170 21720 27 Dec. 28 Sept. 1 Dee. 17 May 30 Aug. 99 3 99 88 29 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907.* 29 Nov. 18 Oct.* 22167 21513 22017 22151 7 Dec. 25 July, 1905f 6 Nov. 4 Dec. 3 93 105 3 10 Jan., 1907.* I Nov. 13 Dec* 10 Jan., 1907.* 22042 21911 21940 21940 21974 22141 22211 22029 21936 22098 22002 22249 21060 22011 7 Nov. 11 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 27 Oct. 28 Nov. 13 Dec. 7 Nov. 18 Oct. 22 Nov. 15 Nov. 27 Dec. 20 Aug. 5 Nov. 99 99 99 3 29 Nov.* 29 Nov.* 29 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907.* - 9« 15 Nov. 105 13 Dec. 93 1 Nov. 21660 22011 20 Aug. 5 Nov. 93 1 Nov. Cahill, T., Waihi, N.Z. Spur .. .. ■ Campbell, A. M., Hobart, Tas. (See A. F. Golding and E. Campbell, No. 22105.) Campbell, E., and another, Hobart, Tas. Variable-speed pullev. (A. M. Campbell) 21227 29 May 105 13 Dec. 22105 24 Nov.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent- continued.


ai>p: lien. ;iou. t-azt !e. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Cannell, C, St. Mary's, Tas. Pump-gearing Carlson, O. K., Clydevale, N.Z. Water-tap, Carnt, E. 0., and others, East Cowes, Isle of Wight, Eng. Marine turbine Carrington, G., Lake Wanstead, N.Z. Wire-strainer Carson, A., and another, Melbourne, Vic Safety lamp Carson, A. A., Palinerston North, N.Z. Water-heater Casgrain, L. A., Beverly, U.S./ (See United Machinery Company, No. 22066.) Cattlin, A., Akaroa, N.Z. Rolling-pin Cayley-Alexander, W. E., Auckland, N.Z. Treating sulphide-ores Cayley-Alexander, W. E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Ore-furnace Chambers, EL, Wellington. N.Z. (See R. Hannah and Co., Limited, No. 21822.) Chandler, D. J., and others, Melbourne, Vic Branding-tool Chappie, A. J. M., Cobar, N.S.W. Pipe-coupling Chatfield, A. W., Auckland, N.Z. Transplanting teeth Chessell, G., Brunswick, Vic. Encased spring device Chisholm, H., and another, Fortrose, N.Z. Station or street indicator Christie, J., Warepa, N.Z. Tram-rail sweeper Christie, T. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Level inlets for drainage purposes Christie, T. R., Dunedin, N.Z. Skylight Christy, S. B., Berkely, U.S.A. (See F. A. Rich, No. 21906.) Clapcott, F. B., Auckland, N.Z. Billiard-board Clark, R. 0., Hobsonville, N.Z. Inlet for pipes, drains, &c. Clark, R. 0., Hobsonville, N.Z. Draught-increaser for grate Clark, R. O., Hobsonville, N.Z. Surface-glazed earthenware blocks .. Clark, R. O., Hobsonville, N.Z. Yard-sinks Clark, R. O., Hobsonville, N.Z. Strengthening earthenware pipes Clark, R. 0., Hobsonville, N.Z. Grate-fastening for drain Clarkson, D. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Oil-feeder Cleary, H., Whangarei, N.Z. Cream cooler or holder Cleary, H. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Pulley for motor-cycle Clifford, H. M., and others, London, Eng. (See Cork Asphalt, Limited, No. 22119.) Clutsam, F., Melbourne, Vic. Pianoforte, organ, &c Coates, G., Winterslow, Eng. Wire-strainer Cobb, T. J. P., Masterton, N.Z. Folding crate Cobbe, H. N. G., and another, Kalgoorlie, W.A. Grinding-pan Cocks, P. J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Poultry-feeder Coghill, !)., Waverley, N.Z. Penholder .. Cole, H. A., Wanganui, N.Z. Swing Colloseus, H., Berlin, Ger. Cement-manufacture Colpus, C, Wellington, N.Z. Picture-frame clamp Compagnie Francaise des Produits Fixator, La, Paris, France. Stoppering bottles, jars. (M. Quillot) Cook, J., Wellington, N.Z. Trolly-head Cooke, E. K., Dunedin, N.Z. Truss Cooper, C, Mangatoki, N.Z. Weighing-scales Cork Asphalt, Limited, London, Eng. Manufacture of building, &c, blocks. (C. M. C. Hughes, T. H. Quinlan, and H. M. Clifford) Cork Asphalt, Limited, London, Eng. Making blocks from plastic material. (C. M. C. Hughes, T. H. Quinlan, and R. Middleton) Cornwall, H. G., Wellington, N.Z. Envelope and sheet of paper Cosslett, R., Bristol, Eng. Tap or cock Cosslett, R., Bristol, Eng. Steam cooker Coster, H. J., and another, Meeniyan, Vic. Egg beater and whisk .. Gotten, F., Hornsby, N.S.W. Removing sulphur from ores Crabbe, J. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Door and gate closer Craigie, J. M., Dunedin, N.Z. Boot Crawford, P., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Hot-water system Crisp, A. V., and another, Vancouver, B.C. Cement building-block.. Crolly, C. G., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Brush or broom making .. Crowle, J. E., Ballarat, Vic Lifting-jack Crowle, J. E., Ballarat, Vic. Stove, furnace, &c Cruickshank, C. M., Timaru, N.Z. Nightsoil-pan Crump, J. B., Bullarook, Vic. Potato-planter Crutchley, J. H., Kyeburn, N.Z. Protector for inner tubes of tires Cummins, G., Marton, N.Z. Wool-press Cummins, G., and another, Marton. N.Z. (See W. E. Hughes, Nos. 21883 and 21892.) Curnow, W. F. J., Aramoho, N.Z. Hose-coupling Curtis, W., Remuera, Auckland, N.Z. Hurdle Curtis, W. B., Auckland, N.Z. Stripping and washing flax Cutting, H. A., Radley, N.Z. Paper-file .. 20158 20862 22150 10 Oct., 1905.. 15 March 4 Marchf 88 105 18 Oct. 13 Deo. 20532 21546 22230 5 Jan. 1 Aug. 20 Dec. 96 88 15 Not. 18 Oct. 21971 21869 22019 26 Oct. 1 Oct. 6 Nov. 99 90 99 29 Nov. 15 Nov. 29 Nov.- 1 21715 21990 22068 21074 ■2170!! 21750 22072 22212 29 Aug. 31 Oct. 13 Nov. 3 May 25 Aug. 4 Sept. 15 Nov. 14 Dec. 88 105 105 88 88 90 105 18 Oct. 13 Dec. 13 Dec* 18 Oct. 18 Oct.* 15 Nov.* 13 Dec* 22164 21753 21939 22242 22243 22244 22245 22043 20470 22170 3 Dec. 5 Sept. 16 Oct. 22 Dec. 22 Dec. '22 Dec. 22 Dec. 6 Nov. 19 Dec, 1905 8 Dec. 3 88 93 10 Jan., 11)07.* 18 Oct. I Nov. 105 88 3 13 Dec* 18 Oct. 10 Jan., 1907.* 22133 21733 22199 21832 20428 22144 22089 20956 22045 21976 13 Junet 5 Sept. 14 Dec 27 Sept, 8 Dec, 1905 1 Dec. 21 Nov. 2 April 12 Nov. 24 Oct. 88 3 96 99 18 Oct. 10 Jan., li)07.* 15 Nov. 29 Nov. 99 29 Nov. ios 13 Dec 21882 21888 22182 22119 5 Oct. 5 Oct. 12 Dec 27 Nov. 93 1 Nov.* 22120 27 Nov. 20026 21265 22022 21870 21876 21690 21878 21867 22188 21848 21920 21966 21945 20094 22070 21885 13 Sept, 6 June 7 Nov. 4 Oct. 4 Oct. 24 Aug. 3 Oct. 3 Oct. 12 Dec. 28 Sept, 17 Oct. 24 Oct. 16 Oct. 26 Sept., 1905 14 Nov. (i Oct. 3 88 10 Jan., 1907. 18 Oct. 105 13 Dec* 88 18 Out,* 99 29 Nov. 99 99 99 29 Nov. 29 Nov.* 29 Nov.* '88 105 18 Oct. 13 Dec* 22139 21963 21886 21752 28 Nov. 25 Oct. 6 Oct. 7 Sept. 3 99 93 93 10 Jan., 1007.* 29 Nov. 1 Nov.* 1 Nov.* Dall, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Bias-adjustment for bowls Dalton, J., Rongotea, N.Z. River-bank protection Danne, R. V., St. Kilda, Vic. Valve and connection for tire Darling, F. J., Roxburgh, N.Z. Concrete-mixer .. Darnell, J., Brisbane, Q. Boot-heel 21689 20544 21225 22172 22248 23 Aug. 8 Jan. 29 May 7 Dec 27 Dec. 88 96 88 3 18 Oct.* 15 Nov. 18 Oct.* 10 Jan., 1907.*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Application. "rOZr. Sβ. Name, Address, and Invention. I , No. Date. No. Date. Davenport, H. A., Brockton, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 20554.) Davidson, J. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Dressmaker's marking-device .. | Davies, J. B., Melbourne, Vic. Spouting-bracket Davis, F. L., Auckland, N.Z. Sash window Dawson, T., Maraekakaho, N.Z. Chock for steadying oil-engine De'Boklevsky, P., Ekaterinbourg, Russia. Centrifugal amalgamator.. Decker, L., Sturgis, U.S.A. Whiffle-tree attachment .. . . De Forest, L., New York, U.S.A. (See The de Forest Wireless Tele- | graph Syndicate, limited, No. 21956.) Do Forest Wireless Telegraph Syndicate, Limited, The, London, ling. Signalling by electro-magnetic waves (L. de Forest) Deister, E., Fort Wayne, U.S.A. Ore-concentrator driving mechanism Deister', E., Fort Wayne, U.S.A. Ore-concentrator .. • • I Delany, P. B., South Orange, U.S.A. Telegraphy .. De Perini, V. A., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Production of textile hbre ■ and paper pulp Dickens, S., Carlton, Vic. Musical instrument (mouth organ) Dickeson, C. G., Auckland, N.Z. Blackboard-frame Dietz, R., and others, Albert Park, Vic. Seat-support for bicycle .. Dike N. R., and another, Meeniyan, Vic. Egg-beater and whisk .. Douglas, J. S., Dunedin, N.Z. Obtaining gold from river-beds Downing, H. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Horse-cover Downs, H., and another. Railway fish-plate Doxey, A., Seymour, Vic. Testing dampness in wool Drewet, J. C, Auckland, N.Z. Trolly-head Driffield, T., Wellington, N.Z. Chimney-pot Drummond, G., Waipahi, N.Z. Artificial minnow.. Dudley, B., Waddington, N.Z. Book-cover Dudley, T. A., Auckland, N.Z. Incandescent gas-lamp Dugins, W. F., Kew, Vic. Road cleaner or sweeper Dunne, G., Palmerston North, N.Z. Device for cutting string .. Durtnall, W. P., and another, Brockley, Eng. Propulsion of vehicles 22149 22240 22074 21851 21857 22185 21956 •2170(1 22092 i 21770 21999 22116 21815 22126 21870 21853 20791 22024 22056 3 Doc. 21 Dec. 14 Nov. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 12 Dec. 24 Oct. 28 Aug. 21 Nov. 11 Sept. 10 Nov. 190f>t 27 Nov. 20 Sept. 29 Nov. 4 Oct. 29 Sept, 27 Feb. 7 Nov. 14 Nov. 3 105 96 96 3 99 ss 105 88 3 93 105 105 90 105 10 Jan., 1907. 13 Dec. 15 Nov.* 15 Nov. 10 Jan. 1907. 29 Nov. 18 Oct. 13 Dec. 18 Oct. 10 Jan.,1907.* 1 Nov. 13 Dec. 13 Dec* Lβ Nov." 13 Dec. 105 13 Dec. 20616 22256 21961 22051 21873 22073 21734 23 Jan. 29 Dec. 26 Oct. 13 Nov. 4 Oct. 19 Nov. 5 Sept. 88 lb Oct. 105 105 93 i3 Dec* 13 Dec* 1 Nov.* *88 18 Oct. Eade, W. R., Orawia, N.Z. Disc coulter .. Easton, J. A., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Feed reservoir and box .. Eather, G., and others, Day Dawn, W.A. Drill-chuck Eddey, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Wire cheese-cutter Edwards, A. J., Auckland, N.Z. Trolly-pole controller Kkensteen, H. O., Sydney, N.S.W. Hat and programme holder .. Electric Safety Appliances Company, Limited, The, London, ling. (See J. W. Manley, No. 22252.) Ellis H Geelong, Vic. Making bands of straw, &c, for binding sheaves Ellis, R. H., Melbourne, Vic. (See G. H. Hunter, No. 21952.) Ellison, C. J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Boot .. Entz R., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Manufacturing wire-netting .. Ericsson, A. J., Stockholm, Sweden. (See Aktiebolaget Separator, No. 22053.) Euston, G., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Step-ladder Evans F. T. F., Auckland, N.Z. Tripod harrow Eyre W. B., Auckland, N.Z. Rendering and keeping accounts 22016 20571 21858 22204 21856 21780 6 Nov. 11 Jan. 2 Oct. 11 Dec. 2 Oct. 12 Sept. 99 93 96 29 Nov.* 1 Nov. 15 Nov. 93 93 1 Nov. * 1 Nov.* 22103 23 Nov. 3 10 Jan., 1907.* 22169 22040 8 Dec. j 8 Nov. 99 29 Nov.* 21645 21655 22206 19 Aug., 1905f 15 Aug. 12 Dec 93 88 1 Nov. 18 Oct.* Fabian, C. H., Wellington, N.Z. Plant-support Farquhar, G., and another, London, Eng. Hermetically sealing receptacles for food Featon, E. H., and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Burglar-alarm Featon, E. V., and another, Gisborne, N.Z. Burglar-alarm Fenton, J., Auckland, N.Z. Cock-box .. .. • ■ Fleming, G. S., Woodlands, N.Z. Wagon for carrying dishes Fleming, T., and another, Hobart, Tas. Clothes-line Flood, R. F., Dargaville, N.Z. Filter Foot, C. L. K. H., Ashley-Clinton, N.Z. Gas-lighter Forest. (See de Forest.) Forrest, R., Auckland, N.Z. Suspending saucepan lids .. .. Forsberg, E. A., Stockholm, Sweden. (See Aktiebolaget Separator, No. 22052.) Forster, A., and others, East Cowes, Isle of Wight, Eng. Marine turbine Fountain, J. C, and another, Parkhill, Canada. Exhaust-condenser Fowler, T. W., Melbourne, Vic. Fire-plug .. ••,..,•• Fraser A , and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Lifting venetian-blinds.. French, S., Swanscombe, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 20591.) Fricker, W., South Woodford, Eng. Paper-bag-making machine Friend, J. E., Annandale, N.S.W. Rotary engine Fry, M., Port Awanui, N.Z. Sheep-race.. Fry, R. J., Wellington, N.Z. Power gear .. • • Fuller, C. I., Rochester, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 22058.) 20582 22028 17 Jan. i 7 Nov. 99 29 Nov. 22050 22050 21802 22112 22124 21438 21863 10 Nov. 10 Nov. 18 Sept. 26 Nov. 28 Nov. 14 July I 27 Sept. 105 105 96 13 Dec* 13 Dec* 15 Nov. '93 88 1 Nov. 18 Oct.* 21875 4 Oct. 96 15 Nov. 22150 21763 20254 21934 4 Marchf 11 Sept. 30 Oct., L905.. 17 Oct. 93 96 91; 1 Nov. 15 Nov. 15 Nov.* 22180 22108 22196 22154 10 Dec. 26 Nov. 13 Dec 5 Dec 3 10 Jan., 1907. 3 10 Jan.', 1907.* Galbally, J. O., Wellington, N.Z. Weatherboarding Gallacher, S. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Horse-controller 22234 21701 21 Dec. 28 Aug. 15 Nov.* 90


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Application. Oazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Gamble, H. P., and another, Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 22222.) Gannaway, C. H., Wellington, N.Z. Bowler's measure Gaut, J., Leichliardt, N.S.W. Preventing spontaneous combustion in baled goods Gawne, E. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Toothache-cure Gentzsch, A., Vienna, Austria. Utilization of waste rubber Gentzsch, A., Vienna, Austria. Utilization of waste rubber George, T. R., Onehunga, N.Z. Distance-gauge for bowls Gericke, A., and others, Day Dawn, W.A. Drill-chuck Gies, F. G. (See Gies Gear Company, No. 22174.) Gies Gear Company, Detroit, U.S.A. Roversing-gear. (F. G. Gies) Gilchrist, G., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Water-motor Gill, J., Edinburgh, Scotland. Rotary engine Gillies, A., Heidelberg, Vic. Teat-cup Gillman, T. H., Hawera, N.Z. Jointing timber Gilmer, S. H., Christehurch, N.Z. Insuring cleanliness in handling boot-polish Girdler, G. T., Auckland, N.Z. Explosive engine and air-compresser .. Gleeson, J., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 21785.) Golding, A. F., and another, Hobart, Tas. Variable speed pulley. (A. M. Campbell) Goldman, C, Wellington, N.Z. Combination lounge and bed Gooder, N. I., Wellington, N.Z. Trolly-head Gordon, J., London, Eng. Applying glass, &c, tiles to walls Gordon, N. R., Melbourne, Vic. Non-refillable bottle Gould, P. C, and another, Aratapu, N.Z. Oil-feeder Gouldbourn, J., Leicester, Eng. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 22156.) Grace, T., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Sheep-shearing machine Graham, J., Auckland, N.Z. Street-watering method Grainger, T., Hobart, Tas. Stock-feeder Grant, M. A., Kalgoorlie, W.A. Converting burnt clay into pottery Graumann, A., and another, Stolberg, Ger. (See Rheinisch-Nassauische Bergwerks and Hutten-Actien Gesellschaft, Stolberg, Ger., No. 21991.) Gray, G., Dunedin, N.Z. Coulter-clamp Gray, R. R., Pukeuri, N.Z. Weed-eradicator Gredt, P., Luxembourg. (See E. Phillips, No. 20586.) .Greenfield, J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Feed reservoir and box.. Greenfield, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Nose-bag for animals Greer, F. S., Wallandool, N.S.W. Fume-delivering apparatus for rab-bit-destruction Greer, J. S., and another, Melbourne, Vic. Safety lamp Griffiths, C. F., Auckland, N.Z. Vibrating apparatus Grimes, W., and another, Dannevirke, N.Z. (See J. T. Hunter, No. 22099.) Gunn, A., Wanganui, N.Z. Liquid washing-soap 22108 21879 21913 22159 22100 20024 21858 22174 22197 21098 22127 21947 21894 2ISO5 221(1.-) 21903 21735 21900 22054 22043 8 Dec 4 Oct. 12 Oct. 2 Feb.f 5 Dec. ■23 Jan. 2 Oct. 10 Dec. 10 Dec. 28 Aug. 29 Nov. 20 Oct. 6 Oct. 17 Sept. 24 Nov. 11 Oct. 5 Sept. 11 Oct. 14 Nov. 6 Nov. 3 96 's8 96 3 88 3 3 88 99 88 93 105 105 10 Jan., 1907.* I r> Nov.* 18 Oct.' 15 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907.* 18 Oct. 10 Jan., 1907.* 10 Jan., 1907. 18 Oct.* 29 Nov.* 18 Oct.* 1 Nov. 13 Dec* 13 Doc* 21998 22205 21720 21647 1 Nov. 12 Dec. 30 Aug. 16 Aug. 105 3 88 99 13 Dec. 10 Jan., 1907.* 18 Oct.* 29 Nov.* 21910 22021 13 Oct. 5 Nov. 90 Iβ Nov.* 20571 21091 ■21982 1! Jan. 24 Aug. 30 Oct. 93 99 99 1 Nov. 29 Nov.* 29 Nov. 21546 21839 1 Aug. 25 Sept. 88 93 18 Oct. 1 Nov. 22100 19 Nov. 3 10 Jan., 1907.* Haigh, T. G., Linwood, N.Z. Whisking-machine Hammond, J., and others, Johannesburg, Transvaal. Concentrating alluvial deposit Hanham, S., Auckland, N.Z. Screw Hannah and Co., Limited, R., Wellington, N.Z. Boot. (G. Johnson) Hannah and Co., Limited, R., Wellington, N.Z. Boot-upper. (H. Chambers) Hansen, N. J., Motu, N.Z. Axe Hansen, T. H., Wellington, N.Z. Pneumatic tires and wheels therefor Hanslow, J., Cambridge, Tas. Wire gripper and strainer Hare, A., Auckland, N.Z. Operating gas-valves, electric switches, &c. Harkness, B. G. A., Stratford, N.Z. Vacuum-pump Harkness, B. G. A., Stratford, N.Z. Potato-planter Harkuess, W. S., Toora, Vic. Stamp-aftixev Harper, C, Guildford, W.A. Disposal of effluent from septic tanks .. Harper, N. C. T., Durban, Natal. Manufacturing crystallized carbonate of soda Hart, C. E. B., and others, St. Kilda, Vic Seat-support for bicycle .. Hart, E. W., and another, Luton, Eng. Propulsion of vehicles Harwood, W. C. V., and another, London, Eng. Supplying disinfectant to flushing-cistern Hayes, E., Rough Ridge, N.Z. Wire-coiler Hayes, E., Rough Ridge, N.Z. Wire-splicer Heithersay, J. S., Adelaide, S.A. Perpetual calendar Henrich, P., Hoquiam, U.S.A. (See A. Poison, No. 21764.) Henry, E. S., and another, Christehurch, N.Z. Music-book holder and cover Henry, W., Wellington, N.Z. Wooden brackets for buildings Henry, W. J., and another, Christehurch, N.Z. Music-book holder and cover 20380 22132 28 Nov., 1905 29 Nov. 93 3 I Nov. 10 Jan., 1907.* 21825 21029 21822 22 Sept. 13 Aug. 24 Sept. 99 88 93 29 Nov.* 18 Oct. 1 Nov. 22109 22037 22240 21938 21200 21895 22025 22183 22117 26 Nov. 8 Nov. 27 Dec 18 Oct. 7 June 9 Oct. 7 Nov. 12 Dec. 27 Nov. 105 99 88 99 105 13 Dei.* 29 Nov.* 18 Oct. 29 Nov.* 13 Dec* 22120 21734 22187 29 Nov. 5 Sept. 12 Dec. 105 88 3 13 Dec 18 Oct. 10 Jan., 1907. 21694 22143 22250 27 Aug. 1 Dec. 27 Dec 88 L8 Oct.* 21927 17 Oct. 105 13 Dec* 20750 21927 20 Feb. 17 Oct. 105 105 13 Dec. 13 Dec*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


PPl lica .ion. \tze Siffiu, Address, and Invention. No. Date. I No. Date. Henshall, E., Papanui, N.Z. Motor-hoist Heskett, T. J., Brunswick, Vic. Extraction of zinc from its sulphides Hickman, J. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Show-case Hickman, J. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Show-case Hickman, J. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Ironsand-separator Hickman, J. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Show-case Hickman, J. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Motor-car dust and wind shield Hickman, J. H., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Window or show-case bar Hill, E., Westport, N.Z. Harness-tug .. Hill, H., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Mitre-box and cramp Hill, S., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Nail-making machine Hinson, W., Sydney, N.S.W. Liquid-sprayer. (Benton and Stone— H. Atkinson) FTird, J. B. E., Tomoana, N.Z. Testing wool-bales Hitchens, J. K., Petone, N.Z. Axe-handle attachment Hogan, J., and others. Day Dawn, W.A. Drill-chuck Holman, E. A., Opotiki, N.Z. Cart-jack Holmes, G. B., and another, Wellington, X.Z. Trollv-head Holmes, H. W. J., Wyalong, N.S.W. Animal-trap Hood, D. B., and others, Greymouth, N.Z. Discharging railway-trucks Hood, D. B., and another, Greymouth, N.Z. Induced draught Hooker, L. O., Hawera, N.Z. Perch-carrier Hooper, M. J., N. Carlton, Vic. Oil-lamp burner Hopkins, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Vehicle-tire Horrocka Automatic Vending-machine Company, Limited, Wellington, N.Z. Vending-machine. (L. B. Horrocks) Horrocks, L. B., New Plymouth, N.Z. (See Horrocks Automatic Vend-ing-machine Company, Limited, No. 20220.) Houston, D., St. George, Q. Acetylene-generator Howell, H., London, Eng. Incandescent burner I lowland, A. G., Christchureh, N.Z. Sash-fastener Hewlett, E., Auckland, N.Z. Easy chair Muggins, A. G., and another, Riverlea, N.Z. Milk-weighing can Hughes, C. M. C, and others, London, Eng. (See Cork Asphalt, Limited, Nos. 22119 and 22120.) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Boot or shoe tree. (Industrial Patents, Limited—S. French) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Railway indicator-board. (J. Gleeson and T. C. Allen) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Preventing combustion of baled goods. (J. F. Sicely and G. Cummins) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Preventing spontaneous combustion in baled goods. (j. F. Sicely and G. Cummins) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Filling concealed receptacles with liquid. (F. G. King) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Linotype. (Linotype and Machinery, Limited— J. Mayer and C. A. Albrecht) Hughes, W. E., Wellington, N.Z. Bicycle-support. (G. S. Meredith) Humble, T. S., Geelong, Vic. Combustion-chamber of gas-engine Humphries, G. E., Wellington, N.Z. Scaffolding Hunter, G. H., Wellington, N.Z. Butter-box. (R. H. Ellis) Hunter, J. B., Eparaima, N.Z. Harrow Hunterj J. T., Wellington, N.Z. Joint for earthenware pipe. (J. Bridson and W. Grimes) Hunter, S. B., and others, Moreland, Vic. Boring appliance Hutehinson, G., Seatoun, N.Z. (See Hydraulic Hand-milker Company, Limited, No. 21804.) Hydraulic Hand-milker Company, Limited, The, Wellington, N.Z. Milking machinery. (G. Hutehinson) 20558 22241 21849 21850 21855 21957 21958 10 Jan. 21 Dec. 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 24 Oct. 24 Oct. 88 18 Oct. 93 93 96 99 99 1 Nov. 1 Nov. 15 Nov.* 29 Nov. 20 Nov. 21959 24 Oct. 99 2!) Nov. 20795 21979 21719 21943 1 March 25 Oel. 27 Aug. 20 Oct. 105 96 88 13 Dec. 15 Nov.* 18 Oct. 21737 22230 21858 22214 22107 21020 21932 21980 22104 22115 22202 20220 31 July 22 Dec. 2 Oct. 15 Dec. 26 Nov. 8 Aug. 1C. Oct. 25 Oct. 23 Nov. 27 Nov. 11 Deo. 25 Oct.. 1905 93 96 3 3 93 99 1 Nov.* 15 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907.* 10 Jan., 1907.* 1 Xov.* ■2!) Nov.* 3 3 96 10 Jan., l!!07. 10 Jan., 1907.* 15 Nov. 22227 22093 21584 22177 22247 20 Dee. 21 Nov. 6 Aug. 10 Dec. 27 Dec. 100 105 3 13 Dec. 13 Dee. 10 Jan., 1907. 20591 18 Jan. 09 29 Nov. 21785 14 Sept. 88 18 Oct. 21883 5 Oct. 9G 15 Nov.* 21892 8 Oct. 90 15 Nov.* 21899 11 Oct. 22178 10 Dec. 22191 22251 ■2216(5 21952 21981 •22099 12 Dec. 27 Dec. 6 Dec. 23 Oct. 29 Oct. 22 Nov. 3 99 105 10 Jan., 1007.* 29 Nov.* 13 Dec* 22075 16 Nov. 3 10 Jan., 1907.* 21804 I!) Sept, ins 1 Nov.* Imbert, A. H., Grand-Montrouge, France. Treating ores Industrial Patents, Limited, London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 20591.) Irwin, H., Tikokino, N.Z. Alarm 22213 14 Dec. 21187 23 May 88 18 Oct. Jack. A., Piilmerston North, N.Z. Gas-production from hydrocarbon oils Jackson, J. D., Prahran, Vic Bath-water heater Jackson, F. H., New Plymouth. N.Z. Garden-hoe Jackson, F. H.. New Plymouth, N.Z. Gate James, T. S., London, Eng. Internal-combustion engine Jamieson, W., and another, Grays, Eng. Hooping casks, barrels, &c. Jamison, J., Dunedin, N.Z. Window-fastener and anti-rattler Jaques, 0. A., and others, Sydney. N.S.W. Shoep-shearing machine.. Jarvis, C A., London, Eng. Delivering disinfectant to flushingcistern Jebb, J. T., Mount Roskill, Auckland, N.Z. Egg-canier Jennings, F., Wellington, N.Z. Ledger ., 22232 22228 21972 22087 21854 22029 22007 21998 21367 21 Dec. 20 Tec. 26 Oct. 21 Nov. 2 Oct. 7 Nov. 21 Oct. 1 Nov. 14 Nov., 1905f io5 93 13 Dec. 1 Nov. (in 105 96 29 Nov.* 13 Dec. 15 Nov. 21789 ! 21862 12 Sept. \2 Oct. 93 00 1 Nov. 15*Nov.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Johansen, H. V., Auckland, N.Z. Explosive engine .. Johnson, G., Wellington, N.Z. (See R. Hannah and Co., Limited, No. 21629.) .Johnson, W. M., and another, Bendigo, Vic. Siphon .. Johnston, A., Wellington, N.Z. Desk-lid bracket Johnston, J., and another, Invercargill, N.Z. Scaffolding-bracket .. Jones, G. B., and another, Otahuhu, N.Z. Harness roller-tug .. j Jones, W. B., Hastings, N.Z. Fencing-standard Julius, G. A., and another, Perth, W.A. Voting-machine 22101 20 Nov. 22158 21891 21905 21745 20188 22084 8 Dec. 8 Oct. 11 Oct. 1 Sept, 24 Nov., 1905 21 Nov. 93 88 105 L Nov.* 18 Oct. 13 Dec. Keane, J. T., Bendigo, Vic. Displaying mathematical tables Keats, T., Sheffield, N.Z. Fencing-wire reel Keesing, H. M., Auckland, N.Z. Securing carpets Kelly, C. P., and others, Melbourne, Vie. Incandescent lamp and burner Kelly, C. P., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Hydrocarbon vaporiser for lamps Kelly, C. P., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Hydrocarbon-gas manufacture Kelly, D. J., Salt Lake City, U.S.A. Slime-filtering apparatus Kemp, A. L., Karamea, N.Z. Construction of wharf Keogh, H. P., Melbourne, Vic. Treating ores containing zinc Kettle, H. C, Dunedin, N.Z. Water-heater Kettering, C. F., Dayton, U.S.A. (See National Cash Register Company No. 22085.) Kettle, H. G., Dunedin, N.Z. Teat-cup of milking-machine Kidd, C. A., Christchurch, N.Z. Vehicle-tire .. •. Killen E B., London, Eng. Rubber tread of tire for wheel.. Kimball, P. L., Vermont, U.S.A. (See G. G. Turri, Nos. 22081, 22082, 22083.) Kimberley, J., Horsham, Vic. Drafting-gates for stock, &c. King, F. G., Redfern, N.S.W. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 21899.) Kinzett, E., Kaimatarau, N.Z. Pump Kirkby, E. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Electric temperature alarm Kjellstrom, O., Stockholm, Sweden. Concrete-pipe manufacture Klein, P., Riga, Russia. Manufacturing aluminates, &o. Knight, L. C, and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Gas lighter and extinguisher Knight, L. C, and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Magnetic toy Krause, A. H., Auckland, N.Z. Preservative for plants Krause, J. H., Nightcaps, N.Z. Hedge-slasher Krieger, E., and others, Adelaide, S.A. Seat-support for bicycle, &c... 22221 21759 21838 21901 21902 20 Dec. 10 Sept. 27 Sept. 11 Oct. 11 Oct. 93 99 03 1 Nov.* 29 Nov.* 1 Nov.* 22004 15 Nov. 105 13 Dec* 21985 22014 20530 22238 31 Oct. 5 Nov. 5 Jan. 22 Pec. 99 105 99 29 Nov. 13 Dec. 29 Nov. 21975 21890 22061 27 Oct. 5 Oct. 15 Nov. m 29 Nov.* 21801 2 Oct. 90 Iβ Nov.* 21708 21964 21430 21792 21757 29 Aug. 25 Oct. 11 July 15 Sept. J Sept. 88 99 88 93 93 18 Oct.* 29 Nov. 18 Oct. 1 Nov. 1 Nov.* 21933 21931 21771 22126 17 Oct. 15 Oct. 11 Sept. 29 Nov. 99 88 105 29 Nov.* 18 Oct. 13 Dec. Lamson Store Service Company, Limited, London, Eng., and Sydney, N.S.W. Cash or parcel carrier. (E. C. Phillips) Langer, E., Sydney, N.S.W. (See C. M. Stewart, No. 22048.) Langford, G., Waihi, N.Z. Amalgamator Langton, E. G., Masterton, N.Z. Toilet-combs Larsen, C. E., Wellington, N.Z. Spouting-bracket Lawrence, W. C, Waitara, N.Z. Spade Layfield, J., and another, Vancouver, B.C. Cement building-block .. Leach, J. D., Dargaville, N.Z. Table, &c, legs Lee, G., Martinborough, N.Z. Cigarette-roller Lees, H. R., Daylesford, Vic. Potato digger, bagger, &o. Lester, T., and others, Cromwell, N.Z. Asthma, bronchitis, &.C., cure Levinson, W., Christchurch, N.Z. Water-cooled chamber Leydon, J. B., Gisborne, N.Z. Vehiote-seat Lindsay, C, Waianiwa, N.Z. Draw-bar for traction-engine Iinley, J. A., London, Eng. Food-preservation. (A. E. Sherman and J. B. Linley) Linley, J. B., and another, London, Eng. (See J. A. Linley, No. 21834.) Linotype and Machinery, Limited, London, Eng. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 22178.) Lock, J., and another, Auckland, X.Z. Bunching materials used in brush and broom making Lockley, T. B., Goulburn, N.S.W. Carpenters' vise Longdin, G. H., Christchurch, N.Z. Fastening lids of hampers, &c. . . Loonies, C, Wellington, N.Z. Testing wool from centre of bale Lucena, W., and another, Hobart, Tas. Clothes-line Lund, T. E., and another, Johannesburg, Transvaal. Nut-lock Lyell, A., Wellington, N.Z. Non-refillablo bottle Lyell, A., Wellington, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle .. Lvnn, J. P., Kalgoorlie, W.A. Electro-magnetic stamp-battery Lvons, R. M., Colac Bay, N.Z. Shaft-coupling for marine engine 22165 f> Dec. 3 10 Jan., 1907.* 21845 20293 20122 21724 22188 22044 21800 22128 22142 21748 21909 22136 21834 29 Sept. 10 Nov., 1905 2 Oct., 1905.. 31 Aug. 12 Dec. 10 Nov. 18 Sept. 29 Nov. 1 Dec. 6 Sept. 25 Oct. 20 Nov. 27 Sept. 93 03 3 88 1 Nov.* 1 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907. 18 Oct. 93 3 3 93 1 Nov.* 10 Jan., 1907. 10 Jan., 1907.* 1 Nov.* "3 93 10 Jan., 1907.* 1 Nov. Iβ Nov. 13 Dec* 22071 105 22035 21989 22122 22124 21955 ■21837 22020 ±2125 22121 5 Nov. 31 Oct. 28 Nov. 28 Nov. 24 Oct. 27 Sept. 6 Xov. 28 Nov. 27 Nov. 105 99 3 93 99 3 105 13 Dec. 29 Nov.* 10 Jan, 1907.* 1 Nov.* 29 Nov.* 10 Jan., 1907.* 13 Dec. Macalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Turnip-thinner Macalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Disc scarifier for ridger .. Macalister, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Rotary disc harrow _ Macarthur, C, and others, London, Eng. Rotary engine .Macdonald, T. F., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Cooking-utensil Macfarlane, I. G., Ngaruawahia, N.Z. Spraying-apparatus 20800 22013 22103 21071 21871 21810 28 Feb. 2 Nov. 1 Dec. 21 Aug. 4 Oct. 18 Sept. 105 99 3 88 13 Dec'. 29 Nov.* 10 Jan., 1907.* 18 Oct. 93 1 Nov.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent — continued.

13— H. 10.-07.


LPPI lical jion. '■aze\ ie. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. Date. Date. Maclvor, R. W. E., London, Bng. Treating ores containing gold Mackie, J., and another, Biverlea, N.Z. Milk-weighing can.. Mackie, M. W. W., Baling, Eng. Dynamo electric machine and electric motor Mackillop, G. H., and others, Stratford-on-Avon, Eng. Pulveriser .. Macky, J. J., Auckland, N.Z. Connecting trolly-wheel to wire Maher, P., Wendonside, N.Z. Draw-gear for vehicles Malone, D. J., Stratford, N.Z. Non-refillable bottle Maloney, J. P., and another, Fortrose, N.Z. Station or street indicator Manley, J. W., New Barnett, Eng. Winding coils of electric indicating apparatus. (Electric Safety Appliance Company, Limited* Mapp, T. H,, Sydney, N.S.W. Hydraulic press Marino, Q., and another, London, Eng. Treatment of wood Markle, W. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Ticket-holder Marklund, C. 0., Lowburn Ferry, N.Z. Water-engine Marks, H. S., Leongatha, Vic. Door or gate holder Marks, H. J., Toowoomba, Q. Buffer-coupling Marriott, 0., Bairnsdale, Vic. Puncture-stop composition Marriott, J. W., Bairnsdale, Vic. Burrow-fumigating apparatus Marsh, F., West Maitland, N.S.W. Gold-extractor Marsh, F., West Maitland, N.S.W. Gold-extractor Marshall, J. B., Broken Hill, N.S.W. Rock-drill Masson, J. R., Melbourne, Vic. Recovery of arsenic from ores Matthews, K., Wellington, N.Z. Ink, &c, bottle Maybury, W. M., and another, Iona, Vic. Grading and screening apparatus for potatoes, &c. Maybury, W. H., and another, Iona, Vic. Grading and screening apparatus for potatoes, &c. Mayer, J., and another, Berlin, Ger. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 22178.) McElhone, A., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Nail-making machine .. McElhone, W. P., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Nail-making machine McFee, E., Dunedin, N.Z. Desk McGarva, T. P., Christchurch, N.Z. Cradle McGeoch, J. A., Melbourne, Vic. Suction air-power McGeoch, J. A., Melbourne, Vic. Force air-power McGeoch, J. A., Melbourne, Vic. Transmitting and distributing air McGuire, J., Melbourne, Vic. Cooking-oven 21811 22247 21859 19 Sept. 27 Deo. 30 Jan.| 88 96 18 Oct.* 15 Nov. 21799 21831 21755 21709 22252 18 Sept, 22 Sept. 6 Sept. 4 Sept. 25 Aug. 27 Dec. 93 96 93 88 88 1 Nov. 15 Nov.* 1 Nov.* 18 Oct.* 18 Oct.* 21983 22171 22200 22078 22223 22057 21806 21962 20197 20198 21740 21282 21814 22152 30 Oct. 7 Deo. 14 Dec. 20 Nov. 20 Dec. 14 Nov. 20 Sept. 25 Oct. 19 Oct., 1905 19 Oct., 1905 5 Sept. 8 June 22 Sept. 5 Dec. 99 29 Nov. "3 10 Jan., 1907.* 105 105 99 93 93 88 99 88 3 13 Dec. 13 Dec* 29 Nov.* 1 Nov. 1 Nov. 18 Oct. 29 Nov. 18 Oct.* 10 Jan., 1907. 22152 5 Dec. 3 10 Jan., 1907. 21719 21719 22088 22237 21995 21996 21997 20822 27 Aug. 27 Aug. 21 Nov. 22 Dec. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 8 Mar. 88 88 105 105 105 99 (99 \99 96 105 93 3 18 Oct. 18 Oct. 13 Dec* 13 Dec* 13 Dec* 29 Nov. 29 Nov.* 29 Nov. 15 Nov. 13 Dec* 1 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907. Mclntyre, W., Westport, N.Z. Coal-boring drill. (J. Smith) McKay, P., and others, Day Dawn, W.A. Drill-chuck McLaughKn, F., Wellington, N.Z. Push-cart McLaurin, J. D., Pohangina, N.Z. Marking hemp-bales McLean, A., Braeside, N.Z. Wheel McLean, F. E., Henley, N.Z. Fastening for teat-cup mouthpiece McLoughlin, J., and others, Cromwell, N.Z. Asthma-cure.. McMillan, J. G., Toorak, Vic. Cream-cooler McMullen, G., and others, Perth, W.A. Gravity-fed arc lamp McNally, J., Longreach, Q. Fencing-dropper McPhee, J. H. A., Dunedin, N.Z. Tobacco-cutter and box Mellor, G. W., London, Eng. Forming compound deals Merkley, C. G., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Differential hoisting-pulley Meredith, G. S., Launceston, Tas. (See W. E. Hughes, No. 22191.) Metcalfe, A. J., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Sheep-shearing machine Meyer, W.C., Boston, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 20451.) Michalopoulos, G., Auckland, N.Z. Stove for heating tailors' irons .. Middleton, R., and others, Leeds, Eng. (See Cork Asphalt, Limited, No. 22120.) Middleton, W., and another, Kalgoorlie, W.A. Grinding-pan Millar, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Spraying-machine Miller, C, Nelson, N.Z. Producing optical illusions on post, &c, cards Milne, J. A., and another, Alexandra South, N.Z. Water-motor Mitchell, T., Wellington, N.Z. Ship's hull Moir, A. E., Melbourne, Vic. Milk-can Moller, E. V., Meeniyan, Vic. Adjusting and locking window-sashes Morgan, A., Palmerston North, N.Z. Operating electric bells Morgan and Co., Limited, Dannevirke, N.Z. Galvanised-iron roof. (F. W. Smith) Morice, P., Sydney, N.S.W. Utilising force of sea-waves Morris, A., Green Island, N.Z. Waterproof dubbing Morris, J., North Wales, U.S.A. Artificial teeth Morris, T. R., Melbourne, Vie. Folding-box Morrison, W., Waverley, N.S.W. Rubber heel Morton, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Non-slipping shears Mosey, F., and others, Perth. W.A. Gravity-fed are lamp .. Moas, J. I., Abbotsford, Vic. Window-fastener Munro, E. T., and others, Leongatha, Vic. Branding-tool Munro, J. A., and others, Leongatha, Vic. Branding-tool Munt, F. W., Wellington, N.Z. Stamp-affixer Murdoch, A., Dunedin, N.Z. Soap 20333 18 Nov., 1905 21858 22038 20911 22207 22231 22142 22027 21930 20981 20476 20358 21926 2 Oct. 8 Nov. 28 March 15 Dec. 18 Dec. 1 Dec. 7 Nov. 17 Oct. 11 April 15 Dec, 1905 23 Nov., 1904f 17 Oct. 3 99 96 88 96 99 99 10 Jan., 1907.* 29 Nov.* 15 Nov. 18 Oct. 15 Nov. 29 Nov. 29 Nov.* 21998 1 Nov. 105 13 Dec. 21798 14 Sept. 93 1 Nov * 21832 21887 21994 22197 21543 22190 21872 22217 21919 27 Sept. 4 Oct. 29 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 July 12 Dec. 4 Oct. 19 Dec. 16 Oct. 96 3 99 3 88 3 93 15 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907. 29 Nov.* 10 Jan., 1907.* 18 Oct.* 10 Jan., 1907.* 1 Nov.* 99 29 Nov.* 22069 21914 21772 21120 22039 21847 21930 22055 21715 21715 22233 21649 13 Nov. 12 Oct. 12 Sept. 9 May 8 Nov. 27 Sept. 17 Oct. 14 Nov. 29 Aug. 29 Aug. 21 Dec. 14 Aug. 105 '88 99 99 96 3 88 88 13 Dec, 18 Oct. 29 Nov. 29 Nov. 15 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907. 18 Oct. 18 Oct 99 29 NoV.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.


ipp] lioal lion. \azr,i te. Name, Address, and Invention. No. No. I Date. Date. Murray, A. C, and others, Cromwell, N.Z. Asthma, bronchitis, &c, cure Murray, W. E., Edinburgh, Scot. Steady foundations for floating structures Mutch, T. H., and others, Johannesburg, Transvaal. Concentrating alluvial deposit 22142 1 Dec. 3 10 Jan., 1907.* 21865 3 Oct. 96 15 Nov. 10 Jan., J9O7.* 22132 29 Nov. 3 National Cash Register Company, Dayton, U.S.A. Store service creditsystem apparatus. (C. F. Kettering) Nichol, G. M., Hauiti, N.Z. Extracting handles from axe-heads Nicholls, H. C., and another, Edendalc, N.Z. Scaffolding-bracket Nicholaus, J. F., Wellington, N.Z. Vehicle-shaft props Nielsen, C. A., and another, Port Ahuriri, N.Z. Trawling-net Nightingall, V. C. J., Melbourne, Vic. Filter from water-tap Noedl, R. A., Woodville, N.Z. Bicycle-pedal protector Normoyle, T., and another, Hobart, Tas. Finger-ring Norrie, W. M., Auckland, N.Z. Acetylene-gas generator Norrie, W. M., Auckland, N.Z. Potato-peeler North, H., Wellington, N.Z. Upholstering-springs and supports North, R., and another, London, Eng. Hermetically sealing receptacles for food 22085 21 Nov. 105 13 Dec. 22258 21905 21986 21842 21860 20649 22113 21884 21941 21881 22028 29 Dec. 11 Oct. 31 Oct. 28 Sept. 2 Oct. 27 Jan. 26 Nov. 6 Oct. 19 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Nov. 105 93 99 99 13 Dec* 1 Nov.* 29 Nov. 29 Nov. 96 15 Nov.* 96 15 Nov.* Old, E., Dingee, Vic. Clamping-device .. Oldfield, R. J., Wellington, N.Z. Saw or cutting tool Olds, R., Cromwell, N.Z. Fencing-standard Oliver, G., and another, S. Yarra, Vic. Valve for flushing-cistern Omond, A. W., and another, Bendigo, Vic. Siphon Oppenheim, A. E., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Cooking-utensil Osborne, G., Tinwald, N.Z. Liquid-sprayer Owens, P. J., San Francisco, U.S.A. Furnace-burner for liquid hydrocarbons 21921 22129 22173 22000 22158 21871 20600 21774 17 Oct. 29 Nov. 10 Dec. 1 Nov. 5 Dec. 4 Oct. 17 Jan. 12 Sept, 96 3 15 Nov.* 10 Jan., 1907.* '99 29 Nov.* 99 93 29 Nov. 1 Nov.* Pack, W., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 21833.) Page, F. T., Dannevirke, N.Z. Kerosene-pump retainer Palmfcr, D. P., Christchurch, N.Z. Folding-chair Palmer, G. C, Dannevirke, N.Z. Knee-pad for riding-saddle Parker, A., Dannevirke, N.Z. Ticket-issuing machine Parker, A., Dannevirke, N.Z. Vending-machine Parker, J., Euroa, Vic. Rabbit-trap Parry, H. E., Guildford, W.A. Compound counting-machine Parsons, C. A., Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Dynamo electric machinery Parsons, C. A., Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. Turbine and rotary compressor Patterson, W. H., and another, Otahuhu, N.Z. Harness roller-tug .. Payne, F. W., Dunedin, N.Z. Water-motor Peach, C. W., Palmerston North, N.Z. Hinge Pearson, J. C, Auckland, N.Z. Hairpin Peasley, J. F., and another, St. Kilda, Vic. Valve for flushing-cisterns Peck, J. A., and another, Sydney, N.S.W. Lock-nut (H. J. Swain) .. Penfold, F. E., Sydney, N.S.W. Hand-sweeper for street-cleaning .. Pennington, H. W., Gisborne, N.Z. Billiard-scorer Perini. (See de Perini.) Perry, F. H., Beverley, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 22060.) Peters; F., Melbourne, Vic. Milk cooler or heater Pettinger, T. E., and another, Darlinghurst, N.S.W. Differential hoist-ing-pulley Pettitt, J., Geelong, Vic. Field-gate. (O. E. A. Sturmhoebel) Phillips, E. C, London, Eng. (See Lamson Store Service Comnany, Limited, No. 22165.) Pickering, W., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Hat and programme holder Phillips, E., Melbourne, Vic. Ore-treatment. (P. Gredt) .. Pim, F. A., and another, Glenferrie, Vic. Lift and force pump Platt, W., Highbank, N.Z. Potato, &c, peeler Plummer, C. B., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Fibre-dressing Plummer, G. W., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Fibre-dressing Plummer, J. S., Auckland, N.Z. Portable cot or stretcher Poison, A., Hoquiam, U.S.A. Collapsible box. (P. Henrich) Pomeroy, J., Invercargill, N.Z. Paper-file Potier, L. W., and another, Brisbane, Q. Boot or shoe with attachable toe-cap Potier, L. W., Brisbane, Q. Shoe or slipper with attachable instepfronts Potier, R. A., and another, Brisbane, Q. Boot or shoe with attachable toe-cap Potier, R. A., and another, Brisbane, Q. Boot or shoe with attachable instep-fronts Powell, E. C, and others, London, Eng. Rotary engine Powick, E., Weka Weka, N.Z. Indicating and marking time in music 21706 21756 22130 22181 21707 21714 22226 21184 22032 21745 21725 21987 21973 22000 21916 22220 21761 21718 21926 28 Aug. 6 Sept. 29 Nov. 11 Dec. 28 Aug. 29 Aug. 20 Dec. 24 June, 1905t 7 Nov. 1 Sept, 28 Aug. 31 Oct. 11 Oct. ] Nov. 13 Oct. 20 Dec. 10 Sept. 27 Aug. 17 Oct. 88 93 3 3 88 88 '88 105 93 88 99 99 3 3 93 88 99 18 Oct.* 1 Nov.* 10 Jan.. 1907.* 10 Jan., 1907.* 18 Oct. 18 Oct.* 18 Oct. 13 Dec. 1 Nov.* 18 Oct. 29 Nov.* 29 Nov.* 10 Jan., 1907. 10 Jan., 1907. 1 Nov. 18 Oct.* 29 Nov.* 22161 5 Dec. 21780 20586 21749 22254 21817 21817 22235 21764 21953 22096 12 Sept. 17 Jan. 6 Sept. 28 Dec. 20 Sept. 20 Sept. 19 Dec. 11 Sept. 24 Oct. 21 Nov. 93 88 93 88 88 ] Nov.* 18 Oct. 1 Nov.* 18 Oct.* 18 Oct.* '88 99 18 Oct. 29 Nov.* 22097 21 Nov. 22096 21 Nov. 22097 21 Nov. 21671 22018 21 Aug. 2 Nov. 88 105 18 Oct. 13 Dec*


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent — continued.


Application. Gazette. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Preuse, A. A., and others, Johannesburg, Transvaal. Concentrating alluvial deposit Price, P., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Nail-making machine Primmer, C. F., Christchurch, N.Z. Centrifugal separator .. Pritcliard, G. T., Wanganui, N.Z. Railway signalling-apparatus Prollius, IS. A. O., Copenhagen, Denmark. (See Aktieselskabet Burmeister and Wains Maskin-og Skibsbyggeri, No. 21787.) Prouae, VV. J., Wellington, N.Z. Rusticated boarding 22132 21719 22255 20206 29 Nov. 27 Aug. 28 Dec. 21 Oct., 1 i>05.. 3 88 99 10 Jan., 1907.* 18 Oct. 29 Nov. 22218 19 Dec. 3 10 Jan., 1907. Quertier, H., Dunedin, N.Z. Apparatus for clearing tram-rails, &c. .. Quillot, M., Montigny, France. (See La Compagnie Francaise des Produits Fixator, No. 21976.) Quinlan, T. H., and others, London, Eng. (See Cork Asphalt, Limited, Nos. 22119 and 22120.) 22134 29 Nov. 3 10 Jan., 1907.* Lβ Nov. Rabbidge, P., Sydney, N.S.W. Electric generator Radclyffe, D. B., Stainee, Eng. Machinery to decorticate, scutch, and degum fibres Raine, A. C, Melbourne, Vic. Germ-excluder Ramage, J., Balclutha, N.Z. Milk-strainer Randall, A. R., Wellington, N.Z. Chamber Rastrick, J. L., Auckland, N.Z. Tube-scraper Rauhoff, J. M., Tinley Park, U.S.A. Rendering cement or concrete waterproof Read, T., Auckland, N.Z. Rubber heel-protector. . Reece, J. T., Sunbury, Vic. Frames for tents, &c. Reed, S., and another, London, Eng. Supplying disinfectant to flush-ing-cistern Reeve, C, Eketahuna, N.Z. Exterminating weeds by electricity Reid, A. J., Sydney, N.S.W. Railway, &c, brake Reinkowsky, C. A., Mathoura, N.S.W. Bridle Rheinisch-NassauiBche Bergwerks and Hutten-Actien - Gesellschaft, Stolberg, Ger. Production of zinc from ores. (W. Eorchcrs — A. Graumarm) Rich, F. A., Auckland, N.Z. Electrodes for recovery of metals. (S. B. Christy) Rich, F. A., Auckland, N.Z. Taeheometer Richardson, C, and another, Auckland, N.Z. Electrically distilling and purifying gum Richardson, W. G., Auckland, N.Z. Treatment of flax for making felt Richardson, W. G., Auckland, N.Z. Utilising waste flax as cattle-food Richfirdson, W. G., Auckland, N.Z. Preparing flax-waste as cattlefood Ridd, A., Waipuku, N.Z. Milking-machine Riegelhuth, O., Ballarat, Vic. Electrical signalling-device Rigby, E. J., and others, St. Kilda, Vic. Boring-applianee Rissmuller, L., New York, U.S.A. Drying, grinding, and screening apparatus Roberts, L., Timaru, N.Z. Pattern-chart Roberts, L., Timaru, N.Z. Pattern-chart Robertson, D., Wellington, N.Z. Message or letter form Robinson, W., Riverton, N.Z. Trolly-brake Rogers, C. R., Melbourne, Vic. Winnowing and seed-grading apparatus Rose, J., Wellington, N.Z. Clothes-washer .. .. .. Roseman, S. G., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Bunching materials used in brush and broom making Ross, A., and another, Foxton, N.Z. Twine-reeling machine Ross, J., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Fire-alarm or temperatureindicator Ross, W., and another, Foxton, N.Z. Twine-reeling machine Rost, A. J., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Manufacturing wire netting Rowe, S. V., Sydney, N.S.W. Fly-catcher Bundle, W., and another, Johannesburg, Transvaal. Nut-lock Rusden, J. R., Perth, W.A. Hat-stamping machine Rutherford, R. B., Aurelia, U.S.A. Wire stretcher and splicer 21917 21993 22216 21912 22123 21790 21793 22077 21924 22187 21836 21929 22006 21991 21.906 22138 22137 21840 21841 22114 13 Oct. 31 Oct. 19 Dee. 11 Oct. 28 Not. 12 Sept. 15 Sept. 10 Nov. 17 Oct. 12 Dec. 27 Sept. 17 Oct. 30 Oct. 31 Oct. 9 Oct. 27 Nov. 27 Nov. 25 Sept. 25 Sept. 23 Nov. 96 96 3 90 93 105 96 S 93 99 99 96 3 3 93 88 3 15 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907.* 15 Nov. I Nov. 13 Dec* 15" Nov.* 10 Jan., 1907. 1 Nov.* 29 Nov.* 29 Nov.* 15 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907. 10 Jan., 1907.* 1 Nov.* 18 Oct.* 10 Jan., 1907.* 21897 22153 22075 21946 9 Oct. 5 Dec. 16 Nov. 19 Oct. 93 3 3 1 Nov.* 10 Jan., 1907. 10 Jan., 1907.* 22046 22047 21922 22209 21738 20757 22071 12 Nov. 12 Nov. 17 Oct. 13 Dec. 5 Sept. 22 Feb. 16 Nov. 99 99 3 96 99 105 29 Nov.* 29 Nov.* 10 Jan., 1907.* 15 Nov. 29 Nov.* 13 Dec* 21984 21970 30 Oct. 26 Oct. 99 99 29 Nov. 29 Nov.* 21984 22040 21967 21955 21797 21798 30 Oct. 8 Nov. 25 Oct. 24 Oct. 2 Mayf 18 Sept. 99 99 29 Nov. 29 Nov.* 88 93 18 Oct." 1 Nov. Salmon, J. B., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Tire-cover Salmon, J. J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Tire-cover Sanders, F. G. B., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Electric drill Sanders, H., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Electric drill Sanders, R., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Electric drill .. .. I Saunders, M., Pleasant Point, N.Z. Sheep-shears, Emery grinder for j Saywell, G. H., Feilding, N.Z. Race-starter .. .. Soharf, W. H., Montreal, Canada. (See W. H. Thomas, No. 20855.) Scharf, W. H., Montreal, Canada. Linotype-machine .. .. j Scharf, W. H., Montreal, Canada. Linotype-machine Schauer, C. A., Wellington, N.Z. Fumigating'-apparatus Schauli, G., London, Eng. Electric cell Schmoll, E., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Boot Scott, J. J., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Railway-truck door 21893 21893 21043 21043 21043 22110 22080 6 Oct. 6 Oct. 27 April 27 April 27 April 26 Nov. 20 Nov. 88 88 88 3 18 Oct. 18 Oct. 18 Oct. 10 Jan., 1907.* 21782 21783 21880 22094 22169 21819 13 Sept., 1905t 13 Sept., 1905J 5 Oct. 21 Nov. 8 Dec. 21 Sept. 93 93 96 105 1 Nov. 1 Nov. 15 Nov.* 13 Dec. *99 29 Nov.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

.pp: lical lion. 'uzr; Sβ. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Seagar, E., Wellington, N.Z. Antimony-cruding furnace Seale, G. E. D., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Gas lighter and extinguisher Semb, F. G., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Gas lighter and extinguisher Semb, F. G., and others, Christchurch, N.Z. Magnetic toy Severy, M. L., and another, Arlington, U.S.A. Electrical musical instrument Shadgett, E., Kilbimie, N.Z. Treating bananas for preparation of a food Sherman, A. E., and another, London, Eng. (See J. A. Linley, No. 21834.) Sicely, J. F., and another, Marton, N.Z. (See W. E. Hughes, Nos. 21883 and 21892.) Sim, W., Underwood, N.Z. Milking-machine Sim, W., Underwood, Invercargill, N.Z. Milking-machine Sinclair, G. B., and another, Winthrop, U.S.A. Electrical musical instrument Sloane, A. D., Wellington, N.Z. Advertising-device Sloane, H., Christchurch, N.Z. Tube-cutter Smaill, A., jun.. Tomahawk, N.Z. Teat-cup mouthpiece Smith, A. G., and others, Wellington, N.Z. Cooking-utensil Smith, P., and others, London, Eng. Rotary engine Smith, F. W., Paekakariki, N.Z. Ascertaining temperature of baled goods Smith, F. W., Dannevirke, N.Z. (See Morgan and Co., Limited, No. 21919.) Smith, H. G., Okoroire, N.Z. Fencing-standard Smith, J., Westport, N.Z. (See W. Mclntyre, No. 20333.) Smith, J. D., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Kailway-truck door Smith, T., Dunedin, N.Z. Dinner-plate Snoo, W., W. Elizabeth, U.S.A. Wave motor Sollitt, R. H., Palmerston North, N.Z. Floor-cramp Sotithgate, W. C, Dunedin, N.Z. Tarring and sanding streets Spencer, H., New Plymouth, N.Z. Destroying noxious weeds and plants Stacy, G., and another, Perth, W.A. Voting-machine Stoedman, H. P. G., London, Eng. Matchmaking-machine Steedman, H. P. G., London, Eng. Matches Steele, J. A., Tainahori, N.Z. Apron of harvester-binder Stephenson, A. A., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Incandescent lamp and burner Stephenson, A. A., Melbourne, Vic. Vapouriser and burner for liquid fuel Stephenson, A. A., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Hydrocarbon vapouriser for lamps Stephenson, A. A., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Hydrocarbon-gas manufacture Stevenson, G., Christchurch, N.Z. Bottle Stevenson, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Plough Stewart, C. M., Wellington, N.Z. Dress-chart. (E. Langer) Sticht, R. C, Queenstown, Tas. Treating sulphide-ores Stitt, J., and others, Greymouth, N.Z. Discharging railway-trucks .. Stoddart, F. W., Bristol, Eng. Liquid-distributor for sewage Stone, W., Dunedin, N.Z. Raising and lowering sashes Stonex, A. E., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Potato, &c, spraying machine Storrie, A., Invercargill, N.Z. Disc furrower Strachan, W. A., Rakaia, N.Z. Turnip-cutter Strain, J. J., Christchurch, N.Z. Hot-water-service attachment Strathern, J., Kingsland, N.Z. Treating potatoes for blight Sturmhoebel, O. E. A., Geelong, Vic. (See J. Pettitt, No. 22161.) Suggate, C, and another, Auckland, N.Z. Ore-furnace Sutherland, T., Wellington, N.Z. Cooking-vessel Suttie, C, and another, Waharoa, N.Z. Cleansing flax-fibre, &c. Sutton, T. B., and another, Rongotea, N.Z. Billiard-table attachment Sutton, T. B., Rongotea, N.Z. Cardboard butter-box Swain, H. J., Sydney, N.S.W. (See H. Bostock and J. A. Peck, No. 21916.) 21942 21757 20 Oct. 8 Sept. 99 93 29 Nov.* 1 Nov.* •21757 8 Sept. (13 I Nov.* 21933 20820 17 Oct. 8 March 105 13 Dec. 22079 20 Nov. 21818 22010 20800 20 Sept. 30 Oct. 28 Feb. 93 99 105 I Nov.* 29 Nov.* 13 Deo. 21960 20659 21809 21871 21671 21741 24 Oct. 30 Jan. 18 Sept. 4 Oct. 21 Aug. 5 Sept. 99 105 96 *88 88 29 Nov. 13 Dec. 15 Nov.* 18 Oct. 18 Oct.* 20767 22 Feb. 99 ■29 Nov. 21819 22210 22176 22135 21915 22036 21 Sept. 13 Dec. 10 Dec. 29 Nov. 11 Oct. 8 Nov. 99 29 Nov.* 96 15 Nov.* 22084 21829 21830 21702 21901 21 Nov. 26 Sept. 26 Sept. 28 Aug. 11 Oct. 105 93 93 88 93 13 Dec. I Nov. 1 Nov. 18 Oct.* I Nov.* 21773 12 Sept. 93 1 Nov.* 21902 11 Oct. 93 1 Nov.* 22064 15 Nov. 105 13 Dec* 22201 22005 22048 21516 21932 21889 20366 22015 14 Dec. 1 Nov. 12 Nov. 26 July 16 Oct. 5 Oct. 21 Nov., 1905 5 Nov. 3 105 96 99 10 Jan., 1907.* 13 Dec* 15 Nov. 29 Nov.* 96 15 Nov. 22162 21948 21189 20427 1 Dec. 22 Oct. 23 May 5 Dec, 1905 3 99 105 99 10 Jan., 1907.* 29 Nov.* 13 Dec. 29 Nov. 22019 22195 22076 21803 22257 6 Nov. 13 Dec. 15 Nov. 18 Sept. 29 Dec. 99 3 93 29 Nov.* 10 Jan., 1907.* 1 Nov.* Tait, A. L. J., South Melbourne, Vic. Fibre-dresser Tate, W., Sydenham, N.Z. Lifting-jack Tattersall, H. A., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Hot-water system .. Tattersall, W., Launceston, Tas. Hames Taylor, A., and others, Sydney, N.S.W. Nail-making machine Taylor, J., Inglewood, N.Z. Harrow Teese, W. J., Balaclava, Vic. Milking-apparatus Thomas, W. H., Sydney, N.S.W. Linotype. (W. H. Scharf) Thompson, F. C., and another, Christchurch, N.Z. Lifting Venetian blinds 20229 21703 21867 21965 21719 21923 22086 20855 21934 26 Oct.. 1905 28 Aug. 3 Oct. 25 Oct. 27 Aug. 17 Oct. 21 Nov. 14 March 17 Oct. 93 88 99 88 1 Nov. 18 Oct.* 29 Nov. 18 Oct. 3 99 96 10 Jan., 1907.* 29 Nov. 15 Nov.*



Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent— continued.

pp] ioal ion. t<. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Thorburn, W., Seattle, U.S.A. Levelling and projecting angles Thorby, C. H., Haleombe, N.Z. Screw-driving machine Thurgar, E. W., Auckland, N.Z. Jewellery-pincer Thurgar, E. W., Auckland, N.Z. Pipe Thurgar, E. W., Auckland, N.Z. Detaching tongue of buckle from strap Thurlow, E. W., Northcote, Vic. Golf-ball Tinker, J., Christchureh, N.Z. Spocd-indicator for vehicles Tomlinson, E. M., Petersfield, Eng. Railway hand-signalling lantern Toms, E., and another, Palmerston North, N.Z. Billiard-table attachment Toshach, J. K., Christchureh, N.Z. Piano attachment Trebiloock, C. M., Malvern, Vic. Milk bucket cover and strainer Trengrovc, W. H., Wellington, N.Z. Tire-protector for motor-car, &c. Tropenas, A., Monklimar, France. Manufacture of steel Turnbull, R. J., Dunedin, N.Z. Rotary shaking table Turner, G., Blenheim, N.Z. Tomato-forcing house ... Turri, G. G., Melbourne, Vic. Centrifugal cream-separator (Vermont Farm Machine Company—P. L. Kimball) Turri, G. G., Melbourne, Vic. Centrifugal cream-separator (Vermont Farm Machine Company—P. L. Kimball) Turri, G. G., Melbourne, Vic. Centrifugal separator (Vermont Farm Machine Compauy—P. L. Kimball) Tuttle, C. B., Lynn, U.S.A. (See United Xpedite Finishing Company, No. 20514.) Twemlow, F. F., sen., Invercargill, N.Z. Skimmer for plough Tyree, W., Nelson, N.Z. Spray for agricultural, disinfecting, &c, ptjrposes Tyree, W., Nelson, N.Z. Building-block Tyree, W., Nelson, N.Z. Feeding hydrocarbons to incandescent burner 21711 21925 21852 21907 22012 22041 21779 21954 21803 29 Aug. 17 Oct. 28 Sept. 9 Oct. 1 Nov. 8 Nov. 10 Sept. 24 Oct. 18 Sept. 88 99 93 93 99 105 96 99 93 18 Oct. 29 Nov. 1 Nov.* 1 Nov.* 29 Nov.* 13 Dec. 15 Nov. 29 Nov. 1 Nov.* 22148 22203 22023 22157 22198 21681 22081 3 Dec 11 Dec. 7 Nov. 20 Feb.f 10 Dec 21 Aug. 21 Nov. 3 105 10 Jan., 1907.* 13 Dec* 88 105 18 Oct.* 13 Dec. 22082 21 Nov. 105 13 Dec. 22083 21 Nov. 105 13 Dee. 22208 12 Dec. 3 (96 199 99 105 10 Jan., 1907.* 15 Nov.* 29 Nov. 29 Nov. 13 Dec* j 21935 18 Oct. 21950 22065 23 Oct. 15 Nov. United Shoe Machinery Company, Patcrson, U.S.A. Lasting-machine. (W. A. Bond) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Sewing-machine. (W. C. Meyer) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Hough rounding and channelling machine. (G. F. Wolfe) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Forming and inserting fastenings. (G. A. Ambler) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Guides for inseam sewing-machine. (C. I. Fuller) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Sewing-machine. (E. E. Wiukley) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Machine for inserting and producing fasteners. (F. H. Perry) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Machine for inserting fastenings. (T. Briggs) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Machine for inserting and producing fasteners. (L. A. Casgrain) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Machine for inserting fastenings. (A. Bates and H. P. Gamble) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Clicking-press. (A. Bates) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Sole-pressing pad. (H. A. Davenport) United Shoe Machineiy Company, Boston, U.S.A. Skiving-machine. (F. L. Alley and W. Pack) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Assembling parts of boots or shoes. (O. Ashton) United Shoe Machinery Company, Paterson, U.S.A. Attaching heels to boots or shoes. (J. Gouldbourn) United Xpedite Finishing Company, Berwick, U.S.A. Heel-finisher. (C. B. Tuttle) Upritchard, J., and another, Greytown, N.Z. Deepening and, straightening rivers 20450 14 Dec, 1905.. 88 18 Oct. •20451 14 Dec, 1905.. 88 18 Oct. 20452 14 Dec, 1905.. 88 18 Oct. 20453 14 Dec, 1905.. 88 18 Oel. 22058 15 Nov. 99 29 Nov.* 22059 15 Nov. 99 29 Nov.* 22060 15 Nov. 99 29 Nov.* 21835 27 Sept, 93 1 Nov. 22066 15 Nov. 105 13 Dec* 22222 20 Dec. 3 10 Jan., 1907.* 22067 15 Nov. 105 13 Dec* 20554 10 Jan. 93 1 Nov. 21833 27 Sept, 93 1 Nov. 22155 1 Dec 3 10 Jan., 1907.* 22156 5 Dec. 3 10 Jan., 1907.* 20514 3 Jan. 93 1 Nov. 21944 20 Oct. Vermont Farm Machine Company, Vermont, U.S.A. (See G. G. Turri. Nos. 22081, 22082, 22083.) Vincent, J. C, and another, Greytown, N.Z. Deepening and straightening rivere 20 Oct. 21994 Walker, C. J., North Fitzroy, Vic. Boot-manufacture Walker, C. J., North Fitzroy, Vic. Foot-wear Walles, H. J., Roxburgh, N.Z. Submarine boat Walsh, J. D., St. Louis, U.S.A. (See T. Walsh. No. 22026.) Walsh, T., Eketahuna, N.Z. Roundabout. (J. D. Walsh) Waltho, A., Liscard, Eng. Stopper for bottles, &c. Ward, B., Tauranga, N.Z. Braces attachment Ward, H. J., Melbourne, Vic. Illusion apparatus Wathew, T. J., Devonport, N.Z. Water-heater 21016 21113 20246 19 April 9 May 27 Oct., 1905.. 93 99 88 1 Nov. 29 Nov. 18 Oct. 22026 22175 22111 22009 21827 7 Nov. 10 Dec. 26 Nov. 2 Nov. 21 Sept. 105 3 3 13 Dec* 10 Jan., 1907.* 10 Jan., 1907.* 93 1 Nov


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Letters Patent—continued.


■Ppl lioai :ion. \rtze\ (e. Name, Address, and Invention. No. Date. No. Date. Webber, A. C, Marrickville, N.S.W. Tool for removing and replacing tires Webster, A. J., Pirron Yallock, Vic. Milking-bai) Weston, R., Christchurch, N.Z. Pedal-strap for cyclists Whelan, T. J., Hawthorn, Vic. Knife cleaner and sharpener Whelan, P., Orbost, Vic. Shovel, spade, &e. Whitburn, D., Auckland, N.Z. A game .. White and Co., Limited, J. S., and others, East Cowes, Isle of Wight, Eng. Marine turbine White, P. C, and another, Auckland, N.Z. Potato, &c, spraying machine White, R. H., Wellington, N.Z. Internal-combustion engine Whitehouse, J., Waihi, N.Z. Wire mattress Whitelaw, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Show-case Whitelaw, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Show-case Whitelaw, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Iron-sand separator . . Whitelaw, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Show-case .. Whitelaw, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Motor-car dust and wind shield Whitelaw, J., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Window or show-case bar Whitney, A., Melbourne, Vic. Target Whyte, J., Christchurch, N.Z. Tie-frame Whyte, W., Wellington, N.Z. Temperature-indicator and fire-alarm Wight, G. F., Auckland, N.Z. Pen or pencil stay-attachment Wilkinson, H. K., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Milk-can Wilkinson, J. E., and another, Parkhill, Canada. Exhaust condenser Williams, A., Auckland, N.Z. Funnel or filler Williams, H. G., and others, Dunedin, N.Z. Brush or broom making Williams, H. S., Toowoomba, Queensland. Step-ladder Williams, R., Dunedin, N.Z. Hot well Wilson, D. N., Kumeroa, N.Z. Temperature-indicator Wilson, G. T., and another, Stratford, N.Z. Railway fish-plate Wilson, H., and others, St. Kilda, Vic. Boring-appliance Wilson, W., and another, Dunedin, N.Z. Egg-carrier Wilson, W. W., Christchurch, N.Z. Specific-gravity estimating apparatus Winkley, E. E., Lynn, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 22059.) Woledge, C. E., Christchurch, N.Z. Electric arc lamp Wolfe, G. F., Boston, U.S.A. (See United Shoe Machinery Company, No. 20452.) Wood, T. A. S., London, Eng. Treating wool, hair, &c. Woodcock, R. R., Napier, N.Z. Flushing-apparatus Woolcott, H. S., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Paint Wright, C. E., Walsall, Eng. Saddle-tree Wright. (See Barton-Wright.) Wynyard, M. H., and another, Auckland, N.Z. Cleansing flax -fibre, &c. 22219 22224 21611 21743 21928 20437 22150 22015 22033 21539 21849 21850 21855 21957 21958 21959 21909 21439 21791 21810 22008 21763 203fi4 21848 21645 20688 22090 22024 22075 22211 22140 20 Dec. 20 Dec. 9 Aug. 5 Sept. 17 Oct. 9 Dec, 1905.. 4 Marchf 5 Nov. 8 Nov. 31 July 1 Oct. 1 Oct. 2 Oct. 24 Oct. 24 Oct. 24 Oct. 13 Oct. 14 July 15 Sept. 20 Sept. 31 Oct. 11 Sept. 20 Nov., 1905 28 Sept. 19 Aug., 1905f 9 Feb. 21 Nov. 7 Nov. 1(5 Nov. 13 Dec. 28 Nov. 3 105 88 99 93 99 99 93 93 96 99 99 99 93 88 88 96 105 93 93 99 93 105 10 Jan., 1907. 13 Dec* 18 Oct.* 29 Nov.* 1 Nov. 29 Nov.* 29 Nov.* 1 Nov. 1 Nov. 15 Nov.* 29 Nov. 29 Nov. 29 Nov. 1 Nov.* 18 Oct. IS Oct.* 15 Nov. 13 Dec* 1 Nov. 1 Nov. 29 Nov. 1 Nov. 13 Dec. 3 3 3 10 Jan., 1907.* 10 Jan., 1907.* 10 Jan., 1907.* 21898 8 Oct. 93 1 Nov.* 21742 22239 20647 21992 5 Sept, 22 Dec. 27 Jan. 31 Oct. 88 99 105 18 Oct. 29 Nov. 13 Dec 22076 15 Nov. 3 10 Jan., 1907.* Ximenez. (See Y Xim&nez, No. 21977.) 22004 1 Nov. 105 Yourelle, T. I., and another, Wellington, N.Z. Utilising water-pipes in building-construction Yule, J. A., Gore, N.Z. Wrench for operating nuts of fish-plate bolts Y Ximenez, F. S., Chicago, U.S.A. Raising sunken vessels 13 Dec* 22102 21977 20 Nov. 24 Oct. 105 13 Dec. Zander, J. B., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Incandescent lamp burner Zander, J. B., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Hydrocarbon vaporiser for lamps Zander, J. B., and others, Melbourne, Vic. Hydrocarbon-gas manu21901 21902 11 Oct. 11 Oct. 93 93 1 Nov.* 1 Nov.* 22064 15 Nov. 105 13 Dec*




• Denotes a provisional specification, 'rade Marks Act, 1889." t Denotes a prior date under aectioi 106 o: 'atents, 'esigns, am Invention. Name. i No. •plication. Gatette. Date. No. Date. Accounts, Rendering and keeping Acetylene-gas generator Acetylene-gas generator Advertising-device Advertising-system Aerated drinks, Producing Air-compressor Air-power, Force Air-power, Suction Air, Transmitting and distributing Alarm Alarm. (See Burglar - alarm, Electric temperature-alarm, Fire-alarm.) Aluminates, &o., Manufacturing Amalgamator Amalgamator, Centrifugal Angles, Levelling and projecting angles .. Animal-trap Antimony-cruding furnace Antimony from ores, Recovering Asthma, bronchitis, &c, cure W. B. Eyre .. W. M. Norrie.. D. Houston A. D. Sloane .. R. S. Badger A. J. Billows .. G. T. Girdler J. A. McGeoch J. A. McGeoch J. A. McGeoch H. Irwin 22206 21884 22227 21960 22225 20719 21805 21996 21995 21997 21187 12 Dec. 6 Oct. 20 Dec. 24 Oct. 20 Dec. 14 Feb. 17 Sept. . . 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 31 Oct. 23 May .. 96 99 99 88 105 105 105 88 15 Nov.* 29 Nov. 29 Nov. 18 Oct.* 13 Dec* 13 Dec* 13 Dec* 18 Oct. P. Klein J. Langford P. de Boklevsky W. Thorburn .'. H. W. J. Holmes E. Reagar J. R. Masson T. Lester and A. C. Murray N. J. Hansen J. K. Hitchens G. M. Nichol 21792 21845 21857 21711 21620 21942 21282 22142 22109 22236 22258 15 Sept. 29 Sept. .. 2 Oct. 29 Aug. 8 Aug. .. 20 Oct. 8 June 1 Dec. 26 Nov. .. 22 Dec. 29 Dec. 93 93 96 88 93 99 99 3 1 Nov. 1 Nov.* 15 Nov. 18 Oct. 1 Nov.* 29 Nov.* 29 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907.* Axe Axe-handle attachment Axe-heads, Extracting handles from Bag. (See Nose-bag, Paper bag.) Bail, Milking - Baled goods, Preventing tire in Baled-goods tester Baled-goods tester Baled-goods tester Ball, Golf Banana-food preparation Band-cutter for threshing-machine Barrels, &c, Hooping Bath-water heater Bath-water heater Bed and lounge combined Bedstead, FoldingBells, Operating electric Bicycle-pedal protector Bicycle-pedal strap Bicycle-seat support A. J. Webster J. Gaut J. B. E. Hird F. W. Smith C. Loomes E. W. Thurlow E. Shadgett A. H. and D. J. Byron.. W. Jamieson and R. Burn T. J. Wathew J. D. Jackson C. Goldman .. G. Brennan A. Morgan R. A. Noedl .. R. Weston R. Dietz, E. Krieger, and C. E. B. Hart W. E. Hughes F. B. Clapcott H. W. Pennington Alcock and Co. Proprietary, Limited T. B. Button and E. Toms J. A. Steele H. Ellis C. G. Dickeson J. Strathern 22224 21879 21737 21741 22122 22041 22079 21660 22029 21827 22228 21903 22063 22217 20649 21611 22126 20 Dec. 4 Oct. 5 Sept. .. 5 Sept. 28 Nov. 8 Nov. 20 Nov. .. 20 Aug. 7 Nov. 21 Sept. 20 Dec. 11 Oct. 15 Nov. .. 19 Dec. 27 Jan. 9 Aug. 29 Nov. .. 96 93 88 3 105 93 15 Nov.* 1 Nov.* 18 Oct.* 10 Jan., 1907.* 13 Dec 1 Nov. 93 1 Nov. 99 29 Nov.* 99 105 105 29 Nov. 13 Dec* 13 Dec. Bicycle-support Billiard-board Billiard-scorer Billiard-table 22191 22164 21761 20952 12 Dec. 3 Dec. 10 Sept., 1906 4 April 3 03 99 10 Jan., 1907.* 1 Nov. 29 Nov. Billiard-table attachment Binder, Apron for harvester Binding-sheaves, Bands for Blackboard-frame Blight-proof mixture Block. (See Building-block, Concrete block, Earthenware block, Printingblock, Road-making block.) Blocks, Making, from plastic material .. Boarding, Rusticated Boarding, Weather Boat, Submarine Book-cover Book-holder Boot Boot Boot Boot-heel Boot-heel. (See also Heel, Rubber.) Boot-machine Boot or shoe, Assembling parts of Boot or shoe, Attaching heel to Boot or shoe sole, Plug for Boot or shoe tree Boot or shoe with attachable toe-cap .. 21803 21702 22103 21815 20427 18 Sept. 28 Aug. 23 Nov. 20 Sept.. .. 5 Dec, 1905 93 88 3 93 99 1 Nov.* 18 Oct.* 10 Jan., 1907.* 1 Nov. 29 Nov. Cork Asphalt, Limited W. J. Prouse .. J. O. Galbally H. J. Walles .. B. Dudley W. J. and E. S. Henry.. R. Hannah and Co., Limited J. M. Craigie .. E. Schmoll and C. J. Ellison J. Darnell 22120 22218 22234 20246 21961 21927 21629 21878 22169 22248 27 Nov. 19 Dec. 21 Dee. 27 Oct., 1905 25 Oct. 17 Oct. 13 Aug. 3 Oct. 8 Dec. 27 Dec. 88 105 105 88 18 Oct. 13 Dec* 13 Dec* 18 Oct. C. J. Walker United Shoe Mcahinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company H. E. Billson W. E. Hughes L. W. and R. A. Potier 21113 22155 22156 22192 20591 22096 9 May 5 Dec. 5 Dec. 11 Dec. 18 Jan. 21 Nov. .. 991 3 3 29 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907.* 10 Jan., 1907.* 99 29 Nov.


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.


4»I>] lioai iou. Jβ. Invention. Name. No. No. Data. Sate. Boot or shoe, Welted Boot-stamping machine Boot-upper Boring-appliance C. J. Walker J. R. Rusden R. Hannah and Co., Limited S. B. Hunter, H. Wilson, and E. J. Rigby G. Stevenson 21016 21797 21822 22075 19 April .. 2 Mayf .. 24 Sept. .. 16 Nov. 93 88 93 3 1 Nov. 18 Oct. 1 Nov. 10 Jan.,1907.* Bottle Bottle. (See Ink-bottle, Non-refillable bottle.) Bottle-stopper Bottles, jars, &c, Stoppering 22201 14 Dec. 3 10 Jan.,1907.* Bowlers' measure Bowls, Bias-adj\istment for Bowls, Distance-gauge for Box. (See Butter-box, Cock-box, Collapsible box, Mitre-box, Tobacco-box.) Braces attachment Bracket. (See Building-bracket, Scaffold-ing-bracket, Spouting-bracket.) Brake. (See Railway - brake, Trolly - brake.) Branding animals, Tool for A. Waltho .. La Compagnie Francaise dea Produits Fixator C. H. Gannaway W. Dall T. R. George 22175 21976 22168 21689 20624 10 Dec. 24 Oct. 8 Dec. 23 Aug. i>3 Jan. 3 105 3 88 88 10 Jan.,1907.* 13 Dec. 10 Jan.,1907.* 18 Oct.* 18 Oct. B. Ward 22111 26 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907.* B. T. and J. A. Monro, and I). J. Chandler C. A. Reinkowsky S. G. Roseman and J. Lock 21715 29 Aug. 88 18 Oct. Bridle Brush and broom making, Bunching materials used in Brush or broom 22006 22071 30 Oct. 16 Nov. 99 105 29 Nov.* 13 Dec* Bucket cover and strainer, Milk Buckle, Detaching tongue of .. Bu ffer-coupling Building-block Building, &c, block Building-bracket Building-block, Cement Building-construction, Utilising water - pipes in Buildings, Steel frame for Burglar-alarm Burner. (See Gas-burner, Incandescent burner, liquid-fuel burner, Oil-lamp burner.) Burrow-fumigating apparatus Butter-box Butter-box, Cardboard Butter-cooler H. G. Williams, »>. Broad, and C. G. Crolly C. M. Trebilcock E. W. Thurgar H. J. Marks .. W. Tyree Cork Asphalt, Limited W. Henry J. Layfield and A. V. Crisp T. I. Yourelle and'J. Bellingham 21848 22203 22012 22057 21950 22119 20750 22188 22004 28 Sept. .. 11 Dec. 1 Nov. 14 Nov. 23 Oct. 27 Nov. 20 Feb. 12 Dec. 1 Nov. 99 99 105 99 29 Nov. 29 Nov.* 13 Dec. 29 Nov. 105 13 Dec. 105 13 Dec* A. H. andD. J. Byron.. E. H. and;E.*V. Featon 22011 22050 5 Nov. 10 Nov. .. i05 13 Dec* J. W. Marriott G. H. Hunter T. B. Sutton .. F. H. Burbush 21962 21952 22257 21911 25 Oct. 23 Oct. 29 Dec. 11 Oct. 99 99 29 Nov.* 29 Nov.* Calendar Can. (See Milk-can.) Carbonate of soda, Manufacturing crystallized Cardboard butter-box. (See Butter-box.) Carpets, Securing in position Carrier. (See Sheaf-carrier, Egg-carrier, perch-carrier, cash or parcel carrier.) Cart-jack .. Cart, Push Cash or parcel carrier J. S. Heithersay 22250 27 Dec. N. C. T. Harper 22117 27 Nov. H. M. Keesing 21838 27 Sept. .. 99 29 Nov.* E. A. Holman F. McLaughlin Lamson Store Service Company, Limited W. Jamieson and R. Burn W. G. Richardson W. G. Richardson H. Colloseus .. J. Layfield and A. V. Crisp P. de Boklevsky Aktieselskabet Burmeister and Wains Maskin-og Skibsbyggeri G. G. Turn .. G. G. Turri .. G. G. Turri C. F. Primmer Aktiebolaget Separator Aktiebolaget Separator P. Browne 22214 22038 22165 15 Dec. 8 Nov. .. 6 Dec. 3 105 3 10 Jan.,1907.* 13 Dec* 10 Jan., 1907.* Casks, &c, Hooping Cattle-food, Preparing flax-waste as Cattle-food, Utilising waste flax for Cement apparatus Cement building-block Centrifugal amalgamator Centrifugal drum 22029 22114 21841 20956 22188 21857 21787 7 Nov. 23 Nov. .. 25 Sept. 2 April 12 Dec. 2 Oct. 12 Sept. .. 3 88 99 10 Jan., 1907.* 18 Oct.* 29 Nov. 96 93 15 Nov. 1 Nov. Centrifugal cream-Beparator Centrifugal cream-separator Centrifugal separator Centrifugal separator Centrifugal separator Centrifugal separator feed-device Centrifugal thickening and separating machine Chair-back protector Chair. (See Easy chair, Folding-chair.) Chamber Channelling-maehine Chart. (See Dress-chart, pattern-chart.) Cheese-cutter, Wire 22081 22082 22083 22255 22053 22052 22151 21 Nov. .. 21 Nov. 21 Nov. .. 28 Dec. 14 Nov. .. 14 Nov. 4 Dec. 105 105 105 105 105 3 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 10 Jan., 1907.* F. Bower 21846 29 Sept. .. 93 1 Nov.* •A. R. Randall United Shoe Machinery Company 22123 20452 28 Nov. .. 14 Dec, 1905 10 Jan., 1907 • 18 Oct. 88 J. Eddey _ 22204 11 Dec. ft


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.

14— H. 10.—07,


.pp] licai ion. inc., ,e. Invention. Ninu. Ko. Date. I No. Date. Cheques, Perforating (!hi mney-pot Chock for steadying engine Chuck. (See Drill-chuck.) Cigarette-making machine Cigarette-roller Cistern. (See Flushing-cistern.) (.'lamp. (See Coulter-clamp, picture-frame clamp.) Clamping-device .. Cleaner. (See Knife-cleaner, Road-cleaner, Metal-surface cleaner.) Clicking-press Clothes-line Clothes- washer E. A. Barnes .. T. Driffleld T. Dawson 21040 20616 21851 23 Oct. 23 Jan. I Oc(. 96 88 96 15 Nov. 18 Oct. 15 Nov.* L. B. Baron G. Lee 21449 21800 Iβ July 18 Sept. .. 105! 93 13 Dec. 1 Nov.* E. Old 21921 17 Oct. 96 15 Nov.* United Shoe Machinery Company T. Fleming and W. Lucena J. Rose •22007 22124 20757 15 Nov. .. I 28 Nov. .. 22 Feb. 105 13 Dec* Coal-boring drill W. Mclntyre .. 20333 18 Nov., 1905 105 ( 09 1 99 96 88 90 13 Dec. 20 Nov.» 29 Nov. 15 Nov. 18 Oct. IS Nov. Coat, Sleeve of waterproof Cock and tap Cock-box Cock, TappingCoiler, Wire-Coin-freed machine R. A. Bradbury R. Cosslett J. Fehton J. Bambriek E. Hayes Horrocks Automatic Vending Machine Company, Limited, The A. Poison W. Beamish .. .. T. R, Morris .. E. G. Langton J. Gaut 20508 21265 21802 22003 21694 20220 30 Dec, 1905 f> June 18 Sept, .. 1 Nov. .. 27 Aug. 25 Oct. 1905 's8 96 18 Oct." 15 Nov. Collapsible box Collapsible box Collapsible box Comb, Toilet Combustion, Preventing spontaneous Compressor. (See Air-compressor, Rotary compressor.) Concentrating alluvial deposit 21764 21728 21120 20293 21879 11 Sept. .. 30 Aug. 9 May 10 Nov., 1905 4 Oct. 88 93 99 93 96| 18 Oct. 1 Nov.* 29 Nov 1 Nov. Iβ Nov.* J. Hammond. A. A. Prcuss, and T. H. Mutch 22132 29 Nov. JO Jan., 1907.* Concentrator. (See Ore-concentrator.) Concrete block, Rendering waterproof .. Concrete-mixer Concrete-pipe manufacture Condenser, Exhaust Conduits for electrical cables Cooker, Steam Cooking-oven Cooking-utensil J. M. Rauhoff F. J. Darling O. Kjellstrom J. C. Fountain and J. E. Wilkinson E. W. Ackland R. Cosslett .. J. McGuire T. F. Macdonald, A. G. Smith, and A. E. Oppenheim T. Sutherland W. Levinson 21793 22172 21430 21763 21808 22022 20822 21871 15 Sept. .. 7 Dec. 11 July 11 Sept. .. 18 Sept. .. 7 Nov. 8 March .. 4 Oct. 93 3 88 93 96 1 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907.* 18 Oct.' 1 Nov. 15 Nov.* 99 29 Nov. Cooking-vessel Cooled chamber, Water Cooler. (See Butter-cooler. Cream-cooler, Milk-cooler.) Counting-machine, Compound Cot or stretcher Coulter-clamp Coulter, Disc Coupling. (See Buffer - coupling, Hosecoupling, Pipe-coupling, Shaft-coupling.) Cover. (See Book - cover, Prying-pan cover, Horse-cover, Tire-cover.) Cradle Cramp, FloorCrate, Folding-Cream-cooler Cream-cooler Cream-cooler Cream-separator Cream-separator Credit-system apparatus Crushing and stamping apparatus 22195 21748 13 Dec. 0 Sept, .. !): 1 Nov.* H. E. Parry J. S. Plummer G. Gray W. R. Eade 22226 22235 21910 22016 20 Dec. 19 Dec. 13 Oct. 20 Nov. .. 96 99 15 Nov.* 29 Nov.* T. F. McGarva R. H. Sollitt T. J. P. Cobb.. H. Cleary J. G. McMillan J. Budge G. G. Turri .. G. G. Turri National Cash Register Company G. R. Bonnard, G. W. Beynon, and G. H. Mackillop A. E. G. Bennett T. Lester and A. C. Murray E. W. Gawne.. F. W. Payne 22237 22135 22190 20470 22027 22042 22081 22082 22085 21799 22 Dec. 29 Nov. 14 Dee. 19 Dec, 1905 7 Nov. 7 Nov. 21 Nov. 21 Nov. 21 Nov. .. 18 Sept. " 3 I 88 99 10 Jan., 1907.* 18 Oct. 29 Nov.' 105 105 105 93 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 1 Nov. Cuff for shirts, &c. Cure for asthma, &c. Cure for toothache Current-wheel) Directing current to Cutter. (See Band-cutter, Cheese-cutter, String-cutter, Tobacco-cutter, Tubecutter, Turnip-cutter.) Cyanide treatment of ores Cycle, Hose-reel attachment to Cycle. (See also Bicycle, Motor-cycle.) 20310 22142 21013 21725 11 Nov., 1005 I Pec. 12 Oct. 28 Aug. .. 93 88 1 Nov. 18 Oct. A. Adair R. E. Burke 21978 21074 25 Oct. 27 Oct. 7m 29 Nov. Dating-press for tickets Deal-forming machine, Compound Desk J. Attwill G. W. Mellor .. E. McFee 22184 20358 22088 12 Dec. 23 Nov. 1904f 21 Nov. .. 3| 99 10 Jan., 1907.* 20 Nov.


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.


ipp] licat iion. ■azc !e. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Desk-lid bracket Destination-indicator for trams, &c Digger. (See Potato-digger.) Dinner-plate Disc coulter Disc f'lrrower Disc plough Disc harrow Disc scarifier for ridger Dish-carrying wagon Disinfectant to flushing-cistern, Delivering Door-closing apparatus Door or gate holder Door, Railway-truck Drafting-gates for stock, &c. Drainage, Level inlets for Drain, fastener for grate Draught accessory to grates Draught-increascr Draw-bar for traction-engine Dress-chart Dress-cutting chart Drill-chuck A. Johnston H. Ashworth .. 21891 21951 8 Oct. 23 Oct. 99 29 Nov.* T. Smith W. R. Eade A. Storrie W. G. Barger J. Macaliater J. Macalister .. G. S. Fleming C. A. Jarvis J. M. Crabbe H. S. Marks J. D. Smith and J. J. Scott J. Kiinberley.. T. E. Christie.. R. 0. Clark .. R. 0. Clark .. D. B. Hood and A. T. Blair C. Lindsay C. M. Stewart L. Roberts P. McKay, G. Eather, A. Gericke, and J. Hogan 22210 22016 22162 21937 22163 22013 22112 21367 21690 22223 21819 21861 22072 22245 21939 21980 22136 22048 22047 21858 13 Dec. 6 Nov. 1 Dec. 18 Oct. 1 Dec 2 Nov. .. 26 Nov. 14 Nov. 1905f 24 Aug. 20 Dec. 21 Sept. 2 Oct. 15 Nov. .. 22 Dec. 16 Oct. 25 Oct. 26 Nov. .. 12 Nov. 12 Nov. .. 2 Oct. 99 3 96 3 99 3 96 88 99 96 105 29 Nov.* 10 Jan., 1907.* 15 Nov.* 10 Jan., 1907.* 29 Nov.* 15 Nov. 18 Oct.* 29 Nov.* 15 Nov.* 13 Dec* 93 1 Nov. a 6 105 99 96 10 Jan., 1907." 13 Dec* 29 Nov.* 15 Nov. Drill for boring coal W. Mclntyre .. 20333 18 Nov., 1905 ( 99 I 99 29 Nov.* 29 Nov. Drill. (See Electric drill, Book-drill.) Drying and screening apparatus Dubbing, Waterproof Dumbbell Dynamo Dynamo L. Rissmullcr A. Morris R. F. Boult .. C. A. Parsons M. W. W. Maokie 21946 21914 21877 21184 21859 19 Oct. 12 Oct. 2 Oct. 24 June, 1905 30 Jan.f .. 93 SH 96 1 Nov." 18 Oct. 18 Nov. Earthenware ulocks Earthenware-pipe joint Earthonware-pipe strengthening Earth-scoop Easy chair Easy chair Egg beater and whisk Egg-carrier Egg-carrier Electric arc lamp Electric cell Electric drill Electric bells, Operating Electric generator Electric indicator Electric machine, Dynamo Electric Machinery, Dynamo Electric switches, Operating Electric temperature-alarm Electrical cables and wires, Conduits for Electrical musical instrument Electrically distilling and purifying gum Electrical signalling Electricity, Exterminating weeds by Electrode Electro-magnetic stamp-battery Electro-magnetic waves, Signalling by .. R. 0. Clark J. T. Hunter .. R. O. Clark .. W. Brown W. Aggers E. Howlett H. J. Coster and W. R. Dike .. J. T. Jebb .. W. Wilson and T. P. Burke C. E. Woledge G. Schauli .. F. G. B., R., and H. Sanders A. Morgan P. Rabbidge J. W. Manley M. W. W. Mackie C. A. Parsons R. Brown E. H. Kirkby E. W. Ackland M. l<. Sovery and G. B. Sinclair.. A. Ashcroft and C. Richardson .. O. Riegelhuth C. ReeVo F. A. Rich .. J. P. Lynn The De Forest Wireless Telegraph Syndicate, Limited J. Baird 22242 22099 22244 22017 21868 22177 21870 21789 22211 21898 22094 21043 22217 21917 22252 21859 21184 21513 21964 21808 20820 22137 22153 21836 21906 22125 21950 22 Dec. 22 Nov. .. 22 Dec. 6 Nov. 1 Oct. 10 Dec. 4 Oct. 12 Sept. .. 13 Dec. 8 Oct. 21 Nov. 27 April 19 Dec 13 Oct. 27 Dec. 30 Jan.-j- .. 24 June, 1905 25 July, 1905f 25 Oct. 18 Sept. .. 8 March .. 27 Nov. 5 Dec. 27 Sept. .. 9 Oct. 28 Nov. .. 24 Oct. 105 96 3 105 93 3 93 105 88 96 13 Dec* 15 Nov.* 10 Jan., 1907. 13 Dec* 1 Nov. 10 Jan., 1S07.* 1 Nov.* 13 Dec. 18 Oct. 15 Nov. 96 88 !!3 99 96 105 3 3 93 96 15 Nov. 18 Oct. 1 Nov. 29 Nov. 15-Nov.* 13 Dec. 10 Jan., 1907.* 10 Jan., 1907. 1 Nov.* 15 Nov. 99 29 Nov. Elevating sand, liquids, &c. Engine. (See Explosive engine, Internalcombustion engine, Marine engine, Oilengine, Rotary engine, Traction-engine, Water-engine.) Envelope and letter-sheet combined Envelope form Envelope-opener Exhaust condenser Explosive engine Explosive engine and air-compressor 22001 29 Oct. 99 29 Nov.* H. G. Cornwall I). Robertson A. Batty J. C. Fountain and J. E. Wilkinson H. V. Johansen G. T. Girdlor 20026 21922 21896 21763 22101 21805 13 Sept., 1905 17 Oct. 9 Oct. 11 Sept. .. 20 Nov. 17 Sept. .. 3 93 10 Jan., 1907. 29 Nov.* 1 Nov. 88 18 Oct.* Fastener. (See Drain-fastener, Hamperfastenor, Window-fastener.) Fasteners, Producing and inserting Fasteners, Producing and inserting. United Shoo Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company 15 Nov. 15 Nov. .. 22060 22066 99 105 29 Nov.* 13 Dec*



Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

Name. Application. Qazetle. invention. No. Date. No. Date. Fastenings, Forming and inserting Fastenings-inserting machine .. Fastenings, Machine for inserting Feed-devide for centrifugal separator Feed-reservoir for horses, &c. Feeder. (See Oil-feeder, Poultry-feeder, Stock-feeder.) Felt, Treating flax for making Fencing-dropper Fencing-standard Foncing-atandard Fencing-standard Fencing-standard Fencing-wire reel Fencing-wire strainer Fibre-dressing process Fibre, Production of textile Fibre-treatment Fibres, Decorating Fibrous material, Treating Field-gate .. File. (See Paper-file.) Filler, Liquid - Filter Filter Filter for metals, ores, slimes, &c. Filter, SlimesFilter, Fire-alarm Fire-plug .. .. .. ... Fire-reel attachment to cycle Fish-plate bolt, Wrench for .. Fish-plate, Railway Flax-fibre, &c, Cleansing Flax-stripper Flax-treatment Flax-treatment Flax, Utilising, as cattle-food, waste Flax-waste as cattle-food, Preparing Floating foundation Floor-cramp Flushing-apparatus Flushing-cistern, Delivering disinfectant to Flushing-cistern, Supplying disinfectant to Flushing-valve Fly-catcher Folding-bedstead Folding-chair Folding-orate Food, Hermetically sealing receptacles for Food, Preservation of Food, Treating bananas for preparation as Force air-power Form, Self-addressed message, &c. Foundation for floating structure Frames for tents, &c. Fruit-carrying case Frying-pan cover Fuel. (See Liquid fuel.) Fume-delivering apparatus Fumigating-apparatus Fumigating burrows Funnel or filler Furnace Furnace, Antimony-cruding Furnace-burner for hydrocarbons Furnace, OreUnited Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe .Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company Aktiebolaget Separator J. A. Easton and J. Greenfield .. W. G. Richardson J. McNally .. R. Olds W. B. Jones H. G. Smith .. F. T. Boys .. T. Keats G. Coates C. B. and G. W. Plummer V. A. de Perini A. L. J. Tait .. D. E. Radolyffe T. A. S. Wood J. Pettitt W. E. Hughes R. F. Flood V. C. J. Nightingall .. E. Burt D. J. Kelly C. Butters W. Whyte .. F. Arenas and J. Ross.. T. W. Fowler.. R. E. Burke J. A. Yule .. G. T. Wilson and H. Downs C. Suttie and M. H. Wynyard .. G. T. Booth .. W. G. Richardson W. B. Curtis .. W. G. Richardson W. G. Richardson W. E. Murray R. H. Sollitt .. R. R. Woodcock C. A. Jarvis .. W. C. V. Harwood and S. Reed .. G. Oliver and J. F. Peasley S. V. Rowe .. G. Brennan .. D. P. Palmer T. J. P. Cobb.. G. Farquhar and R. North J. A. Linley .. E. Shadgett .. J. A. McGeoch I). Robertson. . W. E. Murray J. T. Roece .. S. A. Bradley.. C. E. Bettany 20453 22222 21835 22052 i 20571 21840 20981 22173 •20188 20767 22049 ■21759 21733 21817 21999 20229 21993 21742 22161 21899 21438 21860 22062 21985 22249 21791 21970 20254 21974 22102 22024 22076 21904 21840 21886 21841 22114 21865 22135 22239 21367 22187 22000 21967 22063 21756 22199 22028 21834 22079 21996 21922 21865 21924 22193 21866 14 Dec, 1905 20 Dec. 27 Sept. 14 Nov. 11 Jan. 25 Sept. .. 11 April .. 10 Dec. 24 Nov., l<105 22 Feb. 13 Nov. 10 Sept. 5 Sept. .. 20 Sept. .. 16 Nov., 19061 26 Oct., 1905 31 Oct. 5 Sept. .. 5 Dec. 11 Oct. 14 July 2 Oct. 15 Nov. 31 Oct. 27 Dec. 16 Sept. .. 26 Oct. 30 Oct., 1905 27 Oct. 20 Nov. .. 7 Nov. .. I 15 Nov. 11 Oct. 25 Sept. 0 Oct. 25 Sept. 23 Nov. •.. 3 Oct. 29 Nov. .. 22 Dec. 14 Nov., 1905f 12 Dec. 1 Nov. 25 Oct. 15 Nov. .. 6 Sept. .. 14 Dec. 7 Nov. .. 27 Sept. .. 20 Nov. 31 Oct. 17 Oct. 3 Oct. 17 Oct. 13 Dec. 3 Oct. 3 93 93 93 88 3 96 93 99. 105 99 88 99 96! 99 93 88 88 99 93 88 88 93 88 88 3 93 93 i 18 Oct. J 10 Jan., 1907.* i 1 Nov. ! 1 Nov. t 1 Nov.* ! 18 Oct. i 18 Oct. i 29 Nov. ! 1 Nov.* i 18 Oct. 18 Oct.* 1 Nov. 18 Oct. 1 Nov. 29 Nov. 13 Dec. 29 Nov. 15 Oct.* 29 Nov.* 15 Nov 29 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907.* 1 Nov.* 1 Nov.* 1 Nov.* 18 Oct.* 10 Jan.. 1907.* 15 Nov. 96 3 99 15 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907. 29 Nov.* 93 1 Nov.* 93 1 Nov. 105 99 96 96 13 Dec* 29 Nov.* 15 Nov. 15 Nov.* 93 1 Nov.* F. S. Greer C. A. Sehauer J. W. Marriott A. Williams J. E. Crowle E. Seagar P. J. Owens .. C. Suggate and W. E. Cayley Alexander A. Storrie .. '.. 21982 21880 21962 20364 21966 21942 21774 22019 30 Oct. . .. 5 Oct. 25 Oct. 20 Nov., 1905 24 Oct. 20 Oct. 12 Sept. .. 6 Nov. 99 96 99 93 99 99 93 99 29 Nov. 15 Nov.* 29 Nov.* 1 Nov. 29 Nov.* 29 Nov.* 1 Nov.* 29 Nov.* Furrower, Disc 22162 1 Dec. 3 10 Jan., 1907.* Galvanised-iron roof . . Morgan and Co., Limited D. Whitburn .. F. H. Jackson A. J. Bond A. T. W. Allan T. S. Humble J. J. Strain .. C. L. K. H. Foot G. E. D. Seale, L. C. Knight, and 21919 20437 21972 '21968 22034 22251 21189 21863 21757 Iβ Oct. 9 Dec, 1905 26 Oct. 25 Oct. 5 Nov. 27 Dec. 23 May 27 Sept. 8 Sept. .. 99 93 29 Nov.* 1 Nov. Game Garden-hoe Garden-roller Gas-burner Gas-engine, Combustion chamber of Gas-heater Gas-lighter Gas lighter and extinguisher 99 29 Nov. 105 88 93 13 Dec 18 Oct.* 1 Nov.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.


L pp] Lica. Dion. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Gas-manufacture, Hydrocarbon W. A. Stephenson, C. P. Kelly, and J. B. Zander A. Jack A. Hare F. H. Jackson J. M. Crabbe .. H. S. Marks 22004 15 Nov. 105 5 13 Dec. Gas-manufacture, Hydrocarbon oils Gas-valve operator Gate Gate-closing apparatus Gate or door holder Gate. (See also Drafting - gate, Fieldgate.) Gauge for bowls Gear. (See Power-gear, Reversing-gear.) Gearing for working pumps Generator. (See Acetylene generator, , Electric generator, Power-generator.) Germ-excluder Glass tile, Applying, to walls Glazing earthenware blocks. (See Earthenware blocks.) ( J old-extractor Gold-extractor Gold, Obtaining, from river-beds Gold-saving Gold, Treating ores containing Golf-ball .. Grader. (See Potato-grader.) Grate, Draught accessory to .. Grating for drain, Fastening. (See Drain, fastener for grate.) Gravity estimating apparatus, Specific .. Grinder, Sheep-shearing emeryGrinding and screening apparatus Grinding-pan Gum, Distilling and purifying T. R. George 1 C. Cannell A. G. Raine J. Gordon F. Marsh F. Marsh J. S. Douglas T. M. Breok .. R. VV. E. Maclvor E. W. Thurlow 22232 21938 22087 21690 22223 20624 20158 22216 21900 20197 20198 21853 21874 21811 22041 21 Dec. 18 Oct. 21 Nov. 24 Aug. 20 Dec. J 23 Jan. I 10 Oct., 1905 19 Dec. i 11 Oct. 19 Oct., 1905 19 Oct., 1905 J id Sept. .. 4 Oct. 19 Sept. .. 8 Nov. 99 105 88 93 88 SH > 29 Nov.* > 13 Deo. ) 18 Oct.* ( 18 Oct. ! 18 Oct. ij 1 Nov. 1 Nov. ■I 1 Nov. 15 Nov.* 93 93J 96J 88j 105 18 Oct.* 13 Deo. R, 0. Clark 21939 10 Oct. 93 1 Nov. W. W. Wilson i M. Saunders i L. Rissmuller W. Middleton and H. N. G. Cobbe A. Ashcroft and C. Richardson .. 22140 22100 21946 t 21832 22137 28 Nov. .. 20 Nov. 19 Oct. 27 Sept, .. 27 Nov. .. 3 10 Jan., 1907." 96 3 15 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907.* Hair-pin Hames Hamper-fastener Harnoss-tug.. .. .. Harness-tug Harrow Harrow Harrow Harrow, Rotary disc Harvester-binder, Apron for .. Hat Hat and programme holder .). (!. Pearson W. Tattersall G. H. Longdin E. Hill W. H. Patterson and G. B. Jones F. T. F. Evans J. Taylor J. B. Hunter .. J. Macalister .. J. A. Steele .. R. A. Bradbury W. Pickering, J. W. Boultbee, and H. O. Ekensteen J. R. Rusden 21973 21965 2 IDS!) 20795 21745 21655 21923 21981 22163 21702 21918 21780 11 Oct. 25 Oct. 31 Oct. 1 March .. 1 Sept, 15 Aug. 17 Oct. 29 Oct. 1 Dec. 28 Aug. 16 Oct. 12 Sept. .. 99 105 93 88 29 Nov.* 13 Dec. 1 Nov.* 18 Oct.* 105 3 88 3 93 13 Dec.* 10 Jan., 1907.* 18 Oct.* 10 Jan., 1907.* 1 Nov.* Hats, Machine for stamping Heater. (See Bath-water heater, Gasheater, Milk - heater, Room - heator, Water-heater.) Hedge-slasher Heel-finishing machine J. H. Krause United Xpedite Finishing Company W. Morrison .. T. Read 21797 21771 20514 2 Mayf .. 11 Sept, .. 3 Jan. 88 18 Oct. 18 Oct. I Nov. 88 93 Heel, Rubber Heel, Rubber, protector Heels, Miscellaneous. (See Boot-heel.) Hemp trade, Preventing fraud in Hinge Hoe, GardenHoist, FrictionHolder. (See Gate or door holder, Hat and programme holder, Music-book holder, Penholder, Ticket-holder.) Hooping casks, barrels, &e. Horse-controller Horse-controller attachment to vehicle .. Horse-cover Hose-coupling Hot-water service Hot-water system Hot well .. Hull, Ship's! Hurdle .. Hydraulic-press Hydrocarbon-engine .. .. .. j Hydrocarbon-gas manufacture " : J. D. MeLaurin C. W. Peach .. F. H. Jackson E. Henshall .. W. Jamieson and R. Burn S. J. Gallacher W. J. Bell .. H. W. Downing W. F. J. Curnow J. J. Strain B. Crawford and H. A. Tattersall R. Williams T. Mitchell .. W. Curtis T. H. Mapp .. L. Anderson .. A. A. Stephenson, C. P. Kelly, and J: B. Zander A. Jack W. Tyree 22039 22077 20911 21987 21972 20558 22029 21701 21843 20791 22139 21189 21867 20688 21543 21963 21983 22215 22064 8 Nov. .. 16 Nov. .. 28 March .. 31 Oct. 26 Oct. 10 Jan. 7 Nov. .. 28 Aug. .. 28 Sept, .. ! 27 Feb. .. I 28 Nov. .. j 23 May 3 Oct. 9 Feb. 31 July 25 Oct. 30 Oct. 18 Dec. 15 Nov. 96 93 105 3 105 99 105 88 99 99 105 93 99 *88 13 Dec,!* 1 Nov. 29 Nov.* 18 Oct.' 15 Nov.* 1 Nov.* 13 Dec. 10 Jan., 1907.* 13 Dec. 29 Nov. 13 Dec. 18 Oct.* 29 Nov. 29 Nov. ios 13 Dec!* Hydrocarbon-gas manufacture .. I Hydrocarbons to incandescent burner, Feeding 22232 22065 21 Dec. 15 Nov. .. 105 13 Dec!*


Alphabetical List of Inventions — continued.


ipp] lical iion. laze. !«. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Hydrocarbons, Furnace burner for Hydrocarbon vaporiser for lamp P. J. Owens A. A. Stephenson, C. P. Kelly, and J. B. Zander P. Klein 21774 21902 12 Sept. • .. 11 Oct. 93 93 1 Nov.* 1 Nov.* Hydrochloric acid, Manufacturing 21792 i 15 Sept, .. 93 1 Nov. Illusion apparatus Incandescent-burner cluster Incandescent burner, Feeding hydrocarbons to Incandescent gas-lamp Incandescent lamp and burner H. J. Ward H. Howell W. Tyree 22009 22093 22065 i 2 Nov. .. 21 Nov. .. 15 Nov. .. ios 105 13 Dec. 13 Dec* Indicator. (See Railway-indicator, Speedindicator, Station or street indicator, Temperature-indicator, Time-indicator, Tram-destination indicator, Electric-in-dicator. ) Ink, &c, bottle Internal-combustion engine Internal-combustion engine Iron, Stove for heating tailor's [ronsand-separator T. A. Dudley A. A. Stephenson, C. P. Kelly, and J. B. Zander 22051 21901 13 Nov. .. 11 Oct. I or 93 13 Dec* 1 Nov.* K. Matthews .. T. S. James R. H White G. Michalopoulos J. H. Hickman and J. Whitelaw 21814 21854 22033 21796 21855 22 Sept, .. j 2 Oct. ; 8 Nov. .. t i 14 Sept. .. i 2 Oct. Sh 9! 99 9! 9< 18 Oct.* 1 Nov. 29 Nov.* 1 Nov.* 16 Nov.* Jack. (See Lifting-jack, Cart-jack.) Jewellery-pincer Joint for earthenware pipe Jointing timber Kerosene-pump retainer Knee-pad of riding-saddle Knife cleaner and sharpener Ladder, StepE. W. Thurgar J. T. Hunter .. T. H. Gillman 21852 22099 21947 28 Sept. .. ' 22 Nov. .. I 20 Oct. .. I 93 3 1 Nov.* 10 Jan., 1907. F. T. Page .. G. C. Palmer T. J. Whelan G. Euston and H. S. Williams .. 21706 22130 21743 21645 28 Aug. 29 Nov. .. 5 Sept. .. 19 Aug., 1905 88 3 88 93 18 Oct.* 10 Jan., 1907." 18 Oct.* 1 Nov. Lamp and burner, Incandescent A. A. Stephenson, C. P. Kelly, and J. B. Zander M. J. Hooper C. E. Woledge F. Blanckensee, G. McMullen, and F. Mosey A. Carson and J. S. Grecr A. A. Stephenson, C. P. Kelly, and J. B. Zander T. A. Dudley E. M. Tomlinson United Shoe Machinery Company F. Jennings S. Armstrong D. Robertson W. Thorburn 21901 11 Oct. .. I 93 1 Nov.* Lamp burner, OilLamp, Electric arcLamp, Gravity-fed arc22115 21898 21930 27 Nov. .. 8 Oct. .. j 17 Oct. '93 96 1 Nov.* 15 Nov. Lamp, Household safety Lamp, Hydrocarbon vaporiser for 21546 21902 1 Aug. .. 11 Oct. 88 93 18 Oct. 1 Nov.* Lamp, Incandescent gasLantern, Signalling-Lasting-machine Ledger Leg-rope grip Letter or message form Levelling and projecting angles Lid. (See Desk-lid, Saucepan-lid.) Lifting-jack Lifting-jack Lifting Venetian blinds Lighter. (See Gas-lighter.) Link ... Linotype-machine Linotype-machine linotype-machine Linotype-machine Liquid-distributor for sewage Li quid-filler Liquid-fuel burner Liquid-fuel burner Lock-nut Lounge and bed, Combination.. 22051 21954 20450 21862 20564 21922 21711 13 Nov. .. 24 Oct. .: 14 Dec, 1905 2 Oct. 11 Jan. 17 Oct. 29 Aug. 99 88 96 88 99 88 29 Nov. 18 Oct. 15 Nov. 18 Oct. 29 Nov.* 18 Oct. W. Tate J. E. Crowle .. F. C. Thompson and A. Fraser .. 21703 21920 21934 28 Aug. 17 Oct. 17 Oct. 88 99 96 18 Oct.* 29 Nov.* 15 Nov.* W. J. Bell .. W. H. Scharf.. W. H. Scharf.. W. H. Thomas W. E. Hughes F. W. Stoddart W. E. Hughes A. A. Stephenson H. Braby .. .. .. H. Bostock and J. A. Peck C. Goldman 21908 21782 21783 20855 22178 21889 21899 21773 22189 21916 21903 12 Oct. 13 Sept., 1905t 13 Sept., 1905f 14 March .. 10 Dec. 5 Oct. 11 Oct. 12 Sept. 12 Dec. 13 Oct. 11 Oct. 99 93 93 99 29 Nov.* 1 Nov. 1 Nov. 29 Nov. 93 3 3 99 1 Nov.* 10 Jan., 1907.* 10 Jan., L9O7. 29 Nov.* Magnetic toy R. D. Adams, F. G. Semb, and L. C. Knight R. M. Lyons .. J. S. White and Co., Limited, E. C. Carnt, and A. Forster H. W. Pennington J. H. Davidson J. D. McLaurin H. P. G. Steedman H. P. G. Steedman J. T. Keane J. Whitehouse D. Robertson J. H. Brown .. F. A. Rich 21933 17 Oct. Marine-engine shaft-coupling Marine turbine 22121 22150 27 Nov. 4 Marchf .. 105 13 Dec. Marking-board Marking-device, Tailor's or dressmaker s Marking goods Matches Match-making machine Mathematical tables, Displaying Mattress, Wire Message or letter form Metal-surface cleane, . Metals for electrolysis, Recovery of 21761 22149 20911 21830 21829 22221 21539 21922 22167 21906 10 Sept. .. 3 Dec. 28 March .. 26 Sept, .. 26 Sept. 20 Dec. 31 July 17 Oct. 7 Dec. 9 Oct. 93 3 93 93 93 ] Nov. 10 Jan., 1907. 1 Nov. 1 Nov. 1 Nov. 99 99 3 96 29 Nov.* 29 Nov.* 10 Jan., 1907.* 15 Nov.


Alphabetical List of Inventions —continued.


■l'l' lio»i iion. haei it. Invention. Kerne. No. Date. No. Date. Milk bucket cover and strainer Milk-can Milk-can Milk cooler or heater Milk-heater .. Milking-apparatus Milking-bail Milking-machine Milking-machine Milking-machine Milking-machine Milking machinery .. C. M. Trebilcock A. K. Moir H. K. Wilkinson and F. W. Barton F. Peters J. Anderson .. W. J. Teeae A. .1. Webster W. Sim A. Ridd W. Sim C. Bristow The Hydraulic Hand-milker Company, Limited J. Ramage J. Mackie and A. G. Huggins G. Drummond 11. Hill and J. Blain .. J. H. Hickmann and J. Whitelaw H. W. Cleary E. Henshall 22203 22190 22008 21718 21844 22086 22224 21818 21897 22010 22253 21804 11 Dec. 12 Dec. 31 Oct. 27 Aug. .. 26 Sept. 21 Nov. 20 Dec. 20 Sept. .. 9 Oct. 30 Oct. 27 Dec. 19 Sept. .. 3 3 105 88 90 3 93 93 99 10 Jan., 1S07. , 10 Jan., 1807." 13 Dec.* IS Oct.* 15 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907." 1 Nov.* 1 Nov.* 29 Nov.* 93 1 Nov.* Milk-strainer Milk-weighing can .. Minnow, Artificial Mitre-box and cramp Motor-car dust and wind shield Motor-cycle, Pulley for Motor-driven hoist Motor. (See Water-motor, Wave motor.) Mouth-organ Music-book holder or cover Music, Indicating and marking time in .. Musical instrument Musical instrument 21912 22247 22256 21979 21958 22170 20558 11 Oct. 27 Dec. 29 Dec. ._. 25 Oct. 24 Oct. 8 Dec. 10 Jan. 96 'mi 99 3 88 15 Nov. 15 Nov.* 29 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907." 18 Oct. S. Dickens W. J. and E. S. Henry E. Powick M. L. Severy and G. B. Sinclair .. S. Dickens 22116 21927 22018 20820 22116 27 Nov. .. 17 Oct. 2 Nov. 8 March .. 27 Nov. 3 105 105 105 3 10 Jan., 1907." 13 Dec* 13 Dec* 13 Dec. 10 Jan., 1907." Nail-making machine P. Price, S. Hill, A. Taylor, A. and W. P. McElhone, and H. S. Bracy C. A. Nielsen and R. S. Alward .. C. M. Cruickshank D. J. Malone A. Lyell A. Lyell N. R. Gordon.. R. E. Burke J. Greenfield .. W. Rundle and T. E. Lund T. Dawson D. H. Clarkson and P. C. GonW M. J. Hooper E. !>eister E. Deister W. E. Cayley-Alexander C. Suggate and W. E. CayleyAlexander E. Phillips R. W. E. Maclvor J. R. Masson A. Adair R. C. Sticht H. P. Keogh .. E. Burt A. Adair F. Cotton Rheinisch-Nassauisehe Bergwerks and Hutten-Actien-Gesellschaft F. Clutsam .. S. Dickens J. McGuire J. A. Boyd and H. S. Woolcott .. 21719 27 Aug. 88 18 Oct. Net, Trawling-Nightsoil-pan Non-refillablc bottle .. Non-refillable bottle Non-refillable bottle .. Non-refillable bottle Non-refillable bottle Nosebag for animals .. Nut-look Oil-engine, Chock for steadying •Oil-feeder .. Oil-lamp burner Ore-concentrator Ore-concentrator driving-meehaniam Ore, Dealing with sulphide-Ore-furnace 21842 21945 21732 21837 22020 22054 22141 21(191 21955 2IS51 22043 22115 22092 21700 21869 22019 28 Sept. 16 Oct. 4 Sept. .. 27 Sept. .. 6 Nov. 14 Nov. 28 Nov. 24 Aug. 24 Oct. 1 Oct. 6 Nov. 27 Nov. 21 Nov. .. 28 Aug. 1 Oct. 6 Nov. 93 88 93 99 105 99 1 Nov.* 18 Oct.* 1 Nov.* 29 Nov.* 13 Dec* 29 Nov.* 96 105 3 105 88 96 99 16 Nov.* 13 Dec* 10 Jan., 1907. 13 Dec. 18 Oct. 15 Nov. 29 Nov.* Ore-treatment Ore-treatment Ore-treatment Ore-treatment Ore, Treatment of sulphideOre, Treatment of sulphideOres, Filter for Ores, Cyanide treatment of Ores, Removing sulphur, &c., from Ores, Production of zinc from 20586 21811 21282 21978 21516 20530 22062 21978 21876 21991 17 Jan. 19 Sept, .. 8 June 25 Oct. 26 July 5 Jan! 15 Nov. .. 25 Oct. 4 Oct. 31 Oct. 88 88 99 105 96 99 105 18 Oct. 18 Oct.* 29 Nov. 13 Dec* 15 Nov. 29 Nov. 13 Dec. 99 29 Nov.* Organ Organ, MouthOven, CookingPaint Pan. (See Frying - pan, Grinding-pan. Saucepan, Nightsoil-pan.) Paper-bag-making machine Paper-file Paper-file Paper-pulp, Production of Pasteuriser or milk-heater Pattern-chart Pattern-chart Penholder Pen or pencil attachment Perch-carrier Perforating cheques, &c. Perpetual calendar Piano attachment Pianoforte, organ, &c. Piano, &c, timing-device Picture-fram( clamp Pin, Hair- .. 22133 22116 20822 20647 12 Junet .. 27 Nov. 8 Mar. 27 Jan. 3 99 99 10 Jan., 1807." 29 Nov. 29 Nov. W. Frickcr H. A. Cutting J. Pomeroy V. A. de Perini J. Anderson .. L. Roberts L. Roberts D. Coghill G. F. Wight .. L. O. Hooker E. A. Barnes .. J. S. Heithersay ,f. K. Toshaoh * F. Clutsam J. Brockbank C. Colpus J. C. Pearson 22180 21752 21953 21999 21844 22046 22047 22144 21816 22104 21949 22250 22148 22133 22145 22045 21973 10 Dec. 7 Sept, .. 24 Oct. 16 Nov., 1905f 26 Sept. .. 12 Nov. 12 Nov. .. 1 Dec. 20 Sept, .. 23 Nov. 23 Oct. 27 Dec. 3 Dec. 12 Junef .. 1 Dec. 12 Nov. .. 11 Oct. .. I *93 99 96 96 1 Nov.* 29 Nov.* 15 Nov. 15 Nov. 96 15 Nov. 3 10 Jaii., 1907.1


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


LPP] icai ion. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Pincer for jewellery Pipe Pipe-inlet Pipe-coupling Pipe. (See Concrete pipe, Water-pipe, Earthenware pipe.) Planter. (See Potato-planter.) Plant-support Plant-thinner Plants, Preservative for Plastering walls and ceilings Plastic material, Making blocks from . . Plate. (See Dinner-plate, Fish-plate.) Plough Plough, Disc Plough, Skimmer for.. Pocket tobacco cutter and box Pole. (See Trolly-pole.) Polish holder, Boot-Post-cards, &c, Producing optical illusions on Potato-digger Potato digger and bagger Potato grader and screener Potato, &c, peeler Potato-peeler Potato-planter Potato-planter Potatoes proof against blight, Making .. Potato-sprayer Pottery, Converting burnt clays into Poultry-feeder Power-gear Power-generator Preservative for plants Preservative treatment of food Press. (See Clicking-press, Dating-press, Hydraulic press, Wool-press.) Pressure, Treating substances under Printing-block, Half-tone Prepeller, Ship's Propelling vehicles, boats, &c. Protecting river-banks Protector. (See Chair-back protector, Bicycle-pedal protector, Tire-protector.) Pulley, Differential-hoisting Pulley for motor-cycle Pulley, Variable-speed Pulverising and crushing apparatus B. W. Thurgar E. W. Thurgar R. O. Clark A. J. M. Chappie C. H. Fabian J. Macalister . . A. II. Krause.. S. Blackmail Cork Asphalt, Limited.. J. Stevenson W. G. Barger.. F. F. Twemlow, sen. .. J. H. A. McPhee S. H. Gilmer .. C. Miller S. Allen H. R. Lees W. M. and W. H. Maybur , W. Platt W. M. Nome J. B. Crump B. G. A. Harkness J. Strathern A. E. Stonex and P. C. White .. M. A. Grant P. J. Cocks and F. O. Andrews. . R. J. Fry E. P. Blake A. H. Krause J. A. Linley 21852 21907 21753 2199C 20582 20800 21931 22106 22120 22005 21937 22208 20476 21894 21994 22091 22128 22152 22254 21941 20094 21895 20427 22015 21647 20428 22154 21778 21931 21834 28 Sept. .. 9 Oct. 5 Sept. 31 Oct. 17 Jan. 28 Feb. L5 Oct. 23 Nov. 27 Nov. 1 Nov. .. 18 Oct. 12 Dec. 15 Dec, 1905 0 Oct. 29 Oct. 21 Nov. 29 Nov. 5 Dec. 28 Dee. 19 Oct. 26 Sept., 1905 9 Oct. 5 Dec, 1905 5 Nov. 16 Aug. 8 Dec,1905 5 Dec. 12 Sept, .. 15 Oct. 27 Sept. .. 93 93 88 105 99 105 99 96 3 96 99 3 3| 1 Nov.* 1 Nov.* 18 Oct. 13 Dec 29 Nov. 13 Dec. 29 Nov.* 15 Nov.* 10 Jan., 1907.* 15 Nov. 29 Nov.* 10 Jan., 1907. 10 Jan., 1907. 88 99 99 18 Oct. 25 Nov.* 29 Nov. M 99 3 88 !)( <S3 29 Nov.* 29 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907.* 18 Oct.* 29 Nov.* 1 Nov. E. B. Baker .. W. and H. B. Bell C. Burns E. W. Hart and W. P. Durtnall J. Dalton 22186 22095 21936 21734 20544 12 Dec. 21 Nov. .. 18 Oct. 5 Sept. 8 Jan. 96 88 96 15 Nov.* 18 Oct. 15 Nov. T. E. Pettinger and C. G. Merkley H. W. Cleary.. A. F. Golding and E. Campbell .. G. R. Bonnard, G. W. Beynon, and G. H. Mackillop B. G. A. Harkness E. Kinzett F. A. Pirn and W. H. Blakeley .. C. Cannell .. F. T. Page C. Marriott S. A. Bradley.. F. McLaughlin 21920 22170 22105 21799 17 Oct. 8 Dec. 24 Nov. 18 Sept, .. 99 29 Nov.* 10 Jan., 19O7-* 93 1 Nov. Pump Pump Pump, Force and lift Pump-gearing Pump retainer, Kerosene Puncture-stop composition Punnet Push-cart 21260 21708 21749 20158 21706 21800 22194 22038 7 June 29 Aug. (i Sept. 10 Oct., 1905 28 Aug. 20 Sept. .. 13 Dec 8 Nov. 88 88 93 88 88 105 18 Oct. 18 Oct.* 1 Nov.* 18 Oct. 18 Oct.* 13 Dec* 105 13 Dec* Rabbit-destruction, Fume apparatus for Rabbit-trap Race, Sheep-Race-starter .. .. Railway-brake Railway lish-plate Railway hand-signalling lantern Railway indicator-board, Operating Railway signal Railway-truck, Discharging F. S. Greer J. Parker M. Fry G. H. Saywell A. J. Reid .. G. T. Wilson and H. Downs E. M. Tomlinson W. E. Hughes G. T. Pritchard J. Stitt, D. 15. Hood, and A. T. Blair J. D. Smith and J. J. Scott Gies Gear Company R. Allport and T. Normoyle J. Dalton J. .C. Vincent and J. Upritchard W. F. Dugins Cork Asphalt, Limited J. B. Marshall A. H. Baker A. Cattlin 21982 21714 22196 22080 21<12!) 22024 21954 21785 20206 21932 30 Oct. 29 Aug. 13 Dec. 20 Nov. 17 Oct. 7 Nov. .. 24 Oct. 14 Sept. 21 Oct., 1905 Lβ Oct. 99 88 '3 90 29 Nov. 18 Oct* 10 Jan., 1907.* 15 Nov. 99 88 99 99 29 Nov. 18 Oct. 29 Nov. 29 Nov.* Railway-truck door .. Reversing-gear Ring, Finger-River-banks, Protection of Rivers, Deepening and straightening Road-cleaner Road-making block Rock-drill Rock-drilling, Watering holes made in .. Rolling-pin 21819 22174 22113 20544 21<144 21873 22119 21740 21684 21971 21 Sept, .. 10 Dec. 26 Nov. 8 Jan. 20 Oct. 4 Oct. 27 Nov. 5 Sept. .. 23 Aug. 26 Oct. 99 96 93 29 Nov.* 15 Nov. 1 Nov.* 88 96 99 18 Oct. 15 Nov.* 29 Nov.


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


iPPl lical inc. fnsei to. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Roof, Galvanised-iron Room-heater Rotary compressor Rotary engine Morgan and Co., Limited 0. Burt C. A. Parsons E. C. Powell, C. MacArtlnir, and F. Smith J. Gill J. E. Friend .. R. J. Tumbull United Shoe Machinery Company T. Walsh W. Morrison .. T. Read A. Gentzsch A. Gentzsch W. J. Prouse .. 21919 22098 22032 21071 16 Oct. .. 99 22 Not 7 Nov. .. : .. 21 Aug. .. ! 88 29 Nov.* IS Oct. Rotary engine Rotary engine .. ,. Rotary shaking-table Rough rounding and channelling machine Roundabout Rubber heel Rubber heel-protector Rubber, Utilisation of waste Rubber, XJtilisation of waste Rusticated boarding Rusticated boarding. (See also Weatherboarding, &c) 21698 22108 22198 20452 22026 22039 22077 22159 22160 22218 28 Aug. .. 88 26 Nov. .. i 3 10 Dee. .... 14 Dec, 1905 88 7 Nov. .. 105 8 Nov. .. .. 16 Nov. .. 106 2 Feb.f .. .. 5 Dec .... 19 Dec .. 3 18 Oct. 10 Jan., HJC7 18 Oct, 13 Dec* 13 Dec* 10 Jan., l'J07. Saddle, Kncc-pad for.. Saddle-tree Sand-elevator Sash-fastener Sash. (See also Window-sash.) Sash, Window-Saucepan-lid, Suspending Saw or outting-tool Scaffolding Scaffolding-bracket Scales, WeighingScarifier, Disc Scoop, EarthScraper, Tube-Screening-apparatus .. CI G. C. Palmer C. E. Wright J. Baird A. G. Rowland 22130 21992 22001 21584 29 Nov. .. 3 31 Oct. .. 105 29 Oct. .. 99 0 Aug. .. 105 14 Nov. .. 105 4 Oct. .. j 96 29 Nov. .. ! 3 6 Dec. .. 3 11 Oct 12 Dec 2 Nov. .. 99 6 Nov. .. 105 12 Sept, .. ] 96 19 Oct 22 Sept, .. 99 17 Oct. .. I 99| 7 Nov. .. j .. 10.Ian., 1907.* 13 Dec 29 Nov.* 13 Dec F. L. Davis .. R. Forrest R. J. Oldfield G. E. Humphries J. Johnston and H. C. Nicholls .. C. Cooper J. Macalister W. Brown J. L. Rastrick L. Rissmuller S. Hanham C. H. Thorby.. G. Farquhar and R. North 22074 21875 22129 22166 21905 22182 22013 22017 21790 21946 21825 21925 22028 13 Dec 15 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907.* 10 Jan., 1907.* 29 Nov.* 13 Dec* 15 Nov. Screw Screw-driving machine Sealing receptacle, Hermetically Seat. (See Bicycle-seat, Vehicle-seat.) Seed-grading apparatus Seed-sower Separating and thickening machine Separator. (See Centrifugal separator, Cream-separator, Ironsand-separator.) Septic tank, Disposing effluent from Sewage, Liquid-distributor for Sewer-inlet Sewing-machine Sewing-machine Sewing-machine, Guides for inseam Shaft-coupling for marine engine Shaft props, Vehicle-Sheaf-binding bands Sheaf-carrier for threshing-machine Shears, Non-slipping .. Sheep-r-ace Sheep-shearing emery-grinder 29 Nov.* 2!) Nov. C. R. Rogers .. D. H. Bird P. Browne 21738 21544 22151 5 Sept. .. 96 1 Aug. .. 105 4 Dec ;-. .. 15 Nov. 13 Ore* C. Harper F. W. Stoddart R. O. Clark United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company United Shoe Machinery Company R. M. Lyons J. F. Nicolaus H. Ellis A. H. and D. J. Byron W. Morton M. Fry M. Saunders 22183 21889 21753 20451 22059 22058 22121 21986 22103 21660 21847 22196 22110 12 Dec 5 Oct 5 Sept, .. : 88 14 Dec, 1905 I 88 15 Nov. .. 99 15 Nov. .. 99 27 Nov. .. '105 31 Oct. .. 105 23 Nov. .. 3 20 Aug. .. 93 27 Sept. .. 99 13 Dec. .. I .. 26 Nov. .. ! .. 18 Oct. 18 Oct. 29 Nov.* 29 Nov.* 13 Dec 13 Dec* 10 Jan., 1907.* 1 Nov. 29 Nov.* Sheep-shearing machine T. Grace, C. A. Jaques, and A. J. Metcalfe T. Mitchell .. C. Burns L. W. and R. A. Potier 21998 1 Nov. .. 105 13 Dec. Ship's huU .. Ship's propeller Shoe or slipper with attachable instepfronts Shoe. (See Boot or Shoe.) Shooting-range Shovel, spade, &c. Show-case Show-case Show-case Show-case bar Signalling by electro-magnetic waves 21543 21936 22097 31 July .. 88 18 Oct. .. 96 21 Nov 18 Oct.* 15 Nov.* A. Whitney P. Whelan J. H. Hickman and J. Whitelaw J. H. Hickman and J. Whitelaw J. H. Hickman and J. Whitelaw J. H. Hickman and J. Whitelaw The, de Forest Wireless Telegraph Syndicate, Limited O. Riegelhuth E. M. Tomlinson G. T. Pritchard 21909 21928 21849 21850 21957 21959 21956 13 Oct. .. 93 17 Oct. ..99 1 Oct. .. 93 1 Oct. .. ] 93 24 Oct. .. ] 99 24 Oct. .. 99 24 Oct. ..99 1 Nov.* 29 Nov.* I Nov. 1 Nov. 29 Nov. 29 Nov. 29 Nov. Signalling, Electric Signalling-lantern Signalling, RailwaySinks, Yard-. (See Yard-sinks.) Siphon Skiving-machine Skylight Slag, Manufacture of cement from Slasher, Hedge-Slimes-filter 22153 21954 20206 5 Dec. .. 3 24 Oct. .. 99 21 Oct., 1905 99 10 Jan., 1907. 29 Nov. 29 Nov. A. W. Omond and W. M. Johnson United Shoe Machinery Company T. R. Christie H. Colloseus J. H. Krause D. J. Kelly 22158 21833 22212 20956 21771 21985 5 Dec 27 Sept. .. 93 14 Dec 2 April .. 99 11 Sept. .. 88 31 Oct. .. , 99 1 Nov. 29 Nov. 18 Od 29 Nov.


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.

15— H. 10. 07.


-PI" , ' lical iion. <i;:<» te. Invention. Name. No. No. Date. Date. Slimes-filter Soap Soap, Liquid washing-Sole-pressing pad Sole-sewing machine Spade Spade Specific-gravity estimator Speed indicator, Vehicle-Spouting-bracket Spouting-bracket 0. Butters A. Murdoch .. A. (junn United Shoo Machinery Company H. J. Best .. . . .. W. C. Lawrence P. Whelan .. W. W. Wilson J. Tinker C. E. Larsen J. B. Davies . . 22249 21649 22100 20554 2222!* 21724 21928 22140 21779 20122 22240 27 Dec. 14 Aug. 19 Nov. 10 Jan. 20 Dec 31 Aug. 17 Oct. 28 Nov. 10 Sept. .. 2 Oct., 1905 21 Dec. 99 3 93 88 99 3 96 3 29 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907.* 1 Nov. 18 Oct. 29 Nov.* 10 Jan., 1907.* 15 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907. Sprayer W. Tyree 21938 15 Oct. ( 96 \ 99 99 15 Nov.* 29 Nov. 29 Nov. Sprayer Sprayer, Liquid-Spraying-apparatus .. Spraying- machine Spraying-machine for potatoes, &c Spring-device Spur Stamp-affixer Stamp-affixer Stamp battery Stamp-vending machine Stamping and crushing apparatus (i. Oeborne W. Ilinson I. G. Macfarlaue R. Millar A. E. Stonex and P. 0. White . . ii. Chessell .. T. Cahill W. S. Harkness F. W. Munt J. P. Lynn A. Parker G. R. Bonnard, G. W. Beynon, and G. E. Mackillop .1. R. Rusder. 20000 21943 21810 21887 22015 21074 21227 22025 22233 22125 21707 21799 17 Jan. 20 Oct. 18 Sept, 4 Oct. 5 Nov. 3 May 29 May 7 Nov. 21 Dec 28 Nov. 28 Aug. 18 Sept. .. 93 3 88 105 105 1 Nov. 10 Jan., L9O7. 18 Oct. 13 Dec. 13 Dec* 3 88 93 10 Jan., 1907.* 18 Oct. 1 Nov. Stain ping hats, boots, &c. Standard. (See Fencing-standard.) Station or street indicator Steam-cooker Steel-framing for buildings Steel, Manufacture of Step-ladder Stock-feeder, Mechanical Stopper for bottles, Electrical fitting, &O. Stoppering bottles, jars, &c. 21797 2 Mayf .. 88 18 Oct. J. P. Maloney and H. Chisholm . . R. Cosslett A. H. and D. J. Byron A. Tropenas .. G. Euston and H. S. Williams . . T. Grainger A. Waltho \it>. Compagnie Francaise des Produits Fixator J. E. Crowle .. 21709 22022 22011 22157 21045 21720 22175 21976 25 Aug. .. 7 Nov. .. 5 Nov. .. 20 Feb.f .. 19 Aug., 1905 30 Aug. 10 Dec. 24 Oct. 88 18 Oct.* 93 88 3 105 1 Nov. 18 Oct.* 10 Jan., 1907.* 13 Dec. Stove, furnace, &c. Strainer. (See Milk - strainer, Wirestrainer. ) Strap, Detaching tongue of buckle from.. Street-cleaning, Hand-sweeper for Street-watering method Streets, Tarring and sanding Stretcher. (See Cot or Stretcher.) String-cutter Submarine boat Suction air power Sulphur from ores, Removing Sweeper for street-cleaning, HandSweeper, Tram-rail Swing 21966 24 Oct. 99 29 Nov.* E. W. Thurgar F. E. Penfold J. Graham W. C. Southgate 22012 22220 22205 21915 1 Nov. .. 20 Dec. 12 Dec 11 Oct. 3 3 96 29 Nov.* 10 Jan., 1907. 10 Jan., 1907.* 15 Nov.* G. Dunne H. J. Walles .. J. A. McGeoch F. Cotton F. E. Penfold J. Christie H. A. Cole 22073 20246 21995 21876 22220 21750 22089 19 Nov. .. 27 Oct., 1905 31 Oct. 4 Oct. 20 Dec. 4 Sept. .. 21 Nov. .. *88i 105 18 Oct. 13 Dec* 90 15 Nov.* Table, Legs of Table. ■ (See Billiard -table, Mathematical table, Rotary shaking-table.) Tacheometer Tailor's iron, Stove for heating Tap and cock Tap, Water-Tapping-oock Target and shooting-range Tarring and sanding streets Teat-cup Teat-cup Teat-cup Teat-cup mouthpiece-fastening Teeth, Artificial Teeth, Transplanting Telegraphy Temperature-indicator Temperature-indicator Temperature-indicator Tent-frame Tester. (See Baled-goods tester.) Threshing-machine Ticket-dating press Ticket-holder Ticket-issuing machine Tie-frame Tiles, Applying, to walls J. D. Leach 22044 10 Nov. F. A. Rich G. Michalopoulos R. Cosslett O. K. Carlson J. Bambrick A. Whitney .. W. C. Southgate A. Gillies A. Smaill, jun. H. G. Kettle .. F. E. McLean J. Morris A. W. Chatfield P. B. Delany D. N. Wilson W. Whyte .. F. Arenas and J. Ross.. J. T. Reece 22138 21796 21265 20862 22003 21909 21915 22127 21809 21975 22231 21772 22068 21770 22090 21791 21970 21924 27 Nov. 14 Sept. .. 6 June 15 March .. 1 Nov. .. 13 Oct. 11 Oct. 29 Nov. 18 Sept. 27 Oct. 21 Dec. 12 Sept. .. 13 Nov. 11 Sept. 21 Nov. 15 Sept. . . 26 Oct. 17 Oct. 3 93 88 105 10 Jan., 1907. 1 Sept. * 18 Oct. 13 Dec. 93 96 3 96 99 1 Nov.* 15 Nov.* 10 Jan., 1907.* 15 Nov.* 29 Nov.* 88 105 88 18 Oct. 13 Dec* 18 Oct. 88 99 96 18 Oct.* 29 Nov.* 15 Nov.* A. H. and D. J. Byron.. J. Attwill C. S. Bayley and W. H. Markle .. A. Parker J. Whyte J. Gordon 21660 22184 22200 22181 21439 21900 20 Aug. 12 Dec. 14 Dec 11 Dec. 14 July 11 Oct. 93 3 1 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907.* 3 88 93 10 Jan. 1907.* 18 Oct. 1 Nov.


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


Invention. A: Name. No. Name. Application. Gazette. Date. No. Date. i Liiiber, Jointing Timber, Jointing. (See also Weatherboarding, &c.) Time-indicator for music Tire Tiro Tiro Tiro-cover Tire-cover Tire or rubber head for wheel Tire-protector Tire, Protecting inner tube of . . Tire, Tool for removing Tire valve and connection Tire, Wearing-strip for Tire, Wheel-rim for Tobacco-cutter Tobacco cutter and box Tobacco-presser Toilet-comb Tomato-forcing house Toothache-cure Toy Toy, Magnetic T. H. Gillman .. .. 21947 20 Oct. 3 10 Jan., 1907. E. Powick .. .. .. 22018 R. Hopkins .. .. .. 22202 C. A. Kidd .. .. .. 21890 T. H. Hansen .. .. 22037 W. H. Bird .. .. .. 22146 J. J. and J. B. Salmon.. . . 21893 B. 15. Killen .. .. .. 22061 W. H. Trengrove .. .. | 22023 J. H. Crutchley .. .. 22070 A. C. Webber .. .. 22219 R. V. Danne . . .. .. 21225 R. Bowman . . .. .. 22131 R. Beresford .. .. .. 22179 B. Baron .. .. .. 22031 J. EL A. McPhee .. .. 20476 B. Baron .. .. .. 22030 E. G. Langton .. .. 20293 G. Turner .. .. .. 21681 E. W. Gawne.. . . .. 21913 D. A. C. Brown .. ..21170 R. D. Adams, F. G. Semb, and 21933 L. C. Knight •C. Lindsay .. .. .. 22136 H. Ashworth .. .. .. 21951 H. Quertier .. .. .. 22134 J. Christie .. .. .. 21750 A. E. Body .. .. .. 22147 2 Nov. .. 11 Dec. 5 Oct. 8 Nov. 1 Dec. 6 Oct. 15 Nov. 7 Nov. .. 14 Nov. 20 Dec 29 May 29 Nov. 10 Feb.t • ■ 7 Nov. .. 15 Dec, 1905 7 Nov. 10 Nov., 1905 21 Aug. 12 Oct. 17 May 17 Oct. 105 3 105 3 105 105 3 88 3 8 105 96 105 93 88 13 Dec* 10 Jan., 1907.* 13 Dec!* 10 Jan., 1907.* 13 Dec* 13 Dec* 10 Jan., 1907. 18 Oct.* 10 Jan., 1907.* 10 Jan., 1907. 13 Dec. 15 Nov. 13 Dec. 1 Nov. 18 Oct.* 99 29 Nov. Traction-engine draw-bar Tram-destination indicator Tram-rail clearer, &c Tram-rail sweeper Tramway-rails, Pulling up Trap. (See Animal-trap, Rabbit-trap.) Trawling-net Tree. (See Saddle-tree, Whiffle-tree.) Trolly-brake Trolly-head Trolly-head Trolly-head Trolly-head Trolly-pole controller Trolly-wheel to electric wire, Connecting Truck. (See Railway-truck.) Truss Tube-outter Tube-scraper Turbine and rotary compressor Turbine, Marine "2(> Xov. 23 Oct. 29 Nov. 4 Sept. .. 1 Dec. 3 99 3 96 3 10 Jan., 1907.* 29 Nov.* 10 Jan., 1907.* 15 Nov.* 10 Jan., 1907.* C. A. Nielsen and R. S. Alward ' .. 21842 i28 Sept. 93 1 Nov.* W. Robinson .. .. .. 22209 N. I. Gooder .. .. .. 21735 J. Cook .. .. .. 21882 J. C. Drewet .. .. .. 21744 G. B. Holmes and A. D. Allen .. 22107 A. J. Edwards .. .. 21856 J. J. Macky .. .. .. 2183) 13 Dec. 5 Sept. .. 5 Oct. 1 Sept. .. 26 Nov. 2 Oct. 22 Sept. .. 3 88 93 96 3 93 96 10 Jan., 1907.* 18 Oct.* 1 Nov.* 15 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907.* 1 Nov.* 15 Nov.* E. K. Cooke .. .. .. 21888 H. Sloane .. .. .. 20659 J. L. Rastrick .. .. 21790 C. A. Parsons .. .. 22032 J. S. White and Co., Limited, ' 22150 E. C. Carnt, and A. Forster F. C. Brown .. .. .. 21726 5 Oct. 30 Jan. 12 Sept. 7 Nov. .. 4 Marcht .. 105 96 105 13 Dec. 15 Nov. 13 Dec. Turbine, Using products of combustion to drive Turnip-cutter Turnip-thinner Twine-reeling machine Tyre. (See Tire.) 30 Aug. 88 18 Oct.* W. A. Straehan .. .. 21948 J. Macalister .. .. .. 20800 W. and A. Ross .. .. 21984 22 Oct. 28 Feb. 30 Oct. 99 105 99 29 Nov.* 13 Dec. 29 Nov. Upholstering springs and supports H. North .. .. .. 21881 5 Oct. 96 15 Nov.* Vacuum pump Valve Valve and connection for tire Valves, Operating gasVapouriser for liquid fuel Vehicle draw-gear Vehicle, Horse-controller for Vehicle-seat Vehicle-shaft prop Vehicle-tire Vehicle-speed indicator Vehicles, Propulsion of Vending-machine, Coin-operated B. G. A. Harkness .. .. 21266 G. Oliver and J. F. Peasley .. 22000 R. V. Danne .. .. .. 21225 A. Hare .. .. .. 21938 A. A. Stephenson .. .. 21773 P. Maher .. . . .. 21755 W. J. Bel. .. .. .. 21843 J. B. Leydon .. .. 21969 J. F. Nicolaus .. .. 21986 C. A. Kidd .. .. .. 21890 ,1. Tinker .. .. .. 2177H E. W. Hart and W. P. Durtnall, 21734 The Horrocks Automatic Vending | 20220 Machine Company, Limited A. Parker .. .. .. 21707 F. C. Thompson and A. Fraser .. 21934 F. S. y Ximenez .. .. 21977 C. F. Griffiths .. .. 21839 T. B. Lockley .. .. 22035 G. Stacy and G. A. Julius .. 22084 ,G. S. Fleming .. .. 22112 S. Blackman . . .. .. 22106 J. Rose .. .. .. 20757 F. L. Bardett .. .. 22118 W. Levinson .. .. .. 21748 7 June 1 Nov. 29 May 18 Oct. 12 Sept. .. 6 Sept. .. 28 Sept. .. 25 Oct. 31 Oct. 5 Oct. 10 Sept .. 5 Sept. .. 25 Oct., 1905 88 99 88 99 93 93 93 105 96 88 96 18 Oct. 29 Nov. 18 Oct.* 29 Nov.* 1 Nov.* 1 Nov.* 1 Nov.* 13 Dec.* 15 Nov. 18 Oct. 15 Nov. Vending machine, Stamp, &c Venetian blinds, Lifting Vessels, Raising sunken Vibrating-apparatus Vise, Carpenter's Voting-machine Wagon for carrying dishes Walls, Plastering Washing clothes Washing linen Water-cooled chamber 28 Aug. 17 Oct. 24 Oct. 25 Sept. .. 5 Nov. 21 Nov. .. 26 Nov. 23 Nov. .. 22 Feb. 27 Nov. 6 Sept. .. 88 96 105 93 105 105 18 Oct. 15 Nov.* 13 Dec. 1 Nov. 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 105 105 93 13 Dec 13 Dec. 1 Nov.*


Alphabetical List of Inventions— continued.


ipp] lical ion. Gazette. Invention. Name. No. Date. No. Date. Water-engine Water-heater Water-heater Water heater, BathWater heater, Bath-Water-motor Water-motor Water-pipes in building-construction, Utilising Waterproof-coat sleeve Waterproof dubbing Water-tap Watering holes whilst rock-drilling Wave-motor Wave-motor Weatherboarding Weatherboarding. (See also Timberjointing, &c.) Weed-eradicator Weed-exterminator Weeds, Destroying noxious Weighing-scales Wharf-construction Wheel Wheel Wheel, Pneumatic Wheel-rim for tire Whiffle-tree attachment Whisk Whisking-machino Window Window Window-fastener Window-fastener Window" or show-case bai . Window-sash Window-sash, Adjusting and locking Window-sash, Raising and locking Winnowing and seed-grading apparatus Wire-coiler Wire gripper and strainer Wire mattress Wire-netting machine Wire. (See Fencing-wire.) Wire-splicer Wire-strainer Wire stretcher and splicer C. O. Marklund A. A. Carson H. C. Kettle .. J. D. Jackson T. J. Wathew.. G. Gilchrist and J. A. Milne F. W. Payne .. T. I. Yourelle and J. Bellingham 22078 22230 22238 22228 21827 22197 21725 22004 20 Nov. 20 Dec. 22 Dec. .. 20 Dec. 21 Sept. .. 10 Dec. 28 Aug. 1 Nov. o 93 88 105 10 Jan., 1907.* 1 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907.* 18 Oct. 13 Dec* R. A. Bradbury A. Morris 0. K. Carlson A. H. Baker P. Morice W. Snee J. O. Galbally 20508 21914 20862 21684 22069 22176 22234 30 Dec, 1905 12 Oct. 15 March .. 23 Aug. 13 Nov. 10 Dec. 21 Dee. 96 105 96 105 15 Nov. 13 Dec. 15 Nov.* 13 Dee. R. R. Gray .. ('. Reeve H. Spencer C. Cooper A. L. Kemp .. T. H. Hansen .. A. McLean J. and A. Burfoot R. Beresford .. L. Decker H. J. Coster and N. R. Dike T. G. Haigh .. J. A. Bolk J. Baxter J. Jamison J. I. Moss J. H. Hiekman and J. Whitelaw F. L. Davis .. E. V. Moller .. W. Stone C. R. Rogers E. Hayes J. Hanslow J. Whitehouse B. Boehra, R. Entz, and A. J. Rost 22021 21836 22036 22182 22014 22037 22207 21940 22179 22185 21870 20380 21988 22002 22007 22055 21959 22074 21872 20306 21738 21694 22246 21539 22040 5 Nov. 27 Sept. .. 8 Nov. .. 12 Dec. 5 Nov. 8 Nov. 15 Dec 19 Oct. 10 Feb.f .. 12 Dec. 4 Oct. 28 Nov., 1905 31 Oct. 30 Oct. 31 Oct. 14 Nov. .. 24 Oct. 14 Nov. .. 4 Oct. 21 Nov., 1905 5 Sept. 27 Aug. .. 27 Dec. 31 July 8 Nov. 93 ios a 3 99 3 3 93 99 99 99 3 99 105 93 96 96 88 1 Nov.* 13 Dec. 10 Jan., 1907. 29 Nov.* 10 Jan., 1907. lQJan., 1907. 1 Nov. 29 Nov.* 29 Nov.* 29 Nov.* 10 Jan., 1907. 29 Nov. 13 Dec. 1 Nov.* 15 Nov. 16 Nov. 18 Oct.* 99 99 29 Nov.* 29 Nov.* Wire twister and strainer Wood, Treatment of . . E. Hayes G. Coates H. F. Bonesteele and R. B. Rutherford G. Carrington.. E. W. Barton-Wright and Q. Marino 22143 21733 21798 1 Dec. 5 Sept. 18 Sept. .. 88 93 18 Oct. 1 Nov. 20532 22171 5 Jan. 7 Dec. 06 15 Nov. Wool-bale. (See Baled-goods tester.) Wool, Cleaning and dyeing Wool-press Wool, Preventing spontaneous combustion of Wool, Preventing spontaneous combustion of Wool, Testing dampness in Wool, Testing, from centre of bale Wrench T. A. S. Wood G. Cummins .. W. E. Hughes W. E. Hughes 21742 21885 21883 21892 5 Sept. .. 6 Oct. 5 Oct. .. I 8 Oct. 88 96 96 18 Oct. 15 Nov.* 15 Nov.* A. Doxey C. Loonies J. A. Yule .. 22056 22122 22102 14 Nov. 28 Nov. .. 20 Nov. .. 105 13 Dec. Yard-sink R. 0. Clark 22243 22 Dec Zinc, extraction from its sulphide Zinc from ores, Producing T. J. Heskett Rheinisch-Nassauische Bergwerks and Hutten-Actien-Gesellsehaft A. H. Imbert H. P. Keogh 22241 21991 21 Deo. 31 Oct. 99 29 Nov.* Zinc-ores, Treating Zinc, Treating ores containing 22213 20530 14 Dec. 5 Jan. 29 Nov. 7)9




Name. Address. Class. No. Application. Date. No. Gazette. Date. Acme White-lead and Colour Works Agricultural and Pastoral Food Company, Limited Alliance Starch Company American Pulley Company, The Anderson, W. .. Anturic Salts, Limited Applied Inventions, Limited Arbuckle Bros. Arbuckle, J., and another. (See AγbuckleJBros.) Avery, J. Detroit, U.S.A. Wellington, N.Z. 1 42 6390 6399 27 Dec. 29 Dec. 3 3 10 Jan., 1907. 10 Jan., 11)07. Wellington, N.Z. Philadelphia, U.S.A. .. Takapau, N.Z. London, Eng. London, Eng. New York, U.S.A. 47 6 42 3 3,48 42 6251 6352 6255 6253 6369, 70 6376 3 Oct. 22 Nov. .. 3 Oct. 3 Oct. 5 Dec. 10 Dec 88 105 93 88 3 105 18 Oct. 13 Dec. 1 Nov. is Oct. 10 Jan., 1907. 13 Dβ-. New Plymouth, N.Z. .. 45 6323 5 Nov 96 16 Nov. Bacon and Co., Limited Bacon and Co., Limited Bagley, A. Baldwin, J. and J., and Partners, Limited Barry, S. Beaton, A. Bing, Harris, and Co., Limited Birkin and Co., T. I. Birkin and Co. Block Light Company Bond, J. H. C. .. Boska Company. (See J. Clapham, C. A. Gaitt, and C. F. Munro.) Bowie and Co., R. Brooke and Sons, CM... Buchanan-Foster Company Burmeister and Wain Aktieselskabet Burroughs, Wellcome, and Co. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Huddersfield, Eng. 44 44 3 33 6298 6338 6379 6377 26 Oct. 14 Nov. 12 Dec. 12 Dec 105 105 3 3 13 Dec. 13 Deo. 10 Jan., 1907. 10 Jan., 1907. Auckland, N.Z. Bluff, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Nottingham, Eng. Nottingham, Eng. New York, U.S.A. Christchurch, N.Z. 8 42 38 25, 28 25, 32 50 42 6272 6247 6217 6265, 6 6326, 7 6146 6357 8 Oct. 1 Oct. 21 Sept. .. 4 Oct. 8 Nov. 30 Aug. 27 Nov. 88 18 Oct. 88 99 99 I 96 105 18 Oct. 29 Nov. 29 Nov. 15 Nov. 13 Dec. Timaru, N.Z. Christchurch. N.Z. Philadelphia, U.S.A. .. Copenhagen, Denmark.. London, Eng. 42 42 1 13 3 6342 6355,6 6368 6325 6324 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 5 1 )ec. 8 Nov. 8 Nov. .. 99 105 29 Nov. 13 Dec. Canterbury Dairy Company Chillington Tool Company, Limited, The Chillington Tool Company, Limited, The Christensen, H. A. and B. C. Clapham, J., and others Coburn, H. and C. Cooper, F. J. Colman, J. and J., Limited Congreve and Kibblewhite Cormack, D., and another.. Cudahy Packing Company, The Christchurch, N.Z. Wolverhampton, Eng. .. 42 13 6283 6231 17 Oct. 26 Kept, .. <>:s 1 Nov. Wolvcrhampton, Eng. .. 13 6232 26 Sept. .. 88 18 Oct. Taihape, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Norwich and London, Eng Christchurch, N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W. Chicago, U.S.A. 3 50 48 2, 3, 48 42 22 1 47,50 6358 6353 6359 6333, 4, 5 6393, 5 6258 5459 6248,9 28 Nov. 22 Nov. 28 Nov. 10 Nov. 27 Dec. 4 Oct. 17 Aug., 1905 2 Oct. 109 99 105 96 3 88 99 88 13 Dec. 29 Nov. 13 Dec 15 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907. 18 Oct. 29 Nov. 18 Oct. Dally, C. Y Dee and Sons, J. Dickinson and Co., Limited, J. Dufaux and Cie. (See Societe Anonyme, H. and A. Dufaux and Cie, No. 6378.) Masterton, N.Z. Manchester, Eng. London, Eng. 2 1 39 6389 6348 6162 27 Dec. 21 Nov. 5 Sept, .. 3 99 88 10 Jan., 1907. 29 Nov. 18 Oct. Faber, A. W. (See O. Von FaberCastell.) S5 Ferro Stout Company, The Froude, R. H. Fry and Sons, Limited, J. S. Fulford, C. E. .. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Bristol, Eng. Leeds, Eng., and elsewhere 22 Sept. .. 19 Nov. 28 Dec. 12 July 1 Sept. 29 Nov. 43 14 12 3 6219 6345 6396, 7 6051 93 99 93 1 Nov. Gaitt, C. A., and others Garland, and Son, T. H. .. George, Doughty, and Co. George, Doughty, and Co. Gilbert and Co., J. Goodwin, E. A. .. Gordon Manufacturing Company, The Gordon, R. D., and another Gordon and Nicholls. (See R. D. Gordon and G. H. Nicholls.) Green and Colebrook, Limited Green and Co., T. H. Hawkins, G. T. .. Hay ward Bros, and Co., Limited Henderson, J. A. Henderson and Co., J. A. (See' J. A. Henderson.) Wellington, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Augusta, U.S.A. Sydney, N.S.W. 60 42 38 38 17 42 38 48 6353 5934 6250 6176 6292 6330 6312 6256 22 Nov. 8 May 3 Oct. 11 Sept, . . 24 Oct. 7 Nov. 31 Oct. 3 Oct. 09 105 29 Nov. 13 Dec. 88 18 Oct. 99 90 105 •29 Nov. 15 Nov. 13 Dec. Hamilton, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Northampton, Eng. Christchurch, N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W. 6 42 38 42 1 6354 6373 6259 6365 6385 22 Nov. 6 Dec. 4 Oct. 3 Dec. 19 Dec. 3 10 Jan., 1907 105 3 13 Dec. 10 Jan., 1907


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks — continued.


Application. Gazette Name. Address. Clans. No. Date. J No. Date. Hern, M. B. Holzapfel's Compositions Company, Limited London, Eng. Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. 9 1 6284 6398 17 Oct. 28 Dec. 93 8 1 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907. Ibbotson Bros, and Co., Limited Sheffield, Eng. 5, 6, 12, 13 50 42 6305, 6, 7, 8 6313 6295 30 Oct. I. F. Force Handle Company Imperial Manufacturing Company, Limited, The New Albany, U.S.A. .. Sydney, N.S.W. 31 Oct. 25 Oct. !Mi 15 Nov. Jamison, W. A., and another. (See Arbuekle Bros., No. 6376.) Jenkinson and Co., Limited Jensen, C. N., and another Johnson and Co., C. Jones, E. B. Joseph, P. Wellington, N.Z. Dannevirke, N.Z. Sheffield, Eng. Invercargill, N.Z. Kaiwarra, N.Z. 22 50 12 3 2 6290 6349 6366 6394 6281 18 Oct. 22 Nov. 4 Dec. 27 Dec. 16 Oct. 105 3 88 13 Dec. 10 Jan., 1907. 18 Oct. Karl, F. and J. .. Kelsall and Kemp, Limited Kernohan and Co. Kirkcaldie and Stains, Limited Kneebone, H. .. Paterangi, N.Z. Rochdale, Eng. Wanganui, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. 42 34 42 47 48 627!) 6278 6343 6380 6291 12 Oct. 11 Oct. 17 Nov. 13 Dec. 23 Oct. 99 88 99 3 93 29 Nov. 18 Oct. 29 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907. 1 Nov. La Maria Cristina Cigar and Cigarette Factory, Limited Lever Bros., Limited Lever Bros., Limited Lever Bros., Limited Lohmann and Co. Loone, A. W. Lones, Vernon, and Holden, Limited Lowney Chocolate Company Lowney Company, The W. M. Manila, Philippine Islands 45 6299, 6300 30 Oct. 96 15 Nov. Balmain, Sydney, N.S.W. Balmain, Sydney, N.S.W. Balmain, Sydney, N.S.W. Sydney, N.S.W. Scottsdale, Tas. Smethwick, Eng. Boston, U.S.A. Boston, U.S.A. 47, 48 47 47 2 37 13 42 42 6202, 3 6320 6206 6372 6375 6252 6267 6268, 9, 70 6254 6221 20 Sept. 22 June 20 Sept. 6 Dec. 8 Dec. 3 Oct. 8 Oct. 8 Oct. 88 99 88 105 105 88 88 88 18 Oct. 29 Nov. 18 Oct. 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 18 Oct. 18 Oct. 18 Oct. Luyties, H. C. G. and F. A. Lysaght, Limited, J. St. Louis, U.S.A. Bristol, Eng. 48 5 3 Oct. 24 Sept. 88 88 18 Oct. 18 Oct. Maclin and Son, J. H. Maclin and Son, J. H. Manning, H. W. .. Martin, Hall, and Co., Limited McCaffrey, F. J. .. McKenzie, T. Merck, E. Miera, Limited, W. and H. Munro, C. F., and others .. Petersburg, U.S.A. Petersburg, U.S.A. Auckland, N.Z. Sheffield, Eng. Wellington, N.Z. Dunedin, N.Z. Darmstadt, Ger. Leeds, Eng. Wellington, N.Z. 45 45 2 14 50 47 3 37 50 6261 6262, 3 6273 6841 ■ 6319 6331 6339, 40 6244 6353 4 Oct. 4 Oct. 9 Oct., 16 Nov. 1 Nov. 7 Nov. 15 Nov. 27 Sept. 22 Nov. 88 88 96 96 99 96 99 18 Oct. 18 Oct. 15 Nov. 15 Nov. 29 Nov. 15 Nov. 29 Nov. Nederlandsche Gist-en Spiritusfabriek Neil, J. G. New Zealand Stereograph Company, The. (See F. E. Potter.) Nieholls, G. H., and another Nicholson File Company Norrie, W. M. .. Delft, Netherlands Dunedin, N.Z. 43 50 6044 6363, 4 11 July 3 Dec. 88 105 18 Oct. 13 Dec. Sydney, N.S.W. Rhode Island, U.S.A. .. Auckland, N.Z. 48 12 6 6256 6143 6362 3 Oct. 28 Aug. 1 Dec. 105 88 105 13 Dec. 18 Oct. 13 Dec. O'Rourke and Edwards Christchurch, N.Z. 42 6392 27 Dec. Paterson and Co., A. S. Partridge, H. E. .. Wellington, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. 42 12, 13, 49, 50 5, 6, 12, 13 48 6280 6301, 2, 3, 4 6285, 6, 7, 8 6347 15 Oct. 30 Oct. 88 98 18 Oft. 15 Nov. Peace, Limited, W. K. and C. Sheffield, Eng. 17 Oct. Pears, Limited, A. and F... Peps Pastille Company, The. (See C. E. Fulford.) Phillips Company, Limited Phillips and Sons, G. Potter, F. E. London, Eng. 21 Nov. 99 29 Nov. Christchurch, N.Z. London, Eng. Auckland, N.Z. 3 45 39 6367 6028 6289 4 Dec. 26 June 18 Oct. 105 99 93 13 Dec. 29 Nov. 1 Nov. Beade, C. C, and another Reckitt and Sons, Limited Dannevirke, N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W., Hull and London, Eng. Wellington, N.Z. Manchester, Eng. Adelaide, S.A. Adelaide, S.A. Cambridge, N.Z. Foxton, N.Z. Yorkshire, Eng. 50 47 6349 6257 22 Nov. 4 Oct. 88 18 Oct.' Reckitt and Sons, Limited Reddaway and Co., Limited, F. Roberts, W. F. .. Roberts, W. F. .. Roberts, R. J. Ross and Son, Limited, W. Rowntree and Co., Limited g 16—H. 10.—07. 50 50 42 42 3 50 42 6384 5701 6278 6277 6282 6318 6234 17 Dec. 3 Jan. 11 Oct. 11 Oct. 16 Oct. 1 Nov. 26 Sept. 3 93 93 93 96 88 10 Jan., 1907 1 Nov. 1 Nov. 1 Nov. 15 Nov. 18 Oct.


Alphabetical List of Applicants for Registration of Trade Marks— continued.


By Authority: John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.— l9o7.


Application. Gazette. Name. Address. Class. No. Date. No. Date. Rubberised Leather and Tire Company, Limited Sandeman, Sons, and Co., Limited, G. G. Sandy, J. M., and another Sandy and Co., J. (See J. M. Sandy and D. Cormack.) Schott and Gen Schott and Gen Schreiber and Co. Seebohm and Dieckstahl, Limited .. Seward, A. J. Sidet, J. S. Simmons, M., S., and R. M. Simmons, M., S., and R. M. Simmons, Mick. (See M., S., and R. M. Simmons.) Simpson, W. Skciton, Frostiok, and Co., Limited.. Smith's Patent Triumph Golosh Syndicate Societe Anonyme, H. and A. Dufaux and Cie Spider Golf-ball Syndicate, The Standard Oil Company of New York Standard Paint Company Standard Pressed Steel Company .. Stetson Company, J. B. .. Stetson Company, J. B. .. Sykes, A. E. Melbourne, Vic. London, Eng. Sydney, N.S.W. Jena, Germany Jena, Germany Melbourne, Vic. Sheffield, Eng. Sydney, N.S.W. Hamilton East, N.Z. .. Sydney, N.S.W. Sydney, N.S.W. 36 43 1 15 15 42, 44 8, 12, 13 42 3 45 45 6329 6157 5459 6297 6296 6321,2 6309, 10, 11 6346 6337 6260 6361 8 Nov. 5 Sept. .. 17 Aug., 1905 25 Oct. 25 Oct. 2 Nov. 3 Oct. 20 Nov. 13 Nov. .. 4 Oct. 29 Nov. 96 93 105 88 93 911 1 Nov. 29 Nov. 15 Nov. 1 Nov. 13 Dec. 18 Oct. Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. 45 38 38 6332 6317 6388 7 Nov. .. 1 Nov. 21 Dec. 96 3 3 15 Nov. 10 Jan., 1907. 10 Jan., 1907. Geneva, Switzerland 22 6378 12 Dec. 3 10 Jan., 1907. Melbourne, Vic. New York, U.S.A. New York, U.S.A. Philadelphia, U.S.A. .. Philadelphia, U.S.A. .. Philadelphia, U.S.A. .. New Plymouth, N.Z. 49 47 39 6 38 38 3 6328 6314 6374 6371 6293 6294 6245 8 Nov. 31 Oct. 7 Dec. 5 Dec. 24 Oct. 24 Oct. 28 Sept. .. 96 96 15 Nov. 15 Nov. 105 93 13Dec. 1 Nov. 88 18 Oct. Taylor Bros., and Co., Limited Tyree and Co., Limited, A. Tyree and Co., Limited, A. Tyree and Co., Limited, A. Leeds, Eng. Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. 6 38 5 38 6391 6246 6360 6386 27 Dec. 28 Sept. .. 29 Nov. f. 20 Dec. 3 .88 10 Jan., 1907. 18 Oct. Usher and Co., A. Usher and Co., A. Usher, and Co., A. Usher and Co., A. Edinburgh, Scotland .. Edinburgh, Scotland .. Edinburgh, Scotland .. Edinburgh, Scotland .. 43 43 43 43 6274 6275 6134, 5 6276 11 Oct. 11 Oct. 22 Aug. 11 Oct. 99 99 88 29 Nov. 29 Nov. 18 Oct. Van Veen, Reid, and Co. .. Von Faber-Castell, O. Auckland, N.Z. Stein, Germany 42 39 6381, 2, 3 6239 14 Dec. 26 Sept., 1906 3 88 10 Jan., 1907. 18 Oct. Ware-Kramer Tobacco Company Waterhouse, W. .. Webley, Sons, and Gofton.. Williams and Co., J. H. Wilson and Co., J. Whittome, Stevenson, and Co., Limited Whittome, Stevenson, and Co., Limited Whittome, Stevenson, and Co., Limited; Virginia, U.S.A. Taradale, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Brooklyn, U.S.A. Christchurch, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. Auckland, N.Z. 45 42 9 13 39 42 42 42 6264 6271 6387 6315, 6 6336 6344 6350 6351 4 Oct. 8 Oct. 20 Dec. 31 Oct. 12 Nov. 19 Nov. .. 22 Nov. 22 Nov. 88 93 18 Oct. 1 Nov. 96 15 Nov. 3 10 Jan., 1907.

Name. Address. Class. — A No. Application. Lpp No. Gazette. Date. Date. Brett Printing and Publishing Company, Limited Crisp, A. B. Duckworth, Turner, and Co., Limited Duckworth, Turner, and Co., Limited Hinson, W. Holdsworth, A. A. McLaughlin, F. .. Ranger, N. Sloane, A. D. Auckland, N.Z. 5 1 10 10 1 10 3 1 1 304 309 , 301, 2, 3 305, 0 310 307 311 312 308 9 Oct. 88 18 Oct. Auckland, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Christchurch, N.Z. Sydney, N.S.W. Hawksburn, Vic. Wellington, N.Z. Feilding, N.Z. Wellington, N.Z. 6 Nov. 5 Oct. 12 Oct. 7 Nov. 17 Oct. 16 Nov. 4 Dec. 24 Oct. 96 88 88 96 93 99 105 96 15 Nov. 18 Oct. 18 Oct. 15 Nov. 1 Nov. 29 Nov. 13 Dec. 15 Nov.

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Bibliographic details

PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS: EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR., Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1907 Session I, H-10

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PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS: EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1907 Session I, H-10

PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS: EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR. Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1907 Session I, H-10

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